_HEUTE_1011 :

_8.500—20131011      —VOR—CA—10.—500—JAHREN—IRGENDWANN, hörten DIE—MENSCHEN in SÜD—OST—ANATOLIEN und SYRIEN auf, den Herden hinterherzuziehen.
_000501011231        .
09651011             —BERAUBTE OTTO jedoch 1—PERSON, die sich —SEIT ihren Anfängen in DER—HOF—KAPELLE immer als loyaler Helfer ihres königlichen Bruders verstanden hatte.
115001011231         —CA—VON—DER—SCHON an, aus Nachrichten über des PAULUS—II—PAPA—PONTIFICAT
115001011231         —CA—VON—DER—SCHON an, erstreckte sich DER—STADT—MARKT von der PALAST—TREPPE an über den CAPITOL—PLATZ und Abhang und Fuss des Hügels.
115001011231         —CA—VON—DER—SCHON an, umfasste DER—STADT—MARKT den Raum von der KIRCHE—S—BIAGIO, nach der nahen Treppe "in scalis",
115001011231         —CA—VON—DER—SCHON an, als ANACLET—U—PAPA—ANTI—PAPA. den ganzen Raum den damaligen [Benediktiner] BENEDICTINER—VON—ARACELI verlieh,
11591011             † WILHELM—GRAF—VON—BOULOGNE
11651011             Gottfried, PRIESTER t  —VOR
12411011             —SE—RÉVOLTE, RAYMOND—TRENCAVEL et
12411011             —TOUT—À COUP, 1—ARMÉE surgit des CORBIÈRES—MÉRIDIONALES
12411011             † STEPHEN—OF—SEAGRAVE, ENGLISCHER—RITTER und Lordrichter, königlicher Justiciar
125001011231         —CA—VON—AN, Wenn der MUNICIPALE—FREIHEITEN—FORTSCHRITTE in TUSCIEN auch des LANDVOLK—STELLUNG zugute kamen,
125001011231         —CA—CA DIE—ALBERINI welche in STADT—ÄMTEM erscheinen und
125001011231         —CA—CA DIE—ALBERINI welche ihre Wohnungen an Via papale neben den Caflfarelh hatten,
125001011231         —CA, der alten GRAFEN—CASTELL, 1—BAU der welcher an den FLORENZ—PAL. del Podesta und den der Signorie erinnert,
125001011231         —CA, DAS—CASTELL der alten GRAFEN, 1—BAU der welcher an den FLORENZ—PAL. del Podesta und den der Signorie erinnert,
125001011231         —CA—CA, DIE—ALBERINI welche in städtischen Ämtern erscheinen und
125001011231         —CA—VON—DER an Wenn die Fortschritte der MUNICIPAL—FREIHEITEN in und 1—TEIL—DER—ROMAGNA auch der Stellung des Landvolkes zugute kamen,
12561011             —LETTRE—DE—INNOCENZ—IV—PAPA, pour régler le différend ENTRE LE—ABBESSE—DE—S—SAUVEUR DE—MARSEILLE, et
12701011             DIES—SIEGEL—DES—JUNGER—WILHELM stellt ihn dar zur Jagd reitend mit dem Falken auf der Hand und hat die Umschrift: S. WILHELMI—FILII—COMITIS—JULIACENSIS.
12701011             —AM, Als REINHARD—VON—WYSSE—BÜRGER—VON—KÖLN[VETTWEISs] wurde, hängt der junge WILHELM sein Siegel an die darüber aufgesetzte URKUNDE ^
12961011             —MARSEILLE, —LETTRE—DE—DURAND, ÉVEQUE—DE—MARSEILLE, au PRÉVÔT—DE—ARLES. ru.OTUs, miseratione divina EPISCOPUS—MASSILIENSIS. venerabili ac religioso VIRO—DOMINO—BERTRANDO, prepesilo Arelatensi, salutem et sinceram in DOMINO—CARITALEM.
12961011             Cum sanctissimus in Cristo PATER—DOMINUS—BONIFATIUS—VIII—PAPA, révérende in Cristo patri DOMINO—ARELALCNSI ARCHI—EPISCOPO, et nobis, suis patenlibus litlcris dederil in mandatis, ut nos aut >mus nostrmn. per
13031011             † BONIFACIUS—PAPA, à ROME.
13031011             † BONIFATIUS—VIII—PAPA
13031011             —ÉLECTION du PAPA BENOÎT—XI—PAPA.
13041011             † KONRAD—III—HERZOG—VON—SCHLESIEN
13051011             OTTO—III—HERZOG—VON—EDER—BAYERN, wird zum KÖNIG—VON—UNGARN gekrönt.
13081011             celles de GUILLAUME—DE—LA—VOÛTE doivent être du
13151011             —VON, DIE—VERPACHTUNG der ZELLE—HIRZENACH bezeichnet besonderen TIEF—PUNKT dieser Entwicklung für HIRZENACH;
13151011             —AM, JOHANN—VON—STERNBERG bezeugt als KELLNER—VON—HIRZENACH ,
13151011—13260619    —VOM, RAUGRAF—GEORG, HIRZENACH—PROPST wird erwähnt
13271011             —EROBERTE, LUDWIG—DER—BAYER PISA und
132901011231         Insuper CUM—ANNO fructus primi anni BENEFICIORUM in PROVINCIA—COLONIENSI[KÖLN] vacaturorum per TRIENNIUM sibi reservasset JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA
13471011             —AM, Schlag.
13711011             HENRICO—DE—BERCH, de soluto et soluta genito, cui dudum de canonicatu et PRAEBENDA—ECCLESIAE—S—SALVATORIS—TRAIECTENSIS provisum est, haec provisio con^
14201011             —AM, MARTINUS—V—PAPA nahm den "edlen Mann" Angele de Trisacco mit 70—BAHSTAREN und Pavesanen, 8—KNAPPEN zu des Palast Bewachung in Dienst.
14201011             des PALAST—WACHE sollte unter des VICE—CAMERLENGO Jurisdiction stehn, der HAUPT—MANN PRO—MONAT 20—GOLD—GULDEN für sich, 3—GOLD—GULDEN für jeden Mann erhalten.
14201011             Man sieht daß es sich hier nicht um jene LEIB—WACHEN handelte mit welchen die ITALIENISCHEN—GEWALT—HERRSCHER sich zu umgeben pflegten,
14201011             Man sieht daß ES—SICH hier nicht um 1 "temble bende de gensdarmes de soulde a la guise des SEIGNEURS—DE—ITALIE" wie PHILIPPE—DE—COMMINES sich ausdrückt. handelte
14241011             † böhmischer HUSSITEN—HEERFÜHRER—JAN—ŽIŽKA
14241011—13700000    † * JAN—ZIZKA, —CA, HUSSITE—CZECH—ARMY—LEADER, of plague.
14331011             —ANKUNFT—IN—BASEL des KAISER—SIGMUND
14331011             als DER—KAISER—SIGMUND in BASEL anlangte.
14331011             DER—KAISER—SIGMUND  wollte ernstlich den Frieden.
145001011231         —CA—CA der Scriptoren Geschäft gelangte zu seinem höchsten FLORENz
145001011231         —CA—CA Je fehlerhafter wie erwähnt die Abschriften gewesen waren, umsomehr befleissigte man sich —NUN der Correctheit.
145001011231         —CA—CA—SCHON der die längst fortschreitende Vernichtung DER—BÜRGER—WEHRKRAFT diese mächtige REPUBLIK—EINZELGEWALT zuführten,
145001011231         —CA—CA unter der fördernden Pflege ALESSANDRO—SFORZAS und seines Hauses
14921011             —SIGHTED—LAND, on the horizon, [THE—BAHAMAS] RODRIGO—DE—TRIANA, 1—SAILOR on the Pinta.
14921011             * CHARLES—ORLAND—LE—DAUPHIN est baptisé
14921011             LA—REINE—ANNE accouche d'un garçon au CHÂTEAU—DE—PLESSIS—LES—TOURS.
14941010—14941011    —FERIA—SEXTA der junge LUCAS—REM—VON—AUGSBURG nach VENEDIG hineinreitet
14941011             —DIE—SABBATI[—SAMSTAG], —IN—MANE, Igitur mandato [PAPA]SUA—SANCTITÀ—DOMINI—NOSTRI, idem KARDINALIS absque KARDINALium associatione [profectus est] et cum eo  DOMINUS—JOHANNES—MARIA clericus ceremoniarum, socius meus:
14941011             fuit commendatum eidem Rmo. DOMINUS—KARDINALI a SUA—SANCTITÀ—DOMINO—NOSTRO et a me quod ubique daret manum DEXTERAM—DICTO—RÉGI venienti, et in omnibus ipsum honoraret.
14941011             —DIE—SABBATI[—SAMSTAG] fuit commendatum eidem Rmo. D. KARDINALi a SS. D. nostro et a me quod ubique daret manum DEXTERAM—DICTO—RÉGI venienti, et in omnibus ipsum honoraret.
14941011             —DIE—SABBATI[—SAMSTAG], —IN—MANE, Igitur mandato SS. D. nostri, idem KARDINALIS absque KARDINALium associatione [profectus est] et cum eo D. JOHANNES—MARIA clericus ceremoniarum, socius meus :
14941011—14941012    —DIE—SABBATI[—SAMSTAG] der junge LUCAS—REM—VON—AUGSBURG nach VENEDIG hineinreitet
14991011             LE—KARDINAL—CESARE—BORGIA est nommé LÉGAT—DE—BOLOGNE
15021011             —ADDI, venne GIOVANNI—DEL—ROSETTO—DA—CASTELLO, con forse 400—FANTI e 40—CAVALLI, questi confortarono molto il popolo;
15051011             † JEAN—II—GRIMALDI—HERR—VON—MONACO
15091011             —CETTE—FOIS, l'assembl^e selectrise et sort de sa torpeur.
15091011             l'assaut commence, les plus hardis s'accrochent aux PAROIS—DE—LA—CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL chaire, le moment est critique.
15091011             Toujours dans le plus grand SANG—FROID, l'energique professeur CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL saisit a sa portee 3 6normes VOLUMES de l'lnfortiat.
15091011             Seulement les papiers du professeur CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL s'etaient 6gares dans le tumulte.
15091011             Sans crainte, CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL invective les agresseurs, les sommant de sortir aussitot. des Liuées formidables couvrent sa voix;
15091011             L'ardeur de bataille le saisit au milieu de ses auditeurs 6pouvantes.
15091011             Les assaillants sont décidés a en venir aux voies de fait et les eleves de CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL sont paralyses de terreur.
15091011             Le sang bouillonnait dans les veines du fils des DE—LONGUEIL.
15091011             Le jour de l'ouverture de son cours, CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL se preparait a prononcéer son discours d'introduction,
15091011             CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL ne put en recueillir qu'une partie et, au lieu de tracer le portrait du vrai jurisconsulte, ce qu'il se proposait de faire,
15091011             CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL lance les 2 1. parmi les mutins;
15091011             CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL improvisa 1—VEHÉMENTE diatribe contre LA—NATION—DE—AQUITAINE.
15091011             1—VOLEE de bancs et de chaises s'abat parmi LES—REBELLES.
15091011             quand 1—BANDE d'hommes arm6s d'6pées fait irruption dans LA—SALLE, et, sans pr^ambule, ordonne CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL—DE—DESCENDRE—DE—LA—CHAIRE.
15091011             Heureusement, la CHALT—IRISCH n'etant accessible que par 1—ESCALIER trés etroit, 1—SEUL homme pouvait en tenir plusieurs en respect.
15091011             —IL, s'apprete a fescalader la chaire, quand il s'effondre en gemissant, les doigts ecras6s, broy6s par le troisi^me IN—FOLIO.
15091011             —LA—BATAILLE est gagnee.
15101011             Auch forderte DER—KAISER das KAMMER—GERICHT auf, 1—DEKLARATION zu fertigen, daß
15101011             jene KAUF—MANNS—GÜTER der schwäbischen Bundesstädte, welche unter seinem, des KAISERs, Geleit von VENEDIG herausgeführt würden, DIE—8—NICHT —TREFFEN solle"), und
15101011             —AM—NÄMLICHEN—TAG, 1—MAHNUNG gleichen Inhalts richtete —DIE—HERREN—VON—DER—LEITER
15101011             Allein, DIE—HERREN—VON—DER—LEITER kehrten sich nicht sehr viel daran und kümmerten sich ebensowenig darum, daß
15211011—15340000    —BY, HENRY—VIII—KING—OF—ENGLAND, had broken completely with THE—CATHOLIC—CHURCH, and
15231011             —OF, LUTHER, addressed 1—AFFECTIONATE letter to THE—PEOPLE—OF—ESSLINGEN,
15231011             —FROM which PAULINE—EPISTLES they people of esslingen could learn, far better than from his LUTHER writings, what was profitable for their salvation.^
15231011             MARTIN—LUTHER encouraging THE—PEOPLE—OF—ESSLINGEN to be stedfast in the faith, and directing them to THE—PAULINE—EPISTLES,
15311011             † ZWINGLI Huldrych 1—ZÜRCHER Reformator [Huldreych Zwingli Huldrych Zwingli Huldreich Zwingli] in Kappel am Albis is killed
15311011             Aus der Zürcher Reformation, der Genfer Reformation die reformierte KIRCHE hervorging
15311011             † HULDRYCH—ZWINGLI, SWITZERLAND—CHURCH reformer (Zwinglian).
15311011             † ULRICH—ZWINGLI, SWITZERLAND—PROTESTANT—REFORMER, was killed in THE—SWITZERLAND—CIVIL—WAR between THE—PROTESTANT and Catholic cantons.
15311011             —SCHLACHT—BEI—KAPPEL während des religiös motivierten - 2. KAPPELER—KRIEG
15311011             unterliegen die Zürcher den 5—KATHOLISCHEN inneren Orten (LUZERN, SCHWYZ, UNTERWALDEN, URI und ZUG).
15401011             CHARLES—V—OF—MILAN put his son Philip in control.
15411011             KAISER—KARL—V. gibt zum Lehen, seinem 14—JÄHRIGEN Sohn PHILIPP—II., DAS—HERZOGTUM—MAILAND.
15461011             Dies ist das Äquivalent von 100.000—DUKATEN* welche DIE—FUGGER
15501011             † GEORG—PENCZ, DEUTSCHER—MALER, Zeichner und Kupferstecher
15641011             † MARTIN—BORRHAUS, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Reformator
15821011             —SKIPPED, This —DAY was 1—OF 10, to bring the calendar into sync. by ORDER—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—TRENT.
15901011             * WILLIAM—PYNCHON, stellvertretender Finanzverantwortlicher der MASSACHUSETTS—BAY—COLONY
15981011             † JOACHIM—CAMERARIUS—DER—JÜNGERE, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Botaniker und Naturforscher
15991011             * ABRAHAM—DE—FABERT, FRANZÖSISCHER—HEERFÜHRER und Militäringenieur
16101011             * JOHANN—GEORG—VON—RECHENBERG, sächsischer Oberhofmarschall und Oberkammerherr
16291011             * ARMAND—DE—BOURBON—FÜRST—VON—CONTI
16331011             ~ MELYN—SON—CORNELIS—JACOB—REEPMAKER—DE—JONGE had been 1—SPONSOR at the baptism of in.
16331011             —SCHLACHT—BEI—STEINAU—AN—DER—ODER[—HEUTE—?cinawa] im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
16331011             —DIE siegreichen KAISER—TRUPPEN unter Wallenstein, GEFANGEN—NEHMEN 1—SCHWEDISCHES—KORPS unter HEINRICH—MATTHIAS—VON—THURN  und
16331011             —DIE siegreichen KAISER—TRUPPEN unter Wallenstein, erlangen FRANKFURT—ODER zurück.
16331011             † PHILARET—PATRIARCH—VON—MOSKAU
16341011—16341012    —IN—DER—NACHT—ZUM, die größte INSEL—DES—WATTENMEERES, Strand, geht  in 1—ORKAN bzw. der nachfolgenden Sturmflut unter.
16341011—16341012    —BURCHARDI—FLUT, Die sogenannte, fordert etwa 10.000—MENSCHENLEBEN, wobei von den 8.600—BEWOHNERN—VON—ALT—NORDSTRAND ungefähr 6.400—UMS Leben kommen.
16341011—16341012    —BURCHARDI—FLUT, Geschätzte 50.000—STÜCK Vieh sterben.
16341011—16341012    —BURCHARDI—FLUT, Die Naturkatastrophe schafft den heutigen Küstenverlauf.
16431011             —SCHLACHT—VON—WINCEBY
16431011             —ENGLISCHER—BÜRGERKRIEG
16431011             —DURCHSETZEN sich, die Parlamentstruppen gegen des —KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND—EINHEITEN.
16481011             —BELAGERUNG—VON—WEXFORD
16481011             —ENDET mitten in Übergabeverhandlungen mit der unerwarteten —ERSTÜRMUNG der STADT—WEXFORD durch die OLIVER—CROMWELLS—BEFEHL—TRUPPEN.
16491011             Die OLIVER—CROMWELLS—BEFEHL—TRUPPEN—SOLDATESKA tötet hunderte gegnerischer Soldaten und schätzungsweise 1.500—ZIVILISTEN.
16491011             —GEPLÜNDERT, Die STADT—WEXFORD wird, und zerstört.
16491011—16491002    —AM, Die begonnene
165001011231         —CA—CA errichtete Das gegenwärtige Local hat jenes vernichtet, an welches nur 1—MARMORTAFEL an der dem LATERAN—PLATZE zugewandten Langseite erinnert,
165001011231         —CA—BIS, 1—DER Linien der Mattei erhielt sich hier;
16561011             DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN an den GROSS—FÜRST—VON—MOSKAU ').
16561011             Sie haben die alte Freundschaft mit BRANDENBURG durch 1—FESTE ALLIANZ erneuert,
16561011             da sie ^uevenK onse eygene behoudenisse allerhande oorsaken hebben, om 10—UYTTERSTEN t' affectionneren, t' embrasseren ende te beiiertigen de interessen VAN S. C. D.^
16561011             Sie bitten den GROSS—FÜRST—VON—MOSKAU daher dringend, mit Um KUR—FÜRST in guter aufrichtiger Freundschaft und alter vertrauter ALLIANZ zu bleiben.
16611011             * MELCHIOR—DE—POLIGNAC, FRANZÖSISCHER—KARDINAL, Diplomat und Dichter
16681011             * LAMBERT—FRIEDRICH—CORFEY, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT und Militäringenieur
16911011             † ISRAËL—SILVESTRE, FRANZÖSISCHER—MALER und Kupferstecher
16931011             LA—VILLE—DE—CHARLEROI se rend au MARÉCHAL—DE—VILLEROY
16971011             EUGEN—DES—THEODOSIUS—VON—HOEN seine Bestätigung durch den —ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN erfolgte am
17021011             —GROßER—NORDISCHER—KRIEG
17021011             —EINNIMMT die RUSSISCHE—ARMEE die an der NEWA—ABFLUSS aus dem LADOGA—SEE gelegene INSEL—FESTUNG—NÖTEBORG.
17021011             —NACH—10—TÄGIGER Belagerung, mit konstantem Beschuss und ohne Hoffnung auf Entsatz, die in der INSEL—FESTUNG—NÖTEBORG liegende SCHWEDISCHE—BESATZUNG aufgibt.
17071011             † JOHANN—REINHOLD—VON—PATKUL, livländischer und sächsischer Staatsmann
17081011             —3—DAYS—AFTER—VON—TSCHIRNHAUS—DEATH, there was 1—BURGLARY at his house and,
17081011             —3—DAYS—AFTER, according to 1—REPORT by BÖTTGER, 1—SMALL—PIECE—OF porcelain was stolen.
17081011             —RECOGNIZED, This report suggests that BÖTTGER himself, that EHRENFRIED—WALTHER—VON—TSCHIRNHAUS already knew how to make porcelain,
17251011             † POLYKARP—LEYSER—III., deutscher evangelischer Theologe, Superintendent, Oberhofprediger und Orientalist
17271011             GEORGE—II—KING—OF—ENGLAND WAS—CROWNED, as.
17271011             * ELIZABETH—GRIFFITH, IRISCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN und Schauspielerin
17291011             f LAURENTIUS—MEURERS, senior, LAACH
17301011—17310915    —VOM, CHRISTOPH—VON—STAEL als KELLNER nachweisbar
17321011             * HEINRICH—FRIEDRICH—INNOCENTIUS—APEL, sächsischer Jurist und Politiker
17451011             Also ABOUT—THIS—TIME—HOLLAND—SCIENTIST—PIETER—VAN—MUSSCHENBROEK—OF—LEIDEN[LEYDEN] independently came up with the same idea.
17451011             —J—IM—DARAUF, stößt auch PIETER—VAN—MUSSCHENBROEK in LEIDEN auf den Effekt ausgelöster Stromschläge[LEIDENER—FLASCHE—PRINZIP].
17461011             MAURICE—DE—SAXE remporte LA—BATAILLE—DE—RAUCOUX face aux autrichiens.
17461011             —SCHLACHT—BEI—ROUCOUX während des
17461011             —BESIEGEN die Franzosen unter MORITZ—VON—SACHSEN die Pragmatische Armee aus Österreichern, Briten und Niederländern.
17481011             † REICHSGRAF—FRANZ—WILHELM—CASPAR—VON—HILLESHEIM, kurpfälzischer Regierungspräsident und MINISTER
175141011            † BONNA, s. TILMANN—DE— LAACH
175410111            † PROPST—VON—KLOSTER—LAACH
17581011             * HEINRICH—WILHELM—OLBERS, DEUTSCHER—ARZT und Astronom
17591011             * MASON—WEEMS, preacher (EPISCOPAL—CLERGYMAN).
17591011             —NOTED, MASON—WEEMS was 1, SELLER—OF—BOOKS where he would fictionalize history in stories like THE—1—HE wrote of GEORGE—WASHINGTON in the book, "Life of WASHINGTON".
17591011             —LOVED, People, MASON—WEEMS his fictionalized stories and often believed that they were true.
17591011             1—FAMOUS—MASON—WEEMS—STORY which is not true is the story of WASHINGTON chopping down the cherry tree and the famous quote on not telling 1—LIE.
17661011             * GEORG—REINBECK, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Germanist und Pädagoge
17661011             * POUL—POULSEN—NOLSØE, färöischer Nationalheld
17681011             * JEAN—ÉDOUARD—ADAM, FRANZÖSISCHER—CHEMIKER und Physiker
17711011             * LUDWIG—HEINRICH—WILHELM—VON—ARNIM, DEUTSCHER—VERWALTUNGSBEAMTER, Rittergutsbesitzer und Parlamentarier
17761011             C. Randle painted: "1—VIEW—OF—THE—NEW—ENGLAND Arm'd Vessels on Valcure Bay on Lake Champlain".
17761011             It depicted the fleet of BENEDICT—ARNOLD —JUST—BEFORE THE—BATTLE—OF—VALCOUR—ISLAND, ON—THIS—DAY.
17761011             —DEFEATED, The fleet was, but it slowed THE—UK—ADVANCE from CANADA.
17761011             The naval BATTLE—OF—VALCOUR—ISLAND on Lake Champlain was fought —DURING THE—USA—REVOLUTION.
17761011             —SUFFERED, USA—FORCES led by GENERAL—BENEDICT—ARNOLD, heavy losses, but managed to stall the British.
17761011             —SCHLACHT—VON—VALCOUR während des
17761011             —DIE BRITISCHE—SEESTREITKRÄFTE vernichten die meisten der Schiffe der USA—NAVY,
17761011             —DIE BRITISCHE—SEESTREITKRÄFTE können die Niederlage im SARATOGA—FELDZUG aber nicht mehr verhindern.
17791011—20050000    —IN, 1—ATTEMPT to confirm his remains using DNA was inconclusive.
17861011             * STEVENSON—ARCHER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JURIST und Politiker
17911011             * CARL—BERTELSMANN, DEUTSCHER—DRUCKER und Verleger
17971011             * EMILIE—LINDER, SCHWEIZER—MALERIN und Mäzenin
17971011             1. Koalitionskrieg kommt es vor der NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—KÜSTE zur
17971011             —SEESCHLACHT—BEI—CAMPERDUIN.
18051011             * GUSTAV—STRUVE, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Rechtsanwalt, PUBLIZIST und radikaldemokratischer Revolutionär
18061011             * ALEXANDER—I, SERBISCHER—FÜRST
18091011             —COMMITTED, Meriwether Lewis, suicide at 35.
18091012—18091011    —SEE
18111011             1. STEAM—POWERED—FERRYBOAT, THE—JULIANA, was put into operation between NEW—YORK—CITY and HOBOKEN—NEW—JERSEY.
18111011             1. weltweite Einsatz 1—DAMPFSCHIFF als Fähre DAS—DAMPFSCHIFF—JULIANA ist
18131011             † ROBERT—KERR, BRITISCHER—ZOOLOGE und Übersetzer aus SCHOTTLAND
18201011             † JAMES—KEIR, BRITISCHER—CHEMIKER und Industrieller aus SCHOTTLAND
18240000—18961011    * † ANTON—BRUCKNER, AUSTRIA—COMPOSER (Te Deum, Wagner Symphony), at 72.
18251011             * CONRAD—FERDINAND—MEYER, SCHWEIZER—DICHTER des Realismus
18251011             * MARIA—FIRMINA—DOS—REIS, BRASILIANISCHE—DICHTERIN und Journalistin
18271011             * ASAF—JAH—V—FÜRST—VON—HYDERABAD
18291011             † CLAUS—FRIMANN, NORWEGISCHER—PFARRER und Dichter
18360000—19181011    * † ARCHIBALD—M—WILLARD, USA—ARTIST, in OHIO.
18371011             † SAMUEL—WESLEY, composer (Exultate Deo), at 71.
18371011             —EINGEWEIHT, SCHWEDEN, wird der über 91—KM Binnenschifffahrt ermöglichende Säfflekanal durch KARL—XIV—JOHANN—KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN.
18441011             * HENRY—JOHN—HEINZ, manufacturer, FOUNDER—OF—HJ—HEINZ—CO.
18491011             * CARL—WOLFF, siebenbürger Volkswirtschaftler, JOURNALIST—UND—POLITIKER
18491011—19170000    WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY—WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY,Vorlage:Personendaten,18490501             10110000             ,1901,1909,1917,18490528             .
18491011—19170000    It was WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY who began THE—ANGLO—IRAN—OIL—COMPANY —AFTER approaching the.
18491011—19170000    DEUTSCHE—BP—UNTERNEHMEN—EINE neue Gesellschaft entsteht
18491011—19170000    WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY -- Encyclopaedia Britannica
18491011—19170000    If you think 1—REFERENCE to this article on WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY will enhance your website, BLOG—POST, or ANY—OTHER—WEB—CONTENT, then feel free to link to...
18491011—19170000    * † WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY, Biographical ENTRY—AUSTRALIAN...
18491011—19170000    THE—AUSTRALIA—DICTIONARY—OF—BIOGRAPHY—ONLINE, or ADB Online, is 1—BIOGRAPHICAL dictionary featuring...
18491011—19170000    —BASIERT, Lexikon WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY—DIESER—ARTIKEL, auf dem Artikel " WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY " aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU—LIZENZ für freie Dokumentation.
18491011—19170501    WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY, The entrepreneur was 1—OF—THE—MAIN—FOUNDERS—OF—THE—OIL + petrochemical industry in Persia (IRAN).
18491011—19170501    WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY *in Newton Abbot, (DEVON—ENGLAND); † in Stanmore, (Middlesex) war ein...
18491011—19170501    WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY *in Newton Abbot, (DEVON—ENGLAND); † in Stanmore, (Middlesex) UK—BUSINESSMAN.
18501011             * JARO—PAWEL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—TURNPÄDAGOGE und Germanist
18521011             DIE—UNIVERSITÄT—SYDNEY aufnimmt den Lehrbetrieb.
18521011             DIE—UNIVERSITÄT—SYDNEY ist die älteste Hochschule auf dem 5. KONTINENT—AUSTRALIEN.
18541011             * ADELA—ZAMUDIO, BOLIVIANISCHE—LEHRERIN, Schriftstellerin, Dramatikerin und Malerin
18571011             * HENRI—CAIN, FRANZÖSISCHER—LIBRETTIST und Maler
18601011             * LUISE—KOCH, DEUTSCHE—PÄDAGOGIN, Politikerin und Frauenrechtlerin
18611011             —BATTLE—OF—DUMFRIES, VIRGINIA, at Quantico Creek.
18621011             —PASSED, THE—CONFEDERATE—CONGRESS in RICHMOND, 1—DRAFT—LAW allowing anyone owning 20 or more slaves to be exempt from military service.
18621011             —CONFIRMED, This law, MANY—SOUTHERNERS opinion that they were in a 'rich man's war and 1—POOR—MAN—FIGHT.'
18631011             Skirmish at Rheatown, HENDERSON—MILL—TENNESSEE.
18641011             —SLAVERY—ABOLISHED, was, in MARYLAND.
18651011             * ~ ELISABETH—AMANDA—MELIN F Nordingra, V. NORRLAND—SCHWEDEN
18651011             * JAKOB—HAUSHEER, SCHWEIZER—THEOLOGE, Sprachwissenschaftler und Hochschullehrer
18651011             * KARL—GEROLD—GOETZ, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18651011             —AUSBRICHT, Auf JAMAIKA  unter der Führung des PAUL—BOGLE
18651011             —DER—MORANT—BAY—AUFSTAND.
18651011             —AN—DEN—FOLGENDEN—TAGEN, Der BRITISCHE—GOUVERNEUR—EDWARD—JOHN—EYRE lässt den  MORANT—BAY—AUFSTAND mit Mitteln niederschlagen, die in der Folge seine Abberufung auslösen.
18661011             * CARLOS—ARNICHES, SPANISCHER—BÜHNENAUTOR und Schriftsteller
18661011             * GUSTAV—NEUHAUS, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Sprachwissenschaftler
18671011             —APPLIED, CARLOS—GLIDDEN and SAMUEL—SOULE, for 1—PATENT on their new direct action typewriter.
18671011             CHRISTOPHER—LATHAM—SHOLES (18190000—18900000    ), CARLOS—GLIDDEN (18340000—18770000    ) and SAMUEL—SOULE had invented the typewriter in the 1860s.
18671011             —COINED, CHARLES—E—WELLER, the phrase "—NOW is the time for all good men to come to THE—AID—OF—THE—PARTY" to check out the 1. typewriter built in MILWAUKEE.
18681011             —PATENTED, THOMAS—EDISON, his 1. invention, 1—ELECTRIC—VOICE—MACHINE.
18681011             * JOSEPH—ANGLADE, FRANZÖSISCHER—ROMANIST, Provenzalist und Mediävist
18710000—19631011    * † JOHAN—NORDSTROM, SWEDEN—IMMIGRANT and CO—FOUNDER—OF—THE—NORDSTROM department store chain, in SEATTLE.
18711011             —EXTINGUISHED, THE—GREAT—CHICAGO—FIRE was finally, —AFTER—3—DAYS.
18711011             —KILLED, Over 300 were.
18721011             * EMILY—DAVISON, BRITISCHE—SUFFRAGETTE und radikale Kämpferin für Frauenrechte
18731011             —SEESCHLACHT—VOR—CARTAGENA
18741011             Die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung von HERMANN—GOETZ findet in MANNHEIM statt.
18751011             * CARLOS—BRANDT, VENEZOLANISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Philosoph und Historiker
18771011             † OUTLAW—WILD—BILL—LONGLEY, who, at least KILLED,12—MEN, was hanged, but it took 2—TRIES;
18771011             —ON the 1. try, the rope slipped and his knees drug the ground.
18781011             † HARLAN—FISKE—STONE, the state penitentiary, where he committed suicide.
18781011             † KIOWA—LEADER—SANTANTA, committed suicide, STATE—PENITENTIARY.
18781011             † SATANTA—HÄUPTLING—DER—KIOWA
18801011             * GERTRUD—EITNER, DEUTSCHE—LEHRERIN und Politikerin, MdR
18811011             —PATENTED, DAVID—HOUSTON, ROLL—FILM for cameras.
18811011             * LEWIS—FRY—RICHARDSON, BRITISCHER—MATHEMATIKER und Friedensforscher
18841011             Orphaned as 1—CHILD, ANNA—ELEANOR—ROOSEVELT grew up shy and insecure.
18841011             * FRIEDRICH—BERGIUS, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER, Nobelpreisträger
18851011             * FRANCOIS—MAURIAC, NOBEL—PRIZE—WINNING novelist (19520000             ).
18851011             * ALICIA—MOREAU—DE—JUSTO, argentinische sozialistische Politikerin und Feministin
18851011             * EDMUND—KNORR, DEUTSCHER—LEHRER, Heimatpfleger, Naturschützer und Ornithologe
18851011             * FRANÇOIS—MAURIAC, FRANZÖSISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Nobelpreisträger
188701011231         —FÜR—DAS, haben die KASSEN—VERWALTUNG
18871011             * WILLIE—HOPPE, billiards champion.
18871011             A. Miles patented the elevator.
18871011             * WILLIE—HOPPE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—KARAMBOLAGESPIELER, 51-facher Weltmeister
18881011             "In dem Erinnerungswort, das ich —VOR—11—MONATEN unserm verewigten Ehrenpräsidenten ALFRED—VON—REUMONT widmete,
18881011             welche —IN—JENEN—TAGEN gerade mit immer steigender Gewalt sich unserer Herzen bemächtigte.
18881011             Aber - welch erschütternde Verkettung tragischer Vorgänge unserm Herrscherhause und dem DEUTSCHEN—VOLKE bevorstand.
18881011             was fast noch mehr sagen will, auch für den geringsten SEINER—UNTERTANEN sind,
18881011             um in unheilbringender —JAHRESZEIT DIE—REGIERUNG zu übernehmen,
18881011             der die kurze Spanne von nicht —100—TAGEN bemessen sein sollte.
18881011             der auch den Bestrebungen der GESCHICHTS—FORSCHUNG in gewohnter Milde und Leutseligkeit gern seinen hohen S"thutz gewährte.
18881011             auch diese Laufbahn einmal enden werde, dessen Herrs(!hertugeuden nicht nur Vorbild fftr ALLE—SEINE—NACHFOLGER, sondern,
18881011             Todtkrank hat KAISER—FRIEDRICH das sonnige Land verlassen, dessen herrliches Klima dem unerbittlich eilenden Verderben vielleicht 1—ZÖGERNDEN Schritt aufgezwungen hätte,
18881011             Indem dies geschah, konnte ich mich nicht enthalten, der SORGE—UM—DIE GESUNDHEIT—DES—HOHEN—HERRN—AUSDRUCK zu geben,
18881011             In dieser so kurzen Zeit hat DER—KAISER aber für die lokalen GESCHICHTS—VEREINE, zu denen auch der unserige zählt, sein wohlwollendes Interesse in
18881011             Die jährliche GENERAL—VERSAMMLUNG, die 1. unter der Herrschaft der
18881011             6'/" Uhr —ABENDS, —AM, im GASTHOF—ZUM Elephanten stattgefunden.
18881011             1—MASSE betätigt, wie keiner seiner Vorgänger.
18881011             DIE—AM, gewählten Revisoren haben die Kassenverwaltung —JAHR—FÜR—DAS 18880000—18891008    —AM, geprüft.
18881011             —AM, "gehaltene GENERAL—VERSAMMLUNG—DES—AACHENER—GESCHICHTS—VEREIN, mit zahlreichen Einzelheiten aus den Vorträgen von LOERSch und Pick (vgL UNTEN—SEITE—280).
18881011             Der Vorsitzende, HERR—PROFESSOR—LOERSCH, eröffnete dieselbe mit folgender Ansprache:
18881011             war flüchtig im Zusammenhang der Darstellung des KRON—PRINZEN des DEUTSCHES—REICH zu gedenken.
18881011             Aber - Niemand unter uns hat —DAMALS, geahnt, welches Übermass von Trauer,
18881011             * ALFRED—AGOSTINELLI, FRANZÖSISCHER—MECHANIKER, Chauffeur und Sekretär
18881011183000       —UHR, im GASTHOF—ZUM Elephanten stattgefunden.
18881011—18881001    —AM, in Kraft getretenen neuen Statuten, hat am
18890415—20090000    —IN, BENEDICTUS—XVI—PAPA set his canonization date for 20091011             .
18891011             * FRITZ—ADAM, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER
18901011             * FANNY—JENSEN, dänische sozialdemokratische Politikerin
18911011             CHARLES—STEWART—PARNELL (d.18911006             ) was buried in IRELAND.
18911011             * ARMANDINHO, PORTUGIESISCHER—GITARRIST und Komponist
18911011             * HANS—LIESCHE, DEUTSCHER—LEICHTATHLET und Olympiamedaillengewinner
18931011             * EMMANUEL—DURLET, BELGISCHER—PIANIST und Komponist
18951011             * HANS—SCHIEBELHUTH, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Dichter des Expressionismus
18951011—18951011    ausgehend von JÜNGEREn Mitgliedern des LEHRER—GESANGSVEREINS;
18951011—18951011    GRÜNDER: REKTOR der höheren MÄDCHEN—SCHULE MAX—FRIEDRICH
18951011—20120815    der ÄLTESTE —HEUTE—NOCH, bestehende Fußballverein WEST—DEUTSCHLAND GEGRÜNDET, "Solinger Fußball Club 1895?(—SPÄTER—ERST so benannt)wird
18951011—20120815    der ÄLTESTE —HEUTE—NOCH, bestehende Fußballverein WEST—DEUTSCHLAND GEGRÜNDET;
18961011             † RICHARD—ETHERIDGE (19000000             , ) and his LIFE—SAVING team rescued the hurricane SURVIVORS—OF—THE—ES—NEWMAN on Pea ISLAND, NORTH—CAROLINA.
18961011             CHINA—AGENTS, TRICKED, SUN—YAT—SEN (18660000—19250000    ), CHINA—REVOLUTIONARY, into entering THE—CHINA—LEGATION in LONDON.
18961011             CHINA—AGENTS, PLANNED, to ship SUN—YAT—SEN, secretly back to CHINA where 1—REWARD for his arrest amounted to half 1—MILLION—DOLLARS.
18961011             The story was made public by THE—LONDON—PRESS and THE—CHINA—LEGATION was forced to release SUN—YAT—SEN.
18961011—18961011—18961016    185—DELEGIERTE.
18961011—18961011—18961016    —TAGES—ORDNUNG—DER ARBEITS—SCHUTZ (E. Wurm);
18961011—18961011—18961016    METZner (84) und C. OERTEL (76).
18961011—18961016    DIE—AGITATION für den ARBEITER—SCHUTZ sei weiterhin 1—DER wichtigsten AUFGABEN—DER—PARTEI.
18961011—18961016    SPD—PARTEI—TAG—IN—GOTHA.
18961011—18961016    Maifeier 18970000             (A. Gerisch);
18961011—18961016    das PROPORTIONAL—WAHL—SYSTEM (F, Lütgenau);
18961011—18961016    Organisation (I. Auer).
18961011—18961016    —BERICHTET, DER—SPD—PARTEI—VORSTAND, dem PARTEI—TAG, daß die Leitung der laufenden Agitation völlig auf DIE—LANDES-, PROVINZIAL— und KREIS—KOMITEES übergegangen sei.
18961011—18961016    —DER—PARTEI—TAG diskutiert ausführlich über DIE—PARTEI—PRESSE.
18961011—18961016    —NACH—1—REFERAT—VON—CLARA—ZETKIN empfiehlt —DER—PARTEI—TAG, in allen Orten, wo es möglich sei, weibliche Vertrauenspersonen zu wählen.
18961011—18961016    —DER—PARTEI—TAG billigt die Beschlüsse der FRAKTION
18961011—18961016    und beschließt, DIE—REGELUNG —BIS zur richterlichen —ENTSCHEIDUNG oder —BIS zum nächsten PARTEI—TAG aufrechtzuerhalten.
18961011—18961016    MITGLIEDER—DES—GESCHÄFTSFÜHRENDEN—AUSSCHUSSES werden, bei 194—GÜLTIGE—STIMMEN, H. Foerster (194), H. MOLKENBUHR (194), W. Pfannkuch (193), A. Gerisch (191) und H. Koenen (190).
18961011—18961016    Der KONTROLL—KOMMISSION gehören an: H. Meister (159), CLARA—ZETKIN—112—), A. Kaden (109), W. Klees (94), E. Dubber (91), Th.
18961011—18961016    18981016             * WILLIAM—O—DOUGLAS, 81. USA—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE (19390000—19750000    ).
18961011—18961016    185—DELEGIERTE.
18961011—18961016    —TAGES—ORDNUNG—DER ARBEITS—SCHUTZ (E. Wurm);
18961011—18961016    METZner (84) und C. OERTEL (76).
18961011—19110000    —PLAYED, Sun YAT—SEN, 1—IMPORTANT—ROLE in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty and came to be revered as the "FATHER—OF—MODERN—CHINA".
18981011             * EDMOND—SOUSSA, ÄGYPTISCHER—KARAMBOLAGESPIELER, elffacher Weltmeister
18991011             THE—BOERS were the predominately HOLLAND—INHABITANTS—OF—THE—2—REPUBLICS, which had gained their INDEPENDENCE from GREAT—BRITAIN in the 1850s.
18991011             —YEARS—OF—TENSIONS between UK—SETTLERS and the Boer governments, EXPLODED, into war.
18991011             DER—KAISER verleiht den PREUSSISCHEN—TECHNISCHEN Hochschulen das Promotionsrecht (Dr.-Ing.).
18991011             —NACHDEM 1—ULTIMATUM—PAUL—KRUGERS, des Präsidenten des Transvaal, und des Präsidenten des ORANJE—FREISTAATES, Steyn, von den Briten abgelehnt worden ist,
18991011             —ERFOLGT des Transvaal offizielle Kriegserklärung an GROSSBRITANNIEN.
18991011             —BEGINNT, Tags darauf, der Burenkrieg.
18991011—19100000    —RESULTED, Eventual UK—VICTORY, in THE—BOER—REPUBLICS becoming colonies of THE—UK—EMPIRE and PART—OF—THE—UNION—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA.
19001011             * CARIN—FAHLIN, SCHWEDISCHE—ROMANISTIN, Hispanistin und Mediävistin
19001011             Der Grundstein zur Rekonstruktion des RÖMERKASTELL—SAALBURG wird gelegt.
19011011             Der MARQUIS—VON—KEITH, 1—SCHAUSPIEL in 5—AKTEN—VON—FRANK—WEDEKIND, wird im Berliner Residenztheater uraufgeführt.
19061011             —ORDERED, THE—S—FRANCISCO school BOARD, the segregation of Oriental schoolchildren, inciting JAPAN—OUTRAGE.
19061011             To counter local prejudice DAVID—STARR—JORDAN, STANFORD—1. PRESIDENT, DAVID—PIKE—BOWIE, 1—SAN—MATEO—JAPANOPHILE, and JAPAN—GENERAL—CONSUL—KISABURO—UENO soon formed 1—CHAPTER—OF—THE—JAPAN—SOCIETY to foster bilateral understanding.
19061011             —RESCINDED, The order was —LATER, at THE—BEHEST—OF—PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT, who promised to curb future JAPAN—IMMIGRATION to THE—USA.
19061011—20170000    —VOTED, THE—SF school BOARD, to rescind the rule.
19071011             —FOUNDERED, The freighter CYPRUS, —DURING 1—STORM on Lake Superior, —WHILE on its 2. voyage hauling iron ore from SUPERIOR—WISCONSIN, to BUFFALO—NEW—YORK All but 1—OF—THE—CYPRUS' 23—CREW members †.
19071011—19070817    —ON, The ship was built in LORAIN—OHIO, and launched.
19071011—20070000    —IN, The 420-foot shipwreck was found, 8—MILES—NORTH—OF—DEER PARK—MICHIGAN, where 1—SINGLE survivor had reached shore.
19101011             * JOSEPH—ALSOP, USA—JOURNALIST.
19101011             —COMBINED, BUFFALO BILL—WILD—WEST and Pawnee BILL—FAR—EAST, shows arrived in S—FRANCISCO.
19101011             They set up on 8—ACRES at 12. and Market with 1—BIG arena and 22—TENTS.
19101011             This was PART—OF—COLONEL—WILLIAM—CODY—FAREWELL tour.
19101011             —OFFERED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—ROTARY—CLUB, a $10,000 prize to the aviator who 1. flies from SF to NEW—YORK.
19111011             MANUEL—TEIXEIRA—GOMES apresenta credenciais de EMBAIXADOR—DE—PORTUGAL NO—REINO Unido.
19121011             Die Operette Der Zigeunerprimas des Komponisten Emmerich Kálmán und der Librettisten FRITZ—GRÜNBAUM und JULIUS—WILHELM hat ihre Uraufführung am JOHANN—STRAUSS—THEATER in WIEN.
19131011             Die Uraufführung der Operette Die ideale Gattin von FRANZ—LEHÁR findet am Theater an der WIEN in WIEN statt.
19150000—19631011    * † EDITH—PIAF, FRANCE—SINGER (No, I don't regret anything), —OF—CANCER.
19151011             A BULGARIA—ANTI SERBIA—OFFENSIVE began.
19151011             2—BULGARIA—ARMIES—STRIKE—WEST, 1—ARMY on NIS, 1—ARMY, SKOPJE.
19151011             † JEAN—HENRI—FABRE, FRANZÖSISCHER—ENTOMOLOGE, Dichter und Schriftsteller, gilt als 1—WEGBEREITER—DER—VERHALTENSFORSCHUNG und Ökophysiologie
19161011             Als Reaktion auf den im DEUTSCHEN—OFFIZIERSKORPS verbreiteten ANTI—SEMITISMUS, dem zufolge sich Juden dem Waffendienst an der Front entzögen,
19161011             —ANORDNET, die sogenannte "Judenzählung", der PREUSSISCHE—KRIEGSMINISTER—ADOLF—WILD—VON—HOHENBORN.
19181011             —REPORTED, S—FRANCISCO—HEALTH—AUTHORITIES, 1.101—CASES—OF influenza as well as 32—DEATHS.
19181011             S—FRANCISCO—HEALTH—AUTHORITIES put the recent total 4,824 cases and 99—DEATHS.
19181011             —INCLUDED, ARCHIBALD—M—WILLARD His paintings, "Spirit of '76" (18760000             ).
19181011—19980000    * † JEROME—ROBBINS, choreographer, as JEROME—WILSON—RABINOWITZ.
19181011—19980000    JEROME—ROBBINS won 1—OSCAR for "WEST—SIDE—STORY" (19800000             ).
19191011             * ART—BLAKEY, jazz drummer.
19191011             —ENDED, The 1. transcontinental air race.
19191011             KLM Royal HOLLAND—AIRLINES made its debut and served 1—PRE—PACKAGED dinner, believed to be the 1. IN—FLIGHT—MEAL, on 1—FLIGHT between LONDON and PARIS.
19240000             Die politische Situation im DEUTSCHLAND der 19200101—19291231 zwanziger —JAHRE führte schließlich dazu, dass sich diese Deutungsweise des Krieges politisch, media l + kulturell durchsetzte.
19251011             * ELMORE—LEONARD, USA—WRITER (Glitz, MISTER—MAJESTYK, Touch, 52—PICK—UP).
19291011             —PREMIERED, SEAN—O'CASEY'S "Silver Tassle,", in LONDON.
19310000—20071011    * † Sri Chinmoy, INDIAN—BORN spiritual leader, in JAMAICA, Queens, NEW—YORK—CITY.
19311011             —FORMED, Some 100,000 EXTREME—RIGHT—GERMANS, the "HARZBURGER—FRONT".
19311011             —HARZBURGER—FRONT—BILDUNG
19321011             1. USA—POLITICAL telecast, took place as the Democratic National Committee sponsored 1—PROGRAM from 1—CBS television studio in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19351011             —ESCAPED, S—FRANCISCO, 5—TONS—OF—MOLTEN glass, from 1—BREAK in a 300-ton furnace at the 15. and Folsom streets plant of OWENS—ILLINOIS Co. 1—EMERGENCY—PIT caught most of the escaping glass.
19351011             THE—LEAGUE—OF—NATIONS met and voted 50 to 4 (AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, ITALY and ALBANIA opposed) to condemn ITALY for THE—ATTACK—ON—ETHIOPIA.
19351011             Angesichts der angespannten Wirtschaftslage und des Schiffsalters beginnt im nordostenglischen Jarrow mit dem Ausbau der Inneneinrichtung das Abwracken der RMS Olympic.
19351011             Der TITANIC—SCHWESTERSCHIFF ist das einzige Schiff der nach ihr benannten OLYMPIC—KLASSE, das nicht 1—UNGLÜCK zum Opfer gefallen ist.
19391011             ALBERT—EINSTEIN wrote his famous letter to FDR about THE—POTENTIAL—OF—THE—ATOMIC—BOMB.
19391011             —CONCERNED, Einstein, 1—LONG—TIME—PACIFIST, was, that the Nazis would get the bomb 1.
19391011             —ARGUED, In the letter, Einstein, the scientific feasibility of atomic weapons, and urged the need for development of 1—USA atomic program.
19391011—19390000    —SUMMER—OF, The physicists LEO—SZILARD, EUGENE—WIGNER, and EDWARD—TELLER, who were profoundly disturbed by the lack of USA—ATOMIC action, had enlisted the aid of the Nobel PRIZE—WINNER Einstein in the, hoping that 1—LETTER from such 1 renowned scientist would persuade ROOSEVELT into action.
19401011             Mit seinem Segelflugzeug vom Typ Kranich D-11 erreicht der DEUTSCHE—PILOT ERICH—KLÖCKNER 1—HÖHE—VON—11.460—METERN und stellt somit 1—NEUEN Höhenrekord für Segelflugzeuge auf.
19411011             Die Uraufführung der Oper Die Hexe von Passau von Ottmar Gerster findet in Düsseldorf statt.
19421011             In the —WWII BATTLE—OF—CAPE—ESPERANCE in THE—SOLOMON—ISLANDS, USA cruisers and destroyers decisively defeated 1—JAPAN—TASK—FORCE in —1—NIGHT—SURFACE—ENCOUNTER,
19421011—19421012    —IN—DER—NACHT auf den, besiegen die Amerikaner die Japaner während des —WWII in der
19421011—19421012    —SCHLACHT—VON—CAPE—ESPERANCE.
19431011             THE—USA—SUBMARINE—WAHOO, Under the command of Dudley "Mush" Morton, was sunk by THE—JAPAN—NAVY as it returned from its 7. patrol.
19431011             † All 79—CREWMEN.
19431011             —ACQUIRED, S—FRANCISCO, its 1. Negro policeman.
19431011             WILLIAM—GLENN, —45—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—NAVY—CIVIL—GUARD, was hired for THE—DURATION—OF—THE—WAR and for —6—MONTH thereafter.
19431011             The last train of deportees to be gassed at Sobibor arrives at THE—CAMP—SOBIBOR.
19431011—20060000    —IN, RUSSIA—DIVERS found the wreckage in the La Perouse Strait.
19441011             The veteran 1. USA—INFANTRY Division of THE—1.—ARMY enters the outskirts of AACHEN.
19441011             —ORDERED, HITLER has, AACHEN—DEFENDERS to resist to the last man.
19441011             Mit OTTO—PREMINGERS—KRIMINALFILM—LAURA wird in NEW—YORK 1—MEISTERWERK des "Film noir" uraufgeführt.
19451011             Negotiations between Nationalist leader Chiang KAI—SHEK and Communist leader Mao TSE—TUNG broke down.
19451011             —ENGAGED, Nationalist and Communist troops were soon, in 1—CIVIL—WAR.
19471011             —APPEARED, The vision of 1—FRIENDSHIP—TRAIN, in USA—THOUGHT and history in the columns and broadcasts of DREW—PEARSON.
19471011             —TRAVELED, The train, across AMERICA to collect food that would be shipped overseas to help European countries recover from —WWII.
19471011             6. Sinfonie von SERGEI—SERGEJEWITSCH—PROKOFJEW erlebt in Leningrad ihre Uraufführung.
19471011             Der KOMPONIST—SERGEI—SERGEJEWITSCH—PROKOFJEW versteht sein Werk als tragisches Pendant zu seiner HEROISCH—PATRIOTISCHEN 5. Sinfonie.
19481011             The musical comedy "WHERE—CHARLEY?," starring RAY—BOLGER and featuring songs by FRANK—LOESSER, opened at St JAMES—THEATER—NEW—YORK—CITY for 792—PERFORMANCES.
19491011             —SUGGESTED, GEORGE—KENNAN, that there would be 1—GREAT—ADVANTAGE in "agreeing with the Russians that NEITHER—OF—USA would use (the bombs) at all".
19491011             —KONSTITUIERT, BONN, sich die Bundespressekonferenz.
19491011             WILHELM—PIECK wird zum 1. (und einzigen) Präsidenten der DDR gewählt.
19500000—20081011    * † AUSTRIA—POLITICIAN Joerg Haider, in 1—CAR accident —WHILE speeding drunk.
19541011             DIE—VI?T—MINH übernehmen die Kontrolle über den NORD—VIETNAM und bilden die KOMMUNISTISCHE—DEMOKRATISCHE—REPUBLIK—VIETNAM.
19541011             PIUS—XII—PAPA—ENZYKLIKA—AD—CAELI—REGINAM einführt den Gedenktag Maria, KÖNIGIN—DES—HIMMELS.
19541011—19690000    —SEIT, Die RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHE Kirche begeht das Fest jährlich 19540822             —AM.
19551011             —ABOLISHED, All Peron feast days were, in ARGENTINA.
19561011—19580102    —AB, Durch 1—BUNDESTAGE—BESCHLUSS darf das KRAFTFAHRT—BUNDESAMT in FLENSBURG—MÜRWIK das Verkehrszentralregister führen.
19581011             —LAUNCHED, THE—LUNAR—PROBE—PIONEER—1 was ;
19581011             —FAILED, THE—LUNAR—PROBE—PIONEER—1, to go as far as planned, fell back to Earth, and burned up in the atmosphere.
19581011             1. unbemannte Mondsonde, Die NASA startet PIONEER—1 wobei die Sonde allerdings die Erdanziehungskraft nicht überwinden kann.
19601011             —DECLINED, MISTER—LOBO, the offer.
19601011             † 1—HURRICANE ravaged EAST—PAKISTAN and some 6,000.
19611011             † Leonard "Chico" Marx, comedian (Marx Brothers), at 74.
19621011             —CALLED, It included 1—FEDERAL—PROGRAM, the Trade Adjusted Assistance (TAA), which offered superior unemployment benefits to USA manufacturing and farm workers who lose jobs due to imports or production shifts OUT—OF—COUNTRY.
19621011             —PREMIERED, THE—TV—SERIES "MCHALE—NAVY" (19620000—19660000    ), and featured ERNEST—BORGNINE (19170000—20120000    ) as 1—NAVY—OFFICER.
19621011             —CONVENED, JOHN—XXII—PAPAI, the 1. SESSION—OF—THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH—21. Ecumenical Council, also known as VATICAN II, with 1—CALL for Christian unity.
19621011             This was the largest gathering of THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC hierarchy in history.
19621011             Among DELEGATE—OBSERVERS were REPRESENTATIVES—OF—MAJOR—PROTESTANT—DENOMINATIONS, in itself 1—SIGN—OF sweeping change.
19621011             He declared its purpose to be "aggiornamento," an "updating" that would be 1—PASTORAL response to the needs of the modern world.
19621011             It allowed for vernacular languages in the Liturgy and continued to 19650000             , —WHEN it published Gaudium et Spes, the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World.
19621011             —VOM, Bei dem Schriftstück handelt ES—SICH um 1—BRIEF des Mossad an das ISRAELISCHE—AUSSEN—MINISTERIUM.
19621011             2. VATIKANISCHE—KONZIL, JOHANNES—XXIII—PAPA, eröffnet zu dem er auch Beobachter von 18—NICHTKATHOLISCHEN Kirchen eingeladen hat.
19631011             1—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ACTION memorandum that recommended plans to withdraw 1,000—USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR was approved.
19631011             —FOLLOWED, The memo, MCNAMARA—RETURN from 1—TRIP to SOUTH—VIETNAM.
19631011             † JEAN—COCTEAU, FRANCE—AUTHOR (La Voie Humaine), surrealist poet, artist and film director, at 73. JEAN—COCTEAU—LOVER Lean Marais —LATER published 1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—COCTEAU called "L'Inconcevable JEAN—COCTEAU".
19631011             Im Fall FRITZ—HANKE wird das 1. und für etwa —10—JAHRE einzige bundesdeutsche Urteil in 1—PROZESS gegen einen Schützen der Nationalen Volksarmee (NVA) an der innerdeutschen Grenze gesprochen.
19631011             FRITZ—HANKE wird wegen versuchten Totschlags zu 1—FREIHEITSSTRAFE—VON—15—MONATEN verurteilt.
19631011—20030000    —AUTHORED, CLAUDE—ARNAUD, the biography "JEAN—COCTEAU".
19631011—20070000    —IN, the biopic film "La Vie en Rose," with MARION—COTILLARD as EDITH—PIAF, was produced.
19631011—20110000    —AUTHORED, CAROLYN—BURKE, "No Regrets: THE—LIFE—OF—EDITH—PIAF".
19641011             HEINAR—KIPPHARDT—SCHAUSPIEL In der Sache J. ROBERT—OPPENHEIMER wird in der Theaterfassung an der Freien Volksbühne in BERLIN (Regie: ERWIN—PISCATOR) und an den Münchner Kammerspielen (Regie: PAUL—VERHOEVEN) uraufgeführt.
19650922—20040000    —IN, USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH set it to 19651011             .
19651011             DOROTHY—LANGE is best known for her DEPRESSION—ERA—WORK for the Farm Security Administration (FSA).
19651011—20090000    —AUTHORED, Linda Gordon, "DOROTHY—LANGEE: 1—LIFE—BEYOND—LIMITS".
196801011231         Es war kein gutes —JAHR für DIE—USA:
19680628—20040000    —IN, PRESIDENT—BUSH set it to 19681011             .
19681010—19681011    NATO—MINI—COMM—PARIS Attending the meeting were MISTER—PAUL—WILLEM—SEGERS, BELGIUM;
19681010—19681011    MISTER—ERIC—NINN—HANSEN, DENMARK;
19681011             1. MANNED, Apollo mission, APOLLO—7, was launched from Cape Kennedy with astronauts Wally Schirra, Donn Fulton Eisele and R. WALTER—CUNNINGHAM aboard.
19681011             1. MANNED, Apollo mission, APOLLO—7, made 163—ORBITS in —260—HOURS.
19681011             † S—FRANCISCO—PRIVATE—RICHARD—BUNCH, (19) was shot and killed by 1—GUARD at the Presidio stockade.
19681011             Arias was THE—FOUNDER—OF—PANAMA—SPECIAL—SECURITY—SYSTEM and opened the vote to women —BEFORE he was ousted.
19681011             Das nuklear angetriebene Forschungsschiff OTTO—HAHN aufbricht zu seiner Probefahrt.
19681011             Die Mannschaft von Apollo 7
19681011             DÄNEMARK, läuft der 1. TEIL—DER—OLSENBANDE in den Kinos an.
19681011             1. bemannte Flug eines APOLLO—RAUMSCHIFFS Mit APOLLO—7, WIRD der durchgeführt.
19681011             An Bord befinden sich die Astronauten WALTER—SCHIRRA, Donn Eisele und WALTER—CUNNINGHAM.
19711011             —ESTABLISHED, SWITZERLAND, diplomatic relations with NORTH—VIETNAM.
19711011             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Die Single Imagine von JOHN—LENNON wird.
19721011             —ATTEMPTED, There was 1, prison escape at THE—WASHINGTON—DC jail.
19721011             —FORMED, TURKEY, the National Salvation Party, as the successor of the banned National Order Party (Milli Nizam Partisi, MNP).
19721011             —RETURNED, Necmettin Erbakan, home to take leadership.
19721011             1—FRANCE—MISSION in VIETNAM was destroyed by A—USA—BOMBING raid.
19721011—19721011    —ON, The charges grew out of appellants' abortive attempt to escape from THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA jail, and their successful escape —2—WEEKS—LATER.
19721011—19750000    —IN, Appellants FRANK—GORHAM, JUNIOR, and Otis D. Wilkerson were indicted, along with CO—DEFENDANTS—MELTONIA Fields and Linda Ewing, on COUNTS—OF—CONSPIRACY, introducing contraband into 1—PENAL institution, armed kidnapping, and armed robbery, and both appellants were indicted individually on counts of attempted escape and escape from custody.
19751011             THE—TV—SHOW "—SATURDAY Night Live" made its debut with guest host GEORGE—CARLIN.
19751011             † Writer MICHAEL—O'DONOGHUE (19940000             , ) made his debut.
19751011             DON—PARDO (19180000—20140000    ) began his stint as the announcing voice of SNL.
19751011             oo BILL—CLINTON, Hillary Rodham in FAYETTEVILLE—ARKANSAS.
19751011             Der USA—FERNSEHSENDER NBC strahlt die 1. Folge der COMEDY—SERIE —SATURDAY Night Live aus.
19761011             —BECAME, THE—USA—TOXIC—SUBSTANCES—CONTROL—ACT, law with 1—EFFECTIVE—DATE—OF—19770101          .
19761011             Im Rahmen ihrer —200—JAHR—FEIERN führen die USA in der Armee den höchsten Dienstgrad GENERAL—OF—THE—ARMIES—OF—THE—USA ein.
19761011             Dienstgrad GENERAL—OF—THE—ARMIES—OF—THE—USA wird postum an GEORGE—WASHINGTON als Einzigem verliehen.
19761011             Kein USA—OFFIZIER darf in Zukunft höherrangig als GEORGE—WASHINGTON sein.
19791011             ALLAN—MCLEOD—CORMACK and Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield won Nobel Prize for medicine for developing CAT scan.
19791011             GERMANTOWN, TN Political Contributions by Individuals
19801011             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, Cynthia Moreland (18) and fiance RICHARD—STOWERS, —19—JAHRE—ALT were shot to death on MOUNT—WITTENBURG in the Point Reyes National Seashore.
19801011             Die Oper Der Traumgörge von ALEXANDER—VON—ZEMLINSKY wird —38—JAHRE—NACH—DEM TOD—DES—KOMPONISTEN in Nürnberg uraufgeführt.
19801011—19810500    —ARRESTED, DAVID—JOSEPH—CARPENTER was.
19801011—19840000    —IN, he was convicted of 2—MURDERS in SANTA—CRUZ and sentenced to death.
19801011—19880000    —IN, he was convicted of 4—KILLINGS in Marin County and again sentenced to death.
19821011             —RAISED, THE—MARY—ROSE, ENGLAND—TUDOR flagship of HENRY—VIII, was, at PORTSMOUTH—ENGLAND.
19821011             —KONSERVIERT, Das Wrack wird dort, und später ausgestellt.
19821011—15450000    —IN, It had sank —AFTER launching.
19821011—15450000    —J—IM, Die geborgenen TEILE—DES—IM—MEERESARM—SOLENT gesunkenen ENGLISCHEN—KRIEGSSCHIFFS MARY—ROSE treffen in PORTSMOUTH ein.
19831011             —CRANKED, The last hand, telephones in THE—USA—WENT OUT—OF—SERVICE as 440—TELEPHONE—CUSTOMERS in Bryant POND—MAINE, were switched over to direct dial.
19841011             Space shuttle Challenger ASTRONAUT—KATHRYN—D.—SULLIVAN (19510000             *) became the 1. USA—WOMAN to walk in space.
19841011             1. USA—AMERIKANERIN im Rahmen der SPACE—SHUTTLE—MISSION STS-41-G einen Weltraumausstieg, Die Raumfahrerin Kathryn Dwyer Sullivan unternimmt.
19841011             Kathryn Dwyer Sullivan bei Außenarbeiten
19850909             —BANNED, Reagan, THE—SALE—OF—COMPUTERS to SOUTH—AFRICA—SECURITY—AGENCIES, barred most loans to THE—PRETORIA government, halted the importation of the Krugerrand, SOUTH—AFRICA—GOLD—COIN (effective 19851011             ), and stopped exports of nuclear technology —UNTIL SOUTH—AFRICA—SIGNS 1—ACCORD to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS.
19861011             —OPENED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN and SOVIET—LEADER—MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV, —2—DAYS—OF—TALKS concerning arms control and human rights in REYKJAVIK—ICELAND.
19861011             -Affidavit DATED—SUBMITTED by G. MARIO—RICCI to the High Court... - Summary Of THE—3—CASES—VERSION
19861011             —GUNNED, He was, down on 1—STOCKHOLM street (Seavägen) on February 28, 19860000             .
19861011             REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—ANC in FRANCE (and also of SWITZERLAND and LUXEMBOURG ).
19861011             —ON THE—WACL, SCOTT—ANDERSON and JON—LEE—ANDERSON, Inside the League (Dodd, Mead.
19861011             & Co., NEW—YORK, 19860000             ).
19861011             115. - KENNETH—TIMMERMAN, THE—DEATH—LOBBY: how the... 20041206             19861011             —OF—OPERATION Stay Behind has been officially admitted in LUXEMBOURG +... BOARD) with THE—USA—COUNCIL for World Freedom (USCWF) of THE—WACL.
19861011             —INSPIRED, USA and NATO, 'psychological warfare operations...
19861011             Refer also to Herman, E. and Brodhead, F. ( 19860000             ) THE—RISE and Fall of the Bulgarian...
19861011             Variant 12 (Page 10)Version HTML
19861011             the World ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE ( WACL ), "1—UMBRELLA—GROUP that functioned as 1—CAT—PAW for... Herman, E. and Brodhead, F. ( 19860000             ) THE—RISE +...
19861011             S.O.S. Traansilvania Noi apartinem la WACL cu numele de "Frontul ROMAN—AL—LIBERTATII".
19861011             115. - KENNETH—TIMMERMAN, THE—DEATH—LOBBY: how the... 20041206             19861011             1—ZWEITÄGIGES Gipfeltreffen zwischen USA—PRÄSIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN und dem SOVIET—STAATSCHEF—MICHAIL—GORBATSCHOW beginnt in REYKJAVÍK.
19861011—19860228    —GUNNED, He was, down on 1—STOCKHOLM street (Seavägen).
19871011             —AM, fand 1—REPORTER—UWE—BARSCHEL tot in der Badewanne eines Zimmers im Genfer Hotel BEAU—RIVAGE.
19871011             Barschel war am nach seinem durch 1—POLITIK—SKANDAL erzwungenen Rücktritt in dem Genfer Hotel tot in der Badewanne von Zimmer 317—GEFUNDEN worden.
19871011             —MARCHED, Some 200,000 homosexual rights activists, through WASHINGTON DC to demand protection from discrimination and more FEDERAL—MONEY for AIDS research and treatment.
19871011             THE—AIDS—MEMORIAL Quilt had its inaugural presentation.
19871011             † UWE—BARSCHEL, der frühere MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—VON—SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN, wird in 1—HOTELZIMMER in Genf von 2—JOURNALISTEN tot aufgefunden.
19871011             Die Todesumstände harren einer endgültigen Aufklärung.
19871011             —GEMACHT, Zuvor hatte die BARSCHEL—AFFÄRE Schlagzeilen.
19871011—20000000    —AUTHORED, Cleve Jones and JEFF—DAWSON, "Stitching 1—REVOLUTION, The making of 1—AIDS—ACTIVIST".
19871011—20120728    —HEUTE—BIS Barschel Ob es Mord oder SELBST—MORD war, konnte nicht geklärt werden.
19881011             —AGREED, CHINA, to the opening of 1—ISRAELI—SCIENTIFIC—EXCHANGE OFFICE—IN—BEIJING.
19891011             19891214+19891215             ,19910726             ,19910824—19910825.
19891011             —APPROVED, THE—USA—HOUSE narrowly, 1—AMENDMENT to 1—APPROPRIATIONS—BILL that would restore Medicaid for abortions in cases of rape or incest.
19891011             —VETOED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH —LATER, the bill, and the veto was upheld.
19891011             † CALIFORNIA, Cathy Paternoster (32) was shot and killed and her boyfriend CARL—FUERST, —41—JAHRE—ALT was wounded outside their —SPRING—VALLEY—LAKE—HOME.
19891011             —KILLED, Police said Fagan had, Cathy Paternoster so that her mother, Betty Paternoster, could gain custody of her 3—GRANDDAUGHTERS.
19891011             GUARDIAN, and.
19891011             —REFUSED, GUARDIAN, on Bourdeaux being, 1—VISA.
19891011             GUARDIAN, 19891214+19891215             ,
19891011             19891214+19891215             , +19891215             , 19891214+19891215             ,
19891011             19891214+19891215             , +19891215             , +19891215             ,
19891011—19891214    +19891215             ,
19891011—20090000    —ARRESTED, ERIC—FAGAN, —74—JAHRE—ALT was, in connection with THE—KILLING—OF—PATERNOSTER, his girlfriend's daugher.
19901011             The 1. flight of the X—31—TOOK place.
19901011             The collaborative USA—GERMANY—ROCKWELL—MBB X-31 Enhanced Fighter Maneuverability program was designed to test fighter thrust vectoring technology.
19901011             —NAMED, OCTAVIO—PAZ was, the winner of the Nobel Prize for literature, the 1. MEXICO—WRITER so honored.
19901011             —ABOUT 60—1000—PEOPLE rallied in PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia, in support of 1—GOVERNMENT—PROPOSAL to seize all Communist Party property without compensation.
19901011             Das Experimentalflugzeug X-31 zur praktischen Erprobung der Schubvektorsteuerung absolviert seinen Erstflug.
19911011             Televangelist JIMMY—SWAGGART was seen hustling 1—PROSTITUTE.
19911011             Testifying —BEFORE the Senate Judiciary Committee, law professor Anita Hill accused SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—CLARENCE—THOMAS of sexually harassing her;
19911011             —REAPPEARED, Thomas, —BEFORE the panel to denounce the proceedings as a "HIGH—TECH lynching".
19911011             † COMEDIAN—REDD—FOXX in LOS—ANGELES at age 68.
19921011             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, Democrat BILL—CLINTON and independent candidate ROSS—PEROT met for the 1. of 3—DEBATES, this 1—HELD at WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY—IN—S—LOUIS.
19930000             (198-200, 219) Sojourners Magazine 19760000—19040000     (12) Spotlight Newspaper 19920727             (18) Spotlight Newspaper 19931011             (18) Tarpley,W.G. Chaitkin,A. GEORGE—BUSH.
19931011             —PREVENTED, HAITI, ARMY—BACKED toughs, USA—TROOPS from landing as PART—OF—A—UNITED—NATIONS—PEACE—MISSION and drove away USA—DIPLOMATS waiting to greet the soldiers.
19931011             —WOUNDED, NORWAY, WILLIAM—NYGAARD was seriously, —WHEN he was shot 3—TIMES in the back near his home in OSLO.
19931011             —BELIEVED, Police, this was linked to 19890000             —THE—PUBLICATION—OF—THE—NORWAY—VERSION—OF—SALMAN—RUSHDIE'S "THE—SATANIC—VERSES" by 1—PUBLISHING house that Nygaard ran.
19931011             Yasser Arafat won endorsement for his peace accord with ISRAEL from the Palestine CENTRAL—COUNCIL.
19931011—20180000    —IN, police formally accused several foreign nationals over THE—ATTACK, thus preventing THE—STATUTE—OF—LIMITATIONS from closing the case.
19941011             USA—TROOPS in HAITI took over the National Palace.
19941011             —DECLARED, THE—COLORADO—SUPREME—COURT, the state's ANTI—GAY—RIGHTS—MEASURE unconstitutional.
19941011             IRAQ—TROOPS began moving north, away from THE—KUWAIT—BORDER.
19941011             THE—RUSSIA—RUBLE crashes.
19941011             Der 2. Senat des Bundesverfassungsgerichts erklärt den Kohlepfennig für verfassungswidrig.
19951011             Americans MARIO—MOLINA and Sherwood Rowland and HOLLAND—SCIENTIST—PAUL—CRUTZEN won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for their controversial work warning that gases once used in spray cans and other items were eating away EARTH—OZONE layer.
19951011             10—REPUBLICAN presidential candidates used their 1. televised forum to politely compete for support in THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE primary.
19951011             O.J. Simpson backed out of his live INTERVIEW—WITH—NBC—DATELINE —JUST hours —BEFORE air time.
19951011             —DECLARED, BOSNIA, 1—CEASE—FIRE was.
19961011             —ARRESTED, OPERATION, Global Sea USA—OFFICIALS, 34—MEMBERS—OF—1—DRUG trafficking network operated primarily by NIGERIA—WOMEN.
19961011             Jumoke Kafayat Majekodunmi, aka Kafi, used 1—WOMEN—CLOTHING store in CHICAGO as THE—CENTER—OF—OPERATIONS.
19961011             —ARRESTED, USA FBI agents, 7 in WEST—VIRGINIA for plotting to bomb the national fingerprinting records facility in CHARLESTON.
19961011             —AWARDED, THE—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE was, to ROMAN—CATHOLIC—BISHOP—CARLOS—FILIPE—XIMENES—BELO—OF—EAST—TIMOR and JOSE—RAMOS—HORTA, in exile in AUSTRALIA, for their work to end oppression and violence in EAST—TIMOR.
19961011             —COMPLETED, Time Warner, its $7.6—BILLION acquisition of TURNER—BROADCASTING.
19961011             —EXTENDED, ANGOLA, THE—UN, the 7,200 peacekeeping mission —FOR—2—MONTHS.
19961011             —THREATENED, THE—SECURITY—COUNCIL, SANCTIONS—AGAINST—UNITA which has delayed integrating 26,000 fighters into the national army and interfered with UN activities.
19961011             —EXECUTED, CHINA, 7—PEOPLE were, for selling women.
19961011             1—ADDITIONAL 54 were given suspended death sentences.
19961011             334—WOMEN were rescued from being sold into marriage or prostitution where the going rate was $240-$360.
19961011             He has been in detention for the last —17—MONTHS.
19961011             Zapatista COMMANDER—RAMONA, a 4—FOOT 4—INCH Tzotzil Indian, arrived in MEXICO—CITY to plead the rebel cause.
19961011—19870000    —IN, SOUTH—AFRICA FORMER, defense MINISTER—MAGNUS—MALAN and other MEMBERS—OF—THE—MILITARY hierarchy were ACQUITTED—OF—CHARGES in the massacre of 13—PEOPLE.
19961011—19890000    —IN, Wang Dan, prominent student LEADER—OF—THE—TIANANMEN—SQUARE—DEMONSTRATIONS, was charged with conspiracy to overthrow the government.
19961011—19960000    —SHOWED, JUDGE—HUGO said that evidence, that INKATHA—LEADER, Zulu CHIEF—MANGOSUTHU—BUTHELEZI, had secretly requested assistance from apartheid leaders for 1—PARAMILITARY—FORCE against political rivals but that the prosecution had not shown sufficient evidence against the defendants.
19961011—20020000    —VOTED, GERMANY, THE—PARLIAMENT, to reduce THE—656—SEATS—OF—THE—BUNDESTAG, lower house, to 598—SEATS —AFTER elections.
19971011             —BLAMED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, pop culture for glamorizing illegal drug use as he heralded 1—NEW $195—MILLION—ANTI—DRUG ad campaign —DURING his weekly radio address.
19971011             † WES—GALLAGHER, —86—JAHRE—ALT, retired Associated Press CHIEF, in Santa BARBARA—CALIFORNIA.
19971011             —TITLED, AUSTRALIA, 1—PHOTOGRAPH, "Piss Christ" at the National Gallery of VICTORIA in MELBOURNE by Andres Serrano (47) was damaged —WHEN 1—ATTACKER wrenched it from the wall.
19971011             —DEPICTED, The photograph, Jesus immersed in urine.
19971011             —ATTACKED, THE—NEXT—DAY an —18—YEAR—OLD, the work with 1—HAMMER —WHILE 1—COMPANION diverted attention by pulling other pieces off the wall.
19971011             —REPORTED, Authorities, no survivors from the overnight crash of 1—ARGENTINE jetliner in URUGUAY, which killed all 74—PEOPLE on BOARD.
19981011             RICHARD—HOLBROOKE met again with PRESIDENT—MILOSEVIC in 1—EFFORT to avoid NATO—ATTACKS on Serbia due to THE—SERBIA—STAND on KOSOVO.
19981011             —BATTLED, AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban, opposition forces for the 2. —DAY in THE—NORTH—EAST—TAKHAR province.
19981011             His nearest rival, Etibar Mamedov, won 12%.
19981011             BOSNIA, forensic experts began exhuming 274—BODIES in the village of Donja Glumina.
19981011             —SUPPORTED, CONGO, KINDU fell to the rebels, by RWANDA and UGANDA.
19981011             —EXPECTED, GREECE, populist ATHENS Mayor Dimitris Avramopoulos was, to win a 2. —4—YEAR term.
19981011             —EXPECTED, THE—SOCIALISTS were, to maintain their grip on PARLIAMENT.
19981011             Bei der Verleihung des Friedenspreises des DEUTSCHEN—BUCHHANDELS löst Preisträger MARTIN—WALSER mit seiner Rede in der Frankfurter Paulskirche die WALSER—BUBIS—KONTROVERSE aus.
19981011             JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA. spricht die im KZ AUSCHWITZ—BIRKENAU wegen ihrer jüdischen Herkunft getötete Ordensschwester EDITH—STEIN heilig.
19981011—19420000    —BESTOWED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, sainthood on EDITH—STEIN, 1—JEWISH—BORN woman who became 1—CATHOLIC—NUN and was executed by Nazis in the gas chambers of Auschwitz.
19981011—19950700    —BELIEVED, They were, to be BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—MUSLIMS killed in Srebrenica by Serbs.
19991011             —SIGNED, GOVERNOR—DAVIS, 1—CALIFORNIA bill that required 19990901             —NURSE—TO—PATIENT—RATIO—OF—1:6 beginning 20040101             .
19991011             DOCTOR—GUENTER—BLOBEL, 1—GERMAN—USA—RESEARCHER—OF—ROCKEFELLER Univ., was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine or physiology for his work on how the body puts addresses on individual proteins so that they arrive at 1—CORRECT—LOCATION.
19991011             It was the 1. such law in THE—USA.
19991011             —REBUFFED, CHECHNYA, more people fled RUSSIA—ATTACKS and MOSCOW, 1—PEACE overture and demanded that Islamic militants be handed over —BEFORE ANY—PEACE—SETTLEMENT.
19991011             PARIS, riot police used tear gas against EGG—THROWING chefs, who demanded that the government lift a 20.6% tax on restaurant meals.
19991011             —ANNOUNCED, INDONESIA, the acting ATTORNEY—GENERAL, that he was halting 1—YEARLONG investigation into alleged corruption by FORMER—PRESIDENT—SUHARTO due to insufficient evidence for prosecution.
19991011             —CONFIRMED, ISRAEL, that some 400—JEWS from CUBA were brought to ISRAEL over the last —5—YEARS in 1—SECRET—OPERATION.
19991011             —RETURNED, PORTUGAL, the Socialist Party, to power with a 44% vote in the elections giving them 111—SEATS in THE—230—SEAT—ASSEMBLY.
19991011             THE—SOCIAL—DEMOCRATS won 32% and got 79—SEATS.
19991011             USA—NEWS and World Report, 55. Brief report on... [CIA/90s/99/ InQIt ] Strobel, WARREN—P "Uncle SAM—IS—LISTENING: Europeans Don't Like It.
19991011—20050000    —IN, The ratio was to go to 1:5.
19991200             How do you,as 1—INTELLECTUAL, come to terms with that?"- Sunkel, Osvaldo :" WE,THE—PEOPLE are always made to NOT think,BUT believe[propaganda] into a "dichotomy" of markets & states".Bullshit- I think you know that's 1—LIE, 1—COMPLETELY—UNHUMAN,"mistaken" approach. What we've had in certain periods like in [18000101—18001231]-the late 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY [19991200             ]-now is the market running the state & overpowering "society". I think it should be the other way —AROUND. Society should, through democracy, control the state & government & government should regulate markets. And civic organizations should be much, much stronger".
20001008—20001011    —CONTAMINATED, EL—SALVADOR—,—1—WEEK—OF—DEATHS from sugarcane liquor, with methyl alcohol increased to 51.
20001008—20001011    —SUSPECTED, Bottles of Thunderbolt were, to have been refilled with 1—MIXTURE of methanol and resold to poor farmworkers.
20001008—20001011    —BANNED, Liquor sales were, —AFTER 117—DEATHS.
20001008—20001011    —CONTAMINATED, EL—SALVADOR—,—1—WEEK—OF—DEATHS from sugarcane liquor, with methyl alcohol increased to 51. Bottles of Thunderbolt were suspected to have been refilled with 1—MIXTURE of methanol and resold to poor farmworkers.
20001011             THE—NOBEL—PRIZE in economics went to DANIEL—MCFADDEN, —63—JAHRE—ALT—OF—UC BERKELEY for developing ways of analyzing consumer decisions and to JAMES—HECKMAN—OF—UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO for developing techniques to strip out hidden biases in STUDIES—OF—THE—LABOR—FORCE.
20001011             Heckman won for work on teasing out cause and effect from messy, REAL—WORLD—DATA.
20001011             —AGREED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, to sign legislation to lift the embargo on food sales to CUBA.
20001011             —PROVIDED, It also, aid to DROUGHT—STRICKEN farmers and allowed THE—IMPORT—OF—USA—MADE drugs that are sold cheaper in other countries.
20001011             —ENGAGED, Bush and Gore, in their 2. debate at Wake Forest in NORTH—CAROLINA.
20001011             They spent the 1. half politely discussing foreign policy, and the 2. half clashing over domestic issues.
20001011             —LIFTED, The shuttle Discovery with 1—CREW—OF—7, off from Cape Canaveral for an —11—DAY—MISSION to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20001011             It marked the shuttle fleet's 100. mission.
20001011             —ANNOUNCED, Celera Genomics, THE—COMPLETION—OF—THE—MAPPING—OF—THE—LAB mouse's genome.
20001011             —CONTINUED, Palestinians, to riot in GAZA and THE—WEST—BANK and the death toll approached 100.
20001011             VENEZUELA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—OIL—WORKERS went on strike for higher wages.
20001011             Dow Jones headlines " Finova Stock Falls as Buyout Hopes.....
20001011             Leasing News - Die Mannschaft der Mission STS-92
20001011             Die RAUMFÄHRE—DISCOVERY startet vom KENNEDY—SPACE—CENTER aus zu Flug STS-92, der hundertsten Mission eines Space Shuttle.
20001102—20000915    —DATE 20001102—20000915    —DATE 20001102—20001011.
20001102—20000915    —DATE 20001102—20001011.
20010910             THE—PRESIDENT: Thank you all very much.
200109101112         —AM—EDT.
20010911011127       +0200—X—MAILER: KMail [version 19990101             ] CONTENT—TYPE:
20011011             —BERICHTET Zeitungskette KNIGHT—RIDDER :,autorisiert wurde JAMES—WOOLSEY
20011011             and CONTROL—RISKS—GROUP—LLC/
20011011             Their merger partners for AFGHANISTAN and —LATER IRAQ:
20011011             Vidiadhar S, Naipaul (19320000             *), TRINIDAD—BORN ENGLAND—NOVELIST, won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
20011011             —INCLUDED, His books : "1—HOUSE for MISTER—BISWAS," "Guerrillas" (19750000             ), "Among the Believers" (19810000             ), and "THE—ENIGMA—OF—ARRIVAL" (19870000             ).
20011011             In his 1. PRIME—TIME—NEWS—CONFERENCE —SINCE taking office, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH offered the Taliban 1—CHANCE to stop AMERICA—PUNISHING assaults on AFGHANISTAN by turning over suspected terror mastermind OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20011011             —WARNED, THE—FBI, that new ACTS—OF—TERRORISM could target Americans over the next few days.
20011011             —ASKED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, newspapers not to publish full TRANSCRIPTS—OF—MESSAGES from OSAMA—BIN—LADEN due to the possibility of coded messages.
20011011             —REJECTED, NEW—YORK—CITY, Mayor Giuliani, a $10—MILLION—DONATION from SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCE—ALWALEED—BIN—TALAL due to 1 attached press release that said THE—USA—SHOULD—RE—EXAMINE its policies in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and adopt 1—MORE balanced stance toward THE—PALESTINE—CAUSE.
20011011             —CONFIRMED, THE—PENTAGON, the 1. USA—DEATH in Operation Freedom.
20011011             —KILLED, AIR—FORCE SERGEANT—EVANDER—EARL—ANDREWS was, in 1—FORK lift accident in QATAR.
20011011             TOM—WALES, —49—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SEATTLE FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR, was gunned down in his home office.
20011011             —CLAIMED, AFGHANISTAN, that NORTH—ALLIANCE, to have taken THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—GUR and the provincial CAPITAL—CHAGHCHARAN.
20011011             —KILLED, USA—BOMBING reportedly, as many as 200—CIVILIANS in Karam and JALALABAD.
20011011             COLOMBIA, AUC paramilitary shot and killed 5—MEN in THE—TOWN—OF—SAMANIEGO.
20011011             —RULED, THE—FRANCE—HIGHEST appellate court, that PRESIDENT—CHIRAC is immune from criminal prosecution for corruption charges for his years as MAYOR—OF—PARIS, but only —WHILE still in office.
20011011             —EMPLOYED, KUWAIT, LUC—ETHIER, 1—CANADIAN, at THE—AHMAD—AL—JABER airbase, was shot and killed in Fahaheel.
20011011             ETHIER—WIFE was also shot.
20011011             MACEDONIA, police found 1—CACHE—OF—ARMS in 1—AREA held by ethnic ALBANIA—REBELS.
20011011             1—PALESTINE—MILITANT blew himself up —WHILE trying to plant 1—BOMB along 1—WEST—BANK—ROAD used by Israelis.
20011011             —BERICHTET, Zeitungskette KNIGHT—RIDDER :,autorisiert wurde Woolsey 20010900             in geheimer Mission zu fliegen mit USA—REGIERUNGSFLUGZEUG nach LONDON in Begleitung von Beamten des USA Justiz-& des USA Verteidigungsministerium,Beweise zu sammeln,die Hussein,Saddam mit den Angriffen vom 20010911             verbinden.
20011011             -7—QUESTIONS still left on-...
20011011             —ANNOUNCED, CONTROL—RISKS—GROUP—LLC jointly, 1—AGREEMENT to provide 1—FULL—RANGE—OF—POLITICAL—RISK—ASSESSMENT services for clients' worldwide operations.
20011011             Their merger partners for AFGHANISTAN and —LATER IRAQ: CONTROL—RISKS—GROUP
20011011—20011007    —SINCE, The total CIVIL—CASUALTIES was estimated at 170.
20020227             VIRTUALIENMARKT—VOM 20041011             Der sensationellste Stand auf der Buchmesse war der von Google :
20020227             Virtualienmarkt Vom 20041011             Der sensationellste Stand auf der Buchmesse war der von Google : Mit Google Print wird man künftig bei einer normalen Suchabfrage auch Bücher durchsuchen können.
20021011             These are 2—DATES that will live in infamy in the 20010101—21001231 .
20021011             FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—CARTER won the Nobel Peace prize.
20021011             —JOINED, THE—SENATE, the House in approving, 77-23, THE—USE—OF—AMERICA—MILITARY might against IRAQ.
20021011             † KENNETH—BRIDGES, —53—JAHRE—ALT was shot and killed in SPOTSYLVANIA—VIRGINIA, the 8. VICTIM—OF—THE—DC area sniper.
20021011             —KILLED, BURLINGAME—CALIFORNIA, 4—BANK robbers, ALICE—MARTEL (34), the Wells Fargo bank manager, and fled with about $4,000. Seti Scanlon (24), Sikai Fano Telea (26), Manny Liu (25) and Amu Wynn (26) were all soon arrested.
20021011             —SENTENCED, Wynn was, —40—YEARS to life.
20021011             —SENTENCED, Liu, the driver, was, to —36—YEARS and —4—MONTHS—AFTER 1—PLEA bargain.
20021011             —KILLED, WISCONSIN, 10—PEOPLE were, in 1—CRASH on I—43—THAT involved over 2—DOZEN—VEHICLES—NORTH—OF—MILWAUKEE.
20021011             VANTAA—FINLAND, 1—BLAST in the Myyrmanni shopping mall of suburban HELSINKI killed 7—PEOPLE, including chemistry student Petri Gerdt (19), the suspected bomber.
20021011             80—OTHERS were injured.
20021011             —REPORTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—MILITARY, that marines clashed with ABU—SAYYAF rebels on Jolo ISLAND and at least 11—SOLDIERS were killed.
20021011             JOE—LIEBERMAN wrote the resolution authorizing the invasion of IRAQ that was passed with Democratic support on.
20021011             14—DEUTSCHE und TSCHECHISCHE—STÄDTE und Gemeinden gründen in der westböhmischen STADT—AŠ die Vereinigung Freunde im Herzen Europas.
20021011             † WERNER—EBERLEIN, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Mitglied des Politbüros des ZK der SED
20021011—20040000    —ACCEPTED, LEE—BOYD—MALVO, —19—JAHRE—ALT in 1—PLEA bargain, life in prison for THE—MURDER—OF—BRIDGES.
20021011—20040000    —IN, Scanlon was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and sentenced to life in prison.
20021011—20050000    —SENTENCED, Telea was, to life in prison.
20021011—20070926    —PASSED, LIEBERMAN—NEW—RESOLUTION setting up 1—BUSH—CHENEY invasion of IRAN, by 76 to 22 with Democratic backing.
20030317             U$- Military Used Nerve Gas In Open Air Tests In 19600101—19691231 's
20030923             1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT unanimously put CALIFORNIA—RECALL election back on the calendar for 20031011             .
20031011             Clerks for 3—MAJOR supermarket chains in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA began a 4—AND—A—HALF—MONTH—STRIKE —AFTER negotiations with store officials broke off.
20031011             1—TEAM—OF—18—DOCTORS in DALLAS—TEXAS, began 1 complicated separation surgery in 1—ATTEMPT to give Ahmed and MOHAMED—IBRAHIM, —2—YEAR—OLD conjoined twins from EGYPT, 1—CHANCE at independent lives.
20031011             THE—34—HOUR went well.
20031011             —CONCEIVED, IVAN—A—GETTING, —91—JAHRE—ALT, 1—COLD—WAR—SCIENTIST who, the Global Positioning Satellite system, † in CORONADO—CALIFORNIA.
20031011             BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—GONZALO—SANCHEZ—DE—LOZADA and 2—OF—HIS—MINISTERS, CARLOS—SANCHEZ—BERZAIN and JORGE—BERINDOAGUE, signed SUPREME—DECREE—NUMBER 27209 directing the military to break up demonstrations that blocked fuel truck access to THE—CITY—OF—LA—PAZ.
20031011             CHINA, the 16. Communist Party Congress began in BEIJING.
20031011             —INCLUDED, THE—4—DAY—MEETING, debates on reforms toward private property, 1—MORE—STABLE—LEGAL—SYSTEM and measures to encourage private investments.
20031011             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—WORSENING drought in FIJI has caused THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE to lose water supplies, with large parts of SUVA receiving water by truck.
20031011             —JOINED, THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT and its main opposition, in supporting school officials who expelled 2—SISTERS for refusing to remove traditional Islamic headscarves in class.
20031011             —KILLED, ISRAEL—FORCES, 1—PALESTINIAN and razed DOZENS—OF—HOMES in 1—GAZA—STRIP refugee camp as ISRAEL—OPPOSITION—POLITICIANS and PALESTINE—OFFICIALS sought to revive peace talks.
20031011             —JOINED, ITALY, —4—MONTH—OLD—TWIN GREECE—GIRLS, at the temple were successfully separated —AFTER a —13—HOUR—OPERATION at 1—ROME hospital.
20031011             A LEBANON—WOMAN gave birth to sextuplets, 4—GIRLS and 2—BOYS.
20031011             —GATHERED, MALAYSIA, delegates from Islamic nations, in the new administrative CAPITAL—OF—PUTRAJAYA with IRAQ as 1—CENTER—PIECE—OF—DISCUSSION.
20031011             —KILLED, NEPAL, at least 3—POLICEMEN and 35—MAOIST—REBELS were, in 1—OVERNIGHT battle as the rebels resumed attacks on government forces —AFTER a —9—DAY—CEASE—FIRE.
20031011             JACK—DALTON, $87—BILLION Extortion and Theft,
20031011             Correspondences_org : "It seems good old DON—RUMMY—FOOL has 1—BRAND—NEW—COVERT TROUBLE—MAKING group. Are you ready for the "Proactive Preemptive Operations Group ?" 100—PEOPLE with a $100—MILLION —1—YEAR budget.
20031011             It —JUST keeps getting better + better, doesn't it?
20031011             —DESIGNED, Their job, "...missions, to "stimulate reactions" among "terrorists" groups, provoking them into committing ACTS—OF—VIOLENCE which would then expose them to "counterattack" by USA—FORCES".
20031011             As if we don't have problems enough, these fools want to go out + deliberately incite murder + mayhem!"
20040000             061924_Report Wissenschaftler haben —BEREITS öffentlich erklärt, sich an die Zeit des berüchtigten Senators JOSEPH—MCCARTHY—ERINNERT—ZU—FÜHLEN, der in den fünfziger —JAHREN... alfatomega.com/2004061924_Report.html 20070810             20040726             2004081011_Report
20040000             It happened again —LAST—WEEK, twice, 20041011             +20041012             there were no sunspots.
20040101153649       —FROM : pedro calhau
20040812—20061011    —ON, DARREN—PRATCHER was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER.
20040915             I am confident that this threat THE—CACI is 1—ATTEMPT to silence 1—OF—THE... that is, —UNTIL lawyer Shereef Akeel + his colleagues at the Center for... BLYTHE—SYSTEMS.com/pipermail/nytr/—WEEK—OF—MON—20041011/007437.html
20041011             —PROCLAIMED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, 20041011             as COLUMBUS —DAY.
20041011             EDWARD—C—PRESCOTT, —63—JAHRE—ALT, 1—AMERICAN, and FINN—E—KYDLAND, —60—JAHRE—ALT, 1—NORWEGIAN, won 20040000             —THE—NOBEL—MEMORIAL—PRIZE in economics for shedding light on how government policies and actions affect economies —AROUND the world.
20041011             —DEMONSTRATED, In a 19770000             paper they, THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—CREDIBILITY in economic policy.
20041011             —CLOSED, Light crude oil —FOR—NOVEMBER, in NEW—YORK—CITY at 1—RECORD $53.64—PER barrel.
20041011             The main opposition candidate in AFGHANISTAN—1.—EVER presidential election backed off 1—BOYCOTT—OF—THE—VOTE, saying he would accept the formation of 1—INDEPENDENT—COMMISSION to look into alleged cheating.
20041011             —ELECTED, Voters in CAMEROON, PRESIDENT—PAUL—BIYA, —71—JAHRE—ALT to another —7-YEAR term amid ALLEGATIONS—OF—FRAUD.
20041011             —TRICKLED, IRAQ, followers of radical cleric Muqtada AL—SADR, in to police stations in BAGHDAD—SADR—CITY district to hand in weapons.
20041011             2—SOLDIERS from Task Force BAGHDAD were killed and 5 wounded in 1—ROCKET—ATTACK in SOUTH—BAGHDAD.
20041011             1—ARABIC—LANGUAGE—TELEVISION—STATION—BROADCAST—VIDEO showing 3 hooded gunmen threatening to behead 1—TURKEY—HOSTAGE within —3—DAYS unless the Americans release all IRAQ—PRISONERS and all Turks leave IRAQ.
20041011             1—ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT fired 1—MISSILE at 1—HOUSE in THE—SOUTH—GAZA TOWN—OF—RAFAH, wounding 5—PEOPLE, including 1—TOP—ISLAMIC—JIHAD leader.
20041011             NIGERIA, a nationwide strike to protest fuel price hikes shut down LAGOS.
20041011             1—SWITZERLAND—PALEONTOLOGIST said HUNDREDS—OF—DINOSAUR prints dating back 152—MILLION—YEARS have been discovered in the Jura mountains in THE—NORTH—WEST—OF—SWITZERLAND.
20041011             issue 7—HABITS of Highly Effective IMPERIALISTS—SELF—HELP for those who oppose SELF—RULE
20041011             —TODAY, it's the Americans' turn to score low as colonizers.
20041011             1—POLL taken this —SPRING showed that 92—PERCENT of Iraqis saw Americans as occupiers;
20041011             —JUST 2—PERCENT saw them as liberators.
20041011             NIGERIA—GENERALSTREIK treibt die Preise hoch
20041011             Mit einem viertägigen Generalstreik protestieren die Nigerianer gegen die massiv gestiegenen Benzinpreise - + heizen damit die Spekulation an den internationalen Spotmärkten noch weiter an.
20041011             -zu WOCHENBEGINN—DER Rohölpreis ist auf neue Höchststände empor geschnellt.
20041011             Bush Interpreter Says W Uses An Earpiece
20041011             —DURING those —90—MINUTES, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH not only covered all the points, he covered them quite well + without ANY—NOTES!
20041011             Not once —DURING the entire meeting did he look at ANY—NOTES or receive cues from anyone present in discussing THE—INDONESIA—POLITICAL—SITUATION with depth and intelligence.
20041011             I was astonished! "How could this be?" I asked myself.
20041011             It was 1—HUGE—SURPRISE.
20041011             I concluded either that Bush was much more intelligent than we had been led to believe, or that somehow someone was feeding answers to him through 1—HIDDEN earpiece.
20041011             —AT—THE—TIME, I really didn't know which of these was true.
20041011             —WORKED, Having, directly with USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH twice —SINCE then + having additionally talked with MANY—OF—MY fellow interpreters who have worked directly with him,
20041011             I am —NOW certain that he could not have had that much knowledge of INDONESIA.
20041011             He doesn't even read the daily newspaper to keep up with what's being reported in the press.
20041011             I am convinced that he must have been using SOME—SORT—OF earpiece through which someone was telling him what to say.
20041011             I —JUST wanted to confirm my own strong belief that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH is often fed what he is supposed to say at important events".
20041011             WWI.19181200             Die Antibolschewistische Liga — antibolschewistische FRONT—WURDE im von EDUARD—STADTLER, Mitbegründer der Solidarier, gegründet.
20041011             Stadtler propagierte einen "deutschen", "nationalen" oder "CHRISTLICH—NATIONALEN" Sozialismus, im Gegensatz zum "KLASSENKAMPF—SOZIALISMUS".
20041011             Die Industriellen Stinnes, Hugo + Vögler, Albert + Siemens, Henrich (SIEMENS—SCHUCKERT Konzern) + Borsig + Deutsch (von der AEG) + Salomonsohn (von der DISCONTO—GESELLSCHAFT) u.a., stellten Stadtler, Eduard 1—SUMME von mehreren 100—MILLIONEN Mark zur Verfügung.
20041011             Laut AUSSAGE—VON—STINNES, Hugo 500—MILLIONEN Mark.
20041011             Später wandten sich diese Industriellen wieder von Stadtler, Eduard ab.
20041011             SOLIDARIER—STADTLER, Eduard, Sprecher der völkischen "Jung ZENTRUMS—BEWEGUNG " + Führer der Antibolschewistischen Liga, gründete gemeinsam mit dem Großbankier Helfferich, Karl dem deutschkonservativen Bankier Konsul a.D. SIMON—MARX, ADAM—STEGERWALD, CHEF—DES deutschnationalen Handlungsgehilfenverbands, seinem Mitarbeiter Röhr, Franz sowie dem Haupt der jungkonservativen Ringbewegung, Freiherr HEINRICH—VON—GLEICHEN—RUßWURM, auf dessen Initiative eine "Vereinigung für nationale und soziale Solidarität", die sich kurz darauf abgekürzt "die Solidarier " nannte.
20041011             Stadtler aus Wikipedia, der freien ENZYKLOPÄDIE—STADTLER,Eduard war von
20041011             EU—TERRORBEKÄMPFUNG Die Luft zum Atmen entziehen"
20041011             —GEFORDERT, Javier Solana hat, den Kampf gegen Terror nicht allein mit militärischen Mitteln zu führen.
20041011             —PLÄDIERT, Der EU—CHEFDIPLOMAT, dafür, regionale —KONFLIKTE zu entschärfen und Armut, Radikalisierung und Verfremdung als Ursachen von Terror zu beseitigen.
20041011             WIESBADEN - "Das islamische Kopftuch steht nicht im Einklang mit den Grundrechten und unserem FREIHEITLICH—DEMOKRATISCHEN Rechtsstaat", erklärte der CDU—FRAKTIONSVORSITZENDE FRANZ—JOSEF—JUNG.
20041011             "Es ist 1—SYMBOL geworden für den politischen Kampf der Fundamentalisten".
20041011             Deshalb sei eine gesetzliche Regelung zwingend erforderlich.
20041011             Beamtinnen hätten zudem eine besondere Treupflicht zum STAAT.
20041011             "Wer aber als Beamtin auf dem Tragen des Kopftuchs beharrt, bekennt sich eben nicht zu unserer Verfassung".
20041011             —GESCHLOSSEN, Die Abgeordneten von FDP, Grünen und SPD stimmten, gegen das Verbot.
20041011             SPD—FRAKTIONSCHEF JÜRGEN—WALTER bezeichnete das Gesetz als verfassungswidrig.
20041011             "Die Ausdehnung des Kopftuchverbots auf sämtliche Beamtinnen und die besondere Privilegierung christlicher Symbole sind mit dem Grundrecht der Religionsfreiheit nicht vereinbar".
20041011             Die Union wolle beim Kopftuchverbot offenbar "mit dem Kopf durch die Wand", sagte die hessische FDP—VORSITZENDE
20041011             In der "SEATTLE Times" meldete sich schließlich der Schneider des Präsidenten zu Wort und nahm die Schuld auf sich.
20041011             Es habe sich um 1—FALTE an der Rückennaht gehandelt, sagte er.
20041011             Diese werde noch betont, wenn der PRÄSIDENT sich nach vorne lehne.
20041011             Die rechteckige Beule, die sich während der 1. Fernsehdebatte in MIAMI auf dem Rücken des Jacketts des Präsidenten abzeichnete, hat das Interesse etlicher Blogger + sogar der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" geweckt.
20041011             Auf Seiten wie www.isbushwired_com wird —SEIT—TAGEN spekuliert, unter dem Jackett sei 1—FUNKEMPFÄNGER versteckt, mittels dessen ein wortgewandter Assistent Bush schlagfertige Antworten einflüsterte.
20041011             Der Hauptverdächtige ist BUSH—BERATER KARL—ROVE.
20041011             BUSH—SPRECHER SCOTT—STANZEL wies den Vorwurf gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur AP als "lächerlich" zurück.
20041011             "EINIGE—LEUTE verschwend en zu viel Zeit damit, sich linke VERSCHWÖRUNGS—WEBSITES anzuschauen", sagte er.
20041011             Europäische Union: Parlament lehnt Justizkommissar ab
20041011             Ölmarkt: Generalstreik treibt die Preise hoch
20041011             Konjunktur: Wirtschaftsweise fordern ENDE—DER—SCHWARZMALEREI
20041011             Parteien: Linksbündnis will im Norden Partei gründen
20041011             NPD und Propaganda: Von der Schwierigkeit, Rechtsextremisten zu verklagen
20041011             WAHLKAMPF—ROADTRIP: Bush und der WILDWEST—MYTHOS
20041011             Rosafarbener Dschihad: Das Frauenmagazin der Qaida
20041011             IRAK: Sadrs Milizen geben ihre Waffen ab
20041011             Trauer bei der Nasa: Raumfahrtpionier MAX—FAGET ist tot
20041011             TÜRKISCHER—EU—BEITRITT: ZYPERN droht mit Veto
20041011             Von Beruf ART—DIRECTOR: Wunderbare Welt der Werbung
20041011             Besuch in AFGHANISTAN: Schröder nennt Wahl historischen Durchbruch
20041011             Briefe vom Krieg: "Kumpel, der IRAK ist echt beschissen" - Krebs: GEN—BLOCKADE löst Geschwüre auf
20041011             Recht auf Akteneinsicht: Das schwierige Leben ohne Amtsgeheimnis
20041011             Rumsfeld im IRAK: "Fragt nicht, wann ihr nach Hause kommt"
20041011             —BEZEICHNET, KEROSIN—KRISE: UK—AIRWAYS, Situation als "ÄUß—ERST ernst"
20041011             —BESUCHT, Nach der Wahl: Schröder, AFGHANISTAN—UND verärgert Kandidaten
20041011             STASI—DATEIEN Rosenholz: SACHSEN will ALLE—LEHRER überprüfen
20041011             Lobbyisten: Die Macht der Steuerfundis - Does HIROSHIMA On USA—SOIL—SCARE You?
20041011             It Should - This Election WILL—BE—ABOUT—TURNOUT
20041011             - MICHAEL—BARONE, USA—NEWS & World REPORT—KERRY—MOMENTUM: Can Bush Stop It?
20041011             Kerry [KJF966]Can't Live Down Scarlet 'L'—ROBERT—NOVAK, CHICAGO SUN—TIMES
20041011             1—REASON to Back THE—PRESIDENT?
20041011             Bush Wins in AUSTRALIA—JOHN—O'SULLIVAN—NEW—YORK Post
20041011             - JACKSON—DIEHL, WASHINGTON—POST—TAKING the Election to Court
20041011             - DAVID—DAVENPORT & GORDON—LLOYD, SF Chronicle
20041011             Union Thugs Target Bush Voters on Election —DAY
20041011             What SADDAM—WAS—REALLY—THINKING - How to Win the 'Netwar' in IRAQ - Fear and Loathing in the Fatherland
20041011             RCP Commentary: THE—HEINZ—KERRY [KJF966] Gaffe Juggernaut Rolls On | ALAN—KEYES—MISTER—RADIOACTIVE
20041011             Editorials: 2—WINS Against Terror - Airbus and Boeing
20041011             PARADISE Cleansed "THE—GUARDIAN" -There are times —WHEN 1—TRAGEDY, 1—CRIME tells us how 1—WHOLE—SYSTEM—WORKS behind its democratic facade and helps us to understand how MUCH—OF—THE—WORLD is run for the benefit of the powerful and how governments lie.
20041011             To understand the catastrophe of IRAQ + all the other Iraqs along imperial history's TRAIL—OF—BLOOD and tears, 1 need look no further than DIEGO—GARCIA.
20041011             GRIPPE—EXPERIMENT: Einzelnes Gen erzeugt Killervirus - JAMES—ATKINSON (
20041011             SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES—MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER, yes, the very same man who is currently suing us (—3—YEARS—AFTER "Barry & the 'boys' came out) for 'emotional distress.'...
20041011             ANDREW—SULLIVAN, —SUNDAY Times
20041011             C. Krauthammer, Time - Can't Live Down Scarlet 'L'-
20041011             Cathy Young, BOSTON Globe - DAVID—ROGERS, WALL—STREET Journal
20041011             Fareed Zakaria, NEWSWEEK - Frida Ghitis, MIAMI Herald - JACKSON—DIEHL, WASHINGTON—POST
20041011             JOHANNA—MCGEARY, Time - JOHN—O'SULLIVAN—NEW—YORK Post
20041011             Red Mercury THE—WMD—NUMERO—1—WANTS To Talk About
20041011—19680000    —IN, USA—PRESIDENT—JOHNSON had set COLUMBUS —DAY,
20041011—20040413    —CONCEDED, As GEORGE—W—BUSH himself, "I wouldn't be happy if I were occupied either".
20041011—20041012    —ON, previously celebrated, to be held on the 2. —MONDAY of October.
20041011—20041012    —SHOWED, Records at HAITI—PORT—AU—PRINCE—HOSPITAL, 17—PEOPLE with gunshot wounds †, 8—OF—THEM in the Cite Soleil seaside slum.
20041020             GENESISINTERMEDIA INC (Form: 8-K, Received: 20011011131556       )
200411210115         —PM—MORE THAN 16,000—PEOPLE ARE MARCHING...
20050216             2004071011_und_Report... but these new varieties of electronic devices : the taser + the stun gun + the electroshock baton + the electric riot shield, + the stun belt--function at a...
20050218             LOTHAR—LEMNITZER -- Wortwarte -- Neue Wörter vom 20041011             ... Klimek / Technology Review Neurobiologe Walla mit Probandin : Wie wirken die Dessous... —OKTOBER : " Anke —LATE—NIGHT " abgesetzt ( 20041005             ) PETER—KLOEPPEL auf...
20050221             NUMBER 575-94:19941011             :GENERAL OFFICER ANNOUNCEMENT SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—WILLIAM—J—PERRY announced —TODAY that THE—PRESIDENT has nominated LT—GENERAL—WILLIAM H.
20050325             -May be, that's why, from USA You can't find it ANY—MORE, —SINCE arround 20071011             ... THE—WIFE—OF—1—FREEMASON... alfatomega.com/20050325.html
20050328             THE—NEWS—ARCHIVE 20000000             - Optical Ethernet Web Site... 20001218             Cogent Communications, which calls itself a... 20001011             Yipes COMMUNICATIONS—INCORPORATED proved —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK that funding for...
20050328—20001011    Yipes Communications INCORPORATED.
20050415             Afghanastan Government News BOARD—TERRORISTS and Taliban... Do you still believe Islam to be 1—RELIGION—OF—VIOLENCE ?... 20051011             —145—PM—EDT FRANKFURT (Reuters) - ADOLF—HITLER was 1—CLOSET homosexual and used his...
20051011             —FINISHED, THE—USA—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS said it had, pumping out THE—NEW—ORLEANS metropolitan area, which was flooded by Hurricane Katrina —6—WEEKS—EARLIER and then was swamped again by Hurricane Rita.
20051011             —UNVEILED, Google, Google.org, 1—UMBRELLA—ORGANIZATION for its philanthropic plans, committing nearly $1—BILLION to help solve problems including poverty and environmental destruction.
20051011             ZABUL, province USA—LED coalition and AFGHANISTAN—FORCES killed 2—CHECHENS and 1—PAKISTAN—WHO were fighting alongside Taliban rebels.
20051011             —SUSPECTED, AFGHANISTAN, Taliban ambushed 1—CONVOY and killed 6—POLICE.
20051011             —DECLARED, Authorities in BRAZIL, PART—OF—THE—AMAZON—RIVER 1—DISASTER area —AFTER 1—DROUGHT left THE—LEVELS—OF—PARTS—OF—THE—RIVER too low for navigation.
20051011             —UNSPECIFIED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT said it will pay, compensation for injuries and damage caused —WHEN its army stormed 1—POLICE—STATION in THE—SOUTH—IRAQ—CITY—OF—BASRA —LAST—MONTH to release 2—SOLDIERS.
20051011             —ARRESTED, UK—POLICE, 19—PEOPLE on human smuggling charges.
20051011             Authorities said THE—MULTI—NATIONAL—ORGANIZATION had illegally brought tens of THOUSANDS—OF—TURKISH—KURDS into BRITAIN in recent years.
20051011             —APPROVED, CHINA—RULING party said communist leaders have, 1—ECONOMIC—PLAN aimed at easing the growing and politically explosive gap between its rich and poor.
20051011             —SEIZED, COLOMBIA—NAVY, $188—MILLION worth of cocaine, believed to have belonged to rebels, that was hidden in underground chambers next to 1—RIVER—DEEP in southwestern jungles.
20051011             —STAGED, EGYPT, some 3,000 Islamists students, 1—DEMONSTRATION at CAIRO Univ. to press for increased freedom on campus and free and fair union elections —NEXT—MONTH.
20051011             —RULED, HAITI—HIGHEST—COURT, that Dumarsais Simeus, 1—HAITIAN—BORN—USA—BUSINESSMAN, may run for PRESIDENT.
20051011             —MARKED, Simeus said this, 1—TURNING point in the roles expatriate Haitians could play in their homeland.
20051011             —SIGNALED, Diplomats said IRAN has, it is ready to compromise on granting access to sites linked to possible work on nuclear weapons and other demands from THE—UN—ATOMIC—WATCHDOG—AGENCY to try to avoid referral to the Security Council.
20051011             —DETERMINED, Insurgents, to wreck IRAQ—CONSTITUTIONAL—REFERENDUM killed more than 40—PEOPLE and wounded dozens in 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS, including 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB that ripped apart 1 crowded market in 1—TOWN—NEAR THE—SYRIA—BORDER.
20051011             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—IED, 2—USA—SOLDIERS in Ramadi.
20051011             IRELAND—AUTHOR—JOHN—BANVILLE beat higher profile favorites to become the surprise winner of BRITAIN—PRESTIGIOUS—BOOKER Prize for fiction.
20051011             —DESCRIBED, His 14. novel "THE—SEA" was, by the judges as "1—MASTERLY study of grief, memory and love recollected".
20051011             —DISGUISED, ISRAEL—FORCES, as vegetable vendors in Tsurif captured IBRAHIM—IGHNIMAT, —47—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SENIOR—HAMAS operative, who had been on the run —FOR—8—YEARS.
20051011             —APPROVED, JAPAN—POWERFUL—LOWER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, 1—PLAN to privatize the country's vast postal system.
20051011             LIBERIA held presidential elections.
20051011             22—CANDIDATES included 1—INTERNATIONAL soccer star, 2—FORMER warlords and 1—HARVARD—EDUCATED woman.
20051011             —COUNTED, Election officials using BATTERY—POWERED lanterns, ballots through the night from the country's 1. postwar polls.
20051011             EX—SOCCER star GEORGE—WEAH led 21—RIVALS.
20051011             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—SERIAL killer, dubbed the "Mataviejitas," or "Little Old Lady Killer," was stalking MEXICO—CITY.
20051011             The killer was said to wear women's clothes and strangled and battered old ladies in their homes.
20051011             —SCUFFLED, PAKISTAN, survivors, over the badly needed food, the 1. LARGE—SCALE—AID to make it overland to the devastated CITY—OF—MUZAFFARABAD.
20051011             —ESTIMATED, Officials, that the death toll would surpass 35,000.
20051011             USA millionaire scientist GREGORY—OLSEN and a 2—MAN, RUSSIAN—USA—CREW returned from THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION to Earth in 1—SWIFT, BONE—JARRING descent in KAZAKHSTAN.
20051011             —RAISED, SOUTH—KOREA, interest rates.25% for the 1. time in —3—YEARS to 3.5%.
20051011             1—TURKEY—COMPANY signed 1—AGREEMENT to build a $360—MILLION power station in SOUTH—ISRAEL.
20051011             1—ISRAELI—CABINET—MINISTER praised such deals as examples of strengthening ties between the Muslim and Jewish countries.
20051011             NEW—YORK—TIMES
20051011             —WHILE TOM—DELAY is officially out of his position as majority leader, he remains 1—GO—TO guy for House Republican s.
20051011             DeLay seeks dismissal of TEXAS charges
20051011—19580000    —HIRED, ANTONY—FISHER, FOUNDER—OF—THE—INSTITUTE—OF—ECONOMIC—AFFAIRS, Seldon as editorial director.
20051011—20051012    —SEIZED, POLAND—CUSTOMS—OFFICIALS, at least 8—MILLION cigarettes apparently destined for THE—UK—MARKET in 1 coordinated sweep in 2—CITIES.
20051011—20051012    The cigarettes, mostly LOW—QUALITY—UKRAINIAN—MADE, were to be incinerated.
20051020—20051011    —AM, Aber er gewann doch kurzzeitig HURRIKAN—STÄRKE und wischte mit letzter Puste über die SPANISCHE—KÜSTE bei HUELVA.
20051023             4. WASHINGTON—POST, 19850630             ; Time, 19821011             ;
20051028             this 20031011             piece by NEW—YORK—TIMES—EDITORIALIST—NICOLAS—KRISTOFF:
20051113             | Tue, 20051101184031        -0300 | Source:
20051113             Terror laws 'like police state'| Tue, 20051101184031        -0300 | Source:
20060107             "As Executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—COLLEGE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE 19800101—19891231    IN the s- he oversaw THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—THE—COMMITTEE into 1—CONSERVATIVE grassroots powerhouse for the Reagan adiministration. MISTER—NORQUIST, JACK—ABRAMOFF and RALPH—REED added streamlined the College Republican national structure turned away from the establishment and toward conservatism. "—DURING his tenure, the College Republican s gained 1—REPUTATION for hard hitting activism.
20060226             WARREN—BUFFET : 911 - Sat 20121011             :10:39 20030000             20061011             The charge of treason was used for the 1. time in THE—USA—WAR—ON—TERRORISM, filed against ADAM—YEHIYE—GADAHN, who'd appeared in propaganda videos for AL—QAIDA.
20061011             in more than —1—DECADE".
20061011             —JUST—5—DAYS—AFTER the beginning of the 2. war in IRAQ (—AFTER 20060319—20200319    ,2003), THE—RUSSIA?s Foreign MINISTER, IGOR—IVANOV, declared that WASHINGTON could fabricate EVIDENCE—OF—IRAQ allegedly hiding WMDs (?) to justify THE—USA—LED ATTACK—ON—BAGHDAD.
20061011             2—FORMER—UK—OFFICIALS accused of leaking details of 1—MEMO reported to include references to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH discussing bombing Arab broadcaster AL—JAZEERA will face trial 20060401             —IN—JUDGE—SAID—MONDAY.
20061011             Talk:Nazi GERMANY—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia Archive 20010501             — 20060400             .
20061011             [20030523             ]
20061011             —EXPANDED, —TODAY I'll read to you 20060901             of excerpts... in propaganda, far more useful books are available.
20061011             —WORRIED, ISRAEL, NORTH—KOREA may help IRAN: ISRAEL—OFFICIALS said —TUESDAY they were concerned that NORTH—KOREA'S reported nuclear test would 20060901             —DANGEROUS precedent and encourage IRAN to press ahead with its nuclear program.
20061011             Generating Power From Kites ITALY—RESEARCHERS are getting ready to 20060901             —NEW—SAIL—POWERED wind generator aloft, 1—THAT could produce as much energy as 1—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT.
20061011             [20060910             ] - [20060910             ] - [20060910             ]
20061011             He made the suggestion —ON—SATURDAY, 20061007             , —DURING his meeting with THE—GOVERNOR—OF—S—PETERSBURG—VALENTINA—MATVIENKO
20061011             La terza ROMA—ECPLANET.CH—DOMENICA 20061008             - Index Quotidiano scientifico ecplanet_com... egli era membro, era la continuazione dello Juniklub fondato da VAN den Bruck)... COPERTINA.
20061011             McCain, 20061010             , press conference:
20061011             McCain, 20061010             , Hannity & Colmes:
20061011             CHICAGO, businessman Antoin Rezko (51), top advisor and FUND—RAISER for ILLINOIS GOVERNOR—ROD—BLAGOJEVICH, was indicted for scheming to collect kickbacks from companies doing business with the state.
20061011             —INCLUDED, The fraud scheme, political contributor STUART—LEVINE and other insiders.
20061011             Top executives of Cnet Networks and McAfee INCORPORATED were ousted over their involvement in the widening STOCK—OPTIONS backdating scandal.
20061011             —APPROVED, THE—USA—FDA, Avastin, made by Genentech, to help fight lung cancer.
20061011             1—SMALL—PLANE, carrying NEW—YORK Yankees pitcher CORY—LIDLE (19720000             *) and instructor TYLER—STANGER, crashed into a 50-story condominium tower on MANHATTAN—UPPER—EAST—SIDE killing both men.
20061011             It was not clear who was at the controls.
20061011             RUTH—KELLY, UK—COMMUNITIES—MINISTER said the government will —NOW fund only those Muslim organizations that fight extremism and defend national values as part of a "fundamental" shift toward such groups.
20061011             —ENDED, CHINA—347—CENTRAL—COMMITTEE—MEMBERS, a —4—DAY—ANNUAL meeting.
20061011             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said at least 11,000 children in CONGO are still in the hands of armed groups or unaccounted —FOR—3—YEARS—AFTER THE—END—OF—1—WAR in which they were captured and forced to fight.
20061011             —BELIEVED, BENITO—MARTINEZ—ABROGAN—BIRTHDATE was uncertain, but it was, that he was the oldest man in the world.
20061011             —KILLED, THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—RESORT, tycoon Howard "Butch" Kerzner was, along with 3—OTHERS—WHEN 1—HELICOPTER they were traveling in crashed into 1—BUILDING on the north coast.
20061011             —COLLIDED, NORTH—EAST—FRANCE, 1—PASSENGER—TRAIN, with 1—ONCOMING freight train, killing at least 5—PEOPLE and injuring 16.
20061011             —RECEIVED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH, an honorary law doctorate from the elite UNIVERSITY—OF—CAMBRIDGE.
20061011             —CONFERRED, The doctorate was, on him by PRINCE—PHILIP.
20061011             —APOLOGIZED, INDONESIA, to SINGAPORE and MALAYSIA for the choking haze over both countries and agreed to convene 1—MEETING of regional environment ministers to tackle the problem.
20061011             —PASSED, THE—SHIITE—DOMINATED PARLIAMENT, 1—LAW allowing the formation of FEDERAL—REGIONS in IRAQ, despite opposition from Sunni lawmakers and SOME—SHIITES who say it will dismember the country and fuel sectarian violence.
20061011             † 1—CONTROVERSIAL—NEW—STUDY said nearly 655,000 Iraqis have, BECAUSE—OF—THE—WAR, suggesting 1—FAR—HIGHER—DEATH—TOLL than other estimates.
20061011             —KILLED, More than 2,660 IRAQ—CIVILIANS were, in THE—CAPITAL—IN—SEPTEMBER according to figures from THE—IRAQ—HEALTH—MINISTRY.
20061011             Insurgents hit 1—AMMUNITION dump on 1—USA—BASE in BAGHDAD with 1—MORTAR round, setting off fiery explosions through the night that shook buildings miles away.
20061011             —KILLED, Renewed attacks, at least 14—PEOPLE, primarily in BAGHDAD.
20061011             —KILLED, ISRAEL—FORCES, ABDULLAH—MANSOUR, —31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MILITANT in THE—AL—AQSA—MARTYRS' Brigades, in the course of 1—OVERNIGHT arrest raid.
20061011             —INAUGURATED, ISRAEL, its 1. horse racetrack.
20061011             EDMUND—DAUKORU, NIGERIA—OIL—MINISTER—AND—OPEC—PRESIDENT, said OPEC has agreed to trim global oil production by 1—MILLION barrels —1—DAY to boost prices, and its members were discussing how to share the cut.
20061011             —ARMED, NIGERIA—SECURITY—SOURCES said, youths have released DOZENS—OF—NIGERIA—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—OIL—COMPANY—SHELL and its subcontractors, but —AROUND 15—WORKERS were still being held at 1—FLOW—STATION in the restive NIGER Delta.
20061011             —THREATENED, NORTH—KOREA, more nuclear tests saying additional sanctions imposed on it would be considered 1—ACT—OF—WAR.
20061011             —IMPOSED, JAPAN, 1—TOTAL—BAN on NORTH—KOREA—IMPORTS and said ships from the impoverished nation were prohibited from entering JAPAN—PORTS as punishment for its apparent nuclear test.
20061011             SRI—LANKA, 72—ARMY—TROOPS, including 8—OFFICERS, were killed and 515 wounded in fighting in the northern peninsula of JAFFNA.
20061011             —CLAIMED, The army, 200—REBELS were killed, 1—FIGURE dismissed by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
20061011             † THE—TIGERS said only 10—OF—ITS—FIGHTERS were killed.
20061011             —FORDERUNGEN, NORD—KOREA:, der USA ist Kriegserklärung
20061011             In einer Debatte der UNO—GENERALVERSAMMLUNG über Atomwaffen hat die SCHWEIZ den ATOM—TEST—NORD—KOREAS aufs Schärfste verurteilt.
20061011             —BEFÜRCHTET, Die SCHWEIZ, einen neuen Rüstungswettlauf.
20061011             Der Test bedrohe nicht nur die Sicherheit der Region, sagte UNO—BOTSCHAFTER—PETER—MAURER in einer Rede —AM—NACHMITTAG (Ortszeit) im Hauptquartier der UNO in NEW—YORK.
20061011             Durch NORD—KOREAS Handlung könnte gar 1—AUFRÜSTUNG ausgelöst werden, deren Konsequenzen sich dem Einfluss der Staaten.
20061011             McCain Covers Up For BUSH—NUCLEAR—FAILURES
20061011             SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN—CLAIM that BILL—CLINTON is responsible for NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—TEST —THIS—WEEK is dead wrong.
20061011             He should know better. 1—MORE—TIME, here are the facts:
20061011             NORTH—KOREA—BOMBS are built with plutonium.
20061011             —SEPARATED, They, enough plutonium for perhaps 2—BOMBS —DURING the 1. Bush presidency.
20061011             —WHEN they tried to make more plutonium under PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON, he said he would go to war to stop them.
20061011             —PREPARED, He HAD—PLANS, for THE—ATTACK.
20061011             —BACKED, THE—NORTH—KOREANS, down.
20061011             BILL—CLINTON—FROZE the program in its tracks.
20061011             NORTH—KOREA did not separate 1—GRAM of plutonium —WHILE BILL—CLINTON was in office.
20061011             —STOPPED, He also, their missile tests.
20061011             —WALKED, GEORGE—BUSH, away from the deal in his 1. months in office.
20061011             BUSH—CUT him down.
20061011             —DETECTED, USA—INTELLIGENCE had, signs near THE—END—OF—THE—CLINTON years that THE—NORTH—KOREANS were trying to evade the freeze by beginning 1—URANIUM program.
20061011             —WHEN confronted with the evidence 20020000             —IN, THE—NORTH—KOREANS admitted it and offered to put that program on the table as PART—OF—1—COMPREHENSIVE—DEAL.
20061011             Bush used it as 1—EXCUSE to walk away from negotiations.
20061011             He thought he did not need to talk to THE—NORTH—KOREANS.
20061011             He thought he could overthrow the regime. He failed.
20061011             He issued threats and drew lines in the sand.
20061011             —WALKED, THE—NORTH—KOREANS, right past them.
20061011             THE—MONTH—AFTER the invasion, they withdrew from THE—NON—PROLIFERATION—TREATY.
20061011             They took another LOAD—OF—FUEL OUT—OF—THE—REACTOR and processed more plutonium.
20061011             —RELOADED, They, the reactor to make even more plutonium.
20061011             —TESTED, They, missiles, they made bombs, —NOW they have tested 1—BOMB.
20061011             Bush did nothing. This is BUSH—BOMB.
20061011             All the plutonium made for these bombs was made either —DURING his presidency or his father's. To blame his failure on BILL—CLINTON should not be allowed to stand.
20061011             SENATOR—MCCAIN should be ashamed.
20061011             Click HERE to listen.
20061011             Over 650—OF—THE—NATION—LEADING ECONOMISTS—AMANDA—TODAY called on Congress to increase the minimum wage.
20061011             —RECOMMENDED, The group, a $1 to $2.50—HOURLY increase and argued that "future boosts should be indexed to inflation to protect workers purchasing power from rising prices".
20061011             (Read full statement HERE.)
20061011             Small plane crashes into NEW—YORK—CITY HIGH—RISE apartment.
20061011             Homeland Security officials say that "all indications" are that the crash is 1—ACCIDENT.
20061011             —SCRAMBLED, CNN reports that NORAD has, fighter jets to fly over several major USA—CITIES —UNTIL the accident is confirmed.
20061011             —UPDATED, THE—FOLEY coverup TIMELINE—FAIZ—HAS been.
20061011             Check it out HERE.
20061011             —MISSED, Let us know if there's something we.
20061011             How To Improve USA—HEALTH—CARE: Focus On Prevention
20061011             —WHEN we take 1—LONG—VIEW on improving health, we usually find reasons to celebrate.
20061011             In the last —CENTURY, for example,
20061011             infant mortality dropped by 90—PERCENT and maternal mortality decreased 99—PERCENT.
20061011             Yet —TODAY, despite scientific advances, we face the fact that we are not 1—HEALTHY nation:
20061011             — Our children's life expectancy may BE—SHORTER than our own.
20061011             — About - 70—PERCENT—OF—DEATHS and health costs in THE—USA—ARE —NOW attributable to chronic diseases (e.g., cardiovascular disease, cancer) — many of which are preventable.
20061011             — More people die from obesity or tobacco than from homicide.
20061011             —GRAVITATED, Our health care system has, toward quick fixes rather than the persistent actions with lifetime rewards.
20061011             —UNUSED, Proven clinical and community preventive services go.
20061011             2—OUT—OF—3—ADULTS fail to get 1—FLU—VACCINE or recommended colorectal screening.
20061011             MILLIONS—OF—LIVES are lost needlessly.
20061011             As 1—NATION, we dedicate only 3—PERCENT of our health dollars on health promotion — but over 20—PERCENT—OF—COSTS to THE—LAST—YEAR—OF—LIFE.
20061011             1—NEW—APPROACH is needed.
20061011             As PART—OF—ITS—OVERALL—PLAN to fix the fundamentally flawed health system, the
20061011             Center for USA—PROGRESS proposes 1—WELLNESS—TRUST. THE—WELLNESS—TRUST would:
20061011             — Deliver prevention OUTSIDE—OF—THE—BOUNDS—OF—THE—HEALTH—SYSTEM by paying for services wherever they are delivered, in pharmacies or supermarkets, workplaces or senior centers.
20061011             — Use its pooled financing to create incentives for providers, employers, schools and individuals to prioritize prevention.
20061011             — Operate independently like Social Security, with expert Trustees.
20061011             THE—PREMISE—OF—THE—WELLNESS—TRUST is that disease prevention is more like homeland security than health insurance: everyone needs it, no 1—NOTICES if it works + it depends on persistent, strong leadership and systems.
20061011             —WHILE change will come at 1—COST, this cost would be dwarfed by the lost lives, productivity + public resources that will result from 1—FAILURE to act.
20061011             —JEANNE—M—LAMBREW - Global warming threatens fall foliage.
20061011             "SOME—CLIMATE—SCIENTISTS say that even if steps are taken —NOW to limit global warming, temperatures in New ENGLAND will rise enough over the next HALF—CENTURY that THE—SOURCE—OF—MUCH—OF—THAT—RICH—FALL color, the sugar maples, will
20061011             disappear from most of the region.
20061011             —AFTER Blaming Clinton For NORTH—KOREA Nuke, McCain Blasts People 'Engaging In FINGER—POINTING'
20061011             —BLAMED, —YESTERDAY, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) explicitly, the Clinton administration for NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—TEST —ON—SUNDAY: "[I]t is 1—FAILURE—OF—THE—CLINTON administration policies...that have caused us to be in the situation we're in —TODAY".
20061011             This —MORNING on NBC, "Straight Talk" McCain had 1—DIFFERENT tune: "I think this is the wrong time for us to be engaging in finger pointing —WHEN in this crucial time, we need the world and Americans united".
20061011             For the record, here is a - TIMELINE—OF—NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—DEVELOPMENT.
20061011             A cheat sheet: Bush I: 1—2—BOMBS worth of PLUTONIUM—CLINTON: 0—PLUTONIUM
20061011             Bush II: 10—11—BOMBS worth of plutonium and counting, 1. nuclear test
20061011             McCain, 20061110             , NBC —TODAY
20061011             I think this is the wrong time for us to be engaging in finger pointing —WHEN in this crucial time, we need the world and Americans united in going to THE—UNITED—NATIONS to bring about SANCTIONS—AGAINST—NORTH—KOREA.
20061011             —ENCOURAGED, We had 1—CARROTS and no sticks policy that only, bad behavior.
20061011             —OFFERED, —WHEN 1—CARROT didn't work, we, another.
20061011             —NOW we're facing the consequences of the failed Clinton administration policies.
20061011             The fact is that it is 1—FAILURE—OF—THE—CLINTON administration policies that I was heavily involved in —AT—THE—TIME that have caused us to be in the situation we're in —TODAY
20061011             Bush: Iraqis Are Willing To 'Tolerate' This 'LEVEL—OF—VIOLENCE'—AMANDA -
20061011             —TODAY in his press conference, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH applauded the courage of Iraqis, stating that he is "amazed that this is 1—SOCIETY which so wants to be free that they're willing to — you know, that there's 1—LEVEL—OF—VIOLENCE that they tolerate".
20061011             In reality,890,000 Iraqis have moved to JORDAN, IRAN and Syria —SINCE HUSSEIN—FALL and more than 300,000 have fled to other parts of IRAQ to escape the violence.
20061011             Additionally, 71—PERCENT of Iraqis want USA—FORCES to leave IRAQ within —1—YEAR, saying "they would feel safer if USA and other foreign forces left IRAQ".
20061011             Iraqis aren't "tolerating" the violence.
20061011             They're —JUST trying to survive.
20061011             Bush _Iraqis_Are_Willing_To_Tolerate_This_Level_Of_Violence">Digg It!
20061011             SUZANNE—MALVEAUX, CNN: Thank you, MISTER—PRESIDENT.
20061011             Back on IRAQ, 1—GROUP—OF—AMERICAN and IRAQ—HEALTH—OFFICIALS—TODAY released 1—REPORT saying that 655,000 Iraqis have † since THE—IRAQ war.
20061011             —CITED, That figure is 20—TIMES the figure that you, in December at 30,000. Do you care to amend or update your figure and do you consider this 1—CREDIBLE—REPORT?
20061011             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH : No, I don't consider it 1—CREDIBLE—REPORT, neither does GENERAL—CASEY and neither do IRAQ—OFFICIALS.
20061011             † I do know that 1—LOT—OF—INNOCENT—PEOPLE have, and it troubles me and grieves me.
20061011             And I applaud the Iraqis for their courage in THE—FACE—OF—VIOLENCE.
20061011             I am, you know, amazed that this is 1—SOCIETY which so wants to be free that they're willing to — you know, that there's 1—LEVEL—OF—VIOLENCE that they tolerate.
20061011             'Hero Of GUANTANAMO' Passed Up For Promotion, Sending Chilling Message Through Pentagon
20061011             —REPRESENTED, LIEUTENANT—COMMANDER—CHARLES—SWIFT, the lawyer who, GUANTANAMO detainee Salim Hamdan in the landmark SUPREME—COURT—CASE that ruled USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—MILITARY—COMMISSIONS unconstitutional and in violation of INTERNATIONAL law, will be "passed over for promotion by the Pentagon and must soon leave the military".
20061011             —PREDICTED, In 1—MOVE that he had, Swift confirmed —RECENTLY that he had been denied 1—PROMOTION to Navy COMMANDER "about —2—WEEKS—AFTER " THE—SUPREME—COURT sided against THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20061011             He called the instructions "1—CLEAR—ATTEMPT to coerce MISTER—HAMDAN into pleading guilty".
20061011             —ENDED, Refusing to back down, Swift " up fighting his COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF—AT—THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT".
20061011             He explained: As 1—OFFICER, I have the deepest respect for THE—PRESIDENT.
20061011             But as 1—OFFICER, it is also my duty to point out —WHEN 1—ORDER is wrong.
20061011             What protects our democracy is that we do not —JUST follow orders blindly.
20061011             —LISTED, National Law Journal had, Swift among the nation's top 100—LAWYERS.
20061011             EUGENE—FIDELL, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—NATIONAL—INSTITUTE—OF—MILITARY—JUSTICE, argued Swift was "1—NO—BRAINER for promotion," given his devotion to the Navy, the law + his client.
20061011             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES writes, "[T]here is no denying the chilling message it sends to remaining military lawyers".
20061011             Staying the course.
20061011             —CLAIMED, REPRESENTATIVE—STEVE—KING (R—IA) and others have, that living in IRAQ is less dangerous than living in WASHINGTON DC. KING claimed on the House floor, "my wife lives here with me + I can tell you, MISTER—SPEAKER, she's at far greater risk being 1—CIVILIAN in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA than 1—AVERAGE—CIVILIAN in IRAQ".
20061011             KING has always been wrong.
20061011             1—NEW—STUDY by THE—UK—MEDICAL journal Lancet exposes the extent of his error.
20061011             According to Lancet,
20061011             † 601,000—PEOPLE have, in IRAQ over the last —3—YEARS due to violence related to 20030300             —THE invasion.
20061011             Here is how violent deaths in IRAQ over the last —3—YEARS stack up to the violent death rate in WASHINGTON, DC:
20061011             The statistic for WASHINGTON DC is from THE—FBI—CRIME in THE—USA 20050000             .Digg It!
20061011             The study "found 1—STEADY—INCREASE in mortality —SINCE the invasion, with a
20061011             steeper rise in THE—LAST—YEAR.
20061011             FORMER—BUSH—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY—HEAD—CHRISTINE—TODD—WHITMAN has set up 1—CONSULTING firm that represents the oil industry.
20061011             Among her clients is Hovensa LLC, an "
20061011             —OWNED, OIL—REFINING operation " partially, by VENEZUELA—NATIONAL—OIL—COMPANY.
20061011             "I don't care if WE—OFFEND our allies in THE—MIDDLE—EAST,
20061011             " said SENATOR—RICK—SANTORUM (R—PA), making his case for why USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH should resume depicting the war in IRAQ as PART—OF—1—LARGER—STRUGGLE against "Islamic fascism".
20061011             For the 1. time, more Americans (36—PERCENT) believe the terrorists are winning the "WAR—ON—TERROR" than think THE—USA and its allies are winning (31—PERCENT).
20061011             22—PERCENT (22%) say neither side is winning.
20061011             1 in 4 . - - NUMBER—OF—VETERANS—OF—THE—WARS in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN who have
20061011             filed disability claims.
20061011             70—PERCENT of Americans "are talking politics with family and friends" as the "INTEREST—OF—USA—VOTERS is at its
20061011             highest level - "THE—FBI is investigating whether 1—MEMBER—OF—SENATOR—ARLEN—SPECTER—STAFF [VICKI—SIEGEL—HERSON]
20061011             broke the law by helping her husband,
20061011             1—LOBBYIST, secure almost $50—MILLION in Pentagon spending for his clients".
20061011             —DIRECTED, REPRESENTATIVE—CHARLES—TAYLOR (R—NC), who once, $3.8—MILLION for 1—PARK "directly in front" of the "flagship of his financial empire," is "1—OF at least 1—HALF—DOZEN—HOUSE—MEMBERS whose public actions in directing SPECIAL—INTEREST spending known as earmarks have also
20061011             benefited their private interests - or THOSE—OF—BUSINESS—PARTNERS".
20061011             And finally: 1—VERY—PUBLIC typo.
20061011             OTTAWA COUNTY—MICHIGAN "will pay about $40,000 to correct 1—EMBARRASSING typographical error on its 20061107             election ballot".
20061011             The county must "reprint 170,000 ballots that were
20061011             missing the letter 'L' in the word "public".
20061011             "It's —JUST 1—OF—THOSE words," the county clerk said.
20061011             "Even —AFTER we told people it was in there, they still read over it".
20061011             Truth Movement, Political Wild Cards Back Off Staged Terror
20061011             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—DANGER remains high —BEFORE election but NEO—FASCIST—ZEAL stunted by unforeseen events
20061011             N KOREA to face 'repercussions' USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush says NORTH—KOREA will face "serious repercussions" over its nuclear test claim.
20061011             † 'Huge rise' in IRAQ—DEATH—TOLLS 1 estimated 655,000 Iraqis have, as 1—RESULT—OF—20030000             —THE—USA—LED invasion, 1—JOINT—USA—IRAQ—SURVEY says.
20061011             —DISGRACED, Aide to testify in USA E—MAIL row 1—TOP—AIDE to, EX—CONGRESSMAN—MARK—FOLEY is to testify —BEFORE 1—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—INQUIRY.
20061011             No quick end to THAILAND—MARTIAL law THAILAND—DEFENCE—MINISTER says the martial law imposed —AFTER coup should stay in place for at least —1—MONTH.
20061011             —GUNNED, RUSSIA—BANK—MANAGER shot dead 1—RUSSIA—BANK—MANAGER is, down at his home in MOSCOW in 1—APPARENT—CONTRACT killing.
20061011             New human bird flu case in EGYPT EGYPT detects its 1. human CASE—OF—THE—BIRD—FLU—VIRUS —SINCE—MAY in 1—WOMAN who raised ducks at home.
20061011             Opec doubts drive oil to 20060000             low THE—PRICE—OF—OIL sinks to a 20060000             low as markets wait for OIL—PRODUCER—CARTEL—OPEC to finalise 1—OUTPUT cut.
20061011             Probe peers into Venusian secrets EUROPE—VENUS—EXPRESS spacecraft is sending back 1—TREASURE TROVE—OF—DATA on EARTH—SISTER—PLANET.
20061011             Tax bonanza helps cut USA—DEFICIT—BUMPER tax revenues helped THE—USA—TRIM 20060000             —THE—FEDERAL—BUDGET—DEFICIT to a —4—YEAR—LOW, THE—USA—TREASURY says.
20061011             SWITZERLAND tests VoIP wiretap software Blog: THE—SWITZERLAND—GOVERNMENT has reportedly been testing surveillance software that could enable it to eavesdrop on voice over INTERNET...
20061011             AT&T, BellSouth merger passes antitrust test DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE—ANTITRUST division gives its blessing to the $67—BILLION merger between AT&T and BellSouth.
20061011             Copper Wire as Fast as Fiber?
20061011             Krishna Dagli that 1—NEW—CONSORTIUM—OF—HARDWARE—VENDORS and phone companies have banded together in order to try for fiber optic speeds over copper wiring.
20061011             "To avoid interference, current DSL implementations use static spectrum management that is built for a "WORST—CASE" scenario. Most actual phone lines would allow for far better performance + DSM technology will allow EACH—DSL connection to be regulated in real time by the hardware based on measured crosstalk and on current data NEEDS—OF—EACH—CUSTOMER. The end result could be DSL connections that top out at 100Mbps or more".
20061011             Jury Awards $11—MILLION for INTERNET Defamation
20061011             "1—WOMAN in FLORIDA has been awarded $11.3—MILLION—DOLLARS in 1—DEFAMATION—CASE.
20061011             Apparently the defendant was unhappy with the plaintiff's referral service and —POSTED complaints all over THE—INTERNET.
20061011             —DECIDED, In 1—CHILLING slap at free speech, the jury, that not only was this illegal, but that it was worth over $11—MILLION.
20061011             The defendant can't pay the judgement — she can't even pay for 1—ATTORNEY.
20061011             The plaintiff says she doesn't care, but sued for THE—PRINCIPLE—OF—THE—THING".
20061011             ICANN Grants Temporary Reprieve to Spamhaus
20061011             "ICANN released 1—STATEMENT that says they "...cannot comply with ANY—ORDER requiring it to suspend or place 1—CLIENT hold on Spamhaus_org or ANY—SPECIFIC domain name"
20061011             They do, however leave the door open for the registrar that registered the domain name to then be forced to turn the lights off for Spamhaus".
20061011             Ballmer Sounds Off
20061011             "STEVE—BALLMER shares his thoughts on the Web 2.0—PHENOMENON, Zune, XBox, Vista, BILL—UPCOMING 20080000             retirement, the future of Microsoft + other subjects.
20061011             For example, regarding the GooTube deal: "Right —NOW, there's no business model for YouTube that would justify $1.6—BILLION.
20061011             And what about the rights holders?
20061011             —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—DAY, 1—LOT—OF—THE—CONTENT that's up there is owned by somebody else.
20061011             The truth is what Google is doing —NOW is transferring the wealth OUT—OF—THE—HANDS—OF—RIGHTS—HOLDERS into Google". HE—BLUNT, if nothing else".
20061011             Laser TV — THE—DEATH—OF—PLASMA?
20061011             "As reported in major news outlets —YESTERDAY in AUSTRALIA (THE—AGE, the Herald Sun), 1—NEW—TELEVISION—TECHNOLOGY has been developed which is touted (by the developers) as far and away superior to both plasma and LCD. From THE—AGE: 'With 1—WORLDWIDE—LAUNCH—DATE scheduled for Christmas 20070000             , under recognisable brands like Mitsubishi and Samsung, Novalux CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—JEAN—MICHEL—PELAPRAT is so bold as to predict THE—DEATH—OF—PLASMA. "If you look at ANY—SCREEN—TODAY, the color content is roughly about 30—35—PERCENT—OF—WHAT the eye can see," he said. "But for the very 1. time with 1—LASER—TV we'll be able to see 90—PERCENT—OF—WHAT the eye can see.
20061011             ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN what you see is 1—LIFELIKE image on display".'
20061011             The developing company, ARASOR—INTERNATIONAL, is said to be listing on THE—AUSTRALIA—STOCK—EXCHANGE shortly".
20061011             How did EDWARD—L—BERNAYS impact PUBLIC—RELATIONS in AMERICA?
20061011             Pierce: Democracy and Propaganda, EDWARD—L—BERNAYS.
20061011             Salon | THE—HIDDEN—PERSUADERS... nephew" of SIGMUND—FREUD, EDWARD—L—BERNAYS, 1—LARGER—THAN—LIFE—SVENGALI who was present... critique of him is unsparing, Edward...
20061011             —NOVEMBER Address to Community Leaders... 1—INVISIBLE—GOVERNMENT which is the true ruling power of our government.
20061011             Propaganda from Thucydides to Thatcher by Prof Taylor... STUDY—OF—PROPAGANDA was blossoming as 1—ACADEMIC—SUBJECT through the works of HAROLD—LASSWELL, EDWARD—L—BERNAYS + WALTER—LIPPMANN, the...
20061011             BACK TO : PROPAGANDA—GENERAL (theory, practice and history)
20061011             CHICAGO Media Watch... the propaganda game was PR genius EDWARD—L—BERNAYS, VIENNESE—BORN NEPHEW—OF—SIGMUND—FREUD.
20061011             EDWARD—L—BERNAYS took propaganda seriously for.
20061011             Democracy and Propaganda -- Free Speech, 20020600             ... titled Propaganda, by EDWARD—L—BERNAYS.
20061011             —TODAY, I'll read to you 1 expanded set of excerpts from EDWARD—L—BERNAYS ' book to...
20061011             Grey Lodge Occult Review :: Issue #8 :: Chomsky on Propaganda... THE—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—INDUSTRY, EDWARD—L—BERNAYS, actually came OUT—OF—THE—CREEL—COMMISSION.
20061011             EDWARD—L—BERNAYS himself had 1—IMPORTANT...
20061011             Elitism Vs Populism... we have seen the words of EDWARD—L—BERNAYS, THE—'FATHER—OF—PROPAGANDA ', who has advanced the notion that it is not merely within the power...
20061011             THE—LATEST on the Man Hastert Let Troll for Pages: "I would turn on my instant messenger + he would be online at all HOURS—OF—THE—DAY or night. The talk would quickly turn sexual," he said.
20061011             —REQUESTED, He says Foley, that he send photos of himself performing sexual acts.
20061011             If Hastert Didn't Know What Was Going On, HE—TOO—INCOMPETENT to be Running Congress.
20061011             He Should be Removed Either Way, Because Either Way He is Not 1—TRUSTWORTHY—GUARDIAN—OF—OUR—NATION—YOUTH.
20061011             Who Among us is —NOW on the Road to GUANTANAMO?
20061011             See THE—DVD, Which Only Had Limited Commercial Release Because of Its Explosive Political Subject Matter.
20061011             CANDIDATE—LONE—ISSUE is that She Had Sex With Packers Football Team.
20061011             and THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY is Behind Her!
20061011             More on "Operation Condor," Kissinger, What Horrors May Await AMERICA + the Disappeared -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20061011             BREAKING: Plane crashes into Manhattan building.
20061011             At least 1—DEATH. It was not 1—TERRORIST—ACT.
20061011             Basically, As They Say, Hastert is More or Less Claiming Boehner and Reynolds Lied About Their Claims That They Warned Him About Foley Sexually Preying on House Pages.
20061011             GOP Liars Fallout.
20061011             THE—COST—OF—DOING—YOUR—DUTY; "there is no denying the chilling message [LIEUTENANT—COMMANDER—CHARLES—SWIFTS—NON—PROMOTION] sends to remaining military lawyers about the potential consequences of taking their job + justice, seriously".
20061011             Remember: Bush Seeks Revenge, At All Times.
20061011             10/12 - Manhattan: KLEIN—FLUGZEUG rast in New Yorker Gebäude
20061011             NORD—KOREAS ATOM—TEST: CHINA schwankt zwischen Zorn und Ohnmacht
20061011             Ratspräsidentschaft: Merkel will Weg für EU—VERFASSUNG ebnen
20061011             ITALIEN: Satire über Drogentests bei Politikern abgesetzt
20061011             NORD—KOREAS ATOM—TEST: Experten halten Kims Bömbchen für Fehlschlag
20061011             YOUTUBE—ÜBERNAHME: Druck auf Yahoo und Microsoft wächst
20061011             IRAK: Bush stellt Studie zu Kriegsopfern infrage
20061011             —TORTURED, JOSE—PADILLA claims USA—GOVERNMENT, him : " The government's conduct VIS—A—VIS MISTER—PADILLA is 1—STAIN on this nation's character + through its illegal conduct, the government has forfeited its right to prosecute MISTER—PADILLA," his lawyers said in 1—LEGAL motion filed —THIS—WEEK.
20061011             —WHEN migrants look like terrorists : THE—4—PEOPLE killed —RECENTLY along THE—ISRAEL—EGYPT border appear to have little in common: 2—EGYPT—POLICEMEN, 1—BEDOUIN drug smuggler and 1—SUDAN—REFUGEE.
20061011             However, the circumstances of their deaths share 1—VERY—OBVIOUS—FACTOR: They are the direct RESULT—OF—THE—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—FORCES' new border policy.
20061011             Report Indicates that 1 in 4—VETERANS—OF—THE—GLOBAL—WAR on "Terrorism"Claim Disabilities : 1 in 4—VETERANS—OF—THE—IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN Wars are filing disability claims, according to records released by THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—VETERANS' Affairs (VA) under THE—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT —AFTER—9—MONTHS—OF—DENYING their existence and —POSTED—TODAY on the National Security Archive Web site.
20061011             We'll make sanctions hurt, vows USA : THE—USA is pushing for UN sanctions so severe they will make dictator KIM—JONG—IL "rue the —DAY" he ordered his country's 1. nuclear test explosion, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—POINT—MAN on NORTH—KOREA said —YESTERDAY.
20061011             N KOREA: Sanctions '1—ACT—OF—WAR': "If THE—USA—CONTINUES to hassle us and add pressure, we will consider this as 1—DECLARATION—OF—WAR and subsequently take physical measures," the spokesman was quoted as saying.
20061011             PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN: It's begun: 1—ASIA—NUCLEAR—ARMS—RACE : Why should we maintain 1—INDEFINITE commitment to fight 1—WAR for SOUTH—KOREA —WHEN the result could —NOW be escalation involving nuclear strikes on USA—FORCES in the Pacific or THE—USA—HOMELAND?
20061011             Taliban are winning: Taliban troops have retaken CONTROL—OF—BROAD—SWATCHES—OF—THE—COUNTRY and are beginning to stand and fight NATO—UNITS—HEAD to head.
20061011             Violence is at its highest level —SINCE THE—EARLY—DAYS—OF—THE—CONFLICT.
20061011             JUAN—COLE: USA—BUSINESS—WILL—TRY—TO—DISCREDIT—IRAQ "Excess' Death Toll" Study : Can you imagine the profits being made by THE—MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX on all this?
20061011             Do they really want THE—USA—PUBLIC to know the truth about what the weapons they produce have done to Iraqis?
20061011             Study Claims IRAQ's 'Excess' Death Toll Has Reached 655,000
20061011             † 2.5—PERCENT—OF—IRAQI—POPULATION have, as 1—CONSEQUENCE—OF—THE—USA—INVASION, war and occupation.
20061011             —BY Johns Hopkins Bloomberg SCHOOL—OF—PUBLIC—HEALTH
20061011             Estimated 654,965 additional deaths in IRAQ 20030300—20060700    —BETWEEN.
20061011             Mortality —AFTER 20030000             —THE invasion of IRAQ: 1—CROSS—SECTIONAL cluster sample survey
20061011             —BY GILBERT Burnham, RIYADH—LAFTA, SHANNON—DOOCY, Les Roberts
20061011             —CONTINUED, THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE dying in IRAQ has, to escalate.
20061011             Gunfire remains the most common CAUSE—OF—DEATH, although deaths from car bombing have increased.
20061011             Read THE—FULL—REPORT - War Crimes Report Shows USA—VIOLATIONS—OF—INTERNATIONAL—LAW
20061011             -Demands PROSECUTION—OF—USA—MILITARY and CIVIL—LEADERS
20061011             THE—VIOLENCE—OF—THE—IRAQ—WAR, the chaos that has come to IRAQ, can be traced directly to THE—ILLEGALITY—OF—THE—INVASION + OCCUPATION—OF—THAT—COUNTRY + THE—ILLEGALITY—OF—THE—TACTICS + weapons being used to maintain the occupation.
20061011             "Gewöhnliche Kamele tauchten im Mittleren Osten vor etwa 6000, 7000—JAHREN auf", sagte Le Tensorer weiter.
20061011             "Hier haben wir zum 1. Mal 1—WILDFORM—UND eine sehr, sehr alte noch dazu".
20061011             Das Riesenkamel wirft nicht zuletzt deswegen VIELE—FRAGEN auf: Woher kam es?
20061011             —GESEHEN, Warum wurde es nie wieder ?
20061011             Wanderte es von ASIEN nach AFRIKA? Warum wurde es so groß?
20061011             Studie: Mehr als 650.000—IRAKER an Folgen des Krieges gestorben
20061011             Konjunktur: DEUTSCHLAND —DIESES—JAHR wieder Exportweltmeister
20061011             NORD—KOREA: "Das Regime ist unempfindlich gegenüber Armut der Bevölkerung"
20061011             Atomkrise: JAPAN verschärft Sanktionen gegen NORD—KOREA
20061011             Elitetruppe KSK: Bundeswehr soll Misshandlungen in USA—LAGER zugesehen haben
20061011             RUSSLAND: Bankmanager in Moskau erschossen
20061011             Numerator: Was Falschparken über Korruption verrät
20061011             Stabilitätspakt: Defizit noch geringer als erhofft
20061011             Knochenfunde in SYRIEN: Forscher rätseln über Riesenkamel
20061011             —BETRACHTET, Atomkrise: NORD—KOREA, Sanktionen als Kriegserklärung
20061011             Verkehrsforschung: Pendler schalten den Verstand aus
20061011             Nach MOHAMMED—SPOTT: Angriff auf DÄNISCHE—BOTSCHAFT in Teheran
20061011             Krise der Konservativen: Das ENDE—DES—CHRISTDEMOKRATISCHEN—SOMMERS
20061011             —KILLED, AUSTRALIA—CORONER: Police, Aboriginal prisoner on Palm ISLAND : In 1—HIGHLY revealing ruling, 1—CORONER has found that police bashed + killed 1—INNOCENT—ABORIGINAL man on QUEENSLAND—PALM—ISLAND nearly —2—YEARS—AGO.
20061011             The report provides 1—DAMNING case STUDY—OF—POLICE—VIOLENCE and its systemic use against indigenous Australians.
20061011             —KIDNAPPED, GERMANY—TELLS—OF—KABUL jail torture : 1—GERMANY—WHO says he was, in EUROPE and jailed —FOR—5—MONTHS in THE—AFGHANISTAN—CAPITAL, KABUL, broke down as he told 1—SPAIN—COURT he was tortured, force fed and dumped in 1—FOREST—HUNDREDS—OF—KILOMETRES from home.
20061011             Peak oil is definitely 1—SCAM.
20061011             There is enough oil in USA—OIL shale + in Alberta, CANANDA—OIL tar sands, to extend the oil era —FOR—CENTURIES.
20061011             It seems that the opinion forming media wants us to believe that the oil era is —JUST about over, in order to make us think there's going to be this big, NEAR—TERM—CHANGE forced on us.
20061011             No, i'm sorry to say, they can continue to pump fossil fuel greenhouse gases into the atmosphere for MANY—GENERATIONS, folks + that's very bad news.
20061011             The problem is not peak oil, but global climate change caused by THE—BURNING—OF—FOSSIL—FUELS -- principally oil and coal.
20061011             If the catastrophe scientists say is looming ahead due to global warming comes to pass, running OUT—OF—OIL will be the least of our problems.
20061011             —AVOIDED, It's ironic that, if this catastrophe is not, much of LOW—LYING ISRAEL will be inundated by the Mediterranean Sea + the promised land the Zionists screwed the world up to steal will be gone.
20061011             Not to worry, though.
20061011             THE—WEST—BANK is high enough to remain dry.Burma Shave
20061011             FRANCE—EMBASSY cancels NEW—YORK book launch over author's ISRAEL views : THE—FRANCE—EMBASSY —ON—MONDAY canceled 1—NEW—YORK party for 1—BOOK about Vichy FRANCE—COLLABORATION with Nazi GERMANY BECAUSE—OF—THE—AUTHOR—POSTSCRIPT that says ISRAEL has oppressed Palestinians.
20061011             INDIA—POLITICIAN took 'hefty' bribe on ISRAEL—MISSILE—DEAL—POLICE : THE—LEADER—OF—1—INDIA—OPPOSITION—PARTY has been charged with taking a "hefty" kickback as PART—OF—1—MULTI—MILLION—DOLLAR—DEFENCE—CONTRACT with 1—STATE—RUN—ISRAEL—COMPANY, police and officials said —TODAY.
20061011             USA—INQUIRY into jail abuse 1—COVER—UP: Hicks lawyer : USA—DEFENCE—DEPARTMENT—INVESTIGATION that found DAVID—HICKS suffered no abuse —WHILE in USA custody was the "biggest COVER—UP of all time", his USA—MILITARY—LAWYER says.
20061011             Chavez says USA backing plot against BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT : CHAVEZ—ALLEGATION comes —AFTER 1—REPORT—SUNDAY in BOLIVIA—EL—MUNDO newspaper alleged that 1—COUP against Morales was planned for —THIS—WEEK.
20061011             TWILIGHT—OF—THE—ASSASSINS:
20061011             Putin Suggests CREATION—OF—OIL—EXCHANGE in S—PETERSBURG : RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN suggested CREATION—OF—OIL and oil product exchange in S—PETERSBURG.
20061011             Oil, Smoke & Mirrors.
20061011             1—INDEPENDENT—50—MINUTE documentary on peak oil, 20010911             and THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20061011             Britons face trial for leaking BUSH—BLAIR bomb memo ;
20061011             N KOREA WARNS—OF—ATTACK : NORTH—KOREA last night threatened 1—NUCLEAR—MISSILE—ATTACK if trade + financial sanctions are not dropped, but also offered to return to negotiations about disbanding its atomic weapons program.
20061011             NORTH—KOREA 'could fire' nuclear warhead: Threatening to put nuclear warheads on missiles and conduct further nuclear tests, 1—NORTH—KOREA—OFFICIAL says his country will only return to disarmament talks if THE—USA—MAKES concessions.
20061011             —REJECTED, WHITE—HOUSE—REJECTS NORTH—KOREA Talks : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, anew —TUESDAY direct talks with NORTH—KOREA and said it would not be intimidated by 1 reported threat from PYONGYANG that it could fire 1—NUCLEAR—TIPPED missile unless THE—USA—ACTS to resolve the standoff.
20061011             Pentagon Assesses Responses, Including 1—POSSIBLE—BLOCKADE : ANY—UNILATERAL effort by THE—USA to cordon off NORTH—KOREA by sea and air could founder along the country's lengthy land border with CHINA.
20061011             RUSSIA, CHINA urge calm on NORTH—KOREA: CHINA and RUSSIA have said that they strongly opposed threatening NORTH—KOREA with 1—MILITARY—STRIKE in response to PYONGYANG—ANNOUNCEMENT —ON—MONDAY that it had conducted its 1. test of 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB.
20061011             NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR policy is not irrational at all:
20061011             We are heading towards another PRE—EMPTIVE war and JAPAN—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS unless pressure for disarmament revives
20061011             USA—GRANTS N KOREA nuclear funds : In releasing the funding, PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush waived THE—FRAMEWORK—REQUIREMENT that NORTH—KOREA allow inspectors to ensure it has not hidden away ANY—WEAPONS—GRADE plutonium from the original reactors.
20061011             IRAN—KHAMENEI says no retreat on atomic rights: : "Our policy is clear, progress with clear logic and insisting on the nation's right without ANY—RETREAT," he was quoted as saying in reference to TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20061011             IRAN: Nuke disarmament must begin with ISRAEL: IRAN—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESPERSON—GHOLAM—HOSSEIN Elham tells press conference 'dismantling of nuclear arms in MIDDLE—EAST must begin with Zionist entity';
20061011             adds: Ban to use WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION should be imposed globally
20061011             - Demands PROSECUTION—OF—USA—MILITARY and CIVIL—LEADERS
20061011             USA—WAR—CRIMES in IRAQ and Mechanisms for Accountability documents these violations and calls on us all to demand investigation and PROSECUTION—OF—VIOLATIONS—OF—INTERNATIONAL—LAW by military and CIVIL—LEADERS.
20061011             Lost Wars and 1—LOST—ECONOMY
20061011             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH and his neocon nazis have simultaneously lost 2—WARS and AMERICA—ECONOMIC—FUTURE.
20061011             DON—RUMSFELD—BATS—BOTH—WAYS
20061011             —CONDUCTED, The nuclear blast test that NORTH—KOREA, —THIS—WEEK is not only THE—RESULT—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—INCOMPETENT and sinister diplomatic philosophy — which seems to consist solely of provoking unfriendly regimes into countermeasures which can then be used as excuses for WAR—PROFITEERING "regime change" assaults — but also stems from the overwhelming lust for loot that lies behind the noble rhetoric of the 3.—RATE GOONS—OF—THE—BUSH—GANG.
20061011             A splendid achievement
20061011             —EARNED, GEORGE—BUSH should be CONGRATULATED—HE has surely, the right to join the ranks of despots.
20061011             Elections in THE—USA: Justice And THE—PERVERSION—OF—JUSTICE
20061011             —VOTED, In —1—MONTH in which THE—USA—CONGRESS, to legalize torture, discard THE—USA—CONSTITUTION by abolishing habeas corpus and increase the military budget to prolong the daily SLAUGHTER—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—IRAQIS and Afghanis, the big controversy among the mass media and elected officials is the sexual overtures of 1—REPUBLICAN—CONGRESSMAN to adolescent boys employed by Congress.
20061011             Who Killed MICHAEL—MOORE?
20061011             What if THE—USA—GOVERNMENT (or 1—OF—ITS proxies)-with the full support of the corporate MEDIA—TRANSPARENTLY eliminated MICHAEL—MOORE for his political beliefs and activism?
20061011             Would we see anything more than 1—FLOOD—OF—ARTICLES, blog posts, T—SHIRTS + open letters from SEAN—PENN?
20061011             Would the reaction go beyond asking the state for permission to protest and agreeing beforehand how MANY—OF—THOSE protestors will consent to be arrested?
20061011             Would BOB—DYLAN—RE—WRITE "Who Killed Davey Moore?" and have Bono sing it outside the Pentagon?
20061011             Syria: USA—LACKS MID—EAST vision -
20061011             SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD has said THE—USA does not have "the will or vision" to pursue peace in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20061011             "How can you talk about peace and at the same time isolation?
20061011             How can you talk about peace and you adopt the doctrine of PRE—EMPTIVE war?" he asked.
20061011             Flugzeugabsturz BRASILIEN: Fast unglaubliche Ansammlung von FEHLERN—SFUX KARL—WEISS -
20061011             —AM—ANFANG war der Flugzeugabsturz einer Boeing 737—MIT 155—MENSCHEN an Bord über dem Amazonasurwald in BRASILIEN vor allem von der VIELZAHL—DER—UNGEKLÄRTEN—FRAGEN charakterisiert.
20061011             —JETZT geht das mehr und mehr in 1—POLEMIK über die Ursachen über.
20061011             Anscheinend hat sich, wie bei Unglücken häufig, ein tragisches Zusammenspiel von mehreren Irrtümern, Fehlern bzw.
20061011             Fehlleistungen ereignet.
20061011             Deutscher? AL—QAIDA—BLOGGER festgenommen? - sfux HARALD—HAACK?
20061011             Als ein DEUTSCHES—NACHRICHTENMAGAZIN kürzlich über einen ISLAM—BLOG berichtete, ohne den Link dazu direkt zu nennen, war das Wissen über die Existenz dieses Blogs, auf denen die ?HELDEN—ELEGIEN?
20061011             der Terrororganisation AL—QAIDA in DEUTSCHER—ÜBERSETZUNG zu finden ist, keineswegs neu.
20061011             Doch das Nachrichtenmagazin hat damit maßgeblich die Möglichkeit zum Auffinden der terroristischen.
20061011             SADDAM—WMDS and RUSSIA / Part II
20061011             - sfux THE—RUSSIA—SCENARIO for THE—IRAQ—WMD withdrawal in 2003
20061011             Speaking —BEFORE the Federation Council (RUSSIA—UPPER—HOUSE), Ivanov said: "Even if THE—AMERICA—UK—FORCES—REPORT that they have found weapons.
20061011             Weltweiter Zweifel am ATOMTEST—SFUX HARALD—HAACK?
20061011             —GEZÜNDET, Hat NORD—KOREA —NUN 1—ATOMBOMBE testweise, oder nicht?
20061011             Weltweit gibt es Zweifel darüber, ob die Atombombe echt war oder nur eine solche Bombe vorgetäuscht wurde.
20061011             Besonders in den USA ist der Zweifel groß.
20061011             Noch immer gingen die USA—GEHEIMDIENSTE davon aus, es habe keinen wirklichen nuklearen Test gegeben, berichtet die ?WASHINGTON Times?
20061011             unter ?Berufung auf namentlich.
20061011             FBI agents still don't know Arabic.
20061011             only 33—FBI agents have even 1 limited proficiency in Arabic
20061011             + NONE—OF—THEM work in the sections of the bureau that coordinate investigations of INTERNATIONAL terrorism, according to new FBI statistics".
20061011             Ashcroft Responds To 20010911             Foreknowledge Charges
20061011             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—FORMER—ATTORNEY—GENERAL confronted on radio show, claims reports he stopped flying commercial —BEFORE—SEPTEMBER
20061011             N KOREA raises THREAT—OF—NEW—TEST—NORTH—KOREA—NUMBER 2—LEADER warns of more nuclear tests if USA—POLICY remains "hostile", reports say.
20061011             —ARMED, DR CONGO children 'still ' THOUSANDS—OF—CHILDREN in THE—DR—CONGO are controlled by armed groups, —3—YEARS—AFTER the war, says Amnesty.
20061011             Lennon killer fails in parole bid JOHN—LENNON—MURDERER, MARK—CHAPMAN, is refused parole because of the "bizarre nature" of his crime.
20061011             USA tightens CUBA trade sanctions THE—USA—ANNOUNCES new measures to enforce trade SANCTIONS—AGAINST—CUBA and punish those who violate them.
20061011             Woman tops CHINA—RICH—LIST PAPER—RECYCLING tycoon Zhang Yin becomes the 1. woman to top THE—LIST—OF—CHINA—RICHEST—PEOPLE.
20061011             New clients boost Infosys profits INDIA—SOFTWARE—GIANT—INFOSYS sees a 53% rise in net profits and raised its forecasts for THE—REST—OF—THE—YEAR.
20061011             INDIA probe names EX—MINISTER—INDIA—TOP detective agency, THE—CBI, launches a probe against a former defence MINISTER in a corruption case.
20061011             Science teaching 'back to front' 1—GROUP—OF—LEADING scientists decry the "dumbed down" way of teaching science in SOME—UK schools.
20061011             Warning over 'broken up' INTERNET THE—INTERNET could be in danger of being broken up into separate networks, 1—LEADING MEMBER—OF—THE—UN warns.
20061011             Syria welcome in ISRAEL—PERES—SHIMON—PERES responds warmly to 1—SUGGESTION by Syria that THE—2—COUNTRIES could hold peace talks.
20061011             Politics Get Caught in the Web THE—INTERNET gives political campaigns more opportunities to dig up dirt on their opponents, but with the information comes new ethical + legal concerns.
20061011             Commentary by JENNIFER—GRANICK.
20061011             HONEY—REMEDY—COULD—SAVE—LIMBS—MODERN, DRUG—RESISTANT bacteria are meeting their match in 1—ANCIENT medicine: honey.
20061011             Sweeeeeet. By BRANDON—KEIM.
20061011             Data centers eye power costs SUN—COMMISSIONED study indicates that IT executives are considering energy in purchasing decisions.
20061011             COLIN—POWELL urges philanthropy, inspiring leadership USA—BUSINESSES should make regular contributions to community action, THE—FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE tells 1—SALESFORCE show crowd.
20061011             Google Code Search Reveals Dark CORNERS—KDAWSON 141 - saccade_com writes,
20061011             "The new Google Code Search isn't —JUST for hackers sniffing for passwords.
20061011             —DISCOVERED, JASON—KOTTKE and friends have, the new feature reveals all sorts of dark corners hidden in our code.
20061011             And you thought nobody ever read your comments!"  "Code search is 1—GREAT—RESOURCE for web developers + programmers, but
20061011             like the making available of all previously unsearched BODIES—OF—INFORMATION, it's given lots of flashlights to people interested in exploring dark corners".
20061011             MIT Looks to Give Group Think a Good Name
20061011             "With —FRIDAY—OPENING—OF—THE—MIT—CENTER for Collective Intelligence, researchers there hope to address this central question:
20061011             "How can people and computers be connected so that — collectively — they act more intelligently than ANY—INDIVIDUALS, groups, or computers have ever done —BEFORE?""
20061011             Attack of the Flying Killer Robot Insects
20061011             —AWARDED, DARPA has —RECENTLY, contracts to several companies to develope 1—MICRO—MINIATURE, autonomous, HUMMINGBIRD—SIZED robot.
20061011             The specs are here.
20061011             The salient specifications for purposes of this post are that this UAV nanodrone will be capable of searching for 1—TARGET and delivering 1—SMALL payload.
20061011             —RECENTLY—RELEASED court documents from the trial of ZACHARIAS—MOUSSAOUI show clear EVIDENCE—OF—THE—FBI attempt to COVER—UP the whereabouts and ACTIVITIES—OF—LEAD 20010911             hijacker MOHAMED—ATTA in FLORIDA between January and 20010500             , confirming reports which have appeared exclusively in the MadCowMorningNews.
20061011             And then I read about it.
20061011             It's 1—MOVIE/docudrama, DEATH—OF—1—PRESIDENT.
20061011             At 1., it seemed unreal, even unbelievable, but there it was.
20061011             It was 1. shown at THE—TORONTO—FILM—FESTIVAL —LAST—MONTH, winning the Fipresci Award + then aired last night on UK—TV.
20061011             —PURCHASED, It will likely hit theatres soon, having been, for distribution by the same company that did GIBSON—PASSION—OF—CHRIST.
20061011             [UPDATE: Bush _assassination_circulates_1010.html">Here
20061011             is 1—BRIEF clip of and about the docudrama.]
20061011             The good news is that —NOW the idea is in the public domain in 1—HUGE—WAY, hopefully to dampen ANY—AMBITIONS out there to make it real.
20061011             The bad news is that, regardless of how it is done, the odds for bloodless coups in our future seem to be plummeting along with THE—GOP prospects for this MID—TERM—ELECTION.
20061011             The stakes have simply become way too high for those in power + they're less and less likely to allow such 1—THING without 1—BLOODY fight.
20061011             And yet the Jesus voters continue to believe that Republican pols are all MISSIONARY—ONLY—STRAIGHTS and Democratic politicians are sexually abnormal.
20061011             The real IRAQ body count...? THE—IRAQ body count seen at the top of this page —NOW claims fewer than 50,000 deaths.
20061011             But a - new study argues that the figure should actually be 655,000!
20061011             LET—SIT back and watch the experts debate the methodology involved here...
20061011             REQUIRED READING! Bush is THE—MASTER—OF—DEATH: New Study Indicates More Than 600,000 Iraqis Killed as RESULT—OF—WAR.
20061011             —FROM Johns Hopkins SCHOOL—OF—PUBLIC—HEALTH as Published in the Highly Respected UK—LANCET.
20061011             "Deaths are occurring in IRAQ —NOW at 1—RATE—MORE than 3—TIMES that from —BEFORE the invasion of 20030300             ," DOCTOR—GILBERT—BURNHAM, lead AUTHOR—OF—THE—STUDY, said in 1—STATEMENT.
20061011             —WHILE Bush Was Obsessed with IRAQ and IRAN -- and Causing Needless Death and Misery -- NORTH—KOREA Developed the Nuclear Bomb.
20061011             Are you feeling safer —NOW? 10/11
20061011             "And as far as the Foley scandal is concerned, the winds from that story are not about to die down. Because on TOP—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION into who new about the Foley page contacts —WHEN + who is telling the truth —NOW, the House Speaker has —NOW opened up the question of whether the buck really stops with him, or whether accountability will only apply to his staff".
20061011             Talk About Visually Going Off Message. 10/11
20061011             —JOINED, SENATOR—OLYMPIA—SNOWE (R—ME) —ON—TUESDAY, 1—GROWING list of Republicans calling for 1—REASSESSMENT—OF—AMERICA—STRATEGY in IRAQ.
20061011             Snowe said in 1—STATEMENT that as conditions in IRAQ continue to worsen, "there must be no question among the (Bush ) administration, the Congress and THE—IRAQ—UNITY—GOVERNMENT that staying the course is neither 1—OPTION nor 1—PLAN".
20061011             —SUSPECTED, The religious right is demanding 1—PURGE of, communists, I mean gays, on the Hill.
20061011             110—BULLET—RIDDLED bodies found in BAGHDAD 10/11
20061011             MICHAEL—WINSHIP: AMERICA, You've Got Mail... from IRAQ - 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20061011             "—WHILE certain names have been bandied about —FOR—YEARS, the Foley scandal has put the spotlight on other MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS rumored to be gay,
20061011             like PATRICK—MCHENRY (R—NC), who has been appearing on talking heads news shows in 1—BID to save House Speaker Hastert.
20061011             —PROMPTED, His appearance on Tucker CARLSON—MISS—NBC show, 1—LIBERAL blog to ask,
20061011             "But what could be more "sick" than 1 closeted gay Republican who rails about the "SANCTITY—OF—MARRIAGE" —WHILE defending those who cover up the crimes of 1—CHILD—PREDATOR?"" 10/11
20061011             Laura Hall For Auto Download of MP3s Need... Little House books by... Laura Ingalls... Laura KNIGHT—JADCZYK.
20061011             Patience pays. You are on the right track.
20061011             THE—ADVENTURES opens on the —DAY Laura.
20061011             AlterNet: Blogs: THE—MIX: THE—ART—OF—WAR for THE—ANTI—WAR—MOVEMENT—NEW—WEST.
20061011             Nykola. RadioNation with Laura Flanders.
20061011             Rox Populi. Nieuw Rechts in Vlaanderen.
20061011             —GEDACHTEGOED, Het, VAN het Nieuw Rechtse tijdschrift Teksten, Kommentaren en Studies' (... Conservatieve revolutie' verwijst naar een bepaalde politieke denkstroming.
20061011             invloedrijke "Ideenzentrale" de Berlijnse Juniklub rond Moeller VAN den Bruck.
20061011             alcune note su mr. crowley : ITALY imc... era membro, era la continuazione dello Juniklub fondato da Mueller VAN den Bruck )...
20061011             alcune note su mr. crowley : ITALY imc A lui si deve il maggiore tentativo di creare una "religione magica" per il... era membro, era la continuazione dello Juniklub fondato da Mueller VAN den Bruck )...
20061011             JULIUS—EVOLA ed il tradizionalismo RUSSO—POLITICA OnLine FORUM—DESTRA Radicale... era membro, era la continuazione dello Juniklub fondato da Mueller VAN den Bruck )...
20061011             Alexandr Dugin: JULIUS—EVOLA e il tradizionalismo russo... era membro, era la continuazione dello Juniklub fondato da Mueller VAN den Bruck )... STORIA ANTICA.
20061011             RIVOLUZIONE.
20061011             SCIENZA. TECNOLOGIA.
20061011             JULIUS—EVOLA ed il tradizionalismo russo La contestazione della realtà sovietica è stata presso di essi così totale... era membro, era la continuazione dello Juniklub fondato da Mueller VAN den Bruck )...
20061011             THE—SCORPION—THE—NEO—CONSERVATIVE—MOVEMENT in the Weimar Republic was 1—ELITIST—POLITICAL... elitist CLUBS—OF—THE—TIME, the Juniklub, founded by Moeller VAN den Bruck +...
20061011             ARTHUR—MOELLER—VAN den Bruck Moeller nació en SOLINGEN en 18760000             y murió en 19250000             , tras manifestar escepticismo...
20061011             En 19190000             Moeller fundó el " Juniklub " (que más tarde sería sustituido por el "...
20061011             La terza ROMA—EDO.swisse.CH—DOMENICA 20061001             - L'idea escatologica del regno CRISTIANO—ORTODOSSO - "Mosca, la Terza ROMA"... egli era membro, era la continuazione dello Juniklub fondato da VAN den Bruck)...
20061011             EDGAR—JULIUS—JUNG (18940000—19340000) Quand la guerre éclate, Jung se porte volontaire dans les armées impériales et... avoir eu quelques contacts avec le Juniklub et le HERREN—KLUB de Heinrich von...
20061011             LUCA—LIONELLO—RIMBOTTI: Moeller VAN den Bruck, un "ribelle" conservatore Una breve biografia di ARTHUR—MOELLER—VAN den Bruck, il padre della Rivoluzione Conservatrice... tra i fondatori dello Juniklub, sodalizio nazionalconservatore di Berlino, e...
20061011             JUNIKLUB—WIKIPEDIA Der Juniklub war zur Zeit der Weimarer REPUBLIK—1—DISKUSSIONSKREIS—DER... Der von ARTHUR—MOELLER VAN den Bruck gegründete Kreis gilt als bedeutendste ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE...
20061011             Quick Links: Die Gründung des JUNIKLUBS—DER Juniklub und seine Publikationen -
20061011             Der Juniklub war zur Zeit der Weimarer REPUBLIK ein...
20061011             NS—PROZESS in ITALIEN: Lebenslang für Beteiligung an Massaker
20061011             DATEN—DIEBSTAHL bei VW: Keine BUNDESPOLITIKER—LIMOUSINEN betroffen
20061011             Nebeneinkünfte von Abgeordneten: Verfassungsrichter prüfen Offenlegungspflicht
20061011             —VERSPRICHT, DEUTSCHLAND—BESUCH: Putin, Förderung der Pressefreiheit
20061011             Atomkrise: Sicherheitsrat ringt um Strafmaß für NORD—KOREA
20061011             Technische UNIVERSITÄT—MÜNCHEN—DEUTSCHLAND, Technical UNIVERSITY—OF—MUNICH—GERMANY " Entries 00501-00600 ... began —WHEN the universities started currying favor with the Nazi regime and thereby deprived THEMSELVES—OF—THE—RIGHT to make their own decisions.
20061011             THE—DE—ANNE—BURLEY—SHOW on Truthradio_com: Treaty gives CIA powers over IRELAND—CITIZENS... took place, not in Nazi GERMANY but in THE—NAZI—CREATED puppet STATE—OF—CROATIA.
20061011             —PERISHED, GYPSIES—MEN, women and children -, in 1—GIGANTIC holocaust.
20061011             Snowe rebukes "stay the course".
20061011             SENATOR—OLYMPIA—SNOWE (R—ME) said in 1—STATEMENT that as conditions in IRAQ continue to worsen,
20061011             "there must be no question among the (Bush ) administration, the Congress + THE—IRAQ—UNITY—GOVERNMENT that
20061011             staying the course is neither 1—OPTION nor 1—PLAN.
20061011             McCain Blames Clinton For NORTH—KOREA—NUKE Test
20061011             —TODAY at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) blamed the current predicament with NORTH—KOREA on the Clinton administration.
20061011             CNN points out that McCain said the
20061011             not tolerate nuclear weapons in NORTH—KOREA
20061011             " and "will not settle for anything less than the complete, verifiable + irreversible ELIMINATION—OF—NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM".
20061011             —3—YEARS—LATER, NORTH—KOREA has offered the 1. "manifest proof " of its nuclear capabilities + Bush has moved the goal posts.
20061011             —YESTERDAY, Bush said THE—USA "would hold NORTH—KOREA fully accountable" if they transferred nuclear material to other states or "NON—STATE entities".
20061011             The difference is striking.
20061011             mission accomplished " in IRAQ.
20061011             —TODAY, THE—IRAQ war rages on, sapping resources and energy away from other crises —AROUND the world.
20061011             —FOR—6—YEARS, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has refused to engage in direct talks with NORTH—KOREA.
20061011             The country —NOW may possess enough WEAPONS—GRADE plutonium FOR—AS many as 13—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS.
20061011             Bush _In_2003_We_Will_Not_Tolerate_Nuclear_Weapons_in_North_Korea">Digg It!
20061011             BUSH : We will not tolerate nuclear weapons in NORTH—KOREA.
20061011             We will not give into blackmail.
20061011             We will not settle for anything less than the complete, verifiable + irreversible ELIMINATION—OF—NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM.
20061011             BUSH : The transfer of nuclear weapons or material by NORTH—KOREA to states or NON—STATE entities would be considered 1—GRAVE—THREAT to THE—USA + we would hold NORTH—KOREA fully ACCOUNTABLE—OF—THE—CONSEQUENCES—OF such action.
20061011             [20060910             ]
20061011             Snow Says It's 'Silly' And 'Gratuitous' To Ask If Bush Made ANY—MISTAKES—ON—NORTH—KOREA
20061011             —REPORTED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST, that NORTH—KOREA—APPARENT—NUCLEAR—TEST "may well be regarded as a
20061011             —TODAY, 1—REPORTER asked if USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—BELIEVES he has made ANY—MISTAKES with respect to NORTH—KOREA.
20061011             —RESPONDED, WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW, "Oh, my goodness...it's 1—SILLY—QUESTION".
20061011             —LATER, he called the question "gratuitious".
20061011             —EXPLAINED, Snow, that "you need to give presidents THE—BENEFIT—OF—THE—DOUBT —WHEN national security is involved".
20061011             To learn about BUSH—RECORD on NORTH—KOREA, see our timeline.
20061011             Bush _Made_Mistakes_With_N_Korea">Digg It!
20061011             QUESTION: Looking back, is there anything that THE—PRESIDENT would have done differently?
20061011             Does he believe he has made ANY—MISTAKES in this region?
20061011             SNOW: Oh, my goodness. QUESTION: It's 1—FAIR—QUESTION.
20061011             SNOW: No, it's 1—SILLY—QUESTION.
20061011             QUESTION: (OFF—MIKE) - SNOW: Yes, it is, because... - (CROSSTALK)
20061011             —TALKED, QUESTION: You —JUST, about...
20061011             SNOW: Well, let me ask you, give me SOME—CHARACTERIZATION—OF what you might think, because what typically happens is that ANY—ANSWER to that question is spun into: PRESIDENT made mistake, regrets.
20061011             What you do as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA — and I have said this repeatedly from this podium + you need to give presidents THE—BENEFIT—OF—THE—DOUBT —WHEN national security is involved — is the very best, in their judgment, of what they can do.
20061011             —NOW, what will happen is over time you find out, Hmmm, that data point wasn't right.
20061011             We need to adjust.
20061011             So for EVERY—ADJUSTMENT, sure, in perfect hindsight you would want perfect information and —THEREFORE perfect policy.
20061011             But instead what you do have in this administration and in prior administrations is 1—FULL—ON effort to do what you think, based on the intelligence and the facts available to you, that's going to be the most effective way to secure THE—SAFETY—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20061011             QUESTION: The notion that that's 1—SILLY—QUESTION, —WHEN you have 1—PRESIDENT who draws 1 red line —3—YEARS—AGO and says, We will not tolerate nuclear weapons + —NOW you have 1—COUNTRY that —JUST tested 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON, you don't think it's fair to ask for SOME—ACCOUNTABILITY as to what happened and whether there were mistakes made?
20061011             SNOW: The accountability lies in NORTH—KOREA, not in WASHINGTON.
20061011             —LAUDED, FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL, what is known as the Agreed Framework that the Clinton Administration signed with NORTH—KOREA.
20061011             "Lots of nuclear weapons were not made because of the Agreed Framework and THE—WORK—OF—PRESIDENT—CLINTON and his team," Powell said.
20061011             —NOW, conservatives are faulting PRESIDENT—CLINTON for selling light water reactors to NORTH—KOREA under the agreement, but in doing so, they overlook DONALD—RUMSFELD—ROLE in the deal.
20061011             Rumsfeld was the only American to sit on THE—BOARD—OF—1—COMPANY which —6—YEARS—AGO sold 2—LIGHT—WATER—REACTORS to NORTH—KOREA.
20061011             THE—GUARDIAN - Rumsfeld was 1—NON—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR—OF—ABB, 1—EUROPEAN engineering giant based in ZURICH, —WHEN it won a $200m contract to provide the design and key components for the reactors.
20061011             The current defense SECRETARY sat on THE—BOARD 19900000—20010000    —FROM—TO, earning $190,000 —1—YEAR.
20061011             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Rumsfeld has never, that he knew the company was competing for the nuclear contract.
20061011             In response to questions about his role in the reactor deal, FORMER—PENTAGON spokeswoman VICTORIA Clarke told NEWSWEEK in February 20030000             that "there was no vote on this" and that her boss "does not recall it being brought —BEFORE THE—BOARD—AT—ANY—TIME".
20061011             —REVEALED, But 1—INVESTIGATION by Fortune magazine, that Rumsfeld probably did know:
20061011             ABB spokesman Bjoern Edlund told Fortune magazine —AT—THE—TIME that "BOARD members were informed about this project".
20061011             "This was 1—MAJOR thing for ABB," the former director [who sat on THE—BOARD—WITH—RUMSFELD] said, "and extensive political lobbying was done".
20061011             —ASKED, The director recalls being told that Rumsfeld was, "to lobby in WASHINGTON" on ABB—BEHALF.
20061011             —REFUSED, Rumsfeld has —SINCE, media requests to talk about his role in the light water reactor deal and has instead
20061011             criticized it.
20061011             —EXPECTED, Trandahl, to break silence.
20061011             "JEFF—TRANDAHL, THE—FORMER—HOUSE clerk who oversaw the House Page Program, is
20061011             expected to break his silence
20061011             —TUESDAY on the Foley page scandal, according to 1—COLLEAGUE familiar with the media's interest in the case".
20061011             Hastert Tries To Shift Blame To Staff, Raises Prospect of 'Cover Up'
20061011             At 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE this —MORNING, House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (R—IL) set up his staff to take the blame for THE—MARK—FOLEY scandal.
20061011             —SATISFIED, Asked if he was, with how his staff handled the matter, Hasert said, "I understand what my staff told me. And I think from that response, they've handled it as well as they should".
20061011             —RAISED, Hastert, however, the prospect of a "cover up" led by senior MEMBERS—OF—HIS—STAFF + noted that they will be interviewed "under oath".
20061011             He told reporters, "If they did cover something up, they should not continue to have their jobs".
20061011             —SUCCEED, It will be tough for Hastert to, in his efforts to pin the blame exclusively on his staff.
20061011             —INFORMED—OF, Hastert was directly, FOLEY—INAPPROPRIATE—EMAILS last —SPRING by both House Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH) and REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—REYNOLDS (R—NY).
20061011             —SATISFIED, QUESTION: How, are you with how your staff handled the scandal so far and whether anyone resign in your office?
20061011             HASTERT : I understood what my staff told me + I think from that response, they've handled it as well as they should.
20061011             However, in 20/20—HINDSIGHT, probably you could do everything 1—LITTLE—BIT—BETTER.
20061011             If there is 1—PROBLEM, if there was 1—COVER up, then we should find that out through the investigation process.
20061011             They'll be under oath and we'll find out.
20061011             If they did cover something up, they should not continue to have their jobs.
20061011             But I — but I didn't think anybody at ANY—TIME in my office did anything wrong.
20061011             I found out about these revelations last —FRIDAY.
20061011             That was the 1. information I had about it.
20061011             Reuters editor loses his JOB—NICO—FOR writing 1—BOOK criticizing ANN—COULTER.
20061011             —YESTERDAY on "THE—BIG—STORY," FOX—JOHN—GIBSON suggested that the alleged NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—TEST was good news.
20061011             —ASKED, GIBSON—WASHINGTON Times EDITOR—TONY—BLANKLEY: "Does the fact that THE—NORTH—KOREANS actually tested 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON—BALANCE out the bad news from this Foley scandal?"
20061011             The alleged NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—TEST is not only bad news for our national security;
20061011             it's bad news for Congressional leaders like DENNIS—HASTERT who have supported USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—POLICY in lockstep.
20061011             —FAILED, It's the culmination of —6—YEARS—OF, policy, typified by little else than tough rhetoric.
20061011             For details, see our NORTH—KOREA nuclear timeline. Digg It! Transcript:
20061011             —TESTED, GIBSON: Does the fact that THE—NORTH—KOREANS actually, 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON—BALANCE out the bad news from this Foley scandal?
20061011             BLANKLEY: It doesn't balance it out. It's not 1—BIG enough story.
20061011             As big as it should be, I don't think it will take the oxygen OUT—OF—THE—NEWS—CYCLE.
20061011             I think it will take SOME—OF—THE—BREATHLESSNESS out of the reporting of the Foley story, but there will be SOME—ROOM, as we're seeing —TODAY, both stories are getting coverage.
20061011             NEO—CONS—SPIN—DUD—TEST—TO—HIDE Nuclear Hypocrisy
20061011             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—DRUDGE REPORT—WASHINGTON Times downplay blast to conceal stupidity of attacking IRAN, SOURCE—OF—NORTH—KOREAN
20061011             Psoriasis 'ups heart attack risk' Adults with psoriasis, especially younger ones with severe cases, seem to be at more risk of 1—HEART—ATTACK, 1—STUDY says.
20061011             UN debates action over N KOREA CHINA and RUSSIA condemn NORTH—KOREA—CLAIM to 1—NUCLEAR—TEST, as THE—UN—MEETS to discuss sanctions.
20061011             Khamenei defends nuclear 'right' THE—SUPREME—LEADER—OF—IRAN says the country will continue developing nuclear technology.
20061011             Bachelet to visit torture camp CHILE—PRESIDENT—MICHELLE—BACHELET will visit the detention centre where she was tortured, she announces.
20061011             LIBERIA—TRUTH—COMMISSION—OPENS—LIBERIA—TRUTH and Reconciliation Commission begins work probing crimes committed over —24—YEARS.
20061011             NIGERIA—YOUTHS seize oil station Armed young men seize 1—FLOW—STATION belonging to ANGLO—HOLLAND—OIL—GIANT—SHELL in NIGER Delta, police say.
20061011             OAXACA demo reaches MEXICO—CITY—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS from OAXACA arrive in MEXICO—CITY to demand their STATE—GOVERNOR resigns.
20061011             EU backs strong law on chemicals 1—EU committee backs 1—NEW—CHEMICALS—LAW which would force companies to replace dangerous substances.
20061011             Nato CHIEF—HOLDS—MUSHARRAF talks NATO—CHIEF—IN—AFGHANISTAN meets PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT amid claims THE—PAKISTAN—SPY—AGENCY is helping the Taleban.
20061011             KIRAN—DESAI claims Booker title INDIAN—BORN AUTHOR—KIRAN—DESAI wins THE—UK—LEADING literary award for her novel THE—INHERITANCE—OF—LOSS.
20061011             Brown backs Straw over veils GORDON—BROWN—BACKS—COMMONS—LEADER—JACK—STRAW over his comments on Muslim women wearing veils.
20061011             Oil falls below $59 on Opec delay THE—PRICE—OF—OIL—FALLS to its lowest level in —8—MONTHS, as markets wait for Opec to make 1—DECISION on output.
20061011             Fresh look at dwarf planet Ceres Astronomers take 1—CLOSE—LOOK at CERES—ONCE the largest asteroid, —NOW the smallest "dwarf planet".
20061011             —DISCOVERED, Giant camel fossil found in Syria Archaeologists have, the 100,—000—YEAR—OLD remains of 1—PREVIOUSLY unknown giant camel in Syria.
20061011             —CONVENED, FDA: Nanotech Gets Mixed Reviews 1—CONFERENCE, by the Food and Drug Administration brings out experts with widely differing views on the benefits and risks of nanotechnology + how it should be regulated -- or not.
20061011             SHAPE—SHIFTING Aircraft Studied Engineers looking for ways to improve aircraft performance are exploring designs that would enable planes to change shape —DURING flight -- flexible wing skins and devices that harvest energy are on the drawing BOARD.
20061011             Never Assume Text Is Private Can you trust your chat buddies not to post your sexual conversations online or send your transcripts to the media?
20061011             Are you sure? Commentary by REGINA Lynn.
20061011             GOOGLE—BILLION—DOLLAR—VIDEO—PLAY With $1.65—BILLION buy of YouTube, Google takes lead in INTERNET video--and possibly 1—HOST—OF—COPYRIGHT woes.
20061011             —SPOOKED, BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS can seem cheap: Google not, by GHOSTS—OF—DEALS—PAST—BLOG: EVERY—DEAL is unique.
20061011             —COMPARED, EVERY—DEAL gets, to past wins and losses.
20061011             Most deals look good THE—NEXT—DAY.
20061011             GOOGLE—YOUTUBE... 20061011             Aliens, ancient civilizations, lasers, and...Yahoo?
20061011             Blog: It's not EVERY—DAY that 1—MAJOR dotcom decides to try to communicate with aliens from atop 1—ANCIENT—PYRAMID.
20061011             With lasers. But.
20061011             Protein Gel Quickly Stops BLEEDING—KDAWSON 61 - Stefan vd Linden writes,
20061011             "1—INTERNATIONAL—TEAM—OF—SCIENTISTS has discovered 1—SUBSTANCE to heal bleeding wounds within seconds. They're using 1—SOLUTION—OF—PROTEIN molecules that SELF—ORGANIZES into 1—BIODEGRADABLE gel. —UNTIL—NOW they've only tested it on animals, but the tests were highly successful.  'SOME—SURGEONS are already excited about the material. "I see great potential in the eye field, THE—GASTRO—INTESTINAL—FIELD + in neurosurgery," says DIMITRI—AZAR, head of ophthalmology at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ILLINOIS at CHICAGO, USA. "In the eye, even 1—DROP—OF—BLOOD will blur your vision for 1—LONG—TIME," Azar adds. "1—MATERIAL that would stop the bleeding could lead to 1—PARADIGM—SHIFT in how we practice surgery in the eye".'"
20061011             Comprehensive PROJECTION—OF—WORLD—OIL—EXPORTS—KDAWSON 269 - PROFESSOR—GOOSE writes,
20061011             "This article is 1—COMPREHENSIVE—ASSESSMENT—OF—WORLD—OIL—EXPORTS, defined has the total AMOUNT—OF—LIQUID hydrocarbons that are surpluses in producing countries. This assessment is made by projecting into the future fixed change rates that reflect current trends in liquids production and consumption in all countries where presently the difference between THE—2—FACTORS is positive. The outcome of this assessment is rather worrisome".
20061011             INDIA—ISPS Taxed for Generating "Light Energy" - kdawson 213 - CaptKeen writes,
20061011             "THE—HINDU is reporting that THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT is trying to tax optical broadband providers (think fiber to the premises) for generating 'light energy.' According to the Commercial Tax Department, optical broadband providers operate on light energy which is 'artificially created and sold to customers for THE—PURPOSE—OF—DATA—TRANSMISSION and information.' This classification would make INTERNET access goods (—SINCE you are buying light) as opposed to service — and would be subject to a 12.5% VAT".
20061011             Black Hole Observed by X—RAY—SATELLITE
20061011             "Scientists at JAXA and NASA used THE—JAPAN—SUZAKU satellite to collect data and observations at 1—DISTANCE—NEARER to 1—BLACK—HOLE than we've ever been.  'The observations include clocking the speed of 1—BLACK—HOLE—SPIN—RATE and measuring the angle at which matter pours into the void, as well as evidence for 1—WALL—OF—X—RAY light pulled back and flattened by gravity. The findings rely on 1—SPECIAL—FEATURE in the light emitted close to the black hole, called the "broad iron K line," once doubted by SOME—SCIENTISTS because of poor resolution in —EARLIER observations, —NOW unambiguously revealed as 1—TRUE—MEASURE—OF—1—BLACK—HOLE—CRUSHING gravitational force.' Suzaku also has been providing images and data of super novas and their activities. It's always NICE to see national space agencies working together, it almost gives me hope that the world might —1—DAY be united in space exploration".
20061011             Teen Plays Videogame With Brain Signals
20061011             "1—TEAM—OF—ECOG (ElectroCorticography) researchers from WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY—IN—S—LOUIS successfully wired 1—YOUNG—MAN—BRAIN up to 1—COMPUTER and began READING the neurological firings in his brain. —AFTER analyzing the action potentials created —WHEN 1—NEURON fires, they were able to get 2—DIMENSIONAL CONTROL—OF—1—CURSOR. Taking the research 1—STEP—FURTHER, they decided to connect 1—OLD—ATARI 2600 to the signal processing computer to see if the young man could control the videogame system".
20061011             Engineering Food at the Molecular Level
20061011             NEW—YORK—TIMES—ARTICLE about the possibility of manipulating food at 1—MOLECULAR—LEVEL.
20061011             Though some of the initial suggestions are 1—LITTLE—POINTLESS (LOWER—FAT—ICE cream, HARDER—TO—MELT M&Ms), weighter goals could eventually be achieved here as well.
20061011             "Given the uncertainty about the risks of consuming new nano products, MANY—ANALYSTS expect NEAR—TERM—INVESTMENT to focus on novel food processing and packaging technology. That is the niche targeted by SUNNY—OH, whose START—UP company, OilFresh, based in SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA, is marketing 1—NOVEL—DEVICE to keep frying oil fresh. OilFresh grinds zeolite, 1—MINERAL, into tiny beads averaging 20—NANOMETERS across and coats them with 1 undisclosed material. Packed into 1—SHELF inside the fryer, the beads interfere with chemical processes that break down the oil or form hydrocarbon clusters, MISTER—OH says. As 1—RESULT, restaurants can use oil longer and transfer heat to food at lower temperatures, although they still need traditional filters to remove food waste from the oil. MISTER—OH said OilFresh will move beyond restaurants into food processing by THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH, —WHEN it delivers a 1,000-ton VERSION—OF—THE—DEVICE to a 'midsized potato chip company' that he said did not want to be identified. "
20061011             1—LAST—SPAMHAUS Warning —BEFORE THE—END
20061011             —RELEASED, Spamhaus has, 1—FINAL warning about 1—INCREASE in junk email, as they prepare to lose their domain to 1—ILLINOIS court ruling.
20061011             "According to Spamhaus, more than 650—MILLION—INTERNET USERS—INCLUDING those at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, THE—USA—ARMY and the European PARLIAMENT—BENEFIT from Spamhaus' 'blacklist' of spammers that helps identify which messages to block, send to a 'junk' folder or accept. Losing the domain name would make it more difficult for service providers and others to obtain the lists. 'If the domain got suspended, it would be 1—ENORMOUS hit for the Net,' said STEVE—LINFORD, Spamhaus' CHIEF executive officer. 'It would create 1—ENORMOUS—AMOUNT—OF—DAMAGE on THE—INTERNET.'"
20061011             It is 1—WELL known fact that learning + memory, advances exponentially —WHEN it is tied to 1—EMOTION.
20061011             That emotion can be positive, or negative.
20061011             The latter is 1—EASIER + more effective way to learn.
20061011             For example, —WHEN 1—KID burns himself on the stove, he will never do it again.
20061011             —DERIVED, The emotion, from THE—PAIN—OF—THE—EVENT—BRANDS a "learned" experience.
20061011             —CHANGED, Their PERCEPTION—OF—THAT pot has.
20061011             frontline: THE—WALL—STREET fix: interviews: susan kalla | PBS... Grubman at SALOMON—SMITH—BARNEY or Harrison and the guys over at JP MORGAN—CHASE.
20061011             —STARTED, So I, managing my own money, made 1—TREMENDOUS—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY...
20061011             —DESCRIBED, The researchers, their research at the Optical SOCIETY—OF—AMERICA—FRONTIERS in Optics meeting in ROCHESTER—NEW—YORK"
20061011             Attack of the Flying Killer Robot INSECTS—BIOWEAPONS : THE—SILENT—ASSASSINS.
20061011             Of Microbes and Mock Attacks:
20061011             —BLAMED, Study: War, for 655000 IRAQ—DEATHS - R—OH and REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—REYNOLDS
20061011             THE—WELLNESS—TRUST would: in more than —1—DECADE".
20061011             than 1—AVERAGE—CIVILIAN in IRAQ".
20061011             the lawyer who represented - " in IRAQ.
20061011             " the Associated Press reports.
20061011—19190000    —INCLUDED, Nazi GERMANY is either, in the... called the Conservative Revolution and founded the infamous Juniklub.
20061011—19280000    EDWARD—L—BERNAYS — Propaganda )...
20061011—19840000    —AROUND, They produce their plutonium in 1—REACTOR they built —DURING the Reagan presidency, —STARTING.
20061011—19950000    —UNTIL... Although he couldn't provide details, Goran Lundberg, who ran ABB—POWER—GENERATION—BUSINESS, says he's "pretty sure that at SOME—POINT—DON was involved," —SINCE it was not unusual to seek help from BOARD members "—WHEN we needed contacts with THE—USA—GOVERNMENT".
20061011—19970000    —SINCE, This was the worst smog and 19980000             , —WHEN TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE were hospitalized.
20061011—20010300    —IN, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL said he wanted "to continue the process begun under Clinton".
20061011—20010911    —ON, "AL—QAIDA is More Dangerous Than it Was ";
20061011—20010911    —AFTER, —5—YEARS, "
20061011—20020000    —SINCE, The government toll reached 129 in the country's worst battle.
20061011—20021200    —IN, They threw out THE—IAEA inspectors, —WHILE Bush was preparing to invade IRAQ.
20061011—20030000    —IN, Back, the administration was riding high —AFTER declaring "
20061011—20030300    —SINCE, 655,000: The number of Iraqis who have †, according to 1—TEAM—OF—EPIDEMIOLOGISTS at Johns Hopkins University.
20061011—20030300    —IN, 1—TEAM—OF—AMERICAN and IRAQ—EPIDEMIOLOGISTS estimates that 655,000 more people have † in IRAQ —SINCE coalition forces arrived than would have † if the invasion had not occurred.
20061011—20030500    —IN, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH said THE—USA would "
20061011—20030500    —IN, reported :
20061011—20050000    —IN, they reprocessed plutonium from the fuel rods Clinton had made them keep in pools under IAEA inspection.
20061011—20050600    —REPORTED, Dubbed the "hero of GUANTANAMO," Swift, that —WHEN he was 1. asked to represent Hamdan, he was instructed that he could negotiate only 1—GUILTY—PLEA.
20061011—20060000    —ASCRIBED, THE—PROPORTION—OF—DEATHS, to coalition forces has diminished, although the actual numbers have increased EVERY—YEAR.
20061011—20080000    —IN, Merkel plans to revive EU treaty CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL says GERMANY will be "very ambitious" in trying to revive THE—EU constitution.
20061011—20080000    —BY, Solar START—UP SolFocus pens INDIA—DEAL—INVESTOR—MOSER Baer INDIA will manufacturer and distribute solar concentrators.
20061011—20100000    THROUGH, - NICO—THE—USA—ARMY is "making plans to keep current IRAQ troop levels ," the Associated Press reports.
20061011—20200000    —CHARTED, They, 1—COURSE to repair some of the social and environmental damage left by more than —2—DECADES—OF—ECONOMIC—GROWTH and approved 1—DOCUMENT on building 1—HARMONIOUS—CHINA.
20061011—20200000    THROUGH, Here is the money graph.
20061015—20061011    —ON, 1—FEW days —EARLIER, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES ran 1—HARSH—EDITORIAL commenting on the subject:
200611081011         —PM—ET: SOUTH—CAROLINA, TENNESSEE + VIRGINIA have all
200611081011         —PM—ET, SOUTH—CAROLINA, TENNESSEE + VIRGINIA have all approved gay marriage bans.
20070310             028 189 18930214             KEATING ROBERT—MD 0060S 0320E 029 189 18930214             KEATING... 19191011             20070310             SINGLAUB JOHN J—MD 0130S 0350E 018 712561 19191011             SINGLAUB...
20070310             028 189 18930214             KEATING ROBERT—MD 0060S 0320E 029 189 18930214             KEATING... 19191011             20070310             028 189 18930214             KEATING ROBERT—MD 0060S 0320E 029 189 18930214             KEATING... 19191011             20070310             SINGLAUB JOHN J—MD 0130S 0350E 018 712561 19191011             SINGLAUB...
20070324             Röchling nach Käufern für ihren 42-prozentigen Anteil am RHEINMETALL—KONZERN sucht. alfatomega.com/2004081011_Report.html
200704101119         —GELAUFEN, Die hier gebrachten Fakten sind auf Deutschlandfunk, und unter:
20070411             —ENTSPRICHT, Inhalt, Feature auf DLF Helfer 200704101119          Die hier gebrachten Fakten sind auf Deutschlandfunk gelaufen und unter:
20070504             SENATOR—CLINTON, D—NEW—YORK, and SENATOR—ROBERT—BYRD, D—W.VIRGINIA, announced they would introduce legislation that would require THE—PRESIDENT to seek 1—REAUTHORIZATION from CONGRESS to extend the military EFFORT—IN IRAQ beyond 20071011.
20070504             Sens.
20070504             Clinton, D—NEW—YORK, and ROBERT—BYRD, D—W.VIRGINIA, announced they would introduce legislation that would require THE—PRESIDENT to seek 1—REAUTHORIZATION from CONGRESS to extend the military EFFORT—IN IRAQ beyond 20071011             .
20070807             —WEDNESDAY, 20061011             .
20070907             CHIEF—MINISTER—PETER—CARUANA set the elections for 20071011             .
20071008             —SPOTTED, The wreckage was, 20071011             high in the Andes and the armed forces CHIEF said there was no chance of survivors.
20071011             —RECALLED, TURKEY also, its ambassador to WASHINGTON and warned of serious repercussions if Congress labels THE—KILLING—OF—ARMENIANS by Turks 1—CENTURY ago as genocide.
20071011             —REPORTED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, that THE—FEDERAL—BUDGET—DEFICIT had fallen to $162.8—BILLION in THE—JUST—COMPLETED budget —YEAR, the lowest amount of red ink in —5—YEARS.
20071011             —REPORTED, The environmental group USA PIRG, that over HALF—OF—ALL—INDUSTRIAL and municipal facilities across THE—USA dumped more sewage and other pollutants in the nation's waterways than allowed under 19720000             —THE—CLEAN—WATER—ACT.
20071011             Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, 1—USA—CONSUMER—RIGHTS—GROUP, said more than half the lipsticks it had tested were found to contain lead and SOME—POPULAR—BRANDS including Cover Girl, L'Oreal and CHRISTIAN—DIOR had more lead than others.
20071011             —PULLED, Cold medicines for babies and toddlers were, off shelves amid concerns about unintentional overdoses.
20071011             Doris Lessing, UK—AUTHOR—OF—DOZENS—OF—WORKS from short stories to science fiction, including the classic "THE—GOLDEN—NOTEBOOK," won the Nobel Prize for literature.
20071011             —PRAISED, She was, by the judges for her "skepticism, fire and visionary power".
20071011             † WERNER—VON—TRAPP (91), 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—AUSTRIA—FAMILY made famous by the musical "THE—SOUND—OF—MUSIC,", in WAITSFIELD—VERMONT.
20071011             THE—CANADA—DOLLAR hit a —3—DECADE—HIGH versus THE—USA—DOLLAR as the greenback remained under broad selling pressure due to expectations of more FEDERAL—RESERVE—INTEREST—RATE cuts.
20071011             —CALLED, Rebel leader Laurent Nkunda in EAST—CONGO, for 1—CEASE—FIRE as the army said the death toll from —5—DAYS—OF—CLASHES had risen to 122.
20071011             —KILLED, INDIA, 2—WORSHIPPERS were, and nearly 12 injured in 1—BOMB—ATTACK—NEAR 1—REVERED—ISLAMIC shrine in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—RAJASTHAN.
20071011             1—BUS carrying Hindu pilgrims fell into 1—RIVER in 1—REMOTE—PART—OF—NORTH—INDIA, killing at least 41—PEOPLE.
20071011             —SUSPECTED, Clashes between, AL—QAIDA gunmen and police at checkpoints near Baqouba killed at least 1—OFFICER and wounded 2—OTHERS.
20071011             —SUSPECTED, EAST—OF—BAQOUBA, AL—QAIDA gunmen took control overnight of 5—SUNNI villages, killing 6—PEOPLE.
20071011             —KILLED, Gunmen, 5—IRAQ—CIVILIANS and wounded 4 in 1—MORNING ATTACK—ON—1—MINIBUS making its way from Khalis to KIRKUK.
20071011             † 1—OPHTHALMOLOGIST, the son of the local HEAD—OF—THE—SUNNI—IRAQI—ISLAMIC—PARTY, was shot to death in MOSUL.
20071011             6—MAIN—IRAQ—INSURGENT—GROUPS announced the formation of a "political council" aimed at "liberating" IRAQ from USA—OCCUPATION in 1—VIDEO on AL—JAZEERA television.
20071011             1—USA—GROUND and air assault targeting AL—QAIDA in IRAQ NORTH—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD killed 15—CIVILIANS, 6—WOMEN and 9—CHILDREN, as well as 19 suspected insurgents.
20071011             1—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION—OFFICIAL said 69—CHILDREN in NORTH—NIGERIA contracted polio —FOLLOWING vaccination against the disease.
20071011             —INDICATED, PETER—ERIKI, that —AROUND 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—NIGERIA—POPULATION has dodged the vaccination campaign.
20071011             —CAUSED, The new outbreak was, by the mutation of 1—VACCINE—VIRUS.
20071011             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER in SOMALIA drove 1—PICKUP filled with explosives into 1—ARMY—BASE killing himself and 2—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20071011             —ANNOUNCED, SOUTH—AFRICA—CENTRAL—BANK—CHIEF—TITO—MBOWENI, the key lending rate is to increase by half 1—PERCENTAGE—POINT to 10.5% to ward off 1—THREAT—OF—HIGHER—INFLATION.
20071011             —SUSPENDED, SOUTH—SUDAN—FORMER—REBELS, participation in the central government, accusing it of failing to abide by 1—PEACE—DEAL in 1—DISPUTE that threatens 1—RARE—SUCCESS in the troubled nation.
20071011             —CONDEMNED, TURKEY swiftly, 1—USA—HOUSE—PANEL'S—APPROVAL—OF—1—BILL—DESCRIBING—THE—WORLD—WAR I—ERA mass killings of Armenians as genocide, and newspapers blasted the measure on their front pages.
20071011             —APPEALED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, to SOUTH—KOREANS' "inherent moral sensibility" to reject embryonic stem cell research and human cloning —AFTER the country decided to let embryonic stem cell research resume.
20071011             11—OF—ZIMBABWE—LAST remaining white farmers lost 1—BID to stay on their farms —WHILE appealing the orders and are to be tried for defying government eviction notices.
20071011             Publicado em Ciência, Transgénicos | Referências | Sem comentários "
20071011             Um grupo de cientistas da Universidade de INDIANA descobriu que o POLEN e outras partes da planta de milho transgénico Bt são lixiviadas para os cursos de água perto de CAMPOS de milho, podendo afectar os ecossistemas aquáticos [1].
20071011             Além das monitorizações no campo de partes do milho Bt em 12—CURSOS de água de uma área de produção intensiva do estado de INDIANA em 20050000—20060000    , foram realizadas análises de toxicidade em laboratório.
20071011             O estudo, coordenado pelo Professor de Ciências Ambientais TODD—ROYER [3], será publicado esta semana na revista científica Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES.
20071011             Os resultados da investigação demonstram que partes do milho Bt, que incluem pólen, folhas e grãos, estão a ser arrastadas para os cursos de água e percorrer distâncias até 20000000             metros [2].
20071011             Os dados de campo indicam que o polén transgénico é comido pelas MOSCAS—DE—ÁGUA (Ordem Trichoptera), que por sua vez constitui uma importante fonte de alimento para organismos superiores como os anfíbios ou os peixes.
20071011             Kein letztes Gefecht
20071011             Thesen zur Dialektik des Antikapitalismus WOLFGANG—FRITZ—HAUG
20071011             I. Eine denkwürdige Dialektik hat die Globalisierungsgegner in Vorkämpfer einer anderen Globalisierung verwandelt.
20071011             Ihre weltweite Bewegung hat aus dem lähmenden Trauma des staatssozialistischen Scheiterns den neuen Traum einer Welt auftauchen lassen,
20071011             die nicht mehr kapitalistisch wäre, ohne deshalb der Allmacht eines Staatsapparates zu verfallen.
20071011             Seither finden nicht nur kapitalismuskritische, sondern auch antikapitalistische Losungen mehr und mehr Echo.
20071011             Ihnen gilt der folgende Klärungsversuch.
20071011             Wenn er in Form einer "Dialektik" daherkommt, so weil wir selbst im Spiel sind, "da, wie Vico sagt,
20071011             die Menschengeschichte sich dadurch von der Naturgeschichte unterscheidet, daß wir die eine gemacht und die andre nicht gemacht haben" (Marx).
20071011             Doch macht sich unsere Geschichte auf 1—WEISE, bei der zumeist so nicht gedacht war, was am Ende herausspringt.
20071011             Um die Vermeidung solcher Verkehrung des Gemachten gegen das Gedachte geht es.
20071011             —GEBRAUCHT, Dialektik wird, für den Umgang mit den "Überraschungen der logisch fortschreitenden oder springenden Entwicklung, der Unstabilität aller Zustände, dem Witz der Widersprüchlichkeiten usw." (Brecht).
20071011             Das fängt damit an, daß JEDER—KAMPF 1—ART—VON—EINHEIT der einander Bekämpfenden herstellt.
20071011             Wenn der "Witz der Widersprüchlichkeiten" sich auf unsere Kosten ereignet, können wir von passiver Dialektik sprechen.
20071011             Mit ihr hat die Dialektik des Antikapitalismus es —ZUNÄCHST zu tun.
20071011             1—AUSLANDSKORRESPONDENT des HOLLÄNDISCHEN—ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHEN Rundfunks thematisiert —JETZT in einem Buch, wie sehr in der Berichterstattung aus dem Ausland manipuliert wird.
20071011             "Ich habe gefragt: 'Leute, wo sind die Steinewerfer'?
20071011             so Luyendijk.
20071011             "Und dann hat einer gesagt: 'Ah, Du gehst immer geradeaus und dann links und dann wieder geradeaus und dann beim City Inn Hotel, dort wirst du die Steinewerfer finden, nach 14:00 Uhr'.
20071011             Und —AM—NÄCHSTEN—TAG bin ich da hingegangen um 14:00 Uhr.
20071011             Und wirklich, dann erschienen diese Steinewerfer und ISRAELISCHE—SOLDATEN + es gab Zusammenstöße - 1—STEINEWERFERSZENE.
20071011             Aber es gab noch VIELE—ANDERE—SACHEN.
20071011             Es gab auch Zuschauer, VIELE—LEUTE gehen ja nicht Steine werfen, sondern zuschauen.
20071011             Und es gab einen Falafelverkauf, denn die Zuschauer hatten Hunger".
20071011             Mehrzahl der Bundesministerien speichert IP—ADRESSEN
20071011             EX—GEISEL Blechschmidt: AFGHANISCHE—POLIZISTEN Komplizen der Entführer
20071011             AFGHANISTAN in der Analyse: In der Blase der Ignoranz - Aum bankruptcy to wrap up in March
20071011             África pierde más dinero por las guerras que el que recibe en ayuda
20071011             TURKEY—FURY at USA 'genocide' vote - Devastating COST—OF—AFRICA—WARS
20071011             —ATTACKED, Major USA—BASE in IRAQ
20071011             Personaleinsparung: AUTOMATIK—ZÜGE machen Lokführer überflüssig
20071011             Grüne und AFGHANISTAN: "Es geht darum, den Rückfall ins Chaos zu verhindern"
20071011             "Es wird feuchter an der Oberfläche", sagte Gillett.
20071011             "Die Feuchtigkeit nimmt zu".
20071011             Der Wassergehalt der Luft steige mit jedem Grad Celsius um etwa 6 % an.
20071011             Laut der Klimaprognose des Weltklimarates (IPCC) wäre damit —BIS 2100—MIT einem Anstieg der Luftfeuchtigkeit um 12—BIS 24 % zu rechnen.
20071011             Nach Gillets Ansicht sind die Ergebnisse besonders wichtig für tropische Regionen.
20071011             Dort sei die stärkste Feuchtigkeitszunahme zu erwarten, denn diese Bereiche seien —SCHON—JETZT sehr warm.
20071011             "Obwohl das nicht tödlich sein wird, wird es doch für Menschen ungemütlicher", sagte Katharine Willett, KO—AUTORIN der STUDIE—VON—DER—USA—UNIVERSITÄT—YALE.
20071011             Gezeigt wird das dekadente, von Korruption bestimmte Leben der PETRO—DOLLAR—ELITE:
20071011             Mit immensem Sicherheitsaufwand schützt man sich vor dem eigenen Volk, nur noch die Medien zaubern das Bild stabiler SOUVERÄNITÄT—TATSÄCHLICH ist die Königsfamilie in Riad GEFANGENE—DER—EIGENEN—MACHT.
20071011             Und auch das BILD—DER—AMERIKANER ist keineswegs schmeichelhaft: Arrogant, selbstgerecht und überfordert.
20071011             Mehr Luftfeuchtigkeit: Klimaerwärmung macht Luft schwüler
20071011             werkeln die Ingenieure —BEREITS an der nächsten Erweiterung des HIGHSPEED—INTERNET.
20071011             In etwa 12—BIS —18—MONATEN, so VAN Houweling, will man die Leistung noch mal vervierfacht haben, also —BIS zu 400—GIGABIT pro —SEKUNDE übertragen können.
20071011             PRÄSIDENT—ABDULLAH—GÜL erklärte, die Türken betrachteten den Beschluss als ungültig.
20071011             Leider hätten EINIGE—POLITIKER in den USA Aufrufe zur Besonnenheit ignoriert und wieder einmal große Probleme für kleine innenpolitische Spielchen geopfert, sagte Gül der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur Anatolien zufolge.
20071011             In einer in ANKARA veröffentlichten Erklärung hieß es, die Verabschiedung einer solchen Resolution wäre "unverantwortlich".
20071011             Dadurch würde in einer "ÄUß—ERST sensiblen Periode" eine "—IN—JAHREN entwickelte strategische Partnerschaft" zwischen befreundeten und verbündeten Ländern gefährdet.
20071011             "Es ist inakzeptabel, dass der TÜRKISCHEN—NATION etwas vorgeworfen wird, was in der Geschichte nie passiert ist", hieß es in der offiziellen Stellungnahme.
20071011             Are we missing 1—DIMENSION—OF—TIME?
20071011             1—SCIENTIST has put forward the bizarre suggestion that there are 2—DIMENSIONS—OF—TIME, not THE—1—THAT we are all familiar with + even proposed 1—WAY to test his heretical idea —NEXT—YEAR.
20071011             Bars claims his theory of "2—TIME—PHYSICS", which he has developed over more than —1—DECADE, can help solve problems with current theories of the cosmos and, crucially, has true predictive power that can be tested in 1—FORTHCOMING particle physics experiment.
20071011             —CONFIRMED, If it is, it could point the way to a "theory of everything" that unites all the physical LAWS—OF—THE—UNIVERSE into 1, notably general relativity that governs gravity and the large scale STRUCTURE—OF—THE—UNIVERSE, and quantum theory that rules the subatomic world.
20071011             Psychiatrische Theorien und Methoden im internationalen Terrorismus
20071011             Druck : SOUTH—CALIFORNIA Graphics, 8432—STELLAR Drive, Culver City... JOE—SHARKEY, Bedlam: Greed, Profiteering + Fraud in a Mental Health System...
20071011             ANDREW—DRUCK 163—NJ 81 (20000000             ) of EDEN—PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA... -
20071011             —FAILED, ANDREW—DRUCK, respondent, to appear.
20071011             MINNESOTA to aiding and abetting wire fraud, in violation of 18—USCA 13430000             and 2.
20071011             USA—COURT—OF—APPEALS -
20071011             —PLEADED, Druck, guilty to wire fraud and Adelman pleaded guilty to filing 1—FALSE...
20071011             Social Work Videos and DVDs
20071011             1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—1—LABOR—ACTIVIST who organized and led the migrant farm workers, both immigrants and local workers, in their struggle for better working conditions.
20071011             More on the Republican Smear ATTACK—ON—A —12—YEAR—OLD—BOY Who Suffered 1—CATASTROPHIC—INJURY.
20071011             These GOP Dogs of Slander are Rabid and Sick with Hate.
20071011             JIMMY—CARTER calls Cheney a "disaster"
20071011             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—SAN—FRANCISCO ordered 1—INDEFINITE delay —YESTERDAY—OF—1—CENTRAL—MEASURE—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION?s new strategy to curb illegal immigration.
20071011             The judge, CHARLES—R—BREYER—OF—THE—NORTH—DISTRICT—OF—CALIFORNIA, said the government had failed to follow proper procedures for issuing 1—NEW—RULE that would have forced employers to fire workers if their Social Security numbers could not be verified within —3—MONTHS.
20071011             Outraged Iraqis condemn killings by foreign guards 10/11
20071011             'Wide Stance' Finds Its Way Into Lexicon; Wide Stance, meet Hanging CHAD 10/11
20071011             Report: STATE—DEPARTMENT may phase out Blackwater. We'll see.
20071011             10/11 - THE—OLYMPIAN in Olympia, WA highlights photos of 48—LOCAL—SOLDIERS killed in IRAQ;
20071011             —UNJUSTIFIED, Yes, because people dying in 1, war deserve to be on the front page.
20071011             Stop Here to Get Buzzed Everymorning with BuzzFlash Alerts.
20071011             ROBERT—GREENWALD invites you to send in your wacky headlines for potential FOX business stories -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ALERT
20071011             WASHINGTON - "Unser Land hat erstmals in meinem Leben die grundlegenden Prinzipien der Menschenrechte aufgegeben", sagte Carter in 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—DEM—USA—SENDER.
20071011             —GEFOLTERT, GEFANGENE—DER—USA—STREITKRÄFTE würden nach wie vor.
20071011             "Ich glaube es NICHT—ICH weiß es", sagte der —83—JAHRE alte EX—PRÄSIDENT.
20071011             Die REGIERUNG—VON—GEORGE—W—BUSH spreche den Gefangenen in USA—GEFÄNGNISSEN wie ABU—GHUREIB im IRAK oder GUANTANAMO auf KUBA die in der Genfer Konvention festgeschriebenen Rechte ab.
20071011             Die derzeitige USA—FÜHRUNG glaube, das Recht zu haben, Gefangene zu foltern und sie ihrer grundlegenden Rechte zu berauben, kritisierte Carter.
20071011             Bush schaffe sich eine eigene Definition der Menschenrechte und von Folter.
20071011             Nur so könne Bush behaupten, die USA würden weder Menschenrechte verletzen noch foltern. als/dpa
20071011             Menschenrechte: Carter erhebt Foltervorwürfe gegen USA—STREITKRÄFTE
20071011             Doch menschliche Grippeviren fordern weltweit trotzdem noch regelmäßig viele 1000—TOTE.
20071011             In den USA sind es 36.000—PRO —JAHR, in DEUTSCHLAND meldete das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT —IM—WINTER 20020000             /2003 5—MILLIONEN Infizierte und 16.000—TODESFÄLLE.
20071011             Die statistische Erfassung der Grippetoten ist schwierig, da die meisten nicht an dem Virus selbst, sondern an bakteriellen Superinfektionen STERBEN—SIE könnte also noch weitaus höher liegen.
20071011             Vorstoß im kalifornischen Belmont: Einem Beschluss des Stadtrats zufolge ist das Qualmen in den eigenen 4—WÄNDEN in Zukunft verboten.
20071011             Ein selbst in den Staaten einzigartiger Versuch, Nichtraucher zu schützen.
20071011             S—FRANCISCO—VON der neuen Vorschrift betroffen sind die Bewohner von Appartementhäusern, in denen sich Anwohner über 1—RAUCHBELÄSTIGUNG beschweren könnten.
20071011             Auch Parks, FREILUFT—RESTAURANTS und andere öffentliche Plätze sollen in die Verbotszonen eingeschlossen werden.
20071011             Zum Vergleich: Der MEXIKANISCHE—GROSSUNTERNEHMER CARLOS—SLIM kommt auf 1—VERMÖGEN—VON—67,8 Milliarden Dollar und ist damit der reichste Mensch der Welt.
20071011             Die Nummer 2, BILL—GATES, wird auf - 59,2 Milliarden Dollar geschätzt.
20071011             ist die ZAHL—DER—CHINESISCHEN—MILLIARDÄRE innerhalb eines Jahres von 15—AUF 108—GESPRUNGEN.
20071011             Die Experten warnten, die Kinder könnten die Risiken an den Börsen nur schwer einschätzen.
20071011             Die BANK—OF—BEIJING gab laut Presseberichten zu, dass unter ihren Anteilseignern DUTZENDE—VON—MINDERJÄHRIGEN sind.
20071011             Der spektakulärste Fall ist ein zehnjähriger Junge, dem —SCHON—SEIT—9—JAHREN rund 1,3 Millionen Aktien gehören.
20071011             Damit zählt der Knabe zu den größten Aktionären des Instituts, wie das halboffizielle CHINA News Centre berichtet.
20071011             Insgesamt hat der Konzern mehr als 80—ANTEILSEIGNER, die jünger als —18—JAHRE sind.
20071011             35—VON ihnen besitzen mehr als 100.000—AKTIEN.
20071011             SPANISCHE—GRIPPE: Kleines Protein brachte den großen Tod
20071011             —VERBIETET, Ausgepafft: USA—STADT, Rauchen im eigenen Heim
20071011             "Man hat sich in DEUTSCHLAND halt dafür entschieden, die Spitzenforschung aus den Universitäten auszulagern", sagt Weiler im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20071011             —GELUNGEN, Ich bin sehr froh, dass es uns, ist, in beiden Disziplinen, Physik und Chemie, —IN—DIESEM—JAHR einen Nobelpreis zu bekommen", sagte Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU).
20071011             Die Wissenschaftler in DEUTSCHLAND würden damit insgesamt geehrt.
20071011             Die TÜRKEI hat es bislang abgelehnt, eine historische Verantwortung für die Vorfälle gegen ENDE—DES—OSMANISCHEN—REICHES zu übernehmen.
20071011             Der TÜRKISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN erklärte am vergangenen —FREITAG in einem Telefongespräch mit Bush, die Beziehungen zwischen der TÜRKEI und den USA würden Schaden nehmen, falls der vorliegende Antrag vom Kongress verabschiedet würde.
20071011             Im USA—KONGRESS gibt es —SCHON—SEIT—JAHREN Bestrebungen, die ARMENIER—MASSAKER offiziell als Völkermord anzuerkennen.
20071011             CLEVELAND: Amokläufer schießt an USA—SCHULE um sich
20071011             Krümmel und Brunsbüttel: Atommeiler bleiben —BIS mindestens 20080000             abgeschaltet
20071011             Nobelpreise für Deutsche: "Wir brauchen Helden der Wissenschaft"
20071011             —BEKOMMT, Großauftrag: Airbus, MILLIARDEN—BESTELLUNG aus SPANIEN
20071011             —BEFÜRCHTET, Insiderhandel bei Airbus: Enders, langwierige Aufklärung
20071011             ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNG: Karlsruher Kreuzverhör
20071011             USA—BÖRSEN: Rekordstände dämpfen AMERIKANISCHE—KONJUNKTURSORGEN
20071011             Studie: Afrikas Kriege verschlingen komplette Entwicklungshilfe
20071011             Festnahmen in den USA: Mehr als 20000000             Tote binnen —3—JAHREN
20071011             Belastungsprobe: TÜRKEI empört über ARMENIEN—RESOLUTION des USA—KONGRESSES
20071011             Kurdenkonflikt: Immer mehr Türken sehen die USA als Gegner
20071011             —PROTESTIERT, USA—KONGRESS: CHINA, gegen Ehrung des Dalai Lama
20071011             Konjunktur: Experten rechnen nur mit kleinen Dämpfern
20071011             —VERWENDET, Je häufiger 1—VERB in der Sprache, wird,
20071011             449, S. 713). - - "Die Halbwertzeit eines unregelmäßigen Verbs ist proportional zur Quadratwurzel seiner Verwendungshäufigkeit", sagte Lieberman.
20071011             Ein um den Faktor 100—SELTENERES Verb werde 10—MAL schneller "regularisiert".
20071011             Halbwertzeit für Verben
20071011             Die Analogie zu Genen war für Lieberman frappierend: Besonders wichtige Bereiche in den Erbinformationen tendieren dazu, sich auch über einen längeren ZEITRAUM—DER—EVOLUTION nicht zu verändern.
20071011             Weniger wichtige oder sehr spezielle Gene besitzen hingegen größere Freiheiten zum Wandel.
20071011             Die Ergebnisse lassen sich auf eine einfache Formel bringen: Je häufiger 1—WORT im täglichen Sprachgebrauch verwendet wird, desto seltener verändert es sich im Laufe der Zeit.
20071011             Mit seinem mathematischen Modell glaubt Liebermans Team sogar vorhersagen zu können, welches ENGLISCHE—VERB sich als nächstes ändern wird.
20071011             Sprachentwicklung: Seltene Wörter verändern sich am schnellsten
20071011             Wahlkampf in der SCHWEIZ: Demokratie am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs
20071011             Streit um Fall Zammar: Opposition wirft Regierung im BND—AUSSCHUSS Behinderung vor
20071011             Verdacht der Preisabsprachen: Weltweit Razzien bei Logistikern
20071011             Preiswürdig: Doris Lessings wichtigste Werke
20071011             GROSSBRITANNIEN: 90—TOTE wegen mangelnder Hygiene in Kliniken
20071011             Die "Harmonia axyridis" waren in FRANKREICH freilich nicht immer unwillkommen:
20071011             Antieuropäische Stimmung in POLEN: "Ihr hattet eben Glück"
20071011             Verstoß gegen Wettbewerbsrecht: Kartellamt durchsucht BAYER—STANDORTE
20071011             MARIENKÄFER—PLAGE: Rote Flut aus ASIEN sucht FRANKREICH heim
20071011             Die Liste terrorverdächtiger Personen und Organisationen geht auf 1—UNO—RESOLUTION zurück, die kurz —NACH—DEN Anschlägen vom
20071011             —BEKOMMT, Zwar, Gore die inhaltlichen Fehler und Unschärfen in seinem Film —NUN erstmals richterlich vorgelegt.
20071011             Doch neu ist an ihnen kaum etwas.
20071011             —SEIT der Film 20060000             erschienen ist + —ERST Recht nach dessen Oscarauszeichnung haben sich Heerscharen von Wissenschaftlern, Umweltschützern und Klimawandelskeptikern über den Streifen hergemacht und ihn aus allen Winkeln beleuchtet.
20071011             Dabei tauchten kleinere Fehler und Unschärfen auf, doch die meisten Experten bescheinigten Gore, die Faktenlage im Großen und Ganzen korrekt dargestellt zu haben.
20071011             EINIGE—DER—FEHLER, die Burton in dem Film fand, sind zudem kaum Gore selbst VORZUWERFEN—ES sei denn, man erwartet von dem USA—POLITIKER mehr als von den Wissenschaftlern.
20071011             Dass etwa der Klimawandel den Golfstrom gefährden könnte, war —BIS vor kurzem eine selbst von prominenten Forschern vertretene Meinung, die —ERST in den vergangenen —MONATEN weitgehend revidiert wurde.
20071011             ANDERES—WIE etwa der Zusammenhang zwischen Hurrikanen und der ERWÄRMUNG—IST —DERZEIT Gegenstand angeregter Fachdebatten.
20071011             —VERHAFTET, HAMBURG: Polizei, führendes CAMORRA—MITGLIED
20071011             Gegen Frick laufen —DERZEIT—SCHON Strafanzeigen von Anlegern, die sich durch die Aktientipps des Moderators geprellt fühlen.
20071011             Frick hatte die Vorwürfe —IM—JUNI zurückgewiesen.
20071011             Er bedauere sehr, wenn Anleger wegen seiner Empfehlungen Verluste gemacht hätten.
20071011             EU—GERICHTSURTEIL: Terrorverdächtige dürfen keine Grundstücke kaufen
20071011             Laut der Klimaprognose des Weltklimarates (IPCC) wäre damit —BIS 2100—MIT...
20071011             1—GERICHT in Pulawy beschloss im Frühjahr, dass das Kloster —BIS zum 10....
20071011             DNR EU—RUNDSCHREIBEN
20071011             UN—KLIMAPROGNOSE : "Verheerende. Auswirkungen" auf Flora und Fauna... - USF—BEITRAG 41-42\374
20071011             —GEGENÜBERGESTELLT, TABELLE, 1—SIND Eigenschaften der beiden Modelltypen.
20071011             Wettermodell. Zirkulationsmodell. Ziel. Wettervorhersage.
20071011             Klimaprognose. Zeitskala.
20071011             Schwarzmalerei mit Grund - KLIMAPROGNOSE. Reto Knutti, 34, stammt aus.
20071011             Saanen. Er ist —SEIT
20071011             —AFTER watching ANDREW—CARD—WHISPER to him that "AMERICA is under attack.
20071011—10000000    —VOR, desto größer sei die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass es noch —HEUTE genauso benutzt wird wie —JAHREN, schreiben die Forscher im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature" (Bd.
20071011—19010000    —SEIT, Übersicht: ALLE—LITERATURNOBELPREISTRÄGER
20071011—19640000    —EMIGRATED, He had, to NEW—YORK—CITY.
20071014             Dogging 1—HIGH—FLYING—BIRD—PLANES—CRASH, coke spills, but MISTER—O'CONNOR remains 1—MYSTERY—BY—BOB—NORMAN—PUBLISHED: 20071011             20071014—20071011    —ON, The last article to mention O'Connor -- and quite 1—JUICY piece it is -- was published in the Broward Palm Beach New Times.
20071212             alfatomega.com/20071011.HTML—DNR EU—RUNDSCHREIBEN-
20071217             Das war - 200701011231 6—KRIEGE, 25—SCHWERE Krisen, 328—KONFLIKTE
200801011231         Hate Crime Survey
20080426—20061011    —UNSEALED, The 2. indictment, alleges that Rezko fraudulently obtained more than $10—MILLION in loans for 1—PIZZA restaurant business from GENERAL—ELECTRIC—CAPITAL—CORP. Due to the complex NATURE—OF—THE—2—INDICTMENTS, the loan fraud case will be discussed in Part II of "SUBPLOTS—OF—OPERATION—BOARD—GAMES".
20080908—20081011    —BY, —AFTER that, RUSSIA—TROOPS would pull out of those regions to 1—LINE that preceded —LAST—MONTH—FIGHTING.
20080910             Further Edge READING: My EINSTEIN—SUSPENDERS—BY—GEORGE—SMOOT [20061011             ]
20081011             aangirfan: 20080901—20081001 " BRADFORD Keiller, 1—LAS—VEGAS—STRIP club entrepreneur with 1—TASTEFULLY named string of...
20081011             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH met with foreign financial officials and pledged 1—GLOBAL—RESPONSE to the credit crisis that will lead toward a "PATH—OF—STABILITY and LONG—TERM—GROWTH".
20081011             —REMOVED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, NORTH—KOREA from 1—TERRORISM—BLACKLIST as NORTH—KOREA agreed to all USA nuclear inspection demands.
20081011             —INTENDED, The breakthrough is, to salvage 1—FALTERING disarmament accord —BEFORE USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH leaves OFFICE—IN—JANUARY.
20081011             —KILLED, In AFGHANISTAN about 40—MILITANTS—MORE were, as a —3—DAY—OPERATION wound up in the Nad ALI—DISTRICT—OF—HELMAND province.
20081011             Atmar was 1—FORMER—OFFICIAL in AFGHANISTAN—COMMUNIST—ERA secret police.
20081011             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—POPULATION—OF—ADULT hake fish off ARGENTINA—COAST has declined by 70% in the past —20—YEARS.
20081011             Skippers reportedly paid some $2—3—MILLION in bribes to inspectors and routinely underreported their catches.
20081011             —SOUNDED, His FAR—RIGHT—RHETORIC at times, sympathetic to the Nazis and contemptuous of Jews and led to MONTHS—OF—INTERNATIONAL—ISOLATION for the Alpine republic.
20081011             1—STRONG—EARTHQUAKE hit Chechnya and other PARTS—OF—RUSSIA—NORTH—CAUCASUS, killing at least 13—PEOPLE and damaging SCORES—OF—HOSPITALS, schools and other buildings.
20081011             —LAUNCHED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—SINGH, KASHMIR—1. train service, the fruit of an —8—YEAR—PROJECT that overcame tough terrain and rebel strife, on 1—VISIT overshadowed by violence.
20081011             Shops, businesses and schools were shut to protest SINGH—VISIT.
20081011             —TORCHED, ACRE—ISRAEL, police said rioters, 2—EMPTY—APARTMENTS owned by Arabs in 1—PREDOMINANTLY—JEWISH—NEIGHBORHOOD.
20081011             12—PEOPLE were put into custody for rioting and 8—UNDER house arrest.
20081011             —ARRESTED, ITALY—SECURITY—FORCES including army paratroops, 7—MEMBERS—OF—THE—CAMORRA mafia believed linked to THE—KILLING—OF—AFRICA—IMMIGRANTS near Naples —LAST—MONTH.
20081011             —ARRESTED, In TIJUANA FEDERAL—POLICE, 7 reputed MEMBERS—OF—1—CELL—OF—THE—ARELLANO—FELIX drug cartel, including 1—CITY—POLICE—OFFICER.
20081011             Hurricane Norbert hit MEXICO as 1—CATEGORY 1—STORM and left 4—PEOPLE—DEAD in the Baha peninsula and Sonora state.
20081011             —KILLED, USA—MISSILE—STRIKES in PAKISTAN—NORTHWEST, 5—PEOPLE, but none was believed to be 1—FOREIGN—AL—QAIDA fighter.
20081011             —ANNOUNCED, PERU—PRESIDENT—ALAN—GARCIA, that he has appointed Yehude Simon (61), 1—LEFTIST—GOVERNOR, to become THE—CHIEF—CABINET—MINISTER, —1—DAY—AFTER THE—MINISTER—PREDECESSOR resigned along with 16—COLLEAGUES amid 1—BREWING—OIL—KICKBACKS scandal.
20081011             —LAUNCHED, RUSSIA, 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE from 1—SUBMARINE in 1—RECORD—FLIGHT—OF over 7,100 miles, hitting 1—TARGET in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for the 1. time.
20081011             —SHOWED, RUSSIA—TV, what it said was the Sineva missile launching from the submarine TULA.
20081011             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA, fighting —AROUND Kilinochchi, 26—REBELS and 2—SOLDIERS in 2—SEPARATE clashes.
20081011             —KILLED, Other battles in Welioya and Vavuniya, 4—REBELS.
20081011             † IN—SUDAN—ABU—BAKR—KADU, 1—SUDAN—LIBERATION—MOVEMENT—UNITY—COMMANDER, said 23—CIVILIANS had —AFTER Janjaweed Arab militia assaulted villages over —3—DAYS in the Muhagiriya AREA—OF—SOUTH—DARFUR.
20081011             † IN—SUDAN—ABU—BAKR—KADU also said 28 Janjaweed were killed.
20081011             —EMBATTLED, THAILAND's, PRIME—MINISTER—SOMCHAI—WONGSAWAT, indicated that he may resign —IN—THE—WAKE—OF fierce ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS—EARLIER—THIS—WEEK that left 2—PEOPLE—DEAD and hundreds injured.
20081011             —GATHERED, THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—RULING coalition, on the outskirts of BANGKOK in 1—SHOW—OF—STRENGTH, —2—DAYS ahead of 1 planned major protest by 1—GROUP hoping to topple the elected government.
20081011             —BOMBED, TURKEY—WARPLANES and artillery, DOZENS—OF—KURDISH—REBEL—TARGETS overnight in NORTH—IRAQ —FOLLOWING 1—ESCALATION in rebel attacks.
20081011             —PUBLISHED, ZIMBABWE—STATE—HERALD newspaper, 1—LIST from the official government gazette giving the ruling ZANU—PF party 14—MINISTRIES, including the key PORTFOLIOS—OF—DEFENSE, home and foreign affairs, justice, media, mines and land.
20081011             This would allow —83—YEAR—OLD—MUGABE to retain his iron grip on power.
20081011             Opposition party spokesman NELSON—CHAMISA said it was a "midnight ambush STYLE—OF—ATTACK" and meant the proposed national unity government was —NOW in jeopardy.
20081011             Web Resultados 1 - 10—DE cerca de 1.040—PARA como fazer uma reclamação dos cães que ladram toda a noite.
20081011             JAPAN says will tap FX reserve if IMF steps up bailout
20081011             (Reuters) - JAPAN said —ON—SATURDAY it is ready to offer 1—PART—OF—ITS $1—TRILLION foreign reserves to THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND (IMF) if THE—MULTI—NATIONAL—LENDER is to support countries facing economic crisis.
20081011             Smaller IMF countries pledge support for economic efforts
20081011             World leaders vow to battle economic crisis
20081011             Inside Operation Highlander: NSA—WIRETAPPING—OF—AMERICANS—OVERSEAS
20081011             "1. of all, I don't see AMERICA HAVING problems".
20081011             —GEORGE—W—BUSH, 20080000             20081011             PRESIDENT signs broadband data collection bill
20081011             THE—BROADBAND—DATA—ACT encourages wider COLLECTION—OF—INFORMATION regarding nationwide access to broadband.
20081011             World Bank under cyberattack?
20081011             —PENETRATED, Up to 40—SERVERS have been, in 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS that have been under investigation by THE—FBI —SINCE—LAST—YEAR, according to 1—REPORT.
20081011             BUSH—BY—WILLIAM—CORMIER—081009—14.html">FEMA Official States Bush Is Planning To Implement MARTIAL—LAW
20081011             [—NOW that we know Bush is planning on implementing MARTIAL—LAW, more than likely to ensure his REIGN—OF—POWER, what is the average and especially those who have spoken against him to do?
20081011             Worldwide, Stock Prices Plummet, Assets Crumble in Days.
20081011             [bad news —NOW and for the foreseeable future.
20081011             THE—THREAT—OF—FASCISM in AMERICA
20081011             [The "10—STEPS TO FASCISM" are in place, and ANY—CRISIS, at the dictator's whim, can be used to declare 1—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY, leading to martial law, and tyranny over 1—ONCE free people.
20081011             Fearmongering Finally Blows Up in GOP—FACE
20081011             [At 1—TIME, fearmongering was the best thing that ever happened to GEORGE—W—BUSH and the NeoCons, as they cynically exploited 20010911             to advance their agenda.
20081011             But —NOW it's backfiring, as panic and fear fuel the economic meltdown.
20081011             Time to Create the Economy We Want
20081011             [The multiple crisis THE—USA is facing is 1—OPPORTUNITY to create the economy we want - 1—THAT—SERVES our interests, i.e. 1 democratized economy where profit is broadly shared, 1—NEW—ENERGY—ECONOMY that is clean, sustainable and decentralized -- 1—ECONOMY that serves the peoples needs not MEGA—CORPORATE—PROFITS.
20081011             EMP—SHIELDED Power Grids Under Development
20081011             Also available are 1—EMP threat assessment (PDF) written for THE—USA—CONGRESS and 1—ESTIMATE of economic impact (PDF).
20081011             UK—MOD Stunned By Massive Data Loss
20081011             Master of Transhuman writes "Seems like nobody can keep their data under wraps these days. On THE—HEELS—OF—THE—WORLD—BANK—PIECE about massive penetrations of their servers, THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENSE has lost 1—HARD—DRIVE with the personal details of 100,000—SERVING personnel in the British armed forces, and perhaps another 600,000—APPLICANTS. This comes on the heels of the MoD losing 658—OF—ITS laptops over the past —4—YEARS and 26—FLASH drives holding confidential information. Apparently the MoD outsources this stuff to EDS, which is under fire for not being able to confirm that the data was or was not encrypted".
20081011             UK Government Says More Spying Needed
20081011             1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "Our wonderful government here in THE—UK has decided we're not being surveilled enough, and agreed to spend £12—BILLION on 1—PROGRAMME to monitor EVERY—BRITON—PHONE—CALLS, E—MAILS, and INTERNET usage.
20081011             According to various sources, upwards of £1—BILLION has already been spent on THE—UBER—DATABASE.
20081011             Rationale?
20081011             Terrorism, of course (no prizes for guessing).
20081011             Needless to say, not everyone is as happy as Larry over this: MICHAEL—PARKER pointed out how us Brits are being 'stalked.' I'm —JUST looking forward to —WHEN the data gets lost".
20081011             —RELIEVED, Bush '' his presidency is almost over.
20081011             Despite 1—ECONOMIC—CRISIS shaking the country, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH has reportedly been very "relaxed".
20081011             FORMER—MISSOURI SENATOR—JOHN—C—DANFORTH was at 1—FUNDRAISER with Bush —LAST—WEEK and said that THE—PRESIDENT "seemed relieved" his presidency was nearly over.
20081011             "[He] looked as THOUGH—HE was about to shed this BURDEN—OF—THE—PRESIDENCY.
20081011             I took it as though, 'I've done the best I can, I think I made the right decisions and —NOW it's almost over,'" said Danforth.
20081011             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES also reports that "Bush has been telling people privately that it's 1—GOOD thing he's in charge" —DURING the country's rough times because he has "1—GOOD—GROUP—OF—PEOPLE in DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA working for him".
20081011             —BRANDED, ANTI—WAR nuns, as 'terrorists.'
20081011             Sisters CAROL—GILBERT and Ardeth Platte have been "
20081011             secretly branded by MARYLAND STATE—POLICE as terrorists and placed on 1—NATIONAL watch list" due to their participation in ANTI—WAR—PROTEST—ACTIVITIES.
20081011             —ADDED, They were, to the list —AFTER MARYLAND state police spied on them:
20081011             "This term terrorist is 1—REALLY serious accusation," Sister Ardeth, 1—NUN —FOR—54—YEARS, told THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES —ON—THURSDAY in the 1. interview that the women have given —SINCE being informed they were among 53—PEOPLE added to 1—TERRORIST watch list in conjunction with 1—EXTENSIVE—MARYLAND surveillance effort of antiwar activists.
20081011             "There is no way that we ever want to be identified as terrorists. We are nonviolent. We are FAITH—BASED," she said.
20081011             "Democracy is built on these elements on being able to speak out to speak what we believe is truth," Sister Carol said.
20081011             —INVOLVED, The nuns said they WERE—NOT
20081011             in the protests that state police say they targeted.
20081011             "The spying occurred —DURING the administration of GOVERNOR—ROBERT—L—EHRLICH—JUNIOR, 1—REPUBLICAN".
20081011             G7- Staaten präsentieren Fünfpunkteprogramm
20081011             DANIEL—MULLIS—AM Krisengipfel der G7- Staaten, welcher am Rande des alljährlichen Treffens des IWF, in WASHINGTON stattfand, haben die 7—FÜHRENDEN Industrienationen 1—FÜNFPUNKTEPROGRAMM zur Eindämmung der Finanzkrise vorgestellt.
20081011             Ziel des Plans sei es gemäss USA—FINANZMINISTER HENRY—PAULSON einen einheitlichen Rahmen zu definieren, der die individuellen und gemeinsamen Schritte leiten solle, um die Märkte mit Liquidität zu versorgen, Finanzinstitutionen zu stärken sowie.
20081011             Börsencrash und Krisengipfel: Alles im Griff auf dem sinkenden Schiff? - onlinedienst DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE -
20081011             —HEUTE findet 1—KRISENGIPFEL in WASHINGTON statt.
20081011             Die Finananzminister der G7 Staaten treffen sich, um Massnahmen zu beschliessen, der Weltfinanzkrise Herr zu werden, die mittlerweile im Begriff ist, zu einer Weltwirtschaftskrise zu werden.
20081011             Einmaleins der AMERIKANISCHEN—FINANZKRISE
20081011             - Spreegurke JÖRG—FRH. v. Oldershausen -
20081011             Die abgrenzbar scheinende Subprime Mortage Krise hat sich weltweit in 1—MONSTER verwandelt, das unaufhörlich an den einst so mächtigen Fundamenten des Kapitalismus nagt.
20081011             Die Aktienmärkte brechen massiv ein und 1—HIOBSBOTSCHAFT folgt der anderen.
20081011             Exotische Begriffe wie Subprime Mortgages, Derivatives, CDS (Credit Default Swaps), MARK—TO—MARKET, Leverage, Fair Market Value, MBS (Mortgage Backed Securities), CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligations) und.
20081011             IMF in global 'meltdown' warning The world financial system is on the "brink of systemic meltdown", THE—HEAD—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND warns.
20081011             G7 nations pledge to fight crisis Top finance ministers promise to take "decisive action and use all available tools" to tackle the world economic crisis.
20081011             Repossession 'is mental threat' House repossession poses the greatest threat to people's mental health, 1—CHARITY has warned.
20081011             Nature loss 'dwarfs bank crisis' The global economy loses more money from deforestation than the current banking crisis, says 1—EU—COMMISSIONED report.
20081011             Bank turmoil fuels phishing boom Scammers and fraudsters are capitalising on the changes sweeping through global financial markets and sectors.
20081011             Nobel Peace Prize winner wants jobs for the young - INTERNATIONAL Herald Tribune -
20081011             AP HELSINKI—FINLAND: Nobel Peace Prize winner Martti Ahtisaari said —SATURDAY that finding jobs for more than 1—BILLION young people in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and ASIA will be 1—MAJOR—CHALLENGE to peacebuilding in THE—NEXT—DECADE.
20081011             Bush : USA will work with partners on credit crisis - THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—WASHINGTON (AP) -
20081011             —EMERGED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, from 1—MEETING with foreign financial officials —ON—SATURDAY and pledged 1—GLOBAL—RESPONSE to the credit crisis that will lead toward a "PATH—OF—STABILITY and LONG—TERM—GROWTH.
20081011             Bush vows coordination with world powers on financial crisis
20081011             —UNITED, World leaders pledge, response to credit crisis
20081011             "Stasi 2.0". - - Nach ANGABEN—DER—VERANSTALTER nahmen rund 50.000—MENSCHEN teil, die Polizei sprach von weniger als 20.000.
20081011             Zu der Demonstration im Rahmen eines internationalen Aktionstages gegen Datenspeicherung hatte 1—BÜNDNIS aus 117—ORGANISATIONEN aufgerufen, darunter der DGB, der DEUTSCHE—ANWALTSVEREIN, Ärzte, Journalisten und Künstler.
20081011             "Wir sind das Volk und nicht der Feind", stand auf einem Plakat.
20081011             Die Demonstranten skandierten Sprechchöre wie
20081011             "Wer —HEUTE noch darüber lacht, wird —MORGEN früh —SCHON überwacht" und
20081011             "Wir sind hier, wird sind laut, weil man uns die Daten klaut".
20081011             Der Protest richtete sich unter anderem gegen das Gesetz zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung.
20081011             Unter dem Motto: "Freiheit statt ANGST—STOPPT den Überwachungswahn" zogen die Demonstranten lärmend vom Alexanderplatz zur Abschlusskundgebung am Brandenburger Tor.
20081011             Auf Plakaten und Transparenten forderten sie die Rücknahme von Sicherheitsgesetzen, den Verzicht auf ONLINE—ÜBERWACHUNG und mehr Datenschutz.
20081011             Wer hört in dieser Kakophonie noch auf den USA—PRÄSIDENTEN?
20081011             Der, so ist von Kennern seines Umfelds zu lesen und hören, vergleicht die aktuelle Krise in persönlichen Gesprächen mit den Anschlägen vom
20081011             USA—FINANZMINISTER Hank Paulson betonte zwar erneut die Bedeutung globaler Zusammenarbeit - "es ist klar, dass wir nie enger verbunden und stärker voneinander abhängig waren" -
20081011             doch dann drehten sich seine Ausführungen —SCHON wieder um die nächsten Maßnahmen der USA.
20081011             Paulson kündigte an, Anteile an AMERIKANISCHEN—BANKEN kaufen zu wollen.
20081011             Ziel: privatem Kapital einen Anreiz zu geben, der staatlichen Initiative zu folgen.
20081011             Bushs Mission Impossible"
20081011             Kampf gegen Finanzkrise: Bush s Mission Impossible (Politik)
20081011             Neue Atominspektionen: USA streichen NORD—KOREA von Terrorliste
20081011             Demonstration für Datenschutz: Proteste gegen "Stasi 2.0"
20081011             "STUTTGART 21" : Tausende demonstrieren gegen Großprojekt der Bahn
20081011             Finanzkrise: Fifa rechnet mit geringen Auswirkungen auf die WM 20100000             20081011             TARIF—AUSEINANDERSETZUNG: IG—METALL—CHEF—KORRIGIERT—FORDERUNG — sieht aber für die Branche keine Krise
20081011             Milliardenverluste: WIECZOREK—ZEUL fordert Pakt gegen Steuerflucht
20081011             Finanzierung der Krankenkassen: Gesundheitsfonds benötigt womöglich —SCHON—KURZ—NACH Start Milliardenspritze
20081011             Psychologie bei Umfragen: Obamas Stimmenanteil um 4 % unterschätzt?
20081011             Finanzkrise: Steinmeier fordert Finanzaufsicht durch IWF
20081011             FRANCE—ARMY—CHIEF—AGREES—AFGHANISTAN 'cannot be won': FRANCE—MILITARY—CHIEF, GENERAL—JEAN—LOUIS—GEORGELIN, has echoed suggestions by 1—SENIOR—UK—MILITARY—OFFICER that the war in AFGHANISTAN cannot be won.
20081011             USA should talk with its enemies: Petraeus:
20081011             GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS said —WEDNESDAY that attempts are being made to open talks with the Taliban in AFGHANISTAN + that
20081011             THE—USA should be prepared to engage with its enemies.
20081011             Fighting talk is SELF—DEFEATING:
20081011             As the generals say there is no military solution, Obama and McCain should cut the rhetoric and get real about AFGHANISTAN
20081011             1—STRATEGY destined to fail?
20081011             1—MAJOR—NEW—INTELLIGENCE estimate by USA—DEFENCE—ESTABLISHMENT casts doubt on military strategy in AFGHANISTAN
20081011             Black —FRIDAY?
20081011             Panic has spread to stock markets —AROUND the world.
20081011             1—MASSIVE—SELL—OFF, which began —WHEN HENRY—PAULSON announced a $700—BILLION bailout for the banking system, has turned into 1—GLOBAL stampede.
20081011             1—SOLUTION? —BY—PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS—DOES THE—USA—HAVE the leadership to realize the problem and to deal with it?
20081011             How to Save THE—USA—ECONOMY—BY—RICHARD—C—COOK—EVERYTHING being suggested by the Obama/McCain campaigns is based on the failed Keynesian formula.
20081011             AMERICA AS Superpower: Shaken, Not Deposed
20081011             "The declinists predicting AMERICA—DEMISE as the preeminent global power are in overdrive with the financial crisis, and the declinists are wrong once again," says ROBERT—LIEBER, PROFESSOR—OF—GOVERNMENT at GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY—IN—WASHINGTON and AUTHOR—OF "THE—USA—ERA".
20081011             THE—SURGE—THAT—FAILED - - AFGHANISTAN Under the Bombs
20081011             As he rounded the corner, he saw 1—CROWD—OF—PEOPLE, villagers and factory workers, gathered —AROUND his destroyed house.
20081011             1—USA—BOMB had flattened it into 1—PANCAKE of cement blocks and pulverized bricks.
20081011             He ran toward the scene.
20081011             It was only —WHEN he shoved his way through the crowd and up to the wreckage that he actually saw it -- his mother's severed head lying amid mangled furniture.
20081011             Obama Threatens Dire Consequences if IRAN Doesn't Change its Ways
20081011             —BY Haaretz Service and News Agencies
20081011             USA Democratic presidential nominee BARACK—OBAMA told 1—AUDIENCE at the 2. USA presidential debate —ON—TUESDAY that he would deliver 1—TOUGH and direct message to IRAN that if they did not change their behavior there would be dire consequences.
20081011             Unrepentant and Unbreakable - - THE—TIME for Mordechai Vanunu is —NOW
20081011             —EXERTED, The pressure, by ISRAEL in goading THE—USA to attack IRAN has been relentless, and thankfully, resisted up to —NOW.
20081011             In this context, is there ANY—BETTER—PERSON to receive the Peace Prize than the man who —INITIALLY exposed THE—MIDDLE—EAST—1.—AND ONLY—NUCLEAR—POWER over —2—DECADES—AGO?
20081011             MANY—APPROVED—TORTURE — EDITORIAL—WHEN it comes to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DISGRACEFUL—DECISION to torture terrorism suspects, there are PLENTY—OF—OFFICIALS to share the shame.
20081011             GREG—PALAST and ROBERT—F—KENNEDY -
20081011             Vote Rigging and Suppression Ahead of 20080000             —THE—ELECTION—BY—DEMOCRACY—NOW!
20081011             ROBERT—F—KENNEDY.
20081011             "1—LOT—OF—EUROPEANS wonder, why are Americans so crazy?
20081011             They keep reelecting this guy.
20081011             Well, the answer is, we don't. You know, they keep stealing these elections.
20081011             And they stole it 20000000             , they stole it 20040000             , and they're all set up to steal it again".
20081011             —WHILE it states that such support "does not include military support to local law enforcement," there is 1—PROVISION in the directive for the military to take over FUNCTIONS—OF—THE—CIVIL—GOVERNMENT.
20081011             Wollt ihr wissen, wieso die Börsen —HEUTE so eingebrochen sind?
20081011             —HEUTE war die Auktion, bei der sie geguckt haben, wie viel Kohle wegen LEHMAN—CDS den Besitzer wechselt.
20081011             Also nicht CDS, die Lehman ausgestellt hat, sondern CDS, die auf die Pleite von Lehman abgeschlossen wurden.
20081011             Weil es dafür keine zentrale Stelle gibt, war die Größe unklar, aber man hat so mit 440—MILLIARDEN Dollar Volumen gerechnet.
20081011             Und die Isländer Banken könnten nochmal so 200—MILLIARDEN Dollar CDS—VOLUMEN lostreten.
20081011             Man weiß es halt nicht vor der Auktion, wo die Leute nach vorne treten und ihre Forderungen äußern.
20081011             Die FT hat Details : JEMEN hebt eine islamistische Terrorzelle aus.
20081011             Das alleine wäre ja noch nichts besonderes.
20081011             Haltet euch fest: YEMEN—PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH has said the security forces have arrested 1—GROUP—OF—ALLEGED—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS linked to ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE.
20081011             Ach na sowas! Kann natürlich nur Propaganda sein, die Araber haben da die wildesten Verschwörungstheorien immer.
20081011             Bei denen sind die Juden an allem Schuld.
20081011             Aber Islamistische Terrorzellen hat ihnen m.W. noch keiner in die Schuhe schieben wollen.
20081011             Versicherungsdomino: MetLife wackelt.
20081011             MetLife INCORPORATED, the biggest USA—LIFE insurer, withdrew its
20081011             Lambert over at Corrente takes 1—SKEPTICAL—LOOK at LIBOR, the rate set by THE—UK—BANKERS' Association
20081011             Who sets LIBOR?
20081011             According to lambert, nobody really knows.
20081011             —CREATED, LIBOR was, by THATCHER—ERA—DEREGULATION.
20081011             THE—CORRENTE piece draws FROM—THIS Bloomberg analysis:
20081011             —WHILE the estimates that go into Libor used to be based on actual transactions between banks, they have become little more than guesswork —SINCE credit markets froze, according to 3—PEOPLE with knowledge of how interbank rates are set.
20081011             Incidentally: Why is this dollar rate being set in LONDON?
20081011             —CENTRALIZED, The concept of 1, dollar rate set outside THE—USA emerged in the
20081011             —IMPOSED, PS: If the government had, 1—SMALLISH—TAX on securities transactions -- comparable to that imposed by other nations -- THE—SELL—OFF would have helped pay for THE—BAIL—OUT.
20081011             And here's 1—PREDICTION from 1—READER: i think the treasury / dollar bubble will have to burst in the coming weeks, especially once deleveraging runs OUT—OF—FUEL. why finance EXPORT—LED growth —WHEN nobody can afford to buy your cheap exports anyway?
20081011             —WHEN people figure this 1—OUT, there will be 1—RUSH for the door, and pop goes the dollar..
20081011             If that happens, game over.
20081011             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT cannot salvage the financial system if it has no money.
20081011             Bundespräsident zur Finanzkrise: Köhler fordert Entschuldigung von BANKEN—MANAGERN
20081011             —GEFÄHRDET, Klimwandel: Ausbau der Kohlenenergie, DEUTSCHE—KLIMASCHUTZZIELE
20081011             Festnahme: BND—SPION in illegale Rüstungsgeschäfte mit IRAN verwickelt
20081011             AFGHANISTAN: EINSATZ—DER—BUNDESWEHR kostet fast 3—MILLIARDEN Euro
20081011             Finanzkrise: Merkel und Steinbrück planen Eilgesetz zur RETTUNG—DER—BANKEN
20081011             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: Das virtuelle Parlament der Investoren
20081011             Chrysler und GENERAL—MOTORS: USA—AUTORIESEN sprechen über Fusion
20081011             Golden Gate Bridge in S—FRANCISCO: Fangnetz soll Selbstmörder aufhalten
20081011             Entlassungsaffäre: Untersuchungsausschuss wirft Palin Amtsmissbrauch vor
20081011             Trotz dieser Maßnahmen herrschte auf den Märkten weltweit Panik mit großen Kursverlusten an den Börsen von LONDON —BIS Tokio.
20081011             Die WALL—STREET in NEW—YORK erlebte —AM—FREITAG eine historische Achterbahnfahrt, der Aktienindex Dow Jones schloss am Ende mit einem leichten Minus.
20081011             Gipfeltreffen der Finanzminister: G-7-Staaten versprechen radikale Maßnahmen gegen Finanzkrise
20081011             Der RUSSISCHE—MILLIARDÄR VIKTOR—VEKSELBERG hatte seine Aktienpakete bei Sulzer und Oerlikon auf Kredit gekauft.
20081011             aangirfan: BANKS AND CRIME20081011             " BRADFORD Keiller, 1—LAS—VEGAS—STRIP club entrepreneur with 1—TASTEFULLY... to $7—BILLION in RUSSIA—MONEY, SOME—FROM criminal activities. aangirfan.blogspot_com/ 20080000             /10/BANKS—AND—CRIME.html
20081011             But what else does 1—CALL 1—CRIMINAL—CONSPIRACY to destroy...
20081011             'COCAINE ONE' BUST LIFTS VEIL ON GLOBAL NARCOTICS CARTEL KENNETH—DE—ANGELO, 1—NEW—JERSEY stock finder with 1—CRIMINAL and civil record Richard...
20081011             Brotherhood of Teamsters; and BRADFORD Keiller, 1—LAS—VEGAS...
20081011             Indymedia MILWAUKEE | ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—KATSAV,Rabin assassin...
20081011             Anlässlich der Jahrestagung des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) stellen sich laut DIREKTOR—DOMINIQUE—STRAUSS—KAHN alle 185—MITGLIEDSLÄNDER demonstrativ hinter den Aktionsplan der 7—FÜHRENDEN Industriestaaten (G-7) zur Entschärfung der eskalierenden Finanzkrise.
20081011—18590000    —IN, 1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes with this excerpt from MarketWatch: "A 1—MEGATON nuclear bomb detonated 250—MILES over KANSAS could cripple MANY—MODERN—ELECTRONIC—DEVICES and systems in the continental USA and take out the power grid for 1—LONG—TIME.... 1—SOLAR—STORM—SIMILAR to THE—1—THAT occurred, which shorted out telegraph wires in THE—USA—AND—EUROPE, could wreak havoc on electrical systems. Each of the above scenarios can create 1—POWERFUL—ELECTROMAGNETIC pulse that overloads electronic devices and systems. IAN staff and Frostburg STATE—UNIVERSITY—PHYSICS and engineering professor Hilkat Soysal are teaming — through a $165,000—PROJECT —RECENTLY approved by THE—MARYLAND—INDUSTRIAL—PARTNERSHIPS (MIPS) program — to create renewable ENERGY—POWERED, electromagnetic pulse (EMP)-protected microgrids that could provide electricity for critical infrastructure facilities in the event of 1—DISASTER".
20081011—19290000    —SEIT, Die abgelaufene —WOCHE hatte einen Absturz an den Börsen gesehen, wie nicht mehr....
20081011—20050000    —IN, —AT—THE—TIME of his death, Haider was GOVERNOR—OF—THE—PROVINCE—OF—CARINTHIA and LEADER—OF—THE—ALLIANCE for the Future of AUSTRIA, 1—PARTY he formed —AFTER breaking away from the far right Freedom Party.
20081025             Webfairy WARREN—BUFFET : 911—SAT 20101011             :39 20030000—20670000    .30.13#nodate?##nodate?##nodate?##nodate?#.
20081025             WARREN—BUFFET : 911—SAT 20101011             :39 20030000             67.30.13#nodate?##nodate?##nodate?##nodate?#.41
20081025             Webfairy WARREN—BUFFET : 911—SAT 20101011             :39 20030000—20670000    .30.13
20081025             WARREN—BUFFET : 911—SAT 20101011             :39 20030000             67.30.13#nodate?#
20090220             Congress should provide for the appointment of 1—SPECIAL—INDEPENDENT—ALFATOMEGA.com/20071011.html
20091011             —WORKED, JOHN—GRANVILLE, —33—JAHRE—ALT, who, for THE—USA—AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL Development, and his driver, Abdelrahman ABBAS—RAHAMA, —39—JAHRE—ALT, were killed 20080101             .
20091011             —CANONIZED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, 5—NEW saints, including Father Damien, a 18010101—19001231     priest who worked with leprosy patients on 1—HAWAIIAN ISLAND;
20091011             —FOUNDED, Spaniards FRANCISCO—COLL y Guitart, who, 1—ORDER—OF—DOMINICANS in the 18010101—19001231    , and RAFAEL—ARNIAZ—BARON, who renounced 1—AFFLUENT lifestyle at age 22 to live 1—HUMBLE life in 1—STRICT monastery and dedicate himself to prayer;
20091011             Zygmunt Szcezesny Felinski, a 18010101—19001231     POLAND—BISHOP who defended THE—CATHOLIC—FAITH —DURING THE—YEARS—OF—THE—RUSSIA—ANNEXATION;
20091011             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—GAY and lesbian activists, from THE—WHITE—HOUSE to the Capitol, demanding that PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA keep his promises to allow gays to serve openly in the military and allow SAME—SEX—MARRIAGES.
20091011             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—SCHWARZENEGGER, the Sargent Shriver Civil Counsel Act to provide legal aid to LOW—INCOME—RESIDENTS.
20091011             —ENACTED, CALIFORNIA Senate Bill 94 was, into law making it illegal in CALIFORNIA for ANY—PERSON or business to demand, charge, or collect ANY—ADVANCE or upfront fee for loan modification work or services.
20091011             —KILLED, Afghan and USA—FORCES, 16—INSURGENTS in 1—OVERNIGHT operation in EAST—KUNAR province.
20091011             —QUESTIONED, EAST—BANGLADESH, Rasu Miah (40), who was being, about 1—THEFT, surprised 1—COURT by confessing to killing 11—WOMEN in the past —3—YEARS—AFTER 1—WOMAN refused to marry him.
20091011             Miah told 1—MAGISTRATE in his home TOWN—OF—CHANDPUR that —15—YEARS—AGO he decided to kill at least 101—WOMEN —AFTER 1—WOMAN he loved refused to marry him.
20091011             BRAZIL, 1—INTENSE—FIRE broke out in 1—SLUM in SAO—PAULO, SOUTH—AMERICA—LARGEST—CITY, sending residents running across rooftops to escape the flames.
20091011             † ALAN—PETERS, —76—JAHRE—ALT, UK—MASTER furniture maker.
20091011             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that more than 50,000—PEOPLE in SOUTH—GUANGDONG province are suffering from water shortages as 1—SPREADING drought has left farmers' fields dry and cracked.
20091011             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS, at least 19—PEOPLE and wounded 60 in Ramadi, Anbar province.
20091011             THE—IRELAND—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—ARMY (INLA), 1—IRA splinter group responsible for some of the most notorious KILLINGS—OF—THE—NORTH—IRELAND conflict, renounced violence and signaled it could hand over weapons soon to disarmament officials.
20091011             —FREED, PAKISTAN—COMMANDOS, DOZENS—OF—HOSTAGES held by militants at the army's own headquarters in RAWALPINDI, ending 1—BLOODY, —22—HOUR drama that embarrassed the nation's military as it plans 1—NEW—OFFENSIVE against AL—QAIDA and the Taliban.
20091011             —KILLED, The standoff, 23—PEOPLE including 9—MILITANTS and 14—OTHERS.
20091011             42—HOSTAGES were freed.
20091011             —LAUNCHED, The military, 2—AIRSTRIKES on suspected militant targets in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN, ending a —5—DAY lull in attacks there and killing at least 5—MILITANTS.
20091011             —BELIEVED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES 6—GUNMEN, to be Islamic militants, kidnapped MICHAEL—SINNOTT, a —78—YEAR—OLD—IRELAND—PRIEST—NEAR—PAGADIAN.
20091011             —DEMANDED, They —LATER, $2—MILLION for his release.
20091011             Irish and THE—PHILIPPINES—AUTHORITIES said neither country paid any of the kidnappers' $2—MILLION ransom demand.
20091011             THE—UNITED—RUSSIA party won 1—OVERWHELMING victory in more than 7,000 local elections in 75—OF—RUSSIA—83—REGIONS.
20091011             MOSCOW, the party won all but 3—SEATS on the 35-member city council.
20091011             THE—RUSSIA—SOYUZ capsule carrying Cirque du Soleil FOUNDER—GUY—LALIBERTE and 2—OTHER—SPACE—TRAVELERS landed safely in KAZAKHSTAN, ending the entertainment tycoon's mirthful space odyssey.
20091011             4—SUDAN—WHO face the death penalty for killing 1—USA—DIPLOMAT dismissed their defense team, denounced the trial as political and labeled THE—USA—MURDERERS—OF—MUSLIMS.
20091011             —DEPOSED, THAILAND, THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF, PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA, all in red shirts, rallied in BANGKOK to demand the government step down and call fresh elections.
20091011             —CALLED, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—ERDOGAN, on ARMENIA to withdraw from the disputed enclave of NAGORNO—KARABAKH, saying that 1—DEAL to establish diplomatic ties, signed —1—DAY—EARLIER, cannot come into force —UNTIL that happens.
20091011             † and JEANNE—JUGAN (18790000             , ), 1—FRANCE—NUN, who helped found the Little Sisters of the Poor.
20091011             —KIDNAPPED, VENEZUELA, 12—MEN were, from 1—FIELD where they were playing soccer.
20091011             1—SINGLE survivor, MANUEL—CORTEZ, —19—JAHRE—ALT—OF—COLOMBIA, was shot in the neck.
20091011             Zonen der Rechtlosigkeit
20091011             Dass dieses Urteil —NACH—DEM Willen des BMI/VS keinen Bestand haben darf, dass es fallübergreifenden PRÄZEDENZ—CHARAKTER bekommen könnte, versteht man, wenn man mitberücksichtigt, dass diese Praxis —SEIT—JAHREN Gang und Gebe ist.
20091011             In zahlreichen, gerade politischen Prozessen, spielen (tatsächliche/erfundene) V—MÄNNER eine herausragende Rolle.
20091011             In aller Regel werden wesentliche Akten, die eine Überprüfbarkeit seiner Existenz und seiner Einlassungen möglich machen könnten, gesperrt.
20091011             Und im Prozess selbst werden die Erkenntnisse über einen Beamten eingeführt, der mit seiner beschränkter Aussagegenehmigung eine Überprüfbarkeit unmöglich macht.
20091011             Diese Praxis macht nicht einmal gegenüber einem parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschuss Halt.
20091011             Der Versuch, die Verwicklung des Bundesnachrichtendienstes/BND im KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—IRAK 20010000             und
20091011             die Beteiligung des BND bei CIA—FLÜGEN mit Terrorverdächtigen via DEUTSCHE—FLUGHÄFEN aufzuklären, scheiterte an eingeschränkten Aussagegenehmigungen für geladene Zeugen und der teilweisen SPERRUNG—VON—ANGEFORDERTEN—AKTEN.
20091011             Dabei berief sich die Bundesregierung auf einen 'Kernbereich der exekutiven Eigenverantwortung', eine andere Umschreibung für eine rechtsfreie Zone.
20091011             Gegen diese massiven Behinderungen haben FDP, Grünen und Linksfraktion vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht geklagt und weitgehend Recht bekommen.
20091011             Erinnert ihr euch an die Geschichte mit dem V—MANN 123?
20091011             —NUN, da mailt mir gerade der Betroffene 1—WORD—FILE, das ich mal nach HTML konvertiert habe.
20091011             Sein Blog findet ihr übrigens hier.
20091011             Ich zitiere mal den Knackpunkt: Auch das Gericht äuß1. seine erheblichen Zweifel, auf scheinbar affirmative und für ALLE—ÜBERRASCHENDE—WEISE: Wenn es diesen V—MANN 123—GIBT, dann sind die streitgegenständlichen G—10—MAßNAHMEN nicht begründet, sondern in besonderem Maße rechtwidrig.
20091011             Diese Argumentation leitete das Gericht aus dem Prinzip der Subsidiarität ab, ein elementarer Rechtsgrundsatz, der sich aus dem Grundsatz zur Verhältnismäßigkeit ableite.
20091011             Nach geltender Rechtsprechung stellen 'Beschränkungen' nach Art.
20091011             10—GG die Ultima Ratio, die schwersten Eingriffe in die Grundrechte dar.
20091011             —ERST wenn sich nachrichtendienstliche Mittel, zu denen auch der EINSATZ—VON—V—MÄNNERN zählt, unterhalb der Schwelle von Eingriffen in das POST—UND Fernmeldegeheimnis als ERFOLG—UND aussichtslos erwiesen haben, könne man von diesem Rechtsmittel Gebrauch machen.
20091011             zeigt das BEISPIEL—DES—VERSORGUNGSSYSTEMS für die Lehrer im USA—BUNDESSTAAT OHIO: Es dauere noch gut —40—JAHRE, —BIS der Fonds seinen Verpflichtungen wieder voll nachkommen könne, prognostizierten die Fondsmanager —BEREITS vor den schlimmsten —TAGEN der Finanzkrise.
20091011             Inzwischen haben sie den Zeithorizont, —BIS zu dem ihr Produkt wieder im Gleichgewicht sein soll, deutlich ANGEPASST—AUF "unendlich".
20091011             —BERICHTET, Das, die "WASHINGTON—POST".
20091011             Die Finanzkrise hat bei den Pensionsfonds für öffentliche Bedienstete in den USA zu so großen Verlusten geführt, dass Regierungsvertreter und Experten zunehmend der Meinung sind, es werde ohne grundlegende Änderungen am System wohl nie mehr gelingen, diese wieder auszugleichen.
20091011             Experten gehen davon aus, dass die gigantischen Verluste ohne tiefe Einschnitte nie wieder ausgeglichen werden können.
20091011             —GERISSEN, Doch die Finanzkrise hat das System in den Abgrund.
20091011             Ackermann dagegen will möglichst authentisch leben.
20091011             Verluste durch Finanzkrise: USA—PENSIONSFONDS droht HORROR—DEFIZIT
20091011             die 20—PROZENT—RENDITEN der Vergangenheit sind auch mit Gottes Hilfe nicht mehr zu erzielen.
20091011             stellt sich die Anglikanische Kirche an die Seite der mächtigen Finanzlobbyisten, die sie sonst so gern verteufelt.
20091011             in Geldfragen legen die Kleriker —SEIT Jahrtausenden 1—DOPPELMORAL —AN—DEN—TAG
20091011             Mit Überraschung wurde diese —WOCHE 1—SCHREIBEN aufgenommen, in dem die Anglikanische Kirche sich zur Anwältin von Hedgefonds AUFSCHWINGT—ALSO jenen Investmentvehikeln, die gern mit hohen Schulden arbeiten und leicht zum Systemrisiko werden.
20091011             "Wir brauchen Freiheit, um die besten Fonds auszusuchen"
20091011             bislang eindeutig: —NACH—DEM Kollaps der USA—INVESTMENTBANK Lehman Brothers vor einem —JAHR bezeichnete der ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—YORK, JOHN—SENTAMU, die Banker wenig subtil als "Bankräuber".
20091011             Der Markt scheine "—NACH—DEN Regeln von Alice im Wunderland" zu funktionieren, schimpfte der Würdenträger.
20091011             Auch der Rest der Gesellschaft hatte in seinen Augen schwere Schuld auf sich geladen.
20091011             "Wir sind alle in den Tempel des Geldes gegangen", sagte der empörte BISCHOF und zitierte einen Bibelspruch: "Die Liebe zum Geld ist die Wurzel alles Bösen".
20091011             Natürlich
20091011             —GEWESEN, Statistisch lasse sich leicht sagen, das Wetter sei schuld, resümiert Kleinschmidt.
20091011             "Natürlich will JEDER—FORSCHER am Ende einen Effekt darstellen".
20091011             Widerlegten Experimente aber 1—THESE, würden die Resultate nicht unbedingt publiziert: "Negative Ergebnisse verschwinden in der Schublade".
20091011             gelten als gesichert:
20091011             Pollen bewirken mitunter allergische Reaktionen, Übermäßig viel UV—STRAHLUNG schädigt Hautzellen, Ozon kann Atemwegserkrankungen auslösen, Der "thermische Wirkungskomplex" wirkt sich auf den Körper aus: Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit und Wind sorgen für HITZE—ODER Kältestress.
20091011             Im Extremfall können Herzinfarkte, Rheumaanfälle oder Unterkühlungen die Folge sein.
20091011             Den EINSATZ—VON—MARINESOLDATEN aus SPANIEN hatte die Regierung in MADRID zuvor abgelehnt.
20091011             MADRID—NACH der Entführung eines SPANISCHEN—TRAWLERS vor SOMALIA haben SPANISCHE—FISCHEREIUNTERNEHMEN zum Schutz vor Piraten bewaffnete Söldner angeheuert.
20091011             Mindestens 8—SCHIFFE werden künftig mit den ehemaligen BRITISCHEN—SOLDATEN an Bord im INDISCHEN—OZEAN auf Fischfang gehen, wie SPANISCHE—ZEITUNGEN —AM—SONNTAG berichteten.
20091011             Deren Sold LIEGE bei rund 10.000—EURO —IM—MONAT.
20091011             Da Spaniens Gesetze das Anheuern von Söldnern verbieten, dürfen diese nur auf Schiffen eingesetzt werden, die nicht unter SPANISCHER—FLAGGE fahren.
20091011             Angst ums eigene Geld: ENGLISCHE—BISCHÖFE verteidigen Hedgefonds
20091011             Piratenüberfälle: Söldner sollen SPANISCHE—SCHIFFE schützen - and other disasters
20091011             Inevitably, the few remaining COPIES—OF—THE—BOOKS are left to deteriorate slowly or are lost to fires, floods and other disasters.
20091011             aufwendig ist der Weg zur Kopie.
20091011             Wenn selbst das Hauptquartier des Militärs nicht davor gefeit ist, angegriffen zu werden, wer ist es dann?
20091011             Sowohl das BÜRO—DES—WELTERNÄHRUNGSPROGRAMMS als auch das Armeehauptquartier sind eigentlich hoch gesichert.
20091011             Die Anlage in RAWALPINDI ist zudem 1—MACHTZENTRUM des nach wie vor einflussreichen Militärs in PAKISTAN.
20091011             Polizisten und Paramilitärs würden lediglich Autofahrer schikanieren und wahllos Fahrzeuge stoppen und kontrollieren.
20091011             —ÜBERLEBT, Der mutmaßliche ANFÜHRER—DER—GRUPPE habe verletzt, und sei festgenommen worden, berichteten PAKISTANISCHE—FERNSEHSENDER.
20091011             Bei ihm soll es sich um einen Mann namens Aqeel alias DOCTOR—USMAN handeln.
20091011             1—MITARBEITER—DES—GEHEIMDIENSTES, der anonym bleiben wollte, wird in Nachrichtenagenturen mit den Worten zitiert: "Er ist 1—DER—GEFÄHRLICHSTEN—TERRORISTEN und hat Verbindungen zu AL—QAIDA".
20091011             Zu der Tat bekannte sich Berichten zufolge 1—UNTERGRUPPE—DER—TEHRIK I—TALIBAN (TTP), der PAKISTANISCHEN—TALIBAN—ORGANISATION.
20091011             Fast —24—STUNDEN hielten die Terroristen die Streitkräfte mit der Geiselnahme in ATEM—BIS 1—SONDERKOMMANDO das Drama blutig beendete.
20091011             "Das große PROBLEM—DER—BEZIEHUNGEN zwischen der empirischen Welt und der mathematischen Welt, nämlich der enge Zusammenhang zwischen experimentellen Phänomenen und mathematischen Strukturen, scheint auf höchst unerwartete Weise durch die neueren Entdeckungen der modernen Physik bestätigt zu werden", und es fährt mit einer gewissen Resignation fort: "Wir kennen aber die Gründe nicht, die dieser Tatsache zugrunde liegen".
20091011             Doch die Verseuchung ist hinreichend bewiesen.
20091011             —BEREITS—VOR—4—JAHREN kamen USA—ÄRZTE der UNIVERSITÄT—S—LUIS aus MISSOURI in der auf 3750—METER über dem Meeresspiegel liegenden Stadt, um BLUT—UND Urinproben einzusammeln.
20091011             "Die bewiesen schwarz auf weiß, dass die Menschen in La Oroya vergiftet werden" erzählt Monseñor PEDRO—BARRETO.
20091011             Diese Ergebnisse, aber auch die BODEN—WASSER—UND Luftproben haben 20060000             das Blacksmith Institute, 1—USA—AMERIKANISCHE—UMWELTORGANISATION, dazu bewogen, La Oroya zur schmutzigsten Stadt Lateinamerikas zu küren.
20091011             "—NUN darf Doe Run Perú Menschen und Umwelt weitere —30—MONATE lang vergiften", klagt MIGUEL—CURI.
20091011             Der 44-Jährige wohnt wie Moisés Galarza Amaro in der Altstadt von La Oroya und kämpft —SEIT—JAHREN in der "Bewegung für die Gesundheit in La Oroya" (Mosao) gegen die systematische Vergiftung der Bevölkerung.
20091011             HONDURAS: Putschregierung schränkt Pressefreiheit ein
20091011             AFGHANISTAN: Uno spricht von "bedeutendem Wahlbetrug"
20091011             Debatte um Ausländerschelte: Ökonom fordert Integrationsministerium
20091011             MEXIKO: Drogenbanden ermorden Menschenrechtler
20091011             PERU: Kniefall vor der größten Dreckschleuder Lateinamerikas
20091011             Wir haben ALLE—1—GEHIRNWÄSCHE aus HOLLYWOOD bekommen", sagte der AMERIKANISCHE—PHYSIKER Michio Kaku, der an der NASA—MISSION nicht beteiligt ist und den VIELE—USA—BÜRGER aus RADIO—UND Fernsehsendungen kennen. Man habe BRUCE—WILLIS vor Augen, der die Erde vor einem Asteroiden rette. "Aber Wissenschaft wird so nicht gemacht", betonte Kaku.
20091011             WOLF—WETZEL 20091000             20091011—19660000    —IN, The modern movement to offer legal services to LOW—INCOME—PEOPLE was spearheaded by Sargent Shriver, aided by THE—USA—BAR—ASSOCIATION.
20091011—20090701    —SEIT—DEM, FRANZÖSISCHE—SOLDATEN schützen dieses Jahres etliche Fangschiffe, die in Nähe der SOMALISCHEN—KÜSTE unterwegs sind.
20091011—20091025    —ON, the bodies of 10—OF—THE—MEN, MOST—OF—THEM—COLOMBIANS, were found with multiple spots in WEST—TACHIRA state.
20091011—20091112    —FREED, Sinnott was.
20091011—20110000    —IN, 1—MILITARY—COURT found 7—MEN—GUILTY—OF—INVOLVEMENT in THE—RAWALPINDI attack and sentenced 1—OF—THEM, 1 retired soldier, to death.
20091011—20120000    —SERVED, United RUSSIA, as 1—POWER—BASE for PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, who has not ruled out 1—RETURN to the presidency.
20091011—20130000    —J—IM, nahezu unlösbaren Problem entwickelt: In VIRGINIA geht man inzwischen davon aus, dass allein der größte Pensionsfonds des Bundesstaats —BEREITS nur noch rund 60—PROZENT—DER—BENÖTIGTEN—MITTEL zur Verfügung haben wird.
20101009             —CLOSED, The border is normally, on Sundays, so 20101011             appeared to be the soonest THE—FLOW—OF—SUPPLIES over the crossing would resume.
20101011             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—NIGERIA, MEMBERS—OF—1—RADICAL—ISLAMIC sect 20100901             —POLICE station ablaze, wounding 3—OFFICERS in 1—ATTACK—SIMILAR to 1—THAT sparked rioting and 1—GOVERNMENT—CRACKDOWN that left 700—DEAD—LAST—YEAR.
20101011             2—AMERICANS and 1—BRITISH—CYPRUS—ECONOMIST won 20100000             —THE—NOBEL economics prize for developing 1—THEORY that helps explain why MANY—PEOPLE can remain unemployed despite 1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF—JOB vacancies.
20101011             —HONORED, FEDERAL—RESERVE—BOARD—NOMINEE—PETER—DIAMOND was, along with DALE—MORTENSEN and CHRISTOPHER—PISSARIDES for their ANALYSIS—OF—THE—OBSTACLES that prevent buyers and sellers from efficiently pairing up in markets.
20101011             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, 1—MAJOR—NASA act that turns his vision for USA—SPACE—EXPLORATION—OF asteroids and Mars into law.
20101011             THE—S—FRANCISCO—GIANTS beat THE—ATLANTA—BRAVES 3-2 at TURNER—FIELD to clinch the National League Championship Series.
20101011             —UNVEILED, Microsoft, 1—NEW—MOBILE—PHONE operating system as it seeks to regain ground lost to the iPhone, Blackberry and devices powered by GOOGLE—ANDROID software.
20101011             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—COALITION—AIRSTRIKE, Taliban COMMANDER—SHIRIN—AGHA and another militant in NORTH—KUNDUZ province.
20101011             AL—ARABIYA—TV said AL—QAEDA—NORTH—AFRICA—ARM wants 1—REPEAL—OF—1—BAN on the Muslim face veil in FRANCE, the release of militants and 7—MILLION—EUROS to free hostages who include 5—FRENCH.
20101011             AL—QAEDA in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is holding 7—FOREIGNERS in THE—SAHARA desert —AFTER kidnapping them —LAST—MONTH.
20101011             —ARRIVED, THE—EMIR—OF—KUWAIT, in ALGERIA for a —2—DAY—VISIT on the latest step of 1—NORTH—AFRICA—TOUR.
20101011             —NAMED, The newest vessel is the 3., QUEEN—ELIZABETH.
20101011             —FORCED, Officials said CANADA—TROOPS are being, to pull out of 1—MILITARY—BASE in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES that supports their mission in AFGHANISTAN amid 1—ONGOING dispute over airline landing rights.
20101011             —BLOCKED, CHINA, European diplomats from meeting with the wife of the jailed Nobel Peace Prize winner, cut off her phone communication and canceled meetings with NORWAY—OFFICIALS, acting on its fury over the award.
20101011             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that more than 440,000—PEOPLE have been evacuated in Hainan —AFTER the heaviest rains —FOR—DECADES inundated 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—CHINA—ISLAND in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA.
20101011             The arrest took place in 1—WESTERN—COUNTRY about —2—MONTHS—AGO.
20101011             Callixte Mbarushimana, 1—RWANDA—LEADER—OF—THE—FDLR rebel group, was arrested in PARIS on charges of leading rebels ACCUSED—OF—MASS rapes and killings in CONGO.
20101011             —CHARGED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT said he is, with 11—COUNTS—OF—CRIMES against humanity and war crimes, including killings, rape, persecution based on gender and extensive DESTRUCTION—OF—PROPERTY committed by THE—FDLR —DURING most of 20090000             .
20101011             The rights group EG Justice said in 1—STATEMENT that 1—LETTER signed by 125—AFRICA—SCHOLARS and human rights defenders has denounced THE—UNESCO—OBIANG Nguema Mbasogo Prize for Research in the Life Sciences, 1—PRIZE named for THE—PRESIDENT—OF—EQUATORIAL—GUINEA.
20101011             —SEIZED, Mbasogo, power more than —30—YEARS—AGO and has been accused of human rights violations including unlawful killings, torture, and arbitrary arrests.
20101011             HUNGARY took over CONTROL—OF—THE—HUNGARIAN—ALUMINUM—PRODUCTION and Trade Company (MAL).
20101011             PRIME—MINISTER—ORBAN said that Zoltan Bakonyi, the managing DIRECTOR—OF—MAL, has been arrested.
20101011             —PLAYED, BAKONYI—FATHER, Arpad Bakonyi, had, 1—CENTRAL—ROLE in THE—PRIVATIZATION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—ALUMINUM—INDUSTRY and remained its largest shareholder.
20101011             Krishna Poonia won INDIA—1. Commonwealth Games athletics gold medal in —52—YEARS—WHEN she led 1—STUNNING host nation clean sweep in the women's discus.
20101011             —ISSUED, IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER—AYATOLLAH—ALI—KHAMENEI, 1—DECREE paving the way for 1—STATE—TAKEOVER—OF—ISLAMIC—AZAD—UNIVERSITY, the country's largest private university, in 1—CRUSHING blow to the nation's moderates.
20101011             —DECLARED, KHAMENEI—DECREE, the university's 20090000             endowment, which keeps it financially independent, to be religiously illegitimate and —THEREFORE 0 and void.
20101011             —RAIDED, IRAQ, gunmen wearing military uniforms, the homes of several ANTI—AL—QAIDA—SUNNI fighters.
20101011             —KILLED, They, 4—MEN in 1—EXECUTION—STYLE slaying and left 2 wounded —BEFORE dawn near THE—TOWN—OF—YOUSSIFIYAH.
20101011             —UNCOVERED, IRELAND—POLICE, 1—MAJOR—ARMS and explosives cache hidden in 1—WOOD in County Louth.
20101011             —INCLUDED, The find, 1—MACHINE—GUN, BOMB—MAKING equipment and assorted ammunition.
20101011             —DESCRIBED, They, it as 1—SIGNIFICANT—BLOW to dissident republicans.
20101011             —ENDORSED, THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT, 1—BILL requiring 1—NATIONAL—REFERENDUM be held —BEFORE ANY—WITHDRAWAL from occupied EAST—JERUSALEM or the Golan Heights.
20101011             —SPELLED, PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU, out recognition of ISRAEL as 1—JEWISH—STATE as his price for 1—RENEWAL—OF—1—BAN on construction in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20101011             —REJECTED, The offer was, OUT—OF—HAND by the Palestinians, who said it had "nothing to do with the peace process".
20101011             —KILLED, MEXICO, 8—POLICE—OFFICERS were, in 1—AMBUSH in Sinaloa state.
20101011             TIJUANA, police found the decapitated bodies of 2—MEN hung by their feet off 1—BRIDGE.
20101011             —ABANDONED, Their heads were found in 1—CAR, on the bridge.
20101011             1—NIGERIA—OFFICIAL said scores of slum residents in LAGOS have been left homeless by flooding from the Ogun River —FOLLOWING—LAST—MONTH—OPENING—OF—1—DAM.
20101011             Analysts say KIM—JONG—NAM spends so much time outside his native land that his opinion carries little weight.
20101011             He spoke to JAPAN—TV—ASAHI in 1—INTERVIEW—FROM—BEIJING.
20101011             RUSSIA—RULING party swept regional elections in several provinces this weekend, easily maintaining its grip on power, according to early returns.
20101011             RUSSIA—RESEARCHERS said traces of 1—PREVIOUSLY unknown Bronze Age civilization have been discovered in the peaks of the Caucasus Mountains thanks to aerial photographs taken —40—YEARS—AGO. the civilization dated from the 16. to the 14. centuries BC, high in the mountains SOUTH—OF—KISLOVODSK.
20101011             † 1—SOLDIER guarding THE—MINISTER was killed and 1—CIVILIAN wounded.
20101011             —AMBUSHED, Pirates, RAGE—CONVOY because they thought he wanted to expel them from their bases.
20101011             —FREED, Rage was, —2—DAYS—LATER.
20101011             —TIMED, YEMEN, 2—BOMBS, to go off 1—AFTER the other, killed 2—PEOPLE and injured 12—OTHERS in San'a.
20101011—19340000    —LAUNCHED, UK—MONARCHS have, 7—MERCHANT ships bearing royal names —SINCE THE—QUEEN—MARY.
20101011—20100119    —REPORTED, DUBAI media, that 1—KEY—SUSPECT in THE—KILLING—OF—1—HAMAS operative in DUBAI has been arrested abroad but details of the capture are secret.
20110129             —BY CURT—ANDERSON (Associated Press), WASHINGTON—POST, 19981011             , Page A13)
20110622—20111011    —DECLARED, Army engineers began work and the sex strike was, over.
20110925—20111011    —ON, jail terms were announced for 11—PEOPLE over their involvement in the clashes.
20110929—20111011    —CHARGED, Arbabsiar was, in USA—DISTRICT—COURT—IN—NEW—YORK with conspiring to kill THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—DIPLOMAT, ADEL—AL—JUBEIR, —49—JAHRE—ALT.
20111004             The blogger was on the 43. —DAY—OF—1—HUNGER—STRIKE, —AFTER his appeal hearing was adjourned to 20111011             .
20111005—20111011    —ARRESTED, Soueid of LEESBURG—VIRGINIA, was.
20111011             NIGERIA—SECRET—POLICE said 3—ADDITIONAL—SUSPECTS, including 1—BANKER, have been arrested over 2—CAR—BOMBINGS on 20101001             —THE, INDEPENDENCE —DAY in ABUJA, which killed at least 12—PEOPLE.
20111011             —VOTED, Senate Republicans, to kill the $447—BILLION WHITE—HOUSE—JOBS—BILL despite weeks of barnstorming by PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA across the country.
20111011             46—REPUBLICANS joined with 2—DEMOCRATS to delay the plan.
20111011             —OPPOSED, Republicans, the measure over its spending to stimulate the economy and its tax surcharge on millionaires.
20111011             —ACKNOWLEDGED, WASHINGTON, for the 1. time that it is waging "war" against militants in PAKISTAN.
20111011             BOSTON, more than 50—PROTESTERS from the Occupy BOSTON movement were arrested —AFTER they ignored warnings to move from 1—DOWNTOWN greenway near where they have been camped out for more than —1—WEEK.
20111011             DAVE—DAWES (47), 1—SHIFT supervisor at 1—FOOD—PRODUCER, and his PARTNER—ANGELA—DAWES, 1—CHARITY—SHOP volunteer, were the only winners of ?uroMillions BRITAIN—3.—LARGEST lottery jackpot, worth 116—MILLION—EUROS or $157—MILLION.
20111011             CUBA, Amado Fakhre, 1—UK—CITIZEN and HEAD—OF—THE—CORAL—CAPITAL—INVESTMENT—FUND, was detained by security agents.
20111011             —OWNED, His company, HAVANA—POSHEST hotel in partnership with the government and hoped to win a $400—MILLION—CONTRACT to build homes —AROUND 1—GOLF—COURSE.
20111011             —RESIGNED, EGYPT—FINANCE—MINISTER and deputy PRIME—MINISTER, in protest over the government's handling of deadly weekend protests that left 27—DEAD, MOST—OF—THEM—COPTIC—CHRISTIANS.
20111011             —CHANTED, Some 20,000 mourners, slogans denouncing the ruling military —DURING 1—FUNERAL—PROCESSION overnight for 17—CHRISTIANS killed in THE—CAIRO protest.
20111011             GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL met with her VIETNAM—COUNTERPART, PRIME—MINISTER—NGUYEN—TAN—DUNG, as part of a —2—DAY—VISIT to boost trade ties with the Communist country.
20111011             —ATTEMPTED, GERMANY, 1, arson ATTACK—ON—1—RAILWAY—LINK in BERLIN with 3—SEPARATE explosives devices was thwarted.
20111011             It was the 3. in —2—DAYS targeting railway operations in and —AROUND the capital.
20111011             —ANNOUNCED, ISRAEL and Hamas, that SERGEANT—GILAD—SHALIT, 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER abducted to GAZA —5—YEARS—AGO, would be swapped for about 1,000 Palestinians held by ISRAEL and accused of militant activity.
20111011             —ARMED, ITALY—DEFENSE—MINISTER said, forces can be deployed on ITALY—SHIPS sailing in dangerous waters and that ship owners requesting the service would need to reimburse the ministry.
20111011             2—ITALIANS, who say they were sexually abused by priests, completed a —19—DAY, 340-mile (550-km) protest march to THE—VATICAN and tried unsuccessfully to obtain 1—AUDIENCE with THE—PAPA.
20111011             —FACED, PRESIDENT—ELLEN—JOHNSON—SIRLEAF, —72—JAHRE—ALT, recent Nobel Peace Prize winner, 15—OPPOSITION candidates including soccer star GEORGE—WEAH.
20111011             Sirleaf took 44—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, with Tubman, 1—FORMER—DIPLOMAT, at 31%.
20111011             Turnout was 71.4%.
20111011             With 31% voting for her challenger, Sirleaf would need NUMBER 3—PRINCE—JOHNSON—ENDORSEMENT to win the upcoming runoff.
20111011             —SEIZED, LIBYA, new regime fighters, the police headquarters in the center of Moamer KADHAFI—HOMETOWN Sirte as they moved against the strongman's remaining diehards.
20111011             MEXICO—MARINES in the violent border STATE—OF—TAMAULIPAS found THE—BODY—OF—CESAR—DAVILA—GARCIA, the alleged top accountant for the Gulf Cartel drug trafficking network.
20111011             —ELECTED, MYANMAR—NEWLY, CIVIL—GOVERNMENT announced it will release 6,359 prisoners in 1—AMNESTY that could help patch up the country's human rights record and normalize relations with Western nations.
20111011             —TURNED, Only 200, out to be political prisoners.
20111011             —SIGNED, MYANMAR—GOVERNMENT, legislation allowing THE—ESTABLISHMENT—OF—TRADE—UNIONS.
20111011             —DECLARED, NEW—ZEALAND, its worst maritime pollution disaster, as oil gushed into 1—PRISTINE bay from the Rena, 1 stranded container ship being pounded in heavy seas.
20111011             —PLEDGED, PAKISTAN PRIME—MINISTER—YOUSUF—RAZA—GILANI, to create THOUSANDS—OF—JOBS in INSURGENCY—WRACKED Baluchistan as he admitted past neglect of the region had fuelled its troubles.
20111011             2—PEOPLE were killed in Baluchistan province —WHEN gunmen torched 1—OIL—TANKER carrying fuel for NATO—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN.
20111011             PALESTINE—LEADER—MAHMUD—ABBAS, on 1—LATIN—USA—SWING to drum up support for his bid to gain UN state recognition, failed to secure support from COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS.
20111011             —CONTINUED, Abbas, on to VENEZUELA to meet with PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ.
20111011             —FAILED, SLOVAKIA—GOVERNMENT fell —WHEN PARLIAMENT, to approve more powers for 1—EU bailout fund in 1—VOTE tied to 1—CONFIDENCE—VOTE in RADICOVA—1—YEAR—OLD—GOVERNMENT.
20111011             —FAILED, The vote, because 1—COALITION—PARTNER refused to support it.
20111011             —REJECTED, THE—PARLIAMENT, 1—BILL that would have strengthened the powers of the regional rescue fund to help bail out strapped economies in the eurozone.
20111011             Outgoing PRIME—MINISTER—IVETA—RADICOVA and her main opponent said they will work to try to get THE—BILL—THROUGH—PARLIAMENT.
20111011             —MOUNTED, SYRIA—SECURITY—FORCES, 1—OFFENSIVE in HOMS where 7—PEOPLE were reported killed.
20111011             —RACED, THAILAND workers, to complete 3—CRITICAL—FLOOD—WALLS with only 1 or —2—DAYS to go —BEFORE the already swollen river that winds through the capital bursts its banks.
20111011             —KILLED, Nationwide flooding has already, nearly 270—PEOPLE.
20111011             1—PRELIMINARY estimate by the central bank showed economic losses from flooding that began in —LATE—JULY range from baht 60—BILLION to baht 80—BILLION ($1.9—BILLION to $2.6—BILLION).
20111011             —SENTENCED, UKRAINE—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—YULIA—TYMOSHENKO, —50—JAHRE—ALT was, to —7—YEARS in prison on CHARGES—OF—ABUSE—OF—OFFICE in signing 1—GAS—DEAL with RUSSIA, 1—VERDICT —IMMEDIATELY condemned by THE—EUROPEAN—UNION as politically motivated.
20111011             —INCLUDED, The sentence also, a —3-YEAR ban on public office and 1—FINE—OF $190—MILLION.
20111011             —WARNED, UNICEF, THE—UN—CHILDREN'S—AGENCY, that the west and CENTRAL—AFRICA REGION is facing 1—OF—THE—WORST cholera epidemics in its history, with over 85,000 cases reported leading to 2,466 deaths —THIS—YEAR.
20111011             The most significant increases were in CHAD, CAMEROON, and in WEST—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20111011             —AM, im KANZLER—AMT über die damaligen ENTWICKLUNGEN—DER—GRIECHENLAND—KRISE aus.
20111011—20111019    —EXPECTED, Shalit was, to return via EGYPT.
20111121             Jhessye was last seen 20111011             —AFTER Hunter said she went out for 1—ERRAND and left the girl in the care of 3—OLDER siblings.
20121003—20121011    —REPATRIATED, He was, to TUNISIA and faced terrorism charges there.
20121011             —BECAME, Guan Moye (19550000             *), aka Mo Yan, the 1. CHINA—WRITER to win the literature Nobel Prize.
20121011             He is best known in the West for "Red Sorghum", which portrays the hardships endured by farmers in THE—EARLY—YEARS—OF—COMMUNIST—RULE and was made in 1—FILM directed by Zhang Yimou.
20121011             —DECLARED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, THE—ULTRA—VIOLENT—STREET—GANG MS-13 to be 1—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—GROUP, 1 unprecedented crackdown targeting the finances of the sprawling USA and CENTRAL—USA—GANG—INFAMOUS for hacking and stabbing victims with machetes.
20121011             1—FORMER—USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said USA—AUTHORITIES believe that IRANIAN—BASED hackers were responsible for cyberattacks that devastated Persian Gulf oil and gas companies.
20121011             —JUST hours —LATER, Defense SECRETARY—LEON—PANETTA said the cyberthreat from IRAN has grown, and he declared that the Pentagon is prepared to take action if American is threatened by 1—COMPUTER—BASED assault.
20121011             —SQUABBLED, JOE—BIDEN and Republican PAUL—RYAN, over the economy, taxes, Medicare and more in 1—CONTENTIOUS, INTERRUPTION—FILLED VICE—PRESIDENT—DEBATE steered by Martha Radatz of ABC at Centre College in DANVILLE—KENTUCKY.
20121011             —PLEADED, ALABAMA, River Falls Mayor MARY—ELLA—HIXON, —91—JAHRE—ALT, guilty to transferring $201,610—OF—TOWN—MONEY to other people in the past —3—YEARS.
20121011             —SENTENCED, She was, to —5—YEARS in prison, which was suspended because of her age, and ordered to repay the money.
20121011             1—BATCH of newly designed $100—BILLS, that aren't going into circulation —UNTIL—NEXT—YEAR, was stolen from 1—PLANE that arrived at PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL Airport —AROUND 10:25 a.m. from DALLAS.
20121011             THE—BENJAMINS are easy to spot.
20121011             —SOPHISTICATED, The new bills have, elements to thwart counterfeiters, like 1—DISAPPEARING—LIBERTY—BELL in 1—ORANGE inkwell and 1—BRIGHT—BLUE—SECURITY ribbon.
20121011             —KILLED, TEXAS, 3—PEOPLE were, in 1—HELICOPTER—CRASH some 80—MILES—WEST—OF—AUSTIN.
20121011             INTERNATIONAL investors put a $20—MILLION—PRICE —TAG on 1—ARGENTINE navy training ship —AFTER 1—JUDGE—IN—GHANA ruled that THE—ARA—LIBERTAD cannot set sail —UNTIL THE—SOUTH—USA—COUNTRY settles claims for unpaid debts.
20121011             —FOLLOWED, The incident, 1—ENGAGEMENT with 1—INSURGENT and there were no civilians involved.
20121011             —ASKED, BRITAIN, JORDAN to pardon radical Islamist preacher ABU—QATADA, —51—JAHRE—ALT because evidence used to convict HIM—OF—TERRORISM there was obtained through torture.
20121011             THE—PALESTINIAN—BORN JORDAN—CLERIC, whose real name is OMAR—MAHMOUD—MOHAMMED—OTHMAN, has been convicted in absentia in JORDAN over bomb plots and faces retrial if extradited.
20121011             —SENTENCED, FRANCE, 1—COURT—IN—CRETEIL, outside PARIS, 4—OF 14—MEN accused of rape to prison terms, although MOST—OF—THE—TIME was suspended.
20121011             The longest term any will serve is —1—YEAR.
20121011             —DECRIED, FRANCE—WOMEN—ORGANIZATIONS, the acquittals and lenient sentences for the gang raping 2—TEENAGE—GIRLS—MORE than —1—DECADE—AGO.
20121011             —DETAINED, GUATEMALA prosecutors said they have, 8—ARMY—PRIVATES and 1—COLONEL on allegations of extrajudicial killings by opening fire on 1—PEACEFUL—PROTESTS —LAST—WEEK that killed 8—PEOPLE and wounded 34.
20121011             —ARRESTED, INDIA—POLICE said they have, 3—MUSLIM militants suspected of planning terror attacks in NEW—DELHI —DURING 1—MAJOR—HINDU festival season that starts —LATER—THIS—MONTH.
20121011             THE—3—SUSPECTS, MEMBERS—OF—THE—INDIAN—MUJAHIDEEN, were arrested in NEW—DELHI over the past —2—WEEKS and were said to be responsible for several small explosions in THE—WEST—CITY—OF—PUNE —IN—AUGUST in which 1—PERSON was injured.
20121011             —ABDUCTED, IRAQ, Abeer Ali (5) was, —WHILE her family attended 1—WEDDING in Zubair.
20121011             —STRANGLED, Abeer was, with 1—SHOELACE.
20121011             —PHONED, The suspected kidnapper, 9—FRIENDS and invited them to take part in the rape.
20121011             —ARRESTED, So far, 8—PEOPLE have been, and have confessed.
20121011             —ARRESTED, ALL—OF—THOSE, in THE—2—CASES were drug addicts under the influence —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—CRIMES.
20121011             —ASKED, NIGERIA—FARMERS, 1—HOLLAND—COURT to rule that oil company Shell is liable for poisoning their fish ponds and farmland with leaking pipelines.
20121011             1—PAIR—OF—BOMBINGS in Baluchistan province killed 10—CIVILIANS and 3—SECURITY—PERSONNEL.
20121011             —KIDNAPPED, Gunmen, 1—RETIRED—PAKISTAN—ARMY—BRIGADIER who was working under contract with the country's intelligence agency, THE—INTER—SERVICES—INTELLIGENCE, on the outskirts of ISLAMABAD, shortly —AFTER the officer left his home for work.
20121011             —RESISTED, The officer's driver, and was shot and killed.
20121011             They were held hostage —FOR—8—MONTHS.
20121011             Pirates still held 6—SHIPS and 156—CREW members.
20121011             —REPORTED, It was, that upgrades for SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA—RURAL—PRIVATE—HOME will cost more than $23—MILLION in taxpayer money.
20121011             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA STRIKING, miners, 1—MAN by setting him on fire —WHILE another was shot and seriously wounded in rekindled labor unrest that saw police firing tear gas and rubber bullets near 1—ANGLO—AMERICA PLATINUM (Amplats) mine.
20121011             4—UN—AGENCIES called on INDIA to take action against child marriages on the 1. INTERNATIONAL—DAY—OF—THE—GIRL—CHILD.
20121011             —MASKED, YEMEN, 1, gunman assassinated 1—YEMEN—SECURITY—OFFICIAL who worked for THE—USA—EMBASSY in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting near his home in SANAA.
20121011—20080000    —ARGUED, Royal HOLLAND—SHELL—PLC long, that the case, which was launched, should be heard in NIGERIA.
20121011—20110000    —IN, The arrests relate to 1—INCIDENT in AFGHANISTAN.
20121011—20120816    —ON, Her body was found —12—HOURS—LATER in 1—EMPTY—LOT, bearing similar signs of trauma to Banin Haider, who was raped and killed in the same area.
20121220—201201011231-J-THE, was supposed to herald...was supposed to herald...
20130100—20130600    —GEMACHT, PORTUGAL hat weit mehr Schulden, als es das 201301011231    —FÜR, angepeilte Defizitziel von 5,5—PROZENT—DER—WIRTSCHAFTS—LEISTUNG erlaubt.
20130429             0,12345678910111213141516171819202122 ...
20130429             0,12345678910111213141516              ... - 0,12345678910111213141516...
20130429             0,12345678910111213141516...
20130429             0,12345678910111213141516171819202122 ... - 0,12345678910111213141516...
20130804—20131011    —ISSUED, Human Rights Watch, 1—REPORT on THE—ATTACKS.
20131005—20131011    —REPORTED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST, that he was forcibly snatched from 1—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT—CONVOY in Logar province several weeks ago as AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS were trying to recruit him to launch peace talks.
20131011             —SOARED, Shares in NEWLY—PRIVATIZED Royal Mail, on their stock market debut, bolstering criticism that the company — which traces its 04010101—05001231     history back to HENRY—VIII—KING—OF— — was undervalued by THE—UK—GOVERNMENT.
20131011             "DEUTSCHLAND ist 1—ANATOMISCHE Merkwürdigkeit: es schreibt mit DER—LINKEN und tut mit der Rechten".- KURT—TUCHOLSKY,;;0203;;
20131011             WASHINGTON, DER—WHISTLE—BLOWER—EDWARD—SNOWDEN ist offenbar IM—BEREITS —JAHR 20090000             ins Visier DER—CIA geraten.
20131011             GEHEIM—DIENST—AFFÄRE: MACHT—MISSBRAUCH von gewaltigem Ausmaß
20131011             Conrad: DAS—RÖMER—REICH—VON—HEUTE sind DIE—USA.
20131011             —FIRED, THE—USA—AIR—FORCE, MAJOR—GENERAL—MICHAEL—CAREY, the senior officer in charge of its nuclear missiles.
20131011             1—PENDING investigation was said to be related to alcohol use.
20131011             —APPROVED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, 11—FIREARMS measures designed to tighten controls on ownership, storage and TYPES—OF—WEAPONS and ammunition available in the state.
20131011             —INCLUDED, They, 1—BAN on lead hunting ammunition.
20131011             —ARRESTED, In THE—SF—BAY—AREA—HAYWARD police, 13—PEOPLE and seized nearly $4—MILLION—WORTH—OF—MARIJUANA —AFTER raiding homes in S—LEANDRO, HAYWARD and S—LORENZO.
20131011             MICHIGAN, BOBBY—FERGUSON, 1—FRIEND—OF—FORMER—DETROIT Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, was sentenced to —21—YEARS in prison for his role in widespread corruption.
20131011             2—UTAH Boy Scout leaders pushed 1—LARGE—ROCK off 1—ROCK—FORMATION at Goblin Valley STATE—PARK.
20131011             GLENN—TAYLOR and DAVE—HALL said it was loose and feared it was dangerous.
20131011             —FACED, They soon, possible criminal charges and were removed from their posts 1—BOY—SCOUT leaders.
20131011             —DISCLOSED, BRAZIL, 1—OFFICIAL—REPORT, that the powerful PCC prison gang runs 1—NATIONWIDE criminal business worth $60—MILLION —1—YEAR with operations extending into neighboring BOLIVIA and PARAGUAY.
20131011             CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, clashes broke out between security forces sent from BANGUI to Bomboro, and THE—'ANTI—BALAKA' SELF—DEFENCE—GROUP," leaving 6—DEAD among the ranks of the vigilante.
20131011             —RESCUED, THE—EGYPT—COAST—GUARD, 72—PALESTINIANS, 40—SYRIANS and 4—EGYPTIANS —WHEN 1—BOAT carrying illegal migrants and SYRIA—REFUGEES sank off EGYPT—NORTHERN—COAST.
20131011             † 12—PEOPLE.
20131011             FRANCE—CONSTITUTIONAL—COUNCIL upheld 1—BAN on the energy extraction process known as fracking, —2—DAYS—AFTER the European PARLIAMENT voted to require full environmental reports from companies that want to establish hydraulic fracturing sites.
20131011             1—FRANCE—COURT convicted 26—MEMBERS—OF—3—CROATIA—ROMA families of forcing children to carry out more than 100—ROBBERIES in European countries.
20131011             INDIA, tens of thousands fled their homes in eastern coastal areas and moved to shelters, bracing for Cyclone Phailin.
20131011             —APPROVED, ALITALIA—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS, a €500m salvage package.
20131011             €300m would come from fresh capital and €200m from new credit lines.
20131011             —PLANNED, The government, to involve THE—STATE—OWNED postal service in the rescue.
20131011             † IN—ITALY—ERICH—PRIEBKE (100), 1—FORMER—NAZI—SS CAPTAIN.
20131011             —RIPPED, JAPAN, 1—FIRE, through 1—HOSPITAL as patients slept killing 10—ELDERLY—PEOPLE.
20131011             —PROMPTED, This, government demands for safety reviews across the country.
20131011             † LEBANON—SINGER and COMPOSER—WADIH—SAFI, —92—JAHRE—ALT.
20131011             —PROPELLED, His strong, clear voice, him to fame —THROUGHOUT the Arab world.
20131011             CENTRAL—MALI, 1—BOAT carrying HUNDREDS—OF—PASSENGERS along THE—NIGER—RIVER capsized.
20131011             —ESTIMATED, Only 210—SURVIVORS, of 1, 400—PEOPLE aboard, were counted.
20131011             1 overloaded migrant boat went down off MALTA.
20131011             —SHOCKED, THE—NEXT—DAY about 200, survivors were plucked from the sea.
20131011             Over 30—LIVES were lost in the latest deadly migrant tragedy to hit the Mediterranean.
20131011             † In CENTRAL—NIGERIA 17—PEOPLE and 10—OTHERS were injured —WHEN the buses in which they were travelling collided with 1—TANKER lorry.
20131011             THE—NORWAY—NOBEL COMMITTEE—AWARDED—THE—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons as  the global watchdog worked to destroy SYRIA—STOCKPILES of nerve gas and other poisonous agents.
20131011             —BLUDGEONED, Suspected PALESTINE—MILITANTS, to death retired army COLONEL—SARYA—OFER in the 3. KILLING—OF—ISRAELIS in THE—WEST—BANK within as MANY—WEEKS.
20131011             3—SUSPECTS were arreted THE—NEXT—DAY.
20131011             1—PANAMA—OFFICIAL said 2—CUBA—FIGHTER—JETS seized from 1—NORTH—KOREA—SHIP in July were in perfect condition to operate and THE—15—PLANE—ENGINES that were found along with them were relatively new and could be used as replacements.
20131011             SOUTH—EAST—PERU, 1—MAKESHIFT—BUS carrying 51—QUECHUA Indians back from 1—PARTY plunged off 1—CLIFF into 1—RIVER, killing everyone on BOARD, including 14—CHILDREN.
20131011             SPAIN, FORMER—FORMULA 1—RESERVE driver MARIA—DE—VILLOTA (33) was found dead in a hotel room in Seville.
20131011             —KILLED, SUDAN, 1—ZAMBIA—MILITARY—OBSERVER with UNAMID was, by unidentified assailants in El Fasher, NORTH—DARFUR state.
20131011             —CLASHED, TUNISIA—SECURITY—FORCES and suspected jihadists, near MOUNT—CHAAMBI, 1—STRONGHOLD—OF—MILITANTS linked to AL—QAEDA, in the Kasserine area near THE—ALGERIA—BORDER.
20131011             SOUTH—YEMEN, 1—SUSPECTED—AL—QAEDA militant blew himself up in 1—MARKET in Lahj province, killing himself and wounding 4. Security officials said militants on 1—MOTORCYCLE have shot and killed 1—ARMY—COLONEL—IN—THE—EAST—TOWN—OF—MUKALLA.
20131011             Hoffnung im USA—HAUSHALTS—STREIT: DOW—JONES springt über 15.000—PUNKTE
20131011             —TREFFEN—IM—WEIßES—HAUS: OBAMA und REPUBLIKANER gehen ergebnislos auseinander
20131011             HAUSHALTS—STREIT IN—DEN—USA: —TAG 10—DES Shutdowns bringt die Abrüstung
20131011             Belastungen für Arbeitnehmer: Sozialabgaben sollen 20140000             kräftig steigen
20131011             USA—REGIERUNG: PENTAGON—VIZE—CARTER reicht Rücktritt 1
20131011             Als aussichtsreiche Kandidatin für seine Nachfolge gilt 1—FRAU: Linda HUDSON, —DERZEIT, noch Chefin des BRITISCHEN—LUFTFAHRT—KONZERN, RÜSTUNGS—KONZERNS BAE—SYSTEMS, gilt als mögliche künftige PENTAGON—VIZE.
20131011             PENTAGON—VIZE - den Konservativen DIE—ZEIT davonläuft.
20131011             Für beide Seiten wird DIE—SITUATION —NUN immer brenzliger.
20131011             1—NBC—UM—FRAGE zufolge hegen nur noch 24—PROZENT—DER—USA—AMERIKANER positive Gefühle für DIE—PARTEI—NOCH nie zuvor wurde 1—NIEDRIGERER Wert gemessen.
20131011             DER—DRUCK der Rechtsaußen war so mächtig, daß sich Boehner schließlich beugte.
20131011             [l] DER—GUARDIAN hat 1—SEHR schöne REAKTION—AUF—DIE MI5+DAILY—MAIL—SCHMIERKAMPAGNE: Sie haben aktuelle und FRÜHERE—CHEF—REDAKTEURE vieler internationaler Zeitungen um 1—KOMMENTAR gebeten und drucken die —JETZT ab.
20131011             PATRIOT—ACT—AUTHOR—PREPARES bill to put NSA bulk collection 'OUT—OF—BUSINESS'
20131011             OBAMA—EFFORTS to control leaks 'most aggressive —SINCE NIXON', report finds
20131011             UK—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER—NICK—CLEGG is to start conversations in GOVERNMENT about how to update the legal OVERSIGHT—OF—THE—UK—SECURITY—SERVICES in THE—LIGHT—OF—DISCLOSURES by THE—GUARDIAN that powerful new technologies appear to have outstripped THE—CURRENT—SYSTEM—OF—LEGISLATIVE and political oversight.
20131011             It is The 1.time such 1—SENIOR—FIGURE in GOVERNMENT has conceded that THE—REVELATIONS published IN—THE—GUARDIAN have highlighted concerns about THE—ACCOUNTABILITY—OF—THE—SECURITY—SERVICES.
20131011             CAMERON said: "—WHEN you get newspapers who get hold of vast AMOUNTS—OF—DATA and information that is effectively stolen information and they think it's OK to reveal this, I think they have to think about their responsibilities and are they helping to keep our country safe".
20131011             If people want to suggest improvements about how they are governed and looked —AFTER, I am happy to listen to those".
20131011             "Journalists have only 1—RESPONSIBILITY: to keep their readers informed and educated about whatever their GOVERNMENT is doing on their behalf,"said Aluf Benn, EDITOR—IN—CHIEF—OF—ISRAEL—HAARETZ.
20131011             WOLFGANG—BÜCHNER, EDITOR—IN—CHIEF—OF—DER—SPIEGEL, in GERMANY, said: "It is 1—TRAGEDY that media outlets aligned with GOVERNMENTs are —NOW accusing the journalists uncovering these abuses of 'lethal irresponsibility.' "
20131011             —DECLARED, THE—ISC had, —FOLLOWING 1—SHORT—INVESTIGATION in private, that the security services were bypassing the current systems of ministerial oversight.
20131011             Both terrorist states and security services conduct this battle online in 1—WAY that was quite unimaginable —JUST 1—FEW—YEARS—AGO.
20131011             terrorist states
20131011             "What that means for privacy and proportionality is 1—TOTALLY legitimate area for debate.
20131011             "We have to defend THE—PRINCIPLE—OF—SECRECY but you can only really make secrecy legitimate in THE—EYES—OF—THE—PUBLIC if there is 1—PROPER—FORM—OF—ACCOUNTABILITY".
20131011             —WORKED, USA—CONGRESSMEN JIM—SENSENBRENNER, who, with USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH to give more power to USA spies —AFTER the ;;0911;;
20131011             —AGREED, MANY—LAW—MAKERS have, that new legislation is required owing to the collapse in public trust —FOLLOWING SNOWDEN—DISCLOSURES that THE—NSA was collecting bulk records of all USA—PHONE—CALLS in order to sift out potential terrorist targets.
20131011             —SUPPORTED, Well THE—DAILY—MAIL, THE—NAZIS, seems they still do.
20131011             —MASSAKER—IN—SYRIEN—REBELLEN töten Dutzende ALAWITEN—FAMILIEN
20131011             UM—FRAGE zur Regierungsbildung: 66 % DER—DEUTSCHEN—WOLLEN GROßE—KOALITION
20131011             Pannenserie: RUSSLAND feuert —CHEF—DER—RAUMFAHRT—BEHÖRDE
20131011             MATHE—UND NATUR—WISSENSCHAFTEN: LEISTUNGSGE—FÄLLE zwischen Schülern in Ost und West ist gravierend
20131011             Mehr als 20 % plus: CHINESISCHER—AUTOMARKT wächst im Eiltempo
20131011             PRIVAT—SPHÄRE—EINSTELLUNGEN: FACEBOOK schafft das Verstecken ab
20131011             Ehrung in OSLO: FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS 20130000             geht an CHEMIE—WAFFEN—INSPEKTOREN
20131011             Rätselhaftes Material: Mikroskop macht ATOM—BEWEGUNGEN in Glas sichtbar
20131011             —SEIT, Zweitem WELT—KRIEG: Rotes Kreuz verteilt LEBENS—MITTEL in GROß—BRITANNIEN
20131011             Auslandspresse zur EUROSUR—ÜBERWACHUNG: "1—TRAUM für die RÜSTUNG—INDUSTRIE"
20131011             FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS für OPCW: Anerkennung für die gefährlichste MISSION—DER Welt
20131011             STEUERtricks: GOOGLE schiebt—EURO auf die Bermudas
20131011             Datenzugriff: EDWARD—SNOWDEN fiel DER—CIA —BEREITS vor —JAHREN auf
20131011             —REAKTIONEN—AUF—FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS: "Neuer Schub für weltweite Abrüstung"
20131011             Sache klar.
20131011             —FORDERUNGEN, Diese soll dann aber vor allem die, von SPD, Grünen und Linken umsetzen.
20131011             Allerdings zeigt DIE—UMFRAGE paradoxe Ergebnisse: Obwohl CDU—CSU bei DER—BUNDES—TAGS—WAHL am ;;0922;;
20131011             83—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN gehen davon aus, daß die künftige Regierung 1—VERBINDLICHEN gesetzlichen MINDEST—LOHN beschließt.
20131011             Auch DIE—EINFÜHRUNG 1—PKW—MAUT für AUS—LÄNDER auf Autobahnen befürworten laut ARD—DEUTSCHLANDTREND 62—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN.
20131011             KANZLERIN—MERKEL sagte im WAHL—KAMPF: "1—PKW—MAUT wird es mit mir nicht geben".Rechtlich dürfte sie ohnehin kaum durchsetzbar sein.
20131011             1—VORGESETZTER HABE—DAMALS, in 1—BERICHT geschrieben, daß sich SNOWDENs Verhalten und Arbeitsgewohnheiten deutlich verändert hätten.
20131011             Half 12—LAW—ENFORCEMENT, intelligence and CONGRESSional officials with direct knowledge of the supervisor's report were contacted for this article.
20131011             SECURITY has historical difficulties and there will always be these KINDS—OF—INFRACTIONS.
20131011             THE—LEVEL—OF—SUPERVISION he received. he received
20131011             —PERFORMED, USIS, 1—COMPANY that has, 700.000—YEARLY security checks for THE—GOVERNMENT.
20131011             —VETTED, Among the individuals the company, were MISTER—SNOWDEN and AARON—ALEXIS, who THE—POLICE say shot and killed 12—PEOPLE at THE—WASHINGTON—NAVY—YARD —LAST—MONTH.
20131011             an intelligence industry TASK—FORCE
20131011             he gained 1—TOP—SECRET—CLEARANCE and 1—CHOICE—JOB under STATE—DEPARTMENT—COVER in GENEVA.
20131011             under STATE—DEPARTMENT cover
20131011             "Anyone smart enough to be involved in THE—TYPE—OF—WORK he does, who is privy to THE—TYPE—OF—INFORMATION to which he was privy, will have at least moments like these," she said.
20131011             —IN—EARLY 20090000             , someone using MISTER—SNOWDEN—SCREEN—NAME expressed outrage at GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS who leaked information to THE—NEWS—MEDIA, telling 1—FRIEND in 1—INTERNET chat that leakers "should be shot".
20131011             —CONTRIBUTED, MICHAEL—S—SCHMIDT, reporting from WASHINGTON, and ANDREW—ROTH from MOSCOW.
20131011             RUSSLAND hat nach offiziellen Angaben 1—ATOMAR bestückbare Interkontinentalrakete mit 1—NEUEN Sprengkopf erprobt.
20131011             "Glas ist 1—UNTERKÜHLTE Flüssigkeit, die zu Kristallen werden will", erklärt Kurasch.
20131011             "Mit unserer neuen Methode lässt sich zukünftig womöglich live beobachten, wie sich die ATOM—STRUKTUR—VON—GLAS unter Beeinflussung verändert".
20131011             Bilanz des BLITZ—MARATHONS: POLIZEI erwischt 83.000—TEMPOSÜNDER
20131011             SORGE—UM—DEN Ruf: DEUTSCHE—BANKEN zittern vor EZB—STRESS—TEST
20131011             VERHALTENS—FORSCHUNG, POPCORN—ESSER ignorieren Kinowerbung
20131011             BÖRSEN—GANG der ROYAL—MAIL: GROß—BRITANNIENS Run auf die Volksaktie
20131011             Untertitel: "Exekutionen, außergesetzliche Tötungen und GEISEL—NAHMEN durch oppositionelle Kräfte in Latakia".
20131011             —KRITISIERT, In dem Bericht wird auch Nachbarland TÜRKEI scharf, für die UNTERSTÜTZUNG—VON—AUFSTÄNDISCHEN.
20131011             Demnach würden die meisten ausländischen KÄMPFER, die in NORD—SYRIEN operierten, ihre Einreise über DIE—TÜRKEI organisieren.
20131011             Ebenso würden sie ihre Waffen, Geld und sonstigen Nachschub von dort bekommen.
20131011             Verletzte KÄMPFER würden in der TÜRKEI behandelt.
20131011             HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH fragte per Brief beim TÜRKEI—AUßEN—MINISTER—AHMET—DAVUTOGLU an, welche MAßNAHMEn sein Land eigentlich treffe, um sicherzustellen, daß keine KÄMPFER DIE—GRENZE—ZU—SYRIEN überschritten und dort KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN begingen.
20131011             PRÄSIDENT—ASSAD warnte den TÜRKEI—REGIERUNGS—CHEF—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN vor "schwerwiegenden Folgen"seiner rebellenfreundlichen Politik.
20131011             DIE—TÜRKEI werde "sehr bald 1—SEHR hohen Preis dafür zahlen", daß sie die "TERRORISTEN"unterstütze, wie ASSAD DIE—REBELLEN VERGANGENE—WOCHE im TÜRKISCHEN—FERNSEHSENDER Halk TV nannte.
20131011             Warum gibt es bei SPIEGEL nur die LIGHT—VERSION?
20131011             —JETZT, wird es aber langsam 1—GROTESKE.
20131011             ERDOGAN tut das Gleiche, weshalb CHARLES—TAYLOR in DEN—HAAG verurteilt wurde.
20131011             Salim Idriss, der "GENERAL—STABS—CHEF—DES—OBERSTEN MILITÄRrats der Freien SYRISCHEN—ARMEE", war bei den Taten seiner FSA"REBELLEN"anwesend.
20131011             IM—ÜBRIGEN gilt das Unterstützen und Beherbergen von TERRORISTEN als KRIEGS—HANDLUNG—MIT dieser Begründung haben DIE—USA 20010000             AFGHANISTAN angegriffen.
20131011             ERDOGAN—FASCHIST
20131011             es wird endlich Zeit diesen wahnsinnigen TERROR—FASCHISTEN ERDOGAN zu stoppen, er und seine durchgekanallten NATO—FREUNDE sind gerade dabei das halbe SYRIEN—VOLK abzuschlachten.
20131011             Warum wurde die OPCW ausgezeichnet?
20131011             Wer steht hinter der Organisation?
20131011             Nur: Auf das alltägliche Töten haben DIE—KONTROLLEURE keinen Einfluss;
20131011             —NOCH, besorgniserregender sei DIE—SITUATION aber in Ländern wie GRIECHENLAND, ITALIEN oder SPANIEN.
20131011             Wie ernst die Lage in SPANIEN ist, zeigt auch 1—AM—DONNERSTAG veröffentlichter BERICHT—DER—CARITAS.
20131011             Nein, und nochmal nein!!!
20131011             zitat: "DIE—HILFS—ORGANISATIONEN machen vor allem den drastischen SPAR—KURS vieler STAATEN für den Notstand verantwortlich".DIE—AUS den Ländern gebrachten, dem Volke gestohlenen STEUERN sind DAS—PROBLEM.
20131011             700—MENSCHEN besitzen 1/3—ALLER VERMÖGENS—WERTE auf der Welt.
20131011             90—PROZENT—DES—VERMÖGENS in DEUTSCHLAND befindet sich in der Hand von 10—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG.
20131011             Komisch - Dass weder im Artikel, noch bei den —BISHERINGEN Kommentaren explizit darauf hingewiesen wird, daß dies 1—ZWANGSLÄUFIGER Effekt des KAPITALISMUS ist.es ist nuneinmal 1—MATHEMATISCHE Gewissheit, daß der ZINSES—ZINS —AM—ENDE 90—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG in die Armut stürzt.
20131011             So langsam... - sollte 1—KLAR werden, warum auch und vor allem in der westlichen Welt intensiv an 1—DIE—BÜRGER auf Schritt und Tritt überwachendes SYSTEM gearbeitet wird.
20131011             DIE—ARMEE des Bösen
20131011             Für DIE—BÜRGER EUROPAs wird es langsam zu spät, sich etwas nicht mehr gefallen zu lassen.
20131011             und genau diese Ursachen werden durch die Vorgaben überhaupt nicht angekratzt.
20131011             "Doctor Who"wurde
20131011             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, In den "Asterix"-Bänden wird fast ganz EUROPA von den RÖMERN beherrscht.
20131011             Ferri: Man könnte ironischerweise sogar sagen, DIE—AMERIKANER sind die Einzigen, die, wie das gallische Dorf, noch Widerstand leisten gegen DIE—WELT—HERRSCHAFT von Asterix.
20131011             "Asterix der GALLIER": RENÉ—GOSCINNY präsentiert 19660000             den 1.Comic der legendären Serie.
20131011             [l] DER—EUROPA—GERICHT—HOF—HOF?FÜR—MENSCHEN—RECHTE hat entschieden, daß INTERNETportale für bei ihnen gepostete anonyme Kommentare haften.
20131011             In der JUNG—STEIN—ZEIT wurden EUROPÄER zu BAUERn.
20131011             DIE—5—ÄLTESTEN wurden IN—DER—BEREITS frühen MITTELSTEIN—ZEIT, dem sogenannten Mesolithikum, VOR—10.600—BIS 11.—200—JAHREN bestattet.
20131011             Funde aus der Blätterhöhle bei HAGEN.
20131011             Wie nicht anders erwartet, ernährten sich ALLE—MESOLITHIKER in der Hauptsache von Wildtieren.
20131011             Pädophiliedebatte: Die Besudelung der 68er
20131011             Teure RECHTS—STREITIGKEITEN: JP—MORGAN macht 1. —SEIT—9—JAHREN Verlust
20131011             —ÜBERRASCHT, Gewässerkunde: SEE—KILLER Phosphat, mit positiver Wirkung
20131011             Vorwurf der Einseitigkeit: AFRIKAnische Union droht Internationalem STRAF—GERICHT—HOF
20131011             Medizinische Untersuchung: GOLF—STAATEN planen SCHWULEN—TEST für AUS—LÄNDER
20131011             —TAG 10—DES Shutdowns: GEISTERSTADT—WASHINGTON - Notkonto: QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II.
20131011             HAUSHALTS—STREIT IN—DEN—USA: REPUBLIKANER bieten ENDE—DES Shutdowns an
20131011             Higgs sagte, er habe NOCH NICHT entschieden, was er mit dem Preisgeld machen werde.
20131011             DIE—QUEEN muss ihre Ausgaben aus 1—JÄHRLICHEN Staatszuschuss VON—CA—30.000.000—PFUND nach neuen Regelungen —IN—DIESEN—TAGEN 1. VOR—1—PARLAMENTS—AUSSCHUSS offenlegen.
20131011             [l] Wie schnell es mit der EU abwärts geht, sieht man ganz gut daran, daß das Rote Kreuz —JETZT in ENGLAND NOTFALL—ESSENSRATIONEN verteilen will.
20131011             BÖRSE—DAX schließt so hoch wie nie zuvor
20131011             Persönliches Fehlverhalten, USA—MILITÄR feuert ATOM—WAFFEN—GENERAL
20131011             GOOGLE—KONKURRENT "SPUTNIK": KREML entwickelt eigene Suchmaschine
20131011             [l] es gab 1—FETTES PIPELINE—LECK in 1—WEIZENFELD in NORTH—DAKOTA, aber DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT hat davon nichts erfahren, weil wegen runtergefahrener Regierung die zuständigen Behörden nicht besetzt waren.
20131011             [l] Ausrede des Tages: DER—VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ will DER—LINKEN—ABGEORDNETEN PETRA—PAU keine Akteneinsicht gewähren, weil der Arbeitsaufwand zu groß sei.
20131011             RUSSLAND hat - BURG—HEIMBACH
20131011             es ist —BEREITS die 2. Entlassung 1—KOMMANDEURS DER—USA—ATOM—STREIT—KRÄFTE —IN—DIESER—WOCHE.
20131011             DIE—USATOM—STREIT—KRÄFTE stehen wegen 1—REIHE—VON—PANNEN und Problemen —BEREITS—SEIT mehreren —JAHREN in der Kritik.
20131011—19440000    —IN—THE, IN—ITALY had been sentenced to life in prison for his role in massacre of 335—CIVILIANS by Nazi forces at the Ardeatine Caves outside ROME.
20131011—20070000    —FROM, Mavanee Anderson, who worked with MISTER—SNOWDEN in GENEVA and also had 1—HIGH—SECURITY—CLEARANCE, said in 1—ARTICLE in THE—CHATTANOOGA—TIMES—FREE—PRESS—OF—TENNESSEE In ;;06;;
20131011—20070000    that —WHEN they worked through —EARLY, 20090000             , MISTER—SNOWDEN "was ALREADY experiencing 1—CRISIS—OF—CONSCIENCE—OF—SORTS".
20131011—20131019    —BY, the body count reached 72.
201401011231         gab es wieder einmal über 10.000—SUIZIDE.
20140915—20141011    —ON, police arrested RONALD—BEAN—MARSHALL, —24—JAHRE—ALT on suspicion of —STARTING the Boles Fire.
20141011             S—FRANCISCO, the new USA—ASSAULT ship, THE—AMERICA, was officially enetered into service as PART—OF—FLEET—WEEK—CELEBRATIONS.
20141011             —GATHERED, S—LOUIS, MISSOURI, thousands, for a 2. —DAY of organized rallies and marches to protest THE—DEATH—OF—MICHAEL—BROWN and other fatal police police shootings in THE—S—LOUIS area and nationwide.
20141011             1—HEALTH—WORKER in TEXAS at the hospital treating the 1. person diagnosed with Ebola in THE—USA tested positive for the deadly virus, raising fresh worries about THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—DISEASE beyond WEST—AFRICA.
20141011             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—TALIBAN suicide bomber struck 1—POLICE—HEADQUARTERS, killing 1—POLICEMAN and wounding 3. Gunmen killed 2—AFGHANISTAN—TRUCK—DRIVERS on 1—ROAD in the country's east.
20141011             —KILLED, ALGERIA—TROOPS, 5—MORE suspected militants in THE—EAST—BOUIRA region where they have been tracking 1—AL—QAEDA splinter group that killed 1—FRANCE—TOURIST.
20141011             PHILIPPE—KING—OF—BELGIUM swore in 1—CENTER—RIGHT—GOVERNMENT under the leadership of Francophone FREE—MARKET—LIBERAL—CHARLES—MICHEL, —38—JAHRE—ALT, ending a —4—MONTH deadlock.
20141011             —SEIZED, CAMEROON authorities said 27—HOSTAGES, by militant group Boko Haram in May and July have been released, including 10—CHINA—WORKERS and THE—WIFE—OF—CAMEROON—VICE—PRIME—MINISTER.
20141011             —ORDERED, CHINA—SOCIAL—MEDIA began reporting that authorities have, books by CHINESE—USA—SCHOLAR YU—YING—SHIH to be removed from sale, as BEIJING expresses its displeasure with writers showing support for PRO—DEMOCRACY—MOVEMENTS in HONG—KONG and elsewhere.
20141011             —BURIED, NORTH—WEST—CHINA, 1—LANDSLIDE, 1—DORMITORY for highway construction workers as they slept inside, killing 19 and injuring 2—OTHERS in Shaanxi province.
20141011             EGYPT, 1—CAIRO COURT—CONVICTED—MOHAMMED—EL—BELTAGY, 1—LEADING—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD figure, and 2—OTHER—ISLAMISTS and sentenced them to —15—YEARS in prison each on charges of torturing 1—MAN —DURING 20110000             —THE protests against THEN—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK.
20141011             —SUSPENDED, GERMANY, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRIES that, aid to MALAWI —AFTER 1—MASSIVE 20130000             public sector graft scandal, said it has granted the impoverished SOUTH—AFRICA—NATION $25—MILLION to conduct 1—AUDIT into the fraud.
20141011             † 10—PEOPLE and 12 were missing —AFTER 1—SMALL—BOAT collided with 1—SHIP off GUINEA—SOUTHERN—COAST and capsized.
20141011             —ISSUED, HONG—KONG students leading PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS, 1—OPEN—LETTER to CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING, urging him to consider political reforms in the city and blaming the city's unpopular leader for the demonstrations.
20141011             —EXCHANGED, INDIA and PAKISTAN, gunfire across the Kashmir frontier, ending 1—PAUSE in fighting that has already killed 17—CIVILIANS.
20141011             —CRASHED, IRAN, 1—POLICE—AIRPLANE, outside the provincial CAPITAL—OF—ZAHEDAN killing all 7—PEOPLE aboard.
20141011             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA—MILITARY, airstrikes north and WEST—OF—BAGHDAD, hitting 1—SMALL—ISLAMIC—STATE fighting unit and destroying armed vehicles.
20141011             —PARTICIPATED, BRITAIN, in the airstrikes.
20141011             —URGED, Kurdish forces defending Kobani, 1—USA—LED coalition to escalate air strikes on Islamic State fighters who controlled more than a 3. of THE—SYRIA—TOWN at the border with TURKEY.
20141011             36—JIHADI fighters were reportedly killed in Kobani.
20141011             —WALKED, In norhtern MEXICO 2—GUNMEN, into 1—RADIO—STATION and killed Atilano ROMAN—TIRADO, 1—LOCAL—ACTIVIST, —WHILE he was broadcasting his weekly radio program.
20141011             Tirado was THE—LEADER—OF—1—GROUP—OF—FARMERS demanding compensation for lands flooded by dam construction several years ago.
20141011             JOSEPH—SCOTT—PEMBERTON and 4—OTHER—MARINES sought as witnesses to THE—DEATH—OF—LAUDE.
20141011             SPAIN, 3—MORE—PEOPLE were under observation for Ebola in 1—MADRID hospital, boosting the number being monitored for symptoms to 16. 1—NURSING assistant infected with the virus remained in serious but stable condition.
20141011             —ARRESTED, THAILAND—AUTHORITIES, 53—ROHINGYA migrants and 2 suspected THAILAND—TRAFFICKERS en route to neighboring MALAYSIA.
20141011             MYANMAR views its population of roughly 800,000 Rohingya -- described by THE—UN as 1—OF—THE—MOST persecuted minorities in the world -- as illegal BANGLADESH—IMMIGRANTS, and denies them citizenship.
20141011             —ATTACKED, THE—UKRAINE—ARMY said that its positions had been, overnight in DONETSK and Lugansk regions.
20141011             —KILLED, Shelling in the regions, 5—PEOPLE over the past —24—HOURS in the latest deadly violations of 1—CEASEFIRE.
20141011             2—YEMEN—SOLDIERS were killed —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded in the restive SOUTH—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—HADRAMAWT.
20141011—20140925    —ON, MEXICO, Guerrero STATE—GOVERNOR—ANGEL—AGUIRRE said SOME—OF—THE—BODIES recovered from clandestine graves last weekend did not match THE—43—YOUNG—PEOPLE who went missing.
20141011—20141018    —ON, the government served 1—SUBPOENA for Marine Pfc.
20141013—20141011    —SINCE, The discovery brought to more than 130 THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE found in Phang Nga province.
20141215—20141011    —IN—THE, JOSEPH—SCOTT—PEMBERTON with murder KILLING—OF—FILIPINO—JENNIFER—LAUDE, saying the suspect acknowledged attacking the victim —AFTER he found out she was 1—TRANSGENDER woman.
201501011231         —DAS—JAHR war im Durchschnitt 0,9 Grad wärmer als der Durchschnitt des
201501011231         —DAS—JAHR—LAUT, NOAA war um 0,16—GRAD—CELSIUS wärmer als der —BISHERIGE Rekordhalter 20140000             .
20150121—200801011231—Every—3—WEEKS, we bring online as much solar power as we did IN ALL OF.
20151011             SAUDI—ARABIEN unterstützt REBELLEN—GRUPPEN, die gegen den ASSAD kämpfen, und sieht die RUSSISCHEN—LUFT—ANGRIFFE deshalb mit großem Misstrauen.
20151011             NEW—YORK, state 2—TEENAGE—BROTHERS were beaten by family and WORD—OF—LIFE—CHURCH—MEMBERS in New HARTFORD to get them to confess their sins.
20151011             —HOSPITALIZED, LUCAS—LEONARD, —19—JAHRE—ALT † of his injuries and Christorpher (17) was.
20151011             —CHARGED, The borther's parents were —LATER, with manslaughter.
20151011             † In TENNESSEE OFF—DUTY—MEMPHIS police officer Terence Olridge (31) —AFTER being shot multiple times —WHILE responding to 1—CALL about 1—SHOOTING at 1—HOME in the suburb of Cordova.
20151011             1—MALE—SUSPECT was taken in custody.
20151011             —FACED, MOBILE INTERNET sites, 1—NEW—THREAT as millions download AD—BLOCKERS to their phones and tablets, removing pesky adverts but potentially wiping out BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in advertising revenue.
20151011             BELARUS held presidential elections.
20151011             —FACED, AUTHORITY—LEADER—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO, no serious competition and was expected easily to win a 5. term.
20151011             Lukashenko won 83.5—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20151011             —KILLED, NORTH—CAMEROON, twin blasts by female suicide bombers, at least 9—PEOPLE in Kangaleri village.
20151011             —FLOCKED, Guineans, to the polls to choose their PRESIDENT, shrugging off deadly PRE—ELECTION—VIOLENCE.
20151011             —TIPPED, Incumbent PRESIDENT—ALPHA—CONDE was, to win a 2. term.
20151011             —ALLEGED, GUINEA—MAIN—OPPOSITION—PARTY, widespread fraud in the country's presidential vote.
20151011             —COMMITTED, INDIA said that THE—MALDIVES leader has, to an "INDIA 1." policy in talks with its external affairs MINISTER.
20151011             WEST—INDONESIA, 1—HELICOPTER carrying 5—PEOPLE went missing shortly —AFTER takeoff from Samosir ISLAND in Toba Lake.
20151011             IRAN said WASHINGTON—POST—JOURNALIST—JASON—REZAIAN, —39—JAHRE—ALT, who has been detained in IRAN for more than —1—YEAR, has been convicted on charges including espionage.
20151011             The ruling was eligible for appeal within —20—DAYS.
20151011             —REPORTED, IRAN state media, the successful test fire of 1—NEW guided LONG—RANGE—BALLISTIC—SURFACE—TO—SURFACE—MISSILE.
20151011             It was the 1. such 1—TEST —SINCE IRAN and world powers reach 1—HISTORICAL—NUCLEAR—DEAL.
20151011             —BOMBED, IRAQ—AIR—FORCES reportedly, THE—CONVOY—OF—THE—TERRORIST—ABU—BAKR—AL—BAGHDADI —WHILE he was heading to Karabla to attend 1—MEETING with Daesh commanders.
20151011             —KILLED, Several senior figures from Islamic State were, in the air strike.
20151011             1—COALITION led by THE—USA conducted 18—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ.
20151011             1—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKE in THE—GAZA—STRIP in response to rocket fire killed 1—PREGNANT—WOMAN and her toddler.
20151011             —KILLED, PALESTINE—AHMED—SHARAKE, —13—JAHRE—ALT was, —DURING clashes in Ramallah.
20151011             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—LEBANESE, at the presidential palace outside BEIRUT in 1—SHOW—OF—SUPPORT for Christian politician MICHEL—AOUN, pressing their demand for him to fill the presidency vacant for over —1—YEAR.
20151011             —REJECTED, LIBYA—RIVAL—PARLIAMENT and government, 1—UN—PROPOSED peace deal installing 1—NATIONAL—UNITY—GOVERNMENT.
20151011             —ELECTED, NEPAL—PARLIAMENT, Communist party leader Khadga Prasad Oli (63) as the new PRIME—MINISTER, thrusting him into the center of daunting challenges.
20151011             —CONTESTED, Pakistanis began voting in 1—CLOSELY, BY—ELECTION seen as 1—REFERENDUM on PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF—RULE.
20151011             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN met with ABU—DHABI—CROWN—PRINCE—MOHAMMED—BIN—ZAYED—AL—NAHYAN to discuss security in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and the conflict in Syria.
20151011             —ARRESTED, RUSSIA—POLICE, several terror suspects SOME—OF—WHOM were said to have been trained by the Islamic State.
20151011             1—DEVICE with 11—POUNDS—OF—EXPLOSIVES was found in 1—MOSCOW apartment.
20151011             —POUNDED, RUSSIA—WAR—PLANES, SYRIA—REBELS unaffiliated with Islamic State, helping MOSCOW—ALLY—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD reclaim territory and dealing 1—FRESH—SETBACK to the strategy of WASHINGTON and its allies.
20151011             † 1—SENIOR—HEZBOLLAH COMMANDER was killed in the battle —WHILE fighting on THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—BEHALF.
20151011             SOUTH—AFRICA SAID it plans to leave THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT (ICC).
20151011             —FACED, The government, criticism for ignoring 1—COURT—ORDER to arrest SUDAN—PRESIDENT—EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20151011             —HURLED, THAILAND, 1—ANGRY—CROWD, homemade fire bombs and torched vehicles at 1—POLICE—STATION overnight on the resort ISLAND—OF—PHUKET to protest the deaths of 2—YOUNG—MEN who † in 1—MOTORCYCLE crash —WHILE being chased by police.
20151011             THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE took to THE—STREETS—OF—ANKARA to denounce THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN —AFTER it said 95—PEOPLE were killed in twin suspected suicide bombings on 1—PEACE—RALLY —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20151011             —CALLED, TURKEY—PRO—KURDISH—PEOPLES' DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (HDP), 1—OF—THE—GROUPS that, the peace rally, issued 1—STATEMENT claiming the actual toll was far higher at 128, giving the names of 120—VICTIMS.
20151011             2—TURKEY—SOLDIERS were reported killed —DURING clashes with PKK militants in the Senkaya DISTRICT—OF—ERZURUM province.
20151011             THE—TURKEY—ARMY said it killed at least 49—KURDISH—REBELS in 1—SERIES—OF—AIR—STRIKES on the group's bases in NORTH—IRAQ as well as SOUTH—EAST—DIYARBAKIR province.
20151011             FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK,UMFRAGE—WERTE für Union fallen
20151011             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: SEEHOFER will auf PUTIN zugehen
20151011             ELITE—UNIVERSITÄT—STANFORD: VON—DER—LEYEN soll Hochschulnamen missbraucht haben
20151011             FLÜCHTLINGE: Altmaier kündigt schnelle —ENTSCHEIDUNG über Transitzonen an
20151011             Bombardierte Klinik: USA wollen OPFER—VON—KUNDUZ entschädigen
20151011             WEISSRUSSISCHER—DIKTATOR LUKASCHENKO: Er ist wieder wer
20151011             LUKASCHENKO, zu Sowjetzeiten —CHEF eines landökonomischen Großbetriebs, ist
20151011             Auch unabhängige Umfragen sehen ihn klar vorn.
20151011             WEIßRUSSLANDs sowohl ökonomisch wie außenpolitisch prekäre Lage, genauer: die große ABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—RUSSLAND.
20151011             Bei 1—WAHL—KAMPF—AUFTRITT LUKASCHENKO
20151011             Doch es mehren sich die Gelegenheiten, zu denen MINSK dem KREML Widerworte GIBT—OBWOHL WEISSRUSSLAND MITGLIED—DER—MOSKAU—GEFÜHRTEN "Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion"ist.
20151011             So hat LUKASCHENKO RUSSLANDs OPERATION—AUF—DER—KRIM als "Annexion"verurteilt.
20151011             LUKASCHENKO spottete auch über MOSKAUs Argumentation, die Halbinsel sei historisch russisch.
20151011             LUKASCHENKO spottete Nach dieser Logik müsste man auch "ganz RUSSLAND den MONGOLEN geben", die DAS—GEBIET vor —JAHRHUNDERTEN unterjocht hatten.
20151011             LUKASCHENKO hat die OPPOSITION unterdrückt und kritische Zeitungen schließen lassen.
20151011             MINSK braucht auch schlicht frisches Geld.
20151011             [l] Neulich: Windenergie ist (für UK) die billigste Energieform.
20151011             —HEUTE : Solar ist auch kurz davor, billiger als fossile Energie zu werden.
20151011             [l] In STANFORD studieren —JETZT mehr Frauen Computer Science als JEDES—ANDERE—FACH, inklusive Biologie.
20151011             GOOGLE Nexus 5 - Pernambuco, BRAZIL Universidade FEDERAL—DE Pernambuco (
20151011             Rüstungsprojekt: IRAN testet erfolgreich Mittelstreckenrakete
20151011             Trotz des ANSCHLAG—IN—ANKARA: TÜRKISCHE—LUFTWAFFE greift PKK an
20151011             SÜD—AFRIKA: ANC will nicht mehr mit Weltstrafgericht zusammenarbeiten - SPD—GEGEN—UNION: Schluss mit Kuscheln
20151011             RUSSISCHE—LUFTUNTERSTÜTZUNG: ASSAD—TRUPPEN auf dem Vormarsch
20151011             TERROR—IN—DER—TÜRKEI: ANSCHLAG—IN—ANKARA—HINWEISE sollen auf IS hindeuten
20151011             —GETÖTET, TERROR—MILIZ—IS—CHEF—BEI—LUFT—ANGRIFF offenbar nicht
20151011             Verweigerte Erlaubnis: FLÜCHTLINGE dürfen BILLIG—JOBS oft nicht annehmen
20151011             Fotostrecke: Auf DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—ROUTE durch EUROPA
20151011             LANDTAGSWAHL—ÖSTERREICHS Rechte scheitern in WIEN
20151011             Zuwanderung: Zahlreiche ANGRIFFE—AUF—FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKÜNFTE
20151011             WAHL—IN—WIEN: Die OCTOBER—REVOLUTION ist abgesagt
20151011             SYRIEN, haben Truppen von MACHT—HABER ASSAD GEBIETE—DER—REBELLEN zurückerobert.
20151011             GEBIETE—DER—REBELLEN
20151011             LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—SYRISCHEN—BEOBACHTUNGS—STELLE für MENSCHEN—RECHTE befinden sich in den Provinzen Latakia und Hama jedoch gar keine größeren Stellungen des IS.
20151011             Den OPPOSITIONsangaben zufolge hat SYRIENs ARMEE mit Rückendeckung der RUSSISCHEN—LUFTWAFFE —NUN Geländegewinne im Westen des Landes verzeichnet.
20151011             In ihr sind der SYRISCHE—ABLEGER—VON—AL—QAIDA, die AL—NUSRA—FRONT, und die von den GOLF—STAATEN und der TÜRKEI unterstützte Gruppierung Ahrar AL—SCHAM zusammengeschlossen.
20151011             Auch in der zentralen Provinz Hama an der Fernstraße zwischen DAMASKUS und ALEPPO sowie in NORD—TEIL—DER—KÜSTEN—PROVINZ—LATAKIA seien Regierungssoldaten erfolgreich gewesen.
20151011             —LAUT—DER BEOBACHTUNGS—STELLE nahmen Regierungssoldaten in Hama 3—DÖRFER IM—OSTEN der Fernstraße ein und versuchten, auch Gebiete westlich der Straße unter ihre Kontrolle zu bringen.
20151011             DIE—ANGABEN—DER—OPPOSITIONSNAHEN—BEOBACHTUNGS—STELLE sind von unabhängiger Seite kaum zu überprüfen;
20151011             sie haben sich —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT jedoch häufig als akkurat erwiesen.
20151011             RUSSLAND ist 1—DER engsten Verbündeten des SYRISCHEN—MACHT—HABERS BASCHAR—AL—ASSAD.
20151011             RUSSISCHE—JETS fliegen —SEIT
20151011             ALLE—INDIZIEN deuten darauf hin, dass es RUSSLAND nicht um 1—KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS,
20151011             sondern um UNTERSTÜTZUNG—FÜR—ASSAD geht.
20151011             —UNTERDESSEN, DIE—USA—MENSCHEN—RECHTS—ORGANISATION HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH (HRW) hat RUSSLAND, vorgeworfen, für den —EINSATZ neuartiger Streubomben in SYRIEN verantwortlich zu sein.
20151011             hat RUSSLAND unterdessen vorgeworfen, für den —EINSATZ neuartiger Streubomben in SYRIEN verantwortlich zu sein.
20151011             1.Glückwunsch SPON! FakeBot 1647—HEUTE
20151011             "DIE—PROVINZ—IDLIB wird nahezu vollständig von DER—ISLAMISTISCHEN "ARMEE der Eroberung"kontrolliert.
20151011             "Fotos belegten, dass die verbotenen Bomben..".Ach was?
20151011             DIE—KONVENTION—GEGEN—STREUBOMBEN wird allerdings u.
20151011             DIE—BEZEICHNUNG der FPOe als "rechtspopulistisch"ist unfair gegenüber den anderen RECHTS—POPULISTISCHEN Parteien in EUROPA.
20151011             —UPDATE, MAIL—KOMMENTAR:
20151011             debka hat den Text 1:1 von 1—REIHE von (shiitischen) Webseiten übernommen, die das gerüchten.
20151011             MANCHE—SEITEN verweisen auf "ARABIC—LANGUAGE AL—AHD news agency".
20151011             [l] Stellt sich raus, dass DIE—USA in CHINA gar keine DROHNEN—MORDE begehen müssen.
20151011             Der SYRISCHE—BÜRGER—KRIEG ist für das 20000101—20991231    ., was der SPANISCHER—BÜRGER—KRIEG für das
20151011             Vorschlag der WELT—BANK: Investoren sollen für FLÜCHTLINGE zahlen
20151011             —KAMPFJETS in SYRIEN: MOSKAU empört über angebliche BRITISCHE—ABSCHUSSERLAUBNIS
20151011             Für diplomatische Verwicklungen mit MOSKAU sorgen —NUN BRITISCHE—MEDIENBERICHTE.
20151011             Hintergrund ist 1.angebliche Angriffsfreigabe für KAMPF—FLUGZEUGE der BRITISCHEN—ROYAL—AIR—FORCE (RAF).
20151011             Unter Berufung auf Quellen im LONDONer VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM meldete die —SUNDAY—TIMES, dass RAF—PILOTEN im Falle 1—BEDROHUNG durch RUSSISCHE—JETS diese abschießen dürften.
20151011             dürften.
20151011             DIE—PILOTEN sollten Begegnungen mit RUSSISCHEN—FLUGZEUGEN zwar unbedingt vermeiden, müssten aber auf 1—EIGENEN ANGRIFF vorbereitet sein, wenn ihr eigenes Leben davon abhänge.
20151011             "—BIS—JETZT gab es für die mit Präzisionsbomben bestückten Tornados der RAF keine oder nur 1.geringe Bedrohung aus der Luft", zitiert die —SUNDAY—TIMES einen namentlich nicht genannten Vertreter des VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUMS.
20151011             "Aber —IN—DER—VERGANGENEN—WOCHE hat sich DIE—SITUATION verändert.
20151011             Mit SAUDI—ARABIEN hat RUSSLAND  —AM—SONNTAG trotz MEINUNGS—VERSCHIEDENHEITEN 1.engere Abstimmung vereinbart.
20151011             PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN traf in Sotschi mit dem neuen SAUDI—ARABIEN—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—MOHAMMED—BIN—SALMAN—AL—SAUD zusammen, der RUSSLAND zum 2. Mal binnen weniger —MONATE besuchte.
20151011             —VERSICHERT, MOSKAU habe, dass es allein um den KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS gehe.
20151011             TERROR—IN—IRLAND: LABOUR—CHEF—CORBYN nahm an Feiern für IRA—KÄMPFER teil
20151011             —EINSATZ—IN—SYRIEN: FLUG—LINIEN sorgen sich vor RUSSISCHEN—RAKETEN
20151011             ZUKUNFT EUROPAs: Warum —JETZT ständig —KRISE herrscht
20151011—20151013    —ON, 1—SURVIVOR was found floating on plants in Toba Lake and told rescuers THE—4—OTHER—PEOPLE on BOARD also survived by jumping —BEFORE the craft hit the water.
20151011—20151017    —ON, the electoral commission said PRESIDENT—ALPHA—CONDE won RE—ELECTION with —AROUND 58—PERCENT—OF—VOTES cast.
201601011231         WIRTSCHAFTS—WACHSTUM, Boom! (Wirtschaft, 10:06)
201601011231         † † ? 291.100—MENSCHEN, in EUROPA an den Folgen ÜBER—MÄßIGEN ALKOHOL—KONSUMS, berichtet DIE—WHO.
20161011             THE—USA—DEATH—TOLL from Hurricane Matthew rose to 34 with half the deaths in NORTH—CAROLINA.
20161011             —URGED, Thousands more people in the state were, to evacuate as high waters from the hurricane pushed downstream.
20161011             —ESTIMATED, Damages in NORTH—CAROLINA from Matthew were —LATER, at $1.5—BILLION.
20161011             —DEPLOYED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said HUNDREDS—OF—COMMANDOS have been, backed by NATO—AIR—STRIKES in Lashkar Gah to drive Taliban insurgents from the southern city —AFTER the militants killed 14—PEOPLE —1—DAY—EARLIER in 1 coordinated attack.
20161011             1—MASS shooting killed at least 18—WORSHIPPERS at 1—SHRINE in KABUL, raising FEARS—OF—SECTARIAN—VIOLENCE —AFTER 1—STRING—OF—ATTACKS on the country's Shi'ite minority.
20161011             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE soon, responsibility.
20161011             —BLOCKED, CHINA, police in BEIJING, off streets near 1—MAJOR—MILITARY building, as HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE wearing green camouflage uniforms chanted and waved national flags to protest against the loss of their posts.
20161011             ETHIOPIA—PRIME—MINISTER—HAILEMARIAM—DESALEGN said his government wants to reform 1—ELECTORAL—SYSTEM which has excluded the opposition, in response to MONTHS—OF—BLOODY—PROTESTS.
20161011             SOUTH—AFRICA—RIOT—POLICE fought STONE—THROWING students for a 2. consecutive —DAY at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—THE—WITWATERSRAND amid national calls by demonstrators for free higher education.
20161011             —REPORTED, It was, that PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA has formed 1—MINISTERIAL—TEAM to help bring 1—END the weeks of clashes.
20161011             —TUMBLED, Shares in SOUTH—KOREA—BASED Samsung Electronics, —AFTER the company junked its Note 7—SMARTPHONE.
20161011             Samsung told customers to stop using their Galaxy Note 7—DEVICES and called 1—HALT to worldwide sales as USA—OFFICIALS warned the handsets could blow up.
20161011             —BESTOWED, SWITZERLAND, the annual MARTIN—ENNALS—AWARD was, to imprisoned CHINA—MUSLIM minority economics professor Ilham Tohti (46), shining new attention on 1—CASE that has brought strong INTERNATIONAL condemnation.
20161011             —JAILED, Tohti was, for life —2—YEARS—AGO for campaigning for the rights of the Muslim Uighur people.
20161011             —CARRIED, SYRIA, regime ally RUSSIA, out its heaviest strikes in days on ALEPPO.
20161011             THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said 12—PEOPLE, among them 4—CHILDREN, were killed in raids in the Bustan AL—QASR and Fardos neighborhoods.
20161011             —KILLED, At least 5—CHILDREN were, in rebel fire on 1—SCHOOL in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—DARAA.
20161011             [l] Wie funktioniert eigentlich INTERNET—ZENSUR?
20161011             —GELÖSCHT, Nehmen wir mal an, ich will 1.WEB—SEITE, haben, und gehe zum Hoster oder zu GOOGLE und sage, ich würde in der Seite beleidigt, oder mein Geschäft geschädigt, oder was auch immer.
20161011             Und die habe ich als INTERNETzensor ja in der Regel nicht, denn es geht ja häufig um Dinge, bei denen eben kein Gericht finden würde, daß die wirklich weg müssen.
20161011             Gut, in DEUTSCHLAND geht man halt zum Landgericht HAMBURG, klar, aber sowas haben DIE—USA—AMIS nicht.
20161011             Und die Punchline ist: Sogar die Unterschrift von dem KLAGE—EINREICHER scheinen gefälscht zu sein.
20161011             Mögliche Auflösung:
20161011             (As we'll see below, Mitul Patel and SOME—OF—THE—OTHER plaintiffs state that they did not authorize THE—LAWSUIT or sign the pleadings, though they did hire a "reputation —MANAGEMENT company" to do something.)
20161011             [l] Mehr Details dazu, wie die Syrer in DEUTSCHLAND den mutmaßlichen TERRORISTEN gefangen haben.
20161011             Der mutmaßliche IS—TERRORIST aus CHEMNITZ wurde auch von Syrern in DEUTSCHLAND gesucht.
20161011             Kontext dazu: "99—PROZENT—DER—SYRER in DEUTSCHLAND sind gut und würden  für DEUTSCHLAND—GEGEN—TERRORISTEN kämpfen.
20161011             Gute Taten und Menschlichkeit zahlen sich eben aus.
20161011             [l] —GESTERN, so: Blog verschlüsseln -> TERRORIST.
20161011             —HEUTE, so: USB—STICK mit Tails dabei haben -> TERRORIST.
20161011             Ich bin ehrlich gesagt erschüttert, wie in UK —JETZT die Tapeten von den Wänden fallen.
20161011             —KOMMENTIERT, DER—ARTIKEL, sehr schön, daß DIE—COPS 1—IN—ZUKUNFT, wohl kein Koks mehr in die Tasche schmuggeln werden, sondern 1—USB—STICK.
20161011             [l] Wann wird eigentlich FACEBOOK—VERBOTEN?
20161011             "Er hat geschrieben, er würde kommen und mich abstechen, aber ich wusste ja nicht mal, daß der aus meiner Stadt ist.
20161011             o_O
20161011             —SCHOCKIERT, Was mich an der Story ZUMEIST : Dass DAS hier als Matherätsel durchgeht:
20161011             —GESUCHT, Welche Zahl ist ?
20161011             Äh, ja, dann gehöre ich wohl zu "den 2 %"der Leute mit mehr als 2—HIRNZELLEN auf FACEBOOK.
20161011             [l] Mir geht ja diese "das waren DIE—RUSSEN"-RHETORIK gerade gewaltig auf den Sack bei den ganzen HACKER—ANGRIFFEN.
20161011             —GEFUNDEN, Hmm, wir haben da kyrillische Verzeichnisnamen, und die Timestamps könnten von DER—ZEIT—ZONE her in MOSKAU sein, das waren bestimmt DIE—RUSSEN!1!!
20161011             —BEKANNT, DIE—MALWARE kommt uns, vor, der Server steht in RUSSLAND, und letztes Mal haben wir ja —SCHON festgestellt, daß das DIE—RUSSEN waren.
20161011             Ach das ist —SCHON wieder diese bekannte RUSSEN—MALWARE - Sorry, aber das ist Tom&JERRY—NIVEAU.
20161011             [l] Wieso hacken die fiesen Hacker eigentlich keine ATOM—KRAFT—WERKE?
20161011             Tun sie doch!
20161011             1—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT became the target of 1—DISRUPTIVE—CYBER—ATTACK 2 to —3—YEARS—AGO, and there is 1—SERIOUS—THREAT—OF—MILITANT—ATTACKS—ON—SUCH plants, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS nuclear watchdog said —ON—MONDAY.
20161011             CYBER—CYBER—CYBER!!!
20161011             Wenn wir doch nur 1—CYBERCLOWN hätten, der uns vor sowas beschützt!
20161011             [l] 1—DETAIL zu dem Syrer will ich noch ansprechen.
20161011             DIE—POLIZEI haben sie angerufen, aber die konnten sie nicht verstehen.
20161011             DIE—POLIZEI konnte die Syrer nicht verstehen.
20161011             Da läuft 1.Fahndung gegen 1—SYRER und an der FAHNDUNGS—HOTLINE kann sich niemand mit Syrern verständigen?!
20161011             Mal 1—SCHRITT weitergedacht.
20161011             *grusel*
20161011             [l] Schwanger?
20161011             —BEMERKENSWERT, Das ist besonders, weil es in UK gar keine PASS—PFLICHT für DIE—BÜRGER gibt.
20161011             DIE—BEGRÜNDUNG für diese vorgeschlagene Änderung ist:
20161011             —ORGANISED, It said it had fallen victim to " illegal activity" which has seen conmen making money by charging women from NIGERIA to have babies on THE—NHS.
20161011             —FESTNAHME in LEIPZIG: TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGTER wollte sich offenbar freikaufen
20161011             —100—JAHRE "Britannic": 1—WRACK, große Hoffnungen
20161011             Emma Watson über Kinderehen: Auch Mädchen haben Frauenrechte
20161011             KOLUMBIEN: SANTOS verhandelt auch mit ELN—GUERILLA über Frieden
20161011             —ANSCHLAGS—PLÄNE in DEUTSCHLAND: Syrer feiern Festnahme des TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN
20161011             Der Syrer Monis Bukhari ist so etwas wie der Cheflobbyist der SYRIEN—FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—DEUTSCHLAND, er leitet 1.wichtige FACEBOOK—GRUPPE, gibt Hilfestellungen und vermittelt.
20161011             DIE—3—SYRER—VON—LEIPZIG haben quasi den Beweis angetreten, daß die Neuankömmlinge sich aktiv für DEUTSCHLAND EINSETZEN—DAFÜR sind ihnen VIELE—FLÜCHTLINGE dankbar.
20161011             DIE—SEITE der SYRISCHEN—GEMEINDE in DEUTSCHLAND, 1.Art privat betriebenes Nachrichtenportal mit hoher Reichweite
20161011             REGIERUNGS—BERICHT, "Harter BREXIT"würde BRITISCHE—WIRTSCHAFT stark bremsen
20161011             KOLUMBIEN: Der NOBEL—PREIS ist DA—WO bleibt DER—FRIEDEN?
20161011             DEUTSCHE—FLUGGESELLSCHAFTEN in der —KRISE, Die Luft ist raus
20161011             OST—SEEFISCHEREI: Fangquoten sinken um —BIS zu 56 %
20161011             —EVAKUIERT, Rastatt in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG POLIZEI, Bahnhof nach BOMBEN—DROHUNG
20161011             —STUDIEE: Studenten sind gestresster als Berufstätige (Leben und Lernen, 12:06)
20161011             —BESTELLT, Meyer WerFT, ROYAL—CARIBBEAN, Kreuzfahrtschiffe mit Flüssiggasantrieb
20161011             Welthungerindex: 800.000.000—MENSCHEN sind unterernährt
20161011             Gerichtsentscheid in HANNOVER: Krankenkasse muss Patient CANNABIS—TROPFEN zahlen
20161011             TÜRKEI : AKP—POLITIKER stirbt durch Attentat
20161011             WORLD—HEALTH—SUMMIT—GRÜNDER—GANTEN: "Mediziner tragen nur 5 % zur Weltgesundheit bei"
20161011             DONALD—TRUMP—SEXISMUS: Wer lacht, gibt MACHT
20161011             —VERSPROCHEN, KANZLERIN—MERKEL in ÄTHIOPIEN: Hilfe, Demokratie verlangt
20161011             —FESTNAHME—VON—JABER ALBAKR: Wachsame GEHEIM—DIENSTE, mutige Syrer, zögerliche POLIZEI
20161011             Verschmutzte Meere: Forscher wollen Weg des Plastikmülls ergründen
20161011             —BEFÜRCHTET—BRASILIEN: ZIKA—KINDER schwerer krank als
20161011             SYRISCHE—COMMUNITY nach Anschlagsplänen: "Wir konnten beweisen, daß wir nicht so sind wie er"
20161011             —GEGEN, ein paar Tonnen Stahl hatte sie KEINE—CHANCE.
20161011             —ÜBERLIEFERT, So jedenfalls, man in der REPUBLIK—NIGER —DAS—ENDE—DES—BERÜHMTESTEN Baums der SAHARA.
20161011             "Wüste der Wüsten"wird sie auch genannt, tatsächlich fällt kaum irgendwo auf der Welt so wenig Niederschlag.
20161011             "Man muss den Baum gesehen haben, um seine Existenz zu glauben", notierte der in FRANZÖSISCH—WEST—AFRIKA stationierte KOMMANDANT—MICHEL—LESOURD
20161011             Gepflanzt worden sei der Baum nämlich einst "auf dem Grab eines großen Marabut", eines islamischen Heiligen.
20161011             Der einzige Trost für DIE—ARBEITER, so Lesourd: "Vögel rasten unter dem Baum.
20161011             CHINA: MILITÄRangehörige protestieren vor VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM
20161011             —KAMPF—GEGEN—SPEKULANTEN: FINANZTRANSAKTIONS—STEUER könnte 20180000             kommen
20161011             —POLIZEI ermittelt: HITLER—REDE vor dem KONZENTRATIONS—LAGER—UCHENWALD abgespielt
20161011             ERDOGAN zu IRAKs PREMIER: "Benimm DICH—DU hast nicht meine Qualität"
20161011             Ungewöhnliches Nagetier: Wieso der Nacktmull keinen Schmerz spürt
20161011             Cervantes - Naturally THE—USA and its allies are keeping 1—EYE on everything that's published online.
20161011             There is no doubt THE—USA has used mapping to record EVERY—DETAIL—OF—THE landscape and buildings in AREAS—OF—INTEREST and matching up 1—PHOTO and its surrounding terrain in that database can be 1—MATTER—OF—1—FEW searches.
20161011             SYRIEN: Schwere LUFT—ANGRIFFE—AUF—ALEPPO
20161011             Auf ihrem 1.SOLO—TRIP ins Ausland hat HERZOGIN—KATE—DIE—NIEDERLANDE besucht.
20161011             Zu Beginn ihrer Stippvisite wurde sie vom NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—KÖNIG—WILLEM—ALEXANDER zum ESSEN in der Residenz Wassenaar bei DEN—HAAG empfangen.
20161011             Er begrüßte die in 1—HELLEN Kostüm gekleidete EHEFRAU—VON—PRINZ—WILLIAM sehr herzlich.
20161011             KÖNIGIN—MÁXIMA war nicht bei dem Besuch zugegen, sie ist —ZURZEIT in ihrer Heimat ARGENTINIEN.
20161011             Kate besuchte WÄHREND ihres Aufenthalts das berühmte Adelspalais Mauritshuis mit der Galerie alter NIEDERLANDE—MEISTER—IN—DEN—HAAG.
20161011             Kate trug PERLENOHRRINGE—GENAU wie das Mädchen auf dem dort hängenden Gemälde "Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrgehänge"von JOHANNES—VERMEER.
20161011             —DERZEIT, sind im Mauritshuis 22—GEMÄLDE—VON—NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—KÜNSTLERN aus den britischen königlichen Sammlungen zu sehen.
20161011             Ihren Ehemann PRINZ—WILLIAM ließ Kate zu Hause.
20161011             Der war damit beschäftigt, Sänger Rod Stewart zum RITTER zu schlagen.
20161011             KÖNIG—WILLEM—ALEXANDER hatte bei der PARLAMENTseröffnung im vergangenen —MONAT gewarnt, DER—BREXIT könne auch in den NIEDERLANDEn zum Wegfall von Arbeitsplätzen führen.
20161011             —VOR, wenigen —WOCHEN—ERST war Kate ZUSAMMEN—MIT—IHRER Familie durch KANADA gereist.
20161011             [l] So langsam kommen Details zur POLIZEI—ARBEIT in dem aktuellen TERRORfall raus.
20161011             Erstens: "Fast —36—STUNDEN braucht die sächsische POLIZEI, um den FAHNDUNGS—AUFRUF für Jaber AL—BAKR ins Arabische zu übersetzen".
20161011             Das erscheint mir ein bisschen viel, aber was weiß ich —SCHON von sowas.
20161011             2., Wie konnte der Mann eigentlich vor den SEK—BEAMTEN fliehen?
20161011             —NUN, eines war es jedenfalls —SCHON mal nicht:
20161011             Außerdem sei der Hinweis von LKA—PRÄSIDENT—MICHAELIS auf die über 30—KG schwere Ausrüstung DER—BEAMTEN "wenig plausibel".
20161011             —DENN, DAS wäre ja —NUN echt peinlich.
20161011             —UPDATE, OH: Das hat man davon, daß man bei so Gelegenheiten immer fordert: DIE—POLIZEI braucht mehr Ausrüstung!
20161011             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN:
20161011             So viel vorweg: Der MERKEL—EFFEKT ist, falls es ihn überhaupt gab, kaum meßbar.
20161011             Das bezieht sich auf die Frage, ob MERKELs Willkommensgelaber DIE—FLÜCHTLINGE zur Flucht nach EUROPA motiviert hat.
20161011             [l] Ich habe GABY—WEBER mal zum GABY—WEBER—GESETZ befragt.
20161011             Hier ist ihr Kommentar:
20161011             Es ist 1.Unverschämtheit, daß die Novelle mit keinem Wort auf Unterlagen des Bundes eingeht, die in privaten Archiven LIEGEN—MIT oder ohne Zustimmung der Behörde.
20161011             Bei den Unterlagen von 3. Seite: Hier sollte für JEDES—BLATT, das weiterhin DER—GEHEIM—HALTUNG unterliegen soll, 1.eigene BEGRÜNDUNG—DER—AUSGEBENDEN Stelle vorliegen und eingefordert werden können.
20161011             Wenn DER—BND und co diese Akten nicht an DAS—BUNDESARCHIV übergeben will, dann muss er 1—BESUCHER—DIENST zur Verfügung stellen, um der Öffentlichkeit diese Akten zugänglich zu machen.
20161011             Ich verstehe auch nicht, wieso DEUTSCHLAND da 1—SONDERWEG gehen muss.
20161011             "Ja, klar, die haben ein paar Millionen JUDEN vernichtet, aber das ist ja noch GAR NICHTS!
20161011             Ich kann mir das gar nicht ausmalen, was da eigentlich der Gedankengang dahinter sein könnte.
20161011             Wir werfen dem Täter vor, [...]
20161011             Der Mann ist Beschuldigter, nicht Täter.
20161011             Aber das ist nicht DER—GRUND, wieso ihr euch DAS—VIDEO mal angucken sollt.
20161011             Ich staunte.
20161011—19940000    —FOUNDED, The award, is bestowed by 10—RIGHTS—GROUPS including AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL and Human Rights Watch.
201701011231         —KRISEN—JAHR, Wenn DIE—POLITIK zur GEFAHR—FÜR—DIE—WIRTSCHAFT wird
201701011231         —J—IM, WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE,—CA—10.000—PROTESTE—IN—VENEZUELA (Politik, 08:27)
20170914—20171011    —ON, 10—PEOPLE were arrested on hazing charges related to his death.
20171011             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP wasn't happy with the steady decrease IN—THE—USA—STOCKPILE—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—SINCE the 19600101—19691231    s.
20171011             WELTWEITE—STUDIE, 124.000.000—KINDER sind extrem dick
20171011             MYANMAR, Rohingya Muslim villagers cut off from food and threatened by Buddhist neighbors in Rakhine state received their 1. substantial food supplies in months —AFTER INTERNATIONAL pressure on the government to help.
20171011             CALIFORNIA, firefighters battling wildfires in the wine country faced THE—PROSPECT—OF—NEW—OUTBREAKS as winds were forecast to return.
20171011             —KILLED, Blazes have, at least 17—PEOPLE and destroyed 2,000 homes and businesses.
20171011             They will EACH—RECEIVE $625,000 over —5—YEARS to spend ANY—WAY they choose.
20171011             † FLORIDA, Monica Hoffa (32) was shot and killed in THE—TAMPA area.
20171011             SOUTH—OHIO, authorities found 3—ADULTS dead in 1—TRAILER home.
20171011             Soon —AFTER THE—BODY—OF—DEVIN—HOLSTON, —7—JAHRE—ALT was also found.
20171011             Fatima Goss Graves, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—BASED—NATIONAL—WOMEN—LAW—CENTER, announced the formation of the Legal Network of Gender Equity.
20171011             —ANNOUNCED, THE—BOY—SCOUTS—OF—AMERICA, plans to admit girls into the cub scouts —STARTING—NEXT—YEAR and to establish 1—NEW—PROGRAM for older girls using the same curriculum as the Boy Scouts.
20171011             —TURNED, ALBANIA—PRESIDENT, down 1—REQUEST from his KOSOVO counterpart HASHIM—THACI to issue ALBANIA—PASSPORTS for citizens in neighboring KOSOVO, the only nation in EUROPE excluded from 1—VISA—FREE—EUROPEAN travel zone.
20171011             CONGO DRC—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION said 1—ELECTION to replace PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA cannot take place —BEFORE 20190400             , 1—DELAY that the opposition said would cause 1—IMPATIENT population to "take matters into its own hands".
20171011             ETHIOPIA, 6—PEOPLE were left dead in the Oromia region —FOLLOWING antigovernment protests.
20171011             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION said it will not transfer 1—FINAL—TRANCHE—OF—LOANS worth 28—MILLION—EUROS ($33—MILLION) to support MOLDOVA—JUSTICE—REFORMS as authorities have showed insufficient commitment to reforming the justice sector.
20171011             1—PARIS judge handed down jail terms of up to —7—YEARS to protesters who attacked and torched 1—POLICE—CAR with 2—OFFICERS inside.
20171011             6—OTHERS were also convicted for their part in THE—ATTACK.
20171011             —RULED, INDIA—SUPREME—COURT, that having sexual intercourse with 1—WIFE—YOUNGER than 18 is rape.
20171011             A 20110000             government census indicated that the percentage of BELOW—18—MARRIAGES in INDIA was as high as 47%.
20171011             1—COURT—IN—EAST—BAGHDAD issued warrants against THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—VOTE—ORGANIZING commission Hendren Saleh and 2—OTHER—MEMBERS.
20171011             THE—ITALY—GOVERNMENT won the 1. of 3—CONFIDENCE—VOTES on 1—FIERCELY contested electoral law that would allow THE—FORMATION—OF—MULTI—PARTY—COALITIONS —BEFORE the ballot, 1—FACTOR—LIKELY to hurt 5-Star Movement.
20171011             KENYA, police used tear gas to disperse THOUSANDS—OF—OPPOSITION—PROTESTERS who regrouped outside the election commission's offices in NAIROBI and demanded reforms.
20171011             1—JUDGE ruled that 1—MINOR—OPPOSITION—CANDIDATE can run for PRESIDENT in —THIS—MONTH—ELECTION.
20171011             —APPROVED, Lawmakers, amendments to the electoral law that have been criticized by the opposition and Western diplomats.
20171011             —BARRED, PAKISTAN—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION, from contesting elections the Milli Muslim League (MML), 1—NEW—POLITICAL—PARTY backed by Islamist Hafiz Saeed, who has a $10—MILLION—USA bounty on his head.
20171011             —ANNOUNCED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, that RUSSIA would donate defense hardware to support the military's fight against PRO—ISLAMIC—STATE—MILITANTS.
20171011             —KILLED, In THE—PHILIPPINES police, 3—MEN in 1—POOR—MANILA neighborhood in what they said was SELF—DEFENSE —DURING 1—LEGITIMATE—ANTI—DRUG—OPERATION.
20171011             —PUBLISHED, Security camera footage and eyewitness testimony, by Reuters 20171127             contradicted the police report and suggested they may have executed THE—3—MEN.
20171011             —CHARGED, PORTUGAL said it has, former socialist PRIME—MINISTER—JOSE—SOCRATES —FOLLOWING a —3—YEAR—CORRUPTION—PROBE, which revealed he may have taken BRIBES—OF—WINE worth MILLIONS—OF—EUROS.
20171011             —INDICTED, Socrates was, on 31—BRIBERY—CHARGES and other crimes, including money laundering, tax fraud and FALSIFICATION—OF—DOCUMENTS.
20171011             —THREATENED, SPAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—MARIANO—RAJOY, to impose direct rule on Catalonia —FOLLOWING its disputed INDEPENDENCE referendum.
20171011             Rajoy took the 1. step toward suspending CATALONIA—POLITICAL autonomy and ruling the region directly to thwart 1—PUSH for INDEPENDENCE.
20171011             He demanded that the regional government clarify whether it —NOW considered itself independent —FOLLOWING 1—SPEECH by Catalan PRESIDENT—CARLES—PUIGDEMONT the previous —EVENING.
20171011             SYRIA, 3—MEN blew themselves up near the police headquarters in CENTRAL—DAMASCUS.
20171011             —KILLED, The blasts, 2—PEOPLE and injured 6—OTHERS.
20171011             SYRIA, THE—USA—LED coalition battling the Islamic State group said that it won't accept 1 negotiated withdrawal for HUNDREDS—OF—IS militants holed up in Raqqa.
20171011             1 estimated 4,000 civilians remained trapped in the city.
20171011             TURKEY, 1—EXPLOSION in 1—STORAGE—TANK at the Tupras refinery killed 4—PEOPLE in THE—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—IZMIR.
20171011             —DETAINED, Authorities THE—NEXT—DAY, 7—PEOPLE over the blast, of which 4—HAVE been formally arrested and 3 released on probation.
20171011             —DETAINED, UKRAINE—ANTI—CORRUPTION bureau said it had, 1—DEPUTY—DEFENSE—MINISTER and another top military official for allegedly embezzling millions in state funding through 1—ILLEGAL—OIL—PURCHASE—SCHEME.
20171011             —RESIGNED, Leteng, —FOLLOWING reports that he had 1—MISTRESS and siphoned off more than $100,000 in church funds.
20171011             [l] Ach komm, das bisschen Unkrautvernichter im Speiseeis, das ist doch total harmlos!1!!
20171011             Der Hersteller Unilever betonte, die nachgewiesenen Glyphosatspuren lägen deutlich unter allen Grenzwerten, die in DEN—USA und EUROPA gälten.
20171011             Seht ihr?
20171011             Wenn —JETZT wider Erwarten jemand von euch doch lieber keinen Unkrautvernichter im Speiseeis haben will:
20171011             Parallel getestete BIO—EISCREME habe kein Glyphosat enthalten, sagte er.
20171011             [l] Was ist eigentlich an der Volatilität der BÖRSEn schuld?
20171011             Na Testosteron!
20171011             [l] Ihr verfolgt sicher auch den KATALONIEN—KONFLIKT gerade.
20171011             Das ist glaube ich ein guter ZEIT—PUNKT, sich mal unaufgeregt in Ruhe mit dem Problem zu beschäftigen.
20171011             Diese Vorschläge lassen sich als 1.hypothetische Ausformulierung dessen lesen, was besonnene Kommentatoren der katalanischen Seite als Alternative zu ihrem UNABHÄNGIGKEITS—KURS vorzuschlagen scheinen.
20171011             Es gab erfolgreiche —VERHANDLUNGEN und die Sache war —SCHON so gut wie vom Tisch.
20171011             All diese Initiativen sind MITTLERWEILE am Widerstand Rajoys und seiner Partei gescheitert.
20171011             DER—PRÄSIDENT stellt sich quer.
20171011             [l] Woher wissen DIE—USA—AMIS eigentlich, daß DIE—NSA—TOOLS ihren reichtum via KASPERSKY hatten?
20171011             Na weil ihr BUDDY—ISRAEL—KASPERSKY gehackt hat und da DIE—NSA—TOOLS gefunden hat!
20171011             Das ist ja mal supergeil.
20171011             Rede zu KATALONIEN—UNABHÄNGIGKEIT, Erklärungsnot
20171011             Mit JAPAN und SÜD—KOREA, USA—BOMBER fliegen nahe NORD—KOREA
20171011             —STREIT—ÜBER—ZUWANDERUNG:—CA—70.000—SYRER und IRAKer wollen gegenwärtig Angehörigen folgen
20171011             —AUFSTAND—DER—MITARBEITER: 1. Streik an 1—KATHOLISCHEN Krankenhaus (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 06:59)
20171011             Gefährlicher Stoff: BASF lieferte belastetes MATRATZEN—GRUNDPRODUKT
20171011             Reicher Fund: SCHWEIZer spülen Gold und Silber im MILLIONEN—WERT ins Abwasser
20171011             KALIFORNIEN—WALD—BRÄNDE, "Es ist die reine Zerstörung"
20171011             EU—RANKING: DEUTSCHLAND bei Gleichberechtigung nur Mittelmaß
20171011             AUSTRALIEN: Gericht erkennt SMS als TESTAMENT an
20171011             —KLIMA—SCHUTZZIELE—IN—GEFAHR: DEUTSCHLAND produziert zu viel Kohlendioxid
20171011             —GERECHNET, SCHWEIZER, Kläranlagen sammeln sich demnach aufs —JAHR, allein 3000—KILOGRAMM Silber und 43—KILOGRAMM Gold, stellte DAS—INSTITUT fest.
20171011             —HANDELT ES—SICH um Rückstände aus der Industrieproduktion,
20171011             An einzelnen Klärwerken im Tessin sei die Goldkonzentration im Klärschlamm so hoch, daß sich womöglich 1.Rückgewinnung lohnen würde, so DIE—FORSCHER.
20171011             Silber im Abwasser stammt etwa aus der Chemie—, PHARMA—INDUSTRIE und wird ebenso in der HIGHTECH—FORSCHUNG und Entwicklung eingesetzt -
20171011             Auch Seltene Erden und andere Metalle wurden in der Analyse im Abwasser nachgewiesen.
20171011             Gesundheitsgefährdend seien die Konzentrationen nach —BISHERIGEN Erkenntnissen nicht.
20171011             EMINEM—VERSUS— - Katalanisches Hin und Her: SPANIEN fordert klares Ja oder Nein
20171011             Psychologie: Die Stimme verrät, was das Gegenüber fühlt
20171011             Konjunktur in DEUTSCHLAND: Regierung erwartet 33 % mehr Wachstum
20171011             DIE—GEFÜHLSLAGE eines Mitmenschen lässt sich womöglich am besten durch bloßes ZUHÖREN—OHNE—BEOBACHTEN—DER—MIMIK—EINSCHÄTZEN.
20171011             Wenn die Probanden den Gesprächspartner nicht sahen, sondern nur hörten, konnten sie dessen Emotionen am genauesten einschätzen.
20171011             "Möglicherweise ist es nicht die beste Strategie, aus der Mimik oder aus der KOMBINATION—VON—STIMME und Mimik die Stimmung oder die Absichten des Gegenübers richtig einzuschätzen",
20171011             Genaues Zuhören ist laut Kraus das Erfolgsrezept, um jemanden zu verstehen.
20171011             Und noch etwas trägt dazu bei, daß die Stimme Emotionen besonders authentisch transportiert:
20171011             hat DAS—GEHIRN 1—VORTEIL, wenn es nur zuhören muss: Es müsse sich dann nur auf 1—SIGNAL konzentrieren und könne so schneller und genauer arbeiten,
20171011             "DIE—SIGNALE, die wir über die Stimme aussenden, sind so zuverlässig, daß auch Computer sie lernen können",
20171011             Björn Schuller, Professor für maschinelles Lernen im GESUNDHEITS—WESEN an der UNIVERSITÄT—AUGSBURG.
20171011             Er und sein Team haben Programme entwickelt, die anhand von stimmlichen Merkmalen wie Lautstärke, Geschwindigkeit oder Tonlage Aussagen über den emotionalen Zustand treffen, aber auch über Persönlichkeit, Größe oder Alter DER—MENSCHEN.
20171011             —DERZEIT, arbeiten sie daran, DIE—MASCHINELLE Emotionserkennung durch die Stimme auch in der Medizin zu nutzen.
20171011             Zum Beispiel könnten sie —SCHON im Alter von —10—MONATEN 1.PROGNOSE—FÜR—MÖGLICHE Entwicklungsstörungen wie Autismus geben.
20171011             So könne man etwa auf den Herzschlag der Schauspielerin MARILYN—MONROE schließen, kurz bevor sie 1—FILMPARTNER küsst.
20171011             [l] DER—SUPREME—COURT—VON—INDIEN hat entschieden, daß Sex mit 1—MINDERJÄHRIGEN Braut Vergewaltigung ist.
20171011             [l] Wieso hat REX—TILLERSON eigentlich DONALD—TRUMP als "MOROn"bezeichnet?
20171011             Hier ist 1—GERÜCHT dazu:
20171011             So, over THE—SUMMER, he asked instead for 1—TENFOLD increase IN—THE—USA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS, NBC—NEWS reported —ON—WEDNESDAY, adding that the request startled his advisers and was followed SOON—AFTER with SECRETARY—OF—STATE—REX—TILLERSON calling him a "moron".
20171011             [l] Sag mal, DIE—REPUBLIKANER haben doch auch keinen Bock auf 1—NUKLEAREN HOLOCAUST.
20171011             Ja, haben sie!
20171011             REPUBLICANs Are Talking About Tackling DONALD—TRUMP—IF—HE—GOES for the Nuclear Football
20171011             Dazu muss man 2—DINGE wissen.
20171011             2., Tackling ist 1—MANÖVER im USA—FOOTBALL, bei dem sich Spieler auf andere Spieler stürzen, um sie zum Sturz zu bringen.
20171011             Ist das —JETZT also 1—JOKE?
20171011             [l] Hat hier jemand —IN—LETZTER—ZEIT 1.neue Matratze gekauft?
20171011             —VERWENDET, Und das Zeug wird nicht nur für Matratzen, auch für Sitzpolster in Autos und Polster und Holzbeschichtungen.
20171011             KATALONIEN—UNABHÄNGIGKEIT, Rajoy treibt PUIGDEMONT in die Enge
20171011             —ZEITMESSUNG: Die ATOM—SEKUNDE wird 50
20171011             RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE: ISRAEL drängt BERLIN zu U—BOOT—DEAL
20171011             —URTEIL—IN—INDIEN: Sex mit Minderjährigen ist auch in der Ehe strafbar
20171011             Vorzeitige TODES—FÄLLE in der EU: 400.000—MENSCHEN —STERBEN PRO—JAHR durch FEIN—STAUB
20171011             Angebot an USA—REGIERUNG: Mensa will IQ—TEST für DONALD—TRUMP und TILLERSON ausrichten
20171011             KOBE—STEEL: SKANDAL—UM—GEPANSCHTE Metalle erschüttert JAPAN
20171011             Untergetaucht in BOLOGNA: Häftlinge nutzen ESSEN mit PAPA zur Flucht
20171011             DONALD—TRUMP—STEUERPLÄNE: IWF streitet mit USA—REGIERUNG
20171011             FRANKREICH: Mängel an Rohren in ATOM—KRAFT—WERKEN
20171011             Ermittlungen im Darknet: AUSTRALIENs POLIZEI betrieb riesige KINDER—PORNO—PLATTFORM
20171011             Nimmt man den strengeren Maßstab der WELT—GESUNDHEITS—ORGANISATION (WHO), mussten sogar 80 % DER—MENSCHEN in der EU zu viel FEIN—STAUB einatmen.
20171011             —BIS in die FÜNFZIGER—JAHRE galt, was der Mathematiker CARL—FRIEDRICH—GAUSS etwa —120—JAHRE—ZUVOR vorgeschlagen hatte: —DIE—SEKUNDE sei der 86.400.
20171011             DIE—ATOMSEKUNDE gibt es
20171011             "In ihrem Inneren ermöglichen die Schwingungen von CÄSIUM—ATOMEN - 9.192.631.770—MAL —IN—DER—SEKUNDE—DIE genaue Zeitmessung: für Laien unvorstellbar genau",
20171011             Auf der 13.
20171011             —BIS—HEUTE, gilt diese Definition.
20171011             Größter Buchladen SÜD—ASIENS: 200.000—BÜCHER - 4.000—QUADRATMETER Freiheit
20171011—20160500    —TRIED, SWITZERLAND—NATIONAL—JOACHIM—LANDWEHR, who is on the run and was, in absentia, was sentenced to —7—YEARS for throwing 1—SMOKE—BOMB into the car —DURING THE—ATTACK.
20171011—20171013    —ON, police arrested suspect ARRON—LAWSON, —23—JAHRE—ALT near Ironton, 12—MILES—SOUTH—OF—THE trailer home.
20171013—201801011231"VOGEL—DES—JAHRES": Es ist 1—STAR
20171024             —CALLED, PORTUGAL, 1—WOMEN—RIGHTS—GROUP, 1—RALLY to protest against an 20171011             court ruling that upheld 1—LIGHT—SENTENCE for 1—WOMAN—ATTACKERS on the grounds they may have been driven to it by her adultery.
20181007—20181011    —ON, Disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said LARGE—SCALE—SEARCHES with MANY—PERSONNEL and heavy equipment would cease.
20181009—20181011    —ON, 2—MORE—PEOPLE were found dead, bringing to at least 12 THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE killed.
20181011             —GEWORDEN, USA—PRÄSIDENT: "DIE—FED ist verrückt "
20181011             —BLAMED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, "crazy" POLICIES—OF—THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE for contributing to financial market turmoil.
20181011             European stock markets fell as economic strains and 1—DRASTIC—DOWNTURN in ASIA spooked investors, but WALL—STREET managed to put 1—HALT on its sharp fall seen the previous —DAY, the worst —SINCE—FEBRUARY.
20181011             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he was wary of halting arms sales to SAUDI—ARABIA over the case as the key USA—ALLY would —JUST shift its weapons purchases to RUSSIA and CHINA.
20181011             —CONCERNED, Major USA—DEFENSE—CONTRACTORS were, that lawmakers angered by the disappearance of 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—JOURNALIST—IN—TURKEY will block further arms deals with SAUDI—ARABIA.
20181011             ARKANSAS' highest court upheld 1—VOTER—ID law that is nearly identical to 1—RESTRICTION struck down by the court —4—YEARS—AGO.
20181011             —KILLED, At least 15—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER—POLICE were, battling Taliban insurgents, as fighting continues AHEAD—OF—THIS—MONTH—ELECTIONS, with 21—TALIBAN killed in 1—OPERATION in Wardak, WEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL—KABUL.
20181011             —KILLED, In the north 4—CIVILIANS were, —WHEN 1—TALIBAN car bomb targeting 1—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN—HEADQUARTERS in Faryab province exploded prematurely.
20181011             † Several Taliban fighters were also killed.
20181011             —CHARGED, BELGIUM—AUTHORITIES, 5—PEOPLE in relation to 1—MASSIVE—FINANCIAL—FRAUD and MATCH—FIXING probe into soccer.
20181011             BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—MUSLIM wartime COMMANDER—ATIF—DUDAKOVIC, —65—JAHRE—ALT and 16—SENIOR—MEMBERS—OF—HIS—UNIT were charged with carrying out atrocities against Serbs in WEST—BOSNIA —DURING the 19920000—19950000     war.
20181011             —ISSUED, THE—COURT—IN—ALEXANDRIA also, life sentences to 19—DEFENDANTS and sentenced another 9 to —15—YEARS in prison on TERROR—RELATED charges.
20181011             —UPENDED, FRANCE, scuba divers found 2—PEOPLE—DEAD inside 1, car lolling on 1—BEACH —AFTER torrential rains wrought havoc along the Riviera coast overnight.
20181011             —DAMAGED, EAST—INDIA, Cyclone Titli (Butterfly), homes and blew down trees and power poles, where 9—PEOPLE were killed and about 300,000 forced to move to higher ground.
20181011             INDONESIA, LEADERS—OF—THE—ASSOCIATION—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NATIONS (ASEAN) reaffirmed their commitment to open trading systems that have underpinned their economic growth.
20181011             The leaders met in Bali, on the sidelines of the annual MEETING—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND and World Bank.
20181011             —DESTROYED, ISRAEL, 1—CROSS—BORDER—TUNNEL running from THE—GAZA—STRIP into ISRAEL—TERRITORY, which it said was dug by THE—PALESTINE—HAMAS group with the aim of carrying out attacks.
20181011             —EXPECTED, He was, to discuss migration, 1—SENSITIVE—TOPIC in ITALY, as well as investment opportunities in ETHIOPIA.
20181011             —REOPENED, TOKYO—FAMOUS—FISH—MARKET, at 1—NEW—LOCATION but retained its most famous tradition: the tuna auction at the waterfront Toyosu facility.
20181011             Manan Wani, 1—KASHMIRI—SCHOLAR—TURNED rebel leader, and his colleague were killed in 1—GUNBATTLE with INDIA—TROOPS.
20181011             —PRINTED, THE—AN—NAHAR daily, 1—OF—LEBANON—LEADING newspapers, 1—BLANK—ISSUE to protest the country's LONG—RUNNING political gridlock and the failure to form 1—GOVERNMENT —5—MONTHS—AFTER elections.
20181011             —BELIEVED, LIBYA—AUTHORITIES said they have found 1—MASS—GRAVE, to contain the bodies of 75—ISLAMIC—STATE—FIGHTERS—NEAR the coastal CITY—OF—SIRTE, formerly the main NORTH—AFRICA—STRONGHOLD—OF—THE—EXTREMIST—GROUP.
20181011             1—RESIDENT reported the grave about —1—MONTH—AGO on his farm in AL—DAHEIR district.
20181011             MALAYSIA—NEW government said it will abolish the death penalty for all crimes and halt all pending executions.
20181011             THE—MALDIVES—SUPREME—COURT said it would examine PRESIDENT—ABDULLA—YAMEEN—PETITION to annul his —SEPTEMBER election defeat despite INTERNATIONAL pressure on the strongman leader to go quietly.
20181011             MEXICO—AUTHORITIES in Guerrero STATE—SAID—MARINES have found the skeletal remains of 6—MEN in illegal burial pits inside 1—HOUSE in the resort of ACAPULCO.
20181011             —COLLAPSED, NORTH—MEXICO, 3—LEVELS—OF—1—SHOPPING mall, killing at least 7—MEN in MONTERREY.
20181011             —CARRIED, Work was being, without the necessary licenses.
20181011             —CONFIRMED, POLAND, 1—OFFICIAL—OF—THE—SUPREME—ADMINISTRATIVE—COURT, that the court had —NOW ruled in favor of the lesbian parents of 1—POLAND—BOY and have been given the right to register him in POLAND as their child.
20181011             THE—2—MAN—USA—RUSSIA—CREW—OF—1—SOYUZ spacecraft en route to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION was forced to make 1—DRAMATIC—EMERGENCY landing in KAZAKHSTAN —WHEN their rocket failed in MID—AIR.
20181011             —MALFUNCTIONED, The rocket, —2—MINUTES—AFTER liftoff, forcing its 2—MAN—CREW—OF—NICK—HAGUE and RUSSIA—COSMONAUT ALEXEI—OVCHININ to make 1—EMERGENCY landing.
20181011             —CAUSED, Investigators —LATER said the rocket failure was, by 1—SENSOR that was damaged —DURING assembly at THE—SOVIET—ERA cosmodrome at Baikonur.
20181011             —OPENED, SAUDI—ARABIA—NEW—HIGH—SPEED—RAILWAY, to the public, whisking Muslim pilgrims and other travelers between MECCA and Medina, ISLAM—HOLIEST—CITIES.
20181011             —BRAVED, EAST—SYRIA, USA—BACKED fighters, 1—SANDSTORM to BATTLE—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP in heavy clashes that killed several fighters on both sides.
20181011             The fighting began —1—DAY—EARLIER and killed at least 10—USA—ALLIED fighters, with the fate of 35—OTHERS—UNKNOWN.
20181011             18 IS militants were reported killed.
20181011             —STRANDED, Relief workers and refugees said THOUSANDS—OF—SYRIANS, on JORDAN—BORDER with Syria are running OUT—OF—FOOD as routes leading to their camp are closed by THE—SYRIA—ARMY and JORDAN is blocking aid deliveries.
20181011             TANZANIA, MOHAMMED—DEWJI, —43—JAHRE—ALT, AFRICA—YOUNGEST billionaire, was snatched as he entered the gym of 1—HOTEL in DAR—ES—SALAAM.
20181011             Dewji heads the MeTL Group which operates in about 10—COUNTRIES with interests in agriculture to insurance, transport, logistics and the food industry.
20181011             —CONVICTED, THAILAND—AUTHORITIES, 70—PAKISTAN—ASYLUM—SEEKERS—OF staying illegally in THAILAND despite their protestations that they face persecution if they are sent home, as police intensified 1—CRACKDOWN on illegal immigration.
20181011             † In EAST—UGANDA at least 34—PEOPLE in mudslides triggered by torrential rains in THE—DISTRICT—OF—BUDUDA.
20181011             —WRECKED, Wanjenwa village was, by 1—TORRENT—OF—ROCKS carried down river by the deluge.
20181011             The death toll soon rose to 43.
20181011             AL—AYOLOFI, 1—CONVERT to Bahaism, has been outspoken about Houthi abuses against Bahai followers.
20181011             His whereabouts remain unknown.
20181011             —ARRESTED, ZIMBABWE police, DOZENS—OF—TRADE—UNION—MEMBERS and activists ahead of 1 planned protest in the capital over the worst economic crisis in —1—DECADE.
20181011             —ARRESTED, POLICE—ZIMBABWE CONGRESS—OF—TRADE—UNIONS—MEMBERS in HARARE and the cities of MUTARE and Masvingo.
20181011             —BANNED, The government, the protest, citing 1—ONGOING cholera outbreak.
20181011             The arrested Trade union leaders and SCORES—OF—ACTIVISTS were released on bail over the next —2—DAYS.
20181011             —AM, : Danke für das tolle Feedback!!
20181011             Hier 1—PAAR ergänzende aktuelle Links: -"Zur STELLUNGNAHME—DER—NEW—YORK—TIMES gegen 1.MILITÄRINTERVENTION—IN—VENEZUELE":
20181011             [l] Du weißt, daß es schlimm um den WIRTSCHAFTSSTAND—ORT DEUTSCHLAND bestellt ist, wenn wir nicht mal mehr ordentliche MORD—WAFFEN fabrizieren können.
20181011             Das ist ja 1.Sache, wenn unsere AUTOMOBIL—INDUSTRIE versagt, aber DAS!?
20181011             Wenn das DER FÖHRER wüsste!!1!
20181011             [l] Tavis Ormandy hat mal dem Kronzeugen in Bloombergs aktueller Meldung hinterherrecherchiert und fand dieses Datenblatt für deren Produkt.
20181011             DIE—ERÖFFNEN direkt mit "oh mein Gott die Supply Chains sind gefährlich" und verkaufen dann... 1.Familienpackung Schlangenöl?!
20181011             Damit ist die Sache für mich klar.
20181011             Bloombergs Story ist nicht glaubwürdig.
20181011             DIE—SIND auf 1—SCHLANGENÖLVERKÄUFER reingefallen.
20181011             Fall SERGEJ—SKRIPAL: INTERNETseite nennt Namen eines 3. GRU—AGENTEN
20181011             Hurrikan: "MICHAEL" richtet in FLORIDA schwere Verwüstungen an
20181011             Vulkan auf SIZILIEN: Das rätselhafte Abrutschen des Ätna
20181011             Das könnte nach ANSICHT—DER—FORSCHER katastrophale Folgen haben.
20181011             DIKTATORengattin Jiang Qing: "Ich war Maos Hund"
20181011             DEUTSCHE—KONZERNE in UNGARN: Warum Audi und Daimler mit ORBÁN bestens zurechtkommen (SPIEGEL+, 09:28)
20181011             UN—WETTER auf SARDINIEN: Brücke nahe CAGLIARI eingestürzt
20181011             WELTHUNGER—INDEX 20180000             : 50—LÄNDER verlieren den KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—HUNGER
20181011             DAX mit Kursverlusten: Analysten sprechen von "CRASH—MODUS"
20181011             2—ASTRONAUTEN an Bord: Panne nach Start von "Sojus"-Rakete zur ISS—NOTLANDUNG
20181011             BND—ÜBERWACHUNG: Betreiber von INTERNETknoten ruft VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT an
20181011             RÜCKGANG—DER—AKTIEN—KURSE: Ist die Party an den BÖRSEn —JETZT vorbei?
20181011             WIRTSCHAFTS—HISTORIKERIN über den BÖRSEnboom zur KAISERzeit: Als DIE—DEUTSCHEN zu Spekulanten wurden (SPIEGEL+, 14:23)
20181011             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, SCHWARZE Löcher: Letzte Arbeit von STEPHEN—HAWKING
20181011             1. in DEUTSCHLAND: Tierarzt steckt sich mit WEST—NIL—VIRUS an
20181011             DONALD—TRUMP droht CHINA im HANDELS—STREIT: "Ich kann noch viel mehr machen"
20181011             Neuer HIGHSPEED—ZUG in SAUDI—ARABIEN: Von Mekka nach MEDINA in —2—STUNDEN
20181011             Phänomen im All: Astronomen beobachten mysteriöse Radioblitze
20181011             Aus der ANTIKE: 58—SCHIFFSWRACKS in der Ägäis entdeckt
20181011             —ZWISCHEN LAOS und THAILAND: am Mekong, wo CHINA —BEREITS DIE—WELT beherrscht (SPIEGEL+, 18:12)
20181011             WAHL—SMS an Mitarbeiter: Ernst & Young ruft zur Wahl "demokratischer Kräfte" auf
20181011             LIRA—KRISE—IN—DER—TÜRKEI: INNEN—MINISTER will "Wucherer" abstrafen
20181011             —NEUEN—SYSTEM in ÖSTERREICH: Computer sollen Arbeitslose bewerten (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 19:08)
20181011             Missglückter "Sojus"-Start: Die Notlandung, die Erleichterung und ein böser Verdacht
20181011             DAS—PHÄNOMEN der kurzen Radioblitze oder "Fast Radio Bursts" wurde 20070000             —ERST, entdeckt.
20181011             Da die Blitze über extrem weite Entfernungen zu sehen sind, müssen sie von sehr energiereichen Ereignissen erzeugt WERDEN—EXPERTEN schätzen, daß dabei auf 1—SCHLAG so viel Energie frei wird wie 500.000.000 Sonnen zeitgleich abstrahlen.
20181011             sich die Blitze auf 1—TAUSENDSTEL—GRAD genau am Himmel lokalisieren lassen.
20181011             Und sie eröffnet 1—WEG zur Untersuchung der Materie zwischen den Galaxien.
20181011             "Wenn der Blitz schließlich DIE—ERDE erreicht, kommt die Spanne seiner Wellenlängen zu leicht unterschiedlichen Zeiten an, wie Schwimmer an der Ziellinie",
20181011             "DIE—GENAUE Zeitmessung bei der Ankunft der verschiedenen Wellenlängen VERRÄTUSA—WIE viel Material der Blitz auf seiner Reise durchquert hat".
20181011             Man könne —NUN 1.neue GESCHICHTE über die Handelsrouten erzählen, die DIE—STAATEN im antiken MITTELMEER—RAUM verbanden, s
20181011             DIE—INSEL—GRUPPE Fourni diente zahlreichen Schiffen einst als Zwischenstopp.
20181011             Das war zum ENDE—DER—RÖMER—ZEIT, als es —SCHON VIELE—ANSIEDLUNGEN—VON—DEN—FRANKEN gab.
20181011             Die Mannschaft von Sojus MS-10
20181011             —NACH—DEM Ausfall der 2. Stufe der Trägerrakete in den 1. Flugminuten erreicht die Sojus MS-10 nicht den Orbit und muss notlanden.
20181011             Die 2—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER NICK—HAGUE und ALEXEI—OWTSCHININ bleiben unversehrt.
20181011—19760000    —CALLED, In THE—SF—BAY—AREA—RODNEY—HALBOWER, —70—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MAN, the Gypsy Hill Killer, was sentenced to 2—LIFE—SENTENCES for the rape and murder of 2—TEENAGE—PENINSULA women.
20181011—20161200    —IN, 1—EGYPT—MILITARY—COURT sentenced 17—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS to death for involvement in deadly attacks on Christians and
20181011—20170400    —IN, plotting twin suicide bombings in churches in ALEXANDRIA and TANTA, on Palm —SUNDAY.
20181011—20300000    —BIS, MEDIEN—BERICHT, Schulen brauchen Zehntausende neue Lehrer PRO—JAHR (Leben und Lernen, 09:32)
201901011231         —JAHRES—WIRTSCHAFTS—BERICHT—BUNDES—REGIERUNG rechnet mit deutlicher Wachstumsdelle
201901011231         SHELL—STUDIE, Mehrheit Jugendlicher in DEUTSCHLAND ist empfänglich für populistische Parolen (Leben und Lernen, 11:15)
20191008—20191011    —ON, The app, known as GjejZâ, (Find your Voice), will launch —AFTER winning 1—INTERNATIONAL—TECHNOLOGY—COMPETITION for girls in THE—USA.
20191011             —TAGUNG, Auf der, GOOGLE—LISTE sind Hunderte Gruppen aufgeführt, an die der Konzern nach eigenen Angaben "bedeutende Summen" gespendet hat.
20191011             —ANNOUNCED, THE—PENTAGON, it was bolstering USA—FORCES in SAUDI—ARABIA —AFTER RIYADH asked for reinforcements —FOLLOWING 20190914             —THE—DRONE—AND—MISSILE—ATTACK—ON—SAUDI—ARABIA—OIL—PLANTS which WASHINGTON blames on IRAN.
20191011             —NAMED, DONALD—TRUMP, STATE—DEPARTMENT—NUMBER 2—JOHN—SULLIVAN to be THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to RUSSIA, making the veteran Republican 1—KEY—PLAYER in THE—USA—PRESIDENT'S complicated relationship with MOSCOW.
20191011             —REACHED, THE—USA—AND—CHINESE, 1—TENTATIVE agreement in principle regarding trade.
20191011             —ADDED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION said it is suspending, tariffs on $250—BILLION in CHINA—IMPORTS and CHINA agreed to buy $40 to $50—BILLION in USA—FARM—PRODUCTS.
20191011             FORMER—USA—AMBASSADOR to UKRAINE MARIE—YOVANOVITCH told House impeachment investigators that PRESIDENT—TRUMP had pressured THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT to oust her from her post and get her OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20191011             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGES in CALIFORNIA and NEW—YORK halted PRESIDENT—TRUMP—PLANS to deny legal status and work permist to noncitizens who accept public benefits, like foodstamps and Medicaid.
20191011             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM, AB2, 1—BILL requiring that public universities provide abortion pills on campus.
20191011             1 divided FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—SAID—OHIO cannot enforce a 20170000             law banning abortions —WHEN medical tests show that 1—FETUS has Down syndrome.
20191011             BOSTON, PETER—JAN—SARTORIO, —53—JAHRE—ALT, the owner of 1—CALIFORNIA frozen foods company, was ordered to perform —250—HOURS—OF—COMMUNITY—SERVICE and pay a $9,500 fine for paying $15,000 to rig his daughter's college entrance exam in 1—WIDESPREAD—ADMISSIONS—SCANDAL.
20191011             —KILLED, INDIANA STATE—TROOPER—PETER—R—STEPHAN, —27—JAHRE—ALT was, in 1—CAR—CRASH in Tippecanoe County —WHILE he was headed to help another trooper.
20191011             Uber said it would buy 1—MAJORITY—STAKE in online grocery provider Cornershop as THE—RIDE—HAILING giant moves to expand its FAST—GROWING delivery service into the grocery store market.
20191011             SANTIAGO—BASED—CORNERSHOP operates in MEXICO, CHILE, CANADA and PERU, but CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OSKAR—HJERTONSSON said the deal would allow it to deliver groceries "in MANY—MORE—COUNTRIES —AROUND the world".
20191011             —VENTURED, INTERNATIONAL space station astronauts, out on their 2. spacewalk —THIS—WEEK to swap more batteries.
20191011             —ARMED, NORTH—BURKINA—FASO, men stormed the grand mosque in the vilage of Salmossi, killing at least 16—PEOPLE and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20191011             —ARRIVED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING, in INDIA for meetings with PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI at 1—TIME—OF—TENSIONS over BEIJING—SUPPORT for PAKISTAN in opposing INDIA—DOWNGRADING—OF—KASHMIR—SEMI—AUTONOMY and continuing restrictions on the disputed region.
20191011             ETHIOPIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ABIY—AHMED won 20190000             —THE—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE for his peacemaking efforts which ended —2—DECADES—OF—HOSTILITY with longtime enemy ERITREA.
20191011             —THREATENED, EU governments, SANCTIONS—AGAINST—TURKEY over its offensive in Syria, angrily rejecting PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN—WARNING that he would "open the gates" and send 3.6—MILLION—REFUGEES to EUROPE if they did not back him.
20191011             HONG—KONG, HUNDREDS—OF—MASK—WEARING—PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTERS marched through the central business district, occupying 1—MAIN thoroughfare and disrupting traffic as THE—CHINESE—RULED city braced for another WEEKEND—OF—UNREST.
20191011             —CLAIMED, IRAN, that its oil tanker Sabiti was been struck with 2—MISSILES off THE—COAST—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, however the incident was shrouded in mystery.
20191011             There was no independent evidence to suggest the vessel had been hit.
20191011             —ASKED, ISRAEL said it has, RUSSIA to show leniency to 1—ISRAEL—TOURIST arrested on drug charges and has rejected 1—APPARENT swap involving 1—DETAINED—RUSSIA—NATIONAL—SUBJECT to extradition to THE—USA.
20191011             —SENTENCED, Naama Issachar (26) was, to 7 and 1—HALF—YEARS in prison —TODAY—AFTER being arrested at MOSCOW—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT —IN—APRIL.
20191011             —LAUNCHED, NIGERIA, global RIDE—HAILING firm Uber Technologies Inc, 1—PILOT—TEST—OF—1—BOAT—SERVICE in LAGOS to attract commuters seeking to avoid the megacity's notoriously congested roads.
20191011             —LAUNCHED, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said it has, 1—VACCINATION—CAMPAIGN in 2—SOUTHEASTERN provinces in SUDAN to contain 1—CHOLERA outbreak —FOLLOWING flash floods that swept the country in —LATE—AUGUST.
20191011             —CRITICIZED, THAILAND army CHIEF—GENERAL—APIRAT—KONGSOMPONG strongly, opposition politicians and academics.
20191011             He accused them of colluding to brainwash and mobilize young people and of having "communist" ideas to overthrow the monarchy.
20191011             —KILLED, TURKEY—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY said 2—MORE—CIVILIANS have been, in 1—MORTAR ATTACK—ON—1—TURKEY—BORDER—TOWN —WHILE another person † of wounds from 1—SIMILAR—ATTACK —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20191011             —DETAINED, TURKEY—INTERIOR—MINISTER said that 121—PEOPLE have been, for social media posts critical of its military offensive into KURDISH—HELD NORTH—EAST—SYRIA.
20191011             —KILLED, At least 6—CIVILIANS have been, in TURKEY and 7—CIVILIANS in Syria —SINCE ANKARA —THIS—WEEK launched the air and ground operation.
20191011             World Health Organization (WHO) experts said measles is staging 1—DEVASTATING comeback in epidemics across the world as the virus exploits dangerous gaps in vaccination coverage.
20191011             —TODAY marked the 8. annual INTERNATIONAL—DAY—OF—THE—GIRL, 1—UN—OBSERVANCE that focuses attention and resources on the fight for girls' rights and empowerment.
20191011             1—ZIMBABWE—COURT ordered doctors on a —40—DAY—STRIKE over pay to return to work within —48—HOURS, —AFTER 1—RULING that their boycott was illegal.
20191011             Offensive in NORD—SYRIEN: DONALD—TRUMP will "Deal" zwischen TÜRKEI und KURDEN vermitteln
20191011             Große SUPER—MARKTKETTEN betroffen: Milch mit Bakterien BELASTET—DEUTSCHLANDWEITER Rückruf
20191011             Rotes Meer: IRAN meldet Explosion auf Öltanker
20191011             "Vogel des —JAHRES 2020": Die Turteltaube ist vom AUS—STERBEN bedroht
20191011             Trotz NIEDRIG—ZINSEN: Geldvermögen der DEUTSCHEN steigt auf REKORD—WERT
20191011             —STUDIE—ZUM—KOHLEAUSSTIEG: STROM—PREISE könnten 20220000             —BIS um mehr als 60 % steigen
20191011             Einmarsch der TÜRKEI: 70.000—MENSCHEN in NORD—SYRIEN auf der Flucht
20191011             DONALD—TRUMP und DIE—UKRAINE—AFFÄRE : WATERGATE—ERMITTLER verlangen Impeachment
20191011             Mögliche Ursache für Unfruchtbarkeit: Chlamydien 1. in Hoden nachgewiesen
20191011             504—MEGAWATT in —9—MONATEN: AUSBAU—DER— WIND—ENERGIE sinkt um 80 %
20191011             USA—GOOGLE unterstützt KLIMA—WANDEL—LEUGNER
20191011             Europäische Union schlägt Alarm: "Rechtsextremisten sind auf dem Vormarsch"
20191011             [l] Gewitter sind über Schifffahrtsrouten doppelt so häufig wie über anderen Teilen des Meers.
20191011             Faszinierend! Wird wohl von den Abgasen verursacht.
20191011             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON? DIE—POLIZEI verhaftet DIE—KINDER im Vorgarten, wegen "loitering" (Herumhängen)?
20191011             SCHWARZE, natürlich.
20191011             —VERKÜNDET, Gespräche mit CHINA: DONALD—TRUMP, Teileinigung im HANDELS—STREIT
20191011             TÜRKEI—OFFENSIVE in NORD—SYRIEN: Flucht ins Ungewisse
20191011             USA—FINANZ—MINISTER—MNUCHIN: "Wenn wir müssen, können wir die TÜRKISCHE—WIRTSCHAFT stilllegen"
20191011             Schutz von Synagogen: Es reicht
20191011—19650318    —PRECEDED, His —12—MINUTE spacewalk, the 1. USA spacewalk by ED—WHITE by less than —3—MONTHS.
20191016—20191011    —ARRESTED, CHRISTOPHER—PRESTIPINO, —45—JAHRE—ALT was, on SUSPICION—OF—MURDER, kidnapping and conspiracy to commit murder.
20201011             —SONNTAG, 20201011
20201011             [l] SCHWEDEN und die SCHWEIZ kloppen sich gerade über die Crypto AG / Crypto INTERNATIONAL.
20201011             genau wie die Amis ihren Drohnenkrieg mit Weiterleitung über DEUTSCHLAND führen), haben sie der aus PR—GRÜNDEN umfirmierten "Nachfolgerfirma" Crypto INTERNATIONAL kurzerhand die Exporterlaubnis entzogen.
20201011             [l] Ist euch aufgefallen, dass der STAAT in letzter Zeit gehäuft privatrechtliche Firmen betreibt?
20201011             Der Trend ist —SCHON etwas älter und stammt aus der ungehemmten Privatisierungsideologie der 90er —JAHRE, als es noch um Telekom und Bahn ging.
20201011             Na ganz einfach: Gerade deswegen!
20201011             Denn Privatrechtliche Firmen im Bundesbesitz fallen nicht unter Transparenzgesetze.
20201011             Das ist wie wenn 1—KRIMINELLER—1—BURNER—PHONE kauft im HOLLYWOOD—FILM.
20201011             Und natürlich versuchen die das genau so zu framen wie alle anderen von fieser KI—MALWARE "Angegriffenen":
20201011             Oh und als die Angreifer merkten, wie weit bei der Software AG die Tür offen stand, haben sie schnell noch an Daten rausgetragen was sie konnten.
20201011             —JETZT wo die "Angriffe" soweit automatisiert und gestreamlined sind, dass man da nur noch einen Knopf drücken muss und die Daten sprudeln von überall rein.
20201011             Angeblich wollen die über 20—MIO Dollar haben.
20201011             [l] und der CTO machte dann seinem Ärger Luft.
20201011             Wenn man immer nur auf Security 8. würde, hätten wir weder Autos noch Flugzeuge.
20201011             Wenn der CTO Security (Sicherheit gegen Angreifer) und Safety (Sicherheit gegen Unfälle) nicht auseinanderhalten kann, dann haben deren Produkte wahrscheinlich weder das eine noch das andere, steht zu befürchten.
20201011             grusel
20201011             —VERWEIGERT, Infizierter Wahlkämpfer Trump: Weißes Haus, Nachweis eines negativen CORONA—TESTS
20201011             Hunderttausend Demonstranten erwartet: Opposition in BELARUS ruft zu 'Marsch des Stolzes' auf
20201011             Meere in der Klimakrise: Die Welt in Seenot
20201011             TED—KONFERENZ: "Wir müssen unsere Natur wiederaufbauen"
20201011             Europäische Weltraumorganisation: Esa will Raumstation für die Erforschung des Mondes bauen
20201011             Politik in den USA: Das größte Problem an Trump sind seine Wähler
20201011             Kaukasus: Es gibt keine "Waffenruhe" in Bergkarabach
20201011             Astronomie: Der Mars ist uns so nah wie in den nächsten —15—JAHREN nicht mehr
20201011             —AM—MITTWOCH wird die Erde genau zwischen der Sonne und dem Roten Planeten stehen,
20201011             In dieser Konstellation wirke der Planet heller und größer als sonst.
20201011             Die Erde steht dem Magazin zufolge etwa alle —26—MONATE zwischen Mars und Sonne.
20201011             dem Magazin zufolge
20201011             —IM—SOMMER 20180000             war der Mars uns noch deutlich näher.
20201011             Ungefähr 57,6 Millionen Kilometer lagen damals zwischen der Erde und ihrem äußeren Nachbarplaneten.
20201011             betrug die Entfernung zwischen Erde und Mars 20030000             etwa 55,6 Millionen Kilometer.
20201011             Es war laut Nasa die größte Annäherung in 60.—000—JAHREN.
20201011             Cartoons —DER—WOCHE: Herz über Kopf
20201011             Trump über seine CORONA—ERKRANKUNG: "Sieht so aus, als wäre ich immun"
20201011             —INFIZIERT, Weltweit 37—MILLIONEN
20201011             Ungeachtet strikterer CORONA—REGELN haben in ISRAEL erneut Tausende Menschen gegen Regierungschef BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU demonstriert.
20201011             es nach Angaben eines AFP—FOTOGRAFEN zu gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen mit der Polizei kam.
20201011             ISRAEL hat mit mehr als 280.000—CORONA—FÄLLEN bei rund 9—MILLIONEN Einwohnern 1—DER—HÖCHSTEN—INFEKTIONSRATEN weltweit.
20201011             "Wir haben 5—VOR 12. - Man darf sich die Lage nicht länger schönreden".
20201011             Von USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP geht nach Angaben seines Leibarztes "kein Übertragungsrisiko für andere" mehr aus.
20201011             erklärte SEAN—CONLEY.
20201011             Mindestens 3483—NEUINFIZIERTE in DEUTSCHLAND
20201011             ESSEN, gelten —NUN unter anderem strenge Grenzen für Partys.
20201011             Mehr als 7—MILLIONEN Infizierte in INDIEN
20201011             "Ich erwarte von den Bürgern, dass sie aus Verantwortungsbewusstsein nicht mehr alles machen, was sie noch dürfen",
20201011             —BEENDET, Polizei, RAVE—PARTY am Münchner Schlachthof
20201011             1—ANRUFER habe die Beamten alarmiert und von 100—BIS 150—GÄSTEN gesprochen,
20201011             Als Kräfte der Bundespolizei und der Polizei gegen 7—UHR —MORGENS anrückten, fanden sie allerdings nur noch rund 25—MENSCHEN.
20201011             Andere hätten möglicherweise vor Eintreffen der Beamten das Weite gesucht.
20201011             Die Infektionswerte in den CORONA—BRENNPUNKTEN in BAYERN sind weiter gestiegen.
20201011             Die Städte Memmingen und Rosenheim sowie - die Landkreise Fürstenfeldbruck und
20201011             "Auch bei Telearbeit gilt die grundgesetzlich garantierte Unverletzlichkeit der Wohnung",
20201011             Zwar gelte auch bei mobiler Arbeit der Arbeitsschutz.
20201011             Das bedeute aber noch lange nicht, "dass der Arbeitgeber in der Privatwohnung nachschauen muss".
20201011             VIELE—MENSCHEN haben eine kurze Unterbrechung der Abriegelung des CORONA—HOTSPOTS MADRID genutzt, um die SPANISCHE—HAUPTSTADT zu verlassen.
20201011             —AM Donnerstagnachmittag hatte 1—GERICHT die von der Zentralregierung wenige —TAGE zuvor angeordnete weitgehende Abriegelung für rechtswidrig erklärt.
20201011             Für rund —24—STUNDEN war die Stadt offen.
20201011             —BIS dahin hätten fast 80.000—FAHRZEUGE die HAUPTSTADT vor einem verlängerten Wochenende verlassen,
20201011             Die ZAHL—DER—REGISTRIERTEN—FAHRZEUGE sei allerdings nur halb so hoch wie in den Vorjahren gewesen.
20201011             Passanten in MADRID reagierten empört auf das Hin und Her der Maßnahmen.
20201011             "Man weiß nicht mehr, was Sache ist.
20201011             Die Politiker machen uns alle verrückt",
20201011             An der Ladenkasse hat 1—KUNDIN in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG ihre Maske abgenommen und einem Mann aus nächster Nähe ins Gesicht geniest.
20201011             —MOBILISIERT, Die Stadt STUTTGART, zur Verfolgung von Kontaktpersonen im Zuge der CORONA—PANDEMIE die ganze Stadtverwaltung.
20201011             KAMBODSCHA, haben Bauern Puppen zum Schutz vor der CORONA—PANDEMIE vor den Häusern aufgestellt.
20201011             Die als "Ting Mong" bekannten Puppen sind in KAMBODSCHANISCHEN—DÖRFERN häufig zu sehen, wenn Krankheiten wie das DENGUE—FIEBER die Einwohner bedrohen.
20201011             Im mehrheitlich buddhistische KAMBODSCHA glauben VIELE—MENSCHEN, dass Geister an Orte, Tiere und Dinge gebunden sind.
20201011             KAMBODSCHA ist nach offiziellen Angaben bislang größtenteils verschont von der CORONA—PANDEMIE geblieben.
20201011             Das Land verzeichnete insgesamt 283—INFEKTIONEN und keine Todesfälle.
20201011             Kritiker vermuten allerdings, dass die Zahlen auf fehlende Tests zurückzuführen sind.
20201011             In der 2. —NACHT mit der neuen Sperrstunde in BERLIN musste die Polizei erneut Lokale schließen und größere Gruppen auflösen.
20201011             Schwerpunkteinsätze gibt es an diesem 1. Wochenende noch nicht",
20201011             Mehrere größere Menschenansammlungen wurden aufgelöst,
20201011             "Die Kollegen wurden aber nicht getroffen",
20201011             Er habe so 1—SCHUTZVERGLASUNG im Kassenbereich beschädigt,
20201011             Als ihn das Personal auf die Maskenpflicht hinwies, sei er zu seinem Auto gelaufen.
20201011             Dort habe er sich einen mittelalterlichen Helm aufgesetzt und die Axt gegriffen.
20201011             1—ALKOHOLTEST ergab bei dem Mann 1,6 Promille.
20201011             NRW begrenzt Teilnehmerzahl für private Feiern - auf maximal 50—PERSONEN beschränken.
20201011             In den betroffenen Städten sollen —NUN die Öffnungszeiten von Kneipen eingeschränkt und Veranstaltungen mit mehr als 500—TEILNEHMERN im Freien und 250—TEILNEHMERN in geschlossenen Räumen gestrichen werden.
20201011             LIBANON verhängt Ausgangssperre für 170—DÖRFER und Städte
20201011             —ÜBERSCHREITET, MAINZ, ebenfalls kritische Schwelle bei CORONA—INFEKTIONEN
20201011             Lauterbach hält Beherbergungsverbot für einen Fehler
20201011             VIELE—DETAILS—DER—REGELUNG wirkten zudem willkürlich.
20201011             "Wenn man Regeln wie dieses trotzdem aufrechterhält, verliert man die Unterstützung der Bevölkerung für Regeln die sinnvoll und wichtig sind".
20201011             Katalonien und Navarra verschärfen ihre Maßnahmen
20201011             "MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN hat als Ganzes 1—INZIDENZ von etwas um die 5, und BERLIN über 60.
20201011             Wenn es zu solchen Unterschieden im Infektionsgeschehen kommt, ist glaube ich ganz klar, dass jeder sich schützen will, und dann ist so was am Ende unvermeidlich",
20201011             Alentejo tem mais uma morte por COVID—19
20201011             GNR acaba com festa ilegal com 50—PESSOAS em SÃO—BRÁS—DE—ALPORTEL
20201011             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—359—(+9)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—211—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—139—(+9)
20201011             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—10—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—8—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20201011             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—35—(+3)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—7—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—28—(+3)
20201011             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—201—(+5)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—137—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—63—(+5)
20201011             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—69—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—38—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—29—(=)
20201011             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—239—(+5)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—180—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—59—(+1)
20201011             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—369—(+5)—ÓBITOS—8—(=)—RECUPERADOS—233—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—128—(+1)
20201011             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—17—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—15—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20201011             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—83—(+3)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—47—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—36—(+2)
20201011             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—226—(+3)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—147—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—75—(+3)
20201011             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—99—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—70—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—29—(=)
20201011             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—123—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—32—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—89—(+4)
20201011             AVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—122—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—52—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—70—(+1)
20201011             BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 25,85
20201011             BUNDESLAND BAYERN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 24,12
20201011             BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 17,58
20201011             BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 34,14
20201011             BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 18,83
20201011             BUNDESLAND Thüringen Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 10,41
20201011             BERLIN—MITTE—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—2.868—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—764,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—103,1—TODESFÄLLE—21—EINWOHNERZAHL—375.238
20201011             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—2.434—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—758,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—128,9—TODESFÄLLE—43—EINWOHNERZAHL—321.123
20201011             BERLIN—REINICKENDORF—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.267—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—487,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—57,4—TODESFÄLLE—22—EINWOHNERZAHL—259.689
20201011             BREMEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.768—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—487,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—77,3—TODESFÄLLE—54—EINWOHNERZAHL—567.559
20201011             CLOPPENBURG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—858—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—502,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—85,0—TODESFÄLLE—1—EINWOHNERZAHL—170.682
20201011             COCHEM—ZELL—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—174—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—283,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—0,0—TODESFÄLLE—1—EINWOHNERZAHL—61.375
20201011             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.118—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—422,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—29,9—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20201011             ESSEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.482—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—425,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—57,3—TODESFÄLLE—49—EINWOHNERZAHL—582.760
20201011             ESSLINGEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—3.182—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—594,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—59,8—TODESFÄLLE—121—EINWOHNERZAHL—535.024
20201011             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—801—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—413,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—11,9—TODESFÄLLE—27—EINWOHNERZAHL—193.656
20201011             FÜRSTENFELDBRUCK—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.503—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—685,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—64,3—TODESFÄLLE—36—EINWOHNERZAHL—219.311
20201011             GROSS—GERAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.330—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—482,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—51,1—TODESFÄLLE—17—EINWOHNERZAHL—275.726
20201011             HAGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—961—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—509,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—71,0—TODESFÄLLE—14—EINWOHNERZAHL—188.686
20201011             HAMM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.274—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—708,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—58,9—TODESFÄLLE—38—EINWOHNERZAHL—179.916
20201011             HERNE—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—709—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—453,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—86,3—TODESFÄLLE—9—EINWOHNERZAHL—156.449
20201011             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—5.954—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—547,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—59,7—TODESFÄLLE—127—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20201011             RECKLINGHAUSEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.691—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—438,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—56,8—TODESFÄLLE—47—EINWOHNERZAHL—614.137
20201011             REGEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—292—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—377,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—60,7—TODESFÄLLE—12—EINWOHNERZAHL—77.410
20201011             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.002—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—425,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—41,9—TODESFÄLLE—80—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.615
20201011             ROSENHEIM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—774—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.217,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—70,8—TODESFÄLLE—23—EINWOHNERZAHL—63.551
20201011             SOLINGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—770—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—483,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—51,5—TODESFÄLLE—13—EINWOHNERZAHL—159.245
20201011             STUTTGART—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—3.277—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—515,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—50,5—TODESFÄLLE—66—EINWOHNERZAHL—635.911
20201011             UNNA—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.630—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—412,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—54,2—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—394.891
20201011             WESERMARSCH—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—239—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—269,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—50,8—TODESFÄLLE—8—EINWOHNERZAHL—88.583
20201011             WUPPERTAL—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.052—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—577,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—60,5—TODESFÄLLE—88—EINWOHNERZAHL—355.100
20201011             —CIVILIZED, We call ourselves ?
20201011             EUROPE And THE—NEW—SANCTIONS—ON—IRAN
20201011             THE—AMERICANS — they occupy our land and they are supporting the terrorists — it is expected.
20201011             Shedding light on THE—LIMITS—OF—CHINA—POWER
20201011             Here is how it works:
20201011             'War is imminent': IRAQ moves to fend off USA—THREAT to target PRO—IRAN groups
20201011             TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION imposes crushing sanctions on IRAN in defiance of European humanitarian concerns
20201011             1. they came for IRAN—DOMAINS: Takedown of 92—IRAN—OWNED domains includes 4 used for "disinformation" in USA, feds say
20201011             —SENTENCED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT was, with 9—OTHER—DEFENDANTS including 1—SAUDI—KING—AND—PRINCE.
20201011             Nigerians protest against police brutality
20201011             NATO refuses to commit to withdrawal from AFGHANISTAN
20201011             Assad accuses TURKEY—ERDOGAN of igniting ARMENIA—AZERBAIJAN conflict
20201011             THE—UNPRECEDENTED and Illegal Campaign to Eliminate JULIAN—ASSANGE: Assange would never receive 1—FAIR—TRIAL in THE—USA, but he's not receiving 1 in BRITAIN either.
20201011             We call this progress? Weapons dropped from orbit anywhere on Earth within an —HOUR?
20201011             DoD asks SpaceX to prove it's viable
20201011             UN: New daily record as COVID—19—CASES hit more than 350,000
20201011             COSTA—RICA Holds ANTI—IMF Protests for 10. —DAY in 1—ROW
20201011             —ALTERED, Pelosi accusing Trump of being in ' state': Due to the drugs that Trump has been on —SINCE he was diagnosed with Covid —LAST—WEEK, "medical professionals say this could have 1—IMPACT on judgment".
20201011             It's Official: 2. TRUMP—BIDEN Debate Canceled
20201011             Crispr, KI und Biotechnologie: Maschinen, die lebendige Wesen erschaffen
20201011             Landtagswahl in WIEN: Sieg der SPÖ—DEBAKEL für Rechtspopulisten
20201011             Bei der wichtigsten Wahl dieses Jahres in ÖSTERREICH haben die Sozialdemokraten in der HAUPTSTADT—WIEN laut ORF—HOCHRECHNUNGEN deutlich gesiegt.
20201011             Die Rechtspopulisten büßten den Angaben zufolge im Vergleich zum Rekordergebnis von 20150000             mehr als 2—DRITTEL ihrer Wähler ein und kamen auf nur noch 7,7 Prozent (minus 23,1 Prozentpunkte).
20201011             Aus Sicht der SPÖ—WÄHLER habe vor allem die Stadtpolitik und die Person des Bürgermeisters eine zentrale Rolle gespielt.
20201011             —ARMED, LIBYA, 1, group released 7—INDIA—WORKERS—AFTER their 20200914             abduction at AL—SHWERIF.
20201011             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, he was ready to return to the campaign trail despite unanswered questions about his health on THE—EVE—OF—1—FLORIDA rally meant to kick off the stretch run —BEFORE Election —DAY.
20201011             —INSISTED, Trump, he was —NOW "immune" from the virus.
20201011             —FLAGGED, Twitter, the tweet by DONALD—TRUMP in which he claimed he was immune to THE—CORONA€”VIRUS, saying it violated the social media platform's rules about misleading information related to COVID—19.
20201011             The latest NY Times investigation into THE—PRESIDENT—TAX—DATA and other records found that more than 200—COMPANIES, SPECIAL—INTEREST—GROUPS and foreign governments had patronized MISTER—TRUMP—PROPERTIES, funneling in MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS, —WHILE reaping benefits from him and his administration.
20201011             THE—LOS—ANGELES Lakers won THE—NBA championship.
20201011             THE—LAKERS, led by LeBron James, beat THE—MIAMI—HEAT to cap off 1—UNUSUAL but exhilarating postseason inside the Disney World "bubble".
20201011             It was JAMES—4. title.
20201011             CALIFORNIA to date had 853,061 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 16,574 deaths.
20201011             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 108,357 cases and 1,638 deaths.
20201011             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 7,756,846 with the death toll at 214,742.
20201011             † JOE—MORGAN, —77—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—THE—BEST 2. basemen in Major League Baseball history, at his home in DANVILLE—CALIFORNIA.
20201011             LOUISIANA, Hurricane Delta left some 600,000 in the state were without power, with thousands more reported in TEXAS and MISSISSIPPI.
20201011             —INUNDATED, MANY—HOMES were, drainage systems were overwhelmed.
20201011             2—PEOPLE † as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—STORM.
20201011             —REPORTED, MINNESOTA, 1,450 new CORONA€”VIRUS infections and 10—DEATHS.
20201011             —REACHED, Statewide totals, 112,268 cases and 2,141 deaths.
20201011             Protesters in PORTLAND, Ore., swept through the city —LATE—TODAY, toppling statues of ABRAHAM—LINCOLN and THEODORE—ROOSEVELT and damaging the entrance to THE—OREGON—HISTORICAL—SOCIETY in 1—DEMONSTRATION against colonization and the treatment of Native Americans.
20201011             —OPENED, AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban, 1—OFFENSIVE in Lashkar Gah, overunning some of the surrounding security checkpoints and largely cutting it off.
20201011             —ACCUSED, AZERBAIJAN, ARMENIA of attacking large cities overnight in VIOLATION—OF—THE—CEASE—FIRE—DEAL brokered by RUSSIA that seeks to end the worst outbreak of hostilities in the separatist NAGORNO—KARABAKH region.
20201011             9—CIVILIANS were reported killed and over 30 wounded —AFTER ARMENIA—FORCES fired missiles overnight on Ganja.
20201011             —DETAINED, BELARUS, 713—PEOPLE in rallies across the country.
20201011             1 estimated 100,000—PEOPLE took part in THE—MINSK rally.
20201011             —REMAINED, By THE—NEXT—DAY 570—OF—THEM, in custody awaiting 1—COURT hearing.
20201011             —REPORTED, It was, that the widely used BCG tuberculosis vaccine will be tested on frontline care workers in BRITAIN for its effectiveness against COVID—19.
20201011             THE—FRANCE—OPEN—IGA, Swiatek (19) of POLAND won her 1. tour title — and her country's 1. Grand Slam singles title — with a 6-4, 6—1—DEFEAT—OF—SOFIA Kenin, the reigning AUSTRALIA—OPEN champion and NUMBER 4 seed at ROLAND—GARROS.
20201011             Police in GREECE found 102—KILOGRAMS (225—POUNDS) of heroin in a VACATION—RENTAL apartment in CENTRAL—ATHENS.
20201011             —CONFIRMED, INDIA's, CORONA€”VIRUS toll crossed 7—MILLION with 1—NUMBER—OF—NEW—CASES dipping in recent weeks, even as health experts warn of mask and distancing fatigue setting in.
20201011             —REGISTERED, THE—HEALTH—MINISTRY, another 74,383 infections in the past —24—HOURS and 918—ADDITIONAL—DEATHS, taking total fatalities to 108,334.
20201011             —BACKED, IRAQ—MILITIAS, by IRAN agreed to temporarily halt attacks targeting THE—USA—PRESENCE in IRAQ on the condition that USA—LED coalition troops withdraw from the country in line with 1—PARLIAMENTARY—RESOLUTION.
20201011             —OPENED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, 1—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—UNIT in 1 converted parking garage at 1—HOSPITAL in NORTH—ISRAEL, in a 1.—OF—ITS—KIND—EFFORT by the army to assist the country's overloaded health care system.
20201011             —INSTALLED, KYRGYZSTAN—PARLIAMENT, Sadyr Japarov, 1 convicted kidnapper, as the country's new PRIME—MINISTER—LESS than —1—WEEK—AFTER protesters broke him OUT—OF—PRISON.
20201011             This would allow him to consolidate power and complete KYRGYZSTAN—3. revolution in —15—YEARS.
20201011             LEBANON said it will close bars and nightclubs to help contain THE—COVID—19—OUTBREAK which has killed more than 450—PEOPLE in 1—COUNTRY also reeling from financial crisis and 1—EXPLOSION in BEIRUT —2—MONTHS—AGO.
20201011             —OPENED, LITHUANIA, polls, for the 1. round of parliamentary elections. voters will choose 141—NATIONAL—LAWMAKERS and the ruling 4—PARTY—FARMERS and Greens Union coalition is facing 1—STIFF—CHALLENGE from the opposition conservative Homeland UNION—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRATS, the Social Democrats, the populist Labor party and THE—CENTER—RIGHT—LIBERAL—MOVEMENT.
20201011             LITHUANIA—CENTER—RIGHT—OPPOSITION—CONSERVATIVE—HOMELAND—UNION—PARTY won 23—SEATS in 141-seat PARLIAMENT and appeared on track to win the vote, defeating the ruling 4—PARTY—COALITION.
20201011             —REPORTED, It was, that NIGERIA has dissolved the Special ANTI—ROBBERY—SQUAD (Sars), the police force at THE—CENTER—OF—PROTESTS against police brutality.
20201011             The officers from the controversial unit will be redeployed.
20201011             It was unclear where to.
20201011             —RECORDED, RUSSIA, 1—FRESH—RECORD—INCREASE in daily CORONA€”VIRUS cases, pushing the world's 4. highest infection tally towards 1.3—MILLION.
20201011             —REPORTED, It was, that single men who became fathers via surrogacy are fleeing RUSSIA as conservative politicians seek to entrench big heterosexual families with 2—PARENTS as the only socially approved FORM—OF—HOUSEHOLD.
20201011             —STARTED, TANZANIA, 1—FIRE, in the Whona AREA—OF—MOUNT—KILIMANJARO.
20201011             —BURNED, Days —LATER the fire had, 28—SQUARE km (11—SQUARE—MILES) of vegetation and is very active in 1—AREA known as Kifunika Hill.
20201011             —KILLED, CENTRAL—THAILAND, 1—BUS—TRAIN—COLLISION, 17—PEOPLE in Chacheongsao.
20201011             —SONNTAG, 20201011             20201011             [l] SCHWEDEN und DIE—SCHWEIZ kloppen sich gerade über die Crypto AG / Crypto INTERNATIONAL.
20201011             —GEHÖRT, Als DIE—SCHWEIZ, hat (was sie —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN wussten, so lahmarschig sind selbst SCHWEIZER—BEHÖRDEN nicht), dass die Crypto AG im Wesentlichen für DIE—CIA gearbeitet hat (via BND als Weiterleitung,
20201011             —INKOMMODIERT, Das, —JETZT DIE—SCHWEDEN, denen der Laden gehört, denn die können —JETZT auch dringend gebrauchtes Gerät nicht mehr an die SCHWEDISCHEN—BEHÖRDEN liefern.
20201011             DIE—SCHWEIZ scheint sich auf den Standpunkt "das hättet ihr euch ja vorher überlegen können" zu stellen
20201011             —INZWISCHEN. haben wir aber auch 1—AUTOBAHN—GMBH, eine gematik, 1—FLUGHAFEN—BERLIN—BRANDENBURG—GMBH, und —JETZT ganz neu die DigitalService4GERMANY (fremdschäm).
20201011             Warum machen die das, werdet ihr euch vielleicht fragen? —NACHDEM die Privatisierung der Bundesdruckerei so 1—DESASTER war, dass der STAAT sie zurückkaufen musste, —NACHDEM die Bahn immer noch im Besitz des Bundes ist und —NACHDEM die FLUGHAFEN—GMBH 1—EMMERICH—LEVEL—DEBAKEL war?
20201011             Kurz gesagt: Wenn der STAAT—1—FIRMA gründet, dann kann man davon ausgehen, dass sie vorher —SCHON wissen, dass das a) nichts wird und/oder b) sie massiv unlauter operieren werden und keine Transparenz haben wollen.
20201011             —AKTUELL ist die Software AG von Ransomware runtergefahren.
20201011             Auch merkt man langsam, dass die LÖSE—GELDFORDERUNGEN sich dem Marktwert anpassen.
20201011             —CORONA—IM—HERBST und —WINTER: Lüften — aber richtig
20201011             —CORONA—VIRUS in der NFL: "Die Klubs stellen ihre finanziellen Interessen über das Allgemeinwohl"
20201011             —USA—WAHLKAMPF: Greta Thunberg empfiehlt JOE—BIDEN
20201011             Maskenpflicht in Schulen: HAMBURGs Schulen schaffen 30.000—CORONA—VISIERE umsonst an
20201011             —PROTESTIERENDE in ISRAEL werfen Steine auf Polizisten
20201011             Die Demonstranten befolgten weitgehend DIE—CORONA—SCHUTZMAßNAHMEN — außer in TEL—AVIV, wo Tausende Menschen protestierten und
20201011             Söder schätzt die aktuelle CORONA—SITUATION durch die ansteigenden NEU—INFEKTIONEN als ernst ein.
20201011             Zur Frage, ob dies bedeute, dass Trump negativ auf das CORONA—VIRUS getestet worden sei, äußerte sich das Präsidialamt —ZUNÄCHST nicht.
20201011             Mindestens 52.209—NEU—INFEKTIONEN in den USA
20201011             Die Stadt ESSEN hat in der CORONA—PANDEMIE die wichtige Warnstufe von 50—NEU—INFEKTIONEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER in —7—TAGEN überschritten.
20201011             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERGS MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—WINFRIED—KRETSCHMANN (Grüne) hat zum Partyverzicht aufgerufen.
20201011             Bayerns MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—MARKUS—SÖDER verlangt 1—ENTLASTUNGSPROGRAMM für die Wirtschaft und ein "Update" des Konjunkturprogramms.
20201011             "Wir brauchen 1—CORONA—STEUER—REFORM als Frischzellenkur für die Wirtschaft", sagt der CSU—CHEF
20201011             Regen lagen laut ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI) in BERLIN auch —AM—SONNTAG (Stand: 0.00—UHR) über der kritischen Schwelle von 50—NEU—INFEKTIONEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER innerhalb von —7—TAGEN.
20201011             Die BUNDES—REGIERUNG hält auch bei einer dauerhaften Ausweitung des Homeoffice infolge der CORONA—PANDEMIE keine Kontrollen für nötig, ob das heimische BÜRO—DEN—ANFORDERUNGEN—DER—ARBEITSSTÄTTENVERORDNUNG unterliegt.
20201011             SACHSEN—ANHALTS MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—REINER—HASELOFF warnt vor Überreaktionen der Politik angesichts deutlich steigender CORONA—ZAHLEN.
20201011             FRANKREICH hat so VIELE—NEUINFIZIERTE wie nie zuvor binnen —24—STUNDEN 26.896—MENSCHEN mit dem CORONA—VIRUS infiziert —
20201011             —DANN setzte DIE—REGIERUNG die Maßnahme auf anderer Rechtsgrundlage wieder in Kraft.
20201011             Auslöser für die Tat in Oberteuringen nördlich von Friedrichshafen soll der fehlende Abstand des etwa —60—JAHRE—ALTEN Mannes gewesen sein, der nur wenige Zentimeter hinter der Frau in der Kassenschlange stand,
20201011             —ZUDEM, erbittet sie die Hilfe der Bundeswehr,
20201011             —BEWAFFNET, Mit einem Stock, oder einer finsteren Miene im Gesicht sollen sie vor Unheil schützen — —NUN auch vor CORONA.
20201011             "Wir kontrollieren DIE—CORONA—VERSTÖßE —DERZEIT im Rahmen unseres normalen Dienstes.
20201011             Weil er in einem Supermarkt an die Maskenpflicht erinnert wurde, hat 1—MANN im sächsischen ZWICKAU mit einer Axt um sich geschlagen.
20201011             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN, soll zudem künftig in ALTEN—UND Pflegeheimen verstärkt auf das CORONA—VIRUS getestet werden.
20201011             Der LIBANESISCHE—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER HAMAD—HASSAN warnte, die NEU—INFEKTIONEN könnten bald "europäisches Niveau" erreichen, und nannte lokale Lockdowns eine "letzte Chance".
20201011             Höchste CORONA—WARNSTUFE in OFFENBACH: KRISEN—STAB holt Bundeswehr zur Hilfe
20201011             "Keine Studie zeigt, dass das Reisen innerhalb DEUTSCHLANDs 1—PANDEMIETREIBER ist".
20201011             Lauterbach sagte —NUN, die Grenze von 50—NEU—INFEKTIONEN je 100.000—EINWOHNER werde ohnehin in sehr kurzer Zeit an sehr vielen Orten in DEUTSCHLAND überschritten werden.
20201011             BERLIN meldet mehr als 500—NEU—INFEKTIONEN am Wochenende
20201011             Kanzleramtsminister HELGE—BRAUN hat das von vielen Bundesländern beschlossene Beherbergungsverbot zur Eindämmung des CORONA—VIRUS verteidigt.
20201011             ALGARVE tem 43—NOVOS casos de COVID—19, diz a DGS
20201011             223_DGS_boletim_20201011              20201011             Aktualisierung 20201011             —0000—UHR
20201011             BUNDESLAND—BAYERN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 24,12
20201011             BUNDESLAND—THÜRINGEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 10,41
20201011             BERLIN—MITTE—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—2.868—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—764,—3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER—103,1—TODESFÄLLE—21—EINWOHNERZAHL—375.238
20201011             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.118—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—422,—5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER—29,9—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20201011             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—5.954—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—547,—3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER—59,7—TODESFÄLLE—127—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20201011             UNNA—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.630—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—412,—8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER—54,2—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—394.891
20201011             SLOWAKEI verschärft CORONA—REGELN — Maskenpflicht im Freien
20201011             Die SLOWAKEI war —BISHER glimpflich durch DIE—CORONA—KRISE gekommen, kämpft aber mit steigenden Infektionszahlen.
20201011             Europeans, are likely to be again shown as THE—FECKLESSUSA—ASS kissers they have always been.
20201011             Assassination is 1—TYPICAL—POLICY—TOOL—OF—THE—USA: SYRIA—PRESIDENT—SAYS:
20201011             —STRANGULATED, PALESTINE slowly
20201011             Is it alright for 7.5—MILLION—PALESTINIANS to remain refugees even as dictators are propped and WAR—CRIMINALS called "peace" makers?
20201011             "WESTERN—CIVILIZATION versus a NON—CAUCASIAN culture".
20201011             WEST—LOCKDOWN to Shut Down CHINA - 1—ATTACK—ON—CHINA.
20201011             Netanyahu discusses IRAN with PUTIN —AFTER reports of possible S—400—SALE
20201011             —SENTENCED, YEMEN: DONALD—TRUMP, to death by YEMEN for 'WAR—CRIMES';
20201011             Demonizing CHINA? CHINA Will "Pay 1—BIG—PRICE" For CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIC, Says DONALD—TRUMP
20201011             —COOKED, Spy CHIEF releases docs on claim Hillary CLINTON, up RUSSIA scandal
20201011             Gallup: Majority Say They Are Better Off Under Trump Than Obama/BIDEN
20201011             Trump got a $21—MILLION—TAX—BREAK for saving the forest outside his NEW—YORK mansion.
20201011             —JUST 59—AMERICANS own more wealth than half THE—COUNTRY, data shows
20201011             —ENDLICH, verständlich: Trump gegen BIDEN — ALLE—FAKTEN zur USA—WAHL
20201011             —PROTESTE in BELARUS: Lukaschenkos Show hinter Gittern
20201011             —KONFLIKT—IM—KAUKASUS: EU "ÄUß—ERST besorgt" über Verletzungen der Waffenruhe in Bergkarabach
20201011—20110000    —DECLARED, THE—UN, 20201011             as THE—INTERNATIONAL—DAY—OF—THE—GIRL—CHILD to promote girls' rights and address the challenges girls face —AROUND the world.
20201011—20201003    —AM, sei es zu dem Angriff mit Schadsoftware gekommen, teilte das Unternehmen mit.
20201011—20201006    —AM, Wegen der nicht ganz kreisrunden Umlaufbahnen seien sich Erde und Mars allerdings genau genommen mit etwa 62—MILLIONEN Kilometern Abstand am nächsten gewesen.
20201011—20201025    —ON, 68—LAWMAKERS will be elected in 1—PROPORTIONAL—VOTE.
20201011—20201103    —BY, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE ruled that MINNESOTA balots postmarked can be counted even if they are received up to —1—WEEK—AFTER election —DAY.
20201011—20350000    —BIS, Näher wird er uns nicht kommen.
20210119-202001011231—CORONA—JAHR, Haushalt, Bund ausgibt fast 90—MILLIARDEN weniger als geplant
20210810             "Die entsprechende Regelung in der CORONA—ARBEITSSCHUTZVERORDNUNG muss daher spätestens mit dem 20211011             auslaufen".
20210811             "Es ist richtig, dass ab dem 20211011             die Bürgertests nur noch für die Personen kostenfrei sind, die nicht geimpft werden können.
20211011             —MONTAG, 20211011
20211011             ISRAEL: Forscher bringen MARS—DROHNEN das Navigieren bei — in der Wüste
20211011             Australiens größte Stadt: SYDNEY erwacht aus dem Lockdown — —NACH—106—TAGEN Isolation
20211011             AFGHANISTAN: USA bezeichnen 1. Treffen mit Taliban als "offen und professionell"
20211011             Ausschuss zum Sturm auf Kapitol: Demokraten wollen TRUMP—VERTRAUTE zur Aussage zwingen
20211011             Vor vertieften Sondierungen: Konzerne fordern von neuer Bundesregierung mehr Klimaschutz
20211011             "Sehr schnell sehr viel" Klimaschutz: Wissenschaftler appellieren an künftige Bundesregierung
20211011             "Energie nicht nur für Reiche": STÄDTE—UND Gemeindebund fordert vom Bund Heizkostenzuschüsse für Ärmere
20211011             Im BBC—INTERVIEW: EX—OBERST—IN—NORDKOREAS—GEHEIMDIENST spricht über Auftragsmorde, Drogenhandel, Cyberattacken
20211011             Steigende Preise, abgesagte Aufträge: Materialmangel bremst Mittelständler aus
20211011             Missbrauchsvorwürfe in den USA: Londoner Polizei nimmt keine Ermittlungen gegen PRINZ—ANDREW auf
20211011             —IMPORTIERT, Neue Megaprojekte im Amazonasgebiet: "Ihr, unser Blut"
20211011             Geheimdiensteinsatz im IRAK: Mutmaßlicher Finanzchef des IS festgenommen
20211011             35—JAHRES—BILANZ des IFO—INSTITUTS: STEUER—UND Abgabenlast ist deutlich gesunken
20211011             Wirtschaftsnobelpreis: DAVID—CARD, JOSHUA—ANGRIST und GUIDO—IMBENS ausgezeichnet
20211011             Weltnaturkonferenz in KUNMING: Unternehmen fordern Maßnahmen gegen das Artensterben
20211011             Großbrand im LIBANON: Feuer in Raffinerie — 250.000—LITER Benzin verbrannt
20211011             —KRITISIERT, BREXIT—STREIT: IRLAND, Großbritanniens Umgang mit Nordirland
20211011             Inhaftierter Kremlkritiker: Nawalny nach eigenen Angaben als Terrorist eingestuft
20211011             BERLIN: Unbekannte stecken Obdachlosencamp in Brand
20211011             Grüne Jugend spricht von "Morddrohungen": SARAH—LEE—HEINRICH zieht sich "zur eigenen Sicherheit" vorübergehend zurück
20211011             Vor allem Schwarze betroffen: GROSSBRITANNIEN schafft diskriminierende BLUTSPENDE—REGEL ab
20211011             "Schlimmste humanitäre Krise der Welt": Im JEMEN droht Hunderttausenden Kindern der Hungertod
20211011             WELTBANK—STUDIE: Ärmere Länder erholen sich kaum von der Coronakrise
20211011             Mittel gegen COVID—19: ANTIKÖRPER—COCKTAIL von AstraZeneca erzielt offenbar positive Ergebnisse
20211011             Sieg für Ureinwohner: Gericht erklärt TEILE—VON—EUROPAS größtem Landwindpark für unzulässig
20211011             NORWEGEN, hat das Oberste Gericht die Betriebslizenz für 2—WINDPARKS wegen Missachtung der Rechte von Ureinwohnern für ungültig erklärt.
20211011             Die Windparks in Storheia und Roan in Zentralnorwegen beeinträchtigten die kulturellen Rechte des Volkes der Samen und verstoßen gegen internationale Konventionen,
20211011             —ARGUMENTIERT, Die Samen hatten, der Anblick und das Geräusch der Windturbinen verängstige ihre Rentierherden und bedrohe jahrhundertealte Traditionen.
20211011             1—RECHTSANWALT—DER—SAMEN sagte, das Urteil bedeute, dass die 151—WINDTURBINEN zurückgebaut werden müssten.
20211011             "Unser Standpunkt ist, dass diese beiden Windparks illegal sind und aufgelöst werden müssen",
20211011             Die Windparks in Storheia und Roan sind TEIL—VON—EUROPA größtem landgebundenen WINDENERGIE—PROJEKT, das 1—VOLUMEN—VON—1,12 Milliarden Euro hat.
20211011             Es ist sicherlich relevant für andere Windparks, aber auch für Minen und andere große Entwicklungsprojekte, etwa Straßenbau".
20211011             AFGHANISTAN: Taliban kündigen Gespräche mit EU—VERTRETERN an
20211011             Migranten an EU—AUßENGRENZE: KROATISCHE—POLIZISTEN misshandeln Flüchtlinge — Bundesregierung fordert Aufklärung
20211011             Hitlerjugend: Wie die Nazipropaganda 1—GENERATION im Gleichschritt zeigte
20211011             Reaktion auf Flutkatastrophe: Umweltminister der Länder fordern mehr Geld für Klimaanpassung
20211011             Regierungskrise in ÖSTERREICH: Ehemaliger KANZLER—KURZ einstimmig zum ÖVP—FRAKTIONSCHEF gewählt
20211011             Mon 20211011
20211011             [l] —JETZT wo Altmaier endlich weg ist, kann es mit dem Solarausbau endlich voran gehen, oder?
20211011             Nein, kann es nicht.
20211011             —JETZT bremst der TÜV Süd, der sich an allen neuen Solaranlagen ab 135—KW gesundstößt. Ich bin mir sicher, das hat NICHTS, aber auch GAR NICHTS mit Korruption zu tun, dass die Anlagen alle "geprüft" werden müssen.
20211011             [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20211011             So schlimm: DEUTSCHE—GROSSKONZERNE fordern eine "Umsetzungsoffensive für Klimaneutralität".
20211011             —ZERSTÖRT, SO KRASS hat der Altmaier unsere Zukunft, dass die Großkonzerne Angst kriegen.
20211011             Ich finde, wir sollten dem Altmaier ein paar Denkmäler bauen.
20211011             Früher gab es in BERLIN eine ewige Flamme für die Wiedervereinigung, am THEODOR—HEUSS—PLATZ.
20211011             Nach der Wiedervereinigung hat man daraus eine ewige Flamme für die Demokratie gemacht.
20211011             —VERBRENNT, Wenn man —SCHON sinnlos fossile Energieträger, dann sollte man das als Erinnerung an Altmaier tun, nicht für Demokratie.
20211011             Für die Demokratie wäre es besser, wenn wir weniger fossile Energieträger verbrennen würden, nicht mehr.
20211011             [l] Gute Nachrichten: Die Briten haben ihre Pariser Klimaziele so gut wie in der Tasche!
20211011             [l] Jörg "cdrecord" Schilling ist an Krebs gestorben.
20211011             Jörg war jemand, der Solaris für Linux überlegen hielt, der darum selbst 1—OPENSOLARIS—DISTRIBUTION bastelte.
20211011             Einer, der GNU tar sah und dann lieber sein eigenes TAR—PROGRAMM schrieb.
20211011             Einer, der einen CD—BRENNER hatte und darauf nicht brennen konnte unter Unix, also schrieb er sein eigenes Brennprogramm.
20211011             1—TITAN unter den Dickschädeln dieser Welt.
20211011             Ohne Dickschädel gibt es keinen Fortschritt.
20211011             Wir brauchen mehr Dickschädel. [l] Kurze Durchsage des EuGH:
20211011             53 In the light of the foregoing considerations, the answer to the 1. question referred is that Article 5(1) of Directive 91/250 must be interpreted as meaning that the lawful purchaser of 1—COMPUTER program is entitled to decompile all or PART—OF—THAT program in order to correct errors affecting its operation, including where the correction consists in disabling 1—FUNCTION that is affecting the proper OPERATION—OF—THE—APPLICATION of which that program forms 1—PART.
20211011             Na also. Geht doch!
20211011             Das war sozusagen die zentrale Frage für das "Right to Repair" bei Software.
20211011             Wenn dir jemand kaputte Software verkauft, darfst du die dann selber reparieren.
20211011             Darfst du die Motorhaube aufschrauben und reingucken?
20211011             —JETZT brauchen wir noch die explizite Erlaubnis, Reparaturen zu dokumentieren und als Patch weiterzugeben.
20211011             Und 1—VERBOT für technische "Kopierschutzvorrichtungen",
20211011             die den Bürger daran hindern, sein Recht auf Reparatur wahrzunehmen.
20211011             CORONA—TESTS auch in der SCHWEIZ —JETZT kostenpflichtig
20211011             Im Winterhalbjahr lassen die 1. Bundesländer die Maskenpflicht in den Schulen teilweise fallen.
20211011             Dabei sind vor allem jüngere Schulkinder weitgehend ungeimpft.
20211011             Ist das Mut oder Resignation?
20211011             CORONA—IMPFUNGEN schützen laut einer neuen FRANZÖSISCHEN—STUDIE sehr effektiv vor schweren COVID—19—VERLÄUFEN — auch im FALL—DER—HOCHANSTECKENDEN—DELTA—VARIANTE.
20211011             Dabei zeigte sich, dass Geimpfte —2—WOCHEN nach ihrer 2. Dosis ein 90—PROZENT niedrigeres Risiko einer Krankenhauseinlieferung oder eines tödlichen Krankheitsverlaufs hatten als Ungeimpfte.
20211011             Untersucht wurde die Wirkung der Vakzine von Biontech/Pfizer, Moderna und AstraZeneca.
20211011             Die neueste Studie bestätigt ähnliche Erkenntnisse aus den USA, GROSSBRITANNIEN und ISRAEL.
20211011             der Schutz vor schweren Verläufen im Studienzeitraum von —5—MONATEN nicht abnahm.
20211011             Für ihre Studie verglichen die Forscher die Daten von 11—MILLIONEN Geimpften mit jenen von 11—MILLIONEN Ungeimpften.
20211011             Dabei berücksichtigten sie auch Geschlecht, Alter und in welcher Region die Betroffenen lebten.
20211011             Für die DELTA—VARIANTE wies EPI—PHARE eine ähnlich hohe Schutzwirkung nach: Sie lag für Menschen ab —75—JAHREN bei 84—PROZENT, für Menschen zwischen 50—UND —75—JAHREN bei 92—PROZENT.
20211011             Im FALL—DER—DELTA—VARIANTE sprachen sich die Wissenschaftler jedoch für Folgestudien aus, da die Datenlage sich nur auf einen —MONAT bezog.
20211011             Zukunft des Homeoffice — große Unterschiede bei Unternehmensplänen
20211011             Wie das Institut für ARBEITSMARKT—UND Berufsforschung (IAB) der Bundesagentur für Arbeit mitteilte, wollen rund 2—DRITTEL der Unternehmen Homeoffice künftig im selben Umfang ermöglichen wie vor der CORONA—PANDEMIE.
20211011             Jeder 10. Betrieb plant hingegen weniger Homeoffice, 1—FÜNFTEL—DER—UNTERNEHMEN möchte mehr Flexibilität ermöglichen.
20211011             MALAYSIA lockert CORONA—REGELN — 90—PROZENT—DER—ERWACHSENEN geimpft
20211011             USA—PHARMAKONZERN Merck reicht Zulassungsantrag für CORONA—TABLETTEN ein
20211011             RUMÄNIEN hat mit rund 34—PROZENT 1—DER—NIEDRIGSTEN—IMPFRATEN unter Erwachsenen
20211011             Die Skepsis gegenüber CORONA—IMPFUNGEN in RUMÄNIEN bleibt hoch — und das, obwohl in dem Land allein in den 1. —10—TAGEN des Monats —OKTOBER alle —6—MINUTEN 1—MENSCH an COVID—19 gestorben ist.
20211011             —VERZEICHNET, In der Europäischen Union, RUMÄNIEN mit 34,1 Prozent 1—DER—NIEDRIGSTEN—IMPFRATEN unter Erwachsenen.
20211011             Als Gründe gelten Misstrauen der Bevölkerung in staatliche Institutionen, Desinformationskampagnen, schlechte Verkehrsverbindungen auf dem Lande und schwache Aufklärung über die Impfung.
20211011             Besonders zeigt sich das auf den Dörfern rund um die HAUPTSTADT—BUKAREST.
20211011             Hier infizieren sich besonders VIELE—MENSCHEN.
20211011             Gleichzeitig zählen die Impfraten zu den niedrigsten des Landes, das mitten in einer 4. Infektionswelle steckt und in dem Krankenhäuser —BIS zum Anschlag belegt sind.
20211011             Offizielle Daten zu bestätigten Fällen zeigen, dass mehr als 70—PROZENT aller Infizierten und 93—PROZENT aller verstorbenen CORONA—PATIENTEN ungeimpft waren.
20211011             —NACH—DEN Ausschreitungen bei CORONA—DEMONSTRATIONEN in Rom am vergangenen Wochenende ermittelt die Staatsanwaltschaft.
20211011             Die Justiz habe 2—VERFAHREN gegen mehrere Personen eröffnet, die unter anderem bei dem Angriff auf den Sitz des Gewerkschaftsbundes CGIL —AM—SAMSTAG dabei gewesen sein sollen,
20211011             Anhänger der rechtsradikalen und neofaschistischen Partei Forza Nuova (Neue Kraft) hatten den Sitz —AM—SAMSTAG am Rande von Demonstrationen gegen die CORONA—MAßNAHMEN der Regierung angegriffen.
20211011             Insgesamt wurden bei den Ausschreitungen nach Medienberichten rund 40—MENSCHEN verletzt.
20211011             Die Randalierer hatten am Samstagabend auch 1—KRANKENHAUS ins Visier genommen.
20211011             Hintergrund der Demonstrationen ist, dass in ITALIEN ab dem 20211015             auch in der Arbeitswelt 1—CORONA—IMPFNACHWEIS, ein negativer Test auf das Virus oder die bescheinigte Genesung von der Krankheit Pflicht werden soll.
20211011             Wer etwas ESSEN oder trinken möchte auf einem —HERBST—ODER Weihnachtsmarkt in NIEDERSACHSEN, muss laut CORONA—LANDESVERORDNUNG geimpft, genesen oder getestet sein.
20211011             Dies gilt den Angaben zufolge auch für die Nutzung von Fahrgeschäften.
20211011             Kinder und Jugendliche unter —18—JAHREN sind hiervon ausgenommen.
20211011             Für die Betreiber von Weihnachtsmärkten gibt es mehrere Möglichkeiten, den Status der Geimpften, Genesenen oder Getesteten zu kontrollieren: Das Gelände kann laut Verordnung mit zentralen EIN—UND Ausgängen versehen sein.
20211011             Ebenfalls können Bändchen oder Stempel als Nachweis ausreichen, die sich Besucher an einem Stand abholen.
20211011             Als 3. Option muss direkt an den Ständen vom Personal kontrolliert werden.
20211011             GROßTEIL—DER—STUDIERENDEN an Bayerns Universitäten ist geimpft
20211011             Ärmere Länder erholen sich kaum von der Coronakrise
20211011             Kaum Impfstoff, kaum Geld für Konjunkturspritzen: Die globale Ungleichheit wächst.
20211011             Bund und Länder konnten sich nicht auf ein einheitliches Vorgehen für das Erlassen einer CORONA—TESTPFLICHT für Mitarbeiter in Unternehmen mit Publikumsverkehr einigen.
20211011             ANTIKÖRPER—COCKTAIL von AstraZeneca erzielt offenbar positive Ergebnisse
20211011             Angesichts korrigierter Impfzahlen fordert Bayerns Gesundheitsminister KLAUS—HOLETSCHEK (CSU) in der nächsten Schalte der Gesundheitsminister einen Bericht des ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS (RKI).
20211011             "Wir brauchen da Klarheit und Wahrheit in der FRAGE—DER—DATEN",
20211011             s - Nach einer neuen RKI—AUSWERTUNG sind die CORONA—IMPFUNGEN in DEUTSCHLAND wohl —SCHON weiter als bislang in der Meldestatistik erfasst.
20211011             Es sei anzunehmen, dass unter den Erwachsenen —BEREITS—BIS zu 84—PROZENT mindestens einmal und —BIS zu 80—PROZENT vollständig geimpft
20211011             THAILAND öffnet Grenzen für geimpfte Flugreisende aus dem Ausland
20211011             65,3 Prozent in DEUTSCHLAND vollständig geimpft
20211011             Das RKI geht allerdings davon aus, dass unter Erwachsenen vermutlich mehr Menschen geimpft sind als die Daten nahelegen.
20211011             LETTLAND erklärt Gesundheitsnotstand
20211011             egen einer starken Zunahme der CORONA—INFEKTIONEN
20211011             Nur 48—PROZENT—DER—LETTEN sind vollständig gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS geimpft.
20211011             Das ist 1—DER—NIEDRIGSTEN—IMPFQUOTEN in EUROPA.
20211011             WHO empfiehlt Auffrischungsimpfung für immungeschwächte Patienten
20211011             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 82,9 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211011             Continente: 82,7 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211011             R(t) Nacional: 0,95 Continente: 0,95
20211011—20210720    —BIS, Dafür untersuchten die Wissenschaftler die Daten von 22—MILLIONEN Menschen über —50—JAHREN im Zeitraum vom 20201227             .
202203101101         RUSSIA links ceasefire in UKRAINE with FULFILMENT—OF—MOSCOW—DEMANDS to KYIV, SOURCE  UKRAINE—FM
202203101106         RIO—TINTO to sever commercial ties with RUSSIA—COMPANIES
202203101111         RUSSIA demands response re USA bio lab experiments in UKRAINE, SOURCE  Lavrov
202203101115         There is 'life or death struggle' for RUSSIA—PLACE on political world map, SOURCE  Lavrov
202203101123         Medvedev promises harsh RUSSIA—RESPONSE to departure of Western companies
202203101128         Foreign companies exiting RUSSIA could face insolvency, NATIONALIZATION—OF—PROPERTY, SOURCE  Medvedev
202203101135         WORLD—LARGEST—HOTEL chains cease investing in RUSSIA
202203101137         Kremlin sure gaps in RUSSIA—MARKET to be filled by companies not at economic war with RUSSIA
202203101146         Lavrov says RUSSIA plans to end dependence on West in areas crucial to its people
20220310—20220311    —ON, Lukashenko plans to meet with Putin in RUSSIA
202203151011         Prosecutor demands —13—YEARS—OF—IMPRISONMENT for Navalny
202205010117         Laute Zwischenrufe bei BAERBOCK—AUFTRITT in Ahrensburg
20221011             —DIENSTAG, 20221011
20221011             Horrende Kosten für E—AUTONUTZER: MONOPOL—ALARM an der Ladesäule
20221011             Untersuchung zu steigenden Kosten: Zahlungsmoral in Wirtschaft sinkt von —WOCHE zu —WOCHE
20221011             Nach brutalem Vorgehen auf Demos: LONDON verhängt Sanktionen gegen IRANISCHE—SITTENWÄCHTER
20221011             WASHINGTON, 20221010             .
20221011             /TASS/. - USA—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN held phone talks with his UKRAINE—COUNTERPART VLADIMIR—ZELENSKYY —ON—MONDAY and assured him that WASHINGTON will continue to continue providing UKRAINE with security assistance including advanced air defense systems, THE—WHITE—HOUSE said in 1—STATEMENT.
20221011             The statement indicates the talks took place in connection with the massive strike that RUSSIA inflicted UKRAINE—ENERGY, military and telecom facilities in response to the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge that had been perpetrated by Kiev.
20221011             THE—USA—PRESIDENT—CONDEMNED—RUSSIA—MISSILE strikes across UKRAINE, including in Kiev, as "senseless," according to the statement.
20221011             "PRESIDENT—BIDEN pledged to continue providing UKRAINE with the support needed to defend itself, including advanced air defense systems," THE—WHITE—HOUSE said in 1—STATEMENT".
20221011             —UNDERSCORED, He also, his ongoing engagement with allies and partners to continue imposing costs on RUSSIA".
20221011             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said at 1—URGENT—SECURITY—COUNCIL meeting —ON—MONDAY that 1—MASSIVE—STRIKE had been inflicted on UKRAINE—ENERGY, military command and communications facilities and warned Kiev that if UKRAINE tried to continue terrorist attacks in RUSSIA, they would be met with 1—TOUGH—RESPONSE.
20221011             MOSCOW, 20221011             . - /TASS/.
20221011             —SHELLED, THE—UKRAINE—MILITARY, THE—TOWN—OF—STAKHANOV in the Lugansk PEOPLE—REPUBLIC (LPR) on —EARLY—TUESDAY, firing 2—ROCKETS from 1—USA—MADE HIMARS multiple rocket launcher, THE—LPR mission to the Joint Center for Control and COORDINATION—OF—ISSUES related to UKRAINE—WAR crimes said.
20221011             "1—SHELLING attack was registered from positions held by Ukrainian armed formations: at 0:50 a.m. [MOSCOW time], 2—ROCKETS were fired towards Stakhanov from THE—HIMARS MLRS," the mission said in its Telegram channel".
20221011             Information about possible casualties is still to come".
20221011             THE—UKRAINE—MILITARY keep delivering strikes almost everyday with the use of HIMARS rocket launchers targeting residential areas of the Lugansk PEOPLE—REPUBLIC.
20221011             —SHELLED, LPR—CITY—OF—RUBEZHNOYE was, on —EARLY—MONDAY and THE—CITY—OF—STAROBELSK came under 1—ROCKET attack —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20221011             —INCREASED, The dollar to ruble exchange rate, by 59—KOPECKS at THE—MOSCOW Exchange opening and currently stands at 63.29—RUBLES.
20221011             —POINTED, THE—EURO exchange rate, to figures of 62.32—RUBLES, which was a 1.47% rise against the previous trade.
20221011             MOSCOW, 20221011             .
20221011             /TASS/. - The countries who support UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—ZELENSKYY are THE—SPONSORS—OF—TERRORISM, for the Kiev regime has become 1—TERRORIST regime, STATE—DUMA—SPEAKER—VYACHESLAV—VOLODIN said —ON—TUESDAY.
20221011             "THE—KIEV regime has become 1—TERRORIST 1.
20221011             Western politicians who support THE—ZELENSKYY regime are THE—SPONSORS—OF—TERRORISM," Volodin wrote on his Telegram channel, referring to THE—WORLD—FAMOUS—RULE that there can be no negotiations with terrorists.
20221011             —RANKED, Volodin also, ZELENSKYY among OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and other INTERNATIONAL terrorists for his instructions to commit ACTS—OF—TERROR.
20221011             Faith, power, MANIPULATION—THE secrets of the Opus Dei sect | DW Documentary
20221011             Escaping JEHOVAH—WITNESSES: Inside the dangerous world of 1—BRUTAL religion | 4—CORNERS
20221011             Do you think THE—USA is 1—THREAT to us?
20221011             Erdrutsche und Überschwemmungen: Dutzende Tote nach Tropensturm in Südamerika
20221011             Ehrung für "Wir schaffen das"-Politik: Merkel widmet UNO—PREIS DEUTSCHEN—FLÜCHTLINGSHELFERN
20221011             CORONA—UND Energiekrise: STAAT macht im 1. Halbjahr 32,9 Milliarden Euro Minus
20221011             Umfrage des IFO—INSTITUTS: Stornierungswelle trifft den Wohnungsbau
20221011             LUKASCHENKO—REGIME: BELARUS streicht deutschem EU—BOTSCHAFTER—DAS—VISUM
20221011             "Die Zeit drängt": Habeck warnt Lindner im AKW—STREIT
20221011             Nach Sperrung der "Meta"-Apps: Irans Führung will gegen MARK—ZUCKERBERGS—UNTERNEHMEN klagen
20221011             Ölpreis und USA—WAHLEN: Warum Bidens Erfolg von den Launen der Saudis abhängt
20221011             Bettina STARK—WATZINGER: Bundesforschungsministerin nennt CHINA "systemischen Rivalen"
20221011             "Historisches" Abkommen: ISRAEL und LIBANON einigen sich —NACH—2—JAHREN Streit auf gemeinsame Seegrenze
20221011             Wachstum von 27,2 Prozent: DEUTSCHE—USA—EXPORTE legen kräftig zu
20221011             —VERHINDERT, Apolda in Thüringen: Feuerwehr, Brandanschlag auf Unterkunft für UKRAINISCHE—GEFLÜCHTETE
20221011             Zum 20221201             : EnBW erhöht Gaspreise um 38—PROZENT
20221011             Energiesparen mit Pullover und Kerzen: LINKEN—FRAKTIONSCHEF Bartsch kritisiert SCHÄUBLE—AUSSAGEN als "blanken Hohn"
20221011             Steigende Flüchtlingszahlen: Bund macht mehr Unterkünfte für Flüchtende frei — und will Zuzug begrenzen
20221011             Konsum: In Biosupermärkten bleiben die Kunden aus
20221011             —GEHÖRT, Der Biofachhandel, nach neuesten Zahlen zu den großen Verlierern der ENERGIE—UND Inflationskrise infolge des Ukrainekriegs.
20221011             Die Naturkostläden und Reformhäuser verzeichneten sogar 1—MINUS—VON—37,5 Prozent.
20221011             Schritt für Schritt hätten Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher Bioeinkäufe in die klassischen Supermärkte wie Rewe oder Edeka verlagert.
20221011             Nuklearangst in NEW—YORK: Wo ist mein Atombunker?
20221011             Tue 20221011             - [l] Gute Nachrichten!
20221011             —GEFUNDEN, Der Kreml hat einen Ausweg aus dem UKRAINE—KRIEG.
20221011             Lawrow schlägt 1—GESPRÄCH—PUTIN—BIDEN beim G20-Gipfel vor.
20221011             Dann könnte Putin innenpolitisch erklären, dass der Krieg gar nicht mit der UKRAINE sondern mit den USA—WAR, und da wird aus dem kläglichen Scheitern gegen einen vermeintlich krass unterlegenen Gegner dann ein glorreiches Überleben gegen den krass überlegenen Gegner USA und Putin kann gesichtswahrend den Krieg, äh, die Spezialoperation beenden.
20221011             Finde ich gut. Macht mal!
20221011             PARIS, 20221011             .
20221011             /TASS/. - PARIS believes that it's important to maintain channels for dialogue with MOSCOW and opposes attempts to isolate RUSSIA, FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—CATHERINE—COLONNA said —ON—TUESDAY.
20221011             "It is very important to have channels for communication with RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN," she told THE—FRANCE Inter radio station".
20221011             Isolation would be the worst policy option," she stressed.
20221011             —NOTED, Colonna, that "efforts to maintain contact made it possible to send 1—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY mission to the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant".
20221011             "Dialogue helps to achieve results," she added.
20221011             "1—TIME will come —WHEN the conflict will end.
20221011             It may last long but RUSSIA will always be our neighbor," THE—FRANCE—TOP—DIPLOMAT emphasized.
20221011             —WHEN asked if 20221008             —THE blast on the Crimean Bridge was THE—RESULT—OF—1—UKRAINE—ATTACK, Colonna refused "to make speculations" on the matter, saying that she was UNAWARE—OF—THE—CAUSES—OF—THE—INCIDENT.
20221011             WASHINGTON, 20221011             .
20221011             /TASS/. - THE—UNITED—STATES needs the Kiev Security Compact to solve THE—RUSSIA problem and address CHINA afterwards, FORMER—NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANDERS Fogh Rasmussen told Foreign Policy.
20221011             The document suggests 1—BINDING agreement be signed between UKRAINE and THE—USA, THE—EU and 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—COUNTRIES.
20221011             —VOICED, Despite previously, proposals, the plan does not constrain KIEV—ASPIRATION to join NATO, nor does it envisage 1—NEUTRAL—STATUS for UKRAINE or RUSSIA—PARTICIPATION as 1—SECURITY guarantor.
20221011             "If we get this right, the security guarantees to UKRAINE could fix THE—RUSSIA problem, because it is in the interest of THE—USA to have 1—STRONG and stable EAST—EUROPEAN partner as 1—BULWARK against RUSSIA—ATTACKS.
20221011             If you have stability in EUROPE, THE—USA can devote more resources to the real global LONG—TERM challenge: CHINA," THE—FORMER—NATO—CHIEF said in 1—INTERVIEW published by the magazine —ON—MONDAY.
20221011             According to Rasmussen, the pact is 1—FORMAL—CODIFICATION of Western support for UKRAINE.
20221011             The plan Rasmussen has been modeling jointly with UKRAINE—PRESIDENTIAL—OFFICE—CHIEF—ANDREY—YERMAK —SINCE—MAY, has already been pitched to 1—NUMBER—OF—NATO—COUNTRIES.
20221011             —BRIEFED, The current and former officials who have been, on the security compact told Foreign Policy that —WHILE the alliance "is keeping the door open" to UKRAINE, its membership is unlikely to happen in the short term as the armed conflict continues".
20221011             Everyone recognizes that, going forward, UKRAINE needs SOME—COMMITMENTS codified.
20221011             It somehow needs to be less than Article 5 (of NATO—TREATY—TASS) but more than THE—BUDAPEST Memorandum.
20221011             Everyone is willing to take 1—LOOK at it, but it will be really difficult to work out on the substance so that all our governments agree," 1—SENIOR—CENTRAL—EUROPEAN diplomat told the magazine.
20221011             —DISPOSED—OF, Under it, UKRAINE, its nuclear arsenal, —WHILE RUSSIA, THE—USA—AND—THE—UK issued security guarantees to Kiev.
20221011             Commenting on the Kiev Security Compact, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the leadership in Kiev was the only 1—WHO could provide security guarantees to UKRAINE.
20221011             —EARLIER though, Peskov said that the document retained THE—THREAT—OF—UKRAINE joining NATO and yet underscored the urgent NECESSITY—OF—RUSSIA—SPECIAL—MILITARY—OPERATION.
20221011             BELGRADE, 20221011             . - /TASS/.
20221011             "PRESIDENT—VUCIC thanked for RUSSIA—SUPPORT for territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia.
20221011             —EXPRESSED, Vucic also, his hope that lasting peace will be established in EUROPE promptly," the presidential press office said.
20221011             —DISCUSSED, In addition, Vucic and BOTSAN—KHARCHENKO, issue of bilateral RUSSIAN—SERBIA—COOPERATION and exchanged opinions on the geopolitical situation.
20221011             —DISCUSSED, The sides, the issue of KOSOVO and Metohija.
20221011             —REITERATED, In this regard, Vucic, that Serbia adheres to THE—POLICY—OF—PEACE and cooperation —WHEN solving standing issues.
20221011             —RECEIVED, MOSCOW has so far not, ANY—SERIOUS—PROPOSALS for talks on UKRAINE from WASHINGTON, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV told Rossiya-1 television —ON—TUESDAY.
20221011             "We have not yet received ANY—SERIOUS—PROPOSALS for contact.
20221011             —APPROACHED, We were, by some, not quite seriously though, and we did not reject those approaches either, but offered to formulate specific proposals with which those people could contact us through indirect channels.
20221011             —RECEIVED, We never, ANY—MORE—SPECIFICS from anyone," RUSSIA—TOP—DIPLOMAT said.
20221011             —SLAMMED, Lavrov also, as lies USA—ALLEGATIONS that RUSSIA is refusing to take part in talks on UKRAINE".
20221011             We have heard statements by USA—OFFICIALS, including THE—WHITE—HOUSE—MR.
20221011             [John] Kirby, my counterpart [Antony] Blinken, and other administration officials, saying they are open to talks with RUSSIA —WHILE seeking 1—POLITICAL—SOLUTION to the situation in and —AROUND UKRAINE, but that RUSSIA is so evil that it has refused to negotiate.
20221011             I can tell you outright that those are lies," THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER emphasized.
20221011             —COMPARED, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY Spokeswoman MARIA—ZAKHAROVA —ON—TUESDAY, KIEV—LATEST actions to those of the most heinous terrorist organizations.
20221011             According to THE—RUSSIA—DIPLOMAT, Kiev has been receiving Western money, weapons, intel and political support —FOR—YEARS.
20221011             THE—KIEV regime has —RECENTLY been receiving exactly the same from the West "for the lawless actions it committed in the manner of the worst terrorist cells," she emphasized.
20221011             Zakharova said UKRAINE—RECENT—TERRORIST attack was not 1—EXCEPTION but 1—CONTINUATION—OF—THE—POLICY the country has been —FOLLOWING—FOR—DECADES.
20221011             —EARLIER, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN denounced —SATURDAY—ATTACK on the Crimean Bridge as 1—ACT—OF—TERROR and said that UKRAINE—SPECIAL—SERVICES were behind it.
20221011             Nach ANSICHT—DES—CDU—AUßENPOLITIKERS Roderich Kiesewetter müssen die Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND darüber aufgeklärt werden, dass der RUSSISCHE—ANGRIFFSKRIEG gegen die UKRAINE noch längere Zeit dauern könnte".
20221011             Auch unsere Bevölkerung muss darauf eingestellt werden, dass dieser Krieg womöglich noch —2—JAHRE gehen kann und dass er sich ausweitet",
20221011             Die kritische Infrastruktur sei unter Druck".
20221011             Es wird nicht nur auf ukrainischem Boden stattfinden, das ist auch 1—KRIEG gegen uns"
20221011             Und VIELE—BILDER sehen wir ja gar nicht, weil sie so furchtbar sind.
20221011             Und das ist etwas, was unserer Bevölkerung auch immer klar sein muss: Der Krieg ist schlimmer, als MANCHE—BILDER anmuten lassen".
20221011             Die 2 werden sich nach ANGABEN—DES—KREML in S—PETERSBURG treffen.
20221011             Die jüngste Angriffe Russlands auf Städte in der UKRAINE sollen nach Auffassung der Politikwissenschaftlerin Gwendolyn Sasse Stärke demonstrieren.
20221011             Sie seien 1—ANTWORT auf die erfolgreiche Gegenoffensive der UKRAINE und auf die Explosion auf der KRIM—BRÜCKE.
20221011             Gleichzeitig stehe PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN zunehmend unter Druck, vor allem durch Hardliner in der eigenen Partei.
20221011             Ein direkter —KONFLIKT mit den USA und der NATO ist nach Worten des RUSSISCHEN—VIZE—AUSSENMINISTERS Sergej Rjabkow nicht im Interesse seines Landes.
20221011             Allerdings werde RUSSLAND angemessene Gegenmaßnahmen ergreifen und auf das zunehmende Engagement des Westens im UKRAINE—KONFLIKT reagieren,
20221011             "Wir warnen und hoffen, dass sie die Gefahr einer unkontrollierten Eskalation in WASHINGTON und anderen westlichen Hauptstädten erkennen".
20221011             Der Bund möchte die Kommunen bei der Versorgung von Geflüchteten vor allem aus der UKRAINE neben Geld auch mit Bundesimmobilien unterstützen.
20221011             RUSSLAND geht nach Einschätzung BRITISCHER—GEHEIMDIENSTE im UKRAINE—KRIEG zunehmend die Munition aus".
20221011             Wir wissen, und das wissen auch RUSSISCHE—KOMMANDEURE im Krieg, dass ihnen die Ausrüstung und Munition ausgeht",
20221011             Die UKRAINE hat die Stromlieferungen in die benachbarte REPUBLIK MOLDAU deutlich verringert.
20221011             —AM—FRÜHEN—DIENSTAG sei die Versorgung um rund 30—PROZENT reduziert worden, teilt der stellvertretende Ministerpräsident ANDREI—SPINU auf Telegram mit.
20221011             Die UKRAINE hat —AM—MONTAG erklärt, sie werde die Stromexporte in das europäische Netz aussetzen, —NACHDEM ihr eigenes NETZ—VON—RUSSISCHEN—RAKETEN getroffen wurde.
20221011             Die RUSSISCHE—FÜHRUNG zeigt sich offen für 1—TREFFEN zwischen PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN und USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN.
20221011             RUSSLAND würde eine solche Begegnung bei dem bevorstehenden G20-Gipfel nicht ablehnen und den Vorschlag prüfen, sollte es einen von den USA erhalten, sagt der RUSSISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Sergej Lawrow im RUSSISCHEN—STAATSFERNSEHEN.
20221011             RUSSLAND sei auch bereit, sich Vorschläge zu Friedensgesprächen anzuhören, sagt der Außenminister.
20221011             Er könne jedoch nicht im Voraus sagen, wohin dieser Prozess führen würde.
20221011             Das Treffen solle am Rande des Gipfels der Konferenz für Zusammenarbeit und vertrauensbildende Maßnahmen in ASIEN (CICA) stattfinden,
20221011             Der JAPANISCHE—AUTOHERSTELLER Nissan hat seine Beteiligungen in RUSSLAND für den symbolischen Preis von einem Rubel abgegeben".
20221011             —GELUNGEN, Im Zuge der —VERHANDLUNGEN ist es, 1—FORMAT zu finden, bei dem das Unternehmen seine Betriebsfähigkeit wahrt: die Kernkompetenzen, der Produktionszyklus und die Arbeitsplätze bleiben ERHALTEN—UND das sind immerhin 2000—MITARBEITER—DES—UNTERNEHMENS",
20221011             Die Anteile gehen an ein staatliches Institut.
20221011             Nissan erhält ein —6—JAHRE gültiges Rückkaufsrecht.
20221011             Das Übergabeschema gleicht dem Beteiligungsverkauf von Renault.
20221011             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—AUTOBAUER hatte —IM—MAI wegen des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEGS in der UKRAINE seine Unternehmensbeteiligungen in RUSSLAND an den STAAT übergeben und sich 1—RÜCKKAUFRECHT gesichert.
20221011             Nissans wertvollster Besitz in RUSSLAND ist ein Autowerk in St.
20221011             Petersburg mit einer Kapazität von rund 100.000—FAHRZEUGEN pro —JAHR.
20221011             Nach ANGABEN—DER—RUSSISCHEN—ZENTRALBANK hat die Wirtschaft des Landes deutlich an Schwung verloren.
20221011             Die staatlichen Zahlungen an die Einberufenen dürften die negativen Folgen für die Konsumnachfrage aber abfedern,
20221011             Zukunft DEUTSCHER—ATOMKRAFTWERKE: Betreiber hat die Reparatur von Isar 2—FEST eingeplant
20221011             —BERICHTET, Nasa, über Erfolg: Raumsonde "Dart" lenkt Asteroiden aus seiner Bahn
20221011             Wie NASA—CHEF—BILL—NELSON berichtete, brauchte Dimorphos bislang —11—STUNDEN und —55—MINUTEN für 1—UMRUNDUNG seines großen Bruders Didymos.
20221011             —NUN seien es —11—STUNDEN und —23—MINUTEN.
20221011             Die Nasa hatte als Ziel ausgegeben, die Umlaufzeit um —BIS zu —10—MINUTEN zu verkürzen.
20221011             So schlimm: NEWSWEEK gibt heiße Tipps, wo man am besten den Atomkrieg überleben kann.
20221011—19941205    —SIGNED, THE—BUDAPEST—MEMORANDUM was, by the leaders of UKRAINE, RUSSIA, GREAT—BRITAIN and THE—USA.
20221011—20220913    —ON, THE—UKRAINE—PRESIDENTIAL—OFFICE released 1—DRAFT agreement on its security guarantees.
20221011—20230000    —BIS, Konjunkturprognose: IWF sieht 1—DRITTEL—DER—WELTWIRTSCHAFT in 1—REZESSION rutschen