Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 15. February ?

Ereignisse an einem 15. February

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_03990215_04690000   † * SOCRATES, had been THE—TEACHER—OF—2—LEADERS, held responsible for THE—GREEK—LOSS to SPARTA in THE—PELOPONNESIAN—WAR
_03990215            SOCRATES was condemned to death on charges of corrupting the youth and introducing new gods into GREECE—THOUGHT.
_03990215            PLATO—APOLOGY, CRITO, PHAEDO, describe SOCRATES—TRIAL, imprisonment, death.
00370215—00371215    —SEE
00370215—00680000    * † CLAUDIUS—DRUSUS—GERMANICUS—CAESAR—NERO—EMPEROR—OF—ROME (00540000—00680000    ).
03100215             † ?JIN—KAISER—VON—JAPAN, 15.
03100215             † ?jin, 15. KAISER—VON—JAPAN
03600215             1. HAGIA—SOPHIA, built next to the smaller HAGIA—EIRENE—CHURCH—CONSTANTINOPLE[KONSTANTINOPEL].
03600215             —ACTED, HAGIA—SOPHIA, HAGIA—EIRENE, together as the principal churches of the Byzantine Empire.
03600215             THE—1.—HAGIA—SOPHIA was built next to the smaller church HAGIA—EIRENE in Constantinople.
03600215             —ACTED, Both churches, together as the principal churches of the Byzantine Empire.
05900215             —9—TAGE—NACH—DEM Sturz seines Vaters HORMIZD—IV.
05900215             —BALD—DARAUF, SASSANIDEN—REICH—GROß—KÖNIG—CHOSRAU—II muss allerdingsfliehen, weil
05900215             —IM Anmarsch auf die HAUPTSTADT—KTESIPHON, Rebellen unter HEER—FÜHRER—BAHRAM—TSCHOBIN, befinden sich
05900215             —9—TAGE—NACH—DEM Sturz seines Vaters Hormizd IV. wird CHOSRAU—II. zum GROßKÖNIG—DES—SASSANIDENREICHES gekrönt.
05900215             —BALD—DARAUF, CHOSRAU—II. muss allerdings fliehen, weil sich Rebellen unter Heerführer Bahram Tschobin im Anmarsch auf die HAUPTSTADT—KTESIPHON befinden.
05950215             † BERACH, IRISCHER—MÖNCH
06700215             † OSWIU—KÖNIG—VON—NORTHUMBRIA
06970314—07010215    —ZWISCHEN,—EINSETZTE, PIPPIN—II. seinen jüngeren Sohn GRIMOALD an seiner Stelle als HAUS—MEIER im GESAMT—REICH.und
06970314—07010215    —ZWISCHEN,—SEITDEM, PIPPIN—II. diesen HAUS—MEIER—TITEL nicht mehr führte.
06970314—07010215    —ZWISCHEN—SEITDEM, nicht mehr führte, PIPPIN—II—HAUS—MEIER—TITEL.
07060215             † LEONTIOS—KAISER—VON—BYZANZ
08960215—08960222    —AM—ODER, die letztlich zu des KAISER—ARNULF—KRÖNUNG führten.
08960215—08960222    —AM—ODER, des KÖNIG—ARNULF—ITALIEN—ZÜGE letztlich zu des KAISER—ARNULF—KRÖNUNG führten.
10020215             —AM—BEREITS, lombardische Große in PAVIA—ITALIEN, ARDUIN—VON—IVREAE wählten 1—OTTO—III—GEGNER, zum ITALIEN—KÖNIG,
10430215             † KÖNIGIN—UND—KAISERIN—GISELA—VON—SCHWABEN, deutsche
10460215             † DRUTHMAR—ABT—VON—CORVEY
11130215             PASCHALIS—II—PAPA stellt den JOHANNITER—ORDEN unter SCHUTZ—PAPA und erlässt ihm die Zehntabgabe.
11450215             Der Zisterzienser EUGEN—III—PAPA—BERNARDO—PAGANELLI—DI—MONTEMAGNO wird gewählt.
11450215             —WENIGE—TAGE—SPÄTER, des BERNHARD—VON—CLAIRVAUX—SCHÜLER—EUGEN—III—PAPA—BERNARDO—PAGANELLI—DI—MONTEMAGNO muss aber aus Rom fliehen, da der Senat der Papstherrschaft feindlich gegenübersteht.
11450215             † LUCIUS—II—PAPA
11450215             —WENIGE—TAGE—SPÄTER, Der Schüler Bernhards von Clairvaux BERNARDO—PAGANELLI—DI—MONTEMAGNO—EUGEN—III—PAPA, muss aber  aus Rom fliehen, da der Senat der Papstherrschaft feindlich gegenübersteht.
11520215             † ARDUIN—VON—IVREAE, starb aber zuvor zu BAMBERG,
12040215             † SINJONG, 20. KÖNIG des koreanischen GORYEO—REICHES
12040215             † KOREA—GORYEO—REICH—KÖNIG—SINJONG, 20.
12960215             —DIE—ANNO, Ita WILHELMUIS—BERTHOLDI, qui EPISCOPUS—TRAIECTENSIS NOMINATUS—EST, nondum conaecratus "pro suo communi servitio "SUMMAM—4600
13470215             † THOMAS—BEK—BISCHOF—VON—LINCOLN
13650215             JACOBO—BRAEM 1)
13680214—13680215    —SERVED, SIGISMUND, as Holy ROMAN—EMPEROR 14330000—14370000    —FROM—TO.
13680214—13680215    * SIGISMUND (14370000             †), SON—OF—CHARLES—IV, in NÜRNBERG—GERMANY.
13680215             * SIGMUND—OF—BOHEMIA —ZNAIM/Znojmo
13680215             * THE—BENESSII—DE—WEITMIL—CHRONICON records "Domino Imperatori EX—DOMINA—ELIZABETH—IMPERATRICE sua coniuge, filius tertius in ordine Zigismundus"
13680215             * SIGMUND—OF—BOHEMIA (PRAGUE —ZNAIM/Znojmo 14371209             bur Nagyvárad[ORADEA—ROMANIA].
13860215             —CROWNED, JOGAILA oo QUEEN—JADVYGA (12) and was, KING—IN—POLAND.
13860215             JOGAILA oo QUEEN—JADVYGA Together they began to rule from Cracow over LITHUANIA and POLAND.
13860215             —SUBMITTED, JOGAILA, to restrictions that no major decisions could be made without THE—AUTHORIZATION—OF—THE—POLISH—NOBILITY.
13860215             JOGAILA oo had, QUEEN—JADVYGA, —12—JAHRE—ALT and
13860215             —CROWNED, JOGAILA—KING—OF—POLAND, was, in POLAND.
13860215             JOGAILA—KING—OF—POLAND oo QUEEN—JADVYGA, began to rule from CRACOW over LITHUANIA and POLAND.
13860215             —SUBMITTED, JOGAILA—KING—OF—POLAND, to restrictions that no major decisions could be made without THE—POLISH—NOBILITY—AUTHORIZATION.
13920215             Als UNTER—PFAND setzen sie das von ihnen bewohnte Haus in ZÜLPICH—AN—DER—COLRE—PORTZEN und
13920215             Als UNTER—PFAND setzen sie YZ—MORGEN—WEINGARTEN am selben Tor neben den Weingärten des DECHANT und HENKEN Kellers.
13920215             da die SCHÖFFEN—ZU—MERSBURDEN—ZU—ZÜLPICH kein eigenes SCHÖFFEN—STUHL—SIEGEL besitzen,
13920215             —KOPIAR—FOLIA—40'-41 (lit. 52—ORIGINAL—NUMMER—109).
14380215             —KONZIL—ZU—FERRARA 2. Sitzung in Gegenwart des EUGENIUS—IV—PAPA
14380215             —KONZIL—ZU—FERRARA 2. Sitzung in des EUGENIUS—IV—PAPA—GEGENWART
14450215             † JOHANN—VON—FREMERSDORF, starb an 1 (?), anscheinend
14500215             GUILLAUME—BOUILLÉ, le théologien ouvre une information SUR le PROCÈS—DE—JEANNE—DE—ARC
15030215             —À—LA—DATE—DU, écrit BURCHARD
15060215             * JULIANA—ZU—STOLBERG, Stammmutter des Hauses Oranien
15150215             † VICTOR—VON—KARBEN, convert.
15150215             REVILER—OF—JUDAISM
15190215             * PEDRO—MENENDEZ—DE—AVILES, explorer (found S—AUGUSTINE—FLORIDA).
15220215             THE—MAGISTRATES had to order that none should read or sell LUTHER his books on PAIN—OF—CONFISCATION—OF—GOODS and other punishment,
15470215             —AM, lieh ANTON—FUGGER—DEM—KAISER noch 20.000—DUKATEN.
15490215             † SODOMA, ITALIENISCHER—MALER
15490215             * BARNIM—X—HERZOG—VON—POMMERN
15570215             † GREGOR—BRÜCK, Politiker und sächsischer KANZLER—DER—REFORMATIONSZEIT
15630215             IVAN—IV led RUSSIA—FORCES in the takeover of POLOCKA, —DEFENDED, under THE—LEADERSHIP—OF—STANISLAV—DAVAINA.
15640215             * GALILEO—GALILEI, ITALIENISCHER—PHILOSOPH, Mathematiker, Physiker und Astronom
15640215—16420000    [V.D.-H.K. dated his death to 16460000             ]
15640215—16420000    ASTRONOMER—GALILEO—GALILEI ran AFOUL—OF—THE—CATHOLIC—CHURCH for defending the Copernican system,
15640215—16420000    * † ASTRONOMER—GALILEO—GALILEI, in PISA—ITALY.
15640215—16420000    * † ITALY—ASTRONOMER—GALILEO—GALILEI, in PISA.
15640215—16420000    ITALY—ASTRONOMER—GALILEO—GALILEI, was the 1. modern man to understand that mathematics can truly describe the physical world.
15640215—16420000    ITALY—ASTRONOMER—GALILEO—GALILEI, said: "THE—BOOK—OF—NATURE is written in mathematics".
15640215—16420000    [V.D.-H.K. dated ITALY—ASTRONOMER—GALILEO—GALILEI, his death to 16460000             ]
15640215—16420000    ITALY—ASTRONOMER—GALILEO—GALILEI, ran afoul of the Catholic Church for defending the Copernican system, which maintained that the earth revolves —AROUND the sun.
15640215—16420000    —MAINTAINED, THE—CATHOLIC—CHURCH, that THE—EARTH revolves —AROUND the sun.
15680215             † HEINRICH—VON—BREDERODE, Vorkämpfer für die Befreiung der Niederländer
15710215             * MICHAEL—PRAETORIUS, composer (Syntagma music), in KREUZBERG—GERMANY.
15730215             † HANS—VON—PONICKAU, sächsischer Politiker
15940215             † FRANCESCO—CAPRIANI, ITALIENISCHER—ARCHITEKT und Bildhauer
16160215             † GEORGE—CAREY, ENGLISCHER—POLITIKER, Lord Deputy of IRELAND
16190000—16370215    GERMANY—EMPEROR—FERDINAND—II,
16200215             * FRANCOIS—CHARPENTIER, FRANCE—SCHOLAR, archaeologist.
16210215             Der frisch gewählte GREGOR—XV—PAPA. ernennt seinen Neffen LUDOVICO—LUDOVISI zum KARDINAL—NEPOTEN.
16370215             † FERDINAND—II (58), KING—OF—BOHEMIA, Hun, GERMANY—EMPEROR (16190000—16370000    ).
16370215             † FERDINAND—II, in REGENSBURG,
16370215             —SUCCEEDED, FERDINAND—III, him as Holy ROMAN—EMPEROR.
16370215             † KAISER—FERDINAND—II, Kaiser des Heiligen ROM—REICHES
16370215             —NACH—DEM Tod seines Vaters KAISER—FERDINAND—II. wird FERDINAND—III., mitten im 3ßigjährigen Krieg, KAISER—FERDINAND—III—DES—HEILIGEN—ROM—REICHES.
16420215             † SARAH—COPIA—SULLAM, poetess, VENICE[VENEDIG]
16550215             SIEGBURG—URKUNDE—983
16610215             † SEBASTIAN—PEREGRIN—ZWYER, SCHWEIZER—MILITÄR, Diplomat und Politiker
16650215             —AM Théâtre du Palais Royal in PARIS erfolgt die Uraufführung der Komödie DON—JUAN ou le Festin de pierre von Molière.
16660215             —DATUM—HAAG, Was er über der WERBE—GELDER—BEZAHLUNGS—ZEIT, und den GENNEPSCHER—ZOLL mit BRANDENBURG ausgemacht, habe den STAATEN—VON—HOLLAND besonders wohl gefallen, und
16660215             * ANTONIO—M—VALSALVA, ITALY—ANATOMIST (eardrums, glottis).
16660215             ansehe man den Erfolg dieser —VERHANDLUNG als 1—WIRKUNG seiner "vigilantie ende Sonderlinge goede conduicte".
16660215             Etwas Bedenken errege, daß das Versprechen offenen Bruches im 2. ARTIKEL—DES—ASSISTENZ—VERTRAG OPPOSITION GEFUNDEN;
16660215             DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN wollen indess nicht glauben, daß
16660215             es des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG Absicht sein sollte, DAS—GELD vom STAAT einzuziehen und
16660215             dann ^bij non succes VAN vrede buijten rupture te blijveu''.
16660215             Der SUBSIDIEN—BEZAHLUNG werde man bei den PROVINZen ernstlich betreiben, wie auch, so weit tunlich, die Sache der Reglements
16660215             —DATUM—HAAG,
16700215             ADAMO—RECHER—DI—BOEMIA, aus 36, heri seracade in aqua et si anegö;
16720215             —MONTAG
16720215             —DATUM—MONTAG
16760215             † GEORG—CRAMER, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Rektor der Thomasschule zu LEIPZIG
16820215             † CLAUDE—DE—LA—COLOMBIÈRE, französischer katholischer Geistlicher
16860215             —PREMIERED, JEAN—BAPTISTE—LULLY—OPERA "Armide,", in PARIS.
16860215             † JOHANN—BACMEISTER—DER—JÜNGERE, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Mathematiker
16860215             † JOHANN—MATHIAS—RAUCHMILLER, DEUTSCHER—BILDHAUER, Elfenbeinschnitzer, Maler und Architekt
16870215             † MATTHÄUSA—MERIAN—DER—JÜNGERE, DEUTSCHER—MALER, Kupferstecher und Verleger
16930215             † EMILIE—VON—HESSEN—KASSEL—FÜRSTIN—VON—TARENT und Talmont
16950215             * JOHANN—ELIAS—RIDINGER, DEUTSCHER—TIERMALER und Radierer
17010215             † ADAM—DRESE, DEUTSCHER—KAPELLMEISTER und Komponist
17010215             † URBAIN—CHEVREAU, FRANZÖSISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Historiker, Romanist und Grammatiker
17050215             * FRANCE—PAINTER—CHARLES—A—VANLOO.
17070215             † ANTON—WINCKLER, Lübecker BÜRGERMEISTER
17100215             * LUDWIG—XV—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH
17100215             —RULED, LOUIS—XV, 17150000—17740000    —FROM—TO.
17100215—17740000    * † LOUIS—XV—KING—OF—FRANCE
17100215—17740000    * † 1—LOUIS—XV[LUDWIG—XV—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] (du futur)
17120215             PETER—DER—GROSSE—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND, befiehlt in 1—ERLASS, in TULA 1—FABRIK zu errichten, die als TULSKI—ORUSCHEINY Sawod mit der Herstellung von Waffen die Zeiten überdauert.
17130215             † ANTHONY—ASHLEY—COOPER—EARL—OF—SHAFTESBURY, 3., ENGLISCHER—POLITIKER, Philosoph und Schriftsteller
17140215             † HANS—WACHTMEISTER—ZU—JOHANNISHUS, SCHWEDISCHER—ADMIRAL, Feldherr und Politiker
17140215             † SCHWEDISCHER—ADMIRAL—HANS—WACHTMEISTER—ZU—JOHANNISHUS, Feldherr und Politiker
17150215             * JOHANN—GOTTLIEB—FRENZEL, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Historiker und Philosoph
17240215             * PETER—VON—BIRON—HERZOG—VON—KURLAND und Semgallen sowie HERZOG—VON—SAGAN
17300215             † ANNE—MADELEINE—RÉMUSAT, FRANZÖSISCHE—MYSTIKERIN und Gründerin der Association de l'Adoration perpétuelle du Sacré Cœur de NOTRE—SEIGNEUR JÉSUS—CHRIST
17310215             † MARÍA—DE—LEÓN—BELLO—Y—DELGADO, SPANISCHE—DOMINIKANERIN und Mystikerin auf Teneriffa
17340215             * JOHANN—GERHARD—GRUNER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Historiker
17360215             * GOTTLIEB—JACOB—WEIZSÄCKER, DEUTSCHER—KOCH und Stammvater der Familie Weizsäcker
17390215             † EUSTACHIO—MANFREDI, ITALIENISCHER—ASTRONOM, Mathematiker und Dichter
17400215             * CARL—MICHAEL—BELLMAN, SCHWEDISCHER—DICHTER und Komponist
17440215             † JOHN—HADLEY, inventor (sextant).
17460215—18320000    * † WILHELM—HEINSE, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Bibliothekar
17480215             * JEREMY—BENTHAM, BRITISCHER—JURIST, Philosoph und Sozialreformer
17480215—18320000    * † JEREMY—BENTHAM, philosopher, originator (Utilitarian), in LONDON—ENGLAND.
17500215             * VALENTIN—STEPHAN—STILL, Braumeister in München
17540215             * PIERRE—LOUIS—ROEDERER, FRANZÖSISCHER—STAATSMANN und PUBLIZIST, Großoffizier der Ehrenlegion
17550215             * JEAN—NICOLAS—CORVISART, FRANZÖSISCHER—MEDIZINER und Leibarzt von Napoléon Bonaparte
17580215             1. mustard, MANUFACTURED in AMERICA, was advertised in PHILADELPHIA.
17590215             * FRIEDRICH—AUGUST—WOLF, DEUTSCHER—ALTPHILOLOGE und Altertumswissenschaftler
17600215             Das BRITISCHE—LINIENSCHIFF—HMS—RAMILLIES strandet nach einem Navigationsfehler bei BOLT—HEAD—IN—DER—NÄHE—VON—PLYMOUTH, ENGLAND.
17600215             † † † —CA—700—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER sterben, nur 26—MANN können sich retten.
17600215             Es handelt sich um 1—DER schlimmsten Schiffsunglücke ohne Kriegseinwirkung in ENGLISCHEN—GEWÄSSERN.
17630215             Preußen, ÖSTERREICH und SACHSEN schließen im sächsischen Schloss Hubertusburg den —FRIEDE—VON—HUBERTUSBURG zur Beendigung des Siebenjährigen Krieges in EUROPA.
17630215             Der Status quo vor dem Krieg wird wiederhergestellt und Preußen etabliert sich als europäische Großmacht.
17630215             Preußen, ÖSTERREICH und SACHSEN schließen im sächsischen SCHLOSS—HUBERTUSBURG den
17630215             —FRIEDE—VON—HUBERTUSBURG zur
17630215             Der Status quo vor dem Krieg wird wiederhergestellt und
17630215             —PREUßEN etabliert sich als europäische Großmacht.
17640215             —ESTABLISHED, THE—CITY—OF—S—LOUIS was, as 1—FRANCE—TRADING post.
17640215             —NOTCHED, PIERRE—LACLEDE—LIGUE and stepson AUGUSTE—CHOUTEAU, 1—COUPLE—OF—TREES that marked the site for LACLEDE—LANDING that became S—LOUIS.
17640215             * JENS—IMMANUEL—BAGGESEN, DÄNISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Übersetzer und Anhänger der Aufklärung sowie der FRANZÖSISCHEN—REVOLUTION
17640215             Auf dem GEBIET—DER—KOLONIE—LOUISIANA, die sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt unter SPANISCHER—KONTROLLE befindet, wird am Zusammenfluss der beiden Flüsse MISSISSIPPI und MISSOURI—VON—FRANZÖSISCHEN—PELZHÄNDLERN aus einem bisherigen Handelsposten DIE—STADT—S—LOUIS gegründet.
17640215             DIE—STADT—S—LOUIS entwickelt sich zu einem ZENTRUM—DES—PELZHANDELS.
17670215             † JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—EDELMANN, DEUTSCHER—PIETIST, Frühaufklärer und Schriftsteller
17690215             † JOHANN—BALTHASAR—BERNHOLD, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
17720215             * LEANDER—VAN—Eß, deutscher katholischer Theologe
17740215             * WILHELM—GEORG—FRIEDRICH—VON—ORANIEN—NASSAU, 2. Sohn Wilhelms V. der NIEDERLANDE
17750215             PIUS—VI—PAPA—GIOVANNI—ANGELO—GRAF—BRASCHI, wird gewählt,
17750215             —NACHDEM, zugesagt hat, dem Konklave, GIOVANNI—ANGELO—GRAF—BRASCHI, das Jesuitenverbot nicht anzutasten.
17750215             —NACHDEM GIOVANNI—ANGELO—GRAF—BRASCHI dem Konklave zugesagt hat, das Jesuitenverbot nicht anzutasten.
17810215             † GOTTHOLD—EPHRAIM—LESSING, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER der Aufklärung
17860215             Der Astronom WILHELM—HERSCHEL entdeckt den Katzenaugennebel, einen planetarischen Nebel im Sternbild Drache.
17910215             * FRIEDRICH—LUDWIG—WEIDIG, deutscher evangelischer Theologe, Pädagoge, PUBLIZIST—UND—TURNPIONIER, Protagonist des Vormärz
17940215             In der 1. REPUBLIK wird die Trikolore zur Nationalflagge Frankreichs.
17970215—18510000    —IN, [HEINRICH—STEINWEG]HENRY—STEINWAY, move to THE—USA.
17970215—18640000    —ANGLICIZED, The name [HEINRICH—STEINWEG]HENRY—STEINWAY was.
17980215             —OCCURRED, The 1. serious fist fight, in Congress.
17980215             1. serious fist fight, in Congress, OCCURRED,
17980215             —AUSGERUFEN, ROM, wird die 1. ROM—REPUBLIK, 1—FRANZÖSISCHE—TOCHTERREPUBLIK auf dem Territorium des Kirchenstaats.
17990215             1. USA—PRINTED—BALLOTS, were authorized in PENNSYLVANIA.
18040215             —BECAME, NEW—JERSEY, the last northern state to abolish slavery.
18040215             —ARRESTATION—DE—MOREAU.
18040215             NEW—JERSEY, last NORTHERN—STATE to abolish slavery.
18060215             * FRANZ—XAVER—HAIMERL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—JURIST und Hochschullehrer
18060215             Im zwischen NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE und CHRISTIAN—VON—HAUGWITZ ausgehandelten VERTRAG—VON—PARIS verpflichtet sich Preußen zur Sperre aller seiner Häfen für BRITISCHE—SCHIFFE und zur Besetzung Kurhannovers.
18060215             GROSSBRITANNIEN erklärt daraufhin Preußen den Krieg.
18070215             * IGNACY—FELIKS—DOBRZY?SKI, POLNISCHER—PIANIST und Komponist
18080215             * CARL—FRIEDRICH—LESSING, deutscher romantischer Maler
18090215             —AM wird ROBERT—HALL—MCCORMICK und...
18090215             * OWEN—JONES, BRITISCHER—ARCHITEKT und Designer
18090215—18840000    * † CYRUS—HALL—MCCORMICK, inventor of the mechanical reaper.
18180215             * JAN—P?TR—JORDAN, sorbischer Wissenschaftler und Philosoph
18190215—18191217    —BEGINNT, Der Kongress von Angostura, auf dem sich die aus dem FRÜHEREN—SPANISCHEN—VIZEKÖNIGREICH—NEUGRANADA hervorgegangenen Staaten VENEZUELA und KOLUMBIEN zu GroßKOLUMBIEN vereinigen werden.
18200215             * SUSAN—B—ANTHONY, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—PIONIERIN der Frauenrechtsbewegung
18200215—19060000    —TITLED, Her biography by Lynn Sherr was : "Failure Is Impossible".
18210215             * CAMILLE—ROUSSET, FRANZÖSISCHER—GESCHICHTSSCHREIBER und Bibliothekar des Kriegsministeriums
18230215             Die Oper Cordelia von Conradin Kreutzer mit dem Libretto von Pius ALEXANDER—WOLFF wird am Theater am Kärntnertor in WIEN uraufgeführt.
18260215             * GEORGE—JOHNSTONE—STONEY.
18300215             —BEGINNT, Mit einem Vortrag Étienne Geoffroy SAINT—HILAIRES, der Pariser Akademiestreit zwischen ihm und GEORGES—CUVIER, 1—DER—BEKANNTESTEN—DEBATTEN in der GESCHICHTE—DER—BIOLOGIE.
18310215             * JOSEF—HLÁVKA, TSCHECHISCHER—BAUMEISTER, Architekt und Mäzen
18320215             * NICOLÁS—RUIZ—ESPADERO, KUBANISCHER—PIANIST und Komponist
18320215             † ASA—ADGATE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JURIST und Politiker
18330000—18870215    * † ALEXANDER—BORODIN, RUSSIA—COMPOSER.
18370000—19040215    * † MARK—HANNA, USA—BUSINESSMAN and Republican politician, in WASHINGTON, DC.
18390215             † THOMAS—DOLLINER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—JURIST und Hochschullehrer
18390215             * HIERONYMUS—GEORG—ZEUTHEN, DÄNISCHER—PROFESSOR der Mathematik
18400215             * BAI—BUREH, Herrscher des Königreichs Koya im heutigen SIERRA—LEONE
18450215             —AM Teatro alla Scala in Mailand wird die Oper Giovanna d'Arco von GIUSEPPE—VERDI uraufgeführt.
18450215             —BASIERT, Das Libretto von Temistocle Solera, auf dem Trauerspiel Die Jungfrau von Orleans von FRIEDRICH—SCHILLER.
18450215             Die Reaktion des Publikums ist geteilt.
18450215             1. used 1 72" (183—CM) reflector, WILLIAM—PARSONS—EARL—OF—ROSSE.
18460215             † OTTO—VON—KOTZEBUE, RUSSISCHER—MARINEOFFIZIER und Entdecker
18480215             † KASPAR—LEONZ—BRUGGISSER, SCHWEIZER—JURIST und Politiker
18480215             —BARRED, SARAH—ROBERTS was, from 1—BOSTON—WHITE—SCHOOL.
18490215—18490216    —DATE
18500215             * SOPHIE—BRYANT, IRISCHE—MATHEMATIKERIN und Aktivistin
18510215             —INVADED, Black abolitionists, a BOSTON courtroom to rescue a fugitive slave.
18520000—19280215    * † H.H. Asquith, FORMER—UK—PRIME—MINISTER (19080000—19160000    ).
18530215             * MAX—WILHELM—MEYER, DEUTSCHER—ASTRONOM, Naturforscher und Schriftsteller
18550215             von den 693—SEELEUTEN und Soldaten an Bord überlebt niemand.
18550215             * HUGO—VOGEL, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18550215             —ZERSCHELLT, Die FRANZÖSISCHE—FREGATTE La Sémillante, während eines Orkans in der Straße von Bonifacio zwischen Korsika und Sardinien an den Riffen der LAVEZZI—INSELN;
18570215             † MIKHAIL—IVANOVICH—GLINKA, —53—JAHRE—ALT, RUSSIA—COMPOSER (Russlan & Ludmilla).
18600215             * MARTIN—LEO—ARONS, DEUTSCHER—PHYSIKER und Politiker
18610215             * ENGLAND—PHILOSOPHER (ADV—OF—IDEAS) and mathematician.
18610215             —COMPLETED, FORT—POINT was, & garrisoned.
18610215             —NEVER—FIRED, FORT—POINT, cannon in anger.
18610215             * * ALFRED—NORTH—WHITEHEAD—19470000—†—
18610215             * HALFORD—MACKINDER, BRITISCHER—GEOGRAPH und Geopolitiker
18610215—19470000    * † ALFRED—NORTH—WHITEHEAD ,
18610215—19470000    * † ALFRED—NORTH—WHITEHEAD, was born
18610215—19470000    * † ALFRED—NORTH—WHITEHEAD, "We think in generalities, but we live in detail".
18610215—19470000    * † ALFRED—NORTH—WHITEHEAD, "I have always noticed that deeply and truly religious persons are fond of 1—JOKE, and I am suspicious of those who aren't".
18610215—19470000    * † ALFRED—NORTH—WHITEHEAD, "It is more important that 1—PROPOSITION be INTERESTING than that it be TRUE".
18610215—19470000    * † ALFRED—NORTH—WHITEHEAD, ENGLAND—PHILOSOPHER (ADV—OF—IDEAS) and mathematician.
18620215             Die Uraufführung der Oper Die Katakomben von FERDINAND—VON—HILLER findet in WIESBADEN statt.
18620215             —LAUNCHED, Grant [on his 3. —DAY there], 1—MAJOR—ASSAULT—ON—FORT—DONELSON—TENNESSEE.
18620215             † HEINRICH—ADAM, DEUTSCHER—RADIERER und Landschaftsmaler
18630215             —ENCOUNTERED, Samuel and FLORENCE Baker, JOHN—SPEKE and JAMES—GRANT at the frontier village of Gondokoro (SOUTH—SUDAN).
18630215             Speke and Grant said they had found THE—NILE—HEADWATERS at 1—LAKE they named VICTORIA (KENYA, TANZANIA, UGANDA).
18640215             Der 22-jährige GERHARD—ADRIAAN—HEINEKEN kauft die in AMSTERDAM ansässige Brauerei De Hooiberg und gründet damit das Unternehmen Heineken, —HEUTE 1—DER—GRÖSSTEN—BRAUEREIEN—DER—WELT.
18640215             † ADAM—WILHELM—MOLTKE, DÄNISCHER—POLITIKER und Konzeilspräsident (Ministerpräsident) von DÄNEMARK
18650215             —AM, schrieb SCHWEITZER an MARX, er, SCHWEITZER werde 1—RESOLUTION vorschlagen, worin DER—ALLGEMEINE—DEUTSCHE—ARBEITER—VEREIN sein volles Einverständnis mit den GRUND—SÄTZEN DER—INTERNATIONALEN erklären und
18650215             —AM, schrieb SCHWEITZER an MARX, die Beschickung ihrer Kongresse versprechen solle, auf seinen formellen Anschluß aber lediglich aus Rücksicht auf DIE—DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESGESETZE verzichten werde, die die Verbindung verschiedener Vereine verboten.
18650215             Auf dieses Angebot hat SCHWEITZER keine Antwort mehr erhalten;
18670215             Der Walzer An der schönen blauen Donau von JOHANN—STRAUSS (Sohn) wird als Chorwalzer vom Wiener MÄNNERGESANG—VEREIN im Saal des Dianabades in WIEN uraufgeführt.
18690215             —DROPPED, Charges of treason against Jefferson Davis were.
18690215             * FERDINAND—GRIMM, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—FINANZMINISTER und Finanzfachmann
18700215             Ground was broken for NORTH—PACIFIC Railway near DULUTH—MINNESOTA.
18710215             * CARLOS—DE—CANDAMO, PERUANISCHER—DIPLOMAT und Sportler
18730000—19330306    * † ANTON—J—CERMAK, CZECH—BORN 35. MAYOR—OF—CHICAGO, in MIAMI —FOLLOWING 19330215             —THE assassination attempt by GIUSEPPE—ZANGARA, who was trying to shoot FDR.
18730215             * HANS—VON—EULER—CHELPIN, DEUTSCH—SCHWEDISCHER—CHEMIKER, Nobelpreisträger
18740215             * EDUARD—SCHWYZER, SCHWEIZER—ALTPHILOLOGE und Indogermanist
18750214—18750215    16—MITGLIEDER beider Parteien arbeiten in 1—KONFERENZ—IN—GOTHA 1—PROGRAMM—ENTWURF, ORGANISATIONS—ENTWURF aus.
18750215             † FRIEDRICH—VON—UECHTRITZ, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER, Historiker und Genealoge
18760000             Letter, 19190215             . - - - - - Copy.
18760215             1—HISTORIC—ELM at BOSTON was blown down.
18760215             * ERNEST—HENRY—WILSON, BRITISCHER—BOTANIKER und Pflanzenjäger
18770215             * LOUIS—RENAULT, FRANZÖSISCHER—INGENIEUR und Mitgründer der Automarke Renault
18780215             * ARNOLD—RÆSTAD, NORWEGISCHER—HISTORIKER und Außenminister
18790215             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—HAYES, 1—BILL allowing female attorneys to argue cases —BEFORE THE—SUPREME—COURT.
18790215             * HERMANN—BURTE, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Maler
18820215             In der Enzyklika Etsi nos wendet sich LEO—XIII—PAPA. gegen die Freimaurerei, den Liberalismus und den Rationalismus als die Wurzeln allen Übels.
18820215             * JOHN—BARRYMORE, actor, in PHILADELPHIA.
18820215             SS DUNEDIN left NEW—ZEALAND with 1. frozen meat for ENGLAND.
18820215             * ELISABETH—ROTTEN, DEUTSCHE—REFORMPÄDAGOGIN und Friedensaktivistin
18830215             * SAX—ROHMER, BRITISCHER—KRIMINALAUTOR und Esoteriker
18830215             † HEINRICH—FRIEDRICH—VON—ITZENPLITZ, PREUSSISCHER—STAATSMANN, Naturwissenschaftler und Jurist
18840215             Die Oper Mazeppa von Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski —NACH—DEM Gedicht POLTAVA—VON—ALEXANDER—PUSCHKIN wird am BOLSCHOI—THEATER in Moskau uraufgeführt.
18840215             * Émile Bourdon, FRANZÖSISCHER—ORGANIST und Komponist
18850215             † LEOPOLD—DAMROSCH, —52—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18850215             † EDUARD—SCHULZE, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER und Reisender
18860215             * SAX—ROHMER, author (DOCTOR—FU—MANCHU), in ENGLAND.
18860215             * AUGUSTINUS—HIEBER, DEUTSCHER—PFARRER (Segenspfarrer vom Allgäu)
18860215             * HAROLD—CHAPIN, ENGLISCHER—SCHAUSPIELER und Dramatiker
18870215             —WORKED, He had, on his epic opera "PRINCE—IGOR" —FOR—18—YEARS.
18870215—18880000    —COMPLETED, It was, by Glazunov and RIMSKY—KORSAKOV.
18900215             * ROBERT—LEY, GERMANY—CHEMIST, MP (NSDAP).
18900215             * KLARA—MARIE—FASSBINDER, DEUTSCHE—AKTIVISTIN der FRAUEN—UND Friedensbewegung
18900215             * ROBERT—LEY, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER und führender Politiker im Nationalsozialismus, Leiter der DEUTSCHEN—ARBEITSFRONT, angeklagter Hauptkriegsverbrecher
18910215             * ROY—RENE, AUSTRALISCHER—KOMIKER und Schauspieler
18910215             —GEGRÜNDET, STOCKHOLM, wird als allgemeiner Sportklub AIK Solna, der im Lauf der Zeit zu einem der größten Sportvereine Schwedens heranwächst.
18950215             23—CM (9") of snow fell on NEW—ORLEANS.
18970215             * ROLAND—PIÈCE, SCHWEIZER—FUNK—UND Radiopionier
18970215             GRIECHISCHE—TRUPPEN landen auf Basis der Megali Idea auf der Insel Kreta, um die Bewohner in ihrem Unabhängigkeitskampf gegen das OSMAN—REICH zu unterstützen.
18970215—18970407    —AM, Das führt zum TÜRKISCH—GRIECHISCHEN—KRIEG.
18980215             Vermutlich wegen einer durch einen Kohlebrand ausgelösten Explosion in der Munitionskammer der USS MAINE sinkt das Schlachtschiff im Hafen von Havanna.
18980215             266—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER werden getötet.
18980215             In der Folge erklären die USA, die — aufgehetzt durch 1—MEDIENKAMPAGNE der konkurrierenden Blätter von WILLIAM—RANDOLPH—HEARST und JOSEPH—PULITZER — einen SPANISCHEN—ANGRIFF behaupten, SPANIEN den Krieg.
18980215             THE—USA—BATTLESHIP—MAINE blew up in HAVANA Harbor, killing 266—268—SAILORS and bringing hordes of Western cowboys and gunfighters rushing to enlist in THE—SPANISH—AMERICAN.
18980215             1—EXPLOSION--possibly caused by sabotage--ripped through the ship, killing 267—OFFICERS and men.
18980215             —ON the night of February 15, 18980000             , as she lay at anchor in HAVANA Harbor, 1—EXPLOSION--possibly caused by sabotage--ripped through the ship, killing 267—OFFICERS and men.
18980215             Inconclusive investigations by THE—SPAIN—GOVERNMENT and USA—NAVY became irrelevant as popular USA—SENTIMENT outpaced diplomacy.
18980215             —ON—THE—NIGHT—OF, as THE—USA—BATTLESHIP—MAINE lay at anchor in HAVANA Harbor,
18980215             It had been sent there to menace Imperial SPAIN and its sinking helped to precipitate THE—SPANISH—AMERICA—WAR.
18980215—18980425    —ON, THE—USA—CONGRESS—DECLARED—WAR—ON—SPAIN to the shouts of "Remember THE—MAINE and to Hell with SPAIN!" The true CAUSE—OF—THE—EXPLOSION that sank THE—BATTLESHIP—MAINE remains 1—MYSTERY.
18990215             * ERNST—BIBERSTEIN, deutscher evangelischer Pastor, SS—OFFIZIER, CHEF—DES—EINSATZKOMMANDOS 6, Massenmörder und Kriegsverbrecher
18990215             * WILLI—KOBE, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Friedensaktivist
18990215             M Wolf & 1—SCHWASSMANN discovered asteroid #442 Eichsfeldia.
19000215             —THREATENED, THE—BRITISH, to use natives in the Boer War fight.
19010000—19880215    * † Frederick [Fritz] Loewe, GERMAN—BORN composer (Brigadoon, My Fair Lady, Camelot), in CALIFORNIA.
19020215             BERLIN, wird die 1. Strecke der U—BAHN zwischen den U—BAHN—STATIONEN Stralauer Tor und Zoologischer Garten eröffnet.
19030215             —INTRODUCED, THE—1.—TEDDY—BEAR was, in AMERICA BY Morris & ROSE—MICHTOM.
19040215             —SERVED, MARK—HANNA, as 1—USA—SENATOR—FROM—OHIO.
19040215—18960000    —IN, 1—FRIEND and political ALLY—OF—PRESIDENT—WILLIAM—MCKINLEY, Hanna used his wealth and business skills to successfully manage MCKINLEY—PRESIDENTIAL—CAMPAIGNS and 19000000            .
19050000—19720215    * † EDGAR—P—SNOW, USA—JOURNALIST and author (BATTLE—FOR—ASIA, Red Star Over CHINA), in SWITZERLAND.
19050215             † LEW—WALLACE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—GENERAL, Politiker und Schriftsteller
19050215             The 1. race meet at Oaklawn Park in Hot SPRINGS—ARKANSAS was run.
19050215             † LEWIS—WALLACE, —77—JAHRE—ALT, USA—POLITICIAN, general, writer (BEN—HUR), artist and inventor.
19050215             —REGISTERED, LEWIS—WALLACE had 8, USA patents and was accomplished at playing and making violins.
19050215—19860000    * † HAROLD—ARLEN, composer, arranger and pianist, as Hyman Arluck.
19050215—19860000    —INCLUDED, HAROLD—ARLEN—WORK, "Stormy Weather" and "It's Only 1—PAPER—MOON".
19050215—19860000    He was born Hyman Arluck, THE—SON—OF—1—JEWISH cantor.
19050215—19960000    —TITLED, EDWARD—JABLONSKI wrote his 2. biography : "HAROLD—ARLEN: Rhythm. Rainbows, and Blues".
19060000—19690215    * † CHARLES—ELLSWORTH—RUSSELL, aka Pee Wee Russell, jazz clarinet player, in ALEXANDRIA—VIRGINIA.
19060215             —ORGANIZED, UK—LABOUR—PARTY.
19090215             S—FRANCISCO, anarchist Emma Goldman spoke to large audiences in Lyric Hall, at Turk and Larkin streets.
19090215             S—FRANCISCO, anarchist Emma Goldman gave 2—LECTURES:
19110215             O—GOVERNO—PORTUGUÊS cria a Comissão para o Estudo da Reforma Ortográfica.
19120215             —REACHED, THE—FRAM, latitude 78ø 41' S, farthest south ever by ship.
19120215             HAMBURG, wird mit dem 1. Abschnitt der Ringbahn zwischen den Stationen Rathausplatz und Barmbek der U—BAHN der 3. U—BAHN—BETRIEB in DEUTSCHLAND in Betrieb genommen.
19120215—19120628    —AM, des Jahres ist der Ring mit 2—WEITEREN Abschnitten vollendet.
19130215             —OPENED, THE—1.—AVANT—GARDE art show in AMERICA, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19150000—20070215    * † RAY—EVANS, songwriter and longtime PARTNER—WITH—JAY—LIVINGSTON (20010000             †).
19160215             * IAN—BALLANTINE, PUBLISHER (Ballantine Books).
19170215             —DEDICATED, THE—MAIN—BRANCH—OF—THE—SF—PUBLIC—LIBRARY at the Civic center was.
19170215             —KILLED, S—FRANCISCO, 2—MEN were, in 1—EXPLOSION in the Twin Peaks tunnel near the Laguna Honda station.
19170215             2—OTHERS were probably fatally injured and 4—OTHERS seriously hurt in the delayed explosion of 1—DYNAMITE cap.
19170215             M Wolf discovered asteroid #865 Zubaida.
19170215—19320000    —ADORNED, The interior was, with murals by FRANK—VINCENT—DE—MOND and by Gottardo Piazzoni.
19180215             —TORPEDOED, THE—1.—WW—I—USA—ARMY—TROOPSHIP was, & sunk off IRELAND by GERMANY.
19180215             —ADOPTED, ESTONIA, LATVIA & LITHUANIA, the Gregorian calendar.
19190000—19650215    * † Nat KING—COLE, singer (Unforgettable, MONA—LISA), in Santa Monica.
19190215             —ORGANIZED, THE—USA—LEGION was, in PARIS.
19200000—20100215    * † ART—VAN—DAMME, jazz accordionist.
19200215             K Reinmuth discovered asteroid #926 Imhilde.
19220215             Der Ständige Internationale Gerichtshof in Den Haag hält unter Vorsitz seines Präsidenten BERNARD—LODER seine 1. Sitzung ab.
19220215             Marconi began regular broadcasting transmissions from Essex.
19220329             —ANNOUNCED, THE—LITHUANIA—GOVERNMENT, 1—LAND—REFORM—ACT enacted 19220215            .
19230215             * JELENA—GEORGIJEWNA—BONNER, sowjetische bzw.
19230215             RUSSISCHE—POLITIKERIN, Menschenrechtlerin und Dissidentin
19250215             SON—IN—LAW—GEORGE—T—CAMERON took over as PUBLISHER—OF—THE—PAPER.
19250215             —ANNOUNCED, THE—LONDON—ZOO, it would install lights to cheer up fogged in animals.
19260215             Contract air mail service began in THE—USA.
19300215             Wenona beat TOLUCA in an ILLINOIS Basketball Tournament in 10—OVERTIMES.
19300215             Mit Cairine Wilson wird, knapp —4—MONATE nach einem Grundsatzentscheid zur Zulässigkeit, erstmals 1—FRAU in Kanadas Senat berufen.
19310215             —RELEASED, THE—1.—DRACULA movie.
19310215             * [Patricia] CLAIRE—BLOOM, actress (Charly, Look —BACK—IN Anger), in LONDON.
19320215             —DEBUTED, GEORGE—BURNS and Gracie Allen, as regulars on "GUY—LOMBARDO—SHOW".
19320215             —BOBSLED, USA, team member EDDIE—EAGAN became the only athlete to win gold in both —SUMMER & —WINTER Olympics (19200000             boxing gold)
19330215             Die Hintergründe der Tat bleiben ungeklärt.
19330215             Giuseppa Zangara, 1—UNEMPLOYED—NEW—JERSEY bricklayer from ITALY, fired 5—PISTOL—SHOTS at THE—BACK—OF—PRESIDENT—ELECT FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT—HEAD from only 25—FEET away.
19330215             —WHILE all 5—ROUNDS missed their target, EACH—BULLET found a separate victim.
19330215             —MISSED, —WHILE all 5—ROUNDS, their target, EACH—BULLET found 1—SEPARATE—VICTIM.
19330215             1—OF—THESE was Mayor ANTON—CERMAK—OF—CHICAGO.
19330215             Der frisch gewählte USA—PRÄSIDENT—FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT entgeht in MIAMI nur knapp einem Attentat, bei dem der neben ihm sitzende frühere BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—CHICAGO, ANTON—CERMAK, getötet wird.
19330215—19330320    —EXECUTED, Gunman GIUSEPPE—ZANGARA was, more than —4—WEEKS—LATER.
19330320             [see 19330215             , 19330308             ]
19340215             —PASSED, USA—CONGRESS, the Civil Works Emergency Relief Act, allotting new funds for FEDERAL—EMERGENCY—RELIEF—ADMINISTRATION.
19340215             Das DEUTSCHE—MEDIENUNTERNEHMEN Heyne Verlag wird in DRESDEN gegründet.
19340215             † EMIL—SWOBODA, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—WIDERSTANDSKÄMPFER und Mitglied des Republikanischen Schutzbundes
19360215             Die I.G. Farben warten bei der Internationalen AUTOMOBIL—AUSSTELLUNG in BERLIN mit dem 1. Autoreifen aus dem Kautschukersatz Buna auf.
19360215             Sonja HENIE—NORWAY, won her 3. consecutive Olympic figure skating gold.
19360215             The temp hit -60ø F (-51ø C) in PARSHALL—NORTH—DAKOTA for 1—STATE—RECORD.
19390215             —PREMIERED, Lillian Hellman's "Little Foxes,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19390215             —ATTENDED, SF officials, IBM—PREVIEW—OF—1—ELECTRIC typewriter and 1—PUNCH—CARD—METHOD—OF—ELECTRIC accounting at THE—PALACE—OF—ELECTRICITY and Communications on Treasure ISLAND.
19400215             —ORDERED, Hitler, that all UK—MERCHANT ships would be considered warships.
19410215             —RECORDED, DUKE—ELLINGTON 1., "Take THE—1—TRAIN".
19410215             K Reinmuth discovered asteroids #1561 Fricke & #1785 Wurm.
19420131—19420215    —BIS—ZUM, Die dauernde Schlacht um SINGAPUR zwischen japanischen und alliierten Truppen unter britischem Oberbefehl beginnt.
19420215             —PREVAILED, Yamashita, —WHEN UK—LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—SIR—ARTHUR—PERCIVAL and 130,000 Empire troops surrendered.
19420215             It was the largest surrender in UK—HISTORY.
19420215             SINGAPUR wird nach einer —16—TAGE dauernden Schlacht im Pazifikkrieg von JAPANISCHEN—TRUPPEN eingenommen.
19420215             Über 80.000—ALLIIERTE Soldaten unter dem BRITISCHEN—LT—GENERAL—ARTHUR—ERNEST—PERCIVAL gehen in Kriegsgefangenschaft.
19430215             THE—GERMANS broke THE—USA—LINES at THE—FANID—SENED Sector in TUNISIA.
19430215             —ALLIED, WOMEN—CAMP—TAMTUI on AMBON (Moluccas) was hit by, air raid.
19430215             DEUTSCHE—SCHÜLER ab —15—JAHREN werden ab sofort als Luftwaffenhelfer zum Kriegsdienst herangezogen.
19440215             Das Gründungskloster der Benediktiner in Montecassino wird durch schwere alliierte Bombardements —WWII—IM fast komplett zerstört, obwohl sich nur rund 800—ZIVILISTEN in den Gebäuden befinden.
19440215             891—UK—BOMBERS attacked BERLIN.
19440215             NATHAN—GORDON (19160000—20080000    ), USA—NAVY—PILOT from ARKANSAS, and his crew made 4—SEPARATE flying boat landings to rescue 1—NUMBER—OF—AVIATORS from B—52—BOMBERS, which had been shot down —WHILE attacking JAPAN—POSITIONS—NEAR—KAVIENG harbor on New IRELAND ISLAND, PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA.
19440215             —ATTACKED, AMERICA—BOMBERS, the Abbey of Monte Cassino in CENTRAL—ITALY in 1—EFFORT to neutralize it as 1—GERMANY—OBSERVATION—POST.
19450215             1—VERORDNUNG des DEUTSCHEN—REICHSJUSTIZMINISTERS OTTO—GEORG—THIERACK führt zum Bilden von Standgerichten in "feindbedrohten Reichsverteidigungsbezirken", die ZIVIL—WIE Militärpersonen verurteilen dürfen.
19450215             † LORENZ—BREUNIG, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdR, Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus
19460215             THE—ENIAC, Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, had its official unveiling.
19460215             —CREATED, It was, by JOHN—MAUCHLY and Presper Eckert.
19460215             —CONCERNED, The 1. test problem it solved was, with the trajectory of a 155-millimeter shell.
19460215             —PROGRAMMED, The problem was, by JEAN—BARTIK and Betty Holberton who were PART—OF—1—ALL—WOMAN—TEAM that had performed the calculations by hand.
19460215             —CREATED, MISS—HOLBERTON —LATER, the C—10—INSTRUCTION—CODE for the Univac using keyboard commands rather than dials and switches.
19460215             —MOUNTED, Royal Canadian, police arrested 22 as SOVIET—SPIES.
19460215             —AM, in 1—ARTIKEL der NEW—YORK—TIMES der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt wurde, hatten DIE—ALLIIERTEN ihre Gegner DEUTSCHLAND und JAPAN —BEREITS niedergerungen.
19460215             THE—USA—ARMY had chosen 6—WOMEN, including FRANCES—HOLBERTON (20010000             † age 84), to program Eniac.
19470215             * JOHN—ADAMS, composer (Nixon in CHINA), in WORCESTER MASSACHUSETTS.
19480000             OOPS I—DID—IT—YET—AGAIN, Silly Poems, 20070215            .
19480000             OOPS I—DID—IT—AGAIN! Silly Poems, 20070215             ... Biglow LUCIUS—HORATIO 19080000             Biglow, JUNIOR.
19480215             —OCCUPIED, Mao ZEDONG—ARMY, Yenan.
19480215             Der durch Zusammenschluss von mehr als 200—INDISCHEN—FÜRSTENSTAATEN gebildete "Vereinigte STAAT von Saurashtra (Kathiawar)" wird Bestandteil des im Vorjahr unabhängig gewordenen INDIEN.
19500215             —ÜBERNIMMT, Remington Rand, die ECKERT—MAUCHLY Computer Corporation, die den Computer UNIVAC I entwickelt.
19500215             —ANIMATED, Walt Disney's, "Cinderella" was released.
19500215             WM Inge's "Come Back, Little Sheba," premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19530215             Tenley Albright (b. 19350618             ) became the 1. American to win the women's world figure skating championship at 1—COMPETITION in DAVOS—SWITZERLAND.
19530215             Der beim SCHWEDISCHEN—UNTERNEHMEN ASEA beschäftigte Physiker ERIK—LUNDBLAD stellt die 1. synthetischen Diamanten her.
19540215             * MATT—GROENING, cartoonist (THE—SIMPSONS).
19540215             The 1. bevatron went into operation in BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA.
19550215             The 1. pilot plant to produce MAN—MADE diamonds announced.
19560215             Der Wahlmännerausschuss der Präsidentenwahl Finnlands wählt Urho Kekkonen erstmals zum Präsidenten der REPUBLIK FINNLAND.
19560215             —GEWINNT, Er, den 3. WAHL—GANG gegen den Sozialdemokraten KARL—AUGUST—FAGERHOLM mit 01510215             149—STIMMEN.
19560215             Weitere Gegenkandidaten in FRÜHEREN—ABSTIMMUNGEN sind die Konservativen Sakari Tuomioja und Juho KUSTI Paasikivi.
19560215—19810000    —BIS, Kekkonen wird das Amt des Präsidenten in FINNLAND innehaben.
19580215             —FORMED, Sjafroeddin Prawiranegara, THE—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—OF—MIDDLE—SUMATRA.
19590215             —AM, ging DIE—POLIZEI 1. mit einem mobilen Blitzer gegen Temposünder vor.
19590215             Zwischen Düsseldorf und Ratingen wird, erstmals in DEUTSCHLAND, ein mobiles Radargerät zur Geschwindigkeitskontrolle genutzt.
19610215             73—PEOPLE, including 18—FIGURE skaters from THE—USA, were killed in the crash of 1—SABENA—AIRLINES—BOEING 707 in BELGIUM.
19610215             The skaters were en route to 1—WORLD—MEET in Czechoslovakia.
19620000             01.Feb2004-20040215             VOL.
19620000             2—ISSUE 3 - 01.Feb2004-20040215             VOL.
19620215             † ALOYSIUS—MUENCH, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—KURIENKARDINAL, 1. Nuntius in der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND
19630215             —RECORDED, KEN—LYNCH, "Misery".
19630215             —RECORDED, It was the 1. LENNON—MCCARTNEY song, by someone else.
19640215             Beatles' "Meet the Beatles!," album went #1 & stayed #1 —FOR—11—WEEKS.
19640215             —SCORED, BILL—BRADLEY, 51—POINTS for Princeton.
19640215             —DISCOVERED, Goethe Link Observatory, asteroid #2417 McVittie & #3717.
19650215             Die AHORNBLATT—FLAGGE wird trotz massiver Proteste in einer offiziellen Zeremonie von KÖNIGIN—ELISABETH—II. auf dem PARLIAMENT Hill in OTTAWA als neue Flagge Kanadas eingeführt.
19650215             BERND—ALOIS—ZIMMERMANNS—OPER—DIE—SOLDATEN wird im Kölner Opernhaus uraufgeführt.
19650215             RAYMOND—KURZWEIL, 1—DIFFIDENT but SELF—POSSESSED high school student, appeared as 1—GUEST on 1—GAME—SHOW called I've Got 1—SECRET.
19650215             —INTRODUCED, He was, by the host, STEVE—ALLEN, and then played 1—SHORT—MUSICAL—COMPOSITION on 1—PIANO that was composed by 1—COMPUTER that he had built.
19650215             He believed that this moment was not only inevitable but imminent.
19650215             According to his calculations, THE—END—OF—HUMAN—CIVILIZATION as we know it would take place about 20450000            .
19650215             —PASSED, JOHN—LENNON, his driving test.
19650215             —REPLACED, CANADA, the Union Jack flag with the Maple Leaf in ceremonies in OTTAWA.
19650215             Alte Flagge Kanadas, KANADISCHE—RED ENSIGN—NEUE Flagge Kanadas, Ahornblattflagge
19650215             Sie löst die KANADISCHE—RED Ensign ab.
19650215—20110000    —BELIEVED, Kurzweil, that we're approaching 1—MOMENT—WHEN computers will become intelligent, and not —JUST intelligent but more intelligent than humans.
19670215             13—USA—HELICOPTERS were shot down in —1—DAY in VIETNAM.
19670215             —ENACTED, THE—1.—ANTI—BOOTLEG recording laws were.
19670215             —LAUNCHED, FRANCE, its DIADEME—D satellite into Earth orbit.
19670215             —STABILIZED, These satellites were magnetically, which limited their trackability in the southern hemisphere.
19670215—19670208    —FOLLOWED, This, THE—LAUNCH—OF—DIADEME C.
19680215             —SCORED, ANAHEIM—LES—SALVAGE, 10, 3-pt baskets in an ABA game vs. DENVER.
19690215             —INCLUDED, His albums, "PORTRAIT—OF—PEE—WEE" (19580000             ).
19700215             Alle 102—MENSCHEN an Bord sterben.
19700215             † HUGH—DOWDING, BRITISCHER—OFFIZIER, KOMMANDANT—DES—RAF—FIGHTER—COMMAND (Jagdwaffe) während der Luftschlacht über ENGLAND
19700215             WILLIAM—KUNSTLER, CHICAGO defense attorney, got a —4—YEAR—SENTENCE on contempt charges for his conduct —DURING THE—CHICAGO 7—TRIAL.
19700215             1—DOMINICAN—DC 9 crashed into sea at Santo —DOMINGO and 102—PEOPLE were killed.
19710215             —ABANDONED, BRITAIN, the unit of the penny on Decimal —DAY, 19710215             ,
19710215             replacing the shilling with 5—NEW pence, so that 1—POUND sterling became divided into 100—NEW pence.
19710215             —ABANDONED, BRITAIN, the unit of the penny on Decimal —DAY, February 15, 19710000             , replacing the shilling with 5—NEW pence, so that 1—POUND sterling became divided into 100—NEW pence.
19710215             —AM Decimal —DAY wird in GROSSBRITANNIEN das Pfund Sterling auf das Dezimalsystem umgestellt und damit in 100—PENCE eingeteilt.
19720215             In der OSLO—KONVENTION einigen sich 12—EUROPÄISCHE ATLANTIK—ANRAINERSTAATEN auf Maßnahmen zur Verhütung weiterer Meeresverschmutzung.
19720215             1—LEFT—LEANING military coup in ECUADOR, led by GUILLERMO—RODRÍGUEZ—LARA, removed, PRESIDENT—VELASCO—IBARRA from OFFICE—FOR—THE 5. time.
19720215             —CONTINUED, Military rule, to 19790000            .
19730215             START—OF—DISSEMMATION—OF—THE 10.000—HELSINKI Appeals:printing.
19730215             Printing of 7,000 accompanying letters and 7,000 reply coupons.
19730215             This operation will continue —THROUGHOUT
19730215             —ENDED, Friendsville ACADEMY—IN—TENNESSEE, a 138-game basketball losing streak.
19730215             —REACHED, THE—USA—AND—CUBA, 1—ANTI—HIJACKING agreement.
19730215             —LAUNCHED, THE—USSR, Prognoz 3 at BAIKONUR—KAZAKHSTAN, to study solar flares.
19740215             —THREATENED, USA gasoline stations, to close BECAUSE—OF—FEDERAL—FUEL—POLICIES.
19750215             In local elections 78.8—PERCENT—OF—THE—RESIDENTS approved 1—COVENANT under which THE—NORTH—MARIANAS would become 1—USA—COMMONWEALTH.
19750215             —BECAME, The 34,000 permanent residents, USA—CITIZENS but could not vote in USA presidential elections.
19750215             —ALLOWED, THE—CNMI was, to set its own tax, immigration and labor policies.
19750215—19780000    —IN, 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT and constitution went into effect.
19760215             —RAPED, LOS—ANGELES, ELIZABETH McKeown (67) was beaten, and strangled.
19760215             1—YOUNG homicide detective found her body —3—DAYS—LATER in 1—CAR trunk.
19760215—19780000    —IN, 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS stopped, the —YEAR Thomas went to prison for the rape of 1—PASADENA woman.
19760215—20090000    —IN, JOHN—FLOYD—THOMAS—JUNIOR, —72—JAHRE—ALT, 1—INSURANCE—CLAIMS adjuster, was arrested based on DNA evidence.
19770215             W. Sebok discovered asteroid #2491.
19780215             LEON—SPINKS beat MUHAMMAD—ALI for the world heavyweight crown.
19780215             —ESCAPED, TED—BUNDY (19460000—19890000    ), American, serial killed, was recaptured in PENSACOLA—FLORIDA Bundy eventually confessed to 29—MURDERS.
19780215             —GEWINNT, LEON—SPINKS, seinen Boxkampf und Weltmeistertitel im Schwergewicht gegen MUHAMMAD—ALI im Hilton Hotel, LAS—VEGAS, durch Sieg nach Punkten.
19800215             dealt in depth with the allegations made by THE—SPIEGEL
19800215             —AM, dealt in depth with
19800215             New Statesman, 119800227             1, 19870529             . - - - - NEU—STATESMAN,
19800215             —SKATED, ERIC—HEIDEN (19580000             *), to 1—OLYMPIC—RECORD—OF 500m in 38.03—SEC.
19800215             —DISCOVERED, Zdenka Vavrova, CZECH—REPUBLIC—ASTRONOMER, asteroid #3592.
19800215             New Statesman, 119800227             1, 19870529            .
19810215             1—ROCKET—POWERED ice sled attained 399—KPH on Lake GEORGE—NEW—YORK.
19810216             Bevollmächtigte des Generalstaatsanwalts der DDR übergeben 1. Beweismaterial über ehemalige RICHTER—UND—STAATSANWÄLTE am NS—VOLKSGERICHTSHOF an den Generalstaatsanwalt beim Kammergericht in WEST—BERLIN
19810216—19810326    Weitere Übergaben erfolgen am  und
19810216—19810610    —AM, Weitere Übergaben erfolgen
19820215             Alle 84—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER kommen ums Leben.
19820215             THE—OCEAN—RANGER—OIL—DRILLING platform sank off THE—COAST—OF—NEWFOUNDLAND —DURING 1—FIERCE—STORM and 84—MEN were killed.
19820215             Die zu diesem Zeitpunkt größte Bohrinsel der Welt, Ocean Ranger, sinkt auf der Neufundlandbank vor Neufundland, —NACHDEM sie von einer Monsterwelle beschädigt worden ist.
19830215             —DISCOVERED, NORMAN—THOMAS, asteroid 3367—ALEX, 3413—ANDRIANA, 3525—PAUL & 3580.
19830831—20140215    —HANGED, Hathaway, himself.
19840215             † ETHEL—MERMAN, —76—JAHRE—ALT, singer, actress (KID—MILLION), in her sleep.
19850215             WIEN, wird UDO—PROKSCH wegen Betrugsverdachts im Zusammenhang mit dem Untergang der Lucona verhaftet.
19850215             —MOVED, THE—STS 51-E vehicle was, to the launch pad.
19850215             —CANCELLED, DEPLOYMENT—OF—THE—VEHICLE aboard the Challenger was, in March.
19850215             THE—WORLD—CHESS—CHAMPIONSHIP—MATCH in MOSCOW between Anatoly Karpov and GARRY—KASPAROV was abandoned due to psychological strain.
19850215             —RESUMED, The match was, —IN—SEPTEMBER.
19850215             Ein ungewohnt langer Wettkampf zur Ermittlung eines Schachweltmeisters zwischen ANATOLI—KARPOW und Garri Kasparow wird vom FIDE—PRÄSIDENTEN Florencio Campomanes regelwidrig nach 48—PARTIEN abgebrochen.
19850215             Karpow führt zu diesem Zeitpunkt bei der Schachweltmeisterschaft 19840000             mit 00050215             3—PUNKTEN, Kasparow war beim Aufholen.
19850215             Die beiden Titelaspiranten treffen am Brett bei der neu angesetzten Schachweltmeisterschaft 19850000             wieder aufeinander.
19860215             —OUSTED, Marcos was —LATER.
19870215             Moderator RUDI—CARRELL erhält Morddrohungen.
19870215             ABC—TV began broadcasting "AMERIKA" MINI—SERIES.
19870215             Die in der ARD gezeigte DEUTSCHE—COMEDY—SERIE Rudis Tagesshow löst einen internationalen Eklat aus, als in einer Szene das IRANISCHE—STAATSOBERHAUPT—AJATOLLAH—RUHOLLAH—CHOMEINI mit Damenunterwäsche in Verbindung gebracht wird.
19880215             † RICHARD—FEYNMAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—PHYSIKER und Nobelpreisträger
19880215             —DEFEATED, THE—SOVIET—UNION was, by AFGHANISTAN, and 1—TOTAL—WITHDRAWAL by the Soviets occurred.
19880215             —VOWED, AUSTRIA—PRESIDENT—KURT—WALDHEIM, in 1 televised address not to "retreat in the face of slanders" concerning his service for THE—GERMANY—ARMY —WWII—DURING.
19880700             GEORGE—R—MITCHELL, Novacom INCORPORATED, Pan Aviation INCORPORATED + Sarkis Soghanalian.
19890000             [NEW—YORK—TIMES, 19980824             , Nation, 19990215             ]
19890215             Die sowjetische Intervention in AFGHANISTAN ist damit nach über —9—JAHREN beendet.
19890215             —ANNOUNCED, THE—SOVIET—UNION, that the last of its troops had left AFGHANISTAN, —AFTER more than —9—YEARS—OF—MILITARY—INTERVENTION.
19890215             DIE—SOVIET—TRUPPEN ziehen sich aus AFGHANISTAN zurück.
19890215             —BEKANNTGIBT, Die sowjetische Regierung, dass sich die Sowjetarmee komplett aus AFGHANISTAN zurückgezogen hat.
19890215             —NACH—ÜBER—9—JAHREN beendet, Die sowjetische Intervention in AFGHANISTAN ist damit.
19900210             Some 33—POST—ERUPTION lahars took place 19900215             —FROM—MAR28 and more than 30—PEOPLE were killed with hundreds injured.
19900215             PRESIDENT—BUSH and the leaders of COLOMBIA, BOLIVIA and PERU met in CARTAGENA—COLOMBIA for 1—DRUG—FIGHTING summit.
19900215             —LOCKED, Professional baseball owners, out their players.
19900215             —DECIDED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—RECREATION and Parks Commission, that the gigantic concrete cross atop MOUNT—DAVIDSON will remain 1—CITY—OWNED landmark, but that it should never be lit again.
19900215             Die neben KARL—KOCH am KGB—HACK beteiligten Hacker DIRK—OTTO—BREZINSKI (DOB), HANS—HEINRICH—HÜBNER (Pengo) und MARKUS—HESS (Urmel) werden zu Freiheitsstrafen auf Bewährung zwischen —14—MONATEN und —2—JAHREN verurteilt.
19910215             —PROPOSED, IRAQ, 1—CONDITIONAL withdrawal from KUWAIT, 1—OFFER dismissed by PRESIDENT—BUSH as a "cruel hoax".
19910215             THE—4—BECAME known as the Visegrad countries.
19910215             MILO—DJUKANOVIC began serving as PRIME—MINISTER—OF—MONTENEGRO.
19910215             —ANNOUNCED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA and THE—AFRICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS, 1—AGREEMENT on TERMS—OF—THE—ANC—DECISION to suspend its armed struggle against apartheid.
19910215             Im UNGARISCHEN—VISEGRÁD schließen POLEN, UNGARN und die Tschechoslowakei das Abkommen über die Gründung der VISEGRÁD—GRUPPE, um den Übergang zur Marktwirtschaft in Kooperation zu vollziehen.
19910215—19980000    —UNTIL, He served and held a 2. term 20030000—20060000    —FROM—TO.
19920215             100. episode of "Cops" aired on the Fox network.
19920215             1—MILWAUKEE jury found that JEFFREY—DAHMER was sane —WHEN he killed and mutilated 15—MEN and boys.
19920215             —ANNOUNCED, BENJAMIN—L—HOOKS, plans to retire as executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ASSOCIATION for the Advancement of Colored People.
19920215             † Pulitzer PRIZE—WINNING COMPOSER—WILLIAM—SCHUMAN in NEW—YORK at age 81.
19920215             PERU, MARIA—ELENA—MOYANO (19580000             *), 1—COMMUNITY organizer and activist of AFRO—PERU—DESCENT, was assassinated by the Shining Path in LIMA.
19920215             † HERMANN—AXEN, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Parteifunktionär, Mitglied des Politbüros des ZK der SED
19930215             † LOUIS—HÄFLIGER, SCHWEIZER—BANKANGESTELLTER und Delegierter des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz (Retter von Mauthausen)
19930215             —ISSUED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, 1—ECONOMIC "call to arms," asking Americans to accept 1—PAINFUL—PACKAGE—OF—TAX—INCREASES and spending cuts.
19930407             and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a... 20070602154709       ...
19940215             —ASKED, USA, Aristide to adopt a peace plan for HAITI.
19940215             —AGREED, USA—NAVY—CHIEF—ADMIRAL—FRANK—KELSO—II, to early retirement BECAUSE—OF—CRITICISM over the Tailhook sex abuse scandal.
19940215             —ENTERED, Drifter DANNY—HAROLD—ROLLING, 1—SURPRISE—GUILTY—PLEA to 19900000             —THE murders of 5—COLLEGE—STUDENTS in GAINESVILLE—FLORIDA In all, Rolling confessed to killing 8—PEOPLE, though there may have been more.
19940215             Viacom won a HARD—FOUGHT victory to acquire Paramount Communications.
19940215             1—ERDBEBEN—DER—STÄRKE 6,9 auf SUMATRA—INDONESIEN, fordert 207—TODESOPFER.
19940215—20061025    —EXECUTED, As 1—RESULT—OF—HIS—MURDER—CONVICTIONS, Rolling was, by lethal injection.
19950215             —ARRESTED, THE—FBI, KEVIN—MITNICK, its "most wanted hacker," and charged him with cracking security in some of the nation's most protected computers.
19950215             —RELEASED, Mitnick was, 20000121             , —AFTER serving —5—YEARS behind bars.
19950215             1—FIRE roared through a 3—STORY—NIGHTCLUB in TAICHUNG—TAIWAN, killing at least 64—PEOPLE.
19950215—20000121    —RELEASED—AFTER serving —5—YEARS behind bars, MITNICK was,
19960215             Der Tanker Sea Empress läuft nach einem Lotsenfehler auf einem Felsen bei Milford Haven auf.
19960215             THE—TORONTO, Globe and Star there was 1—REPORT by PETER—WHELAN that "pesticides sprayed on fields in ARGENTINA were killing tens of THOUSANDS—OF—WINTERING—SWAINSON—HAWKS that nest on THE—CANADA—PRAIRIES and the adjacent USA Great Plains".
19960215             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—N—YELTSIN, he would run for RE—ELECTION.
19960215             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE temporarily blocked the Communications Decency Act, saying the government had to explain what material it considered indecent —BEFORE it could enforce the law, designed to protect children from sexually explicit material on computer networks.
19960215             —GROUNDED, THE—SEA—EMPRESS, off of WALES and spilled 18—MILLION gallons (72,000 tons) of oil.
19960215             71.800—TONNEN auslaufendes Rohöl verursachen eine schwere Ölverschmutzung an der WALISISCHEN—KÜSTE.
19970215             Tara Lipinski upset MICHELLE—KWAN at THE—USA—FIGURE Skating Championships in NASHVILLE—TENNESSEE, becoming the youngest gold medalist at the nationals.
19970215             —WOUNDED, NORTH—KOREA—DEFECTOR LEE—HAN—YOUNG was shot and mortally, in SOUTH—KOREA by NORTH—KOREA—AGENTS, —3—DAYS—AFTER another NORTH—KOREAN defected in BEIJING.
19970215             —PRONOUNCED, Doctors, him brain dead.
19970215—19820000    —IN, He was the nephew of the 1. WIFE—OF—KIM—JON—IL, who defected.
19980208—19980215    —ON, PRESIDENT—GLAFCOS—CLERIDAS, —78—JAHRE—ALT will face former foreign MINISTER—GEORGE—LACOVOU.
19980215             —CONTINUED, Monica LEWINSKY—ATTORNEY, WILLIAM—GINSBURG, his harsh criticism of Independent Counsel KENNETH—STARR for alleged LEAKS—OF—INFORMATION to the news media, charging on CNN that his client's constitutional rights were being trampled.
19980215             2—JAPAN—SKI jumpers, Kazuyoshi Funaki and Masahiko Harada, leapt to gold and bronze medals in the 120-meter event at THE—NAGANO—OLYMPICS.
19980215             —KILLED, Armed men, 32—PEOPLE in 3—WEEKEND—ATTACKS.
19980215             17—PEOPLE had their throats slit in SAIDA—ALGERIA.
19980215             PRESIDENT—GLAFCOS—CLERIDES (19190000—20130000    ) won a 2. —5-YEAR term in CYPRUS elections with a 50.8% margin.
19980215             —PUSHED, In THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—1—YOUNG—GYPSY woman was, into the Elbe River by 3—SKINHEADS.
19980215             —RECOVERED, Her body was, —2—DAYS—LATER.
19980215             It was the 3. attack on Gypsies in —4—WEEKS. 3—SUSPECTS were detained.
19990215             entführt und in die TÜRKEI auf die Gefängnisinsel ?mral?
19990215             gebracht.
19990215             —KIDNAPPED, COLOMBIA, 1—RIGHT—WING paramilitary group, 9—OFFICIALS sent to investigate reports of 1—MASS—GRAVE—NEAR—CEJA.
19990215             "1—OF—THE—PRIORITY—TASKS—OF—THE reshuffled ISI is going to be to pressurise the Taliban to throw OSAMA—BIN—LADEN out of AFGHANISTAN.
19990215             Nawaz Sharif is under tremendous pressure from THE—USA to make the Taliban moderate its ANTI—WOMAN—POLICIES and to hand over OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to THE—USA,
19990215             failing which THE—USA—REPORTEDLY wants THE—ISI and THE—IB to CO—OPERATE with THE—CIA and THE—FBI in having him captured from his HIDE—OUT in KANDAHAR and flown to THE—USA in 1—NORIEGA—STYLE—OPERATION.
19990215             —BELIEVED, Sayed ABU—NASIR, to be close associates of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN
19990215             —CONTINUED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, his whirlwind visit to MEXICO, where he conferred with PRESIDENT—ERNESTO—ZEDILLO.
19990215             —SIGNED, Clinton and PRESIDENT—ZEDILLO, several accords on economic measures and the drug war.
19990215             CAROLE—SUND (42), JULIE—SUND (15) and SILVINA—PELOSSO were last seen at the Cedar Lodge motel in PORTAL—CALIFORNIA.
19990215             The trio were visiting the area from Eureka.
19990215             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—FBI, 19990221             that the disappearance was being treated as 1—KIDNAPPING and a $250,000 reward was offered.
19990215             —STRANGLED, Tracey Biletnikoff (20) was, to death at Project 90, 1—DRUG—TREATMENT—CENTER in S—MATEO, CALIFORNIA.
19990215             —GUNNED, THE—BODY—OF—AMADOU—DIALLO, 1—UNARMED—WEST—AFRICAN, down by NEW—YORK City police, was returned to his native GUINEA.
19990215             —ANNOUNCED, Scientists, that 1—NEW—VACCINE against malaria would be tested in monkeys.
19990215             —REPORTED, ERITREA, that ETHIOPIA had begun 1—NEW—ROUND—OF shelling SOUTH—WEST—OF—ASSAB.
19990215             —CAPTURED, ABDULLAH—OCALAN was, in KENYA —WHILE being transferred from THE—GREECE—EMBASSY to Jomo Kenyatta INTERNATIONAL Airport in NAIROBI, in 1—OPERATION by THE—TURKEY—MILLI ?stihbarat Teskilat?
19990215             reportedly with THE—HELP—OF—CIA.
19990215             —PROTECTED, GEORGE—COSTOULAS, THE—GREECE—CONSUL who, him, said that his life was in danger —AFTER the operation.
19990215             —SENTENCED, ROMANIA, THE—SUPREME—COURT, in absentia Miron Cozma, LEADER—OF—THE—COAL miners, to an —18—YEAR—PRISON—TERM.
19990215             —REPORTED, It was, that cholera in BANDERA—SOMALIA, has killed at least 60—PEOPLE and infected over 250.
19990215             Nawaz Sharif is under tremendous pressure from THE—USA to make the Taliban moderate its ANTI—WOMAN—POLICIES and to hand over OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to THE—USA, failing which THE—USA—REPORTEDLY wants THE—ISI and THE—IB to CO—OPERATE with THE—CIA and THE—FBI in having him captured from his HIDE—OUT in KANDAHAR and flown to THE—USA in 1—NORIEGA—STYLE—OPERATION.
19990215             Der Kurdenführer und VORSITZENDE—DER—VERBOTENEN—ARBEITERPARTEI—KURDISTANS (PKK), ABDULLAH—ÖCALAN, wird vom TÜRKISCHEN—GEHEIMDIENST Millî ?stihbarat Te?kilât entführt und in die TÜRKEI auf die Gefängnisinsel ?MISTER—AL—GEBRACHT.
19990215—19990219    —ON, CAROLE—SUND—WALLET and credit cards were found in MODESTO.
19990215—19990318    —RENTED, Their, Pontiac was found burned near Long Barn in Tuolemne County and 2 burned bodies were found in the trunk.
19990215—19990615    —ON, he was sentenced to —55—YEARS to life in prison.
19990215—19990826    —CONVICTED, Stayner was, and was sentenced to death 19991212            .
19990215—20010000    —IN, Her boyfriend, MOHAMMED—HAROON—ALI, was convicted of her murder and sentenced —55—YEARS to life in prison.
19990215—20020000    —IN, Cary Stayner, motel maintenance man, —LATER admitted to the murders and faced trial.
19990215—20090000    —OVERTURNED, The conviction was, —AFTER 1—APPEALS—COURT ruled that 1—PROSECUTOR had removed at least 1—JUROR for racial reasons.
19990215—20120000    —CONVICTED, Ali (36) was, a 2. time.
19990215—20150000    —AUTHORED, Ocalan, some 40—BOOKS including "To Kill 1—MAN," which became something of 1—FEMINIST—BIBLE.
20000215             FERNANDO—DE—SANTIBANES, the new HEAD—OF—THE—SECRETARIAT—OF—STATE—INTELLIGENCE (SIDE), fired a 3. of his 3,100 member staff —1—WEEK—EARLIER due to budget cuts.
20000215             —ORDERED, GERMANY, THE—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRATS were, to return over $20—MILLION in state campaign funds for breaking campaign finance laws.
20000215             IRAQ, a 2. UN official quit in protest that sanctions were undermining humanitarian efforts.
20000215             —DISCUSSED, THE—SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE held 1—BUSINESS meeting, at which they, the committee's draft report on THE—ALLEGATIONS—OF—CIA—INVOLVEMENT in NICARAGUA—CONTRA drug trafficking activities.
20000215             —ANNOUNCED, THE—SUBJECT—OF—THE—MEETING was not, in advance or open to the public.
20000215             —VOTED, At the meeting, MEMBERS—OF—THE—COMMITTEE, to approve the committee's draft report but are not releasing it to the public —AT—THIS—TIME.
20000215             "I have been working on this issue for over —3—YEARS, but I was neither invited to this meeting nor informed of it," said REPRESENTATIVE—WATERS.
20000215             —AIRED, Fox, "Who Wants to Marry 1—MULTIMILLIONAIRE?," 1—TV—SPECIAL which drew huge ratings and much notoriety.
20000215             Republican presidential rivals GEORGE—W—BUSH and JOHN—MCCAIN fought over campaign financing and the tenor of their nomination contest in 1—TESTY debate in COLUMBIA—SOUTH—CAROLINA, that included ALAN—KEYES.
20000215             —REPORTED, ARGENTINA, it was, that 1—PRESIDENT—FERNANDO—DE—LA—RUA had ordered 1—PURGE—OF—THE—MILITARY and CIVIL—INTELLIGENCE—APPARATUS and that over 1,500 agents had been fired or retired.
20000215             NORTH—IRELAND, THE—IRA quit talks on disarmament in reprisal for BRITAIN—SUSPENSION—OF—THE—POWER—SHARING government.
20000215             Die Beitrittsverhandlungen zwischen der EU und LETTLAND sowie BULGARIEN und der SLOWAKEI beginnen.
20010215             —1—, p.A3)(SFC, 20010221             . p.A2)(SFC, 20010315             , p.A3)(WSJ, 20010424             , p.A1)(AP, 20080209             )
20010215             PRESIDENT—BUSH said the Pentagon should review its policy on CIVIL—PARTICIPATION in military exercises like the emergency ascent drill 1—NAVY—SUBMARINE was performing —WHEN it sank 1—JAPAN—FISHING vessel off HAWAII.
20010215             1—UN—TEAM confirmed that the Taliban had nearly wiped out opium production in AFGHANISTAN.
20010215             —SENTENCED, HANS—JOACHIM—KLEIN, 1—FORMER—GERMANY—TERRORIST, was, to —9—YEARS in prison by 1—GERMANY—COURT for killing 3—PEOPLE in a 19750000             attack on 1—OPEC meeting in VIENNA—AUSTRIA.
20010215             —AGREED, ISRAEL—EHUD—BARAK, to become the defense MINISTER—UNDER—ARIEL—SHARON.
20010215             —AGREED, CONGO, the warring parties met and JOSEPH—KABILA, to initiate talks with rebel groups.
20010215             —AGREED, The rebel Movement for the Liberation of CONGO, to endorse 1—DETAILS—WITHDRAWAL—PLAN.
20010215             MEXICO, gunmen shot and killed 12—VILLAGERS in the village of Limoncito de Ayala in Sinaloa state.
20010215             CICERO—INDIANA, the town PRESIDENT, Betty LOREN—MALTESE, and 9—OTHERS were charged with stealing $10—MILLION in taxpayer money and spending it on 1—HORSE—FARM and golf course.
20010215             IN THE—CRIMSON
20010915             BILL—POLITICALLY—INCORRECT—BLOG, —SATURDAY, 20030215             20011100             [THE—NEWS, 20020215             ]
20020211—20020215    —AWARDED, Olympic officials, a 2. gold medal to Canadians DAVID—PELLETIER and JAMIE—SALE for their performance.
20020215             —APPROVED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, THE—NEVADA—YUCCA—MOUNTAIN—SITE for nuclear waste.
20020215             —FILED, NEVADA, suit to block the decision.
20020215             American and BELGIUM—OFFICIALS said Sanjivan Ruprah, 1—KENYA—DIAMOND mine owner,
20020215             offered details between al Qaeda and THE—ARMS—TRADING operations of VICTOR—BOUT, 1—RUSSIA—BROKER described as THE—HEAD—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST ARMS—TRAFFICKING organization.
20020215             —AWARDED, Skating and Olympics officials, CANADA—PAIRS—FIGURE skaters JAMIE—SALE and DAVID—PELLETIER 1—GOLD medal, —WHILE letting THE—RUSSIA—PAIR, Elena Berezhnaya and ANTON—SIKHARULIDZE, keep their gold medal, as 1—WAY to resolve 1—JUDGING controversy that had dominated the —WINTER Games in SALT—LAKE—CITY.
20020215             American and BELGIUM—OFFICIALS said Sanjivan Ruprah, 1—KENYA—DIAMOND mine owner, offered details between al Qaeda and THE—ARMS—TRADING operations of VICTOR—BOUT, 1—RUSSIA—BROKER described as THE—HEAD—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST ARMS—TRAFFICKING organization.
20020215             —FILED, Globalstar, 1—SATELLITE—TELEPHONE—COMPANY, for bankruptcy.
20020215             The company had spent $4—BILLION to launch 1—NETWORK—OF—48—COMMUNICATIONS—SATELLITES.
20020215             † HOWARD—K—SMITH, —87—JAHRE—ALT, war correspondent and news analyst (ABC CO—ANCHOR), in Bethesda, Md.
20020215             —RIOTED, BRITAIN, asylum seekers, at THE—YARL—WOOD—INSTITUTION—NEAR—BEDFORD and 20 escaped.
20020215             10 were soon captured.
20020215             † 1—ISRAEL—COMMANDO leader was killed by 1—FALLING wall as his troops demolished 1—PALESTINE—MILITANT'S—HOME in THE—WEST—BANK.
20020215             —FIRED, ISRAEL, rockets at PLO offices in the Jabalija refugee camp and 1—SECURITY—OFFICER was killed.
20020215             —KILLED, ISRAEL—SERGEANT—LEE—NAHMAN—AKUNIS, —20—JAHRE—ALT was, by Fatah gunmen outside THE—WEST—BANK—VILLAGE—OF—SKURDA.
20020904             Nation, 19990215             ]
20030209             Gemeinsam gestalten wir... Antikriegsdemonstration.. 14.-.20200215             03 >
20030214             indymedia GERMANY | 20030215             : Globale Demonstration gegen den... Indymedia Infos über: 20030215             : Globale Demonstration gegen den Krieg.
20030214             Abschlusserklärung Demo BERLIN, 20030215             (Friedensratschlag)
20030214—20030215    Westdeutscher Rundfunk: GROß—DEMONSTRATION gegen IRAK—KRIEG in BERLIN...
20030215             Für eine multipolare Welt und die Gültigkeit des Völkerrechts (20030213             ) Demonstration/Kundgebung BERLIN Aktionsbündnis "15. ;;02;; ":
20030215             —AM—EUROPA gegen den Krieg Für eine multipolare Welt und die Gültigkeit des Völkerrechts (20030213             ) Demonstration/Kundgebung BERLIN Aktionsbündnis "20030215             ":
20030215             USA—BUSH es 1—HEAD—WITH—MILITARY—PLANS—DESPITE—BLIX—REPORT—AT—THE—UNITED—NATIONS —YESTERDAY, 20030214             they applauded —AFTER FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISN "moretime for dealing with IRAQ".
20030215             IRAQ Bans WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, Whatever That Means.
20030215             Maybe It Means that They Discarded the Biological and Chemical Weapons that THE—REAGAN—BUSH—RUMSFELD—CHENEY Regime Sold to Them.
20030215             BUSH—GRANDFATHER—BUSH[BPS917] [S&B917] also a 'scull and bones' man,
20030215             got rich 1. by helping the Nazis come to power, then helping HITLER build the war machine that would decimate the world + then even benefiting from Nazi SLAVE—LABOR and THE—EXTERMINATION—OF—MILLIONS—OF—JEWS.
20030215             PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] 's grandfather, BUSH[BPS917] made considerable profits off AUSCHWITZ SLAVE—LABOR.
20030215             In fact, PRESIDENT—BUSH himself is an heir to these profits from the holocaust which
20030215             1—AMERIKANER in, deren Mann durch ANTHRAX starb, verlangt von der USA—REGIERUNG 1—SUMME—VON—50—MILLIONEN $.
20030215             Wegen schlampiger Sicherheitsvorkehrungen in einem Armeelabor habe der todbringende Erreger —ERST in Umlauf kommen können.
20030215             BUSH is lying. It's that simple. EUROPA gegen den Krieg
20030215             Nahezu 2—MILLIONEN Menschen beteiligten sich in LONDON an der Protestdemonstration gegen den Irakkrieg.
20030215             COLIN—POWEL, Accusations at THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL
20030215             Then there's the Bush family alliance with the greatest evil in history
20030215             - Adolph Hitler.
20030215             BUSH—GRANDFATHER—BUSH [BPS917] [s&b917] also a 'scull and bones' man, got rich 1. by helping the Nazis come to power, then helping Hitler build the war machine that would decimate the world + then even benefiting from Nazi slave labor and THE—EXTERMINATION—OF—MILLIONS—OF—JEWS.
20030215             —EMBRACED, But —WHILE PRESIDENT—BUSH publicly, the community of holocaust survivors in WASHINGTON last —SPRING, he and his family have been keeping 1—SECRET from them for over —50—YEARS about Bush [BPS917], THE—PRESIDENT—GRANDFATHER.
20030215             —CLASSIFIED, According to, documents from HOLLAND—INTELLIGENCE and USA—GOVERNMENT archives, PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] 's grandfather, Bush [BPS917] made considerable profits off Auschwitz slave labor.
20030215             —ABSCHLUSSERKLÄRUNG Demo BERLIN, (Friedensratschlag) - THEY APPLAUDED —AFTER
20030215             WHO NEEDS VOTERS ? my sub : Eine andere Welt ist möglich!
20030215             —EMBRACED, But —WHILE PRESIDENT—BUSH publicly, the community of holocaust survivors in WASHINGTON last —SPRING,
20030215             he and his family have been keeping 1—SECRET from them for over —50—YEARS about BUSH[BPS917], THE—PRESIDENT—GRANDFATHER.
20030215             —CLASSIFIED, According to, documents from HOLLAND—INTELLIGENCE and USA—GOVERNMENT archives,
20030215             Der Fotoredakteur ROBERT—STEVENS hatte sich wahrscheinlich in einem Gebäude der USA—MEDIA in Boca Raton in FLORIDA über einen verseuchten Brief angesteckt.
20030215             IRAQ Bans Weapons of... - BUSH is lying. It's that simple.
20030215             —TODAY, in 1—EFFORT to stop his presidency from hemorrhaging its...
20030215             beachtliche Ergebnisse in der Mobilisierung gegen den Irakkrieg erzielte.
20030215             —AM—EUROPA gegen den Krieg
20030215             Massive Ablehnung von Blairs Unterstützung für Krieg
20030215             TED—STEVENS (R—AK) would not deny placing the hold.
20030215   —ALTERNET: Impeaching GEORGE—W—BUSH
20030215             Do you want to see him or "MISTER—PORK" TED—STEVENS (Senate PRESIDENT—PRO—TEMP) in THE—WHITE—HOUSE?
20030215             I think not.
20030215             Probably the best course of action here is to.
20030215             (u.a. der BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—LONDON,
20030215             —AM—SAMSTAG ging in GROSSBRITANNIEN die größte ANTI—KRIEGS—DEMONSTRATION —SEIT—2—JAHREN über die Bühne.
20030215             Tausende Kriegsgegner haben —AM—SAMSTAG in LONDON und...
20030215             MILLIONS—OF—PROTESTERS, MANY—OF—THEM marching in THE—CAPITALS—OF—AMERICA—ALLIES, demonstrated against possible USA—PLANS to attack IRAQ.
20030215             1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded next to 1—ISRAEL—TANK in THE—GAZA—STRIP, killing all 4—SOLDIERS inside.
20030215             —CLAIMED, Hamas, responsibility.
20030215             —KILLED, INDIA, 7—MEN from Hindu upper castes were, at 1—ROADSIDE restaurant THE—CRIME—PRONE—BIHAR state.
20030215             —KILLED, THE—UPPER—CASTE men were apparently, to avenge the killings —2—DAYS—EARLIER—OF—7—LOWER—CASTE Dalits.
20030215             —LAUNCHED, NIGERIA—OIL—WORKERS, 1—INDEFINITE strike that could shut down crude exports in the world's 6. largest oil exporter.
20030215             aus dem Englischen (20030217             ).
20030215             Gemeinsam gestalten wir...Antikriegsdemonstration..... - Eine andere Welt ist möglich!
20030215             IRAQ Bans Weapons of... - Gemeinsam gestalten wir...Antikriegsdemonstration.....
20030215             COLIN—POWEL, Accusations at THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—EINE andere Welt ist möglich!
20030215             UK: Demonstration,12.00hr, LONDON, von unterschiedlichen Punkten aus.
20030215             gegen den Irakkrieg erzielte.Am
20030215             Massive Ablehnung von Blairs Unterstützung für Krieg aus dem Englischen (20030217             ).
20030215             (u.a. der BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—LONDON, Livingston)...
20030215             Tausende Kriegsgegner haben —AM—SAMSTAG in LONDON und... -
20030215             Gemeinsam gestalten wir...Antikriegsdemonstration.....
20030215             AUSCHWITZ was built near coal deposits so that SLAVE—LABOR could be used in 1—OF—BUSH[BPS917] 's holdings, THE—SILESIAN—AMERICA—CORPORATION.
20030215             Weltweit demonstrieren CA—9.000.000—MENSCHEN in der größten Friedensdemonstration der Geschichte gegen den von der "Koalition der Willigen" geplanten Irakkrieg, der damit der —BISHER einzige Krieg der Geschichte ist, gegen den —SCHON vor seinem Ausbruch Protestdemonstrationen stattfinden.
200302151701         - USA—WITWE verlangt Entschädigung für Anthrax opfer
20030215—19420000    —IN—LATE, Even —AFTER THE—USA declared WAR—ON—GERMANY, Bush [BPS917] continued violating the Trading With the Enemy Act —UNTIL the government finally shut him DOWN—BUT not —BEFORE making him rich.
20030215—20020517    Bush Is Lying 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS.htm
20030215—20030214    —GATHERED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in downtown SYDNEY and —AROUND AUSTRALIA to protest possible war with IRAQ and their country's involvement.
20030215—20030214    demonstrated against possible USA—PLANS to attack IRAQ.
20030215—20030214    Rattled by 1—OUTPOURING—OF—ANTI—WAR—SENTIMENT, THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN began reworking 1—DRAFT—RESOLUTION to authorize force against SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20030215—20030214    ANTI—WAR—PROTESTS drew HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in cities —AROUND the world.
20030215—20030214    —JAHR they applauded —AFTER FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISN "moretime for dealing with IRAQ".
20030215—20030214    —REPORTED, It was, that 11—MILLION—ETHIOPIANS face famine due to drought affecting 15—PERCENT—OF—THE—NATION—HARVEST.
20030215—20030214    —JAHR THEY APPLAUDED —AFTER
20030215—20030214    —BOMBED, AMERICA—WARPLANES, 2—ANTI—AIRCRAFT missile sites in SOUTH—IRAQ.
200304130215         Die Einrichtung eines Palästinenserstaates sei unvermeidlich und auch im ISRAELISCHEN—INTERESSE, betonte Scharon.
20030421—20120215    —ON, 1—SF jury awarded the city $24,000 in damages against Cobra Solutions and TeleCon.
20040215             [ EDITOR—NOTE: This article has been revised with new information + new links.
20040215             The entire original article, THE—INTEGRATION—OF—THEORY AND PRACTICE:
20040215             1—PROGRAM—FOR—THE—NEW—TRADITIONALIST—MOVEMENT BY ERIC—HEUBECK, is at the Yurica Report.
20040215             1—BUZZ—FLASH reader sent in 1—BRIEF quote,"1—RIGHT—WING—JIHAD" AT—AN EXCERPT MAY ALSO BE FOUND AT
20040215             under the title, "RIGHT—WING JIHAD EXPLAINED".
20040215             Nor is there any 2.—GUESSING whether it was worth it to go to war in the
20040215             —COUNTED, Sarkis SOGHANALIAN, 1—LONG—TIME—CIA—AGENT who, FRANCE + CHINA among
20040215             of 21000 AK-47s and USA$ 53—MILLION worth of heavy arms, all from CHINA.
20040215             More Dyspeptic Ranting About JOURNALISM—ACHENBLOG
20040215             According to Sarkis SOGHANALIAN, Adham brought MARK—THATCHER into the arms business.
20040215             —MUTED, This is 1—SHOW worth watching even if the sound is...
20040215             JSTOR: Political Implications of Illegal Arms Exports from the...
20040215             MOST—OF—THE—PARTS made it to IRAN, except for $775000 WORTH—OF—VOLTAGE—REGULATORS
20040215             equipment to LIBYA.48 - Another name on the list is Sarkis SOGHANALIAN ,
20040215             SOGHANALIAN, who has been.
20040215             Inthepreviouschapteranewthetypologyofinterfaceswasdevelopedbasedon-
20040215             Daily Kos: Flies vs. Hammers: How Asymmetric Warfare Works
20040215             (It is worth noting why this is NOT—AT least not YET—THE—STORY—OF
20040215             is detailed in 1—EXCLUSIVE—INTERVIEW—WITH—SARKIS—SOGHANALIAN regarding his...
20040215             Daily Kos: STATE—OF—THE—NATION
20040215             I read 1—BLOG called www.firstdraft. net and Holden who operates it has 1—STORY up —NOW about
20040215             SOGHANALIAN SARKIS G (55) SOUTHWIRE COMPANY (92-3)...
20040215             —CONVICTED, BCCI—RELATIONSHIPS with, IRAQ—ARMS—DEALER—SARKIS SOGHANALIAN... All but 4—OF—THE—BONDS, worth $420—MILLION, have been issued —SINCE Bill...
20040215             CLINTON—ROGUES—GALLERY:
20040215             "This is 1—FINANCIAL favor worth over 1—MILLION—DOLLARS to THE—PRESIDENT.
20040215             The accused, Sarkis SOGHANALIAN, a —70—YEAR—OLD—CITIZEN—OF—LEBANON... - BBC Free Press INTERNATIONAL...
20040215             "Our country is amazing and 1—PLACE worth holding dear...
20040215             —EARLIER in the —YEAR, I met with the notorious Sarkis SOGHANALIAN in the balmy...
20040215             It is worth noting that THE—TRIGGERING—OF—SECTARIAN—DIVISIONS and "civil
20040215             It's worth quoting 1—CITATION from 1—SPEECH by ISRAEL—DEFENSE—MINISTER
20040215             Lawyers and Business Executives in the News™: Breaking Legal News
20040215             INTERNATIONAL arms dealer Sarkis SOGHANALIAN + SCOTT—PETERSON.
20040215             —CONCUDED, This decision, 1—WHOLE—WEEK—WORTH—OF—DECISIONS in favor of Mr.
20040215             Global Security Concerns
20040215             of the world in the future water might be worth more than oil.
20040215             —ASSISTED, LEBANON—BUSINESSMAN Sarkis SOGHANALIAN also, the Iraqis in their arms
20040215             911—ENCYCLOPEDIA
20040215             9112001 . net is hosted by Loveearth, which is supported by 1—OF—THE—MOST active
20040215             And Ugaz wants to question a potential key witness: Sarkis SOGHANALIAN...
20040215             —ABOUT 50—WATER—SUPPLY and wastewater treatment projects, worth more than $400 ...
20040215             Global Free Press: Peircing THE—VEIL—OF—CENSORSHIP http...
20040215             Lovearth. net : Brings You 23—INFORMATIVE Websites On 911 - involved in PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM,
20040215             with IRAQ—ARMS—DEALER—SARKIS SOGHANALIAN ,
20040215             syrian - 1—LEBANON—ARMS—DEALER, Sarkis Soghanalian, known as 'THE—MERCHANT—OF—DEATH',
20040215             gets the rifles from JORDAN + puts them on 1—UKRAINE—PLANE that parachutes
20040215             † DALE—EARNHARDT—JUNIOR won the Daytona 500 on the same track where his father was killed —3—YEARS—EARLIER.
20040215             JOHN—KERRY won THE—DC and NEVADA presidential caucuses.
20040215             † ACTRESS—JAN—MINER, —86—JAHRE—ALT, best known as "Madge the manicurist" in Palmolive TV ads, in BETHEL—CONNECTICUT.
20040215             —AMBUSHED, BRAZIL, gunmen, 1—BUSLOAD—OF—POLICE in Rio and killed 3—OFFICERS.
20040215             NORTH—EAST—CHINA, 1—FIRE swept through 1—SHOPPING center, killing 51—PEOPLE and injuring dozens more.
20040215             Hours —LATER, 1—FIRE in 1—TEMPLE in the country's southeast killed 39—PEOPLE.
20040215             —KILLED, THE—2—BLAZES, at least 93—PEOPLE.
20040215             INDIA, 1—BOAT carrying villagers returning from 1—PICNIC capsized in the Ganges River.
20040215             17—PEOPLE were missing and believed drowned.
20040215             —EMBATTLED, PERU, the government of, PRESIDENT—ALEJANDRO—TOLEDO appointed 1—NEW—LINEUP—OF—CABINET—MINISTERS as he tries to survive 1—DEEPENING political crisis.
20040215             It was TOLEDO—5. SHAKE—UP in —30—MONTHS.
20040215             The entire original article, THE—INTEGRATION—OF—THEORY and Practice: 1—PROGRAM for the New Traditionalist Movement by ERIC—HEUBECK, is at the Yurica Report.
20040215             —LOCATED, However, we have —SINCE, the material at the —FOLLOWING sites.
20040215             1—EXCERPT may also be found AT—ANOTHER link to HEUBECK—ESSAY is at
20040215             A 2. important article by LUKE—SETZER that is based on and references HEUBECK—MATERIAL is at:
20040215             NucNews- 1—LEBANON—ARMS—DEALER, Sarkis Soghanalian, known as 'THE—MERCHANT—OF—DEATH"...
20040215             —COUNTED, Sarkis Soghanalian, 1—LONG—TIME—CIA—AGENT who, FRANCE + CHINA among... of 21000 AK-47s and USA$ 53—MILLION worth of heavy arms, all from CHINA.
20040215             clear: This is 1—SHOW worth watching even if the sound is muted...
20040215             MOST—OF—THE—PARTS made it to IRAN, except for $775000 WORTH—OF—VOLTAGE—REGULATORS... equipment to LIBYA.48
20040215             Another name on the list is Sarkis Soghanalian... - Talk2000 .NL—NEW—PAGES [en]
20040215             FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL and Watergate felon JOHN—MITCHELL and Sarkis Soghanalian, 1—TURKISH—BORN—LEBANON—CITIZEN.
20040215             Inthepreviouschapteranewthetypologyofinterfaceswasdevelopedbasedon -
20040215             "supplied UNITA with $14—MILLION—WORTH—OF—ARMS through 1—COMPANY he.
20040215             (It is worth noting why this is NOT—AT least not YET—THE—STORY—OF... is detailed in 1—EXCLUSIVE—INTERVIEW—WITH—SARKIS—SOGHANALIAN regarding his...
20040215             I read 1—BLOG called www.firstdraft. net and Holden who operates it has 1—STORY up —NOW about... SOGHANALIAN SARKIS G (55) SOUTHWIRE COMPANY (92-3)...
20040215             NucNews- - 1—LEBANON—ARMS—DEALER, Sarkis Soghanalian, known as 'THE—MERCHANT—OF—DEATH', gets the rifles from JORDAN + puts them on 1—UKRAINE—PLANE that parachutes.
20040215—19980611    Update Downside Legacy at 2—DEGREES—OF—PRESIDENT—CLINTON
20040215—20011212    —CITED, In addition to the Buzz Flash quote, above ,
20040215—20011212    —CITED, In addition to the Buzz Flash quote, above, 1—BUZZ—FLASH reader sent in 1—BRIEF quote, "1—RIGHT—WING—JIHAD" at
200411021550         —PM
20050215             KYOTO—ABKOMMEN tritt in KRAFT—1. Schritt zum Klimaschutz
20050215             BUND: Neues Klimaschutzprogramm für DEUTSCHLAND ohne Substanz
20050215             Secrets + Lies: 1—AUSTRALIA—INTELLIGENCE insider reveals how key dossiers on IRAQ—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION were censored + how his early reports to CANBERRA about prisoner abuse were ignored.
20050215             Y BRITAIN Wanted A 'Sexier' IRAQ—WEAPONS Report Claims Scientist:
20050215             1—AUSTRALIA—SCIENTIST involved in THE—USA—SEARCH for WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION in IRAQ —TODAY said THE—CIA censored his reporting so that it suggested the weapons existed.
20050215             Y USA Withdraws Ambassador From Syria:
20050215             —BEFORE departing, USA—AMBASSADOR—MARGARET—SCOBEY delivered 1—STERN note,
20050215             called 1—DEMARCHE in diplomatic parlance, to THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT, said 1—OFFICIAL who discussed the situation only on GROUNDS—OF—ANONYMITY.
20050215             Y ROBERT—FISK: The killing of 'MISTER—LEBANON':
20050215             This was 1—BOMB that took 1—LONG—TIME to construct, 1—LONG—TIME to plan.
20050215             Parked outside the wall of 1—EMPTY—HOTEL, few would have looked at the car or noticed that it was weighed down on its axles by the weight of explosives, as it must have been.
20050215             He knew Rafik Hariri and was 1—OF—THE 1. people to get to THE—SITE—OF—THE—ATTACK.
20050215             Real Audio - y War pimp alert: FINGER—POINTING begins as nations ask, 'Who?':
20050215             THE—USA will consult with other governments "about measures that can be taken to punish those responsible for this terrorist attack," and "to restore LEBANON—INDEPENDENCE,
20050215             sovereignty and democracy by freeing it from foreign occupation," THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY, SCOTT—MCCLELLAN, said.
20050215             Union: Trittin leugnet eigene Zielvorgaben in der Klimaschutzpolitik
20050215             BSH gibt grünes Licht für 8. WINDPARK—PROJEKT in der Nordsee
20050215             SPD: Wir nähern uns beim Klimawandel dem Punkt ohne Umkehr
20050215             -Context OF—': Deputy SECRETARY—OF—STATE—SAYS...
20050215             Mahmood Ahmed, extending his WASHINGTON visit because of 20010911             —THE attacks...
20050215             ROBERT—ZOELLICK, the new deputy SECRETARY—OF—STATE, testifying —BEFORE 1—SENATE...
20050215             —SENTENCED, Defrocked priest PAUL—SHANLEY was, in BOSTON to 12 to —15—YEARS in prison on child rape charges.
20050215             —CLAIMED, CHRISTOPHER—PITTMAN, 1—TEEN who, the antidepressant Zoloft had driven him to kill his grandparents at age 12, was found guilty in CHARLESTON—SOUTH—CAROLINA, of murder and sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison.
20050215             —ANNOUNCED, Mayor Bloomberg had —RECENTLY, the closure of 1—NUMBER—OF—LARGE, troubled schools to be replaced by 200—NEW—SMALL—SCHOOLS with pupils capped at 500-600.
20050215             BRAZIL—CHAMBER—OF—DEPUTIES chose Severino Cavalcanti, 1—LEADER—OF—CONGRESS'S "low clergy," as PRESIDENT.
20050215             The position determines THE—AGENDA—OF—CONGRESS and his selection was seen as 1—SETBACK to PRESIDENT. da Silva
20050215             —DESIGNED, THE—FALCON 7X, 1—BUSINESS—JET, and built by THE—FRANCE—AVIATION—COMPANY—DASSAULT, was displayed for the 1. time.
20050215             —MODELED, It was the 1. plane to be digitally, in 3-dimensions and required no prototype.
20050215             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—LEBANON, 1—ANGRY—MOB, SYRIA—WORKERS and another group threw stones and set fires outside 1—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICE—IN—BEIRUT, blaming DAMASCUS for the bomb that killed FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—RAFIK—HARIRI.
20050215             —ENDED, THE—GUAM—BASED Citizens Security Bank (CSB), credit card and other services to THE—BANK—OF—MARSHALL—ISLANDS.
20050215             RESIDENTS—OF—THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS will be unable to use their credit cards —AFTER THE—CENTRAL—PACIFIC nation's leading bank was cut off from 1—USA—PARTNER—BY—THE—ANTI—TERRORIST—PATRIOT—ACT.
20050215             —KILLED, MEXICO, the bodies of 12—MEN, by hitmen believed linked to drug gangs were found in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—SINALOA, in what appears to be 1—OF—THE—DEADLIEST —1—DAY—TOLLS in violent drug battles in recent years.
20050215             EAST—NEPAL, 1—OVERNIGHT clash between government troops and communist rebels left at least 12—REBELS and 3—SOLDIERS—DEAD.
20050215             —REPORTED, It was, that major energy firms had committed $20—BILLION to build 1—NEW—GAS—TO—LIQUIDS (GTL) plant in QATAR to develop the huge natural gas reserves there.
20050215             —OPENED, PAKISTAN, gunmen, fire on mourners returning from 1—FUNERAL—NEAR 1—MUSLIM shrine on the outskirts of ISLAMABAD, killing at least 2—PEOPLE and injuring several others.
20050215             —APPROVED, THE—THAILAND—CABINET, establishing 1—NEW infantry division of 12,000 troops to be based permanently in SOUTH—THAILAND, where violence blamed on Muslim insurgents has claimed more than 650—LIVES in the past —YEAR.
20050215             Y - BRITAIN Wanted A 'Sexier' IRAQ—WEAPONS—REPORT—CLAIMS—SCIENTIST : 1—AUSTRALIA—SCIENTIST involved in THE—USA—SEARCH for WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION in IRAQ —TODAY said THE—CIA censored his reporting so that it suggested the weapons existed.
20050215             Y - USA Withdraws Ambassador From Syria : —BEFORE departing, USA—AMBASSADOR—MARGARET—SCOBEY delivered 1—STERN note, called 1—DEMARCHE in diplomatic parlance, to THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT, said 1—OFFICIAL who discussed the situation only on GROUNDS—OF—ANONYMITY.
20050215             Y - ROBERT—FISK: The killing of 'MISTER—LEBANON' : This was 1—BOMB that took 1—LONG—TIME to construct, 1—LONG—TIME to plan.
20050215             Real Audio - y War pimp alert:
20050215             FINGER—POINTING begins as nations ask, 'Who?' : THE—USA will consult with other governments "about measures that can be taken to punish those responsible for this terrorist attack," and "to restore LEBANON—INDEPENDENCE, sovereignty and democracy by freeing it from foreign occupation," THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY, SCOTT—MCCLELLAN, said.
20050215             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: DOW—JONES steigt auf Jahreshöchststand
20050215             CIA—FALL: Journalisten sollen Informanten preisgeben
20050215             ATOM—STREIT: IRAN fordert stärkeres Engagement der EU
20050215             Datenschützer: Ticketvergabe für 20060000             illegal
20050215             REFORM—INITIATIVE: Nato und EU schwenken auf SCHRÖDER—KURS ein
20050215             Naturereignisse: Erdbeben erschüttert Tokio
20050215             Ehemann im Sicherheitstrakt: Wie 1—BRITIN erfuhr, dass ihr Mann 1—VERGEWALTIGER ist
20050215             —GEZERRT, SACHSEN—ANHALT: Afrikaner aus Zug, und verprügelt
20050215             Börse —AM—ABEND: Dax springt auf neues Jahreshoch
20050215             JOB—ABBAU: DEUTSCHE—BANK will schrumpfen, aber nicht kündigen
20050215             —ATTACKIERT, KUBA—POLITIK: EX—BDI—CHEF—HENKEL, Schmusekurs gegenüber Castro
20050215             Augenblick: Viel heiße Luft
20050215             —BEREITET, Flutkatastrophe: STAR—ANWALT Fagan, Sammelklage vor
20050215             VISA—AFFÄRE: Der Mann, der den MINISTER jagt
20050215             Verfolgungsangst: Haider und die ÖSTERREICHISCHE—SECURITATE
20050215             Chimären: Behörde stoppt Patent auf Halbmenschen
20050215             "Cinema for Peace": Filmreife Hilfe aus BERLIN—USA—VISA—POLITIK: Schikane light
20050215             Motorenentwicklung: Sparsamer, stärker, kleiner
20050215             Schlafräuber: Nachbarn beschallen Ehepaar mit KRÄH—KANONE
20050215             Welthandel: Ungeniert kopieren die Chinesen Produkte ausländischer Unternehmen
20050215             Rüde Geschäftsmethoden in CHINA: Lächeln, kopieren, kassieren
20050215             Neue Töne von Titan: Zwitschern aus der Methanhülle
20050215             Gehaltsreport Marketing: Die Einkommen von PR—PROFIS und Marktforschern
20050215             VISA—AFFÄRE: Fischer räumt eigene Fehler ein
20050215             Umstrittene EU—REGEL: Schröder kämpft gegen die Billiglöhner
20050215             Konjunkturschock: "Das ist eine wirklich böse Überraschung"
20050215             LONDON: Leibgardisten der QUEEN—DREHEN—PORNO—FILM
20050215             ATOM—STREIT: IRAN will Europäern Garantien geben
20050215             Gelinkt: JEDER—KLICK kostet die Konkurrenz Bares
20050215             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Spaltpilz der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit"
20050215             —FUNKTIONIERT, Hirnforschung: Mathematik, ohne Worte
20050215             Interview über Erfolgsstrategien: Selbstgespräche, aber mit System
20050215             NORDKOREA: "Neue SCUD—RAKETE bedroht JAPAN"
20050215             IRAN: Dutzende Tote bei Brand in Moschee
20050215             USA—RAKETEN—ABWEHRSYSTEM: Weiterer Test fehlgeschlagen
20050215             —VERLIERT, Konjunktur: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT, an Schwung
20050215             Dienstunfähig: 1—VIERTEL—DER—BEAMTEN geht in den Vorruhestand
20050215             Korruption: Pentagon prüft weitere Luftwaffenaufträge
20050215             USA—MILITÄREINSÄTZE: Bush baut Rekorddefizit aus
20050215             Sturm BANGLADESH, Erdbeben PERU Erdbeben TANGSHAN—CHINA Zyklon GORKI—BANGLADESH.
20050215             History... 19860000             FERDINAND—MARCOS wins rigged PHILIPPINES presidential election... Tomoyuki Yamashita in FRONT—OF—JAPAN—NEWSREEL cameras... is to donate his gold medal from...
20050215             Die ehemaligen PAYPAL—MITARBEITER—CHAD—HURLEY, STEVE—CHEN und JAWED—KARIM gründen das INTERNET—VIDEOPORTAL—YOUTUBE, auf dem kostenlos Videoclips angesehen und hochgeladen werden können.
20050215—20020000    —J—IM, NUMBER 2/2003—NATUR—UND MAN—MADE—KATASTROPHEN... in BANGLADESH 19700000             mit 300000 Todesopfern, das ERD—BEBEN in der chinesischen... Sturm BANGLADESH, Erdbeben PERU Erdbeben TANGSHAN—CHINA Zykon GORKI—BANGLADESH...
20050215—20030000    —J—IM, NUMBER 1/2004—NATUR—UND MAN—MADE—KATASTROPHEN... Das Beben der Stärke 6.5—AUF der Richterskala zerstörte die Stadt Bam fast.
20050216             Covert Action Information Bulletin (CAIB) #33 ... Islamic Salvation Front, from the PHILIPPINES' Moro Liberation Front... 20050215             20050920—20020215    —ON, Alves was found GUILTY—OF—KILLING Kamille Seenauth (34).
20050920—20020215    —ON, Alves was found GUILTY—OF—KILLING—KAMILLE—SEENAUTH, —34—JAHRE—ALT.
20060211—20060215    THE—PACIFIC archipelago of TOKELAU, population ~1,500, voted in 1—REFERENDUM (349-232) to remain as 1—TERRITORY—OF—NEW—ZEALAND rather than becoming 1—SELF—GOVERNING state in free association with NEW—ZEALAND.
20060215             IRAN DAILY—WORLD—POLITICS - 20060108             20060215             IRAN DAILY—WORLD—POLITICS - 20060108             "THE—CONGRESSIONAL—RESEARCH—SERVICE—REPORT rebuts the central assertions made —RECENTLY by ( PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W) Bush and ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES...
20060215             BOSTON GLOBEWAL—MART Must Stock Contraception in MASSACHUSETTS FORBESREUTERS—CBS NEWS—HUB—POLITICS—JURIST—ALL—267 related Post Date:20060214             20060215             Das Bundesverfassungsgericht erklärt 1—BESTIMMUNG des bundesdeutschen Luftsicherheitsgesetzes für nichtig, die für den letztendlichen Abschuss entführter Luftfahrzeuge bei Gefahrensituationen 1—RECHTSGRUNDLAGE hätte sein sollen.
20060215             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, 1—PLAN to combat widespread pollution and leave 1—BETTER—ENVIRONMENT for future generations,
20060215             citing the need to stave off possible social instability.
20060215             He said inflation is still 1—RISK and suggested that interest rate increases are not over.
20060215             —HANDED, Merril Lynch, its $544—MILLION—FUND—OPERATION to Black Rock in exchange for —JUST under half of the combined firm.
20060215             IRAQ—OFFICIALS Condemn Abuse Images
20060215             —TRIED, THE—PENTAGON, to keep hundreds... - FISHERMEN—TIDE—TURNS—ON—SAFETY
20060215             THE—NEW—ENGLAND fishing community was... - Math Crisis?
20060215             Students Don't Get It - 4—USA—TECH—FIRMS Slammed On CHINA
20060215             Representatives from Microsoft, —YAHOO, Cisco Systems...
20060215             Blogs Buzz About Cheney MISFIRE—CRACK Down On PLANE—SEEKING Lasers
20060215             Authorities say they'll be cracking down...
20060215             SPECTER: FISA has a blanket prohibition against electronic surveillance without a
20060215             —NOW that we know USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES perjured himself
20060215             Liberty Post - 11, 20060000             — - FORMER—CIA GENERAL—COUNSEL—JEFFREY—SMITH will testify in House hearings
20060215             —AFTER revelations about PRESIDENT—BUSH ordering surveillance of...
20060215             THE—VOLOKH—CONSPIRACY—SPECTER Wants Hearings on NSA Surveillance:
20060215             Oh, the Specter of 1—PRESIDENT demanding that Congress give him 1—TOOL back
20060215             —ACCEPTED, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, blame for accidentally shooting 1—HUNTING companion, calling it "1—OF—THE—WORST—DAYS—OF—MY life," but was defiantly unapologetic in 1—FOX—NEWS—CHANNEL—INTERVIEW about not publicly disclosing the accident —UNTIL THE—NEXT—DAY.
20060215             he may authorize the emergency employment of electronic surveillance if a
20060215             1—USA—REPUBLICAN—LED—HOUSE—COMMITTEE—REPORT, "1—FAILURE—OF—INITIATIVE," cited major failures at all LEVELS—OF—GOVERNMENT in the handling of Hurricane Katrina.
20060215             —SINGLED, Several top BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS were, out for criticism.
20060215             Testifying —BEFORE the Senate, Homeland Security SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF acknowledged delayed aid and fumbled coordination in THE—FEDERAL—RESPONSE to Hurricane Katrina.
20060215             —LIMITED, THE—PRESIDENT that power, to demonstrating that such surveillance had 1—PROBABLE—CAUSE
20060215             —BLASTED, MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS, 4—USA—TECH—GIANTS (Microsoft Corp., Yahoo INCORPORATED, Cisco Systems INCORPORATED and Google INCORPORATED) accusing the companies of willingly helping CHINA oppress internal dissent in return for access to 1—BOOMING—INTERNET—MARKET.
20060215             Sawyer, in striking down PRESIDENT—TRUMAN—SEIZURE—OF—THE—STEEL—MILLS... such as those forbidding torture and those regulating electronic surveillance.
20060215             —FINANCED, Black Hawk, the $9.8—BILLION —TRANSACTION with its own stock.
20060215             Top 12—MEDIA—MYTHS And Falsehoods On THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S
20060215             stating that THE—PRESIDENT may authorize electronic surveillance without 1—COURT
20060215             —BUSTED, Police in LOS—ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, 8—PEOPLE connected to 1—INTERNATIONAL—CAR—THEFT ring.
20060215             USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES spoke to law students —TODAY at
20060215             —DISGUISED, The racket, as 1—CHARITY—GROUP, was linked to Chechnya and police believed proceeds from the stolen cars was used to finance Chechen terrorist operations.
20060215             † ROBERT—RICH, —92—JAHRE—ALT, inventor of frozen NON—DAIRY topping.
20060215             SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—ALITO and the Hispanic Community...
20060215             prior judicial approval--conducting electronic surveillance on citizens...
20060215             —PRESSED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, his PAKISTAN—COUNTERPART on to root out militants AFGHANISTAN claims have launched 1—SPATE of recent CROSS—BORDER—SUICIDE—BOMBINGS.
20060215             "Enemy is listening,' Gonzales WARNS—NATION/POLITICS—THE...
20060215             The beheaded bodies of 2—AFGHANISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS were found dumped in WEST—AFGHANISTAN as the 1. of THOUSANDS—OF—UK—TROOP—REINFORCEMENTS arrived in the south.
20060215             —CAPTURED, The intelligence agents had been, in Farah province —2—DAYS—AGO by suspected remnants of the Taliban.
20060215             USA—SENATE—JUDICIARY COMMITTEE—HOLDS 1—HEARING on Wartime Executive......
20060215             —PUBLISHED, MANY—OF—THE—IMAGES—BROADCAST were more graphic than those previously, showing what appear to be dead bodies, as well as wounded people and prisoners performing sex acts.
20060215             statement that that was the exclusive way for electronic surveillance.
20060215             —VOTED, UK—LAWMAKERS, to ban glorifying terrorism, giving PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR 1—BADLY needed victory on 1—MEASURE he said was key to preventing future attacks.
20060215             1—CHILE—ENVIRONMENTAL—AGENCY approved ambitious plans for 1—OPEN—PIT—MINE—HIGH in the Andes mountains were unanimously, but the project's future remained unclear because the agency rejected its most controversial aspect, relocating 3—GLACIERS to reach the gold underneath.
20060215             GONZALES :
20060215             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, 1—PLAN to combat widespread pollution and leave 1—BETTER—ENVIRONMENT for future generations, citing the need to stave off possible social instability.
20060215             —HANDED, SOUTH—COLOMBIA, HUNDREDS—OF—PARAMILITARY—FIGHTERS, in their weapons and renounced violence in 1—CEREMONY.
20060215             Gonzales Defends Surveillance
20060215             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—R—GONZALES spent more than —7—HOURS sparring with skeptical
20060215             —ATTACKED, Rebels, 1—CREW that was removing coca plants from 1—OF—COLOMBIA—NATIONAL—PARKS and killed at least 6—POLICE—GUARDS.
20060215             "If THE—PRESIDENT had authorized domestic surveillance as well...
20060215             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC, the Clemenceau, 1 decommissioned aircraft carrier, to return to FRANCE —AFTER 1—TOP—ADMINISTRATIVE—COURT suspended its transfer to INDIA.
20060215             —CONFIRMED, GERMANY said further tests had, H5N1 bird flu in 2—SWANS, prompting other European countries to step up efforts to prevent the virus infecting domestic livestock.
20060215             To the Point
20060215             —DECLARED, Rene Preval was, THE—WINNER—OF—HAITI—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION under 1—AGREEMENT between the interim government and electoral council.
20060215             NSA warrantless surveillance CONTROVERSY—WIKIPEDIA, the free...
20060215             Nermine Othman, IRAQ—HUMAN—RIGHTS—MINISTER, said that some 170—IRAQIS were tortured —LAST—YEAR in 1—SECRET—PRISON in BAGHDAD and she would recommend PROSECUTIONS—OF—OFFICIALS, including judges who did not report the abuses.
20060215             Professor Heymann, 1—FORMER duputy USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL said, "The bottom lineis, I—KNOW—OF—NO—ELECTRONIC—SURVEILLANCE for intelligence purposes —SINCE the...-
20060215             —OCCURRED, The torture, in Interior Ministry buildings, including 1 in BAGHDAD—JADRIYAH district.
20060215             1—BOMB exploded on 1—CENTRAL—BAGHDAD street, killing 3—GIRLS and 1—BOY walking to school.
20060215             —INCLUDED, The dead, 2—SISTERS and their brother.
20060215             † At least 14—OTHER—PEOPLE, including 6—POLICEMEN, in car bombings and shootings across THE—IRAQ—CAPITAL.
20060215             ALBERTO—GONZALES, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL : Our enemy is listening.
20060215             was actually THE—PRESIDENT who signed into law the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
20060215             NATHAN—LYNN, —21—JAHRE—ALT—OF—SOUTH—WILLIAMSPORT, Penn., was acquitted of voluntary manslaughter and conspiracy to obstruct justice over THE—DEATH—OF—GANI—AHMED—ZABEN —DURING a 20060215             raid on 1—SUSPECT—HOUSE.
20060215             —BYPASSED, Bush, compliant COURT—ON—WIRETAPPING—THE—BOSTON—GLOBE
20060215             1—JORDAN—MILITARY—COURT sentenced to death 9—MEN, including AL—QAIDA in IRAQ leader ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI, for 1—PLOT to carry out 1—CHEMICAL—ATTACK against the kingdom.
20060215             —RECEIVED, AL—ZARQAWI and 3—OTHERS, the death penalty in absentia.
20060215             Congress set up the special electronic surveillance court
20060215             —CAREENED, CENTRAL—MEXICO, 1—BUS, off 1—WINDY highway and into 1—RAVINE in the Sierra Gorda mountains, killing 23—PEOPLE and injuring 14.
20060215             ATTORNEY—GENERAL: Domestic spy program LEGAL—USA—SECURITY—MISS—NBC com
20060215             —AMBUSHED, NEPAL, insurgents, 1—ARMY—PATROL—NEAR the village of Bibeke, about 150—MILES—WEST—OF—KATHMANDU, killing at least 3—SOLDIERS and injuring 2—OTHERS.
20060215             19: USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES discusses the power THE—PRESIDENT has
20060215             to include electronic surveillance 1—FEW days —AFTER the attacks on ;;09;;.
20060215             —JOINED, More than 70,000—PEOPLE, PAKISTAN—BIGGEST protest yet against Prophet Muhammad cartoons, burning movie theaters, 1—KFC restaurant and 1—SOUTH—KOREAN—RUN—BUS—STATION.
20060215             Full Speed AHEAD—NEWSWEEK National NEWS—MISS—NBC com...
20060215             3—PEOPLE † and dozens were injured in 2—CITIES.
20060215             ALBERTO—GONZALES made 1—BEDSIDE visit to JOHN—ASHCROFT, ATTORNEY—GENERAL at... Miffed that Comey, 1 straitlaced, BY—THE—BOOK—FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY from...
20060215             —DEPORTED, PAKISTAN, nearly 600—AFGHANS who had been jailed in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—KARACHI for up to —6—MONTHS on charges of illegal immigration.
20060215             As Domestic Spying Hearing Looms, Leahy Renews Request For Key...
20060215             —SCHEDULED, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES is, to testify —BEFORE the
20060215             PERU, ARNDT—HUBERT—KUPPER, —36—JAHRE—ALT and EVA—NORUZKA la Torre (22), 1—GERMANY—MAN and his PERU—WIFE, were arrested for trafficking PERU—BABIES to adoptive parents in EUROPE through 1—INTERNET—SITE.
20060215             to THE—PRESIDENT to conduct domestic surveillance without seeking warrants from the...
20060215             RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER said that IRAN must eliminate INTERNATIONAL concerns it could use its nuclear program to make weapons —BEFORE MOSCOW will support TEHRAN—RIGHT to domestically enrich uranium.
20060215             —ARMED, Kurdish protesters, with firebombs and stones battled with TURKEY—POLICE to mark the 7. ANNIVERSARY—OF—GUERRILLA—LEADER—ABDULLAH—OCALAN—CAPTURE.
20060215             AMERICA, USA, Times Online, THE—TIMES, —SUNDAY Times
20060215             USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL defends 'snooping' —BEFORE Senate
20060215             "has 1—FORCEFUL and blanket prohibition against ANY—ELECTRONIC—SURVEILLANCE without 1—COURT—ORDER".
20060215             WAYNE—MADSEN—REPORT...
20060215             —AUTHORIZED, PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT have all, electronic surveillance on a far
20060215             —THIS—WEEK, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, ALBERTO—GONZALES is testifying —BEFORE...
20060215             Online NewsHour: Senate Examines Domestic Spying Program...
20060215             with 1—SIGNING statement that that was the exclusive way for electronic surveillance.
20060215             Online NewsHour: Law Background Reports
20060215             Os pobres são rapidamente esquecidos, São mais numerosos do que os vivos,
20060215             mas onde estão todos os seus [ossos?
20060215             Por cada homem vivo há um milhão de mortos,
20060215             Terá todo o seu pó ido para a terra de modo a nunca mais ser visto?
20060215             Não haveria ar para respirar, de tão denso,
20060215             Nem espaço para o vento soprar, ou a chuva cair;
20060215             A terra seria uma nuvem de pó, um solo de ossos, Sem espaço sequer para os nossos esqueletos.
20060215             OMRI—SHARON, the disgraced SON—OF—ISRAEL'S—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON,
20060215             has been sentenced to —9—MONTHS in prison on corruption charges over financing his father's party leadership campaign.
20060215             USA Embassy Ready To Evacuate As NEPAL—KING—PLAN—FOR—EXILE:
20060215             NEPAL remains tense as the 7-Party agitation against the Monarchy gains strength and the Maoist continue to have success on THE—BATTLE—FIELD.Sources within the Palace report THE—KING and his family are preparing for exile.
20060215             Lawmakers Blast Tech Giants Over CHINA: THE—BACKSTABBERS:
20060215             HERE—YET another story that is sadly CHARACTERISTIC—OF—THE—BUSH—IMPERIUM:
20060215             the complete and utter breakdown in backbone of THE—SO—CALLED "opposition" party.
20060215             Hidden HISTORY—OF—USA germ testing:
20060215             —DEVELOPED, Biological pathogens they, were tested on volunteers from 1—PACIFIST—CHURCH and were also released in public places.
20060215             MIKE—WHITNEY: Hurricane Katrina;
20060215             "National Failure" or Criminal Negligence:
20060215             The senate investigation of Hurricane Katrina is turning out to be another WHITE—HOUSE whitewash.
20060215             The senate strategy has been to characterize THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—RESPONSE as "1—NATIONAL—FAILURE" or "bureaucratic bungling" —WHEN in fact the evidence proves that the top officials in the administration,
20060215             including GEORGE—BUSH himself, are responsible for THE—DEATHS—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—NEW—ORLEANS residents.
20060215             PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN : Our hollow prosperity:
20060215             —LAST—YEAR, THE—USA ran a $202—BILLION trade deficit with CHINA, the largest ever between 2—NATIONS.
20060215             We ran ALL—TIME record trade deficits with OPEC,
20060215             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, JAPAN, CANADA and Latin AMERICA.
20060215             The $50—BILLION deficit with MEXICO was the largest —SINCE NAFTA passed and also the largest in history.
20060215             PAUL—KRUGMAN: Debt and Denial:
20060215             —ANNOUNCED, —LAST—WEEK—MISTER—CHENEY, that 1—NEWLY created division within the Treasury Department would show that tax cuts increase, not reduce, FEDERAL—REVENUE.
20060215             Cheney, "1—BEER or 2" and 1—GUN—JOHN—NICHOLS:
20060215             Dick CHENEY, who is 1—OF—THE—SMALL—NUMBER—OF—AMERICANS who can count 2—DRUNK driving busts on his driving record,
20060215             may have been doing more than hunting quail on the —DAY that he shot 1—TEXAS lawyer in the face.
20060215             —LOBBIED, CHENEY—HUNTING host, WHITE—HOUSE: Humor: CHENEY—GOT 1—GUN:
20060215             Jon has SOME—ADVICE, "Don't let your kids go hunting with THE—VICE—PRESIDENT.
20060215             "THE—ROAD to GUANTANAMO,"
20060215             Berliners' taste for movies with 1—STRONG—POLITICAL—MESSAGE was sated —TUESDAY with the world PREMIERE—OF—MICHAEL—WINTERBOTTOM—FACTUAL—DRAMA "THE—ROAD to GUANTANAMO,"
20060215             OUT—OF—SIGHT :
20060215             —COMMITTED, Can 1—FILM—RIGHT the wrongs, in Guantánamo?
20060215             —REPRESENTED, Clive Stafford Smith, who has, MANY—OF—ITS—PRISONERS in court, reports
20060215             Tell the truth about torture MISTER—BUSH:
20060215             "Extraordinary Renditions" -- USA Outsourcing Torture?
20060215             THE—POLITICS—OF—FEAR: (or how TONY—BLAIR misled us over THE—WAR—ON—TERROR)
20060215             Quick Rise for PURVEYORS—OF—PROPAGANDA in IRAQ:
20060215             —2—YEARS—AGO, CHRISTIAN—BAILEY and Paige Craig were living in 1—HALF—RENOVATED WASHINGTON group house,
20060215             with 1—STRING of failed startup companies behind them.
20060215             then began winning MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR—CONTRACTS with THE—USA—MILITARY to produce propaganda in IRAQ.
20060215             The propaganda we pass off as news —AROUND the world:
20060215             1—BRITISH—GOVERNMENT—FUNDED fake TV news service allows mild CRITICISM—OF—THE—USA—ALL the better to support it
20060215             Weldon: 'Able Danger' ID'd 9/ll ringleader:
20060215             Pre-;;09;;. - - - - 11—INTELLIGENCE conducted by 1—SECRET—MILITARY—UNIT identified terrorist ringleader MOHAMED—ATTA 13—DIFFERENT—TIMES, 1—CONGRESSMAN said —TUESDAY.
20060215             USA 'let slip 20010911             hijacker 13—TIMES':
20060215             1—SECRET—PENTAGON unit had MOHAMMED—ATTA, 20010911             —THE ringleader, in its crosshairs 13—TIMES—BEFORE 20010000             —THE attacks,
20060215             1—USA—CONGRESSMAN has claimed citing the unit's records.
20060215             325,000 Names on Terrorism List:
20060215             Rights Groups Say Database May Include Innocent People
20060215             Congressional Probe of NSA Spying Is in Doubt:
20060215             but 1—ALL—OUT WHITE—HOUSE lobbying campaign has dramatically slowed the effort and may kill it,
20060215             key Republican and Democratic sources said —YESTERDAY
20060215             War pimp alert: Mofaz: IRAN combining radical platform with nuclear WEAPONS—DANGER for ISRAEL
20060215             Pimping 1—WAR: IDF Intelligence CHIEF:
20060215             IRAN Implementing Concrete Plan to Destroy ISRAEL
20060215             USA will launch 1—MISSILE—ATTACK against IRAN this —SUMMER, says RUSSIA—POLITICAL—EXPERT—MIKHAIL—DELYAGIN.
20060215             War pimp alert: USA threatens IRAN with new sanctions:
20060215             —ACCUSED, Threatening new sanctions, THE—USA, IRAN —ON—WEDNESDAY of defying the world by resuming uranium enrichment for nuclear fuel without resolving suspicions it secretly wants to build atomic bombs.
20060215             RUSSIA voices strong opposition to SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN:
20060215             —VOICED, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER, here —WEDNESDAY his country's strong opposition to ANY—POSSIBLE—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN.
20060215             Selling 1—WAR: RICE—SAYS—IRAN—IS—OPENLY—DEFYING—THE—WORLD:
20060215             Speaking at 1—HEARING—OF—THE—USA—SENATE—FOREIGN—RELATIONS—COMMITTEE, Rice said WASHINGTON is examining the full range of possible punitive sanctions on IRAN.
20060215             Rice asks for $75M to foster democracy in IRAN:
20060215             —ASKED, ECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, Congress —ON—WEDNESDAY for $75—MILLION—THIS—YEAR to build democracy in IRAN,
20060215             saying THE—USA must support Iranians who are seeking freedoms under what she called 1—RADICAL—REGIME.
20060215             USA—DEAL said to let INDIA expand nuclear arms:
20060215             1—LANDMARK new USA—INDIA nuclear agreement would enable NEW—DELHI to expand atomic weapons production and encourage PAKISTAN and CHINA to do likewise,
20060215             according to critics of the controversial deal. OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—GAME:
20060215             —FOUNDED, AUTHOR—AND—EX—CIA—ANALYST—MICHAEL—SCHEUER, who, THE—AGENCY—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN unit —10—YEARS—AGO, thinks they're dead wrong.
20060215             More Proof of Prewar Intelligence Manipulation by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION:
20060215             Writing in the March/20060400              issue of Foreign Affairs,
20060215             —LAUNCHED, PAUL—R—PILLAR has, 1—FURIOUS—ASSAULT—ON—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION for its manipulation of prewar intelligence about IRAQ—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION (WMD) and links to al Qaeda.
20060215             ABU—GHRAIB: School for terrorists:
20060215             USA—COMMANDERS in IRAQ are expressing grave concerns that ABU—GHRAIB prison has become 1—BREEDING ground for extremist leaders and 1—SCHOOL for terrorist foot soldiers
20060215             IRAQ "Exit Strategy?"
20060215             Did we fault the Soviets for not having 1—EXIT plan —WHEN they invaded 1—COUNTRY?
20060215             Or the Nazis? We are way too astute for that.
20060215             oil analyst GREG—MUTTITT says if current plans are approved, Iraqi's will "lose CONTROL—OF—MORE than 85—PERCENT of their oil resources to foreign multinationals".
20060215             Americans are all taught from childhood ON—OF—THE—SIGNIFICANCE and sanctity of free elections:
20060215             —CALLED, You can't have the thing, "democracy" without the thing called "free elections".
20060215             —CALLED, And —WHEN you have the thing, free elections it's virtually synonymous with having the thing called democracy.
20060215             And who were we taught was the greatest champion of free elections anywhere in the world?
20060215             We, the people of THE—USA, despite our status as 1—OF—THE—MOST technologically advanced nations on THE—FACE—OF—THE—EARTH,
20060215             remain among the most ignorant about the world we live in.
20060215             And yet we continue to hold forth that we have SOME—SORT—OF—DIVINE—RIGHT—OF—INTERVENTION,
20060215             where 1—NATION of some 300—MILLION is SELF—EMPOWERED to dictate to BILLIONS—OF—OTHERS the terms in which we all coexist on the planet.
20060215             3., BRAD—FRIEDMAN has done SOME—SERIOUS—INQUIRY into —JUST what all the delays
20060215             might have meant, even beyond the drinking potential.
20060215             He points out that there may have been SOME—REAL—CONCERNS that Mr.
20060215             Whittington might not make it, in which case, they may have considered 1—COVER—UP that allowed for Bush to maintain plausible deniability (god,
20060215             how I despise that phrase).
20060215             Brad notes that if MISTER—WHITTINGTON were to die from these wounds, our VP would then be involved in 1—COUNT—OF manslaughter or negligent homicide.
20060215             With all due respect to MISTER—WHITTINGTON, I suppose that actually is as "trivial" as Ms.
20060215             —TRIED, Armstrong, to present this, —WHEN we compare it to TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—COUNTS—OF intentional homicide.
20060215             2., LARRY—O'DONNELL has taken up the serious question of whether or not Dick was drinking,
20060215             pointing out that no tests were taken, —JUST someone's word.
20060215             Dailykos shows 1—POST that quotes Armstrong admitting
20060215             "there may have been 1—BEER or 2...," —WHILE crooksandliars suggests (without 1—LINK) that the sheriff's office has admitted they were not allowed to see CHENEY —FOR—15—HOURS—AFTER the incident.
20060215             1., of course, there is the small MATTER—OF—THE—HEART—ATTACK.
20060215             This unfortunate development raises 1—NUMBER—OF—FURTHER—QUESTIONS,
20060215             such as how could 1—PELLET penetrate that deeply from 30—YARDS from the right?
20060215             Most disturbing, though, is the fact that the hospital informed THE—WH about this MID—MORNING —TODAY + Scottie did not mention it to the press,
20060215             instead insisting we all move on from this to more,
20060215             er, pressing matters? 20060215             20060215             This shooting incident has gone from NOT—EVEN—REPORTED to threatening THE—DICK—ROLE as Darth Vader in 1—MERE —3—DAYS.
20060215             —HACKED, Hack job GlobalNewsMatrix was, and knocked offline —EARLIER—TODAY.
20060215             Even though I don't always agree with the choices made by THE—PROPRIETORS—OF—THAT—SITE -- SOME—LINKS go to sources I consider OTHER—THAN—CREDIBLE -- GNM nevertheless regularly directs public attention to 1—NUMBER—OF—STORIES which might otherwise go unnoticed.
20060215             It is 1—VALUABLE—RESOURCE.
20060215             I hope that the hackers were —JUST 1—COUPLE—OF smirking kids -- and I hope that these infants receive the paddling they deserve.
20060215             5. Can we fairly use the term "hunting" to describe whatever the hell it was that these people were trying to do?
20060215             I have no problem with real hunting, but —WHEN 1—CHAUFFEUR drives you to 1—SPOT on 1—PRIVATE ranch where flunkies release CLIPPED—WING quails bred in 1—PEN,
20060215             you are engaged in 1—WHOLE 'nother activity.
20060215             If you call that "sport," then you might as well call 1—ABATTOIR—1—STADIUM.
20060215             4. Why the conflicting stories about why Whittington was where he was?
20060215             HTTP: 3. Why the varying reports regarding the distance?
20060215             THERE—QUITE 1—DIFFERENCE between 30—FEET and 30—YARDS.
20060215             2. —WHEN did the shooting take place?
20060215             The question is important, —SINCE the law forbids hunting —AFTER sunset.
20060215             We —NOW know that the incident took place —LATER than originally claimed.
20060215             THE—INDICATIONS—OF—PRESS—MANIPULATION have become impossible to ignore.
20060215             1. As this fine blogger
20060215             points out, an MISS—NBC story carried 1—QUOTE indicating that the hunters were drinking.
20060215             —SCRUBBED, That quote was, from —LATER versions of this story.
20060215             —TENDED, Remember how Trotsky, to disappear from STALIN—APPROVED historical photographs in the bad old DAYS—OF—THE—USSR?
20060215             Such things do not occur by accident.
20060215             UPDATE: Well, we may want to retract the Great Confluence and keep to the Great COVER—UP —AFTER all.
20060215             —LAUNCHED, Seems THE—WH has, 1—BLITZKRIEG
20060215             Ya know, there should be 1—HUGE—STORY in THAT!
20060215             Not only is it unseemly that they're scrambling so hard to keep it hidden (ya gotta wonder if ROVE—HAND in it suggests that 1—LOT—OF—THE purloined info was CAMPAIGN—ORIENTED,
20060215             for example), but —JUST how are they MANAGING—AS weak as they are right —NOW—TO bring such heft to their threats?
20060215             Hey.
20060215             Well, the bombshell has fallen, from the lips of RUSSELL—TICE,
20060215             1—FORMER—NSA intelligence officer who got SOME—SERIOUS—RUN—AROUND —WHEN he tried to report suspicious SPY—LIKE—BEHAVIOR—OF—1—COLLEAGUE.
20060215             Also consider READING the transcript
20060215             of 1—EARLIER—INTERVIEW—WITH—TICE by the incomparable Amy Goodman.
20060215             —DRIFTED, Funny, but for SOME—BIZARRE—REASON my mind —JUST, to the Great Schism,
20060215             right as I was noting how we might be witnessing another GREAT—THOUGH OPPOSITE—HISTORICAL—MOMENT that I would call the Great Confluence.
20060215             We'll try to keep pulling things together in meaningful ways here at cannonfire,
20060215             but never underestimate how much we rely on the input from you commenters out there!
20060215             Die Informationen dazu wurden schließlich zudem nicht vom Präsidialamt oder CHENEY s persönlichen Mitarbeitern veröffentlicht,
20060215             sondern von der Besitzerin der Ranch in TEXAS, auf der die Jagd veranstaltet worden war.
20060215             Sie erzählte einer lokalen Zeitung von dem Vorfall.
20060215             1—YFEB.2006 - CHENEY hatte den Anwalt HARRY—WHITTINGTON, 78, —AM—SAMSTAG während einer Wachteljagd auf einer texanischen Ranch mit Schrotkugeln an Hals,
20060215             —GETROFFEN, Gesicht und in der Brust.
20060215             Whittington ist ein finanzieller Förderer von CHENEY und PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20060215             "Es war nicht Harrys Fehler", erklärte Dick CHENEY gegenüber dem Sender "FOX—NEWS".
20060215             CHENEY äußerte sich damit zum 1. Mal —SEIT dem Vorfall vom vergangenen —SAMSTAG öffentlich.
20060215             "Ich bin der Mann, der den Abzug drückte und auf Harry feuerte".
20060215             —GEMACHT, Niemand anders könne verantwortlich, werden.
20060215             WASHINGTON—MAN könne über ALLE—ANDEREN—BEDINGUNGEN sprechen, die zu dieser Zeit geherrscht hätten,
20060215             doch "unterm Strich" habe er die Schuld zu tragen.
20060215             20060215             20060215             Nach heftigen Vertuschungsvorwürfen hat USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENT CHENEY erstmals Stellung zu den versehentlichen Schüssen auf seinen Freund HARRY—WHITTINGTON genommen.
20060215             In einem Interview übernahm er die volle Verantwortung: "Ich bin der Mann, der den Abzug drückte".
20060215             Jagdunfall: Cheney s TV—BEICHTE
20060215             Und DAVID—LETTERMAN ätzte in seinen "10—BESTEN Entschuldigungen für den Schuss" unter anderem:
20060215             "—BIS die Demokraten endlich der MEDICARE—REFORM zustimmen, müssen wir für unsere Senioren EINIGE—HARTE—ENTSCHEIDUNGEN fällen".
20060215             JAY—LENO sagte in seiner "Tonight Show" auf NBC: "—ERST—HEUTE habe ich über den Vorfall dies in Erfahrung bringen können:
20060215             —GEFOLTERT, Dick CHENEY hat den Mann eine halbe —STUNDE lang, bevor er auf ihn schoss".
20060215             Später ließ sich Stewart von seinem fiktiven "Analytiker für Jagdunfälle des Vizepräsidenten" ROB—CORDDRY aufklären:
20060215             "Der Vizepräsident steht hinter seiner —ENTSCHEIDUNG, auf HARRY—WHITTINGTON zu schießen.
20060215             Den besten verfügbaren Geheimdienstinformationen zufolge versteckten sich Wachteln im Gebüsch.
20060215             Und obwohl sich die Wachteln als 78-jähriger Mann entpuppten, besteht CHENEY darauf, dass er MISTER—WHITTINGTON dennoch ins Gesicht geschossen hätte.
20060215             Nicht zu schießen hätte den Wachteln das Signal vermittelt, AMERIKA sei schwach".
20060215             "Kennen Sie diese Wochenenden, wo man gelangweilt denkt: Es passiert aber auch überhaupt nichts Komisches mehr?
20060215             eröffnete Amerikas Lieblingssatiriker JON—STEWART am Montagabend seine Sendung "THE—DAILY—SHOW".
20060215             Das Publikum bog sich —SCHON, bevor Stewart auch nur WEITERREDEN—ODER,
20060215             wie er es während der Sendung mehrfach TAT—MIT zum Himmel gerichteten Blick "Thank you, Jesus" hauchen konnte.
20060215             Sllte Anwalt Whittington an den Folgen des Jagdunfalls sterben, drohen Ermittlungen gegen CHENEY.
20060215             Das kündigte CARLOS—VALDEZ, Bezirksstaatsanwalt in Kleberg County (TEXAS), an.
20060215             Bislang sei nur von einem Unfall die Rede.
20060215             "Aber wenn der schlimmste Fall eintritt und der Mann stirbt,
20060215             würden wir zusätzliche Schritte einleiten", zitierte ihn die "NEW—YORK—TIMES".
20060215             "Was immer Dick auch macht, er wird sowieso lächerlich gemacht werden", sagte Simpson.
20060215             Nur Bush könne CHENEY dazu bringen, sich zu äußern,
20060215             wurde aus der Umgebung der Regierung gemutmaßt. 20060215             20060215             Der FRÜHERE—REPUBLIKANISCHE—SENATOR—ALAN—K—SIMPSON aus WYOMING, 1—JAGDFREUND—CHENEY s,
20060215             berichtete, CHENEY habe während des Golfkrieges über die "dummen Fragen" von Journalisten gelästert.
20060215             Wohl deshalb sehe er auch —JETZT keinen Anlass, sich zu äußern.
20060215             —ATTACKIERT, CHENEY wurde aber auch aus den REIHEN—DER—REPUBLIKANER.
20060215             Er müsse umgehend über den Jagdunfall informieren, um dem Verdacht zu begegnen, etwas verschweigen zu wollen, forderte Vin Weber, 1—FRÜHERES—KONGRESSMITGLIED aus MINNESOTA.
20060215             Durch sein Schweigen mache CHENEY die Angelegenheit "größer als sie eigentlich sei", zitierte ihn die "WASHINGTON—POST".
20060215             warf CHENEY vor, er ignoriere "seine Verantwortung für das AMERIKANISCHE—VOLK".
20060215             Hillary Clinton präzisierte ihre Vorwürfe gegen das Weiße Haus.
20060215             Die REGIERUNG—VON—GEORGE—W—BUSH weigere sich, "Informationen, die für alle wichtig sind", herauszugeben.
20060215             Sie meinte damit auch den Umgang mit dem Hurrikan "Katrina".
20060215             Das Weiße Haus verletze die Prinzipien der demokratischen Verfassung des Landes.
20060215             Hillary Clinton könnte die nächste Präsidentschaftskandidatin der Demokraten sein.
20060215             CHENEY s FRÜHERER—BERATER—LEWIS—LIBBY muss sich —ZURZEIT wegen Falschaussage, Behinderung der Justiz und Meineid vor der Justiz verantworten.
20060215             Dabei geht es um die Enttarnung der CIA—AGENTIN Valerie Plame.
20060215             Libbys Vorgehen soll von CHENEY gebilligt worden sein, berichten USA—MEDIEN.
20060215             Der demokratische SENATOR—CHUCK—SCHUMER forderte CHENEY auf, selbst vor die Presse zu treten.
20060215             —GETAN, Das habe er —SEIT—4—JAHREN nicht.
20060215             "Im Licht des Jagdunfalls und all der Fragen um seine Rolle beim Herausgeben von geheimen SICHERHEITS—INFORMATIONEN haben die Amerikaner VIELE—FRAGEN an den Vizepräsidenten", sagte Schumer.
20060215             CHENEY s BÜRO teilte mit, der Vizepräsident habe Whittington angerufen und ihm seine Unterstützung angeboten.
20060215             Der Anwalt ließ über das Krankenhaus mitteilen, er wolle sich nicht zu dem Jagdunfall äußern.
20060215             In seinem Körper befinden sich —BIS zu 200—WINZIGE Schrotpartikel, die dort auch bleiben sollen.
20060215             Whittington war in der rechten Wange,
20060215             —AM Hals und im Brustkorb getroffen worden.
20060215             20060215             20060215             WASHINGTON—HILLARY Clinton nutzte das Schweigen CHENEY s zum Generalangriff auf das Weiße Haus.
20060215             "Diese Regierung hat die Tendenz zum Zurückhalten von Informationen", sagte die demokratische Senatorin.
20060215             Es sei "beunruhigend", wie zögerlich die Informationen über den Jagdunfall CHENEY s an die Öffentlichkeit gelangten.
20060215             Der USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENT hat noch immer keine Angaben über den Jagdunfall gemacht,
20060215             bei dem er am Wochenende den 78-jährigen Anwalt HARRY—WHITTINGTON durch Schrotkugeln verletzt hatte.
20060215             Whittington wurde —JETZT wieder auf die Intensivstation des Krankenhauses in CORPUS—CHRISTI (TEXAS) verlegt,
20060215             weil er einen leichten Infarkt erlitt, —NACHDEM EINIGE—SCHROTKUGELN in sein Herz gelangt waren.
20060215             Sein Zustand ist nach ANGABEN—DER—ÄRZTE jedoch nicht lebensbedrohlich.
20060215             Kartellverdacht: Ermittlungen gegen Frachtflieger weltweit
20060215             Militäroption im Atomstreit: IRAN warnt USA vor Angriff
20060215             Atomstreit: EU droht IRAN mit UNO—SANKTIONEN
20060215             Postenvergabe: Hamas ernennt Hardliner zum Fraktionschef
20060215             Atomstreit: Irans Außenminister trifft EU—PARLAMENTARIER
20060215             Erfolg für Blair: BRITISCHES—PARLAMENT beschließt schärfere ANTI—TERROR—GESETZE
20060215             —BETEUERT, Stellungnahme vor EU: Microsoft, Unschuld
20060215             BAYERN: Wie die PDS zum Testfall für Einwanderer wird
20060215             Urlauber auf Rügen: Klippen gefährlicher als Vogelgrippe
20060215             Aggressiver Tierschutz: MEHL—ATTACKE auf PARIS Hilton
20060215             Jagdunfall: Parteifreunde kritisieren Cheney s Informationspolitik
20060215             —SIGNALISIERT, Debüt des Neuen: FED—CHEF—BERNANKE, Leitzinserhöhung
20060215             Diskriminierung: Kleinkinder bevorzugen die eigene Hautfarbe
20060215             Prozess gegen Zündel: NAZI—VERGLEICH sorgt für Tumulte im Gericht
20060215             Einbruch in USA—MILITÄRRECHNER: Hacker fürchtet sich vor GUANTANAMO
20060215             BRITISCHE—STUDIE: Angriff auf IRAN würde Tausende Tote bedeuten
20060215             Vogelgrippe auf Rügen: Rätselraten über Herkunft des Virus
20060215             Vorwurf des WWF: Stromriesen machen Reibach mit Emissionsrechten
20060215             ABU—GHUREIB—SKANDAL: AUSTRALISCHES—FERNSEHEN zeigt bislang unbekannte Folterbilder
20060215             Lobbyismus: 1—MILLION—DOLLAR für 1—TREFFEN mit Bush
20060215             REKORD—VERSCHULDUNG: Jeder 12. Haushalt kann nicht zahlen
20060215             USA—FILMSATIRE: Worüber Muslime LACHEN—CHINA und USA: Zank um Zensur
20060215             ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: Bericht über USA—LISTE mit 325.000—VERDÄCHTIGEN
20060215             ZOO—DRAMA: Schwule Geier trennen sich wegen Weibchen
20060215             Urteil zum Luftsicherheitsgesetz: Union drängt auf Grundgesetzänderung
20060215             Terrorprozess: 3. Todesurteil gegen Sarkawi
20060215             Gasplanet: Monstersturm wirbelt über den Saturn
20060215             3D-WWW: Surfen mit dem BROWSER—WÜRFEL—SCHÜTZE Cheney : "Thank you, Jesus"
20060215             Friendly Fire: Cheney soll Jagdunfall aufklären
20060215             Vogelgrippe in DEUTSCHLAND: Stallpflicht aus Angst vor der Seuche
20060215             Schwebebahn: Chinesen finden ihren Transrapid viel besser
20060215             TÜRKEI: Erdogan unterliegt im Streit um politische Karikaturen
20060215             —VERBIETET, Verfassungsgericht: KARLSRUHE, Abschuss entführter Flugzeuge
20060215             Kirchenbrände in USA: Polizei nimmt Verdächtigen fest
20060215             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Freiheit zum Töten"
20060215             NAHOST—MEDIEN: Quotenjagd mit Antisemitismus
20060215             Falsche Richtung: Forscher finden kosmische Geisterfahrer
20060215             Kampf gegen Kinderpornografie: Software soll Alter fotografierter Gesichter erkennen
20060215             KARIKATUREN—PROTEST: Tote und Verletzte in PAKISTAN
20060215             Gehaltsreport: Auf die Branche kommt es an
20060215             ENGLAND: Unterhaus beschließt umfassendes Rauchverbot
20060215             Tote Schwäne auf Rügen: Vogelgrippe erreicht DEUTSCHLAND
20060215             Bildungsmisere in AFGHANISTAN: 1—SCHULE ist —ERST der —ANFANG
20060215             Verfassungsklage zum Luftsicherheitsgesetz: Leben gegen Leben
20060215             —REPORTED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20060215             the National Counterterrorism CENTER—CENTRAL repositoryNOW HOLDS THE—NAMES—OF—325,000 TERRORIST SUSPECTS,
20060215             a 4—FOLD increase
20060215             —COLLECTED, Asked whether the names in the repository were, through THE—NSA—DOMESTIC—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM, an NCTC official told the Post,
20060215             "Our database includes names of known + suspected INTERNATIONAL terrorists provided by all intelligence community organizations, including NSA".
20060215             —ORDERED, WAL—MART, to sell contraceptives in MASSACHUSETTS—XINHUA
20060215             —ORDERED, WASHINGTON—POST WAL—MART, to sell contraceptives in MassachusettsXinhua - —7—HOURS—AGO
20060215             BEIJING, 20060215             (Xinhuanet) - THE—MASSACHUSETTS—STATE—PHARMACY—BOARD ruled —ON—TUESDAY to require WAL—MART stores to carry emergency contraception pills.
20060215             THE—BOARD—UNANIMOUS—VOTE comes —3—WEEKS—AFTER
20060215             12—QUESTIONS can help aging baby BOOM—ERS confront the likelihood of their own mortality within the next —4—YEARS, researchers say.
20060215             The questions start out simply, asking for sex, weight and age.
20060215             Striking the Spark for 1—NET—REVOLT
20060215             "If business were as usual, [the telecom companies] would win this.
20060215             I think 1—SIMILAR thing could happen here.
20060215             If there really were 1—GRASSROOTS opposition to this,
20060215             that raised 1—LOT—OF—ANGER + passion —AROUND it, I think there are 1—LOT—OF—POLITICIANS who would pick up on it.
20060215             "1—THING I saw at the hearing, —WHEN I was testifying, is that it —JUST didn't sit right, either with Republicans or Democrats,
20060215             to imagine THE—INTERNET changed into 1—PLACE where you basically could control what people had access to,
20060215             or the networks had the right to control what people had access to.
20060215             There really is 1—OPPORTUNITY to do something successful in this context if there really were 1—MOVEMENT".
20060215             "We need to bring as MANY—PEOPLE into the biggest possible movement we can muster to register with policy makers and the mainstream media that this ISSUE—OF—NETWORK—NEUTRALITY is of central importance to us +
20060215             that citizens + s will not stand for 1—INTERNET that's turned into the private PROPERTY—OF—THE—TELEPHONE—COMPANIES + cable companies".
20060215             klargestellt: "1—LUFTFAHRZEUG abzuschießen, das gegen das Leben von Menschen eingesetzt werden soll,
20060215             ist mit dem Recht auf Leben nach Artikel 2, Absatz 2, Satz 1, Grundgesetz in Verbindung mit der Menschenwürdegarantie des Artikel 1,
20060215             Absatz 1, Grundgesetz nicht vereinbar, soweit davon tatunbeteiligte Menschen an Bord des Luftfahrzeugs betroffen werden".
20060215             Einen Abschuss in Fällen gemeiner Gefahr gibt es NICHT—DAS Bundesverfassungsgericht verbietet den Abschuss ausdrücklich bei "Vorgängen,
20060215             die den Eintritt einer Katastrophe mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit erwarten lassen".
20060215             Es gibt auch keinen Abschuss zum Schutz der freiheitlichen demokratischen GRUNDORDNUNG—NACH der —ENTSCHEIDUNG des Bundesverfassungsgerichts geht es beim Abschuss von Flugzeugen ausdrücklich "nicht um die Abwehr von Angriffen,
20060215             die auf die Beseitigung des Gemeinwesens und die Vernichtung der staatlichen RECHTS—UND Freiheitsordnung gerichtet sind".
20060215             —ÜBERWINDET, Das Recht des übergesetzlichen Notstands, Grenzen, die das Gesetz zieht.
20060215             —ÜBERWINDET, Es, sie, wenn und weil das Gesetz Güter und Interessen nicht so schützt, wie sie geschützt zu werden verdienen.
20060215             Where are the Missing Masses Sociology of 1—DOOR
20060215             Das stand —AM—SCHON (!)(!) im HANDELS—BLATT
20060215             Did you hear THE—1—ABOUT... - Down the Explusion Highway
20060215             In his STATE—OF—THE—UNION... - Why the lie?
20060215             THAT—TO stop this investigation, again.
20060215             —TRIED, IRAQ—OFFICIALS Condemn Abuse Images THE—PENTAGON, to keep hundreds...
20060215             FISHERMEN—TIDE—TURNS—ON—SAFETY—THE—NEW—ENGLAND fishing community was...
20060215             Math Crisis? Students Don't Get It In his STATE—OF—THE—UNION...
20060215             Playing By CHINA—RULES—MORE and more USA—HIGH—TECH—COMPANIES...
20060215             OHIO Backs Evolution In Lesson Plans In 1—SETBACK for the intelligent...
20060215             4—USA—TECH—FIRMS Slammed On CHINA Representatives from Microsoft, Yahoo, Cisco Systems...
20060215             Blogs Buzz About Cheney Misfire Did you hear THE—1—ABOUT...
20060215             Crack Down On PLANE—SEEKING Lasers Authorities say they'll be cracking down...
20060215             SPECTER: FISA has 1—BLANKET prohibition against electronic surveillance without a... —NOW that we know USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES perjured himself..
20060215             Liberty Post 11, 20060000             — - FORMER—CIA—GENERAL—COUNSEL—JEFFREY—SMITH will testify in House hearings... —AFTER revelations about PRESIDENT—BUSH ordering surveillance of...
20060215             Oh, the Specter of 1—PRESIDENT demanding that Congress give him 1—TOOL back... he may authorize the emergency employment of electronic surveillance if a...
20060215             STATEMENT—OF—JAMIE—S—GORELICK, DEPUTY ATTORNEY—GENERAL... THE—PRESIDENT that power limited to demonstrating that such surveillance had 1—PROBABLE—CAUSE...
20060215             Top 12—MEDIA—MYTHS And Falsehoods On THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S.. stating that THE—PRESIDENT may authorize electronic surveillance without 1—COURT... USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES spoke to law students —TODAY at...
20060215             SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—ALITO and the Hispanic Community... prior judicial approval--conducting electronic surveillance on citizens...
20060215             6, 20050000             , that, as ATTORNEY—GENERAL, Gonzalez would "guide THE—DEPARTMENT—OF...
20060215             USA—SENATE—JUDICIARY COMMITTEE—HOLDS 1—HEARING on Wartime Executive...... statement that that was the exclusive way for electronic surveillance.
20060215             —AUTHORIZED, GONZALES : PRESIDENT—WILSON, —WWI—IN, the military to.
20060215             Gonzales Defends Surveillance ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—R—GONZALES spent more than —7—HOURS sparring with skeptical... "If THE—PRESIDENT had authorized domestic surveillance as well...
20060215             To the Point ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES told the Senate Judiciary Committee —TODAY that both the law and the Constitution permit electronic surveillance of...
20060215             NSA warrantless surveillance CONTROVERSY—WIKIPEDIA, the free... Professor Heymann, 1—FORMER duputy USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL said, "The bottom lineis, I—KNOW—OF—NO—ELECTRONIC—SURVEILLANCE for intelligence purposes —SINCE the... -
20060215             What I can say is that this program from.
20060215             CNN_COM—TRANSCRIPTS—ALBERTO—GONZALES, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL : Our enemy is listening.
20060215             ATTORNEY—GENERAL: Domestic spy program LEGAL—USA—SECURITY—MISS—NBC_com 19: USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES discusses the power THE—PRESIDENT has... to include electronic surveillance 1—FEW days —AFTER the attacks on Sept.
20060215             Full Speed AHEAD—NEWSWEEK National NEWS—MISS—NBC_com... ALBERTO—GONZALES made 1—BEDSIDE visit to JOHN—ASHCROFT, ATTORNEY—GENERAL at... Miffed that Comey, 1 straitlaced, BY—THE—BOOK—FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY from...
20060215             As Domestic Spying Hearing Looms, Leahy Renews Request For Key... ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES is scheduled to testify —BEFORE the... to THE—PRESIDENT to conduct domestic surveillance without seeking warrants from the...
20060215             AMERICA, USA, Times Online, THE—TIMES, —SUNDAY Times USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL defends 'snooping' —BEFORE Senate... "has 1—FORCEFUL and blanket prohibition against ANY—ELECTRONIC—SURVEILLANCE without 1—COURT—ORDER".
20060215             WAYNE—MADSEN—REPORT... PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT have all authorized electronic surveillance on 1—FAR...—THIS—WEEK, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, ALBERTO—GONZALES is testifying —BEFORE...
20060215             Online NewsHour: Senate Examines Domestic Spying Program... USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES ' appeared —BEFORE the Senate... with 1—SIGNING statement that that was the exclusive way for electronic surveillance.
20060215             Sacheverell Sitwell, "AGAMEMNON—TOMB" (19330000             )
20060215             Amira Hass: Clearing THE—JORDAN—VALLEY—OF—PALESTINIANS:
20060215             SHARON—SON—GIVEN —9—MONTHS—JAIL : OMRI—SHARON, the disgraced SON—OF—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON, has been sentenced to —9—MONTHS in prison on corruption charges over financing his father's party leadership campaign.
20060215             USA Embassy Ready To Evacuate As NEPAL—KING—PLAN—FOR—EXILE : NEPAL remains tense as the 7-Party agitation against the Monarchy gains strength and the Maoist continue to have success on THE—BATTLE—FIELD.Sources within the Palace report THE—KING and his family are preparing for exile.
20060215             Lawmakers Blast Tech Giants Over CHINA : MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS blasted 4—USA—TECH—GIANTS—THURSDAY, accusing the companies of willingly helping CHINA oppress internal dissent in return for access to 1—BOOMING—INTERNET—MARKET.
20060215             THE—BACKSTABBERS : HERE—YET another story that is sadly CHARACTERISTIC—OF—THE—BUSH—IMPERIUM: the complete and utter breakdown in backbone of THE—SO—CALLED "opposition" party.
20060215             Hidden HISTORY—OF—USA germ testing: Biological pathogens they developed were tested on volunteers from 1—PACIFIST—CHURCH and were also released in public places.
20060215             "National Failure" or Criminal Negligence : The senate investigation of Hurricane Katrina is turning out to be another WHITE—HOUSE whitewash.
20060215             The senate strategy has been to characterize THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—RESPONSE as "1—NATIONAL—FAILURE" or "bureaucratic bungling" —WHEN in fact the evidence proves that the top officials in the administration, including GEORGE—BUSH himself, are responsible for THE—DEATHS—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—NEW—ORLEANS residents.
20060215             PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN : Our hollow prosperity : —LAST—YEAR, THE—USA—RAN a $202—BILLION trade deficit with CHINA, the largest ever between 2—NATIONS.
20060215             PAUL—KRUGMAN: Debt and Denial : Denial takes 1—MORE—SYSTEMATIC—FORM within THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, where Dick Cheney is doing to budget analysis what he did to intelligence on IRAQ.
20060215             Cheney, "1—BEER or 2" and 1—GUN—JOHN—NICHOLS : Dick Cheney, who is 1—OF—THE—SMALL—NUMBER—OF—AMERICANS who can count 2—DRUNK driving busts on his driving record, may have been doing more than hunting quail on the —DAY that he shot 1—TEXAS lawyer in the face.
20060215             —DIVULGED, Ranch owner who, accident earned $160,000 for work in 2004
20060215             Humor: CHENEY—GOT 1—GUN : Jon has SOME—ADVICE, "Don't let your kids go hunting with THE—VICE—PRESIDENT.
20060215             Tell the truth about torture MISTER—BUSH : "Extraordinary Renditions" -- USA Outsourcing Torture?
20060215             Quick Rise for PURVEYORS—OF—PROPAGANDA in IRAQ : —2—YEARS—AGO, CHRISTIAN—BAILEY and Paige Craig were living in 1—HALF—RENOVATED—WASHINGTON group house, with 1—STRING of failed startup companies behind them.
20060215             Weldon: 'Able Danger' ID'd 9/ll ringleader : Pre-20060911             intelligence conducted by 1—SECRET—MILITARY—UNIT identified terrorist ringleader MOHAMED—ATTA 13—DIFFERENT—TIMES, 1—CONGRESSMAN said —TUESDAY.
20060215             USA 'let slip 20010911             hijacker 13—TIMES': 1—SECRET—PENTAGON unit had MOHAMMED—ATTA, 20010911             —THE ringleader, in its crosshairs 13—TIMES—BEFORE 20010000             —THE attacks, 1—USA—CONGRESSMAN has claimed citing the unit's records.
20060215             —APPEARED, Congress, ready to launch 1—INVESTIGATION into THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—WARRANTLESS—DOMESTIC—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM—LAST—WEEK, but 1—ALL—OUT—WHITE—HOUSE lobbying campaign has dramatically slowed the effort and may kill it, key Republican and Democratic sources said —YESTERDAY
20060215             Pimping 1—WAR: IDF Intelligence CHIEF: IRAN Implementing Concrete Plan to Destroy ISRAEL
20060215             War pimp alert: USA threatens IRAN with new sanctions : Threatening new sanctions, THE—USA—ACCUSED—IRAN —ON—WEDNESDAY of defying the world by resuming uranium enrichment for nuclear fuel without resolving suspicions it secretly wants to build atomic bombs.
20060215             RUSSIA voices strong opposition to SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN : RUSSIA—FOREIGN MINISTER voiced here —WEDNESDAY his country's strong opposition to ANY—POSSIBLE SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN.
20060215             Selling 1—WAR: RICE—SAYS—IRAN—IS—OPENLY—DEFYING—THE—WORLD : Speaking at 1—HEARING—OF—THE—USA—SENATE—FOREIGN—RELATIONS—COMMITTEE, Rice said WASHINGTON is examining the full range of possible punitive sanctions on IRAN.
20060215             Another USA—COUP In IRAN?
20060215             Rice asks for $75M to foster democracy in IRAN : ECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE asked Congress —ON—WEDNESDAY for $75—MILLION—THIS—YEAR to build democracy in IRAN, saying THE—USA must support Iranians who are seeking freedoms under what she called 1—RADICAL—REGIME.
20060215             USA—DEAL said to let INDIA expand nuclear arms : 1—LANDMARK new USA—INDIA nuclear agreement would enable NEW—DELHI to expand atomic weapons production and encourage PAKISTAN and CHINA to do likewise, according to critics of the controversial deal.
20060215             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—GAME: Most officials thought —LAST—MONTH—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN tape was no big DEAL—MAYBE even 1—GESTURE—OF—WEAKNESS.
20060215             More Proof of Prewar Intelligence Manipulation by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION: Writing in the March/20060400              issue of Foreign Affairs, PAUL—R—PILLAR has launched 1—FURIOUS—ASSAULT—ON—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION for its manipulation of prewar intelligence about IRAQ—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION (WMD) and links to al Qaeda.
20060215             MISTER—PILLAR should know, because he was THE—CIA—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER for the Near East and SOUTH—ASIA (NESA) 20000000—20050000    —FROM—TO.
20060215             It would be insane to take over 1—COUNTRY in order to leave IT—WHO WILL—POSSESS—IRAQ—OILFIELDS?
20060215             —PUBLISHED, CRUDE, Designs, 1—REPORT, by THE—UK—BASED NON—GOVERNMENTAL—ORGANISATION—PLATFORM and THE—USA—GLOBAL—POLICY—INSTITUTE, oil analyst GREG—MUTTITT says if current plans are approved, Iraqi's will "lose CONTROL—OF—MORE than 85—PERCENT of their oil resources to foreign multinationals".
20060215             THE—ANTI—EMPIRE REPORT—HOW I spent my —15—MINUTES—OF fame
20060215             Americans are all taught from childhood ON—OF—THE—SIGNIFICANCE and sanctity of free elections: You can't have the thing called "democracy" without the thing called "free elections".
20060215             Why, our very same teacher, GOD—COUNTRY, the good ol' USA—OF—A.
20060215             —STILL CHERRY—PICKING the Facts on IRAQ
20060215             We, the people of THE—USA, despite our status as 1—OF—THE—MOST technologically advanced nations on THE—FACE—OF—THE—EARTH, remain among the most ignorant about the world we live in.
20060215             And yet we continue to hold forth that we have SOME—SORT—OF—DIVINE—RIGHT—OF—INTERVENTION, where 1—NATION of some 300—MILLION is SELF—EMPOWERED to dictate to BILLIONS—OF—OTHERS the terms in which we all coexist on the planet.
20060215             all the delays might have meant, even beyond the drinking potential.
20060215             He points out that there may have been SOME—REAL—CONCERNS that MISTER—WHITTINGTON might not make it, in which case, they may have considered 1—COVER—UP that allowed for Bush to maintain plausible deniability (god, how I despise that phrase).
20060215             With all due respect to MISTER—WHITTINGTON, I suppose that actually is as "trivial" as MISS—ARMSTRONG tried to present this, —WHEN we compare it to TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—COUNTS—OF intentional homicide.
20060215             2., LARRY—O'DONNELL has taken up the serious question of whether or not Dick was drinking, pointing out that no tests were taken, —JUST someone's word.
20060215             Dailykos shows 1—POST that quotes Armstrong admitting "there may have been 1—BEER or 2...," —WHILE crooksandliars suggests (without 1—LINK) that the sheriff's office has admitted they were not allowed to see Cheney —FOR—15—HOURS—AFTER the incident.
20060215             This unfortunate development raises 1—NUMBER—OF—FURTHER—QUESTIONS, such as how could 1—PELLET penetrate that deeply from 30—YARDS from the right?
20060215             Most disturbing, though, is the fact that the hospital informed THE—WH about this MID—MORNING —TODAY + Scottie did not mention it to the press, instead insisting we all move on from this to more, er, pressing matters?
20060215             February 14, 20060000             Ducking Dick Well.
20060215             I have no problem with real hunting, but —WHEN 1—CHAUFFEUR drives you to 1—SPOT on 1—PRIVATE ranch where flunkies release CLIPPED—WING quails bred in 1—PEN, you are engaged in 1—WHOLE 'nother activity.
20060215             We —NOW know that the incident took place
20060215             —LATER than originally claimed. Why the lie?
20060215             1. As this fine blogger points out, an MISS—NBC story carried 1—QUOTE indicating that the hunters were drinking.
20060215             —LAUNCHED, Seems THE—WH has, 1—BLITZKRIEG to stop this investigation, again.
20060215             Not only is it unseemly that they're scrambling so hard to keep it hidden (ya gotta wonder if ROVE—HAND in it suggests that 1—LOT—OF—THE purloined info was CAMPAIGN—ORIENTED, for example), but —JUST how are they MANAGING—AS weak as they are right —NOW—TO bring such heft to their threats?
20060215             —ANSWERED, That latter question might have been, by the parenthetical.
20060215             Well, the bombshell has fallen, from the lips of RUSSELL—TICE, 1—FORMER—NSA intelligence officer who got SOME—SERIOUS—RUN—AROUND —WHEN he tried to report suspicious SPY—LIKE—BEHAVIOR—OF—1—COLLEAGUE.
20060215             Also consider READING the transcript of 1—EARLIER—INTERVIEW—WITH—TICE by the incomparable Amy Goodman.
20060215             —DRIFTED, Funny, but for SOME—BIZARRE—REASON my mind —JUST, to the Great Schism, right as I was noting how we might be witnessing another GREAT—THOUGH OPPOSITE—HISTORICAL—MOMENT that I would call the Great Confluence.
20060215             We'll try to keep pulling things together in meaningful ways here at cannonfire, but never underestimate how much we rely on the input from you commenters out there!
20060215             Die Informationen dazu wurden schließlich zudem nicht vom Präsidialamt oder Cheney s persönlichen Mitarbeitern veröffentlicht, sondern von der Besitzerin der Ranch in TEXAS, auf der die Jagd veranstaltet worden war.
20060215             WASHINGTON—MAN könne über ALLE—ANDEREN—BEDINGUNGEN sprechen, die zu dieser Zeit geherrscht hätten, doch "unterm Strich" habe er die Schuld zu tragen.
20060215             Und DAVID—LETTERMAN ätzte in seinen "10—BESTEN Entschuldigungen für den Schuss" unter anderem: "—BIS die Demokraten endlich der MEDICARE—REFORM zustimmen, müssen wir für unsere Senioren EINIGE—HARTE—ENTSCHEIDUNGEN fällen".
20060215             JAY—LENO sagte in seiner "Tonight Show" auf NBC: "—ERST—HEUTE habe ich über den Vorfall dies in Erfahrung bringen können: Dick Cheney hat den Mann eine halbe —STUNDE lang gefoltert, bevor er auf ihn schoss".
20060215             Später ließ sich Stewart von seinem fiktiven "Analytiker für Jagdunfälle des Vizepräsidenten" ROB—CORDDRY aufklären: "Der Vizepräsident steht hinter seiner —ENTSCHEIDUNG, auf HARRY—WHITTINGTON zu schießen. Den besten verfügbaren Geheimdienstinformationen zufolge versteckten sich Wachteln im Gebüsch. Und obwohl sich die Wachteln als 78-jähriger Mann entpuppten, besteht Cheney darauf, dass er MISTER—WHITTINGTON dennoch ins Gesicht geschossen hätte. Nicht zu schießen hätte den Wachteln das Signal vermittelt, AMERIKA sei schwach".
20060215             "Kennen Sie diese Wochenenden, wo man gelangweilt denkt: Es passiert aber auch überhaupt nichts Komisches mehr?", eröffnete Amerikas Lieblingssatiriker JON—STEWART am Montagabend seine Sendung "THE—DAILY—SHOW".
20060215             Das Publikum bog sich —SCHON, bevor Stewart auch nur WEITERREDEN—ODER, wie er es während der Sendung mehrfach TAT—MIT zum Himmel gerichteten Blick "Thank you, Jesus" hauchen konnte.
20060215             "Aber wenn der schlimmste Fall eintritt und der Mann stirbt, würden wir zusätzliche Schritte einleiten", zitierte ihn die "NEW—YORK—TIMES".
20060215             Nur Bush könne Cheney dazu bringen, sich zu äußern, wurde aus der Umgebung der Regierung gemutmaßt. 20060215             20060215             Der FRÜHERE—REPUBLIKANISCHE—SENATOR—ALAN—K—SIMPSON aus WYOMING, 1—JAGDFREUND—CHENEY s, berichtete, Cheney habe während des Golfkrieges über die "dummen Fragen" von Journalisten gelästert.
20060215             MARLIN—FITZWATER, FRÜHERER—SPRECHER—DES—WEIßEN—HAUSES, warf Cheney vor, er ignoriere "seine Verantwortung für das AMERIKANISCHE—VOLK".
20060215             Whittington war in der rechten Wange, am Hals und im Brustkorb getroffen worden.
20060215             Der USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENT hat noch immer keine Angaben über den Jagdunfall gemacht, bei dem er am Wochenende den 78-jährigen Anwalt HARRY—WHITTINGTON durch Schrotkugeln verletzt hatte.
20060215             Whittington wurde —JETZT wieder auf die Intensivstation des Krankenhauses in CORPUS—CHRISTI (TEXAS) verlegt, weil er einen leichten Infarkt erlitt, —NACHDEM EINIGE—SCHROTKUGELN in sein Herz gelangt waren.
20060215             Playfuls_com SURVEY—MATTER—OF—LIFE, deathNewsday - —14—HOURS—AGO—BY CURTIS—L—TAYLOR.
20060215             New test measures risk of dying for those older than 50—S—JOSE—MERCURY—NEWSTEST—HELPS—YOU—PREDICT—CHANCES—OF—DYING ForbesNews24 - CHICAGO SUN—TIMES—IRELAND ONLINE—ALL—488 related
20060215             But there have been important instances where grassroots resistance has actually stopped major changes in public policy.
20060215             If there really were 1—GRASSROOTS opposition to this, that raised 1—LOT—OF—ANGER + passion —AROUND it, I think there are 1—LOT—OF—POLITICIANS who would pick up on it.
20060215             to imagine THE—INTERNET changed into 1—PLACE where you basically could control what people had access to, or the networks had the right to control what people had access to.
20060215             klargestellt: "1—LUFTFAHRZEUG abzuschießen, das gegen das Leben von Menschen eingesetzt werden soll, ist mit dem Recht auf Leben nach Artikel 2, Absatz 2, Satz 1, Grundgesetz in Verbindung mit der Menschenwürdegarantie des Artikel 1, Absatz 1, Grundgesetz nicht vereinbar, soweit davon tatunbeteiligte Menschen an Bord des Luftfahrzeugs betroffen werden".
20060215             Einen Abschuss in Fällen gemeiner Gefahr gibt es NICHT—DAS Bundesverfassungsgericht verbietet den Abschuss ausdrücklich bei "Vorgängen, die den Eintritt einer Katastrophe mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit erwarten lassen".
20060215             Es gibt auch keinen Abschuss zum Schutz der freiheitlichen demokratischen GRUNDORDNUNG—NACH der —ENTSCHEIDUNG des Bundesverfassungsgerichts geht es beim Abschuss von Flugzeugen ausdrücklich "nicht um die Abwehr von Angriffen, die auf die Beseitigung des Gemeinwesens und die Vernichtung der staatlichen RECHTS—UND Freiheitsordnung gerichtet sind".
20060215             —SCHON gar nicht gibt es nach der —ENTSCHEIDUNG 1—RECHT—DES übergesetzlichen Notstands, von dem der Verteidigungsminister hier Gebrauch machen will.
20060215             Down the Explusion Highway
20060215—19780000    —BYPASSED, Bush, compliant COURT—ON—WIRETAPPING—THE—BOSTON—GLOBE—CONGRESS set up the special electronic surveillance court in response to revelations that FORMER—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—M—NIXON had used THE—FBI to spy...
20060215—19900000    —IN, he was among the 1. 4—PEOPLE inducted into the Frozen Food Hall of Fame.
20060215—20030000    —IN, 1—AUSTRALIA—TELEVISION—NETWORK—BROADCAST photographs and video clips —WEDNESDAY that it said were previously unpublished IMAGES—OF—THE—ABUSE—OF—IRAQIS held in USA—MILITARY custody at ABU—GHRAIB prison.
20060215—20030000    —SINCE, a 4—FOLD INCREASE—THE—FALL—OF-.
20060215—20040000    —IN, NSA warrantless surveillance CONTROVERSY—WIKIPEDIA, the free... THE—TIMES—STORY said THE—USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE balked —WHEN asked... Pelosi Statement on PRESIDENT—BUSH—AUTHORIZATION—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY...
20060215—20060214    Ducking Dick Well.
20060215—20060214    Keep reminding yourselves that the Watergate BREAK—IN went for MANY—MONTHS as nothing more than a "3.—RATE burglary.
20060215—20060700    —IN, Spc.
20060216             Submitted by ROY—TEMPLE on Wed, 20060215             - 5:46am.
20060216             Bush Keeping Money Raised By 2. Indicted Fundraiser Submitted by ROY—TEMPLE on Wed, 20060215             - 5:46am.
20060218             —ON—WEDNESDAY, 20060215             , 1—GROUP—OF—WAR resisters began a —34—DAY—LIQUIDS—ONLY—FAST in WASHINGTON,
20060805             IRAQ News NETWORK—BERICHTE 20040212-20040215             20060805             IRAQ News NETWORK—BERICHTE 20040212-20040215             20060805             Presseschau Kurdistan, 20040213             20060805             Presseschau Kurdistan, 20040213             Finanzchef Dov Zakheim widersprach Aussagen ranghoher Militärs, wonach... Kostenexplosion —IM—OKTOBER, erklärte PENTAGON—FINANZCHEF Dov Zakheim.
20060805—20041000    —IM, IRAQ News NETWORK—BERICHTE 20040212-20040215             Experten suchten noch nach der Ursache für die Kostenexplosion erklärte PENTAGON—FINANZCHEF Dov Zakheim.
20061210—20060215    —UNTIL, putting the government on autopilot.
20070126             —DECLARED, JIM—ANDERTON, NEW—ZEALAND—AGRICULTURE—MINISTER, 20070215             "National Lamb —DAY".
20070210—20030215    Eine andere Welt ist möglich!
20070215             —POSTED—TUESDAY, 20070206             , at 10:50 PM ET
20070215             —WEDNESDAY, 20070207             20070215             —POSTED—WEDNESDAY, 20070207             , at 5:10 AM ET
20070215             (20070208             20070215             (20070208             /ac/a/u) - Kwitny,J. THE—CRIMES—OF—PATRIOTS.
20070215             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PRISON PLANET —FRIDAY, 20070209             20070215             [NEW—YORK Sun, 20070212             ]
20070215             RUDY—GIULIANI—VULNERABILITIES - 20070212             - - known as the Quds Force.
20070215             [WASHINGTON—POST, 20070212             ]
20070215             McClatchy WASHINGTON Bureau | 20070212             | Joint Chiefs chairman sees no EVIDENCE—OF—MEDDLING by IRAN—REGIME
20070215             Estou fazendo um trabalho para a universidade, e estou precisando de uma ajuda para entender alguns ditados de PORTUGAL, que devido ao...
20070215             Unitades 1-10, Testes, Ditados, 3—CASSETTEN— Unitades 1-10, Testes, Ditados, 3—CASSETTEN... Falando, lendo, escrevendo Portugues — Unitades 1-10, Testes, Ditados... Intern/Detailseite/de/itemid/KV5628281
20070215             —POSTED—WEDNESDAY, 20070207             , at 5:10 AM ET - (20070208             20070215             Top USA—AUDITORS told Congress that over $10—BILLION paid to military contractors for IRAQ reconstruction and troop support was either excessive or unsupported by documents.
20070215             —PLEADED, JIM—BLACK (72), USA—HOUSE—SPEAKER from NORTH—CAROLINA, guilty to illegally taking THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS from chiropractors —WHILE pushing their legislative agenda.
20070215             —SENTENCED, Black was, to —5—YEARS in prison for political corruption.
20070215             1—NEW—VERSION—OF—THE—USA $1—COIN, paying tribute to USA—PRESIDENTS, went into general circulation.
20070215             1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER were mistakenly struck without their edge inscription "In God We Trust".
20070215             —APPEARED, GEORGE—WASHINGTON, on the 1. coin.
20070215             —BECAME, HUNDREDS—OF—DRIVERS, stranded on 1—STRETCH—OF—EAST—PENNSYLVANIA that had been hit by 1—MONSTER—STORM.
20070215             —CALLED, THE—NATIONAL—GUARD was, in to deliver food and other necessities to a 50-mile LINE—OF—VEHICLES trapped on I-78.
20070215             Hershey Co. said it would cut about 11—PERCENT of its workforce and reduce THE—NUMBER—OF—PRODUCTION—LINES it operates by more than a 3. as it spends as much as $575—MILLION to overhaul its manufacturing.
20070215             THE—CHICAGO—BASED USA chocolate maker also said it will build 1—NEW, COST—EFFICIENT manufacturing plant in MONTERREY—MEXICO.
20070215             —TRIED, JetBlue Airways Corp., to calm 1—MAELSTROM—OF—CRITICISM, —AFTER passengers were left waiting on planes at 1—NY airport for as long as —11—HOURS—DURING 1—SNOW and ice storm.
20070215             —STRUGGLED, Government scientists, to pinpoint the source of the 1. USA salmonella outbreak linked to peanut butter.
20070215             Nearly 300—PEOPLE in 39—STATES have fallen ill —SINCE—AUGUST, and FEDERAL—HEALTH—INVESTIGATORS said they strongly suspect PETER—PAN peanut butter and certain BATCHES—OF—WAL—MART—GREAT—VALUE—HOUSE—BRAND, both manufactured by ConAgra Foods.
20070215             —BY JUNE—THE—NUMBER—OF—CASES grew to over 600 in 47—STATES.
20070215             —GATHERED, Scientists, in ATLANTA—GEORGIA, to find 1—WAY to stop 1—FUNGUS killing the world's frogs.
20070215             Up to 170—SPECIES have gone extinct in the past —DECADE.
20070215             —INCLUDED, Their songs, "Whatever Will be, WILL—BE (Que Sera, Sera)" and "MONA—LISA," as well as the themes for THE—TV—SERIES "Bonanza" and "MISTER—ED".
20070215             1—SUMMIT—OF—AFRICA—LEADERS opened in Cannes on THE—FRANCE—RIVIERA.
20070215             —OVERSHADOWED, The crisis in Darfur and violence in GUINEA, the summit, as well as perennial ISSUES—OF—POVERTY, development and AIDS.
20070215             —INVOLVED, FRANCE won agreement from 3, AFRICA—NATIONS (SUDAN, CHAD and CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC) that they would not support armed rebel movements on EACH—OTHER—TERRITORIES.
20070215             —WARNED—OF, Officials, 1—POTENTIAL—ENVIRONMENTAL—DISASTER in ANTARCTICA —AFTER fire erupted on 1—JAPAN—WHALING ship, as the search continued for 1—MISSING crewmen from the crippled ship.
20070215             —POSED, THE—NEXT—DAY—JAPAN—OFFICIALS said the ship, no environmental threat.
20070215             THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT said it was negotiating with THE—USA on 1—PLAN to build 1—MILITARY—SATELLITE—COMMUNICATIONS—FACILITY in PERTH.
20070215             —NEGOTIATED, Defense MINISTER—BRENDAN—NELSON said THE—2—NATIONS had, —FOR—2—YEARS to build 1—NUMBER—OF—GROUND—BASED communications systems —AROUND AUSTRALIA.
20070215             Tourists were able to fire 30—ROUNDS with 1—AK 47 for $30. Other offers included tossing grenades at chickens for $200 and killing 1—COW with 1—ROCKET—PROPELLED grenade for $555.
20070215             1—FAST—THINKING pilot with passengers in cahoots fooled hijacker MOHAMED—ABDERRAMAN, a —32—YEAR—OLD—MAURITANIAN, by braking hard upon landing in Gran Canaria, then accelerating to knock the man down.
20070215             —WHEN he fell, flight attendants threw boiling water in his face, and about 10—PEOPLE pounced on him.
20070215             5—COLOMBIA—CONGRESSMEN, including the brother of the foreign MINISTER, were arrested in 1—WIDENING scandal linking the country's political class and FAR—RIGHT—MILITIAS drew closer to THE—PRESIDENT.
20070215             —VOTED, THE—SECURITY—COUNCIL, unanimously to extend the nearly 18,000-strong UN peacekeeping force in CONGO —FOR—2—MONTHS to give THE—SECRETARY—GENERAL—TIME to recommend possible changes in its mandate —FOLLOWING—LAST—YEAR—SUCCESSFUL—ELECTIONS.
20070215             —ARRESTED, EGYPT, police, 80—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD, in what appeared to be 1—PRE—EMPTIVE strike against the country's largest Islamic group AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS and 1—KEY—PARLIAMENTARY—DEBATE.
20070215             † NADIA—ABDEL—HAFEZ, 1—EGYPT—WOMAN, —37—JAHRE—ALT, of bird flu in 1—CAIRO hospital and 1—BOY, 5, became the 22. Egyptian to test positive for the deadly disease.
20070215             —APPROVED, ESTONIA—LAWMAKERS narrowly, 1—BILL calling for the removal of 1—SOVIET—WAR memorial from their capital, ignoring MOSCOW—WARNING of "irreversible consequences" for relations between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20070215             Nokia, the world's leading maker of MOBILE phones, said it would shed some 700—JOBS, with FINLAND taking the brunt of the cuts.
20070215             GERMANY, ERNST—ZUNDEL (19390000             *), 1—FAR—RIGHT—ACTIVIST, was CONVICTED—OF—INCITEMENT and sentenced to the maximum —5—YEARS in prison for ANTI—SEMITIC—ACTIVITIES, including contributing to 1—WEB—SITE dedicated to Holocaust denial.
20070215             1—ADVISER to IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER said that radical Shiite cleric Muqtada AL—SADR is in IRAN, but denied he fled due to FEAR—OF—ARREST —DURING 1—ESCALATING security crackdown.
20070215             —MOVED, Iraqi and USA—TROOPS, into 1—SUNNI neighborhood in SOUTH—BAGHDAD, —WHILE insurgents struck back with car bombs that killed 7—PEOPLE.
20070215             —SEALED, In SOUTH—IRAQ, UK—TROOPS, off the border with IRAN to prevent weapons smuggling.
20070215             Terror leader ABU—HAMZA—AL—MUHAJIR, also known as ABU—AYYUB—AL—MASRI, was wounded and 1—AIDE killed in 1—CLASH with IRAQ—FORCES—NEAR—BALAD, NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070215             —RESIGNED, PALESTINE—PRIME—MINISTER—ISMAIL—HANIYEH and his government, and PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS—OF—FATAH appointed him to form the new team, based on —LAST—WEEK—AGREEMENT in the Muslim holy CITY—OF—MECCA to SPLIT power between THE—2—RIVALS.
20070215             1—LEFTIST—STUDENT—LEADER was murdered in THE—CENTRAL—PHILIPPINES, amid plans to set up special tribunals to try people suspected of carrying out extrajudicial killings.
20070215             Farly Alcantara (22) was HEAD—OF—THE—LEAGUE—OF—FILIPINO—STUDENTS at Camarines Norte STATE—COLLEGE.
20070215             —NAMED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, Anatoly Serdyukov as defense MINISTER, the country's 1. CIVIL—DEFENSE—MINISTER in —90—YEARS.
20070215             —PUBLISHED, PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME said in 1—INTERVIEW, in THE—TIMES that RWANDA wants to join the Commonwealth, the 53-nation grouping of FORMER—UK—COLONIES, in what will be seen as 1—REBUKE to FRANCE.
20070215             Unitades 1-10, Testes, Ditados, 3—CASSETTEN... Falando, lendo, escrevendo Portugues — Unitades 1-10, Testes, Ditados...
20070215             CHINA—MAN to hang in ant scam
20070215             1—CHINA—COMPANY—CHAIRMAN is sentenced to death for running 1—SCAM involving giant ants.
20070215             Chavez threat to seize food shops
20070215             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ threatens to nationalise supermarkets that raise food prices.
20070215             IRAQ invasion plan 'delusional'
20070215             USA—COMMANDERS originally thought only 5,000 troops would be in IRAQ by the end of 20060000             , documents show.
20070215             Jail for GERMANY—HOLOCAUST denier
20070215             1—GERMANY—CITIZEN is convicted of Holocaust denial + jailed —FOR—5—YEARS by 1—GERMANY—COURT.
20070215             Rocks reveals Mars' watery past
20070215             Exquisite colour images of the Martian surface give 1—TANTALISING glimpse into the Red PLANET—WATERY past.
20070215             Digital neighbourhood watch plan
20070215             1—NEIGHBOURHOOD watch for the digital age, utilising the power of social networking is proposed.
20070215             —FLAWED, Nuclear power review ''
20070215             1—JUDGE—ORDERS 1—RETHINK of nuclear power plans, saying the energy review was "flawed" and "misleading".
20070215             Leaders plot path to climate deal
20070215             —AIMED, Legislators meet for talks in WASHINGTON, at finding 1—NEW—GLOBAL—DEAL to curb climate change.
20070215             Rice hails N KOREA nuclear deal
20070215             THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—WELCOMES 1—DEAL with NORTH—KOREA over its nuclear programme as a "good start".
20070215             Cheney 'not to testify for Libby'
20070215             —ACCUSED—OF, USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY will not testify for EX—AIDE—LEWIS—LIBBY, lying to investigators.
20070215             UK children's QUALITY—OF—LIFE 'worst'
20070215             THE—UK comes bottom of 1—UNICEF league table for child WELL—BEING, sparking anger from children's charities.
20070215             USA—HOUSE clashes on IRAQ policy
20070215             There are sharp exchanges in THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES at THE—START—OF—1—MARATHON debate on IRAQ.
20070215             IRAN PRESIDENT 'ready for talks'
20070215             IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD says TEHRAN is open to talks on its nuclear programme.
20070215             —CRITICISED, Police, for terror raid
20070215             THE—METROPOLITAN—POLICE—SERVICE has been told it should apologise to families over the Forest Gate raid.
20070215             USA—TRADE deficit hits fresh high
20070215             The annual USA—TRADE—DEFICIT—RISES to 1—RECORD $763.6bn, hit by higher oil prices and surging CHINA—IMPORTS.
20070215             Comet clash kicks up dusty haze
20070215             Collisions between comets may be kicking up copious AMOUNTS—OF—DUST observed —AROUND 1—DEAD—STAR.
20070215             JAPAN—COMMERCIAL whaling push
20070215             PRO—WHALING countries meet in JAPAN to plan the lifting of the global moratorium on commercial hunting.
20070215             Top journalists testify for Libby
20070215             Top WASHINGTON journalists take the stand in defence of 1—FORMER—KEY—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE accused of lying.
20070215             Thousands flee MOZAMBIQUE floods
20070215             Heavy flooding forces 60,000—PEOPLE to be evacuated in MOZAMBIQUE, —WHILE 100,000 others are at risk.
20070215             CANADA pledges $1.3bn green fund
20070215             CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER announces a new $1.3bn fund to combat climate change.
20070215             Blast close to USA—BASE in JAPAN
20070215             1—SMALL—BLAST takes place near 1—USA—MILITARY—BASE—SOUTH—OF—TOKYO, causing no casualties.
20070215             AUSTRALIA PM slams USA—CANDIDATE
20070215             AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD says AL—QAEDA should be praying for BARACK—OBAMA to win THE—USA—PRESIDENCY.
20070215             Teraflop chip hints at the future
20070215             1—CHIP the size of 1—FINGERNAIL and capable of more than 1—TRILLION calculations per 2. is unveiled by Intel.
20070215             ISRAEL—PM—AIDE in graft probe
20070215             1—TOP—AIDE to ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT is suspended —FOR—6—MONTHS as PART—OF—1—GROWING corruption scandal.
20070215             Putin attacks 'very dangerous' USA
20070215             TV CHIEF quits over terror scare
20070215             THE—HEAD—OF—THE—CARTOON—NETWORK resigns —AFTER 1—MARKETING stunt causes 1—TERROR—ALERT in BOSTON.
20070215             IAEA suspends IRAN aid projects
20070215             THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG, THE—IAEA, says it has frozen almost half its technical aid projects involving IRAN.
20070215             —MAPPED, Type 2—DIABETES genes
20070215             —MAPPED, Scientists say they have, the most important genes that put people at RISK—OF—TYPE 2—DIABETES.
20070215             PORTUGAL will legalise abortion
20070215             PORTUGAL—PRIME—MINISTER says the country's PARLIAMENT will legalise abortion despite 1—LOW—REFERENDUM turnout.
20070215             Alcohol 'TIME—BOMB' of Aborigines
20070215             Alcohol abuse among AUSTRALIA—ABORIGINES is claiming 1—LIFE—EVERY— —38—HOURS, new research finds.
20070215             Hope over '£25—TEST for cancer'
20070215             1—SCREENING test costing as little as £25 has been developed that can test for cancer, 1—STUDY says.
20070215             Public 'lack sex knowledge'
20070215             The public have 1—LACK—OF—KNOWLEDGE and understanding about reproduction and sex, 1—SURVEY suggests.
20070215             THE—PENTACON—EYEWITNESSES Speak, Conspiracy Revealed-
20070215             Daily Show: DOUGLAS—FEITH—HAS—HUGE—BALLS
20070215             —AFTER reviewing the recent report that exposed FEITH—PERSONAL—ROLE in distorting THE—CIA—PRE—WAR—INTELLIGENCE
20070215             BG—LIVELEAK COM—WOLFOWITZ chilling speech
20070215             —PURCHASED, Accussed 7/21—BOMBING suspects " HUNDREDS—OF—BOTTLES—OF hydrogen peroxide"-
20070215             Pensito Review " Bush Caught on Tape Lying about 20030000             SOTU '16 WORDS'—MEDIA Yawns-
20070215             Aside from 1—LACK—OF—ANY—OFFICIAL—ANALYSIS—OF—THE—FLIGHT 93—CRASH---
20070215             BG—WHAT have we had? 1—EMOTIONAL—STORY about passengers fighting back-- memorialized in 2 (count 'em),
20070215             2—FULL—LENGTH movies.
20070215             1—HEAVILY promoted and totally bogus story that flight 93 was shot down-- 1—STORY no doubt promoted by government spooks.... Source:
20070215             "s Nuke Plant Photos Identical for Both IRAN and N. KOREA!-
20070215             2—STORIES—POSTED in THE—LAST—WEEK on the website, 1 on nukes in IRAN last —WEDNESDAY + another on nukes in NORTH—KOREA —ON—SATURDAY,
20070215             both use the same aerial photograph of the same purported nuclear power plant!
20070215             —SUPPOSED, But 1 is, to be in IRAN and the other is supposed to be in NORTH—KOREA!... Source:
20070215             THE—RAW—STORY | SENATOR—DODD to introduce 'Restoring the Constitution Act of 20070000             ';
20070215             Bans torture, restores habeas corpus- - ;;09;; 11—RESPONDERS Seek More Funds-
20070215             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE has ruled that 1—CIA—AGENT identified only as "Doe,
20070215             " allegedly fired —AFTER he gathered prewar intelligence showing that IRAQ was not-
20070215             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE has ruled that 1—CIA—AGENT identified only as "Doe," allegedly fired —AFTER he gathered prewar intelligence showing that IRAQ was not developing WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION,
20070215             can proceed with his lawsuit against THE—CIA.
20070215             IRAN (What is THE—USA—DOING?)-
20070215             lead, —WHILE THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox, with word that negotiators from 6—COUNTRIES reached 1—TENTATIVE agreement
20070215             that could be the 1. step in getting NORTH—KOREA to dismantle its nuclear program.
20070215             —RELEASED, Under TERMS—OF—THE—AGREEMENT, which wasn't, but the papers all have sources,
20070215             NORTH—KOREA would be given energy assistance and aid in exchange for the closing down of its nuclear reactor at Yongbyon + readmitting nuclear inspectors into the country.
20070215             Discussions about NORTH—KOREA—EXISTING nuclear weapons and fuel would be left for 1—LATER date.
20070215             Also, 57 % want Congress to put 1—CAP on THE—NUMBER—OF—TROOPS that are sent to fight in IRAQ but 58 % oppose denying funding for these additional troops.
20070215             —BY—51 %-19 % those surveyed place the blame on Republicans for the Senate stalemate.
20070215             Lawmakers should take note, because
20070215             approximately 70—PERCENT—OF—THOSE surveyed said votes on the war will affect their choice in the next congressional election.
20070215             To continue READING, click here.
20070215             Gallup: Most Americans Want Congress to Go Beyond NON—BINDING Vote on War-
20070215             BG - 6—OUT—OF—10—OPPOSE the "surge" in troops.
20070215             Amnesty condemns IRAQ—VP death sentence ::
20070215             —CHARGED, WASHINGTON - —1—DAY—AFTER THE—USA—MILITARY, IRAN—GOVERNMENT with shipping powerful explosive devices to Shiite Muslim fighters in IRAQ to use against USA—TROOPS,
20070215             THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF said —MONDAY that he hasn't seen ANY—INTELLIGENCE to support the claim.
20070215             In 1—STUDY that appears in the current ISSUE—OF—MILITARY—MEDICINE, WILLIAM—C—HOLMES,
20070215             MD, MISS—CE, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA—SCHOOL—OF—MEDICINE + lead AUTHOR—OF—THE—PAPER,
20070215             assesses veterans' tolerance for detainee abuse and variables associated with it.... Source:
20070215             Killtown: Is Flight93crash com 1—SPOOK site?-
20070215             THE—BLOG | TOBY—BARLOW: Crazy But True: Record NY Snow is Proof of Global Warming | THE—HUFFINGTON—POST
20070215             Carrying signs with slogans of "Stop the Coal Rush" and "Shame on TEXAS," about 1,000—PEOPLE rallied at THE—STATE—CAPITOL to persuade lawmakers to abandon 1—PLAN to build up to 18—NEW—COAL—FIRED power plants.
20070215             Environmentalists fear the new plants will pump MILLIONS—OF—TONS—OF—POLLUTANTS into the air EVERY—YEAR.
20070215             1—UNUSUAL—WEAPON—CAPTURED in IRAQ MICHAEL—YON sent out 1—EMAIL asking if anyone can identify this unusual weapon captured by Iraqi and USA—FORCES in IRAQ;
20070215             he says it has mystified everyone who's seen it. It looks homemade to me.
20070215             What say you, lizards? What in the World is This?... Source:
20070215             World Trade Center Port Authority Cops heard EXPLOSIONS—BYRON—PITTS discusses WTC 7—COLLAPSE
20070215             RUDY—GIULIANI—VULNERABILITIES - 20070212             -
20070215             —REPORTED, Perhaps that is why Giuliani, as Barrett, ordered COPIES—OF—THE—VULNERABILITY—STUDY destroyed shortly —AFTER it was circulated to top campaign aides.
20070215             —PLEASED, He surely could not have been, to read that his "personal life raises questions about a 'weirdness factor.'"
20070215             —IDENTIFIED, PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, former under SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE, has been, in —RECENTLY released grand jury transcripts as being involved in 1—WHITE—HOUSE smear campaign against JOSEPH—WILSON ,
20070215             —ACCUSED, THE—FORMER—USA—AMBASSADOR who, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OF manipulating intelligence in THE—RUN—UP to THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20070215             1—OF—THE—LAST jailed MEMBERS—OF—THE—BAADER—MEINHOF gang, she received 5—LIFE—SENTENCES.
20070215             In anticipation, no doubt of widespread public objections,
20070215             the court was anxious to point out that this was not 1—PARDON and was 1—DECISION... Source:
20070215             Source: THE—NEW 20010911             Hijackers (This guy elevates JUDY—WOOD to Sainthood)-
20070215             BG—BLOGGER Thoughts: Don't know...
20070215             THE—NEW "20010911             Hijackers"?
20070215             ANDREW—JOHNSON, Stem cell technique helps women grow their own implants | the Daily Mail-
20070215             —CONVINCED, BG—UK—SURGEONS said —YESTERDAY they were, by the technique and found it "appealing".
20070215             VANITY—FAIR has 1—THOUGHT—PROVOKING article on JAG lawyer CHARLES—SWIFT:
20070215             "Justice," he says, "is based on 1—SIMPLE—IDEA: it can happen to you".
20070215             The line comes out minutes —AFTER he arrives at 1—STARBUCKS in the suburbs of MARYLAND + the intensity of his delivery causes the teenagers making out at the next table to look up.
20070215             It's 1—SUNDAY afternoon, shortly —AFTER the announcement that Swift is leaving the navy.
20070215             1—FEW days —EARLIER, on ;;10;;
20070215             11, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES ran 1—HARSH—EDITORIAL commenting on the subject:
20070215             lead + THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox, with THE—LONG—AWAITED briefing by military officials in BAGHDAD where they presented what was described as convincing evidence
20070215             that IRAN is providing weapons to Shiite militias in IRAQ.
20070215             —DISPLAYED, The officials, 1—VARIETY—OF—DIFFERENT—WEAPONS,
20070215             including the "explosively formed penetrator," which is 1—OF—THE—DEADLIEST weapons because of its ability to go through armor.
20070215             fronts the presentation, but leads with the apparent collapse
20070215             The main stumbling point appears to be NORTH—KOREA—DEMANDS for large AMOUNTS—OF—AID—BEFORE it agrees to anything.
20070215             THE—NYT also got 1—SUMMARY of the proposed agreement and says it would pretty much prevent NORTH—KOREA from producing new weapons,
20070215             but it does not specify ANY—DEADLINES for giving up existing nuclear weapons or weapons fuel.
20070215             —TRIED, This comes at 1—TIME—WHEN SAUDI—ARABIA has, to position itself as 1—LEADER in trying to solve PALESTINE—ISSUES and will need ISRAEL—COOPERATION
20070215             if it intends to try and broker 1—PEACE—DEAL.
20070215             Breaking News: Americans caught with IRAN—WEAPONS in IRAQ ::
20070215             BG—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is spinning 1—STORY about IRAN that is FULL—OF—CONTRADICTIONS.
20070215             —ACCOMPANIED, It was, by SOME—INTERESTING discussion which probably won't accompany most showings in THE—USA (and certainly none on TV):
20070215             In order to present the documentary, the "Roundtable" invited JOHN—SAXE—FERNÁNDEZ,
20070215             professor and essayist from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
20070215             who criticized the maneuvers carried out by ruling circles in THE—USA to ignore alarming realities like climate change.
20070215             Buying the opinions of the scientific community and silencing the warnings of those who have more advanced environmental ideas has been THE—CONDUCT—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT,
20070215             which abrogates rights in order not to comply with INTERNATIONAL laws and regulations,
20070215             Saxe said, noting
20070215             CIA Analysts: Over 50% Of BUSH—IRAQ—WAR—JUSTIFICATIONS—UNTRUE
20070215             As THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION began assembling its case for war, analysts across THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY were disturbed by the report of 1—SECRETIVE—PENTAGON team that concluded IRAQ had significant ties to AL—QAEDA.
20070215             —DISAGREED, Analysts from THE—CIA and other agencies " with more than 50%" of 26—FINDINGS THE—PENTAGON team laid out in 1—CONTROVERSIAL—PAPER,
20070215             according to testimony —FRIDAY from THOMAS—F—GIMBLE, acting inspector general of THE—PENTAGON.
20070215             Holdings INCORPORATED—TOP—INVESTMENT—BANKERS, Woody Young,
20070215             has left the firm because of 1—STRATEGIC—DISAGREEMENT with LEHMAN—MANAGEMENT, according to people familiar with the matter.
20070215             —RAISED, For his part, Edwards, $1.4—MILLION at 3—NEW—YORK—CITY—FUND—RAISERS on the 1. —DAY—OF—HIS—PRE—CONVENTION—CAMPAIGN swing.
20070215             —CLOSED, MOST—OF—THE—MONEY came from 1, event at the home of Lehman Bros. executive Woody Young.
20070215             BBC NEWS | Business | BAE in several corruption probes-
20070215             BG—DEFENCE—FIRM—BAE Systems is facing 1—SERIES—OF—CORRUPTION—PROBES surrounding its activities in 6—COUNTRIES, the government has confirmed.
20070215             NEW—YORK Prepares for Nuclear Terror-
20070215             COURT—DENIES—BUSH on IRAQ Terror Transfer-
20070215             BG—AN USA—CITIZEN who has been held by USA—MILITARY—FORCES in IRAQ for more than —2—YEARS cannot be transferred to IRAQ—AUTHORITIES for trial on terrorism charges,
20070215             1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT ruled —ON—FRIDAY.
20070215             Rich Nations Launch Vaccine Pact-
20070215             BG—THE—ADVANCED—MARKET—COMMITMENT for Vaccines project involves donor nations making 1—PRIOR—COMMITMENT to buy vaccines which are under development once they are launched,
20070215             thereby creating 1—DEMAND—LED market for new vaccines needed by poor countries.
20070215             Move to Dump Electoral College Defeated in MONTANA, NORTH—DAKOTA-
20070215             BG - 1—MOVEMENT to essentially dump the Electoral College
20070215             —SPARKED, BG—THE—STRATEGY has, 1—GROWING debate within the administration and the intelligence community...
20070215             Gentle reader, you are probably UNAWARE—OF—FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER—ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI—DAMNING INDICTMENT—OF—THE—BUSH—REGIME in his testimony —BEFORE the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on
20070215             THE—IRAQ—IRAN Super Bowl:-
20070215             We are intelligent enough to understand that threatening other people encourages terrorism. article17014.htm
20070215             Helping ISRAEL—DIE
20070215             BG—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH and VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY are unwittingly playing Dr.
20070215             JACK—KEVORKIAN in helping THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL commit suicide. article17020.htm
20070215             "Intelligence' on AL—QAEDA refuted-
20070215             The presence of AL—QAEDA in IRAQ has little bearing on the group's INTERNATIONAL planning and the Iranians have not been more active than key Sunni regimes in supporting their proxy militias in IRAQ,
20070215             despite the assertions of the latest USA National Intelligence Estimate.
20070215             BRAD—DELONG tries his best to explain why THE—PRESIDENT—PRESS—SECRETARY was acting so stupid —DURING this Q&A.
20070215             But hang on a 2. folks and let's focus here: Q: does the Treasury tell him that more money is coming in than was lost to the tax cuts?
20070215             MISTER—SNOW: Well, I'm not SURE—THE—WHOLE—POINT is that the tax cuts generate extra economic activity.
20070215             All you have to do is - I would, if you want to Q: That's 1—SEPARATE—ISSUE.
20070215             MISTER—SNOW: Well, no, it's not.
20070215             It's not 1—SEPARATE—ISSUE at all.
20070215             What it says is —WHEN you have greater economic Q:
20070215             If the economy is growing more, that's 1—THING;
20070215             but whether tax revenues are growing is 1—SEPARATE—ISSUE.
20070215             Actually, it is not 1—SEPARATE—ISSUE.
20070215             The impact of 1—REDUCTION in tax rates o... Source: TOMMY—FRANKS—WAS—RIGHT
20070215             —BY—LARRY C JOHNSON—DOUGLAS—FEITH, the former number 3—MAN at RUMMY—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE and CO—AUTHOR—OF—THE debacle in IRAQ,
20070215             proved TOMMY—FRANKS right.
20070215             "the fucking stupidest guy on THE—FACE—OF—THE—EARTH".
20070215             Yes.
20070215             Amen!! FEITH displayed his utter cluelessness —TODAY—DURING his appearance on the Situation Room with WOLF—BLITZER —TODAY and cemented his status as THE—KING—OF—STUPIDITY.
20070215             —CONTINUED, FEITH, to insist that Saddam was in league with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and AL—QAEDA.
20070215             HERE—1—PORTION—OF—THE—TRANSCRIPT—OF—THE—INTERVIEW: FEITH : On the al Qaeda connection,
20070215             —LINKED, Avedon Carol, to 1—ARTICLE in the ;;01;;/;;02;;
20070215             —EXPLORED, Psychology —TODAY 1—COUPLE—OF—WEEKS ago which, THE—EFFECT—OF—FEAR on making people conservative and inclined to trust their leaders.
20070215             This is 1—IMPORTANT—TOPIC to understand because it is obvious that our world is guaranteed to become more volatile,
20070215             more frightening and we will be asked to make decisions (including selecting leaders) in THE—FACE—OF—SITUATIONS that are terrifying.
20070215             The article starts by discussing 1—WOMAN, Cinnamon Stillwell, who switched from being liberal to being quite conservative because of 20010911            .
20070215             She went on to start 1—NEW—GROUP for conservatives most who were also switched from being liberal to conservative.
20070215             —HAPPENED, So what, to her? And what does that teach us about liberals and conservatives?
20070215             We tend to believe our political views have... Source:
20070215             —FOLLOWING up on the post here, this official government image alsosupports my previous measurements and significantly,
20070215             the idea that the distance between the engine craters (or engine "scars") is too small: Source:
20070215             —DETECTED, IRAN says CIA, Mossad spy ring, | JERUSALEM Post- - BERNARD—LEWIS—HOLY—WAR—AGAINST—ISLAM
20070215             BG—REGARDING BERNARD—LEWIS—HOLY war against Islam -- this is what is going on:
20070215             Nearly all the basic premises behind the Zionist experiment have collapsed among... Source:
20070215             —CHARGED, BG—ALTHOUGH STEPHEN—LAWRENCE and JOHN—LEFEBVRE are, with money laundering, there was nothing sneaky about their "conspiracy".
20070215             Why We Need 1—NEW 20010911             Commission-
20070215             —PUBLISHED, This item originally, ;;06;;
20070215             19. 20060000             20070215             —UPDATED, This article, 20072001             20070215             Try weaning BUSH supporters from the obvious lies that are the basis
20070215             of this administration + they will call you EVERY—NAME in the book.
20070215             11—ATTACKS, but charges that he also made serious blunders could give ammunition to rival candidates.
20070215             Lawyers for 3—GITMO Detainees Slam Rules-
20070215             "—AFTER all the work that was put into evaluating and raising possible challenges to the old structure,
20070215             we —NOW have this new 238-page manual dropped in our lap —1—WEEK and 1—HALF ago," said Marine Corps Maj.
20070215             —ACCUSED—OF, MICHAEL—MORI, the lawyer for DAVID—HICKS, 1—AUSTRALIAN, fighting for the Taliban.
20070215             "Bryson marshals an impressive AMOUNT—OF—RESEARCH to demonstrate fluoride's harmfulness,
20070215             the ties between leading fluoride researchers and the corporations who funded and benefited from their research +
20070215             what he says is the duplicity with which fluoridation was sold to the people.
20070215             The result is 1—COMPELLING challenge to the reigning dental orthodoxy, which should provoke renewed scientific scrutiny and public debate".
20070215             — PUBLISHERS WEEKLY Source:
20070215             DOCTOR—JAMES—LUTHER—ADAMS, my ethics professor at Harvard Divinity School,
20070215             told his students that —WHEN we were his age -- he was then close to 80 -- we would all be fighting the "Christian fascists".
20070215             —PLANNED, NYPD, illegal detention —AROUND Republican Convention in NEW—YORK—CITY-
20070215             BG—CHRISTOPHER—DUNN, associate legal director at THE—NYCLU, said the documents "reveal that the long DETENTIONS—OF—THE—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS arrested for minor offenses at the convention were THE—RESULT—OF—DELIBERATE—POLICY—DECISIONS by THE—NYPD.
20070215             1—MAN freed —AFTER he was arrested over 1 alleged plot to kidnap 1—UK—MUSLIM soldier has criticised the police investigation
20070215             Crooks and Liars " on the Edwards/Blogger Story- - Does THE—AP lie?
20070215             Does 1—BEAR.....?-
20070215             —SIGNED, SWC: In reaction to SWC—25,000, petitions that were sent to FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER protesting his book,
20070215             "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid," MISTER—CARTER has responded.
20070215             In 1—HAND—WRITTEN letter to Rabbi MARVIN—HIER, THE—CENTER—DEAN and founder, PRESIDENT—CARTER accused the Center of "falsehood and slander".
20070215             —RESPONDED, Rabbi Hier, in part, "Let me say, MISTER—PRESIDENT, that I am not 1—WHO believes that ISRAEL is infallible
20070215             the only reason there is no peace in THE—MIDDLE—EAST is because of Islamic extremists who refuse to compromise,
20070215             not BECAUSE—OF—THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL".Read THE—EXCHANGE—OF—LETTERS between PRESIDENT—CARTER and Rabbi Hier.... Source:
20070215             Economists Stating the Obvious about Condoleezza-
20070215             BG—CONDOLEEZZA Rice is not the woman she once was SOME—GOOBERS/ liars/ neocons said she was
20070215             Dispatches From the Scooter Libby TRIAL—THE—GRAND—JURY—GRILLING.
20070215             Updated —TUESDAY, 20070206             0000—DATE, at 10:50 PM ET
20070215             The courtroom speakers fill the air with Scooter LIBBY—REEDY, disembodied voice.
20070215             —PLAYED, Hearing —10—SECONDS—OF my own voice, back to me can give me the willies.
20070215             I can't imagine how uncomfortable Libby must feel, hearing himself talk —FOR—HOUR—AFTER—HOUR, with DOZENS—OF—STRANGERS intently listening in.
20070215             (Of course, the actual grand jury grilling he endured was no doubt vastly more uncomfortable,
20070215             so perhaps this is tranquil by comparison.) To continue READING, click here.
20070215             —HAPPENED, Whatever, with THE—WTC—HARD—DRIVE—RECOVERIES?-
20070215             (also see: Re: [POLITICAL—RESEARCH] Elite Firm to Guard Bilderberg Meeting)
20070215             KENTUCKY Teacher Placed In Psych Ward For Declaring 20010911             Was An 'Inside Job'-
20070215             —VISITED, MICHAEL—COOK was also, by SECRET—SERVICE and then became SUBJECT—OF—FEDERAL—CHARGES for speaking out against BUSH —BEFORE a
20070215             —OPPOSED, Groups, to tracking and surveillance demonized as BLAIR—CASH for honors scandal disappears off front pages,
20070215             fearmongering spreads to make people nervous about looking in their private home letter box,
20070215             secret Downing Street memo called for police postal scans PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON
20070215             A 3. UK company that oversees Big Brother tracking and taxation policies has been targeted in 1—LETTER bombing campaign that has only succeeded in demonizing privacy and personal freedom advocates,
20070215             —WHILE also wiping TONY—BLAIR—CASH for honors scandal off the front pages.
20070215             UK—MEDIA—OUTLETS are busy trying to link the letter bomber to ANTI—SURVEILLANCE and tax protest groups.
20070215             —FROM LAWRENCE—O'DONNELL: How Giuliani WILL—HELP—ELECT the Democrat-
20070215             RUDY—GIULIANI—PRESIDENTIAL candidacy is the best thing that will happen for the Democratic candidates —THIS—YEAR.
20070215             HE—GOING to lose.
20070215             Yes, I know he's the Republican frontrunner in SOME—POLLS, but HOWARD—DEAN was the frontrunner for 1—WHILE in the last contested presidential primary season.
20070215             THE—EXCUSE—OF—LAST—RESORT for SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—OFFICIAL 20010911             Story, Part 2-
20070215             BG—WELL, no 1 has ever seen 1—BOEING 767—GOING 500—GAZILLION miles per —HOUR hitting a 110-story building —BEFORE,
20070215             so who knows what it should look like!!
20070215             —ON the Editorial PAGE—THE housing boom is over; time to whoop on the bankers.
20070215             —ESTABLISHED, THE—SINAI campaign of 19560000             , that ISRAEL was here to stay.
20070215             —TODAY—PAPERS: Main Man-
20070215             These military officers, including MEMBERS—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF,
20070215             contend that no AMOUNT—OF—MILITARY—INTERVENTION will help IRAQ if it doesn't include 1 concerted effort to speed up the country's reconstruction and political development.
20070215             THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20070215             leads with 1—LOOK at how GENERAL—DAVID—H—PETRAEUS has become the public face
20070215             of the administration's effort to convince lawmakers and the public to give "surge" 1—CHANCE.
20070215             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox with Democratic leaders in THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES announcing they will hold 1—VOTE—NEXT—WEEK
20070215             —ON 1—RESOLUTION opposing the administration's new plans for IRAQ.
20070215             —MEANWHILE, House members began "what promises to be 1—LONG, embarrassing inquest" into mismanagement of rebuilding funds in IRAQ.
20070215             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES
20070215             Some, for example, want child molesters to be eligible for the death penalty, —WHILE others want to lower the bar of —WHEN certain offences become eligible for the death penalty.
20070215             —ADMITTED, The principal of 1—ISLAMIC—SCHOOL has, that it uses textbooks which describe Jews as "apes" and Christians as "pigs" and has refused to withdraw them.
20070215             This cluster makes up THE—WELL—KNOWN F—SCALE (F for Fascism).
20070215             Where more than 2—OF—THESE traits appear, the probabilities indicate that MOST—OF—THE—OTHERS will appear.
20070215             This seems to result from 1—NEOPHOBIC imprint in THE—BIO—SURVIVAL system.
20070215             Those with this imprint feel increasingly insecure as they move in SPACE—TIME away from Mommy + "HOME—COOKED meals".
20070215             Conversely, those who like to experiment with strange and exotic foods seem to have 1—NEOPHILIC imprint and want to explore the world in MANY—DIMENSIONS--traveling,
20070215             moving from 1—CITY or country to another, studying new subjects, "playing" with ideas rather than holding rigidly to 1—STATIC—MODEL—OF—THE—UNIVERSE.
20070215             ROBERT—ANTON—WILSON, Quantum Psychology, 19900000             20070215             —SUSPECTED—OF, PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—JACKBOOTED thugs given stop + search powers for people, removing tracking tags, arguing with
20070215             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—GOVERNMENT thinks we need to be kept in line by urinal cakes
20070215             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—CREEPING fascism and the most annoying phone call ever
20070215             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON -"The whole time you're hearing boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. I think I know 1—EXPLOSION—WHEN I hear it"
20070215             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—WATCHING, Listening, Shouting,
20070215             Firing X—RAYS and scanning your brain for thought crime
20070215             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ARMY—CLEARS itself of ANY—WRONG doing despite HUNDREDS—OF—REPORTS—OF—SYSTEMATIC—TORTURE and soldiers
20070215             —ASKED, PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—NEW—JERSEY Emergency Medical Technician, "how could someone have rigged all these explosives?"
20070215             —OPPOSED, PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—TAX—PROTESTERS—GROUPS, to tracking and surveillance demonized as BLAIR—CASH for honors
20070215             Bei einem Bombenanschlag auf einen Bus der Revolutionsgarden (Pasdaran) sind im Südosten des IRAN nach jüngsten Angaben 11—MENSCHEN getötet worden.
20070215             30—WEITERE Menschen seien verletzt worden, berichtete die Agentur ISNA —AM—MITTWOCH.
20070215             Die in einem Auto versteckte Bombe sei in der Stadt ZAHEDAN explodiert,
20070215             als 1—BUS mit Angehörigen der paramilitärischen Revolutionsgarden vorbeifuhr, berichteten Augenzeugen.
20070215             Die Täter seien auf.
20070215             Der Bundestrojaner und die unterschobene Straftat-
20070215             Computer sind nicht nur ausspähbar, auch MANIPULIERBAR—DIE Polizei tut es —SCHON.
20070215             Rosen statt Opium, sagt die DEUTSCHE—WELTHUNGERHILFE.
20070215             Der Vorschlag könnte 1—ALTERNATIVE zum MOHN—ANBAU in AFGHANISTAN sein.
20070215             Weg vom Rauschgift und hin zum Duft der heiligen Blume des Propheten?
20070215             Statt der Mohnpflanze sollen ANGABEN—DER—DEUTSCHEN—WELTHUNGERHILFE in BONN 360—BAUERN in der ostafghanischen Provinz Nangarhar Damaszenerrosen anbauen.
20070215             Ein lukratives Geschäft, besonders für die Parfümindustrie: In AFGHANISTAN könne 1—LITER—ROSENÖL im Wert von rund 5.000...
20070215             onlineredaktion DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE—ÜBERMORGEN, am
20070215             blickt die ENGLISCHE—PRESSE wieder gespannt nach ZIMBABWE, nicht dass sie an der trostlosen Lage der Bevölkerung Anteil nimmt,
20070215             oder vielleicht 1—REGIERUNGSWECHSEL ansteht, nichts von alledem.
20070215             1—REISE ohne Rückfahrkarte auch für einen DEUTSCHEN—VOR dem Magistrates Court,
20070215             vergleichbar mit dem Landgericht in DEUTSCHLAND, wird über das Auslieferungsbegehren Äquatorial...
20070215             Der IRANISCHE—CHEF—UNTERHÄNDLER für das Atomprogramm, ALI—LARIDSCHANI, hat sich in BERN mit Aussenministerin Micheline CALMY—REY getroffen.
20070215             Nach ANGABEN—DES—EDA fand 1—AUSTAUSCH—VON—POSITIONEN und Informationen zu Irans Nuklearfrage statt.
20070215             Sie habe die Position der SCHWEIZ noch einmal deutlich gemacht, sagte CALMY—REY vor den Medien:
20070215             NORDKOREA ? Heizöl und Strom gegen ATOM—STOPP
20070215             NORDKOREA hat offensichtlich kalte Füße gekriegt. Million Tonnen Heizöl,
20070215             1—MILLION—KILOWATT—STROM und noch vieles mehr soll das Land kriegen,
20070215             wenn es seine Nuklearanlagen schließt und Inspektionen durch die Internationale Energiebehörde zu lässt,
20070215             und NORDKOREA signalisierte —BEREITS zustimmen zu wollen.
20070215             Der USA—CHEFUNTERHÄNDLER CHRISTOPHER—HILL sagte —AM—DIENSTAG, NORDKOREA habe allen Punkten des Entwurfs zugestimmt.
20070215             Damit stünden die. Teurofigther? im ?Wienergate?-
20070215             Mit dem Einbruch in den Parlamentsklub der grünen Partei hat das Schmierentheater um den Ankauf der Kampfflugzeuge vom Typ ?Eurofighter?
20070215             1—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS des Nationalrates ermittelt —SEIT—2—MONATEN in der Frage,
20070215             ob bei dem Kaufpreis von 1,959 Milliarden Euro samt heimlicher Zusatzkosten von 233—MILLIONEN...
20070215             Nach einer neuen Umfrage der ?NEW—YORK—TIMES ?
20070215             sagen —NUN 3—VIERTEL aller USA—AMERIKANER,
20070215             —BEREITS vor einem —JAHR war es die HÄLFTE—DER—USA—BÜRGER, die einen solchen Unglauben zeigten, —NUN ist es eine erdrückende Mehrheit.
20070215             Zu diesem Anstieg haben ohne Zweifel das Video ?Loose Change?
20070215             beigetragen, das —BEREITS von etwa 100—MILLIONEN Menschen...
20070215             Drudge RE—TELLS Lame Global Warming Joke-
20070215             with this observation, which he dubbed "the biggest gaffe in years".
20070215             —3—YEARS—LATER, he's resurrected the joke:
20070215             Whatever you THINK—OF—THE—JOKE, the sad fact is that many on the right
20070215             think this is actually proof that global warming isn't occurring.
20070215             It's not. Weather is current events. Climate is history.
20070215             —PASSED, THE—3—YEARS that have, —SINCE DRUDGE—1. joke have been among the hottest ever recorded in human history.
20070215             —REPORTED, THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, —LAST—YEAR that EARTH—RISING temperature "is unprecedented for at least the last —400—YEARS and potentially the last several millennia,
20070215             that "human activities are responsible for much of the recent warming".
20070215             The fact that temperatures have swung from extreme to extreme — in NEW—YORK, from ALL—TIME—HIGH 70—DEGREE weather in
20070215             "The benefits were temporary,-
20070215             —YESTERDAY on his radio show, RIGHT—WING host Rush Limbaugh derided Sen.
20070215             BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL) — who is biracial — for saying, "If you look AFRICA—AMERICAN in this society, you're treated as 1—AFRICA—AMERICAN".
20070215             —CLAIMED, Limbaugh, that this statement meant Obama didn't want to be black and should "renounce it":
20070215             "If it's not something you want to be, if you didn't decide it, renounce it, become white!" He added, "If you don't like it, you can switch.
20070215             Well, that's the way I see it. HE—GOT 50-50 in there.
20070215             Say, 'No, I'm white.'" Listen here: CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO LIMBAUGH
20070215             The right wing has repeatedly thrown baseless racial slurs at Obama.
20070215             —EARLIER in the —WEEK, RIGHT—WING radio host GLENN—BECK said that Obama "is colorless,"
20070215             and that "as 1—WHITE—GUY...[y ]ou don't notice that he is black.
20070215             So he might as well be white, you know what I mean?" (HT: Too Sense) - Hillary stands up to Bush on IRAN.-
20070215             "If the administration believes that any, ANY—USE—OF—FORCE against IRAN is necessary,
20070215             THE—PRESIDENT must come to Congress to seek that authority,
20070215             "SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON (D—NY) said in 1—SENATE—SPEECH.
20070215             See the video here.
20070215             is reporting that THE—KANSAS school BOARD,
20070215             "long ridiculed for its resistance to teaching evolution,
20070215             —TODAY rebuffed social conservatives and approved "science guidelines that embrace CHARLES—DARWIN—MAINSTREAM—THEORIES".
20070215             —THIS—WEEK, THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES is debating 1—RESOLUTION opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—IRAQ escalation.
20070215             The resolution is —JUST 58—WORDS
20070215             —LEAKED, But 1, letter obtained —TODAY by Majority Leader Steny Hoyer's (D—MD) office reveals that conservatives have formulated 1—STRATEGY to avoid talking about THE—CENTRAL—QUESTION—OF—THE—DEBATE.
20070215             In the letter, leading conservative Reps.
20070215             JOHN—SHADEGG (R—AZ) and PETER—HOEKSTRA (R—MI) inform their allies:
20070215             "The debate should not be about the surge or its details.
20070215             This debate should not even be about THE—IRAQ war to date,
20070215             mistakes that have been made, or whether we can, or cannot, win militarily".
20070215             Shadegg and Hoekstra warn,
20070215             if conservatives are forced to debate "the surge or the current situation in IRAQ, we lose".
20070215             Read it: Instead, they write, "the debate must be about the global threat of the radical Islamic movement".
20070215             The problem is they lose that debate too.
20070215             Bush Takes Budget Axe To AMERICA—VOLUNTEERS
20070215             —TODAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH commemorated
20070215             the 5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—USA—FREEDOM—CORPS
20070215             " We're heralding volunteerism here —TODAY.
20070215             It is 1—REALLY important ASPECT—OF—USA—SOCIETY.
20070215             I'm proud of our fellow citizens who have answered the call.
20070215             I encourage you to continue on".
20070215             BUSH loves praising volunteerism.
20070215             "—YESTERDAY, Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF—CHAIRMAN—PETER—PACE seemed to contradict this claim,
20070215             saying that he has not seen evidence that THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT "clearly knows or is complicit
20070215             's ED—HENRY pressed Snow: "—WHEN THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF seems to be saying something different than THE—WHITE—HOUSE,
20070215             does that raise questions about how solid this evidence is?" But Snow insisted that THE—WHITE—HOUSE and Pace were "not on separate pages".
20070215             —LATER, Henry accused Snow of repeatedly "changing what my question is".
20070215             Snow said, "No, no, I'm trying to clarify your question," but Henry interrupted.
20070215             "I don't need it clarified.
20070215             I'm trying to tell you — I know what my question is + basically, [Pace is] saying that he doesn't see evidence that THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT is clearly behind it.
20070215             —ASKED, That's my — I've, that 3 or 4—TIMES, you haven't answered that".
20070215             Cheney won't testify.-
20070215             attorneys for FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—SCOOTER Libby say they no longer plan to call
20070215             VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY to testify in THE—CIA leak trial.
20070215             THE—AP reports, "Defense attorney THEODORE—WELLS said he advised CHENEY—LAWYER over lunch that his testimony would not be needed.
20070215             Wells also said he planned to rest his case without calling Libby".
20070215             —REPORTED, NBC, "House Minority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER got emotional this —MORNING as he spoke about the 'solemn' debate
20070215             that the House is set to begin —TODAY over THE—NON—BINDING resolution opposing BUSH—TROOP—INCREASE". Boehner "began to shed tears.
20070215             —REPLACED, BOEHNER—FLEETING MOMENT—OF—SOLEMNITY was quickly, with divisive attacks on IRAQ war critics.
20070215             Speaking on the House floor, Boehner began the House debate on THE—ANTI—ESCALATION—RESOLUTION by calling it 1—CRITICISM—OF "the latest effort by USA—FORCES to win in IRAQ".
20070215             Boehner said that escalation opponents are taking the "bait" of "al Qaeda and terrorist sympathizers" by using IRAQ to "divide us here at home".
20070215             Watch it: Transcript: (more...)
20070215             Exxon Mobil Chairman Rex Tillerson told 1—WORLD—ENERGY—CONFERENCE—TODAY that "there is no question that the world's climate is getting warmer,
20070215             "but "didn't offer specific actions that nations should adopt to combat climate change". —WHILE Exxon has —RECENTLY embarked on 1—CAMPAIGN to "soften" its public image on global warming.
20070215             THE—USA—MILITARY—BELIEVES the television show 24— which has become 1—FOREIGN—POLICY—GUIDE for the right
20070215             — is sending inappropriate messages to the troops condoning torture: broadcast on the Fox channel.
20070215             He told them that promoting illegal behaviour in THE—SERIES—APPARENTLY hugely popular among THE—USA—MILITARY—WAS having 1—DAMAGING effect on young troops.
20070215             —NOTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, "Very little public scrutiny-
20070215             much less PROTEST—OF—VIOLENT—INTERROGATION is depicted" on the show.
20070215             —CITED, Numerous conservative pundits have, 24 as 1—SANCTION for harsh interrogation practices.
20070215             For example, radio host Laura Ingraham has said:
20070215             The average USA—OUT there loves the show 24 . - - - - OK? They love JACK—BAUER.
20070215             In 1—RECENT—INTERVIEW, actor Keifer Sutherland — who plays the lead character JACK—BAUER on the show — noted,
20070215             "You torture someone and they'll basically tell you exactly what you want to hear, whether it's true or not,
20070215             if you put someone in enough pain," he said.
20070215             LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—JOHN—KIMMONS, the Army Deputy CHIEF—OF—STAFF for Intelligence has said, "I am absolutely good intelligence is going to come from abusive practices.
20070215             I think history tells us that.
20070215             I think the empirical evidence of the last —5—YEARS,
20070215             DAVID—DANZIG, THE—HEAD—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS 1. — 1—ANTI—TORTURE—NON—PROFIT—GROUP — argued, "The image of THE—USA and its military [being involved in torture] is being affirmed" by the torture practices employed in the show.
20070215             Undoubtedly, THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—SANCTION
20070215             of tactics such as waterboarding also contributes to that image.
20070215             "KENNETH—KATZMAN, a MIDDLE—EAST researcher with Congressional Research Service,
20070215             the research ARM—OF—CONGRESS, said that...MOST—OF—THE—WEAPONS—IRAN had been supplying the Shi'ite militias were believed to be for use against Sunnis.
20070215             Shi'ite militias may be attacking USA—FORCES in retaliation for ARRESTS—OF—MILITIA—LEADERS,
20070215             he said, but their attacks pale in comparison to the deaths inflicted by Sunni insurgents who are not believed to get assistance from IRAN,
20070215             he said.
20070215             'THE—SHI'ITE militias are not the key threat to USA—FORCES in IRAQ,
20070215             so the overall question is why is THE—USA—MILITARY making 1—HUGE—ISSUE—OF this?
20070215             —CLAIMED, —LAST—WEEK, Deputy ATTORNEY—GENERAL—PAUL—MCNULTY, that 6—USA—ATTORNEYS were fired for "PERFORMANCE—RELATED" issues.
20070215             But according to the former prosecutors and Justice Department officials,
20070215             5—OF—THE—6—ATTORNEYS received positive evaluations from THE—DOJ shortly —BEFORE they were told to resign.
20070215             —CALLED, JOHN—MCKAY, "McKay said he was, 20071207             by MICHAEL—A—BATTLE, HEAD—OF—THE—EXECUTIVE—OFFICE—OF—USA—ATTORNEYS,
20070215             who only months —BEFORE had s ent him 1—CONGRATULATORY letter for the laudatory report issued by the Justice Department audit team".
20070215             DANIEL—G—BOGDEN,
20070215             —DESCRIBED, Bogden "was, in his last job performance evaluation 20030000             as being a 'capable' leader who was highly regarded by THE—FEDERAL—JUDICIARY and investigators.
20070215             'He didn't get ANY—DINGS,' said 1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL with KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—REVIEW.
20070215             ' The overall evaluation was very positive.'"
20070215             —DESCRIBED, CAROL—LAM, "Lam was, in her 20050000             evaluation as 'well respected' by law enforcement officials,
20070215             judges and her staff. Overall the review was positive.
20070215             'We're not AWARE—OF—ANY—SIGNIFICANT—ISSUES,' said another Justice Department official".
20070215             PAUL—CHARLTON, "Officials with THE—USA—ATTORNEY—OFFICE—IN—ARIZONA said Charlton received his last review
20070215             DAVID—IGLESIAS,
20070215             —RECEIVED, Iglesias ", 1—POSITIVE—EVALUATION—LAST—YEAR, according to another Justice Department official".
20070215             KNIGHT—RIDDER notes that "Justice Department officials are —NOW completing the evaluation of KEVIN—RYAN,
20070215             who's being forced to step down as S—FRANCISCO—USA—ATTORNEY".
20070215             —ADMITTED, McNulty has, that a 7. USA—ATTORNEY,
20070215             —PUSHED, Bud Cummins, was, out to make way for a "—37—YEAR—OLD—PROTEGE—TPMMUCKRAKER has more.
20070215             —EXPECTED, Foggo, Wilkes indictments, —TODAY.-
20070215             —EXPECTED, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS are, to announce indictments —TODAY
20070215             in the case involving THE—FORMER—NUMBER 3—OFFICIAL at THE—CIA, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo + defense contractor BRENT—WILKES.
20070215             "Foggo, who served as THE—CIA—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR, was accused —LAST—YEAR by fellow CIA employees of steering contracts for THE—CIA—STATION in IRAQ" to Wilkes,
20070215             whose activities also led to the indictment of FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—DUKE—CUNNINGHAM (R—CA).
20070215             —LAST—WEEK, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held hearings
20070215             probing the work of USA contracting firms in IRAQ.
20070215             The committee heard testimony from 4—WOMEN
20070215             whose family members were killed by insurgents in FALLUJAH 20040000             , then burnt, dragged through the streets + hung from 1—BRIDGE.
20070215             —DESCRIBED, The women, how the contractor BlackwaterUSA
20070215             has refused to give them information about the deaths of their loved ones
20070215             —ALMOST—IMMEDIATELY, REPRESENTATIVE—DARRELL—ISSA (R—CA) went on the offense, telling the women, "I don't think your testimony —TODAY is particularly germane to the oversight of this committee".
20070215             He added, "1—QUESTION I have is, the opening statement, who wrote it?"
20070215             —RESPONDED, The women, to ISSA—ATTACK, explaining that it was a "compilation of all 4—OF—USA".
20070215             But other members came to their defense.
20070215             REPRESENTATIVE—JAN—SCHAKOWSKY (D—IL) said, "I think clearly the implication was that somehow these wonderful women couldn't possibly have written that wonderful,
20070215             heartfelt testimony and that it took 1—LAWYER in order to put it together + I resent that very much".
20070215             Rep.
20070215             —ADDED, STEPHEN—LYNCH (D—MA), "I've only sat through several 100,
20070215             maybe 1,000 hearings + that is the 1. time as 1—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS that I have heard ANY—WITNESSES asked who wrote their opening statements".
20070215             Watch 1—COMPILATION—OF—KEY—MOMENTS from the hearing:
20070215             —YESTERDAY, RIGHT—WING radio host GLENN—BECK claimed that SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL) "is colorless," adding that "as 1—WHITE—GUY...[y ]ou don't notice that he is black.
20070215             So he might as well be white, you know what I mean?"
20070215             FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—GEORGE—TENET is racing to complete his memoir which is due out this —SPRING.
20070215             with whom he developed 1—CLOSE—BOND —DURING—EARLY—MORNING intelligence briefings in the Oval Office".
20070215             1—FORMER colleague said,
20070215             "In order to sell books he's going to have to throw somebody out of the lifeboat".
20070215             63 %: Number of Americans who want all USA—TROOPS home from IRAQ
20070215             —BY—THE—END—OF—20080000             , according to 1—NEW—USA—TODAY—POLL.
20070215             1—CBS poll shows that 63—PERCENT—OF—THE—PUBLIC also DISAPPROVE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—PLAN to send more troops to IRAQ.
20070215             —1—YEAR has passed —SINCE Sunni insurgents "ripped 1—HOLE in the glorious dome" of THE—SAMARRA mosque (photo),
20070215             "1—OF—IRAQ—MOST sacred Shiite shrines".
20070215             There has been no rebuilding and no healing
20070215             ; the million annual pilgrims + the prosperity they spread, are gone".
20070215             THE—HOUSE is set to consider legislation that would " place strict ethics limits on EXECUTIVE—BRANCH—OFFICIALS".
20070215             Among numerous reforms,
20070215             the bill requires officials "to report all significant contacts they have with ANY—PRIVATE—INTEREST
20070215             related to 1—OFFICIAL—GOVERNMENT action," 1—RESPONSE to the secrecy surrounding VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY—ENERGY—TASK—FORCE.
20070215             "IRAN will be able to develop enough WEAPONS—GRADE—MATERIAL for 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB and there is little that can be done to prevent it,
20070215             1—INTERNAL—EUROPEAN—UNION—DOCUMENT has concluded".
20070215             Administration stonewalls on Pace remarks.- - THE—WASHINGTON—POST follows up
20070215             —ANSWERED, Pressed repeatedly, Snow, "Look, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE is doing this.
20070215             What I'm telling you is, you guys want to get those questions answered, you need to go to THE—PENTAGON".
20070215             1—CALL to the Defense Intelligence Agency brought 1—REFERRAL to the main PENTAGON press office.
20070215             which responded with 1—E—MAILED copy of —SUNDAY—BRIEFING slides — containing no mention of the "highest levels" allegation and 1—REQUEST for questions in writing.
20070215             Written questions brought no response.
20070215             1—OFFICIAL from THE—PENTAGON—JOINT—STAFF said last night that Pace had seen the briefing slides but had "no personal KNOWLEDGE—OF—ANY—SENIOR—INVOLVEMENT by senior IRAN—OFFICIALS".
20070215             "THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PLANS to cut funding for veterans' health care —2—YEARS from —NOW — even as badly wounded troops returning from IRAQ could overwhelm the system.
20070215             we cannot pour into the atmosphere ALL—OF—THE—FOSSIL—FUELS that were buried in the ground over MILLIONS—OF—YEARS without creating 1—DIFFERENT—PLANET, without destroying creation,
20070215             without being miserable failures in our STEWARDSHIP—OF—THE—PLANET we were blessed with". — NASA Institute for Space Studies CHIEF—JAMES—HANSEN, in his latest "must read.
20070215             MISTER—GATES cast himself as 1—GEOPOLITICAL—REALIST and drew 1—KNOWING laugh —WHEN he focused on Mr.
20070215             PUTIN—ASSERTION that THE—USA and its allies were dividing EUROPE.
20070215             "ALL—OF—THESE characterizations belong in the past," MISTER—GATES said.
20070215             "The free world versus those behind the Iron Curtain.
20070215             North versus South.
20070215             East versus West + I am told that SOME—HAVE even spoken in terms of 'Old EUROPE' versus 'new.'"
20070215             —DURING 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—C—SPAN—TODAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH impersonated the concerns of his IRAN critics.
20070215             "I guess my reaction to all the noise about, you know, 'He wants to go to war' is, 1. of all, I don't understand the tactics + I guess I would say it's political," he said.
20070215             Bush _Impersonates_His_Iran_Critics_VIDEO">Digg It!
20070215             Falwell to host McCain "meet and greet".-
20070215             Nico - "THE—REVEREND—JERRY—FALWELL will CO—HOST a 'meet and greet' for SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN —1—WEEK from —TODAY
20070215             at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in ORLANDO.
20070215             THE—ARIZONAN is attending, but not speaking at, the convention, billed as 'the premiere event in Christian communication.'"
20070215             AMANDA—NEW—REPORT by the Justice DEPARTMENT—INSPECTOR—GENERAL finds, "Between 3 and 4—FBI laptop computers
20070215             are lost or stolen EACH—MONTH on average and the agency is unable to say in MANY—INSTANCES whether information on the machines is sensitive or classified".
20070215             claiming that "IRAN—EXPORT—OF—THE—BOMBS to IRAQ—SHIITE militias was 1—DELIBERATE—STRATEGY—OF—THE—REGIME.
20070215             But —TODAY, Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF—CHAIRMAN—PETER—PACE disavowed this claim.
20070215             He told reporters he has no EVIDENCE—OF—ANY—LINKS
20070215             between the explosives killing Americans and top IRAN—OFFICIALS:
20070215             —FORMED, We know that the explosively, projectiles are manufactured in IRAN.
20070215             What I would not say is that THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT, per se [specifically], knows about this ," he said. "It is clear that Iranians are involved + it's clear that materials from IRAN are involved,
20070215             but I would not say by what I know that THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT clearly knows or is complicit.
20070215             —CONCERNED, Pace isn't the only 1, about the intelligence presented at —SUNDAY—BRIEFING:
20070215             Indeed, —WHILE the specific intelligence on the explosive formed projectiles is no longer disputed in the intelligence community,
20070215             THE—CIA is questioning whether their export from IRAN represents 1—STRATEGY—OF—THE—REGIME or the rogue actions of 1—OF—ITS—SECURITY—SERVICES,
20070215             known as the Quds Force.
20070215             —OFFERED, The officials, no evidence to substantiate allegations that the "highest levels" of THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT had sanctioned support for attacks against USA—TROOPS.
20070215             [WASHINGTON—POST, 20070212             ] - More on IRAN in —TODAY—PROGRESS—REPORT.
20070215             Read it (and sign up) here. militia".
20070215             But USA—OFFICIALS have not been as vocal about possible IRAN—SUPPORT for 1—SEPARATE—SHIITE militia,
20070215             —ARMED, THE—MEHDI—ARMY and SCIRI are rivals + both have, wings.
20070215             —YESTERDAY, KEVIN—DRUM speculated
20070215             that IRAN might be providing THE—SCIRI militia with weaponry.
20070215             Drum wrote, "In other words, if we had to guess where the bombs were going, we might guess that SCIRI—MILITIA is getting 1—SHARE—OF—THE action too".
20070215             THERE—NO need to guess ANY—LONGER.
20070215             's MICHAEL—WARE has confirmed that Iranians have been supplying weapons to SCIRI.
20070215             Caterpillar neues Kursziel
20070215             RATING—UPDATE: BALTIMORE ( AG) - Die Analysten von Stifel Nicolaus stufen die Aktie von Caterpillar (ISIN US1491231015/WKN 850598) unverändert mit "buy" ein.
20070215             Das Kursziel werde von 75—AUF 81—USD angehoben.
20070215             Kwitny,J. THE—CRIMES—OF—PATRIOTS.
20070215             19870000             20070215             work for the Control Data Corporation with which CONSULTANT—INTERNATIONAL.
20070215             Social and Power Organism Theory Catastrophe Theory: The... - EDWIN—WILSON & Company.
20070215             WILLIAM—MCGOWAN (of MCI) + WILLIAM—NORRIS (of Control Data ).
20070215             Mark + Cleo were no Dick + Liz, ancient coin shows So maybe MARK—ANTONY loved Cleopatra for her mind.
20070215             AUSTRALIA: 'Gutless' Howard gags debate:
20070215             —ACCUSED, Opposition Leader KEVIN—RUDD has, JOHN—HOWARD of lacking courage as the Labor leader called for 1—DEBATE on IRAQ foreign policy.
20070215             USA gets military base in WEST—AUSTRALIA:
20070215             —ENTRENCHED, AUSTRALIA—CLOSE—DEFENCE—ALLIANCE with THE—USA is to be further, with the building of 1—NEW—USA—MILITARY—COMMUNICATIONS—BASE at Geraldton in WEST—AUSTRALIA.
20070215             EU endorses damning report on CIA:
20070215             —APPROVED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT has, 1—DAMNING report on secret CIA flights, condemning member states which colluded in the operations.
20070215             USA—DROPS LIBERIA debt:
20070215             —ESTIMATED, Its foreign debt is, at $3.7bn, half of which is accrued interest.
20070215             USA, UK 'worst places for children':
20070215             BRITAIN and THE—USA—ARE the worst places in the industrialised world for children to live,
20070215             according to 1—REPORT by THE—UNITED—NATIONS CHILDREN—FUND—CHRYSLER Announces 13,000 Job Cuts
20070215             In the next —3—YEARS, 13,000 Chrysler workers will lose their jobs under 1—WRENCHING restructuring announced
20070215             —WEDNESDAY that eventually may lead to 1—DAIMLERCHRYSLER divorce.
20070215             —ABOUT Face: BUSH—NORTH—KOREA accord is 1—REVERSAL for the administration —AND 1—SIGN that the administration's hardliners are falling from grace.
20070215             "Much work to do' to disarm N KOREA:
20070215             INDIA, CHINA and RUSSIA hold talks: Ahmadinejad: 'Let Palestinians decide':
20070215             —STOPPED, Ahmadinejad, short of addressing whether IRAN would recognize ISRAEL, but said ANY—DECISION—THE—PALESTINIANS make should be respected.
20070215             Apartheid ISRAEL: ISRAEL—ARAB couple petitions High Court —AFTER residency denied:
20070215             1—ISRAELI—ARAB couple petitioned the High COURT—OF—JUSTICE—THIS—WEEK,
20070215             asking it to issue 1—TEMPORARY—INJUNCTION that would allow them to live in the predominately Jewish TOWN—OF—RAKEFET.
20070215             Amira Hass: What 1—STRANGE 'abroad':
20070215             —NOW it is official: THE—GAZA—STRIP is "abroad". JERUSALEM—APARTHEID tramway:
20070215             —PAVED, The road to hell is, with good intentions, even in the holy city.
20070215             —RAISED, This project has, MANY—URBAN and, more important, political objections.
20070215             USA—MONEY to the Palestinians?
20070215             - This means, basically, that the money cannot be transferred to PALESTINE—AUTHORITY—CHAIRMAN—MAHMOUD—ABBAS.
20070215             USA says anti occupation cleric Sadr has left IRAQ for IRAN:
20070215             A—USA—MILITARY—GENERAL said —ON—WEDNESDAY that Shi'ite cleric Moqtada AL—SADR has left IRAQ and is in IRAN,
20070215             accused by WASHINGTON of inflaming sectarian tensions in its neighbour.
20070215             AL—SADR did not leave for IRAN, says 1—MOVEMENT—LEADER:
20070215             JUAN—COLE: On the Mystery of Muqtada AL—SADR—DISAPPEARANCE:
20070215             It is possible but not likely that Muqtada would go to IRAN.
20070215             He and his family have endlessly made fun of THE—AL—HAKIM clerical leaders for fleeing to IRAN to escape persecution by SADDAM—HUSSEIN,
20070215             —WHEN THE—AL—SADRS insisted on staying in IRAQ.
20070215             House finally faces off over war:
20070215             1—RESOLUTION putting the House on record against BUSH—EXPANSION—OF—TROOP—STRENGTH was expected to be approved by —WEEK—END.
20070215             It was nonbinding, but nevertheless unmistakable in its message.
20070215             "No more blank checks for PRESIDENT—BUSH on IRAQ,"Pelosi declared.
20070215             A Trillion Dollar Military Budget?:
20070215             —PROPOSED, THE—PRESIDENT has sent Congress 1, FEDERAL—BUDGET for fiscal
20070215             AL—ZAWAHRI says Bush "Alcoholic Who Gambled on IRAQ':
20070215             "BUSH suffers from 1—ADDICTIVE personality + was 1—ALCOHOLIC.
20070215             I don't know his present condition
20070215             but THE—1—WHO examines his personality finds that he is addicted to 2—OTHER faults — lying and gambling," AL—ZAWAHRI said in the audiotape.
20070215             —FROM his office in clouded cuckoo land: Bush : IRAN supplying weapons in IRAQ:
20070215             —CONVINCED, PRESIDENT—BUSH said —WEDNESDAY he's, that THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT is supplying deadly weapons to fighters in IRAQ,
20070215             even if he can't prove the orders came from the highest levels in TEHRAN.
20070215             Bush 'to do something' on IRAN weapons:
20070215             —DETERMINED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH said —WEDNESDAY he is, to do something about IRAN—ARMS going to insurgents in IRAQ.
20070215             USA Briefing on IRAN Discredits the Official Line:
20070215             —BRIEFED, The unnamed officials who, the media —SUNDAY admitted that the claim is merely "1—INFERENCE" rather than based on 1—TRAIL—OF—EVIDENCE.
20070215             GENERAL clashes with Bush on IRAQ: War with IRAN?
20070215             Is war with IRAN on the way? We hear from 4—FORMER—CIA—OFFICIALS.
20070215             —BY KEN—SILVERSTEIN.
20070215             —INFORMED, THE—SWITZERLAND—AMBASSADOR to IRAN, USA—OFFICIALS 20030000             that 1—IRAN—PROPOSAL for comprehensive talks with THE—USA had been reviewed and approved by IRAN—SUPREME—RELIGIOUS—LEADER,
20070215             —WELCOMED, THE—ARAB world has, PRESIDENT—PUTIN'S—MIDDLE—EAST—VISIT to SAUDI—ARABIA, QATAR and JORDAN.Arab experts feel that the primary aim is to "send 1—MESSAGE" to THE—USA—THAT—MOSCOW has 1—KEY—ROLE to play in this vital region and that it is high time for WASHINGTON to give up its POLICIES—OF—DOMINATION and destruction.
20070215             They were commuter buses, —10—MINUTES apart, carrying the poor from the mountain TOWN—OF—BIKFAYA to the coast,
20070215             —WANTED, TARGETS—OF—OPPORTUNITY for someone who, to enrage the Christian community of LEBANON less than —24—HOURS—BEFORE—TODAY—MASS—DEMONSTRATIONS to mark the 2. ANNIVERSARY—OF—RAFIK—HARIRI—MURDER.
20070215             —BY—PETER—KINDERMAN—WHY hasn't there been more of 1—OUTCRY from professional psychologists about THE—PRACTICE—OF—TORTURE in THE—'WAR—ON—TERROR' Continue
20070215             BILL—MOYERS: For AMERICA—SAKE
20070215             The right story will set our course for 1—GENERATION to come.
20070215             The most glaring distortion was FEITH—INDEFENSIBLE—RELIANCE on 1—SHAKY,
20070215             discredited report from 1—CZECH—REPUBLIC—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT that said 20010911             hijacker MOHAMMED—ATTA had 1—MEETING with 1—TOP—IRAQ—DIPLOMAT in PRAGUE —5—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911            .
20070215             CONTINUE—DON'T Do It, MISTER—PRESIDENT—HON.
20070215             Ron PAUL—OF—TEXAS—THE—MORAL—OF—THE—STORY, MISTER—SPEAKER, is this:
20070215             if you don't have 1—NUKE, we'll threaten to attack you.
20070215             If you do have 1—NUKE, we'll leave you alone.
20070215             In fact, we'll probably subsidize you.
20070215             What makes us think IRAN does not understand this?
20070215             CONTINUE—HOW Corporations Continue to Rape THE—WORLDS—POOR
20070215             BBC : —15—MINUTE—VIDEO—REPORT By GREG—PALAST
20070215             —DEFINED, Vulture FUNDS—AS, by THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND and GORDON—BROWN amongst OTHERS—ARE companies which buy up the debt of poor nations cheaply —WHEN it is about to be written off and then sue for the full VALUE—OF—THE—DEBT plus INTEREST—WHICH might be 10—TIMES what they paid for it.
20070215             CONTINUE—IS the Military Our Last Hope?-
20070215             Perhaps AMERICA could regain its reputation if GENERAL—PACE would send 1—DIVISION—OF—USA—MARINES to arrest BUSH ,
20070215             Cheney, the entire CIVIL—CONTINGENT in THE—PENTAGON, the neoconservative nazis + the complicit MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS and send them off to the Hague to be tried for war crimes.
20070215             CONTINUE—IRAQ—DEATH—TOLL is Far Worse Than Our Leaders Admit-
20070215             CONTINUE—SURGE Toward the Truth.-
20070215             "THE—USA—PEOPLE are waiting for us to provide real leadership to show the way out of IRAQ.
20070215             My 12-point plan responds to that demand.
20070215             This plan, - creates 1—PEACE—PROCESS which will enable our troops to come home + stabilize IRAQ.
20070215             What THE—USA—AUTHORITIES are reluctant to admit, however, is that there are signs that the Sunnis of SAUDI—ARABIA and their ALLIES—INCLUDING JORDAN—HAVE been equipping and training Sunni extremists in IRAQ for SOME—TIME—NOW.
20070215             —MISLED, Defense attorneys, the court into thinking that FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE I. Lewis ``Scooter"Libby would testify in his CIA leak trial,
20070215             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—SAID—WEDNESDAY, as he blocked Libby from using some classified evidence in the case.
20070215             Magnets That Speak For You: Campy, Outrageous, Colorful and the Plain Truth
20070215             Please sign the —FOLLOWING statement to let THE—NRA know that you support your local police, even if they don't.
20070215             Bush at Press Conference —WEDNESDAY Contradicts —SUNDAY'S "Anonymous" Briefing on IRAN—WEAPONS That His Own CHIEF—OF—STAFF—HAD—CONTRADICTED
20070215             GOP Concedes REBUKE—OF—BUSH on Escalation, —NOW is Creating 1—STRATEGY to Keep the Dems from Blocking Funding of Endless Wars 2/15
20070215             Lawmakers seeking method to choke off funds for GUANTANAMO 2/15 - Political Thread [12] - CLOSED
20070215             —SIGNED, Agreement on global warming, by 157—NATIONS, not USA.
20070215             —AS—IN the truly anti-"war" protestors, but SOME—INCONVIENT change in what's happening.
20070215             "Police said among the items on the hard drive found in her possession were THE—AL—QAEDA—MANUAL, THE—TERRORISTS—HANDBOOK, THE—MUJAHIDEEN—POISONS—HANDBOOK...
20070215             Secrecy News 20050808             -
20070215             —EXCERPTED, In short, the Mujahideen Poisons Handbook that was, on THE—WASHINGTON—POST—WEB—SITE indicates something nearly the opposite of what the Post...
20070215             National Security Notes-
20070215             "THE—MUJAHIDEEN—POISONS—HANDBOOK," which purports to explain how to manufacture "betaluminum poison " and other gruesome biological warfare agents...
20070215             [ thedisease | Home Sweet Home | Where the lesion hides a lesson ]-
20070215             Tactical Library: Navigation Hub ]. - - - - Combat, Training + Survival.
20070215             Combat, This branch contains files and military training manuals related to the arts and
20070215             thedisease NET—DIE Bezirksregierung behauptete zudem, die Pädagogin habe in der Schule erklärt, sie wolle mit der Mütze wie —SCHON zuvor mit dem Kopftuch ihre religiösen Gefühle ausdrücken.
20070215             "Und das ist laut Schulgesetz bei uns —NUN mal verboten", sagte der Anwalt des Landes NRW.
20070215             Der Fall sei "hochproblematisch".
20070215             Die Sitzung —AM—MITTWOCH endete ergebnislos, das Gericht will am 1. ;;06;;
20070215             weiter verhandeln.
20070215             Das Urteil wird auch für andere muslimische Lehrerinnen in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN interessant sein:
20070215             Um keinen verfassungsfeindlichen Eindruck zu machen, tragen dort neuerdings mehrere Lehrerinnen Wollmützen statt Kopftücher.
20070215             Das Land gibt sich in diesem Fall unerbittlich: Laut "taz" geht es um 26—FÄLLE—VON—LEHRERINNEN in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN,
20070215             die —SEIT dem Kopftuchverbot mal Basken-, mal Wollmützen oder den "GRACE—KELLY—LOOK" tragen.
20070215             Ähnliche —KONFLIKTE gibt es auch in anderen Bundesländern mit Kopftuchverbot.
20070215             Neue Nahrung erhält der Streit oft dadurch,
20070215             dass Musliminnen ihr Kopftuch ablegen müssen, während das NONNEN—HABIT oft weiter erlaubt ist.
20070215             So entschieden RICHTER—IN—BAYERN—ZULETZT contra, in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20070215             Offenbar behielt Echnaton aber trotz seines revolutionären Verhaltens EINIGE—RELIGIÖSE—TRADITIONEN bei.
20070215             1—ARCHÄOLOGENTEAM aus den Niederlanden hat in ÄGYPTEN —JETZT 1—GRAB aus der Epoche des Pharaos entdeckt.
20070215             Darin beerdigt war ein hoher Beamter namens Ptahemwi.
20070215             In seinem Grab fanden die Forscher mehrere Gemälde,
20070215             auf denen etwa Affen abgebildet sind, die Früchte ESSEN.
20070215             Außerdem erzählen die BILDER—VON—ALLTAGSSZENEN aus der damaligen kurzen Religionsrevolte.
20070215             Wie der Oberste Rat für die ÄGYPTISCHE—ANTIKE mitteilte, liegt die etwa 3300—JAHRE alte Grabstätte in der Totenstadt von Sakkara.
20070215             Die Entdeckung zeige, dass Standespersonen auch während Echnatons Herrschaft in der Grabstadt beerdigt wurden.
20070215             Damit sei weiterhin den religiösen Traditionen gefolgt worden.
20070215             Gefährlicher Alltag: Wie DEUTSCHE—FRAUEN in Bagdad leben
20070215             IRAK: Führung der MAHDI—MILIZ soll sich nach IRAN abgesetzt haben
20070215             Kunstvolle Grabkammer: Gemälde verzieren Wände von antikem Beamtengrab
20070215             Stellenabbau bei Chrysler: "Die Deutschen haben alles versaut"
20070215             Üppige Mehreinnahmen: Experten prophezeien Steuerwunder
20070215             Bizarrer Rechtsstreit: Ist die Baskenmütze auch 1—KOPFTUCH?
20070215             Hohe Zahlen: Japans Wirtschaft erstaunt mit Wachstumsspurt
20070215             GESCHWISTER—FORSCHUNG: Brüder und Schwestern erkennen sich intuitiv
20070215             EU—UNTERSUCHUNG: STUDIEN—PARTNER streiten über Kriminalatlas
20070215             Feuer auf Walfangschiff: UMWELTKATASTROPHEN—ALARM in der ANTARKTIS
20070215             USA—AUßENPOLITIK: Bush richtet Sondertribunale ein
20070215             Terrorprozess in MADRID: —DER—MORGEN, an dem die Züge explodierten
20070215             Verzweifelte Briefe des Vaters: Freunde in den USA bemühten sich um Visum für ANNE—FRANK
20070215             FT com/World/UK—CLIMATE change concerts 'to dwarf Live Aid'-
20070215             The concert at the Circo Massimo on 14 ;;07;;
20070215             will be the final SHOW—OF—THE—BAND—1. tour in —15—YEARS.
20070215             Blogger thoughts: Does this point to the timing of the next major FALSE—FLAG—TERRORIST—EVENT.
20070215             Pat Robertson said watch out in the 2. half of 20070000            .
20070215             —LINKED, The article, below lists 1—POSSIBLE—DATE—OF—20070707       .
20070215             1—SERIES—OF—CONCERTS "bigger than Live Aid" is being planned for ;;07;;, in 1—BID to put THE—SUBJECT—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE—BEFORE 1—AUDIENCE—OF—1—GLOBAL—AUDIENCE—OF 2bn.
20070215             "Live Earth": AL—GORE organisiert MEGA—LIVEKONZERT für Klimaschutz
20070215             —NOW IRAN?... Hasn't Bush Caused Enough Damage?
20070215             DOUG—FEITH thinks you're stupid
20070215             —BY—NITPICKER It's Time to Block BUSH—IRAN—ADVENTURE
20070215             Oil bourse to be put up in Kish in near future: MINISTER—IRNA-
20070215             lead with PRESIDENT—BUSH—1. news conference
20070215             of the —YEAR, where he said IRAN—OPERATIVES provided weapons to IRAQ—MILITIAS to use against USA—TROOPS.
20070215             —BACKED, But BUSH, away from claims made in 1—MILITARY briefing —ON—SUNDAY that the "highest levels" of IRAN—GOVERNMENT have been involved.
20070215             + emphasizes that THE—CHIEF—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN in IRAQ also declared that THE—ROLE—OF—IRAN—TOP—LEADERS can't be confirmed.
20070215             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox with BUSH—STATEMENTS on IRAN,
20070215             but plays down the contradictions + states that "THE—PRESIDENT said there is no doubt IRAN—GOVERNMENT is providing ARMOR—PIERCING IEDs to kill USA—SOLDIERS".
20070215             leads with STATE—FARM—DECISION that it will not issue ANY—NEW—HOME and commercial policies in MISSISSIPPI,
20070215             which could lead to other insurers abandoning the state.
20070215             —BASED, Officials at STATE—FARM said their decision was partly, on the large NUMBER—OF—LAWSUITS—SINCE Hurricane Katrina.
20070215             SOME—SAY the company wants local officials to fear other insurers will stop providing new policies if the cases aren't settled in their favor.
20070215             IRAN—ELITE Quds Force remains an enigma-
20070215             —COINCIDED, BG "On occasion their plans have, with USA—INTERESTS
20070215             "... Source: USA to shun all MEMBERS—OF—PALESTINE—UNITY govt-
20070215             JERUSALEM (Reuters) - THE—USA will boycott all PALESTINE—UNITY government ministers,
20070215             including NON—HAMAS members, unless INTERNATIONAL demands on policy toward ISRAEL are met, 1—PALESTINE—OFFICIAL and diplomats said —ON—THURSDAY.... Source:
20070215             BAGHDAD—IRAQ -- Supporters of Muqtada AL—SADR said —WEDNESDAY that the radical Shiite cleric was still in IRAQ,
20070215             denying 1—REPORT that he fled to IRAN ahead of 1—SECURITY—CRACKDOWN targeting his militia.
20070215             It's classic guerrilla legislative tactics and it has AIPAC written all over it.
20070215             Nita Lowey is 1—OF—AIPAC—STAUNCHEST allies in Congress and is the 5. on the House list (as of 20040000             ) of career recipients of PRO—ISRAEL—PAC campaign funds.
20070215             —INTERVIEWED, PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—OBSESSIVE focus on strawman theories say individuals, for upcoming show
20070215             —SAVED, PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—SELECT—UK—SUSPECTS, in AFRICA, flown back to UK, then released
20070215             Goode: IRAQ Critics Are Helping 'Jihadists Who Want THE—CRESCENT—AND—STAR—TO—WAVE—OVER THE—CAPITOL'
20070215             —DURING—TODAY—HOUSE—DEBATE on IRAQ, virulently ANTI—MUSLIM REPRESENTATIVE—VIRGIL—GOODE (R—VA) said supporting THE—ANTI—ESCALATION—RESOLUTION would "aid and assist the Islamic jihadists who want the crescent and star to wave over the Capitol of THE—USA and over THE—WHITE—HOUSE—OF this country".
20070215             Moreover, he said, "I fear that radical Muslims who want to control THE—MIDDLE—EAST and ultimately the world would love to see 'In God We Trust' stricken from our money and replaced with 'In MUHAMMAD—WE—TRUST.'" Watch it:
20070215             FEDERAL—AUDITORS—TODAY told the House COMMITTEE—ON—OVERSIGHT and Government Reform that the government has wasted $10—BILLION on "overpriced contracts or undocumented costs".
20070215             Of that amount, more than $2.7—BILLION were charged by Halliburton.
20070215             —WARNED, THE—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNTABILITY—OFFICE, that "the problem could worsen," given "limited improvement so far by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE".
20070215             —PRESENTED, Last —SUNDAY, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION finally, its LONG—DELAYED intelligence briefing
20070215             —ON IRAN—ARMS—SHIPMENTS into IRAQ.
20070215             —PRIOR—TO the presentation, A—USA—OFFICIAL told THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES that it ha
20070215             —ANNOUNCED, Griffin suddenly, that he had "made the decision not to let my name go forward to the Senate
20070215             Instead, he will serve indefinitely as an "interim" prosecutor.
20070215             —BY—AVOIDING Senate approval, Griffin will also avoid having to answer questions under oath about his role in 1—PLAN to supress FLORIDA votes
20070215             —PRIMARILY those of AFRICA—USA SERVICEMEMBERS
20070215             —FROM THE—LA—TIMES, 20041028             :
20070215             THE—BUSH—CAMPAIGN is planning 1—ELECTION—DAY—EFFORT to disrupt ballot casting by AFRICA—AMERICANS by challenging voters whose names are on a "caging list,
20070215             "according to 1—UK—NEWS—REPORT.
20070215             Citing 1—INTERNAL—GOP—E—MAIL with the subject line "caging," THE—BBC—REPORT ed —TUESDAY that FLORIDA Republicans had 1—LIST—OF—1,886—NAMES and ADDRESSES—OF—VOTERS in largely black and traditionally Democratic areas of JACKSONVILLE.
20070215             —CALLED, But AFRICA—USA—LEADERS—WEDNESDAY, the list another "shameful" Republican effort to keep blacks from voting.
20070215             in which he denied involvement in this scheme.
20070215             He called THE—REPORT "patently false".
20070215             CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO GRIFFIN
20070215             Congressional sources tell ThinkProgress that THE—WHITE—HOUSE has decided not to proceed with the Griffin nomination because it would bring up questions about 20040000             —THE caging scheme.
20070215             —INVOLVED, If Griffin wasn't, he should say that under oath.
20070215             Congress and the public deserve the opportunity to question A—USA—ATTORNEY about his possible role in suppressing minority voters.
20070215             Transcript: (more...) - 10—50—AM TPMmuckraker-
20070215             —FILED, Based on the 990s, by THE—WILKES—FOUNDATION, BRENT—WILKES was not 1—ESPECIALLY charitable man.
20070215             $10—BILLION in spending on IRAQ reconstruction was wasteful or poorly tracked.
20070215             [GAO,] - GIULIANI—VULNERABILITIES - 20070212   
20070215             FAIZ—REVERSING course, NICO—THE bodybags were permanent.
20070215             PRO KOPFTUCH.
20070215             —FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY—IN—NEVADA:
20070215             —FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY—IN—NEW—MEXICO: in weapons smuggling into IRAQ: leads with the changing argument
20070215             long + has only 1—PURPOSE: of THE—NORTH—KOREA talks.
20070215             to cover up its own errors. "in the weapons smuggling.
20070215             "of KARL—ROVE. "for approval.
20070215             —1— PLATINUM UNDERWRITERS HOLDINGS LTD D0 5.02,9.01 20070221             PLIANT...
20070215             —PUBLISHED, This item originally, 20060619             20070526             Google werde der EU—DATENSCHUTZGRUPPE fristgerecht —BIS zum 20070619             —ANTWORTEN, versicherte er.
20070215             Dick Destiny - "Police said among the items on the hard drive found in her possession were THE—AL—QAEDA—MANUAL, THE—TERRORISTS—HANDBOOK, THE—MUJAHIDEEN—POISONS—HANDBOOK... Secrecy News 20050808             - In short, the Mujahideen Poisons Handbook that was excerpted on THE—WASHINGTON—POST—WEB—SITE indicates something nearly the opposite of what the Post...
20070215             —SENTENCED, CHINA—MAN to hang in ant scam 1—CHINA—COMPANY—CHAIRMAN is, to death for running 1—SCAM involving giant ants.
20070215             Chavez threat to seize food shops VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ threatens to nationalise supermarkets that raise food prices.
20070215             IRAQ invasion plan 'delusional' USA—COMMANDERS originally thought only 5,000 troops would be in IRAQ by the end of 20060000             , documents show.
20070215             Jail for GERMANY—HOLOCAUST denier 1—GERMANY—CITIZEN is convicted of Holocaust denial + jailed —FOR—5—YEARS by 1—GERMANY—COURT.
20070215             Rocks reveals Mars' watery past Exquisite colour images of the Martian surface give 1—TANTALISING glimpse into the Red PLANET—WATERY past.
20070215             Digital neighbourhood watch plan 1—NEIGHBOURHOOD watch for the digital age, utilising the power of social networking is proposed.
20070215             —FLAWED, Nuclear power review '' 1—JUDGE—ORDERS 1—RETHINK of nuclear power plans, saying the energy review was "flawed" and "misleading".
20070215             Leaders plot path to climate deal Legislators meet for talks in WASHINGTON aimed at finding 1—NEW—GLOBAL—DEAL to curb climate change.
20070215             Rice hails N KOREA nuclear deal THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—WELCOMES 1—DEAL with NORTH—KOREA over its nuclear programme as a "good start".
20070215             Cheney 'not to testify for Libby' USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY will not testify for EX—AIDE—LEWIS—LIBBY, accused of lying to investigators.
20070215             UK children's QUALITY—OF—LIFE 'worst' THE—UK—COMES bottom of 1—UNICEF league table for child WELL—BEING, sparking anger from children's charities.
20070215             USA—HOUSE clashes on IRAQ policy There are sharp exchanges in THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES at THE—START—OF—1—MARATHON debate on IRAQ.
20070215             IRAN PRESIDENT 'ready for talks' IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD says TEHRAN is open to talks on its nuclear programme.
20070215             —CRITICISED, Police, for terror raid THE—METROPOLITAN—POLICE—SERVICE has been told it should apologise to families over the Forest Gate raid.
20070215             USA—TRADE—DEFICIT hits fresh high The annual USA—TRADE—DEFICIT—RISES to 1—RECORD $763.6bn, hit by higher oil prices and surging CHINA—IMPORTS.
20070215             Comet clash kicks up dusty haze Collisions between comets may be kicking up copious AMOUNTS—OF—DUST observed —AROUND 1—DEAD—STAR.
20070215             JAPAN—COMMERCIAL whaling push PRO—WHALING countries meet in JAPAN to plan the lifting of the global moratorium on commercial hunting.
20070215             Top journalists testify for Libby Top WASHINGTON journalists take the stand in defence of 1—FORMER—KEY—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE accused of lying.
20070215             Thousands flee MOZAMBIQUE floods Heavy flooding forces 60,000—PEOPLE to be evacuated in MOZAMBIQUE, —WHILE 100,000 others are at risk.
20070215             CANADA pledges $1.3bn green fund CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER announces a new $1.3bn fund to combat climate change.
20070215             Blast close to USA—BASE in JAPAN A small blast takes place near A—USA—MILITARY base SOUTH—OF—TOKYO, causing no casualties.
20070215             Teraflop chip hints at the future 1—CHIP the size of 1—FINGERNAIL and capable of more than 1—TRILLION calculations per 2. is unveiled by Intel.
20070215             ISRAEL—PM—AIDE in graft probe 1—TOP—AIDE to ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT is suspended —FOR—6—MONTHS as PART—OF—1—GROWING corruption scandal.
20070215             Putin attacks 'very dangerous' USA—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—SAYS—AMERICA'S "almost uncontained" USE—OF—FORCE is fuelling 1—NUCLEAR—ARMS—RACE.
20070215             TV CHIEF quits over terror scare THE—HEAD—OF—THE—CARTOON—NETWORK resigns —AFTER 1—MARKETING stunt causes 1—TERROR—ALERT in BOSTON.
20070215             IAEA suspends IRAN aid projects THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG, THE—IAEA, says it has frozen almost half its technical aid projects involving IRAN.
20070215             —MAPPED, Type 2—DIABETES genes, Scientists say they have mapped the most important genes that put people at RISK—OF—TYPE 2—DIABETES.
20070215             PORTUGAL will legalise abortion PORTUGAL—PRIME—MINISTER says the country's PARLIAMENT will legalise abortion despite 1—LOW—REFERENDUM turnout.
20070215             Alcohol 'TIME—BOMB' of Aborigines Alcohol abuse among AUSTRALIA—ABORIGINES is claiming 1—LIFE—EVERY— —38—HOURS, new research finds.
20070215             Hope over '£25—TEST for cancer' 1—SCREENING test costing as little as £25 has been developed that can test for cancer, 1—STUDY says.
20070215             Public 'lack sex knowledge' The public have 1—LACK—OF—KNOWLEDGE and understanding about reproduction and sex, 1—SURVEY suggests.
20070215             LiveLeak_COM—WOLFOWITZ chilling SPEECH—BG—LIVELEAK_COM—WOLFOWITZ chilling speech
20070215             Aside from 1—LACK—OF—ANY—OFFICIAL—ANALYSIS—OF—THE—FLIGHT 93—CRASH--- BG—WHAT have we had?
20070215             1—EMOTIONAL—STORY about passengers fighting back-- memorialized in 2 (count 'em), 2—FULL—LENGTH—MOVIES.
20070215             2—STORIES—POSTED in THE—LAST—WEEK on the website, 1 on nukes in IRAN last —WEDNESDAY + another on nukes in NORTH—KOREA —ON—SATURDAY, both use the same aerial photograph of the same purported nuclear power plant!
20070215             Bans torture, restores habeas CORPUS—BG -
20070215             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE has ruled that 1—CIA—AGENT identified only as "Doe, " allegedly fired —AFTER he gathered prewar intelligence showing that IRAQ was not
20070215             —TODAY—PAPERS: No New NUKES—NO New Nukes
20070215             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, WASHINGTON—POST + LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—LEAD, —WHILE THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox, with word that negotiators from 6—COUNTRIES reached 1—TENTATIVE agreement that could be the 1. step in getting NORTH—KOREA to dismantle its nuclear program.
20070215             —RELEASED, Under TERMS—OF—THE—AGREEMENT, which wasn't, but the papers all have sources, NORTH—KOREA would be given energy assistance and aid in exchange for the closing down of its nuclear reactor at Yongbyon + readmitting nuclear inspectors into the country.
20070215             USA—TODAY—LEADS with 1—NEW—POLL that reveals 63—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS want troops to leave IRAQ by the end of 20080000            .
20070215             Gallup: Most Americans Want Congress to Go Beyond NON—BINDING Vote on WAR—BG - 6—OUT—OF—10—OPPOSE the "surge" in troops.
20070215             Amnesty condemns IRAQ—VP death sentence :: from :: news from occupied IRAQ
20070215             —CHARGED, WASHINGTON - —1—DAY—AFTER THE—USA—MILITARY, IRAN—GOVERNMENT with shipping powerful explosive devices to Shiite Muslim fighters in IRAQ to use against USA—TROOPS, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF said —MONDAY that he hasn't seen ANY—INTELLIGENCE to support the claim.
20070215             In 1—STUDY that appears in the current ISSUE—OF—MILITARY—MEDICINE, WILLIAM—C—HOLMES, MD, MISS—CE, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA—SCHOOL—OF—MEDICINE + lead AUTHOR—OF—THE—PAPER, assesses veterans' tolerance for detainee abuse and variables associated with it.... Source:
20070215             Protest of Planned TEXAS COAL—FIRED Power Plants
20070215             UK Study: WEST—BOYCOTT of Hamas Pushing It Closer to IRAN—BG—SOURCE: 1—UNUSUAL—WEAPON—CAPTURED in IRAQ
20070215             RICK—SIEGEL—SPEAKS—OUT—ABOUT 911truth | 911Blogger_COM—BG -
20070215             RUDY—GIULIANI—VULNERABILITIES—FEBRUARY 12, 20070000             20070215             Wolfowitz Emerges as Key Figure in Intel Manipulation
20070215             —IDENTIFIED, PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, former under SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE, has been, in —RECENTLY released grand jury transcripts as being involved in 1—WHITE—HOUSE smear campaign against JOSEPH—WILSON, THE—FORMER—USA—AMBASSADOR who accused THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OF manipulating intelligence in THE—RUN—UP to THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20070215             —RELEASED, GERMANY—TERRISTS, and Germans kidnapped in IRAQ—WAS 1 1—SPY ?
20070215             In anticipation, no doubt of widespread public objections, the court was anxious to point out that this was not 1—PARDON and was 1—DECISION... Source:
20070215             IRAN denies supplying arms to IRAQ—MILITANTS
20070215             —DENIED, IRAN —ON—MONDAY, USA—ACCUSATIONS that it was stoking violence in IRAQ by supplying militants with IRANIAN—MADE weapons and that those at the "highest levels" of TEHRAN—GOVERNMENT were involved....
20070215             Source: THE—NEW 20010911             Hijackers (This guy elevates JUDY—WOOD to Sainthood)- BG—BLOGGER—THOUGHTS: Don't know...
20070215             ANDREW—JOHNSON, 20070200             20010911             — It Controls Our Lives
20070215             Stem cell technique helps women grow their own implants | the Daily MAIL—BG—UK—SURGEONS said —YESTERDAY they were convinced by the technique and found it "appealing".
20070215             Taking On GUANTANAMO
20070215             THE—WASHINGTON—POST and LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—LEAD + THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox, with THE—LONG—AWAITED briefing by military officials in BAGHDAD where they presented what was described as convincing evidence that IRAN is providing weapons to Shiite militias in IRAQ.
20070215             —DISPLAYED, The officials, 1—VARIETY—OF—DIFFERENT—WEAPONS, including the "explosively formed penetrator," which is 1—OF—THE—DEADLIEST weapons because of its ability to go through armor.
20070215             —KILLED, It has allegedly, at least 170—AMERICANS in the past —3—YEARS.
20070215             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—FRONTS the presentation, but leads with the apparent COLLAPSE—OF—THE—NORTH—KOREA talks.
20070215             THE—NYT also got 1—SUMMARY of the proposed agreement and says it would pretty much prevent NORTH—KOREA from producing new weapons, but it does not specify ANY—DEADLINES for giving up existing nuclear weapons or weapons fuel.
20070215             USA—TODAY—LEADS with 1—LOOK at how Arab states "are making SOME—OF—THEIR most public overtures ever to ISRAEL and USA—JEWS" in 1—EFFORT to limit IRAN—INFLUENCE and solve regional problems.
20070215             —TRIED, This comes at 1—TIME—WHEN SAUDI—ARABIA has, to position itself as 1—LEADER in trying to solve PALESTINE—ISSUES and will need ISRAEL—COOPERATION if it intends to try and broker 1—PEACE—DEAL.
20070215             Breaking News: Americans caught with IRAN—WEAPONS in IRAQ :: from :: news from occupied IRAQ—IT—BG—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is spinning 1—STORY about IRAN that is FULL—OF—CONTRADICTIONS.
20070215             n inconvenient truth about "1—INCONVENIENT—TRUTH"
20070215             Last night AL—GORE—IMPORTANT—FILM "1—INCONVENIENT—TRUTH" was shown on CUBA—TELEVISION.
20070215             —ACCOMPANIED, It was, by SOME—INTERESTING discussion which probably won't accompany most showings in THE—USA (and certainly none on TV): In order to present the documentary, the "Roundtable" invited JOHN—SAXE—FERNÁNDEZ, professor and essayist from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, who criticized the maneuvers carried out by ruling circles in THE—USA to ignore alarming realities like climate change.
20070215             Buying the opinions of the scientific community and silencing the warnings of those who have more advanced environmental ideas has been THE—CONDUCT—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, which abrogates rights in order not to comply with INTERNATIONAL laws and regulations, Saxe said, noting... Source:
20070215             —DISAGREED, Analysts from THE—CIA and other agencies " with more than 50%" of 26—FINDINGS the Pentagon team laid out in 1—CONTROVERSIAL—PAPER, according to testimony —FRIDAY from THOMAS—F—GIMBLE, acting inspector general of the Pentagon.
20070215             Source: THE—GAELIC—STAROVER: "Very Damning" (PRE—WAR—LIES)- BG - - This seems amazing - 1—OF—LEHMAN—BROS.
20070215             Holdings INCORPORATED—TOP—INVESTMENT—BANKERS, Woody Young, has left the firm because of 1—STRATEGIC—DISAGREEMENT with LEHMAN—MANAGEMENT,
20070215             according to people familiar with the matter.
20070215             BBC NEWS | Business | BAE in several corruption PROBES—BG—DEFENCE—FIRM—BAE Systems is facing 1—SERIES—OF—CORRUPTION—PROBES surrounding its activities in 6—COUNTRIES, the government has confirmed.
20070215             NEW—YORK Prepares for Nuclear TERROR—BG—THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT is installing new radiation detection machines at 1—NEW—YORK—CITY port facility in 1—TEST—OF—DEFENSES against 1—TERROR—ATTACK by 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON or radioactive "dirty bomb".
20070215             COURT—DENIES—BUSH on IRAQ Terror TRANSFER—BG - 1—USA—CITIZEN who has been held by USA—MILITARY—FORCES in IRAQ for more than —2—YEARS cannot be transferred to IRAQ—AUTHORITIES for trial on terrorism charges, 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT ruled —ON—FRIDAY.
20070215             Rich Nations Launch Vaccine PACT—BG—THE—ADVANCED—MARKET—COMMITMENT for Vaccines project involves donor nations making 1—PRIOR—COMMITMENT to buy vaccines which are under development once they are launched, thereby creating 1—DEMAND—LED market for new vaccines needed by poor countries.
20070215             Move to Dump Electoral College Defeated in MONTANA, NORTH—DAKOTA—BG - 1—MOVEMENT to essentially dump the Electoral College
20070215             —SPARKED, AL—QAEDA—SUSPECTS—COLOR—WHITE—HOUSE—DEBATE Over IRAN—WASHINGTONPOST_COM—BG—THE—STRATEGY has, 1—GROWING debate within the administration and the intelligence community...
20070215             Criminals Control the Executive Branch
20070215             THE—IRAQ—IRAN Super Bowl: - BG—EVERY—POLL shows that we the people strongly oppose ANY—FURTHER—ESCALATION in THE—IRAQ war and that we do not want to invade IRAN.
20070215             Helping ISRAEL—DIE—BG—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH and VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY are unwittingly playing DOCTOR—JACK—KEVORKIAN in helping THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL commit suicide. article17020.htm
20070215             The presence of AL—QAEDA in IRAQ has little bearing on the group's INTERNATIONAL planning and the Iranians have not been more active than key Sunni regimes in supporting their proxy militias in IRAQ, despite the assertions of the latest USA National Intelligence Estimate.
20070215             BRAD—DELONG tries his best to explain why THE—PRESIDENT—PRESS—SECRETARY was acting so stupid —DURING this Q&A. But hang on a 2. folks and let's focus here: Q: does the Treasury tell him that more money is coming in than was lost to the tax cuts?
20070215             What it says is —WHEN you have greater economic Q: If the economy is growing more, that's 1—THING;
20070215             —BY Larry C JOHNSON—DOUGLAS—FEITH, the former number 3—MAN at RUMMY—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE and CO—AUTHOR—OF—THE debacle in IRAQ, proved TOMMY—FRANKS—RIGHT.
20070215             —DESCRIBED, GENERAL—FRANKS, Feith to AUTHOR—BOB—WOODWARD as: "the fucking stupidest guy on THE—FACE—OF—THE—EARTH".
20070215             BLI... Source: How People Are Influenced by Fear
20070215             —LINKED, Avedon Carol, to 1—ARTICLE in the January/February Psychology —TODAY 1—COUPLE—OF—WEEKS ago which explored THE—EFFECT—OF—FEAR on making people conservative and inclined to trust their leaders.
20070215             This is 1—IMPORTANT—TOPIC to understand because it is obvious that our world is guaranteed to become more volatile, more frightening and we will be asked to make decisions (including selecting leaders) in THE—FACE—OF—SITUATIONS that are terrifying.
20070215             Measuring the Flight 93—CRATER Again: It's Still Too Small for 1—BOEING 757
20070215             —FOLLOWING up on the post here, this official government image alsosupports my previous measurements and significantly, the idea that the distance between the engine craters (or engine "scars") is too small: Source:
20070215             —DETECTED, IRAN says CIA, Mossad spy ring, | JERUSALEM POST—BG -
20070215             BERNARD—LEWIS—HOLY—WAR—AGAINST—ISLAM—BG—REGARDING BERNARD—LEWIS—HOLY—WAR against Islam -- this is what is going on: Nearly all the basic premises behind the Zionist experiment have collapsed among... Source:
20070215             NETELLER—OPEN and Honest Conspiracy
20070215             —PUBLISHED, This item originally, 20060619             20070215             This article will have continuous updating about the Haditha MURDERS—IN IRAQ —UNTIL the case is resolved.
20070215             Giuliani 20010911             actions may fuel campaign DEBATE—POLITICS—MISS—NBC_com
20070215             —GAINED, NEW—YORK—FORMER—NEW—YORK mayor and presidential hopeful RUDOLPH—GIULIANI, fame for his performance —AFTER 20070911             —THE attacks,
20070215             Lawyers for 3—GITMO Detainees Slam RULES—BG—LAWYERS for 3—GITMO Detainees Slam Rules
20070215             "—AFTER all the work that was put into evaluating and raising possible challenges to the old structure, we —NOW have this new 238-page manual dropped in our lap —1—WEEK and 1—HALF ago," said Marine Corps MAJOR—MICHAEL—MORI, the lawyer for DAVID—HICKS, 1—AUSTRALIAN accused of fighting for the Taliban.
20070215             Fluoride MAFIA—BG—IN this video, CHRISTOPHER—BRYSON, 1—AWARD—WINNING journalist and former producer at THE—BBC, discusses the findings of his new book THE—FLOURIDE—DECEPTION.
20070215             "Bryson marshals 1—IMPRESSIVE—AMOUNT—OF—RESEARCH to demonstrate fluoride's harmfulness, the ties between leading fluoride researchers and the corporations who funded and benefited from their research +
20070215             AlterNet: THE—RISE—OF—CHRISTIAN—FASCISM and Its Threat to USA—DEMOCRACY
20070215             DOCTOR—JAMES—LUTHER—ADAMS, my ethics professor at Harvard Divinity School, told his students that —WHEN we were his age -- he was then close to 80 -- we would all be fighting the "Christian fascists".
20070215             —PLANNED, NYPD, illegal detention —AROUND Republican Convention in NEW—YORK—CITY—BG—CHRISTOPHER—DUNN, associate legal director at THE—NYCLU, said the documents "reveal that the long DETENTIONS—OF—THE—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS arrested for minor offenses at the convention were THE—RESULT—OF—DELIBERATE—POLICY—DECISIONS by THE—NYPD.
20070215             BBC NEWS | UK | EX—TERROR—PLOT—SUSPECT speaks out
20070215             Crooks and Liars " on the Edwards/Blogger STORY—BG -
20070215             Does THE—AP lie? Does 1—BEAR.....? - BG -
20070215             —SIGNED, SWC: In reaction to SWC—25,000, petitions that were sent to FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER protesting his book, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid," MISTER—CARTER has responded.
20070215             —RESPONDED, Rabbi Hier, in part, "Let me say, MISTER—PRESIDENT, that I am not 1—WHO believes that ISRAEL is infallible... the only reason there is no peace in THE—MIDDLE—EAST is because of Islamic extremists who refuse to compromise, not BECAUSE—OF—THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL".Read THE—EXCHANGE—OF—LETTERS between PRESIDENT—CARTER and Rabbi Hier.... Source:
20070215             Economists Stating the Obvious about CONDOLEEZZA—BG—CONDOLEEZZA Rice is not the woman she once was SOME—GOOBERS/ liars/ neocons said she was
20070215             —BY JOHN—DICKERSON, Dahlia Lithwick + SETH—STEVENSON
20070215             (Of course, the actual grand jury grilling he endured was no doubt vastly more uncomfortable, so perhaps this is tranquil by comparison.)
20070215             —FROM Prisonplanet_com: Media Fearmongering Links Letter Bomber to Big Brother Critics, Tax PROTESTERS—BG -
20070215             —OPPOSED, Groups, to tracking and surveillance demonized as BLAIR—CASH for honors scandal disappears off front pages, fearmongering spreads to make people nervous about looking in their private home letter box,
20070215             —WEDNESDAY, February 7, 2007
20070215             A 3. UK company that oversees Big Brother tracking and taxation policies has been targeted in 1—LETTER bombing campaign that has only succeeded in demonizing privacy and personal freedom advocates, —WHILE also wiping TONY—BLAIR—CASH for honors scandal off the front pages.
20070215             THE—EXCUSE—OF—LAST—RESORT for SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—OFFICIAL 20010911             Story, Part 2 - BG—WELL, no 1 has ever seen 1—BOEING 767—GOING 500—GAZILLION miles per —HOUR hitting a 110-story building —BEFORE, so who knows what it should look like!!!... Source:
20070215             —TODAY—PAPERS: Main MAN—MAIN Man
20070215             —WARNED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LEADS with word that senior military officers have, ANY—NEW—STRATEGY for IRAQ runs 1—HIGH—RISK—OF—FAILURE if there isn't more involvement from CIVIL—AGENCIES.
20070215             These military officers, including MEMBERS—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF, contend that no AMOUNT—OF—MILITARY—INTERVENTION will help IRAQ if it doesn't include 1 concerted effort to speed up the country's reconstruction and political development.
20070215             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—LEADS with 1—LOOK at how GENERAL—DAVID—H—PETRAEUS has become the public FACE—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—EFFORT to convince lawmakers and the public to give "surge" 1—CHANCE.
20070215             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox with Democratic leaders in THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES announcing they will hold 1—VOTE—NEXT—WEEK on 1—RESOLUTION opposing the administration's new plans for IRAQ.
20070215             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—LEADS with 1—LOOK at the "unusually open campaign" being waged by ISRAEL in order to get THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to stop IRAN from developing nuclear weapons.
20070215             USA—TODAY—LEADS with at least 6—STATES (TEXAS, VIRGINIA, TENNESSEE, MISSOURI, GEORGIA + UTAH) that are considering expanding THE—USE—OF—THE—DEATH—PENALTY.
20070215             —FROM We do use books that call Jews 'apes' admits HEAD—OF—ISLAMIC—SCHOOL
20070215             —FROM ROBERT—ANTON—WILSON—BG -
20070215             THE—ORAL—BIO—SURVIVAL SYSTEM—DATING from Adorno in the
20070215             Toll Road Checkpoints to Deal With Dissenters
20070215             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, JACKBOOTED thugs given stop + search powers for people suspected of removing tracking tags, arguing with
20070215             Talking Toilets To Tell Us Right From Wrong
20070215             How Long —BEFORE "Community Service" Is Mandatory?
20070215             NYPD Officer Heard Building 7—BOMBS
20070215             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON -"The whole time you're hearing boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. I think I know 1—EXPLOSION—WHEN I hear it"
20070215             Big Brother Brain Scanners To Detect PRE—CRIME
20070215             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, WATCHING, Listening, Shouting, Firing X—RAYS and scanning your brain for thought crime
20070215             As Predicted: Global Warming Skeptics Linked With Holocaust Denial
20070215             Ground 0—EMT: We Were Told Building 7 Was to Be "Pulled"
20070215             Media Fearmongering Links Letter Bomber to Big Brother Critics, Tax
20070215             Wurde Anschlag auf Revolutionsgarden von Drogenclans verübt?
20070215             Die in einem Auto versteckte Bombe sei in der Stadt ZAHEDAN explodiert, als 1—BUS mit Angehörigen der paramilitärischen Revolutionsgarden vorbeifuhr, berichteten Augenzeugen.
20070215             Der Bundestrojaner und die unterschobene STRAFTAT—SFUX KARL—WEISS -
20070215             —AM WOCHENENDE—AFGHANISTAN im Griff der PARFÜM—INDUSTRIE?
20070215             - onlineredaktion HARALD—HAACK -
20070215             HARARE—MALABO—DAS Ende einer Söldnerkarriere
20070215             - onlineredaktion DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE—ÜBERMORGEN, am
20070215             blickt die ENGLISCHE—PRESSE wieder gespannt nach ZIMBABWE, nicht dass sie an der trostlosen Lage der Bevölkerung Anteil nimmt, oder vielleicht 1—REGIERUNGSWECHSEL ansteht, nichts von alledem.
20070215             1—REISE ohne Rückfahrkarte auch für einen DEUTSCHEN—VOR dem Magistrates Court, vergleichbar mit dem Landgericht in DEUTSCHLAND, wird über das Auslieferungsbegehren Äquatorial...
20070215             1—NUTZUNG—DER—ATOMTECHNOLOGIE ausschliesslich zu friedlichen Zwecken + eine diplomatische Lösung des Atomstreits mit dem IRAN.
20070215             NORDKOREA ? Heizöl und Strom gegen ATOM—STOPP - - onlineredaktion onlineredaktion -
20070215             NORDKOREA hat offensichtlich kalte Füße gekriegt.
20070215             Million Tonnen Heizöl, 1—MILLION—KILOWATT—STROM und noch vieles mehr soll das Land kriegen, wenn es seine Nuklearanlagen schließt und Inspektionen durch die Internationale Energiebehörde zu lässt, und NORDKOREA signalisierte —BEREITS zustimmen zu wollen.
20070215             Damit stünden die.
20070215             Teurofigther? im ?Wienergate? - sfux Malte Olschewski -
20070215             durch die REPUBLIK—ÖSTERREICH seinen Höhepunkt erreicht.
20070215             1—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS—DES—NATIONALRATES ermittelt —SEIT—2—MONATEN in der Frage, ob bei dem Kaufpreis von 1,959 Milliarden Euro samt heimlicher Zusatzkosten von 233—MILLIONEN.
20070215             1—EXPLOSION—DES—UNGLAUBENS - 20010911             : 3—VIERTEL der USA—BÜRGER glauben nicht mehr...
20070215             - onlineredaktion KARL—WEISS -
20070215             Drudge RE—TELLS Lame Global Warming JOKE—BEGAN 1—WAVE—OF laughter on the right
20070215             Whatever you THINK—OF—THE—JOKE, the sad fact is that
20070215             many on the right think this is actually proof that global warming isn't occurring.
20070215             —PASSED, THE—3—YEARS that have, —SINCE DRUDGE—1. joke have been among the
20070215             hottest ever recorded in human history.
20070215             Scientists believe 20070000             will BE—EVEN hotter.
20070215             —REPORTED, THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, —LAST—YEAR that EARTH—RISING temperature "is unprecedented
20070215             for at least the last —400—YEARS and potentially the last several millennia,
20070215             "The benefits were temporary,- NICO—THE bodybags were permanent".
20070215             — REPRESENTATIVE—RIC—KELLER (R—FL), on past escalation efforts and why he's opposing the current 1.
20070215             Limbaugh: Obama Should 'Renounce' His Race And —JUST 'Become White'
20070215             —DERIDED, —YESTERDAY on his radio show, RIGHT—WING host Rush Limbaugh, SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL) — who is biracial — for saying, "If you look AFRICA—AMERICAN in this society, you're treated as 1—AFRICA—AMERICAN".
20070215             —CLAIMED, Limbaugh, that this statement meant Obama didn't want to be black and should "renounce it": "If it's not something you want to be, if you didn't decide it, renounce it, become white!" He added, "If you don't like it, you can switch. Well, that's the way I see it. HE—GOT 50-50 in there. Say, 'No, I'm white.'" Listen
20070215             here : CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO LIMBAUGH
20070215             —EARLIER in the —WEEK, RIGHT—WING radio host GLENN—BECK said that
20070215             Obama "is colorless," and that "as 1—WHITE—GUY...[y ]ou don't notice that he is black.
20070215             So he might as well be white, you know what I mean?" (HT: Too Sense) Digg It!
20070215             Transcript: (more...) - Hillary stands up to Bush on IRAN.
20070215             "If the administration believes that any, ANY—USE—OF—FORCE against IRAN is necessary, THE—PRESIDENT must come to Congress to seek that authority," SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON (D—NY) said in 1—SENATE—SPEECH.
20070215             KANSAS approves EVOLUTION—FRIENDLY—SCIENCE standards.
20070215             - AMANDA—MISS—NBC is reporting that THE—KANSAS school BOARD, "long ridiculed for its resistance to teaching evolution,"
20070215             Leaked Letter Reveals Conservative Strategy For IRAQ Debate: Don't Talk About IRAQ
20070215             JOHN—SHADEGG (R—AZ) and PETER—HOEKSTRA (R—MI) inform their allies: "The debate should not be about the surge or its details. This debate should not even be about THE—IRAQ war to date, mistakes that have been made, or whether we can, or cannot, win militarily".
20070215             —FORCED, Shadegg and Hoekstra warn, if conservatives are, to debate "the surge or the current situation in IRAQ, we lose".
20070215             —TODAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH commemorated the 5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—USA—FREEDOM—CORPS by praising AMERICA—VOLUNTEERS:
20070215             " We're heralding volunteerism here —TODAY. It is 1—REALLY important ASPECT—OF—USA—SOCIETY. I'm proud of our fellow citizens who have answered the call. I encourage you to continue on".
20070215             HIS—HEATED, Exchanges, Reporters Press Snow To Justify IRAN Claims
20070215             At —TODAY—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS briefing, Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW faced intense questioning over administration claims that Iranians have smuggled weapons into IRAQ with "the approval of senior IRAN—OFFICIALS".
20070215             —SEEMED, —YESTERDAY, Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF—CHAIRMAN—PETER—PACE, to contradict this claim, saying that he has not seen evidence that THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT "clearly knows or is complicit " in the weapons smuggling.
20070215             's ED—HENRY pressed Snow: "—WHEN THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF seems to be saying something different than THE—WHITE—HOUSE, does that raise questions about how solid this evidence is?" But Snow insisted that THE—WHITE—HOUSE and Pace were "not on separate pages".
20070215             "I don't need it clarified. I'm trying to tell you — I know what my question is + basically, [Pace is] saying that he doesn't see evidence that THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT is clearly behind it. That's my — I've asked that 3 or 4—TIMES, you haven't answered that".
20070215             Watch it: Digg It! Transcript: (more...) - Cheney won't testify.
20070215             - FAIZ—REVERSING course, attorneys for FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—SCOOTER Libby say they no longer plan to call VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY to testify in THE—CIA—LEAK—TRIAL.
20070215             THE—AP reports, "Defense attorney THEODORE—WELLS said he advised CHENEY—LAWYER over lunch that his testimony would not be needed. Wells also said he planned to rest his case without calling Libby".
20070215             Boehner Weeps For 'Solemn' Debate — Then Says IRAQ Critics Are Taking AL—QAEDA'S 'Bait'
20070215             —REPORTED, NBC, "House Minority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER got emotional this —MORNING as he spoke about the 'solemn' debate that the House is set to begin —TODAY over THE—NON—BINDING resolution opposing BUSH—TROOP—INCREASE".
20070215             Boehner "began to shed tears".
20070215             Exxon finally admits global warming is real.
20070215             Exxon Mobil Chairman Rex Tillerson told 1—WORLD—ENERGY—CONFERENCE—TODAY that "there is no question that the world's climate is getting warmer," but "didn't offer specific actions that nations should adopt to combat climate change".
20070215             —EMBARKED, —WHILE Exxon has —RECENTLY, on 1—CAMPAIGN to "soften" its public image on global warming.
20070215             USA—MILITARY: Television Series '24' Is Promoting Torture In THE—RANKS
20070215             THE—USA—MILITARY—BELIEVES the television show 24— which has become 1—FOREIGN—POLICY—GUIDE for the right — is sending inappropriate messages to the troops condoning torture:
20070215             —NOTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, "Very little public SCRUTINY—MUCH less PROTEST—OF—VIOLENT—INTERROGATION is depicted" on the show.
20070215             They love 24. - In my mind that's close to 1—NATIONAL—REFERENDUM that it's OK to use tough tactics against HIGH—LEVEL AL—QAEDA operatives as we're going to get.
20070215             In 1—RECENT—INTERVIEW, actor Keifer Sutherland — who plays the lead character JACK—BAUER on the show — noted, "You torture someone and they'll basically tell you exactly what you want to hear,whether it's true or not, if you put someone in enough pain," he said.
20070215             USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS have said that torture is extremely ineffective.
20070215             LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—JOHN—KIMMONS, the Army Deputy CHIEF—OF—STAFF for Intelligence has said, "I am absolutely good intelligence is going to come from abusive practices. I think history tells us that. I think the empirical evidence of the last —5—YEARS, hard years, tell us that".
20070215             Undoubtedly, THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—SANCTION—OF—TACTICS such as waterboarding also contributes to that image.
20070215             Digg It! UPDATE: Tapped has more.
20070215             —SMUGGLED, Most, weapons used for civil war.
20070215             "KENNETH—KATZMAN, 1—MIDDLE—EAST—RESEARCHER with Congressional Research Service, the research ARM—OF—CONGRESS, said that...MOST—OF—THE—WEAPONS—IRAN had been supplying the Shi'ite militias were believed to be for use against Sunnis. Shi'ite militias may be attacking USA—FORCES in retaliation for ARRESTS—OF—MILITIA—LEADERS, he said, but their attacks pale in comparison to the deaths inflicted by Sunni insurgents who are not believed to get assistance from IRAN, he said. 'THE—SHI'ITE militias are not the key threat to USA—FORCES in IRAQ, so the overall question is why is THE—USA—MILITARY making 1—HUGE—ISSUE—OF this? ' he said".
20070215             Fired USA—ATTORNEYS Received Positive Job Evaluations From Justice Department
20070215             fired for "PERFORMANCE—RELATED" issues.
20070215             But according to the former prosecutors and Justice Department officials, 5—OF—THE—6—ATTORNEYS received positive evaluations from THE—DOJ shortly —BEFORE they were told to resign.
20070215             "McKay said he was called 20071207             by MICHAEL—A—BATTLE, HEAD—OF—THE—EXECUTIVE—OFFICE—OF—USA—ATTORNEYS, who only months —BEFORE had s ent him 1—CONGRATULATORY letter for the laudatory report issued by the Justice Department audit team ".
20070215             —DESCRIBED, Bogden "was, in his last job performance evaluation 20030000             as being a 'capable' leader who was highly regarded by THE—FEDERAL—JUDICIARY and investigators. 'He didn't get ANY—DINGS,' said 1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL with KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—REVIEW. ' The overall evaluation was very positive.'"
20070215             "Lam was described in her 20050000             evaluation as 'well respected' by law enforcement officials, judges and her staff. Overall the review was positive. 'We're not AWARE—OF—ANY—SIGNIFICANT—ISSUES,' said another Justice Department official".
20070215             —CONFIRMED, Bogden, McKay + Charlton have all, that the Justice Department did not cite ANY—PERFORMANCE—RELATED issues —WHEN it told them to resign.
20070215             KNIGHT—RIDDER notes that "Justice Department officials are —NOW completing the evaluation of KEVIN—RYAN, who's being forced to step down as S—FRANCISCO—USA—ATTORNEY".
20070215             —ADMITTED, McNulty has, that a 7. USA—ATTORNEY, Bud Cummins, was pushed out to make way for a "—37—YEAR—OLD protege " of KARL—ROVE.
20070215             TPMmuckraker has
20070215             —EXPECTED, Foggo, Wilkes indictments, —TODAY. FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS are
20070215             expected to announce indictments —TODAY in the case involving THE—FORMER—NUMBER 3—OFFICIAL at THE—CIA, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo + defense contractor BRENT—WILKES.
20070215             "Foggo, who served as THE—CIA—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR, was accused —LAST—YEAR by fellow CIA employees of steering contracts for THE—CIA—STATION in IRAQ" to Wilkes, whose activities also led to the indictment of FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—DUKE—CUNNINGHAM (R—CA).
20070215             —LAST—WEEK, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held hearings probing the work of USA contracting firms in IRAQ.
20070215             The committee heard testimony from 4—WOMEN whose family members were killed by insurgents in FALLUJAH 20040000             , then burnt, dragged through the streets + hung from 1—BRIDGE.
20070215             —DESCRIBED, The women, how the contractor BlackwaterUSA has refused to give them information about the deaths of their loved ones to cover up its own errors.
20070215             REPRESENTATIVE—JAN—SCHAKOWSKY (D—IL) said, "I think clearly the implication was that somehow these wonderful women couldn't possibly have written that wonderful, heartfelt testimony and that it took 1—LAWYER in order to put it together + I resent that very much".
20070215             —ADDED, REPRESENTATIVE—STEPHEN—LYNCH (D—MA), "I've only sat through several 100, maybe 1,000—HEARINGS + that is the 1. time as 1—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS that I have heard ANY—WITNESSES asked who wrote their opening statements".
20070215             Beck: Obama is 'colorless...he might as well be white.'
20070215             —CLAIMED, —YESTERDAY, RIGHT—WING radio host GLENN—BECK, that SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL) "is colorless," adding that "
20070215             So he might as well be white, you know what I mean?" - February 13, 20070000             20070215             "Tenet IS—NOT expected to take on [PRESIDENT] Bush,
20070215             with whom he developed 1—CLOSE—BOND —DURING—EARLY—MORNING intelligence briefings in the Oval Office". 1—FORMER colleague said, "In order to sell books he's going to have to throw somebody out of the lifeboat".
20070215             63 %: Number of Americans who want all USA—TROOPS—HOME from IRAQ by the end of 20080000             , according to 1—NEW—USA—TODAY—POLL.
20070215             —1—YEAR has passed —SINCE Sunni insurgents "ripped 1—HOLE in the glorious dome" of THE—SAMARRA mosque (photo), "1—OF—IRAQ—MOST sacred Shiite shrines".
20070215             —MOVED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS, " Not 1—SINGLE—BRICK—OF—THE—MOSQUE has been, —SINCE. There has been no rebuilding and no healing; the million annual pilgrims + the prosperity they spread, are gone".
20070215             Among numerous reforms, the bill requires officials "to report
20070215             all significant contacts they have with ANY—PRIVATE—INTEREST related to 1—OFFICIAL—GOVERNMENT action," 1—RESPONSE to the secrecy surrounding VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY—ENERGY—TASK—FORCE.
20070215             "IRAN will be able to develop enough WEAPONS—GRADE—MATERIAL for 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB and there is little that can be done to prevent it, 1—INTERNAL—EUROPEAN—UNION—DOCUMENT has concluded".
20070215             Administration stonewalls on Pace remarks.
20070215             THE—WASHINGTON—POST follows up on GENERAL—PETER—PACE—CLAIM that he has seen no PROOF—OF—HIGH—LEVEL—IRAN—INVOLVEMENT in weapons smuggling into IRAQ:
20070215             —ANSWERED, Pressed repeatedly, Snow, "Look, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE is doing this. What I'm telling you is, you guys want to get those questions answered, you need to go to the Pentagon ".
20070215             —REFERRED, That office, 1—CALLER to THE—WASHINGTON—OFFICE—OF—THE—MULTI—NATIONAL—FORCE—IRAQ, which responded with 1—E—MAILED copy of —SUNDAY—BRIEFING slides — containing no mention of the "highest levels" allegation and 1—REQUEST for questions in writing.
20070215             Bush wants cuts to veterans' health care.
20070215             Even though the cost of providing medical care to veterans has been growing rapidly — by more than 10 % in MANY—YEARS — WHITE—HOUSE—BUDGET—DOCUMENTS
20070215             assume consecutive cutbacks 20090000             and 20100000             and 1—FREEZE thereafter.
20070215             "It is 1—UNCOMFORTABLE inconvenient scientific truth:
20070215             we cannot pour into the atmosphere ALL—OF—THE—FOSSIL—FUELS that were buried in the ground over MILLIONS—OF—YEARS without creating 1—DIFFERENT—PLANET, without destroying creation, without being miserable failures in our STEWARDSHIP—OF—THE—PLANET we were blessed with". — NASA Institute for Space Studies CHIEF—JAMES—HANSEN, in his latest "must read.
20070215             Gates raps Rumsfeld over 'old EUROPE.'
20070215             MISTER—GATES cast himself as 1—GEOPOLITICAL—REALIST and drew 1—KNOWING laugh —WHEN he focused on MISTER—PUTIN—ASSERTION that THE—USA and its allies were dividing EUROPE.
20070215             "The free world versus those behind the Iron Curtain. North versus South. East versus West + I am told that SOME—HAVE even spoken in terms of 'Old EUROPE' versus 'new.'"
20070215             Bush impersonates his IRAN critics.
20070215             Falwell to host McCain "meet and greet".- Nico - "THE—REVEREND—JERRY—FALWELL will CO—HOST a 'meet and greet' for SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN —1—WEEK from —TODAY at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in ORLANDO. THE—ARIZONAN is attending, but not speaking at, the convention, billed as 'the premiere event in Christian communication.'"
20070215             FBI loses 3—4—LAPTOPS EACH—MONTH.
20070215             - AMANDA—NEW—REPORT by the Justice DEPARTMENT—INSPECTOR—GENERAL finds, "Between 3 and 4—FBI laptop computers are lost or stolen EACH—MONTH on average and the agency is unable to say in MANY—INSTANCES whether information on the machines is sensitive or classified".
20070215             Pace: No Evidence Tying IRAN—GOVERNMENT To Smuggled Explosives
20070215             claiming that "IRAN—EXPORT—OF—THE—BOMBS to IRAQ—SHIITE militias
20070215             was 1—DELIBERATE—STRATEGY—OF—THE—REGIME.
20070215             —DISAVOWED, But —TODAY, Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF—CHAIRMAN—PETER—PACE, this claim.
20070215             He told reporters he has
20070215             no EVIDENCE—OF—ANY—LINKS between the explosives killing Americans and top IRAN—OFFICIALS:
20070215             What I would not say is that THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT, per se [specifically], knows about this," he said. "It is clear that Iranians are involved + it's clear that materials from IRAN are involved, but I would not say by what I know that THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT clearly knows or is complicit.
20070215             Indeed, —WHILE the specific intelligence on the explosive formed projectiles is no longer disputed in the intelligence community, THE—CIA is questioning whether their export from IRAN represents 1—STRATEGY—OF—THE—REGIME or the rogue actions of 1—OF—ITS—SECURITY—SERVICES, known as the Quds Force.
20070215             [NEW—YORK Sun, BUSH—BACKED Shiite Group Receiving Weapons Shipments From IRAN
20070215             —STATED, USA—INTELLIGENCE and military officials have, that IRAN—WEAPONS—SHIPMENTS "are going to Shiite militias that include rogue elements of Moqtada AL—SADR—MEHDI army militia".
20070215             But USA—OFFICIALS have not been as vocal about possible IRAN—SUPPORT for 1—SEPARATE—SHIITE militia, THE—SUPREME—COUNCIL—OF—ISLAMIC—REVOLUTION In IRAQ (SCIRI).
20070215             —YESTERDAY,
20070215             —SPECULATED, KEVIN—DRUM, that IRAN might be providing THE—SCIRI militia with weaponry.
20070215             THE—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE — Murder and Mayhem: A.
20070215             —CAPTURED, Giant luminescent squid, on film for 1. TIME—WITH pic.
20070215             Mark + Cleo were no Dick + Liz, ancient coin shows
20070215             —LOVED, So maybe MARK—ANTONY, Cleopatra for her mind.
20070215             AUSTRALIA: 'Gutless' Howard gags debate : Opposition Leader KEVIN—RUDD has accused JOHN—HOWARD of lacking courage as the Labor leader called for 1—DEBATE on IRAQ foreign policy.
20070215             EU endorses damning report on CIA : THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT has approved 1—DAMNING report on secret CIA flights, condemning member states which colluded in the operations.
20070215             USA—DROPS—LIBERIA debt : THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE has said THE—USA will cancel the $391—MILLION in debt owed by LIBERIA.
20070215             BRITAIN and THE—USA—ARE the worst places in the industrialised world for children to live, according to 1—REPORT by THE—UNITED—NATIONS CHILDREN—FUND
20070215             Chrysler Announces 13,000 Job Cuts
20070215             'Much work to do' to disarm N KOREA : In 1—POSSIBLE—INDICATION—OF—PROBLEMS to come NORTH—KOREA—STATE—MEDIA has referred to the "temporary suspension" of its nuclear facilities under the deal.
20070215             INDIA, CHINA and RUSSIA hold talks :
20070215             —STOPPED, Ahmadinejad: 'Let Palestinians decide ': Ahmadinejad, short of addressing whether IRAN would recognize ISRAEL, but said ANY—DECISION—THE—PALESTINIANS make should be respected.
20070215             Apartheid ISRAEL:
20070215             —DENIED, ISRAEL—ARAB couple petitions High Court —AFTER residency, : 1—ISRAELI—ARAB couple petitioned the High COURT—OF—JUSTICE—THIS—WEEK, asking it to issue 1—TEMPORARY—INJUNCTION that would allow them to live in the predominately Jewish TOWN—OF—RAKEFET.
20070215             Amira Hass: What 1—STRANGE 'abroad': —NOW it is official: THE—GAZA—STRIP is "abroad".
20070215             As of February 1, the few Israelis whose entry into the Strip is approved by the army have had to present 1—PASSPORT at the Erez crossing + they are listed on the Interior MINISTRY—COMPUTER as having crossed the country's borders.?
20070215             —PAVED, JERUSALEM—APARTHEID tramway : The road to hell is, with good intentions, even in the holy city.
20070215             —PLACED, Not so fast : "Early —LAST—WEEK, I, 1—HOLD on the $86—MILLION," says NEW—YORK Democrat Nita Lowey, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—POWERFUL—HOUSE—APPROPRIATIONS—COMMITTEE.
20070215             A—USA—MILITARY—GENERAL said —ON—WEDNESDAY that Shi'ite cleric Moqtada AL—SADR has left IRAQ and is in IRAN, accused by WASHINGTON of inflaming sectarian tensions in its neighbour.
20070215             JUAN—COLE: On the Mystery of Muqtada AL—SADR—DISAPPEARANCE : It is possible but not likely that Muqtada would go to IRAN.
20070215             He and his family have endlessly made fun of THE—AL—HAKIM clerical leaders for fleeing to IRAN to escape persecution by SADDAM—HUSSEIN, —WHEN THE—AL—SADRS insisted on staying in IRAQ.
20070215             House finally faces off over war : 1—RESOLUTION putting the House on record against BUSH—EXPANSION—OF—TROOP—STRENGTH was expected to be approved by —WEEK—END.
20070215             That figure represents 44—PERCENT—OF—THE—FEDERAL—FUNDS—BUDGET and is $100—BILLION higher than THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY allocated for —THIS—YEAR.
20070215             AL—ZAWAHRI says Bush "Alcoholic Who Gambled on IRAQ' : "Bush suffers from 1—ADDICTIVE personality + was 1—ALCOHOLIC.
20070215             I don't know his present condition... but THE—1—WHO examines his personality finds that he is addicted to 2—OTHER faults — lying and gambling," AL—ZAWAHRI said in the audiotape.
20070215             —CONVINCED, PRESIDENT—BUSH said —WEDNESDAY he's, that THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT is supplying deadly weapons to fighters in IRAQ, even if he can't prove the orders came from the highest levels in TEHRAN.
20070215             Bush 'to do something' on IRAN weapons : USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH said —WEDNESDAY he is determined to do something about IRAN—ARMS going to insurgents in IRAQ.
20070215             USA Briefing on IRAN Discredits the Official Line: The unnamed officials who briefed the media —SUNDAY admitted that the claim is merely "1—INFERENCE" rather than based on 1—TRAIL—OF—EVIDENCE.
20070215             —APPEARED, GENERAL clashes with Bush on IRAQ : AMERICA—TOP—GENERAL, to contradict claims made by THE—WHITE—HOUSE and other USA—MILITARY—COMMANDERS—YESTERDAY that IRAN was arming Shia militants in IRAQ.
20070215             LEBANON Slides Towards Civil War as ANNIVERSARY—OF—HARIRI—MURDER—LOOMS
20070215             They were commuter buses, —10—MINUTES apart, carrying the poor from the mountain TOWN—OF—BIKFAYA to the coast, TARGETS—OF—OPPORTUNITY for someone who wanted to enrage the Christian community of LEBANON less than —24—HOURS—BEFORE—TODAY—MASS—DEMONSTRATIONS to mark the 2. ANNIVERSARY—OF—RAFIK—HARIRI—MURDER.
20070215             Abusing THE—PROFESSION—BY PETER—KINDERMAN—WHY hasn't there been more of 1—OUTCRY from professional psychologists about THE—PRACTICE—OF—TORTURE in THE—'WAR—ON—TERROR'CONTINUE
20070215             BILL—MOYERS: For AMERICA—SAKE -5—MINUTE—VIDEO—THE—CONSERVATIVE—MOVEMENT—STANDS intellectually and morally bankrupt —WHILE Democrats talk about a "new direction" without convincing us they know the difference between 1—WEATHER vane and 1—COMPASS.
20070215             —BEFORE THE—INVASION, There Was Feith
20070215             The most glaring distortion was FEITH—INDEFENSIBLE—RELIANCE on 1—SHAKY, discredited report from 1—CZECH—REPUBLIC—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT that said 20010911             hijacker MOHAMMED—ATTA had 1—MEETING with 1—TOP—IRAQ—DIPLOMAT in PRAGUE —5—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911            .
20070215             —MISLED, EX—AIDE says Rice, Lied To Congress on IRAN
20070215             —BY CAROL—GIACOMO, Diplomatic Correspondent
20070215             —MISSED, Controversy over 1—POSSIBLE, USA—OPPORTUNITY for rapprochement with IRAN grew —ON—WEDNESDAY as former aide accused SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—OF misleading lying to Congress on the issue.
20070215             Don't Do It, MISTER—PRESIDENT—HON.
20070215             Ron PAUL—OF—TEXAS—THE—MORAL—OF—THE—STORY, MISTER—SPEAKER, is this: if you don't have 1—NUKE, we'll threaten to attack you.
20070215             Is the Military Our Last Hope?
20070215             Perhaps AMERICA could regain its reputation if GENERAL—PACE would send 1—DIVISION—OF—USA—MARINES to arrest Bush, Cheney, the entire CIVIL—CONTINGENT in the Pentagon, the neoconservative nazis + the complicit MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS and send them off to the Hague to be tried for war crimes.
20070215             IRAQ—DEATH—TOLL is Far Worse Than Our Leaders ADMIT—BY Les ROBERTS—THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN have triggered 1—EPISODE—MORE—DEADLY than THE—RWANDA—GENOCIDE.
20070215             Surge Toward the Truth.
20070215             Beware of the Ides of IRAN -- 1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL
20070215             —MISLED, Defense attorneys, the court into thinking that FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE I. Lewis ``Scooter'' Libby would testify in his CIA leak trial, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—SAID—WEDNESDAY, as he blocked Libby from using some classified evidence in the case.
20070215             —MISLED, EX—AIDE says Rice, USA—CONGRESS on IRAN overture to USA to open negotiations
20070215             Lawmakers seeking method to choke off funds for GUANTANAMO 2/15
20070215             —SIGNED, Political Thread [12] - CLOSED Agreement on global warming, by 157—NATIONS, not USA... as in the truly anti-"war" protestors, but SOME—INCONVIENT change in what's happening.
20070215             —REFERRED, CQ_com -"THE—MUJAHIDEEN—POISONS—HANDBOOK", to in the story + referenced often in reports of al QAEDA—INTEREST in germwar weapons, Smith said...
20070215             Dick DESTINY—BUT readers should know by —NOW that the Mujahideen Poisons Handbook takes its recipes and others from MAXWELL—HUTCHKINSON—THE—POISONERS—HANDBOOK...
20070215             National Security NOTES—ANOTHER source, which is sometimes conflated with the al Qaeda training manual's recipe for ricin, is " THE—MUJAHIDEEN—POISONS—HANDBOOK," written by someone...
20070215             Chemist Derides Qaeda Germwar Skills Touted by Manual
20070215             [ thedisease | Home Sweet Home | Where the lesion hides 1—LESSON ] - Tactical Library: Navigation Hub ].
20070215             Combat, Training + Survival.
20070215             Das Urteil wird auch für andere muslimische Lehrerinnen in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN interessant sein: Um keinen verfassungsfeindlichen Eindruck zu machen, tragen dort neuerdings mehrere Lehrerinnen Wollmützen statt Kopftücher.
20070215             Das Land gibt sich in diesem Fall unerbittlich: Laut "taz" geht es um 26—FÄLLE—VON—LEHRERINNEN in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN, die —SEIT dem Kopftuchverbot mal Basken-, mal Wollmützen oder den "GRACE—KELLY—LOOK" tragen.
20070215             Neue Nahrung erhält der Streit oft dadurch, dass Musliminnen ihr Kopftuch ablegen müssen, während das NONNEN—HABIT oft weiter erlaubt ist.
20070215             In seinem Grab fanden die Forscher mehrere Gemälde, auf denen etwa Affen abgebildet sind, die Früchte ESSEN.
20070215             FT_com/World/UK—CLIMATE—CHANGE—CONCERTS 'to dwarf Live AID'—BG Update ALL—STAR—GLOBAL—CONCERTS planned on climate
20070215             DOUG—FEITH thinks you're stupid from Nitpicker by Nitpicker It's Time to Block BUSH—IRAN—ADVENTURE
20070215             —TODAY—PAPERS: Who Knows? Who Knows?
20070215             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES and WASHINGTON—POST—LEAD with PRESIDENT—BUSH—1. news CONFERENCE—OF—THE—YEAR, where he said IRAN—OPERATIVES provided weapons to IRAQ—MILITIAS to use against USA—TROOPS.
20070215             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—LEADS with the changing argument + emphasizes that THE—CHIEF—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN in IRAQ also declared that THE—ROLE—OF—IRAN—TOP—LEADERS can't be confirmed.
20070215             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox with BUSH—STATEMENTS on IRAN, but plays down the contradictions + states that "THE—PRESIDENT said there is no doubt IRAN—GOVERNMENT is providing ARMOR—PIERCING IEDs to kill USA—SOLDIERS".
20070215             USA—TODAY—LEADS with STATE—FARM—DECISION that it will not issue ANY—NEW—HOME and commercial policies in MISSISSIPPI, which could lead to other insurers abandoning the state.
20070215             IRAN—ELITE—QUDS Force remains 1—ENIGMA—BG "On occasion their plans have coincided with USA—INTERESTS..."... Source:
20070215             JERUSALEM (Reuters) - THE—USA will boycott all PALESTINE—UNITY—GOVERNMENT—MINISTERS, including NON—HAMAS members, unless INTERNATIONAL demands on policy toward ISRAEL are met, 1—PALESTINE—OFFICIAL and diplomats said —ON—THURSDAY.... Source:
20070215             BAGHDAD—IRAQ -- Supporters of Muqtada AL—SADR said —WEDNESDAY that the radical Shiite cleric was still in IRAQ, denying 1—REPORT that he fled to IRAN ahead of 1—SECURITY—CRACKDOWN targeting his militia.
20070215             Nita Lowey Carries Water for AIPAC, Throws Personal Wrench Into USA Mideast Policy
20070215             And —TODAY, Reuters reports that thanks to her, Condi Rice has [...].
20070215             - Source: BBC 20010911             Documentary Likely Hit Piece
20070215             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, OBSESSIVE focus on strawman theories say individuals interviewed for upcoming show
20070215             Why Is BRITAIN Protecting 'Jihadists'?
20070215             'Billions already wasted in IRAQ, billions more could be.'
20070215             WHITE—HOUSE—NOW Blames Briefer For Going Too Far On IRAN Intel
20070215             —PRESENTED, Last —SUNDAY, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION finally, its
20070215             LONG—DELAYED intelligence briefing on IRAN—ARMS—SHIPMENTS into IRAQ.
20070215             —PRIOR—TO the presentation, A—USA—OFFICIAL told THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES that it had been delayed because they were "
20070215             trying to scrub - " the intelligence, adding "the last thing we want to be accused of is CHERRY—PICKING".
20070215             —WHILE MUCH—OF—THE—INFORMATION had previously been known, THE—HIGHLIGHT—OF—THE—PRESENTATION — as reported by ABC World News — was that it was "the 1. time military officials...made the link to the highest LEVEL—OF—IRAN—GOVERNMENT".
20070215             —OFFERED, But the briefing " no evidence " to substantiate that claim.
20070215             —AFTER coming under intense scrutiny for 1—INTELLIGENCE—PRESENTATION that was approved by the highest LEVELS—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION, THE—WHITE—HOUSE has slowly backed off its CLAIMS—OF—IRAN—GOVERNMENT—INVOLVEMENT.
20070215             —TODAY, reported that THE—WHITE—HOUSE is —NOW blaming the anonymous intelligence briefer who presented the information.
20070215             According to 's ED—HENRY, THE—WHITE—HOUSE says the anonymous intelligence briefer went "1—LITTLE too far" in stating the evidence.
20070215             But, as Henry said, "that begs the question why the administration has taken so long to clarify those comments".
20070215             REPRESENTATIVE—SHAYS, Who Supported Withdrawal —BEFORE Election, —NOW Backs Escalation
20070215             —2—WEEKS—BEFORE last —NOVEMBER—ELECTION, —WHEN he was on the verge of losing his House seat to ANTI—WAR—CHALLENGER—DIANE Farrell (D), REPRESENTATIVE—CHRIS—SHAYS (R—CT) suddenly announced that he supported setting 1—TIMELINE for THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ.
20070215             Shays won the race by 3—POINTS. FLASH—FORWARD —3—MONTHS.
20070215             —DECLARED, —YESTERDAY, Shays, on the House floor that he would not vote for the resolution opposing escalation in IRAQ.
20070215             "It is counterproductive for 535—MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES and Senate to micromanage the war".
20070215             He added that the resolution opposing escalation "sends the wrong message to THE—PRESIDENT, to our troops and to our enemies.... The only way we should leave IRAQ is the same way we went in, together".
20070215             Watch it: Transcript: (more...) - '24' cuts down on torture scenes.
20070215             THE—FOX—TV—SERIES '24' will include fewer torture scenes in its final episodes this season.
20070215             —CLAIMED, Executive Producer HOWARD—GORDON, that the change was not due pressure from the military, but rather because it had become cliché.
20070215             "What was once 1—EXTRAORDINARY or exceptional moment is —STARTING to feel 1—LITTLE trite. The idea of physical coercion or torture is no longer 1—NOVELTY or surprise," Gordon said.
20070215             Bush 's 'GUT—LEVEL bond' is lost.
20070215             According to PRESIDENT—BUSH—FORMER pollster MATTHEW—DOWD, Bush 's " - GUT—LEVEL bond
20070215             " with THE—USA—PEOPLE "may be lost," and "wholesale change" is needed in IRAQ. As STEPHEN—COLBERT informed us, PRESIDENT—BUSH makes his decisions "straight from the gut" because "that's where the truth lies, right down here in the gut".
20070215             FORMER—CIA—OFFICIAL: FEITH—CLAIMS—ARE 'Hogwash,' He Took A 'We Have 1—WAR—TO—SELL' Approach
20070215             In a - recent interview with conservative radio host HUGH—HEWITT, FORMER—UNDERSECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DOUG—FEITH attacked PAUL—PILLAR, a —28—YEAR—VETERAN—OF—THE—CIA who specialized in counterterrorism, for claiming that al Qaeda was not working with SADDAM—HUSSEIN—SECULAR—REGIME:
20070215             FEITH : I think that there were people, there were people in THE—CIA who had 1—THEORY that the Baathist secularists would not cooperate with the religious extremists in al Qaeda.
20070215             —LOOKED, And because they had that theory, —WHEN they, at information that was, that showed, or that suggested that there was cooperation, they were inclined not to believe that information.
20070215             1—OF—THE—MAIN—PEOPLE who was propounding that theory...that the Baathists wouldn't deal with the jihadists is —NOW out in the private sector + he's actually been quite vocal + has written articles + his name is PAUL—PILLAR.
20070215             Pillar was right; Feith was wrong.
20070215             report noted that SADDAM—HUSSEIN "issued 1—GENERAL—ORDER that IRAQ should not deal with al Qa'ida".
20070215             Asked to respond TO—FEITH—ATTACK, Pillar told ThinkProgress:
20070215             It is hogwash that community analysts, as Feith alleges, were peremptorily dismissing, or "suppressing," reporting based on SOME—BIAS on their part about what was or was not possible in BAATHIST—JIHADI relations.
20070215             In fact, I can't THINK—OF—ANY—RECENT—ISSUE on which the intelligence community has exhaustively devoted more scrutiny — at great expenditure of senior as well as WORKING—LEVEL—TIME and ATTENTION—THAN this 1—OF—IRAQI—AL—QA'IDA relations.
20070215             I can say that confidently, based on intelligence assessments I read and meetings I attended.
20070215             —RECOMMENDED, Pillar told ThinkProgress that FEITH—OFFICE, that THE—CIA—ASSESSMENT on IRAQ—AL—QAEDA relations "be ignored. Not challenged, not made the subject of 1—CRITICAL—DIALOGUE between policymakers and analysts, but ignored".
20070215             —DESCRIBED, Pillar, how he personally witnessed FEITH—DISMISSIVE attitude towards intelligence professionals in 1—WHITE—HOUSE meeting in the fall of 20020000             :
20070215             —WHEN 1—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER—RESPONSIBLE for counterterrorism politely pointed out that something Feith had —JUST said (and was recommending as 1—PUBLIC talking point) about IRAQI—AL—QA'IDA relations was not supported by the intelligence, Feith dismissed my colleague's point as "NIT—PICKING" and quickly went on to the next subject.
20070215             It was 1—DON'T—BOTHER—USA—WITH—THE—FACTS—WE—HAVE—A—WAR—TO—SELL approach.
20070215             —TODAY, Feith claims he was merely asking "tough questions " and "challenging THE—CIA " —PRIOR—TO the war.
20070215             February 15, 20070000             - "THE—USA—CENTRAL—COMMAND'S—WAR—PLAN
20070215             Oil lobbyist and Bush enviro lawyer share vacation home.
20070215             - Nico - "—9—MONTHS—BEFORE agreeing to let ConocoPhillips delay 1—HALF—BILLION—DOLLAR—POLLUTION cleanup, the government's top environmental prosecutor [Sue Ellen Wooldridge] bought a $1—MILLION—VACATION—HOME with the company's top lobbyist," THE—AP reports.
20070215             "Also in on the Kiawah ISLAND, SOUTH—CAROLINA, house deal was FORMER—DEPUTY—INTERIOR—SECRETARY—J—STEVEN—GRILES, THE—HIGHEST—RANKING BUSH—ADMINISTRATION official targeted for criminal prosecution in THE—JACK—ABRAMOFF corruption probe".
20070215             UPDATE: The happy couple:
20070215             Griles, —NOW 1—OIL and gas lobbyist, began dating Wooldridge —WHILE he was her boss at Interior.
20070215             He was the department's NUMBER 2—OFFICIAL 20010700—20050100    —FROM—TO, behind only FORMER—SECRETARY—GALE—NORTON.
20070215             He and Duncan, 1—CONOCOPHILLIPS VICE—PRESIDENT who runs the company's WASHINGTON office, both served on PRESIDENT—BUSH—PRESIDENTIAL—TRANSITION—TEAM, Griles for the Interior Department, Duncan for the Energy Department.
20070215             —PLAYED, Duncan has, 1—MAJOR—ROLE in getting THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—BACKING for 1 proposed $25—BILLION natural gas pipeline reaching from ALASKA to Midwest markets.
20070215             Endlich! Terrorhelfer auch in der SCHWEIZ!
20070215             Unbekannte Autorin/INDYMEDIA—BEI gewissen Damen und Herren in der Staatsanwaltschaft Zürich und in der Bundesanwaltschaft dürften —IN—DIESEN—STUNDEN die letzten Schampusflaschen entsorgt werden: Haben sie es doch wieder einmal geschafft, die ?Rädelsführerin? (wie es ja immer so schön heisst), einer bekannten ausserparlamentarischen Gruppe erheblich zu belasten.
20070215             —AM—MONTAG wurden in ITALIEN in einer grossangelegten Aktion über 70—PERSONEN von der Polizei...
20070215             Willkommen in der Kloake des MITTELALTERS—BUSH s Sondertribunale
20070215             ONLINEREDAKTION—DIE katholische Kirche hat es einst vorgemacht, USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH macht es —JETZT nach: Die blutrünstige ?Inquisition?
20070215             der finstersten —TAGE—DES—MITTELALTERS ist zurück.
20070215             Bush s Feinde sollen künftig in Sondertribunalen zum Tode verurteilt werden.
20070215             Indirekte Zeugenaussagen und erzwungene Aussagen sollen zur VERURTEILUNG—VON—ANGEKLAGTEN führen.
20070215             Angeblich gab es ein ?Tauziehen?
20070215             um die Einrichtung von Gerichten, so genannte ?Sondertribunale?...
20070215             Bericht über die behauptete Nutzung europäischer Staaten durch die CIA für die Beförderung...
20070215             GIOVANNI—CLAUDIO—FAVA—NICHTSTÄNDIGER Ausschuss zur behaupteten Nutzung europäischer Staaten durch die CIA für die Beförderung und das rechtswidrige Festhalten von Gefangenen.
20070215             Den Bericht des Europaparlamentes lesen SIE—HIER.
20070215             Spezielle Medikamente für kleine Kinder? Ja, aber?
20070215             HARALD—HAACK—KINDER sind anders als Erwachsene.
20070215             Ist das 1—BINSENWEISHEIT? —NUN, sie sind klein, viel kleiner als Erwachsene, aber sie sind deshalb keine kleinen Erwachsenen.
20070215             Die Pharmaindustrie sah das —BISHER anders.
20070215             Es gibt kaum spezielle, auf die chemische Empfindlichkeit von Kindern abgestimmte Medikamente.
20070215             Noch nicht! Aber das soll —NUN anders werden, denn eine neue EU—VERORDNUNG soll diesen Missstand eliminieren.
20070215             Das wäre auch 1—CHANCE für CHEMIKALIEN—EMPFINDLICHE.
20070215             BRASILIEN—GRÖßTER Fleischexporteur der Welt - - onlineredaktion KARL—WEISS -
20070215             —JETZT sind die Statistiken veröffentlicht worden, —JETZT ist es heraus: BRASILIEN ist —J—IME 20060000             zum größten Fleischexporteur der Welt geworden.
20070215             Was das für Konsequenzen für das Weltklima und die —BEREITS beginnende Klimakatastrophe hat, sowohl wegen der ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—REGENWÄLDER als auch durch die Freilandviehhaltung auf riesigsten Flächen ohne Baum und Strauch, das kann man erahnen.
20070215             Scientists Flex Political Muscles Advocacy rules at the world's biggest general science conference as researchers POLAND—THEIR—AGENDAS on topics from climate change to creationists.
20070215             'Amphibian Ark' Could Save Frogs As pollution and 1—KILLER fungus decimate frog populations —AROUND the world, scientists work to quarantine 1—STOCK—OF—HEALTHY croakers.
20070215             —THREATENED, Plus: See slideshow of, frogs.
20070215             USA—SERVERS slurp more power than MISSISSIPPI POWER—HUNGRY—SERVERS consumed 45—BILLION KILOWATT—HOURS—OF—POWER 20050000             --double that of 20000000            .
20070215             Senate BILL—URGES—E—VOTING paper trail Blog: Under 1—BILL—INTRODUCED—TUESDAY in THE—USA—SENATE, all electronic voting machines would have to allow voters 1—WAY to verify...
20070215             RALEIGH mayor DE—BUGS light bulbs
20070215             Blog: RALEIGH—NORTH—CAROLINA mayor CHARLES—MEEKER —ON—MONDAY said he wants to convert all the city's municipal lights to LEDs--starting with parking...
20070215             Patients, doctors staying away from implantable RFID chips RFID chip company gets HO—HUM response to its initial public offering, partly because only 222—PEOPLE have gotten chipped.
20070215             Scientists keep Stone Age skeletons in lover's embrace Blog: Archaeologists said —MONDAY that they won't SPLIT up the remains of 1—COUPLE found with their arms wrapped —AROUND EACH—OTHER for...
20070215             USA Lags World In Broadband ACCESS—ZONK 203 -1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "—WHEN It Comes To BROADBAND—USA—PLAYS—FOLLOW THE—LEADER says 1—STORY in IWeek.
20070215             Their thesis is that, —WHILE broadband access in THE—USA—ROSE—HITACHI—TINY—RFID—CHIPS
20070215             "HITACHI has —JUST come out with 1—NEW crop of RFID tags, measuring only 1/20—OF—1—MILLIMETER square.
20070215             That's 1/8 the size (in linear dimension) of HITACHI—CURRENTLY shipping MU—CHIPS, which are 0.4—MM square.
20070215             The new chip's width is slightly smaller than 1—HUMAN—HAIR.
20070215             These chips could put 1—END to shoplifting forever, but they could also be used by 1—GOVERNMENTS or other entities to 'dust' crowds or areas, easily tagging anyone present without their knowledge or consent.
20070215             Will someone come up with 1—SUREFIRE way of neutralizing chips that may be on your body or in your clothing?"
20070215             Hard to pin down 1—SOURCE on this.
20070215             The article cites another blog, which points to 1—ARTICLE in Japanese.
20070215             Quantum Computer Demoed, Plays Sudoku
20070215             prostoalex writes "CANADA—COMPANY D—WAVE Systems is getting SOME—TECHNOLOGY—PRESS buzz —AFTER successfully demonstrating their quantum computer (discussed here —EARLIER) that the company plans to rent out. Scientific American has 1—MORE—TECHNICAL—DESCRIPTION—OF how the quantum computer works, as well as possible AREAS—OF—APPLICATION: 'The quantum computer was given 3—PROBLEMS to solve: searching for molecular structures that match 1—TARGET molecule, creating 1 complicated seating plan + filling in Sudoku puzzles.' Another attendee provides SOME—VIDEOS from the demo".
20070215             —COMPRESSED, Anyone want to guess how long —BEFORE "qubit" gets, to "quit" (as "bigit" became "bit" in the last —CENTURY)?
20070215             Power Generating Spacesuits
20070215             "Piezoelectric sensors could help power future space missions. Astronauts' spacesuits 20070501             —DAY be covered in MOTION—SENSITIVE—PROTEINS that could generate power from the astronauts' movement, according to futuristic research being conducted by 1—NEW—LAB in CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, USA. Such 'power skins' could also be used to coat future human bases on Mars, where they could produce energy from the Martian wind. Eventually, the biologically derived suits might even be able to heal themselves".
20070215             Japans Forscher erwarten, dass Roboteranzüge eines Tages zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil des täglichen Lebens werden.
20070215             —SCHON—NEURONEN—NACHSCHUB: Neue Nervenzellen wachsen im menschlichen Gehirn nach
20070215             NACHKRIEGS—PLANUNG: Bush träumte von IRAK—WUNDER mit 5000- MANN—MINITRUPPE
20070215             RUSSLAND: Putin macht Iwanow zum NACHFOLGE—ANWÄRTER
20070215             USA: Heftige Schneefälle legen Verkehr lahm
20070215             PUTIN—NACHFOLGE: Iwanow wird Vizeministerpräsident
20070215             Madrider Terrorprozess: "Ich habe mit den Anschlägen nichts zu tun"
20070215             INTERNET: 1—GELDMASCHINE namens Mohnhaupt
20070215             Verteidigung: RUSSLAND droht USA mit Kündigung von RAKETEN—ABRÜSTUNGSVERTRAG
20070215             Bestechungsverdacht: Siemens unterhielt dubiose Verbindung zu Arbeitnehmerboss
20070215             HOLOCAUST—LEUGNER: Höchststrafe für Zündel nach bizarrem Prozess
20070215             EU—TREFFEN: Energiekonzerne dürfen Kontrolle über ihre Netze behalten
20070215             Fonds in LUXEMBURG: Minireform schafft Riesensteuerschlupfloch
20070215             Justiz: ZAHL—DER—STRAFGEFANGENEN auf Rekordniveau
20070215             RADIOAKTIVITÄTS—WARNSCHILD: Gelbe Gefahr wird rot
20070215             Zukunft des Kinos: HOLLYWOOD muss umdenken
20070215             Kursfeuerwerk: DAIMLERCHRYSLER—AKTIE schnellt auf 5- JAHRES—HOCH
20070215             ROBOTER—ANZUG: Maschinenkräfte für OPA—TUNESIEN: Rundreise in die Römerzeit
20070215             Rechtsextremismus: —5—JAHRE Haft für HOLOCAUST—LEUGNER Zündel
20070215             TAIWAN: "Die Krise ist gut für unser Land"
20070215             Wachwechsel: Amerikaner führt zweitgrößte BANK—DER—SCHWEIZ
20070215             DEBKAfile Exclusive: AL—QAEDA—LATEST menace to AMERICA—OIL sources embodies a plan to inflame SAUDI—ARABIA—SHIITES against THE—RIYADH throne
20070215             In the February issue of Sawt al Jihad, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—WING—OF—THE—JIHADIST—GROUP—CALLS for attacks on USA—OIL—SUPPLIERS in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, CANADA, VENEZUELA and MEXICO.
20070215             In 1—SEPARATE—ARTICLE, al Qaeda reports preparations for "quality attacks to shake the foundations of the crusaders in the Arabian Peninsula".
20070215             —CREATED, The "SHEIK—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—COMPANIES,", for the new terror offensive, will launch attacks on the 3—4—MILLION—LONG—SUPPRESSED SAUDI—ARABIA—SHIITES as 1—STRATAGEM for igniting sectarian war in SAUDI—ARABIA on THE—IRAQ model in the oil REGIONS—OF—THE—KINGDOM.
20070215             —ANNOUNCED, Griffin suddenly, that he had "made the decision
20070215             not to let my name go forward to the Senate " for approval.
20070215             —BY avoiding Senate approval, Griffin will also avoid having to answer questions under oath about his role in 1—PLAN to supress FLORIDA votes — primarily those of AFRICA—USA SERVICEMEMBERS — 20040000             —IN—THE—ELECTION.
20070215             caging list," according to 1—UK—NEWS—REPORT.
20070215             —AIRED, —YESTERDAY, the public radio station KUAR in ARKANSAS, AN—INTERVIEW—WITH—GRIFFIN,
20070215             Amazon_com: Slow neutron scattering and thermalization, with...
20070215             —WORKED, MISS—NELKIN, JR Beyster and NF Wikner, who, together at GENERAL—ATOMIC... Check out magazines like THE—NEW—YORKER, Wired + VANITY—FAIR.
20070215             Wikipedia search result JR Beyster (Founder). - - - - - Industry, Defense contractor.
20070215             Employees, 43000. Website, www.saic_com... VANITY—FAIR. v • d • e. Major computing companies.
20070215             Science Applications INTERNATIONAL Corporation
20070215             JR Beyster (Founder). - - - - - Industry, Defense contractor.
20070215             Employees, 43000
20070215             Steele (20070000             ) WASHINGTON's $8—BILLION Shadow (20070300             edition), VANITY—FAIR...
20070215             10—50—AM TPMMUCKRAKER—BASED on the 990s filed by the Wilkes Foundation, BRENT—WILKES was not 1—ESPECIALLY charitable man.
20070215             —AT—THE—TIME, O'Neill had been investigating ENRON—BUSINESS—DEALS with the Taliban and... STEVE—FORBES, Milton Friedman, BILL—GATES—SENIOR, ADNAN—KHASHOGGI...
20070215             provoked into —STARTING another riot at the oil drilling site in TENGIZ—KAZAKHSTAN...
20070215             [GAO,] - Yes, I think Americans should be prepared to wake up 1—MORNING and find themselves at war with IRAN.
20070215             for invading IRAQ POSTULATED—TIN—TEXAS AP) - - RAN Reuters) -
200702150955         a.m: LET—FIRE up the tape player —FOR—TUESDAY—GRAND—JURY—RECORDINGS.
200702151201         a.m. EST—OPINIONJOURNAL Federation
200702151201         a.m. EST
20070215—19400000    s, psychologists who do surveys on large groups (e.g., entering college freshpersons) have repeatedly noted 1—CORRELATION between dislike of "foreign" and "exotic" foods + the "fascist" personality.
20070215—19970000    —REPORTED, It was, that shooting ranges continued to operate in CAMBODIA despite government  CANCELLATION—OF—LICENSES.
20070215—20000000    —IN, 1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE ordered 1—TRIAL for 1—SUIT seeking $105—MILLION from SUDAN for aid to AL—QAEDA in THE—USS—COLE bombing that killed 17.
20070215—20010911    —AM, sie glaubten nicht (mehr) an die offizielle VERSION—DER—USA—REGIERUNG über die Vorgänge.
20070215—20010911    —AM, sagen —NUN 3—VIERTEL aller USA—AMERIKANER, sie glaubten nicht (mehr) an die offizielle VERSION—DER—USA—REGIERUNG über die Vorgänge.
20070215—20021007    —UNCLASSIFIED, GEORGE—TENET, wrote 1, letter to THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE laying out the relationship between IRAQ and al Qaeda.
20070215—20021007    —ON, HERE—1—PORTION—OF—THE—TRANSCRIPT—OF—THE—INTERVIEW: FEITH : On the al Qaeda connection, GEORGE—TENET, wrote 1 unclassified letter to THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE laying out the relationship between IRAQ and al Qaeda.
20070215—20030000    Memo Says IRAN—LEADERS Backed Talks-
20070215—20030100    —IN, DONALD—RUMSFELD famously said of European opposition to THE—IRAQ war, "You look at vast NUMBERS—OF—OTHER—COUNTRIES in EUROPE, they're not with FRANCE and GERMANY...they're with THE—USA. You're thinking of EUROPE as GERMANY and FRANCE. I don't. I think that's old EUROPE. " At 1—CONFERENCE in EUROPE —YESTERDAY, Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES rejected RUMSFELD—CHARACTERIZATION:
20070215—20040000    —FROM, Link :
20070215—20040100    —IN, MATT—DRUDGE
20070215—20051200    —IN, "Officials with THE—USA—ATTORNEY—OFFICE—IN—ARIZONA said Charlton received his last review. He was described as being respected by his staff, FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS, judges and Native USA—LEADERS for "his integrity, professionalism and competence.' "
20070215—20070110    —ON, "DISAPPROVING—OF—THE—DECISION—OF—THE—PRESIDENT announced, to deploy more than 20,000—ADDITIONAL—USA combat troops to IRAQ".
20070215—20070110    —ON, The resolution is —JUST 58—WORDS—LONG + has only 1—PURPOSE: "DISAPPROVING—OF—THE—DECISION—OF—THE—PRESIDENT announced, to deploy more than 20,000—ADDITIONAL—USA combat troops to IRAQ".
20070215—20070327    —EXPECTED, As, (see Lord Patel 20070119             )THE—STUTTGART—STATE—COURT has announced this —MORNING the release of BRIGITTE—MOHNHAUPT, 57, on —5—YEARS—PROBATION.
20070215—20070327    —ON, 57, on —5—YEARS—PROBATION.
20070215—20070601    —AM, Die Sitzung —AM—MITTWOCH endete ergebnislos, das Gericht will weiter verhandeln.
20070215—20070707    —ON, THE—LIVE—EARTH—CONCERTS will take place in SHANGHAI, SYDNEY, JOHANNESBURG, LONDON and cities to be decided in BRAZIL, JAPAN and THE—USA.
20070215—20080000    —YEAR, 1—TRILLION—DOLLAR—MILITARY—BUDGET?: THE—PRESIDENT has sent Congress 1 proposed FEDERAL—BUDGET for fiscal that would spend $967—BILLION on current military activities and past wars.
20070215—20120000    —BY, Bush is using the cuts, critics say, to help fulfill his pledge to balance the budget.
20070220             Condoleezza Rice, 20070215             20070220             "I have 1—DIFFICULT—TIME explaining that speech. It doesn't accord with either the world as we see it nor with the character of our interactions with the Russians".-- Condoleezza Rice, 20070215             20070301             A 20070215             Gallup report found that BILL—CLINTON—APPROVAL rating, "more than —6—YEARS—AFTER leaving office, is near 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH".
20070330             KAZAKHSTAN...
20070806             05A) S—11—CORPORATE Property Associates 17 - Global INC, 50—ROCKEFELLER PLAZA... 20070215             PLATINUM UNDERWRITERS HOLDINGS LTD D0 5.02,9.01 20070221             PLIANT...
20070903—20080215    —ON, 1—ILLINOIS court declared him legally dead.
20070917             20070215—20070217, Freie UNIVERSITÄT—BERLIN.
20071001             Geomilitech Consultants Corporation... Search results for "Calero "334);
20071001             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION 28. Geomilitech Consultants Corporation... Search results for "Calero "334);
20080120             Her body was found 20080215             , 8—MILES away near 1—BUSINESS—PARK and 1—AUTOPSY confirmed that she †—OF—STRANGULATION.
20080204             This class has a $15.00—REGISTRATION—FEE, paid NLT 20080215             , M—F, 0900-16000000             , due to space limitations.
20080215             - Salt Lake TRIBUNE—ENERGYSOLUTIONS' EXPLOITS—THE—TRIBUNE—EDITORIAL, "Speak —NOW... or forever hold ITALY—NUCLEAR—WASTE" (Our View, 20080207             ), should be required READING for all MEMBERS—OF—THE—UTAH—RADIATION—CONTROL—BOARD.
20080215             1—LEADING—USA—DOCTOR—GROUP endorsed the medical USE—OF—MARIJUANA and urged the government to life 1—BAN.
20080215             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—NEW—COMPUTER—VIRUS called Mocmex, identified as 1—TROJAN—HORSE from CHINA, had been discovered in digital photo frames.
20080215             It recognized and blocked antivirus software from over 100—SECURITY—VENDORS and collected passwords for online games.
20080215             —REPORTED, AFGHANISTAN, bitter cold, snowstorms and avalanches were, to have killed 926—PEOPLE, HALF—OF—THEM in the hard hit west, as the country suffered 1—OF—THE—MOST brutal winters in decades.
20080215             —CONFIRMED, Representatives for AUSTRALIA—ABORIGINES, plans to launch the 1. compensation lawsuits —SINCE 1—LANDMARK government apology —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK for past abuses.
20080215             1—GROUP—OF—CANADA—SEX—TRADE—WORKERS hoping to set up 1—LEGAL "CO—OP" brothel in time for 20100000             —THE—OLYMPICS in VANCOUVER said they have won approval to incorporate themselves.
20080215             1—RESTAURANT—FIRE in EAST—CHINA killed 11—PEOPLE and injured at least 4—OTHERS.
20080215             CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRESIDENT—VACLAV—KLAUS won a 2. —5—YEAR term.
20080215             Lawmakers chose him over 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN economics professor.
20080215             NORTH—COPENHAGEN, gangs of rioters set fire to cars and garbage trucks, the 6. night of rioting and vandalism that has spread from the capital to other DENMARK—CITIES.
20080215             2—INTERNATIONAL—RIGHTS—GROUPS said EGYPT—POLICE have stepped up ARRESTS—OF—PERSONS suspected of having HIV, detaining 4—MEN—THIS—MONTH in 1—CRACKDOWN that violates basic human rights.
20080215             —STORMED, EAST—INDIA, HUNDREDS—OF—MAOIST—MILITANTS, 6—POLICE compounds in carefully coordinated attacks, killing 13—POLICE—PERSONNEL and 1—CIVILIAN.
20080215             11—POLICEMEN were injured.
20080215             † A —3—YEAR—OLD—INDONESIA—BOY—OF—BIRD—FLU, the country's 2. death from the illness in —1—DAY.
20080215             —UNRELATED, THE—2—CASES, which were apparently, brought INDONESIA—BIRD—FLU—DEATH—TOLL to 105.
20080215             —ARMED, IRAQ, 2—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, 1—APPARENTLY, with 1—GRENADE as well as 1—EXPLOSIVE vest, killed at least 3—PEOPLE and wounded 17 as worshippers left 1—SHIITE mosque —AFTER prayers in THE—NORTH—WEST—CITY—OF—TAL—AFAR.
20080215             3—NEIGHBORHOOD—SECURITY—GUARDS were killed and 2—OTHERS injured —WHEN USA—ATTACK—HELICOPTERS fired at their checkpoint SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080215             —EXPLODED, MEXICO—CITY, 1—BOMB, near the police headquarters killing 1—MAN.
20080215             1—SINGER and 2—MEMBERS—OF—HIS—STAFF were tortured and killed —JUST SOUTH—OF—THE—CALIFORNIA border, apparently the latest victims in 1—STRING—OF—SLAYINGS—OF—MEXICO—MUSICIANS.
20080215             GAZA, City 1—POWERFUL—BLAST went off in THE—HOUSE—OF—AYMAN—ATALLAH—FAYED, 1—SENIOR—ISLAMIC—JIHAD activist, killing him, his wife, 3—SONS and 3—NEIGHBORS.
20080215             —MASSED, In THE—PHILIPPINES—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, in JAKARTA with SOME—HURLING tomatoes at IMAGES—OF—PRESIDENT—GLORIA—ARROYO and her husband, demanding their ouster for alleged corruption.
20080215             Sova, 1—RUSSIA—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP, said hate crimes in RUSSIA have killed 17—PEOPLE and injured more than 50—OTHERS—SINCE THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—YEAR.
20080215             —PLEDGED, SERBIA—NEWLY RE—ELECTED PRESIDENT—BORIS—TADIC, at his inauguration that he would never stop fighting against INDEPENDENCE for KOSOVO.
20080215             —APPROVED, Broad spying powers temporarily, by Congress —IN—AUGUST appear likely to lapse —THIS—WEEK—AFTER 1—DAYLONG GAME—OF—CHICKEN—ON—WEDNESDAY between THE—WHITE—HOUSE and House Democrats produced no clear resolution.
20080215             MISTER—HOYER said.
20080215             In pushing so hard for immunity for the utilities,
20080215             he added, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is "very nervous about what might be disclosed" if the lawsuits against the companies are allowed to continue.
20080215             B-52's 20070000             Flight With Warheads Prompted Review' 2/15
20080215             Atrocities: 1.5—MILLION—AFGHANI Widows, Illiterate, Earning $16/—MONTH And Often Forced To Beg or Prostitute Themselves 2/15
20080215             "In letters sent to FEMA Administrator R. DAVID—PAULISON and 3—MANUFACTURERS—OF—FEMA travel trailers,
20080215             —REQUESTED, Chairman Waxman, explanations for the high levels of formaldehyde in FEMA trailers and additional information about FEMA—HANDLING of the toxic trailers.' 2/15
20080215             Diese Praxis, einen Angriff auf das Postgeheimnis zu verschleiern,
20080215             indem die Datenübermittlung in einem Handelsabkommen versteckt wurde, ist KERN—DES—PROBLEMS und weckt wenig Vertrauen.
20080215             Regelung versteckt in einem Handelsabkommen
20080215             Die Hauptfrage ist, wer —SEIT wann von dieser fragwürdigen Praxis mit diesen weitreichenden Konsequenzen gewusst hat.
20080215             Denn offenbar wurden in den vergangenen —JAHREN klammheimlich Fakten geschaffen — vorbei an jeglicher parlamentarischer Kontrolle.
20080215             Jahrelang wurden Informationen über DEUTSCHE—EXPRESS—SENDUNGEN und Pakete und ihre Absender unbemerkt an die USA übermittelt.
20080215             —BIS spätestens der üBERNächsten —WOCHE wird man sich dann eine plausible Erklärung dafür einfallen lassen müssen,
20080215             weshalb und vor allem mit wessen Wissen EXPRESS—SENDUNGEN und Pakete
20080215             DAVID—PAULISON, FEMA—DIRECTOR, said the agency will act —IMMEDIATELY to move out more than 38,000 families still living in trailers because of Gulf Coast hurricanes.
20080215             Tests show dangerous levels of formaldehyde in hundreds of the trailers, according to FEMA.
20080215             —THEMATISIERT, NA ENDLICH, das mal jemand: PANORAMA—BEITRAG über Hausdurchsuchungen, was die für einen Schaden machen, wie viele es davon gibt, und wie wenig Richter da prüfen.
20080215             Einer vom Amtsgericht HERNE, gefragt ob das nicht eine schallende Ohrfeige für ihre Arbeit sei, sagt: Ich würde das nicht so sehen.
20080215             Ich hab eben gesagt, wo gehobelt wird,
20080215             in Anführungszeichen, da fallen auch Späne.
20080215             Wenn man alles hinterfragt, Na dann ist ja alles gesagt.
20080215             Der Bundesrechnungshof findet, dass 4—VON 10—HARTZ IV Opfern zu viel Geld vom STAAT kriegen.
20080215             Insgesamt ginge es um einen dreistelligen Millionenbetrag.
20080215             Also 100—MIO (sonst würden sie die Zahl sagen).
20080215             Zum Vergleich: Alleine mit der aktuellen Geldspritze für die IKB könnte man —23—JAHRE LANG weiter zahlen.
20080215             Lieber für ein paar Millionen das Leben noch unlebenswerter machen.
20080215             Noch was zur AL—CAPONE—ISIERUNG Zumwinkels:
20080215             —BEMERKENSWERT, Mit, gutem Timing wurde —DIE—TAGE bekannt, dass die Post
20080215             Also ich finde ja, wir sollten das einfach mal drauf ankommen lassen.
20080215             Dann gibt es halt keine Post mehr nach AMERIKA, —BIS die da ihre Junta absetzen und wieder Postgeheimnis einführen.
20080215             —HEUTE—NACHMITTAG hat sie Gelegenheit dazu: Sie redet auf einer Veranstaltung der KONRAD—ADENAUER—STIFTUNG zum Thema "Das Gemeinwohl in der globalisierten Welt".
20080215             Das Glaubwürdigkeitsproblem holt die Partei aber auch hier wieder ein: Der 2. Hauptredner heißt HELMUT—KOHL.
20080215             Steinbrück zeigte sich sicher: "Das wird Menschen empören".
20080215             nannte Merkel die Vorwürfe gegen Zumwinkel "bedrückend".
20080215             Die Vorgänge seien "außerhalb dessen", was sie und auch VIELE—DER—MENSCHEN im Land sich hätten vorstellen können.
20080215             NACHFOLGE—KANDIDAT Appel: Zumwinkels KRON—PRINZ soll die Post retten
20080215             Jupitermond EUROPA: "Susi" soll außerirdisches Leben suchen
20080215             KOSOVO: Thaci lässt Datum der Unabhängigkeit offen
20080215             Vivienne Westwood: SLIP—PROTEST gegen Guantánamo
20080215             ZUMWINKEL—RÜCKTRITT: SPD wettert gegen "neue Asoziale" - NucNews -
20080215             —SINCE hijackers flew passenger jets into the World Trade Center towers + the Pentagon.
20080215             said NEIL—LIVINGSTONE, CEO—OF—WASHINGTON—BASED GlobalOptions.
20080215             RobsRealNews
20080215             —NOTED, BUSH himself, that the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon offered "1—OPPORTUNITY" to "strengthen AMERICA.
20080215             NEIL—LIVINGSTONE
20080215             He predicted 20010911             —THE attacks on the World Trade Center on CNBC —6—MONTHS—BEFORE they occurred,
20080215             said the terrorists would drop both towers + that Osama...
20080215             Boom! - World Trade Center BOMBING—COLUMN | Humanist | Find...
20080215             World Trade Center BOMBING—COLUMN from Humanist in Reference provided
20080215             the ubiquitous NEIL—LIVINGSTONE chided EL—SALVADOR—PARAMILITARY—FORCES for
20080215             Boom! - Free Online Library
20080215             (World Trade Center bombing) (Column) by "THE—HUMANIST";
20080215             News, Boom! (World Trade Center bombing) (Column)
20080215             Finanzspritze: IKB—RETTUNG wird für Steuerzahler noch teurer
20080215             AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ: "Da wird beschwichtigt und beschönigt"
20080215             Konjunktur: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT dümpelt vor sich hin
20080215             Kommerzieller Klon: Koreaner lassen toten Pitbull wiederauferstehen
20080215             Gigantischer Finanzskandal: Fahnder jagen mehr als 1000—VERDÄCHTIGE—BIS zu 4—MILLIARDEN Euro Steuern hinterzogen
20080215             Bislang kostete die IKB—RETTUNG rund 7,6 Milliarden Euro.
20080215             Davon trägt die KfW mit gut 6—MILLIARDEN die Hauptlast.
20080215             DEUTSCHE—BANK—ODER—COMMERZBANK blähten ihre Gewinne auf.
20080215             Bei der IKB hingegen laute das Motto: "Wir haben nichts, wir geben nichts".
20080215             —AM Ende zahle der Bürger die Zeche.
20080215             GRÜNEN—FRAKTIONSCHEF FRITZ—KUHN schloss sich der Kritik an.
20080215             Das Finanzministerium, das Vertreter im IKB—AUFSICHTSRAT hat, müsse Rechenschaft ablegen.
20080215             "Auf unerwartete Steuermehreinnahmen kann —IN—DIESEM—JAHRE aber niemand hoffen".
20080215             Die Kreditwirtschaft hat bei der IKB Einlagen von rund 24—MILLIARDEN Euro.
20080215             Der Finanzminister forderte die Banken auf, —JETZT "Klarschiff zu machen" und mögliche Verluste offenzulegen.
20080215             1—KONJUNKTURPROGRAMM lehnte Steinbrück erneut ab.
20080215             BERLIN—DIE Bankenkrise ist noch lange nicht zu ENDE—DAVON geht zumindest Finanzminister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) aus,
20080215             wie er —HEUTE in seiner Regierungserklärung vor dem BUNDESTAG sagte.
20080215             "Wir haben es hier nicht nur mit einer Bank zu tun, die sich in unverantwortlicher Weise verzockt hat".
20080215             Dennoch verteidigte Steinbrück die —ENTSCHEIDUNG, die Mittelstandsbank IKB mit Steuergeldern vor der Pleite zu retten.
20080215             Notfalls werde der Bund das Paket um weitere 200—MILLIONEN auf dann 1,2 Milliarden Euro AUFSTOCKEN—AUCH wenn dafür der Haushalt angezapft werden müsse.
20080215             Also —THIS—WEEK, LIECHTENSTEIN—BASED BANK—LLB (LLB.S: Quote,
20080215             said it had been the target of 1—BLACKMAIL campaign
20080215             LGT spokesman BERND—JUNKERS in LIECHTENSTEIN said the bank controlled by the principality's princely family had taken NOTE—OF—THE—REPORT but could not comment in detail further.
20080215             "Clarifications that concern LGT Treuhand AG based in VADUZ are under way," he said, adding LGT Treuhand is 1—INDEPENDENT—UNIT—OF—LGT Group responsible for setting up foundations.
20080215             Wie —SCHON in einem FRÜHEREN—FALL stützen sich Staatsanwaltschaft und Bundesfinanzbehörden,
20080215             die ebenfalls an den Ermittlungen beteiligt sind, auf 1—CD—ROM mit Namen und Beweismaterial, die den Fahndern vor einiger Zeit zugespielt wurde.
20080215             —SCHON EINMAL—IN den neunziger —JAHREN—HATTE eine ähnliche CD—ROM den so genannten "BATLINER—SKANDAL" ausgelöst.
20080215             Neben diesen Fällen beschäftigt sich die Behörde noch mit einer Reihe Altverfahren, die —VOR—3—JAHREN öffentlich bekannt wurden.
20080215             Mit den Unterlagen zu Postchef KLAUS—ZUMWINKEL seien Hinweise auf andere Fälle eingegangen,
20080215             sagte 1—SPRECHER—DER—SCHWERPUNKTSTAATSANWALTSCHAFT für Wirtschaftssachen
20080215             In der Affäre um mögliche Steuerhinterziehung sind möglicherweise tausende Verdächtige ins Visier der Fahnder geraten.
20080215             Es handle sich um eine vierstellige Zahl, hieß es —AM—FREITAG aus Regierungskreisen in BERLIN.
20080215             Bundesrat: Ältere erhalten wieder länger Arbeitslosengeld I
20080215             Finanzskandal: Steuerfahnder jagen mehr als 1000—VERDÄCHTIGE—MINISTERIUM ruft zur Selbstanzeige auf
20080215             LGT Treuhand AG—LGT Treuhand AG.
20080215             Adresse Städtle 28—POSTFACH 683—FL—9490—VADUZ Tel.
20080215             Städtle 28. FL—9490—VADUZ, LIECHTENSTEIN.
20080215             3, Boulevard PRINCE—HENRI—ITM Software Wertschriften Mandat COMPLIANCE—LGT Treuhand AG, FL—9490—VADUZ.
20080215             Die LGT Group Foundation wird von der FÜRST—VON—LIECHTENSTEIN—STIFTUNG gehalten.
20080215             der LGT Treuhand AG in VADUZ ent-. wickelt. BEZUG, auf spezifische
20080215             Sollten die Vorwürfe gegen Zumwinkel stimmen, könnte der POST—CHEF—DER "FTD" zufolge mit einer Bewährungsstrafe davon kommen.
20080215             Nach einem Bericht der "Bild"-Zeitung" kann er außerdem auch bei vorzeitigem Ausscheiden aus der Post mit einer hohen Pension rechnen.
20080215             Ihm stünden nach derzeitigem Stand 1,071 Millionen Euro Ruhestandsgeld pro —JAHR zu.
20080215             Die Summe bemesse sich am fixen Teil seines Gehalts, das 20060000             laut Geschäftsbericht bei 1,428 Millionen Euro gelegen habe.
20080215             Für den Fall, dass Zumwinkel im vergangenen —JAHR ein höheres Fixgehalt bekommen hat, werde die Pension noch höher ausfallen.
20080215             Die STEUER—ERMITTLUNGEN gegen POST—CHEF—KLAUS—ZUMWINKEL haben auch in der Politik Entsetzen ausgelöst.
20080215             Offenbar gibt es massenhaft Unterlagen aus einer BANK—IN—LIECHTENSTEIN,
20080215             die darauf hinweisen, dass möglicherweise mehrere Millionen am DEUTSCHEN—FISKUS vorbei geschleust wurden.
20080215             "Wir haben die ganze Bank geknackt", zitiert das "Handelsblatt" einen Ermittler.
20080215             gelang JAPANISCHEN—FORSCHERN ein weiterer Etappenerfolg auf dem Weg zur ethisch einwandfreien Stammzelle:
20080215             Das Team um Shinya Yamanaka von der UNIVERSITÄT—KYOTO hat aus LEBER—UND Magenzellen von Mäusen Stammzellen hergestellt.
20080215             Es ist innerhalb von nur —3—MONATEN—BEREITS ihre 3. wegweisende STUDIE—ZUR Reprogrammierung von Körperzellen.
20080215             Es war das 1. Forscherteam, dem dies gelang.
20080215             Jeremic warnte, die drohende Gefahr für die Souveränität und territoriale Integrität Serbiens würde allen Prinzipien internationalen Rechts zuwiderlaufen.
20080215             "Lassen sie mich 1—SACHE vollkommen klarstellen: Die REPUBLIK Serbiens wird 1—VERLETZUNG seiner territorialen Integrität niemals tolerieren.
20080215             Wir werden die Unabhängigkeit des KOSOVO niemals anerkennen.
20080215             Wir werden nicht nachgeben", sagte der SERBISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER. "Nicht —JETZT.
20080215             Nicht in einem —JAHR. Nicht in einem —JAHRZEHNT".
20080215             Der RUSSISCHE—UNO—BOTSCHAFTER—WITALI—TSCHURKIN bekräftigte vor dem Weltsicherheitsrat die SERBISCHE—POSITION.
20080215             Mit der Unabhängigkeitserklärung würde das KOSOVO die Charta der Vereinten Nationen untergraben.
20080215             "Die Menschen werden die Ozeane immer für ihre Bedürfnisse nutzen", sagte Halpern.
20080215             "Es sollte aber auf eine nachhaltige Art und Weise geschehen,
20080215             damit die Ozeane und ihre vielfältigen Ökosysteme erhalten bleiben".
20080215             Der Müllstrudel zwischen Kalifornien und HAWAII, ein Ölteppich vor der Küste Koreas,
20080215             und eine riesige Todeszone vor der Küste Afrikas, ausgelöst durch eine massive ALGENBLÜTE—DAS sind nur EINIGE—MELDUNGEN aus —DEN—LETZTEN—MONATEN
20080215             MANCHE—TIEFSEEKORALLEN vor der Küste Hawaiis haben —BIS zu 4000—JAHRE benötigt,
20080215             um ihre heutige Größe zu erreichen, wie eine weitere Gruppe um BRENDAN—ROARK—VON—DER—STANFORD—UNIVERSITY—IN—KALIFORNIEN zum Auftakt der Jahreskonferenz der USA—ASSOCIATION for THE—ADVANCEMENT—OF—SCIENCE (AAAS) in BOSTON berichtete.
20080215             Der Atlas entstand, indem die Forscher verschiedene Karten übereinanderlegten.
20080215             —ZUNÄCHST wurden Meeresgebiete
20080215             Besonders betroffen sind die Nordsee, die östliche Karibik und das ostchinesische Meer.
20080215             Nur noch 4—PROZENT—DER—WELTMEERE sind einem neuen Atlas der Ozeane zufolge von den Folgen menschlichen Handelns unberührt.
20080215             Besonders bedroht sind Korallen.
20080215             Zumwinkel habe sich kooperativ gezeigt und eine "Sicherheitsleistung in nicht unerheblicher Höher" hinterlegt.
20080215             Deshalb durfte der Manager —AM—NACHMITTAG auch wieder nach Hause gehen.
20080215             HORST—SEEHOFER (CSU) zeigte sich empört: "Man darf sich nicht wundern,
20080215             wenn immer mehr Menschen nach allen Umfragen an der Ausgestaltung unserer sozialen Marktwirtschaft ihre zunehmenden Zweifel haben", sagte er im ZDF.
20080215             Diese "neuen Asozialen" würden der Gesellschaft schaden.
20080215             Geldstrafen würden nicht ausreichen, vielmehr müsse das Strafmaß ausgeschöpft werden, forderte Heil.
20080215             Nach Informationen von ZDF und "Handelsblatt" werden Hunderte Fälle UNTERSUCHT—MEIST handelt es sich bei den Verdächtigen um Prominente.
20080215             Die Ausmaße lassen sich —DERZEIT wohl allenfalls erahnen.
20080215             SPD—GENERALSEKRETÄR HUBERTUS—HEIL sagte, das Steuerverfahren gegen Zumwinkel sei nur die "Spitze des Eisberges".
20080215             —IN ganz DEUTSCHLAND macht sich Entsetzen breit über den Skandal.
20080215             Der SPD—CHEF verlangte eine Überprüfung des Strafmaßes für "solche Steuervergehen schwerster Art".
20080215             Dies würde dem Gerechtigkeitsempfinden der Bevölkerung widersprechen.
20080215             Die KANZLERIN—SEI—DER—AUFFASSUNG, dass Einzelfälle wie die Vorwürfe gegen Zumwinkel "Vertrauen kosten".
20080215             Die ganz große MEHRHEIT—DER—VERANTWORTUNGSTRÄGER in der Wirtschaft arbeiteten aber seriös und mit großem Einsatz, sagte Wilhelm.
20080215             An der Börse wurde die Nachricht mit Erleichterung aufgenommen.
20080215             Die Aktie der DEUTSCHEN—POST sprang nach der Rücktrittsmeldung knapp 3 % ins Plus.
20080215             Die Anleger spekulieren auf einen Neuanfang mit einer jüngeren Konzernspitze.
20080215             Die der LIECHTENSTEIN—LGT—BANK ist nach Angaben seiner INTERNET—SEITE eine "Wealth & Asset Management Gruppe des Fürstenhauses von LIECHTENSTEIN".
20080215             Hunderte Verdächtige sind im Visier der Steuerfahnder, —DIE—GESTERN als 1. die Villa und das BÜRO—VON—POSTCHEF—KLAUS—ZUMWINKEL filzten.
20080215             Vor allem gegen Reiche und Prominente wird ermittelt, die Kunden der LIECHTENSTEIN—LGT—BANK gewesen sein sollen.
20080215             "Wir drohen, in 1—GESELLSCHAFT abzurutschen, die wir eigentlich —SCHON überwunden glaubten,
20080215             nämlich in eine gespaltene Gesellschaft, wo Klassen wieder 1—ROLLE spielen", fügte er hinzu.
20080215             Nach Informationen von ZDF und "Handelsblatt" ist Zumwinkel nur einer von mehr als 100—VERDÄCHTIGEN,
20080215             die über 1—BANK—IN—LIECHTENSTEIN—MILLIONEN am DEUTSCHEN—FISKUS vorbei laviert haben sollen.
20080215             EBERHARD—SCHLEYER, sagte: "Man hat mitunter das Gefühl, dass gewisse Spielregeln für die da oben nicht mehr gelten.
20080215             Es entstehe zuweilen der Eindruck, dass die gesellschaftliche Elite ihrer Vorbildfunktion nicht mehr gerecht werde.
20080215             Der SPD—WIRTSCHAFTSPOLITIKER RAINER—WEND sagte der "Rheinischen Post":
20080215             "Wenn die Vorwürfe gegen Zumwinkel zutreffen, wäre das für das Image der MANAGER—ELITE in DEUTSCHLAND 1—KATASTROPHE".
20080215             "Man darf sich nicht wundern, wenn immer mehr Menschen nach allen Umfragen an der Ausgestaltung unserer sozialen Marktwirtschaft ihre zunehmenden Zweifel haben",
20080215             sagte Verbraucherminister HORST—SEEHOFER im ZDF.
20080215             Bundesfinanzminister Peer Steinbrück erklärte im BUNDESTAG zu den Ermittlungen gegen POST—CHEF—KLAUS—ZUMWINKEL:
20080215             "Der moralische Schaden ist erheblich".
20080215             Wenn die Menschen so etwas als Vorbild hätten, "dann verzweifeln sie an diesem WIRTSCHAFTS—UND Gesellschaftssystem".
20080215             Steuerskandal: Viele 100—VERDÄCHTIGE—MINISTERIUM ruft zur Selbstanzeige auf
20080215             Gewalt an USA—SCHULEN: 5—SCHIESSEREIEN in einer —WOCHE
20080215             Gigantischer Steuerskandal: Zumwinkel tritt zurück
20080215             Atlas der Zerstörung: Die Seuche Mensch hat die Weltmeere befallen
20080215             Stammzellforschung: Forscher reprogrammieren KÖRPERZELLEN—OHNE Krebs auszulösen
20080215             ZUMWINKEL—SKANDAL: ROMAN—HERZOG prangert lasche Politik gegen Steuersünder an
20080215             Unabhängigkeitserklärung: SERBIEN droht mit Sanktionen gegen KOSOVO
20080215             E- TANKSTELLEN—PROJEKT: SAP—VETERAN will das Auto neu erfinden
20080215             2—NEUE Arten: Raubsaurier hatte Rasiermesserzähne
20080215             —ATTACKIERT, Ärger für Die Linke: CDU, STASI—SCHWÄRMERIN Wegner
20080215             Jahresbilanz: Postbank trotzt Kreditkrise
20080215             Gigantischer Steuerskandal: Über 100—VERDÄCHTIGE im Visier der Fahnder
20080215             Blutbad in ILLINOIS: EX—STUDENT läuft an USA—UNI AMOK—6—TOTE, VIELE—VERLETZTE
20080215             Bush Scandals LIST—DEEPJOURNAL
20080215             —INNOVATIONS REPORT—GAMMA—RAY cloudbursts shed light on lightning - 1—TEAM including researchers at RIKEN—DISCOVERY—RESEARCH—INSTITUTE in Wako and THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TOKYO has observed 1—BURST—OF—HIGH—ENERGY—GAMMA—RADIATION emerging from 1—THUNDERCLOUD over THE—SEA—OF—JAPAN (1).
20080215             —TECHRADAR COM—STUDY: MOBILE phones are dangerous —AFTER all;
20080215             MOBILE phone radiation alters proteins in human SKIN—IT—PROVEN:
20080215             MOBILE phones are dangerous to our health —AFTER all.
20080215             Despite facing 1—MURDER—CHARGE in BRITAIN, LUGOVOI—WHOSE own claim is that Litvinenko was 1—RENEGADE—UK—AGENT killed by THE—UK—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE—MI6—HAS been lionized in RUSSIA as 1—HERO who stood up to the West.
20080215             In part because of the unresolved Litvinenko case, BRITISH—RUSSIA—RELATIONS have reached perhaps their lowest ebb —SINCE THE—END—OF—THE—COLD—WAR.
20080215             —NEW—YORK—TIMES—CLINTON Strategist Tied to Nuclear Power COMPANY—EARLIER —THIS—MONTH,
20080215             SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON—CHIEF campaign strategist, MARK—PENN,
20080215             circulated 1—MEMO calling attention to 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES—ARTICLE about SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA—DEALINGS with Exelon Corporation,
20080215             1—NUCLEAR—POWER company.
20080215             —SHOWED, The article, how legislation sponsored by Mr.
20080215             —CHANGED, Obama regulating radioactive leaks at power plants was, to reflect the views of its opponents,
20080215             including Exelon, "the company whose plants created the issue and whose key executives are big contributors and bundlers to his campaign," Mr.
20080215             Penn wrote.
20080215             —POINTED, The article also, out that MISTER—OBAMA—CHIEF—CAMPAIGN—STRATEGIST, DAVID—AXELROD, was 1—CONSULTANT to Exelon.
20080215             —NOW it turns out that Mr.
20080215             PENN—COMPANY, Burson Marsteller, has also been an Exelon consultant.
20080215             1—EXELON spokesman confirmed 1—REPORT—TODAY on the Huffington Post that Mr.
20080215             PENN—FIRM was —RECENTLY paid $230,000 for public relations work —LAST—YEAR in NEW—JERSEY, where Exelon was seeking to renew 1—LICENSE for 1—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—PLANTS.
20080215             MISTER—PENN—MEMO also left out another inconvenient fact, 1—THAT had been mentioned in THE—TIMES—ARTICLE:
20080215             THE—CLINTON campaign could not be reached for comment.
20080215             THE—BOARD may not have the clout to stop SHIPMENTS—OF—ITALY—NUCLEAR—WASTE from coming to UTAH,
20080215             but 1—RESOLUTION stating unequivocally its "no support" for foreign waste storage would help fulfill THE—BOARD—OBLIGATION to protect the citizens of UTAH from exploitation by EnergySolutions.
20080215             Rosemary A. Holt, SALT—LAKE—CITY.
20080215             THE—NUCLEAR—REGULATORY—COMMISSION, which governs 33—OF—AMERICA—37—RESEARCH—REACTORS, bristled at the report.
20080215             And OSU officials insist that the university's reactor,
20080215             at 35. Street and Jefferson Way, is equipped with security safeguards that far exceed FEDERAL—REQUIREMENTS.
20080215             He declined to list specific security in place for obvious reasons,
20080215             but he said the facility was "controlled and monitored".
20080215             Les conséquences des législations " antiterroristes " pour le simple citoyen.
20080215             JEAN—CLAUDE—PAYE : Les populations sous surveillance
20080215             Las consecuencias para el ciudadano ordinario de las legislaciones "antiterroristas".
20080215             JEAN—CLAUDE—PAYE : Las poblaciones bajo vigilancia
20080215             Le conseguenze delle legislazioni antiterrorismo sul semplice cittadino.
20080215             JEAN—CLAUDE—PAYE : Sorveglianza di REGIME—SILVIA—CATTORI (Silviacattori net,)
20080215             Gatt, HARRY, PK Property, HARRY—GATT... 20121128             FMG—FUND —MANAGEMENT Group
20080215             HANS—JÖRG—GATT, LGT Treuhand AG, Mr.
20080215             HANS—JÖRG—GATT, LGT Treuhand AG, MISTER—HANS—JÖRG—GATT... MISTER—HANS—JÖRG—GATT... LGT Treuhand AG.
20080215             —ACCUSED—OF, USA—MILITARY, harboring fundamentalism 2/15
20080215             Intelligence officials could continue intercepting suspect communications even if the deadline passes, MISTER—HOYER said.
20080215             In pushing so hard for immunity for the utilities, he added, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is "very nervous about what might be disclosed" if the lawsuits against the companies are allowed to continue.
20080215             Someone is paying attention? 'Panel Cites Drop in USA—ATTENTION to Nuclear Arsenal;
20080215             'In letters sent to FEMA Administrator R. DAVID—PAULISON and 3—MANUFACTURERS—OF—FEMA travel trailers, Chairman Waxman requested explanations for the high levels of formaldehyde in FEMA trailers and additional information about FEMA—HANDLING of the toxic trailers.' 2/15
20080215             Diese Praxis, einen Angriff auf das Postgeheimnis zu verschleiern, indem die Datenübermittlung in einem Handelsabkommen versteckt wurde, ist KERN—DES—PROBLEMS und weckt wenig Vertrauen.
20080215             —BIS spätestens der üBERNächsten —WOCHE wird man sich dann eine plausible Erklärung dafür einfallen lassen müssen, weshalb und vor allem mit wessen Wissen EXPRESS—SENDUNGEN und Pakete
20080215             Ich hab eben gesagt, wo gehobelt wird, in Anführungszeichen, da fallen auch Späne.
20080215             Wenn man alles hinterfragt, bei allem Respekt vor der Tragweite eines solchen Eingriffs, bekommt man bei dem Pensum, was Amtsrichter haben, die Dinge nicht erledigt.
20080215             ZUMWINKEL—RÜCKTRITT: SPD wettert gegen "neue Asoziale" - NucNews - - NEIL—LIVINGSTONE
20080215             He predicted 20010911             —THE attacks on the World Trade Center on CNBC —6—MONTHS—BEFORE they occurred, said the terrorists would drop both towers + that Osama...
20080215             World Trade Center BOMBING—COLUMN from Humanist in Reference provided... the ubiquitous NEIL—LIVINGSTONE chided EL—SALVADOR—PARAMILITARY—FORCES for...              —1—
20080215             News... SOME—PREDICTED—WAVES—OF—BOMBINGS to come or speculated about Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian...
20080215             Der Fraktionschef der Linken GREGOR—GYSI sagte, —ERST versage die staatliche Aufsicht, dann pumpe der STAAT—MILLIARDEN in die IKB.
20080215             BERLIN—DIE Bankenkrise ist noch lange nicht zu ENDE—DAVON geht zumindest Finanzminister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) aus, wie er —HEUTE in seiner Regierungserklärung vor dem BUNDESTAG sagte.
20080215             —GEFUNDEN, Franfurt an der Oder: Verhungerter SÄUGLING—EHRENSENF: Alles fit, Männer?
20080215             Also —THIS—WEEK, LIECHTENSTEIN—BASED BANK—LLB (LLB.S: Quote, Profile, Research) said it had been the target of 1—BLACKMAIL campaign
20080215             Wie —SCHON in einem FRÜHEREN—FALL stützen sich Staatsanwaltschaft und Bundesfinanzbehörden, die ebenfalls an den Ermittlungen beteiligt sind, auf 1—CD—ROM mit Namen und Beweismaterial, die den Fahndern vor einiger Zeit zugespielt wurde.
20080215             Mit den Unterlagen zu Postchef KLAUS—ZUMWINKEL seien Hinweise auf andere Fälle eingegangen, sagte 1—SPRECHER—DER—SCHWERPUNKTSTAATSANWALTSCHAFT für Wirtschaftssachen
20080215             +423 235 27 27—FAX +423 235 27 15—
20080215             LGT SCHWEIZERISCHE—TREUHANDGESELLSCHAFT — Die Treuhandexperten des... - LGT Treuhand AG.
20080215             Tel.+423 235 27 27. Fax +423 235 27 15. LGT Trust & Consulting SA.
20080215             Sie ist die Holdinggesellschaft der LGT. IT—SICHERHEIT und M2-Security
20080215             der LGT Treuhand AG in VADUZ ent-. wickelt.
20080215             BEZUG, auf spezifische... LGT Treuhand AG.
20080215             Offenbar gibt es massenhaft Unterlagen aus einer BANK—IN—LIECHTENSTEIN, die darauf hinweisen, dass möglicherweise mehrere Millionen am DEUTSCHEN—FISKUS vorbei geschleust wurden.
20080215             gelang JAPANISCHEN—FORSCHERN ein weiterer Etappenerfolg auf dem Weg zur ethisch einwandfreien Stammzelle: Das Team um Shinya Yamanaka von der UNIVERSITÄT—KYOTO hat aus LEBER—UND Magenzellen von Mäusen Stammzellen hergestellt.
20080215             Es ist innerhalb von nur —3—MONATEN—BEREITS ihre
20080215             3. wegweisende Studie zur Reprogrammierung von Körperzellen.
20080215             "Lassen sie mich 1—SACHE vollkommen klarstellen: Die REPUBLIK—SERBIENS wird 1—VERLETZUNG seiner territorialen Integrität niemals tolerieren. Wir werden die Unabhängigkeit des KOSOVO niemals anerkennen. Wir werden nicht nachgeben", sagte der SERBISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER.
20080215             "Nicht —JETZT. Nicht in einem —JAHR. Nicht in einem —JAHRZEHNT".
20080215             "Es sollte aber auf eine nachhaltige Art und Weise geschehen, damit die Ozeane und ihre vielfältigen Ökosysteme erhalten bleiben".
20080215             Der Müllstrudel zwischen Kalifornien und HAWAII, ein Ölteppich vor der Küste Koreas, und eine riesige Todeszone vor der Küste Afrikas, ausgelöst durch eine massive ALGENBLÜTE—DAS sind nur EINIGE—MELDUNGEN aus —DEN—LETZTEN—MONATEN
20080215             MANCHE—TIEFSEEKORALLEN vor der Küste Hawaiis haben —BIS zu 4000—JAHRE benötigt, um ihre heutige Größe zu erreichen, wie eine weitere Gruppe um BRENDAN—ROARK—VON—DER—STANFORD—UNIVERSITY—IN—KALIFORNIEN zum Auftakt der Jahreskonferenz der USA—ASSOCIATION for THE—ADVANCEMENT—OF—SCIENCE (AAAS) in BOSTON berichtete.
20080215             Dann analysierten die Wissenschaftler, wie der Mensch auf diese Systeme Einfluss nimmt.
20080215             Dabei unterschieden sie Einflüsse wie Überdüngung, chemische Verschmutzung, Fischerei und Temperaturanstieg durch den Klimawandel.
20080215             Heraus kam 1—MEERESKARTE, die mit Hilfe einer sechsstufigen FARBSKALA—VON blassblau für gering —BIS rot für sehr HOCH—DEN menschlichen Einfluss illustriert.
20080215             JEDER—KLEINE—ABSCHNITT lässt sich —NUN beurteilen, denn die Auflösung der Karte liegt bei einem Quadratkilometer, wie die Wissenschaftler im USA—FACHJOURNAL "Science" berichten (Bd.
20080215             319, S. 948). - - - - Rund 40—PROZENT—DER—WASSERFLÄCHE aller Gewässer sind —BEREITS durch den Menschen negativ beeinflusst.
20080215             HORST—SEEHOFER (CSU) zeigte sich empört: "Man darf sich nicht wundern, wenn immer mehr Menschen nach allen Umfragen an der Ausgestaltung unserer sozialen Marktwirtschaft ihre zunehmenden Zweifel haben", sagte er im ZDF.
20080215             "Von der Justiz erwarte ich, dass kein Deal gemacht wird".
20080215             "Wir drohen, in 1—GESELLSCHAFT abzurutschen, die wir eigentlich —SCHON überwunden glaubten, nämlich in eine gespaltene Gesellschaft, wo Klassen wieder 1—ROLLE spielen", fügte er hinzu.
20080215             Nach Informationen von ZDF und "Handelsblatt" ist Zumwinkel nur einer von mehr als 100—VERDÄCHTIGEN, die über 1—BANK—IN—LIECHTENSTEIN—MILLIONEN am DEUTSCHEN—FISKUS vorbei laviert haben sollen.
20080215             Der PRÄSIDENT—DES—ZENTRALVERBANDS des DEUTSCHEN—HANDWERKS (ZDH), EBERHARD—SCHLEYER, sagte: "Man hat mitunter das Gefühl, dass gewisse Spielregeln für die da oben nicht mehr gelten".
20080215             Der SPD—WIRTSCHAFTSPOLITIKER RAINER—WEND sagte der "Rheinischen Post": "Wenn die Vorwürfe gegen Zumwinkel zutreffen, wäre das für das Image der MANAGER—ELITE in DEUTSCHLAND 1—KATASTROPHE".
20080215             "Man darf sich nicht wundern, wenn immer mehr Menschen nach allen Umfragen an der Ausgestaltung unserer sozialen Marktwirtschaft ihre zunehmenden Zweifel haben", sagte Verbraucherminister HORST—SEEHOFER im ZDF.
20080215             Bundesfinanzminister Peer Steinbrück erklärte im BUNDESTAG zu den Ermittlungen gegen POST—CHEF—KLAUS—ZUMWINKEL: "Der moralische Schaden ist erheblich".
20080215             MOBILE phone radiation alters proteins in human SKIN—IT—PROVEN: MOBILE phones are dangerous to our health —AFTER all.
20080215             —SHOWED, The article, how legislation sponsored by MISTER—OBAMA regulating radioactive leaks at power plants was changed to reflect the views of its opponents, including Exelon, "the company whose plants created the issue and whose key executives are big contributors and bundlers to his campaign," MISTER—PENN wrote.
20080215             —NOW it turns out that MISTER—PENN—COMPANY, Burson Marsteller, has also been 1—EXELON consultant.
20080215             1—EXELON spokesman confirmed 1—REPORT—TODAY on the Huffington Post that MISTER—PENN—FIRM was —RECENTLY paid $230,000 for public relations work —LAST—YEAR in NEW—JERSEY, where Exelon was seeking to renew 1—LICENSE for 1—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—PLANTS.
20080215             MISTER—PENN—MEMO also left out another inconvenient fact, 1—THAT had been mentioned in THE—TIMES—ARTICLE: MISTER—S—CLINTON was 1—CO—SPONSOR—OF—MISTER—OBAMA—RADIOACTIVE—LEAKS—BILL.
20080215             THE—BOARD may not have the clout to stop SHIPMENTS—OF—ITALY—NUCLEAR—WASTE from coming to UTAH, but 1—RESOLUTION stating unequivocally its "no support" for foreign waste storage would help fulfill THE—BOARD—OBLIGATION to protect the citizens of UTAH from exploitation by EnergySolutions.
20080215             And OSU officials insist that the university's reactor, at 35. Street and Jefferson Way, is equipped with security safeguards that far exceed FEDERAL—REQUIREMENTS.
20080215             "We take security very seriously and have been doing so, without incident, —FOR—40—YEARS. We are pretty PROUD—OF—THAT—TRACK—RECORD," said STEVE—REESE, DIRECTOR—OF—OSU—RADIATION—CENTER.
20080215             He declined to list specific security in place for obvious reasons, but he said the facility was "controlled and monitored".
20080215             Die enormen Verluste kämen einem "FINANZ—TSUNAMI" gleich, hatte DEUTSCHE—BANK—CHEF—JOSEF—ACKERMANN —SCHON vor einer —WOCHE gewarnt.
20080215             "Wir wollen lieber früher als später handeln", sagte Spitzer den Abgeordneten.
20080215             Der New Yorker Finanzaufsicht schwebe vor, die Kreditversicherer in "gute Banken" und "schlechte Banken" aufzuteilen.
20080215             —BIS vor kurzem waren die Assekuranzunternehmen nur Experten 1—BEGRIFF—UND das, obwohl sie —SEIT —JAHREN am Markt agieren.
20080215             Ursprünglich haben die Bondversicherer ihre Geschäfte mit den Städten und Gemeinden der USA gemacht.
20080215             Wenn diese sich am Kapitalmarkt Geld leihen wollten, garantieren Ambac und Co. die Rückzahlung.
20080215             Das macht den Kredit für Stadtkämmerer und Gemeindevorsteher billiger und bietet den Versicherern ein sicheres Geschäft: Denn das Ausfallrisiko dieser Kredite war von vorneherein relativ gering.
20080215             Rettungsmöglichkeiten werden ausgelotet
20080215             So werden —BISHER zum Beispiel die Möglichkeiten für FGIC unter der Führung der Calyon Bank ausgelotet, dem Investmentarm der FRANZÖSISCHEN—CREDIT Agricole.
20080215             Außerdem sollen UBS, Société Générale, Citigroup USA, Barclays und BNP Paribas mit dabei sein.
20080215             Zu den Großaktionären von FGIC gehören neben dem Hypothekenversicherer PRIME—MINISTER—I die Investoren Blackstone und Cypress.
20080215             Der FRÜHERE—EIGENTÜMER—GENERAL—ELECTRIC hält noch 5 %.
20080215             Angeschlagene Monoliner: Kreditversicherer vor dem Kollaps
20080215             —KRITISIERT, Fall Zumwinkel: SCHWARZ—SCHILLING, Justizbehörden
20080215             Zudem umkreist er seinen Stern in einer Entfernung, die ungefähr halb so groß ist wie der Abstand zwischen dem Stern + dem kleineren, weiter entfernten PLANETEN—DAS gleiche Verhältnis, das auch für die Umlaufbahnen von Jupiter und Saturn gilt.
20080215             Insgesamt ähnelt das System dem Sonnensystem mehr als alle anderen —BISHER entdeckten Planetensysteme, schreiben SCOTT—GAUDI—VON—DER—OHIO—STATE—UNIVERSITY und seine Kollegen in der Fachzeitschrift "Science" (Bd.
20080215             319, S. 927). - - - - - "Es ist wie eine kleine Ausgabe unseres Sonnensystems", sagt Gaudi.
20080215             Der Stern selbst, getauft auf den sperrigen Namen OGLE-20060000             —BLG109L, besitzt etwa halb so viel Masse wie die Sonne und ist sehr viel kühler und dunkler.
20080215             Trotzdem
20080215             —INZWISCHEN, KLAUS—ZUMWINKEL hat laut Finanzminister Steinbrück, zugegeben, Steuern hinterzogen zu haben.
20080215             Der entsprechende Index der UNIVERSITÄT—MICHIGAN sackte nach vorläufigen Berechnungen von 78,4 Zählern im Vormonat auf 69,6 Punkte ab.
20080215             Dieses Niveau erreichte der Index —BISHER nur während der Rezessionszeiten —MITTE der siebziger, —ANFANG der achtziger und zu Beginn der neunziger —JAHRE.
20080215             Volkswirte hatten lediglich mit einem Rückgang auf 76,3 Punkte gerechnet.
20080215             Viel schwerer wiegen die Folgen, die die DEUTSCHEN—ERMITTLUNGEN für die Banken haben werden: Eine "mögliche Katastrophe" nennt Blattner den Imageverlust, der für die Geldinstitut ziemlich teuer werden könnte.
20080215             "Die Finanzdienstleister leben von der Diskretion. Wenn die Kunden —JETZT das Gefühl haben, dass ihre Daten in LIECHTENSTEIN nicht sicher sind, könnte das bei einigen dazu führen, dass sie ihre Gelder abziehen", sagt Blattner.
20080215             Und das sind dann eben gleich HUNDERTE—VON—MILLIONEN, wenn nicht Milliarden Euro.
20080215             —VERHINDERT, Doch dies Understatement konnte nicht, dass das Fürstentum eine zweifelhafte Berühmtheit erlangte: Steuerparadies ist noch der harmloseste Ausdruck für ein diskretes System aus Nummernkonten und Stiftungen, dass dazu geführt hat, dass in dem winzigen Alpenstaat geschätzte 80.000—BRIEFKASTENFIRMEN geführt werden.
20080215             Rezessionspanik: USA—VERBRAUCHER verlieren Glauben an die Zukunft
20080215             Dickes Plus: Krankenkassen verdienen Millionen
20080215             Steuerskandal: Zumwinkels Abgang freut BÖRSE—APPEL soll POST—CHEF werden
20080215             Ähnliche Planeten: Astronomen entdecken kleinere Ausgabe des Sonnensystems
20080215             Bundesweite Warnstreiks: Gewerkschaften mobilisieren Tausende
20080215             JEAN—CLAUDE—PAYE : Les populations sous SURVEILLANCE—PAR SILVIA—CATTORI (Silviacattori_net,)
20080215             CIA From Using Waterboarding GOVERNOR—ELIOT—SPITZER (D—NY): Predatory Lenders' PARTNER—IN—CRIME;
20080215             How THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION...  Stopped the States From Stepping In to Help Consumers 2/15—PETER—MICHAELSON: Political Unity in...
20080215             —REALISED, Although police, it was 1—FALSE—ALARM, MISTER—NIXON, from STOKE—ON—TRENT, —NOW has to live with his DNA stored on 1—NATIONAL—DATABASE.
20080215—20000000    —IN, —ZUNÄCHST wurden Meeresgebiete unterschiedliche Ökosysteme unterteilt, etwa Steinriffe, Korallenriffe, Seegrasbereiche + UNTERWASSER—BERGE.
20080215—20030000    —SINCE, —AFTER 1—EMPLOYEE threatened to publish the secret account DETAILS—OF—GERMANY—CLIENTS.
20080215—20040000    —SEIT, Noch was zur AL—CAPONE—ISIERUNG Zumwinkels: Mit bemerkenswert gutem Timing wurde —DIE—TAGE bekannt, dass die Post ihre Daten an die Amis weiter gibt.
20080215—20080220    —UNTIL, The border killings were not reported.
20081219—20080215    —ESCAPED, The pair, on foot from 1—MILITANT—CAMP and
20090215             —BY Kari Lydersen CHICAGO, 20090214             -- The pace of global warming is likely to be much faster than recent predictions, because industrial greenhouse gas emissions have increased more quickly than expected and higher temperatures are triggering...
20090215             —BY—KARI Lydersen CHICAGO, 20090214             -- The pace of global warming is likely to be much faster than recent predictions,
20090215             WASHINGTON, state a —16—YEAR—OLD—GIRL was found dead and another teenage girl was discovered unconscious in 1—BARRACKS at Fort LEWIS—ARMY—BASE—SOUTH—OF—TACOMA.
20090215             —CHARGED, In March Army authorities, PRIVATE—TIMOTHY—E—BENNITT, —19—JAHRE—ALT if the drug overdose of his girlfriend.
20090215             —CALLED, ILLINOIS Republicans, for the resignation of Democratic SENATOR—ROLAND—BURRIS —FOLLOWING reports of contradicting statements regarding conversations with close associates of FORMER—GOVERNOR—ROD—BLAGOJEVICH.
20090215             —ADMITTED, THE—NEXT—DAY—BURRIS, that he tried to raise money for GOVERNOR—BLAGOJEVICH —BEFORE being appointed to THE—USA—SENATE.
20090215             AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI said his government will take part in 1—USA strategic REVIEW—OF—THE—WAR there in 1—SIGN—OF increased cooperation at 1—TIME—OF strained relations.
20090215             1—APPEALS—COURT upheld —20—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCES for 2—MEN who published 1—TRANSLATION—OF—THE—QURAN that drove religious leaders to call for their execution.
20090215             The controversial text is 1—TRANSLATION—OF—ISLAM—HOLY—BOOK into 1—AFGHANISTAN—LANGUAGE without the original Arabic verses alongside.
20090215             1—COALITION—AIRSTRIKE killed Ghulam Dastagir and 8—OTHER—MILITANTS in the village of DARYA—YE—MORGHAB.
20090215             Dastagir was 1—POWERFUL—TALIBAN COMMANDER who broke 1—PROMISE to renounce violence —AFTER village elders persuaded PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI to free him from prison.
20090215             1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS in ALGERIA left 7—SOLDIERS and 1 suspected militant dead, as authorities ratcheted up efforts to secure the country —BEFORE presidential elections.
20090215             1—ALGERIA—NEWSPAPER reported that security forces killed 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—AL—QAEDA—NORTH—AFRICA—WING —AFTER 1—TIP—OFF from 1—FORMER—MILITANT led them to his hideout.
20090215             —REPORTED, The daily Ennahar, that Mourad Bouzid (65), also known as AMI—SLIMANE, was 1—CHARISMATIC—FIGURE—INSTRUMENTAL in recruiting and motivating younger AL—QAEDA fighters.
20090215             It was bought —LAST—YEAR, as MUGABE—20—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER began studying at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—HONG—KONG.
20090215             The paper said it was 1—OF—SEVERAL properties the Mugabes own in ASIA but the 1. to be documented.
20090215             —SIGNED, CHINA and TANZANIA, cooperation agreements worth MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS —DURING 1—VISIT by PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO to this EAST—AFRICA—COUNTRY aimed to reinforce ties.
20090215             —UNVEILED, FRANCE—SPECIALISTS, 1—NEW—WEAPON against cancer, 1—MOLECULAR "decoy" that mimics DNA damage and prompts cancerous cells to kill themselves.
20090215             —NULLIFIED, IRAQ—OFFICIALS, election results in more than 30—POLLING stations across the country due to fraud in —LAST—MONTH—PROVINCIAL balloting, but the cases were not significant enough to require 1—NEW—VOTE in ANY—PROVINCE.
20090215             1—BOMB hidden in 1—GARBAGE pile killed 1—PERSON and injured 18—OTHERS in Sadr City.
20090215             —KILLED, In MOSUL 1—CIVILIAN and 1—POLICE—OFFICER were, in 2—SEPARATE—ATTACKS on police patrols.
20090215             —ARRESTED, Police, 1—WOULD—BE—SUICIDE—BOMBER—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD who had explosives under his clothes and said he was also planning to target pilgrims headed to KARBALA.
20090215             —KILLED, USA—STAFF—SERGEANT—DEAN—D diamond (41) was, —AFTER 1 improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle.
20090215             —ARRESTED, Authorities in MALAYSIA, 26 unmarried Muslim couples in hotel rooms —DURING Operation Valentine, aimed at curbing illegal premarital sex in this conservative country.
20090215             1—RICKETY boat carrying illegal migrants from MOROCCO capsized in rough seas —JUST off SPAIN—CANARY—ISLANDS and 19—OF—THEM drowned.
20090215             At least 3 were missing.
20090215             —ANNOUNCED, THE—TALIBAN, a —10—DAY—CEASE—FIRE in PAKISTAN—SWAT—VALLEY—AFTER freeing 1—CHINA—HOSTAGE —DURING peace talks with the government, —WHILE 1—ABDUCTED—AMERICAN threatened with imminent death by his kidnappers remained missing.
20090215             —RIPPED, SOUTH—RUSSIA, 1—FIRE, through 1—WOODEN—APARTMENT building, killing 16—PEOPLE in Molodyozhny, 1—VILLAGE in THE—ASTRAKHAN region.
20090215             Shots from 1—RUSSIA—NAVAL—VESSEL sank THE—CHINESE—OWNED cargo ship the New Star off RUSSIA—EAST—COAST.
20090215             8 THE—16—CREW members on BOARD were killed.
20090215             THE—SIERRA—LEONE—FLAGGED, CHINESE—OWNED vessel New Star had —EARLIER fled THE—RUSSIA—PORT of Nakhodka where it had been impounded for alleged smuggling.
20090215             —CLASHED, TURKEY, police, with STONE—THROWING demonstrators across the country's predominantly Kurdish SOUTH—EAST—DURING protests marking the 10. ANNIVERSARY—OF—1—SEPARATIST—REBEL—LEADER—CAPTURE.
20090215             —TRIED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, for a 2. time to win the right to seek RE—ELECTION—FAR into the future with 1—REFERENDUM widely regarded as 1—WAY to cement socialism.
20090215             —APPROVED, Some 55% PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTERS, the amendment.
20090215             —CHARGED, ZIMBABWE—OFFICIAL, with terrorism
20090215             —NOMINATED, HARARE—ZIMBABWE, 20090215             (UPI) -- 1—NEWLY, ZIMBABWE—OFFICIAL—FACES—ACCUSATIONS—OF banditry,
20090215             sabotage and terrorism, his attorney said.
20090215             ZIMBABWE accuses new MINISTER—OF—TERRORISM
20090215             Debris falling in TEXAS, possibly from satellites
20090215             —RECEIVED, DALLAS (AP) - THE—FEDERAL—AVIATION—ADMINISTRATION has, numerous reports of falling debris across TEXAS,
20090215             which could be related to 1—RECENT—SATELLITE—COLLISION.
20090215             Reports: Debris From Satellite Crash Possibly Fell Over KENTUCKY...
20090215             Fiery debris rains down over CENTRAL—TEXAS
20090215             NATION—PEANUT growers reeling from outbreak
20090215             LUBBOCK—TEXAS (AP) - With HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—AMERICANS OUT—OF—WORK and the economy in 1—NOSEDIVE,
20090215             —EXPECTED, THE—USA—PEANUT industry, sales to soar —THIS—YEAR.
20090215             Scientists: PACE—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE—EXCEEDS Estimates
20090215             because industrial greenhouse gas emissions have increased more quickly than expected and higher temperatures are triggering...
20090215             House agenda: global warming talk, ADEQ budget and new regs for...
20090215             —EXPECTED, Climate warming gases rising faster than
20090215             ILLINOIS GOP leader calls on SENATOR—BURRIS to resign
20090215             CHICAGO (AP) - —JUST as ILLINOIS was moving past the agony and embarrassment of FORMER—GOV.
20090215             Rod BLAGOJEVICH—OUSTING, the fellow Democrat whom Blagojevich appointed to THE—USA—SENATE was hearing calls for his own resignation —SUNDAY amid allegations he...
20090215             Sweeping budget plan in big trouble; Dems still need 1—MORE—GOP vote
20090215             —BY—MIKE—ZAPLER—SACRAMENTO - 1—SWEEPING plan to pull CALIFORNIA government back from THE—BRINK—OF—INSOLVENCY was on THE—VERGE—OF—DEFEAT this —MORNING— by 1—SINGLE—VOTE.
20090215             —LOCKED, State lawmakers still, in budget battle
20090215             State lawmakers still lack votes to pass budget
20090215             MOSCOW again eyes AFGHANISTAN —20—YEARS—AFTER retreat
20090215             Fearful that USA—FAILURE there could unleash the Taliban and other Islamist insurgencies, RUSSIA may help NATO open 1—SUPPLY—LINE through FORMER—SOVIET—TERRITORY.
20090215             OBAMA—BIG—VICTORY comes at 1—COST
20090215             —BY—STEVE—HOLLAND—ANALYSIS—WASHINGTON (Reuters) - PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—CRUCIAL—VICTORY in getting a $787—BILLION economic stimulus plan through Congress was achieved quickly,
20090215             † but his hopes of gaining 1—BIPARTISAN consensus, 1—EARLY—DEATH.
20090215             For Obama, governing isn't campaigning
20090215             Sicher ist: DEUTSCHLAND steht vor einer REIHE—VON—PROZESSEN gegen mutmaßliche MITGLIEDER—VON—AL—QAIDA und der Islamischen Dschihad Union (IJU).
20090215             —GEFÜHRT, Dies habe die Anleger in die Irre.
20090215             Sie hätten nicht verstanden, welch enorme Systemrisiken sie tragen, und daher zu geringe Risikoaufschläge gefordert.
20090215             Investoren gingen 1—WETTE auf die Gesamtwirtschaft ein.
20090215             Geht diese den Bach hinunter, kommen auf CDO—HALTER plötzlich enorme Verluste zu.
20090215             Clive Stafford Smith, director of the legal charity Reprieve, said:
20090215             "With EACH—TWIST and turn, it becomes obvious that THE—USA—AND—THE—UK have to release this information".
20090215             —PROVOKED, The letter, uproar —WHEN the judges in the case said it amounted to 1—CLEAR—THREAT from THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to BRITAIN.
20090215             WHITE—HOUSE Says Stimulus Won't Be a Quick FIX—DIE Pflicht zur Enteignung
20090215             WELTWIRTSCHAFTSKRISE: Hoch die Solidarität
20090215             Sondergesetz zur Enteignung: Nur HRE wird zum VEB—VEREISTE Tragflächen.
20090215             —GESTEUERT, USA—UNGLÜCKSMASCHINE wurde per Autopilot
20090215             MILLIONEN—BONI der BANK—LLOYDS empören die Briten
20090215             JAPAN, IMF sign $100—BILLION loan deal to bolster INTERNATIONAL relief
20090215             El cambio climático va más rápido de lo que se pensaba
20090215             Except that it won't be funny: what is crashing —NOW is our life support system:
20090215             all the systems and institutions that are keeping us alive.
20090215             And so I don't recommend passively standing —AROUND and watching the show — unless you happen to have 1—DEATH—WISH.
20090215             ;;06;; of 20050000             I published 1—ARTICLE on the subject,
20090215             titled "POST—SOVIET—LESSONS for 1—POST—USA—CENTURY,"
20090215             —INVOLVED, Perhaps there is 1—PHYSICAL—PRINCIPAL : information spreads at THE—SPEED—OF—LIGHT, —WHILE ignorance is instantaneous at all points in the known universe.
20090215             And —NOW it turns out that it was actually more of a "TINKER—BELL" economy,
20090215             because the last 5 or so YEARS—OF—ECONOMIC—GROWTH was more or less 1—HALLUCINATION,
20090215             based on various debt pyramids, the "whole HOUSE—OF—CARDS" as PRESIDENT—BUSH once referred to it —DURING 1—OF—HIS lucid moments.
20090215             THE—2—MOST important methods of solving problems are: 1. by knowing the solution AHEAD—OF—TIME, and 2. by guessing it correctly.
20090215             habe ich dieses längliche Essay GEFUNDEN—ÜBER den Zusammenbruch der USA.
20090215             Ist sehr lang.
20090215             Falls ihr nicht die Zeit habt, hier mein Lieblingsabschnitt: But let's take it apart.
20090215             —STARTING from the very general,
20090215             what are the current macroeconomic objectives, if you listen to the hot air coming out of WASHINGTON at the moment?
20090215             1.: growth, of course! Getting the economy going.
20090215             —LEARNED, We, nothing from the last huge spike in commodity prices, so let's —JUST try it again.
20090215             That calls for economic stimulus, a.k.a. printing money.
20090215             LET—SEE how high the prices go up this time.
20090215             Maybe this time —AROUND we will achieve hyperinflation.
20090215             2.: Stabilizing financial institutions: getting banks lending — that's important too.
20090215             You see, we are —JUST not in enough debt yet, that's our problem.
20090215             We need more debt, and quickly!
20090215             3.: jobs! We need to create jobs.
20090215             LOW—WAGE—JOBS, of course, to replace all THE—HIGH—WAGE manufacturing jobs we've been shedding —FOR—DECADES—NOW,
20090215             and replacing them with LOW—WAGE—SERVICE—SECTOR—JOBS, mainly ones without ANY—JOB—SECURITY or benefits.
20090215             Right —NOW, 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE could slow down the rate at which they are sinking further into debt if they quit their jobs.
20090215             That is, their job is 1—NET—LOSS for them as individuals as well as for the economy as 1—WHOLE.
20090215             But, of course, we need much MORE—OF—THAT, and quickly!
20090215             So schön hat —SCHON lange keiner mehr die ganzen STIMULUS—UND Konjunkturpakete und Bailouts zerlegt.
20090215             Hossa!
20090215             Das Weltfinanzsystem ist am BODEN—WEIL die Aussicht auf satte Renditen bei vielen Anlegern das gesunde Misstrauen außer Kraft gesetzt hat
20090215             Eine aktuelle Schätzung besagt laut Field, dass in den Permafrostböden der Welt rund 1—BILLION—TONNEN—KOHLENSTOFF gespeichert sind.
20090215             Zum Vergleich: Die Menge an Kohlendioxid, die —SEIT Beginn der Industrialisierung vom Menschen in die Luft geblasen wurde,
20090215             liegt bei 350—MILLIARDEN Tonnen.
20090215             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, knapp 100—MILLIARDEN Tonnen reinem KOHLENSTOFF—ALSO weniger als einem Zehntel dessen, was in den Permafrostböden lagert.
20090215             Hinzu kämen neue, beunruhigende Erkenntnisse über CO2-Emissionen aus der Natur selbst, ausgelöst durch die vom Menschen verursachte Erwärmung.
20090215             —SEIT—DEM—JAHR 20000000             , referierte Field,
20090215             seien die KOHLENDIOXID—EMISSIONEN durch die Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe um durchschnittlich dreieinhalb % pro —JAHR GESTIEGEN—DREIMAL so schnell wie zwischen 19900000             und 19990000            .
20090215             "Inzwischen liegen die Prognosen des menschlichen CO2-Ausstoßes außerhalb dessen,
20090215             was man bei der Erstellung des IPCC—BERICHTS—VON—20070000              für möglich gehalten hätte",
20090215             meint Field.
20090215             "Wir haben es in der Zukunft mit einem Klima zu tun, das weit über alles hinausgeht, was wir auf Basis von Simulationen —BISHER ernsthaft erwogen haben".
20090215             Anhaltender Kurssturz: BÖRSEN—BAISSE setzt Obama unter Erfolgsdruck
20090215             Branchenwechsel: SPANISCHER—PLEITIER verlegt sich auf Bankraub
20090215             Finanzkrise: Aareal BANK—STELLT—ANTRAG auf Staatshilfen
20090215             Sparprogramm: Royal BANK—OF—SCOTLAND streicht —BIS zu 20.000—JOBS
20090215             Kuriose Kursstürze: Rezession macht billige Aktien teuer
20090215             Jena: Rechte überfallen DGB—REISEGRUPPE auf AUTOBAHN—RASTSTÄTTE
20090215             Soldatenmangel: USA—MILITÄR will Immigranten rekrutieren
20090215             —SCHOCKIERT, Erderwärmung: Rasanter Anstieg der CO2-Emissionen, Klimaforscher
20090215             Altes Rom: Die nassen Lebensadern des Imperiums
20090215             Bankenkrise: USA—KONGRESS verschärft Auflagen für Managervergütung
20090215             Angeschlagener Autokonzern: GENERAL—MOTORS erwägt Gläubigerschutz
20090215             MINISTER—TREFFEN: G-7-Staaten erteilen Protektionismus deutliche Absage
20090215             Global Shipping Industry Makes World Flat, BIOLOGICALLY—ALEXIS—MADRIGAL
20090215             The global shipping industry makes it so easy for organisms to trot the globe, it's destroying the geographic patterns that fuel evolution.
20090215             The problem is acute in the Great Lakes region,
20090215             which could be 1—MAJOR—PROBLEM for the area's economy, according to scientists at THE—USA—ASSOCIATION for THE—ADVANCEMENT—OF—SCIENCE meeting.
20090215             Major reshuffle in SAUDI—ARABIA—HISTORY lesson
20090215             —REPEATED, SOVIET—VETERANS see mistakes, in AFGHANISTAN—WAR—ANGER at advice to stop oil claim
20090215             —FAILED, Clarke attacks '' bank plan
20090215             Shadow business SECRETARY—KENNETH—CLARKE calls the Lloyds TSB—HBOS merger a "disaster", and says government initiatives to get banks lending have failed.
20090215             —KILLED, Historian Alison DES FORGES was 1—OF—THE—50—PEOPLE, —WHEN the plane crashed into 1—HOUSE and burst into flames....
20090215             —CALLED, Gore, scientists to join the front lines of this political debate and not to —JUST stay in their labs and research stations.
20090215             "Start getting involved in politics. Start getting involved in this historical debate. We need you," he said.
20090215             —RESPONDED, The audience, with 1—STANDING ovation -- even in the overflow room where I sat.
20090215             But it remains to be seen whether scientists will take up his call to political engagement.
20090215             Many, I feel, are more comfortable generating data for Gore to use in his talks.
20090215             In 1—ANALYSIS—OF trends in suicide attacks worldwide
20090215             THE—WONK—ROOM—MATT—DUSS comments: "Understand, this is what GEORGE—W—BUSH—STRATEGY—OF 'fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here' entails.
20090215             Luring terrorists to IRAQ to blow themselves up in markets and mosques wasn't SOME—TRAGIC—SIDE—EFFECT—OF—BUSH—PLAN,
20090215             it was in fact 1—COMPONENT—OF—BUSH—PLAN.
20090215             LET—NOT pretend to be confused —WHEN Iraqis fail to show appropriate gratitude".
20090215             IBM Files Patent For BULLET—DODGING Bionic ARMOR—SOULSKILL
20090215             —FILED, IBM has, 1—PATENT for "Bionic body armor" that would protect 1—WEARER from LONG—RANGE—GUNFIRE by detecting the incoming bullets and administering small shocks to the appropriate muscles required for moving OUT—OF—THE—WAY.
20090215             Quoting the patent: "—WHEN 1—MARKSMAN (such as 1—SNIPER) is attempting to fire 1—PROJECTILE from 1—FIREARM,
20090215             the marksman typically prefers to be as far away from the target as possible, thus giving him or her 1—HEAD—START for the escape —AFTER the firing.
20090215             —REPORTED, As 1—EXAMPLE, the longest, sniper hit was from 1—DISTANCE—OF about 2500—METERS, resulting in 1—TIME—OF—FLIGHT—OF about —4—SECONDS for the projectile/bullet.
20090215             —AFTER detecting the projectile, the armor would calculate the trajectory and "stimulate the target to move in 1 predefined manner
20090215             sufficient to avoid ANY—CONTACT with the approaching projectile".
20090215             ablief.
20090215             —NOMINATED, HARARE—ZIMBABWE, 20090215             (UPI) -- 1—NEWLY, ZIMBABWE—OFFICIAL—FACES—ACCUSATIONS—OF banditry, sabotage and terrorism, his attorney said.
20090215             —RECEIVED, DALLAS (AP) - THE—FEDERAL—AVIATION—ADMINISTRATION has, numerous reports of falling debris across TEXAS, which could be related to 1—RECENT—SATELLITE—COLLISION.
20090215             LUBBOCK—TEXAS (AP) - With HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—AMERICANS OUT—OF—WORK and the economy in 1—NOSEDIVE, THE—USA—PEANUT industry expected sales to soar —THIS—YEAR.
20090215             CHICAGO (AP) - —JUST as ILLINOIS was moving past the agony and embarrassment of FORMER—GOVERNOR—ROD—BLAGOJEVICH—OUSTING, the fellow Democrat whom Blagojevich appointed to THE—USA—SENATE was hearing calls for his own resignation —SUNDAY amid allegations he...
20090215             —BY STEVE—HOLLAND—ANALYSIS—WASHINGTON (Reuters) - PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—CRUCIAL—VICTORY in getting a $787—BILLION economic stimulus plan through Congress was achieved quickly, but his hopes of gaining 1—BIPARTISAN consensus † 1—EARLY—DEATH.
20090215             Was —NUN kommen muss, ist etwas anderes: 1—PHASE—DER—SOLIDARITÄT.
20090215             Clive Stafford Smith, director of the legal charity Reprieve, said: "With EACH—TWIST and turn, it becomes obvious that THE—USA—AND—THE—UK have to release this information".
20090215             Except that it won't be funny: what is crashing —NOW is our life support system: all the systems and institutions that are keeping us alive.
20090215             And —NOW it turns out that it was actually more of a "TINKER—BELL" economy, because the last 5 or so YEARS—OF—ECONOMIC—GROWTH was more or less 1—HALLUCINATION, based on various debt pyramids, the "whole HOUSE—OF—CARDS" as PRESIDENT—BUSH once referred to it —DURING 1—OF—HIS lucid moments.
20090215             —GEFUNDEN, Beim Holgi habe ich dieses längliche Essay, über den Zusammenbruch der USA.
20090215             —STARTING from the very general, what are the current macroeconomic objectives, if you listen to the hot air coming out of WASHINGTON at the moment?
20090215             LOW—WAGE—JOBS, of course, to replace all THE—HIGH—WAGE manufacturing jobs we've been shedding —FOR—DECADES—NOW, and replacing them with LOW—WAGE—SERVICE—SECTOR—JOBS, mainly ones without ANY—JOB—SECURITY or benefits.
20090215             Zum Vergleich: Die Menge an Kohlendioxid, die —SEIT Beginn der Industrialisierung vom Menschen in die Luft geblasen wurde, liegt bei 350—MILLIARDEN Tonnen.
20090215             —SEIT—DEM—JAHR 20000000             , referierte Field, seien die KOHLENDIOXID—EMISSIONEN durch die Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe um durchschnittlich dreieinhalb % pro —JAHR GESTIEGEN—DREIMAL so schnell wie zwischen 19900000-19990000            .
20090215             "Inzwischen liegen die Prognosen des menschlichen CO2-Ausstoßes außerhalb dessen, was man bei der Erstellung des IPCC—BERICHTS—VON—20070000              für möglich gehalten hätte", meint Field.
20090215             The problem is acute in the Great Lakes region, which could be 1—MAJOR—PROBLEM for the area's economy, according to scientists at THE—USA—ASSOCIATION for THE—ADVANCEMENT—OF—SCIENCE meeting.
20090215             ABDULLAH—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA sacks 2—POWERFUL—RELIGIOUS—FIGURES in 1—WIDE ranging SHAKE—UP of his administration
20090215             Key Human Rights Advocate Dies In USA—PLANE CRASH—SOURCE: - 45
20090215             Luring terrorists to IRAQ to blow themselves up in markets and mosques wasn't SOME—TRAGIC—SIDE—EFFECT—OF—BUSH—PLAN, it was in fact 1—COMPONENT—OF—BUSH—PLAN.
20090215             Quoting the patent: "—WHEN 1—MARKSMAN (such as 1—SNIPER) is attempting to fire 1—PROJECTILE from 1—FIREARM, the marksman typically prefers to be as far away from the target as possible, thus giving him or her 1—HEAD—START for the escape —AFTER the firing.
20090215             Had the target been aware of the inbound projectile, avoiding it by simply walking away would have been possible".
20090215             —AFTER detecting the projectile, the armor would calculate the trajectory and "stimulate the target to move in 1 predefined manner... sufficient to avoid ANY—CONTACT with the approaching projectile".
20090215—19700000    —FROM—THE, Nationalists hit out —AFTER documents S reveal strategies to stop SCOTLAND laying claim to NORTH—SEA—OIL.
20090215—19810000    —SINCE, IRAQ attacks account for more than HALF—OF—GLOBAL—SUICIDE—TERRORISM.
20090215—19810000    —SINCE, In 1—ANALYSIS—OF trends in suicide attacks worldwide (pdf), researcher Assaf Moghadam presents 1—PRETTY shocking statistic:
20090215—19810000    —SINCE, IRAQ accounts for 1,067 suicide attacks in the period under review — "1—NUMBER that accounts for more than half (54.8%) of all suicide attacks.
20090215—20030300    —IN, The sheer volume in which this tactic has struck IRAQ is even more impressive —SINCE no suicide attacks were recorded in IRAQ —PRIOR—TO THE—USA—LED invasion.
20090215—20070000    —IN, 1—HOST—OF—MUSLIM clerics have condemned the translation, which was published and handed out for free, as blasphemous and accused its publishers of setting themselves up as false prophets.
20090304—20090215    —ON, - Sign carried near Hyde Park Corner —DURING 1—DEMONSTRATION in LONDON by 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—BRITISH—PARLIAMENT.
20091016—20100215    —SENTENCED, THE—5—MEN were, to 23 to —28—YEARS in prison for stockpiling explosive chemicals and firearms for terrorist attacks on unspecified targets.
20100119—20130215    —SENTENCED, Speight was, to 5—LIFE—TERMS.
20100215             DUBAI police held 1—STUNNING news conference and blamed 20100119             —THE—SLAYING—OF—MAHMOUD—AL—MABHOUH on 1—TEAM—OF—10—MEN and 1—WOMAN carrying passports from BRITAIN, IRELAND, FRANCE and GERMANY.
20100215             —ADOPTED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—HOUSING—ADMINISTRATION, HOME—VALUATION—REFORMS, the Home Valuation CODE—OF—CONDUCT" (HVCC) that were implemented —LAST—YEAR by Fannie Mae and FREDDIE—MAC, despite complaints by real estate agents, home buyers and sellers, mortgage brokers and appraisers.
20100215             —ATTACHED, Astronauts successfully, 1—FANCY new observation deck to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION—AFTER 1—LONG, frustrating night spent dealing with stuck bolts and wayward wiring.
20100215             —CRASHED, NEW—JERSEY, 1—SMALL—PLANE, at Monmouth Executive airport killing 5—PEOPLE aboard.
20100215             † JEANNE—M—HOLM, the 1. woman to rise to THE—RANK—OF—GENERAL in THE—USA—AIR—FORCE and the 1. woman to become a 2—STAR—GENERAL in ANY—USA armed service, in Annapolis, Md.
20100215             —ATTACKED, AFGHANISTAN, sniper teams, USA—MARINES and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS across the Taliban haven of Marjah, as several gun battles erupted on the 3. —DAY—OF—1—MAJOR—OFFENSIVE to seize the extremists' southern heartland.
20100215             ANTARCTIC, waters PETER—BETHUNE, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—USA—BASED—SEA—SHEPHERD activist group, jumped aboard the Shonan Maru 2—FROM 1—JET—SKI with the stated goal of making 1—CITIZEN—ARREST—OF—THE ship's CAPTAIN and presenting him with a $3—MILLION—BILL—FOR—THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—1—PROTEST ship —LAST—MONTH.
20100215             THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT said Bethune will be charged with trespassing and assault and tried under JAPAN—LAW.
20100215             —COLLIDED, BELGIUM, 2—COMMUTER trains, HEAD—ON —AFTER 1—RAN 1—STOP light at rush —HOUR in 1—BRUSSELS suburb, killing at least 18—PEOPLE and injuring 55.
20100215             BRAZIL, JULIA—LIRA, RIO—7—YEAR—OLD—CARNIVAL drum corps QUEEN, danced at the front of the samba parade.
20100215             —HOMED, She didn't like the cameras that, in on her, and reacted as ANY—CHILD might, by having 1—GOOD cry.
20100215             —ARRESTED, LONDON—ENGLAND, a —33—YEAR—OLD—MAN was, —AFTER THE—BODY—OF—1—SAUDI—ARABIA—MAN, —32—JAHRE—ALT was discovered at the prestigious Landmark Hotel in the Marylebone area.
20100215             —CLAIMED, The suspect, to be 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—ROYAL—FAMILY.
20100215             —STORED, Photographs of Abdulaziz, on 1—MOBILE—PHONE had shown that there was a "sexual element" to the abuse.
20100215             1—PLANT to be built in LONDON will convert 500,000 TONS—OF—WASTE into 16—MILLION—GALLONS—OF—GREEN—JET—FUEL annually.
20100215             CANADA PRIME—MINISTER—HARPER began a —2—DAY—VISIT to HAITI and said his country will build THE—HAITI—GOVERNMENT 1—TEMPORARY—BASE.
20100215             1—MONTREAL financial adviser convicted of running 1—PONZI scheme, like THE—1—THAT landed BERNARD—MADOFF in jail for life, was sentenced to —11—YEARS in prison.
20100215             —ACCUSED—OF, Bertram EARL—JONES was, swindling investors out of as much as C$50—MILLION ($46.7—MILLION).
20100215             —KILLED, CONGO—RADIO—OKAPI, 1—UN—RUN—STATION, said RWANDA—HUTU rebels have, at least 27—PEOPLE in EAST—CONGO already —THIS—MONTH.
20100215             SPAIN, at THE—MOBILE—WORLD—CONGRESS in BARCELONA, Apple announced its new Windows Phone 7—SOFTWARE.
20100215             Nokia, the world's biggest maker of MOBILE handsets, said it would merge its Linux Maemo software platform, used in its flagship N900 phone, with INTEL—MOBLIN, which is also based on Linux OPEN—SOURCED software, to create 1—NEW—PLATFORM, MeeGo.
20100215             The software deal was set to boost INTEL—CHANCES—OF getting its chips into THE—CELLPHONES—OF—THE—FINLAND—COMPANY, which controls —AROUND 40—PERCENT—OF—THE—GLOBAL—PHONE—MARKET.
20100215             —SUSPECTED, EAST—INDIA, armed Maoist rebels riding motorcycles killed at least 24—POLICEMEN in 1—DARING gun and bomb attack on 1—SECURITY—CAMP.
20100215             2—MAOIST—GUERRILLAS were also killed in the raid in WEST—BENGAL state's Midnapore district.
20100215             —GUNNED, IRAQ, greengrocer Fatukhi Munir was, down inside his MOSUL shop in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting.
20100215             —CALLED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU, for "crippling sanctions" against IRAN over its nuclear program —AFTER 1—MEETING in MOSCOW with RUSSIA—TOP—OFFICIALS, whom he praised for showing "1—UNDERSTANDING" over the issue.
20100215             —SUSPENDED, LIBYA, THE—ISSUING—OF—ENTRY visas to European citizens apart from UK—NATIONALS.
20100215             —CONFIRMED, ITALY—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, the measure and said it was in retaliation for SWITZERLAND—RECENT—DECISION to publish 1—BLACKLIST—OF—180—LIBYANS banned from entering the country.
20100215             —SENTENCED, MYANMAR, 4—ACTIVISTS to prison terms with hard labor as special UN envoy TOMAS—OJEA—QUINTANA arrived to assess progress on human rights in the country.
20100215             —ARRESTED, THE—4—WOMEN were, last October —AFTER being accused of offering Buddhist monks alms that included religious literature.
20100215             —AGREED, Yara, 1—NORWAY—FERTILIZER maker, to pay $4.1—BILLION for Terra, 1—USA—COMPANY.
20100215             This would extend YARA—LEAD as the world's biggest maker of NITROGEN—BASED fertilizer.
20100215             —FIRED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUSPECTED—USA—DRONE, 1—MISSILE at 1—VEHICLE in the northwest, killing 3—PEOPLE in the 2. such strike in as MANY—DAYS.
20100215             SPAIN said it is willing to take in 5—INMATES from THE—USA—PRISON in GUANTANAMO Bay, not —JUST THE—2—IT had announced —LAST—MONTH.
20100215             —BATTERED, Cyclone RENE—TONGA with powerful winds, cutting phone links, ripping off roofs and downing power lines in THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC—ISLAND nation.
20100215             —HANDED, YEMEN—SHIITE rebels, over the 1. of 5—SAUDI—ARABIA—SOLDIERS held captive —SINCE their border war.
20100215—19450000    —FROM, to 19600000             he worked for NBC, performing on THE—DINAH—SHORE—SHOW, Tonight, THE—DAVE—GARROWAY—SHOW and other radio and TV shows with Garroway.
20100215—20140000    —FROM, UK—AIRWAYS said it would use LOW—CARBON—FUEL to power PART—OF—ITS fleet once EUROPE—1. sustainable JET—FUEL—PLANT was built by USA—BIOFUELS—SPECIALIST—SOLENA Group.
20100512—20110215    —EXPIRED, THE—1—YEAR—LEASE, and the work was dismantled, for return to Zhang Huan.
20101020—20100215    —SENTENCED, UK—JUSTICE—DAVID—BEAN, PRINCE—SAUD—ABDULAZIZ bin NASSER—AL—SAUD to 1—LIFE—SENTENCE without the possibility of parole —FOR—20—YEARS for the brutal assault at the Landmark Hotel in LONDON.
20101202150006       Finanzkrise Fed stützte DEUTSCHE—BANKEN mit Milliarden.htm
2011020215000000     Ban KI—MOON: "For the last —DECADE, THE—UNITED—NATIONS has been warning of the need for change.
2011020215070000     More from Ban KI—MOON:
201102021508         Die USA—REGIERUNG hat mit dem Abzug von fast allen Mitarbeitern in ÄGYPTEN begonnen.
2011020215080000     And this from UK—LEADER—DAVID—CAMERON:
201102021512         Ashraf Khalil, a freelance JOURNALIST—IN—CAIRO
2011020215150000     Menna Saeed in CAIRO
201102021517         Fernsehbilder zeigen gewalttätige Szenen vom TAHRIR—PLATZ:
201102021517         Fernsehbilder zeigen gewalttätige Szenen vom TAHRIR—PLATZ: Oppositionelle verschanzen sich hinter MILITÄR—LASTWAGEN, aus Baumaterial errichten sie Barrikaden.
201102021517         's IVAN—WATSON in CAIRO
2011020215190000     Opposition figurehead MOHAMED—ELBARADEI calls once more for PRESIDENT—MUBARAK to step aside by —FRIDAY—WHEN what the opposition is planning what it calls the "—FRIDAY—OF—DEPARTURE".
201102021521         MISTER—ELBARADEI had made the same appeal —ON—TUESDAY—BUT that was —BEFORE PRESIDENT—MUBARAK promised not to run for another term.
2011020215230000     I R in CAIRO writes: "I —JUST came back from Tahrir Square,
2011020215240000     IBRAHIM—ZADRAN,
201102021531         Unter den Oppositionellen kommt es zu heftigen Streits über die gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen,
201102021531         Unter den Oppositionellen kommt es zu heftigen Streits über die gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen, berichtet SPIEGEL—ONLINE—REPORTER MATTHIAS—GEBAUER.
201102021536         Mubarak supporters are dropping concrete blocks on opposition protesters from roofs,
2011020215370000     Human rights activist AMMAR—SHALTOUT from "Put them on trial —NOW" tells BBC World that PRO—MUBARAK protesters are carrying knives and guns.
201102021542         In his INTERVIEW—WITH—AL—JAZEERA,
201102021548         NADINE—KHEDR in CAIRO writes:
2011020215490000     Azza Raslan in Jeddah,
201102021550         —FROM THE—BBC—PAUL—DANAHAR:
201102021553         —UNRUHEN, Bei den, in Kairo rücken nach ANGABEN—VON—ANGEHÖRIGE—DER ÄGYPTISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE auf den zentralen TAHRIR—PLATZ vor.
201102021555         Von einem Gebäude gegenüber des Nationalmuseums werfen MUBARAK—ANHÄNGER Stühle,
201102021555         Von einem Gebäude gegenüber des Nationalmuseums werfen MUBARAK—ANHÄNGER Stühle, Steinbrocken, KÜHLSCHRÄNKE—EINFACH alles, was sie greifen KÖNNEN—IN die Menschenmasse der Opposition.
2011020215550000     THE—WHITE—HOUSE says it "deplores and condemns the violence that is taking place in EGYPT,
201102021558         Die Anhänger von PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK haben die Barrikaden der Oppositionellen erobert und die Regierungskritiker zurückgedrängt,
201102021558         Die Anhänger von PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK haben die Barrikaden der Oppositionellen erobert und die Regierungskritiker zurückgedrängt, sie strömen —NUN auf den TAHRIR—PLATZ.
201102102151         —VERSPRICHT, Mubarak, freie und offene Wahlen.
201102102154         Der PRÄSIDENT will die Verfassung in mehreren Punkten ändern.
20110214             —1—)(AP, 20110215             )
20110215             —RECEIVED, FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH, the Presidential MEDAL—OF—FREEDOM, the nation's highest CIVIL—HONOR for contributions to society.
20110215             —REACHED, THE—USA—MILITARY said it has, 1—PLEA—DEAL with 1—GUANTANAMO prisoner from SUDAN who helped run 1—AL—QAIDA training camp in AFGHANISTAN.
20110215             —PLEADED, NOOR—UTHMAN—MUHAMMED, guilty to 1—COUNT—OF providing material support to terrorism and 1—COUNT—OF—CONSPIRACY.
20110215             † USA Special Agent JAIME—ZAPATA, on assignment to THE—ICE—ATTACHE in MEXICO—CITY from his post in LAREDO—TEXAS, —WHEN gunmen attacked the agents' blue Suburban vehicle as they drove through THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—S—LUIS—POTOSI.
20110215             A 2. agent, —LATER identified as VICTOR—AVILA, was shot in the arm and leg and was in stable condition.
20110215             —INSTITUTED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, 1—HIRING freeze across state government citing the state's $25.4—BILLION budget deficit.
20110215             1—FORMER—USA—CUSTOMS—INSPECTOR (58) dressed in 1—POSTMAN—UNIFORM was nabbed as he allegedly tried to smuggle 1—MEXICO—WOMAN, —38—JAHRE—ALT into TEXAS on false papers.
20110215             † Fadel SALMAN—MATROUK was shot dead in front of 1—HOSPITAL where mourners gathered for the funeral of ALI—ABDULHADI—MUSHAIMA, who, of his wounds —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20110215             HAMAD—KING—OF— bin ISA—AL—KHALIFA made 1—RARE—NATIONAL TV address, offering condolences for 2—DEATHS, pledging 1—INVESTIGATION into the killings, and promising to push ahead with reforms, which include loosening state controls on the media and INTERNET.
20110215             BRAZIL, ALLAN—TURNOWSKI, THE—HEAD—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO state's investigative police, resigned —AFTER 1—ANTI—CORRUPTION sting resulted in the arrest of 30—OFFICERS, including the department's former 2.—IN—COMMAND.
20110215             THE—LONDON—BASED Gulf Dialogue Forum said intense contacts are under way among SAUDI—ARABIA—ACTIVISTS and scholars to form 1—POLITICAL—PARTY in THE—OIL—RICH—ABSOLUTE—MONARCHY.
20110215             The online forum said the National SAUDI—ARABIA—PARTY—ADVOCATES establishing 1—CIVIL—DEMOCRATIC—GOVERNMENT because of the recent turmoil in TUNISIA and EGYPT.
20110215             —WARNED, EGYPT—MILITARY—REGIME, that 1—WAVE—OF—STRIKES sweeping the country was "disastrous", as it gave 1—PANEL—OF—CIVIL—EXPERTS—10—DAYS to revise the constitution.
20110215             —BANNED, The long, Muslim Brotherhood said it intends to form 1—POLITICAL—PARTY once democracy is established, as the country's new military rulers launched 1—PANEL—OF—EXPERTS to amend the country's constitution enough to allow democratic elections —LATER—THIS—YEAR.
20110215             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION said it is extending visa bans and 1—ASSET freeze against PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE and 163—INDIVIDUALS and 31—COMPANIES in ZIMBABWE.
20110215             —OPENED, GERMANY, the trial of Detlef S. (48), in KOBLENZ.
20110215             —ADMITTED, The man has, to fathering 7—CHILDREN with his STEP—DAUGHTER but denied charges that he sexually abused her for more than —2—DECADES.
20110215             —ACCUSED—OF, He also stood, abusing his own daughter and STEP—SON, and forcing both daughters into prostitution.
20110215             —CALLED, Hardline IRAN—LAWMAKERS, for the country's opposition leaders to face trial and be put to death, —1—DAY—AFTER clashes between opposition protesters and security forces left 1—PERSON—DEAD and dozens injured.
20110215             † A 2. person, MOHAMMAD—MOKHTARI, —22—JAHRE—ALT, —TODAY of his wounds.
20110215             —KILLED, IRAQ, 4—PEOPLE were, in 2—BOMB—EXPLOSIONS—TODAY in 1—MARKETPLACE in Zafaraniyah.
20110215             † 1—POLICEMAN was killed —WHEN 1—BOMB exploded outside his home in Baquba.
20110215             —FACED, ITALY—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI, 1—POTENTIALLY fatal challenge to his power —WHEN 1—JUDGE ordered him to stand trial on prostitution and ABUSE—OF—POWER—CHARGES.
20110215             —INDICTED, ITALY—NEWS—AGENCY—ANSA said CURT—KNOX and Edda Mellas were, in PERUGIA for libel.
20110215             —STEMMED, The charge, from 1—INTERVIEW they gave BRITAIN—SUNDAY Times years ago in which the father alleged police had physically and verbally abused his daughter —DURING questioning —AFTER Meredith Kercher's 20070000             slaying.
20110215             JAPAN—POLICE sought charges against 2—SENIOR sumo wrestlers in 1 alleged gambling scam.
20110215             JORDAN—INTERIOR—MINISTER said protest marches will no longer need government permission, bowing to growing pressure to allow wider freedoms.
20110215             Protesters would still have to inform authorities of ANY—GATHERING —2—DAYS in advance to "ensure public safety" and that they would have to observe public order.
20110215             KYRGYZSTAN officials say budgetary constraints are forcing them to shoot 1 estimated 10,000 stray dogs in BISHKEK rather than build shelters for them.
20110215             —KILLED, LIBYA, at least 1—PERSON was, and DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE injured in clashes in BENGHAZI.
20110215             —SUPPORTED, Qaddafi was, by an 18,000-strong AIR—FORCE with 13—BASES, a 20,000 WELL—ARMED—PARAMILITARY—FORCE—LOYAL to his clan, as well as mercenaries from CHAD and NIGER.
20110215             —FIRED, MEXICO—POLICE, tear gas and clashed for several hours with teachers protesting 1—VISIT by PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON to the colonial CITY—OF—OAXACA.
20110215             —INJURED, THE—SECTION 22—TEACHERS union said 20—PROTESTERS were, —DURING the running clashes.
20110215             —ANNOUNCED, MOROCCO, ahead of 1—PLANNED—PRO—REFORM—RALLY, it would inject 1.4—BILLION euros in subsidies to soften price hikes for staples, 1—KEY—FACTOR behind the spreading unrest in the Arab world.
20110215             —STABBED, CENTRAL—NIGERIA, 1—POLICE—OFFICER arguing with 1—MERCHANT was, to death in 1—MARKET in JOS and at least 2—OTHERS were killed —DURING the latest violence to hit the region beset by sectarian fighting.
20110215             NORWAY, STOLT—NIELSEN, FOUNDER—OF—THE—STOLT—NIELSEN shipping group, wrote the —FOLLOWING in the financial newspaper Dagens Naeringsliv: "—WHEN (piracy) implies 1—GREAT—RISK—OF being caught and hanged, and the cost of losing ships and weapons becomes too big, it will decrease and eventually disappear".
20110215             PAKISTAN, Mohmand tribal region official Amjad ALI—KHAN said that 120—MILITANTS have been killed in fighting that began 20110127             , including 7—LOCAL—TALIBAN commanders.
20110215             4—PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS were killed.
20110215             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—OFFICIAL at the Education Ministry said the kingdom plans to remove books from school libraries that are deemed to encourage terrorism or defame religion.
20110215             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—PERSON was, in demonstrations in THE—EAST—TOWN—OF—ERMELO that turned violent with live fire exchanged between police and protesters.
20110215             —ANGERED, Demonstrators, by what they see as poor government service had fired on police and attacked journalists.
20110215             † 1—SENIOR—SOUTH—SUDAN official said more than 200—PEOPLE in 1—REBEL—ATTACK in SOUTH—SUDAN'S troubled Jonglei state —LAST—WEEK, nearly double 1—EARLIER—DEATH—TOLL.
20110215             —DISPLACED, Some 20,000—PEOPLE were, by the fighting.
20110215             —SEIZED, Venezuelan and FRANCE—AUTHORITIES, 3.6—METRIC—TONS—OF—COCAINE aboard 1—VESSEL in the Caribbean Sea.
20110215             YEMEN, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, marching for THE—OUSTER—OF—THE—USA—ALLIED PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH, clashed with police and government supporters.
20110215             —INJURED, At least 3—DEMONSTRATORS were, in a 5. straight —DAY—OF—EGYPT—INSPIRED protests.
20110215             —1—) - Depressionen und andere psychische Krankheiten machten 1—ACHTEL des gesamten Krankenstands AUS—UND sind damit die vierthäufigste Ursache für AUS—FÄLLE im Job.
20110215             —DENN, das Ergebnis ist BEMERKENS—WERT eindeutig: Die internationale Schifffahrt verschmutzt die Luft stärker als der Luftverkehr.
20110215             "THE—MAP—OF—NORTH—AFRICA and THE—MIDDLE—EAST is changing.
20110215             You can easily trace THE—CURVE—OF—FREEDOM as the surge moves eastward".
20110215             —HARDENED, Even the most, realist couldn't help but shed 1—TEAR —WHEN the news broke that PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTERS succeeded in ousting THE—REGIME—OF—EGYPTIAN—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK.
20110215             —EVOLVED, Many of the technical developments that —LATER, into improved systems for the airborne detection and TRACKING—OF—AIRCRAFT and ground vehicles have formed the —BASIS for current research.
20110215             and political liberalization are imperative for EGYPT to resolve political tensions, writes MARCUS—NOLAND.
20110215             What will the instability in EGYPT mean for THE—MIDDLE—EASTERN—ECONOMIES and, more generally, for the world economy?
20110215             Mohsin S. Khan assesses the economic consequences.
20110215             JEFFREY—J—SCHOTT and BARBARA—KOTSCHWAR propose ways THE—USA can help 1—POST—MUBARAK EGYPT.
20110215             INTERNATIONAL Finance/Macroeconomics -
20110215             Exchange Rate Regimes/Monetary Policy, Finance, Investment, and Debt, Global Financial Crises, INTERNATIONAL Monetary Fund, New Economy and Productivity, World Economy.
20110215             INTERNATIONAL Trade and INVESTMENT—COMPETITION—POLICY, CORPORATE—GOVERNANCE/Transparency, E—COMMERCE and Technology, Economic Sanctions, Energy, Foreign Direct Investment,
20110215             Intellectual Property Rights, Regional Trading Blocs, Services, Tax Policy, WTO and Other Global Institutions.
20110215             USA—ECONOMIC—POLICY—ECONOMIC—SANCTIONS, Foreign Aid/Technical Assistance.
20110215             Trade Disputes, Trade Promotion AUTHORITY—USA Monetary/Fiscal Policy, USA—TRADE Policy.
20110215             Vice chairman is United Technologies Corporation Chairman, GEORGE—DAVID.
20110215             This SORT—OF—THING is very common in ISRAEL, nothing I havn't seen —BEFORE.
20110215             EUROPAs LUXUS—LASTESEL hebt ab
20110215             Karlsruher Atomsuppe sorgt für MILLIARDEN—FIASKO
20110215             DEUTSCHLANDs Eliten baden gerne LAU—SCHWEIGEN für den guten Ruf
20110215             Verbraucherschützer gehen gegen Banken vor
20110215             Zusammenstöße in ÄGYPTEN fordern TOTE—AMPUTATION nach Fehldiagnose
20110215             EU—POLITIKER entschärfen RICHT—LINIE zur Netzzensur
20110215             APPLE—ZULIEFERER beschäftigen KINDERARBEITER—JOSCHKA Fischer prangert PUTIN an
20110215             Berlusconi muss wegen SEX—AFFÄRE vor Gericht
20110215             SICHERHEITSkontrolleur bestahl systematisch Flugreisende
20110215             mit Verschwörerminen, alle irgendwie aufgeregt.
20110215             Und vor allem: 1. SICHERHEITSleute. WALKIE—TALKIES.
20110215             Ein offizieller Fotograf kam, die Wartenden zu fotografieren.
20110215             Doch, ich war richtig.
20110215             SCHWARZE Armbänder wurden verteilt, auch die brauchte man, sie passten zur schwarzen Kordel, hinter der sich die Wartenden stauten.
20110215             Die Schlange war immer
20110215             noch lang, als sich um 5—VOR 8—ERBARMUNGSLOS die Tür schloss, zu voll, nichts zu machen.
20110215             —BIS Madonna ankam, verging eine weitere halbe —STUNDE, sie ging direkt durch die Tiefgarage in den Saal.
20110215             BELAFONTE: Nein, niemals.
20110215             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Ach kommen Sie, jeder ist mal müde!
20110215             BELAFONTE: Ich nicht. Du darfst nicht müde werden.
20110215             —GEWONNEN, Wenn Du müde wirst, haben die anderen. Wer Hoffnung hat, hat Kraft.
20110215             BELAFONTE: Nein, nicht wenn sie einem höheren Zweck dienen.
20110215             Sie waren bei der gleichen PLATTEN—FIRMA wie Elvis und legten zeitgleich mit ihm 1—POPKARRIERE—VON—BIS DAHIN unbekannten Ausmaßen hin...
20110215             BELAFONTE: Entschuldigung, bleiben wir genau: —ERST kam ich, dann Elvis.
20110215             BELAFONTE: Ganz ehrlich, ich weiß es auch nicht.
20110215             THE—TUNISIA—GOVERNMENT rejects calls from ROME to deploy ITALY—POLICE—OFFICERS on its territory to tackle 1—SUDDEN—WAVE—OF—MIGRATION.
20110215             —STARTED, Who, it? How revolutions actually happen
20110215             EGYPT—MILITARY dissolves PARLIAMENT, calls for elections Author: News Desk
20110215             EGYPT—MILITARY dissolves PARLIAMENT, suspends THE—CONSTITUTION and calls for 1—ELECTION in —6—MONTHS. read more
20110215             YEMEN police use tasers on protesters, says rights group Author: News Desk
20110215             1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP accuses YEMEN—POLICE—OF using tasers against protesters. read more
20110215             Concern at alcohol admission rise
20110215             —DELAYED, Mubarak, exit in order to move secret funds, say intel sources Author: intelNew
20110215             1—OF—THE—REASONS why EGYPT's disgraced EX—PRESIDENT kept prolonging his rule amidst ferocious ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS—THIS—MONTH, was to transfer billions of
20110215             DOLLAR—WORTH of personal assets into bank accounts —AROUND the world.
20110215             Infertility Could Impede Human Space Colonization Author: timothy
20110215             intellitech writes "THE—PROSPECT—OF—LONG—TERM—SPACE—TRAVEL has led scientists to consider, increasingly seriously, the —FOLLOWING conundrum: if travelling to 1—NEW—HOME might
20110215             take THOUSANDS—OF—YEARS, would humans be able to successfully procreate along the way?
20110215             The early indications from NASA are not encouraging.
20110215             Space, it seems, is simply not a - good place to have sex".
20110215             Zum Valentinstag: Bitte keine Blumen
20110215             DEUTSCHLAND ist der weltgrößte Schnittblumenmarkt.
20110215             Die hier gekauften Blumen verursachen jährlich so VIELE—TREIBHAUSGASE wie DAS—LAND ERITREA.
20110215             Und dann sorgen die
20110215             ROBERT—BLUMENFARMEN auch noch für katastrophale Arbeitsbedingungen.
20110215             Von JOHANNA—TREBLIN und NICK—REIMER—SPINNING black holes twist light
20110215             —EMITTED, Researchers propose 1—METHOD to detect the light, near spinning black holes, suggesting that THE—TWISTING—OF—SPACE—TIME—TWISTS the light itself.
20110215             BERN stimmt für die Atomkraft
20110215             DIE—BEWOHNER des SCHWEIZER—KANTONS haben sich mehrheitlich für ein neues ATOM—KRAFTWERK in Mühleberg entschieden.
20110215             Das Ergebnis ist nur 1—STIMMUNGSBILD: 20120000             will der
20110215             Bundesrat über den Neubau entscheiden, 20130000             sollen ALLE—SCHWEIZER abstimmen.
20110215             Von JOHANNA—TREBLIN
20110215             With cybersecurity issues mounting, SOME—OBSERVERS are pounding out 1—PERSISTENT and mounting DRUMBEAT—OF—WAR, calling for preparing the battlefield, even saying that the
20110215             USA is already fully into a "cyberwar," that it is, in fact, losing.
20110215             We disagree. CYBERspace is not 1—WAR—ZONE.
20110215             SAUDI—ARABIA—STUDENTS In USA Seek Segregation By Gender On FACEBOOK Author: timothy
20110215             Beetle B. writes "A 22,000-member group for Saudis studying in THE—USA—ON the social networking website FACEBOOK has been SPLIT into 2—GROUPS, 1 for women and 1 for men.
20110215             THE—SPLIT follows 1—REQUEST from the group's female members who wanted extra privacy.
20110215             The separate page for SAUDI—ARABIA—WOMEN is 1—VALID—DECISION.
20110215             We took it to fulfill THE—WISHES—OF—THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—WOMEN in THE—USA.
20110215             —CONTACTED, We have been, by 1—LOT—OF—WOMEN asking for their private group,' Majed Aleid, media chair of the 'Saudis in THE—USA' group, told
20110215             Arab News in a letter".
20110215             Cementing TIES—BRITAIN and RUSSIA look to improve relations despite disputes
20110215             Malaria parasites use attack plan
20110215             EDINBURGH University scientists claim malaria is particularly deadly because the parasites which carry it battle other infections for survival.
20110215             FBI Releases File On THE—ANARCHIST—COOKBOOK Author: CmdrTaco
20110215             1—ANONYMOUS—READER noted that THE—FBI has released its file on THE—ANARCHIST—COOKBOOK, 19710000             —THE manual of mayhem.
20110215             It's 1—PRETTY—LONG—PDF that isn't actually OCRd BUT—THERE—SOME—CRAZY—STUFF in there.
20110215             But my personal favorite is the scanned in images of 3.5?
20110215             floppy disks.
20110215             READ MORE—OF—THIS STORY—MEET THE—MILITARY—MEN who will be running EGYPT —NOW
20110215             In its address to the nation —FOLLOWING the announcement that PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK was stepping down, EGYPT—MILITARY cautiously expressed admiration for the many
20110215             † "martyrs" who, in THE—WEEKS—OF—PROTEST.
20110215             But having THE—MILITARY—STEP in to take control is is only meant to be 1—TEMPORARY—MEASURE.
20110215             THE—HISTORY—OF—TOO—BIG—TO—FAIL
20110215             It's the silent concession underlying almost EVERY—GOVERNMENT—BAILOUT—OF—1—PRIVATE—COMPANY: the idea that, should the company fail, society as 1—WHOLE would suffer.
20110215             Spiral Light From Spinning Black Holes Could Challenge EINSTEIN Author: Lisa Grossman
20110215             Rotating black holes could leave 1—TWISTY signature on light escaping their gravitational maws.
20110215             If this screwy light can be detected from Earth, it would give astronomers a
20110215             new way to detect exotic black holes and 1—NEW—TEST—OF—EINSTEIN—THEORY—OF—GENERAL—RELATIVITY, says 1—TEAM—OF—PHYSICISTS.
20110215             1—SIMMERING cyberwar with CUBA Author: NICK—MIROFF
20110215             —WORRIED, CUBA is, THE—USA—WILL use THE—INTERNET to foment uprising on THE—ISLAND. read more
20110215             Spacecraft ready for comet flyby
20110215             EGYPT: —NOW police demonstrate Author: JON—JENSEN
20110215             [KAIRO]CAIRO policemen march to demand higher wages and more respect. read more
20110215             Breaking: ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS—SPREAD to IRAN.
20110215             Thousands march together —TODAY.[link] Der ÖL—PREIS steigt weiter
20110215             FLUG—LINIEN erheben einen Kerosinzuschlag, Reiseveranstalter geben ihn an die Kunden weiter: Auch —NACH—DEM Sieg der DEMONSTRANTEN auf TAHRIR—PLATZ in KAIRO kostet Rohöl so
20110215             Aus BERLIN NICK—REIMER
20110215             PENTAGON's 20120000             Spending Proposal Is 'THE—LARGEST—REQUEST—EVER'—SINCE—WORLD—WAR II Author: Tanya Somanader
20110215             —TODAY, DEFENSE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES will formally unveil THE—PENTAGON—SPENDING plan on Capitol Hill.
20110215             Promising to request "the minimum level of funding we can live
20110215             with," defense officials, congressional aides, and analysts insist that the proposal "will make clear that THE—POST—20010911              MILITARY—SPENDING spree has ended".
20110215             But THE—ACTUAL—NUMBER tells 1—DIFFERENT—STORY: THE—PENTAGON'S $553—BILLION price —TAG for 20120000             actually marks "the largest request ever" —WWII—SINCE:
20110215             —REVEALED, DEFENSE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES already has, THE—PENTAGON will seek $553—BILLION in its 20120000             PENTAGON budget plan — the largest request ever — and slower growth than
20110215             planned over the next —4—YEARS.
20110215             —REVEALED, He also has, proposals to end several major weapons programs, including the Marine Corps' Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV).
20110215             That means the spending plan "will be ANTI—CLIMACTIC in the broad sense," ACCORDING—TO, 1—SENIOR—HOUSE—DEFENSE—AIDE.
20110215             As Center for USA—PROGRESS—SENIOR—FELLOW and
20110215             IN—INFLATION—ADJUSTED DOLLAR, this figure is higher than at ANY—TIME —DURING THE—BUSH—YEARS or —DURING the Cold War". In fact, the total MILITARy budget —THIS—YEAR "comes in at a
20110215             thumping $750—BILLION — 1—ANNUAL—TAX—OF—MORE than $7,000 on EVERY—HOUSEHOLD in the country".
20110215             And —WHILE there are clear ways to cut $1—TRILLION from THE—PENTAGON budget, it
20110215             seems that MANY—IN—THE—GOP have no intention of doing so.
20110215             Gonorrhea Steals DNA From Humans Author: DUNCAN—GEERE
20110215             —DISCOVERED, Researchers have, THE—1.—CASE—OF—1—DIRECT—TRANSFER—OF—1—HUMAN—DNA fragment to 1—BACTERIAL genome.
20110215             The guilty party? Gonorrhea.
20110215             —EXPOSED, GOLD—BUYING firms, by OFT
20110215             3—COMPANIES that buy gold from consumers by —POST have been ordered by 1—WATCHDOG to improve their TREATMENT—OF—CUSTOMERS.
20110215             With all THE—PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS going on in the world, why don't we stage our own —DAY—OF—PRO—TEST against the renewal and expansion of the patriot act?
20110215             Come on AMERICA! LET—MARCH—FOR—CIVIL—LIBERTIES and the natural rights guaranteed us by THE—CONSTITUTION![link]
20110215             Oil jumps with MIDDLE—EAST—UNREST
20110215             The price of certain GRADES—OF—OIL — including THE—UK—BRENT crude — jumps amid political protests in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20110215             EGYPT—PROTESTS erupt over pay
20110215             Fresh protests and strikes erupt in EGYPT as demonstrators demand better pay and conditions from the country's new MILITARy rulers.
20110215             —ASKED, UK, to freeze EGYPT assets
20110215             WISCONSIN GOVERNOR—WALKER Threatens To Deploy National Guard As 'Intimidation Force' Against Workers' Unions Author: Guest Blogger
20110215             —LAST—MONTH, OHIO GOVERNOR—JOHN—KASICH (R) said that if employees strike, "they should be fired," and FORMER—MINNESOTA GOVERNOR—TIM—PAWLENTY (R) wrote in 1—OP—ED that the moral case
20110215             for unions "does not apply to public employment".
20110215             —NOW, facing a $137.000.000 budget deficit, WISCONSIN GOVERNOR—SCOTT—WALKER has proposed a "budget repair bill" that would
20110215             severely limit collective bargaining, eliminate THE—RIGHT—OF—UNIONS to negotiate pensions, retirement and benefits.
20110215             Walker is facing fierce criticism for this ALL—OUT assault against state workers, especially —AFTER he insisted that the "National Guard" will be used against 1—WALKOUT:
20110215             —WHEN, asked by 1—REPORTER what will happen if workers resist, Walker replied that he would call out the National Guard.
20110215             —PREPARED, He said that the National Guard is "... for
20110215             whatever THE—GOVERNOR, their COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF, might call for.
20110215             I am fully prepared for whatever may happen".
20110215             —CALLED, Traditionally, the National Guard is, to assist Americans in TIMES—OF—CRISIS;
20110215             particularly deplorable.
20110215             —DEPLOYED, Guards were.
20110215             —OBJECTED, Veterans have strongly, to WALKER—RECENT intent to use the National Guard as 1—VESSEL to intimidate state workers.
20110215             —RELEASED, VoteVet, a
20110215             statement —TODAY that says Walker shouldn't use the National Guard as an "intimidation force":
20110215             "Maybe the new GOVERNOR doesn't understand yet — but the National Guard is not his own personal intimidation force to be mobilized to quash political dissent ," said Robin
20110215             Eckstein, 1—FORMER—WISCONSIN—NATIONAL—GUARD—MEMBER, IRAQ War Veteran from APPLEton, WI, and MEMBER—OF—VOTEVETS_org.
20110215             THE—GUARD is to be used in CASE—OF—TRUE—EMERGENCIES and disasters, to help the people of WISCONSIN, not to bully political opponents.
20110215             Considering MANY—VETERANS and Guard members are union members, it's even more inappropriate to use the Guard in this way.
20110215             This is 1—VERY—DANGEROUS—LINE THE—GOVERNOR is about to cross".
20110215             WISCONSIN state employee unions already made $100.000.000 in concessions last December.
20110215             —NOW, under WALKER—NEW—PROPOSAL, state workers would have to make further sacrifices
20110215             —BY, doubling their contributions to health insurance premiums and increasing allocations to their pensions.
20110215             WALKER—BILL would effectively take away THE—RIGHT—OF—STATE
20110215             employees to collectively bargain for everything from vacation, sick hours, and even the hours they work.
20110215             But, smacking of political favoritism for THE—UNIONS that supported
20110215             WALKER—CAMPAIGN, THE—STATE—PATROL, local police, and fire departments would stay absolutely unchanged.
20110215             In response to WALKER—ASSAULT, THE—WISCONSIN—STATE—AFL—CIO launched 1—MAJOR advertising campaign, in which they say Walker and other politicians plan to "take away rights
20110215             of THOUSANDS—OF—NURSES, teachers and other trusted PUBLIC—EMPLOYEES" with almost no public debate.
20110215             1—PATTERN is emerging, where REPUBLICAN dominated governments across the country are shaping up to strip workers' rights.
20110215             In addition to WALKER—NEW—PROPOSAL, —LAST—WEEK,
20110215             OHIO GOVERNOR—KASICH said that if lawmakers don't pass 1—COLLECTIVE bargaining bill that he approves, Kasich will impose his own changes in THE—OHIO budget —NEXT—MONTH.
20110215             —FOLLOWING—IN lockstep, INDIANA, IDAHO, and TENNESSEE all have legislation in the works to strip teachers' ability to collectively bargain.
20110215             — PAUL—BREER
20110215             —FINED, AMAZON pollution: Chevron
20110215             1—COURT—IN—ECUADOR fines USA—OIL—GIANT—CHEVRON 1 reported $8bn (£5bn) for polluting MUCH—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AMAZON region.
20110215             Street battles in YEMEN—CAPITAL
20110215             Unrest in YEMEN turns ugly as protesters clash with police and government loyalists in SANAA on a 4. —DAY—OF—RALLIES.
20110215             Bad News For MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX: IRAQ Delays PURCHASE—OF—USA—FIGHTER—JETS — IRAQ is delaying the purchase of 18—USA—FIGHTER—JETS over budget problems and has
20110215             decided to funnel the money into food for the poor instead.[link] PRESSURES—OF—PRESIDENCY: Obama Loses 30—POUNDS—SINCE Taking Office
20110215             HE—ONLY been PRESIDENT for —2—YEARS, but his body is already showing the tell tale SIGNS—OF—STRESS, with experts —NOW predicting he has lost nearly 30—POUNDS.
20110215             Cops beat 2—SLEEPING college students, ransack their house.
20110215             Oops, wrong house.
20110215             —NOW can we end the Insane WAR—ON—DRUGS?ALGERIA town hit by new clashes
20110215             HUNDREDS—OF—YOUTHS clash with security forces —DURING protests in THE—NORTH—ALGERIA—TOWN—OF—AKBOU, as police reportedly use tear gas and batons.
20110215             'Drug financier' held in COLOMBIA
20110215             COLOMBIA—SECURITY—FORCES capture 1—MAN they say runs the finances and logistics of 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST powerful drug gangs.
20110215             A region in upheaval Author: News Desk - 1. TUNISIA, then EGYPT.
20110215             As unrest spreads, here's everything you need to know.
20110215             Strike threat to EGYPT—PAY—ROW is THE 1. big —TEST for the new MILITARy government
20110215             —INVESTIGATED, New emails reveal that the private spy company, the families and children of THE—CHAMBER—POLITICAL opponents.
20110215             New euro fund to be 500bn euros
20110215             EURO—ZONE—LEADERS agree to set up 1—BAIL—OUT fund for the euro of 500bn euros — almost double the current amount provided.
20110215             ASSANGE Urged DELAY—OF—CABLES to Protect Manning Author: KIM—ZETTER
20110215             —OPPOSED, JULIAN—ASSANGE, immediate PUBLICATION—OF—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—CABLES—OUT—OF—FEAR that it would help confirm that Army Pfc.
20110215             —PASSED, BRADLEY—MANNING had illegally, the
20110215             classified material to WIKILEAKS, ACCORDING—TO, 1—NEW—BOOK written by journalists at THE—GUARDIAN.
20110215             Darpa Gets Big Bucks for 'CYBER Tech' (Whatever That Means) Author: SPENCER—ACKERMAN
20110215             THE—JUST—RELEASED PENTAGON budget gives Darpa HALF—A—BILLION in new cash "to invest in cyber technologies".
20110215             With no elaboration. They're —JUST throwing money —AROUND.
20110215             Drinking habits | 1—MAP—OF—WORLD alcohol consumption
20110215             The biggest boozers are found in EUROPE and in THE—FORMER—SOVIET—STATES.
20110215             Moldovans are the most bibulous, getting through 18.2—LITRES each, nearly 2—LITRES more than the Czechs
20110215             in 2. place.
20110215             —RECKONED, Over 10—LITRES—OF—1—MOLDOVAN—ANNUAL intake is, to be 'unrecorded' HOME—BREWED liquor, making it particularly harmful to health.
20110215             Such MOONSHINE—ACCOUNTS for almost 30—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—DRINKING.
20110215             THE—WHO estimates that alcohol results in 2.5m deaths —1—YEAR, more than AIDS or tuberculosis.
20110215             RUSSIA, and its FORMER—SATELLITE—STATES 1 in 5—MALE—DEATHS is caused by drink.
20110215             DENNIS—KUCINICH — MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS are OUT—OF—WORK, losing their homes, their savings, their pensions, their retirement security.
20110215             We are losing our Nation to Lies ABOUT—THE—NECESSITY—OF—WARS.
20110215             Bring our Troops home. End the war.
20110215             Secure our economy.[link] Feds Seize 18—MORE—DOMAINS in Piracy Crackdown Author: DAVID—KRAVETS
20110215             —SEIZED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, 18—MORE—INTERNET domains —MONDAY, bringing to at least 119 THE—NUMBER—OF—SEIZURES —FOLLOWING the June commencement of THE—SO—CALLED "Operation in
20110215             Our Sites" ANTI—PIRACY program.
20110215             Spy Games: Inside the Convoluted Plot to Bring Down WIKILEAKS Author: NATE—ANDERSON, Ars Technica
20110215             GOOD—NATURED advice for him: "Scare the sh*t out of them!" In retrospect, this may not have been the advice Barr needed.
20110215             House Extends Key Patriot Act Provisions Author: DAVID—KRAVETS
20110215             —VOTED, THE—HOUSE, —MONDAY to extend to 20111203             expiring provisions of the Patriot Act spy legislation.
20110215             Harter —WINTER bremst Aufschwung
20110215             —AUSGEWIESEN, Das angeblich letzte Screening des Tages war für 1745—UHR.
20110215             Doch dann, immer mehr Menschen
20110215110841       DEUTSCHLAND streitet über AUFNAHME—VON—TUNESIERN (Politik, 07:12)
20110215110901       Bundeswehr buhlt um Geringqualifizierte (Politik, 08:05)
20110215110915       PORTUGALs Wirtschaft wächst um 1,4 % (Wirtschaft, 08:20)
20110215112716       CHINAs Inflation schnellt auf 5 % (Wirtschaft, 08:43)
20110215113902       TUNISIA rejects ITALY police call
20110215114358       Wie geht das, —50—JAHRE im ZENTRUM—DER—MENSCHENRECHTSKÄMPFE zu stehen?
20110215114526       Sie waren
20110215114606       Der Kampf war meine Rettung.
20110215114821       - sind solche strategischen Freundschaften nicht anstrengend?
20110215114843       Du darfst nie aufhören an DIE—MENSCHEN zu glauben.
20110215114905       Sind Sie manchmal erschöpft?
20110215121230       Wer wirklich wichtig ist, macht sich RAR—UND wird noch wichtiger.
20110215121436       was überlebt hat, sind die GESCHICHTEN—VON—GESTANDENEN—FILMKRITIKERN, die in Tränen AUSBRACHEN—WEIL sie keinen Einlass fanden.
20110215122258       Neben der Tür, vor der wir warteten, stand 1—TAFEL mit Terminen.
20110215122619       in einem "frenzy" gewesen, 1—WORT, für das es im DEUTSCHEN viele gibt: Wahnsinn, Ekstase, Taumel.
20110215122639       Verknappung ist das Stichwort!
20110215124215       UV—LICHT lässt VAN—GOGH—GEMÄLDE verblassen (Wissenschaft, 09:02)
20110215124228       EU verdoppelt KRISEN—FONDS auf 500—MILLIARDEN EURO (Wirtschaft, 09:14)
20110215124253       Mensch und Maschine im KOPF—AN—KOPF—RENNEN (Netzwelt, 09:49)
20110215124314       Blutige Kämpfe der Drogenkartelle fordern 18—TOTE (Panorama, 11:05)
20110215124404       VALENTINS—RENDEZVOUS im All ist geglückt (Wissenschaft, 11:28)
20110215124419       Bahrains POLIZEI schießt auf Trauerprozession (Politik, 11:49)
20110215141639       Patienten müssen immer häufiger selbst zahlen (Wirtschaft, 12:14)
20110215141649       Chevron kämpft gegen höchste Umweltstrafe aller Zeiten (Wirtschaft, 12:42)
20110215141712       Lavendelöl tötet gefährliche Hautpilze (Wissenschaft, 13:31)
20110215141726       WestLB soll zur RestLB schrumpfen (Wirtschaft, 13:39)
20110215141801       "FAZ" und "SZ" wollen nicht zitiert werden (Netzwelt, 14:14)
20110215141809       ZAHL—DER—PSYCHISCHEN Erkrankungen steigt auf Rekordhoch (Wirtschaft, 14:43)
20110215151228       —ADMMITED, The article doesn't say the video actually, anything — only very strongly implied.
20110215161335       Title: Incoming Senate More Conservative Source: USA—CONSERVATIVE—UNION
20110215181627       GLOBALIZATION—GLOBALIZATION and Environment, Globalization and Labor Issues and Impact, Migration, POLITICS—OF—GLOBALIZATION.
20110215190740       —EDUCATED, EGYPT: In Focus Rapid job creation, particularly for, youth,
20110215205022       —ESTABLISHED, LINCOLN—LABORATORY quickly, 1—REPUTATION for pioneering advanced electronics in air defense systems.
20110215210225       This is THE—LA—TEST transitional step in EGYPT, where THE—MILITARY has been in charge —SINCE—FRIDAY, —AFTER MUBARAK—RESIGNATION was announced.
20110215210333       "We noticed THE—ABSENCE—OF—THE—FATHER—TO—CHILD—LIKE—INSTRUCTIONS as they spoke to the youth".
20110215210454       The only reason THE—SUPREME—COUNCIL—OF—THE—ARMED—FORCES took charge was to protect the "legitimacy of 20110125             —THE revolution," Ghonim said.
20110215210615       —CREATED, The ministry, 1—FACEBOOK page in 1—ATTEMPT to bring back "good relations with THE—PUBLIC and improve THE—IMAGE—OF—EGYPT—POLICE," ACCORDING—TO, 1—STATEMENT carried by state media.
20110215210745       PRINCETON—NEW—JERSEY (CNN)
20110215210833       —FOCUSED, For over —1—DECADE, USA—POLICYMAKERS have been, on the threat posed by terrorist organizations that are tied to Islamic fundamentalism.
20110215210843       have been focused on
20110215211459       As Yale Professor STEPHEN—CARTER wrote in "THE—DAILY—BEAST," in 1—ARTICLE crediting PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH for insisting on THE—APPEAL—OF—DEMOCRACY—THROUGHOUT—THE, globe:
20110215222948       POLIZEI fordert 0—PROMILLE—GRENZE
20110215223019       Strahlenalarm auf DEUTSCHEN—SCHROTTPLÄTZEN
20110215223029       Schiffe verpesten Luft mehr als Flugzeuge
20110215223056       —VERSPRICHT, EU—ITALIEN Hilfe
20110215223102       —VERLÄNGERT, Ballaststoffreiche Ernährung, das Leben
20110215223121       EU startet ABSCHOTTUNGS—AKTION gegen Flüchtlinge
20110215223128       Wie 1—SICHERHEITSFIRMA—ÖKO—AKTIVISTEN ausspähte
20110215223154       Griff nach der WELT—MACHT (Wirtschaft, 22:24)
20110215224052       —NUN, aber ist der einstige Führer der Nation mehr oder minder Freiwild
20110215224128       Mubarak sei keineswegs 1—EXZENTRIKER wie manch andere arabische Despoten.
20110215230120       Beim CO2-Ausstoß halten sich beide TRANSPORT—MITTEL die Waage
20110215230148       haben Wissenschaftler vom DEUTSCHEN—LUFT—UND Raumfahrtzentrum (DLR) 1—UNTERSUCHUNG veröffentlicht, die möglicherweise zu einem Umdenken führen könnte,
20110215234920       gab es im vergangenen —JAHR 13,5 % mehr Krankheitstage wegen psychischer LEIDEN als 20090000            .
20110215235518       "Watson", benannt —NACH—DEM Unternehmer THOMAS—J—WATSON—SENIOR.
20110215235805       Die zentrale Frage lautet: Wann lernen Rechner denken?
20110215235854       - je mehr Fehler er macht, desto mehr lernt er.
20110215—20050000    —IN, NASA—STARDUST spacecraft is about to sweep past Comet Tempel 1, to see how much it has changed —SINCE 1—PROBE last visited the object.
20110215—20050000    —IN, In the aftermath of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS, MORE—THAN—50,000—GUARD—MEMBERS were called to help, and —FOLLOWING Hurricane Katrina, MORE—THAN—50,000
20110215—20050000    —IN, THE world drank the equivalent of 6.1—LITRES of pure alcohol per person, ACCORDING—TO, 1—REPORT from the World Health Organisation published on ;;0211;;.
20110215—20080900    —SEIT, viel wie nicht mehr — Experten rätseln.
20110215—20110217    —FACED, Moamer Kadhafi, rare INTERNET calls for a "—DAY—OF—ANGER" by activists buoyed by THE—OUSTER—OF—VETERAN strongmen on LIBYA—BORDERS, in EGYPT and TUNISIA.
20110215—20140000    —PROMISED, Indeed, —WHILE Gates, to cut $78—BILLION over —5—YEARS, MOST—OF—THAT—REDUCTION would take place and 20150000            .
20110215—20150000    —ADMITTED, THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE being, to hospital in THE—UK for alcohol abuse could rise to 1.500.000 —1—YEAR, ACCORDING—TO, Alcohol Concern.
20110217—20110215    —SINCE, His daughters said they had no word from either of their parents.
20110223             —ARRESTED, Those, included suspect SERGIO—ANTONIO—MORA, who oversaw the man suspected of carrying out 20110215             —THE attack the left agent JAIME—ZAPATA dead.
20110223—20110215    —IN—THE, The army quoted Espinoza as saying 2—OF—THE 5 had participated attack on USA—ICE—AGENTS.
20110305             —CAPTURED, MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE, MARIO—JIMENEZ—PEREZ, drug cartel suspect allegedly linked to 20110215             —THE—KILLING—OF—USA—AGENT—JAIME—ZAPATA, along with 16—OTHER—SUSPECTS.
20110305—20110215    —AM, —2—TAGE bevor der Aufstand in Liby en begann, liefen der Einsatzgruppenversorger A 14110000             BERLIN, die Fregatte F 209—RHEINLAND—PFALZ und die Fregatte F 123—BRANDENBURG "Richtung Mittelmeer" aus Wilhelmshaven aus.
20110323—20110215    —IN—THE, 1—GRAND—JURY in DALLAS indicted 3—TEXAS men on FEDERAL—GUN and conspiracy charges —AFTER officials linked them to 1—GUN used shooting DEATH—OF—USA—AGENT—JAIME—ZAPATA in MEXICO.
20110402—20110215    —IN—THE, MEXICO, JOSE—MANUEL—GARCIA—SOTO, alias "El Safado," or "THE—CRAZY 1," was arrested in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—S—LUIS—POTOSI for participating KILLING—OF—JAIME—ZAPATA and wounding of VICTOR—AVILA.
20120126—20080215    —IN—THE, THE—MEXICO—ARMY announced THE—ARREST—OF—OSCAR—SANTOYO—RODRIGUEZ, alias "El Mosco, 1—SUSPECT, bombing attempt aimed at 1—MUNICIPAL—POLICE—OFFICIAL in MEXICO—CITY.
20120215             —BLOCKED, EAST—VENEZUELA, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, streets and burned tires in MATURIN to demand clean water —AFTER a 20120204             oil spill polluted rivers and streams that supply local storage tanks.
20120215             —ADDED, USA—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS, 1—CHARGE in the corruption case against FORMER—DETROIT Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.
20120215             —CRASHED, WYOMING, 1—SEARCH and rescue helicopter, —WHILE attempting to rescue 1 injured snowmobiler.
20120215             † 1—VOLUNTEER crew member was killed.
20120215             1—REPORT from Save the Children said 5—CHILDREN—AROUND the world die EVERY—MINUTE because of chronic malnutrition.
20120215             It also said that almost half 1—BILLION children risk are at risk of permanent damage over the next —15—YEARS.
20120215             —RESCUED, AFGHANISTAN—POLICE in Kunar province, 41—CHILDREN from becoming suicide bombers as they were about to be smuggled across the mountains into PAKISTAN.
20120215             AUSTRALIA, some 3,500 workers from mining giant BHP BILLITON—QUEENSLAND coal mines began a —7—DAY—STRIKE in what unions said was 1—OF—THE—NATION—LARGEST—INDUSTRIAL—STOPPAGES in —1—DECADE.
20120215             —FIRED, BAHRAIN—POLICE, tear gas and birdshot at PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTERS and arrested dozens in clashes that raged overnight and into —EARLY—TODAY, as the kingdom marked the 1. ANNIVERSARY—OF—1—SHIITE—LED uprising.
20120215             —SHOWED, Official data, that BRITAIN—UNEMPLOYMENT—RATE hit a —16—MONTH peak in THE—3—MONTHS to December, —WHILE THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE claiming jobless benefits struck the highest total in —2—YEARS.
20120215             —EXPRESSED, CHINA—TOP—CENTRAL—BANKER, confidence in the euro and pledged to continue buying European sovereign debt, as THE—ASIA—GIANT seeks to shore up support for its biggest trading partner.
20120215             † CHINA—HEALTH—AUTHORITIES and state media said 4—WORKERS have and about 30—HAVE fallen ill from suspected glue poisoning that caused severe nerve damage.
20120215             —WORKED, The victims, in GUANGZHOU city in shoe and bag factories with poor ventilation, MOST—OF—THEM illegal, and started falling ill —LAST—YEAR—AFTER handling poor quality glue.
20120215             —KILLED, CHINA, 15—MINERS were, and 3—OTHERS hurt —WHEN the mine carriages they were in plunged into 1—TUNNEL in Hunan province.
20120215             † Authorities said more than 600—PEOPLE in EAST—EUROPE have —DURING 1—RECORD—BREAKING cold snap.
20120215             —BLAMED, Officials in THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC, 2—MASSIVE—CAR—PILE—UPS on blinding snow.
20120215             † AUTHORITIES—IN—RUSSIA—SAID—205—PEOPLE—HAVE, —WHILE in UKRAINE there have been 112—FATALITIES;
20120215             † in POLAND, 107. Authorities said 7—PEOPLE have, in ROMANIA in the past —24—HOURS, bringing the total there to 86—DEATHS.
20120215             —ADDED, PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD said IRAN has, 3,000 more centrifuges to its uranium enrichment effort increasing the total to 9,000, as he unveiled progress in his country's controversial nuclear program.
20120215             IRAN began loading domestically made nuclear fuel rods into its TEHRAN research reactor.
20120215             IRAN also said it was considering cutting oil sales to 6—EU countries in retaliation to 1—EU ban on IRAN—OIL imports that is being phased in as existing contracts expire up to 20120701            .
20120215             —WOUNDED, IRAQ, gunmen wearing military uniforms seriously, 1—POLICEMAN and killed his wife and 2—CHILDREN in 1—ATTACK on his home in Jurf AL—SAKHAR, SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20120215             —FIRED, Guards on 1—ITALY—CARGO ship, the Enrica Lexie, at 1—INDIA—FISHING boat off Kerala state that it mistook for 1—PIRATE vessel, killing 2—FISHERMEN.
20120215             —WARNED, ROME, that the 2 were soldiers who enjoyed immunity.
20120215             —ARRESTED, MALAYSIA police, Masoud Sedaghatzadeh, a 3. IRAN—SUSPECT sought —AFTER explosive blasts in BANGKOK.
20120215             Hajah Noraihan, THE—MALAYSIA—CONSUL to UGANDA, said that more than 600—UGANDA—GIRLS are currently trapped in MALAYSIA—PROSTITUTION—RINGS.
20120215             UGANDA—HONORARY consul in KUALA—LUMPUR said that at least 3—UGANDANS have been killed there in the last —2—YEARS.
20120215             —DETAINED, MEXICO—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS said they have, 4—PEOPLE in Tlaxcala state, who for almost —1—DECADE lured unsuspecting young MEXICO—WOMEN to THE—USA to force them into prostitution.
20120215             Police found the mutilated bodies of 6—MEN inside plastic bags dumped on 1—ROAD leading to the tourist CITY—OF—CUERNAVACA, Morelos state.
20120215             —STORMED, NIGERIA, attackers, 1—FEDERAL—PRISON with heavy gunfire and explosives, killing 1—GUARD and freeing 119—INMATES in KOTON—KARIFI, Kogi state.
20120215             —SUSPENDED, NORWAY—STATE railroads, testing of 1—NEW—SWISS—MADE train —AFTER 5—PEOPLE were injured —WHEN it derailed and slammed into 1—MOUNTAINSIDE —DURING 1—TEST—RUN.
20120215             —ARRESTED, PUERTO—RICO—BARCELONETA—MAYOR—SOL—LUIS—FONTANEZ, was, in 1—RESTAURANT parking lot and accused by FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS—OF accepting $55,000 in bribes from developers.
20120215             —FIRED, SENEGAL—RIOT—POLICE, tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse protesters trying to hold 1 banned march against PRESIDENT—ABDOULAYE—WADE—BID for a 3. term in office in 1—ELECTION—LATER —THIS—MONTH.
20120215             SOMALIA—PRESIDENT—ASKED—THE—UNITED—NATIONS to lift the arms embargo against his country, saying the recent merger between AL—QAIDA and AL—SHABAB has made THE—DROPPING—OF—THE—ARMS—BAN—NECESSARY.
20120215             SOUTH—SUDAN said KHARTOUM—DECISION to stop THE—RETURN—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SOUTHERNERS by barge on the White Nile was 1—LOOMING disaster, and that alternative means were untenable.
20120215             —AGREED, SRI—LANKA—ARMY, for the 1. time to probe war crime charges against its troops and investigate ALLEGATIONS—OF—PRISONER—EXECUTIONS made in 1—BRITISH—TV documentary.
20120215             —FIRED, SRI—LANKA—POLICE, on fishermen protesting fuel price increases near Chilaw, killing 1—PERSON and wounding 3. Police used tear gas and water cannons to stop HUNDREDS—OF—OPPOSITION—MARXIST—PARTY—ACTIVISTS who tried to march to the center of COLOMBO to protest fuel prices.
20120215             —KILLED, THE—LCC said 13—PEOPLE were, in violence —AROUND the country, —WHILE the Observatory put the death toll at 5. 1—OIL—PIPELINE in HOMS was attacked.
20120215             —CALLED, UNITED—NATIONS and EU aid chiefs, for "urgent" assistance for WEST—AFRICA—DROUGHT—HIT—SAHEL region (BURKINA—FASO, CHAD, MALI, MAURITANIA, NIGER), saying it needed $725—MILLION (552—MILLION—EUROS) —THIS—YEAR.
20120215             —APPOINTED, ZIMBABWE, 1—PROVINCIAL—GOVERNOR, by PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE suspended the activities of 29—HUMANITARIAN—ORGANIZATIONS, alleging they did not clear their operations with his office.
20120215             Im INDISCHEN—OZEAN werden 2—TAMILISCHE Fischer von ITALIENISCHEN—MILITÄREINHEITEN vom Öltanker Enrica Lexie aus erschossen, da sie irrtümlich für SOMALISCHE—PIRATEN gehalten werden.
20120215             Dieser Seezwischenfall führte zu diplomatischen Spannungen zwischen ITALIEN und INDIEN.
20120215—19880000    —ELECTED, Fontanez was 1., mayor.
20120215—20080600    —IN, 1—INDICTMENT accused Kilpatrick and pal BOBBY—FERGUSON of extorting $50,000, from 1—CITY—CONTRACTOR who towed vehicles.
20120215—20120219    —ON, INDIA—POLICE took 2—ITALIANS into custody.
20120215—20120226    —ORDERED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD, 1—REFERENDUM on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION that would allow political parties other than his ruling Baath Party, THE—CENTERPIECE—OF—REFORMS he has promised to ease the crisis, even as THE—SYRIA—MILITARY besieged rebellious areas.
20120215—20120530    —GRANTED, THE—2—ITALY—MARINES were, conditional bail.
20120215—20130000    —SPRING—OF, ALABAMA state officials said they will shut down MOST—OF—THE—STATE—MENTAL—HEALTH—HOSPITALS by the in 1—EFFORT to cut costs and change patient treatment.
20121123—20140215    —CONVICTED, Dunn was, on 3—COUNTS—OF attempted murder.
20130114—20130215    —AKTUELLE Berechnungen sprechen für "2012—DA14" 1—NÄCHSTEN Vorbeiflug an der Erde
20130215             Bei Tscheljabinsk tritt 1—METEOR in die Erdatmosphäre ein und explodiert 30—BIS 50—KILOMETER über dem Erdboden.
20130215             Die darauffolgende Druckwelle beschädigt rund 3500—GEBÄUDE.
20130215             1491—MENSCHEN werden durch umherfliegende Glassplitter verletzt.
20130215             Es ist der größte Meteor —SEIT dem Eintritt des TUNGUSKA—METEORIDEN.
20130215             —CHARGED, FORMER—USA REPRESENTATIVE—JESSE—JACKSON—JUNIOR was, with scheming to spend $750,000 in campaign funds on personal expenses.
20130215             —CHARGED, His wife was, with filing false income tax forms.
20130215             Sandi, as she's known, was 1—CHICAGO alderman, but resigned —LAST—MONTH.
20130215             —SPECIALIZED, Xoom, 1—SAN—FRANCISCO—BASED company that, in sending small AMOUNTS—OF—MONEY across borders, debuted on Nasdaq at $16—PER share.
20130215             NEW—YORK—CITY—OFFICIALS said its schoolteacher's pension fund has sold its stock in companies that manufacture guns and ammunition in response to 20121214             —THE, school shooting in NEWTOWN—CONNECTICUT.
20130215             The 150-foot Asteroid 20120000             DA14 came within 1—INCREDIBLE 17,150 miles to Earth, closer than MANY—COMMUNICATION and weather satellites orbiting 22,300 miles up.
20130215             —JAMMED, BAHRAIN, THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT marchers, 1—MAJOR—HIGHWAY as clashes broke out for a 2. —DAY between security forces and protesters marking THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THEIR uprising.
20130215             BANGLADESH, AHMED—RAJIB—HAIDER, 1—ATHEIST blogger, was hacked to death.
20130215             A 2. student, who was sentenced to death in absentia, was accused of planning the attack.
20130215             He was 1—MEMBER—OF—JAMAAT E—ISLAMI—STUDENT wing, Islami Chhatra Shibir.
20130215             BRITAIN—FOOD—STANDARDS—AGENCY (FSA) said it had found 29—POSITIVE—TESTS for horsemeat —AFTER demanding samples from UK retailers engulfed in 1—CONTAMINATION—SCANDAL that is spreading across EUROPE.
20130215             —CONTRACTED, UK—HEALTH—OFFICIALS said a 4. person in BRITAIN has, 1—POTENTIALLY fatal SARS—LIKE—VIRUS which was unknown in humans —UNTIL 1—FEW months ago, but said the risk to the population remained very low.
20130215             —RALLIED, Some 5,000 mostly HARD—LINE—ISLAMISTS, against 1—RECENT—WAVE—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS that have killed —AROUND 70—PEOPLE.
20130215             —AGREED, THE—EU, to begin random DNA checks on meat products in 1—BID to put 1—LID on 1—SPREADING scandal over horsemeat.
20130215             —ORDERED, IRAN, a —6—MONTH—BAN on pistachio exports to try to control THE—PRICE—OF—THE—NUT, which doubled in the past —MONTH.
20130215             IRAN was long the world's largest pistachio exporter, with over 200,000 tons —1—YEAR, but was surpassed —LAST—YEAR by THE—USA.
20130215             —RALLIED, IRAQ, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—SUNNI—MUSLIMS, in several cities to protest what they describe as unfair treatment by the country's SHIITE—LED government, extending concerns over rising sectarian tension in the country.
20130215             —CLASHED, PALESTINE—DEMONSTRATORS, with ISRAEL—SOLDIERS at 1—WEST—BANK—RALLY held in support of Samer Issawi (35), who has been on 1—ON—AGAIN, OFF—AGAIN hunger strike for several months as he serves time for alleged terror activity.
20130215             —ESTIMATED, RUSSIA, 1—METEOR, to be about 10—TONS, streaked through the sky and exploded over CHELYABINSK in the Ural Mountains with the power of 1—ATOMIC—BOMB.
20130215             —SHATTERED, Its sonic blasts, countless windows and injured some 1200—PEOPLE.
20130215             —CLAIMED, SOMALIA, AL—QAEDA—LINKED militants, that they have executed 1—KENYA—SOLDIER—AFTER THE—NAIROBI government failed to meet their demands.
20130215             1—CAR—BOMB detonated by remote control killed 1—PERSON and wounded 2—OTHERS in MOGADISHU.
20130215             SWEDEN—PHOTOGRAPHER PAUL—HANSEN won 20120000             —THE—WORLD—PRESS—PHOTO award for newspaper Dagens Nyheter with a 20131120             picture of 2—PALESTINE—CHILDREN killed in 1—ISRAEL—MISSILE—STRIKE being carried to their funeral.
20130215             SYRIA—ACTIVISTS said heavy fighting for CONTROL—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—ALEPPO and 1—MAJOR—MILITARY—AIR—BASE—NEARBY has killed some 150—REBELS and government soldiers over the past —2—DAYS.
20130215             —KILLED, THE—UN said 1—OUTBREAK—OF hepatitis E has, 111—REFUGEES in camps in SOUTH—SUDAN —SINCE July, and has become endemic in the region.
20130215             —EXPLODIERT, Der Brocken, der über der Stadt Tscheljabinsk, war, war knapp 20—METER—GROß.
20130215             Explosion des Meteors von Tscheljabinsk
20130215—19710000    —CAMPAIGNED, He had, for banning THE—JAMAAT—E—ISLAMI party, which opposed BANGLADESH—INDEPENDENCE from PAKISTAN.
20130215—19950000    —ENTERED, JACKSON, Congress and resigned last —NOVEMBER.
20130215—20010000    —IN, It closed at $25.490. It was cofounded by CEO—JOHN—KUNZE and KEVIN—HARTZ, who's —NOW cofounder of Eventbrite, 1—TICKETING startup.
20130215—20121214    —IN—THE, PRESIDENT—OBAMA bestowed the Presidential Citizens Medal on THE—6—ADULTS killed, NEWTOWN—CONNECTICUT, school shooting.
20130215—20130114    —AM, bei Vorbeiflug an der Erde wird DER—ASTEROID "2012—DA14" der ERD—OBERFLÄCHE voraussichtlich AUF—CA—24.000—KMNAHE kommen.
20130215—20170000    —CONFIRMED, BANGLADESH—HIGH—COURT, the death penalty for Faisal bin Nayeem, who the court said hacked Haider with meat cleavers in front of his house in DHAKA.
20131101   , DAS unbemannte KAMPF—FLUGZEUG
20140215             —KILLED, CALIFORNIA, 1—WOMAN and her 4—CHILDREN were, in their SUV near Riverdale —AFTER 1—DRIVER in 1—MINIVAN failed to yield at 1—STOP sign.
20140215             —KILLED, COLORADO, 1—AVALANCHE, 2—SKIERS and injured 3—OTHERS on Star Mountain near Leadville.
20140215             —ATTACKED, NEW—JERSEY, JULIO—LOPEZ—CRUZ, —18—JAHRE—ALT was, as he headed to his NEW—JERSEY home with SOME—GROCERIES.
20140215             He † 1—SHORT—TIME —LATER.
20140215             NEW—YORK—CITY, JEROME—MURDOUGH (56, 1—MENTALLY ill former veteran, was found dead in his jail cell on Rikers ISLAND.
20140215             —RECORDED, The temperature in the cell was, at 101—DEGREES due to equipment malfunction.
20140215             —PLANNED, In May his mother, to file a $25—MILLION—LAWSUIT against NEW—YORK—CITY.
20140215             —IMPROVISED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1, explosive device killed 1—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBER.
20140215             —JOINED, BAHRAIN, supporters of the main Shiite opposition bloc, the anniversary rally called by the opposition AL—WEFAQ movement to press its campaign for 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—MONARCHY.
20140215             —CLASHED, Thousands, with security forces and brought THE—STREETS—OF—MANAMA to 1—STANDSTILL.
20140215             —REPORTED, BRAZIL—FOLHA—DE—S—PAULO newspaper, that water is being rationed to nearly 6—MILLION—PEOPLE living in 11—STATES.
20140215             —OPENED, Apple, 1—RETAIL—STORE in RIO—DE—JANEIRO, its 1. retail store in SOUTH—AMERICA.
20140215             —PRICED, Its 16GB iPhone 5s was, at $1,076.
20140215             † 2—PEOPLE in WEATHER—RELATED incidents as storms continue to batter BRITAIN.
20140215             Officials said that 22—SEVERE—FLOOD—WARNINGS are in place.
20140215             —EXPECTED, More heavy rain and winds were.
20140215             —SEIZED, THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—FRENCH, and AFRICA—PEACEKEEPERS, weapons from militia in BANGUI, but failed to detain 1 wanted leader of the rogue groups.
20140215             † In CongoDRC JOURNALIST—GERMAIN—KENNEDY—MULIWAVYO, —30—JAHRE—ALT—AFTER being shot in the head and stomach —DURING 1—AMBUSH 60—KM outside of Beni.
20140215             IRAQ—TROOPS fought to retake full CONTROL—OF—SULAIMAN—PEK from militants who overran parts of it —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK.
20140215             —KILLED, SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD ISIL militants, at least 8—SOLDIERS in overnight clashes in Jurf AL—SAKHA.
20140215             12—MILITANTS were also killed.
20140215             —ERUPTED, Fighting, in Ramadi between militants and security forces backed by tribesmen.
20140215             —ANNOUNCED, PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI, over $83—MILLION in construction funds and training for allied tribal militia —DURING 1—VISIT—SATURDAY to Ramadi.
20140215             IRAQ, Shi'ite Muslim cleric Moqtada AL—SADR, who led revolts against USA—FORCES in IRAQ —BEFORE their pullout and became 1—MAJOR—INFLUENCE in the government, said he is leaving political life and has dissolved his movement.
20140215             —KILLED, ISRAEL, 2—GUNMEN on 1—MOTORCYCLE, 1—MAN as he drove near Tel AVIV—BEACHFRONT.
20140215             —BELIEVED, Police, it was 1—GANGLAND attack.
20140215             —WOUNDED, JORDAN—FORCES, 7 and arrested 3—AFTER 10—GUNMEN from Syria opened fire on troops patrolling 1—NORTHERN—BORDER—AREA.
20140215             —ANNOUNCED, LEBANON, 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT, breaking a —10—MONTH—POLITICAL deadlock —DURING which spillover violence from neighboring Syria worsened internal instability.
20140215             —FIRED, MONTENEGRO police, tear gas and stun grenades to disperse HUNDREDS—OF—STONE—THROWING protesters who were blaming the government for high unemployment, economic mismanagement and alleged corruption, and demanding its resignation.
20140215             —SUSPECTED—OF, NIGERIA, gunmen, being Boko Haram Islamists reportedly killed as many as 63—PEOPLE, mostly Christians, in Izghe village, Borno state.
20140215             —ORDERED, PAKISTAN, 1—CLERIC, that 1—WOMAN be stoned to death —AFTER her husband found her with another man.
20140215             —STONED, She was, to death and 1—AUTOPSY revealed that her skull had been shattered with 1—BRICK, and that she had multiple ax wounds.
20140215             1—PHILIPPINE—CHRISTIAN sect, Iglesia ni Cristo, broke 2—RECORDS for organizing the largest charity walk in 1—EFFORT to raise funds for SURVIVORS—OF—LAST—YEAR—TYPHOON—HAIYAN.
20140215             —APPROVED, TURKEY—PARLIAMENT, 1—LAW boosting government control over THE—APPOINTMENT—OF—JUDGES and prosecutors, —AFTER 1 heated debate and 1—BRAWL that left 1—OPPOSITION—LAWMAKER hospitalized.
20140215             —DEMONSTRATED, TURKEY, THOUSANDS—OF—KURDS, in towns across the south east, SOME—CLASHING violently with riot police as they called for the release of Kurdish rebel leader ABDULLAH—OCALAN on the 15. ANNIVERSARY—OF—HIS capture.
20140215             —KILLED, VENEZUELA, 1—PRIEST, —79—JAHRE—ALT and lay worker (84) were, —DURING 1—ROBBERY in THE—CITY—OF—VALENCIA.
20140215             A —17—YEAR—OLD was arrested THE—NEXT—DAY and a —14—YEAR—OLD was being sought.
20140215—20140207    —ARRESTED, He had been, on 1—MISDEMEANOR tresspassing charge for sleeping in 1 enclosed stairwell.
20140215—20140217    —ON, 6—PEOPLE were arrested in connection with the stoning.
20140215—20140227    —ON, authorities said that they have arrested MICHAEL—HOLMAN, —18—JAHRE—ALT and DANTE—MARTIN, —18—JAHRE—ALT and charged them with murder.
20141024—20180215    —ON, Janelle Monroy was found GUILTY—OF—AIDING her husband as he killed THE—2—DEPUTIES.
20150212—20150215    —ON, The deal envisages 1—CEASEFIRE between UKRAINE—FORCES and RUSSIAN—BACKED separatists —STARTING, followed by the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the front line and constitutional reform to give EAST—UKRAINE more autonomy.
20150215             BAHRAIN said it will send troops to support regional ally JORDAN.
20150215             Musical Miss Saigon swept THE—BOARD—AT—THE—WHAT'S on Stage theatre awards in LONDON—WEST—END, where it won 9—AWARDS.
20150215             —ISSUED, HSBC, BRITAIN—LARGEST—BANK, 1—PUBLIC—APOLOGY, describing the media firestorm that followed allegations it helped rich clients dodge taxes as painful and insisting it has changed the way it does business.
20150215             CANADA, over 3,000 Teamster members went on strike at CANADA—PACIFIC—RAILWAY—AFTER contract talks failed to reach 1—AGREEMENT.
20150215             1—CANADIAN—NATIONAL—TRAIN loaded with crude oil derailed in NORTH—ONTARIO.
20150215             At least 7—CARS burst into flames.
20150215             —CONDEMNED, CONGO—PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA, 1—DECISION by THE—UNITED—NATIONS to withdraw its support from 1—JOINT—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE against 1—REBEL—GROUP because the military decided it should be directed by 2—GENERALS who have links to human rights violations.
20150215             CROATIA—1. female PRESIDENT, Kolinda GRABAR—KITAROVIC, —46—JAHRE—ALT, was sworn in and pledged to help kickstart THE—EU member's ailing economy.
20150215             DENMARK, security guard DAN—UZAN, —27—JAHRE—ALT was shot in the head and killed near COPENHAGEN—MAIN synagogue.
20150215             2—POLICEMEN were also wounded in the shooting at —AROUND 1:00 am this —MORNING.
20150215             Police said they believe 1—MAN shot dead by officers at Noerrebro station was the sole perpetrator of THE—2—FATAL—ATTACKS in the last —24—HOURS in the capital.
20150215             —IDENTIFIED, OMAR—ABDEL—HAMID—EL—HUSSEIN, —22—JAHRE—ALT was —LATER, as the gunman.
20150215             —OPENED, EGYPT, gunmen, fire on 1—TRAFFIC—POLICE—PATROL in the Nile Delta TOWN—OF—BENHA, killing 1—POLICEMAN and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20150215             —VANDALIZED, FRANCE, some 250—GRAVES were found, at 1—JEWISH cemetery in SARRE—UNION.
20150215             5—TEENS were —LATER arrested and admitted to the destruction in the Alsace region.
20150215             —RALLIED, GREECE, some 18 1000—PEOPLE, in ATHENS AHEAD—OF—TALKS in BRUSSELS on the new leftist government's bid to revise its massive bailout.
20150215             —THRONGED, Some 8,000—PEOPLE also, the streets in THESSALONIKI.
20150215             —COLLAPSED, NORTH—INDIA, 1—NEWLY built house, —EARLY—TODAY killing 13—RESIDENTS as they slept in Dulhaipur village, Uttar Pradesh state.
20150215             IRAN—FORMER 1. VICE—PRESIDENT, MOHAMMAD—REZA—RAHIMI, was taken to jail to serve his —5-YEAR —3-MONTH prison term.
20150215             —CONDUCTED, IRAQ, and Syria THE—USA and its coalition partners, 11—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic State militants, 3 in Syria and 8 in IRAQ over the last —24—HOURS.
20150215             —CLOSED, ITALY, its embassy in LIBYA due to the worsening conflict there and stepped up its call for 1—UN—MISSION to help calm the situation.
20150215             ITALY—COAST—GUARD went to the rescue of at least 1,000 migrants in difficulty in the sea between EUROPE and NORTH—AFRICA, the 3. operation of its kind in as MANY—DAYS.
20150215             1—JORDAN—COURT—SENTENCED—ZAKI—BANI—RSHEID, —57—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SENIOR—LEADER—OF—THE—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD, to —18—MONTHS in prison for criticizing 1—DECISION by THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES to blacklist his organization.
20150215             —RELEASED, Islamic State militants in LIBYA, 1—VIDEO showing the beheading of 21—EGYPT—CHRISTIANS.
20150215             THE—21—EGYPT—COPTIC—CHRISTIANS, who had gone to LIBYA in SEARCH—OF—WORK, were marched to 1—BEACH, forced to kneel and then beheaded on video.
20150215             MYANMAR state media said troops fighting ethnic rebels near THE—CHINA—BORDER have recovered the bodies of 13—INSURGENTS and captured 8—OTHERS —FOLLOWING heavy government losses —THIS—WEEK.
20150215             —CROWDED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 1—FEMALE—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew herself up at 1, bus station in DAMATURU, Yobe state, killing at least 16—PEOPLE and wounding 30.
20150215             PAKISTAN, 1—GOVERNMENT—PARAMILITARY—FORCE shot and killed USMAN—SAIFULLAH—KURD, 1—REGIONAL—COMMANDER for 1—AL—QAIDA linked militant cell, and 1—OF—HIS—AIDES on the outskirts of QUETTA.
20150215             —KILLED, THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, 2—MEMBERS—OF—1—AL—QAEDA—LINKED group were, in clashes with troops in the jungles of Basilan ISLAND.
20150215             —DISAVOWED, UKRAINE—REBELS, 1—NEW—TRUCE—HOURS—AFTER it took effect, saying it did not apply to THE—TOWN—OF—DEBALTSEVE, where most fighting has taken place in recent weeks.
20150215             —ADOPTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, 1—RESOLUTION demanding that Houthi rebels in YEMEN —IMMEDIATELY relinquish control and withdraw from government institutions.
20150215             —ATTENTAT—IN—KOPENHAGEN: "1—AKT des TERRORISMUS"
20150215             —BEGIBT, Wer sich in den OBER—ITALIENISCHEN—ORT Alba, wird unweigerlich erfasst von dem Duft, der den Ort umgibt.
20150215             MICHELE—FERRERO.
20150215             NATÜRLICH—ALL diese süßen Sünden hat er entweder erfunden oder ihnen zumindest seinen Stempel aufgedrückt.
20150215             Er war reicher als sein Landsmann Silvio BERLUSCONI—FINANZIELL und charakterlich.
20150215             Zuletzt galt Ferrero als reichster Mann ITALIENs und rangierte auf Platz 22—DER "Forbes"-LISTE—DER—WOHLHABENDSTEN—MENSCHEN—DER—WELT.
20150215             Ferrero gab sich als PATRIARCH, der Produkte selbst entwickelte und unbedingte Loyalität forderte.
20150215             Als Leitmotto seiner Stiftung Fondazione Ferrero gab er "lavorare, creare, donare"aus, arbeite, schaffe Werte, teile sie.
20150215             So blieb er unerkannt, wenn er in Supermärkten die Platzierung der FERRERO—SÜßIGKEITEN überprüfte.
20150215             Zumindest hält sich dieses Gerücht.
20150215             Ferrero, STRENG—GLÄUBIGER Katholik, wollte kein Star sein.
20150215             Der Vater PIETRO—FERRERO war Konditor.
20150215             Dort gründete er 1—FEIN—BÄCKEREI.
20150215             Der Sohn bekam 1—KAUFMÄNNISCHE Ausbildung und 1—ZUM Konditor.
20150215             Schokolade war knapp in der Zeit des
20150215             MICHELE—FERREROS Vater und Onkel wagten 1—EXPERIMENT.
20150215             —GEHÖRT, TURIN, hatten sie von der Idee, Schokolade teilweise durch 1—NUSSMISCHUNG zu ersetzen.
20150215             Nüsse bauten DIE—BAUERN im heimischen Piemont an.
20150215             Aus der Backzutat wurde bald der Brotaufstrich "Gianduiot"- 1—ERFOLGSPRODUKT.
20150215             —BALD, hat DAS—UNTERNEHMEN mehr als 50—MITARBEITER, die Konditorei in der Via Rattazzi wurde zu klein.
20150215             —BALD—SCHON schaffte MICHELE—FERRERO1 eigene LKW—FLOTTE an und setzte auf MASSEN—FABRIKATION mit modernen Maschinen, auf Werbung und auf Produkte, die genau auf ihr Zielland zugeschnitten waren.
20150215             Wie kaum 1—ITALIENISCHER—UNTERNEHMER galt Ferrero als Innovator und penibler VerMARKTer, der 1—FEINES Gespür für den Zeitgeist hatte.
20150215             Im gleichen —JAHR kam Mon Chéri auf den MARKT —VERHÄLTNIS.
20150215             —EXISTIERT, Auch, wenn die "PIEMONT—KIRSCHE"eigentlich nicht : Die Pralinen wurden zum Erfolg.
20150215             Wirklich groß wurde Ferrero, als DER—CHEF—DIE—SCHOKOLADENCREME 19640000             in Nutella umbenannte —, mit Gesundheit warb:
20150215             —GESTELLT, Der MILCHANTEIL—VON—NUTELLA wurde in den Vordergrund.
20150215             —SPÄTER—WENIGE—JAHRE kam DIE—KINDER—SCHOKOLADE auf den DEUTSCHEN—MARKT, die weiße Schokolade im Innern sollte den Milchanteil noch stärker betonen.
20150215             DIE—AMERIKANER überzeugte Ferrero mit TicTacs, trendige Konsumenten mit RAFFAELLO.
20150215             DIE—FIRMA gilt —HEUTE als wertvollstes Unternehmen ITALIENs, das sich längst global aufgestellt hat.
20150215             —PRODUZIERT, Auf ACKER—FLÄCHEN in ganz EUROPA wachsen Nussbäume, wird in mehr als 12—FABRIKEN.
20150215             —GESPALTEN, DAS—UNTERNEHMEN galt —FORTAN als in 2—LAGER,
20150215             Über allem stand aber weiterhin MICHELE—FERRERO, der seine Söhne als angestellte CEOs beschäftigte.
20150215             Ferrero hatte sich die Lenkung seines Unternehmens stets vorbehalten.
20150215             —VON, SEINENMIT—ARBEITERN verehrt: "Wir vertrauen ihm blind", sagte Silvano Farropa, MITGLIED—DER—GEWERKSCHAFT CISL vor 1—PAAR —JAHREN der SÜD—DEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG.
20150215             —GEHÖRT, Wobei wohl nicht viel dazu, BERLUSCONI charakterlich zu übertrumpfen;-)
20150215             in all... - dem Wind um DIE—INDUSTRIELE ZUCKER—BÄCKEREI dürfen wir bitte kurz innehalten?
20150215             Neuer ANSCHLAG—IN—KOPENHAGEN: Schüsse vor SYNAGOGE—POLIZEI nimmt Person fest
20150215             UKRAINE—KRISE, WAFFEN—RUHE in OST—UKRAINE hält weitgehend
20150215             Weltkarte der jungen Inseln: Neuland in Sicht!
20150215             Flucht nach Westen —VOR—70—JAHREN: "Eisige Kälte und Angst nahmen uns den Atem"
20150215             MÜNCHHAUSEN—CHECK: Brauchen wir mehr Geld für Rüstung?
20150215             Ausbildung statt Anstellung: Museen mogeln beim MINDEST—LOHN (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 10:40)
20150215             Gelenkprothesen für Entwicklungsländer: Das 80—DOLLAR—KNIE
20150215             ANSCHLÄGE—IN—KOPENHAGEN: "1—UNENDLICH trauriger —MORGEN"
20150215             Fragile WAFFEN—RUHE IN—DER—UKRAINE: "DIE—WELT hält den Atem an"
20150215             TERROR—GEFAHR: POLIZEI sagt Braunschweiger Karnevalszug ab
20150215             Zeichner LARS—VILKS: Provokation als KUNST—TÜRKEI: Proteste nach MORD—AN—STUDENTIN
20150215             —ATTENTAT—SERIE: DIE—ANSCHLÄGE—IN—KOPENHAGEN—DAS ist passiert
20150215             KOPENHAGEN: Behörde stellt Identität des mutmaßlichen Attentäters fest
20150215             FLÜCHTLINGE: GRIECHENLAND will Unterkünfte schließen
20150215             SYRIEN—KURDEN erobern offenbar Dörfer vom IS zurück
20150215             GRIECHENLAND und DIE—EURO—ZONE: Reformen ja, weiter kürzen nein
20150215             Augenzeugin Inna Schewtschenko: "Wir müssen Ideen feiern, zeichnen, schreiben, lachen"
20150215             TERROR—ALARM in BRAUNSCHWEIG: Tippgeber warnte Fahnder vor konkreter Gefahr
20150215             Braunschweiger Karneval: Das ist der Schoduvel
20150215             FRANZÖSISCHER—BOTSCHAFTER—ZIMERAY: "Wir erlebten dasselbe wie bei 'CHARLIE—HEBDO '"
20150215             —STREIT—GESPRÄCH—ÜBER—WISSENSCHAFT in den Medien: "Die sollten sich schämen!"
20150215             Müllers Memo: Der falsche Jubel über DIE—GRIECHEN—KRISE
20150215             INTERNET—BANK—RAUB: Onlinegang stiehlt 1—MILLIARDE $
20150215             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Mit ihren Erklärungen entzauberten DIE—NATUR—WISSENSCHAFTLER DIE—WELT, wird gerne geklagt.
20150215             Fischer: Das große Missverständnis!
20150215             Fischer: Der Wissenschaft gelingt, was Novalis als das ROMAntische beschrieb: dem Bekannten die Würde des Unbekannten zu geben.
20150215             Wenn LEUTE über Kunst nichts wissen, reden sie über Künstler.
20150215             —VERÄNDERT, Fischer: Nein, es hat sich nichts.
20150215             Fischer: Die Organisatoren sollten sich schämen.
20150215             Wormer: Die Forschung muss ihre Finanzierung zunehmend rechtfertigen.
20150215             Fischer: Aufklärung über Wissenschaft wäre aber auch etwas anderes als die bunten ERKLÄR—SHOWS, die im Fernsehen dominieren.
20150215             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Können vielleicht FORSCHER—BLOGS DIE—WISSENSCHAFT besser kontrollieren?
20150215             Lüthje: Wohl kaum.
20150215             Wormer: Die Euphorie der Wissenschaft, künftig ALLE—MEDIALEN—KANÄLE bedienen zu können, ist totaler Humbug.
20150215             Wormer: es gibt in Forschungsinstituten DIE—IDEE, man könne unter Umgehung der bösen kritischen Journalisten, die sowieso immer nur falsch berichten, direkt den Endnutzer erreichen.
20150215             WAHL—IN—HAMBURG: Scholz und —DIE—SPD triumphieren, AfD schafft Sprung ins PARLAMENT
20150215             ANSCHLÄGE—IN—KOPENHAGEN: POLIZEI nimmt mehrere Männer in INTERNETcafé fest
20150215             REAKTION—AUF—ANSCHLÄGE: Grüne fordern "—TAG—DES—KARIKATURISTEN"
20150215             —VOR, UNO—ENTSCHEIDUNG: REBELLEN im JEMEN wollen sich nicht beugen
20150215             —GESCHÄNDET—FRANKREICH: Mehrere 100—GRÄBER auf jüdischem Friedhof
20150215             Video aus LIBYEN: IS—FILM zeigt mutmaßliche Tötung von 21—KOPTISCHEN CHRISTEN
20150215             TERROR—IN—KOPENHAGEN: "Wir sind in 1—ANDEREN Welt aufgewacht"
20150215             —GERETTET, Seenot auf dem MITTELMEER: Mehr als 2100—FLÜCHTLINGE—GEBOREN wurde MICHELE—FERRERO
20150215             8,1—MILLIARDEN—EURO soll der Umsatz im Geschäftsjahr 20130000             betragen haben, bei fast 800.000.000—EURO Gewinn
20150215             PIETRO starb
20150215—19740000    —AB, DIE—1—ÜBERRASCHUNGSEIER gab es.
20150215—20150216    —ENDED, The strike, as both sides agreed to resume discussions.
20150215—20150301    —DETAINED, RUSSIA—POLICE in MOSCOW, ALEXEI—NAVALNY, 1—ANTI—CORRUPTION—CAMPAIGNER and leading opposition figure, as he and supporters were handing out leaflets urging people to take part in an "ANTI—CRISIS" march.
20150215—20171006    —ON, the remains of 21—COPTIC—CHRISTIANS were unearthed from 1—MASS—GRAVE—SOUTH—OF—THE—1—TIME—JIHADIST—BASTION—OF—SIRTE.
20150218—20150215    —ON, TANZANIA—POLICE said they have found the mutilated body of a —1—YEAR—OLD albino boy 1 armed gang had snatched Yohana Bahati from his mother at their home in NORTH—WEST—TANZANIA—GEITA region.
20150226—20150215    —TOWED, UKRAINE—TROOPS, artillery away from the front line in the east, 1—MOVE that amounted to recognizing that 1—CEASEFIRE meant to take effect was holding at last.
20150320             —SUSPECTED—OF, DENMARK, 2—MEN, helping the gunman who killed 2—PEOPLE in attacks in COPENHAGEN last 20150215             were jailed.
20151127—20050215    —UNTIL, Lets not forget that Youtube was not created, and then took 1—COUPLE—OF—YEARS—UNTIL codecs and faster computers made it easier to upload videos.
20160215             —ARRESTED, Kanhaiya Kumar was, 20160212             over 1—DEMONSTRATION—DAYS—EARLIER at Jawaharlal Nehru University to mark the anniversary of 20130000             —THE execution of Afzal Guru, 1—KASHMIRI man convicted of 1—ATTACK on INDIA—PARLIAMENT.
20160215             THE—ENGLAND—SINGER—SONGWRITER ED—SHEERAN won SONG—OF—THE—YEAR for "Thinking Out Loud," 1—BARE guitar ballad that made history as 1—VIRAL hit.
20160215             —SHARED, Sheeran, the rammy award with his CO—WRITER—AMY Wadge, 1—UK—FOLK artist.
20160215             —OPENED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, a —2—DAY meeting with ASSOCIATION—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NATIONS (ASEAN) at Sunnylands, 1—CALIFORNIA resort.
20160215             —DISCOVERED, AUSTRALIA—OFFICIALS said law enforcement agencies have, 1.26—BILLION AUSTRALIA—DOLLARS ($900—MILLION) worth of methylamphetamine hidden in imported boxes of silicon bra inserts and art supplies in the country's largest haul of the illicit drug in its liquid form.
20160215             4—HONG—KONG passport holders were arrested in SYDNEY —LAST—MONTH over the import from CHINA—OF—720—LITERS (190—GALLONS) of the drug.
20160215             —APPLIED, Bosnia formally, for membership of THE—EU, although BRUSSELS says it must carry out 1—SERIES—OF—REFORMS—BEFORE the application can even be considered.
20160215             —INTERVENED, BRITAIN—GOVERNMENT, to try and save the tradition of printing all laws on vellum MADE—OF—ANIMAL—SKIN.
20160215             —DECIDED, THE—HOUSE—OF—LORDS, —LAST—WEEK that THE—CENTURIES—OLD—PRACTICE would be scrapped and laws would be printed on paper instead of goatskin or sheepskin in 1—BID to save £80,000 (103,000 euros, $116,000) per —YEAR.
20160215             —HURLED, Insurgents in BURUNDI, 1—SERIES—OF—GRENADES, killing 1—CHILD and wounding at least 30—PEOPLE in the latest in 1—STRING—OF—ATTACKS.
20160215             —EXPLODED, DAGESTAN, 1—POWERFUL—CAR—BOMB, at 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT, killing 2—OFFICERS and the car's driver and wounding 19—OTHERS.
20160215             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE, responsibility.
20160215             —DEMONSTRATED, THOUSANDS—OF—STEEL—WORKERS from across THE—EU, against the import of cheap CHINA—PRODUCTS warning EU leaders not to exacerbate the situation by granting BEIJING market economy status.
20160215             —ARRIVED, IRAN—STATE—TV said the 1. CHINA—COMMERCIAL—TRAIN has, in TEHRAN to revive the Silk Road, 1—ANCIENT—NETWORK—OF—TRADE—ROUTES running through ASIA.
20160215             —ARRIVED, The 12-container train, in TEHRAN —AFTER a —14—DAY—JOURNEY from EAST—CHINA.
20160215             —IMPOSED, Authorities, 1—CURFEW in SOME—PARTS—OF—INDIAN—CONTROLLED—KASHMIR amid 1—GENERAL—STRIKE called by separatist groups to protest THE—KILLING—OF—1—TEENAGE—BOY and 1—YOUNG—WOMAN —DURING 1—PROTEST against INDIA—RULE.
20160215             Police at MEXICO—CITY—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT said they have found 1—LOAD of lollipops with EACH—PIECE—OF candy containing 1—CAPSULE—OF—METHAMPHETAMINE.
20160215             —RETIRED, SAUDI—ARABIA, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—AHMED—FAIE—ASIRI, 1, security official, was shot and killed in Jazan.
20160215             —CIRCULATED, Islamic State supporters —EARLIER, 1—CLAIM for responsibility online.
20160215             1—SOUTH—KOREA—MILITARY—HELICOPTER crashed in 1—EASTERN—PROVINCE, killing 3—OF—THE—4—SOLDIERS on BOARD.
20160215             —KILLED, SYRIA, almost 50—CIVILIANS were, —WHEN missiles hit at least 5—MEDICAL—FACILITIES and 2—SCHOOLS in REBEL—HELD areas.
20160215             —KILLED, At least 14—PEOPLE were, on in THE—NORTH—SYRIA—TOWN—OF—AZAZ.
20160215             FRANCE—CHARITY—DOCTORS Without Borders said in 1—STATEMENT that at least 8—STAFF were missing —AFTER 4—ROCKETS hit 1—HOSPITAL that it supported in THE—PROVINCE—OF—IDLIB.
20160215             TURKEY—SECURITY—FORCES hit Kurdish militia targets in Syria for the 3. —DAY in 1—ROW—AFTER 1—BORDER—SECURITY outpost on the border was attacked this —MORNING.
20160215             —FIRED, UGANDA—POLICE, tear gas to disperse opposition supporters as they temporarily detained top presidential challenger, Kizza Besigye, days ahead of presidential polls.
20160215             1—OPPOSITION—SUPPORTER was fatally shot in clashes with the police —DURING 1—CAMPAIGN—EVENT in KAMPALA.
20160215             UKRAINE PRIME—MINISTER—ARSENY—YATSENIUK said RUSSIA—TRUCKS have been banned from crossing its territory in response to 1—SIMILAR—MOVE by MOSCOW.
20160215             THE—UN—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM (WFP) said as many as 49—MILLION—PEOPLE in SOUTH—AFRICA could be affected by 1—DROUGHT that has been worsened by the most severe and longest El Nino weather pattern in —35—YEARS.
20160215             VENEZUELA said managers of 1—STATE—RUN supermarket chain are among 49—PEOPLE arrested for hoarding and RE—SELLING food at 1—TIME—OF—ACUTE—SHORTAGES.
20160215             —MESSE in MEXIKO: FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA predigt vor 100.000en gegen Gewalt
20160215             Schwacher Privatkonsum: JAPAN—WIRTSCHAFT schrumpft stärker als erwartet
20160215             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, AUSTRALIEN—POLIZEI, Drogen im Wert von 800.000.000—EURO
20160215             THÜRINGEN: Unbekannte werfen Brandsatz auf SPD—BÜRGERBÜRO
20160215             —ENDE—DES—BOOMS: CHINAs Export bricht ein
20160215             BBC—DOKU: JOHANNES—PAULUS—II—PAPA soll enge Verbindung zu Frau gehabt haben
20160215             WAFFEN—DEAL: RUSSLAND will RAKETEN—ABWEHR—SYSTEM an IRAN liefern
20160215             Mehr Verkehrsopfer in DEUTSCHLAND: "DIE—LEUTE fahren immer aggressiver"
20160215             INTERNET—ZENSUR in CHINA: Der böse DEUTSCHE
20160215             DIE—ZAHL—DER—CRYSTAL—METH—KONSUMENTEN in AUSTRALIEN hat sich laut der REGIERUNG—VON—20070000—20130000    auf mehr als 200.000—MENSCHEN verdoppelt.
20160215             JOHANNES—PAULUS—II—PAPA soll laut 1—BERICHT—DER—BBC über viele —JAHRE 1.enge Verbindung zu 1—VERHEIRATETEN Frau gehabt haben.
20160215             Der spätere PAPA und Tymieniecka lernten sich demnach 19730000             kennen;
20160215             —GESCHRIEBEN, DIE—FRAU hatte sich nach 1—BUCH erkundigt, das er, hatte.
20160215             —IN—DEN—FOLGENDEN—JAHREN hätten sich DIE—FRAU und der damalige —ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KRAKAU öfter getroffen und häufig Briefe geschrieben.
20160215             DIE—BRIEFE an Tymieniecka wurden laut BBC für —JAHRE in der NATIONAL—BIBLIOTHEK POLENs vor der Öffentlichkeit zurückgehalten.
20160215             Das BILD—DES—ENTSPANNTEN—KAROL—WOJTYLA passt nur schwer zur öffentlichen Wahrnehmung als konservativer JOHANNES—PAULUS—II—PAPA
20160215             EX—REGIERUNGS—CHEF—OLMERT: "—HEUTE bin ich es, der hinter Schloss und Riegel kommt"
20160215             Wochenstunden: Jeder 10. ist unzufrieden mit seiner Arbeitszeit (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 10:59)
20160215             —BOMBARDIERT, ÄRZTE—OHNE—GRENZEN: Krankenhäuser in NORD—SYRIEN
20160215             [l] Liebe Leser, ihr müsst —JETZT sehr tapfer sein: DER—BUNDES—ANWALT—ERMITTELT—GEGEN—1—V—MANN des VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZES.
20160215             Nanu, fragt ihr euch —JETZT vielleicht, wenn das für Ermittlungen und eventuell 1.Anklage reicht, wieso ermitteln die dann —ERST—JETZT?
20160215             [l] DIE—SAUDIS wollen in SYRIEN auch mitbomben.
20160215             [l] Erinnert ihr euch an das Geschenk der SAUDI—ARABIEN—KÖNIGS—FAMILIE an den MALAYSISCHEN—PREMIER—MINISTER?
20160215             QUEBEC—INDIEN: Forscher bestreiten angebliches METEORITEN—OPFER
20160215             Sexualität in ÄGYPTEN: "Der Frauenkörper ist DAS—ZIEL eines KLASSEN—KAMPFS"
20160215             OPFER—DER—COLONIA—DIGNIDAD: "Das waren wahnsinnige Schreie"
20160215             "Schlafzimmer in Arles": Forscher entdecken wahre Farbe von VAN—GOGH—GEMÄLDE
20160215             BÖRSE—DAX erholt sich wieder
20160215             —KAMPF—GEGEN—PKK:, —12—JAHRE—ALTE bei Gefecht in Südosttürkei erschossen
20160215             EU—AGRARMINISTER—TREFFEN, Schmidt will über ENDE—DES—RUSSISCHEN—EMBARGOS sprechen
20160215             DER—WESTEN gegen RUSSLAND: Und schuld ist immer PUTIN
20160215             KRIMINALITÄTS—BEKÄMPFUNG: EZB—RAT will offenbar 500—EURO—SCHEIN abschaffen
20160215             EIN—REISE, TÜRKEI verschärft VISA—BESTIMMUNGEN für IRAKer
20160215             IT—SICHERHEIT: Computervirus legt Krankenhäuser lahm
20160215             "Hookers für HILLARY": Republikanischer Bordellbetreiber unterstützt HILLARY—CLINTON
20160215             —ANGRIFFE—IN—SYRIEN: BOMBEN—AUF—DIE Lebensretter
20160215             OST—EUROPA—GIPFEL: ORBÁN wehrt sich gegen EU—FLÜCHTLINGS—QUOTEN
20160215             SYRIEN: MERKEL unterstützt Forderung nach FLUGVERBOT—ZONE
20160215             STRAF—MAßNAHMEN—GEGEN—WEISSRUSSLAND: EU lässt Sanktionen auslaufen
20160215             SYRIEN: Forscher widersprechen These vom KLIMA—WANDEL als KRIEG—URSACHE
20160215             ANGST—VOR—CHINA: Der letzte Kampf DER—EUROPÄISCHEN Stahlriesen
20160215             Doch es fehlen die passenden Worte für den TERROR, den er 19730000             als zwölfjähriger Junge miterleben musste.
20160215             "Das war unglaublich schlimm, ich hatte so 1—MITLEID", sagt Laube; man spürt seine Hilflosigkeit.
20160215             PINOCHET hatte, auch mit Hilfe des CIA, den SOZIALISTISCHER—PRÄSIDENT—SALVADOR—ALLENDE gestürzt.
20160215             Er ließ Zehntausende foltern, ermorden oder VERSCHWINDEN—AUCH in der COLONIA—DIGNIDAD.
20160215             —DENN, Schäfer ging mit den neuen MACHT—HABERN 1—PAKT ein, der ihn ÜBER —JAHRZEHNTE nahezu unangreifbar machen sollte:
20160215             Er ließ nicht nur PINOCHETs Feinde foltern und gliederte sie später in die Sekte ein, sondern lieferte dank seiner guten KONTAKTE nach DEUTSCHLAND und zu CSU—POLITIKERN auch Waffen, darunter Raketenwerfer, Minen, Sprengstoff und Senfgas.
20160215             Dazu konstruierte er 1.unterirdische Parallelwelt aus Bunkern, GEHEIMEN Telefonzentralen und Abhöranlagen.
20160215             Schäfer war in DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK —NACH—DEM WWII wegen sexueller Übergriffe aufgefallen und als evangelischer Jugendpfleger entlassen worden.
20160215             "Nichts ist aufgearbeitet.
20160215             Freund aus der CSU hätten sie ruhig auch namentlich nennen können.
20160215             [l] Also SO einek klaren FALL—VON—PLÖTZLICHEM—HERZVERSAGEN hatten wir ja —SCHON lange nicht mehr: Der EHEMALIGE—DIREKTOR—DER—RUSSISCHEN—ANTI—DOPING—BEHÖRDE ist —AM—SONNTAG überraschend verstorben.
20160215             [l] Oh und wo wir gerade bei überraschenden Todesfällen waren: Im NSU—SKANDAL gab es mal wieder 1—TODES—FALL.
20160215             [l] DIE—BRITEN drucken ihre Gesetze übrigens IMMER—NOCH auf Vellum.
20160215             [l] Was muss 1—POLIZIST eigentlich machen, um RECHTS—KRÄFTIG verurteilt zu werden?
20160215             Wie sich rausstellt: Nein, DAS—REICHT nicht.
20160215             [l] GEHEIM—DIENST—AUFSICHT funktioniert auch in GROß—BRITANNIEN ganz prächtig:
20160215             Der britische technische GEHEIM—DIENST GCHQ darf —VORERST weiter in Smartphones und Computer VERDÄCHTIGEr eindringen.
20160215             Ja wie —JETZT?
20160215             DIE—CYBER—ANGRIFFE des GOVERNMENT—COMMUNICATIONS—HEADQUARTERS hätten zwar "ernsthafte Fragen"aufgeworfen, heißt es in dem Urteil.
20160215             Oh ach so. DELAWARE—USA E.i.
20160215             —BÜRGER—KRIEG—IM—KONGO: Im Herzen der Finsternis
20160215             JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA, und die Philosophin: "Mehr als Freunde, weniger als Liebhaber"
20160215             —MASSAKRIERT, SYRISCHE—KRIEGSOPFER: "Ihr seht zu, wie wir, werden"
20160215             VISEGRÁD—GRUPPE: Östliche EU—STAATEN wollen Balkanroute abriegeln —, riskieren STREIT—MIT—BERLIN
20160330             DOPPEL—ANSCHLAG (Kulturzentrum und Synagoge), KOPENHAGEN, 20150214—20150215.
20160711—20170215    —ON, Shahini began 1—HUNGER—STRIKE to contest his incarceration.
20170213—20170215    —RELEASED, THE—7—DOCTORS were, in 1—EFFORT to encourage negotiations to end the strike.
20170215             † UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—STATE—MEDIA said Juma MOHAMMED—ABDULLAH—AL—KAABI, its ambassador to AFGHANISTAN, has of wounds sustained in a 20170110             bombing in KANDAHAR that also killed 5—OTHER UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—OFFICIALS.
20170215             Shortly —BEFORE Trump was to welcome Netanyahu to THE—WHITE—HOUSE, 1—SENIOR—USA—OFFICIAL briefed reporters that WASHINGTON would no longer insist that ANY—PEACE—DEAL—LEAD to 1—RECOGNIZED—PALESTINE—STATE.
20170215             —ASKED, WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—REINCE Priebus, FBI Director JAMES—COMEY and deputy director ANDREW—MCCABE to dispute MEDIA—REPORTS that DONALD—TRUMP—CAMPAIGN—ADVISERS were frequently in touch with RUSSIA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS —DURING the election.
20170215             —SIDED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, with THE—BUREAU—OF—ALCOHOL, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to provide 1—NARROWER—DEFINITION—OF who is 1—FUGITIVE from justice, saying the term should only apply if those people had fled 1—STATE to avoid prosecution.
20170215             —CLEARED, This, the way for SOME—PEOPLE with outstanding arrest warrants to purchase guns.
20170215             USA—FAST—FOOD—EXECUTIVE—ANDREW—PUZDER withdrew his nomination for labor SECRETARY—UNDER—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20170215             —KILLED, ALGERIA—MILITARY—FORCES, 5 suspected extremists in 1—OPERATION—AROUND Bouira, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LAST—ISLAMIC—MILITANT holdouts.
20170215             —PROTESTED, Gay rights campaigners, outside THE—CHURCH—OF—ENGLAND—GENERAL—SYNOD in LONDON as Anglican bishops from —AROUND the world prepared to vote on 1—REPORT ruling out accepting gay marriage.
20170215             —DEPLOYED, USA—TROOPS, in BULGARIA and armored vehicles and heavy equipment are to arrive by THE—END—OF—THE—WEEK under 1—PLANNED—NATO—OPERATION to support its EAST—EUROPEAN allies.
20170215             —BACKED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT, 1—CONTESTED—EU—CANADA free trade deal, facing down protests by activists and DONALD—TRUMP—INSPIRED calls for protectionism.
20170215             —VOTED, It also, for 1—PLAN to raise the cost for firms to produce carbon.
20170215             GERMANY—AIRLINE—LUFTHANSA said it has struck 1—DEAL to solve 1—BITTER—LABOR—DISPUTE with pilots that over —5—YEARS has cost it 1 estimated half 1—BILLION dollars and more than 12—STRIKES.
20170215             INDONESIA held local elections.
20170215             —VISITED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI, OMAN and KUWAIT for talks to improve relations with Gulf neighbors, strained by the conflicts in Syria and YEMEN.
20170215             —DETONATED, IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—EXPLOSIVES—LADEN vehicle in 1—SHIITE majority neighborhood of BAGHDAD, killing at least 15—PEOPLE.
20170215             —ARRESTED, MALAYSIA—POLICE, 1—WOMAN in the apparent ASSASSINATION—OF—KIM—JONG—NAM, THE—NORTH—KOREA—LEADER'S exiled HALF—BROTHER who SOUTH—KOREA—SPIES say once begged his sibling to spare his life.
20170215             —CHECKED, The woman had, into local hotels under THE—VIETNAM—NAME—OF—DOAN—THI—HUONG.
20170215             —SUSPECTED, MOLDOVA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY said it has broken up 1, extremist Islamic group that was spreading propaganda online and whose members had illegal weapons.
20170215             —VOTED, MONTENEGRO—PARLIAMENT, to strip 2—PRO—RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—MPS of their immunity over alleged involvement in 1 foiled coup last October, but 1—PROSECUTOR ruled the pair would not be arrested.
20170215             Tropical storm Dineo hit the coastline of MOZAMBIQUE.
20170215             —KILLED, At least 2—PEOPLE were, and in and further casualties were expected.
20170215             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 2—SUICIDE—BOMBINGS, at least 6—PEOPLE in PESHAWAR —FOLLOWING 1—ALMOST —3—MONTH—LONG lull in the volatile region.
20170215             —SUPPORTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, his environment MINISTER—DECISION to cancel nearly a 3. of contracts for undeveloped mines, saying it was based on law.
20170215             —JOINED, SERBIA, several 1000—PEOPLE, renewed protests in BELGRADE over the shady demolition —LAST—YEAR in 1—AREA marked for 1—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—FINANCED real estate project.
20170215             —LAUNCHED, THE—UN—CHILDREN'S—AGENCY, a $110—MILLION—APPEAL to help 2—MILLION acutely malnourished children across SUDAN, including HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS living in conflict areas.
20170215             —INSISTED, FRANCIS—PAPA, that indigenous groups must give prior consent to ANY—ECONOMIC—ACTIVITY affecting their ancestral lands, 1—VIEW that conflicts with THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, which is pushing to build a $3.8—BILLION oil pipeline over opposition from USA—INDIANS.
20170215             —SUSPENDED, VENEZUELA, CNN in SPAIN—AFTER 1—REPORT by the network alleging government workers sold passports to MEMBERS—OF—1—MIDDLE—EAST—TERROR—GROUP.
20170215             YEMEN, at least 1—SAUDI—LED airstrike in Arhab, 25—MILES from THE—REBEL—HELD CAPITAL—OF—SANAA, killed at least 5—PEOPLE.
20170215             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—WARNED—NATO—ALLIES that they must honor MILITARY—SPENDING pledges to ensure THE—USA does not "moderate" support for the alliance.
20170215             Vorläufige Entwarnung: Zehntausende Anwohner am OROVILLE—STAUSEE dürfen zurück
20170215             DOMINIKANISCHE—REPUBLIK: Journalisten WÄHREND LIVE—SENDUNG erschossen
20170215             NAH—OST—KONFLIKT, USA—REGIERUNG besteht nicht mehr auf Zweistaatenlösung
20170215             Karriere: Herr POFALLA wird Mensch
20170215             Trotz DONALD—TRUMP: SIEMENS will 200.000.000—DOLLAR in MEXIKO investieren
20170215             USA—NEWSBLOG, Trotz Schutz durch OBAMA—PROGRAMM: Behörden nehmen Mexikaner fest
20170215             SPIONAGE—VERDACHT: POLIZEI durchsucht Wohnungen von DITIB—GEISTLICHEN
20170215             NORD—KOREA: Hinweise auf MORD—AN—KIMS Halbbruder verdichten sich
20170215             Aufschwung der Fundamentalisten: DIE—ANGST—VOR—DER—FREIHEIT
20170215             WHAT A —DAY—SKANDALE, Niederlagen, Chaos: DONALD—TRUMP stößt an seine Grenzen
20170215             Nicht einmal —26—TAGE ist DONALD—TRUMP im Amt.
20170215             DOCH—DONALD—TRUMP seine Präsidentschaft ist —JETZT—SCHON beispiellos.
20170215             SKANDALe, gerichtliche Niederlagen, —CHAOS—UND
20170215             —NUN, der Zwangsrücktritt seines SICHERHEITS—BERATERS MIKE—FLYNN, dem unlautere KONTAKTE zu RUSSLAND und 1—VERTRAUENSBRUCH vorgeworfen werden.
20170215             —NOCH, nie ist 1.neue USA—REGIERUNG so früh, so schnell und so tief im Affärensumpf versunken.
20170215             ist —DER—FALL—FLYNN, der —NUN täglich neue Enthüllungen bringen dürfte, nur der jüngste in 1—REIHE endloser Widrigkeiten, die DONALD—TRUMP vom 1.—TAG an verfolgten.
20170215             Es BEGANN mit noch amüsanten Storys von Mitarbeitern, die nicht wussten, wie die Lichtschalter im WEST—WING funktionierten.
20170215             Peinliche Details von Telefonaten mit anderen STAAT—CHEFS sickerten durch.
20170215             Ganze MINISTERialABTEILUNGen verweigerten DIE—ARBEIT.
20170215             DAS—WEIßE—HAUS hatte —PLÖTZLICH, mehr Lecks als die "Titanic".
20170215             Schließlich blockierten mehrere Richter auch noch das EINREISE—VERBOT gegen Menschen aus 7—MEHRHEITLICH muslimischen Ländern.
20170215             DONALD—TRUMP tobte, beschimpfte die Informanten, DIE—RICHTER, DIE—MEDIEN
20170215             Doch DIE—WAHRHEIT ist einfach:
20170215             DONALD—TRUMP ist an seine Grenzen GESTOßEN—DIE VERFASSUNGS—GRENZEN, die DIE—MACHT des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN einschränken.
20170215             DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES berichtete als 1.über das —CHAOS—IM—NATIONALER—SICHERHEITS—RAT,
20170215             Statt sich einschüchtern zu lassen, haben VIELE—USA—MEDIEN ihre Recherchen intensiviert, —NACH—DEM Motto: DIE—WAHRHEIT kommt immer ans Licht.
20170215             Auf einmal äußern nicht nur die SENAToren JOHN—MCCAIN und LINDSEY—GRAHAM—KRITIK, sondern auch immer mehr —BISHER, stille PARTEI—FREUNDE.
20170215             Mindestens 4—AUSSCHÜSSE erforschen RUSSLAND—CONNECTIONS im Umfelddes DONALD—TRUMP—, ALLE—ZEUGEN stehen unter Eid.
20170215             DIE—DEMOKRATEN träumen —SCHON vom Impeachment, 1—AMTS—ENTHEBUNG—VERFAHREN.
20170215             Berater hatten DONALD—TRUMP —SCHON vor seinem AMTS—ANTRITT davor gewarnt, DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE gegen sich aufzubringen.
20170215             Außerdem äußerte DONALD—TRUMP sich abfällig über die einhellige Erkenntnis DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE, RUSSLAND habe DIE—USA—WAHLEN beeinflusst.
20170215             —NACH, Recherchen des "NEW—YORK Observer"begannen die GEHEIM—DIENST—MIT—ARBEITER —DARAUFHIN, 1.interne "REVOLTE—DER—SPIONE".
20170215             Das führte zu den Leaks, die DIE—GRUND—LAGE der FLYNN—BERICHTE bilden.
20170215             Der STURZ—DES—SICHERHEITS—BERATERS ist die Folge des Zerwürfnisses zwischen den Agenten und dem WEIßES—HAUS.
20170215             SPIONAGE—VERDACHT: BUNDES—ANWALTSCHAFT wollte DITIB—IMAME verhaften lassen
20170215             Erziehung: Zweisprachige Kinder klären Irrtümer eher auf
20170215             Alternativkonzept zum Verkauf an Peugeot: Opel plant UM—BAU zur reinen Elektromarke
20170215             Volkswagen: Vorstand fragt vor Beförderung nach "IG—METALL—MITGLIEDSCHAFT"(KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 11:49)
20170215             RUSSLAND zu DONALD—TRUMP—KRIM—FORDERUNG: "Wir geben nicht unser eigenes Territorium zurück"
20170215             —VERWEIGERT, Luxusmode: GRIECHENLAND, GUCC1—SCHAU auf der Akropolis
20170215             BAYERN: 6—LKA—BEAMTE wegen V—MANN—AFFÄRE angeklagt
20170215             [l] DONALD—TRUMP—NEUESTE Eskapaden sind so bizarr, daß ich die Beschreibung mal STEVEN—COLBERT überlasse.
20170215             Besonders krass ist dieser neue SPRECHER—DES—WEIßES—HAUSES, der da den Comic BOOK—VILLAIN gibt.
20170215             Unglaublich.
20170215             Hätten sie da nicht wenigstens jemanden nehmen können, der nicht wie LEX—LUTHOR aussieht?
20170215             Oder Gargamel, wie STEVEN—COLBERT witzelt?
20170215             [l] Das EUROPA—PARLAMENT hat CETA durchgewunken. Klar, warum auch nicht.
20170215             "FREI—HANDEL"war ja noch nie so populär wie —IM—MOMENT!1!!
20170215             Faszination Orient: Harem, Drogen, Lässigkeit
20170215             Schmerzen bei Arthrose: Placebo schlägt Nahrungsergänzungsmittel
20170215             —REKORDFLUG: INDIEN schießt 104—SATELLITEN auf einmal ins All
20170215             Umstrittene EU—DIE—RICHTLINIE: KABINETT beschließt Speicherung von Fluggastdaten
20170215             Sozialmediale Öffentlichkeiten: Hauptsache dagegen
20170215             JAGD—VERHALTEN,Segelfische kommen über die Flügel
20170215             Migranten: EU—STAATEN haben Probleme mit Abschiebungen
20170215             Negativrekord: Meereis der ANT—ARKTIS schwindet DRAMATISCH—NORD—KOREA—KIMS blutige Liste
20170215             G—20—TREFFEN, TILLERSONs Speeddating in BONN
20170215             Trotz Protesten von Vegetariern: BANK—OF—ENGLAND druckt weiter TIERFETT—GELDSCHEINE
20170215             Spektakulärer FOSSILIEN—FUND, Forscher entdecken Meeresreptil mit Embryo im Bauch
20170215             Reise durch SYRIEN: Es war einmal 1.Nation
20170215             "Unethischer Haarschnitt": Fußballer Gyan droht Sperre in DUBAI
20170215             —NACH, Pannenserie: BUNDES—AGENTUR stoppt millionenschweres IT—PROJEKT
20170215             Treffen der NATO—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER: EUROPA rüstet auf für DONALD—TRUMP
20170215             TREFFEN—MIT—NETANYAHU: DONALD—TRUMP fordert von ISRAEL—MÄSSIGUNG bei Siedlungsbau
20170215             ERREGER—MEDIKAMENTEN—MIX: MALARIA—IMPFSTOFF besteht 1.Tests mit Patienten
20170215             —TRANSPORTIERT, Weltkriegsbombe: Blindgänger unentdeckt durch DEUTSCHLAND
20170215             Expansion in DIE—USA : Lidl öffnet —SOMMER—IM, 1.USA—FILIALEN
20170215             DONALD—TRUMP trifft NETANYAHU: Komplimente und Klartext
20170215             —VOR—10—JAHREN trieben die Nomaden ihre Herden mit Pferden zusammen.
20170215             —HEUTE, nutzen sie dazu Motorräder.
20170215             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Was kann man von dem Lebensstil der Nomaden lernen?
20170215             Sardar: Wir leben in 1—VIRTUELLEN Welt und haben die Verbindung zur Natur verloren.
20170215             Ist man der Natur und ihren Launen ausgeliefert, wird man einfach ehrlicher und direkter.
20170215             so wenig Eis wie —J—IN—DIESEM, wurde noch nie gemessen.
20170215             Das haben des National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) IN—DEN—USA ergeben.
20170215             Wie Satellitendaten zeigen, hatte es am ;;0213;;
20170215             1.Fläche von 2,28.000.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETERN.
20170215             Das ist noch mal 1—STÜCK kleiner als die 2,29.000.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETER, die
20170215             Doch auch weitere Ereignisse lassen auf 1—UMBRUCH schließen.
20170215             Jeden Augenblick etwa rechnen —EXPERTEN mit dem Abbruch eines Eisbergs im NORD—WESTEN des Kontinents.
20170215             Vom LARSEN—C—SCHELFEIS könnte ein riesiger, gut 5.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETER—GROßER Eisbrocken abbrechen und ins Polarmeer STÜRZEN—ER entspricht ungefähr der doppelten FLÄCHE—DES—SAARLANDS.
20170215             Das LARSEN—C—SCHELFEIS würde mehr als 10 % seiner Fläche verlieren.
20170215             1—SICH immer weiter ausbreitender Spalt zieht sich durch das Eis, noch aber hält es zusammen.
20170215             [l] VORGESTERN: DONALD—TRUMP spricht MICHAEL—FLYNN sein volles Vertrauen aus.
20170215             —HEUTE, : DONALD—TRUMP regt sich auf, daß die Info von den GEHEIM—DIENSTEN geleakt wurde.
20170215             FRAU—MERKEL hat 1—EXPORTSCHLAGER hingelegt!
20170215             [l] Die "Zeit"ist ja spätestens —SEIT dem Expose der Anstalt für ihre TRANSATLANTIK—ARSCHKRIECHEREI bekannt, aber dieser Beitrag hier setzt selbst in dem Framing Maßstäbe.
20170215             Lest euch mal die 1.Absätze durch.
20170215             1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—SIMON—VAUT und JÖRG—FORBRIG—SAGT mir nichts.
20170215             SIMON—VAUT ist Redenschreiber im AUSWÄRTIGES—AMT. Wait, what?!
20170215             Als VORSTANDSMITGLIED—DES—VEREIN Global Bridges ist er an Delegationsreisen unter anderem in den IRAN, IRAK und nach ISRAEL beteiligt.
20170215             Global Bridges? Keine weiteren Fragen.
20170215             Gut, dann wird der andere der wichtige AUTOR—SEIN.
20170215             JÖRG—FORBRIG ist Programmdirektor und OST—EUROPA—EXPERTE beim GERMANY—MARSHALL—FUND—OF—THE—USA in BERLIN.
20170215             Are you fucking kidding me!?!?
20170215             —UPDATE, Haha, 1—EINSENDER schickte mir die Story ein, als ich sie gerade gebloggt hatte, und der kommentierte noch:
20170215             Da kann DIE—ZEIT künftig auch SHELL—MIT—ARBEITER über den "Ökologischen Einfluss von Ölbohrungen auf das ÖKO—SYSTEM der ARKTIS"schreiben lassen.
20170215             Hört, hört.
20170215             KELLY sagte, die Überprüfung der INTERNETaktivitäten könne Teil eines MAßNAHMEnpakets für die schärfere Überprüfungen von Besuchern sein, mit der auf mögliche BE—DROHUNGEN reagiert werden solle.
20170215             "Wir denken über 1.ausgeweitete oder zusätzliche Überprüfung nach.
20170215             1355—UHR—DONALD—TRUMP—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—MATTIS nennt NATO "grundlegendes Fundament"für USA"
20170215             "DIE—ALLIANZ bleibt ein grundlegendes Fundament für DIE—USA und für die ganze TRANS—ATLANTISCHE Gemeinschaft, das uns verbindet", sagte Mattis bei seinem 1.Auftritt in BRÜSSEL vor dem Treffen der NATO—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER.
20170215             DONALD—TRUMP hatte DIE—NATO —KURZ—VOR, seinem AMTS—ANTRITT als überholt bezeichnet.
20170215—20100000    —LAUNCHED, INDIA, the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, built by THE—INDIA—SPACE—RESEARCH—ORGANIZATION, carrying 1—RECORD—104—SATELLITES, 88—OF which were made by Planet, 1—SAN—FRANCISCO—BASED company founded.
20170215—20140517    —GESTERN,: MICHAEL—FLYNN tritt zurück.
20170215—20170213    —ON, NORTH—KOREA—OFFICIALS spent hours trying to talk MALAYSIA out of conducting 1—AUTOPSY on KIM—JONG—UN'S estranged HALF—BROTHER, who was murdered at KUALA—LUMPUR airport.
20170215—20170224    —BECAME, This request, public.
20170215—20170419    —ON, In JAKARTA Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, 1—CHRISTIAN—OF—CHINA—DESCENT also known as Ahok, won with 43—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, forcing him into 1—RUNOFF against Anies Baswedan.
20180215             —TURNED, OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, fans, out in style for the 1. local screening of RYAN—COOGLER'S "Black Panther" movie at the Grand Lake Theater.
20180215             —CHARGED, PENNSYLVANIA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL said 7—GUARDS have been, with sexually abusing inmates at the Lackawanna County Prison in SCRANTON.
20180215             —BANNED, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MALCOLM—TURNBULL, government employees from having sex with staff as deputy PRIME—MINISTER—BARNABY—JOYCE battled for his political survival —FOLLOWING revelations of 1—RELATIONSHIP with 1—FORMER—STAFFER.
20180215             —COLLIDED, CENTRAL—WEST—BRAZIL, 1—TRUCK, with 1—BUS carrying 43—PASSENGERS, and at least 7—PEOPLE were killed.
20180215             BRAZIL, overnight heavy rain and high winds in RIO—DE—JANEIRO left 4—PEOPLE—DEAD in the Alemao slum complex of SAO—PAULO.
20180215             —CONVICTED—OF, LONDON, BARRY—BENNELL, —64—JAHRE—ALT was, 43—COUNTS—OF—CHILD—SEX—ABUSE —DURING his time working for northwest clubs MANCHESTER City and Crewe Alexandra, among others, 19790000—19900000    —FROM—TO.
20180215             —FEATURED, CHINA, 1—CCTV comedy sketch, 1—CHINA—WOMAN in blackface was broadcast on the state television's Lunar New —YEAR variety show.
20180215             The show quickly drew ACCUSATIONS—OF—RACISM, although SOME—PEOPLE in BEIJING were left wondering why it would be considered offensive.
20180215             SOUTH—WEST—CHINA, 1—EXPLOSION—LATE—TODAY at 1—STALL selling fireworks killed 4—PEOPLE and injured 4—OTHERS in Yunnan province on THE—EVE—OF—THE—LUNAR—NEW—YEAR—HOLIDAY.
20180215             —KILLED, DAGESTAN, 1—RUSSIA—SPECIAL—FORCES—OFFICER was, in 1—SHOOTOUT with 1—MILITANT that also left the fighter dead.
20180215             1—EGYPT—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN said that military and police forces have killed 1—TOTAL—OF—53—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS and arrested 680—SUSPECTS in —1—WEEK—LONG—OFFENSIVE to crush insurgents that is focused on THE—SINAI—PENINSULA.
20180215             —RESIGNED, ETHIOPIA—PRIME—MINISTER—HAILEMARIAM—DESALEGN, —AFTER LONG—RUNNING political turmoil, 1 unprecedented move in the vast EAST—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20180215             He will remain in power —UNTIL PARLIAMENT and the full COUNCIL—OF—THE—RULING coalition party, THE—ETHIOPIA—PEOPLE—REVOLUTIONARY—DEMOCRATIC—FRONT (EPRDF), confirm his resignation.
20180215             THE—FRANCE—PYRENEES, the bodies of THE—3—MEN were found, —1—DAY—AFTER 1—AVALANCHE struck on 1—OFF—PISTE sector at the Cauterets ski resort, close to THE—SPAIN—BORDER.
20180215             —COLLAPSED, SOUTH—INDIA, a 5—STORY building under construction, killing at least 3—WORKERS and trapping several others.
20180215             1—INDIA—AIR—FORCE—HELICOPTER crashed in the remote northeast, killing both crewmembers on BOARD.
20180215             —LISTED, MOLDOVA—PURCARI Wineries, its shares on ROMANIA—STOCK—EXCHANGE, 1—EXAMPLE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—INVESTORS concentrating on European markets —FOLLOWING 1—RUSSIA—EMBARGO.
20180215             —RAISED, The company, 186.2—MILLION lei ($50—MILLION) —AFTER selling 49—PERCENT of its shares AHEAD—OF—THE—LAUNCH on the stock exchange.
20180215             —ACCUSED, PAKISTAN—ARMY, neighboring INDIA—SOLDIERS—OF targeting 1—SCHOOL—VAN from across the frontier in Kashmir, killing the driver, leaving the students "severely traumatized" and forcing local residents to flee to safety.
20180215             1—RUSSIAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY spokeswoman said MOSCOW has tangible evidence of "the destructive INTERFERENCE—OF—SOME—WESTERN—COUNTRIES" in RUSSIA—DOMESTIC—AFFAIRS ahead of 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—NEXT—MONTH.
20180215             —ANNOUNCED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—POLICY—CHANGE allowing women to open their own businesses without the consent of 1—HUSBAND or MALE relative.
20180215             —ELECTED, SOUTH—AFRICA CYRIL, Ramaphosa (65) was, PRESIDENT in 1—PARLIAMENTARY—VOTE.
20180215             He pledged to tackle endemic corruption —AFTER SCANDAL—RIDDEN JACOB—ZUMA resigned on orders from the ruling AFRICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS.
20180215             —DECLARED, SOUTH—AFRICA—CHIEF—PROSECUTOR, AJAY—GUPTA, 1—OF—THE—3—GUPTA brothers accused of corrupt links to ousted PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA, a "fugitive from justice" —AFTER he failed to hand himself in to police.
20180215             —STEPPED, SOUTH—AFRICA—ARCHBISHOP Emeritus DESMOND—TUTU, down as 1—AMBASSADOR for Oxfam, citing disappointment at THE—UK—AID—AGENCY'S—EMBROILMENT in 1—SEX—SCANDAL involving staff in HAITI —AFTER 1—MASSIVE 20100000             earthquake.
20180215             Umstrittene Bonitätsbewertung: Wie Sie die geheime SCHUFA—FORMEL knacken können
20180215             —STUDIE—VON—SAVE the Children: Jedes 6. Kind lebt im KRIEG
20180215             Berkshire Hatherway: Buffett baut Beteiligung an APPLE kräftig aus
20180215             UMWELT—SCHUTZ, Sozialverbände sehen kostenlosen NAH—VERKEHR kritisch
20180215             —VERBOTENE Filmsatire in RUSSLAND: "Man muss über STALIN lachen dürfen"
20180215             EU—KOMMISSION: FACEBOOK und Twitter verletzten Verbraucherrechte
20180215             POLEN—PREMIER Morawiecki: "Wenn du den Frieden willst, rüste dich für den KRIEG"
20180215             DES—INFORMATION zum KLIMA—WANDEL: Das Geschäft mit der KATASTROPHE
20180215             WETT—STREIT der Sambaschulen: Mit sozialer Kritik zum Triumph
20180215             Depressionen im Studium: am LEISTUNGS—DRUCK fast zerbrochen (Leben und Lernen, 10:29)
20180215             [l] Toll Collect hat dem Bund 300—MIO € zuviel in Rechnung gestellt.
20180215             Ich sage euch: 300—MIO hier, 300—MIO da, nach ner Weile kommt da richtig Geld zusammen!
20180215             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, Sexuelle Belästigung.
20180215             NEW—HOTNESS, Sexuelle Beleidigung.
20180215             [l] POLEN ruft WELT—WEIT ihre Expats zum Denunzieren von POLEN—FEINDLICHEN Äußerungen auf.
20180215             "Bitte, dokumentieren Sie ALLE—ANTI—POLNISCHEN—ÄUSSERUNGEN, Darstellungen und Meinungen, die uns schaden und reagieren Sie darauf
20180215             Sooo toll scheint der Ruf POLENs ja nicht zu sein, wenn POLEN 1.Maßnehme wie das HOLOCAUST—GESETZ für nötig hielten.
20180215             [l] Es gibt —JETZT für TRANSGENDER—FRAUEN 1.Behandlung, um selbst Kinder stillen zu können.
20180215             —INVOLVED, The 3-and-a-half —MONTH treatment, THE—USE—OF—HORMONES, 1—NAUSEA drug, and
20180215             BETRUGS—AFFÄRE—UM—EU—FÖRDERUNGEN: Die wundersame Geldvermehrung der ORBÁN—FAMILIE
20180215             —VERDREIFACHT, Trotz Problemen: Airbus, Gewinn
20180215             2.300—TOTE und Verletzte: ZAHL—DER—ANSCHLAGSOPFER in AFGHANISTAN auf HÖCHST—WERT
20180215             PROPAGANDA und DES—INFORMATION IM—NETZ: EUROPA will mehr löschen lassen
20180215             USA Merck And Co
20180215             Merck & Co., wie es aus namensrechtlichen Gründen nur IN—DEN—USA und KANADA genannt wird oder Merck Sharp & Dohme (kurz MSD) ist 1—USA—AMERIKANISCHES—PHARMAUNTERNEHMEN mit Sitz in Kenilworth (NEW—JERSEY)
20180215             Merck & CO—SEIN Lehrling LOUIS—DOHME stammte aus dem DEUTSCHEN—OBERNKIRCHEN und war 1—VETTER—VON—AUGUST—OETKER, den er beim Aufbau seiner späteren BACKPULVER—PRODUKTION unterstützte.
20180215             Sharp & Dohme war vor allem in der ER—FORSCHUNG und Vermarktung von Sulfonamiden, Impfstoffen und Blutplasmaprodukten erfolgreich.
20180215             The excerpts come from 1—HUFFPO article
20180215             SEK—EINSATZ—IN—WUPPERTAL: Erschossener Rocker war OSMANEN—ANFÜHRER
20180215             TILLERSON wegen SYRIENKRISE—IN—DER—TÜRKEI: Einst PARTNER—BALD Gegner?
20180215             AFGHANISTAN—KOMMANDEUR Nicholson: "TALIBAN, die nicht verhandeln, werden getötet"
20180215             Satellitenbeobachtungen: Plasmawellen lassen Polarlicht blinken
20180215             —NACH, —SKANDAL, AUSTRALISCHE—REGIERUNG verbietet Sex zwischen MINISTERn und Mitarbeitern (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 13:32)
20180215             Münchner Waldseemüllerkarte: Berühmte AMERIKA—DARSTELLUNG ist gefälscht
20180215             Basis gegen Establishment: Demokratie von ganz unten
20180215             SYRIEN—KRIEG, MOSKAU bestätigt TOD—VON—RUSSEN durch USA—LUFT—ANGRIFF
20180215             SÜD—AFRIKAS CYRIL—RAMAPHOSA: Millionär, Sozialist, —PRÄSIDENT
20180215             —NACH, Veröffentlichung von OLIGARCHEN—VIDEO: RUSSLAND sperrt Zugang zu NAWALNY—BLOG
20180215             Projekt mit intelligenten Kameras: Rennen und Fallen sind in MANN—HEIM bald verdächtig
20180215             1—INTERNATIONALES FORSCHER—TEAM hat —NUN die ENTSTEHUNG der pulsierenden Polarlichter aufgeklärt.
20180215             MERKEL, MACRON und DONALD—TRUMP: 3—SIND 1.zuviel
20180215             —FORDERUNG der TÜRKEI: USA soll Unterstützung der KURDENmiliz in SYRIEN beenden
20180215             Dramatischer Rückgang binnen —15—JAHREN: 150.000—ORANG—UTANS weniger auf Borneo
20180215             Zu "militärisch": MARINE—LE—PEN will neuen Namen für FRONT—NATIONAL
20180215             DEUTSCHLAND: Ausgaben für Gesundheit bei 1—MILLIARDE—EURO täglich
20180215             Auftakt zur BERLINale: "MACHT und Angst waren viel zu lange stille Komplizen"
20180215             —LAUT—DER—STUDIE, die McDONALD ZUSAMMEN—MIT—KOLLEGEN im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Science"vorgestellt hat, gibt es bei diesen chemischen, erdölbasierten Produkten 1—PROBLEM: Sie verursachen deutlich mehr LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG, als —BISHER, angenommen.
20180215—19610000    —SEIT, —1—TAG—NACH—DEM Rücktritt des SÜD—AFRIKA—PRÄSIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA wird vom Parlament in PRETORIA der ANC—POLITIKER CYRIL—RAMAPHOSA zum 5. Präsidenten, der bestehenden REPUBLIK SÜDAFRIKA gewählt.
20180215—19940000    —ARRESTED, Bennel was, in THE—USA.
20180215—20160000    —IN—LATE, The scandal broke —WHEN FORMER—LIVERPOOL and Tottenham star PAUL—STEWART broke his —40—YEAR—SILENCE and revealed how he was abused as 1—TEENAGER.
20180215—20160000    —IN, 1—CHILE—INDUSTRY—GROUP said 1—GROWING outbreak of "red tide" has put salmon farms on alert in FISH—RICH—SOUTH—CHILE, though its impact is still far less extensive than, —WHEN 1—MUCH larger outbreak decimated fish farms.
20180509             GERALD—HÜTHER (19510215             * in Emleben) ist 1—DEUTSCHER—NEUROBIOLOGE und AUTOR—POPULÄRWISSENSCHAFTLICHER—BÜCHER und anderer Schriften.
20190215             —ARRESTED, BRAZIL—POLICE, 8—EMPLOYEES—OF mining company Vale SA as PART—OF—1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION into the causes of 20190125             —THE deadly dam disaster.
20190215             Für DIE—USA—REGIERUNG ist VENEZUELA nur das 1—OPFER
20190215             ARTIKEL—VON—EDGAR—GÖLL, Das Gutachten hebt hervor, daß für die FRAGE—DER—VÖLKERRECHTLICHEN—ZULÄSSIGKEIT von großer Bedeutung sei, ob ES—SICH um 1."vorzeitige Anerkennung" handele.
20190215             Diese LIEGE vor, wenn 1.Anerkennung erfolge, "bevor die neue STAATS—GEWALT sich endgültig durchgesetzt hat".
20190215             DAS—URTEIL darüber sei allerdings von politischem Ermessen abhängig
20190215             DIE—AUTOREN des Bundestagsgutachtens äußern sich indes auch sehr deutlich zu den militärischen DROHUNGEN—DER—USA.
20190215             "DIE—DROHUNG mit 1—MILITÄRISCHEN Intervention ist 1.Drohung mit Gewalt GEGEN—DIE—TERRITORIALE Unversehrtheit eines Staates.
20190215             Diese seien mit den Zielen DER—VEREINTE—NATIONEN unvereinbar
20190215             Da DIE—VEREINTEN—NATIONEN[UN] gemäß Art.
20190215             Auch die Äußerung des Nationalen SICHERHEITSberaters der USA, JOHN—BOLTON, der amtierende VENEZOLANISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—MADURO könne im USA—FOLTER—LAGER GUANTÁNAMO enden, beurteilen DIE—AUTOREN als rechtswidrig.
20190215             "Aus meiner Sicht bestätigt das Gutachten, was wir —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—AKTUELLEN KRISE—IN—VENEZUELA kritisieren: Die Anerkennung GUAIDÓs stellt 1.unzulässige Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten VENEZUELAs dar und ist damit VÖLKER—RECHT—WIDRIG", sagte der Abgeordnete der Linksfraktion, Andrej Hunko, der das Gutachten in Auftrag gegeben ha
20190215             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, that he has signed the appropriate paperwork to declare 1—EMERGENCY on the border so he can build 1—WALL along THE—USA—MEXICO border.
20190215             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP also, he was declaring 1—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY to fulfill his pledge to construct the wall.
20190215             Congress' 2—TOP—DEMOCRATS said they'll use "EVERY—REMEDY available" to oppose TRUMP—DECLARATION—OF—1—EMERGENCY to shift BILLIONS—OF—FEDERAL—DOLLARS into building the wall.
20190215             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT said it will lead 1—AMBITIOUS—EFFORT to develop technologies to recycle LITHIUM—ION batteries from electric vehicles, cellphones and other sources to ensure 1—RELIABLE and affordable SUPPLY—OF—METALS—CRUCIAL to battery production in anticipation of soaring global demand and potential shortages.
20190215             —AGREED, USA and ICELAND diplomats said they have, to set up formal economic channels to boost trade and business investment.
20190215             —IMPOSED, THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT, sanctions on top VENEZUELA—SECURITY—OFFICIALS and THE—HEAD—OF—VENEZUELA—STATE—OIL—COMPANY—PDVSA as it ratcheted up pressure on embattled VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO over 1—ELECTION it says was illegal.
20190215             —ALLEGED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, that 2—FORMER—EXECUTIVES for Cognizant Technology Solutions paid about $2—MILLION in bribes to INDIA—OFFICIALS to build 1—NEW—OFFICE—CAMPUS in the country.
20190215             ILLINOIS, GARY—MARTIN, —45—JAHRE—ALT, 1—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—HENRY—PRATT—CO. in AURORA, was fired.
20190215             —KILLED, He then, 5—PEOPLE and wounded 5—POLICE—OFFICERS—BEFORE he was fatally shot.
20190215             1—INITIAL—BACKGROUND—CHECK did not catch a 19950000             felony conviction.
20190215             MARYLAND, Coast Guard LIEUTENANT—PAUL—HASSAN, —49—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SELF—DESCRIBED white nationalist, was arrested on gun and drug charges.
20190215             —ACCUSED—OF, He wass —LATER, plotting to kill 1—LONG—LIST—OF—PROMINENT—JOURNALISTS and Democratic politicians as well as others.
20190215             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—UK—CHILDREN, out of lessons to demand action on climate change, earning 1—MILD rebuke from THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICE for disrupting classes, but praise from the energy MINISTER and activists.
20190215             —ANNOUNCED, Costa RICO—JUSTICE—MINISTRY, that JULIO—SOLIS, DIRECTOR—OF—CITIZEN—PEACE and Coexistence Promotion, had resigned.
20190215             —REPORTED, The country's VICE—MINISTER—OF—ECONOMY, him —1—DAY—EARLIER for alleged sexual abuse.
20190215             1—TOP—AIRBUS official said GERMANY—HALT in exports to SAUDI—ARABIA is preventing BRITAIN from completing the sale of 48—EUROFIGHTER Typhoon warplanes to RIYADH, and has delayed potential SALES—OF—OTHER—WEAPONS such as the A400M military transport.
20190215             THE—EUROFIGHTER is built by 1—CONSORTIUM—OF—4—FOUNDING countries: GERMANY, BRITAIN, ITALY and SPAIN.
20190215             —SLAMMED, Rights group AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, a "ban" it said EGYPT—AUTHORITIES have imposed on family visits to SCORES—OF—DETAINEES.
20190215             He released 1—ANALYSIS—OF publicly available video footage that he said showed the police had escalated the situation, leading to unnecessary deaths.
20190215             —SENTENCED, It also, to death another man for helping to plan the killing, and gave prison sentences to 2—OTHER—MEN it said were also involved in the crime.
20190215             A 5. suspect accused of being the mastermind remains at large.
20190215             THE—PACIFIC—ISLAND nation of NAURU —POSTED 1—NEW—RULE not allowing doctors to remotely recommend the medical TRANSFER—OF—ASYLUM—SEEKERS to AUSTRALIA.
20190215             The new rule could thwart 1—EASING—OF—AUSTRALIA—HARDLINE immigration policy.
20190215             —REPORTED, NIGERIA, authorities in KADUNA state, at least 66—DEATHS in fighting said to be between Christian farmers and Fulani Muslim herdsmen.
20190215             —DOUBLED, The death toll from the attack soon, to more than 130—PEOPLE.
20190215             1—RUSSIA—COURT—ORDERED—BARING—VOSTOK executive Phillipe Delpal, 1—FRANCE—NATIONAL, to be held in custody for —1—MONTH and —30—DAYS—AFTER he was detained on SUSPICION—OF—EMBEZZLEMENT.
20190215             He was 1—OF—SEVERAL executives at private equity group Baring Vostok including MICHAEL—CALVEY, 1—USA—CITIZEN, who were detained —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20190215             SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE said 1—ARREST—WARRANT for AJAY—GUPTA, 1—BUSINESSMAN and FRIEND—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA, has been provisionally withdrawn, in 1—SETBACK for the government's promised fight against corruption.
20190215             —CALLED, SPAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—PEDRO—SANCHEZ, 1—EARLY—GENERAL—ELECTION for 20190428             that is expected to highlight the deep political divisions coursing through the nation.
20190215             —PROTESTED, SPAIN, HUNDREDS—OF—CHINESE, outside 1—BANK—IN—MADRID, claiming they are being unfairly denied access to their accounts —WHILE the bank insists it's merely complying with MONEY—LAUNDERING laws.
20190215             In 1—COMMANDER—WITH—THE—KURDISH—LED force fighting the extremists said the offensive on the last enclave held by the Islamic State group in EAST—SYRIA has been blunted by THE—DISCOVERY—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—CIVILIANS still living there.
20190215             IS militants clung to their last square km (mile) of land in Baghouz.
20190215             THAILAND, the Pheu Thai, the flagship party of the political MACHINE—OF—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA, held its 1. rally in BANGKOK, as campaigning heats up for the 1. election —SINCE a 20140000             military coup.
20190215             —PREVENTED, TURKEY—POLICE, supporters from rallying outside the home of Leyla Guven, 1—PRO—KURDISH—LAWMAKER on hunger strike —FOR—100—DAYS.
20190215             1—REPORT by THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICE—AND—THE—UN—MISSION in SOUTH—SUDAN recorded 175—CASES, mainly rapes lasting hours by multiple uniformed and armed men, —JUST between —SEPTEMBER and 20181200            .
20190215             —STUDIE—VON—SAVE the Children: Fast jedes 5. Kind wächst in Konfliktgebieten auf
20190215             ERGEBNIS—DES—MEDIZINCHECKS: DONALD—TRUMP ist fettleibig
20190215             —DIE—LAGE—AM—FREITAG, Wann wird 1—HANDELS—KRIEG zum Krieg?
20190215             SPD—PLÄNE: HANDWERKS—PRÄSIDENT wettert gegen Grundrente
20190215             PRIVAT—SPHÄRE von Nutzern verletzt: FACEBOOK droht MILLIARDEN—BUßGELD in DATEN—SKANDAL
20190215             ANGST—VOR—SCHÄDLING: Eine einzelne Fruchtfliege löst in NEUSEELAND Alarm aus
20190215             MEETING—IN—MÜNCHEN: Das sind die wichtigsten Player der SICHERHEITSkonferenz
20190215             Hungernde Bevölkerung: Branson plant AID—KONZERT für VENEZUELA
20190215             Verhaltensökonom über Neid: DIE—DEUTSCHEN können nicht gönnen
20190215             —NACH, ANSCHLAG—IN—KASCHMIR: INDIEN kündigt PAKISTAN "starke Antwort" an
20190215             DES—INFORMATION und Diskreditierung: Wie rechte NETZ—WERKE DIE—BAYERNWAHL beeinflussen wollten
20190215             TREFFEN—MIT—XI: CHINA geht im Handelskonflikt offenbar auf USA zu
20190215             Verwicklung in GELD—WÄSCHE—FALL: FINANZ—AUFSICHT erhöht Druck auf DEUTSCHE—BANK
20190215             —VERWEIGERT, Erfolgreicher WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—AMAZON in NEW—YORK: Annahme
20190215             —TREFFEN—IN—MÜNCHEN: Was Sie über DIE—SICHERHEITS—KONFERENZ wissen müssen
20190215             REGIERUNGS—KRISE—IN—SPANIEN: SÁNCHEZ ruft Neuwahlen aus
20190215             Arbeit: ZAHL—DER—INDUSTRIE—BESCHÄFTIGTEN erreicht Rekord
20190215             Eisbärbaby im BERLINer Tierpark: "Es ist ein kräftiges Mädchen"
20190215             SIBIRIEN: RUSSISCHES—MILITÄR soll Menschen vor Eisbären schützen
20190215             Externe HILFE—FÜR—MINISTERIEN: Regierung zahlt MILLIARDEN für private Berater
20190215             Umgehung von Fahrverboten: Regierung will DIESELSCHADSTOFF—GRENZWERTE lockern
20190215             Mehr SUV, höherer FLOTTEN—VERBRAUCH, CO2—WERTE—VON—MERCEDES steigen sprunghaft
20190215             WARNUNG—AN—MITGLIED—STAATEN: EU—KOMMISSION mahnt zur Härte gegen Briten
20190215             Fingierte Exporte nach AFRIKA: Ermittler decken Millionenbetrug mit Medikamenten auf
20190215             UKRAINE, Politiker wegen tödlichen SÄURE—ANGRIFFS festgenommen
20190215             FACEBOOKs SCHWARZE—LISTE, Wie das NETZ—WERK potenzielle Angreifer im Blick behält
20190215             Gemeinsame Rüstungsprojekte: DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHES—GEHEIM—PAPIER regelt WAFFEN—EXPORTE neu
20190215             Weitwandern auf der Via Algarviana: Westwärts, —BIS der Wurststand kommt
20190215             WDR—CHEFREDAKTEURIN: "Authentizität ist unser höchstes Gut"
20190215             Vorgezogene PARLAMENTS—WAHL: Was in SPANIEN SCHIEFLÄUFT—UND was dem Land —NUN drohen könnte
20190215             Ausspähung der KANZLERIN—MERKEL soll in HANDY—ÜBERWACHUNG nur "PR—PROBLEM" gesehen haben
20190215             Es seien die 1.Aufnahmen eines Panthers in AFRIKA —SEIT—100—JAHREN und der Beweis, daß es die vom AUS—STERBEN bedrohte Tierart dort überhaupt noch gibt, berichteten mehrere Medien.
20190215             Klingt spannend, stimmt aber nicht.
20190215             Panther sind zum 1—KEINE eigene Art.
20190215             —VERWENDET, Der Begriff wird für ALLE—SCHWARZEN—GROSSKATZEN, etwa für Leoparden, die aufgrund 1—GENMUTATION deutlich mehr schwarze Pigmente produzieren als üblich.
20190215             DIE—ZAHL—DER—BESCHÄFTIGTEN in der DEUTSCHEN—INDUSTRIE ist 20180000             auf 1—REKORD—WERT gestiegen.
20190215             DIE—BETRIEBE zählten im —JAHRESSCHNITT gut 5.600.000 Mitarbeiter.
20190215             Das seien 2,7 % oder etwa 150.000—MEHR als —1—JAHR—ZUVOR gewesen, teilte das Statistische BUNDES—AMT mit.
20190215             —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—ERHEBUNG 20050000             hat es demnach noch keinen höheren Wert gegeben.
20190215             DIE—ZAHL—DER—GELEISTETEN Arbeitsstunden in der Industrie nahm im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 1,9 % auf 8526.000.000 zu.
20190215             DIE—VER—DIENSTE stiegen gleichzeitig um 5,1 % - auf 295,8—MILLIARDEN—EURO.
20190215             Zum Glück werfen die Eukalyptusbäume Schatten auf DIE—STRAßE.
20190215             Zum GLÜCK—ZWISCHEN dem Bergdorf MONCHIQUE und dem Pico da Fóia, dem höchsten Punkt der SERRA de MONCHIQUE, beträgt sie —BIS zu 12—PROZENT.
20190215             Dörfer mit stolzer Vergangenheit
20190215             Hier oben liegen Bergdörfer wie Caldas de MONCHIQUE mit seinen Thermalbädern.
20190215             In dem NATURSCHUTZ—GEBIET sind Otter, Füchse, Wildschweine, Wildkatzen und der seltene Iberische Luchs zu Hause
20190215             Das Netz aus WANDER—UND Radwegen ist enorm, die Routen führen meist durch dichte Korkeichenwälder.
20190215             Habt ihr euch mal gefragt, wieso die Züge auf DER—NEUEN Bahnstrecke BERLIN—MÜNCHEN vergleichsweise pünktlich sind?
20190215             —NUN, die Strecke war auch als "intensiv genutzte Güterstrecke" gedacht, aber weil jemand an der falschen Stelle gespart hat, geht das —JETZT nicht wie geplant:
20190215             Als Kostenersparnis wurden an 4—SIGNALSTELLEN Steigungen von fast 2 % eingeplant.
20190215             Daher dürften auf der Strecke nur Güterzüge fahren, die nicht schwerer als 1.200—TONNEN sind, da schwerere Züge an den Signalen nicht mehr selbstständig anfahren könnten.
20190215             Doch die meisten Güterzüge seien schwerer, so DIE—ZEITUNG, —SCHON aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen, und würden in der Regel meist 1.600—TONNEN wiegen.
20190215             Auf der anderen Seite hat die Bahn ja mehr in STRAßEN—BASIERTE Logistik als in GLEIS—BASIERTE Logistik investiert, insofern kein Problem!1!!
20190215             —UPDATE, Leserbrief dazu:
20190215             ich hatte auf 1—REISE —VOR—EINIGER—ZEIT mal 1—LOK—FÜHRER neben mir sitzen, der erzählte, daß die Ursache allen Übels die interne Aufspaltung in Streckenbau vs. Betrieb ist.
20190215             Früher, als alles "DIE—BAHN" war, hat man die langfristigen Kosten im Auge gehabt und z.B.
20190215             —MINIMIERT, DIE—STEIGUNG auf ein sinnvolles Maß, weil DAS—MITTELFRISTIG günstiger im Betrieb war und auch 1.größere Flexibilität beim —EINSATZ—DER—ZÜGE erlaubte.
20190215             —DANN, kam das "Fitmachen für DIE—BÖRSE", d.h.
20190215             —HEUTE, arbeiten die Subsparten getrennt und somit jeweils nur wirtschaftlich für sich selbst.
20190215             —BEKOMMT, Streckenbau, 1—PFLICHTENHEFT, in dem steht "max.
20190215             Steigung" — also nagelt man das aus Kostengründen exakt auf Kante.
20190215             Betrieb hat dann DAS—PROBLEM, daß man auf den Strecken mit entsprechender Maximalsteigung nur noch bestimmte Züge fahren lassen kann;
20190215             das gibt's offenbar genauso für ICEs.
20190215             Dazu kommen die höheren Energiekosten für "steile" Strecken.
20190215             Facepalm des Tages:
20190215             The creators of 1—REVOLUTIONARY—AI—SYSTEM that can write news stories and WORKS—OF—FICTION — dubbed "deepfakes for text" — have taken THE—UNUSUAL—STEP—OF not releasing their research publicly, for FEAR—OF—POTENTIAL misuse.
20190215             Ja nee klar, wenn wir das geheimhalten, dann kann nie jemand 1.ähnliche SOFTWARE bauen!1!!
20190215             Ihr müsst —JETZT sehr tapfer sein.
20190215             DIE—DOKUMENTE beweisen: Der DEUTSCHE—GEHEIM—DIENST BND ist in Waffentransporte in DIE—KRISEN—UND Kriegsgebiete dieser Welt stark involviert.
20190215             Interessantes Detail am Rande:
20190215             Verschifft wird nicht in DEUTSCHLAND, sondern über 1—GEHEIM—HAFEN IN—DER—UKRAINE, der auf keiner Karte verzeichnet ist.
20190215             Oh, ach? Man kann Häfen geheimhalten?
20190215             Als 1.FILM—TEAM durfte die "Story im 1."-Crew den GEHEIMEN HAFEN Oktjabrsk IN—DER—UKRAINE besuchen.
20190215             Na googeln wir doch mal.
20190215             Hit 1, Hit 2, wie wäre es mit dem örtlichen Wetter und LIVE—SCHIFFSVERKEHR?
20190215             Aber wer weiß, vielleicht gibt es ja noch 1—ANDEREN Geheimhafen mit dem Namen.
20190215             Inhaltlich wird das —JETZT niemanden groß überraschen, denke ich mal, daß DER—BND sich nicht an RECHT und Gesetz hält.
20190215             Dem BUNDESTAG angegliedert ist 1—ORGANISATION namens "Wissenschaftlicher Dienst des Bundestages".
20190215             DIE—MACHEN Gutachten.
20190215             Wenn in der TAGES—POLITIK irgendeine Frage offen ist, dann kann man sich als Abgeordneter an die wenden und dann kriegt man 1—GUTACHTEN—VON—EXPERTEN aus dem jeweiligen Feld.
20190215             —GEMACHT, DIE—AUCH 1—GUTACHTEN zu VENEZUELA, haben.
20190215             Dabei kamen sie zu dem Ergebnis, daß... Achtung! Erschütternd!...
20190215             In der laufenden Debatte um den VENEZOLANISCHEN—GEGENPRÄSIDENTEN JUAN—GUAIDÓ hat der Wissenschaftliche Dienst des Bundestages die Anerkennung des OPPOSITIONS—POLITIKER—DURCH DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG und weitere westliche STAATEN in Frage gestellt.
20190215             Es gebe "starke Gründe" für die Annahme, daß ES—SICH bei der Anerkennung GUAIDÓs um 1."Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten" handelt
20190215             NEIN!! DOCH!!! OOOOH!!!!
20190215             —BACKED, OpenAI, an nonprofit research company, by Elon Musk, REID—HOFFMAN, SAM—ALTMAN, and others, says its new AI model, called GPT2 is so good and the risk of malicious use so high that it is breaking from its normal practice of releasing the full research to THE—PUBLIC in order to allow more time to discuss the ramifications of the technological breakthrough.
20190215             —ANTI—EU—HARDLINER: Mays letzte Chance auf den BREXIT—DEAL
20190215             —STREIT—VOR—NEUWAHL: SPANIEN beschließt Exhumierung von FRANCO
20190215             —ATTACKIERT, Möglicher Racheakt: HELLS—ANGELS—ROCKER sollen POLIZISTin, haben
20190215             —ÜBERBEWERTET, Umgang mit sozialen NETZ—WERKEN: "FACEBOOK ist "
20190215             TERRORismus: BKA zählt immer mehr RECHTS—EXTREME Gefährder
20190215             KRIMinalität: NRW—INNEN—MINISTER—REUL beklagt Versäumnisse im KAMPF—GEGEN—CLAN—MITGLIEDER
20190215             Fuhrpark: Regierung meidet Elektroautos
20190215             —VERPENNT, NRW—INNEN—MINISTER—REUL über ClanKRIMINALITÄT, "Wir haben es "
20190215             DONALD—TRUMP—ENTSCHEIDUNG über Grenzmauer: Der Notausgang
20190215             Alte Führerscheine: Länder wollen 20220000             mit zwingendem Umtausch beginnen
20190215             In der SCHWEIZ musste bei der EISKUNST—SHOW "Art on Ice" die Flugnummer gestrichen werden.
20190215             Begründung: Zu VIELE—GÄSTE im Zürcher Hallenstadion hatten nämlich das Bluetooth ihrer Handys eingeschaltet.
20190215             Das störte die Steuerung.
20190215             "Wir haben beim Einlass der Gäste 1—VERLUST—DER—KOMMUNIKATIONSVERBINDUNG zu unserem KONTROLL—SYSTEM bemerkt", sagt der Technische Leiter André Strebel.
20190215             Kennt ihr den —SCHON? POLIZEI auf Demo gefilmt?
20190215             VERURTEILUNG wegen Verletzung der Vertraulichkeit des Wortes.
20190215             Aber Obacht! Nicht verwechseln mit "POLIZEI filmt Teilnehmer auf Demo".
20190215             Das ist SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICH keine Verletzung von irgendwas.
20190215             Wo kämen wir da hin! Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi!
20190215             —DENN, was zwischen POLIZISTEN und 1—VON ihnen überprüften Person gesprochen werde, sei "nicht öffentlich", selbst wenn mehrere Menschen um die Beteiligten herumstünden, so DER—RICHTER in seiner Begründung.
20190215             Immerhin ist das 1.geringere Strafe als die Vorinstanz verhängt hatte.
20190215             DIE—WOLLTE noch 3600—EURO Strafe haben.
20190215             Das LG hat —JETZT nur noch 1.Strafe von 1000—EURO verhängt, und auch nur falls sich die Studentin innerhalb eines —JAHRES nochmal strafbar macht.
20190215             Aus der beliebten Serie "1—GLÜCK, daß das bloß 1—SPRENGSTOFF—ENTHUSIAST und kein TERRORIST war", —HEUTE: 1—FALL aus SCHORN—DORF—BEI—AALEN.
20190215             Im FALL—DES—SPRENGKÖRPERS, der —MITTE ;;01;;
20190215             in der KIRCH—GASSE in Schorndorf gefunden worden ist, hat DIE—POLIZEI 1—VERDÄCHTIGEN ermittelt.
20190215             "—NACH—DEN bisherigen Ermittlungen gibt es keinerlei ANHALTS—PUNKTE für 1—EXTREMISTISCHEN Hintergrund", so 1—POLIZEI—SPRECHER.
20190215             "Vielmehr dürften die Tathintergründe wohl in persönlichen Motiven des Tatverdächtigen liegen".
20190215             Der, —69—JAHRE—ALTE ist weiterhin auf freiem Fuß.
20190215             —GEHABT, Na da haben wir nochmal Schwein !
20190215             —GEWESEN, Man stelle sich vor, das wäre 1—ARABER ! Nicht auszudenken!
20190215             FACEBOOK hat übrigens 1—EIGENEN GEHEIM—DIENST.
20190215             FACEBOOK maintains 1—LIST—OF—INDIVIDUALS that its SECURITY—GUARDS must "be on lookout" for that is COMPRISED—OF—USERS who've made threatening statements against the company on its social network as well as numerous former employees.
20190215             The company's information security —TEAM is capable of tracking these individuals' whereabouts using the location data they provide through FACEBOOK—APPS and websites.
20190215             Ist das nicht süß, wie sie so tun, als würden sie nicht auch bei allen anderen FACEBOOK—APP—INSTALLATIONEN die Location tracken?
20190215             Putzig!
20190215             IN—DER—UKRAINE liegt in den PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHLEN 1—KOMIKER vorne, der im Fernsehen den SATIRE—PRÄSIDENTENDARSTELLER gibt.
20190215             Der Einsender merkt noch an:
20190215             DIE—RUSSLAND—EXPERTEN aus meinem Umfeld meinen, kein MARTIN—SONNEBORN, sondern 1.Sockenpuppe des Oligarchen Kolomojski.
20190215             DONALD—TRUMP ruft den nationalen Notstand aus.
20190215             Wie? Was passiert ist? Na DAS—PARLAMENT hat ihm nicht DAS—GELD für den Mauerbau gegeben.
20190215             Also ist —JETZT Notstand, m(
20190215             Hier ist 1.gut passende EXPERTEN—MEINUNG dazu.
20190215             Tierquälerei: Landkreise verbieten RINDER—EXPORTE in 14—LÄNDER
20190215             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, Jemand hat die Absicht, 1.Mauer zu errichten
20190215             —KLIMA—PROTEST—IN—NRW: MINISTERium will bei streikenden Schülern hart durchgreifen
20190215             VON—DERLEYEN auf Münchner SICHERHEITSkonferenz: "Wir DEUTSCHEN müssen mehr tun"
20190215             STEIGENDER—MEERES—SPIEGEL, Die Flut vor der Haustür
20190215             Aerogel: Forscher wollen mit LASER—SEGEL nach Proxima Centauri
20190215             —REGISTRIERT, KUBA, Bewegung von USA—MILITÄR in der KARIBIK—ARTIKEL—VON—ARIANA Pérez
20190215             SÜD—AFRIKANISCHE Länder und Rotes Kreuz kritisieren USA—POLITIK gegenüber VENEZUELA
20190215             SYRIEN— USA—GENERAL hält IS—TERRORMILIZ nicht für besiegt
20190215             —BEHERRSCHT, GEO—POLITIK, Wer, DIE—WELT—VON—MORGEN? (SPIEGEL+, 22:28) - [l]!
20190215             Wie? Nein, nicht mit Außerirdischen. FUKUSHIMA. Mit dem Corium.
20190215             Zur Erinnerung: Die FUKUSHIMA—HAVARIE war 20110000            .
20190215             DIE—ANALYSEN des Wissenschaftlichen Dienstes werden doch automatisch veröffentlicht.
20190215             2—IHRER Charta auf dem Grundsatz der souveränen GLEICHHEIT—DER—MITGLIEDSTAATEN beruhen und 1.MILITÄR—INTERVENTION dem Grundsatz der souveränen Gleichheit widerspricht, ist die Drohung auch mit den Zielen DER—VEREINTE—NATIONEN unvereinbar".
20190215—19530000    —VOR, Ältere Führerscheininhaber, die geboren wurden, sollen von der —PFLICHT zum vorgezogenen Umtausch ganz befreit werden.
20190215—20140000    —PURCHASED, Martin had, his handgun.
20190215—20170129    —IN—THE, MYANMAR, THE—YANGON—NORTH—DISTRICT—COURT—FOUND—KYI—LIN guilty of premeditated murder and illegal weapons possession, shooting of Ko Ni at YANGON—AIRPORT.
20190215—20190731    —AFTER, SWEDEN, the main suspect (22) in the theft of royal funeral artifacts from 1—SWEDEN—CATHEDRAL confessed to stealing them last his DNA was found on the items that were pulled out —LAST—WEEK from 1—GARBAGE bin NORTH—OF—STOCKHOLM.
20200203—20200215    —ON, A 3. student †.
20200215             † KARL—LUDWIG—SCHWEISFURTH, DEUTSCHER—UNTERNEHMER und Pionier der ökologischen Lebensmittelherstellung
20200215             [l] SONNEBORNs HUFEISEN—REDE ist —JETZT draußen!
20200215             HOMERO—GÓMEZ, 50-jähriger UMWELT—UND vor allem Schmetterlingsschützer, wurde Ende ;;01;;
20200215             tot in einem Landwirtschaftsbrunnen tief in den Wäldern des MEXIKANISCHEN—BUNDESSTAATES Michoacán gefunden, —NACHDEM er gut —14—TAGE—VORHER als vermisst gemeldet worden war.
20200215             Insgesamt wurden vergangenes —JAHR im ganzen Land MICHOACÁN—MEXIKO mindestens 35.588—MENSCHEN getötet, so viele wie nie zuvor.
20200215             SARS—COV—2 in CHINA: ZAHL—DER—INFEKTIONEN steigt auf über 66.000
20200215             Auch Zeljko Jovanovic, der Leiter des ROMA—PROGRAMMES der Open SOCIETY Stiftungen (OSF) des USA—BÖRSENMILLIARDÄRS GEORGE—SOROS, beobachtet mit großer Sorge, wie der Antiziganismus sich in der MAINSTREAM—POLITIK breit macht.
20200215             Im Nachbarland UNGARN ist es VIKTOR—ORBÁN, der ROMA immer wieder als arbeitsscheu oder von KRIMinalität lebend darstellt, wenn auch nur indirekt und subtil.
20200215             1 "ethnisch definierbare Volksgruppe" bekäme "eine sehr bedeutende Geldsumme ohne jegliche Arbeitsleistung", schimpfte ORBÁN.