_HEUTE_0815 :

_00290815            OCTAVIAN wird im 3. Triumphzug nacheinander in Rom als Eroberer Ägyptens gefeiert und übernimmt die Herrschaft über das ROM—REICH.

00000815             NULLACHTFUFFZEHN, War richtig was los, a_O
00000815             MARIAE—HIMMELFAHRT, am MARIEN—FESTE
03860815             S—AUGUSTINUS—VON—HIPPO, DIE—WENDE brachte 1—MEIST als BEKEHRUNGS—ERLEBNIS bezeichnete religiöse Erfahrung
03860815             —INFOLGE—DESSEN, beschloss AUGUSTINUS—VON—HIPPO, auf Ehe, GESCHLECHTS—VERKEHR und Beruf zu verzichten und
03860815             —INFOLGE—DESSEN, beschloss AUGUSTINUS—VON—HIPPO, 1—KONTEMPLATIVES Leben zu führen
03880815             † PERSER—KÖNIG—SCHAPUR—III,
04230815             † WEST—RÖMER—KAISER—FLAVIUS—HONORIUS, 1.
06360815             ISLAMIC—FORCES, beat 1—BYZANTINE—ARMY and
07170815             —BEGINNT, Während der ISLAM—EXPANSION, 1—ARABER—HEER unter dem FELDHERR—MASLAMA mit der.
07180815             —DIE—SEEBLOCKADE—VON—Konstantinopel wird aufgegeben, —NACHDEM die arabischen Landtruppen zuvor durch einen Kampf mit dem HEER—DES—MIT—BYZANZ verbündeten BULGARISCHEN—KHANS Terwel erheblich dezimiert worden sind.
07740815             * HEIZEI, Kaiser von JAPAN
07780815             den weit vorgerückten [KARL—DER—GROßE]KARL—I. mit dem sagenhaften ELFENBEIN—HORN—OLIFANT zu Hilfe ruft,
07780815             in dem ROLAND als Führer der FRANKEN—NACHHUT
07780815             —BEGRÜNDUNG, des ROLAND—LIED—ENTSTEHUNG,
07780815             —AM, bei RONCESVALLES DAS—HEER—DER—CHRISTLICHEN—FRANKEN überfallen..".
07780815             † ROLAND[HRUADLAND] der bretonische MARK—GRAF, des KARL—I[KARL—DER—GROßE] PALADIN, fällt.
07780815             in dem ROLAND als der FRANKEN—NACHHUT—FÜHRER
07780815             mit dem sagenhaften ELFENBEIN—HORN—OLIFANT, zu Hilfe ruft, den weit vorgerückten KARL—I[KARL—DER—GROßE],
07780815             um Unterstützung im Überfall der baskischen MAUREN auf der FRANKEN—NACHHUT zu erhalten.
07780815             Die Nachhut des fränkischen Heeres Karls des Großen wird im Tal von Roncesvalles von ortsansässigen Basken überfallen und völlig vernichtet.
07780815             —BEFINDET, Unter den Gefallenen, sich auch der bretonische MARK—GRAF—HRUOTLAND, dem später das Rolandslied gewidmet wird.
07780815             † HRUOTLAND, bretonischer MARK—GRAF—UND—HELD—DES—ROLANDSLIEDS
07880815             [KARL—DER—GROßE]CHARLEMAGNE, qui avait occupé Pampelune et Huesca avant d'échouer devant SARAGOSSE, revient d'expedition.
07880815             [KARL—DER—GROßE]CHARLEMAGNE ARRIÈRE—GARDE est attaquée par des groupes de basques, peut être à RONCEVAUX comme le veut la tradition.
09270815             Die vom Slawen Sabir AL—FATA geführten Sarazenen zerstören die GRIECHISCH—ROM—STADT—TARENTUM.
09520815             † SUZAKU, 61. Tenn?—VON—JAPAN
10220815             † NIKEPHOROS—PHOKAS—BARYTRACHELOS, byzantinischer Patrikios und Usurpator
10380815             † STEPHAN—I—KÖNIG—VON—UNGARN, 1.
10400815             † DONNCHAD, led 1—ARMY into MORAY—SCOTLAND, where he WAS—KILLED, by MAC—BETHAD at PITGAVENY—NEAR—ELGIN.
10400815             —BATTLE—OF—LUMPHANAN,
10570815             † MACBETH—KING—OF—SCOTLAND, was MORTALLY—WOUNDED, by MALCOLM—CANMORE, eldest SON—OF—KING—DUNCAN—I, who was killed by Macbeth —17—YEARS—EARLIER.
10570815             MACBETH—KÖNIG—VON—SCHOTTLAND, fällt in der
10570815             † MACBETH—KÖNIG—VON—SCHOTTLAND
10660815             † IBN—AL—FARR?, islamischer Gelehrter
10870815             † S—ARNULF—VON—SOISSONS, Heiliger der RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHEN Kirche
10990815             1.KREUZ—ZUG[CRUZADA,CRUSADE,CROISADE] JÉRUSALEM[JERUSALÉM] est prise aux égyptiens
10990815             1.KREUZ—ZUG[CRUZADA,CRUSADE,CROISADE] OS—CRUZADOS chacinando praticamente toda a população,
10990815             1.KREUZ—ZUG[CRUZADA,CRUSADE,CROISADE] OS—CRUZADOS chacinando praticamente toda a população, independentemente de serem muçulmanos, judeus ou cristãos
10990815             1.KREUZ—ZUG[CRUZADA,CRUSADE,CROISADE] et GODEFROI—DE—BOUILLON le paiera de sa personne.
10990815             1.KREUZ—ZUG[CRUZADA,CRUSADE,CROISADE] Cette —PRISE—DE—JÉRUSALEM[JERUSALÉM] fut suivie de  1—MASSACRE aussi impolitique qu'inhumain.
10990815             1.KREUZ—ZUG[CRUZADA,CRUSADE,CROISADE] GODEFROI—DE—BOUILLON ne reste qu'avec 100—CHEVALIERS, satisfaits d'avoir pris LA—VILLE—DE—JÉRUSALEM[JERUSALÉM].
10990815             1.KREUZ—ZUG[CRUZADA,CRUSADE,CROISADE] LA—SYRIEN franque est établie, mais les 20.000—HOMMES de RENFORT—RÉPARTIS en 2—GROUPES se font tuer.
10990815             1.KREUZ—ZUG[CRUZADA,CRUSADE,CROISADE] LES—CHRÉTIENS négligèrent d'en finir avec l'ISLAM SYRIEN.
10990815—10950000    1.KREUZ—ZUG—WÄHREND—DES, PASCHALIS—II—PAPA Anlässlich der JERUSALÉM—EROBERUNG 1 1. Kapelle errichten ließ, der JUNGFRAU—MARIA geweiht[S—MARIA—DEL—POPOLO] S—MARIE—DU—PEUPLE wurde.
11160815             † PSEUDO—LEON—DIOGENES, byzantinischer Usurpator
11180815             † ALEXIOS—I, byzantinischer Kaiser
11450815             † RUPERT—VON—OTTOBEUREN, Prior im Kloster S—GEORGEN im Schwarzwald, ABT—VON—OTTOBEUREN, Klosterreformer und Heiliger der katholischen Kirche
11660815             FOLKWIN—PROPST—IN—ZÜLPICH
11660815             —VON, SIEGBURG—URKUNDEN—BUCH—I—63.
11660815             1—DER —SCHON zitierten URKUNDEN unterscheidet zwischen DER—ABTEI—SIEGBURG weltliche LEHNS—LEUTE und DER—ABTEI eigene MINISTERIALEn
11660815             ABT—NIKOLAUS—I. kauft BESITZ—ZU—ALBACH (SIEG—KREIS—)
11660815—11740200    —NACH—BIS, LANTFRID
11660815—11740200    —NACH—BIS, DIETRICH
11710815             * ALFONS—IX—KÖNIG—VON—LEÓN
11960815             † KONRAD—II—HERZOG—VON—SCHWABEN
12080815             —SIÈGE—DE—CARCASSONNE,
12080815             —PRISE—DE—CARCASSONNE
12350815             Auf dem von Kaiser FRIEDRICH—II. einberufenen Reichstag in MAINZ wird der Mainzer Landfriede beschlossen.
12480815             Baubeginn des Kölner Doms
12500815             * MATTEO—I—VISCONTI, politischer Führer Mailands
12610815             —FELL, CONSTANTINOPLE to MICHAEL—VIII—OF—NICEA and his army.
12610815             Nach der Rückeroberung von Konstantinopel zieht MICHAEL—VIII. in die HAUPTSTADT—DES—BYZANTINISCHEN—REICHES ein und wird ein 2. Mal gekrönt.
12610815             Das Lateinische Kaiserreich ist mit der Flucht seines Regenten Balduin II. beendet.
12710815             —SACRE—DE—PHILIPPE—LE—HARDI.
12710815             † ALPHONSE—DE—POITIERS, A la, LE—COMTÉ est incorporé au DOMAINE—ROYAL
12710815             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—KÖNIG—PHILIPP—III. wird in der Kathedrale von REIMS gekrönt.
12710815             Die Krönungsprozession führt an ihrer Spitze erstmals das Schwert Joyeuse Karls des Großen mit, was 1—TRADITION begründet.
12750815             † LORENZO—TIEPOLO, DOGE—VON—VENEDIG
12810815             —GESCHEITERT, 2. DER—MONGOLEN—EROBERUNGS—VERSUCH, in JAPAN, damit, war
12810815             In des DAIJA—SEE—SCHLAMM—BODEN, nahe dem Schlachtfeld von,
12810815—12740000    —NACH, der 2. EROBERUNGS—VERSUCHDER MONGOLEN in JAPAN gescheitert.
12810815—12740000    Der JAPANISCHEN—LEGENDE zufolge
12810815—12740000    hatten sich beide MALE höhere Mächte auf die Seite JAPANs geschlagen.
12810815—12740000    "Göttliche Winde", japanisch "Kamikaze", hätten DIE—SCHIFFE DER—ANGREIFER versenkt.
12810815—12810812    —3—TAGE—SPÄTER, waren die meisten MONGOLEN—KRIEGER tot oder gefangen.
12810815—20141210    —GEFUNDEN, haben Forscher, Sandschichten die WÄHREND starker Stürme abgelagert wurden.
12810815—20141210    haben Forscher Sandschichten gefunden, die WÄHREND starker Stürme abgelagert wurden.
12850815             † PHILIPP—I—GRAF—VON—SAVOYEN
12880000             oo KLEMENTIA—VON—HABSBURG (-Visegrad 13420716             or 13420815             bur Székesfehérvár).
13260815             GERHARD—III. lässt sich vom DÄNISCHEN—KÖNIG—WALDEMAR—III. – dessen Onkel und Vormund er ist – mit dem Herzogtum Schleswig belehnen.
13260815             Schleswig und Holstein sind damit erstmals unter einem Herrscher vereinigt.
13350815             PIERRE—V—FABRI. 13Gi.
13380715—13380815    PRO—STIPENDIIS 10—RONZINORUM sociorum suorum (PRO—MENSE je 2—FLORENI) 20—FLORENI
13380715—13380815    —GENANNT, Von seinen Reitern werden EBENDAgelegentlich :
13380715—13380815    JOHANNES—DE—ALAMANNIA,
13380715—13380815    13530715             .
13380715—13380815    —DATE 13530715             .
13380715—13380815    : 25—FLORENI
13380815             87^—FLORENI + 8—FLORENI
13420815             - KLEMENTIA—VON—HABSBURG
13510815             —ITEM DIEI 15—DE mese de;;08;;a Maiestro Angniolo pintore per raconciare la nostra donna S—X "
13720815             —APUD—VILLAMNOVAM, ALBERTUS dtix Bavariae monetur^ ut IN—COMITATU—HANNONIAE contra libertatem ECCLESIASTICam nihil attentet vel attentari faciat
13730815             —VERTRAG—VON—FÜRSTENWALDE
13730815             —ERHÄLT Das Haus Wittelsbach im Gegenzug 500.000—GULDEN sowie EINIGE—STÄDTE und Schlösser in der OBER—PFALZ aus KAISER—KARL—IV—BESITZ.
13920815             † MARQUARD—VON—LINDAU, süddeutscher Franziskaner und Verfasser theologischer Schriften
14160815             HEINRICH—V—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND und der RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHE—KÖNIG—SIGISMUND schließen in CANTERBURY 1—GEGEN FRANKREICH gerichteten Bündnisvertrag.
14330815             † DOM—JOÃO—I., LISBOA[LISSABON].
14330815             —BIS—CA—MITTE, DER GEISTVOLLE HOCHGEBILDETE MANN KAISER—SIGMUND IN ROM an der STADT—ROM lebendiges Interesse nahm
14330815             —SOBE—AO—TRONO, DOM—DUARTE, com cerca de 42—ANOS de idade.
14520815             † WILHELM—HERZOG—VON—TROPPAU und Münsterberg
14640815             † PIUS—II—PAPA, Heimgang
14660815             † ITAL—REDING—DER—JÜNGERE, Schwyzer Landammann und Hauptmann im Alten Zürichkrieg
14680815             * PHILIPP—VON—SOLMS—LICH, kaiserlicher und kurfürstlicher RAT—GRAF—VON—SOLMS zu Lich
14740815             † JOHANN—LÜNEBURG, Lübecker Kaufmann, Ratsherr und Mitglied der Zirkelgesellschaft
14830815             Die Sixtinische Kapelle wird nach achtjähriger Bauzeit eingeweiht.
14990815             † IL—ESPAGNOL, était garrotté et avait 1—PIERRE au cou
15010815             † KONSTANTINOS—LASKARIS, byzantinischer Gelehrter, klassischer Philologe und Humanist
15060815             † ALEXANDER—AGRICOLA, DEUTSCH—NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—KOMPONIST, Sänger und Instrumentalist
15070815             * GEORG—III—FÜRST—VON—ANHALT—PLÖTZKAU sowie Priester und treibende Kraft der Reformation
15110815             —GRÜNDET auf KUBA die Siedlung BARACOA, die sich zur 1. HAUPTSTADT entwickelt, der SPANISCHE—EROBERER—DIEGO—VELÁZQUEZ—DE—CUÉLLAR.
15120815             † ROM—KURTISANE—IMPERIA—COGNATI,
15130815             * GEORG—CASSANDER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Humanist
15160815             † JACQUES—DE—CROÿ, Benediktinerpater, Kunstmäzen und FÜRST—BISCHOF—VON—CAMBRAI, sowie HOCHSTIFT—LÜTTICH—ILLEGITIMER—REGENT
15190815             —FOUNDED, PANAMA—CITY was.
15240815             * MICHAEL—TEUBER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Professor und Verfassungsgeber
15340815             —GEGRÜNDET—AM, der JESUITEN—ORDEN in PARIS wurde.
15340815             —FOUNDED, THE—JESUITS, with the aim of defending CATHOLICISM against HERESY and undertaking missionary work.
15340815             —CONVERTED, S—IGNATIUS—OF—LOYOLA, to Christianity —WHILE convalescing —AFTER 1—BATTLE and wrote his Spiritual Exercises meant as 1—GUIDE for conversion.
15340815             PARIS, S—IGNATIUS—OF—LOYOLA and 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—MEN took VOWS—OF—POVERTY, chastity and papal obedience.
15340815             —DURING—THE—COUNTER—REFORMATION, THE—SOCIETY—OF—JESUS[THE—JESUITS] rapid growth and emphasis on scholarship aided in THE—RESURGENCE—OF—CATHOLICISM.
15340815             THE—SOCIETY—OF—JESUS[THE—JESUITS] were also active in missionary work in THE—AMERICAS.
15340815             PARIS, legt der Freundeskreis um IGNATIUS—VON—LOYOLA 1—GELÜBDE ab, aus dem der JESUITEN—ORDEN hervorgehen wird.
15390815             —EDIKT—VON—VILLERS—COTTERÊTS,
15390815             FRANZ—I—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH legt fest, dass nur noch die FRANZÖSISCHE—SPRACHE in Urkunden und in der Verwaltung anzuwenden ist,
15390815             —ABGESCHAFFT, Latein wird in FRANKREICH in Rechtssachen.
15490815             —BEGAN spreading the Catholic faith in KAGOSHIMA—JAPAN, PORTUGAL—JESUIT—MISSIONARY—FRANCIS—XAVIER.
15490815             —EINTRIFFT, der JESUIT—FRANZ—XAVER, auf der INSEL—KY?sh?, beginnt mit der christlichen Missionierung Japans.
15590815             Selon l'usage FRANÇOIS—II.[FRANZ—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH][FRANZ—II—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] assure des ressources à sa mère.
15590815             Selon l'usage FRANÇOIS—II[FRANZ—II—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] assure des ressources à sa mère.
15610815             * SEBASTIÁN—AGUILERA—DE—HEREDIA, SPANISCHER—ORGANIST und Komponist (Taufdatum)
15680815             † STANISLAUS—KOSTKA, Jesuit und POLEN—NATIONAL—PATRON
15750815             * BARTOL—KAŠI?, KROATISCHER—JESUIT und Sprachwissenschaftler
15810815             * JEREMIAS—DREXEL, DEUTSCHER—JESUIT und Erbauungsschriftsteller der GEGEN—REFORMATION
15920815             † KONRAD—LIMMER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe, Reformator und Konfessionalist
15980815             —BATTLE—OF—YELLOW—FORD
15980815             HUGH—O'NEILL—EARL—OF—TYRONE, led 1—IRELAND—FORCE to victory over the British.
15990815             —SCHLACHT—AM—CURLEW—PASS während des Neunjährigen Krieges
16030815             † GUILLAUME—BUCANUS, FRANZÖSISCH—SCHWEIZERISCHER evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
16090815             * NICOLAS—FIVA, Mathematiker und der 1. SCHWEIZER—JESUIT im FERN—OST
16200815             Die 2—SEGELSCHIFFE MAYFLOWER, SPEEDWELL, verlassen den Hafen von SOUTHAMPTON auf dem Weg nach AMERIKA,
16200815             —NACH—1—PAAR—TAGEN, die 2—SEGELSCHIFFE MAYFLOWER, SPEEDWELL, müssen jedoch  in Dartmouth anlegen, weil die SPEEDWELL leckt.
16210815             † JOHN—BARCLAY, SCHOTTISCHER—DICHTER und Satiriker
16360815             LES—ESPAGNOLS prennent CORBIE—DANS—LA—SOMME.
16360815             LES—ESPAGNOLS arrivent jusqu'à PONTOISE
16380815             * PIETER—DE—GRAEFF, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—POLITIKER und Patrizier
16470815             In 1—AM gehaltenen Kapitel der 6—ÄLTEREN wurde vorgebracht, daß
16470815             —EMPFANGEN, ABRAHAM—SPILLIEUR 1—PARTIE—EBENHOLZ diPonente, und dieselbe, obschon in der Dovana(= Dogana) dimar spedirt, gleichwohl in den FONDACO unter die portichi habe legen lassen.
16480815             Propositie bij ons oiidergeschreven als aflpgesanten VAN S. C. D. an BRANDENBURG aen de E. M. H. Staten des Vorstendoms ielre ende Graeffschap Ziitphen gedaen ').
16480815             —DATUM
16480815             —ANERBIETEN 1—ALLIANZ.
16480815             Gemeinsamkeit seiner Interessen mit denen des STAATLICHER - Nachbarschaft ihrer Lande.
16480815             NOTWENDIGKEIT des schleunigen Abschluss wegen Abreise des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG.]
16490815             —LANDED, OLIVER—CROMWELL, in IRELAND with his New Model Army on BEHALF—OF—ENGLAND—RUMP—PARLIAMENT.
16490815             OLIVER—CROMWELL landet mit 1—HEER in IRLAND, um einen Aufstand katholischer Royalisten zu bekämpfen.
16580814—16580815    —AM, FRANKREICH schließt sich an.
16650815             Auf DER—DEPUTIERTEN—BERICHT—ÜBER—IHRE mit den BRANDENBURG—MINISTERN über deren Proposition
16650815—16650822    —RECORDED, THE—LONDON—WEEKLY—BILL—OF—MORTALITY, 5,568 fatalities with teeth holding THE—NUMERO—5—SPOT.
16650815—16650822    —RECORDED, THE—LONDON—WEEKLY—BILL—OF—MORTALITY, 5,568 fatalities with 4,237 killed by the plague.
16660815             † ADAM—SCHALL—VON—BELL, DEUTSCHER—WISSENSCHAFTLER und Missionar
16760815             † NICCOLÒ—SAGREDO—DOGE—VON—VENEDIG, 105.
16830815             BRUIJNINCX—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16830815             —DATUM—PASSAU,
16830815—16830813    —AM, haben sämmtliche MINISTER—DER—ALLIIERTEN 1—KONFERENZ beim GRAFEN Königseck gehabt,
16840815             —AM, den zwanzigjährigen WAFFEN—STILL—STAND mit FRANKREICH für die NIEDERLANDEN auch SPANIEN genehmigte.
16840815             —AUF die Dauer von —20—JAHREN überlassen wird FRANKREICH das von ihm in Reunionen annektierte Reichsgebiet.
16850815             * JACOB—THEODOR—KLEIN, DEUTSCHER—WISSENSCHAFTLER, Mathematiker und Diplomat
16850815             * JOHANN—HEEL, süddeutscher Maler
16910815             * JOHANN—PETER—REUSCH, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH und lutherischer Theologe
16950815             —ENDET, 1—DREITÄGIGER Beschuss BRÜSSELS während des Pfälzischen Erbfolgekriegs durch die FRANZÖSISCHE—ARMEE unter dem BEFEHL—VON—FRANÇOIS—DE—NEUFVILLE, duc de Villeroy
16950815             —IN—DIESEN—TAGEN, ausbrechende Feuer tragen mit dazu bei, dass 1—DRITTEL—DER—STADT—BRÜSSEL zerstört wird.
17020815             † kaiserlicher FELDMARSCHALL—KARL—VON—LOTHRINGEN—COMMERCY,
17080815             † JACOB—VON—SANDRART, Kupferstecher und Verleger in Nürnberg
17100815             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—HÄHN, DEUTSCHER—GEISTLICHER und Pädagoge
17140815             † ANNA—MONS, westfälische Geliebte des PETER—DER—GROßE
17250815             * FERDINANDO—BERTONI, ITALIENISCHER—ORGANIST, Kapellmeister und Komponist
17250815             * MARIE—LOUISE—DE—LA—TOUR—D—AUVERGNE, Erzieherin der Kinder des LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH
17260815             * KARL—ANTON—VON—MARTINI, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—JURIST und Rechtsphilosoph
17280815             * GEORG—DANIEL—AUBERLEN, württembergischer Musiker und Komponist
17280815             † MARIN—MARAIS, FRANZÖSISCHER—GAMBIST und Komponist
17400815             * MATTHIAS—CLAUDIUS, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Journalist
17440815             * CONRAD—MOENCH, DEUTSCHER—PHARMAZEUT, Chemiker und Botaniker
17440815             —AUSLÖST, FRIEDRICH—DER—GROSSE mit dem Einmarsch seiner Truppen in Böhmen den
17480815             —ORGANIZED, United Lutheran CHURCH—OF—USA was.
17580815             † CASPAR—ZILI, SCHWEIZER—KAUFMANN und Bankier
17580815             † PIERRE—BOUGUER, FRANZÖSISCHER—GEODÄT und Astronom
17600815             —BATTLE—OF—LIEGNITZ.
17600815             —DEFEATED, FREDERICK—II—KING—OF—PRUSSIA, the Austrians
17600815             —SCHLACHT—BEI—LIEGNITZ während des
17600815             —SIEBENJÄHRIGER—KRIEG
17610815             "PACTE—DE—FAMILLE" où LES—BOURBONS de FRANCE, LES—BOURBONS d'ESPAGNE et LES—BOURBONS de NAPLES se garantissent mutuellement assistance.
17610815             —SIEBENJÄHRIGER—KRIEG, bewirkt den Abschluss des bourbonischer HAUSVERTRAGE—WISCHEN den Dynastien in FRANKREICH und SPANIEN.
17610815             FRANKREICH und SPANIEN, Beide Seiten sichern sich ihren territorialen Besitzstand zu und verabreden gegenseitige Hilfe im Kriegsfalle.
17620815             * JOHANN—OTTO—THIEß, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17630815             * ERNST—FRIEDRICH—FERDINAND—ROBERT, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Hochschullehrer
17650815             † BALTHASAR—AUGUSTIN—ALBRECHT, Münchener Hofmaler
17680815             * CHRISTOPH—VON—SCHMID, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Jugendbuchautor
17690815             * NAPOLÉON—AUX—INVALIDES Bonaparte.
17690815             * NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE, FRANZÖSISCHER—GENERAL, Staatsmann und Kaiser
17710815             * WALTER—SCOTT, BRITISCHER—DICHTER und Schriftsteller aus SCHOTTLAND
17710815—18320000    * † SCOTLAND—NOVELIST—SIR—WALTER—SCOTT, wrote "Ivanhoe" and "ROB—ROY,".
17720815             * JOHANN—NEPOMUK—MÄLZEL, DEUTSCHER—ERFINDER und Mechaniker
17760815             * SOPHIE—BRENTANO, Schwester des CLEMENS—BRENTANO
17770815             * ISAAK—ALTMANN, Bremer Landschaftsgärtner
17790815             * JOSEPH—WIDMER, SCHWEIZER—RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Theologe und Hochschullehrer
17850815             —ARRESTED, FRANCE—CARDINAL—DE—ROHAN—BISHOP—OF—STRASBOURG, —51—JAHRE—ALT, in the affair of the diamond necklace.
17850815             LE—KARDINAL—DE—ROHAN involontairement mêlé à LE—AFFAIRE—DU—COLLIER est convoqué par LOUIS—XVI[LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] et arrêté
17850815             * THOMAS—DE—QUINCEY, BRITISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Essayist und Journalist
17850815             Mit der VERHAFTUNG—VON—KARDINAL—ROHAN auf des LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH Veranlassung, wird die Halsbandaffäre öffentlich.
17850815—20140000    —AUTHORED, JONATHAN—BECKMAN, "How to Ruin 1—QUEEN, MARIE—ANTOINETTE, the Stolen Diamonds, and the Scandal that Shook THE—FRANCE—THRONE".
17950815             —ERSETZT, FRANKREICH, DAS—LIVRE formell durch den FRANC.
17950815             † CARL—FRIEDRICH—GERSTLACHER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, PUBLIZIST, Universitätsprofessor und Beamter
17960815             * JOHN—TORREY, nordamerikanischer Botaniker
17990815             —DÉFAITE—DE—NOVI (? Joubert) et ÉVACUATION—DU—PIÉMONT
17990815             —SCHLACHT—BEI—NOVI siegt während des
17990815             2. Koalitions—krieg, die RUSSISCH—ÖSTERREICHISCHE—STREITMACHT über die FRANZÖSISCHEN—TRUPPEN.
18000815             * PAUL—MASSOT, FRANZÖSISCHER—POLITIKER, Arzt und Malakologe
18060815             Der Grundstein für den ARC—DE—TRIOMPHE—DE—LE—ÉTOILE—PARISE wird gelegt.
18070815             * JULES—GRÉVY, FRANZÖSISCHER—STAATSMANN und Politiker
18070815             † JOHANNES—NIKOLAUS—TETENS, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH, Mathematiker und Naturforscher
18080815             * ALFRED—VON—REUMONT
18080815             * ALFRED—VON—REUMONT, DEUTSCHER—STAATSMANN und Historiker
18090815             —AM, NAPOLÉON übergab das SCHLOSS als HAUPT—ORT des neu errichteten FÜRSTENTUM—ECKMÜHL dem MARSCHALL—DAVOUST,
18100815             —A—S—CLOUD scène faite par NAPOLEÓN au PRINCE—KOURAKINE
18120815             * AUGUST—FEIERABEND, SCHWEIZER—MEDIZINER und Schriftsteller
18130815             —DÉCLARATION—DE—GUERRE de l'Autriche.
18200815             * ADOLPH—VON—PFRETZSCHNER, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und bayerischer Landesminister
18240815             —FOR THE—1.—TIME, Political ribbons WERE—PRINTED, in large quantities to celebrate GENERAL—LAFAYETTE his USA—TOUR.
18240815             Freed USA—SLAVES, FORMED, the—country—of—LIBERIA.
18240815             * LUDWIG—II—GROSS—HERZOG—VON—BADEN
18240815             † CARL—ARNOLD—KORTUM, DEUTSCHER—ARZT und Schriftsteller
18250815             * EUGÈNE—DANDIRAN, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18260815             † FRANZ—DINNENDAHL, Konstrukteur der 1. Dampfmaschine im Ruhrgebiet
18280815             † S—FRANCISCO, the daughter (5) and son (1) of Presidio soldier Ignacio—Olivas were killed as he and his wife attended 1—DANCE—PARTY—NEAR—MISSION—DOLORES.
18280815             —CLAIMED, FRANCISCO—RUBIO, innocence to the end.
18280815             * FRANK—BUCHSER, SCHWEIZER—MALER
18280815—18310801    † Suspicion fell on fellow soldier FRANCISCO—RUBIO, who was found guilty and EXECUTED—ON.
18300815             * MÁRIA—LEBSTÜCK, Offizierin und Freiheitskämpferin in UNGARN
18350815             † HARTWIG—VON—HUNDT—RADOWSKY, DEUTSCHER—AUTOR—UND—VORDENKER eines teilweise eliminatorischen ANTI—SEMITISMUS
18360815             * ERNEST—BLUM, FRANZÖSISCHER—DRAMATIKER und Librettist
18360815             Die anschließende Bildung 1—KONFÖDERATION wird zum Anlass für den PERUANISCH—BOLIVIANISCHEN—KONFÖDERATIONS—KRIEG.
18430815             —National—black—convention met in BUFFALO—NEW—YORK.
18430815             —OPENED, THE—TIVOLI—GARDENS, in COPENHAGEN.
18430815             —ERÖFFNET, der KOPENHAGEN—TIVOLI wird.
18450815             * LUDWIG—ROCHUS—SCHMIDLIN, SCHWEIZER—RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Geistlicher, Pädagoge und Kirchenhistoriker
18450815             * WALTER—CRANE, BRITISCHER—MALER und Illustrator, führender Vertreter der Präraffaeliten
18460815             THE—1.—CALIFORNIA newspaper, THE—CALIFORNIAN—OF—MONTEREY, was issued by WALTER—COLTON and ROBERT—SEMPLE.
18460815             THE—CALIFORNIAN—OF—MONTEREY was written half in English and half in Spanish.
18460815             † EMILIE—REINBECK, DEUTSCHE—SALONNIÈRE und Landschaftsmalerin
18460815—18340000    —PRINTED, THE—CALIFORNIAN—OF—MONTEREY was, on the state's 1. press, 1—OLD—RAMAGE—MODEL from BOSTON, that had arrived.
18480815             M. WALDO—HANCHETT patented 1—DENTAL—chair.
18490815             * MAX—JACOB, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT
18520815             † JAKOB—IHRLER, DEUTSCHER—STEINMETZMEISTER und Steinbruchbesitzer
18550815             * WALTER—HINES—PAGE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JOURNALIST, Verleger und Diplomat
18570815             * DEUTSCHER—REEDER—ALBERT—BALLIN,
18570815             † CHRISTIAN—SCHREIBER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Philologe, Philosoph, Dichter und Erziehungswissenschaftler
18600815             * FLORENCE—HARDING, USA—AMERIKANISCHE 1. Lady
18610815             —DIRECTED, LINCOLN, reinforcements to be sent to MISSOURI.
18610815             † ADOLPHE—DUMAS, FRANZÖSISCHER—DICHTER, Dramatiker und Provenzalist
18620815             SÜD—INDIEN—MADRAS, nimmt der auf Grundlage eines Letters Patents von KÖNIGIN—VICTORIA gegründete MADRAS—HIGH—COURT—SEINE—TÄTIGKEIT auf.
18640815             † WILHELM—HARNISCH, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Pädagoge
18650815             —DISCOVERED, SIR—JOSEPH—LISTER, the—antiseptic—process.
18650815—18650901    —SEE
18670815             —AM, erhielt der FACTORY—ACTS—EXTENSION—ACT des KÖNIG—BESTÄTIGUNG und
18670815             —AM, erhielt der WORKSHOPS—REGULATION—ACT des KÖNIG—BESTÄTIGUNG;
18670815             der erstre AKT regelt die großen, der letztre AKT regelt die kleinen GESCHÄFTS—ZWEIGE.
18680815             AACHEN, den.
18680815             * JAN—WELZL, TSCHECHISCHER—WELTENBUMMLER, Erzähler und Schriftsteller
18700815             —MITTE, KARL—MARX wird vom Braunschweiger Ausschuß aufgefordert, zum STREIT—ZWISCHEN—DEM Ausschuß, —AUGUST—BEBEL und WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT über die Stellung der Partei zum Kriege Direktiven zu schicken.
18700815             * CHARLES—ARDANT—DU—PICQ, FRANZÖSISCHER—OFFIZIER und Militärhistoriker
18710812—18710815    56—DELEGIERTE—AUS—81—ORTEN vertreten 6.255—PARTEI—MITGLIEDER.
18710812—18710815    Th.
18710812—18710815    Als DES PARTEI—AUSSCHUSS—SITZ wird HAMBURG, als Sitz der KONTROLL—KOMMISSION BERLIN bestimmt.
18710812—18710815    des PARTEI—VORSTAND—MITGLIEDER werden:
18710812—18710815    G. A. MÜLLER (Vorsitzender);
18710812—18710815    T. KÜLBEL (2. Vorsitzender);
18710812—18710815    H. BENNECKE (Kassierer);
18710812—18710815    E. PAULSSEN (Beisitzer).
18710812—18710815    —AUGUST—BEBEL über die Forderung nach Einführung des allgemeinen, gleichen, direkten und GEHEIMEN WAHL—RECHTS für die LAND—TAGS—, Gemeindewahlen,
18710812—18710815    W. BRACKE über das neue Haftpflichtgesetz.
18710812—18710815    YORCK spricht über den gesetzlichen —10—STUNDEN—TAG, —AUGUST—BEBEL über die Forderung nach Einführung des allgemeinen, gleichen, direkten und GEHEIMEN WAHL—RECHTS für die LAND—TAGS—, Gemeindewahlen, W. Bracke über das neue Haftpflichtgesetz.
18710812—18710815    DER—KONGREß erklärt das vom REICHS—TAG erlassene HAFTPFLICHT—GESETZ für DIE—ARBEITER als völlig unzureichend.
18710812—18710815    YORCK (Schriftführer);
18710812—18710815    YORCK spricht über den gesetzlichen —10—STUNDEN—TAG,
18720815             * AUROBINDO—GHOSE, INDISCHER—POLITIKER, Philosoph, HINDU—MYSTIKER, Yogi und Guru
18750815             * EDUARD—KADO, DEUTSCHER—MALER, Zeichner, Bildhauer und Kunstgewerbler
18760815             —REMOVED—AFTER gold find, USA—LAW, Indians from Black—Hills .
18760815             Sioux leaders Crazy—Horse and Sitting—Bull led their warriors to protect their lands from invasion by prospectors —FOLLOWING THE—DISCOVERY—OF—GOLD.
18760815             —STAGED, This led to the Great Sioux Campaign, from Fort—Laramie.
18760815             —DISCOVERED, Gold was, in Deadwood in the Dakota—TERRITORY, by QUEBEC brothers Fred and MOSES—MANUEL.
18760815—18771105    —INCORPORATED, The mine was, in CALIFORNIA, as the—Homestake—Mining—Company.
18770815             * ALBERTO—ASCOLI, ITALIENISCHER—SEROLOGE, Hygieniker und physiologischer Chemiker
18791104—19350815    —MOURNED, The nation, —WHEN WILL—ROGERS, along with pilot Wiley Post, were killed in 1—ALASKA plane crash.
18810815             —DEL, PAGINA—575—E n.
18820000—19510815    * † ARTUR—SCHNABEL, AUSTRIA—BORN USA—PIANIST (Reflections on Music), in SWITZERLAND.
18830815             * IVAN—MEŠTROVI?, KROATISCHER—BILDHAUER, Architekt und Professor
18840815             Trêve de Ratisbonne où LA—ESPAGNE et L'EMPIRE reconnaissent les conquêtes françaises.
18840815             † GUSTAV—PFARRIUS, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER, Lehrer und Professor
18850815             † JENS—JACOB—ASMUSSEN—WORSAAE, DÄNISCHER—ARCHÄOLOGE und Vorgeschichtler
18860815             * KARL—KORSCH, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH, Marxist
18870815             —INSPIRED, The "Ice Palace" is a 1950s Ferber novel, by the Northward Building in FAIRBANKS—ALASKA.
18870815             "There are only 2—KINDS—OF—PEOPLE in the world that really count. 1—KIND—WHEAT and the other kind's emeralds".
18870815             * OTTO—SCHNIEWIND, DEUTSCHER—BEAMTER, Ministerialdirektor im Reichsministerium für Wirtschaft, DIREKTOR—DER—KREDITANSTALT—FÜR—WIEDERAUFBAU
18870815—19680000    † * EDNA—FERBER, USA—NOVELIST, SHORT—STORY writer and playwright (USA—BEAUTY, Cimarron).
18880815             * THE—UK—SOLDIER T.E. Lawrence[LAWRENCE—OF—ARABIA} for his military exploits against the Turks —WWI—IN, in TREMADOC—WALES.
18880815             * —EDUCATED, Lawrence in TREMADOC—WALES, at UNIVERSITY—OF—OXFORD.
18880815             * GOTTLIEB—DUTTWEILER, SCHWEIZER—UNTERNEHMER und Politiker
18880815             * HERMANN—LEOPOLDI, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—KOMPONIST, Kabarettist und Klavierhumorist
18880815             —DER—ARABER—AUFSTAND,
18880815             —DAS Eingreifen von regulären Truppen des DEUTSCHEN—REICHS erforderlich macht und damit zu der DEUTSCH—OST—AFRIKA—KOLONIE—GRÜNDUNG führt.
18890000—20120815    BÜRGER—MEISTER Dicke setzt neue Impulse,fördert das BEWUSSTSEIN, daß SOLINGEN eigentlich 1—STADT ist;
18890000—20120815    der Vorgang ALS—SOLCHER ist —HEUTE—NOCH—NICHT abgeschlossen
18890815             † ELIAS—LOOMIS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Meteorologe und Astronom
18890815             † LUDWIG—FOGLÁR, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—JURIST und Schriftsteller
18890815             † THEODOR—CHRISTLIEB, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
18900815             * JACQUES—IBERT, composer (Escales), in PARIS—FRANCE.
18900815             * ELVIN—MORTON—JELLINEK, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ARZT und Erforscher der Alkoholkrankheit
18920815             * IWAN—WASSILJEWITSCH—BOLDIN, CHEF—DER sowjetischen Militäradministration Thüringen
18920815             * LOUIS—DE—BROGLIE, FRANZÖSISCHER—PHYSIKER und Nobelpreisträger
18930815             * LESLIE—JOHN—COMRIE, NEUSEELÄNDISCHER—ASTRONOM und Mathematiker
18950815             * KARL—DREWES, DEUTSCHER—GENERAL
18960815             * GERTY—CORI, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—BIOCHEMIKERIN, Nobelpreisträgerin
18960815             * MARIE—BESNARD, FRANZÖSISCHE—ANGEKLAGTE in einem Mordprozess
18980815             † JAKOB—LINDAU, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER aus Baden, MdR
18990815             —SOON, JACQUES—IBERTNRY—FORD found backers and started THE—DETROIT—AUTOMOBILE—COMPANY, with himself as CHIEF engineer.
18990815             † ERNST—VON—ZITZEWITZ, PREUSSISCHER—OBERST, Gutsbesitzer und Politiker
19030000—20120815    —HEUTE jedoch aus GELD—MANGEL zum Tode verurteilt
19030000—20120815    Die Solinger Badeanstalt wird eingeweiht;
19030528—20120815    Die Solinger Talsperre wird EINGEWEIHT—HEUTE—BIS liefert sie das beste Wasser der Welt
19030815             Im DEUTSCHEN—KAISERREICH gründet der Indologe KARL—SEIDENSTÜCKER den Buddhistischen Missionsverein für DEUTSCHLAND.
19030815             Der Buddhismus in DEUTSCHLAND erhält damit seine 1. Organisation.
19040815             —FOUNDED, THE—AUSTRIA—DAP is officially, at TRAUTENAU[TRUTNOU].
19040815             2—OF—THE—AUSTRIA—DAP party's 1. leaders are from HITLER—HOME—TOWN—LINZ.
19040815             (Unknown NAZIS)
19050815             * JOACHIM—MISTER—UGOWSKY, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Offizier der SS und WAFFEN—SS, Leiter des HYGIENE—INSTITUTS der WAFFEN—SS und Leiter von Menschenversuchen, Kriegsverbrecher
19060815             The 1. freight delivery tunnel system began underneath CHICAGO.
19070815             —REGARDED, HUNGARY—VIOLINIST—JOSEPH—JOACHIM (18310000             *), widely, as 1—OF—THE—MOST significant violinists of the 18010101—19001231    , † in BERLIN.
19100815             * HUGO—WINTERHALTER, composer, in WILKES—BARRE, PENNSYLVANIA.
19100815             † CONSTANTIN—FAHLBERG, DEUTSCHER—INDUSTRIELLER und Chemiker, Erfinder des Saccharin
19110815             —UNVEILED, Procter and Gamble, its Crisco shortening.
19110815             * HANS—FRUCK, DEUTSCHER—WIDERSTANDSKÄMPFER gegen den Nationalsozialismus, Stellvertretender MINISTER—FÜR—STAATSSICHERHEIT—DER—DDR
19120815             EDUARDO—SCHAERER wird STAATS—UND Regierungschef Paraguays.
19120815             EDUARDO—SCHAERER gelingt es, die innenpolitische Lage Paraguays zu stabilisieren und den Aufbau der brachliegenden Wirtschaft einzuleiten.
19120815—20020801    —ON, JULIA—CHILD—90.
19120815—20020801    B—DAY—PARTY was held in SF.
19120815—20040000    * † JULIA—CHILD, USA—CHEF and television personality, as JULIA—CAROLYN—MCWILLIAMS in PASADENA—CALIFORNIA.
19140815             Mamah Borthwick Cheney, THE—MISTRESS—OF—FRANK—LLOYD—WRIGHT, was axed to death along with her 2—CHILDREN and 4—OTHERS by 1 crazed servant at WRIGHT—RURAL—TALIESIN home.
19140815             —RESTORED, Wright, the house, which was set aflame in the rampage.
19140815             —OPENED, THE—PANAMA—CANAL, to traffic.
19140815             —COMPLETED, THE—PANAMA—CANAL, a 52-mile waterway, was.
19140815             Some 5,000 workers, —JUST 350—OF—THEM white, perished in THE—USA—EFFORT.
19140815             † Anatol K. Liadov (59), RUSSIA—COMPOSER (Baba Yaga).
19140815             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—WILLIAM—JENNINGS—BRYAN telling J—P—MORGAN that loans to belligerents goes against THE—USA—POLICY—OF—NEUTRALITY.
19140815             (See 19141015             ) (Schlesinger I)
19140815             —GEÖFFNET, Der Panamakanal wird für den Schiffsverkehr.
19140815             1—OFFIZIELLE PANAMAKANAL—EINWEIHUNGSFEIER unterbleibt wegen des —WWI Kriegsausbruch in EUROPA.
19140815—19140820    SERBIAN—MARSHALL—RADOMIR—PUTNIK is victorious over THE—AUSTRIANS at CER—MOUNTAIN.
19140815—19250000    —RAVAGED, The house was, by fire again and again restored by Wright.
19160815—19161224    F. MEHRING wird in "SCHUTZ—HAFT" genommen.
19170000—20080815    * † JERRY—WEXLER, record producer.
19170815             * ÓSCAR—ROMERO—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—EL—SALVADOR, Vertreter der Befreiungstheologie und Märtyrer
19180815             —SEVERED, RUSSIA, diplomatic ties with USA.
19200000—20100815    * † JAMES—KILPATRICK, columnist and longtime conservative —60—MINUTES "Point Counterpoint" commentator, in WASHINGTON, DC.
19210815             —PASSED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, the Packer and Stockyards Act.
19210815             THE—ACT—PURPOSE was to "regulate interstate and foreign commerce in live stock, LIVE—STOCK produce, dairy products, poultry, poultry products, and eggs, and for other purposes".
19220815             * LUKAS—FOSS, [Fuchs], composer (Prairie), in BERLIN—GERMANY.
19230815             * SIMON—PERES [Persky], premier of ISRAEL, in BELARUS.
19230815             —ARRESTED, EAMON—DE—VALERA was, in IRELAND—FREE—STATE.
19230815             —BEGINNT, WEIMAR, die 1. Ausstellung des Bauhauses.
19230815             Das in diesem Zusammenhang errichtete Musterhaus Am Horn veranschaulicht das neue architektonische Denken.
19240000—20070815    * † MAX—ROACH, jazz drummer, in Manhattan.
19240815             * ROBERT—OXTON—BOLT, ENGLAND—SCREENWRITER and playwright.
19240815             ROBERT—OXTON—BOLT is best known for "A Man for all Seasons".
19260823—19260815    —ON, In NEW—YORK for 19260000             —THE—PREMIERE—OF—SON—OF—THE—SHEIK, THE—31—YEAR—OLD—VALENTINO became ill and
19290815             PIUS—XI—PAPA. gründet das COLLEGIUM—RUSSICUM.
19290815             Die COLLEGIUM—RUSSICUM—ABSOLVENTEN werden als geweihte Priester unter falschem Namen in Gemeinden der Sowjetunion eingesetzt, weil sie dort Repressionen ausgesetzt sind.
19310815             —JOINED, ROY—WILKINS, NAACP as asst. SECRETARY.
19310815             In den USA hat der Spielfilm Pardon Us Premiere, der 1. des Komikerpaares Laurel und Hardy.
19320000—20120815    —HEUTE—NOCH, existierend, in DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK "DIPLOMAtenrennbahn"genannt
19330815             —REMOVED, Drug INCORPORATED, and INTERNATIONAL shoe were, from THE—DJIA.
19330815             —ADDED, Corn Products Refining and United Aircraft were.
19340815             HITLER receives HINDENBURG—POLITICAL testament.
19350815             Humorist WILL—ROGERS, —55—JAHRE—ALT, USA—COMEDIAN and "cowboy philosopher," and aviation pioneer Wiley Post (36) were killed —WHEN their airplane crashed near Point BARROW—ALASKA.
19350815             Rogers once said: "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you —JUST sit there".
19350815             THE—USA—CONGRESS passes THE—SOCIAL—SECURITY—ACT.
19360815             ARAB—GROUPS in PALESTINE attack 38—JEWISH—SETTLEMENTS.
19360815             STEINHÖRING—OBERBAYERN, wird Hochland, das 1. LEBENSBORN—HEIM eröffnet.
19380815             * Maxine Waters, congresswoman from CALIFORNIA, 2. AFRICA—USA—WOMAN to be elected to congress.
19380815             FORMER—SF Supervisor ANDREW—J—GALLAGHER, representing the directors of Agricultural District 1-A, said the "INTERNATIONAL—LIVE—STOCK—SHOW—PAVILION" will hereafter be called "THE—COW—PALACE".
19380815—19410000    —OPENED, The new building in DALY—CITY.
19390106—19360815    —APPEARED, Arridy, to have given 1 coerced confession and was likely not in PUEBLO —WHEN DOROTHY—DRAIN (15) was killed.
19390811—19390815    —ON, THE—UK—FOREIGN—OFFICE learns that GERMANY will be in 1—STATE—OF—COMPLETE—MILITARY—READINESS.
19390814             THE—CONGRESSMAN—ADVOCATES—BETTER—RELATIONS with GERMANY and hopes to solve the Danzig question —DURING the 19390815—19190815     conference in NORWAY.
19390815             (See 19390803             )
19390815             VIEW—OF—THAT, the comminatory note to GERMANY—OF—19390810             , no further talks are possible.
19390815             GERMAN—STATE—SECRETARY—BARON—ERNST—VON—WEIZSÄCKER says ANY—GERMANY—DIPLOMATIC—INITIATIVE is unthinkable in VIEW—OF—BECK—SPEECH declaring that POLAND was prepared to talk, only if GERMANY would 1. accept POLAND—TERMS.
19390815             VIEW—OF—THAT, the ultimatum to THE—DANZIG—SENATE, and
19390815             MOLOTOV meets with VON—DER—SCHULENBURG in MOSCOW and expresses great interest in HITLER—PROPOSALS.
19390815             —SURPRISED, VON—DER—SCHULENBURG in turn is, and pleased at THE—RUSSIAN—MODERATE conditions.
19390815             —RECALLED, THE—GERMAN—NAVY—HEAD—OF—THE—U—BOAT—ARM—CAPTAIN—KARL—DOENITZ, is, unexpectedly early from leave.
19390815             AMBASSADOR—VON—DIRKSEN discovers that ITALY—AMBASSADOR in BERLIN, BERNARDO—ATTOLICO, believes HITLER is about to go to war with POLAND, ignoring BRITAIN—CONCILIATORY attitude.
19390815             Advance mobilization orders are sent to THE—GERMAN—RAILWAYS, and
19390815             plans are made to move THE—GERMAN—ARMY—HEADQUARTERS to Zossen, EAST—OF—BERLIN.
19390815             THE—NAVY—REPORTS that the pocket battleships GRAF—SPEE and DEUTSCHLAND and 21—SUBMARINES are ready to sail for their stations in the Atlantic.
19390815             (Shirer I)
19390815             —SCHEDULED, The annual NÜRNBERG PARTY—RALLY, which is, to begin The 1. —WEEK—IN—SEPTEMBER,
19390815             —CANCELLED, The annual NÜRNBERG PARTY—RALLY, is secretly.
19390815—19390401    —PROCLAIMED, The annual NÜRNBERG PARTY—RALLY, which HITLER, as the "Party RALLY—OF—PEACE" and
19390818             Weizsäcker repeats his warning to BRITISH—AMBASSADOR—SIR—RONALD—LINDSAY and FRANCE—AMBASSADORS.
19390818             (See 19390815             ) - (See 19390815             )
19390831             (See 19390810             , 19390815             , 19390817             )
19390831             Holocaust deniers and historical revisionists, however, suggest that British or JEWISH—SECRET—AGENTS were responsible.
19400000—19620815    * † Lei Feng, 1—CHINA—REVOLUTIONARY—SOLDIER, —AFTER being hit by 1—FALLING telephone pole.
19400811             (Lewy) - The enemy finally overran the post at 5—P.m. on 19400815             —THE—WHEN—CAPTAIN—WILSON, fighting to the last, was reportedly killed.
19400815             In THE—LARGEST—SCALE—RAIDS in THE—HISTORY—OF—AERIAL warfare, HUNDREDS—OF—GERMANY planes struck against LONDON and its suburbs.
19400815             —PLANNED, Hitler's, Operation Sea Lion was to have commenced on this —DAY.
19400815             —BY—THE—END—OF—THE—DAY, 1—TOTAL—OF—190—GERMAN—PLANES had been lost in the last —3—DAYS.
19400815             THE—UK—HAVE lost 115—PLANES in the same period. (GILBERT II)
19400815—19400817    —CANCELLED, However it was, —FOLLOWING heavy GERMANY—AIR—RAID—LOSSES.
19400815—20080000    —AUTHORED, MICHAEL—KORDA, "With Wings Like Eagles: 1—HISTORY—OF—THE—BATTLE—OF—BRITAIN".
19410815             —HERDED, LITHUANIA—JEWS in KAUNAS were, into the Slobodka ghetto.
19410815             —AM, —MORGEN DES
19420815             —DEPARTED, THE—JAPAN—SUBMARINE I-25, JAPAN with 1—FLOATPLANE in its hold.
19420815             —ASSEMBLED, It was, upon arriving off THE—WEST—COAST—OF—THE—USA, and used to bomb USA—FORESTS.
19420815             SWITZERLAND, shoemaker Marcelin Dumoulin (40) and his schoolteacher wife Francine (37) left their village of Chandolin to graze their cattle in the mountainside and disappeared.
19420815             7—ORPHANS -- 5—BOYS and 2—GIRLS -- were placed in foster homes.
19420815             † BERNHARD—WENSCH, deutscher katholischer Priester, Gegner und OPFER—DES—NATIONALSOZIALISMUS
19420815—20170000    —IN, the bodies of Marcelin and Francine were found preserved in 1—RECEDING glacier.
19430815             —LANDED, Allies, on Kiska in the Aleutians.
19440815             * LINDA—ELLERBEE, newscaster (Weekend, NBC Overnight), in BRYAN—TEXAS.
19440815             —LANDED, THE—AMERICAN 7. Army, British and FRANCE—FORCES, on THE—SOUTH—COAST—OF—FRANCE, between TOULON and Cannes, in Operation Dragoon.
19440815             The amphibious landing was met with minimal resistance.
19440815             THE—AMERICAN 7. Army invades SOUTH—FRANCE in "OPERATION—ANVIL".
19440815             —AIDED, USA—INFANTRY divisions from ITALY make THE—ATTACK, by USA—PARA—TROOPS as well as British and FRANCE—UNITS.
19440815             Knifing through weak GERMANY—DEFENSES, the 7. Army races up the Rhone Valley toward GERMANY.
19440815             —THREATENED, GERMANY—TROOPS in ALL—OF—WEST—FRANCE are —NOW, with isolation by THE—ALLIED—PINCER.
19440815             —WWII, DIE—ALLIIERTEN des 2. Weltkriegs landen im Zuge der Operation Dragoon (auch Anvil) an der Mittelmeerküste in Südfrankreich.
19440815             DIE—ALLIIERTEN können ohne größeren Widerstand an der DEUTSCHEN—WESTFRONT schnell ins Landesinnere vordringen.
19440815             † EGBERT—HAYESSEN, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER und Widerstandskämpfer des 19440720             19440815             † HANS—BERND—VON—HAEFTEN, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Diplomat und Widerstandskämpfer des 19440720             19440815             † WOLF—HEINRICH—VON—HELLDORFF, DEUTSCHER—POLIZEIPRÄSIDENT—VON—BERLIN, GENERAL—DER—POLIZEI, SA—GENERAL, Mitwisser des Attentats vom 19440720             19450815             —ENDED, Gasoline and fuel oil rationing, in THE—USA.
19450815             1—RIOT ensued in S—FRANCISCO —WHILE the city was celebrating THE—END—OF—WW II. —3—DAYS—OF—RIOTING left 13—DEAD, at least 6—WOMEN raped and over 1,000—PEOPLE injured.
19450815             90—PERCENT of the revelers were said to be young Navy enlistees who had not served overseas.
19450815             —ANNOUNCED, Emperor Hirohito, to his subjects in 1—PRE—RECORDED radio address that JAPAN had accepted terms of surrender for ending —WWII.
19450815             —PROCLAIMED, This —DAY was, "V—J—DAY" by the Allies, —1—DAY—AFTER JAPAN agreed to surrender unconditionally.
19450815             —GATHERED, At 7—P.m. reporters, in the Oval Office to hear PRESIDENT—HARRY—S—TRUMAN announce the unconditional SURRENDER—OF—JAPAN.
19450815             —LIBERATED, KOREA was, —AFTER nearly —40—YEARS—OF—JAPAN—COLONIAL—RULE, but it soon faced the tragic DIVISION—OF—THE—NORTH and South along the 38. parallel.
19450815             —VICTORY—OVER—JAPAN[VJ—DAY].
19450815             EMPEROR—HIROHITO announces THE—SURRENDER—OF—JAPAN.
19450815             PIUS—XII—PAPA, in 1—LETTER to THE—BAVARIA—BISHOPS,
19450815             PIUS—XII—PAPA, pays tribute to "those MILLIONS—OF—CATHOLICS, men and WOMEN—OF—EVERY—CLASS" who loyal to their bishops, had FOUGHT—AGAINST—THE—DEMONIC—POWERS that ruled GERMANY.
19450815             (WÜSTENBERG and Zabkar; Lewy)
19450815             * BANGLADESCH—PREMIER—MINISTERIN—KHALEDA—ZIA, bengalische Politikerin,
19450815             —WWII—IM, Unmittelbar nach der Kapitulation Japans werden die JAPANISCHEN—PROVINZEN FORMOSA und Ch?sen (ehemaliges KOREA) von JAPAN unabhängig.
19450815             —VICTORY—OVER—JAPAN—DAY: Der Sh?WA—TENN?
19450815             —VERKÜNDET, Hirohito, im Rundfunk (GYOKUON—H?s?) Japans bedingungslose Kapitulation —WWII—IM.
19450815             † JAPANISCHER—GENERAL—ANAMI—KORECHIKA, und Kriegsminister
19450815             † OSKAR—PICHT, DEUTSCHER—ERFINDER der Blindenschreibmaschine
19460815             Die KOREA—HAUPTSTADT—GYEONGSEONG wird in SEOUL umbenannt.
19470815             —PARTITIONED, BRITAIN, the subcontinent.
19470815             —RULED, —PRIOR—TO INDEPENDENCE, 565—PRINCES, a 3. of INDIA.
19470815             —AFTER INDEPENDENCE the government let the royals retain their titles and assets in return for incorporating their principalities into the new nation.
19470815             THE—664—PRINCELY states of INDIA were given the choice of which country they wanted to join.
19470815             Although MOST—OF—THE—PEOPLE—OF—KASHMIR were Muslim, the maharaja was Hindu and he appealed to INDIA for help.
19470815             † INDEPENDENCE in PAKISTAN and INDIA led to bloody conflicts and thousands.
19470815             —DER—MOUNTBATTENPLAN tritt in Kraft, mit dem die BRITISCHE—KOLONIALHERRSCHAFT in INDIEN endet.
19470815             Gegen den Widerstand Gandhis und Nehrus wird die ehemalige Kolonie in die Dominions INDIEN und PAKISTAN geteilt.
19470815—19990000    —PUBLISHED, Fareed Zakaria, "Raj: THE—MAKING and Unmaking of UK—INDIA".
19480815             Im südlichen TEIL—DER—KOREANISCHEN—HALBINSEL wird die REPUBLIK KOREA gegründet.
19500815             2—USA—DIVISIONS were badly mauled by THE—NORTH—KOREAN—ARMY at THE—BATTLE—OF—THE—BOWLING—ALLEY in SOUTH—KOREA, which raged on for 5—MORE—DAYS.
19500815             1—MAGNITUDE 8.6—EARTHQUAKE in ASSAM—TIBET, killed at least 780—PEOPLE.
19500815             1—ERDBEBEN—DER—STÄRKE 8,6 im INDISCHEN—ASSAM fordert 1530—MENSCHENLEBEN.
19530815             —FAILED, IRAN, 1—CIA—PLOT to unseat PRIME—MINISTER—MOSSADEQ.
19530815             —MASTERMINDED, It was, by Kermit ROOSEVELT.
19530815             —STOCKPILED, In preparation for the coup THE—CIA " enough arms and demolition material to support a 10,000-man guerrilla organization —FOR—6—MONTHS," and paid out $5.3—MILLION for bribes and other costs.
19530815             1—INITIAL—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT 19890000             release, outlining the years surrounding the coup, whitewashed THE—USA—ROLE.
19530815—19530819    —ON, A 2. attempt succeeded.
19540815             —NAMED, Alfredo Stroessner (19120000             *), himself PRESIDENT—OF—PARAGUAY.
19540815             —ENDED, This, a —27—YEAR chaotic period in which 22—PRESIDENTS came and went.
19550000—20080815    * † LEROY—SIEVERS, broadcast journalist, —OF—CANCER.
19570815             —COMPOSED, The musical "WEST—SIDE—STORY,", by LEONARD—BERNSTEIN and based on 1—CONCEPT by JEROME—ROBBINS, 1. opened in WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
19570815             The story was by ARTHUR—LAURENTS (19170000—20110000    ) and the lyrics were by STEPHEN—SONDHEIM.
19600815             DIE—REPUBLIK—KONGO mit der HAUPTSTADT—BRAZZAVILLE und FULBERT—YOULOU als 1. Staatspräsident erlangt ihre volle Unabhängigkeit von FRANKREICH.
19610815             EAST—GERMANY—WORKERS began building THE—BERLIN—WALL.
19610815             THE—BERLIN—WALL stood at the front line of the Cold War.
19610815             It cut off EAST—GERMANS from the supposed ideological CONTAMINATION—OF—THE—WEST and stemmed THE—TIDE—OF—PEOPLE fleeing the country.
19610815             —DIVIDED, In THE—28—YEARS that the Wall, the city, more than 70—TUNNELS were built underneath the 156.4-km (97.2-mile) barrier and —AROUND 300—PEOPLE managed to escape through them.
19610815             Während der Bewachung der noch im Bau befindlichen Berliner Mauer flieht der Volkspolizist CONRAD—SCHUMANN mit 1—SPRUNG über den Stacheldraht in den Westen.
19610815             —BERÜHMT, Der Sprung wird von PETER—LEIBING in einem, gewordenen Foto festgehalten.
19620812—19620815    —ON, both men landed safely.
19620815             —BURNED, Shady Grove Baptist Church was, in LEESBURG—GEORGIA.
19620815             —DIVORCED, His wife had —RECENTLY, him and he faced 1—COURT—MARTIAL.
19620815             —RECOGNIZED, Mao Zedong, Lei Feng for his humble heroism, said to include washing his comrades' uniforms and giving his pay to the needy.
19620815             1—GOVERNMENT—PUBLICITY—CAMPAIGN —LATER used him as 1—MODEL to promote selflessness.
19620815—20040000    —IN, 1—UK—FILM crew met with Dresnok.
19620815—20060000    —IN, 1—DOCUMENTARY about his defection, "Crossing the Line," was released and
19620815—20080000    —IN, made it to DVD.
19640815             A race riot took place in Dixmoor, a suburb of CHICAGO—ILLINOIS.
19650815             —PLAYED, Beatles, to 55,000 at SHEA—STADIUM.
19650815             DIE—BEATLES spielen im NEW—YORK—SHEA—STADIUM, AS—LIVEKONZERT mit der höchsten Besucherzahl ihrer Karriere.
19650815             Nach immer wieder aufflammenden Kämpfen zwischen PRO—PAKISTANISCHEN—MUDSCHAHEDIN und INDISCHEN—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTEN in KASCHMIR eskaliert der KASCHMIR—KONFLIKT.
19650815             INDISCHE—TRUPPEN überschreiten von JAMMU und Kashmir aus die 19490000             —NACH—DEM 1. INDISCH—PAKISTANISCHEN—KRIEG festgelegte Waffenstillstandslinie und eröffnen damit den 2. INDISCH—PAKISTANISCHEN—KRIEG.
19670815             —REORGANISIERT, die Kurie, PAUL—VI—PAPA in der Apostolischen Konstitution REGIMINI—ECCLESIAE—UNIVERSAE.
19680815             Pirate Radio Free LONDON began transmitting.
19680815             1—ERDBEBEN auf Celebes fordert etwa 200—MENSCHENLEBEN.
19690815             —OPENED, THE—WOODSTOCK—MUSIC and ART—FAIR, in upstate NEW—YORK.
19690815             400,000 young people gathered at MAX—YASGUR—DAIRY farm in the Bethel HAMLET—OF—WHITE—LAKE—NEW—YORK for the Woodstock music festival.
19690815             Wavy Gravy (HUGH—ROMNEY) and companions from the Hog Farm Commune ran 1—FREE—KITCHEN and "bad trips tent".
19690815             —INCLUDED, The performers, JOAN—BAEZ;
19690815             Crosby, Stills and Nash; Creedence CLEARWATER;
19690815             the Grateful Dead; Jimi Hendrix; the Jefferson Airplane; Janis Joplin; Canned Heat and Ravi Shankar.
19690815             —BEGINNT, BETHEL, im Bundesstaat NEW—YORK, das dreitägige WOODSTOCK—FESTIVAL.
19700815             1—FERRYBOAT named the M.V. Golden Gate made its maiden voyage from S—FRANCISCO to Sausalito marking 1—REVIVAL—OF—FERRY service on S—FRANCISCO—BAY.
19700815             THE—GOLDEN—GATE—BUS and Ferry Transit system began operating with 1—FERRY and 4 leased busses.
19700815             —INAUGURATED, Ferry service to Sausalito was.
19700815—20040000    —RETIRED, The ferryboat Golden Gate was.
19700815—20040326    —RETIRED, It was, from service.
19710813—19710815    —PROMPTED, This, PRESIDENT—NIXON to suspend such conversions.
19710815             —SUSPENDED, PRESIDENT—NIXON, CONVERSION—OF—DOLLARS to gold and imposed a —90—DAY—PRICE, wage and rents freeze and 10% import charge.
19710815             He also cut various taxes and expenditures.
19710815             —BECAME, This, known as the "Nixon Shock" and marked THE—END—OF—THE—GOLD—STANDARD and fixed exchange rates.
19710815             —DEFINED, THE—BRETTON—WOODS agreement, that, the post —WWII economic environment, collapsed under THE—WEIGHT—OF—USA—DEFICIT spending.
19710815             —ALLOWED, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF this exchange rates were, to float under the watchful eye of central bankers.
19710815             —BIS, DAHIN hatten sich DIE—USA verpflichtet, jeden USA—$ gegen 1.festgelegte MENGE—DES—EDELMETALLS eintauschen.
19710815             Das ehemalige PROTEKTORAT—BAHRAIN erhält seine Unabhängigkeit von GROSSBRITANNIEN.
19710815             Der USA—PRÄSIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON erklärt in 1—RUNDFUNK—UND Fernsehansprache die Konvertibilität des USA—DOLLARS in Gold für beendet.
19710815—20160824    —AM, DER—GRUND—STEIN für das heutige SCHULDEN—PROBLEM—DER—WESTLICHEN—WELT wurde gelegt als PRÄSIDENT—NIXON DES USA—$—GOLD—BINDUNG aufhob.
19711216—19710815    —DECLARED, BAHRAIN, which had, INDEPENDENCE, won INDEPENDENCE from UK—PROTECTION.
19720815             —REVIVED, This, a 15010101—16001231     practice by itinerant artists who traveled from village to village for religious and folk festivals.
19720815             —ESCAPED, ARGENTINA, 22—MEMBERS—OF—GUERRILLA—GROUPS, from prison in THE—CITY—OF—RAWSON and took over the airport in nearby TRELEW, about 800—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BUENOS—AIRES.
19720815             —MANAGED, Military forces guarding the airport, to arrest 19, —WHILE 3 escaped by plane to CHILE.
19720815             19—GUERRILLAS were transferred to the base Almirante ZAR.
19720815             —SURVIVED, ALBERTO—CAMPS, MARY—BERGER and RICARDO—HAIDAR, the attack and reported the crime, only to disappear in the late 1970s —DURING the military dictatorship that lasted 19760000—19830000    —FROM—TO.
19720815             —BANNED, It was, by the Argentine dictatorship.
19720815—19720822    —ON, they were MACHINE—GUNNED in their cells.
19720815—20080000    —ARRESTED, FEDERAL—POLICE, 2 retired military officers in connection with the massacre of THE—16—LEFTIST—GUERRILLAS.
19730619             —PASSED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, THE—CASE—CHURCH—AMENDMENT which forbade ANY—FURTHER—USA—MILITARY—INVOLVEMENT in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, effective 19730815             19730619             —PASSED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, THE—CASE—CHURCH—AMENDMENT which forbade ANY—FURTHER—USA—MILITARY—INVOLVEMENT in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, effective 19730815             .
19730815             330—MENSCHEN sterben bei schweren Überschwemmungen in INDIEN.
19740815             PARK—DAUGHTER took over as 1. lady.
19740815             Auf den SÜD—KOREA—PRÄSIDENT—PARK—CHUNG—HEE wird bei 1—REDE—VON—1—EINGEREISTEN, in JAPAN lebenden Koreaner 1—ATTENTAT verübt.
19740815             Die Frau des SÜD—KOREA—PRÄSIDENT—PARK—CHUNG—HEEDIKTATORS, Youk YOUNG—SOO, wird dabei von einer verirrten Kugel getroffen, die ihren Tod verursacht, während ihr Mann unverletzt bleibt.
19740815             Der neu erbaute TORONTO Zoo feiert Eröffnung.
19740815             Der zuvor existierende Riverdale Zoo wird in der Folge aufgegeben und 19780000             zur stadteigenen Farm umgestaltet.
19740815             In der HAUPTSTADT—SEOUL fährt die 1. U—BAHN Südkoreas.
19740815             † OTTO—BRAUN, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Parteifunktionär, Militärberater und 1. Sekretär des Schriftstellerverbandes der DDR
19750815             —KILLED, BANGLADESH army officers, SHEIK—MUJIBAR—RAHMAN, the country's founding leader and FATHER—OF—HASINA Wajed.
19750815             1—TOTAL—OF—20—PEOPLE, including domestic staff, were killed —WHEN THE—GROUP—OF—OFFICERS stormed his house.
19750815             —BECAME, GENERAL—ZIAUR—RAHMAN, FATHER—OF—KHALEDA Zia, the military ruler.
19750815             —INTRODUCED, Rahman had, a 1—PARTY—SOCIALIST—SYSTEM and assumed almost dictatorial powers.
19750815             —APPEALED, Of the remaining 12, 5, the verdict to THE—SUPREME—COURT, 6—ARE in hiding and 1 is believed to have † in ZIMBABWE.
19750815             Bei 1—MILITÄRPUTSCH wird BANGLADESCH—PREMIERMINISTER—MUJIBUR—RAHMAN mitsamt seiner Familie getötet.
19750815—19970000    —IN, the government charged 2—PEOPLE with his assassination.
19750815—19980000    —IN, 15—MEN were found guilty and sentenced to death.
19750815—20010000    —IN, 3 were acquitted.
19750815—20100000    —IN, THE—SUPREME—COURT upheld the death sentence for 5—KILLERS.
19760815             —ESCAPED, FORMER—SS COLONEL—HERBERT—KAPPLER dramatically, from prison hospital in ROME with the aid of his wife and taken to GERMANY.
19760815             SAETA—FLUG NUMBER 232 (Vickers Viscount 785D mit 59—PERSONEN an Bord) geht auf der 309—KM langen Route von QUITO nach CUENCA verloren.
19760815             —GEFUNDEN, Das Wrack wird —ERST—26—JAHRE—SPÄTER am Chimborazo.
19770815             Police in Cape GIRARDEAU—MISSOURI, found MARY—PARSH, —58—JAHRE—ALT and her daughter, Brenda (27), lying nude side by side on 1 bed at home, their hands tied behind their backs.
19770815             Each had been shot in the head.
19770815             —SENTENCED, He was, to —40—YEARS in prison for 19820000             —THE—KILLING—OF—1—SOUTH—ILLINOIS—UNIVERSITY—CARBONDALE student, Deborah Sheppard. and, in addition, was charged with 5—COUNTS—OF—MURDER and 3—COUNTS—OF rape against women in the Cape GIRARDEAU—MISSOURI, area 19770000—19820000    —FROM—TO.
19770815             Der ASTROPHYSIKER—JERRY—EHMAN empfängt im Rahmen eines SETI—PROJEKTS am Big EAR—RADIOTELESKOP der OHIO STATE—UNIVERSITY das so genannte Wow!-Signal.
19770815—20070000    —IN, TIMOTHY—KRAJCIR, —63—JAHRE—ALT, 1—GRADUATE from SOUTH—ILLINOIS with 1—DEGREE in law enforcement, confessed to their rape and murder and at least 4—MORE.
19770815—20080000    —PLEADED, Krajcir, guilty and was sentenced to another —40—YEARS in prison for 19780000             —THE—KILLING—OF—MARION resident VIRGINIA LEE—WITTE.
19800815             —ABANDONED, GEORGE—MANUEL—BOSQUE, —25—JAHRE—ALT reportedly, his armored truck at THE—SF—AIRPORT—HILTON—HOTEL, stole 1—CAR at gunpoint, and vanished with over $1.8—MILLION in cash.
19800815             —2—DAYS—LATER he sent 1—ENVELOPE with $20,000 to SF Police officer LOU—VANCE to pay off 1—BUSINESS—DEAL.
19800815—19811123    —ON, Bosque was caught and
19800815—19811124    —ON, pleaded not guilty —BEFORE 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE.
19810815             † ALFRED—BARR, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—KUNSTHISTORIKER und Gründungsdirektor des Museum of Modern Art in NEW—YORK
19810815             † KARL—GERO—VON—URACH, Oberhaupt des Hauses von Urach
19830815             Volume 1, Number 5 * 19960307             ****
19830815             Intelligence Online: global strategic information - was jailed for —1—YEAR
19830815             —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH for illegally diverting funds from his establishment to GeoMiliTech Consultants INCORPORATED.
19830815             —FORMED, GeoMiliTech ; Begins Selling Arms to IRAN.
19830815             THE—USE—OF—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS by American and ISRAEL—MILITARISTS -.. To IRAN.
19830815             Entity Tags: GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation, ISRAEL—MILITARY—INDUSTRIES...
19830815             Victor A Fediay GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION.
19830815             Herman,E. O'Sullivan,G. THE—TERRORISM—INDUSTRY.
19830815             Marshall,J. - THE—IRAN—CONTRA Connection.
19830815             CTRL] [9] THE—MARCOS—DYNASTY... same men fleetingly exposed in THE—IRAN—CONTRA SCANDAL—1—QUASI—PRIVATE—MILITARY... with Singlaub in 1—WASHINGTON consulting firm called GeoMiliTech Corporation.
19830815             Technology Stanford... J. THE—IRAN—CONTRA Connection.
19830815             Prados,J. Presidents' Secret Wars.
19830815             Covertaction_org... judging by documents from THE—IRAN /contra hearings it was probably the...
19830815             Through the GeoMilitech Corporation, Singlaub and his associate BARBARA—STUDLEY...
19830815             IMC ISRAEL—NEWSWIRE/5551 ...
19830815             —BY GOVERNMENTS (PDF) resupply operations;
19830815             Hyde Park Square Corporation, a front used to serve...
19830815             further revelations regarding THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair + the ultimate demise...
19830815             [eDebate] operation unrelenting shitbag
19830815             Assistant director general in THE—ISRAEL—MINISTRY—OF—FOREIGN—RELATIONS...
19830815             —HELPED, JOHN—K—SINGLAUB—SOON afterwards Singlaub, establish 1—COMPANY called GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation (GMT) 1—WASHINGTON—BASED arms trading company.
19830815             The origins of IRAN—CONTRA : Lessons from the Durrani Affair
19830815             The firm, GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation.
19830815             (GMT), was established by BARBARA—F—STUDLEY, the former beauty QUEEN from.
19830815             —BECAME, MIAMI who, 1—CONSERVATIVE.
19830815             Council for National Policy (CNP) - N—PA—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES
19830815             "...1—HIGHLY intriguing proposition from GeoMiliTech Consultants Corp., 1—WASHINGTON arms brokerage secretly shipping weapons to the contras.
19830815             JEFF—STUDER — JOHN—STUDLEY : ZoomInfo Business People Information
19830815             Studley, Barbara, GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation, This 1 was brought by THE—STOCKHOLDERS—OF—THE—MIAMI—BAYSHORE—BANK—NAMING—SINGLAUB as 1—PARTICIPANT...
19830815             Search results for "Calero " 334);
19830815             GARDINER KEITH (228-9); GEHLEN REINHARD (40);
19830815             GERRITY EDWARD J—JUNIOR.. alfatomega.com/_themes_/_Calero,Adolfo_.html
19830815             THE—1.—USA—PLAN to provide IRAN with USA—WEAPONS was —PRIOR—TO-, the date —WHEN 1—OSTENSIBLY private...
19830815             Right Web | Profile | USA—COUNCIL for World Freedom
19830815             rightweb.IRC—ONLINE_org/gw/2813 - NACLA Digital ARCHIVE—TRICONTRANENTAL
19830815             With BARBARA—STUDLEY, his partner in the arms firm GeoMiliTech, Singlaub also drafted 1—MEMO outlining 1—CONTRA INTERNATIONAL—OF—SORTS with its own arms...
19830815             —ESTABLISHED, GeoMiliTech (GMT ) Consultants Corporation is, by conservative talk show host.
19830815             Council for National Policy (CNP) - N—PA—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES "...1—HIGHLY intriguing proposition from GeoMiliTech Consultants Corp., 1—WASHINGTON arms brokerage secretly shipping weapons to the contras.
19830815             —PRIOR—TO THE—1.—USA—PLAN to provide IRAN with USA—WEAPONS—WAS the date —WHEN 1—OSTENSIBLY private...
19830815             Singlaub as 1—PARTICIPANT with BARBARA—STUDLEY --1—TV—PERSONALITY and HEAD—OF—GEOMILITECH --in 1—SCHEME to loot the bank to buy arms for the contras.
19830815             The origins of IRAN—CONTRA: Lessons from the Durrani Affair that GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation (GMT) of 19190000             PENNSYLVANIA...
19830815             GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation, "Certified COPY—OF—THE—MINUTES—OF—THE—BOARD...
19830815             zingmagazine 20—GEOMILITECH Consultants Corporation, JOHN—K—SINGLAUB to WILLIAM—J—CASEY, "[OFFER—OF—WEAPONS to CIA for Use by THE—CONTRAS—LIST—OF—WEAPONS Attached],"...
19830815             JEFF—STUDER — JOHN—STUDLEY : ZoomInfo Business People Information Studley, Barbara, GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation,
19830815             IMC HAMILTON Home: Enabling CONFLICT—USE—OF—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS By...
19830815             —ESTABLISHED, GeoMiliTech (GMT) Consultants Corporation is, by conservative talk show host BARBARA—F—STUDLEY.
19830815             1—NUMBER—OF—FAR RIGHT—WING, high ranking...
19840815             Die Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans (PKK) gibt die Gründung ihres militärischen Armes Befreiungskräfte Kurdistans (HRK) bekannt, der am gleichen —TAG 2—KLEINSTÄDTE im kurdischen TEIL—DER—TÜRKEI besetzt.
19850815             —SIGNED, THE—ASSAM—ACCORD was, between Rajiv Gandhi and Assamese nationalists.
19850815             1—CONGRESS—GOVERNMENT led by Hiteshwar Saikia, widely viewed in Assam as illegitimate, was dissolved as PART—OF—THE—TERMS—OF—THE—ASSAM—ACCORD.
19850815             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ, its 1. air raid on IRAN—KHARG—OIL—ISLAND.
19850815             Der SÜD—AFRIKA—PRÄSIDENT—PIETER—WILLEM—BOTHA hält in DURBAN 1—ALS RUBIKON—REDE bekanntgewordene Ansprache, in deren Folge sich sowohl die wirtschaftliche und soziale Situation Südafrikas als auch die internationalen Beziehungen des Landes deutlich verschlechtern.
19850815—19710000    —PROMISED, Under the accord the government, to identify and deport people who had crossed the border —SINCE the creation of BANGLADESH, but the promise went unfulfilled.
19860815             ist in der NORDRHEIN—WESTFÄLISCHEN Stadt Gronau die 1. und einzige Urananreicherungsanlage Deutschlands in Betrieb.
19860815             Nahe der Grenze zu den Niederlanden.
19860815             PERU wird vom Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) für kreditunwürdig erklärt.
19870815             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, past the grave of Elvis Presley in MEMPHIS—TENNESSEE, as they began 1—ALL—NIGHT vigil marking the 10.
19870815             ANNIVERSARY—OF—HIS—DEATH.
19880815             PRESIDENT—REAGAN bade 1—SENTIMENTAL farewell on the 1. night of the Republican national convention in NEW—ORLEANS, and praised the man destined to succeed him, VICE—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH.
19890815             † NEW—YORK—CITY, DARRYL—RUSH was shot to death.
19890815             —ARRESTED, JONATHAN—FLEMING, 1—FRIEND—OF—RUSH, was —LATER, and convicted, despite proof that he was in Disney World on vacation.
19890815             F.W. de Klerk was sworn in as acting PRESIDENT—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA, —1—DAY—AFTER P.W. Botha resigned as THE—RESULT—OF—1—POWER—STRUGGLE within the National Party.
19890815—20140408    —RELEASED, Fleming (51) was, from jail and CLEARED—OF—THE—MURDER—CHARGES.
19900815             In 1—ATTEMPT to gain support against THE—USA—LED coalition in the Persian Gulf, IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN offered to make peace with longtime enemy IRAN.
19910815             —ATTENDED, Some 750,000, PAUL—SIMON—FREE—CONCERT in CENTRAL—PARK.
19910815             —RECORDED, The event was, and became available on video.
19910815             —AUTHORIZED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, by 1—VOTE—OF—13—TO—1, IRAQ to export 1—POINT—6—BILLION dollars' WORTH—OF—OIL in 1—TIGHTLY controlled sale to pay for desperately needed food and medicine.
19920815             —WHILE Republicans gathered in HOUSTON for their national convention, PRESIDENT—BUSH spent the weekend at Camp David, his renomination secure.
19920815             † GIORGIO—PERLASCA, ITALY—ANTI—FASCIST (saved 5,200 Jews).
19920815             Die Videospielkonsole SNES von Nintendo wird in DEUTSCHLAND veröffentlicht.
19920815             † GIORGIO—PERLASCA, ITALIENISCHER—FASCHIST und Retter tausender Juden in BUDAPEST
19930525—19940815    —ON, the Prosecutor was appointed.
19930815             —ENDED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, his —4—DAY—USA—VISIT with 1—FAREWELL address at DENVER—STAPLETON—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT in which he denounced the "CULTURE—OF—DEATH" of abortion and euthanasia.
19930815             —SURRENDERED, 1—EGYPTIAN, peacefully —AFTER hijacking 1—HOLLAND—JET to GERMANY to demand THE—USA—RELEASE—MUSLIM cleric SHEIK—OMAR—ABDEL—RAHMAN.
19930815             1. demokratisch gewählter PARAGUAY—PRÄSIDENT—JUAN—CARLOS—WASMOSY wird
19930815             † ROBERT—KEMPNER, DEUTSCHER—RECHTSANWALT, Stellvertreter des Chefanklägers bei den Nürnberger Kriegsverbrecherprozessen
19940815             Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, the terrorist known as "CARLOS—THE—JACKAL," was jailed in FRANCE —AFTER being captured in SUDAN.
19940815             —KILLED, By his own count he had, 83—PEOPLE —BEFORE being captured.
19940815             † SHEPHERD—MEAD, —80—JAHRE—ALT, author, of stroke In LONDON—ENGLAND.
19940815             SHEPHERD—MEADPHERD—MEAD'S 19510000             novel "How to Succeed at Business Without Really Trying" was made into a 19610000             Broadway musical.
19950815             —AGREED, THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, to pay 3.1—MILLION—DOLLARS to white separatist Randy Weaver and his family to settle their claims over THE—KILLING—OF—WEAVER—WIFE and son —DURING a 19920000             siege by FEDERAL—AGENTS at Ruby RIDGE—IDAHO.
19950815             —BURNED, THE—S—JOHN—BAPTIST—CHURCH in Lexington Co., SOUTH—CAROLINA, down.
19950815             —SUSPECTED, Arson was, and investigations by THE—FBI and ATF were —LATER begun.
19950815             † JOHN—CAMERON—SWAYZE, —89—JAHRE—ALT, pioneering TV JOURNALIST—AND—TIMEX watch pitchman, in SARASOTA—FLORIDA.
19950815             SÃO—TOMÉ—UND—PRÍNCIPE findet 1—MILITÄRPUTSCH gegen STAATSPRÄSIDENT—MIGUEL—TROVOADA und PREMIERMINISTER—CARLOS—DA—GRAÇA statt, der nach wenigen —TAGEN jedoch durch —VERHANDLUNGEN beendet wird.
19960815             —CLAIMED, BOB—DOLE, the Republican presidential nomination at the party's convention in S—DIEGO, offering himself as the "bridge to 1—TIME—OF—TRANQUILITY" and describing himself as "the most optimistic man in AMERICA".
19960815             1—BOTULISM—OUTBREAK began killing birds at the Salton Sea in CALIFORNIA.
19960815             The sea is 278—FEET below sea level and is —NOW 10% more salty than the Pacific Ocean.
19960815             Extensive pollution with sewage from MEXICO and pesticides from farms in the Coachella valley plagued the big lake.
19960815             FREDERICK—DAVIDSON, 1—GRADUATE student at S—DIEGO—STATE—UNIVERSITY, shot and killed 3—ENGINEERING professors;
19960815             he was —LATER sentenced to 3—LIFE—TERMS in prison.
19960815             —ARMED, ALGERIA, militants killed 17—PASSENGERS on 1—BUS using 1—FAKE police barricade on 1—REMOTE—HIGHWAY.
19960815             —KIDNAPPED, BELGIUM, 2, girls were rescued by police —JUST days —FOLLOWING THE—ARREST—OF—MARC—DOUTROUX.
19960815             —SACKED, NIGERIA, 27—OF—THE—30—GOVERNORS were, by Sani Abacha.
19960815             —TRANSFERRED, The other 3 were, to other states.
19960815             —CLASHED, SOUTH—KOREA, some 6,000 police, with 7,000 students who protested for reunification with NORTH—KOREA and the removal of 37,000—USA—TROOPS.
19970330—20160815    —ON, the kidnapper (51) was sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison.
19970330—20160815    —SENTENCED, the kidnapper (51) was, to —10—YEARS in prison.
19970510—19970815    —ON, She completed her flight.
19970807—19970815    —ARRESTED, Another couple was, with 10—DEAF smuggled immigrants in DALLAS.
19970815             —EXPANDED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, its RECALL—OF—GROUND beef sold under the Hudson brand name to 1.1—MILLION—POUNDS—BECAUSE—OF—NEW—EVIDENCE—OF—POSSIBLE—CONTAMINATION by E. coli bacteria.
19970815             —DECIDED, THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, not to prosecute senior FBI officials in connection with 1 alleged COVER—UP that followed the deadly 19920000             Ruby Ridge siege in IDAHO.
19970815             —DROPPED, THE—DOW—JONES, 247—POINTS in its 2. biggest point loss session ending at 7,694.66.
19970815             —PASSED, LOUISIANA, 1—SELF—DEFENSE—LAW, in June, that permits motorists to use deadly force in 1—CAR—JACKING incident took effect.
19970815             Beginning —TODAY couples seeking marriage in LOUISIANA were given the choice between 1—TRADITIONAL or 1—COVENANT marriage.
19970815             —DESIGNED, The covenant marriage, to make divorce much more difficult, required counseling and a —2-YEAR cooling off period.
19970815             —REPORTED, Researchers from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—NEW—HAMPSHIRE, that THE—SPANKING—OF—CHILDREN—CAUSES—LONG—TERM behavioral problems.
19970815             —REPORTED, Scientists at Geron corp., that an "immortality gene" had been cloned.
19970815             The key gene carries the code for 1—KEY—SECTION—OF—THE enzyme telomerase, that rebuilds the telomere of DNA.
19970815             It could lead to new CANCER—PREVENTION—DRUGS and even be used to slow the process of aging.
19970815             —FROM ARGENTINA it was reported that the country would issue bonds to pay indemnities to the relatives and descendants of the 1970s "dirty war".
19970815             —DISAPPEARED, As many as 30,000—PEOPLE, and about 8,000 families have applied for payments authorized at $224,000 per victim.
19970815             —RULED, BOSNIA, the high court, that PRESIDENT—BILJANA—PLAVSIC had no right to disband THE—PARLIAMENT.
19970815             —ANNOUNCED, Plavsic, the formation of 1—NEW—POLITICAL—PARTY, THE—SERBIA—NATIONAL—UNION.
19970815             —KILLED, COLUMBIA, 10—WOODCUTTERS were, by 1—GANG—OF hooded gunmen near THE—TOWN—OF—RETIRO in Antioquia province.
19970815             —FROM EGYPT it was reported that 1—NURSE in ALEXANDRIA, Aida Nur EL—DIN, had killed at least 18—PATIENTS so that she would not be disturbed at night.
19980701—19980815    —EXPECTED, Some 500—PRISONERS were, to be released, the 50.
19980813             —ORDERED, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—SOUTH—KOREA, 1—AMNESTY for 7,007 prisoners to mark 19500815             —THETH ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—REPUBLIC.
19980815             Some 34,000 union workers went on strike against USA—WEST.
19980815             —REPORTED, BRITAIN, it was, that 6,000 mink from 1—FUR farm in Ringworm had been released by animal rights activists.
19980815             —CAUSED, The released mink, 1—WILDLIFE disaster as they preyed on all wildlife.
19980815             —APPROACHED, CONGO, THE—USA—EMBASSY shut its doors as rebels, KINSHASA.
19980815             —RETIRED, PRESIDENT—KABILA and his ministers, to LUBUMBASHI.
19980815             —KILLED, NORTH—IRELAND, 1—CAR—BOMB, 29—PEOPLE in Omagh and wounded 220.
19980815             1—SPLINTER group called the Real IRA took responsibility.
19980815             —AFFILIATED, It was, with the political organization called the 32-County Sovereignty Committee.
19980815             Detectives had used "low copy DNA profiling" to link SEAN—HOEY to the bombing.
19980815             MICHAEL—MCKEVITT, LEADER—OF—THE—REAL—IRA, LIAM—CAMPBELL, COLM—MURPHY and SEAMUS—DALY were found liable in 1—CIVIL—CASE brought by the families of those killed.
19980815             A 5. man, SEAMUS—MCKENNA, was CLEARED—OF—INVOLVEMENT.
19980815             —ORDERED, The judges, 1—CIVIL retrial for Murphy.
19980815             —ARRESTED, MYANMAR, (Burma) 18—DETAINEES, for passing out literature and charged with violating 19500000             —THE—EMERGENCY—PROVISION—ACT, were forced to leave the country.
19980815             A —5-YEAR prison term was imposed if they break BURMA—LAWS again.
19980815             —ENTERED, Some 750—IRANIANS, IRAQ to visit shrines for the 1. time in —18—YEARS.
19980815             PARAGUAY, RAUL—CUBAS—GRAU took the presidential oath and promised to rejuvenate the economy.
19980815             —ENDED, OSLO—NORWAY, a —4—DAY—CONFERENCE by religious leaders.
19980815             —PLEDGED, The group, to form 1—INTERNATIONAL—ALLIANCE to wipe out prejudice linked to religion and belief.
19980815             —DOCKED, THE—RUSSIA—SOYUZ—TM 28—SHIP, in manual mode with the Mir space station.
19980815             —EXPECTED, The new crew was, to stay to Feb.
19980815             SOUTH—KOREA, police used water canons to disperse marching students in 1 banned PRO—UNIFICATION—RALLY with NORTH—KOREAN—COUNTERPARTS.
19980815             —MARKED, The —DAY, the 53. - —YEAR—OF—LIBERATION from —36—YEARS—OF—JAPAN—RULE.
19980815             —ON -... of THE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—REAL—IRA unit whose bombing attack in Omagh.
19980815             Informationen über Omagh THE—OMAGH—BOMB :
19980815             - 1—ACCOUNT—OF—THE—EVENTS surrounding this attack, including background information, eyewitness accounts, tributes to those...
19980815             WEBLOG—DON´t trust mainstream media
19980815             UK—INTEL—WANTED—TO—BUST—LIQUID—BOMB—TERRORISTS—AFTER—ATTACK... infiltration of the liquid bomb plot, the
19980815             —ALLOWED, Omagh bombing was, to...
19980815             1—BOMBENANSCHLAG in Omagh tötet 29—MENSCHEN.
19980815—20010000    —FILED, Families of the dead, civil suit.
19980815—20020000    —IN, COLM—MURPHY, —50—JAHRE—ALT, 1—VETERAN—ANTI—UK—MILITANT, was convicted of aiding the bombers and sentenced to —14—YEARS in prison.
19980815—20030000    —SENTENCED, MICHAEL—MCKEVITT, HEAD—OF—1—DISSIDENT—IRA faction, was, to —20—YEARS in prison for directing the group.
19980815—20050000    —RELEASED, Murphy was, on bail pending 1—RETRIAL.
19980815—20050000    —CHARGED, SEAN—GERARD—HOEY, —35—JAHRE—ALT was, with murdering 29—PEOPLE in the attack.
19980815—20070000    —IN, 1—JUDGE—ACQUITTED—HOEY, saying he was not satisfied beyond 1—REASONABLE—DOUBT—OF—THE—EVIDENCE—INTEGRITY.
19980815—20090000    —IN, 1—BELFAST court found 4—DISSIDENTS—LIABLE for the bombing.
19980815—20110000    —IN, 1—APPEALS—COURT ruled that the original trial judge gave too much credence to evidence identifying 2—OF—THE—MEN, COLM—MURPHY and SEAMUS—DALY, as MEMBERS—OF—THE—REAL—IRA.
19980815—20140000    —ARRAIGNED, Daly was, on 29—CHARGES—OF—MURDER.
19990815             Tiger Woods won THE—PGA—CHAMPIONSHIP, becoming the youngest player to win 2—MAJORS—SINCE Seve Ballesteros.
19990815             PRESIDENT—CLINTON and his family went HOUSE—HUNTING in Westchester COUNTY—NEW—YORK.
19990815             —SETTLED, They —LATER, on 1—HOUSE in Chappaqua.
19990815             —ARMED, ALGERIA, an, group killed 29—PEOPLE—NEAR—BENI Ounif.
19990815             —EXTENDED, CONGO, fighting in KISANGANI (formerly Stanleyville), from the airport to the city center between forces from UGANDA and RWANDA.
19990815             —BACKED, Rebel leader ERNEST—WAMBA dia Wamba was, by UGANDA, —WHILE EMILE—ILUNGA was backed by RWANDA.
19990815             KOLBERMOOR, wird aus rassistischen Gründen der Mosambikaner CARLOS—FERNANDO ermordet.
20000630             —SIGNED, NORTH—KOREA and SOUTH—KOREA, 1—AGREEMENT to allow 100—PEOPLE each to reunite with families across their border beginning 20000815             .
20000815             —JOINED, UK—AIRWAYS, Air FRANCE in grounding its Concorde supersonic jets —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20000725—THE—CRASH—NEAR—PARIS—THAT—CLAIMED 113—LIVES.
20000815             —STIRRED, Democrats, MEMORIES—OF—PRESIDENT—JOHN—F—KENNEDY at their national convention in LOS—ANGELES, with his daughter, Caroline, taking 1—RARE—TURN in the spotlight and beckoning delegates to turn the New Frontier into a "timeless call" that would send AL—GORE to THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20000815             —BOMBED, USA—WARPLANES, air defense sites in NORTH—IRAQ.
20000815             † EDWARD—WALKER, —82—JAHRE—ALT, inventor of the lava lamp and PROMOTER—OF—NUDISM.
20000815             —CAPTURED, COLOMBIA, authorities and USA—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENTS, 10—LEADERS—OF—1—COUNTERFEITING ring that had sent over $40—MILLION in bogus bills to THE—USA—OVER the last —2—YEARS.
20000815             —KILLED, COLOMBIA, 6—STUDENTS were, —AFTER they were caught in 1—CROSS—FIRE between leftist rebels and government troops.
20000815             The students were on 1—FIELD—TRIP with teachers.
20000815             —FOLLOWED, 1—INVESTIGATION, and 1—MILITARY coverup was suspected.
20000815             5—OFFICERS and 36—SOLDIERS were suspended for the deaths.
20000815             † In ISRAEL 4—PROSTITUTES in Tel Aviv —WHEN 1—BROTHEL was set on fire.
20000815             —SUSPECTED, Police, 1—SERIAL arsonist.
20000815             100—PEOPLE from NORTH—KOREA and 100—PEOPLE from SOUTH—KOREA held temporary reunions with family members not seen in —50—YEARS.
20000815             —RELEASED, SOUTH—KOREA, 3,586 prisoners in 1—AMNESTY.
20001215—20020815    —SENTENCED, Dorsey was, to life in prison.
20010101—21001231    —CENTURY barbarians: RUSSIA—INVADERS have damaged or destroyed 202—SCHOOLS, 34—HOSPITALS and more than 1,500 residential buildings
20010305—20020815    —SENTENCED, Williams was, —50—YEARS to life in prison.
20010815             THE—AIR—FORCE gave THE—GO—AHEAD to build its new F—22—FIGHTER, but said it would build fewer planes for more money than it had once planned.
20010815             —ACCUSED—OF, ROBERT—R—COURTNEY, 1—WEALTHY—KANSAS—CITY—MONTANA, pharmacist, diluting chemotherapy drugs surrendered to THE—FBI.
20010815             —SENTENCED, He was —LATER, to —30—YEARS in prison.
20010815             1—TEXAS appeals court halted the execution of NAPOLEON—BEAZLEY —JUST hours —BEFORE he was scheduled to die for 1—MURDER he had committed as 1—TEENAGER.
20010815             —ANNOUNCED, Astronomers, THE—DISCOVERY—OF—THE 1. solar system outside our own.
20010815             —REPORTED, It was, that scientists had found data that suggested that "there is 1—TIME—EVOLUTION—OF—THE—LAWS—OF—PHYSICS".
20010815             —KILLED, ISRAEL—UNDERCOVER troops in HEBRON, Emad ABU—SNEIHEH, —25—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ACTIVIST in the Tanzim militia.
20010815             —AUTHORIZED, NATO, 400 1. wave peacekeepers for MACEDONIA.
20010815             4—ZIMBABWE—DAILY—NEWS—JOURNALISTS were arrested —AFTER publishing 1—REPORT that police were helping loot WHITE—OWNED farms.
20010815             DAVID—PACE, FEDERAL—EMPLOY ees charge it to Uncle SAM—PENTAGON isn't alone in employ ee ABUSE—OF—PLASTIC, review shows, SEATTLE Times...
20010815             Nach über —60—JAHREN nimmt 1—ZEPPELIN mit dem Zeppelin NT wieder den Passagierfahrtbetrieb auf.
20010815—20020500    —EXECUTED, He was.
20020603—20020815    —ON, Scientists lost contact.
20020815             —PRESSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, using MOUNT—RUSHMORE as 1—DRAMATIC backdrop, Congress to give him 1—FLEXIBLE, FAST—MOVING homeland security department.
20020815             Some 600—FAMILIES—OF—20010911             —VICTIMS—FILES a $3—TRILLION lawsuit against SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCES, foreign banks, charities and the government of SUDAN for funding the terrorist networks that launched 20010000             —THE attacks.
20020815             NEW—YORK—CITY, WNEW—FM radio shock jocks GREGG—HUGHES and ANTHONY—CUMIA aired 1—EYEWITNESS—ACCOUNT—OF—1—COUPLE having sex in the vestibule of S—PATRICK—CATHEDRAL.
20020815             —CANCELLED, Their show was, 20020823             .
20020815             VIRGINIA, the bodies of Michael and MARY—SHORT were found shot to death SOUTH—OF—ROANOKE.
20020815             Bones of their daughter Jennifer (9) were found 20020925             in Stoneville, NC, some 30—MILES away.
20020815             † LARRY—RIVERS, —78—JAHRE—ALT, painter, sculptor, jazz musician and poet, in SOUTHAMPTON—NEW—YORK Rivers was born as Yitzroch Grossberg in BRONX—NEW—YORK.
20020815             † AFGHANISTAN, Ghulam Sakhi Bashi, deputy HEAD—OF—GENERAL—DOSTUM—70. division, was shot and killed —DURING his son's wedding ceremony in Charbolak, about 30—KILOMETERS to THE—WEST—OF—MAZAR—I—SHARIF.
20020815             —STRAPPED, ISRAEL—SOLDIERS, 1—BULLETPROOF vest on 1—PALESTINE—TEENAGER and ordered him to approach 1—HOUSE where 1—HAMAS militant was hiding, with instructions to bring out everyone inside.
20020815             —NEARED, As Nidal Daraghmeh (19), the house in THE—WEST—BANK—VILLAGE—OF—TUBAS he was shot in THE—BACK—OF—THE—HEAD and killed, though it's not clear who pulled the trigger.
20020815             —CAUSED, Heavy rains, THE—S—LUIS—POTOSI and Los Dolores dams to burst, sending 1—WAVE—OF floodwaters roaring over villages in CENTRAL—MEXICO, where authorities said at least 8—PEOPLE were killed and 6—OTHERS were missing and feared dead.
20020815             1—TRAIN in TLAXCALA—MEXICO, struck and killed 6—YOUNG—PEOPLE (13-25) as they were walking along railroad tracks —DURING 1—RELIGIOUS—PROCESSION.
20020815             —RESIGNED, PERU—1. lady, Eliane Karp, from a $10,000-a-month consulting job with 1—PERU—BANK—AFTER—THE—REVELATION—OF—THE—CONTRACT raised SUSPICIONS—OF—INFLUENCE peddling.
20020815             —AGREED, UGANDA has, to withdraw its troops from neighboring CONGO, where they were sent —4—YEARS—AGO to support CONGO—REBELS and root out UGANDA—INSURGENTS.
20020815             Sprachvermögen 1—MUTATION trennt Mensch und Affe
20020815—20020823    —CANCELLED, Their show was.
20030815             Bouncing back from the largest blackout in USA—HISTORY, cities from the Midwest to Manhattan restored power to MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE — only to confront a 2. SERIES—OF—WOES created in the aftermath of the enormous outage.
20030815             —SUSPECTED, WEST—VIRGINIA officials, that 1—SINGLE—SNIPER had killed 3—PEOPLE in recent days near CHARLESTON.
20030815             1—REMOTE—MINE, allegedly triggered by Chechen rebels, killed 5—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS —WHILE troops were conducting 1—SEARCH—OPERATION in the breakaway republic.
20030815             —FIRED, Chechen rebels also, automatic weapons and lobbed grenades at 1—MILITARY—COMMANDER—OFFICE, killing 2—SOLDIERS and wounding 10.
20030815             Saboteurs blew up 1—MAJOR—PIPELINE and stopped all oil flow from IRAQ to TURKEY, —JUST—3—DAYS—AFTER the pipeline between THE—2—COUNTRIES was reopened.
20030815             1—FOLLOWING fire raged into THE—NEXT—DAY.
20030815             The 600-mile pipeline runs from THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK to THE—TURKEY—CITY—OF—CEYHAN.
20030815             Tens of thousands LIBERIA—CIVILIANS, desperate for food, broke through barricades on MONROVIA—FRONT—LINE—BRIDGES, reuniting the capital —AFTER—10—WEEKS—OF—REBEL—SIEGE.
20030815             —GARNERED, The ruling PRINCE—OF—LIECHTENSTEIN, who, controversy in EUROPE with his push for more power in the tiny state, announced he would step down and hand over the reins to his son in —1—YEAR.
20030815             —ARRESTED, MEXICO—TROOPS, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST—WANTED—DRUG—TRAFFIC—SUSPECTS, Armando VALENCIA, along with 7—TOP—FIGURES in his ring in Tlajomulco near GUADALAJARA.
20030815             1—LANDSLIDE swept through 1—ARMY—BASE in NORTH—NEPAL killing at least 15—SOLDIERS, and search teams scoured the debris for more bodies.
20030815             —INAUGURATED, NICANOR—DUARTE was, as PARAGUAY—47. - PRESIDENT.
20030815             Presidents from COLOMBIA and other countries in the region gave Duarte his 1. official business as they signed the "Declaration of ASUNCION" pledging 1—POLITICAL—ALLIANCE in THE—WAR—ON—DRUGS.
20030815             —KILLED, THE—PHILIPPINES—ARMY—FORCES in 1—SPEEDBOAT, 4 suspected MEMBERS—OF—ABU—SAYYAF, 1—EXTREMIST—MUSLIM group, in 1—CLASH at sea —AFTER getting 1—TIP from fishermen.
20030815             —ARRESTED, SAUDI—ARABIA—POLICE, at least 11 suspected militants and seized 1—LARGE—WEAPONS cache in SOUTH—JAZAN province that included rockets and explosive chemicals.
20030815             THE—WORLD—BANK said it is lending VIETNAM $100—MILLION over the next —3—YEARS to support reforms, reduce poverty, develop 1—MARKET—ECONOMY and help devise 1—MODERN—LEGAL—SYSTEM.
20030815             Die Landlosenbewegung (MST) trifft Lula Joao PEDRO—STEDILE... ZNet DEUTSCHLAND - a community committed to social change
20030815             DEUTSCHLAND, wird das Gesetz zur Bekämpfung des Missbrauchs von Mehrwertdiensterufnummern (Mehrwertdienstegesetz) zum besseren Schutz der Verbraucher u. a. vor Dialern erlassen.
20040408—20050815    —ANNOUNCED, Reliant, that it had reached a $460—MILLION—SETTLEMENT with the states of CALIFORNIA—OREGON and WASHINGTON, resolving civil litigation claims AGAINST—THE—COMPANY related to THE—SALE—OF—ELECTRICITY in THE—CALIFORNIA electricity crisis of 20000000             . and 20010000             ..
20040608—20040815    —ON, VENEZUELA, elections officials said PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ must face 1—RECALL vote.
20040811—20040815    —MASTERMINDED, The plot was, by 1—EGYPT—AL—QAEDA suspect named Sheikh Esa alias Qari Ismail.
20040815             alfatomega.com/20030604_MYSUPERTIMELINESTART.html - for *20040722             .
20040815             - 1. - for *20040722             .
20040815             —GATHERED, NY, SPENCER—TUNICK, photographer, 1,826—PEOPLE at BUFFALO—OLD—CENTRAL—TERMINAL for 1—GROUP—SESSION—OF nude photographs.
20040815             Vijay Singh won THE—PGA—CHAMPIONSHIP in HAVEN—WISCONSIN.
20040815             Residents left homeless by Hurricane Charley dug through their ravaged homes, rescuing what they could as PRESIDENT—BUSH promised rapid DELIVERY—OF—DISASTER—AID.
20040815             Sporadic gunfire and shelling took place overnight in the disputed GEORGIA—REGION—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA in violation of 1—FRAGILE—CEASEFIRE, wounding 7—GEORGIA—SERVICEMEN.
20040815             —WORRIED, IOC officials, by the television images being flashed —AROUND the world of athletes competing in near empty stadiums, told THE—ATHENS—GAMES organizers to give tickets away for free if necessary.
20040815             ATHENS, THE—USA—MEN—BASKETBALL team lost 92-73 to PUERTO—RICO, only the 3. Olympic defeat ever for the Americans and 1. —SINCE adding pros.
20040815             —EXPLODED, NORTH—EAST—INDIA, 1—BOMB, —DURING 1—INDEPENDENCE—DAY—PARADE in Dhemaji, killing 18—PEOPLE, including schoolchildren.
20040815             —GATHERED, HUNDREDS—OF—DELEGATES from across IRAQ, in BAGHDAD at a —3—DAY—NATIONAL—CONFERENCE intended to bring 1—TASTE of democratic debate.
20040815             —ARMORED, USA, vehicles and tanks rolled back into THE—STREETS—OF—NAJAF and troops battled Shiite militants in 1—RESUMPTION—OF fighting —AFTER THE—COLLAPSE—OF—NEGOTIATIONS.
20040815             2—USA—SOLDIERS were killed in Najaf —WHEN troops came under attack by militiamen loyal to firebrand Shiite cleric Muqtada AL—SADR.
20040815             —HANDED, LIECHTENSTEIN, PRINCE—HANS—ADAM—II formally, over —DAY—TO—DAY governing powers to his son CROWN—PRINCE—ALOIS, and then invited all 33,000—OF—LIECHTENSTEIN—PEOPLE to 1—GARDEN—PARTY.
20040815             † SWEDEN, DOCTOR—SUNE—KARL—BERGSTROM, —88—JAHRE—ALT, 19820000             Nobel laureate.
20040815             VENEZUELA, the opposition's long and bitter campaign to oust VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ finally came down to 1—RECALL referendum.
20040815             —SURVIVED, Chavez, 1—REFERENDUM to oust him.
20040815             läuft 1—ULTIMATUM ab, das die Brigaden der ITALIENISCHEN—REGIERUNG gestellt haben, um —BIS dahin ihre rund 3.000—SOLDATEN aus dem IRAK abzuziehen.
20040815             Right click on this link, then select "save target as" to save this movie to your hard drive video is available for sale.
20040815             Information Clearing House does not receive ANY—MATERIAL or financial benefit for the sale of this item.
20040815             Uncovered: THE—WHOLE—TRUTH—ABOUT—THE—IRAQ War ROBERT—GREENWALD - —87—MINUTES: Windows Media
20040815             —ASSEMBLED, 1—IMPRESSIVE—ROSTER—OF—EXPERTS is, to provide 1—GENERALLY withering commentary on THE—QUALITY—OF—EVIDENCE +
20040815             possible MOTIVATIONS—OF—THE—NEO—FASCISTS who provided the momentum + muscle behind USA s venture into preemptive war.
20040815             The fig LEAF—OF—THE—POSSIBILITY—OF an honest mistake on the matter of WMDs is stripped away;
20040815             what is left is the stark + disturbing anatomy of deliberate deceit.
20040815             I still find it incredible that no 1 in Congress or 20010911             —THE—COMMSSION (apparently) or in the news media is interested in finding out —WHEN USA—INTELLIGENCE...+ —THEREFORE the Bush [BGW968] administration...discovered that in 20000000—20010000     THE—YEAR—PRIOR—TO 20010911             —THE attacks over half 20010911             —THE hijackers got free passage though IRAN (note: not IRAQ).
20040815             Furthermore, the passports of the transitting hijackers weren't stamped by THE—IRAN—OFFICIALS.
20040815             Were these officials trying to hide something?
20040815             Possibly guilt through association? Why is this important?
20040815             If I were in THE—USA—CONGRESS and faced with 1—DECISION about sending USA—TROOPS into 1—WAR, I sure as hell would want to have all the facts necessary to making 1 informed decision.
20040815             Wouldn't you?
20040815             —WANTED, Facts: a) Bush [BGW968] +USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY, to go to war with IRAQ and remove SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20040815             b) Bush [BGW968] +USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY wanted THE—USA—CONGRESS to RUBBER—STAMP their push for war with IRAQ as quickly as possible.
20040815             c) ANY—CONTRADICTORY evidence that might weaken their call to war had to be downplayed or even hidden.
20040815             —THEREFORE, 2—ITEMS—OF—INTEREST that might have caused Congress to reconsider their RUBBER—STAMPING of
20040815             - STIL—L tenuous connections al Qaeda may have had with IRAQ.
20040815             —BY leaking this information —PRIOR—TO 20010911             —THE—COMMSSION report's release, the Bush [BGW968] WHITE—HOUSE was able to have Bush [BGW968] answer with 1—NON—ANSWER that the
20040815             Stand down Sadr urges IRAQ regime : "I advise the dictatorial, agent government to resign....
20040815             the whole IRAQ—PEOPLE—DEMANDS THE—RESIGNATION—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT... they replaced Saddam (Hussein) with 1—GOVERNMENT—WORSE than him.
20040815             Angry protests across Mideast : Mass protests against THE—USA—ASSAULT on the sacred Shi'ite Muslim CITY—OF—NAJAF broke out in 5—IRAQ—CITIES—YESTERDAY, with SOME—DEMONSTRATORS calling for interim PRIME—MINISTER—IYAD—ALLAWI to step down.
20040815             15,000 rap USA—ATTACKS in IRAQ : MORE than 15,000—PEOPLE took part in 1—RALLY in BAHRAIN —YESTERDAY to condemn THE—USA—ATTACK on Najaf —ON—THURSDAY in which at least 165—PEOPLE were feared killed.
20040815             Those they can't CO—OPT, they destroy:
20040815             Najaf proves that THE—USA will never allow democracy to flourish in IRAQ
20040815             IRAQ Halts Oil Exports from Main Pipeline : Authorities have halted oil export flows from the main pipeline in SOUTH—IRAQ —AFTER intelligence showed 1—REBEL—MILITIA could strike infrastructure, 1—OIL—OFFICIAL said —SATURDAY.
20040815             —HEADED, Oil prices, for $50 1—BARREL
20040815             —MISSED, In case you, it: THE—WHOLE—TRUTH—ABOUT—THE—IRAQ War:
20040815             This is 1 must watch - 10 Killed as factional fighting erupts in WEST—AFGHANISTAN
20040815             Demonstrators descend on Najaf:
20040815             GOVERNOR expresses hope for truce agreement in —2—DAYS - 2—USA—SOLDIERS killed in IRAQ
20040815             Who cares?
20040815             The number of humanitarian crises in the world is greater than ever —BEFORE but most go unreported in Western media.
20040815             IDF draws diplomatic fire —AFTER shooting at SPAIN—CAR:
20040815             ALBERTO—UCELAY, THE—SPAIN—CONSUL general in JERUSALEM, was traveling with 15—PALESTINE—CHILDREN
20040815             —SEIZED, Held at gunpoint in NABLUS : Soldiers, our phones, confiscated our camera tape and —WHEN we tried to leave forced us back, at the barrel of 1—GUN.
20040815             PALESTINE—PRISONERS on hunger strike : More than 15000000             PALESTINE—PRISONERS in 4—ISRAEL—JAILS have begun 1—HUNGER—STRIKE to highlight their treatment.
20040815             Aides say FORMER—MCGREEVEY official sought up to $50—MILLION from NEW—JERSEY GOVERNOR : Sources say the man accusing NEW—JERSEY GOVERNOR—JAMES—MCGREEVEY of sexual harassment had pressured the politician for up to 50 (m) million dollars to settle things.
20040815             An Israeli / Rove Connection? Here we go again.
20040815             Another political bombshell hits THE—USA—PEOPLE and there is yet another connection to the subterranean labyrinth of possible ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—ACTIVITIES.
20040815             ISRAEL—ESPIONAGE: —WHEN 1—HONEY—TRAP—GOES—BAD 1—GOVERNOR—RESIGNS : It is 1—GLIMPSE into THE—WORLD—OF—ISRAEL—ESPIONAGE targeted against THE—USA, its politicians + its people.
20040815             Harkin calls Cheney a 'coward' and criticizes 'backdoor draft'
20040815             USA—SOLDIERS—FEAR—AFGHANISTAN—DRUG—WAR as opium profits find their way to AL—QA'IDA: Patrolling USA—TROOPS routinely turn 1—BLIND—EYE to opium farming and trading, ignoring poppy fields + have recruited warlords suspected of being drug dealers to fight AL—QA'IDA.
20040815             Bush shifting USA—TROOPS out of EUROPE, ASIA:Major redeployment of up to 100,000 GIs due to "WAR—ON—TERROR "
20040815             Killers get 1—FREE ride with old pals act at UN : Splitting hairs over the definition of genocide or quibbling over how MANY—THOUSANDS have been killed doesn't alter the fact that serious crimes against humanity are being committed EVERY—DAY.
20040815             —ADVISED, Tread softly in SUDAN : Caution is strongly.
20040815             —OVERSIMPLIFIED, THE—DARFUR disaster is not -- as, by western media -- 1—CASE—OF—MURDEROUS—GOVERNMENT—BACKED Arab militias, called "Janjaweed," slaughtering helpless blacks.
20040815             —DELAYED, USA shamefully, request to ship vests to IRAQ: : It's shameful that WASHINGTON officials failed to include armored Humvees in their $87—BILLION WAR—SPENDING request.
20040815             It's downright immoral that officials threw political resistance at helpful civilians in FLORIDA.
20040815             alfatomega.com/bush.html ".. named for his grandfather REVEREND—JOHN—USA financial kingpin.
20040815             ".. also attracted THE—ANGLO—USA—OIL cartel.
20040815             THE—BAKER 's (were prominent in supporting eugenics & utopian.. )family law firm in TEXAS, was aligned with THE—HARRIMAN—ROCKEFELLER cartel like the Bush familY + Dulles families in NEW—YORK.
20040815             00. - 0 00. - 19 00—ROCKEFELLER, Percy A., Yale graduate [s&.. "
20040815             WWII.".. Stinnes, HUGO—FIRMEN ## einer ## der HAUPT—WWII Kriegslieferanten.
20040815             WWII.".. Stinnes, HUGO—FIRMEN ## einer ## der HAUPT—WWII -A usbeuter der Rohstoffe in den besetzten Gebieten-
20040815             ".. active duty with UK—ROYAL—NAVAL—AIR—SERVICE (Despite the snide comments of those who dismissed them as frivolous rich boys) Harriman [HER'B'917]Roland "Bunny" + Bush [BPS917] Bonesmates selected for 19180000             membership in the secret order.
20040815             Yale Flying Unit leaders: Lovett, Robert, F. Trubee Davison, Artemus Lamb Gates & JOHN—MARTIN—VORYS.
20040815             Unit flyers.". - - Bush book: Chapter -7-
20040815             19 17—BUSH [BPS917] close friend of Harriman [HER'B'917]Roland "Bunny" & sev. oth.
20040815             Bonesmen from their class of 19170000             - WWI.
20040815             ".. "NEW—YORK Trust Company "[Prsd]"Union Pacific "[Prsd]"TIME "[Prsd]"Boeing Company "[Prsd]
20040815             WWI.20190600             18—BUSH [BPS917] goes to EUROPE with THE—USA—ARMY.
20040815             WWI.20190600             18—BUSH, SAMUEL—P, Bush [BPS917] 's father, took over responsibility for RELATIONS—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT with the private arms producers,
20040815             19 18—BUSH, SAMUEL—P became USA—CHIEF—OF—USA—ORDNANCE, Small Arms and Ammunition SECTION—OF—THE—WAR—INDUSTRIES—BOARD.@s2 in the —SPRING
20040815             19 18—BUSH, SAMUEL—P took USA national responsibility for USA—GOVERNMENT—ASSISTANCE to + relations with Remington Arms company & other weapons companies.
20040815             searched: Bush.
20040815             1. - Shia backlash wrecks USA—STRATEGY : IRAQ—SHIA population appears to be becoming increasingly radicalised by the current rebellion, making it very difficult for THE—USA and its allies to portray it as the actions of 1—SMALL, embittered minority.
20040815             —ARRESTED, IRAN TV journalist, in Najaf : 1—JOURNALIST—FOR—THE—ARABIC—SERVICE—OF—IRAN—STATE broadcaster was detained live on television —SUNDAY as USA—TROOPS led 1 renewed offensive against Shiite Muslim militiamen in THE—IRAQ—HOLY—CITY—OF—NAJAF.
20040815             IRAQ—POLICE threaten to arrest reporters in Najaf : IRAQ—POLICE brandishing rifles threatened to arrest journalists unless they left Najaf —ON—SUNDAY, raising fears among local reporters they were attempting to impose 1—NEWS—BLACKOUT on the holy city.
20040815             IRAQ—GOVERNMENT evicts reporters from Najaf as fighting continues: As fighting resumes between U—S forces and Shiite militants, IRAQ—POLICE have ordered all journalists to leave the holy CITY—OF—NAJAF.
20040815             Thoughts on Najaf: How Could THE—USA—EVER Be Considered a "Terrorist" State?
20040815             [PDF]11. - Ver?ffentlichungen(9)  —... BORIS—PETROV' and 1. results", ed. by Ruediger Stein and OLEG—STEPANETS—HEFT.
20040815             4(4): 15—21—DETHLEFF, D., Rachold, V., Tintelnot, M., Antonow, M. (20000000             ).
20040815             3. Völkermord in Tschetschenien. 1—DOKUMENTATION der.
20040815             Right click on this link, then select "save target as" to save this movie to your hard drive
20040815             This video is available for sale. Click on the link.
20040815             —ASSEMBLED, 1—IMPRESSIVE—ROSTER—OF—EXPERTS is, to provide 1—GENERALLY withering commentary on THE—QUALITY—OF—EVIDENCE + possible MOTIVATIONS—OF—THE—NEO—FASCISTS who provided the momentum + muscle behind USA s venture into preemptive war.
20040815             Among them are veteran CIA analysts+operatives+military+officers+diplomat+s+politicians+arms inspectors+USA +UK+government+official s.
20040815             I still find it incredible that no 1 in Congress or the 20010911             —COMMISSION (apparently) or in the news media is interested in finding out —WHEN USA—INTELLIGENCE...and —THEREFORE THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION...discovered that over half the 20010911             —HIJACKERS got free passage though IRAN (note: not IRAQ) in THE—YEAR—PRIOR—TO the 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20040815             —WANTED, Facts: a) Bush and Cheney, to go to war with IRAQ and remove SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20040815             b) B and C wanted THE—USA—CONGRESS to RUBBER—STAMP their push for war with IRAQ as quickly as possible.
20040815             —THEREFORE, 2—ITEMS—OF—INTEREST that might have caused Congress to reconsider their RUBBER—STAMPING—OF—BUSH'S 20020000             IRAQ War Resolution were withheld from Congress —PRIOR—TO the vote, I believe.
20040815             Remember this little TIDBIT—OF—INFORMATION being withheld from Congress by the Bush WHITE—HOUSE —BEFORE THE—IRAQ—WAR—VOTE?
20040815             2) 20010911             —HIJACKERS transitting IRAN (note: not IRAQ) —BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks.
20040815             It is my contention that —BEFORE THE—IRAQ—WAR—VOTE, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was aware of this little TIDBIT—OF—INFORMATION about IRAN—COMPLICITY (i.e. ACCESSORIES—BEFORE—THE—FACT) in their aiding and abetting of some 20010911             —HIJACKERS.
20040815             —RECEIVED, —SINCE our HUMINT wasn't so hot, we must have, this information through SIGINT...and we had broken THE—IRANIAN—SECRET—COMMUNICATION—CODE...(—WHEN?) It was —JUST that we couldn't put ANY—FACES to the names of the al Qaeda operatives transitting IRAN (note: not IRAQ) —BEFORE 20010911             —UNTIL shortly —AFTER 20010911             —WHEN our intelligence agencies identified all the 20010911             —HIJACKERS.
20040815             Do you remember READING or hearing anything about these IRAN—AL—QAEDA connections —BEFORE Congress voted?
20040815             In fact, it took digging by the 20010911             —COMMISSION (which Bush and Cheney didn't want snooping —AROUND in the 1. place) to reveal THE—IRAN—AL—QAEDA connection almost —2—YEARS—AFTER THE—IRAQ war resolution vote.
20040815             —LEAKED, And someone, this little TIDBIT—OF—INFORMATION to the press —1—WEEK or so —BEFORE the actual 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT was released.
20040815             Someone in the Bush WHITE—HOUSE didn't want this IRAN—AL—QAEDA revelation to be 1. discovered by people READING the report...there probably would have been 1—EVEN greater furor over what was definitive PROOF—OF—IRAN—CONTACTS with al Qaeda pre-20010911             —VERSUS the still tenuous connections al Qaeda may have had with IRAQ.
20040815             —BY leaking this information —PRIOR—TO the report's release, the Bush WHITE—HOUSE was able to have Bush answer with 1—NON—ANSWER that THE—IRAN—AL—QAEDA connection —BEFORE 20010911             was worth studying.
20040815             —WHENEVER this might happen is anyone's guess.
20040815             I don't get the feeling that the Bush WHITE—HOUSE is really that excited about anyone (especially in Congress) delving very deeply into this subject...do you?
20040815             Hopefully, SOME—SO—CALLED—JOURNALISTS + SOME—SO—CALLED congresspeople, will finely find the spine to ask SOME—HARD—QUESTIONS—OF—THE—BUSH—WHITE—HOUSE.
20040815             Because if Bush and his cohorts in THE—WHITE—HOUSE did know, —PRIOR—TO 20020000             —THE—IRAQ—WAR—VOTE in Congress, about SOME—OF—THE 20010911             —HIJACKERS going through IRAN (note: not IRAQ) in THE—YEAR—BEFORE 20010911             , then I want to hear them explain why they kept this information from the full Congress, as well as we the citizens.
20040815             And I want to know —BEFORE—NOVEMBER!!!!!!!! —POSTED—BY—PAUL—SORRELLS
20040815             Stand down Sadr urges IRAQ regime : "I advise the dictatorial, agent government to resign... the whole IRAQ—PEOPLE—DEMANDS THE—RESIGNATION—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT... they replaced Saddam (Hussein) with 1—GOVERNMENT—WORSE than him.
20040815             IRAQ Halts Oil Exports from Main Pipeline:
20040815             —HALTED, Authorities have, oil export flows from the main pipeline in SOUTH—IRAQ
20040815             —AFTER intelligence showed 1—REBEL—MILITIA could strike infrastructure, 1—OIL—OFFICIAL said —SATURDAY.
20040815             Bush shifting USA—TROOPS out of EUROPE, ASIA:
20040815             Major redeployment of up to 100,000 GIs due to "WAR—ON—TERROR"
20040815             1—OPEN—LETTER To PEACE—LOVING Americans : Why does THE—DEATH—OF—1—SINGLE—NON—ARAB or NON—MUSLIM in the raging battles in THE—MIDDLE—EAST make the news, —WHILE THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THOUSA nd Arab + Muslim lives, livelihood and homes are "nothing to write home about"?
20040815             ".. named for his grandfather REVEREND—JOHN—USA financial kingpin.
20040815             'IRAQ—EXILES see this as another occupation': Somewhere in the smoke —AROUND the Imam Ali mosque in the holy CITY—OF—NAJAF, 2—YOUNG UK—MEN will this —MORNING be kneeling in prayer, eating 1—SANDWICH or counting their bullets.
20040815             11. - Veröffentlichungen(9)—... BORIS—PETROV' + 1. results", ed. by Ruediger Stein + OLEG—STEPANETS—HEFT... 4(4): 15—21—DETHLEFF, D., Rachold, V., Tintelnot, M., Antonow, M. (20000000             ).
20040815             Völkermord in Tschetschenien. 1—DOKUMENTATION der.
20040815             ISRAELISCHE—GEFÄNGNISSE: Tausende Palästinenser treten in Hungerstreik
20040815             Die ISRAELISCHEN—JUSTIZBEHÖRDEN sehen sich mit einem massenhaften Hungerstreik von PALÄSTINENSISCHEN—HÄFTLINGEN konfrontiert.
20040815             Mit der Aktion protestieren sie gegen ihre Haftbedingungen.
20040815             Eiskalt reagierte der ISRAELISCHE—MINISTER—FÜR—INNERE—SICHERHEIT:
20040815             "...meinetwegen können sie sich zu Tode hungern".
20040815             FURTHER—TEXAS SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHINSON was a "top client" of... _08_15.html
20040815             —ÜBERGIBT, FÜRST—HANS—ADAM—II—VON—LIECHTENSTEIN, seine Regentschaft an seinen Sohn Alois.
20040815—19180900    —UNTIL, Bush [BPS917] unit not come near ANY—FIRE
20040815—20010000    —IN—LATE, My guess would be that USA—INTELLIGENCE made this connection between over half the 20010911             —HIJACKERS and IRAN (note: not IRAQ) or 20020000             —IN—EARLY.
20040815—20020000    —IN, 3) —THEREFORE, long —BEFORE THE—IRAQ war resolution was voted on by Congress, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION knew that THE—IRAN—AUTHORITIES were up their necks in contacts with al Qaeda.
20040815—20040814    —ON, —614—AM
20040815—20040817    —DATE20040815—20040821    Archives My Left Brain : B ush lied about his service in his biography, claiming that he continued to fly...
20040815—20040821    Archives My Left Brain : B ush lied about his service in his biography, claiming that he continued to fly...
20050202—20050815    —ESTABLISHED, GeoMiliTech (GMT) Consultants Corporation is, by...
20050510             NORTH—IRELAND STATE—PROSECUTOR—GORDON—KERR told BELFAST High Court that prosecutors have accepted 1—POLICE—RECOMMENDATION to charge SEAN—GERARD—HOEY, —35—JAHRE—ALT with THE—MURDERS—OF—ALL—29—PEOPLE killed by 19980815             —THE, bomb in Omagh.
20050716—20050815    —AGREED, They, to sign 1—PEACE—ACCORD in exchange for more autonomy.
20050720—20050815    —BY, Qaeda warns European nations to quit IRAQ or risk ATTACKS—AFTER- "there will be no more messages, —JUST actions that will be engraved on the heart of EUROPE. "It will be 1—BLOODY—WAR in THE—SERVICE—OF—GOD," said the statement, the authenticity of which could not be verified.
20050722—20050815    —AFTER, Fighting the uncivil fight :, "It will be 1—BLOODY—WAR in THE—SERVICE—OF—GOD", or the dreaded possibility of more attacks against "the crusa ders who are still present in IRAQ—DENMARK, THE—NETHERLANDS, BRITAIN, ITALY and... other countries".
20050813             —INTENSIFIED, Troops, search operations ahead of INDIA's 20050815             INDEPENDENCE —DAY, which separatists observe as a "black —DAY".
20050815             —INDICTED, USA—PROSECUTORS said 4—FORMER—WALL—STREET brokers have been, for 1—SCHEME allowing —DAY traders to eavesdrop on internal communications and profit by trading ahead of large share orders and subsequent price movements.
20050815             —AGREED, Reliant Energy, to pay $135.4—MILLION in cash to CALIFORNIA and to forgo $299.5—MILLION it claims it is owed to settle ALLEGATIONS—OF—ENERGY—MANIPULATION —DURING the energy crises —5—YEARS—EARLIER.
20050815             Delta Air Lines said it is selling its feeder carrier, Atlantic SOUTH—EAST—AIRLINES, to SkyWest for $425—MILLION.
20050815             —ANNOUNCED, Hershey, the acquisition of JOSEPH—SCHMIDT, 1—SF chocolate maker.
20050815             † JAMES—DOUGHERTY, —84—JAHRE—ALT, the retired LOS—ANGELES detective who was the 1. oo MARILYN—MONROE, in S—RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA.
20050815             1—POWERFUL—CAR—BOMB exploded outside 1—RESTAURANT in CHECHNYA—CAPITAL, killing 2—PEOPLE, including 1—CHILD, and wounding at least 11—OTHERS.
20050815             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—EAST—COLOMBIA, rebels killed 2—CATHOLIC—PRIESTS, ambushing their car with gunfire and explosives as they drove down 1—COUNTRY—ROAD.
20050815             —BLASTED, EGYPT—THE—SINAI—PENINSULA, 1—CRUDE roadside bomb, 1—VEHICLE belonging to INTERNATIONAL peacekeepers, lightly wounding 2—CANADIANS.
20050815             NEAR—SIMULTANEOUS—ATTACKS and riots at 7—GUATEMALA—PRISONS left 31—INMATES—DEAD.
20050815             —SHOWED, They, the organizational POWER—OF—CENTRAL—AMERICA—GANGS, whose members communicate between prisons through cell phones and visitors.
20050815             —SIGNED, INDONESIA and Aceh rebels, 1—PEACE—TREATY in HELSINKI to end nearly —30—YEARS—OF—FIGHTING that killed 15,000—PEOPLE, but rebel leaders voiced concern about government troops remaining in the region.
20050815             —FAILED, IRAQ—PARLIAMENT, to meet 1—KEY—DEADLINE for finishing 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION and voted to give itself another —WEEK on 1—NEW—DRAFT—CONSTITUTION.
20050815             ISRAEL began to pull out from THE—GAZA—STRIP —AFTER—38—YEARS—OF—OCCUPATION.
20050815             —MURDERED, Asher Weisgen (Weisgan), 1—ISRAEL—SETTLER, 4—PALESTINIANS under his employ and wounded a 5. near Shilo in 1—EFFORT to prevent ISRAEL—WITHDRAWAL from THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20050815             —ARRESTED, ITALY—INTERIOR—MINISTER—SAID—ITALY has, 141—PEOPLE in 1—SECURITY swoop —FOLLOWING the bombings in LONDON and EGYPT —LAST—MONTH and remains at high risk from 1—ATTACK by Islamic militants.
20050815             Expulsion procedures had begun against 701—PEOPLE.
20050815             —APPOINTED, New Kyrgyz PRESIDENT—KURMANBEK—BAKIYEV, FELIX—KULOV, 1—FORMER—OPPOSITION—POLITICIAN who was jailed under the country's ousted SOVIET—ERA—LEADER, as acting PRIME—MINISTER.
20050815             —HOSTED, SINGAPORE, maritime exercises aimed at stopping SHIPMENTS—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20050815             The drills are PART—OF—THE—USA—LED Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI).
20050815             —INCLUDED, Other participants in the Deep Saber exercises, AUSTRALIA, BRITAIN, CANADA, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, ITALY, JAPAN, THE—NETHERLANDS, NEW—ZEALAND and RUSSIA and THE—USA.
20050815             0950am TED—KAHL—BLOG | Democrats_com WILL—THE—PRECEDENT—SET by Pentagon Leak Case Spell Trouble for Those Who Leaked PLAME—IDENTITY?
20050815             Submitted by TED—KAHL on.
20050815             Law ENFORCEMENT—TOPIX Thats why all scandals + fiascos such as the Abramoff/DeLay/ NEY—IRAQ War, Valarie Plame, WALTER—REED—HOSPITAL, AL—GHARAIB, Katrina, Energy Policy...
20050815             Vertreter der INDONESISCHEN—REGIERUNG und der Bewegung Freies Aceh unterzeichnen in HELSINKI 1—ABKOMMEN zur Beendigung des Bürgerkriegs in der Provinz Aceh.
20050815—20050821    —BEGINNT—DAUERT—BIS—ZUM, KÖLN, der XX. Weltjugendtag mit BENEDIKT—XVI—PAPA.
20050815—20060927    —SENTENCED, Weisgan was, to 4—CONSECUTIVE life terms plus —12—YEARS and ordered to pay $53,000 to the families of those killed and $23,000 to Rauhi Kassab, who survived.
20050815—20070000    —FORMED, BULGARIA—3—LARGEST—PARTIES, 1—COALITION under 1—SOCIALIST—PRIME—MINISTER, resolving —7—WEEKS—OF stalemate threatening to hold up the Balkan state's aspirations for EU entry.
20050910—20050815    —ON, -just —2—WEEKS—BEFORE Katrina slammed into THE—USA—THE—PENTAGON boasted of spending $6.4-billion -- so far -- on 2,705—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS—CONSTRUCTION—PROJECTS in IRAQ, all but 200—OF—THEM started 20040600             —SINCE".
20050926—19980815    —ON, : Does anyone remember the shock with which THE—UK—PUBLIC greeted the revelation —4—YEARS—AGO that 1—OF—THE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—REAL—IRA unit whose bombing attack in Omagh killed 20—9—CIVILIANS had been 1—DOUBLE—AGENT, 1—UK—ARMY—SOLDIER?
20060202             2004081517 Jun.2003 Göbbels, Josef, NAZI SCHOLAR of Bernays, EDWARD—L FATHER—OF—PR = propaganda, USA—SPONSORED 03:21:25 : "The lie can be maintained only for such...
20060209—20010815    —ON, The last —30—YEAR auction was.
20060513             (Stratfor, USA—OPERATION—AGAINST—IRAQ underway, Stratfor, 20010815             ;
20060513             GEORGE—WALKER—BUSHAND Saddam appear to be nearing 1—RECKONING point, WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20010815             ;
20060521—20050815    —UNTIL, Those ORAL histories were recorded and withheld from THE—PUBLIC.
20060523             And here is 1—VERY—REVEALING quote about Benador from THE—ASIA—TIMES—OF—20030815             :
20060805             In their book, which goes on sale 20050815             , Kean + HAMILTON recap obstacles they say the panel faced in putting out 1—CREDIBLE—REPORT in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—YEAR, including fights for access to government documents + 1—EFFORT to reach unanimity.
20060815             They posit a 06010101—07001231     BC.
20060815             THE—WASHINGTON—MONTHLY—NOT quite sure what maunga is on about, but yes, ' THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED ' is 1—MUST—READ—SHOWS how THE—OT was written largely in the 05010101—06001231     BC as a...
20060815             CONCORD Monitor ONLINE—ARTICLE—CONCORD, NH 03301 Finkelstein and Silberman typified such skepticism in Bible Unearthed, which said Edom achieved kingship and statehood only in the 06010101—07001231     BC...
20060815             To THE—BEST—OF—OUR—KNOWLEDGE - 20250103             —A: Digging Up Ancient Dirt Also, NEIL—SILBERMAN, 1—HISTORIAN at BELGIUM—ENAME—CENTER for Public Archaeology and CO—AUTHOR (with ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN ) of " THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED," tell...
20060815             —LATE—NIGHT Live - 20010227             —THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED
20060815             Avvenimenti Italiani E' in quegli anni che Michele Sindona si trasforma, è allora che vende l'anima al... Dagli anni Cinquanta Michele Sindona è stato legato alla mafia... 19810529             Sindona Denies Financial Link With Mason on ITALY—NYT 19810530             ROME,
20060815             It was no surprise —ON—SUNDAY that THE—MEXICO—FEDERAL—ELECTORAL—INSTITUTE (IFE) ruled its partial RECOUNT—OF—ABOUT 9—PERCENT—OF—THE—BALLOTS cast in the disputed PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION held 20060702             —ON showed ruling NATIONAL—ATCTION—PARTY (PAN) candidate still the winner.
20060815             NEW—YORK—CITY—MAYOR—BLOOMBERG said he is putting $125—MILLION—OF his own money into 1—NEW—WORLDWIDE ANTI—SMOKING campaign.
20060815             —ARRESTED, USA—FEDERAL—AGENTS, 138 alleged drug traffickers in 15—CITIES.
20060815             —SEIZED, They, over 47—POUNDS—OF—MEXICO—BLACK tar heroin and confiscated over $500,000 in illegal profits.
20060815             —ARRESTED, USA—OFFICIALS, EDGAR—ALVAREZ—CRUZ on immigration violations in DENVER.
20060815             7—NORTH—EAST—USA—STATES said they had agreed on 1—MODEL—RULE that would create the country's 1. market for HEAT—TRAPPING carbon dioxide by curbing emissions at power plants.
20060815             —KILLED, Afghan and USA—TROOPS, 1—AL—QAIDA suspect and detained 13—OTHERS in SOUTH—EAST—AFGHANISTAN.
20060815             —JUMPED, The official death toll in CHINA from Typhoon Saomai, to 295 as fishing families grieving the loss of loved ones said authorities were no help and had covered up the number of fatalities.
20060815             COLOMBIA, the last major paramilitary leader to enter into 1—PEACE—DEAL with the government handed in his weapon, even as THE—FUTURE—OF—THAT—FRAGILE—ACCORD was called into doubt by other EX—MILITIA—LEADERS.
20060815             —HANDED, FREDDY—RENDON—HERRERA and 745—FIGHTERS from the Elmer Cardenas bloc, in 447—RIFLES in 1—DISARMAMENT—CEREMONY in Unguia, 1—VILLAGE—370—MILES—NORTH—WEST—OF—BOGOTA.
20060815             FRANCE—INTERIOR—MINISTER—NICOLAS—SARKOZY said nearly 30,000 illegal immigrants with SCHOOL—AGE—CHILDREN applied for FRANCE—RESIDENCY under 1—SPECIAL—GOVERNMENT—OFFER, and about 6,000 will get it.
20060815             —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, unanimously to extend THE—UN peacekeeping mission in HAITI —FOR—6—MONTHS and urged its troops and police to help fight gang violence and kidnapping.
20060815             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER killed 9—PEOPLE at the party HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—IRAQ—PRESIDENT.
20060815             † BASRA, tribal leader FAISAL—RAJI—AL—ASADI, an ANTI—USA—SHIITE cleric, was killed.
20060815             Gunbattles between his supporters and IRAQ—FORCES left at least 6—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20060815             KARBALA, street battles between security forces and followers of ANTI—USA—CLERIC—MAHMOUD—AL—HASSANI, left 12—DEAD, including 2—IRAQ—SOLDIERS.
20060815             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER killed 9—PEOPLE in 1—ATTACK on THE—MOSUL headquarters of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, 1—KURDISH—PARTY headed by PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI.
20060815             ISRAEL began slowly withdrawing its forces from SOUTH—LEBANON and made plans to hand over its captured territory as hopes were raised that 1—UN—IMPOSED CEASE—FIRE would stick, despite early tests on its 1. —DAY.
20060815             —REVILED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—JUNICHIRO—KOIZUMI made 1—PILGRIMAGE to 1—TOKYO war shrine, by critics as 1—SYMBOL—OF—MILITARISM, triggering 1—FURTHER—EROSION in JAPAN—TIES with its neighbors —JUST —1—MONTH—BEFORE he leaves office.
20060815             2—NORWEGIAN and 2—UKRAINE—OIL—WORKERS being held hostage in NIGERIA were freed as the government promised to crack down on 1—SURGE in unrest in AFRICA—LARGEST—OIL—PRODUCER.
20060815             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—FORCES, 29 suspected Taliban militants in 1—RAID on 1—PRIVATE—HOSPITAL —AFTER they came from neighboring AFGHANISTAN.
20060815             FTR#504—THE—VATICAN—RAG: Reflections on THE—DEATH—OF—THE—PAPA —
20060815             —INTRODUCED, Both Montini + Sindona were, to OSS + CIA CHIEF—ALLEN—DULLES by Angleton.
20060815             (Dulles was the attorney who masked the Bush family's investments in.
20060815             Banco Ambrosiano, Mord an ROBERTO—CALVI—BENEDIKT XV., Benedikt...
20060815             Michele Sindona, der Finanzmakler der Kirche für solche Angelegenheiten...
20060815             Sherman SKOLNICK—REPORT—IN—NEW—YORK, S—PETER—BANKER—MICHAEL—SINDONA, ran THE—FRANKLIN—NATIONAL—BANK as... + his joint secret business deals with Bush [BGHW948].
20060815             Untitled Document We —NOW know that Calvi together with Gelli + Sindona were embezzling the Mafia out... + MEMBER—OF—THE—REAGAN—BUSH—TRANSITION—TEAM) + JOHN—A—KNEBEL...
20060815             Untitled Document... THE—FORMER—DEPUTY—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CIA under DCI GEORGE—BUSH and —LATER appointed a... Both Sindona + Calvi were close to Opus Dei who lost —AROUND $55 ...
20060815             Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 6—NUM.
20060815             03—AMONG its members have been GEORGE—BUSH + ALEXANDER—HAIG.
20060815             SINDONA—DEALINGS, on behalf of various PAPA s, were through CHICAGO exchanges.
20060815             Covert Action Teams -- Murder;
20060815             Airplane Sabotage ( Sindona used CHICAGO commodity brokers to wash illicit funds.
20060815             charging GEORGE—BUSH + others with apparent treason, delaying release of American.
20060815             GHW Bush used NAZI—COLLABORATORS to get Elected —
20060815             GIULIO—ANDREOTTI e le "pene" per l'amico Michele Sindona Sui tentativi di Andreotti di salvare Sindona, in perfetta consonanza con...
20060815             E ancora sono state "acquistate le otto lettere da Sindona ad Andreotti "...
20060815             Michele Sindona Beschreibung im Artikel der LIBRARY—MICHELE...
20060815             banca2 19760000             - 8—SETTEBRE—MICHELE Sindona viene arrestato a NEW—YORK... Sindona che deve rispondere anche del fallimento della Banca Privata Italiana...
20060815             Daß Sindona gleichzeitig rege Kontakte zur amerikanischen + ITALIENISCHEN—MAFIA unterhielt, konnte für die geplanten Aktivitäten nur von Vorteil sein.
20060815             Mafia, PAPA und 19—MYSTERIÖSE TODESFÄLLE—DIE unheiligen...
20060815             Sindona hatte 1—IDEE: Man müßte die Vatikan gelder ins Ausland schaffen.
20060815             Gemeinsam schafft das Trio SINDONA—MARCINKUS—CALVI Riesenbeträge aus den...
20060815             ZEIT ONLINE—WIRTSCHAFT—VATIKAN BANK : Geschäfte im Namen des Vaters Sindona wusch mittels seiner Banken wie der FINA—BANK—ODER—DER—BANCA—PRIVATA.
20060815             Für den Vatikan fädelte Sindona mehrere Firmenkäufe UND—VERKÄUFE ein.
20060815             "Chi dà i soldi a Sindona ?"michele sindona, calvi, Marcinkus, opus dei, ior, istituto opere religiose, loggia p2, p2, massoneria,
20060815             Un Sindona senza silenziatore michele sindona, loggia p2, licio gelli, banco ambrosiano, omicidio ambrosoli, marcinkus, vaticano, banca VATICAN a, ior.
20060815             Michele SINDONA—WIKIPEDIA - Die Affäre Sindona.
20060815             München 19870000             .
20060815             ISBN 3-426-03970-2; Yallop, DAVID—A: Im Namen Gottes?
20060815             Der mysteriöse Tod des —33—TAGE—PAPA es JOHANNES—PAUL—II.
20060815             Skandale und Terror im Globalismus "Ohne die Europäer ist Bush zum Scheitern verurteilt...
20060815             KRÄHWINKEL: 20051100             Archive
20060815             —SPIRALED, As the war in IRAQ has, OUT—OF—CONTROL, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—COVERT propaganda campaign has intensified.
20060815             According to 1—SECRET—PENTAGON report...
20060815             Neue Solidarität 18/2004:Die Strategie der Spannung in ITALIEN
20060815             —SCHON vor dem Attentat auf den PAPA hatte man die Mitgliederliste der P—2—GEFUNDEN.
20060815             der Spannung" würden sie als "kommunistische Propaganda " abtun.
20060815             News Das Öffentlichkeitsbild von U2: Bono in einer Audienz bei JOHANNES—PAPA.
20060815             Bei U2-Gitarrero THE—EDGE soll das BILD—VON—BONO mit Bush in der Presse der...
20060815             Quittung für den Kirchenaustritt: Entlassung und Arbeitslosengeldsperre Soziale Einrichtungen
20060815             Dass der Kirchenaustritt eines Menschen, der bei einem kirchlichen Arbeitgeber beschäftigt ist, in der Regel die Entlassung nach sich zieht, dürfte bekannt sein.
20060815             —GESPERRT, Doch nicht nur das: Aus das Arbeitslosengeld kann, werden — mit der Begründung, dass der Betreffende seine Arbeitslosigkeit selbst herbeigeführt hat!
20060815             Antidiskriminierungsgesetz: Weltanschauung entfällt, Religion bleibt STAAT und Religion allgemein
20060815             CDU + SPD haben sich auf Änderungen am geplanten Antidiskriminierungsgesetz geeinigt.
20060815             Danach entfällt das zivilrechtliche Verbot der Benachteiligung wegen einer Weltanschauung, wohingegen gegen 1—BENACHTEILIGUNG wegen der Religion geklagt werden kann.
20060815             —VERHINDERT, Damit soll angeblich " werden, dass Anhänger rechtsradikalen Gedankenguts sich das Gesetz zunutze machen".
20060815             Northstate Science: WHAT—REALLY—BEHIND—THE—DA—VINCI—CODE—FUROR?
20060815             Google Groups: alt.religion.mormon important J source was apparently written, was very sparsely inhabited —UNTIL the late 07010101—08001231    —CENTURY BCE ".
20060815             Recovering Ortho Jew: Why I—AM—NOT 1—THEIST or Deist
20060815             I —JUST finished READING Finkelstien, the Bible Unearthed + partially read his new book David & Solomon.
20060815             The former is really powerful.
20060815             wvns : Messages : 3101—3200—OF 5648
20060815             1—REVOLUTION is happening in Biblical Archaeology.
20060815             —FROM : OWNER—ANE@ (ANE Digest) To: ANE—DIGEST Subject: ANE Digest...
20060815             THE—CENTRAL—THESIS—OF—ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN—NEW—BOOK, " THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED," is that the break between ISRAEL + Judah never happened because Judah +... 20060815             Parshat VA—ETANAN: Moral Choice in THE—READING—OF—TORAH.
20060815             —EXPRESSED, The ideology, here is not 1—UNCOMMON in the Bible, for —LATER on in... for which there is scant historical evidence
20060815             (see THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, p.... - j. - Exodus exposed?
20060815             —CALLED, Then came 1—BEST—SELLING book, " THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED," that claimed it most probably did not happen.
20060815             And then, 1—ISRAEL i archeologist made 1—SIMILAR...
20060815             —PUBLICIZED, BIBLE—ERA—ARTIFACTS Highlight Archaeology Controversy —RECENTLY, artifacts from the Bible lands have stirred unusual... 1—OF—THE—MORE—CONTROVERSIAL artifact unearthed of late is the James ossuary.
20060815             Commentary MAGAZINE—SEARCHING for THE—HOUSE—OF—DAVID
20060815             —ARGUED, This structure begins, as Finkelstein, in THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, not with David + Solomon but far —EARLIER in THE—BIBLE—ACCOUNT—OF—THINGS: namely...
20060815             Swans Commentary: THE—CASE—AGAINST <em>THE—CASE—AGAINST—ISRAEL
20060815             He quotes archaeologists ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN + NEIL—ASHER—SILBERMAN—BOOK, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, to show how unreliable the Bible is.
20060815             —UNEARTHED, THE—MIRROR (LONDON—ENGLAND): Bible tunnel.(News... THE—MIRROR (LONDON—ENGLAND) - Bible tunnel unearthed.(News) - From the HighBeam Research Archive.
20060815             DETROIT.jewish_COM—DOES THE—TRUTH—HURT?
20060815             He is THE—AUTHOR—OF—THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL + the Origin of Its Sacred Texts, called "1 balanced, thoughtful...
20060815             Archives: Story... CHAIRMAN—OF—TEL Aviv UNIVERSITY—ARCHAEOLOGY department + AUTHOR—OF—20010000             —THE—BEST—SELLER THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED have argued that the biblical accounts...
20060815             Freethinker Forum :: Bekijk ONDERWERP—DE bijbel als mythe
20060815             Het boek THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED snijdt nogal fluks in de historische waarheden VAN de bijbel en dat leverde de auteurs (ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN en NEIL—ASHER...
20060815             DOUGLAS—RUSHKOFF—WEBLOG ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN—LATEST—BOOK, Bible Unearthed, is probably 1—GOOD —STARTING point, but by no means the final say on the subject.
20060815             Mail & GUARDIAN Online: AFRICA—1. online newspaper: How did...
20060815             THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED ' + 'Who were the Jews + where did they come from?" are —JUST 2—OF—THE—MANY—BOOKS using archeology to discredit THE—HISTORY—OF—THE...
20060815             WELCOME TO THE—CVRLAB—AT—UCLA—CHAIR of the Scientific COMMITTEE—IS—MEGIDDO excavator ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN, whose recent book, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED (NEW—YORK 20000000             ), deals extensively with...
20060815             NEWS—RECORD_com Staff Blogs: Letters to the Editor: We quote Jesus...
20060815             THE—VIEW from Nebo: How Archeology Is Rewriting the Bible + Reshaping THE—MIDDLE—EAST. by Amy Marcus.
20060815             Ist die Bibel historisch zuverlässig?
20060815             Bemerkungen zum Maximalisten... -
20060815             Archeology Demolishes the Bible... has —JUST published 1—BOOK called " THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL +...
20060815             Revising David and SOLOMON—CHRISTIANITY—TODAY—MAGAZINE As in the —EARLIER THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, Finkelstein + Silberman find little evidence in archaeology for David and SOLOMON—GRAND—KINGDOMS.
20060815             Alrighty.
20060815             —UNEARTHED, Btw, I —JUST got bible. Sampled it last night.
20060815             It goes truly well, especially considering THE—TOPIC—THE—LANGUAGE is simple + unpretentious and...
20060815             THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED—FROM—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search
20060815             THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL + the Origin of Its Sacred Texts is 1—CONTROVERSIAL—BOOK about the origin of the
20060815             Bible.
20060815             The bold thesis of this book is that there is no archaeological evidence for the existence of Abraham, Patriarchs, Moses, or the Exodus +
20060815             that the monarchies of David or Solomon were much smaller than the Bible implies.
20060815             The authors (ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN + NEIL—ASHER—SILBERMAN) argue that it is impossible to say much of anything about ancient ISRAEL —UNTIL the
20060815             that the Bible might have been created at that time to further the religious reform + territorial ambitions of the
20060815             Kingdom of Judah.
20060815             THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED—TUE 20061213             —200—PM
20060815             The heated battles over abortion, homosexuality (—NOW threatening to tear apart the Anglican Church) + THE—RIGHT—TO—LIVE (as in THE—CASE—OF—TERRI Schiavo in the States) all testify to its continuing influence.
20060815             Millions still believe EVERY—WORD + story in it is literally true.
20060815             But can they be true?
20060815             PROFESSOR—ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN—OF—TEL—AVIV—UNIVERSITY + NEIL—SILBERMAN—OF—THE—ENAME—CENTRE—OF—PUBLIC—ARCHAEOLOGY in BELGIUM have brought together the findings of modern science + archaeology
20060815             in their book 'THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED ' to try + cast light on this question.
20060815             In general, they make the —FOLLOWING case: The scientific position is clear.
20060815             There is no EVIDENCE—OF—ANY—KIND for the existence of Abraham (supposedly THE—ISRAEL ites' founding PATRIARCH), Moses, or Solomon.
20060815             —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—EXODUS, Canaan -- the Promised Land to which THE—ISRAEL ites were fleeing -- was ruled + firmly controlled by the very EGYPT from which they were trying to escape.
20060815             —HAPPENED, THE—CONQUEST—OF—CANAAN by Joshua could not have, in the way described in the Bible.
20060815             —SUPPOSED, MOST—OF—THE—TOWNS he is, to have conquered either weren't inhabited, didn't exist or were conquered at wildly different times.
20060815             —SUPPOSED, JERUSALEM, which was, to have become the capital of the great unified EMPIRE—OF—KING—DAVID (he of David and Goliath fame), appears to have been tiny and only sparsely inhabited in the relevant period.
20060815             —ATTRIBUTED, MANY—OF—THE—GREAT—MONUMENTS—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL, on the authority of the Old Testament to SOLOMON—KING—OF— were of 1—LATER date.
20060815             Synopsis: 25—REASONS Why I—AM—NO—LONGER a Christian
20060815             Archaeology And Folk Religion In Ancient ISRAEL—THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts...
20060815             Books: Kings or Chieftains?
20060815             DAVID, and Solomon: In SEARCH—OF—THE—BIBLE—SACRED—KINGS and the Roots of... previously collaborated on THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF...
20060815             Grounds for DISBELIEF—HAARETZ—ISRAEL—NEWS
20060815             THE—HEBREW—EDITION—OF—THE—BOOK by Finkelstein + his USA—COLLEAGUE, the historian + archaeologist Neal Asher Silberman, " THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED :
20060815             Required Recommended —
20060815             N. Silberman & I. Finkelstein, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : 1—EDGY REASSESSMENT—OF—HISTORY.
20060815             WILLIAM—DEVER, Did God Have 1—WIFE?: folk religion as opposed to "book...
20060815             No Chosen Race... historian JOURNALIST—NEIL—ASHER—SILBERMAN published THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : Archaeologys New VERSION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL and the Origin of Its Sacred Text.
20060815             KING—DAVID—THE—BOY—WONDER—ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN, NEIL—SILBERMAN, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED (Simon & Schuster, 20010000             ) AHMED—OSMAN, MOSES—PHARAOH—OF—EGYPT (Grafton, 19900000             )...
20060815             —JUST Who Were the Jews?? 1. invent your Jew, then invent your... Finkelstein + Silberman, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED (Touchstone, 20020000             ) PAUL—JOHNSON, 1—HISTORY—OF—THE—JEWS (PHOENIX—GRANT, 19870000             ) DAN—COHN—SHERBOK, THE—CRUCIFIED...
20060815             "That is why you are seeing this interpretation, to counter that momentum against it," said Finkelstein, CO—AUTHOR—OF—THE—BOOK " THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED.
20060815             JOEL—M—HOFFMAN, PhD: Suggested READING - THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED.
20060815             (20020000             ) 1—RE—EVALUATION—OF—ISRAEL—EARLY—HISTORY, from
20060815             _10000000—07000000     BCE primarily using archaeological data.
20060815             The books concludes that.
20060815             mindstalk: David and SOLOMON—I'VE —JUST finished David + Solomon by ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN + NEIL—ASHER—SILBERMAN, authors of THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED on how poorly archaeology supports the...
20060815             Salon_com Books | DAVID—KING—OF— was 1—NEBBISH " THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED " does observe that "from 1—PURELY literary + archaeological standpoint, the minimalists have SOME—POINTS in their favor," but it...
20060815             History Overview
20060815             What Did the Biblical Writers Know + —WHEN Did They Know It?
20060815             Articles THE—BIBLE is "FULL—OF—INTEREST," wrote MARK—TWAIN in his remarkable book, Letters from... The deeply curious reader should also check THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED...
20060815             ACA: Online Articles
20060815             (Granted, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED was published —AFTER Skeptics Answered, but
20060815             the information it contains is WELL—DOCUMENTED in sources DJK could have easily...
20060815             IBSS—THE—BIBLE—GENESIS, 1—ROYAL—EPIC
20060815             The most popular treatment of recent scholarship is the book THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED by ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN + NEIL—SILBERMAN.
20060815             They posit a 06010101—07001231    —CENTURY BC.
20060815             TAIPEI TIMES—ARCHIVES In his book, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, Finkelstein writes with NEIL—SILBERMAN,
20060815             "Not only was ANY—SIGN—OF monumental architecture missing, but so were even simple...
20060815             WASH: Shenandoah Area Secular Humanists (SASH) " THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED ".
20060815             We all ought to understand that we are on our own.
20060815             Believing in Santa Claus doesn't do kids ANY—HARM for 1—FEW years but it isn't.
20060815             Shop A&E and THE—HISTORY—CHANNEL : Digging for Truth: Archaeology...
20060815             Authors like PHILIP—DAVIES (In Search of Ancient ISRAEL ) + ISRAEL—FINKLESTEIN ( THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED ) discuss the most important discoveries + how they...
20060815             Book list for theists to read so they get 1—CLUE
20060815             Bible Unearthed /Finkelstien & Silberman
20060815             Who where the Early ISRAEL ites and Where Did They Come From?/Dever Ancient ISRAEL ite/Canaanite "Religion"...
20060815             Reclaiming Biblical JERUSALEM But his book, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, wound up on THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES' BEST—SELLER—LIST and he became the darling of 1—SYMPATHETIC—MEDIA.
20060815             JOSIAH—THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts for the possible role of Josiah in creation of thee...
20060815             IAN—GUTHRIDGE on the Genocide at the heart of the Jewish religion
20060815             Who Wrote THE—BIBLE—AND —WHEN?
20060815             Scientific HISTORY—OF—THE—BIBLE—THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts.
20060815             NEW—YORK: Simon and Schuster, 20010000             . - - ISBN 0684869136.
20060815             THE—BIBLE—ITS—EVOLUTION, Contradictions and Inconsistencies... THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL + the Origin of Its Sacred Texts, by ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN + NEIL—ASHER—SILBERMAN.
20060815             PE_com | Inland SOUTH—CALIFORNIA | Lifestyles
20060815             repercussio: 1—SOUND(-ing) BOARD " theology Carroll: THE—BIBLE as 1—PROBLEM for Christianity Finkelstein + Silberman : THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED—RICHARD—E—FRIEDMAN: THE—BIBLE—WITH—SOURCES—REVEALED... /
20060815             religious right watch: culture For informative scholarly works on the Bible, check out THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION or Ancient ISRAEL + the Origin of Its Sacret Texts...
20060815             False testament: archaeology refutes THE—BIBLE—CLAIM to history 101—MYTHS of the Bible : How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History... point out in their recent book, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, the patriarchal tales make...
20060815             AskWhy! Megiddo and the United MONARCHY—JEWISH—MYTHOLOGY The authors of THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED find the territorial and ideological aspirations of the biblical account mirrored in the Deuteronomistic historian.
20060815             Books So begins the Prologue of The Bible Unearthed, 1—BOOK which summarizes and interprets very recent Biblical archaeology for the general public.
20060815             Google Groups: talk.atheism Bible Unearthed /Finkelstien & Silberman Who where the Early ISRAEL ites and Where Did They Come From?/Dever.
20060815             Ancient ISRAEL ite/Canaanite "Religion".
20060815             - Topic Powered by eve... I used to agree that THE—OT was at least somewhat historically accurate, —UNTIL about the time ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN published THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED.
20060815             MONOTHEISM—THE—MIND—N—MAGICK Paganpedia Silberman, NEIL—A;
20060815             and colleagues, Simon and Schuster; (20010000             ) THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED—NEW—YORK.
20060815             Whitelam, Keith; (19970000             ). - - THE—INVENTION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL.
20060815             THE—COLUMBUS—DISPATCH—FAITH & Values Skepticism about the Hebrew BIBLE—HISTORY was promoted to popular audiences in THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED (20010000             ) by Tel Aviv UNIVERSITY—ARCHAEOLOGIST—ISRAEL...
20060815             Memory in Ruins [Biblical Archaeology]
20060815             Higgaion: 1—BIBLICAL—HISTORY—OF—ISRAEL : half 1—BOOK To be sure, I could have gone still farther "to the left" of Finkelstein and Silberman, but THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED is much easier for undergraduates to read...
20060815             This is 1—BOOK that takes on 1—SUBJECT that most Christians comfortably assume to be safe ground.
20060815             Don't get me wrong ;... —UNEARTHED.html
20060815             —UNEARTHED, Aftonbladet: Nyheter, Forum "THE—BIBLE, " Finkelstein &Silbermann "David and Solomon, in search of the Bible´s sacred kings and the roots of western tradition"
20060815             Google Groups: talk.atheism Archeology and the Bible Rise of Ancient ISRAEL /Shanks, Dever, Halpern, McCarter Bible Unearthed /Finkelstien & Silberman...
20060815             RaceandHistory_COM—THE—BIBLE, as History, Flunks
20060815             UNIVERSITÄT—HEIDELBERG — Pressemitteilungen
20060815             ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN (Tel Aviv) und NEIL—ASHER—SILBERMAN (Brüssel und USA ) haben
20060815             HISTORY—AND—EVOLUTION_com/2./chapthree3_2_2.htm
20060815             ISRAEL itic Power Gaining Startegies [Archive] - aliraqi Community You gave ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN—WORK ( Bible Unearthed ) as 1—EXAMPLE.
20060815             Kamal SALIBI—WORK in the natural compliment to such a work.
20060815             Qui a écrit la Bible et pourquoi?
20060815             Pendant des millénaires, les exégètes de la Bible ont discuté de l'époque de David et de... NEIL—ASHER;
20060815             THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, 20010000             ,NEW—YORK, THE—FREE—PRESS.
20060815             Once again, Science is kicking Fundie Ass Bible Unearthed : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL and the Origin of Its Sacred Text". " THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED " is the latest salvo fired in...
20060815             C&C Review 20020000             :1: Contents Possible Repercussions of ' THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED ', 28 ... THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED by ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN & NA SILBERMAN—REVIEWED by Phillip Clapham...
20060815             —NOTED, Responses to CRITICS—OF—CENTURIES—OF—DARKNESS As, in the review, "...matters are not as straightforward as THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED would like us to believe.
20060815             —WHILE Finkelstein stresses the fluidity of... - ABR ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER Vol.
20060815             4, Issue 11—CIRCULATION: 3750.
20060815             THE—ANTITHESIS - To answer his questions, ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN and NEIL—ASHER—SILBERMAN together wrote THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, which is 1—EXCELLENT—TEXT on biblical archeology.
20060815             theantithesis_org/articles.php?id=29 - THE—ANTITHESIS
20060815             Who Wrote the Bible ? Simon and Schuster, 19870000             . - - Pg.
20060815             35—OF 19970000             —THE softcover edition.
20060815             5. FINKELSTEIN—ISRAEL and Silberman, NEIL—ASHER—THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED.
20060815             —PRESENTED, THE—2—WORKS on Biblical archaeology, here, THE—MYTHIC—PAST + THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, are unabashedly heretical in that both are sustained by a...
20060815             TBK—THE—BIBLE, as History, Flunks New Archaeological Tests
20060815             "I think that it is time to put archaeology in the front line," said Finkelstein, THE—CO—AUTHOR—WITH—NEIL—ASHER—SILBERMAN—OF—THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED...
20060815             Usbible_com: Bible Agrees with THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, that the Old Testament lacks historical credibility.
20060815             Packed with more insights + detail then the casual reader might be.
20060815             COURT—JESTERS - According to THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, not only did Abraham, Isaac + Jacob never exist, but the Exodus never happened.
20060815             They —JUST wrote 1—GOOD—STORY in the...
20060815             —ALMOST a DIARY—TOBI—THOUGHTS, opinions & ideas.
20060815             —AFTER READING " the bible unearthed " I was looking for 1—BOOK that would unearth the political HISTORY—OF—CHRISTIANITY—AND I still am.
20060815             BUDAPEST Paper — —THEN, in
20060815             Un libro de cataclismo: THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED.
20060815             Industry & Business... Goliath Industry and Business News includes THOUSANDS—OF—ARTICLES from journals, newspapers, newswires + magazines, covering 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—INDUSTRIES.
20060815             According to ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN and NEIL—ASHER—SILBERMAN in their bracing new book, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, the Exodus from EGYPT as recorded in the Bible is a...
20060815             Download BIBLE—STUDY—OLD—TESTAMENT ebooks at Diesel eBooks
20060815             DOZENS—OF—DIGS in EGYPT, ISRAEL, JORDAN + LEBANON have changed experts' understanding of ancient ISRAEL + it...more on ebook " THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED "
20060815             Holes in History THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts.
20060815             NON—DIVINE origins of the Bible at Tel Aviv University + his colleague Neal Silberman, in their book THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED :
20060815             "We have no clue, not even 1—SINGLE—WORD... - History News Network
20060815             —UNEARTHED, Artifacts with links to Bible.
20060815             Source: WASHINGTON Times (20050102             ).
20060815             —SCOOPED, JERUSALEM—ISRAEL i archaeologists, screening TONS—OF—RUBBLE
20060815             Tthornton : Hebrew Bible Era Dates 1—CONTROVERSIAL—RECENT—ARGUMENT (ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN and NEIL—ASHER—SILBERMAN, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED—NEW—YORK: THE—FREE—PRESS, 20010000             ) considers the entire Old...
20060815             Archaeology Department, TEL—AVIV UNIVERSITY—I.—FINKELSTEIN and NA Silberman, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : 1—REJOINDER.
20060815             BULLETIN—OF—THE—USA—SCHOOLS—OF—ORIENTAL—RESEARCH—327 (20020000             ), pp.
20060815             63-73. - Shifting Ground in the Holy Land Finkelstein + CO—AUTHOR—NEIL—ASHER—SILBERMAN rocked the world of biblical archaeology with the publication, —5—YEARS—AGO, of THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED.
20060815             Rewriting History In ISRAEL, the recent PUBLICATION—OF—THE—BOOK—THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED by Tel Aviv University professor of archeology ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN and JOURNALIST—NEIL...
20060815             Parting of Red Sea Really HAPPENED—PAGE 2 - JREF Forum
20060815             Based on the book " THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED " + miscellaneous other READING
20060815             I am of the opinion that the Moses stuff is at least as bogus as the Noah stuff.
20060815             Observatório Bíblico: Novo livro de ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN e Neil... Dos autores do consagrado THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED (tradução brasileira: 1—BÍBLIA não tinha razão)... Bíblia e Arqueologia (apresentação de THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED )...
20060815             —LATE—NIGHT Live - 27—FEBRUARY 20010000             - THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED—ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN is ISRAEL—BEST—KNOWN archaeologist + THE—DIRECTOR—OF—EXCAVATIONS at Tel Megiddo (Armageddon), 1—SERIOUSLY important archaeological...
20060815             NWAnews_com :: NORTH—WEST—ARKANSAS' News Source
20060815             —PROMOTED, Skepticism about the Hebrew BIBLE—HISTORY was, to popular audiences in THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED (20010000             ) by Tel Aviv UNIVERSITY—ARCHAEOLOGIST—ISRAEL...
20060815             Old Testament dispute continues: Was KING—DAVID—JUDAISM—KING—ARTHUR?
20060815             The heated battles over abortion, homosexuality (—NOW threatening to tear apart the...
20060815             Bok/THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED—SUSNING.nu Försäljningstext: THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED is 1 balanced, thoughtful, bold reconsideration of the historical period that produced the Hebrew Bible.
20060815             THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED—JUSTUSBOYS_com Gay Community THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED—RELIGION and Spirituality.
20060815             THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED (20010000             ) is 1—BOOK you need to read to get UP—TO—DATE on THE—STATUS—OF—THE—HISTORICITY...
20060815             DAVID—WAS—KING—OF— 1—NEBBISH " THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED " is the latest salvo fired in 1 pitched battle between... THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL and the...
20060815             —TRANSFORMED, Biblical Archaeology is being, writes LARRY—SALTZMAN.
20060815             In particular, THE—WORK—OF—PROFESSOR—FINKELSTEIN profers new perspectives on ISRAEL 's.
20060815             How the Bible Became 1—BOOK: the Textualization of Ancient ISRAEL
20060815             SOME—OF—THESE observations had already been made in Niel Silberman and ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN—BEST—SELLING book, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED (20010000             ).
20060815             —UNEARTHED, BUCH—SUCHERGEBNISSE für the bible
20060815             God, Greed + Genocide - - von ARTHUR—GRENKE - 328—SEITEN
20060815             —ON the Reliability of the Old Testament
20060815             - von K A Kitchen - 662MANASSEH—KING—OF—SEITEN and Child Sacrifice - - von Francesca Stavrakopoulou
20060815             eBooks_COM—THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF... - Is the Bible true?
20060815             —WAGED, For the last 100 and —50—YEARS 1—WAR has been, over the historical reliability of the Hebrew scriptures.
20060815             THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts.
20060815             IBSS—THE—BIBLE—THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED—THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED—THE Bible Unearthed gives the latest scholarly views on the origins of the Hebrew Bible and the origins of ISRAEL.
20060815             220403antiwarblogg "blueprint for USA global domination reveals that PRESIDENT—BUSH + his cabinet were planning 1 premeditated attack on.".
20060815             CULT WATCH—CULTS—RC, Mormon, PROMISE—KEEPERS, 3. Wave, MISS—OG... THE—ENDEAVOR—ACADEMY—CHUCK Anderson, a.k.a. "THE—MASTER—TEACHER"... The "Courage to Heal" debunked.
20060815             Bad Therapy Kills. A PARENT—VIEW—OF "Courage to Heal".
20060815             This MISS—NBC—SEGMENT is Even More Relevant —TODAY.
20060815             LARRY—BEINHART: Republicans are Bad on National Security.
20060815             If You Value Your Life, Vote Them OUT—OF—OFFICE.
20060815             (Remember, You Can Add Your Thoughts to BuzzFlash Commentaries.
20060815             Registration is Free.)
20060815             FEDERAL—JUDGE—OKS—LAW—SIGNED by Bush Even Though the House Never Voted on It.
20060815             We Need 1—REAL—JUDICIARY Again -- 1—BUZZFLASH News Analysis
20060815             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20060815             Ceasefire holds as both sides claim LEBANON success 8/15 - PAUL—KRUGMAN: Hoping for Fear
20060815             Bush Turns War Into Sportscasting, Declares ISRAEL—THE "Winner".
20060815             Tell That to All the Dead People on Both Sides.
20060815             Maybe Bush Would Make 1—GOOD—REFEREE in His Future Prison Football League.
20060815             Another POLITICALLY—TIMED "Terror Arrests" Wasn't a "Terror Arrest" —AFTER All.
20060815             That's Often the Pattern.
20060815             8/15 - COSTA—MESA, CALIFORNIA, 1—ANGRY—DEBATE over immigration -- and THE—ACTIONS—OF—ANTI—IMMIGRANT—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS who seem intent on running Hispanics OUT—OF—TOWN -- is tearing apart the community 8/15
20060815             Taifun: "Saomai" tötet fast 300—MENSCHEN
20060815             Künstliche Befruchtung: Maus wird nach —15—JAHREN im Eis Vater
20060815             Schüler im Halbschlaf: "Frühaufsteher erhalten bessere Noten"
20060815             —BESUCHT, JAPAN: Koizumi, umstrittenen Kriegsschrein
20060815             1—PUNDIT—DROPS the petticoat......and shows what's underneath.
20060815             DAVID—BROOKS admits his belief that "voters shouldn't be allowed to define the choices in USA—POLITICS".Even ANN—COULTER never dared say as much.
20060815             ISRAEL : Luftwaffe greift Ziele in GAZA an
20060815             Steuertricks: Firmen entziehen Fiskus Milliarden
20060815             VOLKSWIRT—PROGNOSE: "Die Menschen haben 20070000             weniger in der Tasche"
20060815             "Katrina"- Notunterkünfte: Fema muss 118.000—SCHLÖSSER austauschen
20060815             Nahost: Hinweise auf Bundeswehreinsatz mehren sich
20060815             LIBANON: Waffenruhe HÄLT—TROTZ kleinerer Scharmützel
20060815             Streit um Koizumis SCHREIN—BESUCH: JAPAN droht Aufschrei der Empörung
20060815             'More disasters' for warmer world Rising temperatures will raise the risk of wildfires, droughts and floods over the next —200—YEARS, UK scientists warn.
20060815             The left says whatever war is in question is "another VIETNAM," —WHILE the right denies it.
20060815             —AFTER—3—DECADES—OF—BEING serially wrong, in THE—IRAQ—WAR liberals might be making their 1.—EVER correct diagnosis.
20060815             It is not too late to tamp down that MILITIA—DIRECTED violence, which hasn't yet taken on 1—UNCONTROLLABLE—LIFE—OF—ITS—OWN.
20060815             But the clock is ticking, toward THE—HOUR—WHEN we will indeed suffer another VIETNAM.
20060815             Lowry is inching closer and closer to THE—REALITY—BASED community, but in doing so, he wants us to forget what he told us in the past.
20060815             CSPAN: ISRAEL & HEZBOLLAE ON CEASE FIRE - The axis of evil.
20060815             INTERVIEW: PRODUCER—OF—20010911             —LOOSE—CHANGE.. WOW!!
20060815             Nitro in BABY—BOTTLE—FEAR Bullony
20060815             THE—USA—MILITARY/Intelligence Oganized Crime Operation.
20060815             Traitor Cabal pending indictment
20060815             BREAKING INTEL: Bush Prepares for MARTIAL—LAW - Proof Flight 93 was shot down !
20060815             11.Sep2001 - Pitch Black Void
20060815             CONT'D - 20010911             — Pitch Black Void - border guards get the shaft
20060815             Unquestioned Answers...Nonconspiracy theorist
20060815             E—VOTING, could mean your vote won't be counted..report!
20060815             — 20060815             - CNN: LOU—DOBBS—TONIGHT
20060815             Operation "CHANGE—OF—LOCATION"?
20060815             —IGNORED, In doing so, THE—IFE, the clear EVIDENCE—OF—ELECTION irregularities and blatant fraud uncovered by losing Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) candidate Andres MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR.
20060815             —IGNORED, THE—IFE, the need for 1—TOTAL—BALLOT recount Obrador justifiably demanded and instead relied on the small partial 1—IT chose in areas of known Calderon strength making it unlikely from the start it would find ENOUGH—OF—1—CHANGE in the final tally to change the election result.
20060815             Let the battle begin.
20060815             —REVEALED, PBS EXPLAINS—AMANDA—WHY it never, Labor Department deputy assistant SECRETARY—KAREN—CZARNECKI—GOVERNMENT—POSITION —WHEN she appeared on their shows: "The only terms on which we could keep her was to not identify her as 1—BUSH—PERSON".
20060815             Chuck Roberts Apologizes For Calling Lamont THE—'AL—QAEDA—CANDIDATE'
20060815             —DOCUMENTED, —LAST—WEEK, THINK—PROGRESS, CNN Headline News anchor Chuck Roberts' reference to Ned Lamont as "the al Qaeda candidate".
20060815             —APPEARED, Arianna Huffington then, on CNN and, referring to Roberts' statement, called on news stations to demand more accountability for comments made by their anchors.
20060815             And —YESTERDAY, MediaMatters CEO—DAVID—BROCK wrote 1—LETTER to CNN PRESIDENT—JONATHAN—KLEIN urging him to discipline Roberts.
20060815             The progressive COMMUNITY'S—EFFORTS have paid off.
20060815             —ISSUED, —TODAY, Roberts, 1—APOLOGY, saying he had posed the original question "badly" and "stupidly".
20060815             Roberts then gave Lamont 1—CHANCE to correct the record about his views on terrorism and IRAQ.
20060815             Full transcript: ROBERTS: I owe you 1—APOLOGY.
20060815             —LAST—WEEK I led into 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—1—GUEST—ANALYST and really botched THE—SET—UP.
20060815             —WANTED, The guest had, to discuss the Dick Cheney and JOE—LIEBERMAN statement suggesting that terror groups, al Qaeda types, to use CHENEY—WORD, would be buoyed by your win.
20060815             —POSED, But I, it badly, stupidly, AD—LIBBING about SOME—SAYING the al Qaeda candidate.
20060815             No 1, in fact, used that construction.
20060815             —WANTED, Anyway, I, to correct the record.
20060815             I'm glad we had this chance to do it.
20060815             —NOW, let's get to the insinuations that were lobbed.
20060815             HERE—WHAT they were trying — here's what we were trying to spotlight —1—WEEK—AGO.
20060815             1. of all, from THE—WASHINGTON—POST : Democratic primary and (ph) is —NOW running as 1—INDEPENDENT, said THE—ANTI—WAR—VIEWS—OF—PRIMARY winner Lamont would be 'taken as 1—TREMENDOUS—VICTORY by the same people who wanted to blow up those planes in this plot hatched in ENGLAND.' The comments from JOE—LIEBERMAN.
20060815             And then, in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, this from THE—VICE—PRESIDENT: "The attacks came in searing remarks from, among others, KEN—MEHLMAN, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—GOP and VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY, who went so far as to suggest that the ouster of MISTER—LIEBERMAN might encourage 'al Qaeda types.'"
20060815             What do you MAKE—OF—THAT?
20060815             LAMONT: Look, I thought those were incredibly unfortunate comments, demeaning to the voters of CONNECTICUT.
20060815             I think the voters of CONNECTICUT last —TUESDAY said, 'We need 1—CHANGE.' And having 132,000 troops stuck in the middle of 1—CIVIL—WAR over in IRAQ is not helping us fight the terrorists, is not making us safer, is not protecting our shorelines.
20060815             I salute SCOTLAND Yard and I look at what the British were able to do in thwarting that terrorist attempt.
20060815             And I think we're much stronger as 1—COUNTRY —WHEN we work in concert with our allies, we have shared intelligence and we go forward together with good OLD—FASHIONED police work.
20060815             The analysis raises doubts over Pentagon projections that SPENDING—WILL only increase 3.4 %
20060815             —1—YEAR 20070000—20110000    —FROM—TO.
20060815             "Is that sustainable given the underlying trends in defense spending?"
20060815             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Reduces Presence At AIDS Conference For FEAR—OF—BEING Booed
20060815             —YESTERDAY, 24,000 scientists, activists + officials arrived in TORONTO for the world's "
20060815             largest ever AIDS conference.
20060815             [S]ome of the most important breakthroughs in the fight against AIDS have been announced " at these conferences.
20060815             But instead of engaging the global community on solutions, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has decided to
20060815             cut back its presence at —THIS—YEAR—CONFERENCE because it can't stand mild criticism:
20060815             —IMPLEMENTED, Travel restrictions, by THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—USA1—GLOBAL—AIDS—COORDINATOR —FOLLOWING 20020000             —THE—INTERNATIONAL—AIDS—CONFERENCE in BARCELONA — at which FORMER—HHS SECRETARY—TOMMY—THOMPSON was booed by critics who believed THE—USA—CONTRIBUTION to the Global AIDS Fund was insufficient — reduced the maximum number of HHS officials who can attend the conference by 2—THIRDS, from more than 230 20020000             to 50, according to HHS spokesperson BILL—HALL.
20060815             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S "intensely ideological approach" to HIV/AIDS issues has stirred more resentment than hope among the activist community.
20060815             The government's "ABC" policy — "Abstinence, Be Faithful + Use 1—CONDOM" — has been "criticized for excessively encouraging abstinence and marital fidelity," with condoms demoted to "1—LAST—RESORT option".
20060815             —CRITICIZED, BILL—GATES sharply, the administration's approach in the conference's keynote address, pointing out that abstinence "is often not 1—OPTION for poor women and girls, who have no choice but to marry at 1—EARLY—AGE".
20060815             1—RECENT—GAO report found that THE—PRESIDENT—POLICY had "created 1—CULTURE—OF—FEAR " among aid partners.
20060815             BUSH—POLICIES—SOUND—LIKE they deserve 1—FEW boos.
20060815             Vote suppression sweeps the nation.
20060815             Salon - profiles methods being used in 6—STATES, including "new photo I.D. laws, THE—CRIMINALIZING—OF—VOTER—REGISTRATION—DRIVES + database purges that have disqualified up to 40—PERCENT—OF—NEWLY registered voters from voting".
20060815             THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT 20060815             20060815             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ALEX discusses how coverage of 20010911             —INSIDE job evidence has exploded in the mainstream media —FOLLOWING the airing of the
20060815             Can anything tame the battery flames?
20060815             Fuel cells and alternative batteries have 1—CHANCE to go mainstream, thanks to technological improvements and exploding laptops.
20060815             THE—1.—YOUTUBE—ELECTION: GEORGE—ALLEN and "Macaca"
20060815             GEORGE—ALLEN: Digital foot in 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY mouth There have already been strong intimations that VIRGINIA Republican SENATOR—GEORGE—ALLEN has a "race problem".
20060815             —NOW 20080000             —THE—GOP presidential pretender has shown off his unique sensitivities again by repeatedly calling 1—ASIAN.
20060815             MILITARY—DISCHARGES for Being Gay Rose in '05
20060815             Truck Price Pressure Drives Core PPI Lower
20060815             —TODAY—DATA—RELEASE got the party rolling: Core PPI (excluding food and energy) fell 0.3%, the 1. such drop —SINCE—OCTOBER '05.
20060815             —RALLIED, Stocks, as did Bond prices, driving yields down 75—BPS across the curve.
20060815             1—CLOSER—LOOK reveals how this happened: Vehicle prices fell 2%, with Car.
20060815             Recording Industry vs THE—PEOPLE
20060815             Thanks to JOHN—HERMANN, the great MICHIGAN lawyer who's been fighting THE—RIAA there, for bringing this to my attention.
20060815             JOHN—CONTACT—INFO: 2684—WEST 11—MILE Road Berkley, MI 48072 248—591—9291—EMAIL: JTHermanos@Earthlink_net By the way the lawyer who signed the motion is the same lawyer who.
20060815             Google Buys Photo Recognition Company
20060815             —ANNOUNCED, Google, —TODAY on its blog it had acquired Neven Vision, 1—PHOTO recognition firm whose background is in biometrics, for 1 undisclosed sum.
20060815             The technology is to be incorporated into GOOGLE—PICASA to improve search of personal photo collections.
20060815             The company has 1—STRONG—MOBILE bent.
20060815             UK—POLICE—WANT—TO—BE—JUDGE & Jury, TOO—UNCLE—DAVE—COPS want to hand out justice on the street.
20060815             Sunspots: The acquired taste edition
20060815             STEVEN—SODERBERGH on clarity "The hardest thing in the world is to be good and clear —WHEN creating anything.
20060815             It's the hardest thing in the world.
20060815             It's really easy to be obscure and elliptical and so fucking hard to be good and clear.
20060815             It breaks people.
20060815             Because you don't often get encouragement to. Good for the News(—WEEK)?
20060815             SOME—BIZARRE—META—COMMENTARY, on the whole Mel Gibson controversy, NEWSWEEK has created 1—PARODY column by 1—CHARACTER they're calling "Rabbi MARC—GELLMAN".
20060815             —SUPPOSED, The character is apparently, to display EVERY—NEGATIVE stereotype associated with Jews.
20060815             —AFTER the jump, we introduce you to this.
20060815             Crime spike hits Katrina evacuees Katrina evacuees in HOUSTON are more likely to be affected by rising violent crime rates, police figures show.
20060815             Compensation for care homes abuse
20060815             VICTIMS—OF—ABUSE at Nazareth House children's homes are paid official compensation, BBC SCOTLAND learns.
20060815             EFF Files Complaint with FTC Over AOL Data Leak
20060815             "—LAST—WEEK—EXPOSURE—OF—SEARCH—DATA on over 500,000—AOL users was 1—GIGANTIC—EMBARRASSMENT for the company. It may be about to get worse, as THE—EFF has filed 1—COMPLAINT with THE—FTC over the incident. 'Citing AOL—OWN—NETWORK—PRIVACY—POLICY, THE—EFF says that the company failed to "implement reasonable and appropriate measures to protect personal consumer information from public disclosure".' Among other things, the complaint asks AOL to notify all users affected by the data disclosure via certified mail and provide free credit monitoring for —1—YEAR".
20060815             Did Humans Evolve? No, Say Americans
20060815             The blurb on the site for Science magazine is less circumspect about the findings: "THE—ACCEPTANCE—OF—EVOLUTION is lower in THE—USA—THAN in JAPAN or EUROPE, largely because of widespread fundamentalism and THE—POLITICIZATION—OF—SCIENCE in THE—USA ".
20060815             Backlash Against UK—ENCRYPTION—LAW
20060815             "THE—BBC is reporting on SOME—BACKLASH against THE—UK—REGULATION—OF—INVESTIGATORY—POWERS—ACT (RIPA) that came into force 20000000             , which makes it 1—CRIMINAL—ACT to refuse to decrypt files on 1—COMPUTER. Not surprisingly, THE—BUGABOOS—OF—CHILD—PORNOGRAPHY and terrorism, —WHILE unquestionably heinous, are being used to justify 1—LAW which does little to protect against either. Lord Phillips of Sudbury is quoted 'You do not secure the liberty of our country and value of our democracy by undermining them, that's the road to hell.'"
20060815             Astronomers Make Important Dark Matter Discovery
20060815             "To quote 1—PRESS—RELEASE on NASA—SITE, astronomers using the Chandra X—RAY—OBSERVATORY have discovered 'how dark and normal matter have been forced apart in 1—EXTRAORDINARILY energetic collision.' There will be 1—BRIEFING at —NOON, 20060821             ET, on this discovery, with streaming media provided by NASA + SOME—DETAILS—OF—THE—RESEARCH—POSTED on HARVARD—CHANDRA site —JUST beforehand".
20060815             AOL faces FTC complaint over search data release Blog: The legal and political fallout from AOL—PUBLICATION—OF some 650,000 users' search histories continues.—ON—MONDAY, the Electronic...
20060815             Grass' Schweigen: "Dazu muss ich stehen"
20060815             Entführter Israeli: Ägypter schlagen Gefangenenaustausch vor
20060815             Hello David, Not wishing to get into 1—DEBATE however your comment about "no innocent civilians in wartime".......does this mean the innocent victims of 20010911             were really guilty in your eyes and THE—AL—QAEDA terrorists were —THEREFORE entitled to kill them?
20060815             I hope not.... - Quote: Originally —POSTED—BY—DAVID—PLEASE don't give me that crying crap about innocent civilians being killed.
20060815             There is no such thing as innocent civilians in war.
20060815             Civilians, either directly or indirectly contribute to the war effort and that makes them liable!
20060815             —WHEN you destroy your enemies ability to make war then you will end that war.
20060815             Does anybody remember WWII? ISRAEL has taken the right approach in their conduct of this war.
20060815             As GENERAL—PATTON once said, "Hit them —TODAY, hit them tomorrow + keep on hitting them —UNTIL there is nothing left to hit".
20060815             With that approach, this conflict will cease.
20060815             Wow, thats really 1—UGLY thing to say.
20060815             Not wanting to really debate with you about this but I —JUST wanted to ask if you would feel the same way if CHINA went to war with us and their missiles were killing your loved ones.
20060815             I am by no means PRO—HEZBOLLAH/LEBANON either.
20060815             In this —DAY and age we have the technology to srike precisely what we want to.
20060815             Carpet bombing was our best technology in WWII—THATS why Patton said that.
20060815             He wouldnt say the same —TODAY.
20060815             1—WAR—OF—IDEALS—YES this is 1—MESS.
20060815             And it will only continue to get much more messy.
20060815             In fact, this is so messy that our worlds leaders cant even call it what it is, in public.
20060815             Is it the "terrorists" or the "insurgents" or "EVIL—DOERS"?
20060815             Because they all mean something different.
20060815             Was it terrorism in FRANCE —WHEN THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE ran mad through the streets torching HUNDREDS—OF—CARS, busses, buildings and even people?
20060815             Don't terrorists blow up airplanes?
20060815             Don't get me WRONG—I—DO believe there are terrorists in this world.
20060815             But, is that who we are fighting?
20060815             I believe the people we are fighting will resort to terrorism.
20060815             But are there really MILLIONS—OF—TERRORISTS?
20060815             I beleive we are fighting something more that 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION.
20060815             —WAGED, We have, war against 1—PEOPLE.
20060815             I mean come ON—THATS what it is Why cant Bush or Blair or Olmhurt say this?
20060815             —WAGED, We have, 1—WAR with 1—PEOPLE that will drive airplanes into buildings or sell HEU to anybody or even threaten to bring this world to its knees through THE—CONTROL—OF—OIL.
20060815             And who are this PEOPLE—WHERE is the root of this people?
20060815             —SCATTERED, Yes they are, about but everybody has 1—MASTER.
20060815             I think thats why our leaders are tiptoeing —AROUND what they actually call this.
20060815             But thats also 1—LARGE—REASON why the free world is so divided in this WAR—ON—TERRORISM?
20060815             —DEFINED, The enemy has not even been clearly, to the people yet.
20060815             Are they —JUST waiting for us to get it? I think I get it. Do you?
20060815             The official publishing HOUSE—OF—THE—PRESBYTERIAN—CHURCH (USA) has printed 1—NEW—BOOK about 20060911             —THE terrorist attacks that has outraged conservatives in the church and elsewhere.
20060815             The book, "CHRISTIAN—FAITH and the Truth Behind 20010911             ," WRITTEN—BY—DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN, 1—PROFESSOR emeritus at Claremont School of Theology in CALIFORNIA, accuses THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION of carrying out the attacks as 1—PRETEXT for expanding AMERICA's "demonic" imperial power.
20060815             Griffin argues, among other things, that the World Trade Center towers collapsed because of secretly planted explosives -- he quotes eyewitnesses who claim that's what it looked and sounded like -- and not because airliners crashed into the buildings, causing fires.
20060815             Writers on conservative Presbyterian Web sites have been responding by saying officials of THE—LOUISVILLE—BASED denomination are OUT—OF—TOUCH with members and by calling for 1—BOYCOTT of Presbyterian Publishing Corp.
20060815             SOME—DEFINITIONS... (Score:5, Insightful) by Analogy Man (601298)—ON—TUESDAY 20060815             , @09:01AM (#15909521) Democratic: Representative government where the people have free access to information about the government and the goverments access to information about citizens has checks and balances.
20060815             —BASED, Authoritarian: Government, on MANIPULATION—OF—POWER where access to government information is limited and access to citizen information by government is unfettered.
20060815             Ask yourself which direction THE—USA—GOVERNMENT is heading.
20060815             Ärger über Syriens STAATSCHEF: Wütender Steinmeier streicht Treffen mit Assad
20060815             Köln: Nachbarn quälten Behinderten jahrelang
20060815             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Regierung erwägt Sonderkontrollen für Muslime
20060815             Pressefreiheit: Gericht kippt Verfahren gegen "Cicero"
20060815             POLNISCHE—REAKTIONEN auf Grass: "Besser spät als nie"
20060815             Drogenschmuggler aber lösen keinen nationalen Sicherheitsalarm mit implizierter Großfahndung aus.
20060815             Präsidentenwahlen in BRASILIEN—SFUX KARL—WEISS -
20060815             Es sind noch —2—MONATE—BIS zu den Präsidentenwahlen in BRASILIEN.
20060815             ALLE—VORAUSSCHAUEN —BIS—JETZT laufen auf einen klaren Sieg von PRÄSIDENT—LULA hinaus, sei es im 1. oder im 2. WAHL—GANG.
20060815             Aber die linke Kandidatin Heloísa Helena hat weiter Terrain gutgemacht.
20060815             Nach der letzten Umfrage von —ANFANG—AUGUST—DES—INSTITUTS—DATAFOLHA steht Lula —NUN mit...
20060815             Sicherheitsrisiko: SPANISCHE—KÜSTENWACHE—SFUX HARALD—HAACK -
20060815             —BISHER hat die SPANISCHE—KÜSTENWACHE noch nie 1—U—BOOT von Drogenschmugglern beschlagnahmt.
20060815             Dennoch glauben die Beamten, dass das verlassene U—BOOT, das in einer Bucht an der Nordwestküste Spaniens gefunden wurde, Drogenbanden gehörte und zum Koksschmuggel diente.
20060815             Die Besatzung ist verschwunden.
20060815             —GEFUNDEN, Im Boot wurden auch keine Drogen.
20060815             Weil der Küstenabschnitt.
20060815             Title: "Peace Activists" with 1—SECRET—AGENDA?
20060815             - sfux Part 2: THE—CRISIS—OF—THE—MARXIST—LEFT and the Rise of THE—WWP
20060815             —CONTRIBUTED, KEVIN—COOGAN—ALTHOUGH RAMSEY—CLARK greatly, to THE—IAC—CREDIBILITY with respect to the outside world...
20060815             VIDEO: SEAN—HANNITY—SUGGESTS—ISRAEL—SHOULD—DROP A Nuclear Bomb To 'Obliterate' Hezbollah
20060815             —BASHED, —YESTERDAY on FOX—NEWS, SEAN—HANNITY
20060815             Americans for Peace —NOW FOUNDER—MARK—ROSENBLUM for claiming that Hannity had suggested ISRAEL should drop 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB to destroy Hezbollah.
20060815             "I never said drop 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB," Hannity responded.
20060815             1—FEW moments —LATER, Hannity slipped and said, "It could have. They could obliterate them".
20060815             —ENDED, Hannity, the segment by telling Rosenblum he was "FULL—OF—SH*t".
20060815             Watch it: Full transcript below:
20060815             COLMES: What do you though — let's say Hezbollah keeps firing, though.
20060815             What do you do then? ROSENBLUM: Well, you have to fire back.
20060815             And what this particular resolution allows is ISRAEL is defined as the victim.
20060815             Hezbollah is the perpetrator.
20060815             ISRAEL has the right to defend itself —WHILE it stays in SOUTH—LEBANON.
20060815             There has never been 1—UNITED—NATIONS resolution so friendly to ISRAEL—SECURITY—INTERESTS and right — but it is 1—PIECE—OF—PAPER, not implemented yet.
20060815             HANNITY: 1—LOT—OF—GOOD 15590000             did.
20060815             I think anything SHORT—OF—THE—DEFEAT—OF—HEZBOLLAH or crippling it to 1—LARGER—EXTENT is 1—WASTE—OF—TIME.
20060815             ROSENBLUM: By dropping your nuclear bomb, is what you said.
20060815             HANNITY: No, no, I never said drop 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB.
20060815             You said that they weren't winning + I said they could have won it in a 2. if they wanted to.
20060815             I'm saying ISRAEL—FORCES, their generals are saying they didn't fight it to the full extent.
20060815             ROSENBLUM: And again you're monolithing ISRAEL.
20060815             THERE—1—DISPUTE on this in ISRAEL.
20060815             HANNITY: But don't mischaracterize what I said. I never said drop 1—WEAPON.
20060815             I said they could, they could obliterate them.
20060815             —WANTED, And if they, to, they could have.
20060815             ROSENBLUM: And you said 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON could be... - (CROSSTALK) - HANNITY: It could have.
20060815             They could obliterate them.
20060815             ROSENBLUM: Again, why would ISRAEL choose not to do that?
20060815             HANNITY: What PART—OF—THAT don't you understand?
20060815             ROSENBLUM: Look at ISRAEL—SELF—INTEREST.
20060815             HANNITY: All right, you're FULL—OF—SH*t. We've got to break.
20060815             Coming up next, "—60—MINUTES" chats with THE—PRESIDENT—OF—IRAN as 1—NUCLEAR—DEADLINE looms.
20060815             We'll talk about that.
20060815             37 %. - - - AMANDA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—LATEST—APPROVAL rating according to 1—NEW—GALLUP poll.
20060815             is THE—BUSH—CHENEY—RUMSFELD position," and 1—THAT nearly all progressives disagree with. Clinton characterized the Lieberman position as: "I want to attack IRAQ whether or not they have WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION".
20060815             so22851.addParam('quality', 'high');
20060815             so22851.addParam('wmode', 'transparent');
20060815             so22851.write('so22851'); According to 1—RECENT—WORLD—PUBLIC—OPINION Poll,
20060815             71—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS said that THE—USA should not have gone to war if IRAQ did not have WMD, —WHILE—JUST 27 % said that THE—USA should still have gone to war with IRAQ for other reasons.
20060815             Full transcript below:
20060815             JAKE—TAPPER: JOE—LIEBERMAN said that this was basically liberals in the party purging moderates such as him and you OUT—OF—THE—PARTY + that there needs to be 1—VOICE for more moderate national security voices.
20060815             CLINTON: Well, if I were Joe and I were running as 1—INDEPENDENT that's what I'd say, too.
20060815             But that's not quite right.
20060815             —AGREED, That is, there were almost no Democrats who, with his position, which was I want to attack IRAQ whether or not they have WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20060815             And his position was THE—BUSH—CHENEY—RUMSFELD position.
20060815             SENATOR—CONRAD—BURNS (R—MT) on himself: - Amanda - "I can SELF—DESTRUCT in 1—SENTENCE. Sometimes in 1—WORD".
20060815             —WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH—VISITS—SALT—LAKE—CITY —LATER—THIS—MONTH, Mayor Rocky Anderson will be greeting him with 1—BULLHORN at 1—PROTEST—RALLY.
20060815             Anderson said it would be "cowardly" and "unpatriotic" to stay silent.
20060815             "I don't respect people who see things headed in the wrong direction + because of their high SENSE—OF—DEFERENCE or because of their membership in the [national] CULTURE—OF—OBEDIENCE they
20060815             keep their mouths shut.
20060815             726: THE—NUMBER—OF—SERVICE—MEMBERS discharged —LAST—YEAR under the Pentagon's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell " policy, up 11 %from THE—YEAR—BEFORE.
20060815             —DISCHARGED, THE—FORT—LEONARD—WOOD, MO, base, 60—PEOPLE, the highest number in the nation.
20060815             —REVEALED, Data from more than 50—CLIMATE—MODELS have, 1—DIRECT—LINK between rises in global temperature and damage to ecosystems.
20060815             "Rising temperatures WILL—INCREASE—THE—RISK—OF—FOREST fires,
20060815             droughts and flooding over the next —2—CENTURIES".
20060815             Substantiated military recruiting VIOLATIONS—AMANDA - "went up by more than 50 %—LAST—YEAR, going from 4,400—CASES to 6,600 20050000             ," according to 1—NEW—GAO report.
20060815             DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—UPDATE 20010911             —BOOK from church publishing house causes uproar
20060815             Claim: Liquid Terror Suspect Watched Conspiracy Vids
20060815             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—DISTURBING growing trend of 'guilt by association' should concern 20010911             —TRUTHERS
20060815             Olbermann Exposes NEXUS—OF—POLITICS And Terror
20060815             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—DETAILS 10—CLEAR—EXAMPLES where Bush admin. alerts preceded by damaging revelations
20060815             UK refuses to issue a —5—YEAR old girl a passport because her picture might offend Muslims!
20060815             - SN Political Correctness in THE—UK!
20060815             Exposing Earmarks Ney officially bows out:
20060815             —FILED, REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY, R—OHIO, has, the paperwork with Tuscarawas County election officials to remove his name from the —NOVEMBER ballot.
20060815             1—OPEN—PRIMARY will be held to decide who runs on the Republican ballot.
20060815             There had been speculation that Ney, who is under investigation in.
20060815             Consultation on the Draft CODE—OF—PRACTICE for the Investigation of Protected Electronic...
20060815             Consultation on the Draft CODE—OF—PRACTICE for the Investigation of Protected Electronic INFORMATION—PART—III—OF—THE—REGULATION—OF—INVESTIGATORY Powers Act 2000
20060815             The consultation provides 1—OPPORTUNITY to tell the Government if there is anything more, or anything different, that should be...
20060815             Asset Protection Symposium
20060815             The increased visibility and catastrophic financial effects of 1—NUMBER—OF—RECENT—CORPORATE—SECURITY breaches have made managing risk, maintaining shareholder value and protecting brand equity 1—TOP—PRIORITY across all industries.
20060815             The challenge is doing so —WHILE remaining agile.
20060815             Advertisers TRACE—PATHS—USERS—LEAVE on INTERNET INTERNET companies are analyzing records of what their users search for to target advertising directly to them.
20060815             SWEDEN—PIRATE—PARTY launches Commercial Darknet
20060815             —TODAY, THE—SWEDEN—PIRATE—PARTY launched 1—NEW—INTERNET—SERVICE that lets anybody send and receive files and information over THE—INTERNET without FEAR—OF—BEING monitored or logged.
20060815             —CALLED, In technical terms, such 1—NETWORK is, a "darknet".
20060815             The service allows people to use 1—UNTRACEABLE—ADDRESS in.
20060815             THE—CORNER on National Review Online
20060815             1—NUMBER—OF—USA here in THE—USA—HAVE witnessed, with growing concern, REPORTS—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—BELGIUM—HARASSMENT—OF—THE weblog, "THE—BRUSSELS—JOURNAL".
20060815             We consider THE—BRUSSELS—JOURNAL to be 1—INVALUABLE—SOURCE—OF—INFORMATION and opinion on matters European.
20060815             IRAN and Syria applaud 'victory' Syria and IRAN praise Hezbollah for what both countries say is the group's defeat of ISRAEL in LEBANON.
20060815             10,000 bags lost at airports UK—AIRWAYS estimates 10,000—OF—ITS—PASSENGERS' bags have gone missing —SINCE the air security alert began.
20060815             Cameron criticises terror effort Conservative leader DAVID—CAMERON says the government is not doing enough to fight Islamist extremism in THE—UK.
20060815             Koizumi shrine visit stokes anger JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—JUNICHIRO—KOIZUMI defies regional protests to visit the controversial Yasukuni shrine.
20060815             Police consider extra powers call CHIEF police officers may press for powers to punish ANTI—SOCIAL—ACTIVITIES without having to go to court.
20060815             MEXICO poll protests turn violent MEXICO—POLICE—USE tear gas and clubs to break up 1—PROTEST over the disputed presidential election.
20060815             BA 'mulls Heathrow compensation' BA may seek compensation from airports firm BAA —AFTER it had to cancel HUNDREDS—OF—FLIGHTS from Heathrow.
20060815             Airport flights close to normal BA flights from SCOTLAND to ENGLAND "effectively return to normal", says operator BAA.
20060815             Browne defends UK foreign policy THE—UK—FOREIGN—POLICY is not to blame for people becoming "indiscriminate terrorist killers", 1—MINISTER says.
20060815             —FLAWED, Police decryption powers '' Plans to give police powers to make suspects produce readable copies of encrypted data come under fire.
20060815             INDIA PM plea on 'terror attacks' INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—CALLS on PAKISTAN to take steps to prevent "terror attacks" being launched from its territory.
20060815             —RELAXED, Air security, —AFTER alert Hand luggage restrictions on flights are relaxed amid calls for more passenger screening —AFTER the terror alert.
20060815             —DUMPED, MoD papers, in ditch 1—DRAINAGE—WORKER finds 1—HOLDALL FULL—OF—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE—PAPERS dumped in 1—ROADSIDE ditch.
20060815             Fragile truce holding in LEBANON ISRAEL—TRUCE with Hezbollah remains intact despite sporadic violence overnight in SOUTH—LEBANON.
20060815             Overweight 'top world's hungry' There are —NOW more overweight people in the world than hungry ones, experts say.
20060815             GERMANY—BIRTHS—DECLINE to new low GERMANY sees another decline in its birth rate, which is the lowest in EUROPE.
20060815             Security 'bad news for sex drive' 1—WOMAN—SEX—DRIVE begins to plummet once she is in 1—SECURE—RELATIONSHIP, according to research.
20060815             Power From the People JAPAN Railways' plans to harvest electricity from its passengers' bipedal locomotion points to 1—POSSIBLE—FUTURE where no step goes to waste.
20060815             EU Patent Wars to Resume
20060815             "CIARAN—O'RIORDAN—OF—THE—FSFE gives 1—CONCISE analysis of why THE—EU—SOFTWARE—PATENT—WARS will resume this —WINTER.
20060815             —CHANGED, Apparently THE—PRO—PATENT side have, their strategy — this time they plan to bypass the legislative powers and target the judiciary instead.
20060815             The goal is to transfer power from the national courts (which often rule against software patents) to 1—SPECIALLY—CREATED European Patent Court which will be controlled by THE—PRO—SOFTWARE patent EPO!"
20060815             Pirate Party Launches Commercial Darknet
20060815             "THE—SWEDEN—PIRATE—PARTY has launched 1—COMMERCIAL, HIGH—CAPACITY darknet, on 1 unprecedented scale and bandwidth.
20060815             This service lets anybody send and receive files anonymously without being tracked or traced.
20060815             'There are MANY—LEGITIMATE—REASONS to want to be completely anonymous on THE—INTERNET,' says Rickard Falkvinge, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—PIRATE—PARTY.
20060815             'If the government can check everything EACH—CITIZEN does, nobody can keep the government in check.'"
20060815             15—WEBSITES That Changed the World
20060815             "To mark the web's 15. anniversary, THE—GUARDIAN is reporting on 15—WEBSITES that changed the world.
20060815             Everything from commercial sites like eBay and Amazon to social collaboratives like Wikipedia and Slashdot made the list".
20060815             —FROM the article's comments on Blogger:
20060815             "Content was once made by companies for passive consumption by people.
20060815             —AFTER Blogger, people were the content.
20060815             They wrote about and read about their friends, their opinions, their cats.
20060815             (There was 1—LOT about cats in the early blogs.)
20060815             None had 1—HUGE—AUDIENCE but collectively they were massive.
20060815             —NOW you see TV networks saying: 'We've gotta get on the web because that's where the audience is,' says Williams".
20060815             New 'No Military Use' GPL For GPU
20060815             "GPU is 1—GNUTELLA client that creates AD—HOC supercomputers by allowing individual PCs on the network to share CPU resources with EACH—OTHER.
20060815             That's intriguing enough, but the really interesting thing about GPU is the license its developers have given it.
20060815             —MODIFIED, They call it a 'no military use', VERSION—OF—THE—GNU—GENERAL—PUBLIC—LICENSE (GPL).
20060815             The developers told Newsforge why they did it, with commentary from OSI and FSF".
20060815             —OWNED, Newsforge is also, by OSTG, SLASHDOT—PARENT company.
20060815             —BEREITET, Waffenstillstand in Nahost: Koalition, TRUPPEN—EINSATZ im LIBANON vor
20060815             Insidervorwurf: ISRAELISCHER—GENERALSTABSCHEF wegen Aktienverkaufs unter Druck
20060815             Berufsverbot: Prozess um linken Lehrer wird neu aufgerollt
20060815             1. Bilanz: Krieg kostet ISRAEL 4,5 Milliarden Euro
20060815             IRAK: Neuer Angriff auf SCHIITEN—SCHREIN
20060815             Ärger über ASSAD—REDE: Steinmeier sagt kurz vor Abflug SYRIEN—REISE ab
20060815             Ryanair & Co.: Neue HANDGEPÄCK—REGELN treffen Billigflieger hart
20060815             SPIEGEL exklusiv: Grass räumte als Kriegsgefangener WAFFEN—SS—MITGLIEDSCHAFT ein
20060815             SRI—LANKA: Getötete Kinder laut Unicef "unschuldige Opfer"
20060815             CHINA: Rasendes Wachstum, faule Kredite - USA—STUDIE: Verzerrtes Bild vom Krieg
20060815             MEXIKO: Schläge und Tränengas gegen Demonstranten
20060815             —BELASTET, Historischer Gewinneinbruch: DEUTSCHLAND—FLOP, WAL—MART
20060815             LIBANON—KRIEG: Bush s Blaupause für Angriff auf IRAN - Geburtendefizit: DEUTSCHLAND schrumpft
20060815             Teure Energie: E.on macht glänzende Geschäfte
20060815             MADONNA—KONZERT: Staatsanwaltschaft prüft auf Gotteslästerung
20060815             Südlibanon: Rückkehr in die zerbombte Heimat
20060815             —GESTANDEN, SS—BEKENNTNIS: "Wie hat Grass damals zum Holocaust ?"
20060815             Reisegepäck: Das ENDE—DES—SCHNELLEN—CHECK—IN
20060815             Peinliche Panne: Nasa hat MONDLANDUNGS—VIDEOS verbummelt
20060815             Internationale Pressestimmen: "Der alte Haudegen scheint bereit zum Streit"
20060815             Flüchtlinge im Südlibanon: Heimkehr in die Trümmerwüste
20060815             —BEREITET, Nahost: ISRAEL, Abzug aus Südlibanon vor
20060815             Mammoths may roam again —AFTER 27,—000—YEARS
20060815             Bodies of extinct Ice Age mammals, such as woolly mammoths, that have been frozen in permafrost for THOUSANDS—OF—YEARS may contain viable sperm that could be used to bring them back from the dead, scientists said —YESTERDAY.
20060815             LINCOLN—CHAFEE: Supporting Him is 1—FOOL—ERRAND for Progressive Advocacy Groups -
20060815             Can You Learn to Love the "Cheney Within"?
20060815             Visit the BuzzFlash Progressive Marketplace.
20060815             Bush Betrayal of Our National and Personal Security #173,483 THE—BUSH evik Aiport Screenings are —JUST 1—PARTISAN PR Stunt as Long as Air Cargo Goes Unchecked - +
20060815             the Bush eviks Continue to Let It Go Unchecked.
20060815             8/16—BUSH on Trial in "THE—ANCHORAGE—TRIALS ?
20060815             Triumph! "Democrats See Security as Key Issue for Fall".
20060815             'they are not Swift boating us on security,?
20060815             Good Lord, THE—DEM—POOBAHS—SEEM to Have Awakened from Their RIP—VAN—WINKLE—SLUMBER!
20060815             Can It be True? 8/15 - Report: Airport X—RAYS don't detect explosives.
20060815             THE—BUSH eviks Have Had You Taking Your Shoes Off for Nothing.
20060815             GREG—PALAST: So Osama Walks Into This Bar, See? - 1—BUZZFLASH Guest Contribution
20060815             Westliche Gläubigerbanken beantragen Insolvenz für Yukos... hat der YUKOS—VORSTAND um den Amerikaner STEVEN—THEEDE
20060815             Search results for Morgan... GERMANY was looted by THE—LONDON—NEW—YORK banking system, + HITLER—PROPAGANDA exploited...
20060815             1—UNTERNEHMEN müsste jedenfalls Insolvenz beantragen, wenn seine Schulden so hoch sind...
20060815             alfatomega.com/Morgan2.htm
20060815             "Der Fund ist sehr frisch", sagte UDO—GEILENBRÜGGE, der Leiter der Außenstelle des Amtes in Titz.
20060815             Bei weiteren Grabungen werde man nach Spuren der Holzpfosten suchen, aus denen Neandertaler Trägerstrukturen etwa für Tipis oder Rundhütten für Felle gebaut haben.
20060815             Das Grabungsfeld im Rheinland liegt im Braunkohletagebau Inden.
20060815             Experten vermuten, dass Feuersteingeröll an der Erdoberfläche den Neandertaler zum Bleiben bewogen hat.
20060815             "Das war ein ideales Rohstofflager", sagte Geilenbrügge.
20060815             Aus dem Feuerstein fertigten Neandertaler Messer oder BEILE—WERKZEUGE der Art, wie sie auch in unmittelbarer Nähe des Hüttengrundrisses gefunden wurden.
20060815             Die Hütte hatte möglicherweise einen Ausgang nach Osten, wie 1—VERTIEFUNG in dem Grundriss vermuten lässt.
20060815             Noch können die Experten den Fund aber nicht im Detail entschlüsseln.
20060815             "Wir müssen weitere Grabungen abwarten", erklärte Geilenbrügge.
20060815             Rheinland: NEANDERTALER—BEHAUSUNG entdeckt
20060815             MICHAEL—GALLAGHER: It's time to have 1—MUSLIMS CHECK—POINT—LINE in USA—AIRPORTS and have Muslims be scrutinized.
20060815             You better believe it. It's time.
20060815             —WHEN the book "BUSH—BRAIN" was published, my CO—AUTHOR—WAYNE—SLATER and I assumed we were done with KARL—ROVE.
20060815             —EXERCISED, We had. No SHORTAGE—OF—FEAR
20060815             THE—GWB we thought we had was 1—IMAGE put together by KARL—ROVE.
20060815             LET—NOT be fooled again by what KARL—ROVE is selling.
20060815             Exploiting terrorism issue.. for BUSH—WAR.
20060815             KARL—ROVE is attempting to play the "terror" card to scare people into voting Republican once again.
20060815             —SUPPOSED, We're. JAMES—MOORE: KARL—CALLED
20060815             —EXERCISED, We had...
20060815             THE—TIMES doesn't mention, naturally, that 1—COMMISSION chaired by FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER and FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—A—BAKER—III—HARDLY the... Preventing another `Guns of —AUGUST'KURDISH Aspect
20060815             EVERY—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FROM—HENRY—KISSINGER to WARREN—CHRISTOPHER +... negotiated with Syria, including those Republican icons GEORGE—SHULTZ + JAMES—BAKER.
20060815             Beware the new GUNS—OF—AUGUST—THE—AGE
20060815             michele sindona, calvi, Marcinkus, opus dei, ior, istituto opere religiose, loggia p2 , p2 , massoneria, alfatomega.com/20060815.html
20060815             Die VATIKAN—CONNECTION - Kardinal Marcinkus.
20060815             Foto Der Vatikan + seine Macht, eine endlose Geschichte.
20060815             Sindona che deve rispondere anche del fallimento della Banca Privata Italiana... alfatomega.com/20060815.html
20060815             Sindona + Gambino family members. were indicted 19820000             for "operating a... Dagli anni Cinquanta Michele Sindona è stato legato alla mafia...
20060815             THE—INVENTION—OF—ANCIENT—ISRAEL... paganpedia.
20060815             Mafioso Sindona, had become a financial advisor to PAUL—VI—PAPA;... michele sindona, calvi, macinkus, opus dei, ior, istituto opere religiose, loggia p2.
20060815             ZEIT ONLINE—WIRTSCHAFT—VATIKAN BANK : Geschäfte im Namen des Vaters.
20060815             Sindona wusch... michele sindona, calvi, macinkus, opus dei, ior, istituto opere... alfatomega.com/20060815.html
20060815             VATICAN—CITY—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20060815             It also has its own bank, Istituto per le Opere di Religione (also known as THE—VATICAN—BANK + with the acronym IOR ).
20060815             This bank has 1—ATM with...
20060815             Vatikanbank: Skandale gehören DAZU—BANKEN—FOCUS Online Der Vatikan braucht Geld + das beschafft auch das "Istituto per le Opere di Religione"(IOR), zu deutsch das Institut für religiöse Werke.
20060815             ESCLUSIVO Ecco alcuni passaggi DELL1—LETTERA indirizzata ad Andreotti : "LEI—SCRIVE SINDONA—DI—SUO PUGNO—DOVREBBE fare qualcosa almeno in Italia, e precisamente:
20060815             "To quote 1—PRESS—RELEASE on NASA—SITE, astronomers using the Chandra X—RAY—OBSERVATORY have discovered 'how dark and normal matter have been forced apart in 1—EXTRAORDINARILY energetic collision.'
200608152130         EST THE—USA will have been at war in IRAQ longer than it was at war with GERMANY in WWII.
20060815—19930000    —SINCE, He was suspected of participating in the rapes and killings of at least 10—WOMEN in the border CITY—OF—CIUDAD—JUAREZ, where more than 100—YOUNG—WOMEN have been killed.
20060815—20000000    —IN—THE, This challenge to the historicity of the United Monarchy culminated publication of THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED : ARCHAEOLOGY—NEW—VISION—OF—ANCIENT...
20060815—20010000    - EACH—YEAR—SINCE—DEFENSE spending has increased 1—AVERAGE—OF—11.1 %- FAIZ—ACCORDING to 1—REPORT by the Republican Senate Budget Committee.
20060815—20010911    —SINCE, Well, how come there are HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSDANDS—OF—TERRORISTS fighting our soldiers and ISRAEL—SOLDIERS and UK—SOLDIERS and they have not managed to blow up 1—AIRPLANE ?
20060815—20040000    —FROM, THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT discharged 726—SERVICE—MEMBERS —LAST—YEAR for being gay, up about 10 %, figures released by 1—GAY—RIGHTS—GROUP—SHOW.
20060815—20050000    "In 1—POLL covering 33—COUNTRIES, Americans are the least likely (except for TURKEY—RESPONDENTS) to assert that 'humans developed... from —EARLIER SPECIES—OF—ANIMALS.' ICELAND, —MEANWHILE, has an 85% acceptance rating for evolution".
20060815—20060706    —CITED, Lopez Obrador aides, EVIDENCE—OF—OVERWHELMING fraud in at least 1—3. of the polling stations and that ANY—FAILURE to do 1—RECOUNT in ALL—OF—THEM would show clear IFE bias toward its announced winner and would not be accepted without 1 concerted fight.
20060815—20060821    ET, There will be 1—BRIEFING at —NOON, on this discovery, with streaming media provided by NASA + SOME—DETAILS—OF—THE—RESEARCH—POSTED on HARVARD—CHANDRA site —JUST beforehand".
20060817             DAILY WAR NEWS —FOR—TUESDAY, 20060815             20060817             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of 20060815             20060817             GI Special 4H15: 172. Betrayed Again - 20060815             20060818             From THE—GUARDIAN —TUESDAY 20060815             : "Waheed Zaman, 22, is 1—STUDENT arrested —LAST—WEEK under the Terrorism Act.
20060817             DAILY—WAR—NEWS—FOR —TUESDAY, 20060815             20060817             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of 20060815             20060817             GI Special 4H15: 172. Betrayed Again - 20060815             20060817             DAILY—WAR—NEWS—FOR —TUESDAY, 20060815             20060817             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of 20060815             20060817             GI Special 4H15: 172. Betrayed Again - 20060815             20060818             FROM THE—GUARDIAN —TUESDAY 20060815             : "Waheed Zaman, 22, is 1—STUDENT arrested —LAST—WEEK under the Terrorism Act.
20060817             DAILY—WAR—NEWS—FOR —TUESDAY, 20060815             20060817             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of 20060815             20060817             GI Special 4H15: 172.
20060817             Betrayed Again - 20060815             20060818             FROM THE—GUARDIAN —TUESDAY 20060815             : "Waheed Zaman, 22, is 1—STUDENT arrested —LAST—WEEK under the Terrorism Act.
20060818             —FROM THE—GUARDIAN —TUESDAY 20060815             : "Waheed Zaman, 22, is 1—STUDENT arrested —LAST—WEEK under the Terrorism Act.
20060821             —REPORTED, And Lichtblau himself, in an 20060815             article that, according to law enforcement officials, "no links to ANY—AMERICANS have surfaced".
20060821             litias and THE—EXTENSION—OF—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT—CONTROL over the entire country" ("Testing How Long the Cease Fire Can Last," NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20060815             )
20060821—20060815    —REPORTED, Indeed, Lichtblau himself, that USA—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCIES found "no direct connection" between THE—LONDON plotters and anyone within THE—USA.
20060821—20060815    —REPORTED, Indeed, Lichtblau, that "the Justice Department sought double or triple the usual RATE—OF—COURT—APPROVED wiretaps to monitor THE—COMMUNICATIONS—OF—USA—SUSPECTS" in the plot (—WHILE, again, Lichtblau reported that USA—OFFICIALS found no direct connection to anyone in this country).
20060831—20060815    —EXPRESSED, In his statement in the Pentagon meeting, Bush also, disappointment at THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE?s lack of understanding of the American "sacrifices" in TERMS—OF—MAN and material for their sake.
20061114—20060815    —SINCE, USA—OFFICIALS said there is no right to sanctuary in 1—CHURCH under USA—LAW, and nothing to prevent them from arresting Elvira Arellano, who has lived at the church, the —DAY she was supposed to surrender for deportation.
20061209             GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation participated in the —FOLLOWING events as an... 19830815             : GeoMiliTech formed;
20061209             19830815             0000—JAHR: GEOMILITECH formed;
20070321             11—IX. alfatomega.com/2004081517.html
20070802             THE—1.—USA—PLAN to provide IRAN with USA—WEAPONS was —PRIOR—TO 20070815             .
20070815             NORTH—PACIFIC—RAILWAY: Free Encyclopedia Articles at Questia...
20070815             —PLEADED, EX—NBA referee TIM—DONAGHY, guilty to felony charges in an NBA betting scheme.
20070815             He faced up to —25—YEARS in prison and a $500,000 fine.
20070815             A FEDERAL—JUDGE —LATER sentenced Donaghy to —15—MONTHS behind bars.
20070815             PENNSYLVANIA Superior COURT—JUDGE—MICHAEL—THOMAS—JOYCE, 1—APPEALS—COURT—JUDGE, was indicted on charges of scamming $440,000 from insurers by claiming he suffered debilitating injuries in 1—CAR—CRASH, even —WHILE he golfed, skated and went scuba diving.
20070815             —TARGETED, AFGHANISTAN, USA led ground troops and airstrikes, "HUNDREDS—OF—FOREIGN—FIGHTERS" dug into positions in the Tora Bora REGION—OF—EAST—NANGARHAR province.
20070815             2—GERMANY—POLICE—OFFICERS and 1—GERMANY—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—EMPLOYEE were killed in KABUL, in 1—BOMB—ATTACK claimed by the Taliban.
20070815             GERMANY, 6—ITALY—MEN were fatally shot in THE—HEAD—IN—THE—WEST—CITY—OF—DUISBURG, 1—EXECUTION—STYLE killing that ITALY—INTERIOR—MINISTER said appeared to be 1—FEUD between 2—ITALIAN organized crime clans.
20070815             —REPORTED, State radio, that IRAN has detained 2—CHINA—NATIONALS on charges of spying on its military and nuclear facilities.
20070815             1—DRUG—CRACKDOWN was launched —THROUGHOUT IRAN and police seized more than 54—KILOS (118—POUNDS) of heroin and crack from the gang in airports in TEHRAN and several other cities.
20070815             In the operation 90—MEMBERS—OF—1—DRUG—NETWORK, including 85—AFRICANS from TANZANIA, NIGERIA and GHANA as well as 2—PAKISTANIS, were arrested.
20070815             —PARKED, MOSUL, 1—BOMB in 1, car killed 1—CIVILIAN and wounded 10—OTHERS.
20070815             5—PEOPLE were killed in 1—AMBUSH on 1—MINIBUS carrying civilians near Khalis.
20070815             —KILLED, SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER, 2—PEOPLE and wounded 7. USA—TROOPS killed 11 suspected terrorists and detained 4—OTHERS in operations against AL—QAIDA in central and NORTH—IRAQ.
20070815             2—USA—SOLDIERS were killed and 6 wounded in fighting NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070815             —LAUNCHED, JAPAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER, plans for 1—JOINT—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—INDUSTRIAL—PARK in THE—WEST—BANK that he said would promote peace in the region through prosperity.
20070815             —MARCHED, KENYA, HUNDREDS—OF—JOURNALISTS wearing black gags, silently through NAIROBI to protest 1 proposed law that would allow courts to compel reporters to reveal their sources.
20070815             1—MAGNITUDE—8.0—TREMBLER rocked PERU—COAST, toppling buildings leaving some 610—PEOPLE—DEAD and 36,000 homes damaged.
20070815             —CALLED, State doctors, off 1—NATIONAL—STRIKE to handle the emergency.
20070815             2—PRISONS collapsed and 600—PRISONERS escaped.
20070815             —ABOUT a 3. gave themselves up over THE—NEXT—WEEK.
20070815             —DESTROYED, Tremors, 80—PERCENT—OF—PISCO, where 148—PEOPLE † when the city cathedral collapsed.
20070815             SERGEI—SINKONEN and another conscript came upon the officers celebrating 1—WEDDING not far from their unit at the Plesetsk cosmodrome in NORTH—WEST—RUSSIA.
20070815             The officers thought the conscripts had fled and beat them with army belts, and put Sinkonen in 1—KENNEL with guard dogs, where he was found THE—NEXT—MORNING in serious condition.
20070815             Sinkonen † 20070827             .
20070815             —DESTROYED, Official media said severe floods have, more than a 10. of NORTH—KOREA—FARMLAND at the height of the growing season.
20070815             Hordes of shoppers desperate to buy sugar amid severe shortages stampeded at 1—SHOPPING complex in BULAWAYO—ZIMBABWE—2.—LARGEST city, killing a —15—YEAR—OLD—BOY and 1—SECURITY—GUARD.
20070815             Raumfähre "Endeavour": Kaputter Handschuh zwingt Astronauten zurück in die Station
20070815             Raketenstreit mit RUSSLAND: GEORGIEN sieht sich durch Experten bestätigt
20070815             Spionagesatelliten: USA will Terror und Verbrechen aus dem Weltall bekämpfen
20070815             Verstoß gegen Wettbewerbsrecht: Kartellamt überprüft höhere Milchpreise
20070815             Grauen in DUISBURG: Kaltblütigkeit der Killer entsetzt selbst Mafiajäger
20070815             Terror bekämpfung: Musharraf richtet deutliche Warnung ans Weiße Haus
20070815             'Ndrangheta: Mordgespenster aus Kalabriens Schattenreich - Anschlag in KABUL: Tod im Feuerball
20070815             Everling INTERNET Newsletter Ausgabe 10/2004—DIE DEUTSCHE—BANK hatte sich an der Finanzierung des nordamerikanischen Eisenbahnbaus, insbesondere der NORTH—PACIFIC Railroad Company, beteiligt.
20070815             USA—GEOSTRATEGEN in der Weltkriegsepoche [Archiv] - politikforum.de...
20070815             THE—HEALTH—ESTABLISHMENT and THE—ORDER—OF—SKULL & Bones
20070815             DIRECTORS—OF—THE—NORTH—PACIFIC —DURING 18820000—18840000     were FREDERICK—BILLINGS... and DEUTSCHE—BANK, whose 1. HEAD—OF—MANAGEMENT was his cousin's son...
20070815             THE—NEW—YORK Guaranty & Indemnity Company
20070815             Unternehmensverflechtung im organisierten Kapitalismus —  - A 49—BANKEN DEUTSCHLAND 8—LOS NR.
20070815             9—COMMUNAL—BANK—DES—KÖNIGREICHS.
20070815             NORTH—PACIFIC—RAILWAY—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070815             TEXAS rail... - (19010700             ) NORTH—PACIFIC—REORGANIZES.
20070815             THE—REORGANIZATION—OF—THE—NORTH—PACIFIC—BOARD, of which formal announcement has been made by MISTER—JP—MORGAN...
20070815             NORTH—PACIFIC RAILWAY—WIKIPEDIA - Antibolschewistische Liga
20070815             Schwer vorstellbar, dass die Natur 1—METROPOLE wie etwa NEW—YORK zum Verschwinden bringen könnte.
20070815             —GESCHEHEN, Aber genau das würde, schreibt Weisman, denn selbst diese Riesenstadt hat 1—SCHWACHSTELLE: ihren Unterleib.
20070815             Bei starkem Nordostwind drückt das Hochwasser des Atlantiks gegen den Grundwasserspiegel.
20070815             Regen verschärft das Problem.
20070815             Ständig klettern Arbeiter in den Katakomben herum, um die überalterten Hauptwasserrohre zu reparieren und den Grundwasserstand in den Griff zu bekommen.
20070815             Jeden —TAG müssen sie 50—MILLIONEN Liter Wasser daran hindern, die New Yorker U—BAHN—TUNNEL zu fluten.
20070815             Wenn keine Arbeiter mehr da wären, ginge alles ganz schnell: "Binnen —36—STUNDEN wäre hier alles abgesoffen", prophezeit 1—MITARBEITER—DER—STADTVERWALTUNG.
20070815             Finanzkrise: Achterbahnfahrt an den Börsen geht weiter
20070815             Gedankenexperiment: 1—WELT ganz ohne Menschen
20070815             Luftverbesserung: Fahrverbot für 1,3 Millionen Autos in Peking
20070815             Arbeitsbelastung: 2—DRITTEL aller Deutschen arbeiten mehr als —40—STUNDEN
20070815             "Time Warner, 1—OF—WHOSE major shareholders is TCI, controls Warner Brothers and Warner Brothers Animated film distributors.
20070815             It owns cable franchises with almost 12—MILLION—SUBSCRIBERS; Cinemax and HBO cable networks;
20070815             HBO Direct Broadcast; and has partial CONTROL—OF—COMEDY Central,/SI, E + the Sega channel.
20070815             It controls TIME—LIFE—VIDEO, HBO Home Video + the Warner Home Video companies;
20070815             and also owns TURNER—HOME—ENTERTAINMENT, Domestic Home Video + TURNER—HOME—SATELLITE.
20070815             It owns over 20—MAGAZINES including Time, Fortune, Life, Sports Illustrated + People; +
20070815             such publishing houses as Sunset Books, Little, Brown & Co., TIME—LIFE—BOOKS, TURNER—PUBLISHING + THE—BOOK—OF—THE—MONTH—CLUB.
20070815             Among its program facilities are World Championship Wrestling, New Line Cinema, TURNER—ENTERTAINMENT + TURNER—PICTURES.
20070815             Its cable operations also include THE—TBS—SUPERSTATION, TURNER—CLASSIC—MOVIES, TNT, the Cartoon Network;
20070815             and through its ownership of, it controls fn, Headline News, Radio, the Airport Network + INTERNATIONAL".
20070815             "... Disinformation was designed to be the search SERVICE—OF—CHOICE for individuals looking for information on current affairs, politics, new science and the 'hidden information,' that seldom seems to slip through the cracks of THE—CORPORATE—OWNED media conglomerates. Ironically, it was funded by 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—MEDIA—COMPANIES in the world (TeleCommunications, INCORPORATED (TCI), —NOW PART—OF—AT&T), who paid for placement on NETSCAPE—THEN ubiquitous search page.... "
20070815             "Der Fokus liegt weiter auf der Vermeidung von Risiken", schreiben die Analysten von ABN Amro in einem Kommentar.
20070815             Analyst KEITH—BOWMAN—VON—HARGREAVES—LANDSDOWN ergänzte: "Obwohl sich die Unternehmenszahlen in die richtige Richtung entwickeln, sorgt die Kreditkrise für große Unsicherheit speziell bei Banken, Finanzinstituten und HEDGE—FONDS".
20070815             —ERST—AM Vortag hatte die SCHWEIZER—GROSSBANK—UBS die Anleger erschreckt, als sie vor negativen Folgen der USA—HYPOTHEKENKRISE für ihr Handelsgeschäft warnte.
20070815             PARIS, waren die Titel der Großbanken Societe Generale und BNP Paribas mit Kursabschlägen von jeweils mehr als 4 % die größten Verlierer im Auswahlindex CAC 40 -40.
20070815             ZÜRICH, bauten die Aktien von UBS ihre Vortagesverluste aus und fielen um weitere 2,4 %.
20070815             LONDON, brachen die Papiere der Hypothekenbank NORTH—ROCK um mehr als 6 % ein.
20070815             —VERLOREN, FRANKFURT, Aktien der DEUTSCHEN—BANK 3,5 %.
20070815             Auf dem Aktienkurs des DEUTSCHEN—BRANCHENPRIMUS lastete Händlern zufolge 1—HERUNTERSTUFUNG der Investmentbank Merrill Lynch.
20070815             NESTLÉ—AKTIE mit Kurssprung
20070815             —WHILE investigation information concerning Capcom is incomplete, its activities appear to have included misappropriation of BCCI assets;
20070815             THE—SIPHONING—OF—ASSETS from BCCI to create 1—SAFE—HAVEN for them OUTSIDE—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—BCCI empire.
20070815             —SCHON 20061100             —IM berichtete das Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature" vom PALÄONTOLOGEN—PROTEST gegen die USA—TOUR.
20070815             JOEL—BARTSCH, der PRÄSIDENT—DES—HOUSTONER—MUSEUMS, wehte sich: Die Ausstellung rücke 1—LAND ins Interesse der Öffentlichkeit, "das die Wiege der Menschheit war".
20070815             —BERICHTET, Zuvor hatte die Fachzeitschrift "Science", dass nach vierjährigen —VERHANDLUNGEN ein "MULTIMILLIONENDOLLAR—VERTRAG" mit den Äthiopiern geschlossen worden sei.
20070815             Dessen genaue Summe ist —BIS—HEUTE unbekannt.
20070815             —HEUTE—SCHON stellten die Ausstellungsmacher 1—REKONSTRUKTION jenes Wesens vor, das Lucy einmal gewesen sein könnte.
20070815             Hypothekenkrise: Ausverkauf an der WALL—STREET
20070815             URHEBERRECHTS—PROZESS: RUSSISCHES—GERICHT spricht AllofMP3- Boss frei
20070815             DARFUR—FLÜCHTLINGE: "Wir sind reich + deshalb werden wir umgebracht"
20070815             Schatz der Menschheit: Streit um Lucys USA—TOUR
20070815             BUBACK—MORD: Bundesanwaltschaft gibt Urteile gegen Folkerts, Klar und Mohnhaupt frei
20070815             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Says Warrantless Eavesdropping Cannot Be Questioned :
20070815             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION said —MONDAY the constitutionality of its warrantless electronic eavesdropping program cannot be challenged
20070815             How Bush Gained the Power to Spy on You : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has successfully forced on Congress 1—LAW that largely authorizes OPEN—ENDED surveillance of Americans' overseas phone calls and E—MAILS.
20070815             How did they do it?
20070815             5—REPORTERS Ordered to Testify About Government Sources : 5—REPORTERS must testify about their law enforcement sources in 1—FORMER—ARMY—SCIENTIST'S—LAWSUIT against the Justice Department, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—WASHINGTON ruled —YESTERDAY.
20070815             Not the legacy he had in mind : KARL—ROVE will be remembered for 2—THINGS from his time at THE—WHITE—HOUSE: incompetence and duplicity.
20070815             CALIFORNIA cities fill top 10—FORECLOSURE list:
20070815             "the overall trend is toward escalating foreclosure rates, with 82—OF—THE—TOP—100—METRO—AREAS reporting —YEAR—OVER—YEAR—INCREASES in THE—NUMBER—OF—HOMES affected by foreclosure".
20070815             —BLOCKED, UK blocks ISRAEL arms deals: THE—UK—GOVERNMENT has, almost 1 3. of UK—MILITARY—EXPORTS to ISRAEL —THIS—YEAR, citing possible threats to regional stability and fears the equipment might facilitate human rights violations.
20070815             Musharraf deal with Bhutto complete, PAKISTAN—MINISTER says : 1—POWER—SHARING deal between PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF and exiled FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—BENAZIR—BHUTTO is —NOW complete, media —ON—TUESDAY quoted 1—CABINET—MINISTER as saying.
20070815             Bush Warns Puppets Not to PRAISE—IRAN : HAMID—KARZAI, HAND—PICKED by WASHINGTON to pose as PRESIDENT—OF—THE broken country of AFGHANISTAN, says his government has "very, very good, very, very close relations [and] will continue to have good relations with IRAN".
20070815             He declares on, "So far, IRAN has been 1—HELPER" in fighting terror ism.
20070815             Giuliani says USA will need long presence in IRAQ : Of Lies, History & Throwing Flowers
20070815             Money is the sole criterion for all value including of ourselves.
20070815             So we try constantly to show how 'successful' we are by showing how wasteful we can be.
20070815             Contribution to society is not even in the reckoning ANY—MORE.
20070815             Learn From the Fall of ROME—USA Warned
20070815             —BY JEREMY—GRANT in WASHINGTON
20070815             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT is on a 'burning platform' of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, chronic healthcare underfunding, immigration and overseas military commitments threatening 1—CRISIS if action is not taken soon, the country's top government inspector has warned.
20070815             —1—DAY—OF—RECKONING for Americans Who Lived Beyond Their Means
20070815             —INDUCED, The housing bubble, Americans to live beyond their means -- net savings have been negative for the past COUPLE—OF—YEARS.
20070815             —TURNED, With this ENGINE—OF—GROWTH, off, it is hard to see how THE—USA—ECONOMY would not suffer from 1—SLOWDOWN.
20070815             BUSH—BOOMING—ECONOMY -- For THE—RICH—SHEILA SAMPLES—DESPITE what the Journal and the endlessly bleating "Money Heads" on TV would have you believe, MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS are in deep trouble.
20070815             Are You Scared?
20070815             Multinational corporations sell our jobs to the lowest overseas bidders.
20070815             The credit industry preys on our poor.
20070815             THE—FOR—PROFIT healthcare system is the leading CAUSE—OF—BANKRUPTCY —WHILE hospitals dump indigent patients on skid row.
20070815             Our country's infrastructure is breaking down from NEW—ORLEANS levees to MINNESOTA bridges even as we are mired in 1—WAR that drowns us in debt and advances only the interests of big oil and arms merchants.
20070815             PRAISE—OF, 'Sicko' But What Happens —AFTER THE—USA—HEALTHCARE System Dies?"
20070815             Not only is USA healthcare devastating the lives of Americans who use it, but it is being manipulated to give the appearance of economic health in 1—CODE—BLUE—ECONOMY —NOW in collapse.
20070815             Democrats' "Baby Steps" Frustrate Party Loyalists
20070815             But SOME—OF—THE—PARTY—KEY constituencies are having 1—HARD—TIME understanding why the sweeping changes they anticipated have been so slow in coming.
20070815             Mit weiteren bösen Überraschungen an den Finanzmärkten rechnet Raghuram G. RAJAN—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—CHICAGO, ehemaliger CHEFökonom des Internationalen Währungsfonds.
20070815             Die gegenwärtige Krise sei ein größerer Stresstest für das Weltfinanzsystem als etwa die Asienkrise 19980000             oder die Technologiekrise 20010000             , sagte er der Wochenzeitung "Die Zeit".
20070815             Mit den Problemen des sehr großen USA—IMMOBILIENMARKTES würden direkt die Lebensumstände der AMERIKANISCHEN—KONSUMENTEN berührt.
20070815             "Diesmal geht es ins Herz der USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT", sagte Rajan.
20070815             Die Kreditkrise sei noch nicht ausgestanden, weil immer noch nicht zu überblicken sei, wessen Bilanzen am Ende durch die ausgefallenen Hypothekenkredite belastet seien.
20070815             "Technisch hat der Markt die Talsohle erreicht, aber die Kreditsorgen scheinen tiefer verwurzelt zu sein als —ZUNÄCHST angenommen, und sie haben sich noch nicht zerstreut", sagte Analyst Katsuhiko Kodama von Toyo Securities mit Blick auf die Entwicklung in JAPAN.
20070815             Die jüngsten Positionsbereinigungen von Hedge Fonds schienen wohl vorbei zu sein.
20070815             Dennoch müsse —ERST der USA—MARKT zur Ruhe kommen, ehe die Tokioter Börse zur Normalität zurückkehren könne.
20070815             Schwierigkeiten bei WAL—MART und Home Depot
20070815             FRANKFURT am MAIN—BEREITS nach wenigen —MINUTEN steckte der Dax im Minus.
20070815             Um 1,1 % notierte der Leitindex niedriger als —GESTERN zum Börsenschluss.
20070815             Aktienhändler machten speziell die schlechten Vorgaben aus den USA und JAPAN für den Ausverkauf verantwortlich.
20070815             Es mehrten sich die Indizien, dass sich die Immobilienkrise in den USA auch auf die Realwirtschaft auswirke, hieß es.
20070815             Zu Buffetts Firmenimperium Berkshire Hathaway gehören inzwischen mehr als 70—UNTERNEHMEN, die unter anderem Eiscreme, Unterwäsche und Farben herstellen.
20070815             Der Wert der gesamten AKTIEN—UND Anleihenpakete des Konzerns beläuft sich dem jüngst vorgelegten Quartalsbericht zufolge per Ende —JUNI auf knapp 100—MILLIARDEN Dollar.
20070815             Buffett, dessen Privatvermögen auf mehr als 50—MILLIARDEN Dollar geschätzt wird, bevorzugt große Firmen mit einer klaren Ausrichtung und stabilen Einnahmen, deren Aktienkurs als unterbewertet gilt.
20070815             Pflichtmitteilung: USA—MILLIARDÄRE veröffentlichen Firmenbeteiligungen
20070815             Aktienmärkte: Die weltweite Talfahrt setzt sich fort
20070815             Bluttat: ITALIENISCHE—ERMITTLER vermuten Mafia hinter Duisburger Morden
20070815             Anschlag in AFGHANISTAN: Ferngezündete Bombe tötet in KABUL 3—DEUTSCHE—SICHERHEITSBEAMTE
20070815             Appell des Auswärtigen Amts: Touristen als MENSCHENRECHTS—BOTSCHAFTER
20070815             USA vs IRAN: WASHINGTON will Teherans Revolutionswächter auf Terror liste setzen
20070815             —REPARIERT, Raumfähre "Endeavour": Hitzeschild muss wohl nicht im All, werden
20070815             Eskalation der Gewalt: DEUTSCHE—STUDIE warnt vor Staatszerfall im IRAK
20070815             Conspiracy Central :: View TOPIC—PSYCHIATRIC FASCISM [url=
20070815             —GATHERED, Plans Hatched & Monies, for 1—COUP d'etat in THE—USA.
20070815             (This article used to exist at THE—USA—IDEALISM—WEBSITE, but it has itself disappeared "into the mists".)
20070815             Hypothekenkrise: Wirtschaft fürchtet restriktive Kreditvergabe
20070815             Bluttat: 6—MÄNNER am Duisburger Hauptbahnhof erschossen
20070815             Rustikale Jungfernfahrt: Wikingerschiff umrundet SCHOTTLAND
20070815             Untitled Document MARCOS—JUSTICE—MINISTER—ESTELITO—MENDOZA, —NOW Tan counsel, is expected to...
20070815             to THAT—OF—FORMER—SECURITY—BANK—PRESIDENT + star PCGG witness Rolando Gapud...
20070815             Die LIBYEN—AFFÄRE und der Mord in KABUL—AM-
20070815             Schrift ANTI—ANTITERRORKAMPF TOILETTEN—FOTOS für das FBI
20070815             Total Info Radio: CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST in NIST 20010911
20070815             How Rating Firms' Calls Fueled Subprime Mess AARON—LUCCHETTI and SERENA NG WSJ,
20070815             Lucy wird ab dem 20070831             im HOUSTON MUSEUM—OF—NATURAL Science zu sehen sein, eine insgesamt sechsjährige Tour durch mehrere USA—MUSEEN wird sich anschließen.
20070815             Bei 1—ERDBEBEN der Stärke 8,0 auf der Richterskala vor der KÜSTE—VON—PERU sterben mindestens 450—MENSCHEN.
20070815             Etwa 1.500—WEITERE—MENSCHEN werden verletzt.
20070815             DUISBURG, werden 6—ITALIENER von der kalabrischen Mafiaorganisation 'Ndrangheta vermutlich als Racheakt erschossen.
20070815—19940000    —SINCE, Last —NOVEMBER—ELECTION gave Democrats CONTROL—OF—BOTH the House and Senate for the 1. time.
20070815—20090312    —ARRESTED, HOLLAND—POLICE, GIOVANNI—STRANGIO (30), 1—ITALY—MAN wanted for the killings in DUISBURG.
20070817—20070815    —FROM—THE, PERU, 6—STRONG aftershocks struck as the death toll 8.0—EARTHQUAKE passed 500.
20080223             alfatomega.com/20060815.html
20080810             —ELECTED, PARAGUAY's, PRESIDENT—FORMER—BISHOP—FERNANDO—LUGO said he receives a "devastated country with no institutions", and claimed there is 1—PLAN to destabilize his administration which takes office next 20080815             .
20080815             Cookie retailer MISTER—S—FIELDS—FAMOUS—BRANDS—LLC said it plans to file for Chapter 11—BANKRUPTCY—PROTECTION to help restructure its business.
20080815             —ABDUCTED, TEXAS, store clerk Mindy Daffern (46) was, in THE—NORTH—TEXAS TOWN—OF—SCOTLAND.
20080815             —IDENTIFIED, WALLACE—BOWMAN—JUNIOR, —30—JAHRE—ALT was, by 1—SECURITY—CAMERA and led investigators to her body THE—NEXT—DAY.
20080815             LEROY—SIEVERS was 1—FORMER—EXECUTIVE—PRODUCER—OF—ABC'S "Nightline" and commented on his disease on National Public Radio (NPR).
20080815             —FROM 19530000—19750000     he worked for NEW—YORK—CITY—BASED Atlantic Records and helped build the firm into 1—RHYTHM and blues powerhouse.
20080815             —REPORTED, As 1, for Billboard magazine he coined the term "rhythm and blues".
20080815             AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES withdrew from Nawa DISTRICT—IN—EAST—GHAZNI province —AFTER DAYS—OF—FIGHTING with Taliban, allowing the rebels to move in and capture the area.
20080815             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb and small arms fire, 2—SOLDIERS serving under the separate NATO—LED force.
20080815             —ATTACKED, Taliban insurgents, police checkpoints in Nad ALI—DISTRICT—OF—SOUTH—HELMAND province, sparking clashes that killed 23—MILITANTS.
20080815             CANADA, employees at 1—WAL—MART Stores INCORPORATED outlet won 1—ARBITRATOR—IMPOSED contract, becoming the giant retailer's only location in NORTH—AMERICA with 1—COLLECTIVE—AGREEMENT in place.
20080815             —SENTENCED, CHAD—,1—COURT, FORMER—PRESIDENT—HISSENE—HABRE and 11—REBELS to death.
20080815             Habre was awaiting trial in SENEGAL for torture and murder.
20080815             —OVERSHADOWED, BEIJING, 2—POSITIVE dope tests by ASIA—ATHLETES, SINGAPORE—1. medal in —48—YEARS and 1—PODIUM for MALAYSIA with 1—NORTH—KOREAN—SHOOTER and 1—VIETNAM—GYMNAST exposed as cheats.
20080815             —VEERED, Xinhua News said 1—BUS, off the road and plunged into 1—RAVINE in CENTRAL—CHINA, killing 15—PEOPLE.
20080815             —ABOUT 20—PEOPLE, including ITALY—TOURISTS, were killed —WHEN 2—BUSES collided HEAD—ON in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC.
20080815             IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES began taking over checkpoints near THE—IRAN—BORDER previously manned by GEORGIA—TROOPS —BEFORE they redeployed home —FOLLOWING recent fighting with RUSSIA.
20080815             1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—MINIBUS beginning the trip in EAST—BAGHDAD —MORNING, killing at least 1—PASSENGER and wounding 10—OTHERS.
20080815             1—PASSENGER—VAN packed with explosives blew up at 1—BUS—STATION in Balad, NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080815             9—PEOPLE were killed and 40 wounded.
20080815             —ALLOWED, RUSSIA—TROOPS, SOME—HUMANITARIAN—SUPPLIES into GEORGIA—CITY—OF—GORI but kept up their blockade of the strategically located city, raising doubts about RUSSIA—INTENTIONS.
20080815             —SWOOPED, Relief planes, into TBILISI with TONS—OF—SUPPLIES for the estimated 100,000—PEOPLE uprooted by the fighting.
20080815             1—INTERNATIONAL—RIGHTS—GROUP said it has evidence that RUSSIA—WARPLANES dropped cluster bombs in CIVIL—AREAS in GEORGIA.
20080815             INDIA—PART—OF—KASHMIR, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—MUSLIMS took to the streets again, ignoring 1—PLEA by the country's PRIME—MINISTER for 1—END to WEEKS—OF—VIOLENCE that has left 34—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20080815             —VOTED, Officials said NEPAL—LAWMAKERS have, in Prachanda, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—FORMER—MAOIST—REBELS, as the Himalayan country's new PRIME—MINISTER.
20080815             12—NIGERIA—MILITANTS and 1—NAVAL—OFFICER were killed in 1—GUNBATTLE—NEAR 1—ROYAL—HOLLAND—SHELL natural gas plant in THE—OIL—PRODUCING NIGER Delta.
20080815             Coalition government officials said PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF is ready to resign rather than face impeachment, but is seeking immunity from prosecution and agreement on 1—SAFE—PLACE to live.
20080815             —REJECTED, PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF—SPOKESMAN, reports that the embattled PAKISTAN—LEADER was set to resign.
20080815             PAKISTAN—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—CHIEF said that over 460—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS and 22—SOLDIERS have been killed in more than —1—WEEK—OF fighting in 1—TRIBAL—AREA bordering AFGHANISTAN.
20080815             —FLOODED, Peruvians, the streets to protest the slow PACE—OF—RECONSTRUCTION —1—YEAR—AFTER 1—MAGNITUDE—8.0—EARTHQUAKE left tens of thousands homeless.
20080815             —KILLED, In THE—PHILIPPINES at least 15—HITCHHIKERS were, and 14—OTHERS injured —WHEN the truck they were riding in plunged into 1—RAVINE outside Monkayo township in the southern gold mining area on Diwalawal mountain.
20080815             —CLOSED, SOUTH—AFRICA—AUTHORITIES, camps that have housed THOUSANDS—OF—FOREIGNERS displaced by xenophobic violence, in 1—MOVE that has drawn concern they could face more attacks —WHEN they return home.
20080815             INTERNATIONAL aid groups said tens of THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS have fled their homes in NORTH—SRI—LANKA in recent weeks as the military ramped up its offensive against the Tamil Tiger rebels' heartland.
20080815             -Wenn Lugo AM—DAS Präsidentenamt übernimmt, werden ALLE—LÄNDER des regionalen Freihandelsbündnisses Mercosur linksgerichtete Regierungen haben:
20080815             ARGENTINIEN, BRASILIEN—PARAGUAY und URUGUAY, die assoziierten Mitglieder CHILE und BOLIVIEN, sowie VENEZUELA.
20080815             —BACK—IN the 90s, the Manhattan DA got into the securities fraud act by... of JONATHAN—CURSHEN—OF—RED—SEA—MANAGEMENT in NEW—YORK —YESTERDAY.
20080815             Offshore Business Management " Blog Archive " About JONATHAN—CURSHEN
20080815             JONATHAN—CURSHEN is 1—SPECIALIST in worldwide wealth protection and is considered 1—INTERNATIONAL—EXPERT in offshore trusts + foundations + offshore...
20080815             Offshore Business Management " scam... planning experience Financial Financial Security financial services funds insurance INTERNATIONAL trust investing investment JONATHAN—CURSHEN—JONATHAN...
20080815             www.BackgroundNow_com " Background Checks —DURING THE—COURSE—OF—THE—FRAUD, Lay repeatedly lied to and misled the Bureau as to...
20080815             5—TON coke BUST—PLANES—OWNERS—TOM—DELAYS appointee, and CIA?, page 9—HERE 1—INTERESTING quote on Red SEA—JONATHAN—CURSHEN :
20080815             —CONVICTED—OF, Elgindy was, racketeering and fraud —YESTERDAY for parlaying illegal tips from an FBI...
20080815             VRI Open Discussion forum Akerley sued Zakas on similar charges including fraud and deceit... INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY, BRUCE—GROSSMAN, JONATHAN—CURSHEN—THE—SECURITIES +...
20080815             VRI Open Discussion forum FREEDOM GOLF CORPORATION — Jones & Company, CARTER—ALLEN—JONES, TIMOTHY—J—MILES, Gaylen P. Johnson, JONATHAN—CURSHEN.
20080815             FREEDOM IN —14—DAYS—GERARD—CHIARELLA.
20080815             OLD BROOKVILLE, NY Political Contributions by Individuals MISS—GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS (Homemaker), (Zip code: 11545) $300 to FRIENDS—OF—DUKE... GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS, (Zip code: 11545) $1000 to SMITH FOR CONGRESS on...
20080815             —AM, entdecken Paläoanthropologen in der Nähe von JOHANNESBURG die knapp 2.000.000 alten Überreste 1—JUNGEN und 1—FRAU.
20080815—20000924    —ON, GLEN—HEAD, NY Political Contributions by Individuals GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS, (Zip code: 11545) $1000 to DICKEY FOR CONGRESS CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE.
20080920—20080815    —ON, PARAGUAY: New Government Faces Elite Resistance : Barely —2—WEEKS—AFTER being sworn in 1—COUP—PLOT to oust newly elected PRESIDENT—FERNAND
20081016             —INVOLVED, His family was, in 1—FEUD that led to 20070815             —THE—KILLING—OF—6—ITALIANS outside 1—RESTAURANT in DUISBURG—GERMANY.
20090312             —ARRESTED, HOLLAND—POLICE, GIOVANNI—STRANGIO, —30—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ITALY—MAN wanted for 20070815             —THE, mob killings of 6—PEOPLE in THE—WEST—GERMANY—CITY—OF—DUISBURG.
20090414—20100815    —ON, Markoff was found dead in his cell in BOSTON.
20090814—20090815    —APPOINTED, THE—FDIC, which was, receiver of THE—MONTGOMERY—ALABAMA—BASED Colonial and its about $25—BILLION in assets, said the failed bank's 346—BRANCHES in ALABAMA, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, NEVADA and TEXAS will reopen at the normal times —STARTING as offices of WINSTON—SALEM, NORTH—CAROLINA—BASED BB&T. Regulators also closed 4—OTHER—BANKS: Community BANK—OF—ARIZONA, based in PHOENIX;
20090815             as Dutch (and other) merchants learned in the 15010101—16001231    , great wealth can be amassed by KEEPERS—OF—THE—MAP.
20090815             LEWIS—LICHTENSTEIN—STRAUSS (20090131             , 18960000—20090121     , 19740000             ) was 1—USA—BUSINESSMAN, government department head, and an honorary as opposed to commissioned (ie KENTUCKY COLONEL, CONFEDERATE—AIR—FORCE) USA Naval officer.
20090815             SOMALIA—PIRATES found 7—DEAD colleagues floating in the ocean and vowed to take revenge against EGYPT—FISHERMEN they say killed them —DURING an 20090813             escape.
20090815             GEORGIA, former college professor LOTHAR—KARL—SCHWEDER, —77—JAHRE—ALT and his wife Sherry (65) were found mauled to death by dogs near their home in Lexington.
20090815             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, THE—BODY—OF—JASMINE Fiore (28), 1—SWIMSUIT model, was found stuffed in 1—SUITCASE and dumped into 1—TRASH bin in ORANGE County.
20090815             Her husband RYAN—ALEXANDER—JENKINS, —32—JAHRE—ALT, 1—REALITY TV show contestant and CEO—OF—SKYHOMES in CALGARY—CANADA, reported her missing the same —DAY.
20090815             —EXPLODED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB, outside the main GATE—OF—NATO—HEADQUARTERS —5—DAYS—BEFORE presidential elections, killing 7 and wounding 91 in the biggest attack in THE—AFGHANISTAN—CAPITAL in —6—MONTHS.
20090815             1—UK—SOLDIER succumbed to injuries sustained —WHILE out on foot patrol in Helmand province, becoming the 201.
20090815             —FOLLOWED, NORTH—ALGERIA, 1—EXPLOSION, by gunfire left 1—POLICE—OFFICER—DEAD and 2—OTHERS wounded at 1—BEACH.
20090815             1—HEAD—ON collision between 1—LORRY and 1—MINIBUS killed 16—PEOPLE on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—CITY—OF—GHAZAOUET, including more than 12—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SAME—FAMILY traveling together.
20090815             CANADA said it will pay SOME—FARMERS to stop raising hogs and offer loans to help others restructure, assistance that drew praise from CANADA—HOG—FARMERS and concerns from 1—TOP—USA—FARMER—GROUP.
20090815             SOUTH—CHILE, MANUEL—CALFIU, HEAD—OF—THE—MAPUCHE community Meli Wixan Mapu, said DOZENS—OF—INDIA—COMMUNITIES agreed to form the Mapuche Territorial Alliance to fight for political autonomy, said —AFTER several DAYS—OF—VIOLENCE over land seizures.
20090815             3—IRAQ—MEN herding cattle were killed —AFTER wandering into the middle of 1—USA—IRAQ—MORTAR training exercise NORTH—OF—THE—IRAQ—CAPITAL.
20090815             —KILLED, KUWAIT, 1—FIRE at 1—WEDDING tent, 57—WOMEN and children as it consumed the structure in 1—BLAZING inferno lasting —JUST—3—MINUTES.
20090815             The bridegroom's EX—WIFE was —LATER found to be the arsonist.
20090815             —CONVICTED, She had been, in March of setting fire to the wedding tent as her husband took a 2. wife.
20090815             —EXPRESSED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—TARO—ASO, deep regret over the suffering his country inflicted on ASIA—COUNTRIES —WWII—DURING in 1—SOLEMN ceremony that marked the 64.
20090815             MEXICO, the dismembered BODY—OF—JESUS Arroyo, 1—LEGAL—ADVISER for the leftist Democratic Revolution Party, was found in 1—ICE—BOX in Ciudad Altamirano, in Guerrero state.
20090815             —SPECIALIZED, In GUADALAJARA singer CARLOS—VICENTE—OCARANZA, who, in drug ballads, was shot to death outside 1—BAR.
20090815             † His manager, of wounds —2—DAYS—LATER.
20090815             MYANMAR, USA—SENATOR—JIM—WEBB won the release of JOHN—YETTAW, —53—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—PRISONER convicted and sentenced to —7—YEARS in prison for swimming secretly to the residence of detained democracy leader Aung S—SUU—KYI.
20090815             —RECOVERED, NIGERIA—ANTI—GRAFT—AGENCY said it had, more than 50—BILLION naira ($320.5—MILLION / ?224.2—MILLION) in looted funds and secured 70—CONVICTIONS in the past —YEAR.
20090815             —RAIDED, Police in THE—WEST—NIGERIA—STATE—OF—NIGER, the Darul Islam community and detained HUNDREDS—OF—ITS—MEMBERS, weeks —AFTER 1—UPRISING by 1—RADICAL sect killed almost 800 in the remote northeast.
20090815             —DECIDED, Sect leader Amrul Bashir Abdullahi said: "We, to create 1—CAMP for ourselves outside the community BECAUSE—OF—THE—PROBLEMS in the larger society. These are PROBLEMS—OF—CORRUPTION, drunkenness, prostitution and so on which Allah forbids".
20090815             —RAMMED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—EXPLOSIVES—LADEN car into 1—CHECKPOINT in THE—NORTH—WEST—SWAT Valley, killing at least 5—PEOPLE in 1—REMINDER that extremists can still strike despite the military's RETAKING—OF—THE—AREA.
20090815             —KILLED, Air strikes by government fighter jets, 16—MILITANTS and destroyed several Taliban hideouts in tribal SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20090815             THE—GAZA, Strip ABDEL—LATIF—MOUSSA, THE—LEADER—OF—1—AL—QAIDA—INSPIRED group, blew himself up —DURING 1—SHOOTOUT with Hamas security forces, ending HOURS—OF—VIOLENCE sparked by 1—REBELLIOUS sermon at 1—MOSQUE—NEAR THE—EGYPT—BORDER.
20090815             1—TOTAL—OF—24—PEOPLE, including 6—HAMAS police officers and an —11—YEAR—OLD—GIRL, were killed and 150 were wounded.
20090815             —FREED, PERU, farmers, 13—POLICE—OFFICERS and 4—CIVILIANS seized at 1—HYDROELECTRIC—DAM in the Andean region —AFTER local officials agreed to provide them with fertilizer.
20090815             PUERTO—RICO—RICARDO—LEBRON—BERRIOS, (23), 1—PRISONER being taken to jail to face car theft charges, allegedly shot 1—POLICE—OFFICER to death and gravely wounded a 2., then escaped in their squad car.
20090815             —RENEWED, SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT, his OFFER—OF—AID for impoverished NORTH—KOREA if it abandons its nuclear weapons and called for talks on the reduction of conventional weapons along their heavily fortified border.
20090815             —CALLED, SRI—LANKA—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—LEADERS, for the release of ethnic Tamils held in MILITARY—RUN—DISPLACEMENT—CAMPS, saying they are confined like prisoners behind barbed wire.
20090815             —BOWED, TAIWAN—PRESIDENT—MA—YING—JEOU, to public anger, apologizing for his government's slow response to Typhoon Morakot, which devastated central and SOUTH—PARTS—OF—THE—ISLAND.
20090815             —WIDENED, YEMEN, 1—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE against Shiite rebels in the country's north, blasting the fighters' positions with artillery and airstrikes.
20090815             Experte: "Das Ganze ist sehr mysteriös" (Badische Zeitung, Die RUSSISCHE—SPUR (Vlothoer Anzeiger,
20090815             Bericht über abgebrochene Radioaktivitätsprüfung (Der Standard,
20090815             Reederei erhält Lösegeldforderung für "ARCTIC Sea" (SPIEGEL—ONLINE,
20090815             " ARCTIC Sea": Versteckspiel mit der WELT—GRANDIOSE Vertuschungsaktion (Radio Utopie,
20090815             "ARCTIC Sea" wieder da? Gerüchte und Dementis schlagen immer höhere Wellen
20090815             SPRECHER—DER—EU—KOMMISSION hatte erklärt, es habe nach einem mysteriösen Überfall auf das Schiff in der Ostsee vom
20090815             Der Sprecher Kapitänleutnant Jerôme Baroe erklärte, das Signal sei von FRANZÖSISCHEN—KRIEGSSCHIFFEN auf dem Weg vom Mittelmeer in die Ostsee gekommen.
20090815             Die FRANZÖSISCHE—MARINE dementierte dies jedoch umgehend.
20090815             Möglicherweise befinde sich aber das Gerät des Automatischen Identifikationssystems (AIS) nicht mehr an Bord der "ARCTIC Sea".
20090815             Unklar ist auch, ob es sich um Trittbrettfahrer handelt.
20090815             —ENTFÜHRT, HELSINKI—IST die "ARCTIC Sea" tatsächlich ?
20090815             Meldungen, wonach das Geisterschiff vor KAP—VERDE oder im Golf von Biskaya gesichtet wurde, wurden dementiert.
20090815             Vermisster Frachter: Reederei erhält Lösegeldforderung für "ARCTIC Sea"
20090815             Kabinettsprognose: Merkels Mannschaft der begrenzten Möglichkeiten
20090815             —VERZICHTET, CDU—WAHLKAMPF in NIEDERSACHSEN: Merkel, auf Attacken gegen SPD
20090815             RETTUNG—DER—HYPO—REAL—ESTATE: EZB machte Druck auf Bundesregierung
20090815             Anschlag auf Nato in KABUL: Taliban demonstrieren vor Wahlen ihre Schlagkraft
20090815             Kunduz: Taliban greifen Bundeswehrpatrouille AN—EIN DEUTSCHER—SOLDAT verletzt
20090815             Trotz gültigen Visums: USA—GRENZBEAMTE setzen TALIBAN—OPFER fest
20090815             —FESTGEHALTEN, Aufruhr in INDIEN: BOLLYWOOD—STAR Khan auf USA—FLUGHAFEN
20090815             KLON—PROJEKT: "In Sibirien ist für Mammuts viel Platz"
20090815             Karibikinseln Turks & Caicos: Briten putschen im eigenen Paradies
20090815             DAX—RALLYE: DEUTSCHE—BANK warnt vor neuer Börsenblase
20090815             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Sie erhielten für das Konzert 1—BEWILLIGUNG für 50.000—BESUCHER.
20090815             Es kamen einige mehr.
20090815             Rosenman: Insgeheim hofften wir auf 150.000—BIS 200.000—MENSCHEN.
20090815             —GEWESEN, Darauf wären wir vorbereitet.
20090815             Doch dann kam fast eine halbe Million... und unsere Infrastruktur begann zu kollabieren.
20090815             Spätestens am Samstagmorgen funktionierte alles nur noch bedingt.
20090815             Leute konnten das Gelände weder verlassen noch betreten, vor den Toiletten musste man stundenlang warten, die Verpflegung wurde knapp.
20090815             Die katastrophalen Zustände, die Menschenmassen, die verschiedensten Drogen und der strömende Regen lieferten JEDES—ERDENKLICHE—SZENARIO für 1—CHAOS oder massive Unruhen.
20090815             Es sprach alles dafür, dass die Situation im Publikum jeden Moment eskalieren würde.
20090815             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Was nicht passierte. Wie erklären Sie sich das?
20090815             Rosenman: Die Besucher übernahmen instinktiv die soziale Kontrolle über das Festival.
20090815             Es brauchte dazu keine Autorität, die für Ruhe und Ordnung sorgte.
20090815             Man half sich gegenseitig während wir versuchten, die Massen bei Laune zu halten, indem wir die Bands anwiesen, durchgehend zu spielen.
20090815             Zumindest über den Zeitraum von —4—TAGEN lebten 400.000—MENSCHEN ein utopisches Gesellschaftsmodell von Toleranz und Nächstenliebe, während die AMERIKANISCHE—GESELLSCHAFT drauf und dran war, in sich zusammenzufallen.
20090815             Ich behaupte, dass unsere Generation an diesem Wochenende bewies, dass wir in der Lage waren, Verantwortung für diesen Planeten zu übernehmen.
20090815             Es war 1—BOTSCHAFT an die Welt
20090815             —GESTOHLEN, Die Objekte werden systematisch ", gab darauf Interpol bekannt.
20090815             Afrikas Erbe sei von fleddernden Gaunern bedroht.
20090815             Die Unesco setzte die Skulpturen schließlich auf die verbotene Liste und ächtete deren EIN—UND Ausfuhr.
20090815             Was besonders verdutzt: Die NOK—LEUTE verhütteten Eisen.
20090815             —GEFUNDEN, Metallische Armreifen wurden, Pfeilspitzen und Messer.
20090815             Kein Volk südlich der SAHARA machte ihnen das zu der Zeit nach.
20090815             Die Bildhauer der Nok waren Zeitgenossen von Solon, Buddha und den frühen Maya.
20090815             hiesige Radikale
20090815             Wie Rechtsanwalt JOHANNES—PAUSCH sagte, belasteten die Angeklagten in ihren Geständnissen aber auch hiesige Radikale, "vom Passfälscher aus FRANKFURT am Main über Schleuser —BIS zum aktiven Unterstützer".
20090815             DEUTSCHLAND, laufen gegen Mevlüt K., der —BIS
20090815             TIMOTHY—LEARY und RICHARD—ALPERT ("Die POLITIK—DER—EKSTASE") seinerzeit wissenschaftlich propagiert
20090815             "Free Hugs" - kostenlose Umarmungen. Aber gern.
20090815             Auf einer primitiven Alkoholistenparty wie dem Münchner Oktoberfest würden solche Offerten wohl als Aufforderung zur Vergewaltigung gelten.
20090815             "Those boys are stupid alright, but there must be 1—EXPLANATION—OF what happens, which makes no use of this fact".
20090815             1—THIS question led von Neumann (in collaboration with OSKAR—MORGENSTERN) to his monumental THEORY—OF—GAMES and Economic Behavior, demonstrating how 1—RELIABLE—ECONOMY can be constructed out of unreliable parts.
20090815             —INFECTED, Once metabolism is, by replication, as the Darwins showed us, natural selection will do the rest.
20090815             The unlimited REPLICATION—OF—INFORMATION is generally 1—PUBLIC—GOOD (however strongly music publishers, software developers, and other POCKETS—OF—RESISTANCE disagree).
20090815             "—AFTER the further statute of 4 and 5—WILLIAM—IV—THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—COLLECTION—OF—OLD—TALLIES was ordered," noted Hilary Jenkinson.
20090815             As Smee puts it: "Rude and simple as was this very ancient method of keeping accounts, it appears to have been completely effectual in preventing both fraud and forgery for 1—SPACE—OF—700—YEARS.
20090815             "By the middle of the twelfth —CENTURY, there was 1—WELL—ORGANIZED and WELL—UNDERSTOOD SYSTEM—OF—TALLY cutting at the Exchequer... and the conventions remained unaltered and in continuous use from that time down to the 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY".
20090815             —SHOWED, Petty, that wealth is 1—FUNCTION not only of how much money is accumulated, BUT—OF—THE—VELOCITY with which the money is moved —AROUND.
20090815             This led to the realization that money, like information but unlike material objects, can be made to exist in more than 1—PLACE at 1—SINGLE—TIME.
20090815             "—WHEN our machines overtook us, too complex and efficient for us to control, they did it so fast and so smoothly and so usefully, only 1—FOOL or 1—PROPHET would have dared complain".
20090815             1—SOLUTION finds the problem, not the other way —AROUND.
20090815             In the real world, MOST—OF—THE—TIME, finding 1—ANSWER is easier than defining the question.
20090815             —MAPPED, However, once the digital universe is thoroughly, and initialized by us searching for meaningful things and —FOLLOWING meaningful paths, it will inevitably be colonized by codes that will start doing things with the results.
20090815             —ORGANIZED, This ability to take general, advantage of local, haphazard processes is exactly the ability that (so far) has distinguished information processing in living organisms from information processing by digital computers.
20090815             THE—ROLE—OF—PROCESSORS: READING, duplicating, and interpreting the sequences on the tape.
20090815             Or, as his friend STAN—ULAM put it," What makes you so sure that mathematical logic corresponds to the way we think?"
20090815             —BECAME, Strauss, 1—LIEUTENANT—IN—THE—NAVAL—RESERVE and worked as 1—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER;
20090815             He impressed Hoover, who took him on as his personal SECRETARY (19170000—19190000    ).
20090815             he joined his father's shoe business as 1—TRAVELING salesman 19130000             , rising to become the company's best salesman and, by
20090815             —REQUIRED, Lewis was well aware of the economic conditions, for nuclear generation, as he stated
20090815             THE—UK, SIR—JOHN—COCKCROFT said of UK reactor development: " we do not expect to produce 1—CHEAPER—SOURCE—OF—POWER than that derived from COAL—IT is likely, in fact, to be somewhat more expensive.
20090815             What we are aiming at is to increase the total power available " [Joule Memorial Lecture, 19510000             ]. He concluded by saying: " The essential thing is —NOW to get on and build SOME—POWER reactors ".
20090815             "Atoms for Peace: USA 1958".
20090815             Strauss was still CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—USAEC, and wrote the preface.
20090815             Another factor which must be considered is that development of nuclear power will help to conserve the world's hydrocarbon resources for manufacture into propulsion fuels and for use in the synthetic chemical industry.
20090815             ANY—EVENT, it is worth —WHILE to exploit —IMMEDIATELY the use of nuclear power in THE—HIGH—POWER—COST—AREAS—OF—THE—WORLD.
20090815             To express it in the simplest terms: you can save 1—LOT—OF—MONEY on fuel if you have 1—ATOMIC—POWER—PLANT, but it will cost 1—GREAT—DEAL—MORE to build than 1—COAL—BURNING plant".
20090815             —MANAGED, Even THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, to write 2—SOMEWHAT different quotes attributed to Strauss, which invites the question "What exactly did Strauss say"?
20090815             —SEEMED, There, to be no bounds to human ingenuity, despite THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20090815             —QUIPPED, ALBERT—EINSTEIN is said to have, that AEC was DCspeak for Atomic Extermination Conspiracy.
20090815             —REMEMBERED, Strauss is perhaps most, as the driving force in the hearings in which
20090815             J. ROBERT—OPPENHEIMER—SECURITY—CLEARANCE was revoked.
20090815             His appointment as chairman of the
20090815             USA Atomic Energy Commission 19530000—19580000    —BETWEEN was purchased by campaign contributions to Dwight Eisenhower.
20090815             LEWIS—STRAUSS : No Sacrifice Too Great.
20090815             -- CUFF 230 (4732): 13700000             . - LEWIS—STRAUSS : No Sacrifice Too Great.
20090815             ROBERT—D—CUFF—REFERENCES.
20090815             PFAU, R, NO SACRIFICE TOO GRE (19850000             ).
20090815             Nuclear Files: Library: Correspondence: LEWIS—STRAUSS : Letter...
20090815             —SUGGESTED, As you know, the thermonuclear (super) bomb was, by scientists working at Los Alamos —DURING the war.
20090815             The current consideration of the super bomb.
20090815             THE—USA—EXPERIENCE | Race for the Superbomb | LEWIS—STRAUSS...
20090815             In the 1. dozen YEARS—OF—THE—ATOMIC—AGE, few men played 1—MORE pivotal role in shaping USA nuclear policy than the former banker LEWIS—STRAUSS.
20090815             It was no coincidence that the chain REACTION—OF—ADDRESSES and instructions within THE—CORE—OF—THE—COMPUTER resembled 1—CHAIN—REACTION within the core of 1—ATOMIC—BOMB.
20090815             "I am sure that the projected device, or rather THE—SPECIES—OF—DEVICES—OF which it is to be the 1. representative, is so radically new that MANY—OF—ITS—USES will become clear only —AFTER it has been put into operation,"
20090815             —FORMALIZED, Digital COMPUTERS—AS, by ALAN—TURING, and delivered by JOHN—VON—NEUMANN—ARE devices that translate between these 2—SPECIES—OF—BITS according to definite rules.
20090815             We do not want dictators, we do not want oligarchic parties or class rule, we want 1—WIDESPREAD—WORLD—INTELLIGENCE—CONSCIOUS—OF itself".
20090815             —STILL, others believe there are reasons for legitimate fear of a (very near) future world in which the world's knowledge is privatized by 1—CORPORATION.
20090815             This could be 1—PROBLEM, 1—VERY—BIG—PROBLEM.
20090815             And like nearly all SCIENCE—DRIVEN, technological developments, governments can only play CATCH—UP as no 1 is going to get to vote for GOOGLE—CHANGES, and the current laws, written in 1—PRE—DIGITAL—AGE, don't address the new situation.
20090815             ALAN—TURING, in his seminal paper Computing Machinery and Intelligence, 1—FOUNDING document in the quest for true AI.
20090815             "In attempting to construct such machines we should not be irreverently usurping His power of creating souls, ANY—MORE than we are in THE—PROCREATION—OF—CHILDREN," Turing had advised.
20090815             "Rather we are, in either case, instruments of His will providing mansions for the souls that He creates".
20090815             über die Schauspielerei allgemein: "Ich glaube nicht daran, dass es gute und schlechte Schauspieler gibt. Ich glaube an Besetzung. Ich glaube, es gibt für jeden Schauspieler 1—ROLLE, zumindest 1—ROLLE, in der er herausragend sein kann".
20090815             erklärt der Wissenschaftshistoriker GEORGE—DYSON die Spieltheorie und auch die Finanzkrise und ihre Ursachen: "Das gegenwärtige Fehlverhalten unserer Wirtschaft, sosehr es das Fehlverhalten von Menschen und Institutionen spiegelt, ist eher Ausdruck des Verhaltens selbstreproduzierender Maschinen und selbstreplizierender Codes ".
20090815             (Hier das ENGLISCHE—ORIGINAL bei edge_org.
20090815             'Warum sollte man Neandertaler wiederbeleben wollen?', fragte 1—GAST.
20090815             'Um einen Verwandten zu schaffen, der uns einen neuen Blick auf uns ermöglicht', antwortete Church".
20090815             Begleitend erläutert JOACHIM—MÜLLER—JUNG, worum es sich bei der synthetischen Genomik, um die es dabei geht, eigentlich handelt.
20090815             erklärt der Teheraner GRAFFITI—KÜNSTLER A11 im Gespräch mit CHRISTINE—MÜLLER: "Es gibt keine gesetzlichen Vorschriften, die Graffiti verbieten. Wird man erwischt beim Taggen, wird —ERST mal geguckt, ob die Botschaft antiislamisch ist. Wenn ja, hat man 1—PROBLEM".
20090815             Dabei sollte es doch der Anspruch des Schriftstellers sein, Regeln zu brechen statt nur zu befolgen".
20090815             Weiteres: Die NZZ—REDAKTION hat liebevolle Stimmen zur bevorstehenden Geschäftsaufgabe des AMMANN—VERLAGS gesammelt: von RUTH—SCHWEIKERT, DIETER—MEIER, RALPH—DUTLI und MARCEL—HARTGES.
20090815             In der STILKOLUMNE—VERTEIDIGT - JOHN—BANVILLE den Hut.
20090815             1—MELDUNG informiert uns, dass die Yale UNIVERSITY—PRESS kurz vor Druck aus Jytte Klausens Buch über den
20090815             Der Vizechef der RUSSISCHEN—SEEFAHRERGEWERKSCHAFT, Sergej Portenko, sagte der Moskauer Boulevardzeitung "Moskowski Komsomolez": "Ich gehe davon aus, dass die Behörden längst wissen, wo das Schiff ist".
20090815             —VERTUSCHT, Nach seiner Vermutung soll, werden, dass die "ARCTIC Sea" Waffen für AFRIKA geladen hat.
20090815             sagte 1—SPRECHER—DER—EU—KOMMISSION: "Dazu haben wir keine Meinung und keinen Kommentar abzugeben".
20090815             Ein ranghoher RUSSISCHER—MILITÄRSPRECHER in Brüssel sagte der RUSSISCHEN—AGENTUR ITAR—TASS: "Das Schiff ist nicht gesunken. Seine Position ist bekannt, wird aber aus taktischen Gründen nicht bekanntgegeben".
20090815             Der RUSSISCHE—NATO—BOTSCHAFTER—DMITRIJ—ROGOSIN erklärte dem Moskauer Radiosender Echo Moskwy: "Die Situation ist dramatisch genug, da darf man nichts vorzeitig mitteilen".
20090815             RUSSLAND und die Nato stünden im Fall der "ARCTIC Sea" in "engem Kontakt".
20090815             Die Agenturen in Moskau hatten unter Berufung auf den RUSSISCHEN—INFORMATIONSDIENST "Sowfracht Maritime Bulletin" gemeldet, das Schiff sei mit einer Geschwindigkeit von umgerechnet etwa 19—KM/h gegen 10.30—UHR vor der westfranzösischen Hafenstadt La Rochelle geortet worden.
20090815             Verblassender Ruhm: Polizeistreife kennt BOB—DYLAN nicht
20090815             Archäologie in AFRIKA: Die bizarren Relikte der NOK—KULTUR
20090815             FESTIVAL—INITIATOR Rosenman: "Nach Woodstock ging es ums bloße Überleben"
20090815             Atomstreit: DEUTSCHLAND und EU erwägen massiven Boykott gegen IRAN
20090815             MEXIKO: Banden bekriegen sich im Gefängnis - 19—TOTE
20090815             Kalifornien: Tausende fliehen vor verheerenden Waldbränden in SANTA—CRUZ
20090815             GAZA—STREIFEN: Rivalisierender Islamistenführer bei Kämpfen mit Hamas getötet
20090815             PANNEN—REAKTOR: Kieler Atomaufsicht ließ Krümmel trotz Sicherheitsbedenken ans Netz
20090815             Streit um Inhalte: GOOGLE—EUROPA—CHEF—WEIST—VORWÜRFE—DER—VERLAGE zurück
20090815             Nichtzulassung kleinerer Parteien: Experte warnt vor Ungültigkeit der BUNDESTAGSWAHLEN
20090815             Konjunktur: Wirtschaftsforscher korrigieren Erwartungen nach oben
20090815             Gerichtsurteil: AUSTRALISCHER—QUERSCHNITTSGELÄHMTER darf sterben
20090815             SAUERLAND—PROZESS: Haftbefehl gegen 5. Mann beantragt
20090815             FRIEDRICH—EBERT—STIFTUNG: Bundesrechnungshof prangert SPD—IMMOBILIEN—FILZ an
20090815             —BESTREITET, Verschwundener Frachter: RUSSLAND, Sichtung der "ARCTIC Sea"
20090815             Hausgeräte: Bosch und Siemens unter Korruptionsverdacht - Wie kann ich mich besser schützen?
20090815             " Erleichterungen" im Arbeitsrecht - Klarmachen zum Ändern!
20090815             Wir tragen uns gemeinsam bei unseren regionalen Meldebehörden aus den offenen Listen aus, um 1—ZEICHEN zu setzen.
20090815             Warum wir diesen Schritt gehen?
20090815             Meldebehörden haben das Recht, persönliche Daten, wie zum Beispiel Adresse, Geburtstag, Konfession und Familienstand, an 3. weiterzureichen, solange man sich nicht selbstständig und ausdrücklich in Schriftform dagegen ausspricht.
20090815             THERE—NO—HOPE for the Tiffany.
20090815             She can't even read this blog post. propaganda.html Permalink
20090815             But the most important division in AMERICA is neither race nor religion but class.
20090815             Are people really that ILL—INFORMED? Yes.
20090815             They are too lazy to research the matter and too arrogant to admit that their initial misconceptions might be wrong.
20090815             And the propagandists know how to capitalize on their nescience.
20090815             Falschangaben - Wenn Anwaltskanzleien dort Falschangaben machten, so Fricke, könnte ihnen die Anwaltskammer die Zulassung entziehen.
20090815             Die Justizministerin will künftig klare Regeln für alle.
20090815             "Bei jedem Gesetzentwurf sollte offengelegt werden, welche externen Stellen an der Formulierung mitgewirkt haben", so Zypries, "wir brauchen mehr Transparenz".
20090815             Derlei könne man etwa in der Geschäftsordnung der Bundesregierung regeln.
20090815             Damit erhöhte sich die ZAHL—DER—BANKENPLEITEN —IN—DIESEM—JAHR in den USA auf 77.
20090815             Nach eigenen Angaben wird BB&T nach Wert der Einlagen die achtgrößte Finanzholding des Landes.
20090815             Kunden der Colonial Bank würden automatisch Kunden von BB&T. Die Einlagen seien weiterhin vom Einlagensicherungsfonds versichert.
20090815             WASHINGTON—MIT der Colonial BANK—AUS—MONTGOMERY im Bundesstaat ALABAMA ist —AM—FREITAG die größte USA—BANK —IN—DIESEM—JAHR pleitegegangen.
20090815             Es bleibt bizarr mit der ARCTIC Sea.
20090815             —JETZT ist sie wohl bei KAP—VERDE aufgetaucht, aber sie setzen noch mal folgenden Fnord oben drauf: Ein ranghoher Militärsprecher in Brüssel sagte der RUSSISCHEN—AGENTUR ITAR—TASS:
20090815             "Das Schiff ist nicht gesunken. Seine Position ist bekannt, wird aber aus taktischen Gründen nicht bekanntgegeben".
20090815             Den Grund für die Geheimhaltung nannte er nicht.
20090815             CHINA und INDIEN produzieren längst mehr Tabak als die USA—UND vor allem kostengünstiger.
20090815             —KOLLABIERT, Finanzkrise: USA—INSTITUT Colonial Bank
20090815             ANTI—RAUCHER—KAMPAGNE: USA—TABAKFARMER kämpfen ums Überleben
20090815             "It could well be that 1—CREW member had 1—GUN put to his head by 1—HIJACKER —WHEN contact was made".
20090815             * IT WAS stranded somewhere off THE—COAST—OF—WEST—AFRICA —AFTER losing power and communications.
20090815             —RULED, Experts have, out 1—SINKING, pointing out that, if that were the case, the ship's timber cargo would almost certainly have been found floating by —NOW.
20090815             Nato was monitoring the situation due to the unusual nature and LOCATION—OF—THE—ATTACKS, but was not directly involved in the search.
20090815             —QUOTED, RUSSIA—RIA news agency —LATER, MISTER—KARPUSHIN as saying that confirmation that THE—ARCTIC—SEA had been spotted "400—NAUTICAL—MILES—NORTH—OF—THE—ISLAND—OF—SANTO Antao... did not prove to be true".
20090815             5—RUSSIA—WARSHIPS and other vessels have been searching the Atlantic for the vessel.
20090815             THE—RUSSIA—AMBASSADOR to CAPE—VERDE, ALEXANDER—KARPUSHIN, told Associated Press news agency that 1—RUSSIA—FRIGATE was heading to the area but had no information on THE—ARCTIC—SEA—LOCATION.
20090815             FRANCE—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS also believe they have found the ship in the same area, he said.
20090815             " It would seem that these acts, such as they have been reported, have nothing in common with 'traditional' ACTS—OF—PIRACY or armed robbery at sea. "
20090815             —SUGGESTED, Observers have, the ship was hijacked, possibly because of 1—RUSSIA—COMMERCIAL—DISPUTE.
20090815             However amid continuing uncertainty, THE—RUSSIA—ENVOY in CAPE—VERDE said he had contacted the military there and the sighting had not been confirmed.
20090815             RUSSIA—NAVY ships have been searching for the 4,000-tonne MALTESE—FLAGGED vessel, which had been carrying timber.
20090815             INTERNATIONAL search under way —AFTER ship vanishes
20090815             1—INTERNATIONAL—SEARCH was under way —WEDNESDAY for 1—CARGO ship that vanished —AFTER its crew reported they were hijacked -- at least briefly -- nearly —2—WEEKS—AGO.
20090815             Giant 'MEAT—EATING' plant found
20090815             1—NEW—SPECIES—OF—GIANT—CARNIVOROUS—PLANT has been discovered in the highlands of THE—CENTRAL—PHILIPPINES.
20090815             Thanks Scott! —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20090815             THE—LAST—SUPPER: Mansonites Converge at El Coyote
20090815             —SUSPECTED—OF, Manson, being both an FBI informant and agent provocateur, may well have been 1—PATSY.
20090815             "THE—FBI took out the Black Panthers, the Yippies, the Weather Underground, and it's 1—CONTENTION that the murders were orchestrated," AUTHOR—ADAM—GORIGHTLY pointed out between sips from 1—MARGARITA.
20090815             MANSON—CONNECTIONS to military intelligence, the Church of Scientology, GOVERNMENT—SPONSORED MIND—CONTROL—EXPERIMENTS and the '60s occult underground ripple through THE—SHADOW—OVER—SANTA—SUSANA, GORIGHTLY—DEFINITIVE Manson tome, —RECENTLY rereleased by Creation Books.
20090815             Exclusive: Cult Survivor TIMOTHY—WYLLIE on THE—PROCESS—CHURCH and Analog Art
20090815             —PREACHED, In the '60s and '70s, THE—PROCESS—CHURCH, THE—UNION—OF—CHRIST and Satan, seducing wayward, OCCULT—INCLINED hippies into 1—COMMUNITY that was at once terrifying and inspiring.
20090815             CIUDAD—JUAREZ, young women are vanishing
20090815             —BLOODSHED, Amid the drug war's, THE—MEXICO—BORDER—CITY has been shaken by the disappearances of at least 2—DOZEN—TEENAGE—GIRLS and young women.
20090815             Officials have few leads.
20090815             Freaky Sleep Paralysis: Being Awake in Your Nightmares
20090815             You wake up, but you can't move 1—MUSCLE.
20090815             Lying in bed, you're totally conscious, and you realize that strange things are happening.
20090815             THERE—1—CRUSHING weight on your chest that's humanoid.
20090815             And it's evil.
20090815             —AWAKENED, You've, into the dream world.
20090815             Invisible doorways or portals a step closer to reality, claim scientists
20090815             Using 1—TECHNIQUE known as transformation optics, the researchers have revealed 1—WAY to alter THE—PATHWAY—OF—LIGHT—WAVES that could eventually allow them to create portals that are invisible to the human eye.
20090815             Stone Age man used fire to make tools - 50,—000—YEARS—EARLIER than we scientists thought
20090815             Stone Age ''blacksmiths'' were using fire to make tools at least 72,—000—YEARS—AGO, scientists have discovered.
20090815             Pirates, mafia and 1—RUSSIA—GHOST ship
20090815             The maritime world was rife with speculation over the fate of 1—APPARENTLY hijacked ship which disappeared —AFTER passing through THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL.
20090815             Missing ship 'found' off AFRICA
20090815             1—MISSING merchant ship with 15—RUSSIA—CREW members on BOARD has been spotted off THE—COAST—OF—WEST—AFRICA, unconfirmed reports say.
20090815_05000000    nahm die Besiedlung explosionsartig zu". Nomaden, die noch wie in der Steinzeit lebten, wurden plötzlich sesshaft. Der Forscher spricht von einem "kulturellen Urknall".
20090815—18340000    —IN, "The imprudent zeal with which this order was carried out caused the fire which destroyed THE—HOUSES—OF—PARLIAMENT ".
20090815—19391209    —ON, as 1—EXPLANATION—OF—THE—TREND—OF—STOCKS," wrote JOHN—VON—NEUMANN to STANISLAW—ULAM. "Those boys are stupid alright,
20090815—19430000    —UNTIL, he was activated in February 19410000             and became staff assistant to THE—CHIEF—OF—ORDINANCE.
20090815—20060000    —IN, Ocaranza was better known as "El Loco Elizalde," or THE—CRAZY—ELIZALDE, 1—REFERENCE to his distant relation by marriage to VALENTIN—ELIZALDE, 1—MUCH more famous musician, also killed by gunshots.
20090815—20090728    —AM, [...] Den letzten offiziellen Funkkontakt zur "ARCTIC Sea" hatte die GROSSBRITANNIEN—KÜSTENWACHE in der Straße von Dover.
20090815—20090820    —CHARGED, Jenkins was, with murder and believed to be hiding in CANADA.
20090815—20090823    —ON, Jenkins was found dead of apparent suicide in 1—MOTEL in Hope, UK—COLUMBIA.
20090815—20100000    —IN, 1—KUWAIT—APPEALS—COURT confirmed 1—DEATH—SENTENCE against Nasra Yussef MOHAMMED—AL—ENEZI, —23—JAHRE—ALT.
20090815—20110000    —BIS, Übernahme durch Einzelhandel: Post will ALLE—EIGENEN—FILIALEN schließen
20090815—20170125    —HANGED, AL—ENEZI was among 7—PEOPLE.
20091023—20130815    —SENTENCED, JOSE—MONTANO (22) was, to —33—YEARS to life;
20100813—20100815    —ON, 1—WOMAN † of her injuries.
20100815             S—FRANCISCO—THE, —2—DAY—OUTSIDE—LANDS—MUSIC and Arts Festival drew close to 80,000—PEOPLE to 4—CONCERT—STAGES in Golden Gate Park.
20100815             —DESCRIBED, AFGHANISTAN, ABU—BAQIR, 1—MAN, as 1—TALIBAN SUB—COMMANDER—AND—AL—QAEDA group leader, was killed, along with another insurgent, —WHEN 1—ALLIANCE—AIRCRAFT fired on 1—TRUCK in Kunduz province.
20100815             —STONED, Siddiqa (19) and her fiance Khayyam (25) were, to death in public in NORTH—KUNDUZ over 1 alleged illicit love affair.
20100815             —TRIED, They had, to elope against their families' wishes.
20100815             —CAPTURED, The stoning was, on video.
20100815             —ARRESTED, BAHRAIN, 4—LEADING Shiite activists were, as the kingdom's Sunni leaders try to end violent confrontations between Shiite protesters and ANTI—RIOT—POLICE.
20100815             Shiites are 1—MAJORITY in BAHRAIN, but THE—OIL—RICH nation is ruled by 1—SUNNI royal family.
20100815             —APPEALED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH, to the people of INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir to end violent protests and said his government is ready to hold talks to resolve their LONG—STANDING problems.
20100815             —KILLED, IRAQ, DRIVE—BY shootings and 1—SPATE—OF—BOMBINGS, 11—PEOPLE and wounded dozens.
20100815             5—OF—THE—DEAD were IRAQ—POLICE and security forces.
20100815             3—SUNNI Muslims were gunned down as they left ABID—WAIS mosque in Jurf AL—SAKHR, 50—KM (30—MILES) SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL in the mainly Shiite PROVINCE—OF—BABIL.
20100815             3—OTHERS, including 1—OFF—DUTY—POLICEMAN, were killed —WHEN their minibus was struck by 1—BOMB—ATTACK as it travelled to the centre of BAGHDAD from 1—EASTERN—QUARTER.
20100815             1—TRAFFIC—POLICEMAN and 1—CIVILIAN were also killed, and 1—POLICE—OFFICER was wounded, —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded near AL—SHAAB stadium in THE—EAST—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20100815             —KILLED, Another person was, and 7—OTHERS wounded by 3—ROADSIDE bombs in NORTH—BAGHDAD.
20100815             —KILLED, In MOSUL, 1—IRAQ—SOLDIER was, and another wounded in 1—SHOOTING at 1—SECURITY—CHECKPOINT in THE—EAST—OF—THE—NORTHERN—CITY.
20100815             ISRAEL—MILITARY said Hezbollah is moving fighters and weapons into THE—VILLAGES—OF—SOUTH—LEBANON, building up 1—SECRET—NETWORK—OF—ARMS—WAREHOUSES, bunkers and command posts in preparation for war.
20100815             MEXICO, attackers shot 8—MEN to death and piled their bodies in 1—PICKUP truck in THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—OAXACA.
20100815             —KIDNAPPED, Gunmen, Edelmiro Cavazos, MAYOR—OF—THE—TOWN—SANTIAGO, 1—CITY on the outskirts of MONTERREY.
20100815             —OPENED, In CIUDAD—JUAREZ gunmen, fire on the pool party in CENTRAL—CIUDAD—JUAREZ, killing 3—WOMEN and 1—MAN and wounding 5—OTHER—WOMEN, ALL—OF—WHOM were wearing swimsuits.
20100815             —RIDDLED, In 1—ATTACK at 1—PRIVATE—HOUSE, gunmen, PARTY—GOERS with bullets.
20100815             † 3—VICTIMS, at the scene, and another 3 in hospital.
20100815             The bodies of 4—OTHER—MEN, "showing SIGNS—OF—TORTURE with several shots through their heads," were found in other PARTS—OF—THE—CITY.
20100815             —BURNED, In VERACRUZ police found the bound, remains of 1—BODY with 1—FEDERAL—POLICE badge.
20100815             —FAILED, MALI, 2—SURVIVORS—OF—1, journey said 12—AFRICA—NATIONALS trying to illegally enter EUROPE † from thirst and hunger in THE—ALGERIA—DESERT.
20100815             —WARNED, NIGERIA, Royal HOLLAND—SHELL—PLC, that thieves in THE—OIL—RICH and restive southern delta are increasingly targeting the company's crude pipelines, including at least 3—INCIDENTS—OF—SABOTAGE —THIS—MONTH alone.
20100815             NIGERIA, 1—FIERY road crash outside the commercial CAPITAL—OF—LAGOS burned at least 15—PEOPLE to death and injured 18—OTHERS.
20100815             PAKISTAN—MEN took turns savagely beating THE—2—TEENAGE—BROTHERS with sticks, drawing blood —BEFORE dragging and hanging their dead bodies from 1—NEARBY—POLE.
20100815             —TRIED, NONE—OF—THE—DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE watching, to stop the attack, not even several police.
20100815             The scene was caught on video and broadcast on news channels.
20100815             The boys in SIALKOT, 1—TOWN in EAST—PUNJAB province, may have been mistaken for robbers.
20100815             —ARRESTED, At least 10—SUSPECTS were —LATER, including 4—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20100815             † IN—SAUDI—ARABIA—GHAZI—ALGOSAIBI, —70—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CONSUMMATE statesman and liberal writer, —AFTER 1—LONG—ILLNESS.
20100815             Algosaibi was close to the kingdom's ruling family.
20100815             But his writings, critical of Arab governments, were banned in the kingdom.
20100815             —LIFTED, Only —LAST—MONTH, SAUDI—ARABIA—CULTURE—MINISTRY, the ban on his writings citing his contributions to the nation.
20100815             —PROPOSED, SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT—LEE—MYUNG—BAK, a 3-step plan to unify the Korean peninsula and 1—NEW—TAX to help his country absorb the enormous COST—OF—INTEGRATION.
20100815             —URGED, UN CHIEF—BAN—KI—MOON, the world to quicken aid for up to 20—MILLION—PEOPLE hit by PAKISTAN—WORST—HUMANITARIAN—CRISIS as he flew in to visit areas ravaged by record floods.
20100815—20090000    —IN, The city had more than 2,660 murders and 1,850 so far —THIS—YEAR.
20100815—20100818    —ON, His body was found.
20100820—20100815    —INCLUDED, The suspects, the officer who guarded the house where Cavazos was kidnapped.
20110202—20010815    —ON, reveals the trio entered THE—USA on 1—BRITISH—AIRWAYS flight from LONDON 0000—DATE.
20110202—20010815    —ON, The diplomatic cable sent between THE—USA—EMBASSY in DOHA—QATAR, and THE—DEPARTMENT—FOR—HOMELAND—SECURITY in WASHINGTON, reveals the trio entered THE—USA on 1—BRITISH—AIRWAYS flight from LONDON.
201102040815         —COVERED, THE—BBC—JIM—MUIR in Tahrir Square says the ground is, in rubble in THE—AFTERMATH—OF—YESTERDAY—CLASHES.
20110216—20110815    —INDICTED, Butler and Wielsch were, on drug and corruption charges.
20110712             ITALY, GIOVANNI—STRANGIO, THE—RINGLEADER—OF—1—GANGLAND style massacre of 6—PEOPLE in GERMANY, was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for 20070815             —THE, attack that highlighted THE—INTERNATIONAL—REACH—OF—ITALY—CALABRIAN mafia.
20110812—20110815    —ESTIMATED, Shell, that 54,600 gallons had leaked from the Gannet Alpha oil rig.
20110815             —CALLED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, for 1—THOROUGH—PROBE into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in SUDAN—SOUTH—KORDOFAN region 20110605—20110630    —BETWEEN, shortly —BEFORE the nation formally separated into 2—COUNTRIES.
20110815             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT, that it had selected 20—SEPARATE—CONTRACTORS for the new National AFGHANISTAN—TRUCKING—SERVICES—CONTRACT potentially worth $983.5—MILLION to replace Host Nation Trucking.
20110815             Officials said the new arrangement will reduce the reliance on subcontractors and diminish THE—RISK—OF—MONEY being lost.
20110815             † PHILADELPHIA, COREY—WHITE, —22—JAHRE—ALT was shot to death hours —AFTER 1—JUDGE held 2—PEOPLE for trial for conspiring to kill him in 1—MURDER—FOR—HIRE plot on Facebook.
20110815             —MOVED, Google, to acquire Motorola Mobility for $12.5—BILLION.
20110815             —ATTACKED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, insurgents, 1—DISTRICT—GOVERNMENT—CENTER, sparking 1—GUNBATTLE that lasted —FOR—HOURS and left 1—POLICE—OFFICER and 4—MILITANTS—DEAD in the Qarabagh DISTRICT—OF—GHAZNI province.
20110815             —ATTACKED, Militants, 1—FUEL—TANKER depot outside the main INTERNATIONAL military base in KANDAHAR city, killing 4—SECURITY—GUARDS.
20110815             † In WEST—CHINA Tsewang Norbu (29), a Buddhist monk, —AFTER setting himself on fire in Sichuan province's Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture an ethnically Tibetan region.
20110815             —BACKED, EGYPT—TROOPS, by armored vehicles, carried out 5—RAIDS in EL—ARISH, the provincial CAPITAL—OF—NORTH—SINAI.
20110815             —CLASHED, In 1—LOCATION, they, with gunmen, killing 1. 10—SUSPECTS and 6 wanted criminals were also arrested.
20110815             —KILLED, INGUSHETIA, 4—SERVICEMEN were, and 7 wounded by rebels in RUSSIA—NORTH—CAUCASUS.
20110815             —RIPPED, IRAQ, bomb blasts, through more than 12—IRAQ—CITIES, killing at least 89—SECURITY—FORCES and civilians in the worst attack —THIS—YEAR.
20110815             7—EXPLOSIONS went off in different towns in Diyala province alone.
20110815             KUT, 1—BOMB went off in 1—FREEZER used to keep drinks cold.
20110815             —GATHERED, As rescuers and onlookers, 1 parked car bomb exploded killing 35—PEOPLE with 64 injured.
20110815             —PULLED, Gunmen wearing military uniforms, 7—PEOPLE from 1—SUNNI mosque in Youssifiyah and then shot and killed them EXECUTION—STYLE.
20110815             —SHOUTED, —AFTER the killings, the gunmen, they were fighters from the Islamic STATE—OF—IRAQ, 1—FRONT—GROUP for AL—QAIDA in IRAQ.
20110815             —APPROVED, ISRAEL, the building of 277—APARTMENTS in the Jewish settlement in Ariel, the deepest 1—INSIDE THE—WEST—BANK, defying INTERNATIONAL criticism of continued construction on land the Palestinians claim for 1—STATE.
20110815             LIBYA—INTERIOR—MINISTER, Nassr AL—MABROUK—ABDULLAH, and 9—OF—HIS—FAMILY—MEMBERS flew into CAIRO from TUNISIA on their private plane in what appeared to be the highest level defection from Moammar GADHAFI—REGIME in months.
20110815             —CONSOLIDATED, Rebels, positions in SOME—PARTS—OF—ZAWIYA, but appeared to have lost ground in others.
20110815             —URGED, In 1—AUDIO message Gadhafi, his supporters to dig in and fight.
20110815             —KILLED, NIGERIA—GUARDS in Borno state, THE—25—YEAR—OLD—MAN who was driving 1—SEDAN loaded with 7—GAS—CYLINDERS and cans of gasoline and gunpowder into 1—POLICE—HEADQUARTERS hosting 1—RECRUITMENT—DRIVE.
20110815             —ATTACKED, In the north gunmen, 1—MICROFINANCE—BANK, carting away BAGS—OF—CASH and bombing 1—POLICE—STATION —WHEN making their escape.
20110815             —ATTACKED, Gunmen, 2—SEPARATE—POLICE—STATIONS across NORTH—NIGERIA, killing 4—POLICE—OFFICERS and 2—CIVILIANS in 1—ATTACK —WHILE bombing 1—STATION in another.
20110815             Mangudadatu was unhurt.
20110815             —ARRESTED, Authorities, 1—SUSPECT —AFTER 1—WITNESS saw him leaving THE—BOMB—LADEN car and fleeing THE—SCENE—OF—THE—ATTACK in Tacurong City.
20110815             —DISABLED, SPAIN, 3—CHILDREN were found dead at 1—HOME for, kids in Boecillo and 1—WOMAN, —55—JAHRE—ALT who worked there was taken into custody.
20110815             —DISABLED, The children were severely, and had very limited mobility.
20110815             —BESIEGED, SYRIA—TROOPS, residential areas of Latakia and HOMS, firing on residents as they fled for safety and killing at least 2—PEOPLE —DURING broad military assaults to root out dissent against PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—AUTOCRATIC—REGIME.
20110815             —REPORTED, At least 17—PEOPLE were, killed, 6—OF—THEM in Latakia.
20110815             The other deaths were in HOMS and Houla.
20110815             1—TRINIDAD police union called for —1—DAY—OF "rest and reflection" as 1—WAY to protest the government's offer of a 5—PERCENT pay raise.
20110815             The union says that isn't enough.
20110815             Some 25—PERCENT—OF—THE—CARIBBEAN country's police officers joined in THE—1—DAY—STRIKE.
20110815             —FIRED, TUNISIA—POLICE, tear gas to disperse protesters throwing stones and smashing storefronts in 1 unexpected ERUPTION—OF—VIOLENCE in the country's capital.
20110815             1—FEW 100—LAWYERS protested in TUNIS over what they said is continuing corruption in the courts and TOO—LAX verdicts against those in THE—REGIME—OF—OUSTED—PRESIDENT—ZINE—EL—ABIDINE—BEN—ALI.
20110815             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—UN—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM for the 1. time, it has been investigating food theft in SOMALIA —FOR—2—MONTHS.
20110815             Vast PILES—OF—FOOD sacks with stamps on them from the World Food Program, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—AID—ARM—USAID and THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT were found for sale in MOGADISHU markets.
20110815             marked the middle of Ramadan.
20110815—20090000    —KILLED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES 1—CAR—BOMB, 2—PEOPLE and wounded 7 in 1—ATTACK targeting Maguindanao GOVERNOR—ESMAEL—MANGUDADATU, who took OFFICE—AFTER—MANY—OF—HIS—RELATIVES were slain in the country's worst political massacre.
20110815—20110206    —IN—THE, INDONESIA, Deden Sudjana (48), wounded —WHEN Islamic HARD—LINERS launched 1—DEADLY—ATTACK on his minority sect, was sentenced to —6—MONTHS in prison, more than SOME—OF—THOSE caught on video taking part lynching.
20110815—20110803    —WANTED, Paul "Doug" Peters, 1—MAN, in AUSTRALIA for allegedly strapping 1—FAKE bomb to the neck of 1—TEENAGE—GIRL in 1—SUBURBAN SYDNEY home, was arrested near LOUISVILLE—KENTUCKY.
20110902—20150815    —ON, Kaufman (37) was found unconscious due to 1—HEART—ATTACK and was declared dead on arrival at 1—HOSPITAL.
20120615—20120815    —ON, The new the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy took effect.
20120808—20120815    —NAMED, Xolile Mngeni, by Qwabe as the gunman, denied CHARGES—OF—MURDER, kidnapping, robbery and illegal POSSESSION—OF—1—FIREARM and ammunition.
20120815             Der Nocebo Effekt ist doch die schlechteste Wortneuschöpfung 19000101—19991231    -DES, !
20120815             Machen wir uns nichts vor, DIE—MENSCHEN sind beeinflussbare Jammerlappen, aber der Rückschluss, daß 1—ARZT entscheidende Informationen deswegen nicht geben darf ist vor allem dumm und danach noch gefährlich.
20120815             It called 20120525             —THE massacre in HOULA 1—WAR—CRIME perpetrated by THE—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and shabiha MILITIA backing THE—REGIME—OF—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD.
20120815             alfatomega.com/20080615.html
20120815             —UNDOCUMENTED, A—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—POLICY to stop deporting LAW—ABIDING, immigrants under age 30—WHO arrived in the country —BEFORE age 16—TOOK effect.
20120815             —ISSUED, ARIZONA Republican GOVERNOR—JAN—BREWER, 1—ORDER barring illegal immigrants who qualify for temporary legal status in THE—USA—FROM receiving ANY—STATE or local public benefits, including driver's licenses.
20120815             —RELAXED, The action was 1—RESPONSE to, deportation rules issued by THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION.
20120815             RAYMOND—ROTH, —47—JAHRE—ALT of Massapequa, NY, was taken into custody for faking 1—DROWNING to collect as much as $400,000 in life insurance.
20120815             TEXAS authorities said the state is battling 1—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—WEST—NILE virus, with 17—DEATHS blamed on THE—MOSQUITO—BORNE disease.
20120815             —REPORTED, Astronomers using NASA—CHANDRA X—RAY telescope, THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—GALAXY cluster, nicknamed PHOENIX, that creates 740—STARS —1—YEAR.
20120815             —ESTIMATED, It was, to be 6—BILLION years old.
20120815             —EXPLODED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 2—GRENADES, inside 1—MOSQUE compound —DURING—MORNING prayers in Khost province, wounding at least 9—WORSHIPPERS.
20120815             —ARMED, SOUTH—ALGERIA, 3, Islamists, including 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—AL—QAEDA in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) thought to be close to its leader, were arrested.
20120815             AUSTRALIA highest court upheld the world's toughest law on cigarette promotion, which prohibits tobacco companies from displaying their logos on cigarette packs.
20120815             —STARTING in December, packs will instead come in 1—UNIFORMLY drab shade of olive and feature graphic health warnings and IMAGES—OF—CANCER—RIDDLED mouths, blinded eyeballs and sickly children.
20120815             AUSTRALIA, CHARLES—ZENTAI, —90—JAHRE—ALT won 1—LEGAL—BATTLE against extradition to HUNGARY, in 1—MOVE which allows him to stay in AUSTRALIA, where he has citizenship.
20120815             THE—AUSTRALIA—COMPETITION and Consumer Commission said that car importer Ateco Automotive ordered dealers to stop selling certain vehicles by CHINA—GREAT—WALL—MOTOR—CO. and Chery Automobile —AFTER asbestos was found inside engine and exhaust gaskets.
20120815             —ANNOUNCED, BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—DILMA—ROUSSEFF, 1—NEARLY $66—BILLION investment package to beef up the nation's ailing road and rail systems, PART—OF—EFFORTS to solve serious transportation bottlenecks and spur 1—SPUTTERING economy.
20120815             —SEVERED, CANADA, hikers WEST—OF—TORONTO found 1, human foot.
20120815             —RECOVERED, Police THE—NEXT—DAY, 1 severed head in 1—PARK—NEAR the Credit River in MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, 1—CITY—OF—700,000 located —JUST WEST—OF—TORONTO.
20120815             The body parts were found about 1—KM (0.7—MILE) apart.
20120815             —PRESSED, CHINA and SOUTH—KOREA, JAPAN to face up to its wartime past, as festering territorial disputes flared and ASIA marked THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—TOKYO—WWII surrender.
20120815             GABON, clashes broke out in LIBREVILLE —WHEN police broke up 1 unauthorized protest in SUPPORT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MAIN—OPPOSITION—LEADER, leaving at least 1—PERSON—DEAD and 10—PEOPLE injured.
20120815             63-64 were detained and 57 remained in prison.
20120815             —STORMED, Masked gunmen, THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—TV+ and set fire to the station's transmitters.
20120815             PRESIDENT—ALI—BONGO went on national television saying he would not let the country descend into chaos.
20120815             —CONFIRMED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH, plans to launch 1—SPACE—PROBE that will orbit Mars, —AFTER press reports that the mission was scheduled to begin late —NEXT—YEAR.
20120815             IRAQ, attacks in Baquba and Maqdadiya left 13—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20120815             —ATTACKED, IVORY—COAST, gunmen, 1—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT and freed 150—INMATES from 1—PRISON in Dabou, but 50 were soon recaptured.
20120815             —BLAMED, Officials, the attacks on rogue soldiers and LOYALISTS—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—LAURENT—GBAGBO.
20120815             JAPAN made 14—ARRESTS —AFTER PRO—CHINA—ACTIVISTS from HONG—KONG landed on Senkaku (aka Diaoyu) ISLAND at the center of 1—BITTER—TERRITORIAL—DISPUTE.
20120815             The other half were taken back to their boat in Ishigaki.
20120815             —CALLED, The large LEBANON—SHIITE clan, Muqdad claimed it had kidnapped 33—SYRIANS and 1—TURKEY—MAN —AFTER 1—FAMILY—MEMBER was abducted —2—DAYS—EARLIER by 1—SYRIA—REBEL—GROUP which accused him of being 1—HEZBOLLAH sniper.
20120815             —SEIZED, Dozens more Syrians were, and their shops vandalized by rioters in SOUTH—SHIITE areas of BEIRUT.
20120815             —CLOSED, Rioters, the road to BEIRUT airport and to the border with Syria.
20120815             —CANCELLED, NIGERIA, —1—CENTURIES—OLD—EID festival known for its elaborate horse pageant, officially due to KANO—EMIR—ADO—BAYERO—HEALTH, but residents suspected worsening violence was to blame.
20120815             —ORDERED, SAUDI—ARABIA, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES and QATAR all, their citizens to leave LEBANON.
20120815             1—PERSON with privileged access to THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—STATE—OWNED oil company's computers, unleashed 1—COMPUTER—VIRUS to initiate what is regarded as among the most destructive ACTS—OF—COMPUTER—SABOTAGE on 1—COMPANY to date.
20120815             —ERASED, The virus, data on 3—QUARTERS—OF—ARAMCO—CORPORATE—PCS — documents, spreadsheets, E—MAILS, files — replacing ALL—OF—IT with 1—IMAGE—OF—1—BURNING USA—FLAG.
20120815             —KILLED, SUDAN, 6—PEOPLE were, and 12 wounded —DURING 1—DISPUTE in Mellit town, north of the Darfur STATE—CAPITAL—EL—FASHER.
20120815             An "EXCHANGE—OF—ACCUSATIONS" over THE—DEATH—OF—1—PERSON reportedly sparked the incident.
20120815             —ATTACHED, SYRIA, 1—BOMB, to 1—FUEL—TRUCK exploded outside 1—DAMASCUS hotel where UN observers are staying, wounding at least 3—PEOPLE.
20120815             —ERUPTED, Fierce fighting, between THE—SYRIA—ARMY and rebels near THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICE—IN—DAMASCUS.
20120815             —REPORTED, Activists, shelling and clashes in ALEPPO.
20120815             2—SYRIA—FIGHTER—JETS bombed THE—REBEL—HELD TOWN—OF—AZAZ.
20120815             † HumanRights Watch said over 40—PEOPLE were killed.
20120815             757—SYRIANS fled into TURKEY.
20120815             Syria TV said 3—JOURNALISTS from THE—PRO—REGIME TV station AL—IKHBARIYA were freed in a "qualitative operation" in THE—TOWN—OF—AL—TAL.
20120815             —AWARDED, The contracts were, to USA ConverDyn; CANADA—URANIUM 1, INCORPORATED;
20120815             1—UN—PANEL laid the groundwork for possible prosecutions in INTERNATIONAL courts against THE—SYRIA—LEADER and other senior government officials.
20120815             —STORMED, YEMEN, gunmen, 1—PASSENGER—PLANE —AFTER it landed in ADEN, grabbed retired MAJOR—GENERAL—AHMED—ABDULLAH—AL—HASSANI, 1—FORMER—YEMEN—NAVY—COMMANDER and opposition leader, from his seat and spirited him away to 1—UNKNOWN—DESTINATION.
20120815             —LAUNCHED, ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—MUGABE, the national census, saying he hoped THE—ONCE—A—DECADE count would measure the extent to which AIDS was affecting the population.
20120815             GEHEIM—GESCHÄFTE—MIT—IRAN: BRITISCHE—GROSS—BANK zahlt 340.000.000 USA—$
20120815             Schwarzgeld in der SCHWEIZ: STEUER—CD—KAUF löst WELLE—VON—SELBSTANZEIGEN aus
20120815             Kritik vor KABINETTS—SITZUNG, CDU—POLITIKER Schlarmann rechnet mit "SYSTEM MERKEL"ab
20120815             es ist bekannt und dennoch in der gängigen Behandlungspraxis zumeist unterschätzt, daß emotionale Belastungen Veränderungen der Darmfunktionen und abdominelle Beschwerden wie Bauchschmerzen und DURCH—FÄLLE auslösen oder verstärken können.
20120815             DIE—TEEPFLANZE - Durch die lange GESCHICHTE—DER—VERWENDUNG durch Menschen ist das natürliche Areal nicht mehr genau zu bestimmen
20120815             Der Tee hat 1—VIELE 1.—000—JAHRE alte GESCHICHTE, die —BIS in DIE—ANTIKE zurück geht
20120815             und sogar in EUROPA (auf den AZOREN[AÇORES] und in der TÜRKEI) produziert.
20120815             Kamelien - AVEIRO, S—MARIA—DA—FEIRA, Feira
20120815             O EX—MINISTRO das Finanças, JOSÉ—SILVA—LOPES, considera que esta pode ser 1—PIOR crise na economia do País desde o final do século XIX
20120815             O DIRETOR—GERAL da BBC, MARK—THOMPSON, vai ocupar os cargos de presidente e diretor executivo da THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES Company (NYTC), tendo também um lugar NO—CONSELHO—DE—ADMINISTRAÇÃO, anunciou na TERÇA—FEIRA...
20120815             Tea and Horse Caravan Road - weit überlegen.
20120815             Oberster GERICHT—HOF: AUSTRALIEN führt Horrorbilder auf Zigarettenschachteln 1
20120815             USA—WARNUNG: Panetta wirft IRAN Ausbildung SYRIEN—MILIZEN vor
20120815             RAUBVOGEL—DETEKTOR: Mäusen bleiben —SEKUNDEN zur Flucht
20120815             60.000—TOTE hat das Gemetzel in MEXIKO—SEITHER gefordert, Hunderte Bosse starben oder sitzen im Knast.
20120815             Unter den FLÜCHTLINGEn waren VIELE—KUBANISCHE—KRIMINELLE, die auf diese Weise in DIE—USA gelangten, WÄHREND FIDEL—CASTRO auf 1—REDE bekannt gab,er hätte die Toilette KUBAs in DIE—USA gespült".
20120815             Um dem starken FAHNDUNGS—DRUCK in FLORIDA zu entgehen, verlegte Blanco
20120815             Blanco verbrachte 20—IHRER —61—JAHRE in USA—GEFÄNGNISSEN und wurde nach Verbüßung ihrer Haftstrafe —J—IM
20120815             —BEKANNT, Über GRISELDA—BLANCO jetzigen Verbleib ist nichts.
20120815             "Ob sich aber Probleme einstellen, das hängt wohl auch von den Erwartungsängsten ab, die vorher in der Öffentlichkeit von den Meinungsbildnern geschürt worden sind".
20120815             DIE—PSYCHOLOGIE nennt so etwas unbeabsichtigte negative Suggestionen:
20120815             In 1 20010000             erschienenen Arbeit unterteilte 1—GÖTTINGER FORSCHER—TEAM um den Psychologen MICHAEL—PFINGSTEN[PFINGSTEN FÄLLT AUF DEN 7, —SONNTAG NACH OSTERN] 50—PATIENTEN mit chronischen Rückenschmerzen —NACH—DEM Zufallsprinzip in 2—GRUPPEN.
20120815             "Patienten sind für negative Suggestionen, vor allem in existentiell bedrohlich empfundenen Situationen wie 1—OPERATION, bei 1—SCHWEREN Krankheit oder 1—UNFALL stark empfänglich".
20120815             EXTREM—SITUATIONEN, befänden sich Menschen häufig in 1—NATÜRLICHEN Trancezustand, in dem sie erhöht beeinflussbar seien.
20120815             Ich wußte es!
20120815             "In 1—ANDEREN Versuch verabreichten Ärzte Patienten mit koronarer HERZ—ERKRANKUNG 50—MILLIGRAMM des Betablockers Atenolol und klärten nur 1—TEIL—DER—TEILNEHMER darüber auf, daß 1—DER Nebenwirkungen sexuelle Funktionsstörungen sein könnte.
20120815             es scheint in unserer GESELLSCHAFT nicht mehr möglich zu sein, Risiken schlicht zu akzeptieren, oder auch dem Berater/Arzt insoweit die Risikoabwägung zu überlassen.
20120815             MEDIEN—MANAGER Thompson: BBC—CHEF—WIRD "NEW—YORK—TIMES—GESCHÄFTSFÜHRER - digitale und globale Expansion
20120815             ATHENS SCHULDEN—KRISE—GRIECHENLAND drängt auf Sparaufschub —BIS 2016
20120815             —GESTOPPT, AMAZONAS: Bau des BELO—MONTE—STAUDAMMS erneut
20120815             JOB—MARKT: Millionen DEUTSCHE würden gerne MEHR—ARBEITEN
20120815             4—FESTNAHMEN: DEUTSCHE sollen ATOM—REAKTOR in IRAN beliefert haben
20120815             BRITISCHES—URTEIL: —4—JAHRE—GEFÄNGNIS—FÜR—LINKS zu illegalen Kopien
20120815             Roter Planet: INDIEN—PREMIER—GIBT Startschuss für MARS—MISSION
20120815             EX—KANZLER—SCHRÖDER: "GRIECHENLAND—BASHING muss aufhören"
20120815             ROMNEY—WAHL—KAMPF: USA auf dem Weg in die Spardiktatur
20120815             AUSTRALIEN: Asbestverseuchte Autos aus CHINA entdeckt
20120815             SCHULDEN—KRISE, EUROPA—BANKEN sitzen auf 1—BILLION EURO fauler Kredite
20120815             NSU—AFFÄRE: SACHSEN hat neuen VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ—CHEF—
20120815             GRIECHENLAND—KRISE, —JETZT hilft nur noch die Pleite
20120815             USA—MILITÄR: Rätsel um Flug des HYPERSCHALL—GESCHOSSES
20120815             HYPERSCHALL—WAFFEN sind —DERZEIT, en vogue beim USA—MILITÄR.
20120815             HYPERSCHALL—GESCHOSSE sollen diese Lücke füllen
20120815             GRIECHENLANDs SCHULDEN—KRISE—MERKEL pocht auf Einhaltung der Absprachen mit ATHEN (Politik, 14:43
20120815             Klassiker aus RUSSLAND: USA—AMERIKANER kaufen massenhaft Kalaschnikows
20120815             1.Sitzung NACH—SOMMERPAUSE: KABINETT vereinfacht Exportrecht
20120815             Sozialer Instinkt: Fairness kennt nur DER—MENSCH
20120815             —GEPLANTER STAATS—VERTRAG: Muslime hoffen auf Nachahmer des HAMBURG—MODELLS
20120815             ATHENS SCHULDEN—KRISE, WESTERWELLE will Griechen mehr Zeit geben
20120815             —AUFSTAND—IN—SYRIEN—REBELLEN greifen mit Sprengfallen an
20120815             —ANGRIFF—PLÄNE—ISRAEL geht von —30—TAGE—KRIEG—GEGEN—IRAN aus
20120815             Globale Dürre: Niebel fordert Verkaufsstopp von Biosprit E10
20120815             [l] Hier hat mal jemand geguckt, was die Firma hinter TrapWire noch so macht.
20120815             Anonymizer, the company that brings you free anonymous email facilities, called nyms, as well as similar secure services used by activists all over THE—WORLD, is actually owned by Cubic Corporations, the parent company that owns Abraxis, which in turn owns Trapwire.
20120815             Na sowas.
20120815             [l] Angeblich hat ECUADOR JULIAN—ASSANGE—ASYL gewährt.
20120815             [l] Wichtiger Funktionär der UNGARISCHEN—NAZI—PARTEI stellt fest, daß er selber Jude ist.
20120815             —FOLLOWING WEEKS—OF—INTERNET—RUMOURS, Szegedi acknowledged In ;;06;;
20120815             that his grandparents on his mother's side were JEWS—MAKING him 1—TOO under JEWISH—LAW, even though he doesn't practice the faith.
20120815             —SEIT—DEM, läuft es wohl nicht mehr so gut mit seiner Karriere.
20120815             [l] Die Frachtschifffahrt implodiert weiter vor sich hin.
20120815             —GEWESEN, Als wenn das nicht alles —SCHON schlimm genug, wäre, haben DIE—BANKEN —JETZT wegen BASEL III höhere Eigenkapitalanforderungen
20120815             und besorgen sich DAS—KAPITAL, indem sie es aus der Frachtschifffahrt abziehen.
20120815             "Shipping is the biggest CASUALTY—OF—THE—NEW—REGULATIONS.
20120815             All THE—BANKS are reducing their portfolios, using ANY—BREACH of covenant to get OUT—OF—CONTRACTS.
20120815             The 2.—HAND ship market has broken down," said MISTER—SMITH.
20120815             und wisst ihr, wer der große Gewinner DER—KRISE ist?
20120815             Kommt ihr NIE drauf! Die GRIECHISCHEN—REEDER!
20120815             DIE—GRIECHISCHEN—REEDER are —NOW buying them ships back for 1—FRACTION—OF—THE—PRICE," he said.
20120815             und wo haben Die GRIECHISCHEN—REEDER DAS—GELD her?
20120815             Ich dachte, GRIECHENLAND sei pleite! Kommt ihr NIE drauf!
20120815             The striking FEATURE—OF—THE—DEAL was that HYPOVEREINSBANK provided 100 % financing, 1—PRIVILEGE denied to GERMANY—SHIPPERS.
20120815             "They HYPOVEREINSBANK like their GREECE—CUSTOMERS—MORE than us," said 1—GERMANY—SHIPPER, quoted by LLOYD—LIST.
20120815             —SNOOKERED, Of course, Californians have been, PREVIOUSLY by the energy mavens.
20120815             und simulieren die menschliche EVOLUTION am Computer.
20120815             "Der stehlende Affe war also auf die Mithilfe seines Artgenossen angewiesen, um sein Diebesgut fressen zu können".
20120815             Ergebnis: Die Affen ließen KEINE—CHANCE aus, ihre Trauberation aufzubessern -, die benachteiligte Mitspieler gaben die ungerecht verteilten Rationen in der Regel frei.
20120815             Weder Schimpansen noch Bonobos kümmert es offenbar, ob Futter in 1—GRUPPE fair aufgeteilt wird, solange sie denn überhaupt etwas bekamen.
20120815             Affen ist Ungerechtigkeit egal
20120815             —ENTSTANDEN, Demnach müsse der Gerechtigkeitssinn, sein, —NACHDEM sich DIE—MENSCHEN—AFFEN in die Gattungen der Schimpansen (PAN) und Menschen (Homo) aufgeteilt haben.
20120815             Demnach entstand der ausgeprägte Gerechtigkeitssinn des Menschen innerhalb von wenigen 1.—000—JAHREN, 1—RELATIV kurzen ZEIT—IN—DER EVOLUTION.
20120815             Flache Hierarchien führten dazu, daß der Besitz jedes einzelnen stärker respektiert wird.
20120815             1—STUDIE—DES—MPI für evolutionäre Anthropologie von ;;0800;; —ANFANG, zeigt, daß MENSCHEN—KINDER —HEUTE—VON—GEBURT AN auf Helfen programmiert sind.
20120815             —SCHON Zweijährige macht es demnach glücklich jemandem zu helfen, unabhängig davon, ob sie dafür Anerkennung bekommen oder nicht.
20120815             AUSTRALISCHE—AIRLINES: Männer dürfen nicht neben Kindern sitzen
20120815             DEUTSCHE—GROSS—KONZERNE: So viel Umsatz wie noch NIE—ABER kaum neue Jobs
20120815             —PLÄDIERT, Demografischer Wandel: Clement, für Arbeit —BIS—INS Greisenalter
20120815             RWE—PROJEKT: Weltgrößtes BRAUN—KOHLEKRAFTWERK startet unter PROTEST
20120815             Fataler Wirbel: Riesensturm lässt NORDPOL—EIS schmelzen
20120815             Selbstanzeigen abgelehnt: STEUERbetrüger könnte volle STRAFE—TREFFEN
20120815             Berechnungsfehler: Mehr als 150.000—RENTNER bekamen zu wenig Geld
20120815             [l] ISRAEL bereitet sich auf 1 30-tägigen KRIEG vor.
20120815             es gerüchtet ja —SEITSCHON 1—WEILE, daß sie den IRAN—KRIEG den BRITEN zuliebe —BIS—NACH—DEN Olympischen Spielen verschieben würden.
20120815             —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—SOMMERN war das Eis jeweils so stark geschwunden wie vermutlich —SEITJAHRHUNDERTEN nicht mehr.
20120815             —JETZT, ist auch noch 1—RIESIGER Sturm quer über DIE—ARKTIS gezogen, der Orkan hat 1—TRÜMMERFELD hinterlassen.
20120815             Das Meereis des NORDENS—STEUERT —NUN auf 1—NEUEN MINUS—REKORD zu, für Schiffe wird 1—ABKÜRZUNG durch ansonsten gefrorenes —GEBIET frei.
20120815             "Der Einfluss des Sturms auf den Eisrückgang war enorm",
20120815             Binnen —10—TAGEN habe sich das Meereis der ARKTIS um die dreifache Fläche DEUTSCHLANDs verkleinert
20120815             Außerdem wurde das arktische Meer umgerührt.
20120815             Normalerweise lagert dort kaltes über wärmerem Wasser.
20120815             Beide Schichten trennt ihr unterschiedlicher Gehalt an Salz: SALZ—REICHERES Wasser ist schwerer, es bleibt in der Tiefe.
20120815             DATEN—VON—BOJEN aus dem Eismeer hätten aber —NUN gezeigt, daß der Sturm das mildere Wasser aufgewühlt habe, berichtet Kaleschke.
20120815             —NUN, schmölzen die Schollen wie Eiswürfel im Tee.
20120815             Auch im —BISHERIGEN Rekordjahr 20070000             hatten ungewöhnliche Winde erheblichen Einfluss auf den Eisschwund.
20120815             Neuere Messungen des Satelliten "Cryosat-2"und Computersimulationen deuten gar darauf hin, daß der IPCC den Schwund im hohen NORDEN unterschätzt.
20120815             Wie groß der Anteil der globalen Erwärmung an diesem Wandel ist, bleibt aber unklar.
20120815             DIE—REGION im sogenannten Holozänen KLIMA—OPTIMUM VOR—5000—BIS 8.—000—JAHREN noch mit weitaus weniger Eis bedeckt war als HEUTZUTAGE.
20120815             GREVENBROICH—CO2—SCHLEUDER oder Baustein der ENERGIE—WENDE?
20120815             Im rheinischen GREVENBROICH—NEURATH ist das größte BRAUN—KOHLEKRAFTWERK der Welt in Betrieb GEGANGEN—TROTZ heftiger PROTESTE—VON—UMWELT—SCHÜTZERN.
20120815             Das wegen seines hohen C02-Ausstoßes umstrittene Projekt trägt den Namen BoA 2&3.
20120815             Das Kraftwerk hat 1—LEISTUNG—VON—2.200—MEGAWATT—GENUG Strom, um 3.400.000 Haushalte zu versorgen.
20120815             DAS—PROJEKT sorgt für Streit
20120815             Der LANDESVORSITZENDE—DES Bundes für UMWELT und NATURSCHUTZ—NORD—RHEIN—WEST—FALEN bezeichnete das Kraftwerk als 1 "DINO—SAURIER des Kohlezeitalters".
20120815             es passe nicht zur ENERGIE—WENDE.
20120815             USA—MILITÄR: HYPERSCHALL—GESCHOSS stürzte KURZ—NACH, Start in den PAZIFIK
20120815             —DURING—THE—BOOM— "They Die GRIECHISCHEN—REEDER played their cards really well selling ships for 1—PROFIT at THE—TOP—OF—CYCLE.
20120815—19950000    —SINCE, Necib Tayeb, 1—OF—THE—OLDEST—MEMBERS—OF—AL—QAEDA—NORTH—AFRICA—BRANCH, headed its SO—CALLED "judicial committee" and had been wanted.
20120815—20082009    —TODAY, than —DURING—THE—WORST—MOMENTS—OF—THE—CRISIS.
20120815—20120817    —ON, HALF—OF—THE—GROUP were put aboard 1—COMMERCIAL airliner in the Okinawan main CITY—OF—NAHA and arrived in HONG—KONG.
20120815—20120821    —ON, police said the body parts belonged to GUANG—HUA—LIU, —41—JAHRE—ALT, 1—WOMAN who owned 1—SPA in the eastern suburb of Scarborough.
20120815—20140626    —CONVICTED—OF, Jiang Chunqi was, 2.—DEGREE—MURDER for killing and dismembering his EX—GIRLFRIEND.
20120815—20140707    —ON, the Ninth USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS said ARIZONA—POLICE is discriminatory and ordered the state to issue licenses.
20120815—20170000    —AWARDED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES said it has, 6—FUEL—CONTRACTS valued at $3—BILLION for its 1. nuclear power plant, expected to start up.
201306100815 —HEUTE, Ehemaliger ANTI—TERROR—AGENT des FBI—ZITAT : "Aber ich kann Ihnen sagen, daß keine digitale Kommug
20130815             1—CIA—HISTORY was released that referred to Area 51 in NEVADA by name and described SOME—OF—THE—ACTIVITIES that took place there.
20130815             —SPOTTED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 1—BOAT was, by lifeguards in Malibu communicating with 1—TRUCK in 1—PARKING lot.
20130815             —ARRESTED, Authorities, 2—MEN and recovered 52—BALES—OF—MARIJUANA.
20130815             —CONCLUDED, THE—CAYMAN—ISLANDS said it has, negotiations with THE—USA on pacts to report information on ACCOUNTS—OF—USA—CITIZENS.
20130815             —TRIED, EGYPT, Morsi supporters, to storm the building housing the local government in GIZA, CAIRO—TWIN—CITY on THE—WEST—BANK—OF—THE—NILE—RIVER.
20130815             —REPELLED, Police, the attack, arresting several protesters.
20130815             In 1—CAIRO mosque the charred and mutilated bodies of more than 200—EGYPTIANS awaited claim, apparently uncounted and unacknowledged by the state —AFTER security forces crushed Islamist protest camps.
20130815             IRAQ, 1—WAVE—OF—CAR—BOMBS hit BAGHDAD, killing 33—PEOPLE and wounding dozens.
20130815             KASHMIR, 2—CIVILIANS, including 1—PORTER working for THE—INDIA—ARMY, were reportedly wounded by PAKISTAN—TROOPS firing in Mendhar sector.
20130815             —FIRED, INDIA—TROOPS reportedly, across the disputed border and wounding 6—CIVILIANS in the Kotli sector of PAKISTAN—HELD Kashmir.
20130815             24—PEOPLE were killed.
20130815             —REPELLED, NIGERIA, security forces, gunmen who attacked the police station and 1—MILITARY—POST in Damboa, 85—KM (50—MILES) from Borno STATE—CAPITAL—MAIDUGURI.
20130815             —GUNNED, Other militants, down villagers and firebombed about 20—HOMES.
20130815             —ARMED, PAKISTAN—POLICE shot and wounded MOHAMMAD—SIKANDAR, 1, motorist in ISLAMABAD, —AFTER an HOURS—LONG standoff broadcast live on TV, —DURING which he demanded the implementation of Islamic law in the country.
20130815             PARAGUAY—PRESIDENT—HORACIO—CARTES, —57—JAHRE—ALT made his inaugural speech saying "I promise to 20130901             —EXAMPLE with this government" by strengthening INTERNATIONAL ties and committing to human rights and fighting poverty.
20130815             —CLOSED, SOUTH—AFRICA, education officials, 16—SCHOOLS, affecting some 12,000 students, in 1 impoverished area near CAPE—TOWN because of 1—SPIKE in gang violence that has left teachers too afraid to go to work.
20130815             † ROSALIA—MERA, —69—JAHRE—ALT, SPAIN—RICHEST—WOMAN, in La Coruna.
20130815             —LISTED, Ortega is, by Forbes as the world's 3.—RICHEST person.
20130815             SYRIA, gunmen shot dead imam MOHAMMED—DIBO in THE—REBEL—HELD TOWN—OF—MANBIJ —WHILE on his way to the mosque to perform dawn prayers.
20130815             AL—QAIDA militants —POSTED 1—VIDEO showing 2—MALE—SHIITE teenagers, accused of being PRO—GOVERNMENT—GUNMEN, sitting in front of 1 masked gunman and then being shot dead.
20130815             —POURED, THOUSANDS—OF—SYRIA—REFUGEES, into the Kurdistan REGION—OF—NORTH—IRAQ, taking advantage of 1—NEW—BRIDGE along the largely closed border.
20130815             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—AREA—OF—WETLAND on Lake VICTORIA—LUTEMBE—BAY has been filled in so that 1—ROSE—FARM owned by UGANDA business tycoon Sudhir Rupareliacould be expanded.
20130815             —ACCUSED, UKRAINE—POLITICIANS, RUSSIA—OF—STARTING 1—TRADE—WAR to pressure the country against signing 1—COOPERATION—PACT with THE—EU, bringing relations between THE—2—FORMER—SOVIET—STATES to 1—NEW—LOW.
20130815—19750000    —IN, The former seamstress and her THEN—HUSBAND, Armancio Ortega CO—FOUNDED 1—CLOTHING store in La Coruna that grew into Zara, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—RETAIL—CHAINS.
20130918             alfatomega.com/2004081517.html
20140815             —ARRESTED, FBI agents, 1—NEW—MEXICO sheriff and his son —AFTER the lawman allegedly PISTOL—WHIPPED 1—MOTORIST —FOLLOWING a 20140311             HIGH—SPEED—CAR—CHASE.
20140815             PHOENIX—BASED—ELIO said it plans to start making the cars next fall at 1—FORMER—GENERAL—MOTORS—PLANT in SHREVEPORT—LOUISIANA.
20140815             —RESERVED, Already, more than 27,000—PEOPLE have, 1.
20140815             The new commuter car has 2—SEATS, 3—WHEELS, gets 84—MILES—HIGHWAY to the gallon and will cost $6,800.
20140815             —SENTENCED, INDIANA, WILLIAM—CLYDE—GIBSON—III, —56—JAHRE—ALT was, to death in the strangling of STEPHANIE—KIRK (35) of Charlestown.
20140815             —SENTENCED, Gibson was, to death —LAST—YEAR for THE—MURDER—OF—CHRISTINE—WHITIS (75), whose body was discovered in his garage days —BEFORE KIRK—BODY was found.
20140815             —NAMED, MISSOURI, Ferguson Police CHIEF—TOM—JACKSON, DARREN—WILSON as the police officer who killed 1 unarmed black teenager in Ferguson last weekend, saying the officer had 1—GOOD—RECORD and the incident came in the aftermath of 1—ROBBERY in which the teen was 1—SUSPECT.
20140815             —CLASHED, Protesters, with riot police in Ferguson for another night of civil unrest over the shooting DEATH—OF—MICHAEL—BROWN.
20140815             NEW—YORK, STATE—STEPHEN—HOWELLS—JUNIOR, —39—JAHRE—ALT and NICOLE—VAISEY (25), both of Hermon, were arrested and arraigned on charges they abducted 2—AMISH—SISTERS 7&12) with the intent to physically or sexually abuse them.
20140815             TEXAS GOVERNOR—RICK—PERRY, 1—POTENTIAL 20160000             Republican presidential candidate, was indicted over allegations he abused his power, prompting calls for him to resign.
20140815             1—STATE—GRAND—JURY in AUSTIN indicted Perry on 2—FELONY charges -- ABUSE—OF—OFFICIAL—CAPACITY and coercion of 1—PUBLIC—SERVANT -- for his alleged threat to veto $7.5—MILLION in state funding to 1—ANTI—CORRUPTION—UNIT—RUN by TRAVIS—COUNTY—DISTRICT—ATTORNEY—ROSEMARY—LEHMBERG, 1—DEMOCRAT.
20140815             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that 2—HIV—POSITIVE—PASSENGERS and 1—FRIEND are suing 1—CHINA—AIRLINE for refusing to let them on BOARD, in the country's 1. such lawsuit.
20140815             —KILLED, EGYPT, 3—PEOPLE were, as supporters and opponents of ousted Islamist PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—MORSI clashed —AFTER—FRIDAY prayers.
20140815             —UNIFIED, THE—EU sought to forge 1, response to the rapid advance of Islamic militants in IRAQ and the resulting refugee crisis, with several nations pledging more humanitarian aid and raising the possibility of directly arming Kurdish fighters battling Sunni insurgents.
20140815             FINLAND—PRESIDENT—SAULI—NIINISTO told his counterpart VLADIMIR—PUTIN that WEST—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—MOSCOW and the food ban RUSSIA introduced in response were damaging bilateral ties and proposed to seek ways to end THE—UKRAINE crisis.
20140815             JAPAN froze THE—ASSETS—OF—OCEAN—MARITIME Management, OPERATOR—OF—THE—NORTH—KOREAN—SHIP seized for smuggling arms detained near THE—PANAMA—CANAL —1—YEAR—AGO carrying SOVIET—ERA—ARMS.
20140815             1—JAPAN—WHALING vessel, the 712-ton SHONAN—MARU NUMBER2, was ordered into 1—RUSSIA—PORT —AFTER sailing through the Sea of Okhotsk off Sakhalin ISLAND without going through the proper procedures.
20140815             IRAQ—TRIBAL—LEADERS and clerics from the Sunni heartland said they would be willing under certain conditions to join 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT that hopes to contain sectarian bloodshed and 1—OFFENSIVE by Islamic State militants that threatens BAGHDAD.
20140815             25—SUNNI tribes in Anbar province, including SOME—THAT had previously been on the fence, announced that they were launching 1 coordinated effort to oust IS fighters.
20140815             —ENTERED, Militants, THE—NORTH—YAZIDI village of Kocho and killed about 80—PEOPLE.
20140815             They took the women and children of Kocho to the nearby CITY—OF—TAL Afar.
20140815             PAKISTAN, clashes broke out as TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS from 2—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—MOVEMENTS slowly converged on the capital, presenting THE—15—MONTH—OLD—CIVIL—GOVERNMENT with its biggest challenge yet.
20140815             POLAND put on its biggest military parade in years to mark its annual armed forces holiday.
20140815             —MASSED, DOZENS—OF—HEAVY—RUSSIA—MILITARY—VEHICLES, near the border with UKRAINE, —WHILE UKRAINE—BORDER—GUARDS crossed the frontier to inspect 1—HUGE—RUSSIA—AID—CONVOY.
20140815             —KILLED, Shelling, 11—CIVILIANS and wounded 8—MORE over the past —24—HOURS in the besieged rebel STRONGHOLD—OF—DONETSK.
20140815             NATO and UKRAINE said RUSSIA—MILITARY—VEHICLES did cross into UKRAINE —DURING the night and THE—UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—SAID—MOST—OF—THEM were destroyed by his troops.
20140815             —ENTERED, SOUTH—SUDAN—CIVIL—WAR, its ninth —MONTH with rebels and government troops engaged in heavy battles.
20140815             —ADOPTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL unanimously, 1—RESOLUTION intended to weaken the Islamic State - 1—AL—QAEDA splinter group that has seized SWATHS—OF—TERRITORY—IN—IRAQ and Syria and declared 1—CALIPHATE—AND al QAEDA—SYRIA—WING, Nusra Front.
20140815             —AGREED, SAUDI—ARABIA and KUWAIT THE—NEXT—DAY, to comply with the resolution —AFTER 4—OF—THEIR—NATIONALS were named among 1—GROUP blacklisted by THE—INTERNATIONAL—BODY.
20140815             —GELOBT, DIE—FALSCHEN Rezepte der Troika wurden als"der gute Weg".
20140815             Ich kenne PORTUGAL gut, dort gibt es stinkreiche LEUTE.
20140815             PORTUGAL hatte sich —VOR—3—JAHREN im Gegenzug für—EURO an Notkrediten von Euroländern, Europäischer ZENTRAL—BANK (EZB) und Internationalem WÄHRUNGS—FONDS[IWF] zu 1—SCHMERZHAFTEN SPAR—KURS verpflichtet.
20140815             PORTUGAL: Gericht kippt erneut SPAR—GESETZ der Regierung
20140815             WELT—GESUNDHEITS—ORGANISATION: EBOLA—AUSBRUCH in WEST—AFRIKA noch schlimmer als gedacht
20140815             Schutz von Zivilisten: USA fordern Zurückhaltung von UKRAINISCHER—ARMEE
20140815             —REBELLION—GEGEN—AMAZON: DIE—AUTOREN schreien —, wir sollten zuhören - Fotostrecke: Tarnfleck in FERGUSON
20140815             —PROTESTE—IN—MISSOURI—GOUVERNEUR entmachtet die verhasste POLIZEI—VON—FERGUSON
20140815             —MACHT—KAMPF—DER—OBST—RIESEN: Chiquita wehrt sich gegen Übernahme
20140815             FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA in SÜD—KOREA: Zehntausende jubeln dem PAPA zu
20140815             Bitcoin: EBAY—TOCHTER verhandelt über EINFÜHRUNG—VON—VIRTUELLER Währung
20140815             PAKISTAN—AUFSTÄNDISCHE attackieren STÜTZ—PUNKTE der LUFT—WAFFE
20140815             POLIT—THRILLER "Night Moves": Ja sagen zur Bombe
20140815             Stromproduktion: BELGIEN schaltet 3.ATOM—REAKTOR ab
20140815             Grenze UKRAINE—RUSSLAND: NERVEN—KRIEG—UM—PUTINS Konvoi
20140815             ÜBERWACHUNG: Forscher wollen LAUSCH—ANGRIFF—AUF—HANDYS über Bewegungssensoren zeigen
20140815             UNO—TREFFEN—IN—NEW—YORK: MERKEL lässt sich beim KLIMA—SONDER—GIPFEL von Hendricks vertreten
20140815             Gravitationsbiologie: Durchgedrehte Sonnenblumen
20140815             Ihr Ziel: grüne Wände in grauen Städten und Rohkost im Weltall.
20140815             DIE—KONSTRUKTION in der Schicks Sonnenblumen wachsen heißt Klinostat, seine Ursprungsform erfanden Forscher —BEREITS vor gut —150—JAHREN.
20140815             —ROTIERT, Das Gerät, den Topf horizontal um die eigene Achse.
20140815             Kleine Schwerekörper wie Stärkekörner in den Pflanzenzellen, Statolithen, geraten ins Trudeln und werden je nach TEMPO—AN—DIE—AUßENWÄNDE geschleudert, oder berühren die Zellwände überhaupt nicht.
20140815             Das hebelt die Wahrnehmung der Pflanze für die natürliche Schwerkraft auf der Erde aus.
20140815             DIE—SONNENBLUME merkt nicht mehr, wo oben und unten ist, und wächst einfach geradeaus.
20140815             Auch Hibiskus, Amaryllis und Gummibäume hat Schick —SCHON erfolgreich in die Waagerechte wachsen lassen.
20140815             1—WEIHNACHTSSTERN hingegen ging ein.
20140815             "Ich vermute, daß JEDE—PFLANZE 1—EIGENE ideale Drehgeschwindigkeit hat".Vielleicht ging es dem Weihnachtsstern einfach zu schnell.
20140815             Trend.
20140815             "DIE—LEUTE wollen 1—GRÜNES Umfeld", sagt VIZE—CHEF—KLAUS—DOBCZYNSKI.
20140815             DAS—UNTERNEHMEN Graviplant
20140815             Simulationen zeigen Bäume mit Stamm und Krone, die von 1—HAUSWAND waagerecht ins Freie wachsen.
20140815             Graviplant - Forscher aus ISRAEL und DEN—USA haben 1—METHODE entwickelt, um SMARTPHONE—NUTZER heimlich über die Sensoren zu belauschen.
20140815             Wissenschaftler haben —NUN herausgefunden, daß sich die Bewegungssensoren auch als SPIONAGEwerkzeug missbrauchen lassen.
20140815             1—BERICHT—DER—"Wired"zufolge wollen Forscher DER—USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—STANFORD—UNIVERSITY—UND—DES—ISRAELISCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSINSTITUTS—RAFAEL die Abhörmethode in der kommenden —WOCHE auf der SICHERHEITS—KONFERENZ Usenix präsentieren.
20140815             —GELUNGEN, Den Wissenschaftlern ist es offenbar, Smartphones mit 1—SOFTWARE zu präparieren, die leichte Bewegungen des Gyroskops auslesen und in Tondateien umwandeln kann.
20140815             Dabei genügen —BEREITS leichte Schwingungen, die von den Schallwellen 1—STIMME ausgelöst werden.
20140815             1—PERFIDE ÜBERWACHUNGS—METHODE: Denn IM—GEGENSATZ zum Mikrofon lassen sich die SMARTPHONE—ZUGRIFFSRECHTE auf Bewegungssensoren in der Regel nicht abschalten.
20140815             —BESTREITET, GRENZ—KONFLIKT, RUSSLAND, Eindringen von ARMEE in DIE—UKRAINE
20140815             Oberheimbach es ist das Nadelöhr des Verkehrs zwischen NORD— und SÜD—EUROPA.
20140815             HUNDERTE—VON—ZÜGEN donnern täglich durch das enge Tal, riesige Containerfrachter quetschen sich durch die schmale Fahrrinne.
20140815             Zum Lärm kommt die Platznot im engen Tal.
20140815             Verfall nistet sich ein, mancherorts wirken ganze STRAßEN—ZÜGE wie aufgegeben.
20140815             Und den 200.000—BEWOHNERN des Tals wie der —POLITIK stellt sich längst die Frage nach der —ZUKUNFT—DER—REGION MITTEL—RHEIN.
20140815             —JETZT, wurde er wieder gegen BRÜSSEL ausfällig: Er bezeichnete die MAßNAHMEn als "Schuss ins Knie".
20140815             DIE—GEGEN RUSSLAND verhängten Sanktionen hätten —AM—ENDE EUROPA den größeren Schaden zugefügt, erklärte ORBÁN in 1—RADIO—INTERVIEW.
20140815             "In der —POLITIK sagt man, das war 1—SCHUSS ins eigene Knie".
20140815             —ZUVOR, hatte —BEREITS des ORBÁN—KOLLEGE, der Slowake ROBERT—FICO, die MAßNAHMEn als "sinnlos"kritisiert, die das Wachstum in EUROPA gefährden würden.
20140815             des ORBÁN—KRITIK ist jedoch weniger von der SORGE—UM—DIE—UNION getragen als vielmehr von den eigenen ökonomischen Interessen seines Landes.
20140815             —DENN, RUSSLAND ist für UNGARN der wichtigste HANDELS—PARTNER—AUSSERHALB—EUROPAS.
20140815             Der Exportüberschuss BETRUG 20130000             mehr als 2.500.000.000—EURO.
20140815             Den Schaden, der seinem Land wegen der Sanktionen entsteht, will sich ORBÁN—VON—BRÜSSEL ersetzen lassen.
20140815             "DIE—EU sollte über 1—KOMPENSATION für die Produzenten und HÄNDLER nachdenken, die —NUN DIE—VERLUSTE zu tragen haben, kommen sie —NUN aus POLEN, der SLOWAKEI, UNGARN oder GRIECHENLAND", erklärt er.
20140815             gelten - Auch MOSKAU —BOYKOTTIERT westliche LEBENS—MITTELIMPORTE.
20140815             EU—RATS—PRÄSIDENT—HERMAN—VAN Rompuy hatte jedoch wiederholt betont, daß DIE—EU bereit sei, die —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN zu revidieren, wenn sich DIE—REGIERUNG in MOSKAU an 1—LÖSUNG—DER—UKRAINE—KRISE beteilige.
20140815             wo er recht hat er recht
20140815             Sanktionen müssen doch —ERST durch —FEHLER der russen bzw den abschuß des Fliegers bewiesen werden.
20140815             —ERST dann kann ich sanktionieren.wo sind die beweise der USA oder soll 1—KEIL zwischen den russen und der eu getrieben werden?
20140815             wer hat Vorteile von den Sanktionen?
20140815             LISSABON—DAS PORTUGIESISCHE—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT hat 1—SPAR—MAßNAHME der Regierung zurückgewiesen.
20140815             1—GEPLANTE STEUER—VON—2—BIS 3 % auf Pensionen ab 1—HÖHE—VON—1000—EURO sei abgelehnt worden, weil sie nicht mit der Generationengerechtigkeit vereinbar sei, sagte RICHTER—JOAQUIM—SOUSA—RIBEIRO—AM—DONNERSTAG.
20140815             DIE—NEUE Abgabe sollte im kommenden —JAHR 372.000.000—EURO in DIE—STAATS—KASSE spülen.
20140815             Grünes Licht gab das Gericht hingegen für die Neuregelung der Gehaltskürzungen im öffentlichen Dienst.
20140815             Betroffen sind Staatsdiener, deren Einkommen 1500—EURO übersteigt.
20140815             Diese SPAR—MAßNAHME sei allerdings nur 20150000             zulässig, da 1—VERLÄNGERUNG gegen DAS—PRINZIP der Gleichheit von Bediensteten im öffentlichen Dienst und in der PRIVAT—WIRTSCHAFT verstoßen würde, urteilten DIE—RICHTER.
20140815             DIE—EUROPÄISCHE—UNION und DER—INTERNATIONALE WÄHRUNGS—FONDS[IWF] hatten —DARAUFHIN, die Überweisung der letzten Kredittranche vorübergehend ausgesetzt.
20140815             DIE—VERFASSUNGS—RICHTER hatten —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT—SCHON mehrfach SPAR—MAßNAHMEN der konservativen Regierung kassiert.
20140815             Dazu gehörten Kürzungen im öffentlichen Dienst bei den Gehältern, die Erhebung von STEUERN auf Arbeitslosen—, Krankengeld sowie Einschränkungen bei der Hinterbliebenenrente.
20140815             DIE—ZEITUNG "Público"bezifferte die dadurch entstehende Lücke im STAATS—HAUSHALT in ihrer ONLINE—AUSGABE auf mehr als 1,1—MILLIARDEN—EURO, das Konkurrenzblatt "Diário de Notícias"sprach von 750.000.000—EURO.
20140815             Soso, STEUER—ERHÖHUNGEN sind Spargesetze.
20140815             Schwarz ist weiß, Bankraub ist Zusatzeinkommen..... - [9]Was wird gespielt?
20140815             —UNTER—DEM, Euphemismus "sparen"sollen wehrlose und an der Misere weitgehend Unschuldige kleine LEUTE ausgequetscht werden.
20140815             Auf ausdrücklichen Wunsch der EU bzw.MERKELlands.
20140815             Gerade mal wieder rein paar MILLIARDEN öffentlicher Gelder für 1—PRIVAT—BANK reinbuttern ist aber problemlos.
20140815             In dem ganzen Tohuwabohu von Meinungen und DES—INFORMATIONEN zur EU—KRISE geht unter wer begünstigt und wer ausgequetscht wird in unseren Ländern.
20140815             Dieser Nebel ist es der den großen Raubzug ermöglicht.
20140815             Schlagzeile ist falsch
20140815             es handelte sich nicht um 1—SPAR—GESETZ (Sparen = Ausgabenkürzung), sondern um 1—GESETZ, um Rentner abzukassieren.
20140815             Das ist leider richtig
20140815             Generell ist es 1—SEHR versnobbte, klassenorientierte, förmliche GESELLSCHAFT (VIELE—AUS—DEM—NORDEN haben 1—VÖLLIG falsche Vorstellung von PORTUGAL, da geht nicht viel mit mediterraner Leichtigkeit), in der die größten Schmarotzer (BANKER, Anwälte, Berater, Politiker, Bauunternehmer, etc.) das größte Ansehen und Einkommen genießen.
20140815             Gerade die aktuelle KONSERVATIVEN—REGIERUNG unterhält 1—ENORMEN Stab an "Beratern", die unverschämte Einkommen beziehen und dennoch keine gute Arbeit leisten.
20140815             —ZUDEM, gibt es auch LEUTE, die im Ruhestand noch 4000—BIS 5000—EURO —IM—MONAT kassieren.
20140815             Für die breite Masse DER—PORTUGIESEN ist das längst nicht mehr nachvollziehbar.
20140815             Sie müssen häufig mit 700—EURO —IM—MONAT auskommen, obwohl die Lebenshaltung kaum billiger ist als in DEUTSCHLAND.
20140815             Wenn es nicht so VIELE—FREIWILLIGE—HELFER und familiären Zusammenhalt gäbe, wäre DAS—LAND längst zusammengekracht.
20140815             DER—SOZIAL—STAAT wird ja zunehmend auf HILFS—ORGANISATIONEN wie Caritas und Rotes Kreuz ausgelagert.
20140815             Das größere Problem sind aber die falschen Rezepte der Troika gewesen, die die Lage nur noch verschlimmert haben.
20140815             Diese LEUTE sollte man vor Gericht zerren und persönlich für ihr Versagen zur Verantwortung ziehen.
20140815             Zur Zeit fragt man sich, wie es sein kann, daß kurz nach der Verabschiedung von der Troika, die Pleite der BANK—BES bekannt wird.
20140815             —INZWISCHEN, gibt es unzählige HILFS—ORGANISATIONEN auf Vereinsbasis, oder ganz unbürokratisch, privat.
20140815             PORTUGALs größtes Problem ist die korrupte Verknüpfung von STAAT und Wirtschaft.
20140815             Vor SALAZAR, oder nach SALAZAR, da hat sich nichts geändert.
20140815             —BEVOR—AM—DONNERSTAG die 6. —NACHT anbrach, griff BARACK—OBAMA ein.
20140815             Der, —18—JAHRE—ALTE Brown war unbewaffnet.
20140815             —IN—DEN—NÄCHTEN—SEITHER kam es zu Unruhen der mehrheitlich schwarzen Bevölkerung;
20140815             —AM—DONNERSTAGMITTAG also unterbrach DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT—SEINEN—URLAUB auf MARTHA—VINEYARD an DER—USA—OST—KÜSTE und lieferte das Signal: "Ruhe und Frieden müssen —JETZT in den Straßen von FERGUSON einkehren".es gebe keine Entschuldigung für Vandalismus, Plünderungen oder GEWALT—GEGEN—POLIZISTEN, sagte OBAMA.
20140815             So weit, so erwartbar.
20140815             —DANN, aber rügte er die örtliche POLIZEI: "es gibt genauso wenig 1—ENTSCHULDIGUNG für exzessiven GEWALTEINSATZ—GEGEN—FRIEDLICHE Proteste".Tatsächlich versammelten sich in mehr als 90—STÄDTEN landesweit Menschen, um der OPFER—VON—POLIZEI—GEWALT zu gedenken.
20140815             der faktischen Entmachtung der örtlichen POLIZEI—BEHÖRDE.
20140815             Tagelang hatte sich der Mann nicht blicken lassen in FERGUSON, doch die 6. —NACHT vor Augen, änderte der Demokrat seine Pläne kurzfristig.
20140815             DIE—POLIZEI werde —FORTAN "mehr Bewegungsfreiheit"erlauben, kündigte NIXON vor Ort an: "Dieser operative Wechsel wird allen Luft zum Atmen verschaffen".
20140815             —DENN, klar ist: —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—TAGEN hat sich aus 1—MÖGLICHERWEISE rassistischen POLIZEI—ÜBERGRIFF mit Todesfolge 1—GRUNDSATZ—KONFLIKT—UM—DEN Umgang DER—POLIZEI mit SCHWARZEn entwickelt.
20140815             FERGUSON selbst.
20140815             66—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG—DER—STADT sind schwarz, aber 50—DER 53—POLIZEI—BEAMTEN der Stadt sind weiß;genauso wie BÜRGER—MEISTER, Feuerwehrboss, POLIZEI—CHEF.
20140815             es ist bezeichnend, daß OBAMA, GOUVERNEUR—NIXON sowie —DER—NEUE—DE—FACTO POLIZEI—CHEF—JOHNSON —NUN insbesondere beim letzten Punkt angesetzt haben.
20140815             Missouris SENATorin CLAIRE—MCCASKILL forderte 1 "DeMILITARisierung".
20140815             —DENN, —SEIT den NEUNZIGER—JAHREN ist ja das genaue Gegenteil geschehen: DER—BUND hat lokale Behörden aufgerüstet.
20140815             —ETWA gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, die zuvor in den EIN—SÄTZEN im IRAK und AFGHANISTAN waren.
20140815             Dazu Maschinengewehre, Munition, Granatwerfer.
20140815             Kein Zufall also, daß JAY—NIXON, der GOUVERNEUR, —ERST mal feststellte, in FERGUSON sehe es ja aus "wie im KRIEG".
20140815             Und JUSTIZ—MINISTER—ERIC—HOLDER sagte: "Vor dem Hintergrund, daß wir DAS—VERTRAUEN zwischen den Behörden und den Leuten vor Ort wiederherstellen müssen, bin ich sehr besorgt über die widersprüchliche Botschaft, die DER—EINSATZ—VON—MILITÄRGERÄT sendet".
20140815             DIE—URSPRÜNGLICHE Idee in den Neunzigern war, USA—POLIZISTEN im heimischen —DROGEN—KRIEG besser auszustatten.
20140815             DAS—ERGEBNIS sind KRIEGS—WAFFEN in Händen von Provinzpolizisten.
20140815             Und wer solches Gerät hat, der will es eben auch einsetzen.
20140815             Das war in FERGUSON zu beobachten.
20140815             [7]SÜD—STAATEN - IN—DEN—USA, man kommt sich vor wie —VOR—200—JAHREN wenn man sowas liest, aber so ist das halt im Land der Rednecks, ich bin —IM—SELBST süden der USA gewesen und hatte auch kontakt zu diesen Unangenehmen Dorfcops die sich fühlen wie der Sheriff in 1—WESTENR Stadt und mich und meine Begleitung auf der suche nach 1—HOTEL aus "Seiner"Stadt verwiesen hat mit den worten "WIR mögen hier keine Fremden"und das nicht 19650000             sondern 2013!!!
20140815             Und ich bin nicht Schwarz.......
20140815             1—DURCH und durch verrottetes Land mit viel zu vielen Waffen ich kann jedem nur raten dieses Land zu meiden....
20140815             für mich war 20130000             mit sicherheit der lezte BESUCH—IN—DIESEM Land indem man sich als fremder nicht Wilkommen fühlt!
20140815             KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—BEVOELKERUNG....als eigene werden Minderheiten nicht gesehen
20140815             —ARMED, MICHAEL—BROWN shooting: USA—POLICE, with 93,763—NEW—MACHINE—GUNS
20140815             [l] Erinnert ihr euch noch daran, daß die Mautdaten niemals nie nicht für irgendwas außer Mauteintreiben verwendet werden würden?
20140815             Ihr müsst euch keine Sorgen machen, sagten sie, wir wissen, daß das 1—VÖLLIG unerträglicher GRUND—RECHTSEINGRIFF ist, den wir da vorschlagen, daher nutzen wir DIE—DATEN nicht?
20140815             DIE—POLIZEI war mal wieder auf dem Ohr taub.
20140815             [l] So, bin physisch wieder zurück, aber geistig noch 1—PAAR —TAGE im Urlaub.
20140815             Für die Zwischenzeit empfehle ich die BLACKHAT—KEYNOTE—VON—DAN—GEER, wo
20140815             DAN—GEER u.a.fordert, DIE—USA sollten den ExploitMARKT leerkaufen und alle so erworbenen 0day SOFORT—OFFENLEGEN.
20140815             Außerdem will DAN—GEER Produkthaftung für SOFTWARE, und
20140815             DAN—GEER schwebt als FREIKAUF—MODELL vor, daß das nicht für SOFTWARE gilt, bei der der Benutzer selber Features rausmachen kann, denen er nicht vertraut.
20140815             DAN—GEER schwebt als FREIKAUF—MODELL vor, also für freie SOFTWARE, mit anderen Worten.
20140815             DAN—GEER schwebt als FREIKAUF—MODELL vor, also Alle anderen sollen gefälligst haften.
20140815             Das BEMERKENS—WERTE daran ist, daß DAN—GEER—DER—CIO—VON—IN—Q—TEL ist, dem Risikokapitalarm DER—CIA.
20140815             [l] JAMES—BAMFORD hat EDWARD—SNOWDEN interviewt.
20140815             Neuigkeiten: SNOWDEN hat absichtlich 1—SPUR für DIE—NSA hinterlassen, damit die sehen können, daß er WHISTLE—BLOWER ist und nur Dokumente mitgenommen hat, an denen 1—WHISTLE—BLOWER und kein feindlicher Spion Interesse haben würde.
20140815             Aber DIE—NSA ist zu inkompetent, die Spur zu finden.
20140815             es gibt da anscheinend 1 2.Leaker, der —JETZT unter SNOWDENs Namen leakt, um selbst nicht verfolgt zu werden.
20140815             Na super.
20140815             [l] es ist mal wieder 1—DEN Politiker bei 1—FLUGZEUGABSTURZ ums Leben gekommen;
20140815             diesmal: EDUARDO—CAMPOS, sozialistischer PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT—KANDIDAT in BRASILIEN.
20140815             Aber sonderlich sozialistisch kann der auch wieder nicht gewesen sein, denn:
20140815             Der, —49—JAHRE—ALTE war früher GOUVERNEUR—DES nordöstlichen Bundesstaats Pernambuco und genoss wegen seines wirtschaftsfreundlichen Kurses die UNTERSTÜTZUNG—VON—BANKEN—, Industrieverbänden.
20140815             [l] In BELGIEN wurde anscheinend an ATOM—KRAFT—WERK sabotiert und der Schaden ist so groß, daß der Betreiber sagt, sie kriegen das —DIESES—JAHR auch nicht wieder ans Netz.
20140815             ANALYSE—VON—FACEBOOK und Co.: SUCH—MASCHINE erstellt Ranking von Hotelgästen
20140815             Mathematik: 29—ZAHLEN lösen jahrhundertealtes Problem
20140815             Bundestrojaner: BKA stellt 1.eigenen Trojaner fertig
20140815             Hilfsflüge DER—BUNDESWEHR: AUßEN—MINISTER—STEINMEIER reist in den IRAK
20140815             Erschossener LIECHTENSTEIN—BANKCHEF—LEICHE des Tatverdächtigen im BODENsee gefunden
20140815             Jesidische FLÜCHTLINGE im IRAK: "Wir haben unsere Heimat für immer verloren"
20140815             LISTERIEN—VERDACHT: Verseuchte Wurst auch auf OST—SEEFÄHREN verkauft
20140815             Codename Hacienda: NSA und PARTNER—DIENSTE scannen ganze Länder auf IT—SCHWACH—STELLEN
20140815             —RÜCKKEHR der Raubtiere: Mindestens 100—WÖLFE leben in DEUTSCHLAND
20140815             —WARNUNG—DURCH—ÄRZTE—OHNE—GRENZEN: EBOLA—EPIDEMIE noch für —MONATE außer Kontrolle
20140815             IRAK—KRISE, EU für WAFFEN—LIEFERUNGEN an KURDEN
20140815             Fernwartung: SICHERHEITS—LÜCKE entblößt Millionen DSL—ROUTER
20140815             Toter MICHAEL—BROWN: FERGUSONs POLIZEI—CHEF—NENNT Namen des Schützen
20140815             —ATTACKE—AUF—RUSSISCHEN—KONVOI: BÖRSEn rutschen schlagartig ins Minus
20140815             ROBOTER—FLASHMOB: Tanzende Schwarmintelligenz
20140815             "IN—DER—UKRAINE scheint sich die Lage zuzuspitzen, und das ist gerade an 1—FREITAG Gift für den MARKT —VERHÄLTNIS", sagte BÖRSEN—EXPERTE SVEN—KLEINHANS—VON—DER—FIRMA—MOMENTUM—SIGNALS.
20140815             Der HÄNDLER ANDREAS—LIPKOW sagte: "DIE—POLITISCHE Unsicherheit ist —PLÖTZLICH, zurück".
20140815             Ja, hehe.
20140815             Derweil gibt es noch nicht mal Bilder oder irgendwelche bestätigten Infos darüber ob das tatsächlich so passiert ist, außer KIEW und ihr —PRÄSIDENT die das behaupten und natürlich die "britischen"Journalisten, die den Konvoi gesehen haben wollen.
20140815             —GESPANNT, Bin, was dann in 1—PAAR —JAHR—ZEHNT en oder —JAHREN DIE—HISTORIKER feststellen und was dann tatsächlich DIE—WAHRHEIT in dem ganzen —KONFLIKT ist.
20140815             der aktuelle tonking —ZWISCHENFALL,
20140815             wir sich genau, wie der ursprünglich als haltloses märchen herausstellen.
20140815             ich frag mich immer nur, was DIE—MACHTHABER in kiew mit solch 1—QUATSCH gewinnen wollen?
20140815             DIE—WERDEN wohl die durchgeknallten sein und nicht Die RUSSLAND—FÜHRUNG.
20140815             DIE—GLEICHEN schreiberlinge, die uns vor —JAHREN versuchten den KOSOVO—KRIEG als richtig usw.zu verkaufen,
20140815             uck und herr jazemiuk + svoboda, nicht nur brüder im geiste... - Hysterische DES—INFORMATION....
20140815             Dumm nur dass DIE—GESCHICHTE vermutlich so nie stattgefunden hat: 1—RUßLAND—MILITÄRKOLONNE, die die RUSSISCH—UKRAINE—GRENZE überquert haben soll, habe nie existiert, teilte DER—SPRECHER—DES—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUMS, IGOR—KONASCHENKOW,—FREITAG—AM, in MOSKAU mit.
20140815             Gegenteilige Erklärungen aus KIEW "beruhen auf Phantasien und Vermutungen von Journalisten" und sollten von ranghohen Politikern nicht ernsthaft diskutiert werden.
20140815             Wichtige Vorarbeiten für den Beweis stammen vom INDISCHEN—MATHEGENIE Ramanujan (18870000—19200000    ).
20140815             Todesangst: Hexengewehre und andere EBOLA—GERÜCHTE
20140815             Moderne Flughäfen: Im totalitären LUXUS—ZOO
20140815             —STREIT—IN—FRANKREICH: 1—ORTSCHAFT namens "TOD—DEN—JUDEN"
20140815             —KRIEG—IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE: "Mit dem Panzer fahren wir zum ANGELN"
20140815             es geht um 1—BAUERNHOF und 2—HÄUSER nahe der Ortschaft Courtemaux südlich von PARIS.
20140815             Das SIMON—WIESENTHAL—ZENTRUM, 1—JÜDISCHE MENSCHEN—RECHTS—ORGANISATION, wandte sich mit der Bitte, die Ortschaft umzubenennen, an den FRANZÖSISCHEN—INNEN—MINISTER.
20140815             —BEZEICHNET, In 1—PRESSE—MITTEILUNG, sie es als "extrem schockierend", daß DER—NAME nach der Befreiung FRANKREICHs vom NATIONAL—SOZIALISMUS —WÄHREND—70—JAHRE, unbemerkt geblieben sei.
20140815             "Wieso sollte man 1—NAMEN ändern, der mindestens auf DAS—MITTELALTER zurückgeht?"VOR—20—JAHREN sollte "LA—MORT—AUX—JUIFS"—SCHON einmal umbenannt werden.
20140815             DER—GEMEINDE—RAT sprach SICH—DAMALS, dagegen aus.
20140815             —IM, ;;05;;wurde —BEREITS in SPANIEN 1—DORF namens Castrillo Matajudios (Castrillo tötet DIE—JUDEN) in Mota de Judios (Hügel der JUDEN) umbenannt, —NACHDEM die MEHRHEIT—DER Bewohner sich dafür ausgesprochen hatte.
20140815             DIE—MEISTEN anderen Zeitungen datieren den Ursprung des Namens ins - Übersetzungsfehler
20140815             —BEDEUTET, La mort aux juifs : der TOD—DER—JUDEN und nicht Tod den JUDEN.
20140815             DER—NAME kann auf 1—ORT hinweisen, an dem JUDEN starben und ist an sich nicht ANTI—SEMITISCH.
20140815             Wenn DER—STAAT...
20140815             ISRAEL und sein, "VOLK—DER—AUSERWÄHLTEN durch Gottes Gnaden"sich benehmen würden wie zivilisierte Menschen und anderen vertriebenen Völkern das gleich RECHT—AUF—HEIMAT einräumen, daß sie für sich selbst beanspruchen, könnte man über solch lächerliche Forderungen nachdenken.
20140815             Tun sie aber nicht, daher plädiere ich dafür, diese kleine Ortschaft "Koscherer Schlachthof für palästinensische 'Untermenschen'"umzutaufen!...
20140815             —BESTIMMT, Geht, nicht durch die SPIEGELeigene Gut/NEUSPRECH—ABTEILUNG, aber sagen wollte ich meine Meinung dazu trotzdem
20140815             —ENTHAUPTET, Etwa 600—MÄNNER werden, über 1.000—FRAUEN und Kinder anschließend verschleppt.
20140815—19930000    —SEIT, FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—DEUTSCHLAND—ZAHL—DER—ASYL—BEWERBER steigt auf Höchstwert
20140815—20120000    Der INTERNETAUS—FALL—IN—SYRIEN, als SYRIEN gesagt hat, das waren DIE—TERRORISTEN?
20140815—20120000    Der INTERNETAUS—FALL—IN—SYRIEN, Das war DIE—NSA, die beim Einspielen ihrer MALWARE den Router gebrickt hat.
20140815—20120000    Der INTERNETAUS—FALL—IN—SYRIEN, Aber SYRIEN hatte mehr Interesse daran, das wieder an den Start zu kriegen, als da Forensik zu machen, daher haben sie es wohl nicht gemerkt.
20140815—20140813    —ABDUCTED, The sisters were, from 1—FARM—STAND in FRONT—OF—THE—FAMILY—HOME in Oswegatchie.
20150807             —ANNOUNCED, NORTH—KOREA, that it will turn back its current standard time by —30—MINUTES—EFFECTIVE 20150815             .
20150812—20150815    —ON, police confirmed for the 1. time the presence of deadly sodium cyanide at THE—SITE—OF—THE—BLAST as 1—SERIES—OF—NEW—EXPLOSIONS were heard and small fires broke out.
20150815             CENTRAL—CALIFORNIA, KERN—COUNTY—SHERIFF'S—DEPUTIES shot and killed BENJAMIN—PETER—ASHLEY, —34—JAHRE—ALT—AFTER he failed to comply with orders to drop his weapon.
20150815             —HELPED, JULIAN—BOND, start the Student NON—VIOLENT Coordinating Committee.
20150815             IDAHO fire managers said THE—NORTH—CENTRAL—CLEARWATER Complex fires have destroyed 50—HOMES and 75—OUTBUILDINGS.
20150815             —URGED, Authorities have, residents of the small mountain TOWN—OF—KAMIAH to be prepared to flee at 1—MOMENT—NOTICE.
20150815             —ARRESTED, AFGHANISTAN—POLICE, 5—PEOPLE—NEAR THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—SAR—E—PUL —AFTER they were filmed beating 1—MAN and his daughter ACCUSED—OF—ROBBERY by 1—VILLAGE—FORTUNE teller.
20150815             —HIRED, BRAZIL—LABOR—MINISTRY said its inspectors have found 11—MEN, by the construction firm building the athletes' village for 20160000             —THE—RIO—DE—JANEIRO—OLYMPICS living in SLAVE—LIKE—CONDITIONS.
20150815             —REPORTED, BRAZIL—NEWSPAPER O Globo, that immigration agents at RIO—DE—JANEIRO—AIRPORT are under investigation for allegedly accepting bribes to allow CHINA—IMMIGRANTS into the country illegally.
20150815             —UNIDENTIFIED, BURUNDI, gunmen shot and killed COLONEL—JEAN—BIKOMAGU, the former army CHIEF—OF—STAFF, in the 2. HIGH—PROFILE killing —THIS—MONTH amid chaos linked to the disputed REELECTION—OF—PRESIDENT—PIERRE—NKURUNZIZA.
20150815             —ARRESTED, CAMBODIA—AUTHORITIES, opposition SENATOR—HONG—SOK—HOUR, —2—DAYS—AFTER PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN accused him of treason for comments criticizing a —36—YEAR—OLD—BORDER—AGREEMENT with VIETNAM —POSTED on Facebook.
20150815             —EVACUATED, ECUADOR, several villages were, as the Cotopaxi volcano rumbled to life, angrily spewing ash into the sky and threatening nearby residents with potential volcanic landslides.
20150815             EGYPT—STATE—NEWS said the scorching heatwave over the past —WEEK has killed at least 93—PEOPLE.
20150815             —EXPECTED, Temperatures were, to be high in the coming days.
20150815             GREECE, migrants desperate to get off THE—ISLAND—OF—KOS fought EACH—OTHER—WHILE nearby 1—PASSENGER ship chartered to house and process refugees lay empty —24—HOURS—AFTER it had arrived.
20150815             † In NORTH—HAITI 16—PEOPLE in a truck accident near CAP—HAITIEN.
20150815             —TRADED, INDIA and PAKISTAN—TROOPS, heavy gunfire and mortars in Kashmir, killing at least 4—CIVILIANS and injuring 23—OTHERS.
20150815             THE—IAEA said IRAN has given THE—UN—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY—DOCUMENTS linked to the agency's PROBE—OF—ALLEGATIONS that TEHRAN tried to develop atomic arms.
20150815             IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB at the Sadr City Habibiya car dealership in BAGHDAD killed 8—PEOPLE.
20150815             † Some 49—MIGRANTS in the hold of 1 overcrowded fishing boat off THE—ITALY—COAST.
20150815             —ASPHYXIATED, The victims were apparently, by fuel fumes and were primarily oo men who had given spots on the deck to their wives.
20150815             —PULLED, Some 312—SURVIVORS were, off the boat.
20150815             —REPORTED, LIBYA—STATE—NEWS, that Islamic State group jihadists have beheaded 12—PEOPLE and hung them on crosses —DURING 1—BATTLE for Sirte.
20150815             —REPORTED, LANA also, that IS militants executed 22—OTHER—SIRTE residents who had taken up arms against the jihadist group as they lay wounded in 1—CITY—HOSPITAL.
20150815             —RECOGNIZED, LIBYA—INTERNATIONALLY, government appealed to Arab countries to carry out air strikes against the local Islamic State affiliate, which was expanding its hold on Sirte.
20150815             1—MEXICO—POLICE—OFFICER was shot —AFTER spotting 1 attempted kidnapping in the Tabasco STATE—CAPITAL—OF—VILLAHERMOSA.
20150815             The attackers fled and exchanged fire with pursuing officers, killing 2—MORE.
20150815             3—SUSPECTS were killed as their vehicle crashed.
20150815             † 2—OTHERS were badly injured and, as they were being taken to 1—HOSPITAL.
20150815             THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT says senior Cabinet MINISTER—MUSHAHIDULLAH—KHAN has resigned from his post —AFTER claiming in 1—INTERVIEW that the country's former spy master Zaheerul Islam wanted to overthrow PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF through violent rallies in ISLAMABAD —LAST—YEAR.
20150815             —DENIED, The military, KHAN—CLAIM and SHARIF—GOVERNMENT said it was not aware of ANY—SUCH conspiracy.
20150815             PALESTINE—RAFIQ—TAJ (21) from NABLUS was shot dead by ISRAEL—FORCES —AFTER stabbing 1—BORDER—POLICEMAN in THE—NORTH—WEST—BANK.
20150815             1—RUSSIA—MI 8—HELICOPTER crashed into the Sea of Okhotsk in the far east, and 5—OF—THE—16—PEOPLE on BOARD were missing and presumed dead.
20150815             —ELECTED, SOMALIA, AHMED—MADOBE was, as PRESIDENT—OF—JUBBALAND for 4—MORE—YEARS by MEMBERS—OF—THE—REGIONAL—PARLIAMENT, which has defied 1—GOVERNMENT—DECISION in June to disband it on the grounds it was unrepresentative and dominated by HAND—PICKED MEMBERS—OF—MADOBE—CLAN.
20150815             SOUTH—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT said it would continue with peace talks to end a —20—MONTH civil war, but without PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR attending.
20150815             † IN—SPAIN—JOSE—ALBERTO—PENAS, —34—JAHRE—ALT, 1—NEWLY elected town councilor of Traspinedo, —AFTER he was gored by 1—BULL —WHILE celebrating nearby PENAFIEL—ANNUAL feast —DAY.
20150815             —GORED, IN—SPAIN—JOSE—ALBERTO—PENAS was the 4. person, to death in SPAIN —DURING—THIS—YEAR—AUGUST holiday.
20150815             —COLLAPSED, SYRIA, 1—TEMPORARY—CEASEFIRE between warring parties, as negotiations failed to reach 1—MORE—PERMANENT—AGREEMENT to end fighting in 1—TOWN—NEAR THE—LEBANON—BORDER and 2—VILLAGES in the northwest.
20150815             —REPORTED, TURKEY—STATE—NEWS, that Kurdish rebels detonated 1—ROADSIDE bomb between the eastern provinces of Bingol and ERZURUM as 1—MILITARY—VEHICLE was passing by, killing 3—SOLDIERS.
20150815             † 1—POLICE—OFFICER was killed —AFTER PKK rebels opened fire near THE—TOWN—OF—SEMDINLI.
20150815             Authorities in UKRAINIAN—CONTROLLED territory along the frontline said that shelling over the past —DAY had killed 2—CIVILIANS and wounded 15—MORE.
20150815             —MASKED, UKRAINE, men fired tear gas into 1—VENUE in Odessa where gay rights activists were to hold 1—FORUM —AFTER deciding against marching in defiance of 1—BAN.
20150815             YEMEN, forces loyal to the exiled government retook a 5. southern province, extending recent gains against IRAN—BACKED Shiite rebels who still control SANAA.
20150815             —HANDED, The rebels, over Shabwa province to government forces and withdrew —AFTER being promised 1—SAFE—ROUTE out.
20150815             Unglück in CHINA: Neue Explosionen erschüttern TIANJIN
20150815             "Patriot"-RAKETEN—ABWEHR: BUNDESWEHR beendet —EINSATZ—IN—DER TÜRKEI
20150815             Seniorenzuschlag bei der KFZ—VERSICHERUNG:, —66—JAHRE—ALT wird das Leben teuer
20150815             De Vries ist GESCHÄFTS—FÜHRER der BAU—FIRMA KWS Infra, deren Unternehmensgeschichte —BIS zum —ANFANG des
20150815             —GLEICHZEITIG, schwimmen MILLIONEN—TONNEN Plastik in den Weltmeeren.
20150815             Der Fahrbahnbelag aus Kunststoff soll robuster sein als Beton und ASPHALT—WÄHREND 1.normale Asphaltdecke laut De Vries alle 7—BIS —12—JAHRE erneuert werden müsse, hielten die Plastikteile den Verkehrs—, Witterungseinflüssen 3—MAL so lange Stand.
20150815             Und der Abrieb? herjemine 1011—HEUTE
20150815             der landet dann gleich im richtigen Grössenverhältnis in unseren Lungen, welche wie DIE—WELTMEERE Plastik nicht abbauen können.
20150815             Vorsicht BEI—METER—LANGZEITBETRIEB!
20150815             Hier im Ruhrpot gab es mal DIE—IDEE Hochofenschlacke für den Unterbau von Strassen zu verwenden..
20150815             Mindestens 13.000.000 Führerscheininhaber in DEUTSCHLAND sind älter als —65—JAHRE.
20150815             Sind Ältere wirklich Rowdys, bauen sie signifikant mehr Unfälle?
20150815             Sie sind weniger an Unfällen im Straßenverkehr beteiligt, als ihr Bevölkerungsanteil vermuten lassen würde, sagt das Statistische BUNDES—AMT.
20150815             DIE—UNTERNEHMEN können rechnen.
20150815             —AM, —SAMSTAG will DIE—REGIERUNG den BUNDES—TAG über die —ENTSCHEIDUNG informieren, den DEUTSCHEN—BEITRAG an der NATO—MISSION "Active Fence"zum SCHUTZ—DER—TÜRKEI—GEGEN—RAKETEN—ANGRIFFE aus SYRIEN auslaufen zu lassen.
20150815             Als Grund für —DAS—ENDE—DES—ZULETZT in BERLIN umstrittenen Einsatzes an der südlichen GRENZE—DES—NATO—PARTNERS wird die nicht mehr gegebene Gefahr SYRISCHER—ANGRIFFE—AUF—TÜRKISCHES HOHEITS—GEBIET genannt.
20150815             Allerdings haben die sensiblen Radars der RAKETEN—ABWEHR—BATTERIEN, die von DEUTSCHLAND, den NIEDERLANDEn und DEN—USA gestellt worden waren, seitdem keinen ANGRIFF—AUS—SYRIEN registriert.
20150815             LAUT—INFORMATIONEN—VON—SPIEGEL—ONLINE wollen DIE—USA ihren —EINSATZ—IN—DER Südtürkei ebenfalls
20150815             DIE—ALLIANZ hatte den Schutz gegen mögliche Angriffe stets als starkes Zeichen der Solidarität mit der TÜRKEI verkauft.
20150815             Durch —DEN—JAHRE—LANGEN—EINSATZ—IN—DER TÜRKEI aber wurde DIE—MISSION für DIE—LUFTWAFFE zur Belastung, weil es nur wenig Bedienerpersonal für die Abwehrbatterien gibt.
20150815             —FORDERUNGEN, Selbst aus der SCHWARZ—ROTEN KOALITION gab es, den —EINSATZ möglicherweise abzubrechen, wenn die TÜRKISCHE—LUFTWAFFE weiter hart gegen den militärischen Arm der kurdischen ARBEITER—PARTEI vorgeht.
20150815             DIE—PATRIOTS waren nie zum SCHUTZ—VOR—SYRISCHEN—RAKETENANGRIFFEN gedacht, sondern als Drohgebärde GEGEN—DIE—SYRIEN—REGIERUNG und zur Unterstützung der Zerstörung DER—STAATLICHEN Ordnung in SYRIEN.
20150815             Jeder wusste, dass die SYRISCHE—ARMEE nie nund nimmer DIE—TÜRKEI angegriffen hätte.
20150815             dass man sich mit der Unterstützung der TÜRKEI zum IS Komplizen macht.
20150815             Wenn DIE—TÜRKEI ihren LUFT—RAUM schützen will, dann soll sie es selber tun.
20150815             Mit dem Song auf den Lippen "Rule Brittania"hatten DIE—ENGLÄNDER —BEREITS ein weltumfassendes KÖNIG—REICH errichtet.
20150815             Kompensation für Klimaschäden: In Luft aufgelöst
20150815             —GEDENKEN an Weltkriegsende: JAPANISCHER—KAISER bekundet "tiefe Reue"
20150815             Panikmache in Medien: Angst, Angst, Angst —, nicht fragen, wieso
20150815             2—AMTS—ZEITEN: Clement fordert Begrenzung der Kanzlerschaft
20150815             Katastrophe von TIANJIN: Der Wind treibt das Gift in DIE—STADT
20150815             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: Eingefahrene Sichtweisen auf KUBA revidieren
20150815             GEWALT—GEGEN—FRAUEN: IS—CHEF—AL—BAGHDADI soll USA—GEISEL vergewaltigt haben
20150815             —ENDE des "Patriot"—EINSATZES in der TÜRKEI: "Bedrohung hat anderen Fokus erhalten"
20150815             Stimmenfang mit Hassparolen: ITALIEN—RECHTE hetzt gegen FLÜCHTLINGE
20150815             [l] Grandioser Lobbyerfolg: DIE—USA—ISPS haben es geschafft, der —POLITIK einzureden, NETZ—NEUTRALITÄT helfe den TERRORISTEN.
20150815—19870000    —IN, He came into real power —WHEN he became CHIEF—OF—THE—ISI and led the powerful INTER—SERVICES—INTELLIGENCE—SPY—AGENCY as it funneled USA and SAUDI—ARABIA—CASH and weapons to AFGHANISTAN—JIHADIS fighting against the Soviets and —LATER publicly supported Islamic militants.
20150815—19980000    —IN, he was elected CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—NAACP and served —FOR—10—YEARS.
20150815—20120000    —BEGONNEN, DIE—NATO hatte den —EINSATZ.
20150815—20130000    —ARRESTED, LEBANON—AUTHORITIES, Sheikh AHMAD—AL—ASSIR, 1—FUGITIVE HARD—LINE—SUNNI cleric, who was wanted on suspicion of being involved in deadly clashes with government troops that deepened sectarian tensions in the country.
20150815—20150730    —SUSPECTED—OF, Ashley was, killing retired dentist DAVID—MARKIEWITZ, —64—JAHRE—ALT, whose body was found in 1—CABIN in Jawbone Canyon, and —LATER wounding 2—DEPUTIES as they searched for him in KELSO—VALLEY.
20150815—20150818    —BY, the death toll reached 106.
20150815—20150818    —SUSPECTED, ITALY—POLICE said 8, human traffickers have been arrested on suspicion of homicide.
20160813—20160815    —CHARGED, Morel was, with 2—COUNTS—OF—MURDER and 2—COUNTS—OF—CRIMINAL—POSSESSION—OF—1—WEAPON.
20160815             —INCLUDED, They, 12—YEMEN—NATIONALS and 3—AFGHANS.
20160815             61—DETAINEES remained at GUANTANAMO.
20160815             —ARRESTED, NORTH—CALIFORNIA, Damin ANTHONY—PASHILK, —40—JAHRE—ALT was, and charged with arson for —STARTING the massive Clayton wildfire that has destroyed 175—BUILDINGS and forced thousands to flee to safety.
20160815             —SUSPECTED—OF, Pashilk was, setting "numerous fires" in Lake County over the past —YEAR.
20160815             —CLIMBED, LOUSIANA, the death toll from flooding, to 7 with as many as 30,000—PEOPLE rescued —FOLLOWING unprecedented floods in the state.
20160815             —CONVICTED, PENNSYLVANIA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—KATHLEEN—KANE was, on 9—CHARGES including perjury and conspiracy for illegally leaking documents from 1—GRAND—JURY proceeding.
20160815             She resigned THE—NEXT—DAY.
20160815             —KILLED, Dadullah was, in KHAK—E—AFGHANISTAN—DISTRICT—OF—ZABUL —LAST—YEAR, fighting with rival Taliban.
20160815             —UNEXPECTED, BRAZIL—THIAGO—BRAZ won an, gold medal and 20160901             —OLYMPIC—RECORD in pole vaulting.
20160815             —SUSPECTED, INDIAN—CONTROLLED, Kashmir at least 1—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIER and 4, rebels were killed in 1—SERIES—OF—GUNBATTLES despite 1—SECURITY—LOCKDOWN in the disputed region, as INDIA celebrated THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—ITS—INDEPENDENCE from UK—RULE.
20160815             10—GOVERNMENT troops were also wounded.
20160815             —SEIZED, INDONESIA—AUTHORITIES, 657—CRITICALLY endangered pangolins, known as "scaly anteaters," found hidden in freezers and arrested 1—MAN, —55—JAHRE—ALT for allegedly breaking wildlife protection laws.
20160815             —KILLED, IRAN, 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—ISLAMIC—STATE was, this —EVENING in 1—OPERATION in KERMANSHAH province, 1—LARGELY Sunni Kurdish area, —DURING which other SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—GROUP were arrested.
20160815             —ARMED, MEXICO, 8, men abducted "6 or 7" suspected MEMBERS—OF—THE—SINALOA drug cartel from 1—RESTAURANT in the heart of the Pacific tourist resort of PUERTO—VALLARTA —EARLY—TODAY.
20160815             —REPELLED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, 1 renewed rebel assault SOUTHWEST—OF—THE—CITY—OF—ALEPPO, forcing opposition forces spearheaded by Fath AL—SHAM, formerly known as the Nusra Front, to retreat from positions they seized 1—DAILY—EARLIER.
20160815             —RAIDED, TURKEY—POLICE, offices at 3—ISTANBUL courthouses —AFTER detention warrants were issued for 173—JUDICIAL—PERSONNEL as PART—OF—1—INVESTIGATION into —LAST—MONTH'S failed coup attempt.
20160815             Can Dundar, THE—EDITOR—IN—CHIEF—OF—TURKEY—TOP—OPPOSITION—DAILY—CUMHURIYET, announced he was stepping down, saying he no longer had faith in the judiciary —AFTER the failed coup.
20160815             —BELIEVED, Dundar was, to be in GERMANY.
20160815             —SENTENCED, 1—ISTANBUL court had in May, Can Dundar to —5—YEARS and —10—MONTHS in prison for allegedly revealing state secrets in 1—STORY that infuriated PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN.
20160815             —HEADED, YEMEN, THE—GENERAL—PEOPLE—CONGRESS (GPC) party, by EX—PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH, declared itself the "highest authority in the state (which) exercises all the powers vested in THE—PRESIDENT".
20160815             The ruling council was set up —THIS—MONTH by the Houthis and their allies to run THE—PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY they control.
20160815             NORTH—WEST—YEMEN, 1—SAUDI—LED coalition air strike hit the Abs hospital operated by Medecins Sans Frontieres killing 19—PEOPLE and wounding 24.
20160815             —SUSPENDED, Shortly —AFTER the deadly raid, MSF, operations in several facilities in the country's north.
20160815             THE—VOTE—COUNTING process took days and prompted opposition allegations of irregularities.
20160815             —ARRESTED, Police, 133—PEOPLE protesting against THE—RE—ELECTION—OF—LUNGU —AFTER his main opponent Hakainde Hichilema said the vote was rigged.
20160815             —POLIZEI—EINSATZ—NEW—YORK: Terminal des JFK—FLUGHAFENS evakuiert
20160815             Urlaubsort in SÜD—FRANKREICH: Knallgeräusch löst Massenpanik AUS—OFFENBAR VIELE—VERLETZTE
20160815             WACHSTUMS—SKEPSIS, DEUTSCHE wollen weniger neue Handymodelle
20160815             —KRITISIERT, Klöckner, GROß—KONZERNE: Mehr Jobs für FLÜCHTLINGE - "auch wenn es Kraft kostet"
20160815             SMARTPHONE—APP Fabric: Das BIG—BROTHER—TAGEBUCH will alles wissen
20160815             INVASIVE—ART: Kirschessigfliege bedroht Obsternte in Süddeutschland
20160815             Schwarzgeld: Kassierte DONALD—TRUMP—BERATER MILLIONEN—VON—PRORUSSISCHEN Kräften?
20160815             USA—BUNDES—STAAT OHIO: Kind will Kuscheltier für ESSEN VERKAUFEN—POLIZIST zeigt Herz
20160815             WHATSAPP—AND—COMPANY: EU will Messenger offenbar wie TELEFON—KONZERNE regulieren
20160815             Umstrittene Transplantation: 1—KOPF auf 1—FREMDEN Körper
20160815             Der BAUER und sein Melkroboter: Mein Kuhstall wird digital (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 11:45)
20160815             DEUTSCHLAND: Noch mehr Kinder bekommen ADHS—DIAGNOSE
20160815             TÜRKEI—REGIERUNGS—KRITISCHER CHEF—REDAKTEUR Can Dündar tritt zurück
20160815             Kostenexplosion: Zusatzbeiträge der Krankenkassen steigen drastisch
20160815             Länger arbeiten: BUNDES—BANK—FORDERT—RENTE mit 69
20160815             MINI—WAFFEN—RUHE—ALEPPO: BUNDES—REGIERUNG wirft RUSSLAND "Zynismus"vor
20160815             —ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: Vorsicht, dieser ARTIKEL könnte verbotene Informationen enthalten!
20160815             —NUN, berichtet DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, MANAFORTs Name stehe auf 1—LISTE—VON—SCHWARZGELDEMPFÄNGERN der prorussischen JANUKOWYTSCH—PARTEI
20160815             Diesen Quellen zufolge sollen
20160815             Ob der DONALD—TRUMP—BERATER DAS—GELD wirklich kassierte und wenn ja wofür, ist unklar.
20160815             Sein Anwalt RICHARD—A—HIBEY habe aber mitgeteilt, sein Klient habe "derartige Barzahlungen"nicht erhalten.
20160815             —ZITIERT, DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, Vitaliy Kasko, 1—EHEMALIGEN hochrangigen Regierungsbeamten DER—UKRAINE, mit den Worten, MANAFORT—HABE genau Bescheid gewusst: "JEDER—VERNÜNFTIGE—MENSCH wusste, daß der JANUKOWYTSCH—KLAN korrupt war".
20160815             MANAFORTs Anwalt Hibey weist auch diesen Vorwurf zurück.
20160815             —GEHÖRT, Zu DONALD—TRUMP—STAB, auch CARTER—PAGE, 1—FINANZFACHMANN, der früher Geschäfte im Umfeld des RUSSISCHEN—GAZPROM—KONZERNS gemacht hat.
20160815             —NACH, der MAIDAN—REVOLUTION 20140000             warb Page für Verständnis für RUSSLANDs Vorgehen AUF—DER—KRIM und IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE.
20160815             Im MITTEL—PUNKT des Treffens standen DER—BÜRGER—KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN und DER—UKRAINE—KONFLIKT.
20160815             das negativ geprägte BILD—VON—WLADIMIR—PUTIN und ANGELA—MERKEL in den jeweiligen Medien
20160815             LAWROW sagte, für die Umsetzung der Abkommen sei vor allem DIE—FÜHRUNG in KIEW verantwortlich.
20160815             Das Image von WLADIMIR—PUTIN in DEUTSCHLAND ist schlecht.
20160815             66—PROZENT—DER—RUSSEN sind laut Umfragen der Meinung, daß DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG nach Anweisungen der USA handelt.
20160815             —VOR—ALLEM—SEIT dem Ausbruch DER—UKRAINE—KRISE hat sich das BILD—VON—MERKEL deutlich verschlechtert.
20160815             [l] So langsam wird selbst den konservativen TALK—SHOW—HOSTS IN—DEN—USA mulmig angesichts des Monsters, das sie da geschaffen haben.
20160815             [l] Oh wow.
20160815             [l] DIE—BUNDES—BANK empfiehlt, das Renteneintrittsalter auf —69—JAHRE zu erhöhen.
20160815             Auf der anderen Seite heißt das: weniger Arbeitsplätze werden frei, höhere JUGEND—ARBEITSLOSIGKEIT.
20160815             [l] SIGMAR—GABRIEL schlägt vor, wenn das Benzin billiger wird, daß dann automatisch die STEUER entsprechen teurer wird.
20160815             Wer —JETZT annimmt, daß dann die STEUER auch automatisch sinkt, wenn das Benzin teurer wird... davon steht da nichts.
20160815             MIGRATIONS—EXPERTE Kleinschmidt: "Mehr Menschen schaffen mehr Arbeit, mehr —HANDEL, mehr Umsatz"
20160815             RUSSISCHE—SPORTLERIN: WHISTLE—BLOWERIN Stepanowa fürchtet um ihr Leben
20160815             ENGLAND: EX—FUßBALLSTAR nach POLIZEI—EINSATZ mit ELEKTRO—SCHOCKER gestorben
20160815             USA—WAHL—KAMPF—DONALD—TRUMP nennt CLINTON "DIE—MERKEL Amerikas"
20160815             schrieb "GUCCIFER 2.0"demnach an den Mann aus DONALD—TRUMP—UMFELD:
20160815—20160811    —IN—THE, ZAMBIA—PRESIDENT—EDGAR—LUNGU won 50.35—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE against 47.63 for Hichilema election.
20160818—20160815    —ON, they told 1—COURT they had been tortured —WHILE in custody.
20160819—20160815    —JAILED, MEXICO, Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar (29), the son of, drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, was reportedly was freed —LATE—TODAY along with 5—OTHER—MEN with whom he was kidnapped from 1—BAR in PUERTO—VALLARTA.
20160824—19710815    —SEIT, AUFHEBUNG—DES—GOLD—STANDARDS hat sich die im Umlauf befindliche Geldmenge unaufhörlich vermehrt, und dies nicht nur durch DIE—PRESSE der NOTEN—BANKEN, sondern auch durch die Geschäftsbanken.
20160923             —BELIEVED, GERMANY—SECURITY—OFFICIALS say 1—CYBERATTACK, to be directed by RUSSIA targeted journalists and lawmakers in 1 sophisticated email phishing attempt 20160815—20160915    —BETWEEN.
20170811—20170815    —ARRESTED, HONG—KONG police, Lam on suspicion of providing false information.
20170814             —ISSUED, CHINA—COMMERCE—MINISTRY, 1—BAN—EFFECTIVE 20170815             on several imports from NORTH—KOREA, including coal, iron ore, lead concentrates and ore, lead and seafood, 1—MOVE that is in line with UN sanctions announced —THIS—MONTH.
20170815             1—UH 60—BLACKHAWK helicopter with 5—SOLDIERS went down off THE—COAST—OF—HAWAII —DURING —1—NIGHT training mission.
20170815             —PLEADED, MARYLAND, MOHAMED—ELSHINAWY, —32—JAHRE—ALT, guilty in BALTIMORE to conspiring to provide material support to the Islamic State.
20170815             —PLEDGED, He had, allegiance to THE—IS and received $8,700 to carry out 1—ATTACK on THE—USA.
20170815             † GUNNAR—BIRKERTS, —92—JAHRE—ALT, LATVIA—BORN modernist architect, at his home in NEEDHAM—MASSACHUSETTS.
20170815             —INCLUDED, GUNNAR—BIRKERTS—WORK, the national library in LATVIA, the country's symbolic CASTLE—OF—LIGHT.
20170815             NEW—YORK, SYRACUSE resident CAMERON—ISAAC was found guilty of 1.—DEGREE murder in the drug deal shooting of Yuan Xiaopeng (23) last 20170930             .
20170815             —REPORTED, It was, that Mazda is recalling nearly 80,000 cars and SUVs, some for a 2. time, to replace dangerous Takata air bag inflators.
20170815             —DETONATED, NORTH—EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—TALIBAN suicide bomber, his EXPLOSIVES—PACKED vehicle near 1—AFGHANISTAN—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT in Kunduz province, killing at least 1—PERSON.
20170815             —SUSPECTED, BANGLADESH, a, Islamist militant was killed in 1—EXPLOSION inside 1—HOTEL in DHAKA —DURING 1—RAID on 1 alleged hideout.
20170815             —IDENTIFIED, Police, the man as Saiful Islam, a college student.
20170815             Officials said the death toll in flooding and landslides that devastated parts of BANGLADESH, NORTH—INDIA and SOUTH—NEPAL over the past few days has risen to 245, —WHILE MILLIONS—OF—OTHERS have been displaced.
20170815             —ORDERED, BRAZIL, JUDGE—NANCY—ANDRIGHI, Congressman Jair Bolsonaro to pay Congresswoman Maria do ROSARIO 10,000 reals ($3,125) for saying in a 20141200             newspaper interview that she is not "worth raping; she is very ugly".
20170815             USA Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and PRO—TRUMP troll CHARLES—JOHNSON visited JULIAN—ASSANGE—HIDE—OUT, THE—ECUADOR—EMBASSY in LONDON.
20170815             —CLAIMED, They, to be emissaries from WASHINGTON and allegedly told Assange that they could help grant him 1—PARDON in exchange for him revealing information about the source of the WikiLeaks information that proved it was not the Russians who hacked Democratic emails.
20170815             —STATED, They, that PRESIDENT—TRUMP was aware of and had approved of them coming to discuss the proposal.
20170815             THE—BBC said 1—IRAN—COURT—ORDER has frozen the local assets of over 150—PEOPLE associated with THE—BBC—FARSI—LANGUAGE—SERVICE, the latest effort by TEHRAN to crack down on the service's popular newscasts.
20170815             —WARNED, THE—IMF, that CHINA—MASSIVE—DEBT is on a "dangerous" path, raising the risk of 1—SHARP—SLOWDOWN in growth, and urged BEIJING to speed up structural reforms.
20170815             —AWARDED, GERMANY, new licenses were, that will increase onshore wind energy capacity by more than 1—GIGAWATT, equal to that of 1—NUCLEAR—PLANT.
20170815             GERMANY—EFFORTS to overcome 1—DIESEL scandal were dealt 1—BLOW —AFTER prosecutors widened 1—VOLKSWAGEN probe and 1—KEY—ENVIRONMENTAL—GROUP said steps proposed by automakers to cut pollution remained inadequate.
20170815             —FILED, GERMANY—2. largest airline, Air BERLIN, for bankruptcy protection —AFTER its main shareholder, ABU—DHABI—BASED—ETIHAD, said it would make no more financing available —FOLLOWING—YEARS—OF—UNSUCCESSFUL—TURNAROUND—ATTEMPTS.
20170815             —STRUGGLED, GREECE—FIREFIGHTERS, to control blazes for a 3. successive —DAY, as flames fanned by high winds forced people to flee homes near the capital.
20170815             GUAM, Grammy AWARD—WINNING singer YVONNE—ELLIMAN—ALEXANDER, —65—JAHRE—ALT and her husband were arrested and charged with illegal drug possession —AFTER dogs sniffed out methamphetamine and marijuana as they arrived on THE—ISLAND for 1—BENEFIT—CONCERT at 1—SCHOOL.
20170815             —ARRESTED, INDONESIA—POLICE, 5 suspected Islamist militants and seized chemicals near JAKARTA, that they said were being used to make bombs for attacks on the presidential palace —AT—THE—END—OF—AUGUST.
20170815             IRAQ, 1—SPOKESMAN for THE—SUPREME—JUDICIAL—COUNCIL said SAMIR—KUBBA, the director general of IRAQ—AIRWAYS, has been arrested and referred to trial on graft charges.
20170815             —STEPPED, IRAQ—AIR—FORCE—COMMANDER—SAID—IRAQI and coalition planes have, up airstrikes on Islamic State targets in THE—TOWN—OF—TAL Afar ahead of 1 planned offensive there.
20170815             Victims' bodies were found in garbage dumps with bound hands and gunshots to the head.
20170815             —APPROVED, MAURITANIA—PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—OULD—ABDEL—AZIZ, 1—NEWLY drafted law abolishing the senate, the most controversial measure in 1—PACKAGE—OF—REFORMS passed by referendum —THIS—MONTH.
20170815             —KILLED, MEXICO, 2—PEOPLE were, and 1—PERSON was injured —WHEN 1—HOME holding 1—CLANDESTINE fireworks workshop exploded.
20170815             —ATTACKED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, suicide bombers, 1—CAMP for internally displaced people and 1—MARKET killing at least 20—PEOPLE.
20170815             —DELAYED, NORTH—KOREAN—STATE—MEDIA said leader KIM—JONG—UN has, 1—DECISION on firing missiles towards GUAM —WHILE he waits to see what THE—USA does next, as SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT—SAID—SEOUL would seek to prevent war by all means.
20170815             —PRESENTED, NORTH—KOREA—MILITARY, KIM—JONG—UN with plans to launch missiles into waters near GUAM and "wring the windpipes of the Yankees," even as both Koreas and THE—USA signaled their willingness to avert 1—DEEPENING crisis.
20170815             Ousted PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF sought 1—REVIEW—OF—1—SUPREME—COURT—DECISION that disqualified him from office over undeclared assets.
20170815             —ABOUT 109—PETTY—CRIMINALS, including STREET—LEVEL—DRUG peddlers were arrested and DOZENS—OF—GUNS seized in police operations across Bulacan province.
20170815             —STRUGGLED, PORTUGAL, —AROUND 3,000 firefighters, to put out more than 150—WILDFIRES raging across the country, as persistent hot and dry weather stoked the flames.
20170815             † PORTUGAL—MEDIA reported that several people have —WHEN they were crushed by 1—FALLING tree on THE—ISLAND—OF—MADEIRA.
20170815             —APPEALED, SIERRA—LEONE—PRESIDENT—ERNEST—BAI—KOROMA, for urgent help for THE—FLOOD—HIT CAPITAL—OF—FREETOWN where more than 300—PEOPLE have †, as rescue workers resumed the grim search for bodies.
20170815             —ESTIMATED, THE—RED—CROSS, that 600—PEOPLE were still missing.
20170815             —APPOINTED, SRI—LANKA, Tilak Marapana as its new foreign MINISTER —FOLLOWING the resignation of his predecessor, who was accused of having links to 1—BUSINESSMAN investigated for shady treasury bond transactions.
20170815             Large parts of TAIWAN went black in 1—POWER—OUTAGE that lasted —5—HOURS.
20170815             THAILAND—STUDENT—ACTIVIST—JATUPAT Boonpattaraksa, also known as Pai, was jailed for 2 and 1—HALF—YEARS for posting on Facebook 1—BBC article deemed offensive to THAILAND—KING.
20170815             —TRAVELED, Embattled VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO, to CUBA to pay homage to deceased leader Fidel Castro, in 1—SURPRISE—VISIT—DAYS —AFTER USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP warned of possible military action against VENEZUELA.
20170815             —RELEASED, VENEZUELA—VIOLINIST—WUILLY Arteaga (23) was, —AFTER spending —19—DAYS in police custody.
20170815             —BELOVED, He had become 1, fixture at ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS.
20170815             [l] Habt ihr schonmal von hiq labs gehört?
20170815             DIE—LUTSCHEN sich einmal von Linkedin ALLE—PROFILDATEN runter, die sie einsehen können, und machen dann damit BIG—DATA, um Firmen zu sagen, welche MIT—ARBEITER wahrscheinlich —DEMNÄCHST kündigen werden.
20170815             MICROSOFT, die vor ner Weile Linkedin gekauft haben, waren damit unzufrieden, daß da irgendwelche Scraper ihre Server belästigen, und haben die mal geblockt.
20170815             —DARAUFHIN, hat hiq geklagt und —JETZT überraschend RECHT bekommen.
20170815             Mal unabhängig von dieser konkreten Konstellation heißt das natürlich anders herum, daß es nichts bringt, Profildaten nachträglich zu ändern oder auf privat zu schalten, wenn das dann —SCHON 12—GAMMEL—STARTUPS abgeschnorchelt haben.
20170815             [l] 1—DER—GROSSEN—FRAGEN aus der NAZI—ZEIT—IST für mich immer gewesen, ob ich es anders gemacht hätte.
20170815             DAS—PROBLEM ist, daß ich den Vergleich nicht habe.
20170815             —UPDATE, 1—EINSENDER empfiehlt dazu dieses INTERVIEW—MIT—LEO—SZILARD, 1—PHYSIKER und Zeitzeuge des 3. Reiches, der —DAMALS, durch EINIGE—EINDRUCKSVOLLE—VORHERSAGEN aufgefallen ist.
20170815             NORD—KOREA—KRISE, EU will sich stärker um diplomatische Lösung bemühen
20170815             DONALD—TRUMP und die RECHTS—EXTREMEN: Amerikas Geisterstunde
20170815             BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN: GROß—BRITANNIEN schlägt ZOLL—UNION auf Zeit vor
20170815—19900000    —SINCE, SAUDI—ARABIA—MEDIA said SAUDI—ARABIA and IRAQ plan to open the Arar border crossing for trade for the 1. time, —WHEN it was closed —AFTER the countries cut ties —FOLLOWING SADDAM—HUSSEIN—INVASION—OF—KUWAIT.
20170815—20170826    fehlt
20170815—20200918    —ON, This information was made public.
20180815             —REPORTED, It was, that EGYPT—AUTHORITIES are demolishing 1—HISTORICAL 18010101—19001231     neighborhood in CAIRO to make way for HIGH—END housing and business development 1—STONE—THROW from the Nile, angering residents who say they have not been properly compensated.
20180815             1—ANNOUNCEMENT by CAMBODIA—NATIONAL—ELECTION—COMMITTEE showed that THE—CAMBODIA—PEOPLE—PARTY had swept 20180729             —THE polls winning all 125—SEATS in THE—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY, ensuring that Hun Sen, who has held power —FOR—33—YEARS, will receive another —5—YEAR—TERM.
20180815             —IMPOSED, THE—USA, sanctions on 1—RUSSIA—PORT service agency and CHINA—FIRMS for aiding NORTH—KOREAN—SHIPS and selling alcohol and tobacco to PYONGYANG in BREACH—OF—USA—SANCTIONS.
20180815             —REVOKED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, the security clearance of JOHN—BRENNAN, THE—FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR under PRESIDENT—OBAMA, citing what he called Brennan's "erratic behavior".
20180815             NEW—HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, 1—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE began experiencing synthetic marijuana overdoses.
20180815             JOHN—PARKER, —53—JAHRE—ALT, of NEW—HAVEN, was arrested as 1—OF—THE—PEOPLE dealing K2 on THE—NEW—HAVEN—GREEN.
20180815             —TARGETED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, students preparing for university exams in 1—SHIITE neighborhood of KABUL, killing at least 48—PEOPLE and wounding 67 in 1—ATTACK blamed on the Islamic State group.
20180815             —REVISED, Authorities THE—NEXT—DAY, down the death toll to 34—FROM 48.
20180815             —CONDEMNED, AUSTRALIA—SENATOR—FRASER—ANNING was, for his speech in PARLIAMENT advocating reviving 1—WHITE—ONLY—IMMIGRATION—POLICY and using the term "final solution" in calling for 1—VOTE on which migrants to admit into the country.
20180815             —WORKED, UK—DOCTOR—PETER—FISHER, —67—JAHRE—ALT, who, as 1—PHYSICIAN to QUEEN—ELIZABETH, was killed —AFTER colliding with 1—TRUCK as he cycled through CENTRAL—LONDON.
20180815             Constellation Brands, the maker of ROBERT—MONDAVI wine and Svedka vodka, announced that it had invested $4—BILLION in Canopy Growth, 1—PUBLICLY traded CANADA—CANNABIS producer.
20180815             —PASSED, THE—BUDDHIST—ASSOCIATION—OF—CHINA said its PRESIDENT—XUECHENG had, his duties to 1—DEPUTY —FOLLOWING reports of sexual misconduct.
20180815             —APPROVED, DENMARK—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY said it had, the outline for 1—STEEL—FENCE along THE—GERMANY—BORDER, which will be up to 1.5—METERS (5—FEET) tall, to keep out wild boars, in the hope of preventing THE—SPREAD—OF—AFRICA—SWINE fever, which can jeopardize the country's valuable pork industry.
20180815             Pigs outnumber people in DENMARK, with 215—PIGS to every 100—RESIDENTS.
20180815             —NAMED, THE—MASPERO neighborhood was, for FRANCE—EGYPTOLOGIST—GASTON—MASPERO who helped found THE—EGYPT—MUSEUM.
20180815             —APPROVED, GERMANY—CABINET, a 3. gender option for official records that will allow people to be registered as "diverse," complying with 1—RULING from the country's highest court.
20180815             —DEPORTED, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES, 46—AFGHANS whose asylum requests were rejected to their homeland.
20180815             —HAILED, GREECE, a "—DAY—OF—JOY" as 2—GREECE—SOLDIERS held in 1—TURKEY—PRISON for more than —5—MONTHS on espionage charges were released in 1—SURPRISE—MOVE by ANKARA.
20180815             GUYANA said it will set up 1—TEMPORARY—SETTLEMENT for HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE who have fled the economic collapse in neighboring VENEZUELA.
20180815             —ESTIMATED, An, 500—VENEZUELANS have crossed into GUYANA in recent months.
20180815             The announcement was made as PART—OF—INDIA—INDEPENDENCE—DAY—CELEBRATIONS.
20180815             —DISRUPTED, INDIA—OFFICIALS said torrential monsoon rains have, air and train services in THE—SOUTH—INDIA—STATE—OF—KERALA, where flooding, landslides and bridge collapses have killed at least 67—PEOPLE in the past —WEEK.
20180815             Lawyers for IRAN—AWARD—WINNING human rights advocate Nasrin Sotoudeh (55) said that her —5—YEAR—SENTENCE on spying charges was unlawful as she was never charged or given the chance to appear in court.
20180815             —ALLOWED, ISRAEL, commercial goods back into THE—GAZA—STRIP, in 1—SIGN—OF—1—EASING—OF—TENSIONS as neighboring EGYPT pursued 1—LONG—TERM—CEASEFIRE between ISRAEL and Hamas, THE—PALESTINE—ENCLAVE'S—DOMINANT armed faction.
20180815             1—LIBYA—COURT sentenced 45—PEOPLE to death by firing squad over killings —DURING 20110000             —THE uprising that evolved into civil war.
20180815             —SENTENCED, Another 54—SUSPECTS in the case were, to —5—YEARS in prison —WHILE 22—PEOPLE were acquitted.
20180815             MEXICO—THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL said a 30—MILLION peso ($1.56—MILLION) reward is being offered for information leading to THE—ARREST—OF—DRUG—LORD—NEMESIO Oseguera, whose cartel is blamed for driving heroin shipments to THE—USA.
20180815             —BANNED, NEW—ZEALAND, most foreigners from buying homes as it tried to tackle runaway housing prices.
20180815             —ELECTED, PAKISTAN—PARLIAMENT, Asad Qaiser, 1—ALLY—OF—IMRAN Khan, as its speaker, paving the way for the former cricket star to become the next PRIME—MINISTER.
20180815             Shipping industry sources said that SOME—RUSSIA—SHIPOWNERS not subject to sanctions have —NOW stopped shipping to UKRAINE for FEAR—OF—LOSING their cargo.
20180815             —DROWNED, SUDAN, at least 22—CHILDREN, on their way to school —WHEN their boat capsized in swollen waters of the Nile river in Bouhayra, Nile State, 750—KM—NORTH—OF—KHARTOUM.
20180815             —PLEDGED, TURKEY—OFFICIALS said QATAR has, $15—BILLION of direct investments for TURKEY as it struggles with 1—CURRENCY—CRISIS.
20180815             —DOUBLED, TURKEY, tariffs on SOME—USA imports including alcohol, cars and tobacco in retaliation for USA—MOVES, but the lira rallied further —AFTER the central bank's liquidity moves had the effect of supporting the currency.
20180815             1—TURKEY—COURT ordered the release from prison of Taner Kilic, the local honorary CHAIR—OF—AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL.
20180815             YEMEN, heavy fighting between PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and Shiite rebels in the north and —AROUND the Red Sea port of Hodeida has killed at least 18—CIVILIANS over the last —24—HOURS.
20180815             Bilateraler STREIT—USA weisen Verantwortung für KRISE—IN—DER—TÜRKEI von sich
20180815             —NACH—DEM IS—TERROR: Wie das Leben nach Rakka zurückkommt
20180815             KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE—PENNSYLVANIAA: "Missbrauch war maßlos und weitverbreitet"
20180815             SYRIEN—KRIEG, RUSSLAND will Golanhöhen —BIS zur Rückkehr der Blauhelme sichern
20180815             Wirtschaftsanalyse: Die Sparwut DEUTSCHER—UNTERNEHMEN lähmt die Konjunktur
20180815             DEUTSCHER—EXPERTE nach Einsturz in Genua: "Unsere Brücken verrotten gefährlich"
20180815             TERRORvorwürfe in der TÜRKEI: DEUTSCHER—SEIT 1—JAHR  ohne Anklageschrift in Haft
20180815             Urkruste: Ältestes Gestein der Erde entstand im Meteoritenhagel
20180815             Vergeltungsaktion: TÜRKEI erhöht EINFUHR—ZÖLLE—AUF— USA—PRODUKTE
20180815             "Spurwechsel"für abgelehnte ASYL—BEWERBER, Union debattiert über Bleibeperspektive für gut integrierte Migranten
20180815             WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE, Mehr als 2.000.000—MENSCHEN aus VENEZUELA geflohen
20180815             Midterms, USA—DEMOKRATEN stellen 1. 1.TRANSGENDER—FRAU zur Wahl auf
20180815             Investitionsstau: Kommunen fehlen—EURO für die Sanierung von Schulen
20180815             Gefährliches Phänomen: Wenn Bäume —PLÖTZLICH, Äste verlieren
20180815             Masada, Petra, Osterinsel: Die vergessenen Hochkulturen
20180815             Rede über Migration: AUSTRALISCHER—POLITIKER spricht von "Endlösung"
20180815             KATASTROPHE—IN—GENUA: Regierung macht Brückenbetreiber für Einsturz verantwortlich
20180815             Dubiose WAHL—KAMPF—HILFE: "SWITZERLAND—CONNECTION"wird für DIE—AFD zum Spendenproblem
20180815             GERICHT—DER TÜRKEI, USA—PASTOR bleibt unter HAUS—ARREST
20180815             VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORETIKER: Twitter sperrt Konto von ALEX—JONES—FÜR 1.—WOCHE
20180815             —KRITISIERT, Umstrittener neuer Ethikcode: Wer die Fifa, wird bestraft
20180815             —ANGRIFFSMETHODE Foreshadow: INTEL—CHIPS geben Geheimnisse preis
20180815             —KAMPF—GEGEN—HOHE PREISE—NEUSEELAND schränkt Hauskauf durch AUS—LÄNDER ein
20180815             EX—HOLLYWOODMOGUL: HARVEY—WEINSTEIN wegen Menschenhandels angeklagt
20180815             Mehr Verträge: FLÜCHTLINGE retten Ausbildungsbilanz
20180815             Omarosa Manigault Newman: —ERST hat halb AMERIKA sie GEHASST—NUN tut DONALD—TRUMP das auch
20180815             LIRA—VERFALL: "Alle wollen —PLÖTZLICH, Immobilien an der TÜRKISCHEN—RIVIERA"
20180815             —VERURSACHT, Waldbrand: Schließung des YOSEMITE—NATIONAL—PARKS, hohen Schaden
20180815             Taner Kilic: TÜRKEI—GERICHT ordnet Haftentlassung von AMNESTY—MIT—ARBEITER an
20180815             "Dracheninsel": INDONESIEN will Touristenzahl auf Komodo reduzieren
20180815             Überraschungsgast: PUTIN kommt zur Hochzeit von ÖSTERREICH—FPÖ—AUßEN—MINISTERIN
20180815             —VON, wegen Traumjob: Die letzten Hirten - ;08;;BORSIG: KÖNIG—DER—LOKOMOTIVEN
20180815             Vergleich mit OBAMA: DONALD—TRUMP—SPRECHERIN gibt falsche Jobzahlen zu - OBERVERWALTUNGS—GERICHT, SAMI—A
20180815             —ÜBERLEBT, JAPAN: Zweijähriger, —3—TAGE allein im Wald
20180815             Das früheste Zeitalter nennt man —NACH—DEM Hades, also der Unterwelt der GRIECHEN—MYTHOLOGIE, das Hadaikum.
20180815             Es umfasst die etwa 600.000.000 1. —JAHRE—DER—ERD—GESCHICHTE.
20180815             —GEFUNDEN, Wenige URZEIT—FELSEN—VON—DAMALS, wurden, viel ist darüber nicht bekannt.
20180815             Der älteste bekannte Krater der Erde liegt in SÜD—AFRIKA, er ist mindestens 2—MILLIARDEN —JAHRE jünger.
20180815             Australische und CHINESISCHE—FORSCHER haben —NUN herausgefunden, daß die chemische Signatur des Bombardements aus dem All überdauerte —, zwar in 4,02.000.000.—000—JAHRE—ALTEM Gestein.
20180815             DIE—SOGENANNTEN ACASTA—GNEISE, spezielle Gesteine mit 1—MEIST zweifarbigen Textur.
20180815             ACASTA—GNEIS entstand bei Bedingungen, wie sie typischerweise —NACH—DEM Einschlag von Meteoriten EXISTIEREN—ALSO hohe Temperaturen und bestimmte, nicht zu hohe Drücke.
20180815             DIE—ACASTA—GNEISE sind die ältesten bekannten Gesteine der Erde.
20180815             gibt es noch ältere Mineralkristalle, die —BIS zu 4.400.000.—000—JAHRE—ALTEN sogenannten Zirkone aus AUSTRALIEN, diese sind jedoch nur winzige Kristalle, eingebettet in deutlich jüngeres Felsmaterial.
20180815             Im Hadaikum, davon gehen DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER aus, bestand die primitive ERD—KRUSTE aus größtenteils dunklem BASALT—EIN eisenhaltiges Vulkangestein
20180815             Es gibt —JETZT ein 3. Geschlecht im Geburtenregister — "divers"
20180815             Es gibt gerade ein tolles PHYSIK—DRAMA über 1.INDISCHE—FORSCHER—GRUPPE, die in 1—EXPERIMENT RAUMTEMPERATUR—SUPRALEITUNG gesehen zu haben behauptet.
20180815             BERLIN, gibt es gerade 1.lustige GESCHICHTE über 1.Zivilstreife DER—POLIZEI, die von 1—PRIVATEN Unternehmen abgeschleppt wurde.
20180815             Aber wie so häufig: Wenn DIE—STAATS—GEWALT selbst betroffen ist, ändert sich die Perspektive —PLÖTZLICH, grundlegend.
20180815             Dem Vernehmen nach seien 20—METER entfernt freie Parkplätze gewesen.
20180815             Aber —JETZT der größte Perspektivwechsel:
20180815             —BERICHTET, Wie, empfahl das Justiziariat DER—POLIZEI intern sogar ein strafrechtliches Vorgehen GEGEN—DIE—ABSCHLEPPFIRMA: "Mit Verweigerung der HER—AUSGABE des Abstellortes liegt DER—ANFANGSVERDACHT—DER—ERPRESSUNG vor".
20180815             Oh, ach?
20180815             —BERICHTET, Wie, nörgelt DIE—POLIZEI auch an den 321—EURO herum, nur "eine niedrige zweistellige Summe" sei vorstellbar.
20180815             —INSTALLIERT, DIE—U—BAHN—VON—LA, Body Scanner.
20180815             "We're looking specifically for weapons that have the ability to cause 1—MASS—CASUALTY—EVENT," Wiggins said.
20180815             Das hilft dir als Opfer natürlich ungemein, wenn das kein MASSEN—MORD war sondern nur du und 3—WEITERE erschossen wurden!1!!
20180815             Ja aber was ist denn —JETZT mit der Einschränkung DER—BÜRGER—RECHTE dadurch?
20180815             Signs will be —POSTED at stations warning passengers they are subject to body scanner screening.
20180815—20161200    —SINCE, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES have sent 349—PEOPLE back to AFGHANISTAN.
20180815—20180810    —SINCE, THE—MEKHANIK—POGODIN oil tanker, under THE—RUSSIA—FLAG, has detained in the port of KHERSON, and prevented from offloading because its owner is on 1—LIST—OF—SANCTIONS imposed by Kiev.
20180815—20220000    —MANNED, PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI said that INDIA will send 1, flight into space.
20180826—20180815    —ON, The migrants, mainly Eritreans and Somalis, were rescued in the Mediterranean but waited —10—DAYS—WHILE ITALY—ANTI—IMMIGRANT—GOVERNMENT refused to let them disembark, —UNTIL IRELAND, ALBANIA and THE—VATICAN agreed to accept them.
20190322             Aber in der Praxis machen sie es dann meist ganz anders, etwa so: "RONCESVALLES, 07780815             .
20190322             20180725. - Aber in der Praxis machen sie es dann meist ganz anders, etwa so: "RONCESVALLES, 07780815             .
20190815             —MOVED, THE—USA, to halt the release of 1—IRAN—SUPERTANKER detained in GIBRALTAR for breaching EU sanctions on oil shipments to Syria, thwarting efforts by authorities in LONDON and THE—UK—OVERSEAS—TERRITORY to defuse tensions with TEHRAN.
20190815             —INFORMED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, Congress that it plan s to sell F—16—FIGHTERS worth $8—BILLION to TAIWAN.
20190815             1—SHOOTING on the edge of ALABAMA STATE—UNIV. in MONTGOMERY killed 1—STUDENT and another man and wounded 3—OTHERS.
20190815             FORMER—COLORADO GOVERNOR—JOHN—HICKENLOOPER said he was ending his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.
20190815             —CONVICTED, WASHINGTON DC Catholic priest Urbano Vazquez (47) was, —AFTER 1—WEEKLONG trial for sexually abusing 2—CHILDREN in his parish.
20190815             He faced up to —45—YEARS in prison.
20190815             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ORDERED—GEORGIA to stop using its outdated voting machines —AFTER—THIS—YEAR and to be ready with HAND—MARKED paper ballots if its new system isn't in place for the presidential primaries.
20190815             PENNSYLVANIA, an HOURS—LONG standoff where gunman MAURICE—HILL (36) shot at police, wounding 6—OF—THEM, as he was barricaded inside 1—PHILADELPHIA home, ended —EARLY—TODAY with his arrest and no fatalities.
20190815             In 1—CLEMENCY—PLEA to GOVERNOR—BILL—LEE, attorneys for West wrote that his THEN—17—YEAR—OLD—ACCOMPLICE—RONNIE—MARTIN actually killed both Union County victims.
20190815             —DISMISSED, BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO, European leaders' concerns about his government's environmental policies —AFTER NORWAY followed GERMANY and froze MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in financial aid to 1—AMAZON rainforest preservation fund.
20190815             † 1—UK—POLICE—OFFICER investigating 1 reported burglary in SOUTH—EAST—ENGLAND was killed —LATE—TODAY.
20190815             —ARRESTED, Police soon, and detained 10—MALES in the case, including a —13—YEAR—OLD.
20190815             —PROTESTED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, MANY—WAVING Pakistani and Kashmiri flags, outside THE—INDIA—HIGH—COMMISSION in LONDON in support of the disputed Himalayan REGION—OF—KASHMIR.
20190815             —RELEASED, THE—UK—OVERSEAS—TERRITORY—OF—GIBRALTAR, 1 seized IRAN—SUPERTANKER over —LAST—MINUTE—OBJECTIONS from THE—USA, potentially easing tensions between LONDON and TEHRAN, which still holds 1—BRITISH—FLAGGED vessel.
20190815             —UNVEILED, THE—HONG—KONG government, 1—HK$19.1—BILLION ($2.4—BILLION) package to support 1—SLOWING economy as escalating political protests and the prolonged USA—CHINA—TRADE—WAR weigh heavily on THE—ASIA—FINANCIAL—CENTER.
20190815             —DELIVERED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI, 1—INDEPENDENCE—DAY—SPEECH that spotlighted 1—DECISION to remove the special rights of the disputed Himalayan REGION—OF—KASHMIR among the bold moves of the 1. —10—WEEKS—OF his 2. term.
20190815             —SEALED, INDONESIA said it has, PARTS—OF—PALM—OIL and timber concessions owned by 10—COMPANIES on Borneo ISLAND —AFTER 1—SPATE—OF—FOREST—FIRES, warning those involved in forest burning would be severely punished.
20190815             —ISSUED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—ABDUL—MAHDI, 1—BAN on all unauthorized flights —THROUGHOUT the country, including reconnaissance, fighter jets, helicopters and drones of all kinds.
20190815             —ANNOUNCED, ISRAEL, it is barring by Democratic REPRESENTATIVE—RASHIDA—TLAIB and fellow Democrat, REPRESENTATIVE—ILHAN—OMAR from visiting JERUSALEM and THE—WEST—BANK, 1 unprecedented move targeting MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESS.
20190815             The decision came —AFTER PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said in 1—TWEET it would show "weakness" to allow in THE—2—MUSLIM MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS who have been sharply critical of him AND—OF—ISRAEL—POLICIES toward the Palestinians.
20190815             —WOUNDED, ISRAEL—POLICE—OFFICERS shot dead 1—PALESTINE—TEEN and seriously, another —AFTER they stabbed 1—POLICEMAN outside 1—FLASHPOINT JERUSALEM holy site.
20190815             —KILLED, MYANMAR insurgents, at least 15—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES, in attacks on the Defence Services Technological ACADEMY—IN—PYIN oo LWIN in WEST—SHAN state and 4—OTHER—GOVERNMENT—TARGETS.
20190815             —KILLED, PAKISTAN said 3—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS and 5—INDIA—TROOPS were, in 1—CROSS—BORDER—EXCHANGE—OF—FIRE in the contested Kashmir region, 1—OF—THE—DEADLIEST clashes between the rival armies —THIS—YEAR.
20190815             1—JOINT—SAUDI—EMIRATI military delegation travelled to ADEN to discuss demands for 1—PULLOUT—OF—UAE—BACKED southern separatists from positions they captured in YEMEN—INTERIM—CAPITAL.
20190815             —GAINED, SYRIA—FORCES, more ground from insurgents in the country's northwest, edging closer to 1—MAJOR—REBEL—HELD town —1—DAY—AFTER militants shot down 1—GOVERNMENT—WARPLANE in the area.
20190815             —DISPLACED, The government offensive has, nearly 100,000—PEOPLE over the past —4—DAYS.
20190815             The region is home to some 3—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20190815             —UNVEILED, TAIWAN, its largest defence spending increase in more than —1—DECADE on amid rising military tensions with its giant neighbor CHINA, which considers THE—SELF—RULED ISLAND its own and has not renounced THE—USE—OF—FORCE against it.
20190815             —REPORTED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS said more than 37—ATTACKS have been, against health workers, health facilities and ambulances in LIBYA —SINCE THE—SELF—STYLED LIBYA—NATIONAL—ARMY led by Khalifa Hifter launched 1—OFFENSIVE—IN—EARLY—APRIL to capture THE—CAPITAL—OF—TRIPOLI.
20190815             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—YEMENIS, in the port CITY—OF—ADEN in support of southern separatists who seized the city from the country's internationally recognized government.
20190815             1—COALITION—OF—RIGHTS—GROUPS said 6—ZIMBABWE—POLITICAL—ACTIVISTS were abducted from their homes at night and beaten by armed men —THIS—WEEK, ahead of planned street demonstrations by the main opposition party.
20190815             -- GeoMiliTech (GMT) Consultants Corporation is established by... - Search results for "deuss "
20190815             THE—STRANGE—CASE—OF—BANKER—JOHN—DEUSS—RUSSIA Intelligence
20190815             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Corn,D. Blond Ghost.
20190815             POLENs EX—PRÄSIDENT—LECH—WALESA: Held!
20190815             Verräter! Witzfigur! (SPIEGEL+, 00:48)
20190815             JUDEN als Soldaten im 1. WELT—KRIEG, Mit falscher Hoffnung an die Front (SPIEGEL+, 00:50)
20190815             Treffen mit Xi Jinping vorgeschlagen: DONALD—TRUMP mischt sich in HONGKONG—KONFLIKT ein
20190815             Petition für neuen Straßennamen: Steht der DONALD—TRUMP—TOWER bald in der OBAMA—AVENUE?
20190815             —50—JAHRE Woodstock: Ekstase im Schlammbad
20190815             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DONNERSTAG: Was die LINKS—PARTEI mit DONALD—TRUMP verbindet
20190815             —BEWERTET, EL—PASO—AN—SCHLAG, MEXIKO will MASSEN—MORD als TERROR—AKT, wissen
20190815             Bundestagsanfrage: "Der NSU ist nach wie vor BEZUGS—PUNKT der extremen Rechten"
20190815             JEFFREY—EPSTEINS—PROMI—CLIQUE: Geld, Macht, Missbrauch
20190815             —MASSAKER—AN—IRAKISCHEN—ZIVILISTEN: BLACKWATER—SÖLDNER muss lebenslang in Haft
20190815             Gruppen auf FACEBOOK: "Privat und verborgen" ist das neue "geheim"
20190815             —STUDIE—ZUR GEHIRNaktivität: Wer einen Fahrradhelm trägt, ist risikofreudiger
20190815             STRACHE—AFFÄRE: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT prüft Zusammenhang zwischen Datenvernichtung und IBIZA—VIDEO
20190815             Sorge vor Abschwung: Industrie baut 3. —MONAT in Folge Jobs ab
20190815             Modellrechnung: Tausch alter Haushaltsgeräte taugt selten zum Stromsparen
20190815             IRANISCHER—ÖLTANKER in GIBRALTAR: USA stoppen Freigabe von "Grace 1"
20190815             DEMOKRATIE—BEWEGUNG in HONG—KONG: Führender Aktivist überraschend freigelassen
20190815             Scheidender Museumsdirektor in ITALIEN: "Wir AUS—LÄNDER sind nicht mehr erwünscht"
20190815             —NEUEN—PROBLEM: Boeing muss Auslieferung von Langstreckenjet verschieben
20190815             ANGST—VOR—WEITERER Ausbreitung: BURUNDI startet IMPF—KAMPAGNE—GEGEN—EBOLA
20190815             —NACH, LINKEN—VORSTOß: —STREIT—UM—ABSCHAFFUNG der 1. Klasse
20190815             —REAKTION—AUF—SCHÜSSE in PHILADELPHIA: "Unsere Polizisten brauchen Hilfe"
20190815             ROT—GRÜN—ROTE Koalition: Bovenschulte zu Bremens BÜRGER—MEISTER gewählt
20190815             Fachkräfte in DEUTSCHLAND: ZAHL—DER—AKADEMIKER aus dem Ausland steigt
20190815             —INSPIRIERT, NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE: Der Mann, der DONALD—TRUMP und PUTIN, (SPIEGEL+, 14:02)
20190815             Umstrittene VOLKSFEST—TRADITION in HESSEN: Der tanzende "Mohr" von Biedenkopf
20190815             EISZEIT—GIGANT: Höhlenbär starb vor allem wegen des Menschen aus
20190815             —NACH—MASSEN—PROTESTEN, CHINA setzt HONG—KONGS—WIRTSCHAFT unter Druck
20190815             Manöver im Stadion: PEKING lässt Soldaten Einsatz gegen DEMONSTRANTEN trainieren
20190815             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—VENEZUELA: "TRUMP und BOLTON haben Maduro die perfekte Ausrede geliefert"
20190815             Unternehmertum: Nur jeder 4. DEUTSCHE möchte selbstständig arbeiten
20190815             Trotz USA—INTERVENTION: IRAN—TANKER "Grace 1" kann auslaufen
20190815             Machtoption ROT—ROT—GRÜN: So viel SED steckt noch in der Linken
20190815             —NACH, TRUMP—INTERVENTION: ISRAEL verwehrt demokratischen USA—ABGEORDNETEN die Einreise
20190815             —KLIMA—WANDEL und ARTEN—STERBEN sind nicht allein 1—PROBLEM unserer Zeit.
20190815             "Der dramatische Einbruch in Vielfalt und Population des Höhlenbären geht nach einer vergleichsweise stabilen Phase zeitlich einher mit dem Auftreten des modernen Menschen"
20190815             Unsere Vorfahren haben die Tiere massiv gejagt, davon konnten sich die Bestände wohl nicht mehr erholen.
20190815             Aus dem mitochondrialen Erbgut von 59—HÖHLENBÄREN und aus —BEREITS veröffentlichten Daten rekonstruierten die Wissenschaftler einen umfassenden Stammbaum der Tiere.
20190815             Daraus lässt sich das AUS—STERBEN der Art vor etwa 20.—000—JAHREN weitgehend verfolgen,
20190815             "Erstmals sind anhand dieser Daten Diversität und Population des Höhlenbären fassbar",
20190815             DIE—LEBENSWEISE des Höhlenbären habe die Ausrottung sicher beschleunigt: Die über 3—METER—GROßEN Pflanzenfresser lebten demnach in der Nähe ihrer Geburtshöhlen, die meist in besonders fruchtbarem Gelände lagen.
20190815             So sei der Mensch, der —DAMALS, ebenfalls Höhlen für sich beanspruchte, zunehmend zum natürlichen Konkurrenten geworden.
20190815             Zusätzlich schwächte die Pflanzenknappheit das Pelztier während der letzten Eiszeit.
20190815             das AUS—STERBEN begann —BEREITS VOR—CA—25.—000—JAHREN
20190815             —DAMALS, hatte die letzte Eiszeit ihren kältesten Abschnitt erreicht.
20190815             Der Höhlenbär (Ursus spelaeus) gehörte zur sogenannten MEGAFAUNA—ALSO zu den Großtieren.
20190815             1. Exemplare stammen aus der Zeit VOR—CA—47.—000—JAHREN,
20190815             sein AUS—STERBEN datieren die Experten —DERZEIT, ungefähr auf die Zeit VOR—20.—000—JAHREN.
20190815             Der Höhlenbär tritt somit ungefähr zur selben Zeit auf wie das Mammut, das Wollnashorn, der Riesenhirsch und der Höhlenlöwe, die ebenfalls alle ausgestorben sind.
20190815             [l] Old and busted: Inkompetente Idioten werden gehackt, leaken eure Passwörter.
20190815             NEW—HOTNESS: Inkompetente Idioten leaken eure Biometriedaten.
20190815             DIE—EXPERTEN konnten sich nach eigenen Angaben ohne große Mühen Zugang zu 27.800.000 Einträgen verschaffen, die 23—GIGABYTE an Daten ausmachten.
20190815             [l] —SCHON—SEIT—JAHREN ist bekannt, daß der KLIMA—WANDEL den Golfstrom beeinträchtigen könnte, der im Wesentlichen DER—GRUND ist, daß es in EUROPA schön warm ist (und gut geeignet für Landwirtschaft).
20190815             Das Abebben des Golfstroms kommt gerade 50—100—JAHRE schneller als die Modelle vorhergesagt haben.
20190815             [l] Nicht gut: Deine Finanzen sind im Arsch.
20190815             Schlimmer: Jemand schreibt einen 175—SEITEN—REPORT über deine Finanzen.
20190815             Noch schlimmer: DER—REPORT GEHT—AN—DIE—FINANZAUFSICHT.
20190815             Richtig doll schlimm: Der Typ war der BERNIE—MADOFF—WHISTLE—BLOWER und er bezeichnet deine Buchhaltung als "schlimmeren Beschiss als bei ENRON".
20190815             Willkommen bei GENERAL—ELECTRIC!
20190815             [l] HORST—SEEHOFER, meine Damen und Herren.
20190815             Übersetzt heißt dies, daß der VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ künftig auch journalistische Redaktionen mit Staatstrojanern ausspähen dürfen soll.
20190815             Absichtlich, versteht sich.
20190815             Ich wünsch dem ja, daß er über IRGENDEIN—VERKLAUSULIERTES—BULLSHIT—ERMÄCHTIGUNGS—GESETZ seiner Vorgänger oder Nachfolger stürzt und dann jahrelang in den Knast muss.
20190815             Wie wäre es mit einer obskuren STEUER—VORSCHRIFT?
20190815             1—REGION—OF—THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC—SOUTH—OF—GREENLAND has experienced SOME—OF—ITS—COLDEST—TEMPERATURES on record in recent years, 1—COOLING unprecedented in the past 1000—YEARS.
20190815             The current depends on THE—SALTINESS—OF—THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC to create the sinking MOTION—OF—WATER, that is, it's the "pump" driving the current.
20190815             As THE—GREENLAND ice sheet melts, large volumes of fresh water enter THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC and freshen the very salty sea water, slowing the "pump,"
20190815             Email to someoneShare on FACEBOOKTweet about this on TwitterShare on LinkedInPin on PinterestShare on Reddit
20190815             —CAUSED, What, —THIS—YEAR—BIZARRE—WINTER and —SPRING weather in THE—USA
20190815             Permafrost is thawing rapidly.
20190815             4—SCIENTISTS make creativity 1—KEY to communicating their research
20190815             Should a Green New Deal include nuclear power?
20190815             —16—JAHRE—ALT GRETA—THUNBERG makes compelling plea for climate action
20190815             Methane hydrates: Why scientists worry less than you might think
20190815             —BREED, Scientist empowers farmers to, their own seeds
20190815             Polar melting: 'Methane time bomb' isn't actually a 'bomb'
20190815             Pumped storage could help put more wind and solar on the grid
20190815             Climate sensitivity uncertainties leading to more concern - Globe showing blue spot
20190815             1—STUBBORN blue spot of cool ocean temperatures stands out like the proverbial sore thumb in 1—RECENT—NASA IMAGE—OF—THE—WARMING world — 1—CIRCLE—OF—COOL—BLUE on 1—PLANET increasingly shaded in hot red.
20190815             Climatologist MICHAEL—MANN—OF—PENN—STATE—UNIVERSITY, in —THIS—MONTH'S "This is Not Cool" video, explains that this phenomenon may be 1—INDICATION that THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC—CURRENT, PART—OF—1—LARGER—GLOBAL—OCEAN—CIRCULATION, is slowing down.
20190815             —CALLED, STEFAN—RAHMSTORF—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—POTSDAM—GERMANY, says this circulation —, the thermohaline circulation, but popularly known to MANY—IN—THE—USA
20190815             Although the movie's disaster plot was pure science fiction, the consequences of 1—SHUTDOWN would be serious for agriculture — and for TEMPE—RATE—WEATHER — in NORTH—EUROPE.
20190815             As THE—GREENLAND ice sheet melts, large volumes of fresh water enter THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC and freshen the very salty sea water, slowing the "pump," Jorgen PEDER—STEFFENSEN—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—COPENHAGEN explains in the video, produced for Yale Climate Connections by independent videographer PETER—SINCLAIR—OF—MIDLAND, MICHIGAN.
20190815             "That would make it terribly cold in DENMARK, where I come from," Steffensen says.
20190815             Melting ice from GREENLAND largely explains the freshening NORTH—ATLANTIC, Box AGREES.
20190815             "We are 50 to a —100—YEARS—AHEAD—OF—SCHEDULE with the slowdown of this ocean circulation pattern, relative to the models,"
20190815             Alarm in MOSKAU: DEUTSCHE—WELTKRIEGS—BOMBE im Kreml entdeckt
20190815             PAKISTAN—PREMIER—VERSCHÄRFT Kaschmirkonflikt: "Es ist an der Zeit, INDIEN 1—LEKTION zu erteilen"
20190815             —50—JAHRE HIPPIE—FESTIVAL: Wie ein modernes Woodstock aussehen müsste
20190815             —REAKTIONEN—AUF—EINREISEVERBOT: "Unter der Würde des großartigen Staates ISRAEL"
20190815             DEUTSCHE—FORSCHUNGSSTATION in der ANT—ARKTIS: Der rätselhafte WELTRAUM—STAUB im Schnee (SPIEGEL+, 22:38)
20190815             Leichter "Exosuit": Aufs Schlachtfeld im ROBOTER—ANZUG
20190815             Es ist nicht nur dieser besondere Stil: "Auf Aufzeichnungen nach Absatz 3—SATZ 2—UND §§—9D, 9e Absatz 1—IST §—3A Absatz 1—SATZ 4—BIS 6—UND Absatz 2—DES Artikel-10-Gesetzes entsprechend anzuwenden", so liest man im 3., dem zentralen Paragrafen dieses GEHEIM—DIENST—GESETZESPAKETS.
20190815—18800000    —IN, THE—USA—NATIONAL—OCEANIC and Atmospheric Administration said July was the hottest —MONTH measured on Earth —SINCE records began.
20190815—19860000    —EXECUTED, TENNESSEE, its 3. inmate in the electric chair —SINCE—NOVEMBER, killing STEPHEN—WEST, —56—JAHRE—ALT who maintained that he didn't stab 1—MOTHER and her —15—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER to death.
20190815—20010000    —IN, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, MICHAEL—GARGIULO, —43—JAHRE—ALT was found GUILTY—OF—KILLING 2—WOMEN and 20050000             , 1—OF—WHOM was stabbed to death on the night of 1 planned date with actor ASHTON—KUTCHER.
20190815—20040000    —IN—THE, This current played 1—ROLE—SCIENCE—FICTION—MOVIE THE—DAY—AFTER Tomorrow, 1—FILM that was "based on science, but greatly overblown" and that —THEREFORE "frustrated 1—LOT—OF—CLIMATOLOGISTS," JASON—BOX—OF—THE—GEOLOGICAL—SURVEY—OF—DENMARK and GREENLAND points out.
20190815—20080000    —IN, He was also found guilty of the attempted murder of a 3. victim who fought back and —LATER testified against him in court.
20190815—20191002    —URGED, Modi also, people and government agencies to "take the 1. big step" towards freeing INDIA—OF—SINGLE—USE—PLASTIC.
20190815—20210716    —ON, 1—JUDGE imposed 1—DEATH—SENTENCE on Gargiulo.
20190815—20300000    —PLEADED, Martin, guilty as 1—JUVENILE and received 1—LIFE—SENTENCE with the possibility of parole.
20200721             † ? IN—CHIC20200815             —PEOPLE were shot, 1—PERSON was being questioned and multiple suspects were being sought —AFTER gunfire erupted outside 1—FUNERAL—HOME on the city's SOUTH—SIDE as THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT moved forward on plans to deploy more agents to the city where violence is spiking.
20200727—20200815    —AM, USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP wird entgegen seiner eigenen Ankündigung doch nicht den 1. Ball vor dem Baseballspiel der NEW—YORK Yankees werfen.
20200727—20200815    TRUMP begründete die —ENTSCHEIDUNG—AM—SONNTAG (Ortszeit) bei Twitter mit seinen Verpflichtungen im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—CORONA—KRISE, vereinbarten Treffen, der Wirtschaft "und vielem anderen".
20200727—20200815    Er werde es zu einem späteren ZEIT—PUNKT machen.
20200801             Der Notstand werde —BIS zum 20200815             verhängt, da die Krankenhäuser mit der Welle an NEU—INFEKTIONEN überfordert seien.
20200815             —SAMSTAG, 20200815             - Sat 20200815
20200815             Herzlichen Glückwunsch, liebe Menschheit.
20200815             —GEMACHT, Toll.
20200815             Eines Tages werden die nächsten Bewohner des Planeten unsere Ruinen ausgraben und genau so staunen wie wir bei den Statuen auf den Osterinseln —HEUTE staunen.
20200815             Wie konnten die so blöde sein?
20200815             Haben die nicht gemerkt, dass sie bald tot sind, wenn sie —JETZT nicht handeln?
20200815             Wieso würden die ihre letzten Ressourcen in den Bau
20200815             Und glaubt mal nicht, dass da irgendjemand freiwillig zahlt!
20200815             Hier hat Forbes mal die Tricks beschrieben.
20200815             Das machen die mit euren Kindern.
20200815             Die verbrennen dann ihr Taschengeld darauf, weil sie professionell ans Casino herangeführt werden.
20200815             der STAAT sich bemüht, ONLINE—GLÜCKSPIEL zu regulieren, ist diese ART—VON—PROFESSIONELLEM—PSYCHOLOGISCHEN Anfixen
20200815             [l] —JETZT kommen hier Mails rein, dass Epic Games ja auch nicht gerade die Guten sind.
20200815             Goldverkaufen für Anfänger: So machen Sie alten Schmuck —JETZT zu Geld - Ein Erfahrungsbericht
20200815             Mythos oder Medizin: Ziehen MANCHE—MENSCHEN—MÜCKEN magisch an?
20200815             Katholisches Fest: Wer hat an Mariä Himmelfahrt frei?
20200815             GENTECHNIK—PREMIERE: Forscher erzeugen farblose Tintenfische
20200815             Bergsteiger - 75. Jahrestag der Kapitulation: JAPANISCHE—MINISTER besuchen umstrittenen Kriegsschrein
20200815             —ÜBERLEBT, Fausia Kufi: Bekannte AFGHANISCHE—FRAUENRECHTLERIN, Attentat
20200815             Vertrag unterschrieben: USA entsenden 10000000             weitere Soldaten nach POLEN
20200815             "Die 1. Ausfälle
20200815             "Auf viel befahrenen Strecken muss die Bahn deshalb zusätzliche Waggons einsetzen, die Belegung mit intelligenter Technik im Zug entzerren und bevorzugt Reisende mit Reservierung einsteigen lassen",
20200815             Flugbegleiter stimmen LUFTHANSA—SPARPAKET zu
20200815             befindet sich die Forschung dazu bislang noch in einem vorbereitenden Stadium.
20200815             Solche sogenannten Human Challenge Trials sind allerdings umstritten.
20200815             Mannschaft - "Wir tun dies, da die Infektionsraten steigen während auch die Aktivität in der Gesellschaft zunimmt",
20200815             Auch in RHEINLAND—PFALZ kommt es zu Verzögerungen bei der Übermittlung
20200815             Es sei schwer zu schaffen, ALLE—NEGATIVEN—BEFUNDE zeitnah herauszugeben,
20200815             Obwohl die finalen Tests noch laufen,
20200815             Na região algarvia, o total acumulado de infetados pelo novo coronavírus, desde o início da pandemia, é agora de 965.
20200815             No Alentejo, o número de novos casos volta a ser de 13, pelo segundo dia consecutivo, elevando o total acumulado para 812.
20200815             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—140—(=)ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—119—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—21—(-1)
20200815             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—127—(+1)ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—101—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—23—(+1)
20200815             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—21—(=)ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—18—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20200815             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—51—(=)ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—31—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—20—(=)
20200815             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—169—(+2)ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—122—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—45—(+1)
20200815             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—178—(+1)ÓBITOS—7—(=)—RECUPERADOS—110—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—61—(+1)
20200815             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—121—(+1)ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—85—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—35—(=)
20200815             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—36—(=)ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—28—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(=)
20200815             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—49—(=)ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—39—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(=)
20200815             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—22—(=)ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—19—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20200815             Aktualisierung 202008150000         —UHR
20200815             Engländer brechen Urlaub ab, um Quarantäne zu umgehen
20200815             [l] Ich lese gerade einen Artikel über einen Typen, der seinen Scheiß in die Google Cloud migriert hat.
20200815             Ich selbst habe ja überhaupt gar nichts in irgendeine Cloud migriert, weil ich das für eine fundamental schlechte Idee halte.
20200815             —ABER, [l] Wow. Das ist hart.
20200815             Ich bin ja kein Freund VON—GOOGLE—ABER für so taktisch inkompetent habe ich sie nicht gehalten.
20200815             JENS—SPAHN: kostenlose CORONA—TESTS "schützen uns und schützen andere"
20200815             —ISSUED, THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration, 1—EMERGENCY—USE—AUTHORIZATION for the SalivaDirect COVID—19—DIAGNOSTIC—TEST developed by the Yale SCHOOL—OF—PUBLIC—HEALTH in partnership with the National Basketball Association.
20200815             —APPROVED, THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration, ROCHE—ENSPRYNG for the central nervous system disorder neuromyelitis optica, putting THE—SWITZERLAND—DRUGMAKER HEAD—TO—HEAD—WITH—ALEXION—SOLIRIS in 1—COSTLY—TREATMENT—AREA.
20200815             CALIFORNIA, the explosive Loyalton Fire NORTH—OF—LAKE—TAHOE has burned through about 20,000 acres and is only 5—PERCENT contained.
20200815             It formed into 1—RARE—PHENOMENON known as 1—FIRE—TORNADO, which the National Weather Service called "extremely dangerous fire behavior".
20200815             CALIFORNIA to date had 619,243 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 11,217 deaths.
20200815             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 70,556 cases and 964—DEATHS.
20200815             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 5,357,396 with the death toll at 169,432.
20200815             CHICAGO, 1—DOWNTOWN march began peacefully, but 1—SEPARATE—DEMONSTRATION broke off resulting in 2—DOZEN—ARRESTS, 17 injured police officers and at least 2 injured protesters.
20200815             MICHIGAN, 2—MEN and 2—WOMEN were found dead from gunshot wounds in 1—HOUSE in Sumpter Township, 1—WAYNE—COUNTY suburb of DETROIT.
20200815             —TURNED, Suspect RAYMOND—LEE—BAILEY, —37—JAHRE—ALT, himself in THE—NEXT—DAY.
20200815             1—NEBRASKA school district said it had canceled classes —AFTER staff members tested positive for the new CORONA€”VIRUS, the latest state to see instruction disrupted —AFTER resuming IN—PERSON learning.
20200815             He confirmed 734—ADDITIONAL—CASES—OF—NOVEL—CORONA€”VIRUS, bringing the statewide total to 424,901 confirmed cases in NEW—YORK State, with the highest concentration in NEW—YORK City.
20200815             5—DEATHS —1—DAY—EARLIER brought that total to 25,244.
20200815             —ARRESTED, Police in PORTLAND—OREGON, 4—PEOPLE overnight and dispersed 1—PROTEST that was heading toward THE—OFFICES—OF—THE—POLICE—UNION.
20200815             —STARTED, ALGERIA, reopening its mosques, cafes, beaches and parks for the 1. time in —5—MONTHS.
20200815             —REPORTED, The country has, more than 37,000 infections and 1,350 deaths.
20200815             —REPORTED, It was, that prosecutors in ANGOLA have ordered THE—CLOSURE—OF—PLACES—OF—WORSHIP belonging to 1—OF—BRAZIL—BIGGEST churches, the Universal CHURCH—OF—THE—KINGDOM—OF—GOD (UCKG), accusing IT—OF—CORRUPTION.
20200815             —REPORTED, AUSTRALIA—VICTORIA state, 4—MORE—DEATHS—COVID—19—DEATHS and 303—NEWLY confirmed cases over the last —24—HOURS in 1—POSITIVE trend downward.
20200815             —EMBATTLED, BELARUS', PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO appealed to his LONG—TIME—ALLY—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN as protesters continue to call for his resignation —FOLLOWING his recent disputed election victory, which the opposition alleges he rigged.
20200815             —GATHERED, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS in BELARUS, at the spot in the capital where 1—PROTESTER † in clashes with police, calling for AUTHORITY—LUKASHENKO to resign —AFTER—26—YEARS in power.
20200815             THOUSANDS—OF—UK—TOURISTS beat 1—HASTY retreat from FRANCE, packing out planes, trains and ferries to return to THE—UK—BY THE—EARLY—HOURS of this —MORNING to avoid 1—MANDATORY—14—DAY—QUARANTINE at home.
20200815             —REPORTED, It was, that workers in THE—CHINA—TOWN—OF—PYAWBWE earn about $1.20—1—DAY untangling hair from BANGLADESH and INDIA.
20200815             COLOMBIA, 8—PEOPLE, all aged between 17 and 26, were killed in 1—MASSACRE at 1—BARBECUE in the small TOWN—OF—SAMANIEGO —LATE—TODAY.
20200815             2—OTHER—KILLINGS in Nariño province in the past —7—DAYS left at least 4—OTHERS—DEAD.
20200815             COLOMBIA has seen 33—MASSACRES —THIS—YEAR and 45—HUMAN—RIGHTS defenders have been killed in the same period.
20200815             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—GREECE—GOVERNMENT has secretly expelled more than 1,000 refugees from EUROPE—BORDERS in recent months, sailing MANY—OF—THEM to THE—EDGE—OF—GREECE—TERRITORIAL—WATERS and then abandoning them in inflatable and sometimes overburdened life rafts.
20200815             The prime ministers of INDIA and NEPAL spoke over the phone to try to ease bilateral tensions that have existed —SINCE 1—BORDER—DISPUTE erupted between THE—2—COUNTRIES in May.
20200815             —REPORTED, It was, that 16,347 migrants reached ITALY—SHORES in small boats without help over THE—LAST—YEAR, —WHILE 5,271 were rescued at sea, MOST—OF—THOSE by charity boats.
20200815             NORTH—MACEDONIA police found 80—MIGRANTS —DURING 1—ROUTINE check in THE—CENTRAL—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY and arrested 1—TRUCK—DRIVER for suspected migrant smuggling.
20200815             —GROUNDED, Officials said, JAPAN—SHIP that leaked TONS—OF—OIL—NEAR protected areas off THE—INDIA—OCEAN—ISLAND nation of MAURITIUS has SPLIT apart, with remaining fuel spreading into the turquoise waters.
20200815             THE—HEAD—OF—MEXICO—NATIONAL—IMMIGRATION—INSTITUTE said more than 1,040 immigration officers have been referred to the internal affairs office or forced to quit —AFTER they were caught demanding bribes and other ACTS—OF—CORRUPTION.
20200815             —REPORTED, It was, that nearly 1,500 ACRES—OF—RICE—FIELDS in NORTH—KOREA were flooded and about 730—SINGE—STORY—HOMES and 179—HOUSING blocks destroyed as of —EARLY—AUGUST.
20200815             —PROMPTED, This has, leader KIM—JONG—UN to tap into his private grain reserves to feed victims.
20200815             —REPORTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—HEALTH—MINISTRY, 4,351 new confirmed CORONA€”VIRUS cases and 159—ADDITIONAL fatalities, bringing the total in the country to 157,918 infections and 2,600 deaths.
20200815             —REPORTED, RUSSIA—HEALTH—MINISTRY, the production START—OF—THE 1. batch of its new vaccine for COVID—19.
20200815             —REPORTED, SOUTH—KOREA, 166—NEWLY confirmed CORONA€”VIRUS cases, the highest daily jump in —5—MONTHS.
20200815             TURKEY—CORONA€”VIRUS—COUNT—ROSE to its highest daily level —SINCE—JUNE, with total deaths nearing 6,000.
20200815             There were 1,256 new cases and 21—DEATHS in the last —24—HOURS, pushing total cases above 278,000.
20200815             —SAMSTAG, 20200815             20200815             Sat 20200815             20200815             [l] Die KLIMA—FORSCHUNG warnt JA—SEIT—JAHREN vor selbstverstärkenden Feedbackschleifen.
20200815             Das ist 1—SITUATION, die
20200815             —WÄHREND, der physische Zutritt zu einem echten Casino für Minderjährige verboten ist, und
20200815             —BISHER unterhalb des Radars der Politik.
20200815             —AM schönsten hat das —BISHER dieses —12—MINUTEN—YOUTUBE—VIDEO auf den Punkt gebracht.
20200815             [l] DIE—USA haben —DIESES—JAHR weniger Anträge als Slots für ihre H1B—VISA—LOTTERIE.
20200815             —KRITISIERT, Bewusste Schwächung der USA—POST: Obama, TRUMP im STREIT—ÜBER Briefwahlen
20200815             Auf dem Weg nach GROSSBRITANNIEN: FRANZÖSISCHE—KÜSTENWACHE rettet 38—MIGRANTEN im Ärmelkanal
20200815             Pleite im UNO—SICHERHEITS—RAT,USA scheitern mit Verlängerung von IRAN—EMBARGO
20200815             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MORGEN: Der bewundernswerte Mut der Menschen in MINSK
20200815             —NEUEN—DEKRET: TRUMP erhöht Druck auf TikTok und Bytedance
20200815             MIKE—POMPEO in Mittelosteuropa: Der ANTI—CHINA—TRIP
20200815             —BERICHTET, Friedliche PROTESTE—IN—MINSK: Auf Tuchfühlung Aus MINSK, CHRISTIAN—ESCH
20200815             —CORONA—PANDEMIE: So unterschiedlich meisterte EUROPA die 1. Welle
20200815             Metaphern in der PANDEMIE: 1. Welle, 2. Welle, Dauerwelle
20200815             —CORONA—HOFFNUNGSTRÄGER Curevac: DEUTSCHLANDs stille Reserve
20200815             PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHL, USA—POST will rechtzeitige Stimmzettelbeförderung nicht garantieren
20200815             —PROTESTE—IN—BELARUS—LUKASCHENKO sucht Schulterschluss mit PUTIN
20200815             Nahostkonflikt: BAHRAIN begrüßt Vereinbarung zwischen ISRAEL und Emiraten
20200815             Lebensmittelverschwendung in CHINA: Restaurant fordert Gäste auf, sich vor dem Bestellen zu wiegen
20200815             Republikaner gegen DONALD—TRUMP: Angriff aus den eigenen Reihen
20200815             RISIKO—GEBIET, GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—SPAHN verteidigt Reisewarnung für SPANIEN
20200815             Hotelier auf Mallorca: "Manche sehen in der Reisewarnung den Todesstoß für den Tourismus" 1—INTERVIEW
20200815             Warum sich die Welt ändert: Nach der PANDEMIE ist vor der Krise 1—KOLUMNE
20200815             Kurzbesuch mit Mundschutz: TRUMP—BRUDER ROBERT liegt im Krankenhaus
20200815             Grünenchefin Annalena Baerbock fordert systematische Tests für Lehrer und Erzieher, die aus dem Urlaub zurückkommen.
20200815             —BISHER seien die TEST—ANGEBOTE freiwillig und stichprobenartig, "DIE—1. Ausfälle
20200815             —WÄHREND, Kinder und Jugendliche zum Infektionsschutz nach Jahrgängen getrennt würden, wechselten an vielen Schulen die Lehrer
20200815             JEDE—SCHULE brauche außerdem 1—DURCHLÜFTUNGSKONZEPT.
20200815             "Wenn Fenster mancherorts nur gekippt werden können, dann muss 1—HANDWERKER kommen und notfalls neue Fenster einbauen. Dafür muss Geld da sein",
20200815             DIE—REPRODUKTIONSZAHL, kurz R—WERT, lag nach RKI—SCHÄTZUNGEN mit Datenstand 14.8., 0000—UHR, in DEUTSCHLAND bei 1,08.
20200815             DIE—RETTUNGSSCHWIMMER an der Ostsee stecken —IN—DIESEM—SOMMER in einem Dilemma.
20200815             Die aufgrund der PANDEMIE geltenden Abstandsregeln erschwerten die Rettungseinsätze,
20200815             Außerdem seien VIELE—DER—WACHSTATIONEN nicht mit der vollen Personalstärke besetzt, da 1—REIHE
20200815             BRANDENBURGs MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—DIETMAR—WOIDKE (SPD) hat die Länder zu einer engen Zusammenarbeit bei CORONA—REGELN aufgerufen und sie vor Profilierungen gewarnt.
20200815             "Es war sehr wirkungsvoll für DEUTSCHLAND, daß sich die Länder —IM—MÄRZ und —APRIL sehr eng mit der BUNDES—REGIERUNG abgestimmt haben",
20200815             "Es war die Basis, um so bei uns —BISHER relativ glimpflich und moderat durch diese CORONA—KRISE zu kommen".
20200815             Das "permanente Vorpreschen" MANCHER—BUNDESLÄNDER verunsichere DIE—MENSCHEN,
20200815             sagte er.
20200815             "Wir sind in einem Marathonlauf ohne Kilometerbegrenzung. Wir wissen nicht, wie lange dieser Weg noch sein wird".
20200815             SÜD—KOREA meldet so VIELE—NEUE—FÄLLE wie zuletzt —IM—MÄRZ
20200815             Bahnreisende im FERN—VERKEHR sollten aus VERBRAUCHERSCHÜTZER—SICHT in der CORONA—KRISE kostenlos einen Sitzplatz reservieren können.
20200815             "Neben der Maskenpflicht ist Abstand einfach das Beste, was wir —ZURZEIT tun können",
20200815             "Wobei die Reservierungsgebühren im FERN—VERKEHR während CORONA entfallen sollten".
20200815             Wer 2. Klasse fährt, zahlt für die Reservierung —DERZEIT 4,50—EURO.
20200815             In der 1. Klasse ist der feste Sitzplatz dagegen im FAHR—PREIS enthalten.
20200815             Landesministerin Köpping schließt 2. Lockdown in SACHSEN aus
20200815             ÖSTERREICH—KANZLER will strengere Kontrollen an den Grenzen
20200815             Der stellvertretende FDP—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTIONSCHEF MICHAEL—THEURER plädiert dafür, daß Reisende den PFLICHT—TEST selbst bezahlen müssen, wenn sie bewusst in Risikogebiete fahren.
20200815             "Wer sich 1—FERNREISE mitten in der PANDEMIE ausgerechnet in 1—RISIKO—GEBIET leisten kann und trotz kostenloser Stornierungsmöglichkeiten nicht umbucht, muss auch das Geld für einen PFLICHT—TEST aufbringen",
20200815             Zugleich sprach sich Theurer für umfassende Tests aus.
20200815             "Denn mit mehr Tests lassen sich INFEKTIONS—KETTEN schneller unterbrechen und eine 2. Welle verhindern. Wird hingegen —ERST beim Auftreten 1. Symptome getestet, wurden wahrscheinlich —SCHON 3—BIS 7—MENSCHEN angesteckt",
20200815             AUßEN—MINISTER—HEIKO—MAAS erwartet wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE INTERNATIONAL noch eine lange andauernde Krise.
20200815             "DIE—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN nehmen zu. DIE—KRISE ist noch lange nicht vorbei. Global wird die Bekämpfung der CORONA—KRISE noch lange ein beherrschendes Thema bleiben", sagte DER—SPD—POLITIKER
20200815             BUNDESGESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—JENS—SPAHN (CDU) hat die Reisewarnung der BUNDES—REGIERUNG für fast ganz SPANIEN verteidigt.
20200815             "Das ist kein Reiseverbot, aber die klare Ansage: Wer aus dem SPANIENurlaub kommt, muss in Quarantäne, solange er kein negatives Testergebnis hat",
20200815             "Und wer trotz der Warnung nach SPANIEN fährt, sollte sich und andere auch im Urlaub schützen. Partyurlaub ist in dieser PANDEMIE unverantwortlich".
20200815             USA—FORSCHER entwickeln einen neuen Stamm des CORONA—VIRUS—, mit dem Freiwillige für IMPFSTOFF—TESTS infiziert werden könnten.
20200815             Normalerweise erhalten Versuchspersonen in klinischen Studien entweder den zu testenden Impfstoff oder ein wirkstoffloses Placebo.
20200815             Anschließend beobachten die Forscher über —MONATE oder sogar —JAHRE den Gesundheitszustand der Testpersonen.
20200815             Das geschieht in mehreren Phasen, bei denen die ZAHL—DER—IMPFSTOFF—KANDIDATEN immer weiter begrenzt und die ZAHL—DER—TESTPERSONEN immer weiter erhöht wird.
20200815             —NACH, der Reisewarnung der BUNDES—REGIERUNG für den größten Teil SPANIENs hat GRÜNEN—CHEFIN Annalena Baerbock BUNDESGESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—JENS—SPAHN (CDU) Fehler vorgeworfen.
20200815             Es sei "ein fatales Versäumnis", daß DIE—CORONA—TESTS für Rückkehrer aus Risikoländern —ERST mitten in der Reisewelle beschlossen worden sei,
20200815             "Das hätte am —ANFANG der Sommerferien stehen müssen und nicht kurz vor Ende".
20200815             Falsch sei auch die —ENTSCHEIDUNG DER—EUROPÄISCHEN Union, daß der Mittelplatz in Flugzeugen weiter besetzt werden dürfe.
20200815             "Alle haben davor gewarnt, "Das ist ein absoluter Beschleuniger der ganzen Krise".
20200815             —GEBOTEN, Mitten in der PANDEMIE sei weiterhin "absolute Vorsicht ".
20200815             DÄNEMARK führt Maskenpflicht im öffentlichen NAH—VERKEHR ein
20200815             Auch in RHEINLAND—PFALZ kommt es zu Verzögerungen bei der CORONA—TEST—ERGEBNISSE—ÜB—ERMITTLUNG ,etwa in Trier.
20200815             —GEMACHT, Das LIEGE auch daran, daß alles mit Papier, werde.
20200815             ALLE—POSITIVEN—FÄLLE seien aber SOFORT—INFORMIERT worden - "da sind wir ganz nah an den Leuten",
20200815             "Das ist hier nicht so wie in BAYERN. Wir schaffen es nur nicht, die negativen Befunde zeitnah rauszugeben".
20200815             RUSSLAND fertigt 1. Mengen seines Impfstoffs an
20200815             PORTUGAL Incidence rate: 529,40 per 100,000—PEOPLE - COVID—19, ALGARVE tem mais sete casos
20200815             EUSKIRCHEN Kreis Fälle 653—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 338,6—FÄLLE letzte —7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 9,9Todes Fälle 26Einwohnerzahl 192.840
20200815             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE 809—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 306,8—FÄLLE letzte —7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 22,8Todes Fälle 40Einwohnerzahl 263.722
20200815             KÖLN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 3.244—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 298,8—FÄLLE letzte —7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 12,0Todes Fälle 110Einwohnerzahl 1.085.664
20200815             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER—KREIS Fälle 576—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 203,2—FÄLLE letzte —7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 10,6Todes Fälle 23Einwohnerzahl 283.455
20200815             BERLIN Neukölln Bezirk Fälle 1.285—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 389,8—FÄLLE letzte —7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 24,6Todes Fälle 42Einwohnerzahl 329.691
20200815             DINGOLFING—LANDAU Landkreis Fälle 811—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 842,9—FÄLLE letzte —7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 100,8Todes Fälle 10Einwohnerzahl 96.217
20200815             DUISBURG Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 2.198—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 440,8—FÄLLE letzte —7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 25,1Todes Fälle 65Einwohnerzahl 498.590
20200815             WUPPERTAL Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 1.276—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 360,1—FÄLLE letzte —7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 31,3Todes Fälle 86Einwohnerzahl 354.382
20200815             HAGEN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 580—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 307,2—FÄLLE letzte —7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 30,7Todes Fälle 13Einwohnerzahl 188.814
20200815             BOCHUM Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 955—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 261,9—FÄLLE letzte —7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 28,8Todes Fälle 24Einwohnerzahl 364.628
20200815             HERNE Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 393—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 251,3—FÄLLE letzte —7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 33,3Todes Fälle 5Einwohnerzahl 156.374
20200815             OFFENBACH am Main Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 351—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 272,6—FÄLLE letzte —7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 30,3Todes Fälle 9Einwohnerzahl 128.744
20200815             GLOBAL—CASES—21.243.513—GLOBAL—DEATHS766.488
20200815             —CORONA—VIRUS: Informationen in Leichter Sprache
20200815             COVID—19, Lieber kein CORONA—IMPFSTOFF als ein schlechter?
20200815             RUSSLAND hat als 1. Land einen COVID—19—IMPFSTOFF zugelassen.
20200815             Doch da wichtige Tests fehlen, bleibt 1—ZULASSUNG in der EU vorerst aus.
20200815             Stadt KÖLN verhängt Bußgeld wegen QUARANTÄNE—VERWEIGERUNG
20200815             —SIEGEN: Hase bricht in Metzgerei ein
20200815             —WARNUNG vor schweren Unwettern im Rheinland
20200815             Auch —HEUTE sind wieder Gewitter mit Starkregen über DAS—LAND gezogen.
20200815             Für TEILE—DES—RHEINLANDS gilt 1—WARNUNG vor extremen Unwettern mit Starkregen und Hagel.
20200815             INSTEAD—OF—IMPEACHMENT—HEARINGS, why not call THE—POLICE and —JUST get to the point of arresting and prosecuting TRUMP and his henchman at THE—USPS?
20200815             This is 1—CRIMINAL—MATTER, not 1—MATTER—OF—CONGRESS and impeachment.
20200815             Why should THE—USPS even FOLLOW the illegal directives?
20200815             Crying out loud, it isn't that hard.
20200815             Sorge um sensible Daten: CHAUFFEUR—DIENST der Bundeswehr gehackt
20200815             —DISKRIMINIERT, Rassismus in der Provinz: DEUTSCHER—NAME, DEUTSCHER—PASS,
20200815             "DIE—1. Charge des neuen Impfstoffs gegen DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— des GAMALEJA—FORSCHUNGSZENTRUMS wurde hergestellt", zitierten RUSSISCHE—NACHRICHTENAGENTUREN das GESUNDHEITS—MINISTERIUM in Moskau.
20200815             Wissenschaftler und die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) haben allerdings Vorbehalte gegen den Impfstoff geäußert.
20200815             Wegen stark steigender CORONA—FALLZAHLEN müssen zurückgereiste Briten aus den NIEDERLANDEn und FRANKREICH ab —SAMSTAG wieder in Quarantäne.
20200815             Ankommende aus den beiden Ländern sowie aus MONACO, MALTA, den TURKS—UND Caicosinseln und ARUBA müssten sich nach ihrer Ankunft im Vereinigten KÖNIG—REICH "—FÜR—2—WOCHEN selbst isolieren",
20200815             —SOMMER in DEUTSCHLAND: Zwischen Sonne und Überflutung
20200815             —NACH, Vereinbarung mit ISRAEL: IRAN droht Emiraten mit "härterer Gangart"
20200815             —ZERBRICHT, Umweltdesaster: Frachter vor MAURITIUS, in 2—TEILE
20200815             Imagepflege IM—NETZ: So verkleinern Sie Ihren DATEN—FUßABDRUCK bei Google und YouTube Von "c't"-Redakteur JO—BAGER
20200815             —PROTESTE—IN—BELARUS: RUSSLAND bietet BELARUS laut LUKASCHENKO "umfassende Hilfe" an
20200815             —USA—WAHLKAMPF: Marge Simpson kontert TRUMP—BERATERIN
20200815             Noch immer keine Klarheit nach TEST—PANNE in BAYERN
20200815             Keine Verlängerung des IRAN—EMBARGOS: NETANYAHU nennt —ENTSCHEIDUNG des UNO—SICHERHEITSRATS "skandalös"
20200815—20200317    —SINCE, NEW—YORK GOVERNOR—ANDREW—CUOMO said NEW—YORK had its lowest number of COVID—19—HOSPITALIZATIONS.
20200819—20200815    —ARRESTED, The suspected spy was.
20200824             Auf der Feier vom 20200815             auf den 20200816             war 1—GAST, der positiv auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— getestet worden war.
20210815             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION has approved 1—SIGNIFICANT and permanent increase in THE—LEVELS—OF—FOOD stamp assistance available to needy FAMILIES—THE—LARGEST—SINGLE—INCREASE in the program's history.
20210815             —REACHED, Total USA COVID—19—CASES, over 36,653,021 with the death toll at 621,294.
20210815             ARIZONA, 1—FIRE on Kinder MORGAN—EL—PASO Natural Gas Pipeline (EPNG) near Coolidge killed 2—PEOPLE and injured another.
20210815             —STARTED, NORTH—EAST—MINNESOTA, lightning, the Greenwood Lake fire.
20210815             It soon grew to 7.4—SQUARE—MILES (19—SQUARE km).
20210815             † YASUHIRO—WAKABAYASHI, —90—JAHRE—ALT, THE—JAPAN—AMERICA—PHOTOGRAPHER known as Hiro, at his country home in Erwinna, PENNSILVANIA.
20210815             —CAPTURED, YASUHIRO—WAKABAYASHI—FASHION and STILL—LIFE—IMAGES, 1—RELENTLESSLY inventive VISION—OF—USA—LIFE that critics likened to those of his idol and mentor, RICHARD—AVEDON.
20210815             —COMPRISED—OF, THE—TEXAS—SUPREME—COURT, entirely, elected Republican justices, blocked mask mandates ordered by county leaders in DALLAS and S—ANTONIO.
20210815             THE—TALIBAN—RELENTLESS, rapid advance brought them into the capital, KABUL, and the last major city controlled by the government fell into chaos.
20210815             PRESIDENT—ASHRAF—GHANI has reportedly fled the country.
20210815             THE—TALIBAN, in 1—STATEMENT, said that they were in negotiations with the government and would not take the capital by force.
20210815             THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY said more than 550,000—PEOPLE in AFGHANISTAN have fled their homes due to the conflict —SINCE THE—START—OF—THIS —YEAR.
20210815             —ISSUED, More than 60—COUNTRIES, 1—JOINT—STATEMENT calling for all Afghans wishing to depart AFGHANISTAN to be allowed to do so.
20210815             Of THE—27—MEMBER—STATES—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, only HUNGARY and BULGARIA did not sign the statement.
20210815             1—AFGHANISTAN—MILITARY—PLANE was downed by UZBEKISTAN—AIR—DEFENSE—SYSTEM over 1—ATTEMPT to illegally enter the country's air space.
20210815             —REPORTED, RIA Novosti —LATER, that 2—PILOTS from the plane survived the crash and have been hospitalized in serious condition.
20210815             —PURCHASED, AUSTRALIA said it had, about 1—MILLION doses of Pfizer INC—COVID—19—VACCINE from POLAND to supplement its inoculation drive in SYDNEY and its home state amid record new infections.
20210815             —DECLINED, CHINA, new local infections, for a 6. —DAY.
20210815             —REPORTED, It was, that Wu Huan (26), 1—CHINA—WOMAN, says she was held —FOR—8—DAYS at 1—CHINESE—RUN—SECRET—DETENTION—FACILITY in DUBAI along with at least 2—UYGHURS, in what may be the 1. evidence that CHINA is operating 1—SO—CALLED "black site" beyond its borders.
20210815             THE—HONG—KONG—CIVIL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—FRONT said it can no longer operate as the group faces 1—POLICE—INVESTIGATION for possible violation of 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY—LAW championed buy CHINA.
20210815             —CRASHED, HUNGARY, 1—BUS traveling on the M7 highway, through 1—GUARDRAIL and tipped over —EARLY—TODAY, killing at least 8—PEOPLE and injuring dozens near THE—TOWN—OF—SZABADBATTYAN.
20210815             —DELIVERED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI, his INDEPENDENCE —DAY speech and announced a $1.35—TRILLION infrastructure plan to spur 1—ECONOMIC rebound.
20210815             LEBANON, 1—EXPLOSION at 1—WAREHOUSE in the village of Tleil, where fuel was illegally stored, killed 20—PEOPLE.
20210815             —REPORTED, It was, that MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MUHYIDDIN—YASSIN planned to submit his resignation to THE—KING as more than 12—LAWMAKERS from the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) pulled their support from the government.
20210815             —ARRESTED, MYANMAR—MILITARY—GOVERNMENT, 2—MORE—LOCAL—JOURNALISTS, the latest among DOZENS—OF—DETENTIONS in 1—SWEEPING crackdown on the media —SINCE a 20210201             coup.
20210815             —ABDUCTED, NIGERIA, 19—PERSONS including 15—STUDENTS were, from 1—SCHOOL in Zamfara State.
20210815             —REPORTED, RUSSIA, 21,624 new COVID—19—CASES, including 1,954 in MOSCOW, taking the official national tally —SINCE the pandemic began to 6,600,836. The government CORONA€”VIRUS task force said 816—PEOPLE had †—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS—RELATED causes in the past —24—HOURS, pushing the national death toll to 170,499.
20210815             —EVACUATED, SPAIN, at least 800—PEOPLE were, as forest fires blazed in 2—REGIONS, with extremely dry conditions worsening the risk of more wildfires —DURING the hottest WEEKEND—OF—THE—YEAR so far.
20210815             —FIRED, THAILAND riot police, tear gas and sprayed water cannons as protesters marched on 1—ARMY—BASE in BANGKOK where PRIME—MINISTER—PRAYUTH—CHAN—OCHA has his residence.
20210815             This was the 4. protest in the past —7—DAYS.
20210815             —REPORTED, UZBEKISTAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, that 84—AFGHANISTAN—SERVICEMEN crossed the border into UZBEKISTAN asking for assistance.
20210815             —SONNTAG, 20210815
20210815             Eroberungsfeldzug der Taliban in AFGHANISTAN: Bundeswehr startet —AM—MONTAG mit Evakuierungsflügen
20210815             Emissionen, UMWELT—UND Tierschutz: Wie Künstliche Intelligenz die Klimakrise bekämpfen kann
20210815             "Es gibt noch eine große Gruppe, die zögert und abwartet", sagte Schwesig.
20210815             Rund 40—PROZENT der 18- —BIS 59-Jährigen seien noch nicht geimpft.
20210815             Die Ministerpräsidentin warnte aber davor, Ungeimpfte unter Druck zu setzen:
20210815             "Wir sollten den Menschen nicht drohen, sondern sie mit Argumenten überzeugen".
20210815             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERNS Ministerpräsidentin MANUELA—SCHWESIG (SPD) schließt einen erneuten Lockdown in der Coronapandemie aus.
20210815             "Alles, was offen ist, muss offen bleiben",
20210815             Impfquote könnte bei Erwachsenen auf über 80—PROZENT steigen
20210815             In der aktuellen Erhebung gaben nur noch 13—PROZENT an, sich nicht impfen lassen zu WOLLEN—IM —MAI waren es noch 15—PROZENT.
20210815             6—PROZENT haben sich —BIS—HEUTE noch nicht entschieden.
20210815             —NACH—DEN offiziellen Zahlen sind 63,1 PROZENT—DER—GESAMTBEVÖLKERUNG mindestens einmal geimpft.
20210815             —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf 35
20210815             Schweres Erdbeben in HAITI: "Uns bleibt keine Katastrophe erspart"
20210815             LIBANON: Mindestens 20—TOTE bei Explosion eines Treibstoffdepots
20210815             Bericht des Weltklimarates: Die Eltern sind noch längst nicht wütend genug
20210815             AFGHANISTAN: USA beginnen mit Evakuierung ihrer Botschaft in KABUL
20210815             Radikale Islamisten in KABUL: Taliban dringen in AFGHANISCHE—HAUPTSTADT vor
20210815             Islamisten in KABUL: AFGHANISCHE—REGIERUNG plant "friedliche Machtübergabe" an Taliban
20210815             Verdächtige Messengernachrichten: Terroralarm in LUFTHANSA—MASCHINE nach MEXIKO
20210815             Düsseldorfer Altstadt: Hunderte Menschen behindern Rettungseinsatz
20210815             Erdbeben in HAITI: "Die Krankenhäuser sind nicht auf die Katastrophe vorbereitet"
20210815             Übergabe von KABUL: Der kampflose Sieg der Taliban
20210815             —GERÄUMT, Evakuierung im Eiltempo: DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFT in KABUL
20210815             —VERWEIGERT, Staatsmedien: LUXEMBURG, russischem Propagandasender RT die Lizenz
20210815             In eigener Sache: Rettet unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in AFGHANISTAN!
20210815             Eroberung Kabuls: TALIBAN—UNTERHÄNDLER: "Werden keine Rache nehmen"
20210815             Unwetterwarnung: Im Südwesten droht eine "Superzelle" — mit Hagel und Sturm
20210815             BLITZ—MACHTÜBERNAHME: Holt die Menschen raus aus AFGHANISTAN!
20210815             Flucht vor Taliban: PRÄSIDENT—GHANI soll auf dem Weg nach TADSCHIKISTAN sein
20210815             "Keine andere Wahl": Hongkongs größte oppositionelle Bürgerorganisation löst sich auf
20210815             Protokolle aus KABUL: "—NUN werden wir wieder diesen Teufeln überlassen"
20210815             TALIBAN—EINMARSCH in KABUL: Bundeswehr fliegt ab —MONTAG Deutsche und Ortskräfte aus
20210815             Neuer BUNDESWEHR—FREIWILLIGENDIENST: Jeder 4. Heimatschützer steigt schnell wieder aus
20210815             Tagesüberblick: Taliban marschieren in KABUL ein, PRÄSIDENT flieht
20210815             Siegeszug der Taliban: Wie die AFGHANISCHE—ARMEE so schnell kollabieren konnte
20210815             DEUTSCHE—AFGHANISTAN—POLITIK: Der große Selbstbetrug
20210815             Die Taliban haben nach ANGABEN—DES—INNENMINISTERIUMS damit begonnen, von allen Seiten in die HAUPTSTADT—KABUL einzurücken.
20210815             Rund um waren Schüsse zu hören.
20210815             Das AFGHANISCHE—PRÄSIDIALAMT teilt auf Twitter mit, die Sicherheitskräfte hätten die Lage unter Kontrolle.
20210815             Nach SPIEGEL—INFORMATIONEN befinden sich die Kämpfer —DERZEIT noch in den Außenbezirken, 1—VORDRINGEN —BIS in die Stadt dürfte aber nur 1—FRAGE—DER—ZEIT sein.
20210815             sagt ein TALIBAN—SPRECHER.
20210815             Allen, die der Regierung oder im Militär gedient hätten, werde vergeben.
20210815             Zivilisten müssten das Land nicht aus Angst verlassen.
20210815             In den USA wächst angesichts des rasanten Eroberungsfeldzugs der radikalislamischen Taliban in AFGHANISTAN die Kritik an PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN.
20210815             Nicht nur die oppositionellen Republikaner werfen dem Präsidenten eine katastrophale AFGHANISTAN—POLITIK vor
20210815             — schwere Schuldzuweisungen kommen auch von liberalen Medien wie der "WASHINGTON—POST".
20210815             Experten warnen, dass AFGHANISTAN zum Schandfleck auf Bidens politischem Erbe werden könnte.
20210815             Das Tempo, in dem die Taliban in den vergangenen —WOCHEN Städte und Provinzen in AFGHANISTAN unterworfen haben und —JETZT—BIS nach KABUL vorgedrungen sind, hat die USA unvorbereitet getroffen.
20210815             der USA—PRÄSIDENT, der noch vor wenigen —WOCHEN sagte: "Dass die Taliban alles überrennen und das ganze Land kontrollieren werden, ist extrem unwahrscheinlich".
20210815             Inzwischen ist das Gegenteil der Fall: Höchst unwahrscheinlich ist, dass die AFGHANISCHE—ARMEE ihre letzte Bastion, die HAUPTSTADT—KABUL langfristig verteidigen kann.
20210815             3—BILLIONEN Dollar, die in den vergangenen —20—JAHREN aus den USA nach AFGHANISTAN flossen, fast 2500—GEFALLENE USA—SOLDATEN — sie waren aus Sicht von Kritikern vergeblich.
20210815             Von einem "vermeidbaren Desaster" in AFGHANISTAN sprach der Mehrheitsführer der Republikaner im Senat, MITCH—MCCONNELL.
20210815             —VERURSACHT, Biden habe ein "tragisches Chaos", erklärte Trump und fügte in Großbuchstaben hinzu: "Vermisst ihr mich —SCHON?"
20210815             Über dem riesigen Compound der USA—BOTSCHAFT im Zentrum sind große, zweirotorige CHINOOK—HUBSCHRAUBER zu sehen, die mehrere Dutzend Passagiere aufnehmen können.
20210815             PAKISTAN, nach ANGABEN—DES—INNENMINISTERIUMS hat das Land —NUN den wichtigen Grenzübergang Torkham geschlossen.
20210815             Auf AFGHANISCHER—SEITE haben die Taliban den Grenzposten erobert.
20210815             Sie kontrollieren damit ALLE—GROSSEN—GRENZÜBERGÄNGE, die aus AFGHANISTAN herausführen.
20210815             Seehofer rechnet mit mehr Flüchtlingen aus AFGHANISTAN
20210815             Taliban übernehmen offenbar mehrere Polizeidirektionen
20210815             1—TALIBAN—SPRECHER erklärte gegenüber dem Nachrichtensender AL—JAZEERA —BEREITS zuvor, dass die islamistischen Kämpfer "eine friedliche Übergabe der Stadt erwarten".
20210815             Augenzeugin: "ALLE—HABEN—ANGST"
20210815             ALLE—HABEN—ANGST, niemand weiß, was genau los ist.
20210815             Die Preise in den kleinen Läden der Nachbarschaft haben sich —SEIT—GESTERN verdoppelt.
20210815             —GESCHLOSSEN, ALLE—BANKEN sind.
20210815             Meine Tante, die noch weiter im Westen im Viertel Gul Bagh lebt, kam telefonisch durch, erzählte uns, Taliban seien —SCHON nahebei im Stadtteil Darulaman, wo der alte Königspalast steht".
20210815             —AM großen Verkehrskreisel vor der Einfahrt zum Flughafen prügeln sich Polizisten mit Menschen, die Einlass begehren.
20210815             ÖSTERREICH plant Hilfskonferenz für die Nachbarn Afghanistans - FRANZISKUS—PAPA meldet sich zu Wort
20210815             FRANZISKUS—PAPA hat eine friedliche Lösung im —KONFLIKT der AFGHANISCHEN—REGIERUNG mit den MILITANT—ISLAMISTISCHEN Taliban gefordert.
20210815             "Ich schließe mich der allgemeinen Sorge um die Lage in AFGHANISTAN an.
20210815             Ich bitte euch, mit mir zum Gott des Friedens zu beten, damit das Getöse der Waffen endet und Lösungen am Verhandlungstisch gefunden werden können",
20210815             Die Sicherung des Präsidentenpalastes hat das USA—MILITÄR —NUN von der bisherigen AFGHANISCHEN—ELITEEINHEIT PPU übernommen.
20210815             wurde ebenfalls aus dem Palast bestätigt: dass der EXIL—FÜHRER der Taliban, MULLAH—BARADAR, in KABUL eingetroffen ist und mit PRÄSIDENT—ASHRAF—GHANI sowie ABDULLAH—ABDULLAH, dem Verhandlungsführer der Regierung, im Präsidentenpalast verhandelt.
20210815             Es gehe im Kern um eine Übergangsregierung, die weitere Kämpfe vermeiden solle.
20210815             Auch zumindest innerhalb der Einheiten des Innenministeriums und des Geheimdienstes NDS sei der Befehl ergangen, nicht das Feuer zu eröffnen, sondern sich ruhig zu verhalten.
20210815             Der ehemalige AFGHANISCHE—INNENMINISTER und BOTSCHAFTER—IN—DEUTSCHLAND, ALI—AHMAD—JALALI, ist Diplomatenkreisen zufolge im Gespräch, eine Übergangsregierung zu führen.
20210815             Ob die Taliban Jalalis Ernennung zustimmen, sei noch nicht klar.
20210815             Er gelte aber als Kompromisskandidat, der potenziell von allen Seiten akzeptiert werden könnte.
20210815             BORIS—JOHNSON will Parlament wegen AFGHANISTAN aus Sommerpause zurückholen
20210815             GRÜNEN—POLITIKER wirft Bundesregierung vor, private Evakuierungen zu behindern
20210815             —BEGONNEN, Die Schlacht vor KABUL habe —AM—SONNTAG.
20210815             "Wenn —NUN Menschen sterben, weil sie uns Deutschen geholfen haben, dann hat diese Bundesregierung diese schlicht im Stich gelassen.
20210815             Und dann trägt sie dafür die Verantwortung".
20210815             Nach Angaben Nouripours hat allein die staatliche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), über die die Bundesregierung ihre Entwicklungshilfe organisiert, noch eine vierstellige ZAHL—VON—EINHEIMISCHEN—HELFERN vor Ort.
20210815             Ausländer können den Taliban zufolge die AFGHANISCHE—HAUPTSTADT—KABUL verlassen, wenn sie dies wünschten.
20210815             Andernfalls müssten sie sich in den kommenden —TAGEN bei von den Taliban eingerichteten Stellen registrieren lassen, sagt 1—TALIBAN—VERTRETER.
20210815             KABUL sei eingeschlossen, der Flughafen bleibe aber in Funktion.
20210815             Sämtliche Maschinen aus dem Land heraus seien völlig ausgebucht gewesen, die Ticketpreise hätten sich verdreifacht.
20210815             —GEBRACHT, USA—BOTSCHAFTSMITARBEITER werden zum Flughafen
20210815             Die Wehrbeauftragte des Bundestages, EVA—HÖGL, hat sich für 1—VERSCHIEBUNG der für den 20210831             geplanten Zeremonie zum Abzug der Bundeswehr aus AFGHANISTAN und dem Gedenken an die dort gefallenen Soldaten ausgesprochen.
20210815             "Feierlichkeiten und ein würdiges Gedenken sind angesichts der dramatischen Entwicklungen und dem Vormarsch der Taliban —DERZEIT nicht möglich und sollten verschoben werden",
20210815             Die Bundeswehr will DEUTSCHE—STAATSBÜRGER und einheimische Ortskräfte aus der belagerten AFGHANISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—KABUL ausfliegen.
20210815             Dafür will die Luftwaffe mehrere Transportmaschinen entsenden, Fallschirmjäger sollen die Rettungsaktion absichern,
20210815             Das Tempo des TALIBAN—VORSTOßES auf KABUL hat die Bundesregierung offenbar überrascht.
20210815             Noch —AM—DONNERSTAG hatte Maas angekündigt, —BIS Ende —AUGUST—CHARTERMASCHINEN nach KABUL zu schicken, um Ortskräfte aus dem Land zu holen.
20210815             RUSSLAND will Botschaft in AFGHANISTAN vorerst nicht evakuieren
20210815             "Der BOTSCHAFTER und unsere Mitarbeiter nehmen ihre Aufgaben in aller Ruhe wahr".
20210815             RUSSLAND setzt sich für eine diplomatische Lösung des Konflikts ein.
20210815             MOSKAU, forderte der Außenpolitiker LEONID—SLUZKI ein sofortiges Handeln des UNO—SICHERHEITSRATES.
20210815             "Es ist wichtig, eine neue humanitäre Katastrophe zu verhindern",
20210815             Der Vizepräsident der EU—KOMMISSION, Margaritis Schinas, dringt angesichts der erwarteten Fluchtbewegung aus AFGHANISTAN auf eine schnelle Einigung bei der EU—MIGRATIONSPOLITIK.
20210815             Die Krise in AFGHANISTAN verdeutliche, "dass es Zeit ist, sich über den neuen europäischen Migrationspakt zu einigen",
20210815             Der AFGHANISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—ASHRAF—GHANI hat einem Medienbericht zufolge das Land verlassen.
20210815             Nach Angaben eines Vertreters des Innenministeriums sei sein Ziel TADSCHIKISTAN.
20210815             Unbestätigten Meldungen zufolge soll Ghani zusammen mit seinem Sicherheitsberater Hamdullah Mohib und einem weiteren engen Berater ausgereist sein.
20210815             USA—AUßENMINISTER verteidigt Truppenabzug: "Mission erfolgreich erfüllt"
20210815             Er räumte allerdings ein, dass auch die USA von den Ereignissen in AFGHANISTAN überrascht worden seien.
20210815             "Wir sehen, dass die Streitkräfte nicht in der Lage waren, das Land zu VERTEIDIGEN—UND zwar schneller, als wir es erwartet hatten",
20210815             so der MINISTER.
20210815             Überall auf der Welt hagelte es Kritik an den schlechten Prognosen der verantwortlichen Regierungen für einen Truppenabzug und die Folgen.
20210815             Kurz nach 1. Meldungen über die Ausreise des AFGHANISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN Ashraf Ghani haben die Taliban ihre Kämpfer offenbar angewiesen, Posten in der HAUPTSTADT—KABUL zu beziehen.
20210815             Weil die örtliche Polizei ihre Posten verlassen habe, gelte es, Plünderungen zu verhindern, sagte 1—SPRECHER—DER—MILITANTEN—GRUPPE.
20210815             Der GRÜNEN—AUßENPOLITIKER JÜRGEN—TRITTIN hat Bundesaußenminister HEIKO—MAAS (SPD) ein beispielloses Versagen bei der Rettung AFGHANISCHER—ORTSKRÄFTE vorgeworfen.
20210815             —GELADEN, Maas habe "hier viel Schuld auf sich ",
20210815             Der TÜRKISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN hat eine verstärkte Zusammenarbeit mit PAKISTAN angekündigt: "Der TÜRKEI droht eine wachsende Migrantenwelle von Afghanen, die über den IRAN einwandern",
20210815             sagte Erdogan bei einem Treffen mit Pakistans STAATSCHEF—ARIF—ALVI in ISTANBUL.
20210815             Wegen der erwarteten massiven Zunahme von Flüchtlingen aus AFGHANISTAN hatte die TÜRKISCHE—REGIERUNG in den vergangenen —TAGEN—BEREITS den Bau einer Grenzmauer zum IRAN vorangetrieben.
20210815             "Mit dieser Mauer werden wir die Ankunft von Migranten komplett stoppen",
20210815             Pakistans STAATSCHEF hielt sich anlässlich des Auslaufens eines Kriegsschiffs in ISTANBUL auf, das sein Land von der TÜRKEI gekauft hatte.
20210815             Die Atommacht PAKISTAN grenzt an AFGHANISTAN und ist einer der zentralen politischen Akteure in der Region.
20210815             BRITISCHER—AUSSENMINISTER ruft Taliban zur Gewaltlosigkeit auf - und zur Einhaltung der Menschenrechte
20210815             Der BRITISCHE—PREMIERMINISTER hatte angesichts des rasanten Eroberungszugs der islamistischen Extremisten in AFGHANISTAN 1—SITZUNG des nationalen Sicherheitskabinetts Cobra einberufen.
20210815             Während 1—TEIL—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG die militanten Islamisten willkommen heißt, fürchtet ein anderer um sein Leben.
20210815             Merkel will Fraktionsvorsitzende über Lage in KABUL unterrichten
20210815             Taliban erteilen Übergangsregierung Absage
20210815             Die Taliban sind nach eigenen Angaben in den Präsidentenpalast eingedrungen und haben die Kontrolle über das Gebäude übernommen.
20210815             Man werde von dort in Kürze das Islamische Emirat AFGHANISTAN ausrufen, wie es die Taliban —BEREITS 19970000             getan hatten.
20210815             Der IRAN hat angesichts des Eroberungszugs der Taliban im Nachbarland Pufferzonen für Flüchtlinge aus AFGHANISTAN eingerichtet.
20210815             Man habe —BEREITS—VOR—2—MONATEN mit der Errichtung dieser Schutzzonen begonnen,
20210815             NATO—GENERALSEKRETÄR JENS—STOLTENBERG erklärt, dass das Militärbündnis dabei helfe, den Flughafen von KABUL offenzuhalten, Evakuierungen zu erleichtern und zu koordinieren.
20210815             Die PAKISTANISCHE—FRIEDENSNOBELPREISTRÄGERIN Malala Yousafzai ist "vollkommen schockiert" über den Vormarsch der Taliban in AFGHANISTAN.
20210815             "Ich bin in tiefer Sorge um die Frauen, Minderheiten und Menschenrechtsaktivisten",
20210815             Flüchtlinge aus AFGHANISTAN — Söder sieht USA in der Pflicht
20210815             "Die Amerikaner waren federführend in diesem Einsatz und haben federführend —JETZT entschieden, das Land zu verlassen",
20210815             sagt Söder.
20210815             "Ausfliegen der eigenen Leute, das wird dieses Mal nicht reichen".
20210815             BRITISCHER—PREMIERMINISTER warnt vor internationaler Anerkennung der Taliban
20210815             "Wir wollen nicht, dass jemand die Taliban bilateral anerkennt", sagte Johnson.
20210815             "Wir wollen eine einheitliche Position unter allen Gleichgesinnten, soweit wir eine bekommen können".
20210815             Es sei klar, dass es in AFGHANISTAN bald eine neue Regierung geben werde, fügt Johnson hinzu.
20210815             Auf dem Flughafen von KABUL wird nach NATO—ANGABEN die zivile Luftfahrt eingestellt.
20210815             Es seien nur noch Militärflüge erlaubt, sagt 1—NATO—VERTRETER.
20210815             Nach der Flucht des Präsidenten Ashraf Ghani aus AFGHANISTAN ist nach ANGABEN—DES—FRÜHEREN—PRÄSIDENTEN—HAMID—KARSAI 1—KOORDINIERUNGSRAT für eine friedliche Übergabe der Macht gebildet worden.
20210815             Das teilte Karsai —AM—SONNTAG auf Facebook mit.
20210815             Um Chaos angesichts des Vormarschs der islamistischen Taliban zu vermeiden, das LEIDEN der Menschen zu verringern und Frieden zu schaffen, sei dieser Rat gebildet worden.
20210815             Ihm gehörten der VORSITZENDE—DES—NATIONALEN—VERSÖHNUNGSRATS, ABDULLAH—ABDULLAH, der ehemalige Kriegsfürst Gulbuddin Hekmatjar und er selbst an.
20210815             —TELEFONIERT, Putin, mit usbekischem Präsidenten zur Lage in AFGHANISTAN
20210815             USBEKISTAN in Zentralasien hatte zuvor mitgeteilt, dass 84—AFGHANISCHE—SOLDATEN —AM—SAMSTAG in die EX—SOWJETREPUBLIK geflohen seien und dort um Hilfe gebeten hätten.
20210815             Die Grenze zu AFGHANISTAN sei daraufhin verstärkt worden.
20210815             Moskau setzt —SEIT Langem auf eine diplomatische Lösung des Konflikts in AFGHANISTAN.
20210815             FRANKREICH schickt 2—MILITÄRFLUGZEUGE zur Evakuierung
20210815             —BEFINDET, Der AFGHANISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—ASHRAF—GHANI, sich nach eigenen Angaben im Exil.
20210815             Er habe das Land verlassen, um Blutvergießen zu vermeiden, erklärt der Politiker auf Facebook.
20210815             "Die Taliban haben gesiegt", schrieb Ghani.
20210815             Die Islamisten seien —NUN dafür zuständig, die Leben, das Vermögen und die Ehre der Bürger zu schützen.
20210815             —GEBLIEBEN, Wenn er, wäre, wären "zahllose Patrioten" getötet und KABUL zerstört worden, fügte er hinzu.
20210815             Kabinett will Mandat für Evakuierungseinsatz —AM—MITTWOCH vorlegen
20210815             Der Bundeswehreinsatz startet allerdings —SCHON—IN—DER—NACHT zum —MONTAG.
20210815             Weitere 10000000             USA—SOLDATEN sollen bei Evakuierung helfen
20210815             Der Nachrichtensender AL—JAZEERA sendet Aufnahmen einer großen GRUPPE—VON—TALIBANKÄMPFERN im Präsidentenpalast der AFGHANISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—KABUL.
20210815             Nur wenige —STUNDEN nach der Flucht des Präsidenten Ashraf Ghani haben Kämpfer der radikalislamistischen Taliban den Palast eingenommen.
20210815             Umgeben von Bewaffneten wandten sich Führer der Gruppe an Journalisten, wie auf den Fernsehbildern zu sehen war.
20210815             Ein führender Repräsentant der Taliban hat den Sieg der radikalislamischen Gruppe in AFGHANISTAN erklärt.
20210815             Dieser unerwartete Erfolg sei beispiellos in der Welt, sagte MULLAH—BARADAR in einer Videobotschaft.
20210815             UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT will über Situation in AFGHANISTAN beraten
20210815             Zuvor hatten ESTLAND und NORWEGEN die Einberufung einer außerordentlichen Sitzung gefordert.
20210815             "Bestätigt!", schrieb die UNO—VERTRETUNG Norwegens —AM—NACHMITTAG auf Twitter.
20210815             1—SPRECHER—DES—POLITBÜROS—DER—TALIBAN erklärt den Krieg in AFGHANISTAN für beendet.
20210815             "Der Krieg in AFGHANISTAN ist vorbei",
20210815             "Wir versichern allen, dass wir für die Sicherheit der Bürger und der diplomatischen Vertretungen sorgen werden",
20210815             fügt er hinzu.
20210815             "Wir sind bereit, einen Dialog mit allen AFGHANISCHEN—PERSÖNLICHKEITEN zu führen, und werden ihnen den notwendigen Schutz garantieren".
20210815             Die FORM—DER—REGIERUNG werde bald feststehen.
20210815             Die Taliban erwarten nach Angaben eines Sprechers, dass ausländische Mächte "ihre gescheiterte Erfahrung in AFGHANISTAN" nicht wiederholen werden.
20210815             "Wir sind bereit, uns mit den Sorgen der internationalen Gemeinschaft im Dialog zu befassen",
20210815             sagt Naeem dem Sender.
20210815             RKI meldet 4728—NEUINFEKTIONEN - Die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt weiter an.
20210815             Nach ANGABEN—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS (RKI) vom Sonntagmorgen lag sie bei 35,0 — am Vortag hatte der Wert 32,7 betragen, vor einer —WOCHE 22,6.
20210815             FDP—CHEF—LINDNER fordert, Geimpfte und Genesene von der Maskenpflicht zu befreien
20210815             Altmaier schlägt Hinweis wie "CORONA tötet" bei Impfeinladungen vor
20210815             "Jedem muss klar sein: Wenn ich mich nicht impfen lasse, bin ich in Lebensgefahr",
20210815             —BEKANNT, Vielen sei die Gefahr nach wie vor nicht ausreichend.
20210815             Die AUSTRALISCHE—MILLIONENMETROPOLE SYDNEY verschärft wegen steigender Coronazahlen ihre LOCKDOWN—VORGABEN.
20210815             Von —MONTAG an dürfen sich Bewohner des gesamten Großraums SYDNEY nur noch in einem Umkreis von 5—KILOMETERN rund um ihr Zuhause aufhalten, um etwa einzukaufen oder Sport zu treiben.
20210815             FRANKREICH, sind den 5. —SAMSTAG in Folge Zehntausende Menschen gegen die Verschärfung der Coronaregeln auf die Straße gegangen.
20210815             Im ganzen Land gab es insgesamt 217—KUNDGEBUNGEN, an ihnen nahmen nach ANGABEN—DES—INNENMINISTERIUMS knapp 215.000—MENSCHEN teil.
20210815             Damit ging die ZAHL—DER—TEILNEHMER erstmals —SEIT Beginn der Proteste —MITTE—JULI zurück.
20210815             Die ZAHL—DER—ARZTPRAXEN, die in DEUTSCHLAND gegen CORONA impfen, sinkt
20210815             Carrie Johnson fordert Schwangere zur Impfung gegen CORONA€”VIRUS auf
20210815             Die schwangere Frau des BRITISCHEN—PREMIERMINISTERS,
20210815             POLEN verkauft 1—MILLION—IMPFSTOFFDOSEN an AUSTRALIEN
20210815             "In diesen für unsere AUSTRALISCHEN—FREUNDE schwierigen Zeiten hat POLEN beschlossen, 1—MILLION—DOSEN—DES—IMPFSTOFFS—VON—PFIZER—BIONTECH mit AUSTRALIEN zu teilen und sofort zu liefern",
20210815             POLEN, sind rund 55—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG vollständig geimpft.
20210815             Zuletzt hatte die Impfrate deutlich abgenommen.
20210815             —GESCHLOSSEN, Zahlreiche Impfzentren wurden wegen mangelnder Nachfrage.
20210815             Umfragen zufolge ist jeder 4. Pole Impfgegner oder zumindest skeptisch.
20210815             Erstmals mehr als 600—CORONATOTE in IRAN an einem —TAG
20210815             Zum 1. Mal ist in GRIECHENLAND 1—PATIENT an COVID—19 gestorben, obwohl er vollständig geimpft war und keinerlei Vorerkrankungen hatte.
20210815             Der Mann habe vor seiner Erkrankung keine gesundheitlichen Probleme gehabt und ALLE—CORONA—VORSICHTSMAßNAHMEN befolgt,
20210815             auch seine Frau und seine Kinder seien geimpft, sagte der Leiter der Intensivstation im PAPANIKOLAOU—KRANKENHAUS—VON—THESSALONIKI,
20210815             Medienberichten zufolge handelte es sich bei dem Toten um einen 70-jährigen Zahnarzt.
20210815             Nach ANGABEN—VON—KAPRAVELOS ist es der 1. derartige Fall unter den bislang mehr als 13.200—CORONA—TOTEN in GRIECHENLAND.
20210815             In dem Land steigt die ZAHL—DER—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN —DERZEIT wieder rapide an.
20210815             Ausschreitungen bei Protest von Impfgegnern in LOS—ANGELES
20210815             Nach Mitteilung der Polizei wurde bei dem Event —AM—SAMSTAG vor dem Rathaus der Millionenstadt 1—MANN mit einem Messer verletzt.
20210815             Zu Festnahmen kam es —ZUNÄCHST nicht.
20210815             Mehrere 100—IMPFGEGNER forderten in Sprechchören "medizinische Freiheit", VIELE—SCHWENKTEN—USA—FAHNEN und trugen PRO—DONALD—TRUMP—SCHILDER.
20210815             Nach Medienberichten waren Anhänger der rechtsradikalen Gruppe "Proud Boys" beteiligt.
20210815             1—REPORTER teilte der Polizei und auf Twitter mit, er sei tätlich angegriffen worden.
20210815             Lockerungen für Geimpfte und Genesene in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210815             531_DGS_boletim_20210815              20210815             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 319,9 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210815             Continente: 324,6 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210815             R(t) Nacional: 0,95 Continente: 0,95
20210815             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—817—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—75,1—FÄLLE—GESAMT—56.027—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—5.150,2—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—731—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20210815             CASOS—DE—COVID—19/INCIDÊNCIA—CONFIRMADOS:—35.951—(+275)—|—ATIVOS:—4.379—(+8)—|—ÓBITOS:—405—(+1)—|—RECUPERADOS:—31097—(+197)—INTERNADOS:—71—(-1)—|—EM—UCI:—15—(+1)—|—VENTILADOS:—8—(=)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL—/—HAB.:—724—(-)
20210815             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—235—(+1)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—212—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—13—(-1)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—281
20210815             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—190—(+5)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—163—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—25—(+5)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—357
20210815             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—309—(+5)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—240—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—63—(=)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1341
20210815             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2644—(+35)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2192—(+15)—CASOS—ATIVOS—423—(+20)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1103
20210815             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—4670—(+53)—ÓBITOS—35—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3971—(+33)—CASOS—ATIVOS—664—(+20)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—951
20210815             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1363—(+14)—ÓBITOS—15—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1144—(+10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—204—(+4)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—809
20210815             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2012—(+12)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1732—(+8)—CASOS—ATIVOS—268—(+4)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—436
20210815             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—4631—(+40)—ÓBITOS—47—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3650—(+15)—CASOS—ATIVOS—934—(+25)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1031
20210815             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—6805—(+45)—ÓBITOS—79—(=)—RECUPERADOS—5922—(+44)—CASOS—ATIVOS—804—(+1)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—840
20210815             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5401—(+30)—ÓBITOS—67—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—4724—(+37)—CASOS—ATIVOS—610—(-8)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—693
20210815             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2948—(+4)—ÓBITOS—33—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2724—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—191—(-1)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—389
20210815             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1872—(+5)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1748—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—95—(+1)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—309
20210815             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—478—(+3)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—452—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—24—(-3)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—371
20210815             Total Cases 207.132.112 Total Deaths 4.361.308 Total Vaccine Doses Administered 4.581.643.798
20210815             Sun 20210815
20210815             [l] Manchmal lohnt sich dranbleiben im Leben. Nehmt nur GABY—WEBER!
20210815             Die hat gerade in ARGENTINIEN letztinstanzlich die Akten über Eichmann freigeklagt.
20210815             Dafür gilt ab dem 20210810             1—FRIST—VON—2—WOCHEN.
20210815             DEUTSCHLAND stellt sich in der FRAGE—VON—NAZIAKTEN immer noch quer und argumentiert mit dem "Wohl des Bundes".
20210815             Also mal unter uns: Wenn der Bund durch die Freigabe von Naziakten gefährdet ist, dann sollten wir ihn vielleicht von uns aus auflösen und einen neuen Bund machen.
20210815             Wer will denn bitte in einer Bundesrepublik leben, die durch die Freigabe von Akten aus den 1960er —JAHREN gefährdet wird?!
20210815             —EINNEHMEN, DIE—TALIBAN, KABUL, kampflos.
20210815—19450000    —NACH, Rückgabe von Eigentum : ISRAEL kritisiert neues POLNISCHES—GESETZ als "antisemitisch"
20210815—19600500    —IM, Die noch geheimen Dokumente über die angebliche Entführung des NAZI—KRIEGSVERBRECHERS ADOLF—EICHMANN müssen deklassifiziert und mir, der Klägerin, als beglaubigte Kopie ausgehändigt werden.
20210815—20200200    —IM, Auch EX—USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, dessen geschlossenes Abkommen mit den Taliban den internationalen Truppenabzug überhaupt —ERST einleitete, meldete sich zu Wort.
20210815—20210724    —SINCE, 13—NEW domestically transmitted COVID—19—CASES marked its lowest daily tally.
202203080815         —BANNED, Export of foreign medical products from RUSSIA
202203081517         —CREATED, Special unit of INTERNATIONAL Legion, in UKRAINE
202203120815         No dialogue with NATO possible amid its supplies of lethal weapons to UKRAINE, SOURCE  RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY
202203120815         If necessary, RUSSIA ready for harsh confrontation with EU in energy sector, SOURCE  RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY
202203120815         NATO—RUSSIA Founding Act effectively not working —NOW, SOURCE  RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY
20220815             —MONTAG, 20220815
20220815             Chaos bei KABUL—EVAKUIERUNG: Das Doppelspiel der Diplomaten
20220815             —VERBRANNT, Hinrichtungen im Spätmittelalter: Zu Pulver
20220815             Umgang mit Ortskräften: Möglicher Abzug aus MALI laut Bundeswehr bislang nicht geregelt
20220815             Nach Razzia in MAR—A—LAGO: Trump fordert Dokumente vom FBI zurück
20220815             Mitteilung seiner Familie und seines Agenten: SALMAN—RUSHDIE nach Messerattacke auf dem Weg der Besserung
20220815             Krieg in Osteuropa: Warnung vor "nuklearem Terrorismus" an AKW—NORDKOREA und RUSSLAND wollen Beziehung ausbauen
20220815             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: AFGHANISTAN — Jahrestag des Scheiterns
20220815             Klimakrise in PORTUGAL: Wie Schäfer und Winzer unter der Dürre LEIDEN Aus Sotelinho do Mezio berichtet KATHARINA—GRAÇA—PETERS
20220815             BRITISCHER—ARBEITSMARKT: Brexit hat Personalmangel in vielen Branchen verstärkt
20220815             Studie zu Verteidigungsausgaben: DEUTSCHLAND verfehlt 2—PROZENT—ZIEL der NATO—TROTZ BUNDESWEHR—SONDERVERMÖGEN
20220815             Strom und Gas: Energiewirtschaft fordert Senkung der Mehrwertsteuer
20220815             Extremes Niedrigwasser: BRANDENBURG schließt Schleusen im Spreewald — Notabfischungen möglich
20220815             Im von RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN besetzten Melitopol gibt es offenbar erfolgreiche Aktionen von UKRAINISCHEN—PARTISANEN.
20220815             —GESTERN sei 1—EISENBAHNBRÜCKE in der Nähe der Stadt beschädigt worden, "was bedeutet, dass keine RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN von der Krim kommen können",
20220815             Ihm zufolge sind die RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN —SCHON—2—TAGE nicht in der Lage, die Brücke zu reparieren.
20220815             Zudem sei es ihnen trotz Ermittlungen in der Bevölkerung nicht gelungen, die Verantwortlichen für die Beschädigung der Brücke ausfindig zu machen.
20220815             Der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY hat den Vorschlag eines EU—WEITEN Verbots von EINREISE—VISA für RUSSISCHE—STAATSBÜRGER begrüßt. Die Diskussion über einen entsprechenden Vorschlag der TSCHECHISCHEN—EU—RATSPRÄSIDENTSCHAFT werde "—TAG für —TAG intensiver",
20220815             sagte ZELENSKYY in seiner täglichen Videoansprache.
20220815             Letztendlich sollte dies zu "angemessenen —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN führen", so ZELENSKYY weiter.
20220815             Zudem verurteilte der UKRAINISCHE—STAATSCHEF—DAS—SCHWEIGEN vieler RUSSISCHER—BÜRGER zum Angriffskrieg gegen sein Land".
20220815             Wenn das Böse solche Ausmaße annimmt, kommt das Schweigen der Menschen einer Komplizenschaft nahe",
20220815             sagte ZELENSKYY.
20220815             Er ergänzte: "Wenn Sie die RUSSISCHE—STAATSBÜRGERSCHAFT haben und schweigen, bedeutet das, dass Sie sich nicht gegen das Böse EINSETZEN—WAS bedeutet, dass Sie den Krieg unterstützen".
20220815             —GERICHTET, An die eigene Bevölkerung, kündigte ZELENSKYY eine baldige —ENTSCHEIDUNG des UKRAINISCHEN—PARLAMENTS über die Ausweitung des Kriegsrechts und der Generalmobilmachung an".
20220815             In naher Zukunft" werde die Volksvertretung hierüber entscheiden, sagte ZELENSKYY.
20220815             Der RUSSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN hat nach Angaben Nordkoreas den Wunsch nach einem Ausbau der Beziehungen beider Länder geäußert.
20220815             In einem Brief zum —TAG—DER—BEFREIUNG—NORDKOREAS habe Putin STAATSCHEF—KIM—JONG—UN mitgeteilt, engere Verbindungen lägen im beiderseitigem Interesse, berichtete die staatliche NORDKOREANISCHE—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR KCNA —AM—MONTAG (Ortszeit).
20220815             Damit könnten Putin zufolge Sicherheit und Stabilität auf der koreanischen Halbinsel und in Nordostasien gestärkt werden.
20220815             Beide Staaten teilen nahe dem RUSSISCHEN—WLADIWOSTOK eine gemeinsame Grenze.
20220815             MOSCOW, 20220814             . - /TASS/.
20220815             —HEADED, Legislators, by SENATOR—ED—MARKEY will visit THE—ISLAND as PART—OF—1—TRIP to THE—INDO—PACIFIC region, the statement said.
20220815             "The delegation will meet with senior TAIWAN leaders to discuss USA—TAIWAN relations, regional security, trade and investment, global supply chains, climate change, and other significant issues of mutual interest," the de facto USA embassy said.
20220815             This visit was the 1. by 1—AMERICA—POLITICIAN of such 1—HIGH rank over —25—YEARS.
20220815             —FOLLOWING the trip BEIJING imposed SANCTIONS—AGAINST—PELOSI and her family and suspended the work of several CHINESE—USA intergovernmental mechanisms.
20220815             ASHGABAT, 20220815             .
20220815             The event will be opened —ON—MONDAY by speeches in the online FORMAT—OF—UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANTONIO—GUTERRES, TURKMENISTAN—PRESIDENT—SERDAR—BERDIMUHAMEDOV, representatives to THE—UN—OF—SOME—AFRICA—COUNTRIES, the World Customs Organization, THE—INTERNATIONAL Road Transport Union, THE—INTERNATIONAL Telecommunication Union and other organizations.
20220815             —PLANNED, It is, that THE—HEADS—OF—TRANSPORT AGENCIES—OF—THE—COUNTRIES—OF—CENTRAL—ASIA, THE—MIDDLE—EAST and AFRICA will discuss the prospects for joint development and digitalization processes in this area, announce decisions and initiatives to improve THE—FINANCING—OF—THE—TRANSPORT industry in THE—AFTERMATH—OF—THE—PANDEMIC and consider other issues.
20220815             According to THE—TURKMENISTAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, participation in the forum was confirmed by delegations from more than 30—COUNTRIES, heads of more than 30—INTERNATIONAL and specialized organizations and institutions.
20220815             PRAGUE, 20220815             .
20220815             The howitzers are already in service with UKRAINE—TROOPS.
20220815             Another 4—OF—THEM could be sent in the future.
20220815             The wheeled SELF—PROPELLED 155—MM howitzers have the shooting range of 40—KM
20220815             They are made in SLOVAKIA and have been in service with THE—SLOVAKIA—ARMY for —1—YEAR.
20220815             SLOVAKIA also plans to donate supersonic MiG-29 fighters that are —NOW PART—OF—ITS—NATIONAL—AIR—FORCE to UKRAINE.
20220815             —AT—THE—END—OF—AUGUST they will be removed from service, according to Nad, and could be sent to UKRAINE.
20220815             BRATISLAVA expects to get USA—MADE fighter jets as 1—REPLACEMENT.
20220815             Um sismo de 4.5—NA escala de Richter com epicentro a cerca de 120—KM a SUL—SUDOESTE de FARO, foi registado pelas estações da Rede Sísmica do Continente este —DOMINGO, dia 14—DE Agosto, às 21h20.
20220815             Relatos obtidos pelo Sul Informação  dão conta de que o sismo foi sentido, pelo menos, nos concelhos de FARO, LOULÉ e MONCHIQUE.
20220815             KARL—SCHLÖGEL: RUSSLAND—VERSTEHER — Wenn es doch welche gäbe!
20220815             (MOSSE—LECTURE vom 20181122             )
20220815             Mindestens 5—TOTE: ECUADOR erklärt nach Explosion Ausnahmezustand
20220815             Angriff in NEW—YORK: IRAN macht Rushdie selbst für Messerattacke verantwortlich
20220815             Fischsterben in der Oder: Ölsperren sollen Kadaverausbreitung begrenzen
20220815             An finnischem Staudamm: RUSSISCHE—TOURISTEN werden mit UKRAINISCHER—NATIONALHYMNE begrüßt
20220815             Historischer Tiefstand: Rheinpegel sinkt auf 4—ZENTIMETER
20220815             Wegen der anhaltenden Trockenheit hat der Rheinpegel in Emmerich kurz vor der NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—GRENZE einen neuen Tiefstand erreicht.
20220815             —AM Montagmorgen seien nur noch 4—ZENTIMETER gemessen worden, teilte die WASSERSTRAßEN—UND Schifffahrtsverwaltung (WSV) über ihr Portal Elwis   mit.
20220815             Der bisherige historische Tiefststand hatte bei 7—ZENTIMETERN Ende 20181000             gelegen.
20220815             Für die kommenden —TAGE erwartet die Behörde noch weiter fallende Wasserstände — am Dienstagnachmittag soll in Emmerich sogar 1—PEGEL—VON—0—ERREICHT werden.
20220815             Der Pegelstand ist nicht zu verwechseln mit der Fahrrinne — dort werden in Emmerich 1,80 Meter für die Berufsschifffahrt frei gehalten.
20220815             PUTSCH—ANGST in BRASILIEN vor der Wahl: "Wir erleben gerade einen Moment der Kriegslust"
20220815             "Schlag gegen den Osten": Linkenpolitiker ruft wegen geplanter Gasumlage zu Montagsdemos auf
20220815             "Nicht vorstellbarer Tiefpunkt": Mitarbeitende des Erzbistums Köln distanzieren sich von Kardinal Woelki
20220815             Ultimative Katastrophe: Was wir aus dem ENDE—DER—SONNE lernen können
20220815             Nach mehrfachem Beschuss des Kraftwerks schlagen die RUSSISCHEN—BESATZER 1—FEUERPAUSE in dem umkämpften Gebiet vor.
20220815             "Die Führung der Vereinten Nationen und der Chefdiplomat der EU sollten nicht über Entmilitarisierung sprechen, sondern über die Einführung einer Feuerpause",
20220815             RUSSLAND macht —SEIT—TAGEN die UKRAINISCHE—SEITE für die Angriffe auf das AKW in der Stadt Enerhodar verantwortlich — die wiederum beschuldigt die Russen.
20220815             UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR António Guterres warnte in der vergangenen —WOCHE vor einer Atomkatastrophe und forderte 1—ENTMILITARISIERUNG—DES—GEBIETS.
20220815             LINKEN—FRAKTIONSCHEF DIETMAR—BARTSCH hat die Rücknahme der ab —OKTOBER geplanten Gasumlage gefordert".
20220815             Die Gasumlage ist 1—VERARMUNGSPROGRAMM für VIELE—MENSCHEN und bedeutet sozialen Abstieg für die MEHRHEIT—DES—LANDES",
20220815             sagte Bartsch dem RedaktionsNetzwerk DEUTSCHLAND.
20220815             Die Heizkosten ließen die Menschen —BIS in die Mittelschicht verzweifeln.
20220815             Diese Entwicklung gefährde den sozialen Frieden und letztlich die Demokratie.
20220815             Die Grünen fordern zeitgleich zur Einführung der Gasumlage von —OKTOBER an weitere Entlastungen für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger.
20220815             —KRITISIERT, Auch die SPD, vor allem die Pläne von Finanzminister CHRISTIAN—LINDNER zur kalten Progression.
20220815             1—NUMBER—OF—EUROPEAN media outlets reported —FOLLOWING 1—RECENT meeting between the Russian and TURKEY—PRESIDENTS that Western countries were determined to prevent rapprochement between MOSCOW and ANKARA.
20220815             However, the odds are low that THE—USA—AND—THE—EU will impose sanctions on ANKARA, particularly because the West can actually benefit from growing ties between RUSSIA and TURKEY, Rossiyskaya Gazeta notes.
20220815             "TURKEY pursues 1—SMART—POLICY, trying to balance between THE—2—PLAYERS, at least rhetorically.
20220815             Besides, ANKARA has been promoting itself effectively, particularly through the grain deal," INSTITUTE—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST expert IVAN—STARODUBTSEV pointed out.
20220815             —EXPRESSED, Western politicians have, concern that TURKEY may play 1—ROLE in circumventing sanctions on RUSSIA.
20220815             —INTERESTED, However, European businessmen are, in profits and seek to take ADVANTAGE—OF—THE—SITUATION".
20220815             1., there is 1 need to clearly separate strategic goods from those that are sanctioned but are of little importance for the country's development.
20220815             Those will hardly be controlled by anyone.
20220815             TURKEY will probably help RUSSIA import the necessary goods that are under no special control.
20220815             As for Western countries, they will try to prevent the export of strategic goods to RUSSIA in 1—BID to keep up appearances, at the same time turning 1—BLIND—EYE to the frolics of European businesses who are struggling to survive," Starodubtsev noted.
20220815             According to him, THE—THREAT—OF—SECONDARY—SANCTIONS is unlikely to change the situation much".
20220815             1—MECHANISM to tighten sanctions will certainly emerge but practice has shown that it will only make people skirt the law.
20220815             ANKARA will do whatever it takes to make money and expand the market, but it won't go for risky exports," the expert concluded.
20220815             BEIJING, 20220815             .
20220815             /TASS/. - CHINA—ARMY will put 1—END to outside forces' plans to interfere in CHINA—DOMESTIC—POLITICAL—AFFAIRS and will also foil separatists' attempts to break away from TAIWAN, CHINA—DEFENSE Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said —ON—MONDAY, commenting on the visit of 1—USA—CONGRESS delegation to THE—ISLAND.
20220815             "THE—PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY—OF—CHINA will continue to conduct drills to prepare for combat operations, we will resolutely defend our country's sovereignty and territorial integrity," the spokesman said in 1 distributed statement, "We will crush TAIWAN—SEPARATISTS by all means and foil all foreign forces' attempts to interfere".
20220815             —INCLUDED, According to THE—ISLAND—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, the delegation, 5—POLITICIANS from the Democratic and Republican parties.
20220815             —1—DAY—AFTER that visit, BEIJING authorities imposed sanctions on the House Speaker and her family, and froze several bilateral intergovernmental mechanisms for interaction with WASHINGTON.
20220815             —SINCE then it retains the flag and SOME—OTHER—ATTRIBUTES—OF—THE—FORMER—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA, which existed on the mainland —BEFORE the Communists came to power.
20220815             —SUPPORTED, According to CHINA—OFFICIAL—POSITION, by most countries, including RUSSIA, THE—ISLAND is 1—OF—THE—CHINA—PROVINCES.
20220815             —LEARNED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has, no lessons from the collapse of its attempt to democratize AFGHANISTAN and THE—FLIGHT—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY and its allies from the country, CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY spokesman Wang Wenbin said at 1—REGULAR briefing —ON—MONDAY, commenting on THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—TALIBAN—ENTRY into KABUL.
20220815             "THE—KABUL moment signifies THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—USA—IMPOSED attempt of foreign democratization.
20220815             EVERY—COUNTRY—PATH to democracy can only be traveled by its people independently, according to their national conditions," he said".
20220815             —OCCUPIED, THE—USA and its allies, AFGHANISTAN —FOR—20—YEARS only to abandon everything and flee," the diplomat said.
20220815             "—SINCE THE—END—OF—THE—COLD—WAR, THE—USA has invaded various countries —AROUND the world under THE—PRETEXT—OF—DEMOCRACY and human rights, and has provoked confrontation based on its own geopolitical interests.
20220815             People all over the world oppose it.
20220815             —FAILED, THE—USA, in AFGHANISTAN, but this has not taught them anything," Wang Wenbin stressed.
20220815             "Not only have they frozen $7—BILLION—OF—AFGHANISTAN—FOREIGN—EXCHANGE reserves, which has created obstacles to AFGHANISTAN—RECONSTRUCTION and development.
20220815             —STOPPED, Moreover, THE—USA has never, interfering in domestic affairs and engaging in political manipulation in THE—NAME—OF—SO—CALLED—DEMOCRACY and human rights," he added.
20220815             THE—TALIBAN (oulawed in RUSSIA) launched 1—MASSIVE—OPERATION to take CONTROL—OF—AFGHANISTAN —AFTER THE—USA announced last —SPRING that it would withdraw from the country.
20220815             —ENTERED, THE—TALIBAN, KABUL without 1—FIGHT.
20220815             USA—TROOPS left AFGHANISTAN completely by —EARLY—SEPTEMBER—OF—THAT—YEAR, ending their nearly —20—YEAR stay in the country.
20220815             Folgen der ODER—UMWELTKATASTROPHE: Was Ostseeurlauber —JETZT wissen müssen
20220815             Die Lage —AM—ABEND: Runter vom Gas!
20220815             "Opération Barkhane" beendet: FRANKREICH zieht letzte Soldaten aus MALI ab
20220815             Umweltkatastrophe in der Oder: "Auf dem Grund könnten weitere Kadaver sein"
20220815             —GEWONNEN, Präsidentschaftswahlen in KENIA: Der MÖCHTEGERN—REBELL hat, — und VIELE—MENSCHEN sind wütend
20220815             Neuer Auslandseinsatz: Warum DEUTSCHLAND Putins Einfluss im Balkan fürchtet
20220815             Reaktion auf den Fachkräftemangel: FDP drängt auf mehr Zuwanderung
20220815             Trotz der Skepsis von Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ drängt FINNLAND auf Einreisesperren für RUSSISCHE—TOURISTEN in die EU.
20220815             "RUSSISCHE—BÜRGER haben den Krieg nicht gestartet, aber wir müssen uns gleichzeitig klarmachen, dass sie den Krieg unterstützen",
20220815             sagte die FINNISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENTIN Sanna Marin am Montagabend bei einem Gipfeltreffen der Regierungschefs der nordischen Länder mit Scholz in OSLO.
20220815             "Ich finde es nicht richtig, dass RUSSISCHE—BÜRGER als Touristen in die EU, den SCHENGEN—RAUM einreisen und Sightseeing machen können, während RUSSLAND Menschen in der UKRAINE tötet".
20220815             Marin forderte 1—DISKUSSION darüber im Europäischen Rat.
20220815             FINNLAND prüft —DERZEIT Möglichkeiten, wie es Touristenvisa für RUSSISCHE—STAATSBÜRGER beschränken kann.
20220815             3—AUFSEITEN der UKRAINE kämpfenden Ausländern droht nach Berichten RUSSISCHER—MEDIEN die Todesstrafe.
20220815             2—WEITERE würden vor einem Gericht im Donezker Separatistengebiet als Söldner angeklagt, berichtet die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur TASS.
20220815             Der Brite JOHN—HARDING, der Kroate Vjekoslav Prebeg und der SCHWEDEN MATHIAS—GUSTAFSSON seien in und um der Hafenstadt Mariupol gefangen genommen wurden.
20220815             Ihnen drohe die Todesstrafe.
20220815             2—WEITERE Briten, DYLAN—HEALY und ANDREW—HILL, müssten nicht mit einer Hinrichtung rechnen.
20220815             1—GERICHT in Donezk hatte —IM—JUNI 2—BRITEN und einen Marokkaner zum Tode verurteilt.
20220815             Ausländische Regierungen weigern sich, mit der selbst ernannten, von RUSSLAND anerkannten Volksrepublik Donezk zu verhandeln.
20220815             Fast —6—MONATE—NACH—DEM RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFF auf die UKRAINE hat Russlands PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN—DAS—ZIEL einer kompletten EINNAHME—DES—DONBASS bekräftigt.
20220815             Die RUSSISCHE—ARMEE erfülle in den "Volksrepubliken Donezk und LUHANSK" ihre Aufgaben, sagte der Kremlchef bei einem Militärforum in der Nähe von Moskau vor internationalen Gästen.
20220815             Während die UKRAINE RUSSLAND schwerste Kriegsverbrechen und eine blutige Besatzerpolitik vorwirft, behauptete Putin einmal mehr, dass "der Boden des Donbass Schritt für Schritt befreit wird" von UKRAINISCHEN—NATIONALISTEN.
20220815             Putin hatte —IM—FEBRUAR die UKRAINISCHEN—REGIONEN Donezk und LUHANSK gegen internationalen Protest als unabhängig anerkannt.
20220815             Um das von RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN besetzte UKRAINISCHE—ATOMKRAFTWERK Saporischschja sind nach Behördenangaben Explosionen zu hören.
20220815             Das GEBIET—DES—KERNKRAFTWERKS, das in der Stadt Enerhodar liegt, sowie Wohnviertel seien 25-mal mit schwerer Artillerie beschossen worden, teilte der RUSSISCHE—BESATZUNGSVERTRETER WLADIMIR—ROGOW im Nachrichtendienst Telegram mit.
20220815             Demnach schlugen dort Granaten ein.
20220815             Auch der aus Enerhodar geflohenen UKRAINISCHEN—BÜRGERMEISTER—DMYTRO—ORLOW gab an, in der Stadt seien Explosionen zu hören gewesen.
20220815             Die UKRAINE wirft RUSSLAND vor, mit dem Beschuss "atomaren Terror" zu betreiben.
20220815             Besatzungsvertreter Rogow wiederum hatte mitgeteilt, ukrainische "Terroristen" würden die Schüsse abfeuern.
20220815             Er hatte zuvor auch 1—FEUERPAUSE vorgeschlagen.  NEWS appended
20220815—19490000    —SINCE, TAIWAN has been governed by its own administration, —WHEN the remnants of the Kuomintang forces led by Chiang KAI—SHEK (18870000—19750000    ) fled there —AFTER their defeat in THE—CHINA—CIVIL—WAR.
20220815—20210815    —STEPPED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—ASHRAF—GHANI, down and fled abroad.
20220815—20220802    —STATED, THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT has repeatedly, that PELOSI—TRIP to TAIPEI and 3 was 1—PROVOCATION that should be seen as "the wrong signal to TAIWAN separatists".
20220815—20220814    —FROM, 1—USA congressional delegation will visit TAIWAN to 15, THE—AMERICA—INSTITUTE in TAIWAN (the de facto USA embassy, which has the status of 1—NON—COMMERCIAL—ORGANIZATION) said in 1—STATEMENT —ON—SUNDAY.
20220815—20220816    —UNTIL, The conference will last.