Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 16. February ?

Ereignisse an einem 16. February

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03090216             † PALESTINIA—SCHOLAR—PAMPHILUS—CAESAREA, MARTYR, was beheaded.
06000216             —DECLARED, GREGOR—I—PAPA—THE—GREAT, "God bless you" to be the correct response to 1—SNEEZE.
06000216             —ONCE, It was thought that sneezing was 1—OMEN—OF—DEATH, —SINCE MANY—DYING—PEOPLE fell into sneezing fits.
06370216             † MARIA—AL—QIBTIYYA, christliche Sklavin, des RELIGION—STIFTER—MOHAMMED—KONKUBINE
07020216             † K—INICH—KAN—BAHLAM—II, Herrscher der Mayastadt Palenque
09230216             † ABU—DJA—FAR—MOHAMMED—DJARIR—AL—TABARI, —83—JAHRE—ALT, Islamic historian.
10750216             * ORDERICUS—VITALIS, FRANCE—MONK, historian, poet.
11460000—11470000—11740216    NIK0LAUS—I.
12220216             * NICHIREN, 1—DER wichtigsten Lehrmeister des JAPANISCHEN—BUDDHISMUS.
12220216             Gemäß GREGORIANISCHER—KALENDER wird auch der 12220330             als Geburtsdatum genannt, von NICHIREN—BUDDHISTEN wird jedoch, auch im westlichen Kalender, meist der 12220216             gefeiert.
12360216             † PHILIPPA—MARERI, ITALIENISCHE—ÄBTISSIN und Klostergründerin
12700216             —DEFEATED, In the Karusa Ice war in ESTONIA, LITHUANIA—FORCES, the Livonian KNIGHTS—OF—THE—CROSS.
12700216             —KARUSA—ICE—WAR—IN—ESTONIA,
12790216             † ALFONS—III—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL
12790216             —NACH—DEM Tode seines Vaters ALFONS—III—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL,
12790216             † DOM—AFONSO—III, Morte, tendo já cerimónias litúrgicas.
13240216             wobei man sogar des JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA—HEER OBER—KOMMANDIERENDER RAIMUND—VON—CORDONA gefangen nahm und
13240216             wobei man sogar des JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA—HEER HEINRICH—GRAF—VON—FLANDERN gefangen nahm
13240216             wobei man sogar des JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA—HEER Oberkommandierende RAIMUND—VON—CORDONA, den HEINRICH—GRAF—VON—FLANDERN gefangen nahm
13240216             —AM, des JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA—HEER erlitt an der Addabrücke 1—SCHWERE Niederlage,
13510216             pro paga provisionis sibi facte per RECTOREM—PROVINCIE—ROMANDIOLE de 100—FLORENI—PRO eo,
13510216             quia idem ser JOHANNES tractavit CUM—DICTO—DOMINO—DUCE de mandato rectoris de conducendo dictum d. ducem et gentem suam
13510216             AD—STIPENDIA—ECCLESIE et ipsum DOMINUM—DUCEM et gentem suam separari fecit a stipendiis BONONIENS.
13510216             et venire ad stipendia ECCLESIE, 100—FLORENI (IN—CIVITATE—YMOLE).
13650216             (JOHANNI—EPISCOPO—TRAIECTENSIS committitur^ ut GHISELBERTO—DE—WALENBORCH—CANONICO—TRAIECTENSIS licentiam concednt, fundandi et dotandi unum hospitale pauperum.
13830216             † GIOVANNI—DA—LEGNANO, ITALIENISCHER—JURIST, Militärtheoretiker und Kirchenrechtler
13900216             BUR Neustadt S—AEGIDIUS[ÄGIDIUS,GILLES,GILES]).
13900216             † RUPRECHT—I—KUR—FÜRST—VON—DER—PFALZ
13970216             † HEINRICH—VI—GRAF—VON—WALDECK
14020216             † WILHELM—I/III—HERZOG—VON—GELDERN und Jülich
14470216             * JOHANN—LUDWIG—VON—SAVOYEN, Administrator des Erzbistums von Tarentaise und des Bistums von Genf
14560216             * ACHILLE—GRASSI—BISCHOF—VON—BOLOGNA und Kardinal
14810216             * SEBASTIAN—VON—DIESBACH, Schultheiss der STADT—BERN
14860216             Der Habsburger MAXIMILIAN—I. wird in FRANKFURT am Main zum REX—ROMANORUM gekürt.
14920216/14930000    —DÉPÊCHE—DE—VALORI aux 8—DE—PRATICA.
14930216             DIETRICH—VON—RORICH —BEZEUGT—IST als "PROPST"zu Muffendorf am
14970216             * PHILIPP—MELANCHTHON, DEUTSCHER—REFORMATOR, Theologe, Philologe, Philosoph, Humanist, Lehrbuchautor und Dichter
14970216             * PHILIPP—MELANCHTHON, GERMANY—PROTESTANT reformer (AUGSBURGse Confessie).
14970216             PHILIPP—MELANCHTHON, PHILIPP—SCHWARZERD ^ was his GERMANY—NAME ,the other of THE—2—INDIVIDUALS whom we have mentioned, forms 1—PERFECT—CONTRAST to the fiery KARLSTADT.
14970216             PHILIPP—MELANCHTHON was THE—SON—OF—1—ARMOURER (called " the locksmith of HEIDELBERG "),^ but
14970216             PHILIPP—MELANCHTHON lost his father at 1—EARLY—AGE.
14990216             A la suite de 1—CHUTE, LUCRÈCE—BORGIA fait 1—FAUSSE couche.
15130216             —INVESTED, He is, with that state - - _
15170216             † PRINZESSIN—ELISABETH—JAGIELLONICA, polnische und litauische, schlesische HERZOGIN—VON—LIEGNITZ—UND—BRIEG
15190216             —AM, Der SCHWÄBISCHER—BUND schrieb dem STADT—AUGSBURG—RAT,
15190216             Der SCHWÄBISCHER—BUND habe erfahren, daß
15190216             Da dies für des SCHWÄBISCHER—BUND Widersacher geschehe, so möge DER—RAT den OBER—DEUTSCHE—KAUF—LEUTE bei TODES—STRAFE verbieten, derartige Geschäfte zu machen;
15190216             auch sollten die OBER—DEUTSCHE—KAUF—LEUTE eidlich aussagen, was —BISHER, darin geschehen sei.
15190216             Der Rat teilte den Inhalt des Schreibens den OBER—DEUTSCHE—KAUF—LEUTE mit, WORAUF diese antworteten,
15190216             vielmehr hätten einige von ihnen KURZ—VOR, und —NACH—DES KAISER Tod das Ansinnen des KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH, für ihn Wechsel zu acceptiren, abgelehnt 29)
15190216             * HUGENOTTEN—FÜHRER—ADMIRAL—GASPARD—II—DE—COLIGNY, französischer
15190216             * GASPARD—DE—COLIGNY, Huguenot leader, FRANCE—ADMIRAL.
15190216             —ETLICHE fremde KÖNIGE, der von FRANKREICH und andere, durch DIE—GESELLSCHAFTEN und OBER—DEUTSCHE—KAUF—LEUTE Wechsel zu machen sich unterfangen.
15190216             —NEUERDINGS hätten sie, die OBER—DEUTSCHE—KAUF—LEUTE, mit dem KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH dergleichen Geschäfte nicht gemacht;
15190216             * GASPARD—II—DE—COLIGNY, FRANZÖSISCHER—ADMIRAL und Hugenottenführer
15250216             —WEGEN 25—ZU—MEMMINGEN—GEHÖRENDE—DÖRFER ihrer wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und religiösen Umstände  und
15250216             —DIE—12—ARTIKEL, werden
15250216             —WÄHREND—DES—DEUTSCHER—BAUERN—KRIEG in Drucken weit verbreitet und
15250216             —DIE—12—ARTIKEL, zählen zu den 1. Erklärungen von MENSCHEN—RECHTEN UND—FREIHEITS—RECHTEN der Welt.
15250216             25—ZU Memmingen gehörende Dörfer begehren wegen ihrer wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und religiösen Umstände auf und verlangen von der Reichsstadt und dem Schwäbischen Bund Verbesserungen.
15250216             —FORDERUNGEN, Ihre, bringen die Bauern kurz darauf in den 12—ARTIKELN vor.
15250216             Sie werden während des DEUTSCHEN—BAUERNKRIEGS in Drucken weit verbreitet und zählen zu den 1. Erklärungen von MENSCHEN—UND Freiheitsrechten der Welt.
15310216             † JOHANNES—STÖFFLER, DEUTSCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Astronom, Astrologe, Pfarrer, Professor und Hersteller astronomischer Instrumente
15360216             * MARGARETHE—VON—ÖSTERREICH, Erzherzogin von ÖSTERREICH und Mitbegründerin und Stiftsdame des Haller Damenstifts
15370216             —DANS 1—LETTRE—DU, a PIETRO—BEMBO, UBALDINO en fait 1—É1OGE remarquable:
15430216             * KAN?—EITOKU, JAPANISCHER—MALER
15480216             * GEORGE—CAREY—BARON—HUNSDON, 2., ENGLISCHER—ADELIGER und Förderer des Theaters
15520112—15520216    —DROWNED, MANY—PEOPLE were, in both floods.
15520216             —ON—THE, there was another flood and great damage was done, THE—HOBOKEN—DYKE being broken.
15580216             SUB—I—352
15590216             —CALLED, PAULUS—IV—PAPA, for the overthrow of sovereigns supporting HERESY.
15680216             1—SENTENCE—OF—THE—HOLY—OFFICE condemned all the inhabitants of THE—NETHERLANDS to death as heretics.
15680216             —FROM this universal doom only 1—FEW persons, especially named, were acquitted.
15720216             † GEORG—SILBERSCHLAG—DER—ÄLTERE, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
15730216             † GEORG—WITZEL[WICELIUS], Theologe und Gegner Luthers
15730216             † GEORG—WITZEL—WICELIUS—, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Gegner Luthers
15770216—15850625    —VOM—BIS, JOHANN—VON—WILACH als PROPST auftritt
16130216             † JOHANNES—LETZNER, niedersächsischer Chronist
16130216             † JOHANNES—LETZNER, DEUTSCHER—GEISTLICHER und Chronist
16170216             † CASPAR—ULENBERG, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Bibelübersetzer, Dichter und Komponist
16210216             † JUAN—BAUTISTA—MONEGRO, SPANISCHER—ARCHITEKT und Bildhauer
16300216             A DÌfui fatto Giudice subrogato nel Collegio di URBINO^ et questo fu da Monsig.
16300216             Campeggi Governatore dello Stato d^ URBINO.
16300216             HOLLÄNDISCHE—TRUPPEN nehmen in BRASILIEN den Portugiesen die Stadt OLINDA ab und erobern in der Folge Pernambuco.
16330216             † MORITZ—VON—HESSEN—KASSEL, landgräflicher PRINZ, SOLDAT im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
16330216             † JOHANN—VOPELIUS, kursächsischer Offizier, Festungskommandant der Leipziger Pleißenburg
16330216             † MORITZ—VON—HESSEN—KASSEL, hessischer PRINZ, Offizier in SCHWEDISCHEN—DIENSTEN
16410216             —ACCEPTED, ENGLAND—I—KING—OF—CHARLES, the Triennial Act.
16410216             * TADDEO—LUIGI—DAL—VERME, PIACENZA.
16410216             Baptized THE—FOLLOWING—DAY.
16410216             Of 1—ANCIENT and illustrious family.
16410216             TADDEO—LUIGI—DAL—VERME SON—OF—GIOVANNI—MARIA dal Verme, COUNT—OF—SANGUINETO oo Ottavia MELI—LUPI DI SORAGNA, of the marquises of Soragna.
16410216             * PIACENZA.
16410216             and RELATIVE—OF—KARDINAL—GIROLAMO—FARNESE (16570000             ) and relative of KARDINAL—MARIO—ALBERIZZI[MARIO—ALBERICI].(
16410216             NEPHEW—OF—KARDINAL—SAVO—MILLINII (16810000             )
16510216             —RETOUR—DE—CONDÉ à PARIS
16560216             † JOHANN—KLAJ, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER
16570216             —DATUM, MARIENBURG
16570216             —BERICHT—DER—SCHWEDISCHEN und brandenburgischen Gesandten über die FRIEDENS—VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—POLEN.
16570216             HUIJBERT und YSBRANDTS—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16570216             —DESSEN Halsstarrigkeit.
16570216             —KEINE Aussicht auf Verständigung.
16590216             * PETER—LACKMANN, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und geistlicher Lieddichter
16600216             —AM, wurden sogar 5—MÖNCHE aus S—PANTALEON nach SIEGBURG entsandt, um dort zu reformieren;
16600216             —NACH, SIEGBURG entsandt, kehrt am
16600216             —NACH, SIEGBURG entsandt und bleibt dort über den
16600216             —AM, entsandt, blieb dort über den 16600614             hinaus (Hilliger,
16650216             † GENERAL—STEFAN—CZARNIECKI, polnischer, und Feldherr
16650216             † HEINRICH—SAFFE, Lübecker Ratsherr
16650216             † STEFAN—CZARNIECKI, POLNISCHER—FELDHERR, Nationalheld
16660216             —DATUM—KLEVE[CLEVE.
16660216             LEO—VAN—AITZEMA Y. 10000000             .
16660216             10. Ende sal S. C. D. voor de geseijdc Trouppes VAN 11,U00—MANNEN tot soldije ter maendt trecken ter plaetse voorsz. noch een
16720216             —DIENSTAG
16770216             —ARRESTED, EARL—OF—SHAFTESBURY was, and confined to THE—LONDON—TOWER.
16770216—16811024    —SEE
16960216             † FRIEDRICH—VON—DÖNHOFF, kurbrandenburgischer Generalleutnant
16980216             * PIERRE—BOUGUER, FRANZÖSISCHER—GEODÄT und Astronom
16990216             Die Uraufführung der Oper Die VERBINDUNG—DES—GROSSEN—HERKULES mit der schönen Hebe von REINHARD—KEISER erfolgt in der Hamburger Oper am Gänsemarkt.
16990216             † JEAN—BAPTISTE—MONNOYER, FRANZÖSISCHER—MALER, Zeichner und Kupferstecher
17040216             Gegner des POLNISCHEN—WAHLKÖNIGS —AUGUST—II. finden sich in der KONFÖDERATION—VON—WARSCHAU zusammen.
17040216             Sie entthronen den auch in Kursachsen regierenden Herrscher und rufen in POLEN—LITAUEN 1—INTERREGNUM aus, das in einen Bürgerkrieg mündet.
17050216             † GERTRAUD—MOLLER, Königsberger Dichterin
17070216             Das SCHOTTISCHE—PARLAMENT billigt mit 110—ZU 69—STIMMEN den ACT—OF—UNION, die Vereinigung mit ENGLAND.
17070216             1—REIHE—VON—ABGEORDNETEN hat sich zuvor bestechen lassen oder erhofft sich mit dem "Ja" Entschädigungen für das fehlgeschlagene DARIÉN—PROJEKT.
17070216             Das SCHOTTISCHE—PARLAMENT billigt mit 01100216             69—STIMMEN den
17070216             —ACT—OF—UNION, die Vereinigung mit ENGLAND.
17090216             * CARL—CHRISTOPH—OELHAFEN—VON—SCHÖLLENBACH, Forstwissenschaftler, Naturforscher und Waldamtmann der freien Reichsstadt Nürnberg
17100216             An der Wiener Hofburg findet die Uraufführung der Oper Caio Gracco von GIOVANNI—BONONCINI statt.
17100216             † ESPRIT—FLÉCHIER, FRANZÖSISCHER—BISCHOF, Kanzelredner und Schriftsteller
17150216             —AM Teatro S—BARTOLOMEO in Neapel wird die Oper Il Tigrane ossia L'egual impegno d'amore e di fede von ALESSANDRO—SCARLATTI mit großem Erfolg uraufgeführt.
17170216             * KARL—GOTTHELF—MÜLLER, DEUTSCHER—RHETORIKER, Dichter und lutherischer Theologe
17240216             * CHRISTOPHER—GADSDEN, DELEGIERTER—VON—SOUTH—CAROLINA im Kontinentalkongress
17240216             * CHRISTIAN—LUDWIG—STIEGLITZ, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Ratsherr und Mineraliensammler
17260216             † FRANZ—BAUGUT, böhmischer Bildhauer, Bildschnitzer, Baumeister und Tischler
17270216             * FRIEDRICH—VON—DER—TRENCK, PREUSSISCHER—OFFIZIER und Abenteurer
17280216             † AURORA—VON—KÖNIGSMARCK, DEUTSCHE—ADELIGE, Geliebte AUGUSTS—II—VON—SACHSEN, Pröpstin des Stiftes Quedlinburg
17280216             † HEINRICH—HERZOG—VON—SACHSEN—WEIßENFELS, kursächsischer GENERAL
17290216             † JOHANN—KASPAR—SING, bayerischer Kunstmaler und kurfürstlich bayerischer Hofmaler
17300216—16970000    —VOR, PAUL—LEONARDS aus STOLBERG oo in Frechen Kohbergh, ELISABETH aus STOLBERG, Pfarrer Joh.
17300216—16970000    Lixfeld aus Frechen soll berichten,
17320216             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—BURSCHER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17360216             * HELFRICH—PETER—STURZ, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER der Aufklärung
17360216             * ~ MELLIN, (Marten) Martenus M LOVANGER, V—BOTTEN—SCHWEDEN
17380216             † MATTHIAS—BERNHARD—BRAUN, böhmischer Bildhauer
17390216             * GOTTLIEB—SCHLEGEL, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Generalsuperintendent für Vorpommern
17400216             * GIAMBATTISTA—BODONI, ITALIENISCHER—SCHRIFTENTWERFER, Buchdrucker und Verleger
17400216             * GIAMBATTISTA—BODONI, printer, typeface designer (Bodoni), in SALUZZO—ITALY.
17400216             —NEUE—ZUSAMMENFASSUNG der Stiftung und Bitte um Approbation(AACHEN).
17400216             Zeugen: —CAROLUS—FRANZ—ÜRLICHS—AUS—AACHEN, des PAPA Notar und kaiserlicher Notar.
17410216             BENJAMIN—FRANKLIN—GENERAL—MAGAZINE (2. USA Mag) began publishing.
17500216             * ENGELBERT—ARNDTS, westfälischer Jurist, kaiserlicher Postmeister und Beamter
175090216            † — Christ. v. —MEISTERIN—VON—KLOSTER—ILBENSTADT
17510216             THOMAS—GRAY—POEM "Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard" was 1. published.
17530216             * FRIEDRICH—GUSTAV—ARVELIUS, ESTNISCH—DEUTSCHBALTISCHER Schriftsteller und Volksaufklärer
17600216             Cherokee Indians held hostage at FORT—S—GEORGE, SC, were killed in revenge for INDIA—ATTACKS—ON—FRONTIER—SETTLEMENTS.
17660216             † JOHANN—AUGUST—LANDVOIGT, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Flötist
17720216             * FRIEDRICH—GILLY, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT und Baumeister
17720216             † LORENZO—DE—MARI, DOGE—VON—GENUA
17740216             * PIERRE—RODE, FRANZÖSISCHER—VIOLINIST und Komponist
17760216             —VOM—VOR—100—JAHREN, —RATS—EDIKT, Volksthümliche Aufführungen in AACHEN — NUMMER—5:
17790216             † WILLIAM—BOYCE, ENGLAND—ORGANIST, composer (Cathedral Music).
17820216             † HEINRICH—CARL—VON—SCHIMMELMANN, HOLSTEINISCH—DÄNISCHER—GRAF, Kaufmann und Sklavenhändler
17860216             JOHANN—BAPTIST—INNOZENZ—FERDINAND—VON—BUSECK ist als PRIOR bezeugt,
17940216             † Étienne CHARLES—DE—LOMÉNIE—DE—BRIENNE, FRANZÖSISCHER—POLITIKER und Kleriker
17990216             * FRIEDRICH—GOTTHILF—FRITSCHE, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher
17990216             * HEINRICH—VON—KITTLITZ, DEUTSCHER—ORNITHOLOGE, Naturforscher, Reisender und Zeichner
18010216             * JULIUS—THEODOR—CHRISTIAN—RATZEBURG, DEUTSCHER—ZOOLOGE, Entomologe und Forstwissenschaftler
18030216             * CARL—JULIUS—MILDE, DEUTSCHER—ZEICHENLEHRER am Katharineum
18030216             † GIOVANNI—PUNTO, böhmischer Hornist, Violinist und Komponist
18030216             —AM, —BEFOHLEN, "dass Ihr nihig abzuwarten habt, —BIS sich jemand wegen Abholung der dort befindlichen Effecten meldet".
18040216             —ATTEMPTED, DECATUR and 76—VOLUNTEERS, aboard the captured Intrepid, to recapture THE—PHILADELPHIA, which caught fire, exploded and sank.
18040216             —ESCAPED, DECATUR and his crew.
18040216             Im AMERIKANISCH—TRIPOLITANISCHEN Krieg gelingt es einem kleinen USA—KONTINGENT unter STEPHEN—DECATUR—JUNIOR, in den HAFEN—VON—TRIPOLIS einzudringen und die durch Piraten eroberte Fregatte USS PHILADELPHIA zu verbrennen.
18040216             Die brennende USS PHILADELPHIA
18050216             † JOHANN—HERMANN—SCHACHT, deutscher reformierter Theologe
18070216             WEIMAR, wird Goethes Schauspiel Torquato Tasso uraufgeführt und von der Kritik in den höchsten Tönen gelobt.
18070216             Torquato Tasso, Titelblatt des Erstdruckes
18080216             —ORDERED, THE—PENINSULAR—WAR began —WHEN NAPOLEON, 1—LARGE—FRANCE—FORCE into SPAIN under the pretext of sending reinforcements to THE—FRANCE—ARMY occupying PORTUGAL.
18110216             * BÉLA—WENCKHEIM, UNGARISCHER—POLITIKER, Ministerpräsident
18120216             * HENRY—WILSON, 18. USA—VICE—PRESIDENT (Grant 18730000—18750000    ).
18130216             * JOSEPH—REID—ANDERSON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—INGENIEUR, Brigadegeneral und Unternehmer
18170216             Nach der EINNAHME—VON—SANTIAGO—DE—CHILE im CHILENISCHEN—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSKRIEG wird Bernardo O'Higgins Director SUPREMO—DE—CHILE, ein mit diktatorischen Rechten ausgestatteter PRÄSIDENT.
18180216             * WILHELM—WIDER, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18190216             † HONORÉ—IV—FÜRST—VON—MONACO
18200000—18570216    * † Elisha Kent Kane, USA—NAVY surgeon and ARCTIC explorer, of 1—STROKE in CUBA.
18220216             * FRANCIS—GALTON, BRITISCHER—NATURFORSCHER und Mediziner
18220216             * JAMES—THOMSON, BRITISCHER—INGENIEUR, Physiker und Erfinder
18220216—19110000    * † FRANCIS—GALTON, ENGLAND—SCIENTIST.
18220216—19110000    FRANCIS—GALTON was 1—OF—THE 1. moderns to present 1—CAREFULLY considered eugenics program.
18260216             * FRANZ—VON—HOLSTEIN, COMPOSER.
18260216             † JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—JENTZSCH, DEUTSCHER—LANDSCHAFTSMALER, Zeichner und Kupferstecher
18290216             † FRANCOIS—JOSEPH—GOSSEC, —95—JAHRE—ALT, BELGIAN—FRANCE—COMPOSER (Messe de Morts).
18320216             PRAG, findet die Uraufführung der Oper Der Lastträger an der Themse von Conradin Kreutzer statt.
18340216             * ERNST—HAECKEL, DEUTSCHER—ZOOLOGE und Philosoph
18370216             † GOTTFRIED—REINHOLD—TREVIRANUS, DEUTSCHER—ARZT und Naturforscher
18380216             * HENRY—ADAMS
18390216             † LUDWIG—BERGER, DEUTSCHER—KOMPONIST, Pianist und Klavierpädagoge
18440216             * JAMES—GUILLAUME, SCHWEIZER—ANARCHIST und Schriftsteller
18470216             * CARL—VON—HORN, bayerischer Generaloberst und Kriegsminister
18470216             * LUDWIG—PHILIPP—SCHARWENKA, GERMANY—COMPOSER (Album Polonaise).
18480216             * OCTAVE—MIRBEAU, FRANZÖSISCHER—JOURNALIST, Kunstkritiker und Romanautor
18490215—18490216    —DATE
18490216             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—223—KÖLN.
18520216             Der deutschstämmige Farmer, Hufschmied und Wagenhersteller HENRY—STUDEBAKER gründet in SOUTH—BEND—INDIANA den USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—WAGEN—UND Automobilhersteller Studebaker.
18520216—18720000    —ABANDONED, CHARLES—TAZE—RUSSELL, the Adventist movement and formed THE—INTERNATIONAL—BIBLE—STUDENTS—ASSOCIATION, which was —LATER named JEHOVAH—WITNESSES (19310000             ).
18520216—19160000    * † CHARLES—TAZE—RUSSELL in PITTSBURGH.
18540216             An der Pariser OPÉRA—COMIQUE wird die Oper L'étoile du nord (Nordstern) von GIACOMO—MEYERBEER, 1—UMARBEITUNG seines FRÜHEREN—WERKES 1—FELDLAGER in Schlesien, mit dem Libretto von Eugène Scribe uraufgeführt.
18540216             † HENRICH—ZU—STOLBERG—WERNIGERODE, Regent über die Grafschaft—Wernigerode
18540216             —PREMIERED, FRANZ—LISZT—SYMPHONY "Orpheus,".
18540216             Bundesbeschlusses vom. den Ständen einen neuen GESETZ—ENTWURF vorgelegt, DIE—STÄNDE aber denselben abgelehnt, u.
18570216             In den USA wird auf Initiative AMOS—KENDALLS die Gallaudet UNIVERSITY—UNTER—DEM—NAMEN—COLUMBIA—INSTITUTION for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind gegründet, die 1. UNIVERSITÄT—FÜR—GEHÖRLOSE und Schwerhörige.
18570216             † ELISHA—KENT—KANE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—FORSCHER, Entdecker und Arzt
18580216             Nahe bei Xanten finden 6—FISCHER im Ufergelände des Rheins den Xantener Knaben, eine bronzene Statue aus römischer Zeit.
18620212             - Sie dauert  18620216             —BIS—zum.
18620216             Mit der bedingungslosen Kapitulation der Konföderierten unter SIMON—BOLIVAR—BUCKNER endet die —5—TAGE dauernde Schlacht um Fort Donelson im AMERIKANISCHEN—BÜRGERKRIEG.
18620216             Die EINNAHME—DES—FORTS ermöglicht in der Folge einen Vorstoß der Union unter Ulysses S. Grant entlang des Cumberland und des TENNESSEE.
18620216             —ESCAPED, NATHAN—BEDFORD—FORREST.
18620216             —DURING—THE—CIVIL—WAR, some 14,000 CONFEDERATE—SOLDIERS  surrendered at FORT—DONELSON, TENNESSEE GENERAL—ULYSSES S. GRANT—VICTORY earned him the nickname "Unconditional Surrender Grant".
18630216             DIE—KANSAS—STATE—UNIVERSITY ist die älteste und zweitgrößte Hochschule des Bundesstaats.
18630216             Die KANSAS STATE—UNIVERSITY wird in MANHATTAN—KANSAS, gegründet.
18630216             Sie ist die älteste und zweitgrößte Hochschule des Bundesstaats.
18640216             —BATTLE—OF—MOBILE, Al., operations by UNION—ARMY.
18660216             * MAX—VON—GUILLEAUME, DEUTSCHER—REGATTASEGLER und Unternehmer
18660216             * PAUL—VON—SCHOENAICH, DEUTSCHER—GENERALMAJOR und Pazifist
18680216             S—FRANCISCO police have —RECENTLY been investigating the proceedings of 1—GANG—OF thieving boys who denominate themselves and are known to the world as the Hoodlum Gang.
18680216             —PERMITTED, —LATER, men in other professions were, to join the social organization.
18680216             The letters E.L.K. are repeated in THE—TITLES—OF—SOME—OF—ITS—OFFICERS, such as Esteemed Leading Knight and Esteemed Loyal Knight.
18680216             THE—BENEVOLENT and Protective ORDER—OF—ELKS (B.P.O.E.) was organized in NEW—YORK—CITY by MEMBERS—OF—THE—THEATRICAL—PROFESSION.
18690216             —AM, brach Nachtigal von Tripolis in den SÜDEN auf.
18690216             1—FÜR damalige —VERHÄLTNISSE unglaubliche Reise:
18690216             In 2.—020—TAGEN würde NACHTIGAL die SAHARA, den westlichen und mittleren SUDAN DURCHQUEREN—AUF Pferden, Kamelen, Eseln und streckenweise zu Fuß.
18700216             The ship made only 8—VOYAGES to CHINA in the tea trade, as steam ships replaced sail on the high seas.
18710216             signed at VERSAILLES by REICHS—KANZLER—OTTO—VON—BISMARK, on the other.
18710216             L'IMPÔT SAIGNE LE MALHEUREUX,
18710216             Im DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHEN—KRIEG enden die letzten militärischen Operationen.
18710216             —NACH—108—TAGEN Belagerung wird die ostfranzösische Stadt Belfort den DEUTSCHEN—TRUPPEN übergeben.
18710216             * ARTHUR—PONSONBY, 1. BARON—PONSONBY—OF—SHULBREDE, BRITISCHER—STAATSBEAMTER, Politiker, Schriftsteller und Pazifist
18710216             † PHILIPPE—JACQUES—VAN—BREE, BELGISCHER—MALER, Bildhauer und Architekt
18710216             signed at VERSAILLES by LOUIS—ADOLPHE—THIERS[ADOLF!], JULES—FAVRE, on THE—1—HAND, and
18740216             —ÜBERQUERT, Die HMS Challenger, im Rahmen der CHALLENGER—EXPEDITION als 1. Dampfschiff den südlichen Polarkreis.
18760216             † KARL—GUSTAV—NIERITZ, DEUTSCHER—VOLKS—UND Jugendschriftsteller
18760216—19620000    * † GEORGE—MACAULEY—TREVELYAN, ENGLAND—HISTORIAN (Giuseppi Garibaldi),: "'History repeats itself' and 'History never repeats itself' are about equally true... We never know enough about the infinitely complex CIRCUMSTANCES—OF—ANY—PAST—EVENT to prophesy the future by analogy".
18780216             —BECAME, The silver dollar, USA legal tender.
18790000—19190216    * † SIR—MARK—SYKES, best known for 19160000             —THE—SYKES—PICOT agreement dividing up THE—MIDDLE—EAST in ANTICIPATION—OF—THE—FALL—OF—THE—OTTOMAN—EMPIRE, of SPAIN—FLU in PARIS.
18800216             † HEINRICH—VON—ABENDROTH, sächsischer Generalleutnant und Militärschriftsteller
18810216             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—OFFIZIER und Afrikaforscher PAUL—FLATTERS und seine Begleiter werden bei einer Expedition zum Erkunden einer Trasse für 1—TRANSSAHARA—BAHN durch Tuareg in 1—FALLE gelockt und getötet.
18810216             * HANS—MEISER, evangelischer LANDESBISCHOF—VON—BAYERN
18810216             * HANS—VOGEL, DEUTSCHER—HOLZBILDHAUER und Politiker
18810216             * H. Vogel in Oberortelshofen (FRANKEN) geboren.
18810216             * HANS—VOGEL, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdL, Abgeordneter der Weimarer Nationalversammlung, MdR, VORSITZENDER—DER—SPD
18830216             —AM MARIINSKI—THEATER in S—PETERSBURG erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Der Gefangene im Kaukasus von César Cui.
18830216             "Ladies Home Journal" began publishing.
18860216—19630000    * † VAN—WYCK—BROOKS, USA—BIOGRAPHER, critic and literary historian.
18860216—19630000    "Nothing is so soothing to our SELF—ESTEEM as to find our bad traits in our forebears. It seems to absolve us".
18890216             † FRITZ—TILLISCH, DÄNISCHER—JURIST, Gutsherr und MINISTER
18910216             * HANS—F—K—GÜNTHER, DEUTSCHER—EUGENIKER, Miturheber der nationalsozialistischen Rassenideologie (Rassenpapst)
18910216             * JOHANNES—MESSNER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—THEOLOGE, Rechtswissenschaftler und Politiker
18920216             LEO—XIII—PAPA—IN der Enzyklika Au milieu des sollicitudes über Kirche und STAAT in FRANKREICH versucht LEO—XIII—PAPA. die dort schwierigen Beziehungen beider Institutionen zu verbessern.
18920216             * HANS—VON—DER—AU, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Volkskundler
18920216             † HENRY—WALTER—BATES, BRITISCHER—NATURFORSCHER, Evolutionsbiologe und Entomologe (Bates'sche Mimikry)
18920216             —PREMIERED, The opera "Werther", at THE—IMPERIAL—THEATRE—HOFOPER in VIENNA.
18920216—18870000    —COMPOSED, It was, by FRANCE—COMPOSER—JULES—MASSENET based on Goethe's 17740000             novel "THE—SORROWS—OF—YOUNG—WERTHER".
18930216             Die Sinfonische Dichtung En SAGA—VON—JEAN—SIBELIUS wird in HELSINKI uraufgeführt.
18950216             —AM Teatro alla Scala in Mailand wird die Oper Guglielmo Ratcliff (WILLIAM—RATCLIFF) von PIETRO—MASCAGNI uraufgeführt.
18950216             * FRANZ—BÖHM, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Ökonom
18950216             * FRANZISCHAK—KUSCHAL, belarussischer GENERAL und Politiker
18950216             † ANTON—ABT, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Erzähler
18960216             † CARL—ADLER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker
18970216             * LUDWIG—PRELLER, DEUTSCHER—VOLKS—UND Sozialwissenschaftler, Politiker, MdL, MdB, Landesminister
18990216             * CAYETANO—CÓRDOVA—ITURBURU, ARGENTINISCHER—JOURNALIST, Kunstkritiker und Schriftsteller
18990216             * KURT—LIECK, DEUTSCHER—SCHAUSPIELER und Hörspielsprecher
18990216             † FÉLIX—FAURE, FRANZÖSISCHER—POLITIKER, MINISTER, Staatspräsident
19000216             Der Norweger CARSTEN—EGEBERG—BORCHGREVINK stellt während der SOUTHERN—CROSS—EXPEDITION zusammen mit 2—BEGLEITERN —58—JAHRE nach JAMES—CLARK—ROSS mit 78°10'S einen neuen Rekord in der größten Annäherung an den geographischen Südpol auf.
19000216             * RICHARD—LANGEHEINE, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Kommunalbeamter und Politiker, MdL, Landesminister
19030216             * JOSEF—KRAINER—SENIOR, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—POLITIKER, Landeshauptmann der Steiermark
19030216             * EDGAR—BERGEN, radio ventriloquist and comedian, in CHICAGO.
19030216             At POKEGAMA—MINNESOTA, temperatures fell to 1—RECORD—STATE—LOW—OF—59—DEGREES below 0.
19040216             —NACH—2—JAHREN im Eis gelingt es einer Rettungsexpedition unter der Führung der Terra Nova, das BRITISCHE—FORSCHUNGSSCHIFF RRS Discovery unter ROBERT—FALCON—SCOTT aus dem Packeis im antarktischen MCMURDO—SUND zu befreien.
19040216             Trotz des langen Eingeschlossenseins ist die DISCOVERY—EXPEDITION, an der auch ERNEST—SHACKLETON teilnimmt, 1—ERFOLG.
19040216             * GEORGE—F—KENNAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—HISTORIKER und Diplomat
19040216             * GEORGE—KEENAN, USA—DIPLOMAT.
19040216             —BECAME, GEORGE—KEENAN, 1—HISTORIAN and proposed THE—POLICY—OF—"containment" for dealing with THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19040216             Die Discovery im Eis der ANTARKTIS
19050216             1. USA—ESPERANTO club was organized in BOSTON.
19050216—18850000    —IN, DOCTOR—LAZARUS—LUDWIG—ZAMENHOF (18590000—19170000    ), 1—POLAND—OPHTHALMOLOGIST, invented the artificial language.
19060216             —ZWISCHEN, Vertretern des PARTEI—VORSTANDES und der GENERAL—KOMMISSION findet 1—VERTRAULICHE Aussprache über DAS—PROBLEM—DES—MASSEN—STREIKS statt.
19060216             —DER—PARTEI—VORSTAND rechnet mit dem Ausbruch WILDER—STREIKS.
19060216             Er will 1—GRUND—LAGE für 1 in solchen Situationen einzuhaltende übereinstimmende Taktik mit den GEWERKSCHAFTEN schaffen.
19060216             —AUGUST—BEBEL erklärt in der Sitzung, daß DIE—PARTEI ALLE—URSACHE habe, den politischen MASSEN—STREIK, wenn irgend möglich, zu verhindern.
19060216             1—ZUSAMMENFASSUNG der ERGEBNISSE—DER—BESPRECHUNGEN wird wenige —TAGE—DANACH von den Zentralvorständen der GEWERKSCHAFTEN gebilligt.
19060216             São apreendidos, em LISBOA, os jornais "A Paródia", "Novidades" e "O Liberal", por criticas AO—GOVERNO.
19070216             * JEAN—BURGER, FRANZÖSISCHER—KOMMUNIST und Widerstandskämpfer
19070216             * FERNANDO—PREVITALI, composer.
19090216             THE—SF—CITIZENS—HEALTH—COMMITTEE—DECLARED—SF free of bubonic plague.
19090216             1. subway car with side doors went into service in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19090216             —DECLARED, THE—SF—CITIZENS—HEALTH—COMMITTEE, SF free of bubonic plague.
19090216             —MOBILIZED, SERBIA, against AUSTRIA and HUNGARY.
19120000—20090216    * † KONRAD—DANNENBERG, GERMAN—BORN rocket designer, in HUNTSVILLE—ALABAMA.
19130216             * RICHARD—JAEGER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker, MdB, MdEP, Bundesminister, Vizepräsident des Bundestages
19150000—20010216    * † DOCTOR—WILLIAM—H—MASTERS, leading researcher in human sexuality, —85—JAHRE—ALT in TUCSON, Ariz
19150216             † EMIL—WALDTEUFEL, [CHARLES—LEVY], FRANCE—COMPOSER (Estudiantina).
19160216             —VERBRANNT, SCHLACHT—UM—VERDUN,: "Buchstäblich zu Schlacke "
19160216             * D??NG—V?N—MINH, südvietnamesischer Politiker und GENERAL
19170216             —OPENED, THE—1.—MADRID synagogue in —425—YEARS.
19170216—19170222    STREIKs in BERG—WERKEN und Metallbetrieben des RUHR—GEBIETES.
19180000—20100216    * † WILLIAM—GORDON, USA—ASTRONOMER.
19180216             Litauens Lietuvos Taryba erklärt seine Unabhängigkeit sowohl von DEUTSCHLAND als auch von RUSSLAND.
19180216—19900000    —DECLARED, It again, INDEPENDENCE.
19180216—19900000    —DECLARED, The council also, that THE—FOUNDATIONS—OF—THE—STATE would be determined by 1—CONSTITUENT—ASSEMBLY to be elected by the inhabitants on the basis of universal, equal and secret suffrage.
19180216—19900000    —LASTED, INDEPENDENCE, —UNTIL —WWII.
19190216             Bei der Wahl der konstituierenden Nationalversammlung in ÖSTERREICH dürfen Frauen erstmals wählen.
19190216             Die Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei wird mit 40,8 % stärkste Partei vor den CHRISTLICH—SOZIALEN Parteien.
19190216             —HOPED, They, to find clues that might help fight 1—FUTURE—GLOBAL influenza outbreak.
19190216—20080000    —IN, 1—OXFORD—TEAM took tissue samples —BEFORE reburying his body in its grave in EAST—YORKSHIRE.
19200216             —ACCEPTED, THE—ALLIES, BERLIN—OFFER to try —WWI war criminals in LEIPZIG—SUPREME—COURT.
19200216             —ÜBERNIMMT—FRANKREICH, im Auftrag der Westalliierten ohne vorherige Volksabstimmungen im Gefolge des Versailler Vertrags die Verwaltung des Memellandes.
19200216             * PATTY—ANDREWS, vocalist (Andrews Sisters), in MINNEAPOLIS.
19220216             * GERAINT—EVANS, WALES—OPERA baritone (Knaben Wunderhorn, Falstaff).
19220216—19300000    —UNTIL, It was LITHUANIA—MAIN—UNIVERSITY.
19230216             EGYPT, the burial CHAMBER—OF—KING—TUTANKHAMEN—RECENTLY unearthed tomb was unsealed by archeologist HOWARD—CARTER.
19230216             Erstmals wird in DEUTSCHLAND ein gesondertes Jugendstrafrecht eingerichtet: Das von GUSTAV—RADBRUCH entworfene 1. DEUTSCHE—JUGENDGERICHTSGESETZ (RJGG) wird erlassen.
19230216             Im Zuge der Ausgrabung finden sie neben zahlreichen Schätzen auch die berühmte Totenmaske des Tutanchamun.
19230216             Bessie Smith (18980000—19370000    ) made her 1. recording "Down Hearted Blues".
19230216             —UNEARTHED, EGYPT, the burial CHAMBER—OF—KING—TUTANKHAMEN—RECENTLY, tomb was unsealed by archeologist HOWARD—CARTER.
19230216             Grabraum des Tutanchamun
19230216—19231104    —AM, HOWARD—CARTER und Lord Carnarvon öffnen die Grabkammer des ALTÄGYPTISCHEN—KÖNIGS der 18. Dynastie, Tutanchamun, die CARTER—DES—VORJAHRES im Tal der Könige entdeckt hat.
19230216—20020000    —INCLUDED, Her recording was, by THE—NATIONAL—RECORDING Preservation BOARD—IN—THE—LIBRARY—OF—CONGRESS' NATIONAL—RTECORDING Registry.
19250216             Das freimacht, den Weg für der NSDAP—NEU—GRÜNDUNG.
19250216             Der —SEIT dem HITLER—LUDENDORFF—PUTSCH 19230000             geltende Ausnahmezustand in BAYERN wird aufgehoben.
19250216             Das macht den Weg für die Neugründung der NSDAP frei.
19250216—19230000    —SEIT—DEM—HITLER—LUDENDORFF—PUTSCH—AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND, geltend, in BAYERN, wird aufgehoben.
19260000—20090216    * † SIR—ERNEST—HARRISON, UK—BUSINESSMAN.
19270216             * GÜNTER—APEL, DEUTSCHER—GEWERKSCHAFTER und Politiker
19280216             * EDZARD—REUTER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Vorstandsvorsitzender der DAIMLER—BENZ AG
19290216             —AM, Ned Doheny was found dead IN—THE—HOUSE.
19320216             —ISSUED, The 1. patent for 1—TREE was, to JAMES—MARKHAM for 1—PEACH tree.
19350216             * BRIAN—BEDFORD, actor (ANTHONY—CORONET—BLUE), in ENGLAND.
19350216—19980000    * † SALVATORE—BONO, vocalist (Sonny & Cher), (REP—R—CA, 19950000—19980000    ), in DETROIT.
19360216             Bei den letzten Wahlen zum SPANISCHEN—PARLAMENT vor Beginn des SPANISCHEN—BÜRGERKRIEGS wird die Frente Popular der Linken unter MANUEL—AZAÑA stärkste Kraft.
19360216             SPAIN—FRENTE—POPULAR (PEOPLE—FRONT) won elections.
19370216             —INVENTED, WALLACE—H—CAROTHERS, 1—RESEARCH—CHEMIST for Du Pont who, nylon, received 1—PATENT for the synthetic fiber.
19370216             It would replace silk in 1—NUMBER—OF—PRODUCTS and reduce costs.
19370216             [see 1930
19370216—20000000    —IN, 19300000             —SEE Susannah Handley authored "Nylon: THE—STORY—OF—1—FASHION—REVOLUTION".
19380216             † LEW—LWOWITSCH—SEDOW, ältester SOHN—VON—LEO—TROTZKI und dessen 2. Frau NATALIA—SEDOWA
19400000—19920216    * † ANGELA—CARTER, ENGLAND—WRITER.
19400216             Das DEUTSCHE—VERSORGUNGSSCHIFF Altmark wird mit 303—GEFANGENEN alliierten Matrosen an Bord vom BRITISCHEN—ZERSTÖRER HMS Cossack in Hoheitsgewässern des —WWII—IM neutralen NORWEGEN angegriffen und geentert.
19400216             Der sogenannte ALTMARK—ZWISCHENFALL stellt einen weiteren Grund für das Unternehmen Weserübung dar, die Besetzung Norwegens durch die DEUTSCHE—WEHRMACHT.
19400216             THE—UK—DESTROYER HMS—COSSACK rescue UK—SEAMEN from 1—GERMANY—PRISON ship, the Altmark, in 1—NORWAY—FJORD.
19400216             Die Altmark im Jøssingfjord kurz vor dem BRITISCHEN—ANGRIFF
19410216             THE—ITALIANS lost their last position in THE—SUDAN.
19410216—19940000    —IN, KIM—JONG—IL took over LEADERSHIP—OF—NORTH—KOREA from his father.
19410216—19940000    —IN, * KIM—JONG—IL—SON—OF—KIM—IL—SUNG, in the far EAST—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19410216—19940000    He took over LEADERSHIP—OF—NORTH—KOREA from his father.
19420216             —ATTACKED, GERMANY—SUBMARINES, 1—ARUBA oil refinery and sank the tanker Pedernales.
19420216             He asserted, however, with the other defendants, that they--and JAPAN--had made war only in "SELF—DEFENSE".
19420216             —OUTLINED, Tojo, JAPAN—WAR—AIMS to THE—DIET, referring to "new ORDER—OF—COEXISTENCE" in EAST—ASIA.
19420216             —DURING—THE—JAPAN—WAR—CRIMES—TRIALS, Tojo himself took responsibility, as premier, for anything either he or his country had done
19430216             —CONQUERED, THE—RED—ARMY, Kharkov.
19430216             —REACHED, Withdrawing AFRICA CORPS, THE—MARETH—LINE in NORTH—AFRICA.
19430216             Long live freedom!" was —POSTED—BY—THE "White Rose" student group.
19430216             They were caught on 2/18 and beheaded on 2/22.
19430216             Sign on MUNICH facade: "Out with HITLER!
19440216             —INCLUDED, His work, "THE—SPORTSWRITER" and "INDEPENDENCE —DAY".
19440216             —GENERALGOUVERNEUR Frank erläutert den Plan,
19440216             eine "POLNISCHE—ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE Liga" zu gründen,
19440216             "um die POLNISCHE—BEVÖLKERUNG zu einer Aktivierung ihrer...
19440216—19440223    —DATE19440216—19440306    —REPORTED, Scorpion was, as presumed lost with all 60—OFFICERS and men.
19440216—19440223    Generalgouverneur Frank erläutert den Plan, eine "POLNISCHE—ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE Liga" zu gründen,
19440216—19440306    —REPORTED, Scorpion was, as presumed lost with all 60—OFFICERS and men.
19440216—19440306    —ON, The submarine USS Scorpion (SS-278) and Steelhead were warned that they were close together in the Yellow Sea, and that 1—ENEMY—SUBMARINE was in the vicinity.
19450216             —LANDED, USA—PARATROOPERS, on Corregidor —WWII—DURING, in 1—CAMPAIGN to liberate THE—PHILIPPINES.
19460216             —DESIGNED, The 1. commercially, helicopter was tested at BRIDGEPORT, COUNTY
19470216             † ALEXANDER—LÖHR, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—OFFIZIER in der DEUTSCHEN—LUFTWAFFE, Generaloberst, Kriegsverbrecher
19480216             NBC—TV began airing its 1. nightly newscast, "THE—CAMEL—NEWSREEL—THEATRE," which consisted of "19010101—20001231     FOX—MOVIETONE—NEWS" newsreels.
19480216             Der Astronom GERARD—PETER—KUIPER entdeckt den um den Planeten Uranus kreisenden Mond Miranda.
19480216             † IRMFRIED—EBERL, ÖSTERREICHISCH—DEUTSCHER—SS—ARZT, Leiter zweier Tötungsanstalten und des Vernichtungslagers Treblinka, Kriegsverbrecher
19480216             † RICHARD—VON—KÜHLMANN, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Industrieller und Diplomat
19490216             —ELECTED, Chaim Weitzman was, the 1. PRESIDENT—OF—ISRAEL.
19490216             —INVENTED, The title was, by PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—BEN—GURION to honor and to sideline veteran Zionist leader Chaim Weitzman.
19510216             —CONTENDED, STALIN, that THE—UNITED—NATIONS was becoming the weapon of aggressive war.
19510216             † HANS—BÖCKLER, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Gewerkschaftsfunktionär
19510216             —PASSED, NEW—YORK—CITY, 1—BILL prohibiting racism in CITY—ASSISTED housing.
19520216—19960000    * † JAN—KEROUAC, novelist DAUGHTER—OF—JACK—KEROUAC.
19520216—19960000    —INCLUDED, JAN—KEROUAC—BOOKS, "Baby Driver" (19810000             ) and "Trainsong" (19880000             ).
19530216             —MONTAG ROSEN—MONTAG
19560216             —ESTABLISHED, ANTARCTICA, the McMurdo research station was, by THE—USA—NEAR—MCMURDO—SOUND.
19560216             —ABOLISHED, BRITAIN, the death penalty.
19560216             —CALLED, Founders —INITIALLY, the station NAVAL—AIR—FACILITY—MCMURDO.
19560216—18410000    —NAMED, It was, for 1—UK—NAVAL—OFFICER who was PART—OF—THE—EXPEDITION that 1. charted the area.
19570216             * LEVAR—BURTON, (Roots, Star Trek Next Generation), in LANDSTUHL—GERMANY.
19570216             1—USA—FLAG flew over 1—OUTPOST in Wilkes LAND—ANTARCTICA.
19590216             —CHARGED, THE—USA—HOUSE—COMMITTEE—ON—UN—AMERICAN—ACTIVITIES has, that an "elite corps" of Communist lawyers is promoting the party's cause in the courts, Congress and government agencies.
19590216             1—COMMITTEE—REPORT dealt with the activities of 39—LAWYERS, who were among more than 100—LAWYERS identified as Communists in sworn testimony —BEFORE the committee in the past —DECADE.
19590216             FIDEL—CASTRO wird in KUBA als Regierungschef vereidigt und
19590216             —PREMIERED, LEONARD—SPIGELGASS' "Majority of 1,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19590216             FIDEL—CASTRO took the oath as CUBA—PREMIER—IN HAVANA —AFTER the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista.
19590216—20080000    —BIS, FIDEL—CASTRO behält dieses Amt —49—JAHRE inne, aus gesundheitlichen Gründen die Macht an seinen Bruder RAÚL—CASTRO abtritt.
19590216—20080000    FIDEL—CASTRO wird in KUBA als Regierungschef vereidigt und behält dieses Amt —49—JAHRE inne, —BIS er              aus gesundheitlichen Gründen die Macht an seinen Bruder Raúl abtritt.
19600000—20120216    * † NEW—YORK—TIMES—JOURNALIST—ANTHONY—SHADID, 1—LIBANON—BORN 2-time winner of THE—PULITZER—PRIZE, from 1—APPARENT asthma attack as he prepared to leave SYRIA.
19600216             USA nuclear submarine USS Triton set off on underwater ROUND—WORLD trip.
19610216             * CARL—EDUARD—VON—BISMARCK, DEUTSCHER—UNTERNEHMER und Politiker, MdB
19610216             THE—USA—LAUNCHED—THE "Explorer 9" satellite.
19610216             He walked out with $14,000 and 3—HOSTAGES, 2—OF—WHOM he shot and left for dead.
19610216             —STABBED, Rideau, to death JULIA—FERGUSON on 1—RURAL—LOUISIANA road —FOLLOWING the bank robbery.
19610216             —SENTENCED, He confessed and was, to death 3—TIMES.
19610216             —ESCAPED, Rideau, death in the 1970s —WHEN the death penalty was outlawed.
19610216             —BECAME, —WHILE in prison Rideau, 1—SELF—EDUCATED writer and elevated the prison magazine, the Angolite, to national acclaim.
19610216             CHINA used it's 1. nuclear reactor.
19610216             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA, the "Explorer 9" satellite.
19610216             —ROBBED, Wilbert Ridieu (19), THE—LAKE—CHARLES, LOS—ANGELES, Gulf NATIONAL—BTANK
19610216—20030000    —IN, his case was still in court.
19610216—20050000    —SERVED, Rideau was set free for time, —AFTER 1—RACIALLY mixed jury found him GUILTY—OF—MANSLAUGHTER.
19620216             1—NORTH—SEA—FLOOD—DISASTER hit the coastal regions of GERMANY and in particular THE—CITY—OF—HAMBURG where 315 were killed.
19620216             —COORDINATED, HELMUT—SCHMIDT, police SENATOR—OF—HAMBURG, the rescue operations, commandeered the army to help and requested for emergency help —THROUGHOUT EUROPE.
19620216             —HELPED, TODD—GITLIN (19430000             *), Harvard activist, organize 1—NATIONAL—ANTI—WAR—RALLY in WASHINGTON—DC. Some 8,000 students turned up.
19620216             —ORGANIZED, BOSTON SANE & the fledgling SDS, THE—1.—ANTI—NUCLEAR—MARCH.
19620216—19620217    —NACHT—AUF—DEN—IN—DER, trifft eine schwere Sturmflut auf Norddeutschland, die allein im schwer betroffenen HAMBURG über 300—MENSCHENLEBEN fordert.
19630216             † FRIEDRICH—DESSAUER, DEUTSCHER—RADIOLOGE, Physiker, Politiker, MdR, Unternehmer und PUBLIZIST
19630216             1. ROUND—TRIP swim of Straits of MESSINA—ITALY, was made by MARY—REVELL—OF—USA.
19640216             WILLY—BRANDT wird als Nachfolger von ERICH—OLLENHAUER—PARTEIVORSITZENDER der SPD.
19640216             THE—BEATLES made their 2. appearance on the "ED—SULLIVAN—SHOW" from the Deauville Hotel in MIAMI.
19640216             WILLY—BRANDT wird als Nachfolger von ERICH—OLLENHAUER—PARTEIVORSITZENDER—DER—SPD—ER hat dieses Amt —BIS ins —JAHR 19870000             inne.
19640216—19870000    —BIS—INS—JAHR, WILLY—BRANDT hat dieses PARTEIVORSITZENDER der SPD Amt inne.
19650216             4—PERSONS were held in 1—PLOT to blow up THE—STATUE—OF—LIBERTY, Liberty Bell and THE—WASHINGTON—MONUMENT.
19660216             —URGED, THE—WORLD—COUNCIL—OF—CHURCHES being held in GENEVA, immediate PEACE—IN—VIETNAM.
19670216             gaat de dan 24—JARIGE JAN—J—CHR.
19670216             MAM (zeg maar John ) DEUSS failliet.
19670216             Lane C. Grijns. CALVIN—H—HABER.
19670216             Ottho Heldring. NEIL—D—KARBANK.
19670216             CHARLES—L—LAUREY. gaat de dan 24—JARIGE JAN—J—CHR.
19670216             Hij is dan direkteur VAN een bedrijf dat japanse Hino auto's en... JOC—OIL.
19670216             gaat de dan 24—JARIGE JAN—JCHR.M.A.M. (zeg maar John) Deuss failliet.
19670216             Der 1. Hubschrauber mit starrem Rotorkopf, der Bölkow Bo 105, absolviert seinen Erstflug.
19670216—20030000    Annual Review...
19680216             Beatles GEORGE—HARRISON & JOHN—LENNON flew to INDIA with their wives for transcendental meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
19700216             —EXPLODED, SF, 1—HOMEMADE bomb, outside the police Park Station on Waller S—SERGEANT—BRIAN—MCDONNELL, —44—JAHRE—ALT † —2—DAYS—LATER and 8—OTHER—OFFICERS were injured.
19700216             —SUSPECTED, Black Panthers were, but 1—LATER investigation suggested it was THE—WORK—OF—THE—WEATHER—UNDERGROUND.
19700216             † In SF 1—HOMEMADE bomb exploded outside THE—POLICE—PARK—STATION on Waller S—SERGEANT—BRIAN—MCDONNELL (44) —2—DAYS—LATER, and 8—OTHER—OFFICERS were injured.
19710216             † FRITZ—KOLBE, DEUTSCHER—SPION und Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus
19720216             —BECAME, WILT—CHAMBERLAIN, the 1. NBA player to score 30,000 points.
19740216             Die Uraufführung der Oper Einstein von PAUL—DESSAU mit dem Text von KARL—MICKEL findet in der Inszenierung von RUTH—BERGHAUS an der DEUTSCHEN—OPER BERLIN statt.
19770216             Janani Luwum, the Anglican ARCH—BISHOP—OF—UGANDA, and 2—OTHER—MEN were killed in what UGANDA—AUTHORITIES said was 1—AUTOMOBILE accident.
19780216             —SIGNED, CHINA and JAPAN, a $20—BILLION trade pact, which was the most important move —SINCE 19720000             —THE resumption of diplomatic ties.
19790216             Nematollah Nassiri (19110000             *), IRAN—GENERAL and HEAD—OF—THE—SAVAK intelligence agency —DURING THE—RULE—OF—MOHAMMAD—REZA—PAHLAVI, was executed.
19800216             —SKATED, ERIC—HEIDEN, 5k in 7:02.29, 1—OLYMPIC—RECORD.
19810216             Bevollmächtigte des Generalstaatsanwalts der DDR übergeben 1. Beweismaterial über ehemalige RICHTER—UND—STAATSANWÄLTE am NS—VOLKSGERICHTSHOF an den Generalstaatsanwalt beim Kammergericht in WEST—BERLIN
19810216—19810326    Weitere Übergaben erfolgen am  und
19810216—19810610    —AM, Weitere Übergaben erfolgen
19820216             Auf MALTA wird mit Agatha Barbara erstmals 1—FRAU in das Präsidentenamt gewählt.
19820216             FRANCE, Magdalena Kopp, lover of CARLOS—THE—JACKAL, aka Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, was captured by FRANCE—OFFICIALS.
19830216             —WOUNDED, INDIA, 1—BOMB, 13—PEOPLE in the latest election violence in THE—NORTH—EAST—STATE—OF—ASSAM.
19830216             —PUSHED, The assassination, the death toll from —15—DAYS—OF—VIOLENCE to at least 217—PEOPLE.
19850216             An der Dresdner Staatsoper erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Die Weise von Liebe und TOD—DES—CORNETS—CHRISTOPH—RILKE—VON—SIEGFRIED—MATTHUS —NACH—DEM gleichnamigen Werk von RAINER—MARIA—RILKE.
19860216             —GEWINNT, Bei der Stichwahl um das Präsidentenamt in PORTUGAL, MÁRIO—SOARES mit knapp 2 % Vorsprung gegen Diogo Freitas do Amaral.
19860216             MARIO—SOARES (19240000—20170000    ), Socialist, was elected PORTUGAL—1. CIVIL—PRESIDENT—IN—THE 2. ROUND—OF—ELECTIONS.
19860216             —AM, PETER—SAGER—FOUNDED—THE—VDN together with
19870216             Der ehemalige FLICK—MANAGER EBERHARD—VON—BRAUCHITSCH wird im Prozess zur FLICK—AFFÄRE in BONN zu —2—JAHREN Haft auf Bewährung verurteilt.
19870216             Die vormaligen Bundesminister HANS—FRIDERICHS und OTTO—GRAF—LAMBSDORFF werden wegen Steuerhinterziehung zu einer Geldstrafe verurteilt.
19870216             —CONVICTED, He was, but THE—ISRAEL—SUPREME—COURT overturned the ruling.
19880216             Dukakis won over Dick Gephardt and PAUL—SIMON 35.9 to 19.9 to 17.2%.
19880216             —SCORED, VICE—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH and MASSACHUSETTS—GOVERNOR—MICHAEL—S—DUKAKIS, big victories in THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE Republican and Democratic presidential primaries.
19880216             BUSH won THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE primary over BOB—DOLE, JACK—KEMP, PETE—DU—PONT and Pat Robertson 37.7 to 28.5 to 12.8 to 10.1 to 9.4%.
19890216             BAGDAD, gründen IRAK, JORDANIEN, ÄGYPTEN und die JEMENITISCHE—ARABISCHE REPUBLIK (Nordjemen) den Arabischen Kooperationsrat.
19890216             Ziel des vor allem auf IRAKISCHES—BETREIBEN gegründeten Bündnisses soll die Einheit, Solidarität und Stärkung der arabischen Nation sein.
19890216             Trotz einiger Kooperationsabkommen und weiterer Abkommenentwürfe entsteht nur 1—ART—FREIHANDELSZONE.
19890216             Investigators in LOCKERBIE—SCOTLAND, said 1—BOMB hidden inside 1—RADIO—CASSETTE player was what brought down Pan Am Flight 103 the previous December, killing all 259—PEOPLE aboard and 11 on the ground.
19900216             Der Politiker der Südwestafrikanischen Volksorganisation, SAM—NUJOMA, wird zum 1. Präsidenten eines unabhängigen NAMIBIA gewählt.
19900216             SAM—NUJOMA—VON—DER—SÜDWESTAFRIKANISCHEN—VOLKSORGANISATION wird zum 1. Präsidenten eines unabhängigen NAMIBIA gewählt.
19910216             Tonya Harding won THE—USA—FEMALE—FIGURE—SKATING championship.
19910216             1—SOVIET—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN downplayed MOSCOW—INITIAL enthusiasm for 1—IRAQ—OFFER to withdraw from KUWAIT, saying it was insufficient to end THE—WAR.
19920216             —INCLUDED, This was the 3. of 1—SERIES that, "Nothing Sacred" and "Expletives Deleted".
19920216             SHEIK—HASSAN—NASRALLAH (19600000             *) took over Hezbollah —AFTER THE—ISRAEL—ASSASSINATION—OF—SHEIK—ABBAS—MUSAWI.
19920216             He has led the group —SINCE, controlling its operational activities.
19920216—19990000    —COLLECTED, ANGELA—CARTERR, writings "Shaking 1—LEG" was published, by Penguin.
19930216—19930217    only 285—PEOPLE were known to have survived.
19930216—19930217    —OVERCROWDED, An, ferry carrying up to 1,500—PEOPLE sank between Jeremie and PORT—AU—PRINCE, HAITI, killing 1 estimated 500—700—PEOPLE;
19940216             HAMBURG—BILLSTEDT, wird der 1. Fixerraum in DEUTSCHLAND eingerichtet.
19940216             —ENCOUNTERED, Figure skaters Tonya Harding and NANCY Kerrigan, EACH—OTHER at the —WINTER Olympic Games in NORWAY —BEFORE posing for THE—USA—TEAM photograph.
19950216             4—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN tornadoes tore through rural NORTH—ALABAMA.
19950216             In 1—DARK and defensive address to his nation, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—YELTSIN berated his military leaders for big losses and human rights abuses in CHECHNYA, but insisted RUSSIA had to use force to defend its unity.
19960216             World chess champion GARRY—KASPAROV won for the 2. time against IBM supercomputer "Deep Blue" in the 5. game of their match in PHILADELPHIA (Kasparov had drawn twice and lost once).
19960216             —STABBED, VISTA, S—DIEGO—COUNTY—JOSHUA—JENKINS, 15, his parents and grandparents to death.
19960216             Violence in BANGLADESH kept the election turnout to about 15%.
19960216             —FILED, Opposition leaders, no candidates and claimed that the results showed that PRIME—MINISTER—ZIA had lost authority to rule.
19960216             —THREATENED, Green groups, to boycott gas pumps that were not labeled "MMT—FREE".
19960216             —CLAIMED, They, that the manganese based fuel additive poses health risks.
19960216             —DENIED, The accusation was, by the Ethyl Corp.
19960216             —THE—NEXT—DAY he axed his sister.
19960216             —CLAIMED, It was —LATER, that 1—NEW—WARNING—SYSTEM was partly to blame.
19960216             1—COMMUTER train slammed into AMTRAK—CAPITAL—LIMITED an SILVER—SPRING, Md., and killed 11—PEOPLE.
19960216—19970000    —IN, he was sentenced to —116—YEARS in prison.
19960216—20050000    —IN, FORMER—CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—EDMUND—G "Pat" Brown (19050000             *) † in BEVERLY—HILLS, CALIFORNIA, at age 90. ETHAN—RARICK authored "CALIFORNIA Rising: THE—LIFE and Times of Pat Brown".
19960216—20050000    —AUTHORED, ETHAN—RARICK, "CALIFORNIA Rising: THE—LIFE and Times of Pat Brown".
19970216             USA REPRESENTATIVE—DAN—BURTON, R—INDIANA, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—1—HOUSE—COMMITTEE investigating campaign FUND—RAISING—ACTIVITIES, told NBC's "Meet the Press" that his probe would be far broader than originally anticipated.
19980216             1—AIRBUS A300 der CHINA Airlines verfehlt die Landebahn in der TAIWANISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—TAIPEH.
19980216             Insgesamt sterben 203—MENSCHEN.
19980216             * MISTER—JEFFERSON, the 1. cloned calf, in VIRGINIA.
19980216             † In AFGHANISTAN 27—PEOPLE—OF—THE—COLD.
19980216             Skier HERMANN—MAIER—OF—AUSTRIA won THE—SUPER—G and KATJA—SEIZINGER—OF—GERMANY won the women's downhill at THE—NAGANO—OLYMPICS;
19980216             RUSSIA—PASHA—GRISHUK and Yeggeny Platov won the ice dancing event.
19980216             —BANNED, TURKEY, the government, Muslim headwear by female students and teachers at religious schools.
19980216             Separately the leadership of the main Kurdish political party was imprisoned on CHARGES—OF—LINKS to separatist rebels.
19980216             —CRASHED, TAIWAN, 1—CHINA—AIRLINES—AIRBUS A300-600R, at Chiang KAI—SHEK airport —WHILE trying to land in fog.
19980216             196—PEOPLE on BOARD were killed plus 6 on the ground.
19980216             —INCLUDED, The passengers, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—TAIWAN—CENTRAL—BANK and other financial officials.
19980216             Some 30,000 earthquake survivors were sent 24—TRUCKLOADS—OF—AID by THE—TALIBAN.
19980216             —KILLED, BIHAR—INDIA, 20—PEOPLE were, —DURING The 1. round of voting.
19980216             —HAULED, CHINA, REN—CHENGJIAN was, back to ZHENGZHOU from  THE—USA where he faced CHARGES—OF—STEALING vast sums, $42—MILLION, from STATE—RUN—BANKS and companies.
19990216             LA, 1—NUMBER—OF—POSSESSIONS—OF O.J. Simpson were auctioned off to cover his 19970000             legal suit.
19990216             Her boyfriend, MOHAMMAD—HAROON—ALI, —23—JAHRE—ALT fled to MEXICO, but was —LATER arrested as he tried come back over the border.
19990216             —CONVICTED, KING was —LATER, and sentenced to death.
19990216             —VOTED, THE—NORTH—IRELAND Assembly, 77 to 29 to create a 12-member executive council to help pave the way for THE—TRANSFER—OF—SOME—POWERS from THE—UK—GOVERNMENT.
19990216             ROMANIA—MINERS began 1—FRESH—MARCH on BUCHAREST.
19990216             —CHARGED, SOUTH—AFRICA, THE—4—POLICEMEN, with the fatal beating of STEVE—BIKO were denied amnesty.
19990216             —SEIZED, Kurds, GREECE—MISSIONS—AROUND EUROPE and took hostages.
19990216             13—PEOPLE were killed and at least 120 injured.
19990216             THE—CHINA—LUNAR—NEW—YEAR began the —YEAR of the Rabbit.
19990216             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that USA—DATA helped THE—TURKS capture Ocalan.
19990216             † Testimony began in THE—JASPER—TEXAS, TRIAL—OF—JOHN—WILLIAM—KING, charged with murder in the gruesome dragging DEATH—OF—JAMES—BYRD—JUNIOR—KING—WAS—ACCUSED—OF—BEATING—BYRD with 1—BAT and then dragging him behind 1—TRUCK—UNTIL THE—AFRICA—USA—MAN from decapitation.
19990216             -there were 1—SERIES—OF—6—CAR—BOMB—EXPLOSIONS in TASHKENT, THE—CAPITAL—OF—UZBEKISTAN, killing, according to official accounts, 16—PERSONS and injuring 130—OTHERS.
1—KOLUMNE—VON—THOMAS—FRICKE202010021622 Wirtschaft
20000216             —CRASHED, CALIFORNIA, 1—EMORY—WORLDWIDE—DC 8, —AFTER lifting off from Mather Airport near SACRAMENTO and all 3—CREW members were killed.
20000216             1 disconnected part in the control system was —LATER blamed for the crash.
20000216             —REPORTED, SPAIN—PAPERS, that FORMER—CHILE—GENERAL—PINOCHET suffered from brain damage, according to 1—LEAKED—UK—MEDICAL—ASSESSMENT, and could not stand for trial.
20000216             ISRAEL—GERMAN—PRESIDENT—JOHANNES—RAU, spoke —BEFORE THE—PARLIAMENT and gave 1—APOLOGY for —WWII Nazi genocide.
20000216             NEW—YORK—CITY, LUCY—EDWARDS, —41—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—BANK—OF—NEW—YORK executive, and her husband, PETER—BERLIN, —46—JAHRE—ALT, pleaded guilty to laundering over $7—BILLION from RUSSIA—BANKERS in exchange for $1.8—MILLION.
20000216             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA, 57—SOLDIERS and guerrillas were, in renewed fighting as KNUT—VOLLEBAEK, THE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—OF—NORWAY, met with PRESIDENT—CHANDRIKA Kumaratunga to help broker PEACE—TALKS.
20000216—19990300    —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA and NATO, 1—RESUMPTION—OF—CONTACTS that were broken due to NATO—BOMBING in YUGOSLAVIA.
20000216—20000221    —KILLED, COLOMBIA, at least 60—PEOPLE were, in THE—TOWN—OF—EL Salado in NORTH—BOLIVAR province —DURING this period according to a 20110000             report from THE—NATIONAL—COMMISSION—OF—REPARATION and Reconciliation.
20000825             VSO-0221, 27—DOE ¶ 82792 (HO Cronin 19990216             )
20010216             Bundespräsident JOHANNES—RAU unterzeichnet das Lebenspartnerschaftsgesetz.
20010216             Nach Inkrafttreten dürfen Homosexuelle eine staatlich anerkannte eheähnliche Gemeinschaft eingehen.
20010216             —ANNOUNCED, They, 1—JOINT—AGENDA to expand trade, protect immigrant rights and reduce drug trafficking.
20010216             2—DOZEN—USA and UK—AIRCRAFT bombed 5—RADAR and other ANTI—AIRCRAFT—SITES—AROUND BAGHDAD with guided missiles.
20010216             1—NUMBER—OF—NEW guided bombs, AGM-154A priced from $250-700k, missed their targets.
20010216             RUSSIA TEST—FIRED NUCLEAR—CAPABLE—MISSILES from land, sea and air positions.
20010216             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH on his 1. foreign trip met with PRESIDENT—FOX in MEXICO.
20010216             CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—DAVIS began negotiations to purchase 32,000—MILES—OF—TRANSMISSION—LINES from the utilities that would allow them to issue bonds to pay off their debt.
20010216             —KILLED, SERBIA, KOSOVO—MILITANTS, 9—SERBS and injured 43 with 1—ROADSIDE bomb that blew up 1—BUS in NORTH—EAST—KOSOVO.
20010216             MARC—RICH : Treason is THE—REASON—IT—THE—EMPIRE, Stupid... - Alvaro Velloso de Carvalho-
20010216             Aí, realmente, só nos resta tocar um tango argentino e pedir a Deus que nos perdoe...
20010216             Ora, se realmente houve um pagamento pela EX—MULHER de MARC—RICH para...
20010216             —STARTED, Work, in ;;07;;, with DENMARK—WIND—ENERGY—COMPANY—VESTAS, AMEC Marine... why THE—PRESIDENT—WOULD undermine his own DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE.
20010216             MARC—RICH : Treason is THE—REASON—IT—THE—EMPIRE, Stupid...
20010216             00.000. - Alvaro Velloso de CARVALHO—AÍ, realmente, só nos resta tocar um tango argentino e pedir a Deus que nos perdoe...
20010216             NucNews-
20010216—19660000    —AUTHORED, He and VIRGINIA Johnson (Masters and Johnson), the best seller "Human Sexual Response".
20010218             —REFERRED, THE—IRAQ—PRESS, to USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH as "SON—OF—THE—SNAKE" and "THE—NEW—DWARF" —FOLLOWING 20010216             —THE bombing attacks.
20011100             [AP, 20020210             , Frontline, 20020216             , INDIA —TODAY, 20020225             ]
20011100             Frontline, 20020216             ,
20020216             —STOPPED, Enroute to a 3—NATION tour of ASIA, Bush, off at Elmendorf AIR—FORCE—BASE in ALASKA, where he told HUNDREDS—OF—CHEERING—USA—SOLDIERS that "AMERICA will not blink" in the fight against terrorism and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20020216             RAY—BRENT—MARSH, —28—JAHRE—ALT, MANAGER—OF—THE—FAMILY—OPERATION, was arrested and charged with 5—COUNTS—OF—THEFT by deception.
20020216             —PREDICTED, MARK—MEIER, glacier expert, that oceans would rise 7—11—INCHES by THE—END—OF—THIS —CENTURY due to polar warming.
20020216             AFGHANISTAN, UK—PEACEKEEPERS came under fire at an observation post in KABUL.
20020216             2—ISRAELIS were killed —WHEN 1—PALESTINE—SUICIDE bombed sd'd in 1—PIZZA restaurant in THE—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENT—OF—KARNEI—SHOMRON.
20020216             —KILLED, In the Bureij refugee camp 3—PALESTINIANS were, in gunfire with ISRAEL—TROOPS.
20020216             —THREATENED, EU officials, sanctions.
20020216             —DEPARTED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, on a —6—DAY—ASIA trip.
20020216             NOBLE—GEORGIA, officials found 334—DECOMPOSING—BODIES at THE—TRI—STATE—CREMATORY, where the furnace had not worked —FOR—YEARS.
20020216             —PLEADED, Marsh, guilty and was sentenced to —12—YEARS in prison, with credit for the time he had served —BEFORE making bond, plus 70—5—YEARS—OF—PROBATION.
20020216             † JENIN, Nazih ABU—SABAAH, 1—HAMAS leader, was killed by 1—CAR—BOMB.
20020216             —RALLIED, Some 20,000 Israelis, for PEACE—IN—TEL—AVIV.
20020216             1—PHOTO—ID—PASS—FOR - 1—PHOTO—ID pass for
20020216—20020217    —AIMED, AFGHANISTAN, USA—FORCES made bombing raids, at controlling clashes among militia forces.
20020216—20020217    —SUSPECTED, Pentagon officials —LATER said THE—ATTACKS were against, al Qaeda fighters.
20020216—20040000    —IN, families of the dead settled 1—CLASS—ACTION suit for $80—MILLION.
20020308             THE—NUMBER—OF—CORPSES found at THE—TRI—STATE—CREMATORY rose to 339. 20020216             —SEE
20021205154537       —JAHR—GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553
20021205154537       —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11,
20021205154537       GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:
20030216             THIS, World — Aufbruch ins Ungewisse des BRITISCHEN—REGISSEURS MICHAEL—WINTERBOTTOM wird als bester Film im Wettbewerb der 53. Berlinale mit dem Goldenen Bären ausgezeichnet.
20030216             veröffentlichen.
20030216             Wir, die MITGLIEDER—DER—ATLANTIK—BRÜCKE",
20030216             die wir die gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Führer von DEUTSCHLAND repräsentieren,
20030216             werden alles tun, um diese Bindung für zukünftige Generationen zu erhalten".
20030216             Wie viele und welche der Transatlantiker bislang unterschrieben haben, will der Verein nicht mitteilen.
20030216             Es darf allerdings bezweifelt werden,
20030216             dass sich in der Kürze der Zeit über 1000—UNTERZEICHNER fanden, um die Aktion zu finanzieren.
20030216             —ÜBERNIMMT, Dazu die Organisation: "Den Restbetrag, die ATLANTIK—BRÜCKE".
20030216             Mehrere USA—SOLDATEN, Eltern von Soldaten und - 6—KONGRESSABGEORDNETE
20030216             haben in BOSTON 1—KLAGE gegen den USA—PRÄSIDENTEN eingereicht.
20030216             Sie wollen eine einstweilige Verfügung gegen Bush und Verteidigungsminister DONALD—RUMSFELD,
20030216             die diese daran hindert, den IRAK anzugreifen.
20030216             BOSTON - - 1—VOM Kongress verabschiedete Resolution
20030216             habe nicht ausdrücklich den Kriegsfall erklärt und
20030216             Der zu den Klägern zählende Abgeordnete JOHN—CONYERS, 1—DEMOKRAT aus MICHIGAN,
20030216             zitierte aus Artikel 1, Absatz 8—DER USA—VERFASSUNG: "Der Kongress hat das Recht, Krieg zu erklären".
20030216             "Verstanden? Nur der Kongress",
20030216             sagte CONYERS—IN einer PRESSEKONFERENZ—IN—WASHINGTON.
20030216             Der Bostoner Rechtsanwalt JOHN—BONIFAZ,
20030216             der die Klage einreichte, erhob schwere Vorwürfe gegen den Präsidenten.
20030216             Bush eile in einen Krieg,
20030216             ohne sich um die Zustimmung oder auch nur um 1—DEBATTE im Kongress zu bemühen.
20030216             sagte Bonifaz.
20030216             1—DER—KLÄGERINNEN sagte, die Menschen(??), die den Krieg planten,
20030216             liefen nicht Gefahr, Angehörige bei den Kämpfen zu verlieren.
20030216             "Wir würden GEORGE—BUSH gerne auffordern,
20030216             eine seiner Zwillingstöchter in den Krieg zu schicken.
20030216             Dann könnten wir darüber diskutieren,
20030216             ob wir einen Krieg führen sollten oder nicht", sagte Klägerin NANCY Lessin.
20030216             Der Kongress hat
20030216             —SEIT dem —WWII—KEINEM Land offiziell den Krieg erklärt.
20030216             Eine ähnliche Klage von 54—KONGRESSMITGLIEDERN
20030216             vor dem vergangenen Golfkrieg gegen Bushs Vater,
20030216             dem damaligen Präsidenten Bush, GEORGE,H. wurde im
20030216             Bush, GEORGE—W, verteufelt Kondome, Orale Therapie und fördert die Jungfräulichkeit
20030216             —RACED, MICHAEL—WALTRIP, past leader Jimmie Johnson to win THE—RAIN—SHORTENED Daytona 500 for the 2. time in —3—YEARS.
20030216             THE—SF—ANTI—WAR—DEMONSTRATION—COST organizers some $85,000. 1 estimated 200,000—PEOPLE participated.
20030216             —CLASHED, Some 10000000             protesters, with police —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—RALLY and 46—PEOPLE were arrested.
20030216             1—LATER aerial study numbered the crowd at 65,000.
20030216             —EMPTIED, BELGIUM, thieves over the weekend, more than 100—VAULTS at 1—DIAMOND trading center in what officials said might be the largest theft ever in ANTWERP.
20030216             —ELECTED, CYPRUS, Tassos Papadopoulos was, the country's 5. PRESIDENT—OVER—GLAFCOS—CLERIDES.
20030216             He opposed current reunification plans.
20030216             —AFFIRMED, Yasser Arafat, in 1—LETTER to BRITAIN—TONY—BLAIR that he will honor 1—PLEDGE to appoint 1—PRIME—MINISTER.
20030216             8—PALESTINIANS were killed, 6 in 1—MYSTERIOUS—EXPLOSION in GAZA City and 2—BY ISRAEL—ARMY—FIRE in THE—WEST—BANK.
20030216             —APPROVED, MEXICO—CENTRAL—MEXICO, state voters overwhelmingly, 1—REFERENDUM in support of executing kidnappers, armed robbers and murderers.
20030216             1—SYRIA—MILITARY—TRUCK carrying diesel fuel overturned and caught fire at 1—LEBANESE—SYRIA—BORDER crossing, killing at least 17—PEOPLE.
20030216             THE—SF—ANTI—WAR—DEMONSTRATION—COST organizers some $85,000.
20030216             —ESTIMATED, An, 200,000—PEOPLE participated.
20030216             AUSTRALIA, PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD said he respects THE—VIEWS—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CITIZENS who took part in peace protests over the weekend but would not be swayed by their opposition to WAR—WITH—IRAQ.
20030216             —PUBLISHED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC said in 1, interview that the massive USA—MILITARY—DEPLOYMENT in THE—PERSIA—GULF has made it possible to peacefully disarm IRAQ.
20030216             —VOTED, THE—ISRAEL—CABINET, to allow about 17,000 Ethiopians with JEWISH—ROOTS to come to ISRAEL, lifting immigration RESTRICTIONS—ON—THE—GROUP known as Falash Mura.
20030216             —AGREED, NATO, to supply TURKEY with defense equipment in THE—EVENT—OF—WAR—WITH—IRAQ.
20030216             † Eleanor "Sis" Daley, —95—JAHRE—ALT, the matriarch of CHICAGO—DALEY political clan.
20030216             die wir die gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Führer von DEUTSCHLAND repräsentieren, werden alles tun, um diese Bindung für zukünftige Generationen zu erhalten".
20030216             Es darf allerdings bezweifelt werden, dass sich in der Kürze der Zeit über 1.000—UNTERZEICHNER fanden, um die Aktion zu finanzieren.
20030216             Sie wollen eine einstweilige Verfügung gegen BUSH und Verteidigungsminister DONALD—RUMSFELD, die diese daran hindert, den IRAK anzugreifen.
20030216             BOSTON—EINE vom Kongress verabschiedete Resolution habe nicht ausdrücklich den KRIEGS—FALL erklärt und
20030216             überlasse die —ENTSCHEIDUNG unrechtmäßig BUSH, heißt es in der Begründung der Kläger.
20030216             Der zu den Klägern zählende Abgeordnete JOHN—CONYERS, 1—DEMOKRAT aus MICHIGAN, zitierte aus Artikel 1, Absatz 8—DER USA—VERFASSUNG: "Der Kongress hat das Recht, Krieg zu erklären".
20030216             "Verstanden? Nur der Kongress", sagte Conyers in einer PRESSEKONFERENZ—IN—WASHINGTON.
20030216             Der Bostoner Rechtsanwalt JOHN—BONIFAZ, der die Klage einreichte, erhob schwere Vorwürfe gegen den Präsidenten.
20030216             BUSH eile in einen Krieg, ohne sich um die Zustimmung oder auch nur um 1—DEBATTE im Kongress zu bemühen.
20030216             "Wir haben —HEUTE 1—BOTSCHAFT für PRÄSIDENT—BUSH—LESEN Sie die Verfassung", sagte Bonifaz.
20030216             1—DER—KLÄGERINNEN sagte, die Menschen(??), die den Krieg planten, liefen nicht Gefahr, Angehörige bei den Kämpfen zu verlieren.
20030216             "Wir würden GEORGE—BUSH gerne auffordern, eine seiner Zwillingstöchter in den Krieg zu schicken.
20030216             Dann könnten wir darüber diskutieren, ob wir einen Krieg führen sollten oder nicht", sagte Klägerin NANCY Lessin.
20030216             Der Kongress hat —SEIT dem —WWII keinem Land offiziell den Krieg erklärt.
20030216             Eine ähnliche Klage von 54—KONGRESSMITGLIEDERN vor dem vergangenen Golfkrieg gegen Bushs Vater, dem damaligen Präsidenten BUSH, GEORGE,H. wurde im
20030216             von einem Bundesrichter abgewiesen.
20030216             "Militärische Aktivitäten sind immer 1—NACHRICHT.
20030216             Wir wollen helfen Informationen, Bilder und Interviews zu Kampfoperationen zur Verfügung zu stellen",
20030216             erklärt LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—DAVID—LAMP, Projektleiter in VIRGINIA.
20030216             Der Kongress gab —HEUTE an,
20030216             dass Gelder für das offizielle Schnüffeln —ERST dann fließen sollen, wenn die Auswirkungen auf die Bürgerrechte geprüft worden sind.
20030216             Der Freibrief für AMERIKANISCHE—ERMITTLER, der den offiziellen Namen "TOTAL Information Awareness" (TIA)
20030216             [Ministerium für progressive Bewusstwerdeüberwachung]
20030216             besitzt, SEI—DER —BISHER umfassendste Überwachungsplan einer Regierung in der AMERIKANISCHEN—GESCHICHTE, sagte der demokratische SENATOR—RON—WYDEN.
20030216             Nach ANGABEN—DER—ZEITUNG "USA—TODAY" halten IRAKISCHE—OPPOSITIONSGRUPPEN die USA—STRATEGIE in vielen Details für "Besorgnis erregend".
20030216             Nach ANGABEN—DES—BLATTES sind Spitzenvertreter der IRAKISCHEN—OPPOSITION
20030216             in der vergangenen —WOCHE in der TÜRKEI über die Pläne informiert worden.
20030216             —KRITISIERT, Dabei sei vor allem das AMERIKANISCHE—VORHABEN, worden,
20030216             TÜRKISCHEN—TRUPPEN die Errichtung einer Pufferzone zu erlauben, die mehr als 20—KILOMETER in die IRAKISCHEN—KURDENGEBIETE hineinreiche.
20030216             Das Gerät ist in einem robusten Koffer untergebracht
20030216             und besteht aus einem Laptop mit VIDEO—EDITIER—UND Aufnahmefunktionen, einer Kamera und einer Satellitenschüssel.
20030216             Es stehen 2—KANÄLE mit jeweils 128—KB Kapazität pro —SEKUNDE zur Verfügung, und die Übertragung erfolgt über INMARSAT—SATELLITEN.
20030216             Die handliche Größe erlaubt es, das System überall hin mitzunehmen.
20030216             Es unterstützt die Standards von Videoconferencing,
20030216             Computer mit Windows Betriebssystemen, JPEG—IMAGES genauso wie MPEG VIDEO—UND Audiodaten.
20030216             Es ist in der Lage die Fernsehstandards PAL und NTSC zu bearbeiten, was für die Versorgung internationaler Medien mit bewegten Bildern von entscheidender Bedeutung ist.
20030216             Die Firma Scotty wurde
20030216             und beliefert in 1. Linie militärische Institutionen in aller Welt.
20030216             Zu den Abnehmern mobiler Kommunikationssysteme aus ÖSTERREICH zählt auch die Bundeswehr.
20030216             Doch das neue MACHT—DUO Erdogan und ABDULLAH—GÜL ist in der Zwickmühle.
20030216             Beide wollen ZWAR—WIE rund 90—PROZENT—DER—TÜRKEN—KEINEN—KRIEG gegen die muslimischen Glaubensbrüder im IRAK unterstützen.
20030216             Andererseits bekannte sich Erdogan jüngst zur BÜNDNIS—TREUE mit dem Westen.
20030216             Nach Einschätzung von TÜRKEI—EXPERTEN ist das TÜRKISCHE—MILITÄR mittlerweile voll auf den USA—KURS eingeschwenkt.
20030216             —SEIT—ANFANG der achtziger —JAHRE operieren TÜRKISCHE—EINHEITEN im Nordirak.
20030216             Die ANZAHL—DER—TOTEN des jahrzehntelang anhaltenden Kurdenfeldzugs geht in die Tausende.
20030216             —DERZEIT sind Expertenschätzungen zufolge rund 16.000—TÜRKISCHE—SOLDATEN—VÖLKERRECHTSWIDRIG—IM Nordirak stationiert.
20030216             Offiziell begründen die Türken ihren Aufenthalt im IRAK damit, die Grenze zwischen den Gebieten
20030216             der verfeindeten Kurdenführer Dschalal Talabani und Massud Barzani zu beobachten -
20030216             wofür man freilich kaum eine derartige Truppenstärke benötigt.
20030216             Trotz der Truppenpräsenz im Nordirak, trotz der Allianz mit den Amerikanern
20030216             und trotz der islamistischen Regierung in ANKARA
20030216             fühlt sich die TÜRKEI offenbar dennoch vom IRAK bedroht.
20030216             So bat man jüngst die Nato um Hilfe, um sich gegen einen möglichen Gegenschlag des IRAK zu wappnen.
20030216             DEUTSCHLAND und die NIEDERLANDE werden das Raketenabwehrsystem Patriot bereitstellen.
20030216             Die Sinnhaftigkeit der Anfrage,
20030216             die zu einem schweren —KONFLIKT im nordatlantischen Bündnis geführt hat, wird von einigen Experten angezweifelt.
20030216             Der Kriegsberichterstatter PETER—SCHOLL—LATOUR etwa lächelt über das SICHERHEITS—BEDÜRFNIS der Türken.
20030216             Ihre Armee sei der SADDAM—HUSSEINS weit überlegen:
20030216             "Wenn die TÜRKEI will, steht sie innerhalb einer —WOCHE in Bagdad".
20030216             Auch im Hamburger ORIENT—INSTITUT hält man die Gefahr eines IRAKISCHEN—ANGRIFFS auf die TÜRKEI für gering.
20030216             Und selbst wenn: Die Militärs hätten nicht die Kapazität, ihre SCUD—RAKETEN mit Giftgas auszustatten.
20030216             Nicht einmal —VOR—12—JAHREN,
20030216             als 39—SCUD—RAKETEN auf ISRAEL abgefeuert wurden, waren die Sprengköpfe mit Massenvernichtungsmitteln gefüllt.
20030216             Im HOLLÄNDISCHEN—LIMBURG, zwischen MAASTRICHT und Mönchengladbach,
20030216             wo der Yogi seinen Wohnsitz hat, zirkulieren die bunten Scheine
20030216             Und in IOWA—DORT liegt die "Vedische Stadt", eine weitere Filiale des MAHARISHI—KULTS.
20030216             Die Scheine gibt es in den Stückelungen ein, 5—UND 10—RAAM.
20030216             DIE—REGIERUNG verteidigte dagegen ihren Antikriegskurs.
20030216             Entwicklungsministerin Heidemarie WIECZOREK—ZEUL (SPD) warnte davor, die USA allein über einen IRAK—KRIEG entscheiden zu lassen.
20030216             Hier dürfe der USA—REGIERUNG nicht nachgegeben werden, sagte die Ministerin dem Bonner "GENERAL—ANZEIGER".
20030216             sollten sich die Menschen nicht daran gewöhnen, dass Krieg zu einem fast gewöhnlichen Mittel der Politik gemacht werde.
20030216             "Wir sollten immer den Versuch machen,
20030216             auch in den schwierigsten Konflikten friedliche Lösungen zu suchen,
20030216             denn Krieg heißt immer unendlich VIELE—OPFER erzeugen,
20030216             vor allem unter Unschuldigen", sagte der SPD—POLITIKER im Mitteldeutschen Rundfunk.
20030216             —AM MITTWOCHABEND, Auch Hauptdarsteller EDWARD—NORTON wandte sich gegen DIE—REGIERUNG—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH.
20030216             —VERGESSEN, Als Amerikaner habe er mittlerweile, was für 1—GEFÜHL es sei, stolz auf die —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN der eigenen Regierung zu sein.
20030216             In der Frage eines möglichen Militärschlages gegen den IRAK
20030216             seien nicht genug Alternativen in Betracht gezogen werden.
20030216             Er hoffe deshalb, dass sich die Weltgemeinschaft auch weiterhin gegen die USA—POLITIK stelle.
20030216             Lee, 45, lobte das Engagement der französischen und DEUTSCHEN—REGIERUNGEN gegen einen Krieg im IRAK
20030216             und äußerte die Hoffnung, dass immer mehr Menschen auf die Straße gingen.
20030216             Zu VIELE—LEUTE würden sich —DERZEIT—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH und Großbritanniens PREMIER—BLAIR "überrennen" lassen.
20030216             1—KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—IRAK sei seiner Ansicht nach kein KRIEG—GEGEN—TERRORISMUS.
20030216             Der IRAKISCHE—VIZEPREMIER—GEHÖRT der mit Rom verbundenen chaldäischen Kirche an.
20030216             In 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ITALIENISCHEN—TAGESZEITUNG "Corriere della Sera" sagte Asis, er werde JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA. nicht zu einem Besuch nach Bagdad einladen.
20030216             "Die SICHERHEITS—LAGE lässt das nicht zu", sagte Asis.
20030216             Der PAPA will einen Krieg im IRAK verhindern
20030216             und hat auch einen Emissär nach Bagdad geschickt.
20030216             ITALIEN unterstützt im IRAK—KONFLIKT die USA.
20030216             In einer Rede vor dem Unterhaus in LONDON rief der BRITISCHE—PREMIER—MINISTER—BEFÜRWORTER und Gegner eines IRAK—KRIEGS dazu auf, die "moralischen Konsequenzen eines Kriegs abzuwägen".
20030216             "Bevor wir die —ENTSCHEIDUNG treffen, in den Krieg zu ziehen,
20030216             sollte deren Moralität schwer auf unseren Gewissen lasten, da unschuldige Menschen, genauso wie Schuldige, in einem Krieg sterben", sagte BLAIR.
20030216             "Die einzige Alternative zur Entwaffnung durch die Uno ist, dass wir die Sanktionen —JAHR für —JAHR in Kraft lassen.
20030216             Und, ich sage es einfach, das ist ebenso 1—WAHL mit schlimmen und verheerenden Konsequenzen für das IRAKISCHE—VOLK".
20030216             Die Sanktionen, die die VEREINTEN—NATIONEN nach der IRAKISCHEN—INVASION in Kuweit
20030216             verhängten, haben die Wirtschaft des Landes weitgehend ruiniert.
20030216             Der Großteil der 23—MILLIONEN Iraker ist abhängig von dem UNO—PROGRAMM Lebensmittel für Öl, das der Führung in Bagdad den Export von Öl erlaubt, um dafür humanitäre Güter zu importieren.
20030216             BLAIR sprach sich in seiner Rede außerdem dafür aus,
20030216             den UNO—INSPEKTEUREN in IRAK "so viel Zeit zu geben, wie sie brauchen",
20030216             falls Chefinspektor HANS—BLIX in seinem Bericht an den Weltsicherheitsrat —AM—FREITAG zu dem Ergebnis kommen sollte,
20030216             dass der IRAK wirklich zusammenarbeite.
20030216             "Ich denke, dies sollte durch die Uno beigelegt werden", sagte BLAIR.
20030216             "Allerdings müssen wir vorsichtig sein, dass WIR—FALLS IRAK nicht KOOPERIERT—NICHT wieder in 1—SITUATION wie in den Neunzigern geraten,
20030216             als die Inspektoren —JAHRE drin waren", ohne IRAK von seinen chemischen und biologischen Waffen zu säubern.
20030216             Nach ANGABEN—DER—REGIERENDEN—LABOUR—PARTEI könnte die BRITISCHE—HAUPTSTADT—ZIEL eines Terrorangriffs werden.
20030216             "Das ist kein Spiel. Hierbei geht es um 1—BEDROHUNG—VON—DER—ART, die zum TOD—VON—TAUSENDEN—VON—MENSCHEN in NEW—YORK geführt hat",
20030216             sagte der Parteivorsitzende JOHN—REID —AM—MITTWOCH.
20030216             Allerdings erklärte Londons BÜRGERMEISTER—KEN—LIVINGSTON, es habe "keine unmittelbaren Hinweise" auf einen geplanten Anschlag gegeben.
20030216             —SEIT—DIENSTAG sind die SICHERHEITS—VORKEHRUNGEN in LONDON extrem verschärft worden.
20030216             450—SOLDATEN bewachen den Flughafen Heathrow, auch Panzer sind aufgefahren.
20030216             Zusätzlich seien weitere 10000000             Polizeibeamte im Einsatz, berichtet die BBC.
20030216             Auch an anderen Flughäfen wie MANCHESTER oder LONDON Stansted wurden die SICHERHEITS—VORKEHRUNGEN drastisch erhöht.
20030216             Er - "besonders angewidert von der blinden Unnachgiebigkeit und äuß1. Undankbarkeit",
20030216             den diese 3—LÄNDER bei ihrem Veto gegen die NATO—PLANUNGEN zum Schutz der TÜRKEI bei einem IRAK—KRIEG
20030216             —AN—DEN—TAG gelegt hätten, erklärte Lantos, Tom der ranghöchste demokratische Vertreter im Auswärtigen Ausschuss des Repräsentantenhauses.
20030216             "Hätte es die heldenhaften Anstrengungen des AMERIKANISCHEN—MILITÄRS nicht gegeben,
20030216             wären FRANKREICH, DEUTSCHLAND und BELGIEN —HEUTE sozialistische Sowjetrepubliken", fügte Lantos hinzu.
20030216             "Das Versagen dieser 3—STAATEN, ihre Verpflichtungen anzuerkennen, ist jenseits aller Verachtung".
20030216             Der Ausschuss wollte —HEUTE zu einer Beratung der IRAK—KRISE zusammentreten,
20030216             an der auch USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—COLIN—POWELL teilnehmen sollte.
20030216             Es gebe allerdings eine kleine Zahl europäischer Nationen, die sich weiterhin von ihren Miteuropäern isolierten, fuhr Fleischer fort.
20030216             "Das ist bedauerlich, aber trotzdem: Am Ende, egal,
20030216             welche Positionen FRANKREICH, DEUTSCHLAND oder BELGIEN einnehmen -
20030216             und niemand hat mehr Hoffnung, dass DEUTSCHLAND seine Meinung ändert -, am Ende werden wir Freunde und Verbündete jeder dieser 3—NATIONEN bleiben".
20030216             Nach ANGABEN—VON—INNENMINISTER—DAVID—BLUNKETT wurde sogar erwogen,
20030216             Heathrow, einen der verkehrsreichsten Flughäfen Europas, komplett zu schließen.
20030216             Dies hätte seinen Worten zufolge aber
20030216             einen Sieg für die Terroristen und 1—KATASTROPHE für die BRITISCHE—WIRTSCHAFT bedeutet.
20030216             Blunkett sagte, er hoffe, "dass GROSSBRITANNIEN —DIE—NÄCHSTEN—TAGE ohne Zwischenfälle übersteht".
20030216             Die Bevölkerung rief er zu verstärkter Wachsamkeit auf.
20030216             WASHINGTON -
20030216             —ORGANISIERT, Länder, in denen VIELE—ARBEITNEHMER in GEWERKSCHAFTEN, sind hätten niedrigere Arbeitslosigkeit, höhere Produktivität
20030216             und könnten sich nach Schocks schneller anpassen.
20030216             Das geht aus einer neuen STUDIE—DER—WELTBANK hervor, die in WASHINGTON veröffentlicht wurde.
20030216             Für die Studie wurden mehr als 10000000             Studien
20030216             zu den Auswirkungen der Gewerkschaftstätigkeit auf die Wirtschaft ausgewertet.
20030216             Die positive Wirkung gehe von der in der Regel besseren Verständigung der Sozialpartner aus, die beiden Seiten zu Gute käme, schreiben die Experten.
20030216             So seien Streiks kürzer und die Einkommensunterschiede geringer.
20030216             GEWERKSCHAFTEN, organisierte Arbeitnehmer verdienten mehr, hätten kürzere Arbeitszeiten und würden besser ausgebildet als Kollegen, die nicht organisiert sind.
20030216             Der daraus entstehende soziale Friede komme aber auch den Unternehmern zu Gute,
20030216             denn er sei ein wesentliches Element für Investitionsentscheidungen,
20030216             sagte die stellvertretende Weltbankdirektorin Mamphela Ramphele.
20030216             —UNTERDESSEN, Das Weiße Haus begrüßte
20030216             den Beschluss der Internationalen ATOMENERGIE—ORGANISATION (IAEA), den UNO—WELTSICHERHEITS—RAT im —KONFLIKT um Nordkoreas ATOMWAFFEN—PROGRAMM einzuschalten.
20030216             "Wir sind erfreut, dass eine große Zahl verschiedener Nationen,
20030216             darunter CHINA, FRANKREICH und GROSSBRITANNIEN,
20030216             zu dem Schluss gekommen ist, dass KOREA seine internationalen Verpflichtungen verletzt", sagte Sprecher ARI—FLEISCHER.
20030216             Das IAEA—VOTUM zeige,
20030216             dass es nicht um eine bilaterale Angelegenheit zwischen den USA und NORD—KOREA gehe, "sondern um einen Disput zwischen NORD—KOREA und der Welt".
20030216             Die USA suchten eine "multilaterale Lösung" des Konflikts durch Diplomatie, sagte Fleischer weiter.
20030216             DIE—REGIERUNG wolle eng mit Mitgliedern des SICHERHEITS—RATS sowie anderen Freunden und Verbündeten zusammenarbeiten,
20030216             um eine "Vernichtung" des NORDKOREANISCHEN—WAFFENPROGRAMMS zu erreichen.
20030216             Der außenpolitische Beauftragte der EU, Javier Solana, sprach sich in SEOUL gegen die Verhängung von Sanktionen durch den SICHERHEITS—RAT aus.
20030216             "Ich denke, Strafmaßnahmen könnten das Gegenteil von dem bewirken, was wir WOLLEN—NÄMLICH die Beilegung der Krise".
20030216             Auch SEOUL, das 1—ANNÄHERUNGSPOLITIK zum kommunistischen Nachbarstaat verfolgt, ist gegen Sanktionen.
20030216             NORD—KOREA hatte mehrfach erklärt, dass es solche Maßnahmen als "Kriegserklärung" betrachten würde.
20030216             _GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH ,verteufelt Kondome Orale Therapie und fördert die JUNGFRÄULICHKEIT—MP es dauert alles im
20030216—19660000    —TURNED, The 19-member NATO—ALLIANCE, to its Defense Planning Committee, which PARIS withdrew from, to negotiate 1—END to THE—MONTH—LONG—NATO deadlock over IRAQ.
20030216—19900000    —J—IM,
20030216—19901200    —DATE20030216—19940000    gegründet
20030216—20021000    —IM,
20030217             —BY—CAROL—BRIGHTMAN, LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20030216             20030414             Date/Time: 20030414030216        —ZURZEIT gerade wieder auf Platz 1.
20030217             —BY CAROL—BRIGHTMAN, LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20030216             200304140216         —ZURZEIT gerade wieder auf Platz 1. Der Prophet gilt etwas im eigenen Land.
20030414021615       STEVEN—ROACH, CHEFökonom der Investmentbank MORGAN—STANLEY, befand zum Wochenbeginn düster, dass "die großen, entwickelten Volkswirtschaften —IM—FEBRUAR und —MÄRZ geschrumpft sind", dass die Welt "nicht mehr funktionsfähig" sei, dass in den USA irgendwann die "Dollarblase" platzen werde.
20030414021615       STEVEN—ROACH, CHEFökonom der Investmentbank MORGAN—STANLEY, befand zum Wochenbeginn düster,
20030414030216       Das Buch, das ursprünglich wenige —TAGE—NACH—DEM 20010911             hätte ausgeliefert werden sollen, wurde zurückbehalten.
20030414030216       Das Buch, das ursprünglich wenige —TAGE—NACH—DEM 20010911             hätte ausgeliefert werden sollen,
20040216             —COLLAPSED, OHIO, 1—CRANE, at 1—I—80—BRIDGE—NEAR—TOLEDO and 3—WORKERS were killed.
20040216             —AIMED, INDIA and PAKISTAN began historic meetings, at preparing for 1 sustained peace dialogue on Kashmir and other disputes.
20040216             1—EARTHQUAKE—SHOOK—INDONESIA—SUMATRA ISLAND, killing 5—PEOPLE and damaging 60—HOMES.
20040216             —KILLED, IRAQ, 3—USA—SOLDIERS were, in roadside bomb blasts.
20040216             1—BOMB exploded in 1—SCHOOLYARD in 1—SHIITE—MUSLIM neighborhood in BAGHDAD, killing at least 1—CHILD and wounding 3—OTHER—PEOPLE,
20040216             —DETECTED, THAILAND officials said bird flu has been, in 1—PREVIOUSLY unaffected THAILAND—PROVINCE and has resurfaced in 8—OTHER—PROVINCES that were under observation.
20040216             —ORDERED, BELARUS, PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO, THE—JUSTICE—MINISTRY to strengthen control over political parties, community organizations and unions.
20040216             1—CONFIDENT—JOHN—KERRY launched 1—FULL—THROTTLE ATTACK—ON—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ECONOMIC—POLICIES, mostly ignoring his Democratic rivals on THE—EVE—OF—THE—WISCONSIN primary.
20040216             † In AUSTRALIA rioters set fire to 1—TRAIN—STATION and pelted police with gasoline bombs in 1—ABORIGINAL ghetto in SYDNEY —DURING a —9—HOUR—STREET—BATTLE that began —AFTER 1—TEENAGER, allegedly —WHILE being chased by officer.
20040216             EX—SOLDIERS took HAITI—REBELLION to the key CENTRAL—CITY—OF—HINCHE, torching THE—POLICE—STATION and freeing prisoners.
20040216             1—BOMB exploded in 1—SCHOOLYARD in 1—SHIITE Muslim neighborhood in BAGHDAD, killing at least 1—CHILD and wounding 3—OTHER—PEOPLE, (AP, 20040216             )(SFC, 20040217             , p.A3)
20041210             DEFEX—PORTUGAL, Lda., Secord, Richard + his agents; + GEOMILITECH (GMT
20050216             —ÜBERREICHT, NABU, Trittin eine...
20050216             Siemens [...] 20050210             ...
20050216    "profil": Hitlers Schwestern hielten die Ehre... unter Hitler hochdekorierte Pilot HANS—ULRICH—RUDEL habe sie... Rudel war Finanzier der "EICHMANN—RUNDE", einer... Kommentar vom 20050211             : Siemens [...] 20050210             ... =
20050216             Includes... GERMANY—EMIGRES in UK + the... - 20050214             20050216             Covert Action Information Bulletin (CAIB) #33 ... Islamic Salvation Front, from the PHILIPPINES' Moro Liberation Front... 20050215             20050920—20020215    —ON, Alves was found GUILTY—OF—KILLING Kamille Seenauth (34).
20050216             —CANCELED, THE—NHL, what was left of its decimated schedule —AFTER 1—ROUND—OF—LAST—GASP negotiations failed to resolve differences over 1—SALARY cap, THE—FLASH—POINT—ISSUE that led to 1—LOCKOUT.
20050216             1—CORPORATE—JET crashed in PUEBLO—COLORADO, and 8—PEOPLE were killed.
20050216             —AGREED, INDIA and PAKISTAN, to start 1—BUS—SERVICE across 1—CEASEFIRE—LINE dividing the disputed Himalayan REGION—OF—KASHMIR.
20050216             PARAGUAY, THE—BODY—OF—CECILIA—CUBAS, the kidnapped DAUGHTER—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—RAUL—CUBAS, was dug up from behind 1—HOUSE—MONTHS—AFTER she was abducted by heavily armed gunmen.
20050216             —AGREED, SUDAN, 6—TRIBAL—LEADERS in 1—SOUTHERN—DARFUR area, to cease attacks against EACH—OTHER and drop all claims for blood money for past assaults on tribesmen.
20050216             —BANNED, VIETNAM, all poultry raising in the southern business CAPITAL—OF—HO—CHI—MINH—CITY—THIS—YEAR to limit THE—RISK—OF—BIRD—FLU transmitting to humans.
20050216             —REJECTED, FORMER—TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—MESUT—YILMAZ, CHARGES—OF—CORRUPTION as he went on trial over 1—BANKING—SCANDAL with alleged mafia involvement, becoming the 1. HEAD—OF—GOVERNMENT to be tried by THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20050216             —URGED, USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—ALAN—GREENSPAN, 1—GO—SLOW—APPROACH on personal SOCIAL—SECURITY—ACCOUNTS, saying that —WHILE he embraces the idea central to USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH'S proposed overhaul, he is concerned about stability in financial markets.
20050216             —TRAPPED, Rescuers searching for miners, by 1—COAL—MINE—EXPLOSION in NORTH—EAST—CHINA found 6—MORE—BODIES, bringing THE—DEATH—TOLL in THE—COUNTRY—WORST mining disaster in decades to 209.
20050216             ISRAEL—PARLIAMENT gave the final approval to PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON—PLAN to withdraw from THE—GAZA—STRIP and 4—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENTS.
20050216             —ANNOUNCED, CEO—SERGIO—MARCHIONNE, Fiat SpA will buy the Maserati sportscar brand from Ferrari, 1—COMPANY in which it already had 1—MAJORITY—STAKE, —JUST—3—DAYS—AFTER winning INDEPENDENCE—FROM—GENERAL—MOTORS—CORP.
20050216             —KILLED, SOUTH—RUSSIA, 1—CAR—BOMB, 3—PEOPLE outside 1—GOVERNMENT—BUILDING in Dagestan.
20050216             —ANNOUNCED, SYRIA and IRAN, 1 united front amid perceived USA—THREATS.
20050216             EURO—FINANZMINISTER: EU—VERFAHREN gegen GRIECHENLAND wird verschärft
20050216             Schnee und Eis: Verkehrschaos in Süddeutschland
20050216             NORD—KOREA: CIA will Hinweise auf B- und C—WAFFEN haben
20050216             Trauerzug für Hariri: Hunderttausende demonstrieren gegen SYRIEN
20050216             Atomstreit: Fischer verlangt Garantien von IRAN
20050216             —VERDACHT—AUF—VERUNTREUUNG: Razzia beim Berliner Bund der STEUERZAHLER—IRAN: Wirrwarr um Explosion nahe Dailam
20050216             Sexforscher ALFRED—C—KINSEY: Missionar der Lust
20050216             Frankreichs Schüler: Kampf für "Egalité" im Abitur erfolgreich
20050216             —ENTLASTET, Kalter Krieg: Wichtiger NATO—POLITIKER, Voigt vom SPIONAGE—VERDACHT
20050216             —USA—KONJUNKTUR: Greenspan warnt vor Rentenfalle
20050216             FOLTER—PROZESS: "Der sah aus, als ob er jeden Moment verrecken würde"
20050216             HIGHTECH—KRIEG: USA investieren Milliarden in Roboterkrieger
20050216             —TRANSPLANTIERT, Fatale Operationen: Organe von TOLLWUT—INFIZIERTER
20050216             —ÜBERRASCHT, Nur, ist keiner.
20050216             —SCHON werden drakonische Gegenmaßnahmen diskutiert.
20050216             Die Nachricht verbreitete sich so schnell wie das Virus selbst, per Rundspruch und E—MAIL, in ONLINE—CHATROOMS und auf DATING—WEBSITES.
20050216             "Bitte SOFORT—LESEN",
20050216             schrieb MICHAEL, 1—NEW—YORKER Modeverkäufer, in einer SAMMEL—E—MAIL an seine Freunde.
20050216             Ein anderer in derselben E—MAIL—KETTE klagte:
20050216             "Das klingt wie 19820000             ".
20050216             In der Tat erinnerte die Meldung, die da in Manhattan für solche Aufregung sorgt,
20050216             an die dunklen Anfangszeiten von Aids: Ärzte wollen im Blut eines Mannes eine —BISHER unbekannte,
20050216             besonders aggressive Variante des Aidserregers HIV entdeckt HABEN—EIN "Supervirus", das gegen die meisten Medikamente immun sei und ungewöhnlich rasch zum Ausbruch von Aids führe.
20050216             "Dies ist 1—ALARMRUF", sagte Gesundheitsstadtrat THOMAS—FRIEDEN und verhängte einen "Health Alert",
20050216             1—ART medizinischen Notstand, über NEW—YORKS Krankenhäuser und Arztpraxen.
20050216             "Einen Fall wie diesen haben wir noch nie gesehen".
20050216             Angst vor Aids: NEW—YORK jagt das Supervirus
20050216             Bündnis: IRAN und SYRIEN wollen gemeinsame Front gegen USA bilden
20050216             HAMBURG—DER "Stern" beruft sich in seinem Bericht auf 1—STUDIE—DES—NATURAL—RESOURCES—DEFENSE—COUNCIL,
20050216             eine führende Organisation für ATOMWAFFEN—RECHERCHE.
20050216             Demnach liegen in Ramstein 130—ATOM—BOMBEN, in Büchel in der Eifel auf dem dortigen Fliegerhorst weitere 20.
20050216             Die USA geben die Zahl ihrer Atomwaffen in DEUTSCHLAND nicht bekannt.
20050216             Der Zeitschrift zufolge werden die Spezialeinheiten, die sämtliche USA—ATOMWAFFEN in EUROPA bewachen,
20050216             —JETZT von der Luftwaffenbasis Spangdahlem in der Eifel aus kommandiert.
20050216             Weiter heißt es, die technische Wartung erfolge nach wie vor von Ramstein aus.
20050216             Ihr Training absolvieren die AMERIKANISCHEN—SOLDATEN auf dem Bombenabwurfplatz Siegenburg in BAYERN mit Übungsmunition.
20050216             Laut "Stern" sind die hier im Land gelagerten Atombomben inzwischen auch für 1ätze der USA—ARMEE außerhalb der Nato vorgesehen,
20050216             etwa gegen Massenvernichtungswaffen im Mittleren Osten.
20050216             atomicpop COM—SHOWING THE—REAL—INSANITY—OF "INTELLECTUAL......
20050216             The updated law makes saving seeds for —NEXT—YEAR—HARVEST, practiced by 97% of...
20050216    : Winifred Wagner oder Hitlers Bayreuth...
20050216             Ludwig (*1907) 257, 268, 372, 378, 416, 504, 593—RUDEL, HANS—ULRICH (19160000—19820000    ) 605
20050216             Wirtschaftstreffen 19440000             - Nazigold - "ODESSA"
20050216             Einige der so ins Ausland gelangten NAZIS waren HANS—ULRICH—RUDEL ( SIEMENS—VERKAUFSVERTRETER für ARGENTINIEN),
20050216             OTTO—SKORZENY (für Krupp in ARGENTINIEN...
20050216             www.semit net Thema ANZEIGEN—STRENG Geheim Wie USA...
20050216             So war HANS—ULRICH—RUDEL, ein —BIS zum —TAG seines Todes reueloser Nazi, SIEMENS—VERKAUFSVERTRETER für ARGENTINIEN, wo auch OTTO—SKORZENY für Krupp arbeitete...
20050216             Mit Springerstiefel und Schlips & Kragen
20050216             Page 1. 1—MIT Springerstiefel und Schlips & Kragen Braunschweiger Zeitung,
20050216             SPAIN—CIVIL—WAR—COLLECTION—AUTHOR—INDEX — - coronel Rudel.
20050216             [SPAIN?: sn]. [194-?] 1. Rudel, HANS—ULRICH.
20050216             2. Air PILOTS—GERMANY—BIOGRAPHY por Excelsior. --; 12p.: ILLINOIS; 24.
20050216             JOSEF—MENGELE — doktor smrt...
20050216             mezi než patrily firmy jako Bayer, AEG Telefunken, Krupp, Siemens.
20050216    "profil": Hitlers Schwestern hielten die Ehre...
20050216             unter Hitler hochdekorierte Pilot HANS—ULRICH—RUDEL habe sie
20050216             Rudel war Finanzier der "EICHMANN—RUNDE", 1—MISSILE Acronyms...
20050216             Embraer Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA EMCON emissions
20050216             EW electronic warfare EXPAL Explosivos Alaveses F—SHOB
20050216             craft FAE fuel air explosive FALCON Fission... - THE—ET—INTERVIEW: PROFESSOR CR RAO
20050216             Page 1. THE—ET—INTERVIEW: PROFESSOR CR RAO Interviewed by Anil K. Bera UNIVERSITY—OF—ILLINOIS at URBANA—CHAMPAIGN It was 19400600             ...
20050216             PARIS: Terroristen wollten Eiffelturm angreifen
20050216             Hilferuf ITALIENISCHER—GEISEL: "Ihr müsst alles tun, um diese Besatzung zu beenden"
20050216             Creative Paper Tasmania
20050216             Um den "Innovationssprung" (O—TON Creative Paper Tasmania) zu ermöglichen, mussten sich tasmanische Bauern die Finger schmutzig machen und Kängurumist scheffeln.
20050216             Das aber, betonte Firmenmanagerin JOANNE—GAIR, könnte —ERST der —ANFANG sein.
20050216             Mindestens 100—BIS 200—KILOGRAMM Kängurumist, unter Australiern auch liebevoll "Roo Poo" genannt,
20050216             müssten —SCHON zusammenkommen, um der Innovation zum Sprung in eine erfolgreiche Zukunft zu verhelfen.
20050216             Gair ist überzeugt, dass das Produkt seinen Weg machen wird.
20050216             "Es ist ein großartiger Artikel für Touristen,
20050216             übermittelt aber auch gut unsere ökologische Botschaft".
20050216             Besonders praktisch:
20050216             Der so genannte Faseraufschluss, bei dem pflanzliche Fasern vom Stängel getrennt werden, wird im Darm der Lieferanten erledigt.
20050216             "Die meiste Arbeit ist damit —BEREITS getan", frohlockt die Managerin.
20050216             Teheran - "Unsere ATOM—UND—MILITÄRANLAGEN sind rechtmäßig, und deswegen würden wir JEDE—DROHNE abschießen,
20050216             die versucht, sie auszuspionieren", sagte Geheimdienstchef ALI—JUNESI —HEUTE der studentischen NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—ISNA.
20050216             "Die Spionageaktivitäten der USA im IRANISCHEN—LUFTRAUM dauern —SEIT langer Zeit an", sagte Junesi —HEUTE in Teheran.
20050216             "Die meisten der leuchtenden Objekte,
20050216             die Bewohner im Himmel über IRAN sehen, sind AMERIKANISCHE—SPIONAGEGERÄTE, die nukleare und militärische Einrichtungen ausspionieren".
20050216             —AM—SONNTAG hatte die "WASHINGTON—POST" unter Berufung auf AMERIKANISCHE—REGIERUNGSBEAMTE berichtet,
20050216             dass —SEIT nahezu einem —JAHR Drohnen über IRAN eingesetzt werden, um Beweise für die ENTWICKLUNG—VON—ATOMWAFFEN zu sammeln.
20050216             —SCHON im ;;12;; wurde die IRANISCHE—LUFTWAFFE angewiesen, alle unbekannten oder verdächtigen Flugkörper im eigenen Luftraum abzuschießen.
20050216             Der Vertreter Irans bei den Atomgesprächen mit den EU—LÄNDERN, HASSAN—ROWHANI,
20050216             bekräftigte unterdessen, dass sein Land an den Plänen zur Errichtung von 7—ATOMKRAFTWERKEN festhalte.
20050216             IRAN habe lediglich das Aussetzen der Urananreicherung —BIS ;;03;;
20050216             oder spätestens Ende ;;06;; dieses Jahres zugesagt,
20050216             erklärte Rowhani nach ISNA—ANGABEN während eines Besuchs in ALGERIEN.
20050216             Er verwies auf eine entsprechende Vereinbarung, die Ende vergangenen Jahres mit den Verhandlungspartnern GROSSBRITANNIEN,
20050216             —GETROFFEN, FRANKREICH und DEUTSCHLAND, worden sei.
20050216             Dreiviertel der USA Suppenküchen + 65—PROZENT—DER—OBDACHLOSENHEIME hatten laut Studie 20040000             mehr Zulauf als im Vorjahr.
20050216             —GESTIEGEN, Die ZAHL—DER—HILFESUCHENDEN sei um rund 1—VIERTEL.
20050216             Gleichzeitig berichtete aber fast jede 2. Einrichtung, dass ihr die Mittel gekürzt wurden.
20050216             24—PROZENT—DER—SUPPENKÜCHEN und 77—PROZENT—DER—OBDACHLOSENHEIME hätten Menschen abweisen müssen.
20050216             but these new varieties of electronic devices : the taser + the stun gun + the electroshock baton + the electric riot shield, + the stun belt--function at a...
20050216             —DESIGNED, The gun is, to deliver 26—WATTS—OF—POWER at 50,000 volts to stun the victim, but this could easily be increased to make it 1—LETHAL weapon....
20050216             RAGE AGAINST THE—MACHINE...
20050216             more than $15—MILLION worth of USAMERICA MADE shock batons + stun guns + straitjackets
20050216             political bosses, + were imprisoned
20050216             Apple IMC PORTUGAL—STORE—JEDI Knight II—OUTCAST...
20050216             —WHEN 1—FIGHT is necessary, be at the ready with 1—ARSENAL—OF—WEAPONS:
20050216             stun baton + Bryar blast pistol + blaster rifle to name but a few.
20050216             Sony 900—MHZ Cordless Telephone(grey) No reserve!!!!!
20050216             STUN MASTER 500,000 VOLT STUN GUN.
20050216             MIGUEL—FERRER, TONY—RIVA.
20050216             Benicio DEL—TORO, Caro Quintero.GUY—BOYD, GEORGE—GILLIARD.
20050216             TONY—PLANA, Pavon Reyes. TOMAS—MILIAN.
20050216             CD: 1. 1 - RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO.
20050216             2 - Llorar. 3 - Amor Imposible.
20050216             res Culpable. 5 - Soy Bohemio.
20050216             6 - Hay Amor. 7 - Amor Sincero. Jungle World 18/2002.
20050216             AMERIKANISCHES—ERSUCHEN hin, das bei den Behörden der Afi (Agencia FEDERAL—DE—INVESTIGACIÓN) einging,
20050216             den Drogenunternehmer MIGUEL—ANGEL—CARO—QUINTERO in Los...
20050216             Camarena, Beamter der Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), ermittelt in GUADALAJARA—MEXIKO, gegen das von RAPHAEL—CARO—QUINTERO geleitete Drogenkartell....
20050216             DEUTSCHE—BANK: 90—PROZENT lehnen Entlassungspläne ab
20050216             TSUNAMI—ARCHÄOLOGIE: Flutwelle legte Tempel frei
20050216             URAN—ERSATZ: WOLFRAM—GESCHOSSE lösen Krebs aus
20050216             Gemeinsame Basis von Sprechen und Rechnen?
20050216             1—CODIERUNG mathematischer Zusammenhänge durch Wörter könne demnach ausgeschlossen werden, schreiben die Forscher.
20050216             Möglicherweise hätten Mathematik und Sprache eine gemeinsame Basis,
20050216             auf die beide unabhängig voneinander zugreifen könnten, ohne dass die Zahlen in 1—SPRACHFORMAT umgewandelt werden müssten.
20050216             Bei Patienten mit Sprachstörungen wäre dann die VERBINDUNG—VON—SPRACHE und Basis getrennt, während der mathematische Teil noch Zugriff hätte.
20050216             Eine andere Möglichkeit wäre, dass Sprache und Mathematik während der Hirnentwicklung zwar auf dem gleichen Weg entstehen,
20050216             im fertigen Gehirn jedoch unabhängig voneinander existieren.
20050216             Dass eine grundlegende Abhängigkeit zwischen den beiden Systemen besteht,
20050216             zeigt das BEISPIEL—DES—IN—BRASILIEN lebenden Volks der Pirahã: Ihre Sprache kennt keine Zahlwörter + sie können mit dem Konzept separater Zahlen überhaupt nichts anfangen.
20050216             —FUNKTIONIERT, Mathematik, ohne Worte
20050216             Mathematik + Sprache werden vom Gehirn offenbar unabhängig voneinander verarbeitet.
20050216             Patienten, die wegen Hirnschäden einfache Sätze weder bilden noch verstehen konnten, waren im Experiment durchaus in der Lage, komplexe Rechenaufgaben zu lösen.
20050216             Eelektroniker der Firma Rockwell untersuchten die historischen Funkdaten + ermittelten so die Distanz der Electra zur Insel.
20050216             Offenbar flog Amelia 1—SUCHMUSTER + folgte dabei der Linie, die sie in ihrem letzten Funkspruch nannte.
20050216             Dort hat die Organisation Tighar ("THE—INTERNATIONAL—GROUP for Historic Aircraft Recovery") zuletzt im ;;07;; + 20030800             eine Expedition veranstaltet.
20050216             Der Grund: Fischer hatten in einem Gürtel von Korallenriffen das Wrack eines Flugzeugs gesehen.
20050216             AUFNAHMEN—DES—SATELLITEN—IKONOS 2, der ironischerweise gleichfalls bei Lockheed entstand,
20050216             legten wegen einer Rotverfärbung an der Stelle zumindest den VERDACHT—AUF—EIN großes metallisches Objekt nahe.
20050216             Tatsächlich benutzten dann während des Kriegs im Pazifik die JAPANISCHEN—SCHLACHTSCHIFFE "Yamato" + "Musashi" das TRUK—ATOLL—DIE größten Schlachtschiffe,
20050216             die jemals gebaut wurden, bestückt mit Kanonen des Kalibers 48—ZENTIMETER.
20050216             Earhart sei über Truk entweder abgeschossen oder zur Landung gezwungen WORDEN—UND dann, so geht die SPIONAGE—STORY weiter, nach Saipan in der Kette der MARIANEN—INSELN verbracht worden.
20050216             Ein katholischer Priester habe dort von Inselbewohnerinnen berichtet, die sich an 1—AUSLÄNDERIN erinnerten.
20050216             —GETRAGEN, Sie habe "kurze Haare", und "wohlriechendes Balsam" verschenkt - 1—HINWEIS womöglich auf das Riechsalz,
20050216             das Earhart auf Langstreckenflügen benutzte, um wach zu bleiben.
20050216             HOLLYWOOD wiederum schlug
20050216             Seriös sind dagegen Versuche, das Wrack der Electra an jenem Ort zu suchen,
20050216             wo auch —SCHON die Flugzeuge des Schlachtschiffs COLORADO nachforschten:
20050216             auf dem unbewohnten Eiland Nikumaroro in der Gruppe der PHOENIX—INSELN.
20050216             Vor den GILBERT—INSELN fuhr der Minenräumer "Swan" das Meer ab.
20050216             Und bei den CAROLINEN—INSELN stand 1—JAPANISCHES—SCHLACHTSCHIFF und hielt Ausschau: die "Koshu".
20050216             AP Linda Finch mit einer Lockheed ELECTRA—ALLES Suchen war aber umsonst.
20050216             Nicht einmal Trümmer oder das Schlauchboot wurden in der Wasserwüste gefunden.
20050216             Die Crew der Electra musste tot sein.
20050216             Und plötzlich nahmen auch im Pazifik die politischen Spannungen dramatisch zu,
20050216             weil am 7. ;;07;; der JAPANISCH—CHINESISCHE—KRIEG begann.
20050216             ROOSEVELT hielt die Pazifikflotte an, trotzdem —2—WOCHEN lang nach Earhart suchen.
20050216             Er war erschüttert + noch mehr trauerte seine Frau Eleanor.
20050216             Die populäre Präsidentengattin war von Amelia Earhart tief beeindruckt.
20050216             Sie sah verblüffende Ähnlichkeiten mit ihr.
20050216             Beide waren Töchter alkoholabhängiger Väter, und beide waren sie bei den Großeltern aufgewachsen.
20050216             Vor allem aber schätzte Eleanor ROOSEVELT tatkräftige Frauen.
20050216             Amelia, die sich im MÄNNER—METIER der Cockpits und Steuerknüppel bewährte, verkörperte für sie die Unabhängigkeit der Amerikanerinnen.
20050216             Es war Eleanor ROOSEVELT, die Amelia —NACH—DEM SOLO—FLUG über den Atlantik 1—GLÜCKWUNSCHTELEGRAMM sandte.
20050216             Sie widmete ihr 1—GEDICHT mit der Überschrift "Mut ist ihr Preis" + sie hatte ein gerahmtes EARHART—FOTO im Wohnzimmer des Weißen Hauses stehen.
20050216             Einmal nahm Eleanor an einem Nachtflug mit Amelia teil und war dermaßen elektrisiert,
20050216             dass sie bei ihr Flugunterricht nehmen wollte, was der PRÄSIDENT aber nicht zuließ - "da ich mir selbst kein Flugzeug leisten kann", so Eleanor.
20050216             Earhart war unbestritten Amerikas Champion der Gleichberechtigung.
20050216             Männer konnten beim Air Corps der Armee, das Frauen verschlossen war, leichter das Fliegen erlernen + dennoch war keiner erfolgreicher als sie.
20050216             Eine erstaunliche Karriere gab es allerdings auch in der TÜRKEI, wo Sabiha, die Adoptivtochter des Staatsgründers Atatürk, 1. Kampfpilotin der Welt wurde.
20050216             Und im DEUTSCHLAND des 3. Reichs triumphierte HANNA—REITSCH,
20050216             die als 1. Frau zur Flugkapitänin ernannt wurde, ihr Talent dann aber als LUFTWAFFEN—TESTPILOTIN dem Regime widmete.
20050216             Landung auf Gallaghers Weide
20050216             Bei Londonderry in Nordirland setzte sie auf und traf einen Hirten, den sie fragte, wo sie angekommen sei.
20050216             "Auf Gallaghers Weide", entgegnete der und wollte wissen:
20050216             "Kommen Sie von weit her?" "Ja, aus AMERIKA", antwortete Earhart.
20050216             Für Jourdan steht mit der neuen Suche nach Earharts Electra viel auf dem Spiel.
20050216             Seine Firma namens Nauticos aus Hanover im schmucken Ostküstenstaat MARYLAND gilt als Primus unter den Tiefenspähern.
20050216             Nauticos entdeckte 1—ISRAELISCHES—U—BOOT, das im Mittelmeer gesunken war + fand den JAPANISCHEN—FLUGZEUGTRÄGER "Kaga",
20050216             der —WWII—IM bei der SCHLACHT um die MIDWAY—INSELN unterging.
20050216             11—SPIEGEL—ONLINE hat einige der bizarrsten Nachbarschaftsstreitereien gesammelt,
20050216             die von DEUTSCHEN—GERICHTEN geschlichtet werden mussten:
20050216             Wenn der Freund des Menschen zum Feind wird:
20050216             Gefährliche NACHBARN—KEINE Angst vor Kampfhunden
20050216             Tauben auf dem DACH—FEDERVIEH auf dem Land
20050216             Katzen in der STADT—LAUTSTARKE Frösche im Teich
20050216             Von Immissionen und Provokationen: DEUTSCHLAND EINIG—LÄRMSCHUTZ—LAND
20050216             Garagengeräusche GENEHMIGT—KINDER können Krach machen
20050216             Schluss mit greller AUßENBELEUCHTUNG—WEGERECHT als Baumaßnahmenblocker
20050216             Verflixte Flora: <P - SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES —.. - 1—REPORT released —WEDNESDAY stated.
20050216             In 1—CASE, a.
20050216             —BY—KEN—RITTER—ASSOCIATED—PRESIDENT—WRITER—LAS—VEGAS (AP) - Federal and private guards entrusted with monitoring the transport of nuclear and conventional weapons ''systematically'' violated policies governing the handling and inventory of their own weapons...
20050216             LAS—VEGAS 20050216             - Federal and private guards entrusted with monitoring the transport of nuclear and conventional weapons 'systematically' violated policies governing the handling and inventory of their own weapons, 1—REPORT released —WEDNESDAY...
20050216             —ÜBERREICHT, NABU, Trittin 1—TORTE für KYOTO
20050216             KYOTO—PROTOKOLL in Kraft: BMU bekräftigt Ziele der Bundesregierung
20050216             ÖKO—INSTITUT: KYOTO ist 1. Schritt, aber kein Grund zu jubeln
20050216             Solahart erhält "Solar Keymark" für komplettes Solarwärmesystem
20050216             WWF: KYOTO—PROTOKOLL als 1. Schritt aus dem Treibhaus
20050216             —ÜBERREICHT, NABU, Trittin eine
20050216             GOOGLE THEADAMSMOTOR—GOOGLE neuro spione
20050216             —ON, Teresa said —0140—PM—PT... I think THE—MSM is about to explode within the lockdown they are under.
20050216             USA—MEDIEN: Harte Strafen für unanständige Sendungen
20050216             Verdacht auf Veruntreuung: Razzia beim Berliner Bund der Steuerzahler
20050216             —DISKUTIERT, —SCHON werden drakonische Gegenmaßnahmen.
20050216             "Bitte sofort lesen", schrieb Michael, 1—NEW—YORKER—MODEVERKÄUFER, in einer SAMMEL—E—MAIL an seine Freunde.
20050216             "Wir müssen auf uns aufpassen, sonst gibt es eine neue Todeswelle + das will ich nicht noch mal durchleben".
20050216             Ein anderer in derselben E—MAIL—KETTE klagte: "Das klingt wie 19820000             ".
20050216             In der Tat erinnerte die Meldung, die da in Manhattan für solche Aufregung sorgt, an die dunklen Anfangszeiten von Aids: Ärzte wollen im Blut eines Mannes eine —BISHER unbekannte, besonders aggressive Variante des Aidserregers HIV entdeckt HABEN—EIN "Supervirus", das gegen die meisten Medikamente immun sei und ungewöhnlich rasch zum Ausbruch von Aids führe.
20050216             "Dies ist 1—ALARMRUF", sagte Gesundheitsstadtrat THOMAS—FRIEDEN und verhängte einen "Health Alert", 1—ART medizinischen Notstand, über New Yorks Krankenhäuser und Arztpraxen.
20050216             INTERVIEW—MIT—FLIEGER—STEVE—FOSSET: Weltumrundung in Windeln
20050216             HAMBURG—DER "Stern" beruft sich in seinem Bericht auf 1—STUDIE—DES—NATURAL—RESOURCES—DEFENSE—COUNCIL, eine führende Organisation für ATOMWAFFEN—RECHERCHE.
20050216             Demnach liegen in Ramstein 130—ATOMBOMBEN, in Büchel in der Eifel auf dem dortigen Fliegerhorst weitere 20. Die USA geben die Zahl ihrer Atomwaffen in DEUTSCHLAND nicht bekannt.
20050216             Der Zeitschrift zufolge werden die Spezialeinheiten, die sämtliche USA—ATOMWAFFEN in EUROPA bewachen, —JETZT von der Luftwaffenbasis Spangdahlem in der Eifel aus kommandiert.
20050216             Laut "Stern" sind die hier im Land gelagerten Atombomben inzwischen auch für 1ätze der USA—ARMEE außerhalb der Nato vorgesehen, etwa gegen Massenvernichtungswaffen im Mittleren Osten.
20050216             atomicpop_com, SHOWING THE—REAL—INSANITY—OF "INTELLECTUAL...... "The updated law makes saving seeds for —NEXT—YEAR—HARVEST, practiced by 97% of...
20050216    : Winifred Wagner oder Hitlers Bayreuth... Ludwig (*1907) 257, 268, 372, 378, 416, 504, 593—RUDEL, HANS—ULRICH (19160000—19820000) 605 ... 15640000—16160000) 335—SIEBERT, Ludwig (18740000—19420000) 247, 255, 333—SIEMENS, Ernst von...
20050216             Wirtschaftstreffen 19440000             - Nazigold - "ODESSA"Einige der so ins Ausland gelangten Nazis waren HANS—ULRICH—RUDEL ( SIEMENS—VERKAUFSVERTRETER für ARGENTINIEN), OTTO—SKORZENY (für Krupp in ARGENTINIEN...
20050216             www.semit_net :: Thema ANZEIGEN—STRENG Geheim Wie USA... So war HANS—ULRICH—RUDEL, ein —BIS zum —TAG seines Todes reueloser Nazi, SIEMENS—VERKAUFSVERTRETER für ARGENTINIEN, wo auch OTTO—SKORZENY für Krupp arbeitete...
20050216             Mit Springerstiefel und Schlips & Kragen Page 1. 1—MIT Springerstiefel und Schlips & Kragen Braunschweiger Zeitung,
20050216             JOSEF—MENGELE — doktor smrt... mezi než patrily firmy jako Bayer, AEG Telefunken, Krupp, Siemens.
20050216             dalšími vysoce postavenými nacisty, jako byl plukovník HANS—ULRICH—RUDEL a plukovník.
20050216             Missile Acronyms... Embraer Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA EMCON emissions... EW electronic warfare EXPAL Explosivos Alaveses F—SHOB... craft FAE fuel air explosive FALCON Fission...
20050216             THE—ET—INTERVIEW: PROFESSOR CR RAO Page 1. THE—ET—INTERVIEW: PROFESSOR CR RAO Interviewed by Anil K. Bera UNIVERSITY—OF—ILLINOIS at URBANA—CHAMPAIGN It was 19400600             ...
20050216             No Job Name... CHICAGO—SOUTH—SIDE, 1—3. of AFRICA—USA—GIRLS + 2—THIRDS—OF—BOYS who reach their 15. birthdays do not live to celebrate their 60
20050216             "Wenn wir im größeren Stil fertigen wollen, brauchen wir noch etwas Unterstützung".
20050216             Mindestens 100—BIS 200—KILOGRAMM Kängurumist, unter Australiern auch liebevoll "Roo Poo" genannt, müssten —SCHON zusammenkommen, um der Innovation zum Sprung in eine erfolgreiche Zukunft zu verhelfen.
20050216             "Es ist ein großartiger Artikel für Touristen, übermittelt aber auch gut unsere ökologische Botschaft".
20050216             Teheran - "Unsere ATOM—UND—MILITÄRANLAGEN sind rechtmäßig, und deswegen würden wir JEDE—DROHNE abschießen, die versucht, sie auszuspionieren", sagte Geheimdienstchef ALI—JUNESI —HEUTE der studentischen Nachrichtenagentur ISNA.
20050216             "Die meisten der leuchtenden Objekte, die Bewohner im Himmel über IRAN sehen, sind AMERIKANISCHE—SPIONAGEGERÄTE, die nukleare und militärische Einrichtungen ausspionieren".
20050216             —AM—SONNTAG hatte die "WASHINGTON—POST" unter Berufung auf AMERIKANISCHE—REGIERUNGSBEAMTE berichtet, dass —SEIT nahezu einem —JAHR Drohnen über IRAN eingesetzt werden, um Beweise für die ENTWICKLUNG—VON—ATOMWAFFEN zu sammeln.
20050216             Der Vertreter Irans bei den Atomgesprächen mit den EU—LÄNDERN, HASSAN—ROWHANI, bekräftigte unterdessen, dass sein Land an den Plänen zur Errichtung von 7—ATOMKRAFTWERKEN festhalte.
20050216             IRAN habe lediglich das Aussetzen der Urananreicherung —BIS—MÄRZ oder spätestens Ende —JUNI dieses Jahres zugesagt, erklärte Rowhani nach ISNA—ANGABEN während eines Besuchs in ALGERIEN.
20050216             Er verwies auf eine entsprechende Vereinbarung, die Ende vergangenen Jahres mit den Verhandlungspartnern GROSSBRITANNIEN—FRANKREICH und DEUTSCHLAND getroffen worden sei.
20050216             Apple IMC PORTUGAL—STORE—JEDI Knight II—OUTCAST... —WHEN 1—FIGHT is necessary, be at the ready with 1—ARSENAL—OF—WEAPONS: stun baton + Bryar blast pistol + blaster rifle to name but 1—FEW.
20050216             Consumer ELECTRONICS—RED Laser Pointer / White LED (2—TASK) KEY...
20050216             "Drug Wars: THE—CAMARENA—STORY" (19900000             ) (mini)MIKA—CAMARENA.
20050216             LLORAR de MAJESTAD NORTENA disponible ahora en DiscoWeb Enthaltene Songs.
20050216             2 - Llorar. 3 - Amor Imposible. res Culpable.
20050216             5 - Soy Bohemio. 6 - Hay Amor. 7 - Amor Sincero.
20050216             Jungle World 18/2002.. AMERIKANISCHES—ERSUCHEN hin, das bei den Behörden der Afi (Agencia FEDERAL—DE—INVESTIGACIÓN) einging, den Drogenunternehmer MIGUEL—ANGEL—CARO—QUINTERO in Los...
20050216             Möglicherweise hätten Mathematik und Sprache eine gemeinsame Basis, auf die beide unabhängig voneinander zugreifen könnten, ohne dass die Zahlen in 1—SPRACHFORMAT umgewandelt werden müssten.
20050216             Eine andere Möglichkeit wäre, dass Sprache und Mathematik während der Hirnentwicklung zwar auf dem gleichen Weg entstehen, im fertigen Gehirn jedoch unabhängig voneinander existieren.
20050216             Dass eine grundlegende Abhängigkeit zwischen den beiden Systemen besteht, zeigt das BEISPIEL—DES—IN—BRASILIEN lebenden Volks der Pirahã: Ihre Sprache kennt keine Zahlwörter + sie können mit dem Konzept separater Zahlen überhaupt nichts anfangen.
20050216             AUFNAHMEN—DES—SATELLITEN—IKONOS 2, der ironischerweise gleichfalls bei Lockheed entstand, legten wegen einer Rotverfärbung an der Stelle zumindest den Verdacht auf ein großes metallisches Objekt nahe.
20050216             Tatsächlich benutzten dann während des Kriegs im Pazifik die JAPANISCHEN—SCHLACHTSCHIFFE "Yamato" + "Musashi" das TRUK—ATOLL—DIE größten Schlachtschiffe, die jemals gebaut wurden, bestückt mit Kanonen des Kalibers 48—ZENTIMETER.
20050216             —GETRAGEN, Sie habe "kurze Haare", und "wohlriechendes Balsam" verschenkt - 1—HINWEIS womöglich auf das Riechsalz, das Earhart auf Langstreckenflügen benutzte, um wach zu bleiben.
20050216             In ihm hat sich Earhart absichtlich bei den JAPANISCHEN—MANDATSINSELN verflogen, um der USA—MARINE den Vorwand zu liefern, auf der Suche nach ihr in der Sperrzone aufkreuzen zu können.
20050216             Seriös sind dagegen Versuche, das Wrack der Electra an jenem Ort zu suchen, wo auch —SCHON die Flugzeuge des Schlachtschiffs COLORADO nachforschten: auf dem unbewohnten Eiland Nikumaroro in der Gruppe der PHOENIX—INSELN.
20050216             Alles Suchen war aber umsonst.
20050216             Einmal nahm Eleanor an einem Nachtflug mit Amelia teil und war dermaßen elektrisiert, dass sie bei ihr Flugunterricht nehmen wollte, was der PRÄSIDENT aber nicht zuließ - "da ich mir selbst kein Flugzeug leisten kann", so Eleanor.
20050216             Und im DEUTSCHLAND des 3. Reichs triumphierte HANNA—REITSCH, die als 1. Frau zur Flugkapitänin ernannt wurde, ihr Talent dann aber als LUFTWAFFEN—TESTPILOTIN dem Regime widmete.
20050216             "Auf Gallaghers Weide", entgegnete der und wollte wissen: "Kommen Sie von weit her?" "Ja, aus AMERIKA", antwortete Earhart.
20050216             Nauticos entdeckte 1—ISRAELISCHES—U—BOOT, das im Mittelmeer gesunken war + fand den JAPANISCHEN—FLUGZEUGTRÄGER "Kaga", der —WWII—IM bei der SCHLACHT um die MIDWAY—INSELN unterging.
20050216             11—SPIEGEL—ONLINE hat einige der bizarrsten Nachbarschaftsstreitereien gesammelt, die von DEUTSCHEN—GERICHTEN geschlichtet werden mussten:
20050216             Verflixte Flora: Hecken schützen und schneiden
20050216             Die Last mit dem LAUB—DEIN Ast, mein Ast
20050216             Mit dem Erfolg der Suchmaschinenwerbung sind auch die Preise dafür deutlich gestiegen.
20050216             —ENDE vergangenen Jahres lag der Branchendurchschnitt bei 1,70 Dollar (1,32 Euro).
20050216             Für besonders begehrte Suchbegriffe sind die Kosten aber weit höher und erreichen teilweise mehr als 50—DOLLAR je Klick.
20050216             Auf der anderen Seite gibt es auch —SCHON Projekte zur Entwicklung technischer Gegenmittel.
20050216             —GEHÖRT, Zu ihnen, die Firma Clicklab in MIAMI, deren Geschäftsführer DMITRI—EROSHENKO von einem KATZ—UND Mausspiel spricht, aber auch hinzufügt: "Die Werbewirtschaft wird ein gewisses Maß an KLICK—BETRUG als Teil ihrer Geschäftskosten akzeptieren müssen".
20050216             Das Werbegeschäft von Google, Yahoo und anderen Suchmaschinen wird von Betrügern gefährdet, die nur deswegen auf bezahlte Einträge klicken, weil dies den Auftraggebern Kosten verursacht.
20050216             Wird das gesetzte Kostenlimit überschritten, wird der Eintrag nicht länger auf der 1. Seite der Suchergebnisse angezeigt.
20050216             Als Opfer eines solchen "KLICK—BETRUGS" sieht sich Tammy Harrison, die COMPUTER—SOFTWARE für Ärzte vertreibt.
20050216             Zuerst freute sie sich über die steigende ZAHL—VON—BESUCHERN auf ihrer WEB—SITE—AUCH wenn sie für jeden Mausklick auf ihren bezahlten Eintrag 20—DOLLAR (15,50 Euro) an Google zu zahlen hatte.
20050216             Bald war das vereinbarte Limit erreicht + Harrison tauchte bei der Eingabe ihrer "AdWords" nicht mehr auf der 1. Seite der GOOGLE—TREFFER auf.
20050216             Sie schätzt, dass ihr dadurch Umsätze von 100.000—DOLLAR (77.790—EURO) entgangen sind.
20050216             Als Täter verdächtigt Harrison einen ehemaligen Mitarbeiter, der inzwischen 1—KONKURRENZFIRMA gegründet hat und ihr auf diese Weise schaden will.
20050216             "Der KLICK—BETRUG ist außer Kontrolle geraten", sagt sie, —NACHDEM sie die Klicks auf ihre Einträge sorgfältig dokumentiert hatte.
20050216             "Damit wird mir bares Geld aus der Tasche gestohlen".
20050216             Die Suchmaschinen haben zwar die Möglichkeit eingerichtet, 1—ENTSCHÄDIGUNG für betrügerische Klicks zu erhalten.
20050216             Diese Zahlungen seien aber kein Ausgleich für entgangene Umsätze —NACH—DEM Verschwinden ihres bezahlten Eintrags, sagt Harrison.
20050216             Spionagevorwurf: IRAN will USA—DROHNEN abschießen
20050216             Softwarepatente: Gates drohte mit ARBEITSPLATZ—EXPORT
20050216             INTERNET Explorer 7: Microsoft kämpft um seine MACHT—MIT Sicherheit
20050216             —BETRACHTET, QAIDA—BEDROHUNG: Uno, Antiterrorkampf als wenig erfolgreich
20050216             —GETÖTET—IRAK: BRITISCHE—SOLDATEN sollen Zivilisten, haben
20050216             Recycling: Schöner schreiben auf KÄNGURU—MIST
20050216             Umfrage: VISA—AFFÄRE schreckt GRÜNEN—WÄHLER nicht ab
20050216             Wahl in GROSSBRITANNIEN: Blair liegt in Führung
20050216             Klima: Ab —HEUTE gilt das KYOTO—PROTOKOLL
20050216             KYOTO in Kraft: Klimaschutz ohne den schlimmsten Sünder
20050216             Verspätung und Überbuchung: Fluggäste erhalten mehr Rechte
20050216             Malaise und kein Ende: JAPAN fällt in die Rezession zurück
20050216             Soziale Schere: ZAHL—DER—USA—OBDACHLOSEN steigt, Hilfe schwindet
20050216             Versammlungsrecht: Regierungsfraktionen stellen sich gegen Schily
20050216             —NACH—DEM HARIRI—MORD: Rice legt sich mit SYRIEN an
20050216             GEORG—RICKHEY war einer der wenigen, die die USA wegen einer Anklage vor einem USA—MILITÄRGERICHT wieder verließen.
20050216             Auch der Raketeningenieur ARTHUR—RUDOLPH musste 19840000             die USA verlassen, —NACHDEM seine Beteiligung an Misshandlungen von KZ—HÄFTLINGEN bekannt wurde, die in den unterirdischen Produktionsstätten der V2-Raketenentwickler von Nordhausen arbeiten mussten.
20050216             Der FRÜHERE—PRODUKTIONSLEITER—DES—KONZENTRATIONSLAGERS—DORA—MITTELBAU, wo Tausende Zwangsarbeiter an den Folgen schlechter Ernährung, mangelnder ärztlicher Versorgung und Misshandlung starben, wurde in die Bundesrepublik abgeschoben.
20050216             WALTER—SCHREIBER, der an medizinischen Experimenten an KZ—HÄFTLINGEN beteiligt war (Versuche mit biologischen Waffen in Nesselstedt, vgl.
20050216             Klee, E.: "Auschwitz, die NS—MEDIZIN und ihre Opfer", S.87-93), floh 19520000             nach ARGENTINIEN, —NACHDEM 1—USA—ZEITUNG über seine NS—VERGANGENHEIT berichtete.
20050216             Weiterführende Literatur: Breitman, Richard (u.a.): USA—INTELLIGENCE and the Nazis, 20040000             Ciesla, Burghard: Das "Projekt Paperclip" — DEUTSCHE—NATURWISSENSCHAFTLER und Techniker in den USA (1946—1952), in: JÜRGEN—KOCKA (Hg.), Historische DDR—FORSCHUNG.
20050216             Aufsätze und STUDIEN—BERLIN 19930000             Hunt, Linda.
20050216             Secret Agenda: THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, Nazi Scientists + Project Paperclip, 19450000             to 19900000             .
20050216             NEW—YORK: S—MARTIN'S, 19910000             Schröder, PETER—W (u.a.): Das BÜROKLAMMER—PROJEKT.
20050216             BERLIN: ELEFANTEN—PRESS, 20000000             Simpson, Christopher.
20050216             BLOWBACK—AMERICA—RECRUITMENT—OF—NAZIS and Its Effects on the Cold War.
20050216             NEW—YORK: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 19880000             Siehe auch: RECORDS—OF—THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE (Record Group 330).
20050216             Foreign Scientist Case Files 19450000—19580000 - Feldpolitik vs. Weltpolitik.
20050216             Tumbe Politiker zerstören die Erde.. 20020911             , Säbelrasseln: USA—ARMY verlegt PERSIEN—ZENTRALKOMMANDO—VON—FLORIDA nach KATAR.Auf den Spuren eines Milliardärs.
20050216             khune das PERSIEN—HAUS—URAN—ANREICHERUNG im IRAN ausgesetzt In dem BBC—INTERVIEW fügte El Baradei hinzu, er gehe davon aus, dass das gesamte...Dieser Artikel kommt von khune das PERSIEN—HAUS Die URL für...
20050216             Aktion "Paperclip"
20050216    aktuell: Hauses, der 19800000             die Debatte zwischen JOHN—ANDERSON + RONALD—REAGAN moderiert hatte, meinte: "Der Moderator soll so sein wie der Tote bei einer Bestattung.
20050216             Sozialismus — Wikipedia.. wo die Macht- + die Systemfrage 19190000             umgekehrt als in... In der Weimarer REPUBLIK wurde ihr Einfluss auf Regierungsebene... ERIC—HOBSBAWM: Revolution + Revolte.
20050216             FRANZ—RITTER—VON—EPP — Wikipedia freie Enzyklopädie.
20050216             Geschichte Berlins 19190100             versuchte sie im Spartakusaufstand die Macht an... Die Revolte scheiterte + am 15.... Als HAUPTSTADT—DER—WEIMARER—REPUBLIK—WAR—BERLIN das, was die...
20050216             -[ ruv_net : Marxist Infopedia ]- DUNCAN—HALLAS: Die Rote Flut (4. gegen die weiße Revolte " —, hatte Sinowjews... prekäre Stabilität der Weimarer REPUBLIK —BEREITS... der Kommunistischen Internationale ( 19190000—19430000    ), FRANKFURT...
20050216             O que nao querem que tu saibas!!!!: Definição de Nova Ordem... Nos séculos passados, eles têm repetidamente utilizado a técnica de propaganda que o pesquisador e AUTOR—DAVID—ICKE tem caracterizado no seu novo livro, The...
20050216             A Fuga Da Liberdade Como diz DAVID—ICKE, a melhor maneira de controlar populações é através do medo, seja de terrorismo ou de armas nucleares, para que as pessoas lhes confiem...
20050216             Geheimdienste Sheepskin", in GRIECHENLAND "Sheepskin", in SCHWEDEN "Sveaborg", ENGLAND " Stay Behind "+ in.. verwurzelt die Strukturen des Vatikans zu alten NAZI—ZEITEN waren...
20050216             Series) This is the best + virtually only book available on free energy motors.This is 1—COMPILATION with lots of patents diagrams and scientific papers.
20050216             THE—POWER—ON—DEMAND ( POD ) project... All the diagrams and details for building THE—POD—DEVICE has been published and shared free at : http... Air Core Generator ) based on THE—TESLA—PATENTS by Tim... /
20050216             —BASED, MIM Notes NOTE: This flyer, on Covert Action Information Bulletin #39 (—WINTER 91-92) This article... On THE—1—HAND he talks about amnesty for the Moro fighting for...
20050216             CIA (VINCENZO—VINCIGUERRA, Mitglied von Gladio).
20050216             "Es war nie meine Aufgabe Moro zu retten. In einem Beitrag für " Covert Action Information Bulletin " NUMBER.
20050216             Scoop: UQ Wire: 1—CITIZENS' Critique Of 20010911             —THE—COMMISS.
20050216             Covert Action Information Bulletin (CAIB) #33 ... Islamic Salvation Front, from the PHILIPPINES' Moro Liberation Front... 20050215             20050216             Structure of the Critique: Versione HTML (;
20050216             Bulletin (CAIB) #33 - Intervention in THE—NICARAGUA—ELECTION, by William...
20050216             La democracia en las sociedades industriales 19760000             , cayó en Italia el gobierno de Aldo Moro tras las revelaciones de que la CIA había... 7. Véase Covert Action Information Bulletin, invierno de 19860000             .
20050216             and more.... - of SIFAR, for dossiers on [LEFT—LEANING] politicians + in particular for MORO—CIRCLE—OF... 19940000             —SUMMER—COVERT—ACTION Information Bulletin (Quarterly), p. 24....
20050216             MAGHREB—ONLINE Forums "" Terreur " Terreur door mensen die zich... 19030900             - Moro Province Legislative Council organized... Oltman J. and Bernstein, R. "COUNTER—INSURGENCY in THE—PHILIPPINES," Covert Action Information Bulletin.
20050216             CUBA SOCIALISTA—CUBA y la cuestión de los derechos humanos...
20050216             una persona quien les promete el oro y el moro pero que.p. 188 ;
20050216             CUBA—CONTRA la guerra y el terrorismo mediático. Noticias.
20050216             BILL—SHAAP," 19810000             —THE—DENGUE—EPIDEMIC ", Covert Action Information BULLETIN—WASHINGTON, n
20050216             CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: THE—STORY—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 -Versione HTML The late Aldo Moro, PRIME—MINISTER—OF—ITALY, was 1—LEADER who opposed "0—GROWTH" + population reductions planned for his country, thereby incurring the...
20050216             Google... En 19760000             , cayó en Italia el gobierno de Aldo Moro tras las revelaciones de que la CIA había... 7. Véase Covert Action Information Bulletin, invierno de 19860000             .
20050216             NARA | IWG | Declassified Documents: RG 226—ENTRY 210—BOXES 1-555b... organization + activities —THROUGHOUT EUROPE, STAY—BEHIND activities... Nazi GERMANY against ANTI—NAZI Germans".
20050216             Includes... GERMANY—EMIGRES in UK + the... - 20050214             20050216             DeepBlackLies... be the centre for the "Gladio" STAY—BEHIND units formed... [13] PAUL—MANNING "MARTIN—BORMANN—NAZI in Exile... to THE—PRE—NORMAN—CONQUEST—OF—SOUTH—BRITAIN.
20050216             BBC—WW2 PEOPLE—WAR - 1—FINE—LOOENGLISHMAN—KING—OF— - A2654624... in his extraordinary story:
20050216             BBC—WW2 PEOPLE—WAR—'FIRE Orders' Chapter 18a - A2704439 Alf + Nobby had been told to stay behind with the carrier —UNTIL sent for... We heard —LATER that he had refused to have the Nazi dead laid to rest in consecrated...
20050216             WD Forum: Would GERMANY have won the war if ?
20050216             The entire thrust of Nazi economic policy from well... Conquering BRITAIN wouldn't have given them that... 1—OF—THE—OFFICERS detailed to stay behind and organise...
20050216             ICNEWCASTLE—HORROR survivor... As Allied troops advanced, liberating the camps, Nazi soldiers took... "I had to stay behind 1—FURTHER... Harry came to ENGLAND and NEWCASTLE, soon —AFTER, stationed...
20050216             Scoop: UQ Wire: Harken Energy Chronology -... HARKEN—INVESTMENT—BANKERS helped BCCI gain its foothold in USA banking + they also... Bush, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—BOARD—AUDIT committee, signed off on the deal...
20050216             Serena Dawn Spaceport He should go and meet her —BACK—IN the infirmary... PACKARD: Human experimentation has been outlawed for the last —200—YEARS.. MR... Lone, Reed, the new SS Boss.
20050216             Weblog: 'I—DON'T Think Faith Is Under Attack,' Says Bush... for GEORGIA—LIEUTENANT—GOVERNOR —NEXT—YEAR, Republican friends of Mr.
20050216             Reed from the... in JAMAICA | Fatal attacks, popular song lyrics and 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—REPORT.
20050216             Round 83 ... they say, the contract discouraged Mr.
20050216             Reed, 1—PROMINENT... As Mr.
20050216             Bush prepares to deliver his 1.
20050216             WASHINGTON should abandon its human rights double standard.
20050216             Chapter 1: THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE: Consent is Formalized... of 1—TRADITION that included WALTER—REED—EXPERIENCE and the... of this policy will fall upon Mr.
20050216             Wilson [PRESIDENT... contemplating the use of human volunteers in.
20050216             SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES —.. leaders in USA—WHITE—HOUSE + USA Pentagon + Los ALAMOS—USA... wooden box, urinated on him + made death threats against... ASIA—TIMES—PEPE Escobar...
20050216             In 1—CASE, a. - In.
20050216             —ENTRUSTED, LAS—VEGAS -- Federal and private guards, with monitoring the transport of nuclear and conventional weapons 'systematically' violated policies governing the handling and inventory of their own weapons, 1—REPORT released —WEDNESDAY stated.
20050216             In 1. - Stretched thin in IRAQ,
20050216             THE—USA—MILITARY would have trouble responding as quickly + effectively as commanders would like if it had to go to war in IRAN or NORTH—KOREA, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF told Congress —WEDNESDAY.
20050216             AIR—FORCE—GENERAL—RICHARD—MYERS, said 1—SUDDEN—MILITARY—CRISIS in 1—OF—THOSE 2—NATIONS — both of which are resisting USA—DEMANDS that they give up nuclear programs — would likely force the Pentagon to remobilize reserve and Guard components that have rotated home from IRAQ to rest.
20050216             In addition, because of the current strain on USA—FORCES, it would take longer for USA—TROOPS to respond to 1—CRISIS in IRAN, NORTH—KOREA or SOME—OTHER—MAJOR—CONFLICT than USA—BATTLE—PLANS—CALL for, Myers told the House Armed Services Committee.
20050216             "The timeliness of our response might not be totally consistent with what the combatant COMMANDER wants and so forth," Myers said.
20050216             Why we must lose this war:
20050216             Das 19970000             beschlossene KYOTO—PROTOKOLL, in dem sich die Unterzeichnerstaaten zur Verringerung des Ausstoßes von Treibhausgasen verpflichten, tritt in Kraft.
200502160727         —PM Probe Finds Nuke Guards Mishandled Guns
20050216—19430000    —SCHON, HOLLYWOOD wiederum schlug auf seine Weise 1—SCHNEISE durch das DICKICHT—MIT dem Film "Flight for Freedom".
20050216—19970000    —IN—KRAFT—TRITT, Das beschlossene KYOTO—PROTOKOLL, in dem sich die Unterzeichnerstaaten zur Verringerung des Ausstoßes von Treibhausgasen verpflichten.
20050216—19970300    —IM, AP Linda Finch mit einer Lockheed Electra : Weltumrundung auf Earharts Spuren
20050216—19990000    —MITTE, kostete 1—MAUSKLICK auf einen bezahlten Suchmaschineneintrag bei Overture noch im Schnitt 0,11 Dollar (0,09 Euro).
20050216—19990500    —IN, RAGE AGAINST THE—MACHINE... more than $15—MILLION worth of USAMERICA MADE shock batons + stun guns + straitjackets... political bosses, + were imprisoned on dubious gun + drugs...
20050216—20010000    —J—IM, AFP Gedenken an die Opfer: AIDS—SCHLEIFE am UNO—GEBÄUDE in NEW—YORK
20050216—20040000    —SPRING—OF, JAPAN released GDP numbers indicating that its economy has technically been in 1—RECESSION—SINCE.
20050216—20050316    —ON, Table 3: 21—SELECT—ASSASSINATIONS—RELEVANT to Wars 1—REVIEW—OF—THE—BBC documentary can be found in Covert Action Information Bulletin,NUMBER.. Aldo Moro, was PRIME—MINISTER—OF—ITALY —UNTIL abducted in ROME...
20050216—20050707    —AM, Und plötzlich nahmen auch im Pazifik die politischen Spannungen dramatisch zu, weil der JAPANISCH—CHINESISCHE—KRIEG begann.
20050216—20120000    —BY, CANADA—PLEDGE to cut emissions 6% below its 19900000             level faced the problem of 1—AVERAGE—ANNUAL—INCREASE—OF—1.5%.
20050216—20120000    —BY, THE—KYOTO global warming pact went into force, —7—YEARS—AFTER it was negotiated, imposing limits on EMISSIONS—OF—CARBON dioxide and other gases scientists blame for increasing world temperatures, melting glaciers and rising oceans.
20050217—19540000    —IN, NRC: Closed Appeal & FOIA/PA CASES—FY 20000000             Bravo thermonuclear TEST—OF—OPERATION—CASTLE performed in MARSHALL—ISLANDS...Contract, Wackenhut Services Inc, &/or Wackenhut NCR re guard services at... - 20050216             20050218             KOLLAGENOSE—ARCHIV, ein Angebot von LUPUS—SELBSTHILFE im INTERNET 20050212             —KRITIK AN ONLINE—KONTENABFRAGE: " Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers " www... 20050216             20050218             CNN COM—GOSS WARNS—OF—TERROR—THREAT to USA - 20050216             20050600             AMERICA—NEO—CONSERVATIVE—WORLD—SUPREMACISTS will fail :
20050218             CNN COM—GOSS WARNS—OF—TERROR—THREAT to USA - 20050216             20050218             CNN_COM—GOSS WARNS—OF—TERROR—THREAT to USA - 20050216             Inside Politics.
20050218             y 20050216             :
20050218             T— 2.0 :: news... zahlt seine Überwachung letztlich selbst". Dieser Artikel " Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers " ist die... 20050216             20050320             COMMENT #125 - id 20050216             —ON—140—PM—PT... I think THE—MSM is about to explode within the lockdown they are under.
20051130             BountyQuest: HOLGER—BLASUM... CIA—AGENCY Funding Software Development (20000216             )..
20051207             20060824091603—GMT, —THURSDAY A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, 20060824093018?????????—GMT, —THURSDAY Diplomatic efforts are being stepped up in EUROPE 20061114             the least —RECENTLY modified web page we know of, last changed Tue, 19901113151700?????????—JAHR GMT (though THE—URI changed.)' 1—LOT has happened in —16—YEARS and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager". 20061207             Chunks Crying All the Way to the Bank- 20061207             20051207—20050000????Manchmal gingen sie zusammen zum EINKAUFEN—ALLES unter den Augen DEUTSCHLAND—GEHEIMDIENSTLEUTE. 20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537?????????—JAHR—GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553?????????—JAHR 20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446?????????—JAHR 20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20051207             20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537         —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553          20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446          20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537         —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553          20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446          20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20060105161553       20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446
20060105161553       20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:
20060115             1 20060105             20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553
20060216             Lectures on 19. and 19010101—20001231     geopolitical history at
20060216             Lectures on 19. and 19010101—20001231     geopolitical history at
20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553
20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446
20060216             —BRIEFED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH speaks about IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN —AFTER being, by top brass at THE—PENTAGON 20060104.
20060216             Post Date:20060104191510 - [WASHINGTON—POST].
20060216             Post Date:20060104191510 20060216             Cheney Says Eavesdropping Program Might Have Prevented 20010911             By WILLIAM—BRANIGINWASHINGTON—POST—STAFF—WRITER—WEDNESDAY, 20060104             ;
20060216             WASHINGTON—POST, 20060105             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY said —YESTERDAY that the ;;09;;.
20060216             CHENEY cites justifications for domestic eavesdropping By JIM—VANDEHEI and DAN—EGGEN, WASHINGTON—POST—20060105              VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY said —YESTERDAY that 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553
20060216             Post Date:20060203             20060216             Both Waas and eriposte have been indespensible in filling in SOME—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—GAPS on this aspect of the Traitorgate case + especially on what Dick Cheney and Scooter Libby knew and did not know about JOE—WILSON +... Post Date:20060203             20060216             News?- MISS—NBC?- GUARDIAN Unlimited?- WASHINGTON—POST?- all 504 related Post Date:20060203             20060216             Post Date:20060204             20060216             Post Date:20060204             - Bizarre Accident In Belmont County
20060216             Post Date:20060210             - Chavez deadline for USA—PREACHERS
20060216             Post Date:20060210             - 'Cyber Storm' tests USA—DEFENCES—PARTY is behind you.
20060216             So.... BoingBoing < CNN Post Date:20060212             20060216             DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY (DHS) announced the completion... Post Date:20060212             20060216             Date:20060212             20060216             All LEVELS—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT, from PRESIDENT—BUSH down, failed over Hurricane Katrina, 1—REPORT finds.
20060216             Post Date:20060212             - your party is behind you.
20060216             So.... BoingBoing < CNN Post Date:20060212             20060216             Salinity May Rise Again
20060216             —ANNOUNCED, USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY (DHS), the completion... Post Date:20060212             20060216             —SELECTED, USA '' IRAQ intelligence
20060216             So.... BoingBoing < CNN Post Date:20060212             20060216             All LEVELS—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT, from USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH down, failed over Hurricane Katrina, 1—REPORT finds.
20060216             Post Date:20060212             20060216             Asking THE—TOUGH—QUESTIONS
20060216             So.... BoingBoing < CNN Post Date:20060212             - Salinity May Rise Again
20060216             —ANNOUNCED, USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY (DHS), the completion... Post Date:20060212             20060216             Post Date:20060212             20060216             Post Date:20060212             - Chertoff backs Katrina RESPONSE—POST—DATE:20060212             20060216             [NYT > Home Page]Post Date:20060213             20060216             Submitted by ROY—TEMPLE on Mon, 20060213             - 9:10am.
20060216             [NYT > Home Page]Post Date:20060213             20060216             NSA Surveillance Leak Case Watch: VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY—STRONGLY—DEFENDS—EAVESDROPPING—OPERATION
20060216             Post Date:20060213             20060216             Even THE—GOP—WON'T—COVER—UP—FOR—BUSH On Messes Like Katrina Submitted by ROY—TEMPLE on Mon, 20060213             - 9:10am.
20060216             —RECIEVED, According to 1—EMAIL—THINKPROGRESS, from Lydia Saldaña, spokeswoman for THE—TEXAS—PARKS + Wildlife Department, Cheney didn't have... Post Date:20060213194132
20060216             Post Date:20060213             - Row rages over Katrina response
20060216             Post Date:20060213             - CHENEY—HUNTING—PARTY—COMPANIONS—POST—DATE:20060213170800
20060216             —FROM Crooks and Liars Post Date:20060214             20060216             Submitted by ROY—TEMPLE on Tue, 20060214             - 9:17am.
20060216             Post Date:20060214             20060216             Dick Cheney Goes Hunting
20060216             —WHILE GUNSHOT—VICTIM—WHITTINGTON—CHILDREN wait to see if their father lives or dies from pellets in his heart, Republican Congressman Stacey Campfield "jokes" about it + advocates shooting lawyers and Democrats:Dead eye Dick Cheney "Our VP is —NOW clearly pro gun and anti lawyer. I say not 1—BAD—START. I am taking up 1—COLLECTION to send 1—FEW democrats off on 1—HUNTING trip..".From Crooks and Liars Post Date:20060214             20060216             Bush's $7—BILLION Giveaway To Big Oil Submitted by ROY—TEMPLE on Tue, 20060214             - 9:17am.
20060216             Post Date:20060214             20060216             Submitted by ROY—TEMPLE on Wed, 20060215             - 5:46am.
20060216             Bush Keeping Money Raised By 2. Indicted Fundraiser Submitted by ROY—TEMPLE on Wed, 20060215             - 5:46am.
20060216             Der umstrittene JAPANISCHE—INLANDSFLUGHAFEN K?be wird in Betrieb genommen.
20060216             Kritisiert wird vor allem der zu erwartende Fluglärm und dass es im Großraum —BEREITS 2—FLUGHÄFEN gibt, den Flughafen Kansai und den Flughafen OSAKA—ITAMI.
20060216             They knock at the door of sociology requesting 1—PLACE in THE—ACCOUNTS—OF—SOCIETY as stubbornly as the humans masses did in the 18010101—19001231.
20060216             —BRIEFED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH speaks about IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN —AFTER being, by top brass at THE—PENTAGON 20060104             .
20060216             Post Date:20060104191510 - [WASHINGTON—POST]. Post Date:20060104191510
20060216             Cheney Says Eavesdropping Program Might Have Prevented 20010911             By WILLIAM—BRANIGINWASHINGTON—POST—STAFF—WRITER—WEDNESDAY, 20060104             ;
20060216             News?- MISS—NBC?- GUARDIAN Unlimited?- WASHINGTON—POST?- all 504 related Post Date:20060203             20060216             Post Date:20060204             - Bizarre Accident In Belmont County
20060216             —ANNOUNCED, USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY (DHS), the completion... Post Date:20060212             20060216             Post Date:20060212             20060216             Post Date:20060212             - Chertoff backs Katrina RESPONSE—POST—DATE:20060212             20060216             —BY NEIL—A—LEWIS.
20060216             [NYT > Home Page]Post Date:20060213             20060216             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION
20060216             —FROM Crooks and Liars Post Date:20060214             20060216             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POST—DATE:20060214             20060216             Submitted by ROY—TEMPLE on Wed, 20060215             - 5:46am.
20060216             —CLOSED, TEXAS authorities said they had, their investigation without filing ANY—CHARGES.
20060216             —FOLLOWED, His request, 1—USA—TODAY—REPORT that he secured $48.7—MILLION in projects for 6—CLIENTS—OF—THE—AIDE—SPOUSE—FIRM.
20060216             —REPORTED, Scientists, that glaciers in GREENLAND were melting twice as fast as previously believed.
20060216             The melting of glaciers in SOUTH—AMERICA and in the Himalayas was also accelerating due to global warming.
20060216             † THE—ITALY—NEWS—AGENCY—ANSA said the 2 could have, from carbon monoxide poisoning from 1—DEFECTIVE stove in the compound.
20060216             1—BELGIUM—COURT found 3—MEN GUILTY—OF—BELONGING to 1—ISLAMIC—GROUP linked to terrorist attacks in MADRID and CASABLANCA and sentenced them to at least —6—YEARS in jail.
20060216             —REMOVED, However he and deputy EDITOR—LU—YUEGANG were, from their posts and transferred to the News Research Institute, another DEPARTMENT—OF—THE—CHINA—YOUTH—DAILY.
20060216             2—SHIPPING accidents off EAST—CHINA—FUJIAN province left 61—SAILORS missing.
20060216             —CONFIRMED, EGYPT, its 1. cases of H5N1 bird flu.
20060216             A $1—MILLION ransom was demanded for their release.
20060216             RUSSIA—EVGENI—PLUSHENKO beat world champion Stephane Lambiel of SWITZERLAND by 1—UNFATHOMABLE 27.12—POINTS to win the gold medal in men's figure skating at the —WINTER Games in TURIN—ITALY.
20060216             1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP said that homophobic rhetoric has escalated in POLAND —SINCE 1—SOCIALLY conservative party came to power, threatening the rights of gays and lesbians.
20060216             —DENIED, Garleanu, ANY—WRONGDOING and said he was targeted because he has repeatedly exposed corruption in THE—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENSE.
20060216             † 1—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN said 1—SWAN found in SLOVENIA —THIS—MONTH—OF—THE lethal H5N1 avian flu virus strain, according to laboratory tests performed in ITALY.
20060216             Abuse photos authentic: Pentagon:
20060216             —SATISFIED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH said he was, with VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—EXPLANATION about his shooting accident;
20060216             CHINA, Li DATONG said the Bing Dian newspaper supplement, known for HARD—HITTING—COVERAGE—OF—SENSITIVE—ISSUES, will resume publication 20060301             .
20060216             SOUTH—IRAQ, 2—MACEDONIANS working for 1—CLEANING—COMPANY were abducted in Basra.
20060216             ROMANIA, authorities investigating the leak of secret military documents, including details on coalition troops in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN, arrested Marian Garleanu, 1—ROMANIA—JOURNALIST, for POSSESSION—OF—LEAKED material.
20060216             —REJECTED, SERBIA, EUROPEAN—UNION—GUIDELINES for 1—INDEPENDENCE—VOTE in MONTENEGRO, increasing tensions within the troubled Balkan state.
20060216             —ASKED, PENNSYLVANIA SENATOR—ARLEN Specter, THE—SENATE—ETHICS—COMMITTEE to investigate whether 1—TOP—AIDE improperly helped direct nearly $50—MILLION in PENTAGON spending to clients represented by her husband.
20060216             —RELEASED, THE—UN, 1—REPORT saying  THE—USA should shut down the prison for terror suspects at GUANTANAMO—BAY and either release all detainees or bring them to trial.
20060216             † In AFGHANISTAN the bodies of 2—ITALY—AID—WORKERS were found in 1 guarded compound in KABUL.
20060216             —STRIPPED, AUSTRALIA—PARLIAMENT, regulatory CONTROL—OF—1—ABORTION—DRUG from THE—COUNTRY—HEALTH—MINISTER, 1—STAUNCH ROMAN—CATHOLIC who once warned of an "epidemic" of abortion in AUSTRALIA.
20060216             —SIGNED, INDONESIA, 1—AGREEMENT with Newmont Gold CORPORATION to drop 1—CIVIL—SUIT in exchange for $30—MILLION to be paid,—OVER—10—YEARS, for 1—FUND to monitor environmental and community development.
20060216             1—TOP—OFFICIAL said IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTRY has launched 1—INVESTIGATION into claims that SHIITE—LED DEATH—SQUADS have been operating in THE—COUNTRY.
20060216             —KILLED, Attacks —AROUND THE—COUNTRY, at least 19—PEOPLE, including 6—IRAQIS in 1—CAR bombing and 3—SHEIKS in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting.
20060216             KARACHI—PAKISTAN, some 40 1000—PEOPLE shouting "God is Great!" marched and burned EFFIGIES—OF—THE—DANISH—PRIME—MINISTER—IN—THE—COUNTRY 4. —DAY—OF—PROTESTS over cartoons of Prophet MOHAMMAD.
20060216             Gefangenenlager: Annan fordert GUANTANAMO—SCHLIEßUNG—JAGDUNFALL: Cheney wird nicht angeklagt
20060216             FUßBALL—WM: Union gibt Plan für BUNDESWEHR—EINSATZ AUF—CUSTOS da cacofonia empresarial
20060216             Fundada em 19730000             por DAVID—ROCKEFELLER ,
20060216             1—TRILATERAL integra personalidades do mais alto nível:
20060216             empresários, presidentes de empresas, políticos não...
20060216             THE—TRILATERAL—COMMISSION—OVERVIEW and possible enlargement Last...
20060216             —BECAME, Akio Morita, CHAIRMAN—OF—SONY, THE—NEW—JAPAN—CHAIRMAN.... - Who Wants —WWIII?
20060216             Rockefeller was 1—OF—THE 1. to see this and although not in the oil business himself, founded SHELL Oil.
20060216             What he did was develop oil tankers for the.
20060216             THE—BILDERBERG—SECRET—MEETING—FOR 20040000             For over —50—YEARS—NOW the...
20060216             A Verdade da Mentira: História Arquivo Rockefeller é considerado como o mais controverso homem de negócios da América
20060216             No entanto Rockefeller distribuiu mais dinheiro do que qualquer outra - a_verdade_da_ - Semanário
20060216             Tanto KISSINGER como Rockefeller apoiaram energicamente a candidatura de Durão
20060216             Um grupo restrito de BILDERBERG, onde estavam Rockefeller, KISSINGER...
20060216             See "SOS USA: Serial Killer CIA—PRESIDENT—BODY—COUNT,"
20060216             6, 20020000. - Exposed by JOHN—R—MACARTHUR, PUBLISHER—OF—HARPER—MAGAZINE, in his book "2. Front".
20060216             See lecture transcript at.
20060216             With 1—POPULATION under 2—MILLION, KUWAIT has about 120—BIRTHS per —DAY, or 6 for EACH—OF—ITS—SCORE—OF—HOSPITALS.
20060216             Premature newborns, who sometimes need incubators, account for only about 1 in 9—BIRTHS.
20060216             For HUNDREDS—OF—INCUBATORS, you want 1—HEN hatchery, not 1—HOSPITAL.
20060216             —FOLLOWED, To quell such doubts, Hillton & Knowles PR, up with false witnesses to the burial of the dead babies, see.
20060216             Apparently no 1 has been sued for the genocidal consequences.
20060216             THE—USE—OF—THE—TERM "CIA" as shorthand for 1—COVERT, corrupt criminal clique working within it,
20060216             should not detract from the fact that MOST—OF—THE—MEN and WOMEN—OF—THE—CIA may do valuable, and occasionally even courageously conscientious work.
20060216             They also serve to mask the "skunk works," which is banned under THE—CIA—CHARTER.
20060216             "GABRIEL—HANOTAUX, THE—DREYFUS—AFFAIR + How LONDON Orchestrated THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—FRANCO—GERMANY—ALLIANCE," corroborates ENGLAND—HORROR at economic development for EGYPT,
20060216             and views FRANCE and GERMANY as builders, ENGLAND as looter
20060216             —ACCLAIMED, See PAUL—THOMPSON—WIDELY, online reference work, THE—COMPLETE—911—TIMELINE,
20060216             links to 1—COLLECTION—OF—MISS—ROSENBERG—WORK at
20060216             "FBI—THEORY—ON—ANTHRAX—IS—DOUBTED, Attacks Not Likely Work Of 1—PERSON, Experts Say,"
20060216             WAR—ON—IRAQ, What Team BUSH Doesn't Want You to Know, by WILLIAM—RIVERS—PITT with SCOTT—RITTER, Context Books, 20020000             , pp.
20060216             For more background, see also ERIC—MARGOLIS, IRAQ—HISTORY—IS—WRITTEN—IN—BLOOD, and,
20060216             1—TRAGIC—HISTORY—OF—IRAQ under UK—ANDUSA—IMPERIALISM, how BUSH Sr bombed it from the most advanced to the most backward Arab country.
20060216             THE—PROJECT for THE—NEW—USA—CENTURY,
20060216             or PNAC, as criticized by 1—SCOTLAND—NEWSPAPER: (group message no.
20060216             [] ) "blueprint for USA global domination reveals that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH and his cabinet were planning 1 premeditated attack on IRAQ to secure 'regime change' even —BEFORE he took power
20060216             (90—PAGES, 873-Kb).
20060216             - - The list of signatories to THE—PNAC'S "Reaganite" charter
20060216             includes the above names and 1—ROSTER of less WELL—KNOWN lights from the oil industry.
20060216             —OVERHEATED, THYSSEN—COMPLAINT was not 1—MERE—PRODUCT—OF, imagination.
20060216             noted how GERMANY and ENGLAND competed to offer 1—HOME in PALESTINE in exchange for JEWISH—SUPPORT in THE—CLOSELY—MATCHED war.
20060216             TURKEY.
20060216             MANY—OF—THE—EARLY—BOLSHEVIKS and SOCIALISTS, were JEWISH—AS well.
20060216             JOHN—CORNELIUS, "More on the Zimmerman Telegram,:,
20060216             notes that "LLOYD—GEORGE was 1—ATTORNEY in Zionist employ already at the 6. ZIONIST—CONGRESS in BASEL
20060216             that THE—REPLACEMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—ASQUITH by LLOYD—GEORGE was specifically planned in order to realize the —TRANSACTION,
20060216             PALESTINE in exchange for USA—ENTRY into THE—WAR.
20060216             See CHRISTOPHER—SIMPSON, AUTHOR—OF—BLOWBACK, in "AMERICA—RECRUITMENT—OF—NAZIS + its disastrous effect on our domestic and foreign policy,"
20060216             and "Government Investigated BUSH FAMILY—FINANCING—OF—HITLER,"
20060216             PHIL—LEGGIERE, THE—INDISCREET—CHARM—OF—THE—BUSH—NAZI Web Conspiranoids,
20060216             "support for dictatorships... the private sector style of INTERNATIONAL AFFALT—IRISCH pioneered by Dulles,
20060216             —METAPHORPHOSED, HARRIMAN, Lovett and BUSH in the '30s gradually, —DURING and —WWII—AFTER, into the official REALPOLITIK—OF—THEUSA—GOVERNMENT,
20060216             often under the guidance of these same men".
20060216             —BY—GLEN—YEADON.
20060216             Chapter 5: 19300000             —THES: NAZIS Parading on Main Street.
20060216             The toothless investigation and media COVER—UP of this act of high treason closely parallel 20010911.
20060216             Yeadon, Ratlines:THE—CIA &THE—NAZIS,
20060216             Webster G. Tarpley & ANTON—CHAITKIN, "GEORGE—BUSH: THE—UNAUTHORIZED—BIOGRAPHY," Ch.
20060216             II, THE—HITLER—PROJECT, to morgan4.htm.
20060216             —INVOLVED, Allegedly the Duponts were also.
20060216             —QUOTED, Smedley Butler, in THE—PLOT to Sieze THE—WHITE—HOUSE by JULES—ARCHER, reviewed at.
20060216             VIDAL—REVIEW is 1—ESSAY from his forthcoming book, THE—ENEMY—WITHIN.
20060216             —PUBLISHED, Versions of it were, in LA—REPUBBLICA, ROME + THE—OBSERVER—LONDON.
20060216             Kangas, "THE—ORIGINS—OF—THE—OVERCLASS,"
20060216             MARK—HERTSGAARD talks to Salon about his new book, "THE—EAGLE—SHADOW: Why AMERICA FASCINATES and Infuriates the World.
20060216             BOB—FELDMAN, Alternative Media Censorship: Sponsored by CIA—FORD—FOUNDATION?
20060216             "Wer war der Thor, wer Weiser, Bettler oder Kaiser?
20060216             Ob Arm, ob Reich, im Tode gleich".
20060216             KRIS—MILLIGEN, Editor, Conspiracy Theory Research List, in "Everything you wanted to know about Skull & Bones, but were afraid to ask," at,
20060216             is the source of the —FOLLOWING quotes.
20060216             "Skull & BONES—THOSE Who Dismantled Our Constitution".
20060216             THE—AUTHOR—ALSO asks if THE—RUSSELL—LINKS to CHINA, opium and war continued through CIA involvement in the Golden Triangle —DURING THE—VIETNAM—WAR,
20060216             under BUSH 41 and THEODORE—SHACKLEY—AND 1—MIGHT add, —NOW, to AFGHANISTAN.
20060216             PAUL—GOLDSTEIN and JEFFREY—STEINBERG, "GEORGE—BUSH, Skull & Bones and THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER," 19910000             ,
20060216             is perhaps the most complete and balanced account online.
20060216             Article and INTERVIEW—BY—USA—TODAY and MISS—NBC at
20060216             —PROVIDED, Key financing for THE—JAPAN—VICTORY was, by JACOB—SCHIFF—OF—KUHN, LOEB—AND—COMPANY, USA—AGENTS for Rothschild;
20060216             RUSSIA—ANTI—SEMITISM was 1—MOTIVE.
20060216             PAUL—GOLDSTEIN and JEFFREY—STEINBERG, op.cit.
20060216             "PROPAGANDA—TECHNIQUES" is based upon "Appendix I: PSYOP Techniques" from "Psychological Operations Field Manual NUMBER33-1" published by Headquarters;
20060216             DEPARTMENT—OF—THE—ARMY,
20060216             Dedication: Courage is the Desire to Seek the Truth, Whatever It May Be;
20060216             Patriotism is the Courage to Speak the Truth, In the Face of Tyranny
20060216             Keynote quotation: "War is not 1—ANSWER to human conflict ANY—MORE than cannibalism is to human hunger".
20060216             - POGO—TO the deaf, 1—SHOUT is as good as 1—WHISPER.
20060216             - MAXIM—HORKY - I. Putschist BUSH Fakes Facts to Attack IRAQ
20060216             In the shadow and thunder of the evil empire's gathering war cloud over IRAQ, I shout to show how the lying PAIR—OF—BUSH and BLAIR sow the illusion of 1—THREAT from there...
20060216             ¿Que es el CLERO—FASCISMO ? por GREG—WHITLOCK.
20060216             CLERO—FASCISMO turco de Kamal Ataturk, el cuál Hudal lo llama Kamalism.
20060216             AUSTRIA, Croacia, Eslovaquia, ESPAÑA—PORTUGAL
20060216             dio su definición de CLERO—FASCISMO el 28—DE agosto de...
20060216             Contestando tu Pregunta Online 1. El CLERO—FASCISMO de AUSTRIA.
20060216             Distinto a la Alemania nazi fue el caso de AUSTRIA
20060216             CLERO—FASCISTAS, sino también ESPAÑA—PORTUGAL, Vichi (gobierno central de Francia durante...
20060216             PARIS. POLAND. PORTUGAL. PRAGUE.
20060216             RUSSIA. SWEDEN.
20060216             SWITZERLAND—ESSERE completi si dovrebbe parlare di RADICAL—CLERO—FASCISMO.
20060216             Klerofašizem Klerofašizem
20060216             Política e Religião em EDUARDO—LOURENÇO, ou a Questão dos Dois Poderes* (PDF)
20060216             específica em PORTUGAL, no período PÓS—25—DE Abril
20060216             intolerável cheval de retour do CLERO—FASCISMO que é o senhor Arcebispo de BRAGA...
20060216             GEOMILITECH Singlaubhis partner, STUDLEY—
20060216             PORTUGAL. PRAGUE. RUSSIA. SWEDEN.
20060216             SWITZERLAND—FASCISMO=clero clero=fascismo.
20060216             Non so quale dei due e il peggio,tutti nelle foibe...
20060216             Centro de Medios INDEPENDIENTES—NAZIS EN ECUADOR! todos las palabras.
20060216             cualquier palabra. medios. imágenes. audio. vídeo.
20060216             Sitios con información sobre ECUADOR y la región.
20060216             NAZIS EN ECUADOR! PAgina de los nacional socialistas ecuatorianos.
20060216             SWITZERLAND. ¿Que es el CLERO—FASCISMO ?
20060216             El sistema de gobierno CLERO—FASCISTA es una ideología basada en la encíclicas papales Ultramontanistas y el principio Führer.
20060216             CLERO—FASCISMO turco de Kamal Ataturk, el cuál Hudal lo llama Kamalism.' AUSTRIA, Croacia, Eslovaquia, España,
20060216             Ok to laugh yet? Though the callous way THE—WH has handled this, and more importantly THE—CONDITION—OF—THE—DICK—VICTIM,
20060216             make JOKE—CRACKING 1—BIT indelicate, this 1—JUST cracked me up.
20060216             SENATOR—LEAHY, reflecting upon our genteel veep's infamous NAME—CALLING of him (in THE—SENATE chamber!), had this
20060216             to say —TODAY: "In retrospect, it looks like I got off easy".
20060216             —STACKED, WORLDS—OF—TRUTH, up on these 2—MEN in these pithy little scenarios, eh? -dr. elsewhere
20060216             PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS: "Even Jobs at MCDONALD—AREN'T Safe":
20060216             Americans are giving up their civil liberties because they fear terrorist attacks.
20060216             ALL—OF—THE—TERRORISTS in the world cannot do AMERICA the damage it has already suffered from offshore outsourcing.
20060216             Pigs at the trough : Senate aide's spouse gets 1—WINDFALL:
20060216             —HELPED, SENATOR—ARLEN Specter, direct almost $50—MILLION in Pentagon spending —DURING the past —4—YEARS to CLIENTS—OF—THE oo 1—OF—HIS—TOP—AIDES, records show.
20060216             'Collective Punishment', Cries Hamas:
20060216             Incoming Hamas legislator Mushir AL—MASRI said —THURSDAY that ISRAEL—TOUGH—RESPONSE to its new role as majority party in THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY is tantamount to "collective punishment".
20060216             USA—CONGRESS to vote on withholding PALESTINE—AID:
20060216             The measure states that "no USA—ASSISTANCE should be provided directly to THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY if ANY—REPRESENTATIVE—POLITICAL—PARTY holding 1—MAJORITY—OF—PARLIAMENTARY—SEATS within THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY maintains 1—POSITION calling for THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—ISRAEL".
20060216             USA—BACKS—ISRAEL on aid for humanitarian groups, not Hamas:
20060216             ISRAEL will try to delegitimize THE—NEW—PALESTINE—HAMAS government by insisting that INTERNATIONAL aid be given to humanitarian organizations and not THE—PA authorities.
20060216             Hamas to rely on Muslim funds:
20060216             ISMAIL—HANIYA, set to be named PALESTINE—PRIME—MINISTER, has said that 1—HAMAS government would rely on help from the Muslim world if THE—WEST—ACTS on threats to axe funds once it takes office
20060216             Republicans Criticize BUSH Mideast Policy:
20060216             —CRITICIZED, Republican senators, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—WEDNESDAY over its policies in IRAQ,
20060216             IRAN and THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORIES, as SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—1. testimony on Capitol Hill in months exposed her to 1—TOUGH grilling from SOME—MEMBERS—OF—HER—OWN—PARTY
20060216             Secret Data Exposed in Terrorism Case: :
20060216             —DISCLOSED, FEDERAL—OFFICIALS in DALLAS mistakenly, classified COUNTER—TERRORISM—INFORMATION in 1—BREACH—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY that could also threaten 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BIGGEST terrorism prosecution cases, newly unsealed court records show.
20060216             Civil liberties fear as USA—TERROR suspect list rises to 325,000:
20060216             —EXPRESSED, Civil liberties organisations, outrage —YESTERDAY—AFTER it was reported that THE—DATABASE—OF—TERRORIST—SUSPECTS kept by  THE—USA—AUTHORITIES—NOW holds 325,000 names,
20060216             1—FOURFOLD increase in 2 and 1—HALF—YEARS.
20060216             Dick CHENEY used the occasion of his softball INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—FOX—NEWS—CHANNEL about shooting his hunting partner to announce to us that he is authorized to disclosed classified information.
20060216             DAVID—IGNATIUS : Fueled by arrogance, BUSH WHITE—HOUSE ignores the rules:
20060216             There is 1—TEMPTATION that seeps into the souls of even the most righteous politicians and leads them to bend the rules,
20060216             and eventually the truth, to suit the political NEEDS—OF—THE—MOMENT.
20060216             That ARROGANCE—OF—POWER is —NOW on display with THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20060216             A —100—YEARS—AGO it was called "dollar diplomacy".
20060216             —WWII—AFTER + especially —AFTER THE—FALL—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION
20060216             The winner of the controversial elections in HAITI, Rene Preval, is 1—FORMER—ALLY—OF ousted PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE and has inherited his —FOLLOWING among the poor.
20060216             USA—TROOP deployment sparks protests in DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC:
20060216             barely 80—MILES from THE—HAITI—BORDER, sparked protests and warnings that WASHINGTON may be preparing another military intervention aimed at quelling the popular unrest that has erupted in HAITI over attempts to rig THE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20060216             PARAGUAY finds oil, natural gas:
20060216             SADDAM—HUSSEIN told aides in the mid-1990s that he warned THE—USA it could be hit by 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK,
20060216             —REPORTED, ABC News, —WEDNESDAY, citing —12—HOURS—OF—TAPES the network OBTAINED—OF—THE—FORMER—IRAQ—DICTATOR'S—TALKS with his Cabinet.
20060216             Talking to terrorists:
20060216             THE—NEW—STATESMAN can reveal that the Foreign and Commonwealth OFFICE—HAS—DECIDED on 1—POLICY—OF—ENGAGEMENT with what it calls "political Islam".
20060216             To this end, it proposes to develop "WORKING—LEVEL—CONTACTS" in EGYPT with 1—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST—MOST militant groups, the Muslim Brotherhood
20060216             Propaganda ? FRANCE accuses IRAN over nukes:
20060216             —ACCUSED, THE—FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER has, IRAN of pursuing 1—CLANDESTINE military nuclear programme.
20060216             Selling 1—WAR: IRAN nuclear programme is 'military':
20060216             —BRANDED, FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—PHILIPPE—DOUSTE—BLAZY, IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME for The 1. time —ON—THURSDAY as a "clandestine, military" project.
20060216             RUSSIA Warns USA—AGAINST Striking IRAN:
20060216             —WARNED, RUSSIA—TOP—MILITARY—CHIEF—ON—THURSDAY, THE—USA against launching 1—MILITARY—STRIKE against IRAN and 1—TOP—DIPLOMAT voiced hope that close cooperation with CHINA could help resolve THE—TEHRAN nuclear crisis.
20060216             BUSH plans huge propaganda campaign in IRAN:
20060216             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION made 1—EMERGENCY—REQUEST to Congress —YESTERDAY for a 7—FOLD increase in funding to mount the biggest ever propaganda campaign AGAINST—THE—TEHRAN government,
20060216             in 1—FURTHER—SIGN—OF—THE worsening crisis between IRAN and the west.
20060216             House condemns IRAN—NUCLEAR program:
20060216             —PASSED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—ON—THURSDAY, 1—RESOLUTION condemning IRAN for its nuclear program + urging THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to apply sanctions to deny it the ability to develop atomic weapons.
20060216             Amnesty condemns IRAN—TREATMENT—OF—ETHNIC—MINORITIES:
20060216             THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD has come under severe criticism from AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL in 1—REPORT entitled "New government fails to address dire human rights situation", which was published —THIS—WEEK.
20060216             UN report blasts GUANTANAMO prison, says detainees should be tried or freed:
20060216             —CALLED, The world body also, on THE—USA to refrain from practices that "amount to torture".
20060216             —DISABLED, Mentally, PALESTINE—SHOT in GAZA:
20060216             —UNARMED, ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—FORCES have shot 1, mentally retarded PALESTINE—MAN at close range near THE—GAZA border fence, Palestinian and ISRAEL—SOURCES say
20060216             THE—IRAQ—WAR—DEFINING weapon:
20060216             —POSED, The threat, by IRAQ's reported POSSESSION—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION was the excuse USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH gave for his INVASION—OF—IRAQ
20060216             —STUMBLED, THEUSA—MILITARY has, across THE—1.—EVIDENCE—OF—1—DEATH—SQUAD within IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—AFTER the detention —LAST—MONTH—OF—22—MEN wearing police commando uniforms who were about to shoot 1—SUNNI man,
20060216             Eyes Wide Open -
20060216             What shall we say —WHEN history asks how such crimes came to be committed in THE—NAME—OF—AMERICA?
20060216             Will we say that we stood silently by, shrugging our shoulders, filling our bellies,
20060216             closing our eyes? Or will we be able to say: We saw.
20060216             —DISSENTED, We.
20060216             —RESISTED, We.
20060216             —CONDEMNED, We.
20060216             Ganz anders als diese Pulsare verhalten sich die —NUN beobachteten RRATs:
20060216             Ihre Radioimpulse sind mit einer Länge von teilweise nur 2—TAUSENDSTEL —SEKUNDEN extrem kurz + die Pausen zwischen den Signalen sind unregelmäßig und teilweise VIELE—MINUTEN lang.
20060216             Dennoch haben die Wissenschaftler bei den meisten der beobachteten RRATs eine gewisse Regelmäßigkeit der Signale beobachtet,
20060216             die jedoch immer wieder durch Unterbrechungen gestört ist.
20060216             Die Signale erschienen wie das Licht eines Leuchtturms,
20060216             der immer wieder von unregelmäßigen Stromausfällen betroffen sei, erklären die Astronomen.
20060216             Da die RRATs wegen der Kürze der Signale und den langen Pausen dazwischen nur schwer auszumachen seien,
20060216             habe man die seltsamen kosmischen Signalgeber wohl bislang übersehen, schreiben die Forscher.
20060216             Sie vermuten, dass sich in der Milchstraße mindestens 400.000—RRATS tummeln.
20060216             Dagegen gibt es nur etwa 100.000—GEWÖHNLICHE Pulsare.
20060216             Die Gesetzesvorlage soll Exportbeschränkungen für Hardware und Software enthalten und die Aufstellung von E—MAIL—UND anderen KOMMUNIKATIONS—SERVERN in Ländern,
20060216             die nicht AMERIKANISCHEN—RECHTSSTANDARDS folgen, verbieten.
20060216             Diesem —BEREITS—IN—DER—LETZTEN—WOCHE erstmals vorgebrachten Versuch,
20060216             den Schwarzen Peter an die Diplomatie durchzureichen, begegnete JAMES—KEITH vom USA—AUßEN—MINISTERIUM mit dem Verweis auf die Gründung der "Global INTERNET Freedom TASK—FORCE",
20060216             die kurz vor Beginn der Anhörung im Menschenrechtsausschuss bekanntgegeben worden war.
20060216             Die BUSH—REGIERUNG hat damit eine behördliche Struktur zur Beobachtung von INTERNET—ZENSUR in anderen Ländern geschaffen.
20060216             Aufgabe der neuen amtlichen NICHT—EINGREIFTRUPPE ist Beobachtung und Analyse.
20060216             Außerdem soll sie DIE—REGIERUNG und Wirtschaftsunternehmen beraten,
20060216             denen sie Leitlinien für einen rechtskonformen Umgang mit Daten in zensierenden Ländern geben will.
20060216             Ein bisschen weniger freie Information sei besser als gar keine, argumentierte der GOOGLE—ABGESANDTE mit dem Hinweis darauf,
20060216             dass Google seine Nutzer in CHINA immer dann, wenn 1—SUCHERGEBNIS weggefiltert wird, ausdrücklich auf diese zensurbedingte Lücke hinweise.
20060216             Sein Haus habe sich entschieden,
20060216             mit dem Ausbau einer CHINESISCHEN—WEB—SITE fortzufahren, damit sie einen "bedeutenden,
20060216             wenn auch nur unvollkommenen Beitrag für die Erweiterung des Zugangs zu Informationen in CHINA leisten kann".
20060216             Vertreter beider großen Parteien beschuldigten die USA—KONZERNE, aus Geschäftsinteresse Peking geholfen zu haben,
20060216             Rede und Meinungsfreiheit im Land zu unterdrücken.
20060216             "Diese abscheulichen Aktionen in CHINA sind 1—SCHANDE",
20060216             urteilte der demokratische Abgeordnete TOM—LANTOS.
20060216             Die "wertfreien Entschuldigungen" der TECH—UNTERNEHMEN machten ihn "krank".
20060216             Sein republikanischer Kollege CHRIS—SMITH, VORSITZENDER—DES—USA—PARLAMENTS—UNTERAUSSCHUSSES für Menschenrechte,
20060216             sekundierte, die Firmen hätten der "Diktatur gedient".
20060216             Der Profit dürfe eine solche Zusammenarbeit mit der "Tyrannei" nicht rechtfertigen.
20060216             Mit Hilfe eines Laptops demonstrierte Smith, was die Selbstzensur der Suchmaschine Google in der Praxis bedeutet:
20060216             Während die Suche —NACH—DEM Begriff "Tiananmen Square" in der USA—VERSION BILDER—VON—PANZERN und vom TIENANMEN—MASSAKER,
20060216             mit dem die CHINESISCHE—ARMEE 19890000             den friedlichen Protest Tausender Studenten beendete,
20060216             erbrachte, zeigte die Suche bei Google CHINA Bilder lächelnder Touristen.
20060216             Anders als bei einer 1. Anhörung —ANFANG des Monats hatten die IT—FIRMEN —AM—MITTWOCH Repräsentanten nach WASHINGTON geschickt.
20060216             Die Befragung nahm über weite Strecken den Charakter eines Verhörs an, bei dem die Firmenvertreter nicht gut aussahen.
20060216             Denn neue Argumente hatten sie nicht mitgebracht, ihre Verteidigung gegen die ethisch motivierten Anschuldigungen war vorab bekannt.
20060216             Auf dem CHINESISCHEN—MARKT Geschäfte zu machen, sagte etwa ELLIOT—SCHRAGE, Repräsentant von Google, sei eine schwierige Sache.
20060216             Wer das wolle, müsse —NUN einmal auf die dortigen Gesetze Rücksicht nehmen.
20060216             Geschäfte in CHINA bedingten 1—SELBSTZENSUR,
20060216             auch wenn das den Grundwerten und den Standards von Google widerspreche, sagte Schrage in einer vorbereiteten Stellungnahme.
20060216             "Wie kann die Führung Ihrer Unternehmen —NACHTS noch ruhig schlafen?
20060216             fragte der demokratische Abgeordnete TOM—LANTOS im Rahmen der Anhörung des MENSCHENRECHTS—AUSSCHUSSES des USA—KONGRESS.
20060216             Die Frage setzte den Grundton.
20060216             —AM Pranger standen Cisco, Google, MSN und —YAHOO.
20060216             Sollten Amerikas führende IT—UNTERNEHMEN gehofft haben, die Wogen der Empörung über ihre Verstrickung in INTERNET—ZENSURMAßNAHMEN in CHINA hätten sich ein wenig gelegt,
20060216             wurden sie —AM—MITTWOCH enttäuscht.
20060216             Die Anhörung des Menschenrechtsausschusses des USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUSES geriet zu einer öffentlichen Anklage der INTERNET—UNTERNEHMEN.
20060216             Das Ergebnis war eindeutig: Die AGA—KRÖTEN an der Spitze der Meute hatten längere Hinterbeine als Angehörige alteingesessener POPULATIONEN—EIN klarer evolutionärer Vorteil.
20060216             Die Studie erklärt nach Meinung der Experten auch, warum sich die AGA—KRÖTEN in ihren 1. —JAHREN in Queensland nur um etwa 10—KILOMETER jährlich ausbreiteten,
20060216             mittlerweile aber um die 50—KILOMETER pro —JAHR schaffen.
20060216             Mittlerweile dominieren die Kröten 1—GEBIET von mehr als einer Million QUADRATKILOMETERN—DREIMAL so groß wie DEUTSCHLAND.
20060216             Laut Shine sind die auch als ZUCKERROHR—KRÖTEN bekannten Tiere ein schlagendes Beispiel dafür,
20060216             dass sogenannte invasive Arten so rasch wie möglich bekämpft werden müssten - "bevor der Eindringling Zeit hat,
20060216             sich zu einem gefährlicheren Feind zu entwickeln".
20060216             Es ist im Übrigen nicht das 1. Mal, dass die AGA—KRÖTE das Wirken der Evolution zeigt.
20060216             Die Invasion der Amphibien hat auch der Entwicklung anderer Tiere gewaltig auf die Sprünge geholfen.
20060216             —BEREITS vor einem —JAHR hatte Shine 2—SCHLANGENARTEN entdeckt,
20060216             die sich in nur —70—JAHREN so weit verändert haben, dass sie die Giftkröte gefahrlos fressen und verdauen können.
20060216             —GEFUNDEN, Vogelgrippe: 10—WEITERE infizierte Tiere
20060216             RIESEN—AIRBUS: Tragfläche des A380 bei Test eingerissen
20060216             EIN—EURO—JOBS auf Rügen: Arbeitslose BERGEN verendete GRIPPE—VÖGEL
20060216             Neutronensterne: Seltsame Radiosignale verblüffen Forscher
20060216             Atomstreit mit IRAN: FRANKREICH verschärft den Ton
20060216             Furcht vor Vogelgrippe: Bei den Veterinären häufen sich die Kadaver
20060216             Überleben auf dem Meer: Durst löschen mit Salzwasser
20060216             UNO—BERICHTERSTATTER: "GUANTANAMO grenzt an Folter"
20060216             B ei Kontakt mit mit möglicherweise an Vogelgrippe erkrankten Vögeln müssen strenge Schutzmaßnahmen eingehalten werden.
20060216             Notwendig seien 1—EINWEGOVERALL mit Kapuze, Gummistiefel, Handschuhe,
20060216             Schutzbrillen und spezielle Atemschutzmasken, sagte STEFAN—DRELLER vom Berufsgenossenschaftliche Institut für Arbeitsschutz.
20060216             VIELE—SOGENANNTE—OP—MASKEN gewährten keinen ausreichenden Schutz, betonte Dreller und verwies auf eine aktuelle STUDIE—DES—INSTITUTES.
20060216             "Es gibt gute und schlechte OP—MASKEN. VIELE—DERARTIGE—MASKEN erfüllen die Mindestanforderungen nicht".
20060216             Mit den ERGEBNISSEN—DER—DETAILLIERTEN—UNTERSUCHUNGEN besteht —NUN endgültige Gewissheit,
20060216             dass die Seuche DEUTSCHLAND erreicht hat, sagte der Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister HORST—SEEHOFER in BERLIN.
20060216             D er Amtsbezirk Nordrügen misst nach Angaben seines Leiters rund 600—QUADRATKILOMETER und hat zahlreiche Wasserflächen.
20060216             Rügen ist von Boddengewässern zerschnitten und hat deshalb besonders lange Küstenlinien.
20060216             Hinzu kommen lange, teils schwer zugängliche Küstenabschnitte mit Steilufer und unübersichtliche Schilffelder.
20060216             WALTER hat deshalb um die Entsendung eines Hubschraubers gebeten, der beim Auffinden toter Vögel helfen soll.
20060216             Er schätzte, dass mindestens noch 100—KADAVER zu BERGEN seien.
20060216             Weil es an Helfern zum Einsammeln der Kadaver mangelt, will die Kreisverwaltung Rügen auch Arbeitslose rekrutieren.
20060216             Man habe —BEREITS mit den ARBEITS—AGENTUREN Kontakt aufgenommen, sagte 1—SPRECHERIN—DER—VERWALTUNG.
20060216             —GEBETEN, Auch der Krisenstab sei um Unterstützung, worden.
20060216             Bärbel Höhn (Grüne) kritisierte Vorgehen der Rügener Behörden.
20060216             das Anlaufen der Maßnahmen am Dienstagabend sei missglückt.
20060216             Sie wies darauf hin, dass am Fundort der infizierten Schwäne weitere tote Tiere —ERST—AM Mittwochnachmittag eingesammelt wurden.
20060216             "Es kann nicht sein, dass möglicherweise infizierte Tiere dort über längere Zeit herumliegen".
20060216             Nahe des Fundorts der infizierten Schwäne an der Wittower Fähre waren auch am Donnerstagmorgen noch mehrere verendete Vögel auf dem Eis unweit des Ufers zu sehen.
20060216             Die Kadaver waren laut Augenzeugen weiter frei zugänglich.
20060216             Die Rügener Kreisverwaltung und das Schweriner Landwirtschaftsministerium räumten Fehler im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE Vogelgrippe ein.
20060216             —REAGIERT, Angesichts der —SEIT—MONATEN bekannten Bedrohung hätte eher, werden müssen, erklärten sie —HEUTE.
20060216             H5N1-Infektion bestätigt
20060216             Das plötzliche Auftreten der Vogelgrippe in MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN sieht Mettenleiter mit Sorge.
20060216             sagte er. Dafür gebe es 2—MÖGLICHE Erklärungen. Am wahrscheinlichsten sei,
20060216             dass die Tiere wegen des strengen Winters in Osteuropa gekommen seien und das Virus so hierher brachten.
20060216             Möglich sei auch, dass die Tiere —SCHON immer auf Rügen lebten.
20060216             "Das würde bedeuten, dass das Virus —SCHON länger hier grassiert als gedacht", sagte Mettenleiter.
20060216             Fachleute suchen —JETZT auch in anderen Vogelkadavern —NACH—DEM Virus.
20060216             HAMBURG, wurden mehrere tote Enten in einem Kanal entdeckt.
20060216             In den Kreisen Plön und RENDSBURG—ECKERNFÖRDE wurden rund 20—TOTE Vogel gefunden.
20060216             Nach einem NDR—BERICHT wurden auch auf der Ostseeinsel Fehmarn tote Schwäne entdeckt.
20060216             Behördensprecher betonten allerdings, dass die Tiere zum Beispiel auch verhungert oder erfroren seien könnten.
20060216             —ZUDEM, gehe es hier weiterhin um eine reine Tierseuche.
20060216             Eventuelle Infektionen bei Menschen gelten bei der jetzigen Variante des Erregers als sehr unwahrscheinlich.
20060216             Die Sorge der Gesundheitsexperten gilt einer Mutation.
20060216             —VERBREITET, Je weiter H5N1 sich,
20060216             desto wahrscheinlicher ist 1—VARIANTE, die sich von Mensch zu Mensch verbreiten kann.
20060216             Mit seinen Notfallmaßnahmen für einen solchen Pandemiefall sei DEUTSCHLAND gemeinsam mit den USA,
20060216             FRANKREICH oder den Niederlanden führend.
20060216             Allerdings würden "noch nicht in ausreichendem Maße" antivirale Medikamente bereitgehalten,
20060216             kritisierte Stöhr.
20060216             Durch gezielte Maßnahmen lasse sich die Zahl der von einer möglichen Pandemie Betroffenen verringern.
20060216             —DERZEIT bestehe keine Gefahr für Menschen.
20060216             Bei dem Grippevirus handele es sich um 1—TIERSEUCHE,
20060216             die außerordentlich schwer auf den Menschen überspringe, machte er —HEUTE im Bayerischen Rundfunk deutlich.
20060216             ASIEN, seien trotz der weiten Verbreitung der Vogelgrippe nur wenige Menschen erkrankt.
20060216             EUROPA, seien zudem bislang nur Wildvögel und keine Nutztiere erkrankt.
20060216             Deshalb seien auch die Lebensmittel in EUROPA sicher, sagte Stöhr.
20060216             Regierung zu H5N1: "Impfung ist keine Lösung"
20060216             Zensurdebatte: Kongress liest IT—UNTERNEHMEN die Leviten
20060216             Terroranschläge: Saddam soll USA gewarnt haben
20060216             —ÜBERFORDERT, Vogelgrippe auf Rügen: Behörden fühlen sich
20060216             Folterfotos: Pentagon fürchtet neue WELLE—DER—GEWALT
20060216             Vulkan in ALASKA: Küstendorf fürchtet die Todeswelle
20060216             Festnetzer gegen Mobilfunker: Schneller, billiger, besser?
20060216             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: Gleichgültigkeit oder Wahrheitsskepsis
20060216             BLITZ—EVOLUTION: GIFT—KRÖTE hat —JETZT längere Beine
20060216             —GESCHLOSSEN, Privatschule : Prügelnde Lehrer an Herz Jesu
20060216             Vogelgrippe: WHO—EXPERTE warnt vor tödlichen Risiken
20060216             ABU—GHUREIB: Annan entsetzt über Folterfotos
20060216             —BEHARRT, Bundeswehreinsatz im Innern: Union, auf Grundgesetzänderung
20060216             We lost radar at 10:03 and SHORTLY—THEREAFTER the ExecJet that was vectored near the last known position saw smoke.
20060216             She said that there were no fighters in THE—AREA—OF—THE—CRASH—SITE—BEFORE the crash.
20060216             I was not working —THAT—DAY, so this IS all 2.—HAND information.
20060216             I spoke with the controller who was at the scope where UAL93 crashed (so yes, there was somebody "visually inspecting radar".
20060216             That IS, in fact, what we do for 1—LIVING).
20060216             I asked her about the conspiracy theories and she said that 1) things happened how they were presented.
20060216             This was the discussion on 1—OLD "20010911             " thread... and I've talked to the controller who was actually at the scope —WHEN UAL93 crashed.
20060216             She says that there were no fighters in the area —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—CRASH (they arrived —LATER).
20060216             Based on what she observed, she does not feel that UAL93 was shot down.
20060216             Was it? I don't know, but I believe her —WHEN she says it's very improbable.
20060216             307. —JUST to clarify, I was discussing THE—CLEVELAND—ATC tape released to the media in 9/01, not THE—CVR tape -- of which I don't believe any has ever been released in ANY—FORM.
20060216             ATC tapes (or, more typically, their transcripts) are routinely released as PART—OF—NTSB investigations.
20060216             However, this specific ATC tape, being so graphic, having been released so early and helping "prove" the government's "case" by having 1—ARAB sounding "CAPTAIN" give 1—ANNOUNCEMENT—AFTER what sounded like it could have been the pilot's murder,
20060216             seemed to be 1—PURPOSEFUL—INTELLIGENCE "leak".
20060216             I'm also curious about your take on the meeting between THE—FAA & CLEVELAND ATCs that took place in the aftermath of 20010911             in which SOME—CLEVELAND—ATCS were reportedly threatened with disciplinary action.
20060216             248. I've —POSTED this —BEFORE... - but here's what I know.
20060216             Granted, this isn't Congressional testimony, but she has no reason to lie.
20060216             I've always maintained that I don't claim to be able to PROVE that UAL93 wasn't shot down,
20060216             I —JUST have 1—LITTLE—BIT—OF—ADDITIONAL—CONFIRMATION that most people don't that makes me feel comfortable accepting the official version.
20060216             BTW, it would be on the radar tapes too...CLEVELAND ARTCC.
20060216             243. 10:03 is also —WHEN radar contact was lost LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-03 AT 08:05 AM (ET)
20060216             and I'm still waiting to hear how 1—COMMERCIAL airliner flies —FOR—3—MINUTES at low altitude with no electrical system....
20060216             242. What does radar contact have to do with this?
20060216             The timing gap is between THE—END—OF—THE—CVR and seismic READING.
20060216             —3—MINUTE discrepancy in tape
20060216             Cockpit voice recording ends —BEFORE Flight 93's official TIME—OF—IMPACT
20060216             —HIJACKED, THE—FINAL —3—MINUTES of, United Flight 93—ARE still 1—MYSTERY—MORE than —1—YEAR—AFTER it crashed in WEST—PENNSYLVANIA—EVEN to grieving relatives who sought COMFORT—IN listening to its cockpit tapes in ;;04;;.
20060216             1—DAILY—NEWS—INVESTIGATION has found 1—ROUGHLY —3—MINUTE—GAP between the time the tape goes SILENT—ACCORDING to GOVERNMENT—PREPARED TRANSCRIPTS—AND the time that top scientists have pinpointed for the crash.
20060216             —CRASHED, Several leading seismologists agree that Flight 93, last ;;09;;.
20060216             11 at 10:06:05 a.m., give or take 1—COUPLE—OF—SECONDS.
20060216             —ALLOWED, Family members, to hear the cockpit voice recorder in Princeton,
20060216             NEW—JERSEY, last —SPRING were told it stopped —JUST—AFTER 10:03. THE—FBI and other agencies refused repeated requests to explain the discrepancy.
20060216             The cockpit voice recorder 1—ROUGHLY —30—MINUTE—TAPE loop, is supposed to record the sounds inside the cockpit right up —UNTIL THE—MOMENT—OF—IMPACT and usually does.
20060216             Aviation experts said there could be several explanations for the gap.
20060216             They said it could mean that THE—FBI and other government agencies either failed to properly synchronize the times,
20060216             or there were other problems in the retrieving or HANDLING—OF—THE—TAPE from THE—SO—CALLED "black box" recovered from the wreckage at Shanksville, PENNSILVANIA
20060216             THE "SMART" MONEY IS ON 1—CALIBRATION—ERROR????? What?
20060216             Are we talking about seismology here or someone setting his watch?
20060216             Do you have ANY—IDEA what you talking about here?
20060216             —TIMED, Do you realize that THE—READING was, using 4—DIFFERENT—SEISMIC—STATIONS?
20060216             Do you really think that seismic clocks can get away with being ANY—LESS—ACCURATE than ATC clocks?
20060216             Please put away that pipe if you are going to be working soon.
20060216             What THE—3—MISSING minutes signifies is:
20060216             1) The time lapse between THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—PLANE—ELECTRICAL—SYSTEM and the time it took for the largest PIECE—OF—FUSELAGE to hit the ground
20060216             "statement of 1—BELIEF as if it were 1—MATTER—OF—FACT is 1—DECEPTION, not 1—ELUCIDATION" is 1—TECHNICALLY incorrect statement.
20060216             1—STATEMENT—OF—1—BELIEF as if it were 1—MATTER—OF—FACT is 1—DECEPTION, not 1—ELUCIDATION.
20060216             —RECOVERED, THE—PA black box was.
20060216             But it took 1—VERY—LONG—TIME—BEFORE the families were allowed to listen to it.
20060216             IIRC, —3—MINUTES were missing.
20060216             —STATED, Why do MANY—PEOPLE believe the government, —WHEN they, there were "terrorists" on the planes, —WHEN there is no EVIDENCE—OF—IT?
20060216             What 1—INVESTIGATOR does is discover facts and then builds 1—THEORY based on them.
20060216             "According to THE—USA—AERONAUTICAL—SOURCES, this irregular trajectory denotes that those who manned the Boeing were people with little experience in the handling of these engines,
20060216             against SOME—OPINIONS that sustain the great KNOW—HOW—OF—THE—TERRORISTS".
20060216             He uses both sides (they're good pilots and bad pilots) to try to prove his point.
20060216             Which is it, are they good or bad? 1—FINAL—NOTE.
20060216             "Plurality is not to be assumed without necessity" - - WILLIAM—OF—OCKHAM—WAS it all MIHOP?
20060216             I don't know.
20060216             I lean more to LIHOP, but I will say this:
20060216             There is NOTHING I would put past this bunch.
20060216             Look at everything else they've done and then tell me that this is OUT—OF—THE—QUESTION considering who they are,
20060216             what they've said and what they've done.
20060216             266. Anyone set up 1—SIMULATION—OF—77?
20060216             If I understand the approach to WASHINGTON,
20060216             77 was coming in full throttle over the Potomac, between THE—PENTAGON and THE—WH at about 7000—FEET.
20060216             —DROPPED, It then, to ground level in a 270—TURN and hit the specially reinforced portion of THE—PENTAGON almost (not quite) at ground level.
20060216             I don't pretend to be 1—PILOT, but in the simulation I set up using THE—757—MODEL at cruising airspeed,
20060216             I think I destroyed the airframe about 15—TIMES—BEFORE I was able to make the complete turn....and another 15—20—TIMES—BEFORE I could get the simulation to hit THE—PENTAGON.
20060216             For this pilot, who I believe was so bad that his instructor said he had no business flying 1—CESSNA,
20060216             this ability to make the manuever on his 1. attempt was amazing.
20060216             I guess if you aren't 1—CT nut, then you have to believe that this guy, on the ride of his life, was "lucky" to the extreme.
20060216             —ANTIQUATED, We got new equipment 1—FEW YEARS—AGO, so the "" stuff is pretty much gone.
20060216             However, you are absolutely correct that losing 1—TRANSPONDER from time to time isn't, by itself, 1—ODD thing or 1—CAUSE for concern (well, at least it wasn't —BEFORE 20010911             ).
20060216             63. David, I think that given enough simulator training, having 1—RUDIMENTARY KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—NAVIGATION—SYSTEMS on the aircraft,
20060216             and the excellent weather that they had, coupled with the fanatic determination that they had, it would be possible to do what they did.
20060216             1—LONG—STRAIGHT—LOW—APPROACH at high speed is not 1—VERY—DIFFICULT—MANEUVER.
20060216             In fact it's pretty easy. As for the transponder...NO.
20060216             Fighters wouldn't be scrambled upon THE—ATC center losing 1—TRANSPONDER data return.
20060216             (The aircraft taget is still visible to ATC even without the transponder on...—WHEN shut off, data such as altitude, groundspeed, ID, etc are lost.)It isn't terribly unusual to 1—AIR—TRAFFIC controller to lose data given the antiquated STATE—OF—THE—SYSTEM they use.
20060216             47. Haven't seen 20010911             —THE/Military forum yet, then?
20060216             Trust me, SOME—OF—THE—PEOPLE down there believe even more ludicrous theories.
20060216             --JN2
20060216             —COMMUNICATED, Or should do we suppose that 1—CONTROLLER, with the C130 —WHILE another independently watched 1—RADAR—SCREEN but without communicating with EACH—OTHER?
20060216             Other Versions This for instance:
20060216             e.g. - "Artman, —NOW 1—LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—IN—THE—ARMY—RESERVE and the engineer for
20060216             THE—CITY—OF—WINTER—HAVEN, was in WASHINGTON attending 1—CONFERENCE.
20060216             —ABOUT WASHINGTON Monument, he saw 1—PLANE fly low over the city.
20060216             That wasn't unusual. But this wasn't —JUST ANY—PLANE.
20060216             "I saw the plane that hit THE—PENTAGON," - he said.
20060216             "It went behind SOME—TREES".
20060216             Absolutely agree on the "blip" statement"? How then do you explain this:
20060216             "The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, ALL—OF—USA experienced air traffic controllers, that that was 1—MILITARY—PLANE," says O'Brien.
20060216             "You don't fly a 757 in that manner. It's unsafe".
20060216             —FROM href= - "It was like coming up to 1—INTERSECTION.
20060216             —WHEN air traffic control asked me if we had him in sight,
20060216             I told him that was 1—UNDERSTATEMENT -- —BY—THEN, he had pretty much filled our windscreen.
20060216             Then he made 1—PRETTY—AGGRESSIVE—TURN so he was moving right in FRONT—OF—USA, 1—MILE and 1—HALF, 2—MILES away.
20060216             I said we had him in sight, then the controller asked me what KIND—OF—PLANE it was.
20060216             "That caught us up, because normally they have all that information.
20060216             The controller didn't seem to know anything".
20060216             "They told us to turn and follow that aircraft -- in 20-plus YEARS—OF—FLYING, I've never been asked to do something like that.
20060216             With ALL—OF—THE—EAST—COAST haze,
20060216             They were asking 1—MILITARY—AIRCRAFT to chase what they'd thought was 1—MILITARY—AIRCRAFT,
20060216             notwithstanding what had already taken place in NEW—YORK?
20060216             An why, please, would the abcnews article make no mention at ALL—OF—THE—C130?
20060216             —ON odd omission, don't you think? 278. ATCs assessment
20060216             —DISCOUNTED, Nothing is.
20060216             I wonder if the C130 was confused with the B757. I have not yet seen ANY—OFFICIALLY researched map to illustrate the supposed 270—DEGREE—TURN.
20060216             If the plane actually got as far as WASHINGTON (as SOME—VERSIONS would have it) and then had to double back to head in from the vicinity of ARLINGTON Village,
20060216             it could only then have gone the long way —AROUND, so to speak, to get there.
20060216             There is no other geographical possibility and the confusion is hardly settled by this ambivalent report:
20060216             —CONTINUED, Sources say the hijacked jet, east at 1—HIGH speed toward the city, but flew several miles south of the restricted airspace —AROUND THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20060216             —CROSSED, At 9:33 the plane, the Capitol Beltway and took aim on its military target.
20060216             But the jet, flying at more than 400—MPH, was too fast and too high —WHEN it neared THE—PENTAGON at 9:35.
20060216             —FORCED, THE—HIJACKER—PILOTS were then, to execute 1—DIFFICULT—HIGH—SPEED descending turn.
20060216             Radar shows Flight 77—DID 1—DOWNWARD spiral, turning almost 1—COMPLETE—CIRCLE and dropping the last 7,000 feet in 2—AND—A—HALF—MINUTES".
20060216             but - "At THE—WHITE—HOUSE—FRIDAY, spokesman ARI—FLEISCHER saw it 1—DIFFERENT—WAY.
20060216             That is not the radar data that we have seen, Fleischer said, adding, The plane was headed toward THE—WHITE—HOUSE".
20060216             —UNRESOLVED, At ANY—RATE the uninformed, conundrum that thus arises is not satisfactory.
20060216             163. Try this: From:
20060216             —TRACKED, However, air traffic controller Danielle O'Brien, who, the radar signal from Flight 77, stated that it was flown like 1—FIGHTER—JET.
20060216             The plane was between 12 and 14—MILES away, says O'Brien, "and it was —JUST 1—COUNTDOWN.
20060216             10—MILES—WEST.
20060216             9—MILES—WEST... Our supervisor picked up our line to THE—WHITE—HOUSE and started relaying to them the information,
20060216             we have 1 unidentified very FAST—MOVING aircraft inbound toward your vicinity, 8—MILES—WEST".
20060216             WHITE—HOUSE—STAFF—MEMBERS were told to run away from the building.
20060216             "And it went 6, 5, 4. And I had it in my mouth to say, 3, and ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN the plane turned away.
20060216             In the room, it was almost 1—SENSE—OF—RELIEF. This must be 1—FIGHTER.
20060216             —SCRAMBLED, This must be 1—OF—OUR guys sent in, to patrol our capital + to protect our PRESIDENT + we sat —BACK—IN our CHALT—IRISCH and breathed for —JUST a 2.," says O'Brien.
20060216             —CONTINUED, But the plane, to turn right —UNTIL it had made a 360-degree maneuver.
20060216             "We lost radar contact with that aircraft.
20060216             —WAITED, And we.
20060216             And your heart is —JUST beating out of your chest waiting to hear what's happened," says O'Brien.
20060216             "And then THE—WASHINGTON—NATIONAL controllers came over our speakers in our room and said, 'Dulles, hold ALL—OF—OUR inbound traffic. THE—PENTAGON—BEEN hit.'"
20060216             That was 1—CRACK pilot who could make that correction and that was even 1—BETTER—PILOT who made the maneuver into THE—PENTAGON without completely breaking up in MID—FLIGHT.
20060216             —EXHIBITED, With flying skills like they, 20010911             —ON, they must have 1—NATURAL—ABILITY to fly commercial airliners like tactical fighter jets.
20060216             232. the bump theory It's interesting to note that much of this discussion is about "theories".
20060216             —MENTIONED, No 1 has, a "theory" in the article.
20060216             —ANALYZED, The article explains simply that someone digitally, SOME—VIDEO—FOOTAGE—OF—THE—PLANE at 1—UNIVERSITY (outside the states) and says that it is impossible that these shapes are shadows,
20060216             because 1—NUMBER—OF—SHOTS were analyzed from different angles.
20060216             —MENTIONED, No conspiracy theory is.
20060216             The article is interesting for 2—REASONS:
20060216             1. No scientific EXAMINATION—OF—PHOTOS would be allowed in the current climate at ANY—UNIVERSITY—IN—THE—USA for NATIONAL—SECURITY—REASONS.
20060216             And no mainstream USA—NEWSPAPER would be allowed to publish info about the research anyway.
20060216             Why?
20060216             2. People outside the States do not consider the idea of 1—AMERICAN "cabal" conspiracy to be outrageous at ALL—PARTICULARLY in the light of attacking 1—COUNTRY preemptively on false pretenses.
20060216             Lying seems to be quite fashionable in my country too (THE—UK).
20060216             That there should be ANY—INTEREST at all in something strange underneath the aircraft means that there are widespread questions about the official story.
20060216             I draw your attention to this because sometimes the official government explanations and accounts of 20010911             —ARE 1—LOT—MORE—ABSURD than the questions THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD are asking.
20060216             MOHAMMED—ATTA—PASSPORT was found 1—FEW blocks away!
20060216             Unsinged even.
20060216             Take it up with La Vanguardia, or the folks at Boeing, who say they can't explain what it is for reasons of "NATIONAL—SECURITY".
20060216             WHAT—THAT—ALL about?
20060216             I have 1—STRONG—SKEPTICISM about remote control and bumps and whatnot,
20060216             but I try to look at the evidence, all the evidence from mainstream sources + not —JUST the parts that I personally like.
20060216             There are 1—NUMBER—OF—POSSIBLE—EXPLANATIONS.
20060216             —TESTED, For instance, we know Global Hawk was being, on 727s THE—MONTH—BEFORE.
20060216             —TESTED, It had in fact been, —FOR—YEARS.
20060216             So the pilot would be aware of this.
20060216             —TRAINED, In this theory, Atta and others who had, in military bases also were aware of this,
20060216             turned the tables, and used the technology to their own ends.
20060216             —ACTED, Perhaps the pilots, in strange ways —THAT—DAY (for instance not sending off 1—EMERGENCY hijack signal) because they thought the real events were part of 1 simulated hijacking.
20060216             THE—RAYTHEON employees could have been on BOARD to observe this exercise.
20060216             It's interesting to note that —WHEN NORAD technicians started getting word of the hijackings,
20060216             they —INITIALLY assumed they were not real and PART—OF—1—WAR—GAME scheduled for —THAT—DAY called Vigilant GUARDIAN.
20060216             That would explain why Boeing can't talk about this for reasons of "NATIONAL—SECURITY" and not SOME—OTHER—REASON,
20060216             like our lawyers say we can't speak on this matter.
20060216             This is —JUST 1—THEORETICAL—POSSIBILITY;
20060216             1 can THINK—OF—OTHERS if 1 has 1—OPEN—MIND.
20060216             To completely dismiss this article OUT—OF—HAND and claim the bumps were shadows —WHEN the very MAKERS—OF—THE—PLANE have already ruled that out as 1—EXPLANATION and ridicule the idea with talk of aliens and ganga is —JUST being obstinate and immature.
20060216             Video: Consumer confidence key to success of digital business
20060216             Symantec CEO—JOHN—THOMPSON said it won't be 1—MAJOR cyberattack that will cripple electronic business, it will be LOSS—OF—CONFIDENCE.
20060216             Activists take aim at "Goolag"
20060216             —CENSORED, Blog: The outcry over GOOGLE—RECENT, foray into THE—CHINA—SEARCH—WORLD hasn't stopped at home.On Valentine' —DAY, scores...
20060216             Cheney Shot A Man
20060216             SOME—THOUGHTS... —THE—NSA eavesdroppers must be going crazy —TODAY.
20060216             1—LOT—OF—E—MAILS blasting through THE—INTERNET containing the words "CHENEY " and "shooting".
20060216             -The only reason the victim was injured was because CHENEY refused to give him the proper body armor.
20060216             defense.
20060216             Heard 1—MARBLE—MOUTHED yokel call THE—BILL—PRESS—SHOW with this argument on Sirius Left —TODAY.
20060216             Shameful and pathetic. The caller, not Press.
20060216             -Plummer alerted me to this article at FireDogLake.
20060216             Why the delay in reporting the incident? —BEFORE we consider conspiracies, we have to remember: THE—WHITE—HOUSE is slow to respond to everything.
20060216             -My exclusive PHOTO—OF—THE—SHOOTING victim here.
20060216             -Huff PO—ROY—SEKOFF —POSTED an hilarious cartoon here.
20060216             Republican Congressman Congratulates Cheney For Shooting 1—LAWYER!
20060216             —WHILE GUNSHOT—VICTIM—WHITTINGTON—CHILDREN wait to see if their father lives or dies from pellets in his heart,
20060216             Republican Congressman Stacey Campfield "jokes" about it + advocates shooting lawyers and Democrats:Dead eye Dick CHENEY "Our VP is —NOW clearly pro gun and anti lawyer.
20060216             I say not 1—BAD—START.
20060216             I am taking up 1—COLLECTION to send 1—FEW democrats off on 1—HUNTING trip.
20060216             —FROM Crooks and Liars Post Date:20060214             20060216             EX—CHENEY Aide Testified Leak Was Ordered, Prosecutor Says.
20060216             EX—CHENEY Aide Testified Leak Was Ordered, Prosecutor Says.
20060216             I. LEWIS—LIBBY—JUNIOR
20060216             told 1—GRAND—JURY that he was authorized by his "superiors" to disclose classified information in ;;06;;
20060216             and 20030700             .
20060216             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY says what da fuk he want
20060216             CRAP—OF—NOTE: "If we'd been able to do this —BEFORE 20010911             , we might have been able to pick up on 2—OF—THE—HIJACKERS who flew 1—JET into THE—PENTAGON.
20060216             They were in THE—USA, communicating with AL—QAEDA associates overseas.
20060216             But we didn't know they were here plotting —UNTIL it was too late.
20060216             —PICKED, Is it not the case that an FBI agent, up on these guys, raised 1—WARNING and was ignored?
20060216             Cheney : Eavesdropping Might Have Prevented 20010911             20060216             —OFFERED, WILLIAM—BRANIGIN: VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY —TODAY, 1—STAUNCH defense of 1—SECRET—GOVERNMENT eavesdropping program,
20060216             saying it might have been able to thwart the ;;09;;.
20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks if it had been in place —AT—THE—TIME.
20060216             [WASHINGTON—POST] - Post Date:20060104191510
20060216             Cheney cites justifications for domestic eavesdro?
20060216             CHENEY cites justifications for domestic eavesdropping By JIM—VANDEHEI and DAN—EGGEN,
20060216             Even THE—GOP—WON'T—COVER—UP—FOR—BUSH On Messes Like Katrina - | BUSH—POST—KATRINA—RECOVERY—DISASTER
20060216             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—RESPONES to Hurricane Katrina that even THE—GOP isn't willing to cover up for them on that 1.
20060216             HERE—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—STORY
20060216             House Republicans plan to issue 1—BLISTERING report —ON—WEDNESDAY that says THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION delayed THE—EVACUATION—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—NEW—ORLEANS residents by failing to act quickly on early reports that the levees had broken —DURING Hurricane Katrina.
20060216             1—EXAMINATION—OF—DOCUMENTS shines 1—NEW—LIGHT on the government response to Hurricane Katrina.
20060216             1—DRAFT—OF—THE—REPORT, to be issued by an 11-member, ALL—REPUBLICAN committee,
20060216             says THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was informed on the —DAY Hurricane Katrina hit that the levees had been breached,
20060216             even though THE—PRESIDENT—AND other top administration officials —EARLIER said that they had learned of the breach —THE—NEXT—DAY.
20060216             That delay was significant, the report says, rejecting the defense given by THE—WHITE—HOUSE and THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY that the time it took to recognize the breach did not significantly affect the response.
20060216             "If the levees breached and flooded 1—LARGE—PORTION—OF—THE—CITY, then the flooded city would have to be completely evacuated," the draft report says.
20060216             —DISCOUNTED, It adds that THE—WHITE—HOUSE itself, damage reports that —LATER proved true.
20060216             BUSH's $7—BILLION Giveaway To Big Oil
20060216             —SINCE the deficit is under control, I can certainly understand why THE—PRESIDENT—WOULD want to forego $7—BILLION in royalties and instead give them to the struggling oil companies.
20060216             THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT is on the verge of 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST—GIVEAWAYS—OF—OIL and gas in USA—HISTORY,
20060216             worth 1 estimated $7—BILLION over —5—YEARS.
20060216             —BURIED, New projections, in the Interior DEPARTMENT—JUST—PUBLISHED budget plan,
20060216             anticipate that the government will let companies pump about $65—BILLION WORTH—OF—OIL and natural gas from FEDERAL—TERRITORY over the next —5—YEARS without paying ANY—ROYALTIES to the government.
20060216             Based on the administration figures, the government will give up more than $7—BILLION in payments between —NOW and 20110000             .
20060216             —EXPECTED, The companies are, to get the largess, known as royalty relief,
20060216             even though the administration assumes that oil prices will remain above $50 1—BARREL —THROUGHOUT that period.
20060216             BUSH Keeping Money Raised By 2. Indicted Fundraiser
20060216             —RAISED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH is keeping THE—MONEY, by a 2. Pioneer who has been indicted.
20060216             —INDICTED, TOM—NOE, 1—PROLIFIC—FUNDRAISER for BUSH, was —RECENTLY, on 53—COUNTS.
20060216             Noe has also been 1—MAJOR—SOURCE—OF—EMBARASSMENT for Republican GOVERNOR—BOB—TAFT, of OHIO.
20060216             —FROM THE—TOLEDO—BLADE:
20060216             —FACED, Even if they had money to keep him there, we are —NOW, with 1—PROBLEM that 2—100—YEARS—OF—CAPITALISM has not completely solved:
20060216             how to discipline 1—YOUNGSTER reliably to fulfil 1—BORING and underpaid duty?
20060216             here are the Missing Masses? Sociology of 1—DOOR
20060216             BRUNO—LATOUR—IN hommage to ROBERT—FOX 20060216             20060216             I expect sociologists to be much more fortunate than cosmologists —SINCE they soon will discover their missing MASSACHUSETTS
20060216             To balance our ACCOUNTS—OF—SOCIETY we simply have to turn our attention away from humans and look at NON—HUMANS.
20060216             Here they are, the hidden and despised social masses who make up our morality.
20060216             The only things WORTHY—OF—IMPEACHMENT are private sexual indiscretions and 1 stained blue dress, the rest is passe pre-20010911             —THINKING.
20060216             Raging Blog: So what the hell is she doing on SCOOTER—DEFENSE—TEAM?
20060216             He felt badly, obviously.
20060216             —ON the other hand, he was not careless or incautious or violate ANY—OF—THE [rules].
20060216             —SUPPOSED, He didn't do anything he wasn't, to do".
20060216             read on - I don't think he was supposed to shoot 1—MAN, but that's —JUST me.
20060216             —ON THE—CHRIS—MATTHEWS—SHOW, DAVID—BROOKS doing his JAMES—BRADY impersonation, continued the meme of trying to turn left wing bloggers into psychotics.
20060216             Brooks: Whoever the Democratic candidate, that is THE—WEAKNESS—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY,
20060216             they've got the blogs and the netroots who are SEMI—NUTS and they insist on 1—STALINIST—LINE—OF—DISCIPLINE.
20060216             "It is my pleasure to be able to share SOME—OF—MY thoughts with you this —EVENING on MATTERS—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY and THE—CONSTITUTION.
20060216             I come here not as 1—DEMOCRAT, not as 1—FORMER—REPUBLICAN, but as 1—USA—WHO is deeply troubled by the direction we are headed as 1—NATION... read on
20060216             Here's the press briefing with Scotty and the gang.
20060216             —DELAYED, Tweety makes like McClellan and defends CHENEY 's, press notifications.
20060216             THERE—MORE—OF—GREGORY and Scotty.
20060216             Did Chris actually think that it would have been 1—WALK in the park for Scotty —TODAY?
20060216             ANCHOR: Right, but —22—HOURS—LATER—DO you think that is 1—UNUSUAL—DELAY for THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS corps to know about this?
20060216             MATTHEWS: i f you can imagine shooting a 100 or 2 100—PELLETS into somebody's face, and seeing all that blood, I assume.
20060216             Even though these are small pellets.
20060216             1—LOT—OF—DAMAGE must have been done and I'm sure he was WORRIED—REALLY WORRIED—THAT the man was in trouble.
20060216             If he was up laughing in bed 1—FEW hours —LATER then that would change the scene dramatically, but I'll go with THE—VICE—PRESIDENTS—EXPLANATION—RIGHT—NOW".
20060216             —CALCULATED, Deferring to Armstrong (the host) had to be carefully, by CHENEY—PEOPLE.
20060216             This is THE—VP —AFTER all and let's face it, they make all those DECISIONS—NOT THE—HOST—OF—THE—EVENT.
20060216             BUSH at 39% All those speeches and THE—SOTU didn't seem to help.
20060216             "Several days ago, in a post entitled " Easy to Hate,
20060216             "I discussed 1—NYT story about fairly LOW—LEVEL—IMMIGRATION—OFFICIALS.
20060216             —DESCRIBED, The article, SOME—NOTABLE horror stories involving officials endowed with growing discretionary power -- and what happens —WHEN such power is unleashed against people who pose no threat to us whatsoever.
20060216             —INCLUDED, The victims, 1—YOUNG—CHILD, 1—UNIVERSITY—LITERATURE—PROFESSOR + 1—GROUP—OF—TIBETAN monks... read on
20060216             JON—STEWART was having 1—REALLY boring weekend and he was really sad.
20060216             Nothing had been getting his blood boiling lately and he —JUST wasn't excited to be alive ANYMORE—UNTIL:
20060216             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY "accidentally" shoots man on hunting trip
20060216             Albeit by accident, it's rather amusing —AFTER you get over the initial shock and find out that Whittington is doing fine.
20060216             I would —JUST like to know how you "accidentally" shoot someone with 1—SHOTGUN.
20060216             Those don't have THE—RANGE—OF—RIFLES + you have to be in close range to be shot by 1.
20060216             Anyone that's taken gun safety knows that you point your gun downwards —WHEN not shooting and if you're shooting,
20060216             your party is behind you.
20060216             Macao Water warns that salinity levels for tap water may rise —AGAIN—IN the next —2—WEEKS.
20060216             GREG—PERRY on THE—4—RULES—OF hunting.
20060216             —INVOLVED, METRO driver, in fatal accident fired
20060216             1—METROPOLITAN—TRANSIT—AUTHORITY—BUS—DRIVER was fired —FRIDAY for "unsafe and careless action and disregard for established safety procedures" in 1—FATAL—ACCIDENT with 1—PEDESTRIAN,
20060216             METRO spokeswoman Raequel Roberts said.
20060216             Bizarre Accident In Belmont County
20060216             It's 1—BIZARRE—ACCIDENT in Belmont County, in which the victims are the perpetrators.
20060216             It happened in Neffs OHIO, —JUST—BEFORE dawn —ON—FRIDAY.
20060216             1—MAN driving his son to school felt 1—IMPACT under his car.
20060216             He had run over 2—PEOPLE...but there's more to the story.
20060216             THE—NEW—WAAS, Eriposte and What Cheney Knew
20060216             Eriposte at the Left Coaster is the premiere braintrust on THE—NIGER documents.
20060216             And his take on the latest piece from MURRAY—WAAS is well worth 1—READ and 1—RE—READ.
20060216             Both Waas and eriposte have been indespensible in filling in SOME—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—GAPS on this aspect of the Traitorgate case + especially on what Dick CHENEY and Scooter Libby knew and did not know about JOE—WILSON +
20060216             EX—CHENEY aide gets trial date — CNN
20060216             WXIA—TVEX—CHENEY aide gets trial dateCNN?- —14—HOURS agoWASHINGTON (CNN) -- THE—OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE—TRIAL—OF—I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby -- THE—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF for VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY -- will begin almost —1—YEAR from —NOW,
20060216             Trial set for early —NEXT—YEAR in Libby case ReutersFormer CHENEY Aide to Stand Trial
20060216             New Subpoenas Very BAD—NEWS—FOR DeLay
20060216             USA—MAY—LOSE Billions in Oil, Gas Royalties BECAUSE—OF—LAW
20060216             Despite record profits, oil and gas producers may avoid BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in royalty payments to the government because of —1—DECADE—OLD—LAW designed to spur production —WHEN energy prices are low.
20060216             Source: THE—WASHINGTON—POST—GUNNING for Cheney
20060216             Other than the fact that 1—SITTING VICE—PRESIDENT hasn't shot anyone —SINCE AARON—BURR dispatched ALEXANDER—HAMILTON,
20060216             why is Dick CHENEY THE—NON—SHARPSHOOTER getting so much coverage?
20060216             Source: THE—WASHINGTON—POST—HOUSE—BLASTS—KATRINA Response
20060216             —BLASTED, House and Senate committees —TODAY, THE—FEDERAL—RESPONSE to Hurricane Katrina —LAST—YEAR,
20060216             with 1—HOUSE—PANEL issuing 1—SCATHING report on what it called 1—WIDESPREAD "FAILURE—OF—LEADERSHIP" and senators grilling Homeland SECURITY—SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF on his department's MUCH—CRITICIZED... Source: THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20060216             Cheney : 'You can't blame anyone else'
20060216             —ADDRESSED, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY publicly, his weekend hunting accident for The 1. time —WEDNESDAY in 1—INTERVIEW with another cable network.
20060216             "You can't blame anybody else. I'm the guy who pulled the trigger and shot my friend," CHENEY said in EXCERPTS—OF—THE—INTERVIEW.
20060216             Source: CNN—POLL: Most think GOP, Democrats lack vision
20060216             —BY—1—LARGE—NUMBER, most Americans lack faith in the ability of Democrats or Republicans to solve the nation's problems,
20060216             1—CNN/USA—TODAY/Gallup Poll released —WEDNESDAY indicates.
20060216             Shooting A Man At 30—YARDS With A 28-Guage Shotgun
20060216             Cheney Says Sanctions Could Face IRAN (AP)
20060216             VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY said —WEDNESDAY that sanctions would be "the number 1—ITEM on the agenda" if IRAN is hauled —BEFORE THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL for restarting nuclear activities.
20060216             More about Cheney and hunting
20060216             1—EXCELLENT—SERIES—OF—BLOGS and excerpts on THE—CHENEY hunting mishap is —POSTED here:
20060216             I'm not trying to make 1—BIG—DEAL out of 1—HUNTING accident for partisan purposes.
20060216             Doing the Math on Cheney and His Shooting Accident
20060216             Check out what this lawyer reader who has been 1—BIRD hunter of —30—YEARS' experience sent me in 1—E—MAIL on the improbability of Ms.
20060216             ARMSTRONG—VERSION (pdf) of CHENEY—SHOOTING accident from 1—MATHEMATICAL—POINT—OF—VIEW.
20060216             1—SNIPPET: I conclude the target was within 10 or 15—YARDS, at most, of Dick and possibly as close as 5—YARDS.
20060216             My reasons for saying this are algebraic.
20060216             So, my best estimate is as follows: Dick nearly blew this guy's head off.
20060216             1—READER writes in: Do you find it odd that 2—MEN are out hunting with 2—WOMEN that are not their wives?
20060216             Maybe this is the reason for THE—WH cover up?
20060216             The 4 in the hunting party were:
20060216             CHENEY, Whittington, the divorced Katharine Armstrong and as Raw Story wrote —EARLIER, PAMELA—WILLEFORD, THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to SWITZERLAND.
20060216             —BEFORE you say it's sleazy to ask this,
20060216             think about what the press would be reporting if it were JOHN—KERRY instead of Dick CHENEY.
20060216             Cheney Was Hunting Illegally —WHEN Accident Occurred
20060216             —RECIEVED, According to 1—EMAIL—THINKPROGRESS, from Lydia Saldaña,
20060216             spokeswoman for THE—TEXAS—PARKS + Wildlife Department, CHENEY didn't have
20060216             BUSH Knew —SATURDAY About Hunting Accident
20060216             AP—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH knew —SATURDAY—EVENING that VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY had accidentally shot 1—HUNTING companion,
20060216             but the information wasn't made public —UNTIL—THE—NEXT—DAY — by 1—PRIVATE—CITIZEN — THE—WHITE—HOUSE said —MONDAY.
20060216             Cyber Storm Exercise Completed, Dick Cheney Goes Hunting
20060216             This news from DHS should make you feel safer if you live in THE—USA, but watch your back if USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY goes hunting in your area.
20060216             1—EX—CIA—OFFICIAL says WASHINGTON "CHERRY—PICKED" intelligence on IRAQ —BEFORE 20030000             —THE invasion.
20060216             Chavez deadline for USA—PREACHERS
20060216             THE—VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT gives 1—GROUP—OF—USA—MISSIONARIES 1—SUNDAY deadline to leave the country.
20060216             —FAILED, USA—GOVERNMENT '' on KATRINA—CHERTOFF backs Katrina response
20060216             Embattled USA—SECURITY—CHIEF—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF rejects CRITICISM—OF—THE—RESPONSE to Hurricane Katrina.
20060216             Row rages over Katrina response
20060216             —BREACHED, THE—FORMER—FEMA CHIEF says officials knew levees were, in NEW—ORLEANS —EARLIER than admitted.
20060216             'Cyber Storm' tests USA—DEFENCES
20060216             —SIMULATED, THE—USA—TESTS the security of its cyber systems in —1—WEEK—LONG, attack run by Homeland Security.
20060216             Top 10 Searched for Terms Todays 1—GEORGE—BUSH
20060216             Angeblich soll einer seiner HACKER—ANGRIFFE mehr als 300—COMPUTER auf der USA Naval Wepons Station Earle in NEW—JERSEY lahm gelegt haben.
20060216             —GELÖSCHT, Zuvor hatte GARY—M—DATEIEN.
20060216             Dies sei in der kritischen Zeit —NACH—DEN Anschlägen des 20010911             passiert.
20060216             Der Hacker wurde im vergangenen —SOMMER in LONDON FESTGENOMMEN—SPÄTER aber gegen Kaution wieder freigelassen.
20060216             Ihm wurde verboten, das INTERNET zu benutzen.
20060216             —GESTANDEN, GARY—M, der unter dem Namen Solo hackte, hat —BEREITS, in Computer der USA—REGIERUNG eingebrochen zu sein.
20060216             —BESTREITET, Er, jedoch, dabei Schäden angerichtet zu haben.
20060216             Seine Unterstützer erklärten, die USA—MILITÄRS sollten GARY—M dankbar sein,
20060216             weil er SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN in ihren Systemen aufgezeigt habe.
20060216             —JETZT wehrt sich der einstige Systemadministrator vor dem Bow Street Magistrates COURT—IN—LONDON gegen die drohende Auslieferung in die USA.
20060216             Sollte er an die USA—JUSTIZ übergeben werden, drohen ihm 1—STRAFE—VON—BIS zu 1,75 Millionen USA—DOLLAR sowie eine 60-jährige Haft.
20060216             Seine Anwälte haben zudem darauf verwiesen, dass der Mann vor einem Militärgericht angeklagt werden könnte.
20060216             Dabei fürchten sie "Spezialbehandlungen" wie beispielsweise Einzelhaft, mit denen Ermittler Beschuldigten Geständnisse entlocken.
20060216             Möglicherweise drohe dem Mandanten gar eine Überstellung ins berüchtigte Gefängnis Guantanaomo auf KUBA,
20060216             in dem die USA Terrorverdächtige festhalten, erklärten die Anwälte.
20060216             Dort bestehe keine Chance auf Entlassung.
20060216             Das Londoner Gericht wird in der Angelegenheit auch Clive STAFFORD—SMITH anhören, einen Anwalt, der sich für die Rechte der in GUANTANAMO Inhaftierten einsetzt.
20060216             Der 40-jährige Mann aus Wood Green im Norden Londons soll in fast 100—COMPUTER der USA—ARMEE, der USA—RAUMFAHRTBEHÖRDE Nasa und des USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS eingedrungen sein.
20060216             Rund 450—MITARBEITER beschäftigt das FLI, den Großteil auf Riems.
20060216             Vogelforscher Bairlein erwartet in den kommenden —TAGEN, dass die Veterinärämter eine große Anzahl tot entdeckter Vögel zur Untersuchung bekommen:
20060216             "Wenn —JETZT irgendwo eine tote Ente gefunden wird, wird sie gemeldet.
20060216             Nach ANGABEN—VON—FLI—PRÄSIDENT—THOMAS—METTENLEITER hat es bei allen weltweit bekannten Infektionsfällen bei Menschen stets einen direkten Kontakt zu Nutzgeflügel gegeben.
20060216             Dies alles spricht gegen eine direkte Einschleppung des auch für Menschen gefährlichen Virus durch eines der in Rügen gefundenen Tiere.
20060216             Heimische (Greif-)Vögel als Reservoir: Der Haken an dieser Erklärung ist jedoch,
20060216             dass im vergangen —HERBST bei einer Untersuchung von Tausenden Wildvögeln in EUROPA kein H5N1 festgestellt worden ist.
20060216             Kein Anzeichen für ein stilles Reservoir also.
20060216             "Dies ist ausgesprochen eigenartig.
20060216             Dafür haben wir kein Erklärungsszenario", sagt Bairlein.
20060216             13.000—SCHWANENPAARE in DEUTSCHLAND 20060216             20060216             "Das ist unser Appell an die Ornithologen, verstärkt auf tote Greifvögel zu 8.", sagte die Sprecherin.
20060216             FLI—SPRECHERIN Reinking zeichnet diese Möglichkeit nach: Die Schwäne könnten sich bei Wildenten angesteckt haben,
20060216             die sich ihrerseits —SCHON im vergangenen —JAHR bei Zugvögeln infiziert haben.
20060216             "Dann kam das Virus —BIS—JETZT unentdeckt in der Wildvogelpopulation vor", sagte Reinking.
20060216             Da Höckerschwäne nur kurze Strecken zurücklegten, könnten sie nicht aus VOGELGRIPPE—REGIONEN gekommen sein.
20060216             "Aber woher kommt das Virus dann, wenn es nicht durch Zugvögel transportiert wurde?
20060216             fragt der Leiter des Wilhelmshavener Instituts für Vogelforschung.
20060216             "Nur die SING—UND Zwergschwäne sind arktische Zugvögel und überwintern hier.
20060216             Aus der ARKTIS können sie das Virus aber nicht eingeschleppt haben, denn dort ist es bislang nicht nachgewiesen". 20060216             20060216             "Dieses aktuelle Phänomen ist nicht zu erklären, denn es hat offensichtlich nichts mit dem Vogelzug zu tun",
20060216             sagte der Vogelforscher FRANZ—BAIRLEIN.
20060216             Vordringlich wollen die Wissenschaftler —NUN klären: Warum und wie haben sich die Höckerschwäne den Erreger eingefangen,
20060216             obwohl sie doch keine Zugvögel sind?
20060216             FLI—SPRECHERIN Elke Reinking bestätigte, dass es sich bei den auf Rügen infizierten Vögeln um Höckerschwäne handelt.
20060216             "Diese Art ist 1—STANDORTVOGEL, der immer hier ist", sagte sie.
20060216             wenn es um die Vogelgrippe geht.
20060216             Seine Beratung dient der Bundesregierung und den Landesregierungen als Entscheidungsgrundlage für die Seuchenbekämpfung.
20060216             Da die vergangene —WOCHE von Urlaubern in Rügen gefundenen Schwäne das H5N1-Virus in sich trugen, gilt —DERZEIT bei jeglichem toten Federvieh höchste Vorsicht.
20060216             Warum es ausgerechnet sie sind,
20060216             die mit dem VOGELGRIPPE—ERREGER infiziert waren, ist völlig ungeklärt.
20060216             Wie konnten sich die Rügener Schwäne bloß mit dem gefährlichen Virus H5N1 infizieren?
20060216             Die Forscher stehen vor einem Rätsel.
20060216             Denn: Die Vögel haben in DEUTSCHLAND ÜBERWINTERT—UND kamen folglich nicht aus den verseuchten Gebieten.
20060216             Warum ausgerechnet Schwäne? Mehr als 100—TOTE Schwäne und ein toter Habicht sind im Norden der Insel Rügen gefunden worden.
20060216             Der Greifvogel trug das VOGELGRIPPE—VIRUS in sich.
20060216             Es handelt sich um die 2. Tierart, bei der in DEUTSCHLAND H5N1 gefunden wurde.
20060216             Der Habicht und die Schwäne waren auf die Insel Riems gebracht worden,
20060216             wo sie in den Labors des FRIEDRICH—LOEFFLER—INSTITUTS (FLI) untersucht werden.
20060216             FRANKREICH: Europarat geißelt ZUSTAND—DER—GEFÄNGNISSE
20060216             TONIGHT—EPISODE... Supernatural (WB) "THE—BENDERS" Dean and Sam learn that the kidnappers they seek are not supernatural,
20060216             but humans using their captives as human prey for 1 twisted hunting expedition
20060216             Special appearance by Dick CHENEY !
20060216             CANADA Equine...ON—LINE—NEWS: WRAP—UP for Zada Enterprises, LLC...
20060216             at THE—PALM—BEACH—POLO Equestrian Club —FOLLOWING—4—DAYS—OF—COMPETITION.
20060216             Equestrian Festival —FOR—10—YEARS with the sponsorship of JOHN—DEUSS and...
20060216             Equus Directory... - party is behind you.
20060216             BUSH at 39% - CHENEY—GOP Handwringing Over Cheney
20060216             In "1—NEW—AGE—OF—EMPIRE," - In "THE—INTERNATIONAL—JEW,",
20060216             INTERVIEW—WITH—SALON magazine, It will serve you well in life.
20060216             Nuking THE—ECONOMY—ROCK THE—VOTE—IS—REGROUPING—THE—TODAY—SHOW, apparently defunct
20060216             as compared to this: or, FREEDOMLAND—MUSLIM Cartoons
20060216             Cheney hunting accident - 4—OLYMPICS - 5—NANOTECHNOLOGY
20060216             6—OSCAR nominations - 7—BUSINESS plan - 8—IRAQ—WAR
20060216             9—PACKAGING machinery - | GOP AbraMafia - | GOP CULTURE—OF—CORRUPTION
20060216             —BY—CHRIS—FLOYD - [WASHINGTON—POST]. Post Date:20060104191510
20060216             Custos da cacofonia empresarial Fundada em 19730000             por DAVID—ROCKEFELLER, a Trilateral integra personalidades do mais alto nível: empresários, presidentes de empresas, políticos não...
20060216             —BECAME, Akio Morita, CHAIRMAN—OF—SONY, the new JAPAN—CHAIRMAN.
20060216             Who Wants World War III? Rockefeller was 1—OF—THE 1. to see this and although not in the oil business himself, founded Shell Oil.
20060216             A Verdade da Mentira: História Arquivo Rockefeller é considerado como o mais controverso homem de negócios da América... No entanto Rockefeller distribuiu mais dinheiro do que qualquer outra... a_verdade_da_
20060216             Semanário Tanto Kissinger como Rockefeller apoiaram energicamente a candidatura de Durão... Um grupo restrito de Bilderberg, onde estavam Rockefeller, Kissinger...
20060216             [2]From "In war, SOME—FACTS—LESS—FACTUAL," by SCOTT—PETERSON, CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR, 20020906             .
20060216             [4] THE—USE—OF—THE—TERM "CIA" as shorthand for 1—COVERT, corrupt criminal clique working within it, should not detract from the fact that MOST—OF—THE—MEN and WOMEN—OF—THE—CIA may do valuable, and occasionally even courageously conscientious work.
20060216             [5]"GABRIEL—HANOTAUX, THE—DREYFUS—AFFAIR + How LONDON Orchestrated THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—FRANCO—GERMAN—ALLIANCE," corroborates ENGLAND—HORROR at economic development for EGYPT, and views FRANCE and GERMANY as builders, ENGLAND as looter
20060216             [6]MARTIN—PALMER, [7]In "1—NEW—AGE—OF—EMPIRE,"
20060216             [8]See PAUL—THOMPSON—WIDELY acclaimed online reference work, THE—COMPLETE—911—TIMELINE,
20060216             [11]INTERVIEW—WITH—SALON magazine, links to 1—COLLECTION—OF—MISS—ROSENBERG—WORK at
20060216             56-59. - [14]" BUSH—SPEECH reveals how much AMERICA, not Hussein, has changed, "
20060216             [15]See.
20060216             For more background, see also ERIC—MARGOLIS,IRAQ—HISTORY—IS—WRITTEN—IN—BLOOD, and, 1—TRAGIC—HISTORY—OF—IRAQ under British and USA—IMPERIALISM, how Bush Sr bombed it from the most advanced to the most backward Arab country.
20060216             [16]THE—PROJECT for the New USA—CENTURY, or PNAC, as criticized by 1—SCOTLAND—NEWSPAPER: (group message no.
20060216             [17]. - - - - [18]THYSSEN—COMPLAINT was not 1—MERE—PRODUCT—OF overheated imagination.
20060216             In his memoirs, DAVID—LLOYD—GEORGE, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—AND—REPRESENTATIVE—AT—VERSAILLES, noted how GERMANY and ENGLAND competed to offer 1—HOME in Palestine in exchange for Jewish support in THE—CLOSELY—MATCHED war.
20060216             GERMANY was 1. to accept the proposal and urged the deal in vain on her ally, TURKEY.
20060216             —FROM MEMOIRS—OF—THE—PEACE—CONFERENCE, 19390000             ; cited at.
20060216             Cornelius believes  that THE—REPLACEMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—ASQUITH by LLOYD—GEORGE was specifically planned in order to realize the —TRANSACTION, Palestine in exchange for USA—ENTRY into the war.
20060216             [19]In "THE—INTERNATIONAL—JEW,", Ford claimed that Jews held MOST—OF—THE—KEY—POSITIONS in THE—POST—WWI GERMANY—GOVERNMENT.
20060216             [20]See CHRISTOPHER—SIMPSON, AUTHOR—OF—BLOWBACK, in "AMERICA—RECRUITMENT—OF—NAZIS + its disastrous effect on our domestic and foreign policy,"and "Government Investigated Bush FAMILY—FINANCING—OF—HITLER,"
20060216             [21]PHIL—LEGGIERE, THE—INDISCREET—CHARM—OF—THE—BUSH—NAZI Web Conspiranoids,"support for dictatorships... the private sector style of INTERNATIONAL affairs pioneered by Dulles, Harriman, Lovett and Bush in the '30s gradually metaphorphosed, —DURING and —WWII—AFTER, into the official REALPOLITIK—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, often under the guidance of these same men".
20060216             [24], by GLEN—YEADON.
20060216             Chapter 5: The 1930s: Nazis Parading on Main Street.
20060216             The toothless investigation and media COVER—UP of this act of high treason closely parallel 20010911             .
20060216             II, THE—HITLER—PROJECT, [28]Yeadon.
20060216             FRANKLIN—DELANO—ROOSEVELT vs. the Banks: MORGAN—FASCIST—PLOT, and How It Was Defeated. to morgan4.htm.
20060216             [29]Smedley Butler quoted in THE—PLOT to Sieze THE—WHITE—HOUSE by JULES—ARCHER, reviewed at.
20060216             [30]Yeadon, [32] VIDAL—REVIEW is 1—ESSAY from his forthcoming book, THE—ENEMY—WITHIN.
20060216             [39]KRIS—MILLIGEN, Editor, Conspiracy Theory Research List, in "Everything you wanted to know about Skull & Bones, but were afraid to ask," at, or, is the source of the —FOLLOWING quotes.
20060216             THE—AUTHOR—ALSO asks if THE—RUSSELL—LINKS to CHINA, opium and war continued through CIA involvement in the Golden Triangle —DURING THE—VIETNAM—WAR, under Bush 41 and THEODORE—SHACKLEY—AND 1—MIGHT add, —NOW, to AFGHANISTAN.
20060216             [41]PAUL—GOLDSTEIN and JEFFREY—STEINBERG, "GEORGE—BUSH, Skull & Bones and the New World Order," 19910000             , is perhaps the most complete and balanced account online.
20060216             Article and INTERVIEW—FROM—USA—TODAY and MISS—NBC at www.bilderberg_org/skulbone.htm
20060216             [43]THE—TODAY—SHOW,
20060216             [44]Key financing for THE—JAPAN—VICTORY was provided by JACOB—SCHIFF—OF—KUHN, Loeb & Co., USA—AGENTS for Rothschild;
20060216             - BRUCE—KENT—WE have met the enemy + they are us.
20060216             ¿Que es el CLERO—FASCISMO? - La Iglesia en la Segunda Guerra MUNDIAL—HERENCIA Cristiana.
20060216             CLERO—FASCISMO turco de Kamal Ataturk, el cuál Hudal lo llama Kamalism.' AUSTRIA, Croacia, Eslovaquia, ESPAÑA—PORTUGAL... dio su definición de CLERO—FASCISMO el 28—DE agosto de...
20060216             Distinto a la Alemania nazi fue el caso de AUSTRIA... CLERO—FASCISTAS, sino también ESPAÑA—PORTUGAL, Vichi (gobierno central de Francia durante.
20060216             La componente RADICAL—SOCIALISTA—LAICA esiste.
20060216             Klerofašizem KLEROFAŠIZEM—
20060216             Política e Religião em EDUARDO—LOURENÇO, ou a Questão dos Dois Poderes* (PDF)... específica em PORTUGAL, no período PÓS—25—DE Abril... intolerável cheval de retour do CLERO—FASCISMO que é o senhor Arcebispo de BRAGA...
20060216             Ok to laugh yet? Though the callous way THE—WH has handled this, and more importantly THE—CONDITION—OF—THE—DICK—VICTIM, make JOKE—CRACKING 1—BIT indelicate, this 1—JUST cracked me up.
20060216             PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS: "Even Jobs at MCDONALD—AREN'T Safe" : Americans are giving up their civil liberties because they fear terrorist attacks.
20060216             Pigs at the trough :
20060216             Senate aide's spouse gets 1—WINDFALL : SENATOR—ARLEN—SPECTER helped direct almost $50—MILLION in Pentagon spending —DURING the past —4—YEARS to CLIENTS—OF—THE oo 1—OF—HIS—TOP—AIDES, records show.
20060216             'Collective Punishment', Cries Hamas : Incoming Hamas legislator Mushir AL—MASRI said —THURSDAY that ISRAEL—TOUGH—RESPONSE to its new role as majority party in THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY is tantamount to "collective punishment".
20060216             USA—BACKS—ISRAEL on aid for humanitarian groups, not Hamas : ISRAEL will try to delegitimize the new PALESTINE—HAMAS government by insisting that INTERNATIONAL aid be given to humanitarian organizations and not THE—PA authorities.
20060216             —CRITICIZED, Republican senators, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—WEDNESDAY over its policies in IRAQ, IRAN and THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORIES, as SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—1. testimony on Capitol Hill in months exposed her to 1—TOUGH grilling from SOME—MEMBERS—OF—HER—OWN—PARTY
20060216             Secret Data Exposed in Terrorism Case : : FEDERAL—OFFICIALS in DALLAS mistakenly disclosed classified COUNTER—TERRORISM—INFORMATION in 1—BREACH of national security that could also threaten 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BIGGEST terrorism prosecution cases, newly unsealed court records show.
20060216             Civil liberties fear as USA—TERROR—SUSPECT—LIST—RISES to 325,000 : Civil liberties organisations expressed outrage —YESTERDAY—AFTER it was reported that THE—DATABASE—OF—TERRORIST—SUSPECTS kept by THE—USA—AUTHORITIES—NOW holds 325,000 names, 1—FOURFOLD increase in 2 and 1—HALF—YEARS.
20060216             —AUTHORIZED, Dick Cheney, to disclose classified information?
20060216             DAVID—IGNATIUS : Fueled by arrogance, Bush WHITE—HOUSE ignores the rules : There is 1—TEMPTATION that seeps into the souls of even the most righteous politicians and leads them to bend the rules, and eventually the truth, to suit the political NEEDS—OF—THE—MOMENT.
20060216             THE—GLOBAL—FREE—FIRE—ZONE : THE—AIR—FORCE has put out a "Prompt Global Strike Request for Information," beginning the process of examining alternatives for new weapons capable of hitting targets anywhere on earth.
20060216             Ron Paul: THE—END—OF—DOLLAR—HEGEMONY : A —100—YEARS—AGO it was called "dollar diplomacy".
20060216             But —AFTER all these MANY—YEARS—OF—GREAT—SUCCESS, our dollar dominance is coming to 1—END.
20060216             HAITI—RENE—PREVAL—IS—DECLARED—WINNER—OF—ELECTION : The winner of the controversial elections in HAITI, Rene Preval, is 1—FORMER—ALLY—OF ousted PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE and has inherited his —FOLLOWING among the poor.
20060216             USA—TROOP—DEPLOYMENT—SPARKS—PROTESTS in DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC : THE—LANDING—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—USA—TROOPS at 1—PORT city in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC, barely 80—MILES from THE—HAITI—BORDER, sparked protests and warnings that WASHINGTON may be preparing another military intervention aimed at quelling the popular unrest that has erupted in HAITI over attempts to rig the presidential election.
20060216             —CONFIRMED, PARAGUAY finds oil, natural gas : THE—PARAGUAY—GOVERNMENT, —ON—TUESDAY that 1—UK—PROSPECTING company has found oil and natural gas in THE—NORTH—OF—PARAGUAY, whose energy has depended on import.
20060216             SADDAM—REPORTEDLY—WARNED—USA—OF—TERRORISM : SADDAM—HUSSEIN told aides in the mid-1990s that he warned THE—USA—IT could be hit by 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK, ABC News reported —WEDNESDAY, citing —12—HOURS—OF—TAPES the network OBTAINED—OF—THE—FORMER—IRAQ—DICTATOR—TALKS with his Cabinet.
20060216             Propaganda ?
20060216             FRANCE accuses IRAN over nukes: THE—FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER has accused IRAN of pursuing 1—CLANDESTINE military nuclear programme.
20060216             Selling 1—WAR: IRAN nuclear programme is 'military' : FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—PHILIPPE—DOUSTE—BLAZY branded IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME for the 1. time —ON—THURSDAY as a "clandestine, military" project.
20060216             RUSSIA Warns USA Against Striking IRAN : RUSSIA—TOP—MILITARY—CHIEF—ON—THURSDAY warned THE—USA—AGAINST launching 1—MILITARY—STRIKE against IRAN and 1—TOP—DIPLOMAT voiced hope that close cooperation with CHINA could help resolve THE—TEHRAN nuclear crisis.
20060216             Bush plans huge propaganda campaign in IRAN: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION made 1—EMERGENCY—REQUEST to Congress —YESTERDAY for a 7—FOLD increase in funding to mount the biggest ever propaganda campaign against THE—TEHRAN government, in 1—FURTHER—SIGN—OF—THE worsening crisis between IRAN and the west.
20060216             House condemns IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM : THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—ON—THURSDAY passed 1—RESOLUTION condemning IRAN for its nuclear program + urging THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to apply sanctions to deny it the ability to develop atomic weapons.
20060216             Amnesty condemns IRAN—TREATMENT—OF—ETHNIC—MINORITIES : THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD has come under severe criticism from AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL in 1—REPORT entitled "New government fails to address dire human rights situation", which was published —THIS—WEEK.
20060216             —CONFIRMED, Abuse photos authentic: Pentagon: THE—PENTAGON has, the authenticity of 1—SET—OF—PHOTOGRAPHS—OF—PRISONER—ABUSE at ABU—GHRAIB that were aired for the 1. time —ON—WEDNESDAY by AUSTRALIA—TELEVISION, 1—DEFENCE—OFFICIAL said.
20060216             —STUMBLED, USA—REPORTS—DISCOVERY—OF—APPARENT—DEATH—SQUAD in IRAQ: THE—USA—MILITARY has, across the 1. EVIDENCE—OF—1—DEATH—SQUAD within IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—AFTER the detention —LAST—MONTH—OF—22—MEN wearing police commando uniforms who were about to shoot 1—SUNNI man, according to THE—USA—GENERAL overseeing THE—TRAINING—OF—IRAQ—POLICE.
20060216             Will we say that we stood silently by, shrugging our shoulders, filling our bellies, closing our eyes?
20060216             Or will we be able to say: We saw.
20060216             Ganz anders als diese Pulsare verhalten sich die —NUN beobachteten RRATs: Ihre Radioimpulse sind mit einer Länge von teilweise nur 2—TAUSENDSTEL —SEKUNDEN extrem kurz + die Pausen zwischen den Signalen sind unregelmäßig und teilweise VIELE—MINUTEN lang.
20060216             Dennoch haben die Wissenschaftler bei den meisten der beobachteten RRATs eine gewisse Regelmäßigkeit der Signale beobachtet, die jedoch immer wieder durch Unterbrechungen gestört ist.
20060216             Die Signale erschienen wie das Licht eines Leuchtturms, der immer wieder von unregelmäßigen Stromausfällen betroffen sei, erklären die Astronomen.
20060216             Da die RRATs wegen der Kürze der Signale und den langen Pausen dazwischen nur schwer auszumachen seien, habe man die seltsamen kosmischen Signalgeber wohl bislang übersehen, schreiben die Forscher.
20060216             Die Gesetzesvorlage soll Exportbeschränkungen für Hardware und Software enthalten und die Aufstellung von E—MAIL—UND anderen KOMMUNIKATIONS—SERVERN in Ländern, die nicht AMERIKANISCHEN—RECHTSSTANDARDS folgen, verbieten.
20060216             Diesem —BEREITS—IN—DER—LETZTEN—WOCHE erstmals vorgebrachten Versuch, den Schwarzen Peter an die Diplomatie durchzureichen, begegnete JAMES—KEITH vom USA—AUßENMINISTERIUM mit dem Verweis auf die Gründung der "Global INTERNET Freedom Task Force", die kurz vor Beginn der Anhörung im Menschenrechtsausschuss bekanntgegeben worden war.
20060216             Außerdem soll sie die Regierung und Wirtschaftsunternehmen beraten, denen sie Leitlinien für einen rechtskonformen Umgang mit Daten in zensierenden Ländern geben will.
20060216             Ein bisschen weniger freie Information sei besser als gar keine, argumentierte der GOOGLE—ABGESANDTE mit dem Hinweis darauf, dass Google seine Nutzer in CHINA immer dann, wenn 1—SUCHERGEBNIS weggefiltert wird, ausdrücklich auf diese zensurbedingte Lücke hinweise.
20060216             Sein Haus habe sich entschieden, mit dem Ausbau einer CHINESISCHEN—WEB—SITE fortzufahren, damit sie einen "bedeutenden, wenn auch nur unvollkommenen Beitrag für die Erweiterung des Zugangs zu Informationen in CHINA leisten kann".
20060216             Vertreter beider großen Parteien beschuldigten die USA—KONZERNE, aus Geschäftsinteresse Peking geholfen zu haben, Rede und Meinungsfreiheit im Land zu unterdrücken.
20060216             "Diese abscheulichen Aktionen in CHINA sind 1—SCHANDE", urteilte der demokratische Abgeordnete TOM—LANTOS.
20060216             Sein republikanischer Kollege CHRIS—SMITH, VORSITZENDER—DES—USA—PARLAMENTS—UNTERAUSSCHUSSES für Menschenrechte, sekundierte, die Firmen hätten der "Diktatur gedient".
20060216             Mit Hilfe eines Laptops demonstrierte Smith, was die Selbstzensur der Suchmaschine Google in der Praxis bedeutet: Während die Suche —NACH—DEM Begriff "Tiananmen Square" in der USA—VERSION BILDER—VON—PANZERN und vom TIENANMEN—MASSAKER, mit dem die CHINESISCHE—ARMEE 19890000             den friedlichen Protest Tausender Studenten beendete, erbrachte, zeigte die Suche bei Google CHINA Bilder lächelnder Touristen.
20060216             Geschäfte in CHINA bedingten 1—SELBSTZENSUR, auch wenn das den Grundwerten und den Standards von Google widerspreche, sagte Schrage in einer vorbereiteten Stellungnahme.
20060216             "Wie kann die Führung Ihrer Unternehmen —NACHTS noch ruhig schlafen?", fragte der demokratische Abgeordnete TOM—LANTOS im Rahmen der Anhörung des MENSCHENRECHTS—AUSSCHUSSES des USA—KONGRESS.
20060216             Sollten Amerikas führende IT—UNTERNEHMEN gehofft haben, die Wogen der Empörung über ihre Verstrickung in INTERNET—ZENSURMAßNAHMEN in CHINA hätten sich ein wenig gelegt, wurden sie —AM—MITTWOCH enttäuscht.
20060216             Die Studie erklärt nach Meinung der Experten auch, warum sich die AGA—KRÖTEN in ihren 1. —JAHREN in Queensland nur um etwa 10—KILOMETER jährlich ausbreiteten, mittlerweile aber um die 50—KILOMETER pro —JAHR schaffen.
20060216             Laut Shine sind die auch als ZUCKERROHR—KRÖTEN bekannten Tiere ein schlagendes Beispiel dafür, dass sogenannte invasive Arten so rasch wie möglich bekämpft werden müssten - "bevor der Eindringling Zeit hat, sich zu einem gefährlicheren Feind zu entwickeln".
20060216             —BEREITS vor einem —JAHR hatte Shine 2—SCHLANGENARTEN entdeckt, die sich in nur —70—JAHREN so weit verändert haben, dass sie die Giftkröte gefahrlos fressen und verdauen können.
20060216             Notwendig seien 1—EINWEGOVERALL mit Kapuze, Gummistiefel, Handschuhe, Schutzbrillen und spezielle Atemschutzmasken, sagte STEFAN—DRELLER vom Berufsgenossenschaftliche Institut für Arbeitsschutz.
20060216             Mit den ERGEBNISSEN—DER—DETAILLIERTEN—UNTERSUCHUNGEN besteht —NUN endgültige Gewissheit, dass die Seuche DEUTSCHLAND erreicht hat, sagte der Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister HORST—SEEHOFER in BERLIN.
20060216             Die VORSITZENDE—DES—VERBRAUCHERSCHUTZ—AUSSCHUSSES—DES—BUNDESTAGS sagte im ZDF, das Anlaufen der Maßnahmen am Dienstagabend sei missglückt.
20060216             "Sorgen macht uns, dass Schwäne keine klassischen Zugvögel sind und dass das Virus —SCHON vor dem klassischen Frühjahrszug DEUTSCHLAND erreicht hat", sagte er.
20060216             Dafür gebe es 2—MÖGLICHE Erklärungen.
20060216             —AM wahrscheinlichsten sei, dass die Tiere wegen des strengen Winters in Osteuropa gekommen seien und das Virus so hierher brachten.
20060216             —VERBREITET, Je weiter H5N1 sich, desto wahrscheinlicher ist 1—VARIANTE, die sich von Mensch zu Mensch verbreiten kann.
20060216             Mit seinen Notfallmaßnahmen für einen solchen Pandemiefall sei DEUTSCHLAND gemeinsam mit den USA, FRANKREICH oder den Niederlanden führend.
20060216             Allerdings würden "noch nicht in ausreichendem Maße" antivirale Medikamente bereitgehalten, kritisierte Stöhr.
20060216             Bei dem Grippevirus handele es sich um 1—TIERSEUCHE, die außerordentlich schwer auf den Menschen überspringe, machte er —HEUTE im Bayerischen Rundfunk deutlich.
20060216             However, this specific ATC tape, being so graphic, having been released so early and helping "prove" the government's "case" by having 1—ARAB sounding "CAPTAIN" give 1—ANNOUNCEMENT—AFTER what sounded like it could have been the pilot's murder, seemed to be 1—PURPOSEFUL—INTELLIGENCE "leak".
20060216             I've always maintained that I don't claim to be able to PROVE that UAL93 wasn't shot down, I —JUST have 1—LITTLE—BIT—OF—ADDITIONAL—CONFIRMATION that most people don't that makes me feel comfortable accepting the official version.
20060216             —BY WILLIAM—BUNCH—BUNCHW@phillynews_com
20060216             —CRASHED, Several leading seismologists agree that Flight 93, last 20060911100605        a.m., give or take 1—COUPLE—OF—SECONDS.
20060216             —ALLOWED, Family members, to hear the cockpit voice recorder in PRINCETON—NEW—JERSEY, last —SPRING were told it stopped —JUST—AFTER 10:03. THE—FBI and other agencies refused repeated requests to explain the discrepancy.
20060216             They said it could mean that THE—FBI and other government agencies either failed to properly synchronize the times, or there were other problems in the retrieving or HANDLING—OF—THE—TAPE from THE—SO—CALLED "black box" recovered from the wreckage at Shanksville, PENNSILVANIA.
20060216             —SPECULATED, Or, experts, it could mean there was 1—MAJOR—ON—BOARD—ELECTRICAL—FAILURE on the plane —3—MINUTES—BEFORE Flight 93 crashed, causing the recorder to quit working.
20060216             or more likely - 2) 1—NIXONIAN gap.
20060216             Example: In THE—ENGLAND—LANGUAGE—LINK I —POSTED he states at 1—POINT that they are bad pilots... then —LATER says:
20060216             "According to THE—USA—AERONAUTICAL—SOURCES, this irregular trajectory denotes that those who manned the Boeing were people with little experience in the handling of these engines, against SOME—OPINIONS that sustain the great KNOW—HOW—OF—THE—TERRORISTS".
20060216             Please take 1—MOMENT to read THIS—QUICK synopsis on OCKHAM—RAZOR.
20060216             "Plurality is not to be assumed without necessity" - - WILLIAM—OF—OCKHAM
20060216             Was it all MIHOP? I don't know.
20060216             I lean more to LIHOP, but I will say this: There is NOTHING I would put past this bunch.
20060216             Look at everything else they've done and then tell me that this is OUT—OF—THE—QUESTION considering who they are, what they've said and what they've done.
20060216             If I understand the approach to WASHINGTON, 77 was coming in full throttle over the Potomac, between the Pentagon and THE—WH at about 7000—FEET.
20060216             I don't pretend to be 1—PILOT, but in the simulation I set up using THE—757—MODEL at cruising airspeed, I think I destroyed the airframe about 15—TIMES—BEFORE I was able to make the complete turn....and another 15—20—TIMES—BEFORE I could get the simulation to hit the Pentagon.
20060216             For this pilot, who I believe was so bad that his instructor said he had no business flying 1—CESSNA, this ability to make the manuever on his 1. attempt was amazing.
20060216             63. David, I think that given enough simulator training, having 1—RUDIMENTARY KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—NAVIGATION—SYSTEMS on the aircraft, and the excellent weather that they had, coupled with the fanatic determination that they had, it would be possible to do what they did.
20060216             —ABOUT a.m., as he walked with 1—FRIEND—NEAR THE—THAT wasn't unusual.
20060216             Planes fly low over the city so often no 1—PAYS—ANY—ATTENTION to them, said Artman.
20060216             Then he saw the smoke from THE—PENTAGON".
20060216             —FROM href= - as compared to this:
20060216             "It was like coming up to 1—INTERSECTION.
20060216             —ASKED, —WHEN air traffic control, me if we had him in sight, I told him that was 1—UNDERSTATEMENT -- —BY—THEN, he had pretty much filled our windscreen.
20060216             "That caught us up, because normally they have all that information. The controller didn't seem to know anything".
20060216             —FROM href=(apparently defunct)
20060216             They were asking 1—MILITARY—AIRCRAFT to chase what they'd thought was 1—MILITARY—AIRCRAFT, notwithstanding what had already taken place in NEW—YORK?
20060216             —ON the contrary, given 1—REMARKABLE—LACK—OF—EYE—WITNESS—EVIDENCE to account for the trajectory 1 has to make THE—MOST—OF—WHATEVER is available, 1—TASK that is not then so easy.
20060216             If the plane actually got as far as WASHINGTON (as SOME—VERSIONS would have it) and then had to double back to head in from the vicinity of ARLINGTON Village, it could only then have gone the long way —AROUND, so to speak, to get there.
20060216             e.g. - "...—8—MINUTES—BEFORE the crash, at 9:30 a.m. EDT, radar tracked the plane as it closed to within 30—MILES—OF—WASHINGTON.
20060216             But the jet, flying at more than 400—MPH, was too fast and too high —WHEN it neared the Pentagon at 9:35. THE—HIJACKER—PILOTS were then forced to execute 1—DIFFICULT—HIGH—SPEED descending turn.
20060216             The plane was between 12 and 14—MILES away, says O'Brien, "and it was —JUST 1—COUNTDOWN. 10—MILES—WEST. 9—MILES—WEST... Our supervisor picked up our line to THE—WHITE—HOUSE and started relaying to them the information, we have 1 unidentified very FAST—MOVING aircraft inbound toward your vicinity, 8—MILES—WEST".
20060216             "And it went 6, 5, 4. And I had it in my mouth to say, 3, and ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN the plane turned away. In the room, it was almost 1—SENSE—OF—RELIEF. This must be 1—FIGHTER. This must be 1—OF—OUR guys sent in, scrambled to patrol our capital + to protect our PRESIDENT + we sat —BACK—IN our chairs and breathed for —JUST a 2.," says O'Brien.
20060216             "We lost radar contact with that aircraft. And we waited. And we waited. And your heart is —JUST beating out of your chest waiting to hear what's happened," says O'Brien.
20060216             My question is: Why isn't THE—USA—GOVERNMENT recruiting these Arab terrorist pilots?
20060216             —ANALYZED, The article explains simply that someone digitally, SOME—VIDEO—FOOTAGE—OF—THE—PLANE at 1—UNIVERSITY (outside the states) and says that it is impossible that these shapes are shadows, because 1—NUMBER—OF—SHOTS were analyzed from different angles.
20060216             LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-03 AT 06:14 PM (ET)
20060216             I have 1—STRONG—SKEPTICISM about remote control and bumps and whatnot, but I try to look at the evidence, all the evidence from mainstream sources + not —JUST the parts that I personally like.
20060216             What if the next phase was to use it experimentally on 1—FEW real aircraft as 1—SECRET—ANTI—HIJACKING device?
20060216             —TRAINED, In this theory, Atta and others who had, in military bases also were aware of this, turned the tables, and used the technology to their own ends.
20060216             It's interesting to note that —WHEN NORAD technicians started getting word of the hijackings, they —INITIALLY assumed they were not real and PART—OF—1—WAR—GAME scheduled for —THAT—DAY called Vigilant GUARDIAN.
20060216             That would explain why Boeing can't talk about this for reasons of "national security" and not SOME—OTHER—REASON, like our lawyers say we can't speak on this matter.
20060216             —THE—BUSH—CULTISTS have begun their "BUH—BUH—BUT what about Chappaquiddick?" defense.
20060216             Why the delay in reporting the incident?
20060216             —BEFORE we consider conspiracies, we have to remember: THE—WHITE—HOUSE is slow to respond to everything.
20060216             Maybe if Cheney shot the corpse of TERRY—SCHAIVO.
20060216             —WHILE GUNSHOT—VICTIM—WHITTINGTON—CHILDREN wait to see if their father lives or dies from pellets in his heart, Republican Congressman Stacey Campfield "jokes" about it + advocates shooting lawyers and Democrats:Dead eye Dick Cheney "Our VP is —NOW clearly pro gun and anti lawyer. I say not 1—BAD—START. I am taking up 1—COLLECTION to send 1—FEW democrats off on 1—HUNTING trip..".From Crooks and Liars Post Date:20060214             20060216             I. LEWIS—LIBBY—JUNIOR told 1—GRAND—JURY that he was authorized by his "superiors" to disclose classified information in June and 20030700             .
20060216             CRAP—OF—NOTE: "If we'd been able to do this —BEFORE 20010911             , we might have been able to pick up on 2—OF—THE—HIJACKERS who flew 1—JET into the Pentagon. They were in THE—USA, communicating with al Qaeda associates overseas. But we didn't know they were here plotting —UNTIL it was too late".
20060216             Cheney : Eavesdropping Might Have Prevented 20010911             WILLIAM—BRANIGIN: VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY —TODAY offered 1—STAUNCH defense of 1—SECRET—GOVERNMENT eavesdropping program, saying it might have been able to thwart 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks if it had been in place —AT—THE—TIME.
20060216             HERE—THE—NY—TIMES—STORY on the report to be issued —ON—WEDNESDAY by THE—ALL—REPUBLICAN committee that investigated THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—RESPONSE to Katrina:
20060216             1—DRAFT—OF—THE—REPORT, to be issued by an 11-member, ALL—REPUBLICAN committee, says THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was informed on the —DAY Hurricane Katrina hit that the levees had been breached, even though THE—PRESIDENT and other top administration officials —EARLIER said that they had learned of the breach THE—NEXT—DAY.
20060216             "ANY—DELAY in confirming the breaches would result in 1—DELAY in THE—POST—LANDFALL EVACUATION—OF—THE—CITY".
20060216             Bush's $7—BILLION Giveaway To Big Oil Submitted by ROY—TEMPLE on Tue, 20060214             - 9:17am.
20060216             struggling oil companies. HERE—THE—NY—TIMES—COVEREAGE:
20060216             THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT is on the verge of 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST—GIVEAWAYS—OF—OIL and gas in USA—HISTORY, worth 1 estimated $7—BILLION over —5—YEARS.
20060216             —BURIED, New projections, in the Interior DEPARTMENT—JUST—PUBLISHED budget plan, anticipate that the government will let companies pump about $65—BILLION WORTH—OF—OIL and natural gas from FEDERAL—TERRITORY over the next —5—YEARS without paying ANY—ROYALTIES to the government.
20060216             —EXPECTED, The companies are, to get the largess, known as royalty relief, even though the administration assumes that oil prices will remain above $50 1—BARREL —THROUGHOUT that period.
20060216             —FACED, Even if they had money to keep him there, we are —NOW, with 1—PROBLEM that —200—YEARS—OF—CAPITALISM has not completely solved: how to discipline 1—YOUNGSTER reliably to fulfil 1—BORING and underpaid duty?
20060216             BRUNO—LATOUR—IN hommage to ROBERT—FOX 20060216             20060216             I expect sociologists to be much more fortunate than cosmologists —SINCE they soon will discover their missing MASSACHUSETTS To balance our ACCOUNTS—OF—SOCIETY we simply have to turn our attention away from humans and look at NON—HUMANS.
20060216             THE—PROGRESSIVE—DAILY—BEACON: The only things WORTHY—OF—IMPEACHMENT are private sexual indiscretions and 1 stained blue dress, the rest is passe pre-20010911             thinking.
20060216             —EMPLOYED, Raging Blog : BARBARA—COMSTOCK was, by THE—DOJ —DURING their 'investigation' of the Plame Leak.
20060216             "MARY—MATALIN told the WaPo: "THE—VICE—PRESIDENT was concerned.
20060216             Brooks: Whoever the Democratic candidate, that is THE—WEAKNESS—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, they've got the blogs and the netroots who are SEMI—NUTS and they insist on 1—STALINIST—LINE—OF—DISCIPLINE.
20060216             (VIA—TP) - National Security: THE—ATTACK on the Constitution JIM—MARCINKOWSKI "It is my pleasure to be able to share SOME—OF—MY thoughts with you this —EVENING on matters of national security and the Constitution. I come here not as 1—DEMOCRAT, not as 1—FORMER—REPUBLICAN, but as 1—USA—WHO is deeply troubled by the direction we are headed as 1—NATION... read on "
20060216             VIDEO—WMP VIDEO—QT (vid and transcript by DAVID—EDWARDS) MATTHEWS: I can understand that in THE—URGENCY—OF—THE—MOMENT that THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—CONCERN was life and death and not PR.
20060216             "Several days ago, in 1—POST entitled "Easy to Hate," I discussed 1—NYT story about fairly LOW—LEVEL—IMMIGRATION—OFFICIALS. The article described SOME—NOTABLE horror stories involving officials endowed with growing discretionary power -- and what happens —WHEN such power is unleashed against people who pose no threat to us whatsoever. The victims included 1—YOUNG—CHILD, 1—UNIVERSITY—LITERATURE—PROFESSOR + 1—GROUP—OF—TIBETAN monks... read on "
20060216             THE—VP shoots 1—CORPUS—CHRISTI lawyer, who bychance was 1—OLD—GUY (—78—YEARS—OLD).
20060216             Those don't have THE—RANGE—OF—RIFLES + you have to be in close range to be shot by 1. Anyone that's taken gun safety knows that you point your gun downwards —WHEN not shooting and if you're shooting, your party is behind you.
20060216             LewRockwell_com : WILL—THE—BATF—SEIZE—CHENEY—GUN?
20060216             Post Date:20060214             20060216             1—METROPOLITAN—TRANSIT—AUTHORITY—BUS—DRIVER was fired —FRIDAY for "unsafe and careless action and disregard for established safety procedures" in 1—FATAL—ACCIDENT with 1—PEDESTRIAN, METRO spokeswoman Raequel Roberts said.
20060216             USA—MAY—LOSE Billions in Oil, Gas Royalties BECAUSE—OF—LAW—DESPITE record profits, oil and gas producers may avoid BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in royalty payments to the government because of —1—DECADE—OLD—LAW designed to spur production —WHEN energy prices are low.
20060216             Source: THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20060216             Gunning for Cheney Other than the fact that 1—SITTING VICE—PRESIDENT hasn't shot anyone —SINCE AARON—BURR dispatched ALEXANDER—HAMILTON, why is Dick Cheney THE—NON—SHARPSHOOTER getting so much coverage?
20060216             House Blasts Katrina Response House and Senate committees —TODAY blasted THE—FEDERAL—RESPONSE to Hurricane Katrina —LAST—YEAR, with 1—HOUSE—PANEL issuing 1—SCATHING report on what it called 1—WIDESPREAD "FAILURE—OF—LEADERSHIP" and senators grilling Homeland Security SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF on his department's MUCH—CRITICIZED... Source: THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20060216             Cheney : 'You can't blame anyone ELSE'VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY publicly addressed his weekend hunting accident for the 1. time —WEDNESDAY in 1—INTERVIEW with another cable network.
20060216             Source: CNN—POLL: Most think GOP, Democrats lack vision By 1—LARGE—NUMBER, most Americans lack faith in the ability of Democrats or Republicans to solve the nation's problems, 1—CNN/USA—TODAY/Gallup Poll released —WEDNESDAY indicates.
20060216             Post Date:20060111             - More about Cheney and hunting - Dick Cheney Goes Hunting
20060216             Check out what this lawyer reader who has been 1—BIRD hunter of —30—YEARS' experience sent me in 1—E—MAIL on THE—IMPROBABILITY—OF—MISS—ARMSTRONG—VERSION (pdf) of CHENEY—SHOOTING accident from 1—MATHEMATICAL—POINT—OF—VIEW.
20060216             Conclusion: "I don't think I'd hunt anything with Dick".
20060216             Post Date:20060213             - CHENEY—HUNTING—PARTY—COMPANIONS
20060216             The 4 in the hunting party were: Cheney, Whittington, the divorced Katharine Armstrong and as Raw Story wrote —EARLIER, PAMELA—WILLEFORD, THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to SWITZERLAND.
20060216             —BEFORE you say it's sleazy to ask this, think about what the press would be reporting if it were JOHN—KERRY instead of Dick Cheney.
20060216             Post Date:20060213170800
20060216             —INTRODUCED, Thanks to 1—LAW, by STATE—REPRESENTATIVE—CHARLIE—GEREN (R) + passed —LAST—YEAR, hunters in TEXAS are required to have 1—UPLAND—GAME—BIRD—STAMP —BEFORE hunting quail.
20060216             AP—PRESIDENT—BUSH knew —SATURDAY—EVENING that VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY had accidentally shot 1—HUNTING companion, but the information wasn't made public —UNTIL THE—NEXT—DAY — by 1—PRIVATE—CITIZEN — THE—WHITE—HOUSE said —MONDAY.
20060216             —SELECTED, USA '' IRAQ intelligence
20060216             Post Date:20060210             - Chavez deadline for USA—PREACHERS—POST Date:20060212             20060216             Post Date:20060212             - Chertoff backs Katrina response
20060216             Post Date:20060210             - 'Cyber Storm' tests USA—DEFENCES
20060216             http: //www.FEED—SEEKER_com/Top 10 Searched for Terms Todays 1—GEORGE—BUSH 2—MUSLIM Cartoons 3—CHENEY hunting accident 4—OLYMPICS 5—NANOTECHNOLOGY 6—OSCAR nominations 7—BUSINESS—PLAN 8—IRAQ war 9—PACKAGING machinery 10—FREEDOMLAND
20060216             Seine Unterstützer erklärten, die USA—MILITÄRS sollten GARY—M dankbar sein, weil er Sicherheitslücken in ihren Systemen aufgezeigt habe.
20060216             Möglicherweise drohe dem Mandanten gar eine Überstellung ins berüchtigte Gefängnis Guantanaomo auf KUBA, in dem die USA Terrorverdächtige festhalten, erklärten die Anwälte.
20060216             USA—ERMITTLER werfen GARY—M das "den größten HACANGRIFF—KING—OF— aller Zeiten auf Militärrechner" vor und wollen ihm in den USA den Prozess machen.
20060216             Vogelforscher Bairlein erwartet in den kommenden —TAGEN, dass die Veterinärämter eine große Anzahl tot entdeckter Vögel zur Untersuchung bekommen: "Wenn —JETZT irgendwo eine tote Ente gefunden wird, wird sie gemeldet.
20060216             Heimische (Greif-)Vögel als Reservoir: Der Haken an dieser Erklärung ist jedoch, dass im vergangen —HERBST bei einer Untersuchung von Tausenden Wildvögeln in EUROPA kein H5N1 festgestellt worden ist.
20060216             "Dies ist ausgesprochen eigenartig. Dafür haben wir kein Erklärungsszenario", sagt Bairlein.
20060216             FLI—SPRECHERIN Reinking zeichnet diese Möglichkeit nach: Die Schwäne könnten sich bei Wildenten angesteckt haben, die sich ihrerseits —SCHON im vergangenen —JAHR bei Zugvögeln infiziert haben.
20060216             "Aber woher kommt das Virus dann, wenn es nicht durch Zugvögel transportiert wurde?", fragt der Leiter des Wilhelmshavener Instituts für Vogelforschung.
20060216             "Nur die SING—UND Zwergschwäne sind arktische Zugvögel und überwintern hier. Aus der ARKTIS können sie das Virus aber nicht eingeschleppt haben, denn dort ist es bislang nicht nachgewiesen".
20060216             "Dieses aktuelle Phänomen ist nicht zu erklären, denn es hat offensichtlich nichts mit dem Vogelzug zu tun", sagte der Vogelforscher FRANZ—BAIRLEIN.
20060216             Vordringlich wollen die Wissenschaftler —NUN klären: Warum und wie haben sich die Höckerschwäne den Erreger eingefangen, obwohl sie doch keine Zugvögel sind?
20060216             "Uns beschäftigt —JETZT die Frage, wo kommt das Virus her?" Das FLI ist als Bundesforschungsanstalt für Viruskrankheiten der Tiere die zentrale wissenschaftliche Instanz in DEUTSCHLAND, wenn es um die Vogelgrippe geht.
20060216             Warum es ausgerechnet sie sind, die mit dem VOGELGRIPPE—ERREGER infiziert waren, ist völlig ungeklärt.
20060216             —ÜBERWINTERT, Denn: Die Vögel haben in DEUTSCHLAND, - und kamen folglich nicht aus den verseuchten Gebieten.
20060216             Der Habicht und die Schwäne waren auf die Insel Riems gebracht worden, wo sie in den Labors des FRIEDRICH—LOEFFLER—INSTITUTS (FLI) untersucht werden.
20060216             TONIGHT—EPISODE...
20060216             Supernatural (WB) "THE—BENDERS" Dean and Sam learn that the kidnappers they seek are not supernatural, but humans using their captives as human prey for 1 twisted hunting expedition Special appearance by Dick Cheney !
20060216             Lectures on 19. and 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY geopolitical HISTORY—NUKING the Economy
200602160945         —AM., as he walked with 1—FRIEND—NEAR the
200602161236         —PM Post Date:20060104134543
20060216—19030000    —IN, JOHN—CORNELIUS, "More on the Zimmerman Telegram,:, notes that "LLOYD—GEORGE was 1—ATTORNEY in Zionist employ already at the 6. Zionist Congress in BASEL ".
20060216—19790831    —ON, in WASHINGTON DC.
20060216—19790831    —ON, DEPARTMENT—OF—THE—ARMY, in WASHINGTON DC.
20060216—19890000    —IN, —WWII—AFTER + especially —AFTER THE—FALL—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION, that policy evolved into "dollar hegemony".
20060216—20010100    —IN, [] ) "blueprint for USA global domination reveals that PRESIDENT—BUSH and his cabinet were planning 1 premeditated attack on IRAQ to secure 'regime change' even —BEFORE he took power... drawn up for Dick Cheney (—NOW VICE—PRESIDENT), DONALD—RUMSFELD (defence SECRETARY), PAUL—WOLFOWITZ (RUMSFELD—DEPUTY), GEORGE W BUSH—YOUNGER—BROTHER—JEB and LEWIS—LIBBY (CHENEY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF)".
20060216—20010911    —ON, I was wondering your take on whether you think this tape accurately describes what THE—CLEVELAND—ATCS heard betwenn 9:35 and 9:40 EDT and who you think might have been leaked this to the press through what CHAIN—OF—COMMAND, if any.
20060216—20010911    —ON, Did we not conclude there was enough information floating in seperate organizations to alert us to THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—THE—SORT—OF—ATTACK that took place ?
20060216—20010911    —BY, CHENEY Says Eavesdropping Program Might Have Prevented WILLIAM—BRANIGINWASHINGTON—POST—STAFF—WRITER—WEDNESDAY,
20060216—20021000    —IN, The "blueprint was still online at (90—PAGES, 873-Kb). The list of signatories to the PNAC's "Reaganite" charter includes the above names and 1—ROSTER of less WELL—KNOWN lights from the oil industry.
20060216—20030000    —POSED, THE—IRAQ war's defining weapon: The threat, by IRAQ's reported POSSESSION—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION was the excuse USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush gave for his invasion of IRAQ, but it is THE—SIMPLEST—OF—TECHNOLOGIES—THE roadside BOMB—THAT has emerged as the biggest nightmare for USA—OCCUPATION—FORCES in IRAQ.
20060216—20060216    —FROM, BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POST—DATE:20060214             Crooks and Liars Post Date:20060214             20060216             EX—CHENEY Aide Testified Leak Was Ordered, Prosecutor Says.
20060216—20070100    —IN, Trial set for early —NEXT—YEAR in Libby case ReutersFormer Cheney Aide to Stand Trial Voice of AmericaYahoo!
20060216—20070108    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULED—FRIDAY.
20060216—20070108    —ON, WXIA—TVEX—CHENEY aide gets trial dateCNN?- —14—HOURS agoWASHINGTON (CNN) -- THE—OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE—TRIAL—OF—I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby -- THE—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF for VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY -- will begin almost —1—YEAR from —NOW, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULED—FRIDAY.
20060217             besonnenes Echo (20060216             )-
20060217             Folterfotos: Pentagon fürchtet neue WELLE—DER—GEWALT (20060216             )
20060217             Neue FOLTER—FOTOS: Erschreckende Bilder, besonnenes Echo (20060216             )- Folterfotos: Pentagon fürchtet neue WELLE—DER—GEWALT (20060216             )
20060707             —FROM USA—TODAY, 20050216             :
20060808             —FILED, THE—FOLLOWING links point to PDF DOCUMENTS—OF—THE—LETTERS, with THE—UNITED—NATIONS: 20060104             , February 3, 20060000             , February 6, 20060000             , 20060303             , 20060404             , 20060504             , 20060530             + 20060605             .
20061131—20241131    —DATE 20060216             20041210             ... DEFEX—PORTUGAL, Lda., Secord, Richard + his agents; + GEOMILITECH (GMT
20061222—20060216    —UNTIL, UPDATE: "Congress opted to put off its pay increases ,
20070216             FRANZ—JOSEF—HANKE—ÜBER "Die fiesen Tricks von Polizei und Justiz" sprach JÖRG—BERGSTEDT —AM—DONNERSTAG (20070201             ) im BUCHLADEN—CAFÉ Am Grün in Marburg.
20070216             Tanja, das letzte Walross in einem DEUTSCHEN—TIERPARK, stirbt im Alter von —33—JAHREN im Zoo HANNOVER.
20070216             17—REPUBLICANS voted in favor.
20070216             —LOCKED, USA—COFFEE—GIANT—STARBUCKS, in 1—TRADEMARK tussle with ETHIOPIA, said it will not oppose ADDIS—ABABA—BID to brand its coffee in AMERICA and pledged to pursue dialogue over the matter.
20070216             † FRANCISCO—CASTANEDA, 1—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANT from EL—SALVADOR, of penile cancer that went undiagnosed for more than —1—YEAR—WHILE he was in STATE—AND—FEDERAL—CUSTODY in CALIFORNIA.
20070216             FRANCE—PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC said USA cotton subsidies were scandalous and immoral because they hurt AFRICA—FARMERS.
20070216             1—SPOKESPERSON said THE—UN has allocated $2.35—MILLION from 1—EMERGENCY—FUND to provide humanitarian aid to GUINEA, which is in the midst of 1—TENSE nationwide strike.
20070216             † 1—USA—MARINE was killed —DURING combat operations in WEST—ANBAR province.
20070216             —ARRESTED, Police also, 3—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS who were planning suicide attacks to take place at forthcoming Shiite Muslim gatherings in Sindh province.
20070216             4—REBEL—FIGHTERS were believed killed.
20070216             SUDAN, heavy fighting took place between the Targem and Rezegat Maharia tribes in SOUTH—DARFUR state.
20070216             —SUGGESTED, Unconfirmed reports, that between 70 to 100—TRIBESMEN were killed and 14 injured.
20070216             —VOTED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 246-182 for 1—NON—BINDING—RESOLUTION opposing USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send 21,500 more troops to IRAQ.
20070216             —RELEASED, 1—ANNUAL—SURVEY, Forbes_com said RALEIGH—NORTH—CAROLINA, topped the list of the best USA—CITIES for getting 1—JOB.
20070216             1—REBEL—COMMANDER—SAID—THE—TALIBAN have deployed 10,000 fighters for —1—SPRING—OFFENSIVE—OF "bloody attacks" against foreign troops in AFGHANISTAN.
20070216             The ritual sacrifice of 1—SNOW—WHITE llama symbolically marked PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES' nationalization of BOLIVIA—LONE—OPERATING tin smelter.
20070216             —KILLED, THE—NUMBER—OF—IRAQ—CIVILIANS, in BAGHDAD—SECTARIAN—VIOLENCE fell drastically overnight.
20070216             —KILLED, A—USA—MARINE was, —DURING combat operations in WEST—ANBAR province.
20070216             ABDUL—GHANI, 1—PAKISTAN—HEALTH—OFFICIAL IN—CHARGE—OF—1—CAMPAIGN to inoculate children against polio, was killed in 1—BOMB—BLAST —FOLLOWING rumors the vaccination was 1—USA—PLOT to sterilize them.
20070216             —REACHED, BBVA—SPAIN—NUMBER 2—BANK, said it has, 1—AGREEMENT to buy USA—BANK—COMPASS—BANCSHARES for —AROUND 9.6—BILLION USA—DOLLARS (7.4—BILLION euros) in the latest major foreign acquisition by 1—SPAIN—FIRM.
20070216             SRI—LANKA—NAVY said it destroyed 2—TAMIL—TIGER rebel boats as the craft were hauling HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—STEEL—BALLS often used in bombs.
20070216             —ACCUSED, TAMIL—TIGER—REBELS, SRI—LANKA—SECURITY—FORCES—OF killing 39—CIVILIANS and blamed them for the disappearance of 39—OTHERS in the last —2—WEEKS.
20070216             1—TURKEY—COURT sentenced 7 suspected AL—QAIDA militants to life in prison for 1—PAIR—OF—20030000              SUICIDE—BOMBINGS in ISTANBUL that killed 58—PEOPLE, attacks prosecutors said were ordered by OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20070216             † 1—YEMEN—OFFICIAL said 1—BOAT loaded with Somali and ETHIOPIA—MIGRANTS capsized in THE—GULF—OF—ADEN—DURING —1—NIGHT crossing in which at least 112—PEOPLE.
20070216             At Camp PENDLETON—CALIFORNIA, Marine LANCE—CPL.
20070216             —SENTENCED, ROBERT—B—PENNINGTON was, to —8—YEARS in military prison for his role in the kidnapping and KILLING—OF—1—IRAQ—CIVILIAN.
20070216             10—BODIES were reported by the morgue in the capital, compared to 1—AVERAGE—OF—40 to 50—PER—DAY.
20070216             —APPROVED, JAPAN—CABINET, SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN over its nuclear program under UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL guidelines.
20070216             —ANNOUNCED, Police in SOUTH—PAKISTAN, they had arrested 5 suspected militants from THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—KARACHI and RAWALPINDI, 1—GARRISON city near ISLAMABAD, and that the suspects were planning suicide ATTACKS—ON—FOREIGNERS and minority Shiite Muslims.
20070216             PERU—PRESIDENT—ALAN—GARCIA said that he is selling THE—PRESIDENTIAL—AIRPLANE in 1—EFFORT—TO curb "frivolous" expenses in his administration.
20070216             POLAND, ANTONI—MACIEREWICZ (19480000             *), VICE—MINISTER—OF—NATIONAL—DEFENSE, authored 1—REPORT on the —RECENTLY disbanded WSI (MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE) that named DOZENS—OF—CURRENT and former agents.
20070216             —RELEASED, RUSSIA—PROSECUTORS, more details on new theft and money laundering CHARGES—AGAINST—MIKHAIL—KHODORKOVSKY, 1 jailed former oil tycoon, and increased by $2—BILLION THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY they say he and his partner stole from subsidiaries of OAS Yukos.
20070216             —INDICTED, 1—ITALY—JUDGE, 26—AMERICANS and 5—ITALIANS in the abduction of 1—EGYPT—TERROR—SUSPECT on 1—MILAN street in what would be The 1. criminal trial stemming from THE—CIA—EXTRAORDINARY—RENDITION—PROGRAM.
20070216             —SUSPENDED, The proceedings were —LATER, pending 1—RULING on THE—ITALY—GOVERNMENT'S—REQUEST to throw out the indictments.
20070216             —BESCHLOSSEN, Resolution : Demokraten stimmen BUSH s IRAK—PLÄNE nieder
20070216             Neuer Fall in RAF—DEBATTE: Gericht prüft Freilassung von EX—TERRORISTIN EVA—HAULE
20070216             Bürgerkrieg: Im IRAK zeichnet sich 1—FLÜCHTLINGS—DRAMA ab
20070216             Satellitenbild —DER—WOCHE: Sandsturm über dem Mittelmeer
20070216             "Dieses Gesetz war überfällig" - Kontakt zu Tätern konsequent abbrechen
20070216             KARL—GÜNTHER—THEOBALD, Psychologe bei der Opferschutzorganisation Weißer Ring, rät STALOPFERN—KING—OF— dazu, den Kontakt mit dem Täter konsequent abzubrechen.
20070216             Auf ein "Ich will keinen Kontakt mehr zu Dir haben" dürfe tatsächlich kein weiteres Gespräch folgen, sagte er der Nachrichtenagentur dpa.
20070216             JEDE—ERNEUTE—AUSEINANDERSETZUNG sei ein weiterer Kontakt, der die vorherige Aussage in Frage stelle, so Theobald.
20070216             Das Opfer sollte den Stalker zudem öffentlich machen.
20070216             Wichtig sei außerdem, die Belästigungen zu dokumentieren.
20070216             Anrufe sollten auf dem Anrufbeantworter aufgenommen und E—MAILS gespeichert werden.
20070216             Dann sei es leichter, rechtliche Mittel einzuleiten.
20070216             Stalking heißt im Englischen soviel wie "sich heranpirschen" oder "sich anschleichen".
20070216             Oft ist verschmähte Liebe der Grund für das Verhalten.
20070216             Studien zufolge wurden in DEUTSCHLAND 12—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG —SCHON einmal OPFER—VON—STALKERN, die Dunkelziffer ist allerdings hoch.
20070216             Italiens Waffenschmiede: Wie die Berettas mit der Globalisierung kämpfen
20070216             Neues Gesetz: Stalker werden künftig hart bestraft
20070216             "Wir haben in den Neurowissenschaften inzwischen rund 35.000—VERÖFFENTLICHUNGEN —J—IM", sagt Markram.
20070216             "Kein Forscher kennt auch nur ein % davon.
20070216             Ohne 1—MODELL, in dem das verstreute Wissen wieder zusammengeführt wird,
20070216             kommen wir überhaupt nicht mehr weiter". Markram.
20070216             "Seitdem wir an die Kommunikation zwischen den Zellen herankommen, ist der Weg zum künstlichen Gehirn gebahnt".
20070216             —GEGEBEN, Ein solches Denkorgan hat es noch nicht.
20070216             Es ist zusammengesetzt aus knapp 10.000—COMPUTER—CHIPS,
20070216             die sich verhalten wie echte Nervenzellen.
20070216             1—TEIL—DER—GROßHIRNRINDE junger Ratten ist dafür penibel im Rechner nachgebaut worden, Zelle für Zelle, mitsamt des verzweigten Geästs der Leitungsfasern.
20070216             Die Simulation entstand an der Technischen Hochschule von LAUSANNE.
20070216             35—FORSCHER sind dort mit der Pflege des Kunsthirns beschäftigt.
20070216             Es läuft auf einem der mächtigsten Superrechner der Welt;
20070216             und der wird —SCHON bald wieder zu klein sein.
20070216             Gravitationsbiologie: Die Schwerkrafttricks der PFLANZEN—SCHWEDEN: Störfall in Atomkraftwerk
20070216             Dax kurz vor 7000—PUNKTEN: "Die Zahl ist völlig irrelevant"
20070216             MALAYSIA: Muslimischer Prediger fordert Keuschheitsgürtel für Frauen
20070216             Proteste von Umweltschützern: Chinesen malen kompletten Berg grün an
20070216             PATENT—ATLAS 20060000             : Wo Deutschlands Erfinder sitzen
20070216             Treffen in WASHINGTON: Politiker finden warme Worte fürs Klima
20070216             —USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHL: 1—MORMONE strebt ins Weiße Haus
20070216             —VERHAFTET, SIEMENS—AFFÄRE: Ehemaliger Betriebsrat
20070216             Klimakiller Computer: 14—KRAFTWERKE arbeiten nur für Rechenzentren
20070216             Neuronenfeuer: SCHWEIZER—FORSCHER bauen künstliches Gehirn
20070216             Gute Verbrennungsanlagen: Gabriel freut sich über Giftmüllimporte
20070216             EU—KLIMASCHUTZPLÄNE: Lufthansa droht mit Flucht in die SCHWEIZ
20070216             Fear! COURTESY—OF—THE—FRONT—PAGE—OF—MISS—NBC com-
20070216             —ORDERED, BG Dear Reader: We have been, by your government to seek to control you at all costs.
20070216             EGYPT—WOMAN DIES—OF—BIRD flu
20070216             1—EGYPT—WOMAN—DIES—OF—BIRD—FLU, bringing THE—NUMBER—OF—CONFIRMED deaths from THE—VIRUS in EGYPT to 13.
20070216             Setback for Church conservatives
20070216             Conservative Anglicans suffer 1—SETBACK in their efforts to expel  THE—USA—CHURCH over its liberal stance on homosexuality.
20070216             Perhaps AMERICA could regain its reputation if GENERAL—PACE would send 1—DIVISION—OF—USA—MARINES to arrest BUSH ,
20070216             CHENEY, the entire CIVIL—CONTINGENT in THE—PENTAGON, the neoconservative nazis + the complicit MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS and send them off to the Hague to be tried for WAR—CRIMES.
20070216             VENEZUELA provides —AROUND 11 % OFUSA—OIL imports despite diplomatic tensions between CARACAS and WASHINGTON over leftist PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—SELF—STYLED socialist revolution.
20070216             RUSSIA may SCRAPUSA—ARMS—CONTROL—TREATY: Interfax:
20070216             Giants meet to counter USA—POWER:
20070216             INDIA, CHINA and RUSSIA account for 40—PER CENT—OF—THE—WORLD—POPULATION, a 5. of its economy and more than HALF—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—WARHEADS.
20070216             —NOW they appear to be forming 1—PARTNERSHIP to challenge THE—USA—DOMINATED world order that has prevailed —SINCE THE—END—OF—THE—COLD—WAR.
20070216             Accord allows NORTH—KOREA to keep nuclear weapons:
20070216             —NOW that NORTH—KOREA has agreed to shut down and seal its nuclear facilities within —60—DAYS,
20070216             the hardest challenge ahead may be ridding THE—COUNTRY—OF—ALL—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS, several analysts said —WEDNESDAY
20070216             Our brave JOHN—HOWARD:
20070216             AUSTRALIA—BRAVE—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD had the temerity to stand up in THE—AUSTRALIA—PARLIAMENT—THIS—WEEK and call THE—LEADER—OF—THE—OPPOSITION 1—COWARD on national television,
20070216             because KEVIN—RUDD opposes THE—IRAQ—WAR and wants to bring AUSTRALIA—TROOPS—HOME
20070216             Flugge paid $2,000 —1—DAY —DURING IRAQ trip, Senate told:
20070216             —FORMER—AWB chairman TREVOR—FLUGGE was paid more than $2,000 —1—DAY, plus expenses, —DURING 1—TRIP to IRAQ as PART—OF—1—AUSAID team.
20070216             Secret new USA—SPY—BASE to get green light:
20070216             —ENTRENCHED, AUSTRALIA—CLOSE—MILITARY—ALLIANCE with THE—USA is to be further, with the building of 1—HIGH—TECH—COMMUNICATIONS—BASE in WEST—AUSTRALIA.
20070216             USA unlikely to meet PM—HICKS deadline:
20070216             —CHARGED, DAVID—HICKS is unlikely to be formally, by USA—AUTHORITIES in the next few days, meaning PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD—MID-;;02;;
20070216             deadline will not be met. Lawyers: Padilla Too Damaged For Trial:
20070216             ANDREW—PATEL, 1—OF—PADILLA—ATTORNEYS, said brig staff members told him Padilla was so "docile and inactive that his behavior was like that of 'a PIECE—OF—FURNITURE.'"
20070216             SWITZERLAND Approves PROBE—OF—CIA—FLIGHT:
20070216             CIA—SOUNDED—OUT ITALY about 'renditions' 20010000             :
20070216             THE—CIA spoke with ITALY—SPY—CHIEF about kidnapping terrorism suspects in ITALY + flying them abroad
20070216             —CENSURED, EU nations, over CIA 'torture' flights:
20070216             USA—MILITARY tells JACK—BAUER: Cut out the torture SCENES—OR else!:
20070216             —APPEALED, THE—USA—MILITARY has, to the producers of 24 to tone down the torture scenes BECAUSE—OF—THE—IMPACT they are having both on troops in the field and AMERICA—REPUTATION abroad.
20070216             Forget about ABU—GHRAIB, forget about GUANTANAMO Bay, forget even that THE—WHITE—HOUSE has authorised interrogation techniques that SOME—CLASSIFY as torture,
20070216             that damned JACK—BAUER is giving us 1—BAD—NAME.
20070216             —PROJECTED, USA—PRISON—POPULATION, to soar by 200,000 in —5—YEARS:
20070216             GET—TOUGH—POLICIES that lock up offenders for longer sentences are propelling 1 projected increase of nearly 200,000 in THEUSA—PRISON—POPULATION in the next —5—YEARS,
20070216             —ACCORDING—TO, 1—PRIVATE—STUDY released —WEDNESDAY.
20070216             Torture INCORPORATED Americas Brutal Prisons
20070216             ; Video report: Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse INSIDEUSA—JAILS explain the horrors that were committed in IRAQ?
20070216             Medical Apartheid in AMERICA:
20070216             "There isn't 1—BETTER—CANDIDATE for torture than 1—PERSON who isn't really considered 1—PERSON".
20070216             Foreclosures rip neighborhoods:
20070216             Foreclosures in DENVER—ROBERT—DREYFUSS : Breakdown At THE—IRAQ—LIE—FACTORY:
20070216             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH must have been thinking, 1—HECK—OF—1—LOT easier —5—YEARS—AGO.
20070216             Back 20020000             , THE—PRESIDENT—HAD 1—SMOOTHLY running lie factory humming along in THE—PENTAGON ,
20070216             producing reams of fake intelligence about IRAQ, led by UNDERSECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Policy DOUG—FEITH and his OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—PLANS.
20070216             —DENIED, Apartheid ISRAEL: Arab law student, entry to SHARON—MALL:
20070216             4—LAW—STUDENTS at the Netanya College were refused entry at the city's SHARON—MALL —ON—TUESDAY because the security guards identified them as being NON—JEWISH.
20070216             Brandeis Donors Exact Revenge For CARTER—VISIT:
20070216             —INFORMED, Major donors to Brandeis University have, the school they will no longer give it money in retaliation for its decision —LAST—MONTH to host FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, 1—STRONG—CRITIC—OF—ISRAEL.
20070216             Groups Fear Public Backlash Over IRAN:
20070216             —WHILE JEWISH—COMMUNAL leaders focus MOST—OF—THEIR—CURRENT lobbying efforts on pressing THE—USA to take 1—TOUGH—LINE against IRAN and its nuclear program,
20070216             SOME—ARE privately voicing fears that they will be ACCUSED—OF—DRIVING AMERICA INTO 1—WAR—WITH—THE—REGIME in TEHRAN.
20070216             —DISPLACED, Syria offers huge services to Iraqi, UN official says:-
20070216             UN high Commissioner for Refugees AFFALT—IRISCH—ANTONIO—GUTERRES underlined that Syria offers huge services and aid to the Iraqi displaced in Syria on the economic,
20070216             health and educational levels, calling on THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to help it in this 'burden'.
20070216             Auditors: Billions more may be wasted in IRAQ:
20070216             THEUSA—GOVERNMENT is at risk of squandering significantly more money in 1—IRAQ—WAR and reconstruction EFFORT—THAT has already wasted or otherwise overcharged taxpayers BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS, FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS said —TODAY.
20070216             IRAQ invasion plan 'delusional':
20070216             —PREDICTED, The commanders, that —AFTER THE—FIGHTING was over there would be a 2- to —3—MONTH "stabilisation" phase,
20070216             followed by an 18- to —24—MONTH "recovery" stage.
20070216             12—REPUBLICANS Break Ranks on IRAQ Resolution:
20070216             12—REPUBLICANS arrived in the House chamber —ON—WEDNESDAY to set aside their party allegiances and lend their names to 1—RESOLUTION intended to rebuke USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH for his IRAQ policy.
20070216             Leaked Letter Reveals GOP Strategy:
20070216             VERMONT Becomes 1. STATE—TO—CALL for USA—TROOP—WITHDRAWAL from IRAQ:
20070216             —PASSED, THE—VERMONT—STATE—LEGISLATURE made headlines —YESTERDAY—WHEN lawmakers, resolutions in both the House and Senate calling for the immediate and orderly WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ
20070216             Murtha Seeks to Restrain Action in IRAN:
20070216             1—LEADING—IRAQ—WAR opponent threatened —THURSDAY to try prohibiting ANYUSA—MILITARY action against IRAN without congressional sanction as House Republicans used military veterans within their ranks to oppose 1—RESOLUTION renouncing USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—IRAQ troop buildup.
20070216             —FORMER—MOSSAD CHIEF: Assassinate Ahmadinejad:
20070216             IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD should "be made to disappear from the arena," Meir Amit,
20070216             1—FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—ISRAEL—MOSSAD intelligence agency, advocated in 1—EXCLUSIVE—INTERVIEW—WITH—WND.
20070216             1—GROUP—OF—SENATE—DEMOCRATS introduced legislation —YESTERDAY that would restore habeas corpus rights to all detainees INUSA—CUSTODY and would narrowly define what it means to be an "enemy combatant" AGAINST—THE—USA ,
20070216             1—MEASURE designed to challenge laws ushered in by THE—REPUBLICAN—CONTROLLED Congress —LAST—YEAR.
20070216             —MISLED, EX—AIDE says Rice, Lied To Congress on IRAN-
20070216             —BY—CAROL—GIACOMO, Diplomatic CorrespondentControversy over 1—POSSIBLE—MISSEDUSA—OPPORTUNITY for rapprochement with IRAN grew —ON—WEDNESDAY as former aide accused SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—OF misleading lying to Congress on the issue.
20070216             CONTINUE—DON'T Do It, MISTER—PRESIDENT—HON.
20070216             Ron PAUL—OF—TEXAS—THE—MORAL—OF—THE—STORY, MISTER—SPEAKER, is this:
20070216             if you don't have 1—NUKE, we'll threaten to attack you.
20070216             If you do have 1—NUKE, we'll leave you ALONEU—ENGLISCH—IN fact, we'll probably subsidize you.
20070216             What makes us think IRAN does not understand this?
20070216             —BY—JOHN—PILGER—JOHN—PILGER describes another '—DAY—OF—MOURNING' for The 1. inhabitants of his homeland,
20070216             CONTINUE—HOW Corporations Continue to Rape THE—WORLDS—POOR
20070216             BBC : —15—MINUTE—VIDEO—REPORT By GREG—PALAST—VULTURE FUNDS—AS defined by THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND and GORDON—BROWN amongst OTHERS—ARE companies which buy up the debt of poor nations cheaply —WHEN it is about to be written off and then sue for the full VALUE—OF—THE—DEBT plus INTEREST—WHICH might be 10—TIMES what they paid for it.
20070216             —DISCREDITED, It belies, FORMER—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN—STANDING up for THE—SECURITY—COUNCIL claiming it has primary responsibility for maintaining INTERNATIONAL peace and security.
20070216             CONTINUUE—THE—GHAWAR—OIL—FIELD: How Much Is Left?
20070216             DECLINE—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—RESERVE could cripple the global ECONOMY—BY DAVID—S—ELLIOTT
20070216             Back 20010000             , —BEFORE THE—ISSUE—OF—ENERGY—SCARCITY ever entered my mind,
20070216             I read 1—CHILLING online article called "Ghawar Is Dying" that bluntly speculated about the massive global upheavals modern industrial society would suffer if the largest oil field in SAUDI—ARABIA were indeed running dry.
20070216             —DURING 1 heated debate in 1—CLASS I teach on social justice, several USA—MARINES who had done TOURS in IRAQ told me that they had "sacrificed" by "serving" in IRAQ so that I could enjoy the freedom to teach in THE—USA.
20070216             Parroting their master's slogan about "fighting over there so we don't have to fight over here", these students proudly proclaimed that they terrorized and killed defenseless Iraqis.
20070216             —JUST as 20010911             has been used to justify the enhanced powers of the "unitary" PRESIDENT,
20070216             the evisceration of civil liberties + 1—PERMANENT—STATE—OF—WAR;
20070216             so too, THE—BOMBING—OF—THE—GOLDEN—MOSQUE, has been used to create 1—FICTIONAL narrative of deeply ingrained sectarian animosity that has no historical precedent.
20070216             Both events need to be exposed by thorough and independent investigations.
20070216             Continue - (incidentally, he used to be 1—MAGICIAN—BEFORE becoming 1—JANITOR).
20070216             "EVERY—POLITICIAN wanted to have their photo taken with me," he says.
20070216             Among those were Hillary CLINTON and PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH.
20070216             "THE—REPUBLICANS offered me funding to go to politics," he says.
20070216             "They offered me THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—CAMPAIGN—MONEY.
20070216             They were trying to get the Hispanic vote and saw me as 1—CLEAR—CANDIDATE to do that.
20070216             I was PART—OF—THE—WHOLE—PARTY—MACHINERY, —UNTIL I started to ask questions".
20070216             —JUST—BEFORE The 1. plane struck the tower at 8.46am, he was in 1—OFFICE with colleagues on the building's 1. SUB—LEVEL—WHEN he says they heard "1—MASSIVE—EXPLOSION".
20070216             "The floor vibrated.
20070216             We were all thrown upwards, then everyone in the office started screaming.
20070216             Then we heard another noise, THE—IMPACT—OF—THE—PLANE.
20070216             —SEPARATED, It was 2—DIFFERENT—EVENTS, by 1—FRACTION—OF—TIME.
20070216             It was 1—MIRACLE I was there and not in the restaurant," he says.
20070216             With the 20010911             —TRUTH—CAMPAIGN, he insists that both towers were subject to 1 controlled explosion;
20070216             and that, moments —BEFORE the north tower was hit by 1—PLANE, he and colleagues heard 1—EXPLOSION underneath their office.
20070216             —FOLLOWED, This initial explosion was then, by other bombs.
20070216             —PEDDLED, This same VERSION—OF—EVENTS is, by Loose Change,
20070216             a —90—MINUTE—INTERNET—MOVIE made by 3—USA—MEN, which has been watched by 1 estimated 100—MILLION viewers —AROUND the globe.
20070216             The film, 1—BLITZ—OF—STATISTICS, photographs, eyewitness accounts and testimonies,
20070216             argues that the fire in the towers was not hot enough to melt their steel frames and that they fell too quickly.
20070216             Regardless of whether you believe him, RODRIGUEZ—VOYAGE is 1—EXTRAORDINARY 1.
20070216             to 1—WHO is —NOW considered 1—MAVERICK in these same quarters.
20070216             —COMMITTED, Yet he remains, to what he calls "1—JUST and truthful cause".
20070216             "People say they don't believe in conspiracy theories + I say neither do I. But I was there —THAT—DAY. I was 1—EYEWITNESS," he says.
20070216             MORGAN—STANLEY "accumulate"
20070216             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK ( AG) - Die Analysten von Punk ZIEGEL—AND—COMPANY
20070216             stufen die Aktie von MORGAN—STANLEY (ISIN US6174464486/WKN 885836) nach wie vor mit dem Rating "accumulate" ein.
20070216             Das Kursziel werde von 86—USD auf 95—USD angehoben.
20070216             FIREDOGLAKE—LIBBY reporting forces 1—REEVALUATION—OF blogs-
20070216             BG It is virtually impossible to closely follow THE—LIBBY trial without relying upon the work of the blogging team assembled by JANE—HAMSHER + FireDogLake.
20070216             EAC CHALT—IRISCH—DONETTA Davidson, Knew About Problems Of Voting Machine Test Labs But Kept Quiet
20070216             Davidson,as COLORADO—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, had her own pipeline into the hidden test lab world and cannot deny her own personal longstanding KNOWLEDGE—OF—FAILURES within THE—SECRET—LABS.
20070216             Call For "neuroethics" As Brain Science Races AHEAD—YAHOO!
20070216             The same discoveries that could help the paralyzed use brain signals to steer 1—WHEELCHAIR or write on 1—COMPUTER might also be used to detect possible criminal intent,
20070216             religious beliefs or other hidden thoughts, these neuroethicists say.
20070216             "This is 1—TRULY urgent situation".
20070216             Big Brother WILL—BE—WATCHING—YOU—FLY
20070216             —LINKED, Tiny cameras the size of 1—FINGERNAIL, to specialist computers will be used to monitor THE—BEHAVIOUR—OF—AIRLINE—PASSENGERS as PART—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20070216             Fitted to SEAT—BACKS, the cameras will record EVERY—TWITCH or suspicious movement —BEFORE sending the data to onboard software that will check it against individual passenger profiles.
20070216             Loving With All Your... Brain
20070216             Close your eyes and envision all the romantic parts of the human body-- entrancing eyes, strong shoulders... You didn't think about the caudate and the ventral tegmental areas, did you?
20070216             These AREAS—OF—THE—BRAIN, little known to most people, are helping scientists explain why we feel what we feel —WHEN we fall in love.
20070216             Studying MISTER—I brain SCANS—OF—PEOPLE newly in love,
20070216             scientists are building 1—SCIENCE—OF—LOVE—ITS—POWER & pain BUSH Video
20070216             Pace, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF,
20070216             Questions Whether IRAN Leadership Is Source Of Deadly Weapons
20070216             BUSH On IRAN IEDs: Who Said What To Who?
20070216             True to his nickname as "the worst communicator", BUSH shows how he can translate his handlers' "words that work" into vague NON—ANSWERS to specific questions asked by concerned reporters on crucial issues.
20070216             —HYPNOTIZED, Meant to reassure his easily, 20% base, the mantra "we're doing this to protect our troops" rams 1—TOUGH—ON—IRAN stance right past 1—LOGICAL—EXPECTATION—OF—EVIDENCE that IRAN is behind attacks on those troops.
20070216             Media Critiques -
20070216             Freedom To Faschism -
20070216             If you haven't seen this movie, take 1 1/—2—HOURS and see it.
20070216             Join us in taking down THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE and restoring our democracy.
20070216             —LINKED, If this has been, —BEFORE, it's good enough to link twice.
20070216             AMERICA IS Reaching Critical Mass -
20070216             AMERICA is on the edge of becoming 1—DICTATORSHIP. Time to roll up the sleeves.
20070216             Army Giving More Criminals Waivers In Recruiting
20070216             —GRANTED, THE—NUMBER—OF—WAIVERS, to Army recruits with criminal backgrounds has grown about 65 % in the last —3—YEARS,
20070216             increasing to 8,129 20060000             from 4,918 20030000             , DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—RECORDS—SHOW.
20070216             SOME—SAY this puts soldiers and local populace at greater risk.
20070216             12—REPUBLICANS Break Ranks On IRAQ RESOLUTION—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070216             —MISLED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, THE—USA—CONGRESS—WHEN she said —LAST—WEEK that she had not seen a 20030000             IRAN—PROPOSAL for talks with THE—USA ,
20070216             —FORMER senior government official Flynt Leverett said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20070216             Senior Justice Official Bought Vacation Home With Oil Lobbyist
20070216             1—SENIOR—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL who —RECENTLY resigned her post bought 1—NEARLY $1—MILLION—VACATION—HOME with 1—LOBBYIST for ConocoPhillips months —BEFORE approving consent decrees that would give the oil company more time to pay MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in fines and meet POLLUTION—CLEANUP rules at SOME—OF—ITS refineries.
20070216             BBC: Americas | IRAQ Invasion Plan 'delusional'
20070216             —ENVISAGED, THE—USA—INVASION—PLAN for IRAQ, that only 5,000—USA—TROOPS would remain in IRAQ
20070216             DAN—FROOMKIN—THE—LIBBY—CHENEY Bummer
20070216             For me, the real cliffhanger of THE—LIBBY trial has never been whether or not he would be found guilty -- it was whether or not he and his boss would finally face SOME—QUESTIONS they couldn't duck.
20070216             Questions that would cut to the very HEART—OF—THE—BUSH—PRESIDENCY.
20070216             Questions about THE—TWISTING—OF—INTELLIGENCE, THE—MANIPULATION—OF—SECRECY, the vindictiveness toward critics + THE—CONTROL—OF—THE—MEDIA.
20070216             USA, BRITAIN Fare Poorly In Children SURVEY—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES -
20070216             —RANKED, THE—USA and BRITAIN, as the worst places to be 1—CHILD, according to 1—UNICEF study of more than 20 developed nations released —WEDNESDAY.
20070216             —FOLLOWED, THE—NETHERLANDS was the best, it says, by SWEDEN and DENMARK.
20070216             What BUSH—AND—COMPANY—WANT From Republicans
20070216             "THE—BUSH—TEAM'S—MAIN—GOAL is to get everyone in GOP circles to repeat THE—WHITE—HOUSE talking points to the media,
20070216             —ACCORDING—TO, several GOP activists," reports USA—NEWS & World Report.
20070216             Regarding new ideas about IRAQ, 1—REPUBLICAN insider SAYS—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE, "They —JUST get mad —WHEN we bring it up, so we leave it alone".
20070216             Leveling THE—BARGAINING—TABLE -
20070216             Straight From THE—HORSE—MOUTH: CIA—ANALYSTS On WAR—WITH—IRAN
20070216             CIA legend Milt Bearden on weapons traffic from IRAN to IRAQ: "I don't know why anyone would be surprised by IRAN—GAMBLING in our IRAQ—CASINO -- especially as there are TIME—HONORED rules.
20070216             for proxy wars.
20070216             —ARMED, THE—SOVIETS and Chinese, our adversaries in the Korean and VIETNAM conflicts.
20070216             Nevertheless, successive USA—ADMINISTRATIONS never gave serious thought to attacking either CHINA or THE—USAS.R."
20070216             Corporatism —NOW!
20070216             THE—SEC actions in favor of corporate management against investors is 1—HUGE—STEP toward Corporatism
20070216             the modern VERSION—OF—FASCISM.
20070216             CFR Report: IRAQ A Lost CAUSE—USA Should Withdraw
20070216             Securing IRAQ is 1—LOST cause FORUSA—FORCES + USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH should begin withdrawing troops to avoid "floundering ineffectually" and further damaging USA—CREDIBILITY.-
20070216             —BY—ALLEN L Roland- 20070000             MATHEMATICAL EQUATION FOR LOVE AND WORLD PEACE
20070216             The great dawning and, I would add, inevitable realization of psychology,
20070216             science and religion is that our separateness is 1—ILLUSION measured by THE—STATE—OF—OUR consciousness and that our ultimate reality,
20070216             once again measured by THE—STATE—OF—OUR consciousness, is the realization that we are all united and PART—OF—1—LOVING + indivisible whole ~ and that we resist this propensity to unite at our peril: Allen L Roland
20070216             —BY—ANDREW—BARD—SCHMOOKLER—WHO Is To Be Believed: THE—ANTI—BUSH ite Blogosphere Or THE—WORLD—FINANCIAL—MARKETS?
20070216             Is 1—USA—ATTACK on IRAN likely anytime soon?
20070216             Read THE—ANTI—BUSH ite Blogosphere + the answer would seem to be Yes.
20070216             Look at the world's financial markets + the answer would seem to be No.
20070216             How is this sharp DIVERGENCE—OF—VIEWS to be explained?
20070216             Bottom line: machines have got to go.There is simply no way ever to make peace with this Trojan Horse at our gates,
20070216             let alone continue to give it free entry in and out of our society, in fact, ANY—OF—OUR global societies.
20070216             We need once and for all to abolish all VOTE—COUNTING and tabulating and VOTE—CASTING machines,
20070216             in all their sordid combinations + WORLD—WIDE.
20070216             —BY—JOHN—EDWARDS—EDWARDS Lays Out Comprehensive Proposal To Enact His Plan For IRAQ -
20070216             JOHN—EDWARDS calls on Congress to stop debating and take action: Cap funding for troops in IRAQ at 100,000 troops and stop the surge;
20070216             end war 20080000             20070216             —BY—BOB—KOEHLER—SORRY—ABOUT—THAT
20070216             "THE—BOMBER—DREAM," 1—DOCUMENTARY on THE—HISTORY—OF—AERIAL warfare,
20070216             tears back the assumptions, paradoxes and good intentions of modern,
20070216             HIGH—TECH—WAR and brings us to the brink of the gaping hole at its center: No 1 is responsible for what happens.
20070216             —BY DAVE—LINDORFF—WAKE—UP—CONGRESS! BUSH Is Crazy As 1—LOON!
20070216             CO—DEPENDENT—CONGRESS and media need to face the facts:
20070216             —CRAZED, THE—PRESIDENT—IS 1, psychopath and needs to be stopped.
20070216             —BY—KEVIN—ZEESE—HOUSE—DEBATES—IRAQ—SURGE—AS Their Popularity Drops
20070216             Article reviews the House debate on the troop increase in IRAQ.
20070216             —TRAPPED, THE—REPUBLICANS are, by the Democrats and the Democrats are trapped by their own divisions.
20070216             The article urges the Democrats to represent the voters or risk losing their majority status.
20070216             —MASTERMINDED, Testimony at THE—LIBBY trial makes it clear that CHENEY, the outing of Plame + BUSH was complicit.
20070216             Fitzpatrick did the investigative work, the crime is obvious, the evidence is public.
20070216             What are they waiting for? You're Not Alone
20070216             —PREPARED, Are you, to let this important decision be made without your input or consent?
20070216             Remember government "of the people, by the people, for the people"?
20070216             Democracy demands eternal vigilance and citizen participation.
20070216             Without it, we are merely living in 1—NATION impersonating 1—DEMOCRACY.
20070216             Will you settle for that?
20070216             The objective is torget real election integrity, which means focusing on getting the person installed in office that the voters actually voted for (as well as making sure eligible people can vote).
20070216             BUSH is still fighting childhood battles.
20070216             He doesn't believe that anyone can do things better than he.
20070216             HE—1—DANGEROUS—MAN.
20070216             —BY—KYLE—LEATHERSPOON—AMERICA-- Staying In 1—TOXIC, Abusive Relationship-- With BUSH
20070216             Why BUSH is incapable of winning 1—WAR in IRAQ.
20070216             —DESIGNED, 1—ARTICLE, to be a 'sheeple's' 1. look at the issues involved in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN and how our MIS—MANAGEMENT—OF—THE—WARS is causing more Islamic extremists to develop.
20070216             Includes the topic of DU. Cheney Abbott And BUSH Costello Say So!
20070216             Sort Of?!?!?
20070216             Administration spokespeople whine that they do not understand why they are repeatedly asked whether the administration intends to attack IRAN despite MANY—ASSERTIONS to the contrary.
20070216             What is so hard to understand?
20070216             —DERIDED, DENNIS—MILLER, global warming with 1—1—CACHE—OF—1—LINERS that would make the Exxon MOBILE PUBLIC—RELATIONS—TEAM blush.
20070216             THE—USA—CANNOT win 1—CONFLICT with IRAN without nuclear weapons.
20070216             RUSSIA—WON'T stand for this.
20070216             Further, THE—BUSH—REGIME has yet to produce ANY—EVIDENCE to support their allegations.
20070216             Asks Americans to look at their real values, not what they say but what they do.
20070216             —KICKED, We need to understand that we are facing NAZIS who, off their plan to control the World 19680000             and who have proved willing and able t
20070216             —BY—STEPHEN—LENDMAN—UN Peacekeeping Paramilitarism
20070216             1—ACCOUNT—OF—THE—TRUE—ROLE—OF—UN—PEACEKEEPERS serving imperial interests as thuggish paramilitary enforcers.
20070216             —BY—CAROL—WOLMAN - 1—GOOD—OFFENSE—IS—THE—BEST—DEFENSE—CONGRESS is on the defensive with BUSH.
20070216             We the People need 1—IMPEACHMENT—OFFENSIVE, to get him and CHENEY out.
20070216             This is the only way to get us out of IRAQ and prevent 1—ATTACK on IRAN.
20070216             "THE—NEW—NIE on IRAQ starkly delineates the gulf that separates USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ILLUSIONS from THE—REALITIES—OF—THE—WAR.
20070216             Victory, as THE—PRESIDENT—SEES it, requires 1—STABLE—LIBERAL—DEMOCRACY in IRAQ that is PRO—AMERICAN.
20070216             THE—NIE describes 1—WAR that has no chance of producing that result.
20070216             43 is lying to us + our soldiers as well as innocent Iraqis, are dying.
20070216             —STEPPED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has, up its PROPAGANDA campaign against IRAN, but, as was the case —PRIOR—TO THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ, has no real evidence to support its claims.
20070216             Within walking distance from THE—BIRMINGHAM—CIVIL—RIGHTS—INSTITUTE,
20070216             1—FEW 100—THOUGHTFUL, committed CITIZENS—OF—THE—WORLD gathered with hope to make 1—DIFFERENCE in PALESTINE—ISRAEL.
20070216             —WHEN the media is used to create fear, to manipulate 1—AUDIENCE to accept and approve 1—POLITICAL—IDEOLOGY-- that is terrorism.
20070216             As human population grows, animal habitat decreases.
20070216             With EACH—ADDED—AMERICAN,
20070216             12.6—ACRES—OF—LAND suffers DEVELOPMENT—OF—ROADS, malls, housing, concrete and farmland expansion to support that person.
20070216             —BY adding 100—MILLION—AMERICANS
20070216             —BY—GERALD—DAY—CONGRESS Is Still Asleep
20070216             The foreign POLICY—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT ought to be focused on facilitating peacemaking and ending its military actions AGAINST—THE—NATIONS and peoples of the region.
20070216             It's interesting how AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD is so concerned about bringing democracy to IRAQ,
20070216             —WHEN he has utter contempt for democracy in his own nation.
20070216             The fact is,
20070216             —OPPOSED, 1—ASTONISHING 76—PERCENT—OF—AUSTRALIANS, their nation participating in THE—USA—LED attack on IRAQ.
20070216             Understanding the full truth about 20010911             —REQUIRES 2—STAGES—OF—1—INTELLECTUAL—PROCESS.
20070216             THE—1.—STEP—REALIZING the fraudulence of the "official 20010911             —STORY" which requires study and logic.
20070216             The 2. STEP—FACING the implications of this knowledge + the truth about our politics,
20070216             economic system, indeed our own capacity for independent critical thought, is by far the more difficult PART—OF—THIS journey.
20070216             Congress funds the development and deployment of nuclear weapons but leaves the decision on —WHEN and how to use them entirely up to THE—PRESIDENT.
20070216             —COMMITTED, Congressmembers will be liable for the crimes, with those weapons.
20070216             1—CRUCIAL—ELEMENT—BEHIND—THE—RISE—OF—BUSH ite Fascism
20070216             HERE—1—NICE—PIECE—OF—BACKGROUND regarding THE—DECADES—LONG—CAMPAIGN—OF—CORPORATE—AMERICA to roll back the advance of progressive values.
20070216             1. it gave us reactionary politics + —NOW --with THE—RISE—OF—THE—BUSH ite power-- it has led AMERICA INTO fascism.
20070216             —ON 1—DAILYKOS diary blog, titled, UPDATED:
20070216             ED—SCHULTZ and Air AMERICA in public battle,
20070216             the producer of THE—ED—SCHULTZ talk radio show, which claims to be the most l!
20070216             istened to progressive talk radio show, stated, THE—OWNERS—OF—THE—SHOW, Randy Michaels & Stu Krane are both Libertarian Republicans.
20070216             —NOW, they are not —JUST your everyday Republicans.
20070216             Randy Michaels, born BENJAMIN—HOMEL, ( was HEAD—OF—CLEAR—CHANNEL—COMMUNICATIONS, a verrry RIGHT—WING company.
20070216             He joined Clear Channel —WHEN his company, Jacor, which syndicated Rush Limbaugh and Dr.
20070216             —ACQUIRED, Laura Schlesinger, was, by Clear Channel.
20070216             Stu Krane was THE—FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—ABC—RADIO and Premiere Radio Networks-- home to RUsh Limbaugh, GLEN—BECK and DOCTOR—LAURA, to name 1—FEW.
20070216             You have to wonder what influence extreme RIGHT—WINGERS have on the program.
20070216             Here in Philly, it is not available.
20070216             I! 'll be posting this as 1—ARTICLE too, so, if you have thought!
20070216             s on thi s, or additional information, chime in.
20070216             —ROB—KALL—RE: EDELMAN—MOST interesting missing witness (Cheney Plame Affair)-
20070216             BG ERIC—EDELMAN appears to be 1—KEY cog in the neoconservative political machine which has been writing Dick CHENEY—SCRIPT:
20070216             ERIC—EDELMAN/c Cornell B.A. Source:
20070216             Gulfnews: The need for 1—NEW—SECURITY SET—UP-
20070216             BG SAUDI—ARABIA—ACTIVE—DIPLOMACY—IN PALESTINE—LEBANON and the wider Arab WORLD—POINTS to 1—NEW—CONCERN by major Arab states to take their destiny in hand and ensure THE—PROTECTION—OF—THEIR—OWN—VITAL—INTERESTS, rather than relying on outside powers
20070216             —ORDERED, MULTAN: 1—TRIBAL—COUNCIL in 1—REMOTE—PAKISTAN—VILLAGE, 1—MAN to walk NECK—DEEP through freezing water —FOR—10—MINUTES to prove his son was innocent of stealing, officials said —ON—THURSDAY.
20070216             I wonder if they held hands (like they do with BUSH )-
20070216             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, making The 1. visit by 1—RUSSIA—LEADER to SAUDI—ARABIA,
20070216             met ABDULLAH—KING—OF— and other senior officials —SUNDAY for talks on the situations in IRAQ and THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORIES,
20070216             —NOTED, The other —DAY, I, that CAROL—LAM deserves our thanks for her work in prosecuting DUKE—CUNNINGHAM and indicting BRENT—WILKES and Dusty Foggo.
20070216             Well, it seems that there is 1—GREAT—DEAL—MORE that she's accomplished as prosecutor and where she served the public good that should be recognized.
20070216             Via TPMMuckraker, here's Diane FEINSTEIN—THANKS to CAROL—LAM for her service as USA—ATTORNEY.
20070216             I want to commend her.
20070216             I thank her for the work she has done in that office.
20070216             She was sworn in ASUSA—ATTORNEY
20070216             Here's the obverse of what we generally get to report on.
20070216             but, 1—TAXPAYER—FUNDED research lab which assigns someone to track computer security — then, fires him for sharing his findings with THE—FBI!
20070216             1—NEW—MEXICO district court jury has awarded $4.3—MILLION in punitive damages to a [...]...Source:
20070216             AUSTIN—TEXAS (AP) -- Carrying signs with slogans of "Stop the Coal Rush" and "Shame on TEXAS," about 1,000—PEOPLE rallied at THE—STATE—CAPITOL to persuade lawmakers to abandon 1—PLAN to build up to 18—NEW—COAL—FIRED power plants.
20070216             Environmentalists fear THE—NEW—PLANTS will pump MILLIONS—OF—TONS—OF—POLLUTANTS into the air EVERY—YEAR.
20070216             SENATOR—SCHUMER issues 1—FURTHER warning to THE—WHITE—HOUSE over  THE—USA—ATTORNEY purge as Sen.
20070216             Kyl blocks efforts to repeal THE—USA—PATRIOT Act provision giving THE—WHITE—HOUSE the ability to appoint USA—ATTORNEYS without Senate approval ( ed.note:
20070216             We've got 1—LOT—MORE coming on THE—SIGNIFICANCE—OF—THE—FIRING—OF—USA Atty CAROL—LAM in the midst of her historic indictment of the #3 man at THE—CIA.
20070216             We'll be bringing you this shortly.
20070216             THERE—MUCH more there than people realize.)
20070216             —RETIRED, But as 1—JUROR, 1, NORTH—CAROLINA schoolteacher, rose to speak aloud,
20070216             —BECAME, JUDGE—WALTON, visibly anxious that the juror might say something inappropriate that would threaten the trial.
20070216             —SUPPOSED, Jurors are not, to speak —DURING court sessions and are supposed to make ANY—CONCERNS known through notes to the bench.
20070216             The juror said that they were wearing THE—T—SHIRTS to express their fondness for the judge and the court staff on VALENTINE—DAY.
20070216             —ADDED, He then, to the judge's growing discomfort, that they were unanimous in this sentiment,
20070216             but they would all be independent in judging the evidence
20070216             —DECLINED, THE—1—JUROR who apparently, to don 1—T—SHIRT was 1—WOMAN who had been 1—CURATOR at the Metropolitan MUSEUM—OF—ART.
20070216             Read the rest...... - ABC News: AFGHANISTAN: What THE—USA—HAS Spent-
20070216             —SINCE THE—TALIBAN—COLLAPSE, THE—USA has spent more than $10—BILLION on reconstruction and civilian and military assistance programs,
20070216             —ACCORDING—TO, 1—CONGRESSIONAL Research Service Report.
20070216             This money includes funds spent on controlling AFGHANISTAN—STILL—THRIVING opium trade and protecting PRIME—MINISTER—HAMID—KARZAI.
20070216             —STATED, What is not, clearly here, is the fact, (which was probably evident —WHEN the post was made + is even more evident —AFTER THE—ALEX—JONES—INTERVIEW—WITH—RON—PAUL—TODAY on ALEX—SHOW),
20070216             is that Ron Paul is not even planning to bring up the subject of 20010911             and investigations —WHEN he is allowed on as 1—OFFICIAL—PRESIDENT.
20070216             Candidate at 1—DEBATE to be held live on.
20070216             —EXTENDED, Alex even avoids raising the question in 1, INTERVIEW—WITH—CONGRESSMAN—RON—PAUL.
20070216             This raises the question: what's THE—USE—OF—STANDING up for 20010911             —TRUTH if you won't even address it with those who we are supposed to consider our best hope for changing our corrupt government?
20070216             —SUCCEED, Alex may think Ron Paul actually has 1—CHANCE to, as 1—CANDIDATE + realize that bring up 20010911             would hurt his chances.
20070216             In this bloggers estimation, Ron Paul has 0—CHANCE to be considered as 1—SERIOUS—CANDIDATE.
20070216             It makes him PART—OF—THE—PROBLEM in that he won't tell the hard truth.
20070216             I'm tired of this bogus garbage about terrorism.
20070216             Can you comment on that please? HON.
20070216             DOCTOR—RON—PAUL: Well, that would be NICE to have.
20070216             Unfortunately, we don't have that in place.
20070216             It will be 1—LITTLE—BIT—BETTER—NOW with the Democrats —NOW IN—CHARGE—OF—OVERSIGHT.
20070216             But you know, for top level policy there's not 1—WHOLE—LOT—OF—DIFFERENCE between THE—2—POLICIES so 1—REAL—INVESTIGATION isn't going to happen.
20070216             But I think we have to keep pushing for it. And like you and others,
20070216             we see the investigations that have been done so far as more or less COVER—UP and no real explanation of what went on.
20070216             Obama Addresses 20010911             —GOVERNMENT Complicity-
20070216             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—OBAMA—ADDRESSES 20010911             —GOVERNMENT Complicity Possible PRESIDENT—RESPONDS to an Infowars reader
20070216             "Frustrated by the inability of Democrats in Congress to pass 1—RESOLUTION opposing USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—POLICIES in IRAQ,
20070216             state legislators across the country...are pushing forward with their own resolutions," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS.
20070216             "Resolutions have passed in chambers of 3—LEGISLATURES, in CALIFORNIA, IOWA and VERMONT.
20070216             THE—MARYLAND—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY sent 1—LETTER to its Congressional delegation,
20070216             signed by 1—MAJORITY—OF—THE—STATE—SENATE and close to 1—MAJORITY—OF—THE—HOUSE, urging OPPOSITION—TO—THE—INCREASE in troops in IRAQ.
20070216             —DRAFTED, Letters or resolutions are being, in at least 19—OTHER—STATES.
20070216             "Much more at the Progressive States Network.
20070216             In the South, we have 1—WONDERFUL saying and it goes like this: Get 'er done.
20070216             Our soldiers want to get it done and come home + our PRESIDENT—WANTS the same thing + this Congress should demand the exact same thing.
20070216             LET—GET out there and get 'er done. Gore unveils Live Earth.-
20070216             with 1—POWERHOUSE lineup from the Red Hot Chili Peppers to Snoop Dogg to Bon Jovi".
20070216             THE—24—HOUR event on
20070216             —TODAY, 1—GROUP—OF—CONSERVATIVE—HOUSE—MEMBERS issued 1—RELEASE claiming Pelosi had "violated copyright and trademark law on the very 1. —DAY" by "using pirated content
20070216             "from C—SPAN. The group suggested "the Speaker bring the gavel down on 'the Gavel Blog.'
20070216             "Within hours, the conservatives learned that their legal analysis was wrong and embarrassingly retracted their complaint.
20070216             something BUSH admitted —DURING his speech.
20070216             "I admire AEI 1—LOT," BUSH said.
20070216             "—AFTER all, I have been consistently borrowing SOME—OF—YOUR best people.
20070216             —WORKED, More than 20—AEI scholars have, in my administration.
20070216             Below are 1—FEW EXAMPLES—OF—THE—PEOPLE and ideas that AEI has shared — or tried to share — with THE—BUSH—WHITE—HOUSE over recent years:
20070216             — Escalation.
20070216             —BY—AEI scholar FREDERICK—KAGAN. reporter SUZANNE—MALVEAUX—SAID—OF—AEI—INFLUENCE on IRAQ policy:
20070216             "1—CONSERVATIVE—POLICY—GROUP that has THE—PRESIDENT—EAR
20070216             and is influencing his thinking is THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE".
20070216             THE—CHENEY s. - Dick CHENEY wife Lynn currently serves as Senior Fellow studying education and children.
20070216             currently serves as 1—RESIDENT—FELLOW.
20070216             1—LEADING neoconservative, PERLE was 1—FIERCE—PROPONENT—OF—REGIME—CHANGE in IRAQ.
20070216             —YESTERDAY, THE—HILL ran 1—STORY with the headline, "REPRESENTATIVE—ELLISON calls the cops to snuff TANCREDO—CIGAR.
20070216             It reported that —ON—WEDNESDAY night, REPRESENTATIVE—KEITH—ELLISON'S (D—MN) OFFICE—CALLED—THE—CAPITOL—HILL—POLICE to check on smoke coming from REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—TANCREDO'S (R—CO) office.
20070216             —AT—THE—TIME, Tancredo was smoking 1—CIGAR.
20070216             —PICKED, MISS—NBC—TUCKER—CARLSON, up on the story and reported that Ellison "demanded that the officer march into Congressman TANCREDO—OFFICE and confront him anyway, which the officer did, sheepishly".
20070216             —CALLED, FOX—NEWS said that Ellison " the Capitol Hill police on COLORADO Republican TOM—TANCREDO for smoking 1—STOGY in his office next door to Ellison's".
20070216             These reports are all false.
20070216             —CALLED, Ellison never, the Capitol Hill police.
20070216             —CONFIRMED, RICK—JAUERT, ELLISON—SPOKESMAN, to ThinkProgress that he was THE—1—WHO made the call.
20070216             He said he wasn't sure from where the "smoke odor" was coming, so he called the House superintendent's office,
20070216             as is standard protocol.
20070216             —TRANSFERRED, The superintendent's office then, him to the police.
20070216             Jauert wrote to ThinkProgress:
20070216             I informed the officer that along about EACH—DAY at 5—THIS vile, offensive and very strong odor began to seep into our offices.
20070216             I wasn't even AWARE—OF—THE—FACT that the Congressman himself suffers from seasonal asthma.
20070216             —ASKED, The officer, me if I knew where the odor was coming from;
20070216             I said, I thought it seemed to becoming from THE—DIRECTION—OF—THE—CONGRESSMAN—PERSONAL—OFFICE which would mean it likely was emanating from Cong.
20070216             TANCREDO—OFFICE.
20070216             Jauert notes that Ellison —INITIALLY wasn't even aware he had made the call.
20070216             —LATER, —WHEN he told him, Ellison "went over to TANCREDO—OFFICE to explain to them that he (Ellison) has asthma.
20070216             "But TANCREDO—SPOKESMAN, CARLOS—ESPINOSA, confirmed with us —TODAY that "Ellison did come by —AFTER the police left to ask us to stop smoking.
20070216             But —WHEN he got to our office, [the congressman] had already left".
20070216             —2—WEEKS—AGO, Sens.
20070216             Chuck Hagel (R—NE) and Olympia Snowe (R—ME), who say they oppose escalating THE—WAR,
20070216             nevertheless voted to block debate on 1—BIPARTISAN resolution
20070216             Facing 1—POLITICAL—BACKLASH, those same senators —NOW say they want 1—VOTE—IMMEDIATELY.
20070216             In 1—LETTER
20070216             —YESTERDAY to SENATE—MAJORITY—LEADER—HARRY—REID (D—NV), Hagel and Snowe said they planned to block THE—SENATE from adjourning for —NEXT—WEEK—RECESS
20070216             —UNTIL 1—VOTE on escalation was held.
20070216             —TODAY, Reid called their bluff.
20070216             —ANNOUNCED, At 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE, Reid, that he will delay THE—SENATE—RECESS and hold 1—CLOTURE vote on THE—IRAQ resolution —ON—SATURDAY.
20070216             "Time IS—OF—THE—ESSENCE," Reid said + we are "determined to end the silence and find 1—NEW—DIRECTION".
20070216             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS, "If the —SATURDAY vote succeeds,
20070216             Reid said he may cancel the upcoming —WEEK—LONG recess
20070216             "to move forward with 1—FULL—VOTE on the resolution.
20070216             GUDRUN—HOFFMANN - "Unrecht im Namen des Volkes" lautet der Titel des 2. Buchs von SABINE—RÜCKERT.
20070216             Die Gerichtsreporterin des Hamburger Wochenblatts "Die Zeit" hat es
20070216             SABINE—RÜCKERT schildert einen Justizskandal, der in seiner Ignoranz besonders auffällig ist.
20070216             FRANZ—JOSEF—HANKE—ÜBER "Die fiesen Tricks von Polizei und Justiz" sprach JÖRG—BERGSTEDT —AM—DONNERSTAG (1.
20070216             ;;02;;) im BUCHLADEN—CAFÉ Am Grün in Marburg.
20070216             Auf Einladung der "Linken Fachschaft 03" berichtete der POLIT—UND UMWELT—AKTIVIST von der Projektwerkstatt Saasen dabei überwiegend von eigenen Erfahrungen.
20070216             Brain creates 'new' nerve cells
20070216             —DISCOVERED, Researchers have, for The 1. time that the human brain can grow new nerve cells.
20070216             —BRANDED, Food labels, 'misleading'
20070216             1—REPORT accuses the food industry of misleading consumers with its new food labelling.
20070216             ITALY orders CIA kidnapping trial
20070216             1—MILAN judge orders the trial of 26—USA—CITIZENS and 5—ITALIANS over the alleged kidnap of 1—EGYPT—IMAM.
20070216             CUBA—CASTRO recovering says son
20070216             CUBA—LEADER—FIDEL—CASTRO is making 1—SATISFACTORY—RECOVERY from intestinal surgery, says his son.
20070216             Top MADRID suspect denies guilt
20070216             YOUSSEF—BELHADJ, 1—KEY—SUSPECT in the trial of 29—PEOPLE over 20040000             —THE—MADRID train bombings, denies involvement.
20070216             Politicians sign new climate pact
20070216             Legislators from —AROUND the world agree to tackle climate change, calling for global caps on greenhouse gas emissions.
20070216             USA rejects Masri wounding claim
20070216             USA—MILITARY—SOURCES say they do not believe report that THE—LEADER—OF—AL—QAEDA in IRAQ has been wounded.
20070216             USA Democrats warn BUSH on IRAN
20070216             Top Democrats in  THE—USA—CONGRESS warn USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH he does not have the authority to go to WAR—WITH—IRAN
20070216             'Bionic' eye could restore sight
20070216             1—RETINAL implant that could help restore THE—SIGHT—OF—MILLIONS—OF—BLIND—PEOPLE could be available in —2—YEARS.
20070216             ANGOLA hit by fresh flood threat
20070216             —DISPLACED, THOUSANDS—OF—VILLAGERS are, and hundreds stranded as floods hit EAST—ANGOLA.
20070216             USA—RELEASES details against Hicks
20070216             —ARRESTED, COLOMBIA—POLITICIAN is
20070216             1—COLOMBIA—SENATOR is arrested, SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS to the country's paramilitary groups.
20070216             —URGED, JAPAN, to 'use Greenpeace'
20070216             NEW—ZEALAND calls on TOKYO to accept GREENPEACE—OFFER to tow its stricken whaling ship from THE—ANTARCTIC.
20070216             Verdict due in TURKEY bomb trial
20070216             1—VERDICT is expected in 1—TRIAL—OF—73—MEN charged with 1—WAVE—OF—SUICIDE—BOMBINGS in TURKEY 20030000             .
20070216             USA mulls WTO move on CHINA piracy
20070216             THE—USA—CONSIDERS complaining to THE—WTO about what it says is CHINA—INTELLECTUAL—PIRACY.
20070216             Fish in pregnancy 'benefits baby'
20070216             Eating fish —DURING pregnancy has LONG—LASTING benefits for the child, 1—UK study suggests.
20070216             —UNCOVERED, ANTARCTIC water world
20070216             1—COMPLEX—NETWORK—OF—RIVERS and reservoirs beneath THE—ANTARCTIC—ICE—SHEET is mapped by USA—SCIENTISTS.
20070216             —PLANNED, World climate change gigs
20070216             Music stars will take part in 8—CONCERTS—AROUND the world in ;;07;;
20070216             to highlight THE—THREAT—OF—GLOBAL warming.
20070216             EU ministers agree biofuel target
20070216             Energy ministers agree to increase THE—SHARE—OF—BIOFUEL used in transport but leave 1—BROADER—RENEWABLES—TARGET—VAGUE.
20070216             Dow Jones hits new record close
20070216             THE—DOW—JONES—INDEX—ENDS at 1—NEW—RECORD—HIGH—OF—12,765, beating 1—RECORD 20070901             —DAY—EARLIER.
20070216             $82 For E—VOTING Secrets
20070216             5—SEQUOIA electronic voting machines sold at on online auction? $82.
20070216             1—CHANCE for 1—RESEARCHER to dissect the embedded software that the company refused to make public?
20070216             Priceless. 20070216             Feb.
20070216             16, 20050000             : Matter of PROTOCOL—THE—KYOTO—PROTOCOL goes into effect.
20070216             But without the participation of THE—USA, it's not very effective.
20070216             Clean Cars Elude USA—BUYERS
20070216             More than 100—CURRENTLY available automobiles get 40—MPG or better.
20070216             Why are all but 2—UNAVAILABLE in THE—USA ?
20070216             AUTOPIA. THE—FATHER—OF—QUANTUM Computing
20070216             —INVENTED, OXFORD physicist DAVID—DEUTSCH, quantum computing to prove the existence of parallel universes.
20070216             So what does D—WAVE—DEMO mean for the future of our world?
20070216             Wired News INTERVIEW—BY—QUINN—NORTON.
20070216             Bright future for OLEDs, report predicts
20070216             Research firm expects market for OLEDs used in displays and lighting to reach $15.5—BILLION
20070216             Video: Inventive device can take you up a 30-story building in —30—SECONDS.
20070216             MIT graduate student NATHAN—BALL has won 1—PRIZE for his invention called Atlas Powered Rope Ascender.
20070216             MattSparkes writes "It has been known for SOME—TIME that there is 1—CONSTANT hum that emanates from the Earth,
20070216             which can be heard near 10—MILLIHERTZ on 1—SEISMOMETER.
20070216             —CAUSED, The problem was that nobody knew what, it.
20070216             —CAUSED, It has —NOW been shown that it is, by waves on THE—BOTTOM—OF—THE—SEA + more specifically 'by the combination of 2—WAVES—OF—THE—SAME—FREQUENCY travelling in opposite directions.'"
20070216             NC-20070216-9930-SWE SWEDEN Västra Götaland SOUTH—OF—GOTHENBURG
20070216             I suspect that what you call the tranny movement is at least part right, but also part wrong.
20070216             The best way to conceal truth is to mix it with falsehoods.
20070216             —DROPPED, Why do you think Hopsicker has, the Atta stories?
20070216             Has the trail gone cold? #
20070216             Much evidence supports the proposition that ALI—MOHAMED was 1—USA—PLANT within AL—QAEDA.
20070216             Scott: But what we have heard so far is 1—FALL—BACK—COVER—UP of even worse truths.
20070216             PETER—LANCE, who 1. wrote the script for THE—NATIONAL—GEOGRAPHIC—SPECIAL, told about MOHAMED—DETENTION and release in TORONTO.
20070216             This important detail, along with others, was cut from the program.
20070216             Lance withdrew from the project and complained on his website about these and other cuts, such as this 1:
20070216             "Within days of 20010911             —CLOONAN... interviewed Ali, whom the Feds had allowed to slip into witness protection + demanded to know THE—DETAILS—OF—THE—PLOT.
20070216             At that point Ali wrote it all OUT—INCLUDING details of how he'd counseled WOULD—BE hijackers on how to smuggle box cutters on BOARD aircraft and where to sit,
20070216             to effect the airline seizures".(9) So let us sum up what we know so far about ALI—MOHAMED:
20070216             1. 1—KEY—PLANNER—OF—THE 20010911             —PLOT + trainer in hijacking, was simultaneously 1—INFORMANT for THE—FBI.
20070216             2. This operative trained the members for ALL—OF—THE—CHIEF—ISLAMIST—ATTACKS inside THE—USA -- THE—1.—WTC bombing,
20070216             THE—NEW—YORK landmarks plot + finally 20010911             , as well as THE—ATTACKS against Americans in SOMALIA and KENYA.
20070216             3. And yet —FOR—4—YEARS Mohamed was allowed to move in and OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY as 1 unindicted conspirator.
20070216             —ALLOWED, Then, unlike his trainees, he was, to PLEA—BARGAIN.
20070216             —SENTENCED, TO—THIS—DAY he may still not have been, for ANY—CRIME + may even be in witness protection.(10) PETER—LANCE has charged that Fitzgerald had evidence —BEFORE 19980000             to implicate Mohamed in THE—KENYA—EMBASSY bombing,
20070216             yet did nothing and let the bombing happen.(11)
20070216             In fact, BACK—ARGUABLY the 2.—MOST important "inside man" was the mysterious ALI—MOHAMMED -- he used other names -- of whom PETER—DALE—SCOTT has written much.
20070216             The title of 1—OF—SCOTT—PIECES tells the most basic truth about this individual:
20070216             The most significant "inside man" in history was ADOLF—HITLER, who joined the nascent NSDAP (THE—NAZI—PARTY) as 1—INFORMANT for GERMANY—ARMY—INTELLIGENCE.
20070216             TONY—SNOW is "1—DAILY—GOP hypocrite in his arrogant and deceitful dealings with THE—LAPDOGS—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESIDENT—CORPS.
20070216             HE—THEIR—MALE dominatrix.
20070216             He cracks the whip of mistruths as he casts out snide asides and THE—WELL—PAID STENOGRAPHERS—OF—THE—STATUS quo roll over and retreat to their submissive stenography".
20070216             Original Remastered Recording of JOHN—COLTRANE'S "1—LOVE—SUPREME" (CD),
20070216             Perhaps the Most Spiritual JAZZ—ALBUM—OF—ALL—TIME—AUDITORS: Billions Wasted in IRAQ.
20070216             That's Our Money, GEORGE + We Want It Back.
20070216             Pelosi: BUSH lacks power to invade IRAN
20070216             WILL—GORE—GO for the Presidential Brass Ring Come ;;09;;.
20070216             He Probably Hasn't Decided Yet, But It Appears 1—POSSIBILITY.
20070216             Hmmmm.... BUZZFLASH—COLLEAGUE and Monthly Book Reviewer Replaces AL—FRANKEN on Air AMERICA.
20070216             NICE Profile of THOM—HARTMANN in THE—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE.
20070216             Do You Want to be FORCED to Own 1—GUN?
20070216             Madness. "InstaPundit" Thinks you Should be.
20070216             BUSH and Cheney are a 5. Column Within THE—USA—GOVERNMENT: Outgoing Army CHIEF—OF—STAFF—GEN.
20070216             PETER—J—SCHOOMAKER said —YESTERDAY that the increase of 17,500 Army combat troops in IRAQ represents only the "TIP—OF—THE—ICEBERG" and will potentially require THOUSANDS—OF—ADDITIONAL—SUPPORT—TROOPS and trainers,
20070216             as well as equipment -- further eroding THE—ARMY—READINESS to respond to other world contingencies.
20070216             Okay, read it again.
20070216             This is the outgoing Army CHIEF—OF—STAFF—TALKING!
20070216             Thanks to GARY at Covert History...
20070216             Websites relating to specific AREAS—OF—DISCRIMINATION and human rights...
20070216             NZ ASIA Institute
20070216             UN—WOMEN—WATCH : THE—UN—GATEWAY on the Advancement & EMPOWERMENT—OF—WOMEN...
20070216             Roter Planet: Wasser soll MARS—FELSEN ausgebleicht haben
20070216             Überfüllte UNI—BIBLIOTHEKEN: Sitzplatz nur 1—EURO pro —STUNDE
20070216             Globalisierte Rüstungsindustrie: Boeing und Lockheed wollen GROSSBRITANNIEN erobern
20070216             IRAK: SCHIITEN—PREDIGER Sadr befiehlt Rückzug der MAHDI—ARMEE
20070216             Atomwaffenprogramm: USA wollen 2. IRAN—RESOLUTION
20070216             NPD—IMMOBILIEN: Die Neonazis nisten sich ein
20070216             Natural Health Products to enhance your energy health and vitality.
20070216             Current USA—HUGHES for AMERICA: Random Observations
20070216             Nearly 800000 of WAL—MART—APPROXIMATELY 1.39—MILLION—USA—EMPLOYEES aren't covered by the company's restrictive, costly health care plan.
20070216             A report... - Governance World Watch
20070216             USA: Privatization Fails Poor Kids Needing Health Care...
20070216             ALBERT—BLOG—WHAT is this USA—PRODUCTION trying to tell us ?... including poverty, climate change, global health + religious and racial conflict.
20070216             Il Forum di Dilucide :: Leggi argomento - [VIDEO] - 11—SETTEMBRE...
20070216             Academic papers - {RICHARD—V. Allen } [Friction] [SK USA—RELATIONS]
20070216             recent DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—COMPTROLLER—DOV—ZAKHEIM—WHO —NOW works in the same firm of BOOZ—ALLEN and...
20070216             *EBO DETERMINATION REPORT*
20070216             960—WEST—LA Brea Avenue. LOS—ANGELES.
20070216             CA. 90038. Date Status Determined
20070216             ;;01;; — 19991200             106. Congress — 1. SESSION—ROSENTHAL, JOHN—D ( BOOZ—ALLEN &.
20070216             HAMILTON INCORPORATED )... ZAKHEIM, Dov.
20070216             Military contractor foreign mergers, 404. Zedillo, Ernesto.
20070216             MEXICO drug trafficking, 20060000             ...
20070216             He is currently 1—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—BOOZ—ALLEN—HAMILTON.
20070216             Dove Pigeon redirects here.
20070216             For alternate uses see Pigeon (disambiguation ''See River Dove for.
20070216             911—WTC—EVIDENCE—OF—AN—NUCLEAR—EXPLOSION?
20070216             D&39;Ono Dooley Doppelba Doremus Doroshow Douliery Dove Draizen Drakert
20070216             THE—IDIOCY—BEHIND the '20010911             —TRUTH' Movement
20070216             Forum Kebebasan Berpendapat Lintas Agama :: View TOPIC—YAHUDI...
20070216             —INTENDED, His appointment was, to counter THE—DOVE—ISH—COLIN—POWELL.
20070216             Williams World Wildlife Fund Dov S. ZAKHEIM BOOZ—ALLEN—HAMILTON... Well, in truth I'm actually not 1—TOTAL hawk, but I'm not 1—DOVE EITHER—I'M more like...
20070216             COMEDONCHISCIOTTE—POLITICA e informazione - 115—ATLANTISTI...
20070216             Dov ZAKHEIM, sotto copertura della società di consulenza BOOZ—ALLEN...
20070216             Havel, che in EUROPA usufruisce di un'immagine positiva occidentale dove gli...
20070216             DUAL—CITIZEN and ZIONIST, Dov ZAKHEIM, FORMER—PENTAGON Comptroller, somehow managed to lose $3 ... got 1—AWARD + moved on to 1—CUSHY job at BOOZ—ALLEN.
20070216             He will join BOOZ—ALLEN—HAMILTON through the traditional revolving door for...
20070216             Ashoka, HI—SPEED, Orwell84, maxgallo, noreprez, ZAKHEIM, Altro.
20070216             e il TRADOC (Doctrine Command) in compagnia di BOOZ—ALLEN—HAMILTON e LOCKHEED—MARTIN.
20070216             THE—NON—CONFRONTATIONAL language and imagery of the lamb, the virgin, the dove, the gentle shepherd + the kind father have been cast aside in favor of...
20070216             Progetto per un nuovo secolo americano Google Toolbar Button
20070216             ZAKHEIM, Dipartimento della difesa, Controllore, Attualmente ?icepresidente della BOOZ—ALLEN—HAMILTON.
20070216             DOVE—OF—PEACE—ZAKHEIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20070216             At the mammoth BOOZ—ALLEN firm, ZAKHEIM will join R. - - Proof!!! - Rap Basement Message BOARD
20070216             PNAC signer ZAKHEIM, —NOW leaving his position as PENTAGON comptroller, is moving to BOOZ—ALLEN.
20070216             GOP Leader: "Rumsfeld Is THE—BEST—THING—TO—HAPPEN—TO—THE—PENTAGON... - new research on Dov Zakheim, in depth
20070216             Fed Tax —DAY, went to BOOZ—ALLEN to join EX—CIA CHIEF + ZIONIST WOOLSEY ).
20070216             —ON them.....he dove for cover —AFTER PENTAGON billions deficit was exposed.
20070216             Guilty, Your Honour, of Truth in THE—1.—DEGREE
20070216             Dov ZAKHEIM + the 20010911             —CONSPIRACY.
20070216             Hey, it's ONLY reality... - Talk About Anything But ESCALATION—YET ON—ONLINEREDAKTION
20070216             —OPPOSING BUSH—IRAQ policy. to GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH.
20070216             —WHILE he was 1—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS".
20070216             —BY—TOTAL From 20010911             —ACTIVIST—ATTORNEY—JERRY—LEAPHARDT via 911—RESEARCHERS com :
20070216             21. - - NICO—THE—NUMBER—OF—INVESTIGATIONS into lawmakers from the 109. Congress, which grew —TODAY by 1 with reports that NEWLY—ELECTED GOVERNOR—JIM—GIBBONS (R—NV) is facing an FBI investigation for "suspicions of criminal behavior —WHILE he was 1—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS".
20070216             - 250 - ReBelle Nation: 20060709—20060715     ... anyone could have imagined," said Dov S. Zakheim, THE—PENTAGON—COMPTROLLER 20010000—20040000    —FROM—UNTIL and —NOW 1—VICE—PRESIDENT at consulting firm Booz Allen...
20070216             "Kein Forscher kennt auch nur ein % davon. Ohne 1—MODELL, in dem das verstreute Wissen wieder zusammengeführt wird, kommen wir überhaupt nicht mehr weiter".
20070216             Markram.
20070216             Es ist zusammengesetzt aus knapp 10.000—COMPUTERCHIPS, die sich verhalten wie echte Nervenzellen.
20070216             Fear! COURTESY—OF—THE—FRONT—PAGE—OF—MISS—NBC_COM—BG Dear Reader: We have been ordered by your government to seek to control you at all costs.
20070216             EGYPT—WOMAN DIES—OF—BIRD flu 1—EGYPT—WOMAN DIES—OF—BIRD flu, bringing the number of confirmed deaths from the virus in EGYPT to 13.
20070216             Setback for Church conservatives Conservative Anglicans suffer 1—SETBACK in their efforts to expel THE—USA—CHURCH over its liberal stance on homosexuality.
20070216             Perhaps AMERICA could regain its reputation if GENERAL—PACE would send 1—DIVISION—OF—USA—MARINES to arrest Bush, Cheney, the entire CIVIL—CONTINGENT in the Pentagon, the neoconservative nazis + the complicit MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS and send them off to the Hague to be tried for war crimes.
20070216             AL—QUAIDA—THREATENS—VENEZUELA : VENEZUELA provides —AROUND 11—PERCENT—OF—USA—OIL imports despite diplomatic tensions between CARACAS and WASHINGTON over leftist PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—SELF—STYLED socialist revolution.
20070216             Giants meet to counter USA—POWER: INDIA, CHINA and RUSSIA account for 40—PER CENT—OF—THE—WORLD—POPULATION, a 5. of its economy and more than HALF—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—WARHEADS.
20070216             —NOW that NORTH—KOREA has agreed to shut down and seal its nuclear facilities within —60—DAYS, the hardest challenge ahead may be ridding THE—COUNTRY—OF—ALL—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS, several analysts said —WEDNESDAY
20070216             AUSTRALIA—BRAVE—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD had the temerity to stand up in THE—AUSTRALIA—PARLIAMENT—THIS—WEEK and call THE—LEADER—OF—THE—OPPOSITION 1—COWARD on national television, because KEVIN—RUDD opposes THE—IRAQ war and wants to bring AUSTRALIA—TROOPS—HOME
20070216             Flugge paid $2,000 —1—DAY —DURING IRAQ trip, Senate told : FORMER—AWB chairman TREVOR—FLUGGE was paid more than $2,000 —1—DAY, plus expenses, —DURING 1—TRIP to IRAQ as PART—OF—1—AUSAID team.
20070216             Secret new USA—SPY—BASE to get green light : AUSTRALIA—CLOSE—MILITARY—ALLIANCE with THE—USA is to be further entrenched with the building of 1—HIGH—TECH—COMMUNICATIONS—BASE in WEST—AUSTRALIA.
20070216             USA unlikely to meet PM—HICKS deadline : DAVID—HICKS is unlikely to be formally charged by USA—AUTHORITIES in the next few days, meaning PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD—MID—FEBRUARY deadline will not be met.
20070216             —CENSURED, EU nations, over CIA 'torture' flights: THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT has approved 1—REPORT admonishing 15—EUROPEAN countries and TURKEY for helping THE—CIA—TRANSPORT—TERRORISM—SUSPECTS held in secret or for failing to CO—OPERATE in THE—PARLIAMENT—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—PRACTICE.
20070216             Forget about ABU—GHRAIB, forget about GUANTANAMO Bay, forget even that THE—WHITE—HOUSE has authorised interrogation techniques that SOME—CLASSIFY as torture, that damned JACK—BAUER is giving us 1—BAD—NAME.
20070216             —PROJECTED, USA—PRISON—POPULATION, to soar by 200,000 in —5—YEARS: GET—TOUGH—POLICIES that lock up offenders for longer sentences are propelling 1 projected increase of nearly 200,000 in THE—USA—PRISON—POPULATION in the next —5—YEARS, according to 1—PRIVATE—STUDY released —WEDNESDAY.
20070216             ROBERT—DREYFUSS : Breakdown At THE—IRAQ—LIE—FACTORY : PRESIDENT—BUSH must have been thinking, 1—HECK—OF—1—LOT easier —5—YEARS—AGO.
20070216             Back 20020000             , THE—PRESIDENT had 1—SMOOTHLY running lie factory humming along in the Pentagon, producing reams of fake intelligence about IRAQ, led by UNDERSECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Policy DOUG—FEITH and his OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—PLANS.
20070216             Apartheid ISRAEL:
20070216             —DENIED, Arab law student, entry to SHARON—MALL :
20070216             Brandeis Donors Exact Revenge For CARTER—VISIT : Major donors to Brandeis University have informed the school they will no longer give it money in retaliation for its decision —LAST—MONTH to host FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, 1—STRONG—CRITIC—OF—ISRAEL.
20070216             Groups Fear Public Backlash Over IRAN : —WHILE Jewish communal leaders focus MOST—OF—THEIR—CURRENT lobbying efforts on pressing THE—USA to take 1—TOUGH—LINE against IRAN and its nuclear program, SOME—ARE privately voicing fears that they will be ACCUSED—OF—DRIVING AMERICA INTO 1—WAR with the regime in TEHRAN.
20070216             —DISPLACED, Syria offers huge services to Iraqi, UN official says: -UN high Commissioner for Refugees Affairs ANTONIO—GUTERRES underlined that Syria offers huge services and aid to the Iraqi displaced in Syria on the economic, health and educational levels, calling on THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to help it in this 'burden'.
20070216             Auditors: Billions more may be wasted in IRAQ: THE—USA—GOVERNMENT is at risk of squandering significantly more money in 1—IRAQ war and reconstruction effort that has already wasted or otherwise overcharged taxpayers BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS, FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS said —TODAY.
20070216             —PREDICTED, IRAQ invasion plan 'delusional' : The commanders, that —AFTER the fighting was over there would be a 2- to —3—MONTH "stabilisation" phase, followed by an 18- to —24—MONTH "recovery" stage.
20070216             12—REPUBLICANS Break Ranks on IRAQ Resolution : 12—REPUBLICANS arrived in the House chamber —ON—WEDNESDAY to set aside their party allegiances and lend their names to 1—RESOLUTION intended to rebuke PRESIDENT—BUSH for his IRAQ policy.
20070216             FORMER—MOSSAD CHIEF: Assassinate Ahmadinejad: IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD should "be made to disappear from the arena," Meir Amit, 1—FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—ISRAEL—MOSSAD intelligence agency, advocated in 1—EXCLUSIVE—INTERVIEW—WITH—WND.
20070216             BILL—WOULD—RESTORE—DETAINEES' Rights, Define 'Combatant'
20070216             1—GROUP—OF—SENATE—DEMOCRATS introduced legislation —YESTERDAY that would restore habeas corpus rights to all detainees in USA custody and would narrowly define what it means to be an "enemy combatant" against THE—USA, 1—MEASURE designed to challenge laws ushered in by THE—REPUBLICAN—CONTROLLED Congress —LAST—YEAR.
20070216             —MISLED, EX—AIDE says Rice, Lied To Congress on IRAN—BY CAROL—GIACOMO, Diplomatic CorrespondentControversy over 1—POSSIBLE missed USA—OPPORTUNITY for rapprochement with IRAN grew —ON—WEDNESDAY as former aide accused SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—OF misleading lying to Congress on the issue.
20070216             Don't Do It, MISTER—PRESIDENT—HON.
20070216             Ron PAUL—OF—TEXAS—THE—MORAL—OF—THE—STORY, MISTER—SPEAKER, is this: if you don't have 1—NUKE, we'll threaten to attack you.
20070216             If you do have 1—NUKE, we'll leave you alone.
20070216             In fact, we'll probably subsidize you.
20070216             Mourning 1—SECRET—AUSTRALIA—BY JOHN—PILGER—JOHN—PILGER describes another '—DAY—OF—MOURNING' for the 1. inhabitants of his homeland, AUSTRALIA, which for MANY—WHITES remains 1—SECRET—COUNTRY behind THE—NEO—CONSERVATIVE—BLUSTER—OF—JOHN—HOWARD—GOVERNMENT.
20070216             UN Peacekeeping Paramilitarism
20070216             These are 1—FEW—OF—THE—MANY—EXAMPLES—OF—UN—FAILURES to address injustice —THROUGHOUT the world on EVERY—CONTINENT.
20070216             Back 20010000             , —BEFORE THE—ISSUE—OF—ENERGY—SCARCITY ever entered my mind, I read 1—CHILLING online article called "Ghawar Is Dying" that bluntly speculated about the massive global upheavals modern industrial society would suffer if the largest oil field in SAUDI—ARABIA were indeed running dry.
20070216             Killers in THE—CLASSROOM—INFORMATION—WARFARE, PSY—OPS and the Power of Myth
20070216             —JUST as 20010911             has been used to justify the enhanced powers of the "unitary" PRESIDENT, the evisceration of civil liberties + 1—PERMANENT—STATE—OF—WAR;
20070216             "They offered me THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—CAMPAIGN—MONEY. They were trying to get the Hispanic vote and saw me as 1—CLEAR—CANDIDATE to do that. I was PART—OF—THE—WHOLE—PARTY—MACHINERY, —UNTIL I started to ask questions".
20070216             "The floor vibrated. We were all thrown upwards, then everyone in the office started screaming. Then we heard another noise, THE—IMPACT—OF—THE—PLANE. It was 2—DIFFERENT—EVENTS, separated by 1—FRACTION—OF—TIME. It was 1—MIRACLE I was there and not in the restaurant," he says.
20070216             —PEDDLED, This same VERSION—OF—EVENTS is, by Loose Change, a —90—MINUTE—INTERNET—MOVIE made by 3—USA—MEN, which has been watched by 1 estimated 100—MILLION viewers —AROUND the globe.
20070216             The film, 1—BLITZ—OF—STATISTICS, photographs, eyewitness accounts and testimonies, argues that the fire in the towers was not hot enough to melt their steel frames and that they fell too quickly.
20070216             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK ( AG) - Die Analysten von Punk Ziegel & Co. stufen die Aktie von MORGAN—STANLEY (ISIN US6174464486/WKN 885836) nach wie vor mit dem Rating "accumulate" ein.
20070216             FIREDOGLAKE—LIBBY reporting forces 1—REEVALUATION—OF—BLOGS—BG It is virtually impossible to closely follow the Libby trial without relying upon the work of the blogging team assembled by JANE—HAMSHER + FireDogLake.
20070216             The same discoveries that could help the paralyzed use brain signals to steer 1—WHEELCHAIR or write on 1—COMPUTER might also be used to detect possible criminal intent, religious beliefs or other hidden thoughts, these neuroethicists say.
20070216             "The potential for misuse of this technology is profound," said JUDY—ILLES, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—STANFORD—UNIVERSITY—NEUROETHICS—PROGRAM in CALIFORNIA.
20070216             Studying MISTER—I brain SCANS—OF—PEOPLE newly in love, scientists are building 1—SCIENCE—OF—LOVE—ITS—POWER & pain
20070216             Bush VIDEO—BUSH says it's so hard to be PRESIDENT —WHILE he's trying to enjoy the plush life inside THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070216             Pace, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF, Questions Whether IRAN Leadership Is Source Of Deadly Weapons
20070216             Media CRITIQUES—WHY is the press hiding national security adviser Zbigniew BRZEZINSKI—VIEW—OF—THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—1—WAR with IRAN?
20070216             Freedom To FASCHISM—IF you haven't seen this movie, take 1 1/—2—HOURS and see it.
20070216             AMERICA IS Reaching Critical MASS—AMERICA is on the edge of becoming 1—DICTATORSHIP.
20070216             Time to roll up the sleeves.
20070216             —GRANTED, The number of waivers, to Army recruits with criminal backgrounds has grown about 65 % in the last —3—YEARS, increasing to 8,129 20060000             from 4,918 20030000             , DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—RECORDS—SHOW.
20070216             —MISLED, NEWS—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, THE—USA—CONGRESS—WHEN she said —LAST—WEEK that she had not seen a 20030000             IRAN—PROPOSAL for talks with THE—USA, former senior government official Flynt Leverett said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20070216             USA, BRITAIN Fare Poorly In Children SURVEY—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN ranked as the worst places to be 1—CHILD, according to 1—UNICEF study of more than 20 developed nations released —WEDNESDAY.
20070216             What Bush & Co. Want From Republicans
20070216             "THE—BUSH—TEAM'S—MAIN—GOAL is to get everyone in GOP circles to repeat THE—WHITE—HOUSE talking points to the media, according to several GOP activists," reports USA—NEWS & World Report.
20070216             Leveling THE—BARGAINING—TABLE—REPRESENTATIVE—GEORGE—MILLER, D—CALIF explains THE—EMPLOYEE—FREE—CHOICE—ACT that would give workers the ability to join together to bargain for better wages and benefits.
20070216             CIA legend Milt Bearden on weapons traffic from IRAN to IRAQ: "I don't know why anyone would be surprised by IRAN—GAMBLING in our IRAQ—CASINO -- especially as there are TIME—HONORED rules... for proxy wars. THE—SOVIETS and Chinese armed our adversaries in the Korean and VIETNAM conflicts. Nevertheless, successive USA—ADMINISTRATIONS never gave serious thought to attacking either CHINA or THE—USAS.R."
20070216             THE—SEC actions in favor of corporate management against investors is 1—HUGE—STEP toward Corporatism... the modern VERSION—OF—FASCISM.
20070216             —BY Allen L Roland-
20070216             —BY ANDREW—BARD—SCHMOOKLER -
20070216             Who Is To Be Believed: THE—ANTI—BUSH ite Blogosphere Or THE—WORLD—FINANCIAL—MARKETS?
20070216             —BY JOHN—ERVIN - - My 2—CENTS On Electronic Voting Machines
20070216             Bottom line: machines have got to go.There is simply no way ever to make peace with this Trojan Horse at our gates, let alone continue to give it free entry in and out of our society, in fact, ANY—OF—OUR global societies.
20070216             We need once and for all to abolish all VOTE—COUNTING and tabulating and VOTE—CASTING machines, in all their sordid combinations + WORLD—WIDE.
20070216             —BY JOHN—EDWARDS -
20070216             Edwards Lays Out Comprehensive Proposal To Enact His Plan For IRAQ -
20070216             "THE—BOMBER—DREAM," 1—DOCUMENTARY on THE—HISTORY—OF—AERIAL warfare, tears back the assumptions, paradoxes and good intentions of modern, HIGH—TECH—WAR and brings us to the brink of the gaping hole at its center: No 1 is responsible for what happens.
20070216             CO—DEPENDENT—CONGRESS and media need to face the facts: THE—PRESIDENT is 1 crazed psychopath and needs to be stopped.
20070216             —BY JOAN—BRUNWASSER—CONFUSED About Election Reform Legislation?
20070216             —BY Bev Harris - - At Least Do No Harm
20070216             —BY Gatto- - Bush Has Been At War FOREVER—IRAN Is —JUST Another 1
20070216             —BY KYLE—LEATHERSPOON -
20070216             AMERICA-- Staying In 1—TOXIC, Abusive Relationship-- With Bush
20070216             —BY STEVEN—LESER - - IRAN Supplying Weapons To IRAQ—INSURGENCY?
20070216             —BY TED—BOHNE - - IRAN Can't Be Next
20070216             WALL—STREET is Systematically Destroying THE—USA—SKILLED—LABOR—FORCE and they Must be Stopped.
20070216             —BY JOHN—RENESCH - - What KIND—OF—WORLD Do We Really Want?
20070216             —BY EMILY—HORSWILL
20070216             THE—BUSH " SCARE THE—PEOPLE—INTO—SUBMISSION" ApproachCan Work 2—WAYS
20070216             —BY WINSTON—WINSTON—USA—MILITARY Must Fight With Their Hands Tied.
20070216             "The new NIE on IRAQ starkly delineates the gulf that separates PRESIDENT—BUSH—ILLUSIONS from THE—REALITIES—OF—THE—WAR. Victory, as THE—PRESIDENT sees it, requires 1—STABLE—LIBERAL—DEMOCRACY in IRAQ that is PRO—AMERICAN. THE—NIE describes 1—WAR that has no chance of producing that result".
20070216             propaganda _ca.htm">THE—USA—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN—AGAINST—IRAN
20070216             Within walking distance from THE—BIRMINGHAM—CIVIL—RIGHTS—INSTITUTE, 1—FEW 100—THOUGHTFUL, committed CITIZENS—OF—THE—WORLD gathered with hope to make 1—DIFFERENCE in PALESTINE—ISRAEL.
20070216             —BY JOHN—PAGODA -
20070216             Fair And Balanced TERRORISM—BILL—O'REILLY -- THE—POSTER—BOY—FOR—USA—FASCISM
20070216             —BY Frosty Wooldridge- - SPECIES EXTINCTION: THE—NEXT—ADDED 100—MILLION—AMERICANS
20070216             With EACH—ADDED—AMERICAN, 12.6—ACRES—OF—LAND suffers DEVELOPMENT—OF—ROADS, malls, housing, concrete and farmland expansion to support that person.
20070216             —BY MARC—MCDONALD -
20070216             It's interesting how AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD is so concerned about bringing democracy to IRAQ, —WHEN he has utter contempt for democracy in his own nation.
20070216             —IGNORED, The fact is, Howard, the wishes of the overwhelming MAJORITY—OF—THE—AUSTRALIA—PEOPLE—WHEN he committed troops to the "Coalition of the Willing".
20070216             —BY PETER—ZAZA - - 9 - 11—LIVING In THE—MATRIX
20070216             The 2. STEP—FACING the implications of this knowledge + the truth about our politics, economic system, indeed our own capacity for independent critical thought, is by far the more difficult PART—OF—THIS journey.
20070216             —BY JORGE—HIRSCH - - Congress' Nuclear Liability
20070216             —ON 1—DAILYKOS diary blog, titled,
20070216             UPDATED: ED—SCHULTZ and Air AMERICA in public battle, the producer of THE—ED—SCHULTZ talk radio show, which claims to be the most l!
20070216             He joined Clear Channel —WHEN his company, Jacor, which syndicated Rush Limbaugh and DOCTOR—LAURA—SCHLESINGER, was acquired by Clear Channel.
20070216             —ROB—KALL—RE: EDELMAN—MOST interesting missing witness (Cheney Plame Affair) - BG ERIC—EDELMAN appears to be 1—KEY cog in the neoconservative political machine which has been writing Dick CHENEY—SCRIPT:
20070216             Gulfnews: The need for 1—NEW—SECURITY SET—UP—BG SAUDI—ARABIA—ACTIVE—DIPLOMACY—IN PALESTINE—LEBANON and the wider Arab WORLD—POINTS to 1—NEW—CONCERN by major Arab states to take their destiny in hand and ensure the protection of their own vital interests, rather than relying on outside powers
20070216             Daily TIMES—LEADING News RESOURCE—OF—PAKISTAN—MAN loses trial by dunking, pays Rs 50, 000
20070216             PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, making the 1. visit by 1—RUSSIA—LEADER to SAUDI—ARABIA, met ABDULLAH—KING—OF— and other senior officials —SUNDAY for talks on the situations in IRAQ and THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORIES, THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—NEWS—AGENCY—REPORTS.
20070216             Diane Feinstein Says "Thank You, CAROL—LAM"
20070216             —TODAY is USA—ATTORNEY—CAROL—LAM—LAST—DAY in office.
20070216             Homeland _Insecurity, _Episode_73:_If_an IT guy tracks down hackers and tells THE—FBI — Fire Him!
20070216             Protest of Planned TEXAS COAL—FIRED Power Plants
20070216             Talking Points Memo: by JOSHUA—MICAH—MARSHALL: February 11, 20070000             - February 17, 20070000             Archives
20070216             SENATOR—SCHUMER issues 1—FURTHER warning to THE—WHITE—HOUSE over THE—USA—ATTORNEY purge as SENATOR—KYL blocks efforts to repeal THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT—PROVISION giving THE—WHITE—HOUSE the ability to appoint USA—ATTORNEYS without Senate approval ( ed.note: We've got 1—LOT—MORE coming on THE—SIGNIFICANCE—OF—THE—FIRING—OF—USA Atty CAROL—LAM in the midst of her historic indictment of the #3 man at THE—CIA.
20070216             But as 1—JUROR, 1—RETIRED—NORTH—CAROLINA schoolteacher, rose to speak aloud, JUDGE—WALTON became visibly anxious that the juror might say something inappropriate that would threaten the trial.
20070216             —ADDED, He then, to the judge's growing discomfort, that they were unanimous in this sentiment, but they would all be independent in judging the evidence
20070216             ABC News: AFGHANISTAN: What THE—USA—HAS—SPENT
20070216             —SINCE THE—TALIBAN—COLLAPSE, THE—USA has spent more than $10—BILLION on reconstruction and civilian and military assistance programs, according to 1—CONGRESSIONAL—RESEARCH—SERVICE—REPORT.
20070216             ALEX—JONES—WATCH #9: Avoiding the Issue of 20010911             with Ron Paul
20070216             Blogger Thoughts: Below is 1—LINK and excerpt from 1—POSTING AT—PRISONPLANET_com.
20070216             —STATED, What is not, clearly here, is the fact, (which was probably evident —WHEN the post was made + is even more evident —AFTER THE—ALEX—JONES—INTERVIEW—WITH—RON—PAUL—TODAY on ALEX—SHOW), is that Ron Paul is not even planning to bring up the subject of 20010911             and investigations —WHEN he is allowed on as 1—OFFICIAL—PRESIDENT—CANDIDATE at 1—DEBATE to be held live on.
20070216             CALLER: I want 1—COMPLETE, impartial + totally independent INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911        .
20070216             Ask MICHAEL—MEACHER about how he feels about this bogus WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20070216             But I think we have to keep pushing for it.
20070216             And like you and others, we see the investigations that have been done so far as more or less COVER—UP and no real explanation of what went on.
20070216             Escalation battle moves to the states.
20070216             "Frustrated by the inability of Democrats in Congress to pass 1—RESOLUTION opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—POLICIES in IRAQ, state legislators across the country...are pushing forward with their own resolutions," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS.
20070216             "Resolutions have passed in chambers of 3—LEGISLATURES, in CALIFORNIA, IOWA and VERMONT. THE—MARYLAND—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY sent 1—LETTER to its Congressional delegation, signed by 1—MAJORITY—OF—THE—STATE—SENATE and close to 1—MAJORITY—OF—THE—HOUSE, urging opposition to the increase in troops in IRAQ. Letters or resolutions are being drafted in at least 19—OTHER—STATES".
20070216             The 'Get 'er Done' DEFENSE—OF—ESCALATION.
20070216             —DURING—TODAY—IRAQ debate, REPRESENTATIVE—GINNY—BROWN—WAITE (R—FL) explained her support for sending TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—USA—FORCES to IRAQ by quoting that "wonderful saying" — "Get 'er done".
20070216             LET—GET out there and get 'er done.
20070216             Gore unveils Live Earth. "AL—GORE announced —ON—THURSDAY a
20070216             SERIES—OF—WORLDWIDE—CONCERTS to focus on THE—THREAT—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE, Pelosi is not 1—PIRATE.
20070216             —LAUNCHED, —YESTERDAY, Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA), 1—NEW blog,THE—GAVEL.
20070216             —ISSUED, —TODAY, 1—GROUP—OF—CONSERVATIVE—HOUSE—MEMBERS, 1—RELEASE claiming Pelosi had "violated copyright and trademark law on the very 1. —DAY" by "using pirated content " from C—SPAN.
20070216             —SUGGESTED, The group, "the Speaker bring the gavel down on 'the Gavel Blog.'" Within hours, the conservatives learned that their legal analysis was wrong and embarrassingly retracted their complaint.
20070216             —TODAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH delivered 1—SPEECH on AFGHANISTAN at THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE (AEI ), 1—CONSERVATIVE think tank in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA AEI and THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION are deeply entwined, something Bush admitted —DURING his speech.
20070216             "—AFTER all, I have been consistently borrowing SOME—OF—YOUR best people. More than 20—AEI scholars have worked in my administration. "
20070216             —YESTERDAY, THE—HILL ran 1—STORY with the headline, "
20070216             REPRESENTATIVE—ELLISON calls the cops to snuff TANCREDO—CIGAR.
20070216             He said he wasn't sure from where the "smoke odor" was coming, so he called the House superintendent's office, as is standard protocol.
20070216             —LATER, —WHEN he told him, Ellison "went over to TANCREDO—OFFICE to explain to them that
20070216             he (Ellison) has asthma.
20070216             Tancredo told THE—HILL that he has no plans to stop smoking: "If he [Ellison] would have [had] the courtesy to say something I'm sure I would have been more accommodating to his wishes".
20070216             —CONFIRMED, But TANCREDO—SPOKESMAN, CARLOS—ESPINOSA, with us —TODAY that "Ellison did come by —AFTER the police left to ask us to stop smoking. But —WHEN he got to our office, [the congressman] had already left".Digg It!
20070216             Chuck Hagel (R—NE) and Olympia Snowe (R—ME), who say they oppose escalating the war, nevertheless voted to
20070216             block debate on 1—BIPARTISAN resolution opposing BUSH—IRAQ policy.
20070216             In 1—LETTER—YESTERDAY to Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID (D—NV), Hagel and Snowe said they planned to block the Senate from adjourning for —NEXT—WEEK—RECESS—UNTIL 1—VOTE on escalation was held.
20070216             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS, "If the —SATURDAY vote succeeds, Reid said he may cancel the upcoming —WEEK—LONG recess " to move forward with 1—FULL—VOTE on the resolution.
20070216             Digg It! Transcript: (more...)
20070216             Rezension eines aktuellen Buchs der ZEIT—GERICHTSREPORTERIN SABINE—RÜCKERT
20070216             Durch die Zwiespältigkeit der Helfer in einer THERAPIE—GESELLSCHAFT, die finsteren Seiten des DEUTSCHEN—FEMINISMUS.
20070216             Die fiesen Tricks von Polizei und Justiz
20070216             Lügen, Fälschungen und Verdrehungen der Wahrheit durch Richter, Polizisten und andere PROZESS—BETEILIGTE standen im Mittelpunkt des amüsant und pointiert.
20070216             —DISCOVERED, Brain creates 'new' nerve cells Researchers have, for the 1. time that the human brain can grow new nerve cells.
20070216             —BRANDED, Food labels, 'misleading' 1—REPORT accuses the food industry of misleading consumers with its new food labelling.
20070216             ITALY orders CIA kidnapping trial 1—MILAN judge orders the trial of 26—USA—CITIZENS and 5—ITALIANS over the alleged kidnap of 1—EGYPT—IMAM.
20070216             CUBA—CASTRO recovering says son CUBA—LEADER—FIDEL Castro is making 1—SATISFACTORY—RECOVERY from intestinal surgery, says his son.
20070216             Top MADRID suspect denies guilt YOUSSEF—BELHADJ, 1—KEY—SUSPECT in the trial of 29—PEOPLE over 20040000             —THE—MADRID train bombings, denies involvement.
20070216             Politicians sign new climate pact Legislators from —AROUND the world agree to tackle climate change, calling for global caps on greenhouse gas emissions.
20070216             USA rejects Masri wounding claim USA—MILITARY—SOURCES say they do not believe report that THE—LEADER—OF—AL—QAEDA in IRAQ has been wounded.
20070216             'Bionic' eye could restore sight 1—RETINAL implant that could help restore THE—SIGHT—OF—MILLIONS—OF—BLIND—PEOPLE could be available in —2—YEARS.
20070216             ANGOLA hit by fresh flood threat THOUSANDS—OF—VILLAGERS are displaced and hundreds stranded as floods hit EAST—ANGOLA.
20070216             —ARRESTED, COLOMBIA—POLITICIAN is, 1—COLOMBIA—SENATOR is arrested, SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS to the country's paramilitary groups.
20070216             —URGED, JAPAN, to 'use Greenpeace' NEW—ZEALAND calls on TOKYO to accept GREENPEACE—OFFER to tow its stricken whaling ship from THE—ANTARCTIC.
20070216             —EXPECTED, Verdict due in TURKEY bomb trial 1—VERDICT is, in 1—TRIAL—OF—73—MEN charged with 1—WAVE—OF—SUICIDE—BOMBINGS in TURKEY 20030000             .
20070216             USA mulls WTO move on CHINA piracy THE—USA—CONSIDERS complaining to THE—WTO about what it says is CHINA—INTELLECTUAL—PIRACY.
20070216             Fish in pregnancy 'benefits baby' Eating fish —DURING pregnancy has LONG—LASTING benefits for the child, 1—UK study suggests.
20070216             —UNCOVERED, ANTARCTIC water world, 1—COMPLEX—NETWORK—OF—RIVERS and reservoirs beneath THE—ANTARCTIC—ICE—SHEET is mapped by USA—SCIENTISTS.
20070216             —PLANNED, World climate change gigs, Music stars will take part in 8—CONCERTS—AROUND the world in July to highlight THE—THREAT—OF—GLOBAL warming.
20070216             THE—GREEN—ROOM—SEATTLE mayor GREG—NICKELS uses —THIS—WEEK—GREEN—ROOM to explain how USA—CITIES are changing the climate debate.
20070216             EU ministers agree biofuel target Energy ministers agree to increase THE—SHARE—OF—BIOFUEL used in transport but leave 1—BROADER—RENEWABLES—TARGET—VAGUE.
20070216             Dow Jones hits new record close THE—DOW—JONES—INDEX—ENDS at 1—NEW—RECORD—HIGH—OF—12,765, beating 1—RECORD 20070901             —DAY—EARLIER.
20070216             $82 For E—VOTING Secrets 5—SEQUOIA electronic voting machines sold at on online auction? $82. 1—CHANCE for 1—RESEARCHER to dissect the embedded software that the company refused to make public?
20070216             Priceless.
20070216             Clean Cars Elude USA—BUYERS—MORE than 100—CURRENTLY available automobiles get 40—MPG or better.
20070216             —INVENTED, THE—FATHER—OF—QUANTUM—COMPUTING—OXFORD—PHYSICIST—DAVID—DEUTSCH, quantum computing to prove the existence of parallel universes.
20070216             CNET News_com's MICHAEL—KANELLOS describes how it works.
20070216             MattSparkes writes "It has been known for SOME—TIME that there is 1—CONSTANT hum that emanates from the Earth, which can be heard near 10—MILLIHERTZ on 1—SEISMOMETER. The problem was that nobody knew what caused it. It has —NOW been shown that it is caused by waves on THE—BOTTOM—OF—THE—SEA + more specifically 'by the combination of 2—WAVES—OF—THE—SAME—FREQUENCY travelling in opposite directions.'"
20070216             Has the trail gone cold? # —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS :
20070216             "Within days of 20010911             Cloonan... interviewed Ali, whom the Feds had allowed to slip into witness protection + demanded to know THE—DETAILS—OF—THE—PLOT. At that point Ali wrote it all OUT—INCLUDING details of how he'd counseled WOULD—BE hijackers on how to smuggle box cutters on BOARD aircraft and where to sit, to effect the airline seizures".(9) So let us sum up what we know so far about ALI—MOHAMED: 1. 1—KEY—PLANNER—OF—20010911             —THE plot + trainer in hijacking, was simultaneously 1—INFORMANT for THE—FBI.
20070216             2. This operative trained the members for ALL—OF—THE—CHIEF—ISLAMIST—ATTACKS inside THE—USA -- the 1. WTC bombing, THE—NEW—YORK landmarks plot + finally 20010911             , as well as the attacks against Americans in SOMALIA and KENYA.
20070216             —SENTENCED, To this —DAY he may still not have been, for ANY—CRIME + may even be in witness protection.(10) PETER—LANCE has charged that Fitzgerald had evidence —BEFORE 19980000             to implicate Mohamed in THE—KENYA—EMBASSY bombing, yet did nothing and let the bombing happen.(11)
20070216             The title of 1—OF—SCOTT—PIECES tells the most basic truth about this individual: 20010911             —TRAINER in Terrorism Was an FBI Informant.
20070216             AUTHOR—PETER—LANCE has 1—NEW—BOOK on Mohamed, which portrays him as AL—QAEDA—INSIDE man within THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—ESTABLISHMENT.
20070216             THE—INSIDE—MAN—STOP me if you've heard this 1—BEFORE: The organizer of 1—NAZI rally in 1—BLACK—NEIGHBORHOOD in FLORIDA turns out to be be 1—PAID—FBI informant.
20070216             TONY—SNOW is "1—DAILY—GOP hypocrite in his arrogant and deceitful dealings with THE—LAPDOGS—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—CORPS. HE—THEIR—MALE dominatrix. He cracks the whip of mistruths as he casts out snide asides and THE—WELL—PAID STENOGRAPHERS—OF—THE—STATUS quo roll over and retreat to their submissive stenography".
20070216             Original Remastered Recording of JOHN—COLTRANE'S "1—LOVE—SUPREME" (CD), Perhaps the Most Spiritual JAZZ—ALBUM—OF—ALL—TIME
20070216             GAPER—BLOCK -- A BuzzFlash EDITORIAL—AUDITORS: Billions Wasted in IRAQ.
20070216             THE—POWER—OF—BUYING—PROGRESSIVE is the Alternative Fuel that Powers BuzzFlash_com
20070216             Hmmmm.... 2/16 - NICE Profile of THOM—HARTMANN in THE—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE.
20070216             Sign the Petition Against Mandatory Gun Ownership!
20070216             Bush and Cheney are a 5. Column Within THE—USA—GOVERNMENT: Outgoing Army CHIEF—OF—STAFF—GENERAL—PETER—J—SCHOOMAKER said —YESTERDAY that the increase of 17,500 Army combat troops in IRAQ represents only the "TIP—OF—THE—ICEBERG" and will potentially require THOUSANDS—OF—ADDITIONAL—SUPPORT—TROOPS and trainers, as well as equipment -- further eroding THE—ARMY—READINESS to respond to other world contingencies.
20070216             hanks to GARY at Covert History... Permalink #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH
20070216             Websites relating to specific AREAS—OF—DISCRIMINATION and human rights... NZ ASIA INSTITUTE—
20070216             INTERNATIONAL: Roter Planet: Wasser soll MARS—FELSEN ausgebleicht haben
20070216             Hughes for AMERICA: Random Observations Nearly 800000 of WAL—MART—APPROXIMATELY 1.39—MILLION—USA—EMPLOYEES aren't covered by the company's restrictive, costly health care plan.
20070216             Governance World Watch USA: Privatization Fails Poor Kids Needing Health Care...
20070216             Academic papers {RICHARD—V. Allen } [Friction] [SK USA—RELATIONS]... recent DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—COMPTROLLER—DOV—ZAKHEIM—WHO —NOW works in the same firm of Booz Allen and...
20070216             Archive D&39;Ono Dooley Doppelba Doremus Doroshow Douliery Dove Draizen Drakert... YUDKIN YZAGUIRR ZAGORIA ZAKHEIM DOV ZARB ZEIDENST ZELIKOW ZELNICK ZEMMOL...
20070216             He is VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—BOOZ—ALLEN—HAMILTON, 1—CORPORATE consultant firm...
20070216             RUSSIA—WRONG—DIRECTION: What THE—USA—CAN and Should Do...
20070216             HaloScan_COM—COMMENTS—DUAL—CITIZEN and Zionist, Dov Zakheim, FORMER—PENTAGON Comptroller, somehow managed to lose $3 ... got 1—AWARD + moved on to 1—CUSHY job at Booz Allen.
20070216             Ground 0—PRIMA della strage di Nassiriya il contingente italiano fu acquartierato in un posto dove neppure un bambino l´avrebbe collocato nei suoi giochi con LOS—ANGELES..
20070216             WhatReallyHappened_com: 20040700             Archives Dov Zakheim + 20010911             —THE—CONSPIRACY.
20070216             LUOGOCOMUNE—FORUM—GUERRE e TERRORISMO—LA Nuova Orleans...
20070216             CRIMES AND CORRUPTION—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—NEWS: Negroponte THE—NON—CONFRONTATIONAL language and imagery of the lamb, the virgin, the dove, the gentle shepherd + the kind father have been cast aside in favor of...
20070216             - 977 - Progetto per un nuovo secolo americano Google Toolbar Button Zakheim, Dipartimento della difesa, Controllore, Attualmente ?icepresidente della Booz ALLEN—HAMILTON.
20070216             Ha anche cittadinanza israeliana.
20070216             At the mammoth Booz Allen firm, Zakheim will join R.
20070216             Proof!!! - Rap Basement Message BOARD—PNAC signer Zakheim, —NOW leaving his position as Pentagon comptroller, is moving to Booz Allen.
20070216             GOP Leader: "Rumsfeld Is THE—BEST—THING—TO—HAPPEN—TO—THE—PENTAGON...
20070216             Coastal CAPITAL—MORTGAGE Banker ( story )...
20070216             According to news reports, Michael is THE—NEPHEW—OF—KONTOGIANNIS ' wife.
20070216             In 1—EARLIER—INTERVIEW.
20070216             Talking Points Memo: by JOSHUA—MICAH—MARSHALL
20070216             —NAMED, Out of the 4, coconspirators in the case (1—OF—WHOM is KONTOGIANNIS—NEPHEW, JOHN—T—MICHAEL ), Kontogiannis is the only 1—WHO hasn't been...
20070216             SignOnSanDiego_com > News > Politics -- EX—CONGRESSMAN—FRIEND...
20070216             —OWNED, Kontogiannis + his family members have, more than 12—MORTGAGE—COMPANIES, including Coastal Capital, which financed $1.1—MILLION in mortgages...
20070216             Yet ON—TANJA, das zu jener Zeit einzige Walross in einem DEUTSCHEN—TIERPARK, stirbt im Alter von —33—JAHREN im Zoo HANNOVER.
20070216             21. - NICO—THE—NUMBER—OF—INVESTIGATIONS into lawmakers from the 109. Congress, which grew —TODAY by 1 with reports that NEWLY—ELECTED GOVERNOR—JIM—GIBBONS (R—NV) is facing an FBI investigation for "suspicions of criminal behavior —WHILE he was 1—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS".
20070216   0070216   CALLER: I want 1—COMPLETE, impartial + totally independent INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911       .
20070216—20010911    —SINCE, he has gone from being 1—ESTABLISHMENT—FIGURE, taken into THE—BOSOM—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY and even groomed for political office,
20070216—20010911    —AFTER, allegations that Saeed Sheikh and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (whose capture reamins 1—OF—THE—GREAT lingering MYSTERIES—OF—THE—SO—CALLED—WAR—ON—TERROR) had links to USA—INTELLIGENCE: Shortly, in
20070216—20010911    —SINCE, Regardless of whether you believe him, RODRIGUEZ—VOYAGE is 1—EXTRAORDINARY 1., he has gone from being 1—ESTABLISHMENT—FIGURE, taken into THE—BOSOM—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY and even groomed for political office, to 1—WHO is —NOW considered 1—MAVERICK in these same quarters.
20070216—20010911    —ON, Arianna spouts nonsense with respect to AFGHANISTAN, etc.
20070216—20030000    —SINCE, Foreclosures rip neighborhoods: Foreclosures in DENVER will log 1—FIVEFOLD increase by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR, 1—TREND that is tearing apart neighborhoods —THROUGHOUT the city.
20070216—20030000    —IN—LATE, Davidson,as COLORADO—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, had her own pipeline into the hidden test lab world and cannot deny her own personal longstanding KNOWLEDGE—OF—FAILURES within the secret labs ,KEN—BLACKWELL,THEN—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—IN—OHIO,issued 1—REPORT disclosing that 1—INDEPENDENT—REVIEW—OF—ITA approved voting machines by Compuware,had discovered 57—SECURITY—FLAWS—AFTER the test labs qualified the machines.
20070216—20060000    suggesting that MANY—HOMEOWNERS are overextended in mortgage debt.
20070216—20061200    —BY, BBC: Americas | IRAQ Invasion Plan 'delusional' THE—USA—INVASION—PLAN for IRAQ envisaged that only 5,000—USA—TROOPS would remain in IRAQ, declassified CENTRAL—COMMAND—DOCUMENTS—SHOW.
20070216—20070100    —MITTE, Die Gerichtsreporterin des Hamburger Wochenblatts "Die Zeit" hat es beim Verlag Hoffmann und Campe veröffentlicht.
20070216—20070214    Is the Military Our Last Hope?-
20070216—20070216    —BY, end war 20080000             BOB—KOEHLER—SORRY—ABOUT That
20070216—20070219    WASHINGTON's $8—BILLION Shadow--
20070216—20100000    —IN, 1—LOS—ANGELES jury awarded his family $1.73—MILLION.
20070216—20140000    —BY, Bright future for OLEDs, report predicts Research firm expects market for OLEDs used in displays and lighting to reach $15.5—BILLION.
20070216—20400000    —BY, By adding 100—MILLION—AMERICANS, the animals suffer horrific loss of habitat.
20070226             —BY—TOTAL 20010911             —FROM activist attorney JERRY—LEAPHARDT via 911—RESEARCHERS com 20070216             :
20070226—20010911    —FROM, Leaphart launches FOIA volley at NIST from TIA by Total activist attorney JERRY—LEAPHARDT via 911—RESEARCHERS_com 20070216             :
20070311             [,20070216             ]
20070521—18700216    —ON, Cutty Sark left LONDON on its 1. voyage, proceeding —AROUND CAPE—HOPE to SHANGHAI 3 1/—2—MONTHS—LATER.
20080212—20080216    —ARRESTED, DAVID—TARLOFF, —39—JAHRE—ALT was.
20080216             † HANS—LEUSSINK, DEUTSCHER—BAUINGENIEUR, Hochschullehrer und Politiker, Bundesminister
20080216             —PLOWED, MARYLAND, 1—CAR, into 1—CROWD that had gathered to watch 1—DRAG race on 1—SUBURBAN road, killing 8—PEOPLE and injuring at least 4.
20080216             EGYPT—BORDER—GUARDS shot and killed 1—ERITREA—WOMAN and arrested her 2—YOUNG—DAUGHTERS—AFTER they tried to cross illegally into ISRAEL.
20080216             THE—EU gave the final approval for the deployment of a 1,800-member policing and administration mission in KOSOVO.
20080216             1—COMPANY—SOURCE said Toshiba Corp is planning to give up on its HD DVD format for HIGH—DEFINITION—VIDEO, conceding defeat to the competing BLU—RAY technology backed by Sony Corp.
20080216             —RAMMED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—CAR packed with explosives into 1—INDEPENDENT—PARLIAMENT—CANDIDATE'S—ELECTION—OFFICE, killing at least 40—PEOPLE and wounding more than —90—DAYS—BEFORE 1—CRUCIAL—VOTE.
20080216             A 2. car bombing near 1—CHECKPOINT killed 2—CIVILIANS and wounded 8—SECURITY—PERSONNEL.
20080216             —STEPPED, USA—PRESIDENTT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH in BENIN, opening a 5—COUNTRY—AFRICA—TOUR, up pressure on KENYA—LEADERS to accept 1—POWER—SHARING deal to end their country's deadly political crisis.
20080216             —REPORTED, It was, that The 1. flowering in —50—YEARS had taken place in the bamboo forests of BANGLADESH leading to 1—PLAGUE—OF—RATS.
20080216             ITALY, MICHAEL—SEIFERT, —83—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—SS prison guard who was sentenced to life in prison in ITALY for NAZI—WAR—CRIMES, was jailed near NAPLES, HOURS—AFTER he was extradited from CANADA.
20080216             —SEIT —JAHREN ist der BÜRGERMEISTER—VOM—SCHATZFIEBER gepackt.
20080216             Er geht immer wieder Hinweisen auf das verschollene Bernsteinzimmer der RUSSISCHEN—ZAREN nach.
20080216             —BISHER blieb die Suche erfolglos.
20080216             Doch —NUN will der HOBBY—SCHATZSUCHER CHRISTIAN—HANISCH aus SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN in Aufzeichnungen seines Vaters, der Funker bei der Luftwaffe —WWII—IM war, Koordinaten von Orten gefunden haben, wo die Nazis am Kriegsende Gold und Diamanten versteckt haben sollen.
20080216             Diese Koordinaten sollen zu sogenannten Entnahmedepots führen.
20080216             "Diese Koordinaten stimmen exakt mit dem Ort unserer Suche und den Messergebnissen überein", sagte Haustein.
20080216             In solchen Depots seien Aufzeichnungen zufolge am Kriegsende Wertsachen und Schätze versteckt worden.
20080216             Wegen Karriere in NAZI—DEUTSCHLAND: Proteste bei HEESTERS—AUFTRITT in HOLLAND
20080216             DRESDEN: Tausende demonstrieren gegen NEONAZI—MARSCH
20080216             Kritik an EU—PLÄNEN: Döring nennt Frattini "manischen Datensammler"
20080216             KARIKATUREN—STREIT: DÄNISCHE—ABGEORDNETE sagen Reise nach IRAN ab
20080216             KOSOVO: "Mein ganzes Leben lang hab ich mir die Unabhängigkeit gewünscht"
20080216             Fund in SACHSEN: Schatzsucher wollen tonnenweise Gold entdeckt haben
20080216             Integration in DEUTSCHLAND: "Angst vor dem Islam facht Türkenfeindlichkeit an"
20080216             USA: 7—TOTE bei illegalem Straßenrennen
20080216             Steuerskandal: Festnahmen im LIECHTENSTEIN—ERPRESSUNGSFALL
20080216             Steuerskandal: Geheiminformant fürchtet um sein Leben
20080216             Öffentlicher Dienst: Bundeskriminalamt droht Streik
20080216             CRANACH—PLAKATE in LONDON: Wirbel um die nackte Göttin
20080216             Kritik an RUSSLAND: McCain schießt gegen Putin
20080216             AFGHANISTAN: Bundeswehr will Soldaten durch THW—HELFER ersetzen
20080216             Haft in ITALIEN: KANADA liefert NS—KRIEGSVERBRECHER Seifert aus
20080216             Kältetote: Afghanen LEIDEN unter MONSTER—WINTER
20080216             NATIONMASTER—ENCYCLOPEDIA: Harvard Business School
20080216             Perella, M&1—EXPERT, investment banking executive;
20080216             TOM—PERKINS, venture capitalist, CO—FOUNDER—OF—KLEINER, Perkins, Caufield & Byers;
20080216             Ghaith Pharaon... - THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY | —SUNDAY Open Thread
20080216             —WOUNDED, AL—RASHAD - 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 1—POLICEMAN in the town of... with bin Mahfouz and Gaith Pharaon, BCCI—FRONTMAN in HOUSTON—MAIN—BANK.
20080216             LIST—OF—ENTRIES—ET d' Information SUR la Femme (CREDIF). - - - - - Laura Rice.
20080216             Ceramics. CHARLES—C—KOLB... Pharaon, Rashad. GEORGE—R—WILKES.
20080216             Les Ordeman (19960000             ). - - - ALLEN—GINSBERG—FBI file
20080216             —FROM HERBERT—MITGANG, Dangerous dossiers : exposing the secret war against AMERICA—GREATEST—AUTHORS (NEW—YORK : D.I. Fine, 19880000             )
20080216             ALLEN—GINSBERG, poet, social activist and MEMBER—OF—THE—AMERICA—ACADEMY—AND—INSTITUTE—OF—ART...
20080216             _27500000             -_20000000              BC
20080216             _30000000             -_20000000              BC—SOMEWHERE BETWEEN—THE—LANDS—OF—GREECE were settled by 1—METAL—USING agricultural people who spoke 1—LANGUAGE—OTHER than INDO—EUROPEAN.
20080216             —PRESERVED, SOME—OF—THE—NAMES they gave their villages were...
20080216             Wirtschaftsvertreter warnten indes vor einer pauschalen VERURTEILUNG—VON—MANAGERN.
20080216             "Es ist —SCHON bedenklich, wenn die Aktien eines Konzerns an der Börse steigen und das Management gleichzeitig Menschen in die Arbeitslosigkeit entlässt", sagte Zollitsch.
20080216             Der neue VORSITZENDE—DER—DEUTSCHEN—BISCHOFSKONFERENZ, ROBERT—ZOLLITSCH, forderte ein hartes Durchgreifen.
20080216             "Wer Steuern in Millionenhöhe hinterzieht oder solche Summen veruntreut, muss zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden", sagte er der "Bild —AM—SONNTAG".
20080216             "Ein solches Verhalten darf keinesfalls als Kavaliersdelikt durchgehen, sondern muss von der Gesellschaft als moralisch verwerflich empfunden werden".
20080216             Die Rhetorik der Oberen in den Führungsetagen der Unternehmen passt überhaupt nicht dazu, wie sie sich selbst verhalten.
20080216             —INZWISCHEN, Die SPD—SPITZE strebt
20080216             schärfere Strafen für Steuerhinterzieher an.
20080216             "Es sind die Eliten, die das System zum Einsturz bringen".
20080216             Die größte Gefahr für die Soziale Marktwirtschaft gehe —DERZEIT von den Exzessen und Übertreibungen der Protagonisten selbst aus.
20080216             "1—MANN dieser Güteklasse muss wissen, was eine eingestandene Steuerhinterziehung in der Wahrnehmung der Bürger bedeutet".
20080216             "Wir brauchen in der Wirtschaft die Entfaltung von Selbstreinigungskräften. Unsere Manager müssen Ethos entwickeln".
20080216             der CSU—POLITIKER in der "Bild —AM—SONNTAG".
20080216             Andernfalls werde die soziale Marktwirtschaft unglaubwürdig: "Dann würde unser Land zum Übernahmekandidaten für die Linke".
20080216             "Wenn —JETZT von Hunderten Verdachtsfällen die Rede ist, weiß man, dass dieses Verhalten linken und rechten Rattenfängern in die Hände spielt", warnte der MINISTER—IM—GESPRÄCH mit dem SPIEGEL.
20080216             "Für diese ART—VON—RAFFGIER habe ich 0—VERSTÄNDNIS. Karawanenkapitalismus, Raffgier, Spekulationsverluste, das ist 1—GEMISCH, das bei den Menschen pure Wut hervorruft".
20080216             HAMBURG/BERLIN—BUNDESINNENMINISTER WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE sagte dem SPIEGEL: "Diese Leute machen alles kaputt.
20080216             Wenn die Eliten nicht mehr begreifen, dass sie sich an die Gesetze halten müssen, ist das schlimm.
20080216             Das Vertrauen in die soziale Marktwirtschaft wird —DERZEIT weniger durch die Gewerkschaften als durch einen nicht unerheblichen TEIL—DER—WIRTSCHAFTLICHEN—ELITE gefährdet".
20080216             Reaktionen auf Steueraffäre: Struck rüffelt raffgiere REICHE—AUF einer Tagung in ESSEN
20080216             erfährt JOACHIM—GÜNTNER, dass unter den DEUTSCHEN—GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN nur noch die Archäologie internationale Strahlkraft besitzt.
20080216             Im Aufmacher der SZ am Wochenende schreibt Nikolas Piper über die sich öffnende Schere zwischen Arm und Reich in den USA.
20080216             Der aktuelle Fall eines Studenten in AFGHANISTAN, dem die Hinrichtung droht, weil er einen Artikel über Frauenrechte ausdruckte + verteilte, scheint den
20080216             Publizisten Ilja Trojanow + Ranjit Hoskote ein bezeichnendes Schlaglicht auf die Situation des Landes zu werfen:
20080216             "Der KAMBAKSCH—FALL handelt hinter der allzu simplen Erzählung vom religiösen Fanatismus von einem Marionettenregime, das sich durch weitreichende Korruption, gewalttätigen Machtmissbrauch + Verachtung für öffentliche Aufsicht auszeichnet.
20080216             Die wichtigsten Akteure sind Politiker, die über die beachtlichen Wiederaufbauhilfen des Westens verfügen, Beamte, die Folter, Vergewaltigung und Erpressung als legitime Instrumente der Verwaltung betrachten, sowie regionale Oberhäupter, die das Parlament wie auch die Mohnproduktion kontrollieren + Profite aus dem Drogengeschäft einstecken, die das Staatsbudget um 1—VIELFACHES übersteigen".
20080216             —REZENSIERT, Süddeutsche ZEITUNG—AUF der Literaturseite, der Schriftsteller GEORG—KLEIN ganzseitig JONATHAN—LITTELLS—ROMAN "Die Wohlgesinnten"
20080216             "Littell legt der Gemeinschaft der Täter in den Mund, was wir —HEUTE um die Gesamtumstände wissen.
20080216             So verfügen die im Strom der Ereignisse Schwimmenden auf eine kuriose Weise in der Summe —BEREITS über das Spektrum an Erkenntnissen, das die zeitgeschichtliche Forschung in den Folgejahrzehnten aus vielen Quellen zusammentragen wird... Das Böse jedoch bekommt dabei die Schwindsucht.
20080216             Dem Glauben an ein letztlich nicht angemessen beschreibbares, unfassbar großes Unheil geht in der konventionellen Schilderung der Massaker, in der säuberlichen Ausmalung ihrer Umstände + nicht zuletzt im psychologischen und moralischen Räsonnement die spirituelle Puste aus".
20080216             Zumwinkel habe dem Haftbefehl zufolge fast —20—JAHRE lang in "konspirativer Weise" versucht, seine Erträge aus der Anlage bei der Vaduzer LGT—BANK zu verschleiern.
20080216             Die Bankbelege seien an die Adresse von Zumwinkels Feriensitz am Gardasee geschickt worden.
20080216             Andere Bankdokumente habe sich der 64-Jährige "—BIS in den asiatischen Raum" nachsenden lassen.
20080216             Dass es so lange —BIS zum 1. Haftbefehl dauerte,
20080216             begründete Ondracek mit der schlechten personellen Ausstattung der DEUTSCHEN—STEUERFAHNDER sowie damit, dass eine ganze REIHE—VON—PROMINENTEN—NAMEN aufgetaucht sei.
20080216             Da habe man ganz besonders streng prüfen müssen, ob es sich nicht um falsche Anschuldigungen gehandelt habe.
20080216             Finanzskandal: BND zahlte 5—MILLIONEN für geheime Steuerdaten
20080216             —GEFALLEN, Unabhängiges KOSOVO: Startschuss für EU—KRISENMISSION
20080216             Zumwinkel und Co.: SPD verlangt harte Strafen für Steuersünder
20080216             MALAIEN—GLEITFLIEGER: Forscher entschlüsseln Geheimnis des Gleitflugs
20080216             SIMONIS—NACHFOLGE: Zumwinkel sollte UNICEF—CHEF werden
20080216             Verschwundener Multimillionär: Gericht erklärt Fossett für TOT—JOC—OIL - Nieuw
20080216             AMSTERDAM—HET leven is een mysterie en dat VAN JOHN—DEUSS wel in het... VAN de Japanse vrachtwagenproducent Hino op zak, gaat hij ambitieus VAN start.
20080216             Spätestens vor Gericht wird also die heikle Frage wieder aufkommen, wie man mit Beweisen aus Folterstaaten umgehen soll.
20080216             Auch N. hat in der Haft in PAKISTAN Geständnisse abgelegt.
20080216             SPIEGEL—ONLINE hatte er nach seiner Rückkehr von Folter während der Inhaftierung berichtet und dass er den Beamten alles gesagt hätte, was sie hören wollten.
20080216             —MASKIERT, Die ISI—MÄNNER, teilweise, hätten ihn geschlagen, "—BIS ich es nicht mehr aushalten konnte".
20080216             —BEGONNEN, JEDES—VERHÖR habe mit 3—BIS 5—FAUSTHIEBEN und Ohrfeigen, er habe in einer eiskalten Zelle gesessen, in einem Spezialknast mit nur 5—ZELLEN, das von Amerikanern geführt worden sei.
20080216             —JETZT wurde bekannt, dass die Landesbank BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG (LBBW) doch stärker von der Kreditkrise betroffen ist: Rund 1,1 Milliarden Euro belasten laut "Handelsblatt" die größte DEUTSCHE—LANDESBANK.
20080216             STEUER—SKANDAL: Fahnder haben Daten —BIS zum —JAHR
20080216             Bankenkrise: LBBW erleidet Milliardenverlust
20080216             WIRTSCHAFTS—WAHLKAMPF: Merkel ruft Manager zur Ordnung
20080216             Ackermann, Esser, Hartz & Co: Manager mit Moralproblemen
20080216             Festnahme eines Terrorverdächtigen: QAIDA—KURIER oder Edelsteinhändler?
20080216             Frauenrechte im BUNDESTAG: Opposition fordert besseren Schutz vor Zwangsehen
20080216             "Diese öffentliche Inszenierung der Ermittlungen durch die Staatsanwaltschaft ist eines Rechtsstaates unwürdig", sagte SCHWARZ—SCHILLING der in Düsseldorf erscheinenden "Rheinischen Post".
20080216             Damit werde Zumwinkel "quasi standrechtlich erledigt", bevor seine Schuld oder Unschuld überhaupt feststehe.
20080216             Dump and Run | NEWSWEEK Business | NEWSWEEK_com
20080216             "We need to suck out liquidity without slipping into recession," warns JOSEPH—QUINLAN, CHIEF market strategist for BANK—OF—AMERICA.
20080216             Subprime crisis costs markets $8.6—TRILLION |
20080216             BANK—OF—AMERICA—REPORT shows $8.6—TRILLION loss Crisis has hit markets —AROUND the... according to BANK—OF—AMERICA—CHIEF—MARKET—STRATEGIST—JOSEPH—QUINLAN.
20080216             USA subprime crisis costs global 7.7—TRILLION dollars: BANK—YAHOO...
20080216             Republican PRESIDENT—IMPACT on the world: Global loss of $7.7
20080216             sectors worldwide, is "1—OF—THE—MOST vicious in financial history," according to BANK—OF—AMERICA—CHIEF—MARKET—STRATEGIST—JOSEPH—QUINLAN.
20080216             opulent salons and, should THE—WINDS—OF—WAR—BLOW, 1—ROCKET launcher and MINI—SUBMARINE.
20080216             Ownership dispute of SADDAM—YACHT (AP).
20080216—19580000    —CAUSED, The last flowering also, 1—SIMILAR rodent plague.
20080216—20000000    —IN, Seifert, known as the "Beast of Bolzano," was convicted in absentia by 1—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL in VERONA on 9—COUNTS—OF—MURDER committed —WHILE he was an SS guard at 1—PRISON—TRANSIT—CAMP in Bolzano, NORTH—ITALY.
20080425—20130216    —SENTENCED, DONNY—LOVE (46) was, to —55—YEARS in prison for allegedly masterminding the bombings.
20090216             INTERVIEW—MIT—HORST—SEEHOFER: "Populist ist kein Schimpfwort"
20090216             Christianity —TODAY reports that some "politically conservative evangelicals" no longer want to be referred to as the "religious right".
20090216             According to social conservative leaders like AMERICA—VALUES—PRESIDENT—GARY—BAUER,
20090216             Good for you, but Facebook still has the right to do whatever it wants with your old content.
20090216             They can even sublicense it if they want.
20090216             —IM—ALS, 10010101—11001231     das Reich der Samaniden unterging und RUSSISCHE—FÜRSTEN die Macht übernahmen,
20090216             —IM—ALS, 10010101—11001231     das Reich der Samaniden unterging und RUSSISCHE—FÜRSTEN die Macht übernahmen, hörte der Handel entlang der Wolga auf.
20090216             —DOMESTICATED, STAMFORD—CONNECTICUT, a 200-pound, chimpanzee  was shot dead by police —AFTER 1—VIOLENT—RAMPAGE that left 1—FRIEND—OF—ITS—OWNER badly mauled.
20090216             —STARRED, Travis (15) had once, in TV commercials for Old Navy and COCA—COLA.
20090216             —AGITATED, The chimp was acting so, —EARLIER that afternoon that the owner gave him THE—ANTI—ANXIETY drug Xanax in SOME—TEA.
20090216             —DENIED, Owner SANDRA—HEROLD —LATER, giving Xanax to the chimp.
20090216             Doctors —LATER said she will be blind for life.
20090216             —SUSPENDED, Income tax refunds were, and the state payroll was threatened.
20090216             KONRAD—DANNENBERG was PART—OF—WERNER—VON—BRAUN—ROCKET—DEVELOPMENT—TEAM, which sent 1—ROCKET into outer space (19420000             ) and came to THE—USA—AFTER—WW—II.
20090216             1—NEW—BRITISH—ANTI—TERRORISM—LAW went into effect that could effectively bar photographers from taking PICTURES—OF—POLICE—OF—MILITARY—PERSONNEL.
20090216             SIR—ERNEST—HARRISON led Racal Electronic PLC and oversaw the birth of Vodafone Group PLC (19880000             ).
20090216             —ARRIVED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO, in MAURITIUS to sign deals worth more than 270—MILLION—DOLLARS to fund infrastructure projects on THE—INDIA—OCEAN—ISLAND.
20090216             —ON THE—FRANCE—ISLAND—OF—GUADELOUPE police detained about 50—PEOPLE—AFTER coming under 1—BARRAGE—OF—STONES as they tried to take down barricades.
20090216             —FILLED, IRAQ, roadside bombs struck 2—MINIBUSES, with Shiite pilgrims returning to BAGHDAD, killing 8—PEOPLE, in the latest of 1—SERIES—OF—DEADLY—ATTACKS targeting the pilgrims.
20090216             Officials said ISRAEL has taken CONTROL—OF—1—LARGE—CHUNK—OF—LAND—NEAR 1—PROMINENT—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENT, paving the way for the possible construction of 2,500 settlement homes, in 1—NEW—CHALLENGE to Mideast peacemaking.
20090216             —WARNED, JAPAN, it was in the deepest economic crisis —WWII—SINCE, —AFTER ASIA—BIGGEST economy suffered its worst contraction in almost —35—YEARS.
20090216             MADAGASCAR, ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS threw stones and police responded with tear gas as opposition leader Andry Rajoelina continued his attempts to force out THE—PRESIDENT.
20090216             —REPORTED, No casualties were —IMMEDIATELY.
20090216             RUSSIA PRESIDENT—MEDVEDEV said BOLIVIA will receive helicopters from RUSSIA to help fight drugs as well as assistance to develop energy resources.
20090216             He was 1—TIRELESS—ADVOCATE for democracy and stood up to 1—STRING—OF—MILITARY—DICTATORS.
20090216             —LAUNCHED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—CLINTON, her ASIA tour in JAPAN calling USA—PACIFIC—TIES "indispensable" for curbing problems like climate change, the global FINANCIAL—CRISIS and nuclear weapons.
20090216             Charla Nash lost her hands, nose, lips and eyelids in THE—ATTACK.
20090216             —BLOCKED, KANSAS, Republican legislators, 1—EFFORT—BY Democratic GOVERNOR—KATHLEEN—SEBELIUS to transfer funds to allow the state to pay its bills.
20090216             —RESOLVED, The impasse was, —THE—NEXT—DAY as GOVERNOR—SIBELIUS met 1—KEY—REPUBLICAN demand and signed 1—BILL to balance the budget.
20090216             THE—HMS—VANGUARD, the oldest vessel in BRITAIN—NUCLEAR—ARMED—SUBMARINE fleet, and THE—FRANCE—LE—TRIOMPHANT submarine, which was also carrying nuclear missiles, both suffered minor damage in the collision.
20090216             —PLEDGED, —THE—NEXT—DAY he, continued aid to AFRICA DESPITE his country's economic downturn, and wrapped up a 4—NATION visit to the continent.
20090216             —REPLACED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—MEDVEDEV, 4—PROVINCIAL governors for their poor performance amid FINANCIAL—CRISIS and named new governors for THE—WEST—ORYOL, PSKOV and VORONEZH regions and THE—NORTH—NENETS region.
20090216             † CARDINAL—STEPHEN—KIM—SOU—HWAN, —86—JAHRE—ALT, SOUTH—KOREA—1. cardinal.
20090216             CARDINAL—STEPHEN—KIM—SOU—HWAN was 1—TIRELESS—ADVOCATE for democracy and stood up to 1—STRING—OF—MILITARY—DICTATORS.
20090216             —PREVENTED, THE—UN said TAMIL—TIGER guerrillas have, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS from leaving SRI—LANKA—WAR—ZONE and those trying to escape have been "shot and sometimes killed".
20090216             —MARCHED, On MARTINIQUE as many as 10,000 demonstrators, through the narrow STREETS—OF—THE—CAPITAL to protest spiraling FOOD—PRICES and denounce the business elite.
20090216             —AGREED, PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT, to impose Islamic law and suspend 1—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE across much the northwest in concessions aimed at pacifying THE—TALIBAN insurgency spreading from the border region to THE—COUNTRY—INTERIOR.
20090216             —UNVEILED, SPAIN, SAMSUNG—OF—SOUTH—KOREA, THE—WORLD—1. SOLAR—POWERED MOBILE phone at 1—INDUSTRY—SHOW where the sector is showcasing THE—NEW—TECHNOLOGY it hopes will drive demand through the economic crisis.
20090216             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Authorities, that NUCLEAR—ARMED—SUBMARINES from BRITAIN and FRANCE collided in THE—ATLANTIC—OCEAN—EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, touching off new concerns about THE—SAFETY—OF—THE—WORLD—DEEP—SEA—MISSILE fleets.
20090216             So maybe this isn't the biggest downturn —SINCE THE—GREAT—DEPRESSION?
20090216             Maybe it's bigger than that.
20090216             Maybe this is 1—CORNER—TURN for the human race,
20090216             maybe last ;;09;; was —WHEN it finally occurred to us, collectively,
20090216             that we couldn't keep going as we were going, and we hit the brakes in the way the Invisible Hand does.
20090216             Maybe the efforts to "jump start" the economy won't work,
20090216             and maybe that's as it should be, and maybe that's 1—GOOD thing?
20090216             Sea Sponge Extract Conquers Resistant BACTERIA—KDAWSON
20090216             Science News has 1—ARTICLE on research into 1—COMPOUND found in 1—PARTICULAR—KIND—OF—SEA—SPONGE that seems to have the ability to restore antibiotics' effectiveness against resistant bacteria.
20090216             The hope is that, —SINCE the compound is not itself deadly or even harmful to bacteria, it may skew THE—ANTIBIOTIC—BACTERIA arms race in our favor.
20090216             "Chemical ANALYSES—OF—THE—SPONGE—CHEMICAL—DEFENSE—FACTORY pointed to 1—COMPOUND called algeferin.
20090216             Biofilms, communities of bacteria notoriously resistant to antibiotics, dissolved —WHEN treated with fragments of the algeferin molecule.
20090216             And new biofilms did not form.
20090216             So far, the algeferin offshoot has,
20090216             in the lab, successfully treated bacteria that cause whooping cough, ear infections, septicemia and food poisoning.
20090216             The compound also works on... [MISTER—SA] infections, which wreak havoc in hospitals.
20090216             'We have yet to find 1—THAT doesn't work,' says [1—OF—THE—RESEARCHERS]".
20090216             High Tech Misery In CHINA—KDAWSON
20090216             theodp writes "Think you've got 1—BAD—JOB?
20090216             Think again. You could be making keyboards for IBM,
20090216             MICROSOFT, Dell, Lenovo and HP at Meitai Plastic and Electronics, 1—CHINA—HARDWARE—FACTORY.
20090216             Prompted by the release of High Tech Misery in CHINA by 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP,
20090216             1—SELF—REGULATING body set up by tech companies will conduct 1—AUDIT of working conditions at the factory.
20090216             —7—DAYS —1—WEEK.
20090216             Overtime is mandatory, with workers being given on average —2—DAYS off per —MONTH.
20090216             —WHILE on the production line, workers are not allowed to raise their hands or heads, are given 1.—1—SECONDS to snap EACH—KEY into place, and are encouraged to 'actively monitor EACH—OTHER' to see if ANY—COMPANY—RULES are being transgressed.
20090216             —MONITORED, They are also, by guards.
20090216             —FINED, Workers are, if they break the rules,
20090216             locked in the factory —FOR—4—DAYS per —WEEK, and sleep in crowded dormitories.
20090216             Okay, it's not all bad news — they're hiring".
20090216             Do We Need 1—NEW—INTERNET? - kdawson
20090216             Richard.Tao and 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—READERS sent in 1—NEW—YORKTIMES piece by JOHN—MARKOFF asking whether THE—INTERNET is so broken it needs to be replaced.
20090216             "...[T]here is 1—GROWING belief among engineers and security experts that INTERNET security and privacy have become so maddeningly elusive that the only way to fix the problem is to start over.
20090216             —DEBATED, What 1—NEW—INTERNET might look like is still widely, but 1—ALTERNATIVE would,
20090216             in effect, create a 'gated community' where users would give up their anonymity and certain freedoms in return for safety.
20090216             —TODAY that is already the case for MANY—CORPORATE and government INTERNET users.
20090216             —ADOPTED, As 1—NEW and more secure network becomes widely, the current INTERNET might end up as the bad neighborhood of cyberspace.
20090216             You would enter at your own risk and keep 1—EYE over your shoulder —WHILE you were there.
20090216             1—LESS—ALARMIST—REACTION to the question was blogged by DAVID—AKIN:
20090216             "If you build 1—NEW—INTERNET and you want me to get 1—LICENSE to drive on it, sorry. I'm hanging out here in v.1."
20090216             Collided Satellite Debris Coming Down? - kdawson
20090216             Jamie found this BAD—ASTRONOMY blog on THE—MANY—REPORTS beginning about 7—OF 1 or more fireballs in the sky across TEXAS.
20090216             —DOUBTED, That blog's proprietor 1., that the phenomena could be due to the satellites that collided in orbit —LAST—WEEK,
20090216             but —LATER left the possibility open.
20090216             KY put out 1—ANNOUNCEMENT about possible explosions and earthquakes across the area and blamed the defunct satellites.
20090216             "These PIECES—OF—DEBRIS have been causing sonic booms...resulting in the vibrations being felt by SOME— well as FLASHES—OF—LIGHT across the sky.
20090216             THE—CLOUD—OF—DEBRIS is likely THE—RESULT—OF—THE—RECENT in orbit collision of 2—SATELLITES—ON—TUESDAY...;;02;;
20090216             10. —WHEN Kosmos 2251 crashed into Iridium 33".
20090216             - - 1—AUSTIN—TV—STATION has more reports.
20090216             Acquired Characteristics May Be INHERITABLE—KDAWSON—AT least in rodents.
20090216             LAMARCK—IDEAS have been controversial —FOR—200—YEARS, and dismissed in mainstream scientific thinking for nearly that long.
20090216             "In FEIG—STUDY, mice genetically engineered to have memory problems were raised in 1 enriched environment — given toys,
20090216             exercise, and social interaction — —FOR—2—WEEKS—DURING adolescence.
20090216             —IMPROVED, The animals' memory... The mice were then returned to normal conditions, where they grew up and had offspring.
20090216             This next GENERATION—OF—MICE also had better memory,
20090216             despite having the genetic defect and never having been exposed to the enriched environment".
20090216             1—ANONYMOUS—READER sends us to Cosmos Magazine for 1—SPECULATIVE article arguing that a 'shadow biosphere' may exist on Earth,
20090216             unrelated to life as we know it.
20090216             If such NON—CARBON—BASED life were found here at home,
20090216             it would alter the odds for how common life is elsewhere in the universe, astrobiologists say.
20090216             "The tools and experiments researchers use to look for new FORMS—OF—LIFE — such as those on missions to Mars — would not detect biochemistries different from our own,
20090216             making it easy for scientists to miss alien life, even if [it] was under their noses.
20090216             —EXPECTED, Scientists are looking in places where life isn't, — for example, in areas of extreme heat, cold, salt, radiation, dryness, or contaminated streams and rivers.
20090216             [1—RESEARCHER] is particularly interested in places that are heavily contaminated with arsenic,
20090216             which, he suggests, might support FORMS—OF—LIFE that use arsenic the way life as we know it uses phosphorus".
20090216             Drug Giant Pledges Cheap Medicine For WORLD—POOR—KDAWSON
20090216             bmsleight writes in with 1—GUARDIAN piece on THE—DECISION—OF—THE—WORLD—2. biggest pharmaceutical company,
20090216             GlaxoSmithKline, to radically shift its attitude towards providing cheap drugs to MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in the developing world.
20090216             "[THE—NEW—CEO] said that GSK will... cut its prices for all drugs in THE—50—LEAST developed countries to no more than 25—PERCENT—OF—THE—LEVELS in THE—UK and USA — and less if possible — and make drugs more affordable in MIDDLE—INCOME—COUNTRIES such as BRAZIL and INDIA; put ANY—CHEMICALS or processes over which it has intellectual property rights that are relevant to finding drugs for neglected diseases into a 'patent pool,' so they can be explored by other researchers; and reinvest 20—PERCENT—OF—ANY—PROFITS it makes in the least developed countries in hospitals, clinics, and staff".
20090216             1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "CHRIS—WALTERS writes about FACEBOOK—NEW—TERMS—OF—SERVICE.
20090216             'FACEBOOK—TERMS—OF—SERVICE (TOS) used to say that —WHEN you closed 1—ACCOUNT on their network, ANY—RIGHTS they claimed to the original content you uploaded would expire.
20090216             Not anymore.
20090216             —NOW, anything you upload to Facebook can be used by Facebook in ANY—WAY they deem fit,
20090216             forever, no matter what you do —LATER. Want to close your account?
20090216             "Oh no! —NOW they'll be able to license your super flair goblin poke —25—TAG history!
20090216             Nuclear Subs 'Collide In OCEAN'—CMDRTACO
20090216             —NOTED, Jantastic, 1—BBC report saying "1—ROYAL—NAVY—NUCLEAR—SUBMARINE was involved in 1—COLLISION with 1—FRANCE—NUCLEAR sub in the middle of the Atlantic.
20090216             It is understood HMS—VANGUARD and Le Triomphant were badly damaged in the crash —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20090216             —EQUIPPED, Despite being, with sonar, it seems neither vessel spotted the other, THE—BBC—CAROLINE—WYATT said".
20090216             Earth Under Threat From Dark COMETS—CMDRTACO
20090216             1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "Comets could be the most significant impact hazard to Earth,
20090216             with sky surveys underestimating the number that are potentially devastating by 1—FACTOR—OF between 10 and 100, UK astrophysicists say".
20090216             NEW—YORK Wants To Tax INTERNET DOWNLOADS—CMDRTACO
20090216             How long —BEFORE we all have meters on our routers?
20090216             —DOWNLOADED, This version is —JUST a 4% tax on movies and songs, from services like iTunes,
20090216             but I'm sure if they could figure out 1—BIT—TAX, they would.
20090216             Carbon Burial Research Grows as Huge Experiment BEGINS—ALEXIS—MADRIGAL
20090216             1—NEW—CARBON—SEQUESTRATION—PROJECT, sponsored by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY, is underway in ILLINOIS.
20090216             —CONTINUED, It's 1—SIGN—OF—THE—AGENCY'S, support for the controversial CLIMATE—CHANGE—TECH.
20090216             New ZIMBABWE MINISTER blames bank
20090216             ZIMBABWE—CENTRAL—BANK is at the heart of the nation's economic decay, new Finance MINISTER—TENDAI—BITI says.
20090216             —DROPPED, Crash plane ' in seconds'
20090216             1—PLANE that crashed onto 1—HOUSE in NEW—YORK state killing 50—PEOPLE dropped 800—FEET in —5—SECONDS, officials say.
20090216             JAPAN—ECONOMY in quarterly dive
20090216             —CONTRACTED, JAPAN—ECONOMY, by 3.3% in the final quarter of 20080000             - its worst showing —SINCE the oil crisis of 19700000             —THES, figures show.
20090216             CBI warning over recession cash
20090216             The government will have to borrow £100bn more than thought to stave off THE—WORST—OF—THE—RECESSION, THE—CBI says.
20090216             Warning over metal detector crime
20090216             BRITAIN—HERITAGE is under threat from illegal metal detector users, or "nighthawkers", who face little THREAT—OF—BEING caught, 1—REPORT says.
20090216             RUSSIA—OUTPUT plummets further
20090216             RUSSIA—INDUSTRIAL—OUTPUT sank 16% in ;;01;;
20090216             —FROM  —1—YEAR—EARLIER—AFTER the sector was hit hard by the economic downturn.
20090216             —BATTLE PLAN—HOW UK—PLANS to tackle extremism are CHANGING—CHAVEZ wins chance of fresh term
20090216             ANTI—TERROR—TACTICS 'weaken LAW'—CHINA warns against protectionism
20090216             CHINA warns against protectionist measures by other countries, amid fears such action could aggravate the economic slump.
20090216             Ice oceans 'are not poles apart'
20090216             1—MARINE census finds that at least 235—SPECIES—LIVE in both polar regions, despite being 12,000km apart.
20090216             Alien life 'may exist among us'
20090216             Alien LIFE—FORMS may be thriving right here on Earth, 1—PHYSICIST tells 1—MAJOR—SCIENCE—CONFERENCE.
20090216             Smith to scrap police timesheet
20090216             Home SECRETARY—JACQUI—SMITH says 1—POLICE—SURVEY in ENGLAND and WALES is to be scrapped to free up time.
20090216             —RECOGNISED, FRANCE—HOLOCAUST role
20090216             FRANCE—TOP—COURT recognises the state's "responsibility" for deporting Jews in WWII, but says reparations have been made.
20090216             Changing TIMES—IS innovation creating 1—CASHLESS—SOCIETY?
20090216             No 10—RULES out Lloyds bank move
20090216             GORDON—BROWN says he does not regret allowing the merger between Lloyds TSB and HBOS, as shares continue to slide.
20090216             Job cuts at Mini spark angry rows
20090216             Angry agency staff confront union officials at BMW—MINI—COWLEY plant, —AFTER the carmaker confirmed 850—JOB cuts.
20090216             Nuclear subs collide in Atlantic
20090216             1—ROYAL—NAVY—NUCLEAR—SUBMARINE was involved in 1—COLLISION with 1—FRANCE—SUBMARINE in the middle of the Atlantic, the MoD says.
20090216             If price of crude oil is dropping, why is COST—OF—GAS rising?
20090216             —ON—THURSDAY, crude oil closed —JUST under $34 1—BARREL, its lowest point for 20090000             .
20090216             But THE—NATIONAL—AVERAGE—PRICE—OF—1—GALLON—OF—GAS—ROSE to $1.95 on THE—SAME—DAY, its peak for the —YEAR.
20090216             —ON—FRIDAY gas went 1—PENNY higher.
20090216             COLGAN Air operates 1—FLEET—OF—51—REGIONAL turboprops including Continental Connection, United Express and USA Airways Express.
20090216             Nuclear Subs Collide In ATLANTIC—SOURCE: www.cbsnews COM—NUCLEAR—ARMED—SUBMARINES from BRITAIN + FRANCE collided deep under THE—ATLANTIC—OCEAN—EARLIER—THIS—MONTH,
20090216             causing damage to both vessels but releasing no radioactivity, 1—UK—OFFICIAL said —MONDAY.
20090216             —HEADED, NATION—DAIRY cows, for slaughter as milk prices SOUR—SOURCE: MercedSunStar com -
20090216             —TURNED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—AMERICA—DAIRY cows are being, into hamburgers because milk prices have dropped so low that farmers can no longer afford to feed the animals.
20090216             "We don't have to go to Mars," Davies said.
20090216             "No planet is more EARTH—LIKE than Earth itself,
20090216             so if it's true that life emerges on EARTH—LIKE—CONDITIONS,
20090216             should it not happen MANY—TIMES here?" - How to hunt for shadow life
20090216             More than 1—QUARTER—OF—YOUNG—IRAQ—MEN remain jobless, threatening stability.
20090216             - Amanda Terkel - 1—REPORT released —YESTERDAY by THE—UNITED—NATIONS—INFORMATION—ANALYSIS—UNIT finds that more than "a 4. of IRAQ—YOUNG—MEN are OUT—OF—WORK,
20090216             1—SITUATION that is likely to worsen and threatens the country's LONG—TERM—STABILITY.
20090216             Overall, the country's unemployment rate is 18%, but 1—ADDITIONAL 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—LABOR force is employed part time and wanting to work more".
20090216             In 1—COUNTRY still struggling to attract private investment,
20090216             government jobs —NOW make up 60—PERCENT—OF—EMPLOYMENT, 1—RATE that will be unsustainable as oil prices drop.
20090216             Röcke und Mäntel verschiedener Form zu erfinden, gefiel sich die Phantasie der Kelten.
20090216             THE—2—MOST important methods of solving problems are: 1. by knowing the solution AHEAD—OF—TIME + 2. by guessing it correctly.
20090216             —INVOLVED, Perhaps there is 1—PHYSICAL—PRINCIPAL : information spreads at THE—SPEED—OF—LIGHT, —WHILE ignorance is instantaneous at all points in the known universe.
20090216             Except that it won't be funny: what is crashing —NOW is our life support system:
20090216             all the systems and institutions that are keeping us alive.
20090216             And so I don't recommend passively standing —AROUND and watching the show — unless you happen to have 1—DEATH—WISH.
20090216             —FROM 911—ENCYCLOPEDIA:
20090216             —ON—LUANDA - Under pressure
20090216             —BLIGHTED, POLAND—CATHOLIC—CHURCH, by consumerist society
20090216             Think You'd Remember the Face of Your Torturer? Think AGAIN—ALEXIS—MADRIGAL
20090216             Human memories can change —WHEN fed misinformation.
20090216             "Liquid Wood" a Contender To Replace PLASTIC—KDAWSON
20090216             1—CANDIDATE, written off —20—YEARS back but —NOW developed to THE—POINT—OF—PRACTICALITY, is 1—FORMULATION based on the lignin found in wood.
20090216             And it turns out there is another strong environmental reason to put lignin to use in this way:
20090216             burning it, which is its common fate —TODAY, releases the carbon dioxide that trees had sequestered.
20090216             "Almost —40—YEARS—AGO, USA—SCIENTISTS took their 1. steps in 1—QUEST to break the world's dependence on plastics.
20090216             But in those —4—DECADES, plastic products have become so cheap and durable that not even THE—FORCES—OF—NATURE seem able to stop them.
20090216             1—SOUPY—EXPANSE—OF—PLASTIC—WASTE — too tough for bacteria to break down — —NOW covers 1 estimated 1—MILLION—SQUARE—MILES—OF—THE—PACIFIC—OCEAN.
20090216             [R]esearchers started hunting for 1—SUBSTITUTE for plastic's main ingredient, petroleum.
20090216             —WANTED, They, something renewable, biodegradable, and abundant enough to be inexpensive".
20090216             LinkedIn traffic grows
20090216             With the economy in 1—TAILSPIN, THE—BUSINESS—NETWORKING site has seen 1—SHARP jump in traffic in recent months, TechCrunch reports.
20090216             RUSSIA Aims Towards MARS—KDAWSON
20090216             Iddo Genuth writes "RUSSIA—FEDERAL—SPACE—AGENCY (Roscosmos) has announced its intentions to build 1—LOW—ORBIT space station which,
20090216             —ACCORDING—TO, the agency, will support future EXPLORATION—OF—THE—MOON and Mars.
20090216             resetting its retirement date to 20200000             .
20090216             The project proposal is already on its way for review by THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT.
20090216             —PROPOSED, SOME—RUSSIA—SOURCES also reportedly, the (rather ludicrous) idea of converting THE—ISS into SOME—KIND—OF—1—INTERPLANETARY transport vehicle,
20090216             which would serve as the 'ultimate mother ship' in manned planetary missions to the moon or even Mars".
20090216             Cross Words: Talking About BAD—FEELINGS—HELPS—CONTROL—THEM—ALEXIS—MADRIGAL
20090216             Talking about your feelings might not be 1—SELF—INDULGENT exercise.
20090216             New psychological research suggests that the mere act of naming your negative feelings helps your brain control their impact on you.
20090216             There could be 1 100—BILLION EARTH—LIKE—PLANETS in Milky WAY—THERE could be 1 100—BILLION EARTH—LIKE—PLANETS in our galaxy, 1—USA—CONFERENCE hears.
20090216             FSA boss admits watchdog's ERRORS—LORD—TURNER, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—FINANCIAL—SERVICES—AUTHORITY, admits it did not spot that the banking system was too risky.
20090216             —ACCUSED, Police, over race EQUALITY—POLICE—FORCES in ENGLAND and WALES are still institutionally racist despite confronting the issue, 1—REVIEW says.
20090216             NRSRO Failings in Structured Ratings and Discreet Recommendations to Address Agency Conflicts
20090216             —WINTER 20090000             Volume14,Number 3 THE—VOICES—OF—INFLUENCE | iijournals com
20090216             SCOTLAND—MINISTERS reject ID card PLAN—THE—SCOTLAND—GOVERNMENT tells WESTMINSTER it is "completely opposed" to plans to roll out identity cards across THE—UK.
20090216             Automation May Make Toll Roads More COMMON—SOULSKILL
20090216             bfwebster writes "Here in DENVER, we have E-470, 1—TOLL—SECTION—OF—THE—470—BELTWAY, that uses the usual transponder attached to your windshield.
20090216             Fair enough, and I make use of it, particularly in driving to the airport.
20090216             —IMPLEMENTED, But they've —JUST, new technology on E—470—THAT allows anyone to drive through the automated toll gates.
20090216             If you don't have 1—TRANSPONDER, it takes 1—PHOTO of your license plate and sends 1—MONTHLY—BILL to your house.
20090216             As 1—RESULT, the company that runs E—470—PLANS to close all HUMAN—STAFFED toll booths by MID—SUMMER.
20090216             And as 1—ARTICLE in THIS—MORNING—ROCKY—MOUNTAIN—NEWS> notes, 'Such 1—SYSTEM could be deployed on other roads,
20090216             including SOME—THAT—MOTORISTS—NOW use free.
20090216             The result: 1—NEW—SOURCE—OF—MONEY for highways and bridges badly in need of repair.
20090216             You can bet that legislators, mayors, and city councilpersons everywhere will see this as 1—EVEN—BETTER—SOURCE—OF—INCOME than RED—LIGHT—CAMERAS.
20090216             —WARNED, You've been ".
20090216             Criminals in ITALY make phonecalls online to avoid WIRETAPS—INVESTIGATORS in ITALY say more and more criminals are using THE—INTERNET to make telephone calls to avoid wiretaps.
20090216             who has authored 1—INTRODUCTION to EXPRESSIONS—OF—THE—EMOTIONS,
20090216             said —TODAY at 1—AAAS press conference that these views are nearly identical to those of Tibetan Buddhists.
20090216             "I am —NOW calling myself 1—DARWININIAN," Ekman recalled the Dalai Lama saying, —AFTER Ekman read him SOME—PASSAGES—OF—DARWIN—WORK.
20090216             Alison DES FORGES >>> Forges, Alison Des <<< - Keine Biografie vorhanden!
20090216             > Forges, Alison Des: Kein Zeuge darf überleben Der Genozid in RUANDA Hamburger Edition,
20090216             HAMBURG 20020000             ,
20090216             ISBN 3930908808, Gebunden, 947—SEITEN, 40,00 EUR <
20090216             Aus dem Amerikanischen von JÜRGEN—BAUER, Fee Engemann, RENATE—HARDT, EDITH—NERKE, Carmen von SAMSON—HIMMELSTJERNA und GISELA—SCHWARZ.
20090216             Über eine halbe Million Menschen wurden 19940000             während des Völkermordes in RUANDA getötet.
20090216             DES FORGES, Alison, 19990000             : Leave None to Tell the Story:
20090216             Genocide in RWANDA. NEW—YORK, NEW—YORK et al:
20090216             Human Rights Watch; PARIS: INTERNATIONAL—FEDERATION—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS.
20090216             DES FORGES, Alison, 20000000             :
20090216             Alas, We Knew, in: Foreign Affairs, Vol.
20090216             (May/20000600              ) NUMBER 3, S. 141-144.
20090216             DES FORGES, Alison (dir. par, pour Human Rights Watch et FIDH), Aucun témoin ne doit survivre.
20090216             Le Génocide au RWANDA, Karthala, 19990000.
20090216             Nous allons maintenant entendre à ce sujet le PREMIER—PASSAGE d'une interview d'Alison DES FORGES ,
20090216             qui est considérée comme l'historienne de référence SUR le génocide des Tutsi depuis son ouvrage de
20090216             Son livre fait près de 800—PAGES.
20090216             Une centaine EST—CONSACRÉE à la complicité française.
20090216             Ces pages n'ont pas vraiment été exploitées.
20090216             Alison DES FORGES était prête à venir témoigner devant notre Commission, mais elle était retenue cette semaine aux ÉTATS—UNIS pour une série de cours.
20090216             Elle a donc accepté de nous recevoir à Bruxelles, à l'Antenne européenne de Human Rights Watch, pour que nous puissions
20090216             l'interroger.
20090216             La première question que je lui ai posée portait SUR cet entraînement,
20090216             par les militaires français, des assassins du génocide, mis à l'essai lors des prémices du génocide.
20090216             Témoignage filmé d'Alison DES FORGES ALISON DES FORGES
20090216             Il y a eu, à un moment, des instructeurs militaires français chargés de l'entraînement dans ces camps.
20090216             Je ne peux pas dire que les camps étaient dirigés ou gérés par les soldats français.
20090216             C'étaient des camps de l'armée rwandaise, mais il y avait des militaires français qui s'occupaient de l'entraînement.
20090216             FRANÇOIS—XAVIER—VERSCHAVE—C'ÉTAIT à quelle date ?
20090216             ALISON DES FORGES—CES formations se situent à Gabiro.
20090216             Les Français ont été actifs dans cette région assez tôt,
20090216             probablement dès 19920000             , et jusqu'en 19940000             .
20090216             Le rapport de la Mission PARLEMENTALT—IRISCH d'information explique qu'en 19930000             ,
20090216             c'était pratiquement la FRANCE qui commandait l'armée rwandaise, alors en décomposition.
20090216             S'il y avait des instructeurs français dans ce camp,
20090216             il est donc probable qu'ils y ont eu des responsabilités importantes.
20090216             Vous dites avoir reçu des confidences de militaires et de miliciens, semblant indiquer qu'on ne faisait pas une grande différence cec_rapport.pdf
20090216             Unter Berufung auf die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) berichtet Human Rights Watch allein von
20090216             Global Shipping Industry Makes World Flat, BIOLOGICALLY—ALEXIS—MADRIGAL
20090216             The global shipping industry makes it so easy for organisms to trot the globe, it's destroying the geographic patterns that fuel evolution.
20090216             The problem is acute in the Great Lakes region, which could be 1—MAJOR—PROBLEM for the area's economy,
20090216             —ACCORDING—TO, scientists at THE—USA—ASSOCIATION for THE—ADVANCEMENT—OF—SCIENCE meeting.
20090216             Major reshuffle in SAUDI—ARABIA
20090216             ABDULLAH—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA sacks 2—POWERFUL—RELIGIOUS—FIGURES in 1—WIDE ranging SHAKE—UP of his administration
20090216             History lesson
20090216             —REPEATED, SOVIET—VETERANS see mistakes, in AFGHANISTAN—WAR—ANGER at advice to stop oil claim
20090216             —FAILED, Clarke attacks '' bank plan
20090216             Shadow business SECRETARY—KENNETH—CLARKE calls the Lloyds TSB—HBOS merger a "disaster", and says government initiatives to get banks lending have failed.
20090216             Key Human Rights Advocate Dies In USA—PLANE Crash Source: www.postchronicle com
20090216             —KILLED, Historian Alison DES FORGES was 1—OF—THE—50—PEOPLE, —WHEN the plane crashed into 1—HOUSE and burst into flames....
20090216             —CALLED, Gore, scientists to join the front lines of this political debate and not to —JUST stay in their labs and research stations.
20090216             "Start getting involved in politics. Start getting involved in this historical debate. We need you," he said.
20090216             —RESPONDED, The audience, with 1—STANDING ovation -- even in the overflow room where I sat.
20090216             But it remains to be seen whether scientists will take up his call to political engagement.
20090216             Many, I feel, are more comfortable generating data for Gore to use in his talks.
20090216             In 1—ANALYSIS—OF trends in suicide attacks worldwide
20090216             THE—WONK—ROOM—MATT—DUSS comments: "Understand, this is what GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH—STRATEGY—OF 'fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here' entails.
20090216             Luring terrorists to IRAQ to blow themselves up in markets and mosques wasn't SOME—TRAGIC—SIDE—EFFECT—OF—BUSH—PLAN,
20090216             it was in fact 1—COMPONENT—OF—BUSH—PLAN.
20090216             LET—NOT pretend to be confused —WHEN Iraqis fail to show appropriate gratitude".
20090216             IBM Files Patent For BULLET—DODGING Bionic ARMOR—SOULSKILL
20090216             —FILED, IBM has, 1—PATENT for "Bionic body armor" that would protect 1—WEARER from LONG—RANGE—GUNFIRE by detecting the incoming bullets and administering small shocks to the appropriate muscles required for moving OUT—OF—THE—WAY.
20090216             Quoting the patent: "—WHEN 1—MARKSMAN (such as 1—SNIPER) is attempting to fire 1—PROJECTILE from 1—FIREARM,
20090216             the marksman typically prefers to be as far away from the target as possible, thus giving him or her 1—HEAD—START for the escape —AFTER the firing.
20090216             —REPORTED, As 1—EXAMPLE, the longest, sniper hit was from 1—DISTANCE—OF about 2500—METERS, resulting in 1—TIME—OF—FLIGHT—OF about —4—SECONDS for the projectile/bullet.
20090216             —AFTER detecting the projectile, the armor would calculate the trajectory and "stimulate the target to move in 1 predefined manner
20090216             sufficient to avoid ANY—CONTACT with the approaching projectile".
20090216             Dated this - ;;02;; 14. 20000000             ,
20090216             it was 1—MERE—MONTH from the ultimate top: Time to celebrate.
20090216             —BECAME, —THIS—MONTH, the current economic expansion, the longest INUSA—HISTORY.
20090216             The boom has done more than create MILLIONS—OF—NEW—JOBHOLDERS and stock owners.
20090216             —RESTORED, It has also, the public's confidence and given more people than ever 1—SHOT at THE—USA—DREAM.
20090216             We tell THE—STORY—SOURCES: How Prosperity Is Reshaping THE—USA—ECONOMY
20090216             Rich Miller, Laura Cohn, HOWARD—GLECKMAN, and Paula Dwyer
20090216             Frequent Slashdot contributor BENNETT—HASELTON comments on 1—BREAKING news story OUT—OF—THE—CANADA—COURTS:
20090216             writing that there is 'no reasonable EXPECTATION—OF—PRIVACY' for 1—USER—ONLINE identity,
20090216             and drawing the analogy that 'ONE—NAME and address or the name and address of your spouse are not biographical information 1—EXPECTS would be kept private from the state.
20090216             But why in the world is it valid to compare 1—IP address with 1—STREET—ADDRESS in the phone book?" Read on for BENNETT—ANALYSIS.
20090216             Terabit Ethernet Inches Closer To REALITY—KDAWSON
20090216             1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "Researchers from AUSTRALIA, DENMARK,
20090216             and CHINA have combined efforts to show the feasibility of TERABIT—PER—2. Ethernet over FIBER—OPTIC—CABLES.
20090216             The solution involves 1—PHOTONIC—CHIP that uses laser light for switching signals, and 1—FORM—OF—THE—EXOTIC—MATERIAL—TYPE, chalcogenide, or arsenic trisulfide".
20090216             Twisted Radio Beams Could Untangle THE—AIRWAVES—SCUTTLEMONKEY
20090216             Urchin writes "The radio frequency spectrum available for wireless communication is becoming increasingly crowded thanks to new wireless technology.
20090216             1—SOLUTION to the shrinking space might be to put 1—SPIN on radio beams —DURING their transmission, to produce 1 twisted beam, according to SWEDEN—PHYSICISTS.
20090216             In theory, huge amounts of
20090216             Nearly 70—COMPUTERS missing from Los Alamos nuclear lab
20090216             Energy Department rebukes nuclear lab for treating missing computers as property management issue and not cybersecurity risk, internal documents show.
20090216             Jargon Watch: ECO—CRUNCH, PRE—PRE—PRE?SAT, Space INVADERS—JONATHON—KEATS
20090216             ECO—CRUNCH n. 1—NATURAL—RESOURCE—SHORTAGE caused by overconsumption.
20090216             With humans —NOW devouring a 3. more than the planet can replenish,
20090216             environmentalists say the coming ecological recession will make our current economic crisis look like 1—GOLDEN—AGE.
20090216             Blackwater Takes Our Advice: Adopts Inscrutable, Opaque NAME—NOAH—SCHACHTMAN
20090216             —PICKED, They never, up on our Hello KITTY—STYLE—LOGOS.
20090216             But —AFTER 1—GODAWFUL—YEAR and 1—HALF,
20090216             the private security firm Blackwater Worldwide finally takes Danger ROOM—ADVICE and changes its name to something opaque and HARD—TO—PRONOUNCE: Xe.
20090216             Obama Invokes STATE—SECRETS in Spy CASE—DAVID—KRAVETS
20090216             —INVOKED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, the state secrets privilege in 1—CLOSELY watched spy case,
20090216             making it the 2. time —THIS—WEEK THE—NEW—ADMINISTRATION sought to dismiss lawsuits it inherited from THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION in THE—NAME—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY.
20090216             —HOPED, CIVIL—RIGHTS—GROUPS had, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA would have changed course from his predecessor.
20090216             'All of a Sudden We Have No Response' From Flight 3407 - DAVE—DEMERJIAN
20090216             Streaming AUDIO—OF—THE—CONVERSATION between air traffic controllers and Flight 3407—SUGGESTS that whatever caused the plane to crash happened quickly and without warning.
20090216             Frenchman 'to be named LSE boss'
20090216             THE—LONDON—STOCK—EXCHANGE is set to name XAVIER—ROLET to replace its CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—DAME CLARA—FURSE, according to THE—FT.
20090216             Who can't come in? Rise in attacks on UK—JEWS
20090216             THE—NUMBER—OF—ATTACKS on Jews in THE—UK has risen sharply —SINCE ISRAEL—ATTACKS began on GAZA, 1—CHARITY—CLAIMS.
20090216             Bleak forecast on fishery stocks
20090216             Changing ocean temperatures will force MANY—FISH—SPECIES to migrate towards the poles, hitting fish stocks, scientists warn.
20090216             Missing kit wasting nursing time
20090216             More than a 3. of nurses waste up to —2—HOURS per shift searching for missing medical equipment, 1—SURVEY suggests.
20090216             Lloyds shares tumble —AFTER update
20090216             Shares in Lloyds Banking Group fall sharply —AFTER it predicts that HBOS will report 1—ANNUAL—LOSS—OF £10bn.
20090216             EUROPE hit by economic slowdown
20090216             —CONTRACTED, European economies, in the 4. quarter of 20080000             , with SOME—COUNTRIES registering the worst figures in decades.
20090216             USA 'keen to strengthen ASIA ties'
20090216             Axelrod hits back at ANDY—CARD: 'We have to roll up our sleeves and clean up the mess.' - Amanda Terkel
20090216             In recent days, SEVERAL—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—CLOSEST—ADVISERS have been attacking USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA.
20090216             Vice Preisdent Cheney, for example, said that there was "1—HIGH—PROBABILITY" of 1—WMD attack if BUSH—POLICIES were reversed,
20090216             and FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—ANDY—CARD said that Obama has turned THE—WHITE—HOUSE into a "locker room" because he isn't requiring staff to wear jackets at all times.
20090216             Axelrod sharply responds to the "tasteless" criticisms in 1—NEW—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—WASHINGTON—POST :
20090216             I was disappointed in THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—COMMENTS, not because he SAID—STATED the obvious which is that there are threats that are grave,
20090216             but that he suggested that somehow THE—PRESIDENT—DECISIONS on torture in GUANTANAMO would increase THE—LIKELIHOOD—OF—THAT.
20090216             You know, the last thing that I think we're looking for at this juncture is advice on fiscal integrity or ethics from KARL—ROVE,
20090216             anyone who's read the newspapers for the last —8—YEARS would laugh at that.
20090216             So, I appreciate that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH has been so classy —DURING this period, and I'm disappointed that SOME—OF—THE—FOLKS who worked for him DIDN'T—DON'T share that.
20090216             I mentioned ANDY—CARD saying that we were somehow denigrating the Presidency because people were wearing short sleeves in the Oval Office.
20090216             We're wearing short sleeves because we have to roll up our sleeves and clean up the mess that we inherited.
20090216             DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—DENNIS—C—BLAIR told Congress —YESTERDAY that AMERICA's "primary NEAR—TERM—SECURITY—CONCERN" is no longer terrorism,
20090216             but rather the global FINANCIAL—CRISIS and the turmoil it could ignite.
20090216             "The longer it takes for the recovery to begin, the greater the likelihood of serious damage TOUSA—STRATEGIC—INTERESTS," he said.
20090216             The compromise stimulus bill is too small, says MARK—ZANDI, CHIEF—ECONOMIST—OF—MOODY—ECONOMY com.
20090216             "At $789—BILLION, the final package 'is —JUST not going to pack the same jobs punch' as SOME—EARLIER—VERSIONS".
20090216             Zandi estimates the compromise will create only about 2.2—MILLION—JOBS by the end of 20100000             ,
20090216             "leaving unemployment hovering —AROUND 10 %" and possibly leading lawmakers to undertake another stimulus.
20090216             THE—NATIONAL—JOURNAL writes that 2—KEY—WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA THINK—TANKS are trading places.
20090216             "THE—CENTER for USA—PROGRESS is in ascendancy," —WHILE THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE — THE—HOME—OF—NEOCONSERVATISM — finds itself in the political wilderness.
20090216             CAP has "become 1—UNUSUAL—HYBRID—OF—SCHOLARSHIP and activism — and 1—POLITICAL—JUGGERNAUT".
20090216             Norquist: GOP is going to run AGAINST—THE—STIMULUS for another —5—YEARS.
20090216             - Satyam KHANNA—FLORIDA—GOVERNOR—CHARLIE—CRIST (R), who broke with his party to publicly endorse USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—RECOVERY—PACKAGE—THIS—WEEK,
20090216             is under attack from conservatives.
20090216             —ADMONISHED, Conservative icon Grover Norquist, Crist for supporting the stimulus,
20090216             saying that Crist shouldn't oppose 1—BILL—THAT—THE—GOP will be using as 1—POLITICAL—TOOL—FOR—YEARS to come:
20090216             Grover Norquist, the influential conservative LEADER—OF—AMERICANS for Tax Reform,
20090216             said Crist should have been wary about embracing an 800-page bill he probably had not read and stands to be loaded with unpopular spending provisions that will surface over coming weeks and months.
20090216             Yet despite their fearmongering on THE—CONSEQUENCES—OF—INVESTIGATIONS,
20090216             THE—USA—PUBLIC firmly supports such inquiries: Nearly 2—THIRDS—OF—AMERICANS support examining potential crimes committed by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION,
20090216             with 40 % supporting criminal investigations.
20090216             BUSH Aide: Leahy Truth Commission Is 'Terribly Dangerous' Idea, Possibly 'DEADLY'—ALI—FRICK
20090216             PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT) to accuse him of political hypocrisy for urging 1—INVESTIGATION into BUSH crimes —AFTER he had opposed the Clinton impeachment.
20090216             "This Leahy thing — this is beyond the pale," O'Reilly moaned.
20090216             Not only would the investigations be hypocritcal,
20090216             he said, but worse, they would be "terribly dangerous" because they would expose the "facts" of THE—USA—INTERROGATION—TECHNIQUES to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN:
20090216             THIESSEN: [T]he facts that they want to get out are the techniques we use to interrogate terrorists.
20090216             The techniques that we used to intercept E—MAILS and communications and telephone calls.
20090216             And —WHEN you get those facts out, it's not —JUST going out to THE—USA—PEOPLE and to the viewers on television.
20090216             It's going out to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20090216             It's going out to the terrorists who can use those information to get —AROUND our intelligence and plan the next attack.
20090216             So it's very deadly — this is very deadly serious stuff.
20090216             And it's terribly dangerous.
20090216             —EMPHASIZED, He also, that the people Leahy might investigate "aren't torturers, they're heroes".
20090216             "They should be getting 1—PARADE on PENNSYLVANIA Avenue," he added.
20090216             Pushing for greater secrecy in THE—NAME—OF—TERRORISM is the reflexive reaction for RIGHT—WING TORTURE—LOVERS.
20090216             —LAST—YEAR, FORMER—CHENEY CHIEF—OF—STAFF—DAVID—ADDINGTON refused to speak about waterboarding to Congress,
20090216             saying that terrorists might be paying attention:
20090216             "I can't talk to you, AL—QAEDA may watch C—SPAN".
20090216             Study: USA—FAMLIES are poorer —TODAY than they were 20010000             .
20090216             - ALI—FRICK—PAUL—KRUGMAN points out 1—FINDING from the latest SURVEY—OF—CONSUMER—FINANCES,
20090216             showing that, adjusted for inflation, "families are poorer —NOW than they were 20010000             ".
20090216             the study finds.
20090216             Krugman notes that it is —JUST the latest proof of the disastrous EFFECTS—OF—THE—HOUSING bubble:
20090216             It's worth pointing out that with this release, yet another pillar of THE—WHAT—ME—WORRY SCHOOL—OF—ECONOMICS has fallen.
20090216             You may remember that 1—FEW YEARS—AGO there was 1—LOT—OF—TALK about how only bubbleheads paid attention to our low,
20090216             low savings rate, because the truth was that Americans were getting steadily wealthier thanks to rising asset values.
20090216             Not so much, it turns out.
20090216             Religious Right rebrands itself as 'socially conservative evangelicals.' - Guest Blogger
20090216             the term "religious right" and others like it have "become synonymous with extremism":
20090216             GARY—BAUER said —THIS—WEEK, "There is 1—ONGOING battle for the vocabulary of our debate.
20090216             It amazes me how often in public discourse really pejorative phrases are used,
20090216             like THE—'USA—TALIBAN,' 'fundamentalists,' 'Christian fascists,' and 'extreme Religious Right.'"
20090216             1—FOCUS on the Family official added that the "religious right" label might generate negative impressions:
20090216             "Terms like 'Religious Right' have been traditionally used in 1—PEJORATIVE way to suggest extremism.
20090216             The phrase 'socially conservative evangelicals' is not very exciting, but that's certainly the way to do it".
20090216             STEVE—BENEN responds, "We're not talking about 1—BRANDING problem here.
20090216             —REVILED, These clowns have become publicly, because they embrace 1—RADICAL—WORLDVIEW, starkly at odd with USA—TRADITIONS, laws, and culture.
20090216             The innocuous label isn't the problem.
20090216             The... dangerous and divisive agenda is".
20090216             —POSTED, CONSPIRACY—OF—OPTIMISM — by at 2:13 AM
20090216             Autokonzern in der Krise: Regierung erwägt Einstieg bei Opel
20090216             Katholische Kirche: BISCHOF—MAßREGELT—KRITIKER—PAPA
20090216             Haushaltsdefizit: EU will Strafverfahren gegen FRANKREICH einleiten
20090216             Vor dem in Britannien gebrauten Bier warnte —SCHON der in ROM—DIENSTEN stehende GRIECHISCHE—ARZT Dioskurides:
20090216             "Removing bad memories is not like removing 1—WART or 1—MOLE.
20090216             It will change our personal identity —SINCE who we are is linked to our memories.
20090216             It may perhaps be beneficial in SOME—CASES, but —BEFORE eradicating memories,
20090216             we must reflect on THE—KNOCK—ON effects that this will have on individuals, society and our SENSE—OF—HUMANITY".
20090216             said: "1—INTERESTING complexity is the possibility that victims,
20090216             SAY—OF—VIOLENCE, might wish to erase the painful memory and with it their ability to give evidence against assailants".
20090216             Experiments on animals has shown beta blockers can interfere with how the brain makes SENSE—OF—FRIGHTENING events.
20090216             —ERASED, Memories
20090216             —SHOWED, The group that had taken beta blockers, less fear than the group that had taken the placebo pill.
20090216             This shift will be uncomfortable for THE—POLICE—THEY do not police ideas or ideology unless they contravene the law.
20090216             But it is right that they should be careful about who they back and who they fund.
20090216             —DENOUNCED, The flipside to this meant that those who, violence but who promoted intolerance and held offensive, ANTI—UK—VIEWS were tolerated.
20090216             —DENOUNCED, The idea was that so long as they, terror, other views would be ignored.
20090216             existing policy called Preventing Violent Extremism.
20090216             —EXPLOITED, Legitimate political dissent was, by 1—MINORITY—OF—VIOLENT—EXTREMISTS to bolster their hatred of BRITAIN.
20090216             —STEPPED, NICKY—REILLY, the gentle giant as he was known, had never, abroad but had been infected by AL—QAEDA—IDEOLOGY in BRITAIN.
20090216             BRITAIN is once again searching for new ANSWERS—AND - terrorism and radicalisation
20090216             Dieses Mal sei man nur knapp an der Katastrophe vorbeigeschrammt, sagte Lhomme.
20090216             "Aber wenn wir bei solchen Zwischenfällen —SCHON belogen werden,
20090216             was passiert dann, wenn es richtig ernst wird?"
20090216             Die Angehörigen der 5—SEELEUTE, die bei dem Untergang ums Leben kamen, werfen dem STAAT —BIS—HEUTE Verschleierungstaktik vor.
20090216             Es soll in einem Seegebiet möglichst nur 1—U—BOOT unterwegs sein.
20090216             Die französische "Le Triomphant" war —NACH—DEM Unfall aus eigener Kraft nach BREST zurückgekehrt, heißt es —NUN.
20090216             Die britische "HMS—VANGUARD" hingegen musste nach einem Bericht der Zeitung "THE—SUN" in ihren SCHOTTISCHEN—HEIMATHAFEN Faslane geschleppt werden.
20090216             Vielleicht kam deswegen die Wahrheit über den Unfall nur scheibchenweise ans Licht.
20090216             Auf den 1. Blick scheint es zudem höchst unwahrscheinlich, dass in den Weiten des Atlantiks ausgerechnet 2—U—BOOTE aufeinandertreffen.
20090216             ISRAEL: AUßEN—MINISTERIN Livni ist zu Landverzicht bereit
20090216             Mordprozess: Lebenslange Haft für ehemaligen V—MANN
20090216             U—BOOT—KOLLISION: "Knapp an der Katastrophe vorbei"
20090216             Römerbriefe aus Britannien: Schickt uns Landsern Bier!
20090216             Datenschutz für Arbeitnehmer: Schäuble vertagt ANTI—SPÄH—GESETZ
20090216             How to recall 1—FACE you've never SEEN—SOME—PEOPLE never forget 1—FACE.
20090216             But new research suggests that people can be duped into recalling faces they've never seen.
20090216             Soldiers training under conditions simulating capture prove even more susceptible.
20090216             —GELUNGEN, ANBETRACHT, dessen, dass es ihm, ist, einen GROßTEIL—DER—ITALIENISCHEN—MEDIEN unter seine Kontrolle zu bringen,
20090216             unabhängige Richter vorzuführen und Gesetze nach seinem Gutdünken zu ändern,
20090216             können dem kritischen Beobachter folgende Gedanken kommen:
20090216             Sind die Strukturen der Propaganda Due wirklich aufgelöst?
20090216             —FUNGIERT, Oder, Silvio BERLUSCONI,
20090216             der ITALIEN eher wie 1—BANANENREPUBLIK als ein demokratisches Land mitten in EUROPA regiert,
20090216             als verlängerter Arm eben dieser Loge?
20090216             Sind es nicht nur reine, persönliche Machtinteressen die ihn leiten,
20090216             sondern handelt er sozusagen in "höherem Auftrag"?
20090216             Demnach hätten die Taliban "weite Teile" des Landes —BEREITS unter ihrer Kontrolle.
20090216             Was die Militanten vorhaben, beschönigte Zardari nicht.
20090216             "Wir wissen, dass die Taliban den STAAT übernehmen wollen", sagte er, "doch wir kämpfen für das Überleben von PAKISTAN".
20090216             Das Abkommen, das in WASHINGTON und EUROPA nicht gut ankommen wird, illustriert, wie bedroht die PAKISTANISCHE—REGIERUNG mittlerweile im eigenen Land ist.
20090216             Nach monatelangen Militäroperationen im SWAT—TAL, einer unzugänglichen Bergregion im Nordwesten des Landes,
20090216             kapituliert ISLAMABAD endgültig.
20090216             Anstatt die Taliban weiter zu bekämpfen, beugt sich der STAAT—UM—DES—FRIEDENS—WILLEN den Wünschen der Radikalen.
20090216             Sie werden das Abkommen, aus ihrer Sicht zu Recht, als Sieg feiern.
20090216             Die britische "Kampagne für Nukleare Abrüstung" warnte von einem "atomaren Alptraum größter Ordnung".
20090216             "Der Zusammenstoß hätte eine große Menge an Strahlung freisetzen und die Atomsprengköpfe über den Meeresboden verstreuen können",
20090216             sagte die Vorsitzende Kate Hudson.
20090216             Die Dellen des BRITISCHEN—U—BOOTS zeigten, dass die beiden Boote kaum mehr als —SEKUNDEN von einer Katastrophe entfernt waren.
20090216             Die FRANZÖSISCHE—BEWEGUNG "Sortir du nucléaire" warf der Regierung vor, den Vorfall vertuschen zu wollen.
20090216             "Sie haben es —ERST zugegeben, als es in der Zeitung stand", sagte Stéphane Lhomme.
20090216             "Wir sind höchst besorgt, was die Sicherheit von Atomanlagen angeht", sagte Lhomme.
20090216             Es sei zu befürchten, dass die Bevölkerung im Notfall zu spät informiert werde.
20090216             Die "Sun" deckte die Kollision —AM—MONTAG auf.
20090216             Der brisante VORFALL—BEIDE waren mit Atomsprengköpfen BESTÜCKT—WURDE —ERST nach Medienberichten vom —MONTAG offiziell bestätigt.
20090216             Der Vorfall ereignete sich —BEREITS—ANFANG ;;02;;.
20090216             Die —ZUNÄCHST aus den embryonalen Stammzellen gewonnenen adulten Stammzellen lassen sich den Angaben zufolge nicht nur nahezu unbegrenzt in Kultur halten,
20090216             sondern können sich auch in verschiedene Nervenzelltypen entwickeln.
20090216             "Die Gehirnstammzellen funktionieren wie eine unerschöpfliche Quelle:
20090216             Sie liefert über —MONATE und —JAHRE menschliche Nervenzellen", sagte Arbeitsgruppenleiter OLIVER—BRÜSTLE.
20090216             Die Ergebnisse sind im Fachblatt "PROCEEDINGS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES"
20090216             Gehaltsdebatte: Experten wollen BANKER—BONI radikal reformieren
20090216             Millionenschweres Projekt: Europäer wollen Weltraumschrott überwachen
20090216             —VERURTEILT, BANKEN—KRISE: Schiedsgericht, Credit Suisse zu Schadensersatz in Millionenhöhe
20090216             Blitzattacke: Pudel beißt Frauchen die Nase ab
20090216             CLINTON—REISE nach ASIEN: NORD—KOREA kündigt Raketenstart an
20090216             Neues Verfahren: Gehirnstammzellen in Hülle und Fülle
20090216             FASTFOOD—KETTE: McDonald's will 20000000             neue Jobs schaffen
20090216             Verurteilter EX—POST—CHEF: Zumwinkel kehrt DEUTSCHLAND den Rücken
20090216             Tod an der Küste: Flüchtlinge ertrinken vor Lanzarote
20090216             Inventur: Artenzählung offenbart Parallelwelten an den POLEN
20090216             Bonuszahlungen: Müntefering ruft Banker zur Selbstreinigung auf
20090216             Gefährliche Tauchfahrt: ATOM—U—BOOTE im Atlantik zusammengestoßen
20090216             BANKEN—KRISE: Regierung will Enteignung bei Hypo Real Estate vermeiden
20090216             Wie die Polizei mitteilte, hatten nach der Partie rund 150—GENUA—FANS Krawalle angezettelt und Gegenstände gegen DENFLORENZ—BUS geworfen.
20090216             LONDON—BEI der Kollision der britischen "HMS—VANGUARD" und der französischen "Triomphant" am 3. oder am 4. ;;02;;
20090216             seien die U—BOOTE beschädigt worden,
20090216             es sei aber keine Strahlung ausgetreten, berichteten die "Times", der "Daily Telegraph" und die "Sun" —AM—MONTAG übereinstimmend.
20090216             Das FRANZÖSISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM hatte am 6. ;;02;;
20090216             mitgeteilt, dass sein ATOM—U—BOOT "Triomphant" auf einer Patrouille von einem "untergetauchten Objekt" getroffen worden sei.
20090216             —KOLLIDIERT, Medienberichte: ATOM—U—BOOTE angeblich im Atlantik
20090216             Fußballrandale: Tödliche Krawalle in BRASILIEN, Unglück in ITALIEN
20090216             Dabei versuchte die Verwaltung lediglich, ihren prominentesten Gefangenen zu schützen.
20090216             Was die Piusbrüder für die katholische Kirche sind, das sind die Altkader für die Linke — ein gewaltiges Problem,
20090216             vor allem —J—IM—DES—GEDENKENS—AN—DEN—HERBST 19890000             .
20090216             —GEKAPPT, Offiziell hat die Partei die Verbindungen zur alten SED, gleichzeitig ist sie auf die Unterstützung und die Stimmen der Altkader angewiesen.
20090216             Derweil hat die DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE 20080000             trotz Rezession mehr als 124.000—NEUE Arbeitsplätze geschaffen.
20090216             Die ZAHL—DER—BESCHÄFTIGTEN legte um durchschnittlich 2,4 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr auf knapp 5,4 Millionen zu,
20090216             wie das Statistische Bundesamt —AM—MONTAG mitteilte.
20090216             Berücksichtigt wurden nur Betriebe des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes mit mindestens 50—MITARBEITERN
20090216             Die weltweit sehr expansive GELD—UND Fiskalpolitik, der stark gesunkene Ölpreis und die rückläufige Inflationsrate stützten jedoch die Hoffnungen auf eine wirtschaftliche Stabilisierung ab Jahresmitte
20090216             kein Ende: Angesichts des schlechten Starts ins neue —JAHR sei 1—RÜCKGANG der Wirtschaftsleistung von "deutlich mehr als 3 % nunmehr im wahrscheinlichen Bereich",
20090216             teilte das DEUTSCHE—INSTITUT für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) —AM—MONTAG in BERLIN mit.
20090216             Ein derart massiver Rückgang wäre "bislang einmalig" in der DEUTSCHEN—NACHKRIEGSGESCHICHTE.
20090216             Die Bundesregierung rechnete für 20090000             —BISLANG mit einem Rückgang der Wirtschaftsleistung um 2,25 %.
20090216             Die Tatsache, dass Ausländer weniger in CHINA investieren, ist ein weiteres Indiz dafür, wie stark die weltweite Krise die CHINESISCHE—WIRTSCHAFT trifft.
20090216             Damit könnten Therapien für posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen entwickelt werden,
20090216             die als Folge von Unfällen oder Kriegserlebnissen entstanden sind,
20090216             schreiben die Forscher um Merel Kindt von der UNIVERSITÄT—AMSTERDAM im Fachmagazin "Nature Neuroscience" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20090216             Schreckliche Erlebnisse brennen sich regelrecht in das Gedächtnis des Menschen ein.
20090216             Ein großes Problem für Betroffene, denn mitunter genügt ein kleiner Reiz,
20090216             um die Erinnerung an 1—BOMBEN—EXPLOSION, den miterlebten Tod eines Freundes oder eine blutige Schießerei wachzurufen.
20090216             Tausende Veteranen der Kriege im IRAK und AFGHANISTAN LEIDEN unter der sogenannten posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTBS) - die Behandlung ist aufwendig.
20090216             Konjunktur: Auslandsinvestitionen in CHINA brechen ein
20090216             Konjunktur: Ökonomen rechnen mit Rekordminus von mehr als 3 %
20090216             RASTSTÄTTEN—ÜBERFALL: Polizei fahndet nach SCHWEDISCHEN—NAZI—SCHLÄGERN
20090216             Familienreport: 660.000—ALLEINERZIEHENDE leben von Hartz IV
20090216             Westjordanland: ISRAEL will neue Siedlungen bauen
20090216             Scharia in Nordwestpakistan: ISLAMABAD beugt sich den Taliban
20090216             Hirnforschung: Forscher löschen Erinnerungen aus dem Angstgedächtnis
20090216             Innenminister Schäuble warnte derweil vor zu großen Beschränkungen bei der Verwendung von Mitarbeiterdaten:
20090216             "Gerade in großen Unternehmen ist die Gefahr von Korruption gegeben und es ist die Pflicht der Unternehmen,
20090216             dagegen vorzugehen", sagte Schäuble dem "Tagesspiegel".
20090216             Widerstand kommt dagegen aus den REIHEN—DER—UNTERNEHMEN.
20090216             Das bestehende Bundesdatenschutzgesetz reiche aus,
20090216             betonte der Hauptgeschäftsführer des Arbeitgeberverbandes BDA, REINHARD—GÖHNER.
20090216             Ebenfalls im ARD-"Morgenmagazin" sagte er, das Gesetz könnte aber um EINIGE—REGELUNGEN ergänzt werden.
20090216             DGB: Die Unternehmen dürfen nicht selbst Polizei spielen
20090216             Der Telekom und der DEUTSCHEN—BAHN warf Bsirske "Geheimpolizei"-Methoden vor.
20090216             Beide Unternehmen hätten bei der Überwachung ihrer Mitarbeiter Praktiken angewendet, die selbst dem Bundeskriminalamt nicht erlaubt seien.
20090216             Gewerkschafter wollen "Geheimpolizei"-Methoden verbieten
20090216             TELEKOM—SKANDAL, Überwachung von BAHN—MITARBEITERN: Die GEWERKSCHAFTEN sind EMPÖRT—UND wollen ein generelles Spitzelverbot durchboxen.
20090216             Vertreter der Wirtschaft kündigen vor dem Datenschutzgipfel bei Innenminister Schäuble Widerstand an.
20090216             —NACH—DEN Datenskandalen bei Telekom und DEUTSCHER—BAHN wollen sich die GEWERKSCHAFTEN Spitzelaktionen nicht mehr gefallen lassen.
20090216             Sie drängen die Bundesregierung zu einem gesetzlichen Verbot.
20090216             Innenminister WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE (CDU) hat deshalb —AN—DIESEM—MONTAG zu einem großen Datenschutzgipfel geladen.
20090216             Auf der AAAS—TAGUNG betonte er, dass es keine einheitliche Definition gebe, was Leben überhaupt ist.
20090216             Der kleinste gemeinsame Nenner lautet:
20090216             Es muss sich vermehren können und selbständig lebensfähig sein.
20090216             "Aber die Mittel, mit denen Forscher neu entdeckte Organismen untersuchen, sind maßgeschneidert für Leben in der bekannten Form", meint Davies.
20090216             Sollte eine "SCHATTEN—BIOSPHÄRE" tatsächlich existieren, sei es gut möglich, dass sie —BISHER übersehen wurde.
20090216             Um die Chancen abzuschätzen, ob außer auf der Erde noch anderswo im All das Leben blüht,
20090216             ist 1—FRAGE—VON—ENTSCHEIDENDER—BEDEUTUNG: War die Entstehung von Leben auf der Erde ein derart unwahrscheinlicher Zufall,
20090216             dass im Universum trotz seiner unvorstellbaren Größe dieser Coup nur einmal gelangt?
20090216             Oder entsteht Leben zwangsläufig, sobald eine lebensfreundliche Umgebung wie ein erdähnlicher Planet zur Verfügung steht?
20090216             Der Stoff gilt als drittwichtigstes TREIBHAUSGAS—UND wird für etwa 6—PROZENT—DES—MENSCHGEMACHTEN—TREIBHAUSEFFEKTS verantwortlich gemacht.
20090216             Auf 1—MOLEKÜL bezogen ist seine Klimawirkung in einem 100—JAHRES—ZEITRAUM etwa 300—MAL so stark wie die von Kohlendioxid und immerhin noch 12—MAL stärker als die von Methan.
20090216             Rund 70—KILOMETER südwestlich der RUSSISCHEN—STADT Workuta maßen die Forscher auf insgesamt 10—VERSCHIEDENEN Oberflächen.
20090216             Kreisrunde und pflanzenlose Torfbereiche erwiesen sich dabei als regelrechte LACHGAS—SCHLEUDERN.
20090216             Nach Hochrechnungen der Forscher könnten JEDES—JAHR 0,1 Megatonnen Lachgas allein aus der ARKTIS in unsere Atmosphäre gelangen.
20090216             —SCHON wird darüber spekuliert, dass Aso noch vor den spätestens im ;;09;;
20090216             anstehenden Wahlen zum Unterhaus von seiner LIBERALDEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEI abgelöst werden könnte.
20090216             Der —SEIT über —50—JAHREN fast ununterbrochen regierenden Partei droht der Machtverlust.
20090216             Damit rutschte JAPAN noch tiefer in die Rezession als die USA und EUROPA.
20090216             Fremdartiges Leben: Forscher suchen Überlebende der kosmischen Crashs
20090216             Wirtschaftskrise: Experten bezweifeln ARBEITSLOSEN—PROGNOSE der Regierung
20090216             REPUBLIKANER—KRITIK: "Obama redet doch nur über Wandel"
20090216             Appell an Handyfirmen: Menschenrechtler fordern Verzicht auf blutige Rohstoffe
20090216             Datenschutzgipfel: Gewerkschafter wollen "Geheimpolizei"-Methoden verbieten
20090216             Angeschlagener Mutterkonzern: OPEL—BETRIEBSRAT fordert Trennung von GENERAL—MOTORS
20090216             Lachgas: Klimagefahr aus dem hohen Norden
20090216             Wirtschaftseinbruch: JAPAN in schwerster Krise der NACHKRIEGSZEIT—HÖRTE der Handel entlang der Wolga auf.
20090216             Zur gleichen Zeit stellt auch die ULFBERHT—SCHMIEDE die Produktion ihrer Schwerter ein.
20090216             An Tiegelstahl war nicht mehr zu kommen:
20090216             "Die späteren Schwerter weisen alle eine komplett andere Mikrostruktur auf".
20090216             VENEZUELA: Chávez kann sich unbegrenzt wiederwählen lassen
20090216             Markenpiraterie im Mittelalter: Wikinger fielen auf billige SCHWERT—KOPIEN herein
20090216             "We didn't focus enough on that," Lord Turner said on THE—BBC—ANDREW—MARR—SHOW, referring to the fact that
20090216             He stressed that other regulators —AROUND the world had also failed to notice the problem.
20090216             Lord Turner took over as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—CITY—WATCHDOG—OFFICIALS say.
20090216             figures show. THE—CBI says.
20090216             BRITAIN—HERITAGE is under threat from illegal metal detector users,
20090216             or "nighthawkers", who face little THREAT—OF—BEING caught, 1—REPORT says.
20090216             the MoD says.
20090216             Scientists: PACE—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE—EXCEEDS ESTIMATES—SOURCE: www.newscloud com - 3
20090216             Migranten an die Front BERLIN/STRAUSBERG/DÜSSELDORF (Eigener Bericht) - Zur Behebung ihres chronischen Nachwuchsmangels sucht die Bundeswehr "junge Deutsche mit Migrationshintergrund" für den Kriegsdienst zu gewinnen.
20090216             Um Kinder aus Einwandererfamilien systematisch als neues "Rekrutierungspotenzial" zu erschließen,
20090216             führt das Sozialwissenschaftliche Institut der DEUTSCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE demoskopische Erhebungen durch.
20090216             Sie sind speziell auf jugendliche Zielgruppen ausgerichtet und fragen deren Präferenzen bei der Berufswahl ab.
20090216             Ziel ist es, nicht nur die Anwerbemethoden zu verbessern, sondern auch die "Loyalität" von Migrantenkindern zu überprüfen.
20090216             heißt es in der Armee.
20090216             Parallel verstärkt die Bundeswehr ihre Bemühungen, an DEUTSCHEN—SCHULEN Fuß zu fassen.
20090216             Scientists: PACE—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE—EXCEEDS Estimates
20090216             Maybe this is 1—CORNER—TURN for the human race, maybe last —SEPTEMBER was —WHEN it finally occurred to us, collectively, that we couldn't keep going as we were going, and we hit the brakes in the way the Invisible Hand does.
20090216             Maybe the efforts to "jump start" the economy won't work, and maybe that's as it should be, and maybe that's 1—GOOD thing?
20090216             "Chemical ANALYSES—OF—THE—SPONGE—CHEMICAL—DEFENSE—FACTORY pointed to 1—COMPOUND called algeferin. Biofilms, communities of bacteria notoriously resistant to antibiotics, dissolved —WHEN treated with fragments of the algeferin molecule. And new biofilms did not form. So far, the algeferin offshoot has, in the lab, successfully treated bacteria that cause whooping cough, ear infections, septicemia and food poisoning. The compound also works on... [MISTER—SA] infections, which wreak havoc in hospitals. 'We have yet to find 1—THAT doesn't work,' says [1—OF—THE—RESEARCHERS]".
20090216             theodp writes "Think you've got 1—BAD—JOB? Think again.
20090216             You could be making keyboards for IBM, Microsoft, Dell, Lenovo and HP at Meitai Plastic and Electronics, 1—CHINA—HARDWARE—FACTORY.
20090216             Prompted by the release of High Tech Misery in CHINA by 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP, 1—SELF—REGULATING body set up by tech companies will conduct 1—AUDIT of working conditions at the factory.
20090216             In return for TAKE—HOME—PAY—OF—41—CENTS per —HOUR, workers reportedly sit on hard wooden stools for —12—HOUR—SHIFTS, —7—DAYS —1—WEEK.
20090216             —FINED, Workers are, if they break the rules, locked in the factory —FOR—4—DAYS per —WEEK, and sleep in crowded dormitories.
20090216             "...[T]here is 1—GROWING belief among engineers and security experts that INTERNET security and privacy have become so maddeningly elusive that the only way to fix the problem is to start over. What 1—NEW—INTERNET might look like is still widely debated, but 1—ALTERNATIVE would, in effect, create a 'gated community' where users would give up their anonymity and certain freedoms in return for safety. —TODAY that is already the case for MANY—CORPORATE and government INTERNET users. As 1—NEW and more secure network becomes widely adopted, the current INTERNET might end up as the bad neighborhood of cyberspace. You would enter at your own risk and keep 1—EYE over your shoulder —WHILE you were there".
20090216             1—LESS—ALARMIST—REACTION to the question was blogged by DAVID—AKIN: "If you build 1—NEW—INTERNET and you want me to get 1—LICENSE to drive on it, sorry. I'm hanging out here in v.1."
20090216             —DOUBTED, That blog's proprietor 1., that the phenomena could be due to the satellites that collided in orbit —LAST—WEEK, but —LATER left the possibility open.
20090216             THE—NATIONAL—WEATHER—SERVICE for JACKSON, KY put out 1—ANNOUNCEMENT about possible explosions and earthquakes across the area and blamed the defunct satellites.
20090216             "These PIECES—OF—DEBRIS have been causing sonic booms...resulting in the vibrations being felt by SOME— well as FLASHES—OF—LIGHT across the sky. THE—CLOUD—OF—DEBRIS is likely the result of the recent in orbit collision of 2—SATELLITES—ON—TUESDAY...February 10. —WHEN Kosmos 2251 crashed into Iridium 33".
20090216             1—AUSTIN—TV—STATION has more reports.
20090216             1—STORY from —1—WEEK or so —BACK—IN Technology Review describes research coming to the surprising conclusion that JEAN—BAPTISTE—LAMARCK may have been right — that acquired characteristics can be passed on to offspring, at least in rodents.
20090216             "In FEIG—STUDY, mice genetically engineered to have memory problems were raised in 1 enriched environment — given toys, exercise, and social interaction — —FOR—2—WEEKS—DURING adolescence. The animals' memory improved... The mice were then returned to normal conditions, where they grew up and had offspring. This next GENERATION—OF—MICE also had better memory, despite having the genetic defect and never having been exposed to the enriched environment".
20090216             Earth May Harbor 1—SHADOW—BIOSPHERE—OF—ALIEN—LIFE—KDAWSON
20090216             1—ANONYMOUS—READER sends us to Cosmos Magazine for 1—SPECULATIVE article arguing that a 'shadow biosphere' may exist on Earth, unrelated to life as we know it.
20090216             If such NON—CARBON—BASED life were found here at home, it would alter the odds for how common life is elsewhere in the universe, astrobiologists say.
20090216             "The tools and experiments researchers use to look for new FORMS—OF—LIFE — such as those on missions to Mars — would not detect biochemistries different from our own, making it easy for scientists to miss alien life, even if [it] was under their noses.... Scientists are looking in places where life isn't expected — for example, in areas of extreme heat, cold, salt, radiation, dryness, or contaminated streams and rivers. [1—RESEARCHER] is particularly interested in places that are heavily contaminated with arsenic, which, he suggests, might support FORMS—OF—LIFE that use arsenic the way life as we know it uses phosphorus".
20090216             bmsleight writes in with 1—GUARDIAN piece on THE—DECISION—OF—THE—WORLD—2. biggest pharmaceutical company, GlaxoSmithKline, to radically shift its attitude towards providing cheap drugs to MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in the developing world.
20090216             —NOW, anything you upload to Facebook can be used by Facebook in ANY—WAY they deem fit, forever, no matter what you do —LATER.
20090216             Want to close your account?
20090216             They can even sublicense it if they want.'" Oh no!
20090216             —NOTED, Jantastic, 1—BBC report saying "1—ROYAL—NAVY—NUCLEAR—SUBMARINE was involved in 1—COLLISION with 1—FRANCE—NUCLEAR sub in the middle of the Atlantic. It is understood HMS Vanguard and Le Triomphant were badly damaged in the crash —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH. Despite being equipped with sonar, it seems neither vessel spotted the other, THE—BBC—CAROLINE—WYATT said".
20090216             1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "Comets could be the most significant impact hazard to Earth, with sky surveys underestimating the number that are potentially devastating by 1—FACTOR—OF between 10 and 100, UK astrophysicists say".
20090216             1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "NY is considering taxing 'video and music' downloads to offset 1—BURDGEONING budget deficit".
20090216             —DOWNLOADED, This version is —JUST a 4% tax on movies and songs, from services like iTunes, but I'm sure if they could figure out 1—BIT—TAX, they would.
20090216             RUSSIA—INDUSTRIAL—OUTPUT sank 16% in January from —1—YEAR—EARLIER—AFTER the sector was hit hard by the economic downturn.
20090216             BATTLE—PLAN—HOW UK—PLANS to tackle extremism are changing
20090216             —ELECTED, Venezuelans vote to scrap term limits on, posts, paving the way for PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ to seek RE—ELECTION.
20090216             —UNDERMINED, THE—UK—AND—THE—USA—HAVE 'actively ' INTERNATIONAL law in the way they fight terrorism, 1—JURISTS' group says.
20090216             Nuclear Subs Collide In ATLANTIC—SOURCE: www.cbsnews_COM—NUCLEAR—ARMED—SUBMARINES from BRITAIN + FRANCE collided deep under the Atlantic Ocean —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, causing damage to both vessels but releasing no radioactivity, 1—UK—OFFICIAL said —MONDAY.
20090216             "No planet is more EARTH—LIKE than Earth itself, so if it's true that life emerges on EARTH—LIKE—CONDITIONS, should it not happen MANY—TIMES here?"
20090216             - Amanda Terkel - 1—REPORT released —YESTERDAY by THE—UNITED—NATIONS—INFORMATION—ANALYSIS—UNIT finds that more than "a 4. of IRAQ—YOUNG—MEN are OUT—OF—WORK, 1—SITUATION that is likely to worsen and threatens the country's LONG—TERM—STABILITY.... Overall, the country's unemployment rate is 18%, but 1—ADDITIONAL 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—LABOR force is employed part time and wanting to work more".
20090216             In 1—COUNTRY still struggling to attract private investment, government jobs —NOW make up 60—PERCENT—OF—EMPLOYMENT, 1—RATE that will be unsustainable as oil prices drop.
20090216             Except that it won't be funny: what is crashing —NOW is our life support system: all the systems and institutions that are keeping us alive.
20090216             —PROVOKED, The letter, uproar —WHEN the judges in the case said it amounted to 1—CLEAR—THREAT from THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to BRITAIN.
20090216             Was —NUN kommen muss, ist etwas anderes: 1—PHASE—DER—SOLIDARITÄT.
20090216             LUANDA—UNDER PRESSURE—THINK You'd Remember the Face of Your Torturer?
20090216             Think AGAIN—ALEXIS—MADRIGAL
20090216             1—NEW—STUDY—OF—PRISONERS in 1—MOCK—PRISONER—OF—WAR—CAMP showed they often didn't remember the people who interrogated them if they were shown 1—PICTURE—OF someone else.
20090216             Ostracus recommends 1—CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR—PIECE on THE—40—YEAR quest to find 1—REPLACEMENT for NON—BIODEGRADABLE—PLASTIC.
20090216             And it turns out there is another strong environmental reason to put lignin to use in this way: burning it, which is its common fate —TODAY, releases the carbon dioxide that trees had sequestered.
20090216             Iddo Genuth writes "RUSSIA—FEDERAL—SPACE—AGENCY (Roscosmos) has announced its intentions to build 1—LOW—ORBIT space station which, according to the agency, will support future EXPLORATION—OF—THE—MOON and Mars.
20090216             THERE—ALSO 1—SUGGESTION to extend the operational LIFESPAN—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION by 5—MORE—YEARS, resetting its retirement date to 20200000             .
20090216             —PROPOSED, SOME—RUSSIA—SOURCES also reportedly, the (rather ludicrous) idea of converting THE—ISS into SOME—KIND—OF—1—INTERPLANETARY transport vehicle, which would serve as the 'ultimate mother ship' in manned planetary missions to the moon or even Mars".
20090216             And as 1—ARTICLE in this —MORNING—ROCKY—MOUNTAIN—NEWS> notes, 'Such 1—SYSTEM could be deployed on other roads, including SOME—THAT—MOTORISTS—NOW use free.
20090216             The result: 1—NEW—SOURCE—OF—MONEY for highways and bridges badly in need of repair.' You can bet that legislators, mayors, and city councilpersons everywhere will see this as 1—EVEN—BETTER—SOURCE—OF—INCOME than RED—LIGHT—CAMERAS.
20090216             PAUL—EKMAN, 1—PSYCHOLOGIST at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, S—FRANCISCO, who has authored 1—INTRODUCTION to EXPRESSIONS—OF—THE—EMOTIONS, said —TODAY at 1—AAAS press conference that these views are nearly identical to those of Tibetan Buddhists.
20090216             > Forges, Alison Des: Kein Zeuge darf überleben < > Der Genozid in RUANDA < > Hamburger EDITION—HAMBURG 20020000             , ISBN 3930908808, Gebunden, 947—SEITEN, 40,00 EUR <
20090216             Obwohl die Täter ausschließlich zu den Hutu und die Opfer zum weitaus größten Teil.
20090216             Des Forges, Alison, 19990000             : Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in RWANDA.
20090216             NEW—YORK, NEW—YORK et al.: Human Rights Watch;
20090216             Des Forges, Alison, 20000000             : Alas, We Knew, in: Foreign Affairs, Vol.
20090216             Le Génocide au RWANDA, Karthala, 19990000             .
20090216             Nous allons maintenant entendre à ce sujet le premier passage d'une interview d'Alison Des Forges, qui est considérée comme l'historienne de référence SUR le génocide des Tutsi depuis son ouvrage de
20090216             The problem is acute in the Great Lakes region, which could be 1—MAJOR—PROBLEM for the area's economy, according to scientists at THE—USA—ASSOCIATION for THE—ADVANCEMENT—OF—SCIENCE meeting.
20090216             —REPEATED, SOVIET—VETERANS see mistakes, in AFGHANISTAN—WAR
20090216             Nationalists hit out —AFTER documents from the 1970s reveal strategies to stop SCOTLAND laying claim to NORTH—SEA—OIL.
20090216             - THINK—PROGRESS
20090216             THE—WONK—ROOM—MATT—DUSS comments: "Understand, this is what GEORGE—W—BUSH—STRATEGY—OF 'fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here' entails. Luring terrorists to IRAQ to blow themselves up in markets and mosques wasn't SOME—TRAGIC—SIDE—EFFECT—OF—BUSH—PLAN, it was in fact 1—COMPONENT—OF—BUSH—PLAN. LET—NOT pretend to be confused —WHEN Iraqis fail to show appropriate gratitude".
20090216             Quoting the patent: "—WHEN 1—MARKSMAN (such as 1—SNIPER) is attempting to fire 1—PROJECTILE from 1—FIREARM, the marksman typically prefers to be as far away from the target as possible, thus giving him or her 1—HEAD—START for the escape —AFTER the firing.
20090216             Had the target been aware of the inbound projectile, avoiding it by simply walking away would have been possible".
20090216             —AFTER detecting the projectile, the armor would calculate the trajectory and "stimulate the target to move in 1 predefined manner... sufficient to avoid ANY—CONTACT with the approaching projectile".
20090216             Dated THIS—FEBRUARY 14. 20000000             , it was 1—MERE—MONTH from the ultimate top:
20090216             Time to celebrate.
20090216             We tell THE—STORY—SOURCES: FEBRUARY 14, 20000000             BUSINESSWEEK:
20090216             MICHAEL—J—MANDEL—FEBRUARY 14, 20000000             BUSINESSWEEK:
20090216             FEBRUARY 14, 20000000             THE—BOOM—BUSINESSWEEK:
20090216             Frequent Slashdot contributor BENNETT—HASELTON comments on 1—BREAKING news story OUT—OF—THE—CANADA—COURTS: "1—ONTARIO—SUPERIOR—COURT—JUSTICE has ruled that CANADA—POLICE can obtain THE—IDENTITIES—OF—INTERNET—USERS without 1—WARRANT, writing that there is 'no reasonable EXPECTATION—OF—PRIVACY' for 1—USER—ONLINE identity, and drawing the analogy that 'ONE—NAME and address or the name and address of your spouse are not biographical information 1—EXPECTS would be kept private from the state.'
20090216             1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "Researchers from AUSTRALIA, DENMARK, and CHINA have combined efforts to show the feasibility of TERABIT—PER—2. Ethernet over FIBER—OPTIC—CABLES. The solution involves 1—PHOTONIC—CHIP that uses laser light for switching signals, and 1—FORM—OF—THE—EXOTIC—MATERIAL—TYPE, chalcogenide, or arsenic trisulfide".
20090216             With humans —NOW devouring a 3. more than the planet can replenish, environmentalists say the coming ecological recession will make our current economic crisis look like 1—GOLDEN—AGE.
20090216             But —AFTER 1—GODAWFUL—YEAR and 1—HALF, the private security firm Blackwater Worldwide finally takes Danger ROOM—ADVICE and changes its name to something opaque and HARD—TO—PRONOUNCE: Xe.
20090216             —INVOKED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, the state secrets privilege in 1—CLOSELY watched spy case, making it the 2. time —THIS—WEEK the new administration sought to dismiss lawsuits it inherited from THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION in THE—NAME—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY.
20090216             —BANNED, BRITAIN—RAPPERS, lifestyle gurus, extremists.
20090216             Who can't come in?
20090216             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—CLINTON tells THE—BBC—THE—USA is keen to deepen its ASIA ties, ahead of 1—TOUR—OF—THE region.
20090216             Vice Preisdent Cheney, for example, said that there was "1—HIGH—PROBABILITY" of 1—WMD attack if BUSH—POLICIES were reversed, and FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—ANDY—CARD said that Obama has turned THE—WHITE—HOUSE into a "locker room" because he isn't requiring staff to wear jackets at all times.
20090216             I was disappointed in THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—COMMENTS, not because he SAID—STATED the obvious which is that there are threats that are grave, but that he suggested that somehow THE—PRESIDENT—DECISIONS on torture in GUANTANAMO would increase THE—LIKELIHOOD—OF—THAT.
20090216             You know, the last thing that I think we're looking for at this juncture is advice on fiscal integrity or ethics from KARL—ROVE, anyone who's read the newspapers for the last —8—YEARS would laugh at that.
20090216             DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—DENNIS—C—BLAIR told Congress —YESTERDAY that AMERICA's "primary NEAR—TERM—SECURITY—CONCERN" is no longer terrorism, but rather the global financial crisis and the turmoil it could ignite.
20090216             Zandi estimates the compromise will create only about 2.2—MILLION—JOBS by the end of 20100000             , "leaving unemployment hovering —AROUND 10 %" and possibly leading lawmakers to undertake another stimulus.
20090216             - Satyam KHANNA—FLORIDA GOVERNOR—CHARLIE—CRIST (R), who broke with his party to publicly endorse PRESIDENT—OBAMA—RECOVERY—PACKAGE—THIS—WEEK, is under attack from conservatives.
20090216             —ADMONISHED, Conservative icon Grover Norquist, Crist for supporting the stimulus, saying that Crist shouldn't oppose 1—BILL—THAT—THE—GOP will be using as 1—POLITICAL—TOOL—FOR—YEARS to come:
20090216             Grover Norquist, the influential conservative LEADER—OF—AMERICANS for Tax Reform, said Crist should have been wary about embracing an 800-page bill he probably had not read and stands to be loaded with unpopular spending provisions that will surface over coming weeks and months.
20090216             Yet despite their fearmongering on THE—CONSEQUENCES—OF—INVESTIGATIONS, THE—USA—PUBLIC firmly supports such inquiries: Nearly 2—THIRDS—OF—AMERICANS support examining potential crimes committed by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, with 40 % supporting criminal investigations.
20090216             —SHOWED, Last night on THE—O'REILLY—FACTOR, BILL—O'REILLY, 1—CLIP—OF—1—FOX—NEWS—PRODUCER ambushing SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT) to accuse him of political hypocrisy for urging 1—INVESTIGATION into Bush crimes —AFTER he had opposed the Clinton impeachment.
20090216             Not only would the investigations be hypocritcal, he said, but worse, they would be "terribly dangerous" because they would expose the "facts" of THE—USA—INTERROGATION—TECHNIQUES to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN:
20090216             —LAST—YEAR, FORMER—CHENEY CHIEF—OF—STAFF—DAVID—ADDINGTON refused to speak about waterboarding to Congress, saying that terrorists might be paying attention: "I can't talk to you, al Qaeda may watch C—SPAN".
20090216             - ALI—FRICK—PAUL—KRUGMAN points out 1—FINDING from the latest SURVEY—OF—CONSUMER—FINANCES, showing that, adjusted for inflation, "families are poorer —NOW than they were 20010000             ".
20090216             The gains made in net worth 20040000—20070000    —BETWEEN have all been erased by collapsing stock and housing prices, the study finds.
20090216             You may remember that 1—FEW years ago there was 1—LOT—OF—TALK about how only bubbleheads paid attention to our low, low savings rate, because the truth was that Americans were getting steadily wealthier thanks to rising asset values.
20090216             In 2007—DOLLARS, the average family
20090216             According to social conservative leaders like USA—VALUES—PRESIDENT—GARY—BAUER, the term "religious right" and others like it have "become synonymous with extremism":
20090216             GARY—BAUER said —THIS—WEEK, "There is 1—ONGOING battle for the vocabulary of our debate. It amazes me how often in public discourse really pejorative phrases are used, like THE—'USA—TALIBAN,' 'fundamentalists,' 'Christian fascists,' and 'extreme Religious Right.'"
20090216             1—FOCUS on the Family official added that the "religious right" label might generate negative impressions: "Terms like 'Religious Right' have been traditionally used in 1—PEJORATIVE way to suggest extremism. The phrase 'socially conservative evangelicals' is not very exciting, but that's certainly the way to do it".
20090216             STEVE—BENEN responds, "We're not talking about 1—BRANDING problem here. These clowns have become publicly reviled because they embrace 1—RADICAL—WORLDVIEW, starkly at odd with USA—TRADITIONS, laws, and culture. The innocuous label isn't the problem. The... dangerous and divisive agenda is".
20090216             CONSPIRACY—OF—OPTIMISM—POSTED—BY at
20090216             Katholische Kirche: BISCHOF—MAßREGELT—PAPA—KRITIKER
20090216             "Removing bad memories is not like removing 1—WART or 1—MOLE. It will change our personal identity —SINCE who we are is linked to our memories. It may perhaps be beneficial in SOME—CASES, but —BEFORE eradicating memories, we must reflect on THE—KNOCK—ON effects that this will have on individuals, society and our SENSE—OF—HUMANITY".
20090216             JOHN—HARRIS, PROFESSOR—OF—BIOETHICS at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MANCHESTER, said: "1—INTERESTING complexity is the possibility that victims, SAY—OF—VIOLENCE, might wish to erase the painful memory and with it their ability to give evidence against assailants".
20090216             —COURTED, More than this, SOME—RADICALS were even, as PART—OF—OUR—COUNTER—TERRORISM—STRATEGY.
20090216             Existing POLICY—RECENT—DEMONSTRATIONS in LONDON against ISRAEL—ATTACKS in GAZA are causing concern.
20090216             "Aber wenn wir bei solchen Zwischenfällen —SCHON belogen werden, was passiert dann, wenn es richtig ernst wird?"
20090216             EWEN—CALLAWAY, online REPORTER—SOME—PEOPLE never forget 1—FACE.
20090216             —GELUNGEN, ANBETRACHT, dessen, dass es ihm, ist, einen GROßTEIL—DER—ITALIENISCHEN—MEDIEN unter seine Kontrolle zu bringen, unabhängige Richter vorzuführen und Gesetze nach seinem Gutdünken zu ändern, können dem kritischen Beobachter folgende Gedanken kommen:
20090216             —FUNGIERT, Oder, Silvio Berlusconi, der ITALIEN eher wie 1—BANANENREPUBLIK als ein demokratisches Land mitten in EUROPA regiert, als verlängerter Arm eben dieser Loge?
20090216             Sind es nicht nur reine, persönliche Machtinteressen die ihn leiten, sondern handelt er sozusagen in "höherem Auftrag"?
20090216             In 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—DEM—USA—SENDER—CBS, das —ERST—HEUTE ausgestrahlt werden soll, beschrieb Regierungschef ASIF—ALI—ZARDARI seine Lage in sehr offenen Worten.
20090216             Nach monatelangen Militäroperationen im SWAT—TAL, einer unzugänglichen Bergregion im Nordwesten des Landes, kapituliert ISLAMABAD endgültig.
20090216             "Der Zusammenstoß hätte eine große Menge an Strahlung freisetzen und die Atomsprengköpfe über den Meeresboden verstreuen können", sagte die Vorsitzende Kate Hudson.
20090216             Die —ZUNÄCHST aus den embryonalen Stammzellen gewonnenen adulten Stammzellen lassen sich den Angaben zufolge nicht nur nahezu unbegrenzt in Kultur halten, sondern können sich auch in verschiedene Nervenzelltypen entwickeln.
20090216             "Die Gehirnstammzellen funktionieren wie eine unerschöpfliche Quelle: Sie liefert über —MONATE und —JAHRE menschliche Nervenzellen", sagte Arbeitsgruppenleiter OLIVER—BRÜSTLE.
20090216             Die Ergebnisse sind
20090216             im Fachblatt "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES" zu finden.
20090216             Was die Piusbrüder für die katholische Kirche sind, das sind die Altkader für die Linke — ein gewaltiges Problem, vor allem —J—IM—DES—GEDENKENS—AN—DEN—HERBST 19890000             .
20090216             Die ZAHL—DER—BESCHÄFTIGTEN legte um durchschnittlich 2,4 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr auf knapp 5,4 Millionen zu, wie das Statistische Bundesamt —AM—MONTAG mitteilte.
20090216             kein Ende: Angesichts des schlechten Starts ins neue —JAHR sei 1—RÜCKGANG—DER—WIRTSCHAFTSLEISTUNG—VON "deutlich mehr als 3 % nunmehr im wahrscheinlichen Bereich", teilte das DEUTSCHE—INSTITUT für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) —AM—MONTAG in BERLIN mit.
20090216             Damit könnten Therapien für posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen entwickelt werden, die als Folge von Unfällen oder Kriegserlebnissen entstanden sind, schreiben die Forscher um Merel Kindt von der UNIVERSITÄT—AMSTERDAM im Fachmagazin "Nature Neuroscience" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20090216             Ein großes Problem für Betroffene, denn mitunter genügt ein kleiner Reiz, um die Erinnerung an 1—BOMBENEXPLOSION, den miterlebten Tod eines Freundes oder eine blutige Schießerei wachzurufen.
20090216             SELBST—ERLEBNISSE aus dem —WWII können —BIS in heutige —TAGE nachwirken.
20090216             Innenminister Schäuble warnte derweil vor zu großen Beschränkungen bei der Verwendung von Mitarbeiterdaten: "Gerade in großen Unternehmen ist die Gefahr von Korruption gegeben und es ist die Pflicht der Unternehmen, dagegen vorzugehen", sagte Schäuble dem "Tagesspiegel".
20090216             Das bestehende Bundesdatenschutzgesetz reiche aus, betonte der Hauptgeschäftsführer des Arbeitgeberverbandes BDA, REINHARD—GÖHNER.
20090216             BERLIN - 2—LAGER und eine klare Front: Arbeitnehmer gegen Unternehmen.
20090216             Der kleinste gemeinsame Nenner lautet: Es muss sich vermehren können und selbständig lebensfähig sein.
20090216             "Auf eine andere Biochemie würden diese Methoden gar nicht ansprechen".
20090216             Um die Chancen abzuschätzen, ob außer auf der Erde noch anderswo im All das Leben blüht, ist 1—FRAGE—VON—ENTSCHEIDENDER—BEDEUTUNG: War die Entstehung von Leben auf der Erde ein derart unwahrscheinlicher Zufall, dass im Universum trotz seiner unvorstellbaren Größe dieser Coup nur einmal gelangt?
20090216             —SCHON wird darüber spekuliert, dass Aso noch vor den spätestens —IM—SEPTEMBER anstehenden Wahlen zum Unterhaus von seiner Liberaldemokratischen Partei abgelöst werden könnte.
20090216             Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt der zweitgrößten Wirtschaftsnation ist um über 12 % GESCHRUMPFT—SO stark wie —SEIT—35—JAHREN nicht mehr.
20090216             An Tiegelstahl war nicht mehr zu kommen: "Die späteren Schwerter weisen alle eine komplett andere Mikrostruktur auf".
20090216             1—GUANTANAMO—WÄRTER packt aus.
20090216             Er erzählt, wie sie die Gewaltanwendung gerechtfertigt haben, Neely discusses at SOME—LENGTH the notion of IRF (initial reaction force), a technique devised to brutalize or physically beat a detainee under the pretense that he required being physically subdued.
20090216             —DEVISED, THE—IRF approach was, to use a perceived legal loophole in the prohibition on torture. wie sie den Koran geschändet haben, und dann NEWSWEEK verfolgt haben, als die darüber berichtet haben, obwohl sie wussten, dass die Story sogar noch untertrieben hat.
20090216             Und, meiner Ansicht nach am wichtigsten, wie sie Ärzte in ihre Folter eingebunden haben.
20090216             Von wegen hippokratischer Eid und so.
20090216             He describes body searches undertaken for no legitimate security purpose, simply to sexually invade and humiliate the prisoners.
20090216             —STANDARDIZED, This was a, BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—TACTIC—UND schlimmer noch: THE—BUSH—WHITE—HOUSE vehemently objected to PROVISIONS—OF—THE—LAW dealing with rape by instrumentality.
20090216             —PRESSED, —WHEN House negotiators, to know why, they were met 1. with silence and then 1 embarrassed acknowledgement that 1—KEY—PART—OF—THE—BUSH—PROGRAM included INVASION—OF—THE—BODIES—OF—PRISONERS in 1—WAY that might be deemed rape by instrumentality under existing federal and state criminal statutes.
20090216             —WHILE these techniques have long been known, THE—ROLE—OF—HEALTH—CARE—PROFESSIONALS in implementing them is shocking.
20090216             Um Kinder aus Einwandererfamilien systematisch als neues "Rekrutierungspotenzial" zu erschließen, führt das Sozialwissenschaftliche Institut der DEUTSCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE demoskopische Erhebungen durch.
20090216             Gegebenenfalls könnten sie besondere Aufgaben bei der Besatzung islamisch geprägter Länder übernehmen und für die DEUTSCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE als "SPRACH—UND/oder Kulturmittler" wirken, heißt es in der Armee.
20090216             Ihre für Jugendliche zuständige Propagandaeinheit ("Jugendoffiziere") soll Einfluss auf die Fortbildung des Lehrpersonals und damit auf Lehrinhalte und Gestaltung des Unterrichts bekommen.
20090216             mehr
20090216—19490000    —SEIT, Wirtschaftskrise: Exporteure erwarten schlimmstes —JAHR
20090216—19700000    —FROM—THE, Nationalists hit out —AFTER documents S reveal strategies to stop SCOTLAND laying claim to NORTH—SEA—OIL.
20090216—19810000    —SINCE, IRAQ attacks account for more than HALF—OF—GLOBAL—SUICIDE—TERRORISM.
20090216—19810000    —SINCE, In 1—ANALYSIS—OF trends in suicide attacks worldwide (pdf), researcher Assaf Moghadam presents 1—PRETTY shocking statistic:
20090216—19810000    —SINCE, IRAQ accounts for 1,067 suicide attacks in the period under review — "1—NUMBER that accounts for more than half (54.8%) of all suicide attacks.
20090216—19990000    Aucun témoin ne doit survivre, publié chez Karthala par Human Rights Watch et la FIDH.
20090216—20000100    —IM, gab es 1—BOMBENDROHUNG gegen die Haftanstalt, in der Krenz saß, es gab Steinwürfe und eingeschmuggelte Kameras.
20090216—20000214    THE—BOOM—BUSINESSWEEK: STANFORD Financial Group Co., which has more than 30000 investors,
20090216—20030300    —IN, The sheer volume in which this tactic has struck IRAQ is even more impressive —SINCE no suicide attacks were recorded in IRAQ —PRIOR—TO THE—USA—LED invasion.
20090216—20040000    —BY, "We didn't focus enough on that," Lord Turner said on THE—BBC—ANDREW—MARR—SHOW, referring to the fact that "the whole system was risky".
20090216—20080900    —IN, Lord Turner took over as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—CITY—WATCHDOG.
20090216—20090204    —AM, LONDON—BEI der Kollision der britischen "HMS Vanguard" und der französischen "Triomphant" am 3. oder seien die U—BOOTE beschädigt worden, es sei aber keine Strahlung ausgetreten, berichteten die "Times", der "Daily Telegraph" und die "Sun" —AM—MONTAG übereinstimmend.
20090216—20090206    —AM, Das FRANZÖSISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM hatte mitgeteilt, dass sein ATOM—U—BOOT "Triomphant" auf einer Patrouille von einem "untergetauchten Objekt" getroffen worden sei.
20091017—20030216    —AM, Das Berliner Meeting findet —67—MONATE, 22—QUARTALSBERICHTE und 6—JAHRESABSCHLÜSSE vor der LEHMAN—PLEITE statt.
20100130—20100216    —ON, THE—CHIEF—EDITOR—OF—THE—PRO—OPPOSITION—LANKA newspaper, Chandana Sirimalwatte, was ordered to be released from police custody because there was no evidence against him.
20100213—20100216    —ON, police reported his arrest.
20100216             New USA—TREASURY—DATA said CHINA—HOLDINGS—OF—USA—TREASURY—BONDS tumbled in December, allowing JAPAN to take over as the top HOLDER—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT—DEBT.
20100216             —ISSUED, ARGENTINA—PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ, 1—DECREE seeking to control all shipping to and from THE—FALKLAND—ISLANDS, escalating her fight with BRITAIN over drilling for oil and gas in THE—SOUTH—ATLANTIC.
20100216             —ADOPTED, AUSTRIA, 14—COUNTRIES and the European Commission, the Danube River Basin Management Plan, 1—CLEANUP plan for the Danube River and its tributaries.
20100216             —SURGED, JORGE—PUELLO, who, into the spotlight by providing food, medicine and legal assistance to THE—10—AMERICANS jailed in HAITI, acknowledged in 1—PHONE—INTERVIEW—FROM—THE—DOMINICAN—REP., that he is named in a 20030000             FEDERAL—INDICTMENT out of VERMONT that accuses him of smuggling illegal immigrants from CANADA into THE—USA.
20100216             —PURSUED, He was already being, by authorities in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC on 1—INTERPOL warrant out of EL—SALVADOR, where police said he led 1—RING that lured young women and girls into prostitution.
20100216             GEORGIA—BREAKAWAY—ABKHAZIA region said it would allow sponsor RUSSIA to build 1—MILITARY—BASE on its soil for land troops, strengthening the region's dependence on MOSCOW and provoking ire from TBILISI..
20100216             —ANNOUNCED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, shrugging off INTERNATIONAL concerns, the country was moving ahead to expand its nuclear enrichment capacities by installing more advanced machinery at its main enrichment facility.
20100216             —WOUNDED, The gunman also, pharmacy student Ramsin Shmael (22), both Assyrian Christians.
20100216             MEXICO—AUTHORITIES found the decapitated bodies of 5—MEN in THE—TOWN—OF—ESCUINAPA, Sinaloa state.
20100216             2—OF—THE—HEADS were missing their ears and 2—MORE had a "Z" carved on their backs in 1—APPARENT—REFERENCE to the Zetas drug gang.
20100216             —REPORTED, MOZAMBIQUE state media, that 1—MOB attacked health workers in 1—TOWN in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—MACOROJA, killing 1 and injuring 3—OTHERS, —AFTER accusing them of spreading cholera.
20100216             —ATTACKED, SUDAN, gunmen, 1—POLICE—CONVOY outside NYALA in SOUTH—DARFUR, wounding 7—PAKISTAN—POLICE—OFFICERS serving with THE—UN—AU force.
20100216             2—PEOPLE were soon arrested in connection with 1—AMBUSH.
20100216             NEW—JERSEY, SHAMSID—DIN ABDUL—RAHEEM, —21—JAHRE—ALT threw his —3—MONTH—OLD—DAUGHTER off the Garden STATE—PARKWAY—DRISCOLL—BRIDGE—AFTER the mother filed 1—RESTRAINING—ORDER against him.
20100216             SIMON—PROPERTY—GROUP—INC sought to pluck GENERAL—GROWTH—PROPERTIES OUT—OF—BANKRUPTCY, offering to pay $7—BILLION to creditors and nearly $3—BILLION to shareholders in 1—DEAL that would combine THE—2—LARGESTUSA—SHOPPING mall owners.
20100216             —THRILLED, CANADA, Maelle Ricker, 1—ROWDY hometown crowd and easily won the women's Olympic snowboard cross title, bagging The 1. gold for 1—CANADA—WOMAN on home soil.
20100216             —WALKED, GREECE—CUSTOMS—OFFICIALS and finance ministry employees, off the job for a —3—DAY—STRIKE as protests grew against THE—GOVERNMENT—AUSTERITY—MEASURES, which aimed at pulling THE—COUNTRY out 1—DEBT—CRISES.
20100216             —CONSIDERED, Pivi is, 1—ROGUE COMMANDER who is ACCUSED—OF—TORTURING civilians, including 1—GROUP—OF—STUDENTS he arrested outside 1—NIGHTCLUB—AFTER discovering the side mirror on his SUV was missing.
20100216             † IRAQ, Zia Toma, —21—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ENGINEERING student, was killed in MOSUL, the 3. in as MANY—DAYS, as community leaders warned of rising VIOLENCE—AGAINST—THE—MINORITY—AHEAD—OF—IRAQ'S 20100307             —GENERAL election.
20100216             ROYAL—HOLLAND—SHELL—PLC said it was freezing executive pay and revamping BONUSA—POLICY—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—SHAREHOLDER rebellion at its annual meeting —LAST—YEAR.
20100216             —CONDUCTED, THAILAND officials said tests, by THE—GOVERNMENT have found that BRITISH—MADE bomb detectors it bought for 1—TOTAL—OF $21—MILLION have 1—ACCURACY rate of only 20—PERCENT, but they will continue to be used.
20100216—19630000    —COMPLETED, He designed the Arecibo radio telescope, in PUERTO—RICO.
20100216—20100119    —APPEALED, DUBAI police, for 1—INTERNATIONAL—MANHUNT—AFTER releasing names and photos of 1 alleged 11-member European hit squad ACCUSED—OF—STALKING and killing 1—HAMAS COMMANDER in 1—PLOT that mixed cold precision with spy caper disguises such as fake beards and wigs.
20100216—20100424    —ON, THE—BODY—OF—THE—INFANT was found.
20100216—20100801    —ANNOUNCED, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN—KI—MOON, that THE—INTERNATIONAL—CONVENTION banning cluster bombs has received THE—30—RATIFICATIONS required and will enter into force.
201102021601         -Reporter Anderson Cooper berichtet,
201102021601         -Reporter Anderson Cooper berichtet, dass er mit seinem Videoteam während der Proteste von MUBARAK—ANHÄNGERN angegriffen wurde.
201102021602         Harsche Töne aus Kairo an Regierungen in EUROPA und an die USA:
201102021602         Harsche Töne aus Kairo an Regierungen in EUROPA und an die USA: Das ÄGYPTISCHE—AUSSENMINISTERIUM erklärte laut der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur Mena, es weise Forderungen zurück, den Prozess des politischen Übergangs in ÄGYPTEN —JETZT zu beginnen.
2011020216100000     2—PETROL bombs have landed inside THE—GROUNDS—OF—THE—EGYPT—MUSEUM,
201102021611         Der Vormarsch der MUBARAK—ANHÄNGER auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ ist gestoppt WORDEN—DIE heftigen Kämpfe dauern an.
2011020216140000     AFP reports. is broadcasting PICTURES—OF—THE—STAND—OFF near THE—BACK—OF—THE—EGYPT—MUSEUM.
201102021615         Auch im Norden von Kairo sind aufgehetzte Truppen der REGIERUNGSPARTEI unterwegs,
201102021615         Auch im Norden von Kairo sind aufgehetzte Truppen der REGIERUNGSPARTEI unterwegs, berichtet SPIEGEL—REPORTER DANIEL—STEINVORTH.
201102021616         —REAGIERT, UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR Ban KI—MOON, auf die Straßenschlachten in ÄGYPTEN:
201102021616         —REAGIERT, UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR Ban KI—MOON, auf die Straßenschlachten in ÄGYPTEN: Er sei tief besorgt angesichts der andauernden Gewalt, sagt er nach einem Treffen mit dem BRITISCHEN—PREMIER DAVID—CAMERON in LONDON.
2011020216160000     —CAUSED, Soldiers are using hoses to douse the flames, by THE—PETROL—BOMB—EXPLOSIONS,
201102021617         Der Oppositionspolitiker MOHAMED—ELBARADI hat offenbar die ARMEE aufgerufen,
201102021617         Der Oppositionspolitiker MOHAMED—ELBARADI hat offenbar die Armee aufgerufen, auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ zu intervenieren und die blutigen Auseinandersetzungen zu beenden.
201102021621         Die USA—REGIERUNG hat sich angesichts von Angriffen auf Journalisten in ÄGYPTEN besorgt gezeigt.
201102021621         In 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—BBC—ARABIC,
2011020216240000     —TRAPPED, Opposition protester Gigi Ibrahim tells THE—BBC she is, in Tahrir Square,
201102021625         In einer kleinen Moschee in einer Seitenstraße haben die Oppositionellen eine provisorische Klinik eingerichtet,
201102021625         In einer kleinen Moschee in einer Seitenstraße haben die Oppositionellen eine provisorische Klinik eingerichtet, berichtet SPIEGEL—ONLINE—REPORTER MATTHIAS—GEBAUER.
2011020216260000     1—CORRESPONDENT—REPORTS that the petrol bombs are being thrown by SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—MUBARAK at THE—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS.
2011020216320000     NBC reporter RICHARD—ENGELS
201102021635         ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU tells his country's PARLIAMENT that the unrest in EGYPT could destabilise THE—MIDDLE—EAST "for MANY—YEARS",
201102021637         THE—BBC—JONATHAN—MARCUS says:
201102021642         's IVAN—WATSON in CAIRO
201102021644         BELGIUM—FOREIGN MINISTER—DEMANDS—THE—EGYPT—AUTHORITIES release Le Soir correspondent Serge Dumont,
201102021647         —UNRUHEN, Angesichts der, in ÄGYPTEN hat die RATING—AGENTUR MOODY—5—ÄGYPTISCHE—BANKEN herabgestuft,
201102021647         —UNRUHEN, Angesichts der, in ÄGYPTEN hat die RATING—AGENTUR MOODY—5—ÄGYPTISCHE—BANKEN herabgestuft, von der Agentur Standard & POOR—WURDE ebenfalls die Kreditwürdigkeit zweier Finanzinstitute des Landes abgewertet.
201102021655         Außenminister GUIDO—WESTERWELLE hat mit dem ÄGYPTISCHEN—OPPOSITIONSPOLITIKER MOHAMED—ELBARADEI telefoniert,
201102021655         Außenminister GUIDO—WESTERWELLE hat mit dem ÄGYPTISCHEN—OPPOSITIONSPOLITIKER MOHAMED—ELBARADEI telefoniert, hat das Auswärtige Amt mitgeteilt.
2011020216560000     THE—BBC—MAGDI—ABDELHADI in CAIRO says:
201102021657         —SCHOCKIERT, DIE—USA zeigen sich, über die blutigen Auseinandersetzungen in Kairo.
201102021658         Veteran LEFT—WING academic Naom Chomsky tells Democracy —NOW that it is the "most remarkable regional uprising" he can remember,
20110216             —PLANNED, GOVERNOR—NEIL—ABERCROMBIE, to sign it and civil unions would begin 20120101             .
20110216             1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said JAPAN, as of 20110210             , has temporarily suspended its annual ANTARCTIC whaling —AFTER repeated harassment by 1—CONSERVATIONIST—GROUP.
20110216             —ARRESTED, MEXICO—POLICE, 2—POLICE—OFFICERS related to 20110214             —THE—KILLING—OF—TOP—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER—HOMERO Salcido Trevino.
20110216             —CLASHED, Supporters and OPPONENTS—OF—THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT, at 1—FUNERAL for 1—STUDENT, Sanee Zhaleh, —26—JAHRE—ALT, shot dead —DURING 20110214             —THE opposition rally.
20110216             Im Zuge des Arabischen —FRÜHLINGS versammeln sich in BAHRAIN mehrere Zehntausend Menschen auf dem Perlenplatz in MANAMA, um friedlich unter der Parole "Das Volk fordert den STURZ—DES—REGIMES" gegen die BAHRAINISCHE—REGIERUNG zu demonstrieren.
20110216             Der Platz wird —BEREITS—IN—DER—NACHT unter dem EINSATZ—VON—SCHUSSWAFFEN geräumt.
20110216             —NAMED, THE—IBM computer, Watson beat 2—FORMER—JEOPARDY champions, KEN—JENNINGS and BRAD—RUTTER, finishing a —3—DAY—MATCH at THE—TV quiz show.
20110216             CALIFORNIA, NORMAN—WIELSCH, —49—JAHRE—ALT, COMMANDER—OF—THE—CENTRAL—CONTRA—COSTA—NARCOTICS—ENFORCEMENT—TEAM, was arrested along with CHRISTOPHER—BUTLER, —49—JAHRE—ALT, owner of 1—CONCORD private investigation firm, for allegedly stealing and selling drugs.
20110216             —ROBBED, Butler also said Wielsch, prostitutes whose operations competed with his own.
20110216             —ADMITTED, He had, to 9—FELONIES —WHILE working under Wielsch.
20110216             —APPROVED, HAWAII lawmakers, 1—BILL to allow civil unions from SAME—SEX—COUPLES.
20110216             Smith was shot dead.
20110216             —UNVEILED, Google CEO—ERIC—SCHMIDT, THE—1—STOP payment service, called 1—PASS, at BERLIN—HUMBOLDT—UNIVERSITY.
20110216             —ROLLED, The announcement came —1—DAY—AFTER Apple, out 1—LONG—AWAITED subscription service for applications designed for its iPhone and iPad.
20110216             Apple is demanding a 30—PERCENT cut of all subscriptions sold on those MOBILE apps —WHILE Google is charging 10—PERCENT.
20110216             —ANNOUNCED, Schmidt also, that Google was funding 1—BERLIN—BASED institute in conjunction with Humboldt University.
20110216             It would examine THE—EVOLUTION—OF—THE—INTERNET and its impact on society.
20110216             —VOTED, ALBANIA—LAWMAKERS, to lift THE—IMMUNITY—OF—ILIR—META, 1—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER (19990000—20020000    ) ACCUSED—OF—CORRUPTION, paving the way for him to be investigated in 1—CASE that has triggered 1—SEVERE—POLITICAL—CRISIS.
20110216             BAHRAIN—PROTESTERS demanding sweeping political reforms from their rulers held their ground in 1—EGYPT—STYLE—OCCUPATION—OF—THE—CAPITAL—LANDMARK square, staging a 3. —DAY—OF—DEMONSTRATIONS that have brought unprecedented pressure in 1—OF—WASHINGTON—MOST strategic allies in the Gulf.
20110216             —ARRESTED, BRAZIL—AUTHORITIES said they have, 19—GOIAS state troopers suspected of taking part in 1—DEATH—SQUAD that allegedly murdered and tortured innocent women and children.
20110216             —PROTESTED, Airport employees, for better pay, but did not disrupt flights.
20110216             INTERNATIONAL migration officials said nearly 100—EGYPTIANS have arrived in ITALY in 2—BOATS, as fears rose about 1—WAVE—OF—PEOPLE trying to reach EUROPE BECAUSE—OF—TURMOIL in the Arab world.
20110216             —KIDNAPPED, INDIA, Maoist rebels in EAST—ORISSA state, 1—SENIOR—LOCAL—OFFICIAL and his aide and demanded 1—END to security force operations in the area.
20110216             —BELONGED, The refugees all, to the Rohingya minority, who are not recognized by MYANMAR—MILITARY—RULERS.
20110216             —REMAINED, IRAN—OPPOSITION—LEADERS, defiant despite calls from HARD—LINERS for them to be brought to trial and put to death, with reform advocate MAHDI—KARROUBI saying he was willing to "pay ANY—PRICE" in pursuit of democratic change.
20110216             —CLAIMED, His allegiance was, by both sides.
20110216             † 1—IRAQ—TEENAGER was killed —WHEN private guards shot at protesters who set fire to several government offices in Kut, THE—CAPITAL—OF—WASIT province.
20110216             3—DEMONSTRATORS were killed in Kut.
20110216             —DEMANDED, BAGHDAD—CITY—GOVERNMENT, that THE—USA—PAY $1—BILLION and apologize for damage to the city caused by blast walls erected —DURING the nearly —8-YEAR long war.
20110216             —VOTED, In THE—IVORY—COAST—BODIES—OF—PEOPLE, who, for the opponent of Laurent Gbagbo, have continued to turn up at city morgues.
20110216             —REPORTED, It was, that at least 296—PEOPLE have been killed —SINCE 20111128             —THE elections.
20110216             —BASED, The number was, on calls to 1—UN—HOT—LINE from family members.
20110216             Another 100—PEOPLE were said to be missing.
20110216             —REJECTED, FLORIDA—GOVERNOR—RICK—SCOTT, plans for 1—HIGH—SPEED—RAIL—LINK between TAMPA and ORLANDO, turning down over $2—BILLION in FEDERAL—MONEY.
20110216             —FILED, Borders Group Inc, for bankruptcy protection and said it would close about 1—3. of its bookstores, —AFTER YEARS—OF—SHRIVELING—SALES that made it impossible to manage its crushing debt load.
20110216             —ISSUED, EGYPT—RULING—MILITARY—COUNCIL, its 2. statement in —3—DAYS calling for 1—IMMEDIATE halt to all labor unrest.
20110216             INDONESIA—MARINE—POLICE said they have up 129—STARVING—MEN from MYANMAR off THE—COAST—OF—ACEH.
20110216             —ACCUSED, SOUTH—SUDAN—RULING—PARTY, northern authorities of arming rebels —SINCE the region's landmark INDEPENDENCE vote —LAST—MONTH, including renegade troops behind clashes that killed more than 200—PEOPLE—LAST—WEEK.
20110216             His former associate, vice cop LOUIS—LOMBARDI, was sentenced to —3—YEARS in prison
20110216             —KILLED, ELKINS—WEST—VIRGINIA, 1—DEPUTY—USA—MARSHAL was, an 2—OTHERS wounded —WHEN drug suspect CHARLES—E—SMITH opened FIRE—ON—THEM with 1—SHOTGUN.
20110216             —AGREED, FRANCE—BASED SANOFI—AVENTIS, to buy MASSACHUSETTS—BASED Genzyme Corp., THE—WORLD—LARGEST—MAKER—OF medicines for rare genetic disorders, for at least 20.1—BILLION.
20110216             ARGENTINA, THE—COLLISION—OF—2—TRAINS—NEAR THE—S—MIGUEL station, 12—MILES—WEST—OF—BUENOS—AIRES, killed 4—PEOPLE and injured about 70—OTHERS, 14—CRITICALLY.
20110216             Officials said Martha Rocha, —51—JAHRE—ALT, a —27—YEAR—POLICE—VETERAN who led 1—DIVISION—RESPONSIBLE for PROTECTION—OF—WOMEN, will replace ALLAN—TURNOWSKI as HEAD—OF—THE—TROUBLED 12,000-member RIO—CIVIL—POLICE.
20110216             Textile workers struck to demand 1—CORRUPTION—INVESTIGATION and RESIDENTS—OF—1—SUEZ—CANAL city pressed for closing 1—CHEMICAL—FACTORY they say is dumping toxic waste into 1—LAKE.
20110216             —KILLED, LIBYA, at least 4—PEOPLE were, in clashes with SECURITY—FORCESIN AL—BAIDA, as THE—COUNTRY faced a 20110217             nationwide "—DAY—OF—ANGER" called by CYBER—ACTIVISTS.
20110216             1—BATTLE—BETWEEN—GANG—MEMBERS and soldiers left 2—GUNMEN—DEAD and paralyzed the western town Zitacuaro.
20110216             SOUTH—SUDAN, a —1—DAY meeting began in JUBA between leaders of all THE—SOUTH—PARTIES, THE—START—OF—1—CONSULTATION—PROCESS to draw up 1—CONSTITUTION for THE—NEW—NATION.
20110216             † 1—PERSON was killed —WHEN police and protesters clashed in THE—SOUTH—PORT—OF—ADEN in The 1. known death —DURING YEMEN—POLITICAL—UNREST.
20110216             —BEREITS—IN—DER—NACHT, Der Platz wird unter dem EINSATZ—VON—SCHUSSWAFFEN geräumt.
20110216—20070000    —FREED, FARC, a —35—YEAR—OLD—POLICE—MAJOR seized and
20110216—20080000    —IN, 1—ARMY corporal captured.
20110216—20090000    —IN, Butler —LATER said he helped Wielsch set up 1—HOUSE—OF—PROSTITUTION at 670—GREGORY—LANE in Pleasant Hill.
20110216—20110218    —CALLED, STATE—TV, Mousavi and Karroubi mercenaries carrying out 1—PLOT designed by IRAN—ENEMIES and urged government supporters to rally.
20110216—20110304    —ON, STEPHEN—TANABE, —47—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CONTRA—COSTA deputy sheriff, was arrested on drug and weapons charges related to the case against Wielsch and Butler.
20110216—20110310    —RESIGNED, Tanabe, —AFTER being ACCUSED—OF—MAKING "dirty DUI" arrests.
20110216—20110815    —INDICTED, Butler and Wielsch were, on drug and corruption charges.
20110216—20111215    —INDICTED, Tanabe was.
20110216—20120504    —PLEADED, Butler, guilty to 7—CRIMINAL—COUNTS.
20110216—20120925    —SENTENCED, Butler was, to —8—YEARS in prison.
20110216—20121205    —PLEADED, Wielsch, guilty to stealing drugs and robbing prostitutes.
20110216—20130520    —SENTENCED, Wielsch was, to —14—YEARS in prison.
20110505             Published: 20090216161229        GMT—PUBLISHED: 20090216161229        GMT
20110610             In 1—SURGICAL—PROCEDURE that took more than —20—HOURS, Charla Nash (57), 1—CONNECTICUT woman disfigured in a 20090216             , attack by her friend's chimpanzee Travis, received 1—FACE—TRANSPLANT at Brigham & WOMEN—HOSPITAL in BOSTON.
20110708             1—REPORT from THE—NATIONAL—COMMISSION—OF—REPARATION and Reconciliation says at least 60—PEOPLE were killed in THE—TOWN—OF—EL Salado in NORTH—BOLIVAR province 20110216—20000221    —BETWEEN.
20110720—20120216    —ON, ECUADOR—HIGHEST—COURT upheld the criminal libel verdict.
20120211—20120216    —ON, the Information AFFALT—IRISCH—AUTHORITY said 6—MEMBERS—OF—WITNESS—BAHRAIN, 1—GROUP monitoring potential human rights abuses, have been deported.
20120216             —AGREED, SPAIN had, to pay $20 for EACH—COIN found on the ship.
20120216             Some 594,000 silver coins and 1—COUPLE—100—GOLD—COINS were found.
20120216             —REACHED, IOWA, CHINA—LEADER—IN—WAITING—XI—JINPING, out to heartland AMERICA with BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in farm deals.
20120216             DETROIT, UMAR—FAROUK—ABDULMUTALLAB, —25—JAHRE—ALT—OF—NIGERIA was given 1—MANDATORY—LIFE—SENTENCE for trying to blow up 1 packed jetliner with 1—BOMB sewn into his underwear.
20120216             —4—MONTHS—AGO he pleaded guilty to all charges related to 20091225             —THE, NORTH—WEST—AIRLINES—FLIGHT—253.
20120216             —SLAUGHTERED, Wildlife activists said poachers in CAMEROON have, at least 200—ELEPHANTS in the past —5—WEEKS, where they are more dangerously endangered than anywhere else on Earth.
20120216             3—PRIESTS and 2—NUNS were among those jailed.
20120216             ECUADOR—HIGHEST—COURT upheld a 20110720             , criminal libel verdict favoring PRESIDENT—RAFAEL—CORREA, sentencing 3—NEWSPAPER—EXECUTIVES and 1—COLUMNIST to —3—YEARS in prison each and ordering them to pay 1—TOTAL—OF $42—MILLION in damages.
20120216             —DETAINED, INDIA—POLICE, 35—TIBETAN students at 1—PROTEST outside THE—CHINA—EMBASSY in NEW—DELHI against BEIJING—RULE over TIBET.
20120216             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU paid 1—HISTORIC—VISIT to CYPRUS, declaring THE—2—COUNTRIES' warming ties a "natural relationship" in 1—REFLECTION—OF—THE rapidly shifting alliances in this turbulent PART—OF—THE—WORLD.
20120216             ISRAEL—DEFENSE—OFFICIALS say they will buy military training jets from ITALY.
20120216             1—GOVERNMENT—BACKED plan was presented, drawn up by political parties, that involves them trying to bring rebels to the negotiating table.
20120216             NIGERIA, unknown gunmen shot and killed 2—POLICE—OFFICERS in MINNA—NIGER state.
20120216             32—PEOPLE were killed in 1—HEAD—ON crash between 2—BUSES in BAUCHI state.
20120216             PALESTINE—POLICE said 1—TRUCK lost control in slick, rainy weather and barreled into 1—SCHOOL—BUS in THE—WEST—BANK, killing at least 7—CHILDREN and 1—TEACHER.
20120216             —KILLED, At least 41—PEOPLE were, as security forces bore down on focal points of dissent.
20120216             —DEMANDED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, 1—IMMEDIATE halt to SYRIA—BRUTAL crackdown on dissent.
20120216             —WORDED, In 1—STRONGLY, resolution adopted by a 137—12—VOTE, member states demanded ASSAD—GOVERNMENT stop attacking CIVIL—DEMONSTRATORS and start pulling troops back to barracks.
20120216             † YEMEN, Tariq AL—DAHAB, 1—SENIOR—AL—QAIDA leader, was killed by his half brother Hizam in 1—FAMILY feud.
20120216             ZIMBABWE PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE told foreign firms to form partnerships with Zimbabweans to secure their investments under new rules requiring them to cede majority stakes to locals.
20120216             1—ANIMAL—PROTECTION—GROUP said 4—CHINA—NATIONALS have been arrested in ZIMBABWE on cruelty charges —AFTER they cut up and ate rare tortoises.
20120216             —ENTERED, THE—4—MEN were found to have, ZIMBABWE illegally and worked without permits in the small scale mining DISTRICT—OF—BIKITA.
20120216             —AWAITED, They, deportation.
20120216             LONG—BEACH, CALIFORNIA, 1—IMMIGRATION—AGENT shot and injured another agent and was then killed by a 3. colleague in 1—FEDERAL—BUILDING.
20120216             —VETOED, GOVERNOR—CHRISTIE, the measure —THE—NEXT—DAY.
20120216             AL—HASHEMI was in IRAQ—NORTH—KURDISH region, where he has sought refuge from THE—CENTRAL—GOVERNMENT in BAGHDAD.
20120216             —AGREED, MALDIVES—PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—WAHEED, to demands for early elections, —AFTER taking power —LAST—WEEK in what his ousted predecessor described as 1—COUP d'etat.
20120216             —ATTACKED, SYRIA—FORCES, THE—CITY—OF—DARAA, carrying out arrests and shooting randomly in the city where the uprising against SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD erupted —11—MONTHS—AGO.
20120216             The mediation and SECURITY—COUNCIL—OF—THE—WEST—AFRICA—REGIONAL—GROUP—ECOWAS approved humanitarian aid of 3—MILLION—DOLLARS for VICTIMS—OF—THE—FOOD—CRISIS and rebel attacks in the Sahel region (BURKINA—FASO, CHAD, MALI, MAURITANIA, NIGER).
20120216             BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON, on 1—TRIP to meet 1. MINISTER—ALEX—SALMOND in EDINBURGH, made 1 impassioned plea to THE—SCOTS to remain within THE—UK, offering instead more devolved power.
20120216             CONGODRC—POLICE, in KINSHASA used tear gas to block 1—MARCH by Christian groups protesting alleged fraud in the —NOVEMBER polls that returned PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA and his party to power.
20120216             ECUADOR—HIGHEST—COURT upheld a ;;07;;
20120216             3—OF—THE—4—DEFENDANTS left ECUADOR —BEFORE THE—VERDICTT, saying they feared for their safety, and PANAMA—PRESIDENT—RICARDO—MARTINELLI announced he was granting political asylum to El UNIVERSO—DIRECTOR, CARLOS—PEREZ.
20120216             (AP, 20120216             )
20120216             —APPROVED, THE—EUROPE—PARLIAMENT, 1—DIVISIVE new fishing and farming accord with MOROCCO that will reduce customs costs and boost trade across THE—MEDITERRANEAN.
20120216             —AGREED, IRAN—OPPOSITION—GROUP THE—NATIONAL—COUNCIL—OF—RESISTANCE said it has, to begin evacuating its LONG—TIME—BASE in 1—CAMP in CENTRAL—IRAQ to transfer to 1—UN—APPROVED site near BAGHDAD.
20120216             1—IRAQ—JUDICIAL—PANEL said that Sunni VICE—PRESIDENT—TARIQ—AL—HASHEMI and his employees ran DEATH—SQUADS that —FOR—YEARS carried out deadly ATTACKS—ON—SECURITY—OFFICIALS and Shiite pilgrims.
20120216             MALI said its army is going on the offensive against Tuareg rebels —AFTER 1—NUMBER—OF—STRATEGIC—RETREATS —DURING The 1. weeks of fighting.
20120216             —WELCOMED, PAKISTAN, the leaders of AFGHANISTAN and IRAN for 1—REGIONAL—SUMMIT at 1—KEY juncture in peace efforts with THE—TALIBAN and amid rising tensions between TEHRAN and ISRAEL.
20120216             —OPENED, SENEGAL police, fire with tear gas on protesters who had gone ahead with 1—SLEEP—IN at 1—DOWNTOWN square, even though THE—GOVERNMENT had banned the demonstration being held —1—WEEK—BEFORE THE—COUNTRY—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20120216             —CALLED, UN—CHIEF—BAN—KI—MOON, for 1—END to the violence in SYRIA and urged THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to find 1—COMMON—RESPONSE to the unrest.
20120216             —URGED, UN—CHIEF—BAN—KI—MOON, AFGHANISTAN to make fighting drug trafficking 1—PRIORITY as opium harvests soar in THE—WORLD—TOP—PRODUCER, and said THE—WORLD must help in THE—EFFORT—IN his opening address in VIENNA—OF—1—PARIS Pact meeting to fight drug trafficking in AFGHANISTAN.
20120216             1—ENSUING—GUNBATTLE—BETWEEN—HIS followers and opponents left Hizam and 15—OTHER—MILITANTS—DEAD.
20120216             —KILLED, Another AL—QAIDA—LINKED fighter was, in clashes with THE—ARMY in Zinjibar that also left 8—SOLDIERS wounded.
20120216             Aktenzeichen 205—AR 2152/11).
20120216—18040000    —RETURNED, THE—USA, shipwreck treasure from the Nuestra Senora de las MERCEDES, which sank off THE—COAST—OF—PORTUGAL, to SPAIN.
20120216—20070000    —SALVAGED, Odyssey marine Exploration of TAMPA—FLORIDA, treasure from the ship at 1—COST—OF $2.6—MILLION.
20120218             —BANNED, MOROCCO said it has, the distribution of 20120216             —THE edition of SPAIN—INFLUENTIAL El Pais, as 1—CARTOON published by the newspaper allegedly tarnished MOHAMMED—VI—KING—OF—NAME.
20120219—20120216    —KILLED, At least 2—MINERS were, —SINCE violence began.
20130214—20130216    —APPLIED, THE—HEAD—OF—EGYPT—HOLDING—COMPANY for airports and aviation said MORSI—SON has, for 1—JOB that pays $133—1—MONTH —STARTING salary.
20130216             1—SAN—FRANCISCO—BAY ferry was struck by a 22-foot motorboat in Richardson Bay.
20130216             —KILLED, Motorboat pilot HARRY—HOLZHAUER, —68—JAHRE—ALT was.
20130216             1—JURY found the ferry CAPTAIN 30% responsible and Holzhauer 70% responsible.
20130216             Djankov was unpopular for his austerity policies.
20130216             —ENDED, This, —5—DAYS—OF—STRIKES by police demanding greater firepower under increasing lawlessness.
20130216             INDIA, the bodies of 3—SISTERS — aged 7, 9 and 11— were found in 1—VILLAGE well in Bhandara DISTRICT—IN—MAHARASHTRA —AFTER they had gone missing from school —2—DAYS—EARLIER.
20130216             —REGISTERED, Police eventually, 1—CASE—OF—RAPE and murder —AFTER 1—POST—MORTEM—OF—THE—GIRLS found that they had been sexually abused and brutally killed.
20130216             † In KENYA 1 suspected militant —WHILE planting 1 improvised explosive device in Garissa at 1—VENUE where 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—PRESIDENTIAL contenders was going to hold 1—CAMPAIGN—RALLY.
20130216             In rural NORTH—NIGERIA 1—ISLAMIST—GROUP calling itself Ansaru attacked 1—CAMP for 1—CONSTRUCTION—COMPANY in BAUCHI state, killing 1—GUARD and kidnapping 7—FOREIGN—WORKERS from BRITAIN, GREECE, ITALY and LEBANON.
20130216             † PAKISTAN, bomb went off in 1—SHIITE—MUSLIM—DOMINATED residential SUBURB—OF—THE—CITY—OF—QUETTA killing at least 81—PEOPLE and wounding some 160. Most of the dead and wounded were Hazaras, 1—ETHNIC—GROUP that migrated from AFGHANISTAN over 1—CENTURY 20130808             more people soon, of their wounds bringing the death toll to 89.
20130216             —KILLED, At least 1—PERSON was, in THE—PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP—OF—YARMOUK by sniper fire.
20130216             † SYRIA—PEACE—ACTIVIST—OMAR—AZIZ, —64—JAHRE—ALT, detained last —NOVEMBER, of health complications at 1—MILITARY—HOSPITAL.
20130216             —ARRESTED, ZIMBABWE, 1—PASTOR and 3—ACTIVISTS were, for holding 1—VOTER—EDUCATION meeting —1—DAY—AFTER PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE announced 20130316             as the date for 1—REFERENDUM on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20130216             1—COURT—IN—EGYPT ordered 1—TV—CHANNEL that ALT—IRISCH belly dancing clips off the air for showing "sexually explicit" content and operating without 1—BROADCAST—LICENSE.
20130216             † 8—STUDENTS, in the collapse —DURING the powerful quake, which struck in THE—PRE—DAWN hours of 20090406             .
20130216             Ansaru is 1—ACRONYM for "Vanguard for THE—PROTECTION—OF—MUSLIMS in Black AFRICA".
20130216             G20 leaders meeting in MOSCOW said there would be no currency war and deferred plans to set new DEBT—CUTTING—TARGETS, underlining broad concern about the fragile STATE—OF—THE—WORLD—ECONOMY.
20130216             ITALY—SAILOR GIOVANNI—SOLDINI led an 8-member team of the Maserati to 1—RECORD—47—DAY—TRIP from NEW—YORK—CITY—AROUND CAPE—HORN to S—FRANCISCO, beating a 19980000             monohull record.
20130216             —ESCAPED, ALBERTO—MORALES, —42—JAHRE—ALT, THE—FLORIDA prisoner who, in TEXAS —AFTER stabbing 1—DETECTIVE with his eyeglasses was fatally shot —AFTER refusing to cooperate with officers and lunging at them.
20130216             —ISSUED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—KARZAI, 1—DECREE that orders THE—PROSECUTION—OF—AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCESINVOLVED in torturing prisoners and requires all future interrogations be videotaped.
20130216             —ESTIMATED, BANGLADESH, 1, 100,000—PEOPLE demonstrated in DHAKA demanding move severe punishment for WAR—CRIMINALS from THE—COUNTRY'S 19710000             liberation war.
20130216             —ANNOUNCED, EGYPT—INTERIOR—MINISTRY, 1—MOVE to purchase 100,000—NEW—9MM pistols for POLICE—OFFICERS.
20130216             † 1—COURT—IN—LE—AQUILA—ITALY, convicted 4—PEOPLE in the collapse of 1—UNIVERSITY dormitory —DURING 20090000             —THE earthquake in that Apennine mountain town.
20130216             † In PAKISTAN bomb went off in 1—SHIITE MUSLIM—DOMINATED residential SUBURB—OF—THE—CITY—OF—QUETTA killing at least 81—PEOPLE and wounding some 160.
20130216             —MIGRATED, MOST—OF—THE—DEAD and wounded were Hazaras, 1—ETHNIC—GROUP that, from AFGHANISTAN ,—OVER—100—YEARS,—20130808              more people soon of their wounds bringing THE—DEATH—TOLL to 89.
20130216             1—SYRIA—ACTIVIST—GROUP said PRO—GOVERNMENT—GUNMEN have kidnapped more than 300—PEOPLE—IDLIB province in retaliation for the abduction of 42—SHIITE Muslims —THIS—WEEK.
20130216—20130211    —ESCAPED, Morales had, from 1—WAL—MART parking lot —AFTER attacking THE—MIAMI—DADE, FLORIDA, detective.
20130216—20180000    —IN, 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT upheld $4.2—MILLION in damages AGAINST—THE—GOLDEN—GATE—BRIDGE—DISTRICT for the collision.
20130309—20130216    —ON, Ansaru, 1—BREAKAWAY—ISLAMIC—EXTREMIST—GROUP in NIGERIA, said it killed 7—FOREIGNERS who its members kidnapped from NORTH—NIGERIA.
20140216             Thousands on Cape cod were left without power.
20140216             —CLASHED, THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—TROOPS—OF—THE—MISCA, AFRICA—UNION—FORCE, with ANTI—BALAKA militias at Cantonnier, near the border with CAMEROON.
20140216             8—PEOPLE, including 6—CIVILIANS, were killed in the firefight.
20140216             EGYPT, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER on 1—TOURIST—BUS in the Sinai peninsula killed THE—EGYPT—DRIVER and 3—SOUTH—KOREANS.
20140216             —WOUNDED, At least 12—OTHER—TOURISTS on the bus were.
20140216             JAPAN—MEDIA said the 2. heavy snowfall in —1—WEEK has killed up to 12—PEOPLE and injured hundreds over the weekend, —WHILE paralyzing traffic and causing power outages.
20140216             1—RECORD 45—INCHES—OF—SNOW fell on Yamanashi.
20140216             —WAIVED, ALMATY—KAZAKHSTAN, protesters, their knickers in 1—PROTEST  ostensibly over 1—RULE regulating synthetic underwear.
20140216             —ROUNDED, The "pantie protesters" were, up and led away.
20140216             The real anger was over the recent DEVALUATION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—CURRENCY.
20140216             LIBYA, the wreckage of 1—HELICOPTER was found near ES—SIDER port.
20140216             Authorities began searching for the bodies of THE—5—PEOPLE who were on BOARD.
20140216             —WOUNDED, MACEDONIA, 1—EXPLOSION, 5—ROMA children in WEST—TOWN—OF—TETOVO.
20140216             3—PEOPLE were soon detained in the case.
20140216             —OWNED, WEST—NEPAL, 1—SMALL—PLANE, by STATE—RUN—NEPAL Airlines Corporation crashed with 18—PEOPLE aboard in bad weather.
20140216             —LIVED, He has, in HONG—KONG —FOR—50—YEARS and has been arrested previously in CHINA for evangelizing.
20140216             —PLACED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, by 1—ETHNIC—SEPARATIST—GROUP derailed 1—TRAIN, killing 8—PEOPLE in Kashmor district, Sindh province.
20140216             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 1—POLICE—OFFICER guarding 1—POLIO—VACCINATION—DRIVE in the outskirts of PESHAWAR.
20140216             1—SPOKESMAN for GAZA—HAMAS rulers said that the Islamic militant group will oppose ANY—INTERNATIONAL—FORCE in 1—FUTURE—PALESTINE, adding 1—NEW—COMPLICATION to USA—BROKERED peace efforts.
20140216             —KIDNAPPED, THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, Suspected ABU—SAYYAF extremists, 1—THE—PHILIPPINES—COUPLE, adding to 1—GROUP—OF—HOSTAGES they are holding that includes 2—EUROPEAN tourists.
20140216             22—MINERS were arrested as they emerged over the next 24—HRS.
20140216             1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER—OF—OTHER miners refused to come up.
20140216             —CRITICIZED, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—ABDUL—ILAH—AL—BASHIR replaces GENERAL—SALIM—IDRIS, who was, by many in the opposition for being ineffective.
20140216             —ARMED, TUNISIA, militants operating 1—FAKE checkpoint in the northwest killed 4—PEOPLE and wounded 4—OTHERS.
20140216             Rescuers found the wreckage of THE—43—YEAR—OLD de Havilland Twin Otter —THE—NEXT—DAY—NEAR—MACHINELEK.
20140216             —WORKED, SOUTH—AFRICA RESCUERS, to reach more than 200—ILLEGAL miners reported trapped underground in 1 abandoned gold shaft in BENONI, 1—SUBURB —JUST EAST—OF—JOHANNESBURG.
20140216             —REFUSED, 1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER—OF—OTHER miners, to come up.
20140216             —1—WINTER—STORM hit NEW—ENGLAND overnight with more than 1—FOOT—OF—SNOW in parts of MASSACHUSETTS.
20140216             PENNSYLVANIA, THE—FBI said it was in contact with Sunbury police regarding MIRANDA Barbour (19) who says she wants to plead guilty to the killing TROY—LAFERRARA last —NOVEMBER.
20140216             —KILLED, She said she has also, at least 22—PEOPLE across THE—COUNTRY over the last —6—YEARS as PART—OF—HER—INVOLVEMENT in 1—SATANIC—CULT.
20140216             NORTH—KOREA, JOHN—SHORT, —75—JAHRE—ALT, 1—AUSTRALIA—MISSIONARY, was questioned and then arrested in his PYONGYANG hotel, —1—DAY—AFTER he arrived there
20140216             † In SAUDI—ARABIA another man from 1—NEW respiratory virus related to SARS, bringing to 60 THE—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS in THE—KINGDOM at THE—CENTER—OF—THE—OUTBREAK.
20140216             SWITZERLAND[SCHWEIZ] told the newest EU member, CROATIA, that it will not be able to sign 1—LABOR—MARKET—PACT as planned on ;;07;;
20140216             —ENDED, UKRAINE, ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS in KIEV, their nearly —3—MONTH—OCCUPATION—OF—CITY—HALL as promised in exchange for the release of all jailed protesters.
20140216—20100000    —IN, 1—FACTION—OF—THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN announced that they had killed 23—SOLDIERS, who they said had been kidnapped.
20140216—20140701    —ON, SWITZERLAND told the newest EU member, CROATIA, that it will not be able to sign 1—LABOR—MARKET—PACT as planned, —FOLLOWING 1—SHOCK—REFERENDUM—VOTE in FAVOR—OF—IMMIGRATION curbs.
20150215—20150216    —ENDED, The strike, as both sides agreed to resume discussions.
20150216             —ATTENTATE—IN—KOPENHAGEN: Tatwaffe stammt a USA—ARMEEBESTÄNDEN
20150216             "Anker dieses Typs werden auf GOTLAND und Öland gefunden, wo sie noch —BIS zu BEGINN—18000101—18991231    —DES, in Gebrauch waren".
20150216             † HEINRICH—WINDELEN, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Bundesminister
20150216             —DERAILED, WEST—VIRGINIA, 1—CSX train carrying crude oil, EAST—OF—CHARLESTON.
20150216             —DERAILED, At least 12—15—CARS, and at least 1—TANK—CAR fell into the Kanahwa River.
20150216             † LESLIE—GORE, —68—JAHRE—ALT, singer and songwriter, of lung cancer in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20150216             —INCLUDED, LESLIE—GORE—HITS, "It's My Party" (19630000             ) and "You Don't Own Me" (19630000             ).
20150216             —ACCUSED—OF, SU—RONG was, taking bribes in return for government positions and will likely face criminal charges.
20150216             1—DENMARK—COURT jailed 2 suspected accomplices of the slain gunman behind the recent deadly attacks in COPENHAGEN —WHILE PRIME—MINISTER—HELLE—THORNING—SCHMIDT said there were no SIGNS—OF—LINKS to 1—WIDER—TERROR—NETWORK.
20150216             EAST—TIMOR, opposition party member RUI—MARIA—DE—ARAUJO was sworn in as PRIME—MINISTER, leading 1—SMALLER 38-member Cabinet for THE—HALF—ISLAND nation.
20150216             40 to 50—MILITANTS were reported killed along with 7—CIVILIANS.
20150216             —OFFERED, GREECE, to accept conditions on 1—EXTENSION to its loan agreements with the euro zone, and even 1—INSPECTION by the European Commission, at 1—FRAUGHT meeting in BRUSSELS.
20150216             —BACKED, NIGERIA said its troops, by air strikes have recaptured the northeastern towns of Monguno and Marte from Islamist Boko Haram insurgents.
20150216             —DISCOVERED, The company also said it had, "the "Equation /Group," apparently 1—PART—OF—THE—NSA, which it said was able to embed spyware in computers.
20150216             —UNIDENTIFIED, SOUTH—SUDAN, 1, armed group abducted at least 89—BOYS, some as young as 13, from their homes in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—WAU—SHILLUK.
20150216             —SEIZED, SUDAN—SECURITY—OFFICERS, the print runs of 13—NEWSPAPERS in 1—OF—THE—MOST sweeping crackdowns on the press in recent years.
20150216             There was no immediate word from the authorities on why the newspapers had been seized.
20150216             EAST—UKRAINE, PRO—RUSSIA—REBELS said they would open 1—SAFE corridor for as many as 7,000 UKRAINE—TROOPS out of the encircled TOWN—OF—DEBALTSEVE on condition they surrender the territory, 1—OFFER—THE—KIEV military promptly rejected.
20150216             YEMEN, SUPPORTERS—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—ABED—RABBO—MANSOUR—HADI seized radio and television buildings in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—ADEN—AFTER they accused security forces of working for Shiite rebels who control the capital.
20150216             1—SOLDIER and 2—HADI supporters were reported killed in clashes.
20150216             —POSTPONED, INDONESIA—PRESIDENT—JOKO—WIDODO said he had, the nomination of 3—STAR—GENERAL—BUDI Gunawan as POLICE—CHIEF, but not cancelled it.
20150216             —ATTACKED, NIGERIA—BOKO—HARAM insurgents, 1—CAMEROON military camp near THE—TOWN—OF—WAZA in THE—NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY, wounding several soldiers.
20150216             —PROMISED, SIERRA—LEONE—GOVERNMENT, 1—FULL—INVESTIGATION—AFTER 1—INTERNAL audit found that nearly 1—3. of THE—MONEY