_HEUTE_0714 :

05260712             FELIX—III—PAPA. wird BISCHOF—VON—ROM.
05260712             Für FELIX—III—PAPA seine Wahl findet er im OST—GOTEN—KÖNIG—THEODERICH 1—FÜRSPRECHER.
06640714             † EARCONBERHT—I—KÖNIG—VON—KENT
08860712             † ANSBALD—VON—PRÜM, heiliggesprochener ABT
09260714             * Murakami, 62. Tenn?—VON—JAPAN
09270712             —EAMONT—BRIDGE, KÖNIG—ÆTHELSTAN als Oberherrscher anerkannt, wird
09270712             —EAMONT—BRIDGE, KÖNIG—ÆTHELSTAN als Oberherrscher durch KÖNIG—KONSTANTIN—II.
09270712             —EAMONT—BRIDGE, KÖNIG—ÆTHELSTAN als Oberherrscher durch KÖNIG—HOWELL—DER—GUTE und
09270712             —EAMONT—BRIDGE, KÖNIG—ÆTHELSTAN als Oberherrscher durch KÖNIG—EALDRED—I..
09370712             † RUDOLF—II—KÖNIG—VON—BURGUND
09370714             † ARNULF—I—HERZOG—VON—BAYERN
09390714             Der in Rom herrschende FÜRST—ALBERICH—II. ernennt STEPHAN—VIII—PAPA.
09610712             † MICHAEL—MALEÏNOS, byzantinischer Mönch und Klostergründer
10670712             † JOHANNES—KOMNENOS, byzantinischer Aristokrat
10730712             † JOHANNES—GUALBERTUS, Heiliger der katholischen Kirche
10960712             —CRUSADERS under PETER—THE—HERMIT reach SOFIA—HUNGARY.
11400712             † HEINRICH—I—GRAF—VON—EU
11400714             † ALBRECHT—II—GRAF—VON—HABSBURG
11530712             CORRADO—DELLA—SUBURRA[KONRAD—VON—SUBURRA] wird vom Konklave in Rom als Nachfolger des EUGEN—III—PAPA zum PAPA gewählt.
11530712             ANASTASIUS—IV—PAPA—CORRADO—DELLA—SUBURRA, nimmt den Namen an.
11650712             WINAND, DIACON t —NACH
11790714             † RICHARD—DE—LUCY, ENGLAND—BEAMTER
11910712             Die verbliebenen Kreuzritter des 3. Kreuzzugs erobern nach zweijähriger Belagerung die nördlich von JERUSALEM gelegene Festung Akkon.
11980712             —DIE—ANNO—ATQUE certo tunc adfuerunt tam THEODERICUS—EPISCOPUS—TRAIECTENSIS
11980712             —DIE—ANNO quam THEODERICUS—VII—HOLLANDIAE et
11980712             —DIE—ANNO 1—CUM majore parte praesulum principumque vicinorum
12030712             † ISABEL—DE—WARENNE, ENGLAND—ADLIGE
12060712             † Ch?gen, JAPAN—MÖNCH
12120714             —SAMSTAG
12130712             FRIEDRICH—II.
12130712             —VERZICHTET, FRIEDRICH—II., in der GOLDBULLE—VON—EGER auf bestimmte königliche Rechte in Kirchensachen und überträgt zudem weite Gebiete in ITALIEN dem PAPA.
12170714             † HROZNATA—VON—OVENEC, böhmischer Märtyrer
12230714             † PHILIP—II—AUGUSTUS—KING—OF—FRANCE (57)
12230714             † PHILIPPE—AUGUSTE
12230714             † LOUIS—VIII—KING—OF—FRANCE, stirbt.
12230714             —WENIGE—WOCHEN—SPÄTER, mit des LOUIS—VIII—KING—OF—FRANCE erstgeborener Sohnes Ludwig Krönung
12230714             —WENIGE—WOCHEN—SPÄTER, zu des LOUIS—VIII—KING—OF—FRANCE Nachfolger  wird die Erbmonarchie in FRANKREICH begründet.
12230714             † PHILIPP—II—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH
12300712             † MARGARETE—VON—BLOIS, Pfalzgräfin von Burgund und GRÄFIN—VON—BLOIS und Châteaudun
12530712             FRANKFURT—AN—DER Oder erhält das STADT—RECHT.
12730714             —AM, GAU—GRAF—KONRAD erklärt, dass er Namens des WILHELM—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH von seinem Schwager, dem WILD—GRAF—GOTTFRIED, 200—MARK  empfangen habe,
12900712             —EXPELLED, Jews were, from ENGLAND by ORDER—OF—EDWARD—I—KING—OF—ENGLAND
12910712             † HERMANN—VII—MARK—GRAF—VON—BADEN
12940712             Nuova e più particolareggiata DESIGNAZIONE—DI—CONFINI tra il COMUNE—DI—STAFFOLO e QUELLO—DI—JESI.
12950203—12970714    JOHANN—VON—ZÜLPICH
12970714             J - DIETRICH(SUB—I 196, 199).
12970714—13050623    —BEZEUGT—VOM, DIETRICH—VON—LÜLSDORF, ist.
12980712             NEUMARKT, in der Oberpfalz findet 1—POGROM gegen Juden statt, dabei wird das Pfalzgrafenschloss Neumarkt zerstört.
12990714             S—PONS,
12990714             —LETTRE—DE, DURAND—ÉVÈQUE—DE—MARSEILLE, ordonnant de verser ENTRE les mains de ROGER et LAPO—DE—SPINA, les décimes levées dans les PROVINCE—DE—AIX et PROVINCE—DE—ARLES.
12990714             —DATUM—APUD MONASTERIUM S—PONTII, nostre dyocesis, xuii' die juHi, ANNO M—CC/XC—JX".
12990714             Gartul. (le Pascal de Meyrargues.
13100114—13220714    RUTGER
13410714             —GENANNT, VENEDIG, 1—PETRACHINUS—AUS—BÖHMEN (Ballenführer)*);
13430506/13430714    —1— 13430506/13430714              13470714             —TANDEM—DIE—ANNO—EX—IMPERIALIS—POTESTATIS—PLENITUDINE conjugis suae MARGARETAE de non dividendo comitatus promissum approbat T),
13460712             —DÉBARQUEMENT—DE.
13470712             Cum HELLINO—DE—SIELAND arynigero et MARIA nata Walteri Senrautermans dispensatur super impedimento affinitatis in quarto gradu.
13470712             qui nullius impedimenti conscii matrimonimn publice contraxerunt et etiam consummarunt v dispenset super impedimento affinitatiS y
13470712             exinde oriundo "quod idem RODOLPHUS et quondam JOHANNES—DE—MERWEDA tue prefate DIOCESIS—PRIOR—EJUSDEM Sophie maritus, quarto consanguinitatis gradu se invicem attingebant".
13470712             B. (JOHANNI—EPISCOPO—TRAIECTENSIS committitur ut cum ALBERTO—GHEYZINC—DE—ELSO et Eynbrowa TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESISJ qui nullius impedimenti conscii matrifnonium
13470712             publice contraxerunt et etiam consummarunt ^ super impedimento affinitatis dispensety exinde oriundo^
13470712             quod idem ALBERTUS quandam mulierem, —ANTEQUAM dictum matrimonium fieret,
13470712             fornicario actu cognoverat, que dicte Eynbrowe in tercio et quarto consanguinitatis gradibus attinebat".
13470712             Exhibita nobis.
13470712             —UT—SUPRA.
13470712             —REGESTE—AVINIONE—BAND—43—FOLIA—301" e^ /. - - 388.
13470714             —ETIAMSI—JAMTUNC—ANNO—ABHINC—CAROLUS—IV—REX erat electus.
13470714             Hoc autem titulo vel praetextu neque MARGARETAE neque WILHELMO—V. dominium partium nostrarum unquam abjudicatum fuisse notum est.
13520712             —AM, folgte ihm als neuer STATT—HALTER—JORDAN (GIORDANO) aus dem mächtigen Geschlecht der URSINI (de Filiis Ursi).
13520712             Unter neuer STATT—HALTER—JORDAN (GIORDANO) aus dem mächtigen Geschlecht der URSINI kam 1—FRISCHERER Zug in die Abwehr der REBELLISCHen Herren und Städte.
13520712             (ernannt) NOBILIS—VIR—JORDAN us de Filiis Ursi, rector {Reg.
13520712             Secr. 235—FOLIA—77;
13520712             —FOLGTE, dem REKTOR RITTER—NICOLAUS—DE—SERRA als neuer STATT—HALTER JORDAN (GIORDANO) aus dem mächtigen Geschlecht der Ursini (DE FILIIS URSI).
13520712             Unter STATT—HALTER JORDAN (GIORDANO) kam 1—FRISCHERER Zug in die Abwehr der rebellischen Herren und Städte.
13580714             MARCUS—DER SENSAL IM FONDACO, der am. das BÜRGER—RECHT in VENEDIG nach 15-jährigem Aufenthalt erhält;
13580714             —AM, MARCUS—DER—SENSAL—IM—FONDACO
13590712             —APUD—VILLAMNOVAM, OCKO—DICTUS—HOYTA MONASTERIO—S—ODULPHI—IN—STAURIA^)^ cujus abbatia per promotionem Folkeri IN—EPISCOPUM Gibelethensem nuper vacavit^ praeficitur
13610712             † GIOVANNI—DOLFIN, 57. Doge von Venedig
13670712             —AM—GENANNT, WOLFARD—II—VON—LANDSBERG ist als PRIOR
13670714             VITERBII.
13670714             BOLEMANNO—VOERN—DE—CAMPIS, cujus nomine, cum ipse in partibus ageret remotis, PROCURATOR S—ORIFATE literarum apostolirarum parochialeni ECCLESIAM—DE—ZEYST—TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS acceptavit et jam aliquamdiu possedit, indulgetur, quod cum infra residuum anni sacerdotii ordinem suscipere nequeat,
13690210—13690712    nach der Rückkehr von ROM wieder vom
13700714             —APUD—MONTEMFLASCONEM.
13730712             JOHANNI—STRIST CLERICO—TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS, qui in Montepessulano MagaUmensis DIOECESIS in jure civili sttcdere se asserit,
13930714             † IBN—RADSCHAB, islamischer Traditions- und Rechtsgelehrter
13940712             * ASHIKAGA Yoshinori, 6. Shogun des ASHIKAGA—SHOGUNATES
14040824—14190712    ERMANN—VON—VITTINGHOF.
14060712             SIMILE—DI—DUCATI no e boi.
14060712             12—PER 1. e 2. sestaria della taglia imposta al Comune suddetto per la settima condotta del capitano ORSINI soprano minato^ sborsati
14100714             * ARNOLD—HERZOG—VON—GELDERN
14170714             * GIOVANNI—ANDREA—BUSSI, ITALIEN—PRÄLAT und Humanist
14200714             —PART—OF—THE—HUSSITE—WARS, this was
14300714             JOAN—OF—ARC, taken prisoner by the Burgundians in 14300500, was, —HANDED—OVER to PIERRE—CAUCHON—BISHOP—OF—BEAUVAIS.
14370714             ADOLF (-KÖLN BUR S—MARTIN—KÖLN).
14390712             —IL, pose il campo a Bevagna che, dopo 3—GIORNI, si rese per patti;
14410712             † ASHIKAGA Yoshinori, 6. Shogun des ASHIKAGA—SHOGUNATS
14420428—14420714    —FROM, In a 20040000             television documentary, records were found in THE—ROUEN—CATHEDRAL—ARCHIVES which revealed that, to 14410821             , the crucial 5-week period in which Edward must have been conceived, EDWARD—SUPPOSED father was away on campaign at Pontoise, several days' march from ROUEN (where CECILY—OF—YORK was based), and that prayers were being offered for his safety.
14420428—14420714    —FROM, records in THE—ROUEN—CATHEDRAL archives which revealed that, to
14420714—14410821    —FROM—TO, the crucial 5—WEEK—PERIOD in which Edward must have been conceived, Edward's supposed father was away on campaign at Pontoise, several days' march from ROUEN (where Cecily of YORK was based), and that prayers were being offered for his safety.
14420714—14410821    —FROM—TO, the crucial 5—WEEK—PERIOD in which Edward must have been conceived,
14420714—14410821    —FROM—TO, Edward's supposed father was away on campaign at Pontoise, several days' march from ROUEN (where Cecily of YORK was based), and
14420714—14410821    —FROM—TO, that prayers were being offered for Edward's supposed father his safety.
14480714             * Philipp, KUR—FÜRST—VON—DER—PFALZ
14500712             † JACK—CADE, was slain in a REVOLT—AGAINST—HENRY—VI—KING—OF—ENGLAND.
14540714             * ANGELO—POLIZIANO, ITALIEN—HUMANIST und Dichter
14550714             † Kunz von Kauffungen, sächsischer Adliger, Initiator des Altenburger Prinzenraubes
14600714             † ZDENIEK—LEV—VON— Rosental, Angehöriger des böhmischen Herrenstands
14700712             den Venetianern das wichtige Negroponte abgenommen hatten,
14750712             WILHELM—THORN —BEZEUGT—IST—AM, als MÖNCH,
14760714             Nach der VERHAFTUNG—DES—PAUKERS—VON—NIKLASHAUSEN kommt es zu Massenprotesten und einem erfolglosen Befreiungsversuch.
14770712             * Jacopo Sadoleto, ITALIEN—KARDINAL, Humanist und katholischer Reformer
14790712             † Silvester Stodewescher, ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—RIGA
14840712             ANTOINE—DE—LONGUEIL Il preta"serment au DUC—DE—BRETAGNE
14840712             —BIENTOT LE—DUC—DE—BRETAGNE confia au ANTOINE—DE—LONGUEIL—ÉVEQUE—DE—LEON des missions DIPLOMAtiques :
14860714             —CALLED, ANDREA—DEL—SARTO[VANUCCHI,DI—FRANCESCO] represented what Vasari, the terza maniera, the 3. or modern manner of painting.
14860714—15310000    * † ANDREA—DEL—SARTO[VANUCCHI,DI—FRANCESCO], ITALY—RENAISSANCE artist (Recollets).
14970714             —AM, JUAN—BORGIA—HERZOG—VON—GANDIA, sein Bruder CESARE—BORGIA speisten bei ihrer Mutter VANNOZZA—BORGIA in deren Vigna bei S—PIETRO—IN—VINCOLI.
14970714             JUAN—BORGIA—HERZOG—VON—GANDIA speiste nebst anderen Gästen
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, speiste JUAN—BORGIA—HERZOG—VON—GANDIA, sein Bruder CESARE—BORGIA bei ihrer Mutter VANNOZZA—BORGIA in deren Vigna bei S—PIETRO—IN—VINCOLI.
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, Nach beendigtem MALE bestiegen ALLE—IHRE—MAUL—TIERE, zum APOSTOLISCHER—PALAST zurückzukehren.
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, Man war —BIS zur Wohnung des KARDINAL VICE—KANZLERS, einst Palazzo BORGIA, gelangt
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, als der JUAN—BORGIA—HERZOG—VON—GANDIA, unter dem Vorgeben er wolle noch irgendeiner Lustbarkeit beiwohnen,
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, der JUAN—BORGIA—HERZOG—VON—GANDIA bei seinem Bruder sich verabschiedete,
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, wegritt der JUAN—BORGIA—HERZOG—VON—GANDIA von 1—EINZIGEN Reitknecht UND 1—VERLARVTEN begleitet,
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, 1—VERLARVTER, der in diesem Aufzuge unerkannt zum Nachtessen gekommen und
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, —SCHON 1—GANZEN —MONAT LANG TÄGLICH 1—VERLARVTER, der beim HERZOGe gesehn worden war.
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, Als sie zum Judenplatz gekommen waren,
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, entliess der JUAN—BORGIA—HERZOG—VON—GANDIA auch den Reitknecht mit dem Bescheide,
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, —WÄHREND—1—STUNDE der Reitknecht solle auf JUAN—BORGIA—HERZOG—VON—GANDIA warten,
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, SODANN wenn JUAN—BORGIA—HERZOG—VON—GANDIA nicht zurückkehre der Reitknecht solle sich —NACH—DEM Palast begeben.
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, DRAUF nahm JUAN—BORGIA—HERZOG—VON—GANDIA den Verlarvten hinter sich aufs MAUL—TIER,
14970714             —ZU—NACHT, DRAUF JUAN—BORGIA—HERZOG—VON—GANDIA ritt weg, wohin weiss niemand.
14970714             † JUAN—BORGIA—HERZOG—VON—GANDIA, Mord des.
14970715—14970714    —NACHT—IN—DER—VERGANGENEN, BEFRAGT ob er niemand erblickt, soll 1—SLAVONIER Namens Giorgio zur Antwort gegeben haben,
14970715—14970714    —5. —STUNDE—CA, 2—MÄNNER NACHDEM sie sich entfernt,
14970715—14970714    —5. —STUNDE—CA, 2—MÄNNER seien 2—ANDERE erschienen,
14970715—14970714    —5. —STUNDE—CA, rechts und links von Leuten unterstützt.
14970715—14970714    —5. —STUNDE—CA, seien 2—MÄNNER durch das Gässchen zur Linken des Spitals ans Ufer gekommen,
14970715—14970714    —5. —STUNDE—CA, 2—MÄNNER seien sich umschauend ob niemand sichtbar sei.
14970715—14970714    —5. —STUNDE—CA, 2—MÄNNER denen auf 1—GEGEBENES Zeichen 1—REITER gefolgt sei,
14970715—14970714    —5. —STUNDE—CA, hinter sich auf dem Schimmel 1—LEICHNAM dessen Haupt und Arme auf der einen, die Beine auf der andern Seite herunterhingen,
14970715—14970714    —5. —STUNDE—CA, An den Rand des Wassers gelangt hätten sie den Todten ergriffen und weit weg in den Strom geschleudert.
14970715—14970714    —5. —STUNDE—CA, Auf die Frage weshalb er dem Governatore keine Anzeige des Geschehenen gemacht habe,
14970715—14970714    —5. —STUNDE—CA, erwiderte der Mann er habe in seinen Tagen wohl 100—LEICHEN zur Nachtzeit in den Strom werfen gesehn,
14970715—14970714    —5. —STUNDE—CA, ohne daß sich Irgendeiner darum gekümmert habe.
14990714—15010714    —AM, ASCANIO, sous prétexte d'aller à la chasse, QUITTE ROM pour se rendre à MILAN, DER erfolgte FALL—VON—CAPUA inmitten furchtbaren Blutbads den VERLUST—VON—GAETA nach sich zog.
15000712             wird berichtet **), daß der Mann —INZWISCHEN, gestorben sei mit Hinterlassung 1—FAMILIE—VON—EINSCHLIESSLICH der ENKEL—KINDER —17—KÖPFEN,
15000712             DIE—DEM grössten Elend preisgegeben sind, wenn nicht 1—DER Söhne an Stelle des Vaters, wenigstens auf kürzere Zeit, den Posten desselben versehen darf,
15000712             was ihm denn auch gewährt wird
15000714             Das Großfürstentum LITAUEN und das Königreich POLEN erleiden in der Schlacht an der Wedrosch 1—NIEDERLAGE gegen das Großfürstentum Moskowien, das seine Ausdehnung damit fortsetzt.
15010714             FRIEDRICH—KÖNIG—VON—ARAGÓN glaubte sich in NEAPEL nicht halten zu können.
15010714             Der FRIEDRICH—KÖNIG—VON—ARAGÓN
15040712             —WAGED, [STEFAN—CHEL—MARE]STEVEN—THE—GREAT—PRINCE—OF—THE—PRINCIPALITY—OF—MOLDAVIA had, battles against the Turks in the 13010101—14001231     and became 1—NATIONAL hero.
15040712—14330000    † * [STEFAN—CHEL—MARE]STEVEN—THE—GREAT
15040712—20000000    —IN, a 600—YEAR—OLD oak tree that marked [STEFAN—CHEL—MARE]STEVEN, STEPHEN—III—THE—GREAT—PRINCE—OF—THE—PRINCIPALITY—OF—MOLDAVIA, his grave was killed by 1—COLD snap and high winds.
15110712             † ALBRECHT—I—HERZOG in den schlesischen Teilfürstentümern Münsterberg und Oels sowie GRAF—VON—GLATZ
15200712             —TIME—AT—THIS, Also THE—PLAGUE was in NÜRNBERG[NÜRNBERG] and
15200712             —ON—THE—OF, ALBRECHT—DÜRER left NÜRNBERG[NÜRNBERG], travelling with his oo, their maid, Susanna, carried 1—GOOD—SUPPLY—OF his engravings, WOOD—CUTS to sell or give away.^
15200714             —BATTLE—OF—OTUMBA, MEXICO.
15200714             HERNANDO—CORTES fought THE—AZTECS at
15200714             [PADUA]PADOUE, BEMBO s'exouse de ne pas l'avoir fait plus tot.
15200714             [PADUA]PADOUE, BEMBO Ses occupations le DÉTOURNENT—DE—LA—CORRESPONDANCE aussi bien que sa mauvaise sante.
15210714             —AM, THE—CHURCH—OF—OUR—LADY, KAISER—KARL—V[CARLOS—I.(V.)CHARLES—V—CHARLES—QUINT] laid the 1. stone.
15230714             —ON—THE, Council, ASSEMBLY—OF—THE—CANTON—OF—GLARUS,"as "formerly his sheep,"but —NOW "his gracious friends and dear brethren in Christ".
15230714             —ON—THE, ZWINGLE dedicated the exposition, rationale of his Schlussreden "to the honourable, prudent, and wise AMMAN,
15310000—15210714    —UNTIL + KELDERMANS, THE—2—ARCHITECTS superintended the work
15310000—15210714    —UNTIL
15350714             † ZDENIEK—LEV—VON—ROSENTAL, Angehöriger des böhmischen Herrenstands
15360712—14690000    † * [ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM]DESIDERIUS—ERASMUS, in ROTTERDAM, humanist, priest (Novum instrumentum omne).
15360712—19990000    —PUBLISHED, PROFESSOR—CHARLES—TRINKAUS, "Collected Works of Erasmus: Controversies," 1—EXAMINATION—OF—THE—RELIGIOUS—CONFLICT between humanism and the Reformation.
15360714             —FRANCE—PORTUGAL—NAVAL—TREATY—OF—LYONS, ligning themselves against SPAIN.
15370712             † ROBERT—ASKE, ENGLAND—JURIST
15370714             —PROCURATION du CHAPITRE—DE—MARSEILLE : présentArnaudus Roquosii, pre|iositns...
15380714             FRANÇOIS—I. et CHARLES—VI. se rencontrent à AIGUES—MORTES.
15390712             † FERNANDO—KOLUMBUS, SPANIEN—SEEFAHRER, Humanist und Kosmograph, unehelicher SOHN—DES—CHRISTOPH—KOLUMBUS
15400712             FRANÇOIS—I[FRANZ—I—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] attaque dans les Pyrénées orientales (échec devant PERPIGNAN en sep)
15430712             oo HENRY—VIII—KING—OF—ENGLAND, his 6. oo, last wife, CATHERINE—PARR, who outlived HENRY—VIII—KING—OF—ENGLAND.
15430712             Der ENGLAND—KÖNIG—HEINRICH—VIII. oo seine 6. und letzte Frau CATHERINE—PARR.
15440714             —ON, This information came —BEFORE THE—MAGISTRATES and
15440714             —AM, THE—MAGISTRATES caused LOY and HERAULT to be arrested;
15440714             the others MEMBERS—OF—A—SECT—OF—SADDUCEES made their escape.
15440714             —CAUSED, THE—MAGISTRATES, LOY and HERAULT to be arrested;
15540712             —ADÌ, [nacque *] Ottavio mio figliolo naturale in PARMA DEL—MESE—DI ;
15550714             —GESCHAFFEN, ROM, wird 1—GHETTO für Juden.
15550714             Grundlage dafür ist die päpstliche Bulle Cum nimis absurdum, die sich gegen den Ausdruck sozialer Überlegenheit von Juden über Christen wendet.
15550714             VIELE—JUDEN flüchten in der Folge aus dem Kirchenstaat.
15550714             In der Päpstlichen Bulle Cum nimis absurdum betont der —ERST kürzlich gewählte PAUL—IV—PAPA., dass die Juden, die er als Christusmörder bezeichnet, durch ihre eigene Schuld von Gott zu ewiger Knechtschaft verdammt seien.
15590714             LES—GUISE annonçant la réduction des effectifs militaires devenus inutiles —APRÈS LES—TRAITÉS—DE—PAIX.
15590714             LES—GUISE font publier 1—ORDONNANCE—ROYALE
15620712             DIEGO—DE—LANDA lässt als BISCHOF—VON—YUCATÁN bei einem Autodafé Schriften, Bilder und SYMBOLE—DER—MAYA verbrennen.
15620712             Er will damit die Indios zum christlichen Glauben bekehren.
15700712             † † DAVID—ADELHART, in VENEDIG, 40—JAHRE—ALT, ist
15700714             Das einheitliche Missale Romanum wird von PIUS—PAPA V. mit der Bulle Quo primum veröffentlicht.
15700714             Das neue Messbuch wurde vom KONZIL—VON—_01000712_00440315   * † GAIUS—JULIUS—CAESAR[GAIUS—JULIUS—CÄSAR], ROMAN—GENERAL, STATESMAN.
15720712             † MORI di —ALLI, LA—CAVALLIERA—PACIOTTA moglie carissima d^ IL—CONTE—PACIOTTO, 27—JAHRE—ALT la quale dopo esser stata sua moglie undici anni et partoritogli undici figli maschi in ANCONA passò di questa vita che DIO babbi misericordia alla sua anima, lasciò vivi 4—FIGLIUOLI
15750714             * August, FÜRST—VON—ANHALT—PLÖTZKAU
15750714             † JOHANN—JAKOB—FUGGER, Augsburger Kaufmann und Mäzen
15810712             † JOHANNES—GIGAS, DEUTSCHLAND—HUMANIST, evangelischer Theologe und Reformator
15840712             † STEPHEN—BOROUGH, ENGLAND—SEEFAHRER und Entdecker
15890714             † Mori m. MATTIO—EFLFENBERGHER, 30—JAHRE—ALT, TEDESCO—DI—MORTE subitana.
15890714             † Mori m. MATTIO—EFLFENBERGHER DI—ANNI 30—TEDESCO di morte subitana.
15910714             † —FU—ALLI, et ORE 17—E 2—TERZI IN CIRCA, IL—CONTE—PACIOTTO che principiò queste memorie sin al sopra scritto recordo
15910714             —FU—ALLI, et ORE 17—E 2—TERZI IN CIRCA et fu con DOLORE—DI—TUTTA la Città et tutto il Stato d^ URBINO con DISPIACERE—DI—S—A. S
15910714             FU ALLI.
15910714             —ET—DI—TUTTA la Corte - FU ALLI.
15910714             ET—DI—TUTTI li PRINCIPI—DI—CRISTIANITÀ et
15910714             † FU ALLI, cristianissimamente come s^ aspettava per l'onorata et cristianissima vita che ha tenuto sempre
15910714             —FU—ALLI, —ET di tutta la Corte
15910714             —FU—ALLI, et di tutti li principi di Cristianità et
15960000—16450712    * † RUSSIA, the 1. ROMANOV—TSAR—MICHAEL—ROMANOV,
16020714             * JULES—MAZARIN, FRANCE—CARDINAL, French 1. MINISTER (16420000—16610000    ).
16020714             * JULES—MAZARIN, FRANKREICH—DIPLOMAT und Kardinal ITALIEN—ABSTAMMUNG, regierender MINISTER (graue Eminenz)
16090712             RUDOLF erteilte ihnen am den Majestätsbrief und dadurch freie Religionsübung,
16090712             DAS—RECHT, neue Kirchen zu bauen, u. - den Besitz der UNIVERSITÄT—PRAG.
16100712             Concini entre au CONSEIL—DES—FINANCES
16100714             * Ferdinando II. de' Medici, GROß—HERZOG—VON—TOSKANA
16140714             † CAMILLUS—DE—LELLIS, 64—JAHRE—ALT, ITALY—SOLDIER, monastery founder, saint.
16140714             † Kamillus von Lellis, ITALIEN—ORDENSGRÜNDER und Heiliger
16180714             * HEINRICH—BACMEISTER, DEUTSCHLAND—OBERJUSTIZRAT und Kammerprokurator
16210712             —AM, bestätigte hierauf der 42. ABT—VON—KLOSTER—KNECHTSTEDEN, LEONHARD TEVEREN, sowie der Ordensgeneral und der ganze KONVENT dieses Abkommen "für ewige Zeiten" unter folgenden Bedingungen.
16220714             * Sigismund II. Rákóczi, PRINZ—VON—SIEBENBÜRGEN
16300712             NEW—AMSTERDAM—GOVERNOR—BOUGHT—GULL—ISLAND from Indians for cargo and renamed it OYSTER—ISLAND.
16340714             * PASQUIER—QUESNEL, FRANCE—THEOLOGIAN, Jansenist (JESUS—CHRIST Penitent).
16430712             † FRANÇOIS—DUQUESNOY, flämischer Bildhauer
16450712             † LUCIANO—BORZONE, ITALIEN—MALER und Radierer
16510714             —AM, bei den GENERAL—STAATEN vorgebracht.)
16650714             * Bonaventura Stapf, Allgäuer Maler und Vergolder
16730712             BRASSER an den RATS—PENSIONÄR—VON—HOLLAND.
16740712             † Claes Tott, SCHWEDEN—FELDHERR und Staatsmann
16750712             * Evaristo Felice Dall'Abaco, ITALIEN—KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKER
16760714             —DATUM, ihnen vorzustellen, daß die schlechte Bezahlung derselben den KUR—FÜRST leicht auf die französiche Partei hinübertreiben
16760714             und so DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN zu 1—UNGÜNSTIGEN Frieden zwingen könnte;
16760714             diese Blame würden die auf sich laden, welche die Bezahlung der SUBSIDIEN verzögerten
16760714             DIE—DEPUTIERTEN—FÜR—DIE auswärtigen Angelegenheiten sollen bei de Lira dahin wirken, daß SPANIEN ebenfalls seine Subsidienrückstände pünktlich bezahle.
16760714             DERSELBE ist mit dem von den Staaten bezeigten Eifer sehr zufrieden,
16760714             DERSELBE hat aber gefragt, ob es nicht Mittel gebe, die nicht bezahlenden PROVINZen eventualiter dazu zu zwingen.
16760714             —ENTGEGNET, Er hat dem, daß es nicht schlechter Wille, sondern Mangel an Geld sei, weshalb die SUBSIDIEN nicht pünktlich einliefen.
16760714             —GEHOLFEN, Doch hat das nicht viel ;
16760714             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG meint, wenn das so sei, könne man sich ja auf keinen VERTRAG—MIT—DEN GENERAL—STAATEN verlassen,
16760714             JACOB—VON—DER—TOCHT bittet, ihm möglichst schnell zu berichten, ob und welchen Erfolg jene RESOLUTION bei den PROVINZen gehabt.
16760714             * CASPAR—ABEL, DEUTSCHLAND—HISTORIKER und Dichter
16760714—16760703    —SCHREIBEN—VOM, des JACOB—VON—DER—TOCHT, Auf das, ist beschlossen, DIE—PROVINZIAL—STAATEN nochmals aufs Ernstlichste an pünktliche Bezahlung ihrer Quoten zu den BRANDENBURGischen SUBSIDIEN zu erinnern und
16760714—16760801    —AM, Auf diese Mahnung beschloss HOLLAND, ALLE—SCHULDIGEN—SUBSIDIEN an DÄNEMARK—BRANDENBURG und BRAUNSCHWEIG—LÜNEBURG sofort in baarem Gelde oder Obligationen zu bezahlen.
16760714—16760807    —AM, DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN antworten hierauf mit dankbarer Anerkennung seiner BESTÄNDIGen Ausdauer und
16760714—16760807    —AM, DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN antworten hierauf mit dem Versprechen, sich der Interessen des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG JEDER—ZEIT nach ihrem äussersten Vermögen anzunehmen.
16760731—16760714    —DIE—RESOLUTION—VOM betreffend DIE—SUBSIDIEN—ZAHLUNG hat er empfangen und sofort dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG mitgeteilt.
16770712             VON—DER—TOCHT—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16770712             —DATUM—BERLIN 2, Nach Empfang der RESOLUTIONen
16770712             hat er sein Vorstellungen an den KUR—FÜRST und seine RÄTE fortgesetzt:
16770712             daß DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN zwar an keinen SEPARAT—FRIEDEN dächten, aber auch den KRIEG nicht fortsetzen könnten.
16770712             Man will hier durchaus POMMERN erobern und dann —ERST DIE—FRANZOSEN aus den SPANISCHE—NIEDERLANDE vertreiben;
16770712             wenn er aber fragt, wie lange man dazu Zeit brauche, weiss man nicht zu antworten.
16770712             den KUR—FÜRST hofft er indess überzeugt zu haben, daß DER—STAAT den KRIEG nicht fortsetzen könne und auch nicht dazu verpflichtet sei.
16770712             — Um vor STETTIN mehr Truppen zu haben, hat FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG die Wintercjuartiere in Mekleuburg den Lüneburgern überlassen.
16770712—16770629    —VOM—UND
16770712—16770703    —VOM,
16770714             SCHWEDEN unter KÖNIG—KARL—XI. besiegt DÄNEMARK während des Nordischen Krieges in der —SCHLACHT—BEI—LANDSKRONA.
16780712             —DATUM,
16780712             —BERICHTET, DER—RATS—PENSIONÄR—VON—HOLLAND hat der Versammlung über 1—KONFERENZ,
16780712             welche DIE—DEPUTIERTEN—FÜR—DIE auswärtigen Angelegenheiten in Folge der
16780712             —GEHALTEN, RESOLUTION—VON—GESTERN, mit den ALLIIERTEN Ministern :
16780712             dieselben hätten vorgestellt, wie FRANKREICH sie durch Besetzthalten der bewussten Plätze zur Befriedigung SCHWEDENs zwingen wolle
16780712             daß sie sehr geneigt wären zum Frieden, aber Bedingungen, die FRANKREICH als 1—GESETZ ohne Verhandlungen zu erlauben vorschreibe, könnten sie nicht annehmen;
16780712             auf FRAGE—DER—DEPUTIERTEN, wie viel Truppen DIE—ALLIIERTEN zur allgemeinen Sache stellen könnten, hätten sie 1—LISTE vorgelegt,
16780712             wonach DIE—ALLIIERTEN (der KAISER, DÄNEMARK, BRANDENBURG, MÜNSTER, BRAUNSCHWEIG und LÜNEBURG) 14,250 M. an der Maß —SCHON stehen haben,
16780712             zu denen aber bald noch- 10,200 M. und —SPÄTER, noch mehr kommen könnten.
16780712             —RESOLUTION wird ausgesetzt.
16790712             Mit der Genehmigung der HABEAS—CORPUS—AKTE durch Englands KÖNIG—KARL—II. erhält die Bevölkerung weitgehende Grundrechte.
16790714             † GIOVANNI—DOMENICO—ORSI—DE—ORSINI, böhmischer Architekt ITALIEN—ABSTAMMUNG
16800712             * MICHAEL—FRIEDRICH—VON—ALTHANN, Vizekönig von Neapel und Sizilien
16820714             —APPOINTED, PASQUIER—QUESNELNRY—PURCELL was, organist of Chapel Royal, LONDON.
16830714—16830912    DIE—TÜRKEN WIEN belagerten aber
16850714             † JOHANN—CASPAR—BAUHIN, SCHWEIZ—ARZT und Botaniker
16900701—17520000    —BECAME, Due to calendar changes this —LATER, commemorated 16900712             —ON.
16900712—17520000    —IN—THE, BATTLE—OF—BOYN—IRELAND, Due to UK—CALENDAR—CHANGES 16900701             16900712—17520000    —IN, Due to UK—CALENDAR—CHANGES 16900701             —THE, BATTLE—OF—BOYNE (in IRELAND
16910712             —DEFEATED, WILLIAM—III, the allied Irish and FRANCE—ARMIES at THE—BATTLE—OF—AUGHRIM, IRELAND.
16910712             * Petro Kalnyschewskyj, Ataman der Saporoger Kosaken und Heiliger der UKRAINISCH—ORTHODOXEN Kirche
16910712             ANTONIO—PIGNATELLI wird als Kompromisskandidat zweier starker Fraktionen PAPA.
16910712             Er wählt den Namen Innozenz XII.
16910714             * JOHANN—WOLFGANG—VON—FLÜE, SCHWEIZ—OFFIZIER und Politiker
16980714             The 1. Company of SCOTLAND expedition of 5—SHIPS (S—ANDREW, Caledonia, Unicorn, Dolphin, and Endeavour) set sail from the east coast port of Leith to avoid observation by ENGLAND—WARSHIPS, with —AROUND 1,200—PEOPLE on BOARD.
16980714             —CHRISTENED, The settlers, their new home "NEW—CALEDONIA".
16980714—16981102    —ON, —AFTER calling at Madeira and THE—WEST—INDIES, the fleet made landfall off THE—COAST—OF—DARIEN.
17010712             Die Uraufführung der Oper La fede ne' tradimenti von Attilio Ariosti findet in BERLIN statt.
17020712             † Bengt Oxenstierna, SCHWEDEN—POLITIKER und Diplomat
17030712             Reiter­stand­BILD—DES—GROSSEN—KURFÜRSTEN
17030712             Auf der Langen Brücke zum Berliner Stadtschloss wird das von ANDREAS—SCHLÜTER entworfene Reiterstandbild des Großen Kurfürsten feierlich enthüllt.
17040712             Die Konföderation von Warschau erklärt STANISLAUS—I. Leszczy?ski zum KÖNIG—VON—POLEN.
17040712             Sie hat für diesen Schritt Rückendeckung des SCHWEDEN—KÖNIGS KARL—XII. Der Affront gegenüber KÖNIG—AUGUST—II. löst in der weiteren Folge einen Bürgerkrieg aus.
17040714             † SOFIA Alexejewna, REGENTIN—VON—RUSSLAND
17070712             * ESTEBAN—DE—TERREROS y Pando, SPANIEN—JESUIT, Philologe und Lexikograph
17070712             † CARL—LEONHARD—MÜLLER von der Lühne, SCHWEDEN—GENERAL
17080714             —SCHLACHT—BEI—GOLOWTSCHIN besiegt das SCHWEDEN—HEER unter KÖNIG—KARL—XII. im Großen Nordischen Krieg eine überlegene RUSSLAND—ARMEE.
17110714             (!), KÖLN
17120712             † RICHARD—CROMWELL, 85—JAHRE—ALT, ENGLAND—LORD—PROTECTOR (16580000—16590000    ).
17120712             † RICHARD—CROMWELL, Lordprotektor von ENGLAND, SCHOTTLAND und IRLAND
17140712             * MICHAIL—WORONZOW, RUSSLAND—ADELIGER und Politiker
17170712             * FRIEDRICH—CHRISTIAN—STRUVE, DEUTSCHLAND—MEDIZINER und Hochschullehrer
17170714             —AM, PHIILIPP—IGNAZ—VON—REIFFENBERG—PROPST—VON—ZÜLPICH wurde ZUM ernannt und
17200712             † Sukjong, 19. KÖNIG—DER—JOSEON—DYNASTIE in KOREA
17200714             —FRIEDE—VON—FREDERIKSBORG beendet den Konflikt zwischen DÄNEMARK und SCHWEDEN im Großen Nordischen Krieg.
17210712             † ANTONIO—GIANNETTINI, ITALIEN—ORGANIST, Kapellmeister und Komponist
17220714             † Iwan Skoropadskyj, Hetman der UKRAINE—KOSAKEN
17240714             Trauung durch D.Janssen, Kaplan an S—BRIGIDA(KÖLN).
17260714             * ~ NILS—ANDERSSON—MELIN M LILLA—MELLOSA, Sdrmnl.
17260714             SCHWEDEN
17280712             FOLIAS—88V.-90. (Inédito). - - Doc. NUMERO—26.
17290714             [in STOLBERG getraut von N.Eichenbaum aus ESCHWEILER]
17290714             ; [in STOLBERG getraut von N.Eichenbaum aus ESCHWEILER]
17290714             Der Physiker STEPHEN—GRAY baut die 1. Freileitung der Welt, um nachzuweisen, dass man elektrische Energie übertragen kann.
17300712             * JOSIAH—WEDGWOOD, pottery designer, manufacturer (Wedgwood), in ENGLAND.
17300712             —AM, erhielt DER—PROPST—VON—KESSEL durch Kapitelsbeschluß DIE—ERLAUBNIS, 200—REICHS—TALER zum KIRCHEN—BAU in OVERATH aufzunehmen
17300712             Nach einer sich über 129—TAGE hinziehenden Meinungsbildung wird zum CLEMENS—XII—PAPA—LORENZO—CORSINI  gewählt.
17300712             Der fast erblindete 78-Jährige besteigt als CLEMENS—XII—PAPA—LORENZO—CORSINI den Stuhl Petri.
17350714             † JOHANN—JAKOB—BAIER, DEUTSCHLAND—MEDIZINER und Geologe
17360712             * JOHANN—GERHARD—HASENKAMP, deutscher protestantischer Pädagoge
17390712             CLEVErskerkae prope Middelburgum in Walachria ZELANDIAe, Haereo nunc in Selandiae insula Walachria, cujus insulae plantas Pelleterius[?]
17420712             † Evaristo Felice Dall'Abaco, ITALIEN—VIOLINIST, Cellist und Komponist
17420714             † RICHARD—BENTLEY, englischer klassischer Philologe und Textkritiker
17430714             * Gawriil Romanowitsch Derschawin, RUSSLAND—POET
17470712             † CHRISTIAN—HEINRICH—VON—WATZDORF, sächsischer Hofbeamter
17500714             * AARON—ARROWSMITH, ENGLAND—KARTOGRAF, Graveur und Verleger
17510712             * HENRI—DAVID Chaillet, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
17510712             * JULIE—BILLIART, FRANKREICH—ORDENSGRÜNDERIN der Kongregation Schwestern Unserer Lieben Frau von NAMUR
17510712             † TOKUGAWA—YOSHIMUNE, JAPAN—SH?gun
17530714             † ADAM—FRIEDRICH—VON—GLAFEY, DEUTSCHLAND—ARCHIVAR, Philosoph und Rechtshistoriker
17540712             * ALOIS—VON—BECKH—WIDMANSTÄTTEN, ÖSTERREICH, DRUCKER und Naturwissenschaftler
17560712             —TRAITÉ—FRANCO—SUÉDOIS contre LE—ANGLETERRE.
17600712             * ASCH—SCHAUK?n?, JEMEN—GELEHRTER
17620712             * JAMES—ROSS, USA—POLITIKER
17620712             † Jangheon, Thronfolger von Joseon in KOREA
17640714             * JEAN—FRANÇOIS Varlet, FRANKREICH—POLITIKER
17650714             * PIERRE—DUPONT de l'Étang, FRANKREICH—GENERAL
17660714             † FRANZ—MAXIMILIAN—KA?ka, böhmischer Architekt
17680714             † JAMES—SHORT, GROSSBRITANNIEN—MATHEMATIKER, Optiker und Teleskopbauer
17690714             DON—GASPAR—DE—PORTOLA led 63—MEN—NORTH from S—DIEGO in search of Monterey and arrived there in late September.
17710712             —SAILED back to DOWNS—ENGLAND, JAMES—COOK, ENDEAVOUR.
17710714             —FOUNDED, Father Junipero SERRA, the Mission S—ANTONIO—DE—PADUA in CALIFORNIA.
17730712             * JOHN—ROWAN, USA—POLITIKER
17730712             † JOHANN—JOACHIM—QUANTZ, DEUTSCHLAND—MUSIKER und Komponist
17740712             * JONATHAN—FRIEDRICH—BAHNMAIER, DEUTSCHLAND—THEOLOGE und Kirchenlieddichter
17750712             MALESHERBES devient SECRÉTAIRE—DE—ETAT à la Maison du roi.
17760712             —DEPARTED, CAPTAIN—COOK, with RESOLUTION for 3. trip to PACIFIC—OCEAN.
17760712             —STARTET, JAMES—COOK in PLYMOUTH zu seiner 3. Weltumseglung, bei der er sein Leben verlieren wird.
17760714             Jemima Boone (13), THE—DAUGHTER—OF—DANIEL—BOONE, and 2—FRIENDS were kidnapped by 1—GROUP—OF—5—SHAWNEE and Cherokee Indians near BOONESBOROUGH—KENTUCKY.
17760714—17760716    —RESCUED, They were, by DANIEL—BOONE and 7—OTHER—BOONESBOROUGH men.
17770712             † JOHAN—ARCKENHOLTZ, FINNLAND—BIBLIOTHEKAR, politischer Pamphletist und Historiker
17790714             † GEORGE—ROSS, Delegierter von PENNSYLVANIA im Kontinentalkongress
17850712             MARIE—JEANNE—ABADIE est informée de LE—AFFAIRE—DU—COLLIER
17850714             * Gottlob CHRISTIAN—CRUSIUS, DEUTSCHLAND—PHILOLOGE, Pädagoge und Autor
17860714             Die Uraufführung der Oper Rosine ou L'Epouse abandónnée von FRANÇOIS—JOSEPH Gossec findet in PARIS statt.
17870714             Der Kontinentalkongress beschließt die NORTH—WEST—ORDINANCE, mit der die USA—BUNDESSTAATEN an der Ostküste ihre Ansprüche auf Gebiete westlich der Appalachen an die Bundesregierung übertragen.
17870714             —GEGRÜNDET, Damit wird das Nordwestterritorium an den Großen Seen.
17870714             Die Oper Les Promesses de mariage von HENRI—MONTAN—BERTON wird an der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS uraufgeführt.
17880000—18270714    * † AUGUSTIN—JEAN Fresnel, FRANCE—ENGINEER.
17890711—17890714    —AM, Dies führt zum Sturm auf die Bastille.
17890711—17890714    —AM, Dies führt zum, —BASTILLE—DAY
17890714             Die —ERSTÜRMUNG der Bastille
17890714             —BASTILLE—DAY.
17890714             —STORMED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—THE—CITIZENS—OF—PARIS, THE—BASTILLE, THE—PARIS fortress used as 1—PRISON to hold political prisoners, and released THE—7—PRISONERS inside at THE—ONSET—OF—THE—FRANCE—REVOLUTION.
17890714             —KILLED, Over 100—RIOTERS were, or wounded.
17890714             The average Frenchman was 5—FOOT 2 and weighed 105—POUNDS.
17890714             LOUIS—XIV—KING—OF—FRANCE made 1—DIARY entry that read "Rien" (nothing).
17890714             Historian FRANCOIS—FURET (19270000—19970000    ), 1—LEADING—WRITER on THE—FRANCE—REVOLUTION, was best known for his work: "Critical DICTIONARY—OF—THE—FRANCE—REVOLUTION".
17890714             He refuted Marxist INTERPRETATIONS—OF—THE—EVENTS that preceded and followed THE—FALL—OF—THE—MONARCHY.
17890714             THE—FRANCE—REVOLUTION.
17890714             "It was not the literate and cultured MINORITY—OF—FRENCHMEN who brought down the government, as had been the case in ENGLAND and AMERICA. Instead it was the common people, who marched upon THE—KING—AND—QUEEN in their palace at Versailles. THE—JACOBINS promulgated 1—DECLARATION—OF—RIGHTS—OF—MAN AND—OF—THE—CITIZEN that went beyond THE—USA—BILL—OF—RIGHTS in affirming, "Nothing that is not forbidden by Law may be hindered, and no 1—MAY be compelled to do what the Law does not ordain," for "Liberty consists in being able to do anything that does not harm others".
17890714             THE—PARIS—BASTILLE—FORTRESS used as 1—PRISON to hold political prisoners, and
17890714             † † ? Over 100—RIOTERS WERE—KILLED, or wounded.
17890714             —THE—FRANCE—REVOLUTION.
17890714             "It was not the literate and cultured MINORITY—OF—FRENCHMEN who brought down the government, as had been the case in ENGLAND and AMERICA.
17890714             —MARCHED, Instead it was the common people, who, upon THE—KING—AND—QUEEN in their palace at Versailles.
17890714             "Nothing that is not forbidden by Law may be hindered, and
17890714             no 1—MAY be compelled to do what the Law does not ordain," for
17890714             "Liberty consists in being able to do anything that does not harm others".
17890714             * WILHELM—VON—STUDNITZ, DEUTSCHLAND—OFFIZIER und Schriftsteller
17890714             Pariser Bürger stürmen die Bastille und befreien die 7—DARIN befindlichen Gefangenen.
17890714             Der KOMMANDANT—BERNARD—RENÉ JORDAN—DE—LAUNAY und ein weiterer Wachsoldat werden trotz Zusicherung freien Geleits ermordet.
17890714             Das Ereignis gilt als Beginn der FRANKREICH—REVOLUTION.
17890714—19390000    —IN, W. Higgins edited "THE—FRANCE—REVOLUTION—TOLD by Contemporaries".
17900712             —APPROVED, THE—FRANCE—ASSEMBLY, 1—CIVIL—CONSTITUTION providing for THE—ELECTION—OF—PRIESTS and bishops.
17900712             * DAVID—HANSEMANN, PREUSSEN—POLITIKER und Bankier
17900712             Geistliche werden Staatsbeamte.
17900714             Das Föderationsfest
17900714             Pour célébrer le 1. ANNIVERSAIRE—DE—LA—PRISE—DE—LA—BASTILLE
17900714             Anlässlich des 1. Jahrestags der —ERSTÜRMUNG der Bastille wird in FRANKREICH das Föderationsfest abgehalten.
17900714—17900500    —DES—LE—MOIS—DE—MAI
17910714             Im ENGLAND—BIRMINGHAM beginnen die RELIGIÖS—POLITISCH motivierten Priestley Riots, die —3—TAGE—SPÄTER durch Militäreinheiten unterdrückt werden.
17910714—17910717    The houses of JOSEPH—PRIESTLEY and other political dissenters were burned to the ground.
17910714—17910717    —RIOTS, in BIRMINGHAM—ENGLAND.
17910714—17910717    —REJECTED, JOSEPH—PRIESTLEY had, various supernatural ELEMENTS—OF—CHRISTIANITY, criticized THE—CHURCH—OF—ENGLAND, and supported THE—FRANCE—REVOLUTION.
17910714—17910717    —RIOTS took place in BIRMINGHAM—ENGLAND.
17930714             * GEORGE—GREEN, GROSSBRITANNIEN—MATHEMATIKER und Physiker
17940712             UK—ADMIRAL—LORD—NELSON lost his right eye at the siege of Calvi, in Corsica.
17941000—17790714    DIE—FRANZOSEN kamen in Folge der FRANZÖSISCHE—REVOLUTION
17950714             DIE—MARSEILLAISE zu der FRANZOSEN—NATIONAL—HYMNE erklärt.wurde
17950714             FRANKREICH, wird die Marseillaise Nationalhymne.
17950714—17920000    —IN, "La Marseillais," written, became THE—FRANCE—NATIONAL anthem.
17980714             THE—SEDITION—ACT, the last of 4—PIECES—OF—LEGISLATION known as the Alien and Sedition Acts, was passed by Congress, making it unlawful to write, publish, or utter false or malicious statements about THE—USA—PRESIDENT—AND—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, among other things.
17980714             Violations were made punishable by up to 2—YEARS in jail and 1—FINE—OF $2,000.
17980714             1. direct federal tax in USA—STATES took effect on dwellings, land and slaves.
17980714             EISLEBEN, wird auf Veranlassung der kurfürstlich sächsischen Regierung 1—BERGSCHULE gegründet
17990712             Loi des otages CONTRE—LES—PARENTS des émigrés
18010714             * JOHANNES—MÜLLER, DEUTSCHLAND—PHYSIOLOGE und vergleichender Anatom
18020712             † JOHAN—HEINRICH—KNUTH, DÄNEMARK—GUTSBESITZER, Kammerherr und Geheimrat
18030712             Il établit un plan d'ensemble pour la " descente " en ANGLETERRE.
18030712             * JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—LÜDERS, DEUTSCHLAND—INDUSTRIELLER und Industriepionier, Kommunalpolitiker und Kulturförderer
18030712             * PIERRE—CHANEL, FRANKREICH—MISSIONAR, 1. Märtyrer in Ozeanien
18040712             Lawyer Ambrose Spencer (17650000—18480000    ) said USA—SECRETARY—OF—TREASURY—ALEXANDER—HAMILTON "more than ANY—MAN, did the thinking of his time".
18040712             † JOHANN—ENGELHARD—KAHLER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
18040712—20020000    —AUTHORED, STEPHEN—KNOTT, "ALEXANDER—HAMILTON and the Persistence of Myth".
18040712—20040000    —AUTHORED, Ron Chernow, the biography "ALEXANDER—HAMILTON".
18060712             —AM, stiftete NAPOLÉON den RHEINBUND (s.d.),
18060712             —FORMATION de la Confédération du Rhin.
18060712             NAPOLEÓN en LA—CONFÉDÉRATION—DU—RHIN[RHEINBUND] est reconnu le protecteur)
18060712             Durch die Unterzeichnung der Rheinbundakte sagen sich mehrere SÜD—UND westdeutsche Fürstentümer vom Reich los und gründen den Rheinbund, als deren Protektor Napoleon fungiert;
18060712             LIECHTENSTEIN wird souveräner STAAT.
18070712             * HEINRICH—SIMON—LINDEMANN, DEUTSCHLAND—PHILOSOPH und Hochschullehrer
18070714             * Ventura de la Vega, SPANIEN—DRAMATIKER und Lyriker
18080714             —VICTOIRE—DE—BESSIÈRES à Medina del RIO—SECO.
18090712             Der Znaimer Waffenstillstand zwischen den österreichischen und den FRANKREICH—TRUPPEN wird geschlossen.
18120712             —CALLED, MADISON had, for 50,000—VOLUNTEERS to invade CANADA but only 5,000—VOLUNTEERS signed up.
18120714             † CHRISTIAN—GOTTLOB—HEYNE, DEUTSCHLAND—PROFESSOR der Altertumswissenschaft
18160714             —REGARDED, He is, as 1—FORERUNNER of Simón Bolívar, who —DURING THE—SPAIN—AMERICA—WARS—OF—INDEPENDENCE successfully liberated MUCH—OF—SOUTH—AMERICA.
18170712             * HENRY—DAVID—THOREAU, USA—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Philosoph
18170712—18620000    * † HENRY—DAVID—THOREAU, essayist, naturalist and poet, in CONCORD—MASSACHUSETTS.
18170712—18620000    —INCLUDED, HENRY—DAVID—THOREAU—WORK, "On Walden Pond".
18170712—18620000    —REFERRED, HENRY—DAVID—THOREAU, to THE—3—GREECE—GODDESSES—OF—FATE: Clotho (SPINNER—OF—THE—THREAD—OF—DESTINY), Lachesis (DISPOSER—OF—LOTS) and especially ATROPOS (who holds the scissors that will cut endeavor short).
18170712—18620000    "We have constructed 1—FATE, 1—ATROPOS, that never turns aside".
18170712—18620000    He was also THE—AUTHOR—OF—THE—ESSAYS "Civil Disobedience and Slavery in MASSACHUSETTS".
18170714             MADAME—DE—STAEL was intimate with BENJAMIN—CONSTANT and their intellectual collaboration made them 1—OF—THE—MOST important intellectual pairs of their time.
18170714             † Germaine de Staël, FRANKREICH—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN
18170714—20050000    —AUTHORED, MARIA—FAIRWEATHER, "Madame de Stael".
18170714—20080000    —AUTHORED, RENEE—WINEGARTEN, the dual biography "Germaine de Stael & BENJAMIN—CONSTANT".
18190714             —NACHT—ZUM—IN—DER—SCHON, folgte des JAHN Verhaftung
18190714             den Vorwand für des JAHN Verhaftung lieferte 1—THEOLOGIE—STUDENTEN Tat, der 1—SCHRIFTSTELLER und KONSUL RUSSLANDs erstochen hatte.
18190714             —ZUVOR, hatte DER—TÄTER JAHN in BERLIN besucht, DAS—REICHTE, um den populären Sportsmann aus dem Verkehr zu ziehen.
18190714             DIE—DEMAGOGEN—VERFOLGUNG, so DIE—OFFIZIELLE—BEZEICHNUNG, lief auf Hochtouren.
18190714             Doch in PREUßEN gab es durchaus —SCHON PREUSSEN—TUGENDEN, etwa - rechtsstaatliches BEWUSSTSEIN.
18190714             —GERIET, Und JAHN, zu seinem großen Glück an 1—KLUGEN Untersuchungsrichter
18190714             Energisch forderte HOFFMANN DIE—FREILASSUNG des JAHN, des JAHN THESEN—ZU—DEUTSCHLAND HOFFMANN keineswegs mochte und des JAHN Anhänger HOFFMANN "junge Strudelköpfe"schalt.
18190714             E.T.A. - E.T.A. HOFFMANN - den Vorwand für des JAHN Verhaftung
18190714             den Vorwand für des JAHN Verhaftung lieferte 1—THEOLOGIE—STUDENTEN Tat
18190714             Es war der vor allem als Dichter bekannte E.T.A. HOFFMANN.
18190714             Dieser vernahm JAHN, studierte Berichte, hörte Zeugen und kam zu dem Schluss, dass DIE—VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—JAHN konstruiert waren
18190714             E.T.A. HOFFMANN warnte seine Vorgesetzten vor "heilloser Willkür"und der "Nichtachtung aller Gesetze".
18200714             * Sigismund WILHELM—KOELLE, DEUTSCH—GROSSBRITANNIEN—MISSIONAR und Sprachforscher
18210712             * DANIEL—HARVEY—HILL, USA—OFFIZIER, GENERAL der Konföderierten im Sezessionskrieg
18240712             * Eugène Boudin, FRANKREICH—MALER
18240712             * HEINRICH—VON—AULOCK, DEUTSCHLAND—MEDIZINER, Gutsbesitzer und Politiker
18270714             —STUDIED, Fresnel, THE—BEHAVIOR—OF—LIGHT both theoretically and experimentally.
18270714             He worked out 1—WAY to focus light using diffraction and was the 1. to construct 1—SPECIAL—TYPE—OF lens, —NOW called 1—FRESNEL lens, as 1—SUBSTITUTE for mirrors in lighthouses.
18270714             † AUGUSTIN—JEAN—FRESNEL, FRANKREICH—PHYSIKER und Ingenieur
18320712             * ERNST—GEBHARDT, DEUTSCHLAND—LIEDERDICHTER und Methodistenprediger
18330712             J. B. v. Schweitzer in FRANKFURT a. M. geboren.
18330712             * J. B. —VON—SCHWEIZER,
18340712             † DAVID—DOUGLAS, GROSSBRITANNIEN—GÄRTNER, Botaniker und Pflanzenjäger
18340714             † EDMOND—CHARLES Genêt, FRANKREICH—DIPLOMAT
18370712             — N. 12. Conti18370102             lettere del Fracassetti al Labru^i (La 1. non ha data, la 2. è da Fermo) sul medesimo oggetto.
18380712             † EZRA—BUTLER, USA—POLITIKER, GOUVERNEUR—VON—VERMONT, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses
18390712             * DAVID—EDWARD—CRONIN, USA—MALER
18390714             * ALEXANDER—LINNEMANN, DEUTSCHLAND—ARCHITEKT, Glasmaler und Kunstgewerbler
18430712             Mormon leader JOSEPH—SMITH said God encourages polygamy.
18430714             † MIGUEL—RICARDO—DE—ÁLAVA, SPANIEN—GENERAL und Diplomat
18440712             * Ferdinand d'Orléans, duc d'Alençon, FRANKREICH—ADELIGER
18440712             † Bahne Asmussen, deutscher (nordfriesischer) Pastor, Dichter, und Lehrer
18440714             * Smith Streeter, USA—USA—ROQUESPIELER
18450712             † Henrik Wergeland, NORWEGEN—DICHTER
18450714             —DESTROYED, Fire in NEW—YORK—CITY, 1,000 homes and killed many.
18470712             † FRANZ—IGNATZ Cassian Hallaschka, mährischer Naturforscher, Mathematiker, Physiker und Astronom
18470714             * GUSTAV—EBERLEIN, DEUTSCHLAND—BILDHAUER, Maler und Dichter
18480712             Die auswärtige DEUTSCHLAND—POLITIK und die letzten Ereignisse zu Prag
18480714             Vereinbarungsdebatten vom 7. - Juli - Herr Forstmann über den Staatskredit
18480714             NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—44 KÖLN. Beilage.
18490712             1. Luftangriff auf 1—STADT (Venedig) durch einen ÖSTERREICH—HEISSLUFTBALLON, der aber erfolglos endet.
18490712—19190000    * † WILLIAM—OSLER, physician, author (circulatory system), in CANADA.
18490712—19190000    "The philosophies of 1—AGE have become the absurdities of the next, and THE—FOOLISHNESS—OF—YESTERDAY has become the wisdom of tomorrow".
18500714             The 1. public DEMONSTRATION—OF—ICE made by refrigeration took place.
18500714             * LUDWIG—VON—TETMAJER, ÖSTERREICH—SCHWEIZ—PIONIER der Materialprüfung und -forschung
18500714—18340000    —INVENTED, It was 1—IMPROVEMENT on 1, by JACOB—PERKINS.
18520712             —CAMPED, DOCTOR—JOHN—HUDSON—WAYMAN, at THE—CITY—OF—ROCKS—IDAHO and called it "1—OF—THE—FINEST—PLACES—OF—ITS—KIND in the world".
18520712             * Hipólito Yrigoyen, ARGENTINIEN—POLITIKER, Staatspräsident
18530714             Das Aus­stellungs­gelände
18530714             —OPENED, PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—PIERCE, the 1. industrial exposition in NEW—YORK Some 4,000 exhibitors gathered for 1—TRADE—SHOW at THE—NEW—YORK Crystal Palace (—LATER Bryant Park).
18530714             Commodore MATTHEW—PERRY met with PRINCE—TODA and PRINCE—IDO at ceremony at KURIHAMA—JAPAN, and presented 1—LETTER from FORMER—PRESIDENT—FILLMORE to Emperor Osahito requesting trade relations.
18530714             —EXPIRED, FILLMORE—TERM—OF—OFFICE had already, by the time the letter was delivered.
18530714             * EDUARD—KULLMANN, DEUTSCHLAND—HANDWERKER, Attentäter
18530714             FRANKLIN—PIERCE eröffnet die EXHIBITION—OF—THE—INDUSTRY of All Nations in NEW—YORK City.
18530714             Die Weltausstellung dauert —BIS zum 18541101            .
18540712             * GEORGE—EASTMAN, USA—ERFINDER und Industrieller
18540714             † DAVID—SPLEISS, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
18550601—18570712    —ON, he declared himself PRESIDENT.
18550601—18570712    —DECLARED, WILLIAM—WALKER, himself PRESIDENT.
18560712             * GISELA—VON—ÖSTERREICH, Tochter Kaiser FRANZ—JOSEPHS
18570714             —AM, (THE—SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—BANK—ACTS—NUMMER—4189.)
18570714             —AM, (B.C. —NUMMER—4189.)
18570714             —AM,
18580714             * Emmeline Pankhurst, UK—SUFFRAGIST and FOUNDER—OF—THE—WOMEN—SOCIAL and Political Union in MANCHESTER—ENGLAND.
18580714             * FRIEDRICH—VON—FEILITZSCH, Politiker im Fürstentum SCHAUMBURG—LIPPE, Ministerpräsident
18590712             —PATENTED, WILLIAM—GOODALE, 1—PAPER—BAG manufacturing machine in MASSACHUSETTS.
18590714             * WILLY—HESS, DEUTSCHLAND—VIOLINVIRTUOSE und -lehrer
18600000—19390714    * † ALPHONSE—MUCHA, Moravia born artist, in Czechoslovakia.
18600712             † Edouard Diodati, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher, Bibliothekar und Hochschullehrer
18600714—19380000    * † OWEN—WISTER, novelist, in Germantown, PENNSILVANIA.
18600714—19380000    OWEN—WISTER'S 19020000             novel "THE—VIRGINIAN" inspired 5—FILMS.
18610712             * ANTON—STEPANOVICH—ARENSKY, composer.
18610714             —TRIED, Union troops, to force 1—CROSSING at Seneca Falls on the Potomac, NORTH—WEST—OF—WASHINGTON but were repulsed by the Confederates.
18610714             1—COMPANY—OF—THE—LOUISIANA—TIGER—RIFLES helped defend the line.
18610714             —ADVANCED, Gen McDowell, toward Fairfax Courthouse, VA, with 40,000 troops.
18610714             Naval Engagement at Wilmington, NC.
18610714             —ESTABLISHED, USS Daylight, 1—BLOCKADE.
18610714             BADEN—BADEN, wird Preußens KÖNIG—WILHELM—I. bei einem Attentat leicht verletzt.
18610714             † ALFRED—VON—CROÿ, DEUTSCHLAND—STANDESHERR, Unternehmer und Politiker
18610805             —SUPERSEDED, This was, by the Tax Act of 18620714             , which took effect as of 18620101            .
18610805             —SUPERSEDED, This was, by 18620714             —THE—TAX—ACT—OF, which took effect as of 18620101            .
18620101             THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—TAX—ACT—OF—18620714             , took effect as of 18620101            .
18620714             * GUSTAV—KLIMT, ÖSTERREICH—MALER (Wiener Jugendstil, Wiener Secession)
18620714             † JOSé Escolástico Andrino, EL—SALVADOR—KOMPONIST
18630714             —GRANTED, Jews of Holstein GERMANY were, equality.
18640712             —BECAME, PRESIDENT—ABRAHAM—LINCOLN, the 1. standing PRESIDENT to witness 1—BATTLE—AS—UNION—FORCES repelled Jubal EARLY—ARMY on the outskirts of WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
18640714             —DISCOVERED, Gold was, in HELENA—MONTANA 4—PROSPECTORS discovered gold in 1—SMALL—STREAM they called "Last Chance".
18640714             —MARKED, This, the birth of Helena, future CAPITAL—OF—MONTANA.
18640714—18630000    —SEE
18650714             EDWARD—WHYMPER, CHARLES—HUDSON, MICHEL—CROZ, and DOUGLAS—HADOW became the 1. to climb the Matterhorn, on the border of SWITZERLAND and ITALY.
18650714             —SURVIVED, Only EDWARD—WHYMPER, the descent.
18660712             —IM Tagebuch des Ingenieur Oberstleutnant Lößl "über die Vorkommnisse —BIS und WÄHREND—DES KRIEGS—UND Belagerungszustandes der
18660712             —IM Tagebuch des Ingenieur Oberstleutnant Lößl Festung Marienberg mit Mainviertel" ist unter dem
18660712             —FESTGEHALTEN, "daß die Entfernung und Versenkung der hiesigen Bade und Schwimmanstalt eingeleitet wurde, da diese ev.
18660712             1—SEHR
18660712             —FESTGEHALTEN, guten ÜBERGANGS—PUNKT für 1—ÜBERFALL auf das Mainviertel abgibt, um so mehr, als am rechten Ufer 1—BETRÄCHTLICHE ANZAHL—VON—SCHIFFEN und
18660712             —FESTGEHALTEN, Flößen sich befindet".
18660712             —GEZOGEN, Wie weit die Badeanstalt in Mitleidenschaft, wurde, geht aus den Unterlagen nicht hervor.
18660712             * Emiliano Figueroa Larraín, CHILE—POLITIKER
18660714             "Die Brod und MEHLING'sche Schwimmanstalt wird im Fall 1—ANGRIFFS auf die Festung sofort versenkt werden.
18660714             —GETROFFEN, Die Vorkehrungen sind —BEREITS ".
18660714             —AM verlautet in der Presse:
18660714             * Juliette Wytsman, BELGIEN—MALERIN des Impressionismus
18660714             * Ragnar Östberg, SCHWEDEN—ARCHITEKT
18660714             AUGSBURG wird provisorischer Sitz des DEUTSCHLAND—BUNDES, nachdem der BUNDESTAG wegen des DEUTSCHLAND—KRIEGES—VON—FRANKFURT am Main hierher übersiedelt ist.
18680000—19260712    * † GERTRUDE—BELL, UK—ARCHEOLOGIST and intelligence officer, in BAGHDAD.
18680712             * STEFAN—GEORGE, DEUTSCHLAND—DICHTER und Schriftsteller
18680714             —PATENTED, ALVIN—J—FELLOWS, 1—TAPE—MEASURE.
18680714             * Cäsar Ahrens, DEUTSCHLAND—CHEMIKER
18700712             —AM, damit gab man sich in PARIS nicht zufrieden.
18700712             VINCENT—GRAF—VON—BENEDETTI—GESANDTER—VON—FRANKREICH richtete es so ein, dass
18700712             * LOUIS—II., FÜRST—VON—MONACO
18700714             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—ULYSSES—S—GRANT, the Naturalization Act of 18700000             (16—STAT. 254).
18700714             —CREATED, This was 1—USA federal law that, 1—SYSTEM—OF—CONTROLS for the naturalization process and penalties for fraudulent practices.
18700714             —NOTED, It is also, for extending the naturalization process to "ALIENS—OF—AFRICA—NATIVITY and to persons of AFRICA—DESCENT" —WHILE also revoking the citizenship of naturalized CHINA—AMERICANS.
18700714             —REVOKED, THE—USA—NATURALIZATION—ACT—OF—18700000             , THE—USA—CITIZENSHIP—OF—YUNG Wing, the 1. CHINA—PERSON to graduate from 1—USA—UNIVERSITY (Yale 18540000             ).
18700714—18700713    —AM—NÄCHSTEN—MORGEN—ALS WILHELM—I—KÖNIG—VON—PREUSSEN in BAD—EMS DIE—ZEITUNG aufschlug, ahnte WILHELM—I—KÖNIG—VON—PREUSSEN, was das bedeutete: "Das ist KRIEG!"
18730712             † PAUL—EUGÈNE Lequeux, FRANKREICH—ARCHITEKT
18740712             * ARNE—OLDBERG, USA—KOMPONIST
18740712             † FRITZ—REUTER, niederdeutscher Schriftsteller
18740714             † FRANZ—STELZHAMER, ÖSTERREICH—DICHTER und Novellist
18750714             † GUILLAUME—HENRI—DUFOUR, SCHWEIZ—HUMANIST, GENERAL, Politiker, Kartograf und Ingenieur
18760712             * MAX—JACOB, FRANKREICH—DICHTER und Maler
18770712             * ARTHUR—M—HYDE, USA—POLITIKER
18770712             † Ottilie Wildermuth, DEUTSCHLAND—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN
18770714             —REFERRED, THE—GREAT—RAILROAD—STRIKE—OF—18770000             , sometimes, to as the Great Upheaval, began in MARTINSBURG—WEST—VIRGINIA, —AFTER THE—BALTIMORE and OHIO Railroad (B&O) cut wages for the 3. time in 1—YEAR.
18770714             SOME— 45—DAYS—LATER it was put down by local and state militias.
18770714             THE—GREAT—RAILROAD—STRIKE—OF—18770000              began in MARTINSBURG—WEST—VIRGINIA, and ended SOME— 45—DAYS—LATER —AFTER it was put down by local and state militias.
18770714             * KARL—ILLNER, ÖSTERREICH—PILOT
18780712             —BEGAN, 1—YELLOW—FEVER—EPIDEMIC, in NEW—ORLEANS. It killed 4,500.
18790712             * Boles?aw Raczy?ski, POLEN—KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE
18790712             * ROLAND—FOSTER, AUSTRALIEN—SÄNGER und Musikpädagoge
18790712             Der Reichstag des DEUTSCHLAND—KAISERREICHS beschließt die Einführung von Schutzzöllen.
18790714             BERLIN, erfolgt die Gründung des Reichsschatzamtes.
18800714             Der Jahrestag der —ERSTÜRMUNG der Bastille von 17890000             und der Fête de la Fédération von 17900000             wird in FRANKREICH erstmals als Nationalfeiertag gefeiert.
18800714             Reichskanzler OTTO—VON—BISMARCK lenkt im Kulturkampf gegen die katholische Kirche ein: Das Brotkorbgesetz wird aufgehoben und die Bischöfe vom Eid auf PREUSSEN—GESETZE befreit.
18810704—18810714    —SEE
18810712             * LUDWIG—RUBINER, DEUTSCHLAND—DICHTER, Literaturkritiker und Essayist des Expressionismus
18810714             † Outlaw BILLY—THE—KID, 21—JAHRE—ALT, (born as HENRY—MCCARTY) aka WILLIAM—H—BONNEY or KID—ANTRIM, was shot and killed by SHERIFF—PAT—GARRETT in Fort SUMNER—NEW—MEXICO.
18810714             Billy had been held in LINCOLN—COUNTY—COURTHOUSE jail but escaped and killed 2—GUARDS.
18810714             THE—KID had fled to Fort Sumner and on 1—TIP, Garrett set out toward Fort Sumner to find him, with lawmen JOHN—POE and THOMAS—C "Kip" McKinney.
18810714             —ALERTED, According to some, PETE—MAXWELL had, Poe to THE—KID—WHEREABOUTS.
18810714             MANY—DETAILS about BILLY—THE—KID—DEATH are controversial but, apparently, as he was returning to MAXWELL—HOUSE he came upon Poe and McKinney outside, unsure of whether they were friends or foes.
18810714             —ENTERED, Garrett was awaiting inside, and as the Kid, the room, Garrett shot him above the heart.
18810714             —AUTHORED, JOEL—JACOBSEN —LATER, "Such Men as BILLY—THE—KID".
18810714             —GENANNT, Der Revolverheld WILLIAM—BONNEY, Billy the Kid, wird von seinem FRÜHEREN—FREUND—PAT—GARRETT, nunmehr Sheriff in LINCOLN—COUNTY, erschossen.
18810714             † Billy the Kid, USA—USA—WESTERNHELD
18810714—20080000    —AWARDED, Newspaperman A.J. Fountain, GARRETT—1—GOLD—STAR, which fetched $100,000 at auction.
18820712             * Tod Browning, USA—FILMREGISSEUR
18820714             JOHNNY—RINGO, a fast draw gunman, was found dead in Tombstone, Az.
18820714             † JOHNNY—RINGO, USA—USA—WESTERNHELD
18830714             * Alexandru Zirra, RUMÄNIEN—KOMPONIST
18840712             * AMADEO—MODIGLIANI, painter and sculptor (Reclining Nude), in ITALY.
18840712             * AMEDEO—MODIGLIANI, ITALIEN—MALER und Bildhauer
18850712             * Monte Attell, USA—BOXER
18850714             * Sisavang Vong, KÖNIG—VON—LUANG—PHRABANG und KÖNIG—VON—LAOS
18850714             † ERNEST—HELLO, FRANKREICH—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Philosoph
18860712             * Raoul Hausmann, ÖSTERREICHISCH—DEUTSCHLAND—KÜNSTLER des Dadaismus
18860714             * ERNST—NOBS, SCHWEIZ—POLITIKER und Bundesrat
18870712             * ROBERT—BÜRKNER, DEUTSCHLAND—SCHAUSPIELER und Theaterintendant, Regisseur und Autor
18870714             † ALFRED—KRUPP, DEUTSCHLAND—INDUSTRIELLER und Erfinder
18880712             * ADOLF—HORION, DEUTSCHLAND—GEISTLICHER und Entomologe
18880714             * Kakuza Tscholoqaschwili, GEORGIEN—PARTISANENFÜHRER
18880714             * Odiel Defraeye, BELGIEN—RADRENNFAHRER
18880714             * Satomi Ton, JAPAN—SCHRIFTSTELLER
18890712             Die 1. Ausgabe der sozialdemokratischen ARBEITER—ZEITUNG, zu deren Autoren und Redakteuren —BIS zur Einstellung 19910000             unter anderem MAX—WINTER, JURA—SOYFER und ROBERT—HOCHNER gehören, erscheint in WIEN—MARIAHILF.
18890714             * Ante Paveli?, KROATIEN—POLITIKER und Nationalist, Führer des Unabhängigen Staates KROATIEN
18890714             * JOSé López Alavez, MEXIKO—KOMPONIST
18890714             1—INTERNATIONALER—ARBEITERKONGRESS mit etwa 400—DELEGIERTEN aus 20—STAATEN wird in PARIS eröffnet, an dessen Ende —6—TAGE—SPÄTER die Sozialistische Internationale, später auch als 2. Internationale bezeichnet, ausgerufen wird.
18890714             † Per Gustaf Berg, SCHWEDEN—VERLEGER
18890714—18890720    vor allem bei den FRANKREICH—SOZIALISTEN und ENGLAND—SOZIALISTEN,
18890714—18890720    zu keiner Einigung gekommen war,
18890714—18890720    An dem von DER—DEUTSCHEN—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE unterstützten KONGREß TEILNEHMEN—CA—400—DELEGIERTE, darunter 82—DEUTSCHE.
18890714—18890720    —DER—KONGREß zu der II—INTERNATIONALE—GRÜNDUNGS—KONGREß.wird
18890714—18890720    —TAGES—ORDNUNG—BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG über die Lage der Arbeit und DIE—SOZIALISTISCHE—BEWEGUNG in den verschiedenen Ländern (u. a. V. Adler, AUGUST—BEBEL);
18890714—18890720    —FORDERUNGEN, DISKUSSION—ÜBER DIE—MITTEL und DIE—WEGE, um die, des ARBEITS—SCHUTZES zu verwirklichen (u. a. AUGUST—BEBEL);
18890714—18890720    DIE—DELEGIERTEN fordern, um sich abzugrenzen GEGEN—DIE—ANARCHISTEN, DIE—ENTWICKLUNG UND DIE—STÄRKUNG der politischen ARBEITER—PARTEIEN, die für der POLITISCHE—MACHT—EROBERUNG kämpfen.
18890714—18890720    1—MINDESTENS 36—STUNDEN zusammenhängende RUHE—ZEIT PRO—WOCHE;
18890714—18890720    —VERBOT—DER—INDUSTRIEN und ARBEITS—METHODEN, welche für DIE—ARBEITER besonders schädlich sind;
18890714—18890720    1—UMFASSENDE staatliche Kontrolle.
18890714—18890720    —DER—KONGREß Außerdem erklärt: Es ist —PFLICHT aller Arbeiter, DIE—ARBEITER—INNEN als gleichberechtigte Mitkämpferinnen anzusehen und dem Grundsatz, gleicher Lohn für gleiche LEISTUNGEN—AUCH in bezug auf DIE—ARBEITER—INNEN—ZUR Geltung zu verhelfen.
18890714—18890720    auf den INTERNATIONALE—KONGRESSE DIE—ABSTIMMUNG erfolgt nach Ländern.
18890714—18890720    —DISKUSSION—ÜBER der stehenden Heere Abschaffung und DIE—ALLGEMEINE—VOLKS—BEWAFFNUNG (E. Vaillant u. a.);
18890714—18890720    —DISKUSSION—ÜBER DIE—MITTEL und DIE—WEGE, um die Forderungen des ARBEITS—SCHUTZES zu verwirklichen (u. a. AUGUST—BEBEL);
18890714—18890720    —NACHDEM, es zwischen den verschiedenen Richtungen, vor allem bei den FRANKREICH—SOZIALISTEN und ENGLAND—SOZIALISTEN, zu keiner Einigung gekommen war,
18890714—18890720    —NACHDEM es zwischen den verschiedenen Richtungen,
18890714—18890720    DISKUSSION—ÜBER DIE—INTERNATIONALE—KUNDGEBUNG zum 18900501             (R. F.
18890714—18890720    Sie fordern ferner die ABSCHAFFUNG—DES—STEHENDEN Heeres, die Einführung der allgemeinen Volksbewaffnung und erklären den Frieden als die 1. und unerläßliche Bedingung JEDER—ARBEITER—BEWEGUNG.
18890714—18890720    Auf Antrag des Franzosen R. F.
18890714—18890720    —BETRACHTET, Als GRUND—LAGE dafür, DER—KONGREß u. a.: den 8—STUNDEN—TAG, VERBOT—DER—KINDER—ARBEIT unter 14—JAHREN und der NACHT—ARBEIT für Frauen;
18900712             * ANTON—KUH, ÖSTERREICH—JOURNALIST, Essayist und Erzähler
18900714             * FRIEDRICH—PORGES, ÖSTERREICH—FILMPUBLIZIST und Drehbuchautor
18900714             * Ossip Zadkine, WEISSRUSSLAND—MALER und Bildhauer
18910000—19740714    * † CARL—A—SPAATS, 1. CHIEF—OF—STAFF—OF—USAF, at age 83.
18920712             —BURIED, FRANCE, flood waters burst from 1—LAKE, under 1—GLACIER on MOUNT—BLANC killing at least 175—PEOPLE in THE—S—GERVAIS—VALLEY.
18920712             * ALFRED—FREYBERG, DEUTSCHLAND—LANDES—UND Kommunalpolitiker
18920712             * BRUNO—SCHULZ, POLEN—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Literaturkritiker, Graphiker und Zeichner
18920712             * HARRY—PIEL, DEUTSCHLAND—REGISSEUR und Schauspieler
18920712             * Paula Grogger, ÖSTERREICH—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN
18920712             * Zyrill Fischer, ÖSTERREICH—FRANZISKANERPATER und Widerstandskämpfer
18920714             † WILHELM—BÜCHNER, DEUTSCHLAND—APOTHEKER, Chemiker, Fabrikant und Politiker
18940712             * Hunt Stromberg, USA—FILMPRODUZENT
18950712             * KIRSTEN—FLAGSTAD, NORWAY—OPERA singer.
18950712             * OSCAR—HAMMERSTEIN—II, lyricist who worked with RICHARD—RODGERS, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18950712             * Buckminster Fuller, USA—ARCHITEKT und Konstrukteur, Designer und Schriftsteller
18950712—19830000    * † R—BUCKMINSTER—FULLER, architect and engineer.
18950712—19830000    "The more we learn the more we realize how little we know".
18950714             WILLIAM—LEEFE—ROBINSON, the 1. man to win THE—VICTORIA Cross for shooting down 1—GERMANY—ZEPPELIN, was born.
18951102—19090714    —CLOSED, THE—CHUTES on Fulton Street, —AFTER New —YEAR—EVE, 19080000             , and reopened on Fillmore and Turk Streets, but without THE—SHOOT—THE—CHUTES.
18960714             —DESTROYED, THE—PACIFIC—MAIL $680,000 Steamship COLOMBIA was, on rocks near PESCADERO—CALIFORNIA.
18960714             * BUENAVENTURA Durruti, SPANIEN—SYNDIKALIST und anarchistischer Revolutionär
18960714             † Raffaele MONACO La VALLETTA, ITALIEN—KURIENKARDINAL
18970714             Swede Saloman Andrée (18540000             *)) and 2—ACCOMPLICES, Knute Fraenkle and NILS—STRINDBERG, in the Ornen balloon were forced down —AFTER—64—HOURS in the 1. expedition to fly by balloon from Spitsbergen across THE—NORTH—POLE.
18970714             —ENDED, Their attempt to return, on White ISLAND.
18970714             —DISCOVERED, Their fate was only, 18970805—19300806    , by NORWAY—WHALERS.
18970714             * Plaek Phibunsongkhram, THAILAND—OFFIZIER und Politiker, Ministerpräsident, FELDMARSCHALL
18980712             WILLIAM—RAMSAY und MORRIS—WILLIAM—TRAVERS gelingt es, das Edelgas Xenon aus Rohkrypton abzutrennen.
18980714             * Happy CHANDLER, USA—USA—POLITIKER und Sportfunktionär, GOUVERNEUR—VON—KENTUCKY, SENATOR
18990714             * Odette Siko, FRANKREICH—AUTORENNFAHRERIN
19000714             European Allies retook TIENTSIN—CHINA, from the rebelling Boxers.
19000714             Das internationale Truppenkontingent nimmt in der Zeit des Boxeraufstands die CHINA—STADT Tientsin ein.
19010714             * GERALD—RAPHAEL—FINZI, composer.
19020714             Ruinen des Campanile S—MARCO
19020714             Der zu Beginn des 09010101—10001231    —CENTURY errichtete Campanile di S—MARCO, der Glockenturm des Markusdoms in Venedig, stürzt in sich zusammen.
19030714             * IRVING—STONE, biographical novelist.
19040712             * PABLO—NERUDA, CHILE—LYRIKER und Literaturnobelpreisträger
19040712—19040725    9—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN vor GERICHT—KÖNIGSBERG stehen;
19040712—19040725    9—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN wird auf Grund von Berichten DEUTSCHLAND—SPITZEL und RUSSLAND—GEHEIM—AGENTEN vorgeworfen, dem Grenzschmuggel russischer anarchistischer Schriften Vorschub geleistet zu haben.
19040712—19040725    DER—STAATS—ANWALT sieht darin "Verbrechen" des versuchten Hochverrats, DER—ZARENBELEIDIGUNG und DER—GEHEIM—BÜNDELEI.
19040712—19040725    Der Prozeß erregt in DEUTSCHLAND großes Aufsehen.
19040712—19730000    * † NEFTALI—RICARDO—REYES—BASOALTO[PABLO—NERUDA], CHILE—POET and political activist (Residence on EARTH—NOBEL 19710000             ) in PARRAL—CHILE.
19040714             * ISAAC—SINGER (19910000             ), POLISH—BORN USA—AUTHOR (ENEMIES—NOBEL 19780000             ).
19040714             "God is the sum of all possibilities".
19040714             "—WHEN you betray somebody else, you also betray yourself".
19060000—19820714    * † VIRGINIA Hall, 1—BALTIMORE native who had worked in FRANCE for UK—INTELLIGENCE —DURING WW II.
19060712             FRANCE—CAPTAIN—ALFRED—DREYFUS was found innocent in FRANCE of his —EARLIER COURT—MARTIAL for spying for GERMANY.
19060712             —SERVED, FRANCE—CAPTAIN—ALFRED—DREYFUS had, over 4—YEARS on DEVIL—ISLAND—BEFORE 1—TOP—FRANCE—COURT rehabilitated his name in what came to be called the Dreyfus Affair.
19060712             —ENTSCHEIDET, DAS—REICHS—GERICHT, daß Boykott ODER—STREIK im LOHN—KAMPF nicht rechtswidrig seien.
19060712             ALFRED—DREYFUS—ALFRED—DREYFUS wird – fast 12—JAHRE nach seiner Verurteilung in der DREYFUS—AFFÄRE – rehabilitiert.
19060714             * TOM—CARVEL, ice cream mogul (Carvels).
19060714             * WILLIAM—H—TUNNER, USA—USA—GENERAL, Organisator der Berliner Luftbrücke
19080712             —PICTURED, LORD—DESBOROUGH, here, was instrumental in LONDON—ROLE.
19080712             THE—OLYMPIC—GAMES.
19080712—20020000    * † MILTON—BERLE, comedian, as Mendel Berlinger in NEW—YORK City.
19080714             The short film "THE—ADVENTURES—OF—DOLLIE," the 1. movie directed by D.W. Griffith, opened in NEW—YORK.
19090712             "Curly" JOE—DERITA (JOSEPH—WARDELL) (THE—3—STOOGES: THE—OUTLAW is Coming, Snow White and THE—3—STOOGES, Have Rocket, WILL—TRAVEL; † 19930703             ), was born.
19090714             Bei der FINANZ—REFORM—BERATUNG war es zum Bruch der Liberalen mit den Konservativen gekommen.
19090714             DIE—KONSERVATIVEN verbünden sich mit dem Zentrum.
19100712             † CHARLES—ROLLS, GROSSBRITANNIEN—UNTERNEHMER, Mitgründer von ROLLS—ROYCE, Flugpionier
19100714             DIE—BADISCHE—LAND—TAG—FRAKTION stimmt erneut für DAS—LANDESBUDGET.
19100714             —BEGINNT, Wiederum, 1—OFT erregte Auseinandersetzung in der Partei über DIE—BUDGET—BEWILLIGUNG.
19100714             In diesen Diskussionen bildet sich aus den Differenzen um praktische politische Fragen das sogenannte "MARXISTISCHES—ZENTRUM", das KARL—KAUTSKY ideologisch bestimmt: "Zwischen dem GROß—HERZOGTUM—BADEN und LUXEMBURG liegt TRIER, DIE—STADT KARL—MARX'.
19100714             —DIE—LAGE auf der Landkarte ist 1—SYMBOL—DER—LAGE—DER—DEUTSCHEN—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE".
19110712             Das FRITZ—REUTER—DENKMAL von Bildhauer WILHELM—WANDSCHNEIDER wird auf dem Marktplatz in Stavenhagen feierlich enthüllt.
19110714             * TERRY—THOMAS, actor (It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World), in ENGLAND.
19120712             Adolph Zukor gründet die Famous Players Film Corp, die Vorläuferin der Paramount Pictures.
19120714—19670000    * † Woodrow Wilson "Woody" Guthrie, USA—FOLK singer, was born.
19120714—19670000    Woody Guthrie in OKEMAH—OKLAHOMA.
19130712             —SANK, THE—4—MASTED—SCHOONER J.H. Lunsmann in THE—S—FRANCISCO—BAY near Fort Mason —FOLLOWING 1—COLLISION with the steamer FRANCIS—H—LEGGETT.
19130712             —RESCUED, The crew of 12 were.
19130714             * JIMMY—HOFFA, missing labor leader.
19130714             * FRITZ—ERLER, GERMANY—POLITICIAN (SDP).
19130714             * FRITZ—ERLER, in BERLIN
19130714             * GERALD—FORD, USA—USA—ANWALT und Politiker, Staatspräsident
19130714—19740809    —ASSUMED, Ford, the presidency, upon the resignation of RICHARD—M—NIXON.
19130714—20060000    * † GERALD—FORD, 41.
19130714—20060000    VICE—PRESIDENT and 38.
19130714—20060000    PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA, as Leslie KING, JUNIOR in OMAHA—NEBRASKA, and achieved his highest prominence as the 38.
19130714—20060000    PRESIDENT—OF—THE—UNTIED—STATES.
19130714—20060000    —DIVORCED, GERALD—RUDOLPH—FORD was age 2—WHEN his mother, his father and moved to GRAND—RAPIDS, MICHIGAN.
19130714—20060000    —REMARRIED, GERALD—FORD, GERALD—FORD, SENIOR, who adopted the young boy and gave him his name.
19140714             Der RHEIN—HERNE—KANAL bei OBERHAUSEN
19140714             1. patent for LIQUID—FUELED rocket design was granted to DOCTOR—R—GODDARD.
19140714             Der RHEIN—HERNE—KANAL wird —NACH—8—JAHREN Bauzeit für die Schifffahrt freigegeben.
19160701             —BIS zum 19160712             kommt es zu 4—WEITEREN Haiangriffen an der KÜSTE—VON—NEW—JERSEY.
19160712             Die Haiangriffe in NEW—JERSEY
19160712             * LJUDMILA—MICHAILOWNA—PAWLITSCHENKO, Scharfschützin —WWII—IM, Heldin der Sowjetunion
19160712             Im Matawan Creek bei MATAWAN—NEW—JERSEY, kommt es gleich zu 3—HAIANGRIFFEN an einem —TAG.
19160712             Die Vorfälle inspirieren den Schriftsteller PETER—BENCHLEY zu seinem ROMAN—DER weiße Hai.
19160712—19160701    —SEIT—DEM, Der Vorfall, bei dem 2—MENSCHEN ums Leben kommen und einer schwer verletzt wird, ist der schwerste der Haiangriffe an der KÜSTE—VON—NEW—JERSEY.
19160714             * NATALIA—GINZBERG, ITALY—NOVELIST (THE—DRY—HEAT, Family Sayings).
19170712             Gaskrieg während des 1. Weltkrieges: DEUTSCHLAND—TRUPPEN setzen während des 1. Weltkriegs erstmals Senfgas als chemischen Kampfstoff ein.
19170712—19980000    —IN, * ANDREW—WYETH, painter who focused on THE—NORTH—EAST—USA, in Chadds Ford, PENNSILVANIA BETH—VENN and ADAM—WEINBERG published "Unknown Terrain," 1—COMPANION piece to 1—WHITNEY Museum exhibition of his art.
19170714             —DEDICATED, S—FRANCISCO—THE—TWIN—PEAKS—TUNNEL, was, by Mayor JAMES—ROLPH and Engineer M.M. O'Shaughnessy.
19170714             —ADMITTED, The public was, through the 2-mile bore for the 1. time.
19170714             —BY—THE—END—OF—THE—WAR—MORE than 16,000—USA—AIRCRAFT will be in service.
19170714             THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—APPROPRIATES $640—MILLION for the military aviation program.
19170714             THE—ARMY begins the war with 55—PLANES and 4,500 aviators.
19180000—19960712    * † GOTTFRIED—VON—EINEM, SWITZERLAND—COMPOSER, in Oberduirnbach.
19180712             —EXPLODED, 1—JAPAN—BATTLESHIP in THE—BAY—OF—TOKAYAMA and some 500—PEOPLE were killed.
19180712             Das JAPAN—LINIENSCHIFF Kawachi sinkt in der TOKUYAMA—BUCHT nach einer inneren Explosion.
19180712             Das Unglück fordert über 500—MENSCHENLEBEN.
19180714             * INGMAR—BERGMAN, SWEDEN—FILM—DIRECTOR (The 7. Seal, Fanny and Alexander), in UPPSALA—SWEDEN.
19180714             * ARTHUR—LAURENTS, writer and librettist.
19180714             Das DEUTSCHLAND—U—BOOT UB 105—VERSENKT im östlichen Mittelmeer den FRANKREICH—PASSAGIERDAMPFER Djemnah.
19180714             436—PASSAGIERE und Besatzungsmitglieder kommen ums Leben.
19180714—19180715    THE—ALLIES, WARNED—OF—THE—ATTACK by deserters, aerial reconnaissance, and prisoners, batters the advancing Germans with artillery.
19180714—19180715    —HALTED, EAST—OF—REIMS the attack is, within 1—FEW hours by THE—FRENCH.
19180714—19180715    WEST—OF—REIMS 14—DIVISIONS—OF—THE—GERMAN 7. Army cross the Marne, but AMERICA—FORCES rebuffed the attack.
19180714—19180715    GERMANY launches the 2. BATTLE—OF—THE—MARNE.
19190712             —BEENDET, Das Vereinigte Königreich, die gegen das DEUTSCHLAND—REICH gerichtete fünfjährige Seeblockade in der Nordsee.
19190714             With THE—SIGNING—OF—THE—PEACE—TREATY, THE—EMBARGO—OF—TRADE with GERMANY is lifted and
19190714             THE—USA—RESUMES business relations.
19190714             (Schlesinger I) - With THE—SIGNING—OF—THE—PEACE—TREATY, THE—EMBARGO—OF—TRADE with GERMANY is lifted and THE—USA—RESUMES business relations.
19190714             (Schlesinger I)
19200712             Karte von LITAUEN —BIS 1923
19200712             Sowjetrussland und LITAUEN schließen einen Friedensvertrag.
19200712             USA—PRÄSIDENT—WOODROW—WILSON gibt offiziell den Schiffsverkehr auf dem längst in Betrieb befindlichen Panamakanal frei.
19200712—19140000    —J—IM, Die geplanten Eröffnungsfeierlichkeiten mussten wegen des ausgebrochenen 1. Weltkriegs vertagt werden und werden an dem —TAG nachgeholt.
19200714             Während ihrer Gegenoffensive im POLNISCH—SOWJETISCHEN Krieg erobert die Rote Armee VILNIUS.
19210714             Sacco (rechts) und Vanzetti als Angeklagte
19210714             —CONVICTED, ITALY—ANARCHISTS—NICOLA Sacco and BARTOLOMEO—VANZETTI were, for 19200505             —THE—KILLING—OF—1—PAYMASTER and guard at 1—SHOE factory in SOUTH—BRAINTREE, MASSACHUSETTS.
19210714             —CLAIMED, Many, there was unsubstantial evidence and that the 2 were tried for their radical views rather than ANY—CRIME.
19210714             1—DEFENSE—COMMITTEE secured 1—STAY of their death sentences and the cause of Sacco and Vanzetti grew —AROUND the world.
19210714             Nicola Sacco and BARTOLOMEO—VANZETTI are found GUILTY—OF—MURDER.
19210714             MASSACHUSETTS, werden die des Raubmords beschuldigten Ferdinando Sacco und Bartholomeo Vanzetti schuldig gesprochen.
19210714             —6—JAHRE—SPÄTER erhalten sie dafür die Todesstrafe.
19210714—19270000    —IN, 1—COMMISSION appointed by THE—GOVERNOR—OF—MASSACHUSETTS examined the conduct and EVIDENCE—OF—THE—TRIAL and sustained the verdict.
19210714—19270823    † † SACCO—AND—VANZETTI, were put to death in THE—ELECTRIC—CHAIR.
19250712             * ROGER—SMITH, CEO (GENERAL—MOTORS) ("Roger and Me" movie).
19250714             Beginn der Räumung des Ruhrgebietes
19260712             1—DOCUMENTARY on GERTRUDE—BELL titled "Letters From BAGHDAD" featured film footage and photos from the early 1900s.
19260712—19000000    —FROM, to 19130000             GERTRUDE—BELL journeyed some 20,000 miles from ISTANBUL to THE—SYRIA—DESERT and on to IRAQ.
19260712—20170000    —IN, the movie "QUEEN—OF—THE—DESERT" starred NICOLE—KIDMAN as GERTRUDE—BELL.
19270000—19960712    * † JOHN—CHANCELLOR, news reporter.
19270714             —OPENED, THE—AHWAHNEE—HOTEL in Yosemite Valley.
19270714             * JOHN—WILLIAM—CHANCELLOR, news anchor (NBC, VOA), in CHICAGO—ILLINOIS.
19280000—20050714    * † CENTRAL—KENYA, LUIGI—LOCATI, THE—BISHOP—OF—ISIOLO diocese, was shot to death in what appeared to be 1 attempted robbery.
19290712             Die Dornier Do X auf dem Bodensee
19290712             Das Flugboot Dornier Do X, das zu seiner Zeit bei weitem größte Flugzeug, hat seinen Erstflug über dem Bodensee.
19290712             Der Österreicher HERMANN—KNAUS stellt auf einem Gynäkologenkongress in LEIPZIG die später nach ihm und dem Japaner Ky?saku Ogino benannte KNAUS—OGINO—VERHÜTUNGSMETHODE vor.
19310712             † NATHAN—SÖDERBLOM, schwedischer protestantischer Theologe, Friedensnobelpreisträger
19310714             Die DEUTSCHLAND—BANKENKRISE führt zur Anordnung mehrerer allgemeiner Bankfeiertage in DEUTSCHLAND durch die Regierung Brüning, um einem Ansturm verunsicherter Kunden zwecks Rückzahlung ihrer Einlagen vorzubeugen.
19320702             (Science) - The law was to permit the "voluntary" sterilization of the same GROUPS—OF—PERSONS (with THE—EXCEPTION—OF—ALCOHOLICS) as were —LATER specified in the law of 19330714            .
19330712             GERMANY blocks the bank accounts of all GERMAN—JEWISH relief agencies.
19330714             All GERMANY—POLITICAL parties except the Nazi Party were outlawed.
19330714             —PROMULGATED, Nazi GERMANY, the Law for the Protection of Hereditary Health.
19330714             It was the beginning of their Euthanasia program.
19330714             Possible shortcomings in THE—CONCORDAT can be rectified —LATER—WHEN the foreign policy situation is better".
19330714             It allows for compulsory sterilization in cases of "congenital mental defects, schizophrenia, MANIC—DEPRESSIVE psychosis, hereditary epilepsy, and severe alcoholism".
19330714             (Science; Lewy)
19330714             —OUTLAWED, All political opposition to Nazism is —NOW, and it becomes the 1 and only political party in GERMANY.
19330714             —DESIGNATED, GERMANY—CITIZENSHIP can —NOW be taken away from those, as "undesirables" (Persecution)
19330714             Jewish MEMBERS—OF—THE—WARSAW city government refuse to participate in 1—OFFICIAL—RECEPTION held in DOCTOR—HERMAN—RAUSCHNING, Nazi PRESIDENT—OF—THE—DANZIG—SENATE his honor.
19330714             THE—GERMAN—CABINET approves THE—CONCORDAT with THE—VATICAN.
19330714             —DURING the deliberations, HITLER stresses the significance of THE—CONCORDAT, especially "in the urgent fight against THE—INTERNATIONAL—JEWS.
19330714             In the same cabinet session that approves THE—CONCORDAT, the new government approves the "Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring".
19330714             (Science; Lewy) - 1—LAW against THE—CREATION—OF—ANY—NEW—POLITICAL—PARTIES and 'THE—LAW on Plebiscites" are passed.
19330714             —SNUBBED, DOCTOR—HERMAN—RAUSCHNING, Nazi PRESIDENT—OF—THE—DANZIG—SENATE, is, by Jewish MEMBERS—OF—THE—WARSAW city government who refuse to participate in 1—OFFICIAL—RECEPTION held in his honor.
19330714             Im Zuge der Gleichschaltung wird im DEUTSCHLAND—REICH das Gesetz gegen die Neubildung von Parteien, mit dem die NSDAP zur einzigen rechtmäßigen Partei erklärt wird, sowie das Gesetz über den Widerruf von Einbürgerungen und die Aberkennung der DEUTSCHLAND—STAATSANGEHÖRIGKEIT beschlossen.
19330714             Außerdem wird das Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses verabschiedet, mit dem die Aktion T4 eingeleitet wird.
19330714—19330228    —AM, ALLE—PARTEIEN außer der NSDAP verboten wurden.
19330714—19330228    GRUND—LAGE dafür, wie für den von Ihnen angeführten °Ariernachweis", war
19330714—19330725    —UNTIL, It will not be announced, so as not to jeopardize the signing of THE—CONCORDAT.
19340712             * VAN—CLIBURN, USA—CONCERT pianist.
19340712             —UNIFORMED, BELGIUM outlaws all, political parties.
19350712             It is still known —TODAY as THE—DREYFUS—AFFAIR.
19350712             † ALFRED—DREYFUS dies in FRANCE.
19350712—18940000    —BECAME, ALFRED—DREYFUS—FRANCE—OFFICER—OF—JEWISH—BACKGROUND—TRIAL and conviction on charges of treason, 1—OF—THE—MOST tense political dramas in modern French and European history.
19350714             mit der die FRANKREICH—LINKS—PARTEIEN und GEWERKSCHAFTEN gemeinsam auf den wachsenden Druck der FASCHISTEN—KRÄFTE auch in FRANKREICH reagierten.
19370712             * BILL—COSBY, comedian, actor.
19370712             PABLO—PICASSO stellt sein Bild Guernica auf der Pariser Weltausstellung zum 1. Mal dem Publikum vor.
19370714             † WALTER—SIMONS, DEUTSCHLAND—JURIST und Politiker, Außenminister, PRÄSIDENT—DES—REICHSGERICHTS
19380710—19380714    —SEE
19380714             * JERRY—RUBIN, activist (Chic19380807             ), stockbroker.
19380714             —LANDED, HOWARD—HUGHES, at Floyd BENNET—FIELD in NY with 1—CREW—OF—4—AFTER flying —AROUND the world in 3—DAYS, 19—HOURS, and 17—MIN., 1—NEW—RECORD.
19380714             —PUBLISHED, ITALY—PREMIER—MUSSOLINI, 1—ANTI—JEWISH and AFRICA—MANIFESTO prepared by Italian "scientists".
19380714             The 3. regulation of THE—REICH Citizenship Law is published.
19380714             —ADVISED, All JEWISH—OWNED businesses are again, they must register with the government.
19390712             Chamberlain tells THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS that:
19390712             "The present status of Danzig could not be considered as illegal or unjust...
19390712             We hope that the Free City will prove once more that different nationalities can collaborate —WHEN their interests demand it".
19390712             Chamberlain tells THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS that: "The present status of Danzig could not be considered as illegal or unjust...
19390714             —CREATED, ALPHONSE—MUCHA, THE—20—CANVASSES which make up his Slav Epic 19120000—19260000    —FROM—TO.
19390714             —AM, in Bamberg geborene Kunzelmann 19590000             den DEUTSCHLAND—ABLEGER 1—SITUATIONISTISCHEN Internationale, 1.ART—WIDERSTANDS—ZELLE im Kulturbereich.
19390714—19280000    —IN, he and USA—MILLIONAIRE CHARLES—CRANE presented the work as 1—GIFT to THE—CITY—OF—PRAGUE.
19400712             —JUMPED, RUFUS—ROBINSON and EARL—COOLEY (19110000—20090000    ), out of 1—TRAVELAIR plane to fight 1—FOREST—FIRE in IDAHO—NEZ—PERCE—NATIONAL—FOREST.
19400712             RUFUS—ROBINSON and EARL—COOLEY were the 1. SMOKE—JUMPERS.
19400714             —ADVERTISED, Due to beanball wars, Spalding, batting helmet with earflaps.
19400714             1—FORCE—OF—GERMANY—JU 88—BOMBERS attacked SUEZ—EGYPT, from bases in Crete.
19400714             —FORCED, Facilities using, (slave) labor in the production of synthetic rubber and gasoline begin operation at AUSCHWITZ.
19400714             (Chaitkin)
19410712             1. TIME, BOMBED, MOSCOW was, by THE—GERMANY—LUFTWAFFE.
19410712             —BOMBED, MOSCOW is, for the 1. time.
19410712             GROSSBRITANNIEN und die Sowjetunion schließen 1—MILITÄRBÜNDNIS zum gemeinsamen Kampf gegen das nationalsozialistische DEUTSCHLAND—REICH.
19410714             —SIGNED, Vichy FRANCE—FOREIGN—LEGIONARIES, 1—ARMISTICE in DAMASCUS, allowing them to join the Free FRANCE—FOREIGN—LEGION.
19410714             6,000 LITHUANIA—JEWS were exterminated at Viszalsyan Camp.
19410714             —BOMBED, THE—SUEZ—CANAL is, by GERMANY—JU 88—BOMBERS from Crete.
19410714             —DAMAGED, Harbor installations and several ships are.
19410714             † MARTIN—GAUGER, DEUTSCHLAND—JURIST und Pazifist, verweigerte Hitler den Treueid
19420712             —ISSUED, THE—USA—NAVY, 7. CASUALTY—LIST—OF—OFFICERS and men dead, wounded or missing 19420618—19420630    —BETWEEN.
19420712             * RICHARD—STOLTZMAN, classical and jazz clarinetist (Tashi), in OMAHA—NEBRASKA.
19420712             —INCLUDED, THE—USA—NAVY, 7. CASUALTY—LIST—OF—OFFICERS and men dead, wounded or missing, 49—DEAD, 7 wounded and 211—MISSING.
19420712             —AWARDED, GENERAL—ANDREY—ANDREYEVICH—VLASOV, had been, THE—ORDER—OF—THE—RED—BANNER for his successful defense of MOSCOW against von BOCK—ARMY—GROUP—CENTER,
19420712             GENERAL—ANDREY—ANDREYEVICH—VLASOV soon begins to raise 1—ARMY from among THE—RUSSIA—PRISONER—OF—WARS to fight alongside THE—GERMANS against Stalin.
19420712             (Duffy) - GENERAL—ANDREY Andreyevich Vlasov, 1—OF—STALIN—FAVORITE generals, who had been awarded THE—ORDER—OF—THE—RED—BANNER for his successful defense of MOSCOW against von BOCK—ARMY—GROUP—CENTER, is captured by THE—GERMANS.
19420712             Vlasov soon begins to raise 1—ARMY from among THE—RUSSIA—PRISONER—OF—WARS to fight alongside THE—GERMANS against Stalin.
19420712             (Duffy)
19420714             —ROUNDED, THOUSANDS—OF—JEWS are, up and arrested in AMSTERDAM.
19420714             * Javier Solana, SPANIEN—POLITIKER, Außenminister, leitender Funktionär in NATO und EU
19430712             † Some 12,000.
19430712             —FAVORED, At KURSK, THE—SOVIETS, by 1—SEEMINGLY endless SUPPLY—OF—TROOPS and tanks, move in fresh tank divisions and the advantage swingsto the Russians.
19430712             Manstein, having lost 70,000—MEN, half his tanks, and 1,000 aircraft, is forced to withdraw.
19430712             Bei Prochorowka findet im Zuge von Unternehmen Zitadelle 1—DER—GRÖSSTEN—PANZERSCHLACHTEN—DES 2. Weltkrieges statt.
19430712             KRASNOGORSK, bei Moskau wird das Nationalkomitee Freies DEUTSCHLAND gegründet.
19430712—19820000    —IN, the sub opened to the public at Pier 45 in S—FRANCISCO.
19440611—19440712    —LIBERATED, Graignes was, from THE—GERMANS.
19440712             —DISBANDED, THE—THERESIENSTADT—FAMILY—CAMP, and some 4,000—PEOPLE were executed.
19440714             SS men HEINRICH—BOERE and Jacobus Petrus Besteman shot and killed HOLLAND—PHARMACIST—FRITZ HUBERT—ERNST—BICKNESE at his home in BREDA for suspected activity in Nazi resistance.
19440714             —COMMUTED, This was —LATER, to life imprisonment.
19440714             He was given the maximum SENTENCE—OF—LIFE in prison for the killings.
19440714—19490000    —SENTENCED, Boere was, to death in absentia by 1—HOLLAND—COURT.
19440714—20090000    —SLATED, Boere (88) was, to stand trial for murder in GERMANY for THE—EXECUTION—STYLE—KILLINGS—OF—3—HOLLAND—CIVILIANS—DURING—WWII.
19440714—20100000    —IN, 1—GERMANY—COURT—CONVICTED—BOERE (88) of murdering THE—3—HOLLAND—CIVILIANS.
19450529—19450712    —ON, in order to prove his innocence, Meegeren revealed that he had forged the painting.
19450712             † BORIS—GRIGORJEWITSCH—GALJORKIN, sowjetischer Ingenieur und Mathematiker
19450712             † Wolfram von Richthofen, DEUTSCHLAND—GENERALFELDMARSCHALL
19450714             —BOMBARDED, USA—BATTLESHIPS and cruisers, THE—JAPAN—HOME—ISLANDS for the 1. time.
19450714             The battleship USS SOUTH—DAKOTA was 1. USA ship to bombard JAPAN
19450714             GENERAL—EISENHOWER eases restrictions on fraternization between AMERICA—SOLDIERS and GERMANY—CIVILIANS.
19450714             50,000 TONS—OF—JAPAN—SHIPPING is sunk in the Tsugaru Straits.
19450714             Bildung des sogenannten ANTIFA—BLOCKS in der SBZ.
19450714             GENERAL—EISENHOWER announces CLOSURE—OF—SUPREME—HEADQUARTERS Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) and
19450714             —GELOCKERT, Das Fraternisierungsverbot wird.
19450714             USA—BESATZUNGSSOLDATEN in DEUTSCHLAND erhalten die Erlaubnis, "auf Straßen und Plätzen Unterhaltungen mit erwachsenen Deutschen zu führen".
19460712             —PREMIERED, BENJAMIN—BRITTEN'S "Rape of Lucretia,", in Glyndebourne.
19460712             Die Uraufführung der Oper Krieg und Frieden (Orig.: Woina i mir) von SERGEI—SERGEJEWITSCH—PROKOFJEW erfolgt in Leningrad.
19460714             —PUBLISHED, DOCTOR—BENJAMIN—SPOCK'S "Common Sense BOOK—OF—BABY and Child Care" was.
19460714             —STABBED, MONROE—GEORGIA, ROGER—MALCOM, 1—BLACK—MAN, farmer Barnette Hester —DURING 1—ARGUMENT and fight.
19460714             Heart MOUNTAIN—WYOMING, JAPANESE—USA—DRAFT resisters were released from McNeil ISLAND.
19460714             † ARTHUR—GREISER, DEUTSCHLAND—POLITIKER, Gauleiter, Reichsstatthalter, Kriegsverbrecher
19470000             — Yesha'ayahu BEN—PORAT, (Yedi'ot Aharonot 19720714             ) responding to public controversy regarding THE—ISRAEL—EVICTIONS—OF—PALESTINIANS in RAFAH, GAZA,
19470000—19790712    * † Pop singer Minnie Riperton, famed for her 3—OCTAVE range, —OF—CANCER.
19480712             —MARSHALL—PLAN—CONFERENCE, ATTENDED, was, by 16—EUROPE—NATIONS and
19480714             —BOMBED, ISRAEL, CAIRO.
19490714             —CONDUCTED, THE—SOVIET—UNION, its 1. test of 1—ATOMIC—BOMB.
19490714             Rather than at ANY—TIME sit down with SOVIET—DIPLOMATS and actually discuss the matter, 1—PARANOIA quickly took root in WASHINGTON under PRESIDENT—HARRY—TRUMAN.
19490714             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—DEAN—ACHESON made 2—ERRORS that set the world on 1—DEADLY—COURSE:
19490714             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—DEAN—ACHESON told the committee to focus NOT on the moral questions of being the 1. to build such 1—WEAPON, but
19490714             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—DEAN—ACHESON told the committee to focus on the technological and budgetary challenges it would pose -- and
19490714             1—OF—THESE men was PAUL—HENRY—NITZE.
19490714             Der 19490501             wird zum ÖSTERREICH—STAATSFEIERTAG bestimmt.
19490714—19450800    —IN, —AT—THIS—TIME, THE—USA—POSSESSED some 250—ATOMIC—BOMBS, each with 1—YIELD—FAR—GREATER than the bombs used on JAPAN.
19500000             —SINCE the s- —WHEN both had attended THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—MILITARY—ACADEMY—AT—SANDHURST—HAD been 1—INTIMATE—OF—QABOOS... alfatomega.com/20060714.html
19510712             1—MOB tried to keep 1—BLACK—FAMILY from moving into ALL—WHITE—CICERO—ILLINOIS.
19510712             —AM Nationaltheater MANNHEIM wird die Operette Geliebte MANUELA—VON—FRED—RAYMOND nach einem Libretto von —JUST Scheu und ERNST—NEBHUT uraufgeführt.
19520714             —CROSSED, SS USA, the Atlantic in 84:12, 1—RECORD westward.
19530712             Im Stern erscheinen die letzten Zeichnungen von Loriot unter dem Titel Auf den Hund gekommen, bevor die Serie aufgrund von Leserprotesten eingestellt wird.
19530714             —RAMMED, The freighter JACOB—LUCKENBACH from SF, the Matson freighter Hawaiian Pilot near Point Montara, 17—MILES from the Golden Gate.
19530714             —LIMPED, THE—LUCKENBACH sank —WHILE the Hawaiian Pilot, to SF.
19530714             —LEAKED, Oil, from the Luckenbach —LATER killed numerous birds.
19530714             A $19—MILLION cleanup ended in Sep.
19530714             There was 1—COMMUNIST—OFFENSIVE in KOREA.
19530714             * ROLAND—JAHN, DEUTSCHLAND—JOURNALIST, Bürgerrechtler in der DDR, Bundesbeauftragter für die STASI—UNTERLAGEN
19530714—20020000    —IN, a $3.5—MILLION—PLAN for cleanup was begun.
19540000             (19970714             ) - -Since in-
19540708—19540714    —RESCUED, The freighter Metapan, the crew.
19540712             —PROPOSED, PRESIDENT—DWIGHT—D—EISENHOWER, 1—HIGHWAY—MODERNIZATION—PROGRAM, with costs to be shared by federal and state governments.
19550714             Der Spielfilm 3—MÄNNER im Schnee —NACH—DEM gleichnamigen ROMAN—VON—ERICH—KÄSTNER wird in Köln uraufgeführt.
19570712             † THE—USA—SURGEON general, LEROY—E—BURNEY (19980000             , age 91), reported that there is 1—DIRECT—LINK between smoking and lung cancer.
19570712             DOCTOR—JOHN—ALTSHULER (19310000—20040000    ) CO—RESEARCHED the "Joint REPORT—OF—STUDY—GROUP on Smoking and Health," published by THE—USA—PUBLIC—HEALTH—SERVICE.
19570712             Santa Susana in LOS—ANGELES County began receiving the nation's 1. commercial electricity from 1—SMALL, CIVILIAN—OWNED, nuclear reactor.
19570712             —TEAMED, PG&E had, with GENERAL—ELECTRIC to establish the Vallecitos atomic energy plant, the world's 1. privately owned and operated nuclear facility.
19570712—19640000    —REPORTED, It was shut down and scientists —LATER, that the plant might be responsible HUNDREDS—OF—CANCER—CASES.
19570714             —DROWNED, SOVIET—STEAMER "Eshghbad" sank in Caspian Sea and 270.
19571202—19820000    —IN, 19570712             —SEE It was taken OUT—OF—SERVICE.
19580714             —ASSASSINATED, IRAQ, GENERAL—ABDEL—KARIM—AL—KASSEM (Qassim), FAISAL—II with his son and premier.
19580714             —PROCLAIMED, Karim, 1—REPUBLIC.
19580714             —SUCCEEDED, HUSSEIN—KING—OF—JORDAN, Faisal.
19580714             † FAISAL—II, HASHEMITE—KING—OF—IRAQ (19390000—19580000    ), was assassinated at BAGHDAD and Noeri EL—SAID, premier of IRAQ, was murdered.
19580714             —SERVED, MOHAMMED—HADID (19990000             † age 92), as the 1. finance MINISTER under the government of Abdel KARIM—QASSEM.
19580714             Im 1—JAHR zuvor unabhängig gewordenen GHANA löst das GHANA—PFUND das koloniale Westafrikanische Pfund als Währung ab.
19580714             In einem von ABD—AL—KARIM Qasim angeführten Putsch wird im IRAK mit der Ermordung Faisals II. die Monarchie abgeschafft;
19580714—19680000    —BIS, der Jahrestag des Ereignisses ist der IRAK—NATIONALFEIERTAG.
19600714             Fire raging through 1—GUATEMALA—CITY, GUATEMALA, insane asylum and 225 were killed with 300—SEVERELY injured.
19610712             Auf Grund von strukturellem Versagen kommt es zu einem "Kaskadenbruch" der Talsperren bei Panshet und Khadakwasla im INDIEN—BUNDESSTAAT Maharashtra.
19610712             —ÜBERSCHWEMMT, Dabei wird die Altstadt von PUNE, zwischen 10000000             und 2000—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben.
19610714             —PUBLISHED, JOHN—XXII—PAPAI, his encyclical Mater et magistrate.
19610714             In seiner Sozialenzyklika Mater et magistra fordert JOHANNES—XXII—PAPAI. gerechte Löhne und Mitbestimmung der Arbeiter in den Betrieben.
19610714             Gleichzeitig wendet er sich gegen hemmungslosen Luxus weniger Reicher.
19620712             Mick Jagger (18), KEITH—RICHARDS, 18—JAHRE—ALT and BRIAN—JONES, 20—JAHRE—ALT played THE—MARQUEE—CLUB with 3—OTHERS, the 1. time they performed under the Rolling Stones band name which —LATER became synonymous worldwide with excess and musical flair.
19620712             Die Rolling Stones haben ihren 1. Auftritt im Marquee Club in LONDON (offizielle Bandgründung).
19620714             Borehole for Mont BLANC—TUNNEL, between FRANCE and ITALY, was finished.
19620714—19620814    —SEE
19620814—19620714    —SEE
19640714             THE—USA—SENT 600—MORE—TROOPS to VIETNAM.
19650714             THE—USA—SPACE—PROBE—MARINER 4—FLEW by Mars, sending back PHOTOGRAPHS—OF—THE—PLANET.
19650714—19520000    —IN, USA—AMBASSADOR—ADLAI E. Stevenson JUNIOR, the Democratic presidential nominee and 19560000             , † in LONDON at age 65.
19660712             —CREATED, The game show, by MARK—GOODSON, had 2—FAMILIES compete to name the most popular responses to survey questions in order to win cash and prizes.
19660712             There were race riots in CHICAGO.
19660712             † D.T. Suzuki (96), ZEN—BUDDHISM scholar, in TOKYO—JAPAN.
19660712—19590000    —TESTIFIED, Y—FELSHER, who had, to fixing the "TIC—TAC—DOUGH" game show.
19660712—19850614    —UNTIL, THE—TV sitcom "Family Feud"  premiered on ABC, and ran as PART—OF—ITS daytime schedule.
19660712—19900000    —FROM, to 19950000             1 syndicated version was directed by DOCTOR—AND
19660714             oo GERMAN—BORN playboy GUNTER—SACHS (19320000—20110000    ), BRIGITTE—BARDOT in LAS—VEGAS.
19660714             —MURDERED, CHICAGO, RICHARD—SPECK, 8—STUDENT—NURSES in 1—CHICAGO dormitory.
19660714             He made 1—VIDEOTAPE in prison and admitted to the killings.
19660714             all nursing students at THE—SOUTH—CHICAGO Community Hospital;
19660714             were raped then strangled or stabbed to death by RICHARD—SPECK.
19660714             1—SURVIVOR, Cora Amurao, identified RICHARD—SPECK, and he was put in jail.
19660714             The video shows him having sex and snorting cocaine in prison.
19660714             In der Nacht vom 13. auf den 14. ermordet RICHARD—SPECK in einem Schwesternwohnheim in CHICAGO 8—SCHWESTERNSCHÜLERINNEN.
19660714             Eine Überlebende kann nach ihrer Flucht die Polizei alarmieren.
19660714—19690000    —DIVORCED, They.
19660714—19910000    —IN, He was serving consecutive sentences of 50 to 150—YEARS and † of 1—HEART—ATTACK at age 49.
19670605—19660714    —SENTENCED, Murderer RICHARD—SPECK (19410000—19910000    ) was, to death in electric chair for THE—MURDER—OF—8—STUDENT—NURSES.
19670712             RACE—RELATED rioting broke out in NEWARK, NJ, and continued to 19670717            .
19670712             —KILLED, Over the next 4—DAYS 26—PEOPLE were, 15000000             injured and over 10000000             arrested.
19670712             —WRECKED, Large swathes of THE—26—SQUARE—MILE—CITY were, —DURING the unrest sparked by the police beating of 1—BLACK cab driver.
19670712             —DEPRIVED, GREECE—REGIME, 480—GREEKS of their citizenship.
19670714             As its name suggests, it established the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
19670714             WIPO Convention has 184—CONTRACTING—PARTIES.
19670714             THE—CONVENTION is written in English, French, Russian and Spanish, all texts being equally authentic.
19670714—19700426    —ON, THE—CONVENTION—ESTABLISHING the World Intellectual Property Organization, or WIPO Convention, was signed at STOCKHOLM—SWEDEN, and entered into force.
19670714—19790928    —AMENDED, THE—CONVENTION was.
19690714             2—WOCHEN nach gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen bei einem WM—QUALIFIKATIONSSPIEL der beiden Länder bricht der —BIS zum 19690718             dauernde "Fußballkrieg" zwischen HONDURAS und EL—SALVADOR aus.
19690714—19690802    —CONDUCTED, WEST—PAPUA, the "Act of Free Choice" was, by THE—INDONESIA—MILITARY—FORCES.
19690714—19690802    1—UN approved referendum, involving 1,026 handpicked PRO—JAKARTA tribal chiefs, ratified INDONESIA's 19630000             ANNEXATION—OF—WEST—PAPUA.
19690714—19690802    —VOTED, Many, at gunpoint in the unanimous decision.
19690714—19690802    he further pointed out that ANY—UN—MEMBER would be unwise to expect free or direct elections.
19690714—20040000    —RELEASED, In papers, it was revealed that USA—AMBASSADOR—MARSHALL—GREEN 19690000             —IN had foreknowledge that INDONESIA had no intention of allowing 1—PAPUAN vote that might prevent INDONESIA from annexing WEST—PAPUA as 1—INDONESIA—PROVINCE;
19700517             Thor Heyerdahl (19140000—20020000    ), NORWAY—ANTHROPOLOGIST, left MOROCCO aboard Ra II, 1—PAPYRUS reed boat, and sailed 3,270 nautical miles across THE—ATLANTIC to BARBADOS in 57—DAYS 19700712             —SEE.
19700712             Thor Heyerdahl erreicht mit seiner Crew auf dem PAPYRUS—BOOT Ra II —NACH—57—TAGEN auf dem Atlantik die Karibikinsel BARBADOS.
19701121—19700714    —LEARNED, It would be —LATER, that THE—PRISONER—OF—WARS had been relocated to Dong Hoi.
19710712             * KRISTI—TSUYA—YAMAGUCHI, figure skater, in HAYWARD, Cal.
19710712—19920000    —IN, she won 1—OLYMPIC—GOLD medal.
19720714             —CRITICIZED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, actress JANE—FONDA for making antiwar radio broadcasts in HANOI, calling them "distressing".
19740000             - 19900000             . - - 2014!
19740712             PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON—AIDES G. GORDON—LIDDY, JOHN—EHRLICHMAN and 2—OTHERS were CONVICTED—OF—CONSPIRACY and perjury in connection with the Watergate scandal.
19740712             —CONVICTED—OF, They were, conspiring to violate the civil RIGHTS—OF—DANIEL—ELLSBERG—FORMER—PSYCHIATRIST.
19740712             —SIGNED, THE—USA—BUDGET—CONTROL—ACT was, into law.
19740712             It stripped away from THE—PRESIDENT the power to withhold appropriated spending, and placed it in THE—HANDS—OF—CONGRESS.
19740712             —FORMED, THE—CONGRESSIONAL budget Office was.
19740714             —DISAPPEARED, Bundy victims Janice Ott and DENISE—NASLUND, at Lake SAMMAMISH—WASHINGTON.
19750712             —ACHIEVED, The islands of SAO—TOME and Principe, independence from PORTUGAL.
19750712             —INDEPENDÊNCIA—DE—SÃO Tomé e Príncipe.
19750712             Im südbadischen Rust wird der EUROPA—PARK, —HEUTE Deutschlands größter Freizeitpark, eröffnet.
19750712             São Tomé und Príncipe erhält die Unabhängigkeit von PORTUGAL.
19750712             —AM selben —TAG wird von der Verfassungsgebenden Versammlung das aktive und passive Frauenwahlrecht eingeführt.
19750712             MANUEL—PINTO—DA—COSTA von der sozialistischen Einheitspartei Movimento de Libertação de São Tomé e Príncipe wird 1. PRÄSIDENT—DES—LANDES.
19760712             He was found not guilty by REASON—OF—INSANITY and was confined at 1—STATE—MENTAL—HOSPITAL.
19760713—19760714    † FORMER—SS—COLONEL—JOACHIM—PEIPER is murdered at his home near TRAVES—FRANCE,
19760713—19760714    it was rumored that FRANCE—PATRIOTS, communists or even 1—JEWISH revenge squad were responsible.
19760713—19760714    (Secrets)
19760713—19760714    † FORMER—SS—COLONEL—JOACHIM—PEIPER is murdered at his home near TRAVES—FRANCE, it was rumored that FRANCE—PATRIOTS, communists or even 1—JEWISH revenge squad were responsible.
19760713—19760714    —BURNED, FORMER—SS—COLONEL—JOACHIM—PEIPER his house is, down —AROUND him.
19760713—19760714    1—OF—FORMER—SS—COLONEL—JOACHIM—PEIPER his arms and 1—LEG were missing and the body could only be identified by his watch and dental records.
19760714             JIMMY—CARTER won the Democratic presidential nomination by 1—OVERWHELMING—MARGIN at the party's convention in NEW—YORK City.
19760714             CARMELO—SORIA (19210000             *), 1—SPAIN—UN—OFFICIAL in CHILE, was abducted.
19760714             His corpse found —2—DAYS—LATER in 1—CAR sunk in the Canal del Carmen in the Piramide sector of SANTIAGO—DE—CHILE.
19760714             —ASSASSINATED, He was, by CHILE—DINA agents as 1—PART—OF—OPERATION—CONDOR.
19760714             —DETAINED, Soria was 1., in THE—VÍ1—NARANJA house in the sector of Lo Curro, shared by DINA agent MICHAEL—TOWNLEY.
19760714             Ramalho Eanes TORNA—SE no 16º PRESIDENTE—DA—REPÚBLICA.
19760714             António Ramalho Eanes, Wahlsieger der 1. freien Präsidentenwahl Portugals nach der Nelkenrevolution von 19740000             , tritt sein Amt an.
19770712             —DEFENDED, PRESIDENT—CARTER, SUPREME—COURT—DECISIONS limiting government payments for poor women's abortions, saying, "There are MANY—THINGS in life that are not fair".
19780000             Intelligence (PARIS) 19970714             (31);
19780000—19780000    —FROM, THE—MIND—MANIPULATORS 20020712            .
19780714             —CONVICTED—OF, SOVIET—DISSIDENT—ANATOLY (Natan) Sharansky was, treasonous espionage and ANTI—SOVIET—AGITATION, and sentenced to 13—YEARS at hard labor.
19780714—19860000    —RELEASED, He was.
19790712             "DISCO—DEMOLITION—NIGHT" at Comiskey Park, caused fans to go wild.
19790712             —CAUSED, It also, the White Sox to forfeit 2. game of 1—DOUBLEHEADER to Tigers.
19790712             —GAINED, THE—GILBERT Islands, independence from BRITAIN and became 1—NATION, the Archipelago of KIRIBATI.
19790712             It is 1—CHAIN—OF—35—ISLANDS that sprawls 1,860 miles from east to west.
19790712             —RENAMED, Fanning ISLAND was, to Tabuaeran.
19790712             KIRIBATI began using THE—AUSTRALIA dollar for its currency.
19790712             Flagge Kiribatis
19790712             Die GILBERT—INSELN im Pazifischen Ozean erlangen unter dem Namen KIRIBATI ihre Unabhängigkeit von GROSSBRITANNIEN.
19790712—19730000    —IN, She was 1—MEMBER—OF—STEVIE—WONDER—BACKUP—GROUP, Wonderlove.
19790712—19750000    —IN, "Lovin' You," RIPERTON—INTERNATIONAL blockbuster, topped the Billboard Hot 100.
19820714             THE—USA—MADE assurances to TAIWAN regarding arms sales and not to repeal a 19790000             law obliging THE—USA to provide TAIWAN with "arms of 1—DEFENSIVE—CHARACTER".
19820714             —AMPUTATED, HALL—LEFT leg had been, below the knee about 1—DECADE—EARLIER—AFTER she stumbled and blasted her foot with 1—SHOTGUN —WHILE hunting in TURKEY.
19820714             —LAUNCHED, IRAN, a "RAMADAN—OFFENSIVE" in IRAQ.
19820714—19420000    —IN, the Gestapo circulated posters offering 1—REWARD for the capture of "the woman with 1—LIMP. She is the most dangerous of all Allied spies and we must find and destroy her".
19840712             —PREMIERED, Madonna's "Like 1—VIRGIN" video, on MTV and became 1—INSTANT hit.
19840712             —ANNOUNCED, Democratic presidential candidate WALTER—F—MONDALE, he had chosen USA—REPRESENTATIVE—GERALDINE—A—FERRARO—OF—NEW—YORK to be his running mate;
19840712             Ferraro was the 1. woman to run for VICE—PRESIDENT on 1—MAJOR—PARTY—TICKET.
19840712             München und seine östliche Umgebung werden durch das schlimmste Hagelunwetter —SEIT Menschengedenken in Mitleidenschaft gezogen.
19840712             300—VERLETZTE und insgesamt etwa 1,5 Milliarden Euro Sachschäden an Autos, Gebäuden und anderen Gegenständen zählen zur Bilanz des Schreckens.
19840712—19770000    —SINCE, USA—EXECUTIONS and Victims (as of 20080710             )
19840714             † AL—SCHACHT, 91—JAHRE—ALT, baseball player.
19840714             AL—SCHACHT was known as the Clown PRINCE—OF baseball.
19840714             —TURNED, THE—FORMER—WASHINGTON Senators pitcher, top hat jester had entertained the crowd —BEFORE 20—5—WORLD—SERIES and 18—ALL—STAR—GAMES.
19840714             —ELECTED, DAVID—LANGE (19420000—20050000    ) was, PRIME—MINISTER—OF—NEW—ZEALAND.
19840714—19890000    —UNTIL, He served.
19850712             —DISCOVERED, Doctors, what turned out to be 1—CANCEROUS—GROWTH in PRESIDENT—REAGAN—LARGE intestine, prompting surgery THE—FOLLOWING—DAY.
19850714             CAROLYN—MUNCEY—BADLY beaten body was found near her home in EAST—TENNESSEE.
19850714—19860000    —CONVICTED, PAUL—HOUSE was, and sentenced to die for the murder.
19850714—20080000    —INDICATED, DNA evidence, he was not responsible for her sexual assault and 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE ordered that he be quickly retried or released.
19860714             —BECAME, RICHARD—W—MILLER, the 1. FBI agent CONVICTED—OF—ESPIONAGE.
19860714             1—EXPEDITION from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute filmed the wreck of the Titanic for the 1. time.
19860714             —SPRAWLED, NORTH—CAROLINA, HAROLD—GENTRY—GUNSHOT—RIDDEN body was found, on THE—FLOOR—OF—THE—HOME he shared with his wife, Betty Neumar.
19860714             She collected at least $20,000 in life insurance, plus other benefits from the military and sold the couple's house and other items.
19860714             —REALIZED, —AFTER arresting her, authorities, that 5—TIMES—SINCE the 1950s, she was oo, and EACH—UNION ended with THE—DEATH—OF—HER—HUSBAND.
19860714             † RAYMOND—LOEWY, 92—JAHRE—ALT, USA industrial designer.
19860714             —INCLUDED, RAYMOND—LOEWY—DESIGNS, 19730000             —THE Avanti automobile.
19860714             SPAIN, Jose Ignacio De Juana Chaos (19550000             *), 1—FORMER—POLICE—OFFICER who joined 1—OF—ETA—MOST active commando units, took part in 1—MADRID car bombing.
19860714             —KILLED, The car bomb on República Dominicana Square, 12—CIVIL—GUARD—POLICEMEN.
19860714             45—PEOPLE were wounded.
19860714—20080000    —CHARGED, Neumar (76) was, with hiring 1—HIT man to gun him down.
19870116—19860714    —ON, including THE—MADRID car bombing that killed 12—CIVIL—GUARD—POLICEMEN.
19870712             For the 1. time in 20—YEARS, 1—DELEGATION—OF—SOVIET—DIPLOMATS arrived in ISRAEL for what was described as a "technical mission" to document Soviet citizens and make 1—INVENTORY of Soviet property.
19870714             THE—NATIONAL—LEAGUE took 13—INNINGS to defeat THE—USA—LEAGUE, 2-0, in the 58.
19870714             ALL—STAR Game in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA.
19870714             Greyhound Bus bought Trailways Bus for $80—MILLION.
19870714             Die KUOMINTANG—REGIERUNG—DER—REPUBLIK—CHINA auf TAIWAN hebt den —SEIT—38—JAHREN landesweit geltenden Ausnahmezustand auf, was einen entscheidenden Schritt in Richtung Demokratisierung bedeutet.
19880712             THE—USA—LEAGUE beat the National League 2-1 in THE—ALL—STAR—GAME played in CINCINNATI.
19880712             —TAPPED, Democratic presidential candidate MICHAEL—S—DUKAKIS, TEXAS SENATOR—LLOYD—BENTSEN as his running mate.
19880712             —LAUNCHED, RUSSIA—PHOBOS 2—FLYBY and lander was.
19880712             It failed within 480—MILES—OF—MAR—MOON—PHOBOS.
19880714             —REPLIED, VICE—PRESIDENT—BUSH, that THE—USAS.
19880714             —FIRED, Vincennes had, in SELF—DEFENSE.
19880714             —DEMONSTRATED, Some 200,000, in SOVIET—ARMENIA for the incorporation of NAGORNO—KARABAKH.
19890701—19890712    —PUBLISHED in De —MORGEN, and.
19890701—19890712    and collected and translated into French as 1—SPECIAL—ISSUE—OF—CELSIUS,
19890701—19890712    —MORGEN.
19890712             —CONTINUED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, his visit to HUNGARY, where he held talks with officials and made 1—SPEECH at KARL—MARX—UNIVERSITY—IN—BUDAPEST.
19890712             1—FARMER in EAST—FRANCE went on 1—SHOOTING—RAMPAGE, killing 14—PEOPLE—BEFORE being captured.
19890712—19910000    —IN, It malfunctioned and was lost for 1—YEAR—BEFORE communication was RE—ESTABLISHED.
19890712—19930000    —DAMAGED, It was, —DURING 1—PERSEID meteor shower and was taken OUT—OF—SERVICE.
19890714             16.
19890714             —PREMIERED, JAMES—BOND—MOVIES "License to Kill", in THE—USA.
19890714             —OPENED, Leaders of THE—7—RICHEST nations, 1—SUMMIT in PARIS, which was also celebrating THE—BICENTENNIAL—OF—THE—FRANCE—REVOLUTION with pomp and pageantry.
19890714             —STAGED, S—FRANCISCO, promoters, a 4—ROUND—EXHIBITION—MATCH between legendary boxer ROBERTO—DURAN (38) and Irishman Pat Lawlor (25) of the Sunset District —BEFORE 4,787 fans at the Civic Auditorium.
19900712             —INTRODUCED, CBS, THE—TV saga "NORTH—EXPOSURE".
19900712             The show ran to 19950000            .
19900712             —PLAYED, MARGARET—PHILLIPS (20020000             †), GENERAL—STORE—OWNER—RUTH—ANNE Miller.
19900712             —SHOCKED, RUSSIA—REPUBLIC—PRESIDENT—BORIS—N—YELTSIN, the 28. congress of the Soviet Communist Party by announcing he was resigning his party membership.
19900714             —ARRIVED, WEST—GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—HELMUT—KOHL, in MOSCOW for talks with SOVIET—PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—GORBACHEV that were aimed at soothing Kremlin concerns about GERMANY—UNIFICATION.
19910712             1—JAPAN—PROFESSOR who had translated SALMAN—RUSHDIE'S "THE—SATANIC—VERSES" was found stabbed to death, —9—DAYS—AFTER the novel's ITALY—TRANSLATOR was attacked in Milan.
19910714             —CONTINUED, American and SOVIET—NEGOTIATORS in WASHINGTON, work on trying to complete 1—TREATY slashing LONG—RANGE—NUCLEAR—ARSENALS.
19910714             —DERAILED, CALIFORNIA, 1—SOUTH—PACIFIC—TANKER—CAR, near Dunsmuir and spilled 18,000 gallons of pesticides (19k gallons of metam sodium) into THE—SACRAMENTO River.
19910714             —KILLED, This, EVERY—LIVING—THING in the river for 40—MILES downstream including 250,000 trout.
19910714             LEADERS—OF—THE—GROUP—OF—7—NATIONS began gathering in LONDON for their annual economic summit.
19920712             In 1—EMOTIONAL farewell speech, BENJAMIN—HOOKS, outgoing executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—NAACP, urged the group's convention in NASHVILLE—TENNESSEE, to show the world that it remained vital.
19920712             † ALBERT—PIERREPONT, last UK—HANGMAN (433—MEN and 17—WOMEN).
19920714             THE—USA—LEAGUE won THE—ALL—STAR—GAME, defeating the National League team 13-6 at JACK—MURPHY—STADIUM in S—DIEGO.
19920714             The 2. —DAY—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—NATIONAL—CONVENTION heard from speakers who included FORMER—PRESIDENT—CARTER, THE—REVEREND—JESSE—JACKSON and AIDS activist ELIZABETH Glaser.
19930000             (375, 377-80) WASHINGTON—POST 19830322             (D1, 9) WASHINGTON—POST 19830822             (A1, 5) WASHINGTON—POST 19840914             (A1) WASHINGTON—POST 19850411             (A18) WASHINGTON—POST 19850809             (A6) WASHINGTON—POST 19860730             (D2) WASHINGTON—POST 19861029             (A8) WASHINGTON—POST 19890629             (D4) WASHINGTON—POST 19901130             (A3) WASHINGTON Times Insight Magazine 19920712             (8) WASHINGTON Times 19860714             (2A) WASHINGTON Times 19871210             (A3) WASHINGTON Times 19890106             (A6) WASHINGTON Times 19890117             (A12) WASHINGTON Times 19890913             (E5) WASHINGTON Times 19911202             (A7) WASHINGTON Times 19940929             (A19) WASHINGTON Times 19950917             (A12) WASHINGTON Times 19970514             (A5) Wilcox,D.A. THE—RIGHT—GUIDE.
19930712             —OPENED, ANDREW—LLOYD—WEBBER—MUSICAL "Sunset Boulevard", in LONDON.
19930712             196—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN 1—EARTHQUAKE measuring 1—MAGNITUDE—OF—7.8—STRUCK NORTH—JAPAN.
19930712             SOMALIA, 1—MOB avenging 1—DEADLY—UNITED—NATIONS ATTACK—ON—THE compound of MOHAMED—FARRAH—AIDID killed DAN—ELDON, 22—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—PHOTO—JOURNALIST working for Reuters, and 3—COLLEAGUES.
19930712             —STONED, They were, and beaten to death at the scene of 1—BOMBING by UN forces of 1—HOUSE believed to be THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—GENERAL—AIDID.
19930712             1—ERDBEBEN der Stärke 7,7 auf Hokkaid?, JAPAN fordert 243—TODESOPFER.
19930714             —VISITED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, FLOOD—STRICKEN IOWA for the 2. time in 10—DAYS, telling flood victims to "hang in there".
19940712             PRESIDENT—CLINTON, visiting GERMANY, went to the eastern sector of BERLIN, the 1. PRESIDENT to do so —SINCE HARRY—TRUMAN.
19940712             USA—CONFIRMATION hearings began for SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—STEPHEN—G—BREYER.
19940712             —APPROVED, The shareholders and employees of United Airlines, 1—DEAL giving the majority ownership to the employees (76,000+).
19940712             Das Bundesverfassungsgericht erklärt Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr unter UNO—MANDAT für verfassungskonform.
19940714             † CALIFORNIA, USA—NAVY—CHIEF—PETTY—OFFICER—DAVID—RUSSO, 43—JAHRE—ALT was killed by 2—HITMEN hired by his wife, SUSAN—LEE—RUSSO, who hoped to collect life insurance money.
19940714             —WORKED, Russo, at the Lemoore Naval Air Station.
19940714             —CONVICTED—OF, JASON—ANDREWS and BOBBY—MORRIS were both, 1. degree murder and sentenced to 25—YEARS to life.
19940714             1—TIDAL wave of Hutu refugees from RWANDA—CIVIL—WAR flooded across the border into Zaire, swamping relief organizations.
19940714—19960000    —CONVICTED—OF, SUSAN—RUSSO was, 1. degree murder and sentenced to life without the possibility of parole.
19950712             —SPELLED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, out SCHOOL—PRAYER guidelines, asserting the 1. Amendment already guaranteed adequate FREEDOM—OF—RELIGION.
19950712             USA—PUBLIC—DEBT said by the Treasury to be $4.93—TRILLION.
19950712             BOSNIA, Momir Nikolic, 1—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER, was nearby —WHEN 80—100—PRISONERS were decapitated and their headless corpses loaded onto trucks.
19950712             —CHARGED, He was also, for the deaths of 6,000 more prisoners captured —WHILE fleeing from Srebrenica.
19950712             —RECOMMENDED, Prosecutors, 20—YEARS in prison.
19950712             im Bosnienkrieg beginnt das mehrtägige Massaker von Srebrenica, das schwerste Kriegsverbrechen in EUROPA —SEIT Ende des 2. Weltkriegs.
19950712—19950700    —IN.
19950712—20020000    —ARRESTED, Nikolic was, on charges that he was responsible for THE—KILLING—OF—SOME 1,000 Muslim males (16-60), who were taken from 1—UN compound
19950712—20030000    —PLEADED, Nikolic, guilty to war crimes.
19950712—20030000    —ACCEPTED, Nikolic, that he was on duty —WHEN 80—100—PRISONERS were decapitated and their corpses loaded onto trucks.
19950714             —REMOVED, Under pressure from Congress, FBI Director LOUIS—FREEH, his friend LARRY—POTTS as the bureau's deputy director because of controversy over Potts' role in 1—DEADLY 19920000             FBI siege in IDAHO.
19950714             —ANNOUNCED, Physicists, that 1—NEW—STATE—OF—MATTER was formed by using lasers and evaporation to plunge the temp. of rubidium gas to minus 459.67—DEGREES F. 1—FULL—ARTICLE on the experiment appeared in the journal Science.
19950714             Die Dateiendung.mp3 als Abkürzung für ISO MPEG Audio Layer 3—WIRD festgelegt.
19960712             —VOTED, THE—HOUSE, overwhelmingly to define marriage in federal law as 1—LEGAL—UNION—OF—1—MAN and 1—WOMAN, no matter what states might say.
19960712             Hurricane Bertha hit NORTH—CAROLINA—CAPE—FEAR—NEAR—WILMINGTON, then moved on to batter 1—STRING of coastal towns.
19960712             —ADVOCATED, The group, killing Jews, deporting AFRICA AMERICANS and setting up 1—BIBLE—BASED nation.
19960712             JOHN—CHANCELLOR had been 1—ANCHOR—REPORTER on NBC Nightly News 19700000—19820000    —FROM—TO.
19960712             —WARNED, THE—EU, that it would freeze USA—ASSETS and impose visa requirements on Americans if European companies are penalized for investing in CUBA.
19960712             1—DIVORCE settlement between Lady Diana Spencer and Charles, THE—PRINCE—OF—WALES was agreed upon.
19960712             Diana would be called "Her Royal Highness" and would receive about $22.5—MIL plus 1—ANNUAL $600,000 to maintain her private office.
19960712             —KILLED, LIBYA, at least 20—PEOPLE were, in TRIPOLI at 1—SOCCER match.
19960712             —FIRED, Bodyguards loyal to the sons of Moammar Ghadafi, at spectators who shouted hostile slogans.
19960712             A stampede resulted.
19960712             —RELENTED, NORTH—IRELAND, authorities, and allowed THE—ORANGE—ORDER to march through THE—VILLAGE—OF—DRUMCREE.
19960712             RUSSIA—BANKS were undergoing 1—MAJOR shakeout.
19960712             SOUTH—SUDAN, at least 700,000—PEOPLE were facing starvation because of THE—KHARTOUM government's refusal to allow LARGE—SCALE—FOOD—AID.
19960712             —AWARDED, VENEZUELA was, a $1.4—BILLION credit from THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND.
19960712             —SIGNED, The new UKRAINE—CONSTITUTION is, by PRESIDENT—KUCHMA.
19960712—19940000    —SINCE, 2,132 banks were operating, a 20% decrease.
19960713—19960714    —KILLED, UGANDA, more than 90—SUDAN—REFUGEES were, in 1—CAMP—220—MILES—NORTH—OF—KAMPALA.
19960713—19960714    —BLAMED, THE—LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY was.
19960714             —BATTLED, Fire crews, blazes covering more than 16,000 acres in CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, IDAHO, OREGON and UTAH.
19960714             —CLOSED, AFGHANISTAN, the new PRIME—MINISTER, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, movie theaters and banned music on TV and radio, claiming that they were repugnant to Islam.
19960714             —PROCEED, If elections are to, in Bosnia, SWITZERLAND—FOREIGN—MINISTER—FLAVIO—COTTI must determine that they can be free and fair by this date.
19960714             He is THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—ORGANIZATION for Security and Cooperation in EUROPE.
19960714             NORTH—IRELAND, 1—CAR—BOMB at the Killyhevlin Hotel in THE—TOWN—OF—ENNISKILLEN exploded and injured 17—PEOPLE soon —AFTER the building was evacuated;
19960714             1—GROUP calling itself "Continuity" claimed responsibility for the blast.
19970712             COPENHAGEN, the last stop of an 8—DAY—EUROPEAN tour, PRESIDENT—CLINTON said political divisions in EUROPE were closing.
19970712             —GATHERED, BERLIN—GERMANY, several HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS, for the annual Love Parade, 1—BIG—PARTY for fans of the electronic dance music known as techno.
19970712             —KIDNAPPED, SPAIN, Basque politician MIGUEL—ANGEL—BLANCO was found mortally dead shortly —AFTER 1—DEADLINE set by his militant Basque captors.
19970712             BERLIN, findet die 9. Technoparty Loveparade statt.
19970712             Gleichzeitig wird als Protest gegen musikalische Ausgrenzung und Kommerzialisierung der Love Parade die Hateparade abgehalten, aus der sich später die Demonstration Fuckparade entwickelt.
19970714             O.J. SIMPSON—CALIFORNIA mansion was auctioned off for $2.6—MILLION.
19970714             —SENTENCED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL for THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA, Dusan Tadic, 1—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERB, to 20—YEARS in prison for turning on his Muslim and Croat neighbors in 1—DEADLY—CAMPAIGN—OF—TERROR and torture.
19970714             —EXPLODED, ALGERIA, 1—BOMB, in 1—ALGIERS market filled with women and children and killed 21—PEOPLE and wounded 40.
19970714             Weekend massacres left 40—VILLAGERS dead.
19970714             —KILLED, BANGLADESH, monsoon flooding, at least 64—PEOPLE in THE—LAST—WEEK.
19970714             —SEIZED, EL—SALVADOR, regulators, Financiera Insepro which collapsed and left more than 10000000             account holders demanding justice.
19970714             The $15—MILLION—BANK—FAILURE led to 1—CALL for USA—INVESTIGATORS and 5—PROMINENT—BUSINESS—LEADERS were jailed.
19970714             1—FOOTBRIDGE over the Yarkon River collapsed —WHILE being crossed by THE—AUSTRALIA—DELEGATION to the 15.
19970714             Maccabiah games.
19970714             † 2 † —IMMEDIATELY in the accident and 2, —LATER from complications possibly caused by the pollution in the river.
19970714             The games are held every 4—YEARS for Jewish athletes.
19970714             The bridge was thrown up in less than 1—MONTH with no blueprint or foundation.
19970714             4—OFFICIALS were sentenced to prison terms from 6—21—MONTHS.
19970714             KENYA, THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS fought riot police in NAIROBI and demanded constitutional reforms.
19970714             Naironi Univ. and Jomo Kenyatta Univ. were closed indefinitely.
19970714             RWANDA, weekend clashes between the army and Hutu rebels left more than 170—PEOPLE—DEAD.
19970714             SPAIN, more than 2—MILLION—PEOPLE took to the streets across SPAIN to mourn THE—DEATH—OF—MIGUEL—ANGEL—BLANCO and to condemn the Basque separatist guerrillas who killed him.
19970714             Der POLEN—STAATSPRÄSIDENT ALEKSANDER—KWA?niewski und Polens Ministerpräsident W?odzimierz Cimoszewicz treffen in BONN zum 1. DEUTSCH—POLEN—GIPFEL ein.
19970714             NAIROBI—KENIA, kommt es zu blutigen Straßenschlachten mit mehreren 1000—STUDENTEN, die den Rücktritt von Staatspräsident Daniel arap Moi fordern.
19970714—20000000    —IN, 5—ISRAELIS were convicted for criminal negligence.
19970803             —EXECUTED, He was, 19980714            .
19970803             —EXECUTED, He was, 19980714             . - - UPS went out on strike.
19980531             1—RUNOFF was scheduled for 19980712            .
19980531             Alvaro Noboa had 29.8%. - - - - 1—RUNOFF was scheduled for 19980712.
19980712             —CAPTURED, AFGHANISTAN, Taliban forces, Maimana, the provincial CAPITAL—OF—THE—FARYAB province from forces under GENERAL—RASHID—DOSTUM.
19980712             ECUADOR, JAMIL—MAHUAD, the mayor of QUITO, won the election according to exit polls.
19980712             His margin was 51.3% to 48.7 and he promised to fight poverty.
19980712             FRANCE, THE—FRANCE—TEAM beat BRAZIL, 3-0, for its 1. World Cup soccer championship.
19980712             —AGREED, HONDURAS, GUATEMALA and EL—SALVADOR, to join forces to build a $2—BILLION railroad network to link CENTRAL—AMERICA with MEXICO.
19980712             —REPORTED, It was, that JAPAN burns 38—MILLION—TONS—OF—GARBAGE 1—YEAR compared to 34—MILLION for THE—USA.
19980712             —REPORTED, JAPAN—AIR was, to contain 10—TIMES—MORE—DIOXIN that USA—AIR.
19980712             Elections were held.
19980712             —KILLED, BALLYMONEY, NORTH—IRELAND 1—FIREBOMB, 3—YOUNG—BOYS, Richard, Mark and JASON—QUINN, who had been asleep in their beds.
19980712             —ARRESTED, GARFIELD—GILMOUR (24) was —LATER, CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and sentenced to 3—LIFE—SENTENCES for his role.
19980712             —ADMITTED, Gilmour, that he drove 1—ULSTER—VOLUNTEER—FORCE—GANG to the house that night, but that he was coerced.
19980712             He identified his companions but there was insufficient evidence for charges.
19980712             —HACKED, RWANDA, Hutu rebels, shot or burned to death 34—PEOPLE who had gathered in 1—HOTEL to watch the soccer finals.
19980712             SOUTH—KOREA went on alert —AFTER discovering THE—BODY—OF—1—NORTH—KOREAN—COMMANDO and 1—SUBMERSIBLE—BOAT that could carry 5—MEN.
19980714             THE—CITY—OF—LOS—ANGELES sued 15—TOBACCO companies for $2.5—BILLION over the dangers of secondhand smoke.
19980714             Flash floods hit TENNESSEE and ALABAMA and 2—PEOPLE were reported killed.
19980714             —MEANWHILE hot weather in TEXAS was responsible for some 23—DEATHS where temperatures hit over 100 for the last 26—DAYS.
19980714             PUERTO—RICO, the telephone union gave in —AFTER a 26—DAY—STRIKE and agreed to go back to work.
19980714             Das Bundesverfassungsgericht macht den Weg zur Einführung der Rechtschreibreform frei.
19990710—19990712    —REVERSED, NORTH—IRELAND, the Parades Commission, 1—PREVIOUS—BAN and gave the Protestant ORANGE Order permission to gather at Ormeau Park —AFTER the parade route was altered.
19990712             PRESIDENT—CLINTON and Republican congressional leaders held their 1. FACE—TO—FACE—BUDGET—MEETING—OF—THE—YEAR;
19990712             the talk was described afterward as positive.
19990712             THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—SUED—TOYOTA—CORP. for violating clean air standards —AFTER Toyota rejected 1—SETTLEMENT for $100—MILLION in penalties.
19990712             1—POTENTIAL $60—BILLION in fines was reported.
19990712             —BLOCKED, S—LOUIS, several 100—WORKERS and activists of MO—KAN, I-70 to demand that more minorities be hired for state construction jobs.
19990712             —WORRIED, ARGENTINA, stocks fell nearly 9% as investors, over the local political and economic factors.
19990712             BELGIUM, a new coalition government under GUY—VERHOFSTADT took office.
19990712             —SUBSIDED, COLOMBIA, fighting, —AFTER a 4—DAY—GUERRILLA blitz.
19990712             IRAN, student protests spread to 18—CITIES across the country.
19990712             —EMPTIED, TEHRAN, security forces and fundamentalist vigilantes, TEHRAN Univ. in 1—CAMPAIGN to crush the demonstrations.
19990712             —PROTESTED, SERBIA, some 7,000—PEOPLE, against PRESIDENT—MILOSEVIC in Valjevo.
19990712             —FROM SUDAN it was reported that heavy fighting had left 150,000—PEOPLE without food —AFTER they fled their homes.
19990712             —ABANDONED, TAIWAN, PRESIDENT—LEE—TENG—HUI, the operating "1—CHINA" principle in favor of "STATE—TO—STATE" relations.
19990712             ZIMBABWE, the trial for 3—USA—HELD on sabotage and weapons charges was scheduled.
19990712             broadcast 1—RARE—LOOK into the life... boasts exclusive interviews with Monzer AL—KASSAR + Sarkis Soghanalian.
19990712—19990910    —SENTENCED, They were found guilty and were, to 1-year prison terms.
19990712—19991106    —RELEASED, They were, and sent home.
19990714             —VOTED, Major league umpires, to resign 19990902             . and not work the final —MONTH—OF—THE—SEASON.
19990714             —COLLAPSED, The strategy, with baseball owners accepting the resignations of 22—UMPIRES.
19990714             RACE—BASED school busing in BOSTON came to an end —AFTER—25—YEARS.
19990714             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, that it had developed the design technology to make neutron bombs 11—YEARS ago and could make miniaturized nuclear weapons.
19990714             —RAIDED, FRANCE, robbers, the Draguignan Museum —DURING Bastille —DAY celebrations.
19990714             —REJECTED, NORTH—IRELAND, the Ulster Unionists under DAVID—TRIMBLE, 1—COMPROMISE for the creation of 1—POWER sharing government.
19990714             —DEPLOYED, JAMAICA, troops were, in KINGSTON to control gang violence.
19990714             —MURDERED, Some 500—PEOPLE had been, —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—YEAR.
19990714             —CAPTURED, PERU, army soldiers, OSCAR—RAMIREZ—DURAND, 46—JAHRE—ALT, aka Comrad Feliciano, HEAD—OF—THE—SHINING—PATH—REBELS.
19990714             —SENTENCED, He was —LATER, by 1—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL to life in prison.
19990714             —BANNED, THE—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT, aid flights to WEST—UPPER—NILE province where 2—FACTIONS allied to the government were fighting for CONTROL—OF—OIL—FIELDS.
19990714             This soon put 150,000—PEOPLE to face starvation.
19990714—19990801    —AGREED, THE—EU, to resume UK—BEEF exports, ending a 3-year ban due to mad cow disease.
19990714—20140000    —IN, 1—STOLEN—REMBRANDT painting, "Child With 1—SOAP Bubble," was recovered in NICE and 2—SUSPECTS were detained.
19990800—20020712    —ON, SEC INFO—SKY—WAY—AIRCRAFT—INC—SB—2 -... signing 1—MEMORANDUM of Understanding and Teaming Agreement with EVOX, INCORPORATED... data to prevent intercept through 1—VIRTUALLY featureless waveform.
20000401—20000714    —ON, The 4 were found GUILTY—OF—MURDER and robbery and sentenced to death.
20000712             —RELEASED, FIJI, coup leaders, the last 18—HOSTAGES and ended 1—STANDOFF that began 20000518            .
20000712             —VOTED, THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, to impeach CHIEF—JUSTICE—DAVID—A—BROCK for perpetuating misconduct and 1—CULTURE—OF—SECRECY.
20000712             —ACQUITTED, He was —LATER, in 1—STATE—SENATE—TRIAL.
20000712             —SHOWED, PHILADELPHIA, 1—WPVI News camera, city police beat and kick THOMAS—JONES, 30—JAHRE—ALT over nationwide TV.
20000712             Jones had stolen 1—PATROL—CAR and shot at 1—OFFICER.
20000712             —PLEADED, Jones —LATER, guilty to carjacking and other crimes, and was sentenced to 18 to 36—YEARS in prison.
20000712             —SHOWED, Ballistic tests —LATER, that Officer MICHAEL—LIVEWELL was shot in the thumb by another officer —DURING their struggle with Jones.
20000712             13—POLICE—OFFICERS were —LATER suspended for up to 15—DAYS in connection with the incident.
20000712             —MERGED, Gemstar, 1—PIONEER in interactive TV, with TV Guide in 1—STOCK—DEAL valued at $14.2—BILLION with Gemstar FOUNDER—HENRY—C—YUEN as chairman and CEO.
20000712             —KILLED, INDIA, at least 71—PEOPLE were, —AFTER PART—OF—BALBATI Hill collapsed in EAST—BOMBAY.
20000712             —REACHED, The death toll from monsoon rains over 2—DAYS, 135 for Maharashtra and Gujarat states.
20000712             —CANCELLED, ISRAEL, plans to sell 1—AWACS—EQUIPPED plane to CHINA.
20000712             THE—RUSSIAN—MADE Zvezda service module for THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION was launched from the Baikonur site in Kazakstan.
20000712             —EXPLODED, SPAIN, 1—CAR—BOMB, at the entrance of the Corte Ingles department store in MADRID.
20000712             10—PEOPLE were injured.
20000712             —SIGNED, TOGO, 36—AFRICA—HEADS—OF—STATE, 1—DRAFT—TREATY seen as 1—STEP toward 1—AFRICA—UNION.
20000712—17900000    —SINCE, It the 1. such action against 1—OFFICIAL in the state.
20000712—20030000    —FILED, THE—SEC, fraud charges against Yuen for overstated revenues and Yuen erased the contents of his hard drive.
20000712—20050000    —PLEADED, Yuen, guilty to 1—CRIMINAL—COUNT—OF—OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE.
20000712—20060000    —IN, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—FOUND—YUEN liable on civil fraud charges and ordered him to pay $22—MILLION in disgorgement, interest and fine.
20000714             —AWARDED, FLORIDA, 1—MIAMI—DADE County jury, $144.8—BILLION in punitive damages to 500,000 FLORIDA smokers.
20000714             —PLANNED, Tobacco executives, to appeal.
20000714             1—POWERFUL flare erupted on the sun.
20000714             † Actress Meredith MACRAE—OF—TV'S "Petticoat Junction" in Manhattan BEACH—CALIFORNIA, at age 56.
20000714             —CONTACTED, AUSTRALIA, JOHN—ROCHE, THE—AUSTRALIA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, known as ASIO to discuss information regarding his contacts with AL—QAEDA.
20000714             —FOUNDED, MARK—OLIPHANT, THE—AUSTRALIA—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCE and was appointed as THE—GOVERNOR—OF—SOUTH—AUSTRALIA state (19710000—19760000    ).
20000714             CANADA, 1—TORNADO hit the Green Acres campground near Red Deer, Alberta, and 9—PEOPLE were killed.
20000714             † A 10. camper, the next —DAY.
20000714             —PASSED, GERMANY, THE—PARLIAMENT, 1—MAJOR—TAX—CUT program.
20000714             —CLOSED, DURBAN—SOUTH—AFRICA, NELSON—MANDELA, the 13.
20000714             INTERNATIONAL—CONFERENCE on AIDS with 1—CALL for scientists to set aside differences with PRESIDENT—THABO—MBEKI and to concentrate on fighting the disease.
20000714—19320000    —IN, † MARK—OLIPHANT, 1—PHYSICIST who helped split the atom, at age 98.
20000714—19891000    —SINCE, It was the largest solar radiation event, and the associated coronal mass ejection was expected to trigger geomagnetic disturbances on Earth.
20000714—19930000    —DECIDED, WACO—TEXAS, 1—FEDERAL—JURY, that federal agents were not responsible for the deaths of 80—BRANCH—DAVIDIANS.
20000714—20030000    —IN, 1—STATE—APPEALS—COURT reversed not only the award but also the class action unifying HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SICK—FLORIDA smokers under 1—SINGLE—LAWSUIT;
20000714—20040500    —AGREED, THE—FLORIDA SUPREME—COURT, to review that decision.
20010601             [DOD/, FAA, 20010712             FAA 20010712             20010601             [DOD/, FAA, 20010712             FAA 20010712             20010712             —TORTURED, Abner Louima, THE—HAITI—IMMIGRANT, in 1—NEW—YORK City police station, agreed to an $8.7—MILLION—SETTLEMENT.
20010601             [DOD/, FAA, 20010712             FAA 20010712             20010712             —TORTURED, Abner Louima, THE—HAITI—IMMIGRANT, in 1—NEW—YORK City police station, agreed to an $8.7—MILLION—SETTLEMENT.
20010704—20010714    —RECEIVED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN may have, kidney treatment from CANADIAN—TRAINED DOCTOR—CALLAWAY at THE—USA—HOSPITAL in DUBAI.
20010704—20010714    DOCTOR—CALLAWAY is unavailable for comment.
20010712             —DELIVERED, VIRGINIA, 1—WOMAN, 5—BOYS and 2—GIRLS by C—SECTION.
20010712             This was only 20010903             —THE of septuplets known to have survived birth.
20010712             THE—USA?SPACE—SHUTTLE—ATLANTIS took off with 1—CREW—OF—5 to deliver 1—PORTAL for spacewalks to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION—ALPHA.
20010712             He promised to solve the country's problems in 800—DAYS.
20010712             —GUARDED, INDONESIA, paramilitary officers, 2—TOP—POLICE—COMMANDERS in DEFIANCE—OF—DEMANDS by PRESIDENT—WAHID that they be arrested.
20010712             NORTH—IRELAND, police fought with rioters —FOLLOWING 1—DAY—OF—MARCHES by Protestants.
20010712             † 1—PALESTINE—POLICE—OFFICER was killed.
20010712             —SIGNED, RUSSIA, PRESIDENT—PUTIN, into law 1—BILL that limited private donations to $100—PER —YEAR and required political parties to have at least 10,000 members.
20010712             SOMALIA, fighting broke out between rival subgroups of the Abgal clan in THE—SUQ—FAD'AD market of MOGADISHU and at least 14—PEOPLE were killed.
20010712             AFGHANISTAN, wird die Benutzung des Internets verboten.
20010714             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA, 1—PROTOTYPE missile interceptor from THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS and successfully struck 1—MOCK warhead launched from Vandenberg AIR—FORCE—BASE, 4,800 miles away.
20010714             This was the 4. such Pentagon test.
20010714             A $100—MILLION prototype radar failed to detect the strike.
20010714             —LAUNCHED, NASA, 1—UNMANNED—SOLAR—POWERED plane named Helios over HAWAII.
20010714             Katharine Graham (19170000             *), CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—EXECUTIVE—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—POST, suffered 1—HEAD—INJURY in 1—FALL in Sun VALLEY—IDAHO.
20010714             She † —3—DAYS—LATER.
20010714             —CONVICTED, CHINA, Li Shaomin (44), 1—CHINESE—BORN USA—BUSINESS—PROFESSOR, of spying for TAIWAN and ordered his expulsion.
20010714             —ARRIVED, GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF—OF—PAKISTAN, in INDIA for talks on Kashmir and other issues with PRIME—MINISTER—ATAL—BIHARI—VAJPAYEE.
20010714             SPAIN, gunmen shot and killed 1—POLICE—OFFICER, Mikel Uribe (44), in Leaburu and 1—BOMB killed 1—LOCAL—POLITICIAN, Jose Javier Mugica (50), in Leiza.
20010714             —BLAMED, THE—ETA was.
20010911             TIME—LINE... future Defense SECRETARY—RUMSFELD, future Deputy Defense SECRETARY—PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, FLORIDA GOVERNOR +... [ DOD /, 20010601             , FAA, 20010712             , FAA 20010712             ]... www.bushstole04.com/20010911              %20Information%2060.htm
20010911             TIME—LINE... future DEFENSE—SECRETARY—RUMSFELD, future Deputy DEFENSE—SECRETARY—PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, FLORIDA GOVERNOR +... [ DOD /, 20010601             , FAA, 20010712             , FAA 20010712             ]
20010911             (COMMITTEE—ON—SENATE—FOREIGN—RELATIONS, Hearings, 20040714            .
20020712             † PALESTINE—FREE—LANCE photographer Imad ABU—ZAHRA—OF—1—GUNSHOT wound in THE—NORTH—WEST—BANK, and 1—FELLOW photographer said the shots came from 1—MACHINE—GUN on 1—ISRAEL—TANK 20020711            .
20020712             —EXPECTED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, a $165—BILLION deficit mainly due to 1—FALLOFF in tax revenues from stock market capital gains.
20020712             —ADOPTED, THE—USA—SENATE, 1—BAN on personal loans from companies to their top officials, 1—PRACTICE that had benefited executives from Enron to WorldCom.
20020712             —NAMED, THE—IRS, BILL—SIMON, GOP candidate for CALIFORNIA STATE—GOVERNOR, in 1—CASE involving potentially illegal offshore tax shelters.
20020712             —NAMED, DOZENS—OF—OTHER—WEALTHY—INVESTORS were also.
20020712             —RULED, CANADA, 1—ONTARIO court, that refusing legal recognition to gay and lesbian marriages in unconstitutional.
20020712             —REPORTED, CHINA—OFFICIALS, that nearly 1,000 schoolchildren in NORTH—EAST—CHINA were rushed to hospital —AFTER being vaccinated in late June for encephalitis and 2—SENIOR—OFFICIALS were arrested and charged with negligence.
20020712             1—COLOMBIA army spokesman said clashes across COLOMBIA —THIS—WEEK left at least 52—REBELS and government soldiers dead.
20020712             —KILLED, INDIA—KASHMIR, region at least 10—PEOPLE were, and 15 wounded, SOME—CRITICALLY, in 1—SHOOTOUT.
20020712             —DOWNED, Shops and businesses, shutters in SRINAGAR, the —SUMMER CAPITAL—OF—INDIA'S disputed STATE—OF—JAMMU and Kashmir, in response to 1—STRIKE—CALL by separatists to honor Kashmiri "martyrs".
20020712             —KILLED, INDONESIA, 1—WOMAN was, and 4—MEN were wounded —WHEN 1—BOMB exploded near Poso, CENTRAL—SULAWESI.
20020712             —SEIZED, MEXICO, farmers desperate to keep their land from being, for 1—NEW—MEXICO City airport threatened to kill about 12—HOSTAGES and spark uprisings across the country.
20020712             2—PALESTINIANS were killed in 1—EXCHANGE—OF—GUNFIRE in THE—GAZA Strip.
20020712             —LAUNCHED, ISMAIL—CEM, TURKEY—FORMER—FOREIGN—MINISTER, 1—NEW—POLITICAL—PARTY to topple PRIME—MINISTER—BULENT—ECEVIT, who is fighting to stay in power despite poor health and 1—MUTINY within his Cabinet.
20020712             —AGREED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, to exempt USA—PEACEKEEPERS from war crimes prosecution for 1—YEAR, ending 1—THREAT to UN peacekeeping operations.
20020712             SEC INFO—SKY—WAY—AIRCRAFT—INC—SB—2—ON—BRENT Kovar as PRESIDENT + JAMES—S—KENT,as CHIEF executive officer will.. with Jacobs Engineering, 1—ENGINEERING company in PASADENA—CALIFORNIA.
20020712             MISTER—DUBLIKAR has been PRESIDENT—OF—DUBLIKAR & Associates, 1—COMPANY that provides consulting in THE—AREAS—OF—AIRLINE—OPERATIONS, risk management...
20020712             SEC INFO—SKY—WAY—AIRCRAFT—INC—SB—2 -On-
20020714             —RULED, JOAQUIN—BALAGUER, 95—JAHRE—ALT, who, THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—FOR—22—YEARS and dominated his country's politics for years —AFTER leaving office, †.
20020714             —DESCRIBED, Maxime Brunerie, 1—MAN, as 1—EMOTIONALLY disturbed NEO—NAZI, tried to assassinate FRANCE—PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC.
20020714             He pulled 1—RIFLE from 1—GUITAR case and fired off 1—SHOT—BEFORE being wrestled to the ground —DURING 1—BASTILLE —DAY parade.
20020714             —FREED, MEXICO—STATE—OFFICIALS, 10—PRISONERS in hopes of winning freedom for hostages held by farmers protesting CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—NEW—MEXICO—CITY—AIRPORT.
20020714             † 1—PALESTINE—MAN, on trial for allegedly collaborating with ISRAEL, was killed by PALESTINE—MILITANTS—AFTER 1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE disrupted court proceedings.
20020714             —FIRED, ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT, missiles and destroyed 1—BUILDING in THE—SOUTH—GAZA Strip, injuring about 10—PALESTINIANS.
20020714             1—BUS with 52—PASSENGERS, mostly POLAND—STUDENTS, crashed in WEST—ROMANIA, killing 5—PEOPLE and injuring 26.
20020714             1—PASSENGER—BUS overturned and burst into flames —AFTER hitting 1—COW, killing at least 18—PEOPLE in SOUTH—AFRICA—EAST—CAPE province.
20020714             kesher_archive.html Kesher Talk:
20020714             3—ZUSCHAUER überwältigen in PARIS den Franzosen Maxime Brunerie, als dieser bei der Parade zum Nationalfeiertag mit einem Karabiner den Staatspräsidenten JACQUES—CHIRAC töten will.
20020714—20020720    —ATTENDED, But —WHEN I, 1—PANEL called "USA—MUSLIMS in the Media," Abdurahman Alamoudi, 1—FORMER—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—GROUP, approached me + asked...
20020714—20090000    —SENTENCED, Brunerie, to 10—YEARS, was released from prison.
20021203—19780000    —SINCE, "The experience for THE—UNITED—NATIONS—INTERIM—FORCE in LEBANON, or UNIFIL, has not been 1—GOOD 1. In place and comprising soldiers from FRANCE, POLAND, INDIA, ITALY and 1—FEW other countries, UNIFIL was unable to stop 20020712             —THE Hezbollah border raid that resulted in the kidnapping of 2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS. It was also unable to block retaliating ISRAEL—TROOPS from entering LEBANON 1—FEW days —LATER".
20030319—20030712    —KILLED, SARS, 812—PEOPLE—WORLDWIDE.
20030712             —DISCUSSED, They, the circumstances under which LIBERIA—PRESIDENT—CHARLES—TAYLOR will live in exile in NIGERIA, Wrapping up a 5—DAY—TOUR—OF—AFRICA, PRESIDENT—BUSH said he would not allow terrorists to use the continent as 1—BASE "to threaten the world".
20030712             —NAMED, THE—USS—RONALD—REAGAN, the 1. carrier, for 1—LIVING—PRESIDENT, was commissioned in NORFOLK—VIRGINIA.
20030712             † BENNY—CARTER, 95—JAHRE—ALT, jazz musician, composer and bandleader, in LOS—ANGELES.
20030712             BENNY—CARTER was know as "THE—KING".
20030712             —INCLUDED, His work, arrangements for 19430000             —THE film "Stormy Weather".
20030712             BELGIUM, PRIME—MINISTER—GUY—VERHOFSTADT took OFFICE—AS—HEAD—OF—1—NEW—CENTER—LEFT government and —IMMEDIATELY agreed to replace 1—WAR—CRIMES—LAW that has soured BELGIUM—RELATIONS with THE—USA.
20030712             GERMANY, Techno fans took part in the 15. - Love Parade in BERLIN.
20030712             —EXPECTED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS fans of techno music were, to join the event.
20030712             —AMBUSHED, SOUTH—CHECHNYA, rebels, 1—RUSSIA—MILITARY—VEHICLE and staged HIT—AND—RUN—ATTACKS against federal positions, killing 16—SOLDIERS and wounding 13.
20030712             —ACCEPTED, WEST—SAHARA—REBELS unexpectedly, 1—PEACE—PLAN for THE—MINERAL—RICH region, but MOROCCO remained opposed.
20030712             to leak to the media portions of 1—THEN—HIGHLY classified CIA report that Cheney hoped would undermine THE—CREDIBILITY—OF—FORMER—AMBASSADOR—JOSEPH—C—WILSON
20030712             In 1—QUICK—KISS—OFF to the civil rights era, THE—NEBRASKA Legislature votes to divide OMAHA schools by race creating 3—DISTRICTS -- 1 for the white, 1 for the black and 1 for the Hispanics
20030712             THE—REVOLT—OF—THE—GENERALS: —JUST Short of 1—COUP—AGAINST the Incompetence of the Busheviks?
20030712—20070000    —TESTIFIED, Pincus, to this as the 1. defense witness in THE—CIA—LEAK—TRIAL.
20030714             —ALLEGED, JOSEPH—WILSON, FORMER—USA—AMBASSADOR, had —EARLIER, (20030706             ) that PRESIDENT—BUSH had falsely accused IRAQ of trying to buy uranium from NIGER.
20030714             PRESIDENT—BUSH, facing questions about his credibility, said THE—USA was working overtime to prove Saddam Hussein was developing WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION—BEFORE THE—USA invaded IRAQ.
20030714             —IDENTIFIED, Columnist ROBERT—NOVAK, Valerie Plame as 1—CIA—OFFICER.
20030714             2—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS soon called at least 6—WASHINGTON journalists and told them that WILSON—WIFE, Valerie Plame, was 1—UNDERCOVER CIA agent who had worked in NIGER.
20030714             CHINA, YANG—BIN, 40—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CHINESE—BORN HOLLAND—CITIZEN, was CONVICTED—OF—FRAUD and bribery and sentenced to 18—YEARS in prison.
20030714             —RANKED, THE—ORCHID—SELLING—TYCOON was once, by Forbes magazine as CHINA—2.—RICHEST businessman.
20030714             CHINA, 1—MOUNTAIN on 1—TRIBUTARY—OF—THE—3—GORGES gave way killing 13—FARMERS.
20030714             1—LARGE—TONGUE—OF—LAND was sheered into the water and 1—RESULTING—WAVE crashed over 20—BOATS killing 11—FISHERMAN.
20030714             —VOTED, THE—CYPRUS PARLIAMENT, unanimously to approve the accession of the Mediterranean ISLAND to the European Union.
20030714             —VOTED, IRAQ—NEW—GOVERNING—COUNCIL, in its 1. full —DAY on the job, to send 1—DELEGATION to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL and assert its right to represent BAGHDAD on the world stage.
20030714             —REPORTED, It was, that KIM—JONG—IL—OF—NORTH—KOREA maintained 1 unpublicized trading network and slush fund named Division 39 with 1—CASH hoard as large as $5—BILLION.
20030714             —INCLUDED, Its operations, counterfeiting, drug trafficking and trade in illicit weapons systems.
20030714             —ESCAPED, MANILA, Fathur Rohman AL—GHOZI, terror suspect, from prison.
20030714             -most NOTABLY—WHEN—HE stood next to KOFI—ANNAN +
20030714             made up the idea that USA had given Saddam "1—CHANCE to allow the inspectors in + he wouldn't let them in".
20030714             (As THE—WASHINGTON—POST noted, "Hussein had, in fact, admitted the inspectors + Bush [BGW968] had opposed extending their work because he did not believe them effective".
20030714             Confabulation is 1—COMMON—PHENOMENON among drinkers, as is perseveration, which is evident in Bush [BGW968] 's tendency to repeat key words + phrases, as if the repetition helps him remain calm + stay on track".
20030714             (p. 49) - And DOCTOR—FRANK concludes his analysis of these 2—QUESTIONS with the —FOLLOWING words:
20030714             "Even if we assume, moreover, that Bush [BGW968] 's drinking days are behind him, the question remains
20030714             how much lasting damage may have been done —BEFORE he stopped-
20030714             —BEYOND the considerable impact on his personality that we can trace to his untreated abstinence.
20030714             wird seine Ehefrau Valerie Plame, eine —BIS dahin verdeckt arbeitende CIA—ANGESTELLTE, in einem Zeitungsartikel enttarnt.
20030714             Der konservative Kolumnist ROBERT—NOVAK nennt ihren DECK—UND Klarnamen und beruft sich in seinem Bericht auf "2—HOHE Regierungsbeamte".
20030714             (Friedensratschlag) Die neue Weltkarte des Pentagon.
20030714             IAEA says NORTH—KOREA has shut reactor 7/16
20030714             Bush is Having Our GIs Die to Fight the Saudis in IRAQ.
20030714             —NOW Ain't that Ironic? LA Times: "Sunni extremists from SAUDI—ARABIA make up half the foreign fighters in IRAQ, MANY—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, A—USA—OFFICIAL says".
20030714             FRANK—RICH: "For all WASHINGTON—HYPERVENTILATING about THE—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT—VACATION—PLANS, it's our own government's vacation from reality this —SUMMER that should make us very afraid".
20030714—20031001    —CONFESSED, FORMER—DEPUTY—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, said he had, to THE—FBI, that he told ROBERT—NOVAK about Valerie Plame —DURING a 20030708             , meeting.
20030714—20060000    —IN, RICHARD—ARMITAGE,
20031027—19950712    —ACCEPTED, Nikolic, that he was on duty —WHEN 80—100—PRISONERS were decapitated and their corpses loaded onto trucks.
20040710/20040712    Weekend Edition Features for
20040711—20040714    —RAIDED, Security forces, 5—VILLAGES in NIGERIA—OIL—RICH—SOUTHERN—DELTA, leaving 15—PEOPLE—DEAD and homes ransacked and burned.
20040712             —DEFENDED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, THE—IRAQ war —DURING 1—VISIT to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in TENNESSEE, saying the invasion had made AMERICA safer.
20040712             —ANNOUNCED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, 1—NEW—RULE to allow the nation's governors to help decide whether roadless areas in their states should be opened for logging or other commercial activity.
20040712             —SETTLED, WALL—STREET—BROKERAGE—MORGAN—STANLEY, 1—SEX—DISCRIMINATION—SUIT brought by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, agreeing to pay $54—MILLION.
20040712             1—FOOT or MORE—OF—RAIN fell in parts of the Northeast.
20040712             —REPORTED, No injuries had been, in the stricken AREAS—OF—NEW—JERSEY, PENNSYLVANIA and MARYLAND.
20040712             —WINTER storms have violently struck several SOUTH—USA—COUNTRIES in recent days, leading to 8—WEATHER—RELATED deaths in ARGENTINA and CHILE.
20040712             † Some 75,000 farm animals, in PERU and record below freezing temperatures in SOUTH—BRAZIL.
20040712             —CONTINUED, Monsoon floods, to wreak havoc across SOUTH—ASIA, killing 37—MORE—PEOPLE and forcing millions to flee their homes or seek emergency shelter.
20040712             —KILLED, Flooding has, 36—PEOPLE in BANGLADESH —THIS—YEAR.
20040712             † 1—TOTAL—OF—47—PEOPLE have, in NEPAL —SINCE June.
20040712             † In INDIA 1—TOTAL—OF—158—PEOPLE have, in flooding —SINCE the beginning of June.
20040712             THE—DENMARK—GOVERNMENT upheld the clerical suspension of 1—LUTHERAN MINISTER who proclaimed —LAST—YEAR that there was no God or afterlife, and he —NOW could be fired or fined for declaring his beliefs in the pulpit.
20040712             —JAILED, IRAQ—POLICE in BAGHDAD, over 500—CRIMINAL suspects in a large ANTI—CRIME offensive.
20040712             † 1—SUSPECT was killed in THE—CRIME—RIDDEN Bab AL—SHEIKH neighborhood.
20040712             1—SRI—LANKA—WOMAN was beheaded in THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—CAPITAL for murdering her employer.
20040712             —CONVICTED—OF, BADER—EL—NISAA—MIBARI had been, killing Sara bint MOHAMMED—AL—HAQEEL, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—WOMAN, —AFTER trying to rob her with the help 1—MALE companion.
20040712             —SUSPENDED, Newspapers in SENEGAL and THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, publication to protest the jailings of leading journalists.
20040712             Q&A: THE—BUTLER report
20040712             Hutton report Full coverage of the Hutton inquiry and report Read the Hutton report (pdf, 2MB)
20040712             Intelligence and security committee report
20040712             —PUBLISHED, Download the MPs', report (pdf)
20040712             DAVID—GREENBERG tells how Bush speechwriter MICHAEL—GERSON,
20040712             "himself 1—EVANGELICAL, laces PRESIDENT—BUSH s addresses with seemingly innocuous terms that the devout recognize as laden with meaning: 'whirlwind,' 'work of mercy,' 'safely home,' 'wonderworking power.'" "THE—NEW—YORKER"
20040712             Aspiring political hypnotists would do well to study Hitler as 1—INTRODUCTION to Bush.
20040712             "Without in ANY—WAY straining language we can truthfully say that he ( Hitler ) was 1—OF ## the great hypnotists of all time, "-Estabrooks, GEORGE—H—IN:"Hypnotism", the ne plus ultra of Hitler hypnosis books.
20040712             DOCTOR—ESTABROOKS, GEORGE—H was CHAIRMAN—OF—COLGATE University s psychology department, +
20040714             —KIDNAPPED, GEORGI—LAZOV (30) and Ivaylo Kepov (32) were, 20040629            .
20040714             —SCUTTLED, THE—USA—SENATE, 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT banning gay marriage.
20040714             48—SENATORS voted to advance the measure, 12—SHORT—OF—THE 60 needed, and 50 voted to block it.
20040714             —PULLED, CANADA, its ambassador from IRAN, which refused to admit observers to the trial of 1—POLICEMAN over 1—CANADA—JOURNALIST—FATAL beating.
20040714             —DETONATED, IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE attacker, 1—MASSIVE—CAR—BOMB at 1—CHECKPOINT—NEAR THE—UK—EMBASSY and the interim government's headquarters in BAGHDAD, killing 11—PEOPLE.
20040714             —KILLED, Militants in IRAQ said they, 1—CAPTIVE BULGARIA—TRUCK—DRIVER and threatened to put another hostage to death in 24—HOURS.
20040714             —GUNNED, GOVERNOR—OSAMA—YOUSSEF—KASHMOULA, 1—UNIVERSITY—PROFESSOR, was, down as his convoy traveled to BAGHDAD for meetings with police officials on improving security.
20040714             EdCone_com - " -- He called the prison scene "1—SERIES—OF—MASSIVE—CRIMES, criminal activity by THE—PRESIDENT—AND—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT, by this administration anyway...war crimes".
20040714             The outrages have cost us the support of moderate Arabs, says Hersh.
20040714             "They see us as 1—SEXUALLY perverse society".
20040714             Hersh describes 1—PENTAGON in crisis.
20040714             The defense department budget is "in incredible chaos," he says, with large SUMS—OF—CASH missing, including something like $1—BILLION that was supposed to be in IRAQ.
20040714             "The disaffecion inside the Pentagon is extremeley accute," Hersh says.
20040714             He tells the story of 1—OFFICER telling Rumsfeld how bad things are + Rummy turning to 1—RANKING general YES—MAN who reassured him that things are —JUST fine.
20040714             Says Hersh, "THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE is simply incapable of hearing what he doesn't want to hear".
20040714             THE—IRAQ—INSURGENCY, he says,was operating in 1—TO—3—MAN—CELLS 1—YEAR ago, —NOW in 10—15—MAN—CELLS + despite the harsh questioning, "we still know nothing about them...we have no tactical information".
20040714             DEUTSCHLAND, ein zu teures Pflaster? Diskutieren Sie mit!
20040714             Bastille —DAY - DINOSAURIER—KNOCHEN: Riesenechse bricht Europarekord
20040714             —FOLLOWING THE—SENATE—DEFEAT—OF—1—MEASURE that would have allowed 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT protecting the traditional DEFINITION—OF—MARRIAGE to move forward, THE—HERITAGE...
20040714             Report that 1—VAGUE and overbroad restriction is struck down By McLennan County COURT—AT—LAW—JUDGE—TOM—RAGLAND.
20040714             NUCNEWS—MI6 said in 1—STATEMENT—TODAY that it regarded the report as "wise and good.
20040714             —DEFENDED, Tomlinson also, THE—CONTENT—OF—THE—NEW—OPERATIONS, saying they are...
20040714             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—GUIDE—LINES for POST—PONING or Canceling the ;;11;;
20040714231930       BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—GUIDE—LINES for POST—PONING or Canceling the ;;11;;
20040714231930#1     PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTIONS
20040719—20050900    —CLASSIFIED, The loss of, information came days —BEFORE a 20040712             DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY—DEADLINE for competitors to express interest in bidding on Los Alamos ' management contract, set to expire.
20040816             Republican GOVERNOR criticizes own party By Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press Writer 20040714             20040816             Republican GOVERNOR criticizes own party By Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press Writer 20040714             20040816             —CRITICIZED, WASHINGTON -- MASSACHUSETTS Republican GOVERNOR—MITT—ROMNEY, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ON—WEDNESDAY, saying the government engages in wasteful spending and often gives money to ensure Republican votes.
20040816             Republican GOVERNOR criticizes own party By Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press Writer 20040714             20040816             —CRITICIZED, WASHINGTON -- MASSACHUSETTS Republican GOVERNOR—MITT—ROMNEY, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ON—WEDNESDAY, saying the government engages in wasteful spending and often gives money to ensure Republican votes.
20040930             SULTAN—SHAHIN, INDIA: The games THE—PENTAGON plays, ASIA—TIMES, 20030712             ;
20041208             1—USA—MARINE told an FBI observer that SOME—INTERROGATIONS led to prisoners "curling into 1—FOETAL position on the floor and crying in pain," according to the letter dated 20040714            .
20050131             GENERAL ASSEMBLY IAML 19—CONGRESS 20010712             THE—PRESIDENT...
20050131             GENERAL ASSEMBLY IAML 19—CONGRESS 20010712             THE—PRESIDENT...—AFTER considerable effort and lobbying, but stopping —JUST SHORT—OF—BRIBERY + corruption, Lenore Coral became IAML—LIAISON to... c) IAMIC (Ber Deuss, PRESIDENT...
20050327             18—POSTED on 20000714220028        PDT by.
20050405             Performance Systems INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED " PSI" - NucNews - 20010712..
20050405             NucNews - 20010712             ... Named as defendants are KAISER—HILL, security contractor Wackenhut Services and... testing and production facilities at THE—NEVADA Test Site and IDAHO...
20050630             [see 20030714             , 20030929             ]
200507071433         ) - Reaktionen auf LONDON : Alarmstufe Gelb in BERLIN
20050711—20050712    Fighting between rebels and Afghan and USA—FORCES in Zabul province left 17—INSURGENTS—DEAD.
20050712             They think that AL—QAIDA is mutating into 1—GLOBAL—INSURGENCY, 1—POSSIBLE prototype for other 20010101—21001231     movements, technologically astute, almost leaderless.
20050712             At least 3—BRITONS from LEEDS—OF—PAKISTAN—DESCENT were suspected of carrying out 20050707             —THE attacks that killed 54 and injured 700.
20050712             —TIPPED, Terrorism expert says at least 1—PERSON, off to LONDON attacks TOM—KENNY—ACTION—NEWS 36—THURSDAY20050707             .2005
20050712             There has been massive confusion over 1—DENIAL made by the Israelis that THE—SCOTLAND Yard had warned THE—ISRAEL—EMBASSY in LONDON of possible terrorist attacks "minutes —BEFORE" the 1. bomb went off 20050707            .
20050712             The key propaganda points in bold in the text below: LONDON blasts suggest long SIEGE—BY CHARLES J. HANLEY—AP 20050709             20050712             —BASED, UK—DISSIDENT denies link to website that carried AL—QAIDA claim DAVID—PALLISTER—SATURDAY 20050709             GUARDIAN
20050712             LONDON Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack Culpability cover scenario echoes 20010911             —WARGAMES ALEX—JONES & PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON | 20050709             20051106             THUNDERSTONE—WEBINATOR: Search: abstinence 11, 19990000             ) 1—FOREIGN—POLICY—VISION for the Next USA—CENTURY by THE—HONORABLE—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON ( Heritage Lecture #639, released 20050709             ...
20050712             The key propaganda points in bold in the text below: LONDON blasts suggest long SIEGE—BY CHARLES J. HANLEY—AP 20050709             20050712             NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON.
20050712             Bali, RIYADH, ISTANBUL, MADRID.
20050712             —BASED, UK—DISSIDENT denies link to website that carried AL—QAIDA claim DAVID—PALLISTER—SATURDAY 20050709             GUARDIAN
20050712             LONDON Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack Culpability cover scenario echoes 20010911             —WARGAMES ALEX—JONES & PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON | 20050709             20050712             THE—ANGLO—USA—ESTABLISHMENT that controls THE—MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX—OF—THE—WEST has been caught over a 100—TIMES carrying out bombings and other terrorist attacks —AROUND the world to further their corporate aims and to blame their enemies.
20050712             DAVID—CORN: Why Bush Has To Fire Rove : In a 20030711             email that Time magazine reporter MATT—COOPER sent to his BUREAU—CHIEF, Cooper noted he had spoken to Rove on "double super secret background" + that Rove had told him that Wilson's "wife...apparently works at the agency on wmd issues".
20050712             MIGUEL—TEJADA and MARK—TEIXEIRA led THE—USA—LEAGUE to a 7—5—WIN over the National League in DETROIT for THE—AL—8. straight ALL—STAR—VICTORY.
20050712             BRAZIL, Luiz Gushiken, PRESIDENT—LULA—COMMUNICATIONS wizard, was stripped of ministerial status —FOLLOWING reports that his business partners had been blessed with fat federal contracts.
20050712             —CLOSED, UK—POLICE, LUTON—TRAIN—STATION and carried out 9 controlled explosions on 1 parked car, which THE—BBC reported contained explosives.
20050712             —CAPTURED, Surveillance cameras, the men as they arrived in the capital —20—MINUTES—BEFORE the explosions began.
20050712             BP said it has sent teams to fix its 'Thunder Horse' oil platform, which has been listing —SINCE Hurricane Dennis hit the Gulf of MEXICO.
20050712             —LOCATED, The platform, 150—MILES (250—KILOMETERS) SOUTH—EAST—OF—NEW—ORLEANS, was slipping by —AROUND 20—30—DEGREES —FOLLOWING THE—PASSING—OF—THE—STORM, but no injuries or leaks were reported.
20050712             —KILLED, COSTA—RICA, 1—FIRE at the Calderon Guardia Hospital, 19—PEOPLE.
20050712             † 2—MORE—PEOPLE, —LATER from complications.
20050712             —LACKED, The building, proper fire exits.
20050712             1—RAID by HUNDREDS—OF—ETHIOPIA—BANDITS on 1—REMOTE—VILLAGE in NORTH—KENYA, left at least 45—PEOPLE—DEAD, including more than 2—DOZEN—CHILDREN.
20050712             —PURSUED, KENYA—SECURITY—FORCES, the bandits, who numbered between 300 and 500, and killed 16—OF—THEM.
20050712             —AWARDED, FRANCE—COMPANY—TECHNIP SA said it has been, an $800—MILLION—CONTRACT by Chevron Corp. to develop its largest NIGERIA—OIL—PROJECT.
20050712             —SCRAPPED, INDIA—SUPREME—COURT, 1—CONTROVERSIAL—IMMIGRATION—LAW, making it easier for authorities to crack down on illegal aliens, 1—MOVE—LIKELY to curb BANGLADESH—MIGRANTS in the country's northeast.
20050712             —ARMED, IRAQ, men stormed 1—HOUSE in BAGHDAD, killing 4—IRAQ—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVISTS and wounding another.
20050712             —INFORMED, ANTONIO—FAZIO, GOVERNOR—OF—THE—BANK—OF—ITALY, his friend Gianpiero Fiorani, HEAD—OF—BANCA—POPOLARE—ITALIANA (BPI), that BPI—BID for the Antonveneta bank had received 1—GO ahead —BEFORE making the news public.
20050712             1—CAR—BOMB hit the motorcade of ELIAS—MURR, LEBANON—OUTGOING—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER, wounding him and killing at least 1—OTHER—PERSON.
20050712             —INSTATED, PRINCE—ALBERT—II, 47—JAHRE—ALT was formally, as ruler of MONACO.
20050712             2—GUN—ATTACKS in BELFAST left 1—MAN—DEAD and another critically wounded on THE—EVE—OF—NORTH—IRELAND—TENSEST—DAY—OF—THE—YEAR — the divisive "Twelfth" HOLIDAY—OF—MASS—PROTESTANT—MARCHES.
20050712             MOHAMMED—BOUYERI, 1—MUSLIM extremist on trial in THE—SLAYING—OF—HOLLAND—FILMMAKER Theo van Gogh, unexpectedly confessed in court, saying he was driven by religious conviction.
20050712             —CONVICTED, Bouyeri was, and sentenced to life in prison.
20050712             —DETONATED, SAMI—ABU—KHALIL, 18—JAHRE—ALT, from THE—WEST—BANK—VILLAGE—OF—ATIL, 22—POUNDS—OF—EXPLOSIVES strapped to his body outside 1—SHOPPING mall in Netanya.
20050712             He killed 2 16—YEAR—OLD—GIRLS and a 31—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN.
20050712             † A 50—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN, in the hospital the next —DAY.
20050712             ITALIEN: Regierung plant neue ANTI—TERROR—GESETZE
20050712             Terrorangst: Polizei entdeckt Sprengstoff in verlassenem Auto
20050712             Nach Anschlägen: Rekordzugriffe auf NEWS—SEITEN im Netz
20050712             EU—PLAN: Mit aller Härte gegen TERROR—FINANZIERS
20050712             Währungsdebatte: GROßBANK—HSBC sieht Vorteile bei EURO—AUSTRITT
20050712             —IDENTIFIZIERT, Londoner Anschläge: Attentäter, Festnahmen in LEEDS
20050712             Innere Sicherheit: Schily macht Tempo bei ANTI—TERROR—DATEI
20050712             Goya in BERLIN: Millionen für den Teufelsmaler
20050712             Unheimliche Drohbriefe: Lehrer fanden Bombenattrappen im Briefkasten
20050712             Übersicht: Die schwersten Terroranschläge
20050712             Razzia in LEEDS: GROSSBRITANNIEN—POLIZEI nimmt Verdächtige fest
20050712             Saturnsonde: "Cassini" filmt kosmischen Schwamm
20050712             —EVAKUIERT, Falsche Bombendrohung: Warschauer U—BAHN
20050712             LONDON: Anschläge stoppen TOURISMUS—ANSTIEG —ZUNÄCHST
20050712             —REVEALED, Top Bush adviser, as Plame source : KARL—ROVE, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—TOP—POLITICAL—ADVISER, was the secret source who gave 1—TIME—MAGAZINE—REPORTER—PERMISSION to testify —LAST—WEEK, thus avoiding jail for CONTEMPT—OF—COURT, NEWSWEEK reported —ON—SUNDAY.
20050712             "Agency" means CIA.
20050712             This is not good news for Rove and THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20050712             —MISSED, In case you, it?:
20050712             Chalmers Johnson: Sorrows Of Empire : THE—USA has been inching toward imperialism and militarism for MANY—YEARS.
20050712             —CLOAKED, Disguising the direction they were taking, USA—LEADERS, their foreign policy in euphemisms such as "lone superpower," "indispensable nation," "reluctant sheriff," "humanitarian intervention," and "globalization".
20050712             SHANGHAI warning : —WHEN THE—SHANGHAI Cooperation Organization called on THE—USA and its NATO—ALLIES—LAST—WEEK to 20050901             —DEADLINE for leaving military bases in CENTRAL—ASIA that they have been using —SINCE 20010000             —THE war in AFGHANISTAN, the intent was to push THE—USA—SUPERPOWER out of 1—ENERGY—RICH and strategically crucial region.
20050712             UN Occupation Forces Carry Out Massacre of Poor in PORT—AU—PRINCE ;
20050712             USA—TRADE—UNION and human rights delegation in PORT—AU—PRINCE—DISCOVERED—EVIDENCE—OF—1—MASSACRE conducted by THE—UN—FORCES, targeting the larger community itself.
20050712             Team recounts fear in USA—DETENTION:
20050712             Contractors' tale reflects tensions with THE—MILITARY—ISRAEL—WONDERFUL—YOUTH:
20050712             They declare and they write: "Sharon will be murdered like Rabin," "Sharon, Hitler is proud of you," and mainly, "Death to the Arabs!"
20050712             ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI—DOES—LONDON : It should be noted there is absolutely no evidence AL—ZARQAWI had anything to do with ANY—OF—THE—ABOVE—INCIDENTS and he is associated with them due to the careless use of adjectives such as "purportedly" and "possibly" habitually employed by the corporate media based on nonsense uttered by "anonymous" and "unnamed" administration officials and other such dissimulators and con artists.
20050712             Good Things Happening in VENEZUELA : Far from ruining the country, here are SOME—OF—THE—GOOD—THINGS the Chavez government has accomplished:
20050712             Hagel: SOUTH—USA—UNREST poses threat to USA.
20050712             USA—SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL said —MONDAY that unrest in several SOUTH—USA—NATIONS poses 1—POTENTIAL—THREAT to THE—USA.
20050712             Pentagon confirms IRAN—CONTRA figure in senior job Mon : ROBERT—EARL, who destroyed national security documents —DURING the 1980s IRAN—CONTRA scandal, is working as CHIEF—OF—STAFF to acting Deputy Defense SECRETARY—GORDON—ENGLAND, the Pentagon said —ON—MONDAY.
20050712             SOME—MORONS still believe them : PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY and Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD have all gone out of their way in recent weeks to tell us we're "winning" the war in IRAQ.
20050712             - SOME—MORONS still believe them.
20050712             USA—ARMY—NATIONAL GUARD—RECRUITING woes deepen : THE—ARMY—NATIONAL—GUARD, struggling more than ANY—OTHER—PART—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY to sign up new troops amid THE—IRAQ war, missed its ninth straight monthly recruiting goal in June, officials said —ON—MONDAY.
20050712             Withdrawal would curb terrorism :
20050712             Of course there is 1—IRAQ—TERROR—LINK—AND it long predates 20010911             — Bush renews linking IRAQ war to 20010911             :
20050712             —AFTER the Ldon bombings, THE—WHITE—HOUSE has embarked on 1—NEW—EFFORT to link the war in IRAQ with THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM, beginning with 1—SPEECH by PRESIDENT—BUSH—YESTERDAY saying it is vital to fight terrorists in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN and "across the world, so we do not have to face them here at home".
20050712             Police make arrests in LONDON bomb ATTACK—SKY : Police made 1—NUMBER—OF—ARRESTS in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—LEEDS —ON—TUESDAY over the suspected al Qaeda attacks which killed 52—PEOPLE in LONDON —LAST—WEEK, Sky news television reported.
20050712             Vigil sends 'MESSAGE—OF—COMMISERATION' : In the shadow of THE—LONDON bombings, HUNDREDS—OF—ANTI—WAR—PROTESTERS and Muslims came together to send a "MESSAGE—OF—COMMISERATION" to the victims and their families.
20050712             Why IRAQ Has Made Us Less Safe...
20050712             —DECLARED, SIR—IVOR—ROBERTS, BRITAIN—AMBASSADOR to ITALY, last September that the "best recruiting SERGEANT—FOR—AL—QAEDA" was none other than THE—USA—PRESIDENT, GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20050712             IRAQ Support Caused LONDON Attack, Say Americans:
20050712             —TARGETED, MANY—ADULTS in THE—USA—BELIEVE LONDON was, by terrorists BECAUSE—OF—BRITAIN—PARTICIPATION in the coalition effort, according to 1—FLASH poll by Gallup
20050712             BOB—HERBERT: It —JUST Gets Worse:
20050712             Whatever one's views on the war, thoughtful Americans need to consider the damage it is doing to THE—USA + the bitter anger that it has provoked among Muslims —AROUND the world.
20050712             —UNCHECKED, That anger is spreading like 1, fire in 1—INCREDIBLY vast field
20050712             It's the occupation, not the fundamentalism By SCOTT—MCCONNELL
20050712             SCOTT—MCCONNELL caught up with Associate Professor ROBERT—PAPE—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO, whose book on suicide terrorism, Dying to Win, is beginning to receive wide notice.
20050712             Pape has found that the most common USA—PERCEPTIONS about who the terrorists are and what motivates them are off by 1—WIDE—MARGIN.
20050712             - 1—CONVERSATION with the man who knows more about suicide terrorists than ANY—OTHER—AMERICAN.
20050712             THE—HORROR—IN—LONDON
20050712             —WHEN we kill them in droves, SOME—OF—THEM will strike back.
20050712             —BY ERIC—MARGOLIS
20050712             —HORRIFIED, We are, that anyone would attack innocent civilians packed in subway cars.
20050712             But the extremists and fanatics who do so say they are exacting revenge for the 500,000 IRAQ—CIVILIANS who †, (confirmed by THE—UN), from THE—10—YEAR—USA—UK—EMBARGO—OF—IRAQ.
20050712             Or for the occupation of IRAQ and DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—CITY—OF—FALLUJA that killed tens of thousands more civilians, and, of course, for Palestine.
20050712             —BY Salah AL—QALLAB—EDITED By ROB—GIBRAN—TRANSLATED From Arabic
20050712             —REALIZED, THE—AMERICANS should have, this —BEFORE sending their forces to occupy IRAQ.
20050712             It is illogical to expect countries like Syria and IRAN to stand by meekly and wait for USA—FORCES to arrive at the center of their capitals.
20050712             Finally, —AFTER—5—YEARS, the Associated Press Gets 1—HEADLINE Right About THE—WHITE—HOUSE: "On ROVE—BEHALF, THE—WHITE—HOUSE Issued Denials, Which Have —NOW Fallen Apart"
20050712             That's Pathetic and Dangerous for AMERICANS—THIS is coming from AN—ANTIWAR
20050712             website??? The disinfo is flying thick + fast —SINCE THE—LONDON bombs.
20050712             AP HYPES—UP "Endless War" - This hardly needs comment.
20050712             Bali, RIYADH, ISTANBUL, MADRID. And —NOW LONDON.
20050712             —WHEN will it end? Where will it all lead?
20050712             —ENCOURAGED, The experts aren't.
20050712             1—PROMINENT—TERRORISM—RESEARCHER sees the prospect of "endless" war.
20050712             —TRACKED, Adds the man who, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN for THE—CIA, "I don't think it's even started yet".
20050712             1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—SURVEY—OF longtime students of INTERNATIONAL terrorism finds them ever more convinced, in the aftermath of LONDON—BLOODY—THURSDAY, that the world has entered 1—LONG—SIEGE in 1—NEW—KIND—OF—WAR.
20050712             And the way out is far from clear.
20050712             For JAMES—KIRKHOPE, the outlook is "depressing".
20050712             His WASHINGTON consultancy, Terrorism Research Center, sometimes "RED—TEAMS" for USA—AUTHORITIES, playing 1—ROLE in exercises, thinking like terrorist leaders.
20050712             —FOCUSED, That thinking increasingly seems, on 1—STRUGGLE for Islamic supremacy lasting HUNDREDS—OF—YEARS, he said.
20050712             [Agency Reports] - UK PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR —TODAY rejected 1—OPPOSITION—CALL for 1—INQUIRY into how THE—LONDON bombings might have been prevented.
20050712             Blair said it would be 1—UNNECESSARY—DIVERSION at 1—TIME the security services, military and police are on such 1—HIGH—STATE—OF—ALERT and fully occupied hunting the bombers.
20050712             He also said the government held the right to introduce new ANTI—TERRORIST—LEGISLATION should the security forces require them to prevent another attack, but said the government is sticking to its timetable to introduce already planned ANTI—TERRORISM—LEGISLATION—LATER—THIS—YEAR.
20050712             There is much to indicate that the official VERSION—OF—THE—LONDON bombings is not the real STORY—BUT this tale about 1—CO—INCIDENT—TERROR—DRILL is going nowhere on the current evidence.
20050712             —SQUEEZED, It 1—CLOSE—CALL between Power and Jones as to who, the most hype out of all this.
20050712             TINFOIL HAT FODDER
20050712             At the very least this has been 1—CATASTROPHIC—ERROR by ALEX—JONES and PAUL—WATSON, sure to reflect badly on Jones' reputation.
20050712             The article gives the clear impression that up to 1,000 personnel were involved in 1—LONDON DRILL—INCLUDING field agents who were active in THE—LONDON Underground and providing cover for those planting the bombs.
20050712             That couldn't be more wrong.
20050712             In fact, POWER—CONSULTANCY firm was running 1—SMALL "corporate wargame" drill for the management team of 1—UK—COMPANY with 1,000 employees.
20050712             HERE—THE—BBC—TRANSCRIPT—OF—THE—INTERVIEW—POWER gave [our emphasis] :
20050712             POWER: "At half past 9—THIS —MORNING we were actually running 1—EXERCISE for 1—COMPANY—OF over a 1000—PEOPLE in LONDON based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this —MORNING, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right —NOW".
20050712             [mp3 Audio] - Clearly, the figure of 1,000 refers to THE—SIZE—OF—THE—COMPANY whose managers were being DRILLED—AND not to THE—NUMBER—OF—PARTICIPANTS in the drill.
20050712             Furthermore, According to 1—STORY on THE—ALEX—JONES—WEBSITE, Power
20050712             was running a 1,000 person strong exercise which drilled THE—LONDON Underground being bombed at the exact same locations, at the exact same times, as happened in real life.
20050712             —ALLEGED, Moreover, the Jones account, that POWER—FIRM functioned as 1—COVER for "government terrorists".
20050712             Rather large claims.
20050712             —BACKED, Jones, them up with links to BBC interviews.
20050712             —NAMED, An interesting blog
20050712             Wagnews (1—SITE previously unknown to me, —UNTIL Xymphora linked to it) sets the record straight.
20050712             To put the matter very briefly, ALEX—JONES seems to have misrepresented his source material.
20050712             23:0 In den letzten 12—JAHREN stieg das Wasser jährlich um 3—MILLIMETER, in den 40—JAHREN zuvor waren es nur knapp 2—MILLIMETER pro —JAHR.
20050712             Ursache sind steigende Temperaturen.
20050712             Die richtige Dopaminbalance ist für ein normal funktionierendes Gehirn unerlässlich + das in gleicher Weise für Taufliegen wie für Menschen, schließen die Forscher.
20050712             Nicht nur Verurteilte auf Bewährung tragen kleine Sensoren zur Überwachung am Bein.
20050712             Auch Hunde dürfen —SEIT einiger Zeit mit einem modischen GPS—BAND vom Herrchen rund um die Uhr geortet werden:
20050712             Satellitenmessung: Meere steigen 3—MILLIMETER pro —JAHR
20050712             IRAK: Ministerpräsident fordert Abzug von USA—EINHEITEN
20050712             Geologie: Glühende Grüße vom Friedhof der Kontinente
20050712             Verfassungsgericht: Selbstbehandlung mit Cannabis bleibt verboten
20050712             GPS—ORTUNG: Achtung, Hund verlässt Homezone
20050712             Londoner Anschläge: Verseuchte Mail lockt mit TERRORVIDEO—TITELSEITEN: "Niemand ist mehr sicher!"
20050712             Londoner Anschläge: ANTI—TERROREINHEIT durchsucht 5—WOHNUNGEN
20050712             Neurotransmitter: Taufliegen auf "Ice" balzen unablässig
20050712             IRAK: Studie spricht von 39.000—TOTEN —SEIT Kriegsbeginn
20050712             Uno: Heftiger Widerstand gegen Erweiterung des Sicherheitsrats
20050712             Reisefreiheit: USA heben LONDON—BANN für GIs auf
20050712             The same kind of thinking might lead 1—PRESIDENT to manipulate + misuse national security agencies or their intelligence to create 1—PHONY reason to lead the nation into 1—POLITICALLY desirable war.
20050712             Let us hope that is not the case.
20050712             To put it bluntly, if Bush has taken Congress and the nation into war based on bogus information, he is cooked.
20050712             Manipulation or deliberate misuse of national security intelligence data, if proven, could be "1—HIGH—CRIME" under THE—CONSTITUTION—IMPEACHMENT—CLAUSE.
20050712             It would also be 1—VIOLATION of federal criminal law, including
20050712             the broad federal ANTI—CONSPIRACY statute,
20050712             which renders it 1—FELONY "to defraud THE—USA, or ANY—AGENCY thereof in ANY—MANNER or for ANY—PURPOSE".
20050712             —RESIGNED, It's important to recall that —WHEN RICHARD—NIXON, he was about to be impeached by THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES for misusing THE—CIA and FBI.
20050712             —AFTER Watergate, all presidents are on notice that manipulating or misusing ANY—AGENCY—OF—THE—EXECUTIVE—BRANCH improperly is 1—SERIOUS—ABUSE—OF—PRESIDENTIAL—POWER.
20050712             —CLAIMED, Nixon, that his misuses of the federal agencies for his political purposes were in the interest of national security.
20050712             The - This story can be found at:
20050712             He had seen the message —ON—THURSDAY—MORNING and doubted its authenticity.
20050712             "It was only there for 1—FEW minutes + they misquoted the Qur'an".
20050712             He also said THE—WEBSITE—OR more accurately 1—BULLETIN BOARD—COULD be used by anyone.
20050712             The server in HOUSTON has intriguing connections.
20050712             Renowned for his charitable work, ROY—MARSH counts among his friends PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—FORMER—SISTER—IN—LAW, SHARON—BUSH + THE—PRESIDENT—NAVY—SECRETARY.
20050712             EVERYONE—INTERNET, which also hosts 1—NUMBER—OF—PORNOGRAPHIC—SITES, states: "We support the uncensored FLOW—OF—INFORMATION and ideas over THE—INTERNET and do not actively monitor subscriber activity under normal circumstances".
20050712             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has been caught planning to carry out attacks and carrying out attacks.
20050712             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT has been caught RED—HANDED as well.
20050712             MEMBERS—OF—VLADIMIR—PUTIN—FSB were
20050712             caught planting bombs in 1—RUSSIA—APARTMENT building 19990000             by THE—MOSCOW police.
20050712             This is not speculation. bombings and shootings in IRAN.
20050712             —BLAMED, He then went on to brag about how they subsequently, the bombings on IRAN—PRESIDENT, Mossadegh.
20050712             Do you understand, these people brag about what they do —40—YEARS—LATER?
20050712             THE—LONDON bombings have the same signature as the Madrild bombings of 3/11.
20050712             —OCCURRED, Then we were told that no such warning had, + that the attacks caught SCOTLAND Yard entirely by surprise.
20050712             SOME—ISRAEL—ACCOUNTS confirm the warning (see here). - - - Yet Haaretz denies it.
20050712             —CONSIDERED, Stratfor, the intelligence consulting agency widely, 1—MOSSAD asset (or CUT—OUT), —NOW
20050712             confirms that ISRAEL—SPOOKS had gained advance knowledge, which they shared with the boys at the Yard.
20050712             Stratfor further claims that the Israelis LEARNED—OF—THE—PLOT—DAYS—NOT MINUTES—BEFORE the event!
20050712             —WARNED, ISRAEL, LONDON—OF—THE—ATTACKS a "COUPLE—OF—DAYS ago," but UK—AUTHORITIES failed to respond accordingly to deter the attacks, according to 1 unconfirmed rumor circulating in intelligence circles.
20050712             —WHILE ISRAEL is keeping quiet for THE—TIME—BEING, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR soon will be facing the heat for his failure to take action.
20050712             The key revelation comes via 1—BBC INTERVIEW—WITH—PETER—POWER, formerly of SCOTLAND Yard, —NOW the manager of a "crisis management" team involved with UK—NATIONAL—SECURITY:
20050712             HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running 1—EXERCISE to see how you would cope with this and it happened —WHILE you were running the exercise?
20050712             POWER: Precisely + it was about half past 9—THIS —MORNING, we planned this for 1—COMPANY and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it.
20050712             And we had 1—ROOM—FULL—OF—CRISIS—MANAGERS for the 1. time they'd met and so within 5—MINUTES we made 1—PRETTY—RAPID—DECISION that this is the real 1 and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.
20050712             I believe it was FOX—MULDER who said: "If coincidence is —JUST coincidence, why does it feel so contrived?"
20050712             (If THE—CONSPIRACY—MINDED Jones still makes you uncomfortable and you want another source for this story, try
20050712             here.
20050712             NPR—THE—WHITE—HOUSE is refusing to answer questions about PRESIDENT ial adviser KARL—ROVE—ROLE in THE—NAMING—OF—CIA—AGENT—VALERIE Plame to the media.
20050712             —ASSERTED, Administration officials have, that Rove was not involved in the leak, which prompted 1—CRIMINAL inv
20050712             WILL—THE—STONEWALL—WORK?
20050712             press SECRETARY—SCOTT—MCCLELLAN—STONEWALLING recalling the darkest moments of previous administrations, an
20050712             WHITE—HOUSE Won't Comment on Rove, Leak (AP )
20050712             Zusammenspiel von totaler ( Erd-)Überwachung + menschlichem Fehlverhalten...
20050712             ALBERT—II. wird in MONACO als Nachfolger seines gestorbenen Vaters Rainier III. inthronisiert.
20050712—19530000    —ADMITED, Kermit Roosevelt, on NPR radio that THE—CIA and UK—INTELLIGENCE carried out 1—WAVE—OF
20050712—19800000    —IN, Both of these bombings are almost indistinguishable from the Bolognia bombing that killed over 80—PEOPLE.
20050712—19910000    —IN, For the criminal DESTRUCTION—OF—IRAQ—WATER and sewage treatment plants that cause massive cholera and typhoid.
20050712—19980000    —FOUNDED, EVERYONE—INTERNET was, by brothers Robert and ROY—MARSH and
20050712—20010000    —IN, However, with THE—ADVENT—OF—THE—GEORGE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, these pretenses gave way to assertions of the 2. Coming of THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE.
20050712—20010911    —HAPPENED, What, in LONDON did not recapitulate the "Vigilant GUARDIAN" exercise.
20050712—20020000    —BY, had 1—INCOME—OF—MORE than $30m (—NOW about £17m).
20050712—20050529    —ORDERED, AL—QAEDA, ATTACKS—ON—EUROPE : THE—ISLAMIST—EXTREMIST—GROUP AL—QAEDA ordered ATTACKS—ON—EUROPE in a 20050529             INTERNET message that THE—SPAIN—SECRET—SERVICE forwarded to their UK—COUNTERPARTS at the weekend, 1—SPAIN—NEWSPAPER reported.
20050712—20050708    —ON, I watched cable television coverage of various UK—OFFICIALS (including the Mayor of LONDON ) + they all seemed quite NERVOUS—TO my eyes, at LEAST—WHEN fielding questions about THE—ISRAEL—CONNECTION.
20050712—20051007    —ON, the country's top investigator said † the fire was set deliberately.
20050713             Sprengstoff kam vom Militär Stern - 20050712             Der bei den Londonern Anschlägen benutzte Sprengstoff kam aus militärischen Beständen.
20050714             " GERMAN — HOLLAND—RELATIONS—IN—THE 19010101—20001231    —AN INTERNATIONAL Intelligence Perspective "
20050714             —EXPOSED, AL—QAEDA cleric, as an MI5 double agent By DANIEL—MCGRORY and RICHARD—FORD, 20040325             20050714             1—OPERAÇÃO de concentração, notificada em 20020625             , consiste...
20050714             Broadcast 20050713             We go to BRITAIN to speak with author and activist MILAN—RAI about how 1—LEAKED—UK—GOVERNMENT—STUDY concluded that UK—FOREIGN—POLICY + THE—IRAQ war in particular, was 1—KEY—CAUSE—OF—YOUNG—BRITONS turning to terrorism.
20050714             as of 20050127             —IT shows both Power + Sheirer were on the advisory BOARD together.
20050714             —PLEDGED, USA—CHIEF—JUSTICE—WILLIAM—H—REHNQUIST, ending a 2—DAY stay in the hospital, to continue working as long as his health permitted.
20050714             THE—USA—BUDGET—OFFICE said it expects a 20050000             federal deficit of $333—BILLION, down 20% from 1—PREVIOUS estimate and $79—BILLION below the record —POSTED for 20040000            .
20050714             —OVERTURNED, A—USA—APPEALS—COURT, 20030000             —THE "mad cow" ban on beef imports from CANADA.
20050714             THE—USDA said it would lift restrictions within days.
20050714             USA and AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS fought Taliban insurgent near THE—PAKISTAN border inside AFGHANISTAN.
20050714             MAJOR—GENERAL—REHMATULLAH—RAUFI, the top army COMMANDER—IN—PAKTIA, said THE—AFGHANISTAN—BASE was attacked in the Lwara area.
20050714             —SUSPECTED, The next —DAY PAKISTAN—TROOPS found the bodies of 24, Taliban militants.
20050714             —SEIZED, COLOMBIA, commandos acting on 1—TIP, Jose Aldemar Rendon, as he was jogging outside MEDELLIN.
20050714             —SUSPECTED, Rendon was 1, LEADER—OF—THE—NORTE del Valle cartel drug cartel believed to have trafficked half the cocaine sold in THE—USA in the 1990s.
20050714             —DISBANDED, In Maria la Baja the local paramilitary group, and handed over its weapons under 1—PEACE—AGREEMENT with the government.
20050714             THE—BODY—OF—JACQUES—ROCHE, 1—WELL—KNOWN—HAITI—JOURNALIST, was found shot to death with SIGNS—OF—TORTURE, —5—DAYS—AFTER he was seized —WHILE driving in the capital.
20050714             —RECOVERED, INDIA—TROOPS, the bodies of 5—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS as they hunted rebels high in the rugged Himalayas in NORTH—INDIA—KASHMIR.
20050714             † 7—PEOPLE, in other violence.
20050714             1—SPOKESMAN identified 1—OF—THE—SLAIN rebels as ABU—LUKMAN, 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—THE—REGION—MAIN—REBEL—GROUP—HIZBUL Mujahedin.
20050714             —KILLED, IRAQ, 2—USA—MARINES were, by roadside bomb near THE—JORDAN—BORDER.
20050714             IRAQ, 2—SUICIDE—BOMBERS struck near the Green Zone in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, but a 3. was wounded and captured by USA and IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES, officials said.
20050714             —WOUNDED, At least 9—PEOPLE were, in the blasts.
20050714             —KILLED, Gunmen, 5—IRAQ—EMPLOYEES—OF—1—USA—BASE in Baqouba.
20050714             —KILLED, At least 9—POLICEMEN also were, in separate attacks nationwide.
20050714             5—MEN shot and killed THE—BISHOP—AFTER 1—ROW over cash donated to the Isiolo diocese.
20050714             —PLUNGED, SOUTH—THAILAND, at least 60—INSURGENTS, Yala city into darkness by destroying electrical transformers, then roamed the streets with FIRE—BOMBS, explosives and guns, targeting 1—AREA—NEAR 1—HOTEL, convenience stores, 1—RESTAURANT and the railway station.
20050714             Suspected Islamic separatists set off 5—BOMBS and exchanged gunfire with security personnel in 1—ATTACK, killing 1—POLICE—OFFICER and wounding 19—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20050714             Umfrage: Linksbündnis überholt CDU im Osten
20050714             —BEFÜRWORTET, Sicherheitspolitik: MUSLIMEN—ZENTRALRAT, Observierung von Moscheen
20050714             —VERLIERT, AL—QAIDA: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, laut Studie Rückhalt in islamischen Staaten
20050714             Nationalfeiertag in FRANKREICH: Brennende Autos und Gewalt
20050714             CHINA—WAFFENEMBARGO: Bush darf keine Sanktionen gegen EU—FIRMEN verhängen
20050714             Augenblick: TOD—DER—TODESSTRAFE
20050714             Wischtest in Brüssel: Kokainspuren auf dem EU—PARLAMENTS—KLO - Tsunami: Erdbeben verschob Inseln
20050714             Terrorfahndung: Der Mann, der den Bus in die Luft jagte
20050714             ITALIEN: Richter streikten gegen Berlusconi
20050714             Terrorabwehr: USA testen Raketenabwehr für Ziviljets
20050714             Historischer Limes: Der "Teufelswall" als Welterbe
20050714             Vollstreckungslandkarte: Alle 20—SEKUNDEN kommt irgendwo der Kuckuck
20050714             CIA—SKANDAL: Bush s Schweigen, Roves Verrat
20050714             Päpstliche POTTER—SCHELTE: Ratzinger mag Harry nicht
20050714             Historiker Baring zur Großen Koalition: "Das Angebot an Führungspersonal ist kümmerlich"
20050714             SPD: 1—GESPENST namens Große Koalition
20050714             —GEWESEN, Untersuchungsbericht: GUANTANAMO soll FOLTER—VORBILD für ABU—GHUREIB, sein
20050714             Textilbranche: GAP—NÄHER schuften 60—STUNDEN die Woche und mehr
20050714             Gedenken an Anschläge: EUROPA steht —FÜR—2—MINUTEN still
20050714             UN to take over NEPAL, hold polls : GYANENDRA—KING—OF— and the Maoist insurgents have agreed for THE—UN to administer NEPAL for 1—YEAR within which INTERNALLY—MONITORED elections will be held + the scheme presented to UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN by USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZAA—RICE was structured by INDIA —WHILE THE—UK and BELGIUM CO—SPONSORED it.
20050714             AMERICA—INDIA and the outsourcing of imperial overreach : In offering to make INDIA a 'major world power', WASHINGTON wants a 'low cost ally' whose support in 'LOW—END—TASKS' will help free its own military for THE—'HIGH—END' military operations central to maintaining its power in ASIA.
20050714             Root of the Rove controversy is the war in IRAQ:
20050714             USA—JUSTIFICATION for waging WAR—ON—SADDAM still haunts WHITE—HOUSE
20050714             TED—RALL: TreasonGate: It's Not —JUST KARL—ROVE:
20050714             —SINCE KARL—ROVE surfaced —LAST—WEEK as THE—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL who probably unmasked 1—COVERT—CIA—AGENT, new developments appear to confirm that the deputy CHIEF—OF—STAFF and CHIEF—BUSH—POLITICAL—STRATEGIST has committed treason
20050714             GREG—PALAST: MISTER—ROVE—AND—THE—ACCESS—OF—EVIL—TELLS Us Your "Source" Judy : The only thing more evil, SMALL—MINDED and treasonous than THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—JAILING Judith Miller for 1—CRIME THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION committed, is Judith Miller covering up her BUSH—ADMINISTRATION "source.
20050714             Are THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—CORP Waking Up?:
20050714             Q Scott, can I ask you this; did KARL—ROVE commit 1—CRIME?
20050714             GOP talking points on Rove seek to discredit Wilson : 1—EXCLUSIVE—COPY—OF—REPUBLICAN talking points on Bush adviser KARL—ROVE—LEAKING THE—NAME—OF—1—CIA agent to 1—REPORTER, circulated by the Republican National Committee to "DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Talkers" in WASHINGTON.
20050714             USA—JUDGE—SLAMS—NEW—DEPORTATION—LAW : THE—CHIEF—JUDGE—OF—USA—DISTRICT—COURT—IN—BOSTON lashed out at Congress —ON—TUESDAY for putting what he called a ``chokehold'' on all federal district courts, stripping THEM—OF—THE—AUTHORITY to rule on deportation cases.
20050714             IRAN: World fed up with extensive violation of human rights by USA TEHRAN: Foreign ministry spokesman HAMID—REZA—ASEFI reacting to interfering STATEMENT—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, said, "THE—USA is talking about violation of human rights in IRAN, —WHILE the whole world is disgusted of extensive violation of human rights in USA and by USA—GOVERNMENT—AROUND the world".
20050714             —BECAME, Arafat poisoning theory gets boost: Farouq Kaddoumi, the most senior PALESTINE—FIGURE to endorse the poisoning theory —WHEN he told reporters in TUNIS —ON—MONDAY: "I can categorically confirm that ABU—AMMAR (Arafat) was poisoned.
20050714             Bush and Blair 's 'Prime Evil' : UK Presidency proposes that all ID cards have BIOMETRICS—EVERYONE to be fingerprinted.
20050714             UK EU presidency aims for EUROPE—WIDE—BIOMETRIC ID card: THE—UK is using its PRESIDENCY—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—THE—EUROPEAN Union to push for the adoption of biometric ID cards and associated standards across the whole of THE—EU.
20050714             Pentagon hawk admits IRAQ doubts : The outgoing Pentagon number 3 has admitted holding doubts over key AREAS—OF—USA—MILITARY—POLICY in IRAQ.
20050714             VOICES—OF—RESISTANCE: INTERVIEW—WITH—DOCTOR—MOHAMMAD—AL—OBAIDI—OF—IRAQ—PEOPLES' Struggle Movement : The main PURPOSE—OF—THE—ELECTION—PROCESS was to secure 1—GOVERNMENT that will facilitate LONG—LASTING agreements with THE—USA to keep its forces on IRAQ—SOIL and transform the country into 1—USA—COLONY.
20050714             —MISSED, In case you, it:
20050714             USA hoping LONDON blasts will unite West : USA policymakers are working —THIS—WEEK to hammer home THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PERSPECTIVE on —LAST—WEEK—BOMBINGS in LONDON, 1—VIEW that emphasizes the bloodthirsty nature of AL—QAIDA, the necessity of RE—EXAMINING LONG—ESTABLISHED NOTIONS—OF—LAW—ENFORCEMENT and THE—LONGER—TERM—IMPORTANCE—OF bringing democracy to the Islamic world, —BEGINNING—IN IRAQ.
20050714             FOX News Sells: Saddam Hussein and Usama OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Link?
20050714             —CARRIED, Evidence indicates 4—SUICIDE attackers, out LONDON bombings : Investigators will —NOW have to determine whether the men acted alone or had help in planning the bombings.
20050714             Suicide bombers had IDs : Police had no need of DNA evidence to identify the suspected bombers as the men were all carrying personal documents.
20050714             1—REPLAY—OF—THE—PRISTINE 20010911             —PASSPORT : It turns out, if you believe THE—BROOKLYN—BRIDGE is for sale, that actual IDS—OF—BOMBERS were found in separate piles of rubble at THE—SITES—OF—THE—BLASTS.
20050714             —PLANTED, The suicide bomb squad from LEEDS: The man who, the bomb at Edgware Road was named last night as MOHAMMED—SIDIQUE—KHAN, 30, the oo father of an 8—MONTH—OLD—BABY, who is believed to have come from THE—LEEDS area.
20050714             —ARRESTED, BRITAIN denies bomb suspects, in the past : UNITED—KINGDOM—INTERIOR—MINISTER—CHARLES—CLARKE —ON—WEDNESDAY hotly denied having told European Union counterparts that SOME—OF—THE—SUSPECTS in —LAST—WEEK—LONDON bomb attacks had been arrested in the past.
20050714             UK 'to face more suicide attacks': HOME SECRETARY—CHARLES—CLARKE —TODAY warned BRITAIN must prepare for more suicide attacks amid fears scores more UK—BASED fanatics are ready to die for their cause.
20050714             Galloway speaks on the bombings: MANY—OF—THOSE caught up in the events were my constituents, heading to work in the City and the west end.
20050714             I spent 4—HOURS or so this —MORNING at the Royal LONDON hospital in my constituency where the medical staff are toiling, without 1—BREAK, to deal with the casualties who are being brought in in their SCORES—PERHAPS, by —NOW, in their hundreds.
20050714             Terrorism Comes with Empire : Why didn't the terrorists strike SWITZERLAND instead of ENGLAND?
20050714             —AFTER all, THE—2—COUNTRIES—SHARE the same "freedom and values," don't they?
20050714             1. Muslim killed in feared backlash against LONDON bombings : A 48-year old man from PAKISTAN has been beaten to death outside 1—CORNER—SHOP by 1—GANG—OF—YOUTHS in what is believed to be the 1. Muslim killed in 1—BACKLASH against —LAST—WEEK—BOMBINGS in LONDON.
20050714             100,000 IRAQ—CIVILIAN—DEATHS in 28—MONTHS:
20050714             The label of Catholic terror was never used about THE—IRA
20050714             Fundamentalism is often 1—FORM—OF—NATIONALISM in religious DISGUISE—KAREN Armstrong
20050714             We cannot hope to convert OSAMA—BIN—LADEN from his vicious ideology;
20050714             our priority must be to stem the flow of young people into organisations such as AL—QAIDA, instead of alienating them by routinely coupling their religion with immoral violence.
20050714             —CONVINCED, Incorrect statements about Islam have, too MANY—IN—THE—MUSLIM world that the west is 1—IMPLACABLE—ENEMY.
20050714             1—WAR between normal human people and savages?
20050714             The corporate terrorist of the Multinationals have invisibly joined hands with the religious zealots who have 1—MISSION to transform the Muslim world in their own image.
20050714             Leaked UK Memo Warned IRAQ War 1—KEY—CAUSE for Growth of "Extremism" in BRITAIN
20050714             Real Audio - trade ASIA—EXPORTERS fear damage JAPAN rift mounting trade...... consortium headed pennzoil pzl offered block offers result applications... legal dispute pennzoil pzl texaco fighting TEXAS law requiring post bond...
20050714             trade ASIA—EXPORT fear damag JAPAN rift mount trade friction and...... pct and orang NASSAU pct thi group consortium head pennzoil pzl offer block... loan result legal disput pennzoil pzl texaco fight texa law requir post...
20050714             CONCENTRAÇÕES DECIDIDAS EM 20010000             -... 38/2002 - Shell Oil Company/PENNZOIL—QUAKER STATE—COMPANY.
20050714             AFGHANISTAN: Taliban haben angeblich flüchtige Extremisten aufgenommen
20050714             DATEN—RETTER: Fahndung nach Einsen und Nullen
20050714             Staatsbürgerschaft: Kardinal Lehmann will Verfassungsbekenntnis von Muslimen
20050714             INTERNET Archive: Kanzlei verklagt die Wayback Machine
20050714             Ryanair: Londoner Anschläge kosten 1—MILLION Umsatz
20050714             Innere Sicherheit: Union will Muslime schärfer überwachen
20050714             Startverbot für Space Shuttle: Treibstoffanzeige spielte verrückt
20050714             —IDENTIFIZIERT, TERROR—ERMITTLUNGEN: Polizei, Drahtzieher der Anschläge
20050714             Globalierungsdilemma: Sockenkrieg in Amerikas Südstaaten
20050714             1—OF—AL—QAEDA—MOST dangerous figures has been revealed as 1—DOUBLE—AGENT working for MI5, raising criticism from European governments, which repeatedly called for his arrest.
20050714             TONY—BUNYAN—OF—STATEWATCH, which monitors civil liberties in THE—EU, said: 'This proposal, with others, means that everyone living in THE—EU and their details are held on 1—EU—WIDE—DATABASE.
20050714             At 1—TIME—OF—GREAT—TRAGEDY it is all the more important that we act with care and do not bequeath to future generations 1—SOCIETY where EVERY—MOVEMENT and EVERY—COMMUNICATION is under surveillance.'
20050714             —POSTED—BY—FINTAN, BreakForNews_com
20050714             As well as being DIRECTOR—OF—NEW—YORK—OVERALL—EMERGENCY—RESPONSE planning in THE—LEAD—IN to 20010911             ,
20050714             Sheirer himself was the city's ON—SCENE—COORDINATOR—OF—MULTIPLE—AGENCY—RESPONSES to the 20010911             —ATTACKS themselves.
20050714             And I suppose this is 1—GOOD—TIME to point out that Sheirer should really be addressed by his full TITLE—COURTESY of Her Majesty THE—QUEEN, in RECOGNITION—OF—SERVICES to British /USA—RELATIONS—MISTER—RICHARD J—SHEIRER—CBE, honorary COMMANDER—OF—THE—MOST—EXCELLENT—ORDER—OF—THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—EMPIRE.
20050714             —MEANWHILE the competent Nico
20050714             —JUST found exactly how well connected is MISTER—POWER.
20050714             —SERVED, It seems that Power, on the Advisory BOARD—TO—THE—CANADA—CENTRE for Emergency Preparedness(CCEP), along with none other than RICHARD—SHEIRER, Senior VICE—PRESIDENT, Giuliani & Partners.
20050714             FORMER—NEW—YORK mayor RUDI—GIULIANI, who was in office —AT—THE—TIME—OF—20010911—THE—ATTACKS, was, by sheer coincidence, in LONDON —WHEN the recent bombings took place.
20050714             —HAPPENED, And by further sheer coincidence,—JUST, to be only "yards from LIVERPOOL Street station —WHEN the bombs went off".
20050714             [Source]
20050714             —ON the website of THE—CCEP, their INTERNET page listing current advisors shows only MISTER—POWER.
20050714             However.... if you go to the Google cache of the same page -1—SNAPSHOT as of 20050127             - it shows both Power + Sheirer were on the advisory BOARD together.
20050714             FOR SERVICES RENDERED—IN case you forgot exactly who Sheirer is, let's quote from
20050714             his bio page on THE—CCEP website:
20050714             1—FEW months ago THE—BBC broadcast 1—SIMILAR documentary on the same theme, although with much worse consequences [??].
20050714             It is hardly surprising —THEREFORE, that we chose 1—FEASIBLE—SCENARIO—BUT the timing and script was nonetheless, 1—LITTLE disconcerting.
20050714             which PETER—POWER responds. Thank you for your message.
20050714             1—SCENARIO in particular, was very similar to real time events.
20050714             "However, anyone with knowledge about such ongoing threats to our capital city will be aware that...
20050714             Embattled BBC GOVERNOR—NEVILLE—JONES resigns
20050714             Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES is to stand down early from THE—BBC BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS,
20050714             less than —2—MONTHS—AFTER FORMER—BBC Director GENERAL...
20050714             Aid Workers Forum: WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION (WMD) - Preparing... - Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES—QINETIQ
20050714             1—INFRASTRUCTURE—RICH—CONTEXT for granted with 1 sophisticated "911 " emergency management system as their fulcrum.
20050714             —EMERGED, Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES, 1—BBC GOVERNOR, as 1—OF—THE—MAIN—FIGURES in the feud between THE—BBC + UK government in the fallout of the Hutton...
20050714             to 1—ECONOMIC—CRISIS—THE—PLAN to attack AFGHANISTAN...—BEFORE 20010911             20050714             The cost...
20050714             —EMERGED, Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES, 1—BBC GOVERNOR, as 1—OF—THE—MAIN—FIGURES in...
20050714             down with murder inc - THE—SHADOW—OF—THE—MINISTRY—OF—TERROR, - [—SUNDAY Herald ]
20050714             Former head of the joint intelligence COMMITTEE—DAME—PAULINE—NEVILLE — Jones described it as simply "dangerous" to turn the security debate into 1—PARTY...
20050714             + editor as well as PUBLISHER—OF—PEACEKEEPING—INTELLIGENCE:
20050714             Emerging Concepts for the Future (OSS, 20030000             , Foreword by Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES—UK ).
20050714             OSS.Net, INCORPORATED Home Page
20050714             an honor to have Forewords from SENATOR—DAVID—BOREN (D—OK) +
20050714             SENATOR—PAT—ROBERTS (R—KS) as well as Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES (for the edited work).
20050714             PEPIS messages for 20040000             - the archive
20050714             911 : In Plane Sight follows on from other videos such as 'MOHAMMED—ATTA +
20050714             DAME PAULINE NEVILLE—JONES.
20050714             Position: Chairs THE—BBC—AUDIT committee +.
20050714             Political manipulation of THE—BBC—ALASDAIR—MILNE—ZIRCON...
20050714             Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES—WAR profiteer in ermine + GREG—DYKE—BACKSTABBER...
20050714             —ORGANIZED, Conference, by THE—NETHERLANDS Intelligence Studies Association (NISA) + THE—INTERNATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—HISTORY—ASSOCIATION (IIHA)
20050714             Telegraph | News.
20050714             of Lords, r JOHN—ASHWORTH, 1—ECONOMIST + Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES, who was.
20050714             1—LATE—ENTRY into the race + 1—POSSIBLE sop to Tory ACCUSATIONS—OF—CRONYISM, Dame...
20050714             However, from THE—MOD—SUBMISSION,
20050714             in 20010000—20020000     30—PERCENT—OF—THE—MOD 's £416—MILLION...
20050714             Civil Rights Groups Urge Justice DEPARTMENT—TO—BLOCK—GEORGIA—PHOTO—ID—LAW : More than 2—DOZEN—CIVIL—RIGHTS, religious, labor and advocacy groups urged THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE to block implementation of 1—NEW—GEORGIA law which they say will have 1—SUBSTANTIALLY negative "racial impact" on minority voters.
20050714             —TESTIFIED, Yahoo News AP—PRESIDENT ial confidant KARL—ROVE, to 1—GRAND—JURY that he learned the identity of 1—CIA—OPERATIVE originally from journalists, then informally discussed the information with 1—TIME—MAGAZINE—REPORTER—DAYS—BEFORE the story broke, according to
20050714             Rove Reportedly Held Phone Talk on CIA Officer
20050714             NEW—YORK—TIMES—KARL—ROVE spoke with the columnist ROBERT—D—NOVAK as he was preparing 1—ARTICLE that identified 1—UNDERCOVER CIA officer.
20050714             Dems Seek Probe on Rove Role in CIA Leak (AP ) - Yahoo News
20050714             the news leak that unmasked 1—CIA—AGENT.
20050714             —TRIGGERED, They, 1—PARTISAN clash in the Senate, sought 1—HOUSE—INVESTIGATION + brought the husband of the undercover
20050714             Bush : No comment on Rove
20050714             CNN - PRESIDENT—BUSH said —WEDNESDAY that he will not comment on THE—KARL—ROVE cont rove rsy —UNTIL the grand jury investigation is over.
20050714             'I also will not prejudge the investigation based on MEDIA—REPORTS,' he said —AFTER meeting with his Cabinet and other top offic
20050714             Time Reporter Testifies About Contacts With Rove
20050714             Telegraph | News... ultimate anchorman By...
20050714             De papierversnipperaar van de BVD Kluiters brengt de bijna totale lacune aan kennis over het Nederlandse... door het bekendworden van het bestaan van de geheime organisatie Gladio.
20050714             intel WEBLOG—WEB—LOG.nl WEB—LOG.nl.
20050714             Prins bezoekt coördinator terrorismebestrijding Onderhandelen met AL—QAEDA 'Persvrijheid gaat niet boven wet'.
20050714             intel weblog: Intelligence algemeen/general... in de volksmond 10—ONRECHTE Gladio genoemd, die zo geheim was dat hij... 13.30 - 14.00—FRANS Kluiters (Neth): 'Abwehr Stay Behind in THE—NETHERLANDS'...
20050714             Look for connections between Farhad Azima and Wally Hilliard.
20050714             Azima holds the key, in my opinion. by BooMan
20050714             Economic Indicator SERVICES—ONLINE Charting Tuition
20050714             "The 4. largest stockholder in INDIA—SPRINGS was IRAN ian expatriate Farhad Azima, who was also the owner of 1—AIR charter company called Global...
20050714             THE—PRINCESS—GRACE—AWARDS
20050714             Lorraine Brown.
20050714             —CONTRIBUTED, THE—MORNING—SUN—ONLINE—MORE than 200—KANSANS, to...
20050714             The largest KANSAS contribution was $500, but on the other SIDE—OF—THE—STATE—LINE, Farhad Azima of KANSAS City gave $10000.
20050714             THE—OWNER—OF—THE—AVIATION.
20050714             —ABOUT  $143000 from Farhad Azima, 1—IRAN ian whose aircraft leasing company has been embroiled in disputes with tax authorities + government regulators.
20050714             A Million ReAsons -
20050714             IRAN ian expatriate Farhad Azima, who was also the owner of 1—AIR charter company called Global INTERNATIONAL Air.
20050714             THE—INDIA—SPRINGS..
20050714             überflog die Sonde die Südhalbkugel, lieferte erstmals eine deutliche ANSICHT—DES—SÜDPOLS—UND enthüllte 1—LANDSCHAFT, die im Sonnensystem nicht ihresgleichen hat.
20050714             —BY THOMAS—HARDING and SANDRA—BARWICK (Filed: 20010910             ).
20050714             Telegraph | News Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES (Filed: 20010910             ).
20050714             ultimate anchorman
20050714             Gedenken an Anschläge: EUROPA steht —FÜR—2—MINUTEN still... alfatomega.com/20050715.html
20050714—20030300    —IN, 128,000 IRAQ—CIVILIAN—CASUALTIES: 1—IRAQ—HUMANITARIAN—ORGANIZATION is reporting that 128,000 Iraqis have been killed —SINCE THE—USA—INVASION began.
20050714—20040000    —ARRESTED, Bomb suspects 'had been, —BEFORE' : Some of the suspected suicide bombers who attacked LONDON —LAST—WEEK had been arrested but freed in 1—BID to catch 1—WIDER—NETWORK, FRANCE—INTERIOR—MINISTER—NICOLAS—SARKOZY has revealed.
20050714—20050707    —EXPRESSED, Given THE—VOLUME—OF—EMAILS about events and 1—COMMONLY, misguided belief that our exercise revealed prescient behaviour, or was somehow 1—CONSPIRACY (noting that several websites interpreted our work —THAT—DAY in 1—INACCURATE/naive/ignorant/hostile manner) it has been decided to issue 1—SINGLE—EMAIL—RESPONSE as follows:
20050714—20050707    —CONFIRMED, It is, that 1—SHORT—NUMBER—OF 'walk through' scenarios planed [sic] well in advance had commenced that —MORNING for 1—PRIVATE—COMPANY in LONDON (as PART—OFWIDER—PROJECT that remains confidential) + that 2—SCENARIOS related directly to terrorist bombs at the same time as the ones that actually detonated with such tragic results.
20050714—20050707    —EXPRESSED, Given THE—VOLUME—OF—EMAILS about events and 1—COMMONLY, misguided belief that our exercise revealed prescient behaviour, or was somehow 1—CONSPIRACY (noting that several websites interpreted our work —THAT—DAY in 1—INACCURATE/naive/ignorant/hostile manner) it has been decided to issue 1—SINGLE—EMAIL—RESPONSE as follows: It is confirmed that 1—SHORT—NUMBER—OF 'walk through' scenarios planed [sic] well in advance had commenced that —MORNING for 1—PRIVATE—COMPANY in LONDON (as PART—OFWIDER—PROJECT that remains confidential) + that 2—SCENARIOS related directly to terrorist bombs at the same time as the ones that actually detonated with such tragic results.
20050714—20050903    —IN, He †.
20050714—20140000    —NAMED, Father Waqo Guyo was, as THE—MASTERMIND—OF—THE—PLOT.
20050714—20141106    —SENTENCED, He and 4—OTHERS were, to death.
20050716             —DURING questioning by THE—FBI about his role in the Plame affair, Rove told federal agents that he only started sharing information about Plame with reporters and WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS for the 1. time —AFTER conservative columnist ROBERT—NOVAK identified her covert CIA status in his column 20030714             —ON according to 1—REPORT in THE—USA—PROSPECT about ROVE—TESTIMONY 20040300             1—COPY—OF which can be found
20050725—20050712    —SEE
20050729—20050714    —ON, COLORADO Republican TOM—TANCREDO made the comment in answer to 1—RADIO host's question about 1—POSSIBLE—RESPONSE to ANY—HYPOTHETICAL—NUCLEAR—TERROR—IST—ATTACK on THE—USA.
20051026—20030714    —AM, —8—TAGE—SPÄTER, wird seine Ehefrau Valerie Plame, eine —BIS dahin verdeckt arbeitende CIA—ANGESTELLTE, in einem Zeitungsartikel enttarnt.
20051026—20030714    —ON, Cheney Told Aide of C.I.A. Officer, Lawyers Report : Lawyers involved in the case, who described the notes to THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, said they showed that MISTER—CHENEY knew that MISS—WILSON worked at the C.I.A. more than 1—MONTH—BEFORE her identity was made public and her undercover status was disclosed in 1 syndicated column by ROBERT—D—NOVAK.
20051026—20030714    —AM, Wilson findet keine Spuren und spricht von einer Inszenierung.
20051026—20030714    —8—TAGE—SPÄTER,
20051130             West wrote: Then address the valid concerns of how... —POSTED—BY: sharon at 20050714             —1100—AM...
20051215             Parent Company: Transworld Oil USA, INCORPORATED RMP Facility ID: 100000071469 Submission Receipt...
20060309—20050714    —ON, As it swooped past THE—SOUTH—POLE—OF—SATURN—MOON—ENCELADUS, Cassini acquired high resolution views of this puzzling ice world.
20060309—20050714    —ON, Warm Fractures on Enceladus As it swooped past THE—SOUTH—POLE—OF—SATURN—MOON—ENCELADUS, Cassini acquired high resolution views of this puzzling ice world.
20060410             Parent Company: TRANSWORLD OIL USA, INCORPORATED RMP Facility ID: 100000071469 Submission Receipt...
20060415—20030712    —DIRECTED, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, his THEN—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, I. Lewis "Scooter" LIBBY, to leak to the media portions of 1—THEN—HIGHLY classified CIA report that CHENEY hoped would undermine THE—CREDIBILITY—OF—FORMER—AMBASSADOR—JOSEPH—C—WILSON
20060511—20050714    —ON, More... : Nebojsa Malic
20060700             1—AGGRESSIVE—GENERAL in MISS—NBC—NEWEST—CAMPAIGN against its larger competitors, KEITH—OLBERMANN jabs at ON—AIR... alfatomega.com/20060712.html
20060701—20060712    —ON, G—8—DEMANDS—IRAN'S 'clear' response by next —WEEK: THE—FOREIGN—MINISTERS—OF—THE—6—COUNTIES that authored the proposal said they will meet to assess TEHRAN—POSITION.
20060711—20060712    Republicans Have Preempted States DOZENS—OF—TIMES With Federal Laws.
20060712             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, a 5—YEAR, 547—MILLION—DOLLAR—AID—PACKAGE to GHANA to help THE—AFRICA—NATION develop agriculture and alleviate poverty.
20060712             1—SPOKESMAN said computer BREAK—INS at THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT that caused broad disruptions in recent weeks apparently originated in THE—EAST—ASIA—PACIFIC region.
20060712             —APPROVED, THE—USA—FDA, Atripla, 1—SINGLE—PILL, 3-drug combination, to fight AIDS.
20060712             2—OF—THE—DRUGS were made by Gilead Sciences and the 3. by Myers Squibb.
20060712             —BANKROLLED, 1—EXPERIMENTAL spacecraft, by real estate magnate ROBERT—BIGELOW successfully inflated in orbit, testing 1—TECHNOLOGY that could be used to fulfill his DREAM—OF—BUILDING—1—COMMERCIAL—SPACE—STATION.
20060712             —CONVERTED, Genesis I flew aboard 1, Cold War ballistic missile from RUSSIA—SOUTH—URAL—MOUNTAINS at 6:53 p.m. MOSCOW time.
20060712             THE—AFGHANISTAN—DEFENSE—MINISTER said it would take at least 150,000 troops to secure his country, more than 5—TIMES what he commanded.
20060712             —REPELLED, British and AFGHANISTAN—FORCES, 1—BRAZEN insurgent ATTACK—ON—1—POLICE—HEADQUARTERS in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—NAWZAD, killing at least 19—MILITANTS.
20060712             —FIRED, In MUSA—QALA district insurgents, ROCKET—PROPELLED grenades and machine guns at coalition troops, who returned fire and killed local Taliban COMMANDER—MULLAH—SAEEF.
20060712             —KILLED, SOUTH—ZABUL, province, 3—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER—GUARDS were, in 1—CLASH with armed tribesmen crossing from PAKISTAN.
20060712             —ARRESTED, TONY—BLAIR—TOP—FUNDRAISER, Lord Levy, was, in 1—INVESTIGATION into whether Labour Party leaders improperly nominated their financial backers for seats in THE—HOUSE—OF—LORDS.
20060712             —TRIGGERED, In CENTRAL—CHILE flooding and landslides, by heavy rain left at least 11—PEOPLE—DEAD and forced 30,000 to flee their inundated homes.
20060712             —JOINED, THE—EU, THE—USA in warning IRAN it faced UN Security Council action if no solution could be found to 1—STAND—OFF over its nuclear program.
20060712             —AGREED, World powers, to send IRAN back to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL for possible punishment, saying the clerical regime has given no sign it means to negotiate seriously over its disputed nuclear program.
20060712             —ALLOWED, HONG—KONG—SUPREME—COURT struck down 1—RULING that, police to carry out controversial government wiretaps, 1—MOVE—ACTIVISTS hailed as 1—VICTORY for freedoms in THE—CHINA—CITY.
20060712             —LIFTED, THE—IRAQ—ACCORDANCE—FRONT, the largest Sunni bloc in PARLIAMENT, its legislative boycott.
20060712             It thanked THE—PARLIAMENT for its help in seeking the release of kidnapped legislator Tayseer AL—MASHHADANI and called for 1—NEW—SPIRIT—OF—COOPERATION.
20060712             —STORMED, Gunmen, 1—BUS—STATION in Muqdadiya, seizing over 24—PEOPLE and killing 22—OF—THEM.
20060712             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up in 1—RESTAURANT in the southeastern mixed SUNNI—SHIITE NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—NEW—BAGHDAD, killing 8—PEOPLE and wounding 30.
20060712             —KILLED, Gunmen on 1—MOTORCYCLES, 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—THE ousted Baath Party and 1—TAXI driver in separate attacks in Kut.
20060712             THE—USA—MILITARY said Saddam Hussein and 3—OF—HIS—CO—DEFENDANTS have been on 1—HUNGER—STRIKE for nearly 1—WEEK to protest what the defense says is 1—LACK—OF—SECURITY for their attorneys.
20060712             —KILLED, At least 45—PEOPLE were, across IRAQ.
20060712             —CAPTURED, Hezbollah militants, 2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS in 1—CROSS—BORDER—RAID.
20060712             3—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS were killed in the raid along with 1—HEZBOLLAH militant.
20060712             —CROSSED, DOZENS—OF—ISRAEL—TROOPS, THE—LEBANON—FRONTIER with warplanes, tanks and gunboats to hunt for the captives.
20060712             5—MORE—ISRAELIS were killed in 1—TANK that hit 1—MINE.
20060712             2—LEBANON—CIVILIANS were killed in 1—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKE on 1—COASTAL—BRIDGE at Qasmiyeh.
20060712             —KILLED, ISRAEL, 18—PALESTINIANS in GAZA including 9—MEMBERS—OF—1—FAMILY in 1—AIR—STRIKE that destroyed 1—RESIDENTIAL—BUILDING where the army said top Hamas commanders were meeting.
20060712             —HEADED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—LEFTIST—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—ANDRES MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR, to MEXICO—CITY, leaving mountain towns and sprawling industrial cities to demand 1—BALLOT—BY—BALLOT recount.
20060712             NIGERIA, 2—EXPLOSIONS hit oil installations belonging to 1—ITALY—OIL—COMPANY along 2—AGIP pipelines in Baleysa state.
20060712             Protestants will share power with the Catholics of Sinn Fein "over our dead bodies," IAN—PAISLEY thundered as tens of THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTANT marchers celebrated the most divisive —DAY on NORTH—IRELAND—CALENDAR.
20060712             —CIRCULATED, Acting on behalf of Arab nations, QATAR, 1 revised draft UN Security Council resolution demanding ISRAEL end its offensive in THE—GAZA Strip and release THE—PALESTINE—OFFICIALS it has arrested.
20060712             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, into law 1—BILL—CUTTING—THE—LENGTH—OF—MILITARY—SERVICE in RUSSIA, but also canceling MANY—DEFERMENTS from the draft.
20060712             SOUTH—KOREA, some 70,000—PEOPLE, including 13,000 farmers, rallied in 1—PLAZA in downtown SEOUL on the 3. straight —DAY—OF—ANTI—FTA demonstrations.
20060712             1—UN—OFFICIAL said rebels in Darfur are fighting EACH—OTHER with THE—SUDAN—MILITARY apparently supporting 1—FACTION, sometimes with aircraft disguised as relief planes.
20060712             —ADDED, UNESCO, meeting in VILNIUS—LITHUANIA, 8—SITES added to its World Heritage list including 1—PANDA refuge in CHINA and 1—AGAVE producing region in MEXICO.
20060712             deadline to suspend nuclear activities:
20060712             —BEYOND revealing the deadline, the diplomats also said RUSSIA and CHINA were closer than ever to supporting the West on Security Council ACTION—INCLUDING sanctions
20060712             USA von Südamerika" - MEXIKO steht am Scheideweg
20060712             —NACH—DEN bekannt gewordenen Wählerbefragungen am Ausgang der Wahllokale ("Exit Polls") hat der sozialdemokratische Kandidat Obrador die Präsidentenwahlen in MEXIKO vom
20060712             New study indicates large dinosaurs were WARM—BLOODED animals
20060712             —INHABITED, Large dinosaurs that, the earth 110—MILLION—YEARS ago were not as COLD—BLOODED as they were once thought.
20060712             —ON the contrary, they were capable of regulating their body heat like mammals, according to researchers from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—FLORIDA.
20060712             Rumsfeld in surprise IRAQ visit USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD is in IRAQ on 1 unannounced trip for talks with the new government.
20060712             MISS—PS to view secret McKie report PART—OF—1—REPORT on the Shirley McKie fingerprint case is to be handed over to 1—HOLYROOD inquiry, BBC SCOTLAND learns.
20060712             Countries agree migration plans European and AFRICA—COUNTRIES meeting in MOROCCO agree 1—DECLARATION on how to tackle illegal immigration.
20060712             —ATTACKED, Asylum child detention, 1—LABOUR peer and 2—MPS condemn the practice of detaining children whose parents are seeking asylum.
20060712             —MORNING sickness 'regulates diet' —MORNING sickness might have evolved to protect foetuses from unhealthy food, say scientists.
20060712             Scientists seek to restore sight Technology found in digital cameras could be used to give blind people sight, 1—UNIVERSITY—TEAM says.
20060712             This Is 1—COMPUTER on Your Brain Scientists are developing 1—BRAIN—COMPUTER interface for Darpa that could help security officers sift through surveillance video or images 10—TIMES—FASTER than 1 unaided human.
20060712             Hacker Spawns 1—FRANCE—WATERGATE—NEW—EVIDENCE in THE—SO—CALLED—CLEARSTREAM affair suggests 1—COMPUTER intruder cracked 1—LUXEMBOURG—BANK to frame FRANCE—POLITICIANS for BRIBERY—ADDING 1—HIGH—TECH twist to 1—SCANDAL that's become 1—NATIONAL—OBSESSION.
20060712             BRUCE—GAIN—REPORTS from PARIS.
20060712             CNN is reporting that THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT has been dealing with 1—NUMBER—OF—COMPUTER—BREAK—INS with regards to their headquarters and offices dealing with CHINA and KOREA over the past COUPLE—OF—WEEKS.
20060712             "Investigators believe hackers stole sensitive USA—INFORMATION and passwords and implanted backdoors in unclassified government computers to allow them to return at will, said USA—OFFICIALS—FAMILIAR with the hacking".
20060712             Novak: Rove Was My Source For Outing Valerie Plame.
20060712             It's —NOW Official.
20060712             —WHEN Does Bush Fire KARL—LIKE—HE—PROMISED?
20060712             Bushopedia: This is 1—OF—THE—BEST glossaries of the Busheviks that we have come across.
20060712             —BILLED, It is, as "1—COMPREHENSIVE—ALPHABETICAL—GUIDE to GEORGE—W—BUSH, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, other aspects of the Far Right + related topics".
20060712             In short, this 333-page book by BILL—POTTS is 1—CLINICAL—GUIDE to the key players and concepts in the psychotic CULT—OF—BUSHEVISM.
20060712             THE—WAR—ON—JOURNALISM continues.
20060712             THE—USA—ARMY—PLANS to call 2—JOURNALISTS as witnesses to support charges filed against 1—OFFICER who refused to fight in IRAQ because of his objections to the war, THE—LIEUTENANT—LAWYER said —ON—MONDAY.
20060712             TPM Muckraker: Buried in this new Business —WEEK article by EAMON—JAVERS and Dawn Kopecki is 1—STARTLING revelation: MZM INCORPORATED, the company once owned by admitted felon MITCHELL—WADE, worked on assessing Saddam HUSSEIN—NUCLEAR capabilities —DURING the runup to THE—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ.
20060712             Novak, Rove and CIA spokesman all appear to have given different stories about Valerie Plame leak.
20060712             Bush gives senior staff 1—WHOPPING raise, junior staff get nothing.
20060712             It's good to be KING.
20060712             ENOUGH—OF—THE—FAUX Dem, Republican Lite Duplicity.
20060712             Our GIs and National Security are in Desperate Need of Denouncing THE—LIES—OF—BUSHEVISM that Endanger Us All: "Crackdown in BAGHDAD ineffective, USA—GENERAL admits".
20060712             THE—IMPEACHMENT Option.
20060712             Why CONSIDERATON—OF—THE—ISSUE is Not Radical, But Rather Necessary.
20060712             "As timely as —TODAY—HEADLINES, this vital book explains why impeachment should be deployed against the serial CONSTITUTION—SHREDDER GEORGE—W—BUSH".
20060712             Okay, if you think impeachment is 1—RADICAL—CONCEPT, answer this question?
20060712             Tell Us 10—REASONS—BUSH and Cheney Should Not be Impeached.
20060712             Okay, We'll Settle for 1.
20060712             See TPM Muckraker here + especially see emptywheel's amazing piece here. emptywheel suspects that THE—MZM/aluminum tube connection may be the dire matter that has REPRESENTATIVE—HOEKSTRA, normally 1—BUSH—SUPPORTER, in such 1—TIZZY.
20060712             —DECIDED, My take: If THE—MZM connection is real, Hoekstra, to get out in FRONT—OF—THE—ISSUE—BEFORE someone else made it public.
20060712             —SNATCHED, We still don't know precisely who, up those NIGER forgeries and decided to use them to start 1—WAR, but MANY—SIGNS—POINT to the P2 faction within SISMI.
20060712             The other cause for war was the aluminum tube fiasco - + the finger of blame may well point to 1—OF—THE—MOST corrupt individuals in Republican history.
20060712             —VERDONNERT, Wettbewerbsverfahren: EU, Microsoft zu 280—MILLIONEN Euro Strafe
20060712             Reaktion auf Entführung: ISRAEL—TRUPPEN dringen in den LIBANON ein
20060712             Verschärfte Kampagne: Musikindustrie will P2P- Nutzern den Onlinezugang sperren lassen
20060712             REFORM—FRUST: Wähler haben Große Koalition —SCHON abgeschrieben
20060712             USA—JUSTIZ: Unschuldiger nach 18—JAHREN Haft FREI—NOVAK Backs Off Pledge To 'Reveal All'
20060712             NOVAK: Well, that's what I can't reveal —UNTIL this case is finished.
20060712             I hope it is finished soon.
20060712             And —WHEN it does... I will reveal all in 1—COLUMN and on the air.
20060712             AN—OP—ED, on Human Events Online, Novak writes that Fitzgerald has cleared him and that "frees me to reveal my role in the federal inquiry".
20060712             But Novak fails to "reveal all," as he —EARLIER pledged, in at least 2—RESPECTS.
20060712             1. Novak refuses to identify his primary administration source who revealed to him that Valerie Plame worked at THE—CIA as 1—UNDERCOVER agent.
20060712             He confirms KARL—ROVE was his 2. senior administration source + that CIA official BILL—HARLOW served as
20060712             a confirming source.
20060712             But Novak writes his primary source's name "has not yet been revealed" and "has not come forward to identify himself".
20060712             2. Novak also did not explain why he —EARLIER said he was given PLAME—IDENTITY by THE—WHITE—HOUSE as PART—OF—1—EFFORT to intentionally out her.
20060712             He said: " - I didn't dig it out
20060712             [PLAME—IDENTITY], it was given to me....
20060712             They [THE—WHITE—HOUSE] thought it was significant, they gave me the name and I used it". In his latest OP—ED, Novak fails to address this issue + states simply that Plame's "role in instituting her husband's mission was revealed to me in the middle of 1—LONG—INTERVIEW—WITH—1—OFFICIAL who I have previously said was not 1—POLITICAL gunslinger".
20060712             UPDATE: JOHN—ARAVOSIS notes NOVAK—INTERESTING acknowledgement THAT—HIS—ACCOUNT differs from Rove's.
20060712             Novak: Rove Was a CIA Leak Source
20060712             Full column to be at Human Events Onlines Tomorrow
20060712             HUMAN EVENTS ONLINE—MY Leak Case Testimony by ROBERT—NOVAK—BLOGGED with Flock
20060712             Novak seems to discredit FITZGERALD—CLAIM that the investigation was complete.
20060712             —LEARNED, BOB NOVAK, My Leak Case Testimony: 'I, Valerie PLAME—NAME from JOE—WILSON—ENTRY in 'WHO—WHO in AMERICA'... MORE... Published reports that I took the 5. Amendment, made 1—PLEA bargain with the prosecutors or was 1—PROSECUTORIAL target were all untrue... MORE... My primary source has not come forward to identify himself... MORE... BILL—HARLOW, THE—CIA—PUBLIC—INFORMATION—OFFICER who
20060712             Hit Movie Director Slams BUSH—ADMINISTRATION
20060712             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—HIT—MOVIE—DIRECTOR—SLAMS—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—LINKLATER says HOLLYWOOD stars, including BRUCE—WILLIS, having political paradigms changed by 20010911             —CONSPIRACY
20060712             MPs to debate extradition laws BRITAIN—EXTRADITION—ACCORD with THE—USA will be examined in 1—EMERGENCY—COMMONS—DEBATE.
20060712             Microsoft 'facing huge EU fine' BRUSSELS is set to impose 1—HUGE—FINE on Microsoft for failing to comply with 1—ANTI—COMPETITION ruling.
20060712             —UNCLAIMED, Bank for, cash proposed 1—NEW—BODY should be set up to manage MILLIONS—OF—POUNDS lying unclaimed in dormant UK bank accounts, 1—REPORT will suggest.
20060712             CHINA gaining on USA chipmakers, CEO—SAYS—SEMICONDUCTOR industry in CHINA is improving rapidly + the country could achieve technological parity with THE—USA in 1—FEW years.
20060712             DARPA Developing 'Droid' Satellites
20060712             "DARPA is —NOW developing 1—NEW BREED—OF—SATELLITES that can be PRECISION—MANEUVERED in unison and easily perform advanced operations with BUILT—IN sensors, computers and thrusters.  'DAVID—MILLER, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY—SPACE—SYSTEMS—LABORATORY, says such satellites might be used for such tasks as building giant space telescopes and closely monitoring Earth. The shuttle Discovery —LAST—WEEK delivered the 2. of 3—SATELLITE—TEST "droids" that are undergoing experiments at THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.'"
20060712             INDIA—SATELLITE—LOST in Launch Explosion
20060712             "BBC News is reporting that the recent communications satellite launch in INDIA has met with disaster. The satellite, designed to enhance INDIA—TELEPHONE and communications network, was lost —WHEN the rocket carrying it veered off course and exploded. This is the 2. disappointment in recent launch attempts, coming —JUST 1—DAY—AFTER the failed LONG—RANGE—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—TEST—LAUNCH".
20060712             GAZA—STREIFEN: ISRAEL weitet Offensive aus
20060712             CHICAGO: U- Bahn ENTGLEIST—MEHR als 100—VERLETZTE
20060712             HARTZ—IV—PANNE: Kein Geld mehr für Arbeitslose mit Lebensversicherung?
20060712             DEUTSCHLAND—UMWELTTECHNIK für CHINA: Genug Dreck für alle
20060712             Wettbewerbsverfahren: EU verhängt neue Millionenstrafe gegen Microsoft
20060712             Bush in Stralsund: Die teuerste Grillparty der Welt
20060712             Summers Supporters Deny Harvard Donations
20060712             Major donations to Harvard, totaling $390—MILLION, have been scrapped or put on hold —SINCE LAWRENCE—SUMMERS announced his resignation as PRESIDENT.
20060712             IRAK: Saddam Hussein im Hungerstreik AN>Nordkoreas Raketentests: CHINA und RUSSLAND legen neuen Resolutionsentwurf vor AN>BUSH—BESUCH: Stacheldraht und kühler Empfang
20060712             DEUTSCHLAND—BESUCH: Bush zu Gast bei Kritikern
20060712             Neues Werk: CHINA—AUTOBAUER will in USA produzieren
20060712             Nuklearprogramm: Atomstreit mit IRAN kommt wieder vor Sicherheitsrat
20060712             Quantencomputer: Rechenschieber aus 7—ATOMEN
20060712             —DUMPED, Ann Coulter.
20060712             The 1. newspaper " - to officially drop COULTER—COLUMN
20060712             —SINCE the latest uproar began seems to be THE—GAZETTE—OF—CEDAR—RAPIDS, IOWA, where she had appeared for about 14—MONTHS".
20060712             THE—SHREVEPORT Times is
20060712             —STILL considering the decision.
20060712             should transfer SECRETARY—RUMSFELD to IRAQ.
20060712             —KICKED, SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL), off the Kick the Oil Habit road trip —TODAY.
20060712             Go along for the ride. ALBERTO—GONZALES reportedly "
20060712             won't be responding " to REPRESENTATIVE—PETER—KING'S (R—NY) letter requesting criminal charges against THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20060712             Gristmill IS—BLOGGING live from WAL—MART—ARKANSAS headquarters, where various enviros have been invited to 1—QUARTERLY MEETING—OF—COMPANY—EXECUTIVES.
20060712             —ANNOUNCED, BILL—FRIST, he is scheduling a
20060712             vote next —WEEK on the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act (HR 810), the "best chance for our country to vigorously pursue research" into embryonic stem cells.
20060712             Has your SENATOR taken 1—POSITION?
20060712             Find out here,then take action.
20060712             And finally: Welcome to Madurodam, " 1—MINIATURE—CITY located in Scheveningen, THE—HAGUE in THE—NETHERLANDS. It is 1—MODEL—OF—1—HOLLAND—TOWN on a 1:25—SCALE " — meaning it looks particularly strange on Google Maps.
20060712             The federal antiterrorism database includes potential "targets" like Old MACDONALD—PETTING—ZOO, the Amish Country Popcorn factory + 1 unspecified "Beach at END—OF—1—STREET," 1—NEW—INSPECTOR—GENERAL—REPORT shows.
20060712             —LISTED, INDIANA is, as the most TARGET—RICH—STATE—IN—THE—USA, with " - 50 % more listed sites than NEW—YORK.
20060712             —PROMISED, House Intelligence Chairman PETER—HOEKSTRA (R—MI), —YESTERDAY to crackdown on intelligence leaks to the media, suggesting "some unauthorized leaks could have been
20060712             deliberate attempts to help al Qaeda.
20060712             " To back up his claim, Hoekstra said: "I don't have ANY—EVIDENCE".
20060712             $98.40: Next —YEAR'S
20060712             The defense industry, with WHITE—HOUSE backing, is bitterly fighting 1—AMENDMENT to the Senate's 20070000             defense spending bill that requires FIXED—PRICE—CONTRACTS that 20060901             —FIRM—LIMIT on THE—COST—OF—WEAPONS—SYSTEMS.
20060712             —PLAGUED, THE—PENTAGON—CONTRACTING system is currently, by waste and cost overruns.
20060712             with oil services giant Halliburton Co. to provide logistical support to USA—TROOPS—WORLDWIDE".
20060712             Putin fires at Cheney.
20060712             unsuccessful hunting shot.
20060712             —MEANWHILE, 1—RUSSIA—PRO—DEMOCRACY—CONFERENCE was interrupted —YESTERDAY—WHEN "RUSSIA—SECURITY—OFFICERS, in plain clothes" entered the hotel and "
20060712             swiftly seized 4—MEMBERS
20060712             of 1—POLITICAL—MOVEMENT opposed to [Putin], handcuffed them and rushed them away".
20060712             " Hackers in CHINA broke into THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT'S—COMPUTER—SYSTEM
20060712             in WASHINGTON and overseas in SEARCH—OF—INFORMATION, passwords and other data".
20060712             Officials say THE—BUREAU—OF—EAST—ASIAN and Pacific Affairs "
20060712             lost its INTERNET connectivity for several days" preceding NORTH—KOREA—MISSILE—TESTS.
20060712             Fine not appropriate; key issue not compliance, but clarity of 20040300             decision.
20060712             —ISSUED, REDMOND—WASHINGTON—MICROSOFT Corp., the —FOLLOWING statement by GENERAL—COUNSEL—BRAD—SMITH, —FOLLOWING the decision by the European Commission to impose a €280.5—MILLION—FINE against the company:
20060712             "We have great respect for the Commission and this process...
20060712             "Die Menschen hier sind glücklich, weil sie mit sehr wenig zufrieden sind", erklärte Marke Lowen von "VANUATU Online", der ONLINE—ZEITUNG der Inselrepublik, das Ergebnis.
20060712             "Wir haben hier keine konsumorientierte Gesellschaft.
20060712             Das Leben dreht sich hier um die Familie und die Gemeinschaft", berichtete Lowen dem Blatt über den Alltag 200.000—BEWOHNER—VON—VANUATU. "Es ist 1—ORT, an dem man sich nicht VIELE—SORGEN macht".
20060712             Angst hätten die Menschen nur vor Wirbelstürmen und Erdbeben.
20060712             Der ENRON—KONZERN war durch den Handel mit Energie, Breitbandkapazitäten und hochspekulativen Finanzpapieren zu einem der 10—GRÖSSTEN USA—UNTERNEHMEN wurde.
20060712             Es hatte zeitweise einen Börsenwert von mehr als 60—MILLIARDEN Dollar.
20060712             Der Konzern hatte
20060712             Lay war zusammen mit seinem Nachfolger JEFFREY—SKILLING, 52, im Chefsessel von Enron Ende Mai schuldig gesprochen worden.
20060712             Lay drohte eine lebenslange Haftstrafe.
20060712             —ERST in der vergangenen Woche war der wegen Betrugs und Verschwörung verurteilte einstige ENRON—CHEF, KENNETH—LAY, 64, an Herzversagen gestorben.
20060712             LONDON—DIE Leiche von NEIL—COULBECK war gestern in einem Stadtpark im Osten der Finanzmetropole entdeckt worden.
20060712             Ein wichtiger Zeuge im Skandal um die Milliardenpleite des USA—ENERGIEKONZERNS Enron ist in LONDON tot aufgefunden worden.
20060712             Nun wurde die Leiche des Chefs der NORDAMERIKA—ABTEILUNG der Royal BANK—OF—SCOTLAND identifiziert.
20060712             Die Auslieferung von 3—BRITEN in die USA im ENRON—FALL könnte sich damit verzögern.
20060712             —VERHAFTET, GROSSBRITANNIEN: Blairs wichtigster Spendenbeschaffer - ENRON—FALL: Zeuge tot aufgefunden
20060712             Eskalation in Nahost: Hisbollah fordert ISRAEL zum AUSTAUSCH—VON—GEFANGENEN auf
20060712             Vor dem Gipfel: Integratives Kuscheln AN>Barbecue mit Bush : Ringstorff schlägt Einladung zum Grillen aus
20060712             Wenn 1—SPINNE ihren Faden nicht in windstille Luft, sondern in 1—BRISE schleudere, dann winde und verdrehe sich die Seide wie 1—SEGEL - "was ihre aerodynamischen Eigenschaften beeinflusst und ihren Anhang über kaum vorhersagbare Entfernung befördert", sagte Reynolds.
20060712             AERODYNAMIK—TRICK: Spinnen fliegen an Fäden übers Meer
20060712             Quer durch die Alpen haben Forscher einen dramatischen Rückgang der Gletscher dokumentiert.
20060712             Auch der Untere Grindelwaldgletscher ist 1—OPFER—DER—KLIMAERWÄRMUNG + eines heißen Sommers wie diesem, bei dem die NULLGRAD—GRENZE —BIS auf 4500—METER am —TAG ansteigt.
20060712             In den letzten 20—JAHREN hat der Eisstrom pro —JAHR einen Meter an Dicke verloren + von der Besuchergalerie ist er überhaupt nicht mehr zu sehen.
20060712             Drohender Bergsturz: Am Eiger wackelt die Wand
20060712             Heye über WM: "Nur mit viel Glück gab es keine Toten"
20060712             BUSH—BESUCH: Pofalla nennt MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERNS Regierung unwürdigen Gastgeber
20060712             Atomkonflikt mit IRAN: USA drohen mit UNO—SANKTIONEN
20060712             Fossiler Fleischfresser: Forscher finden KILLER—KÄNGURU
20060712             Ehrensenf: Bush, Gullideckel und der Blumentropf
20060712             was 1—DIRECT—RESULT—OF—ISRAEL—SILENT but unrelenting aggression against LEBANON, which in turn is part of a 6—DECADES—LONG—ARAB—ISRAEL—CONFLICT.
20060712             -How Reports OF—SOON Shifted From LEBANON to ISRAEL
20060712             The case, to be filed in USA civil court, will sue for compensation and damages incurred by ISRAEL—RESIDENTS and businesses as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—WAR.
20060712             Attorneys Yehudah Talmon, Yoram Dantziger and Nitzah Libai claim THE—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT violated INTERNATIONAL law because it didn't stop He!
20060712             zbollah's casus belli CROSS—BORDER raid against ISRAEL.
20060712             ISRAEL—JUSTIFICATION for its 'SELF—DEFENSE' ATTACK—ON—LEBANON + the placement of the original "provocation" will take on new legal significance in coming months.
20060712             —INFILTRATED, Who, whom + on what territory did the initial CAPTURE—OF—THE—IDF soldiers occur?
20060712             —OCCURRED, Differing press accounts stating that the capture, in LEBANON—NOT ISRAEL—ARE —NOW widely known:
20060712             most frequently cited are AFP, Hindustan Times, DEUTSCHLAND—PRESSE Agentur, ASIA—TIMES, BAHRAIN News Agency and Voltairenet.
20060712             Others reflect CHANGES—OF—DIRECTION in the recording of basic facts.
20060712             Muslims don't hate freedom, they hate oppression
20060712             Khalid Amayreh...BUSH—USE—OF—THE—TERM "Islamic fascists" is 1—VERY—SERIOUS calumny that can be compared to Adolph HITLER—DELIBERATE—VILIFICATION—OF—JEWS —PRIOR—TO WWII.
20060712             —DESIGNED, It is, to make people hate and murder Muslims.
20060712             —HATRED, And as everyone knows, collective, toward 1—SPECIFIC—ETHNIC or religious community is only the penultimate step toward the systematic persecution and possible EXTERMINATION—OF—THAT—COMMUNITY.
20060712             Yes, there are Muslim extremists and terror!
20060712             ists who ought to be condemned in the strongest terms.
20060712             There are also Christian, Jewish and other terrorists who commit far worse ACTS—OF—TERROR and criminality.
20060712             Terrorists are terrorists because terror has no religion or particular ethnic or cultural identity.
20060712             GEORGE—BUSH himself, if truth is be told, is probably the greatest terrorist of our time.
20060712             —RECRUITED, THE—YUGOSLAVIA—CALDRON: JÜRGEN—ELSÄSSER: "THE—CIA, and trained the jihadists"
20060712             SILVIA—CATTORI, SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES In his latest book, How the Jihad Came to EUROPE, GERMANY—JOURNALIST—JÜRGEN—ELSÄSSER unravels the Jihadist thread.
20060712             —RECRUITED, Muslim fighters, by THE—CIA to fight against the Soviets in AFGHANISTAN were used successively in YUGOSLAVIA and Chechnya, still supported by THE—CIA, but perhaps sometimes out of its control.
20060712             Basing himself on diverse sources, mainly Yugoslavian, Dutch + German, h!
20060712             e reconstructed the development of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and his lieutenants at the side of NATO in BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINIA.
20060712             Flying without liquids
20060712             Xymphora...We will continue to be fooled by the politicians as long as they need to hide behind THE—'WAR—ON—TERROR?
20060712             in order to stay in power.
20060712             —COUPLED, In this case, we have upcoming USA—ELECTIONS, with TONY—PRESSING problem of unpopular support for ISRAEL—MASSACRE—OF—LEBANON—CIVILIANS.
20060712             —THEREFORE, everyone else gets to pay with increasing inconvenience at the airports.
20060712             The joke is that the inconvenience stays at its highest levels —UNTIL the airline executives manage to get their!
20060712             phone calls through to the politicians, —WHEN suddenly the terrorist threat is reduced 1—SHADE or 2, —JUST in time to save the airlines from bankruptcy.
20060712             This political scam can continue as long as we agree to put up with it.
20060712             —INTERVIEWED, DIETRICH—SNELL, CAPTAIN—SCOTT—PHILLPOTT, who requested the meeting.
20060712             —RECEIVED, At that point, ou staff had, ALL—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—DOCUMENTS on Able Danger and had found no mention of Atta, though there had been mention of the al Qaeda operative MOHAMMED—ATEF.
20060712             Phillpott told Snell he recalled seeing the name + photo of MOHAMMED—ATTA on an "analyst's notebook chart" involved in Able Danger —BEFORE 20010911             — in other words,
20060712             —MANAGED, Able Danger had, to get MOHAMMED—ATTA under surveillance.
20060712             Phillpott said he saw this chart only briefly + that it dated from the period 20000200—20000400.
20060712             There was no documentary evidence whatsoever to back up PHILLPOTT—SENSATIONAL claim.
20060712             —PERFORMED, Phillpott himself had not, the analysis, not could he explain what information had led to this supposed identification of Atta by Able Danger.
20060712             In addition to the lack of documentary evidence from Able Danger, there was no CORROBORATION—OF—PHILLPOTT—ACCOUNT by ANY—INFORMATION from within THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, or by GERMANY—GOVERNMENT—SOURCES that had tracked THE—HAMBURG cell.
20060712             —FAILED, PHILLPOTT—ACCOUNT also, to match up with detailed evidence compiled by our staff documenting ATTA—TRAVELS, activities + entry into THE—USA, including from THE—INS and STATE—DEPARTMENT—RECORDS.
20060712             —CONCLUDED, Snell, that the officer's account was not sufficiently reliable to warrant inclusion in the report or further investigation.
20060712             This conclusion was not 1—CHALLENGE to CAPTAIN—PHILLPOTT—GOOD—INTENTIONS;
20060712             the tip he provided —JUST did not check out.
20060712             —JUST did not check out? Which is why they decided it was not worth checking out?
20060712             That sounds like circular logic to me.
20060712             —ASKED, For instance, they could have, to talk to the analyst who compiled the chart + still had 1—COPY—WHEN Phillpott met with Snell.
20060712             Regardless, my understanding is that several large media outlets have in fact checked it out and found it did check out indeed.
20060712             —TUNED, Stay, for more details which should come out in "special reports" from 1—FEW major news sources next —MONTH.
20060712             —FROM page 317: The arguments about 20010911             —DID not end with the publication of our report.
20060712             For instance, We dispute THE—FACTS—OF—CONGRESSMAN—WELDON—CHARGE—THAT—ABLE—DANGER identified MOHAMMED—ATTA —BEFORE 20010911             +
20060712             that he gave then Deputy National Security Advisor STEPHEN—HADLEY 1—ABLE—DANGER—CHART with ATTA—NAME on it on
20060712             the media have drastically cut back their COVERAGE—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ.
20060712             Additionally, in the last 7—WEEKS, the media spent 510—MINUTES covering THE—ISRAEL—HEZBOLLAH conflict + —JUST 94—MINUTES on IRAQ.
20060712             THE—MONTH—LONG—CONFLICT, approximately
20060712             1,200 Lebanese + 159—ISRAELIS were killed.
20060712             könnte in die Geschichtsbücher als der Beginn der gewaltigen Kriegsperiode zu Beginn des 3. Jahrtausends eingehen.
20060712             Mit dem gemeinsam inszenierten Libanonkrieg —SEIT diesem —TAG, der dann —ZUNÄCHST 34—TAGE dauerte, haben sich die USA—UND die ISRAEL—REGIERUNG in ihrer eigenen Falle gefangen.
20060712             ERICA—M—DORNBURG—ETHICS—ADVISOR $100547 ... the military commissions as constituted by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE are not consistent with Common Article 3.
20060712             1—RADICAL, Extremist Cabal Decided to Use 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK for the Dismantling of... wage is at its lowest level in more than 50—YEARS...
20060712             —FINED, THE—EU, MICROSOFT Corp. $357—MILLION and threatened new penalties of $3.82—MILLION 1—DAY beginning 20060731             because it says the software maker failed to obey a 20040000             antitrust order to share program code with rivals.
20060712             Operation Gehaltenes Versprechen
20060712             Im Südlibanon stationierte HISBOLLAH—KÄMPFER feuern Raketen auf die ISRAEL—STADT Schelomi und die SCHEBAA—FARMEN ab und starten gleichzeitig einen Grenzangriff auf 2—ISRAEL—MILITÄRFAHRZEUGE, wobei 2—ISRAEL—SOLDATEN gefangen genommen werden.
20060712             Die sogenannte Operation Gehaltenes Versprechen ist Auslöser des Libanonkriegs.
20060712—20010911    —ON, What Changed ?
20060712—20030000    —SINCE, monthly premium for Medicare Part B outpatient coverage, an 11 % increase over —THIS—YEAR and a 68 % increase.
20060712—20050000    —SUMMER—OF, over the, Congressman CURT—WELDON repeatedly accused us of overlooking the importance of Able Danger, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—OPEN—SOURCE—DATA—MINING program.
20060712—20060724    —UNTIL, Boycott forces Saddam trial delay The judge in the trial of SADDAM—HUSSEIN adjourns the trial + orders lawyers to end 1—BOYCOTT.
20060712—20060817    —SINCE—THE—MEDIA have devoted —JUST 13—MINUTES/—WEEK.
20060712—20060911    —VERKÜNDET, Das Strafmaß sollte, werden.
20060712—20080000    —REDUCED, The legislation, the current 2—YEAR—CONSCRIPTION—TERM to 1½ years beginning next —YEAR, then to 1—YEAR.
20060714             If she was with 1—SOLDIER at the front, then these things happen.
20060714             Exposing the 20010911             —CONSPIRACY—WINGNUTS : I began researching the mainstream media coverage of the controversy regarding the attacks of 20010911             —WHEN reading 1—ARTICLE in THE—MILWAUKEE Journal Sentinel Newspaper, dated 20060629            .
20060714             —SLAPPED, THE—USA—COURT—OF—INTERNATIONAL—LAW, 1—INJUNCTION on THE—USA—GOVERNMENT preventing it from handing over ANY—MORE—DUTIES from CANADA—SOFTWOOD lumber imports to USA—INDUSTRY competitors.
20060714             —CLOSED, THE—DOW—JONES fell 106 to 10,739 and Nasdaq, down 16 to 2,037.
20060714             —CLOSED, Crude oil for August delivery, at 1—RECORD $77.03.
20060714             Spurred by Mideast fighting, oil prices rose to 1—INTRADAY record $78.40 1—BARREL.
20060714             —MERGED, THE—SAWTOOTH—COMPLEX—FIRE in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, with the Millard fire creating a 69,000-acre blaze.
20060714             —BATTLED, Some 1,800 firefighters, the fire which so far had destroyed 45—HOMES.
20060714             † Actress Carrie Nye in NEW—YORK at age 69.
20060714             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER was the sole victim in 1 failed attack on 1—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE—CONVOY in the Gurbuz DISTRICT—OF—SOUTH—EAST—KHOST province, bordering PAKISTAN.
20060714             —RAGED, Skirmishes between coalition and Taliban militants, —THROUGHOUT THE—SOUTH—URUZGAN province.
20060714             —ESTIMATED, An, 31—ENEMY—EXTREMISTS were killed —DURING engagements in Chora, Kala Kala, and Khorma villages.
20060714             —KILLED, Afghan and coalition soldiers also, 2—MALE "foreigners" wearing burkas, THE—BODY—SHROUDING veil worn by women, and detained 5—TALIBAN in URUZGAN—DIHRAWUD district.
20060714             —KILLED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY, 8—REBELS in Sangin.
20060714             —RESOLVED, THE—WORLD—BANK said it and CHAD had, 1—DISPUTE over oil revenues that will result in significant increases in government spending on projects that benefit the poor.
20060714             —KILLED, CHINA, Qiu Xinhua (47), the abbot of the Tiewadian temple in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—ANKANG, 5—STAFF—MEMBERS and 4—PILGRIMS.
20060714             —BELIEVED, He reportedly, the abbot had flirted with his wife.
20060714             —LOOKED, EAST—TIMOR—PRESIDENT—XANANA—GUSMAO swore in 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT as his tiny nation, for 1—RETURN to political order —AFTER several WEEKS—OF—UNREST.
20060714             —FORCED, Militants, open 1—BORDER—GATE between EGYPT and GAZA, wounding 1—EGYPT—OFFICER and letting HUNDREDS—OF—PALESTINIANS who had been trapped on THE—EGYPT—SIDE—OF—THE—BORDER to get into GAZA.
20060714             —SUPPORTED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—SINGH said the Bombay train bombers were " by elements across the border" and that PAKISTAN must rein in terrorists —BEFORE 1—PEACE—PROCESS can move ahead.
20060714             1—BOMB struck 1—SUNNI mosque in BAGHDAD, killing 7—PEOPLE and wounding 5, —WHILE mortars barraged 1—SHIITE mosque NORTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL, leaving 5 wounded.
20060714             —KILLED, At least 26—PEOPLE were, across IRAQ, including 13—IRAQ—SOLDIERS in 1—ATTACK on their checkpoint near the northern oil hub of KIRKUK.
20060714             —TIGHTENED, ISRAEL, its seal on LEBANON, blasting its air and road links to the outside world and bringing its offensive to THE—CAPITAL—FOR—THE 1. time to punish Hezbollah and with it, the country for THE—CAPTURE—OF—2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20060714             —FIRED, LEBANON—GUERRILLAS, 1—BARRAGE—OF at least 60—KATYUSHA rockets —THROUGHOUT the —DAY, hitting more than 12—COMMUNITIES across NORTH—ISRAEL.
20060714             —DESTROYED, ISRAEL—WARPLANES, the building housing the headquarters of Hezbollah guerrillas in SOUTH—BEIRUT.
20060714             —ATTACKED, Hezbollah guerrillas, 1—ISRAEL—WARSHIP that had been firing missiles into SOUTH—BEIRUT.
20060714             1—SENIOR—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL said IRAN—TROOPS helped Hezbollah fire 1—MISSILE that damaged the warship off THE—LEBANON—COAST.
20060714             He also said about 100—IRAN—SOLDIERS are in LEBANON and helped fire THE—IRANIAN—MADE, RADAR—GUIDED C-802 at the ship that killed 4—SAILORS.
20060714             Deaths in 3—DAYS—OF—FIGHTING—ROSE to 61—PEOPLE in LEBANON and 10 in ISRAEL.
20060714             —RAISED, JAPAN—CENTRAL—BANK, 1—KEY—INTEREST—RATE for the 1. time in 6—YEARS, ending 1—UNORTHODOX experiment meant to JUMP—START the country —AFTER 1—DECADE—OF—ECONOMIC doldrums.
20060714             —INCREASED, The rate, from 0 to.25%.
20060714             —MOVED, KAZAKHSTAN, police under Mayor Imangali Tasmagambetov, in to destroy the illegal Shanyrak settlement on the outskirts of ALMATY.
20060714             30—40—PEOPLE on EACH—SIDE were injured.
20060714             † 1—POLICEMAN, —AFTER being doused with petrol and set on fire.
20060714             —KILLED, KARACHI—PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—PROMINENT—SHIITE Muslim cleric and 2—OTHER—PEOPLE in 1—ATTACK that was likely to heighten sectarian tensions.
20060714             —ABOUT 80—PERCENT—OF—PAKISTAN—150—MILLION—PEOPLE are Sunni; MOST—OF—THE—REST are Shiite.
20060714             —DECLASSIFIED, MALAYSIA—GOVERNMENT, documents on negotiations with SINGAPORE over 1 aborted bridge in 1—BID to counter criticism from defiant EX—PREMIER—MAHATHIR Mohamad.
20060714             POLAND—PRESIDENT—LECH—KACZYNSKI, 57—JAHRE—ALT swore in his identical twin brother, Jaroslaw, as PRIME—MINISTER, along with 1—SOCIALLY conservative Cabinet made up largely of the same ministers who resigned in 1—SHAKE—UP days —EARLIER.
20060714             —DETAINED, S—PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, authorities, more than 200—ANTI—GLOBALIZATION—ACTIVISTS hoping to protest the G—8—SUMMIT, as protest organizers vowed to hold 1—MARCH despite 1—BAN on demonstrations.
20060714             —FILED, SERBIA, criminal charges were, against 9—PEOPLE accused of helping UN war crimes suspect Ratko Mladic evade justice.
20060714             —INDICTED, The 9 were, for "hiding and helping hide Mladic although they knew that he was charged" with war crimes.
20060714             SOMALIA—NEARLY powerless interim government said it would boycott weekend peace talks with the Islamic militia that has seized CONTROL—OF—NEARLY all the nation's south, accusing THE—GROUP—OF—CIVILIAN—MASSACRES and ties to foreign terrorists.
20060714             The military said 13—SOLDIERS were missing.
20060714             —CONVENED, TRINIDAD, 1—HIGH—COURT—JUDGE, 1—SPECIAL—HEARING that stayed 1—ARREST—ORDER against Satnarine Sharma, THE—CHIEF—JUSTICE—OF—TRINIDAD, who was charged with attempting to pervert THE—COURSE—OF—JUSTICE by helping FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—BASDEO—PANDAY.
20060714             The tentative agreement would mark 1—CONCESSION by the administration, which has insisted THE—PRESIDENT has the constitutional authority to authorize the warrantless surveillance, initiated —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060714             —THURSDAY—AGREEMENT is the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—CONCESSIONS—BUSH has made in his HARD—LINE—ANTI—TERRORISM—TACTICS in recent days.
20060714             WHITE—HOUSE Agrees To NSA Review By Court: SENATOR, Reuters,
20060714             —SURGED, Oil, to record highs above $78 1—BARREL —ON—FRIDAY as intensifying violence in THE—MIDDLE—EAST raised concerns of possible supply disruptions.
20060714             THE—CONGRESSIONAL—BUDGET—OFFICE—ESTIMATES—THE—IRAQ war could cost anywhere between $202—BILLION and $406—BILLION more over the next —DECADE, depending on how quickly USA—FORCE—LEVELS are reduced.
20060714             —EXPRESSED, Senators from the "Gang of 14 ", concern —YESTERDAY over PRESIDENT—BUSH—NOMINATION—OF—WILLIAM—J—HAYNES—II to the 4. Circuit, heightening the likelihood that the nomination will be filibustered or outright defeated.
20060714             "Less than —2—MONTHS—AFTER voting overwhelmingly to build 370—MILES—OF—NEW fencing along the border with MEXICO, the Senate —YESTERDAY
20060714             voted against providing funds to build it.
20060714             33—HOUSE—CONSERVATIVES voted against the renewal of the Voting Rights Act —YESTERDAY + 1—MAJORITY—OF—HOUSE—CONSERVATIVES voted for several "
20060714             potentially killer amendments " that were nonetheless defeated.
20060714             "PRO—IMMIGRANT—MARCHES this —SPRING and the nation's ongoing immigration policy debate have unified and politically energized Latinos," and "signal the beginning of 1—ENDURING new social movement," according to a
20060714             new survey by the Pew Hispanic Center.
20060714             —ACCUSED—OF, THE—USA—ARMY—PRIVATE, raping and murdering a 14—YEAR—OLD—IRAQ girl "was 1—HIGH—SCHOOL dropout with 3—MISDEMEANORS and was accepted into THE—ARMY—JUST as the military, desperate for recruits, began issuing more 'moral waivers.'"
20060714             "Beer magnate and FORMER—REPUBLICAN USA—SENATE—CANDIDATE—PETE—COORS was arrested on 1—DRUNKEN—DRIVING charge and is
20060714             due to appear in COURT—AND finally: Mr.
20060714             T answers 1—QUESTION for 1—TV—LAND viewer: " Mr. T, why do you pity the fool?
20060714             " Mr.
20060714             T: "That is 1—GOOD—QUESTION and 1—LEGITIMATE—QUESTION. And I'm the man to answer it. You pity the fool because you don't want to beat up 1—FOOL".
20060714             —ACCUSED—OF, USA, kidnappings in IRAQ: Rumsfeld must respond to Congress by 5—ET
20060714             Congress demands that the Pentagon release documents that could show USA—FORCES kidnapped family MEMBERS—OF—TERROR—SUSPECTS.
20060714             —BY MARK—BENJAMIN
20060714             —DEMANDED, Congress has, that SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD hand over 1—RAFT—OF—DOCUMENTS to Congress that could substantiate allegations that USA—FORCES have tried to break terror suspects by kidnapping and mistreating their family members.
20060714             Rumsfeld has —UNTIL 5—P.m. —FRIDAY to comply.
20060714             —COVERED, It —NOW appears that kidnapping, scarcely, by the media + absent in the major military INVESTIGATIONS—OF—DETAINEE—ABUSE, may have been systematically employed by USA—TROOPS.
20060714             —OBTAINED, Salon has, Army documents that show several cases where USA—FORCES abducted terror suspects' families.
20060714             —AFTER he was thrown in prison, Cpl.
20060714             CHARLES—GRANER, the alleged ringleader at ABU—GHRAIB, told investigators the military routinely kidnapped family members to force suspects to turn themselves in.
20060714             —INVITED, AUTHOR—OF—IRAN insignia lie, to WHITE—HOUSE : CANADA—NATIONAL—POST has apologized for running 1 fabricated story that IRAN passed 1—NEW—LAW requiring Jews to wear 1—YELLOW insignia.
20060714             JUSTIN—RAIMONDO : ISRAEL—CROSSES—THE—LINE : THE—ISRAEL—OFFENSIVE against IRAN — —UNTIL—NOW, purely polemical — morphed into military action the moment THE—IDF crossed the border into LEBANON and took on Hezbollah.
20060714             As our regular readers know, this TURN—OF—EVENTS was predicted in this space 3—MONTHS ago:
20060714             CHRIS—FLOYD: Fresh Hell in the Holy Land:
20060714             To say that the "government of LEBANON" — and thus, by extension, the ordinary people of LEBANON who, as usual, are bearing the deadly BRUNT—OF—THE—ISRAEL—ASSAULT — is responsible for HEZBOLLAH—ATTACK is 1—OUTRIGHT lie + THE—ISRAEL—LEADERS know this
20060714             —KIDNAPPED, Jewish Extremist Group: We, 2—PALESTINIANS:
20060714             'Gilad Shalhevet Brigades' organization claims it kidnapped 2—PALESTINIANS, residents of THE—JERUSALEM area.
20060714             Group says hostages will be released only in exchange for ISRAEL—SOLDIERS abducted in GAZA—LEBANON
20060714             Abbas 'held secret ISRAEL talks' : PALESTINE—AUTHORITY PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS has secretly met ISRAEL—DOMESTIC spy CHIEF to try to broker an end to the crisis in GAZA, reports say.
20060714             USA Vetoes UN Resolution Condemning ISRAEL—GAZA—OFFENSIVE : THE—USA has vetoed A—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION that would have demanded 1—HALT to ISRAEL—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE in THE—GAZA Strip.
20060714             The veto drew 1—SHARP rebuke from Arab representatives.
20060714             —ISSUED, STATEMENTS—OF—SUPPORT for ISRAEL, —THIS—WEEK by Democratic leaders :
20060714             GREECE condemns ISRAEL—OPERATIONS in LEBANON : "THE—OUT—OF—BOUNDS military activity in LEBANON over the last few days has escalated dangerously and may make the already critical situation in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—OUT—OF—CONTROL," Bakoyannis said in 1—STATEMENT.
20060714             ISRAEL—ATTACKS against LEBANON Kills 63 : ISRAEL struck BEIRUT airport again —ON—FRIDAY and bombed LEBANON—ROADS, power supplies and communication networks in 1—WIDENING campaign.
20060714             EXPLOSIVES—LADEN drone damages ISRAEL—SHIP : 1—EXPLOSIVES—LADEN drone hit 1—ISRAEL—NAVY—WARSHIP off THE—COAST—OF—BEIRUT —ON—FRIDAY night, causing serious damage to its steering capability, ISRAEL—DEFENSE—FORCES confirmed —ON—FRIDAY night.
20060714             AL—JAZEERA reports IDF searching for 4—SOLDIERS : AL—JAZEERA television reported that THE—IDF was searching for 4—SOLDIERS missing —AFTER their naval vessel off LEBANON—COAST was hit by 1—HIZBULLAH rocket —ON—FRIDAY night.
20060714             Hezbollah leader vows 'open war' : Hezbollah leader HASSAN—NASRALLAH has promised "open war" against ISRAEL, in 1—ADDRESS—BROADCAST shortly —AFTER his BEIRUT offices were bombed by ISRAEL.
20060714             2—PEOPLE killed in Moshav Meron rocket attack : 1—WOMAN and her 5—YEAR—OLD grandson were killed + 4—OTHERS were injured, —WHEN 1—KATYUSHA rocket fired by Hezbollah slammed into 1—HOME in Moshav Meron —ON—FRIDAY—EVENING.
20060714             —DESTROYED, It was the 4. bridge, by ISRAEL —SINCE the offensive in GAZA began 2—WEEKS ago.
20060714             War pimp alert: ISRAEL says LEBANON will hide WMDs for IRAN : In remarks made —BEFORE THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—TODAY, Ambassador DAN—GILLERMAN claimed that LEBANON was willing to work with IRAN to hide WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20060714             LEBANON pays for HEZBOLLAH—SINS
20060714             1—REPORT from LEBANON—SOUTH, ravaged by retaliatory ISRAEL—STRIKES.
20060714             —BY MITCHELL—PROTHERO
20060714             Why do they involve children? She was not attacking Tel Aviv," he says of AKKASH—6—MONTH—OLD—DAUGHTER, killed in the strike. "She was sleeping with her family.
20060714             I hope THE—USA—PEOPLE think of a 6—MONTH—OLD—GIRL killed with 1—USA—FIGHTER, flown by 1—ISRAEL—PILOT.
20060714             But she was asleep with her family".
20060714             Continue - Noam Chomsky: USA—BACKED ISRAEL—POLICIES—PURSUING "END—OF—PALESTINE" ;
20060714             Democracy —NOW!
20060714             MIT professor Noam Chomsky says THE—USA and ISRAEL are punishing Palestinians for electing Hamas + says HEZBOLLAH—CAPTURE—OF—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS—SUBJECTS—LEBANESE "to terror and possible extreme disaster" from ISRAEL—STRIKES.
20060714             We also get comments from MIDDLE—EAST analyst Mouin Rabbani in JERUSALEM.
20060714             Real Audio and transcript - My life in GAZA
20060714             —STARTED, Ostensibly, this bombing campaign, BECAUSE—OF—THE—SOLDIER—CAPTURE.
20060714             To the outside world it might seem like 1—EASY—DECISION for Palestinians: Let the soldier go + the siege will end.
20060714             Yet for Gazans, even in the face of this brutal violence, another decision comes, not with ease, but with resolve.
20060714             —CAPTURED, He is 1—SOLDIER who was, in 1—MILITARY—OPERATION.
20060714             —TODAY, several 100—PALESTINE—CHILDREN and women are locked in ISRAEL—PRISONS.
20060714             They deserve their freedom no less than he does.
20060714             Continue - Pour out your fury upon the people of LEBANON and GAZA
20060714             I would argue that once again THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT—SERVES us with 1—FASCINATING glimpse into the mindset of THE—ISRAEL—COLLECTIVE psyche.
20060714             I will try to elaborate on this issue. Continue
20060714             —FROM my home, I saw what THE—'WAR—ON—TERROR' meant -
20060714             —DROPPED, 1—ISRAEL—PLANE, 1—BOMB on to the home of 1—SHIA Muslim cleric.
20060714             —KILLED, He was. So was his wife. So were 8—OF—HIS—CHILDREN.
20060714             1 was decapitated.
20060714             All they could find of 1—BABY was its head and torso which 1—YOUNG villager brandished in fury in FRONT—OF—THE—CAMERAS.
20060714             —VISITED, Then the planes, another home in Dweir and disposed of 1—FAMILY—OF—7.
20060714             "You'd think people would want to either refute or confirm SOME—OF—THESE reports," said Stapp, "but the only people willing to test them are people who already tend to believe them.
20060714             Most mainstream labs shy away for FEAR—OF—SULLYING their reputations, as if they would be dirtying their hands by even imagining SOME—OF—THIS is possible".
20060714             —EXPANDED, The idea, which Stapp and others have —SINCE, upon and promoted, is that human consciousness is 1 unexplained, nonlinear FORCE—OF—NATURE.
20060714             Like subatomic particles in quantum mechanics, the numbers in SCHMIDT—EXPERIMENT existed in 1—SORT—OF—LIMBO in which they were positive, negative and neither —UNTIL the students saw them.
20060714             At that point, human consciousness and intent (instructions to think positive) induced the numbers to assume 1—SPECIFIC—CONDITION or quantum state.
20060714             —INVITED, Or think about this: You're, to 1—SATURDAY wedding.
20060714             —ON—FRIDAY, you go to the barber for 1—HAIRCUT.
20060714             As you sit in the chair, the future is influencing the present.
20060714             —HAPPENED, The wedding hasn't. - It may not happen at all.
20060714             And yet its possibility changes what will be the past.
20060714             "The present is always 1—NEGOTIATION between the past and the future," said Sheehan.
20060714             "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once," ALBERT—EINSTEIN once said.
20060714             Mystery Ice Block Misses Mans Head
20060714             1—FOOTBALL—SIZED BLOCK—OF—ICE crashed through the roof and ceiling of 1—BUNGALOW, smashing shocked householder SIMON—JONES on the head.
20060714             Headline writer apparently unfamiliar with THE—DEFINITION—OF—THE—WORD "misses".
20060714             But SIMON—JONES is 1—LUCKY—MAN—CHECK out THE—SIZE—OF—THAT—HOLE.
20060714             Enron witness found dead in park
20060714             If you had anything at all to do with the Enron case I suggest you watch your back.
20060714             It's CLEAN—UP time. Dead men don't talk
20060714             The "suicide" of 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—BANKER tied to the Enron scandal is the latest in 1—STRING of mysterious insider deaths in ENGLAND and THE—USA.
20060714             THE—STOLEN—ELECTION—OF—20040000              - The numbers simply do not add up.
20060714             Are Enron Bankers/Witnesses Being Murdered?
20060714             —DISCOVERED, With the latest revelation that 1—BODY, in NORTH—EAST—LONDON is that of 1—BANKER intimately connected with the Enron fraud case, 1 has to begin to ask why are there so many "unexplained" deaths linked to this case?
20060714             RFK Jr Files Fed. Suit Against Voting Machine Cos. Good.
20060714             —ARRESTED, Evangelist, on federal charges Kent Hovind, THE—ANTI—EVOLUTION—EVANGELIST who owns Dinosaur Adventure Land,has been arrested for tax evasion.
20060714             Kent Hovind, who often calls himself "DOCTOR—DINO," has been sparring with THE—IRS for at least 17—YEARS on his claims that he is employed by God, receives no income, has no expenses and owns no property.
20060714             Man, that's a sweet deal. Is God hiring?
20060714             —TRIED, Report: Harris, to implicate Scarborough in intern's DEATH—LIE down with dogs...
20060714             'NatWest Three' extradited to USA.
20060714             The dead guy, of course, will stay home.
20060714             —WHILE reverse causation (also called backward or RETRO—CAUSATION) may sound like science fiction, it is firmly grounded in classical LAWS—OF—PHYSICS.
20060714             These laws say time is symmetrical, that it MOVES—OR should be able to MOVE—IN all directions with equal ease.
20060714             ACCUSED G.I. WAS TROUBLED LONG —BEFORE IRAQ On the last —DAY—OF—20050100             , STEVEN—D—GREEN, THE—FORMER—ARMY—PRIVATE accused of raping a 14—YEAR—OLD—IRAQ—GIRL and murdering her family, sat in 1—TEXAS jail on ALCOHOL—POSSESSION—CHARGES, 1 unemployed 19—YEAR—OLD—HIGH—SCHOOL dropout who had —JUST racked up his 3. misdemeanor conviction.
20060714             —ENLISTED, Days —LATER, MISTER—GREEN, in 1—SOLDIER—STRAPPED Army + was —LATER assigned to 1—STAR—CROSSED unit to serve on 1—ESPECIALLY murderous PATCH—OF—EARTH.
20060714             Creepy speculation about Bush spying on political opponents I've said it —BEFORE and I'll say it AGAIN—BUSH—DOMESTIC spying has nothing to do with terrorism and eveything to do with keeping tabs on his opponents and blackmail.
20060714             EVERY—DEMOCRAT and journalist in this country should regard their phone calls and emails as being monitored.
20060714             Imagine the crap they've got ON—O'REILLY.
20060714             FORMER—CIA—OFFICER sues Cheney over LEAK—VALERIE Plame comes out swinging.
20060714             Dead executive 'not 1—SUSPECT'
20060714             1—FORMER banking executive who was due to give evidence at the trial of the NatWest 3 killed himself by cutting his throat, police sources said.
20060714             "We believe it was 1—TRAGIC shaving accident," said 1—OFFICER.
20060714             IRAQ?s Civil War Spins OUT—OF—USA and IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—CONTROL
20060714             THE—ETHICAL—GOURMET: "1—EXCELLENT roadmap to socially conscious eating".
20060714             Statements from Valerie Plame Wilson and JOSEPH—WILSON on their Lawsuit against Rove, Cheney and Libby 7/15
20060714             ISRAEL destroys home of Hezbollah leader as Conflict Escalates 7/15
20060714             IRAQ war tally likely to hit 500—BILLION dollars or more, Congressional Budget OFFICE—CONCLUDES
20060714             THE—BEST—SELLING New Book by JOHN—DEAN: "Conservatives Without Conscience".
20060714             GREG—PALAST: Why Democrats Don't Count;
20060714             Lessons from THE—UN—GORE—OF—MEXICO - 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20060714             MICHAEL—CHERTOFF, Another Clueless and Feckless Bush evik Who Puts Americans at Risk.
20060714             For Deciding INDIANA Was the Number 1—SITE for Terrorist Attacks in THE—USA, He is the BuzzFlash GOP HYPOCRITE—OF—THE—WEEK.
20060714             Poll: Most Americans plan to vote for Democrats.
20060714             But They Must Hold Off the Rove ONSLAUGHT—OF—FEAR, Being Used for the 3. Election Cycle.
20060714             Incidentally, the Wilsons have 1—WEB—PAGE up for their case.
20060714             They do not name this source in their legal complaint, but they do target Cheney as acting in a "supervisory capacity" over Libby.
20060714             The complaint comes close to stating (paragraph 18, subparagraphs v, w and x) that Cheney authorized 1—LEAK to MATT—COOPER, although subparagraph u implies that Libby learned about the leak to Novak —AFTER the fact.
20060714             JOY—TOMME, in THE—UNDER—APPRECIATED blog Ratbang Diary, argues that Rove + Novak ratted out someone more important than Rove.
20060714             The only guys on 1—HIGHER—LEVEL are Cheney or Bush.
20060714             Paragraph 23—OF—THE—COMPLAINT reads: Upon information and belief, Defendants Libby, Rove, Cheney and JOHN—DOES 1-10 reached 1—AGREEMENT to discredit, punish and seek revenge against the Plaintiffs that included, among other things, disclosing to MEMBERS—OF—THE—PRESS—PLAINTIFF Valerie Plame Wilson's classified CIA employment.
20060714             Landesarchäologen fordern —SEIT langem, den Verkauf von Metalldetektoren zu reglementieren.
20060714             Doch ein wirksamer Schutz gegen die Raubgräberszene ist noch nicht ENTWICKELT—ZUMAL auch DEUTSCHLAND—MUSEEN trotz anders lautender Selbstverpflichtungserklärungen noch immer heiße Ware aus trüben Quellen ankaufen.
20060714             ANTIKENHOCHBURGEN, wie GRIECHENLAND oder der TÜRKEI drohen RaubgräBERN jahrelange Haftstrafen, in ITALIEN wachen Hunderte spezialisierter Carabinieri über die Zeugnisse der Vergangenheit.
20060714             Selbst in SCHWEDEN müssen eingereiste Schatzsucher mit monatelanger Untersuchungshaft rechnen, wenn sie in flagranti erwischt werden.
20060714             Im Vergleich dazu fallen die Strafen in DEUTSCHLAND noch immer lächerlich gering aus.
20060714             VIELE—VERFAHREN, auch solche gegen notorische Mehrfachtäter, werden eingestellt.
20060714             Überführte Plünderer kommen mit Geldbußen wegen Ordnungswidrigkeiten davon, die selten 1000—EURO übersteigen - "das bezahlen Profis mit dem, was sie in einer Nacht aus dem Boden holen", sagt Biel.
20060714             Die supraleitende Magnetschwebebahn kommt ohne Oberleitung aus: Die Lok enthält einen Supraleiter aus YTTRIUM—BARIUM—KUPFER—OXID.
20060714             Mit minus 196—GRAD Celsius kaltem Stickstoff abgekühlt, leitet das Material widerstandslos elektrischen Strom und friert bestehende magnetische Felder ein.
20060714             Lehrer stellen sich auf Schüler ein
20060714             Auffallend ist, dass die ERDMÄNNCHEN—ERZIEHER ihre Schüler nach und nach an größere Herausforderungen heranführen,
20060714             schreiben die Forscher im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Science".
20060714             Ähnlich überraschend stellten sie fest, dass die älteren Tiere ihre Aufgabe ohne eigenen Nutzen und unter persönlichen Opfern erfüllen.
20060714             So nahmen sie es auf sich, giftigen Skorpionen den Stachel zu entfernen, bevor sie die Leckerbissen den Jungen zum Probieren vorlegten.
20060714             —BIS der Nachwuchs das Erwachsenenalter von etwa 90—TAGEN erreicht hatte, war er von seinen Lehrern in ALLE—ÜBERLEBENSTRICKS für wilde Erdmännchen eingeweiht worden.
20060714             Damit seien die gängigen Kriterien für echtes Lehren erfüllt, erklären die Forscher: 1—INDIVIDUUM verändert sein Verhalten nur in der Gegenwart eines unwissenden Beobachters, hat als Lehrer keinen Vorteil oder gar Nachteile durch seine Rolle + der Schüler lernt schneller, als wenn er allein gewesen wäre.
20060714             "Klarer FALL—VON—LEHRVERHALTEN"
20060714             GAZA—STREIFEN: Grenzanlage zwischen GAZA—STREIFEN und ÄGYPTEN gesprengt
20060714             RUSSLAND: Bush trifft Regierungskritiker
20060714             USA: ANTHRAX—ALARM bei der "NEW—YORK—TIMES "
20060714             Eskalation in Nahost: HISBOLLAH—CHEF—ERKLÄRT—ISRAEL den offenen Krieg
20060714             Terrorserie in Bombay: INDIEN unterstellt PAKISTAN Mitschuld an Anschlägen
20060714             Hilferuf: Lehrer kapitulieren vor Schülergewalt
20060714             Krise im Nahen Osten: Die ratlose Supermacht
20060714             Nahostkrise: Olmert stellt Bedingungen für ENDE—DER—ANGRIFFE - DAX—GEFLÜSTER: Im Schattenreich der USA
20060714             G- 8- Gipfel: RUSSLAND—BEHÖRDEN nehmen mehr als 200—GLOBALISIERUNGSGEGNER fest
20060714             —KRITISIERT, Angriffe auf LIBANON: Zentralrat der Juden, Steinmeier - Eiger: Spektakel am bröckelnden Berg
20060714             Raketen auf ISRAEL: Flucht aus der Idylle
20060714             NAHOST—KRISE: LIBANON ruft Bush zu Hilfe
20060714             NAHOST—KRISE: Veranstalter sagen LIBANON—UND ISRAEL—REISEN ab
20060714             Keine ATTA—CONNECTION: Ermittlungen gegen Darkazanli eingestellt
20060714             Umfrage: Wähler sind mit Bundesregierung UNZUFRIEDEN—UND sehen keine Alternative
20060714             Archäologie: Raubgräber durchwühlen DEUTSCHLAND
20060714             Neuer Rekord: 10.000—FLÜGE in DEUTSCHLAND—AN einem —TAG
20060714             Nahostkrise: Ölpreis steigt, Kurse stürzen
20060714             Isoliertes BEIRUT: Angststarre in der Falle
20060714             Interview zum EIGER—FELSSTURZ: "Das ganze Felsmassiv ist durchgerüttelt"
20060714             Überraschung: Erdmännchen sind gute Lehrer - An den Haaren herbeigezogen
20060714             "Anschlag verhindert, Anführer festgenommen", "Das FBI verhinderte das Attentat, mit dem WALL—STREET überfluten sollte (sic!)".
20060714             So klingen die Schlagzeilen der bürgerlichen Presse am
20060714             Die abgebröckelte DEUTSCHLAND—DEMOKRATIE sfux MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER
20060714             "Die Deutschlandfahnen, die 1—MEER bunt geschminkter Patrioten zur WM schwenkte, können nicht darüber wegtäuschen: Deutschlands Demokratie ist mürbe geworden. Es gibt immer mehr totalitäre Tendenzen. Diese Bedrohung für Demokratie und Verfassung geht allerdings weniger von radikalen Bevölkerungsteilen, sondern inzwischen mehr von den Regierenden aus. "
20060714             Wenn der Berg kracht ? Dramatischer Rummel am Eiger sfux HARALD—HAACK ?
20060714             Dem weltberühmten SCHWEIZ—TOURISTENORT Grindelwald im Berner Oberland droht der Untergang.
20060714             Die Katastrophe ist angesagt.
20060714             Besonders japanische, amerikanische und INDIEN—TOURISTEN, die alljährlich massenweise durch das Bergdorf strömen, sind ganz aufgeregt.
20060714             Wahrscheinlich würde sich LOUIS—TRENKER angesichts des Rummels belustigt die Hände reiben, dann aber uns ganz ernst anschauen und erzählen, dass die EIGER—NORDWAND eigentlich 1—MORDWAND...
20060714             Amazonien kaufen?
20060714             Dies hat jedenfalls die größte BRASILIEN—TAGESZEITUNG, die ?Folha de São Paulo", berichtet.
20060714             Eliasch ist —BEREITS Besitzer einiger.
20060714             ISRAEL steps up LEBANON—STRIKES
20060714             ISRAEL intensifies its attacks on LEBANON with fresh air raids on THE—BEIRUT airport and sites in the southern suburbs.
20060714             'Dropped sweet' fine for father 1—FATHER is fined £50—BY 1—COUNCIL warden because his son dropped 1—SWEET on the street.
20060714             † INDONESIA bird flu toll hits 41—INDONESIA—OFFICIALS confirm 1—CHILD who, —LAST—WEEK was the country's 41. VICTIM—OF—THE—BIRD—FLU—VIRUS.
20060714             THE—HOUSE—VOTES to renew the
20060714             Rumsfeld Confronted By Soldier Over Equipment Shortages In IRAQ
20060714             Improvized Explosive Devices (IEDs) are responsible for "nearly half the casualties of our troops in IRAQ".
20060714             Among the best defenses against IEDs is 1—MASSIVE—HEAVILY—ARMORED vehicle called THE—BUFFALO, which has "become THE—FAVORITE—OF—USA—ARMY combat engineer teams".
20060714             —YESTERDAY, —DURING 1—SURPRISE—TRIP to IRAQ, Defense SECRETARY—RUMSFELD was confronted by A—USA—ARMY corporal who said THE—BUFFALO he was using was "1—OF—OLDEST PIECES—OF—EQUIPMENT in the country," and that —JUST—2—WEEKS—BEFORE, he'd seen 1—BRAND—NEW—BUFFALO in NEW—YORK City.
20060714             —DEFENDED, Rumsfeld, THE—PENTAGON—ANTI—IED efforts and deflected the specific question with 1—JOKE.
20060714             Full transcript below:
20060714             CORPORAL ARTHUR KING: Right —NOW we have 1—OF—THE—OLDEST PIECES—OF—EQUIPMENT in the country.
20060714             —CALLED, It's, 1—BUFFALO and ours is the oldest.
20060714             And the other —DAY, 2—WEEKS ago, we saw 1—BRAND—NEW 1 in downtown NEW—YORK City and we've been waiting —FOR—3—MONTHS for ours.
20060714             We are —JUST wondering why that was.
20060714             RUMSFELD: Well, I don't know about NEW—YORK City.
20060714             They obviously have 1—SEPARATE—BUDGET and they buy what they buy.
20060714             We've got $3.6—BILLION that dwarfs anything that NEW—YORK City does —JUST for I.E.D. work and GENERAL—MONTY—MIGGS has been brought back and he is in the process — he has been in THE—ARMY for 2 and 1—HALF, 3—YEARS, he has been working their heads off as the nature of the I.E.D. problem has migrated and evolved they have put enormous effort on it.
20060714             I can't answer why your particular unit ends up with 1—OF—THE—OLDEST PIECES—OF—EQUIPMENT, but I'll bet you GENERAL—CASEY can.
20060714             —SKIPPED, OLBERMANN: To his credit, GENERAL—CASEY, the jokes said he didn't know either but would find out and get back to him with 1—ANSWER.
20060714             Kick THE—OIL—HABIT: THE—ROAD—TRIP—BEGINS
20060714             There are more than 5—MILLION "flexfuel" vehicles on the road in THE—USA, ready to run on ethanol.
20060714             Yet only about 600—OF—AMERICA—170,000 gas stations currently offer E85 fuel.
20060714             This is 1—MAJOR—PROBLEM.
20060714             Americans are ready to use cleaner burning, AMERICA MADE E85 , but the oil companies aren't making it available because they are addicted to the profits their petroleum business has brought them.
20060714             —LAUNCHED, —LAST—MONTH, USA—PROGRESS, Kick the Oil Habit, 1—CAMPAIGN to get the Big 6—OIL—COMPANIES to double the number of E85 pumps over the next —YEAR.
20060714             —YESTERDAY, as PART—OF—THE—CAMPAIGN, SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL)helped kick off 1—CROSS—COUNTRY flexfuel road trip to highlight the severe lack of E85 fueling stations —AROUND the country.
20060714             Come along for the ride on the road trip blog — they're only in WEST—VIRGINIA and they've already almost run OUT—OF—GAS.
20060714             Plame to file civil lawsuit Faiz against KARL—ROVE, Scooter Libby + VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY.
20060714             JOSEPH—WILSON and Valerie Plame will announce the lawsuit tomorrow at 10—AM.
20060714             UPDATE: The lawsuit accuses Cheney, Libby, Rove and 10 unnamed administration officials or political operatives of putting the Wilsons and their children's lives at risk by exposing Plame + embarking "on 1—ANONYMOUS 'whispering campaign' designed to discredit...(the Wilsons) and to
20060714             deter other critics from speaking out.
20060714             Specter's 'Compromise' on Warrantless Wiretapping Excuses Bush For Illegal Conduct
20060714             —ANNOUNCED, Senate Judiciary COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—ARLEN—SPECTER, —TODAY that THE—WHITE—HOUSE has agreed to 1—COURT—REVIEW—OF—THE—WARRANTLESS wiretapping program.
20060714             Specter said the —FOLLOWING at 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE—TODAY:
20060714             I am authorized to say that if the bill is not changed, THE—PRESIDENT will submit the terrorist surveillance program to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
20060714             But what Specter didn't say is that his legislation does not require PRESIDENT—BUSH to submit the program to THE—FISA court;
20060714             it merely gives THE—PRESIDENT the option.
20060714             THE—AP reports : 1—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL who spoke on CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY said the bill's language gives THE—PRESIDENT the option of submitting the program to the intelligence court, rather than making the review 1—REQUIREMENT.
20060714             —RECEIVED, Specter appears to have, assurances from THE—WHITE—HOUSE that, if his bill is passed without changes, Bush would agree to exercise the option and submit the warrantless wiretapping program to the court for 1—JUDGMENT on its constitutionality.
20060714             This compromise is 1—SHAM because it makes optional what Bush is already required to do.
20060714             Under THE—FISA law, the administration can wiretap persons inside THE—USA—BUT it is required to demonstrate that the targets are agents of 1—FOREIGN—POWER, like al Qaeda or their affiliates.
20060714             —CHARACTERIZED, SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY accurately, what Bush is agreeing to: "[Bush is] saying, if you do EVERY—SINGLE thing I tell you to do,
20060714             I'll do what I should have done anyway.
20060714             THE—SPECTER bill makes it optional for Bush to follow the law, —WHILE rewarding him for illegal conduct.
20060714             More FROM—ATRIOS.
20060714             1,700. - NICO—THE—NUMBER—OF earmarks, "totaling about half 1—BILLION dollars," in 1—DOMESTIC spending BILL—THAT—HOUSE—CONSERVATIVES are —NOW "struggling" to push through.
20060714             The problem?
20060714             The earmarks "are tied to 1—DEMOCRATIC—MINIMUM—WAGE—INCREASE
20060714             that is anathema to THE—GOP + no proposed solution has taken root".
20060714             "1—DAY—AFTER the mass transit rail bombings in INDIA,Amanda THE—USA—SENATE was asked to increase funding for rail security in this country. The majority said no".
20060714             Deputy ATTORNEY—GENERAL: Saying 'THE—PRESIDENT—IS—ALWAYS—RIGHT' Is 'Humorous'
20060714             —ON—TUESDAY, acting Deputy ATTORNEY—GENERAL—STEVEN—BRADBURY told Congress, "
20060714             THE—PRESIDENT is always right ".
20060714             —CRITICIZED, —AFTER the remark was widely, in the national media,
20060714             —ASKED, Bradbury was, about it —YESTERDAY by REPRESENTATIVE—JIM—COOPER (D—TN).
20060714             Bradbury said he was trying "to be humorous".
20060714             You can watch BRADBURY—INITIAL—REMARKS—HERE.
20060714             COOPER : MISTER—BRADBURY, the Republican CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE released 1—LETTER—LAST—WEEK saying that he had not been properly informed as THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE.
20060714             —QUOTED, You're, in the newspaper —YESTERDAY as saying that, "THE—PRESIDENT is always right".
20060714             And I hope that's 1—MISQUOTE, 'cause I've never met 1—INFALLIBLE—HUMAN being yet —
20060714             BRADBURY: Neither have I, congressman —
20060714             COOPER : — with the possible exception of THE—PAPA.
20060714             BRADBURY: Neither have I, congressman. I'm glad you brought that up.
20060714             I guess that —JUST shows I shouldn't try to be humorous —WHEN I'm testifying.
20060714             That was 1—TONGUE—IN—CHEEK comment.
20060714             Nobody is always right and I certainly didn't mean to say that other than in humor.
20060714             REPRESENTATIVE—STEVE—KING (R—IA) went on the House floor —ON—TUESDAY to discuss 1—FENCE that he "designed" for the southern boarder.
20060714             (KING constructed 1—MODEL—OF—THE—FENCE as he was speaking.) KING—DESIGN—FEATURES 1—WIRE electrified "with the kind of current that would not kill somebody".
20060714             —NOTED, KING, that "we do this with livestock all the time".
20060714             KING: So —WHEN I get down there and sit on that border, what I do is I come to this conclusion, we can't shut that off unless we build 1—FENCE and 1—WALL.
20060714             I want to put the fence in, but I want to put 1—WALL in + I designed 1. And this —JUST simply is the desert floor — put 1—TRENCH in that desert floor.
20060714             We have the ability to put together 1—MACHINE that would be 1—SLIP form machine that would lay 1—FOOTING about like this, MISTER—SPEAKER.
20060714             And if I give you 1—LOOK—AT—THE—END—OF—THAT, that's so you'd have that about 5—FEET—DEEP underneath the ground.
20060714             It'd keep the wall from tipping over.
20060714             We'd pour 1—NOTCH in it that'll allow us to put PRE—CAST panels in.
20060714             And it would sit, it would look like this + this would be flush with the desert floor.
20060714             And then you'd bring in PRE—CAST concrete walls — 10—FEE—WIDE, 13 and 1—HALF—FEET—TALL.
20060714             —FINISHED, It'd construct itself to be a 12—FOOT, wall, —JUST like that, MISTER—SPEAKER.
20060714             Drop these panels in together, in this fashion.
20060714             —JUST take 1—CRANE and drop them in.
20060714             Our little construction company could build 1—MILE 1—DAY—OF—THIS pretty easily, once you've got your system going.
20060714             The whole 2000—MILES are not going to work that way, but 1—LOT—OF—IT will work this way, MISTER—SPEAKER.
20060714             Bad Vibes Past Peak C ause for Alarm - Bad Vibes
20060714             —BY Jonathan on Palestine/MIDDLE—EAST
20060714             It's hard to escape the sickening feeling that ISRAEL is working with THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to create 1—CRISIS where 1—ATTACK on IRAN becomes inevitable.
20060714             Certainly THE—SCALE—OF—THE—ISRAEL—ATTACKS is so far OUT—OF—PROPORTION with the claimed provocation that 1 has to assume that THE—KIDNAPPING—OF—THE—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS was merely the excuse for 1—OPERATION that had already been planned.
20060714             And —NOW with THE—NIGHT—TIME—BOMBING—OF—THE—FUEL depot at THE—BEIRUT airport, we have 1—VISUAL that will inflame the anger of untold MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and —AROUND the world.
20060714             Who can doubt that ISRAEL knew how it was going to look on the world's tv screens?
20060714             What else is 1 to think but that the goal is to invite more "provocations" to give ISRAEL—1—PRETEXT for widening the war even further?
20060714             Is there anyone who imagines that ISRAEL would take these steps without 1. conferring with THE—USA?
20060714             How long —BEFORE they pin blame on IRAN? Or Syria? Or both?
20060714             It's hard not to think of Ron SUSKIND—FAMOUS—CONVERSATION with 1—SENIOR—BUSH—AIDE.
20060714             Suskind : The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call THE—REALITY—BASED community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality".
20060714             I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism.
20060714             He cut me off.
20060714             "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued.
20060714             "We're 1—EMPIRE —NOW + —WHEN we act, we create our own reality. And —WHILE you're studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too + that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, ALL—OF—YOU, will be left to —JUST study what we do".
20060714             I hope I'm wrong, but I fear we have —JUST taken 1—SHARP—TURN into much darker territory.
20060714             Lawyers on the Right: Maybe There Really is 1—VAST—RIGHT Wing Conspiracy?
20060714             ProfessorBainbridge_com
20060714             —BY STEVE—BAINBRIDGE on Avocational
20060714             LAWYERS—OF—THE—RIGHT: Networks and Organization
20060714             Lawyers for conservative and libertarian causes are active in organizing and mobilizing interest groups within the conservative coalition + NETWORKS—OF—RELATIONSHIPS among those lawyers help to maintain + shape the coalition.
20060714             —GATHERED, Using data, in interviews with 72—SUCH lawyers, the article analyzes CHARACTERISTICS—OF—THE—LAWYERS and the structure of their networks.
20060714             —DIVIDED, The findings suggest that the networks are, into segments or blocks that are identified with particular constituencies, but that 1—DISTINCT SET—OF—ACTORS with 1—EXTENSIVE—RANGE—OF—RELATIONSHIPS—SERVES to bridge the constituencies.
20060714             MEASURES—OF—CENTRALITY and brokerage confirm the structural importance of these actors in the network + 1—SEARCH—OF—REFERENCES in news media confirms their prominence or prestige.
20060714             This core SET—OF—ACTORS occupies the structural hole in the network that separates the business constituency from religious conservatives.
20060714             —LOCATED, Libertarians, near THE—CORE—OF—THE—NETWORK, also occupy 1—INTERMEDIATE position.
20060714             Causal ANALYSIS—OF—THE—FORMATION—OF—TIES within the network suggests that the Federalist Society has played 1—IMPORTANT—ROLE in bringing the lawyers together.
20060714             Sadly, yours truly does not figure, prominently or otherwise.
20060714             WhatReallyHappened_com
20060714             1—REPORT in THE—JERUSALEM Post —TODAY proves very revealing.
20060714             It claims that, `Only weeks 20060801             —ENTIRE—RESERVE—DIVISION was drafted in order to train for 1—OPERATION such as the 1 THE—IDF is planning in response to —WEDNESDAY—MORNING—HIZBOLLAH attacks on IDF forces along the northern border.'[1]
20060714             The news is revealing because it was only 1—LITTLE over 2—WEEKS ago that Cpl.
20060714             —CAPTURED, Gilad Shalit was, by PALESTINE—FIGHTERS.
20060714             1—NEEDS to ask how the Israelis knew at, or even —BEFORE, he was captured that it would be taking action against Hizbollah in LEBANON.
20060714             GLENN—BECK—TRIES to Justify WW3 with 20010911             20060714             THE—GRAND—ILLUSION: THE—UNTOLD—STORY—OF—RUDY—GIULIANI and 20010911             20060714             Preview of Upcoming Book That Roasts RUDY—GIULIANI -- Over 20010911             20060714             1—LONG—AWAITED RE—APPRAISAL—OF—NEW—YORK Mayor RUDY—GIULIANI—MUCH—HAILED actions surrounding the 20010911             —TERRORIST attacks will be published in September to mark the 5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—TRAGEDY.
20060714             —CALLED, It's, "THE—GRAND—ILLUSION: THE—UNTOLD—STORY—OF—RUDY—GIULIANI and 20010911             ," WRITTEN—BY—WAYNE—BARRETT, the longtime Village Voice writer and AUTHOR—OF—1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—THE—FORMER mayor + DAN—COLLINS, 1—SENIOR—PRODUCER for CBSNews_com.
20060714             "—WHEN he assured NEW—YORK that things would come out all right, he was blessedly believable".
20060714             That was on 20010911             — Things haven't been as good for RUDY—GIULIANI —SINCE.
20060714             And this book won't make it ANY—BETTER.
20060714             —DETAILED, Giuliani, for instance, 1—OFFICE—OF—EMERGENCY—MANAGEMENT, but then located its headquarters inside what had long been identified as 1—PRIME—TARGET—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER.
20060714             It was, the authors write, "the only bunker ever built in the clouds".
20060714             The authors' account verges on indictment —WHEN they explore why the firefighters' HANDY—TALKIES did not work, 1—CONGERIES—OF—CAUSES ranging from the technological to the political.
20060714             Suffice it to say that the Giuliani City Hall seems to have been no stranger to sweetheart deals and patronage, so that THE—EMPLOYEE—IN—CHARGE—OF—EMERGENCY broadband communications had 1—SISTER who worked as 1—LOBBYIST for the phone provider who —JUST happened to win the lucrative contract.
20060714             —COMMITTED, That employee —LATER, suicide.
20060714             Well, well, well. It —JUST never ends with this guy.
20060714             Palitone Press - "People place their hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the Constitution; they don't put their hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible".
20060714             JAMIE—RASKIN, USA—UNIVERSITY—DISGUSTING Hypocrisy & Double Standards
20060714             Even As ISRAEL—BOMBS—ALL—OF—LEBANON, THE—USA—HARPS Only About IRAN
20060714             —TODAY is 1—BUSY—DAY.
20060714             Thanks to all the wonderful wars AMERICA is content to either create or finance, we are seeing record oil prices.
20060714             —MEANWHILE, all our pretty democracy revolutions are turning into big fights as RUSSIA successfully overthrows THE—ORANGE—REVOLUTION in UKRAINE and IRAN thumbs its cat's paws at THE—USA—BLUSTER and RUSSIA and THE—USA—EXCHANGE—HARSH—WORDS yet again.
20060714             TO READ MORE CLICK HERE
20060714             ISRAEL, the only democracy in THE—MIDDLE—EAST - 1—EMAIL to ISRAEL—AMBASSADOR to THE—UK
20060714             Dear MISTER—AMBASSADOR—ZVI—HEIFETZ, I can barely find the words to comment on the atrocities that your Government has been committing against innocent civilians in these past few days and hours.
20060714             Your cruel, ruthless and criminal behavior is against ANY—ETHICAL, moral or religious principle and certainly it's against that INTERNATIONAL Law your Government has never respected.
20060714             The despicable racism
20060714             —STOPPED, UNLESS—ISRAEL will carry on regardless
20060714             Digest Number 12910000             20060714             POLITICAL—RESEARCH
20060714             Messages In This Digest (16—MESSAGES)
20060714             CIA Federal Intelligent Document Understanding Laboratory From: SEAN—MCBRIDE
20060714             3. - The very strange saga of ADAM—GADAHN—FROM: SEAN—MCBRIDE
20060714             4. Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Fwd: Mumbai blasts planned outside of INDIA From: SEAN—MCBRIDE
20060714             5. Problems with the Politics of Ethnic SELF—INTEREST From: SEAN—MCBRIDE
20060714             —FROM : SEAN—MCBRIDE
20060714             7. CFP: "Knowledge Dynamics in Semantic Web and Social From: SEAN—MCBRIDE
20060714             8. NATION—CAPITAL declares crime emergency (AP) From: better_off_said
20060714             9. World War / Infowar Analysis (for AMBUNT from CPTMAY) From: CAPTAIN—MAY
20060714             10. - THE—NEOCONS—ARE—DESTROYING—USA—ACCESS to World Oil From: SEAN—MCBRIDE
20060714             11. - Financial Times: Abramovich Bidding for Rosneft From: Vigilius Haufniensis
20060714             12.
20060714             —INVITED, AUTHOR—OF—IRAN insignia lie, to WHITE—HOUSE as 'expert' From: Vigilius Haufniensis
20060714             13. - 33—PLACES to Hangout in the Social Networking ERA—REV2_org From: SEAN—MCBRIDE
20060714             14. - Why THE—WAR—ON—TERROR is 1—SICK—JOKE—JOE—QUINN—FROM: civl ecco
20060714             15. - WMR—WTC criminal Fitz lets Novack off the hook,racist remark at Worl From: civl ecco
20060714             THE—SCREAMING—ANT " Blog Archive " Why Doesn't Media Hold Bush Accountable?
20060714             Strong exports help to offset USA—TRADE deficit FT_com / World / USA
20060714             Military Justice Idea Rejected for Alleged Terror DEFENDANTS—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES
20060714             "....military courts provide protections for defendants that are unwarranted in THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM".
20060714             Newspapers Drops COULTER—COLUMN—WHEN "Conservative Readers Felt That Their Views Were Being Misrepresented"...
20060714             THE—HUFFINGTON—POST | Raw Feed
20060714             —BY THE—HUFFINGTON—POST on Ann Coulter
20060714             Ann Coulter is no stranger to controversy, but her latest adventures have several newspapers questioning whether carrying her syndicated column is worth the trouble.
20060714             THE—SHREVEPORT (LOS—ANGELES) Times is currently leaving the decision of whether or not to keep Coulter up to its readers.
20060714             But the 1. newspaper to officially drop COULTER—COLUMN—SINCE the latest uproar began seems to be THE—GAZETTE—OF—CEDAR—RAPIDS, IOWA, where she had appeared for about 14—MONTHS.
20060714             Opinion Page EDITOR—DOUG—NEUMANN told E&P, "Our decision was made —BEFORE the plagiarism allegations. It did come —AFTER the publication of [Coulter's] book, but I would say it didn't directly play ANY—ROLE on our decision".
20060714             Vorgehen gegen baskischen Zeitungsdirektor
20060714             Erneut ist die SPANIEN—JUSTIZ gegen einen baskischen Zeitungsdirektor vorgegangen.
20060714             Doch der am —DIENSTAG im Seebad DONOSTIA—S—SEBASTIÁN verhaftete PABLO—MUÑOZ passt so gar nicht ins typische Anschuldigungsbild passt.
20060714             Erneut lautet die Anschuldigung, Muñoz habe die baskische Untergrundorganisation ETA unterstützt.
20060714             Er soll zu dem Netz gehören, welche für die ETA—DIE Revolutionssteuer eintreibt.
20060714             Neben dem Journalisten der neuen Zeitungen Diario de Noticias de Navarra und Noticias de Guipúzcoa, die politisch eher zu den regierenden SPANIEN—SOZIALISTEN (PSOE) tendieren, traf es in der Hafenstadt Zumaia auch Jesús Iruretagoiena.
20060714             —ENTSPRICHT, Der EX—GEFANGENE und EX—EXILANT, mehr dem typischen Anschuldigungsbild.
20060714             —GEBOREN, Der 66jährige, der in Asturien, wurde, ist allerdings gestern ohne Kaution wieder auf freien Fuß gesetzt worden und hat lediglich Meldeauflagen erhalten.
20060714             TV standby buttons will be outlawed 16—HOURS—AGO permalink Technology.timesonline.co.UK
20060714             THE Government is to outlaw standby switches on televisions and video and DVD players to cut THE—AMOUNT—OF—ELECTRICITY wasted in the home.
20060714             Refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers will have to become ENERGY—EFFICIENT + lightbulbs that burn too much energy will be phased out.
20060714             Plame sues Cheney, Libby, Rove
20060714             —LEAKED, Valerie Plame, THE—CIA—OFFICER whose identity was, to reporters, sued VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, his former top aide + presidential adviser KARL—ROVE —ON—THURSDAY, accusing them of conspiring to destroy her career.
20060714             Religious Left finally starts to make itself heard
20060714             It's about time someone stood up and complained about the bad rap the Right is giving faith.
20060714             —COMMITTED, At 1—CHURCH in WASHINGTON, hundreds of, Christians met —RECENTLY and tried to map out 1—STRATEGY to get their values into the political debate.
20060714             But these are not the conservative Christian.
20060714             THE—USA—ARMY to end its Halliburton contract SN THE—END—OF—HALLIBURTON?!
20060714             Wireless devices to get emergency alerts
20060714             WASHINGTON (AP) -- We interrupt your cell phone call with this important announcement:
20060714             The government will soon be sending warnings of national emergencies on wireless phones, Web sites and HAND—HELD computers.
20060714             The new digital system will update the emergency alerts planned -- but never used --...
20060714             Cheney sued in CIA identity case 1—FORMER—CIA—OFFICER whose identity was leaked to the media sues USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY and others.
20060714             Abbas 'held secret ISRAEL talks' PA PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS met ISRAEL—SPY CHIEF to try to broker an end to THE—GAZA crisis, reports say.
20060714             Meerkat pups go to eating school Meerkats teach their young how to catch and kill prey such as scorpions and spiders, scientists discover.
20060714             NatWest 3—FACE bail hearing 3—FORMER—NATWEST bankers who were extradited to THE—USA, are to appear —BEFORE 1—BAIL hearing in HOUSTON.
20060714             ISRAEL pursues strikes on LEBANON ISRAEL hits LEBANON—TARGETS by land, sea and air, —FOLLOWING the capture of 2—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS by Hezbollah militants.
20060714             ISRAEL crisis hits world markets Growing tension over ISRAEL—OFFENSIVE in LEBANON sends world markets tumbling as oil creeps towards $77 1—BARREL.
20060714             Musharraf pledges help on Mumbai PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF offers INDIA support in its investigation into the Mumbai train bombings.
20060714             NORWAY—WHALE catch falls short NORWAY—WHALING fleet will catch only half its quota this season.
20060714             Conservation groups say the industry is in crisis.
20060714             BARD—1. folio fetches £2.8m A "remarkably untouched" 1. FOLIO—OF—SHAKESPEARE—PLAYS sells for £2.8m at auction house Sotheby's.
20060714             PAKISTAN rejects Mumbai link PAKISTAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER reacts angrily to suggestions his country is linked to the deadly train bombings in INDIA.
20060714             New clue in JACK—THE—RIPPER case New paperwork from the investigating OFFICER—OF—THE—JACK—THE—RIPPER inquiry is to be revealed for the 1. time.
20060714             INDIA—SHARES—RISE—AFTER bombings Shares on INDIA—MUMBAI stock exchange rise as the market reacts to —TUESDAY—BOMB—ATTACKS.
20060714             —CONCERNED, Doctors, over E—RECORDS—DOCTORS are raising concerns about the confidentiality of the electronic care records system.
20060714             Hospitals told not to ban mobiles Hospitals should not impose blanket bans on people using mobile phones, health regulators say.
20060714             Patient voice 'to be beefed up' Patients may be given the power to petition local health bosses to force changes in services.
20060714             Solo living 'doubles heart risk' Living alone doubles THE—RISK—OF—HEART—DISEASE compared to living with 1—PARTNER, research suggests.
20060714             Britons 'sleep in dirty duvets' Up to 20,000 dust mites could be living in the average unwashed duvet, new research shows.
20060714             Don't Flush It -- Breathe It
20060714             Astronauts use up lots of oxygen, but they also produce plenty of raw material for making more of it.
20060714             The unlikely source: pee.
20060714             Add filters and electrolysis + urine could open up new vistas for interplanetary travel.
20060714             —TESTED, Cold Pigs Could Save Human Lives 1—PROCEDURE, on these poor pink porkers may allow surgical patients to flatline for over an —HOUR.
20060714             S.F. Evaluating Its Ties to AT&T THE—CITY—OF—S—FRANCISCO will conduct 1—FACT—FINDING study to reassess its relationship with AT&T, —FOLLOWING allegations that the telecommunications company has been secretly making its customer records available to the National Security Agency.
20060714             Genetics Key to ETHANOL—FUTURE—SOMEDAY your car might run on fuel derived from organisms specifically engineered to produce cellulosic ethanol.
20060714             AUTOPIA.
20060714             Judge dismisses suit over Google ranking Web site had sued the search giant —AFTER it fell to a "0" ranking in the Google index.
20060714             Ready or not, here come THE—E—PASSPORTS Also: TELECOMMUTING—QUIET—STORM.
20060714             Read these stories and more from —AROUND the Web on News_com Extra.
20060714             Hydrogen car tech revs up START—UP develops sodium capsules that generate small amounts of hydrogen on the go.
20060714             Plus: Make your own fuel cell at home.
20060714             Hydrogen cars to hit the road by 2015?
20060714             Will the gas used for the Hindenburg be running cars in 1—DECADE or so?
20060714             Carmakers say it could be in the works.
20060714             Administration To Request Another $110—BILLION For IRAQ Next —YEAR : —YESTERDAY, THE—WHITE—HOUSE released its FY2007 MID—SESSION—BUDGET—REVIEW with great fanfare, celebrating its projection that the deficit will be nearly $300—BILLION —THIS—YEAR.
20060714             Bush defends ISRAEL, EU, RUSSIA condemn attacks: RUSSIA and the European Union condemned ISRAEL—STRIKES in LEBANON as 1—DANGEROUS—ESCALATION—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST—CONFLICT but THE—USA—SAID ISRAEL had the right to self defence.
20060714             LEBANON recalls ambassador to USA.
20060714             FRANCE calls ISRAEL—ACTION in LEBANON "ACTS—OF—WAR" - War pimp alert:
20060714             —ABDUCTED, Hezbollah plans to move, IDF soldiers to IRAN : ISRAEL has concrete evidence that Hezbollah plans to transfer THE—2—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—FORCES—SOLDIERS abducted —WEDNESDAY to IRAN, Foreign Ministry spokesman MARK—REGEV said —THURSDAY.
20060714             War pimp alert: ISRAEL—POINTS—FINGER at IRAN, Syria : 1—SENIOR—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL has blamed Syria for providing "shelter + logistical support for Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal" and noted that IRAN provides Hizbullah terrorists with funds and weapons.
20060714             AUSTRALIA—RADIO—INTERVIEWS—ROBERT—FISK: MP3 - Transcript Here
20060714             —FIRED, ISRAEL targets LEBANON—AIR bases: ISRAEL—JETS, on THE—LEBANON—AIR—FORCE base in Rayak, in EAST—LEBANON near Syria.
20060714             ISRAEL—JETS also hit an AIR—FORCE base in Qlaiat, in NORTH—LEBANON also not far from Syria.
20060714             —KILLED, LEBANON : At least 52—CIVILIANS, in ISRAEL—ATTACKS : ISRAEL has threatened to bomb BEIRUT and the cities southern suburbs —TODAY in the continuing military escalation by THE—MIDDLE—EAST—ONLY—NUCLEAR—POWER.
20060714             ISRAEL—ATTACKS—KILLS—WOMEN and Children: LEBANON—OFFICIALS say that 1—FAMILY—OF—10 and another family of 7 were killed in their homes in the village of Dweir, the officials said.
20060714             BEIRUT waits as SYRIA—MASTERS send Hezbollah allies into battle -
20060714             There is 1—CERTAIN bet that Syria will rely on;
20060714             that despite all ISRAEL—THREATS—OF inflicting "pain" on LEBANON, this war will run OUT—OF—CONTROL—UNTIL—AS has so often happened in THE—PAST—ISRAEL itself calls for 1—CEASEFIRE and releases prisoners.
20060714             Then THE—INTERNATIONAL—BIG—HITTERS will arrive and make their way to the real LEBANON—CAPITAL—DAMASCUS, not BEIRUT—AND appeal for help.
20060714             What Are They Fighting For -
20060714             Whatever may be the fate of the captive soldier Gilad Shalit, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY—WAR in GAZA is not about him.
20060714             Comparing THE—COST—OF—WAR and domestic expenses
20060714             We are spending $267—MILLION 1—DAY, or $11—MILLION an —HOUR on IRAQ—BY Congressman JOHN—MURTHA
20060714             I wanted to demonstrate what these expenses mean to domestic policy in THE—USA and give you 1—IDEA—OF—JUST SOME—OF—THE—THINGS that we could accomplish with this AMOUNT—OF—MONEY.
20060714             PATRICK—FITZGERALD: Der Bundesanwalt gilt als hartnäckig, unbestechlich und unparteiisch.
20060714             Dem Sohn IRLAND—EINWANDERER wurde die Untersuchung in der CIA—AFFÄRE Ende 20030000             übertragen.
20060714             —GEBRACHT, Zuvor hatte er —BEREITS Mafiamörder ins Gefängnis, und die Hintermänner des 1. Anschlags auf das World Trade Center 19930000             verfolgt.
20060714             JOSEPH—C—WILSON: Wilson war jahrelang Diplomat und arbeitete an den USA—BOTSCHAFTEN in NIGER, BURUNDI, im KONGO und in GABUN.
20060714             —SEIT mehr als 2—JAHREN untersucht der Sonderermittler PATRICK—FITZGERALD, wer für die Enttarnung von Valerie Plame verantwortlich ist.
20060714             Es geht um Geheimnisverrat und Falschaussagen, die vorsätzliche Enttarnung eines Agenten ist in den USA strafbar.
20060714             Der Verdacht bringt die BUSH—ADMINISTRATION in Bedrängnis: Die Informationen, die zur Enttarnung Plames führten, könnten gezielt von Regierungsvertretern gestreut worden sein, um JOSEPH—C—WILSON zu diskreditieren.
20060714             In der Schusslinie sind Präsidentenberater KARL—ROVE und I. LEWIS—LIBBY, der frühere Stabschef von Cheney.
20060714             Internationale Presse: "Blutige Sackgasse"
20060714             Anschläge in Bombay: Pakistans Geheimdienst unter Verdacht
20060714             —ZERSTÖRT, Eskalation in Nahost: ISRAEL, Libanons Infrastruktur
20060714             —BEENDET, Staatsbesuch : Bush und Merkel voneinander begeistert
20060714             Alpen: EIGER—FELSEN stürzen auf Gletscher
20060714             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Lasst uns Intelligenz bauen"
20060714             Integrationsgipfel: "Bildung, Bildung, Bildung"
20060714             CHINA: Hunderttausende fliehen vor Tropensturm
20060714             Krise in Nahost: Ölpreis nimmt Kurs auf 80- DOLLAR—MARKE
20060714             JAPAN: Zentralbank hebt erstmals —SEIT Jahren Zinsen an
20060714             (Wirtschaft, Studie: IRAK—KRIEG könnte USA 500—MILLIARDEN Dollar kosten
20060714             NAHOST—KRISE: Ahmadinedschad warnt ISRAEL vor Angriff auf SYRIEN
20060714             Edelmetall: Bakterien machen Gold zu Nuggets
20060714             Gewalt in Nahost: Steinmeier spricht von "2. Eskalationsstufe"
20060714             CIA—AFFÄRE: Enttarnte Agentin verklagt Vizepräsidenten
20060714             Grillfest mit Staatsgast: Merkel, Bush und das berühmteste Wildschwein der Welt
20060714             Suspended Animation Tests Successful
20060714             "Wired News reports that suspended animation tests have been successfully carried out with pigs.  'Long THE—DOMAIN—OF—TRANSHUMANIST—NUT—JOBS, cryogenic suspension may be —JUST 2—YEARS away from clinical trials on humans (presuming someone can solve the sticky ethical problems).'" The pig that was THE—SUBJECT—OF—THE—ARTICLE was kept in suspended animation —FOR—2—HOURS + Duggan and his team have successfully suspended HUNDREDS—OF—PIGS for an —HOUR at 1—TIME.
20060714             —FILLED, It's still 1—FAR cry from 1—SPACESHIP, with sleep pods, but would be —JUST the ticket for doctors who need to buy extra time to save lives.
20060714             Computer Control, by Bug + by Brain
20060714             "NewScientistTech has 1—FASCINATING story about 1 paralysed man who can control 1—COMPUTER and robot arm using electrodes implanted in his brain. The electrodes measure neural signals generated —WHEN he concentrates on trying to move 1—OF—HIS paralysed limbs and software translates these imagined gestures into the movement of 1—ON—SCREEN cursor or 1—ROBOTIC—ARM. Other researchers have also revealed 1—WAY to dramatically boost the efficiency of similar brain implants in monkeys".
20060714             If you don't have 1—HANDY—HUMAN—BRAIN to play with, 9x320 writes points to 1—REPORT on LiveScience of Wim van ECK—GRADUATION—PROJECT: 1—COMPUTER—GAME—SIMILAR to PAC—MAN controlled, not by conventional computer code, but by the brain of 1—INSECT.
20060714             "INSTEAD—OF—COMPUTER—CODE, I wanted to have animals controlling the ghosts. To enable this, I built 1—REAL maze for the animals to walk —AROUND in, with its proportions and layout matching THE—MAZE—OF—THE—COMPUTER—GAME. THE—POSITION—OF—THE—ANIMALS in the maze is detected using COLOUR—TRACKING via 1—CAMERA + linked to the ghosts in the game. This way, the real animals are directly controlling the virtual ghosts".
20060714             "Wired News has 1—ARTICLE on a 'cortically coupled computer vision' system being developed at COLUMBIA University and funded by THE—EVER—CURIOUS folks at DARPA. Essentially, it uses the extremely powerful visual recognition ability of the human brain and couples it with 1—COMPUTER—RAW processing power to allow 1—USER wearing 1—EEG cap to filter through scores of digital images at HIGH—SPEED and pick out SOMETHING—OF—INTEREST. This has applications in military intelligence, FACE—RECOGNITION, ANTI—TERRORISM + hunting down replicants".
20060714             " back to results for "john deuss oil company"
20060714             Below is 1—CACHE of larouchepub_com/other/1995/2241_sas.html.
20060714             It's 1—SNAPSHOT—OF—THE—PAGE taken as our search engine crawled the Web.
20060714             —HIGHLIGHTED, We've, the words: john deuss oil company
20060714             —CHANGED, The web site itself may have.
20060714             You can check the current page (without highlighting) or check for previous versions at THE—INTERNET—ARCHIVE.
20060714             This article appears in the - 13. - SAS methods and procedures
20060714             According to THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—ARMY handbook, THE—SAS is "particularly suited, trained + equipped for COUNTER—REVOLUTIONARY—OPERATIONS,"
20060714             with 1—SPECIALIZATION in "infiltration," "sabotage," "assassination," as well as "liaison with, organization, training + CONTROL—OF—FRIENDLY—GUERRILLA—FORCES operating against the common enemy".
20060714             —FROM its inception in WWII.
20060714             —DETAILED, Special Air Services was, to run sabotage behind enemy lines + to organize popular revolt,
20060714             at 1. in NORTH—AFRICA +
20060714             —THEN—IN the Balkans, where another Stirling cousin, Fitzroy Maclean, ran UNITED—KINGDOM—OPERATIONS.
20060714             WWF's 'Operation Lock' - The afghansi - In 1—NATIONAL—ZOGBY poll, of
20060714             For media reading this article, time will tell whether you are 1—INSANE conspiracy theorist or not.
20060714             If you too, are among the insane in our media, the public will likely eventually demand your resignation.
20060714             As 1—WHO writes sometimes on parental issues, I believe it is unhealthy to have insane people in charge of the national information highways our children are taught to watch.
20060714             We need sane media people who look at facts regarding issues, not ones who launch into insane screeds of paranoia to avoid reality.
20060714             —CONTACTED, Also, you may recall that —WHEN I, STATE—REPRESENTATIVE, STEPHEN—NASS' office, his aide stated that they were aware of but not interested in and would not look at the physics facts provided by the website Scholars for 20010911             —TRUTH, www.st911_org.
20060714             However, they did want to fire 1—UNIVERSITY—TEACHER for presenting facts, many of which were available on that site.
20060714             To fire someone for presenting facts, facts that you dispute, yet have no idea what those facts are + are unwilling to look at them to find out what they are.
20060714             is also insane.
20060714             —CONCERNED, Again, as someone who writes on parenting issues, as 1, parent as well, AMERICA should also consider retiring our insane government officials who fire people for facts they aren't aware of + are unwilling to look at.
20060714             These politicians apparently assert SOME—WILD—CONSPIRACY—THEORY that MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS are questioning the events of 20010911             —BECAUSE they are "Bush haters" according to the aide at Nass' office.
20060714             —ELECTED, This kind of delusional paranoia by our, officials is of particular concern.
20060714             Such WILD—EYED conspiratorialists should not be allowed in government.
20060714             BILL—DOUGLAS, AUTHOR—OF "THE—AMATEUR—PARENT - 1—BOOK on Life, Death, War & Peace + Everything Else in the Universe"
20060714             RUSSIA and IRAN lead the new energy game : RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN has already spectacularly preempted this weekend's Group of 8 (G8) summit in St Petersburg with his own bit of Pipelineistan news.
20060714             RUSSIA—IRAN military cooperation cannot be TARGET—OF—SANCTIONS—LAVROV : "RUSSIAN—IRAN—MILITARY—TECHNICAL—COOPERATION is proceeding in complete compliance with relevant INTERNATIONAL norms," Lavrov told reporters on 1—PLANE en route to MOSCOW from PARIS —ON—THURSDAY.
20060714             Aide: RUSSIA, USA Closer to WTO Deal : RUSSIA + THE—USA—HAVE resolved 1—KEY—ISSUE over RUSSIA—ACCEPTANCE to the World Trade Organization + 1—FINAL—AGREEMENT could be signed by THE—END—OF—THE—WEEK, 1—FINANCE—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN said —THURSDAY.
20060714             —DECIDED, MEXICO—GOVT confirms no PRESIDENT—ELECT, yet : MEXICO does not have 1—PRESIDENT—ELECT —NOW, because the Federal Election Tribunal (TRIFE) has not yet ruled on the issue, MEXICO—PRESIDENTIAL—SPOKESMAN—RUBEN—AGUILAR—VALENZUELA said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20060714             López Obrador plans protests over MEXICO—POLL: 1—TOP—AIDE to Andrés MANUEL—LÓPEZ—OBRADOR, the leftwing candidate in MEXICO's disputed presidential election, —ON—THURSDAY vowed to organise mass protests in the event of 1—UNFAVOURABLE ruling by the country's electoral tribunal.
20060714             Citgo to cut off 1,800—USA—GAS—STATIONS: VENEZUELA—OWNED Citgo Petroleum Corp. has decided to stop distributing gasoline to 1,800 independently owned USA—STATIONS, shedding 1—LACKLUSTER segment of its business —WHILE forcing the owners of those stations to find other suppliers.
20060714             —ALLEGED, Mounties had mole in, terror cell:
20060714             1—WELL—KNOWN—MEMBER—OF—TORONTO—MUSLIM community worked as 1—POLICE—AGENT to infiltrate 1 alleged terrorism cell that police say was planning attacks in CANADA, THE—TORONTO Star has learned
20060714             Spy or Risk Green Card: How THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION 'Recruits' Muslim Informants : The report detailed THE—CASE—OF—YASSINE Ouassif.
20060714             Last November YASSINE—GREEN—CARD was taken away from him —WHEN he crossed the border from CANADA.
20060714             Yassine was then sent home to S—FRANCISCO and told to contact 1—COUNTERTERRORISM—AGENT at THE—FBI.
20060714             1—MUSLIM—CHOICE: Turn USA—INFORMANT or Risk Losing Visa : WALID—MUSTAFA, a 53—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINE—USA—WHO teaches kung fu, 1. encountered THE—FBI —WHEN 1—YOUNG—AGENT knocked on his door in SACRAMENTO to ask about FUND—RAISING at the local mosque.
20060714             FBI Agent Gets Probation for Fraud Role: FORMER—FBI special agent Lynn Wingate was sentenced to probation for her role in a 20020000             criminal case involving the use of confidential government information to manipulate the stocks of small companies.
20060714             Plame sues WHITE—HOUSE figures over CIA leak:
20060714             FORMER—CIA officer and husband file lawsuit against Cheney, Libby, Rove
20060714             —TITLED, It was, "20060911             claim stirs UW PROBE—INSTRUCTOR says USA planned the attacks to provoke war".
20060714             This led to my DISCOVERY—OF—SOME—WILD—CONSPIRACY—THEORISTS that endanger our government and media establishments, with quite frankly insane assertions.
20060714             —ARRESTED, TONY—BLAIR—TOP—BAG—MAN, : UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR—TOP—FUNDRAISER, Lord Levy, was arrested —WEDNESDAY in 1—INVESTIGATION into whether Labour party leaders improperly nominated financial backers for seats in THE—HOUSE—OF—LORDS, LEVY—SPOKESMAN said.
20060714             Medical journal reveals that 70—PERCENT—OF—DRUG DECISION—MAKING panel members have financial ties to industry : So much for EVIDENCE—BASED medicine.
20060714             Drug approval decisions have little to do with evidence and everything to do with materialistic greed and cold, hard cash.
20060714             —DOLED, That cash is, out to DECISION—MAKERS in THE—FORM—OF—RESEARCH—GRANTS, consulting fees and outright bribes.
20060714             BOSNIA—LEFTOVER guns: Sell, give, destroy?
20060714             —CALLED, WHAT—BEEN, the biggest arms transfer —WWII—SINCE—THE shipping of leftover weapons from Bosnia's 19920000—19950000     war to combat zones in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and ELSEWHERE—MAY not have come to 1—END, despite 1—YEAR—OLD—MORATORIUM on BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—ARMS—SALES.
20060714             War Veterans Feeling Stressed, Deserted:
20060714             According to 1—RECENT—REPORT from the Veterans Administration, more than 50,000 vets from IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN are believed to be suffering from mental health problems — nearly HALF—OF—THEM from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD
20060714             PAKISTAN hand in Mumbai blasts, sources say : PAKISTAN is SUSPECTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in —TUESDAY—BOMB—ATTACKS on trains in Mumbai, according to INDIA—GOVERNMENT—SOURCES.
20060714             Pak should not be blamed for everything happening in INDIA' : Amid growing sparring over the terror attacks in MUMBAI—PAKISTAN —TODAY said there should be no "KNEE—JERK reaction" to blame it for "everything happening" in INDIA.
20060714             Does INDIA have 1—RIGHT to invade BRITAIN?
20060714             —CLAIMED, Although nobody has as yet, responsibility for —TUESDAY—ATTACKS in Mumbai, in which hundreds have †, it seems —JUST possible that UNITED—KINGDOM—EXTREMISTS may have had 1—HAND in them somewhere.
20060714             BRITAIN prepares secrets case over IRAQ memo : Details of THE—STILL—UNDISCLOSED memo began to leak out, 1. in 1—DAILY—MIRROR—ARTICLE reporting that —DURING THE—BUSH—BLAIR conversation THE—PRESIDENT, shockingly, had suggested that allied forces should bomb the Arab television network AL—JAZEERA.
20060714             Dahr Jamail: "This is going to be 1—BIG—WAR".
20060714             —NOW that THE—USA—MILITARY/Rumsfeld (who was —JUST in BAGHDAD) and Khalilzad have declared WAR—ON—THE—SHIA—MEHDI—ARMY, accusing THEM—OF—TERRORISM, all bets are off.
20060714             Of course, the timing of this with Israelis attacks against Hezbollah couldn't be more perfect.
20060714             Coincidence?
20060714             Racism, Not Ignorance, Plagues the Media Covering Palestine:
20060714             THE—CAPTURE—OF—ISRAEL—SOLDIER, Gilad Shalit is 1—CLEAR—ACT—OF—SELF—DEFENSE.
20060714             1—OF—AMERICA—TOP and most courageous INTERNATIONAL law professors wrote me —YESTERDAY: "Insist on calling Gilad Shalit 1—PRISONER—OF—WAR, for he is 1."
20060714             Better hypocrisy than Hamas: THE—USA has 1—CLEAR—INTEREST in blocking Hamas, which is disconnected from THE—ISRAEL—INTEREST.
20060714             Evangelicals to push for more support for ISRAEL : More than 3,000 PRO—ISRAEL evangelical Christians will be in town next —WEEK for a "WASHINGTON/ISRAEL summit" to push THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION toward stronger support for the Jewish state.
20060714             EU accuses ISRAEL—OF 'disproportionate USE—OF—FORCE' in LEBANON : "The presidency deplores THE—LOSS—OF—CIVIL—LIVES and THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—CIVILIAN—INFRASTRUCTURE.
20060714             The imposition of 1—AIR and sea blockade on LEBANON cannot be justified".
20060714             FRANCE calls ISRAEL—ACTION in LEBANON "ACTS—OF—WAR"
20060714             —STRANDED, BEIRUT passengers ;
20060714             airlines cancel flights : THOUSANDS—OF—PASSENGERS traveling to BEIRUT are stranded all across THE—MIDDLE—EAST due to the closure of THE—BEIRUT airport —FOLLOWING THE—ISRAEL—ATTACK on it.
20060714             —REPORTED, As senior security analyst ALEX—FISHMAN widely, THE—ARMY was preparing for 1—ATTACK—MONTHS—EARLIER + was constantly pushing for it, with the goal of destroying the Hamas infrastructure + its government.
20060714             Breaking: Valerie Plame Sues Cheney + Libby + Rove.
20060714             Hey, We Want Novak In There Too. Please?
20060714             THE—JOSEPH and Valerie WILSON—LEGAL—SUPPORT—TRUST 7/14
20060714             "Republicans used to accuse Democrats of "throwing money at problems". THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION not only throws money at problems; it misses them".
20060714             Kingdom Coming: THE—RISE—OF—CHRISTIAN—NATIONALISM—THOM—HARTMANN'S "Independent Thinker" BOOK—OF—THE—MONTH—REVIEW
20060714             CIA Leak Case Source NUMBER 1—STILL 1—MYSTERY;
20060714             Novak reveals that he cooperated with the special prosecutor but chooses not to name the Bush official who started it all.
20060714             Despite SUPREME—COURT—RULING, Bush eviks Continue to Emulate JOE—STALIN—FORCED—CONFESSIONS and PRE—DETERMINED Outcomes
20060714             Bush evik Corporate Cronies Make Out Like Bandits: Oil prices hit new high of $75.88 1—BARREL 7/13
20060714             RFK JUNIOR files suit We told you that he was planning to do it + —NOW he has done it.
20060714             FLORIDA attorney MIKE—PAPANTONIO who, along with ROBERT—F—KENNEDY, JUNIOR hosts RING—OF—FIRE [3], weekends on Air AMERICA Radio [4], was 1—GUEST on MIKE—MALLOY—RADIO—PROGRAM last night... He discussed the upcoming whistleblower suits that he and ROBERT—F—KENNEDY, JUNIOR are filing against several of the voting machine companies.
20060714             —LOADED, Pap was, for bear.
20060714             More: SPEAKING—OF—THE—LEVEL—OF—FRAUD to be revealed by the suits, which must be sealed by law —FOR—60—DAYS as THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL decides if they will join the complaint, Papantonio told Malloy: "—WHEN you hear the details, —WHEN you hear THE—CALIBER—OF—THE—FRAUD... you... it'll make Americans feel like they're living in 1 damned banana republic, a 3. world country. I have never heard such outrageous facts".
20060714             "And you know what?" he continued, "We've had our investigators look at it. We verified everything. And —WHEN you hear it, you're gonna say, 'Not in AMERICA.' Bad news is: Yeah, it is in AMERICA".
20060714             The fraud suits, Papantonio said, are "1—WAY to get at their money + that's the only thing these people understand".
20060714             "—AT—THE—END—OF—THE—DAY, we're gonna shut down SOME—OF—THESE companies," Papantonio said.
20060714             —UPDATED, Search engine, to v0.6.2
20060714             Completely rewritten code to support multiple indices efficiently in 1—MULTI—SERVER environment.
20060714             Functions like View Text, Explain Time, Explain Rank, Word Search are all —NOW working correctly with multiple indices (something that was broken or disabled for 1—BLN page release).
20060714             —MOVED, Development focus is, to weekly search engine updates.
20060714             in the County COURT—OF—LAW in KENDALL—COUNTY, TEXAS, ARGYLL—EQUITIES, LLC (" Argyll ") filed its Original Answer to Servicios' Counterclaims
20060714             Product: MONTENEGRO Investments... Product: HENDERSON Horizon ASIA—PACIFIC Properties Equities fund.
20060714             5.5—TON DC9 COKE BUST: WORSE THAN SNAKES ON 1—PLANE
20060714             But we have PLENTY—OF—DRUG—LORDS—OF our own. NEXT: Robb Tiller on.
20060714             EMBARGOED —UNTIL 13—FEBRUARY 20060000             NHS ARGYLL & CLYDE Minutes of a... -
20060714             —RETURNED, Against this background, THE—UK—EQUITY—MARKET—INDEX, 8.2% for the. quarter against the Overseas index return of 8.9%.
20060714             THE—ARGYLL & Clyde... - :\My EDGAR\BlastGard INTERNATIONAL\3. QTR QSB\form10qs -
20060714             Form of 2. Modification and Waiver Agreement between BlastGard INTERNATIONAL, INCORPORATED and ARGYLL—EQUITIES, dated as of
20060714             durch die Alpen haben Forscher einen dramatischen Rückgang der Gletscher dokumentiert.
20060714             House votes to renew 19650000             —THE Voting Rights Act, Amanda landmark civil rights.
20060714             For Deciding INDIANA Was the Number 1—SITE for Terrorist Attacks... - Investigators also said that —BEFORE
20060714             Cause and defect Can THE—FUTURE—INFLUENCE THE—PAST
20060714             ISRAEL, J.T.W. " Tim ") Landon, who - next —WEEK".
20060714             Der Tropische Sturm Bilis trifft in CHINA aufs Festland und verursacht in der Provinz Hunan das schlimmste Hochwasser —SEIT—100—JAHREN.
20060714             Infolge der Bombardierung eines südlich von BEIRUT gelegenen Elektrizitätswerks während des 2. Libanonkrieges laufen zwischen 10.000—UND 35.000—TONNEN Heizöl in das Mittelmeer und lösen dort eine der —BISHER schlimmsten Umweltkatastrophen aus.
20060714             Durch die von ISRAEL verhängte Blockade ist 1—BEKÄMPFUNG der Katastrophe nicht möglich.
20060714225342       Cause and defect Can THE—FUTURE—INFLUENCE THE—PAST
20060714—20000000    —REVERSED, A—USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT, 1—RULING that struck down NEBRASKA—SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE—BAN, which was approved by voters.
20060714—20000000    —SINCE, JAPAN—RATES increased to 0.25% JAPAN—CENTRAL—BANK raises its key interest rate as expected from 0% to 0.25% - the 1. increase.
20060714—20010911    —FROM, 6. Who Benefited ?
20060714—20020000    —CLASHED, SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS, with Tamil Tiger rebels in the worst fighting —SINCE 1—CEASE—FIRE halted the civil war, leaving as many as 16—DEAD.
20060714—20060213    —UNTIL, EMBARGOEDNHS ARGYLL & CLYDE Minutes of a...-
20060714—20060530    —ON, Oddly enough, or maybe not so odd at that, THE—AUTHOR—OF—THIS deceit, IRAN—EXILE—JOURNALIST—AMIR—TAHERI, was invited to THE—WHITE—HOUSE as 1—OF 1—GROUP—OF "IRAQ experts" to consult with USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH.
20060714—20060615    —ANNOUNCED, PUTIN, in SHANGHAI that "Gazprom is ready to support THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—GAS—PIPELINE from IRAN to PAKISTAN and INDIA with financial resources and technology".
20060714—20060705    —AM, Der SCHWEDEN—UNTERNEHMER JOHAN—ELIASCH, Besitzer der Sportartikelfirma ?Head", bekannt durch ihre Ski und Tennisschläger, hat auf einer Konferenz in LONDON anderen Unternehmern vorgeschlagen, mit ihm zusammen, das gesamte Amazonasgebiet zu kaufen, was etwa 18—MILLIARDEN Dollar kosten würde.
20060714—20061228    —EXECUTED, Xinhua was.
20060715             —ON 20060714             —THE
20060715—20060714    —ON, Bush made this clear —WHEN he
20060716             The past and future of 1—RIGHT—WING myth —POSTED—ON—FRIDAY, 20060714            .
20060721             —WHILE ISRAEL—CENTERED NEO—CONSERVATIVES have been the most aggressive in arguing that Hezbollah's 20060712             CROSS—BORDER—ATTACK could only have been carried out with IRAN—APPROVAL, if not encouragement, that view has been largely accepted and echoed by THE—USA—MAINSTREAM—MEDIA.
20060722             Anti Bertelsmann Kongress kanalB Unter dem Titel "Du bist Bertelsmann: Wie ein globaler Drahtzieher Medien, Bildung und Politik steuert" fand vom 20060714—20060717     in HAMBURG 1—KONGRESS statt, der BERTELSMANN—KRITIKERINNEN und Intersssierte zusammenführte.
20060727—20060712    —ON, 1—CIVILIAN—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—FORCE, along with his wife, was killed by ISRAEL—BOMBING.
20060727—20060712    —ON, It has become general knowledge that it was Hezbollah guerillas that 1. kidnapped 2—IDF soldiers inside ISRAEL, prompting 1—IMMEDIATE and violent response from THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT, which insists it is acting in the interest of national defense.
20060728—20060714    —ON, THE—XAYTHANI district farm found 155—DEAD—CHICKENS, and about 2,000 dead birds THE—FOLLOWING—DAY.
20060802             There is only 20060712             .20060712             - THE—START—OF—THE—MOST brutal, most DEVASTATING—OF—THE—WARS against LEBANON.
20060807—20060714    —CAUSED, THE—UN said 1—OIL spill, by ISRAEL—RAIDS on 1—LEBANON—POWER—PLANT could rival 19890000             —THE Exxon Valdez disaster that despoiled the Alaskan coast if not urgently addressed. the Jiyyeh plant, which was bombed by ISRAEL and 20060715             1—FEW days into its offensive against Hezbollah.
20060808—20060712    —ON, "1—HIZBOLLAH fighter captured by ISRAEL has told interrogators he received training in IRAN and arrived there on 1—FLIGHT from Syria, 1—TAPE—OF—THE—INTERROGATION released by THE—ISRAEL—ARMY showed —ON—MONDAY.... —DURING questioning the man also confessed to taking part in THE—CROSS—BORDER—RAID in which 2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS were captured, the incident which sparked the current conflict," reports, or rather stenographs,
20060808—20060714    —ON, By —NOW, it should be apparent that ISRAEL?s military campaign has nothing to do with Hezbollah?s capturing of THE—2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20060810             —DOCUMENTED, It denies the fact, amply, that 1—ALL out war against LEBANON had been in the planning stages well —BEFORE 20060712             . c) The historical CAUSES—OF—THE—WAR are denied.
20060810—20060712    —ON, The word "war" does not appear in THE—TEXT—OF—THE—RESOLUTION. b) Referring to the 2 abducted ISRAEL—SOLDIERS, the Resolution states that Hizbollah was responsible for launching "THE—ATTACK—ON—ISRAEL ".
20060810—20060712    —PRESENTED, The abduction of THE—2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS, is, as 1—JUST cause for ISRAEL—RETALIATION.
20060810—20060712    —ON, "Expressing its utmost concern at the continuing escalation of hostilities in LEBANON and in ISRAEL —SINCE HIZBOLLAH—ATTACK—ON—ISRAEL, which has already caused HUNDREDS—OF—DEATHS and injuries on both sides, extensive damage to CIVIL—INFRASTRUCTURE and HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—INTERNALLY displaced persons".
20060814—20060712    —ON, outrage, it attacked 1—BORDER—MILITARY—POST inside ISRAEL i territory, killing 6—ISRAEL i soldiers and capturing 2. Having waited several years for "THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY" and THE—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT to disarm this "terrorist" organisation, ISRAEL is said to have been finally exasperated by this latest outrage and, acting in SELF—DEFENCE, it decided to retaliate so as to "break Hizbollah" for ever and ever, for THE—SAKE—OF—THE—SECURITY—OF—ITS—CITIZENS.
20060814—20060712    —CROSSED, WATCHING LEBANON In the days —AFTER Hezbollah, from LEBANON into ISRAEL, to kidnap 2—SOLDIERS, triggering 1—ISRAEL i air ATTACK—ON—LEBANON and 1—FULL—SCALE—WAR, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION seemed strangely passive.
20060825             If Hizbullah's 20060712             CAPTURE—OF—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS took place on THE—LEBANON—SIDE—OF—THE—BLUE—LINE, as SOME—SAY, everything changes
20060831             Das einzige Argument, das im Sinne des Überfalls der ISRAEL—TRUPPEN auf den LIBANON, beginnend mit dem 20060712             , vorgebracht wurde, war, es sei 1—AKT der Selbstverteidigung Israels.
20060919—20060712    —ON, ISRAEL—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE knew about Hezbollah kidnap plans : Military Intelligence had clear information about 1—IMPENDING kidnap attempt by Hezbollah shortly —BEFORE THE—LEBANON—GROUP carried out its CROSS—BORDER—RAID, according to 1—INTERNAL—INQUIRY conducted by THE—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—FORCES.
20061025             [20030714             ]
20061025             —TALKED, BUSH : We, about IRAQ.
20061025             And I told him and assured him that THE—USA would stay the course because we believe freedom is on its way to THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE.
20070204—20030712    —ON, So, —WHILE Cooper was mostly calm and measured, it was excruciating to watch him talk through the notes he took —WHILE talking on the phone with Scooter Libby.
20070209—20070714    —ON, Genesis to play free ROME concert The concert at the Circo Massimo will be the final SHOW—OF—THE—BAND—1. tour in 15—YEARS.
20070324             YIFENG HUANG... PERFICIENT INC, 424B3, 20050714            .
20070324—20050714    —ON, SEC INFO—PERFICIENT Inc - 424B3 -
20070330             KEITH—OLBERMANN jabs at ON—AIR—ALFATOMEGA.com/20060712.html
20070623—20020712    —ON, SEC INFO—SKY—WAY—AIRCRAFT—INC—SB—2 -
20070702             † 1—WOUNDED—SPAIN—WOMAN, 20070714            .
20070712             —UNCOVERED, Egyptologists claim to have, new evidence that indicates that the mysterious mummy discovered 1—CENTURY—BACK—IN tomb KV 55, less than 100—FEET from THE—KING—TUTANKHAMUN—HIDDEN burial chamber, is actually THE—COPSE—OF—THE—BOY—PHARAOH—FATHER, Akhenaten.
20070712             1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ASSESSMENT said IRAQ had achieved only limited military and political progress toward 1—DEMOCRATIC—SOCIETY;
20070712             —RESPONDED, IRAQ—LEADERS, by insisting they were making progress.
20070712             —RELEASED, A—USA—GOVERNMENT—REPORT was, saying undercover investigators, working for 1—FAKE firm, had obtained 1—LICENSE to buy enough radioactive material to build a "dirty bomb," amid little scrutiny from federal regulators.
20070712             —INDICTED, NEW—JERSEY, FORMER—NEWARK Mayor Sharpe James (71) was, on corruption charges.
20070712             —ALLEGED, Prosecutors, that James arranged the sale of 9—CITY—OWNED properties at 1 discounted rate to former girlfriend Tamika Riley 20010000—20050000    —FROM—TO.
20070712             —REQUIRED, Riley quickly sold the properties at 1—PROFIT without, rehabilitation work.
20070712             THE—CITY—OF—OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, sued garbage hauler Waste Management in 1—ATTEMPT to force the company to pick up trash —DURING its 11—DAY—LOCKOUT—OF—TRUCK—DRIVERS.
20070712             —BLAMED, Several Uprep teachers, him for 1—CULTURE—OF cheating and intimidation.
20070712             † OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, MICHAEL—JOHN—WILLS, 1—SOUS—CHEF, was shot and killed.
20070712             —DETERMINED, Police —LATER, that his killer used 1—AK—47—ASSAULT—RIFLE linked to Your Black Muslim Bakery.
20070712             —FILED, ROBERT—QUILL, 52—JAHRE—ALT—OF—FLORIDA, 1—FEDERAL—LAWSUIT alleging sexual abuse by REVEREND—FRANCIS—G—DELUCA, who worked for the Catholic Diocese of WILMINGTON—DELAWARE, —FOR—35—YEARS.
20070712             —ALLEGED, The suit, that church officials knew DeLuca was abusing boys as early as 19580000            .
20070712             † ARTHUR—J—KOBACKER, 83—JAHRE—ALT, discount shoe store entrepreneur, at his home in FLORIDA.
20070712             "I've run into customers who say they have 200—PAIRS—OF shoes in their closet BECAUSE—OF—USA".
20070712             HM CAPITAL—PARTNERS—LLC, 1—LEADING, DALLAS—BASED private equity firm, and Booth Creek Management Corporation sold Swift & Company to BRAZIL—JBS—SA, the largest beef processor in SOUTH—AMERICA and 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—WORLDWIDE beef exporters.
20070712             Swift was the 3. largest processor of beef and pork in AMERICA and the biggest processor of beef in AUSTRALIA.
20070712             —LAUNCHED, ANGLO—AUSTRALIA—MINER RIO—TINTO, a 38.1—BILLION—DOLLAR—OFFER for CANADA—ALCAN, trumping USA rival Alcoa in 1—MAMMOTH bid to create the world's largest aluminium company.
20070712             —CLASHED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, USA—LED coalition and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, with suspected Taliban militants, killing 11—REBELS in Uruzgan province.
20070712             A roadside bomb targeting 1—POLICE patrol vehicle left 6—OFFICERS dead in Khost province.
20070712             In 1—OVERNIGHT operation in the Girishk DISTRICT—OF—HELMAND province, THE—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY and air strikes by multinational forces killed 20—REBELS.
20070712             † 1—UK—SOLDIER was killed and 2—OTHERS were wounded —DURING 1—OPERATION in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN.
20070712             CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said nearly 1—HALF—MILLION—PEOPLE fled 1—FLOOD—ZONE surrounding the swollen Huai River, —WHILE high waters in the south unleashed 1—PLAGUE—OF—1 estimated 2—BILLION field mice that were ravaging crops.
20070712             —APPROVED, FRANCE—LEGISLATORS, 1—MEASURE championed by PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY that would encourage people to work beyond the 35-hour workweek by cutting taxes on overtime pay.
20070712             FRANCE told Serbia its EU bid depends on letting KOSOVO break away.
20070712             —COLLIDED, ATHENS—GREECE, 1—SUBURBAN passenger train, with 1—FREIGHT train, injuring at least 53—PEOPLE.
20070712             1—INFLUENTIAL and conservative Islamic theological school in INDIA said marriages of Muslim couples using INTERNET Web cameras were acceptable and legal.
20070712             —SHELLED, IRAN—ARTILLERY, near IRAQ—KURD villages as IRAN—TROOPS clashed with Kurdish guerrillas making 1—INCURSION across the border.
20070712             —RAIDED, USA—TROOPS, 1—SHIITE neighborhood of BAGHDAD in 1—HUNT for militiamen linked to IRAN, sparking EXCHANGES—OF—FIRE and 1—MORTAR attack.
20070712             9—INSURGENTS and 2—CIVILIANS were killed.
20070712             —KILLED, IRAQ—POLICE said 19—PEOPLE were, and residents said SOME—OF—THE—CASUALTIES were caused by USA—HELICOPTER—FIRE.
20070712             Reuters photographer Namir NOOR—ELDEEN, 22—JAHRE—ALT and his assistant Saeed Chmagh (40) were killed in BAGHDAD in 1—AREA where USA—FORCES were battling militants.
20070712             —ERUPTED, In SOUTH—IRAQ, clashes, between Shiite militants and THE—IRAQ—ARMY, killing 1—SOLDIER and 1—CIVILIAN in THE—CITY—OF—DIWANIYAH.
20070712             Aircraft struck 1—GROUP—OF—MILITANTS—PLANTING—1—ROADSIDE bomb —BEFORE dawn, killing 5—OF—THE—MILITANTS.
20070712             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER detonated 1—EXPLOSIVES belt near 1—WEDDING—PARTY in Tal Afar.
20070712             5—PEOPLE were killed and 5 wounded.
20070712             Robbers overnight stole about $680,000 from 1—BANK—IN—CENTRAL—BAGHDAD.
20070712             —DISCOVERED, The theft at the private Dar AL—SALAM bank was, by the bank manager —WHEN it opened in the —MORNING, and suspicions fell on overnight guards.
20070712             † 1—DETAINEE, from injuries —AFTER apparently being assaulted by other inmates at 1—USA—DETENTION—FACILITY in BAGHDAD.
20070712             —MOVED, ISRAEL—FORCES, into THE—GAZA Strip in 1—HUNT for weapons and wanted militants, sparking 1—FIERCE—BATTLE—WITH—HAMAS militants that killed 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER.
20070712             —POUNDED, THE—LEBANON—ARMY, 1—PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP with artillery fire, but the military denied reports that the action was PART—OF—1—FINAL—ASSAULT on THE—AL—QAIDA—INSPIRED Islamic militants barricaded inside.
20070712             News reports said MEXICO—PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON has dispatched 1—NEW 5,000- strong elite military unit to guard strategic sites, including oil refineries and dams —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—RECENT—GUERRILLA—ATTACKS—ON—PIPELINES operated by Pemex.
20070712             —ANNOUNCED, Authorities, 1—MAJOR—CRACKDOWN on organized crime in AMSTERDAM—RED—LIGHT—DISTRICT, for the 1. time bringing national police investigators and tax authorities to bear on what had long been seen as 1—LOCAL—PROBLEM.
20070712             NIGERIA, THE—3—YEAR—OLD—SON—OF—TOWN—CHIEF—EZE—FRANCIS—AMADI was grabbed by gunmen who smashed 1—WINDOW—OF his father's SUV in the 4. child kidnapping in THE—OIL—RICH—SOUTH in less than 2—MONTHS.
20070712             —RETURNED, The boy was, the next —DAY.
20070712             —MARCHED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTANT—HARD—LINERS, without trouble through NORTH—IRELAND—STREETS in 1—ANNUAL—EVENT that once ignited conflict with Catholics, but passed peacefully —THIS—YEAR, thanks to 1—SUCCEEDING—PEACE—PROCESS.
20070712             —ESTIMATED, An, 75,000 Orangemen accompanied by FIFE—AND—DRUM—UNITS popularly known as "kick THE—PAPA" bands paraded through BELFAST and 17—OTHER—CITIES and towns.
20070712             PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up, killing 3—PEOPLE and wounding 3—MORE in Miranshah.
20070712             1—BOMB killed 5—PEOPLE, including 3—POLICE, and wounded several others outside 1—RELIGIOUS—CENTRE in the Himalayan tourist TOWN—OF—MINGORA.
20070712             Islamist protests broke out in several parts of PAKISTAN —FOLLOWING the army raid on THE—PRO—TALIBAN Red mosque.
20070712             —SURVIVED, At least 129—PEOPLE, the sinking of THE—MV BLUE—WATER—PRINCESS.
20070712             15—BODIES were recovered and divers said they found MANY—MORE.
20070712             —FIRED, SOMALIA, insurgents, more than 2—DOZEN mortar shells at government targets in MOGADISHU overnight, including THE—PRESIDENT—HOME, in 1—APPARENT—ATTEMPT to disrupt this weekend's reconciliation talks.
20070712             —KILLED, At least 3—MEN were.
20070712             —GORED, SPAIN, charging bulls, 7—PEOPLE and seriously injured several others as —THIS—YEAR—S—FERMIN festival in Pamplona served up its longest and most dangerous run yet.
20070712             —HEIGHTENED, SPAIN—CIVIL—GUARDS, 1—BATTLE over a $500—MILLION—TREASURE—OF—GOLD and silver coins from 1—SHIPWRECK —WHEN they seized the Ocean Alert, 1—VESSEL belonging to 1—TAMPA, FLORIDA,-based company.
20070712             —RELEASED, The ship was, 1—WEEK—LATER.
20070712             SUDAN—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said flash floods across central and EAST—SUDAN have killed 30—PEOPLE and destroyed 25,000 houses.
20070712             —KILLED, THE—SWITZERLAND—ALPS, 6—SOLDIERS on 1—ALPINE training exercise were, —WHEN 1—AVALANCHE sent them plummeting THOUSANDS—OF—FEET into 1—VALLEY.
20070712             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—THAILAND, rebels killed 5—PEOPLE.
20070712             —ALLEGED, Here we have 1, INTERVIEW—WITH—1—FORMER—GUARD at ABU—GHRAIB, in which he confesses to worse abuses than we've heard about.
20070712             Real or fake? Your views would be welcome...
20070712             False EVIDENCE—OF—1—REAL—CRIME can make the crime itself seem false -- —JUST as 1—VIRAL video may be 1—DAGGER—OF—THE—MIND.
20070712             —BEHARRT, Mieser Zwischenbericht: Bush, auf seinem Irakkurs
20070712             Weltgrößtes Gasfeld: Gasprom lässt Total mitspielen
20070712             Chaostage bei Airbus: Feiern, fluchen, philosophieren
20070712             Verdächtiger an Bord: USA—FLIEGER bricht Transatlantikflug ab
20070712             NEW—YORK—DER Leitindex Dow Jones gewann 0,93 % auf genau 13.705,98 Zähler.
20070712             Der marktbreite S&P-500-Index stieg um 0,76 % auf 15300000             ,31 Punkte.
20070712             An der Nasdaq legte der COMPOSITE—INDEX um 0,20 % auf 2668,15 Punkte zu.
20070712             Der Auswahlindex Nasdaq 100—STIEG 0,04 % auf 19930000             ,46 Zähler.
20070712             dokumentationsarchiv Es fehlte nicht viel + Major a.D. WALDEMAR—PABST hätte von der ADENAUER—REGIERUNG das Bundesverdienstkreuz dafür bekommen, daß er Rosa LUXEMBURG und Karl...
20070712             Eine haarsträubende Geschichte über den für 3. sogar lebensgefährlichen Umgang mit sensiblen Daten erzählt die Nachrichtenagentur AP.
20070712             Mit etwas Spürsinn fand sie übers INTERNET haufenweise heikle Dokumente, die ihr das USA—MILITÄR garantiert nicht widerstandslos übergeben hätte.
20070712             Die Baupläne der neuen USA—BOTSCHAFT in Bagdad etwa, detaillierte Pläne von USA—MILITÄRBASEN
20070712             oder von USA—GEFANGENENLAGERN im IRAK.
20070712             Außerdem fand man 1—KARTE des Tanklagers am Flughafen Basra, Interna über Waffensysteme und vieles andere mehr -
20070712             AP konnte sich Dateien kopieren, nach denen sich nicht nur Spione, sondern auch Bombenleger die Finger lecken würden.
20070712             AP—USA—GEHEIMDOKUMENTE im Web: Nicht die Militärs, sondern zivile Vertragspartner sind das Risiko
20070712             Aber nicht die USA—ARMEE war hier das Leck, sondern deren Lieferanten.
20070712             Etwa Bauunternehmer, Architekten und Unternehmensberater.
20070712             —DEPONIERT, Die haben diese Dokumente auf ihren Firmenservern, um bequem und teilweise ohne weitere Nutzerkennung darauf zugreifen zu können.
20070712             Bei der Firma SRA INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED fand sich laut AP sogar 1—DOKUMENT mit Daten für den Zugriff auf Militärcomputer.
20070712             Die Firma ging so sorglos damit um, weil die Daten ja nicht in Suchmaschinen indexiert und etwa per Google zu finden gewesen wären, erklärte Firmensprecherin Laura Luke gegenüber AP:
20070712             "Man hätte sich deshalb —SCHON Mühe geben müssen, um sie bei uns zu finden".
20070712             "Offensichtlich hat die Interdependenz, die wechselseitige Abhängigkeit, von der die CHINA—KULTUR durchdrungen ist, auf die Mitglieder dieser Kultur einen dauerhaften Effekt", schreiben die Psychologen.
20070712             Die Studie stärkt somit Hypothesen, welche interkulturelle Psychologen —SCHON lange HEGEN—WENN auch mit relativ schlichten Mitteln.
20070712             Denn ob tatsächlich die Gruppenkultur Chinas der ursächliche Faktor ist, lässt sich aus einem Versuchsplan mit so geringer Probandenzahl kaum verlässlich ableiten.
20070712             Ebenso könnten beispielsweise auch die Erziehung oder gar die Persönlichkeit der einzelnen Versuchspersonen eine wichtige Rolle spielen.
20070712             Chronik: Die Pannenserie des AKW—BETREIBERS Vattenfall
20070712             EURO—HÖHENFLUG: "Die Dollarschwäche ist 1—LUXUSPROBLEM"
20070712             NETZWELT—TICKER: USA—GEHEIMDOKUMENTE online abrufbar
20070712             Perspektivenübernahme: Chinesen einfühlsamer als Amerikaner
20070712             Schöpfungslehre: BISCHOF—MIXA für BIBEL—KUNDE im BIO—UNTERRICHT
20070712             Börse: Dow Jones klettert auf Rekordhoch
20070712             HALBJAHRES—REKORD: Volkswagen verkauft so VIELE—AUTOS wie noch nie
20070712             Doch ausgerechnet die, die Giuliani in den schweren Stunden, Tagen und Wochen —NACH—DEN verheerenden Anschlägen auf das World Trade Center wegen ihres aufopferungsvollen Einsatz am Ground 0—IMMER wieder in den Heldenstatus hob, wollen ihm den Sprung ins Weiße Haus vermasseln, indem sie ihm jegliche Führungsqualität absprechen.
20070712             Mit einem 13-minütigen Video bläst die INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION—OF—FIRE Fighters (IAFF), jene Gewerkschaft, die 85—PROZENT—DER—USA—FEUERWEHRLEUTE vertritt, zur offenen Attacke gegen den Präsidentschaftskandidaten.
20070712             In dem Film werfen Feuerwehrleute und Angehörige der 343—EINSATZKRÄFTE, die bei den Attentaten des Terrornetzwerks AL—QAIDA ihr Leben verloren, Giuliani vor, bei der Bewältigung der Ereignisse des 20010911             s versagt zu haben.
20070712             Es ist nicht das 1. Mal, dass diese Vorwürfe laut werden, doch der Zeitpunkt der geballten Kritik könnte für Giuliani nicht ungünstiger sein.
20070712             So gilt er zwar als 1—DER—AUSSICHTSREICHSTEN—KANDIDATEN, doch zuletzt bröckelten seine Umfragewerte.
20070712             Zwischenbericht: Bush gibt Bagdads Regierung miese Noten
20070712             Teures Benzin: Deutsche tanken immer weniger
20070712             Krümmel: Gabriel rätselt über merkwürdige Menschenansammlung im Akw
20070712             VIDEO—ÜBERWACHUNG: Polizisten sollen HELM—KAMERAS tragen
20070712             Bush seeks to block aide testimony : GEORGE—BUSH, THE—USA—PRESIDENT, has invoked Executive Privilege to deny requests by THE—USA—CONGRESS for testimony from 2—FORMER—AIDES in connection with the firings of several prosecutors.
20070712             Panel Moves to Cut Off Funds to Cheney : 1—SENAT e appropriations panel chaired by SENATOR—RICHARD—DURBIN, D—ILLINOIS, refused to fund $4.8—MILLION in THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—BUDGET—UNTIL CHENEY—OFFICE complies with parts of 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER governing its handling of classified information.
20070712             UK—STYLE—SURVEILLANCE on way for NEW—YORK—CITY : By THE—END—OF—THIS —YEAR, police officials say, more than 100—CAMERAS will have begun monitoring cars moving through Lower Manhattan, the beginning phase of 1—LONDON—STYLE—SURVEILLANCE—SYSTEM that would be the 1. in THE—USA.
20070712             4—MCCAIN campaign aides resign: SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN—CAMPAIGN for the Republican presidential nomination hit what may be its breaking point —TUESDAY, as he accepted the resignations of 4—TOP—AIDES—WHILE vowing to continue his struggling quest.
20070712             What? : 'New rules for new wars':
20070712             Conference brings ISRAEL i, USA—EXPERTS together to 'fine tune' INTERNATIONAL law
20070712             Lieberman : ISRAEL will conclude preparations for IRAN ian 'threat" soon : Strategic Affairs MINISTER—AVIGDOR—LIEBERMAN said —WEDNESDAY that ISRAEL would put the final touches on its preparations to counter IRAN—NUCLEAR—THREAT in the near future.
20070712             War pimp alert: Lieberman : USA will back ISRAEL i strike on IRAN : ISRAEL i MINISTER—OF—STRATEGIC—AFFAIRS—AVIGDOR—LIEBERMAN said —ON—TUESDAY that he received the tacit blessing of EUROPE + THE—USA for 1—ISRAEL i military strike on IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES.
20070712             Presstitute and war pimp alert: :
20070712             'USA hasn't yet grasped IRAN threat' : Ilan Berman, speaking at the Conservative Heritage Foundation —ON—TUESDAY, said that THE—USA—HASN'T made that choice because it "hasn't yet grasped the fundamental threat to USA—INTERESTS" posed by IRAN.
20070712             USA—NAVY sends carrier to Gulf : THE—USA—NAVY said that the Enterprise would provide "navy power to counter the assertive, disruptive and coercive BEHAVIOUR—OF—SOME—COUNTRIES," and take part in ANTI—SUBMARINE, ANTI—SURFACE, ANTI—MINE, air and missile defence and air strike operations.
20070712             mith pushes for IRAQ pullback:
20070712             OREGON SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH took the Republican lead —TUESDAY in advocating 1—NEW—PLAN in the Senat e to limit THE—USA—MILITARY—ROLE in IRAQ
20070712             3,000 White CROSSES—USA : Video : It takes MOST—OF—THE—MORNING to erect 3,000 white crosses on St Barbara beach.
20070712             —KILLED, EACH—CROSS was meant to represent 1—SOLDIER, in IRAQ.
20070712             —TOPPED, But —WHEN the death toll, 3,000, the organisers had to stop erecting new ones.
20070712             "We're going to continue doing this —UNTIL people realise that we have to get out of IRAQ", states organiser, RODNEY—BROWN.
20070712             Iraqis bemoan LACK—OF—SERVICES in long, hot —SUMMER : MANY—IRAQIS say basic services are at their worst level in decades.
20070712             —CRIPPLED, More than 4—YEARS—OF—WAR has, infrastructure —WHILE unrelenting violence has hobbled reconstruction efforts.
20070712             GEORGIA—PROVIDES—TROOPS for IRAQ; Gets 1—FREE—PASS on Human Rights?
20070712             Guess which EAST—EUROPEAN country will soon have the 3. largest military force in IRAQ?
20070712             That same country is strongly PRO—NATO and has on retainer 1—WASHINGTON lobbyist who was 1—LEADING advocate for the war in IRAQ?
20070712             —NOW guess which country is getting 1—FREE ride from THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—AND THE—MEDIA—ON human rights and democracy?
20070712             EX—CONVICTS and addicts may get DoD clearance : At THE—PENTAGON—REQUEST, Senat e defense authorizers tucked deep within 1—DEFENSE—BILL—1—REPEAL—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—RESTRICTION on granting security clearances to EX—CONVICTS, drug addicts and the mentally incompetent.
20070712             Bush deploys IDEA—OF—TROOP cut "in 1—WHILE":
20070712             Facing 1—GOP rebellion, PRESIDENT signals he may be open to 1—COURSE—SHIFT in IRAQ
20070712             THE—NEW—DRUMBEAT on IRAN BY—STEPHEN—KINZER—THE—BUSH—TEAM'S—LATEST rationale for bombing IRAN is even lamer than all the previous ones.
20070712             But hey, JOE—LIEBERMAN buys it. Comforted? Continue
20070712             WEST—WILL—FAIL, Says EX—CIA—OPERATIVE—BY—THE—AGE - 1—FORMER—TOP—CIA—OFFICER has told 1—SYDNEY conference that defeat is inevitable in both IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20070712             Gets Blitzed by MICHAEL—MOORE—VIDEO—MIKE—DEMANDS 1—APOLOGY from for DOCTOR—SANJAY—GUPTA'S biased reporting on 'SiCKO' and for helping THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION lie us into 1—POINTLESS—WAR.
20070712             Freedom Next Time: 1—EVENING with JOHN—PILGER and Amy Goodman
20070712             JOHN—PILGER, AUTHOR—OF—FREEDOM—NEXT—TIME: Resisting the Empire +
20070712             Amy Goodman, host of the Pacifica radio show Democracy —NOW!, as they discuss struggles for freedom + independence in IRAQ + Palestine + SOUTH—AFRICA + THE—ISLAND—OF—DIEGO—GARCIA, where the fight for independence has been of long duration and the people are still waiting for this dream to be realized.
20070712             Fake USA—FIRM able to buy nuclear devices
20070712             WASHINGTON, 20070712             (UPI) -- 1—FAKE—VIRGINIA company set up by USA—GOVERNMENT—INVESTIGATORS was able to get licenses to acquire enough nuclear material to build 1—DIRTY—BOMB.
20070712             —IDENTIFIED, Mysterious mummy in KING—TUT—BURIAL chamber, as boy pharaoh's father
20070712             GERMANY—SAILOR emulates ancient mariners in voyage from NEW—YORK—CITY
20070712             DOMINIQUE—GORLITZ, 40, 1—EX—TEACHER from CHEMNITZ—GERMANY, set sail —WEDNESDAY from NEW—YORK Harbor, bound for SPAIN, in 1—EFFORT to replicate ocean voyages that he believes were taking place 12,—000—YEARS—BEFORE CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS' famous trip.
20070712             Check out those buns! According to AL—JAZEERA, CHINA—FOOD—PRODUCERS have —NOW been selling buns made out of SOME—RATHER unsavory materials: Fake steamed buns made from up to 60 % waste paper and cardboard have become the latest food to join 1—GROWING LIST—OF—HEALTH scares in CHINA.
20070712             —EXPOSED, The bogus buns were, in 1—REPORT carried on CHINA—STATE—RUN—TELEVISION—NETWORK—CCTV.
20070712             —CHOPPED, THE—CCTV reporters found vendors, up waste cardboard and mixed it with fatty meat to produce the buns, known as "bao zi", in 1—BEIJING backstreet factory.
20070712             To get the right consistency the cardboard was shown being soaked in caustic soda, 1—POISONOUS—INDUSTRIAL solvent.
20070712             —MIXED, The owners told the reporter they then, it with about 40 % fatty meat and the flavour enhancer monosodium glutamate —BEFORE selling the bao zi in nearby markets.
20070712             Competing for our 3. weekly BuzzFlash Media PUTZ—OF—THE—WEEK—AWARD, DAVID—BROOKS took home the trophy with his column on the "commutation" of Scooter Libby: "Ending the Farc e".
20070712             As the expression goes, Brooks had our BuzzFlash readers impressed with his "putziness" from hello.
20070712             Previous BOASTS—OF—SUCCESS—AGAINST AL—QAEDA Come Back To Haunt GOP
20070712             "In BUSH—CASE, he comes from of 1—PARTICULARLY unsavory ultra RIGHT—WING Protestant religious influence that combines its influence on controlling his SELF—DESTRUCTIVE—PERSONAL habits with its claims that GOD—LAW supercedes man's laws and that the true believer must be obedient to the former. The likes of Dick Cheney and others, of course, don't require the religious trappings on this notion. For them, Scalia is sufficient: You win, you rule".
20070712             —NEEDED, THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT—PUT—USA—TROOPS in IRAQ at risk by awarding contracts for badly, armored vehicles to companies that failed to deliver them on time, according to 1—REVIEW by THE—PENTAGON—INSPECTOR—GENERAL.
20070712             Bush betrays the troops again.
20070712             Dream: RE—IMAGINING Progressive Politics in 1—AGE—OF—FANTASY (Paperback)
20070712             GOP still stand by Bush, blocking war plan
20070712             Republicans Pray for Terrorist Attacks in USA 7/12
20070712             2—MORE—CHARGES—OF—VITTER Going to Prostitutes in NEW—ORLEANS Surface.
20070712             1—MADAME Says, "It wasn't all about dirty, raunchy, crazy sex," Maier told THE—AP.
20070712             "It was 1—BUNCH—OF—GUYS coming over hanging out with the girls and having 1—FEW cocktails + men being men".
20070712             Yeah, you see GOP males have these special needs.
20070712             God always forgives them, they claim.
20070712             But if you are 1—DEMOCRAT and get 1—BLOW—JOB, you are cast into Hell, right?
20070712             Bush evik Nuclear Security Lapse 7/12
20070712             STATE—SPONSORED—TERRORISM by 1—UNHOLY alliance: : MIAMI IMC
20070712             Prominent neoconservative RICHARD—PERLE, speaking at 1—EVENT organized by the...
20070712             THE—USE—OF—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS by American and ISRAEL i militarists...
20070712             Leading neoconservative ALBERT—WOHLSTETTER writes 1—INFLUENTIAL—ARTICLE in the...
20070712             DysBUSH topia: 20060500             LEON—FUERTH, who led AL—GORE—OFFICE—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AFFAIRS for 8 ...
20070712             —WHILE WURMSER—OVP allies may share his neoconservative fantasies of the...
20070712             Infoshop NEWS—PILGER: Bush Or Kerry ?
20070712             Look Closely And THE—DANGER...
20070712             GORE—TOP—ADVISER was THE—ARCH—HAWK LEON—FUERTH, who said THE—USA should...
20070712             In regards to THE—NEO—CON 's, don't think for 1—MINUTE that Bush is on there...
20070712             USB KÖLN—NEUERWERBUNGSLISTEN Why war ? : the cultural logic of IRAQ, the Gulf War + SUEZ/PHILIP—SMITH.
20070712             - CHICAGO—ILLINOIS [u.a.] : UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO—PRESS, 20050000            .
20070712             Durchwachsene Prognose: Doch —ERST Jahre später, am
20070712             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Die Nation der Denunzianten"
20070712             FRANKFURT: Drogenfahnder handelte mit Drogen
20070712             Nahost: Libanons Militär startet Großangriff auf FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGER
20070712             USA—JUSTIZAFFÄRE: EX—BUSH—BERATERIN versetzt KONGRESS—DEMOKRATEN drohen mit Klage
20070712             Euro auf Rekordhoch: Industrie klagt über Verluste beim Export
20070712             PAKISTAN—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTE brachten die Rote Moschee gestern nach fast zweitägigen Kämpfen vollständig unter ihre Kontrolle.
20070712             Nach offiziellen Angaben wurden auf dem Gelände die Leichen von 73—MUTMAßLICHEN Islamisten gefunden.
20070712             Es ist 1—DER—GRÖSSTEN—BANKÜBERFÄLLE aller Zeiten: In Bagdad haben 3—WÄCHTER 1—PRIVATBANK ausgeräumt.
20070712             Ihre Beute: Mehr als 1—VIERTEL Milliarde USA—DOLLAR.
20070712             BAGDAD—MITTEN im Zentrum Bagdads, an einer belebten Geschäftsstraße, liegt die DAR—AL—SALAM—BANK.
20070712             —JETZT wurde das Bankhaus zum Schauplatz eines der größten Bankcoups aller Zeiten.
20070712             Spektakulärer Überfall: Bankräuber erbeuten 282.000.000 Dollar
20070712             Datenschutz: Bundesverfassungsgericht erlaubt Zugriff auf KONTO—DATEN
20070712             PAKISTAN: Augenzeuge spricht von Hunderten Leichen in Roter Moschee
20070712             37- MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR—DEAL: Rohstoffriese RIO—TINTO will Alcan übernehmen
20070712             SCHWEDEN: Neue Panne bei VATTENFALL—BETRUNKENE Bauarbeiter in Atomkraftwerk
20070712             —VERGLEICHT, AUSTRALIEN: EX—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT, Regierungschef Howard mit Hitler
20070712             Diplomatie: USA entsenden BOTSCHAFTER—NACH—LIBYEN
20070712             USA—GEHEIMDIENST—ANALYSE: AL—QAIDA ist so stark wie nie
20070712             BAGDAD, werden bei insgesamt 3—LUFTANGRIFFEN durch 2—KAMPFHUBSCHRAUBER der USA—ARMY 8—MENSCHEN getötet.
20070712—19600000    —IN, He set up his 1. dozen SELF—SERVICE shoe stores —STARTING with 1 in PITTSBURGH.
20070712—19690000    —OPENED, JIM—MITCHELL and his brother Artie had, the adult theater and went on to pioneer pornographic films.
20070712—19910000    —IN, Jim shot Artie to death in Corte Madera and served —JUST under 3—YEARS at S—QUENTIN—PRISON for voluntary manslaughter.
20070712—19990000    —SENTENCED, PHILIP—LUM—JUNIOR, former mayor of COLMA—CALIFORNIA, was, to 18—MONTHS in federal prison for failing to report numerous free airline tickets from the Lucky Chances Casino and 20000000            .
20070712—20060000    —STEPPED, James, down as mayor to serve as 1—STATE—SENATOR.
20070712—20080401    —BY, Defying 1—WHITE—HOUSE—VETO—THREAT, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES approved legislation to bring combat troops out of IRAQ.
20070712—20080416    —ON, James and his EX—MISTRESS were CONVICTED—OF—CORRUPTION—CHARGES.
20070712—20090000    —IN, 1—INDICTMENT accused YUSUF—BEY—IV, 23—JAHRE—ALT, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—BAKERY, of murder for allegedly ordering the killing.
20070712—20100000    —J—IM, Die Veröffentlichung von Bordvideos der Hubschrauber durch WikiLeaks erregte weltweites Aufsehen.
20070712—20100400    —IN, 1—VIDEO released, showed USA—ARMY—HELICOPTERS killing 2—JOURNALISTS 20070712             —IN—THE, shooting.
20070712—20100607    —ON, THE—USA—MILITARY said it is holding Army Specialist BRADLEY—MANNING of the 2. Brigade 10.
20070712—20100607    Mountain Division in pretrial confinement in KUWAIT and that he is suspected of releasing classified information.
20070712—20150000    —BY, 1—COALITION—OF—USA and CANADA—CITIES along the Great Lakes and St LAWRENCE—RIVER, including TORONTO and CHICAGO, vowed to cut water consumption 15%.
20070714             Gran Telescopio Canarias
20070714             —AGREED, THE—LOS—ANGELES archdiocese, to 1—LANDMARK $660—MILLION clergy abuse settlement.
20070714             Over 500—CLAIMANTS will get 1—AVERAGE—PAYOUT in excess of $1.3—MILLION.
20070714             ALGERIA, about 50—MEMBERS—OF—THE—AL—QAEDA—ORGANIZATION in the Islamic Maghreb attacked 2—POLICE—STATIONS in Yaourene village in Tizi Ouzou province, about 100—KM (60—MILES) EAST—OF—ALGIERS.
20070714             —HALTED, THE—ALGERIA—ARMY, the attack and killed 4 in THE—NORTH—EAST—KABYLIE region.
20070714             —ARRESTED, LONDON, 1—INDIA—DOCTOR, the same —DAY his brother allegedly drove 1—JEEP Cherokee loaded with gas bombs into GLASGOW—MAIN—AIRPORT was charged with 1—TERRORISM—OFFENSE.
20070714             1—DISTANT cousin in AUSTRALIA was also charged in the failed attacks in LONDON and GLASGOW.
20070714             —ARRESTED, EGYPT—POLICE said authorities have, 35—MEN SUSPECTED—OF—MEMBERSHIP in 1—AL—QAIDA—INSPIRED group that planned to carry out attacks in EGYPT.
20070714             SOUTH—FRANCE, Pascal Payet (43), who was serving a 30-year sentence for 1—HOLDUP on 1 armored truck that left 1—GUARD—DEAD, escaped by helicopter from the Grasse prison.
20070714             —ARRESTED, In September Payet was, along with 2—ACCOMPLICES in MATARO—SPAIN.
20070714             PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI said that THE—IRAQ—ARMY and police are capable of keeping security in the country —WHEN USA—TROOPS leave "ANY—TIME they want," though he acknowledged the forces need further weapons and training.
20070714             1—CAR—BOMB in BAGHDAD leveled a 2—STORY—APARTMENT building, and 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER plowed his EXPLOSIVES—PACKED vehicle into 1—LINE—OF—CARS at 1—GAS—STATION.
20070714             —KILLED, THE—2—ATTACKS, at least 8—PEOPLE.
20070714             1—GROUP—OF—24—IRANIANS escaped from detention in 1—IRAQ—POLICE—STATION in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—BADRA.
20070714             4 were quickly recaptured, but the remainder may have fled across the nearby border.
20070714             LEBANON—POLITICAL—FACTIONS including THE—PRO—SYRIA—OPPOSITION—HEZBOLLAH began 2—DAYS—OF—TALKS in FRANCE to try to ease the deadlock paralyzing the nation.
20070714             —ARRIVED, UN inspectors, in NORTH—KOREA to monitor the communist country's LONG—ANTICIPATED promise to scale back its nuclear weapons program.
20070714             NORTH—KOREA said it had shut down its nuclear reactor at Yongbyon, hours —AFTER 1—SHIP cruised into port loaded with oil promised in return for the country's pledge to disarm.
20070714             —LAUNCHED, Islamic militants, 1—DEADLY—SUICIDE—ATTACK, detonated 1—ROADSIDE bomb and fired rockets as THOUSANDS—OF—PAKISTAN—TROOPS deployed to the northwestern frontier to thwart THE—LAUNCH—OF—1—HOLY—WAR.
20070714             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER struck in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, his EXPLOSIVES—LADEN vehicle killing at least 26—SOLDIERS and wounding 29—OTHERS in 1—MILITARY—CONVOY.
20070714             —SUSPENDED, RUSSIA, its participation in 1—KEY—EUROPEAN arms control treaty that governs DEPLOYMENT—OF—TROOPS on the continent.
20070714             Under the moratorium, RUSSIA will halt inspections and verifications of its military sites by NATO—COUNTRIES and will no longer limit the number of its conventional weapons.
20070714             —RATIFIED, RUSSIA has, the amended version, but THE—USA and other NATO—MEMBERS have refused to do so —UNTIL RUSSIA completely withdraws.
20070714             —SUSPECTED, SRI—LANKA—TROOPS used war planes and LONG—RANGE—WEAPONS to attack, Tamil Tiger positions as fresh fighting broke out.
20070714             —KILLED, The clash with Tamil Tiger rebels, at least 10—SRI—LANKA—SOLDIERS and left 34 wounded.
20070714             —ARRESTED, SUDAN, 14 alleged plotters including retired army officers.
20070714             —ACCUSED, The next —DAY the interior ministry, 1—OPPOSITION—LEADER—OF—HEADING—1—PLOT to overthrow the regime by creating armed chaos that would lead to INTERNATIONAL intervention.
20070714             ALEXANDRE—ROBERT (15), 1—FRENCH—SWITZERLAND—YOUTH, was raped by 3—UAR nationals in DUBAI.
20070714             The case went to COURT—IN—NOVEMBER.
20070714             Whose Water? TABLE—OF—CONTENTS by PAUL—MANKIEWICZ.
20070714             Bringing Back Desert Springs by GARY—NABHAN
20070714             THE—HOPI people of the Black MESA region know how to farm + thrive in the desert Southwest...
20070714             GLASNOST BERLIN—MANFRED Behrend: Bildung, Tätigkeit und Ende der...
20070714             How Can Soil Clean Water?, PAUL—MANKIEWICZ : soil key to pure water - Soil is the key to pure water.
20070714             It works as 1—PHYSICAL strainer, renovator + 1—RECYCLER of all wastewater passing through it.
20070714             Von Pariser Banken zum Asiengeschäft der DEUTSCHLAND—BANK (1850—1889), in: Ulrich van der Heyden, JOACHIM—ZELLER (Hrsg.): '.
20070714             Historical ASSOCIATION—OF—DEUTSCHLAND—BANK | Topics | EAST—ASIA | Die...
20070714             Die Fahne im Wind — Geschichte, aber keine Tradition
20070714             Es ging um den "Betrieb von Bankgeschäften aller Art", Direktion genannt, gehörten GEORG—VON—SIEMENS, WILHELM—PLATENIUS + HERMANN—WALLICH an.
20070714             Amazon_com: House at the Bridge: Books: Katie Hafner HERMANN—WALLICH had been 1—BANKER and 1—ASSIMILATIONIST.
20070714             DEUTSCHLAND—BANK—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia The 1. directors were WILHELM—PLATENIUS, GEORG—SIEMENS + HERMANN—WALLICH.
20070714             —ACQUIRED, DEUTSCHLAND—BANK, the banks Berliner BANK—VEREIN and Deutsche.
20070714             Märkischer Verlag Wilhelms HORST—DAS Haus an der BRÜCKE—REZENSIONEN Bei HERMANN—WALLICH handelt es sich um einen Mitbegründer der DEUTSCHLAND—BANK, der —SEIT dem —JAHR 18940000             über einen langen Zeitraum als Aufsichtsrat tätig war.
20070714             DEUTSCHLAND—BANK
20070714             Die 1. Direktoren waren WILHELM—PLATENIUS, GEORG—VON—SIEMENS und HERMANN—WALLICH.
20070714             Für das Auslandsgeschäft wurden die 1. Filialen in LONDON (18730000             Deutsche_Bank
20070714             Historische Gesellschaft der DEUTSCHLAND—BANK e.V. | Themen | Vorstand... der DEUTSCHLAND—BANK—ZUNÄCHST noch Direktion GENANNT—GEHÖRTEN neben Siemens 2—WEITERE Mitglieder, WILHELM—PLATENIUS und HERMANN—WALLICH, an.
20070714             Gesellschaft der FREUNDE—MITGLIEDER
20070714             HERMANN—WALLICH, Bankier (18330000—19260000    );
20070714             Vorstandsmitglied 19060000—19220000              20070714             PAUL—WALLICH, Bankier (18820000—19380000    );
20070714             Vorstandsmitglied 19260000—19340000     ... - BANK—UND—GESCHICHTE—VERSION—HTML
20070714             HERMANN—WALLICH — Zu seinem fünfundsiebzigsten Todestag.
20070714             HERMANN—WALLICH hatte das Glück.
20070714             HERMANN—WALLICH 18750000            .
20070714             Den Kontrast dieser Luxuswelt zu dem kar-.
20070714             Historische Gesellschaft der DEUTSCHLAND—BANK e.V. | Themen...
20070714             JSTOR: 2—GENERATIONEN im DEUTSCHLAND—BANK wesen 18330000—19140000.
20070714             —BY HERMANN—WALLICH and PAUL—WALLICH.
20070714             Introduction by HENRY—C—WALLICH.
20070714             HERMANN—WALLICH—AUTOBIOGRAPHY spans his life from birth to retirement.
20070714             HERMANN—WALLICH and his son PAUL—WALLICH give the reader, through their... BOOK REVIEWS : 539—GRANDSON—OF—HERMANN—WALLICH + presently 1—MEMBER—OF—THE...
20070714             BookFinder_com: books by HERMANN—WALLICH—SEARCH—ENGINE that finds the best buys from among 125—MILLION—NEW, used, rare + OUT—OF—PRINT books for sale.
20070714             Includes textbooks and INTERNATIONAL titles.
20070714             preußischblau :: Aktuelles bei Visit POTSDAM Stadtführungen
20070714             Und wenn dieser Name fällt, sollten zumindest die Angestellten der DEUTSCHLAND—BANK aufhorchen: Ja, richtig,
20070714             —GENANNT, Es Direktion, gehörten GEORG—VON—SIEMENS, WILHELM—PLATENIUS und HERMANN—WALLICH an.
20070714             Sie hatten keine große Ahnung vom Bankgeschäft, aber handelte.
20070714             THE—HOUSE at the Bridge: 1—STORY—OF—MODERN—GERMANY by Katie Hafner
20070714             cell lines that have become resistant to CIS—PLATIN.
20070714             —ASSUMED, They were not spies, but were simply, to be the enemy because of their racial identity.
20070714             Bush _delusional_in_connecting_Iraq Edwards: BUSH—IRAQ/20070911             .2001 remarks 'border on the delisonal' :
20070714             Summit in Kennebunkport
20070714             Bush and his fellows will do whatever it takes to disrupt RUSSIA—STEADY—MARCH to becoming the new —CENTURY—ENERGY—SUPERPOWER.
20070714             The "charm offensive" at Kennebunkport is —JUST 1—PART—OF—AMERICA—GUERILLA—WAR—ON—PUTIN.
20070714             Missile Defense is another. Welcome to the new Cold War.
20070714             Security boost —AFTER MEXICO blasts : Felipe Calderon, THE—MEXICO—PRESIDENT, has ordered the country's military to protect the country's key energy installations —FOLLOWING multiple attacks on gas processing and petrochemical plants in the past —MONTH.
20070714             EX—MEDIA mogul GUILTY—OF—FRAUD : 3—OTHERS on trial with THE—62—YEAR—OLD—MEMBER—OF—BRITAIN—HOUSE—OF—LORDS were also found guilty by 1—FEDERAL—COURT—IN—CHICAGO of multiple COUNTS—OF—FRAUD—ON—FRIDAY.
20070714             Top Secret: We're Wiretapping You : It could be 1—SCENE from Kafka or BRAZIL.
20070714             Imagine 1—GOVERNMENT—AGENCY, in 1—BUREAUCRATIC—FOUL—UP, accidentally gives you 1—COPY—OF—1—DOCUMENT marked "top secret".
20070714             And it contains 1—LOG—OF—SOME—OF—YOUR private phone calls.
20070714             The rules change —WHEN dictators serve USA—INTERESTS:
20070714             The mosque siege reveals MUSHARRAF—DESPERATION to appear tough in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20070714             But in truth he is 1—FRIEND to terrorists
20070714             Islamic revolution will come in PAKISTAN, warns cleric, as militants bury their dead: At 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE—EARLIER in the —DAY THE—MMA coalition of hardline religious parties claimed the real death toll was between 400 and 1,000—PEOPLE.
20070714             TURKEY boosts troops at IRAQ—BORDER—SOURCES : The unusually LARGE—SCALE buildup, which includes tanks, heavy artillery and aircraft, is PART—OF—1—SECURITY—CRACKDOWN on Kurdish rebels hiding in SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY and NORTH—IRAQ, said the security sources, who decline d to be named.
20070714             IRAN ian Military, Kurdish Rebels Clash Along IRAN—IRAQ Border : Spokesman for IRAQ—KURDISTAN security forces Jabbar Yawer confirmed —THURSDAY—ARTILLERY attack in the Peshdar region.
20070714             ISRAEL 'Approved' to Strike IRAN : ISRAEL—MINISTER—OF—STRATEGIC—AFFAIRS said he has received approval from THE—USA and EUROPE for 1—ISRAEL i attack on IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES.
20070714             1—DIFFERENT 'Gut Feeling': ISRAEL—ATTACIRAN—KING—OF— : 1—OF—ISRAEL—TOP—OFFICIALS says he's got THE—GO—AHEAD from NATO—USA and European officials to attack IRAN.
20070714             Chertoff, aware of 1—LONGSTANDING, fierce debate in THE—WHITE—HOUSE over attacking IRAN, admits a "gut feeling," saying it's about AL—QAEDA but probably feeling queasier about what 1—ATTACK on IRAN would do to inflame terrorists.
20070714             IRAN to let UN nuclear monitor inspect reactor : In 1—FURTHER—SIGN—OF—IRAN ian compromise, THE—IAEA said the country also agreed to answer questions on past experiments that THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY—FEARS could be linked to 1—WEAPONS—PROGRAM.
20070714             IRAN demands oil pay in yen not dollars:
20070714             The dollar fell against the yen this afternoon on reports IRAN has asked JAPAN to stop paying for its oil in dollars
20070714             IRAN—JEWS reject cash offer to move to ISRAEL : The incentives — ranging from £5,000 1—PERSON to £30,000 for families — were offered from 1—SPECIAL—FUND established by wealthy expatriate Jews in 1—EFFORT to prompt 1—MASS—MIGRATION to ISRAEL from among IRAN—25,000-strong Jewish community.
20070714             Kucinich IRAN stance outrages OHIO Jewish leaders : DENNIS—KUCINICH, the colorful CLEVELAND congressman and longshot presidential candidate, has outraged Jewish leaders in NORTH—EAST—OHIO by insisting that IRAN—ANTI—ZIONIST—LEADER is not seeking to exterminate ISRAEL.
20070714             —UNABATED, IRAN : Violations of human rights continue :
20070714             —CONCERNED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL is greatly, by continuing human rights violations in IRAN, including new arrests of human rights defenders and the high RATE—OF—EXECUTIONS, including the 1. execution by stoning confirmed by the authorities —SINCE 1—MORATORIUM on stonings was announced 20020000             20070714             Strange Bedfellows
20070714             There must be 1—UNDERLYING shady reason that Speaker Pelosi took impeachment off the table.
20070714             —STATED, Her office, the other —DAY that she will not put the issue back on the table because she is focused on "ending the war".
20070714             The statement would be laughable if it weren't for the fact that she is using 1—NEO—CON STRATEGY—OF—SAYING the exact opposite of what is true.
20070714             THE—MEDIA on 'Global Terror'
20070714             5—CENTURIES—OF—COLONIALISM and imperialism have left 1—LEGACY—OF—1—DEEPLY ingrained racism which expresses itself at EVERY—LEVEL—OF—SOCIETY but which is most insidiously expressed by the state and its mouthpieces, the corporate and STATE—RUN—MEDIA.
20070714             1—REFORM to Restore THE—PEOPLE—POWER
20070714             —ELECTED, As THE—USA—PEOPLE can no longer rely on, officials to respond to public opinion, the people must do what they can to gather power back into their hands —BEFORE they become the subjects of tyrants.
20070714             1—EXECUTIVE—BRANCH with scorn for the people, the Constitution, THE—RULE—OF—LAW, accountability + basic decency: "THE—WHITE—HOUSE has refused to give Congress documents about THE—DEATH—OF—FORMER—NFL player Pat Tillman, with WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL FRED—F—FIELDING saying that certain papers relating to DISCUSSION—OF—THE—FRIENDLY—FIRE shooting "implicate Executive Branch confidentiality interests"".
20070714             There is only 1—SOLUTION to this dictatorship farc e: Impeachment and Incarceration.
20070714             PM: Iraqis can keep peace without USA Okay, time to support our troops and let them leave THE—DANTE—INFERNO created by Cheney, Bush and THE—NEO—CONS.
20070714             There are no more excuses —NOW. MIKE—MAGNUM—GUN—GUY—MAILBAG.
20070714             Interesting, Amusing and Appalling.
20070714             AWOL: THE—UNEXCUSED—ABSENCE—OF—AMERICA—UPPER—CLASSES from Military Service -- and How It Hurts Our Country (Hardcover)
20070714             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20070714             UNDERSTATEMENT—OF—THE—WEEK: "VITTER—WORDS about marriage may haunt him".
20070714             Bush Media Mogul Convicted of Various Felonies in 1—CHICAGO federal courtroom.
20070714             THE—DOWNFALL—OF—THE—WORLD—3. largest media empire.
20070714             DANIEL—HOPSICKER has 1—CHARACTERISTICALLY amazing story (which I should discuss at greater length in 1—SHORT—WHILE) about 1—OF—THE—JETS hired to ferry prominent Saudis —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911              20070714             Turns out the owner of 1—OF—THE—JET charter companies was 1—FELLOW by THE—NAME—OF—FRANK—ZAMMIELLO, who appears to have close contacts with -- ahem! -- da boys.
20070714             Hopsicker looks into ZAMMIELLO—ASSOCIATES + the resultant tale is long and complex.
20070714             Along the way, Hopsicker makes reference to 1—JOHN—CONNELLY, an FBI agent tasked with looking into organized crime in BOSTON.
20070714             Connelly was ACCUSED—OF—CORRUPTION -- apparently, he proved 1—LITTLE too helpful to his informants.
20070714             Executive privilege has long been this administration's fallback position, but only —RECENTLY have we understood —JUST how privileged Bush thinks he is.
20070714             Here is Marcy Wheeler on EP and the congressional request for testimony from Taylor and Miers.
20070714             More than that: But the real absurdity is Bush CO—REFUSAL to show up and reveal the truth about —WHEN it learned that Pat Tillman was killed by friendly fire.
20070714             They don't assert executive privilege.
20070714             Rather, they're calling this Embarrassment Privilege "Executive Branch confidentiality interests"
20070714             —MENTIONED, Oh + have I, the Exempt from Presidential Records Act but not from Executive Privilege Privilege, being used to prevent Congress from seeing emails sent on 1—EXTERNAL—SERVER?
20070714             This is getting absurd--and deserves to be treated with appropriate absurdity in return.
20070714             It's like 1—NEW—PARTY—GAME we're playing, the "dream up the most absurd privilege" game.
20070714             Noted... Bombing IRAN : EUROPE and THE—USA—HAVE given ISRAEL their "blessing" for 1—STRIKE against IRAN, according to ISRAEL i MINISTER—OF—STRATEGIC—AFFAIRS—AVIGDOR—LIEBERMAN.
20070714             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Lieberman said the Western powers, the severity of THE—IRAN ian nuclear threat to the Jewish state, but said that ongoing conflicts in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ are "going to prevent THE—LEADERS—OF—COUNTRIES in EUROPE and AMERICA from deciding on THE—USE—OF—FORCE to destroy IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES," even if diplomacy ultimately fails.
20070714             What threat to the Jewish state?
20070714             —POSSESSED, Let us suppose that IRAN suddenly, 10—NUKE—EQUIPPED ICBMs.
20070714             How could they use them without FEAR—OF—ANNIHILATION?
20070714             Battling THE—CYBER—TERRORIST—INTERNAL—BREACHES Pose Greatest Threat
20070714             "THE—WEB scares 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE," explained TODD—MATTSON, 1—ATTORNEY + DIRECTOR—OF—PRACTICE—SYSTEMS at Weil, Gotshal & Manges.
20070714             "But the risks of someone...
20070714             Comparative Matrix Of Corporate Governance Codes Relevant To The...
20070714             THE—SEATTLE Times: Local News: Enron hires lobbyist to collect PUD...
20070714             Weil Gotshal is also ENRON—BANKRUPTCY representative.
20070714             —REGISTERED, Odle, 1—LOBBYIST at Weil Gotshal, said the firm, as 1—LOBBYIST in late June to protect...
20070714             Words Have Power: Lawsuit Links Doolittle to Another BRENT—WILKES—SCAM
20070714             —CREATED, Wilkes, Acoustical Communications System out of 1—SMALL S—DIEGO company, Horizon Sports Technology.
20070714             —BECAME, Horizon Sports officials, minority...
20070714             Ross, Dixon & Bell, LLP—ATTORNEYS—HIRSH, Merril
20070714             He has been PART—OF—THE—TEAM representing Horizon Sports Technology and its principals in antitrust and False Claims Act litigation alleging price fixing...
20070714             Wot Is It Good 4: Wilkes and Horizon Sports —WHILE trying to diversify his golf equipment company, Horizon Sports Technology, Beck had developed 1—SYSTEM that could carry sounds over 1—LONG—DISTANCE.
20070714             wotisitgood4.blogspot_com/2006 /02/WILKES—AND—HORIZON—SPORTS.HTML—EMM News Explorer: ANTONIO—VITORINO
20070714             ANNUAL REPORT FOR 20010000             and RESOURCE MATERIAL SERIES NUMBER 60—UNAFEI
20070714             MISS—REBECCA—FINDLAY—DEBECK left her position as 1—LINGUISTIC—ADVISOR at UNAFEI on 1 ... in which reference was made to Operation Gamma;
20070714             Operation Omega ;... - Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 4. edition
20070714             indictment identified Bodmer, 1—SWITZERLAND—LAWYER, as 1—AGENT—OF—OMEGA Advisors, INCORPORATED, 1—USA. corporation and "domestic concern" under THE—FCPA.
20070714             stillcool47's JOURNAL—ARCHIVES... bottom feeders attract "60—MINUTES"-style scandal of banal corruption, it is in...
20070714             NOTICE TO USERS.
20070714             NewsFollowUp... Scandal ', OMAHA—NEBRASKA, 19890000             and it connections to recent Bush scandals :
20070714             Let me tell you 1—STORY...
20070714             bottom feeders attract "60—MINUTES"-style scandal of banal corruption, it is in...
20070714             call for submissions fortune news —SUMMER 20000000             issue breaking down For decades, prisoners had been contained within Oakridge without 1—PROBLEM.
20070714             —TRADED, CCA and Wackenhut shares are, publicly. www.
20070714             THE—PROJECT—ON—GOVERNMENT—OVERSIGHT (POGO) Blog: Nuclear Security... from THE—CREM de Meth scandal at Los Alamos National Laboratory...
20070714             —CHEATED, Because Wackenhut has, at the Energy DEPARTMENT—OAK—RIDGE facility--as...
20070714             WHO—YOUR daddy?...... attract "60—MINUTES"-style scandal of banal corruption, it is... click on this Wackenhut link and here's what you get:
20070714             Die Bedeutung der NSDAP—MITGLIEDERKARTEN ist unter Historikern umstritten:
20070714             —GEHALTEN, Es wird für möglich, dass Parteieintritte in Sammelverfahren auch ohne Wissen der Betroffenen erfolgen konnten.
20070714             Andere Experten gehen davon aus, dass in jedem Fall eine eigenhändige Unterschrift notwendig war.
20070714             Spleen der sächsischen Kurfürsten und vieler ihrer Zeitgenossen.
20070714             Sie erlaubten sich einst den Luxus, die Wände ihrer Paläste mit aufwändig bemalten, geprägten und gepunzten Tierhäuten verschönern zu lassen.
20070714             Während Gerbereien —HEUTE vor allem mit Chromsalzen arbeiten, seien früher pflanzliche Substanzen wie Eichenextrakt zum Einsatz gekommen.
20070714             Dadurch entstand so etwas wie ÖKO—LEDER, das Verfahren belastete die Umwelt deutlich weniger als die heutigen Methoden.
20070714             Wegwerfprodukt LEDER—FERNER sei das Rohmaterial anders.
20070714             Heutzutage würden Kälber in Stallhaltung aufgezogen, während die Tiere einst auf der Weide gehalten wurden.
20070714             All diese Faktoren wirkten sich auch auf die Beschaffenheit des Leders aus.
20070714             "Früher war Leder ein langlebiges Material. —HEUTE kaufen sich die Leute ALLE—PAAR—MONATE neue Schuhe", sagt Meyer.
20070714             Entsprechend seien daher die Ansprüche der Kunden an die Beständigkeit von Leder gefallen.
20070714             Vattenfall war in den vergangenen Tagen wegen Pannen in Krümmel und Brunsbüttel massiv in die Kritik geraten.
20070714             Vor allem die zögerliche Informationspolitik des Unternehmens sorgte für Unmut.
20070714             Zuletzt hatte sogar die FDP 1—ABSCHALTEN des Problemreaktors in Krümmel gefordert.
20070714             Andere Energiekonzerne fürchten derweil, dass Vattenfall die Kernkraft insgesamt in Verruf bringen könnte.
20070714             Dadurch wäre die von der Branche angestrebte Verlängerung der Atomlaufzeiten in Gefahr.
20070714             Nach der Pannenserie: Vattenfall verhandelt über Ausstieg aus der Atomkraft
20070714             Fürstenfetisch: Forscher suchen Rezeptur für Barockleder
20070714             Effiziente ÖKO—ENERGIE: In NIEDERSACHSEN entsteht ein riesiges unterirdisches BIOGAS—NETZ
20070714             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: Blow up
20070714             PAKISTAN: Selbstmordattentäter tötet 8—SOLDATEN
20070714             Herber Rückschlag für die Abrüstung in EUROPA: Der RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN hat den KSE—VERTRAG über konventionelle Streitkräfte per Dekret auf Eis gelegt.
20070714             Anlass ist die geplante Raketenabwehr der USA.
20070714             Der - Neue Eiszeit: Putin setzt Abrüstungsvertrag außer Kraft
20070714             1—TRICKLE—OF—SANITY in Republicanland: Sens.
20070714             BOB—ALLEN, 1—FLORIDA Republican STATE—REP., Allegedly Offered to Blow 1—UNDERCOVER—COP for $20—BUCKS in 1—CITY—PARK—WASHROOM.
20070714             THE—MAN—WHO—USED to Coach Little League and Is oo with Child is Our BuzzFlash GOP HYPOCRITE—OF—THE—WEEK.
20070714             Not Only Is He, Allegedly, 1—REPRESSED Perv, He Goes Down Cheap Too!
20070714             —BY the Way, Get 1—LOAD—OF—THE—BILLS He CO—SPONSORED in THE—FL Legislature.
20070714             Our Favorites: "Sexual Solicitation and Abuses + Lewdness and Indecent Exposure".
20070714             IAEA: IRAN agrees to nuclear concessions
20070714             LOS—ANGELES GOP officials negotiating with GOVERNOR for possible Vitter replacement appointment, according to Citizens for Legitimate Government 7/14
20070714             —FORCED, Yet another Republican politician, to resign: 1—NORTH—CAROLINA state representative submits his resignation —AFTER someone leveled misconduct claims against him.
20070714             At least, he had the grace to leave unlike certain executive branch occupants.
20070714             IRAQ—PARLIAMENT planning to take August off 7/14
20070714             MARK—SUNDAY on your calendar for the implementation of radically unfair fees against INTERNET radio stations 7/14
20070714             1—GOOD surge: THE—POPULARITY—OF—THE—MORNING—AFTER pill Plan B has about doubled in THE—YEAR—SINCE THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT approved the sale of the controversial emergency contraceptive without 1—PRESCRIPTION.
20070714             As you all know, Republican SENATOR—DAVID—VITTER has been caught up in THE—DC Madam sex scandal.
20070714             —DISGRACED, As is —NOW traditional with, Republicans, the major media have identified him as 1—DEMOCRAT.
20070714             HERE—1—CLOSE—UP from 1—SCREEN—CAPTURE—OF—AN—MISS—NBC story, which comes to us by way of
20070714             RAWstory : Friedensmission: Schmuggelvorwürfe gegen UN—SOLDATEN im KONGO
20070714             —AM Der NASA—SATELLIT "Swift" spürte den Blitz auf, er bekam deshalb die Bezeichnung GRB 070714B.
20070714             Sofort richteten Astronomen weitere Teleskope in Richtung des Sternbilds Stier, um zumindest das Nachglühen noch zu erfassen.
20070714             Mit dem Gemini NORTH—TELESCOPE auf HAWAII konnten die Forscher schließlich die Entfernung zum Blitz bestimmen: 7,4 Milliarden Lichtjahre, die Explosion fand also vor 7,4 Milliarden Jahren statt.
20070714             Digg (INTERNATIONAL).
20070714             Staates verstärken diesen TREND—UND damit auch die daraus folgenden Probleme wie fehlende Hygiene, Trinkwassermangel, Verkehrschaos + Kriminalität.
20070714             Das Spiegelteleskop Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) auf dem Roque de los Muchachos auf der Kanareninsel La PALMA nimmt den Testbetrieb auf.
20070714             Zum Abschlusskonzert von Genesis anlässlich ihrer Turn It On AGAIN—TOURNEE kommen in Rom bei freiem Eintritt etwa 500.000—FANS in den Circus Maximus.
20070714—18700000    —WORKED, HERMANN—WALLICH, who had, in JAPAN, INDIA and CHINA for 1—PARISIAN bank, joined THE—DEUTSCHLAND—BANK—BOARD—OF—MANAGING—DIRECTORS as 1 renowned...
20070714—18700000    —IN, Historical ASSOCIATION—OF—DEUTSCHLAND—BANK | Topics | EAST—ASIA | Die... HERMANN—WALLICH, who had worked in JAPAN, INDIA and CHINA for 1—PARISIAN bank, joined THE—DEUTSCHLAND—BANK—BOARD—OF—MANAGING—DIRECTORS as 1 renowned...
20070714—18700000    —BIS, HERMANN—WALLICH, Vorstandsmitglied der DEUTSCHLAND—BANK—VON—1870/1894, leitete von 18670000             die Niederlassung SHANGHAI der Pariser Bank "Comptoir...
20070714—19110000    —BY, the fortune of the Wallich s was 31—MILLION reichmarks.
20070714—19670000    —IN, † 1—MINER (29) in WEST—UGANDA from the deadly Marburg virus, 1. discovered.
20070714—19900000    —IN, The treaty, between Russian and NATO—MEMBERS, was signed and
20070714—19990000    —IN, amended to reflect changes —SINCE THE—BREAKUP—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION, adding the requirement that MOSCOW withdraw troops from THE—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLICS—OF—MOLDOVA and GEORGIA.
20070714—20010911    —SLAMMED, Democratic presidential candidate JOHN—EDWARDS, PRESIDENT—BUSH—CONNECTING—OF—INSURGENTS in IRAQ with the terrorists who attacked THE—USA, saying THE—PRESIDENT—REMARKS "border on the delusional" and accusing him of ignoring his role in allowing al Qaeda to gain strength in IRAQ.
20070714—20011000    —ESCAPED, Payet had, from the Luynes prison.
20070714—20030000    —IN, he helped organize the helicopter escape of 3—FELLOW—INMATES from the same prison.
20070714—20071212    —ON, 1—PANEL—OF—JUDGES sentenced 2—EMIRATI men to 15—YEARS in prison each in connection with 1—KIDNAPPING and sexual attack on THE—FRENCH—SWITZERLAND—BOY.
20070718             Facility Name: Calcasieu Refining Company Lake Charles, LA 70605 Parent Company : Transworld Oil USA, INCORPORATED RMP Facility ID: 100000071469 Submission Receipt...
20071008—20070714    —RELEASED, Nakamura was.
20080118             dessen Grundlagen u.a. —BEREITS mit dem "Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses" vom 19330714             und dem "Gesetz zum Schutz der Erbgesundheit des DEUTSCHLAND—VOLKES" vom 19351018             geschaffen worden waren
20080118             "Aktion T 4", gewählt nach der Adresse Tiergartenstraße 4, war die Geheimbezeichnung für das Mordprogramm, dessen Grundlagen u.a. —BEREITS mit dem "Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses" vom 19330714             und dem "Gesetz zum Schutz der Erbgesundheit des DEUTSCHLAND—VOLKES" vom 19351018             geschaffen worden waren
20080204             Facility Name: Calcasieu Refining Company Lake Charles, LA 70605 ... Parent Company: Transworld Oil USA, INCORPORATED RMP Facility ID: 100000071469 Submission... alfatomega.com/_themes_/_Deuss,John_.html
20080613—20080714    —AM, Hamdans Prozess ist das 1. KRIEGS—VERBRECHERVERFAHREN in GUANTANAMO überhaupt und soll beginnen.
20080712             —COMPOSED—OF, THE—PLUNGE—PROTECTION—TEAM ( THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE, THE—TREASURY and bank insiders) tried to drive the stock markets up —ON—MONDAY, 20080630             - to make those account statements look not quite as bad, and, hopefully, prevent people from dumping ALL—OF—THEIR—STOCK and bond holdings in 1—DESPERATE—ATTEMPT to save something —BEFORE the whole idiotic, FIAT—CURRENCY, UNLIMITED—FRACTIONAL—BANKING thing —JUST collapses.
20080712             † LES—CRANE, pioneer talk radio and TV host, in MARIN—CALIFORNIA.
20080712             † BOBBY—MURCER, 62—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—YANKEE baseball player and broadcaster, from 1—MALIGNANT brain tumor in OKLAHOMA City.
20080712             The only person to play with Mantle and Mattingly, the popular Murcer hit.277 with 252—HOME—RUNS and 1,043 RBIs in 17—SEASONS with the Yankees, S—FRANCISCO and THE—CHICAGO Cubs.
20080712             BOBBY—MURCER made THE—ALL—STAR—TEAM in both leagues and won 1—GOLD—GLOVE.
20080712             † TONY—SNOW, 53—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CONSERVATIVE—WRITER and commentator who cheerfully sparred with reporters in THE—WHITE—HOUSE briefing room —DURING 1—STINT as PRESIDENT—BUSH—PRESS—SECRETARY, of colon cancer.
20080712             —EXECUTED, In CENTRAL—AFGHANISTAN Taliban militants, 2—WOMEN—JUST outside Ghazni city —AFTER accusing them of working as prostitutes on 1—USA—BASE.
20080712             † 1—SOLDIER serving with ISAF, of wounds caused by 1—EXPLOSION in NORTH—AFGHANISTAN.
20080712             —KILLED, NATO—TROOPS, Bismullah Akhund, 1—INSURGENT leader in HELMAND—NAW—ZAD district.
20080712             —WOUNDED, NATO said 1—RECENT—BORDER clash that, several Pakistani and AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—PERSONNEL was sparked by insurgents in AFGHANISTAN who fired at targets in both countries, apparently to stoke CROSS—BORDER—TENSIONS.
20080712             THE—ARAB—LEAGUE said it will hold crisis talks on SUDAN —AFTER reports THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT may seek SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BESHIR—ARREST, amid fears for peace efforts in Darfur.
20080712             —BASED, It would mark the 1.—EVER bid by THE—ICC, in THE—HAGUE, to charge 1—SITTING—HEAD—OF—STATE.
20080712             THE—AFRICA—UNION said that plans by THE—ICC could jeopardize peace efforts in Darfur.
20080712             —ARRESTED, ETHIOPIA said it has, 8 "ERITREAN—TRAINED" rebels suspected of carrying out bombings that rocked THE—CAPITAL—ADDIS—ABABA and killed 8—PEOPLE—EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20080712             Sarkozy said that Syria and LEBANON will open embassies in EACH—OTHER—COUNTRIES for the 1. time.
20080712             —CAUTIONED, SYRIA—LEADER, there was still work to be done —BEFORE that could happen.
20080712             JAKARTA—INDONESIA, BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—LUIZ—INACIO—LULA da Silva and PRESIDENT—SUSILO—BAMBANG—YUDHOYONO pledged cooperation on biofuels —DURING talks in 1—BID to take advantage of surging oil prices.
20080712             WEST—NEPAL, about 500—RIOT—POLICEMEN took senior officers hostage in 1—REVOLT over ill treatment and poor food.
20080712             —RELEASED, They, their captives and surrendered —AFTER a 2—DAY standoff.
20080712             NIGERIA, 1—TRUCK—DRIVERS—STRIKE to protest soaring fuel prices entered its 2. —DAY.
20080712             † At least 17—PEOPLE, at 1—PRAYER meeting in rural NIGERIA —AFTER apparently breathing noxious fumes from their power generator —WHILE asleep.
20080712             —AGREED, NORTH—KOREA, to completely disable its main nuclear facilities by THE—END—OF—OCTOBER and to allow thorough site inspections to verify that all necessary steps had been taken as the latest round of 6—NATION disarmament talks concluded in BEIJING.
20080712             NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, at least 13—PARAMILITARY—FORCES and 3—MILITANTS were killed in 1—AMBUSH and shootout —WHEN militants attacked 1—FRONTIER—CONSTABULARY convoy in the Zargari AREA—OF—HANGU district.
20080712             —ARRESTED, Provincial police in HANGU, half 12—TALIBAN including Rafiuddin, 1—LIEUTENANT—OF—BAITULLAH—MEHSUD.
20080712             —CAPTURED, The militants in response, 29—49—HOSTAGES.
20080712             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA, 18—REBELS and 1—SOLDIER were, in Mannar district;
20080712             † 7—REBELS and 1—SOLDIER were killed in Vavuniya and 6—GUERRILLAS, in Welioya.
20080712             —INFLICTED, EACH—SIDE often exaggerates the casualties and damage, on its enemy —WHILE underreporting its own losses.
20080712             BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA left ROME on 1—FLIGHT to AUSTRALIA for a 10—DAY—PILGRIMAGE.
20080712             THE—PAPA said he will use his visit to AUSTRALIA to apologize for sexual abuse by priests and to examine how the Church can "prevent, heal and reconcile".
20080712             PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said that he is expanding his VENEZUELA—PETROCARIBE—OIL—SUPPLY—PACT to include GUATEMALA.
20080712             —PROTESTED, THOUSANDS—OF—VENEZUELANS, in the capital demanding that THE—SUPREME—COURT overturn a "blacklist" blocking key OPPONENTS—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ from running in upcoming elections.
20080712             Thema / Seite 10—GEGEN den Todfeind "Hitler muß fallen, damit DEUTSCHLAND lebe!" — Berührungspunkte und Kontakte zwischen dem vor 65—JAHREN gegründeten Nationalkomitee "Freies DEUTSCHLAND" und den Verschwörern des 19440720             20080712             USA—JUDGE blocks gas drilling in MICHIGAN forest
20080712             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE has overturned 1—DECISION by THE—USA—FOREST—SERVICE to allow oil and gas drilling near 1—FOREST and 1—RIVER in MICHIGAN—NORTH—LOWER—PENINSULA.
20080712             WHITE—HOUSE rejects regulating greenhouse gases
20080712             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, dismissing the recommendations of its top experts, rejected regulating the greenhouse gases blamed for global warming —FRIDAY, saying it would cripple THE—USA—ECONOMY.
20080712             Study finds arsenic threats in SE ASIA
20080712             MYANMAR—CYCLONE—DEVASTATED—IRRAWADDY delta and INDONESIA—SUMATRA ISLAND face high risks of arsenic contamination in groundwater that could cause cancer and other diseases in residents, according to 1—NEW—STUDY.
20080712             Scientists discover key patterns in the packaging of genes
20080712             Although EVERY—CELL—OF our bodies contains the same genetic instructions, specific genes typically act only in specific cells at particular times.
20080712             —SILENCED, Other genes are "" in 1—VARIETY—OF—WAYS.
20080712             1—MODE of gene silencing depends upon the way DNA, the genetic material, is packed in THE—NUCLEUS—OF—CELLS.
20080712             Superconducting Power Grid Launches In NEW—YORK
20080712             EmagGeek writes "IEEE is running 1—STORY about 1—NEW superconducting power grid that was energized in April in NEW—YORK State.
20080712             —COOLED, The lines operate at 138kV and are, to 65-75K to maintain superconductivity.
20080712             These lines are run underground and can carry 150—TIMES—MORE—ELECTRICITY than copper lines of the same cross section.
20080712             —FUNDED, The project is, with taxpayer dollars through THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY".
20080712             1 related story at MarketWatch indicates that this is PART—OF—1—LARGE—SCALE—EFFORT to upgrade aging infrastructure.
20080712             Newly Discovered Young Galaxy Creates 4,000 Stars Per —YEAR
20080712             Astronomers using NASA—SPITZER—SPACE—TELESCOPE have found 1—GALAXY producing 1—AVERAGE—OF up to 4,000 stars per —YEAR.
20080712             They contrast this with the Milky Way, which only produces 1—AVERAGE—OF—10—EACH—YEAR.
20080712             Nicknamed "Baby Boom," it is 1—YOUNG starburst galaxy, and its stellar birth rate conflicts with 1—COMMONLY accepted model for the growth of 1—GALAXY.
20080712             Quoting: "'The question —NOW is whether THE—MAJORITY—OF—THE—VERY most massive galaxies form very early in the universe like the Baby Boom galaxy, or whether this is 1—EXCEPTIONAL—CASE.
20080712             Answering this question will help us determine to what degree the Hierarchical Model of galaxy formation still holds true,' [said PETER—CAPAK—OF—NASA—SPITZER—SCIENCE—CENTER] 'The incredible STAR—FORMATION—ACTIVITY we have observed suggests that we may be witnessing, for the 1. time, the formation of 1—OF—THE—MOST massive elliptical galaxies in the universe,' said CO—AUTHOR—NICK—SCOVILLE—OF—CALTECH, the principal investigator of the Cosmic Evolution Survey,
20080712             —SEIZED, IndyMac, by regulators, marking 2. largest bank failure in USA—HISTORY.
20080712             Late —YESTERDAY, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and THE—OFFICE—OF—THRIFT—SUPERVISION (OTS) "took CONTROL—OF—PASADENA—BASED IndyMac Bank —ON—FRIDAY in what
20080712             regulators called the 2.—LARGEST bank failure in USA—HISTORY ". The bank has succumbed to "huge losses from defaulted mortgages made at THE—HEIGHT—OF—THE—HOUSING boom":
20080712             —ESTIMATED, Federal authorities, that the takeover of IndyMac, which had $32—BILLION in assets, would cost THE—FDIC $4—BILLION to $8—BILLION.
20080712             Regulators said deposits of up to $100,000 were safe and insured by THE—FDIC.[...]
20080712             As the bank was shuttering offices and laying off employees nervous... depositors were pulling out $100—MILLION 1—DAY.
20080712             —PLUMMETED, The bank's stock price had, to less than $1 as analysts predicted the company's imminent demise.
20080712             The takeover of IndyMac came amid rampant speculation that THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT would also have to take over lenders Fannie Mae and FREDDIE—MAC, which together stand behind almost HALF—OF—THE—NATION—MORTGAGE—DEBT.
20080712             INDYMAC—WEBSITE has been
20080712             replaced with 1—TERSE notice from THE—FDIC informing the bank's customers.
20080712             FORMER—CHENEY adviser: The odds of ISRAEL attacking IRAN are 'slightly, slightly above 50-50.'
20080712             In 1—ARTICLE for Mother Jones, Laura Rozen reports that there are "significant factors weighing against prospective ISRAEL—MILITARY action on IRAN —BEFORE the Bush term ends".
20080712             "My sense is the Pentagon would be worried or opposed to 1—ISRAEL—ATTACK," says DAVID—WURMSER, FORMER—MIDDLE—EAST—ADVISER to VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY.
20080712             But, according to Wurmser, 1—ISRAEL—ATTACK against IRAN is still more likely than not:
20080712             "Even beyond the question of whether McCain or Obama wins, the Israelis are afraid that no new administration is really going to be able to get its act together quickly to be able to mobilize 1—PLAN and do something," Wurmser said.
20080712             Wurmser put the odds of ISRAEL striking IRAN —BEFORE Bush leaves office at "slightly, slightly above 50-50".
20080712             tantamount to torture.
20080712             " According to MAYER—SOURCES, the report warned that CIA "officials may have committed 'grave breaches' of THE—GENEVA Conventions".
20080712             —AFTER the article was published, PRESIDENT—BUSH was asked in 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE if he "had read" the Red Cross report.
20080712             Haven't seen it; we don't torture," Bush bluntly responded —BEFORE moving on to another question.
20080712             But MAYER—UPCOMING book,THE—DARK—SIDE, appears to contradict BUSH—CLAIM that he never saw the report.
20080712             In 1—PREVIEW—OF—THE—BOOK, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS—TODAY that it claims THE—CIA "shared the report " with Bush :
20080712             The book says the C.I.A. shared the report, which MISS—MAYER 1. described —LAST—YEAR in less detail in THE—NEW—YORKER, with PRESIDENT—BUSH and SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE.
20080712             THE—RED—CROSS—REPORT, according to MAYER—BOOK, found that the torturous interrogation methods used by THE—CIA "could make THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS who approved them
20080712             GUILTY—OF—WAR crimes.
20080712             —NOTED, As ThinkProgress, —AT—THE—TIME—OF—BUSH—DENIAL, Mayer originally reported that top administration officials, including Rice and National Security Adviser STEPHEN—HADLEY, were "believed to have seen " the report.
20080712             —DECREASED, EPA says the value of 1—USA—LIFE has.
20080712             —SKIPPED, —YESTERDAY, FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—ADVISER—KARL—ROVE, the country and refused to to appear —BEFORE the House Judiciary Committee to testify about THE—POLITICIZATION—OF—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, despite 1—SUBPOENA.
20080712             House Judiciary COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—JOHN—CONYERS (D—MI) and Linda Sanchez (D—CA), chairwoman of the Commercial and Administrative Law Subcommittee,rejected ROVE—CLAIM—OF—IMMUNITY.
20080712             —CALLED, Conyers, ROVE—ABSENCE an "insult to THE—USA—PEOPLE and to THE—SYSTEM—OF—CHECKS and balances that are the basis of our constitution and our democracy".
20080712             —APPEARED, —YESTERDAY, Sanchez, on MISS—NBC and said that "in the next COUPLE—OF—WEEKS," the Judiciary committee will vote to hold Rove in contempt.
20080712             She believes that if the measure goes to the full House for 1—VOTE, there "1—VERY—GREAT—PROBABILITY" that it would be approved.
20080712             Sanchez also said that she thinks Rove should go to jail:
20080712             SHUSTER: But in ANY—CASE, you want KARL—ROVE put in jail for this, right?
20080712             SANCHEZ: I would like to see him held accountable for his complete DISREGARD—OF—THE—LAW absolutely.
20080712             SHUSTER: But will you say "Yes, KARL—ROVE should go to jail if he doesn't cooperate"?
20080712             SANCHEZ: I personally believe, yes, absolutely.
20080712             —COMMITTED, Anybody who scoffs at the law and who has, 1—OFFENSE that is punishable by jail time should be put in jail.
20080712             Watch it: Conyers has —NOW given Rove 5—DAYS to comply with the subpoena.
20080712             —APPROVED, THE—HOUSE has also, contempt resolutions against WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—JOSH—BOLTEN and FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—HARRIET—MIERS, although the Justice Department refused to bring criminal charges against them.
20080712             The case is —NOW in federal court.
20080712             Digg It! Transcript: (more...) - SCOTT—BLOCH—DEPUTY resigns.
20080712             JAMES—BYRNES, the 2. in command at THE—OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—COUNSEL, announced his resignation —YESTERDAY.
20080712             NPR reports that Byrnes allegedly quit "in protest over the way the office has been run under Special Counsel SCOTT—BLOCH".
20080712             THE—OFFICE—OF—PERSONNEL—MANAGEMENT has been "looking into claims that MISTER—BLOCH improperly retaliated against employees " who disagreed with his policies.
20080712             —PURSUED, He has also allegedly, prosecutions for political reasons, and in May, federal agents raided his home and office in 1—OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE—INVESTIGATION.
20080712             Bloch, however, "has given no indication that he plans to leave his job".
20080712             For sale
20080712             —UNCOVERED, Black market in human ORGANS—USA—OUTBREAK—OF salmonella spreads
20080712             More than 1,000—PEOPLE in more than 40—USA—STATES are —NOW confirmed to have become ill with salmonella —SINCE April.
20080712             —NEEDED, What they do is more, than ever," said RICHARD—BOVE, 1—ANALYST with Labenburg Thalman. "Get rid of them and create new structures that will perform their functions more efficiently, with more accountability and without THE—DISTRACTION—OF—THE—EQUITY—MARKETS".
20080712             "Aber die Deutschen wissen eben auch nicht, was da unten wirklich abgeht".
20080712             "Nur dort erfahren wir, was wirklich mit unserem Volk geschieht", sagt die Arbeitslose.
20080712             Mittelmeergipfel: Sarkozy holt SYRIEN aus diplomatischer Isolation
20080712             Doping bei der Tour de FRANCE: "1—KRIEG, bei dem es Opfer gibt"
20080712             Gebührenberechnung: Hohe Energiepreise setzen Kommunen unter Druck
20080712             Korruption: Kontrolleure außer Kontrolle
20080712             Vor Hammond waren alle gleich, egal ob einfacher SOLDAT, PRÄSIDENT—DER—VEREINIGTEN—STAATEN oder Präsidentenmörder.
20080712             Ein eleganter Vorschlag besteht darin, im Geist ganz einfach einen eigenen physikalischen ZUSTAND—DER—MATERIE zu sehen
20080712             Einer anderen Theorie zufolge sind Materielles und Geistiges als 2—EIGENSCHAFTEN eines und desselben Natürlichen zu begreifen.
20080712             Alle gemeinsam beschäftigt sie nun die Frage: Ist der Geist physikalisch (respektive biochemisch) erklärbar?
20080712             —KASSIERT, Sparprogramm: Glos, DEUTSCHLAND—MONDMISSION
20080712             Auch im Fall zweier in NIGERIA vermisster Deutscher ist das Auswärtige Amt eingeschaltet.
20080712             Man gehe weiter den Hinweisen nach, wonach Bewaffnete am —FREITAG die MITARBEITER—DES—BAUKONZERNS—BILFINGER—BERGER
20080712             von einem Firmengelände im Süden des Landes entführten.
20080712             Vor rund 3—WOCHEN hatte das Ministerium 1—BETÄTIGUNGSVERBOT gegen den kurdischen Fernsehsender ROJ—TV verhängt.
20080712             Dies könnte als Kursverschärfung der Bundesregierung gegenüber den Kurden aufgefasst worden sein.
20080712             Der Exekutivrat der "Vereinigten Gemeinschaften Kurdistans", —NACH—DEM in der TÜRKEI inhaftierten PKK—FÜHRER ABDULLAH—ÖCALAN so etwas wie die zweithöchste Instanz im Kampf der Kurden, hatte die "MERKEL—REGIERUNG" in der Botschaft aufgefordert, ihre "feindliche Politik gegen das Kurdische Volk und seine Befreiungsbewegung" aufzugeben.
20080712             Die DEUTSCHLAND—REGIERUNG trage sonst "alle entstehenden negativen Konsequenzen".
20080712             Sparkurs: Siemens will Hunderten von Mitarbeitern die Gehälter kürzen
20080712             Marokkos Kinderflüchtlinge: Das Paradies in Sichtweite
20080712             Atomkraftwerk: EnBW klagt gegen das Aus für Neckarwestheim I
20080712             Ölpreis: RUSSLAND—KONZERN schlägt neue Berechnungsmethode vor
20080712             Verschleppte Bergsteiger: PKK—KADER warnten Bundesregierung frühzeitig vor Attacken
20080712             Milliardenhilfe: USA—SENAT beschließt Rettungsplan für verschuldete Hausbesitzer
20080712             Informationspanne bei Infratest: Datenschützer Schaar fordert Offenlegung von Sicherheitslecks
20080712             Alte Originale: Gestohlene SHAKESPEARE—ERSTAUSGABE wieder aufgetaucht
20080712             Odyssee im Atlantik: Mehrere Afrikaner bezahlen Flucht mit dem Leben
20080712             das Weiße Haus ließ mitteilen, dass die Vorlage auf die Interessen der Banken zugeschnitten sei und den verschuldeten Hausbesitzern nicht helfe, das Repräsentantenhaus verfolgt eigene Gesetzespläne.
20080712             AUFSICHTSBEHÖRDEN—CHEF—REICH bemängelte, SENATOR—SCHUMER habe durch seinen offenen Brief zu der Panik der Kunden beigetragen.
20080712             Schumer konterte, die Aufsichtsbehörde hätte die "zweifelhaften Kreditvergabepraktiken" der Bank nicht so lange hinnehmen dürfen.
20080712             —BEREITS nach Kursstürzen der beiden
20080712             größten USA—IMMOBILIENFINANZIERER Fannie Mae und FREDDIE—MAC sagte die Regierung in WASHINGTON den Finanzinstituten Unterstützung zu.
20080712             Der USA—SENAT beschloss 1—GESETZESVORLAGE mit Garantien für Immobilienkredite im Wert von rund 300—MILLIARDEN Dollar.
20080712             Meteorologen sprechen von atmosphärischer Konvektion.
20080712             —DERZEIT weht in der REGION—DER—SOMMERWIND—SHAMAL, der von Nordwesten über den IRAK und den Golf zieht.
20080712             Rund 3—MONATE lang trägt er größere Mengen an Sand und Staub mit sich.
20080712             Durch den Sturm, der in diesem —JAHR etwas stärker ausfiel als gewöhnlich, sinken die Temperaturen in der Region.
20080712             Koalitionskrach: Merkel lehnt ATOMAUSSTIEG—KLAUSEL im Grundgesetz ab
20080712             Satellitenbild der Woche: Goldene Wolken über dem Golf
20080712             Rekordpleite: Bankenaufsicht schließt kalifornische Hypothekenbank
20080712             Intelligence Advanced Research Projects ACTIVITY—WIKIPEDIA, the...
20080712             THE—AGILE—MIND: Inside IARPA
20080712             DARPA meet IARPA | ACEIZE DARPA will have 1—NEW—PARTNER in creating creating creepy and amazing new technologies.
20080712             —CALLED, The new Agency is, IARPA (Intelligence Advanced Research.
20080712             —CALLED, IARPA | ACEIZE The new Agency is, IARPA (Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency).
20080712             IARPA will work with THE—16—DIFFERENT—USA—INTELLIGENCE & spy agencies to.
20080712             DAVE—LINDORFF: WHAT—THE—FREQUENCY, Karl?... that the Republicans wired their candidate, who has his own linguistic difficulties, not —JUST in practice sessions, but for the debate itself.
20080712             Blogs for Bush : THE—WHITE—HOUSE—OF—THE—BLOGOSPHERE: Kerry Watch...
20080712             —REFERRED, At 1—OHIO campaign event, Bush, to his practice sessions for the debate at his TEXAS ranch over the weekend.
20080712             "It's been 1—LITTLE—TOUGH to prepare...
20080712             Democratic Underground Articles 20040929             - Nobody knows how the young girl mysteriously got backstage at GEORGE—W—BUSH—PRACTICE—SESSION for the 1. presidential debate.
20080712             Plain Dealer Extra: 20080400             Archives
20080712             1—DEMOCRAT, Barnett has helped several Democratic presidential and vice presidential candidates prepare for debates by playing THE—PART—OF—THEIR opponent.
20080712             —CHANNELED, He's, GEORGE—HW—BUSH several times in practice sessions for VICE—PRESIDENTIAL—DEBATES and then for the
20080712             USA—MAY secretly deploy ballistic missiles in POLAND—EXPERT : - THE—USA—MAY—STATION intermediary and SHORTER—RANGE—BALLISTIC—MISSILES in POLAND under THE—GUISE—OF—INTERCEPTORS, 1—RUSSIA—EXPERT said —THURSDAY.
20080712             RUSSIA must punish states hosting USA—MISSILE—SHIELD—ANALYST: RUSSIA must use economic and political means, and military ties with ASIA, to punish European states that agree to host USA—MISSILE—DEFENSE—ELEMENTS, 1—RUSSIA—POLITICAL—ANALYST said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20080712             FARC: Uribe plans to kill Chavez: FARC leader IVAN—MARQUEZ has alleged that PRESIDENT—URIBE plans to kill the Venezuelan and ECUADOR—LEADERS with 1—HELP from THE—USA.
20080712             —ASSASINATED, Forensics expert says EX—CHILE—PRESIDENT was :
20080712             1—COURT—FORENSICS—EXPERT said —YESTERDAY that in
20080712             BOLIVIA: USAID Expelled from Chapare: The mayors of Chapare province in CENTRAL—BOLIVIA have elected to expel USAID from their territory, 1—MOVE applauded by the country's PRESIDENT, Evo Morales.
20080712             Congress votes to immunize lawbreaking telecoms, legalize warrantless eavesdropping : BARACK—OBAMA joined EVERY—SENATE—REPUBLICAN (and EVERY—HOUSE—REPUBLICAN other than 1) by voting in favor of it, —WHILE his —NOW—VANQUISHED primary rival, SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON, voted against it.
20080712             —SHARED, JOHN—MCCAIN wasn't present for ANY—OF—THE—VOTES, but, OBAMA—SUPPORT for the bill.
20080712             USA—OFFICIALS can —NOW tap phones officially : Intelligence agents will be able to tap phones and INTERNET services without permission from 1—JUDGE and telecoms companies will also be protected from claims for damages from their bugged clients.
20080712             Foreclosures Rose 53% in June, BANK—SEIZURES—TRIPLE:
20080712             Fannie, Freddie `Insolvent' —AFTER Losses, POOLE Says : Fannie Mae shares tumbled 13 % —YESTERDAY in NEW—YORK to the lowest level in almost 14—YEARS.
20080712             Crisis wipes $1—TRILLION from financial stocks : USA financial companies have lost more than $1—TRILLION in value —THIS—YEAR, and yet another decline —ON—MONDAY shows concerns aren't going away soon.
20080712             Bernanke, Paulson outline strategy to make working class pay for WALL—STREET—CRISIS: In speeches delivered —TUESDAY, Federal Reserve BOARD—CHAIRMAN—BEN—BERNANKE and Treasury SECRETARY—HENRY—PAULSON outlined the ruthless class policy being carried out to place the burden for the financial and housing crisis on the backs of working people.
20080712             —ARMED, Security firms lose immunity in IRAQ deal: THE—IRAQI, services are likely to target WIDELY—HATED USA—SECURITY—CONTRACTORS—WHEN they lose their immunity to IRAQ—LAW under 1—NEW—AGREEMENT between THE—USA and THE—IRAQ.
20080712             THE—NEW—ERA—THE—MIDDLE—EAST is 1—REGION rife with petit geopolitics.
20080712             —SINCE the failure of the Ottoman Empire, the region has not hosted 1—INDIGENOUS—GRAND—PLAYER.
20080712             Instead, the region serves as 1—BATTLEGROUND for EXTRA—REGIONAL—GRAND—POWERS, all attempting to grind down the local (petit) players to better achieve their own aims.
20080712             THE—FBI—PLAN to 'Profile' Muslims
20080712             Corruption alters landscape for Uribe : —TODAY, 33—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS -- about 10—PERCENT—OF—COLOMBIA—HOUSE and Senate -- are in prison for colluding with paramilitary groups that terrorize rural areas and control profitable COCAINE—TRAFFICKING routes.
20080712             Another 10 % are under investigation, including the Senate PRESIDENT, and more cases are being added EVERY—MONTH.
20080712             Court to rule on MEXICO bid to halt USA—EXECUTIONS : THE—ICJ in THE—HAGUE ruled 20040000             that THE—USA had violated INTERNATIONAL law by failing to inform 51—MEXICANS on death row of their right to consular assistance and said the cases should be reviewed.
20080712             Government mulls Fannie Mae, FREDDIE—MAC takeover: report : THE—USA—GOVERNMENT may take over Fannie Mae and FREDDIE—MAC if their funding problems worsen, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES said —ON—FRIDAY, causing SHARES—OF—THE—MORTGAGE—FINANCE—COMPANIES to plunge.
20080712             Fannie, FREDDIE—MAY—NEED to Lose $77—BILLION 1. : Fannie Mae and FREDDIE—MAC shareholders, battered by losses of more than 80 % —THIS—YEAR, shouldn't bet on 1—IMMINENT—GOVERNMENT—BAILOUT—OF—THE biggest USA—MORTGAGE—FINANCE—COMPANIES.
20080712             —TORTURED, UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE—PAYS out £3m and issues grovelling apology to Iraqis, by UK—ARMY : THE—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE has agreed to pay almost £3—MILLION to THE—FAMILY—OF—1—IRAQ—WHO † —WHILE being detained by UK troops, and to 9—OTHER—MEN who were also allegedly mistreated.
20080712             Bush _impeachment_article_0710.html">Kucinich impeach BILL—CHARGES—BUSH 'fabricated threats';
20080712             Pelosi hints at possible hearing: Concerned that THE—35—ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT he introduced 1—MONTH ago might be too much for MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE—JUDICIARY Committee to handle all at once, REPRESENTATIVE—DENNIS—KUCINICH (D—OH) simplified things —THURSDAY.
20080712             ISRAEL hints at PRE—EMPTIVE ATTACK—ON—IRAN : From 1—USA—PERSPECTIVE, if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is to strike, it probably has to do so —BEFORE the general election campaign moves into high gear this —AUTUMN.
20080712             The possibility — many would say likelihood — that the next PRESIDENT will be the Democrat, BARACK—OBAMA, who favours negotiation with IRAN, only heightens the urgency for ANTI—IRAN hawks.
20080712             ISRAEL—BARAK, top general to visit USA—THIS—MONTH: ISRAEL—DEFENCE—MINISTER—EHUD—BARAK and armed forces CHIEF—LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—GABI—ASHKENAZI will separately visit WASHINGTON —THIS—MONTH for discussions on IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, diplomatic sources said —ON—FRIDAY.
20080712             —NEEDED, IRAN Tests show USA—SHIELD 'not ':
20080712             ISRAEL—JETS using IRAQ—AIRSPACE:
20080712             The activities + TRAFFIC—OF—WARPLANES—ESPECIALLY at NIGHTS—HAS lately increased in THE—USA—AIRBASES in Nasiriya SOUTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD + Haditha 1—CITY in THE—WEST—IRAQ PROVINCE—OF—AL—ANBAR, THE—IRAQ—RESIDENTS + sources said.
20080712             IRAQ denies IAF using its airspace: "As THE—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENSE, we haven't observed ANY—IAF warplanes practicing in IRAQ—AIRSPACE," said MAJOR—GENERAL—MOHAMMAD—AL—ASKARI, spokesman for THE—IRAQ—DEFENSE—MINISTRY.
20080712             Is There 1—OIL—SHORTAGE?
20080712             Why would our Energy SECRETARY say there's 1—SUPPLY and demand problem —WHEN none exists?
20080712             Why would he say that speculators have little or nothing to do with the incredibly high PRICE—OF—OIL and gasoline, —WHEN it's clear they do?
20080712             PRESIDENT—BUSH —1—FORMER—OILMAN—GIVES THE—EVER—GROWING demand for gasoline as the primary reason prices are so high, yet that notion can be dispelled with 1—MINUTE—OF—RESEARCH.
20080712             THE—SEETHING—THE—BULK—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE are struggling to make it —NOW and what happens —WHEN they reach the tipping point and no longer can?
20080712             The jig is up, the game is over, no more rebates, gimmicks, tax cuts or hollow promises.
20080712             The seething is —JUST the beginning.
20080712             It is THE—JOB—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT to insure domestic tranquility.
20080712             Permalink The top 5—LIES: Your choice for THE—OBI award
20080712             —TRIED, Remember —WHEN the progs all, to pretend that HILLARY—BOSNIA comment constituted THE—MOST IMPORTANT LIE IN HUMAN HISTORY?
20080712             —CHANGED, Well, things have.
20080712             —INFORMIERT, Unsere Junta : Sowohl die Gewerkschaftszugehörigkeit, als auch Daten zum Sexualleben und Informationen zur Rasse oder ethnischen Herkunft einer Person können in Ausnahmefällen von Relevanz für die Bekämpfung des internationalen Terrorismus sein.
20080712             Nee, klar.
20080712             MANCHE—SACHEN sind so sicher, da kann man seine Uhr nach stellen.
20080712             FRANKREICH: große Unterschiede zwischen abgegebenen und elektronisch ausgezählen Stimmen gefunden.
20080712             NA SOWAS.
20080712             Wahlmaschinen -- und dann wird damit betrogen?! UN—DENK—BAR!1!!
20080712             —FAILED, FACTBOX: How regulators take over, banks
20080712             NEW—YORK (Reuters) - Mortgage lender IndyMac Bancorp Inc was taken over by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp —ON—FRIDAY, becoming the 2.—LARGEST...
20080712             Thrift failure...EPA and global warming...—DAY care fire... | KXNet...
20080712             —SCUTTLED, KXMC, ND AP LOS—ANGELES (AP) The mortgage crisis has, IndyMac Bank.
20080712             —SEIZED, Federal regulators say they've, the thrift's assets, making it the 2. biggest.
20080712             —FAILED, IndyMac, BECAUSE—OF—LIQUIDITY—CRISIS prompting seizure by USA...
20080712             —HAPPENED, INDIA Daily, NJ What, to the IndyMac bank should work as 1—WAKE up call for all the mortgage investors and homeowners.
20080712             IndyMac Bancorp INCORPORATED is the 2. biggest.
20080712             FDIC closes IndyMac: 2. biggest bank failure in history BLOGGINGSTOCKS—BLOOMBERG News reports that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) closed down IndyMac Bancorp (NYSE: IMB), a $32—BILLION (Q1 20080000             assets)...
20080712             Chuck Schumer, BANK—KILLER—HOT—AIR, MD—FEDERAL—REGULATORS seized IndyMac —TODAY in the largest bank failure in decades.
20080712             THE—FDIC will reopen IndyMac —ON—MONDAY under its own control.
20080712             USA—REGULATORS to run IndyMac —UNTIL buyer found Straits TIMES—SINGAPORE—WASHINGTON—USA banking regulators —ON—FRIDAY swooped in to take over mortgage lender IndyMac Bancorp, the 2.—LARGEST bank failure in USA...
20080712             Thrift taken over...ZIMBABWE sanctions...Airport incident...
20080712             Reiten Television KXMB Bismarck, ND—AP LOS—ANGELES (AP) CUSTOMERS—OF—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA—BASED IndyMac Bank will have only limited access to their money this weekend.
20080712             The thrift's assets have...
20080712             FDIC takes over IndyMac assets News & Observer, NC—APCOMMENT on this story LOS—ANGELES—INDYMAC Bank succumbed to the pressures of tighter credit, tumbling home prices and rising foreclosures —FRIDAY...
20080712             —SEIZED, IndyMac Bank, by federal regulators LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, CA—THE—PASADENA—BASED thrift's failure is 2. in size only to 19840000             —THE failure of Continental ILLINOIS Bank.
20080712             IndyMac is latest credit turmoil casualty Financial TIMES—UK—BY JOANNA—CHUNG in NEW—YORK IndyMac Bank —ON—FRIDAY night became the biggest savings bank to fail in USA—HISTORY and the latest VICTIM—OF—THE—CREDIT—CRISIS as...
20080712             Government shuts down mortgage lender IndyMac THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—LOS—ANGELES (AP) — IndyMac BANK—ASSETS were seized by federal regulators —ON—FRIDAY—AFTER the mortgage lender succumbed to the pressures of tighter credit...
20080712             —FROM THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—CHICAGO TRIBUNE—USA—THE—PASADENA—BASED thrift's failure is the 2. biggest ever by 1—USA—BANK.
20080712             Doors will reopen —MONDAY.
20080712             —BY Kathy M. Kristof and ANDREA—CHANG | LOS—ANGELES.
20080712             RFE/RL IRAN Report
20080712             —ARGUED, USA—AMBASSADOR to BAKU STANLEY—ESCUDERO had, against cooperation with IRAN in THE—TRANSIT—OF—OIL, "Azadlyg" reported on
20080712             THE—CRUDE—DOCTRINE... THE—USA—MOST vociferously criticized by AZERBAIJAN—OPPOSITION—POLITICIANS and human rights monitors -- besides Armitage -- is STANLEY—ESCUDERO...
20080712             STANLEY—TUEMLER—ESCUDERO—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20080712             STANLEY—TUEMLER—ESCUDERO (b. 19420000             ) in DAYTONA—BEACH, FLORIDA.
20080712             —SERVED, He has, as USA—AMBASSADOR to TAJIKISTAN, 19920000—19950000    , USA—AMBASSADOR to UZBEKISTAN...
20080712             STANLEY—ESCUDERO—SOURCEWATCH Stanley " Stan " Escudero [1] is "PRESIDENT—OF—SHIELD—BEARER—LLC., 1—NEWLY—ESTABLISHED but already successful consulting firm based in AZERBAIJAN and FLORIDA...
20080712             Human Rights Without Frontiers, Int.
20080712             TransCaucasus: A Chronology | Volume VIII - 9 | - WAYNE—MADSEN—REPORT—HOME -
20080712             USA political objectives in THE—MIDDLE—EAST will Fail INTERNATIONAL Affairs, BP), DON—CONDON (PRESIDENT, CONOCO), STANLEY—ESCUDERO (Moncrief Oil Int.), NADER—FAHM (PRESIDENT—ALFACOM), ANDREW—FAWTHROP (VP, Unocal)...
20080712             In the past 10—YEARS, there have been 4—AMBASSADORS: HENRY—CLARK, STANLEY—ESCUDERO, JOSEPH—PRESEL and JOHN—HERBST.
20080712             —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—USA—MISSION... 20040000            .
20080712             CAPTURING the Pirate of PRAGUE / INTERNATIONAL Eurasian Institute...
20080712             Budget Reforms in UKRAINE and AZERBAIJAN -
20080712             THE—2—DAY—OUTBREAK—FIT the criteria for " mass sociogenic illness" (MSI) -- 1—CLUSTER—OF—NONSPECIFIC—SYMPTOMS with no known cause that can be transmitted...
20080712             Where does coincidence end and incident begin?
20080712             Were people crossing the Pacific long —BEFORE Europeans crossed the Atlantic?
20080712             Die Lebensmittelhersteller wissen, dass sie die Preise nicht erhöhen können, weil sonst die Kunden sauer werden.
20080712             Also packen sie einfach weniger Inhalt in die Packungen (natürlich ohne die Packungen zu verkleinern).
20080712             Krasse Scheiße: T—MOBILE fährt Simonym (Anbieter von anonymen SIM—KARTEN) runter.
20080712             Und zwar mit -- haltet euch fest --:
20080712             Die Anwälte des Konzerns werfen der Berliner Firma unumwunden die " Förderung der Vorbereitung terroristischer Handlungen " vor.
20080712             Ist das unglaublich oder was? Wenn ich T—MOBILE Kunde wäre -- —MORGEN wäre ich keiner mehr.
20080712             KARL—ROVE did not appear —BEFORE the House Judiciary Subcommittee -- and by failing to appear, he has defied subpoena.
20080712             If the House does not file contempt charges against Turdblossom, our CONGRESS—CRITTERS will advertise their impotence as unabashedly as BOB—DOLE ever did.
20080712             THE—SUBCOMMITTEE wants to tallk to Rove about THE—DON—SIEGELMAN scandal.
20080712             —RISKED, The fact that Rove has, contempt charges to avoid questioning tells you much.
20080712             —BEREITS—AM ereignete, vor allem deswegen, weil es die 4. Panne im Zusammenhang mit USA—ATOMWAFFEN ist.
20080712             Der Vorfall wurde von der Luftwaffe als ÄUß—ERST peinlich eingestuft.
20080712             Die Streitkräfte und die Nationale Sicherheitsbehörde lassen den Vorfall überprüfen.
20080712             Den Soldaten drohen nun drastische Sanktionen.
20080712             Laut der "NYT" fand der hochrangige CIA—BESUCH —BEREITS—AM—STATT.
20080712             Der Vizedirektor des Diensts, STEPHEN—R—KAPPES, habe unter anderem mit dem Premier, mehreren Generälen, einem EX—CHEF—DES PAKISTAN—GEHEIMDIENSTS ISI und dem gegenwärtigen ISI—CHEF gesprochen.
20080712             —BEGLEITET, Er wurde, vom Vorsitzenden der Vereinigten Teilstreitkräfte, Admiral MIKE—MULLEN.
20080712             Das Ziel des Besuchs war es offenbar, den Pakistanern klarzumachen, dass die CIA klare Erkenntnisse über Kooperation zwischen einzelnen ISI—MITARBEITERN und terroristischen Netzwerken in den PAKISTAN—STAMMESGEBIETEN hat.
20080712             THE—GUARDIAN
20080712             —FROM Obama to Cameron, why do so MANY—POLITICIANS want 1—PIECE—OF—RICHARD—THALER?
20080712             --> He then summed up their argument: "1—OF—THE—MOST important influences on people's behaviour is what other people do... with the right prompting we'll change our behaviour to fit in with what we see —AROUND us".
20080712             It was surely the best plug 2—CHICAGO academics with 1—BOOK about the obscure discipline of behavioural economics could hope for.
20080712             Thema / Seite 10—GEGEN den Todfeind "Hitler muß fallen, damit DEUTSCHLAND lebe!" — Berührungspunkte und Kontakte zwischen dem vor 65—JAHREN gegründeten Nationalkomitee "Freies DEUTSCHLAND" und den Verschwörern des 19440720             20080712             Thema / Seite 10—GEGEN den Todfeind "Hitler muß fallen, damit DEUTSCHLAND lebe!" — Berührungspunkte und Kontakte zwischen dem vor 65—JAHREN gegründeten Nationalkomitee "Freies DEUTSCHLAND" und den Verschwörern des 20080712             USA—JUDGE blocks gas drilling in MICHIGAN forest
20080712—18620000    —AB, waren die Ärzte der Unionstruppen angewiesen, "ALLE—ARTEN pathologischer Anatomie zu sammeln und einzusenden, die von Interesse für die Forschung in der Militärmedizin sein können, zusammen mit Gewehrkugeln und anderen entfernten Projektilen".
20080712—19640000    —IN, he hosted the "THE—LES—CRANE—SHOW," 1—LATE—NIGHT TV talk show on ABC that ran —FOR—4—MONTHS.
20080712—20010000    —SINCE, Book Cites Secret Red Cross Report of C.I.A. Torture of Qaeda Captives : Red Cross investigators concluded —LAST—YEAR in 1—SECRET—REPORT that THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—INTERROGATION—METHODS for HIGH—LEVEL—QAEDA prisoners constituted torture and could make THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS who approved them GUILTY—OF—WAR—CRIMES, according to 1—NEW—BOOK on counterterrorism efforts.
20080712—20070800    —IN, investigative JOURNALIST—JANE—MAYER reported in the New Yorker that 1—HIGHLY confidential report by THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS had found that interrogation methods used in CIA detention facilities were "
20080712—20080715    —DISCOVERED, Their bodies were.
20080714             "Our contention is, is that you did something for money which may have assisted 1—TERRORIST," an...
20080714             $2329040891. $2379792 ... Vinnell Corp. (Northrop Grumman).
20080714             —DEFENDED, DAVID—REMNICK, EDITOR—OF—THE—NEW—YORKER magazine, the newest satirical COVER—OF—THE—MAGAZINE by cartoonist BARRY—BLITT, which depicted SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA in Muslim garb and his wife as 1—AFRO—SPORTING—GUN packer.
20080714             —FACED, THOUSANDS—OF—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA workers, suspension and other disciplinary action for walking off their jobs despite 1—JUDGE—RULING—BARRING them from doing so.
20080714             The employees had been without 1—CONTRACT—SINCE January.
20080714             † IN—PENNSYLVANIA—LUIS—RAMIREZ, 25—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ILLEGAL—MEXICO—MIGRANT—WORKER, in Shenandoah —AFTER being beaten by white youths.
20080714             4—YOUNG—MEN were charged and found responsible for the fight, but MOST—OF—THE—FEDERAL—CHARGES against them were dropped.
20080714             —ACCUSED—OF, Local police were —LATER, tampering with evidence and witnesses or lying to THE—FBI.
20080714             Officer WILLIAM—MOYER was found GUILTY—OF—LYING to THE—FBI but was acquitted of 4—OTHER—COUNTS.
20080714             —ENGAGED, Officer JASON—HAYES, who's, to THE—MOTHER—OF—1—OF—RAMIREZ—ATTACKERS, was acquitted of both charges against him.
20080714             —CONVICTED, In all, the jury, on 2—OF 9—COUNTS.
20080714             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 7—INSURGENTS were, in fighting in Wanat, Nuristan province, where 9—USA—SOLDIERS were killed 1—DAY—EARLIER.
20080714             —CAPTURED, An "Arab terrorist" was, —DURING the operation.
20080714             —VOWED, BRITAIN, to increase pressure on ZIMBABWE—LEADERS by pushing for tougher EU sanctions and hunting down their assets —AROUND the world, —AFTER failing to secure bolstered UN action.
20080714             3—UK—MUSLIM men pleaded guilty to conspiring to cause explosions, PART—OF—1—PLAN—PROSECUTORS say would have involved smuggling liquid bombs onto airliners with the intention of blowing them up MID—FLIGHT.
20080714             1—CHINA—MIGRANT—WORKER at the Shuangqiao Garden Plaza in Wenshan county killed 1—PERSON and stabbed 9—OTHERS—AFTER discovering his savings of 2,600 yuan ($380) had been swapped for counterfeit notes —WHILE he visited 1—PROSTITUTE.
20080714             —KILLED, 1—EXPLOSION at 1—MINE in NORTH—HEBEI province, 34—MINERS and 1—RESCUE worker.
20080714             —FACED, GREECE—POLICE said 9—UK—WOMEN, prostitution charges —AFTER being arrested at the weekend for taking part in 1—ORAL—SEX—COMPETITION in THE—GREECE—HOLIDAY—ISLAND—OF—ZAKYNTHOS.
20080714             6—BRITISH and 6—GREECE—MEN, including 2—BAR—OWNERS, were also charged in the incident, which took place at Laganas beach.
20080714             —INVESTIGATED, Prosecutors said at least 35—PEOPLE are being.
20080714             —LOCKED, MALAYSIA—POLICE, down PARLIAMENT with roadblocks and massive security to prevent opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and his supporters from attending 1—KEY—DEBATE.
20080714             MEXICO, COMMANDER—GERARDO—VALDES, the head of kidnapping and organized crime investigations in the border STATE—OF—COAHUILA, was seized by at least 6—MEN—WHEN he was driving in SALTILLO.
20080714             —UNIDENTIFIED, An, man called police and said that Valdes had been grabbed by the Juarez Cartel.
20080714             PERU, 1—NEW—LAW went into effect allowing couples who agree upon alimony, child custody and DIVISION—OF—ASSETS to seek divorce from 1 qualified notary or municipality.
20080714             —DESIGNED, It was, to track satellites and even FRAGMENTS—OF—SPACE—DEBRIS.
20080714             SOUTH—KOREA said it will recall its ambassador from JAPAN over 1 rekindled debate about disputed islands between the countries, as the new SEOUL government seeks to lift its sagging popularity at home with 1—APPEAL to nationalism.
20080714             SPAIN—BIGGEST bank, SANTANDER, said it had reached agreement to buy UK—LENDER—ALLIANCE and LEICESTER in 1—ALL—SHARE—DEAL worth 1.26—BILLION pounds (1.57—BILLION euros) as it continues its push into THE—UK—MARKET.
20080714             —ANNOUNCED, SPAIN—CONSTRUCTION—GIANT—MARTINSA—FADESA, in 1—FILING with SPAIN—STOCK—MARKET—REGULATORS that it is seeking protection from creditors.
20080714             —FILED, THE—PROSECUTOR—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT, genocide charges against SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, accusing him of masterminding attempts to wipe out AFRICA—TRIBES in Darfur with 1—CAMPAIGN—OF—MURDER, rape and deportation.
20080714             —MARKED, The filing, the 1. time prosecutors at the world's 1. permanent, global war crimes court have issued charges against 1—SITTING—HEAD—OF—STATE.
20080714             —INDICTED, TURKEY, prosecutors, 86—SECULAR—TURKS, including HIGH—RANKING—EX—MILITARY—OFFICIALS, on terrorism charges for their alleged involvement in plots to topple THE—ISLAMIC—ROOTED government.
20080714             —SUSPECTED—OF, They were, being PART—OF—ERGENEKON, 1—ULTRA—NATIONALIST—GANG bent on overthrowing THE—AKP government.
20080714             VIETNAM, Dayana MENDOZA, Miss VENEZUELA, was crowned Miss Universe 20080000             in 1—CONTEST marked by THE—SPECTACLE—OF—MISS—USA falling down —DURING the —EVENING gown competition for the 2. —YEAR in 1—ROW.
20080714             AL—KAIDA ist überall!1!! CHINA erschießt 5—TERRORISTEN, verwundet 2, verhaftet 9—UND findet in der Wohnung... ein paar Messer.
20080714             Also, äh, in meiner Wohnung gibt es auch Messer.
20080714             Aber hey, das waren AL—KAIDA—TERRORISTEN!1!!
20080714             Wie die Tage vorher gesagt: Die USA—JUNTA wirft mit Geld nach Fannie Mae und Freedie Mac.
20080714             Natürlich legt der TREASURY—HAUPTMANN Paulson Wert auf die Ansage, es handele sich nicht um 1—NATIONALISIERUNG, aber wenn man sich das mal anguckt... was denn sonst?!
20080714             Wenn die Contentmafia heult, dass die Filesharer den Künstlern das Einkommen kaputt machen, dann müßt ihr an Meldungen wie diese denken: LYLE—LOVETT hat in den 20—JAHREN seiner Karriere 4,6 Millionen Alben verkauft, aber keinen Cent von der Plattenfirma dafür gekriegt.
20080714             Staatendomino: Vatikan wegen schwachem Dollar in den Miesen:-)
20080714             "Es ist eine rechtliche und politische Frage, wie hoch die Auswirkungen sein müssen, um den EINSATZ—DES—CLEAN—AIR—ACTS zu rechtfertigen", sagte 1—VERTRETER eines Koordinationsrates der Stromerzeuger, SCOTT—SEGAL.
20080714             Niemand bezweifle, dass in einer Hitzewelle Menschen ums Leben kämen.
20080714             Die Frage sei, ob dies 1—FOLGE von Menschen verursachter Treibhausgase sei.
20080714             Kein Handeln ohne Gesetz
20080714             Die USA—REGIERUNG will trotz der neuen Studien jedoch nicht aktiv werden: Sie hat die neue STUDIE—DES—UMWELTMINISTERIUMS —BEREITS—AM—FREITAG zurückgewiesen und die geforderten Konsequenzen abgelehnt.
20080714             Das Argument: Es gebe —DERZEIT kein Gesetz, das sich ausschließlich mit dem Klimawandel befasse.
20080714             Das —BEREITS bestehende Gesetz zur Luftreinhaltung, der Clean Air Act, sei demnach nicht das richtige Werkzeug, um gegen den Klimawandel vorzugehen.
20080714             Auch JONATHAN—SHRADAR, SPRECHER—DES—UMWELTMINISTERIUMS, argumentiert ähnlich: Der wissenschaftliche Befund sei klar und der Klimawandel ein wichtiges Problem, eine "überstürzte Entscheidung auf Grundlage des falschen Gesetzes" - dem "Clean Air Act" von 19700000             - solle aber nicht getroffen werden.
20080714             Im Jahrhundertsommer 20030000             starben in EUROPA zahlreiche Menschen an HERZ—KREISLAUF—VERSAGEN:
20080714             Berechnungen des Earth Policy Institute (EPI) in WASHINGTON hatten damals ergeben, dass allein in 8—EUROPÄISCHEN Ländern rund 35.000—MENSCHEN der Hitze zum Opfer gefallen waren.
20080714             Der am —MONTAG in WASHINGTON vorgestellte, 149—SEITEN umfassende Bericht ist einer von mittlerweile zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Analysen, die der Frage nachgehen, wie sich die Erderwärmung auf die GESUNDHEIT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG auswirkt.
20080714             Während VIELE—STAATEN die Konsequenzen anerkennen, hat das Weiße Haus in der Vergangenheit sogar versucht,
20080714             solche Berichte abzuschwächen.
20080714             Die REGIERUNG—VON—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH vertritt —BISHER den Standpunkt, der Klimawandel habe keine direkten Auswirkungen auf die GESUNDHEIT—VON—MENSCHEN.
20080714             Einen solchen Zusammenhang anzuerkennen, würde bedeuten, dass die Regierung gesetzliche Maßnahmen zur Begrenzung des Ausstoßes von Treibhausgasen ergreifen müsste.
20080714             Das hat sie —BISHER abgelehnt.
20080714             Die Wissenschaftler des Umweltministeriums erklärten nun, die Gefahren für die Gesundheit nähmen mit Ausmaß und Schnelligkeit des Klimawandels zu.
20080714             Die globale Erwärmung sei UNMISSVERSTÄNDLICH—UND die Menschen seien dafür verantwortlich.
20080714             —ESTIMATED, THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT originally, that oil —THIS—YEAR would cost $91 1—BARREL;
20080714             military services are currently paying nearly $171 1—BARREL
20080714             WILLIAM—C—ANDERSON, 1—ASSISTANT—AIR—FORCE—SECRETARY who oversees energy issues, said commanders were trying to encourage 1—CULTURE—CHANGE, giving fuel efficiency higher priority.
20080714             "We are getting our teams to think about saving energy —WHILE still doing the mission," he said.
20080714             The skyrocketing fuel cost has been particularly difficult for THE—AIR—FORCE.
20080714             In recent years THE—AIR—FORCE, the largest USER—OF—FUEL in THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, had intended to pay for new planes by reducing the number of airmen.
20080714             But the increase in fuel prices ate up those savings.
20080714             Soon, other services may face the same squeeze and suffer the cancellation or delay of significant equipment programs as 1—RESULT—OF—FUEL—PRICE—INCREASES.
20080714             —ACTED, Sacked diplomat ` for MI6' | Independent, The (LONDON) | Find...
20080714             —ACCEPTED, He allegedly, pounds 5000—FROM Mehrdrad Ansari Shirazi, 1—IRAN—BUSINESSMAN whom police —LATER described as 1—TERRORIST and suspected gun runner.
20080714             —1— - Diplomat in bribe dismissal alleges COVER—UP by MI6 | Independent...
20080714             —SUSPECTED, Officers told him that Ansari was a " GUN—RUNNER ".
20080714             Analysts say that drug smugglers and gunrunners like Ansari are increasingly sponsoring religious terrorism —SINCE it gives them more protection.20080714             What Corruption?
20080714             Kellogg Brown & Root (Halliburton).
20080714             48074442. - 8517247. - BearingPoint INCORPORATED 143683885. - 4949139.
20080714             VINNELL—BROWN & ROOT—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20080714             VINNELL—BROWN & Root is 1—JOINT—VENTURE—OF—VINNELL Corporation (Northrup Grumman) and Brown & Root Services (Halliburton) who provide base maintenance...
20080714             Komplott in der TÜRKEI: STAATSANWALT klagt 86—UMSTÜRZLER an
20080714             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Brown treibt ATOM—REVIVAL voran
20080714             Vermarktung: Fußballclubs wollen ihre Unabhängigkeit zurück
20080714             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Gier nach Land"
20080714             DEUTSCHLAND—BESUCH: Streit um BERLIN—REDE wird für Obama zum Wahlkampfproblem
20080714             Rote Zahlen: Sozialversicherungen weiten Verluste aus
20080714             USA—WAHLKAMPF: Obamas Vorsprung auf McCain schmilzt
20080714             —PRODUZIERT, Rekord: Galaxie, Tausende neue Sterne pro —JAHR
20080714             Kämpfe in AFGHANISTAN: Schwerste USA—VERLUSTE —SEIT—3—JAHREN
20080714             Flaue Konjunktur: DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT schrumpft erstmals —SEIT—4—JAHREN
20080714             Rettungsplan: USA—REGIERUNG will Milliarden in Hypothekenbanken pumpen
20080714             MAROKKO: Marrakesch bangt um seine Palmen
20080714             Auch Strafverfolgungsbehörden sind —BEREITS auf die Erfindung aufmerksam GEWORDEN—SIE versprechen sich Aufschluss darüber, was in den Köpfen von Verdächtigen vorgeht.
20080714             "Epoc kann sicher als ein ziemlich genauer Lügendetektor eingesetzt werden", ist Le überzeugt.
20080714             "Wenn man zum Beispiel etwas —SCHON mal gesehen hat, dann kann man das nicht verbergen. Das Gehirn erinnert sich".
20080714             "Es gibt einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen den Gedanken und dem, was auf dem Bildschirm passiert", sagt Le.
20080714             "Die alte Fantasievorstellung, Gegenstände allein mit Gedanken bewegen zu können, wird wahr".
20080714             —FUNKTIONIERT, Es, tatsächlich: Nach einem kurzen Training reicht 1—GEDANKE, um Objekte auf dem Monitor zu drehen, in eine bestimmte Richtung zu ziehen oder verschwinden zu lassen.
20080714             Auch Stimmungen und Gesichtsausdrücke kann das neue Gerät erkennen.
20080714             DAVID—VAUGHAN vom GROSSBRITANNIEN—ANTARKTISPROGRAMM BAS sagte, —BIS vor wenigen Jahren hätten Forscher dem WILKINS—EISSCHELF noch 30—JAHRE gegeben.
20080714             Nun stelle sich heraus, dass dieser Zeitraum viel zu lang gewesen sei.
20080714             Nun - Nun müsse man sich möglicherweise auch im Inland auf eine neue Gefahrenlage einstellen.
20080714             Die Regierung in BERLIN wies zugleich Vorwürfe wegen einer fehlenden Reisewarnung für das Entführungsgebiet in der Osttürkei zurück.
20080714             —BIS zu der Entführung habe es keine Auffälligkeiten in der Region gegeben, hieß es.
20080714             Deshalb sei das Gebiet —BIS dahin auch nicht in die Warnungen aufgenommen worden.
20080714             Der Führungskader der PKK hatte die Bundesregierung nach Informationen des SPIEGEL —BEREITS gut 1—WOCHE vor der Entführung vor "negativen Konsequenzen" ihrer Kurdenpolitik gewarnt
20080714             Offenbar denken die Planer von PRÄSIDENT—BUSH darüber nach, ab September deutlich mehr USA—SOLDATEN aus dem IRAK nach Hause zu holen als —BISHER geplant.
20080714             Heftiger Regen: Unwetter richtet Schäden in Teilen Europas an
20080714             Neurowissenschaft: Gehirnströme steuern neues Videospiel
20080714             —DISTANZIERT, Osttürkei: PKK—SPITZE, sich von Entführung DEUTSCHLAND—BERGSTEIGER
20080714             USA—BERICHT: Bush erwägt beschleunigten IRAK—RÜCKZUG
20080714             ANTARKTIS: WILKINS—SCHELFEIS droht schneller Abbruch
20080714             17.05—UHR: Lust an der Beschimpfung scheint überhaupt 1—GRUNDVORAUSSETZUNG zu sein, um zu bloggen.
20080714             Man muss nur mal lesen, wie sie gegenseitig aufeinander einprügeln.
20080714             (SPIEGEL—AUTOR) HENRYK—M—BRODER etwa nennt in seinen privaten ONLINE—ATTACKEN STEFAN—NIGGEMEIER "Schweinchen Schlau", "Korinthenkacker" und "Sesselpupser", weil der ihm ein paar Ungenauigkeiten angekreidet hatte.
20080714             Niggemeier antwortet mit dem Beitrag: "Gehirnfasten mit HENRYK—M—BRODER".
20080714             In den USA erscheint auf dem Cover des New Yorkers die kontroverse Karikatur THE—POLITICS—OF—FEAR—VON—BARRY—BLITT, die Barack und MICHELLE—OBAMA als Terroristen darstellt.
20080714—19810000    —SINCE, PRESIDENT—BUSH lifted the presidential moratorium on offshore drilling, however Congress has renewed its ban on drilling EVERY—YEAR and top Democrats said it will do so again —THIS—YEAR.
20080714—20040000    —SINCE, RUSSIA agreed to write off $242—MILLION in TAJIKISTAN debt and take CONTROL—OF—THE—OKNO mountaintop station, operational.
20080714—20091100    —IN, officials at the mine were charge with moving dead bodies, destroying evidence and paying journalists 2.6—MILLION yuan ($380,000) not to report the explosion.
20080714—20100000    —CONVICTED, Derrick Donchak and BRANDON—PIEKARSKY were, for 1—FEDERAL hate crime.
20080714—20100000    —IN, 1—JOURNALIST was sentenced to 16—YEARS in prison for taking bribes to help cover up the disaster, which took place —JUST—3—WEEKS—BEFORE THE—BEIJING Olympics.
20080714—20110000    —IN, former police CHIEF—MATTHEW—NESTOR was found GUILTY—OF—FALSIFYING his police report, 1—CHARGE that carries up to 20—YEARS in prison.
20080717             —INVOLVED, 1—ORGANIZATION claiming to represent groups, in SOUTH—THAILAND—MUSLIM insurgency announced it will end all violence in the region as of 20080714            .
20080718—20080712    —THREATENED, THE—TALIBAN, to begin executing hostages captured unless the government releases their comrades.
20080806—20080712    —ACCUSED—OF, USA, backing terrorism in PAKISTAN : Quoting "impeccable official sources", THE—NEWS reported —ON—TUESDAY that "strong evidence and circumstantial EVIDENCE—OF—USA—ACQUIESCENCE to terrorism inside PAKISTAN" was outlined by PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, army CHIEF—GENERAL—ASHFAQ—PERVEZ—KAYANI and INTER—SERVICES—INTELLIGENCE (ISI) CHIEF—LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—NADEEM—TAJ in separate meetings with 2—SENIOR—USA—OFFICIALS in ISLAMABAD.
20090000             J—IM des AMTS—ANTRITTS—VON—BARACK—OBAMA, lag dieser Wert noch bei 64 %.
20090118—20090714    —ON, divers recovered nearly 1—TON of unrefined silver from the ship easing suspicions about insurance claims on the vessel.
20090518—20090712    —ON, LITHUANIA, PRESIDENT.-elect Dalia Grybauskaite said she would consider replacing up to 5—MINISTERS in PRIME—MINISTER—ANDRIUS—KUBILIUS' CENTER—RIGHT—CABINET—AFTER she takes office.
20090604             The legislation takes effect 20090714             and retains 1—EXISTING—BAN on consuming alcohol —WHILE carrying 1—HANDGUN.
20090617—20090712    —ON, 3—OF—THE—MEN were rescued.
20090712             —ARRESTED, He was, late the same —DAY.
20090712             —KILLED, BEN—NOVACK—JUNIOR, 53—JAHRE—ALT was, in 1—NY hotel room.
20090712             THE—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO held elections.
20090712             —ENJOYED, Hondurans, their 1. night of unfettered freedom in —2—WEEKS—AFTER the interim government lifted 1—CURFEW imposed —FOLLOWING THE—OUSTER—OF—PRESIDENT—MANUEL—ZELAYA.
20090712             —KILLED, INDIA—MAOISTS, at least 30—POLICEMEN, including 1—SENIOR—OFFICER, in 2—SEPARATE ambushes in THE—EAST—STATE—OF—CHHATTISGARH.
20090712             1—SECTION—OF—1—BRIDGE being built for THE—NEW—DELHI metro rail system collapsed, crushing to death 5—WORKERS and injuring 13 in 1—MAJOR—SETBACK to the project that officials hope to complete —BEFORE 20100000             —THE Commonwealth Games.
20090712             —KILLED, INDONESIA—GUNMEN, 1—SECURITY—GUARD working for USA mining conglomerate Freeport, then ambushed police responding to the attack blamed on separatist rebels in 1—OF—INDONESIA—MOST underdeveloped and remote regions.
20090712             5—IRAN—OFFICIALS held in IRAQ for more than 2—YEARS by USA—FORCES returned home —AFTER THE—USA released them under pressure from THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT.
20090712             —INCLUDED, —AT—THE—TIME, USA—AUTHORITIES said the men, the operations CHIEF and other MEMBERS—OF—IRAN—ELITE—QUDS Force, which is accused of arming and training IRAQ—MILITANTS.
20090712             —KILLED, IRAQ, bombings in or near churches, at least 4—PEOPLE, including 1—THAT happened as worshippers were leaving Mass in EAST—BAGHDAD.
20090712             —REPORTED, It was, that BELOW—AVERAGE rainfall and insufficient water in the Euphrates and Tigris rivers have left IRAQ bone dry for a 2. straight —YEAR, wrecking SWATHS—OF—FARM—LAND, threatening drinking water supplies and intensifying fierce sandstorms that have coated the country in brown dust.
20090712             —RESULTED, THE—SEVERITY—OF—THE—DROUGHT has, in 1—TESTY water dispute between IRAQ and TURKEY, which has built 5—DAMS along the Euphrates upstream from where it enters WEST—IRAQ.
20090712             † In KYRGYZSTAN GOVERNMENT—CRITIC—ALMAZ—TASHIYEV[TASHIEV] of complications from head injuries —AFTER surgery.
20090712             Relatives said GOVERNMENT—CRITIC—ALMAZ—TASHIYEV[TASHIEV] told them —BEFORE the operation that he had been beaten by 8—POLICE—OFFICERS—EARLIER in the —WEEK.
20090712             GOVERNMENT—CRITIC—ALMAZ—TASHIYEV[TASHIEV] His death came —AFTER 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS—ON—REPORTERS and shortly —BEFORE next —WEEK—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, reinforcing concerns about the risks faced by independent journalists in THE—CENTRAL—ASIA—NATION.
20090712             —ARRESTED, JUNIOR—LIEUTENANT—SHUKURBEK—NURMATOV was, 20090716             on suspicion of being involved in the beating.
20090712             —CAPTURED, MEXICO—FEDERAL—AGENTS, 2—SUSPECTS in connection with 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS—ON—FEDERAL—FORCES across Michoacan state that left 5—OFFICERS and 2—SOLDIERS—DEAD.
20090712             NIGERIA—REBELS took their battle with the government into the country's main city, targeting 1—OIL—TANKER loading facility in LAGOS harbor in 1 unprecedented attack there.
20090712             —KILLED, At least 8—MILITANTS were.
20090712             1—MILITARY—STATEMENT described continued REPORTS—OF—UNREST in the Swat valley, including 1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED bomb that wounded 7—TRIBAL—POLICE—OFFICERS in the past 24—HOURS.
20090712             SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES with THE—HELP—OF—AFRICA—UNION—TANKS fought Islamic militants in the capital, with clashes killing at least 7—PEOPLE.
20090712             —KILLED, Witnesses said DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE were, and some 150 wounded.
20090712             —INJURED, SPAIN, 10—PEOPLE were, 2—OF—THEM seriously, in the Pamplona bull run, —2—DAYS—AFTER 1—MAN was gored to death by 1—BULL.
20090712             —HARPOONED, SWITZERLAND—POLICE divers, 1—ZANDER fish, which was 70—CENTIMETERS (2—FEET 3—INCHES) long and weighed 8—KILOS (17.5—POUNDS), —AFTER it bit 6—SWIMMERS over the weekend in Lac Majeur.
20090712             —CONFIRMED—THAILAND—SWINE—FLU—DEATH—TOLL, ROSE to 18 as the government, 3—MORE fatalities and opened 1—VACCINE—PLANT to prevent TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—INFECTIONS across the country.
20090712             Hafenstadt Patras: GRIECHENLAND—BEHÖRDEN planieren FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGER
20090712             STREIT—UM—KUNDEN—DATEN: USA und UBS wollen Prozess verschieben
20090712             "Atomkraft, nein danke!" heißt —HEUTE "Energiewende, ja bitte!"
20090712             —EXISTIERT, Auch nach 50—JAHREN ziviler Nutzung der ATOM—ENERGIE, weltweit kein Endlager.
20090712             Im Gegenteil, das DEUTSCHLAND—MODELLLAGER Asse stellt —DERZEIT das größte Problem dar.
20090712             hat der Bundesverband der Verbraucherzentrale berechnet, dass
20090712             —BEREITS der Austausch einer einzigen 60—WATT—GLÜHBIRNE durch 1—ENERGIESPARLAMPE einen Haushalt finanziell mehr entlastet als längere Laufzeiten für DEUTSCHLAND—ATOMKRAFTWERKE
20090712             Die Meiler liefern Strom, aber keine Wärme.
20090712             Pro erzeugter Kilowattstunde Strom werden 2—KILOWATTSTUNDEN Wärme verschwendet.
20090712             Fortschritt und Innovation sind aus Prinzip nicht im Interesse der Profiteure des Status quo.
20090712             1—LAUFZEITVERLÄNGERUNG brächte der Atomwirtschaft jeden —TAG einen Gewinn von —BIS zu einer Millionen Euro pro Anlage und —BIS zu 200—MILLIARDEN insgesamt.
20090712             Das erklärt die Hartnäckigkeit der Konzerne trotz Unterschrift unter dem Atomausstieg.
20090712             Innovationsdruck sieht anders aus.
20090712             für eine andere Wirtschaftsweise
20090712             Die Herausforderung —HEUTE ist, den gewachsenen Bewusstseinswandel hin zu einer kritischen Haltung zur sozial und ökologisch blinden Wachstumsideologie mit den neuen Möglichkeiten für eine andere Wirtschaftsweise zu verbinden.
20090712             —VERÄNDERT, Die Realitäten haben sich in den letzten 50—JAHREN.
20090712             Die Kolumnistin Cora Stephan folgte diesem Ansatz in einem Beitrag für SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20090712             Die Freunde der Atomkraft projizieren ihre Sehnsüchte offensichtlich auf die trügerische Hoffnung, die Aufbruchstimmung der fünfziger Jahre kehre in gleicher Gestalt zurück.
20090712             Rueda war am —SAMSTAG um 5—UHR —MORGENS festgenommen worden.
20090712             Nur Minuten später begann 1—GRUPPE von mehr als 2—DUTZEND Männern, die Polizeistation mit Granaten und Gewehren zu attackieren.
20090712             —SEIT—ANFANG des Jahres sind in MEXIKO mehr als 3200—PERSONEN im Drogenkrieg getötet worden
20090712             Wirtschaftskrise: DEUTSCHLAND—INDUSTRIE rechnet mit Exporterholung
20090712             Gesundheitsstudie: Experten fordern totales Rauchverbot für USA—MILITÄR
20090712             Kommentar zur ATOM—DEBATTE: Warum Kernkraft DEUTSCHLAND schwächt
20090712             MEXIKO: Blutiger Großangriff der Drogenkartelle
20090712             UNRUHE—PROVINZ Xinjiang: CHINA verstärkt Sicherheitsmaßnahmen am Trauertag
20090712             Jobverlust: ARBEITSAGENTUR—VORSTAND fordert ZWEIKLASSEN—HARTZ—IV
20090712             RIO—TINTO—AFFÄRE: AUSTRALIEN warnt CHINA vor wirtschaftlichen Folgen
20090712             1—SPECIAL recipient of Rockefeller funding was the Kaiser WILHELM—INSTITUTE for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics in BERLIN.
20090712             Hitler even wrote 1—FAN letter to USA—EUGENIC—LEADER—MADISON—GRANT calling his RACE—BASED eugenics book, THE—PASSING of the Great Race his "bible".
20090712             Und sie haben 1—GESAMTZAHL:
20090712             IRLAND, ist Gotteslästerung —JETZT strafbar, und kostet —BIS zu 25.000—EURO.
20090712             —REDUZIERT, Und das ist —SCHON, ursprünglich wollten sie 100.000—EURO Strafe haben.
20090712             Und wißt ihr was? Die sind in der EU!
20090712             DIE! Sind in der EU!! Und wir haben einen Europäischen Haftbefehl!
20090712             so Schreiber.
20090712             —AM—FREITAG war er vor dem Obersten Gericht der Provinz ONTARIO mit seinem jüngsten Einspruch gegen seine Auslieferung gescheitert.
20090712             Die Staatsanwaltschaft AUGSBURG wirft ihm unter anderem Steuerhinterziehung und im Zusammenhang mit FUCHS—SPÜRPANZER—UND AIRBUS—VERMITTLUNGSGESCHÄFTEN Bestechung vor
20090712             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: CO2-frei hört sich gut an.
20090712             Aber Sie zählen dazu auch die Atomkraft. Mastiaux: Korrekt.
20090712             —GEHÖRT, Die Kernenergie, zu einem vernünftigen Mix dazu.
20090712             Sonst lassen sich Klimaschutz, Versorgungssicherheit und bezahlbare Preise nicht in Einklang bringen.
20090712             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Der Anteil des reinen Ökostroms am E.ON—ERZEUGUNGSMIX ist bescheiden...
20090712             Mastiaux: Wind und Sonne machen gegenwärtig rund 3 % aus.
20090712             SYRIEN: Forscher entdecken mehr als 100.000—JAHRE alte Werkzeuge
20090712             Schmiergeldskandal: EX—LOBBYIST Schreiber rechnet nicht mit Auslieferung
20090712             E.ON—MANAGER Mastiaux: "Wir steigen schrittweise auf erneuerbare Energien um"
20090712             Meinung des Autors und nicht die der F.A.Z.-Redaktion
20090712             —PROFITIERT, Zum Thema Rheinmetall, von robustem Rüstungsbereich RHEINMETALL—AKTIE auf Rekordhoch FAZ_NET—SPEZIAL:
20090712             MDax erstmals fünfstellig RHEINMETALL—AKTIE ungebrochen im Aufwärtstrend RHEINMETALL—AKTIE zeigt sich solide
20090712             Die PALÄSTINENSER—REGIERUNG lehnt allerdings auch einen begrenzten Ausbau der ISRAEL—SIEDLUNGEN im Westjordanland ab.
20090712             "Es gibt keine Zwischenlösung in der Siedlungsfrage", sagte der PALÄSTINA—CHEF—UNTERHÄNDLER Saeb Erekat am —SONNTAG.
20090712             —GESTOPPT, Der Siedlungsausbau müsse umgehend, werden.
20090712             Darauf habe PALÄSTINENSER—PRÄSIDENT—MAHMUD—ABBAS in einem Brief an USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA am —SAMSTAG beharrt.
20090712             Die Leser und die Presse sind BEGEISTERT—WOHL auch, weil VIELE—PAKISTANER—ZIA—UL—HAQ für einen schlechten Herrscher halten, dessen Vermächtnis,
20090712             dazu gehören die Aufrüstung und Unterstützung der Taliban im Kampf gegen die Sowjets in AFGHANISTAN, —BIS—HEUTE nachwirkt.
20090712             Seine POLITIK—UND die der USA—REGIERUNG unter RONALD—REAGAN—HAT die Taliban —ERST stark gemacht.
20090712             Wie die Taliban ließ auch UL—HAQ öffentliche Hinrichtungen und Auspeitschungen zu.
20090712             Als er mit seiner C—130—HERCULES abstürzte, gab es Menschen, die in den Straßen tanzten.
20090712             PAKISTAN—VON—GENERAL—ZIA—UL—HAQ, jenem FANATISCH—RELIGIÖSEN Herrscher, der sich 19770000             an die Macht putschte.
20090712             Gleichzeitig gerät die ehemalige USA—REGIERUNG wegen weiterer ANTI—TERROR—MAßNAHMEN unter Druck.
20090712             —AM—FREITAG war 1—UNTERSUCHUNGSBERICHT bekanntgeworden, der das
20090712             Holder will laut " WASHINGTON—POST " seine Entscheidung fällen, wenn sein Ministerium in einigen Wochen einen Bericht über Juristen der Vorgängerregierung von GEORGE—W—BUSH vorlegt, die sich für harte Verhörmethoden ausgesprochen hatten.
20090712             Dalai Lama: Man braucht Geld, um zu leben, auch ich benötige es.
20090712             JEDER—LIEBT—GELD.
20090712             Aber neben dem Geld gibt es andere Werte
20090712             Foltervorwürfe: USA—JUSTIZMINISTER erwägt Ermittlungen gegen CIA
20090712             —ATTACKIERT, Generationengerechtigkeit: Steuerzahlerbund, Rentengarantie
20090712             Dalai Lama über die Krise: "JEDER—LIEBT—GELD"
20090712             "Die ZAHL—DER—TODESOPFER zeigt, dass wir es entweder richtig oder gar nicht machen sollten".
20090712             "GROSSBRITANNIEN hat eine außerordentliche Rolle in dieser Koalition gespielt und verstanden, dass wir weder AFGHANISTAN noch PAKISTAN einen sicheren Zufluchtsort für AL—QAIDA sein lassen können", sagte der USA—PRÄSIDENT.
20090712             Schließlich habe das Terrornetzwerk sowohl in NEW—YORK als auch in LONDON Anschläge verübt.
20090712             LONDON—DIESER —SOMMER wird "ein harter Kampf werden":
20090712             Obama über AFGHANISTAN: "Dies ist keine USA—MISSION"
20090712—19680000    —BIS, Auch das Deutschlandradio hat —JETZT was zu der Postzensur der Bundesrepublik.
20090712—20090404    —KILLED, His mother was, at her FORT—LAUDERDALE home —3—MONTHS—EARLIER.
20090712—20090709    —HANDED, They were, over to IRAQ—OFFICIALS.
20090712—20090816    —SENTENCED, Mitchell was, to 35—YEARS in prison.
20090712—20110000    —TESTIFIED, Mitchell, he did not kill Keller and had fought off 2—ATTACKERS at her home on THE—DAY—OF—HER—DEATH.
20090712—20110712    —CONVICTED—OF, Mitchell was, 1. degree murder.
20090712—20120000    —IN, Narcy Novack (55), THE—FORT—LAUDERDALE WIFE—OF—BEN, and her brother, Cristobal Veliz (58), were found guilty in White Plains, NY, of orchestrating the murders in 1—GRAB for the family estate.
20090712—20121217    —SENTENCED, Narcy Novack was, to life in prison.
20090714             —DECLARED, Episcopalians meeting in ANAHEIM, NY, gays and lesbians eligible any ordained ministry.
20090714             Exxon Mobil said it would put $300—MILLION into 1—EFFORT to create 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—BIOFUELS, and to add $300—IF plans with Synthetic Genomics, 1—S—DIEGO firm under CRAIG—VENTER, proved successful.
20090714             —SERVED, THE—S—ANTHONY—FREE—MEAL—PROGRAM currently, nearly 2,600 meals per —DAY.
20090714             —PROPOSED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—ACCOUNTING—STANDARDS—BOARD (IASB), to put all financial assets into 2—BUCKETS.
20090714             Loans and securities would be in 1 and held at cost;
20090714             all others would be in another and held at fair value.
20090714             AFGHANISTAN, 1—NATO—CONTRACTED helicopter was shot down killing 6—UKRAINE—CREW members on BOARD and 1—AFGHANISTAN—CHILD on the ground in Helmand province.
20090714             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 1—ITALY—SOLDIER and wounded 3—OTHERS in WEST—AFGHANISTAN.
20090714             Another roadside blast hit 1—CIVILIAN—VEHICLE in Uruzgan province, killing 3—PEOPLE and wounded 6—OTHERS.
20090714             —SEARCHED, USA—COALITION and AFGHANISTAN—FORCES, compounds in KANDAHAR and found BOMB—MAKING—MATERIALS, mortar rounds, AK—47—RIFLES, ROCKET—PROPELLED grenades and 100—POUNDS (45—KILOGRAMS) of opium.
20090714             —REPORTED, IRAN—OFFICIAL—IRNA news agency, that authorities in THE—SOUTH—EAST—CITY—OF—ZAHEDAN hanged 13—MEMBERS—OF—1—SUNNI—MUSLIM rebel group CONVICTED—OF—BOMBINGS and killings in the area.
20090714             The report said Abdulhamid Rigi, brother of ABDULMALIK—RIGI, LEADER—OF—THE—GROUP known as Jundallah or SOLDIERS—OF—GOD, had been scheduled to be hanged along with THE—13—MEN, but his execution was postponed.
20090714             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—PERSON was, and 9—OTHERS were wounded —WHEN 1—BOMB exploded near 1—INTERNET—CAFE—LATE at night in SOUTH—BAGHDAD.
20090714             2—TRAFFIC—POLICEMEN were killed in EAST—BAGHDAD by 2—GUNMEN who refused to stop at 1—CHECKPOINT—NEAR the fortified Green Zone.
20090714             —APPROVED, LITHUANIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—CENSORSHIP—BILL that sharply curbs THE—SPREADING—OF—PUBLIC—INFORMATION that lawmakers say could harm the mental, physical, intellectual and moral development of youngsters.
20090714             —SEIZED, NAIROBI—KENYA, authorities, over 660—POUNDS—OF—ILLEGAL—IVORY and black rhinoceros horn, SOME—OF—IT still bloody, on 1—MOZAMBIQUE—TO—ASIA plane.
20090714             —DECLARED, NIGERIA—MAIN—MILITANT—GROUP, a 60—DAY—TRUCE, effective 20090715             , in its "oil war" with the government —AFTER the release of its leader HENRY—OKAH under 1—AMNESTY—DEAL.
20090714             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, fighting overnight in the lawless tribal belt, 23—TALIBAN militants.
20090714             —DESTROYED, 1—ATTACK in the Khyber region, 1—OIL—TANKER supplying NATO—FORCES based across the border in AFGHANISTAN and left 2—CIVILIANS—DEAD.
20090714             —KILLED, Troops, 13—MILITANTS in the latest clashes in the Swat Valley, underscoring the region's fragile security even as refugees displaced by fighting return home.
20090714             —EMERGED, RUSSIA, 6—MEN, from 3—MONTHS—OF—ISOLATION in SOVIET—ERA—METAL tubes —AFTER completing 1—EXPERIMENT simulating 1—MISSION to Mars.
20090714             SOMALIA, 2—FRANCE—OFFICIALS—WORKING as security advisers to THE—SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT were kidnapped in MOGADISHU.
20090714             —REMAINED, SECRET—AGENT—ALEXX—DENIS, captive.
20090714             —EXTRACTED, SOUTH—KOREAN—POLICE said hackers, files from computers they contaminated with the virus that triggered cyberattacks —LAST—WEEK in THE—USA and SOUTH—KOREA, 1—SIGN that they tried to steal information from the victims.
20090714             —TRAINED, NORTH—KOREA has supposedly, 1—ELITE—GROUP—OF—HACKERS at Mirim College, its military school.
20090714             TANZANIA, Tharcisse Renzaho, THE—FORMER—PREFECT—OF—RWANDA—CAPITAL—KIGALI, was sentenced to life for GENOCIDE—RELATED crimes by THE—UN—BACKED war crimes COURT—TRYING—MASTERMINDS—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S 19940000             massacre.
20090714             VENEZUELA—OIL—MINISTER—RAFAEL—RAMIREZ said workers at the state oil company must support PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—ENDEAVORS or be suspected of conspiring against his socialist revolution.
20090714             —DISRUPTED, ZIMBABWE—CONSTITUTION—TALKS, violently, by militant BACKERS—OF—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE, resumed with calls for tolerance in work on 1—CHARTER meant to pave the way to fresh polls.
20090714             Konjunktur: USA—NOTENBANK macht Hoffnung für 20100000             20090714             Ideally, only none person will be involved.
20090714             No report may be made, though the act will usually be properly covered by news services.
20090714             —EMPLOYED, The techniques, will vary depending on whether or not the assassin himself is to be killed with the subject.
20090714             If the assassin is to die with the subject, the act will be called "lost".
20090714             If the assassin is to escape, the act will be called "safe".
20090714             It should be noted that no compromise should exist here.
20090714             The assassin must not fall alive into enemy hands.
20090714             Except in terroristic assassinations, it is desirable that the assassin be transient.
20090714             In 1—LOST assassination, the assassin must be 1—FANATIC—OF—SOME—SORT.
20090714             Politics, religion and revenge are about the only feasible motives.
20090714             Goldmans Milliardengewinn: Experten fürchten Rückkehr der Turbobanker
20090714             RHJ—EINSTIEG: OPEL—BETRIEBSRAT warnt vor "sozialem Blutbad"
20090714             Logbuch AL—QAIDA: USA—MUDSCHAHIDIN unterstützen Somalias Terrormilizen
20090714             Neues Hochsicherheitslabor: Mit Ebola in der Blechdose
20090714             —GEFÄHRDET, Abstimmung: Islands gigantischer Schuldenberg, EU—BEITRITT
20090714             Schweinegrippe: Bundesländer bestellen Impfstoff für 25—MILLIONEN Menschen
20090714             Simulierte Mission: MARS—WG tritt aus der Tonne - Fingerabdruck im Pass
20090714             KAHLERT | KOPP > Beiträge: DEUTSCHLAND—AUSLÄNDERZENTRALREGISTER... Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat entschieden, dass die Speicherung personenbezogener DATEN—VON—EU—BÜRGERN im DEUTSCHLAND—AUSLÄNDER—ZENTRALREGISTER...
20090714             Obligatorische Eintragung im Zentralregister für Ausländer | www... Am
20090714             Zentralregister : Schäuble will Ausländern Fingerabdrücke abnehmen...
20090714             AUSLÄNDER—ZENTRALREGISTER abschaffen! - View
20090714             WATCHBLOG /AUSLÄNDER—ZENTRALREGISTER verstößt gegen Grundrechte...
20090714             DATEN—SPEICHERUNG.DE—MINIMUM data, maximum privacy "Ausländer...
20090714             and they name it Palantir?? *sigh* I suppose somebody needs to point out that in _LORD—OF—THE—RINGS_, the Palantirs were possesed by Sauron and corrupted everyone who gazed into them.
20090714             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, Neapel: MAFIA—GÜTER im Wert von 50—MILLIONEN Euro
20090714             Rezession: Schuldner verschleppen Zahlungen in Milliardenhöhe
20090714             —VERBUCHT, Quartalszahlen: Goldman Sachs, Milliardengewinn
20090714             vielleicht wird sogar die genetische Kompatibilität von Eltern vorab getestet und die genetische Lotterie Fortpflanzung kontrollierbarer.
20090714             Bald werden wir alle, zumindest wir in der westlichen Welt, unser persönliches Genom auf unserer Chipkarte zum Arzttermin MITBRINGEN—ODER dem Arzt Zugang zu zentralen Datenbanken erlauben.
20090714             Das "1000—DOLLAR—GENOM" ist nur noch 1—FRAGE—DER—ZEIT.
20090714             -Allein —SEIT vergangenem —JAHR wurden in dem Drogenkrieg mehr als 7700—MENSCHEN getötet,
20090714             - 100.000. - Umfrage: Deutsche besinnen sich in der Krise auf die Familie
20090714             Nach AKW—PANNE: Vattenfall laufen die Kunden weg
20090714             Persönliches Genom: Mit dem Erbgut auf dem Chip zum Arzt
20090714             Unruhen in Xinjiang: TÜRKEI soll VÖLKERMORD—VORWURF zurücknehmen
20090714             BGH—URTEIL: Banken müssen Kunden vor Totalverlust warnen
20090714             Alte Antikörper: SPANIEN—GRIPPE macht immun gegen Schweinegrippe
20090714             ZEW—INDEX: Konjunkturerwartungen brechen überraschend ein
20090714             Konjunktur: Singapurs Wirtschaft wächst um 20 %
20090714             —VERKAUFTEN, USA—GELDHAUS: GOLDMAN—BANKER, nach Staatshilfe massenhaft eigene Aktien
20090714             Schnellere Virenverbreitung: Weibliches Sexualhormon hilft AIDS—VIREN
20090714             Cyberattacke: BOTNET—ANGRIFF war möglicherweise 1—ABLENKUNGSMANÖVER
20090714             Loch im Rumpf: USA—PASSAGIERFLUGZEUG muss notlanden
20090714             "Jundallah"-Mitglieder: 13—SUNNITISCHE Rebellen in IRAN hingerichtet
20090714             Schlechtes Wetter: "Endeavour"-Start zum 5. Mal abgebrochen
20090714             AFGHANISTAN: Militärhubschrauber ABGESTÜRZT—MINDESTENS 6—TOTE
20090714             Knappe Kassen: USA—ZOOS drohten mit Tötung ihrer Tiere
20090714             Krawalle am Nationalfeiertag: Randalierer in FRANKREICH zünden mehr als 300—AUTOS an
20090714             USA—SONDERBEAUFTRAGTER: Obamas Autoreformer Rattner tritt ab
20090714             MEXIKO: 12—LEICHEN am Straßenrand entdeckt
20090714             Nordirland: Mehrere Polizisten bei Krawallen verletzt
20090714             Machtkampf: UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR Ban will in HONDURAS—KRISE vermitteln
20090714             Krankenstand: DGB warnt vor Doping am Arbeitsplatz
20090714             —BEFÜRCHTET, Nationalfeiertag: Frankreichs Polizei, neue Krawallnächte
20090714             —REPORTED, URLs in this post: [1] : [2] germ warfare plans:
20090714             [3] told: egion_2&lid=ARTICLE_15336857_Dr_David_Kellys_Death_Not_Suicide_Insist_Doctors_Calling_For_New_In
20090714             quiry_Into_Scientists_Death - [4] Anthrax War:
20090714             Robot LAND—STEAMERS to consume all life on Earth as fuel
20090714             —EMERGED—OF, News has, 1—MILESTONE reached on the road towards 1—POTENTIALLY WORLD—CHANGING PIECE—OF—TECHNOLOGY.
20090714             We speak, of course, of USA—MILITARY—PLANS to introduce roving STEAM—POWERED robots which would fuel themselves by harvesting everything alive and cramming it into their insatiable blazing furnaces.
20090714             berichtet die Zeitung unter Berufung auf anonyme mit dem Vorhaben vertraute EX—GEHEIMDIENSTMITARBEITER.
20090714             "Wenn Gesetze gebrochen werden, fällt das in den BEREICH—DES—JUSTIZMINISTERS", sagte Gibbs.
20090714             —GEMACHT, Zugleich habe Obama aber —BEREITS deutlich, dass CIA—AGENTEN, die "in gutem Glauben" und nach damaligen Anweisungen gehandelt hatten, nicht juristisch verfolgt werden sollen.
20090714             "Der PRÄSIDENT—IST—DER—AUFFASSUNG, dass der Kongress stets vollständig und rechtzeitig informiert werden soll wie es gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist", sagte der SPRECHER—DES—WEISSEN—HAUSES, ROBERT—GIBBS.
20090714             Dies gelte für JEDE—ART—VON—REGIERUNGSPROGRAMM, fügte Gibbs ausdrücklich hinzu.
20090714             Nähere Einzelheiten nannte der Sprecher jedoch nicht.
20090714             Er bestätigte lediglich, dass der neue CIA—CHEF—LEON—PANETTA das Programm Ende Juni gestoppt habe.
20090714             Die Frequenz des Tons, der den Bettelruf vom gewöhnlichen Schnurren unterschied, lag im Durchschnitt bei 380—HERTZ—UND damit im Bereich, in dem auch die Heulschreie von kleinen Kindern liegen.
20090714             Vermutlich sind die Bettelrufe der Katzen für den Menschen deshalb so schwierig zu ignorieren, auch wenn sie nicht dieselbe Dringlichkeit haben wie das Schreien von hungrigen Kindern.
20090714—19970000    —ACQUIRED, In the booklet, which was, by the National Security Archive, you could read the —FOLLOWING: No assassination instruction should ever be written or recorded.
20090714—20090826    —MANAGED, Agent MARC—AUBRIERE, to escape.
20090714—20100300    —ON, The bill comes into law at the latest.
20090714—20200000    —UNVEILED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, a $12—BILLION initiative to boost community colleges and propel THE—USA—TOWARD his goal of having the highest PROPORTION—OF—COLLEGE graduates in the world.
20090721             —CAPTURED, Police, 4—MEN, MEMBERS—OF—THE—LA Familia drug cartel, accused of slaying 12—FEDERAL—AGENTS on the weekend of 20090712             and dumping their bloodied bodies along 1—HIGHWAY in PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON—HOME—STATE—OF—MICHOACAN.
20090723             AL—QAEDA calls to avenge Uighurs: report 20090714             ... It is the 1. time OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—NETWORK has directly threatened CHINA or its interests... DEUTSCHLAND—BANK—MANAGERS leave amid spy probe: SOURCE—MUDSLIDES kill 4 in JAPAN:
20091008—20130712    —RELEASED, Ray was, from state prison.
20100607             1—VIDEO last April showed USA—ARMY—HELICOPTERS killing 2—JOURNALISTS in a 20070000             shooting 20070712             —SEE.
20100706             —SUSPECTED—OF, IRAQ, Army Specialist BRADLEY—MANNING, 1—USA—SOLDIER, leaking 1—MILITARY—VIDEO—OF—1—ATTACK—ON—UNARMED men, was charged with multiple counts of mishandling and leaking classified data and putting national security at risk 20070712             —SEE.
20100712             —DISCOVERED, ISRAEL—ARCHAEOLOGISTS said 1—NEWLY, clay fragment from the 13010101—14001231     BC is the oldest example of writing ever found in ANTIQUITY—RICH—JERUSALEM.
20100712             Shahram Amiri, 1—MISSING—IRAN—NUCLEAR—SCIENTIST who TEHRAN claims was abducted by THE—USA, took refuge at THE—PAKISTAN—EMBASSY in WASHINGTON and asked to return to his homeland.
20100712             —DISCOVERED, Police in LOS—ANGELES County, THOUSANDS—OF—POUNDS—OF—MARIJUANA in 1—RAILROAD car that entered —THIS—MONTH from MEXICO.
20100712             NEW—JERSEY, Lassissi Afolabi (47), 1—MAN from THE—WEST—AFRICA—NATION TOGO, was sentenced to more than 24—YEARS in prison for his role in THE—SMUGGLING—OF—GIRLS and women who were forced to work at local hair braiding salons.
20100712             He pleaded guilty —LAST—YEAR to conspiring with his EX—WIFE and her son to commit forced labor.
20100712             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—BRANCH—OF—THE—YMCA, that it would become "The Y."
20100712             —ANGERED, ALBUQUERQUE—NEW—MEXICO, ROBERT—E—REZA, 37—JAHRE—ALT, by 1—CHILD custody dispute, shot and wounded his girlfriend and killed 2—EMPLOYEES at her PLACE—OF—WORK—BEFORE killing himself.
20100712             —WORKED, BP Engineers, to replace 1—CAP over 1—GUSHING—OIL well in the Gulf of MEXICO —AFTER reporting good progress in attempts to contain the worst environmental disaster in USA—HISTORY.
20100712             —ALLEGED, UTAH, 1—LIST—OF over 1,300, illegal immigrants living in the state was received by law enforcement and politicians —AROUND the state.
20100712             2—WOMEN, working for the state's main welfare agency, had —RECENTLY sent the stolen names, addresses, Social Security NUMBERS—AND even the due dates of expectant MOTHERS—OF some 1,300 mostly Latino people whom they suspected of being in the state illegally, to newspapers along with 1—LETTER urging their immediate deportation.
20100712             † HARVEY—PEKAR, 70—JAHRE—ALT, creator of the "USA—SPLENDOR" comic book series.
20100712             1—BANGLADESH government MINISTER said 40—PEOPLE, suspected of killings, rape and arson —DURING its 19710000             independence war, have been barred from leaving the country ahead of 1 planned war crimes trial.
20100712             † IN—BRAZIL—PAULO—MOURA, 77—JAHRE—ALT, clarinet jazz great and Latin Grammy winner, —AFTER a fight against cancer.
20100712             —SENTENCED, BRITAIN, THE—3—FINAL—CONSPIRATORS in 1—PLOT to bomb TRANS—ATLANTIC airliners and kill THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE to at least 20—YEARS each in prison, bringing 1—LONG—RUNNING—LEGAL saga to 1—END.
20100712             —DECIDED, THE—CHURCH—OF—ENGLAND national assembly, that women should be allowed to become bishops, making only minor concessions to theological conservatives who have threatened to break away over the issue.
20100712             1—CANADA—STEAMSHIP—LINES—VESSEL ran aground near the Cote SAINTE—CATHERINE canal lock SOUTH—OF—MONTREAL.
20100712             —PUNCTURED, THE—MONTREAL Gazette newspaper said the accident, the ship's fuel tank, leaking between 50 and 200—TONS—OF—OIL into the surrounding waters.
20100712             CHINA, 1—STRIKE began at the Atsumitec Co. in THE—CITY—OF—FOSHAN, with about 90—OF—THE—PLANT—200—WORKERS stopping work to demand 1—NEARLY 60% pay increase.
20100712             —SUPPLIED, The plant, parts for JAPAN—HONDA—MOTOR.
20100712             —KILLED, HONDURAS, 4—PEOPLE were, and another injured —FOLLOWING 1—WEEK—OF—HEAVY—RAINS.
20100712             † 3—PEOPLE, in various PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AFTER being hit by lightning —LAST—WEEK.
20100712             —REACHED, IRAN said it has, 1—FINAL—AGREEMENT with merchants on raising taxes —FOLLOWING protests that flared in TEHRAN—MAIN bazaar —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK.
20100712             The new rate would 20100901             —TOP—TAX—BRACKET—OF—AROUND 17—PERCENT.
20100712             —CONTINUED, The strike, into a 2. —WEEK.
20100712             1—GROUP—OF—91—ISRAELIS, wounded by Hezbollah rockets —DURING 20060000             —THE war, sued the Arab news network AL—JAZEERA for $1.2—BILLION in 1—NEW—YORK court for allegedly aiding THE—LEBANON—GUERRILLAS.
20100712             —CLAIMED, The suit, THE—QATAR—BASED news network intentionally violated ISRAEL—MILITARY—CENSORSHIP—REGULATIONS and reported the precise LOCATIONS—OF—ROCKET—STRIKES in ISRAEL in live broadcasts —DURING the monthlong 20060000             war.
20100712             Dig director Eilat Mazar of Hebrew UNIVERSITY—SAID—THE—2—CENTIMETER—LONG—FRAGMENT—BEARS 1—ANCIENT—FORM—OF writing known as Akkadian wedge script.
20100712             INDIA—KASHMIR, shops, schools and offices were shut for a 2. —DAY as politicians met to discuss how to end weeks of violent and deadly street protests against security forces.
20100712             † In MEXICO 3—ASSAILANTS in 1—SHOOTOUT with soldiers in the border CITY—OF—REYNOSA.
20100712             The soldiers reportedly came under fire —WHILE on patrol, returned fire and seized 3—RIFLES at the scene.
20100712             —ASSEMBLED, NORTH—IRELAND, more than 50,000 Protestants, at 18—MARCHING—LOCATIONS across this UK—TERRITORY—OF—1.8—MILLION.
20100712             —PARADED, They, under banners depicting 16900712             —THE, victory of Protestant WILLIAM—KING—OF—ORANGE versus the forces of his rival for THE—UK—THRONE, JAMES—II, at THE—BATTLE—OF—THE—BOYNE—SOUTH—OF—BELFAST.
20100712             27—OFFICERS suffered mostly minor injuries —DURING street clashes the previous —EVENING with more than 200 masked IRELAND—CATHOLICS.
20100712             —OPPOSED, Fresh rioting by Catholics, to Protestant marches in BELFAST injured another 28—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20100712             THE—PHILIPPINES, —WHEN CANADA—GEOFFREY—ALAN—BENNUN, 60—JAHRE—ALT and his THE—PHILIPPINES—GIRLFRIEND were shot to death —AFTER 1—ROBBER broke into their hotel room.
20100712             —4—DAYS—LATER, Briton JAMES—BOLTON—PORTER, 51—JAHRE—ALT and his girlfriend were killed by 1—GUNMAN in their house in ANGELES' Malabanas village.
20100712             —KILLED, About 1—WEEK—LATER 1—GUNMAN, USA—ALBERT—MITCHELL, 70—JAHRE—ALT, 1—VETERAN—OF—THE—USA—AIR—FORCE, along with his THE—PHILIPPINES—WIFE, Janet (53), and 3—THE—PHILIPPINES—STAFF inside their ANGELES home 20100727             —SEE.
20100712             —GAINED, POLAND—PRIEST—HENRYK Jankowski (73), who, prominence in the 1980s by supporting LECH—WALESA—SOLIDARITY—MOVEMENT but who —LATER saw his reputation marred by ANTI—SEMITISM and suspicions of pedophilia, † in GDANSK.
20100712             2—RUSSIA—CURATORS who angered THE—RUSSIA—ORTHODOX—CHURCH with 1—EXHIBITION that included images of Jesus Christ portrayed as MICKEY—MOUSE and VLADIMIR—LENIN were convicted of inciting religious hatred and fined, but not sentenced to prison.
20100712             —KILLED, RUSSIA—DAGESTAN, region gunmen, 2—POLICEMEN in separate shootings, including LIEUTENANT—RASUL—MAGOMEDOV, whose father, mother and sister † in previous attacks.
20100712             —CHARGED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR with 3—COUNTS—OF genocide in Darfur, 1—MOVE that will pile further diplomatic pressure on his isolated regime.
20100712             —BLAMED, THE—SWITZERLAND—MOSTLY, USA—AUTHORITIES for failing to provide confidential testimony about POLANSKI—SENTENCING—PROCEDURE in 19770000—19780000.
20100712             —UNEXPLODED, UGANDA, investigators found 1, suicide vest with ball bearings in 1—DISCO hall in KAMPALA, suggesting that militants had planned a 3. bombing —DURING the World Cup final.
20100712             4—FOREIGN—SUSPECTS were arrested in connection with the find.
20100712             —KILLED, THE—USA—VIRGIN—ISLANDS, 1—PUERTO Rican tourist (14) was, in front of her horrified family —WHEN she was caught in the crossfire of 1—GUNFIGHT attributed to warring gangs.
20100712             —ACCUSED, His wife, authorities of planting explosives —WHILE her husband was handcuffed and she was in another PART—OF—THE—APARTMENT.
20100712             1—ZIMBABWE—HIGH—COURT—RELEASED—FARAI—MAGUWU, 1—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST charged with endangering ZIMBABWE—ECONOMIC—INTERESTS by highlighting abuses at diamond mines.
20100712—19760000    —HELPED, HARVEY—PEKAR—FRIEND R. Crumb, him illustrate the 1. issue in the series.
20100712—19770000    —DECLARED, THE—SWITZERLAND—GOVERNMENT, renowned film director ROMAN—POLANSKI 1—FREE—MAN—AFTER rejecting 1—USA—REQUEST to extradite him on 1—CHARGE—OF having sex with a 13—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20100712—20030000    —IN, it was made into 1 acclaimed film that starred PAUL—GIAMATTI as MISTER—PEKAR.
20100712—20090600    —DISAPPEARED, Amiri (32), —WHILE on 1—PILGRIMAGE to SAUDI—ARABIA.
20100712—20100603    —ARRESTED, He had been.
20100712—20100710    —ON, Expected to take between 4 and 7—DAYS, THE—ROUND—THE—CLOCK work began at midday —WHEN the old, less efficient cap was ripped off 1 fractured pipe 1—MILE down on the sea floor by robotic submarines.
20100712—20100714    —ON, nearly ALL—OF—THE—REMAINING—EMPLOYEES joined the stoppage in response to 1—THREAT from factory management to fire the strikers.
20100712—20100716    —COMMENDED, THE—ACLU—OF—UTAH, the swift action of GOVERNOR—GARY—HERBERT and ATTORNEY—GENERAL—MARK—SHURTLEFF in responding to the legitimate public outcry and widespread demand that they investigate the extraordinary BREACH—OF—PRIVACY by state employees, which became publicly known —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK.
20100714             —UNVEILED, NEW—YORK—CITY, its 1. electric car charging station.
20100714             —AFTER DAYS—OF—PROGRESS on the Gulf of MEXICO oil leak, BP said that delays have temporarily stopped work beneath the water on both 1—STOPGAP solution and 1—PERMANENT fix to the gusher.
20100714             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 4—USA—TROOPS were, by 1—ROADSIDE bomb in the south, —WHILE 1—MORE—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER † the same —DAY—OF—WOUNDS from 1—GUNBATTLE.
20100714             † 9—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS, in THE—SOUTH—WHEN their vehicle hit 1—ROADSIDE bomb in the volatile DISTRICT—OF—MARJAH in Helmand province.
20100714             —KILLED, Another homemade bomb, 2—SECURITY—GUARDS traveling on 1—ROAD in EAST—PAKTIKA province.
20100714             † 2 suspected Taliban also, in HELMAND—LASHKAR—GAR district —WHEN the roadside bomb they were trying to plant exploded prematurely.
20100714             —KIDNAPPED, Gunmen, 5—HEALTH Ministry employees in KANDAHAR province —WHILE insurgents.
20100714             Jornal do BRAZIL said it will end its print editions in September —AFTER—119—YEARS, but will continue with 1—PAID online edition.
20100714             UK—AIRWAYS and Iberia won THE—EU—REGULATORY—APPROVAL to merge and to team up with USA—AIRLINES to share more of their lucrative TRANS—ATLANTIC—ROUTES.
20100714             CANADA, Violet (78) and ALLEN—LARGE, 75—JAHRE—ALT, who live in 1—MODEST—HOME in Lower Turo, Nova Scotia, scooped the Lotto 649—JACKPOT winning $11.2—MILLION.
20100714             —PROCEEDED, They, to give MOST—OF—THE—MONEY away to charity.
20100714             —RELEASED, GERMANY, new statistics were, indicating the number of Germans with immigrant roots has reached more than 16—MILLION, or nearly 20—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION.
20100714             —ARRIVED, INDIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SM.—KRISHNA, in PAKISTAN saying that he brought 1—MESSAGE—OF "peace and friendship" but called on ISLAMABAD to act decisively against terrorism.
20100714             1—AIR—INDIA plane carrying more than 200—PASSENGERS from NEW—YORK became the 1. commercial flight to land at NEW—DELHI—NEW—TERMINAL 3, part of a $2.7-billion airport upgrade.
20100714             —SICKENED, INDIA, at least 92—PEOPLE were, 8—OF—THEM critically, —WHEN they inhaled chlorine that leaked from 1—CYLINDER in 1—INDUSTRIAL—PART—OF—MUMBAI.
20100714             —CONFIRMED, A—USA—OFFICIAL, that Amiri left THE—USA.
20100714             THE—WASHINGTON—POST said that Amiri had been working for THE—CIA for more than 1—YEAR.
20100714             It said he was paid $5—MILLION out of 1—SECRET—PROGRAM aimed at inducing scientists and others with information on IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM to defect.
20100714             As of 20100715             , IRAQ—SECURITY—OFFICIALS will control Camp Cropper, and THE—USA will hand over roughly 1,600 IRAQ—PRISONERS currently in USA—CUSTODY.
20100714             1—SHIP sent by 1—LIBYA—CHARITY to break ISRAEL—NAVAL blockade of THE—GAZA Strip changed course in the Mediterranean Sea and docked at 1—EGYPT—PORT —AFTER agreeing to deliver its CARGO—OF—AID through EGYPT—TERRITORY.
20100714             MEXICO, gunmen shot and killed MARIO—MEDINA, THE—NEPHEW—OF—CHIHUAHUA—STATE—GOVERNOR—ELECT—CESAR—DUARTE, in 1 botched kidnapping attempt.
20100714             NORTH—IRELAND police came under live fire —DURING a 3. straight night of BELFAST unrest.
20100714             No officers were hit by gunfire, but police said several officers suffered minor injuries, adding to THE—82—ALREADY wounded.
20100714             —FLOODED, THE—PHILIPPINES, the 1. typhoon —THIS—YEAR, PARTS—OF—THE—CAPITAL, toppled power lines and killed at least 26—PEOPLE, MANY—OF—THEM trying to scramble to safety as the storm changed course.
20100714             38—PEOPLE were missing.
20100714             Typhoon Conson came ashore on THE—EAST—COAST—OF—LUZON the previous night with winds of 75—MILES per —HOUR (120—KM per —HOUR).
20100714             RWANDA, ANDRE—KAGWA—RWISEREKA, deputy PRESIDENT—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—RWANDA—DEMOCRATIC—GREEN—PARTY, was found nearly decapitated and dumped by 1—RIVER.
20100714             He was last seen 1—DAY—EARLIER walking out of 1—BAR in 1—SOUTHERN—DISTRICT.
20100714             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—YEMEN, AL—QAEDA gunmen launched simultaneous attacks on the intelligence and security services headquarters in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—ZINJIBAR, killing 3—POLICEMEN and wounding 11.
20100714—20100715    —ON, IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said nuclear scientist Shahram Amiri was on 1—FLIGHT—HOME, traveling through the Gulf nation of QATAR and was expected to arrive in TEHRAN.
20100720—20100714    —FORCED, THE—RWANDANS were, out of UGANDA because they had no refugee status and had become 1—SECURITY—RISK.
201102040712         —HAPPENED, Safi in CAIRO writes: "What, on 2 ;;02;;
201102040712         according to all indications was indeed STATE—SPONSORED terrorism.
201102040714         Passent in EGYPT says: "As citizens in EGYPT, we realise that we need 1—CHANGE, and with the latest changes in the government we will be seeing 1—IMPROVEMENT.
201102040714         THE—BBC—IAN—PANNELL in CAIRO says there's 1—LITTLE—MORE—MILITARY—MOVEMENT—AROUND Tahrir Square.
20110608—20110714    —ON, the Satellite Sentinel Project released images showing what appeared to be freshly dug grave sites in SOUTH—KORDOFAN state.
20110712             PEDRO—PIMENTEL—RIOS, 54—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—1—ELITE—GUATEMALA—MILITARY—FORCE suspected of carrying out a 19820000             massacre, was extradited from THE—USA and was flown on 1—GOVERNMENT—CHARTERED plane to GUATEMALA and turned over to authorities.
20110712             1—FEDERAL—INDICTMENT unsealed in S—LOUIS said THE—WHEELS—OF—SOUL motorcycle club, with a "Mother Chapter" in PHILADELPHIA, was responsible for killings, robberies, drug distribution and other crimes.
20110712             —ACCUSED, The indictment, 18—MEN in 7—STATES—OF racketeering, with SOME—OF—THE—MEN also ACCUSED—OF—CRIMES that include murder, attempted murder, robbery and kidnapping.
20110712             AHMAD—WALI—KARZAI, the younger HALF—BROTHER—OF—AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI and 1—OF—THE—MOST powerful and controversial men in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, was shot dead at his home by Sardar Mohammad, 1—SENIOR and highly trusted bodyguard.
20110712             † 1—NATO—SOLDIER in the south was killed in 1—BOMB—ATTACK.
20110712             —LAUNCHED, AUSTRALIA—MAJOR alcohol brands, voluntary health warnings on their labels targeting children, pregnant women and excessive boozing in 1—COUNTRY famed for its BINGE—DRINKING—CULTURE.
20110712             —ANNOUNCED, Lottery operator Camelot, that 1—UK—TICKET—HOLDER has won 1—RECORD £161—MILLION (185—MILLION—EUROS) in the Euromillions lottery.
20110712             —INSISTED, EGYPT—RULING—MILITARY—COUNCIL, that it will not cede control over the transition from ousted PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK—REGIME amid mounting anger over its handling of it.
20110712             ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS said about 30—ASSAILANTS carrying knives and sticks stormed their tent camp in CAIRO—CENTRAL—SQUARE, injuring 6—PEOPLE.
20110712             —REPORTED, The official MENA news, that saboteurs have bombed 1—GAS—PIPELINE in the Sinai peninsula for the 4. time —SINCE February, cutting supplies to ISRAEL and JORDAN.
20110712             PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY said that FRANCE would withdraw 1—QUARTER—OF—ITS 4,000 troops from AFGHANISTAN by THE—END—OF—NEXT—YEAR.
20110712             GERMANY, 1—PLANE being used by THAILAND—CROWN—PRINCE—VAJIRALONGKORN was been impounded as PART—OF—1—LONG—RUNNING—BATTLE over payments for 1—BUILDING—PROJECT in THAILAND.
20110712             THE—THAILAND—GOVERNMENT allegedly owed THE—NOW—BANKRUPT GERMANY—CONSTRUCTION—FIRM—WALTER—BAU—AG builder 30—MILLION—EUROS because of 1—CONTRACT agreed to more than 20—YEARS ago to build and operate 1—TOLL—HIGHWAY to BANGKOK—DON—MUANG airport.
20110712             1—OF—INDIA—OLDEST rebel groups announced 1—UNILATERAL ceasefire to push forward formal peace talks aimed at ending 3—DECADES—OF—INSURGENCY in THE—NORTH—EAST—STATE—OF—ASSAM.
20110712             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 5—MEMBERS—OF—1—GOVERNMENT—BACKED—SUNNI militia at 1—SECURITY—CHECKPOINT—JUST outside BAGHDAD in the western suburb of ABU—GHRAIB.
20110712             —CALLED, ISRAEL—AIR—RAIDS hit what the military, 2 "weapons manufacturing sites" in NORTH—GAZA.
20110712             —CONVICTED, He was 1—OF 8—PEOPLE, and given ITALY—STIFFEST—SENTENCE for their roles in the violent feud that culminated in DUISBURG.
20110712             3—OTHER—PEOPLE were convicted and sentenced to terms ranging from 9 to 12—YEARS, —WHILE 3—MORE were acquitted.
20110712             Aid organization CARE said that cases of rape and violence against women and girls fleeing to 1 overcrowded refugee camp in KENYA have risen sharply —THIS—YEAR.
20110712             MEXICO, at least 21—PEOPLE, including 1—PRETEEN boy, were killed in 1—SINGLE—DAY—OF—CARTEL—VIOLENCE in CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20110712             —DETECTED, Soldiers found the largest marijuana plantation ever, in MEXICO, 1—HUGE—FIELD covering almost 300—ACRES (120—HECTARES) on the floor of the Baja CALIFORNIA desert.
20110712             2—MEN were caught in the camp and 56—OTHERS were rounded up.
20110712             NIGERIA, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MAIDUGURI said it is closing indefinitely —AFTER receiving bomb threats from Boko Haram, 1—RADICAL—MUSLIM sect. spokesman AHMED—MOHAMMED said the school could no longer guarantee THE—SAFETY—OF—ITS 35,000 students.
20110712             —PASSED, NORTH—IRELAND, the Protestant brotherhood's parades themselves, peacefully, but several 100—CATHOLIC—YOUTHS attacked police both —BEFORE and —AFTER the sectarian demonstrations.
20110712             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, USA—MISSILE—STRIKES killed at least 18 alleged militants.
20110712             1—CAR was struck in the Datta Khel AREA—OF—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN killing 4 alleged militants.
20110712             —SNATCHED, In THE—PHILIPPINES ABU—SAYYAF militants, Gerfa Yeatts Lunsmann (41), her son Kevin (14) and her nephew, Romnick Jakaria, —WHILE they were vacationing with relatives on 1—ISLAND—NEAR—SOUTH—ZAMBOANGA city.
20110712             SCOTLAND—COUPLE—COLIN—WEIR, 64—JAHRE—ALT and his wife Chris (55), who have been oo —FOR—30—YEARS and live in the seaside TOWN—OF—LARGS near GLASGOW, became EUROPE—BIGGEST ever lottery winners, scooping £162—MILLION ($262—MILLION) in the EuroMillions jackpot.
20110712             NORTH—EAST—SYRIA, 1—EXPLOSION hit 1—GAS—PIPELINE in the 1. ATTACK—ON—THE—COUNTRY'S—ENERGY—INFRASTRUCTURE—SINCE protests erupted in March.
20110712             1—YEMEN—SECURITY—OFFICIAL said 1—GOVERNMENT—AIR—STRIKE killed 5—MILITANTS in the south between the towns of Jaar and Zinjibar.
20110712             ITALY, GIOVANNI—STRANGIO, THE—RINGLEADER—OF—1—GANGLAND style massacre of 6—PEOPLE in GERMANY, was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for 20070815             —THE, attack that highlighted THE—INTERNATIONAL—REACH—OF—ITALY—CALABRIAN mafia.
20110712—20100000    —REPORTED, CARE said 136—CASES had been, —SINCE January in 2—OF 3—CAMPS in Dadaab in THE—EAST—OF—KENYA, compared to 66 in the same period.
20110712—20110720    —ON, 1—GERMANY—COURT ordered the release of the impounded jet upon receipt of 1—HEFTY bank guarantee.
20110712—20111113    —ESCAPED, Jakaria (19).
20110712—20111210    —FREED, Her son was.
20110714             THE—USA—PENTAGON said 1—CYBER attack in March by 1—FOREIGN—GOVERNMENT stole some 24,000 files from 1—DEFENSE—INDUSTRY—COMPUTER—NETWORK.
20110714             —SIGNED, GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, 1—BILL—MACALIFORNIA—THE—KING—OF— 1. state in the nation to add lessons about gays and lesbians to social studies classes in public schools.
20110714             MINNESOTA Gov. mark DAYTON and top Republican struck 1—DEAL to end 1—BUDGET impasse with the Democratic GOVERNOR giving up on raising taxes.
20110714             —SEIZED, NEVADA authorities said federal and LAS—VEGAS police, 212—POUNDS—OF—DRUGS, $280,000 in cash, 6—GUNS and 9—VEHICLES—AFTER searching homes in LAS—VEGAS and HENDERSON.
20110714             8—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANTS from MEXICO were arrested on drug trafficking charges.
20110714             —ANNOUNCED, Bloomberg Philanthropies, a $24—MILLION initiative to fund "Innovation Delivery Teams" to help city mayors solve particular local problems.
20110714             —ORDERED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, 1—INVESTIGATION into provincial government claims that 1—NATO—RAID killed 6—CIVILIANS in Khost province.
20110714             —KILLED, NATO said its troops, insurgents linked to the Haqqani network —DURING gunfights in the area and that only 1—CIVILIAN was wounded.
20110714             1—DEMONSTRATION broke out —AFTER bodies of the dead were carried through Khost and the provincial council announced it was going on strike in protest over the deaths.
20110714             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER hiding explosives in his turban blew himself up inside 1—MOSQUE —DURING 1—MEMORIAL service for the slain half BROTHER—OF—PRESIDENT—KARZAI, killing at least 5—PEOPLE.
20110714             † 1—FRANCE—SOLDIER was killed in 1—SKIRMISH with insurgents in Kapisa province.
20110714             ARGENTINA, FORMER—GENERAL—HECTOR—GAMEN and COLONEL—HUGO—PASCARELLI were CONVICTED—OF—MURDER, kidnapping and torture at El Vesubio, 1—OF—THE—MOST notorious prisons run by the former dictatorship (19760000—19830000    ).
20110714             Both got life sentences for crimes against humanity.
20110714             —LAUNCHED, BANGLADESH and INDIA, 1—CENSUS of "enclaves" -- areas where 1—COUNTRY—TERRITORY is surrounded by the other -- in 1—EFFORT to end complex border disputes.
20110714             —ARRESTED, UK—POLICE, NEIL—WALLIS, 60—JAHRE—ALT, another FORMER—NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD—EXECUTIVE, in connection with the phone hacking scandal at the tabloid.
20110714             Wallis was deputy EDITOR—AT—THE—168—YEAR—OLD—TITLE 20030000—20070000    —FROM—TO under EDITOR—ANDY—COULSON.
20110714             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN—DEPARTMENT—FOR—INTERNATIONAL—DEVELOPMENT (DFID), it was suspending budgetary aid to MALAWI over poor governance, as FAST—DETERIORATING—RELATIONS between THE—2—COUNTRIES reached 1—NEW—LOW.
20110714             —BLAMED, THE—MALAWI opposition quickly, PRESIDENT—BINGU wa Mutharika's "sheer arrogance" for the decision.
20110714             —DISCHARGED, BURKINA—FASO—ARMY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, Nabere Honore Traore, said the military has, 566—SOLDIERS —FOLLOWING 1—WAVE—OF mutinies that swept across the country —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20110714             —PUBLISHED, CHAD—FORMER—PRESIDENT—HISSENE—HABRE, in exile in SENEGAL, said in 1, interview that he would be willing to appear —BEFORE 1—INTERNATIONAL—TRIBUNAL to answer charges of atrocities —DURING his 19820000—19900000     rule.
20110714             —ACCEPTED, CHINA—DISSIDENT—ARTIST Ai Weiwei said he had, 1—JOB at 1—ART—UNIVERSITY—IN—GERMANY, as he battles charges of massive tax evasion —AFTER nearly 3—MONTHS in police detention.
20110714             CHINA—STATE—BACKED—CATHOLIC hierarchy held a 3-hour ceremony to consecrate 1—BISHOP—IN—SHANTOU.
20110714             4—ROME—ALIGNED bishops were reportedly abducted and pressed to take part in the ceremony.
20110714             —STRANDED, FRANCE, THOUSANDS—OF—ANGRY—TRAVELERS were still, in airports and in ALGIERS as 1—STRIKE by Air Algerie cabin crew, who want a 106% pay rise, went into its 4. —DAY.
20110714             —ENDED, Air Algerie staff, their 4—DAY—STRIKE—AFTER mediation by THE—OFFICE—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—AHMED—OUYAHIA.
20110714             GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL met THE—PRESIDENT—OF—OIL—AND—GAS—RICH—NIGERIA —AFTER her trip to ANGOLA the previous —DAY sparked controversy over 1—OFFER to sell patrol boats.
20110714             INDONESIA, MOUNT—LOKON on Sulawesi ISLAND burst into life late at night and continued to spew ash and searing gas into the air well into the next —MORNING, prompting more than 4,500 residents to head to safety.
20110714             ISRAEL—JETS struck 3—TARGETS in GAZA, moderately wounding 4—PALESTINIANS.
20110714             —ABDUCTED, LEBANON, 7—ESTONIA—TOURISTS, nearly 4—MONTHS ago —WHILE cycling through LEBANON—EAST—BEKAA—VALLEY were released in good health.
20110714             Harakat AL—NAHDA WAL—ISLAH, or the Movement for Renewal and Reform, had claimed responsibility for 20110323             —THE abduction and demanded 1 unspecified ransom.
20110714             2—MEN SUSPECTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in the kidnapping were killed in a 20110920             shootout with police.
20110714             —REPELLED, LIBYA—FORCES, 1 coordinated attack by NATO—FORCES and rebels against the strategic oil TOWN—OF—BREGA.
20110714             —ORDERED, THE—CANADA—HEAD—OF—THE—NATO—MISSION over LIBYA said Gaddafi has, his troops to blow up refineries and other facilities if they have to retreat.
20110714             RUSSIA—SPECIAL—ENVOY to LIBYA told the Izvestia newspaper that LIBYA—LEADER—MOAMER Kadhafi has a "suicidal plan" to blow up THE—CAPITAL—TRIPOLI if it is taken by rebels.
20110714             —ACCUSED, PAKISTAN, MALIK—ISHAQ, 1—ISLAMIST—MILITANT, in DOZENS—OF—KILLINGS and a 20090000             attack on SRI—LANKA—CRICKET team, was freed on bail —AFTER—14—YEARS in custody because THE—SUPREME—COURT decided there was not enough evidence to keep holding him.
20110714             —BECAME, SOUTH—SUDAN, the newest and 193.
20110714             —WELCOMED, MEMBER—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS, as it was, into the world's top club amid pledges to help 1—OF—THE—PLANET—POOREST—STATES take its 1. steps.
20110714             —RELEASED, THE—SATELLITE—SENTINEL—PROJECT, images showing what appear to be freshly dug sites in SOUTH—KORDOFAN state, where SUDAN—ARAB military has been targeting 1—BLACK—ETHNIC—MINORITY—LOYAL to the military of the newly independent REPUBLIC—OF—SOUTH—SUDAN.
20110714             —FINALIZED, THE—DOHA Document for Peace in Darfur, in May in QATAR, was signed by THE—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT and the Liberation and Justice Movement, 1—OF—1—MYRIAD—OF—REBEL—GROUPS.
20110714             —SUSPENDED, SWITZERLAND, imports of SOME—SEEDS, beans and sprouts from EGYPT, —AFTER THE—EU blamed EGYPT—FENUGREEK seeds for E.coli outbreaks in GERMANY and FRANCE.
20110714             SYRIA, a 45—YEAR—OLD—MAN was shot dead in Deir EL—ZOUR province, near the border with IRAQ, —WHEN security forces fired at protesters.
20110714             1—UMBRELLA—GROUP that includes TURKEY—KURDISH—PARTY proclaimed Kurdish autonomy in DIYARBAKIR, hours —AFTER 1—CLASH left 13—SOLDIERS and 7—KURDISH—GUERRILLAS—DEAD.
20110714             —SUBJECTED, Human Rights Watch said prisoners in UGANDA are, to hard labor under conditions resembling slavery and face routine abuse and exploitation by officials.
20110714             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—YEMEN, 1—USA—WARPLANE, 1—POLICE—STATION overrun by Islamic militants, killing 3—OF—THE—FIGHTERS.
20110714             Fighting broke out at night between the Guards, loyal to PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH, and tribesmen, allied with demonstrators in Taez.
20110714             2—PEOPLE were killed and at least 22—OTHERS wounded.
20110714—20110608    —REPORTED, The group said that 1—EYEWITNESS, seeing 100—BODIES or more put into 1—OF—THE—PITS.
20110714—20111031    —IN, The temporary ban would expire, in line with THE—EU—SUSPENSION.
20110719—20110714    —ON, 2—MORE—PEOPLE † and 20110721            .
20110802—20110712    —FROM, He said they planned the coup to take place overnight to 13.
20120705—20120712    —RELEASED, Shahin was, but was soon caught fleeing the country.
20120708—20120712    —ON, THE—LEGION—LAY branch Regnum Christi —POSTED 1—STATEMENT on its website outlining changes.
20120712             —REPORTED, THE—USA—TREASURY, that THE—USA—BUDGET—DEFICIT grew by nearly $60—BILLION in June, remaining on track to exceed $1—TRILLION for the 4. straight —YEAR.
20120712             —AGREED, Wells Fargo Bank, to a $175—MILLION—SETTLEMENT with THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, which alleged that the bank had steered minorities into more expensive subprime loans with higher interest rates —WHEN they qualified for lower ones.
20120712             † OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, Tianna Leui (19) was shot and killed by her pimp —AFTER she expressed 1—DESIRE to leave him and THE—WORLD—OF—PROSTITUTION.
20120712             —RELEASED, BRAZIL, scientists, MILLIONS—OF—GENETICALLY modified mosquitoes in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—JUAZEIRO in 1—EFFORT to end dengue fever.
20120712             —TRANSMITTED, THE—BBC World Service, its final bulletin from Bush House in LONDON, ending 71—YEARS—OF—RADIO—BROADCASTS from the building that kept millions informed across the globe.
20120712             —MOVED, —SINCE March, the service has gradually, to the new east wing attached to Broadcasting House in PORTLAND Place, 2—KM away.
20120712             Airbus, 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—EADS, said it booked 1—POTENTIAL $6.35—BILLION WORTH—OF—ORDERS.
20120712             —COMPLETED, THE—4—DEALS, if, take Airbus' total by the 4. —DAY—OF—THE—UK—AIRSHOW to $16.9—BILLION for 1—TOTAL—OF—115—AIRCRAFT.
20120712             —KILLED, CANADA, 3—HORSES were, and a 4. seriously injured —DURING 1—CHUCKWAGON race at THE—CALGARY Stampede.
20120712             —SIGNED, CHILE—PRESIDENT—SEBASTIAN—PINERA, 1—ANTI—DISCRIMINATION—LAW —FOLLOWING THE—KILLING—OF—1—GAY—MAN beaten by attackers who carved swastikas into his body.
20120712             —ISSUED, FRANCE, 1—ARREST—WARRANT for THE—SON—OF—EQUATORIAL—GUINEA—PRESIDENT—TEODORO—OBIANG—NGUEMA —AFTER he refused to be interviewed by magistrates on graft charges.
20120712             He declined to be interviewed claiming immunity as EQUATORIAL—GUINEA—VICE—PRESIDENT.
20120712             Struggling FRANCE—CARMAKER PSA PEUGEOT—CITROEN, facing diving sales in CRISIS—HIT SOUTH—EUROPE, announced 1—DRASTIC—COST—CUTTING plan to slash 8,000 jobs in FRANCE and close 1—MAJOR—FACTORY—NORTH—OF—PARIS.
20120712             1—SLAB—OF—ICE broke off high in THE—FRANCE—ALPS, sparking 1—AVALANCHE that swept 9—EUROPEANS to their deaths as they tried to climb Mont Blanc.
20120712             11—OTHER climbers were hospitalized and at least 4—ARE still unaccounted for.
20120712             —ARRESTED, HONG—KONG—ANTI—CORRUPTION—WATCHDOG said it has, 4—PEOPLE including 1—MINISTER and 1—SENIOR—CIVIL—SERVANT for allegedly violating their government housing allowances.
20120712             —DISRUPTED, Work at INDIA—COURTS was, for a 2. —DAY as INDIA—LAWYERS went on strike to protest against 1—CONTROVERSIAL—DRAFT—LAW on legal education in the country.
20120712             —BURNED, ISRAEL, 1—ERITREA—MAN was badly, and his HEAVILY—PREGNANT—WIFE suffered smoke inhalation —AFTER attackers tried to burn down their apartment close to the Mahane Yehuda market in CENTRAL—JERUSALEM.
20120712             —TRIGGERED, SOUTH—JAPAN, heavy rain, flash floods and mudslides, causing at least 20—DEATHS.
20120712             —REMAINED, At least 6—PEOPLE, missing.
20120712             —VOTED, JORDAN—THE—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD—SHURA, advisory council, to boycott parliamentary elections because of "lack of political reform".
20120712             —ABDUCTED, MALI, gunmen, Saouti Haidara, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—1—PRIVATE—NEWSPAPER, from his OFFICE—IN—BAMAKO and beat him "to 1—PULP" —BEFORE releasing him.
20120712             —KILLED, MAURITANIA, 7—PEOPLE were, in the crash of 1—YAK—12—MILITARY—PLANE chartered by 1—CANADA—MINING—COMPANY to transport gold.
20120712             THE—MEXICO—ARMY found 1—INCOMPLETE tunnel in 1—TIJUANA warehouse with more than 40—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA at the entry.
20120712             —EXTENDED, The passage, nearly 400—YARDS, including more than 100—YARDS into THE—USA.
20120712             MYANMAR—PRESIDENT—THEIN—SEIN told THE—UN that refugee camps or deportation was the "solution" for nearly 1—MILLION—ROHINGYA Muslims —IN—THE—WAKE—OF communal unrest in THE—WEST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20120712             1—NEPAL—COURT—JAILED—BAJIR—SINGH—TAMANG (37) for 1—RECORD—170—YEARS for trafficking teenage girls to work as prostitutes in INDIA.
20120712             NIGERIA, 1—TRUCK carrying fuel caught fire and exploded —AFTER it veered off the road into 1—DITCH in THE—NIGER Delta, killing over 100—WHO had rushed to the scene to scoop fuel.
20120712             NORTH—IRELAND, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTANTS from THE—ORANGE—ORDER brotherhood marched from their lodges in 1—ANNUAL—DEMONSTRATION that often ends in violence.
20120712             More than 20—OFFICERS were hurt in overnight violence —FOLLOWING rival Protestant and Catholic marches through BELFAST that saw up to 10—SHOTS fired at them.
20120712             —ORDERED, PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT, PRIME—MINISTER—RAJA—PERVAIZ—ASHRAF to reopen 1—OLD—CORRUPTION—CASE against PRESIDENT—ASIF—ALI—ZARDARI, 1—DEMAND that the premier's predecessor, Yousuf RAZA—GILANI, ignored, leading the judges to convict HIM—OF—CONTEMPT—OF—COURT and remove him from office.
20120712             PAKISTAN, DOZENS—OF—MILITANTS—COMING from AFGHANISTAN took scores of villagers hostage in THE—NORTH—WEST—BAJUR tribal area, sparking fighting that killed at least 10—PEOPLE.
20120712             —CLAIMED, PAKISTAN—TALIBAN spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan, responsibility for the attack, saying it was revenge for police torture of their fighters in prison.
20120712             The militants fled that night leaving their hostages behind.
20120712             Gunmen in LAHORE shot dead 9—PAKISTAN—POLICE—PRISON—STAFF as they slept.
20120712             —CLAIMED, PAKISTAN—MAIN—UMBRELLA—TALIBAN faction, responsibility.
20120712             † 1—PALESTINE—MILITANT, Mahmud AL—HIQI, 27—JAHRE—ALT, from the ruling Hamas movement was killed and 2—OTHERS wounded in 1—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKE on EAST—GAZA City.
20120712             —UNCOVERED, SOUTH—AFRICA—SCIENTISTS said they have, the most complete skeleton yet of 1—ANCIENT—RELATIVE—OF—MAN, hidden in 1—ROCK excavated from 1—ARCHAEOLOGICAL—SITE 3—YEARS ago.
20120712             —MOUNTED, Pressure, on PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD —AFTER Nawaf Fares, his ambassador to IRAQ, became the 1. senior diplomat to defect and Western powers drew up a 10—DAY—SANCTIONS ultimatum.
20120712             —URGED, Fares, the army to turn its guns on the regime.
20120712             —MASSACRED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS using tanks and helicopters, more than 150—PEOPLE in THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—HAMA, bringing THE—DAY—TOTAL—DEATH—TOLL to over 200.
20120712             —DENIED, Syria —LATER, its armed forces carried out 1—MASSACRE in Treimsa but said 37—GUNMEN and 2—CIVILIANS were killed in clashes with rebels.
20120712             —DEPLOYED, UN helicopters were, to stop 1—REBEL—ADVANCE on GOMA —AFTER rebels seized 1—NUMBER—OF—TOWNS on DR CONGO—BORDER with UGANDA.
20120712             [l] Spannendes Detail: AMAZON—ANBIETER BENUTZEN—INZWISCHEN "high speed algorithmic trading tools", um ihre Preise alle 15—MINUTEN zu ändern.
20120712             [l] DIE—UNO setzt zunehmend privatökonomische Söldner ein, [l] NEAPEL hat 1—KÜCHENSCHABENPROBLEM.
20120712             Aber warum ich das hier eigentlich bloggen:
20120712             Experts said there is no danger to THE—HEALTH—OF—RESIDENTS
20120712             es bestehe keinerlei GEFAHR—FÜR—DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG!1!!
20120712             —BASED, GLENN—GREENWALD is reporting that drone operators safely, IN—THE—USA are to be given medals for bravery!
20120712             1.DIE—JETZT—NOCH, grossspurig angekündigten
20120712   —ERSPARNIS werden noch ganz andere "Reaktionen"auslösen.
20120712             DIE—GEWALTTÄTIGKEITEN werden eskalieren, alles nur 1—FRAGE—DER—ZEIT.
20120712             SPANIEN, scheinen DIE—MENSCHEN NOCH NICHT komplett von den Medien und deren Regierungspalaver verdummt zu sein.
20120712             MADRID mit M von MINERO—BERG--ARBEITER waren immer was besonderes.
20120712             —PROTESTE—GEGEN—FEUDAL—HERREN -
20120712             DIE—PROTESTE—IN—SPANIEN, GRIECHENLAND, PORTUGAL, ITALIEN sind sehr bedrückend.
20120712             DIE—BERG—LEUTE waren KURZ—NACH, —MITTERNACHT nach 1—GUT zweiwöchigen Fußmarsch auf dem Platz Puerta del Sol im Zentrum MADRIDs eingetroffen.
20120712             "Wenn sie uns nicht anhören, kommen wir WIEDER—MIT Dynamit", drohte er.
20120712             Ärztestreik in PORTUGAL legt Kliniken lahm
20120712             Auch in PORTUGAL gibt es PROTESTE—GEGEN—DEN—SPAR—KURS der Regierung.
20120712             —ANTI—TERROR—RAZZIA: ERASMUS—STUDENTIN sitzt in türkischem Knast
20120712             VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ—SACHSEN: Abgeordnete rätseln über mysteriöse Akte
20120712             Übergelaufener SYRIEN—BOTSCHAFTER: "Ich kämpfe —JETZT für DIE—REVOLUTION"(Politik, 07:27
20120712             SCHULDEN—KRISE, Wirtschaftsbosse WARNEN—VOR—EURO—CRASH
20120712             WELT—RAUM—TELESKOP "Hubble": —FORSCHER entdecken 5. PLUTO—MOND
20120712             Missglückter WAHL—KAMPF—AUFTRITT: BÜRGER—RECHTLER buhen ROMNEY aus
20120712             Jamiri: es gibt so viel, was kein Mensch braucht
20120712             BUNDESWEHR: Sortiermaschine soll Schuld an FELDPOST—AFFÄRE sein
20120712             NORD—KOREA—KIM—JONG—UN macht sich locker
20120712             ENTWURF—FÜR—RECHTSVERORDNUNG: MINISTERium regelt Gentests an Embryonen
20120712             Umstrittenes PSYCHOLOGIE—WERK: Katalog der Störungen
20120712             JAGD—AUF—ISLAMISTEN in AFRIKA: Amerikas geheimer WÜSTEN—KRIEG
20120712             POLITIK—AUSSTEIGER HARALD—CHRIST: "Dieses ständige Taktieren lähmt alles"
20120712             Verhütung: Melinda Gates fordert den VATIKAN heraus
20120712             Frühe Einwanderer: Asiaten besiedelten AMERIKA in 3—WELLEN
20120712             DIE—MEISTEN heutigen UR—EINWOHNER NORD—UND SÜD—AMERIKAS HATTEN—VORFAHREN in 1—EINWANDERUNGSWELLE, die sich vor mindestens 15.000—JAHREN ereignete.
20120712             —WÄHREND sich EUROPÄER wie AFRIKAner —ERST—IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—500—JAHREN unter die UR—EINWOHNER des Kontinents mischten,
20120712             Sobald diese "1. USA—AMERIKANER", wie sie DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER in ihrer Publikation nennen, auf dem Kontinent angelangt waren,
20120712             stamme 50—PROZENT—DES—ERB—GUTS der Aleut sprechenden Inuit von Einwanderern der 2. Welle.
20120712             EINIGE—GRUPPEN aus dem hohen NORDEN des Kontinents sind also wieder zurück nach ASIEN abgewandert, schlussfolgern DIE—FORSCHER.
20120712             Teuerstes GEMÄLDE: NEW—YORKER Milliardär soll Munchs "Schrei"ersteigert haben
20120712             Satiremagazin "Titanic": Furzkissenwitze mit dem PAPA
20120712             Demografischer Wandel: 7—SCHRITTE zu 1—LEBENSWERTEREN GESELLSCHAFT
20120712             —URTEIL: DEUTSCHE haben keinen Anspruch auf Pflege im Ausland
20120712             USA "PONCE", USA—TRUPPENTRANSPORTER kreuzt vor IRANs Küste
20120712             SICHERHEITS—LÜCKE: Terminals für EC—KARTENZAHLUNG unsicher
20120712             Verifone habe DIE—SICHERHEITS—LÜCKE bestätigt.
20120712             DIE—DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT kämpfe "für den Erhalt des EURO"und unterstütze deshalb den —KURS der KANZLERIN.
20120712             "Bei 1—RÜCKKEHR zur D—MARK hätte DEUTSCHLAND mit 1—MASSIVEN Aufwertung zu kämpfen, die das DEUTSCHLAND—EXPORTWUNDER weitgehend zunichtemachen würde", sagte Reithofer dem "HANDELS—BLATT".
20120712             "Das könnte 1—SITUATION sein, in der auch die Feuerwehr nicht mehr zuverlässig funktioniert.
20120712             —NACH, Insolvenz, USA—KANZLEI fordert MILLIONEN—VON—EX—PARTNERN zurück
20120712             HARTZ—IV—URTEIL: Frau verlangt 20—CENT MEHR—RICHTER—WEISEN—KLAGE ab
20120712             "VIELE—MENSCHEN glauben, daß bestimmte Augenbewegungen 1—ZEICHEN der Lüge sind, und diese BeHauptung wird sogar in KOMMUNIKATIONS—SCHULUNGEN gelehrt",
20120712             [l] DIE—USA—AMIS schicken 1—LUSITANIA in DIE—STRAßE—VON—HORMUS.
20120712             NSU—AFFÄRE: Ausschuss plant SONDER—SITZUNG
20120712             PETER Sunde und KIM—DOTCOM: Die 2—GESICHTER des COPYRIGHT—KRIEGS
20120712             alfatomega.com/_themes_/_Deuss,JOHN_.html
20120712—20090000    —DUBBED, Other parts of the A. sediba skeleton, Karabo, were 1. discovered and were thought to be about 2—MILLION—YEARS—OLD.
20120712—20120405    —FREED, 1—ISLAMIST—REBEL—GROUP in NORTH—MALI said it had, 3—OF 7—ALGERIA—DIPLOMATS kidnapped in Gao.
20120712—20120709    —SINCE, It was the 2., major incomplete tunnel discovered in THE—S—DIEGO—TIJUANA area in 2—DAYS and the 3. along THE—USA—MEXICO border, —WHEN 1 completed passage was found in 1—VACANT strip mall storefront in THE—SOUTH—WEST—ARIZONA CITY—OF—S—LUIS.
20120712—20140000    —ARRESTED, ANDRE—MONCREUSE was, 2—MONTH—LATER and was convicted of 2.—DEGREE murder.
20120714             * The child 20120712             at 1—HOSPITAL in THE—TOWN—OF—KACHA Khoh, EAST—PUNJAB province.
20120714             NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up in 1—WEDDING—HALL.
20120714             23—PEOPLE were killed including AHMAD—KHAN—SAMANGANI, 1—PROMINENT—WARLORD—TURNED—POLITICIAN who was greeting wedding guests, and 3—SECURITY—OFFICIALS in Aybak, THE—CAPITAL—OF—SAMANGAN province.
20120714             2—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBERS were killed in EAST—AFGHANISTAN.
20120714             WEST—AUSTRALIA, 1—SURFER was bitten in half in 1—SAVAGE shark attack near Wedge ISLAND, NORTH—OF—PERTH, the 5. such fatality in the region in less than 1—YEAR.
20120714             NORTH—EGYPT, some 23,000 textile workers went on strike in Mahalla AL—KOBRA, demanding higher wages.
20120714             EGYPT, an 11-storey building in the poor ALEXANDRIA neighborhood of AL—GOMROUK collapsed onto 3—ADJACENT—BUILDINGS, reducing MUCH—OF—THE—STRUCTURES to rubble.
20120714             19—PEOPLE were reported killed.
20120714             —CANCELLED, INDIA—STRUGGLING—KINGFISHER Airlines, more than 3—DOZEN—FLIGHTS—WHEN frustrated pilots and other workers walked off the job to protest about LONG—OVERDUE pay.
20120714             —KILLED, NORTH—IRAQ, gunmen, 5—SOLDIERS and policemen —WHEN they attacked 1—CHECKPOINT in THE—TURKMENISTAN—TOWN—OF—RASHIDIYAH.
20120714             ISRAEL—MOSHE—SILMAN, (58) set himself ablaze at 1—SOCIAL—JUSTICE—DEMONSTRATION in THE—CITY—OF—TEL Aviv.
20120714             —BLAMED, Silman, PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU and THE—ISRAEL—ESTABLISHMENT for "stealing" from him, saying they had "left him with nothing".
20120714             1—ITALY—ALPINE rescue team military official said the bodies of 1—POLAND—WOMAN and SPAIN—MAN were found 4,400 meters (14,436 feet) up on the Mont Blanc Dome du Gouter peak on THE—ITALIAN—FRANCE—BORDER—AFTER spending more than 24—HOURS in 1—SNOW—HOLE.
20120714             —ORDERED, SOUTH—WEST—JAPAN, about 400,000—PEOPLE were, or advised to leave their homes in as heavy rain pounded the area for a 3. —DAY at least 26—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20120714             —CONJOINED, MALAYSIA, 15—MONTH—OLD—TWINS attached at the pelvis and sharing 3—LEGS were successfully separated at 1—HOSPITAL in 1—COMPLEX 24-hour operation.
20120714             NORTH—MALI, MEMBERS—OF—THE—RADICAL—ISLAMIC sect Ansar Dine were going from door to door in Goundam town in 1—BID to arrest the leaders of 1—PROTEST against them.
20120714             —BECAME, MYANMAR, GENERAL—ELECTRIC, the 1. USA—COMPANY to invest in the former pariah state, signing deals to provide medical equipment to 1—PAIR—OF—HOSPITALS in the country's biggest city.
20120714             Some 5,000 PAKISTAN—ISLAMISTS, who oppose THE—ANTI—TERRORISM—ALLIANCE with WASHINGTON, began 1—MARCH to the border in protest over THE—REOPENING—OF—NATO—SUPPLY—ROUTES into AFGHANISTAN.
20120714             * PAKISTAN—POLICE arrested 1—MAN accused of burying his newborn daughter alive because she deformed with large head and "abnormal" features.
20120714             —KILLED, PUERTO—RICO—CARMEN—PAREDES, (46) was, at home.
20120714             She was shot multiple times, including once in the forehead.
20120714             —REFUSED, RWANDA, to take custody of 24—REBELS who surrendered last May to UN peacekeepers in DR CONGO, which accuses KIGALI of backing 1—ARMY mutiny in its restive east.
20120714             —ARRESTED, SRI—LANKA—AUTHORITIES, another 131 WOULD—BE asylum seekers heading to AUSTRALIA and seized 1—FISHING trawler used for THE—PEOPLE—SMUGGLING—OPERATION.
20120714             —DETAINED, The number of Sri Lankans, on charges of illegally trying to leave the country has reached more than 250—OVER THE—LAST—WEEK.
20120714             —BACKED, SYRIA, HUNDREDS—OF—SOLDIERS, by helicopter gunships attacked Khirbet Ghazaleh in THE—PROVINCE—OF—DARAA.
20120714             1—PREGNANT—WOMAN was among 115—PEOPLE killed across the country.
20120714             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew up his car in THE—CENTRAL—TOWN—OF—MUHRADA killing 3—CIVILIANS and 1—SECURITY—OFFICER.
20120714             Zu hohe Gebühren: Visa und Mastercard zahlen 6-MILLIARDEN $ - "Balliste (auch Ballista, von griech.
20120714             Mehr Infos, Video und Fotos auf NEUERDINGS_com
20120714             Extremszenario: Physiker WARNEN—VOR—SUPER—SONNEN—STURM - DIE—MENSCHHEIT im ZIVILISATIONssprung.
20120714             —BIS—JETZT, war DIE—MENSCHHEIT 1—ZIVILISATION hilflos wie 1—BABY.
20120714             würde 1—SONNEN—STURM wie
20120714             und nicht zuletzt legen SONNEN—STÜRME auch die Elektronik von KOMMUNIKATIONS—SATELLITEN LAHM—KATASTROPHAL für 1—WELT, deren Wirtschaft und GESELLSCHAFTS—LEBEN ohne Handys kaum mehr denkbar ist.
20120714             SONNEN—STURM geht immer
20120714             würde 1—SONNEN—STURM wie im 19210500             — 1—DER stärksten
20120714             Nach seiner Einschätzung würde 1—SONNEN—STURM wie im 19210500             — 1—DER stärksten
20120714             24. SONNEN—STURM geht immer
20120714             † JOHN—CAMPBELL—ARBUTHNOTT, GROSSBRITANNIEN—PEER und Geschäftsmann, Mitglied des HOUSE—OF—LORDS
20120714—20120720    —ON, Silman † of his burns.
20120714—20140122    —ON, her husband PABLO—CASELLAS, THE—SON—OF—1—USA—DISTRICT—COURT—JUDGE, was found guilty on charges including murder, weapons offenses and destroying evidence.
20120730—20120714    —ON, sewing needles were found in food on 4—DELTA—FLIGHTS from AMSTERDAM to THE—USA, injuring 1—PASSENGER.
201211071450         —UHR Die radikalislamischen TALIBAN haben USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA nach dessen WAHL—SIEG aufgefordert, 1—NIEDERLAGE—DER—USA in AFGHANISTAN anzuerkennen.
20121110—20150714    —ON, MARK—LEONARD, 46—JAHRE—ALT was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER, arson and insurance fraud.
20130112—20090714    —CAPTURED, Allex was, in SOMALIA.
20130504—20130712    —FREED, THE—9—REMAINING—EMPLOYEES were, in GUINEA—BISSAU.
20130612—20130714    —ON, THE—STATE—RUN—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—COMPANY sent its final telegram ending 163—YEARS—OF—SERVICE.
20130629—20160712    —AGREED, THE—SF attorney's office, to a $4,900,000 settlement with Frazier.
20130706—20130712    —ON, Another CHINA—GIRL † in 1—SF hospital, becoming the 3. fatality.
20130712             THE—USA—MILITARY said most prisoners on the hunger strike at GUANTANAMO Bay have resumed eating, suggesting 1—POSSIBLE—END, or at least 1—PAUSE, to 1—PROTEST that brought renewed attention to their indefinite detention at the base in CUBA.
20130712             PRESIDENT—AND—THE 1. woman to lead the 10-campus system.
20130712             —KILLED, S—FRANCISCO, 2—WOMEN were, at 1—JEWELRY store in the 5-story Gift Center and Jewelry Mart at 888—BRANNON.
20130712             —IDENTIFIED, THE—BLOOD—SOAKED suspect, —LATER, as BARRY—WHITE, 23—JAHRE—ALT of Antioch, surrendered to police.
20130712             —ADOPTED, THE—OREGON Fish and Wildlife commission, provisions of 1—LAWSUIT—SETTLEMENT that will make the state the only 1 in the West where killing wolves that attack livestock must be 1—LAST—RESORT.
20130712             —PASSED, THE—TEXAS Senate, sweeping abortion restrictions sending them to GOVERNOR—RICK—PERRY to sign.
20130712             —MANAGED, Astronomers said they have for the 1. time, to determine the color of 1—PLANET outside the solar system, 1—BLUE—GAS—GIANT some 63—LIGHT—YEARS away.
20130712             1—INTERNATIONAL—TEAM working with the Hubble Telescope made the discovery observing HD 189733B, 1—OF—EARTH—NEAREST—PLANETS outside the solar system.
20130712             —ERUPTED, BRITAIN, 1—FIRE, on 1—BOEING—DREAMLINER at LONDON—HEATHROW airport.
20130712             —OPERATED, The fire broke out on the plane, by ETHIOPIA—AIRLINES, —WHEN it was parked at 1—REMOTE—STAND with no passengers on BOARD, —8—HOURS—AFTER arriving from ADDIS—ABABA.
20130712             —ENGINEERED, CAMBODIA—PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN, 1—PARDON for his most prominent rival, SAM—RAINSY, clearing the way for THE—SELF—EXILED politician to return home and campaign in —THIS—MONTH—GENERAL—ELECTION.
20130712             CAMEROON, ERIC—OHENA—LEMBEMBE, a prominent gay rights activist, was last seen in the capital, YAOUNDE.
20130712             CHINA, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS took to THE—STREETS—OF—JIANGMEN, Guangdong province, demanding that 1—PROJECT for 1—URANIUM processing plant be scrapped.
20130712             —CANCELED, The next —DAY plans for the plant were abruptly.
20130712             —OUSTED, EGYPT, Islamist supporters of, PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—MURSI protested in CAIRO —AFTER 1—WEEK—OF—VIOLENCE in which more than 90—PEOPLE were killed in 1—BITTERLY divided nation.
20130712             —FIRED, Militants, an RPG at 1 armored car at the checkpoint, killing LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—AHMED—MAHMOUD, 40—JAHRE—ALT in EL—ARISH.
20130712             —KILLED, In CENTRAL—FRANCE 1—TRAIN—DERAILMENT, at least 6—PEOPLE at the station of BRETIGNY—SUR—ORGE.
20130712             The next —DAY FRANCE—TRAIN—OPERATOR—SNCF said it may have been caused by 1—LOOSE—STEEL—PLATE at 1—JUNCTION.
20130712             † INDIA—LEGENDARY actor Pran (93) of pneumonia at 1—MUMBAI hospital.
20130712             —PLAYED, INDIA—LEGENDARY, SOME—OF—BOLLYWOOD—MOST memorable villains in 1—CAREER that spanned 6—DECADES, and was especially remembered for his supporting role as 1—VILLAIN—TURNED—HERO in 1973's smash hit "Zanjeer" (Shackles).
20130712             —REGAINED, INDONESIA, security forces, CONTROL—OF—1—TANJUNG—GUSTA prison in MEDAN where inmates had set fires and started 1—DEADLY—RIOT that left 5—PEOPLE—DEAD and HUNDREDS—OF—PRISONERS, including convicted terrorists, on the loose.
20130712             —ARMED, Outside Tikrit DRIVE—BY shooters, with pistols fitted with silencers killed 1—SENIOR—POLICE—OFFICER in the town Shirqat.
20130712             1—SUICIDE—ATTACK in KIRKUK killed 39—PEOPLE—WHEN 1—BOMBER detonated his explosives in 1 crowded coffee shop.
20130712             —VOTED, IRELAND—LAWMAKERS, 127-31 to back the country's 1. bill on abortion, legalizing the practice in exceptional cases where doctors deem the woman's life at risk from her pregnancy.
20130712             —CONDUCTED, ITALY—POLICE, raids on companies across the country linked to THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—VENICE—FLOOD—BARRIER.
20130712             —ARRESTED, They, 7—PEOPLE, suspected of rigging lucrative contracts for THE—MULTI—BILLION euro  Moses Project.
20130712             —DISBANDED, MYANMAR—PRESIDENT, 1—SECURITY—FORCE ACCUSED—OF—RIGHTS—VIOLATIONS against Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine STATE—IN—THE—WEST—OF—THE—COUNTRY, scene of deadly violence between Muslims and majority Buddhists in the past —YEAR.
20130712             —ATTACKED, NORTH—IRELAND, protestant hardliners, lines of BELFAST riot police as the annual mass marches by THE—ORANGE—ORDER brotherhood reached 1—FURIOUS, chaotic end with running street battles at several conflict zones.
20130712             —HANDED, ROMANIA—TRANSPORT—MINISTER—RELU—FENECHIU was, a 5—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCE for corruption, becoming the country's 1. government MINISTER convicted —WHILE in office.
20130712             RUSSIA, EDWARD—SNOWDEN, FORMER—NSA analyst, said he was ready to meet PRESIDENT—PUTIN—CONDTION to stop leaking secrets if it means RUSSIA would give him shelter that could eventually help him get to asylum in Latin AMERICA.
20130712             —DETONATED, SOMALIA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, his explosives near 1—MOVING—CONVOY—OF—AFRICA—UNION—TROOPS in MOGADISHU, killing himself and at least 3—PEOPLE walking by.
20130712             —REPORTED, It was, that initiation ceremonies in SOUTH—AFRICA have led to the deaths of 60—YOUNG—MEN and THE—HOSPITALIZATION—OF—HUNDREDS—SINCE May, sparking concern from officials about regulations surrounding 1—NATIONAL—TRADITION that determines —WHEN 1—BOY becomes 1—MAN.
20130712             —GORED, SPAIN, 1—AMERICAN and 2—SPANIARDS were, —DURING 1—DANGER—FILLED 6. bull run of THE—S—FERMIN festival, with 1—LOOSE bull causing panic in the packed STREETS—OF—THE—CITY—OF—PAMPLONA.
20130712             —REPORTED, It was, that HUNDREDS—OF—SHIITES have been quietly expelled from THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES on suspicion of being supporters of Hezbollah.
20130712             —CELEBRATED, Malala Yousafzai, her 16. birthday on the world stage at THE—UNITED—NATIONS, defiantly telling Taliban extremists who tried to end her campaign for girls' education in PAKISTAN with 1—BULLET that the attack gave her new courage and demanding that world leaders provide free education to all children.
20130712             —NACH—AM, WASHINGTON —BEREITS wichtige Auskünfte zu den von DEUTSCHLAND aufgeworfenen Fragen gegeben".
20130712—20130714    —DATED, His 1—LINE—STATEMENT was, 20130712             , but —POSTED on his website.
20130712—20170706    —CONVICTED, White was, on 2—COUNTS—OF—1.—DEGREE murder and 1—COUNT—OF attempted murder.
20130714             —OPENED, AFGHANISTAN—SUSPECT—LAMBER Khan, THE—ARMY—SOLDIER who, fire 20130709             on Slovakian NATO—TROOPS, escaped this —MORNING with the help of at least 1—OTHER—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIER.
20130714             —CARRIED, AFGHANISTAN, NATO—FORCES, out a "precision strike" in Paktia province overnight, killing 5—MILITANTS.
20130714             —EXPLODED, BAHRAIN, 1—HOMEMADE bomb, in Janabiyah, 1—MOSTLY—SHIITE area NORTH—WEST—MANAMA, injuring 4—POLICEMEN.
20130714             —ERUPTED, EAST—CONGODRC, fresh fighting, —AFTER more than 100 armed men disguised in women's clothing entered the country from RWANDA.
20130714             EGYPT, MOHAMED—ELBARADEI, 71—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LEADING—REFORM—ADVOCATE, took OFFICE—AS—EGYPT—INTERIM—VICE—PRESIDENT, reinforcing the role in the new leadership of liberals who are strongly opposed to the deposed PRESIDENT—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD.
20130714             —KILLED, EAST—INDONESIA, 17—PEOPLE were, in 1—STADIUM stampede —AFTER spectators rioted —JUST—BEFORE midnight to protest 1—LOCAL boxer's loss in 1—CHAMPIONSHIP—MATCH at THE—KOTA Lama Sport Stadium.
20130714             IRAN—NEW—PRESIDENT—HASAN—ROWHANI put the country's inflation rate at 42%, 8% above official figures.
20130714             —COORDINATED, IRAQ, 1—WAVE—OF, blasts that tore through overwhelmingly Shiite cities shortly —BEFORE the breaking of the Ramadan fast and other attacks killed at least 38.
20130714             —POUNDED, PAKISTAN AIR—FORCE—JETS, several militant hideouts between Orakzai and Khyber overnight killing 7—INSURGENTS.
20130714             —DECIDED, Taliban commanders in PAKISTAN said they have, to join THE—ANTI—ASSAD rebellion, saying HUNDREDS—OF—FIGHTERS had gone to Syria to fight alongside their "Mujahedeen friends".
20130714             —GORED, SPAIN, 1—BULL, 1—AUSTRALIA—WOMAN, 23—JAHRE—ALT and left her seriously injured —DURING the final RUN—OF—THIS—YEAR—ANNUAL S—FERMIN festival.
20130714             4—OTHER runners were hospitalized with cuts and bruises.
20130714             TOBY—LANZER, THE—UN—HUMANITARIAN—COORDINATOR in SOUTH—SUDAN, said some 200—CIVILIANS have been wounded in ongoing clashes between rival tribes in Jonglei state.
20130714             He urged the central government and local officials to stop "THE—CYCLE—OF—VIOLENCE" that has killed MANY—PEOPLE and displaced thousands.
20130714             —ARRIVED, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, in NIGERIA for 1—AFRICA—UNION—SUMMIT on HIV/AIDS as his hosts chose to ignore 1—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT (ICC) arrest warrant against him.
20130714             UGANDA Red Cross said more than 60,000 CONGO—HAVE fled to UGANDA —AFTER 1—REBEL—ATTACK on 1—TOWN—NEAR the border in 1—CONTINUING influx that is stretching humanitarian capacities.
20130714             ZIMBABWE police officers and soldiers, who will be on duty —DURING 20130731             —THE election, began voting, THE—EVE—OF—1—COURT hearing to stop the process because PRIME—MINISTER—MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI—MDC party says police numbers were inflated.
20140707121026       IE 9.0 8.0—WIN7 GERMANY Flag FRIEDRICHshafen, BADEN—WURTTEMBERG, GERMANY Zf FRIEDRICHshafen Ag, FRIEDRICHshafen ( alfatomega.com/20081009.htm l(No referring link)
20140707121105       IE 9.0 8.0—WIN7 1920x1200 GERMANY Flag FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, BADEN—WURTTEMBERG, GERMANY Zf FRIEDRICHshafen Ag, FRIEDRICHshafen ( alfatomega.com/20081009.html
20140708—20140714    —ON, A 5. CZECH—REPUBLIC—SOLDIER † of his wounds.
20140711—20140713    —ON, The body of 1 was found 20140712             and the bodies of 3—OTHERS.
20140712             —DETAILED, The regulations were, in a 20140630             document but released —THIS—WEEK.
20140712             —KILLED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 3—PEOPLE were, and 2 wounded in 1—LATE—NIGHT shooting in 1—WORKING—CLASS—NEIGHBORHOOD in PASADENA.
20140712             —TALKED, The shooter (35) was, into surrendering.
20140712             —REACHED, AFGHANISTAN—2—RIVAL—CANDIDATES, 1—BREAKTHROUGH—AGREEMENT to 1—COMPLETE audit of their contested presidential election and, whoever the victor, 1—NATIONAL—UNITY—GOVERNMENT in 1—DEAL brokered by USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—KERRY.
20140712             A UN—SUPERVISED recount of all 8—MILLION votes cast will follow.
20140712             Under the agreement the loser or his nominee will become "CHIEF—OF—THE—EXECUTIVE—COUNCIL," 1—NEW—POSITION implying power sharing.
20140712             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, roadside bombs, at least 10—PEOPLE.
20140712             —HAPPENED, The deadliest attack, in SOUTH—KANDAHAR province —WHEN 1—BOMB struck 1—CIVILIAN—CAR, killing 8—PEOPLE.
20140712             —EXPLODED, ALGERIA, 1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED homemade bomb, and killed 7—SECURITY—OFFICERS aboard 1—MILITARY—TRUCK in the northwest.
20140712             —SIGNED, BUENOS—AIRES, Russian and Argentine delegations, 1—SERIES—OF—BILATERAL—DEALS, including 1 on nuclear energy that comes as ARGENTINA ramps up work on its 4. nuclear plant, the $3-billion Atucha III reactor.
20140712             —CALLED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN and Argentine counterpart CRISTINA—KIRCHNER, for 1—MULTIPOLAR world order as MOSCOW sought to boost ties with Latin AMERICA amid heightened EAST—WEST—TENSIONS.
20140712             —REPORTED, It was, that CHINA—REGULATORS have banned the country's journalists from sharing information they have obtained on the job with overseas media or publishing it in ANY—VENUE, such as blogging sites, outside the media they are employed.
20140712             —ARRESTED, EGYPT—POLICE said they have, 1—DRIVER for raping 1—RUSSIA—TOURIST in 1—RESORT—TOWN.
20140712             —ARRESTED, CAIRO police said they have, 1—LOW—RANKING—OFFICER who groped 1—TUNISIA—WOMAN at CAIRO airport.
20140712             —MOVED, THE—EU, to impose sanctions on 11—LEADERS—OF—UKRAINE—PRO—MOSCOW rebellion.
20140712             —INCLUDED, Targets of the asset freeze and travel ban, 2—RUSSIA—SPIN—DOCTORS, ALEXANDER—BORODAI, PRIME—MINISTER—OF—THE—SEPARATIST—DONETSK PEOPLE—REPUBLIC, and his counterpart in THE—LUHANSK PEOPLE—REPUBLIC, Marat Bashirov.
20140712             —EXPLODED, INDIA, 1—CRUDE—BOMB, in the troubled northeast, wounding at least 6—PASSERSBY in Manipur state.
20140712             IRAQ—FORCES and tribal fighters beat back 1—FRESH—ASSAULT by Sunni militants on THE—TOWN—OF—HADITHA.
20140712             The fighting left 13—MILITANTS and 4—POLICE—DEAD.
20140712             —LAUNCHED, DIYALA, province security forces and CIVIL—VOLUNTEERS, 1—PUSH to retake MILITANT—HELD areas NORTH—OF—MUQDADIYAH.
20140712             —INCLUDED, The reported dead, 7—CIVILIANS, 15—MILITIA—FIGHTERS and 24 "terrorists".
20140712             1—UN—ENVOY warned of chaos if divided lawmakers do not make progress toward naming 1—GOVERNMENT.
20140712             —STORMED, IRAQ, gunmen, 2—BUILDINGS in BAGHDAD—RESIDENTIAL—DISTRICT—OF—ZAYOUNA, known in the area for housing rented flats where 1—NOTORIOUS pimp kept a "stable" of up to 60—WOMEN.
20140712             —KILLED, At least 31—PEOPLE were, 2—OF—THEM men.
20140712             —WIDENED, ISRAEL, its air assault against THE—GAZA STRIP—HAMAS rulers.
20140712             —FLATTENED, 1—ISRAEL—WARPLANE, the home of GAZA police CHIEF—TAYSIR—AL—BATSH and damaged 1—NEARBY—MOSQUE as —EVENING prayers ended, killing at least 18—PEOPLE.
20140712             —KILLED, —TODAY—AIR—STRIKES, 22 as the death toll from THE—5—DAY—OFFENSIVE—ROSE to 127.
20140712             † KENYA, MOHAMED—SHAHID—BUTT, 1—PROMINENT—BUSINESSMAN who was facing TERRORISM—RELATED charges, was shot and killed by unknown gunmen in MOMBASA.
20140712             LIBYA—STATE—FIRM—NATIONAL—OIL—CORP (NOC) said protesters have shut down the eastern oil port Brega.
20140712             —MASKED, MALAYSIA, gunmen stormed Mabul Water Bungalow Resort, Sabah state, shot 1—POLICEMAN and kidnapped another then sped away in 1—BOAT toward THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, where Muslim militants have carried out similar raids in the past.
20140712             —SUSPECTED, NIGERIA, Islamic extremists bombed 1—MAJOR—BRIDGE on 1—NORTHEASTERN highway, further limiting access to base camps in the Sambisa Forest where scores of kidnapped girls are believed to be held captive.
20140712             —CROSSED, PAKISTAN, some 60—MILITANTS, over from AFGHANISTAN and attacked 1—ARMY—POST in the Ghakhi AREA—OF—THE—BAJUR tribal region, killing 1—ARMY—CAPTAIN and 2—SOLDIERS.
20140712             —KILLED, Airstrikes targeting MIR—ALI, NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, 13 suspected extremist fighters.
20140712             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN made 1—SURPRISE stop in NICARAGUA —AFTER visiting CUBA.
20140712             His 6—DAY—TRIP will also take him to ARGENTINA and BRAZIL, where he will take part in 1—SUMMIT—OF—THE—BRICS—GROUP—OF—EMERGING—COUNTRIES.
20140712             —INSPIRED, SINGAPORE, 1—CHILDREN—BOOK, by 1—REAL—LIFE—STORY—OF—2—MALE penguins raising 1—BABY chick in NEW—YORK—ZOO has been deemed inappropriate by STATE—RUN—LIBRARIES.
20140712             The conservative CITY—STATE—INFORMATION—MINISTER said he supports the decision to destroy all copies of "And Tango Makes 3" alongside 2—OTHER—TITLES: "THE—WHITE—SWAN—EXPRESS: 1—STORY—ABOUT—ADOPTION" and "Who's in My Family: All About Our Families".
20140712             —KILLED, EAST—UKRAINE, artillery fire, at least 4—PEOPLE in 1—OVERNIGHT ATTACK—ON—1—RESIDENTIAL—AREA, spurring more people to flee the besieged CITY—OF—DONETSK and its suburbs.
20140712             YEMEN—TRIBESMEN blew up the country's main oil pipeline, halting deliveries from oilfields in the interior to the Ras Isa export terminal on the Red Sea.
20140712             KRIMinalität: BRASILIEN greift zur SELBST—JUSTIZ
20140712             Raketen auf GAZA—STREIFEN: Mehrere TOTE—BEI—ISRAEL—LUFT—ANGRIFFEN
20140712             Tiere im KRIEG: Vom Stall aufs Schlachtfeld
20140712             —TENDIERT, Auf dem Laptop, man dazu, alles wörtlich zu notieren.
20140712             Wer sich hingegen Notizen per Hand macht, filtert aus dem Gehörten das für sich Entscheidende direkt heraus und formuliert es in eigene Worte um.
20140712             Und das kann man sich besser merken.
20140712             "Wir brauchen für 1—SOLCHES Abkommen 1—MINDESTMAß an gesellschaftlicher Zustimmung in DEUTSCHLAND. Und die läuft uns —IM—MOMENT wegen der SPIONAGE—AFFÄRE davon", sagte BUNDES—JUSTIZ—MINISTER—HEIKO—MAAS (SPD) dem "KÖLNer STADT—ANZEIGER".
20140712             "Viele sagen: Wenn sich WASHINGTON auch beim FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN so wie in Sachen NSA verhält, kann nicht viel dabei herauskommen".Diese Sorgen müssten den Menschen genommen werden, "indem wir DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN möglichst transparent führen und zu guten VERHANDLUNGS—ERGEBNISSEN kommen".
20140712             "Differenzen"im Bereich DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE sollten über "bewährte private Kanäle"und nicht über DIE—MEDIEN beigelegt werden, sagte DER—SPRECHER—DES—WEIßES—HAUSES, JOSH—EARNEST.
20140712             "bewährte private Kanäle"
20140712             —BEGINNT, Allerdings, DIE—SPIONAGE—AFFÄRE IN—DEN—USA —ERST—JETZT, richtig Fahrt aufzunehmen.
20140712             "Das ist etwas, was wir von den RUSSEN, den IRANern und NORD—KOREANERN erwarten, nicht etwas, was wir von den DEUTSCHEN erwarten", sagte der REPUBLIKANER dem TV—SENDER—CNN.
20140712             —GELIEFERT, DIE—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE hätten den DEUTSCHLAND—DIENSTEN Informationen, die das Leben von DEUTSCHEN gerettet hätten.
20140712             ZUGLEICH warf Rogers den DEUTSCHEN praktisch vor, iranische und RUSSLAND—TOP—SPIONE im Land zu tolerieren.
20140712             "Ich sehe kein Interesse, diese Chefs rauszuwerfen".
20140712             Drohende EU—KLAGE: Regierung will DATEN—SCHÜTZER in DIE—FREIHEIT entlassen
20140712             BUNDES—ANWALTSCHAFT: MUTMAßLICHER—USA—SPION wird psychologisch untersucht
20140712             Landebahn wie Flugzeugträger: Chinesen machen Berge platt, um Flughafen zu bauen
20140712             Abgeordneter trotz Drogenkonsum: SPD—FRAKTION—CHEF—OPPERMANN stellt sich hinter HARTMANN
20140712             Bombenziele im GAZA—STREIFEN—SRAELS BIG—BROTHER—MASCHINEN
20140712             SPIONAGE—AFFÄRE beim BND: MUTMAßLICHER—USA?SPION bekam aus WIEN Befehle
20140712             HAMBURG—DER mutmaßliche USA—SPION beim BUNDES—NACHRICHTEN—DIENST (BND) wurde nicht aus DER—BERLIN—BOTSCHAFT der USA geführt.
20140712             Sollte es den Ermittlern gelingen, DIE—FÜHRUNGS—OFFIZIERE des mutmaßlichen BND—SPIONS zu identifizieren, würden sie im Falle 1—STRAFVERFAHRENS in DEUTSCHLAND keinen diplomatischen Schutz genießen.
20140712             Der, 31—JAHRE—ALTE arbeitete beim BND in der Registratur DER—ABTEILUNG "EINSATZ—GEBIETE Ausland", die für DIE—KOMMUNIKATION mit den Residenten des BND im Ausland und den Kontakten zu PARTNER—DIENSTEN anderer Länder verantwortlich ist.
20140712             BUNDES—KANZLERIN—MERKEL demonstrierte ebenfalls ihr Unverständnis.
20140712             "Aus meiner Interessenssicht ist es nicht 1—PARTNERSCHAFTLICHE ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT, wenn so etwas vorkommt", sagte sie im ZDF.
20140712             Wenn man in 1—SOLCHEN Beziehung mit SPIONAGE rechnen müsse, gebe es keine Vertrauensbasis.
20140712             Sie denke jedoch nicht, daß man den USA—AMERIKANERN das Ausspähen austreiben könne — oder dass es einfach sei, DIE—ARBEIT der NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE völlig umzukrempeln.
20140712             "es ist ja 1—GENERELLE Herangehensweise".Daher müssten DIE—DEUTSCHEN "deutlich machen, wo die unterschiedlichen Auffassungen liegen".
20140712             Angebliche Grenzverletzung: RUSSLAND droht UKRAINE mit Gegenwehr
20140712             HAMBURG - 1.hat 1—WICHTIGER Abgeordneter des USA—KONGRESSES 1—NO—SPY—ABKOMMEN—ZWISCHEN—DEN—USA und DEUTSCHLAND gefordert.
20140712             Historisch hätten DIE—USA —BISLANG nur im Rahmen des "5—EYES"-Klubs mit GROß—BRITANNIEN, AUSTRALIEN, KANADA und NEUSEELAND 1—ENTSPRECHENDES Abkommen, sagte der republikanische KONGRESS—ABGEORDNETE JIM—SENSENBRENNER dem SPIEGEL.
20140712             "Ich denke, das muss erweitert werden, und DEUTSCHLAND wäre ganz oben auf meiner Liste".
20140712             Der Schaden, den DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE angerichtet hätten, sei unermesslich, sagte Sensenbrenner.
20140712             "—JETZT muss etwas getan werden, um das zu reparieren".Sensenbrenner kritisierte auch den Umgang der USA—REGIERUNG mit der jüngsten CIA—SPIONAGE—AFFÄRE.
20140712             "Wenn die OBAMA— Administration damit hätte umgehen wollen, hätte es dafür Wege gegeben, etwa 1—ANRUF des Präsidenten bei der KANZLERIN".
20140712             Doch an JIM—SENSENBRENNER zeigt sich, daß vor allem DIE—NSA—AUSSPÄHUNGEN bei manchen USA—POLITIKERN zum Umdenken führen.
20140712             Sensenbrenner war —NACH—DEN 20010911             —ANSCHLÄGEN 1—DER Schöpfer des "USA—PATRIOT—ACT"- also jenes Gesetzespakets, auf das sich DIE—NSA unter anderem bei der Sammlung von Metadaten beruft.
20140712             —NUN, versucht der REPUBLIKANER ZUSAMMEN—MIT—DEM demokratischen SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY, DIE—NSA—SAMMELWUT mit dem "USA—FREEDOM Act"wieder einzufangen.
20140712             GEMEINSAM—MIT—1—ÜBER—PARTEILICHEN Gruppe haben die 2—POLITIKER 1—GESETZ—ENTWURF eingebracht, der DAS—ZIELLOSE MASSENEINSAMMELN—VON—DATEN verbieten soll.
20140712             —ZERSTÖRT, GAZA—KONFLIKT—ISRAEL—MILITÄR, Moschee, HAMAS feuert auf TEL—AVIV
20140712             "Total population control": Another NSA whistleblower spills the big secret
20140712             —ABOUT 1—WEEK ago, FORMER—NSA codebreaker WILLIAM Binney spoke at 1—CONFERENCE in LONDON...
20140712             "At least 80—PERCENT—OF—FIBRE—OPTIC—CABLES globally go via THE—USA", Binney said.
20140712             "This is no accident and allows THE—USA to view all communication coming in.
20140712             —AT—LEAST 80—PERCENT—OF—ALL audio calls, not —JUST metadata, are recorded and stored IN—THE—USA.
20140712             THE—NSA lies about what it stores".
20140712             THE—NSA will soon be able to collect 966—EXABYTES 1—YEAR, THE—TOTAL—OF—INTERNET—TRAFFIC annually.
20140712             † MICHAEL—HAHN, DEUTSCHLAND—INDOLOGE und Tibetologe
201407130712144916   Unknown
20140714             alfatomega.com/20070508.html
20140714             —OWNED, MakerBot, —NOW, by Stratasys INCORPORATED, and Home Depot announced 1—NEW—PARTNERSHIP to bring 3D printing capabilities to the masses.
20140714             —PRICED, THE—MAKERBOT—REPLICATOR—MINI was, at $1,375.
20140714             —LAUNCHED, THE—SPACE X company, 1—FALCON rocket from Cape Canaveral packed with communication satellites.
20140714             —ANNOUNCED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON, 1—INVESTMENT—OF £1.1—BILLION (1.38—BILLION euros, $1.88—BILLION) into the armed forces, the bulk of it on intelligence and surveillance equipment.
20140714             —FACED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, 1—CALL to impose legal caps on executive salaries —AFTER 1—STUDY found top pay in BRITAIN has reached 180—TIMES—AVERAGE—WAGES.
20140714             —VOTED, THE—CHURCH—OF—ENGLAND, overwhelmingly in favor of allowing women to become bishops.
20140714             CAMBODIA, 2—GENERALS who led the helicopter UNIT—OF—THE—AIR—FORCE were killed in 1—CRASH, along with 2—PILOTS.
20140714             —RUSHED, Defense MINISTER—TEA—BANH, who, to the crash site in 1—MUDDY pond SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL, said a 5. person on the chopper was seriously injured.
20140714             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that authorities have indicted British and USA—INVESTIGATORS hired by GlaxoSmithKline on charges of illegally obtaining and selling private information, as the Briton blamed the pharmaceutical company for misleading and using him.
20140714             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that teachers are —NOW banned from receiving gifts from students and their parents to curb the buying of favors, often in exchange for giving students special treatment.
20140714             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that police have uncovered 1—SERIES—OF—ILLEGAL—WORLD—CUP betting cases involving almost $3—BILLION, as authorities struggled to control the country's growing gambling problem.
20140714             —COLLAPSED, SOUTH—WEST—CHINA, PART—OF—1—RAILWAY—TUNNEL, trapping 1 estimated 14—WORKERS in Yunnan province's Funing county.
20140714             —RULED, EGYPT, 1—CAIRO appeals court, that leaders of the former ruling party of ousted PRESIDENT—MUBAREK will not be barred from running for elections.
20140714             —MARCHED, FRANCE, soldiers carrying the flags of 76—COUNTRIES, down THE—CHAMPS—ELYSEES in PARIS, as the traditional Bastille —DAY military parade commemorated THE—CENTENARY—OF—WWI.
20140714             —OVERLOADED, An, fishing boat carrying some 70—ILLEGAL—INDONESIA—MIGRANTS capsized off SOUTH—MALAYSIA, killing at least 2—PEOPLE with 9—LEFT missing.
20140714             —KILLED, IRAQ, 2—CAR—BOMBS in commercial areas of BAGHDAD, at least 7—PEOPLE, as government forces and allied Sunni tribal fighters tried to dislodge militants from Duluiyah, 45—MILES—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20140714             —DISCOVERED, Authorities, 12 bloated bodies with gunshot wounds to the head near the village of Nofal.
20140714             —LAUNCHED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said it downed 1—DRONE, by GAZA militants, the 1. time it encountered 1 unmanned aircraft —SINCE THE—START—OF—ITS—OFFENSIVE—LAST—WEEK.
20140714             —PUSHED, New ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKES, the death toll from ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKES to at least 175.
20140714             —CONTINUED, Fighting, as 2—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKES struck THE—SOUTH—GAZA CITY—OF—KHAN Younis, killing 4—PALESTINIANS.
20140714             † A 21—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINIAN was killed —DURING confrontations with ISRAEL—SOLDIERS in THE—WEST—BANK—VILLAGE—OF—SAMOA.
20140714             —AGREED, ISRAEL, to 1—EGYPT—TRUCE—PLAN, proposed late —TODAY.
20140714             Under it, a 12-hour PERIOD—OF—DE—ESCALATION was to begin at MID—MORNING 20140715            .
20140714             Once both sides agree to halt hostilities, they would negotiate the terms of 1—LONGER—TERM—TRUCE.
20140714             —FIRED, Rockets were, at ISRAEL from SOUTH—LEBANON, drawing retaliatory artillery fire from ISRAEL—FORCES.
20140714             —ENTERED, HUNDREDS—OF—KURDISH—FIGHTERS, Kobane, NORTH—SYRIA, to help battle jihadists besieging the Kurdish CITY—OF—AIN AL—ARAB.
20140714             † In NORTH—MALI 1—FRANCE—SOLDIER from wounds in 1—SUICIDE bombing.
20140714             NEPAL—FORMER—CROWN—PRICE—PARAS Shah, notorious for his flamboyant lifestyle, was released on bail for marijuana possession in THAILAND.
20140714             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, at least 26—PEOPLE were, —WHEN suspected Islamist Boko Haram militants stormed Dille village, Borno state, and 1—GOVERNMENT—WARPLANE opened fire to repel the attackers.
20140714             —KILLED, Cannon fire from the government jet, at least 6—CIVILIANS, 4—WOMEN and 2—CHILDREN.
20140714             —MOVED, PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, in THE—TOWN—OF—MIR—ALI, NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, triggering 1—GUNBATTLE in which 3—SOLDIERS and 7—MILITANTS were killed.
20140714             —INVITED, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said it has, monitors from THE—OSCE European security and rights body to 2—OF—ITS—BORDER—CROSSINGS with UKRAINE as 1—SIGN—OF goodwill.
20140714             1—NATO—MILITARY—OFFICER said RUSSIA has been building up its forces again along THE—UKRAINE—BORDER and —NOW has 1 estimated 10,000-12,000 troops in the area.
20140714             —EXPELLED, SYRIA, THE—AL—QAEDA offshoot Islamic State, rival rebels from THE—EAST—CITY—OF—DEIR AL—ZOR, tightening its grip on THE—OIL—PRODUCING—PROVINCE abutting territory it also controls in IRAQ.
20140714             Heavy clashes broke out between SYRIA—REBELS and Hezbollah fighters near THE—SYRIA—LEBANON border.
20140714             UKRAINE—DEFENSE—MINISTER said 1—MILITARY—TRANSPORT—PLANE has been shot down along the country's eastern border with RUSSIA.
20140714             —MANAGED, All 8—ABOARD the plane, to bail out safely.
20140714             Kiev —LATER said it has found 4—SURVIVORS, that 2—OTHERS are being held by rebels, and that it does not know the fate of the remaining 2. PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO accused RUSSIA—MILITARY—STAFF—OFFICERS—OF fighting alongside separatists in THE—EAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY and said 1—NEWLY—DEVELOPED RUSSIA—MISSILE—SYSTEM was being used against government forces.
20140714             DEUTSCHLAND ist Weltmeister: 19540000            .
20140714             LONDON/MOSKAU—ES soll alles möglichst schnell gehen:
20140714             DIE—BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG möchte mit Eilgesetzen DIE—ÜBERWACHUNG—VON—TELEFON—, INTERNET—VERBINDUNGEN im Land neu regeln.
20140714             Und zwar —SCHON in der kommenden Woche.
20140714             —IM, Kern geht es dabei um das weitere SAMMELN—VON—VORRATSDATEN,
20140714             —VOR—ALLEM die Geschwindigkeit, mit der sie verabschiedet werden sollen.
20140714             "Ich meine, es fallen keine Bomben.
20140714             Wir haben keine U—BOOTE in den Häfen", sagte SNOWDEN.
20140714             In 1—INSGESAMT siebenstündigen INTERVIEW—MIT—DEM "GUARDIAN",
20140714             für DAS—INTERVIEW Redakteure nach MOSKAU gereist waren,
20140714             verglich er das geplante Gesetz mit dem PROTECT—AMERICA—ACT,
20140714             "DIE—NSA hätte diesen GESETZ—ENTWURF geschrieben haben können".
20140714             DIE—BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG hat sich für ihr Vorhaben die Unterstützung der Liberaldemokraten und der LABOUR—PARTY gesichert.
20140714             Im Gegenzug hat sie 1—BESSERE Aufsicht der ÜBERWACHUNGS—AKTIVITÄTEN einschließlich jährlicher Berichte versprochen.
20140714             "Ist es wirklich so aufwendig FÜR USA—SICH 1—PAAR TAGE Zeit für DIE—DEBATTE zu nehmen, wo die ROTE—LINIE für DIE—BEHÖRDEN gezogen werden soll und was wirklich dem öffentlichen Interesse dient?"
20140714             —UM—DEN, eigentlichen Inhalt der Kommunikation geht es dabei im Normalfall nicht, doch in Ausnahmefällen soll auch das erlaubt sein.
20140714             Mögliche KINDER—ARBEIT: Samsung stoppt Aufträge für CHINA—ZULIEFERER
20140714             NAH—OST—KRISE, ISRAEL beschießt Ziele im LIBANON und in SYRIEN
20140714             —GEWINNT, SLOWENIEN: Partei von Politikneuling, PARLAMENTS—WAHL
20140714             —STUDIEE: Jeder 4. Arbeitslose bekommt kein Geld von der Agentur
20140714             Befreiter USA—SOLDAT: Bergdahl soll MILITÄR—DIENST wieder aufnehmen
20140714             —EVOLUTION: Forscher widersprechen DINO—ABSTAMMUNG der Vögel
20140714             Tests trotz UNO—VERBOT: NORD—KOREA schießt Dutzende Raketen ins Meer
20140714             Belastung im Job: DEUTSCHLAND—UNTERNEHMEN schützen MIT—ARBEITER schlecht vor Stress (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 09:55)
20140714             INTERNET—SICHERHEIT: Forscher beklagen Mängel in PASSWORT—MANAGERN
20140714             IS im IRAK: AMNESTY wirft ISLAMISTEN massenhafte Tötungen vor
20140714             Raumfahrt: BRITEN planen WELT—RAUMBAHNHOF im eigenen Land
20140714             NAH—OST—KRISE, ISRAEL schießt HAMAS—DROHNE ab
20140714             Angeblicher Übergriff: Mollath soll Bekannte verängstigt haben
20140714             Demos und Übergriffe: ANTI—ISRAEL—PROTESTE—IN—FRANKREICH eskalieren
20140714             Faule Kredite: CITIGROUP muss 7—MILLIARDEN $ Strafe zahlen
20140714             WM—FINALE im Fernsehen: Wieso, zur Hölle, zeigen die ewig diese JESUS—STATUE?
20140714             Diagnose BORE—OUT: Die Mär des süßen Nichtstuns
20140714             "ÜBERWACHUNG total"von PETER—SCHAAR: Die Abrechnung
20140714             "Im Visier der Hacker": TV—REPORTAGE zeigt spektakuläre CYBER—ANGRIFFE
20140714             —KLIMA—SCHUTZ, AUSTRALIEN will CO2—STEUER abschaffen
20140714             NSA—AUSSCHUSS: Ruf nach SCHREIB—MASCHINE löst Spott und KRITIK—AUS—
20140714             SYRIEN—ISLAMISCHER—STAAT—MILIZEN erobern wichtige Stadt
20140714             —DER—FALL—MADDIE McCann: Der Spion, der keiner war
20140714             Preisturbulenzen: Mittelgroßen Städten droht IMMOBILIEN—BLASE
20140714             Palmölanbau: Plantagen bedrohen AFRIKAs MENSCHEN—AFFEN
20140714             —SYNODE in ENGLAND: ANGLICAN—CHURCHE stimmt für Frauen im BISCHOFsamt
20140714             [l] Diese ISRAEL—PALÄSTINA—GESCHICHTE gerade mit den der entführten Jugendlichen entwickelt sich sehr interessant. es stellt sich nämlich raus, daß DIE—ISRAEL—REGIERUNG—VON—ANFANG an wusste, daß DIE—JUGENDLICHEN tot sind.
20140714             DIE—NOTRUFZENTRALE hatte 1—TELEFONAT mitgeschnitten, auf dem man hörte, wie sie erschossen wurden, und ihre DNA wurde im zerstörten Auto der ENT—FÜHRER gefunden.
20140714             Trotzdem haben sie da 1—THEATER abgezogen und 18—TAGE lang "gesucht", um 1—ÖFFENTLICHEN Vorwand für 1—KRIEG—GEGEN—HAMAS zu haben.
20140714             Aber das ist noch nicht das Spannende.
20140714             Das Spannende ist, daß sie DIE—ARMEE in ihr Lügengebäude involviert haben, und DIE—ARMEE hat —JETZT sowas von gar keinen Bock mehr auf NETANJAHU und seine sinnlosen Kriege, daß sie öffentlich keine Aussagen wie üblich bringen, so ala "Wir werden ALLE—NOTWENDIGEN—SCHRITTE gehen"oder "DER—STAAT ISRAEL wird seine BÜRGER verteidigen"sondern sie haben das hier gesagt:
20140714             —INSTRUCTED, We have been, by the political ECHELON to hit HAMAS hard.
20140714             Nicht nur das: ISRAEL wollte HAMAS im GAZA—STREIFEN gar nicht angreifen.
20140714             NETANJAHU wollte nur die HAMAS—SPLITTER—GRUPPEN in der WEST—BANK plattmachen, aber als sich dieser Mediensturm über DIE—JUGENDLICHEN verselbständigte, musste sie auch im GAZA—STREIFEN angreifen.
20140714             —UPDATE, Sieht aus als weite sich das gerade in den LIBANON und nach SYRIEN aus.
20140714             [l] Schöner Preview darauf, was wir mit TTIP und co zu erwarten haben: DAS—USA—BUNDESLAND VERMONT wird gerade von 4—HANDELS—VERBÄNDEN verklagt, weil sie per Gesetz die Kenntlichmachung von genmanipulierten NAHRUNGS—MITTELN vorschreiben wollen.
20140714             Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), the Snack Food Association (SFA), INTERNATIONAL Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and THE—NATIONAL—ASSOCIATION—OF—MANUFACTURERS (NAM) say that food made with genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are safe and do not need to be specially labeled.
20140714             Ich weiß ja nicht, was die sich da überhaupt so wehren.
20140714             Made in GERMANY war auch als Warnlabel gemeint und ist —JETZT Qualitätssiegel.
20140714             Wenn das wirklich harmlos ist, dann kann man es ja auch aufs Label tun.
20140714             VERMONT hat auch gleich mal 1.500.000—DOLLAR für Anwälte zurückgelegt, um DAS—GESETZ vor Gericht zu verteidigen.
20140714             Sehr schön ist auch, womit die verschiedenen Verbände ihre Klagen BE—GRÜNDEN.
20140714             —INVOLVED, THE—TRADE—GROUPS, IN—THE—LAWSUIT called the labeling requirement "1—COSTLY and misguided measure that will set the nation on 1—PATH toward a 50—STATE—PATCHWORK—OF—GMO labeling policies that do nothing to advance THE—HEALTH—AND SAFETY—OF—CONSUMERS," GMA said in 1—STATEMENT.
20140714             "With 0—JUSTIFICATION in health, safety or science, THE—STATE—OF—VERMONT has imposed 1—BURDENSOME mandate on manufacturers that unconstitutionally compels speech and interferes with interstate commerce," Nam wrote in its statement.
20140714             "unconstitutionally compels speech"ist das Buzzword auf nationaler Ebene, und "interferes with interstate commerce"ist zwar auf der 1—SEITE DIE—BEGRÜNDUNG, wieso sich 1—BUNDES—GERICHT kümmern soll, auf der anderen Seite aber auch die PRÄZEDENZFALL—LUNTE für TTIP, WTO und co.
20140714             Mit der Klageschrift liegt nun 1—RECHT ordentlich ausgearbeitetes Template vor, mit dem sich jeder —SCHON recht solide verteidigen kann, der unberechtigt abgemahnt wurde und es darauf ankommen lassen will.
20140714             Unberechtigt ist die Abmahnung — kurz gesagt —, wenn man es nicht selber war, sondern Haustier, Nachbar, Gast oder Familie und das — ganz wichtig — auch nicht nur wie 1—BLÖDER Vorwand daherkommt.
20140714             Im Kern geht es den Freifunkern darum, die sogenannte Störerhaftung abzuschießen — also das obrigkeitsdenkende Prinzip "den Letzten beißen die Hunde", daß sich doch gefälligst keinerlei Handlung im INTERNET ohne 1—SCHULDIGEN zutragen darf, den man dafür belangen kann.
20140714             Dieses Artefakt sorgt zuletzt dafür, daß sogar das von der Kommune POTSDAM initiierte STADTFUNK—NETZ sämtlichen von ihren öffentlichen Zugangspunkten entstandenen Traffic durch 1—TUNNEL nach Slovenien fallen ließ — aus ANGST—VOR—DER—ABMAHNINDUSTRIE.
20140714             Wichtige Metalle: DEUTSCHLAND schließt ROH—STOFFABKOMMEN—MIT—PERU
20140714             Verfahrensende in WUPPERTAL: Notorische Schwarzfahrerin "Oma GERTRUD"ist tot
20140714             Folgen der SPIONAGE—AFFÄRE: DEUTSCHE verlieren Vertrauen in AMERIKA
20140714             Zeugen im MOLLATH—PROZESS, "Ich hatte seine Hände am Hals"
20140714             —UKRAINE—KRISE, KONFLIKT—PARTEIEN planen direkte Gespräche
20140714             UNO—RESOLUTION: SICHERHEITS—RAT erlaubt direkte Hilfslieferungen für SYRIEN
20140714             DIE—DEUTSCHEN vertrauen der USA—REGIERUNG immer weniger, wenn es um den Schutz ihrer PRIVAT—SPHÄRE geht.
20140714             Zwar glauben noch 58 %, daß DIE—USA elementare BÜRGER—RECHTE schützen und respektieren, ergab 1—UM—FRAGE—DES—RENOMMIERTEN—PEW—RESEARCH—CENTER in WASHINGTON.
20140714             —BEDEUTET, Das, dennoch 1—DRAMATISCHEN Rückgang von 23—PROZENTPUNKTEN im Vergleich zum Vorjahr.
20140714             —ZUDEM, hat nur noch 1—KNAPPE MEHRHEIT—DER—BUNDES—BÜRGER (51 %) 1—POSITIVE Meinung über DIE—USA.
20140714             Nicht nur die USA—ABHÖR—MASSNAHMEN stoßen in DEUTSCHLAND auf massive Kritik.
20140714             67 % DER—BUNDES—BÜRGER sprechen sich auch gegen DIE—DROHNEN—POLITIK—DER—OBAMA—REGIERUNG aus.
20140714             Der WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—DEN —EINSATZ—DER—UNBEMANNTEN—FLUGZEUGE ist im Rest der Welt ebenfalls groß: In 39—DER 44—STAATEN, in denen Pew Umfragen durchführte, lehnt 1—MEHRHEIT—DER—BÜRGER sie ab.
20140714             —BESCHREIBT, GREENWALD, die Tools als "einige der erstaunlichsten Methoden von PROPAGANDA und Täuschung im INTERNET", die im SNOWDEN—ARCHIV enthalten seien.
20140714             Der "Intercept"—BERICHT enthält 1—DIE detaillierte Auflistung der Programme.
20140714             1—REGIERUNGS—SPRECHERIN lehnte —AM—MONTAG 1—STELLUNGNAHME zu den konkreten Fällen ab.
20140714             Sie betonte aber, die GROSSBRITANNIEN—AUSSPÄH—REGELN stünden in Einklang mit DER—EUROPÄISCHEN MENSCHEN—RECHT—KONVENTION.
20140714             DIE—GROSSBRITANNIEN—ORGANISATIONEN Liberty, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL und Privacy INTERNATIONAL FECHTEN—GEMEINSAM—MIT—7 ausländischen ORGANISATIONEN—DIE Position der Regierung an, wonach das mutmaßliche massive Abfangen von KOMMUNIKATIONS—DATEN, DIE—SPEICHERUNG, Analyse und der Datenaustausch mit DEN—USA legal seien.
20140714             DIE—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT biete "Chancen für die nachhaltige ROH—STOFFSICHERUNG DEUTSCHLANDs", erklärte AUßEN—MINISTER—FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER (SPD).
20140714             Zu dem Abkommen gehörten aber auch "die Einhaltung von MENSCHEN—RECHTEN, der SCHUTZ—DER—INDIGENEN Bevölkerung und die Berücksichtigung von UMWELT—, Sozialstandards".
20140714             Bei metallischen ROH—STOFFEN wie Silber und Kupfer gehöre DAS—LAND zu den führenden Produzenten.
20140714             Der Bergbau MACHE—CA—15—PROZENT—DER—WIRTSCHAFTS—LEISTUNG und mehr als 50—PROZENT—DER—EXPORTERLÖSE aus.
20140714             MENSCHEN—RECHTS—, UMWELT—GRUPPEN kritisierten das Abkommen.
20140714             DIE—ENTWICKLUNGS—ORGANISATION GERMANwatch befand, die darin vereinbarten Mechanismen seien "zu vage, um MENSCHEN—RECHT—VERLETZUNGEN zu vermeiden".
20140714             —IGNORIERT, Zudem werde "DIE—REALITÄT in PERU", wo VIELE—GESETZLICHE—SCHUTZMECHANISMEN nicht umgesetzt würden.
20140714             Zuletzt habe es in dem Land bei der Durchsetzung von MENSCHEN—RECHTEN und UMWELT—SCHUTZ "deutliche Rückschritte"gegeben.
20140714             Das katholische Hilfswerk Misereor erklärte, es sei "1—VERSCHÄRFUNG—DER—SOZIALEN Konflikte rund um Bergbauprojekte sowie 1—ZUNAHME der gefährlichen Abhängigkeit Perus vom globalen ROH—STOFFHANDEL"zu befürchten.
20140714             DIE—BERGBAU—INDUSTRIE in dem Land belaste die UMWELT schwer und gefährde die GESUNDHEIT—VON—MENSCHEN und Tieren.
20140714             Gegen friedliche Proteste greife DIE—POLIZEI hart durch, mehrfach habe es dabei Tote und Verletzte gegeben.
20140714             Auch AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL beklagte, beim ROH—STOFFABBAU in PERU würden "zahlreiche MENSCHEN—RECHTE verletzt".
20140714             Beide Organisationen forderten DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG auf, dieses Thema im Blick zu halten und auf die Einhaltung internationaler Standards zu 8.
20140714             VERTRETER—DER Organisation "Rettet den REGEN—WALD"bewerteten Humalas UMWELT—POLITIK als verantwortungslos.
20140714             Humala ist Gastgeber des nächsten UNO—KLIMA—GIPFELS ;;1200—IM, in LIMA.
20140714             PERU, werden PRO—JAHR Tausende Hektar REGEN—WALD für Palmölplantagen abgeholzt.
20140714             —NEUE—PALMÖL—PLANTAGEN in AFRIKA bedrohen die Lebensräume von MENSCHEN—AFFEN.
20140714             DIE—AREALE, für DIE—UNTERNEHMEN Anbaulizenzen erhielten, liegen zu großen Teilen in den Lebensräumen von Gorillas, Schimpansen und Bonobos, mahnt 1—INTERNATIONALES Forscherteam.
20140714             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER appellieren an die betroffenen Länder in West—, ZENTRAL—AFRIKA, die Lebensräume der Affen zu schützen.
20140714             Auch Verbraucher können demnach aktiv zum SCHUTZ—DER—AFFEN beitragen.
20140714             Betroffen sind vor allem Lebensräume in SIERRA—LEONE, LIBERIA, ELFENBEINKÜSTE und GHANA in WEST—AFRIKA und DIE—LÄNDER ZENTRAL—AFRIKAS wie KAMERUN oder GABUN.
20140714             —SCHON—JETZT überlappen SICH—CA—59—PROZENT—DER—GEPLANTEN—ANBAU—GEBIETE mit den Habitaten von Westlichen Flachlandgorillas, Gemeinen Schimpansen und Bonobos.
20140714             "DIE—ÖL—PALMEN—INDUSTRIE stellt 1—BEDEUTENDE und stetige BEDROHUNG—FÜR—MENSCHEN—AFFEN in AFRIKA dar", betonen DIE—FORSCHER.
20140714             —GEFÄHRDET, Doch auch dort seien Tiere, da ANBAU—GEBIETE häufig auf angrenzende SCHUTZ—GEBIETE ausgedehnt würden.
20140714             —GETÖTET, Zudem würden in Plantagen oft Schimpansen, die sich bei Futterknappheit gerne an Ölpalmen bedienen.
20140714             Aus 1—ANDEREN Grund warnt auch 1—GUTACHTEN 1—INTERNATIONALEN Forscherteams davor, REGEN—WALD für PALMÖL—PLANTAGEN zu opfern.
20140714             Da natürliche Wälder viel Kohlenstoff speichern, würde 1—UMWANDLUNG solcher Areale zu 1—FREISETZUNG großer MENGEN—DES—TREIB—HAUS—GASES führen.
20140714             "es war —SCHON befremdlich", schreibt SCHAAR, "dass führende VERTRETER—DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG —ERST—NACHDEM, sie erfahren hatten, daß sie selbst Beobachtungsobjekte waren, schrille Töne anschlugen".Den Appell des INNEN—MINISTERS—AN—DIE—BÜRGER, sich gefälligst selbst um den DATEN—SCHUTZ zu kümmern, nennt SCHAAR 1—ABLENKUNGS—MANÖVER von der eigenen Verantwortung.
20140714             Auch das von FRIEDRICH ausgerufene "SUPERGRUND—RECHT Sicherheit", das ÜBERWACHUNG rechtfertigen soll, nimmt SCHAAR auseinander: "1—EINSEITIGES Supremat der Sicherheit ist mit unserer Grundordnung nicht vereinbar".
20140714             Zu eng verstrickt sind DIE—DIENSTE, zu umfassend der Wunsch nach eigenen DATEN—SPEICHERN.
20140714             DIE—1.RE—AKTION DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG sei schließlich gewesen, um Aufnahme in die exklusive SPIONAGEallianz der "5—EYES"zu betteln, also von der OPFER—IN DIE—TÄTERROLLE zu wechseln.
20140714             ARCHO—SAURIER sind 1—GRUPPE innerhalb der Wirbeltiere, die vor der ENTWICKLUNG—DER—DINO—SAURIER steht, sie gehören zu deren direkten Vorfahren.
20140714             Auch DINO—SAURIER sind deshalb Teil dieser Gruppe, aber eben nicht JEDER—ARCHO—SAURIER ist deshalb 1—DINOSAURIER.
20140714             Heutige Vertreter dieser Gruppe sind beispielsweise Krokodile —, wenn Czerkas und Feduccia recht hätten, wären diese nun die nächsten Verwandten der Vögel, und nicht etwa DINOSAURIER.
20140714             DIE—DISKUSSION—ÜBER—DIE—VOGEL—HERKUNFT ist 1—DER längsten und hitzigsten in der GESCHICHTE—DER—PALÄONTOLOGIE.
20140714             Mit 1—MILITÄRISCHEN Defilee begeht FRANKREICH an diesem —MONTAG seinen Nationalfeiertag.
20140714             FRANKREICH, waren laut den Organisatoren mehrere ZEHNTAUSEND—MENSCHEN dem Aufruf der "Union PALÄSTINA—STUDENTEN"und der "Bewegung junger PALÄSTINENSER"gefolgt.
20140714             Sie forderten den sofortigen Stopp der "Aggression gegen GAZA"und "bedingungslose Unterstützung des PALÄSTINA—WIDERSTANDS".
20140714             Der Rat der Jüdischen Institutionen in FRANKREICH forderte "1—VERBOT—VON—DEMONSTRATIONEN für die HAMAS"und 1 "Verstärkung der Sicherheit rund um DIE—GEMEINDEORTE".
20140714             "Ich bin zutiefst schockiert und entsetzt von der Aggressivität gegenüber der jüdischen Gemeinde", sagte PRÄSIDENT—JOEL MERGUI.
20140714             DIE—SOZIALISTISCHE Partei verurteilte die "Aggression gegen das Zusammenleben unserer REPUBLIK. 1—ANGRIFF—AUF—DIE religiöse Freiheit, ist 1—ANGRIFF—AUF—DIE—FREIHEIT schlechthin".
20140714             RTL—KOCHSHOW im Gefängnis: Henssler und die harten Kerle
20140714             GROß—BRITANNIEN—AUßEN—MINISTER—HAGUE tritt zurück
20140714             —BEKOMMT, Studie: Jeder 4. Arbeitslose, kein Geld von der Agentur
20140714             Belastung im Job: DEUTSCHLAND—UNTERNEHMEN schützen MIT—ARBEITER schlecht vor Stress
20140714             —FIRED, HAMAS hadn't, 1—SINGLE—ROCKET—SINCE, and had largely suppressed fire by smaller jihadi groups.
20140714             Neither side had ANY—DESIRE to end the détente.
20140714             Besides, whatever might replace HAMAS in GAZA could only be worse.
20140714             Diese ernüchternden Werte wurden —NOCH—VOR den neuesten Enthüllungen über USA—SPIONE in DEUTSCHLAND—REGIERUNGSINSTITUTIONEN ermittelt.
20140714             "Unsere Analyse zeigt, dass nur 1—KLEINER PROZENT—SATZ DER—MENSCHEN—AFFEN—AREALE auf geschütztem Land liegt".
20140714             Daher solle man neue PALMÖL—PLANTAGEN auf GRAS—ODER Buschland anlegen, raten DIE—FORSCHER um JENNIFER—LUCEY von der UNIVERSITÄT—YORK.
20140714             Aus der Zusammenschau ergibt sich aber 1—NEUE Wucht: Deutlich wird, dass DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG an 1—AUFKLÄRUNG DER—GEHEIM—DIENST—ARBEIT kein Interesse hat.
20140714             "FRANKREICH wird nicht zulassen, dass man mit GEWALT—DURCH Worte oder TATEN—VERSUCHT, den ISRAEL—PALÄSTINA—KONFLIKT—AUF—SEINEN BODEN zu importieren".
20140714—20070000    —DROPPED, Rocket firings, averaging 240—PER —MONTH, to 5—PER —MONTH 20130000             —IN.
20140714—20070000    DIE—USA—REGIERUNG mit ähnlicher Begründung den PROTECT—AMERICA—ACT
20140714—20070000    durchs PARLAMENT gepeitscht habe.
20140714—20070000    INNERHALB—VON—4—TAGEN dieser GESETZ—ENTWURF ohne größere öffentliche Debatte beschlossen worden.sei
20140714—20120000    —IN, he was arrested for marijuana possession on the resort ISLAND—OF—PHUKET in SOUTH—THAILAND.
20140714—20121100    —IN, The last attack on GAZA, THE—8—DAY—OPERATION—PILLAR—OF—DEFENSE, targeted HAMAS leaders and taught 1—SOBERING lesson.
20140717             —FIRED, The foreign ministry said ISRAEL, 102—SHELLS at LEBANON 20140711—20140714    —BETWEEN.
20140806—20140712    —ON, 1—CIVIL—GUARD—STATEMENT said 3—SAILORS were arrested —WHEN the ship returned to SPAIN, but the drug wasn't found
20150702—20150714    —ISSUED, Sok Bun, 1—PAIR—OF—STATEMENTS to plead for mercy from his victim, society and
20150705—20150714    —ON, Hacking TEAM—SPYWARE was used by 1—TOTAL—OF—97—INTELLIGENCE or investigative agencies in 35—COUNTRIES, according to SOUTH—KOREAN—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE—CHIEF—LEE—BYOUNG—HO, who explained himself to lawmakers —AFTER it became clear his organization was among THE—MILAN—BASED company's clients.
20150708—20150714    —ON, authorities arrested prime suspect Moyna Chowkidar (38) on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—SYLHET.
20150712             —REPORTED, AFGHANISTAN, at least 12—CIVILIANS were, killed in 1—PAIR of roadside bomb explosions in Kapisa and Kunduz provinces.
20150712             —KILLED, In the southeast 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB, 33—PEOPLE and wounded 10 on the outskirts of Khost city.
20150712             —ARRESTED, BAHRAIN—AUTHORITIES, top opposition leader IBRAHIM—SHARIF, less than 1—MONTH—AFTER he was freed from prison —FOLLOWING time served for his role in Arab —SPRING—INSPIRED protests.
20150712             —CAPTURED, BURUNDI, 1—REGIONAL—GOVERNOR said the army has, SCORES—OF—GUNMEN and killed others in 2—DAYS—OF—CLASHES in the north.
20150712             —KILLED, NORTH—CAMEROON, at least 12—CIVILIANS and 1—CHAD—SOLDIER were, in 2—SUICIDE—ATTACKS by suspected Boko Haram militants in THE—TOWN—OF—FOTOKOL.
20150712             —NICKNAMED, CANADA—OPERA—SINGER—JOHN—VICKERS (19260000             *), "GOD—TENOR" for his inimitable voice and strong Christian beliefs, † in ONTARIO.
20150712             CHINA—ANTI—CORRUPTION—WATCHDOG said Xi Xiaoming, VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—SUPREME—PEOPLE—COURT, has come under investigation for corruption, becoming 1—OF—THE—MOST senior judicial officials to be swept up by the country's ANTI—GRAFT dragnet.
20150712             —EXPLODED, NORTH—CHINA, 1—WAREHOUSE containing fireworks, killing at least 3—PEOPLE and injuring more than 12—OTHERS in Ningjin county, Hebei province.
20150712             † In CHINA Tibetan lama Tenzin Delek Rinpoche (65) in prison 13—YEARS into serving 1—SENTENCE for what human rights groups say were false charges that he was involved in 1—BOMBING in 1—PUBLIC—PARK.
20150712             Euro zone leaders told NEAR—BANKRUPT GREECE at 1—EMERGENCY—SUMMIT on that it must restore trust by enacting key reforms —BEFORE they will open talks on 1—NEW—FINANCIAL rescue to keep it in the European currency area.
20150712             GUAM—WAR against the coconut rhinoceros beetles, which have ravaged MANY—COCONUT trees, was reported to have become more challenging as the beetles seemed to have developed 1—IMMUNITY to the Oryctes nudivrus, which has been used to kill the beetles.
20150712             —ENDANGERED, 1—INDIA—GOVERNMENT—REPORT said 10, Asiatic lions, 16700000             blue bulls and 87 spotted deer were amongst HUNDREDS—OF—WILD—ANIMALS killed in the recent floods to hit WEST—INDIA—GUJARAT.
20150712             —COLLAPSED, At least 81—PEOPLE † in mudslides, homes or high waters in Gujarat state —LAST—MONTH.
20150712             —REOPENED, INDONESIA, the airport on Bali, —AFTER the erupting MOUNT—RAUNG volcano forced its closure for the 2. time in —JUST 1—FEW days and caused fresh travel misery for stranded holidaymakers.
20150712             —KILLED, IRAQ, at least 35—PEOPLE were, in 1—SERIES—OF—CAR—BOMBS and suicide attacks in mainly Shi'ite districts.
20150712             —STAGED, He had, a 56—DAY—HUNGER—STRIKE which brought him near death in 1—PROTEST against the controversial procedure allowing detainees to be held indefinitely without charge.
20150712             † In LIBERIA a 2. person from Ebola in the latest resurgence of the deadly disease in THE—WEST—AFRICA—NATION.
20150712             —RESCUED, MYANMAR—NAVY, the last of 102—BANGLADESH—MIGRANTS stranded for nearly 1—MONTH on Saung Gauk ISLAND.
20150712             —RALLIED, MYANMAR, several 100—WORKERS, for 1—HIGHER—MINIMUM—WAGE despite 1—WARNING by factory owners that the demand might put them OUT—OF—BUSINESS.
20150712             The daily minimum wage stood at 3,000 kyat ($2.65).
20150712             PARAGUAY, FRANCIS—PAPA put into practice his call for the world's poor and powerless to not be left on THE—MARGINS—OF—SOCIETY by visiting 1—FLOOD—PRONE slum outside ASUNCION on the final —DAY—OF—HIS 3-nation tour.
20150712             —KILLED, THE—PHILIPPINES—POLICE, 5 suspected car thieves and robbers in 1—GUNBATTLE—NORTH—OF—MANILA in 1—ONGOING ANTI—CRIME crackdown.
20150712             —CRUSHED, RUSSIA, 23—SOLDIERS were, to death —AFTER their military barracks collapsed in OMSK, Siberia.
20150712             —DECIDED, SOUTH—SUDAN said it it has, to expel UN diplomat MARY—CUMMINS from norhtern Unity state in retaliation for the publication of 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—REPORT  that accused the government of committing widespread ATTACKS—ON—CIVILIANS there.
20150712             SPAIN, 1—FIRE swept through 1—NURSING—HOME—EARLY—TODAY outside THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—ZARAGOZA, killing 8—ELDERLY—RESIDENTS and injuring 12—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20150712             —ANOINTED, TANZANIA—RULING—PARTY, government MINISTER—JOHN—MAGUFULI as its candidate for presidential elections due to be held in October.
20150712             —KILLED, YEMEN, at least 10—PEOPLE were, in air strikes overnight, as 1—SAUDI—LED coalition continued bombing SANAA in violation of 1—TEMPORARY—HUMANITARIAN—TRUCE.
20150712             † ZIMBABWE—WRITER—CHENJERAI Hove (59) in exiled in NORWAY.
20150712             —PORTRAYED, His work largely, THE—STRUGGLES—OF—ZIMBABWE—POWERLESS—GROUPS.
20150712             —RELOCATED, He —LATER, to NORWAY.
20150712—20010000    —IN, He left ZIMBABWE for FRANCE at the height of ZIMBABWE—POLITICAL tumult, claiming he was in danger.
20150712—20150628    —LINKED, The woman in her early 20s was, to THE—17—YEAR—OLD—BOY who †.
20150712—20160711    —FREED, Sharif was, from prison, —AFTER serving 1—YEARLONG sentence over comments supporting political change in the kingdom.
20150714             alfatomega.com/20080505.html
20150714             —CALLED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—INVESTIGATORS shut down what they, the world's LARGEST—KNOWN ENGLISH—LANGUAGE malware forum, 1—ONLINE marketplace called Darkode where cybercriminals bought and sold hacked databases, malicious software and other products that could cripple or steal information from computer systems.
20150714             —EXECUTED, MISSOURI, DAVID—ZINK, 55—JAHRE—ALT was, for 20010000             —THE sexual assault and KILLING—OF—AMANDA Morton (19).
20150714             —COLLIDED, WEST—VIRGINIA, 2—TRAINS, leaving 2—CREWMEMBERS hurt and more than 20,000 gallons of lubricant oil seeping onto the ground near DUBLIN.
20150714             —CALLED, CERN scientists said new kind of subatomic particle, the pentaquark has been detected for the 1. time.
20150714             —PROPOSED, The existence of pentaquarks was 1., in the 1960s by USA—PHYSICISTS—MURRAY—GELL—MANN and GEORG—ZWEIG.
20150714             THE—NEW—HORIZONS spacecraft flew to —JUST 7,800 miles from Pluto to take the 1. HIGH—RESOLUTION—IMAGES—OF—THE—DWARF—PLANET.
20150714             —ACCUSED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, more than 2—DOZEN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ATTORNEYS rounded up in recent DAYS—OF—BEING troublemakers intent on illegal activism.
20150714             CHINA said it has begun building a 314-meter (1,030-ft) high dam which will be among the world's tallest.
20150714             —CELEBRATED, FRANCE, Bastille —DAY with 1—SPECTACULAR—DISPLAY—OF—FIGHTER—JETS and with ANTI—TERROR—FORCES marching in the yearly parade in PARIS for the 1. time.
20150714             —SPARKED, FRANCE—SOURCES said 2—EXPLOSIONS which, huge fires at 1—PETROCHEMICAL—PLANT in in BERRE—LE—ETANG near MARSEILLE—MARIGNANE airport early —TODAY are believed to have been the result of a "malicious act".
20150714             —CHARGED, HONG—KONG students JOSHUA—WONG and NATHAN—LAW were, with obstructing police —DURING 1—PROTEST—EARLIER in the —YEAR and released on bail.
20150714             They rose to fame —DURING PRO—DEMOCRACY—DEMONSTRATIONS that angered BEIJING —LAST—YEAR.
20150714             —KILLED, SOUTH—INDIA, at least 27—PEOPLE were, and dozens injured in 1—STAMPEDE on the 1. —DAY—OF—THE—HINDU Pushkaralu bathing festival on 1—BANK—OF—THE—GODAVARI—RIVER in Andhra Pradesh state.
20150714             —REACHED, IRAN and 6—MAJOR—WORLD—POWERS, 1—NUCLEAR—DEAL, capping more than 1—DECADE—OF—NEGOTIATIONS with 1—AGREEMENT that could transform THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20150714             In the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) IRAN will slash by —AROUND 2—THIRDS the number of centrifuges from —AROUND 19,000 to 6,104 under the deal.
20150714             The agreement will —NOW be debated in THE—USA—CONGRESS, but Obama said he would veto ANY—MEASURE to block it.
20150714             —TARGETED, IRAQ, and Syria THE—USA and its coalition partners, Islamic State forces with 17—AIR—STRIKES in IRAQ and 16—SYRIA.
20150714             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU said his country is not bound by THE—INTERNATIONAL—NUCLEAR—AGREEMENT with IRAN, and that ISRAEL reserves the right to defend itself.
20150714             —ANNOUNCED, NIGERIA—MINISTRY—OF—INFORMATION, that it had "successfully jammed the signals" of Radio Biafra, because it is unlicensed.
20150714             —DEDICATED, The station, to creating 1—BREAKAWAY STATE—FOR—THE—IGBO people remained on the airwaves.
20150714             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, at least 30—PEOPLE were, in 3—ATTACKS by Boko Haram Islamists.
20150714             —RAIDED, Boko Haram insurgents, Ngamdu, the border TOWN—OF—DAMASAK and attacked Warsala in Borno state.
20150714             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—MILITARY—JETS reportedly, 14—MILITANTS in THE—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN tribal region.
20150714             —BACKED, RWANDA—LAWMAKERS, 1—MOTION to let PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME run for a 3. term in office, paving the way for 1—REFERENDUM to amend the constitution.
20150714             —RESCUED, SOUTH—KOREA sent back 2—NORTH—KOREAN—FISHERMEN who were, from SOUTH—KOREAN—WATERS but said it would not return 3—OTHERS who requested asylum.
20150714             —FAMED, SPAIN, Pamplona's, S—FERMIN festival held its last bull run with no fatalities in THE—9—DAY—EVENT.
20150714             —GORED, Officials said 1—FRANCE—TOURIST † —AFTER being, by 1—BULL in 1—SMALL—TOWN—FESTIVAL in EAST—SPAIN.
20150714             —CRASHED, SWITZERLAND, 1—HELICOPTER, in the area —AROUND the popular tourist attraction Jungfraujoch glacier, killing the pilot.
20150714             NORTH—SYRIA, 1—DOUBLE—SUICIDE bombing in Idlib targeting the heqdquarters of AHRAR—AL—SHAM, 1—ULTRACONSERVATIVE Islamic rebel group, killed its leader ABU—ABDELRAHMAN—SALQEEN, as well as 6—OTHER—HIGH—RANKING—MEMBERS.
20150714             1—THAILAND—MILITARY—COURT sentenced 10—PEOPLE to prison terms for distributing online content that it said insulted the country's monarchy.
20150714             8—OF—THE 10 were ordered to serve 5-year jail terms and 2—OTHERS, found to have only abetted the others, were given 3—YEARS each.
20150714             TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—AHMET—DAVUTOGLU said the nationalist opposition does not want to share power in 1—GOVERNMENT with the ruling AK Party, dealing 1—BLOW to his efforts to find 1—JUNIOR—COALITION—PARTNER.
20150714             UGANDA—REBELS shot dead or burned alive 9—PEOPLE —DURING 1—ATTACK in EAST—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20150714             —KILLED, EAST—UKRAINE, 2—REBEL—FIGHTERS were, as well as 1—CIVILIAN.
20150714             YEMEN—FORCES battling the Shiite rebels in the country's south said they have taken CONTROL—OF—THE—AIRPORT in the strategic port CITY—OF—ADEN and that they have driven the rebels into 1—PART—OF—THE—CITY jutting out into the sea.
20150714             —CARRIED, THE—SAUDI—LED coalition, out airstrikes in SANAA.
20150714             —WÄHREND, HITLERs Reich zusammenbricht, bildet sich längst die neue Front, beginnt der kommende KALTER—KRIEG Gestalt anzunehmen.
20150714             —WÄHREND, REINHARD—GEHLEN nach KRIEGS—ENDE als wichtiger Informant über die RUSSLAND—MILITÄR—MASCHINERIE den SCHUTZ—DER—USA—AMERIKANER genießt, wird Kolbe fallengelassen.
20150714             —VON, DULLES ebenso wie von seinen FRÜHEREN—KOLLEGEN im AUSWÄRTIGES—AMT, für das er nie wieder arbeiten wird:
20150714             —AM, "liebsten wäre denen, es hätte mich nie gegeben.
20150714             Gestorben ist FRITZ—KOLBE 19710000             , an Gallenkrebs.
20150714             Sonde "New Horizons": Kurzes Rendezvous mit Pluto
20150714             Details des ATOM—DEALS: IRAN muss 95 % seines angereicherten Urans beseitigen
20150714             Sal.
20150714             —POLITIK und Lebensgestaltung: Warum Konservative die glücklicheren Menschen sind
20150714             GÜLEN—SCHULEN: ERDOGAN erleidet schwere Schlappe vor VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT
20150714             Sonde "New Horizons": Was kommt jenseits von Pluto?
20150714             —GEWORDEN, IWF—ANALYSE: "Die GRIECHENLAND—SCHULDEN sind unhaltbar "
20150714             —BEKOMMT, In diesen Minuten, Pluto zum 1.Mal Besuch von der Erde: Die Raumsonde "New Horizons"fliegt im Abstand von etwa 12.000—KILOMETERN an dem EX—PLANETEN vorbei.
20150714             —NACH—1 gut neunjährigen Reise durchs All sollte DIE—USA—SONDE "New Horizons"um 13.49—UHR MITTEL—EUROPÄISCHER —SOMMERZEIT in nur 12.000—KILOMETERN Entfernung an dem weitgehend unerforschten Himmelskörper vorbeirasen, wie DIE—USA—WELT—RAUM—BEHÖRDE NASA mitteilte.
20150714             ATOM—DEAL—MIT—IRAN: USA—REPUBLIKANER fabulieren über globales NUKLEAR—WETTRÜSTEN
20150714             Nach der EINIGUNG—MIT—GRIECHENLAND: SCHÄUBLE teilt weiter aus
20150714             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE des stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden der CDU: "Der Grieche hat —JETZT lange genug genervt"
20150714             Ja aber echt mal, was bilden sich diese Griechen eigentlich ein?
20150714             —UPDATE, Das ist übrigens der Schwiegersohn von SCHÄUBLE.
20150714             [l] KLAUS—ERNST erklärt mal auf FACEBOOK, wie SCHÄUBLE so operiert (Vorsicht: Link geht zu FACEBOOK!
20150714             SCHÄUBLE hat in seinem GREXIT—PAPIER unter anderem vorgeschlagen, 50—MRD.
20150714             Linux - 1920x1080 UNITED—STATES—FLAG—NEW—HAVEN,
20150714             Historisches Abkommen : Teheran feiert, WASHINGTON prüft, JERUSALÉM tobt
20150714             NUKLEARABKOMMEN—MIT—IRAN: —JETZT müssen sie liefern
20150714             Umstrittener Gipfel: 1—G7—LOGO für 80.000—EURO
20150714             —KRIEG—IM—JEMEN: —MILIZEN vertreiben HUTHI—REBELLEN von Adener Flughafen
20150714             UMFRAGE—MEHRHEIT—DER Griechen für Billigung des Sparprogramms
20150714             TV—AUFTRITT des GRIECHENLAND—PREMIERS: TSIPRAS wirft Gläubigern Rachsucht vor
20150714             Geflüchteter DROGEN—BOSS : "EL—CHAPO"ist STAATS—FEIND Nummer 1
20150714             —PASSIERT, Die NASA—RAUMSONDE New Horizons, den Zwergplaneten Pluto.
20150714—19690000    —COINED, GELL—MANN, who, the term "quark," received the Nobel Prize.
20150714—20150626    —CHARGED, KUWAIT, 29—PEOPLE over the suicide BOMBING—OF—1—SHIITE mosque, claimed by the Islamic State group, that killed 26—PEOPLE and wounded more than 200.
20150714—20220000    —IN, THE—SHUANGJIANKOU dam on 1—TRIBUTARY of the Yangtze river will be completed.
20150715             1—CAMEROON—GOVERNOR said the country's north has banned women from wearing burkas and FACE—COVERING veils in response to 20150712             —THE attacks that left 14—DEAD.
20150812—20160712    —ON, 1—POLICE—COMMISSION announced that the shooting was justified.
20150911—20060712    —IN—THE, INDIA, 12 suspected Islamic militants were convicted, bombings of 7—MUMBAI commuter trains that killed 188—PEOPLE and wounded more than 800.
20160305             alfatomega.com/20060714.html
20160411             alfatomega.com/20060714.html
20160511—20160712    —FREED, Besigye was, on bail.
20160702—20160712    —ON, His body, clad in 1—SWIMSUIT, was found in 1—RIVER in Sacile.
20160712             —URGED, Human Rights Watch, 1—END to "forced anal examinations" with 1—REPORT documenting them in 8—COUNTRIES, mostly in AFRICA, saying the practice is based on flawed ideas about supposedly proving homosexual conduct.
20160712             The report drew on interviews with 32—MEN and transgender women subjected to the exams in 8—COUNTRIES that ban SAME—SEX—CONDUCT: CAMEROON, EGYPT, KENYA, LEBANON, TUNISIA, TURKMENISTAN, UGANDA and ZAMBIA.
20160712             —LAUNCHED, AUSTRALIA, RUSSIA—ADVENTURER Fedor Konyukhov (65), his 184—FOOT—TALL—BALLOON in WEST—AUSTRALIA state in 1—EFFORT to complete a 21,000-mile solo flight —AROUND the world in less than 13—DAYS to beat a 20020000             record set by STEVE—FOSSETT.
20160712             * AUSTRIA—GOVERNMENT moved to seize the house where ADOLF—HITLER to prevent it becoming 1—SITE—OF—PILGRIMAGE for NEO—NAZIS, and the country's Interior MINISTER said he wanted to tear it down.
20160712             THE—CAMEROON—BASED NGO Support Service for Local Development Initiatives (SAILD) warned that 1—RISE in CHINA—COMPANIES operating in CAMEROON—TIMBER sector, combined with weak law enforcement, have fueled 1—SURGE in illegal logging that is fast depleting the nation's forests.
20160712             1—CHINA—CIVILIAN—AIRCRAFT successfully carried out calibration tests on 2—NEW—AIRPORTS in the Spratly Islands in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA.
20160712             —SENTENCED, 1—EGYPT—COURT, 6—POLICEMEN to up to 7—YEARS in prison over THE—DEATH—OF—DETAINEE—TALAAT Shabeeb last November in LUXOR.
20160712             7—POLICEMEN were acquitted.
20160712             —ORDERED, The court also, the Interior Ministry to pay 1.5—MILLION EGYPT—POUNDS ($170,000) to the man's family.
20160712             —LAUNCHED, THE—EU, 1—CONTROVERSIAL—DEAL with THE—USA aimed at curbing government spying on the personal INTERNET infomation of European citizens.
20160712             —CALLED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI, 1—EMERGENCY meeting over escalating ANTI—INDIA protests in Kashmir, where at least 29—PEOPLE have † in clashes and hospitals are struggling with hundreds of injured.
20160712             —RIPPED, IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB, through 1—OUTDOOR—VEGETABLE and fruit market in AL—RASHIDIYA, 1—SHIITE—DOMINATED NORTH—EAST—DISTRICT—OF—BAGHDAD, killing at least 12—PEOPLE.
20160712             —KILLED, ITALY, at least 27—PEOPLE were, in 1—HEAD—ON collision between 2—PASSENGER—TRAINS in THE—SOUTH—ITALY—REGION—OF—PUGLIA.
20160712             MALAWI began 1—MASSIVE—PROJECT to move 500—ELEPHANTS, by truck and crane, to 1—SANCTUARY for the threatened species.
20160712             —KILLED, MALI, at least 3—PEOPLE were, and 32—LEFT wounded —AFTER 1—PROTEST in Gao turned violent.
20160712             1—MALTA—BASED Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) rescue ship recovered the bodies of 4—MIGRANTS and rescued —AROUND 400—SURVIVORS from 1 overcrowded wooden boat in the Mediterranean between ITALY and LIBYA.
20160712             MYANMAR, the Sangha Council, 1—STATE—INSTITUTION that oversees Buddhist monastic discipline, declared that it did not recognize Ma Ba Tha, 1—INFLUENTIAL—BUDDHIST—NATIONALIST—GROUP, as 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BUDDHIST—ORDER.
20160712             —REJECTED, 1—INTERNATIONAL—TRIBUNAL at THE—HAGUE, CHINA—EXTENSIVE—CLAIMS in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA in 1—LANDMARK ruling that also found the country had aggravated the regional dispute and violated THE—PHILIPPINES' maritime rights by building up artificial islands that destroyed coral reefs and by disrupting fishing and oil exploration.
20160712             —REJECTED, CHINA —IMMEDIATELY, it.
20160712             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE said they have, 11—PEOPLE, mostly Russians and Ukrainians, in 1—OPERATION targeting foreign organized crime gangs involved in money laundering.
20160712             —ARRESTED, Those, allegedly ran 1—NETWORK—OF—COMPANIES through which they channeled money from CYPRUS and THE—UK—VIRGIN—ISLANDS to buy real estate in SPAIN.
20160712             THE—HEAD—OF—SYRIA—MAIN—OPPOSITION—COALITION said HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS in REBEL—HELD areas of ALEPPO risk starvation, accusing DAMASCUS of trying to besiege the city into submission.
20160712             TAIWAN said it does not accept 1—INTERNATIONAL—TRIBUNAL—RULING on THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA, saying the decision on ITU ABA, TAIPEI—SOLE—HOLDING in the disputed Spratly Islands, had "seriously impaired" its territorial rights.
20160712             —LAUNCHED, THE—UN, 1—GLOBAL—APPEAL for $952—MILLION to fund SUDAN—HUMANITARIAN—NEEDS, MOST—OF—IT to help people affected by the deadly conflict in Darfur.
20160712             ZIMBABWE—BAPTIST—MINISTER—EVAN—MAWARIRE, 1—LEADER—OF—THE—BIGGEST protests against PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE in 1—DECADE, was charged with inciting public violence.
20160712             —RECORDED, In 1—VIDEO, —BEFORE his arrest he urged supporters to go ahead with demonstrations.
20160712             USA—STARBUCKS kündigt fünfprozentige Lohnerhöhung an
20160712             Marode BANKEN: DEUTSCHLAND—POLITIKER lehnen HILFE—FÜR—ITALIEN ab
20160712             PEW—UMFRAGE: VIELE—EUROPÄER fürchten mehr TERROR durch FLÜCHTLINGszuzug
20160712             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DIENSTAG : FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, war da was?
20160712             —PARTEIEN—STUDIE, Vor allem —DIE—SPD verliert Mitglieder
20160712             —KÄMPFEIM—SÜD—SUDAN: BERLIN bereitet Evakuierung von DEUTSCHEN vor
20160712             Umsiedlung von FLÜCHTLINGEn aus der TÜRKEI: 800—STATT 18.000
20160712             Konjunktur in DEUTSCHLAND: Arbeitnehmer leisten 1.800.000.000—ÜBERSTUNDEN
20160712             —VERABSCHIEDET, ISRAEL: Knesset, umstrittenes NGO—GESETZ
20160712             KALIFORNIEN: POLIZEI erschießt Messerträger
20160712             BANKER wird Kneipenbesitzer: "Wenn dich dein Job stört, warum hältst du daran fest?"(KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 09:22)
20160712             Stilikone THERESA—MAY: Ziemlich wild für 1.Konservative
20160712             THERESA—MAY—KLEIDUNG kann natürlich ein politisches Statement sein:
20160712             —NATÜRLICH—DIE—ENTSCHEIDUNG, statt eines Rocks lieber 1.Hose oder Turnschuhe zur AMTS—EINFÜHRUNG zu tragen, fällt nie im luftleeren Raum.
20160712             DIE—MENSCHEN, die so entscheiden, transportieren damit in der Regel 1.Botschaft.
20160712             Doch auch THERESA—MAY überlegt sich genau, was sie wann trägt:
20160712             —ERSCHIEN, Zu ihrer AMTS—EINFÜHRUNG 19970000             , sie noch als Abziehbild MARGARET—THATCHERS: blauer Rock, blaues Kostüm, weiße Bluse.
20160712             —ERST später, als sie sich längst etabliert hatte, entfernte THERESA—MAY sich modisch von ihrem großem Vorbild.
20160712             Weltjugendtag in Krakau: POLIZEI findet vor Papstbesuch Chemikalien für Sprengstoff
20160712             Südchinesisches Meer: Schiedshof in DEN—HAAG rügt CHINA im INSEL—STREIT
20160712             ERDGAS—FÖRDERUNG, Gase im Grundwasser stammen selten vom Fracking
20160712             —ENTDECKUNG—IN—SACHSEN: Ist DEUTSCHLAND 500—QUADRATMETER größer geworden?
20160712             SYRIEN—KRIEG, DEUTSCHEr posierte mit aufgespießten Köpfen - 2—JAHRE—HAFT
20160712             SÜD—SUDAN: Mehr als 30.000—ZIVILISTEN suchen SCHUTZ—VOR—DEN KÄMPFEn
20160712             Mehrere FINANZ—MINISTER—DER—EURO—ZONE haben SPANIEN und PORTUGAL zu raschen MAßNAHMEN—GEGEN—DIE—HOHEN HAUSHALT—DEFIZITE aufgefordert, um die drohenden SANKTIONEN—DER—EU noch abzuwenden.
20160712             DIE—BEIDEN iberischen Länder sollten binnen 10—TAGEN —OFFENSIVE und keine defensiven REAKTIONEN—AUF—DAS Defizitverfahren zeigen, sagte EURO—GRUPPEN—CHEF—JEROEN DIJSSELBLOEM vor Beratungen der EU—FINANZ—MINISTER—IN—BRÜSSEL.
20160712             DAS—THEMA Sanktionen stehe —ERST auf der TAGES—ORDNUNG, wenn DIE—EU—KOMMISSION—DIE Lage bewertet habe.
20160712             Der SLOWAKEI—FINANZ—MINISTER—PETER Kazimir sagte, es gebe Raum für 1 "intelligenten und klugen"Umgang mit dem Thema.
20160712             DIE—EURO—FINANZ—MINISTER hatten sich —AM—MONTAG—DER—ANSICHT—DER—EU—KOMMISSION angeschlossen, daß die beiden Länder GEGEN—DIE—VORGABEN des EU—STABILITÄTSPAKTS verstoßen haben.
20160712             Nicht gleich auf DIE—EU—BÜROKRATEN schimpfen.
20160712             Der EU—MINISTERRAT ist mit den MINISTERn der nationalen Regierungen besetzt.
20160712             ITALIEN hat zugelassen, daß BANKEN, denen es dramatisch an Eigenkapital fehlt, Gewinne an ihre Eigentümer ausschüttet, statt das Eigenkapital zu stärken.
20160712             STRAFEN—WANN gibt es endlich Strafen gegen DEUTSCHLAND wegen der wiederholten Überschreitung des zulässigen Außenhandelsüberschusses?
20160712             Wenn SPANIEN und PORTUGAL 1—REFERENDUM—ÜBER—DEN AUSTRITT aus der EU ankündigen, dann kann die KOMISSION—IN—BRÜSSEL —SCHON mal anfangen, ihre Kisten zu packen.
20160712             Sinnlos - 1—STAAT hat 1—HAUSHALT—DEFIZIT.
20160712             Der Blick auf die "Trends"bei GOOGLE, Twitter und FACEBOOK—VERRÄT, was gerade in der Welt passiert.
20160712             —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—JAHREN hat er mit "patriotischen"Aktivitäten IM—NETZ von sich reden gemacht, die eines gemeinsam haben: Sein Angriffsziel waren stets "Feinde der USA", von "WIKILEAKS"—BIS zum "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT".
20160712             1—MINI—PORTION "KI"ist —SCHON—JETZT EINGEBAUT—DIE WEB—SITE kann den IBM—SUPERCOMPUTER "Watson"anzapfen.
20160712             Journalisten sind Lotsen in 1—IMMER komplexer werdenden Informationsdschungel: Sie müssen aus 1—VIELZAHL an Nachrichtenquellen Informationen filtern, bewerten und auf unterschiedlichen Kanälen weiter verarbeiten.
20160712             Planeten: DER—HEILIGENSCHEIN des JUPITER
20160712             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN—AUS—ÖSTERREICH: ÖSTERREICH—OGH hat —LETZTE—WOCHE entschieden, daß man MIT—ARBEITER wegen Gesichtsschleier feuern darf.
20160712             Das Gesicht unverhüllt zu lassen, zähle jedoch "in ÖSTERREICH zu den unbestrittenen Grundregeln zwischenmenschlicher Kommunikation".
20160712             [l] Der Schiedshof in DEN—HAAG hat über das südchinesische Meer entschieden:
20160712             DIE—VOLKSREPUBLIK habe keine historischen Ansprüche auf die Ressourcen in dem SEE—GEBIET und habe PHILIPPINEN—HOHEITSRECHT missachtet, urteilte der Ständige Schiedshof AM—DIENSTAGIN DEN—HAAG.
20160712             CHINA hat —BEREITS angekündigt, den Schiedsspruch ignorieren zu wollen.
20160712             [l] Ich hatte mich ja hier neulich —SCHON über "Influencer Marketing"aufgeregt, aber das ist ja nicht in allen Fällen bloß tumber Spam.
20160712             DIE—FTC (USA—HANDELS—AUFSICHT—BEHÖRDE) ist damit eher unzufrieden.
20160712             [l] Wie üblich nach TERROR—ANGRIFFEN und Schießereien auf Cops lagen die entsprechenden Gesetzesverschärfung —SCHON in der Schublade.
20160712             The proposed bill, H.R.
20160712             DIE—EIGENTLICHE Überraschung an der Stelle ist, daß Money Laundering als Vorwand nicht reichte.
20160712             [l] JÜRGEN—HABERMAS zur Lage der EU, zum BREXIT und zur Postdemokratie.
20160712             Vorsicht: Das ist 1.Druckbetankung, danach braucht ihr ein paar Stunden Ruhe.
20160712             Das Magnetfeld des JUPITER ist etwa 20.000-mal stärker als das der Erde.
20160712             Deshalb strahlen Polarlichter über dem JUPITER weniger im sichtbaren Licht, sondern vor allem mit Ultraviolettstrahlen.
20160712             Faule Kredite in MILLIARDEN—HÖHE: ITALIEN fürchtet Bankenkollaps
20160712             —ENTEIGNET, Braunau: ÖSTERREICH, Eigentümerin von HITLERs Geburtshaus
20160712             CHINA vs. PHILIPPINEN: Insel oder Felsen?
20160712             "PRIVACY—SHIELD": DAS—NEUE—ABKOMMEN—MIT—DEN—USA steht
20160712             TAIWAN: Hacker sollen 2.000.000—EURO aus GELD—AUTOMATEN gezogen haben
20160712             BGH—URTEIL: Verbraucher können Kreditverträge noch nach —JAHREN kündigen
20160712             SANDERS—CLINTON—PAKT: Na ALSO—HOMO—ERECTUS: Er ging wie wir
20160712             kurz & krass: Französischem Fischer geht U—BOOT ins Netz
20160712             —VOR, 1.500.000—JAHREN lebte der HOMO—ERECTUS
20160712             Das GANGBILD—DES—HOMO—ERECTUS ähnelte offenbar —BEREITS stark demjenigen heutiger Menschen.
20160712             eineinhalb MILLIONEN—JAHRE—ALTE Fußabdrücke dieser UR—MENSCHENART in KENIA.
20160712             DIE—EIGENSCHAFTEN der demnach "sehr wahrscheinlich"von ausgestorbenen HOMINIDEN der ART—HOMO—ERECTUS stammenden Spuren lege die Vermutung nahe, daß diese frühen menschlichen —VORFAHREN—BEREITS über moderne Fußanatomie und Fußmechanik verfügten.
20160712             "Unsere Untersuchung der Fußabdrücke belegt nun 1. die Vermutung, daß unsere fossilen —VORFAHREN—BEREITS VOR—1.500.000—JAHREN so gegangen sind wie wir —HEUTE"
20160712             —NEUE—HINWEISE fanden die —LEIPZIGER Forscher bei der Auswertung der Fußspuren nach eigenen Angaben auch auf das Sozialverhalten des HOMO—ERECTUS.
20160712             DIE—ABDRÜCKE stammen der Analyse zufolge von unterschiedlich schweren UR—MENSCHEN.
20160712             DIE—EXPERTEN schätzten die Körpergewichte und schlossen daraus auf die Geschlechter der in Gruppen Umherwandernden
20160712             Sie kamen dabei zu dem Schluss, daß mehrere erwachsene Männer dazugehörten, was auf 1.unter MENSCHEN—AFFEN unbekannte Toleranz oder gar Kooperation zwischen diesen hindeute.
20160712             Diese sei GRUND—LAGE vieler spezifisch menschlicher sozialer Verhaltensweisen.
20160712             WETTER—PHÄNOMEN : KLIMA—WANDEL zaubert Leuchtwolken an den Nachthimmel
20160712             [l] DIE—EUROPÄISCHE TELCO—BRANCHE bittet um großflächigen 5G—BOYKOTT.
20160712             Gut, könnt ihr haben.
20160712             —IN—DER—VERGANGENEN—WOCHE hatten VERTRETER—DER TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—BRANCHE mit 1 "5G Manifest"an die KOMMISSION appelliert, 5G könne nur mit weniger Regulierung und weniger NETZ—NEUTRALITÄT gelingen.
20160712             —VERSUCHT, So, wie ihr mich bei 3G und LTE abzuzocken, habt, habe ich eh keinen gesteigerten Bedarf an 5G.
20160712             —UPDATE, Verpasst nicht den OETTINGER—TWEET, den Heise da rausgesucht hat.
20160712             [l] UK—WISSENSCHAFTLER fliegen gerade reihenweise aus EU—FORSCHUNGS—PROJEKTEN raus, weil nach BREXIT die zukünftige Finanzierung unklar ist.
20160712             [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört?
20160712             —BERICHTET, DIE—FAZ ""von 7.800—STRAFTATEN.
20160712             Wenn man kurz in die Primärquelle guckt, sieht man 78.
20160712             —VERRUTSCHT, Naja, äh, Komma.
20160712             Wobei, versteht mich nicht falsch.
20160712             —UNLEASHED, BRITAIN—VOTE to leave THE—EU has, 1—WAVE—OF—DISCRIMINATION against UK researchers, with elite UNIVERSITIE—IN—THE—S country coming under pressure to abandon collaborations with European partners.
20160712             The backlash against UK RESEARCHERS began —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER the ;;06;;
20160712             referendum —WHEN the failure to plan for 1—POST—BREXIT BRITAIN cast serious doubts over THE—CHANCES—OF—UK—ORGANISATIONS winning future EU funding.
20160712             Speaking at OXFORD—WOLFSON—COLLEGE last —FRIDAY, THE—UNIVERSITY—CHANCELLOR, CHRIS—PATTEN, said OXFORD received perhaps more research income than ANY—EUROPEAN university, with about 40% coming from government.
20160712             —GERECHNET, JÜRGEN—HABERMAS: Ich hatte nicht damit, daß DER—POPULISMUS den KAPITALISMUS in dessen Ursprungsland schlagen würde.
20160712             —ZEIT: Viele fordern nun auch in anderen Ländern Referenden.
20160712             diese Regierung musste nicht befürchten, daß 1.vom REGIERUNGS—KURS unabhängige Presse DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG über die guten Gründe informieren würde, die in anderen Mitgliedstaaten zu 1—GANZ anderen Einschätzung der Situation geführt haben.
20160712             DIE—FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK hat die Meinungen in DER—DEUTSCHEN—BEVÖLKERUNG und die STELLUNGNAHMEN—DER—PRESSE auch hierzulande gespalten.
20160712             ist GROß—BRITANNIEN in 1.missliche Situation geraten, NACHDEM
20160712             DIE—BRITEN haben auch in BRÜSSEL nach der Maxime "Wasch mich, aber mach mich nicht nass"eine —POLITIK—DES—VORBEHALTS betrieben.
20160712             Habermas: DIE—BRITEN hatten 1.entschieden marktliberale Vorstellung von der EU als 1—FREI—HANDEL—ZONE, und die fand Ausdruck in 1—POLITIK—DER—ERWEITERUNG der EU ohne gleichzeitige Vertiefung der Kooperation.
20160712             DAS—VOTUM—DER—GROSSBRITANNIEN—WÄHLER spiegelt auch etwas vom allgemeinen Krisenzustand der EU und ihrer Mitgliedstaaten.
20160712             DIE—WILHELMINISCHEN Fantasien eines JAROSLAW Kaczynski, des Mentors der amtierenden POLEN—REGIERUNG.
20160712             —NACH, der Ideologie des SILICON—VALLEY werden ja Markt und —TECHNOLOGIE DIE—GESELLSCHAFT retten und so etwas Altmodisches wie Demokratie überflüssig machen.
20160712             GROß—BRITANNIEN—OBAMA auf GEDENK—FEIER—IN—DALLAS: "Wir müssen der Verzweiflung widerstehen"
20160712             —RECENTLY, BAE—SYSTEMS unveiled 4—FUTURISTIC—TECHNOLOGIES which could REVOLUTIONize future warfare.
20160712             Trotz fehlendem PARTE1—RÜCKHALT: LABOUR—PARTEI—CHEF—CORBYN tritt zur Urwahl an
20160712             STELL—VERTRETER—VON—CLINTON oder DONALD—TRUMP: Neue Hinweise auf potenzielle USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENTEN
20160712—20130000    —IN, "Move on PAKISTAN", 1—LARGELY—UNKNOWN—POLITICAL—PARTY founded, placed posters overnight begging the country's powerful army CHIEF to launch 1—COUP.
20160712—20150000    —REVISED, IRELAND—CENTRAL—STATISTICS—OFFICE, up GDP growth from 7.8% to 26.3%.
20160714             "—BISHER ist TRIER vor allem aus SPÄT—ANTIKER Sicht wahrgenommen worden, das frühe00000101—00991231    ist noch kaum erforscht".
20160714             —RESCUED, USA—OFFICIALS said that 1—GOOD—SAMARITAN has, 4—MIGRANTS but that 13—CUBANS, 1—COLOMBIAN and 1—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—ARE still missing.
20160714             They were aboard 1—BOAT traveling from THE—HOLLAND—CARIBBEAN—ISLAND—OF—S—MAARTEN to THE—USA—VIRGIN—ISLANDS.
20160714             —ARRESTED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said authorities in CAMEROON have arbitrarily, more than 1,000—PEOPLE as PART—OF—THEIR fight against Islamist militant group Boko Haram and dozens have †—OF—DISEASE or been tortured to death.
20160714             FRANCE, 1—TRUCK—ATTACK in NICE left at least 84—PEOPLE—DEAD including 10—CHILDREN.
20160714             —SPEED, The attacker drove 1—HEAVY—TRUCK at high, into dense crowds as 1—FIREWORKS display to mark FRANCE—BASTILLE—DAY—NATIONAL—HOLIDAY came to 1—END.
20160714             —IDENTIFIED, The attacker was soon, as MOHAMED—LAHOUAIEJ—BOUHLEL, 31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TUNISIA—LIVING in the city.
20160714             5—SUSPECTS were soon arrested for alleged roles in helping Bouhlel.
20160714             —RULED, HONG—KONG—GOVERNMENT, that candidates for territory legislature elections in September must sign 1—DECLARATION acknowledging that HONG—KONG is an "Inalienable part" of CHINA.
20160714             —SUSPECTED, KENYA, 1, recruiter for THE—SOMALIA—MILITANT—GROUP al Shabaab shot dead at least 4—POLICEMEN at the Kapenguria police station where he was being held —AFTER he snatched 1—WEAPON from 1—GUARD.
20160714             —ISSUED, KUWAIT, 1—DECREE, by Interior MINISTER—SHEIKH—MOHAMMAD—KHALED—AL—SABAH set the minimum wage for domestic workers at 60—DINARS ($200) 1—MONTH and also granted domestic staff 1—RAFT—OF—OTHER—RIGHTS.
20160714             The decree also requires employers to pay overtime for ANY—EXTRA—HOURS worked.
20160714             1—HOLLAND—COURT sentenced 1—TURKISH—BORN man (44) to 30—DAYS—IMPRISONMENT for calling the country's KING a "murderer, rapist and thief," in 1—RARE—USE—OF—1—LAW against insulting the monarch.
20160714             He has spent 2—WEEKS in pretrial detention and will not have to serve ANY—PRISON—TIME.
20160714             THE—NETHERLANDS, MARK—LANGEDIJK, 41—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LONG—TERM—ALCOHOLIC, chose to end his life by lethal injection saying he could no longer go on.
20160714             —KILLED, THE—PHILIPPINES—SOLDIERS, 11—MEMBERS—OF—THE—BANGSAMORO Islamic Freedom Fighters on Mindanao ISLAND.
20160714             A 15—YEAR—OLD—GIRL was caught in crossfire and killed.
20160714             —ANNOUNCED, QATAR Airways, an agreement to purchase a 49-percent stake in ITALY—2. largest carrier, Meridiana.
20160714             6—TUPOLEV bombers flew out of 1—AIRBASE in RUSSIA —TODAY and conducted strikes EAST—OF—PALMYRA, near the cities of ARAK and Sukhna, as well as in THE—HOMS region.
20160714             —CRASHED, SLOVENIA, 1—SMALL—USA—REGISTERED plane, in THE—WEST—OF—THE—COUNTRY, killing all 4—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20160714             SYRIA, Islamic State fighters brought down 1—GOVERNMENT—JET—NEAR THE—EAST—CITY—OF—DEIR AL—ZOR.
20160714             1—SERIES—OF—AIRSTRIKES on REBEL—HELD areas of ALEPPO city killed at least 12—PEOPLE.
20160714             —REACHED, 1—INTERNATIONAL—AID—CONVOY, the besieged TOWN—OF—AL—WAER in THE—CENTRAL—HOMS province, bringing aid to 75,000—PEOPLE.
20160714             —PROTESTED, VIETNAM, CHINA—RECENT—ACTIVITIES in the disputed Sotuh CHINA Sea.
20160714             Ranghoher TERROR—KOMMANDEUR: IS—NAHE Agentur bestätigt TOD—VON—SCHISCHANI
20160714             BERLIN: DE—MAIZIÈRE verteidigt hartes Vorgehen gegen gewaltbereite Autonome
20160714             —GETÖTET, Video von Prominenten: "23—WEGE, zu werden, wenn du SCHWARZER in AMERIKA bist"
20160714             wer gedacht hatte, die Schamlosigkeit, mit der die politische Klasse GROß—BRITANNIENS ihre Machtspiele spielt, sei nicht mehr zu überbieten, wurde —GESTERN, eines Besseren belehrt: BORIS—JOHNSON—KING—OF—BREXIT, wurde —JETZT mit dem Posten des AUßEN—MINISTERS belohnt, NACHDEM er —NACH—DEM Votum —ERST mal den Kopf in den Sand gesteckt hatte.
20160714             DIE—ZENTRALASIATISCHE REPUBLIK Kirgisien. Gewinner des Tages.
20160714             hat sich - ABGAS—SKANDAL, KALIFORNIEN lehnt Rückrufplan von Volkswagen ab
20160714             BORIS—JOHNSON als AUßEN—MINISTER: Der Prügelknabe
20160714             —REKORDZUWANDERUNG
20160714             BREXIT—FOLGE: Makler rechnen mit fallenden IMMOBILIEN—PREISEN in LONDON
20160714             —DEMENTIERT, Akihito: JAPAN—KAISERHOF, Rücktrittsgerüchte
20160714             Für die Untersuchung wird unter anderem die PROZENTZAHL—DER—BEFRAGTEN, die 1.sinkende NACH—FRAGE melden, von jenen abgezogen, die wachsendes Interesse von Käufern melden.
20160714             DIE—GROSSBRITANNIEN—HAUPT—STADT ist —VORERST die einzige Region, in der 1.MEHRHEIT—DER Makler neben sinkender NACH—FRAGE auch sinkende Preise erwartet.
20160714             In 21—DER 33—STADTTEILE sei 1—PREISRÜCKGANG zu verzeichnen.
20160714             [l] 1—LINKS—AUTONOMER Vollidiot zündet Autos an?
20160714             "DIE—GEWALT—ANWENDUNG gegenüber POLIZISTEN und Nachbarn und das IN—BRAND—SETZEN von Autos sowie die Aufstachelung zu Hass und Gewalt sind nicht zu akzeptieren", sagte er dieser Zeitung.
20160714             So 1—SCHÖNEN Vorwand hat der —SCHON lange nicht mehr gehabt!
20160714             Naja und mal unter uns.
20160714             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, Einschüchterung und Verfolgung wegen deiner Hasskommentare.
20160714             NEW—HOTNESS, Einschüchterung und Verfolgung, weil du als JOURNALIST dich über die Verfolgung und Einschüchterung von Hasskommentaren lustig machst.
20160714             —VERABSCHIEDET, Er, sich von seinen Zuschauern mit den Worten, er "rufe —JETZT mal bei Frau Kahane an"— der Vorstandsvorsitzenden der Stiftung — "die ist ja für jeden Tipp dankbar".
20160714             Wait, what?!
20160714             Na da wäre ja mal interessant, was DIE—STIFTUNG dazu sagt.
20160714             Und nun ratet mal.
20160714             KURATORIUMS—CHEF—ZICK verweist in seinem BRIEF—AN—DAS—ZDF darauf, daß DIE—STIFTUNG wegen DER—STASI—VORWÜRFE selbst Anfeindungen ausgesetzt ist — vor wenigen Monaten klebte die völkische Identitäre Bewegung diffamierende Flugblätter mit der Aufschrift "Sie betreten den ÜBERWACHUNGS—STAAT"an den Eingang.
20160714             DIE—SEHEN SICH NOCH ALS OPFER!
20160714             —NATÜRLICH! [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört? Ja Moment Momeeeeent!
20160714             Im RBB—INFORADIO sagte Wegner AM—DONNERSTAGMORGEN, DER—EINSATZ - Ach sooo ist das!
20160714             [l] T—ONLINE erklärt die RUSSLAND—SITUATION.
20160714             Onlinewerbung: EU eröffnet weiteres VERFAHREN—GEGEN—GOOGLE
20160714             —BEGINNT, Luftaufnahmen aus SÜD—AFRIKA: "DAS—ELEND, am Zaun hinter dem Pool"
20160714             —REAKTIONEN—AUF—JOHNSON—ERNENNUNG: "Ich wünschte, es wäre 1—WITZ"
20160714             Getötete Tiere: "DEUTSCHLAND hat ein WILDEREI—PROBLEM"
20160714             Transparenzkodex von Pharmafirmen: 1—REVOLUTIÖNCHEN
20160714             BERLINer REAKTIONEN—AUF—BORIS—JOHNSON: "Demnächst wird Dracula GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER"
20160714             THEORIE zum AUS—STERBEN, DINO—SAURIER verschwanden durch Ölexplosion
20160714             Vermögen so hoch wie nie: DEUTSCHE besitzen 5,3—BILLIONEN—EURO
20160714             Trotz BREXIT: BANK—OF—ENGLAND belässt LEIT—ZINS—NOCH
20160714             BUNDESWEHR in INCIRLIK: GRÜNEN—POLITIKER WARNT—VOR—ESKALATION des deutschtürkischen Konflikts
20160714             Römische Grabmäler in TRIER: Trendsetter der ANTIKE
20160714             —NACH, Bekanntgabe der Entscheidung, den LEIT—ZINS nicht abzusenken, legte DAS—PFUND—STERLING gegenüber $ und EURO zu.
20160714             Der etwa zehnKm große Meteorit, der auf dem —GEBIET—DES—HEUTIGEN—MEXIKOS einschlug, habe möglicherweise ein großes Ölreservoir getroffen, erläutern JAPAN—FORSCHER im Fachjournal "Scientific Reports".
20160714             Der über die Atmosphäre verteilte Ruß habe zwar viel Sonnenlicht von der ERD—OBERFLÄCHE ferngehalten, doch sei die Photosynthese der Pflanzen noch möglich gewesen, glauben DIE—FORSCHER.
20160714             Ihr Ergebnis: im 1.Fall hätten die DINO—SAURIER überlebt, im letzten Fall wären Krokodile und viele andere erhalten gebliebene Tierarten ebenfalls ausgestorben.
20160714             TRIER war zu RÖMER—ZEITEN nicht nur ein wichtiges Finanzzentrum, sondern zeitweise auch HAUPT—STADT des WEST—RÖMER—REICHES.
20160714             Wissenschaftler erfassen ERSTMALS—CA—1500 Steinblöcke und Fragemente von antiken Grabmonumenten, die —SEIT—JAHREN in den Depots des Rheinischen Landesmuseums TRIER lagern.
20160714             "Wir können nun ganz systematisch die Grabdenkmäler 1—DER wichtigsten Städte des römischen Imperiums aufarbeiten",
20160714             DIE—GRABDENKMÄLER seien von handwerklich hoher Qualität.
20160714             in der RÖMER—IMPERIUM habe es "von der Fülle und Detailfreudigkeit"nichts Vergleichbares gegeben,
20160714             —IDEALISIERT, DIE—MACHER hätten nichts : "Da sind Menschen mit Halbglatzen und Hasenscharten abgebildet.
20160714             DIE—BEKANNTESTEN Grabdenkmäler aus der Moselregion sind das größte erhaltene römische Pfeilergrabmal nördlich der Alpen, die Igeler Säule bei TRIER, und das "Neumagener Weinschiff"eines römischen Weinhändlers.
20160714             EU—GERICHT: DEUTSCHE—POST muss Rentenmillionen nicht zurückzahlen
20160714             [l] Was natürlich auch sein kann, ist dass der LINKS—AUTONOME Vollpfosten, der das Auto angezündet hat, für Vater STAAT gearbeitet hat.
20160714             Es wäre nicht der 1.solche Fall.
20160714             Bei MARCEL G. scheint sich aber vor allem um 1—PSYCHISCH labilen Pyromanen zu handeln, der politisch zwischen links und rechts pendelt.
20160714             Seht ihr?
20160714             [l] In 1—SELTENEN Moment der Klarheit äußert sich der FRANKREICH—AUSSEN—MINISTER—ZUR—ERNENNUNG—VON—BORIS—JOHNSON:
20160714             —APPOINTED, BORIS—JOHNSON, BRITAIN has, 1—LIAR with his back against the wall as its new foreign SECRETARY at 1—TIME—WHEN somebody reliable is needed in the role, his FRANCE—COUNTERPART JEAN—MARC—AYRAULT said —ON—THURSDAY.
20160714             —URTEIL—ZU—E—MAILS, USA—REGIERUNG darf nicht auf  von MICROSOFT—KUNDEN im Ausland zugreifen
20160714             Nun gibt es endgültig keinen Zweifel mehr, dass es in der GROSSBRITANNIEN—POLITIK nicht um das Wohl des Landes, sondern nur noch um Postengeschacher, persönliche Ambitionen und Machttaktik geht.
20160714             DIE—ZENTRALASIATISCHE REPUBLIK Kirgisien.
20160714             Das wunderschöne, hochgebirgige Land mit seinen fünfeinhalb Millionen Einwohnern ist in der Region die einzige EHEMALIGE—SOWJETREPUBLIK, die nicht autoritär regiert wird.
20160714             sind für mich am —TAG—DER—ABREISE aus der RUSSLAND—HAUPT—STADT die MOSKAUer.
20160714             Ihre Stadt hat sich in 1.moderne Metropole mit hoher Lebensqualität verwandelt.
20160714             Rekordzuwanderung 20150000             2,1—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN kamen nach DEUTSCHLAND
20160714             Dieser Saldo lag im;;06;;landesweit bei minus 36 %.
20160714             Es war der 3. negative Monatswert in Folge und das niedrigste Niveau
20160714             Der entsprechende Wert fiel zum 4. Mal in Folge auf minus 46 %.
20160714             Da lässt sich DER—INNEN—MINISTER nicht lange bitten!
20160714             "Es ist richtig, dagegen mit Härte vorzugehen. Mit Gewalttätern gibt es nichts zu verhandeln".
20160714             —GEHÖRT, DE—MAIZIÈRE fügte hinzu: "NATÜRLICH, zu 1—STADTENTWICKLUNGSKONZEPT mehr als POLIZEIarbeit. Aber was —JETZT dort an Härte nötig ist, das wird von mir voll unterstützt".
20160714             Auf die Frage, ob die festgestellte Rechtswidrigkeit der Räumung in der Rigaer Straße an dieser Feststellung etwas ändere, erwiderte er: "Nein, das ändert nichts daran. DIE—POLIZEI erfüllt ihren Auftrag in unser aller Namen. Sie verdient dabei Unterstützung und nicht Hass und Gewalt".
20160714             Guckt nur, wie er sich da gleich reinlegt und sich suhlt!
20160714             Naja und mal unter uns. Der Mann ist unser INNEN—MINISTER.
20160714             NATÜRLICH wird der —JETZT nicht für rechtstaatliches Vorgehen, Demokratie oder Minderheitenschutz eintreten.
20160714             Wo kämen wir da hin, wenn 1—INNEN—MINISTER jemals etwas anderes als mehr POLIZEI, mehr "Sicherheit", schärfere Gesetze und härteres Vorgehen fordern würde.
20160714             Das würde doch DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG bloß verwirren!
20160714             Und immer wieder ganz vorne mit dabei: Die Amadeu ANTONIO—STIFTUNG.
20160714             Hat von denen eigentlich schonmal jemand etwas positives gehört?
20160714             Ich nicht. Wird sogar JEDES—MAL schlimmer.
20160714             —JETZT (für mich) neu:
20160714             Damit spielt er auf DIE—STASI—VERGANGENHEIT Kahanes an, die im Alter von 19—JAHREN von dem DDR—SPITZELDIENST angeworben worden war.
20160714             Und nun ratet mal. Kommt ihr NIE drauf!
20160714             —DETAILLIERT, DIE—STASI—VERGANGENHEIT Kahanes sei, aufgearbeitet und transparent, schreibt Zick.
20160714             1—GUTACHTEN bestätigte nach ANGABEN—DER—STIFTUNG, dass Kahanes STASI—MIT—ARBEIT keinem anderen Menschen geschadet hat.
20160714             NATÜRLICH! Rückblickend sonnenklar.
20160714             Habe ich noch nie anders erlebt im SJW—UMFELD.
20160714             Andere ganztägig mit Scheiße bewerfen aber sich selbst mit Vorschlaghammer und Brecheisen in die Opferecke vorprügeln.
20160714             Ja nee, klar.
20160714             [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört? DIE—POLIZEI des Landes BERLIN hat illegal das Haus in der Rigaer Straße 94—GERÄUMT?
20160714             Ja Moment Momeeeeent! Dazu 1.kurze Durchsage des BERLINer CDU—GENERAL—SEKRETÄRS Wegener:
20160714             Ach sooo ist das! Das war gar keine Räumung!
20160714             Also jedenfalls nicht durch DIE—POLIZEI!1!!
20160714             Nach Bekanntgabe der Entscheidung, den LEIT—ZINS nicht abzusenken, legte das GROSSBRITANNIEN—PFUND gegenüber $ und EURO zu.
20160714             Sie fanden 1.Zusammensetzung von Kohlenwasserstoffen, wie sie bei verbranntem ERD—ÖL entsteht.
20160714             KLIMAMODELLEN, berechneten sie 3—MÖGLICHE Abläufe für Temperatur, Niederschlag, Sonneneinstrahlung und Bodenfeuchtigkeit abhängig von der Menge entstandenen Rußes - 500.000.000—TONNEN, 1.500.000.000—TONNEN oder 2,6—MILLIARDEN Tonnen.
20160714             1—RUSSMENGE—VON—1.500.000.000—TONNEN in der Atmosphäre sei die realistischste Annahme.
20160714             Die Grabdenkmäler seien von handwerklich hoher Qualität. TRIER sei mit seinen außergewöhnlichen Bildreliefs auf den Monumenten Trendsetter in der Antike gewesen.
20160714             —IDEALISIERT, Die Macher hätten nichts : "Da sind Menschen mit Halbglatzen und Hasenscharten abgebildet. Alles ganz realistisch".
20160714             Die Beweisführung ist in solchen Fällen natürlich immer schwierig, weil die Behörden sowas ja ungerne zugeben.
20160714             Alles verwirrte Einzeltäter, wissenschon.
20160714             Oh, nein, warte. Nicht verwirrte Einzeltäter. Seht ihr? Was GANZ anderes!
20160714             Unknown - GERMANY Flag KÖLN,
20160714             GERMANY Tuevrheinland Service Gmbh (
20160714             (No referring link) - GERMANY / DE—DE Tuevrheinland Service Gmbh (
20160714             alfatomega.com/20090124.html
20160714             Bei einem islamistisch motivierten LASTWAGEN—ANSCHLAG in Nizza sterben mindestens 86—MENSCHEN und Hunderte werden verletzt.
20160714112340       IE 11.0—WIN7 1680x1050 GERMANY Flag KÖLN,
20160714—20140000    —RELEASED, THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—AFGHANISTAN—MAIN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, documents which he said showed that PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES helped leaders of the Taliban and the feared Haqqani network and 20150000            .
20160714—20160712    —SINCE, RUSSIA said it has has conducted more than 50—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic State (IS) jihadists near THE—SYRIA—CITY—OF—PALMYRA.
20160715—17890714    —AM, Nationalfeiertag wird JEDES—JAHR—DER—ERSTÜRMUNG des PARISer BASTILLE—GEFÄNGNISSES gedacht, die als Beginn der FRANZÖSISCHE—REVOLUTION gilt
20170626—20170712    —RELEASED, CHINA, 10—EMPLOYEES—OF—AUSTRALIA—CROWN—RESORTS—LTD., including 2—AUSTRALIA—CITIZENS, —AFTER they completed 9—MONTHS in prison.
20170712             ALABAMA, 3—PEOPLE were shot to death in 1—MOBILE—HOME—PARK in Gardendale, 1—SUBURB—OF—BIRMINGHAM.
20170712             —WANTED, KENNETH—DION—LEVER, 52—JAHRE—ALT, for killing his EX—WIFE and 2—OTHERS, killed himself in THE—FLORIDA Panhandle —AFTER being spotted by police.
20170712             —NOTIFIED, USA—AIRLINES, QATAR Airways and ABU—DHABI—ETIHAD of its decision to no longer share flights with them over what it described as "illegal subsidies".
20170712             Apple said it has set up its 1. data center in CHINA as part of a $1—BILLION investment there.
20170712             The center in Guizhou province will be operated with 1—LOCAL—DATA—MANAGEMENT—COMPANY.
20170712             AFGHANISTAN—ALL—GIRL—ROBOTICS—TEAM will be allowed entry into THE—USA to compete in 1—COMPETITION—AFTER PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP personally intervened to reverse 1—DECISION twice denying them enter into the country.
20170712             Scientists said 1—ICEBERG the size of DELAWARE was set adrift —AFTER snapping off 1—WEST—ANTARCTIC—ICE shelf that is —NOW at increased RISK—OF—COLLAPSE.
20170712             BRAZIL, FORMER—PRESIDENT—LUIZ—INACIO—LULA da Silva was found GUILTY—OF—CORRUPTION and money laundering and sentenced to nearly 10—YEARS in prison.
20170712             —KILLED, NORTH—CAMEROON, at least 15—PEOPLE were, —AFTER 2—FEMALE—SUICIDE—BOMBERS carried out 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK in Waza.
20170712             —ESCAPED, SOME—YOUNG—WOMEN who, Boko Haram have said girls are drugged and forced to carry out suicide missions.
20170712             —PROPOSED, THE—EU Commission, to end THE—SO—CALLED "excessive deficit procedure" on GREECE —FOLLOWING 1—SHARP—IMPROVEMENT in the country's finances —AFTER YEARS—OF—SPENDING cuts and tax increases and 1—RECESSION that wiped out 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—ECONOMY and caused unemployment and poverty to swell.
20170712             PRIME—MINISTER—EDOUARD—PHILIPPE said FRANCE will cut processing time for asylum requests and boost housing for refugees —WHILE "systematically" deporting illegal economic migrants.
20170712             1—FRANCE—COURT—ANNULLED—GOOGLE'S $1.27—BILLION bill for back taxes saying that the way the firm operates in FRANCE allows it to be exempt from most taxes.
20170712             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—POLICE, 4—SUSPECTS they linked to 1—ARABIC—CRIMINAL—CLAN over the spectacular theft of 1—GIANT—100—KILOGRAM (220-pound) gold coin from 1—BERLIN museum early —THIS—YEAR, but found no sign of the loot.
20170712             HUNGARY said that it would end 1—PUBLIC—INFORMATION poster campaign attacking GEORGE—SOROS that THE—USA—BILLIONAIRE and others said SMACKED—OF—ANTI—SEMITISM.
20170712             The campaign would end 20170715             , —3—DAYS—BEFORE 1—VISIT by ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU.
20170712             —CLASHED, IRAQ—FORCES, with Islamic State militants holding out in MOSUL—OLD—CITY, more than —36—HOURS—AFTER BAGHDAD declared victory over the jihadists in what they had declared the de facto IRAQ—CAPITAL—OF—THEIR "caliphate".
20170712             —FIRED, KASHMIR, government forces, shotgun pellets and tear gas in SRINAGAR as residents carried THE—BODY—OF—1—YOUNG—REBEL killed with 2—OTHER—MILITANTS—DURING 1—GUNBATTLE with INDIA—TROOPS in the disputed region.
20170712             1—GUNBATTLE lasted through the night and THE—3—REBELS were killed.
20170712             —AMENDED, THE—MALAYSIA—STATE—OF—KELANTAN, its Islamic laws to allow public canings, sparking criticism that the change was unconstitutional and could infringe on the rights of religious minorities.
20170712             —BANNED, Kelantan, where nightclubs and cinemas are, is governed by 1—CONSERVATIVE—ISLAMIST—PARTY, PAS.
20170712             —LEGALIZED, MALTA, SAME—SEX—MARRIAGES, joining MUCH—OF—WEST—EUROPE by replacing the traditional "you are —NOW husband and wife" declaration in civil ceremonies with "you are —NOW spouses," despite church protests.
20170712             1—CONSORTIUM—OF—MEXICAN and foreign private companies says 1—WELL drilled in shallow water has found between 1.4 and 2—BILLION barrels of crude oil equivalent in the Gulf of MEXICO.
20170712             —PLEDGED, MYANMAR, "no restrictions" on journalists visiting the troubled STATE—OF—RAKHINE —THIS—WEEK, in the 1. official trip to include foreign reporters to mostly Rohingya Muslim villages affected by violence —SINCE October.
20170712             PAKISTAN—POLICE said MOHAMMAD—SHAHZAD shot dead his sister and her daughter in 1—SO—CALLED "honor killing" in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—LAHORE.
20170712             THE—ADDAMEER rights NGO said Prominent PALESTINE—POLITICIAN and rights campaigner Khalida Jarrar (54) has been ordered detained —FOR—6—MONTHS without trial by ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES.
20170712             PARAGUAY—PRESIDENT—HORACIO—CARTES and his delegation began a 3—DAY—VISIT commemorating 60—YEARS—OF—TIES between TAIWAN and the landlocked nation, THE—ISLAND—ONLY—DIPLOMATIC—ALLY in SOUTH—AMERICA.
20170712             1—THE—PHILIPPINES—AIR—FORCE—FIGHTER—JET missed its target in 1—AIRSTRIKE against Islamic STATE—GROUP—ALIGNED militants in SOUTH—MARAWI city, killing 2—SOLDIERS who were hit by debris from 1—BUILDING where they were taking cover.
20170712             —RECEIVED, QATAR, its 1. HERD—OF—BOYCOTT—BUSTING—COWS to boost milk supplies —5—WEEKS—AFTER neighboring Gulf states cut links with the emirate.
20170712             Several dozen Holsteins were flown in from BUDAPEST, the 1. of 4,000 to be imported by August.
20170712             —CLOSED, ROMANIA—SUPREME—COURT—PROSECUTORS, 1—CASE against FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—VICTOR—PONTA, saying the charges of suspected MONEY—LAUNDERING and being 1—ACCESSORY to tax evasion did not stand up.
20170712             1—MOSCOW court convicted 1—OF—RUSSIA—MOST flamboyant tycoons, SERGEI—POLONSKY, 44—JAHRE—ALT, of fraud.
20170712             —SYMBOLIZED, The property developer, who, THE—EXCESS—OF—THE—OIL—FUELED boom times, walked away 1—FREE—MAN—AFTER the judge said too much time had elapsed —SINCE his crime for the sentence to have legal force.
20170712             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—RUSSIA—CITY—OF—VLADIVOSTOK has embraced cheap NORTH—KOREAN—PAINTERS.
20170712             Human rights groups said MOST—OF—THE—LABORER—EARNINGS are confiscated by the state.
20170712             SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—FIRE broke out in THE—SOUTH—WEST—CITY—OF—NAJRAN.
20170712             11—WORKERS from INDIA and BANGLADESH were killed in the building where they lived.
20170712             —REACHED, THE—ROYAL—BANK—OF—SCOTLAND said it has, a $5.5—BILLION settlement in THE—USA—OVER THE—MIS—SELLING—OF—MORTGAGE—BACKED securities —BEFORE the financial crisis.
20170712             The bank must still resolve outstanding civil and criminal claims with THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE.
20170712             OLIVER—DULIC, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—NOW—OPPOSITION—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY and THE—FORMER—MINISTER for planning and the environment, was tried along with 2—OF—HIS—ASSOCIATES, who received sentences of 1 and 3—YEARS.
20170712             1—SINGAPORE COURT—JAILED—YEO—JIAWEI (34), 1—FORMER—WEALTH—MANAGER—OF—SWITZERLAND—BANK—BSI, for 4 and 1—HALF—YEARS for money laundering and cheating in 1—CASE linked to investigations into the siphoning OFF—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from MALAYSIA—SOVEREIGN fund 1MDB.
20170712             —PLEADED, Jiawei, guilty to money laundering and cheating.
20170712             —CRITICIZED, SOUTH—AFRICA—DEPUTY—PRESIDENT—CYRIL—RAMAPHOSA, the corruption that has damaged the ruling party under PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA, opening 1—DIVIDE in THE—AFRICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS—MONTHS ahead of 1—LEADERSHIP contest.
20170712             —REPORTED, It was, that archaeologists excavating 1—MASS—GRAVE from SPAIN's 19360000             to 19390000             Civil War have found the naturally preserved brains of 45—PEOPLE —8—DECADES—AFTER they were shot and buried on 1—HILLSIDE in THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—BURGOS.
20170712             † IN—THAILAND—ALEXANDRE—CAZES, 25—JAHRE—ALT, THE—CANADA—FOUNDER of dark web marketplace AlphaBay, in 1—BANGKOK jail.
20170712             —KILLED, TURKEY—POLICE, 5 suspected Islamic State jihadists in THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—KONYA.
20170712             —IDENTIFIED, THE—UN said it has, 1—ADDITIONAL—38—PROBABLE—MASS—GRAVES in Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO—CENTRAL—KASAI region, bringing the total to at least 80—SINCE the outbreak of 1—INSURRECTION last August.
20170712             —DESCENDED, YEMEN—FEMALE—SECURITY—FORCES, on 1—SMALL—WOMEN—RALLY in the southern port CITY—OF—ADEN, beating the women and dispersing the gathering.
20170712             The women were mothers and sisters protesting against DISAPPEARANCES—OF—DETAINEES.
20170712             Mit etwas Böswilligkeit und ignoranter Vernachlässigung der übrigen sorgfältig aufgereihten und verfassten Punkte kann man den Punkt 116—HERVORHEBEN und ihn als zentral für DAS—URTEIL herausstellen.
20170712             Ja aber echt mal!
20170712             [l] —HEUTE—MORGEN hat DAS—BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT vorgezogen in der Causa GABY—WEBER entschieden.
20170712             —GEFUNDEN, Leider hat das Gericht 1.Formalie, mit der sie vermeiden konnten, sich grundsätzlich äußern zu müssen.
20170712             DAS—BUNDESARCHIV und DER—BUNDES—BEAUFTRAGTE—FÜR—MEDIEN hätten diesen Hinweis geben müssen aber unterlassen.
20170712             Ich bin ehrlich gesagt entsetzt, daß das VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT hier nicht klar Tisch gemacht hat.
20170712             Insbesondere erstreckt sich der Informationszugangsanspruch von vornherein nicht auf Dokumente, die 1.informationspflichtige Stelle für die Erfüllung ihrer Aufgaben zwar beschaffen könnte oder auch müsste, sich aber nicht beschafft hat.
20170712             Ja, da kann man dann halt nichts machen!1!!
20170712             Sehr schade und sehr beunruhigend.
20170712             DIE—ARGUMENTIEREN da an 1—STELLE ernsthaft, na wenn der Gesetzgeber da keinen funktionierenden Klageweg explizit vorgesehen hat, dann wollten sie wohl auch nicht, daß man da als BÜRGER klagen kann.
20170712             LINKS—DEBATTE nach G20: "Wir brauchen mehr Protest"
20170712             GRIECHENLAND—KRISE—DEUTSCHLAND verdient kräftig an FINANZ—HILFEN
20170712             Psychologie: Warum Schenken glücklich macht
20170712             Arbeiten im Alter: Zahl erwerbstätiger Senioren hat sich verdoppelt
20170712             So groß wie Planet Saturn: Kleinster —BISHER, bekannter Stern entdeckt
20170712             ANT—ARKTIS: 175—KILO—METER—LANGER Eisberg bricht ab
20170712             OLAF—SCHOLZ zu G20—KRAWALLEN: "Unerträglich, daß sich Mitglieder DER—BÜRGERSCHAFT bei denen unterhaken, die ganze Straßenzüge verwüsten"
20170712             "EBLM J0555-57Ab"der kleinste —BISHER, entdeckte Stern.
20170712             Diese sehr kleinen und trüben Sterne seien die bestmöglichen Kandidaten, um erdähnliche Planeten mit Wasser zu entdecken,
20170712             Als Vorsitzender wurde GÜNTER—SCHLATTER, als seine beiden STELL—VERTRETER RAINER—MAEDGE und KARL—HEINZ Otten gewählt
20170712             Den Vorsitz des heutigen Trägervereins WILL1—EICHLER—AKADEMIE e.
20170712             —URTEIL zur Tarifeinheit: Fast 50 % DER—DEUTSCHEN—WILL STREIK—BREMSE
20170712             STAATS—KRISE, EU—KOMMISSION entlässt GRIECHENLAND aus dem Defizitverfahren
20170712             —GEFUNDEN, SACHSEN—ANHALT: 6—GRÄBER aus der JUNG—STEIN—ZEIT
20170712             Fall Roque M.: Gericht lässt mutmaßlichen GEHEIM—DIENST-"Maulwurf"frei
20170712             PROPAGANDA : Wie DER—IS mit neuen Comics Kinder lockt
20170712             —VERHANDLUNGEN über EU—AUSTRITT: Feixend in den BREXIT—CRASH
20170712             "SPIDER—MAN: Homecoming": Willkommen im KLASSEN—KAMPF, Spidey
20170712             Treibhausgas: Methan vor Helgoland ausgetreten
20170712             USA—NOTEN—BANK: JANET—YELLEN stimmt BÖRSEn auf weitere ZINS—ERHÖHUNGEN ein
20170712             AZTEKEN—OPFER: ARCHÄOLOGEN finden Wolf mit üppigem Goldschmuck
20170712             ARCHÄOLOGEN haben in SACHSEN—ANHALT 4400—BIS 4.800—JAHRE—ALTE Gräber samt Grabsteinen entdeckt.
20170712             DIE—FUNDE stammen aus der JUNG—STEIN—ZEIT
20170712             "Steinmarkierungen von GräBERN aus dieser Zeit, vergleichbar mit unseren heutigen Grabsteinen, sind absolutes Neuland in der archäologischen Forschung",
20170712             es sind unbehauene Felsgesteine".
20170712             DIE—IN den GräBERN bestatteten Menschen stammen den ARCHÄOLOGEN zufolge aus den Epochen der Schnurkeramik sowie der Glockenbecherzeit.
20170712             Natalija Wesselnizkaja: MOSKAUer Anwältin auf DONALD—TRUMP—MISSION
20170712             —VERURTEILT, BRASILIEN—EX—PRÄSIDENT—LULA zu neuneinhalb —JAHREN Haft
20170712             ABGAS—SKANDAL, Daimler soll 1.000.000 manipulierte Fahrzeuge verkauft haben
20170712             in der Metropole MEXIKO, die nach der Eroberung durch die SPANIER 15210000             auf und mit den Trümmern der aztekischen HAUPT—STADT gebaut wurde,
20170712             Das Tier wurde WÄHREND der Regentschaft von KÖNIG—AUÍTZOTL getötet, sie dauerte
20170712             Unter seiner Herrschaft dehnte sich DAS—REICH —BIS—AN—DIE—GRENZEN—DES—HEUTIGEN—GUATEMALA aus.
20170712             [l] Die Formulierung des Tages kommt aus diesem SÜDDEUTSCHE—ARTIKEL—ÜBER—G20 und PRESSE—FREIHEIT:
20170712             Politische GIPFEL—TREFFEN—IN—LÜBECKDEUTSCHLAND bedeuten Arbeit auch für Tausende Journalisten, egal ob die G 7, die G 20—ODER DIE—EU—SPITZEN rufen.
20170712             Wait, what?!
20170712             [l] Mallorca und Ibiza haben sich 1—TRICK überlegt, ob die übelsten Alkoholiker unter ihren Touristen abzuschrecken: ALKOHOL—VERBOTAUF Zubringerflügen und den Flughäfen.
20170712             The idea of introducing 1—MONARCHY or aristocracy into THIS—COUNTRY, by employing the influence and force of 1—GOVERNMENT continually changing hands, towards it, is 1—OF—THOSE visionary things, that none but madmen could meditate and that no wise men will believe.
20170712—20020000    —IN, They said Larsen C may eventually follow the example of its neighbor, Larsen B, which disintegrated —FOLLOWING 1—SIMILAR—RIFT—INDUCED calving event 19950000             —IN—WHEN Larsen 1 collapsed.
20170713             —ARRIVED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, in FRANCE for 1—BRIEF 24-hour trip to PARIS coinciding with 20170714             —THE—BASTILLE —DAY celebrations.
20170714             —SENTENCED, S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA, ROBERT—FARMER, 26—JAHRE—ALT was, to 1—MAXIMUM—OF—16—YEARS in prison.
20170714             —PLEADED, Last October he had, guilty to 21—COUNTS—OF—ANIMAL cruelty.
20170714             —KILLED, Farmer had, at least 16—CATS though only 4—BODIES were recovered.
20170714             † Maryam Mirzakhani (40), 1—IRANIAN—BORN mathematician and 1—PROFESSOR at Stanford University, —AFTER 1—BATTLE with cancer.
20170714             She was the 1. woman to win the coveted Fields Medal (20140000             ).
20170714             —SWALLOWED, FLORIDA, 1—SINKHOLE, 1—BOAT and 2—HOMES in TAMPA.
20170714             10—OTHER—HOMES were deemed unsafe.
20170714             —KILLED, HAWAII, at least 3—PEOPLE were, and 2 suffered smoke inhalation as 1—FIRE consumed several floors of a 36-story condominium tower in HONOLULU.
20170714             —SEIZED, ALBANIA—POLICE, at least 15—METRIC tons (16.5—TONS) of marijuana hidden in 1—SOUTHWESTERN village.
20170714             9—PEOPLE were arrested in Llakatund included 2—POLICE—OFFICERS and the head of the commune.
20170714             LONDON—BASED budget airline easyJet said it is opening 1—BASE in VIENNA—AUSTRIA, to prepare for the potential effects of Brexit.
20170714             —CONVICTED, Winchester Crown Court jurors, DOUGLAS—INNES, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—1—UK—YACHTING—MANAGEMENT—COMPANY, of 1—SAFETY—VIOLATION over 20140000             —THE capsizing of the Cheeki Rafiki in THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC.
20170714             —KILLED, All 4—CREW members on the oceangoing vessel were.
20170714             Retired UK—TELEVISION—PRODUCER—DAVID—HARRIS, 68—JAHRE—ALT was sentenced to 17—YEARS in prison for trying to hire hit men to kill his partner — 1—PLOT he claimed was merely research for 1—THRILLER.
20170714             —ATTACKED, NORTH—EAST—CONGO, DRC 1—SECURITY—STATION was, by Mai Mai militia.
20170714             6—CONGO—RANGERS were found alive the next —DAY in 1—LARGE—FOREST—RESERVE, but USA—JOURNALIST—LISA—DUPUY and at least 3—OTHER—SECURITY—GUARDS remained missing.
20170714             4—WARDENS and 1—CIVIL—WHO was working as 1—TRACKER were killed in clashes along with 1—NUMBER—OF bandits.
20170714             —KILLED, In CENTRAL—ECUADOR 14—PEOPLE were, late —TODAY and 26 injured —WHEN 1—BUS drove off the highway, flipped and caught fire.
20170714             EGYPT, 5—POLICEMEN were shot to death in CAIRO—TWIN—CITY—OF—GIZA —WHEN suspected Islamic militants opened fire on their vehicle.
20170714             —KILLED, Abdel RAHMAN—SHABAN—ABOKORAH, 29—JAHRE—ALT, 2—GERMANY—WOMEN and wounded 4—OTHER—TOURISTS at the popular Red Sea resort of Hurghada.
20170714             † 1—CZECH—REPUBLIC—WOMAN—LATER, of her injuries.
20170714             —CHASED, Abokorah was, down and arrested.
20170714             —TRIED, Security sources —LATER said Abokorah had, to join Islamic State.
20170714             —ACCUSED, HONG—KONG activists, BEIJING of crippling THE—PARLIAMENT—AFTER 4—PRO—DEMOCRACY—LAWMAKERS were disqualified.
20170714             IRAQ—FORCES hit further POCKETS—OF—RESISTANCE from Islamic State militants in MOSUL—OLD—CITY, —4—DAYS—AFTER THE—PRIME—MINISTER declared victory.
20170714             —CONTROLLED, The group still, areas south and WEST—OF—MOSUL inhabited by TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE.
20170714             3—ATTACKERS opened fire near THE—AL—AQSA mosque in JERUSALEM—OLD—CITY, killing 2—ISRAEL—OFFICERS.
20170714             Police —IMMEDIATELY shot them dead.
20170714             —LOCKED, Security forces, down the area and THE—AL—AQSA mosque was closed to —FRIDAY prayers.
20170714             —ARRESTED, MALAYSIA—AUTHORITIES, 1—VIETNAM—MAN and seized 1—STASH—OF—ELEPHANT—IVORY worth almost $70,000.
20170714             —EXECUTED, SINGAPORE, Prabagaran Srivijayan (22).
20170714             He had been CONVICTED—OF—TRAFFICKING 22.4—GRAMS of heroin.
20170714             —KILLED, SYRIA, airstrikes on the outskirts of DAMASCUS, at least 2—PEOPLE.
20170714             —KILLED, At least 1—OTHER—PERSON was, and several people were wounded in the strikes on Ein Terma, 1 contested suburb on the northeast edge of DAMASCUS.
20170714             SYRIA, clashes broke out between the ultraconservative Ahrar AL—SHAM and THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED Hay'at Tahrir al Sham, 2—OF—THE—MOST powerful insurgent groups in the northwest, raising fears of widespread violence in REBEL—HELD Idlib province.
20170714             —APPLIED, UN officials said more than 52,000 Venezuelans have, for asylum —THIS—YEAR, nearly twice the number in all of 20160000            .
20170714             [l] Neues von der SCHLANGENÖL—FRONT: KASPERSKY für GELD—AUTOMATEN hat 1.SICHERHEITS—LÜCKE.
20170714             [l] HENRY—ROLLINS (der bekannte Musiker) hat 1.schöne Kolumne geschrieben, mit dem schönen Titel
20170714             It's Amazing How Quickly We Got Used to THE—TRUMP—DUMPSTER Fire
20170714             —LAMENTIERT, Er, da sehr schön herum, wie sich völlig absurde Dinge im Nu von "boah das ist ja absurd"über "hmm, der DONALD—TRUMP macht das —SCHON wieder"zu "das ist —JETZT wohl halt so"bewegen.
20170714             Und ich finde, diesen Blickwinkel sollten wir auch mal direkt auf DEUTSCHLAND anwenden.
20170714             [l] Dem —CHEF—VON—SECURITAS (SCHWEDEN) hat jemand die Identität geklaut und damit KON—KURS angemeldet.
20170714             [l] —VOR—1—WOCHE gab es 1.erfolgreiche POLIZEI—AKTION—GEGEN—1.DARKNET—SITE namens AlphaBay.
20170714             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, DONALD—TRUMP entgleist bei der Wortwahl.
20170714             NEW—HOTNESS, DONALD—TRUMP—ANWALT entgleist bei der Wortwahl.
20170714             —REPLIED, Kasowitz, with SERIES—OF—ANGRY—MESSAGES sent between 9:30 p.m.
20170714             In another email, Kasowitz wrote: "Call me.
20170714             [l] Nochmal zum MÜLLTONNEN—FEUER.
20170714             HAMBURGs 1. BÜRGER—MEISTER OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) sieht weiterhin keine Schuld bei DER—POLIZEI.
20170714             Und wer sich lieber an der Quelle informieren will: G20 DOKUMENTATION sammelt POLIZEI—GEWALT—BEISPIELE.
20170714             [l] Perus EX—PRÄSIDENT—HUMALA begibt sich in Untersuchungshaft.
20170714             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN (diesmal wirklich!): ISRAEL schließt 1—WASSER—DEAL—MIT—DEN PALÄSTINENSERn.
20170714             ISRAEL will JEDES—JAHR mehrere Millionen Kubikmeter Wasser zusätzlich und zum VORZUGS—PREIS ins WEST—JORDAN—LAND und den GAZA—STREIFEN LIEFERN—DIESES ist dort chronisch knapp.
20170714             [l] Die prorussischen ABSPALT—TEILE—VON—DER—OST—UKRAINE finanzieren sich angeblich über ZWANGS—ARBEIT in GULAG—ÄHNLICHEN Arbeitslagern.
20170714             [l] BAYERN hat 1.innovative Methode zum FLÜCHTLINGS—DRANGSALIEREN gefunden: Sie fordern Wuchermieten von arbeitenden FLÜCHTLINGEn.
20170714             BAYERN, erhalten betroffene FLÜCHTLINGE —SEIT—EINIGER—ZEIT Bescheide, die es in sich haben: 278—EURO sollen sie für ihre Unterbringung BEZAHLEN—UNABHÄNGIG von der Qualität ihrer Unterbringung.
20170714             Das ist —SCHON angenehm, wenn man einfach so durchregieren kann, ungestört von humanistischen Werten, Ethik oder Gewissen.
20170714             [l] OLAF—SCHOLZ stellt seine Plakatmotive für DIE—BUNDES—TAG—WAHL vor.
20170714             [l] Wo wir gerade bei klaren Fällen von SELBST—MORD waren: Bei dem hier wurde sogar 1.Notiz an der Leiche gefunden, "NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER"!
20170714             —VERSUCHT, Es handelt sich um dem 1—REPUBLIKANER, der, hat, von RUSSLAND—HACKERN HILLARYs Emails zu kriegen.
20170714             [l] Spaß —AM—WOCHEN—ENDE: Gollum liest DONALD—TRUMP—TWEETS
20170714             Dies könne man dann insbesondere für medizinische Zwecke auswerten, versprechen DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER,
20170714             "—EINES—TAGES könnten wir dazu in der Lage sein, DIE—ENTWICKLUNGSENTSCHEIDUNGEN 1—SICH entwickelnden NERVEN—ZELLE von der frühen STAMM—ZELLE —BIS zum hochspezialisierten Zelltyp im GEHIRN nachzuverfolgen", so Shipman.
20170714             "Stahlmauer mit Öffnungen": DONALD—TRUMP spezifiziert Pläne zum Mauerbau
20170714             DONALD—TRUMP in PARIS: Unangebrachte Bemerkung über BRIGITTE—MACRONS—FIGUR
20170714             —VERBITTET, FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER: CHINA, sich Einmischung nach Tod Liu Xiaobos
20170714             DONALD—TRUMP in PARIS: "Ich bin ein riesengroßer Fracker"
20170714             WELT—WEIT—ALLZEIT—HOCH: Warum die Butter —PLÖTZLICH, so teuer ist
20170714             —RECHTS—ROCK—KONZERT in THÜRINGEN: 1—KLEINSTADT rechnet mit 5000—NEONAZIS
20170714             —ADOPTIERT, Einzigartiger Vorfall: Löwin, Leopardenjunges
20170714             —GEGEBEN, OLAF—SCHOLZ zu G20—KRAWALLEN: "POLIZEI—GEWALT hat es nicht "
20170714             WOHLSTAND—IN—DEUTSCHLAND: Geldvermögen steigt auf REKORD—WERT
20170714             E—COMMERCE: DEUTSCHLANDs ONLINE—HANDEL boomt
20170714             Ollanta Humala: Perus EX—PRÄSIDENT muss in Untersuchungshaft
20170714             FUKUSHIMA: Radioaktives Wasser soll ins Meer abgelassen werden
20170714             Importe und Exporte: AUßEN—HANDEL DER—EURO—ZONE zieht stark an
20170714             —ATTENTAT am Tempelberg: GROß—MUFTI—VON—JERUSALÉM wieder frei
20170714             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG Internationaler STUDENT—KLAGT—GEGEN—GEBÜHREN (Leben und Lernen, 15:20)
20170714             Junger Australier: Ärzte ersetzen Daumen durch großen Zeh
20170714             Trotz BÖRSEnflaute, USA—GROß—BANKEN verdienen MILLIARDEN
20170714             Provokante These: Kinderwunsch streichen, Klima retten
20170714             G20—MYTHEN: Vorwürfe, VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN, Fakten
20170714             G20 in HAMBURG: Internes POLIZEIpapier bringt SCHOLZ in Bedrängnis
20170714             "Black Lives Matter"—PROTEST: DIE—MEDIENWIRKSAMSTE BÜRGER—RECHT—BEWEGUNG —SEIT den 60ern
20170714             DONALD—TRUMP—ANWALT droht Kritiker: "Ich weiß —BEREITS, wo du wohnst"
20170714             DONALD—TRUMP—RUSSLAND—KONTAKTE: Der Spion, der in die Quere kam
20170714             USA—TRUMP zieht wegen EINREISE—VERBOTS vor OBERSTES—GERICHT—HOF
20170714             ABU—SAJED: PENTAGON meldet TOD—DES—IS—ANFÜHRERS in AFGHANISTAN - [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört?
20170714             Mehr als 95 % der als verletzt erfassten POLIZISTEN konnten —BEREITS nach kurzer Behandlung vor Ort wieder weiter arbeiten, zeigen die Recherchen von BuzzFeed News.
20170714             Offiziell schwer verletzte POLIZISTEN gab es 2, bei DER—BUNDES—POLIZEI.
20170714             Naja aber auch kurzzeitige Verletzungen sind ja Verletzungen, nicht wahr?
20170714             Nicht alle als verletzt gemeldeten POLIZISTEN sind Opfer gewalttätiger Autonomer geworden.
20170714             "DIE—VERLETZTEN—ZAHL muss dringend relativiert und eingeordnet werden", sagt auch Rafaehl Behr, Professor an der Akademie DER—POLIZEI in HAMBURG.
20170714             Naja gut, aber wie konnten dann so VIELE—BEAMTE verletzt werden?
20170714             "Der Großteil DER—POLIZISTEN (rund 130) wurde in der Nacht von —SAMSTAG auf —SONNTAG beim —EINSATZ—IM—BEREICH "Schulterblatt" durch Reizgaseinwirkung seitens des Störerklientels verletzt", so 1—SPRECHER.
20170714             RAFAEL—BEHR, Professor an der Akademie DER—POLIZEI in HAMBURG, hat daran Zweifel: "Mit höchster Wahrscheinlichkeit sind das Beamte, wo die Autonomen die Geschosse mit dem Reizstoff einfach wieder zurück geworfen haben".
20170714             Sorry, aber das ist ja wohl echt grotesk.
20170714             Und DIE—POLITIK, die diesen Bullshit zu verantworten hat, hat dann die STIRn, DIE—PARTEI als Spaßpartei zu bezeichnen!?
20170714             [l] In HAMBURG ist ein peinliches internes POLIZEIpapier geleakt.
20170714             Inhalt: Schutz des G20—GIPFELS ist wichtiger als der SCHUTZ—DER—STADT.
20170714             War ja irgendwie auch klar.
20170714             "Der Schutz und DIE—SICHERHEIT der Gäste haben höchste Priorität", heißt es im "Rahmenbefehl"[...]
20170714             —VOM—SPIEGEL mit dem Inhalt des Papiers konfrontiert, wies SCHOLZ 1.solche Prioritätensetzung erneut zurück.
20170714             —BEKANNT, Hey, warte mal, das kommt mir irgendwie, vor!
20170714             Please add to your timeline for THE—TRUMP—CAMPAIGN, BRAD—PARSCALE—MEETING with POTUS on ;;06;;
20170714             8. - see PARSCALE—TWEET, reported IN—THE—GUARDIAN.
20170714             —PLANNED, Note that THE—PRESIDENT, to travel to S—ANTONIO ;;0616;; —ON, th 20160000             , for 1—FUND—RAISER likely ATTENDED—BY key MEMBERS—OF—HIS WEB—HOSTING/INTERNET data campaign —MANAGEMENT firm, GILES—PARSCALE.
20170714             TIMELINE—OF—MEETINGS w/ RUSSIAns (20160603             :
20170714             —AM, in STANFORD, KALIFORNIEN)[1] war 1.IRAN—MATHEMATIKERIN, die 20140000             als 1. und —BISLANG, einzige Frau und 1. IRAN—PERSON mit der FIELDS—MEDAILLE ausgezeichnet wurde.
20170714             Das MAAS MÜLLTONNEN—FEUER ist genau so.
20170714             Und die Reaktion ist auch immer die selbe.
20170714             —JETZT ist der verhaftete ADMIN—VERDÄCHTIGE in seiner Zelle tot aufgefunden worden.
20170714             1—DER klarsten FÄLLE—VON—SELBSTMORD, den sie in diesem THA1—GEFÄNGNIS je hatten!1!!
20170714             —REPLIED, Kasowitz, with SERIES—OF—ANGRY—MESSAGES sent between 9:30 p.m. and 10—P.m. Eastern time.
20170714             1—READ: "I'm on you —NOW. You are fucking with me —NOW LET—SEE who you are Watch your back, bitch".
20170714             In another email, Kasowitz wrote: "Call me. Don't be afraid, you piece of shit. Stand up. If you don't call, you're —JUST afraid".
20170714             And —LATER: "I—ALREADY know where you live, I'm on you. You might as well call me. You will see me. I promise. Bro".
20170714             Wir sind hier ja auch in 1—POST—TRUTH—GESELLSCHAFT angekommen.
20170714             Schaut euch nur diese OLAF—SCHOLZ—ÄUßERUNG an.
20170714             "POLIZEI—GEWALT hat es nicht gegeben, das ist 1.Denunziation, die ich entschieden zurückweise", sagte er dem Sender NDR 90,3.
20170714             Er soll umgerechnet EINIGE—MILLIONEN—EURO vom BRASILIEN—BAU—KONZERN Odebrecht genommen haben, die nach JAHRE—LANGEN Ermittlungen neulich EINIGE—ZAHLUNGEN zugegeben haben, u.a. an Humala, der damit seinen WAHL—KAMPF bezahlt haben soll.
20170714             DIE—USA halfen, den JAHRE—LANGEN Streit beizulegen.
20170714             Zum Vergleich: In THÜRINGEN etwa fallen —DERZEIT, 150—EURO, in HAMBURG 141—EURO an und BERLIN stellt bislang noch gar keine Forderungen.
20170714             Na dann... - l] Spaß —AM—WOCHENENDE: Gollum liest TRUMP—TWEETS
20170714             Forscher haben erstmals digitale Bilder und Filmaufnahmen in lebenden Zellen gespeichert.
20170714             DAS—TEAM um SETH—SHIPMAN und GEORGE—CHURCH von der Harvard Medical School in BOSTON (USA—BUNDES—STAAT MASSACHUSETTS) speicherte in der DNA von Bakterien sowohl das SCHWARZWEIß—FOTO 1—HAND als auch 1.historische Filmsequenz aus dem —JAHR 18870000            .
20170714             Sie zeigt 1—PFERD in Bewegung.
20170714             Langfristiges Ziel ist es, dass Zellen mit diesem Verfahren ihre eigenen Entwicklungsprozesse im ERB—GUT aufzeichnen.
20170714             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER wollen DAS—SYSTEM stattdessen so abwandeln, dass Zellen ihre eigenen biologischen Prozesse selbst AUFZEICHNEN—WIE 1.ART—FAHRTENSCHREIBER des Lebens:
20170714             —1—JAHR—NACH PUTSCH—VERSUCH: Tausende Türken beantragen Asyl in DEUTSCHLAND
20170714             TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN entlässt erneut Tausende STAATS—BEDIENSTETE
20170714             l] Habt ihr das auch gehört? Fiese Linksterroristen bei G20 haben MILLIONEN—VON—ARMEN, friedliebenden Kuschelcops verletzt?
20170714             Nun, es lässt tief blicken, dass man zu Buzzfeed gehen muss, um mal jemanden zu finden, der da ein bisschen recherchiert.
20170714             Aber so ist es.
20170714             Von den 476—GEMELDETEN POLIZISTEN wurden insgesamt 21—BEAMTE so verletzt, dass sie auch noch am Folgetag oder länger nicht einsatztauglich waren.
20170714             Die fiesen Linksterroristen haben ja trotzdem die hunderten von POLIZISTEN verletzt!
20170714             Nun, stimmt auch nicht.
20170714             "Die Verletzungen ergaben sich durch die Dauer des Einsatzes (u.a. Kreislaufprobleme), nicht nur durch Gewalteinwirkung von außen im Zusammenhang mit den Krawallen", schreibt beispielsweise das brandenburgische INNEN—MINISTERIUM.
20170714             "Es gab zum Beispiel allein —AM—FREITAG mehrere Dutzend Beamte, die wegen Dehydrierung als verletzt gemeldet wurden".
20170714             Nun, 1—TEIL davon war auch Reizgas.
20170714             Ich stelle mir gerade mal 1.Statistik vor, natürlich —NACH—DEN selben Standards, wie VIELE—DEMONSTRANTEN "verletzt"wurden.
20170714             Und dann genau so DIE—POLIZEI zur Rede stellen und in Talkshows als "RECHTS—TERRORISTEN"verunglimpfen, wie das —JETZT mit den Autonomen passiert ist.
20170714             Lolwut?!
20170714             "Es ging niemals darum, dem SCHUTZ—DER—GIPFELTEILNEHMER 1.größere Bedeutung beizumessen als dem SCHUTZ—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG", sagte DER—SPRECHER—DES—BÜRGER—MEISTERS dem SPIEGEL.
20170714             —KONSTRUIERT, Der Widerspruch sei, im Übrigen sei der Rahmenbefehl dem BÜRGER—MEISTER nicht bekannt.
20170714             Please add to your timeline for THE—TRUMP—CAMPAIGN, BRAD—PARSCALE—MEETING with POTUS 20170608             —ON—SEE PARSCALE—TWEET, reported IN—THE—GUARDIAN.
20170714—20170401    —SINCE, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICE noted figures from THE—VENEZUELA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE indicating 92—PEOPLE have † in connection with protests.
20170714—20170716    —ON, Dupuy was found safe and sound.
20170714—20170805    —BY, the hole had widened to 260—FEET across.
20170724—20170712    —SEIZED, THAILAND—POLICE said they have, nearly $21—MILLION—WORTH—OF—ASSETS, from cars to cryptocurrency, belonging to ALEXANDRE—CAZES (5), the late founder of dark web marketplace AlphaBay, who † in 1—BANGKOK jail.
20170725—20210714    —ON, ) Manzanares (43) was found dead at the Lemon Creek Correctional Center in Juneau.
20170726—20170714    —KILLED, EGYPT—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said security forces have, 4—SUSPECTS who were behind THE—KILLING—OF—5—POLICEMEN in 1—ATTACK—NEAR—CAIRO.
20180611—20180712    —SCHEDULED, He is, to go to ESTONIA and
20180611—20180714    —ON, will be in LITHUANIA.
20180624—20180714    —FROM, EGYPT—PARLIAMENT approved the extension of 1—NATIONWIDE STATE—OF—EMERGENCY—FOR—3—MONTHS.
20180712             transistors began to dominate 19600101—19691231    —IN—THE, s,
20180712             —CLAIMED, DONALD—TRUMP, 1—PERSONAL—VICTORY at 1—NATO—SUMMIT—AFTER telling European allies to increase spending or lose WASHINGTON—SUPPORT.
20180712             —SEPARATED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION said all eligible small children, from their families as 1—RESULT—OF—ITS—0—TOLERANCE—IMMIGRATION—POLICY have been reunited with their parents.
20180712             —REMAINED, Nearly HALF—OF—THE—CHILDREN under 5, separated from their families BECAUSE—OF—SAFETY—CONCERNS, the deportation of their parents and other issues.
20180712             S—FRANCISCO and S—MATEO police arrest ORLANDO—VILCHEZ—LAZO, 37—JAHRE—ALT, 1 suspected serial rapist.
20180712             —MATCHED, Police had, his DNA to 4—RAPES in SF assaults dating back to 20130000             in which he posed as 1—DRIVER for 1—RIDE—HAILING—COMPANY.
20180712             —CONTAINED, CALIFORNIA, the Klamathon Fire was 75%, at 36, 500—ACRES.
20180712             —COVERED, THE—COUNTY—FIRE, 90,288 acres and was 95% contained.
20180712             AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban struck in NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—KUNDUZ, leaving 15—SOLDIERS—DEAD there, with at least 6—TALIBAN fighters killed.
20180712             —KILLED, In WEST—FARAH province the Taliban, 4—POLICEMEN.
20180712             ANDORRA, 1—FAVORITE destination for smokers looking to stock up on cheap cigarettes, said that it would soon stop advertising the fact.
20180712             —SIGNED, The government said it had, up to the World Health Organization's (WHO) ANTI—TOBACCO convention, which aims to encourage people to quit smoking and combat contraband sales.
20180712             WEST—AUSTRALIA STATE—POLICE—COMMISSIONER—CHRIS—DAWSON made an historic apology to indigenous people who are overrepresented in prisons and vowed to improve race relations.
20180712             —PUBLISHED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY, her blueprint for relations with the European Union —AFTER Brexit, hoping to keep close trade ties but dropping that goal for BRITAIN—FINANCIAL—SERVICES—INDUSTRY in what the sector called "1—REAL—BLOW".
20180712             LONDON mayor Sadiq Khan said protests in LONDON against the visit by PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP must be "peaceful and GOOD—SPIRITED," —AFTER THE—USA—LEADER landed in THE—UK—CAPITAL.
20180712             CAMEROON, 1—CONVOY transporting Defence MINISTER—JOSEPH—BETI—ASSOMO was ambushed in the country's restive anglophone region, leaving several attackers dead.
20180712             —ARRESTED, CHILE—AUTHORITIES, OSCAR—MUNOZ—TOLEDO, 56—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PRIEST, on accusations of sexually abusing minors.
20180712             SOUTH—WEST—CHINA, 1—BLAST at 1—INDUSTRIAL—PARK in Sichuan province's YIBIN city left 19—DEAD and injured 12—OTHERS.
20180712             —DETAINED, Authorities —LATER, "several" suspects in WAKE—OF—THE—EXPLOSION.
20180712             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY, that police killed 1—MAN—WHILE trying to disperse 1—PROTEST over water scarcity.
20180712             Protests have been held across SOUTH—IRAN in recent weeks over water scarcity.
20180712             —FIRED, IRAQ—POLICE, into the air to disperse protesters demanding jobs and better public services at 1—OF 3—DEMONSTRATIONS outside major oilfields in the southern oil hub of Basra.
20180712             —PASSED, THE—IRELAND—PARLIAMENT, 1—BILL to force THE—IRELAND Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF) to divest from fossil fuel companies, in 1—MOVE intended to encourage other countries to withdraw public money invested in oil, gas and coal.
20180712             —TARGETED, ISRAEL, SYRIA—MILITARY—POSITIONS 1—DAY —AFTER 1 unmanned drone entered its airspace.
20180712             —SUFFERED, SYRIA—STATE—MEDIA said military positioons in Quneitra province, material damage.
20180712             ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—GIUSEPPE—CONTE said he had made no promises to increase ITALY—DEFENSE spending —AFTER USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he had won pledges from NATO—ALLIES to boost military expenditure.
20180712             —RAIDED, JAPAN—AUTHORITIES, THE—APARTMENT—OF—NURSE—AYUMI Kuboki (31), who's in custody on suspicion of fatally poisoning at least 2—ELDERLY—PATIENTS at 1—TERMINAL—CARE—HOSPITAL.
20180712             —REPORTED, Local media have, the woman confessed to police she poisoned about 20—PATIENTS.
20180712             —VOICED, Kenyans, outrage as it emerged that 1—GROUP—OF—LAWMAKERS had gone to the World Cup at the taxpayers' expense, even though the country had failed to qualify for the tournament.
20180712             —ARRESTED, MYANMAR police, Ngar Min Swe, 1—PROMINENT—GOVERNMENT—CRITIC, on suspicion of violating sedition laws.
20180712             † In NICARAGUA 4—POLICE—OFFICERS and 1—PROTESTER in Morrito as clashes erupted between opposition activists and government forces and their paramilitary allies.
20180712             —CLAIMED, His party, THE—PAKISTAN Muslim League, it was 1—ATTEMPT to prevent them from staging 1—WELCOME—HOME—RALLY upon the ousted leader's return from LONDON.
20180712             —COMPLAINED, THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, that MACEDONIA was being sucked into THE—NATO—MILITARY—ALLIANCE by force.
20180712             The extension also applies to vice presidents, state lawmakers and governors. government troops attacked rebel positions in Kajo Keji in the country's northwest in fighting that killed 5—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS and 1—REBEL.
20180712             —RAISED, SYRIA—STATE—TV said the government has, the national flag over Daraa, THE—SOUTH—SYRIA—CITY that was the cradle of 20110000             —THE—REVOLT—AGAINST—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—RULE.
20180712             —CARRIED, EAST—SYRIA, 1—AIR—STRIKE, probably, out by USA—LED INTERNATIONAL forces or IRAQ, struck 1—ISLAMIC—STATE—HELD area, killing 54—PEOPLE including 28—CIVILIANS as well as MEMBERS—OF—THE—JIHADIST—GROUP.
20180712             —KILLED, MOST—OF—THE—CIVILIANS, were Iraqis.
20180712             1—TURKEY—COURT sentenced 72—DEFENDANTS to life in prison for their role in killing 34—PEOPLE—WHEN rogue soldiers seized CONTROL—OF—1—SUSPENSION—BRIDGE in ISTANBUL 2—YEARS ago —DURING 1 attempted coup.
20180712             —SENTENCED, Another TURKEY—COURT, 8—FORMER—MANAGERS—OF conglomerate Boydak Holding, once among TURKEY—BIGGEST firms, to lengthy prison terms for links to Fethullah Gulen.
20180712             —DISCIPLINED, VIETNAM—RULING—COMMUNIST—PARTY, Truong Minh Tuan, THE—MINISTER—OF—INFORMATION and Communications, for approving 1—MOBILE—PHONE—OPERATOR'S—PURCHASE—OF—1—STAKE in 1—PRIVATE—PAY TV provider, 1—DEAL that caused serious financial losses to the state.
20180712             Tuan was given 1—WARNING and removed as HEAD—OF—THE—MINISTRY—PARTY—ORGANIZATION.
20180712             1—COURT—IN—SOUTH—CENTRAL—VIETNAM sentenced 6—PEOPLE to up to 2—AND—A—HALF—YEARS in prison —AFTER finding them GUILTY—OF—THROWING—ROCKS, bricks and gas bombs at police in protests against 1 proposed law on special economic zones.
20180712             Demonstration nach NSU—URTEILEN: Trauer, Wut, Schock
20180712             SCHÄUBLE zum ASYL—STREIT der Union: "DER—KONFLIKT war dramatisch"
20180712             Erstarrte Wut: Wie DER—BREXIT DIE—BRITEN spaltet
20180712             —GEGANGEN, NATO—GIPFEL mit DONALD—TRUMP: Gerade noch mal gut
20180712             CSU—RHETORIK in der Asyldebatte: "Gift für DEUTSCHLAND und EUROPA"
20180712             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DONNERSTAG: Schlicht unverschämt
20180712             Gefährliche Chemikalien: Deutlich weniger Superschadstoffe in Textilien
20180712             EU—ASYLZENTREN: MAZEDONIEN lehnt EU—FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGER im eigenen Land ab
20180712             Autonomes Fahren: APPLE—MIT—ARBEITER wollte interne DATEN nach CHINA schaffen
20180712             Drohende Altersarmut: Fast jede 2. Rente liegt unter 800—EURO
20180712             BREXIT—BRITEN verzichten offenbar auf vollen EU—ZUGANG für BANKEN
20180712             "Raketen auf Armeestellungen": ISRAEL greift Posten in SYRIEN an
20180712             DONALD—TRUMP—WIDERSACHERIN: Stormy Daniels in Stripklub festgenommen
20180712             LE—PENS Nichte gründet Hochschule: Kaderschmiede für Patrioten
20180712             —DEBATTE—ÜBER—MIGRATIONS—POLITIK, "Es ist politisch nicht besonders riskant, gegen FLÜCHTLINGE Stimmung zu machen"
20180712             NATO—GIPFEL: DONALD—TRUMP twittert erneut gegen DEUTSCHLAND
20180712             BGH—URTEIL: FACEBOOK muss Eltern ZUGRIFF—AUF—NACHRICHTEN verstorbener Tochter gewähren
20180712             Anzeige bei USA—BÖRSEN—AUFSICHT : EX—MIT—ARBEITER wirft Tesla BETRUG vor
20180712             EX—PRÄSIDENT—VON—KATALONIEN: Gericht erklärt Auslieferung PUIGDEMONTs für zulässig
20180712             EKLAT beim GIPFEL—BRÜSSEL: DONALD—TRUMP droht, NATO zu sprengen
20180712             Anthropologie: Älteste Hinweise auf FRÜH—MENSCHEN außerhalb AFRIKAs entdeckt
20180712             Plötzliches Lob von DONALD—TRUMP : "DIE—NATO ist —JETZT 1.gut geölte Maschine"
20180712             Für Paläoanthropologen wäre es 1.kleine Sensation: 1—FORSCHER—GRUPPE will in CHINA die ältesten Hinweise auf FRÜH—MENSCHEN außerhalb AFRIKAs entdeckt haben.
20180712             Sie fanden in Shangchen in der Provinz Shaanxi knapp 100—STEIN—WERKZEUGE, die offenbar von Menschen stammen, sowie Tierknochen in Sedimentschichten, die —BIS zu 2.100.000—JAHRE—ALT sind.
20180712             DIE—ÄLTESTEN Funde —BIS—DAHIN waren 1.800.000—JAHRE—ALT und stammten von der Fundstätte Dmanissi in GEORGIEN.
20180712             DIE—FORSCHER fanden insgesamt 96—STEIN—WERKZEUGE an steilen Hängen des CHINA—LÖSSPLATEAUS.
20180712             Darunter waren vermutlich mehrfach nachbehauene Objekte, die zum Schneiden, Schaben und Bohren dienten, sowie größere Steine, die als Hammer genutzt worden sein könnten.
20180712             Fast ALLE—WERKZEUGE sind aus Quarz oder Quarzit gefertigt und stammen wohl von den 5—BIS zehnKm südlich entfernten Ausläufern des QIN—LING—GEBIRGES.
20180712             DIE—FORSCHER vermuten, daß die FRÜH—MENSCHEN die Steine vom Gebirge zum Lössplateau transportierten.
20180712             —DATIERT, DIE—FUNDE wurden mittels Paläomagnetismus.
20180712             DIE—GEFUNDENEN Werkzeuge ähneln Funden in AFRIKA, die aus der gleichen Zeit stammen.
20180712             Dass ALLE—FRÜH—MENSCHEN aus AFRIKA stammen, gilt als sicher.
20180712             Dort habe es Kappelman zufolge —SCHON vor mehr als _6.000.000—JAHREN VERTRETER—DER Gattung Homo gegeben.
20180712             DIE—BISLANG frühesten Funde von HOMO—SAPIENS, dem modernen Menschen, sind etwa 300.000—JAHRE—ALT und stammen aus MAROKKO.
20180712             Dieser verließ AFRIKA nach —BISHERIGEM Forschungsstand —CA—VOR—100.000—JAHREN.
20180712             Aber an der Entdeckung der englischen und CHINA—FORSCHER gibt es auch Zweifel.
20180712             "Wenn man außergewöhnliche Behauptungen aufstellt, braucht man außergewöhnliche Belege".
20180712             USA—PORNODARSTELLERIN Stormy Daniels, die nach eigenen Angaben —VOR—EINIGEN—JAHREN 1.Affäre mit USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP hatte, ist in 1—STRIPKLUB im USA—BUNDES—STAAT OHIO festgenommen worden.
20180712             —VERMUTET, Dahinter stecken politische Gründe, ihr Anwalt MICHAEL—AVENATTI.
20180712             Daniels, mit bürgerlichem Namen STEPHANie Clifford, wurde den Angaben zufolge in 1—STRIPKLUB in COLUMBUS festgenommen, weil sie sich von 1—KUNDEN auf der Bühne habe anfassen LASSEN—ALLERDINGS nicht auf sexuelle Weise, wie Avenatti bei Twitter mitteilte.
20180712             —LAUT—DEM—COMMUNITY DEFENSE—ACT darf in dem USA—BUNDES—STAAT niemand 1.nackte oder halbnackte Tänzerin ANFASSEN—WENN er kein MITGLIED—DER—FAMILIE ist.
20180712             Ausrede der Woche: DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG kann euch nicht sagen, wo sie den STAATS—TROJANER einkauft, denn:
20180712             —BEKANNT, Wenn DIE—HERSTELLER—VON—STAATS—TROJANERN öffentlich, werden, stellen sie ihre ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT—MIT—DEN BUNDES—BEHÖRDEN ein.
20180712             —VERWEIGERT, Mit dieser Begründung, DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG selbst dem BUNDES—TAG Auskunft über die zwielichtige Branche.
20180712             Wir veröffentlichen eingestufte Protokolle aus dem INNEN—AUSSCHUSS.
20180712             NEIN!!! Das ist ja mal 1.innovative Ausrede!
20180712             DIE—KRIMINELLEN, von denen unsere KRIMinellen ihre kriminelle SPIONAGE—SOFTWARE kaufen, wollen nicht, daß ihre Namen bekannt werden.
20180712             WELL DUH!
20180712             Wie wäre es, wenn wir einfach aufhören, kriminelle Behörden zu haben?
20180712             DIE—MÜSSTEN dann keine KRIMinellen einstellen, die es moralisch vertretbar finden, anderen Leuten auf ihren Telefonen Wanzen zu installieren, und dann wäre das ganze Problem weg!
20180712             Oder man kann das natürlich noch aus 1—ANDEREN Winkel sehen, wie der schöne KOMMENTAR—VON—LINUS—NEUMANN nahelegt:
20180712             Heckler und Koch, KRAUSS—MAFFEI Wegmann, RHEINMETALL — diese Unternehmen tun Verwerfliches, sind aber gezwungen, unter ihrem eigenen Namen aufzutreten.
20180712             —NUN, wird uns erzählt, DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG arbeite mit Unternehmen zusammen, die ihren eigenen Namen GEHEIM halten müssten?
20180712             Wahrscheinlicher scheint mir zu sein: DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG schämt sich für ihre Zulieferer und deren Kundenstamm — zu RECHT!
20180712             So krass kriminell sind diese Zulieferer!
20180712             Schlimmer als Rohde & Schwarz, die IMSI—CATCHER bauen.
20180712             Schlimmer als HECKLER—UND—KOCH, mit deren Produkten Menschen erschossen werden.
20180712             Schlimmer als RHEINMETALL, die Panzer bauen!
20180712             Überlegt euch mal ein gedankliches Modell, mit dem es überhaupt noch schlimmere Kategorien gibt.
20180712             Und in DEN Kategorien kauft DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG ihre Trojaner ein.
20180712             —BEKANNT, Man hätte das vielleicht so formulieren müssen: Wenn, wird, von wem wir die Trojaner kaufen, müssten wir diese Firmen direkt komplett verhaften.
20180712             Kennt ihr den —SCHON? Kommen 2—ANTI—TERRORERMITTLER in 1.Bar?
20180712             Grüßen sich mit "Heil, HITLER"?
20180712             Bonus: DIE—ARBEITEN in dem Kommissariat, das für ANIS—AMRI zuständig war.
20180712             Ob die den deshalb gewähren ließen?
20180712             Damit die Schafe da draußen endlich sehen können, was für verderbte Schlangen diese ganzen fiesen Moslems sind?
20180712             DONALD—TRUMP wants out of NATO.
20180712             How can anyone see this story and not admit that DONALD—TRUMP is PUTIN—PLAYTHING?
20180712             The ramifications are historic and horrific.
20180712             —THREATENED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, to break with NATO and conduct USA—SECURITY unilaterally — if allies do not —IMMEDIATELY meet higher MILITARY—SPENDING targets, NATO—OFFICIALS and diplomats said.
20180712             —DEMANDED, THE—MILITARY—SPENDING targets, by DONALD—TRUMP are absurd -- deliberately so.
20180712             Donnie and Vladdie know that THE—EUROPEAN nations will never go for 1—PROPOSAL to raise MILITARY—SPENDING to 4—PERCENT—OF—GDP.
20180712             Doing so would be ruinous: Consider THE—PERILOUSA—ECONOMIC—STATES—OF—GREECE, ITALY and THE—UK
20180712             —DECIDED, PUTIN, to put DONALD—TRUMP into OFFICE—FOR—MANY—REASONS, but the main motive was THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—NATO—ALLIANCE.
20180712             This goal has been crystal clear —SINCE THE—SUMMER—OF—2016.
20180712             Neuer BREXIT—PLAN: BRITEN wollen Visafreiheit für Touristen und Studenten
20180712             INVASIVE—ART  : Kalikokrebs bedroht DEUTSCHLAND—GEWÄSSER
20180712             "Cassini"—DATEN: So hört sich der Saturn an
20180712             DONALD—TRUMP irrlichtert beim NATO—GIPFEL: Der PATE
20180712             1. zeigten die Beobachtungen, wie sich diese Wellen auf magnetischen FELD—LINIEN bewegen, die Saturn direkt mit Enceladus verbinden.
20180712             KASSEL: Gräber unter dem Boden der Karlskirche entdeckt
20180712             EINKOMMEN—STEUER:—CA—3.000.000—DEUTSCHE zahlen den SPITZEN—STEUER—SATZ
20180712             PUIGDEMONT zu AUSLIEFERUNGS—BESCHLUSS: "Wir werden gewinnen!"
20180712             SYRIEN—STADT Daraa: REGIERUNGS—TRUPPEN marschieren in REBELLENviertel ein
20180712             Jahrhunderträtsel der PHYSIK: Forscher finden extragalaktische Quelle von Geisterteilchen
20180712             Mumie aus dem Eis: Ötzi verspeiste giftigen Farn vor seinem Tod
20180712             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, DONALD—TRUMP und das NATO—CHAOS
20180712             WEIßBUCH—DER—GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG: So will May den BREXIT stemmen
20180712             Uno: USA werfen NORD—KOREA VERSTOß—GEGEN—SANKTIONEN vor
20180712             SCHREIBEN—AN—DONALD—TRUMP: Kim nennt SINGAPUR—GIPFEL "Beginn 1—BEDEUTSAMEN Reise"
20180712             —VERZICHTET, MEDIEN—BERICHTE: SPANIENs —JUSTIZ, wohl auf Auslieferung PUIGDEMONTs
20180712             Es ist 5—JAHRE her, daß Forscher mit 1—GROßEN Detektor am Südpol hochenergetische Neutrinos aus den Tiefen des Weltalls nachgewiesen haben.
20180712             —NUN, haben sie zum 1. Mal auch 1.Quelle der Geisterteilchen gefunden.
20180712             Sie liegt in 1—WEIT entfernten Galaxie.
20180712             Bei Neutrinos ist das anders: Sie reisen ZUSAMMEN—MIT—DER kosmischen Strahlung zur Erde, ändern dabei aber ihre Richtung nicht.
20180712             Kennt man ihren Ursprung, kennt man also auch 1.Quelle kosmischer Strahlung.
20180712             TSCHERENKOW—STRAHLUNG.
20180712             Sie entsteht, wenn Neutrinos mit Molekülen im Eis zusammenstoßen und 1.Reihe weiterer TEILCHENZER—FÄLLE auslösen.
20180712             Das —TAG—AN—DIESEM, von "IceCube"detektierte Neutrino besaß 1.sehr hohe Energie von ungefähr 290—TERAELEKTRONENVOLT - 1.290—MIT 12—NULLEN —, fiel damit genau in das Beuteschema der Wissenschaftler
20180712             DIE—RICHTUNG des Teilchens allein, ließ jedoch keine genaue QUELLEN—ANGABE zu: 637—FERNE Objekte kamen theoretisch als Entstehungsort in Frage.
20180712             —ERST der Abgleich mit DATEN—VON—18—OBSERVATORIEN WELT—WEIT brachte den entscheidenden Hinweis.
20180712             1—FAST 4—MILLIARDEN LICHT—JAHRE—VON—DER—ERDE entfernten Galaxie im Sternbild Orion schickte ungewöhnlich große Mengen Gammastrahlung Richtung Erde.
20180712             "Es handelt sich um 1.große, aktive Galaxie mit 1—RIESIGEN SCHWARZEn Loch im Zentrum",
20180712             Der Teilchenstrom der identifizierten Galaxie ist direkt auf DIE—ERDE gerichtet.
20180712             "Wir gucken sozusagen direkt in diese Strahlenkanone",
20180712             In der Zeit, in der das hochenergetische Neutrino DIE—ERDE erreichte, habe die Galaxie 6—MAL heller geleuchtet als sonst.
20180712             Sie stellten fest, daß auch —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT überdurchschnittlich VIELE—GEISTERTEILCHEN aus der Richtung der aktiven Galaxie kamen.
20180712             "Wir haben 1. 1.extragalaktische Quelle der Strahlung geortet",
20180712             1—FORSCHER—TEAM um FRANK—MAIXNER vom INSTITUT—FÜR—MUMIEN—FORSCHUNG im ITALIEN—BOZEN hatte MITHILFE—VON—MIKROSKOPAUFNAHMEN und DNA—ANALYSEN Ötzis Mageninhalt genauer untersucht, wie sie im Fachblatt "Current Biology"schreiben.
20180712             Sie konnten —BISHERIGE Forschungen bestätigen, NACHDEM Ötzi immerhin satt gestorben war
20180712             Adlerfarn.
20180712             Dabei ist die gesamte Pflanze giftig und enthält beispielsweise Blausäureglykoside.
20180712             —VERZEHRT, Wer den Farn, riskiert beispielsweise Störungen des zentralen Nervensystems.
20180712             DIE—FORSCHER vermuten, daß er an heftigen Darmbeschwerden litt, ausgelöst durch Bakterien, die in seinem Darm entdeckt wurden
20180712             Oder er wickelte sein ESSEN in die großen Blätter des Farns und nahm so das giftige Gewächs unabsichtlich auf.
20180712             Außerdem entschlüsselten Forscher S1—ERB—GUT und fanden so heraus, daß Ötzis heutige Verwandten auf SARDINIEN und KORSIKA leben.
20180712             MANCHE—EU—STAATEN kritisieren DAS—PROJEKT, weil sie 1.höhere ABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—RUSSLAND fürchten.
20180712             DIE—LIEFERUNG von Gas durch Pipelines führe nicht dazu, daß 1—STAAT—VON—1—ANDEREN abhängig sei, sondern zu 1—VOLLSTÄNDIGEN gegenseitigen Abhängigkeit.
20180712             "Das ist die Garantie für Stabilität und die künftige Entwicklung".
20180712             USA—SENATOR—MCCAIN, "PUTIN ist unser Feind"
20180712             BELGIEN: ATOM—KRAFT—WERK Doel darf wieder starten
20180712             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN, Vollmilch, Käse und Butter sind —JETZT doch nicht ungesund.
20180712             —PUBLISHED, The study, —TODAY in THE—USA—JOURNAL—OF—CLINICAL—NUTRITION, found no significant link between dairy fats and CAUSE—OF—DEATH or, more specifically, heart disease and stroke — 2—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BIGGEST killers often ASSOCIATED—WITH—1—DIET—HIGH in saturated fat.
20180712             In fact, certain types of dairy fat may help guard against having 1—SEVERE—STROKE, THE—RESEARCHERS reported.
20180712             "Lassen Sie uns im Interesse unserer Völker für 1.ZUKUNFT in größerem Wohlstand zusammenarbeiten", sagte sie
20180712             —KURZ—DARAUF, veröffentlichte die GROSSBRITANNIEN—ZEITUNG "Sun"1. Auszüge aus 1—INTERVIEW, das sie mit DONALD—TRUMP geführt hatte —, da war von Freundschaft eher weniger die Rede.
20180712             —GEGEBEN, Er habe May Ratschläge dazu, auf welche Weise GROß—BRITANNIEN DIE—EU verlassen solle, sagte DONALD—TRUMP demnach.
20180712             —IGNORIERT, May habe diese jedoch.
20180712             "Ich hätte das ganz anders gemacht", sagte DONALD—TRUMP.
20180712             "Ich habe THERESA—MAY gesagt, wie sie es machen soll, aber sie hat nicht auf mich gehört".
20180712             1—WEICHER BREXIT—WIE von May GEPLANT—DÜRFTE nach Einschätzung von DONALD—TRUMP DIE—CHANCEN auf ein bilaterales HANDELS—ABKOMMEN zunichtemachen.
20180712             "Wenn sie so 1—DEAL machen, würden wir mit DER—EUROPÄISCHE—UNION 1—DEAL machen anstatt mit dem VEREINIGTES—KÖNIG—REICH", sagte er der Zeitung.
20180712             "Das wird vermutlich den Deal killen".DIE—BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN nannte DONALD—TRUMP insgesamt "sehr unglücklich", sie dauerten "zu lange".
20180712             Wegen der Pläne traten DIE—BREXIT—HARDLINER DAVID Davis und BORIS—JOHNSON von ihren MINISTERämtern zurück.
20180712             Offenbar zum Bedauern von DONALD—TRUMP.
20180712             Der fand in dem Zeitungsinterview lobende Worte für den ehemaligen GROSSBRITANNIEN—AUSSEN—MINISTER: Er hoffe, JOHNSON werde wieder in DIE—REGIERUNG eintreten.
20180712             Er sei ein guter Repräsentant für GROß—BRITANNIEN und "wäre ein großartiger PREMIER—MINISTER", sagte DONALD—TRUMP.
20180712             Über May sagte er, sie sei 1."nette Person", er komme mit ihr "sehr gut"klar.
20180712             —RECOGNIZED, However, it was, that this would involve significant financial issues, as —THAT—SAME—YEAR THE—ELECTRICIAN also commented "did not Prof.
20180712             —PROVIDED, The earliest public radiotelegraph broadcasts were, as government services, beginning with daily time signals inaugurated
20180712             —TRANSMITTED, EUROPE, signals, from 1—STATION located on the Eiffel tower were received —THROUGHOUT much of EUROPE.
20180712             In both THE—USA and FRANCE this led to 1—SMALL—MARKET—OF—RECEIVER—LINES designed geared for jewelers who needed accurate time to set their clocks, including the Ondophone in FRANCE,[6] and the De Forest RS—100—JEWELERS Time Receiver IN—THE—USA
20180712             in THE—FALL—OF—1900, he successfully transmitted speech over 1—DISTANCE—OF about 1.6—KILOMETERS (1—MILE),[9] which appears to have been the 1. successful audio transmission using radio signals.
20180712             1—USA—TELEPHONE—JOURNAL—ACCOUNT—OF—THE;;1221;;
20180712             —INCLUDED, ALTERNATOR—TRANSMITTER demonstration, THE—STATEMENT that "It is admirably adapted to —THE—TRANSMISSIONOF news, music, etc.
20180712             as, owing to the fact that no wires are needed, simultaneous TRANSMISSION—TO—MANY—SUBSCRIBERS can be effected as easily as to 1—FEW"
20180712             —AM, radiotelephony technology advanced greatly due to wartime research, and
20180712             —AFTER THE—WAR the availability of tubes sparked 1—GREAT—INCREASE—IN—THE—NUMBER—OF—AMATEUR—RADIO—STATIONS experimenting with am TRANSMISSION—OF—NEWS or music.
20180712—19010529    —DISCLOSED, FESSENDEN—BASIC—APPROACH was, in USA—PATENT 706,737, which he applied for, and was issued the next —YEAR.
20180712—19150000    —AROUND, Advances in vacuum tube technology (called "valves"in UK—USAGE), especially —AFTER, REVOLUTIONized radio technology.
20180712—20181231    —UNTIL, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—HASSAN—AL—BASHIR extended 1—UNILATERAL ceasefire with rebels fighting in 3—STATES to overthrow the government.
20180712—20210000    —UNTIL, SOUTH—SUDAN—PARLIAMENT voted to extend PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR—MANDATE in 1—MOVE—LIKELY to undermine peace talks as opposition groups have said the change would be illegal.
20180714             —KILLED, NORTH—MYAN20180301             —LANDSLIDE, at least 15—PEOPLE, with 45—OTHERS injured —AFTER the latest disaster in the Hpakant jade mining region.
20180714             —REPORTED, It was, that USA federal officers seized more than 4,000 marijuana plants —LAST—WEEK at 1—GROWING—OPERATION along THE—CALIFORNIA—NEVADA line in Death Valley National Park thanks to 1—TIP from hikers.
20180714             CHICAGO, police shot and killed Harith Augustus as he ran from officers who questioned him about 1—BULGE —AROUND his waistband.
20180714             Augustus had 1—GUN in 1—HOLSTER and was shot multiple times, sparking 1—CLASH with angry residents.
20180714             —KILLED, WEST—AFGHANISTAN, at least 11—SOLDIERS were, overnight —WHEN their checkpoint came under 1—ATTACK by insurgents in the Bala Buluk DISTRICT—OF—FARAH province.
20180714             9—INSURGENTS were killed and 13—OTHERS wounded.
20180714             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that heavy rain and thunderstorms are wreaking havoc across the country, with floods along major rivers destroying bridges, blocking roads and railways and forcing THOUSANDS—OF—RESIDENTS to evacuate.
20180714             —CONTAMINATED, CHINA, 1—MOBILE—EXHIBITION—OF, drinking water, created by "Nut Brother," 1—ARTIST known for advocacy work on environmental and social issues, was derailed by BEIJING authorities, who told the artist the vehicle was parked illegally.
20180714             —PLEDGED, ERITREA—PRESIDENT—ISAIAS—AFWERKI, to resolve his country's dispute with ETHIOPIA in 1—HISTORIC—VISIT to ADDIS—ABABA aimed at cementing peace less than 1—WEEK—AFTER the nations declared 1—END to 2—DECADES—OF—CONFLICT.
20180714             —CELEBRATED, FRANCE, Bastille —DAY with 1—COLORFUL—MILITARY—PARADE in PARIS presided by PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, and hoped the party would continue the next —DAY—WHEN the national soccer team meets CROATIA in the World Cup final in RUSSIA.
20180714             —RESIGNED, Embattled HAITI PRIME—MINISTER—JACK—GUY—LAFONTANT, —FOLLOWING deadly violence and looting sparked by 1—NOW—ABANDONED plan to raise fuel prices, triggering 1—FRAUGHT process to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT.
20180714             —RAPED, INDIA, 1—WOMAN, 35—JAHRE—ALT was gang, and burned alive in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—SAMBHAL.
20180714             1—POLICE—CASE was soon filed against 5—MEN involved.
20180714             —SLAUGHTERED, INDONESIA, 1—MOB illegally, 292—CROCODILES at 1—BREEDING—GROUND in WEST—PAPUA province in retaliation for THE—DEATH—OF—1—LOCAL—MAN.
20180714             —PLACED, IRAQ, its security forces on high alert, in response to ongoing protests in the country's southern provinces over poor government services and corruption.
20180714             ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT struck militant targets in THE—GAZA Strip and Palestinians launched DOZENS—OF—MORTAR bombs and rockets from the enclave into ISRAEL.
20180714             2—PALESTINE—TEENAGERS were killed —BEFORE 1—CEASEFIRE went into effect.
20180714             —ARRESTED, KENYA—AUTHORITIES said they had, BEN—CHUMO, 1—FORMER—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER—OF—THE—STATE—RUN distributor KENYA Power, on suspicion of economic crimes and wanted to charge the current CHIEF executive.
20180714             2—OTHER—COMPANY officers were also arrested.
20180714             —UNIDENTIFIED, LIBYA—NATIONAL—OIL—CORPORATION said, assailants have abducted workers at 1—FACILITY belonging to 1—OIL—FIELD, hampering daily production.
20180714             2—OF 4 were soon released.
20180714             NICARAGUA, government forces shot dead 2—YOUNG—MEN at 1—PROTEST—SITE in 1—CHURCH on the 3. —DAY—OF—NATIONWIDE demonstrations against PRESIDENT—DANIEL—ORTEGA.
20180714             3—MONTHS—OF—UNREST have left —AROUND 274—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20180714             NIGERIA—RULING—PARTY won 1—GOVERNORSHIP—ELECTION in SOUTH—WEST—EKITI state, unseating the opposition and giving PRESIDENT—MUHAMMADU—BUHARI 1—BOOST ahead of national polls next —YEAR.
20180714             —RECOMMITTED, NORWAY, itself to lifting its defense spending to meet NATO—TARGETS —DURING talks with TRUMP—DEFENSE—SECRETARY.
20180714             —STAGED, SCOTLAND, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, colorful, peaceful protests against DONALD—TRUMP as THE—USA—PRESIDENT played golf at 1—OF—HIS—LUXURY—RETREATS.
20180714             SOMALIA—SECURITY—FORCES shot dead 3—EXTREMISTS wearing soldiers' uniforms, foiling 1 attempted AL—SHABAB attack on the presidential palace that began with 1—CAR—BOMB exploding.
20180714             6—PEOPLE were dead in all including 1—SUICIDE car bomber.
20180714             NORTH—SPAIN, the final bull run of THE—S—FERMIN festival in Pamplona left 6—PEOPLE injured in the fastest dash —THIS—YEAR.
20180714             SYRIA—STATE—MEDIA said rebels in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—DARAA were surrendering their heavy weapons to government forces, under 1—DEAL brokered by regime ally RUSSIA.
20180714             —VERHAFTET, PAKISTAN—EX—PREMIER—SHARIF bei Rückkehr
20180714             —DIE—LAGE—AM—SAMSTAG, Alter FREUND—NEUER Feind?
20180714             Unmut über PARTEI—CHEF, In der CSU wächst der WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—SEEHOFER
20180714             ARBEITS—MARKT: SPD—ABGEORDNETE fordern 35—STUNDEN—WOCHE
20180714             GEWALT—IN—NAH—OST: ISRAEL beschießt GAZA—PALÄSTINENSER feuern Granaten
20180714             Anhaltende TROCKENHEIT: Binnenschiffer leiden unter Wassermangel
20180714             MENSCHEN—RECHTE: AMNESTY kann der WM doch etwas abgewinnen
20180714             Verstorbener ALT—KANZLER: BND rächt sich posthum an HELMUT—SCHMIDT
20180714             Opfer ANTI—SEMITISCHEN Angriffs: Jüdischer Professor wirft BONNer POLIZEI Lügen vor
20180714             CYBER—ATTACKEN im USA—WAHL—KAMPF—DONALD—TRUMP—VERTRAUTER hatte Kontakt zu russischem GEHEIM—DIENST
20180714             —JAHRE—LANGMUSSTE DER—BUNDES—NACHRICHTEN—DIENST (BND) hinnehmen, daß KANZLER—HELMUT—SCHMIDT ihn als "Dilettantenverein"schmähte.
20180714             Er lese lieber gleich die "NEUE—ZÜRCHER—ZEITUNG ", als sich von Pullach informieren zu lassen, ließ DER—SPD—MANN verbreiten.
20180714             DER—DIENST hat Aufzeichnungen des langjährigen BND—CHEFS GERHARD—WESSEL 19710000             —VON, freigegeben,
20180714             Seinerzeit stand 1—BESUCH—SCHMIDTS, —DAMALS, VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER, in der Zentrale in Pullach an.
20180714             Wessel notierte, er hoffe, der Politiker komme "in leidlich guter Stimmung, sonst wird es schwierig werden".
20180714             SCHMIDt bot sogar seine Hilfe an, sollte DER—BND mit der —DAMALS, laufenden BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG des SPIEGEL "Schwierigkeiten haben".
20180714             DER—SPD—POLITIKER war
20180714             —GETIMT, DIE—VERÖFFENTLICHUNG ist so, daß sie maximale Wirkung erzielt: —KURZ—VOR, 1—TREFFEN—ZWISCHEN— USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP und seinem RUSSLAND—AMTSKOLLEGEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN in HELSINKI hat USA—SONDER—ERMITTLER ROBERT—MUELLER 1.neue Anklageschrift veröffentlicht.
20180714             Sie enthält gleich mehrere Informationen, die DAS—TREFFEN der 2—STAAT—CHEFS belasten dürften.
20180714             DIE—ANKLAGESCHRIFT zeichnet das Bild eines koordinierten, komplexen, minutiös geplanten CYBERGROß—ANGRIFFS auf mehr als 300—MIT—ARBEITER der CLINTON—KAMPAGNE und anderer Organisationen der DEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEI.
20180714             DIE—HACKER implantierten unter anderem Computercode auf den Rechnern dieser Mitarbeiter, überwachten ihre Tätigkeiten am Computer und stahlen haufenweise vertrauliche Dokumente, die später als Leaks in DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT GELANGTEN—MIT dem Ziel, CLINTONs Glaubwürdigkeit zu beschädigen.
20180714             CYBER—ANGRIFFE.
20180714             In dem Dokument ist von 1—PERSON die Rede, die in regelmäßigem Kontakt zu DONALD—TRUMP—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—KAMPAGNE gestanden habe und die 1.Zeitlang Mails mit "GUCCIFER 2.0"austauschte - 1—FIGUR, die MUELLER 1—GRUPPE des RUSSLAND—MILITÄRGEHEIMDIENSTES zuordnet.
20180714             "Danke, daß Sie zurückgeschrieben haben.
20180714             "Bitte sagen Sie mir, wenn ich Ihnen irgendwie helfen kann.
20180714             —LAUT, MUELLERs Anklageschrift gibt es allerdings —BISLANG, keinen Hinweis, daß der Mann aus DONALD—TRUMP—UMFELD wusste, daß er mit RUSSEN kommunizierte.
20180714             LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—NEW—YORK—TIMES handelt ES—SICH bei dem Mann aus DONALD—TRUMP—UMFELD um ROGER—STONE, 1—LANGJÄHRIGEN Berater und Vertrauten des heutigen USA—PRÄSIDENTEN.
20180714             —DER—NEUE—MUELLER—BERICHT geht schließlich indirekt auf den recht merkwürdigen Zusammenfall zweier Ereignisse ein.
20180714             —LAUT—DER—ANKLAGESCHRIFT sollen RUSSLANDs CYBER—SPIONE ausgerechnet
20180714             Wer auf Links in 1—LOCK—MAIL klickt, VERSEUCHT oft nicht nur den eigenen Rechner, sondern gleich sein ganzes COMPUTER—NETZ—WERK.
20180714             —GEWESEN, DIE—MAILS können demnach 1—VERSUCH, sein, ZUGRIFF—AUF—DATEN—DES—CLINTON—TEAMS zu bekommen.
20180714             Ebenfalls - Es ging —DAMALS, um Vorwürfe, daß die EX—AUßEN—MINISTERIN private MAIL—ACCOUNTS für vertrauliche Korrespondenz benutzt haben könnte.
20180714             "RUSSLAND, wenn du zuhörst", sagte DONALD—TRUMP damals.
20180714             —ZUGEHÖRT, DONALD—TRUMP—GEGNER fragen sich nun: Hat RUSSLAND wirklich ?
20180714             Es spricht einiges gegen diese THEORIE.
20180714             Auch geht MUELLERs Bericht auf DONALD—TRUMP—ÄUßERUNGEN 20160727             —VOM, gar nicht ein.
20180714             Zumindest aber führt MUELLER den LOCK—MAIL—ANGRIFF 20160727             —VOM, explizit als Beispiel an
20180714             vielleicht doch ein subtiler Seitenhieb gegen den USA—PRÄSIDENTEN und sein loses Mundwerk?
20180714             DONALD—TRUMP hat die Ermittlungen zu den RUSSLAND—MANIPULATIONSVERSUCHEN stets heruntergespielt.
20180714             DONALD—TRUMP müsse die neuen Enthüllungen bei seinem TREFFEN—MIT—PUTIN —AM—MONTAG ins Zentrum rücken, sagen EINIGE—REPUBLIKANER.
20180714             DONALD—TRUMP? Mit Material der Agenturen
20180714             USA—MIGRANTEN—KRISE, Diese Firmen verdienen Millionen mit DONALD—TRUMP—KINDERKNÄSTEN
20180714             —DEBATTE um Abschottung: Warum Mauern und Zäune —AM—ENDE keinem nützen
20180714             BRITEN streiten über BREXIT—PLAN: "Fuck business", so nahm er Abschied (SPIEGEL+, 13:01)
20180714             Ohne DIE—USA : UNO beschließt weltweiten MIGRATIONS—VERTRAG
20180714             —INTERVIEW—MIT—HISTORIKER Garton Ash: "Ich habe nicht den Eindruck, daß DEUTSCHLAND den Ernst der —STUNDE begriffen hat"(SPIEGEL+, 13:23)
20180714             —BEHARRT, Abgeschobener EX—LEIBWÄCHTER BIN—LADENS: TUNESIENs —JUSTIZ, auf Zuständigkeit für Sami A.
20180714             —MILITÄR—PARADE in PARIS: Formation in falschen Farben
20180714             ÜBERWACHUNG aus der Luft: CHINA testet TAUBEN—DROHNEN
20180714             140—TOTE und EX—PREMIER in Haft: PAKISTAN im CHAOS—WAHL—KAMPF
20180714             Schadstoffe in Gewässern: Was ist Ihnen sauberes Wasser wert?
20180714             Gewalt im GAZA—STREIFEN—SRAEL fliegt "größten TAGESLICHT—ANGRIFF"—SEIT 2014
20180714             BIN—LADENS mutmaßlicher EX—LEIBWÄCHTER: Die Akte Sami A.
20180714             SCHOTTLAND: DONALD—TRUMP GOLFT—TAUSENDE Schotten protestieren
20180714             Dürre im KRIEGSLAND—SYRIENS Kornkammer bleibt leer
20180714             DISKUSSION—ÜBER GEWÄSSER—SCHUTZ, Weggespült
20180714             Amesbury: Ermittler prüfen 400—GEGENSTÄNDE auf NOWITSCHOK—KONTAMINIERUNG
20180714             IRAN: IRAN—TEXTIL—VERBAND will "unislamische Mäntel"verbannen
20180714             In der ITALIEN—STADT Ventimiglia haben —TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN GEGEN—DIE—ABSCHOTTUNG EUROPAs und für die AUFNAHME—VON—FLÜCHTLINGEN demonstriert.
20180714             Mehr als 3.000—MENSCHEN, darunter ITALIENer, FRANZOSEN, DEUTSCHE, NIEDERLÄNDER und SPANIER, zogen am Nachmittag —BIS zur FRANKREICH—GRENZE.
20180714             Zahlreiche NICHT—REGIERUNGS—ORGANISATIONENEN hatten zu dem 4—KILO—METER—LANGEN PROTEST—MARSCH aufgerufen.
20180714             In 1—GEMEINSAMEN Erklärung nannten sie als Ziel "1—MOBILISIERUNG zum Anprangern der Brutalität der nationalen und internationalen —POLITIK zum Umgang mit Migration".
20180714             Außerdem forderten sie "ein europäisches Aufenthaltsrecht und DAS—RECHT—AUF—MOBILITÄT"für Migranten innerhalb EUROPAs.
20180714             —SEIT, seinem AMTS—ANTRITT fährt SALVINI 1—HARTEN —KURS in der Migrationspolitik.
20180714             —AM, —SAMSTAG hatte er erneut 400—FLÜCHTLINGEN die Aufnahme verwehrt.
20180714             BRENN—PUNKT LIBYEN : 20.000—MIGRANTEN kehren in ihre Heimat zurück
20180714             Lega mit GELD—SORGEN, 48.969.000 Probleme für ITALIEN—RECHTE
20180714             FLÜCHTLINGE auf FRONTEX—SCHIFF: ITALIEN einigt sich mit FRANKREICH und MALTA
20180714             SPRIT—PREISE in HAITI: MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT tritt nach gewaltsamen Protesten zurück
20180714             GLOBALISIERUNG in Gefahr: Die Logik des HANDELS—KRIEGS nimmt ihren Lauf
20180714             Wie sehr ihm DEUTSCHLAND gegen den Strich geht, hat DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT in der abgelaufenen Woche mehr als deutlich gemacht.
20180714             Zugegeben, es ist sehr leicht, sich über DONALD—TRUMP aufzuregen.
20180714             Sie wenden Strategien an, die sich womöglich im Nachhinein als fatal herausstellen
20180714             Auf diese Weise können sich Handelsbeschränkungen immer weiter VERFESTIGEN—ES wäre das ENDE—DER—GLOBALISIERUNG, wie wir sie kennen.
20180714             Im Kern folgt die Auseinandersetzung 1—WIE—DU—MIR—SO—ICH—DIR—ANSATZ - Schlag folgt auf Gegenschlag.
20180714             —BIS DIE—WELTHANDELS—ORGANISATION (WTO) 1—URTEIL über DIE—USA—ZÖLLE fällt, dürften —JAHRE vergehen.
20180714             Solange werde EUROPA "unmittelbare AUSGLEICHS—MAßNAHMEN—GEGEN—USA—IMPORTE"verhängen, und zwar in "proportionaler"Größenordnung.
20180714             1—STATTLICHER Betrag, immerhin knapp 25—PROZENT—DES—GEGENWÄRTIGEN—BRÜSSELER—BUDGETS.
20180714             Sollten sich Handelsblöcke herausbilden, die im Innern FREI—HANDEL betreiben, sich aber nach außen gegenseitig mit Zöllen überziehen, wären EU—IMPORTE—VON—GEGENWÄRTIG—CA—1,7—BILLIONEN—EURO betroffen.
20180714             1—ALLGEMEINER 20-%-ZOLL könnte somit dem EU—HAUSHALT EINNAHMEN—VON——EURO bescheren - 60 % mehr als DIE—UNION gegenwärtig zur Verfügung hat.
20180714             DIE—AUSSICHT auf 1—SO großen Betrag dürfte MANCHE—FANTASIE und Begehrlichkeit wecken.
20180714             DIE—ZAHLEN zeigen: Wenn Zollerträge nur groß genug sind, können sie 1.Eigendynamik entfachen.
20180714             1—EINMAL eingeführte STEUERart wieder abzuschaffen, ist erfahrungsgemäß schwierig.
20180714             (DIE—BUNDES—BÜRGER zahlen IMMER—NOCH die "SCHAUMWEIN—STEUER", einst eingeführt von KAISER—WILHELM—II.
20180714             —GETRIEBEN, Und wenn wegen der Zölle weniger Handel, wird, schrumpfen auch die daraus resultierenden EINNAHMEN—ES sei denn, DIE—ZOLL—TARIFE steigen weiter.
20180714             unter anderem geht es um ein neues ABKOMMEN—ZWISCHEN—BEIDEN Wirtschaftsräumen.
20180714             Ab —SAMSTAG beraten DIE—FINANZ—MINISTER der G20—STAATEN über die Protektionismusspirale, WÄHREND sich in MEXIKO DIE—REGIERUNGS—CHEFS der LATEIN—USA—WIRTSCHAFTSVERBÜNDE PAZIFIK—ALLIANZ und Mercosur versuchen anzunähern.
20180714             —VERÄRGERT, SCHMIDt sei nämlich, dass DER—BND nicht ihm unterstehe, sondern dem KANZLER—AMT.
20180714             MUELLER erhebt gleich gegen 12—RUSSLAND—GEHEIM—DIENSTLER Anklage.
20180714             Sie sollen demnach in "offizieller Tätigkeit"mit CYBER—ANGRIFFE—IN—DIE—WAHL eingegriffen haben.
20180714             Zudem beschuldigt MUELLERs Team DIE—RUSSEN der GELD—WÄSCHE.
20180714             —VERFÄLSCHT, Ob sie das Ergebnis DER—USA—WAHL tatsächlich, haben oder nicht, lässt er offen.
20180714             "Danke, dass Sie zurückgeschrieben haben. [...] Haben Sie irgendetwas Interessantes in den Dokumenten gefunden, die ich Ihnen geschickt habe?"
20180714             "Bitte sagen Sie mir, wenn ich Ihnen irgendwie helfen kann. [...] Es wäre mir ein großes Vergnügen".
20180714             —VERSEUCHT, Wer auf Links in 1—LOCK—MAIL klickt, oft nicht nur den eigenen Rechner, sondern gleich sein ganzes COMPUTER—NETZWERK.
20180714             "Ich hoffe, du kannst die 30.000—VERSCHWUNDENEN E—MAILS finden. Ich glaube, du könntest von unserer Presse reich belohnt werden".
20180714             Sind die Hacker TRUMPs Aufforderung gefolgt?
20180714             Zum Beispiel, dass - Ist das wirklich Zufall? Oder
20180714             —BEZEICHNET, Er, MUELLERs Untersuchung als "Hexenjagd".
20180714             —NUN aber steht DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT—UNTER—DRUCK.
20180714             TRUMP - TRUMP müsse die neuen Enthüllungen bei seinem TREFFEN—MIT—PUTIN —AM—MONTAG ins Zentrum rücken, sagen EINIGE—REPUBLIKANER—MANCHE—DEMOKRATEN fordern gar, den Termin abzusagen.
20180714             TRUMP? Der sagt, er werde "definitiv und streng fragen".
20180714             BRITEN streiten über BREXIT—PLAN: "Fuck business", so nahm er Abschied
20180714             INTERVIEW—MIT—HISTORIKER Garton Ash: "Ich habe nicht den Eindruck, dass DEUTSCHLAND den Ernst der —STUNDE begriffen hat"
20180714             Seine Tweets, seine Entgleisungen, seine Bewunderung für AUTOKRATEN—AM—MONTAG trifft er den RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN in HELSINKI.
20180714             So nimmt die Spirale der Eskalation ihren Lauf.
20180714             Würde also der ZOLL—VON—20 % auf sämtliche Im—, Exporte beiderseits des Atlantiks erhoben, könnte DIE—EU gut 50—MILLIARDEN an EXTRA—EINNAHMEN verbuchen.
20180714             38—MILLIARDEN davon flössen in den EU—HAUSHALT.
20180714             Plötzlich ließen sich Projekte finanzieren, die bislang außerhalb des Möglichen liegen: 1—INVESTITIONSBUDGET für ärmere Regionen, SCHUTZ—DER—AUßENGRENZEN, soziale Mindestsicherung, Rüstungsprojekte und dergleichen mehr.
20180714             (DIE—BUNDES—BÜRGER zahlen IMMER—NOCH die "SCHAUMWEIN—STEUER", einst eingeführt von KAISER—WILHELM—II. zur Finanzierung seiner Flottenaufrüstung.)
20180714             —MONTAG sind die Spitzen der EU zum EU—CHINA—GIPFEL—IN—PEKING;
20180714             Parallel dazu verhandeln MINISTER karibischer und lateinamerikanischer STAATEN in BRÜSSEL.
20180714—20150000    —SEIT, verwehrt FRANKREICH ihnen aber systematisch die Einreise.
20180715—20180726    —REPORTED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST, that Trump had asked ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU —DURING a 20180714             phone call to let Ozkan go in what THE—WHITE—HOUSE envisaged as 1—INDIRECT—TRADE for Pastor ANDREW—BRUNSON.
20190712             —VOTED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, to restrict PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—ABILITY to attack IRAN, voicing fear that his hawkish policies are pushing toward 1—NEEDLESS—WAR.
20190712             —RESIGNED, USA—LABOR—SECRETARY—ALEXANDER—ACOSTA, —FOLLOWING controversy over his handling of a 20080000             sex crimes case involving financier JEFFREY—EPSTEIN —WHEN Acosta was 1—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR in FLORIDA.
20190712             THE—USA—EPA said it was permitting the broader use of sulfoxaflor, 1—BEE—LILLING pesticide, —FOLLOWING 1—REQUEST by chemical manufacturer Dow AGRO—SCIENCES—LLC.
20190712             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM, 1—BILL that creates a $21—BILLION wildfire insurance fund that will reimburse INVESTOR—OWNED utilities for payments they make to VICTIMS—OF—WILDFIRES caused by their equipment.
20190712             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, Sonoma County officials shut down 1—LARGE—SCALE—ILLEGAL cannabis operation —AFTER seizing more than 9,000 plants at 1—SANTA Rosa property.
20190712             —ARRESTED, FLORIDA, Mirko and REGINA Ceska were, for charges including sexual assault and neglect.
20190712             —DESCRIBED, The couple, as "doomsday preppers," allegedly abused their adopted twin daughters, subjecting them to beatings, sexual assaults and 1 restricted food intake.
20190712             —ARRESTED, Singer R. Kelly was, in CHICAGO under charges that included racketeering, kidnapping, forced labor and the sexual exploitation of 1—CHILD.
20190712             † FERNANDO—CORBATO, MIT professor, in NEWBURYPORT—MASSACHUSETTS In the 1960s he oversaw 1—PROJECT called the Compatible TIME—SHARING—SYSTEM (CTSS), which allowed multiple users in different locations to access 1—SINGLE—COMPUTER simultaneously.
20190712             In the course of refining TIME—SHARING—SYSTEMS—CORBATO came up with the computer password.
20190712             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK, 6—PEOPLE at wedding in EAST—NANGARHAR province.
20190712             —TARGETED, Police said the suicide bomber, 1—BOY, 13—JAHRE—ALT, MALIK—TOOR, 1—PRO—GOVERNMENT—MILITIA—COMMANDER.
20190712             —ARRIVED, 1—EGYPT—DELEGATION, in THE—HAMAS—CONTROLLED GAZA Strip to call for calm between PALESTINE—FACTIONS and ISRAEL.
20190712             —ARRESTED, Police in GIBRALTAR said they have, the 2 2. mates of 1—IRAN—SUPERTANKER seized —LAST—WEEK by THE—UK—NAVY on suspicion of carrying TEHRAN—OIL to Syria.
20190712             —ARRESTED, The vessel's CAPTAIN—AND—CHIEF—OFFICER were, 1—DAY—EARLIER.
20190712             —ARRESTED, All 4, men are Indian.
20190712             —DEMANDED, IRAN, THE—UK—NAVY—RELEASE 1—IRAN—OIL—TANKER seized —LAST—WEEK off GIBRALTAR, accusing LONDON of playing a "dangerous game" and threatening retribution, —WHILE LONDON announced it was sending 1—DESTROYER to the Persian Gulf.
20190712             —DETAINED, KUWAIT—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said it has, MEMBERS—OF—EGYPT'S outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group CONVICTED—OF—TERRORISM—CRIMES.
20190712             —DECREASED, THE—HEAD—OF—LEBANON—HEZBOLLAH movement HASSAN—NASRALLAH said he had, THE—NUMBER—OF—FIGHTERS supporting THE—DAMASCUS regime in neighboring Syria.
20190712             SWEDEN said that it will refrain from signing 1—UNITED—NATIONS convention on nuclear weapons, with the foreign MINISTER arguing that the treaty "in its current form is not ready".
20190712             RUSSIA began delivery of the advanced S—400—MISSILE—DEFENCE—SYSTEM to TURKEY, 1—MOVE expected to trigger USA—SANCTIONS against 1—NATO—ALLY and drive 1—WEDGE into the heart of the Western military alliance.
20190712             —STORMED, SOMALIA, Islamist gunmen, the Asasey Hotel in the port CITY—OF—KISMAYO.
20190712             3—KENYANS, 2—AMERICANS, 1—BRITON and 3—TANZANIANS were among 26—PEOPLE killed.
20190712             Security forces took 11—HOURS to end the siege.
20190712             —INCLUDED, The dead also, CANADIAN—SOMALIA—JOURNALIST, Hodan Nalayeh (43) and her husband, Farid Jama Suleiman.
20190712             —GORED, SPAIN, 1—MAN was, and 5—OTHER—PEOPLE injured in the 6. bull run of 20190000             —THE—S—FERMIN festival.
20190712             —REPORTED, SYRIA, at least 8—CIVILIANS were, killed in government BOMBING—OF—IDLIB city, the country's last rebel stronghold.
20190712             —STARTED, TURKEY, "Operation Claw-2" late —TODAY to destroy caves and shelters used by MEMBERS—OF—THE—KURDISTAN Workers' Party, or PKK, in the Hakurk region.
20190712             The operation began with commandoes, air strikes and artillery.
20190712             —ALARMED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS said it was "" at death sentences given by 1—COURT—RUN by YEMEN—HUTHI rebels to 30—ACADEMICS, trade unionists and preachers for alleged spying.
20190712             UNITED—NATIONS Security Council ambassadors got 1—FIRSTHAND look at THE—CHALLENGES—OF—PEACE nearly 3—YEARS into COLOMBIA—HISTORIC—ACCORD with leftist rebels as they visited with PRESIDENT—IVAN—DUQUE, politicians and former rebels at 1—TIME—OF mounting concern.
20190712             [l] Nach 3—JAHREN der intensiven Beobachtung hat hat das BUNDESAMT—FÜR—VERFASSUNGSSCHUTZ —JETZT festgestellt, daß die Identitäre Bewegung bloß getarnte RECHTS—EXTREME sind.
20190712             Meine Güte.
20190712             Einen schönen Gruß an der Stelle an die TAGESSCHAU—REDAKTION für die tolle Bildunterschrift:
20190712             Seine Behörde sei nicht tatenlos, betont VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZCHEF Haldenwang.
20190712             Ich sage euch, wenn der VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ noch ein paar —JAHRE weiter beobachtet, fällt ihnen vielleicht auch sowas hier auf, bevor es der Presse auffällt.
20190712             Heikle Frage DER—STAATS—BÜRGERSCHAFT, DONALD—TRUMP knickt im —STREIT—UM—VOLKSZÄHLUNG ein
20190712             Wenn die Menschheit zum Mond zurückkehrt, wird sie Unterkünfte brauchen.
20190712             DIE—MENSCHHEIT—DAS USA—RAUMFAHRTUNTERNEHMEN Bigelow hat kürzlich 1—KONZEPT namens "1. Base" vorgestellt: Ein aufblasbares Modul bietet Schlaf-, WASCH—UND Kochmöglichkeiten für —BIS zu 6—ASTRONAUTEN.
20190712             Boehmes Ursprungsplan war, —JAHR—FÜR—DAS 20210000             1—UNBEMANNTE Mondmission mit 2—ROBOTERAUTOS.
20190712             Umweltexpertin über unkontrollierten Sandabbau: "Ich habe miterlebt, wie ein ganzer Strand verschwunden ist" (SPIEGEL+, 00:51)
20190712             ÜBERSTUNDEN—REPORT, Jeder 3. Angestellte arbeitet im Berufsleben 1—JAHR lang umsonst
20190712             —KLIMAWANDEL—PROGNOSE: BERLIN so heiß wie AUSTRALIEN, MADRIDs —SOMMER wie in Marrakesch
20190712             Flüchtlinge im Mittelmeer: Uno pocht auf Seenotrettung
20190712             KRYPTO—WÄHRUNG Libra: DONALD—TRUMP fordert Bankenregulierung für FACEBOOK
20190712             Treffen auf BARBADOS : VENEZUELAs Regierung und OPPOSITION vereinbaren regelmäßige Gespräche
20190712             Ältester REISE—KONZERN der Welt: Chinesen wollen THOMAS Cook retten
20190712             —GEWINNT, Alternativen zu PRODUKTION in CHINA: VIETNAM, TRUMP—HANDELS—KRIEG
20190712             Taiwans Präsidentin in den USA: MACHT—DEMONSTRATION Richtung PEKING
20190712             MILLIARDEN—VERLUST und neue Gewinnwarnung: Daimler schockt die Börse
20190712             USA—PRÄSIDENT : DONALD—TRUMP wirft Twitter Zensur vor
20190712             Expertenvorschlag zur CO2—STEUER: 37—CENT mehr je Liter Benzin (SPIEGEL+, 10:53)
20190712             36—EURO—PRO—TIER: Bund zahlt Schäfern Geld für Schutz vor Wölfen
20190712             Umstrittene Lieferung: RUSSLAND—RAKETENABWEHR in TÜRKEI eingetroffen
20190712             Gutachten zur CO2—STEUER: Forscher halten SYSTEM—WECHSEL für nötig
20190712             Migranten in SEE—NOT, UNIONS—MINISTER—KRITISIEREN—SEEHOFERS—EINSATZ für Flüchtlingsretter
20190712             Weitergabe von STAATS—GEHEIMNISSEN: EX—RÜSTUNGSMANAGER zu zweieinhalb —JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20190712             Jesús Santrich: KOLUMBIEN setzt hohe Belohnung für FESTNAHME—VON—EX—REBELLENFÜHRER aus
20190712             —KLIMA—KRISE: Airline KLM fordert Kunden auf, weniger zu fliegen
20190712             Vandalismus in HAMBURG: 219—DEMOLIERTE Autos rund um den Flughafen
20190712             Wegen Waffenlieferungen an TAIWAN: CHINA kündigt SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—USA—UNTERNEHMEN an
20190712             —KRITISIERT, EX—UMWELTMINISTER—TÖPFER, MERKEL: "DIE—CDU spielt bei ökologischen Fragen keine wichtige Rolle mehr" (SPIEGEL+, 15:11)
20190712             —KLIMA—SCHUTZ, Die CO2—STEUER ist RICHTIG—ABER nur 1—ANFANG
20190712             ALEXANDER Acosta: TRUMP—ARBEITS—MINISTER tritt wegen EPSTEIN—SKANDAL zurück
20190712             HOHENZOLLERN wollen Kunstschätze zurück: Vom Stamme Nimm (SPIEGEL+, 16:41)
20190712             GIBRALTAR: POLIZEI nimmt weitere Crewmitglieder von iranischem Öltanker fest
20190712             —GESCHLOSSEN, KIRCHE—IN —RHEINLAND—PFALZ : Urin im Weihwasser, Zigaretten im Beichtstuhl
20190712             EU—SPITZENPOSTEN: Warum URSULA—VON—DER—LEYEN den früheren "Bild"—CHEF—ENGAGIERT hat (SPIEGEL+, 18:00)
20190712             —NACH, + MORD—AN—WALTER Lübcke: Datenschützerin will Auskunftssperren erleichtern
20190712             Bei Menschen ohne Aufenthaltsgenehmigung: DONALD—TRUMP kündigt koordinierte Abschiebungen an
20190712             MISSBRAUCHS—SKANDAL um JEFFREY—EPSTEIN: Der Multimillionär, der alles durfte (SPIEGEL+, 19:11)
20190712             Geschlechtskrankheit: SYPHILIS—FÄLLE erreichen neuen HÖCHSTSTAND—BESONDERS in DEUTSCHLAND
20190712             [l] Schlagzeile des Tages: "Instagram outage caused —CHAOS at PARIS Fashion —WEEK".
20190712             [l] Tolle Kombination: NRW schafft Zivilklausel ab.
20190712             Naja, "dürfen", da macht dann halt keiner mit, denkt ihr euch —JETZT vielleicht.
20190712             Tja, das war nur die halbe Meldung!
20190712             —ZUDEM, sollen Hochschulen die ANWESENHEITS—PFLICHT wieder einführen dürfen.
20190712             Fuck, yeah!
20190712             —BESCHLOSSEN, Es waren aber nicht die Olivgrünen, die das, haben, sondern die NRW—REGIERUNG ist aktuell CDU+FDP.
20190712             Es geht darum, Gegensätze zu versöhnen und Raum für Fortschritt zu schaffen.
20190712             [l] Die ETH ZÜRICH hatte letzte Woche 1—STUDIE über die Effektivität von Aufforstung.
20190712             Bäume zu —PFLANZEN habe DAS—POTENZIAL, 2—DRITTEL der —BISLANG, von Menschen verursachten klimaschädlichen CO2-Emissionen aufzunehmen.
20190712             Ja, äh, warum machen wir das dann noch nicht?!
20190712             [l] 1—ZENSUR findet nicht ST—HUMPAHUMPATÄTERÄ.
20190712             Das "schwer zu verstehende" Wort ist Epilepsie.
20190712             Pensionierter BUNDESWEHR—GENERAL: Kujat wird Chefkontrolleur bei Heckler & Koch
20190712             Großbrand auf HAWAII: Buschfeuer schlägt Anwohner und Besucher in DIE—FLUCHT
20190712             —VOM, AUS—STERBEN bedrohte Tiere: NEW—YORKER hielt Haie im Keller
20190712             LIBYEN: 1—LEBEN in ANGST—VOR—DEN Milizen
20190712             Wegen geleakter Depeschen: GROSSBRITANNIEN—POLIZEI ermittelt nach BOTSCHAFTER—RÜCKTRITT
20190712             CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA—AFFÄRE: FACEBOOK vor Milliardenvergleich wegen DATEN—SCHUTZSKANDALEN
20190712             Der stellvertretende POLIZEIchef NEIL—BASU forderte den oder die Verantwortlichen auf, sich zu stellen.
20190713—20190714    1—SCANT 35—PEOPLE were taken into custody this weekend —DURING 1—LONG—THREATENED USA—SERIES—OF—RAIDS that targeted more than 2,100 immigrants who had been ordered deported.
20190714             —TWEETED, PRESIDENT—TRUMP, that 4—NEWLY elected congresswomen of color should "go back" to their "broken and crime infested" countries.
20190714             —CONDEMNED, The comments were widely, as racist — and 3—OF—THE 4 were born in THE—USA.
20190714             —ELECTED, THE—4—NEWLY, Democratic women are Rashida Tlaib of MICHIGAN, OCASIO—CORTEZ—OF—NEW—YORK, Ayanna Pressley of MASSACHUSETTS and Ilhan OMAR—OF—MINNESOTA.
20190714             † NEW—YORK, BIANCA—DEVINS (17), 1—GIRL from Utica with 1—SMALL—SOCIAL—MEDIA —FOLLOWING, was killed by 1—MAN she'd met —RECENTLY on Instagram, who then —POSTED photos of her corpse online.
20190714             —ALLEGED, Her, assailant, BRANDON—CLARK, 21—JAHRE—ALT, called 9-1-1 and was being held on a 2.—DEGREE murder charge.
20190714             BANGLADESH, DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE protesting against the government's sudden decision to hike gas prices by a 3. clashed with police outside the energy ministry in DHAKA.
20190714             † The former military ruler of BANGLADESH, HUSSAIN—MUHAMMAD—ERSHAD, 90—JAHRE—ALT, —FOLLOWING AGE—RELATED health complications.
20190714             EGYPT, the Naguib Mahfouz Museum and Creativity Center, 1—MUSEUM commemorating the life and WORKS—OF—NOVELIST—NAGUIB Mahfouz, opened in CAIRO.
20190714             —PRESIDED, EMMANUEL—MACRON, over 1—SHOW—OF—EUROPEAN force at FRANCE—ANNUAL—BASTILLE —DAY military parade, calling for a "EUROPE—OF—DEFENCE" alongside GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL and leaders from the continent.
20190714             —FIRED, FRANCE—POLICE, tear gas to disperse protesters from PARIS—CHAMPS—ELYSEES avenue.
20190714             —RALLIED, Tens of thousands, in 1—LARGE—HONG—KONG suburb, driven by abiding anger at the government's handling of 1—EXTRADITION—BILL that has revived FEARS—OF—CHINA tightening its grip over THE—FORMER—UK—COLONY and eroding its freedoms.
20190714             INDONESIA, 1—EARTHQUAKE hit NORTH—MALUKU province killing 4—PEOPLE and damaging nearly 1,000 houses.
20190714             —TELEVISED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI said in 1, speech that IRAN is ready to hold talks with THE—USA—IF WASHINGTON lifts sanctions and returns to 20150000             —THE nuclear deal it exited —LAST—YEAR.
20190714             The death toll in NEPAL from flash floods and landslides in the past 3—DAYS—ROSE to 55, with dozens missing and injured.
20190714             —INAUGURATED, QATAR, its largest coast guard base as 1—STANDOFF between IRAN and THE—USA—CONTINUES to boost tensions in strategic Gulf waters.
20190714             RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—LEADERS led 1—RALLY in MOSCOW of about 1,000—PEOPLE to protest the city election commission's decision that will keep several opposition candidates off the ballot in 1—LOCAL—ELECTION.
20190714             SPAIN, 1—BULL broke from the pack and gored 2—AUSTRALIANS and 1—SPANIARD —DURING—TODAY—FINAL bull RUN—OF—THIS—YEAR—S—FERMIN festival.
20190714             —BACKED, SUDAN, paramilitary forces, by the ruling military council fired at protesters in THE—SOUTH—EAST—STATE—OF—SENNAR.
20190714             † 1—MAN, of 1—SHOT to the head.
20190714             —POSTPONED, SUDAN—PRO—DEMOCRACY—MOVEMENT, 1 scheduled meeting with the country's ruling generals for a 2. time, saying "further consultations" were needed —BEFORE they would sign 1—POWER—SHARING—DEAL with the military.
20190714             —CRASHED, NORTH—SWEDEN, 1—SMALL—PLANE carrying parachutists, soon —AFTER takeoff and all 9—PEOPLE on BOARD were killed.
20190714             —REPORTED, SYRIA—STATE—MEDIA, that militants targeted 1—GAS—PIPELINE in GOVERNMENT—CONTROLLED CENTRAL—HOMS province, putting it OUT—OF—ORDER.
20190714             MEDIEN—BERICHT, 40—PROZENT—DER—AFD—MITGLIEDER IM—OSTEN gehören rechtem "Flügel" an
20190714             —NACH, Blackout in MANHATTAN: In NEW—YORK geht das Licht wieder an
20190714             —STREITIGKEITEN um Gasvorkommen: Monopoly im Mittelmeer
20190714             Umstrittenes Herbizid: Klöckner erwartet GLYPHOSAT—VERBOT ab 2022
20190714             USA—VERSUCHTER ANSCHLAG—AUF—MIGRANTEN—LAGER—POLIZEI erschießt Attentäter
20190714             —KLIMA—POLITIK, Es gibt —JETZT keine Ausreden mehr
20190714             —POLIZEI setzt Pfefferspray ein: Erneut demonstrieren Zehntausende in HONG—KONG
20190714             [l] Benutzt hier jemand Galileo? Den EU—KLON—VON—GPS?
20190714             Another source CLOSE—TO THE—PROGRAM told us, "As far as I know, it is a —PROBLEM—OF—THE—PTF [Precise Timing Facility] in ITALY — time has 1—IMPACT on the whole constellation!"
20190714             —DESIGNED, Ich hoffe das ist nicht wirklich so schlecht, wie es gerade aussieht.
20190714             Da muss man ja fast froh sein, daß DIE—RUSSEN und Chinesen auch 1—SATELLITENNAVIGATIONS—SYSTEM bauen.
20190714             [l] Was der neulich geschasste UK—BOTSCHAFTER noch so nach Hause geschrieben hat: DONALD—TRUMP ist aus dem IRAN—DEAL ausgetreten, weil er Obama ärgern wollte.
20190714             —AFTER MISTER—JOHNSON returned to LONDON, SIR—KIM told NUMERO—10 in a 'diptel' (diplomatic telegram) that MISTER—TRUMP'S—ADMINISTRATION was 'set upon 1—ACT—OF—DIPLOMATIC—VANDALISM'.
20190714             —SUGGESTED, SIR—KIM, there were splits among THE—PRESIDENT—CLOSEST—ADVISERS and said THE—WHITE—HOUSE lacked a '—DAY—AFTER' strategy on what to do —FOLLOWING withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, as the deal was called.
20190714             [l] Old and busted: Himmelfahrtskommando.
20190714             NEW—HOTNESS: WELT—RAUMKOMMANDO!
20190714             —RESPONDING to Assistant Commissioner NEIL—BASU—INCENDIARY claim that publishing THE—CONTENTS—OF—THE—DOCUMENTS could be 'a criminal matter', MISTER—JOHNSON said prosecution 'would amount to 1—INFRINGEMENT on press freedom and have 1—CHILLING effect on public debate'.
20190714             Journalists and editors should not be subjected to THREATS—OF—PROSECUTION or sanction, especially from our own police.
20190714             —POISED, Spies at THE—GOVERNMENT—ULTRA—SECRETIVE GCHQ were, to joined the hunt for the leaker by targeting email and mobile phone records;
20190714             —NAMED, THE—QUEEN—FORMER—PRIVATE—SECRETARY—CHRISTOPHER—GEIDT was, by Whitehall sources as 1—FRONTRUNNER to replace SIR—KIM in WASHINGTON;
20190714             THE—MOST—HIGH—PROFILE—COUNTER—TERRORISM—INVESTIGATION overseen by MISTER—BASU in his current role was the poisoning of Sergei and YULIA—SKRIPAL in Salisbury —LAST—YEAR, which the Met says was directed by the Kremlin.
20190714             —INFURIATED, The leak, THE—FOREIGN—OFFICE—AND—NUMERO 10.
20190714             It was  ;;05;; 7, 20180000             , and MISTER—JOHNSON had been hurriedly dispatched to make 1—LAST—DITCH plea to PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP not to abandon 1—NUCLEAR—DEAL with IRAN, regarded by MANY—EXPERTS as critical to prevent THE—REGIME from building 1—ATOMIC—BOMB.
20190714             —NEUEN—WAHLGESETZ: KUBA führt Amt des MINISTERpräsidenten wieder ein
20190714             Kein "GRETA—EFFEKT": LUFTHANSA und EasyJet melden steigende Passagierzahlen
20190714             —HANDELS—UND WÄHRUNGS—KRIEG, Warum das WELTWIRTSCHAFTS—SYSTEM weiter zerfallen wird
20190714             1. Mondlandung: Helden in Windeln
20190714             SKINHEAD—GRUPPE in BAYERN: Braunes Idyll
20190714             "Warum gehen sie nicht zurück?": DONALD—TRUMP attackiert USA—DEMOKRATINNEN mit rassistischen Tweets
20190714             ABRÜSTUNGS—VERTRAG—MIT—DEN USA: EU und Nato fordern RUSSLAND zur Einhaltung von INF—VERTRAG auf
20190714             DIE—PYRAMIDE—VON—KÖNIG—SNEFERU, dem 1. Pharao der 4. Dynastie,
20190714             Sie wurde 26700000—26200000    —ZWISCHEN—UND, VOR_CHRISTUS erbaut.
20190714             DIE—ÜBERRESTE einer antiken Mauer aus dem Mittleren Reich VOR—CA—4.000—JAHREN
20190714             Pyramide von Pharao Amenemhet II.
20190714             Spätzeit des Alten ÄGYPTEN, die —BIS     —JAHR—ZUM 332_VOR_CHRISTUS andauerte.
20190714             Der für DAS—LAND so wichtige Wirtschaftszweig hat durch die politische Instabilität und DIE—ANSCHLÄGE —SEIT der REVOLUTION 20110000             —VON, stark gelitten.
20190714             ATOM—KONFLIKT: IRAN will mit den USA VERHANDELN—UNTER einer Bedingung
20190714             ALLE—SATELLITEN ausgefallen: Europäisches NAVIGATIONS—SYSTEM Galileo vorübergehend abgeschaltet
20190714             FDP—CHEF—ÜBER—SEENOTRETTUNG: Lindner will Flüchtlinge direkt nach AFRIKA zurückbringen lassen
20190714             Polizei setzt Pfefferspray ein: Erneut demonstrieren Zehntausende in HONGKONG
20190714             —APPEARED, THE—AMBASSADOR wrote that MISTER—TRUMP, to be abandoning the deal for 'personality reasons' because it had been agreed by his predecessor BARACK—OBAMA.
20190714             Such threats act as 1—DETERRENT to journalists doing their jobs — and the ultimate outcome will be 1—EROSION—OF—ACCOUNTABILITY.'
20190714             —INFURIATED, The leak, THE—FOREIGN—OFFICE—AND—NO 10. Their determination to catch he culprit is indicated by the fact that — according to 1—GOVERNMENT—SOURCE — THE—CYBER—EXPERTS at GCHQ are about to be brought in to target 1—SHORTLIST—OF—SUSPECTS drawn up by civil service investigators.
20190714             The spooks have FAR—REACHING powers to intercept communications.
20190714             Sie wurde zwischen 2670—UND 2620_VOR_CHRISTUS erbaut.
20190714             Pyramide von Pharao Amenemhet II. aus der 12. Dynastie.
20190714—20180500    —IN, SIR—KIM—IRAN memo was sent, —AFTER MISTER—JOHNSON — who was then Foreign SECRETARY — had been dispatched to WASHINGTON to make 1—LAST ditch plea to PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP not to abandon the nuclear deal with IRAN designed to prevent THE—REGIME from building 1—ATOMIC—BOMB.
20190719—20190714    —ON, PANAMA—MARITIME authority began the process of withdrawing the registration of 1—OIL—TANKER called MT Riah, which was towed to IRAN —AFTER it disappeared from ship tracking maps in THE—STRAIT—OF—HORMUZ.
20190725—20190712    —CHARGED, He is 1—OF 2—MEN, with 1. degree murder in THE—DEATH—OF—LUCERO Sosa Capote, 1—MOTHER—OF—5, at 16030000             Tower COURT—IN—MONROE.
20200705             Bürger in A Marina an der SPANIEN—NORDKÜSTE dürfen demnach die Region Lugo von —MITTERNACHT an —BIS—FREITAG—UND damit 2—TAGE vor den Regionalwahlen in Galizien 20200712             —AM—NICHT verlassen.
20200711—20170712    —AM, Der Eisberg mit der Bezeichnung A-68A hatte sich vom LARSEN—SCHELFEIS an der Ostküste der Antarktischen Halbinsel gelöst.
20200712             —SATURDAY, 20200711             20210207114429
20200712             —ORGANIZED, Woolsey knew also about the Bio Terror Scenarios, by DOCTOR—INGLESBY (Johns Hopkins Institute )
20200712             —ALMOST simultaneously,
20200712             —SONNTAG.
20200712             —VERLÄNGERT, Humanitäre Hilfe: UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT, Syrienhilfe mit Einschränkungen
20200712             —CORONA—KRISE: GÖRING—ECKARDT drängt auf Existenzgeld für Kulturschaffende
20200712             Stigmatisierung von Abhängigen: "Sucht ist keine freie Wahl"
20200712             —CORONA—KRISE: Linke kritisiert hohe ZAHL—DER—HARTZ—V—AUFSTOCKER
20200712             COVID—19—ERKRANKUNG: Untersuchungen von Genesenen dämpfen Hoffnung auf Impfstoff
20200712             WELT—WEIT führen Wissenschaftler im Zusammenhang mit dem neuartigen CORONA—VIRUS— Antikörperstudien durch.
20200712             1—NEUE Untersuchung von genesenen COVID—19—PATIENTEN dämpft nun allerdings die Hoffnung auf eine lang anhaltende Immunität und damit auch auf eine lange Wirksamkeit einer möglichen Impfung.
20200712             Bluttests der 1. CORONA—PATIENTEN in DEUTSCHLAND, die Ende ;;01;;
20200712             in der MÜNCHEN Klinik Schwabing behandelt wurden, zeigten ein deutliches Absinken der Anzahl von sogenannten neutralisierenden Antikörpern im Blut,
20200712             "Bei 4—DER 9—PATIENTEN sehen wir sinkende neutralisierende Antikörper in einem sehr speziellen Test, der nur in einem Hochsicherheitslabor erfolgen kann", s
20200712             "Inwieweit dies Auswirkungen für die Langzeitimmunität und die Impfstrategien hat, ist —DERZEIT noch spekulativ, muss aber im weiteren Verlauf kritisch beobachtet werden".
20200712             Es deute aber darauf hin, daß nach durchgemachter Krankheit 1—NEUANSTECKUNG möglich sei.
20200712             —BEOBACHTET, Dies müsse weiter, werden,
20200712             Für die Langzeitimmunität sei neben der sogenannten B—ZELL—ASSOZIIERTEN über Antikörper gemessenen Immunität auch die sogenannte T—ZELL—IMMUNITÄT relevant.
20200712             Wenn Patienten neutralisierende Antikörper verlören, könne diese eventuell einen Schutz geben.
20200712             T—LYMPHOZYTEN können virusinfizierte Zellen gezielt ABTöten, wenn sie zuvor ihren Gegner einmal kennen gelernt haben.
20200712             CHINA—FORSCHER berichteten im Fachblatt "Nature Medicine", daß DIE—ANTI—KÖRPER —NACH—2—MONATEN vor allem bei Patienten mit symptomfreiem Verlauf stark zurückgingen, aber auch bei tatsächlich erkrankten Patienten fielen die Werte deutlich.
20200712             Patienten mit wenig Symptomen hatten zudem weniger Antikörper und somit eine schwächere Immunantwort entwickelt.
20200712             —KRISE auf dem Kiez: HAMBURGer Prostituierte fordern Öffnung der Bordelle
20200712             TRUMP—STRAFERLASS für ROGER—STONE: "Akt atemberaubender Bestechlichkeit"
20200712             BRASILIEN, steigt die ZAHL—DER—FESTGESTELLTEN—INFEKTIONEN auf 1.839.850 von 1.800.827 am Vortag.
20200712             Nach ANGABEN—DES—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS legt die ZAHL—DER—TODESFÄLLE um 10710000             auf 71.469—ZU.
20200712             —NUN, hat er bei einem Besuch in einem Militärkrankenhaus einen MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ getragen.
20200712             Auf Fernsehbildern war zu sehen, wie TRUMP am Freitagabend (Ortszeit) im WALTER—REED—KRANKENHAUS in Bethesda bei WASHINGTON eine blaue Schutzmaske mit dem Siegel des Präsidenten trug.
20200712             ANGABEN—DES—WEISSEN—HAUSES zufolge wollte TRUMP in dem Krankenhaus verwundete Soldaten und deren Angehörige treffen.
20200712             Er wollte zudem mit medizinischem Personal zusammenkommen, daß sich in der CORONArise um Erkrankte kümmert.
20200712             TRUMP sagte vor Journalisten auf dem Rasen des Weißen Hauses vor dem kurzen Hubschrauberflug nach Bethesda auf eine entsprechende Frage: "Ich werde wahrscheinlich 1—MASKE tragen, wenn Sie das wissen müssen".
20200712             Er fügte hinzu: "Ich finde es großartig, 1—MASKE zu tragen. Ich war nie gegen Masken, aber ich glaube, es gibt 1—ZEIT und einen Ort dafür".
20200712             In dem Krankenhaus, in dem MANCHE—VERWUNDETE gerade —ERST operiert worden seien, sei 1—MASKE angebracht.
20200712             —GEMACHT, Er hatte aber umgehend deutlich, daß er selber keine Maske tragen werde.
20200712             Bei einem FABRIK—BESUCH im USA—BUNDES—STAAT MICHIGAN im Mai hatte TRUMP bei einem TEIL—DES—RUNDGANGS 1—MASKE getragen und war dabei fotografiert worden.
20200712             DIE—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN in den USA steigen weiter rasant an.
20200712             Der legendäre Vergnügungspark Disney World im USA—BUNDES—STAAT FLORIDA öffnet dennoch wieder für Besucher.
20200712             Für den gesamten ;;07;; sind —BEREITS ALLE—TICKETS verkauft.
20200712             DIE—5. Nacht in Folge kam es in SERBIEN zu Protesten gegen DIE—REGIERUNG und deren CORONA—POLITIK.
20200712             kam ES—ZU Protesten
20200712             in SERBIEN—VOR dem Parlament in Belgrad versammelten sich TAUSENDE—VON—MENSCHEN.
20200712             versammelten sich
20200712             MENSCHEN—DIE—VERSAMMLUNGEN begannen aus Verärgerung über Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der VIRUS—AUSBREITUNG, die die Wirtschaft lähmen.
20200712             Sie weiteten sich aus zu regierungskritischen Protestmärschen, auf denen der Rücktritt von —PRÄSIDENT—ALEKSANDAR Vucic gefordert wird.
20200712             248—NEUE—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN innerhalb eines Tages gemeldet.
20200712             in DEUTSCHLAND—IM 1. Halbjahr —DIESES—JAHRES, waren im Schnitt 83,5 PROZENT—DER—FERNZÜGE der DEUTSCHLAND—BAHN pünktlich, wie der bundeseigene Konzern mitteilte.
20200712             "Zur deutlich gestiegenen Pünktlichkeit hat natürlich auch die geringe ANZAHL—DER—ZÜGE während der CORONA—KRISE beigetragen",
20200712             Der ÖSTERREICH—BUNDESKANZLER SEBASTIAN—KURZ hat seine Zustimmung nun an Bedingungen geknüpft.
20200712             "Wenn wir —SCHON sehr viel staatliches Geld in die Hand nehmen, dann sollte es zumindest in die richtigen Bereiche fließen", sagte Kurz der FRANKFURTER—ALLGEMEINE—SONNTAGS—ZEITUNG.
20200712             "Allen voran in mehr Forschung und Entwicklung für eine gute digitale Infrastruktur, auch in den technologischen Wandel, der für einen besseren KLIMA—SCHUTZ nötig ist".
20200712             TAUSENDE—VON—ISRAELIS haben am Samstagabend in TEL—AVIV gegen die Finanzpolitik der REGIERUNG—VON—BENJAMIN—NETANJAHU in der CORONA—KRISE demonstriert.
20200712             —NACH, MEDIEN—BERICHTEN vom —SONNTAG nahmen mehr als 10.000—MENSCHEN an einer GROß—KUNDGEBUNG auf dem zentralen RABIN—PLATZ teil.
20200712             Es kam zu gewaltsamen Konfrontationen mit DER—POLIZEI.
20200712             Mit der Kundgebung wollten vor allem selbstständige ISRAELis auf ihre finanziellen Schwierigkeiten in der CORONA—KRISE aufmerksam machen.
20200712             TOKIO, melden DIE—BEHÖRDEN den 4. —TAG in Folge mehr als 200—NACHGEWIESENE NEU—INFEKTIONEN.
20200712             DIE—USA—KLEINSTADT Tenino hat eine kreative Lösung für die Umsatzeinbrüche ihrer Geschäftsleute in der CORONA—KRISE GEFUNDEN—UND ihr eigenes Geld gedruckt.
20200712             BÜRGERMEISTER—WAYNE—FOURNIER sagte der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR AFP, das Geld werde an Bedürftige in der Stadt ausgegeben.
20200712             Jeder der 1800—BÜRGER habe Anspruch auf Hilfen im Wert von —BIS zu 300 "TENINO—DOLLAR" (266—EURO) im —MONAT.
20200712             Die ungewöhnliche Idee geht auf 1—MODELLPROJEKT aus dem vergangenen —JAHRHUNDERT zurück.
20200712             gedruckt auf dünnen Holzbrettchen.
20200712             Möglich wurde dies durch die Druckerpresse im Stadtmuseum.
20200712             Abgebildet auf den HOLZ—NOTEN ist der frühere Präsidenten GEORGE—WASHINGTON sowie die lateinische Übersetzung für: "Wir haben es unter Kontrolle".
20200712             DIE—WÄHRUNG gilt nur innerhalb der Stadtgrenzen.
20200712             Sie soll den USA—DOLLAR nicht ersetzen, sondern als zusätzliche Währung genutzt werden.
20200712             1—USA—GERICHT hat die 1. Hinrichtung —SEIT 17—JAHREN auf Bundesebene aufgrund der CORONA—PANDEMIE vorerst verschoben.
20200712             —ZUVOR, hatten Angehörige des MordOPFERn erklärt, wegen des CORONA—VIRUS— 1—ANREISE zu der Hinrichtung zu fürchten.
20200712             Das USA—JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM legte Berufung gegen die Gerichtsentscheidung ein.
20200712             Lees Hinrichtung wäre die 1. auf USA—BUNDESEBENE —SEIT dem —JAHR 20030000            .
20200712             DIE—REGIERUNG—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP hat in diesem —SOMMER noch 3—WEITERE solcher Exekutionen vorgesehen.
20200712             DIE—ENTSCHEIDUNG der USA für 1—WIEDER—AUFNAHME—DER—HINRICHTUNGEN auf Bundesebene hatte INTERNATIONAL Kritik ausgelöst.
20200712             Um 1—AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA—VIRUS— zu verhindern, verschärft UNGARN ab —MITTWOCH seine Grenzkontrollen.
20200712             UNGARN, die aus "gelb" und "rot" gekennzeichneten Ländern mit einem hohen Risiko kommen, müssten sich an der Grenze untersuchen lassen und in QUARANTÄNE gehen.
20200712             Das gelte auch für Ausländer aus "gelben" Ländern.
20200712             Ausländer aus "roten" Ländern dürften nicht einreisen.
20200712             —SIEGEN: DEMO—GEGEN—RECHTSEXTREME Partei
20200712             RECHTS—EXTREME Splitterpartei eröffnet BÜRO—IN—SIEGEN
20200712             —VERUNSICHERT, Anwohner sind
20200712             —CA—1.000—DEMONSTRANTEN
20200712             —POLIZEI WARNT—VOR—GEFÄHRLICHEN Rechtsextremisten
20200712             "Ja selbstverständlich habe ich Angst", sagt er.
20200712             "Jeder hier hat Angst. Nicht nur ich allein. Ich habe —SCHON meiner Frau gesagt, wenn das so weiter geht, dann verkaufen wir das Haus".
20200712             Direkt gegenüber von dem BÜRO—DER—RECHTSEXTREMISTEN ist 1—RUSSLAND—SUPERMARKT.
20200712             Hier wohnen besonders VIELE—SIEGENER mit Migrationshintergrund.
20200712             Warum macht der 3. Weg ausgerechnet hier 1—BÜRO auf?
20200712             Demonstranten mit Mundschutz Video starten, abbrechen mit Escape
20200712             Bei FACEBOOK TEILEN—BEI Twitter TEILEN—VIEL Multikulti und "der 3. Weg"
20200712             Website des 3. Wegs auf Computerbildschirm
20200712             DIE—RECHTS—EXTREME Partei hat 1—BÜRO—IN—SIEGEN eröffnet
20200712             Einen GRIECHENLAND—GYROS—IMBISS und einen TÜRKEI—FLEISCH—HANDEL gibt es auch in der Straße. Hier wohnen besonders VIELE—SIEGENER mit Migrationshintergrund.
20200712             Auf der Internetseite der Partei heißt es: "Begegnungsstätte für DEUTSCHE, die es auch noch sein wollen" und ein "Gegenpol zum faulen und kranken BRD—ZEITGEIST".
20200712             —LAUT, POLIZEI versammelten SICH—CA—1.000—TEILNEHMER des Aktionsbündnisses "SIEGEN—GEGEN—RECHTS".
20200712             —VERMUMMT, Einige hatten sich, darum forderte die POLIZEI sie auf, bestimmte Bereiche des Gesichtes nicht zu verdecken.
20200712             —ERST dann durfte sich der Demonstrationszug in Bewegung setzen.
20200712             Dem Leiter des Staatsschutzes in HAGEN, Andrè Dobersch, bereitet die Präsenz der rechtsextremen Partei Sorgen.
20200712             "Wir haben Gewalttäter, die dort Parteiarbeit leisten", sagt er.
20200712             NSDAP.
20200712             "Sie geben sich oft bürgerlich, sind aber Wegbereiter einer Radikalisierung,
20200712             RADIKALISIERUNG—DIE—AUCH dazu führt, daß
20200712             —NACHRICHTEN—LOGO des Senders DEUTSCHLANDfunk mit den Schriftzug:"Nachrichtenleicht.de".
20200712             —NACHRICHTEN in einfacher und in Leichter Sprache
20200712             Der DEUTSCHLAND—FUNK bietet Nachrichten aus DEUTSCHLAND und der Welt.
20200712             Auch Nachrichten über den CORONA—VIRUS.
20200712             Die Nachrichten sind in einfacher Sprache.
20200712             Sie verlassen nun die Seite vom WDR.
20200712             Sie kommen zum  |  deutschlandfunk
20200712             Mehr Nachrichten in Leichter Sprache und in einfacher SPRACHE—AUCH zum CORONA—VIRUS:
20200712             —KRITISIERT, Er wird, weil er DIE—CORONA—PANDEMIE verharmlost.
20200712             Bolsonaro hat immer wieder gesagt: DAS—CORONA—VIRUS ist wie 1—SCHNUPFEN.
20200712             —NUN, hat sich Bolsonaro selbst mit dem Virus angesteckt.
20200712             Er hat im Fernsehen gesagt: 1—TEST war positiv, ich fühle mich aber gut.
20200712             —BERICHTET, Medien haben, daß Bolsonaro SYMPTOME—VON der LUNGEN—ERKRANKUNG hat.
20200712             Bei Auftritten trägt er normalerweise keinen MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ.
20200712             Er ist gegen die SCHUTZ—MAßNAHMEN, die es in vielen anderen Ländern gibt.
20200712             BRASILIEN ist —NACH—DEN USA—DAS—LAND mit den meisten CORONA—INFEKTIONEN und Toten auf der Welt.
20200712             In den USA breitet sich DAS—VIRUS immer weiter aus.
20200712             Dort haben sich mittlerweile mehr als 3—MILLIONEN Menschen mit dem Virus angesteckt.
20200712             Mehrere Tage lang hat ES—CA—60.000—NEU—INFEKTIONEN gegeben.
20200712             DER—PRÄSIDENT—VON den USA heißt DONALD—TRUMP.
20200712             Kritikerinnen und Kritiker sagen: Er verharmlost DAS—VIRUS auch.
20200712             Bolsonaro hat CORONA—VIRUS—MODERNES Arbeiten: Die SINN—FRAGE
20200712             —GEPLÜNDERT, Kunstaktion in JAPAN: Ausstellung in Tokio komplett
20200712             —GETROFFEN, HAGIA—SOPHIA wird zur Moschee: PAPA "schwer " von TÜRKEI—ENTSCHEIDUNG
20200712             Ehemaliger Verfassungsrichter über "NSU 2.0": "Nicht als Einzelfälle abtun"
20200712             —STREIT—UM—SYRIENHILFE bei der Uno: "BOTSCHAFTER—CHRISTOPH, wir brauchen Ihre Vorhaltungen nicht"
20200712             Kreuzfahrt in der CORONA—KRISE: "—JETZT wäre eine gute Gelegenheit, das Problem Overtourism anzugehen"
20200712             CHINA: Schwere Überschwemmungen nach Starkregen
20200712             Einheitliche Regelung: Mieterbund fordert bundesweiten Mietenstopp
20200712             AUSTRALIEN—CHINA und der KLIMA—WANDEL, Wo —HEUTE—SCHON—MORGEN ist
20200712             PIPELINE—LECK in NORILSK: Der ARKTIS droht die nächste KATASTROPHE
20200712             Ausstellung in BERLIN: An der Wurzel GEPACKT—DOCUMENTA—PROJEKT "Carved to Flow"
20200712             Guerilla, Paramilitärs, Drogenkartelle in KOLUMBIEN: Wie Gangs in der PANDEMIE Kinder zwangsrekrutieren
20200712             Berlins Kultursenator KLAUS—LEDERER (Linke) hatte den Kulturbetrieben der Stadt weitere Millionenhilfen in Aussicht gestellt.
20200712             Das im Mai aufgelegte SOFORTHILFE—PROGRAMM im Umfang von 30—MILLIONEN—EURO solle noch mal um jeweils zweimal 3—MONATE im gleichen Volumen, also mit insgesamt 60—MILLIONEN—EURO verlängert werden, hatte Lederer gesagt.
20200712             THÜRINGEN, haben bislang mehr als 5000—STUDIERENDE Anträge auf CORONA—ÜBERBRÜCKUNGSHILFE des Bundes gestellt.
20200712             Davon waren allerdings nur knapp 1800—ANTRÄGE vollständig und konnten vom Studierendenwerk bearbeitet werden,
20200712             —BEKOMMT, ISRAEL, einen 2. AUSBRUCH—DES—CORONA—VIRUS— nicht in den Griff.
20200712             —NACH, einem 1. Ausbruch waren in ISRAEL im Mai kaum neue Fälle gemeldet worden.
20200712             —WÄHREND, ISRAEL—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—BENJAMIN Netanjahu zu Beginn der PANDEMIE für sein entschiedenes Handeln gelobt worden war, steht er  —INZWISCHEN. für sein Krisenmanagement zunehmend in der Kritik.
20200712             FRANKREICH will Reisende aus Risikogebieten künftig am Flughafen auf CORONA testen.
20200712             —GEMACHT, Diejenigen, die —BEREITS einen CORONA—TEST, haben, müssten einen Nachweis darüber erbringen können, so Attal.
20200712             Dann sei kein erneuter Test in FRANKREICH notwendig.
20200712             ISRAEL—REGIERUNGSCHEF BENJAMIN—NETANJAHU hat finanzielle Soforthilfen für ISRAELis angekündigt, die durch DIE—CORONA—PANDEMIE ihre Lebensgrundlage verloren haben.
20200712             "Wir drücken auf den Knopf, und das Geld ist in ein paar Tagen auf den Konten",
20200712             DIE—ANKÜNDIGUNG erfolgte nur einen —TAG nachdem es in ISRAEL zu Massenprotesten gegen das Management der CORONA—PANDEMIE durch DIE—REGIERUNG gekommen war.
20200712             1—EIGENE Gesetzgebung ist dafür laut Netanjahu nicht erforderlich.
20200712             FLORIDA meldet mehr NEU—INFEKTIONEN als ganz EUROPA
20200712             unter anderem FLORIDA besonders stark von der Infektionswelle getroffen wird.
20200712             Der BUNDES—STAAT mit etwa 20—MILLIONEN Einwohner meldete allein am —SAMSTAG 15.299—NEU auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— positiv getestete BÜRGER.
20200712             Zur Einordnung: Das ist deutlich mehr als in ganz EUROPA zusammen.
20200712             DIE—WELTGESUNDHEITSORGANISATION (WHO) hat einen REKORD—ANSTIEG der Zahl neuer CORONA—INFEKTIONEN registriert.
20200712             In den vergangenen 24—STUNDEN seien WELT—WEIT mehr als 230.000—NEUE Erkrankungen festgestellt worden.
20200712             Sun 20200712             20200712             [l] Es gibt ja diesen alten Witz im EINZEL—HANDEL, daß das Leben so schön sein könnte, wenn man sich nicht immer mit diesen lästigen Kunden herumschlagen müsste.
20200712             Stellt sich raus: Das gilt auch für die DEUTSCHE—BAHN.
20200712             Die war noch nie so pünktlich wie —JETZT zu CORONA—ZEITEN.
20200712             [l] BERLIN hat im Vergleich zum Vorjahr 30% mehr Fälle häuslicher Gewalt.
20200712             Die Befürchtungen waren also grundsätzlich richtig.
20200712             Auch HAMBURG und MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN haben deutliche Steigerungen.
20200712             Allerdings ist das uneinheltich, in NRW und NIEDERSACHSEN waren die Zahlen sogar rückläufig (!?).
20200712             [l] Die Stuttgarter POLIZEI führt anscheinend STAMMBAUM—FORSCHUNG durch.
20200712             Nicht für ihre Mitarbeiter sondern für Verdächtige.
20200712             [Der POLIZEIpräsident] kündigte an, daß die POLIZEI auch bei den Tatverdächtigen mit deutschem Pass MITHILFE—DER—LANDRATSÄMTER deutschlandweit STAMMBAUM—RECHERCHE betreiben werde.
20200712             Was wollen die mit den Vorfahren, fragt ihr —JETZT vielleicht?
20200712             Na ganz plump AFD—STYLE geht es um den "Migrationshintergrund".
20200712             Gib ihnen noch ein paar Monate, dann haben wir NAZI—STYLE PROZENT—ANGABEN zum Arieranteil im Pass.
20200712             —SATURDAY, 20200711             20200712             The case for Impeachment #2
20200712             THE—HOUSE should begin the process of impeaching DONALD—TRUMP.
20200712             Yes, again.
20200712             —AFTER lying under oath to protect DONALD—TRUMP, Stone clearly signaled that 1—DAY in prison might force him to turn rat.
20200712             —COMMUTED, And so THE—PRESIDENT, his crony's sentence -- arguably the most corrupt act in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—OFFICE.
20200712             If that's not impeachable, nothing is impeachable.
20200712             (Lindsey Graham justified the commutation ON—THE—GROUNDS—THAT—ROGER—STONE committed a "nonviolent" offense.
20200712             —THREATENED, Actually, Stone, 1—WITNESS with death -- and someone threatened the jurors.)
20200712             Bottom line: Impeachment is simply right.
20200712             THE—DEMS need 1—MECHANISM to investigate THE—INVESTIGATORS—OF—THE—INVESTIGATORS.
20200712             1—ONGOING impeachment —PROBE would serve that purpose perfectly.
20200712             Contact Pelosi.
20200712             Don't let her tell you that TRUMP—FATE should be left up to the voters in November.
20200712             This corrupt Senate probably won't convict, but so what?
20200712             —IMPEACHMENT—NOW!
20200712             We're on 1—STEEPER—PART—OF—THE—SLIPPERY slope.
20200712             We need to act —BEFORE they act.
20200712             That is the most important lesson to be learned from recent HISTORY.
20200712             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—ANONYMOUS : 12:33 AM
20200712             Weltparlament der BÜRGERMEISTER: Städte an die Macht 1—INTERVIEW—VON—JANNE—KIESELBACH
20200712             Bundespräsident: Steinmeier pocht auf mehr Geld für CORONA—HELFER
20200712             Veränderungen durch CORONA: Splitter der neuen Welt 1—ESSAY—VON—JONAS—SCHAIBLE
20200712             Der Anstieg der Infektionszahlen im Westen KATALONIENs ruft die SPANIEN—BEHÖRDEN auf den Plan.
20200712             1. —SEIT Lockerung der landesweiten CORONA—MAßNAHMEN —IM, ;;0600;;wurden lokal wieder Ausgangsbeschränkungen angeordnet.
20200712             DIE—MENSCHEN in der Stadt LLEIDA und 7—UMLIEGENDEN Gemeinden dürfen ab —MONTAG das Haus daher nur noch zur Arbeit, zum Einkaufen oder wegen dringender Angelegenheiten wie etwa Arztbesuche verlassen, berichtete die Zeitung "La Vanguardia"
20200712             —AM—SONNTAG unter Berufung auf die Regionalregierung von KATALONIEN.
20200712             In ganz KATALONIEN, wo es auch in der Stadt L'Hospitalet de Llobregat unmittelbar südlich von BARCELONA vermehrt neue CORONA—FÄLLE gibt, wurden binnen 24—STUNDEN am —SONNTAG 816—NEUE INFEKTIONEN—MIT—DEM SARS—COV—2—VIRUS registriert.
20200712             Das waren mehr als doppelt so viele wie noch am —SAMSTAG, als 361—FÄLLE gemeldet wurden.
20200712             —REGISTRIERT, REKORD—ANSTIEG der Zahl neuer CORONA—INFEKTIONEN.
20200712             In der FRANKREICH—STADT Nizza haben sich am Samstagabend knapp 5000—MENSCHEN an der Promenade des Anglais zum Feiern VERSAMMELT—MEDIEN—BERICHTEN zufolge aber ohne Abstand und meist ohne Masken.
20200712             Auf Fotos und Videos war eine zum Teil dicht gedrängte Menge zu sehen.
20200712             Bei der Party legte der bekannte DJ THE—AVENER auf.
20200712             DIE—STADTVERWALTUNG versicherte, daß die OBER—GRENZE—VON—5000—MENSCHEN, die bei öffentlichen Veranstaltungen gilt, eingehalten worden sei.
20200712             Eigentlich würde auf der Promenade Platz für 36.000—MENSCHEN sein.
20200712             es habe Schilder und Lautsprecherdurchsagen gegeben.
20200712             Sicherheit und wirtschaftliche sowie kulturelle Erholung müssten in Einklang miteinander gebracht werden.
20200712             —DISKUTIERT, FRANKREICH, über sorglose Riesenparty
20200712             Procura por bicicletas cresceu 93% durante o confinamento
20200712             DGS anuncia mais 9—CASOS de COVID—19—NO ALGARVE desde ontem
20200712             O boletim epidemiológico da DIREÇÃO—GERAL da Saúde (DGS) deste —DOMINGO, 12—DE Julho, atribui mais 9—CASOS de COVID—19—AO ALGARVE, desde ontem, fazendo subir os números totais de casos acumulados para 704.
20200712             região do Alentejo, por seu lado, há hoje apenas mais dois CASOS—CONFIRMADOS e nenhum óbito.
20200712             Aljezur CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7—ÓBITOS—0—RECUPERADOS—0
20200712             132_DGS_boletim_20200712              20200712             EUSKIRCHEN Kreis Fälle 521—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 270,2 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 13,5—TODES—FÄLLE 23,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200712             Aktualisierung 202007120000         —UHR
20200712             DÜREN Kreis Fälle 621—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 235,5 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 1,5—TODES—FÄLLE 39,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200712             KÖLN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 2.677—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 246,6 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 4,6—TODES—FÄLLE 106,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200712             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER—KREIS Fälle 486—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 171,5 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 3,2—TODES—FÄLLE 22,—EINWOHNERZAHL—283.455
20200712             BERLIN Neukölln Bezirk Fälle 1.064—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 322,7 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 6,4—TODES—FÄLLE 39,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200712             GÜTERSLOH Kreis Fälle 2.552—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 700,9 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 26,1—TODES—FÄLLE 20,—EINWOHNERZAHL—364.083
20200712             SÜDAFRIKA—PRÄSIDENT—CYRIL Ramaphosa hat angesichts steigender Infektionszahlen in der Öffentlichkeit eine erneute Verschärfung der CORONA—RESTRIKTIONEN angekündigt.
20200712             Neben einer von —MONTAG an geltenden Ausgangssperre zwischen 21—UND 4—UHR sehen sie 1—MASKENPFLICHT in der Öffentlichkeit sowie die erneute Einführung eines Alkoholbanns vor.
20200712             Der nationale Ausnahmezustand ("STATE—OF—DISASTER")
20200712             "Wir verzeichnen nun weit über 12.000—FÄLLE pro —TAG", sagte er am Sonntagabend in einer Ansprache an die Nation.
20200712             ALLE—FLÜGE aus Ländern der EU und des SCHENGEN—RAUMS sowie aus GROSSBRITANNIEN dürfen in PORTUGAL landen.
20200712             Passagiere werden automatisch mit dem —BEREITS vorhandenen INFRAROT—SCREENING—SYSTEM überprüft, und
20200712             Passagiere, die eine höhere als die normale Temperatur aufweisen, werden in einen gesonderten Bereich gebracht und
20200712             gebeten, sich einem COVID—SCREENING—TEST zu unterziehen.
20200712             Weder am Abflugort noch bei der Ankunft in PORTUGAL muss ein negativer Test vorgewiesen werden.
20200712             Wenn man jedoch am Flughafen einem Test unterzogen wird,
20200712             darf man zwar gehen, muss sich jedoch zu seiner Wohnung begeben UND—DORT isoliert bleiben,
20200712             —BIS man das Ergebnis mitgeteilt bekommt.
20200712             —NACH, diesen Regeln sind auch Flüge aus folgenden Ländern zulässig: ALGERIEN, KANADA, SÜD—KOREA, MAROKKO, TUNESIEN und CHINA.
20200712             DIE—ERWÄHNTEN negativen COVID—TESTS vor Flugantritt gelten für Personen, die aus bestimmten Ländern anreisen und
20200712             *keine* PORTUGAL—STAATS—BÜRGERSIND oder
20200712             *keinen* legalen Wohnsitz in PORTUGAL haben.
20200712             DIE—VERWEIGERUNG eines Tests führt dazu, daß der Passagier auf eigene Kosten zum Abflughafen zurückgeschickt wird.
20200712             1. Nehmen Sie kleine Fläschchen Händedesinfektionsmittel ins Handgepäck.
20200712             Das ist erlaubt, vorausgesetzt, sie befinden sich in einer Plastiktüte (aus irgendeinem Grund).
20200712             Nehmen Sie also einige mit — genug, um sie am Flughafen zu verwenden und —BIS Sie Ihr endgültiges Ziel erreichen.
20200712             2. Nehmen Sie Masken mit!
20200712             3. Nehmen Sie EINIGE—PAAR—HANDSCHUHE mit.
20200712             Probleme war, daß MITARBEITER—DES—FLUGHAFENS—TABLETTS austeilten ohne sie zu reinigen oder selbst Handschuhe zu tragen.
20200712             Verwenden Sie Ihre eigenen, bevor Sie irgendetwas anfassen.
20200712             4. UNABHÄNGIG DAVON, WAS ANDERE TUN, beachten Sie weiterhin die körperliche Distanz, an die wir uns in PORTUGAL gewöhnt haben.
20200712             MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ weiter Pflicht
20200712             DEUTSCHLAND, muss man wegen dem CORONA—VIRUS beim Einkaufen einen MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ tragen.
20200712             Das wird auch —ERST einmal so bleiben.
20200712             Darauf haben sich die GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER in den BUNDES—LÄNDERN geeinigt.
20200712             Das Bild zeigt einen vollen Einkaufswagen.
20200712             Premiumlagen: Warum Aldi, Lidl und Co. in die City zurückkehren
20200712             Elang haben sich Discounter am Rand von Stadtzentren angesiedelt.
20200712             Mittlerweile erobern Aldi, Lidl und Co. aber wieder die Premiumlagen.
20200712             Warum kehren sie zurück? "Alltagsmenschen" in Rheinberg zerstört
20200712             "Alltagsmenschen" in MOERS und Rheinberg zerstört
20200712             Unbekannte haben in der Nacht zu —SONNTAG in MOERS 1—SKULPTUR der Künstlerin Christel Lechner zerstört.
20200712             —ZERTRÜMMERT, Zuvor waren —BEREITS in Rheinberg 5—FIGUREN, worden.
20200712             —CORONA—SONDERPROGRAMM für Karnevalisten und SCHÜTZEN—NARREN—KNIGGE: Karneval trotz CORONA?
20200712             Kaum Umsatz: Händler fürchten um ihre Existenz - Min.. Verfügbar —BIS 20200717.
202007120305         Min.. Verfügbar —BIS 20200717. -  Min.. Verfügbar —BIS 20200717.
20200712—20070000    —SEIT, Moktar Habidi kommt aus TUNESIEN. wohnt er in SIEGEN.
20200712—20070000    Nur 1—STRAßE weiter hat —JETZT die Partei "Der 3. Weg" ihr BÜRO aufgemacht.
20200712—20200710    —AM—FREITAG, dagegen wurde demonstriert.
20200713             In der abgelaufenen Kalenderwoche —BIS einschließlich —SONNTAG (20200712             ) zählte Eurocontrol 90.549—FLÜGE und damit 36,6 PROZENT—DES—VORJAHRESWERTES,
20200714             —DIENSTAG, 20200714             - Tue 20200714             20200714             [l] Die Meldung hier klingt wie ein seltener Lichtblick.
20200714             The chemical reactions that degrade the rock particles lock the greenhouse gas into carbonates within months, and SOME—SCIENTISTS say this approach may be the best NEAR—TERM—WAY—OF removing CO2 from the atmosphere.
20200714             Na, äh, dann mal los!!
20200714             Beziehung mit einem Hochbegabten: "Ich hatte mir einen intelligenten Mann gewünscht, aber so einen..".
20200714             Aufgezeichnet von Heike Klovert
20200714             BULGARIEN: Tausende Demonstranten fordern Rücktritt der Regierung
20200714             Enthüllungen über die Familie: NICHTE—VON—DONALD—TRUMP darf Buch veröffentlichen
20200714             Von SUSANNE—BEYER, Autorin im SPIEGEL—HAUPTSTADTBÜRO
20200714             Marsmission der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate: "Es geht nicht um Stolz, es geht um unsere Zukunft" Von CHRISTOPH—SEIDLER
20200714             Lieferketten von Turnschuhen und Kleidern: Unternehmen reißen ihre ethischen Selbstverpflichtungen Von GERALD—TRAUFETTER
20200714             Zu "Stammbaumforschung" und Migrationshintergrund: Der Zauberspruch, der Deutsche macht Von Ozan ZAKARIYA—KESKINK?l?ç
20200714             Anders als Hunde gelten Katzen als Einzelgänger.
20200714             Während die Kläffer Herrchen oder Frauchen mit dem sprichwörtlichen Hundeblick um Fressen anbetteln und ihnen treu folgen, scheint es Katzen vollkommen egal zu sein, wer die Futterdose öffnet: So MANCHER—FREIGÄNGER frisst sich bei mehreren Familien durch.
20200714             —SCHON in der Steinzeit waren Katzen eher Begleiter als echte Haustiere,
20200714             "Selbst moderne Hauskatzen leben irgendwo entlang eines Kontinuums von engen Beziehungen zu Menschen —BIS hin zu Wildtieren", s
20200714             Katzenfossilien aus Südpolen, die zwischen 4300—UND 6200—JAHRE alt sind.
20200714             Demnach hatten es die Steinzeitkatzen nicht auf Hausmäuse abgesehen, sondern jagten weiterhin in freier Wildbahn.
20200714             Je nachdem, was die Tiere fressen, lagern sich unterschiedliche Isotope in ihren Knochen an.
20200714             Findet sich beispielsweise viel Stickstoff-15 und Kohlenstoff-13 in den Proben spräche das dafür, dass die Katzen vor allem Mäuse jagten, die Getreide auf Feldern fraßen.
20200714             Das war bei den Katzen aus der Steinzeit jedoch nicht der Fall.
20200714             Das spricht dafür, dass die Katzen nicht mit Tischabfällen gefüttert wurden, sondern wie die Europäischen Wildkatzen in den Wäldern ihre Beute jagten.
20200714             —GEÄNDERT, Irgendwann muss sich das jedoch, haben.
20200714             Irgendwann - Aus der römischen Kaiserzeit (27—VOR Christus —BIS 284—NACH Christus) ist bekannt, dass Katzen eng mit Menschen zusammenlebten und sich von ihnen durchfüttern ließen.
20200714             Wann genau aus den Wild-, Schoßkatzen wurden, ist unklar.
20200714             Vielleicht folgten die Tiere den Bauern, weil sie in ihrer Nähe leichter Beute machten.
20200714             "Unter den domestizierten Wildtieren", schreiben die Wissenschaftler, "waren die Katzenvorfahren aufgrund ihres einzelgängerischen, territorialen Verhaltens einzigartig".
20200714             Katzen waren eher Begleiter als echte Haustiere, zeigen Knochen aus der STEINZEIT—DER SPIEGEL
20200714             NET—ART—PIONIERIN Olia Lialina: "Mein Ziel war es, online unsterblich zu werden" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MARCO—KASANG
20200714             Für EUROPA: EXPERTEN—BÜNDNIS fordert eigene digitale Infrastruktur
20200714             Rotarmisten und DEUTSCHLAND—FRAUEN: "Ich gehe nur mit anständigen Russen" Von MARTIN—PFAFFENZELLER
20200714             Verdacht auf Strafvereitelung: Ermittler gehen gegen ZOLL—SPEZIALEINHEIT vor Von JÖRG—DIEHL und Ansgar Siemens
20200714             HANNOVER: TÜRKEI—GESCHÄFTSLEUTE in Briefen bedroht
20200714             Ghislaine Maxwell vor Gericht: Die Frau im Herzen des EPSTEIN—NETZWERKS—VON—MARC—PITZKE, NEW—YORK
20200714             Sturm in Kapstadt: Meeresschaum, massenweise, meterhoch
20200714             Er fühle sich weder außer Atem noch habe er seinen Geschmackssinn verloren,
20200714             Wer sich nicht an die neue Regel hält, muss laut PA mit einer Geldstrafe von —BIS zu 100—PFUND (gut 110—EURO) rechnen.
20200714             Im schlimmsten Fall würden binnen 9—MONATEN —BIS zu 120.000—MENSCHEN sterben, haben GROSSBRITANNIEN—FORSCHER berechnet.
20200714             Es sei wahrscheinlich, dass COVID—19 sich im —WINTER stärker verbreite, weil Menschen mehr Zeit zusammen in geschlossenen Räumen verbringen würden, deshalb "könnte eine 2. Welle ernster sein als die 1.", sagte STEPHEN—HOLGATE, Professor und Mitverfasser eines Berichts der GROSSBRITANNIEN—AKADEMIE der Medizinischen Wissenschaften (AMS).
20200714             "Das wird aus meiner Sicht sehr schwierig werden", sagte DSTGB—HAUPTGESCHÄFTSFÜHRER GERD—LANDSBERG
20200714             Den "ganz normalen Normalbetrieb" werde es voraussichtlich nicht geben können.
20200714             Bund und Länder beraten nach ANGABEN—VON—KANZLERAMTSCHEF—HELGE—BRAUN (CDU) über Maßnahmen, zielgenauer auf den Ausbruch von lokalen CORONA—AUSBRÜCHEN zu reagieren.
20200714             —GESPROCHEN, Dabei werde auch über mögliche Ausreisesperren.
20200714             "Darüber diskutieren wir als 1—MASSNAHME, ob das nicht am Ende eine bessere Variante ist, als wenn man am Urlaubsort ankommt, um dann zurückgewiesen zu werden",
20200714             hat sich - erholt
20200714             —ENTSCHEIDET, Verfassungsgericht, über Minderheitenrechte und Handydaten
20200714             —ENTSCHEIDET, Das NRW—VERFASSUNGSGERICHT, —HEUTE über Minderheitenrechte im LANDTAG.
20200714             NRW mit durchwachsener Klimabilanz
20200714             HESSEN: Weitere Datenabfrage von Polizeirechner |
20200714             FRANCIS—SUAREZ ist der BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—MIAMI—UND genervt.
20200714             "Wir brauchen den Rat der CDC, weil wir keine eigene Gesundheitsbehörde haben, keine eigenen Epidemiologen, keine Experten. Wir müssen uns die zusammensuchen, weil wir auf lokaler Ebene Entscheidungen treffen müssen, die besser auf nationaler und auf Ebene der Bundesstaaten aufgehoben wären".
20200714             Dass der USA—PRÄSIDENT seinen eigenen Experten nicht traut, ist nicht neu.
20200714             Dass Fauci im gleichen Interview auch sagte, dass sich das ganz schnell ändern könne, ließen die anonymen Verfasser der Liste weg.
20200714             DORTMUND: Das Aus für Caterpillar scheint besiegelt
20200714             [l] Old and busted: ZOLL—SPEZIALEINHEIT geht gegen Geldwäscher vor.
20200714             Es besteht der Verdacht auf Strafvereitelung im Amt.
20200714             Getestet wurden an dem —TAG 25 825—MENSCHEN, die Ansteckungsquote betrug demnach 6,5 Prozent.
20200714             Bildschirmfoto vom 20200714             20131206             20200714             —VERLOREN, Studie: 5—MILLIONEN USA—BÜRGER, —SCHON Krankenversicherung
20200714             Diese Zahl liege um fast 40—PROZENT höher als die bisherige Rekordzahl von 3,9 Millionen unversicherten Erwachsenen in den Finanzkrisenjahren 20080000             und 20090000             ,
20200714             "Dies ist der schlimmste wirtschaftliche Abschwung —SEIT dem —WWII",
20200714             Rekordregen in CHINA: Schwere Überschwemmungen und mehr als 100—TOTE
20200714             Präsidentschaftswahl in WEISSRUSSLAND: LUKASCHENKO—HERAUSFORDERER Babariko von Wahl ausgeschlossen
20200714             Lediglich bei 1,3 PROZENT—DER—UNTERSUCHTEN—SPENDER konnten spezifische Antikörper gegen SARS—COV—2 nachgewiesen werden, wie aus einer aktuellen Zwischenauswertung des Berliner Instituts hervorgeht.
20200714             "Somit könnte bei erneutem Anstieg der Übertragungen auch eine weitere Infektionswelle auftreten",
20200714             Wieler erklärte, nur gesunde Erwachsene dürften Blut spenden, bei Menschen mit Grunderkrankungen könnten die Zahlen anders aussehen.
20200714             Die Tests bei Blutspendern im Rahmen der sogenannten SEBLUCO—STUDIE sollen —BIS Ende September alle 14—TAGE wiederholt werden.
20200714             Angesichts steigender CORONA—ANSTECKUNGSZAHLEN sind in INDIEN Ausgangssperren für fast 150—MILLIONEN weitere Menschen verhängt worden.
20200714             teilte Bihars VIZE—REGIERUNGSCHEF Sushil Kumar Modi über Twitter mit.
20200714             SYRIEN: Humanitäre Hilfe als Waffe Von Raniah Salloum
20200714             Auf aztekischen PALAST—RESTEN: Überreste des Hauses von Eroberer Cortés entdeckt
20200714             Bildschirmfoto vom 20200714             20022214             20200714             Es wurde zum Teil aus den Trümmern des Palastes gebaut.
20200714             Zudem war es um 15250000             vorübergehend der 1. Verwaltungssitz des Vizekönigreichs Neuspanien.
20200714             Innerhalb von 2—JAHREN machten sie die Stadt dem Erdboden gleich und löschten damit die aztekische Hochkultur aus.
20200714             [l] Bei dem Lichtblick haben EINIGE—LESER mal nachgerechnet und kamen auf sowas wie: Wenn man 50—PROZENT—DER—WELTWEITEN—ACKERFLÄCHEN so behandeln würde, hätte man 1—CO2—KOMPENSATION—VON—5—PROZENT—DES—AKTUELLEN—AUSSTOSSES.
20200714             Das ist also ein eher kleiner Lichtblick
20200714             Schuld sind die Notenbanken, die "die Wirtschaft" stabilisieren wollen, und deren Kohle am Ende praktisch ausschließlich in den großen Konzernen versickert.
20200714             Ich vermute ja, dass die dadurch noch überlebensunfähiger werden.
20200714             Wieso Management optimieren und Kosten senken, wenn man einfach ewig kostenlos Kredite aufnehmen kann?
20200714             Wenn ich an notleidende arme Schlucker denke, fällt mir auch zuerst die katholische Kirche ein.
20200714             Geht euch das auch so?
20200714             Hier ein repräsentativer: "Stammbaumforschung" ist so 1—EINORDNUNG des Journalisten.
20200714             Es gibt laut §43—JUGENDGERICHTSGESETZ jedoch einen gesetzlichen Auftrag das Umfeld/Lebensumstände von Jugendlichen bzw. jenen die unter Jugendstrafrecht fallen könnten zu ermitteln.
20200714             Das bei jugendlichen die Eltern zum Umfeld gehören ist hoffentlich unbestritten.
20200714             Die Absicht des Gesetzes ist vor allem, eine bessere Behandlung des Einzelfalles und damit tendenziell zu Gunsten der Beschuldigten.
20200714             Was insofern fatal ist, da §43—JGG von der Bedeutung das krasse Gegenteil in Absicht und Wirkung zu dem ist, was unter den Nazis stattfand.
20200714             Differenzen innerhalb der EU: KRAMP—KARRENBAUER will gemeinsame Bedrohungsanalyse zu RUSSLAND
20200714             USA: 1. Hinrichtung —SEIT fast 20—JAHREN auf Bundesebene vollstreckt
20200714             —GESTORBEN, MONGOLEI: 15-Jähriger an Beulenpest
20200714             USA—GEFÄNGNIS Effingham: So brutal ist der Rassismus hinter Gittern
20200714             —ÜBERWACHT, WHATSAPP—HACK: Katalanischer Politiker sollte angeblich, werden Von PATRICK—BEUTH
20200714             Nationalfeiertag in FRANKREICH : Der neue Macron ist einsichtig, demütig, kämpferisch Von Britta Sandberg, PARIS
20200714             Studienüberblick: HP—VIREN können wahrscheinlich Prostatakrebs auslösen Von NINA—WEBER
20200714             —PLÄDIERT, Vertraute von JEFFREY—EPSTEIN: Ghislaine Maxwell, auf "nicht schuldig"
20200714             —GEHÖRT, Umweltverschmutzung in den RUSSLAND—ARKTIS: Verklappen, zum Handwerk Von CHRISTOPH—SEIDLER
20200714             WEISSRUSSLAND: LUKASCHENKO—HERAUSFORDERER Babariko von Präsidentschaftswahl ausgeschlossen
20200714             Ich halte die Bezugnahme auf § 43—JUGENDGERICHTSGESETZ (JGG) für 1—SCHUTZBEHAUPTUNG.
20200714             Zweitens, weil - "Du, Erich?" "Joh?"
20200714             "Desch sin a gans schen VIELE—DEITSCHE a dabei, gell?" - "Gell".
20200714             "Wolle mer doch amol sehn, ob die ned a Migrationshinnägrunnd ham, gell?"
20200714             "Joh! Ruf Du schonmol de Standesämtle im gannze Bundesgebied an, ich hol a Drollinger fürsch zum dringge beim tällefoniere, gell?"
20200714             Incêndio no coração da Reserva da Biosfera causa "graves consequências humanas e biofísicas"
20200714             Bildschirmfoto vom 20200715             02-33-52#nodate?##nodate?#
20200714             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 7—ÓBITOS - 0—RECUPERADOS - 0
20200714             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 115—ÓBITOS - 0—RECUPERADOS - 50
20200714             Portimão Casos confirmados - 108—ÓBITOS - 3—RECUPERADOS - 59
20200714             Monchique Casos confirmados - 14—ÓBITOS - 0—RECUPERADOS - 3
20200714             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 14—ÓBITOS - 2—RECUPERADOS - 11
20200714             Silves Casos confirmados - 27—ÓBITOS - 0—RECUPERADOS - 22
20200714             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 125—ÓBITOS - 2—RECUPERADOS - 86
20200714             Loulé Casos confirmados - 126—ÓBITOS - 6—RECUPERADOS - 95
20200714             Faro Casos confirmados - 89—ÓBITOS - 1—RECUPERADOS - 55
20200714             Olhão Casos confirmados - 25—ÓBITOS - 0—RECUPERADOS - 16
20200714             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 7—ÓBITOS - 1—RECUPERADOS - 4
20200714             Tavira Casos confirmados - 47—ÓBITOS - 0—RECUPERADOS - 31
20200714             VRSA Casos confirmados - 22—ÓBITOS - 2—RECUPERADOS - 15
20200714             Aktualisierung 202007140000         —UHR - USA - This summary is worth quoting:
20200714             —HELPED, Government subsidies, the company [Toyota] develop their 1. car.
20200714             —PROTECTED, DECADES—OF—HIGH import tariffs, it from foreign competition as it grew into 1—SERIOUS contender.
20200714             In fact, the success of the Lexus (and the Prius and EVERY—OTHER—TOYOTA) is entirely traceable to massive government intervention in the markets by JAPAN over a 50—YEAR—PERIOD that continues to this very —DAY.
20200714             Sie stellten 12,4 Prozent mehr her als im Vormonat, wie das Statistikamt Eurostat am —DIENSTAG mitteilte.
20200714             Experten hatten allerdings mit einem Zuwachs um 15,0 Prozent gerechnet.
20200714             Er sprach sich am —DIENSTAG in einem Fernsehinterview zum Nationalfeiertag dafür aus, das Tragen eines MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZES "in allen geschlossenen öffentlichen Räumen zur Pflicht zu machen".
20200714             Als möglichen Termin nannte er den 20200801            .
20200714             Der CHEF—INFEKTIOLOGE im örtlichen Krankenhaus, Leandro Ballatore, sagte, 1—INKUBATIONSZEIT von dieser Dauer sei —BISHER in keiner Studie erwähnt worden.
20200714             In dem kleinen Bergland ARMENIEN im Südkaukasus steigt die ZAHL—DER—INFEKTIONEN —SEIT Tagen rasant.
20200714             —GETRAUERT, Warum wird kaum öffentlich über die Verstorbenen ?
20200714             Besonders ausgeprägt ist dieser Wunsch in PORTUGAL und LUXEMBURG (je 87—PROZENT), ZYPERN (85—PROZENT), MALTA (84—PROZENT), ESTLAND (81—PROZENT), IRLAND (79—PROZENT), ITALIEN und GRIECHENLAND (je 78—PROZENT), RUMÄNIEN (77—PROZENT) und SPANIEN (76—PROZENT).
20200714             Der Wunsch nach mehr EU—GELD zur Abmilderung der CORONA—FOLGEN ist am ausgeprägtesten in GRIECHENLAND (79—PROZENT), ZYPERN (74—PROZENT), SPANIEN und PORTUGAL (je 71—PROZENT).
20200714             Auch in anderen europäischen Ländern sind die Verkäufe gestiegen.
20200714             Ein im März geborener Junge habe nach der Geburt unter Hirnschwellungen und neurologischen Symptomen gelitten, wie sie bei Erwachsenen mit COVID—19 auftreten, e
20200714             —BEGONNEN, Das Baby habe 24—STUNDEN nach der Geburt, schwere Symptome zu zeigen.
20200714             Der betroffene Säugling habe sich aus eigener Kraft innerhalb von 3—WOCHEN fast vollständig erholt.
20200714             —3—MONATE—SPÄTER war auch die Mutter symptomfrei.
20200714             "Wenn sie in einem TEIL—DES—LANDES sind, wo die Ausbruchsdynamik minimal ist, wenn überhaupt, dann gibt es kein Problem mit einer Rückkehr. Wenn sie im Ausbruchsmodus sind, überlässt es man es den lokalen Individuen", sagte Fauci bei einer Veranstaltung der GEORGETOWN University.
20200714             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, THE—HONG—KONG—AUTONOMY—ACT and 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER that he said will hold CHINA accountable for its oppressive actions against the people of HONG—KONG.
20200714             —RESCINDED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, 1—RULE that would have required INTERNATIONAL students to transfer or leave the country if their schools held classes entirely online BECAUSE—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS—PANDEMIC.
20200714             His final words were: "You're killing 1—INNOCENT—MAN".
20200714             —RECEIVED, LEE—CO—DEFENDANT and the reputed ringleader, Chevie Kehoe, 1—LIFE—SENTENCE.
20200714             —APPROVED, In THE—SF Bay Area council members in BERKELEY, 1—REFORM—MEASURE that calls for 1—COMMITTEE tasked with police reforms.
20200714             They include removing the police department from responding to calls involving people experiencing homelessness or mental illness and finding ways to eventually cut the police budget by half.
20200714             —CALLED, The vote also, for the creation of 1—SEPARATE—CITY—DEPARTMENT to handle the enforcement of parking and traffic laws.
20200714             CALIFORNIA to date had 343,199 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 7,221 deaths.
20200714             THE—SF Bay Area had 37,494 cases and 667—DEATHS.
20200714             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 3,424,204 with the death toll at 136,432.
20200714             —REPORTED, FLORIDA, 1—RECORD—NEW—132—DEATHS bringing THE—COVID—19—FATALITY—TOTAL to 4,513.
20200714             —ANNOUNCED, FLORIDA, 12,624 new cases of COVID—19.
20200714             40—STATES have reported 1—UPWARD trend TEST—POSITIVITY—RATE over THE—LAST—WEEK.
20200714             —ARRESTED, THE—FBI, 1—INDIANA woman (19) they say was torturing and graphically killing cats and dogs.
20200714             —HELPED, Private citizens, identify Krystal Cherika Scott using social media and providing the information to law enforcement.
20200714             The protesters were demanding that charges be filed against the officers responsible for the March shooting DEATH—OF—BREONNA Taylor.
20200714             —PLEADED, MICHIGAN, DAVID—HUDSON, 54—JAHRE—ALT, from COLUMBUS—OHIO, guilty to defrauding his former employer Cummins Bridgeway LLC (CBL) of more than $4.5—MILLION.
20200714             NEW—YORK, City THE—BODY—OF—FAHIM Saleh (33), 1—TECHNOLOGY entrepreneur who founded NIGERIA—GOKADA—RIDE—HAILING—APP, was found decapitated and dismembered in 1—LUXURY—APARTMENT with 1—POWER saw plugged in nearby.
20200714             —BANNED, NIGERIA—STATE—OFFICIALS in February, all motorcycle taxis, known locally as 'okada'.
20200714             NORTH—CAROLINA GOVERNOR—ROY—COOPER said that he was ordering public schools to reopen for classroom instruction in August if they are able to maintain social distancing for students and staff and meet other conditions.
20200714             NORTH—CAROLINA—BASED life sciences company IQVIA Holdings Inc said it would collaborate with AstraZeneca Plc to speed up clinical STUDIES—OF—THE—UK—DRUGMAKER—POTENTIAL—COVID—19—VACCINE in THE—USA.
20200714             Reta Mays (46), 1—FORMER—VETERANS—AFFAIRS nursing assistant in WEST—VIRGINIA, pleaded guilty in federal court to killing 7—HOSPITAL—PATIENTS in 20170000—20180000     by injecting them with unnecessary insulin, and assaulting another patient with intent to murder.
20200714             —REACHED, In October Tentative settlements were, in several civil lawsuits filed on BEHALF—OF—THE—FAMILIES—OF—VETERANS who † at 1—WEST—VIRGINIA hospital.
20200714             Landos Biopharma, 1—CLINICAL—STAGE—BIOPHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANY focused on the discovery and DEVELOPMENT—OF—THERAPEUTICS for patients with autoimmune disease, announced that the 1. patient has been dosed in 1—PHASE 1—STUDY—OF—NX—13, THE—COMPANY—NOVEL, orally administered therapeutic candidate for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.
20200714             SWITZERLAND—DRUGMAKER Roche said it has struck a $1.7—BILLION cancer drug pact with Blueprint Medicines, as advances in genetic testing for rare mutations drive lucrative deals for expensive treatments.
20200714             —PARTNERED, USA industrial conglomerate 3M Co said it has, with THE—MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY to develop 1—RAPID antigen test for COVID—19.
20200714             —PUBLISHED, New research was, showing that the emissions of the potent greenhouse gas methane are soaring to new and dangerous highs.
20200714             —REPORTED, Scientists, that 1—LOW—DOSE—OF—RADIATION to the lungs of COVID—19—PNEUMONIA patients can help them recover more quickly.
20200714             —TREATED, Doctors at Emory UNIVERSITY—IN—ATLANTA, 10—SUCH patients with lung radiation and compared them to 10—PATIENTS—OF—SIMILAR—AGES who received usual care, without radiation.
20200714             With radiation, the average time to significant improvement was 3—DAYS, compared to 12—DAYS in the control group.
20200714             ARMENIA and AZERBAIJAN forces fought with heavy artillery and drones, leaving at least 16—PEOPLE killed on both sides, including 1—AZERBAIJAN—GENERAL, in the worst outbreak of hostilities in years.
20200714             —DETAINED, Police officers, more than 250—PEOPLE—AFTER mass protests erupted against the barring.
20200714             —BECAME, BRITAIN, 1—OF—THE—FEW countries to agree to ban THE—CHINA—TECHNOLOGY—COMPANY—HUAWEI from making equipment for BRITAIN—HIGH—SPEED—WIRELESS—NETWORK.
20200714             USA—OFFICIALS—FEAR—CHINA could use such equipment to spy or launch 1—CYBERATTACK.
20200714             —MOVED, BRITAIN and FRANCE, to make face coverings compulsory in more places as both countries try to get their economies going —WHILE at the same time seeking to prevent further coronavirus outbreaks.
20200714             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—CAPE—VERDE government has approved the extradition to THE—USA—OF—COLOMBIA—BUSINESSMAN—ALEX—SAAB.
20200714             He faced MONEY—LAUNDERING—CHARGES in MIAMI federal court, although the alleged business PARTNER—OF—VENEZUELA—STRONGMAN—NICOLÁS Maduro can still appeal the decision.
20200714             —RUPTURED, EGYPT, 1, crude oil pipeline set off 1—MONSTROUS blaze on 1—DESERT—HIGHWAY, injuring at least 17—PEOPLE.
20200714             —ENTERED, ETHIOPIA, its 3. —WEEK without INTERNET service for almost everyone —AFTER DAYS—OF—DEADLY—UNREST, as the government said it's trying to prevent speech that could further inflame ethnic tensions.
20200714             —REPORTED, HONG—KONG, over 200—NEW—CORONAVIRUS—CASES in THE—LAST—WEEK, —FOLLOWING nearly 1—MONTH without 1—SINGLE—CASE.
20200714             For at least the next —WEEK, HONG—KONG is closing bars, gyms, playgrounds, pools and entertainment venues, including HONG—KONG—DISNEYLAND.
20200714             —STARTED, INDIA—PHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANY—ZYDUS said it had, human studies for its potential COVID—19—VACCINE, as infections continue to surge in the world's 3. WORST—HIT nation.
20200714             —REPORTED, INDIA, 906,752 CASES—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS with 28,498 new infections, the 3. highest total in the world behind BRAZIL and THE—USA.
20200714             —REPORTED, INDIA—OFFICIALS, 6—MORE—DEATHS in Assam state due to floods and mudslides.
20200714             This brought the total death toll to 77—FROM more than 2—WEEKS—OF—HEAVY—RAINS.
20200714             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—TV, that authorities have executed 2—MEN convicted of a 20100000             bombing at 1—MILITARY—PARADE in NORTH—WEST—IRAN that killed 12—SPECTATORS.
20200714             —EXECUTED, The country's judiciary said that IRAN —LAST—WEEK, Reza Asgari, 1—FORMER—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—DEFENSE—MINISTRY who was convicted of spying on BEHALF—OF—THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY.
20200714             —CONFIRMED, IRAN, 1—JUDICIAL—SPOKESMAN, 3—YOUNG—MEN were on death row —AFTER being convicted of violent offences related to protesting.
20200714             —RALLIED, Iranians, —AROUND THE—FARSI—LANGUAGE hashtag "don't execute" to demand clemency.
20200714             —REPORTED, MEXICO, 7,051 new infections and 836—ADDITIONAL—DEATHS, as it proposed to THE—USA—EXTENDING—1—BAN on NON—ESSENTIAL—TRAVEL by land over their shared border for another 30—DAYS.
20200714             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—HUMAN—LIKE—ROBOT designed to look and act like 1—FEMALE clerk has started providing services to the public at 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICE—IN—PERM, Siberia.
20200714             —CONFIRMED, RUSSIA, 6,248 new coronavirus infections bringing the country's official NUMBER—OF—CASES to 739,947.
20200714             † Over the past 24—HOURS, 175—PEOPLE have, bringing the total death toll to 11,614.
20200714             —BACKED, THE—UN—TOP—COURT (ICJ), QATAR in 1—BITTER—ROW with 4—MIDDLE—EAST nations that imposed 1—AIR blockade against DOHA —AFTER accusing it of backing radical Islamists and IRAN.
20200714             —ERUPTED, The acrimonious standoff, 3—YEARS ago pitting BAHRAIN, EGYPT, SAUDI—ARABIA and THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES against QATAR.
20200714             —DIENSTAG, 14. ;;07;; 2020
20200714             Spreading rock dust on farmland could suck BILLIONS—OF—TONNES—OF—CARBON dioxide from the air EVERY—YEAR, ACCORDING—TO, THE 1. detailed global ANALYSIS—OF—THE—TECHNIQUE.
20200714             BRASILIEN: Brutaler POLIZEI—EINSATZ gegen schwarze Frau sorgt für Entsetzen
20200714             HONG—KONG: CHINA nennt Vorwahlen der OPPOSITION "schwere Provokation"
20200714             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MORGEN: DONALD—TRUMP—ZU unsicher fürs Amt?
20200714             Marsmission der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate: "Es geht nicht um Stolz, es geht um unsere Zukunft"
20200714             Lieferketten von Turnschuhen und Kleidern: Unternehmen reißen ihre ethischen Selbstverpflichtungen
20200714             Zu "Stammbaumforschung" und Migrationshintergrund: Der Zauberspruch, DER—DEUTSCHE—MACHT
20200714             Knochen aus der Steinzeit: Wie DER—MENSCH zur Katze kam
20200714             —NACH, heutigem Forschungsstand stammen ALLE—HAUSKATZEN von der Afrikanischen Wildkatze AB—AUCH Falbkatze genannt.
20200714             DIE—KATZEN stammten ursprünglich aus dem Nahen Osten und sind wahrscheinlich den 1. Bauern gefolgt, die nach EUROPA kamen.
20200714             DIE—ÜBERRESTE der 6—FALBKATZEN verraten, wie sich die Tiere zu Lebzeiten ernährten.
20200714             Das bestätigen auch KNOCHEN—PROBEN aus dieser Zeit.
20200714             LOBBY—AFFÄRE: Guttenberg warb bei der KANZLERIN—FÜR—AUGUSTUSA—INTELLIGENCE
20200714             —NACH, CORONA—TIEF: CHINAs AUßEN—HANDEL legt unerwartet stark zu
20200714             Rotarmisten und DEUTSCHLAND—FRAUEN: "Ich gehe nur mit anständigen Russen"
20200714             —FIXIERT, Verdächtiger mit Knie am Boden : Hunderte protestieren in PENNSYLVANIA gegen POLIZEI—GEWALT
20200714             Verdacht auf Strafvereitelung: Ermittler gehen gegen ZOLL—SPEZIALEINHEIT vor
20200714             Ghislaine Maxwell vor Gericht: Die Frau im Herzen des EPSTEIN—NETZ—WERKS
20200714             Mögliche Börsenmanipulation: BAFIN hegt INSIDER—VERDACHT—GEGEN—WIRECARD
20200714             —KONFLIKT im Südchinesischen Meer: USA werten CHINAs Gebietsansprüche als illegal
20200714             —ENTSCHEIDUNG des SUPREME—COURT: Hinrichtung in den USA darf nun doch stattfinden
20200714             BRASILIEN—PRÄSIDENT—JAIR Bolsonaro geht es trotz seiner Infektion mit dem CORONA—VIRUS— nach eigenen Angaben "sehr gut".
20200714             Er werde seine Arbeit wieder aufnehmen, sobald er negativ auf DAS—VIRUS gestestet werde,
20200714             Auch in ENGLAND werden DIE—MENSCHEN bald in Geschäften 1—MASKE tragen müssen.
20200714             soll die Maßnahme am 24. ;;07;; in Kraft treten.
20200714             "Es gibt immer mehr Beweise dafür, daß das Tragen einer Maske in geschlossenen Räumen dazu beiträgt, Menschen und ihre Umgebung vor dem CORONA—VIRUS— zu schützen",
20200714             Der Regierung wird vorgeworfen, zu spät und falsch auf die PANDEMIE reagiert zu haben.
20200714             In den USA—ABSCHIEBEHAFTANSTALTEN breitet sich DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— immer stärker aus.
20200714             —LAUT, AUSSAGEN—DER—PRIVATEN—BETREIBER—DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGER sind demnach mehr als 3300—DER 22.580—MENSCHEN in Abschiebehaft sowie 880—MITARBEITER mit dem Erreger infiziert.
20200714             Es habe Berichte von Angestellten über die Rationierung persönlicher Schutzausrüstung, unzureichende medizinische Versorgung und verzögerte Tests gegeben, erklärte die VORSITZENDE—DES—SENATS—AUSSCHUSS für Heimatschutz, Kathleen Rice bei einer Anhörung.
20200714             Sollte in GROSSBRITANNIEN eine 2. CORONA—VIRUS—WELLE im —WINTER kommen, könnte diese tödlicher ausfallen als die 1.
20200714             DIE—GEPLANTE Rückkehr zum Regelbetrieb an den Schulen —NACH—DEN Sommerferien ist nach Einschätzung des DEUTSCHLAND—STÄDTE—UND Gemeindebundes (DStGB) eine immense Herausforderung für die Kommunen.
20200714             DIE—WIRTSCHAFT Großbritanniens hat sich im Mai unerwartet schwach vom Konjunktureinbruch in der CORONA—KRISE erholt.
20200714             DIE—WIRTSCHAFT
20200714             —NACHDEM, die Konjunktur der zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft EUROPAs im April um 20,3 Prozent abgestürzt war.
20200714             Dort hatten SPD und Grüne die Handydaten des CDU—JUSTIZ—MINISTERS PETER—BIESENBACH angefordert.
20200714             DIE—KABARETTISTIN Idil Baydar steht bei einem Auftritt in KÖLN auf der Bühne.
20200714             HESSEN: Weitere DATENAB—FRAGE—VON—POLIZEIRECHNER | - TRUMP gegen die eigenen Experten
20200714             doch der beharrlich mahnende VIREN—EXPERTE Fauci findet beim Präsidenten kein Gehör. Stattdessen versucht DAS—WEIßE—HAUS, ihn zu diskreditieren.
20200714             —BEKOMMT, Statt Unterstützung, der Republikaner von seinem Präsidenten —DIESER—TAGE entweder VERHARMLOSUNG—GETREU dem Motto: "Liegt nur an den vielen Tests" - oder VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN
20200714             —AM—SONNTAG beispielsweise retweetete DONALD—TRUMP die Einlassung des konservativen TV—MODERATORS Chuck Woolery zur PANDEMIE und zur Rolle der Experten bei Amerikas oberster Seuchenbehörde, der CDC:
20200714             "DIE—SCHLIMMSTEN Lügen sind die über COVID—19. Alle lügen: die CDC, DIE—DEMOKRATEN, unsere ÄRZTE—NICHT alle, aber die meisten, denen wir trauen sollen. In Wirklichkeit geht es um DIE—WAHL und darum, die Wirtschaft am Comeback zu hindern. Ich habe es satt!"
20200714             TRUMP hat die CDC auch im Visier, weil DIE—BEHÖRDE strenge Richtlinien für die Wiedereröffnung der Schulen entwickelt HAT—ZU strenge, findet der PRÄSIDENT.
20200714             BÜRGERMEISTER—SUAREZ hat für solche Retweets von TRUMP kein Verständnis.
20200714             Zum Beleg ließ TRUMP —JETZT von Mitarbeitern des Weißen Hauses 1—LISTE mit Faucis angeblichen Fehlern und Widersprüchen an ausgewählte Journalisten verteilen.
20200714             —KRITISIERT, Fauci habe das EINREISE—VERBOTAUS CHINA.
20200714             —GERETTET, Obwohl das doch Tausenden USA—AMERIKANERN das Leben, hätte.
20200714             —GEWESEN, Fauci sei —ERST gegen Masken, und —JETZT dafür. Außerdem habe der 79—JAHRE—ALTE im Februar gesagt, das INFEKTIONS—RISIKO sei gering und niemand müsse sein Verhalten ändern.
20200714             —DIE—LISTE, sei nur eine direkte Antwort auf 1—AN—FRAGE—DER—WASHINGTON—POST gewesen.
20200714             Aber Fauci genießt laut Umfragen bei fast 70—PROZENT—DER—USA—AMERIKANERN immer noch großes Vertrauen, genau wie die CDC.
20200714             DIE—ZWEIFEL bei seinen Anhängern hat TRUMP dennoch erfolgreich gesät: "Diese ganze Sache mit Covid ist doch völlig übertrieben", findet Andrea, pensionierte Krankenschwester aus ARKANSAS—UND wiederholt, was auch ihr —PRÄSIDENT immer wieder sagt: "Fake News, 1—ERFINDUNG der Demokraten".
20200714             NEW—HOTNESS: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT—ERMITTELT—GEGEN—ZOLL—SPEZIALEINHEIT, weil sie nicht gegen Geldwäsche vorgegangen ist.
20200714             ISRAEL—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—BENJAMIN Netanjahu wurde zu Beginn der PANDEMIE für sein Krisenmanagement gelobt.
20200714             —INZWISCHEN, steht er aber stark in der Kritik.
20200714             —STUDIEE: 5—MILLIONEN USA—BÜRGER verloren —SCHON Krankenversicherung
20200714             DIE—ERGEBNISSE dürften DIE—DEBATTE im USA—KONGRESS um CORONA—HILFEN weiter befeuern,
20200714             DIE—USA sind praktisch das einzige entwickelte Industrieland ohne umfassende staatliche Krankenversicherung.
20200714             Aus BELGIEN wird 1. —SEIT dem ;;03;;10—KEIN neuer TODES—FALL—IN—ZUSAMMENHANG mit einer CORONA—INFEKTION gemeldet.
20200714             DEUTSCHLAND: ZAHL—DER—VERKEHRSTOTEN sank 20190000             auf historischen Tiefstand
20200714             —NACH, TWITTER—VORSTOß: Auch YouTube sperrt Konten der rechtsextremen "Identitären Bewegung"
20200714             Mikrozensus: Mehr Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND leben von eigener Arbeit
20200714             GEHÄLTER—STUDIE, DAX—VORSTÄNDE verdienen das 49-Fache ihrer Mitarbeiter
20200714             Presidente da República: "Já se percebeu que o ALGARVE é um destino que é seguro"
20200714             Anhand von Untersuchungen bei Blutspendern in DEUTSCHLAND vermutet das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI), daß DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG —BISHER wenig Kontakt mit dem neuen CORONA—VIRUS— hatte.
20200714             DIE—DATEN sind allerdings nicht für die ALLGEMEIN—BEVÖLKERUNG repräsentativ.
20200714             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG, gilt —NACH—DEN Sommerferien an allen weiterführenden Schulen 1—MASKENPFLICHT zur Eindämmung des CORONA—VIRUS—.
20200714             —WÄHREND, des Unterrichts soll die Maskenpflicht nicht gelten.
20200714             Angesichts gesunkener CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN in SCHWEDEN hat das Auswärtige Amt die Reisewarnung für DAS—LAND aufgehoben.
20200714             Er forderte die BÜRGER auf, Mund und Nase mit "Masken, Taschentüchern oder Handtüchern" zu bedecken, da es "keine Medizin oder Impfung gegen CORONA" gebe.
20200714             —NACH, Ansicht vieler Experten entsprechen die offiziellen Fallzahlen allerdings nicht der Verbreitung des Virus in INDIEN, die viel stärker sei.
20200714             SYRIEN: Humanitäre Hilfe als Waffe
20200714             —GELEBT, Cortés soll in dem Haus mehrere JAHRE—LANG, haben, teilte das Nationale Institut für Anthropologie und Geschichte (INAH) mit.
20200714             —FORDERUNG der EU—KOMMISSION: EU—STAATEN sollen Firmen mit Draht zu STEUER—OASEN CORONA—HILFEN verweigern
20200714             Wegen Affäre um DROH—MAILS: Hessens LANDESPOLIZEI—PRÄSIDENT—UDO Münch tritt zurück
20200714             [l] Volkswagen ist übrigens der am höchsten verschuldete Konzern der Welt.
20200714             Das ist keine Auswirkung von CORONA, obwohl das das natürlich verstärkt.
20200714             [l] Die katholische Kirche sammelt 1.400.000.000—DOLLAR Bailout vom STEUER—ZAHLER ein.
20200714             [l] Zur "Stammbaumforschung" DER—POLIZEI STUTTGART kamen mehrere Leserbriefe rein.
20200714             Sowas als "Stammbaumforschung" einzuordnen ist abenteuerlich, vor allem da der Begriff das Handeln DER—POLIZEI in die Nähe zu Praktiken aus dem 3. Reich setzt.
20200714             Ohne Kritik will ich dabei die POLIZEI aber auch nicht lassen.
20200714             Der verkacken ihre Kommunikation gerade spektakulär. Anstatt die die von allein darauf kommen ihr Handeln mit dem Gesetz zu begründen und die positiven Absichten dahinter genau darzulegen faseln die mitunter etwas von "öffentlichem Interesse".
20200714             An der Stelle schaut es dann wirklich so aus, als würden sie rassistische Schreihälse bedienen wollen.
20200714             —STUDIEE: CHINA weitet militärische Präsenz in AFRIKA offenbar massiv aus
20200714             BESCHLUSS—DER—REGIERUNG: GROSSBRITANNIEN schließt Huawei vom 5G-Ausbau aus
20200714             —CORONA—PANDEMIE: Von der Unfähigkeit zu trauern 1—KOLUMNE—VON—MARGARETE—STOKOWSKI
20200714             Drohende Ausweisung von Studierenden: FACEBOOK, Google und Microsoft unterstützen Klage gegen TRUMP—REGIERUNG
20200714             Living Room School in AFGHANISTAN: 1—SCHOOL for Girls that Even THE—TALIBAN Have Accepted By Emran Feroz und ABDUL—RAHMAN—LAKANWAL in KHOST—AFGHANISTAN
20200714             Globalisierung: BUNDE—REGIERUNG will Lieferkettengesetz noch in dieser LEGISLATUR—PERIODE
20200714             MILLIONÄRS—STUDIE, Vermögen in DEUTSCHLAND viel ungleicher verteilt als —BISHER angenommen
20200714             —ZEITEMPFINDEN in der Krise: PANDEMIE bringt die innere Uhr durcheinander
20200714             —ÜBERWACHT, WHATSAPP—HACK: KATALANIEN—POLITIKER sollte angeblich, werden
20200714             Grundwasserbestand: "DIE—KONKURRENZ ums Wasser verschärft sich"
20200714             Nationalfeiertag in FRANKREICH : Der neue Macron ist einsichtig, demütig, kämpferisch
20200714             —STUDIEENÜBERBLICK: HP—VIREN können wahrscheinlich Prostatakrebs auslösen
20200714             Malaria, HIV, Tuberkulose: CORONA könnte zu weltweitem Anstieg bei anderen Infektionskrankheiten führen
20200714             —AFFÄRE um RECHTS—EXTREME DROH—MAILS: Zugriffsrechte für hessische POLIZEI werden zurückgesetzt
20200714             —NACH, Anhörung an Bundesgericht, USA—REGIERUNG will ausländische Studierende wohl doch nicht ausweisen
20200714             —GEHÖRT, Umweltverschmutzung in den RUSSLAND—ARKTIS: Verklappen, zum Handwerk
20200714             [l] Noch 1—LESERBRIEF zur "Stammbaumforschung" in STUTTGART:
20200714             Es ist richtig, daß die LEBENS—UND FAMILIEN—VERHÄLTNISSE von Jugendlichen (und NUR Jugendlichen!) ermittelt werden sollen.
20200714             Ich halte es für sehr, sehr unüblich, daß die POLIZEI das macht.
20200714             Erstens, weil sie gar nicht dafür ausgebildet ist, bei DER—POLIZEI arbeiten nämlich ausgebildete Polizisten und nicht ausgebildete Sozialarbeiter.
20200714             2., weil - Aljezur CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7 ÓBITOS—0 RECUPERADOS—0
20200714             EUSKIRCHEN Kreis Fälle 522—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 270,7 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 13,0—TODES—FÄLLE 23,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200714             DÜREN Kreis Fälle 621—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 235,5 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 1,1—TODES—FÄLLE 39,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200714             KÖLN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 2.704—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 249,1 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 6,5—TODES—FÄLLE 106,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200714             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER—KREIS Fälle 486—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 171,5 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 2,5—TODES—FÄLLE 23,—EINWOHNERZAHL—283.455
20200714             BERLIN Neukölln Bezirk Fälle 1.064—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 322,7 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 5,2—TODES—FÄLLE 40,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200714             —ABOUT 10—YEARS—AGO, HA—JOON CHANG—BAD—SAMARITANS: THE—MYTH—OF—FREE—TRADE and THE—SECRET—HISTORY—OF—CAPITALISM reminded THE—WORLD that Toyota would still be making looms (and nothing else) if THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT had not decided that THE—COUNTRY would 1—DAY become 1—AUTOMOTIVE giant -- 1—GOAL which took decades to accomplish.
20200714             Domestic content laws both made sure the company used parts made within THE—COUNTRY, and also guaranteed that domestic competitors would have to, thus building 1—STRONG—BASE—OF—DOMESTIC—COMPANIES—SUPPORTIVE—OF—1—AUTO industry, from tires to plastic components to precision machine tools and electronics.
20200714             That company, originally known as THE—TOYODA—AUTOMATIC—LOOM—COMPANY, is —TODAY known as Toyota, and manufactures the infamous Lexus that TOM—FRIEDMAN mistakenly thought was successful because THE—WORLD is "flat" and trade is "free".
20200714             Maybe THE—AMERICA—PUBLIC is finally —STARTING to awaken from its AYN—RANDIAN trance.
20200714             DIE—INDUSTRIEFIRMEN im EURO—RAUM haben ihre Produktion nach Lockerung von CORONA—MAßNAHMEN im Mai wieder hochgefahren.
20200714             FRANKREICH—PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL Macron will die Maskenpflicht in der CORONA—KRISE verschärfen.
20200714             Macron betonte, im Fall einer 2. Welle werde DIE—REGIERUNG so "lokal und zielgerichtet wie möglich" reagieren, um eine weitere Ausgangssperre zu verhindern.
20200714             Wie das GESUNDHEITS—MINISTERIUM der Provinz Feuerland am —MONTAG (Ortszeit) mitteilte, wurden 57—DER 61—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER des Fischkutters "Echizen Maru" nach 35—TAGEN auf See positiv auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— GETESTET—OBWOHL sie vor ihrem Aufbruch allesamt negativ getestet worden waren und danach 14—TAGE in einem Hotel in Ushuaia in QUARANTÄNE verbracht hatten.
20200714             57—DER 61—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER positiv auf DAS—VIRUS getestet wurden.
20200714             Insgesamt haben sich —SEIT—BEGINN der KRISE—CA—32.500—MENSCHEN, also mehr als 1—PROZENT—DER—GESAMTBEVÖLKERUNG, nachweislich mit dem SARS—COV—2—VIRUS infiziert.
20200714             ISRAEL—GESUNDHEITS—MINISTERIUM hat eingeräumt, daß Tausende BÜRGER nach der WIEDER—AUFNAHME—DER—HANDYÜBERWACHUNG offenbar grundlos in DIE—CORONA—QUARANTÄNE geschickt wurden.
20200714             —CA—12.000—MENSCHEN, die angegeben hätten, unbegründet 1—SMS vom INLANDSGEHEIM—DIENST Schin Bet erhalten zu haben, seien wieder aus der Heimquarantäne entlassen worden,
20200714             Mehr als 2—DRITTEL der EU—BÜRGER wollen nach einer UM—FRAGE im Auftrag des EU—PARLAMENTS, daß die Europäische Union bei der Bewältigung der CORONA—KRISE eine größere Rolle spielt.
20200714             Mehr als 50 % der 24.798—BEFRAGTEN aus allen 2$—EU—MITGLIEDSTAATEN meint, daß die EU dafür mehr Geld brauche, wie das EU—PARLAMENT am —DIENSTAG in BRÜSSEL mitteilte.
20200714             Mehr Zuständigkeiten der EU beim Bewältigen von Krisen fordern nach der UM—FRAGE 68—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN.
20200714             Auch bei den DEUTSCHEN gab es 1—MEHRHEIT—VON—59—PROZENT.
20200714             Außer in das GESUNDHEITS—WESEN und die Stärkung der Wirtschaft soll die EU —NACH—DEM Willen der Befragten CORONA—HILFEN auch in Beschäftigung und Soziales sowie die Bekämpfung des Klimawandels investieren.
20200714             In der ab diesem —MITTWOCH geltenden aktualisierten CORONA—EINREISEVERORDNUNG heißt es: Personen, die aus Risikogebieten einreisen, seien zu einer 14-tägigen QUARANTÄNE VERPFLICHTET—AUßER, sie können dem Gesundheitsamt unverzüglich ein ärztliches AT—TEST vorlegen, "dass keine ANHALTS—PUNKTE für das Vorliegen einer Infektion mit dem CORONA—VIRUS— SARS—COV—2 vorhanden sind".
20200714             — laut KRAFTFAHRT—BUNDESAMT haben die Neuzulassungen bei Wohnmobilen —IM, ;;0600;;im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat UM—CA—65 Prozent zugelegt.
20200714             ITALIEN—REGIERUNG will VIELE—CORONA—SCHUTZMAßNAHMEN wie die Maskenpflicht in geschlossenen Räumen mindestens —BIS Ende ;;07;;
20200714             beibehalten.
20200714             —ZUDEM, wird klargestellt, daß die Regelung auch gilt, wenn Mitgliedsstaaten den EINSATZ—VON—OFFIZIELL noch nicht genehmigten COVID—19—ARZNEIMITTELN mit genetisch veränderten Organismen erlauben wollen.
20200714             DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— ist offenbar auf ungeborene Kinder übertragbar.
20200714             —STUDIEE im Fachmagazin "Nature Communications".
20200714             "Wir haben gezeigt, daß DIE—ÜBERTRAGUNG von der Mutter auf den Fötus über die Plazenta in den letzten Wochen der Schwangerschaft möglich ist",
20200714             —LAUT, De Luca war die VIRUS—KONZENTRATION im vorliegenden Fall in der Plazenta am höchsten.
20200714             "Von dort gelangte DAS—VIRUS durch die Nabelschnur zum Baby".
20200714             Der STUDIE—ZUFOLGE wurde der Körper steif und das Baby zeigte eine extreme Reizbarkeit sowie 1—SCHÄDIGUNG des weißen Gewebes im GEHIRN.
20200714             —LAUT, den Studienautoren jedoch sehr selten.
20200714             —BEFRISTET, DIE—EU setzt, Auflagen aus, um die Entwicklung eines CORONA—IMPFSTOFFS zu beschleunigen.
20200714             Bildschirmfoto vom 20200715             02-33-52#nodate?##nodate?##nodate?##nodate?#
20200714             Die Schließung der ÖSTERREICH—COMMERZIALBANK Mattersburg wird von der FMA angeordnet.
20200714—14810000    —BIS, Axayácatl herrschte von 14690000             in Tenochtitlan, er war der VATER—VON—MOCTEZUMA—II.
20200714—15190000    —J—IM, Der Ort gehörte damals mit mehr als 200.000—EINWOHNERN zu den größten Städten der Welt, als die SPANIER unter Cortés dort einfielen und den damaligen Herrscher Moctezuma II. überraschten.
20200714—19960000    —CARRIED, INDIANA, THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, out its 1. execution in almost 2—DECADES, killing by lethal injection DANIEL—LEWIS—LEE, 47—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MAN convicted of murdering 1—ARKANSAS family as PART—OF—1—PLOT to build 1—WHITES—ONLY nation in the Pacific Northwest.
20200714—20180000    —MITTE, Laut Durchsuchungsbeschluss soll die FIU zwischen und
20200714—20200000    —ANFANG, 8—GELDWÄSCHEVERDACHTSMELDUNGEN nicht ordnungsgemäß an die Strafverfolgungsbehörden weitergeleitet haben.
20200714—20200310    —SEIT—DEM, Aus BELGIEN wird erstmals kein neuer Todesfall in Zusammenhang mit einer CORONA—INFEKTION gemeldet.
20200714—20200716    —ON, Tyrese DEVON—HASPIL, 21—JAHRE—ALT, Fahim SALEH—PERSONAL—ASSISTANT, was taken into custody.
20200714—20200724    —AM, soll die Maßnahme in Kraft treten.
20200714—20200809    —IN—THE, BELARUS authorities barred VALERY—TSEPKALO and Vikto Babariko from running PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTIONS.
20200716—20200714    —KILLED, ARMENIA said 4—OF—ITS—TROOPS were.
20210705             Die Menschen in dem 160—MILLIONEN—EINWOHNER—LAND dürfen das Haus —BIS zum 20210714             nur aus gutem Grund verlassen — etwa um ESSEN oder Medikamente zu kaufen oder um Beerdigungen zu besuchen.
20210712—20210719    —AB, GROSSBRITANNIEN hält an Öffnungsplänen fest
20210714             —MITTWOCH, 20210714             20210714             Novos casos de COVID—19 duplicam no Algarve
20210714             Neue Mängel: Boeing kürzt Produktion von 787 "Dreamliner"
20210714             FSME und Borreliose — die wichtigsten Infos: Wo die Zeckengefahr am größten ist
20210714             Proteste gegen Regierung: KUBA—YOUTUBERIN während Liveinterview festgenommen
20210714             Unwetter über DEUTSCHLAND: Vermisster nach Sturzflut in SACHSEN — Katastrophenfall in Hof
20210714             NEW—YORK: USA klagen IRAN—AGENTEN wegen Entführungsplan in Brooklyn an
20210714             Schulgelände in KANADA: 160—WEITERE Gräber von indigenen Kindern entdeckt
20210714             —VERBANNT, Gefährdete Lagunenstadt: Venedig, Kreuzfahrtgiganten aus seinem Hafen
20210714             Laut Gutachten: ONLINE—ÜBERWACHUNG von Studienprüfungen ist möglicherweise rechtswidrig
20210714             Bidens Kampf gegen republikanische Wahlgesetze: "Schämt ihr euch nicht?"
20210714             NIEDERLANDE: Rund 1000—BESUCHER infizieren sich auf Festival in UTRECHT
20210714             TV—SPOTS und Aufklärungskampagnen: Politik und Verbände drängen auf mehr Werbung fürs Impfen
20210714             Neue Studie: 4—PROZENT aller Krebserkrankungen mit Alkohol verbunden
20210714             Differenzen in der Union: Söder spricht sich für Steuersenkungen aus — und stellt sich gegen Laschet
20210714             Globale Energieversorgung: Verbrauch von Kohle und Gas hat Höhepunkt —BEREITS überschritten
20210714             DELTA—WELLE in EUROPA: Tanz auf dem Vulkan
20210714             Coronastrategie: Bundesregierung will —JETZT auch mobile Luftfilter in Schulen fördern
20210714             +++ WETTER—NEWS +++: Feuerwehrmann bei Einsatz nach Starkregen ertrunken
20210714             Deutlicher Anstieg binnen 10—JAHREN: Jeder 10. Landwirt wirtschaftet ökologisch
20210714             Rechte Chatgruppen: Durchsuchung bei Berliner Polizisten
20210714             USA—GERICHT kippt Verbot: —JETZT dürfen auch 18-Jährige Handfeuerwaffen kaufen
20210714             Plünderungen und Brandstiftung: Krawalle in SÜDAFRIKA greifen offenbar auf weitere Provinzen über
20210714             Bürgerdialog mit Merkel: KANZLERIN stellt sich FRAGEN—VON—BÜRGERINNEN und Bürgern
20210714             Präsidentschaftswahl 20220000             in FRANKREICH: Le Pen will mit DEUTSCHLAND brechen
20210714             RANSOMWARE—GRUPPE ist plötzlich offline: Das REVIL—RÄTSEL
20210714             Diplomatische Annäherung: VEREINIGTE—ARABISCHE—EMIRATE eröffnen Botschaft in ISRAEL
20210714             Overtourism in EUROPA: AMSTERDAM begrenzt ZAHL—DER—TOURISTEN
20210714             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: Angler klagen erfolgreich gegen Nachtangelverbot
20210714             Neue Frequenzen: Behörde macht Weg frei für besseres WLAN
20210714             Abschiedsbesuch in den USA: Merkel trifft auch USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENTIN Harris
20210714             Extremwetter in DEUTSCHLAND: In den Fluten
20210714             Spielzeugkonzern empört: USA—UNTERNEHMEN baute echte Waffen in LEGO—OPTIK
20210714             Europas Green Deal: So will die EU—KOMMISSION auf die grüne 0—KOMMEN
20210714             Kampf gegen Hass im Netz: BORIS—JOHNSON kündigt Stadionverbote für FACEBOOK—HETZER an
20210714             RANSOMWARE—KATASTROPHENFALL in SACHSEN—ANHALT: Die nächste Pandemie wird digital
20210714             Coronainfektionen nach Musikfestival in UTRECHT: 1—FEST für das Virus
20210714             Reaktionen auf EU—KLIMAPLAN: "Die Bundesregierung hat die Arbeit eingestellt"
20210714             Welche Rolle spielte 1—PFARRER, der in FLORIDA lebt?
20210714             Mord an Haitis PRÄSIDENT—MOÏSE: 29—VERDÄCHTIGE, VIELE—THEORIEN
20210714             Die Ermittlungen zu dem Verbrechen laufen in 3—LÄNDERN und damit in 3—VERSCHIEDENE Richtungen.
20210714             —PRÄSENTIERT—HAITI, werden immer neue Verdächtige, und Haftbefehle ausgestellt,
20210714             in KOLUMBIEN kommen Details ans Licht, welche die These erschüttern, dass KOLUMBIEN—SÖLDNER die mutmaßlichen Täter seien.
20210714             Und in den USA sucht man fieberhaft —NACH—DEN Drahtziehern und Geldgebern des Mordes.
20210714             —ENTWORFEN, Fast täglich werden neue TAT—UND TÄTER—THEORIEN.
20210714             —BISHER stiften die Untersuchungen aber mehr Verwirrung, als dass sie Klarheit bringen, zumal noch völlig im Dunkeln liegt, wer den Mord beauftragte.
20210714             Zweifel kommen aus KOLUMBIEN an der bisherigen Theorie, 1—KILLERKOMMANDO, gebildet aus Söldnern, sei ins Land geschleust worden, um den Präsidenten zu ermorden.
20210714             Journalisten KOLUMBIEN—MEDIEN wie der Zeitung "El Tiempo" wollen herausgefunden haben, dass
20210714             die Gruppe der angeheuerten EX—MILITÄRS eigentlich zum Schutz von Moïse und nicht zu seiner Ermordung in HAITI waren.
20210714             Das berichten Angehörige der gefassten oder getöteten Männer.
20210714             Dazu passt die Frage, wo eigentlich der 23—MÄNNER umfassende Personenschutz des Staatschefs und die Präsidentengarde in der Mordnacht waren.
20210714             Waren Moïse und seine Familie unbewacht — oder waren die Sicherheitsleute gar Komplizen der Mörder?
20210714             Der Oppositionspolitiker und frühere SENATOR—STEVEN—BENOIT hält gar die Personenschützer des Präsidenten für die Täter:
20210714             "Die Geschichte mit den Kolumbianern passt nicht zusammen", sagte er.
20210714             "Wieso war nicht ein einziger Wachmann in dem Haus?
20210714             Und warum haben die Kolumbianer nach der Tat nicht sofort das Weite gesucht, sondern sich so annähernd stümperhaft festnehmen lassen?"
20210714             Zu der Theorie der KOLUMBIEN—ATTENTÄTER gehören auch die beiden USA—HAITIANER JAMES—SOLAGES, 35, und JOSEPH—VINCENT, 55, beide wohnhaft in FLORIDA und mit guten Verbindungen zu Sicherheitsfirmen.
20210714             Beide sind angeblich teilgeständig und gaben Details zu dem Verbrechen preis.
20210714             Der Verdacht: Solages und Vincent sollen als Übersetzer für die KOLUMBIEN—KILLER gedient haben.
20210714             Und einer arbeitete mehrere Jahre als Informant der USA—ANTIDROGENBEHÖRDE DEA.
20210714             Noch komplizierter wurde das Puzzle, als die Polizei jüngst einen Mann präsentierte, der angeblich der zentrale Drahtzieher der Tat war.
20210714             Der Arzt und Pfarrer CHRISTIAN—EMMANUEL—SANON, 62, pendelt —SEIT—20—JAHREN zwischen HAITI und FLORIDA, und
20210714             er hatte —BEREITS in der Vergangenheit wiederholt den Wunsch geäußert, PRÄSIDENT—SEINES—HEIMATLANDES zu werden.
20210714             denen "die Menschen egal sind" und die sich lediglich der Rohstoffe des Inselstaats bemächtigen wollten.
20210714             Auch —JETZT — kurz vor der Tat — soll sich Sanon gegenüber anderen Haitianern als der von "Gott gesandte" künftige PRÄSIDENT präsentiert haben, der einen "Marshallplan" zum Wiederaufbau Haitis entwerfen wolle.
20210714             Die Ermittler stießen auf Sanon, weil die KOLUMBIEN—TÄTER ihn angeblich als 1. nach der ERMORDUNG—VON—MOÏSE anriefen.
20210714             Bei der Durchsuchung seines Hauses fanden sie 1—MÜTZE mit einem Aufdruck der DEA, Waffen und Munition.
20210714             Sanon soll im Juni in einem Privatflugzeug gemeinsam mit mehreren Kolumbianern nach HAITI gereist sein.
20210714             Die Südamerikaner gingen demnach —ZUNÄCHST davon aus, dass sie einen Job als Personenschützer zu erledigen hätten,
20210714             —ERST in HAITI selbst wurde ihnen dann angeblich der neue Auftrag übermittelt.
20210714             MITGLIEDER—DER—HAITIANISCHEN—ZIVILGESELLSCHAFT gehen nach wie vor davon aus, dass die reiche und diskrete Machtelite Haitis hinter dem Mord steckt,
20210714             da es ihr nicht passte, dass Moïse sich wohl an der Macht festsetzen wollte.
20210714             Statt Wahlen plante er offenbar 1—REFERENDUM, um das Verbot der PRÄSIDENTEN—WIEDERWAHL abzuschaffen.
20210714             Diskussion über Impfpflicht: Für Nichtgeimpfte wird es ungemütlich
20210714             Astronomie: Forscher finden erstmals unterschiedliche Kohlenstoffisotope auf Exoplanet
20210714             Wie das MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT für Astronomie in HEIDELBERG mitteilte,
20210714             stieß ein internationales Team um Ignas Snellen von der UNIVERSITÄT—LEIDEN in den Niederlanden
20210714             bei einem rund 300—LICHTJAHRE entfernten Gasplaneten im Sternbild Fliege auf einen ungewöhnlich hohen Anteil von Kohlenstoff 13 in dessen Atmosphäre.
20210714             In der Natur kommen 3—ISOTOPE des Kohlenstoffs vor, 12C, 13C, 14C.
20210714             Diese chemischen Unterschiede ändern nur wenig an den Eigenschaften des Kohlenstoffs.
20210714             Dennoch bilden sich Isotope auf unterschiedliche Weise und reagieren oft etwas anders auf ihre Umweltbedingungen.
20210714             Das macht sie zu idealen Indikatoren für Forschung aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen, beispielsweise
20210714             zur Erkennung von HERZ—KREISLAUF—ERKRANKUNGEN, zur archäologischen Altersdatierung mit der C14-Methode oder zur Untersuchung des Klimawandels.
20210714             Tagelange Beschwerden: Bolsonaro wegen DAUER—SCHLUCKAUFS im Krankenhaus
20210714             —VERHAFTET, KUBA—BLOGGERIN : "Ich mache die Regierung für alles verantwortlich, was mir zustößt"
20210714             "Staying Would Be Suicide": With DEPARTURE—OF—NATO—TROOPS, the Taliban Gains Ground in AFGHANISTAN By CHRISTOPH—REUTER in KABUL
20210714             CORONAMASKEN—AFFÄRE: EX—CDU—ABGEORDNETER Nikolas Löbel darf Provision behalten
20210714             Impfstoffhersteller: CUREVAC—MANAGER haben Aktien für fast 39—MILLIONEN Dollar verkauft
20210714             Christentum: Mehr als 440.000—MENSCHEN aus der Kirche ausgetreten
20210714             "Betrifft uns alle": GROSSBRITANNIEN—GEHEIMDIENST warnt Bürger vor RUSSLAND, CHINA und IRAN
20210714             Klimaschutzpaket der EU—KOMMISSION: Der grüne Spaltpilz - Wed 20210714             20210714             [l] Auch in den Niederlanden versagt das Konzept "Massenevent, aber wir lassen nur Leute ohne Covid rein":
20210714             —GETESTET, Man musste geimpft, negativ, oder von COVID—19 genesen sein, um das VERKNIPT—FESTIVAL in UTRECHT besuchen zu dürfen.
20210714             Dennoch haben sich dort fast 1000—GÄSTE mit dem Coronavirus infiziert, Tendenz steigend.
20210714             Ich finde, das muss besser aufgeschlüsselt werden.
20210714             Ich will wissen, wieviel Prozent in welcher Gruppe waren.
20210714             Wir wissen ja, dass Geimpfte weiter ansteckend sein können.
20210714             Geimpfte und negativ Getestete klingt daher schonmal direkt logisch nicht wie eine gute Kombination.
20210714             [l] DEUTSCHLAND wird zur Bundestrojanerrepublik.
20210714             —SEIT—FREITAG ist in DEUTSCHLAND das "Gesetz zur Anpassung des Verfassungsschutzrechts" in Kraft.
20210714             Alle 19—BUNDES—UND Landesgeheimdienste dürfen nun TROJANER—SCHADSOFTWARE einsetzen.
20210714             Ein weiteres Gesetz ist —BEREITS im Bundesrat, das die Polizeibehörden ermächtigt, Trojaner —BEREITS einzusetzen, noch bevor 1—STRAFTAT vorliegt.
20210714             Bevor 1—STRAFTAT vorliegt, d.h. gegen unbescholtene Bürger.
20210714             Gegen dich und MICHIGAN
20210714             Die Impfquote in den Kliniken ist nach ANGABEN—DER—DEUTSCHEN—KRANKENHAUSGESELLSCHAFT (DKG) sehr hoch.
20210714             "Anhand einzelner Rückmeldungen von 90—PROZENT und mehr gehen wir von sehr hohen Impfquoten in den Krankenhäusern aus",
20210714             "Daher ist die Debatte um 1—IMPFPFLICHT für die Krankenhäuser kaum relevant.
20210714             Es dürfte keinen anderen Bereich geben, in dem die Beschäftigten sich selbst und ihr Umfeld so gut schützen, wie im Krankenhaus".
20210714             Die Universitäten in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN sollen —NACH—DEM Willen der Rektoren —ERST bei einer hohen Impfquote wieder vollständig öffnen.
20210714             "Es muss zu Semesterbeginn 1—DURCHIMPFUNG nicht nur der Mitarbeitenden, sondern
20210714             auch der Studierendenschaft von mindestens 80—PROZENT erreicht sein und
20210714             die DELTA—VARIANTE darf nicht erneut zu einer hohen Infektionsrate in der Bevölkerung geführt haben",
20210714             Arbeitgeberverband gegen Coronaimpfpflicht
20210714             —VERZEICHNET, SÜDKOREA, Rekordanstieg bei Neuinfektionen
20210714             RKI meldet 15480000             Neuinfektionen — Inzidenz steigt auf 7,1
20210714             Bundesbildungsministerin Anja Karliczek (CDU) geht davon aus, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler in DEUTSCHLAND auch in einigen Monaten noch regelmäßig auf das Coronavirus getestet werden müssen.
20210714             "Damit Kinder und Jugendliche sicher zu ihrem normalen Schulalltag zurückkehren können, müssen wir dort weiter auf Testen als mildes, aber wirksames Mittel der Kontrolle setzen.
20210714             Das Testen in den Schulen wird uns sicher noch über Monate begleiten",
20210714             Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) rät Impfwilligen davon ab, willkürlich Coronaimpfstoffe verschiedener Hersteller zu kombinieren.
20210714             "Individuen sollten nicht für sich selbst entscheiden, öffentliche Gesundheitsbehörden können — basierend auf den verfügbaren Daten",
20210714             sagte Soumya Swaminathan, leitende Wissenschaftlerin der WHO.
20210714             "Daten aus MIX—AND—MATCH—STUDIEN verschiedener Impfstoffe stehen noch aus — sowohl die Wirksamkeit als auch die Sicherheit müssen bewertet werden".
20210714             Die eigenmächtige KOMBINATION—VON—VERSCHIEDENEN—IMPFSTOFFEN sei ein "ziemlich gefährlicher Trend".
20210714             Wenn Bürger selbst darüber entscheiden, wann und wer eine 2., eine 3. oder eine 4. Dosis bekomme, führe das zu chaotischen Zuständen.
20210714             Solche Entscheidungen sollten den Gesundheitsbehörden überlassen werden.
20210714             DEUTSCHLAND—STÄDTETAG ruft Menschen in sozialen Berufen zu Coronaimpfung auf
20210714             TOURISTIK—VERANSTALTER: Steigende Coronazahlen verunsichern Reisende
20210714             WELTÄRZTEBUND—CHEF—MONTGOMERY pocht weiter auf Impfpflicht
20210714             —KRITISIERT, Im Deutschlandfunk, MONTGOMERY die Ablehnung einer solchen Pflicht für bestimmte Berufsgruppen wie medizinisches Personal durch die Bundesregierung.
20210714             "Das Thema ist überhaupt nicht abgeräumt".
20210714             —AM Ende werde Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL doch einer Impfpflicht zustimmen, wenn die Impfbereitschaft in der Bevölkerung nicht ausreiche, meint MONTGOMERY.
20210714             GROSSBRITANNIEN—PARLAMENT stimmt für Impfpflicht von Pflegekräften
20210714             ISRAEL verkürzt CORONA—QUARANTÄNE auf 1—WOCHE
20210714             SLOWENIEN verschärft Einreisebedingungen
20210714             CORONA—AUFLAGEN am Flughafen: Lufthansa warnt vor Wartezeiten
20210714             Maskenpflicht und Mindestabstand: Altmaier mahnt zu mehr Disziplin
20210714             Altmaier sagte weiter: "Wir haben Gott sei Dank immer noch Infektionszahlen, die sehr niedrig sind.
20210714             Gott - sei - Dank - Während der Jungfernfahrt des neuen GROSSBRITANNIEN—FLUGZEUGTRÄGERS "HMS QUEEN—ELIZABETH" ist es an Bord zu einem CORONA—AUSBRUCH gekommen.
20210714             "Im Zuge von Routinetests wurden EINIGE—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER des Marineverbands positiv auf CORONA getestet",
20210714             sagte 1—SPRECHERIN—DER—ROYAL—NAVY am —MITTWOCH der BBC
20210714             auch Besatzungen auf begleitenden Kriegsschiffen seien betroffen.
20210714             Die "QUEEN—ELIZABETH" war im Mai zu einer Fahrt —BIS nach Ostasien aufgebrochen.
20210714             —DERZEIT befindet sich das Schiff im INDIEN—OZEAN, 1—ABBRUCH des Einsatzes ist trotz der Coronafälle nicht geplant.
20210714             "Der Flugzeugträgerverband wird seine operationalen Aufgaben fortsetzen, es gibt keine Auswirkungen auf den Einsatz",
20210714             Insgesamt sind etwa 3700—KRÄFTE an dem Einsatz beteiligt.
20210714             Zum Verband gehören 6—WEITERE Kriegsschiffe und 1—U—BOOT.
20210714             Bundespräsident FRANK—WALTER Steinmeier hat die Bürgerinnen und Bürger in DEUTSCHLAND eindringlich aufgerufen, sich gegen CORONA impfen zu lassen.
20210714             "Jeden —TAG, mit JEDER—IMPFUNG befreien wir uns 1—STÜCK mehr aus den Fängen der Pandemie und holen uns unser Leben zurück",
20210714             Steinmeier betonte, mehr Menschen müssten den vollständigen Impfschutz haben, um erneute Beschränkungen durch neue Virusvarianten zu vermeiden.
20210714             "—ERST dann sind wir mit hoher Sicherheit vor schweren und tödlichen Verläufen der Infektion geschützt",
20210714             ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN in Tokio auf höchstem Stand —SEIT fast einem halben —JAHR
20210714             Die Coronakrise hat jungen Berufstätigen und Auszubildenden in DEUTSCHLAND heftig zugesetzt.
20210714             Zu diesem Befund kommt die Studie "Plan B",
20210714             welche die IG Metall gemeinsam mit dem Jugendforscher SIMON—SCHNETZER vorgestellt hat.
20210714             Im PANDEMIE—WINTER zum Jahresbeginn 20210000             gaben demnach 61—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN an, dass sich ihre psychische Gesundheit verschlechtert habe.
20210714             55—PROZENT klagten über negative Auswirkungen auf ihre Freundschaften und 51—PROZENT meinten sogar, ihr eigenes Leben nicht mehr kontrollieren zu können.
20210714             Insbesondere in den Berufsschulen habe sich die Situation massiv verschlechtert, berichteten 71—PROZENT—DER—AUSZUBILDENDEN.
20210714             Auch dual Studierende schilderten schlechtere Lernbedingungen in den Hochschulen und allgemein sinkende Motivation.
20210714             Unter den Studierenden fürchtet 1—DRITTEL um die Übernahme und bei den Auszubildenden sind es sogar 40—PROZENT.
20210714             Neue CORONA—RESTRIKTIONEN in GRÖNLAND
20210714             FRANKREICH feiert Nationalfeiertag unter strengen Auflagen
20210714             Unter strengen CORONA—AUFLAGEN hat FRANKREICH am —MITTWOCH an den Sturm auf die Bastille —VOR—232—JAHREN erinnert.
20210714             Zu der traditionellen Pariser Militärparade am Nationalfeiertag waren nur 10.000—OFFIZIELLE Gäste geladen, weniger als halb so viele wie vor der Pandemie.
20210714             Besucher mussten einen MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ tragen, zudem war wegen deutlich gestiegener Infektionszahlen erstmals ein negativer CORONA—TEST für ALLE—NICHT—IMMUNISIERTEN—PFLICHT.
20210714             SÜDKOREA meldet höchste Zahl an Neuinfektionen —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie
20210714             Zunehmende Inzidenz in DEUTSCHLAND: Vor allem junge Erwachsene betroffen
20210714             Die Kirchensteuereinnahmen sind im vergangenen —JAHR stark zurückgegangen.
20210714             Sie sanken für die evangelische Kirche um 5,4 Prozent auf 5,63 Milliarden Euro und für die katholische Kirche um 4,6 Prozent auf 6,4 Milliarden Euro.
20210714             Der DEUTSCHLAND—EINZELHANDEL warnt vor einem frühzeitigen ENDE—DER—MASKENPFLICHT zur Bekämpfung der Coronapandemie.
20210714             "Wir müssen alles tun, damit wir nicht noch einmal in einen Lockdown kommen",
20210714             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: Vollständig Geimpfte dürfen ab September auch ohne Test in Restaurants und Klubs
20210714             DELTA—VARIANTE könnte in EUROPA bald bei 90—PROZENT liegen
20210714             RKI: Fast 59—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN in DEUTSCHLAND mindestens einmal geimpft
20210714             INDONESIEN wird zum "Globalen Zentrum" der Pandemie
20210714             INDONESIEN hat —JETZT sogar INDIEN überholt, wo die Zahlen rückläufig sind und am —MITTWOCH rund 38.000—FÄLLE bestätigt wurden.
20210714             Dann dürfen Nachtklubs wieder öffnen, und es gibt keine Abstandsregeln mehr.
20210714             Steigende Coronazahlen in Nachbarländern beunruhigen Bundesregierung
20210714             "Der Blick in die Nachbarländer, NIEDERLANDE, SPANIEN, GROSSBRITANNIEN, zeigt uns, wie schnell sich 1—SITUATION wieder sehr verschärfen kann".
20210714             EU—BEHÖRDEN: Schutz gegen DELTA—VARIANTE nur mit vollständiger Impfung möglich
20210714             Beim Mittel von Johnson & Johnson gilt 1—SPRITZE als ausreichend.
20210714             SLOWENIEN nimmt verschärfte Einreiseregelungen teilweise zurück
20210714             Niedrige Besucherzahlen: Schlösserverwaltung in GROSSBRITANNIEN macht in der Pandemie Verluste
20210714             Nur 155.000—TOURISTEN besichtigten die königlichen Residenzen, 2—DRITTEL davon das Schloss WINDSOR nahe LONDON.
20210714             Im Geschäftsjahr 2019/20—WAREN es noch 3,3 Millionen.
20210714             —VERWALTET, Der Royal Collection Trust, treuhänderisch die Zehntausende Teile umfassende Kunstsammlung von QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II. sowie die Schlösser und Residenzen der Monarchin.
20210714             Höchster Neuinfektionswert —SEIT—MITTE Januar in GROSSBRITANNIEN
20210714             WHO warnt vor Anstieg der Coronafälle im Nahen Osten
20210714             Nach einem Rückgang der Neuinfektionen und neuer Todesfälle in den vergangenen 8—WOCHEN, stiegen die Zahlen in LIBYEN und TUNESIEN sowie in IRAN und dem IRAK wieder deutlich an.
20210714             Im LIBANON und in MAROKKO sei ebenfalls mit einem starken Zuwachs zu rechnen.
20210714             Kommende Woche wird in der REGION—DER—MUSLIMISCHE—FEIERTAG—EID—AL—ADHA begangen, zu dem sich traditionell zahlreiche Menschen versammeln.
20210714             RKI: Anteil der DELTA—VARIANTE beträgt 74—PROZENT
20210714             SLOWAKEI—HÖCHSTRICHTER stoppen Quarantänepflicht für Ungeimpfte
20210714             Mehr als 25.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in SPANIEN
20210714             Rund 4000—MENSCHEN haben am Mittwochabend vor dem GRIECHENLAND—PARLAMENT in Athen gegen 1—BÜNDEL—VON—CORONAMASSNAHMEN demonstriert.
20210714             Es waren die bislang größten Demonstrationen von Impfverweigerern in GRIECHENLAND,
20210714             LETTLAND beschließt Coronaimpfpflicht für Berufsgruppen
20210714             Albufeira Casos confirmados 3530 (+97) Óbitos 45 (=) Recuperados 2853 (+33) Casos ativos 632 (+64) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 1300
20210714             Alcoutim Casos confirmados 85 (+1) Óbitos 4 (=) Recuperados 80 (+1) Casos ativos 1 (=) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 46
20210714             Aljezur Casos confirmados 136 (+1) Óbitos 2 (=) Recuperados 128 (=) Casos ativos 6 (+1) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 107
20210714             Castro Marim Casos confirmados 420 (+2) Óbitos 1 (=) Recuperados 408 (=) Casos ativos 11 (+2) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 369
20210714             Faro Casos confirmados 4277 (+55) Óbitos 55 (=) Recuperados 3681 (+47) Casos ativos 541 (+8) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 952
20210714             Lagoa Casos confirmados 923 (+10) Óbitos 15 (=) Recuperados 815 (+15) Casos ativos 93 (-5) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 461
20210714             LAGOS Casos confirmados 1894 (+30) Óbitos 28 (=) Recuperados 1633 (+25) Casos ativos 233 (+5) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 790
20210714             Loulé Casos confirmados 5300 (+77) Óbitos 68 (=) Recuperados 4483 (+63) Casos ativos 749 (+14) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 1248
20210714             MONCHIQUE Casos confirmados 197 (+2) Óbitos 11 (=) Recuperados 179 (=) Casos ativos 7 (+2) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 217
20210714             Olhão Casos confirmados 2415 (+62) Óbitos 24 (=) Recuperados 2144 (+33) Casos ativos 247 (+29) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 685
20210714             Portimão Casos confirmados 3256 (+44) Óbitos 33 (=) Recuperados 2770 (+34) Casos ativos 453 (+10) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 833
20210714             Silves Casos confirmados 1612 (+20) Óbitos 12 (=) Recuperados 1412 (+21) Casos ativos 188 (-1) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 533
20210714             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados 503 (+8) Óbitos 12 (=) Recuperados 451 (+4) Casos ativos 40 (+4) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 413
20210714             Tavira Casos confirmados 1694 (+16) Óbitos 29 (=) Recuperados 1600 (+1) Casos ativos 65 (+15) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 232
20210714             Vila Real de Santo António Casos confirmados 1392 (+15) Óbitos 19 (=) Recuperados 1324 (+4) Casos ativos 49 (+11) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 267
20210714             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados 189 (+2) Óbitos 6 (=) Recuperados 153 (+6) Casos ativos 24 (-4) Incidência 100—MIL/hab 524
20210714             Incidência 100—MIL/hab: 798 (+)
20210714             499_DGS_boletim_20210714              20210714             INCIDÊNCIA
20210714             Continente: 346,5casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210714             R(t) Nacional: 1,14 Continente: 1,15
20210714             LK Bad TÖLZ—WOLFRATSHAUSEN Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 40—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 31,3 Fälle gesamt 5.115—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.998,7 Todesfälle gesamt 79—EINWOHNERZAHL 127.917—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210714             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 32—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 12,1 Fälle gesamt 13.712—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.181,4 Todesfälle gesamt 289—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210714             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 11—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 5,7 Fälle gesamt 7.993—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.127,4 Todesfälle gesamt 241—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210714             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 25—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 5,3 Fälle gesamt 20.167—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.285,2 Todesfälle gesamt 406—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210714             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 27—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 9,5 Fälle gesamt 11.318—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.995,5 Todesfälle gesamt 176—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210714             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 27—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 8,4 Fälle gesamt 20.994—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.537,7 Todesfälle gesamt 415—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210714             SK BERLIN TEMPELHOF—SCHÖNEBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 22—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 6,4 Fälle gesamt 17.695—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.177,4 Todesfälle gesamt 479—EINWOHNERZAHL 341.772—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210714             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 197—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 18,1 Fälle gesamt 53.778—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.943,5 Todesfälle gesamt 726—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863 BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210714             SK Trier Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 33—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 29,6 Fälle gesamt 2.802—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.512,4 Todesfälle gesamt 30—EINWOHNERZAHL 111.528—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210714             Cases 188.148.299 Deaths 4.053.713 Vaccine Doses Administered 3.495.030.652
20210714             Unwetter in DEUTSCHLAND: Tief "Bernd" sorgt weiter für Chaos
20210714             Flucht vor den Taliban: USA wollen einheimische Helfer aus AFGHANISTAN ausfliegen
20210714             ZAHL—DER—IMPFUNGEN pro Woche sinkt in DEUTSCHLAND
20210714—19870000    —J—IM, Das Verbot gilt —SEIT der Verfassungsreform —NACH—DEM ENDE—DER—DUVALIER—DIKTATUR.
20210714—20110000    —SCHON, In einem YOUTUBE—VIDEO "Leadership for HAITI" geißelte er die Politiker des Landes als korrupt,
20210714—20210807    —AM, Trotz steigender Neuinfektionen sollen in WALES fast ALLE—CORONAMASSNAHMEN enden.
20210714—20350000    —AB, Von der Leyens Klimaplan: EU—KOMMISSION will neue BENZIN—UND Dieselautos verbieten
20210714—20400000    —AB, : GROSSBRITANNIEN will Verkauf von Lastwagen mit Verbrennungsmotor verbieten
20210720—20210712    —AM, Der DEUTSCHLAND—WETTERDIENST (DWD) hat nach ANGABEN—DES—BUNDESVERKEHRSMINISTERIUMS um 6—UHR über die bevorstehenden Starkregenereignisse informiert.
20210724             —STARTED, The state's largest Dixie fire, which, 20210714             , merged with the smaller Fly Fire and tore through the tiny COMMUNITY—OF—INDIA—FALLS—AFTER dark.
202203071422         3. ROUND—OF—RUSSIAN—UKRAINE—TALKS begins
202203310714         Abkhazia does not plan to join RUSSIA, SOURCE  Abkhaz PARLIAMENT speaker
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