_HEUTE_1012 :

_2.0000—20191012     —BRONZE—ZEIT—SCHON—IN—DER, Sozial höher gestellte Männer bekamen im Lechtal vor allem Waffen wie Dolche, Äxte oder Pfeilspitzen mit auf die letzte Reise.
_2.0000—20191012     —BRONZE—ZEIT—SCHON—IN—DER, gab es 1 bleibende Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich.
_2.0000—20191012     —BRONZE—ZEIT—SCHON—IN—DER, Unklar ist noch, ob es sich dabei um Knechte und Mägde oder vielleicht sogar 1—ART—VON—SKLAVEN gehandelt hat.
_2.0000—20191012     —BRONZE—ZEIT—SCHON—IN—DER, herrschte offenbar soziale Ungleichheit,
_2.0000—20191012     —BRONZE—ZEIT—SCHON—IN—DER, Über die genaue Rolle der sozial niedriger gestellten Haushaltsmitglieder können die Wissenschaftler bislang allerdings nur spekulieren.
_2.0000—20191012     —BRONZE—ZEIT—SCHON—IN—DER, Überraschend für die ARCHÄOLOGEN war allerdings, daß diese Hierarchien innerhalb 1 Haushalts existierten und das über Generationen hinweg.
01661012             —ENDE—DER—PARTHERKRIEGE
01661012             Der RÖMER—KAISER—LUCIUS—VERUS feiert in Rom 1—TRIUMPHZUG zum.
06331012             Nördlich von DONCASTER—ENGLAND findet die
06331012             —SCHLACHT—VON—HATFIELD—CHASE endet mit 1—VERNICHTENDE—NIEDERLAGE für Northumbria, KÖNIG—EDWIN und sein Sohn fallen.
06331012             † EDWIN—KÖNIG—VON—NORTHUMBRIA
06381012             † HONORIUS—I—PAPA
06421012             † JOHANNES—IV—PAPA
10081012             * GO—ICHIJO—KAISER—VON—JAPAN
11611012             † HEINRICH—V—HERZOG—VON—KÄRNTEN
11701012             † ADOLF—II—VON—BERG—GRAF—VON—BERG
12161012             des JOHANN—OHNELAND—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND—SCHATZ, verloren geht, Bei des THE—WASH—ÜBERQUERUNG
12851012             † † † 180—JEWS refused baptism in MUNICH—GERMANY, and were set on fire.
12851012             † †††† 90—JEWS butchered in MUNICH[MÜNCHEN].
12921012             † Die GRÄFIN—MARGARETHA starb am
12950000—13201012    MICHAEL—IX—PALEOZOIC—emperor—of—Byzantz
12991012             † JOHANN—II—HERR—ZU—MECKLENBURG
13201012             † MICHAEL—IX—PALEOZOIC—emperor—of—Byzantz
13201012             † BYZANZ—MIT—KAISER—MICHAEL—IX.
13431012             † RAINALD—II—HERZOG—VON—GELDERN
13491012             —GENANNT, RAINALD—II—HERZOG—VON—GELDERN wird in der Heimat, zum letztenmal genannt:
13541012             Infrascripiis mandatur^ ut PETRO—BALBETI provideant de SUPPLEMENTO in ECCLESIA—TRAJECTENSI vacante per saecularisationem ROBERTI—AYME.
13611012             [WILHELM]VILICHINUS—DE—RADERODEN Urlaub zur Rückkehr in DIE—HEIMAT verlangt iÂ");
13640901—13641012    —WÄHREND—DER—2—MONATE Dazu kamen die Torhüter und städtischen castellani.
13640901—13641012    —WÄHREND—DER—2—MONATE entfielen auf die ritterliche BESATZUNG—DER—STADT 6.524—PFUND—BOLOGNESER (1—FLORENI = 32—SOL.), auf DIE—FUß—TRUPPEN 838—FLORENI
13640901—13641012    —WÄHREND—DER—2—MONATE in der GRAFSCHAFT selbst wurde an 27—ORTEN 1—CAPITANEUS oder 1—CASTELLANUS auf fiskalische Kosten unterhalten.
13661012             FREDERICK—III—KING—OF—SICILY forbade decorations on synagogues.
13981012             —VERTRAG—ZU—SALINWERDER
13981012             —FRIEDENS—VERTRAG und GRENZ—VERTRAG zur Beendigung ihrer —KONFLIKTE, schließen der DEUTSCHE—ORDEN und das GROß—FÜRSTENTUM—LITAUEN
14051012             IL—COMUNE—DI—GUBBIO alloga a SABATINO—DI—CECCO "MAGISTRO—LAPIDUM" i ponti su LA STRADA che dalla porta della città,
14051012             IL—COMUNE—DI—GUBBIO detta di SCOTONE, conduce alla SERRA DELL' ORZO, e gli promette 4—FLORINI PER CIASCUNA CANNA DI MURO
14051012             detta di SCOTONE, conduce alla SERRA DELL' ORZO, e gli promette 4—FLORENI PER CIASCUNA CANNA DI MURO
14150000—14921012    * † Pierro della Francesca, TUSCANY—BORN artist, in FLORENCE.
14150000—14921012    —CALLED, He was —LATER, THE—FATHER—OF—THE—RENAISSANCE.
14150000—14921012    —INCLUDED, His work, "Virgin and Child Enthroned with 4—ANGELS".
14281012             —DÉBUT—DU—SIÈGE—DE—ORLÉANS par LES—ANGLAIS
14351012             HERZOG—ERNST—VON—BAYERN—MÜNCHEN lässt die Geliebte seines Sohnes Albrecht, die Baderstochter AGNES—BERNAUER, verhaften und bei Straubing in der Donau ertränken.
14351012             —BEFÜRCHTET, HERZOG—ERNST—VON—BAYERN—MÜNCHEN, dass die Mesalliance DIE—ERBFOLGE gefährden kann.
14351012             † AGNES—BERNAUER, Geliebte des HERZOG—ALBRECHTS—III—VON—BAYERN
14501012             Ut haberi possit veritas istius fractionis carceris mulierum, JOHANNES—THEOTONICUS domicelus SERENISSIMI—DOMINI—DUCIS, NICOLAUS—FURLANUS [...]retineatur'.
14501012             folgenden Eintrag GEFUNDEN:
14531012             Das bislang englisch regierte HERZOGTUM—GUYENNE wird von FRANKREICH eingenommen und später TEIL—DER—DOMAINE—ROYAL.
14591012             —SCHLACHT—VON—LUDLOW
14591012             —ERLEIDEN DIE—YORKISTEN unter RICHARD—PLANTAGENET ihre schwerste Niederlage der Rosenkriege gegen HEINRICH—VI. aus dem Haus LANCASTER.
14701012             das Endurteil im Prozeß zwischen dem HAUS—WEIDENBACH und dem Kleriker PAULUS—KYSTENMECHER—VON—ZÜLPICH um den S—KATHARINEN—ALTAR in der obengenannten Kirche, derart, daß
14701012             der Altar dem Paulus abgesprochen und DAS—HAUS—WEIDENBACH wieder in den Besitz des Altares zu setzen ist
14701012             bei Nichtbefolgen innerhalb von —4—MONATEN die entsprechenden Strafen angedroht werden,
14701012             Wegen wiederholtet contumacia ist Paulus zur Zahlung der Kosten in Höhe von 19—OBERLÄND, GULDEN und 2—MARK auf Antrag des Martinus Back, Prokurators des Hauses W., verurteilt,
14701012             Der Pleban soll den Paulus zur Befolgung des Urteils veranlassen,
14701012             GEORGIUS—DE—ARNSBERG, Schreiber an der KÖLNer Kurie,
14701012             Geschrieben vom Notar GERHARDUS—DE—SCHUTTORPE,
14701012             KÖLN, HENRICUS—URDEMAN, decretorum Dr, usw, verkündet dem PLEBAN der KIRCHE—S—PETER—ZÜLPICH und allen Geistlichen der DIÖZESE—KÖLN
14701012             Verhandelt in der Dechanei von S—ANDREAS vor den Zeugen, den Notaren Theodricus de Kalker, sentenciarius, und
14701012             andernfalls DAS—URTEIL von der Kanzel in ZÜLPICH verkündet oder an die Türender DOM—KIRCHE—DEUTSCHLANDK, geheftet wird, wobei
14701012—14701118    —AM, Die Exekution in ZÜLPICH gegen PAULUS—KYSTENMECHER erfolgte durch JOHANNES—DE—VIRSSEM, kaiserl, und an der KÖLNer Kurie zugelassener Notar,
14741012             Made VICAR—OF—SINIGAGLIA
14921012             THE—INDIES handelt sich um 1—DER BAHAMAS—INSELN, welche genau, ist —BIS—HEUTE unklar.
14921012             Gold und SKLAVEN, darum also geht es ihm (auch wenn das gut katholische Königspaar weder CHRISTEN noch künftige CHRISTEN versklavt sehen möchte).
14921012             In seinem Bericht an ISABELLA—KÖNIGin—VON—SPANIEN und oo FERDINAND—II—KÖNIG—VON—SPANIEN
14921012             But
14921012             —ABANDONED, THE—FLANDERS fields had been
14921012             Unter den Blicken staunender Einheimischer, die ihre Insel—Guanahani nennen, pflanzt der Admiral der SPANISCHE—KRONE—Flagge auf und nimmt DAS—LAND in Besitz.
14921012             —NOCH—VOR—SONNENAUFGANG, Brandung, Klippen, Strand.
14921012             —NOCH—VOR—SONNENAUFGANG, erkennt 1—MATROSE der "Pinta"im Mondlicht helle und dunkle Streifen gerade voraus:
14921012             —ON—THE, PHILIP—OF—CLEVES surrendered THE—FLEMISH—TOWN—SLUIS on honourable terms Thus
14921012             FLANDERS was left in the greatest misery.
14921012             —DEVOURED, FLANDERS wolves, the flocks.
14921012             CHRISTOPH—COLUMBUS auf S—SALVADOR: Indios mochten Messing
14921012             Mit der Radiokarbonmethode hatten Wissenschaftler die Begräbnisstätte datiert:
14921012             ie Begräbnisstätte wurde demnach angelegt wenige —JAHRZEHNTE nach der
14921012             —ENTDECKUNG Amerikas:
14921012             Seeking to establish profitable ASIA—TRADE—ROUTES by sailing west, COLUMBUS seriously underestimated THE—SIZE—OF—THE—EARTH—NEVER dreaming that 2—GREAT—CONTINENTS blocked his path to the east.
14921012             CHRISTOPH—KOLUMBUS geht auf der BAHAMAS—INSEL—GUANAHANI an Land und nennt die INSEL—S—SALVADOR.
14921012—14921021    (Old Style calendar; New Style), CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS sited land, 1—ISLAND—OF—THE—BAHAMAS which he named S—SALVADOR, but which was called Guanahani by the local Taino people.
14921012—15060000    —BELIEVED, Even —AFTER 4—VOYAGES to AMERICA, COLUMBUS, —UNTIL THE—END—OF—HIS—LIFE that he had discovered 1 isolated corner of ASIA.
14941011—14941012    —DIE—SABBATI[—SAMSTAG] der junge LUCAS—REM—VON—AUGSBURG nach VENEDIG hineinreitet
14941012—14941013    —DOMINGO, der junge LUCAS—REM—VON—AUGSBURG nach VENEDIG hineinreitet
15011012             † MATTEO—CIVITALI, ITALIENISCHER—MALER, Bildhauer und Militäringenieur
15021012             Il venne 1—LETTERA—DEL—SIGNOR—DUCA
15021012             —IN—EODEM—DIE, venne 1—LETTERA da Gio.
15021012             PAOLO—BAGLIONI, che i Senesi rompevano verso Piombino e che Liverotto veniva verso SINIGAGLIA molto gagliardo in nostro aiuto,
15051012             —SOUDAIN, LOUIS—XII[LUDWIG—XII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] changea d'attitude et
15181012             —SUMMONED, Luther was, to the Diet of AUGSBURG where he refused to recant.
15361012             * EDWARD—VI, der lange ersehnte Thronfolger, HEINRICH—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND oo ANNE—BOLEYN
15361024—15361012    —12—TAGE—SPÄTER,
15371012             * EDWARD—IV—KING—OF—ENGLAND (15470000—15530000    ).
15371012             EDWARD—IV was the only SON—OF—HENRY—VIII by his 3. wife JANE—SEYMOUR.
15431012             nouvelles LETTRES—DU—ROI.
15511012             * FRANZ—HILDESHEIM, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER, Historiker und Dichter
15551012             † PATER—ANTON—ATTENDORN, (BRÜHL,
15551012             * PEREGRINUS—BERTIE, ENGLISCHER—ADLIGER, Diplomat und GENERAL
15621012             Dopo alcuni cenni biografici e le note, si pubblica questa lettera, che è diretta al marchigiano Annibal Caro a ROMA, colla data di BOLOGNA.
15621012             e che si riferisce al manoscritto di 1—POEMA eroico del Bolognetti intitolato il Costante, che mandavasi al Caro per averne il giudizio.
15761012             † MAXIMILIAN—II. vereinte, als er am starb, die Krone von UNGARN, Böhmen und POLEN mit der DEUTSCHEN—KAISER—KRONE.
15761012             —SUCCEEDED, RUDOLF—II, THE—KING—OF—HUNGARY—AND—BOHEMIA, his father, Maximally II, as Holy ROMAN—EMPEROR.
15761012             DEUTSCHER—KAISE—RRUDOLF—II. wird.
15761012             † ADAM—NEUSER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE
15821012             —SKIPPED, This —DAY was 1—OF 10, to bring the calendar into sync. by ORDER—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—TRENT.
15891012             † SAMUEL—DI—MEDICI—RABBI—AND—TALMUDIC—AUTHOR, Salonica
15901012             † KAN?—EITOKU, JAPANISCHER—MALER
16091012             —PUBLISHED, The song "3—BLIND—MICE" was, in LONDON, believed to be the earliest printed secular song.
16181012             † JAKOB—REM, in BAYERN tätiger katholischer Priester und Jugendseelsorger
16220000—16541012    * † CAREL—FABRITIUS, HOLLAND—PAINTER, in 1—GUNPOWDER explosion in Delft.
16220000—16541012    —GIFTED, CAREL—FABRITIUS was 1—OF—REMBRANDT—MOST, pupils.
16281012             * WILHELM—CHRISTOPH—VON—BADEN, Domherr
16341011—16341012    —IN—DER—NACHT—ZUM, die größte INSEL—DES—WATTENMEERES, Strand, geht  in 1—ORKAN bzw. der nachfolgenden Sturmflut unter.
16341011—16341012    —BURCHARDI—FLUT, Die sogenannte, fordert etwa 10.000—MENSCHENLEBEN, wobei von den 8.600—BEWOHNERN—VON—ALT—NORDSTRAND ungefähr 6.400—UMS Leben kommen.
16341011—16341012    —BURCHARDI—FLUT, Geschätzte 50.000—STÜCK Vieh sterben.
16341011—16341012    —BURCHARDI—FLUT, Die Naturkatastrophe schafft den heutigen Küstenverlauf.
16541012             Bei der hinterher als Delfter Donnerschlag, BEKANNT gewordenen PULVERLAGER—EXPLOSION im NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—DELFT sterben —BIS zu 1.200—MENSCHEN und werden Tausende verletzt.
16541012             —VERWÜSTET, Die STADT—DELFT wird, CA—500—HÄUSER werden schwer in Mitleidenschaft gezogen.
16571012             † LÜBECK—RATSHERR—JOHANN—PÖPPING,
16591012             —FIRED, ENGLAND—RUMP government, JOHN—LAMBERT and other generals.
16591012—16591013    —SEE
16701012             † JAMES—THYNNE, ENGLISCHER—ADELIGER und Politiker
16721012             * ALBRECHT—MENO—VERPOORTEN—DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und lutherischer Theologe
16781012             * CHRISTOPH—PYL, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Historiker
16821012             † JEAN—PICARD, FRANZÖSISCHER—ASTRONOM und Geodät
16841012             Sein Name fehlt in der Tat in der nachfolgenden Liste,
16841012             aber"das von unbekannter Seite aufgehetzte VOLK widersetzte sich dem und verlangte, daß die Leiche —NACH—DEM Lido gebracht werden sollte",
16841012             wo LAUT ELZE ALLE—PROTESTANT ischen DEUTSCHEN und Fremde, die nicht Mitglieder der"DEUTSCHE—NATION" waren, Bestattet wurden.
16841012             —AM, sollte 1—ANGESEHENER evangelischer PETER—CRESSER—KAUF—MANN—VON—NÜRNBERG in S—BARTOLOMEO—VENEDIG beigesetzt werden,
16851012             * ISHIDA—BAIGAN, JAPANISCHER—GELEHRTER und Philosoph
16871002             Anstifter derselben sind Grumbkow und Meindort.
16871002/16871012   —DATUM—BERLIN, [Die Ceremooielltitreitigkeiten.
16871012             Ablehnung der QUADRUPLEALLIANZ.
16871012             Das Haus LÜNEBURG und seine Injurien gegen BRANDENBURG.
16871012             Dessen Besorgnise für HAMBURG.
16871012             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG hat ihn VORGESTERN —MITTAG zu sich rufen lassen und ihm seine "bekommerlijcke gedachten" über die Anwesenheit des KÖNIG—VON—
16871012             HOP an den PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN.
16871012             —DATUM—BERLIN
16871012             * SILVIUS—LEOPOLD—WEISS, DEUTSCHER—LAUTENIST und Komponist
16911012             † schwäbischer HEERFÜHRER—HANNIBAL—VON—DEGENFELD,
16921012             † GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—VITALI, composer, at 60.
16921012             † GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—VITALI, ITALIENISCHER—VIOLONIST, Sänger und Komponist
16941012             Der Grundstein für 1—NEUES Zürcher Rathaus wird bei der Limmat gelegt.
17041012             † HIERONYMUS—VON—DORNE, Lübecker BÜRGERMEISTER
17111012             —CHARLES—III—DE—ESPAGNE devient LE—EMPEREUR—CHARLES—VI.
17111012             RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHER—KAISER—KARL—VI. wird in FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN zum gewählt.
17131012             * JOHANN—LUDWIG—KREBS, composer.
17221012             MIR—WAIS' son, MIR—MAHMUD—OF—AFGHANISTAN, had invaded Persia and occupied Isfahan.
17221012             —REVOLTED, At the same time, the Durrani, and terminated the Persian occupation of HERAT.
17301012             * HANNAH—LIGHTFOOT, BRITISCHE—QUÄKERIN, angeblich die legitime oo GEORG—III—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND
17361012             * KARL—FRIEDRICH—PAELIKE, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Hochschullehrer
17371012             Das musikalische Drama Lucio Papirio von IGNAZ—HOLZBAUER wird uraufgeführt.
17441012             † PETER—CORNELIUS—BEYWEG, Weihbischof in Speyer
17451012             * HEINRICH—MICHAEL—HEBENSTREIT, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Rechtshistoriker
17461012             † AUGUSTIN—FRIEDRICH—WALTHER, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Anatom und Botaniker
17501012             GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—TIEPOLO mit seinen beiden ältesten Söhnen DOMENICO—GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—TIEPOLO (23) und LORENZO—GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—TIEPOLO (14) schließlich trat die lange, anstrengende Reise über die Alpen an,
17501012             —AM, GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—TIEPOLO 1—REISEGELD—VON—3.000—GULDEN erhielt.
17501012             VENEDIG—WÜRZBUEG
17531012             SIR—DANVERS—OSBORN (17150000             *), UNITED—KINGDOM—COLONIAL—GOVERNOR—OF—NEW—YORK, hanged himself —5—DAYS—AFTER arriving in NEW—YORK—CITY.
17531012             —REFUSED, His wife had —RECENTLY † and THE—NEW—YORK assembly, to support him in the style he felt his rank deserved.
17581012             * GEORGES—DE—ROUGEMONT, SCHWEIZER—JURIST und Politiker
17611012             * ALOYS—SCHREIBER, DEUTSCHER—LEHRER und Professor der Ästhetik, Hofhistoriker, Schriftsteller und Reisebuchautor
17630302—17661012    JOHANN—MARIA—PHILIPP—VON—WENTZ ist als KELLNER bezeugt vom und
17731012             * DETLEV—VON—EINSIEDEL, sächsischer Staatsmann
177310123            † — Hallet, BEDA, Pf. ad S—ANTONIUM—GLADBACH,
17761012             UNITED—KINGDOM—BRIGADE began guarding Throgs Necks Road in Bronx.
17770000—18641012    * † ROGER—B—TANEY, USA—SUPREME—COURT—CHIEF—JUSTICE (18360000—18640000    ), —AFTER serving over —28—YEARS.
17800000—18451012    * † ELIZABETH—FRY, ENGLAND—QUAKER prisoner reform advocate.
17851012             Die Uraufführung der Oper La grotta di Trofonio von ANTONIO—SALIERI findet am Burgtheater in WIEN statt.
17871012             * CARL—BARTH, DEUTSCHER—ZEICHNER und Kupferstecher
17891012             —ASSEMBLÉE—NATIONALE siège dans la salle du manège aux Tuilerie
17921012             —CELEBRATED, COLUMBUS —DAY was 1., in THE—USA.
17981012             The play "WALLENSTEIN—CAMP" by FRIEDRICH—VON—SCHILLER premiered in Weimar.
17981012             It was set in 3—PARTS —DURING THE—30—YEARS—WAR as GENERAL—ALBRECHT—VON—WALLENSTEIN fought for Catholic Emp.
17981012             FERDINAND—II.
18011012             * CARL—AUGUST—VON—STEINHEIL, DEUTSCHER—PHYSIKER, Astronom, Optiker und Unternehmer
18011012             * FRIEDRICH—FREY—HEROSÉ, SCHWEIZER—UNTERNEHMER, Offizier und Politiker
18081012             1. Kreditinstitut des LAND—BRASILIEN, entsteht mit der BANCO—DO—BRASIL das.
18081012             JOHANN—VI—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL will mit BANCO—DO—BRASIL seines HOF—EXILAUFENTHALT finanzieren.
18091012             —IM, AUTRICHE ATTENTAT manqué de Staps contre NAPOLEÓN
18091012             † MERIWETHER—LEWIS, of the Lewis and Clark expedition, under mysterious circumstances in S—LOUIS.
18091012             * FRIEDRICH—FERDINAND—LÖWE, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Bibliothekar und Übersetzer
18091012             * JOHANN—LEONHARD—APPOLD, DEUTSCHER—KUPFER—UND Stahlstecher
18101012             In honor of the wedding 1—HORSE—RACE took place at the Theresienwiese (the Theresien meadow).
18101012             The decision to repeat the horse races in subsequent years gave rise to the tradition of the Oktoberfest.
18101012             * UNO—CYGNAEUS, FINNISCHER—KLERIKER und Pädagoge
18101012—18101017    —AM, Die Hochzeitsfeier auf der Theresienwiese endet mit 1—PFERDERENNEN, aus dessen späteren jährlichen Folgeveranstaltungen das Oktoberfest erblüht.
18121012             * OTTO—VON—CORVIN, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER (Der Pfaffenspiegel)
18141012             * MARIANNE—RHODIUS, DEUTSCHE—STIFTERIN und Philanthropin
18171012             * BERNHARD—MAXIMILIAN—LERSCH, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Balneologe und Naturwissenschaftler
18181012             Das Nationaltheater München wird eröffnet.
18221008             —THE and 18221012             eruptions left 4,011 dead.
18221012             —AM, Auf des Jünglingsbund NÜRNBERGer BUNDES—TAG wurde ROBERT—WESSELHÖFT zum Vorsitzenden gewählt.
18231012             CHARLES—MACINTOSH—OF—SCOTLAND began selling raincoats (Macs).
18331012             CHARLES—DARWIN began his return trip to BUENOS—AIRES.
18441012             * GEORGE—WASHINGTON—CABLE, writer and reformer.
18451012             † ELIZABETH—FRY, BRITISCHE—REFORMERIN des Gefängniswesens
18480927—18481012    —VOM—BIS, sind es nur EINIGE—TAGE—PAUSE, was die NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG kaum schwer getroffen haben kann.
18481012             Redaktionelle Erklärung über das Wiedererscheinen der "Neuen Rheinischen Zeitung"
18481012             Revolution in WIEN
18481012             —CA, "WIENer —OKTOBER—REVOLUTION"
18481012             —CA, Als glänzender Redner hatte der PAULS—KIRCHEN—ABGEORDNETE—BLUM große Auftritte hinter sich,
18481012             DIE—NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG erscheint wieder.
18481012             DIE—NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG —ERST—AM wieder auf dem KAMPF—PLATZ erscheinen konnte.
18481012             —CA, "Süß, bezaubernd, schwelgerisch, wie 1—CHAMPAGNERRAUSCH", so war dem PAULS—KIRCHEN—ABGEORDNETE—BLUM das Leben in FRANKFURT einmal vorgekommen.
18481012             —CA, Als glänzender Redner hatte er große Auftritte hinter sich,
18481012             —CA, Dort zählte der PAULS—KIRCHEN—ABGEORDNETE—BLUM zu den führenden Köpfen der gemäßigten Linken.
18481012             —CA, der PAULS—KIRCHEN—ABGEORDNETE—BLUM schuftete im PARLAMENT für seinen Traum von Freiheit und Demokratie, und er hatte es genossen:
18481012             —CA, der PAULS—KIRCHEN—ABGEORDNETE—BLUM war 1—LIEBLING der Damen in den gutbürgerlichen Salons,
18481012             —CA, er schuftete im PARLAMENT für seinen Traum von Freiheit und Demokratie, und er hatte es genossen:
18481012             —CA, er war 1—LIEBLING der Damen in den gutbürgerlichen Salons,
18481012             —CA, es hatte 1—PAAR —TAGE gedauert, —BIS die Neuigkeiten in FRANKFURT eingetroffen waren.
18481012             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—114—KÖLN.
18501012             [see 18480000             , 18500311             ]
18501012             The 1. women's medical school, THE—WOMEN—MEDICAL—COLLEGE—OF—PENNSYLVANIA, opened.
18501012             The 1. women's medical school, the Female Medical College of PENNSYLVANIA, opened to students.
18561012             † GENERAL—RICHÁRD—GUYON,
18571012             * WILHELM—FABRICIUS, DEUTSCHER—BIBLIOTHEKAR und Historiker
18581012             † UTAGAWA—HIROSHIGE, JAPANISCHER—MALER und Grafiker
18601012             —CAPTURED, British and FRANCE—TROOPS, BEIJING.
18601012             * ELMER—AMBROSE—SPERRY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ERFINDER und Geschäftsmann
18601012             * JOHN—G—SARGENT, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JURIST und Politiker
18611012             THE—MANASSAS was THE—CONFEDERACY—1. operational ironclad.
18611012             —CALLED, Originally 1—NEW—ENGLAND tugboat, the Enoch Train, the ship was refit with iron sheathing and 1—IRON prow for ramming.
18611012             The underpowered ship was used in DEFENSE—OF—NEW—ORLEANS, finally being dispatched by the Union warship MISSISSIPPI.
18621012             J.E.B. Stuart completed his "2. ride —AROUND McClellan".
18621012             There was 1—SKIRMISH at MONOCACY—MARYLAND.
18621012             * FERDINAND—PFOHL, DEUTSCHER—MUSIKKRITIKER und Komponist
18631012             * CHARLES—HOSE, BRITISCHER—ZOOLOGE und Ethnologe
18641012             —FAVORED, ROGER—B—TANEY, state's rights and voided laws limiting the rights of slaveholders.
18641012             * HUGO—VISSCHER, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—KIRCHENHISTORIKER, reformierter Theologe und Politiker
18641012—18570000    —IN—THE, Dred Scott case Taney ruled that blacks as slaves could not become CITIZENS—OF—THE—USA.
18641012—18641129    —BETWEEN, Of the 19 apppointed, in fact only 3 were proposed by Le Lubez
18651012             DIE—PÄCHTER begannen sich zu beklagen, sie würden nicht imstande sein, so hohe Renten zu bezahlen, wie sie zu zahlen gewohnt waren, weil DIE—ARBEIT teurer wurde INFOLGE der Auswanderung".
18651012             "DIE—ACKER—BAU—TAG—LÖHNER fingen an auszuwandern, und
18651012             * ANTON—KOLM, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—FILMPIONIER, Regisseur, Produzent
18651012             * ARTHUR—HARDEN, BRITISCHER—BIOCHEMIKER, Nobelpreisträger
18661012             * RAMSAY—MACDONALD, BRITISCHER—POLITIKER, Regierungschef
18671012             * MAX—KURZWEIL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—MALER und Grafiker
18671012             † FRANZ—XAVER—HAIMERL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—JURIST und Hochschullehrer
18681012             * CHARLES—SUMNER—GREENE, architect.
18691012             * KINOSHITA—NAOE, JAPANISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Journalist
18701012             † ROBERT—E—LEE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—OFFIZIER, Oberbefehlshaber der Konföderierten
18711012             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—GRANT, THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA Ku Klux Klan to disperse and disarm in —5—DAYS.
18721012             * RALPH—VAUGHAN—WILLIAMS, composer (HUGH—THE—DROVER), in Down AMP—ENGLAND.
18721012             —SIGNED, Chiricahua Apache leader Cochise (18740000             †), 1—PEACE—TREATY—WITH—SPECIAL—INDIA—COMMISSIONER, GENERAL—OLIVER—OTIS—HOWARD (18300000—19090000    ), in THE—ARIZONA—TERRITORY.
18721012             —AM Theater an der WIEN in WIEN wird die Bauernkomödie mit Gesang Die Kreuzelschreiber von LUDWIG—ANZENGRUBER uraufgeführt.
18721012             Die Musik stammt von ADOLF—MÜLLER senior.
18731012             * SIEGFRIED—GUGGENHEIM, DEUTSCHER—ANWALT und Kunstsammler
18741012             * ANNA—STEMMERMANN, DEUTSCHE—PÄDAGOGIN und Medizinerin
18751012             * Aleister [Edward S] Crowley, (75—PSEUDONYMS), UNITED—KINGDOM—OCCULTIST—AMERICA—MYSTIC.
18751012             —ATTACKED, Mayan Indians, the Xuxub sugar plantation in the Yucatan and DOZENS—OF—WORKERS were killed or taken captive.
18751012             † Bernadino Cen, the Mayan leader, was killed —WHEN THE—MEXICO—NATIONAL—GUARD arrived the —NEXT—DAY.
18751012             * ~ ALMA—KATARINA—AMANDA—MELIN F Haegdarve, Silte, GOTLAND—SCHWEDEN
18751012—20000000    —AUTHORED, LAWRENCE—SUTIN, "Do What Thou Wilt, 1—LIFE—OF—ALEISTER—CROWLEY".
18751012—20040000    —AUTHORED, PAUL—SULLIVAN, "Xuxub Must Die".
18781012             * ACHILLE—PHILIP, FRANZÖSISCHER—ORGANIST und Komponist
18801012             * HEALEY—WILLAN, KANADISCHER—KOMPONIST—UND—ORGANIST, Chorleiter und Musikpädagoge
18811012             * CARLOS—LÓPEZ—BUCHARDO, ARGENTINISCHER—KOMPONIST, Pianist und Musikpädagoge
18821012             * HERMANN—WOLFGANG—VON—WALTERSHAUSEN, DEUTSCHER—KOMPONIST, Dirigent, Musikpädagoge und Musikschriftsteller
18821012             † ADOLF—EYBEL, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18861012             * ALBERT—CHAMBERLAND, KANADISCHER—VIOLINIST und Komponist
18861012             * PAULA—DEPPE, DEUTSCHE—MALERIN und Grafikerin
18871012             Bekannt wird DAS—JAPAN—UNTERNEHMEN—YAMAHA—CORPORATION vor allem durch seine Musikinstrumente und HIFI—SYSTEME.
18891012             * HANS—VON—ARNIM, DEUTSCHER—BEAMTER, Kirchenfunktionär und Autor
18901012             1—PARTEITAG—DER—SOZIALISTISCHEN—ARBEITERPARTEI—DEUTSCHLANDS beschließt in HALLE—SAALE die Umbenennung der Organisation in Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands.
18901012—18901018    Oberste Vertretung der Partei ist —DER—PARTEI—TAG.
18901012—18901018    MITGLIEDER—DES—REICHS—TAG und der PARTEI—LEITUNG haben in ihm in allen die parlamentarische und die geschäftliche Leitung der Partei betreffenden Fragen nur beratende Stimme. der PARTEI—LEITUNG besteht aus 12—PERSONEN: 2—VORSITZENDEN, 2—SCHRIFTFÜHRERN, 1—KASSIERER und 7—KONTROLLEUREN.
18901012—18901018    Sitz der PARTEI—LEITUNG ist BERLIN.
18901012—18901018    Zum offiziellen PARTEI—ORGAN wird das "BERLINER—VOLKSBLATT" bestimmt, mit der Auflage, vom18910101             —UNTER—DEM, Titel "VORWÄRTS—BERLINER Volkszeitung, CENTRAL—ORGAN DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN Partei DEUTSCHLANDs" zu erscheinen.
18901012—18901018    —DER—PARTEI—VORSTAND wird beauftragt, dem nächsten PARTEI—TAG den Entwurf 1—REVIDIERTEN Parteiprogramms vorzulegen.
18901012—18901018    Der 0501ist dauernd 1—FEIERTAG—DER—ARBEITER.
18901012—18901018    1. und oberste AUFGABE—DER—PARTEIPRESSE muß sein, DIE—ARBEITER aufzuklären und zum KLASSEN—BEWUßTSEIN zu erziehen;
18901012—18901018    —WÄHREND, der Beratungen kommt es wiederholt zu AUSEINANDERSETZUNGEN—MIT —DELEGIERTEN der in OPPOSITION zur SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION stehenden "Jungen".
18901012—18901018    —DER—1.—MAI ist dauernd 1—FEIERTAG—DER—ARBEITER.
18901012—18901018    DIE—AGITATION bei den allgemeinen Wahlen und die Tätigkeit der gewählten Abgeordneten im REICHS—TAG sind nach —DES—AUGUST—BEBEL—ÜBERZEUGUNG—DAS—ALLERWESENTLICHSTE und das wirksamste Agitationsmittel für die großartige ENTWICKLUNG—DER—PARTEI unter dem SOZIALISTEN—GESETZ gewesen.
18901012—18901018    DIE—PARTEI habe ALLE—URSACHE, DIE—BISHERIGE Taktik auch             fernerhin beizubehalten.
18901012—18901018    In den PARTEI—VORSTAND werden bei 368—GÜLTIGE—STIMMEN gewählt: als Vorsitzende: P. Singer (368), A. Gerisch (357), als Schriftführer: I. Auer (368), R. Fischer (364), als Kassierer: —AUGUST—BEBEL—367—), WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT wird als Chefredakteur des offiziellen PARTEI—ORGANS bestätigt und nimmt ALS—SOLCHER mit beratender Stimme an den PARTEI—VORSTANDSSITZUNGEN teil.
18901012—18901018    Als Kontrolleure werden gewählt: E. Dubber (359), F. Herbert (339), F. Ewald (336), A. Kaden (326), A. JACOBey (294), G. SCHULZ (168), C. Behrend (159).
18901012—18901018    KURZ—NACH, dem PARTEI—TAG wird DIE—PARTEIBUCHHANDLUNG "Vorwärts" zur Förderung des Vertriebes und der NEUHER—AUSGABE der Parteiliteratur gegründet.
18901012—18901018    STREIKs und Boykotts werden als unumgängliche Waffen DER—ARBEITER—KLASSE anerkannt, dazu sollen sich DIE—ARBEITER gewerkschaftlich organisieren, möglichst in zentralen Verbänden.
18901012—18901018    —DER—PARTEI—TAG empfiehlt allen PARTEI—GENOSSEN kräftige Unterstützung der gewerkschaftlichen Bestrebungen.
18901012—18901018    Die parlamentarischen Vertreter werden beauftragt, dafür einzutreten, daß das volle KOALITIONs—, VEREINS—RECHT erreicht wird.
18901012—18901018    bei —GRÜNDUNG—VON—NEUEN Parteiblättern Vorsicht walten zu lassen und zu prüfen, ob die Existenz aus eigenen Mitteln gegeben ist und vor allem, daß die notwendigen geistigen, technischen und administrativen Kräfte zur Leitung 1—BLATTES vorhanden seien.
18901012—18901018    In DIE—WAHL—AGITATION sei einzutreten für den REICHS—TAG, die LAND—TAGE oder DIE—GEMEINDEVERTRETUNGEN, wo immer Erfolgsaussichten bestehen.
18901012—18901018    die Stellung der Partei zu STREIKs und Boykotts (K. Grillenberger und K. Kloß).
18901012—18901018    Aus VEREINS—RECHTLICHEN Gründen wird DIE—ORGANISATION auf dem VERTRAUENSMÄNNER—SYSTEM aufgebaut.
18901012—18901018    DER—ARBEITERWAHLVEREIN in den WAHL—KREISEN und Städten ist meistens die lokale Organisation.
18901012—18901018    Die Vertrauensmänner müssen in öffentlichen Versammlungen gewählt werden.
18901012—18901018    —DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION soll wie —BISHER, die prinzipiellen Forderungen DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE gegenüber den BÜRGERlichen Parteien und dem KLASSEN—STAAT rücksichtslos vertreten, ebenso aber auch die auf dem BODEN der heutigen GESELLSCHAFT möglichen Reformen erstreben, ohne über die Bedeutung dieser positiven gesetzgeberischen Tätigkeit für die Klassenlage DER—ARBEITER in politischer wie ökonomischer Hinsicht Illusionen zu wecken.
18901012—18901018    —TAGES—ORDNUNG—DIE—ORGANISATION der Partei (I. Auer);
18910000—18911012    —ON, Born in GERMANY, she joined the Carmelites 19340000             —IN and wrote 1—NUMBER—OF—IMPORTANT—PHILOSOPHICAL and spiritual works, including "Finite and Eternal Being".
18911012             † FRIEDRICH—FEUSTEL, DEUTSCHER—BANKIER, Politiker und Förderer der Bayreuther Festspiele
18921012             —RECITED, THE—AMERICA—PLEDGE—OF—ALLEGIANCE was 1., in public schools to commemorate COLUMBUS —DAY.
18930000—19711012    * † DEAN—G—ACHESON, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE (19490000—19530000    ), in MARYLAND.
18931012             * GRETE—CSAKI—COPONY, DEUTSCHE—MALERIN, Zeichnerin und Lyrikerin
18931012             * MATTHIAS—JOSEPH—MEHS, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Heimatschriftsteller
18931012             * PÁLL—ÍSÓLFSSON, ISLÄNDISCHER—KOMPONIST, Organist, Lehrer und Dirigent
18941012             * AGNÈS—HUMBERT, FRANZÖSISCHE—KUNSTHISTORIKERIN und Mitglied der Résistance
18951006—18951012    SPD—PARTEI—TAG—IN—BRESLAU.
18951006—18951012    189—DELEGIERTE.
18951006—18951012    —TAGES—ORDNUNG, DIE—VORSCHLÄGE der AGRAR—KOMMISSION zu dem PARTEI—PROGRAMM (M. Quarck und M. Schippel);
18951006—18951012    —NACH—LANGER lebhafter DISKUSSION—ÜBER—DIE—AGRAR—FRAGE lehnt —DER—PARTEI—TAG auf Antrag KARL—KAUTSKYS mit 158—STIMMEN den vorgelegten Entwurf 1—AGRARPROGRAMMES ab, da er, im Widerspruch zum Erfurter Programm, DER—BAUERNSCHAFT die Hebung ihrer Lage und die Stärkung ihres PRIVAT—EIGENTUMS in Aussicht stelle und dem kapitalistischen STAAT—NEUE—MACHTMITTEL gebe.
18951006—18951012    DER—SPD—PARTEI—VORSTAND beauftragt 1—ANZAHL geeigneter Personen, das über DIE—DEUTSCHEN—AGRAR—VERHÄLTNISSE vorhandene Material gründlich zu studieren und DIE—ERGEBNISSE—DER—STUDIEN in 1—REIHE—VON—ABHANDLUNGEN zu veröffentlichen.
18951006—18951012    Abgelehnt wird er von KARL—KAUTSKY, I. Auer, P. Singer, G. NOSKE, M. Schippel, CLARA—ZETKIN.
18951006—18951012    DER—SPD—PARTEI—VORSTAND wird mit 205—GÜLTIGE—STIMMEN bestätigt: —AUGUST—BEBEL—200—), P. Singer (202), A. Gerisch (202), W. Pfannkuch (200), I. AUER (199).
18951006—18951012    Zu Kontrolleuren werden H. Meister (134), W. Klees (123), A. Kaden (99), Th.
18951006—18951012    METZner (92), C. OERTEL (89), H. Koenen (78) und CLARA—ZETKIN (67) gewählt.
18951006—18951012    Dem Entwurf des Programms stimmen —AUGUST—BEBEL, E. David, WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT, H. MOLKENBUHR, B. Schoenlank und G. —VON—VOLLMAR zu.
18951012             * HENRIK—HERSE, DEUTSCHER—LANDWIRT, Arbeiter, Offizier der SS und WAFFEN—SS, Dramaturg und Schriftsteller
18951012             † ISAAC—WOLFFSON, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Jurist
18961012             * EUGENIO—MONTALE, ITALIENISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Nobelpreisträger
18991012             THE—ANGLO—BOER War began.
18991012             * BUCHELA, DEUTSCHE—WAHRSAGERIN
18991012             —NACH—DER—KRIEGSERKLÄRUNG kommt es zu 1. Kampfhandlungen im Burenkrieg.
19000000—19691012    * † SERGE—POLIAKOFF, RUSSIAN—BORN FRANCE—MODERNIST painter.
19011012             —RENAMED, THEODORE—ROOSEVELT, the "Executive Mansion," to "THE—WHITE—HOUSE".
19021012             * ÄNNE—SAEFKOW, DEUTSCHE—POLITIKERIN und Widerstandskämpferin
19071012             —ANGEKLAG—WEGEN—HOCH—VERRAT KARL—LIEBKNECHT wird als der Schrift "MILITARISMUS und AntiMILITARISMUS" Verfasser, und vom REICHS—GERICHT zu eineinhalb —JAHREN Festung verurteilt.
19071012             —VERURTEILT, KARL—LIEBKNECHT, zu EINEINHALB—JAHRE—FESTUNGSHAFT, wird wegen seiner Schrift Militarismus und Antimilitarismus
19101012             —GEGRÜNDET—OFFIZIELL, Die Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereinigung wird im Haus von SIGMUND—FREUD in WIEN.
19120000—19691012    * † SONJA—HENIE, NORWAY—ICE skater (OLYMPIC—GOLD—1928,32,36) and film star, of leukemia on 1—FLIGHT from PARIS to OSLO.
19120000—19691012    —INCLUDED, HENIE—CAREER, 1—RECORD 10—CONSECUTIVE world championships.
19141012             THE—1.—BATTLE—AT—YPRES began.
19151012             —CRITICIZED, FORMER—PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT, the concept of "hyphenated Americanism," referring to USA—CITIZENS who identified themselves by dual nationalities.
19151012             —MANUFACTURED, Ford Motor Company, its 1—MILLIONTH Model T automobile.
19151012             UNITED—KINGDOM—NURSE—EDITH—CAVELL, —47—JAHRE—ALT, despite INTERNATIONAL protests, was shot as 1—SPY by 1—GERMANY—FIRING squad in BRUSSELS—BELGIUM.
19151012             Cavell, the matron of 1—BRUSSELS training school for nurses, was known for her compassion and SENSE—OF—DUTY.
19151012             —HELPED, As WWI broke out in EUROPE, Cavell, 60—UNITED—KINGDOM—STUDENT—NURSES—RETURN—HOME but she remained in BELGIUM.
19151012             Even though she knew that helping soldiers escape from GERMAN—OCCUPIED territory meant the death penalty, Cavell agreed —WHEN asked to participate in 1—ESCAPE ring that helped more than 200—FUGITIVE Allied soldiers return home —AFTER THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—EXPEDITIONARY FORCE—RETREAT from Mons.
19151012             —CONDEMNED, At her hasty trial, she was, to death for "conducting soldiers to the enemy".
19151012             —JUSTIFIED, Although their action may have been, under THE—RULES—OF—WAR, the Germans seriously blundered —WHEN they shot EDITH—CAVELL.
19151012             —ELEVATED, Within DAYS—OF—HER—DEATH, the selfless nurse was, to martyr status and the Germans were internationally condemned as "murdering monsters".
19151012             1—STATUE in S—MARTIN'S—PLACE, —JUST off LONDON—TRAFALGAR—SQUARE, is dedicated to Cavell.
19151012—19150800    —IN, Such 1—LARGE—CONSPIRACY could not long remain 1—SECRET and, Cavell and 35—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—HER—ORGANIZATION were arrested.
19151012—20100000    —AUTHORED, DIANA—SOUHAMI, "EDITH—CAVELL".
19171012             3. Flandernschlacht während des —WWI beginnt die - 1. PASSCHENDAELE—SCHLACHT.
19181012             werden amnestiert Personen, die wegen politischer Vergehen, insbesondere wegen Teilnahme an LEBENS—MITTELUNRUHEN bestraft wurden,
19181012             werden amnestiert Personen, die wegen politischer Vergehen, insbesondere wegen Teilnahme an STRAßEN—DEMONSTRATION,
19181012             werden amnestiert Personen, die wegen politischer Vergehen, insbesondere wegen Teilnahme an So erhalten W. Dittmann und K. Eisner DIE—FREIHEIT wieder.
19181012             THE—1.—USE—OF—IRON lung was at BOSTON—CHILDREN—HOSPITAL.
19181012             —ERUPTED, THE—CLOQUET—FIRE, in MINNESOTA.
19181012             453—LIVES were lost and 52,000—PEOPLE were injured or displaced, 38—COMMUNITIES were destroyed, 250,000 acres (1,000 km2) were burned.
19181012—19900000    —AUTHORED, FRANCIS—M—CARROLL, "FIRES—OF—AUTUMN: THE—CLOQUET—MOOSE Lake Disaster of 19180000             ".
19181200             alfatomega.com/20041012.html
19190000—20061012    * † GILLO—PONTECORVO, ITALY—FILMMAKER, in ROME at age 86. GILLO—PONTECORVO directed THE—BLACK—AND—WHITE—CLASSIC "THE—BATTLE—OF—ALGIERS" (19660000             ).
19191012             * GERHARD—KIENBAUM, DEUTSCHER—UNTERNEHMENSGRÜNDER und Politiker, Landesminister, MdL, MdB
19200000—19891012    * † JAY—WARD, cartoonist.
19200000—19891012    —PRODUCED, JAY—WARD and BILL—SCOTT, 19590000             —THE—TV—SHOW "Rocky and His Friends," which featured Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose.
19201012             Construction began on HOLLAND—TUNNEL connecting NJ and NEW—YORK—CITY.
19201012             Man O'War ran his last race and won.
19211012             —BESTOWED, THE—MEDAL—OF—HONOR, emblem of highest ideals and virtues, is, in THE—NAME—OF—CONGRESS—OF—THE—USA—OF—AMERICA—UPON the unknown, unidentified ITALY—SOLDIER to be buried in the National Monument to VICTOR—EMANUEL—II, in ROME.
19211012             The cruise ship CITY—OF—HONOLULU caught fire sailing from HONOLULU to LONG—BEACH.
19211012             —RESCUED, All on BOARD were.
19231012             † CHARLES—ROTHSCHILD, BRITISCHER—BANKIER, Entomologe und Naturschützer
19241012             1. Atlantiküberquerung 1—ZEPPELIN, HUGO—ECKENER startet mit seinem LUFTSCHIFF—LZ—126.
19241012—19210000    —IN, † ANATOLE—FRANCE, FRANCE—SATIRIC—MASTER (Penguin ISLAND, Revolt of the Angels, Thais), at 80. ANATOLE—FRANCE won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
19281012             1. 1—EISERNE—LUNGE verwendet, In der Bostoner Kinderklinik wird
19291012             * RICHARD—COLES, child psychologist and author.
19291012             —WARSCHAUER—ABKOMMEN über die Beförderung im internationalen Luftverkehr, Vorläufer des MONTREALER—ÜBEREINKOMMENS—VON—19990000             , wird unterzeichnet.
19301012             —ERÖFFNET, Der KARL—MARX—HOF—WIEN—HEILIGENSTADT, der weltweit längste zusammenhängende Wohnbau, wird von BÜRGERMEISTER—KARL—SEITZ.
19311012             —UNVEILED, THE—RIO—DE—JANEIRO 98-foot STATUE—OF—CHRIST the Redeemer was, atop Corcovado Mountain as 1 belated monument to —100—YEARS—OF—INDEPENDENCE from PORTUGAL (18220000             ).
19311012             —GEWEIHT Die von HEITOR—SILVA—COSTA entworfene Christusstatue auf dem CORCOVADO—RIO—DE—JANEIRO wird.
19321012             * DICK—GREGORY, comedian, social and political activist and dietician (BAHAMAS—DIET).
19321012             —KONKORDAT—ZWISCHEN dem Heiligen Stuhl und Baden wird geschlossen.
19321012             7. PANAMERIKANISCHE—ONFERENZ, Die Flagge der Hispanität wird im Rahmen der angenommen.
19331012             THE—USA—ARMY left Alcatraz ISLAND.
19331012             —ESCAPED, BANK—ROBBER—JOHN—DILLINGER, from 1—JAIL in ALLEN—COUNTY, OHIO, with the help of his gang, who killed the sheriff, Jess Sarber.
19331012—19340000    —IN, it reopened as 1—FEDERAL—PENITENTIARY.
19341012             S—FRANCISCO, the new Coit Tower in Pioneer Park on Telegraph Hill opened to the public.
19341012             —PAINTED, At least 8—FRESCOES, by 27—ARTISTS employed by THE—WPA, were washed out and eliminated because they were "architecturally inharmonious".
19341012             VICTOR—ARNAUTOFF (18960000—19790000    ), RUSSIAN—BORN social realist, was in charge.
19341028             —MARKED, This, THE—END—OF—THE—20—YEAR SF water project led by engineer MICHAEL—O'SHAUGNESSY (19341018             †) 19341012             —SEE.
19351012             * LUCIANO—PAVAROTTI, ITALY—OPERA tenor, in MODENA—ITALY.
19401012             —ABSOLVIERT, Das SCHLACHTFLUGZEUG—ILJUSCHIN—IL—2, nach 1—UMBAU seinen Erstflug unter der Bezeichnung ZKB—57.
19401012             Die SOVIET—MASCHINE SCHLACHTFLUGZEUG—ILJUSCHIN—IL entwickelt sich zu 1—DER meistgebauten Flugzeuge.
19411012             —MOVED, RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT, from MOSCOW to Volga as Nazis closed in on MOSCOW.
19411012             —KILLED, THOUSANDS—OF—JEWS were, in Ivano FRANKIVSK—UKRAINE, by MEN—OF—THE—SECURITY—POLICE (Sicherheitspolizei;
19411012             —ASSISTED, SiPo), by MEMBERS—OF—THE—GERMAN—ORDER—POLICE (Ordnungspolizei) and the railroad police.
19420224—19421012    —UNTIL, Nationwide some 600,000—OF 5—MILLION Italians were undocumented and deemed "enemy aliens".
19420809—18911012    —ON, Born in GERMANY, EDITH—STEIN
19421011—19421012    —IN—DER—NACHT auf den, besiegen die Amerikaner die Japaner während des —WWII in der
19421011—19421012    —SCHLACHT—VON—CAPE—ESPERANCE.
19421012             —WWII—DURING, PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT delivered 1—OF—HIS—SO—CALLED "fireside chats" in which he recommended drafting 18- and —19—YEAR—OLD—MEN.
19421012             —DEFEATED, USA—NAVY, Japanese in WW II BATTLE—OF—CAPE—ESPERANCE.
19421012             —WWII—DURING, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—FRANCIS—BIDDLE announced that ITALY—NATIONALS in THE—USA would no longer be considered enemy aliens.
19421012             oo LOUIS—ARMSTRONG, —40—JAHRE—ALT, LUCILLE—WILSON, —24—JAHRE—ALT.
19431012             —CALLED, Noble 1., it —JUST "THE—BLUE—NETWORK".
19431012             THE—USA 5. Army began 1—ASSAULT crossing of the Volturno River in ITALY.
19431012             —BOMBED, THE—USA, Rabaul, New BRITAIN (S. Pacific, Bismarck Archipelago).
19431012             † WILLI—GRAF, DEUTSCHER—STUDENT, Mitglied der Widerstandsgruppe WEIßE—ROSE
19431012—19450200    —BY, it was renamed THE—USA—BROADCASTING Company.
19441012             —RETREATED, GERMANY—ARMY, from ATHENS.
19441012             † ALEXIS—VON—ROENNE, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER, Widerstandskämpfer
19441012             † RAFAEL—OROPESA, SPANISCHER—MUSIKER und Kommunist
19441012—19440720    † RUDOLF—VON—MAROGNA—REDWITZ, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER, Widerstandskämpfer des
19461012             —CARRIED, The cheapest sight and sound receivers on display, a $225—PRICE—TAG.
19461012             —OFFERED, For this Radio Corp. of AMERICA, 1—TABLE—MODEL set which showed 1—PICTURE about 4—BY 5—INCHES.
19461012             † JOSEPH—W—STILWELL, USA—GENERAL in CHINA.
19461012             —KONTROLLRATS—DIREKTIVE—NUMBER—38—ZIELT auf die Verhaftung und Bestrafung von Kriegsverbrechern, Nationalsozialisten und Militaristen sowie
19461012             —KONTROLLRATS—DIREKTIVE—NUMBER—38—ZIELT auf die Internierung, Kontrolle und Überwachung von möglicherweise gefährlichen Deutschen.
19461012             IL—CANTO—DEGLI—ITALIANI wird die inoffizielle Nationalhymne Italiens.
19491012             —BECAME, Eugenie Anderson, the 1. woman USA—AMBASSADOR.
19491012             —GEGRÜNDET, Der DEUTSCHE—GEWERKSCHAFTSBUND[DGB] wird in München.
19501012             Dokument VOM—INDEM es heißt, ein CHINESISCHES—EINGREIFEN in den KOREA—KRIEG sei —IN—DIESEM—JAHR "nicht wahrscheinlich".
19510000—20131012    * † OSCAR—HIJUELOS, Pulitzer Prize winner (19900000             ), in Manhattan.
19510000—20131012    OSCAR—HIJUELOS'S 19890000             novel "THE—MAMBO—KINGS—PLAY—SONGS—OF—LOVE" became 1—BEST—SELLER.
19511012             An der Städtischen Oper BERLIN läuft die Uraufführung der Oper Die VERURTEILUNG—DES—LUKULLUS—VON—PAUL—DESSAU mit dem Text von BERTOLT—BRECHT.
19531012             —SIGNED, USA and GREECE, 1—PEACE—TREATY that included USA—BASES.
19551012             —GEGRÜNDET, PARIS, wird die Internationale Organisation für das gesetzliche Messwesen
19571012             WIESBADEN, wird die Neufassung der Operette Hopsa von PAUL—BURKHARD uraufgeführt.
19580000—19991012    * † BJORN—SODERBERG, 1—MEMBER—OF—1—SWEDISH—FAR—LEFT union, was shot and killed.
19580000—19991012    Prosecutors said the killing was revenge for THE—SODERBERG—PUBLIC—DENOUNCEMENT—OF—1—CO—WORKER who belonged to 1—NEO—NAZI organization.
19580000—19991012    —EXPELLED, He was, —AFTER—4—MONTHS—WHEN his former identity was revealed.
19591012             GUERRA—COLONIAL (antecedentes): Directiva do ESTADO—MAIOR do Exército sobre 1—DEFINIÇÃO da política MILITAR do Exército Português, iniciando 1—PREPARAÇÃO da defesa do Ultramar, face à já então prevista eclosão de acções de guerra subversiva.
19601012             —DISRUPTED, SOVIET—PREMIER—NIKITA—KHRUSHCHEV, 1—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY—SESSION by pounding his desk with 1—SHOE —WHEN 1—SPEAKER criticized his country.
19601012             Von der Rede des PHILIPPINISCHER—GESANDTER—LORENZO—SUMULONG zur Entkolonialisierung und BÜRGER—RECHTLICHEN und MENSCHEN—RECHTLICHEN Lage in Osteuropa erzürnt, schlägt der UDSSR—PREMIER—NIKITA—CHRUSCHTSCHOW mit 1—SEINER Schuhe mehrfach auf seinen Tisch.
19621012             —WASHED, COLUMBUS —DAY storms, out 19620000             —THE—WORLD—SERIES—GAME at Candlestick Park in SF.
19621012             1—STORM from the Gulf of ALASKA took on moisture from Typhoon Freda and caused —4—DAYS—OF—RAINOUTS—DURING the World series.
19631012             Archaeological digs began at MASADA—ISRAEL.
19641012             MARY—MEYER, lover to JOHN—F—KENNEDY up to his assassination, was brutally murdered on 1—WALKING path by the Potomac River.
19641012             Her story is told in a 19960000             book by JOHN—DAVIS "JFK and MARY—PINCHOT—MEYER: 1—TALE—OF—2 Murdered Lovers".
19641012             —LAUNCHED, THE—SOVIET—UNION, 1—VOSKHOD space capsule with a 3—MAN crew on the 1. manned mission involving more than 1—CREW member.
19641012             Spaceship designer Konstantin Feoktistov (19260000—20090000    ), the only NON—COMMUNIST—SPACE—TRAVELER in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—SOVIET—SPACE—PROGRAM, traveled aboard the Voskhod as part of the 1. group space flight in history.
19641012             —STARTET, Das SOVIET—RAUMSCHIFF—WOSCHOD—1 mit den Kosmonauten WLADIMIR—KOMAROW, BORIS—JEGOROW und Konstantin Feoktistow an Bord.
19641012             1. Raumflug mit mehreren Personen, Das SOVIET—RAUMSCHIFF—WOSCHOD—1
19671012             INDIA, 1—MASSIVE—CYCLONE struck the rural Orissa state consisting of small villages.
19671012             Basically all life (human and animal) and EACH—STRUCTURE was wiped out;
19671012             the precise number of fatalities and destruction is unknown.
19680628—19681012    —CELEBRATED, COLUMBUS —DAY, previously, was moved to the 2. —MONDAY of October.
19681012             Eq.
19681012             —GAINED, GUINEA, INDEPENDENCE was from SPAIN. Eq.
19681012             GUINEA consists of 2—GEOGRAPHIC entities: the mainland of RIO—MUNI and THE—ISLAND—OF—BIOKO, formerly FERNANDO—POO.
19681012             —BECAME, FRANCISCO—MACIAS, the 1. PRESIDENT and proclaimed himself God's "unique miracle".
19681012             He drove the economy into the ground and over a 3. of the population went into exile.
19681012             THE—SUMMER—GAMES—OF—THE 19. Olympiad were officially opened in MEXICO—CITY by MEXICO—PRESIDENT—GUSTAVO—DIAZ—ORDAZ.
19681012             † MICHAEL—A—MUSMANNO, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—MARINEOFFIZIER, Richter bei den Nürnberger Prozessen
19681012             ÄQUATORIAL—GUINEA erlangt nach 1—VOLKSABSTIMMUNG die Unabhängigkeit von SPANIEN.
19691012—19940000    —IN, * NANCY—ANN—KERRIGAN, figure skater, in WOBURN—MASSACHUSETTS she won an Olympics silver medal.
19701012             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON, the pullout of 40,000 more USA—TROOPS in VIETNAM by Christmas.
19701012             —CONTINUED, QUEBEC—CANADA, the "October Crises".
19701012             —IMPOSED, PRIME—MINISTER—PIERRE—TRUDEAU, martial law in QUEBEC and sent troops into MONTREAL BECAUSE—OF—BOMBINGS and killings by THE—QUEBEC—LIBERATION—FRONT.
19711012             —OPENED, The rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar", at THE—MARK—HELLINGER—THEATRE on Broadway.
19711012             It closed 19730701             —AFTER 711—PERFORMANCES.
19711012             —PASSED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, the Equal Rights Amendment with 1—VOTE—OF—354—YEAS, 24—NAYS and 51—NOT voting.
19711012             It failed to gain ratification —BEFORE THE—END—OF—THE—DEADLINE
19711012             Das ROCK—MUSICAL Jesus Christ Superstar von ANDREW—LLOYD—WEBBER mit den Liedtexten von TIM—RICE wird in NEW—YORK uraufgeführt.
19711012—19711016    —BIS—ZUM—ANDAUERN, Beginn der Festlichkeiten der 2.—500—JAHR—FEIER der IRAN—MONARCHIE.
19711012—20060000    —AUTHORED, ROBERT—L—BEISNER, "DEAN—ACHESON: 1—LIFE in the Cold War".
19721012             —ON THE—USA—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER—KITTY Hawk 1—SERIES—OF—INCIDENTS broke out wherein 1—GROUP—OF—BLACKS, armed with chains, wrenches, bars, broomsticks and other dangerous weapons, went marauding through sections of the ship disobeying orders to cease, terrorizing the crew, and seeking out white personnel for senseless beating with fists and with weapons which resulted in extremely serious injury to 3—MEN and the medical treatment of MANY—MORE, including SOME—BLACKS.
19721012             USA—HOUSE—RESOLUTION 16444, establishing the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA), was passed by Congress and was signed by PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON —15—DAYS—LATER.
19721012             —INCORPORATED, THE—ISLAND—OF—ALCATRAZ was, into this park.
19721012             —PUSHED, CALIFORNIA Congressman Phillip Burton, through legislation preserving THOUSANDS—OF—ACRES—OF forested hills, valleys and rugged shoreline.
19721012             Burton got Congress to agree to transfer the Presidio in S—FRANCISCO to the park service if the army ever pulled out.
19730716—19730829    —ORDERED, JUDGE—JOHN—SIRICA, Nixon to turn over the tapes, 1—ORDER subsequently upheld by USA—COURT—OF—APPEALS 19731012             —ON.
19731012             —AM, PERON his investiture as ARGENTINA—PRESIDENT,
19731012             —AM, 1—CEREMONY observed by GIULIO—ANDREOTTI.
19731012             —AM, 1—CEREMONY observed by LICIO—GELLI and
19731012             —AM, 1—CEREMONY observed by VALORI,
19731012             GUERRA—COLONIAL, O—GOVERNO—PORTUGUÊS nomeia uma comissão para estudar o assunto.
19731012             GUERRA—COLONIAL, O—GOVERNO—PORTUGUÊS revoga os polémicos diplomas sobre as carreiras no Exército (decretos de Sá Viana Rebelo sobre os milicianos) e
19731012             —AFTER PERON appointed LICIO—GELLI his Honorary Consul in FLORENCE[FLORENZ],
19731012             The ballet "Remembrances" by ROBERT—JOFFREY (19300000—19880000    ) premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19731012             —NOMINATED, PRESIDENT—NIXON, House minority leader GERALD—R—FORD—OF—MICHIGAN to succeed SPIRO—T—AGNEW as VICE—PRESIDENT.
19731012             DIE—USA starten die Operation Nickel Grass zur Versorgung Israels mit Kriegsmaterial im zuvor ausgebrochenen JOM—KIPPUR—KRIEG.
19751012             —BECAME, Archbishop OLIVER—PLUNKETT (16250000—16810000    ), the 1. IRISH—BORN saint in —700—YEARS.
19751012             —BEHEADED, He was, by CROMWELL—TROOPS.
19761012             —ANNOUNCED, It was, in CHINA that Hua GUO—FENG (19210000—20080000    ) had been named to succeed the late Mao TSE—TUNG as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY.
19761012             —NACH—DEM Rücktritt des hessischen MINISTERPRÄSIDENTEN—ALBERT—OSSWALD infolge des HELABA—SKANDALS wird HOLGER—BÖRNER vom LANDTAG mit 4—STIMMEN Vorsprung gegenüber ALFRED—DREGGER zum Nachfolger gewählt.
19761012—19780000    —STRIPPED—OF, He was effectively, his powers and
19761012—19810000    —IN, formally lost the chairmanship.
19771012             —PASSED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) which required banks to serve their entire community.
19771012             The intent was to ensure that adequate loans were made to low and moderate income neighborhoods and that those areas had access to bank branches and other banking services.
19771012             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that communities have 1—RIGHT to prevent commuters from parking in residential neighborhoods.
19771012             USA—SUPREME—COURT heard arguments in the "reverse discrimination" CASE—OF—ALLAN—BAKKE, —35—JAHRE—ALT, 1—WHITE—STUDENT denied admission to U of CALIFORNIA Med School.
19781012             NANCY Spungen (19580000             *), GIRLFRIEND—OF—SEX—PISTOLS—BASSIST—SID Vicious, was found dead on the bathroom floor of their NEW—YORK—CITY—HOTEL—ROOM.
19781012             —OPENED, Representatives of ISRAEL and EGYPT, talks in WASHINGTON.
19781012             She had bled to death from 1—SINGLE stab wound to the abdomen.
19781012             —ESCAPED, UGANDA, Idi Amin, an 11. assassination attempt.
19791012             Mit 1—KERNDRUCK—VON—870—HEKTOPASCAL und 1—DURCHMESSER—VON—2.200—KILOMETERN entwickelt der Taifun Tip die größte je beobachtete Intensität 1—TROPISCHEN Wirbelsturms.
19791012             Mit "Die 3 ??? und der SUPER—PAPAGEI" erscheint das 1. Hörspiel von Die 3 ???
19791012             unter dem Label EUROPA.
19811012             —PERSIFLIERT, RUDI—CARRELL, 1. in der ARD mit seiner Sendung Rudis Tagesshow die Tagesschau.
19841012             —SIGNED, THE—USA—COMPREHENSIVE—CRIME—CONTROL—ACT—OF—19840000              was, into law.
19841012             It established THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE—ASSETS—FORFEITURE—FUND to receive the proceeds of forfeiture and to pay the costs associated with such forfeitures.
19841012             —BOMBED, THE—IRA, the hotel where PRIME—MINISTER—MARGARET—THATCHER was staying in BRIGHTON.
19841012             —ESCAPED, Thatcher, but 5—PEOPLE were killed.
19841012             —SENTENCED, PATRICK—MCGEE was, to 8—LIFE—SENTENCES for his role in the bombing.
19841012             DIE—IRA zündet 1—BOMBE im GRAND—HOTEL—BRIGHTON, wo sich die BRITISCHE—PREMIERMINISTERIN—MARGARET—THATCHER und ihr Kabinett aufhalten.
19841012             † † † 5—MENSCHEN werden getötet, 32—VERLETZT.
19841012—19990000    —FREED, McGee was, as PART—OF—THE—NORTH—IRELAND peace accord.
19861012             —ENDED, The superpower meeting in REYKJAVIK—ICELAND, in stalemate, with PRESIDENT—REAGAN and SOVIET—LEADER—MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV unable to agree on arms control or 1—DATE for 1—FULL—FLEDGED summit in THE—USA.
19871012             —LAUNCHED, HOUSTON, VICE—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH formally, his quest for the Republican presidential nomination.
19871012             † FORMER—KANSAS—GOVERNOR—ALFRED "Alf" M. Landon, who ran for PRESIDENT—AGAINST—FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT, at his TOPEKA home at age 100.
19881012             —ANNOUNCED, USA—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS, that Sundstrand Corp. had agreed to plead guilty to fraud charges and pay a $115—MILLION—SETTLEMENT for overbilling the Pentagon for airplane parts over —5—YEARS.
19890212—20111012    —OFFERED, BRITAIN, 1—OFFICIAL—APOLOGY for its forces' role 19890000             —IN—THE—KILLING—OF—1—NORTHERN—IRELAND lawyer and pledged to publish 1—PUBLIC—REPORT into THE—EXTENT—OF—POLICE and army collusion in the attack.
19891012             —DEFEATED, THE—SENATE, the measure —1—WEEK—LATER.
19901012             THE—CINCINNATI—REDS won the National League pennant, defeating THE—PITTSBURGH—PIRATES 2-to-1.
19901012             WOLFGANG—SCHAUBLE (19420000             *), GERMANY—POLITICIAN, was the target of 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT by DIETER—KAUFMANN, who fired 3—SHOTS at Schäuble —AFTER 1—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN—EVENT in Oppenau.
19901012             —PARALYZED, Schauble was left, from the waist down.
19901012             —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, unanimously to condemn ISRAEL—SECURITY—FORCES for killing 17—PALESTINE—DEMONSTRATORS on the Temple Mount.
19901012             DER—CDU—POLITIKER—WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE wird bei 1—WAHLKAMPFVERANSTALTUNG niedergeschossen.
19901012             —SEITDEM, DER—CDU—POLITIKER—WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE ist vom 3. Brustwirbel an abwärts gelähmt.
19901012—20090000    —IN, he was appointed finance MINISTER—UNDER—CHANCELLOR—ANGEL—MERKEL.
19911012             Testifying for a 2. —DAY on sexual harassment charges leveled by law professor Anita Hill, SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—CLARENCE—THOMAS told the Senate Judiciary Committee he'd "rather die than withdraw," and repeated his DENIAL—OF—HILL—ALLEGATIONS.
19921012             Arecibo radio telescope in PUERTO—RICO began 1—MICROWAVE search for occupied planets.
19921012             † A 5.8—EARTHQUAKE hit CAIRO and at least 510—PEOPLE.
19921012             ÄGYPTEN, kommen 553—MENSCHEN bei 1—ERDBEBEN der Stärke 5,9 ums Leben.
19931012             THE—TORONTO—BLUE—JAYS won their 2. straight USA—LEAGUE pennant, defeating THE—CHICAGO—WHITE—SOX in 6—GAMES.
19931012             —CHEERED, HUNDREDS—OF—MILITANT—RIGHT—WINGERS in HAITI, as 1—USA—WARSHIP retreated in 1—MAJOR—SETBACK for A—UNITED—NATIONS—MISSION to restore democracy.
19931012             —VERTRAG—VON—MAASTRICHT wird vom Bundesverfassungsgericht im MAASTRICHT—URTEIL gebilligt, doch
19931012             muss der DEUTSCHE—GESETZGEBER bei der —VERTRAG—VON—MAASTRICHT—UMSETZUNG Auflagen im Hinblick auf die demokratische Legitimation der EUROPÄISCHE—UNION beachten.
19941012             USA—CLIFFORD—G—SHULL and CANADA—BERTRAM N. Brockhouse won the Nobel physics prize;
19941012             USA—GEORGE—A—OLAH won the Nobel chemistry prize.
19941012             —ENDED, THE—MAGELLAN space probe, its —4—YEAR mapping mission of Venus, plunging into the planet's atmosphere.
19941012             —GRANTED, PANAMA, political asylum to ousted HAITI—MILITARY—LEADER—RAOUL Cedras.
19941012             Die Hauptbohrung des Kontinentalen Tiefbohrprogramms der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND bei Windischeschenbach wird bei 1—TIEFE—VON—9.101—METERN beendet.
19941012             Die USA—AMERIKANISCHE—RAUMSONDE—MAGELLAN verglüht in der Venusatmosphäre.
19951012             —AFTER a —2—DAY—DELAY, THE—USA—BROKERED CEASE—FIRE in BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA went into effect —1—MINUTE—AFTER midnight.
19951012             —CONTINUED, Fighting, over contested towns in NORTH—WEST—BOSNIA.
19961012             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, into law the Water Resources Development Act, which authorized FEDERAL—WATER—PROJECTS across the country.
19961012             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—HISPANIC—AMERICANS, in WASHINGTON to push for simplified citizenship procedures and a 7—DOLLAR—MINIMUM—WAGE.
19961012             —DEDICATED, Followers of Sri Chimnoy, to INTERNATIONAL peace and freedom through physical fitness, hung 1—BRASS plaque with 1—FREE verse poem in 1—ALCOVE THE—LOBBY—OF—THE—STATUE—OF—LIBERTY.
19961012             —RELEASED, ECUADOR, PRESIDENT—ABDALA—BUCARAM, his debut Rock 'n' Roll CD —THIS—WEEK: "1—MADMAN in Love".
19961012             —DELIVERED, NEW—ZEALAND, elections voters, 1—SPLIT verdict on conservative rule.
19961012             Jenny Shipley was made PRIME—MINISTER and ruled —FOR—2—YEARS.
19971012             PRESIDENT—CLINTON met PRESIDENT—RAFAEL—CALDERA—OF—VENEZUELA on the 1. stop of his trip to SOUTH—AMERICA.
19971012             —REPORTED, It was, that VENEZUELA handles some 100—METRIC—TONS—OF—COCAINE and 10—METRIC—TONS—OF—HEROIN from COLUMBIA to THE—USA.
19971012             —ORGANIZED, SF, 1—ROCK—CONCERT, by Chet Helms was planned in Golden Gate Park to commemorate THE—30—YEAR anniversary of the "BE—IN".
19971012             † JOHN—DENVER, —53—JAHRE—ALT, singer and songwriter, —AFTER his LONG—EZ aircraft crashed into the ocean near MONTEREY—CALIFORNIA.
19971012             * JOHN—DENVER as HENRY—JOHN—DEUTSCHENDORF—JUNIOR and came to prominence as 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—CHAD—MITCHELL—TRIO.
19971012             JOHN—DENVER wrote the song "Leavin' on 1—JET—PLANE," that became 1—HIT for Peter, Paul and MARY.
19971012             —SCHEDULED, BOSNIA, elections were, by PRESIDENT—PLAVSIC.
19971012             —RECEIVED, JERUSALEM, 1—ARAB toddler, the heart of 1—JEWISH—BOY killed in 1—BICYCLE—AUTO accident.
19971012             —BACKED, In THE—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO—ANGOLA—TROOPS, the rebels in 1—OFFENSIVE—AROUND southern cities.
19971012             —SURROUNDED, Rebels, BRAZZAVILLE and GENERAL—JEAN—MARIE—TIAFFOU urged government troops to surrender.
19971012             There were reports that ANGOLA—UNITA rebels were backing PRESIDENT—LISSOUBA.
19971012             KAMERUN, wird PAUL—BIYA im Amt als Staatspräsident bestätigt.
19971012—19670114    —SEE1 estimated 10,000—PEOPLE gathered for the concert.
19981007             Shepard † 19981012             .
19981007—19981012    —SEEHENDERSON and McKinney were —LATER convicted and sentenced to life in prison.
19981007—19981012    —AM, USA—STUDENT—MATTHEW—SHEPARD erliegt seinen Verletzungen.
19981012             1—RECORD 974-pound pumpkin won the Great Pumpkin WEIGH—OFF in Half MOON—BAY, CALIFORNIA.
19981012             —AWARDED, THE—NOBEL—PRIZE in medicine was, to 3—AMERICANS, ROBERT—F—FURCHGOTT, —82—JAHRE—ALT, LOUIS—IGNARRO, —57—JAHRE—ALT and Ferid Murad (62), for their work on nitric oxide gas in biochemical functions in the human body.
19981012             1—USA—LAW protecting sea turtles was overturned by 1—APPEALS—PANEL—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION (WTO).
19981012             † MATTHEW—SHEPARD, —21—JAHRE—ALT, 1—GAY—STUDENT at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WYOMING, in FORT—COLLINS—COLORADO, —5—DAYS—AFTER he was beaten and lashed to 1—FENCE;
19981012             2—MEN were charged with his murder.
19981012             —PLEADED, RUSSELL—HENDERSON —LATER, guilty to murder and kidnapping;
19981012             a 2. suspect, AARON—MCKINNEY, was convicted of felony murder, kidnapping and aggravated robbery.
19981012             —SENTENCED, McKinney was, to 2—LIFE—TERMS.
19981012             † SANTA, MONICA—CALIFORNIA, HORST—FIETZE, 1—GERMANY—TOURIST, was killed by robbers as he strolled with his wife on 1—OCEAN promenade.
19981012             3—OTHERS had already been convicted and sentenced for their roles in the killing.
19981012             —PLANNED, CANADA, to begin discussion with NORWAY, SWEDEN, ICELAND and LIECHTENSTEIN for the 1. TRANS—ATLANTIC—FREE—TRADE—PACT.
19981012             —DEMONSTRATED, FRANCE, THOUSANDS—OF—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENTS, for more teachers and school equipment.
19981012             —RAISED, IRAN, the Khordad Foundation, its reward for THE—KILLING—OF—SALMAN—RUSHDIE to $2.8—MILLION.
19981012             —APPROVED, JAPAN, THE—PARLIAMENT, banking legislation that would allow the government to nationalize failing banks.
19981012             1—PROTEST was planned at THE—MEXICO—BORDER against plans to put LOW—LEVEL—RADIOACTIVE—WASTE at Sierra Blanca in TEXAS, 16—MILES from the border.
19981012             —APPEARED, This, to be in violation of 19830000             —THE—LA—PAZ Treaty in which THE—USA—AND—MEXICO agreed to reduce pollution within 60—MILES—OF—THEIR—COMMON—FRONTIER.
19981012             —CONDEMNED, SIERRA—LEONE, 1—MILITARY—COURT, 34—OFFICERS to death for their participation in a 19970000             coup.
19981012             —AGREED, YUGOSLAVIA—PRESIDENT—MILOSEVIC, to withdraw troops from KOSOVO and allow INTERNATIONAL verification as NATO prepared to authorize air strikes if he does not comply.
19981012—20090000    —IN, PAUL—CARPENTER, —31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SUSPECT in the murder, was arrested in JAMAICA.
19991012             HENRY—KISSINGER: "O desafio básico é que a chamada globalização é realmente um outro nome para o papel dominante dos Estados Unidos".
19991012             Palestra no Trinity College, Dublim.
19991012             Professors Gerardus 't Hooft and Martinus J.G. Veltman of THE—NETHERLANDS won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the invention of mathematical tools to calculate properties of fundamental particles.
19991012             AHMED—H—ZEWAIL, 1—EGYPT—CHEMIST at THE—CALIFORNIA—INST. of Tech., won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for finding 1—WAY to FREEZE—FRAME the private matings of molecules using ultra fast laser probes.
19991012             —REPORTED, It was, that CALVIN—KLEIN would soon begin marketing "dirty jeans" for as much as $78—RETAIL.
19991012             —PROJECTED, The world population was, to reach 6—BILLION.
19991012             —DECLARED, This —DAY was, by THE—UN as THE—DAY—OF—6—BILLION.
19991012             * The designated 6—BILLIONTH baby in Bosnia.
19991012             † WILT—CHAMBERLAIN, basketball legend and HALL—OF—FAMER Wilt "THE—STILT," at age 63 in Bel AIR—CALIFORNIA.
19991012             —ATTACKED, BURUNDI, Hutu rebels, 1—UN—HUMANITARIAN—CONVOY and killed 9—PEOPLE at the Muzye refugee camp in Rutana.
19991012             —AVOIDED, Musharraf, martial law and left THE—PARLIAMENT—INTACT.
19991012             —REFUSED, Sharif, to let 1—PASSENGER—PLANE—LAND in KARACHI with 198—PEOPLE aboard that included GENERAL—MUSHARRAF.
19991012             The coup cut short 1—PAKISTAN—COMMANDO operation set up by THE—CIA to get OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in AFGHANISTAN.
19991012             —ÜBERSCHREITET, Nach Berechnungen der Vereinten Nationen, die Weltbevölkerung die Marke von 6—MILLIARDEN Menschen.
19991012             PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF ergreift mit einem Militärputsch die Macht in PAKISTAN.
19991012             —GESTELLT, PREMIERMINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF wird unter Hausarrest.
19991012—19810000    —FROM, to his retirement 19970000             —IN, Veltman was 1—ACTIVE—MEMBER—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN physics department.
19991012—20010000    —REPORTED, HONG—KONG, it was, that a $2.6—BILLION Cyberport was to be developed beginning.
19991012—20090000    —IN, THE—PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT—ACQUITTED—SHARIF of hijacking charges.
19991103—19981012    —ON, Shepard †, at Poudre Valley Hospital in FORT—COLLINS, COLORADO.
20000405             —SENTENCED, PAKISTAN, Nawaz Sharif was, to life in prison for hijacking and terrorism due to his 20001012             refusal to let 1—PASSENGER—PLANE—LAND with 198—PEOPLE aboard.
20001012             —SLIPPED, USA destroyer, USS Cole, into ADEN for 1—REFUELLING stop known as a "gas+go".
20001012             THE—NOBEL—PRIZE in literature was won by Gao Xingjian (60), 1—EXILED—CHINA—WRITER living in PARIS.
20001012             —BASED, His novels include "SOUL—MOUNTAIN,", on a 19860000             walking tour along the Yangtze River.
20001012             —ISSUED, THE—CLINTON administration and NORTH—KOREA, 1—JOINT—COMMUNIQUE asserting 1—DECISION to "fundamentally improve" their relations.
20001012             THE—DJIA fell 379.21 (3.6%) to 10,034, —WHILE THE—NASDAQ fell 93.81 (3%) to 3074 in response to THE—MIDDLE—EAST—CRISES.
20001012             1—USA—NAVY destroyer, THE—USS—COLE, refueling in YEMEN suffered 1—ENORMOUS—EXPLOSION in what appeared to be 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK.
20001012             —KILLED, Initial reports had at least 6—SAILORS, with 11—MISSING.
20001012             —REVISED, The death toll was, to 17. The 8,600-ton Cole was returned to THE—USA—ABOARD—THE—NORWAY—SHIP BLUE—MARLIN.
20001012             —RETURNED, THE—COLE, to active duty 20030000             —IN—FOLLOWING $250—MILLION in repairs.
20001012             —EXPLODED, CHECHNYA, 1—CAR—BOMB, outside 1—GROZNY police stations and at least 10—PEOPLE were killed.
20001012             —SUSPECTED, ECUADOR, Columbian FARC guerrillas kidnapped 5—AMERICANS and 5—OTHER—FOREIGN—OIL—WORKERS, hijacked 1—HELICOPTER, and crossed back to COLUMBIA.
20001012             —SUSPECTED, It was —LATER, that the kidnappers were Ecuadoran criminals rather than COLOMBIA—GUERRILLAS.
20001012             1—AMERICAN was —LATER killed and 2—FRENCHMEN escaped.
20001012             —RELEASED, THE—PALESTINIAN—AUTHORITY, HUNDREDS—OF—PRISONERS including senior Islamic militants.
20001012             1—MOB—OF—PALESTINIANS beat at least 2—ISRAEL—RESERVE—SOLDIERS to death.
20001012             —FIRED, ISRAEL—HELICOPTERS, missiles at targets in GAZA in retaliation.
20001012             2—RESERVIST soldiers, Cpl.
20001012             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—LATER, at least 4—SUSPECTS in the killing.
20001012             Der im HAFEN—VON—ADEN—JEMEN, vor Anker liegende USA—AMERIKANISCHE—ZERSTÖRER—USS—COLE[DDG—67] wird durch 1—SPRENGSTOFFANSCHLAG der AL—QAIDA schwer beschädigt, 17—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben.
20001012—20001000    —IN, VADIM—NORJITZ, —33—JAHRE—ALT and Yossi Avrahami (38) were on their way to their army base in THE—WEST—BANK but took 1—WRONG—TURN and ended up in Ramallah.
20001012—20010000    —IN, 1—VIDEO—TAPE by "AL—SAHAB—PRODUCTIONS" circulated among Muslim militants with footage of the bombed vessel.
20001012—20070000    —IN, WALID—MUHAMMAD bin Attash told 1—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL at GUANTANAMO that he was responsible for organizing the Cole attack as well as 19980000             —THE bombings in KENYA and TANZANIA.
20001012—20070000    —IN, a 5. suspect, AYMAN—ZABAN, was caught in 1—UPSCALE NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—THE—NORTH—WEST—BANK—CITY—OF—NABLUS.
20001012—20140000    —FACED, ABD—AL—RAHM—AL—NASHIRI (49) of SAUDI—ARABIA, trial for orchestrating the bombing.
20001029—20001012    —ON, 17—SAILORS were killed in 1—SUICIDE bombing attack.
20001231             As we start the new —MILLENNIUM 20010101—29991231 CAN we please have less speeches & less politics in our everyday lives?
20011004—20011012    —ACKNOWLEDGED, UKRAINE and RUSSIA, that 1—ERRANT missile was the probable cause.
20011012             USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—NEWS briefing
20011012             Clarity - I think what you'll find, I think what you'll find is,
20011012             Whatever it is we do substantively, There will be NEAR—PERFECT—CLARITY—AS to what it is.
20011012             And it will be known, And it will be known to the Congress,
20011012             And it will be known to you, Probably —BEFORE we decide it, But it will be known.
20011012             als "ein innerer Feind" in den USA, 1—NETZWERK, welches das Verteidigungsministerium, das Außenministerium, das Weiße Haus und den Nationalen Sicherheitsrat verknüpft]die 18—MITGLIEDER umfassende Rat für Verteidigungspolitik sei,welcher sich am 20010919—20010920     —FÜR—19—STUNDEN zusammensetzte, um "Prozeß zu machen" gegen Hussein, Saddam.
20011012             Netzwerk [&&&]verknüpft : Verteidigungsministerium & Außenministerium & Weißes Haus & Nationaler Sicherheitsrat[Ebenso sehr in diese Verschwörung verwickelt:Armitage,Richard & Downing,Wayne,GENERAL & Clarke,Richard & Abrams,Elliott]
20011012             NEW—YORK—TIMES "enthüllte", beschrieb, die tiefen "Meinungsverschiedenheiten" in der BUSH—REGIERUNG, wie die VERSCHWÖRUNG—HINTER dem Rücken der Beamten des Kabinetts, wie dem Außenminister Amerikas, Powel, Colin im Namen der USA—REGIERUNG Politik betreibt.Die Wolfowitz, PAUL—GRUPPE möchte den IRAK auslöschen, den Palästinenserpräsidenten Arafat und die Palästinenserregierung auf die Terroristenliste setzen (wenn nicht gleich auf die Nachrufsseite) und den Nationalstaaten Krieg erklären.Die Times enthüllt
20011012             NEW—YORK—TIMES zufolge, welche durchgesickerte Informationen veröffentlichte, über Aktivitätenv einer "WOLFOWITZ—VERSCHWÖRUNG", benannt —NACH—DEM
20011012             Stellvertretenden Verteidigungsminister der USA, Wolfowitz, Paul, will diese Gruppierung einen unverzüglichen KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—IRAK, im Glauben, daß die BOMBARDIERUNG—VON—AFGHANISTAN, welches längst ein ausgelaugtes Ödland ist, keinesfalls einem globalen Krieg entspricht, den sie erhoffen.
20011012             Aber der IRAK ist nur ein weiterer Trittstein, um den ANTI—TERRORISTEN-"Krieg" in einen ausgewachsenen "CLASH—OF—CIVILIZATIONS" umzuwandeln, in welchem der Islam zum neuen "Feindbild" des neuen "Kalten Krieges" wird.Die Theorie hinter dem "CLASH—OF—CIVILIZATIONS", entwickelt vom Berater für nationale Sicherheit des Präsidenten Carter, Jimmy, Brzezinski, Zbigniew und seinen Schützlingen einschließlich dem HARVARD—PROFESSOR Huntington, Samuel definiert die arabische und islamische Welt als einen "ARC—OF—CRISIS", einen "Bogen der Gefahr" aus dem Mittlerem Osten über die islamischen Länder Zentralasiens in die damalige Sowjetunion.
20011012             Brzezinski, Zbigniew hat die "islamische Karte" gegen die Sowjetunion ausgespielt, und dadurch begann die Praxis Politik, islamische Fundamentalisten gegen moderate und PRO—WESTLICHE arabische und islamische Regierungen zu fördern
20011012             will diese Gruppierung 1—UNVERZÜGLICHEN KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—IRAK,
20011012             in welchem der ISLAM zum neuen "FEIND—BILD" des neuen "KALTER—KRIEG" wird.
20011012             DIE—PAUL—DUNDES—WOLFOWITZ—GRUPPE möchte den IRAK auslöschen, 1 "WOLFOWITZ—VERSCHWÖRUNG", Aktivitäten
20011012             Aber DER—IRAK ist nur 1—WEITERER Trittstein, um den ANTI—TERRORISTEN-"KRIEG" in 1—AUSGEWACHSENEN "CLASH—OF—CIVILIZATIONS" umzuwandeln,
20011012             1 "WOLFOWITZ—VERSCHWÖRUNG", Aktivitäten
20011012             DIE—PAUL—DUNDES—WOLFOWITZ—GRUPPE möchte den IRAK auslöschen,
20011012             NEW—YORK—TIMES zufolge, welche durchgesickerte Informationen veröffentlichte, über
20011012             NEW—YORK—TIMES "enthüllte", beschrieb, die tiefen "MEINUNGS—VERSCHIEDENHEITEN" in der BUSH—REGIERUNG,
20011012             Times enthüllt, NATIONALER—SICHERHEITS—RAT verknüpft]die 18—MITGLIEDER umfassende RAT—FÜR—VERTEIDIGUNGS—POLITIK sei,welcher sich am
20011012             Times enthüllt, als "1—INNERER Feind" IN—DEN—USA, 1—NETZ—WERK, welches DAS—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM, DAS—AUßEN—MINISTERIUM, DAS—WEIßE—HAUS und den
20011012             Times enthüllt, daß 1—SCHLÜSSEL—GRUPPE DERPAUL—DUNDES—WOLFOWITZ—VERSCHWÖRUNG[propagieren "THEORIE vom "CLASH—OF—CIVILIZATIONS"",sind nichts geringeres
20011012             den PALÄSTINENSER—PRÄSIDENTEN Arafat und DIE—PALÄSTINENSER—REGIERUNG auf DIE—TERRORISTENLISTE setzen (wenn nicht gleich auf die Nachrufsseite)
20011012             den sie erhoffen.
20011012             im Glauben, daß - in welchem der ISLAM zum neuen "FEIND—BILD" des neuen "KALTER—KRIEG" wird.
20011012             keinesfalls 1—GLOBALEN KRIEG entspricht,
20011012             und den NATIONAL—STAATEN KRIEG erklären.
20011012             welches längst 1—AUSGELAUGTES Ödland ist,
20011012             wie DIE—VERSCHWÖRUNG—HINTER dem Rücken DER—BEAMTEN des KABINETTs,
20011012             wie dem USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—COLIN—POWELL im Namen DER—USA—REGIERUNG —POLITIK betreibt.
20011012             KOFI—ANNAN, SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—UN, and THE—UN itself won the Nobel Peace Prize.
20011012             —PASSED, The act was, 19740000             —IN—DURING the Watergate scandal
20011012             —ANNOUNCED, NBC, that 1—ASSISTANT to anchorman TOM—BROKAW had contracted the skin form of anthrax —AFTER opening a "threatening" letter to her boss that contained 1—SUSPICIOUS—POWDER.
20011012             —FILED, Polaroid Corp., for bankruptcy protection.
20011012             Taliban leaders withdrew over $6—MILLION from THE—KABUL—DA—AFGHANISTAN—BANK.
20011012             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT officially, that 3—PROTESTANT—PARAMILITARY—FORCES in NORTH—IRELAND had ended a —7-YEAR cease fire.
20011012             CHINA put limits on air travel to citizens of 19—COUNTRIES, mainly in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20011012             COLOMBIA, AUC paramilitary shot and killed 5—MEN and 2—WOMEN in THE—TOWN—OF—PIAMONTE.
20011012             —REPORTED, The army, that it had discovered14 bodies in 1—SINGLE—GRAVE in THE—TOWN—OF—ALBANIA.
20011012             —DEFEATED, IRAN, IRAQ 1-0 in 1—SOCCER match.
20011012             —ERUPTED, Demonstrations, —AFTER the game against the Shiite theocracy and continued —FOLLOWING successive soccer matches.
20011012             —ARRESTED, At least 2 1000—YOUNG—PEOPLE were, over the next —2—WEEKS.
20011012             —RESUMED, Israeli and PALESTINE—OFFICIALS, peace talks.
20011012             —ABDUCTED, NIGERIA, the mutilated bodies of 19, soldiers were found in Benue state.
20011012             —CAUSED, SPAIN, 1—BOMBING, wide damage in MADRID.
20011012             —SUSPECTED, Basque separatists were.
20011012             —INDICATED, THE—USA, it would aid UZBEKISTAN if it were attacked.
20011012             UZBEKISTAN was the 1. among CENTRAL—ASIA—NATIONS to allow THE—USA to use its airspace and deploy troops on its TERRITORY—FOR—THE—ANTI—TERRORISM—WAR in AFGHANISTAN —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks.
20011012             THE—UNITED—STATES set up 1—MILITARY—BASE in SOUTH—UZBEKISTAN, deploying HUNDREDS—OF—TROOPS there.
20011012             —IMPOSED, ZIMBABWE, PRESIDENT—MUGABE, 1—PRICE freeze on basic foods —FOLLOWING cuts of 5-20% on basic items.
20011012             In the news!
20011012             please think about limiting the use of flour in the city, near metros, malls, public buildings, etc.
20011012             + especially for this weekend.
20011012             THE—ARCHITECT—OF—MENEM follows fugitive
20011012             In the shooting, Ramini, the architect Rossi and the Aguirres appear like partners of INTERNATIONAL Waste Group ARGENTINA SA, 1 dedicated company/signature...
20011012             Page Title - En la filmación, Ramini, el arquitecto Rossi y Aguirre se presentan como socios de INTERNATIONAL Waste Group ARGENTINA SA, una firma dedicada a exportar...
20011012             Alcances de la Mafia de los Residuos : ARGENTINA Indymedia (( i ))
20011012             dueños de INTERNATIONAL Waste Group, una empresa en contacto con VARIOS tratadores de residuos de la provincia, entre ellos Recovering.
20011012             ARGENTINA.indymedia.org/news/2005 /05/291861.php
20011012             Los "Tres Mosqueteros" y su jefe de DON—TORCUATO
20011012             Ramini, admitió la sociedad con ALBERTO—ROSSI y ANTONIO—AGUIRRE, en la firma INTERNATIONAL Waste Group, una empresa que tras la fachada de dedicarse al...
20011012             OD 3.562—OL - Si la empresa INTERNATIONAL Waste Group.
20011012             (IWG) posee alguna inscripción y /o habilitación. en la Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable y Po-.
20011012             Terra | Actualidad> ANGEL—PAPITO—RAMINI, en libertad por falta de...
20011012             El trío ROSSI—RAMINI—AGUIRRE está asociado en la empresa INTERNATIONAL Waste Group, supuestamente dedicada al transporte de residuos contaminantes...
20011012             PUEBLO Digital - Sono uno dei quattro soci della INTERNATIONAL waste group EUROPE, Iwg EUROPA, la società madre con sede legale a Dublino, in Irlanda...
20011012             ecomafias nas rotas do Índico - INTERNATIONAL Waste Group (IWG).
20011012             PROPUNHA—SE despejar em Moçambique, e. em parceria com a moçambicana... era esta própria INTERNATIONAL Waste Group.
200110120000 RECORDE—SE agora que em
20011027—20001012    —IN—THE, He was said to be 1—ACTIVE—AL—QAEDA member and was SUSPECTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT—BOMBING—OF—THE—COLE in ADEN.
20021012             † RAY—CONNIFF, —85—JAHRE—ALT, band leader of "EASY—LISTENING" hits, in ESCONDIDO—CALIFORNIA.
20021012             —REPORTED, It was, that 164,000 ERITREA—REFUGEES had begun returning home from camps in SUDAN.
20021012             —KILLED, WEST—INDIA, 4—PEOPLE were, as Hindus and Muslims clashed in THE—TOWN—OF—SOLAPUR in continuing violence triggered —AFTER USA—PREACHER—JERRY—FALWELL called the Prophet Mohammad 1—TERRORIST.
20021012             —RIPPED, INDONESIA, 1—CAR—BOMB, through THE—SARI—CLUB at the Kuta Beach resort packed with foreign tourists on THE—ISLAND—OF—BALI, sparking 1—BLAZE that killed 202—PEOPLE and injured 300—OTHERS.
20021012             It was the worst terrorist act in INDONESIA—HISTORY.
20021012             —EXPLODED, Authorities said a 2. bomb, near THE—ISLAND—USA consular office.
20021012             1 estimated 100—VICTIMS were from AUSTRALIA.
20021012             —CHARGED, Imam Samudra was —LATER, with engineering the blast.
20021012             —CONFESSED, KUWAIT—INTERIOR—MINISTER said that 15—KUWAITIS in police custody had, to 1—DEADLY—ATTACK on USA—MARINES, but that no firm link has been established between them and AL—QAIDA.
20021012             † 7—THE—PHILIPPINES—SOLDIERS and 25—OTHERS were wounded in 1—FIERCE clash with Muslim rebels deep in THE—JUNGLE—OF—SOUTH—SULU ISLAND.
20021012             Dolma Tsering won the 1. Miss TIBET beauty pageant, 1—EVENT—ITS organizers said would reinforce Tibetan identity.
20021012             UKRAINE, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS laid out their charges against PRESIDENT—LEONID—KUCHMA at a "people's tribunal", and opposition lawmakers said prosecutors promised to review their complaints.
20021012             IAEA Unofficial Translation  REPUBLIC—OFIRAQ...
20021012             Bei Sprengstoffattentaten in KUTA—BALI, werden 202—MENSCHEN, vor allem AUSTRALISCHE—TOURISTEN, getötet und 209—WEITERE zum Teil schwer verletzt.
20021012—20010000    —SINCE, Some 60,000 had already returned.
20021012—20040000    —PUBLISHED, Samudra (34), 1—JAILHOUSE autobiography "Me Against the Terrorist," in which he called for fellow Muslim radicals to take the holy war to cyberspace.
20021012—20050000    —AUTHORED, SALLY—NEIGHBOUR, "In THE—SHADOW—OF—SWORDS: How Islamic Terrorists Declared WAR—ON—AUSTRALIA".
20021017             in TERMS—OF—THE—QUALITY—OF—USA $ clearing payments for the —YEAR 20010101—20011231
20021017             "Euromoney Best BANK—IN—RUSSIA 20020101—20021231 ",
20021017             " Global FINANCE—BEST—RUSSIAN—BANK in 20020101—20021231 "&
20021017             "Best Trade Finance RUSSIA—BANK in 20020101—20021231 ",
20021017             " BANK—OF—THE—YEAR 20000101—20001231 "in: "THE—BANKER".
20021105             —ARRESTED, INDONESIA—POLICE, Amrozi bin Nurhasyim, the bomb maker of 20021012             —THE attack on Bali.
20021121             —PLANNED, He had allegedly, 20001012             —THE, attack on THE—USA—NAVY destroyer Cole.
20030910             —ACCUSED—OF, Imam Samudra (33), the man, being the "intellectual mastermind" of —LAST—YEAR'S 20031012             Bali nightclub bombings was sentenced to face 1—FIRING squad —AFTER being found GUILTY—OF—THE—ATTACK that killed 202—PEOPLE.
20031012             Nas páginas seguintes da mesma
20031012             —ERUPTED, BOLIVIA, violence, at El Alto —WHEN the military tried to break 1—BLOCKADE against gas trucks bound for CHILE.
20031012             The death toll grew to 59—AFTER—4—DAYS—OF—CLASHES at El Alto.
20031012             Some 70,000 employees of Ralphs, Vons and Albertsons grocery stores began 1—STRIKE in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, MISSOURI, KENTUCKY, WEST—VIRGINIA and OHIO.
20031012             Health care costs were 1—MAIN—ISSUE.
20031012             —SUCCEEDED, Doctors in DALLAS, in separating —2—YEAR—OLD—EGYPTIAN conjoined twins.
20031012             † BILL—SHOEMAKER, —72—JAHRE—ALT, Hall of Fame jockey, in S—MARINO, CALIFORNIA.
20031012             —PROTESTED, BAKU—AZERBAIJAN, some 50,000—PEOPLE, PRESIDENT—ALIEV—ATTEMPT to transfer power to his son in upcoming elections.
20031012             BELARUS, 1—PATIENT at 1—MENTAL—HOSPITAL set fire to the building, killing 30—PEOPLE and injuring 31.
20031012             Finance Ministry officials began a —3—DAY—WITHDRAWAL—OF—13.7—MILLION bolivianos (USA$1.8—MILLION).
20031012             It gave them prison sentences ranging from 10 to —15—YEARS.
20031012             † UNITED—KINGDOM—WARTIME hero PATRICK—DALZEL—JOB, whose exploits made him 1—MODEL for JAMES—BOND, in PLOCKTON—SCOTLAND, at age 90.
20031012             —ARRESTED, CHINA, Ma Yong (43), was, and accused of robbing and killing 12—WOMEN in SOUTH—CHINA over a —5—MONTH—PERIOD, preying on job seekers in the boomtown of SHENZHEN.
20031012             Duan Zhiqun (20), his female partner, was arrested 20031023             .
20031012             —KILLED, SOUTH—CHINA, 1—EXPLOSION in 1—COAL—MINE, 7—MINERS, —WHILE the bodies of 4—MINERS killed in 1—UNDERGROUND—FLOOD were pulled from 1—SHAFT in 1—CENTRAL—PROVINCE.
20031012             —BATTLED, COLOMBIA, government forces, rebels and RIGHT—WING paramilitaries in several locations in heavy fighting that killed 27—GUNMEN and 2—SOLDIERS.
20031012             GERMANY won THE—WOMEN—SOCCER—WORLD—CUP 2—1—OVER SWEDEN in the 8. —MINUTE of overtime.
20031012             —STOPPED, BAGHDAD, 1—SUICIDE attacker, from reaching 1—HOTEL—FULL—OF—AMERICANS, detonated his car bomb on 1—COMMERCIAL—AVENUE, killing 6—BYSTANDERS and wounding dozens.
20031012             † In THE—PHILIPPINES—FATHUR—ROHMAN—AL—GHOZI, terrorist bombmaker for Jemaah Islamiyah, was killed in 1—SHOOTOUT with police in Pigcauayan.
20031012             —EXPLODED, NORTH—SPAIN, 2—BOMBS, in 1—PARKING lot, destroying 11—FREIGHT trucks.
20031012             —INJURED, No 1 was, in the blast blamed on the armed Basque separatist group ETA,
20031012             TAIWAN—DWINDLING number of diplomatic allies shrank by 1 as LIBERIA switched ties to THE—ISLAND—RIVAL, CHINA.
20031012             —REDUCED, This, TAIWAN—RECOGNITION to 26—NATIONS, MOST—OF—THEM small, developing countries in AFRICA and Latin AMERICA.
20031012             Laura Bush, 56, Gattin des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN, nutzt JEDE—GELEGENHEIT...
20031012             Staatsbesuche von USA—PRÄSIDENTEN in DEUTSCHLAND 19450000200600       00             —DATE...
20031012             —BESUCHT, Auf dem Weg zur KSZE KONFERENZ—IN—PARIS, er mit seiner Gattin den Dom zu... Kohl zum Mittagessen und Gesprächen, u.a. SADDAM—HUSSEIN,in Oggersheim.
20031012—19940000    —GAINED, RENATO—RININO, —41—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PROFESSIONAL—ITALY—THIEF who, notoriety for stealing jewelry from PRINCE—CHARLES'—LONDON palace, was shot and killed in Savona.
20031012—20031018    Archives... our nation knew that SADDAM—HUSSEIN + his WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION were such...
20031012—20031106    —ON, it was announced that she had left over $200—MILLION for National Public Radio.
20031012—20040229    —APPROVED, Workers, 1—AGREEMENT for SOUTH—CALIFORNIA.
20031012—20060000    —IN, Marcela NOGALES, the central bank manager, was jailed for releasing the money, which facilitated 1—MILITARY—CRACKDOWN.
20031012—20110000    —CONVICTED, BOLIVIA—HIGHEST—COURT, 5—FORMER—TOP—MILITARY—COMMANDERS—OF genocide for 1—ARMY—CRACKDOWN on the riots that killed at least 64—CIVILIANS.
20040000             This area contains news from 20040101—20040631 YOU can view 20040701—20041231 here.
20040000             It happened again —LAST—WEEK, twice, 20041011             +20041012             there were no sunspots.
20040000             This area contains news from 20040101200406       31—DATE—YOU can view 20040701200412       31—DATE here.
20040122             —BY—DAVID—CROMWELL—THE—REAL—BBC : Balanced, Fair and Honest... Unless it Really Matters —JUST kidding 200411012205
20040724             20040101—20041231 FÜR—REDUZIERTE Außerdem Microsoft seine Gewinnschätzung wegen sinkender Investmentgewinne.
20040803             As for SIERRA—LEONE, THE—UNITED—NATIONS human development report for 20040101200407       15—DATE—PUBLISHED ON—WHICH measures overall living standards —AROUND the world, puts that beneficiary of western intervention in 177. place out of 177, 1—AUGUST position it has continued to occupy —EVER—SINCE our boys went in: SIERRA—LEONE is literally the most miserable place on earth.
20041011—20041012    —ON, previously celebrated, to be held on the 2. —MONDAY of October.
20041011—20041012    —SHOWED, Records at HAITI—PORT—AU—PRINCE—HOSPITAL, 17—PEOPLE with gunshot wounds †, 8—OF—THEM in the Cite Soleil seaside slum.
20041012             MILLIONEN—PREISGELD verspielt: Wünschelruten versagen im Test
20041012             Informationsrecht: Ministerien machen Schotten dicht
20041012             Neue Vorwürfe: 11—TERRORVERDÄCHTIGE in USA—HAFT verschwunden
20041012             VIOXX—SKANDAL: "Alle haben geahnt, dass es knallt"
20041012             USA—GEISTERSTADT Playas: Trainingscamp für den ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF
20041012             "Agnes und seine Brüder": Sucht nach Idylle
20041012             Keine Lockerung: Tokio tobt wegen WALFANG—VERBOTS
20041012             Forschungsskandal: Der GERIPPE—GURU und die geschredderten NAZI—AKTEN - NORDKOREA: 600—HACKER stehen bereit
20041012             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Absolutismus der Superreichen"
20041012             Infektionswelle: Die Syphilis kommt zurück
20041012             Umfragen zur USA—WAHL: Bush und Kerry steuern auf KOPF—AN—KOPF—RENNEN zu
20041012             Sorge bei der Atombehörde: Nukleartechnik im IRAK verschwunden
20041012             1—FISH—STINKS—FROM—ITS—HEAD 1. 1. 1—COUPLE—OF—THINGS need to be noted.
20041012             1, I am 1—AIR—NATIONAL—GUARDMAN on his 2. tour at ALI—AL—SALEM, AB in KUWAIT.
20041012             I am 1—ENGINE—GUY on C-130H aircraft so I do see LOTS—OF—PROBLEMS here that will never make it to the news or even to higher ups.
20041012             THE—EMPEROR—NEW—SUIT—TAILOR to presidents GEORGES—DE—PARIS falls on his needle,says THE—BOX—BULGE is —JUST 1—PUCKER along the jacket's back seam.
20041012             Wow.
20041012             I've never seen 1—SUIT, or ANY—GARMENT, with 1—BACK—LIKE this -- except maybe that lumpy dress I once made in home economics, with the darts inside out.
20041012             Note to THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS claque: Enough with the "INTERNET conspiracy buffs" BS, hacks!
20041012             —CALLED, This is something, 1—STORY.
20041012             Remember those? Off your knees!
20041012             Briefe vom Krieg "Kumpel, der IRAK ist echt beschissen" - Warum müssen wir hier unten sterben?
20041012             Warum unsere Beine verlieren? MICHAEL—MOORE hat die Briefe von USA—SOLDATEN im IRAK zusammengetragen.
20041012             Sie dokumentieren das alltägliche Töten, die bohrende Angst und die Wut auf einen Präsidenten, der sie aus zweifelhaften Motiven in diesen Krieg geschickt hat.
20041012             SPIEGEL bringt Auszüge.
20041012             This list is 1—ATTEMPT to AUTO—EXTRACT proper names from
20041012             The names on the left are from the document + the names on the right are possible matches + THE—NUMBER—OF—PAGES cited, from NameBase.
20041012             Die "rein sozialistische" Regierungsspitze hätte Verfügungen mit Gesetzeskraft erlassen können, um mit Unterstützung der Arbeiter- + Soldatenräte den Sozialisierungsprozeß anzuschieben, tat aber nichts dergleichen.
20041012             In ihrem am 18.11. abgefaßten Proklamationsentwurf "in Sachen der Sozialisierung und Steuerpolitik" versprach sie zwar "die sichtbare Tat";
20041012             doch sollte diese auf 1—BERUFUNG hervorragender Nationalökonomen beschränkt sein, "damit sie in Gemeinschaft mit Arbeitern + Unternehmern, den Praktikern des wirtschaftlichen Lebens, feststellen, welche Industriezweige nach ihrer Entwicklung zur Vergesellschaftung reif sind + unter welchen Bedingungen dies geschehen kann".
20041012             Ähnlich den späteren "Realsozialisten", die insofern in ihre Fußstapfen traten, gaben die sozialdemokratischen Herren vor, daß eine sozialistische Regierung und vergesellschaftete Betriebe vorhanden seien, obwohl weder das eine noch das andere der Fall war.
20041012             Betriebe wie Regierung dienten vielmehr, wenn auch zeitweise unter roten Fahnen und revolutionär erscheinenden Sprüchen, nach wie vor den Interessen der Bourgeoisie.
20041012             Auf die Autorität ihrer Parteien gestützt gelang es den Herren, große TEILE—DER—ARBEITERKLASSE und des Volkes über diesen Umstand hinwegzutäuschen.
20041012             Eben das half die Schaffung sozialistischer Zustände im Land verhindern.
20041012             "Der Streik, im kapitalistischen Betrieb 1—KAMPFMAßNAHME, wird im vergesellschafteten Betriebe zum Verbrechen".(9)
20041012             Führende Sozialdemokraten beider Richtungen waren in der Novemberrevolution bemüht, Massenbewegungen für ihre Parteizwecke zu nutzen, sie aber gleichzeitig einzudämmen und ihre Träger "zu beruhigen", was der Erhaltung der kapitalistischen Gesellschaftsordnung zugute kam.
20041012             Programmatisch schlug sich ihr Bestreben in den "Richtlinien für ein sozialistisches Aktionsprogramm" nieder, deren AUTOR—WIEDERUM—KAUTSKY (damals USPD) war.
20041012             Ihr Verfasser plädierte für "rascheste Anwendung" des Erfurter Programms, beschränkte das jedoch vorab auf BÜRGERLICH—DEMOKRATISCHE Punkte.
20041012             Übereinstimmend mit allen sozialdemokratischen Führern außer wenigen USPD—LINKEN erklärte er das Wiederaufleben der Produktion für wichtiger als FRAGEN—DER—PRODUKTIONSWEISE, d. h. es sollte mit der Sozialisierung gewartet werden, —BIS das Kapital neuerlich stärker geworden war.
20041012             —VERSTAATLICHT, Zudem könne —ERST, werden, wenn Frieden geschlossen und Klarheit darüber geschaffen sei, "wie weit das DEUTSCHE—VOLK über sein STAATS—UND Reichseigentum eigentlich zu verfügen hat".
20041012             Den Streik erachtete Kautsky als zerstörendes Mittel, das —JETZT, da "die politische Gewalt in den Händen der Arbeiter" sei, durch Methoden ersetzt werden müsse, die die Produktion weniger hemmten.
20041012             Die Vorstellungen des Spartakusbundes, der späteren KPD, stimmten hiermit überein.
20041012             In dem von Rosa LUXEMBURG verfaßten Programm wurde zugleich größter Wert auf Massenaktionen gelegt, die bei Kautsky nur in abstrakter Form vorkamen.
20041012             "Auch die wirtschaftliche Umwälzung", so das KPD—PROGRAMM, "kann sich nur als ein von der proletarischen Massenaktion getragener Prozeß vollziehen. Die nackten Dekrete oberster Revolutionsbehörden über die Sozialisierung sind allein ein leeres Wort. Nur die Arbeiterschaft kann das Wort durch eigene Tat zum Fleische machen. In zähem Ringen mit dem Kapital, Brust an Brust in jedem Betriebe, durch unmittelbaren Druck der Massen, durch Streiks, durch Schaffung ihrer ständigen Vertretungsorgane können die Arbeiter die Kontrolle über die Produktion und schließlich die tatsächliche Leitung an sich bringen".(6)
20041012             Die kurzzeitig tonangebenden sozialdemokratischen Parteien bezogen sich gleichermaßen auf das Erfurter Programm, das 18910000             KARL—KAUTSKY und EDUARD—BERNSTEIN erarbeitet hatten.
20041012             Darin hieß es im grundsätzlichen Teil: "Nur die Verwandlung des kapitalistischen Privateigentums an PRODUKTIONSMITTELN—GRUND + Boden, Gruben und Bergwerke, Rohstoffe, Werkzeuge, Maschinen, VERKEHRSMITTEL—IN gesellschaftliches Eigentum und die Umwandlung der Warenproduktion in sozialistische, für und durch die Gesellschaft betriebene Produktion kann es bewirken, daß der Großbetrieb + die stets wachsende Ertragsfähigkeit der gesellschaftlichen Arbeit für die —BISHER ausgebeuteten Klassen aus einer Quelle des Elends und der Unterdrückung zu einer Quelle der höchsten Wohlfahrt und allseitiger, harmonischer Vervollkommnung werde".(4)
20041012             "Der Wandschirm, hinter dem nichts geschieht" Bildung, Tätigkeit und Ende der 1. DEUTSCHEN—SOZIALISIERUNGSKOMMISSION (1)
20041012             —12—TAGE—NACH—DEM Ausbruch der Novemberrevolution in BERLIN schrieb KARL—LIEBKNECHT in der "Roten Fahne": "Zwischen der bisherigen politischen Form und dem bisherigen sozialen Inhalt der DEUTSCHEN—REVOLUTION klafft 1—WIDERSPRUCH, der Lösung heischt und in dessen Lösung sich die weitere ENTWICKLUNG—DER—REVOLUTION vollziehen wird.
20041012             Ihre politische Form ist die einer proletarischen Aktion, ihr sozialer Inhalt der einer bürgerlichen Reform... Die heutige 'sozialistische' Regierung möchte jenen Widerspruch lösen durch Zurückschrauben der proletarischen Form auf den bürgerlichen Inhalt;
20041012             AUFGABE—DES—SOZIALISTISCHEN—PROLETARIATS ist, den rückständigen Inhalt auf die höhere Stufe der fortgeschritteneren Form zu heben, die Revolution zur sozialen Revolution zu steigern".(2)
20041012             Selbst in Crawford, wo Bush auf seiner WOCHENEND—RANCH für die Kameras gerne demonstrativ durchs Gebüsch streift, regt sich Widerstand.
20041012             Dort entzog die Heimatzeitung "Lone Star Iconoclast" dem Präsidenten —JETZT das Vertrauen.
20041012             Als Grund nennt Chefredakteur LEON—SMITH unter anderem ausgerechnet, dass Bush so viel Zeit in Crawford verbringe, um sein COWBOY—IMAGE zu pflegen.
20041012             Bush ist 1—TEILZEIT—PRÄSIDENT", sagt Smith. "Wir haben in TEXAS 1—ARBEITSETHOS: Wir arbeiten hart.
20041012             Wir haben nicht —3—MONATE Urlaub —J—IM".
20041012             Bush, der falsche MÖCHTEGERN—COWBOY?
20041012             Das Image des Präsidenten vom "harten Reiter", schreibt auch der texanische Kolumnist SHANE—CORY, sei nur "eine falsche Maske": "Er ist doch nicht mal ein richtig authentischer Texaner".
20041012             Zum Beispiel SHERIFF—TURNER.
20041012             Ja, er trägt Boots, Jeans und COWBOY—HUT—ABER nur, weil das hier praktischer ist, wo die Sonne brennt und der Nordwestwind heult.
20041012             Ja, er ist ein eingeschriebener REPUBLIKANER—ABER nur aus reiner Familientradition;
20041012             mit Bush hat das, wie er versichert, nichts zu tun.
20041012             Vom Wahlkampf selbst bekämen sie hier ja ohnehin nur wenig mit.
20041012             "So wie ich das sehe", sagt er, "ist das alles nur noch Theater. Auf beiden Seiten".
20041012             In einer Umfrage von Reuters/Zogby hatte Kerry seine Führung zuletzt auf 47—PROZENT gegenüber den 44—PROZENT—VON—BUSH ausgebaut.
20041012             Entscheidend auf das Wahlergebnis könnte sich Experten zufolge die 3. Fernsehdebatte der Kontrahenten —MORGEN—NACHT auswirken, besonders weil noch VIELE—WÄHLER sich nicht festgelegt hätten.
20041012             Die Umfrage von ABC News ergab, dass 15—PROZENT—DER—WÄHLER sich noch für keinen Kandidaten entschieden hatten.
20041012             6—PROZENT gaben an, es gebe noch die Möglichkeit, dass sie ihre Meinung änderten.
20041012             Mysteriöse CO2-Werte: Forscher sehen Anzeichen für Hitzespirale
20041012             Bush s Einflüsterer: Der Mann im Ohr kostet 1000—EURO
20041012             ANTI—KERRY—FILM: "Gestohlene Ehre" auf 62—KANÄLEN
20041012             INSOLVENZ—LANDKARTE: Wo DEUTSCHLAND Pleite geht
20041012             Barroso unter Druck: EU—PARLAMENTARIER meutern gegen Kommissare
20041012             We Have 1—OBLIGATION to Eliminate Terrorism, Not Tolerate It
20041012             Fighting 1—LIBERAL—WAR in IRAQ
20041012             - PAUL—CAMPOS, Rocky Mountain NEWS—NUISANCE—NONSENSE - Voting for AFGHANISTAN—FUTURE
20041012             - Ashraf Ghani, WASHINGTON—POST—IRAQ Broken, But Not Beyond Repair - - BRAD—SWANSON, S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE
20041012             Kerry [KJF966]Style Won't Overcome Bush SUBSTANCE—WILLIAM—WELD, Wall S—JOURNAL
20041012             1—MORE—CHANCE for Bush to Get Back on Offensive
20041012             Bush Task in Final Debate: Be a CONSERVATIVE—DANTE—CHINNI, CS Monitor
20041012             1—QUESTION for JOHN—KERRY [KJF966] - Putting Words in THE—PRESIDENT—MOUTH
20041012             Bush Has History On His SIDE—DEWAYNE Wickham, USA—TODAY - Whose Military Vote?
20041012             - JOHN—PODHORETZ, NEW—YORK POST—EDITORIALS: Consequences for Syria
20041012             ABC—MEMO—PROBLEM - Visions and Reality - CHRISTOPHER—REEVE—WALKED—THE—TALK
20041012             Keine Lockerung: Tokio tobt wegen WALFANG—VERBOTS www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,322709,00.html
20041012             GeorgeWBush.com :: Statement by SENATOR—WAYNE—ALLARD (R—CO)-... Releases on Kerry < Kerry Media Center < Statement by SENATOR—WAYNE—ALLARD (R—CO) DENVER, CO â€" Sen.
20041012             1—OF—THE—EYEBALL series. Maps FROM—MAPQUEST.com
20041012             Source of aerial photos: TERRASERVER—USA and Seamless.usgs.gov.
20041012             statt unter Vorsitz des Bankiers MANKIEWITZ, BEI DER DER VERFASSER DIESES BUCHES 1—ZWEISTÜNDIGES—REFERAT—HIELT....F Freundeskreis REICHSFÜHRER—SS...
20041012             SA—ZYNISMUS...Zu seinem Freundeskreis zählten der Historiker Herodot, dessen...
20041012             Unter ihrem " Reichsführer SS " HEINRICH—HIMMLER (19290000             —AB ) übte...sowie TEILE—DER—SS, der Polizei...
20041012             Yet KUWAIT appears reluctant: It took —4—MONTHS to reply to the proposal and then it would only say, in 1—LETTER dated 20040810             , that the proposal "will be taken into deep consideration and is currently being studied by the appropriate authorities".
20041012             THE—NATION
20041012             —WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH appointed FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—BAKER—III as his envoy on IRAQ—DEBT 20031205             —ON, he called BAKER—JOB "1—NOBLE—MISSION".
20041012             —AT—THE—TIME, there was widespread concern about whether BAKER—EXTENSIVE—BUSINESS—DEALINGS in THE—MIDDLE—EAST would compromise that mission, which is to meet with HEADS—OF—STATE and persuade them to forgive the debts owed to them by IRAQ.
20041012             Of particular concern was his relationship with merchant bank and defense contractor the Carlyle Group, where Baker is senior counselor and 1—EQUITY—PARTNER with 1 estimated $180—MILLION—STAKE.
20041012             —UNTIL—NOW, there has been no concrete evidence that BAKER—LOYALTIES are SPLIT, or that his power as Special Presidential Envoy--1—UNPAID position--has been used to benefit ANY—OF—HIS—CORPORATE—CLIENTS or employers.
20041012             —OBTAINED, But according to documents, by THE—NATION, that is precisely what has happened.
20041012             Carlyle has sought to secure 1—EXTRAORDINARY $1—BILLION investment from the
20041012             KUWAIT—GOVERNMENT, with BAKER—INFLUENCE as debt envoy being used as 1—CRUCIAL lever.
20041012             The secret deal involves 1—COMPLEX—TRANSACTION to transfer ownership of as much as $57—BILLION in unpaid IRAQ—DEBTS.
20041012             The debts, —NOW owed to the government of KUWAIT, would be assigned to 1—FOUNDATION created and controlled by 1—CONSORTIUM in which the key players are the Carlyle Group, the Albright Group (headed by another FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE,MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT) and several other WELL—CONNECTED firms.
20041012             Under the deal, the government of KUWAIT would also give the consortium $2—BILLION up front to invest in 1—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FUND devised by the consortium, with HALF—OF—IT going to Carlyle.
20041012             —OBTAINED, THE—NATION has, 1—COPY—OF—THE—CONFIDENTIAL 65—PAGE "Proposal to Assist the Government of KUWAIT in Protecting and Realizing Claims Against IRAQ," sent in January from the consortium to KUWAIT—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, as well as letters back and forth between THE—2—PARTIES.
20041012             —1— D, In 1—LETTER, 20040806             , the consortium informed KUWAIT—FOREIGN—MINISTRY that the country's unpaid debts from IRAQ "are in imminent jeopardy".
20041012             World opinion is turning in FAVOR—OF—DEBT—FORGIVENESS, another letter warned, as evidenced by "PRESIDENT—BUSH—APPOINTMENT...of FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—BAKER as his envoy to negotiate IRAQ—DEBT—RELIEF".
20041012             The consortium's proposal spells out the threat: Not only is KUWAIT unlikely to see ANY—OF—ITS $30—BILLION from IRAQ in sovereign debt, but the $27—BILLION in war reparations that IRAQ owes to KUWAIT from SADDAM—HUSSEIN'S 19900000             invasion "may well be 1—CASUALTY—OF this USA [debt relief] effort".
20041012             In the face of this threat, the consortium offers its services.
20041012             Its ROSTER—OF—FORMER—HIGH—LEVEL—USA and European politicians have "personal rapport with the stakeholders in the anticipated negotiations" and are able to "reach key DECISION—MAKERS in THE—UNITED—NATIONS and in key capitals," the proposal states.
20041012             If KUWAIT agrees to transfer the debts to the consortium's foundation, the consortium will use these personal connections to persuade world leaders that IRAQ must "maximize" its debt payments to KUWAIT, which would be able to collect the money —AFTER 10 to —15—YEARS.
20041012             And the more the consortium gets IRAQ to pay —DURING that period, the more KUWAIT collects, with the consortium taking a 5 % commission or more.
20041012             The goal of maximizing IRAQ—DEBT—PAYMENTS directly contradicts THE—USA—FOREIGN—POLICY—AIM—OF drastically reducing IRAQ—DEBT—BURDEN.
20041012             According TO—KATHLEEN Clark,
20041012             1—LAW—PROFESSOR at WASHINGTON University and 1—LEADING expert on government ethics and regulations, this means that Baker is in a "classic CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST. Baker is on 2—SIDES—OF this —TRANSACTION: He is supposed to be representing the interests of THE—USA, but he is also 1—SENIOR counselor at Carlyle + Carlyle wants to get paid to help KUWAIT recover its debts from IRAQ".
20041012             —CALLED, —AFTER examining the documents, Clark, them "extraordinary".
20041012             She said, "Carlyle and the other companies are exploiting BAKER—CURRENT—POSITION to try to land 1—DEAL with KUWAIT that would undermine THE—INTERESTS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT".
20041012             —SHOWED, THE—NATION also, the documents to JEROME—LEVINSON, 1—INTERNATIONAL—LAWYER and expert on political and corporate corruption at USA—UNIVERSITY.
20041012             He called it "1—OF—THE—GREATEST cons of all time.
20041012             The consortium is saying to THE—KUWAIT—GOVERNMENT, 'Through us, you have the only chance to realize 1—SUBSTANTIAL—PART—OF—THE—DEBT—WHY?
20041012             Because of who we are and who we know.' It's influence peddling of the crassest kind".
20041012             In the confidential documents, the consortium appears acutely AWARE—OF—THE—SENSITIVITY—OF—BAKER—POSITION as Carlyle partner and debt envoy.
20041012             —ASSOCIATED, —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER listing the powerful players, with Carlyle--including FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH, FORMER—UK—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—MAJOR and Baker himself--the document states: "The extent to which these individuals can play 1—INSTRUMENTAL—ROLE in fashioning strategies is —NOW more limited...due to the recent APPOINTMENT—OF—SECRETARY—BAKER as THE—PRESIDENT—ENVOY on INTERNATIONAL debt + the need to avoid 1—APPARENT—CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST".
20041012             [Emphasis in original.] Yet it goes on to state that this will soon change: "We believe that with SECRETARY—BAKER—RETIREMENT from his temporary position [as debt envoy], that Carlyle and those leading individuals associated with Carlyle will then once again be free to play 1—MORE—DECISIVE—ROLE..".
20041012             CHRIS—ULLMAN, VICE—PRESIDENT and spokesperson for Carlyle, said that "neither the Carlyle Group nor JAMES—BAKER wrote, edited or authorized this proposal to THE—KUWAIT government".
20041012             But he acknowledged that Carlyle knew 1—PROPOSAL was being made to the government of KUWAIT and that Carlyle stood to land a $1—BILLION investment.
20041012             "We were AWARE—OF—THAT. But we played no role in procuring that investment".
20041012             Asked if Carlyle was "willing to take the billion but not to try to get it," Ullman answered, "Correct".
20041012             —INDEBTED, IRAQ is the most heavily, country in the world, owing roughly $200—BILLION in sovereign debts and in reparations from SADDAM—WARS.
20041012             —FORCED, If IRAQ were, to pay even 1—QUARTER—OF these claims, its debt would still be more than double its annual GDP, severely undermining its capacity to pay for reconstruction or to address the humanitarian needs of its WAR—RAVAGED citizens.
20041012             "This debt endangers IRAQ—LONG—TERM—PROSPECTS for political health and economic prosperity," PRESIDENT—BUSH said —WHEN he appointed Baker last December.
20041012             —EXPRESSED, But critics, grave concern about whether Baker was 1—APPROPRIATE—CHOICE for such 1—CRUCIAL—JOB.
20041012             For instance, 1—OF—IRAQ—LARGEST creditors is the government of SAUDI—ARABIA.
20041012             THE—CARLYLE—GROUP does extensive business with THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—ROYAL—FAMILY, as does BAKER—LAW—FIRM,
20041012             Baker Botts (which is currently defending them in a $1—TRILLION lawsuit filed by the families of 20040911             victims).
20041012             "MISTER—BAKER is far too tangled in 1—MATRIX of lucrative private business relationships that leave him looking like 1—POTENTIALLY interested party in ANY—DEBT—RESTRUCTURING formula," stated the editorial.
20041012             It concluded that it wasn't enough for Baker to "forgo earnings from clients with obvious connections to IRAQ—DEBTS.... To perform honorably in his new public job, MISTER—BAKER must give up these 2—PRIVATE—ONES".
20041012             —BRUSHED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, off calls for Baker to choose between representing THE—PRESIDENT and representing Carlyle investors.
20041012             "I don't read those editorials," PRESIDENT—BUSH said —WHEN asked by 1—REPORTER about the Times piece.
20041012             —ASSURED, Bush, reporters that "JIM—BAKER is 1—MAN—OF—HIGH—INTEGRITY.... We're fortunate he decided to take time out of what is 1—ACTIVE—LIFE...to step forward and serve AMERICA".
20041012             —ASSURED, Carlyle was equally adamant: CHRIS—ULLMAN, 1—KNIGHT—RIDDER reporter that BAKER—POST "will have no impact on Carlyle whatsoever".
20041012             —ASKED, According to the document, the Kuwaitis, Carlyle and the other consortium members to "prepare 1 detailed financial proposal for the protection and monetization" of reparation debts from IRAQ.
20041012             —APPOINTED, But —AT—THE—TIME—BAKER was, envoy, the consortium had not yet submitted its proposed plans to KUWAIT.
20041012             —PULLED, That means that the Carlyle Group could have, out of the consortium, citing the potential CONFLICTS—OF—INTEREST.
20041012             —STAYED, Instead, Carlyle, on + the consortium proceeded to use BAKER—POWERFUL—NEW—POSITION to aggressively pitch 1—DEAL that positioned the consortium as THE—KUWAIT—GOVERNMENT—CHIEF—LOBBYIST on IRAQ—DEBTS and that gave Carlyle 1—CLEAR—STAKE in THE—FATE—OF—IRAQ—DEBTS.
20041012             However, several changes were made in the way the consortium presented itself.
20041012             The documents state, "—PRIOR—TO [Baker 's] appointment [FORMER—USA—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—FRANK] Carlucci had played 1—CONVENING and guiding role on behalf of Carlyle".
20041012             But —AFTER the appointment, according to CARLYLE—CHRIS—ULLMAN, the firm's role was scaled back.
20041012             "—WHEN JAMES—BAKER was named special envoy...Carlyle explicitly restricted its role to only investing assets on behalf of KUWAIT".
20041012             Shahameen Sheikh, chairman and CEO—OF—INTERNATIONAL—STRATEGY—GROUP, 1—COMPANY created by the consortium to manage this deal, said that Carlyle told her that "they are not 1—LOBBYING firm".
20041012             —REACHED, Days —BEFORE BAKER—APPOINTMENT, the consortium, out to another HIGH—PROFILE—WASHINGTON firm, the Albright Group, which eventually signed on as the leading political strategists and lobbyists for the consortium.
20041012             Moreover, Ullman said that Carlyle put "controls in place" that would insure that Baker "would play no role in nor benefit from" the proposed $1—BILLION investment--1—AMOUNT that would constitute nearly 10—PERCENT—OF—CARLYLE—TOTAL—EQUITY—INVESTMENTS.
20041012             But it's not clear that Carlyle has been straightforward about its dealings so far.
20041012             —ANNOUNCED, THE—DAY—BEFORE BAKER—APPOINTMENT was, JOHN—HARRIS, managing director and CHIEF financial officer of Carlyle, submitted 1 signed statement to WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—ALBERTO—GONZALES.
20041012             "Carlyle does not have ANY—INVESTMENT in IRAQ—PUBLIC or private debt," he wrote.
20041012             He didn't mention that Carlyle had —FOR—MONTHS been in negotiations with KUWAIT to help secure its unpaid war debts from IRAQ.
20041012             —INFORMED—OF, Asked if THE—WHITE—HOUSE had been, the Carlyle GROUP—DEALINGS with KUWAIT at ANY—POINT, Ullman replied, "I'll get back to you on that".
20041012             He did not.
20041012             According to Kathleen Clark, it is unclear whether Baker is complying with the criminal statute and administrative regulations that prohibit government officials from participating in government business in which they have 1—FINANCIAL—INTEREST—INCLUDING matters that affect 1—OUTSIDE—COMPANY that employs the official.
20041012             —SCREENED, Clark notes, "even if Baker is somehow being, from profiting from this deal, Carlyle is using BAKER—GOVERNMENT—POSITION to benefit themselves".
20041012             She says it's time for Carlyle and THE—WHITE—HOUSE to come clean.
20041012             "THERE—1—TREMENDOUS need for transparency here".
20041012             —REPEATED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE and JAMES—BAKER—OFFICE did not respond to, requests for comment.
20041012             —COMPLICATED, Baker occupies 1, place in the consortium's January proposal--he is both problem and solution, stick and carrot.
20041012             In the documents, BAKER—NAME comes up repeatedly, usually in tones of high alarm.
20041012             "MISTER—BAKER—NEW—ROLE and the likely emergence of what will be understood as 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—GLOBAL—NEGOTIATIONS over IRAQ—DEBT--casts ALL—OF—THESE issues in 1—NEW—LIGHT and gives them 1—NEW, perhaps even intense, SENSE—OF—URGENCY," states 1—LETTER signed by MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT;
20041012             DAVID—HUEBNER, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—COUDERT—BROTHERS—LAW—FIRM (another consortium member);
20041012             and Shahameen Sheikh.
20041012             But —AFTER establishing BAKER—ENVOY—JOB as THE—EMBODIMENT—OF—THE—THREAT that KUWAIT will lose its reparations payments, the proposal goes on at length about the powerful individuals connected to the consortium who will "have the ability to gain access to the highest LEVELS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT + other Security Council governments for 1—HEARING—OF—KUWAIT—VIEWS".
20041012             According to Levinson, "What they are proposing is to completely undercut BAKER—MISSION--and they are using their connection with Baker to do it".
20041012             That —MORNING Baker flew to KUWAIT as GEORGE—BUSH—DEBT—ENVOY.
20041012             He met with KUWAIT—PRIME—MINISTER, its foreign MINISTER and several other top officials with the stated goal of asking them to forgive IRAQ—DEBTS in THE—NAME—OF—REGIONAL—PEACE and prosperity.
20041012             BAKER—COLLEAGUES in the consortium chose that very same —DAY to HAND—DELIVER their proposal to Foreign MINISTER—MOHAMMAD—SABAH—AL—SALEM—AL—SABAH—THE—SAME—MAN—BAKER was meeting.
20041012             The proposal "takes into account the new dynamics that have developed in the region," states the cover letter, signed by Albright, Huebner and Sheikh--dynamics that include "SECRETARY—BAKER—NEGOTIATIONS" on debt relief.
20041012             If KUWAIT accepts the consortium's offer, they explain, "we will distinguish KUWAIT—CLAIMS--legally and morally--from the sovereign debt for which THE—USA is —NOW seeking forgiveness".
20041012             —SUBMITTED, Was it 1—COINCIDENCE that the consortium, its proposal on the same —DAY Baker was in KUWAIT?
20041012             —SUPPOSED, And which JAMES—BAKER were KUWAIT—LEADERS, to take more seriously--the presidential envoy calling for debt forgiveness or the businessman named in the proposal as 1—POTENTIAL—ALLY in their quest for debt payment?
20041012             Ahamed AL—FAHAD, under SECRETARY—TO—THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—KUWAIT, told THE—NATION, "I have seen it [the proposal] and I am fully AWARE—OF—THE—SITUATION".
20041012             —ASKED, But —WHEN, about BAKER—DUAL—ROLE in KUWAIT, he said, "It's hard to comment on that issue, especially —NOW. I hope you fully understand".
20041012             Shahameen Sheikh, the consortium head who made the delivery, says the timing was 1—COINCIDENCE.
20041012             "It had nothing to do with MISTER—BAKER—VISIT.... I was in the region so I thought I would stop over on the way to EUROPE and deliver the proposal".
20041012             He also said that —WHILE sovereign debt might be forgiven, reparations would not, because "there is 1—INTERNATIONAL—DECISION from THE—UN".
20041012             —3—DAYS—LATER, —WHEN Baker was —BACK—IN WASHINGTON giving 1—SPEECH, he made this distinction for the 1. time.
20041012             "My job is to deal with IRAQ—DEBT to sovereign creditors, not with war reparations," he said.
20041012             —ECHOED, He also, the exact LINE—OF—THE—KUWAIT—GOVERNMENT: that reparations are outside his purview because they are "under the jurisdiction of THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council and subject to resolutions it has passed".
20041012             This was 1—CURIOUS—STATEMENT: Why would such 1—LARGE—PORTION—OF—IRAQ—DEBTS be off the table?
20041012             —SEEMED, It also, to contradict other things Baker said in the same speech.
20041012             He said that "ANY—REDUCTION [in IRAQ—DEBT] must be substantial, or 1—VAST—MAJORITY—OF—THE—TOTAL—DEBT".
20041012             That is impossible without addressing reparations, which by SOME—MEASURES—ACCOUNT for more than HALF—OF—IRAQ—FOREIGN—DEBTS.
20041012             THE—CENTER for Strategic and INTERNATIONAL Studies, THE—CENTER—RIGHT think tank hosting BAKER—SPEECH, has said it is "unwise" to make ANY—DEBT—RELIEF—PLAN "that does not include reparations".
20041012             —PLACED, BAKER—STATEMENT on reparations also, him at odds with several other MEMBERS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, including FORMER—CHIEF—ENVOY to IRAQ PAUL—BREMER.
20041012             He compared THE—IRAQ situation to that of GERMANY —WWI—AFTER, —WHEN 19210000             —THE—REPARATIONS—COMMISSION forced the Weimar Republic to pay $33—BILLION.
20041012             —CONTRIBUTED, The massive reparations " directly to THE—MORASS—OF—UNREST, instability and despair which led to ADOLF—HITLER—ELECTION," Bremer warned.
20041012             Yet IRAQ continues to make regular reparations payments for Saddam's 19900000             invasion of KUWAIT.
20041012             THE—,18—MONTHS—SINCE THE—USA—INVASION, IRAQ has paid out 1—STAGGERING $1.8—BILLION in reparations-- substantially more than the battered country's 20040000             health and education budgets combined + more than THE—USA has so far managed to spend in IRAQ on reconstruction.
20041012             MOST—OF—THE—PAYMENTS have gone to KUWAIT, 1—COUNTRY that is about to post its 6. consecutive budget surplus, where citizens have 1—AVERAGE purchasing power of $19,000 —1—YEAR.
20041012             Iraqis, by contrast, are living on 1—AVERAGE—OF—JUST over $2—1—DAY, with MOST—OF—THE—POPULATION—DEPENDENT on food rations for basic nutrition.
20041012             —SCHEDULED, Yet reparations payments continue, with IRAQ, to make another $200—MILLION—PAYOUT in —LATE—OCTOBER.
20041012             This arrangement dates back to THE—END—OF—THE—1.—GULF—WAR.
20041012             —AGREED, As 1—CONDITION—OF—THE—CEASE—FIRE, SADDAM—HUSSEIN, to pay for all losses incurred as 1—RESULT—OF—HIS—INVASION and —7—MONTH—OCCUPATION—OF—KUWAIT.
20041012             —CREATED, According to UN Security Council Resolution 986, which, the program, IRAQ could begin to export oil as long as the revenue was spent on food and medicine imports + as long as 30—PERCENT—OF—IRAQ—OIL—REVENUES went to THE—UNITED—NATIONS Compensation Commission (UNCC), THE—GENEVA—BASED QUASI—TRIBUNAL in charge of Gulf War reparations.
20041012             —AWARDED, SOME—OF—THE—CLAIMS that have been, by THE—UNCC are huge: the cost of cleaning up KUWAIT's and SAUDI—ARABIA—COASTLINES from oil spills and fires, or THE—KUWAIT—PETROLEUM—CORPORATION—CONTROVERSIAL—AWARD for $15.9—BILLION in lost oil revenues.
20041012             So far, THE—UNCC has paid out $18.6—BILLION in war reparations and has awarded 1—ADDITIONAL $30—BILLION that has not been paid BECAUSE—OF—IRAQ—SHORTAGE—OF—FUNDS.
20041012             There are still $98—BILLION WORTH—OF—CLAIMS—BEFORE THE—UNCC that have yet to be assessed, so these numbers could rise steeply.
20041012             That's why there are no accurate estimates of how much IRAQ owes in war reparations--the figure ranges from $50—BILLION to $130—BILLION.
20041012             But the fate of these debts is —NOW highly uncertain.
20041012             This past 20040501             —IRAQ—DELEGATION went to THE—UN to ask for the %age to be reduced even further, to accommodate IRAQ—OWN—RECONSTRUCTION—NEEDS.
20041012             There is growing sympathy for this position.
20041012             JUSTIN—ALEXANDER—OF—THE—DEBT—RELIEF—GROUP—JUBILEE IRAQ says that MANY—OF—THE—CLAIMS—BEFORE THE—UNCC are inflated and that "even for genuine claims, this is SADDAM—RESPONSIBILITY, not THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE'S, who themselves suffered far more than anyone".
20041012             This is where the Carlyle/Albright consortium comes in.
20041012             The premise of its proposal is that IRAQ—UNPAID debts to KUWAIT are not —JUST 1—FINANCIAL—PROBLEM but 1—POLITICAL and public relations problem as well.
20041012             Global public opinion is no longer what it was —WHEN KUWAIT was promised full reparations.
20041012             —FOCUSED, —NOW the world is, on reconstructing IRAQ and forgiving its debts.
20041012             If KUWAIT is going to get its reparations awards, the cover letter argues, it will need to recast them not as 1—BURDEN on IRAQ but "as 1—KEY—ELEMENT in working toward regional stability and reconciliation".
20041012             —INVOLVED, Several parties, in the consortium emphasized that the proposal concerned only reparations debts.
20041012             —ASKED, Albright Group spokesperson JAMIE—SMITH said, "We were, to join 1—PROPOSAL to secure justice for VICTIMS—OF—SADDAM—INVASION—OF—KUWAIT and ensure that compensation to KUWAIT—VICTIMS-- which was endorsed by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and THE—UNITED—NATIONS--be used to promote reconciliation, environmental improvements and investment in KUWAIT, IRAQ and the region".
20041012             In fact, the proposal does not restrict itself to reparations debt.
20041012             The consortium also asks the government of KUWAIT to give the consortium control over $30—BILLION in defaulted sovereign debts to be used as political leverage to secure reparations claims.
20041012             Furthermore, most experts on debt restructuring agree that IRAQ—DEBTS must be looked at as 1—WHOLE: There is little point forgiving IRAQ—SOVEREIGN debts if the country is still going to be saddled with 1—UNMANAGEABLE—REPARATIONS—BURDEN.
20041012             —REFLECTED, This understanding is, in the documents, which repeatedly STATE—THAT—KUWAIT—REPARATIONS—PAYMENTS are endangered by the moves to forgive IRAQ—DEBTS.
20041012             To avert this threat to KUWAIT, the consortium proposes a 3—PRONGED strategy of aggressive backroom lobbying, clever public relations and creative investing and financing.
20041012             "ANY—SOLUTION for payment of the Unpaid Awards...must be politically sellable as reinforcing stability and growth in the Gulf and in IRAQ. This Proposal provides the strategy, the architecture + the talent to achieve this goal," the document states.
20041012             Lobbying: —SINCE THE—UNCC exists entirely at THE—DISCRETION—OF—THE—SECURITY—COUNCIL, which can vote to reduce, suspend or eliminate reparations at ANY—TIME, THE—PART—OF—THE—PROPOSAL dealing with POWER—BROKERING is straightforward: It suggests 1—FULL—ON lobbying offensive directed at Security Council members, using ALBRIGHT—CONNECTIONS, but also other "eminent" people associated with the consortium like FORMER—USA—SENATOR—GARY—HART and FORMER—USA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UN—JEANE—KIRKPATRICK.
20041012             "We will 1. seek to preserve THE—5—PERCENT—OF—THE—REVENUES from IRAQ—OIL allocated as funding for payment of THE—UNCC awards," the proposal says.
20041012             To achieve this, the consortium will make "discreet contacts at top levels in key CAPITALS—OF—SECURITY—COUNCIL—MEMBER—STATES and with influential representatives," and "interventions with UNITED—NATIONS senior staff to shape presentations to the Security Council".
20041012             The proposal further notes that "GERMANY and ROMANIA may be pivotal + THE—ALBRIGHT—GROUP has very close ties to each".
20041012             —DETAILED, Public Relations: The consortium also has 1, plan to address the perception that reparations are "diverting resources from rebuilding IRAQ to 1—MORE—WEALTHY—NEIGHBOR".
20041012             1., KUWAIT must assign its unpaid debts from IRAQ to 1—PRIVATE—FOUNDATION controlled by the consortium.
20041012             The foundation will manage 1—INVESTMENT—FUND that will invest 1—PORTION—OF—REPARATIONS—PAYMENTS from IRAQ to KUWAIT back into IRAQ.
20041012             As EXAMPLES—OF—THE—TYPES—OF—INVESTMENTS the foundation would make, Albright, Huebner and Sheikh suggest in their letter that the reparations funds could be used to buy IRAQ—STATE—OWNED companies.
20041012             "In the near future, 40—STATE—OWNED IRAQ—ENTERPRISES in 1—RANGE—OF—SECTORS will be available for leasing and management contracts," they write.
20041012             —BY demonstrating that KUWAIT is investing PART—OF—ITS—REPARATIONS proceeds back into IRAQ—ECONOMY, THE—CONSORTIUM—RUN—FOUNDATION "establishes 1—HUMANITARIAN rationale for THE—USA + other countries to continue their support" for the reparations.
20041012             The consortium appears to see privatization--1—HIGHLY controversial proposal in IRAQ--as PART—OF—1—HUMANITARIAN—MISSION.
20041012             The proposal also suggests more direct public relations strategies.
20041012             It calls for KUWAIT to dedicate $1—BILLION—OF—THE—REPARATIONS—AWARDS it has already been paid by THE—UNCC to 1—KUWAIT—ENVIRONMENTAL—RESTORATION—FUND, which the consortium would create.
20041012             THE—PURPOSE—OF—THIS fund would be to remind the world of "the gravity of the environmental legacy facing KUWAIT" and to "position KUWAIT as the region's environmental leader".
20041012             The fund would be headed by CAROL—BROWNER, FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—USA—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY and 1—PRINCIPAL in the Albright Group.
20041012             Investment/Financing: The proposal predicts that on their own, lobbying and PR will not be sufficient to secure the amounts that THE—KUWAIT—GOVERNMENT—HOPES to receive in reparations.
20041012             For the consortium to "maximize THE—VALUE—OF—KUWAIT—COMPENSATION," KUWAIT will have to part with even MORE—OF—THE—REPARATIONS—PAYMENTS it has received.
20041012             In addition to the $1—BILLION for the environmental fund, the proposal calls for another $2—BILLION—OF—KUWAIT—MONEY to be invested in 1—MIDDLE—EAST—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FUND.
20041012             Of that $2—BILLION, "$1—BILLION would be invested, by way of special agreement, in THE—CARLYLE—GROUP—EQUITY—FUNDS" for 1—PERIOD—OF at least 12 to —15—YEARS.
20041012             —AT—THE—END—OF—THAT—PERIOD—KUWAIT will get the return on these investments, as well as whatever the consortium has been able to negotiate in reparations payments.
20041012             For the consortium, it is 1—EXCELLENT—DEAL: Its members get to manage a $2—BILLION investment portfolio, collecting healthy management fees as well as a %AGE—OF—INTEREST.
20041012             They also will be paid a "retainer" and 5—PERCENT—OF—ANY—DEBTS the consortium gets repaid + "1 negotiated %AGE—OF—THE—VALUE returned to KUWAIT exceeding" THE—PRE—ARRANGED amount.
20041012             Other consortium members sharing in these benefits include Fidelity Investments;
20041012             —EMBROILED, BNP Paribas, 1—EUROPEAN bank, in THE—OIL—FOR—FOOD—SCANDAL;
20041012             Gaffney, Cline & Associates, 1—ENERGY—COMPANY specializing in oil and gas privatization;
20041012             Nexgen Financial Solutions, 1—FINANCIAL engineering firm partly owned by the government of FRANCE;
20041012             and Emerging Markets Partnership, 1—AIG affiliate headed by 1—FORMER—SENIOR—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—WORLD—BANK, Moeen Qureshi.
20041012             In addition to the financial windfall, the arrangement would give this GROUP—OF—PRIVATE—COMPANIES—TREMENDOUS—POWER.
20041012             Whoever holds IRAQ—DEBT has the ability to influence policy in IRAQ at 1—MOMENT—OF—EXTREME—POLITICAL uncertainty.
20041012             Yet for the government of KUWAIT the proposed deal is fraught with risk.
20041012             It's true that the fate of its IRAQ—REPARATIONS—LOOKS—GRIM.
20041012             —ESTIMATED, The consortium, that if KUWAIT tried to sell those debts on the market, its $27—BILLION would be worth only $1.5—BILLION.
20041012             But the consortium is asking KUWAIT to risk $3—BILLION—OF—REPARATIONS—MONEY it has already received in the hope that it can be used to leverage SOME—OF—THE—REST.
20041012             However, as JEROME—LEVINSON points out, "There are absolutely no guarantees of even that".
20041012             It is clear that the consortium is extremely eager to seal 1—DEAL with KUWAIT.
20041012             Consortium CEO—SHAHAMEEN—SHEIKH writes of making 5—TRIPS to KUWAIT in —4—MONTHS;
20041012             and the Albright GROUP—CAROL—BROWNER is reported to have "personally delivered 1—COPY" of the proposal to his hotel —WHEN he was in WASHINGTON.
20041012             According to Ahamed AL—FAHAD, "The issue is —NOW in the hands of the under SECRETARY—OF—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS," who was unavailable for comment.
20041012             But SALEM ABDULLAH—AL—JABER—AL—SABAH, KUWAIT—AMBASSADOR to THE—USA, said, "As far as my information is concerned, my government is not considering such proposals".
20041012             Even if the deal falls through, the fact that the Carlyle Group and the Albright Group have been engaged in these negotiations may already have damaged debt relief efforts, hurting both Iraqi and USA—INTERESTS.
20041012             Levinson points out that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has made commitments that IRAQ—OIL—REVENUES will be spent on reconstruction.
20041012             Yet the failure to deal with the reparations issue means that "PART—OF—THOSE resources instead are being diverted to KUWAIT.
20041012             Who pays for this?
20041012             It's the people of IRAQ who continue to make reparations payments + it's USA taxpayers, who are asked to foot the bill for reconstruction, because IRAQ—MONEY is going to debt payments".
20041012             Levinson says this is all the more remarkable because of who is involved.
20041012             "Here you have 2—FORMER—SECRETARIES—OF—STATE seemingly proposing to use their contacts and inside information to undercut the official USA—GOVERNMENT—POLICY".
20041012             WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY—KATHLEEN—CLARK says the proposal "lays bare how FORMER—HIGH—LEVEL—GOVERNMENT—EMPLOYEES—USE—THEIR—ACCESS in order to reap financial benefits that appear to be enormous".
20041012             1—CASE can certainly be made that JAMES—BAKER and MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT have had more direct influence over IRAQ—DEBTS and reparations payments than ANY—POLITICIANS outside IRAQ, with the possible exception of the 40—1. and 40—3. Presidents of THE—USA.
20041012             He was also 1—KEY—ARCHITECT—OF—THE—1.—GULF—WAR, as well AS—OF—THE—CEASE—FIRE that required Saddam to pay such sweeping reparations.
20041012             In his 19950000             memoirs, THE—POLITICS—OF—DIPLOMACY, Baker wrote that —AFTER seeing THE—OIL—WELL fires in KUWAIT he cabled PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH and said, "IRAQ should pay for it".
20041012             —NOW, through the consortium, Carlyle could end up controlling $1—BILLION of those payments.
20041012             The role of the Albright Group raises similar questions.
20041012             As SECRETARY—OF—STATE—AND—AMBASSADOR to THE—UN, MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT participated personally in drafting UN Resolution 986, which created THE—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM, diverting 30—PERCENT—OF—IRAQ—REVENUE from oil sales to war reparations.
20041012             —NOW, as 1—PRIVATE—CITIZEN, Albright is 1—LEADING MEMBER—OF—1—CONSORTIUM that is exploiting her connections to try to profit from the very reparations she helped secure.
20041012             —ENFORCED, Albright also, the brutal sanctions campaign against IRAQ, 1—OF—THE—EFFECTS—OF which was THE—HOBBLING—OF—IRAQ—STATE—COMPANIES.
20041012             —NOW, she is PART—OF—1—PLAN to use IRAQ—REPARATIONS—PAYMENTS to buy the very firms that her sanctions program helped to debilitate.
20041012             But it is BAKER—ENVOY—POST that raises the most serious questions for THE—WHITE—HOUSE, especially because 1—SPECIAL—PRESIDENTIAL—ENVOY is THE—PRESIDENT—PERSONAL—REPRESENTATIVE, meeting with HEADS—OF—STATE—IN—THE—PRESIDENT—STEAD and reporting back directly to THE—PRESIDENT.
20041012             If 1—PRESIDENT—ENVOY has 1—CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST, it reflects directly on the highest office.
20041012             Clark says, "There is absolutely 1—CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST. Baker is aligned with 2—PARTIES--THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and Carlyle-- that are not aligned with EACH—OTHER".
20041012             As envoy, BAKER—JOB is to do his best to clear away IRAQ—DEBTS, lessening the burden on Iraqis and on USA taxpayers.
20041012             Yet as 1—BUSINESSMAN, he is 1—EQUITY—PARTNER in 1—COMPANY that is PART—OF—1—DEAL that would achieve the opposite result.
20041012             If Baker the envoy succeeds, BAKER—BUSINESS—PARTNERS—STAND to fail--and vice versa.
20041012             —INFLUENCED, Have these conflicts, BAKER—PERFORMANCE as envoy?
20041012             Has he pushed as hard as he could have for debt forgiveness?
20041012             We know that IRAQ—STEEP—WAR—REPARATIONS to KUWAIT have largely escaped public scrutiny--if Baker has steered THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION away from the reparations issue, for whom was he working —AT—THE—TIME?
20041012             THE—WHITE—HOUSE? Or Carlyle? Clark says questions like these are precisely why CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST—REGULATIONS exist.
20041012             "We have reason to doubt that Baker is doing everything he could be doing on behalf of THE—USA—BECAUSE he has 1—INTEREST in another SIDE—OF—THE—TRANSACTION".
20041012             This issue is all the more pressing because the file that PRESIDENT—BUSH handed to Baker is in disarray--10—MONTHS on, there is significantly less goodwill toward forgiving IRAQ—DEBT than —WHEN Baker arrived.
20041012             —APPOINTED, —WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH, him, he praised Baker 's "vast economic, political and diplomatic experience".
20041012             —SEEMED, And at 1., Baker, to be making fast progress: —AFTER TOP—LEVEL—MEETINGS, FRANCE, RUSSIA and GERMANY appeared open to canceling 1—LARGE—PROPORTION—OF—DEBT owed to them by IRAQ + SAUDI—ARABIA and KUWAIT seemed ready to follow.
20041012             —STALLED, But —NOW, the negotiations are not only, they seem to be going backward.
20041012             —HARDENED, KUWAIT, for its part, has, its position.
20041012             "Debts remain debts," Foreign MINISTER—MOHAMMAD—SABAH—AL—SALEM—AL—SABAH said —RECENTLY.
20041012             —INTENSIFIED, And it has, its demands for Gulf War reparations, joining with SAUDI—ARABIA, IRAN, JORDAN and Syria to claim 1—ADDITIONAL $82—BILLION from IRAQ in environmental damages.
20041012             "Has 1—SINGLE nation in the G8...formally said or requested of their parliaments to forgive IRAQ—DEBT?" Biden asked.
20041012             "Not yet. No sir," Schlicher replied.
20041012             —FAILED, Not only has Baker, to deliver ANY—FIRM—COMMITMENTS for debt forgiveness;
20041012             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE—FINANCE—MINISTER—NICOLAS—SARKOZY, that he had lined up RUSSIA, GERMANY and ITALY behind 1—PLAN to cancel only 50—PERCENT—OF—IRAQ—DEBTS--1—FAR cry from the 90-95 % cancellation WASHINGTON had been demanding.
20041012             Yet Baker was nowhere to be found.
20041012             Busy negotiating the rules of the presidential debates, Baker has been MIA on the debt issue.
20041012             —SINCE he returned from his trip to THE—MIDDLE—EAST in January, THE—PRESIDENT—ENVOY has issued only 2—PUBLIC—STATEMENTS on IRAQ—DEBT + he has been completely silent on the topic for the past —6—MONTHS--despite having publicly committed to getting the debt issue sewn up by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20041012             —WHILE this is bad news for Iraqis and for USA taxpayers, it could be good news for Carlyle.
20041012             1—SWIFT—RESOLUTION to IRAQ—DEBT—CRISIS—WORKS against its financial interest: The longer the negotiations drag on, the more time the consortium has to convince the reluctant KUWAIT—GOVERNMENT to sign on the dotted line.
20041012             —WIPED, But if IRAQ—DEBT is successfully, out, any proposed deal is off the table.
20041012             BAKER—POSITION as envoy has certainly been useful to his colleagues in the consortium.
20041012             —HELPED, Whether Baker has, solve IRAQ—DEBT—CRISIS is far less clear.
20041012             JAMES—A—BAKER (scandal sheet) - ORAL History: JAMES—BAKER [PBS]
20041012             THE—SEATTLE—STORM won their 1. WNBA title with a 74—60—VICTORY over THE—CONNECTICUT—SUN.
20041012             1—JURY in BATON—ROUGE, LOS—ANGELES, took —80—MINUTES to find suspected serial killer Derrick TODD—LEE—GUILTY—OF—1.—DEGREE murder in THE—DEATH—OF— 22—YEAR—OLD—CHARLOTTE MURRAY—PACE.
20041012             —SENTENCED, Lee was —LATER, to death for PACE—KILLING.
20041012             CANADA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PUBLIC—SERVANTS were on strike across the country as negotiators for THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT and their union continued marathon talks.
20041012             1—VIDEOTAPE surfaced on THE—INTERNET showing what was said to be the confession and beheading of 1—ARAB—SHIITE—MUSLIM, presumably Iraqi, who was accused of serving THE—USA—ARMY by "assassinating Sunni leaders".
20041012             USA—WARPLANES hit FALLUJAH and knocked out the celebrated Haji Hussein kebab restaurant killing the owner's son and nephew.
20041012             —SLUMPED, Police found 7—YOUNG—PEOPLE, over dead in 1 parked VAN outside TOKYO in what was believed to be JAPAN—BIGGEST—EVER group suicide.
20041012             —RENTED, Another 2—PEOPLE were found dead in 1, car parked in YOKOSUKA.
20041012             PAKISTAN successfully TEST—FIRED 1—MEDIUM—RANGE, NUCLEAR—CAPABLE—MISSILE that would be able to hit most cities in neighboring INDIA.
20041012             in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN 1—ATTACKER tossed 1—GRENADE into 1—WEDDING ceremony at the home of 1—AFGHANISTAN—REFUGEE, killing 4—PEOPLE and injuring 35.
20041012             Stinnes, Hugo ohne dessen entscheidende Tatkraft DEUTSCHLAND —IN—JENEM—WINTER wohl sicher...
20041012             adrivo.com > Forum Die Aga wurde damals dem Konzern von HUGO—STINNES angegliedert... die —NACH—DEM 19260000             erfolgten Zusammenbruch von Falcon die Röhr Automobilwerke AG...
20041012             Ob Thyssen, —AUGUST tatsächlich Vater der 4—KINDER Thyssen, —AUGUST + Thyssen, Heinrich + Thyssen, Fritz + Thyssen, Hedwig war, wurde nie geklärt. alfatomega.com/ 20041012.html
20041012             indymedia GERMANY | Weitere Impressionen von der NAZI—DEMO am 1... Stinnes, Hugo ohne dessen entscheidende Tatkraft DEUTSCHLAND —IN—JENEM—WINTER wohl... alfatomega.com/ 20041012.html
20041012             EDUARD—VON—DER—HEYDT und die SCHWEIZ: Die braunen Fahrwasser knapp...
20041012             IDGR—LEXIKON Rechtsextremismus.. Ustascha + ADOLF—DAMMANN + FRIEDRICH—SCHWEND + British... "Werbebüros für die Freikorps ".
20041012             "Studentenarbeitsstellen"... alfatomega.com/20041012.html
20041012             FREIKORPS—SCHLAUWEB Schlauweb.de Das Lexikon im INTERNET... Eine 1. Hochphase erlebten die Freikorps jeweilig gegen ENDE—DES—ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—ERBFOLGEKRIEGES und des...
20041012             Karl dem deutschkonservativen Bankier Konsul a.D. SIMON—MARX, ADAM—STEGERWALD, CHEF—DES deutschnationalen Handlungsgehilfenverbands, seinem Mitarbeiter...
20041012             KARL—HELFFERICH—SUCHMAPPE.de ndungsmitglieder waren: HEINRICH—VON—GLEICHEN—EDUARD—STADTLER—KARL—HELFFERICH ( Bankier ) SIMON—MARX ( Bankier ) Adam... ?
20041012             zum ENYKLOPÄDIE—EINTRAG...
20041012             Ustascha + ADOLF—DAMMANN + FRIEDRICH—SCHWEND + UK—NATIONAL Party (BNP) + USA—NAZI Party (ANP) + Kampfbund DEUTSCHER—SOZIALISTEN (KDS) + Solidarier...
20041012             ZUKUNFTS—UND Kulturwerkstätte
20041012             12—ERICH—PRIEBKE - 13—ALOIS—HUDAL - 14—OTTO—ADOLF—EICHMANN
20041012             NUMMER 18—FEHLT!
20041012             www.diezuk.at/online/page.php?P=32998& PHPSESSID=f09c9b1f81c119bd487ef636e37777a8
20041012             Laut AUSSAGE—VON—STINNES, Hugo 500—MILLIONEN Mark.
20041012             die historische —STUNDE, da der sogenannte " ANTIBOLSCHEWISTENFONDS DER WIRTSCHAFT" beschlossen wurde... alfatomega.com/462ndd/20041012.html
20041012             Später wandten sich diese Industriellen wieder von Stadtler, Eduard ab.
20041012             Beginn des NS—STAATES Sprung ins DUNKLE—DEUTSCHLAND...
20041012             EDUARD—STADTLER, der Leiter der Antibolschewistischen Liga, die —BEREITS Ende
200410120000 - DAVID—BROOKS, NY Times
200410120000 - DENNIS—PRAGER, Townhall
200410120000 - Dick MORRIS—NEW—YORK Post
200410120000 - J. Witcover, BALTIMORE Sun
200410120000 - MARK—STEYN, Steynonline
20041012—19181118    —AM, Auch die Sozialisierungskommission (SK), die auf Antrag des USPD—FÜHRERS HUGO—HAASE vom Rat der Volksbeauftragten beschlossen wurde und
20041012—19181205    —AM, erstmals in der Berliner Bunsenstraße zusammentrat, diente der Täuschung, mindestens aber dem Aufschub von Maßnahmen zur Vergesellschaftung der Wirtschaft.
20041012—19190100    —MITTE, Das war die historische —STUNDE, da der sogenannte " ANTIBOLSCHEWISTENFONDS DER WIRTSCHAFT " beschlossen wurde, von dem aus —NUN die... alfatomega.com/20041012.html
20041012—19190202    —AM, Als verbindlich auch für die SPD wurden sie im "Vorwärts" veröffentlicht, danach als Sonderdruck verteilt.
20041012—19890000    —PLAYED, As SECRETARY—OF—STATE, Baker, 1—ROLE in running up IRAQ—FOREIGN—DEBTS in the 1. place, personally intervening to secure a $1—BILLION USA—LOAN to SADDAM—HUSSEIN in export credits.
20041012—19940000    —STARTED, Payments, flowing and
20041012—19960000    —IN, sped up, with THE—START—OF—THE—UN—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM.
20041012—19960520    —ON, "It's 1—GREAT—DAY for THE—USA—BECAUSE we were THE—AUTHORS—OF—RESOLUTION—986," she said on THE—NEWSHOUR—WITH—JIM—LEHRER.
20041012—20030522    —ON, --—2—MONTHS—AFTER THE—USA—INVADED—IRAQ—THE—SECURITY—COUNCIL decided to cut the %AGE—OF—IRAQ—OIL—REVENUES going to war reparations to 5 %.
20041012—20030716    —ON, In fact, several months —EARLIER, Carlyle had attended 1—HIGH—LEVEL—LONDON meeting with KUWAIT—OFFICIALS about the deal.
20041012—20030900    —IN, "I think there needs to be 1—VERY—SERIOUS—LOOK at this whole reparations issue," Bremer said.
20041012—20031205    —ON, appointed FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—BAKER—III as his envoy on IRAQ—DEBT ,
20041012—20040121    —CONVERGED, JAMES—BAKER—DUAL—LIVES.
20041012—20040121    —ON, We do know this: —AFTER meeting with Baker, KUWAIT—FOREIGN—MINISTER told reporters that Baker had shown "UNDERSTANDING—OF—KUWAIT—POSITION on war reparations," confirming that the subject did come up.
20041012—20040402    —ON, Albright met with KUWAIT—FOREIGN—MINISTER about the issue ;
20041012—20041002    —ON, at the annual MEETING—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND, it emerged that FRANCE had done 1—END—RUN—AROUND WASHINGTON and was pushing 1—DEBT—RELIEF—DEAL—OF—ITS—OWN.
20041012—20041212    —DETERMINED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, that the potential CONFLICTS—OF—INTEREST were so great that it published 1—EDITORIAL calling on Baker to resign his posts at the Carlyle Group and Baker Botts to preserve THE—INTEGRITY—OF—THE—ENVOY—POSITION.
20041014             ( ( ( La Nueva Radio YA ) ) ) - Noticias Internacionales OSAMA—BIN—LADEN está en CHINA...según reportero británico — 20041012             -.
20041102             —JUST kidding 200411012205          - "BRAD—MENFIL"
20041102             —MONDAY 20041101             20041102             —JUST kidding 200411012205          - "BRAD—MENFIL"
20041102             —MONDAY 20041101             20041102205155       BUSH [BGW968] WILL—LOSE 200411012055
20041102205155       BUSH [BGW968] WILL—LOSE 200411012055
20050126             - 200312110124         . - - - Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             - 200312110124. - - 200312110124         . - - - - Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             - 200312110124. - - 200312110124         -Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             von PABLO—RUIZ, A. Pérez Guerra; Übersetzung: kh.
20050126             - 200312110124. - - 200312110124         . - - - - - Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             - 200312110124. - Condoleezza Rice was sworn in as SECRETARY—OF—STATE, —FOLLOWING her confirmation by the Senate.
20050126             - 200312110124. - Protestaktion FORT BENNING, So.
20050126             200312110124         —PROTEST—AKTION FORT—BENNING, —SONNTAG.
20050126             23. 11. - - 200312110124. - - 200312110124         . - - - - Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             - 200312110124. - ".. N20041221             20050323             Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch, 20011221             20050323             14: Broadening Our Perspectives of 20010911             — Footnotes... Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch, 20011221             ...+ the committee's investigation of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro ( BNL ).
20050126             - 200312110124         . - - Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             - 200312110124. - - 200312110124         . - - - Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             von PABLO—RUIZ, A. Pérez Guerra; Übersetzung: kh. - 200312110124.
20050128             [CTRL] (3/4) ITALY—FASCISTS and THE—CIA... inquiries into another paramilitary network called Piano Solo, declared illegal 19700000             —IN (ED—VULLIAMY, GUARDIAN, 19901012             ) OPERATION ' STAY—BEHIND ' (THE—BRITISH...
20050309             GUARDIAN, 19901012             ) OPERATION ' STAY—BEHIND ' (THE—BRITISH...
20050321             ESA Panorama: Mosaik mehrerer ENVISAT—BILDER, die 20050101—20050110 entstanden sind.
20050429             Urantia Network Lite... organization--the " Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group ( P2OG )"--will carry... LIZ—SIDOTI, AP Writer WASHINGTON... 536&e=8&u=/ap/20041012/ap_on_el_pr...
20050514             Unknown NEWS: ? MOBYTHOR—GUIDE—TO—THE—BUSH—UNDERGROUND—REICH—DOD 20011012             ).
200505140000 - DoD 20011012             ).
20051010—20051012    —ARRESTED, Bennett was, THE—NEXT—DAY and charged with securities fraud.
20051011—20051012    The cigarettes, mostly LOW—QUALITY—UKRAINIAN—MADE, were to be incinerated.
20051011—20051012    —SEIZED, POLAND—CUSTOMS—OFFICIALS, at least 8—MILLION cigarettes apparently destined for THE—UK—MARKET in 1 coordinated sweep in 2—CITIES.
20051012             NPR - WHITE—HOUSE—SPOKESMAN—SCOTT—MCCLELLAN confirms that PRESIDENT ial strategist KARL—ROVE called evangelical broadcaster JAMES—DOBSON
20051012             to seek his support for HARRIET—MIERS' nomination to THE—SUPREME—COURT—BEFORE it was announced.
20051012             —ASSURED, In that call, Rove, DO—ROVE to testify —BEFORE grand jury
20051012             —REPORTED, Human Rights Watch, that 2,225 inmates in THE—USA were serving LIFE—WITHOUT—PAROLE terms for crimes committed —WHEN they were under 18. CALIFORNIA had 180—PRISONERS serving such sentences for murders committed —WHEN they were 17 or 18.
20051012             —AGREED, Bridgestone Firestone NORTH—USA—TIRE said it has, to pay $240—MILLION to Ford Motor Co. to settle claims related to the tiremaker's 20000000             recall of defective tires.
20051012             1—FIRE at the Wines Central warehouse in VALLEJO—CALIFORNIA, destroyed TENS—OF—MILLION—OF—DOLLARS—WORTH—OF—VINTAGE—WINE.
20051012             1 estimated 6—MILLION—BOTTLES were in storage there.
20051012             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 5—MEDICAL—WORKERS were, by gunmen near KANDAHAR.
20051012             PRESIDENT—KARZAI said he believes insurgents are receiving support from the nation's booming drug trade.
20051012             —UNVEILED, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT, sweeping ANTI—TERRORISM—LEGISLATION designed to crack down on Islamic extremism, raising concerns from Muslim leaders, opposition parties and legal experts about the potential for infringing on civil liberties.
20051012             1—ROCKET carrying 2—CHINA—ASTRONAUTS blasted off from 1—BASE in CHINA—DESERT—NORTH—WEST—GANSU province, returning the country's manned space program to orbit —2—YEARS—AFTER its HISTORY—MAKING 1. flight.
20051012             —ARMED, EAST—CHINA, 1—MAN, with homemade guns opened fire at 1—PRIMARY—SCHOOL, injuring 16—STUDENTS—BEFORE escaping.
20051012             TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—TRADE—UNION—WORKERS and Indians took to THE—STREETS—OF—COLOMBIA—MAIN—CITIES to protest 1 proposed free trade pact with THE—USA, accusing PRESIDENT—ALVARO—URIBE of selling out the country.
20051012             EGYPT, 1—SIT—IN by HUNDREDS—OF—SUDAN—REFUGEES outside the offices of THE—UNHCR in THE—CAIRO entered its 14. —DAY, even as the agency insisted it could not meet their asylum demands.
20051012             —REGISTERED, Some 14,400 SUDAN—REFUGEES were, in EGYPT.
20051012             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said companies that want to sell music online in THE—EUROPEAN—UNION can —NOW get 1—SINGLE—LICENSE to operate in all 25—MEMBER—STATES.
20051012             —AGREED, THE—EU, to legally require telecommunications companies to keep RECORDS—OF—PHONE and E—MAIL traffic for up to —1—YEAR as PART—OF—THE—BLOC—ANTI—TERRORIST—CAMPAIGN.
20051012             —PRESENTED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, 1—NEW—DEVELOPMENT—AID—STRATEGY focused primarily on easing poverty in AFRICA and on holding EU member states to their promises to double aid to the continent.
20051012             CHANCELLOR—GERHARD—SCHROEDER said he will not participate in GERMANY—NEW—COALITION—GOVERNMENT, ending —7—YEARS in power marked by 1—NEWLY assertive foreign policy and efforts to prune welfare benefits that were 1—DRAG on EUROPE—BIGGEST economy.
20051012             PORT—AU—PRINCE, HAITI, kidnappers shot and killed businessman Archange Honore, on 1—BUSY—STREET—AFTER he resisted being taken, then sped off in his car with his wife and 2—CHILDREN.
20051012             —PRAISED, IRAQ—PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI and other top politicians, as "historic" THE—LAST—MINUTE compromises that negotiators reached on the draft constitution and urged Iraqis to vote "yes" in this weekend's referendum.
20051012             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER killed 30—IRAQIS at 1—ARMY recruiting center.
20051012             1—EXPLOSION shut down 1—OIL—PIPELINE—NEAR THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—BEIJI.
20051012             Officials said FORMER—FINANCE—MINISTER—ELLEN—JOHNSON—SIRLEAF and soccer star GEORGE—WEAH emerged as early FRONT—RUNNERS in LIBERIA—1.—POST—WAR—ELECTIONS.
20051012             1—HOLLAND—COURT blocked the extradition of 1—HOLLAND—TERROR—SUSPECT to THE—USA, saying his legal rights in USA custody could not be guaranteed.
20051012             1—BUILD UP—OF—POLLUTION from factories and old cars caused 1—WAVE—OF smog that enveloped much of LAGOS, NIGERIA—LARGEST—CITY.
20051012             —FREED, Both men were, in the —EVENING.
20051012             1—EXPLOSION hit 1—DISTILLERY in RUSSIA—INGUSHETIA region and there were casualties.
20051012             1—POLICE—SPOKESMAN called the blast 1—TERRORIST—ACT.
20051012             —ARMED, SOMALIA, 6, men hijacked THE—MV—MILTZOW, 1—SHIP carrying food aid, as it was unloading at the port of Merka, marking the 2. such incident in recent months.
20051012             —PROPOSED, SOUTH—KOREA, THE—PRESIDENT—OFFICE—SAID—SOUTH—KOREA has, talks to take back wartime CONTROL—OF—ITS—MILITARY from THE—USA.
20051012             † The country's official news agency said he committed suicide in his office.
20051012             —PRESENTED, VIETNAM, donor nations 1—EMERGENCY —6—MONTH plan to battle bird flu, amid fears of 1—NEW—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—DEADLY—DISEASE and delays in 1—POULTRY—VACCINATION—SCHEME.
20051012             —ORDERED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, 1—USA—BASED Christian missionary group working with indigenous tribes to leave the country, accusing the organization of "imperialist infiltration" and links to THE—CIA.
20051012             —BASED, Chavez said MISSIONARIES—OF—THE—NEW—TRIBES—MISSION, in SANFORD—FLORIDA, were no longer welcome —DURING 1—CEREMONY in 1—REMOTE—INDIA—VILLAGE where he presented property titles to several indigenous groups.
20051012             - ITEM—013—WENN er das nicht tut, dann wird er sich im Weltsicherheitsrat... They were put on the terror list about —3—YEARS—AGO without ANY—LEGAL basis.
20051012             BuzzFlash.com Awarded Its Weekly WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD to Aung S—SUI—KYI—OF—BURMA : "Burma -- renamed MYANMAR in
20051012             2. der VOLKSREPUBLIK—CHINA bemannte WELTRAUMFLUG—SHENZHOU—6, startet.
20051012             An Bord befinden sich die 2 "Taikonauten" FEI—JUNLONG und NIE—HAISHENG.
20051012—19970000    —IN—THE, COSTA—RICA, the InterAmerican Human Rights court, announced that it has ordered COLOMBIA to pay damages MASSACRE—OF—DOZENS—OF—MAPIRIPAN villagers by RIGHT—WING paramilitary fighters.
20051012—20051013    —ARRESTED, USA—FEDERAL—AGENTS in Operation Long Whine, 28—PEOPLE and seized 1,300—POUNDS—OF—COCAINE —DURING 1—OVERNIGHT raid in ATLANTA.
20051012—20051018    —ON, investigators said the fire was deliberately set.
20051012—20070000    —IN, MARK—ANDERSON, —58—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SAUSALITO businessman, was charged with setting the fire.
20051012—20090000    —PLEADED, Anderson, guilty to arson and 18—OTHER—COUNTS.
20051012—20120207    —SENTENCED, Anderson was, to —27—YEARS in prison.
20051102—20051012    —PLEADED, FLORIDA, 2—MEN, guilty to organizing 1—CUBA—SMUGGLING trip that ended —WHEN their speedboat capsized and a —6—YEAR—OLD—BOY drowned.
20051109—20051012    —PACKED, The bottom line, he informed 1, house in BURLINGTON is that "EVERY—ASPECT—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—STORY is problematic," contradicting the available evidence + defying even THE—LAWS—OF—PHYSICS.
20060106—20071012    —ON, 1—ALL—WHITE—JURY acquitted 8—FORMER boot camp workers of manslaughter.
20060410124916       PM|NBB|TWOG| TRANSWORLD OIL & Gas Ltd.
20060725             Grenzkontrollen: Reisefreiheit in EUROPA lässt auf sich.". - - 1—MATCH11. 20061012"..
20060924—20001012    —BOMBED, THE—USS—COLE was.
20061012             SANTA—CRUZ 911—TRUTH presents Press for Truth - Dark SIDE—ALI—AGCA—SECRET—SERVICES
20061012             —REPORTED, The best POLAND—WEEKLY "Wprost" (vprost), about new evidence, leading to 1—INVESTIGATION by POLAND—AUTHORITIES into THE—25—YEAR—OLD—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT against JOHN—PAUL—II on St Peter?s Square in ROME.
20061012             In a 4—PAGE—ARTICLE, WRITTEN—BY—LESZEK—SZYMOWSKI...
20061012             Open Letter to the Rulers in GERMANY—KARL—WEISS
20061012             —PERSUADED, In fact you almost, us.
20061012             We were nearly CONVINCED—OF—THE—STORIES—OF—THE alleged welfare STATE—MAKING—ALL—OF—USA into 1—GREAT—FAMILY, of the constitutional state that enjoins justice for everyone, of the democracy where3 we supposedly join in the conversation AND—OF—CONSTITUTIONALITY allegedly protecting everyone.
20061012             —CONVINCED, We were almost, we really had the same interests as your corporations, banks and politicians.
20061012             —BELIEVED, We almost, that all our desires could become reality in capitalism: enough money to live, suitable housing, education for the childre4n, child care so women could cooperate, sufficient jobs for everyone who wants to work, 1—COMPLETE and progressive health care, training and places at 1—UNIVE4RSITY, 1—FUTURE worth living for our children, 1—DECENT—PENSION—AFTER 1—FULL working life and perhaps 1—LITTLE—EXTRA—EVERY—NOW and then.
20061012             It would be beautiful if 1—JUST state could be created here in capitalism.
20061012             —SHOCKED, But —NOW we must admit, that all this was only 1—SLEEPING pill with 1 limited effect for us.
20061012             —PROVIDED, You in no way, all this for us.
20061012             —WANTED, Tat we, this seems bluntly absurd.
20061012             650 000—IRAKER durch Kriegsfolgen gestorben
20061012             Durch die Folgen des IRAK—KRIEGS sind laut einer Untersuchung fast 655 000—MENSCHEN ums Leben gekommen.
20061012             Die Studie amerikanischer + IRAKISCHER—ÄRZTE wurde vom BRITISCHEN—MEDIZIN—JOURNAL "THE—LANCET" online veröffentlicht.
20061012             Damit sind —SEIT Beginn der USA—INVASION 20030000             und der folgenden Gewalteskalation ZWEIEINHALB—PROZENT—DER—IRAKISCHEN—BEVÖLKERUNG ausgelöscht worden.
20061012             Der USA—FORSCHER GILBERT Burnham sprach vom bislang "tödlichsten internationalen...
20061012             THE—DEREK—ZOOLANDER—CENTER for Kids Who Can't Read Good.
20061012             "At least 135—FEDERAL—EMPLOYEES, including 1—WHITE—HOUSE—STAFF—MEMBER and National Security Agency employees,
20061012             bought bogus online college degrees
20061012             BOOK EXCERPT: Rove Demands '—JUST Get Me 1—F—ING—FAITH—BASED—THING.
20061012             Got it?' - DAVID—KUO, the former 2.—IN—COMMAND—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—OFFICE—ON—FAITH—BASED—INITIATIVES, has 1—NEW—BOOK detailing how the office was "
20061012             used almost exclusively to win political points
20061012             with both evangelical Christians + traditionally Democratic minorities".
20061012             MISS—NBC—KEITH—OLBERMANN had 1—EXCLUSIVE—REPORT on the book last night (watch the video) + part 2—OF—HIS—REPORT—AIRS tonight at 8—PM ET.
20061012             —OBTAINED, ThinkProgress has, 1—EXCERPT from the book, set shortly —AFTER Bush 's 20010000             inauguration:
20061012             EVERY—OTHER—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICE was up and running.
20061012             —OPERATED, THE—FAITH—BASED initiative still, out of the nearly vacant transition offices.
20061012             —3—DAYS—LATER, 1—TUESDAY, KARL—ROVE summoned [Don] Willett [1—FORMER—BUSH—AIDE from TEXAS who —INITIALLY shepharded the program] to his office to announce that the entire FAITH—BASED initiative would be rolled out the —FOLLOWING—MONDAY.
20061012             —ASKED, Willett, —JUST how — without 1—DIRECTOR, staff, office, or plan — THE—PRESIDENT could do that.
20061012             —LOOKED, Rove, at him, took 1—DEEP—BREATH + said, "I don't know.
20061012             —JUST get me 1—F—ING—FAITH—BASED thing.
20061012             Got it?" Willett was shown the door.
20061012             —REFERRED, Kuo also writes that Rove, to evangelical leaders as "the nuts," and claims Rove deputy KEN—MEHLMAN "knowingly participated in 1—SCHEME to use the office + taxpayer funds, to mount ostensibly 'nonpartisan' events that were, in reality, designed with the intent of mobilizing religious voters in 20 targeted races".
20061012             Unwilling To Investigate BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, Congress Returns To Clinton
20061012             investigate FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER SANDY—BERGER—HANDLING of classified documents.
20061012             —CONDUCTED, For 1—CONGRESS that has, "only minimal oversight " of THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, the move to investigate 1—FORMER—CLINTON administration official long OUT—OF—OFFICE is both misplaced and 1—WASTE—OF—TIME.
20061012             In 1—LETTER objecting to the investigation, REPRESENTATIVE—HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA) wrote:
20061012             THE—BERGER incident is not new + there is no conceivable standard under which it would be considered 1—VITALLY important national security matter.
20061012             Instead of pursuing 1—POLITICALLY—MOTIVATED, DEAD—END—INVESTIGATION, here are SOME—LEGITIMATE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ISSUES over which Congress should be exercising its oversight:
20061012             — The release of 1—INTELLIGENCE estimate that paints a "grim " PICTURE—OF—THE—SITUATION in IRAQ which is being suppressed by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION
20061012             — THE—WHITE—HOUSE—ROLE in manipulating intelligence about IRAQ through their
20061012             PRE—WAR public statements
20061012             — THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY'S—WARRANTLESS wiretapping program
20061012             — The complicity of senior administration officials in the torture and MISTREATMENT—OF—DETAINEES
20061012             Mother Jones has SOME—IDEAS for other investigations Congress should pursue.
20061012             Also see the Carpetbagger Report.
20061012             Evangelist: Hastert Promised Me 'In —1—WEEK, He WILL—BE—STEPPING—DOWN'
20061012             This afternoon on MISS—NBC, controversial evangelist - K.A. Paul
20061012             announced that Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT promised him —ON—TUESDAY that "he would resign with —1—WEEK".
20061012             Paul met with Hastert —ON—TUESDAY for more than —30—MINUTES, —DURING which time Paul says he asked Hastert to resign.
20061012             —DESCRIBED, HASTERT—SPOKESMAN, it as a "cordial discussion," but claimed that Hastert had been "duped " into the meeting.
20061012             Also on MISS—NBC, Paul said: "I know almost all the major Republican political leaders in this country, spent HUNDREDS—OF—HOURS talking to them, counseling them, in the past —10—YEARS.
20061012             —TRAVELLED, They have, with me extensively — BOB—DOLE, JACK—KEMP, TOM—DELAY, Dick Armey". He added, "I have been 1—BIG—SUPPORTER—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20061012             I have prayed with him —BEFORE.
20061012             He got on his knees". TPM Muckraker.
20061012             UPDATE: Read more about PAUL—SHADY dealings ON—MOTHER—JONES.
20061012             Q: What can you tell us about the conversation you had with Speaker Hastert ?
20061012             —PRIVILEGED, PAUL: It's 1, conversation, as I said to the Associated Press reporter, but we had 1—VERY—CLEAR, detailed discussion for about 30—SOME—MINUTES + then 5, —6—MINUTES we prayed together.
20061012             He was very humble, very honest, very very sincere man.
20061012             And he did clearly commit to me —AFTER the prayer, 5, —6—MINUTES, that he going to announce that in —1—WEEK, he will be stepping down for THE—GOOD—OF—THE—PEOPLE, for his own future and his image.
20061012             Q: Speaker Hastert told you he was going to resign?
20061012             Because that contradicts everything we have heard from him, from his office + from other Republican leaders.
20061012             —CONTRADICTED, PAUL: You know, they even, — look at CHICAGO SUN—TIMES says, "Hastert Security Breach".
20061012             That is ridiculous.
20061012             If Hastert and PRESIDENT—BUSH cannot protect their own homes, how can they protect USA—PEOPLE.
20061012             You know, 1—LOT—OF—LIES are going on.
20061012             And DENNIS—HASTERT never said — all he said is, it's 1 privileged discussion.
20061012             Q: As long as you bring up THE—SUN—TIMES and lies, THE—CHICAGO—SUN—TIMES is also reporting that Hastert was "duped" into 1—MEETING with you.
20061012             He thought he was meeting with 1—POLITICAL—SUPPORTER.
20061012             Is that true? Was he misled?
20061012             —TRAVELLED, They have, with me extensively — BOB—DOLE, JACK—KEMP, TOM—DELAY, Dick Armey.
20061012             My BOARD members are NELSON—BANKER—HAMPTON and other wonderful Republican leaders.
20061012             I have been 1—BIG—SUPPORTER—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20061012             He got on his knees. I have seen so MANY—REPUBLICANS.
20061012             All are wonderful people.
20061012             As Iraqis stand up, we will close their training schools.
20061012             "THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PLANS to
20061012             shut down 1—HIGHLY successful IRAQ—POLICE—ACADEMY—IN—JORDAN even as security in IRAQ worsens," THE—NEW—YORK Daily News reports.
20061012             At ORDERS—OF—THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT, who wants to move all training centers to IRAQ, THE—JORDAN—BASED training center "will stop training IRAQ—POLICE recruits —THIS—YEAR".
20061012             —CALLED, SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT), the closure "mystifying and maddening".
20061012             ARNOLD—FLASHBACK: 'Four More Years!
20061012             4—MORE—YEARS!' - Last night on JAY—LENO, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER claimed, "To link me to GEORGE—BUSH is like linking me to 1—OSCAR. It's ridiculous".
20061012             And that's why I say, send him back to WASHINGTON for 4—MORE—YEARS".
20061012             As VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY stood and applauded, he led the crowd in 1—RAUCOUS cheer.
20061012             Clip 1: To link me to GEORGE—BUSH is like linking me to 1—OSCAR.
20061012             It's ridiculous.
20061012             Clip 2: Well, ladies and gentlemen, AMERICA is back — back from the attack on our homeland, back from the attack on our economy + back from the attack on our WAY—OF—LIFE.
20061012             We're back BECAUSE—OF—THE—PERSEVERANCE, character and leadership of the 43. PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA, GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20061012             (APPLAUSE) - My fellow Americans, I want you to know that I believe with all my heart that AMERICA REMAINS the great idea that inspires the world.
20061012             It's 1—PRIVILEGE to be born here.
20061012             It's an honor to become 1—CITIZEN here.
20061012             It's 1—GIFT to raise your family here, to vote here + to live here.
20061012             SCHWARZENEGGER: Our PRESIDENT, GEORGE—W—BUSH, has worked hard to protect and preserve THE—USA—DREAM for ALL—OF—USA.
20061012             4—MORE—YEARS. SCHWARZENEGGER: Thank you, AMERICA.
20061012             Thank you + God bless you all. Thank you.
20061012             —INSISTED, REPRESENTATIVE—RICHARD—POMBO (R—CA) has repeatedly, that he never worked with fallen lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF:
20061012             I met the guy 2 or 3—TIMES in my whole life — he never once lobbied me on anything.
20061012             —OBTAINED, ThinkProgress has, ABRAMOFF—BILLING records (
20061012             POMBO—SPOKESMAN is insisting that these billing records are "greatly inflated," but they nevertheless indicate that POMBO—OFFICE was contacted — and perhaps influenced — by Abramoff.
20061012             POMBO—COMMITTEE, the House Resources Committee, had sole jurisidiction over the Mariana Islands, 1—OF—ABRAMOFF—CLIENT that he overcharged.
20061012             —REPEATED, Despite, requests from REPRESENTATIVE—GEORGE—MILLER (D—CA) to investigate ABRAMOFF—DEALINGS, Pombo has refused to do anything.
20061012             (Say No To Pombo has more.)
20061012             Former special assistant to PRESIDENT—BUSH on FAITH—BASED issues, DAVID—KUO,writes in 1—NEW—BOOK that KARL—ROVE—OFFICE referred to evangelical leaders as "the nuts".
20061012             —RECEIVED, Kuo said, "National Christian leaders, hugs and smiles in person and then were dismissed behind their backs and described as 'ridiculous,' 'OUT—OF—CONTROL,' and —JUST plain 'goofy.'"
20061012             —ON the Tonight Show, GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER (R—CA) said, "To link me to GEORGE—BUSH is like
20061012             linking me to 1—OSCAR.
20061012             "THE—USA—TRADE—DEFICIT unexpectedly widened to 1—RECORD $69.9—BILLION —IN—AUGUST as
20061012             energy prices rose and the shortfall with CHINA reached 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH," the Commerce Department said —YESTERDAY.
20061012             "THE—LEVELS—OF—VIOLENCE over the last few weeks are as high as they have been," according to GENERAL—GEORGE—CASEY, the senior USA—COMMANDER—IN—IRAQ.
20061012             —WHILE he anticipates the violence will eventually go down, "it's not going to be something that we're going to
20061012             get done quickly.
20061012             "THE—SHIITE—DOMINATED PARLIAMENT —WEDNESDAY passed 1—LAW allowing the formation of FEDERAL—REGIONS in IRAQ, despite opposition from Sunni lawmakers and SOME—SHIITES who say it will
20061012             dismember the country
20061012             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is blaming the intelligence agency for its NORTH—KOREA policy failures.
20061012             —CLASSIFIED, Officials tell THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES that, assessments stated that "PYONGYANG did not have nuclear arms and —UNTIL—RECENTLY was
20061012             bluffing about plans for 1—TEST ".
20061012             —PRODUCED, The analyses in question were, by senior officials within THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—JOHN—D—NEGROPONTE.
20061012             —PREPARED, Few major cities are, for evacuations.
20061012             received failing grades - in the report by THE—USA—HIGHWAY—USERS—ALLIANCE.
20061012             —MEASURED, The report, "how well EACH—CITY can evacuate its population —BEFORE or —AFTER 1—MAJOR—DISASTER".
20061012             —RECEIVED, Only KANSAS—CITY, an "A."
20061012             1—WASHINGTON—POST photographer "who shot photos —DURING 1—CROSS—COUNTRY—TRIP for 1—PRO—WAL—MART web site, broke the paper's policy about freelancing and has been ordered to remove the photos ".
20061012             FOX—NEWS—SPINS—PLANE—ACCIDENT; Says It Could Affect Election
20061012             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—HYSTERICAL—REACTIONS invoke 20010911             as baseball star confirmed as pilot, passport found on street
20061012             Man admits UK—USA—BOMB plot 1—MAN pleads guilty to conspiring to murder people in 1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS in BRITAIN and THE—USA.
20061012             Divisions over N KOREA sanctions UN Security Council members remain divided on 1—NEW—USA—RESOLUTION on SANCTIONS—AGAINST—NORTH—KOREA.
20061012             Pamuk wins Nobel Literature prize TURKEY—WRITER—ORHAN Pamuk, who has faced charges of insulting his homeland, is awarded 20060000             —THE—NOBEL—PRIZE.
20061012             Chavez 'ready to defend BOLIVIA' VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ vows to defend BOLIVIA if there is 1—ATTEMPT to topple PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES.
20061012             EU warns nations over CO2 THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—ISSUES written warnings to nations that have failed to deliver plans on carbon cuts.
20061012             AFGHANISTAN—ULTIMATUM over corruption THE—SPEAKER—OF—THE—AFGHANISTAN—UPPER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT says he will resign if corrupt officials are not sacked.
20061012             —ASKED, Panel questions THE—KING—OF—NEPAL—KING—GYANENDRA is, to explain his role in —THIS—YEAR—CRACKDOWN against PRO—DEMOCRACY—DEMONSTRATORS.
20061012             UK planning law on climate change 1—BILL covering climate change and cuts in carbon dioxide emissions is being considered by the government.
20061012             USA—TRADE—DEFICIT surges —IN—AUGUST—THE—USA—TRADE—DEFICIT widens by more than expected —IN—AUGUST, raising concerns about the economy.
20061012             Air passengers 'could be tagged' Electronically tagging passengers at airports could help the fight against terrorism, scientists say.
20061012             —CHARGED, USA—MAN, with treason A CALIFORNIA man who appeared in AL—QAEDA propaganda videos is charged with treason by A—USA—COURT.
20061012             Probe peers into Venusian secrets EUROPE—VENUS—EXPRESS spacecraft is sending back 1—TREASURE TROVE—OF—DATA on EARTH—SISTER—PLANET.
20061012             —DERIVED, Pumpkins May Power Phone Networks Biofuels, from palm and pumpkin seed oil could soon replace the diesel that keeps cell phone service humming in rural AFRICA.
20061012             Transmeta sues Intel for patent infringement Suit claims that TRANSMETA—INTELLECTUAL—PROPERTY is embodied in $100—BILLION—OF—CHIPS sold by Intel--including Pentiums.
20061012             "NASA is reporting that 1—SMALL—STORM that formed on Jupiter —LAST—YEAR has changed color from white to red. According to 1—ARTICLE in Yahoo News, scientist Amy SIMON—MILLER speculates that the storm might have gained strength as it decreased in size, similar to how 'spinning ice skaters go faster —WHEN they move their arms closer.' She says that the storm has probably 'picked up red material from lower in the Jupiter atmosphere, most likely SOME—FORM—OF sulfur which turns red as PART—OF—1—CHEMICAL—REACTION...' Well, we might be 1—PLANET down, but our Solar System can still surprise".
20061012             THE—PARALLEL—POLITICS—OF—COPYRIGHT and Environment
20061012             "In recent months, Slashdot has covered the rise of the Pirate Party and the battles in EUROPE over iPod interoperability.
20061012             CANADA—HILL—TIMES has 1—INSIGHTFUL—COLUMN from MICHAEL—GEIST that links these developments as the growing IMPORTANCE—OF—COPYRIGHT as 1—POLITICAL—ISSUE.
20061012             He argues that copyright is —NOW tracking the environment as 1—MAINSTREAM—POLITICAL—ISSUE".
20061012             (Geist is talking about CANADA here, but much the same can be said about THE—USA and other places.)
20061012             Hubble Reinforces Planet Formation Theory
20061012             "Physorg is running 1—INTERESTING article on the most RECENT—OF—HUBBLE—ACCOMPLISHMENTS. It has provided us evidence supporting that which EMMANUEL—KANT proposed over —200—YEARS—AGO — that planets do indeed form from DISKS—OF—GAS and dust that surround stars. The trick, apparently, was observing MANY—CASES where 1—STAR—PLANET—FORMS on the exact same circumstellar disk as the dust and gas. Hubble also aided the researchers in determining the weight of MANY—EXTRASOLAR planets. Some had contended that these were not planets but rather brown dwarf stars — which is determined by measuring their weight".
20061012             Changes in EARTH—ORBIT—LINKED to Extinctions
20061012             "1—GROUP—OF—DUTCH—SCIENTISTS have —RECENTLY released 1—STUDY stating that they have found that changes in EARTH—ORBIT —AROUND the sun are linked to mammal extinctions.
20061012             '"Extinctions in rodent species occur in pulses which are spaced by intervals controlled by astronomical variations and their effects on climate change..".
20061012             —ASSOCIATED, The cycles are, with lower temperatures, changes in precipitation, habitats, vegetation and food availability which are the main factors influencing the extinction peaks, the study published in the journal Nature said.' So on top of worrying about global warming, it seems we should also worry about the physics that govern THE—ORBIT—OF—EARTH—AROUND the sun.
20061012             Too bad we don't have 1—WAY—OF keeping the Earth in the same orbit/on the same AXIS—OF—ROTATION".
20061012             —POWERED, The laptops offer INTERNET access and are, by 1—WIND—UP crank.
20061012             They cost $100 and manufacturing begins —NEXT—YEAR, says 1—LAPTOP per Child.
20061012             THE—NON—PROFIT—ASSOCIATION'S—CHAIRMAN, NICHOLAS—NEGROPONTE, said the deal was reached —ON—TUESDAY in LIBYA.
20061012             Professor Negroponte told THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES in 1—EMAIL that the project mirrored LIBYA—LEADER—COLONEL—MUAMMAR—GADDAFI—POLITICAL—AGENDA—OF creating 1—MORE—OPEN—LIBYA and he also expressed interest in purchasing the computers for poorer AFRICA—NEIGHBORS".
20061012             Radioactive Snails Crawl Up From Beneath
20061012             FDA Gets Mixed Advice on NANOTECHNOLOGY—SAMZENPUS 52 - mikesd81 writes,
20061012             "THERE—1—ARTICLE at the Associated Press about how the government must balance close oversight of THE—FAST—GROWING field of nanotechnology against the risk of stifling new development. Contrasting view came from 1—PANEL—OF—EXPERTS brought together to discuss how nanotechnology should be regulated. The article states that submicroscopic particles are being incorporated in THE—THOUSANDS—OF—PRODUCTS overseen by THE—FDA, including drugs, foods, cosmetics and medical devices and the products consist of roughly 20—PERCENT—OF—EACH—DOLLAR spent by USA—CONSUMERS. MATTHEW—JAFFE—OF—THE—USA—COUNCIL—OF—INTERNATIONAL—BUSINESS says, "The key is to use science to weigh both the benefits and the risks of nanotechnology.
20061012             That's 1—BALANCE—THE—FDA already seeks to strike in assessing other products".  "'The success of nanotechnology will rely in large part on how FDA plays its regulatory role,' said MICHAEL—TAYLOR—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MARYLAND—SCHOOL—OF—PUBLIC—HEALTH.
20061012             THE—FDA doesn't believe nanotechnology is inherently unsafe, but does acknowledge that materials at the nano scale can pose different safety issues than do things that are far larger.
20061012             'THE—FDA wants to LEARN—OF—NEW and emerging science issues related to nanotechnology, especially in regard to safety,' said Randall Lutter, the agency's associate commissioner".
20061012             Rocket Men The men who really, really want to fly More on the world's 1. rocketbelt convention.
20061012             Via Boing Boing.
20061012             1—COMMISSION formed to assess THE—IRAQ war and recommend 1—NEW—COURSE has ruled out THE—PROSPECT—OF—VICTORY for AMERICA, according to draft policy options shared with THE—NEW—YORK Sun by commission officials.
20061012             —PRESSURED, According to the source, Foley said he was being, by "THE—WHITE—HOUSE and Rove gang," who insisted that Foley run.
20061012             If he didn't, Foley was told, it might impact his lobbying career.
20061012             DIDDLERGATE—FORDHAM to testify he warned about Foley
20061012             1 balanced editorial from THE—PASADENA—WEEKLY
20061012             Bush, Hastert to Appear at Fundraiser - Ethics panel questions page supervisors
20061012             Fight the Real ENEMY—NEW—RIGOROUS—INTUITION.
20061012             —OWNED, Remember, the ethics committee is, by Hastert.
20061012             —DESIGNED, It is, to reach 1—CONCLUSION—BEFORE the election that Hastert wasn't informed —UNTIL—2—WEEKS—AGO—OF—FOLEY—SEXUAL—PREDATOR—BEHAVIOR.
20061012             —JUST remember, the fix is in.
20061012             BRENT—BUDOWSKY: Election: If GOP Wins, Bush Requests More Troops to IRAQ, If Dems Win, Baker Moves Major Policy Change - 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20061012             Why Can't the Democrats Invoke the Energizing Working Class Passions of Springsteen, Mellencamp and Seger?
20061012             Get BOB—SEGER—1.—CD in —10—YEARS, "Face the Promise," on BuzzFlash.com.
20061012             GEORGE—LAKOFF: 1—CALL for Progressive Unity - 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20061012             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20061012             Who Killed the Electric Car? (DVD) PRE—ORDER—NOW for Release Date of 20061114             .
20061012             1—COROPORATE—MURDER—MYSTERY.
20061012             CHINA says no to sanctions on N. KOREA, wants talks.
20061012             Bush fails at foreign policy and further isolates THE—USA with his incompetent "tough talk".
20061012             And "talk" is all it is.
20061012             10/12 - 1—INTRIGUING—BUZZFLASH—INTERVIEW—WITH—RICHARD—VIGUERIE, FOUNDER—OF—THE—RIGHT—WING—DIRECT—MAIL—FUNDRAISING and Alternative Media Strategy, Who —NOW Thinks Bush Has Betrayed the Conservatives -- 1—BUZZFLASH—INTERVIEW
20061012             —JUST—WHEN You Think Bush Can't Fail ANY—WORSE—THAN—HE—HAS, He Surprises You: "IRAQ—COP academy to shut despite surge in violence".
20061012             —DECEIVED, Most Christians have long been, and deluded into failing to understand that the great deceivers, which ancient prophecies predict the fall of, are the rich and powerful nations, THE—3—FAITHS—OF—ABRAHAM + the "3—FOUL spirits" of money, religion and politics.
20061012             —NOW consider how money, religion + politics are inseparable because of the inescapable trap (bottomless pit) they form.
20061012             The symbolism of the bottomless pit refers both to 1—ANCIENT—TRAP (pit) and to its associated deceptions, hence the inability to "get to the bottom of it".
20061012             —TRAPPED, We are all, in 1—WEB—OF—DECEPTION woven with money, religion + politics.
20061012             The great evils that bedevil us all will never cease —UNTIL humanity finally awakens, shakes off these strong delusions + forges a
20061012             new path to the future.
20061012             It's no wonder THE—VATICAN and its MANY—COHORTS fear the truth more than anything else.
20061012             —DUPED, Jews, Christians + Muslims have long been, by the great deceivers I warned humanity about over the millennia.
20061012             What then is the purpose of "faith" but to keep good people from seeking to understand truth and wisdom?
20061012             Here is Wisdom !! Peace... #—POSTED—BY 7—STAR—HAND:
20061012             —DESCRIBED, HOWARD—DEAN, 1—INCIDENT that occurred —DURING 1—MEETING with Bush, —WHEN both men were governors.
20061012             —WHEN forced to take 1—CALL from 1—CHRISTIAN—COALITION—REPRESENTATIVE, W stomped off muttering "I hate these people".
20061012             Alas, most evangelicals still cling to their hallucinations of Republican piety.
20061012             MAYBE—THIS revelation by Tucker Carlson -- no liberal, he -- will finally awaken the entranced: CARLSON: It goes deeper than that though.
20061012             The deep truth is that the elites in THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY have pure contempt for the evangelicals who put their party in power.
20061012             Everybody in. MATTHEWS: How do you know that?
20061012             How do you know that? CARLSON: Because I know them.
20061012             Because I grew up with them.
20061012             Because I live with them. They live on my street.
20061012             Because I live in WASHINGTON + I know that everybody in our world has contempt for the evangelicals.
20061012             And the evangelicals know that + they're beginning to learn that their own leaders SORT—OF—LOOK—ASKANCE at them and don't share their values.
20061012             —RELATED, MATTHEWS: So this gay marriage issue and other issues, to the gay lifestyle are simply tools to get elected?
20061012             CARLSON: That's exactly right.
20061012             It's pandering to the base in the most cynical way + the base is beginning to figure it out.
20061012             —NOW that Kuo has exposed the charade, how should Democrats respond?
20061012             Perhaps Dems should pledge to make THE—OFFICE—OF—FAITH—BASED—INITIATIVES—WORK as promised.
20061012             —SERVED, Kuo, in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—FAITH—BASED Initiative program, 1. as Special Assistant, next as Deputy Director.
20061012             A - —YEAR ago,
20061012             —AFTER leaving the program, Kuo denounced "Republican indifference and KNEE—JERK Democratic opposition".
20061012             He told THE—WASHINGTON—POST:
20061012             "From tax cuts to Medicare, THE—WHITE—HOUSE gets what THE—WHITE—HOUSE really wants. It never really wanted the 'poor people stuff.'"
20061012             Damning words -- unheard by the saved.
20061012             Perhaps they'll listen TO—WHAT Kuo has to say —NOW, in his new book Tempting Faith.
20061012             His argument: THE—BUSH—WHITE—HOUSE conosiders evangelical Christians to be useful idiots.
20061012             He says some of the nation's most prominent evangelical leaders were known in the office of presidential political strategist KARL—ROVE as "the nuts".
20061012             "National Christian leaders received hugs and smiles in person and then were dismissed behind their backs and described as 'ridiculous,' 'OUT—OF—CONTROL,' and —JUST plain 'goofy,'" Kuo writes.
20061012             More seriously, Kuo alleges that THEN—WHITE—HOUSE—POLITICAL—AFFAIRS—DIRECTOR—KEN—MEHLMAN knowingly participated in 1—SCHEME to use the office + taxpayer funds, to mount ostensibly "nonpartisan" events that were, in reality, designed with the intent of mobilizing religious voters in 20 targeted races.
20061012             —LOVED, According to Kuo, "Ken, the idea and gave us our marching orders".
20061012             Among those marching orders, Kuo says, was MEHLMAN—MANDATE to conceal the true NATURE—OF—THE—EVENTS.
20061012             —PROMISED, KEITH—OLBERMANN did a - fine piece on Kuo —TODAY and has, more tomorrow.
20061012             Odd, isn't it, how all this is coming out at once?
20061012             —SWITCHED, It's as though 1—UNSEEN hand, off the "Mighty Wurlitzer" of G.O.P. propaganda.
20061012             The guy has 1—SCREW loose.
20061012             Maybe 2. Maybe all his screws fell down the drain and he —NOW spends much of his time laughing maniacally about his disdain for screws.
20061012             —TOURED, Blackwell, THE—STATE—WITH—LARRY—PRATT, AUTHOR—OF—ARMED—PEOPLE—VICTORIOUS, which advocates the creation of militant RIGHT—WING militias.
20061012             Pratt has spoken and shared platforms in the past with Ku Klux Klan and NEO—NAZI—ARYAN—NATION members.
20061012             I'm reminded of THE—LITTLE—KNOWN ALLIANCE—BETWEEN—ELIJAH—MUHAMMED and GEORGE—LINCOLN—ROCKWELL -- 1—ALLIANCE that played 1—UNDER—RECOGNISED role in the rift between Malcom X and the Nation of Islam.
20061012             Permalink #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH : 10:57 PM 1—COMMENTS -: LARRY—PRATT is not merely 1—RIGHT—WING militia type.
20061012             —ASSOCIATED, For example, he is or was, for MANY—YEARS with Pat Buchanan, going back at least to —WHEN they were both in THE—MOON—LINKED Council for INTER—USA—SECURITY in the 80's.
20061012             I don't know by what route Blackwell came to hook up with Pratt, but that old Buchanan/Mueller nexus looks like the likeliest POINT—OF—CONTACT.
20061012             Bad trip TPM Muckraker draws our attention to the report that JOE—PADILLA—LAWYER—CLAIMS that his client received surreptitious dosings of LSD or SOME—OTHER hallucinogen.
20061012             —CONCLUDED, But through experiences like this, the government, the drug was worthless as 1—INTERROGATION—TOOL, 1—MEANS to "flip" Communist agents, or anything else their Cold War minds had feverishly dreamed possible.
20061012             Is it possible that they're experimenting with mind drugs again?
20061012             That sounds completely outlandish.
20061012             Motassadeq: Opfer lehnen Prozessverkürzung ab
20061012             Umfrage: Jeder 2. glaubt an das Scheitern der Großen Koalition - Ölpreis auf neuem Tiefststand
20061012             Handelsbilanz: USA stellen Minusrekord auf
20061012             Schlammvulkan auf Java: Sintflut aus Matsch
20061012             ATOMWAFFEN—STREIT: USA wollen —SCHON—MORGEN Sanktionen gegen NORDKOREA durchsetzen
20061012             ARMENIER—GESETZ: Türken über FRANKREICH erbost
20061012             Europäischer Wettbewerb: EU geht gegen NOTAR—STANDESREGELN vor
20061012             Fall EL—MASRI: Staatsanwaltschaft meldet BKA Namen der Kidnapper
20061012             TERROR—PR im INTERNET: Osamas DEUTSCHER—BOTE muss offline bleiben
20061012             "Maulwurfmann": Forscher will —3—JAHRE in Höhle leben
20061012             Aktienoptionen: Auch McAfee und CNET von Manipulationen betroffen
20061012             Empörung in der TÜRKEI: Frankreichs Parlament will Leugnung des Völkermordes an Armeniern bestrafen
20061012             Designklau: Chinesen kopieren den Smart
20061012             EU—STAATEN: Verkehrsminister stimmen für Sky Marshals
20061012             NORDKOREA—KONFLIKT: SÜDKOREA wappnet sich gegen möglichen Atomangriff
20061012             Folter in Tschetschenien: Politkowskajas letzte Recherchen veröffentlicht
20061012             Vatikan und Faschismus: Päpste, die die Dämonen unterschätzten
20061012             Nagetiere: Artensterben im MILLIONEN—JAHRE- Takt
20061012             Terrorverfahren: Richter rechnen mit neuem MOTASSADEQ—PROZESS
20061012             Schwankender GELÄNDEWAGEN—MARKT: "Die Säufer saufen ab"
20061012             Abessinischer Wolf: Neue Impfstrategie fürs Überleben
20061012             —BESTIMMT, THAILAND: Militärregierung, neues Parlament
20061012             Manhattan: Absturz eines Kleinflugzeugs versetzt New Yorker in Terrorangst
20061012             USA—MEDIENKONZERN: Time Warner drängt ins europäische Internetgeschäft
20061012             GEORGE—CLOONEY: Zu viel Sex fürs Amt des Präsidenten
20061012             Atomkrise: USA legen neue NORDKOREA—RESOLUTION vor
20061012             TERROR—PR im INTERNET: Osamas.". - - - 1—MATCH12.
20061012             —INTRODUCED, THE—UNITED—STATES, 1—DRAFT—RESOLUTION in THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL to punish NORTH—KOREA for its nuclear test.
20061012             The politically sensitive deficit with CHINA 20060901             —RECORD, 1—POINT that Democrats are sure to use in attacking PRESIDENT—BUSH—TRADE—POLICIES in the closing WEEKS—OF—THE—BATTLE—FOR—CONGRESS.
20061012             —REPORTED, It was, that Coke planned to introduce its new drink Evigna, 1—GREEN—TEA based soft drink, —IN—NOVEMBER with claims that it could help burn off calories.
20061012             1—BLAST occurred —WHEN 1—TUGBOAT pushing 2—BARGES hit 1—UNDERSEA pipeline in WEST—COTE Blanche Bay, 100—MILES—SOUTH—WEST—OF—NEW—ORLEANS.
20061012             4—BODIES were found and 2—PEOPLE were missing.
20061012             EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER struck 1—VEHICLE carrying AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS, wounding 16—PEOPLE.
20061012             1—CAR—BOMB targeting 1—USA—PATROL wounded 3—CIVILIANS.
20061012             † 1—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIER was killed in 1—SEPARATE—AMBUSH.
20061012             —CLASHED, NATO—LED forces and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, with suspected Taliban militants in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, leaving as many as 20 suspected insurgents dead.
20061012             —RAGED, More than 100—WILDFIRES, across AUSTRALIA, sending firefighters scrambling to protect homes and farmland.
20061012             COLOMBIA, HUNDREDS—OF—BARI—INDIANS, most clad in loincloths and carrying bows and arrows, came down from the hills in their 20060301             ever to demand that THE—STATE—OWNED oil company stop drilling on sacred land abutting their reservation.
20061012             Scientists said 1—MOUSE living in the Troodos MOUNTAINS—OF—WEST—CYPRUS, that predates THE—ARRIVAL—OF—MAN, represents 1—NEW—SPECIES, Mus cypriacus.
20061012             —APPROVED, FRANCE—LAWMAKERS, 1—BILL making it 1—CRIME to deny that the 19150000—19190000     mass killings of Armenians in TURKEY amounted to genocide.
20061012             It was thought unlikely that JACQUES—CHIRAC—GOVERNMENT would forward THE—BILL—TO—THE—SENATE.
20061012             —BLOCKED, GEORGIA, the next ROUND—OF—TALKS on RUSSIA—BID to join the World Trade Organization in retaliation for MOSCOW—BLOCKADE of its small southern neighbor.
20061012             —STORMED, Gunmen, the headquarters of 1—NEW—SUNNI—ARAB satellite television station, killing THE—BOARD—CHAIRMAN and 10—OTHERS, the 2. attack on 1—IRAQ—STATION in the capital in as MANY—WEEKS.
20061012             1—ISRAEL—DRONE fired 2—MISSILES at 1—CROWD—OF—PALESTINIANS in 1—PRE—DAWN in THE—GAZA—STRIP, killing at least 3—HAMAS militants and 3—BYSTANDERS including 1—FATHER and his —13—YEAR—OLD—SON.
20061012             1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE targeting the home of Ashraf Farwana, 1—SENIOR—HAMAS militant, killed his brother and a —2—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20061012             —APPROVED, ITALY, the government of Romano Prodi, 1—BILL to erode THE—NEAR—MONOPOLY over private television exercised by Silvio Berlusconi, who controls 3—OF—THE—COUNTRY—4—MAIN—PRIVATE—CHANNELS.
20061012             † CARLO—ACUTIS, —15—JAHRE—ALT, ITALY—COMPUTER whiz, of leukemia.
20061012             —CREATED, Acutis had, 1—WEBSITE to catalog miracles and took CARE—OF—WEBSITES for SOME—LOCAL—CATHOLIC—ORGANIZATIONS.
20061012             Madonna and her husband took custody of 1—MOTHERLESS —1—YEAR—OLD boy in MALAWI —AFTER 1—JUDGE granted her an —18—MONTH—INTERIM—ORDER to take DAVID—BANDA—OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20061012             —JETTED, The —NEXT—DAY—MADONNA, out of MALAWI, leaving behind THE—13—MONTH—OLD—BOY she planned to adopt.
20061012             —ANGERED, The swift granting of the interim order, SOME—RIGHTS—GROUPS which called upon THE—MALAWI—GOVERNMENT to put the order on hold in THE—INTERESTS—OF—THE—CHILD—FUTURE.
20061012             Banda left MALAWI on 1—SMALL—PRIVATE—JET—OCT16.
20061012             TURKEY—NOVELIST—ORHAN Pamuk won the Nobel literature prize for his works dealing with THE—SYMBOLS—OF—CLASHING cultures.
20061012             His uncommon lyrical gifts and uncompromising politics have brought him acclaim worldwide and prosecution at home.
20061012             —PULLED, THE—UN said it has temporarily, INTERNATIONAL staff OUT—OF—PARTS—OF—SOMALIA controlled by Islamic radicals —AFTER receiving written threats.
20061012             —QUOTED, VIETNAM, THE—LAO—DONG (Labour) newspaper, 1—POLICE—DOCTOR as saying tests —IN—SEPTEMBER confirmed that Nguyen Thi Oanh (39), 1 convicted heroin trafficker, was then —11—WEEKS—PREGNANT.
20061012             The death row inmate had been held in solitary confinement for almost —1—YEAR.
20061012             CHICAGO Media Watch... the propaganda game was PR genius EDWARD—BERNAYS... 'dismantling of nuclear arms in MIDDLE—EAST mus t begin with Zionist entity';...
20061012             —REPORTED, The best POLAND—WEEKLY "Wprost" ( vprost ), about new evidence...
20061012             What protects our democracy is that we do not —JUST follow orders blindly.
20061012             —LISTED, National Law Journal had, Swift among the nation's top 100—LAWYERS. alfatomega.com/20061012.html
20061012             Daily Kos: STATE—OF—THE—NATION—IF we were to establish 1—DIALOGUE we would be accused of elitsm.
20061012             someone needs to compile 1—INDEX—OF—RED vs. Blue states on moral values.
20061012             Security Agency employees, bought bogus online college degrees from a diploma mill ".
200610120000 and fuel sectarian violence".
200610120000 from 1—DIPLOMA mill".
20061012—19010000    —SEIT, Übersicht: ALLE—LITERATURNOBELPREISTRÄGER
20061012—19150000    —IN, TURKEY condemns 'genocide' vote TURKEY criticises 1—FRANCE—BILL to make it 1—CRIME to deny Turks committed genocide against Armenians.
20061012—19660000    —IN—THE, "Reuters is reporting DISCOVERY—OF—RADIOACTIVE snails in the area where 3—HYDROGEN bombs were lost by USA. The radioactive creatures crawl up from underground, where authorities suspect deposits of uranium and plutonium may be located".
20061012—19920000    —IN, Notable among them was LONG—TIME—GOP propagandist GREG—MUELLER, who in the 80's had more than his SHARE—OF—CONNECTIONS with MOON—LINKED organizations (like CHRISTIAN—VOICE and the World Freedom Foundation) and then became BUCHANAN—COMMUNICATIONS—DIRECTOR.
20061012—19960000    —IN, On 11—OTHER—OCCASIONS + 19970000             , ABRAMOFF—STAFF met with either Pombo or his staff.
20061012—19960000    —FROM, THERE—1—GOOD—PIECE on this here and more on Pratt and CIS here.
20061012—19960910    —ON, HERE ), which show that the lobbyist personally spoke with Pombo and 19961121             .
20061012—20000000    —IN—THE, Blackwell in turn was involved STEVE—FORBES campaign -- as were 1—BUNCH—OF—PEOPLE who'd previously worked on 19960000             —THE—PAT—BUCHANAN campaign.
20061012—20040000    —INVESTIGATED, As you know, the Justice Department thoroughly, the incident + MISTER—BERGER pled guilty 20050400             —IN to 1—MISDEMEANOR—CHARGE—OF taking classified documents without authorization.
20061012—20040000    —IN, $27,000—OF—THAT—MONEY came from ABRAMOFF—CLIENT the Mashpee Wampanoag of MASSACHUSETTS, "which received FEDERAL—RECOGNITION from 1—BILL—POMBO passed through the [House Resources] committee ".
20061012—20040000    —FIXED, Nothing is beyond our KEN—KEN—BLACKWELL, the man who, THE—OHIO vote, is no mere opportunist.
20061012—20040800    —ARRESTED, Dhiran Barot (32), 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—MAN, pleaded guilty to conspiring to bomb HIGH—PROFILE—TARGETS in THE—USA—INCLUDING—THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND—HEADQUARTERS in WASHINGTON and THE—NEW—YORK Stock Exchange.
20061012—20040831    —ON, But, in 1—PRIME—TIME—SPEECH, Arnold said, "Our PRESIDENT, GEORGE—W—BUSH, has worked hard to protect and preserve THE—USA—DREAM for ALL—OF—USA.
20061012—20060910    —ON, —2—DAYS—AFTER the 1. meeting ,ABRAMOFF gave Pombo $500.
20061012—20060910    —ON, —2—DAYS—AFTER the 1. meeting ,Abramoff gave Pombo $500. The congressman eventually received 1—TOTAL—OF—MORE than $35,000 from Abramoff and his Native USA—TRIBAL—CLIENTS.
20061012—20080600    —BY, LIBYA Purchases 1.2—MIL WIND—UP LAPTOPS—SAMZENPUS 205 - "The government of LIBYA is reported to have agreed to provide its 1.2m school children with 1—CHEAP, durable laptop computer.
20061012—20200000    —IN, he was moved 1—STEP—CLOSER to possible sainthood with his beatification in THE—TOWN—OF—ASSISI, where he is buried.
20061013             —ASKED, —LAST—MONTH,FOX—CHRIS—WALLACE, PRESIDENT—CLINTON why he didn't respond to 20001012             —THE—BOMBING—OF—THE—USAS—COLE.
20061013—20061012    —KILLED, The deaths brought to 13 the number of Palestinians, by the military in GAZA —SINCE the army launched its latest ground incursion early.
20061115             1—SHIRLEY—AVENUE—COUPLE were surprised —WHEN they lost their home to 1—EMERGENCY—DEMOLITION —FOLLOWING the 20061012—20131012     snowstorm.
20061123—20061012    —VOR, Fall EL—MASRI : Staatsanwaltschaft meldet BKA Namen der Kidnapper20061012             .2006 TERROR—PR im INTERNET: Osamas DEUTSCHER—BOTE muss offline bleiben
20061224—20061012    —IN, With —9—DAYS remaining in December, the monthly TOTAL—OF—USA—DEATHS could meet or exceed the death toll of 105 /24
20070303             Last Updated : —THURSDAY, 20061012             20070303             Last Updated : —THURSDAY, 20061012
20070403             alfatomega.com/20041012.HTML—ZUKUNFTS—UND Kulturwerkstätte
20070808             alpinforum_com :: Thema ANZEIGEN—GLETSCHER—ABSCHMELZUNG Verfasst am: 20021012—20200000    :21 Titel: GLETSCHER—ABSCHMELZUNG...
20070930—20051012    —ON, BuzzFlash.
20071012             —REPORTED, How THE—TIMES, the story —ON—FRIDAY 19151008             20081008             sendo diagnosticados com depressão, déficit de atenção e hiperatividade, segundo o americano ROBERT—STICKGOLD, professor de psiqu...
20071012             FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE and THE—UN—INTERGOVERNMENTAL—PANEL on Climate Change won 20070000             —THE—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE for spreading AWARENESS—OF—MAN—MADE climate change and laying the foundations for counteracting it.
20071012             —APPROVED, THE—USA—FDA, Isentress, 1—NEW—DRUG by Merck to fight AIDS.
20071012             —REPRESENTED, Raltegravir, its generic name, 1—NEW—CLASS—OF—AIDS—DRUGS known as integrase inhibitors.
20071012             2—MEN were sentenced to prison in the 1. successful criminal prosecution under THE—CAN—SPAM Act.
20071012             JAMES—R—SCHAFFER, 41, of PARADISE VALLEY—ARIZONA, and JEFFREY—A—KILBRIDE, 41, of VENICE—CALIFORNIA, were convicted in JUNE—OF—FRAUD, conspiracy, money laundering, and obscenity.
20071012             —SENTENCED, —LAST—WEEK, the judge in the case, Schaffer to —63—MONTHS and Kilbride to —72—MONTHS in FEDERAL—PRISON.
20071012             NORRISTOWN, PENNSILVANIA, Michele Cossey (46), the mother of a —14—YEAR—OLD who authorities say had 1—CACHE—OF—GUNS, knives and explosive devices in his bedroom for 1—POSSIBLE—SCHOOL—ATTACK, was charged with buying her son 3—WEAPONS.
20071012             —BULLIED, Authorities said the teenager felt, and tried to recruit another boy for 1—POSSIBLE—ATTACK at PLYMOUTH Whitemarsh High School.
20071012             1—CONSORTIUM headed by RICHARD—BRANSON and his Virgin Group Ltd. submitted 1—PROPOSAL to NORTH—ROCK—PLC for 1—EQUITY swap that would see the struggling mortgage lender rebranded as Virgin Money.
20071012             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 28—COMMERCIAL—VEHICLES and 1—PASSENGER—VEHICLE were involved in the crash in the southbound truck tunnel of Interstate 5—THAT killed 3—PEOPLE and injured at least 10.
20071012             † In ALGERIA 1—POLICE—OFFICER was assassinated in 1—OF 2—ATTACKS in THE—NORTH—TIZI Ouzou region.
20071012             —INJURED, At about the same time, 5—SOLDIERS were, —WHEN Islamists fired at 1—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT—NEAR the neighboring TOWN—OF—BOGHNI.
20071012             State media said CHINA—AUTHORITIES—PLAN to move some 4—MILLION—MORE—RURAL—RESIDENTS from behind THE—3—GORGES Dam in recognition of environmental and economic problems spawned by the giant project.
20071012             —CAUSED, COSTA—RICA, heavy rains, 1—LANDSLIDE that killed 10—PEOPLE.
20071012             HALF—OF—GERMANY—COMMUTER and regional trains were brought to 1—STANDSTILL by 1—TRAIN—DRIVERS' pay strike that caused chaos in MANY—MAJOR—CITIES.
20071012             —FLOODED, HAITI, 1—RAIN—SWOLLEN river, 1—TOWN killing at least 20—PEOPLE.
20071012             The government of INDIA, under pressure from opposition, indicated that that they would rather shelve 1—NUCLEAR—ENERGY—DEAL with THE—USA—RATHER than risk 1—GENERAL—ELECTION.
20071012             1 parked car bomb went off near 1—POLICE—PATROL in 1—CENTRAL—BAGHDAD shopping district, killing 4—PEOPLE, including 2—POLICEMEN, as IRAQ—SUNNIS began marking the Eid AL—FIT—HOLIDAY that ends the Muslim holy —MONTH of Ramadan.
20071012             —PLANTED, In NORTH—IRAQ, 1—BOMB, among toys in 1—CART left near 1—CHILDREN—PLAYGROUND in the religiously mixed CITY—OF—TUZ—KHORMATO, killing 2—CHILDREN and wounding 17—OTHERS.
20071012             —BLOCKED, MEXICO, more than 1,000 police officers in riot gear, street vendors from setting up stands selling knockoff purses and pirated DVDs, clearing MEXICO—CITY'S clogged historic center for the 1. time in more than —1—DECADE.
20071012             —REJECTED, MYANMAR—MILITARY junta, 1—UN—STATEMENT calling for negotiations with the opposition, insisting that it would follow its own plan to bring democracy to the country.
20071012             THE—NETHERLANDS said it will ban the sale of hallucinogenic mushrooms, rolling back 1—ELEMENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—PERMISSIVE drug policy —AFTER 1—TEENAGER on 1—SCHOOL—VISIT jumped to her death —AFTER taking the narcotic.
20071012             —REFUSED, PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT, to suspend 1—CORRUPTION—AMNESTY for FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—BENAZIR—BHUTTO but injected uncertainty into PAKISTAN—TURBULENT politics by saying the law was reversible.
20071012             CENTRAL—SOUTH—AFRICA, the Orion GDF-005, 1—GERMAN—MADE COMPUTER—CONTROLLED ANTI—AIRCRAFT—GUN, went haywire —DURING 1—TRAINING exercise killing 9—SOUTH—AFRICA—SOLDIERS and wounding 14—OTHERS.
20071012             —AUTHORIZED, THE—ZIMBABWE—GOVERNMENT, new increases in THE—PRICES—OF—BASIS foodstuffs in 1—BID to ease widespread shortages that followed 1—ORDER for retailers to halve their tariffs.
20071012             —ALLOWED, The government, bakers to increase the price of 1—LOAF—OF—BREAD by more than 200—PERCENT, as shortages persisted across the country.
20071012             —UPDATED, Website —POSTED: 20061101             | Website : 20071211             | Pages viewed: 260,000
20071012             A —DAY To Celebrate? The white man's MYTH—BY- VICTOR—MONTOYA
20071012             I can no longer accept that 20071012             is still celebrated as "—DAY—OF—THE—RACE", despite the fact that we, THE—MESTIZOS—OF—AMERICA, though we may look at ourselves in the mirrors of EUROPE, will not cease to be the bastard CHILDREN—OF—THE—CONQUEST, of the plundering and the rape, —JUST as were the children of La Malinche in MEXICO and the daughters of Atahuallpa in PERU.
20071012             In terms of realpolitik, the invasion of IRAQ is not 1—FIASCO; it is 1—RESOUNDING success.
20071012             —STILL, there is reason to be SCEPTICAL—OF—THE—PICTURE—I have drawn: it implies that 1—SECRET and highly ambitious plan turned out —JUST the way its devisers foresaw + that almost never happens.
20071012             JIM—HOLT writes for THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—MAGAZINE and the New Yorker.
20071012             USA/TÜRKEI: Der Preis der Wahrheitsfindung
20071012             Immobilienkredite: Banken gefährden Häuslebauer mit Kreditdeals
20071012             BIGBROTHERAWARDS—TERRORBEKÄMPFUNG höhlt Grundrechte aus
20071012             "Riesensignal zur richtigen Zeit": Weltweit Lob für NOBELPREIS—ENTSCHEIDUNG
20071012             Deux millions d'euros saisis par la police dans le cadre de l'affaire GAUTIER—SAUVAGNAC
20071012             Putin threat over nuclear treaty - Gore wins Nobel peace prize
20071012             —TOSSED, Girl crazy: Charges, in supremacist's trial
20071012             Certain inalienable rights were upheld —LAST—WEEK in FEDERAL—COURT—IN—CHARLOTTESVILLE: the right to masturbate, the right to superimpose THE—HEADS—OF—GIRLS onto naked women's bodies, and the right to anonymously send flowers to the objection of one's affections-- even if it's an —11—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20071012             —UNEARTHED, WORLD—OLDEST wall painting, in Syria
20071012             —DISCOVERED, FRANCE—ARCHAEOLOGISTS have, an 11,—000—YEAR—OLD—WALL painting underground in NORTH—SYRIA which they believe is the oldest in the world.
20071012             It's THE—OIL—IRAQ is 'unwinnable', a 'quagmire', a 'fiasco': so goes the received opinion.
20071012             But there is good reason to think that, from THE—BUSH—CHENEY perspective, it is NONE—OF—THESE things.
20071012             Indeed, THE—USA—MAY be 'stuck' precisely where Bush et al want it to be, which is why there is no 'exit strategy'.
20071012             Credit card debt is ready to blow : —AFTER EVERY—FINANCIAL—CRISIS over the past —10—YEARS, THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE has cut interest rates and pumped money into the economy.
20071012             —SOLVED, EACH—RESCUE, THE—PROBLEM—AND created 1—NEW 1.
20071012             Americans charge it as BANK—OF—SUBPRIME closes: : The automated teller for home loans is empty and Americans are relying increasingly on credit cards to pay their living costs, indicating tough hurdles ahead for USA—CONSUMER spending and markets.
20071012             Lockerbie lawyers demand secret foreign evidence : Lawyers for 1—LIBYA—MAN convicted of 19880000             —THE—LOCKERBIE airline bombing demanded access —ON—THURSDAY to evidence from 1 unnamed foreign state which they believe could undermine the case against him.
20071012             —TARGETED, Documents: Qwest was : THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY and other government agencies retaliated against Qwest because THE—DENVER telco refused to go along with 1—PHONE spying program, documents released —WEDNESDAY suggest.
20071012             NSA—LUCKY—BREAK: How THE—USA—BECAME Switchboard to the World:
20071012             1—LUCKY—COINCIDENCE—OF—ECONOMICS is responsible for routing MUCH—OF—THE—WORLD—INTERNET and telephone traffic through switching points in THE—USA, where, under legislation introduced —THIS—WEEK, THE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY will be free to continue tapping it
20071012             Foreclosure Filings Nearly Double : Foreclosure filings across THE—USA—NEARLY doubled —LAST—MONTH compared with 20060900             , as financially strapped homeowners already behind on mortgage payments defaulted on their loans or came closer to losing their homes to foreclosure, 1—REAL—ESTATE—INFORMATION—COMPANY said —THURSDAY.
20071012             —REFUSED, USA silent on ISRAEL grab of Arab land : THE—USA, to —IMMEDIATELY comment —WEDNESDAY on ISRAEL—DECISION to confiscate Arab land near JERUSALEM, —1—DAY—BEFORE SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE was to head to the region.
20071012             Putin : Nuclear IRAN is strategic threat to RUSSIA : Putin made the unusual statement at 1—MEETING in MOSCOW —YESTERDAY with 11—EUROPEAN Jewish Congress leaders.
20071012             -- Putin made another statement saying he had no evidence IRAN was attempting to produce 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB.
20071012             —EXPRESSED, He also, opposition to further steps against the Iranians.
20071012             Clinton Steps Away From PRO—ISRAEL—LOBBY on Measure to Rein in Presiden t : Clinton announced —LAST—WEEK that she would CO—SPONSOR 1—AMENDMENT, proposed by VIRGINIA Democrat JIM—WEBB, that would require THE—PRESIDENT to seek congressional approval —BEFORE taking military action against IRAN.
20071012             —DIVIDED, Cheney, Rice, over ISRAEL—INTEL : Officials in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION are divided over THE—SIGNIFICANCE—OF—INTELLIGENCE provided by ISRAEL that led to —LAST—MONTH—STRIKE inside Syria on 1 reported nuclear facility, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES reported —WEDNESDAY.
20071012             —FROM THE—TIMES archives: 'THE—ARMENIA—MASSACRES':
20071012             —REPORTED, How THE—TIMES, the story —ON—FRIDAY 19151008
20071012             TURKEY mulls cutting military ties with USA over genocide vote : TURKEY is considering THE—SUSPENSION—OF—MILITARY—COOPERATION with THE—USA—AFTER 1—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—COMMITTEE adopted 1—RESOLUTION classing 19150000             —THE massacre of some 1.5—MILLION—ARMENIANS as genocide.
20071012             More Bad News
20071012             —JUST—WHEN you thought things could not get ANY—WORSE in IRAQ, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER announces that he has authorised 1—POSSIBLE—CROSS—BORDER—MILITARY—OPERATION against Kurdish guerrillas there.
20071012             How the Military Can Stop 1—IRAN—ATTACK
20071012             —BY JEREMY—BRECHER & BRENDAN—SMITH
20071012             What could be stranger than 1—GROUP—OF—PEACE—ACTIVISTS petitioning the military to stop 1—WAR?
20071012             And yet there is more logic here than meets the eye.
20071012             AL—QAEDA: BEGINNING—OF—THE—END, or Grasping at Straws?
20071012             —SINCE—EARLY—SEPTEMBER, there has been 1—FLURRY—OF—MEDIA—REPORTS and commentaries suggesting that THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—RELIGIOUS—ESTABLISHMENT has turned against OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and AL—QAEDA;
20071012             that 1—SPLIT has occurred among the Taliban, AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHIRI and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN;
20071012             and that AL—ZAWAHIRI has pushed OSAMA—BIN—LADEN aside, sidelined him + seized CONTROL—OF—AL—QAEDA.
20071012             Hopefully this troika of AL—QAEDA disasters is deadly accurate, but EACH—MERITS—CONSUMPTION with 1—LARGE grain of salt.
20071012             Says USA Has Tortured Prisoners, Ignoring GENEVA—CONVENTION.
20071012             Morales says USA—SOLDIERS should leave BOLIVIA : PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES said he expects USA—MILITARY—AID to BOLIVIA to stop soon, as his government plans to bar USA—TROOPS from assisting in ANTI—DRUG—OPERATIONS.
20071012             —ABANDONED, Carter: USA has, 'basic principles of human rights': FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER last night told THE—USA tortured prisoners in violation of INTERNATIONAL law, —FOLLOWING 1—ASSERTION—LAST—WEEK from GEORGE—BUSH that THE—USA "does not torture".
20071012             HELEN—THOMAS: USA—TORTURE—TACTICS shame us all: Thank goodness for WHISTLE—BLOWERS, those public servants who think Americans should know the harm that is being inflicted in our name.
20071012             —SPIED, Terror suspect says FBI, on his library computer use:
20071012             —FOLLOWED, FBI officials, 1—TERRORISM—SUSPECT to 1—PUBLIC—LIBRARY and —WHEN he was done using 1—COMPUTER there violated his privacy by making, without 1—WARRANT, RECORDS—OF—THE—WEB—PAGES and E—MAIL addresses that he had accessed, the man's attorney alleged —THURSDAY
20071012             Gold hits —28—YEAR peak, platinum sets record: 1—SICKLY dollar and firming oil prices swept gold to —28—YEAR—HIGHS—THURSDAY, —WHILE platinum was set in LONDON at 1—RECORD—HIGH—OF $1,407 per ounce, aided by rising bullion prices and worries over supply.
20071012             Rice says IRAN 'lying' about nukes : SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—ON—THURSDAY accused IRAN of "lying" about the aim of its nuclear program, saying there's no doubt TEHRAN wants the capability to produce nuclear weapons and has deceived THE—UNITED—NATIONS—ATOMIC—WATCHDOG about its intentions.
20071012             "Why We Know IRAQ is Lying" - 1—COLUMN by DOCTOR—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE
20071012             JIMMY—CARTER calls Cheney a "disaster" for U.S : FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER —ON—WEDNESDAY denounced VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY as a "disaster" for the country and a "militant" who has had 1—EXCESSIVE—INFLUENCE in setting foreign policy.
20071012             USA ready to sanction countries cooperating with IRAN, warns Ric e: THE—USA is considering imposing new sanctions on countries cooperating with IRAN, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —FRIDAY—AFTER HIGH—LEVEL—RUSSIA—USA—TALKS.
20071012             —WARNED, Respect IRAN sanctions, USA warns : THE—USA—ON—FRIDAY, CHINA, RUSSIA and other countries opposed to tougher economic SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN not to seize business opportunities left open by the departure of those respecting the sanctions regime.
20071012             USA threatens TURKEY over energy support to IRAN : THE—USA has suggested that TURKEY could come under sanctions for its energy cooperation with IRAN.
20071012             —CRITICIZED, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT has, TURKEY for its agreement for natural gas cooperation with TEHRAN.
20071012             Putin Warns Against USA—MISSILE—PLAN : RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said he hopes THE—USA—DOESN'T try to strike 1—MISSILE—SYSTEM—DEAL in EUROPE —BEFORE USA—RUSSIA talks are complete.
20071012             RUSSIA threatens to discard nuclear missile treaty: RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN warned —FRIDAY that his nation might pull out of 1—KEY—NUCLEAR—MISSILE—DEFENSE—TREATY, 1—TENSE—START to what has been hailed as 1—KEY meeting here with THE—USA—SECRETARIES—OF—STATE—AND—DEFENSE.
20071012             USA rejects RUSSIA—SECURITY concern :
20071012             —REJECTED, THE—USA has, RUSSIA—CALLS to freeze 1 planned missile defence system in CENTRAL—EUROPE, despite 1—WARNING from MOSCOW that it would move to "neutralise" the threat.
20071012             PKK rebels say heading into TURKEY from IRAQ : Kurdish separatist rebels said —ON—FRIDAY they were crossing back into TURKEY to target politicians and police —AFTER ANKARA said it was preparing to attack them in THE—MOUNTAINS—OF—NORTH—IRAQ.
20071012             TURKEY is ready to pay THE—PRICE—OF—ANY—MILITARY—CAMPAIGN in IRAQ:
20071012             Erdogan also had harsh words for THE—USA, which opposes 1—TURKEY—INCURSION into NORTH—IRAQ — 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—FEW relatively stable areas.
20071012             "Did they seek permission from anyone —WHEN they came from 1—DISTANCE—OF—10,000—KILOMETERS and hit IRAQ?" he said.
20071012             "We do not need anyone else's advice".
20071012             —WORRIED, ISRAEL, by TURK—ARMENIA—DEBATE:
20071012             —EXPRESSED, ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT, concern —THURSDAY over THE—USA—CONGRESSIONAL debate on the mass killings of ethnic Armenians in TURKEY —90—YEARS—AGO, but tried to deflect pressure from TURKEY to take its side in the dispute
20071012             ROBERT—FISK: 1—REIGN—OF—TERROR which history has chosen to neglect : The story of the last —CENTURY—1.—HOLOCAUST — WINSTON—CHURCHILL used this very word about THE—ARMENIA—GENOCIDE years —BEFORE the Nazi murder of 6—MILLION—JEWS — is well known, despite THE—REFUSAL—OF—MODERN—DAY—TURKEY to acknowledge the facts.
20071012             Nor are the parallels with Nazi GERMANY—PERSECUTION—OF—THE—JEWS idle ones.
20071012             UN calls for inquiry into deadly USA—STRIKE in IRAQ : THE—UNITED—NATIONS mission in IRAQ urged USA—FORCES—ON—FRIDAY to pursue a "vigorous" probe into 1—AIR—STRIKE that killed 15—WOMEN and children and said its findings must be made public so that lessons can be learned.
20071012             —DOCUMENTED, UNITED—NATIONS, more than 100—CIVILIANS allegedly killed by USA—LED forces :
20071012             "The killings are still taking place, the torture is still being reported, the due process issues are still unresolved," said IVANA—VUCO, A—UNITED—NATIONS—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICER in BAGHDAD.
20071012             AMERICA and BRITAIN, THE—ANGLO—USA—ALLIANCE, have engaged in 1—AMBITIOUS—PROJECT to control global energy resources.
20071012             —RESULTED, Their actions have, in 1—SERIES—OF complicated reactions, which have established 1—EURASIAN—BASED coalition which is preparing to challenge THE—ANGLO—USA—AXIS.
20071012             Why Dems and Republicans Bow to THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY
20071012             —BY JOHN—MEARSHEIMER and STEPHEN—WALT
20071012             EACH—CANDIDATE will emphasize that he or she fully appreciates THE—MULTITUDE—OF—THREATS facing ISRAEL and make it clear that, if elected, THE—USA will remain firmly committed to defending ISRAEL—INTERESTS under any and all circumstances.
20071012             Reviewing JAMES—PETRAS' - "Rulers and Ruled in THE—USA—EMPIRE"
20071012             "The growth of monstrous and rigid class inequalities reflects the narrow social base of 1—ECONOMY dominated by finance capital" with THE—USA—REDISTRIBUTING far less to its people than other developed nations like those in WEST—EUROPE.
20071012             Democrats are as culpable as Republicans with both parties tied to big monied interests through campaign funding and the power of lobbies.
20071012             It makes everyone in the political power structure unwilling to change things so they don't. The result is working Americans suffer hugely —WHILE those at the top never had it so good".
20071012             Why ENEMIES—OF—LIBERTY—LOVE—LINCOLN
20071012             LINCOLN—UNMASKED: What You're Not Supposed To Know about Dishonest ABE—BY- THOMAS—J—DILORENZO
20071012             THOMAS—J—DILORENZO gave the —FOLLOWING Speech at THE—FUTURE—OF—FREEDOM—FOUNDATION—CONFERENCE Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties.
20071012             —VIEWED, The speech can, below in 6—PARTS.
20071012             Click Here and Add Your Opinion.
20071012             Sources: CIA legal official quit in protest over ?enhanced interrogations?
20071012             JOE—BREWER: Missing the Real Message in Nobel Prize? -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20071012             THE—FEW, THE—PROUD (the Smart): Marines Figure it Out -- It's Time to Quit IRAQ -- DAVE—LINDORFF
20071012             AL—GORE'S "THE—ASSAULT—ON—REASON" (Hardcover)
20071012             Cindy Sheehan: Leadership Void -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
20071012             CARTER—WOULD—BACK—GORE - TURKEY plans incursion, PKK says ready to attack;
20071012             This should not be Gunfight at the Ok Corral. 10/13
20071012             —HONORED, Gore "deeply " by Nobel Prize win
20071012             THE—REPUBLICANS have lost Merle Haggard 10/13
20071012             11.Oc.2007 CIA "rendition" flights as cover for drug smuggling: Did the Inspector GENERAL discover THE—AGENCY—DIRTIEST—SECRET?
20071012             —FOLLOWED, Anyone who has, CIA scandals will find no historical parallel to
20071012             this story.
20071012             CIA Director MICHAEL—HAYDEN wants to inspect his Inspector GENERAL, JOHN—L—HELGERSON.
20071012             Helgerson has been looking rather too closely at THE—CIA—RENDITION—PROGRAMS.
20071012             Kommunikation: Bundesjustizministerin BRIGITTE—ZYPRIES
20071012             erntet —BEREITS ihren 2. BigBrotherAward "für den Gesetzentwurf zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung. Mit diesem Gesetzentwurf soll in DEUTSCHLAND die Vorratsdatenspeicherung von TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—VERBINDUNGSDATEN eingeführt werden. Die Bundesinnenministerium ignoriert damit bewusst die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, das —BEREITS 19830000             im Volkszählungsurteil festgelegt hatte, dass die Sammlung von nicht anonymisierten Daten zu unbestimmten oder noch nicht bestimmbaren Zwecken mit dem Grundgesetz unvereinbar ist".
20071012             Initiiert wurde der BigBrotherAward 19980000             von der BRITISCHEN—ORGANISATION Privacy INTERNATIONAL.
20071012             Die Verleihung der DEUTSCHEN—PREISE begann —AM—FREITAG gegen 18—UHR in BIELEFELD.
20071012             Die vollständigen Laudatios sind —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—TAGEN über DIE—WEBSEITE der Awards abrufbar.
20071012             Mit Blick auf die AMERIKANISCHE—ARGUMENTATION einer Bedrohung Europas durch Raketen aus sogenannten Schurkenstaaten sagte Lawrow, es gebe weiterhin keine Einigkeit über die Art dieser Bedrohung.
20071012             Außerdem kritisierte er, dass sich die USA—REGIERUNG weigere, das Projekt auf Eis zu legen, solange noch darüber diskutiert werde.
20071012             Lawrow bekräftigte die Position Moskaus, wonach RUSSLAND in der Raketenabwehr 1—BEDROHUNG für das eigene Land sieht.
20071012             Für den FALL—DES—BAUS des umstrittenen Schilds in Osteuropa kündigte Lawrow Gegenmaßnahmen an.
20071012             "Wie es unser PRÄSIDENT gesagt hat, werden wir Maßnahmen ergreifen, um die Bedrohung zu neutralisieren", sagte Lawrow auf einer gemeinsamen PRESSEKONFERENZ—MIT—RICE in Moskau.
20071012             Nähere Angaben um was für Maßnahmen es sich handeln könnte, machte er nicht.
20071012             "Wir bevorzugen, dieses Szenario zu vermeiden", fügte er lediglich hinzu.
20071012             Putin ließ Rice und Gates —ZUNÄCHST—40—MINUTEN warten.
20071012             Zu Beginn des Treffens stellte er 1—ABRÜSTUNGSABKOMMEN in Frage, das RUSSLAND und die USA 19870000             geschlossen hatten.
20071012             Der von RONALD—REAGAN und MICHAIL—GORBATSCHOW unterzeichnete INF—VERTRAG untersagt die Stationierung atomarer Mittelstreckenraketen.
20071012             Putin sagte —HEUTE, das Abkommen müsse "universaler Natur" sein + auch für Länder "in unserer Nähe" gelten.
20071012             —INZWISCHEN, Laut einer STUDIE—VON—IBM werden, rund 30—PROZENT—DES—AKTIENHANDELS—VON—RECHNERN gesteuert.
20071012             USA—ERZIEHUNGSLAGER: Tod im BOOT—CAMP
20071012             USA—RAKETENSCHILD: Putin droht mit Ausstieg aus ATOM—ABRÜSTUNGSVERTRAG
20071012             AFGHANISTAN—BESCHLUSS: Marschbefehl ins Ungewisse
20071012             Friedensnobelpreis für AL—GORE: Konservative spotten über die ANTI—BUSH - Trophäe
20071012             Big Brother Awards 20070000             : Die Strafe für zu viel Datenhunger
20071012             Solarenergie aus dem ALL—EINE —BEREITS ENDE—DER—SECHZIGER—JAHRE entwickelte Idee könnte —NUN Wirklichkeit werden.
20071012             Das National Security Space Office (NSSO) des Pentagon hat der USA—REGIERUNG in einem
20071012             —JETZT veröffentlichten Bericht empfohlen, 10—MILLIARDEN Dollar innerhalb der nächsten —10—JAHRE in einen TEST—SATELLITEN zu investieren, der in der Lage sein soll, einen Strahl von 10—MEGAWATT elektrischer Energie zur Erde zu schicken.
20071012             PENTAGON—PLAN: Satelliten sollen Sonnenenergie zur Erde beamen
20071012             Neue Steuerschätzung: 2—MILLIARDEN Euro mehr für den Bund
20071012             114—TOTE Kinder: USA—PHARMAFIRMEN nehmen Erkältungsmittel vom Markt
20071012             CHINA: Weitere 4—MILLIONEN Menschen müssen 3- SCHLUCHTEN—DAMM weichen
20071012             GENOZID—RESOLUTION: Völkermord beschädigt Völkerfreundschaft
20071012             Virgin: Milliardär Branson will Krisenbank NORTH—ROCK kaufen
20071012             "Die Erde erwärmt sich nicht überall gleich stark", erläutert HERBERT—FISCHER, DMG—VORSITZENDER und Professor für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung an der UNIVERSITÄT—KARLSRUHE.
20071012             Dafür, dass der Klimawandel DEUTSCHLAND stärker einheizt als anderen REGIONEN—DER—ERDE, gebe es 3—GRÜNDE:
20071012             In den Tropen steigt die Temperatur nur moderat, in der ARKTIS aber sehr stark.
20071012             DEUTSCHLAND LIEGE genau dazwischen.
20071012             Landoberflächen erwärmen sich stärker als der Ozean.
20071012             —INZWISCHEN, —IM—WINTER fließt, mehr warme Luft vom Atlantik nach DEUTSCHLAND, weil sich auch die Strömungssysteme infolge des Klimawandels verändern.
20071012             Die eingesetzte Technik ist ein heimisches Gewächs: Entwickelt wurde das Verfahren basierend auf Forschungen an der Uni Genf von der SCHWEIZER—FIRMA id Quantique (einer Ausgründung der Uni), die die Übertragungen auch durchführt und überwacht.
20071012             Damit findet Quantenkryptographie zum 1. Mal eine praktische Anwendung außerhalb des Labors.
20071012             Für NICOLAS—GISIN, der die Technik —SEIT—MITTE der Neunziger mit seinem Team entwickelte, markiert der
20071012             NETZWELT—TICKER: Die Nachricht ist die Nachricht
20071012             Welthungerhilfe: JEDER—SIEBTE—MENSCH geht —ABENDS hungrig zu Bett
20071012             Regierungsentwurf: Bundesrat lehnt Bahnprivatisierung ab
20071012             Prognose: Klimawandel heizt DEUTSCHLAND besonders ein
20071012             Statistik: Jede 5. Schwangerschaft weltweit wird abgebrochen
20071012             Arm durch Arbeit: DEUTSCHLAND—WELTMEISTER im unfairen Abkassieren
20071012             Friedensnobelpreis für AL—GORE: Zu groß fürs Weiße Haus
20071012             Das HWWI erwartet langfristig keine größeren Schwierigkeiten wegen der Finanzkrise.
20071012             Auch beim Ölpreis ist nach Auffassung des HWWI das Schlimmste vorbei.
20071012             —IN—DIESEM—JAHR gehen die Fachleute von einem Durchschnittspreis von 69—DOLLAR pro Barrel für die Nordseesorte Brent aus, für 20080000             —VON—72—DOLLAR.
20071012             —HEUTE lag dieser Preis bei etwa 79—DOLLAR.
20071012             Der Bericht zeigt außerdem: Im Vergleich zu friedlichen Ländern kommt es in den afrikanischen Staaten mit bewaffneten Konflikten zu einer 50 % höheren Kindersterblichkeit, 15 % mehr Menschen sind unterernährt und die Lebenserwartung reduziert sich um —5—JAHRE.
20071012             20 % mehr Menschen sind Analphabeten, es gibt 2,5 Mal weniger Ärzte pro Patient und 12,4 % weniger Nahrungsmittel pro Person.
20071012             Durchschnittlich schrumpft die Wirtschaft sleistung der afrikanischen Länder während eines Konflikts um 15 %.
20071012             Die wirklichen Zahlen dürften —SCHON alleine deshalb deutlich höher liegen, weil keine Daten aus SOMALIA in die Untersuchung eingegangen SIND—VERLÄSSLICHE Statistiken aus dem Land gibt es nicht.
20071012             Rund 211—MILLIARDEN Euro haben Bürgerkriege und gewaltsame —KONFLIKTE den Kontinent zwischen 19900000             und 20050000             gekostet.
20071012             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, ungefähr der Summe an internationaler Entwicklungshilfe, die in derselben Zeit an afrikanische Regierungen geflossen IST—DAS geht aus einer Untersuchung der Nichtregierungsorganisationen hervor.
20071012             23—VON 53—STAATEN seien in diesem Zeitraum in —KONFLIKTE verwickelt gewesen, die ihre Entwicklung behinderten.
20071012             "Afrikas verlorene Milliarden" wurde von Oxfam INTERNATIONAL, dem Internationalen Aktionsbündnis gegen Kleinwaffen und Saferworld präsentiert.
20071012             brachte der ehemalige Bundesinnenminister Gerhart Baum (FDP), selbst einer der 5—BESCHWERDEFÜHRER, einen Kriminalhauptkommissar des BKA dazu einzuräumen, dass bei der ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNG auch die Festplatten gänzlich unbescholtener Bürger durchforstet werden müssten.
20071012             Ob es vorkommen könne, dass —ZUNÄCHST auch auf falsche Computer zugegriffen wird, wollte Baum von dem Polizisten wissen.
20071012             Tatsächlich, gab der zu, könne es zu falschen Zuordnungen kommen.
20071012             Dass man den richtigen Rechner erreicht habe, wisse man —ERST dann, "wenn mir die Daten, die drauf sind, sagen, das isser".
20071012             Heiterkeit im Saal.
20071012             Der von den Grünen nominierte Verfassungsrichter BRUN—OTTO—BRYDE rieb sich an dem "Zielkonflikt", dass die Bundesregierung einerseits "zuständig sei für die Sicherheit der Informationstechnik" und andererseits solche Sicherheitslücken ausnutzen muss für die ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNG.
20071012             Man müsse sich nur vorstellen, das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik entdecke 1—SCHWACHSTELLE für 60—MILLIONEN Rechner, und gebe sie nicht bekannt, weil das BKA diese für 4—ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNGEN —J—IM nutzen wolle.
20071012             "Schutz des informationstechnischen Systems" auszusehen habe, woraus er herzuleiten sei und wo seine "legitimen Schranken" liegen, sei "1—DER—HAUPTLEISTUNGEN", die das Urteil zu erbringen habe.
20071012             Ausdrücklich nannte Papier neben den gängigen Grundrechten auf Schutz der Wohnung, des Fernmeldegeheimnisses und des allgemeinen Persönlichkeitsrechts den "grundrechtlichen Schutz der Vertraulichkeit und Integrität des eigenen informationstechnischen Systems".
20071012             Muss ein neues Grundrecht her?
20071012             Kimmitt: Gemessen an den MAASTRICHT—KRITERIEN—VON—3 % sind wir mit einem Defizit von 1,2 % noch immer 1—MUSTERSCHÜLER.
20071012             Kimmitt: AMERIKA wird weiter wachsen und die Weltwirtschaft auch.
20071012             Wir dürfen den Bürgern keine theoretischen Konzepte ANBIETEN—WIR müssen ihnen konkret erklären, dass freier Welthandel Jobs zuhause schafft.
20071012             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Können die USA überhaupt Druck ausüben oder sind die Abhängigkeiten von CHINESISCHEN—BILLIGPRODUKTEN und der CHINESISCHEN—NACHFRAGE nach AMERIKANISCHEN—STAATSANLEIHEN —SCHON zu groß?
20071012             Kimmitt: Wenn die Chinesen anfangen sollten, ihre Staatsanleihen zu verkaufen, würden sie sich selbst finanziell schaden.
20071012             Das haben wir bislang nicht erlebt und das erwarten wir auch nicht.
20071012             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Die USA—BEVÖLKERUNG verfolgt das Treiben zunehmend skeptisch.
20071012             In aktuellen Umfragen glaubt nur noch eine knappe MEHRHEIT—DER—AMERIKANER, dass freier Handel gut sei für ihr Land.
20071012             Putin sagte, für RUSSLAND sei es problematisch, dem Vertrag weiter anzugehören, wenn dieser sich nicht auch auf andere Länder beziehe.
20071012             Die Bestimmungen sollten zu einem "wahrhaft universalen Vertrag" ausgeweitet werden.
20071012             Rice und Gates hielten sich zu Beratungen über den geplanten USA—RAKETENSCHILD in Osteuropa in RUSSLAND auf.
20071012             Dieser wird von RUSSLAND als Bedrohung seiner Sicherheit betrachtet.
20071012             Der ebenfalls ausgezeichnete Klimarat wurde 19980000             gegründet.
20071012             Das Gremium soll wissenschaftliche Daten zum Klimawandelwertet sammeln, auswerten und verständlich darstellen.
20071012             Der Rat mit Sitz in Genf forscht nicht selbst, sondern fasst seriöse wissenschaftliche Studien zusammen.
20071012             Er hat vor —DIESEM—JAHR—BEREITS 3—UMFASSENDE Berichte zum Klimawandel veröffentlicht.
20071012             Gore sei —BEREITS—SEIT langer Zeit "einer der weltweit führenden Umweltpolitiker".
20071012             "Sein starker Einsatz, gezeigt durch seine politische Aktivität, Lesungen, Filme und Bücher hat den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel gestärkt", erklärte das Nobelpreiskomitee.
20071012             OSLO—HÖCHSTE Auszeichnung für AL—GORE und den UNO—KLIMARAT: In OSLO wurde dem ehemaligen USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENTEN und der Organisation IPCC der Friedensnobelpreis zugesprochen.
20071012             Der CHEF—DES—NOBELKOMITEES, OLE—DANBOLT—MJØS, sagte bei der Bekanntgabe: "Gore und der IPCC haben —SCHON sehr früh die Gefahren der globalen Klimaänderung erkannt.
20071012             Wir möchten mit unseren —ENTSCHEIDUNG die Aufmerksamkeit für dieses Thema weiter erhöhen".
20071012             "Für Seti sind die technischen Möglichkeiten des ATA eine exponentielle Zunahme für die Fähigkeit bei der Suche nach außerirdischen Signalen", sagte SETI—ASTRONOM SETH—SHOSTAK.
20071012             "Es könnte zur ENTDECKUNG—VON—INTELLIGENTEN—WESEN im Universum führen".
20071012             Kreditkrise: Großbanken greifen im INVESTMENT—BANKING durch
20071012             Kalifornien: Forscher starten neue Großfahndung nach Aliens
20071012             Bundesrat: SPD scheitert mit MINDESTLOHN—PLÄNEN
20071012             OSLO: Friedensnobelpreis für AL—GORE und den UNO—KLIMARAT
20071012             Grundsicherung: 8 % mehr Menschen brauchen Sozialhilfe
20071012             RUSSLAND: Putin droht mit Aufkündigung von Abrüstungsvertrag
20071012             Großer Lokführerstreik: Menschenleere Bahnsteige, Chaos auf den Straßen
20071012             CIA: Geheimdienstchef lässt Nestbeschmutzer überwachen
20071012             Erhöhte Bleiwerte: Weiterer USA—KONZERN muss Spielzeug zurückrufen
20071012             USA—VIZEFINANZMINISTER Kimmitt: "Die Weltgemeinschaft pocht auf Sanktionen"
20071012             —ÜBERLEBT, Rädertierchen: Millionen —JAHRE, - ohne Sex - UP—DATE.
20071012             FRANKLIN—OLSON—PHD. has become THE—CFO—OF—SWELL—FUEL.
20071012             He has —40—YEARS—EXPERIENCE in financing and business management and will be 1—HUGE asset as Swell Fuel shifts gears from dedicated inventor to production and licensing of the lever operated pivoting float.
20071012             —MARKETED, These designs are not being, to consumers.
20071012             It will under go rigorous testing —AT—THIS—TIME.
20071012             1—ATT—SOLUTIONS logbook reviewed by counsel confirms the - ASSOCIATED—PRESS
20071012—19910000    —SEIT, herrscht in SOMALIA Bürgerkrieg.
20071012—20000000    —IN, surpasses the previous high of 20.8% set, at the peak of the previous bull market in stocks.
20071012—20000000    —IN, 1—BIT—LESS than their 13% share.
20071012—20000000    —IN, Should Nobel Laureate Al be Restored to the Presidency He Won ?
20071012—20030000    —REVILED, MYANMAR PRIME—MINISTER—GENERAL—SUE—WIN, —59—JAHRE—ALT, for his role in 1—BLOODY—ATTACK on opposition leader Aung S—SUU—KYI and her followers, † —AFTER 1—LONG—ILLNESS.
20071012—20040000    —IN, That is up sharply from 19% and
20071012—20040000    —EARNED, The bottom 50%, 12.8—PERCENT—OF—ALL—INCOME, down from 13.4% and
20071012—20050000    —IN, INCOME—INEQUALITY—GAP—WIDENS: The wealthiest 1—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS earned 21.2—PERCENT—OF—ALL—INCOME, according to new data from the Internal Revenue Service.
20071012—20080000    —IN, as in previous election years, serious candidates for the highest office in the land will go to considerable lengths to express their deep personal commitment to 1—FOREIGN—COUNTRY -- ISRAEL -- as well as their determination to maintain unyielding USA—SUPPORT for the Jewish state.
20071012—20150000    —BIS, sollen es 90 % sein.
20071016—20071012    —ON, A 3. was killed.
20080702—20081012    —ON, they broke the record again with 1—TIME—OF—2:37:5. 20101106             —ON, climbers DEAN—POTTER and SEAN—LEARY broke the record with 1—TIME—OF—2:36:45.
20081009—20081012    —APPROVED, THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE, the acquisition.
20081010             O relatório do Ministério da Defesa espanhol que indica que os Açores serviram como escala de um voo da CIA que transportava um preso de GUANTANAMO será incorporado, em "altura oportuna", no inquérito em curso no Ministério Público português. 20081012
20081010             O relatório do Ministério da Defesa espanhol que indica que os Açores serviram como escala de um voo da CIA que transportava um preso de GUANTANAMO será incorporado, em "altura oportuna", no inquérito em curso no Ministério Público português. 20081012             20081010             Aquecimento global obriga espécies a migrar para altitudes mais...
20081012             and Narcisa de Jesus Martillo Moran (18320000—18690000    ), a 18010101—19001231     laywoman from ECUADOR who helped the sick and the poor.
20081012             —FOUNDED, GAETANO—ERRICO (17910000—18600000    ), 1—NEAPOLITAN priest who, 1—MISSIONARY—ORDER in the 18010101—19001231    ;
20081012             —SOLVED, The fictional Sherlock Holmes, the crime in "Silver Blaze" by deducing it was the... alfatomega.com/20060429.html
20081012             ARCHIVE 20080522             Keeping AMERICA in the Dark.
20081012             CALIFORNIA, HANS—FLORINE, —44—JAHRE—ALT and Yuji Hirayama (39) broke their own World Record for the fastest climb up the Nose of El Capitan (2:37:5) in Yosemite National Park.
20081012             AFGHANISTAN, 62—MILITANTS, PART—OF—1—GROUP—OF—150—THAT had been seen massing outside of Lashkar Gah for several days, were killed overnight in NATO—AIR—STRIKES that stopped them from entering the Helmand provincial capital.
20081012             Taliban COMMANDER—MULLAH—QADRATULLAH was among the dead.
20081012             —KILLED, THE—USA—LED coalition, 5—TALIBAN rebels in Ghazni.
20081012             CANADA—BROADCASTING Corporation (CBC) reporter Mellissa Fung (35) was kidnapped in KABUL.
20081012             —ANNOUNCED, ALGERIA, it will spend 500—MILLION—EUROS (675—MILLION—DOLLARS) on protecting towns from flooding as the death toll from floods —THIS—MONTH—ROSE to 43.
20081012             AUSTRALIA and NEW—ZEALAND gave 1—BLANKET guarantee to all bank deposits in 1—MOVE—LIKELY to raise pressure on other economies to do the same, amid 1—CRISIS—OF—CONFIDENCE in the global financial system.
20081012             DOZENS—OF—RENOWNED—UNITED—KINGDOM—WRITERS came out against new ANTI—TERRORISM—LEGISLATION, publishing 1—COLLECTION—OF satire, essays, fiction and poetry to protest 1—PROPOSAL allowing police to hold suspects without charge for up to —42—DAYS.
20081012             —REJECTED, The —NEXT—DAY THE—HOUSE—OF—LORDS, the plan and the government said it would abandon the proposal.
20081012             —HAMMERED, European leaders, out action to confront the financial crisis, adding their voices to 1—GLOBAL—CHORUS—OF—DEMANDS for coordinated action against the turmoil.
20081012             IRAQ, Qassim AL—ABOUDI, the spokesman for the election commission, said there's not enough time to organize 1—BALLOT—THIS—YEAR but that it will take place soon —AFTER the New —YEAR.
20081012             2—IRAQ—SOLDIERS were killed in the Yarmouk DISTRICT—OF—BAGHDAD.
20081012             1—CAR—BOMB exploded in 1—COMMERCIAL—STREET—OF—SOUTH—WEST—BAGHDAD, killing 7—PEOPLE and wounding 9—OTHERS.
20081012             —KILLED, Another car bomb in MOSUL, 6—PEOPLE.
20081012             † 1—CHRISTIAN music store owner was shot to death in MOSUL, the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—KILLINGS that has caused THOUSANDS—OF—MEMBERS—OF—THE—RELIGIOUS—MINORITY to flee the city.
20081012             —DEPLOYED, IRAQ, —AROUND 1,000 police in Christian areas of MOSUL as THOUSANDS—OF—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MINORITY—GROUP fled the worst violence against them in —5—YEARS.
20081012             —VOTED, Lithuanians, in 1—GENERAL—ELECTION likely to mark comebacks for EX—PRESIDENT—ROLANDAS—PAKSAS or former political star VIKTOR—USPASKICH.
20081012             1—NON—BINDING referendum was also on the ballot as PART—OF—1—BATTLE to delay the closure of Ignalina, 1—SOVIET—ERA—NUCLEAR—POWER—STATION which provides 70—PERCENT—OF—LITHUANIA—ELECTRICITY.
20081012             Voters dealt 1—MAJOR—BLOW to LITHUANIA—LEFTIST—GOVERNMENT by boosting the conservative opposition as well as SOME—POPULIST—LEADERS, including 1—IMPEACHED—EX—PRESIDENT, in weekend elections.
20081012             Homeland Union leader Andrius Kubilius said he was ready to form 1—NEW—CABINET—AFTER his party won the most votes in the 1. round, receiving 19.2—PERCENT.
20081012             1—ANGRY—CROWD in CENTRAL—MEXICO attacked police and helped nearly 3—DOZEN—ILLEGAL—CENTRAL—USA—IMMIGRANTS escape from custody —AFTER hearing that officers had allegedly sold the migrants to human smugglers in the farming TOWN—OF—RAFAEL—LARA—GRAJALES, PUEBLA state.
20081012             —MANAGED, FEDERAL—POLICE, to round up 21—MIGRANTS.
20081012             NORTH—KOREA said it will resume dismantling its main nuclear facilities, hours —AFTER THE—USA removed the communist country from 1—LIST—OF—STATES—WASHINGTON says sponsor terrorism.
20081012             Among the dead were 2—TALIBAN commanders and 12—POTENTIAL—SUICIDE—BOMBERS.
20081012             —KILLED, More than 24—EXTREMISTS with links to AL—QAEDA were, near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER in the Bajaur tribal region.
20081012             1—SOYUZ spacecraft with 2—AMERICANS and 1—RUSSIAN on BOARD lifted off from KAZAKHSTAN for THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20081012             —RAIDED, SOMALIA—FORCES from semiautonomous Puntland unsuccessfully, 1 hijacked ships.
20081012             2—PIRATES were killed.
20081012             —KILLED, Separate clashes in the same area, 4—REBELS and 1—SOLDIER.
20081012             —KILLED, In THE—NORTH—JAFFNA peninsula, troops, 4—REBELS along the front lines —WHILE 1—REBEL mortar attack killed 2—SOLDIERS.
20081012             —KILLED, Clashes in Mullaitivu, 4—REBELS and wounded 1—SOLDIER.
20081012             THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES said it would guarantee domestic bank deposits and with SAUDI—ARABIA promised fresh financial support to domestic banks.
20081012             BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA gave THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH 4—NEW saints, including 1—INDIA—WOMAN whose canonization is seen as 1—MORALE boost to Christians in INDIA who have suffered Hindu violence.
20081012             —INCLUDED, They, Sister Alphonsa (19100000—19460000    ) of the Immaculate Conception, 1—NUN from SOUTH—INDIA and INDIA—1. woman saint;
20081012             Sister MARIA—BERNARDA, born as Verena Buetler (18480000—19240000    ) in SWITZERLAND, who worked as 1—NUN in ECUADOR and COLOMBIA;
20081012             VENEZUELA, PRESIDENT—CHAVES, on Indigenous Resistance —DAY, presented the Yukpa Indians titles to SOME—BLOCKS—OF—LAND.
20081012             —CLAIMED, This fell short of the 150,000 acres they, as ancestral territory.
20081012             THE—CANNONFIRE thing has gotta be Seymour Hersh.
20081012             According to the hints given: same initials as Sherlock Holmes, respected journalist.
20081012             hillbuzz.wordpress.com/2008 /10/12/WHY—IS—BEN—SMITH—SITTING—ON—A—STORY—HE- WONT—PRINT—BABY—WED—SURE—LOVE—TO—FIGURE—IT—OUT/
20081012             Cannonfire - Palast also includes this noteworthy bit of Sherlock HOLMES—ING:
20081012             cannonfire.blogspot.com/2004 _10_01_archive.html
20081012             —JUST Survive... " THE—CONFLUENCE
20081012             The " Sherlock Holmes " Cannon talks about is obviously Seymour Hersh.
20081012             He is suggesting that Seymour Hersh may be 1—OF—LARRY—JOHNSON'S.. riverdaughter.wordpress.com/2008 /10/12/—JUST—SURVIVE/
20081012             1—INTERVIEW—WITH—SEYMOUR—HERSH.
20081012             Cannonfire explains BUSH—HIDDEN earpiece to you with updates.
20081012             sagte Finanzminister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) der "Bild"-Zeitung.
20081012             "Wir müssen die wichtigen Fragen zuerst lösen.
20081012             —GESCHWOREN, ALLE—MITGLIEDER—DER—BUNDESREGIERUNG haben, dass sie ihre Kraft dem Wohle des DEUTSCHEN—VOLKES widmen, seinen Nutzen mehren und Schaden von ihm wenden.
20081012             Das gilt es —NUN zu tun".
20081012             Zudem wird laut Finanzminister Steinbrück das Ziel eines ausgeglichenen Haushaltes 20110000             aufgegeben.
20081012             Er sei "ziemlich sicher", dass sich die Märkte —NACH—DEM G7-Aktionsplan beruhigen würden, sagte Bundesfinanzminister Peer Steinbrück.
20081012             "Wir haben eine umfassende Antwort auf die Krise, und ich denke, die Märkte werden entsprechend reagieren".
20081012             STRAUSS—KAHN forderte auch eine rasche Umsetzung des 700—MILLIARDEN Dollar umfassenden USA—RETTUNGSPAKETS.
20081012             Report: MP3 players threaten users' hearing
20081012             People who listen to personal music players for only —5—HOURS —1—WEEK at 1—HIGH—VOLUME may be doing permanent damage to their hearing, according to 1—TEAM—OF—EU experts.
20081012             Finanzkrise: Zittern vor dem BÖRSEN—START —AM—MONTAG
20081012             DEUTSCHE—MASSNAHMEN gegen die Finanzkrise: Kauder bestätigt 400—MILLIARDEN—HILFSPAKET
20081012             Prophecy or Paranoia?
20081012             [Is it paranoid or prophetic to imagine THE—MCBUSH 's would not only take advantage of a "CIVIL—UPRISING" to thwart 1—DEMOCRATIC—WIN in
20081012             —NOVEMBER, but even more, would actually take steps to encourage 1?
20081012             Public at Last: GUANTANAMO SERE Standard Operating Procedures
20081012             [1—OF—THE—MOST important DOCUMENTS—OF—THE—USA—TORTURE—PROGRAM—THE—JTF—GTMO "SERE" Interrogation Standard Operating PROCEDURE—HAS —JUST become publicly available for the 1. time.
20081012             The "MARTIAL—LAW" Hypothesis: 1—CLOSER—LOOK and SOME—SKEPTICISM
20081012             [DISCUSSION—OF—THE—ARMY—TIMES—ARTICLE and other events relating to "martial law" in THE—USA.
20081012             [The $700—BILLION plus purchase of financial instruments, which essentially trades cash for trash, even if necessary, is 1—INSUFFICIENT—MEASURE for resolving the "once in a —100—YEARS," economic crisis.
20081012             There must be more to the crisis than meets the eye.
20081012             Economic woes chill effort to stop global warming
20081012             Attempts to tackle global warming are being made more difficult by the spreading economic crisis even as Democratic congressional leaders say it's still 1—TOP—GOAL for —NEXT—YEAR.
20081012             "In science, the most exciting expression isn't 'Eureka!' It's 'Huh?'" said MICHAEL—HAWLEY, 1—COMPUTER—SCIENTIST based in CAMBRIDGE—MASSACHUSETTS, and 1—BOARD—MEMBER and investor in SiOnyx.
20081012             THE—RISE—OF—THE (Financial) Machines
20081012             BartlebyScrivener writes "1—NEW—YORK—TIMES—OP—ED quoting Freeman and GEORGE—DYSON wonders if WALL—STREET geeks and 'quants' outsmarted themselves with computer algorithms to create the current financial debacle:
20081012             'Somehow the genius quants — the best and brightest geeks WALL—STREET—FIRMS could buy — fed $1—TRILLION in subprime mortgage debt into their supercomputers, added SOME—DERIVATIVES, massaged the arrangements with computer algorithms and — poof! — created $62—TRILLION in imaginary wealth.
20081012             It's not much of 1—STRETCH to imagine that ALL—OF—THAT imaginary wealth is locked up somewhere inside the computers, and that we humans, led by the silverback males of the financial world, BEN—BERNANKE and HENRY—PAULSON, are frantically beseeching the monolith for answers.'" The quoted essay from GEORGE—DYSON is available at Edge.
20081012             Gipfel der Ratlosigkeit
20081012             Es war ein eilig anberaumtes Treffen der 7—FÜHRENDEN Industrienationen (G7) in WASHINGTON.
20081012             Das Ziel: Finanzminister und Notenbankchefs wollen gefährdete Banken vor dem Zusammenbruch bewahren.
20081012             Dabei herausgekommen ist ein 5—PUNKTE—PLAN, der gemeinsame, jedoch ÄUß—ERST vage ausgelegte Ziele definiert.
20081012             Ob dies ausreicht, die Finanzmärkte zu beruhigen, werden die Börsen ab kommenden —MONTAG zeigen, die dann nach einer zweitägigen Pause wieder an den Start gehen.
20081012             Kritiker äußern sich.
20081012             Atomschmuggelprozess endet mit KUHHANDEL—ONLINEDIENST DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE—AM
20081012             —AGREED, European banks rescue plan, European leaders meeting at 1—CRISIS—SUMMIT in PARIS announce 1—PLAN to save their beleaguered banking industry.
20081012             RUSSIA in fresh missile launches RUSSIA TEST—FIRES 3—INTERCONTINENTAL ballistic missiles, —AFTER claiming 1—DISTANCE—RECORD for 1 fired from 1—SUBMARINE.
20081012             Gold rush - AUSTRIA—MINT flat out as investors seek safety
20081012             UK banks 'to ask for up to £50bn' 4—MAJOR—BANKS will ask for about £50bn of taxpayers' money to boost their balance sheets, THE—BBC learns.
20081012             Das Vertrauen in Merkels Krisenmanagement scheint einer Umfrage zufolge derweil zu schwinden: Der MEHRHEIT—DER—BUNDESBÜRGER machen die bisherigen AUSSAGEN—DER—KANZLERIN—ZUR—FINANZKRISE "eher Angst".
20081012             Liquiditätshilfen ebenso wie Kapitalspritzen und neue Bilanzierungsregeln für Banken.
20081012             "Das ist in der Tat eine gemeinsame Aktion, die wir unternehmen", sagte der FRANZÖSISCHE—STAATSCHEF—NICOLAS—SARKOZY.
20081012             "Dieser Plan betrifft ALLE—ASPEKTE—DER—FINANZKRISE".
20081012             Einigung in PARIS: EURO—GIPFEL beschließt Krisenhilfe für Banken
20081012             Überfischung : Plünderung der Meere könnte zu Todeszonen führen
20081012             Kampf gegen Finanzkrise: Haushaltsexperte rechnet mit 400—MILLIARDEN—HILFSPAKET
20081012             Kreditkrise erreicht Studenten: KFW—STUDIENKREDIT wird deutlich teurer
20081012             Finanzkrise: Superreiche verlieren MILLIARDEN—NUR Buffett nicht - Bush s Mission Impossible
20081012             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH sagte, weltweit koordiniertes Handeln werde zum Ziel führen:
20081012             "Die Weltwirtschaft wird als Ergebnis stärker aus der Krise hervorgehen".
20081012             Der DOW—JONES—INDEX verzeichnete sowohl nach Punkten als auch nach %en die schlechteste Handelswoche seiner Geschichte:
20081012             Der Leitindex brach um insgesamt 18 % ein.
20081012             "Nur 1—HANDELN—DES—STAATES kann —JETZT das notwendige Vertrauen zurückbringen", sagte Merkel.
20081012             "Wir tun das nicht im Interesse der Banken, sondern im Interesse der Menschen", beteuerte die KANZLERIN.
20081012             Derweil arbeitet die Bundesregierung —SCHON an dem Rettungspaket für DEUTSCHLAND.
20081012             Der Premier warb zudem für Kooperation: "Kein LAND—AUCH nicht das GRÖßTE—KANN es in Zeiten wie diesen alleine schaffen".
20081012             Brown nimmt in PARIS an dem Treffen der EURO—LÄNDER teil, das am heutigen Sonntagabend beginnt.
20081012             Vor EURO—FINANZKRISENGIPFEL: BRITISCHES—MODELL soll die Finanzwelt retten
20081012             "Machtmissbrauch", Rassismus, Buhrufe: McCains Wahlkampf gerät aus den Fugen
20081012             Obduktionsbericht: Haider hatte keine Überlebenschance
20081012             Pleitebanken: ISLAND will BRITISCHE—SPARER entschädigen
20081012             Ich hatte hier zwar —SCHON die Einzelmeldungen geblogt, aber ich will das mal zusammenführen, weil das in ihrer Gesamtheit eine stärkere Meldung ist als einzeln.
20081012             Meldung 1: Die Bundesabhörzentrale ist in 2—NETZEN, eines wird von der Telekom betrieben, eines von EDS.
20081012             —VERLIERT, Meldung 2: Telekom, —ERST 17 , dann 30—MILLIONEN Kundendatensätze.
20081012             Meldung 3:
20081012             —VERLIERT, EDS, 700.000—DATENSÄTZE des BRITISCHEN—MILITÄRS.
20081012             Im Verhältnis zur Größe der jeweiligen Datenbanken ist das jeweils Totalschaden.
20081012             Wenn wir das mal zusammen führen, dann sehen wir:
20081012             die Daten, die der Schüffelstaat aus unseren Wohnungen + Computern rausträgt, ist ungefähr so gut geschützt wie 1—GELDSCHEIN, der jemandem in der Fußgängerzone aus der Tasche gefallen ist.
20081012             Das Gedicht zum Bankendomino.
20081012             Sehr schön! THE—CRISIS—GOES—FROM—BAD to Worse
20081012             WALL—STREET—JOURNAL - 6By MARK—GONGLOFF—THE 1. step in recovery is admitting you have 1—PROBLEM.
20081012             The carnage on WALL—STREET suggests investors have taken that step -- accepting the reality that the economy is in or headed for 1—RECESSION, possibly 1—SEVERE 1.
20081012             Slight optimism —AFTER WALL—STREET'S "worst —WEEK ever"
20081012             Das Ziel besteht darin, die menschliche Kultur genauso gut auf natürliche Prozesse abzustimmen, wie es die anderen Lebewesen tun, um den Planeten nicht zu verderben, sondern zu verbessern.
20081012             Damit können wir —JETZT an einer holistischen, mit den Künsten und den Geisteswissenschaften vereinten Naturwissenschaft arbeiten,
20081012             die sich sowohl auf eine naturalistische Ethik als auch auf die VERBINDUNG—VON—QUALITÄT und Quantität stützt.
20081012             RUSSLAND und die Finanzkrise: "Dann kaufen die Oligarchen 1—YACHT weniger"
20081012             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Finanzkrise führt zu Bestattungsstau
20081012             Kampf gegen Finanzkrise: Staatsmänner proben den weltweiten Schulterschluss
200810120000 - Spreegurke [Ursula Pidun]
20081012—20010000    —SINCE, The governing Social DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, which has controlled THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICE, finished 4. with 11.7—PERCENT.
20081012—20080702    —ON, They 1. record was set with 1—TIME—OF—2:43:33.
20081012—20080928    —SINCE, 1—SPATE—OF—ATTACKS on Christians in MOSUL had killed at least 11—PEOPLE.
20081012—20081108    —FREED, She was.
20081012—20090000    —ENDE—BIS, Die Hilfen sollen —ZUNÄCHST begrenzt werden.
20081125—20111012    —RULED, BRITAIN—HIGHEST—COURT, that the ban on foreign spouses aged under 21—ENTERING BRITAIN is unlawful.
20091012             ISRAEL—ALARMED by REPORT—OF—AID to COLOMBIA Drug Assassins By DANIEL—WILLIAMS, Times Staff Writer | 19890824             20100823—20100824    —FROM, other Arab states, said it is to suspend services due to financial problems.
20091012             GABON—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT—SAID—ALI—BONGO, THE—SON—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LONGTIME dictator, won 20090830             —THE presidential elections that opposition candidates said were fraudulent.
20091012             NORTH—KOREA TEST—FIRED 5—SHORT—RANGE—MISSILES off its east coast and banned ships from the area 20091010—20201010    —FROM—TO.
20091012             Americans ELINOR—OSTROM (19330000—20120000    ) and OLIVER—WILLIAMSON (19320000             *) won the Nobel economics prize for their work in economic governance.
20091012             Ostrom, the 1. woman to win the Nobel prize for economics, specialized in the study of common resource pools.
20091012             DON—YOUNG—OF—DES—MOINES, IOWA, won the 39. Half MOON—BAY—ART & Pumpkin Festival with his 1,658-pound pumpkin.
20091012             It broke THE—YEAR—OLD—RECORD—OF—1,528—POUNDS.
20091012             His 1. prize of $9,948 came out to $6—PER pound.
20091012             —STABBED, SF, ERIC—BUSCHMAN, —49—JAHRE—ALT was, to death on THE—300—BLOCK—OF—ATHENS Street in the Excelsior District.
20091012             —BELIEVED, Police, the stabbing was random.
20091012             —CHANGED, AFGHANISTAN—ELECTION—WATCHDOG, its FRAUD—TALLYING rules for the 2. time in less than —1—WEEK, switching back to 1—FORMULA that lowers the chance of overturning PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI—1.—ROUND win.
20091012             Under the new rules the commission will not take into account which candidate it finds benefited most from ANY—FRAUD.
20091012             1—OF—THE—2—AFGHANS on THE—UN—BACKED commission looking into vote fraud in the —AUGUST presidential election resigned, citing interference by foreigners.
20091012             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—GORDON—BROWN, —ON—MONDAY a 16—BILLION—POUND—SALE—OF—STATE—ASSETS including 1—RAIL—LINK between LONDON and the Channel Tunnel to cut soaring debt caused by economic crisis.
20091012             1—COURT—IN—CHINA—FAR—WEST—XINJIANG region sentenced 6—MEN to death for murder and other crimes committed —DURING ethnic riots that killed nearly 200—PEOPLE.
20091012             A 7. man was given life imprisonment.
20091012             Yoani Sanchez, 1—CUBA—BLOGGER, was denied government permission to travel to NEW—YORK to receive 1—TOP—JOURNALISM prize.
20091012             She has become 1—INTERNATIONAL—SENSATION for offering frank criticism of her country's communist system.
20091012             —DENIED, In May CUBA—AUTHORITIES had, Sanchez permission to fly to MADRID to accept the Ortega y Gasset Prize in digital journalism for creating her Generation Y blog (20070000             ), which gets more than 1—MILLION hits —1—MONTH.
20091012             —AROUND the same time, Time magazine deemed Sanchez 1—OF—THE—WORLD—100—MOST influential people.
20091012             —HURLED, ITALY, MOHAMED—GAME, —35—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LIBYAN, 1—HOME—MADE bomb at the Santa Barbara police barracks in Milan, losing his hand from the blast and slightly wounding 1—POLICEMAN on duty outside.
20091012             —DETAINED, ITALY—POLICE, 2—MORE—SUSPECTS and found 1—LARGE QUANTITY—OF—BOMB—MAKING chemicals —DURING overnight searches.
20091012             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—TEENAGE—SUICIDE—CAR bombing targeting troops, 45—PEOPLE, including 6—SECURITY—PEOPLE, in NORTH—WEST—SHANGLA DISTRICT—AS—THE—TALIBAN pledged to mobilize fighters across the country for more strikes.
20091012             —LANDED, RUSSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, in CHINA in 1—EFFORT to bolster energy, political and military ties between the former rival nations turned strategic partners.
20091012             SENEGAL, cyclist FRANK—VANDENBROUCKE, —34—JAHRE—ALT was on holiday —WHEN he was found dead in his room.
20091012             —CAUSED, BELGIUM—CYCLING officials said his death was, by 1—LUNG embolism.
20091012             1—SUDAN—COURT sentenced 4—ISLAMISTS to death for a 2. time for THE—MURDER—OF—1—USA—DIPLOMAT—JOHN—GRANVILLE and his driver in KHARTOUM —LAST—YEAR.
20091012             The sentencing came —AFTER THE—MOTHER—OF—JOHN—GRANVILLE, who worked with THE—USA—AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL—DEVELOPMENT (USAID), and THE—WIFE—OF—DRIVER—ABDEL—RAHMAN—ABBAS both demanded the men be executed.
20091012             —ISSUED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD, 1—DECREE banning smoking in public places, joining 1—ANTI—SMOKING trend already under way in other Arab countries.
20091012             The decree will go into effect in —6—MONTHS and ban smoking in restaurants, cafes, cinemas, theaters, schools, official functions and on public transport.
20091012             Offenders will be fined 2,000 SYRIA—POUNDS, about $45.
20091012             —CONVICTED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES' highest court, 1—USA—CITIZEN on TERRORISM—RELATED charges amid claims that torture was used to extract 1—CONFESSION.
20091012             THE—COURT—SENTENCED—NAJI—HAMDAN, —43—JAHRE—ALT to —18—MONTHS in prison, but he should be freed soon because the sentence counts time served and he was detained —LAST—YEAR.
20091012             —CONGREGATED, VENEZUELA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, for candlelit rituals on 1—REMOTE mountainside where adherents make 1—ANNUAL—PILGRIMAGE to pay homage to 1—INDIGENOUS goddess known as MARIA—LIONZA.
20091012             The traditions, HUNDREDS—OF—YEARS—OLD, draw on elements of THE—AFRO—CARIBBEAN religion Santeria and indigenous rituals, as well as Catholicism.
20091012             Believers often ask for spiritual healing or protection from witchcraft, or thank the goddess for curing 1—ILLNESS.
20091012             Nestle said its ZIMBABWE banking is back to normal —JUST days —AFTER newspapers reported that the government froze their accounts and ordered 1—AUDIT —AFTER the company stopped buying milk from 1—FARM owned by PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE—WIFE.
20091012             ISRAEL—ALARMED by REPORT—OF—AID to COLOMBIA Drug Assassins By DANIEL—WILLIAMS, Times Staff Writer | 19890824
20091012             —REACTED, JERUSALEM—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT, with alarm —WEDNESDAY to reports that ISRAEL—MERCENARIES may have helped drug dealers in COLOMBIA to train squads to assassinate public figures.
20091012             The apparent involvement came to light —WHEN voices in Hebrew were heard on 1—VIDEOTAPE broadcast by NBC —ON—TUESDAY night.
20091012             —PICTURED, The tape, which purportedly, THE—TRAINING—OF—ASSASSINATION—TEAMS in THE—SERVICE—OF—COLOMBIA—DRUG—DEALERS, was reportedly made by the drug lords to show COLOMBIA—AUTHORITIES how able their forces are.
20091012             And that brings us right back to the Twitter message with which we started.
20091012             Let us repeat it: teleSUR TV broadcast team leaves BRAZIL—EMBASSY;
20091012             cites illness from chemical weapons used by illegal regime.
20091012             For SOME—REASON, the major USA—MEDIA—ORGANS will not give the above "tweet" the respect which was previously accorded to the questionable tweets which allegedly came from deep inside IRAN.
20091012             This, despite the fact that the folks at THE—IA—CENTER are pretty easy to contact, should ANY—REPORTER—CARE to do SOME—FOLLOW—UP research.
20091012             SOME—TWEETS are more equal than others.
20091012             Die Prinzipien, die Ostrom herausgearbeitet HAT—UNTER anderen müssen ALLE—BETROFFENEN bei der Festlegung der Regeln mitwirken, die Vereinbarungen müssen klar sein, ihre Einhaltung muss überwacht und Fehlverhalten sanktioniert WERDEN—IST damit das Ergebnis umfangreicher Feldforschung.
20091012             Diese hat sie später noch durch experimentelle Forschung ERGÄNZT—DABEI wurde sie vor allem von REINHARD—SELTEN inspiriert, der 19940000             für seine Erkenntnisse in der Spieltheorie als bislang letzter
20091012             Deutscher mit dem Wirtschaftsnobelpreis ausgezeichnet wurde.
20091012             Oft finden die Leute vor Ort die beste Lösung
20091012             Jobangst: Krankenstand sinkt auf Rekordtief
20091012             Energieversorgung: ATOM—COMEBACK bremst Windkraftwende
20091012             "Ich denke, es ist ÄUß—ERST wichtig, —JETZT nicht in Alarmismus zu verfallen".
20091012             "Wir sind nicht was Besseres, sondern wir sind was Anderes", sagte der SPRECHER—DES—SANITÄTSDIENSTES.
20091012             "Unsere Daten deuten darauf hin, dass schwerer Krankheitsverlauf und Todesfälle sich bei relativ gesunden Heranwachsenden und Erwachsenen zwischen 10—UND —60—JAHREN häufen", schreiben die Mediziner.
20091012             Diese Altersverteilung gleiche jener der SPANISCHEN—GRIPPE—VON—19180000             , die ebenfalls durch den Influenzatyp H1N1 verursacht wurde.
20091012             In der gleichen Zeitschrift kommen Untersuchungen aus MEXIKO, AUSTRALIEN und NEUSEELAND zu ähnlichen Ergebnissen.
20091012             DEUTSCHE—KOLLEGEN fordern derweil einen Impfstoff für Kinder und Jugendliche, der keine umstrittenen Hilfsstoffe ENTHÄLT—SO wie ihn die Bundeswehr gerade für ihre Soldaten bestellt hat.
20091012             H1N1-Infektion: Junge Patienten für Schweinegrippe besonders anfällig
20091012             Rüstung: NORDKOREA testet erneut Kurzstreckenraketen
20091012             Gefeuert wegen einer Frikadelle: CHEF—DES—BAUVERBANDS entschuldigt sich
20091012             Archaeopteryx: Außen Vogel, innen Dino
20091012             —KORRIGIERT, Konjunktur: DIW, Prognose nach oben
20091012             —ERST wenn Politiker und Publikum sich zu einer Sicht der Dinge vereinen, entsteht das, was JOSEPH—BEUYS das "Gesamtkunstwerk" nannte.
20091012             Der Aktionskünstler sagte oft: "Die Soziale Plastik ist 1—KOMMUNION".
20091012             Der 19860000             verstorbene Künstler ist der Erfinder des "erweiterten Kunstbegriffs", wonach nicht nur Maler und Bildhauer, sondern jedermann 1—KÜNSTLER sein kann, auch der Politiker.
20091012             Er muss 1—IDEE von der künftigen, der besseren Gesellschaft besitzen, und diese mit "Willenskraft" und "intellektueller Denkfähigkeit" vorantreiben.
20091012             Dadurch wirke der Politiker "plastizierend auf die Gesellschaft", weshalb Beuys auch von guter Politik als "Sozialer Plastik" sprach.
20091012             —GESEHEN, Obama ist so, der ideale Preisträger.
20091012             Das Gehirn sei auch bei Erwachsenen formbar und anpassungsfähig, erklärte JOHANSEN—BERG.
20091012             "Wir neigen zu der Annahme, dass das Gehirn unverändert bleibt oder sich sogar zurückbildet, wenn wir das Erwachsenenalter erreicht haben".
20091012             Mit dem Experiment sei klar, dass es "sein eigenes Verdrahtungssystem so verändern kann, dass es effizienter arbeitet".
20091012             Projekt SkyHook: Luftschiffe sollen Ölanlagen in die ARKTIS bringen
20091012             Armeebestände: SCHWARZMARKT—BOOM für Bundeswehrpistolen in AFGHANISTAN
20091012             Kampf gegen die Taliban: Clinton hält PAKISTANISCHE—ATOMWAFFEN für sicher
20091012             USA—GROßINVESTOR: Soros will eine Milliarde Dollar in Klimaschutz investieren
20091012—19980000    —IN, Vandenbroucke won the weeklong PARIS—NICE —SPRING race and THE—LIEGE—BASTOGNE—LIEGE classic —1—YEAR—LATER—BEFORE his career was marred by 1—DOPING scandal.
20091012—20030000    —SINCE, Game had lived in ITALY and had never been 1—SUSPECT.
20091012—20080800    —ARRESTED, Hamdan was, in THE—UAE and
20091012—20090600    —IN, charged with supporting terrorism, working with terrorist organizations and being 1—MEMBER—OF—1—TERRORIST—GROUP.
20091012—20091010    —ON, The world record had —JUST been set in OHIO by a 1,725-pound Atlantic giant pumpkin.
20091012—20091022    —ON, police arrested CHARLIE—FONILLOA—SEKONA, —20—JAHRE—ALT, man who had been put into 1—MENTAL—HEALTH—PROGRAM for assaulting 1—COSTCO worker, as 1—SUSPECT.
20091122—20091012    —REPORTED, THE—GUARDIAN newspaper, that it had been prevented by legal injunction from covering remarks made in PARLIAMENT.
20091225—20111012    —PLEADED, Abdulmutallab, guilty to all FEDERAL—COUNTS against him.
20100526             Mon 20091012             20100526             Mon 20091012
20100928—20101012    —RECOVERED, THE—BODY—OF—DAISUKE—HONDA, —32—JAHRE—ALT was.
20100928—20101012    —RECOVERED, THE—BODY—OF—DAISUKE Honda (32) was.
20101003—20101012    —ON, 2—MORE—SUSPECTS were charged.
20101009             If close video examination persuades engineers that the shaft is smooth, strong and uniform enough to let the capsule pass without significant obstacles, then rescuers plan to start pulling the men out 1—BY 1 as early as 20101012             .
20101012             —LIFTED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, THE—DEEP—WATER drilling ban in the Gulf of MEXICO.
20101012             Actual resumption was still weeks to months away.
20101012             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE ordered 1—IMMEDIATE halt to military discharges under the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
20101012             AFGHANISTAN, 1—COMMANDER and 3—OTHER—MILITANTS from the Haqqani network, 1—PAKISTAN—BASED faction of the Taliban with close ties to AL—QAIDA, were killed in 1—FIREFIGHT overnight with NATO and AFGHANISTAN—FORCES in EAST—KHOST province's Spera district.
20101012             AFGHANISTAN, 1—CARGO—PLANE, carrying NATO—SUPPLIES went down EAST—OF—KABUL shortly —AFTER taking off from Bagram Air Field.
20101012             —RECOVERED, The bodies of 5—OF 8—PEOPLE on BOARD were, the —NEXT—DAY.
20101012             —OWNED, The plane, by UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—BASED TransAfrik, was under contract by THE—USA—BASED company National Air Cargo.
20101012             —KILLED, ALGERIA, 5—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—REMOTE—CONTROL—BOMB exploded on 1—CONSTRUCTION—SITE in Tlidgen.
20101012             —RENEWED, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—JULIA—GILLARD, her backing for 1—CONTROVERSIAL—INTERNET—FILTER, saying it was driven by a "moral question".
20101012             —ACCUSED, EGYPT—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD, the government of cracking down AHEAD—OF—NOVEMBER—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTION.
20101012             —ARRESTED, Police had, at least 28—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIST—GROUP over the last —2—DAYS.
20101012             1—EGYPT—REGULATORY—BODY set new rules for companies sending text messages to multiple MOBILE phones, 1—STEP that activists say will stifle efforts to mobilize voters —BEFORE the elections, which are to be held in THE—LAST—WEEK—OF—NOVEMBER.
20101012             ETHIOPIA, senior leaders of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), 1—BREAKAWAY rebel faction, gathered in ADDIS—ABABA to sign 1—PEACE—DEAL with the government.
20101012             —CLAIMED, The government, the breakaway group represents —AROUND 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—ONLF.
20101012             FRANCE, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS, students and functionaries staged protests, the 4. —THIS—MONTH, aimed to reverse 1—NEW—LAW requiring people to work —UNTIL 62—RATHER than 60—BEFORE receiving their retirement pensions.
20101012             1—GREECE—TANKER, the Mindoro, collided with 1—CONTAINER ship, THE—CYPRIOT—FLAGGED Jork Ranger, 20—MILES (30—KM) off THE—HOLLAND—COAST and briefly leaked jet fuel into THE—NORTH—SEA.
20101012             INDIA, a 2. doping case in —2—DAYS, and again involving 1—NIGERIA—RUNNER, was reported.
20101012             —INVOLVED, Both cases, Methylhexaneamine.
20101012             It was also found in about 12—INDIA—ATHLETES in recent months.
20101012             IRAN, 18—MEMBERS—OF—THE—POWERFUL—REVOLUTIONARY Guard were killed in 1—EXPLOSION that struck the force's base in THE—CITY—OF—KHORAMABAD.
20101012             —CAUSED, The blast was, by 1—FIRE that had reached the ammunition storage area.
20101012             14—OTHER—TROOPS were wounded.
20101012             —THREATENED, IRAQ, AL—QAIDA—UMBRELLA—GROUP, to kidnap family MEMBERS—OF—IRAQ—POLITICIANS and ministers unless the wife and children of its slain leader, ABU—AYYUB—AL—MASRI, are released from prison.
20101012             JAPAN, residents of Taiji village, notorious for the dolphin hunt documented in the film "THE—COVE," slaughtered 1—POD—OF dolphins but spared the youngest animals.
20101012             —CAPTURED, MEXICO—SOLDIERS, Seiki Ogata, 1—ALLEGED—TABASCO STATE—ZETAS gang leader, along with 5—OTHER—GANG—MEMBERS.
20101012             —SUSPECTED—OF, Ogata was, organizing the massacre of 1—DEAD—MARINE—MELQUISEDET ANGULO—FAMILY last Dec., —JUST days —AFTER Angulo had been killed —DURING 1—RAID in CUERNAVACA, that left drug kingpin ARTURO—BELTRAN—LEYVA dead.
20101012             —BEHEADED, Authorities in Sinaloa state said they found 3, bodies along 1—HIGHWAY that leads to THE—TOWN—OF—IMALA.
20101012             —ACCOMPANIED, The bodies were, with 1—MESSAGE that accused them of being kidnappers.
20101012             The decapitated HEAD—OF—POLICE—COMMANDER—ROLANDO—FLORES was found in 1—SUITCASE outside 1—MEXICAN—ARMY—BASE.
20101012             He had been investigating the reported shooting of 1—USA—TOURIST on Falcon Lake.
20101012             —ROBBED, Pirates have, boaters and fisherman on THE—MEXICO—SIDE.
20101012             —DECAPITATED, Motorists found 1, body underneath 1—BRIDGE on 1—ROAD leading to the beachside neighborhood of Playas de TIJUANA.
20101012             —EARLIER in the —DAY police found 1—HUMAN—HEAD inside 1—BAG in another TIJUANA neighborhood, but it did not belong to the body found underneath the bridge.
20101012             Hurricane Paula, the ninth hurricane of the busy 20100000             Atlantic season, churned toward THE—EAST—COAST—OF—MEXICO'S—YUCATAN peninsula.
20101012             MOZAMBIQUE, 17—PRISONERS cut the bars at NAMPULA Industrial Penitentiary —BEFORE escaping.
20101012             —TRANSFERRED, They were among 99—INMATES—RECENTLY, to NAMPULA from neighboring provinces.
20101012             1—FUGITIVE was soon RE—CAPTURED.
20101012             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, militants killed 3—ANTI—TALIBAN tribal elders in the Bazai AREA—OF—THE—MOHMAND tribal region, the latest in 1—STRING—OF—ATTACKS against tribesmen who dare stand up to the Islamist insurgents.
20101012             —GRANTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—BENIGNO—AQUINO—III, amnesty to officers and soldiers accused of plotting to overthrow his predecessor.
20101012             —CRAMMED, CENTRAL—POLAND, 1—VAN, with farm workers crashed HEAD—ON into 1—TRUCK—AFTER apparently trying to overtake another vehicle in dense fog, killing all 18—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20101012             —CRASHED, EAST—UKRAINE, 1—TRAIN, into 1 crowded bus, killing 43—PEOPLE on the bus, including 2—CHILDREN, and injuring nearly 12—OTHERS.
20101012             —ORDERED, PRIME—MINISTER—MYKOLA—AZAROV, his government to pay the family of each of the dead victims 100,000 hryvna ($12,600).
20101012             —INSTRUCTED, He also, transport officials to install automated crossing gates at all the nation's railway crossings to prevent cars, buses and trucks from ignoring the siren.
20101012             At THE—UNITED—NATIONS COLOMBIA, GERMANY, INDIA, PORTUGAL and SOUTH—AFRICA were elected to join the big guns on THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—FOR—2—YEARS, —STARTING in January.
20101012             —CREATED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA formally, a new VATICAN office to revive Christianity in EUROPE, his latest attempt to counter secular trends in traditionally Christian countries.
20101012             —WARNED, YEMEN, AL—QAIDA—OFFSHOOT, it is setting up a "new army" to overthrow the country's PRESIDENT in response to his USA—BACKED counterterrorism campaign and said it would fill its ranks with snipers and bomb makers.
20101012—20030700    —IN, Only 1—HANDFUL—OF—THE—ORIGINAL—300—TROOPS who took up arms against THEN—PRESIDENT—GLORIA—MACAPAGAL—ARROYO remained in military custody on charges of mutiny and coup attempt.
20101012—20100909    —RULED, DISTRICT—JUDGE—VIRGINIA—PHILLIPS—OF—RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA, had, 19930000             —THE law unconstitutional.
20101015             —ERUPTED, The fight had, the night of 20101012             at 1—GAME in CENTRAL—HENAN province.
20110101—20111012    —ANNOUNCED, ALGERIA, that pirates have released 2—OF—THE—SHIP—27—CREWMEN on humanitarian grounds.
201102041012         —FROM THE—BBC—RICHARD—COLEBOURN on the outskirts of CAIRO:
20111004—20111012    —ON, THE—NEW—ZEALAND woman † of her injuries.
20111009—20111012    —CHARRED, Human remains were found in 1, pit on THE—ISLAND.
20111012             1—TRUTH—COMMISSION found the G-20110502             have participated in as many as 71—OPERATIONS against civilians.
20111012             —ARRIVED, USA—TROOPS, in UGANDA.
20111012             —APPROVED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, free trade agreements with SOUTH—KOREA, COLOMBIA and PANAMA, ending a —4—YEAR—DROUGHT in THE—FORMING—OF—NEW—TRADE—PARTNERSHIPS and giving THE—WHITE—HOUSE and Capitol Hill the opportunity to show they can work together to stimulate the economy and put people back to work.
20111012             ARKANSAS, PATRICIA—GUARDADO, —22—JAHRE—ALT, 1—COLLEGE sophomore, was reported missing.
20111012             SEAL, BEACH—CALIFORNIA, 1—GUNMAN burst through the door of 1—HAIR salon and began shooting.
20111012             —STEPPED, The shooter then, outside, shot 1—MAN sitting in 1—TRUCK in the parking lot and sped off.
20111012             8—PEOPLE, including his wife, were killed and another 1—LEFT in critical condition.
20111012             —ARRESTED, Police, SCOTT—DEKRAAI, —42—JAHRE—ALT about 1—HALF—MILE from the Salon Meritage.
20111012             —WORKED, He was THE—EX oo STYLIST—MICHELLE—FOURNIER, who, there.
20111012             —FILED, THE—CITY—COUNCIL in HARRISBURG, PENNSILVANIA, for bankruptcy, despite opposition by the Mayor Linda Thompson and STATE—GOVERNOR—TOM—CORBETT.
20111012             —FACED, HARRISBURG, $300—MILLION in debt connected to 1—CITY—OWNED rubbish incinerator.
20111012             1—TEXAS appeals court formally exonerated MICHAEL—MORTON, who spent nearly —25—YEARS in prison for his wife's 19860000             fatal beating, reaffirming 1—JUDGE—DECISION to set him free —LAST—WEEK—AFTER DNA tests linked the killing to another man.
20111012             DENNIS—RITCHIE (19410000             *), USA—COMPUTER—SCIENTIST, was found dead at his home in NEW—JERSEY.
20111012             —INVENTED, In the late 1960s Ritchie, the C programming language.
20111012             Ritchie and KEN—THOMPSON then used C to develop the Unix operating system.
20111012             CHILE, intense fog led to a 51-vehicle pileup along the highway linking the capital to the port CITY—OF—VALPARAISO, killing 5—PEOPLE and injuring more than 20.
20111012             CHINA said it is to invest up to 4—TRILLION yuan ($600—BILLION) over the —NEXT—DECADE to overcome 1—HUGE—WATER—SHORTAGE that threatens the country's economic growth.
20111012             THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—REP.
20111012             —GATHERED, HUNDREDS—OF—TEACHERS, farmers and union members, outside the Congress to demand the government spend more on public education.
20111012             1—GAMBIA—COURT sentenced 8—FOREIGNERS to —50—YEARS in prison for trafficking cocaine worth 1—BILLION dollars.
20111012             —INCLUDED, They, 4—VENEZUELANS, 2—DUTCHMEN, 1—MEXICAN and 1—NIGERIAN.
20111012             —ACCUSED, Another, Venezuelan † —BEFORE the judgment.
20111012             —TARGETED, GERMANY, BERLIN—RAILWAY—NETWORK was, by 3—MORE arson attacks, raising —THIS—WEEK—TOTAL to 7.
20111012             —CALLED, The government, them terrorist acts.
20111012             1—INDIAN—FRANCE—SATELLITE that will study monsoon patterns and global warming was launched from 1—SPACE—CENTER in SOUTH—INDIA.
20111012             3—OTHER—SMALLER—SATELLITES were also released from the rocket.
20111012             —SIGNED, INDIA and VIETNAM, 1—ACCORD to promote oil exploration in VIETNAM—WATERS that could escalate LONG—STANDING tensions with CHINA as it presses territorial claims to MUCH—OF—THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA.
20111012             —PASSED, INDONESIA lawmakers, 1—NEW—SECURITY—BILL, the Law on STATE—INTELLIGENCE".
20111012             IRAN—LAWMAKER—ALI—MOTAHARI said he is resigning to protest THE—PARLIAMENT—FAILURE to summon PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD for questioning over 1—LONG—LIST—OF—ACCUSATIONS, including corruption.
20111012             —TARGETED, IRAQ, 1—SLEW—OF—BOMBINGS, IRAQ—POLICE in BAGHDAD, including blasts by 2—SUICIDE—BOMBERS who tried to ram their vehicles through police station gates.
20111012             25—PEOPLE † and over 70 were wounded in the carnage.
20111012             —CAPTURED, LIBYA—NEW—REGIME—FIGHTERS, Khaled Tantoosh, the Kadhafi regime's top cleric, as he attempted to flee Sirte with his beard shaved off to disguise his appearance.
20111012             —CAPTURED, MEXICO—TROOPS, CARLOS—OLIVA—CASTILLO, —37—JAHRE—ALT, alias "THE—FROG," as PART—OF—1—OPERATION that freed 36—KIDNAP victims and led to the seizure of more than 800—CARS as well as 27.5—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA and HUNDREDS—OF—WEAPONS in SALTILLO, Coahuila state.
20111012             —ORDERED, He had allegedly, 1—ARSON attack at 1—CASINO in NORTH—MEXICO that killed 52—PEOPLE.
20111012             14—PEOPLE, including 3—STATE—POLICE—INVESTIGATORS and 1—LOCAL—POLICE—OFFICER, were reported killed in 8—SEPARATE—INCIDENTS in CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20111012             —KILLED, In CHIHUAHUA gunmen, 6—PEOPLE in 1—HOUSE where drug users gathered to take heroin in the state capital.
20111012             —SLAMMED, Hurricane Jova, into MEXICO—PACIFIC—COAST killing 6—PEOPLE.
20111012             —CONTINUED, Farther south, 1—LOW—PRESSURE—SYSTEM, to dump rain on SOUTH—MEXICO and CENTRAL—AMERICA, where it was blamed for the deaths of 15—PEOPLE in GUATEMALA.
20111012             —RELEASED, MYANMAR, at least 184—POLITICAL—PRISONERS, including Zarganar, 1—OF—ITS most famous comedians, in 1—TENTATIVE SIGN—OF—CHANGE in THE—AUTHORITY—STATE—AFTER DECADES—OF—REPRESSION.
20111012             —RAIDED, Police in NIGERIA, THE—ABUJA—OFFICE—OF—THE—NATION newspaper.
20111012             —1—DAY—EARLIER—DETECTIVES arrested 5—JOURNALISTS over the publication of 1 purported letter from the nation's FORMER—PRESIDENT instructing its current leader to fire government officials.
20111012             The letter hit 1—NERVE in NIGERIA—POLITICS, as it recommended replacing leaders from the Muslim north as opposed to the country's Christian south.
20111012             4—OF—THE—5—JOURNALISTS were released this —EVENING.
20111012             —ATTACKED, NIGERIA, MEMBERS—OF—THE—BOKO—HARAM radical Muslim sect, 1—BANK in the northeast, killing 1—POLICE—OFFICER and stealing 1 undisclosed SUM—OF—MONEY in Damboa, Borno state.
20111012             1—IRISH—REPUBLICAN—ARMY splinter group using 1 recognized code word claimed responsibility.
20111012             —OPENED, OMAN—SULTAN—QABOOS, himself 1—MUSIC enthusiast, officially, the Royal Opera HOUSE—OF—OMAN, the 1. of its kind in the Arabian Peninsula.
20111012             —ANNOUNCED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—BENIGNO—AQUINO, a $1.66—BILLION program to help his country cope with the deepening global economic turmoil.
20111012             —RECEIVED, Serbia, EUROPEAN—UNION—NOTICE for recommendation to become 1—OFFICIAL—EU candidate.
20111012             1—DATE to begin formal accession talks depended on the country and neighboring KOSOVO to improve relations.
20111012             —RALLIED, SYRIA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in CENTRAL—DAMASCUS in 1—SHOW—OF—SUPPORT for THE—REGIME—OF—SYRIAN—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD which has been shaken by mass protests for nearly —7—MONTHS.
20111012             TAIWAN said that it was seeking nearly $100—MILLION in compensation from FRANCE, in the latest twist to 1—LONG—RUNNING kickback scandal over 19910000             —THE—SALE—OF—WARSHIPS to THE—ISLAND.
20111012             1—TURKEY—COURT began questioning 1—MAN and 3 alleged accomplices suspected of attempting to kill Shamsuddin Batukayev (55), 1—FORMER—CHECHEN separatist leader, in ISTANBUL —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK.
20111012             —REJECTED, UGANDA—PRESIDENT—YOWERI—MUSEVENI, corruption claims —AFTER lawmakers put 1—FREEZE on new oil contracts over claims that government ministers accepted bribes for tenders.
20111012             —URGED, THE—YEMEN—GOVERNMENT, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL to avoid 1—RESOLUTION targeting embattled PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH, calling on it instead to back 1—POLITICAL—SOLUTION for the country's crisis.
20111012—19820000    —IN, He headed the feared G—2—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—FORCE and 19830000             .
20111012—20111014    —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, he is dispatching about 100—USA—TROOPS, mostly special operations forces, to CENTRAL—AFRICA to advise in the fight against THE—LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY, 1—GUERRILLA—GROUP accused of widespread atrocities across several countries.
20111012—20111016    —ON, She was found dead in 1—POND SOUTH—OF—LITTLE—ROCK.
20111012—20111209    —ON, The recommendation must formally be approved by THE—EU—COUNCIL—OF—MINISTERS.
20111012—20140428    —AGREED, Dekraai, to plead guilty.
20111012—20170000    —SENTENCED, Dekraai was, to 8—CONSECUTIVE life terms in prison.
20121012             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, that it will allow MEMBERS—OF—FEDERALLY recognized INDIA—TRIBES to possess eagle feathers.
20121012             MOST—OF—THE—LAND is in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA.
20121012             Alejandrina Gisselle Guzman Salazar (31), THE—DAUGHTER—OF—1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST—SOUGHT—AFTER drug lords, was arrested at S—DIEGO'S—SAN—YSIDRO PORT—OF—ENTRY and charged with fraud and misuse of visas, permits and other documents.
20121012             Her father is Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, LEADER—OF—MEXICO'S—SINALOA cartel.
20121012             UC BERKELEY law students JUSTIN—TEIXEIRA and ERIC—CUELLAR were seen laughing and throwing —AROUND THE—BODY—OF—1—DEAD helmeted GUINEA fowl at the Flamingo casino in LAS—VEGAS.
20121012             A 3. defendant Hazhir Kargaran (26) pleaded no contest to 3—MISDEMEANORS and was sentenced to —2—DAYS in jail and —48—HOURS—OF—COMMUNITY—SERVICE.
20121012             —PLEADED, Teixeira, guilty to 1—FELONY animal killing was sentenced to —6—MONTHS in boot camp and then probation.
20121012             —SENTENCED, TEXAS, ELIZABETH Escalona of DALLAS was, to —99—YEARS in prison —AFTER she pleaded guilty beating her daughter (2) and gluing the girl's hands to 1—WALL as she struggled with potty training.
20121012             Shares of Workday, 1—HUMAN—RESOURCES—SOFTWARE—COMPANY in PLEASANTON—CALIFORNIA, rose $20.69 to close at $48.69 in its 1. —DAY—OF—TRADING on THE—NYSE.
20121012             —NULLIFIED, BOTSWANA, 1—JUDGE, 1—CUSTOMARY—LAW that denied women the right to inherit 1—FAMILY—HOME, 1—DECISION seen as 1—CRUCIAL—STEP—FORWARD for women's rights in THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20121012             —AGREED, UNITED—KINGDOM—LAWYERS said RUSSIA—BUSINESSMAN—BORIS—BEREZOVSKY has, to pay 35—MILLION—POUNDS towards the legal fees of Chelsea Football Club owner ROMAN—ABRAMOVICH —AFTER failing in a $6—BILLION (3.7—BILLION pounds) LONDON court battle with his former protégé.
20121012             —FIRED, BAHRAIN, riot police, tear gas and stun grenades in clashes with HUNDREDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS in THE—CAPITAL—MANAMA.
20121012             —REPORTED, It was, that BRITAIN planned to shoot badgers for 6—CONSECUTIVE weeks in each of the next —4—YEARS in parts of Gloucestershire and the neighboring county of Somerset.
20121012             The aim was to reduce the badger population by 70—PERCENT.
20121012             At issue was how to stem THE—SPREAD—OF—BOVINE tuberculosis, which MANY—FARMERS blamed on roaming badgers.
20121012             —CALLED, EGYPT, Liberal and leftist groups had, 1—PROTEST to demand more action from PRESIDENT—MORSI —AFTER his 1. —100—DAYS in office.
20121012             1—MELEE erupted —AFTER MORSI—SUPPORTERS stormed the activists' stage at CAIRO—TAHRIR—SQUARE, angered by chants from the opposition they perceived as insults to THE—PRESIDENT.
20121012             —NAMED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION was, as winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for fostering peace on 1—CONTINENT ravaged by war.
20121012             —SIDED, ITALY—TOP—COURT, with doctors who blamed 1—NON—CANCEROUS—BRAIN tumor in businessman Innocenzo Marcolini on ELECTRO—MAGNETIC—RADIATION from his cell phone.
20121012             LEBANON—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY said 3—MEMBERS—OF—1—AL—QAIDA—INSPIRED group have escaped from 1—PRISON in EAST—BEIRUT.
20121012             1—TOP—OFFICIAL in NIGER said the country's recent floods have killed 91—PEOPLE and caused significant damage.
20121012             The government of PUERTO—RICO formally withdrew plans to build 1—NATURAL—GAS—PIPELINE—AFTER investing more than $50—MILLION in 1—PROJECT that provoked strong opposition from islanders and environmentalists.
20121012             SCOTLAND, heavy rain and flooding hit large SWATHES—OF—THE—COUNTRY, bursting riverbanks, turning roads into torrents and stranding people in their homes.
20121012             —ENDED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—STRIKE by some 20,000 truckers, in a —3—YEAR—WAGE—DEAL that gives them a 10—PERCENT pay raise in the 1. —YEAR.
20121012             —BELIEVED, SYRIA, Jabhat AL—NUSRA, 1—SHADOWY jihadi group, to be linked to AL—QAIDA, fought alongside rebels who seized overnight the air defense base near the village of AL—TAANEH.
20121012             —APPROVED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL unanimously, 1—PLAN to back 1—AFRICA LED military force to help THE—MALI—ARMY oust Islamic militants who have seized THE—NORTH—HALF—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20121012             OSLO, wird der Europäischen Union der Friedensnobelpreis zuerkannt.
20121012—20040000    —CREATED, Duffield had, PeopleSoft, which was swallowed by Oracle.
20121012—20050000    —FOUNDED, The company was, by DAVE—DUFFIELD and Aneel Bhusri.
20121012—20121010    —CALLED, MORSI—SUPPORTERS, for 1—SEPARATE—RALLY to demand judicial INDEPENDENCE —FOLLOWING the acquittals of Mubarak loyalists.
20121012—20121207    —ARRESTED, LONDON police, MAKSIM—BAKIYEV, —34—JAHRE—ALT, the fugitive SON—OF—KYRGYZSTAN'S deposed PRESIDENT, on 1—USA—EXTRADITION—WARRANT on SUSPICION—OF—FRAUD. released on bail —UNTIL his next court hearing.
20121012—20121228    —ON, prosecutors filed animal cruelty charges against both men.
20121012—20130000    —PLEADED, Cuellar, guilty and was fined $200 and sentenced to —48—HOURS—OF—COMMUNITY—SERVICE.
20121012—20140513    —SENTENCED, Teixeira was, to —4—YEARS' probation and monthly work at 1—ANIMAL—SHELTER.
20121108             alfatomega.com/20061012.html
20121108             alfatomega.com/20061012.HTML—ALFATOMEGA.com/20051023.html
20131012             DIE—BOULEVARDZEITUNG "Sun"titelte: "Ermittelt gegen den 'GUARDIAN' wegen der UNTERSTÜTZUNG—VON—TERRORISTEN".
20131012             "DIE—NEUEN Informationstechnologien, die von den Leuten genutzt werden, erlauben uns, von solchen Irregularitäten zu erfahren und die angemessenen MAßNAHMEn zu ergreifen", hieß es in 1—PRESSE—MITTEILUNG des MINISTERIUM vom —FREITAG.
20131012             "INTERNET—VERKEHR kennt keine Grenzen, DATEN können um DIE—GANZE—WELT geleitet werden", sagte TELEKOM—DATENSCHUTZVORSTAND THOMAS—KREMER der "RHEINISCHE—POST".
20131012             "In ökonomischer Hinsicht fehlte 1—VERGLEICHBARES konsequentes Mobilmachungskonzept nahezu völlig", schreibt der Jurist Momme Rohlack in seiner Abhandlung über DIE—KRIEGSWIRTSCHAFT des 1. WELT—KRIEGS.
20131012             ITALY, divers found 1—ADDITIONAL 20—BODIES off THE—ISLAND—OF—LAMPEDUSA, bringing the still provisional death toll from an 20131003             shipwreck to 359.
20131012             "8—BIS 10.000.000—SOLDATEN werden sich untereinander abwürgen und ganz EUROPA kahl fressen wie noch nie 1—HEUSCHRECKENSCHWARM.
20131012             ..und nur wenige haben selbst —HEUTE den Schritt von Piraterie zu Rechtsstalichkeit geschafft.
20131012             150—TONNEN CHLOR—GAS, das auf 1—BREITE—VON—6—KMAUS knapp 6000—STAHLFLASCHEN entwich und durch den Wind zu den gegnerischen Stellungen getrieben wurde, tötete Hunderte, vielleicht sogar einige 1.000—SOLDATEN, zwischen 7000—UND 15.000—ERLITTEN Vergiftungen.
20131012             2—STATES—PLAN 2-Tier SYSTEM for Balloting
20131012             1—MOSCOW soiree for USA whistleblowers - Aber der Kracher ist das 2. Detail.
20131012             Aber —ERST die Rede des MI5—CHEFS heizte den —KONFLIKT diese —WOCHE richtig an.
20131012             Als —DER—KRIEG—BEGANN, verfügte das DEUTSCHE—HEER gerade mal über 2400—MASCHINENGEWEHRE, Waffen der Defensive;
20131012             Auf dem HÖHE—PUNKT der MARNESCHLACHT—IM—;;09;;
20131012             BE—WAFFNUNG, Taktik und Strategie hängen vor allem ab von der jedesmaligen Produktionsstufe".
20131012             BITTE WAS!?!?
20131012             Barred by THE—SUPREME—COURT from requ...
20131012             Beziehungen zum Westen: IRANer streiten über "Tod DEN—USA"
20131012             CHINA hat DIE—USA überholt und ist —NUN größter Importeur von ERD—ÖL aus dem NAHER—OSTEN.
20131012             CHINA und DER—NAHE—OSTEN: Die widerstrebende Weltmacht
20131012             CHINAs Interesse an 1—FRIEDLICHEN NAHER—OSTEN dagegen ist enorm.
20131012             CHINA—WIRTSCHAFT wuchs im ganzen —JAHR 20120000             nur noch um 7,7 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr, so langsam wie
20131012             CIA Disputes —EARLY, Suspicions on SNOWDEN
20131012             DAS—REICH, eher 1—EXPORTLAND, war stark abhängig von ausländischen ROH—STOFFEN wie etwa Salpeter, der für die PRODUKTION—VON—SCHIESSPULVER oder Sprengstoff benötigt wurde.
20131012             DER—GUARDIAN.
20131012             DIE—BRITISCHE—PRESSELANDSCHAFT folgt 1—AUSGEPRÄGTEN RECHTS—LINKS—SCHEMA, das auf beiden Seiten mit Hingabe gepflegt wird.
20131012             DIE—ENTWICKLUNG hier ist erschreckend.
20131012             DIE—HAAGER LAND—KRIEGSORDNUNG—VON—18990000             , die DEUTSCHLAND unterzeichnet hatte.
20131012             DIE—KONSERVATIVE Presse ist auf 1—FELD—ZUG—GEGEN—DIE—VERMEINTLICHEN Vaterlandsverräter aus NORD—LONDON.
20131012             DIE—KONSERVATIVEN Verleger schäumen vor WUT—ÜBER—DIE Kontrollinstanz, die künftig Millionenstrafen für die in den Revolverblättern übliche LÜGENBERICHT—ERSTATTUNG verhängen darf.
20131012             DIE—PROPHEZEIUNGEN 1—ALTEN, politisch erfahrenen Gesellschaftstheoretikers und KOMMUNISTEN galten ihnen nämlich nichts,
20131012             DIE—VERWÜSTUNGEN des 30—J—KRIEG zusammengedrängt in 3—BIS—4—JAHRE und über den ganzen Kontinent verbreitet".
20131012             DIE—ZEIT, in der AMERIKA PEKINGs Nachschublinien sichert, geht nämlich bald zu Ende,
20131012             Da gäbe es noch technische und gesetzliche Hürden.
20131012             Das BRITISCHE—EMPIRE gründet auf Piraterie (Drake und Konsorten)......
20131012             E—MAIL—SICHERHEIT: Telekom will E—MAIL A—USA—UND—GROSS—BRITANNIEN vorbeileiten
20131012             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS nannte Zahlen, sie verblüffen angesichts der —SPÄTEREN Realität:
20131012             Für MENSCHEN—RECHTS—ORGANISATIONEN sind die Fälle Indizien für Alltagsrassismus.
20131012             Genüsslich präsentierten regierungstreue Blätter wie "Times"und "Daily Telegraph"DIE—OFFIZIELLE—KRITIK—AM—"GUARDIAN".
20131012             Gerade bei den RÜSTUNGS—FIRMEN klingelte es in den Kassen.
20131012             Ihre Befürchtungen gingen jedoch unter.
20131012             Ins Werk gesetzt wurde dabei auch die schrecklichste Waffe der ZEIT—GIFT—GAS.
20131012             Irma Lopez bekam ihr 3. Baby auf dem Rasen vor dem Krankenhaus, in dem man sie nicht behandeln wollte.
20131012             Jene ökonomischen VOR—BEDINGUNGEN gab es 19140000             nicht, wirklich mobilgemacht hatten nur DIE—STREIT—KRÄFTE.
20131012             MILLIARDENförderung: EUROPA will ENERGIE—WENDE anschieben
20131012             Mit 1—ARMADA von fast 400—PANZERN, die sie wohl auch in Tarnabsicht "Tanks"nannten, Großbehälter also, griffen DIE—BRITEN 1. —IM, bei CAMBRAI an, hinter 1—FEUERWALZE aus Spreng—, Nebelgranaten.
20131012             Mit Verlaub... - Na dann.
20131012             Niederkunft auf dem Rasen: Krankenhäuser verweigern Hilfe bei Geburt
20131012             Niemals zuvor seien "in gleich kurzer Zeit neue Erfindungen und neue Verfahren in ähnlicher Fülle ausgedacht, ausprobiert und ins Werk gesetzt"worden, prahlte Rüstungsorganisator KARL—HELFFERICH, im KRIEG DER—CHEF—DES—REICHSSCHATZAMTES.
20131012             OBAMA und DIE—REPUBLIKANER: Annäherung im MILLIARDEN—POKER
20131012             Rüstungstechnik im 1. WELT—KRIEG: Körper im Eisenstrudel
20131012             STEIGENDE—KURSE: Anleger setzen auf Einigung im USA—HAUSHALTS—STREIT
20131012             —60—TAGE! WTF?
20131012             Sieg im Westen, Sieg IM—OSTEN, Sieg auf der ganzen Linie.
20131012             Statistisch —STERBEN 16,3 von 1.000—NEUGEBORENEN in MEXIKO—IN DEUTSCHLAND liegt diese Rate bei 3,4 von 1.000—NEUGEBORENEN.
20131012             Statt sich über die ausufernde ÜBERWACHUNG DER—BÜRGER zu empören, zogen es DIE—KONSERVATIVEN Blätter vor, den —SKANDAL demonstrativ zu ignorieren.
20131012             Summa summarum sei 1—SACH—BE—ARBEITER mindestens 60—ARBEITS—TAGE mit der Aufbereitung der PAU—AKTE beschäftigt, schätzt der BFV—ANWALT.
20131012             THE—CIA said that it did not suspe... - They might be social pariahs in..
20131012             Und er sagte auch, nichts sei "abhängiger von ökonomischen VOR—BEDINGUNGEN als gerade Armee und Flotte.
20131012             Wie es nach 1—CHEMIE—ANGRIFF an der ITALIENISCHEN—ISONZOFRONT
20131012             —BEFÜRCHTET, Zudem, DAS—BUNDES—AMT bei 1—ERFOLG der Auskunftsklage —1—ANTRAGSFLUT.
20131012             —VERKÜNDET, Zumal 1 "Blitzsieg"(Historiker FRITZ—FISCHER), worden war, vielleicht —SCHON—IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—MONATEN.
20131012             Zwar hatten EINIGE—STRATEGEN, vor allem aus der Marine, recht früh 1—SOLCHE FORM—DES—WIRTSCHAFTS—KRIEGS durchaus kommen sehen.
20131012             [l] Kurzes Update von Airstrip 1: "Gay and lesbian asylum seekers asked to 'prove' their sexuality".
20131012             [l] Update zu der PETRA—PAU—NUMMER: DIE—STUTTGARTER—ZEITUNG hat 2—SPANNENDE Details.
20131012             es war 1—BEISPIELLOSE Aktion.
20131012             offiziell: CHINA hat DIE—USA abgelöst und importiert mehr Öl aus den OPEC—STAATEN als JEDES—ANDERE—LAND—DER—WELT.
20131012             prangert SNOWDEN DIE—ÜBERWACHUNG—DURCH—DEN STAAT unter anderem als "riesiges Netz"an.
20131012             sie konnten oder wollten sich nicht vorstellen, was FRIEDRICH—ENGELS—JAHR—ZEHNT e zuvor richtig erkannt hatte
20131012             und DIE—ZAHL—DER—MINENWERFER stieg von 160—AUF 16.000.
20131012             Über alles musste neu nachgedacht werden.
20131012             Überraschendes Minus: CHINAs Exporte brechen 1
20131012             —AM, Ende waren es 100.000.
20131012             —AM—MORGEN—DES, ;;1016;; BEGANN mit 1—RUSSISCHEN—KANONADE 1—VIERTÄGIGES Schlachtfest, an dem fast 600.000—MANN beteiligt waren und DAS—CA—120.000—SOLDATEN nicht überlebten.
20131012             —BIS, auf die Titelseiten MEXIKANISCHER—ZEITUNGEN brachte es Irma Lopez, 29, und zwar —IM—MOMENT der Geburt ihres SOHNES—FOTOGRAFIERT—VON—1—PASSANTEN, der zufällig vorbeikam.
20131012             —NACHSCHUBLINIEN
20131012             —SCHON, der 1. GIFT—GAS—EINSATZ—DER—DEUTSCHEN—ARMEE an der Westfront,
20131012             —SEIT, das linke Blatt im;;06;;mit der Enthüllung der NSA—DOKUMENTE BEGANN, wird auf der Insel wieder KALTER—KRIEG gespielt.
20131012             —SEIT—TAGEN—SCHON stand DEUTSCHLAND im KRIEG, da endlich BEGANN die politische Führung des KAISER—REICHS zu begreifen, daß diese Schlacht nicht nur 1—KRIEG—DER—MILITÄRS sein könnte, sondern auch 1—DER Wirtschaftskapitäne und der Wissenschaftler.
20131012             —STREIT—UM—FORSCHUNGSSCHIFF: VENEZUELA stoppt Ölsucher aus DEN—USA
20131012             —VOR, allem aber setzt der Wechsel an der Spitze der ÖL—IMPORTEURE—ALLMÄHLICH 1—GRUNDSATZ der WELT—POLITIK außer Kraft, der fast —WÄHREND—60—JAHRE, galt: DER—WESTEN brauchte Öl aus dem NAHER—OSTEN, also sorgte die Supermacht des Westens dafür, daß das Öl sicher fließt.
20131012             —DASS für DEUTSCHLAND in der ZUKUNFT "kein anderer KRIEG mehr möglich"sei "als 1—WELT—KRIEG, und zwar 1—WELT—KRIEG—VON—1—NIE geahnten Ausdehnung und Heftigkeit".
20131012             OKLAHOMA, 5—PEOPLE were shot at 1—HMONG—NEW—YEAR—FESTIVAL in TULSA.
20131012             Meng Lee (19) and Boonmlee (21) fled the scene, but were arrested the —NEXT—DAY.
20131012             —GATHERED, AZERBAIJAN, thousands, in BAKU to protest THE—RE—ELECTION—OF—PRESIDENT—ILHAM—ALIYEV in 1—VOTE widely criticized by INTERNATIONAL election monitors.
20131012             BELGIUM, SOMALIA—PIRATE MOHAMED—ABDI—HASSAN, better known as "Afweyne" or "Big Mouth", was detained at BRUSSELS airport —WHEN he stepped off 1—FLIGHT from NAIROBI.
20131012             —LURED, He was, to BRUSSELS on PROMISES—OF—SHOOTING 1—DOCUMENTARY movie about his life on the high seas.
20131012             —COLLAPSED, COLOMBIA, a 22-story apartment building, in MEDELLIN.
20131012             11—PEOPLE were reported missing.
20131012             —EVACUATED, The building was, —AFTER cracks appeared —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20131012             —AGREED, ETHIOPIA, foreign ministers of the 54-member AFRICA—UNION, that sitting HEADS—OF—STATE should not be tried by THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT—WHERE—KENYA—LEADERS are in the dock.
20131012             —CALLED, They also, for deferring THE—CASES—OF—KENYA—PRESIDENT—UHURU—KENYATTA and his deputy, WILLIAM—RUTO.
20131012             —CLASHED, HONDURAS police, with local residents —DURING THE—ARREST—OF—CARLOS—PERALTA, —22—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MAN believed responsible for decapitating a —7—YEAR—OLD—BOY in the rural TOWN—OF—S—FRANCISCO—DE—LA—PAZ.
20131012             The boy's body was found —1—DAY—EARLIER in the town in the Olancho region.
20131012             —DETAINED, INDIA, 1 armed ship operated by 1—USA maritime security company and THE—35—PEOPLE on BOARD for failing to produce papers authorizing it to carry weapons and ammunition in INDIA—WATERS.
20131012             THE—SIERRA—LEONE—FLAGGED ship Seaman Guard OHIO belongs to VIRGINIA—BASED AdvanFort, 1—MARITIME security firm that specializes in ANTI—PIRACY—OPERATIONS.
20131012             —HAMMERED, INDIA, the massive Cyclone Phailin, the eastern coastline of Orissa state with heavy rains and destructive winds, as HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE living in the region moved inland and took shelter.
20131012             The storm left at least 17—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20131012             —PACKED, IRAQ, 1—PICKUP truck, with explosives blew up at 1—IRAQ—VEGETABLE—MARKET, killing 17 and wounding dozens.
20131012             —PROTESTED, NIGER, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, against FRANCE—NUCLEAR—FIRM—AREVA, which has been mining uranium in the impoverished country for nearly —50—YEARS.
20131012             —POUNDED, Typhoon Nari, THE—NORTH—PHILIPPINES, killing 13—PEOPLE, ripping roofs off THOUSANDS—OF—BUILDINGS, and leaving more than 2—MILLION without power.
20131012             —ARRESTED, RUSSIA—POLICE, 67—PEOPLE—AFTER 1—FIGHT broke out between gay rights activists and their opponents at 1—DEMONSTRATION in S—PETERSBURG.
20131012             —GATHERED, SPAIN, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in BARCELONA to demonstrate against 1—PROPOSED—CATALONIA SPLIT away from SPAIN.
20131012             —SLAMMED, SYRIA, 2—MORTAR rounds, into THE—CENTRAL—ABU—RUMMANEH neighbourhood of DAMASCUS, killing 1—CHILD and wounding 11—PEOPLE.
20131012             —FIRED, Tank shells, by SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES slammed into 1—BUILDING in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—DARAA, killing at least 11—PEOPLE, including women and children.
20131012             —KILLED, VIETNAM, 1—BLAST at 1—FIREWORKS factory, at least 24—PEOPLE.
20131012             —BLAMED, Police, other explosives stored at the site for the accident which also left many injured at the Z121 military facility NORTH—OF—HANOI.
20131012             YEMEN, THOUSANDS—OF—SEPARATISTS demanding secession took to THE—STREETS—OF—ADEN to mark the anniversary 19670000             —IN—OF—THE—INDEPENDENCE—OF—FORMER—SOUTH—YEMEN.
20131018—20131012    —DETAINED, The ship was.
20140101231          —DER—WÄRME—REKORD—VON, gilt als besonders, weil er ohne Unterstützung des Wärmespenders EL—NIÑO zustande kam.
20140101231        war es WELT—WEIT so warm wie noch nie —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN 18800000             , das verkündet —NUN auch DIE—NASA.
20140101231        war im WELT—WEITEN Durchschnitt der AMERIKANISCHEN—WETTER—BEHÖRDE NOAA und der NASA zufolge das wärmste —JAHR —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN 18800000             —J—IM.
20141012             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE struck down ALASKA—1.—IN—THE—NATION ban on gay marriages.
20141012             —SUSPECTED, In northern and EAST—AFGHANISTAN, Taliban militants led 1—STRING—OF—ATTACKS on police and civilians, killing at least 14—PEOPLE.
20141012             —VOTED, Bolivians, in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20141012             —COASTED, PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, to victory, winning 1 unprecedented 3. term with 61—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20141012             Bosnia held general elections.
20141012             Some 3.3—MILLION—VOTERS were eligible to cast ballots to elect 3—MEMBERS -- 1—CROAT, 1—MUSLIM and 1—SERB -- to the joint presidency, as well as 1—NEW—CENTRAL—PARLIAMENT.
20141012             They will also elect assemblies for THE—2—ENTITIES and 1—PRESIDENT—IN—REPUBLIKA—SRPSKA.
20141012             Nationalist candidates from BOSNIA—CROAT, Muslim and SERBIA—COMMUNITIES won the country's 3—MAN—PRESIDENCY.
20141012             † In CAMBODIA freelance JOURNALIST—TAING—TRY, —49—JAHRE—ALT was shot in the forehead and instantly at 1—REMOTE forestry site in Kratie province.
20141012             He was investigating illegal logging in the region.
20141012             —DETAINED, Police soon, 3—MEN, including 1—TIMBER trader, believed to be linked to the murder.
20141012             —WANTED, They, to exchange the kidnapped missionary for their leader, who is currently imprisoned in CAMEROON.
20141012             —STORMED, CHINA—POLICE, into 1—CONFERENCE—ROOM outside BEIJING where rights lawyers were meeting to discuss wrongful cases and broke up the gathering.
20141012             CHINA—SCHOLAR and rights advocate Guo YUSHAN, FOUNDER—OF—1—INFLUENTIAL—NON—GOVERNMENTAL think tank, was detained on the criminal charge of provoking troubles.
20141012             —ARMED, CHINA, 4—ETHNIC—UIGHURS, with knives and explosives killed at least 22—PEOPLE, mostly HAN—CHINESE, in Kashgar Prefecture.
20141012             —INJURED, Dozens were, —BEFORE police shot and killed the attackers.
20141012             —PRESIDED, CAIRO—EGYPT, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—KERRY, over 1—CONFERENCE on peace in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and announced 1—ADDITIONAL $212—MILLION in USA—AID to Palestinians in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20141012             QATAR said it would provide $1—BILLION in reconstruction assistance for GAZA, —WHILE fellow Gulf Arab states KUWAIT and UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES promised $200—MILLION each.
20141012             —ANNOUNCED, GERMANY also, it would contribute 50—MILLION—EUROS ($63—MILLION) to reconstruction efforts in GAZA.
20141012             —BACKED, EGYPT—POLICE, by armored vehicles stormed the campuses of at least 2—PROMINENT—UNIVERSITIES to quell ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS by students.
20141012             HUNGARY, PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—ORBAN'S—FIDESZ party was the clear winner in municipal elections.
20141012             THE—FAR—RIGHT—JOBBIK party made significant gains in rural areas, where it has become the main challenger to ORBAN—FIDESZ party.
20141012             —POUNDED, INDIA, Cyclone Hudhud, 1—LARGE swath of the eastern seaboard with heavy rain and strong winds, killing at least 41—PEOPLE and causing major damage to buildings and crops.
20141012             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—TRIPLE suicide bombing, 26—KURDISH—SECURITY—FORCES in Diyala province.
20141012             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed the police CHIEF—OF—THE—WEST—ANBAR province.
20141012             —REPORTED, JAPAN, at least 35—PEOPLE were, injured as Typhoon Vongfong, packing winds of up to 180—KM (110—MILES) per —HOUR and heavy rain, hit THE—SOUTH—ISLAND—OF—OKINAWA.
20141012             WEST—LIBYA, 1—HOSPITAL—OFFICIAL said fighting over Kikla between Islamist militias and rival groups has killed at least 23—PEOPLE.
20141012             —EXPLODED, SOMALIA, 1—CAR—BOMB, outside 1—CAFÉ in MOGADISHU killing 11—PEOPLE.
20141012             —WOUNDED, Gunmen shot and seriously, Abdirisak Jama, 1—SOMALIA—JOURNALIST working for 1—LONDON—BASED television channel, in 1—ATTACK outside his home in MOGADISHU.
20141012             THE—USA—CENTRAL—COMMAND said warplanes from THE—USA, SAUDI—ARABIA and THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES conducted 4—AIRSTRIKES in Syria over the weekend, including 3 in Kobani that destroyed 1—ISLAMIC—STATE fighting position and staging area.
20141012—20141015    —ON, MOZAMBIQUE, brawling supporters of Frelimo and opposition party Renamo clashed in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—NAMPULA, where 23—PEOPLE were injured and 13—OTHERS arrested ahead of legislative and provincial elections.
20150329             —HEUTE: FRACWASSER—KING—OF—. - - alfatomega.com/20041012.html - alfatomega.com/20041012.html
20151005—20151012    —ON, police said they had arrested 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE outlawed Jamayetul Mujahideen BANGLADESH (JMB) group for the attempted murder.
20151012             WELTHUNGER—INDEX 20150000             : "—KONFLIKTE sind die größten Hungertreiber"
20151012             Rekordverdächtig: MINI—KÄFER ist 0,3 Millimeter groß
20151012             DRESDEN—PEGIDA—ANHÄNGER errichten Galgen für MERKEL und GABRIEL
20151012             DIE—FORSCHER hoffen daher, dass man mithilfe weiterer Forschung anhand des individuellen Aktivitätsmuster auf Verhaltensweisen 1—PERSON schließen kann.
20151012             DIE—FORSCHER konnten sogar Rückschlüsse auf die Fähigkeit 1—PERSON ziehen, logisch zu denken und Probleme zu lösen.
20151012             DEUTSCHER—BUCH—PREIS für FRANK—WITZEL: Die alte BUNDES—REPUBLIK als Irrenanstalt
20151012             "Diese Verfahren bieten 1—POTENZIAL, das noch nicht ausgeschöpft wird".
20151012             "JEDES—INDIVIDUUM ist einzigartig", schreiben DIE—AUTOREN der Studie.
20151012             "THE—GREECE—VODAFONE hacking affair".
20151012             —10—JAHRE ?
20151012             in der Zeit könnte man das locker implementieren, häppchenweise;doch für die Obrigkeit interessanter ist die unterscheidungsmöglichkeit zwischen schaf & wolf : Denkansatz bei den Lösungsmöglichkeiten des Problems.
20151012             Aber hey, bald haben wir TTIP, dann kann Tesla ja DÄNEMARK verklagen.
20151012             Allerdings müsse man —NUN zeigen, dass die Aktivitätsmuster eines Menschen sich nicht nur an 2—AUFEINANDERFOLGENDEN —TAGEN ähneln, sondern auch über —WOCHEN, —MONATE oder sogar viele —JAHRE.
20151012             Angaben im Lebenslauf: Uni STANFORD nimmt VON—DER—LEYEN in Schutz
20151012             Auszeichnung: WIRTSCHAFTSNOBEL—PREIS geht an ANGUS—DEATON
20151012             Außer der an JULIAN—ASSANGE angelehnten Figur soll es daher auch um Information als Waffe in KRIEG—ZEITEN gehen.
20151012             Besonders verräterisch waren die Netzwerke, wenn STIRnlappen (Frontallappen) und Scheitellappen (Parietallappen) beteiligt waren.
20151012             Brandstiftung im SAUERLAND: "1—RECHTS—RADIKALE Einstellung besteht aus mehr als FREMDEN—HASS"
20151012             Busse und Bahnen: Nahverkehrspreise STEIGEN—WEGEN großer Nachfrage - Claus S.Schoenleber 2048—HEUTE
20151012             DIE—AUSZEICHNUNG GEHT—IM Unterschied zu den traditionellen NOBEL—PREISEN—NICHT auf das TESTAMENT—DES—DYNAMIT—ERFINDERS ALFRED—NOBEL zurück.
20151012             —INTERESSIERT, DIE—DORFBEWOHNER, an der Zeitung des Investigativjournalisten Polemix aber etwas ganz anderes: Sie lesen die "Gallische Revue"vor allem wegen des Horoskops, das Baumarten als Sternzeichen hat.
20151012             DIE—ODYSSEE - DIE—VORLÄUFIGE Auflage beträgt daher 4.000.000 STÜCK—IN 20—VERSCHIEDENEN Sprachen und Dialekten.
20151012             DRESDEN—PEGIDA—ANHÄNGER errichten Galgen für MERKEL und GABRIEL - Da weiß man, was man hat!
20151012             Dazu nutzten sie DATEN—DES—HUMAN—CONNECTOME—PROJECTS (HCP), für das die Hirnaktivität von Menschen mithilfe funktioneller Magnetresonanztomografie (fMRT) aufgezeichnet wurde.
20151012             —BEKOMMT, Deaton, den Preis "für seine ANALYSE—VON—KONSUM, Armut und Wohlfahrt", sagte Göran Hansson, GENERAL—SEKRETÄR der Akademie.
20151012             HOLLAND—MUNICIPALITIES get more means to expel "people causing disturbances, such as criminals and extremists"from certain areas.
20151012             ELEKTRONIK—WELTSTAR JEAN—MICHEL—JARRE: "Zweifel aus der Außenwelt sind 1—GIFT"
20151012             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, Der dunkle DEUTSCHE
20151012             FLÜCHTLINGS—TALK bei GÜNTHER—JAUCH: "Was wir hier zelebrieren, hilft keinem Menschen"
20151012             Hirnforschung: Fingerabdruck des Denkens entdeckt
20151012             Ich erwarte 1.visuelle ästhetische Erfahrung.
20151012             Ich glaube, das ist das Geheimnis 1—WARMEN Elektronik.
20151012             Impfviren: Achtjähriger stirbt in LAOS an Kinderlähmung
20151012             In der —STUDIE wollten DIE—FORSCHER ermitteln, ob neuronale Aktivitätsmuster ausreichen, um einzelne Menschen aus 1—GRUPPE zu identifizieren.
20151012             Inspiriert von der Schrift "Der Gallische KRIEG", die aus des[CÄSAR]GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR Sicht dessen FELD—ZUGE in GALLIEN beschreibt, schafft das Heft 1.ART—SPINDOKTOR—DER—ANTIKE: Die Figur SYNDICUS (im FRANZÖSISCHEN—ORIGINAL: Bonus Promoplus) hält als Kommunikationsberater des ROM—HERRSCHERS die Fäden in der Hand.
20151012             Interview im USA—FERNSEHEN: DONALD—TRUMP nennt MERKEL—FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK "irrsinnig"
20151012             Jarre: Ich würde es anders formulieren: Künstler LEIDEN, sonst wären sie keine Künstler.
20151012             KONFERENZ—DER—NEUEN DEUTSCHEN—MEDIENMACHER: "DER—TERROR wandert nicht ein"
20151012             Kampfansage an DSCHIHADISTEN—SYRIENS Kurden und ARABER schmieden ALLIANZ gegen den IS
20151012             Kannten DIE—FORSCHER 1—DER 2—RUHEZUSTAND—SCANS, konnten sie anhand des anderen DIE—TEILNEHMER mit 1—TREFFERQUOTE—VON—93—BIS 94 % ermitteln.
20151012             Keine ANGST—VOR—RUSSISCHEN—RAKETEN: Lufthansa und Air BERLIN halten an Flugrouten fest
20151012             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN: Feuer in geplanter FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKUNFT in Boizenburg
20151012             MERKEL fährt zu ERDOGAN: Das notwendige Übel
20151012             Menschen lassen sich anhand des Musters ihrer Hirnaktivität zuverlässig IDENTIFIZIEREN—DIESES bildet 1.Art individuellen Fingerabdruck, schreiben Forscher der YALE—UNIVERSITY—IN—DER—FACHZEITSCHRIFT "Nature Neuroscience".
20151012             Neuer ASTERIX—BAND: JULIAN—ASSANGE—FIGUR klärt das Gallische Dorf auf
20151012             —ATTACKIERT, OST—JERUSALÉM: PALÄSTINENSER, POLIZISTEN —, wird erschossen
20151012             SYRIEN: EU fordert Stopp der RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFE—AUF—REBELLEN
20151012             So könnten etwa quantitative neuronale Marker die Diagnostik und Therapie psychiatrischer und neurologischer Erkrankungen wie etwa Schizophrenie oder Epilepsie verbessern.
20151012             —PROFITIERT, TERROR—ANSCHLAG—IN—ANKARA: Wer es auch WAR—DER—IS
20151012             TTIP—VERHANDLUNGEN: EU will DEN—USA höhere Sozial—, UMWELT—STANDARDS abringen
20151012             Tatsächlich konnten DIE—FORSCHER anhand der Aufnahmen Rückschlüsse auf die sogenannte fluide Intelligenz machen.
20151012             Tatsächlich sei die Nutzung solcher Ansätze ein wichtiger Punkt, sagt Fries.
20151012             The person † in 1—CAR—ACCIDENT.
20151012             TÜRKEI —NACH—DEM Anschlag: Das zerrissene Land
20151012             UNTERSTÜTZUNG—FÜR—ASSAD: PUTIN rechtfertigt LUFT—ANGRIFFE in SYRIEN
20151012             Und im nächsten Schritt lassen wir einfach Kriminelle nie wieder aus dem Knast.
20151012             Untersucht wurde die Aktivität an 268—KNOTENPUNKTEN UND—CA—36.000—VERBINDUNGEN, die über DAS—GEHIRN verteilt waren.
20151012             VORMARSCH—DER—TALIBAN: Regierung rechnet mit steigenden FLÜCHTLINGS—ZAHLEN aus AFGHANISTAN
20151012             WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER: LONDON—POLIZEI zieht ASSANGE—BEWACHER vor Botschaft ab
20151012             [l] DIE—HOLLÄNDER legen in Sachen ZIVISILIATION—ZURÜCKDREHEN mal wieder vor.
20151012             [l] Das Patentamt will für Microsoft und andere Großabnehmer 1—GROSSKUNDENDIENST mit bevorzugter Behandlung einführen.
20151012             [l] DÄNEMARK fährt die STEUERvergünstigungen für Elektroautos runter, und Tesla will "dagegen vorgehen".
20151012             fluide Intelligenz machen.
20151012             innocent bystander 2142—HEUTE - THE—GREECE—VODAFONE hacking affair.
20151012             verräterisch
20151012             —AM, die Kollision von 2—SCHWARZEN Löchern vermerkt ist".
20151012             —AT—ABOUT the same time there was another similar case reported in ITALY.
20151012             —NEUE—THERAPIEN?
20151012             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Als ROMAntiker sind Sie der Ansicht, dass Künstler LEIDEN müssten?
20151012             —STREIT—ÜBER—SPARPLAN: Air FRANCE MIT—ARBEITER nach Protesten festgenommen
20151012             —KILLED, KANSAS, CITY—MONTANA, 2—FIREFIGHTERS were, —AFTER 1—WALL from 1—BURNING building collapsed on them.
20151012             —PORTRAYED, She was, as someone who had 1—HABIT of burning businesses for insurance money.
20151012             —CONFIRMED, Dell and investment firm Silver Lake, that they would acquire EMC Corp. for about $67—BILLION.
20151012             —INTENSIFIED, AFGHANISTAN, fighting, —AROUND THE—CITY—OF—GHAZNI, as Taliban militants threatened to seize a 2. provincial capital —AFTER briefly occupying Kunduz in THE—NORTH—LAST—MONTH.
20151012             † Toorpakai Olfat, local UN staffer, was shot and killed by 2—GUNMEN on 1—MOTORBIKE as she was on her way to work in KANDAHAR.
20151012             Princeton PROFESSOR—ANGUS—DEATON, —69—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BRITISH—BORN economist, won 20150000             —THE economics Nobel Prize for his work on consumption, poverty and welfare that has helped governments to improve policy through tools such as household surveys and tax changes.
20151012             CHINA, Jiang Jiemin, who —EARLIER led the country's biggest petroleum company, and 1—DEPUTY—PARTY—CHIEF in populous Sichuan province were CONVICTED—OF—CORRUPTION and sentenced to 16 and —13—YEARS in prison, respectively.
20151012             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA—AUTHORITIES, the arrests of 16 suspected MEMBERS—OF—1—SMUGGLING ring and THE—SEIZURE—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—KILOGRAMS (pounds) of ivory along with rhino horns and bear paws.
20151012             —DEMANDED, THE—EU, the "immediate" HALT—OF—RUSSIA—AIR—STRIKES against moderate SYRIA—REBEL—GROUPS and warned 1—LASTING peace was impossible under MOSCOW—BACKED PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD.
20151012             —RALLIED, FINLAND, IRAQ—ASYLUM—SEEKERS, in CENTRAL—HELSINKI and signed 1—PETITION against plans to negotiate 1—DEAL with BAGHDAD that could lead to their deportation, arguing that their country should not be considered safe.
20151012             —ARRESTED, FRANCE, police, several Air FRANCE workers at their homes as investigators tracked down protesters who hounded executives from 1—MEETING about mass job cuts —LAST—WEEK and tore the clothes of 2—FLEEING managers.
20151012             —IDENTIFIED, ISRAEL, 1—PALESTINIAN, as MUSTAFA—AL—KHATIB, —18—JAHRE—ALT attacked 1—POLICEMAN with 1—KNIFE at 1—ENTRANCE to JERUSALEM—OLD—CITY and was shot dead by security forces.
20151012             1—FEMALE attacker stabbed 1—ISRAEL—POLICEMAN—NEAR the force's headquarters in JERUSALEM and was shot and wounded by the victim.
20151012             † The cousin was shot and killed by 1—ISRAEL—PASSERBY, —WHILE Manasra was wounded.
20151012             1—KURDISH—MILITIA that has been fighting Islamic STATE—IN—SYRIA with help from USA—LED air strikes has joined forces with Arab groups in 1—ALLIANCE announced on that may be 1—PRELUDE to 1—ATTACK on the jihadists' BASE—OF—OPERATIONS in Raqqa.
20151012             —KILLED, In THE—PHILIPPINES gunmen, 1—TOWN mayor and wounded his vice mayor and at least 3—OTHER companions in 1—AMBUSH—WHILE they were traveling in 1—VAN in 1—FAR—FLUNG southern region.
20151012             —RESUMED, RUSSIA—GAZPROM, gas supplies to UKRAINE —AFTER receiving prepayment of $234—MILLION from Kiev, assuaging European fears about 1—NEW—ENERGY—CRISIS—AHEAD—OF—THE—WINTER heating season.
20151012             —SUPPORTED, SYRIA—ARMY and allied forces, by RUSSIA—WARPLANES made further advances as they pressed 1—OFFENSIVE against insurgents, in the fiercest clashes for nearly —1—WEEK.
20151012             2—IRAN—SENIOR—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS—OFFICERS were killed fighting Islamic State.
20151012             —KILLED, At least 25—GOVERNMENT—FIGHTERS were.
20151012             —MARCHED, TURKEY, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, through ISTANBUL and ANKARA to condemn the slaughter by suicide bombers at 1—WEEKEND—PEACE—RALLY.
20151012—20160000    —SENTENCED, Manasra was, to —12—YEARS in prison.
20151012—20180000    —IN, nail salon manager Thu HONG—NGUYEN, —46—JAHRE—ALT was convicted of 2. murder and 2. degree arson.
20160926—20161012    —DECLARED, The 4,474-acre fire was, over.
20161008—20161012    —CHARGED, Felix was, with 1.—DEGREE murder.
20161010—20161012    —ON, 2—MORE—MISSILES were fired at THE—USS—MASON but neither got near the ship.
20161012             "DIE—KATEGORIE des Eigentümlichen im positiven Sinne gefüllt zu haben, können DIE—BILDER—DES—TITUS—SCHADE ohne Weiteres für sich in Anspruch nehmen".
20161012             "DIE—ZAHL—DER—SCHWERWIEGENDEN Informantenfälle kann auf INSGESAMT—CA—15 —BIS 20—BEZIFFERT werden",
20161012             "Darunter werden solche Quellen verstanden, die zumindest zeitweilig NACHRICHTEN—AUS—DEM Inneren des Parteilebens lieferten, die über die öffentliche Berichterstattung hinausgingen und für DIE—DDR—INTERESSEN von besonderem Belang waren".
20161012             "Neue Germanische Medizin": SATIRE—PREIS für Doktor SCHARLATAN - 1—SCHALT—JAHR?
20161012             2. meint er mit Establishment nicht das POLIT—ESTABLISHMENT an sich, sondern das konservative Establishment.
20161012             2014—UZ224: Astronomen entdecken neuen Zwergplaneten
20161012             Aber hey, wer weiß. - Abgesehen davon war diese Party
20161012             Albakr soll sich im Hungerstreik und wegen akuter Suizidgefahr unter ständiger Beobachtung befunden haben, erfuhr DER—SPIEGEL weiter.
20161012             Alone, he has been enough to put MISTER—TRUMP in double DIGITS—OF—SUPPORT among black voters.
20161012             Angststörungen: Wenn Sorgen krank machen
20161012             Ansonsten blieb diese Ansage eher unkonkret.
20161012             BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN: Wirtschaftsverbände fordern harte Linie gegenüber BRITEN
20161012             BUNDESSOZIAL—GERICHT: HARTZ—IV—FAMILIE muss nach Auszug der Kinder EIGEN—HEIM verkaufen
20161012             Bedrohter GALAPAGOS—ARCHIPEL: Wunderwelt mit Verfallsdatum
20161012             Beerdigung von HELLS—ANGELS—BOSS Aygün Mucuk: "1—HEUCHLERVERANSTALTUNG"
20161012             Begründung: Der redet mit niemandem.
20161012             Berton told 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE—ON—WEDNESDAY that Abdeslam [...] was psychologically damaged by his detention at FLEURY—MEROGIS prison.
20161012             DAS—MONEY—QUOTE an dem ARTIKEL ist aber das hier:
20161012             DIE—ANTWORT: "DIE—VERHÄLTNISMÄßIGKEIT wahrend"
20161012             DIE—BEKANNTESTE Quelle sei DER—BERLIN—BUNDES—TAG—ABGEORDNETE DIRK—SCHNEIDER gewesen, der 19910000             enttarnt wurde.
20161012             DIE—GRÜNEN sind vom DDR—MINISTERIUM—FÜR—STAATS—SICHERHEIT intensiv ausgeforscht worden.
20161012             DIE—KANADIER hätten mitgeteilt, daß ihr Spielraum für —VERHANDLUNGEN erschöpft sei.
20161012             DNA—ANALYSEN mehrerer Tiere hatten gezeigt, daß DAS—ERBGUT bei allen untersuchten Riesenkalmaren frappierend ähnlich war.
20161012             DONALD—TRUMP im TV: "Ich war —BISHER, sehr nett" - Das Erstaunlichste daran:
20161012             Der neu entdeckte Himmelskörper umkreist die Sonne etwa alle 1.—100—JAHRE
20161012             Deshalb bekräftigt GABRIEL erneut, daß ein vorläufiger Stopp —MORGEN aus KARLSRUHE aus seiner Sicht vermutlich das ENDE—VON—CETA bedeuten würde.
20161012             Diese macht zwar fast 75 % unseres Universums aus und beschleunigt dessen Ausdehnung, konnte aber —BISHER, noch nie direkt beobachtet werden.
20161012             —BEZEICHNET, Drittens, er sich als LENINisten.
20161012             EPA/EFE / CEPESMA / HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES +++(c) DPA—BILDFUNK+++http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/bild-1116230-1058788.html
20161012             Eigentlich soll die Dark Energy Camera an 1 4—METER—TELESKOP des Cerro Tololo INTER—AMERICA—OBSERVATORY in CHILE ferne Galaxien in den Blick nehmen —, dabei Hinweise auf die mysteriöse Dunkle Energie liefern.
20161012             Er ist —DERZEIT, mehr als 90—MAL weiter von der Sonne entfernt als unsere Erde.
20161012             —PLÄDIERT, Er, dafür, keine Mauer hochzuziehen
20161012             Er sagt da im Wesentlichen: Guckt mal, welchen Vorteil soll RUSSLAND denn davon haben, hier irgendwelche Leute zu hacken?
20161012             Es handelt sich um 1 19-jährigen schwarzen Mann aus ILLINOIS, der DONALD—TRUMP gut findet.
20161012             Filmpionier GEORGES—MÉLIÈS: Verloren geglaubter Stummfilm entdeckt
20161012             —WARNED, FORMER—SOVIET—LEADER—MIKHAIL—GORBACHEV has also, that THE—WORLD is at a 'dangerous point' due to rising tensions between RUSSIA and THE—USA.
20161012             —DECIDED, FRANK—BERTON and SVEN—MARY said they've, to stop representing Salah Abdeslam, who has chosen to remain silent in 1—PRO—TEST against his prison conditions, including THE—24—HOUR—VIDEO—SURVEILLANCE—OF his cell.
20161012             GABRIEL: Es geht nicht darum, etwas durchzupauken [...]
20161012             GESETZ—ENTWURF: Bundeskabinett will Preise für Arzneimittel deckeln
20161012             Geldhaus in der —KRISE, Spaltet DIE—DEUTSCHE—BANK auf!
20161012             Gentransfer: Die Spinne im VIRUS
20161012             Heirat —ERST ab 18: KOALITION geht gegen Kinderehen vor
20161012             INNEN—MINISTER—DE—MAIZIÈRE: —DIESES—JAHR kamen
20161012             If HILLARY wins THE—PRESIDENCY, all STRAINS—OF—CONSERVATISM will unite against her.
20161012             If 1—NEW—ECONOMIC—DOWNTURN hits, THE—REPUBLICANS will experience 1—OF—HISTORY—GREATEST rebounds.
20161012             Insgesamt hätten nach Recherchen der AUTOREN—CA—450 —BIS 500—QUELLEN Informationen BEIGE—STEUERT.
20161012             —EXHAUSTED, JOHNSON said THE—'WELLS—OF—OUTRAGE are growing ' and ANTI—WAR—GROUPS were not expressing sufficient outrage at THE—KONFLIKT in ALEPPO.
20161012             KABINETTsbeschluss: BUNDES—REGIERUNG will SOZIAL—LEISTUNGEN für EU—BÜRGER einschränken
20161012             MUTMAßLICHER—PARIS—ATTENTÄTER: Abdeslams Anwälte legen Mandat nieder - Meint ihr?
20161012             Missbrauch im Bistum REGENSBURG: Späte Anerkennung für die Domspatzen
20161012             Mit dem Zwergplaneten Eris und 1—OBJEKT namens V774104 gibt es nur 2—GRÖSSERE bekannte Körper im SONNEN—SYSTEM, die noch weiter entfernt sind.
20161012             NATÜRLICH nicht.
20161012             NEUE—STUDIE, Stasi spionierte DIE—GRÜNEN intensiv aus
20161012             NEW—HOTNESS: DOUGLAS—ADAMS sagt DIE—USA—WAHLEN voraus.
20161012             —VERBANNT, NORD—KOREA—KIM, offenbar seinen VIZEAUßEN—MINISTER
20161012             Na DAS wäre ja tragisch!1!!
20161012             Nicht vielleicht —SCHON vorher ein bisschen psychologisch beschädigt?
20161012             —NUN, das ist ja 1.Sache, wenn der Wähler so denkt.
20161012             —NUN, wie wäre es damit, daß HILLARY 1.fiese KRIEG—TREIBERIN ist, die —SEIT—JAHREN über Leichen geht und politische Gegner mit Drohnen ermorden lassen will?
20161012             —UNTERREPRÄSENTIERT, Offenbar sind schwarze —19—JAHRE—ALTE stark, auf der UMFRAGE—MAILINGLISTE und daher kriegt er mehr Gewicht in der Statistik.
20161012             Oh ach so.
20161012             Ohren abgeschnitten, Augäpfel zerstochen: Junger Mann in HESSEN schwer misshandelt
20161012             PROZESS—IN—BERLIN: KADEWE—RÄUBER legen Geständnisse ab
20161012             POLITIKER—FANS: Warum selbst DEUTSCHE—DONALD—TRUMP lieben - Punchline: 19790000             .
20161012             Regelverstöße bei Aktien, USA—BÖRSEN—AUFSICHT verhängt MILLIONEN—STRAFE gegen DEUTSCHE—BANK
20161012             SCHWEDEN—AUßEN—MINISTERIN zu PUTIN und SYRIEN: "RUSSLANDs Vorgehen ist absolut inakzeptabel"
20161012             SPANIEN: Riesenkalmar stirbt nach "KAMPF—DER—TITANEN"
20161012             Schwerer sexueller Missbrauch: ANKLAGE—GEGEN—MUTMAßLICHEN Peiniger von SCHWEIZER—JUNGEN
20161012             Selektive Wahrnehmung: Flugzeugabsturz in AFRIKA?
20161012             Sicherheit in DEUTSCHLAND: Aus Fremden Bekannte machen
20161012             —STILL—FOTO—DEBATTE: Amme muss nach Protesten FACEBOOK—ACCOUNT schließen
20161012             TERROR—FAHNDUNG: DE—MAIZIÈRE lobt SYRISCHE—HELFER—EIN bisschen
20161012             TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGER—VON—CHEMNITZ: Albakr hat in Haft Suizid begangen
20161012             TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN überwältigt: Politiker fordern Orden für mutige Syrer
20161012             THE—SOURCE—BELIEVES—AWARENESS extends beyond Burnett and that "everybody is TONGUE—TIED, because they would never work for Burnett AGAIN".
20161012             THE—ISKANDER missiles sent to KALININGRAD, 1—RUSSIA—ENCLAVE on the Baltic Sea between NATO—MEMBERS—POLAND and LITHUANIA, are —NOW within RANGE—OF—MAJOR—WESTERN—CITIES including BERLIN.
20161012             Twitter, FACEBOOK, Instagram: ANALYSE—FIRMA nutzt Zugang zu sozialen Medien für USA—POLIZEI aus
20161012             —DOMINIERT, TÜRKISCH—RUSSISCHER—PIPELINE—DEAL: Wer, hier wen?
20161012             Verteidigung: Größte EU—ARMEEN sollen zusammenarbeiten - Video aus SYRIEN: Blut und Tränen
20161012             Viertens, und das ist der wichtige Kontext hierzu, ist der Typ ansonsten EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR von breitbart com, 1—DER übelsten nationalkonservativen Hetz-"Nachrichten"—SEITEN IN—DEN—USA.
20161012             War is about to happen. Warum nicht? Deshalb:
20161012             We all know that there are further embarrassing DONALD—TRUMP videos and audio recordings.
20161012             WHATSAPP—ALTERNATIVE: Signal führt selbst zerstörende Nachrichten ein
20161012             [l] Aus der beliebten Reihe "Statistik ist schwierig", —HEUTE: How 1—19—YEAR—OLD ILLINOIS Man Is Distorting National Polling Averages
20161012             [l] DIE—ANWÄLTE des letzten überlebenden TERRORISTEN vom letzten ;;11;; in FRANKREICH legen ihr Mandat nieder.
20161012             [l] DONALD—TRUMP empfiehlt seinen Anhängern,
20161012             [l] Der mutmaßliche SYRISCHE—TERRORIST Jaber Albakr hat sich in seiner Zelle erhängt.
20161012             [l] —NACHDEM der James "Alzheimer"CLAPPER RUSSLAND des DNC—HACKS beschuldigt hat, stand die Frage im Raum, ob und wie DIE—USA dann reagieren.
20161012             [l] OK, —JETZT wird es wirklich bizarr.
20161012             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, SCOTT—ADAMS sagt DIE—USA—WAHLEN voraus.
20161012             [l] PUTIN veröffentlicht ein wunderschönes NICHT—DEMENTI bezüglich der DNC—HACKVORWÜRFE—GEGEN—DIE—RUSSEN.
20161012             [l] SIGMAR—GABRIEL hielt —HEUTE vor dem VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT sein CETA—SCHLUSSPLÄDOYER gehalten.
20161012             [l] VERDÄCHTIGE alle tot.
20161012             dürfte er etwa 1—DURCHMESSER—VON—530—KILOMETERN haben
20161012             Äh... wie konnte er sich dann erhängen!?!?
20161012             Ärger über Untersuchung: BURUNDI kündigt ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT—MIT—INTERNATIONALEM STRAFGERICHT—HOF
20161012             Über DONALD—TRUMP kann man ja 1.Menge sagen, aber IM—GEGENSATZ zu HILLARY leben seine politischen Gegner
20161012             —AKTUELL gibt es 5—BEKANNTE Zwergplaneten.
20161012             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MITTWOCH, Der teuflische Pakt der REPUBLIKANER
20161012             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: Mindestens 15—TOTE—BEI—LUFT—ANGRIFFE—AUF—ALEPPO
20161012             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: PUTIN bombt, wie er will
20161012             —NUN, ist ein bisschen Vorsicht geboten hier.
20161012             —NUN, ist mithilfe dieser Kamera 1—OBJEKT in unserem SONNEN—SYSTEM neu entdeckt worden: der Zwergplanet 20140000             UZ224.
20161012             —POSTED—BY—BLOGGER B : 1221—PM
20161012             —REAKTION—AUF—GRUSELPHÄNOMEN: Firmenclown von MCDONALD—SOLL kürzer treten
20161012             —UPDATE, Der weiß —SCHON, wieso er sich nicht äußern will - "Mark knows about this behavior.
20161012             —ANNOUNCED, Wells Fargo & Co., that CEO—JOHN—STUMPF, —63—JAHRE—ALT has retired effective —IMMEDIATELY.
20161012             He will be succeeded by TIM—SLOAN, the banks PRESIDENT—AND—CHIEF operating officer.
20161012             —ANNOUNCED, EGYPT—MILITARY, it will host RUSSIA—TROOPS for war games along the Mediterranean coast, the latest step in THE—2—COUNTRIES' rapprochement and another sign of MOSCOW flexing its muscles in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20161012             HONG—KONG held 1—SWEARING—IN ceremony for —RECENTLY chosen legislators.
20161012             3 were declared unqualified to take their posts as they snubbed CHINA —DURING the chaotic ceremony.
20161012             —SUSPECTED, THE—INDIA—ARMY said a —3—DAY standoff with, rebels in Kashmir has ended —AFTER government forces killed 2—MILITANTS inside 1—BUILDING in Pampore town.
20161012             —DAMAGED, The building was extensively, in the fighting.
20161012             —SUPPORTED, SYRIA, rebels, by TURKEY—TANKS and USA—LED coalition air strikes pushed toward the Islamic STATE—STRONGHOLD—OF—DABIQ.
20161012             TURKEY—MILITARY said clashes and air strikes over the past —24—HOURS have killed 47—JIHADISTS.
20161012             1—AIRSTRIKE hit the biggest market on THE—REBEL—HELD side of ALEPPO, killing at least 15—PEOPLE and leveling buildings.
20161012             —KILLED, Shelling on GOVERNMENT—HELD parts of ALEPPO, 8—PEOPLE.
20161012—20161108    —AM, DIE—WAHL ist.
20161012—20161128    —AM, für ihn zu stimmen [l] DONALD—TRUMP empfiehlt seinen Anhängern,
20170427—20171012    —CONVICTED, Pance Angelov (65) was, by 1—COURT—OF—ASSAULTING—MP—RADMILA—SECERINSKA and violently pulling her hair —DURING the attack.
20171012             PANNE—BEI—GOOGLE—LAUTSPRECHER: Testgeräte lauschten unbemerkt mit
20171012             Einzig DER—GAUKLER erweist sich als SINNBILD—DER—FREIHEIT.
20171012             "DIE—MEISTEN Teufel sind weitgehend immunologische Klone", erklärt die Genforscherin Katherine Belov von der UNIVERSITÄT—SYDNEY.
20171012             "Innerhalb der nächsten —10—JAHRE sollten wir ein ziemlich komplettes Bild erhalten"
20171012             "Mit dem VLBA haben wir —JETZT DAS—POTENZIAL, 1.genügende ZAHL—VON—ENTFERNUNGEN abzuleiten, um damit Form und Verlauf der Spiralarme in unserer Galaxis zu bestimmen".
20171012             —76—JAHRE—ALT, trat er der Weimarer Freimaurerloge ANNA—AMALIA zu den 3—ROSEN bei und hielt dort zahlreiche Vorträge
20171012             1—DEUTSCH—AMERIKANISCHES—FORSCHER—TEAM hat den Grundstein für die genaue Vermessung unserer Heimatgalaxie gelegt:
20171012             APPELL—AN—TRUMP: EU lehnt Neuverhandlung des IRAN—ATOM—DEALS ab - Aber na klar tun sie das!
20171012             Astronomie: 1. Ring bei Zwergplanet entdeckt
20171012             Aus 1—GROTESKEN Narren macht Kehlmann 1—SO klugen wie gespenstischen Freigeist in Zeiten des Umbruchs.
20171012             Aus DIESER—ZEIT stammt der bezeichnende Satz "Nicht Liebe und Geist, sondern Geld und VERSTAND herrschen in der Welt, ja wer mit den Idealen wirklich Ernst macht, ist sicher, elend zu werden".
20171012             Autos.
20171012             BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN: Bitte warm anziehen
20171012             Beim JAPANISCHEN—STAHL—KONZERN KOBE—STEEL sollen mehrere zu Produkten gefälscht worden sein.
20171012             CHRISTOPH—MARTIN—WIELAND war 1—DER bedeutendsten SCHRIFTSTELLER der Aufklärung im DEUTSCHEN—SPRACH—GEBIET und der Älteste des klassischen Viergestirns von Weimar, zu dem neben ihm JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—HERDER, JOHANN—WOLFGANG—GOETHE und FRIEDRICH—SCHILLER gezählt wurden.
20171012             Christoph_Martin_Wieland Abstammung, Kindheit und Jugend - Christoph_Martin_Wieland Leben
20171012             DER—ASTEROID, dessen Durchmesser DIE—USA—RAUMFAHRT—BEHÖRDE NASA auf 12—BIS 27—METER schätzt, biete "eine exzellente Gelegenheit, DIE—INTERNATIONALEN Fähigkeiten zur Erkennung und Verfolgung erdnaher Objekte zu testen und
20171012             DIE—ABDERITEN.
20171012             DIE—ASTRONOMEN berechneten daraus 1.Entfernung von 66.000—LICHT—JAHREN.
20171012             DIE—ASTRONOMEN nutzten dazu ein virtuelles Teleskop, das vom NORD—AMERIKANISCHEN—RADIOTELESKOPNETZWERK "Very Long BASELine Array"(VLBA) zwischen der Pazifikinsel HAWAII und der Karibik aufgespannt wird.
20171012             DIE—GESELLSCHAFTSSATIRE GESCHICHTE—DER—ABDERITEN, das romantische Gedicht Oberon (Weimar 17800000             ), die poetischen Erzählungen Das Wintermärchen, Geron der Adlige, Schach Lolo, Pervonte u.
20171012             DIE—PARALLAXE der beobachteten STERNEN—FABRIK war ungefähr so groß, wie 1—FUSSBALL auf der Oberfläche des Mondes erscheinen würde,
20171012             DIE—STRUKTUR der Milchstraße ist schwer zu bestimmen, weil wir nicht von außen auf sie blicken können.
20171012             DIE—USA—REGIERUNG, stand in der ;;01;;-Ausgabe der ESOTERIK—ZEITSCHRIFT "Raum und Zeit", ließe durch Flugzeuge Chemikalien in der Luft versprühen — WELT—WEIT und streng geheim.
20171012             —GELUNGEN, Dabei sei es ihnen ohne Probleme, in unmittelbarer Nähe der Abklingbecken 1—FEUERWERK abzuschießen, so GREENPEACE.
20171012             DANIEL—KEHLMANN: Das Auftreten von Kondensstreifen ist für uns in keiner Weise 1—INDIZ für Chemtrails.
20171012             Das ist deutlich jenseits DES—CA—27.000—LICHT—JAHRE entfernten Zentrums unserer Galaxie und fast doppelt so weit wie die bislang größte auf diese Weise gemessene Distanz in der Milchstraße, 36.000—LICHT—JAHRE.
20171012             Das ist die weiteste Distanz, die in der Milchstraße —BISHER, bestimmt worden ist.
20171012             Das ist so 1—SCHENKELKLOPFER, daß DIE—WASHINGTON—POST sich genötigt sieht, das lieber nochmal explizit zu erklären:
20171012             Das untersuchte —GEBIET liegt 66.000—LICHT—JAHRE entfernt auf der anderen Seite der Galaxie,
20171012             Der 20120000             entdeckte kosmische Brocken hat nach Schätzungen DER—USA—RAUMFAHRT—BEHÖRDE NASA 1—DURCHMESSER zwischen 12—UND 27—METERN.
20171012             —ENTSPRICHT, Der Abstand, nur dreieinhalbmal dem Durchmesser der Erde;
20171012             Der Himmelskörper erreichte seinen erdnächsten Punkt um 0741—UHR MIT—CA—44.000—KILOMETERN Abstand.
20171012             —BERECHNET, Der Vorbeiflug sei wie, pünktlich erfolgt
20171012             Derselbe Effekt sorgt auch dafür, daß 1—FINGER, den man sich vor die Nase hält, hin und her zu springen scheint, wenn man ihn abwechselnd nur mit dem rechten und dem linken Auge betrachtet.
20171012             Diese 1.Siedler lebten jedoch nicht lange in der GRIECHISCHEN—KOLONIE, sondern wurden von den dort ansässigen THRAKER—STÄMMEN getöte
20171012             Diese Hauben und Kopfhörer da dienen der visuellen und akustischen Isolierung, das sind FOLTER—MAßNAHMEN direkt aus dem CIA—HANDBUCH.
20171012             Diese sogenannten Maser sind oft auch durch das galaktische Zentrum hindurch zu sehen.
20171012             EU—AUSTRITT: BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN verfehlen 1.Etappenziel
20171012             Einen Einschlag des Asteroiden auf der Erde hatten DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER zuvor definitiv ausgeschlossen
20171012             Elektromobilität: EU—KOMMISSION fordert europäische BATTERIE—ALLIANZ
20171012             Endlich konnte er — nach französischem Vorbild — DIE—IDEE 1—EIGENEN literarischen Zeitschrift verwirklichen.
20171012             Enormer Personalbedarf: AMAZON sucht 13.000—SAISON—ARBEITER fürs WEIHNACHTS—GESCHÄFT
20171012             Entfernungsbestimmung: Forscher vermessen DIE—MILCHSTRAßE - Er ist nicht der einzige.
20171012             Er schoss 15000000             Fotos von den überirdischen Vorgängen, dann musste er "zum 1.Mal —SEIT—JAHREN richtig heulen".
20171012             Erinnert ihr euch, wie sie sagten, der DONALD—TRUMP ist Geschäftsmann, der kennt sich mit Wirtschaft aus?
20171012             Es hat DIE—BISHER, größte Entfernung zu 1—STERNENTSTEHUNGS—GEBIET in der Milchstraße gemessen.
20171012             Fall ANIS—AMRI: SONDER—ERMITTLER wirft Behörden haarsträubende Versäumnisse vor
20171012             —INVESTIERT, Futuristisches Transportsystem: RICHARD—BRANSONS—VIRGIN—GRUPPE, in Hyperloop
20171012             Für die Entfernungsbestimmung bedienten sich DIE—FORSCHER 1—METHODE, die DER—DEUTSCHE—ASTRONOM FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—BESSEL 18380000             —ERSTMALS angewendet hatte:
20171012             Ich hätte 1.Frage DIE—DATEN—SCHUTZ und die Sicherstellung von Persönlichkeitsrechte 3. betrifft.
20171012             Illegale PREIS—ABSPRACHEN, TAPETEN—KARTELL zu MILLIONEN—STRAFE verurteilt
20171012             In 44.000—KM Entfernung: Asteroid "2012—TC4"rast pünktlich um 0741—UHR an der Erde vorbei
20171012             —CONVOLUTED, In the Fox interview, DONALD—TRUMP also gave 1, answer about economic policy, —WHEN trying to connect the surge —IN—THE—STOCK—MARKET—SINCE his —ELECTION to the growing FEDERAL—DEBT, which —RECENTLY eclipsed $20—TRILLION.
20171012             In verlässlichen, ihn beglückenden Lebensverhältnissen entfaltete er 1.frische und sich immer liebenswürdiger gestaltende poetische und allgemein literarische Tätigkeit.
20171012             In "Der Teutsche Merkur", dessen Redaktion er
20171012             JAMAIKA—VERHANDLUNGEN: Beim Familiennachzug könnte es knallen
20171012             JP—MORGAN—CHEF—JAMIE—DIMON bezeichnete Bitcoin als "BETRUG"und schickte damit den —KURS der Digitalwährung noch ;;0900;;             —IM, auf Talfahrt.
20171012             Ja, theoretisch kann man DAS—KLIMA durch in der Stratosphäre versprühte Chemikalien beeinflussen.
20171012             KALIFORNIEN—WALD—BRÄNDE, "DIE—ZERSTÖRUNG ist enorm"
20171012             —GEMELDET, KALIFORNIEN—WALD—BRÄNDE, Hunderte Menschen als vermisst
20171012             KATALONIEN: —DER—TAG—DER—SPANIER
20171012             KRITIK—AN—FAKE—NEWS: DONALD—TRUMP stellt Lizenzen für TV—SENDER IN—FRAGE
20171012             Knapp —1—MONAT später hat die Digitalwährung 1—NEUEN Höchststand erreicht.
20171012             —VERZICHTET, Luxusmode: Gucci, künftig auf Pelz
20171012             MADAGASKAR: ZAHL—DER—PEST—TOTEN steigt auf 50
20171012             —KOMPLIZIERT, Messungen auf der anderen Seite der Galaxie sind, weil Sterne, Staub und Gas den Blick durch das galaktische Zentrum versperren.
20171012             Mit Kehlmann ist dabei nicht nur 1—MEISTER—IN—SACHEN Rollenprosa am Werk, der brillant für JEDE—FIGUR eigene Denkräume und Stile entwickelt, sondern ein begnadeter Fabulierkünstler, der das Zeug zu 1—NEUEN Nabokov hat.
20171012             —BESTIMMT, Naja gut, die haben ja, Spezialgerät gehabt, sich ausm Hubschrauber abgeseilt oder so!
20171012             Nee, eher nicht: Neulich —ERST sah ich 1—AV—HERSTELLER auf 1—PODIUM sagen, DIE—IDEE erinnere ihn an "IMPF—GEGNER—ARGUMENTE".
20171012             —NUN, DIE—RUSSEN haben neulich DIE—USA—AMIS via Antivirus gehackt, und —JETZT kommt raus, daß NORD—KOREA SÜD—KOREA über 1—ANTIVIRUS gehackt hat und so Zugang zu MILITÄRgeheimnissen der USA erlangte.
20171012             Obwohl Abdera DIE—HEIMATSTADT der berühmten, der atomistischen Schule von Abdera[2] zugerechneten GRIECHISCHEN—PHILOSOPHEN Leukipp (allerdings wird ihm auch Milet zugeschrieben), Demokrit, Protagoras und Anaxarch war und
20171012             REKORD—HOCH: BITCOIN—KURS steigt auf mehr als 5000—DOLLAR
20171012             REKORD—STAND—DAX knackt 1. 13.000—PUNKTE—MARKE
20171012             Reichster Mann CHINAs: Bauunternehmer Xu Jiayin mehrt sein Vermögen um - in —1—JAHR
20171012             Rowohlt, 480—SEITEN; gebunden;
20171012             22,95—EURO - SKANDAL—UM—HARVEY—WEINSTEIN: NEW—YORKER STAATS—ANWALT verteidigt Verzicht auf Anklage
20171012             Scenario (eben passiert): man sitzt im Zug und nebenan diktiert 1—ANWALT—DETAILS über seine Klientin in 1—DIKTIERGERÄT.
20171012             Sein ROMAn stellt die typisierte Narrheit der Abderiten als menschliche Grundkonstante dar, die, zu allen Zeiten an allen Orten zu finden, gleichsam kosmopolitisch ist.
20171012             Sie nutzt die scheinbare Verschiebung eines Himmelsobjekts, wenn man es von verschiedenen Positionen auf der Erdumlaufbahn beobachtet, also etwa einmal —SOMMER—IM, und einmal —IM—WINTER.
20171012             Sie stieg zum 1.Mal über den Wert von 5000—DOLLAR.
20171012             Solche durch direkten Kontakt von 1—TIER auf ein anderes übertragbare Krebsarten gibt es WELT—WEIT extrem selten.
20171012             Stellt sich raus: Doch.
20171012             TREFFEN—MIT—DEUTSCHEN—TOP—MANAGERN: PUTIN will engere Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit DEUTSCHLAND
20171012             Teil von diesen war übrigens der Plan SÜD—KOREAS, DIE—FÜHRUNG NORD—KOREAS schlicht zu meuchelmorden.
20171012             —CONNECTED, The stock market and FEDERAL—DEBT—LEVELS are not.
20171012             UNO—KULTUR—ORGANISATION: Auch ISRAEL will Unesco verlassen
20171012             USA—TECHNOLOGIEFIRMEN: EBAY und Netflix sollen bei STEUERN getrickst haben
20171012             Und wisst ihr, welchen Fall dieser STAATS—ANWALT noch in die Rundablage geschoben hat?
20171012             Unser SONNEN—SYSTEM ist eingebettet in die sogenannte galaktische Scheibe, und
20171012             Unsere Galaxie hat 1—DURCHMESSER von etwa 100.000—LICHT—JAHREN.
20171012             —OVERRULED, Vance, prosecutors in his office who were making 1—CLEARLY prosecutable case against Ivanka and DONALD—JUNIOR
20171012             Verfeindete PALÄSTINENSER—GRUPPEN: HAMAS meldet VERSÖHNUNG—MIT—FATAH
20171012             Vielleicht findest Du die Frage ähnlich interessant / tragisch / amüsant.
20171012             Vielleicht kann da ja mal 1—DATEN—SCHUTZ—EXPERTE im Publikum was zu sagen?
20171012             Völlig klar, das kann man nicht vor Gericht bringen.
20171012             WELTWEITE—STUDIE, Sehbehinderungen könnten stark zunehmen
20171012             —BEZEICHNET, Wer als "Abderit", wurde, galt in der Antike als einfältiger Mensch
20171012             WERNER—ALTNICKEL ficht das nicht an.
20171012             Wisst ihr, was ich mich ja immer frage? You had 1—JOB!
20171012             Ziel der Astronomen sei es, zu zeigen, wie DIE—MILCHSTRAßE von oben aussieht,
20171012             [l] 1—LESER stellt mir gerade 1.interessante Frage:
20171012             [l] Aus der beliebten Kategorie "gut, daß das kein TERRORIST war", —HEUTE: FLUGHAFEN—BOMBER in NORTH—CAROLINA.
20171012             [l] DONALD—TRUMP lässt PUERTO—RICO A—METER—LANGEN Arm verhungern.
20171012             [l] Demonstranten sind ja die neuen TERRORISTEN.
20171012             [l] Es gibt Neuigkeiten vom VW—KONZERN!
20171012             [l] Fährt hier jemand 1—AUTO oder fliegt in 1—FLUGZEUG mit japanischem Stahl?
20171012             [l] GREENPEACE feiert!
20171012             [l] Habt ihr euch mal gefragt, ob DEUTSCHE—WAFFEN—HERSTELLER eigentlich auch LOBBYARBEIT—GEGEN—WAFFENREGULIERUNG IN—DEN—USA finanzieren?
20171012             [l] Hey, wisst ihr, wie ich immer darauf hinweise, daß Antiviren neue Angriffsoberfläche aufmachen?
20171012             [l] Ich bin ja immer stinksauer, wenn ich von Fällen wie HARVEY—WEINSTEIN höre, weil ich mir denke: Damit ist der —JETZT wie lange davongekommen?
20171012             [l] Lacher am Rande für DIE—ÖKONOMEN unter euch:
20171012             a) bürgerliche —PFLICHT ermahnend einzugreifen und wäre es
20171012             aus welchem Material DER—ASTEROID besteht.
20171012             b) wenn der Anwalt trotzdem weitermacht unter Umständen durch Nothilfe möglich, dem reniten10 Anwalt z.B.
20171012             der Dichter Anakreon von Teos hierher zog, der trigonometrischen Parallaxe.
20171012             der verwandte Tasmanische Tiger, von dem das letzte Exemplar 19360000             starb.
20171012             geostationäre Satelliten fliegen in 1—HÖHE von knapp 36.000—KILOMETERN.
20171012             hatten die Bewohner der Stadt 1—ÄHNLICHEN Ruf wie die Schildbürger.
20171012             unsere Fähigkeiten zu überprüfen, wie wir gemeinsam auf 1.reale BE—DROHUNG reagieren können",
20171012             wir können beispielsweise Form und Ausdehnung der Spiralarme unserer Galaxie nur von innen erkunden
20171012             —AB, wann ist es rechtlich
20171012             —AM—DONNERSTAGMORGENWIRD DIE—ERDE nur knapp VERFEHLEN—UM lediglich 44.000—KILOMETER.
20171012             —AM—MORGEN hat DER—ASTEROID "2012—TC4"DIE—ERDE in relativ geringem Abstand passiert.
20171012             —BALD, jedoch vollzog sich in CHRISTOPH—MARTIN—WIELAND, besonders unter dem Einfluss der Schriften von Lukian, Horaz, Cervantes, Shaftesbury, d'Alembert, VOLTAIRE, 1.vollständige Umkehr.
20171012             —BERICHT, von HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH: MENSCHEN—RECHTLER werfen TÜRKISCHER—POLIZEI FOLTER und Entführungen vor
20171012             —EINIGUNG—VON—HAMAS und FATAH: DIE—PALÄSTINENSER jubeln, ISRAEL grollt
20171012             —GLEICHZEITIG, wandelte er sich zum klassischen VERTRETER—DER Aufklärung.
20171012             —INZWISCHEN, hatte er in BERN 1.Hauslehrerstelle angetreten.
20171012             —JETZT, fragt ihr euch vielleicht: Hey, wieso haben denn DIE—MEDIEN nicht berichtet?
20171012             —KLIMA—WANDEL: Warmer Ozean macht "Nemo"zu schaffen
20171012             —LAUT, ROGER—SPAUTZ—VON—GREENPEACE—LUXEMBURG habe man die äußere Absperrung in —5—MINUTEN überwunden.
20171012             —NACH, MANIPULATIONsvorwürfen: CHINA holt Schiedsrichter aus dem Ausland
20171012             —NACH, MILITÄR—PARADE in SPANIEN: Pilot stirbt bei EUROFIGHTER—ABSTURZ
20171012             —PROTEST—AKTION: GREENPEACE—AKTIVISTEN zünden Feuerwerk am ATOM—KRAFT—WERK Cattenom
20171012             —REAKTIONEN—AUF—AMRI—BERICHT: "Gravierende Fehler auf allen Ebenen"
20171012             —SCHON, das Trauerspiel Lady JOHANNA—GRAY (ZÜRICH 17580000             ) — es war dies das 1.DEUTSCHE—DRAMA in Blankversen — konnte Lessing mit der Bemerkung begrüßen, CHRISTOPH—MARTIN—WIELAND habe "die ätherischen Sphären verlassen und wandle wieder unter Menschen".
20171012             —STREIT—UM—MITGLIEDSCHAFT PALÄSTINAs: USA treten aus Unesco aus
20171012             —STREIT—ÜBER—ATOM—DEAL—MIT—IRAN: Hoffentlich scheitert DONALD—TRUMP
20171012             —UPDATE, Das hier ist übrigens DIE—WAHL—KAMPFSEITE des DISTRICT—ATTORNEY.
20171012             —UPDATE, Eine befreundete Juristin rät: Foto machen, Mandanten informieren.
20171012             —VOM—AUS—STERBEN bedroht: Letzte Rettung für den Tasmanischen Teufel
20171012             "NBC says that the story wasn't publishable, that it wasn't ready to go —AT—THE—TIME that you brought it to them".
20171012             "THE—COUNTRY — we took it over and owed over $20—TRILLION,"TRUMP said.
20171012             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER directing government agencies to design insurance plans that would offer lower premiums outside THE—REQUIREMENTS—OF—PRESIDENT—OBAMA'S—AFFORDABLE—CARE—ACT.
20171012             —REPORTED, It was also, that Trump plans to halt payments to insurers under THE—OBAMA—ERA—HEALTH—CARE—LAW.
20171012             THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—THE—USA is pulling out of UNESCO, effective 20171231             , because of what WASHINGTON sees as its ANTI—ISRAEL bias and 1 need for "fundamental reform" of THE—UN—CULTURAL—AGENCY.
20171012             THE—USA —NOW owes about $550—MILLION in back payments.
20171012             WASHINGTON did the same thing in the 1980s because it viewed the agency as mismanaged, corrupt and used to advance SOVIET—INTERESTS.
20171012             —EXPECTED, CALIFORNIA, winds up to 45—MPH (72—KPH) were, to pummel areas NORTH—OF—S—FRANCISCO where at least 23—PEOPLE have † and at least 3,500 homes and businesses have been destroyed.
20171012             —VOICED, Officials, concern that THE—22—SEPARATE blazes would merge into larger infernos.
20171012             SANTOS Portillo Andrade (33), 1—BOSTON area leader of the violent CENTRAL—USA—STREET—GANG MS-13, was sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison for 1—RACKETEERING conspiracy involving assault, drug and firearms charges.
20171012             —INDICTED, He was 1—OF—MORE than 60—MEMBERS—OF—THE—GANG, —LAST—YEAR and is the 19. to be sentenced.
20171012             —ATTEMPTED, NORTH—CAROLINA, 1, breakout from the Pasquotank Correctional Institution in ELIZABETH City left 2—EMPLOYEES—DEAD.
20171012             Prison guard WENDY—SHANNON, another guard, 1—MAINTENANCE—WORKER and 1—SEWING plant manager were killed in the disturbance.
20171012             Prisoners also 20170901             —FIRE as 1—DIVERSION —DURING the episode.
20171012             † TEXAS inmate ROBERT—PRUETT, —38—JAHRE—ALT was executed for 19990000             —THE—DEATH—OF—CORRECTIONS—OFFICER—DANIEL—NAGLE.
20171012             Facebook Inc CHIEF—OPERATING—OFFICER—SHERYL—SANDBERG said the company was fully committed to helping USA congressional investigators publicly release RUSSIA—BACKED political ads that ran —DURING 20160000             —THE—USA—ELECTION.
20171012             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, A—USA—DRONE strike, 14—ISLAMIC State militants in a remote area in EAST—KUNAR province.
20171012             —DEPORTED, CAMBODIA, 74—CHINA—CITIZENS accused of extorting money from women in mainland CHINA with threats to circulate naked images of them online.
20171012             —EXTENDED, EGYPT, its STATE—OF—EMERGENCY for yet another —3—MONTHS, according to 1—DECISION from PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH EL—SISSI.
20171012             —RALLIED, ETHIOPIA, more than 15,000—PEOPLE, in Wolisso, Oromia state, against the country's ruling elite.
20171012             —INCLUDED, This, major changes to the generous unemployment benefits system, as well as large increases in STATE—FUNDED training aimed at helping the unemployed back into the workplace.
20171012             FRANCE, 8—GREENPEACE activists broke into 1—NUCLEAR—POWER—STATION and set off fireworks to urge better protection for nuclear waste and protest FRANCE—DEPENDENCE on atomic energy.
20171012             GERMANY, Lufthansa CEO—CARSTEN—SPOHR said that the airline will sign 1—AGREEMENT to buy large parts of the bankrupt carrier Air BERLIN.
20171012             —CALLED, THE—ITALY—GOVERNMENT won the last of 3—CONFIDENCE—VOTES it had, on 1 contested electoral law that is likely to penalize THE—ANTI—ESTABLISHMENT 5-Star Movement in —NEXT—YEAR—ELECTION.
20171012             —VOWED, KENYA—OPPOSITION, to pursue 1—CAMPAIGN—OF—PROTEST for electoral reform, defying 1—BAN on rallies in main city centers announced —TODAY by the government.
20171012             —COUNTED, Fewer than 30—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES have been, in THE—MAJORITY—OF—COUNTIES.
20171012             THOUSANDS—OF—ROHINGYA left MYANMAR, aiming to reach BANGLADESH by boat, citing 1—SHORTAGE—OF—FOOD and FEAR—OF—REPRESSION.
20171012             —SNATCHED, SOUTH—NIGERIA, ITALY—PRIEST—MAURIZIO Pallu (63) was, in broad daylight by armed men —JUST outside of BENIN City.
20171012             He was travelling with 1—GROUP—OF—4—OTHER—PEOPLE—WHEN they were attacked and robbed by armed men who took Pallu but let the others go.
20171012             —RESCUED, PAKISTAN—ARMY said it has, 1—KIDNAPPED—USA—CANADA—COUPLE and their 3—CHILDREN—AFTER receiving intelligence from THE—USA.
20171012             —ABDUCTED, The family was, 20120000             —IN—WHILE traveling in AFGHANISTAN and held by the militant Haqqani network.
20171012             —IDENTIFIED, They were, as CANADA—JOSHUA—BOYLE, his USA—WIFE—CAITLAN Coleman and their children.
20171012             —KILLED, THE—PAKISTANI—TALIBAN reportedly, HAROON—KHAN, 1—LOCAL—JOURNALIST, in the country's volatile northwest.
20171012             —ACCUSED, THE—TALIBAN, him of secretly working for PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE.
20171012             —SIGNED, Rival PALESTINE—FACTIONS—HAMAS and Fatah, 1—RECONCILIATION—DEAL—AFTER Hamas agreed to hand over administrative CONTROL—OF—GAZA, including the key RAFAH border crossing, —1—DECADE—AFTER seizing the enclave in 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20171012             THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE read 1—MEMORANDUM that removes police from the drugs war and places THE—PHILIPPINES—DRUG—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCY (PDEA) in charge, then launched 1—CURSE—LADEN tirade at foreign critics of 1—CAMPAIGN that has killed THOUSANDS—OF—FILIPINOS.
20171012             1—GROUP—OF—SENIOR—OFFICERS from the general staff of the Russian armed forces could not attend the joint briefing with THE—CHINA—MILITARY at THE—UN in NEW—YORK—CITY because they were not issued USA visas.
20171012             —ORDERED, SLOVAKIA—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, 1—LOWER—COURT to look again at claims that Andrej Babis, the man who hopes to be THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—NEXT—PRIME—MINISTER, collaborated with the Czechoslovak COMMUNIST—ERA—SECRET—POLICE.
20171012             —FIRED, SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE, rubber bullets and stun grenades to break up crowds hurling insults at 1—GROUP—OF—MEN ACCUSED—OF—CANNIBALISM in EAST—KWA—ZULU NATAL province.
20171012             † Timol was 1—OF 73—POLITICAL—DETAINEES who, in police custody in SOUTH—AFRICA 19630000—19900000    —BETWEEN.
20171012             1—SPANISH—EUROFIGHTER jet crashed —AFTER taking part in 1—MILITARY—DISPLAY in MADRID for SPAIN—NATIONAL—DAY, killing its pilot.
20171012             —STREAMED, SYRIA, DOZENS—OF—DESPERATE—CIVILIANS, out of battlefront districts of Raqa —AFTER 1—FEROCIOUS—RESUMPTION in bombardment against Islamic State group holdouts in the city.
20171012             3—SYRIA—OPPOSITION—FACTIONS agreed to cease fire in SOUTH—DAMASCUS under 1—AGREEMENT brokered by EGYPT and RUSSIA that was not signed by THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT.
20171012             THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES said it was ending THE—MISSION—OF—NORTH—KOREA—NON—RESIDENT—AMBASSADOR and terminating its own envoy's services in PYONGYANG.
20171012             THE—UAE will also stop issuing new visas or company licenses to NORTH—KOREA—CITIZENS.
20171012             THE—UNITED—NATIONS migration agency said WEST—AFRICA—MIGRANTS trying to reach EUROPE are dying in far greater numbers in THE—SAHARA than in the Mediterranean but efforts to dissuade them may cause new routes to open up.
20171012             VIETNAM officials said recent heavy rain in northern and CENTRAL—VIETNAM have triggered floods and landslides that killed 46—PEOPLE and left 33—PEOPLE missing in the worst such disaster in years.
20171012—18170000    —AB, 1—SEINER Söhne, LUDWIG—CHRISTOPH—MARTIN—WIELAND, wirkte später wie sein Vater als politischer PUBLIZIST und gab unter anderem DIE—ZEITSCHRIFT—DER—PATRIOT in Weimar heraus.
20171012—19710000    —IN, † 1—SOUTH—AFRICA—COURT—SAID—ANTI—APARTHEID activist AHMED—TIMOL, who, was tortured and killed by SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE, 1—LANDMARK decision that raised hopes that DOZENS—OF—SIMILAR—CASES would be investigated.
20171012—20030000    —REJOINED, THE—USA.
20171012—20110000    —STOPPED, THE—USA, funding UNESCO —AFTER it voted to include Palestine as 1—MEMBER.
20171012—20171101    —ON, THE—RAFAH border crossing in GAZA will be handed over to the unity government.
20171012—20200000    —FROM, BRITAIN—UNIVERSITY—CITY—OF—OXFORD unveiled plans to ban petrol and diesel cars from its center as part of the most radical SET—OF—PROPOSALS so far in BRITAIN to curb pollution.
20171012—20300000    —J—AB—DEM, PARIS will BENZIN—, Dieselautos aus der Stadt verbannen
20171012—20790000    da DER—ASTEROID auf seinem jetzigen Vorbeiflug von der Erde abgelenkt wurde, könne sich die Wahrscheinlichkeit geändert haben.
20171122             It called for PRESIDENT—ABBAS to organize elections by the end of 20180000             and backed 20171012             —THE—FATAH—HAMAS agreement.
20181012             Das KUPFER—KLEINGELD stammt aus dem 03000101—04991231   —UND,
20181012             "Man darf wohl —AM—ENDE—DER—RÖMISCHEN—HERRSCHAFT hier im Rheinland dramatische Ereignisse vermuten, wenn jemand sein Geld versteckt und es nicht wieder abholt",
20181012             "Mascot"—LANDUNG auf Asteroid Ryugu: Extraterrestrisches Geröll verblüfft DIE—FORSCHER
20181012             1—MIETER hatte angefragt, warum sein Name ersichtlich sei.
20181012             ANGST—VOR—INVASÃON: Was POPULISTEN dem Volk vorgaukeln
20181012             Als das Kleingeld —DAMALS, versteckt wurde, hatte es den Angaben nach 1—WERT—VON—7—TAGESLÖHNEN eines Arbeiters.
20181012             Also durchschlagend —JETZT im DURCHFALL—SINNE, klar.
20181012             ANDREW—BRUNSON: TÜRKEI—GERICHT hebt Arrest und Ausreisesperre gegen USA—PASTOR auf
20181012             Auf einem Acker am Niederrhein sind Schatzsucher auf mehr als 12000000             Münzen aus der späten RÖMER—ZEIT gestoßen.
20181012             BRUT—PFLEGE bei Dinosauriern: Langhälse waren Rabeneltern
20181012             BRITISCHE—KARIBIK—INSEL ANGUILLA: BREXIT—CHAOS am Traumstrand
20181012             Dazu zählen beispielsweise hilflose Menschen und Gegenstände, die stehengelassen wurden ODER—MENSCHEN—GRUPPEN, die ein auffälliges Verhalten ZEIGEN—ETWA indem sie alle schnell zu 1—BESTIMMTEN Stelle laufen.
20181012             ENERGIE—WENDE: KOMMISSION will Kohlereviere mit MILLIARDEN stützen
20181012             Einsteins Freundin MARIE—WINTELER: Liebe ist relativ
20181012             FRANKREICH: —JUSTIZ verschärft Vorgehen gegen LE—PEN - ISRAEL—EX—GENERAL—STABS—CHEF: Der Joker
20181012             ITALIEN—PARLAMENT stimmt höherer Neuverschuldung zu
20181012             Inflation in DEUTSCHLAND: TEUERUNGS—RATE auf dem höchsten Stand —SEIT—7—JAHREN
20181012             JAHRES—TAGUNG—VON—IWF und WELT—BANK: Für EUROPA wird es wieder brenzlig, und ITALIEN ist schuld
20181012             Jawohl, Herr Pofalla!
20181012             Kritik vom UMWELT—BUNDES—AMT: CHEMIE—FIRMEN entziehen sich EU—KONTROLLEN
20181012             MELANIA—TRUMP: "DIE—AM meisten gemobbte Person der Welt"
20181012             MICHAEL—COHEN: DONALD—TRUMP—EX—ANWALT ist wieder bei den DEMOKRATEN
20181012             Mögliche ÜBERWACHUNG—DURCH—VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ: 13—BUNDES—LÄNDER liefern belastendes Material zur AfD
20181012             Niederrhein: Spätrömischer Münzschatz auf Acker entdeckt
20181012             Seelachs: Fischstäbchen könnten um —BIS zu 15 % teurer werden
20181012             Stattdessen sollen —JETZT "neutrale TOP—NUMMERN" angebracht werden.
20181012             Todesfall im HAMBACHER—FORST: NRW—INNEN—MINISTER gibt falsche Darstellung zu
20181012             USA—BUNDES—STAAT—WASHINGTON schafft TODES—STRAFE ab
20181012             USA—MEDIEN—BERICHTE: TÜRKEI hat angeblich Beweise für Ermordung KHASHOGGIs
20181012             Verschwundener JOURNALIST—KHASHOGGI: Mit DONALD—TRUMP und ERDOGAN für die MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT
20181012             [l] Der GESICHTSERKENNUNGS—BIG—BROTHER—TEST am BERLINer Südkreuz war ein durchschlagender Erfolg.
20181012             [l] Haha, zu der BLOOMBERG—SUPERMICRO—GESCHICHTE kommt von Ars Technica noch der Einwand, daß man bei Supermicro gar keine SPIONAGE—TROJANER—HARDWARE braucht, weil die an sich —SCHON so viel kaputte und verwundbare und BY—DESIGN—SPIONAGEGESCHICHTEN mitliefern
20181012             [l] In ÖSTERREICH haben die RECHTS—POPULISTEN in den Dörfern dazugewonnen, durch die —VOR—500—JAHREN DIE—TÜRKEN gezogen sind.
20181012             [l] PSA: DER—NAME an der Klingel verstößt GEGEN—DIE—DSGVO.
20181012             ÜBERWACHUNG—IN—DEUTSCHLAND: Umstrittene Gesichtserkennung soll ausgeweitet werden
20181012             —ANTI—TRUMP—VIDEO von Barbra Streisand: ÜBERWÄLTIGUNGS—POP gegen PRÄSIDENTEN—POMP
20181012             —BISLANG scheinen VIELE—MENSCHEN—DER—IDEE, daß 1—ROBOTERFINGER sie anfasst, skeptisch gegenüberzusehen.
20181012             —HANDELS—STREIT—CHINAS Exportüberschuss gegenüber DEN—USA auf REKORD—HOCH
20181012             —UPDATE, Wer im MATHE—UNTERRICHT aufgepasst hat, wird merken, daß hier 1—TEIL fehlt, nämlich wie VIEL—PROZENT—DER—LEUTE gesuchte VERDÄCHTIGE sind.
20181012             —URTEIL—IN—KÖLN: 3—FREISPRÜCHE in Prozess um Einsturz des Stadtarchivs
20181012             —VOR, MIDTERM—WAHLEN—IN—DEN—USA: FACEBOOK löscht mehr als 800—PROPAGANDA—ACCOUNTS
20181012             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA—ARMY has discharged more than 500—IMMIGRANT enlistees, over the last —12—MONTHS, who had been recruited across the globe for their language or medical skills and promised 1—FAST—TRACK to citizenship in exchange for their service.
20181012             Bloomberg withdrew from 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—INVESTMENT—CONFERENCE—AT—THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH, —FOLLOWING other media companies that have dropped plans to participate —AFTER THE—DISAPPEARANCE—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—DISSIDENT—JOURNALIST—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI.
20181012             DETROIT—MICHIGAN, the decomposed bodies of 11—INFANTS were found in 1—CEILING compartment of THE—FORMER—CANTRELL Funeral Home.
20181012             —CLOSED, The facility had been, sinece —APRIL—WHEN inspectors suspended its license —FOLLOWING THE—DISCOVERY—OF—BODIES covered with what appeared to be mold.
20181012             —KILLED, NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—ATTACK by the Taliban, 4—SOLDIERS in Kunduz province.
20181012             † Several Taliban fighters were also killed.
20181012             1—TALIBAN delegation met with USA—ENVOY—ZALMAY Khalilzad in QATAR to discuss ending THE—AFGHANISTAN—CONFLICT.
20181012             —REPORTED, It was, that ALBANIA—BASE at Kucova, long the graveyard of its once mighty AIR—FORCE, is set to become 1—NATO—STATION.
20181012             —SENTENCED, AUSTRALIA, CHINA—PROPERTY developer Xu Longwei was, to at least 2—AND—A—HALF—YEARS in jail by 1—COURT—FOR—NON—CONSENSUAL intercourse with 1—WOMAN—AFTER 1—SYDNEY dinner party hosted by billionaire JD.COM—FOUNDER—RICHARD—LIU.
20181012             AUSTRIA, 2—WOMEN tied the knot in VIENNA in the country's 1. SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE, months —AFTER the country's Constitutional Court ruled to legalize it.
20181012             According to THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY—UNHCR ETHIOPIA—AUTHORITIES have registered more than 6,700 new arrivals from ERITREA —SINCE the border's opening.
20181012             —JUMPED, ERITREA—REFUGEE—ARRIVALS to ETHIOPIA have, to about 390—PER —DAY from —AROUND 53.
20181012             1—FRANCE—POLICE—VAN was seen driving into ITALY to return —RECENTLY—ARRIVED migrants to THE—TOWN—OF—CALVIERE.
20181012             —ADMITTED, FRANCE—AUTHORITIES—LATER, to returning migrants to ITALY in "error".
20181012             GERMANY said it will extend temporary controls at its border with AUSTRIA —FOR—6—MONTHS due to concerns THE—EU—EXTERNAL—FRONTIERS are not sufficiently protected.
20181012             —BARRED, HONG—KONG authorities, former lawmaker Lau SIU—LAI from contesting 1—ELECTION—NEXT—MONTH given her past advocacy of greater autonomy for HONG—KONG.
20181012             1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—PRO—DEMOCRACY—LAWMAKERS and activists protested outside government headquarters, holding up banners decrying the decision as "political suppression".
20181012             —FEARED, EAST—INDIA, 12—PEOPLE were, dead in 1—CYCLONE—SHELTER swamped by 1—LANDSLIDE caused by heavy rains from Cyclone Titli in Orissa state.
20181012             —TRIGGERED, INDONESIA, torrential rains, flash floods and landslides on THE—ISLAND—OF—SUMATRA, killing at least 27—PEOPLE, including 12—CHILDREN at 1—SCHOOL.
20181012             1—ISRAEL—COURT upheld the barring of Lara Alqasem (22), 1—USA—STUDENT, from the country over her activities in support of 1—INTERNATIONAL boycott campaign by PRO—PALESTINE—GROUPS.
20181012             —ORDERED, ISRAEL—DEFENCE—MINISTER—AVIGDOR—LIEBERMAN —LATE—TODAY, the deliveries of QATARI—BOUGHT fuel to stop —AFTER clashes on THE—GAZA—ISRAEL border.
20181012             —ORGANIZED, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY said 5—PEOPLE were shot dead —AFTER "1, attack" on 1—ARMY—POST.
20181012             † THE—GAZA health ministry said 7—PALESTINIANS were killed.
20181012             50—OTHER—PROTESTERS were wounded by live bullets.
20181012             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—FORCES said they had, 1—PALESTINIAN, identified as Ashraf Naalwa (23), on suspicion of stabbing and wounding 1—ARMY—RESERVIST on guard duty at 1—CHECKPOINT—SOUTH—OF—NABLUS the previous —DAY.
20181012             PALESTINE—AISHA Rabi (47), 1—MOTHER—OF—9, was fatally wounded in 1—ATTACK—NEAR the Jewish settlement of Rechalim in THE—WEST—BANK.
20181012             ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—GIUSEPPE—CONTE made 1—RARE—VISIT to ERITREA to support its surprising new peace with neighboring ETHIOPIA as THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY waits to see what happens next in 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST CLOSED—OFF nations.
20181012             —DEMONSTRATED, Students across ITALY, against the government's education funding plans, in the 1. widespread SHOW—OF—DISSIDENCE against the new populist government.
20181012             DENNY—TAMAKI, the new GOVERNOR—OF—OKINAWA, said he wants Americans to know that THE—USA—AND—JAPAN—GOVERNMENTS are forcing 1—RELOCATION—OF—1—USA—MARINE—BASE that residents want removed from THE—SOUTH—JAPAN—ISLAND.
20181012             JAPAN—BASED Toyota said it is recalling nearly 188,000 pickup trucks, SUVs and cars worldwide because the air bags may not inflate in 1—CRASH.
20181012             JAPAN—SPACE—AGENCY said it is delaying 1—TOUCHDOWN of its Hayabusa2 spacecraft on the Ryugu asteroid due to 1—ROCKIER than expected surface.
20181012             —REPORTED, It was, that ANIMAL—RIGHTS in NEPAL campaigned to reduce animal slaughter as THE—15—DAY—DASAIN festival began —THIS—WEEK.
20181012             Traditionally tens of THOUSANDS—OF—GOATS, buffaloes, chickens and ducks are sacrificed to please the gods and goddesses as PART—OF—1—PRACTICE that dates back centuries.
20181012             —KILLED, SOUTH—EAST—NIGERIA, at least 19—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—LEAKING oil pipeline exploded in Abia state.
20181012             —SUSPECTED—OF, Oil thieves were, hacking into the pipe
20181012             1—PAKISTAN—JUDGE signed the execution order for MOHAMMAD—IMRAN, 1—SERIAL child killer convicted of killing 8—CHILDREN in EAST—PUNJAB province.
20181012             —ARRESTED, He was, in January, —2—WEEKS—AFTER authorities say he raped and killed Zainab Ansari (7) and threw her body into 1—GARBAGE dump in THE—CITY—OF—KASUR.
20181012             5—PALESTINIANS were killed by ISRAEL—FIRE at 1—PROTEST—NEAR the fence dividing THE—TERRITORY—AND—ISRAEL.
20181012             NEPAL, 7—PEOPLE, including SOUTH—KOREA—CLIMBERS, were killed and 2—MORE left missing on Gurja Himal mountain —AFTER 1—STRONG—STORM swept through their base camp.
20181012             —FOILED, NIGERIA—TROOPS, 1—ATTEMPT by Boko Haram fighters to overrun 1—MILITARY—BASE in the restive northeast leaving 6—SOLDIERS wounded.
20181012             —BECAME, THE—PHILIPPINES, 1—OF 18—NEW—COUNCIL members elected to THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COUNCIL despite rights groups' complaints that its government, widely condemned internationally for 1—DEADLY—DRUG—CRACKDOWN, doesn't belong in 1—GROUP meant to call out abuses.
20181012             —FIRED, SOMALIA, several missiles were, by 2 unmanned USA—DRONES.
20181012             —REPORTED, At least 60—EXTREMISTS were —LATER, killed.
20181012             —FLOODED, SPAIN, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, THE—STREETS—OF—BARCELONA for rival protests on SPAIN—NATIONAL—DAY, highlighting the division in Catalonia over support for THE—SPAIN—STATE and those seeking INDEPENDENCE.
20181012             —RECOVERED, SPAIN—MARITIME rescue service, the bodies of 3—MIGRANTS and feared that another 17 were missing in the Mediterranean Sea.
20181012             —PULLED, The service, 509—MIGRANTS from 15—SMALL—BOATS.
20181012             —STORMED, EAST—SYRIA, the Islamic State group, the Hajin camp, 1—SETTLEMENT for displaced people in Deir EL—ZOUR province, and abducted scores of civilians.
20181012             20 IS gunmen and "several" SDF fighters were killed.
20181012             —EXPECTED, At least 3,000 more bodies were, to be recovered.
20181012             1—TURKEY—COURT—FREED—AMERICA—PASTOR ANDREW—BRUNSON held for the last —2—YEARS in TURKEY.
20181012             —FREED, He was, taking into account time served and his good conduct —DURING the trial.
20181012             Brunson was flown out of TURKEY.
20181012             THE—UN—CHILDREN'S—AGENCY—UNICEF said 1—MILITIA fighting against the Islamist militant group Boko Haram in NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA has released 833—CHILDREN from its own ranks, some as young as 11.
20181012             —ACCEPTED, FRANCIS—PAPA, the resignation of WASHINGTON Cardinal DONALD—WUERL —AFTER he became entangled in 2—MAJOR—SEXUAL—ABUSE and COVER—UP scandals and lost the support of many in his flock.
20181012             —ESCORTED, Lorent Saleh (30) was —IMMEDIATELY, to the airport and put on 1—FLIGHT to MADRID.
20181012—20050000    —RETIRED, ALBANIA, its 224—SOVIET—AND CHINESE—MADE MiGs.
20181012—20100000    —RALLIED, HUNDREDS—OF—SUPPORTERS from 1—EXTREMIST—ISLAMIST—PARTY, in THE—EAST—PAKISTAN CITY—OF—LAHORE to pressure judges to uphold 1—DEATH—SENTENCE for ASIA Bibi, 1—CHRISTIAN woman convicted of blasphemy.
20181012—20170000    —FROM—THE, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said 2,521 bodies have been recovered BATTLE—FOR—RAQQA, Syria, with the majority killed by coalition air strikes.
20181012—20171121    —ON, It was the deadliest strike —SINCE 1, against 1—CAMP killed about 100—AL—SHABAB fighters.
20181012—20190100    —VORAUSSICHTLICH—AB, In 1 2. Versuch soll getestet werden, inwieweit COMPUTER—PROGRAMME gefilmte Situationen und Gegenstände analysieren können.
20181012—20190106    —CONFIRMED, ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES, that they have arrested 5—JEWISH seminary students, all under age 18, suspected of the fatal STONE—THROWING attack.
20181014—20181012    —RETRIEVED, Rescuers In NEPAL, the bodies of 5—SOUTH—KOREA—CLIMBERS and their 4—NEPAL—GUIDES from Gurja Himal mountain, where they were killed —WHEN their base camp was swept by 1—STRONG—STORM.
20190101231        EUROPA—KULTUR—HAUPT—STADT—MATERA, die unmögliche Stadt (Reise, 18:52)
20190124             —CHARGED, ISRAEL—PROSECUTORS, 1—JEWISH—16—YEAR—OLD with manslaughter —AFTER he allegedly threw 1—STONE at 1—CAR last 20191012             in the occupied WEST—BANK and killed PALESTINE—WOMAN—AISHA Rabi (48).
20191010—20191012    —ON, The owmen were to be released.
20191012             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSON, AB44, outlawing the sale and MANUFACTURE—OF—NEW fur clothing and accessories effective 20230101             .
20191012             Regenwald in BRASILIEN: Abholzung im Amazonas verdoppelt sich innerhalb eines —JAHRES fast
20191012             "DIE—ARCHÄOGENETIK gibt uns einen völlig neuen Blick in die Vergangenheit.
20191012             "Das BUNDES—GEBIET liegt mitten im natürlichen VERBREITUNGS—GEBIET—DES—BURGUNDERTRÜFFELS".
20191012             D - "Das zeigt erstmals, wie lang die Geschichte sozialer Ungleichheit in Familienstrukturen zurückreicht",
20191012             "Der Ausbruch, der sich vor 3—MILLIONEN —JAHREN ereignet hat, war so gewaltig, daß er Konsequenzen für die Umgebung unserer Galaxie hatte",
20191012             "Diese Ergebnisse ändern unsere Vorstellung von der Milchstraße drastisch.
20191012             "Rebellen"-PROZESS—IN—SPANIEN: Katalanischen Separatisten drohen hohe Haftstrafen
20191012             "Reichtum korrelierte entweder mit biologischer Verwandtschaft oder Herkunft aus der Ferne.
20191012             1—WOHLHABENDE Familie, die mit sozial niedriger gestellten Menschen unter einem Dach lebte:
20191012             Als Bronzezeit wird für Mitteleuropa der Zeitraum zwischen 2200—BIS 800_VOR_CHRISTUS bezeichnet
20191012             Ausgrabungen bei AUGSBURG: Besitz und Status wurden —SCHON zur Bronzezeit vererbt
20191012             Ausgrabungen im Lechtal südlich von AUGSBURG zeichnen das Bild einer Gesellschaft mit komplexer Sozialstruktur, in der Besitz und Status vererbt wurden.
20191012             Bei den Müttern der Söhne handelte es sich ausschließlich um zugezogene Frauen.
20191012             Berühmte Römerstadt: ARCHÄOLOGEN entdecken GLADIATOREN—FRESKO in Pompeji
20191012             DIE—GENETISCHEN Analysen erlaubten es den Forschern auch, Familienstammbäume zu erstellen, die 4—BIS 5—GENERATIONEN umfassten.
20191012             DIE—INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—DEN Reichtum glich das Forscherteam mit genetischen Daten von 104—INDIVIDUEN ab, die INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—DIE VERWANDTSCHAFTS—VERHÄLTNISSE der Menschen lieferten.
20191012             DIE—KERN—FAMILIE vererbte ihren Besitz und Status weiter", erklärt Stockhammer.
20191012             DIE—MENSCHEN im Lechtal lebten jedoch mehr als 1.—500—JAHRE früher.
20191012             DIE—SICH innerhalb eines Haushalts über Generationen hielt.
20191012             DIE—WEIBLICHEN Nachkommen mussten die Höfe offenbar verlassen, wenn sie erwachsen waren.
20191012             DIE—WERTVOLLEN Beigaben wurden nur eng verwandten Familienmitgliedern vererbt und Frauen, die aus 400—BIS 600—KILOMETER Entfernung in die Familien kamen
20191012             Dabei fanden die Forscher über —BIS zu —700—JAHRE hinweg nur männliche VERWANDTSCHAFTSlinien.
20191012             Damals bevölkerten —BEREITS die 1. Vorfahren des Menschen die Erde.
20191012             Das Zentrum unserer Galaxie hat vor kosmisch kurzer Zeit einen gigantischen Strahlungsausbruch produziert.
20191012             Das berichten FORSCHER—DES—MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUTS für Menschheitsgeschichte in Jena, der UNIVERSITÄT—TÜBINGEN und der LUDWIG—MAXIMILIANS—UNIVERSITÄT—MÜNCHEN (LMU) im Fachblatt "Science".
20191012             Dass sich in der Bronzezeit hierarchische Strukturen ausbildeten, ist nicht neu.
20191012             Demo nicht genehmigt: KLIMAPRO—TEST am KAPITOL—JANE—FONDA festgenommen
20191012             Der Ausbruch hat sich demnach vor 2,5 —BIS 3,5 Millionen —JAHREN ereignet.
20191012             Der Pilz brauche kalkhaltige Böden und komme auch in freier Natur vor.
20191012             Derart komplexe Strukturen des Zusammenlebens sind bislang vor allem aus dem alten Rom oder dem klassischen GRIECHENLAND bekannt.
20191012             Drohende Staatenlosigkeit in INDIEN: Millionen zu Ausländern erklärt
20191012             —VERLIERT, Ebay, Mastercard, Visa: FACEBOOK, weitere LIBRA—PARTNER
20191012             Edelpilze: Landwirte bauen Trüffel in DEUTSCHLAND an
20191012             Erdogans Pläne für SYRIEN: Die Besatzungsmacht
20191012             Es sei eine faszinierende Vorstellung, daß Vorfahren des Menschen, die damals —BEREITS AFRIKA besiedelt hatten, eine helle Strahlungsblase gesehen haben könnten, wenn sie in Richtung des Zentrums der Milchstraße geblickt haben,
20191012             Extreme Regenmengen erwartet: JAPAN rüstet sich für den Supertaifun
20191012             Frauen mit einem hohen sozialen Rang erhielten aufwändigen Kopfschmuck oder große Beinringe.
20191012             Frust und fehlendes Vertrauen: TRUMP—HEIMATSCHUTZ—MINISTER wirft überraschend hin
20191012             Milchstraße: Forscher weisen gewaltige Explosion im Zentrum unserer Heimatgalaxie nach
20191012             Nördlich von LOS—ANGELES: Tausende Kalifornier fliehen vor Waldbränden
20191012             Offensive in SYRIEN : BUNDES—REGIERUNG setzt Waffenexporte an die TÜRKEI aus
20191012             Ooooh! Doch —JETZT auch —SCHON!
20191012             Seid ihr auch sicher, da nichts zu übereilen?
20191012             Man darf da ja nicht zu hastig rangehen!!
20191012             Rechtsextremismus: Wieder ANGST—VOR—DEUTSCHLAND
20191012             Rotes Meer: IRAN warnt nach TANKER—ANGRIFF vor Konsequenzen
20191012             SYRIEN—OFFENSIVE der TÜRKEI: Tausende KURDEN protestieren in DEUTSCHLAND
20191012             SYRIEN, IRAK, AFGHANISTAN: Warum mehr Menschen nach EUROPA fliehen
20191012             SYRIEN—OFFENSIVE: Grüne fordern Stopp der Rüstungsverkäufe an die TÜRKEI
20191012             TRUMP—EINIGUNG mit CHINA im HANDELS—STREIT, Der Brandstifter spielt Feuerlöscher
20191012             Teilnehmerlisten von Protestveranstaltungen: FACEBOOK—FEHLER könnte Aktivisten gefährdet haben
20191012             Verbrechen gegen Uiguren: Chinas Kader im Visier
20191012             WELT—WEIT werden Trüffel —SEIT den Siebzigerjahren ANGEBAUT—ZUSAMMEN—MIT—IHREN Wirtsbäumen wie Haselnuss, Buche oder Stieleiche.
20191012             —GEHALTEN, Wir hätten es —BIS vor Kurzem nicht für möglich, daß wir einmal Heiratsregeln, soziale Struktur und Ungleichheit in der Vorgeschichte untersuchen können"
20191012             [l] Auch Visa, Mastercard und Stripe steigen aus FACEBOOK Libra aus.
20191012             [l] Meldung —DER—WOCHE: "Verfassungsschutz SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINS nimmt Rechte IM—NETZ ins Visier"
20191012             in jedem Bauernhof haben wir auch arm ausgestattete Personen lokaler Herkunft gefunden".
20191012             —DIE—LAGE—AM—SAMSTAG, Der alltägliche Antisemitismus
20191012             —NEUEN—GESETZ: Kalifornien verbietet das Rauchen an Stränden
20191012             —PROTESTE—GEGEN—ÖL—KONZERN in PARIS: Aktivisten schwärzen TOTAL—ZENTRALE
20191012             —PROTESTFORSCHERIN über EXTINCTION—REBELLION: "Das kennen wir sonst aus dem RECHTS—POPULISTISCHEN Umfeld" (SPIEGEL+, 03:37)
20191012             —VOR—WENIGEN—TAGEN, meldete etwa der Verein Ahrtrüffel seine 1. nennenswerte Ernte.
20191012             —SIGNED, Newsome also, SB313, which prohibits the use of wild animals in 1—CIRCUS.
20191012             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, FAST—MOVING wildfires broke out overnight, leaving 2—DEAD, destroying homes and forcing 100,000 residents to flee.
20191012             † Authorities said 3—PEOPLE have, at the scene of southern state wildfires —THIS—WEEK.
20191012             —KILLED, CHICAGO, 5—PEOPLE were shot and 4, at 1—APARTMENT building on the city's NORTH—WEST—SIDE.
20191012             Krysztof Marek (66) with 1—HISTORY—OF—ISSUES with his neighbors was in custody.
20191012             The 5. victim † the —NEXT—DAY.
20191012             LOUISIANA GOVERNOR—JOHN—BEL—EDWARDS, 1—CONSERVATIVE—DEMOCRAT, received 47—PERCENT—OF—VOTES, but failed to secure outright victory in 1—PRIMARY—ELECTION.
20191012             Republican EDDIE—RISPONE, making his 1. run for political office, finished 2. with 27—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20191012             LOUISIANA, 1—LARGE—SECTION—OF—1—HARD—ROCK—HOTEL under construction in NEW—ORLEANS collapsed.
20191012             3—PEOPLE were killed and more than 20 injured.
20191012             —KILLED, NEW—YORK—CITY, 4—MEN were, and 3—PEOPLE wounded —EARLY—TODAY in 1—SHOOTING at 1 unlicensed gambling club in Brooklyn.
20191012             † In OREGON antifascist activist Sean D Kealiher (23) was killed in THE—EARLY—HOURS in 1—APPARENT—HIT—AND—RUN outside Cider Riot, 1—CIDERY and taproom popular with PORTLAND—ANARCHIST left that has been THE—SCENE—OF—CONFLICT with rightwing groups.
20191012             TEXAS, 1—POLICE—OFFICER shot and killed Atatiana Jefferson, a —28—YEAR—OLD—BLACK—WOMAN, inside 1—HOME where she had reportedly been playing video games with her —8—YEAR—OLD—NEPHEW.
20191012             —FIRED, Police said the officer, through 1—WINDOW into the home —WHILE responding to 1—CALL to check on THE—WELL—BEING of those inside.
20191012             Climate scientists, physicists, biologists, engineers and others from at least 20—COUNTRIES broke with the caution traditionally associated with academia to side with peaceful protesters courting arrest from AMSTERDAM to MELBOURNE.
20191012             —COORDINATED, The declaration was, by 1—GROUP—OF—SCIENTISTS who support Extinction Rebellion, 1—CIVIL—DISOBEDIENCE—CAMPAIGN that formed in BRITAIN —1—YEAR—AGO and has —SINCE sparked offshoots in DOZENS—OF—COUNTRIES.
20191012             —ARRIVED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING, in NEPAL on 1—STATE—VISIT for talks with PRIME—MINISTER—KP—SHARMA—OLI and both sides are expected to sign 1—DEAL expanding 1—RAILWAY—LINK between the Himalayan nation and TIBET.
20191012             —SENTENCED, THE—GIZA criminal court also, 8—DEFENDANTS to life in prison on similar charges.
20191012             —RECEIVED, Another 12—DEFENDANTS, —10—YEARS in prison.
20191012             EGYPT, 1—SHELL hit 1—TRUCK carrying civilians in the restive NORTH—SINAI—PENINSULA, killing at least 9—PEOPLE—OF—THE—SAME—FAMILY.
20191012             She was brought —BEFORE prosecutors late the —NEXT—DAY and ordered to remain in custody —FOR—15—DAYS.
20191012             —ARMED, NORTH—EAST—ETHIOPIA, men killed at least 16—PEOPLE and injured about 2—DOZEN—OTHERS in 1—SMALL—VILLAGE, in 1—OF—THE—DEADLIEST attacks seen in the region.
20191012             FRANCE said it is halting EXPORTS—OF—ANY—ARMS to TURKEY that could be used in its offensive against Kurds in Syria, and wants 1—IMMEDIATE—MEETING—OF—THE—USA—LED coalition against Islamic State extremists.
20191012             —BANNED, GERMANY said it has, arms exports to TURKEY over its assault against Kurdish YPG militia in Syria.
20191012             —DENIED, GUATEMALA—PRESIDENT—ELECT ALEJANDRO—GIAMMATTEI was, entry to VENEZUELA, where he was scheduled to meet with opposition leader JUAN—GUAIDO, according to VENEZUELA—OPPOSITION.
20191012             INDIA, CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING and INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI agreed to set up 1—NEW—MECHANISM to discuss trade —DURING—2—DAYS—OF—INFORMAL—TALKS in SOUTH—INDIA that were aimed at RE—CALIBRATING strained ties between the nations.
20191012             —OFFERED, IRAN, to engage SYRIA—KURDS, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and TURKEY in talks to establish security along THE—TURKISH—SYRIA—BORDER —FOLLOWING TURKEY—MILITARY—INCURSION into NORTH—SYRIA to fight Kurdish forces.
20191012             —PARALYZED, Typhoon Hagibis, TOKYO, leaving millions confined indoors and streets deserted as fierce rain and wind killed 2, flooded rivers and threatened widespread damage.
20191012             —KILLED, SOUTH—KENYA, 1—ROADSIDE bombing, 11—OFFICERS—NEAR—LIBOI on the border with SOMALIA.
20191012             The main KURDISH—LED group in NORTH—SYRIA is calling on THE—USA to carry out its "moral responsibilities" and close NORTH—SYRIA—AIRSPACE to TURKEY—WARPLANES.
20191012             —DETAINED, HOLLAND—POLICE said they had, 130—PROTESTERS with environmental group Extinction Rebellion who blocked locations in downtown AMSTERDAM to draw attention to climate change.
20191012             —REPORTED, It was, that THOUSANDS—OF—NIGERIA—HUNTERS on the northest are preparing 1—OFFENSIVE against Boko Haram extremists.
20191012             —BACKED, They were, by Borno STATE—GOVERNOR—BABAGANAZULUM and were armed with charmed amulets and knowledge of the harsh terrain.
20191012             —DEMANDED, NORTH—KOREA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY "strongly " that JAPAN pay compensation for 1—FISHING boat that sank —WHEN it collided with 1—JAPAN—PATROL—BOAT—EARLIER—THIS—WEEK.
20191012             † SARA—DANIUS, —57—JAHRE—ALT, the 1. woman to lead THE—SWEDEN—INSTITUTION that awards the Nobel Prize in literature.
20191012             THE—SYRIAN—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said the death toll among SYRIA—KURDISH—LED fighters battling 1—TURKEY—OFFENSIVE has risen to 74, MOST—OF—WHOM have been killed in the Tel Abyad area.
20191012             —REPORTED, It was, that PRO—ANKARA fighters taking part in 1—TURKEY—OFFENSIVE on KURDISH—HELD border towns in NORTH—EAST—SYRIA have "executed" 9—CIVILIANS.
20191012             —CAPTURED, TURKEY—MILITARY said it has, Ras AL—AYN, 1—KEY—SYRIA—BORDER—TOWN under heavy bombardment, as its offensive against Kurdish fighters pressed into its 4. —DAY with little sign of relenting despite mounting INTERNATIONAL criticism.
20191012             —DENIED, Kurdish authorities, the town had fallen to the Turks, saying fighting was continuing.
20191012             THE—CIVIL—DEATH—TOLL resulting from TURKEY—OFFENSIVE into NORTH—SYRIA had —NOW reportedly risen to 30.
20191012—20130000    —ELECTED, Danius was, to 1—LIFETIME position on THE—SWEDEN—ACADEMY—BOARD and
20191012—20150000    —IN, because the body's 1. female permanent SECRETARY.
20191012—20160100    —IN, 1—EGYPT—COURT sentenced 6—PEOPLE to death on TERROR—RELATED charges for carrying out 1—MILITANT—ATTACK, outside 1—HOTEL—NEAR the famed GIZA Pyramids.
20191012—20180000    —IN, She resigned the position.
20191012—20191116    —ON, Edwards, seeking a 2. term, will face 1—REPUBLICAN businessman in 1—RUN—OFF vote.
20200510             STATISTIK—QUELLEN—DATA 202005101200          nachm.
20201008—20201012    —WARNED, BRITAIN—CHANCELLOR—RISHI—SUNAK, that SOME—BUSINESSES will be "legally shut" again as he set out his new support for jobs AHEAD—OF—BORIS—JOHNSON—NEXT—ADDRESS to the country.
20201012             —MONTAG, 20201012
20201012             Kaliforniens ungewisse Zukunft: Traumland ist abgebrannt
20201012             —12—WOCHEN—BIS zum endgültigen Brexit: Der Unterschied zwischen einer hässlichen und einer ganz hässlichen Scheidung
20201012             Arbeitskampf im Öffentlichen Dienst: Sollen CORONA—HELDEN mehr Geld bekommen?
20201012             Prominenter Virusberater: Fauci empört über eigenes Zitat in TRUMP—WERBESPOT
20201012             Extinction Rebellion: Radikale Umweltschützer kapern Pariser Eiffelturm
20201012             —ENTSENDET, Streit mit GRIECHENLAND: TÜRKEI, GAS—ERKUNDUNGSSCHIFF erneut ins östliche Mittelmeer
20201012             Satellitenbild —DER—WOCHE: Drohender MEGA—TSUNAMI vor ALASKA
20201012             Ein schmelzender Gletscher in ALASKA könnte durch einen Erdrutsch einen Tsunami auslösen.
20201012             Forscher befürchten Monsterwellen von mehreren 100—METERN.
20201012             Die Erdmassen am BARRY—GLETSCHER bewegen sich auch deshalb schneller Richtung Fjord, weil der Gletscher —SEIT—JAHREN schrumpft.
20201012             Durch steigende Durchschnittstemperaturen ist nur noch rund 1—DRITTEL der FRÜHEREN—EISBEDECKUNG übrig geblieben.
20201012             Innerhalb von —20—JAHREN werde es sehr wahrscheinlich zu einer TSUNAMI—KATASTROPHE kommen,
20201012             Philologenverband: Lüften gegen CORONA—SCHULKINDER sollen sich "warm anziehen"
20201012             —BERICHTET, Senatsanhörungen zum SUPREME—COURT: Um jeden Preis Aus WASHINGTON, ALEXANDER—SAROVIC
20201012             DEUTSCHE—RÜSTUNGSPOLITIK: Genehmigungen für Waffenexporte um 1—DRITTEL zurückgegangen
20201012             UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR: Guterres ruft zu weltweiter Waffenruhe auf
20201012             "Glutnester antidemokratischen Verhaltens": NIEDERSACHSEN kündigt eigene EXTREMISMUS—STUDIE bei Polizei an
20201012             Coronakrise: Kaufhäuser und Geschäfte in Toplagen besonders hart betroffen
20201012             Afrikas höchster Berg: Feuer auf dem Kilimandscharo
20201012             Überlastete Ordnungsämter: Städtebund will CORONA—KONTROLLEN an private Sicherheitsfirmen übertragen
20201012             Maskenpflicht in Schulen: "Kindeswohlgefährdung ist das nicht" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ARMIN—HIMMELRATH
20201012             Politische Krise in BELARUS: Maas fordert Sanktionen gegen Lukaschenko
20201012             Nobelpreisverkündung: Wirtschaftsnobelpreis für Milgrom und Wilson
20201012             Auszeichnung der SCHWEDISCHEN—REICHSBANK: Nobelpreis für Wirtschaft geht an USA—ÖKONOMEN Milgrom und Wilson
20201012             Konjunktur: USA—UNTERNEHMEN sehen Standort DEUTSCHLAND positiver als vor CORONA
20201012             Nahostkonflikt: Israels Regierung stimmt für Abkommen mit Emiraten
20201012             Bürgermeisterwahl in CHEMNITZ: SPD siegt, AFD—KANDIDAT wird Letzter
20201012             Heftige Regenfälle: Mindestens 18—TOTE nach Überschwemmungen in VIETNAM
20201012             Satelliten auf Crashkurs: DEUTSCHES—RADAR soll vor Kollisionen im All warnen
20201012             Krise in BELARUS: EU—AUßENMINISTER drohen Lukaschenko persönlich mit Sanktionen
20201012             CORONA—HOTSPOT in ÖSTERREICH: Expertenkommission sieht Fehler bei Krisenmanagement in Ischgl
20201012             Fall Nawalny: EU—AUßENMINISTER einigen sich auf Sanktionen gegen RUSSLAND
20201012             WELTHUNGER—INDEX 20200000             : 37—LÄNDER verlieren Kampf gegen den Hunger
20201012             Ethnologisches Museum: BERLIN gibt mumifizierte Köpfe an NEUSEELAND zurück
20201012             CORONA: Vereinte Nationen rufen Finanzminister zu KLIMA—INVESTITIONEN auf
20201012             Wissenschaftler fordern neue Agrarpolitik: "Die Situation ist dramatisch"
20201012             Reisebeschränkungen in DEUTSCHLAND: Das Risikoverbot
20201012             ALTEN—UND Pflegeheime: Für 1—RECHT auf Besuch und Berührung 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—PETER—DABROCK
20201012             Demonstrationen in BELARUS: Ministerium droht mit Schusswaffengebrauch bei Protesten
20201012             Wegen CORONA: Buchmesse schließt Publikum aus
20201012             Angst vor Hacks von Wahltechnik: USA—BEHÖRDEN schalten gefährliches BOT—NETZWERK TrickBot ab
20201012             —BEFÜRCHTET, Digitalsteuer: OECD, Handelskrieg bei ausbleibender Einigung
20201012             Trumps CORONA—INFEKTION: Die Immunitätsfrage
20201012             MERKEL—CHIEF—OF—STAFF on THE—CORONA€”VIRUS: "We Are Threatened By a 2. Wave If We Don't Act Very Quickly"
20201012             —VERBIETET, Neue Regeln für soziales Netzwerk: Facebook, HOLOCAUST—LEUGNUNG —JETZT weltweit
20201012             Nach Vorstoß aus NIEDERSACHSEN: Auch SACHSEN—ANHALT will Polizeistudie durchführen
20201012             Die Lage —AM—ABEND: Die Krankenakte Potus
20201012             Der BRITISCHE—PREMIERMINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON gibt —AM—MONTAG ein neues dreistufiges CORONA—WARNSYSTEM bekannt.
20201012             Mit den Alarmstufen sollen Beschränkungen für verschiedene Teile Englands besser angepasst werden.
20201012             "Unser Hauptaugenmerk lag immer darauf, Leben und Lebensgrundlagen zu schützen und gleichzeitig die AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS zu kontrollieren.
20201012             Diese Maßnahmen werden dazu beitragen, dieses Ziel zu erreichen", s
20201012             In der Stadt LIVERPOOL wird infolge steigender CORONA—FALLZAHLEN die höchste von 3—ALARMSTUFEN ausgerufen.
20201012             "Pubs und Bars, Wettbüros, Casinos und Spielhallen sowie Fitnessstudios werden geschlossen", teilt BÜRGERMEISTER—STEVE—ROTHERAM mit.
20201012             In der CHINESISCHEN—METROPOLE QINGDAO sollen laut Regierungsangaben innerhalb von —5—TAGEN alle rund 9—MILLIONEN Bewohner auf COVID—19 getestet werden.
20201012             —VERZEICHNET, Die Stadt, in den vergangenen —24—STUNDEN 6—NEUE sowie 6—ASYMPTOMATISCHE Fälle.
20201012             Die meisten Infektionen sind im Zusammenhang mit dem QINGDAO Chest Hospital aufgetreten, das infizierte Rückkehrer nach CHINA behandelt.
20201012             Städtetag findet Beherbergungsverbot "nicht durchdacht"
20201012             "Denn wir haben keine Hinweise darauf, dass Hotels oder der Verkehr mit Bus und Bahn Hotspots sind.
20201012             Die Hotspots entstehen ganz woanders".
20201012             —ÜBERLEBT, Studie: CORONA€”VIRUS, auf glatten Oberflächen —BIS zu —28—TAGE
20201012             Oberflächen wie Handys und bestimmten Geldscheinen —BIS zu —28—TAGE lang überleben.
20201012             Die Überlebensdauer des Erregers ist nach der —AM—MONTAG veröffentlichten Untersuchung aus AUSTRALIEN allerdings stark von den Temperaturverhältnissen abhängig
20201012             Die Überlebensdauer des Erregers sinkt, je höher die Temperatur ist.
20201012             stellten die Forscher der Wissenschaftsbehörde CSIRO fest, dass das Virus bei einer Temperatur von 20—GRAD Celsius "extrem robust" ist.
20201012             Bei dieser Temperatur ist der Erreger demnach in der Lage, —28—TAGE lang auf Glas, Stahl und Geldscheinen aus Kunststoff zu überleben.
20201012             Bei 30—GRAD betrug seine Überlebensdauer hingegen nur noch —7—TAGE, bei 40—GRAD lediglich —24—STUNDEN.
20201012             Auf porösen Oberflächen wie etwa Baumwolle ist die Überlebensdauer des Virus der Studie zufolge generell niedriger:
20201012             die Überlebensdauer des Virus beträgt demnach abhängig von der Temperatur zwischen —14—TAGEN und weniger als —16—STUNDEN.
20201012             CSIRO—DIREKTOR TREVOR—DREW warnte auf Grundlage der Studie im Sender ABC vor den von Gegenständen wie Handys ausgehenden Infektionsrisiken.
20201012             Wer solche Materialien berühre und sich anschließend etwa die Finger lecke oder an die Nase oder Augen fasse, könne sich unter Umständen noch mehr als —2—WOCHEN nach der Verseuchung des angefassten Objektes anstecken.
20201012             2467—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND
20201012             Erfahrungsgemäß liegen die erfassten Zahlen an Sonntagen und Montagen meist niedriger, auch weil am Wochenende nicht ALLE—GESUNDHEITSÄMTER—DATEN an das RKI weitergeben.
20201012             Die Reproduktionszahl, kurz R—WERT, lag nach RKI—SCHÄTZUNGEN in DEUTSCHLAND laut Lagebericht vom —SONNTAG bei 1,40 (Vortag: 1,42).
20201012             —7—TAGE—R, lag dieser Wert nach Angaben vom —SONNTAG bei 1,37 (Vortag: 1,43).
20201012             —AM—NÄCHSTEN—TAG wurde bekannt, dass 14—ERKRANKTE Isländer im Kitzloch zu Gast waren und sich 3—WEITERE in Tirol positiv getestete Personen in Ischgl aufgehalten hatten.
20201012             —AM—TAG darauf wurden ALLE—APRÈS—SKI—LOKALE im Ort geschlossen.
20201012             Außerdem wurde das ENDE—DER—SKISAISON verfügt.
20201012             München und DUISBURG überschreiten erneut CORONA—WARNSTUFE
20201012             NIEDERSACHSEN will Ampelsystem für Schließung von Schlachthöfen
20201012             Umfrage: Mehrheit erwartet weitere CORONA—WELLE 2021
20201012             bejahten 60—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN "voll" oder "eher", dass sie Sorge vor einer weiteren CORONA—WELLE im kommenden —JAHR haben.
20201012             —AM verbreitetsten sind die Bedenken unter den 18- —BIS 30-Jährigen mit 70 %, am wenigsten Sorgen sich die 31- —BIS 40-Jährigen (54 %).
20201012             Gleichzeitig gaben 91—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN an, sich an die Verhaltensregeln zum Infektionsschutz zu halten.
20201012             Größte Angst mit Blick auf die Coronakrise ist demnach, selbst zu erkranken mit 23 %.
20201012             Aber auch 1—SPALTUNG—DER—GESELLSCHAFT nennen 20 %, eine Erkrankung von Angehörigen 18 %.
20201012             —AM meisten Angst vor dem VERLUST—DES—EIGENEN—ARBEITSPLATZES haben demnach 5 %.
20201012             Als größte Hoffnungen in Zusammenhang mit der Coronakrise nennen 28 % positive Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt wie eine bessere Luftqualität und
20201012             20 % die Entwicklung digitaler Lösungen wie Onlineunterricht oder Homeoffice.
20201012             Der starke Anstieg der CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in FRANKREICH könnte zeitnah neue Einschränkungen des öffentlichen Lebens mit sich BRINGEN—ZUMINDEST auf lokaler Basis.
20201012             "Nichts darf ausgeschlossen werden", sagte Frankreichs PREMIERMINISTER—JEAN—CASTEX —AM—MONTAG gegenüber FRANCE Info auf die Frage nach neuen Ausgangsbeschränkungen.
20201012             Landesweite Maßnahmen wie zu Beginn der Pandemie sollten jedoch verhindert werden.
20201012             SÜDKOREA lockert Kontaktbeschränkungen
20201012             So können —SEIT—MONTAG landesweit als HOCHRISIKO—ORTE eingestufte Einrichtungen wie Nachtklubs, Karaokebars, Buffetrestaurants und Fitnessstudios wieder öffnen, sofern Masken getragen und Gästelisten geführt werden.
20201012             Der Auftakt des großen MAFIA—PROZESSES im Hochsicherheitstrakt des Oberlandesgerichts Düsseldorf mit 14—ANGEKLAGTEN ist wegen der CORONA—QUARANTÄNE eines der Beschuldigten unterbrochen worden.
20201012             Er soll —ERST—AM—FREITAG fortgesetzt werden.
20201012             Die Kammer sei vom Anwalt des Beschuldigten —IN—DER—NACHT zum —MONTAG unterrichtet worden, dass dieser —AM—SAMSTAG seine Mutter besucht habe, als noch nicht klar gewesen sei, dass sie infiziert ist.
20201012             Welthungerhilfe: CORONA "wie 1—BRANDBESCHLEUNIGER" für den Hunger weltweit
20201012             Besonders in AFRIKA südlich der SAHARA und in Südasien sei die Situation —SCHON vor der Pandemie alarmierend gewesen,
20201012             Vorstellung des WELTHUNGER—INDEX 20200000             in BERLIN.
20201012             Zusätzlich werde die Situation durch die Folgen des Klimawandels wie zunehmende Dürrekatastrophen verschärft.
20201012             —NACH—DEM Welthungerindex litten Ende 20190000             rund 690—MILLIONEN Menschen unter chronischem Hunger, weitere 135—MILLIONEN seien von einer akuten Ernährungskrise betroffen gewesen.
20201012             Insgesamt seien Menschen in 50—LÄNDERN—1—VIERTEL aller Länder WELTWEIT—VON Hunger und Unterernährung betroffen.
20201012             Die Fortschritte seien infolge von Ungleichheit, Konflikten, Vertreibung und Klimawandel viel zu gering.
20201012             1. FC Köln hofft weiter auf FAN—RÜCKKEHR
20201012             Brandenburgs Gastgewerbe will gegen Beherbergungsverbot vorgehen
20201012             BERLIN plant keine kostenlosen CORONA—TESTS für Inlandsreisende
20201012             BERLIN, wo der Wert —AM—SONNTAG bei 61,3 lag, haben die Herbstferien —AM—MONTAG begonnen.
20201012             Mehr BRITISCHE—COVID 19—PATIENTEN in Krankenhäusern als zu Beginn der Pandemie
20201012             Insbesondere der Norden des Landes ist massiv betroffen.
20201012             Während sich im Spätsommer vor allem jüngere Menschen infizierten, nehmen die Fallzahlen —NUN auch in den älteren Gruppen wieder ZU—UND damit auch die schweren Verläufe.
20201012             Nach seiner Infektion mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS ist der frühere UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—PETRO—POROSCHENKO aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen worden.
20201012             —VERBESSERT, Sein Zustand habe sich,
20201012             CORONA—SORGE auf Sylt: Über 100—PARTYGÄSTE lassen sich testen
20201012             Berlins Innensenator will —ZUNÄCHST keine neuen Versammlungsbegrenzungen
20201012             —VERBIETET, München, späten Alkoholausschank
20201012             —GETESTET, Vatikan in Sorge: 4—SCHWEIZERGARDISTEN positiv
20201012             Die bunt uniformierten Wachen schützen FRANZISKUS—PAPA (83) und seine Residenz.
20201012             Außerdem habe es "—IN—DEN—LETZTEN—WOCHEN" 3—ANDERE CORONA—FÄLLE in dem kleinen Kirchenstaat gegeben.
20201012             wurden die ANTI—CORONA—VORKEHRUNGEN im Vatikan in einer Anweisung verschärft.
20201012             Die Quartiere würden strenger als —BISHER abgeschottet.
20201012             Bruni teilte mit, dass "ALLE—WACHEN, ob im Dienst oder nicht", inzwischen drinnen und draußen Schutzmasken tragen müssten.
20201012             Allerdings erzählte ein junger Mann, der zu seiner Rekrutenvereidigung interviewt wurde, dass Franziskus ihm auch —SCHON die Hand gedrückt habe.
20201012             ISCHGL—KOMMISSIONSBERICHT sieht "schwere Fehler" beim CORONA—MANAGEMENT
20201012             IRAN meldet so VIELE—TODESFÄLLE an einem —TAG wie noch nie starben binnen —24—STUNDEN 272—PATIENTEN an dem Virus.
20201012             Angesichts steigender CORONA€”VIRUS—FALLZAHLEN in Deutschlands Nachbarländern schließt das Bundesinnenministerium auch erneute Grenzkontrollen nicht AUS—MÖCHTE sie aber vermeiden.
20201012             DEUTSCHER—TOURISMUSVERBAND stimmt in Kritik an Beherbergungsverboten ein
20201012             Weil die CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN rasant steigen, hat die SLOWAKISCHE—REGIERUNG —AM—MONTAG 1—VERSAMMLUNGSVERBOT beschlossen.
20201012             —BEREITS ab —DIESEN—DIENSTAG ist JEDES—ZUSAMMENTREFFEN von mehr als 6—PERSONEN, die nicht in einem gemeinsamen Haushalt leben, verboten.
20201012             Hessens Gastronomen dürfen Ausweise ihrer Kunden verlangen
20201012             4—LANDKREISE und das Land BERLIN kamen zuletzt mit der Verfolgung von Kontakten von CORONA—INFIZIERTEN nicht mehr hinterher.
20201012             Unterstützungsbedarf meldeten demnach der SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINISCHE Landkreis Pinneberg an,
20201012             das Land BERLIN, der LAHN—DILL—KREIS und der Kreis OFFENBACH in HESSEN sowie der Landkreis Esslingen in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG.
20201012             In allen Fällen gab es demnach Engpässe bei der Nachverfolgung von Kontaktpersonen,
20201012             in BERLIN zusätzlich unter anderem auch bei der Betreuung und Überwachung von Menschen in Quarantäne und der Entnahme von Abstrichen für Tests.
20201012             Die Polizei ermittelt gegen einen Busfahrer, der Schüler im Kreis Sömmerda in Thüringen aufgefordert hatte, ihren MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ abzulegen.
20201012             Die Ermittlungen gegen den 38-Jährigen liefen wegen Nötigung,
20201012             Der Mann hatte Ende —SEPTEMBER 1—VIDEO in einem Schulbus auf der Fahrt nach Kölleda gedreht und im INTERNET hochgeladen.
20201012             Darauf ist zu hören, wie er die Kinder aufforderte, ihre Masken abzulegen und so ein "bundesweites Zeichen" zu setzen.
20201012             Der Mann behauptete, dass 2—KINDER durch das Tragen einer Maske gestorben seien.
20201012             Die Diskussion um die Gefahr des Kindeswohles durch Tragen von Masken wurde durch mehrere Falschmeldungen in sozialen Netzwerken entfacht.
20201012             Experten zufolge ist es aber ausgeschlossen, dass ein gesundes Kind allein durch den Gebrauch einer Alltagsmaske umkommt.
20201012             COVID—19: Algarve tem mais 27—CASOS
20201012             Há 15—NOVOS casos de COVID—19 no Alentejo
20201012             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—361—(+7)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—211—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—146—(+7)
20201012             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—10—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—8—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20201012             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—202—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—137—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—64—(+1)
20201012             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—69—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—38—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—29—(=)
20201012             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—245—(+6)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—180—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—65—(+6)
20201012             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—372—(+3)—ÓBITOS—8—(=)—RECUPERADOS—233—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—131—(+3)
20201012             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—17—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—15—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20201012             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—84—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—47—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—37—(+1)
20201012             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—227—(+1)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—148—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—75—(=)
20201012             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—100—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—71—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—29—(=)
20201012             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—122—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—52—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—70—(=)
20201012             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—123—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—32—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—89—(=)
20201012             Aktualisierung 202010120000         —UHR
20201012             BERLIN—MITTE—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—2.879—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—767,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—106,1—TODESFÄLLE—21—EINWOHNERZAHL—375.238
20201012             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—2.547—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—793,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—142,3—TODESFÄLLE—43—EINWOHNERZAHL—321.123
20201012             BERLIN—REINICKENDORF—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.300—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—500,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—69,3—TODESFÄLLE—22—EINWOHNERZAHL—259.689
20201012             BREMEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.790—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—491,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—79,5—TODESFÄLLE—55—EINWOHNERZAHL—567.559
20201012             BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 28,68
20201012             BUNDESLAND BAYERN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 25,59
20201012             BUNDESLAND BERLIN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 62,08
20201012             BUNDESLAND BREMEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 67,97
20201012             BUNDESLAND HESSEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 32,62
20201012             BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 16,16
20201012             BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,79
20201012             BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 22,30
20201012             BUNDESLAND SAARLAND Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 26,24
20201012             CLOPPENBURG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—858—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—502,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—81,4—TODESFÄLLE—1—EINWOHNERZAHL—170.682
20201012             DUISBURG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.251—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—651,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—50,1—TODESFÄLLE—75—EINWOHNERZAHL—498.686
20201012             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.135—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—428,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—33,6—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20201012             ESSEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.508—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—430,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—61,8—TODESFÄLLE—49—EINWOHNERZAHL—582.760
20201012             ESSLINGEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—3.288—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—614,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—74,4—TODESFÄLLE—121—EINWOHNERZAHL—535.024
20201012             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—801—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—413,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—11,9—TODESFÄLLE—27—EINWOHNERZAHL—193.656
20201012             FÜRSTENFELDBRUCK—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.503—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—685,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—58,8—TODESFÄLLE—36—EINWOHNERZAHL—219.311
20201012             GROSS—GERAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.330—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—482,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—51,1—TODESFÄLLE—17—EINWOHNERZAHL—275.726
20201012             HAGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—976—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—517,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—72,6—TODESFÄLLE—14—EINWOHNERZAHL—188.686
20201012             HAMM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.281—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—712,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—55,0—TODESFÄLLE—38—EINWOHNERZAHL—179.916
20201012             HERNE—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—709—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—453,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—86,3—TODESFÄLLE—9—EINWOHNERZAHL—156.449
20201012             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—6.065—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—557,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—66,3—TODESFÄLLE—127—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20201012             MAINZ—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.214—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—555,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—56,7—TODESFÄLLE—28—EINWOHNERZAHL—218.578
20201012             MÜNCHEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—12.592—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—848,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—50,6—TODESFÄLLE—229—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.484.226
20201012             RECKLINGHAUSEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.728—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—444,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—62,7—TODESFÄLLE—47—EINWOHNERZAHL—614.137
20201012             REGEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—301—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—388,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—72,3—TODESFÄLLE—12—EINWOHNERZAHL—77.410
20201012             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.032—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—431,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—48,2—TODESFÄLLE—80—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.615
20201012             ROSENHEIM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—777—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.222,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—67,7—TODESFÄLLE—23—EINWOHNERZAHL—63.551
20201012             SOLINGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—798—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—501,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—69,1—TODESFÄLLE—13—EINWOHNERZAHL—159.245
20201012             S—WENDEL—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—257—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—295,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—63,2—TODESFÄLLE—6—EINWOHNERZAHL—87.007
20201012             STUTTGART—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—3.319—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—521,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—55,8—TODESFÄLLE—66—EINWOHNERZAHL—635.911
20201012             UNNA—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.648—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—417,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—58,2—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—394.891
20201012             WUPPERTAL—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.052—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—577,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—60,5—TODESFÄLLE—88—EINWOHNERZAHL—355.100
20201012             —ÜBERSCHREITET, Auch Düsseldorf, Warnstufe
20201012             Statt —BISHER 10—DÜRFTEN sich nur noch 5—MENSCHEN im öffentlichen Raum zusammen aufhalten.
20201012             Zudem gibt es 1—SPERRSTUNDE für die Gastronomie von 1—UHR —NACHTS—BIS zum —NÄCHSTEN—MORGEN um 6—UHR.
20201012             Die Maßnahmen sollten vor allem möglich machen, dass das Gesundheitsamt weiter die Kontaktpersonen nachverfolgen könne, hieß es.
20201012             WESTFALEN—LIPPE, Lemgo: Bibelschule wird zum CORONA—HOTSPOT
20201012             CORONA—ANSTIEG in ARGENTINIEN: "Die Leute waren zu nachlässig"
20201012             WHO warnt vor Konzept der Herdenimmunität via Ansteckung
20201012             "Niemals in der GESCHICHTE—DES—GESUNDHEITSWESENS wurde Herdenimmunität als 1—STRATEGIE gegen einen Ausbruch eingesetzt, geschweige denn gegen 1—PANDEMIE",
20201012             So 1—VORGEHEN wäre ethisch und wissenschaftlich problematisch.
20201012             1—HERDENIMMUNITÄT—ALSO die Schwelle, ab der sich 1—VIRUS nicht mehr in einer Bevölkerung verbreiten kann
20201012             müsse ähnlich wie bei den Masern und der Kinderlähmung durch Impfungen, nicht durch Ansteckungen erreicht werden, zumal
20201012             weiter unklar sei, wie sehr 1—INFEKTION vor einer 2. schütze.
20201012             Angesichts der steigenden Coronazahlen wies der WHO—CHEF darauf hin, dass 1—GROSSTEIL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN in nur wenigen Ländern passiere.
20201012             Fast die HÄLFTE—DER—NEUEN—FÄLLE entfalle auf 3—STAATEN.
20201012             ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN in FRANKREICH sinkt deutlich
20201012             Armut, Gewalt, CORONA in Zentralamerika: Treck der Verzweifelten
20201012             Einheitliche CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG führt 3—STUFEN—SYSTEM ein
20201012             EU—AUSTRITT Großbritanniens: FRANKREICH trifft Vorkehrungen für Brexit ohne Handelspakt
20201012             Kandidatin für den SUPREME—COURT: USA—DEMOKRATEN warnen vor Amy Coney Barrett
20201012             Mathematiker über den Umgang mit CORONA—STATISTIKEN: "Zahlenblindheit ist gefährlich, auch für die Demokratie" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—HILMAR—SCHMUNDT
20201012             PAUL—MILGROM and ROBERT—WILSON, both of Stanford University, were awarded the Nobel in economic science —TODAY for improvements to auction theory and INVENTIONS—OF—NEW—AUCTION formats.
20201012             —ORDERED, CALIFORNIA—CHIEF—ELECTIONS—OFFICIAL, Republicans to remove unofficial ballot drop boxes from churches, gun shops and other locations and ATTORNEY—GENERAL—XAVIER—BECERRA warned those behind the "vote tampering" could face prosecution..
20201012             CALIFORNIA to date had 855,622 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 16,585 deaths.
20201012             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 108,712 cases and 1,641 deaths.
20201012             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 7,802,822 with the death toll at 214,045.
20201012             —FORMED, Long LINES—OF—PEOPLE—EAGER to cast ballots, as early IN—PERSON voting began in GEORGIA.
20201012             —DEVELOPED, Problems soon, in the state's most populous county.
20201012             —APPEARED, By MID—MORNING, the problem, to have been resolved and the lines had cleared at the arena, which is the largest early voting site in the state with 300—VOTING machines.
20201012             —REPORTED, It was, that NICHOLAS—BEAUCHENE, —26—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA postal worker in NEW—JERSEY, has been arrested —AFTER he threw almost 2,000 pieces of mail, including election ballots, in dumpsters.
20201012             —RECOVERED, Some 1,875 pieces of mail were, including 600 1.—CLASS items and 99—BALLOTS—FOR—NOVEMBER—ELECTION.
20201012             The 5. USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS—LATE—TODAY put on hold 1—LOWER—COURT ruling that had blocked THE—TEXAS—GOVERNOR—ORDER on ballot DROP—OFF sites from taking effect, saying the decision would not hinder Texans from exercising their right to vote.
20201012             † BERNARD—S—COHEN (b,1934), 1—CO—COUNSEL in Loving v. VIRGINIA (19670000             ), in VIRGINIA.
20201012             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT ruling struck down bans on interracial marriage.
20201012             MARK—ZUCKERBERG said that Facebook would ban content that "denies or distorts the Holocaust".
20201012             —2—YEARS—AGO, Zuckerberg cited Holocaust denial as 1—EXAMPLE—OF—PERMISSIBLE—FREE—SPEECH.
20201012             Johnson & Johnson said 1—LATE—STAGE—STUDY—OF—ITS—COVID—19—VACCINE—CANDIDATE has been paused due to the unexplained illness of 1—STUDY—PARTICIPANT.
20201012             —ANNOUNCED, Microsoft, legal action seeking to disrupt 1—MAJOR cybercrime digital network that uses more than a 1—MILLION zombie computers to loot bank accounts and spread ransomware.
20201012             —REPORTED, Cybersecurity firm Intel 471, no significant hit on Trickbot operations.
20201012             SLOVAKIA, Marian Kotleba, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—FAR—RIGHT—PEOPLE—PARTY—OUR—SLOVAKIA, was convicted of illegal use of NEO—NAZI symbols and sentenced to —4—YEARS and —4—MONTHS in prison.
20201012             The verdict was not final.
20201012             —FILED, Mallinckrodt, for bankruptcy protection, saddled with lawsuits alleging it helped fuel THE—USA—OPIOID—EPIDEMIC.
20201012             —AGREED, Mallinckrodt said it had, to pay $1.6—BILLION over several years to settle OPIOID—RELATED litigation.
20201012             —SURPASSED, ARGENTINA, 900,000 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS, with strong GROWTH—OF—INFECTIONS in large, populated centers in THE—INTERIOR—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AFTER MONTHS—OF—THE—VIRUS being concentrated in BUENOS—AIRES and its suburbs.
20201012             —ACCUSED, ARMENIA and AZERBAIJAN, EACH—OTHER—OF—ATTACKS over the separatist TERRITORY—OF—NAGORNO—KARABAKH despite 1—CEASE—FIRE—DEAL brokered by RUSSIA in 1—EFFORT to end the worst outbreak of hostilities in the region in decades.
20201012             AUSTRALIA—RESEARCHERS said the virus that causes COVID—19 can survive on banknotes, glass and stainless steel for up to —28—DAYS.
20201012             Led by PRIME—MINISTER—SHEIKH—HASINA, the cabinet met online and approved changes to 1—LAW that will enable courts to sentence any convicted rapist to execution.
20201012             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT, new restrictions on business and socializing in major NORTH—ENGLAND cities with high infection rates.
20201012             —PUSHED, But pubs, restaurants and other businesses, back, arguing that they are not to blame for 1—RESURGENT outbreak.
20201012             —REPORTED, It was, that recent flooding in several provinces of CAMBODIA has killed at least 11—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20201012             THE—CHINA—CITY—OF—QINGDAO said it will test its entire population of more than 9—MILLION—PEOPLE for CORONA€”VIRUS, —AFTER discovering 12—NEW—INFECTIONS that appeared to be linked to 1—HOSPITAL treating imported infections.
20201012             —CONFIRMED, Total, COVID—19—CASES in mainland CHINA stood at 85,578. The death toll remained at 4,634.
20201012             —RELAXED, CUBA, CORONA€”VIRUS restrictions in hopes of boosting its economy.
20201012             —AGREED, EU foreign ministers, to impose sanctions on RUSSIA—OFFICIALS and organizations blamed for THE—POISONING—OF—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ALEXEI—NAVALNY with 1—SOVIET—ERA nerve agent.
20201012             THE—RV—POLARSTERN icebreaker, carrying scientists on —1—YEAR—LONG—INTERNATIONAL—EFFORT to study the high ARCTIC, returned to its home port in GERMANY carrying 1—WEALTH—OF—DATA that will help researchers better predict climate change in the decades to come.
20201012             —SHATTERED, IRAN, its SINGLE—DAY—RECORD for new deaths and infections from THE—CORONA€”VIRUS, with 272—PEOPLE confirmed dead among more than 4,200 new cases.
20201012             —APPROVED, THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT unanimously, the country's —RECENTLY signed normalization agreement with THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—AHEAD—OF—1—RATIFICATION—VOTE by PARLIAMENT.
20201012             —VOWED, JAPAN, to bolster its missile deterrence capability to respond to threats by NORTH—KOREA—WEAPONS that are becoming "more diverse and complex," as displayed —DURING 1—MILITARY—PARADE held by the North over the weekend.
20201012             —REPORTED, It was, that JAPAN—TAKEDA—PHARMACEUTICAL—CO—LED group, that is developing 1—BLOOD plasma treatment for COVID—19, has started manufacturing —WHILE THE—LATE—STAGE—TRIAL to determine whether it works is ongoing.
20201012             ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—JORDAN swore in 1—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER—AND—CABINET, tasking the new government to manage the country through 1—ECONOMIC and health crisis as it faces 1—GROWING WAVE—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS infections.
20201012             THE—KING—APPOINTED—BISHER—AL—KHASAWNEH as the new PRIME—MINISTER—AFTER his predecessor, OMAR—RAZZAZ, resigned —LAST—WEEK.
20201012             —ANNOUNCED, LEBANON, the names of its delegation that will hold indirect talks —LATER—THIS—WEEK with ISRAEL over the disputed maritime border between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20201012             —SUSPECTED, MEXICO, at least 14, gunmen were killed and 3—POLICE—OFFICERS wounded in 1—MASSIVE—SHOOTOUT—NEAR—CALERA, ZACATECAS state.
20201012             —SIGNED, THE—NEW—ZEALAND government, 1—DEAL to buy 1.5—MILLION—COVID—19—VACCINES from Pfizer Inc and GERMANY—BIONTECH, with delivery as early as the 1. quarter of 20210000             .
20201012             —KILLED, NIGERIA, 2—PEOPLE were, in LAGOS as protests continued against police brutality for a 6. —DAY.
20201012             RUSSIA said human trials of its Sputnik V COVID—19—VACCINE have begun in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES.
20201012             —REPORTED, RUSSIA, 13,592 new CORONA€”VIRUS cases, almost the most recorded in 1—SINGLE—DAY—SINCE the pandemic began, pushing the national tally to 1,312,310. Officials said 125—PEOPLE had † in the previous —24—HOURS, pushing the official death toll to 22,722.
20201012             —OPENED, CENTRAL—RUSSIA, 1—GUNMAN, fired at 1—BUS and 1—BUS stop in 1—VILLAGE in the Nizhny Novgorod region, killing 3—PEOPLE and wounding 3—MORE.
20201012             —RECEIVED, SOUTH—KOREA—DRUGMAKER Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co Ltd said that it had, regulatory approval for Phase 1—CLINICAL—TRIALS—OF—ITS—ANTI—PARASITIC niclosamide drug to treat COVID—19—PATIENTS.
20201012             —RECEIVED, SOUTH—KOREA—DRUGMAKER Celltrion Inc said it has, regulatory approval for Phase 3—CLINICAL—TRIALS—OF—CT—P59, 1—EXPERIMENTAL—COVID 19—TREATMENT.
20201012             —DIRECTED, The drug is, against THE—SURFACE—OF—THE—VIRUS and designed to block it from locking on to human cells.
20201012             SWITZERLAND—DRUGMAKER Roche said it plans to start selling 1—HIGHER—VOLUME—COVID—19—ANTIGEN test for laboratories by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR as it expands diagnostics for the pandemic.
20201012             —TESTED, THE—VATICAN said 4—SWITZERLAND—GUARDS have, positive for THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20201012             3—OTHER—VATICAN residents have tested positive in recent weeks.
20201012             —KILLED, YEMEN, 1—MAN, at least 12—PEOPLE, including his wife and 3—CHILDREN, in 1—FAMILY—DISPUTE in the country's CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—BAYDA.
20201012—10000918    —BIS, Für die Onlineumfrage wurden den Angaben zufolge vom 11. Menschen ab —18—JAHREN vom Marktforschungsinstitut "—HEUTE und —MORGEN" befragt.
20201012—19580000    —J—IM, löste in der alaskischen Lituya Bay 1—ERDBEBEN einen Tsunami aus, weil Millionen Kubikmeter Fels aus einer Höhe von 600—METERN in den Fjord stürzten.
20201012—19580000    —J—IM, Die WELLE—DES—TSUNAMIS gilt mit 500—METERN als eine der größten überhaupt.
20201012—20120000    —SEIT, In 14—LÄNDERN habe sich die Situation sogar verschlechtert.
20201012—20160000    —CREATED, THE—TRICKBOT malware, by 1—LOOSE consortium of RUSSIAN—SPEAKING cybercriminals, is 1—DIGITAL superstructure for sowing malware.
20201012—20200307    —GETESTET, ISCHGL, war ein Barkeeper im Kitzloch positiv, worden.
20201012—20200309    —GESPERRT, Die Bar wurde behördlich.
20201012—20201028    —INTENSIFIED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said TANZANIA—AUTHORITIES have, repression to muzzle the opposition, civil society and the news media AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS, where the incumbent PRESIDENT—JOHN—MAGUFULI is seeking a 2. term.
20201012—20210000    —AB, Nach erfolgreichem Test: Polizei in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN erhält mehr als 100—DROHNEN
20201012—20300000    —BIS, "Wenn wir bei der Hungerbekämpfung weiter so machen wie —BISHER, werden es 37—LÄNDER nicht schaffen, ein niedriges Hungerniveau zu erreichen",
20201017—20201012    —AM, Wilmes hatte an Gesprächen mit den anderen EU—AUßENMINISTERN in LUXEMBURG teilgenommen.
20201023—20201012    —AM, war 1. DIE—MARKE—VON—100.000—FÄLLEN überschritten
20201103—20201012    —SINCE, J&J's trial in BRAZIL had been suspended, so 1—SAFETY—PANEL could evaluate 1 unexplained illness of 1—PARTICIPANT in its planned 60,000-person Phase III study.
20210919—20211012    —ON, 1—WYOMING coroner said Petito was strangled to death 3—4—WEEKS—BEFORE her body was found.
20211012             —DIENSTAG, 20211012
20211012             —GELANGWEILT, Umstrittener Präsidents Brasiliens: Bolsonaro "" über Fragen zu Coronatoten
20211012             USA wollen Auslieferung des WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDERS: Das Rachekomplott gegen JULIAN—ASSANGE
20211012             Medienbericht: ZAHL—DER—IMPFDURCHBRÜCHE wegen höherer Impfquote stark gestiegen
20211012             Neuaufstellung nach Wahlschlappe: Frauen in der CDU wollen mehr Macht und Einfluss
20211012             Untersuchung zu geschöntem CHINA—BERICHT: IWF—CHEFIN Georgieva übersteht Vorwürfe der Datenmanipulation
20211012             Sondierungen zwischen SPD, Grünen und FDP: Polizeigewerkschaften warnen vor CANNABIS—LEGALISIERUNG
20211012             Vermengung mit Billigware: EU soll Honigmischungen genauer kennzeichnen
20211012             Sturzfluten und Erdrutsche: Dutzende Tote bei Unwettern in CHINA und auf den PHILIPPINEN
20211012             Bericht der "NEW—YORK—TIMES": Trump bekam aus SAUDI—ARABIEN offenbar gefälschte Pelze geschenkt
20211012             Indikator für Inflationsentwicklung: Großhandelspreise sind so stark gestiegen wie —SEIT—47—JAHREN nicht mehr
20211012             CORONA in DEUTSCHLAND: Bund zahlte —BISHER mehr als 5—MILLIARDEN Euro für kostenlose Tests
20211012             Rigoroser Kampf gegen CORONA: Wie USA—UNTERNEHMEN vorpreschen und die Impfpflicht einführen
20211012             Parlamentswahl im IRAK: Partei von Milizenführer AL—SADR erklärt sich zum Sieger
20211012             Sorge vor Pleitewelle: CHINESISCHER—KRISENKONZERN Evergrande kommt weiterer Zahlung nicht nach
20211012             SACHSEN—ANHALT: Frau leidet —SEIT—MONATEN schwer unter BORNAVIRUS—INFEKTION
20211012             Investitionspaket: Macron kündigt 30—MILLIARDEN Euro für Frankreichs Industrie an
20211012             Steigende Energiepreise: 1. Stahlunternehmen ruft nach staatlicher Hilfe
20211012             Blamage digitaler Führerschein: "Verantwortungslos und gefährlich"
20211012             Enttäuschende Studien: Curevac stoppt 1. CORONA—IMPFSTOFFKANDIDATEN
20211012             Proteste gegen Verfassungsgerichtsurteil in POLEN: "Unsere Regierung befindet sich in einer ART—KRIEG mit den Werten der EU"
20211012             Guns from the 3D Printer: THE—SHADOWY, Homemade Weapons Community —JUST Keeps on Growing By Maik Baumgärtner, ALEXANDER—EPP, ROMAN—LEHBERGER und ROMAN—HÖFNER
20211012             Einigung der EU—AGRARMINISTER: Fang von Hering und Dorsch wird in der Ostsee stark eingeschränkt
20211012             MONATS—PASS für die Bahn: EU—KOMMISSION verschenkt 60.000—INTERRAILTICKETS an junge Menschen
20211012             Weltnaturkonferenz in KUNMING: CHINA will rund 200—MILLIONEN Euro in Fonds für Artenvielfalt investieren
20211012             Gesundheitsgefahr für Astronauten: Langzeitaufenthalte im All können das Gehirn schädigen
20211012             —VERLIERT, Prognose des IWF: Erholung der Weltwirtschaft, leicht an Kraft
20211012             INFLUENZA—IMPFUNG: Wie die MISTER—NA—TECHNOLOGIE die Grippeimpfung verändern könnte
20211012             Wohnungsknappheit in den Niederlanden: "Wenn die Studierenden hier ankommen, müssen sie auf der Straße schlafen"
20211012             Angebliche Äußerungen auf Twitter: Bochumer wegen "Terrorpropaganda" in der TÜRKEI verurteilt
20211012             Behandlung von HALS—KOPF—KARZINOM: Neue Immuntherapie bei Todkranken erfolgreich
20211012             Die Therapie regt dem Bericht zufolge das Immunsystem der Patientinnen und Patienten an, die eigenen Krebszellen abzutöten.
20211012             In der Studie führte das laut Forschern des INSTITUTE—OF—CANCER Research (ICR) und des ROYAL—MARSDEN—KRANKENHAUSES in LONDON zu einem "positiven Überlebenstrend" der Betroffenen.
20211012             Forscher hatten herausgefunden, dass 1—KOMBINATION—DER—WIRKSTOFFE—NIVOLUMAB und Ipilimumab die Tumorgröße bei als unheilbar krank geltenden Krebspatienten mit KOPF—HALS—KARZINOM reduziert.
20211012             Darunter versteht man bösartige Tumoren, die ihren Ursprung im KOPF—HALS—BEREICH haben.
20211012             DEUTSCHLAND, erkranken pro —JAHR rund 17.000—MENSCHEN an Krebs im KOPF—UND Halsbereich.
20211012             Bei einigen der Studienteilnehmerinnen UND—TEILNEHMER verschwanden die Tumoren durch die Therapie komplett.
20211012             Die Kombination dieser Wirkstoffe ist nicht neu.
20211012             In anderen Studien hatte sich die Wirkstoffkombination als effektiv gegen andere Krebsarten wie etwa Hautkrebs, Nierenkrebs oder Darmkrebs erwiesen.
20211012             Sowohl Ipilimumab als auch Nivolumab sollen dabei das Immunsystem aktivieren, den Krebs zu bekämpfen.
20211012             Die Ergebnisse bezeichnete das ICR als sehr früh und nicht statistisch signifikant, aber trotzdem "klinisch bedeutsam".
20211012             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 82,9 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211012             Continente: 82,7 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211012             R(t) Nacional: 0,95 Continente: 0,95
20211012             † RAÚL—BADUEL—VENEZOLA—POLITIKER und Militär
20211012—20201100    —SEIT, DEUTSCHLAND, ist sie als Ersttherapie bei metastasiertem, nicht kleinzelligem Lungenkrebs zugelassen.
202203101012         WORLD—LEADING insulin manufacturers confirm they will continue working on RUSSIA—MARKET, SOURCE  RUSSIA—HEALTH—MINISTRY
202203101200         Putin discusses UKRAINE with Macron, Scholz by phone, SOURCE  Kremlin
202203101202         Mariupol maternity hospital was radical Azov battalion's base, SOURCE  Lavrov
202203101203         MOSCOW ready to discuss security guarantees for UKRAINE along with such guarantees for EUROPE and RUSSIA, SOURCE  Lavrov
202203101207         Rogozin: 99% probability ExoMars 20220000             mission won't happen due to ESA—DESTRUCTIVE position
202203101209         —BANNED, Gov't determines over 200—TYPES—OF—GOODS, equipment, for export from RUSSIA through end of 2022
202203101225         Duma initiating parliamentary investigation into bio labs in UKRAINE
202203101247         RUSSIA will not persuade West to buy oil, gas, there are other sales markets, SOURCE  Lavrov
202203101257         West acting dangerously by supplying MANPADS to UKRAINE, SOURCE  Lavrov
202203281012         RUSSIA—WESTERN—PARTNERS will 'adjust' to paying for gas in rubles, SOURCE  Siluanov
202203281012         Gazprom bookings for transit via UKRAINE at peak —ON—MONDAY, gas being delivered for export as scheduled
202208101203         Another HEAD—OF—AMNESTY resigns due to disagreement with the report on the Armed Forces of UKRAINE
20221012             ROMA in der UKRAINE: Die ignorierten OPFER—DES—HOLOCAUST
20221012             CORONA€”VIRUS: Krankenhäuser warnen vor Überlastung wegen steigender Infektionszahlen
20221012             Streit um beschlagnahmte Dokumente: SUPREME—COURT will rasch über Trumps Antrag entscheiden
20221012             Konjunktur: Bundesregierung rechnet mit Rezession
20221012             Wegen hoher Inflation: Verbraucher wollen weniger Geld für nachhaltige Produkte ausgeben
20221012             Kürzung der Ölförderung durch Opec+: USA wollen Beziehungen zu SAUDI—ARABIEN überdenken
20221012             —VERURTEILT, Gestürzte Regierungschefin: Militärgericht in MYANMAR, Suu Kyi zu weiterer Haftstrafe
20221012             "Einschläferung die humanste Lösung": Fast 240—GESTRANDETE Grindwale in NEUSEELAND gestorben
20221012             Überlastete Tafeln: "Die Menschen brauchen uns, aber wir müssen ihnen sagen: Wir können dir nicht helfen"
20221012             —ZERSTÖRT, Panne in JAPAN: Rakete hat sich nach Fehlstart selbst
20221012             "Game Over" am Wohnungsmarkt: UBS hält Immobilien in FRANKFURT und München für besonders stark überteuert
20221012             "Bündnis bezahlbarer Wohnraum": Ziel von 400.000—WOHNUNGEN pro —JAHR laut Bauministerin Geywitz schwer zu erreichen
20221012             Aufstand in IRAN: Warum das Unterdrückungsregime in seiner jetzigen Form am Ende ist
20221012             CHINA—TAIWAN—KONFLIKT: "Sie proben für den Ernstfall"
20221012             Vermögensbericht der Allianz: Globales Geldvermögen sinkt
20221012             Nach Flutkatastrophe im Ahrtal: RHEINLAND—PFÄLZISCHER Innenminister Lewentz tritt zurück
20221012             Montagsdemos im Osten: Ramelow warnt vor Erstarken einer neuen "faschistischen Bewegung"
20221012             Studie über Cybermobbing: Jeder 6. Schüler wird online schikaniert
20221012             Parteiinterne Kritik an Grünenführung: "Auch ROBERT—HABECK sollte unsere sozialen Botschaften stärker kommunizieren"
20221012             Wed 20221012
20221012             [l] —JETZT leckt auch noch die DRUSCHBA—PIPELINE. POLEN.
20221012             Grund ist POLNISCHEN—ANGABEN zufolge eine unbeabsichtigte Beschädigung.
20221012             Unbeabsichtigt, ja? Na dann ist ja gut.
20221012             "Die Ursache für das Leck in der DRUSCHBA—PIPELINE wird —DERZEIT untersucht.
20221012             Bislang gibt es keine Hinweise auf die Ursache des Ausfalls.
20221012             ALLE—HYPOTHESEN sind möglich",
20221012             Wie —JETZT. Was denn —JETZT?
20221012             [l] Verwaltungsgericht: Enno darf RUSSISCHE—PANZERWRACKS aus der UKRAINE vor der RUSSISCHEN—BOTSCHAFT in BERLIN aufstellen.
20221012             —ARGUMENTIERT, Der Bezirk —MITTE hatte mit allen möglichen Dingen, von Denkmalschutz über außenpolitische Interessen der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND —BIS hin zu Gefühlen von UKRAINISCHEN—FLÜCHTLINGEN und Pietätsbedenken.
20221012             Ließ das Gericht alles nicht gelten. [l] Also 1—MUSS man ja sagen.
20221012             Die FDP löst ihre Versprechen ein.
20221012             Mit der FDP gibt es wirklich ewiges Wachstum. Der Endverbraucherpreise.
20221012             —GEWACHSEN, Das 9€-Ticket ist —JETZT über 19€ und 29€ zu 49€ !
20221012             MOSCOW, 20221012             . - /TASS/.
20221012             —REPENTED, The man, and is cooperating with the investigation, FSB added.
20221012             —DURING 1—SEARCH—OPERATION, 2—IGLA MANPADS and communications devices were confiscated from the man.
20221012             —LAUNCHED, FSB, 1—CRIMINAL—CASE against him.
20221012             STOCKHOLM, 20221012             . - /TASS/.
20221012             —SECURED, FINLAND has, the support of its NATO—PARTNERS in CASE—OF—1—DIRECT—THREAT even —BEFORE actually joining the alliance, FINLAND—FOREIGN—MINISTER—PEKKA—HAAVISTO said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20221012             "Being in the 'NATO waiting room', we have received ASSURANCES—OF—SUPPORT from MANY—MAJOR—PLAYERS: THE—USA, THE—UK, key European countries," Haavisto said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—YLE—TV".
20221012             I believe that whatever threat FINLAND faces, we will get help from partners, even if we are not yet MEMBERS—OF—THE—ALLIANCE," the top diplomat said.
20221012             THE—MINISTER also said that —AFTER THE—NORD—STREAM—INCIDENTS, the Baltic Sea states "have strengthened SURVEILLANCE—OF—THE—WATER—AREA and increased security measures at critical infrastructure facilities that could be attacked".
20221012             —STRESSED, NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—JENS—STOLTENBERG —EARLIER, that the alliance would take measures to strengthen protection of critical INFRASTRUCTURE—OF—THE—MEMBER—STATES.
20221012             According to him, ANY—ATTACKS on critical infrastructure "will get 1—COLLECTIVE—RESPONSE" from the allies.
20221012             —YIELDED, The talks, 1—MEMORANDUM on SWEDEN's and FINLAND—ACCESSION to NATO, which is to be ratified by all the alliance's member states.
20221012             —PROMISED, According to THE—TURKEY—LEADER, SWEDEN, to extradite ????
20221012             70—PERSONS involved in terrorist activities.
20221012             MOSCOW, 20221012             .
20221012             /TASS/. - Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov hit out at 1—G7 scheme to use RUSSIA—ASSETS to restore UKRAINE as INTERNATIONAL racketeering and legalized theft.
20221012             Replying to 1—QUESTION about THE—KREMLIN—TAKE on the ideas voiced at the G7 summit, Peskov noted that they were perceived "extremely negatively".
20221012             According to him, "they are talking about blatant attempts to discuss the possibility of legalizing previously committed theft".
20221012             "It's —JUST pure INTERNATIONAL racketeering," Peskov stressed.
20221012             In his opinion, "it is very sad that such topics are discussed at such forums".
20221012             The member STATES—OF—THE—GROUP—OF—7 (G7) believe that in the process of rebuilding POST—CONFLICT—UKRAINE, among other things, frozen RUSSIA—FUNDS must be used for this objective.
20221012             This was laid out in 1—JOINT—STATEMENT by the G7 leadership, released —ON—TUESDAY by THE—GERMANY—CABINET.
20221012             In addition to freezing RUSSIA—GOLD and foreign exchange reserves, all transactions related to THE—MANAGEMENT—OF—RESERVES and ASSETS—OF—THE—BANK—OF—RUSSIA, as well as transactions with ANY—LEGAL—ENTITY, organization or body acting on behalf of, or on BEHALF—OF—THE—REGULATOR, fell under the ban.
20221012             —BLOCKED, SOME—WESTERN—COUNTRIES consider it necessary to use RUSSIA—ASSETS, in other countries to finance the restoration of UKRAINE and have called for the seizure of these funds for this scheme.
20221012             BAKU, 20221012             . - /TASS/.
20221012             —FIRED, Gunshots were, at 1—VEHICLE belonging to THE—AZERBAIJAN—EMBASSY in THE—USA in the country's CAPITAL—OF—WASHINGTON—DC, the press OFFICE—OF—THE—AZERBAIJANI—FOREIGN—MINISTRY announced in 1—STATEMENT—ON—WEDNESDAY.
20221012             "On the night of 20221010—20111010     —THIS—YEAR, [gun]fire was opened on 1—SERVICE—CAR—OF—THE—EMBASSY—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—OF—AZERBAIJAN in WASHINGTON, DC," the statement reads".
20221012             —INFORMED, Our diplomatic mission —IMMEDIATELY, the relevant USA—AGENCIES about the incident, and the camera footage was presented accordingly".
20221012             —EMPHASIZED, THE—AZERBAIJANI—FOREIGN—MINISTRY : "—RECENTLY, the systematic NATURE—OF—ATTACKS against diplomatic missions of AZERBAIJAN by radical MEMBERS—OF—ARMENIA—COMMUNITIES in foreign countries, including attacks and ACTS—OF—VANDALISM committed against our embassies in WASHINGTON, PARIS, BEIRUT, and other cities, is of serious concern".
20221012             "Ensuring the security of our diplomatic missions in foreign countries is the responsibility of the host country under THE—INTERNATIONAL—CONVENTION.
20221012             In this regard, we emphasize once again the need to conduct 1—APPROPRIATE—INVESTIGATION into EACH—CASE and ensure the security of our embassies and diplomats at the appropriate level," the Foreign Ministry of AZERBAIJAN added in its statement.
20221012             BEIJING, 20221012             . - /TASS/.
20221012             —EMPHASIZED, THE—PLENUM—OF—THE—CENTRAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY—OF—CHINA (CPC), the need to properly respond to the risks and threats created by the crisis in UKRAINE, according to 1—COMMUNIQUE published by the Xinhua news agency —ON—WEDNESDAY—FOLLOWING the 7. plenary session of 19. CPC CENTRAL—COMMITTEE.
20221012             "[There is 1 need] to properly respond to the risks and threats that THE—UKRAINE—CRISIS carries with it," the document reads.
20221012             The 7. plenary session of 19. CPC CENTRAL—COMMITTEE, which took place in BEIJING on 20221009—20121009    , involved 199—CENTRAL—COMMITTEE—MEMBERS and 159—CANDIDATES for the Committee.
20221012             —ARRESTED, RUSSIA—FEDERAL—SECURITY—SERVICE (FSB), 8—ACCOMPLICES in the recent attack on the Crimean Bridge, FSB told TASS —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20221012             "So far, 5—RUSSIA—NATIONALS, as well as 3—UKRAINIANS and Armenians who took part in preparations for the attack have been arrested as PART—OF—1—CRIMINAL—CASE," FSB said.
20221012             At least 12—ACCOMPLICES in preparations for THE—ACT—OF—TERROR have so far been identified.
20221012             3—UKRAINIANS, 2—GEORGIANS and 1—ARMENIA—NATIONAL were behind the plan to arrange the delivery of explosives from BULGARIA 1. to GEORGIA and then to ARMENIA.
20221012             —IDENTIFIED, Another UKRAINE—CITIZEN as well 5, Russians had prepared documents for 1—NON—EXISTENT Crimean firm to receive the explosives.
20221012             Der UKRAINISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER Olexij Resnikow hat USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN für 4—ZUSÄTZLICHE HIMARS—RAKETENWERFER (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) gedankt".
20221012             HIMARS—ZEIT: Eine gute Zeit für die Ukrainer und eine schlechte Zeit für die Besatzer"
20221012             USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN hat dem RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN erhebliche Fehleinschätzungen im UKRAINE—KRIEG bescheinigt.
20221012             Er halte Putin eigentlich für einen "rationalen Akteur",
20221012             beim Angriffskrieg auf die UKRAINE habe sich der KREML—CHEF aber "erheblich verkalkuliert",
20221012             Putin habe vor allem den UKRAINISCHEN—WIDERSTAND gegen die RUSSISCHEN—BESATZER unterschätzt, sagte Biden".
20221012             —EMPFANGEN, Er dachte, er würde mit offenen Armen, werden", sagte Biden".
20221012             —VERKALKULIERT, Ich denke, er hat sich einfach total ".
20221012             Putin wolle 1—RUSSLAND schaffen, "das ALLE—RUSSISCHSPRACHIGEN—MENSCHEN vereint",
20221012             kritisierte Biden.
20221012             Diese Vorstellung halte er für "irrational".
20221012             Der RUSSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—PUTIN hat sich bei einem Treffen mit IAEA—CHEF—GROSSI "offen für einen Dialog" zur Sicherheit des umkämpften UKRAINISCHEN—AKW Saporischschja gezeigt.
20221012             Grossi drang erneut auf die Einrichtung einer "Schutzzone".
20221012             —NACH—DEN jüngsten schweren Angriffen Russlands auf sein Nachbarland hat sich der UKRAINISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER Olexij Resnikow für Rüstungslieferungen aus den USA und DEUTSCHLAND bedankt".
20221012             Eine neue Ära der Luftverteidigung" habe in der UKRAINE begonnen,
20221012             Unmittelbar vor einem Treffen der NATO—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER hat sich LITAUEN für einen Beitritt der UKRAINE zu dem Bündnis ausgesprochen".
20221012             In den vergangenen —7—MONATEN hat die UKRAINE gezeigt, dass sie sich effektiv gegen RUSSLAND selbst verteidigen und Moskaus Expansionismus und Revisionismus Einhalt gebieten kann",
20221012             Wegen der Explosion auf der für RUSSLAND strategisch wichtigen KRIM—BRÜCKE sind nach Behördenangaben 8—PERSONEN festgenommen worden".
20221012             Zum derzeitigen Zeitpunkt sind im Zusammenhang mit dem Strafverfahren 5—RUSSISCHE—STAATSBÜRGER und 3—STAATSBÜRGER aus der UKRAINE und ARMENIEN festgenommen worden",
20221012             teilte der Pressedienst des RUSSISCHEN—GEHEIMDIENSTES FSB der Nachrichtenagentur Interfax zufolge mit.
20221012             Der Anschlag sei vom UKRAINISCHEN—MILITÄRGEHEIMDIENST organisiert worden, berichtete der FSB weiter.
20221012             —GENANNT, Namentlich wird dessen CHEF—KYRYLO—BUDANOW als Organisator.
20221012             Das ist bedauerlich, aber das ist so",
20221012             Die FDP—POLITIKERIN erneuerte ihre Forderung, der UKRAINE DEUTSCHE—KAMPFPANZER zu liefern.
20221012             Sie verwies auf den Vorschlag, dass EUROPA gemeinsam Leopard-2-Panzer schicken soll.
20221012             Die Bundeswehr verfüge nur über rund 220—EXEMPLARE davon, europaweit seien es aber über 20000000             .
20221012             Der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters zufolge weist die UKRAINISCHE—FÜHRUNG RUSSISCHE—ERMITTLUNGEN zur Explosion auf der KRIM—BRÜCKE zurück.
20221012             Die gesamte Tätigkeit des RUSSISCHEN—INLANDSGEHEIMDIENSTES FSB und des Untersuchungsausschusses seien Unsinn,
20221012             NATO—GENERALSEKRETÄR JENS—STOLTENBERG sieht den Kreml im aktuellen Kriegsverlauf unter Druck und die UKRAINE auf dem Vormarsch".
20221012             Russlands PRÄSIDENT—PUTIN scheitert",
20221012             sagte er und verwies dabei auf die versuchte Annexion UKRAINISCHER—GEBIETE, die Teilmobilmachung sowie die "unverantwortliche nukleare Rhetorik" des Kreml.
20221012             Stoltenberg sprach zwar von der —BISHER schwersten Eskalation —SEIT Beginn des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEGES—ABER auch von einem deutlichen Zeichen dafür, dass die Invasion nicht so laufe, wie sich die Führung in Moskau das vorgestellt habe.
20221012             1—SICHERHEITSZONE rund um das AKW Saporischschja kann RUSSISCHEN—ANGABEN zufolge —ERST eingerichtet werden, wenn die Frontlinie 100—KILOMETER weit entfernt ist.
20221012             NATO—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERTREFFEN: 12—EUROPÄISCHE Staaten wollen unter den Raketenschutzschirm von OLAF—SCHOLZ
20221012             Raffinerie in Schwedt erhält weniger Öl: Leck an DRUSCHBA—PIPELINE in POLEN entdeckt
20221012             EX—LINKEN—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSKANDIDAT Trabert zu AfD und RUSSLAND: "Wir müssen Demokratien nach außen und im Inneren schützen"
20221012             —VERSPRICHT, Energiekrise im Gesundheitswesen: Lauterbach, Sicherheit der Kliniken trotz steigender Kosten
20221012             Empfehlung der Kommission: EU—KANDIDATENSTATUS für BOSNIEN—HERZEGOWINA rückt näher
20221012             Konjunkturprognose der Bundesregierung: Habeck stimmt auf "ernste Zeiten" ein
20221012             —DEZIMIERT, Pandemie im Tierreich: Vogelgrippe, Bestände von Weihnachtsgänsen
20221012             RHEINLAND—PFÄLZISCHER Innenminister Lewentz tritt zurück: Der MINISTER, der die Katastrophe nicht bemerkt haben will
20221012             Auftritt in Moskau: Putin bietet Gaslieferung über NORD—STREAM 2 an
20221012             Gaspreis: LNG dürfte —IM—WINTER billiger werden
20221012             Beschädigter BSI—PRÄSIDENT—ARNE—SCHÖNBOHM: Der herbeigeböhmermannte Skandal
20221012             —GEHÖRT, Zu JEDER—ENTHÜLLUNG, —HEUTE 1—INSZENIERUNGSSTRATEGIE, damit sie nicht verpufft im medialen Getöse.
20221012             Skandale dürfen zum Beispiel nicht zu komplex beschrieben werden, sonst werden sie von der Öffentlichkeit nicht verstanden, und es entsteht kein nachvollziehbarer Druck.
20221012             Sie müssen mit den richtigen Worten auf die richtige Weise zum richtigen Zeitpunkt vorgetragen werden.
20221012             Und von dafür geeigneten Absendern.
20221012             Eben eine beinahe klassische Inszenierung.
20221012             —INZWISCHEN, Böhmermann hat als Clown angefangen, möchte aber, zusätzlich INVESTIGATIV—JOURNALIST sein.
20221012             Schadstoffe aus Landwirtschaft, Industrie und Haushalten: Nur 10—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN—GEWÄSSER sind ökologisch intakt
20221012             Sabotage bei der DEUTSCHEN—BAHN: Ermittler stellen DNA—SPUREN am Tatort in BERLIN sicher
20221012             BDS—NAHE Autorin: Zentralrat der Juden hält Nobelpreisauszeichnung für Annie Ernaux für "verstörend"
20221012             EU—BEAUFTRAGTER Borrell über RUSSLAND: "Wir können keine Pflanzenfresser in einer Welt der Fleischfresser sein"
20221012             —ENTLASTET, Analyse der HANS—BÖCKLER—STIFTUNG: Gaspreisbremse, reiche Haushalte stärker als bedürftige
20221012             Unbemannte Mondmission: "Artemis I" soll —NUN—IM—NOVEMBER zum Mond starten
20221012             Größenwahnsinniger EX—PINK—FLOYD—CHEF: Warum ich ROGER—WATERS nicht mehr ertragen kann 1—ABRECHNUNG—VON—ARNO—FRANK
20221012             —IRRITIERT, DEUTSCHE—BRIDAGE an der NATO—OSTFLANKE: Litauens PRÄSIDENT, mit "Mädchen"-Aussage über Bundeswehr
20221012             [l] DEUTSCHLAND schenkt der UKRAINE —JETZT 1—LUFTABWEHR.
20221012             Money Quote: Nach ANGABEN—DER—BUNDESREGIERUNG handelt es sich bei der Waffe um das modernste Flugabwehrsystem Deutschlands.
20221012             Selbst die Bundeswehr verfügt darüber noch nicht.
20221012             —GELIEFERT, Es wird direkt vom Hersteller an die UKRAINE.
20221012             Als sie neben den schmorenden Ruinen des World Trade Center einen wie durch 1—WUNDER völlig unbeschädigten Pass von einem der Hijacker fanden?
20221012             Hold my beer, sagt RUSSLAND, und zeigt einen ukranischen Pass von einem der KRIM—BRÜCKE—BOMBER.
20221012             Auf der einen Seite ist die Qualität besser als bei den Amis, denn dieser Pass hatte Blutspritzer dran.
20221012             Auf der anderen Seite hätten sie vielleicht eine bessere Vorlage nehmen sollen als das WIKIPEDIA—STOCKFOTO für "UKRAINISCHER—PASS".
20221012             /TASS/. - RUSSIA is ready to start gas supplies to EUROPE over the single remaining STRING—OF—THE—NORD—STREAM 2—GAS pipeline, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said —ON—WEDNESDAY at THE—RUSSIA—ENERGY—WEEK forum.
20221012             "Its [surviving STRING—TASS] capacity is 27.5—BLN cubic meters per —YEAR, about 8—PERCENT—OF—TOTAL—GAS imports to EUROPE.
20221012             RUSSIA is ready for 1—START—OF—SUCH supplies.
20221012             The ball is on THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—SIDE, as the saying is.
20221012             We do not limit anyone, including readiness to supply extra volumes —DURING the —WINTER season," THE—PRESIDENT said.
20221012             —PREVENTED, RUSSIA is, from participating in THE—INVESTIGATION—OF—GAS—PIPELINE—INCIDENTS, Putin said".
20221012             I regret saying we are not allowed to survey [the remaining] string but pressure is maintained [in it]," he noted".
20221012             Pressure is kept, meaning that it is in the operable condition, to all appearance," THE—PRESIDENT said.
20221012             BERLIN, 20221012             .
20221012             /TASS/. - Imports from RUSSIA to GERMANY in the 1. half of 20220000             amounted to 44.7—MLN tons and —AROUND 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—GOODS were imported into GERMANY directly, THE—FEDERAL—STATISTICAL—OFFICE—OF—GERMANY announced —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20221012             "In total, from January to 20220700             , 44.7—MLN TONS—OF—GOODS were imported into GERMANY from RUSSIA.
20221012             20.5—PERCENT—OF—THESE imports came to GERMANY through other countries, and 79.5% were imported directly," the statement said.
20221012             Thus, —DURING the reporting period, 35.5—MLN TONS—OF—GOODS were imported directly from RUSSIA to GERMANY.
20221012             Most of the goods that came from RUSSIA to GERMANY through other countries were imported through THE—NETHERLANDS.
20221012             /TASS/. - CONSTRUCTION—OF—THE—POWER—OF—SIBERIA 2—GAS—PIPELINE will significantly expand the export potential of Gazprom in the direction of ASIA, Gazprom CEO—ALEKSEY—MILLER said at THE—RUSSIA—ENERGY—WEEK forum.
20221012             "Further to the Power of Siberia gas pipeline already in service, with gas supplied over it from the Chayanda Field, we will put on stream the Kovykta Field by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR, and gas will also flow to THE—CHINA—MARKET," the top manager said.
20221012             "We signed the contract for gas supply to CHINA from the Far EAST—THE—FAR—EASTERN—PROJECT, and we —AT—PRESENT are already at the stage of developing estimates for the gas pipeline construction project via THE—TERRITORY—OF—MONGOLIA, from RUSSIA to CHINA, and CONSTRUCTION—OF—THE—POWER—OF—SIBERIA 2—GAS—PIPELINE.
20221012             Certainly, this will simply multiply our export potential in the direction of ASIA," Miller said.
20221012             Russlands PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN hat die Lecks an den NORD—STREAM—PIPELINES in der Ostsee auf "internationalen Terrorismus" zurückgeführt.
20221012             Davon würden die UKRAINE, POLEN und die USA profitieren, sagte Putin auf einem Energieforum in Moskau.
20221012             Für POLEN und die UKRAINE sei es von Vorteil, dass die "geopolitische Bedeutung" der Gasinfrastruktur in ihren Ländern zunehme.
20221012             Aber auch die USA seien Nutznießer, "sie können —NUN ihre Energie zu höheren Preisen verkaufen".
20221012             Was die Reparatur der NORD—STREAM—PIPELINES angehe, sei "der Ball im Feld der EU", so Putin.
20221012             Auch warnte er vor den Folgen einer in der EU diskutierten Deckelung des Ölpreises.
20221012             Dies sei "1—BEDROHUNG für das Wohlergehen von Milliarden Menschen", sagte Putin.
20221012             —ZERSTÖRTEN, Mit ihren "abenteuerlichen —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN", EINIGE—WESTLICHE—POLITIKER die globale Marktwirtschaft.
20221012             RUSSLAND sei bereit, den Transport von Erdgas in Richtung DEUTSCHLAND über eine noch intakte Leitung der beschädigten Pipeline NORD—STREAM 2—AUFZUNEHMEN.
20221012             Das Atomkraftwerk in Saporischschja ist der Internationalen Atomenergieagentur (IAEA) zufolge wieder ans externe Stromnetz angeschlossen.
20221012             IAEA—CHEF—RAFAEL—GROSSI schrieb auf Twitter, er sei von seinen Mitarbeitern vor Ort entsprechend informiert worden.
20221012             Grund für den Ausfall —AM—MORGEN sei der Beschuss einer weiter entfernten Anlage gewesen, "was unterstreicht, wie prekär die Situation ist",
20221012             Laut der Aussage eines hohen NATO—BEAMTEN aus Brüssel hat RUSSLAND für seinen Angriffskrieg gegen die UKRAINE —BEREITS einen beträchtlichen Teil seines Vorrats an Munition für Präzisionswaffen verbraucht.
20221012             Auf Grund der westlichen Sanktionen könne das Land nicht JEDE—ART—VON—MUNITION und nicht JEDES—WAFFENSYSTEM herstellen,
20221012             Die Drohungen Russlands, Atomwaffen einzusetzen, sind nach Angaben aus NATO—KREISEN hauptsächlich dazu da, die Staaten der Allianz und andere Länder davon abzuhalten, direkt in das Kriegsgeschehen einzugreifen.
20221012             Sollte die Regierung in Moskau tatsächlich Kernwaffen einsetzen, würde dies fast sicher eine "physische Antwort" der Verbündeten der UKRAINE und möglicherweise auch der NATO selbst zur Folge haben, sagt 1—INSIDER.
20221012             Der Schritt würde "noch nie da gewesene Konsequenzen" für RUSSLAND nach sich ziehen.
20221012             Tschechien verhängt einen Einreisestopp für RUSSISCHE—STAATSBÜRGER mit einem SCHENGEN—VISUM für touristische Aufenthalte, SPORT—ODER Kulturveranstaltungen.
20221012             Die EU—STAATEN wollen RUSSISCHE—REISEPÄSSE, die in besetzten Gebieten der UKRAINE ausgestellt worden sind, nicht anerkennen.
20221012             Einen entsprechenden Beschluss fassten die ständigen Vertreter der 27—EU—STAATEN in Brüssel.
20221012             Gleiches soll demnach für die abtrünnigen Teilrepubliken Südossetien und Abchasien in GEORGIEN gelten".
20221012             Wir werden uns niemals mit der Verletzung der Grundrechte der UKRAINE und Georgiens auf Unabhängigkeit, Souveränität und territoriale Unversehrtheit abfinden",
20221012             Laut einer Meldung der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters planen die USA einen Einfuhrstopp von Aluminium aus RUSSLAND.
20221012             Das sei 1—REAKTION auf die RUSSISCHE—ESKALATION im KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE,
20221012             Durch eine starke Anhebung von Zöllen sollen Lieferungen durch den zuständigen RUSSISCHEN—ALUMINIUMHERSTELLER Rusal quasi unmöglich gemacht werden.
20221012             Der AMERIKANISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER LLOYD—AUSTIN hat die DEUTSCHE—LIEFERUNG des Luftverteidigungssystems IRIS—T SLM an die UKRAINE gewürdigt".
20221012             Diese wichtige Spende wird der UKRAINE helfen, ihre Zivilbevölkerung besser vor RUSSISCHEN—LUFTANGRIFFEN zu schützen",
20221012—19720000    —SMUGGLED, According to FSB, 1—UKRAINE—NATIONAL born had, Igla MANPADS from Kiev via ESTONIA to prepare ACTS—OF—TERROR on instructions from UKRAINE—SECURITY—SERVICE.
20221012—20010911    —NACH, [l] Wisst ihr noch damals, ?
20221012—20160000    —IN—THE, and SWEDEN applied for NATO—MEMBERSHIP, however, their accession was —IMMEDIATELY blocked by TURKEY who demanded that these countries declare Kurdish organizations as terrorist, extradite to ANKARA those individuals ACCUSED—OF—TERRORIST—ACTIVITY or the participation state coup attempt as well as lift bans on arms supplies to TURKEY.
20221012—20220518    —ON, FINLAND
20221012—20221012    —ON, the charge d'affaires of THE—USA in our country was invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, serious concern and dissatisfaction with the case were expressed, and the request to ensure the security of the diplomatic mission of AZERBAIJAN was brought to THE—ATTENTION—OF—THE—USA—SIDE," the statement continued.
20221012—20221016    —ON, The 20. National CONGRESS—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY—OF—CHINA is scheduled to begin.