Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 31. January ?

Ereignisse an einem 31. January

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_98.000—20190131     —VOR—CA—100.000—JAHREN, Das Mädchen, dessen Eltern NEANDERTALER und DENISOVA—MENSCH waren, lebte der —STUDIE—ZUFOLGE.
_43.000—20190131    —ERST—VOR—CA—45.000—JAHREN, MODERNE—MENSCHEN besiedelten SIBIRIEN nach derzeitigem Wissen.
06570731—06580131    ALI—MUAWIA an die 700—AGENTEN mit Millionenbeträgen durch ARABIEN schickte um für seine Sache Stimmung zu machen.
06570731—06580131    ALI—MUAWIA—MUAWIA zurückzog sich und
06570731—06580131    ALI—MUAWIA hoffte dort innig auf neue STEUER—GELDER, WÄHREND
06570731—06580131    —INNERHALB—VON—6—MONATENSO LANGE sollten auch ALLE—WAFFEN ruhen.
06570731—06580131    —INNERHALB—VON—6—MONATEN 1—UNABHÄNGIGES Gremium solle feststellen, wer zu RECHT KALIF sei.
06580131             —PÜNKTLICH—AM, zusammentrat in DSCHENDEL das Schiedsgericht.
06580131             In geheimer Sitzung besprachen sich AMRU und EBU—MUSA.
06580131             EBU—MUSA meinte am besten sei wenn beide Bevollmächtigten ihre Kandidaten ablehnten, da beide in —BÜRGER—KRIEGE verwickelt gewesen seien.
06580131             DIE—MOSCHEE barst förmlich vor Gläubigen, als EBU—MUSA und AMRU als Bevollmächtigte eintraten.
06580131             EBU—MUSA bestieg die Kanzel und sagte: "Vom Propheten ist der Satz überliefert, nur der Würdigste sei des KALIFAT würdig.
06580131             Dies zu bestimmen sollte nach meiner Ansicht Sache des Volkes sein.
06580131             Daher erachte ich weder ALI noch MUAWIA des KALIFAT würdig.
06580131             Ich möchte vorschlagen, beide abzusetzen und 1—NEUEN KALIFen zu wählen".
06580131             Darauf bestieg AMRU die Kanzel: "Gläubige!
06580131             —GEHÖRT, Ihr habt selbst, daß EBU—MUSA seinen Herrn ALI des KALIFAT entkleidet hat.
06580131             —GEKOMMEN, Ich bin ebenfalls zu der Entscheidung, dass ALI des Amtes nicht würdig ist.
06580131             Für meinen Herrn MUAWIA aber kann er nicht SPRECHEN—DAZU fehlt ihm die Vollmacht.
06580131             Und ich erkläre somit MUAWIA zum rechtmäßigen KALIFen.
06580131             Es kam zu 1—MASSENPRÜGELEI in der Moschee, und
06580131             —BESCHÄMT, EBU—MUSA, nach KUFA und - AMRU triumphierend zu MUAWIA.
06580131             —GEWORDEN, Damit war DER—BÜRGER—KRIEG—IM—ISLAM Dauereinrichtung.
06580131             —ZUSAMMENTRAT—PÜNKTLICH in Dschendel das Schiedsgericht.
06580131             —BEGEISTERT, AMRU zustimmte, und
06580131             AMRU machte den Vorschlag, EBU—MUSA solle zuerst reden,
06580131             AMRU werde dann dasselbe wortwörtlich wiederholen.
06580131             MUAWIA hat die Blutrache für OSMAN übernommen und
06580131             MUAWIA wurde von diesem OSMAN selbst, was sich —ERST—JETZT herausgestellt hat, zu seinem Nachfolger bestimmt".
06580131             Viel weiter kam AMRU NICHT—EBU—MUSA wollte AMRU von der Kanzel zerren.
06580131             —DANN, abreisten die Schiedsrichter ,
06580131             —ABREISTE, EBU—MUSA beschämt nach KUFA und
06580131             —ABREISTE, AMRU triumphierend zu MUAWIA.
08760131             † OST—FRANKEN—KÖNIGIN—HEMMA,
08760131             —AM, Als LUDWIG—DER—DEUTSCHE in REGENSBURG — neben FRANKFURT sein bevorzugter Aufenthaltsort —
08760131             † LUDWIG—DER—DEUTSCHE, in REGENSBURG
08760131             —DIE—NACHFOLGE—ANTRATEN, des LUDWIG—DER—DEUTSCHE 3—SÖHNE ohne Schwierigkeiten.
09620131             —ERREICHTE, ROM, des OTTO HEER.
10300131             † WILHELM—V—HERZOG—VON—AQUITANIEN, Graf von Poitiers
10390131             † HARTWIG—BISCHOF—VON—BRIXEN
11000131             MONS—PEREGRINUS—SYRIEN.
11410131             —AUTHORIZED, INNOCENT—II—PAPA, BISHOP—HENRY—OF—MORAVIA to preach Catholicism in Prussia.
11650131             AZZ0—KONVERSE t —VOR
11650131             WECETO—KONVERSE t —VOR
11790131             † FRIEDRICH—I—BISCHOF—VON—PRAG
12080131             —SCHLACHT—BEI—LENA, ist 1—TEIL langjähriger Machtkämpfe der Geschlechter Erik und Sverker um den THRON—VON—SCHWEDEN.
12080131             —DARAUFHIN. nach DÄNEMARK flüchtet, SVERKER—II—KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN.
12080131             † MAGNUS—MINNESKÖLD, schwedischer Hochadeliger und Landrichter
12080131             —DARAUFHIN, SVERKER—II—KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN nach DÄNEMARK flüchtet.
12080131             —SCHLACHT—BEI—LENA Die Schlacht 1—TEIL LANG—JÄHRIGER Machtkämpfe der Geschlechter ERIK, SVERKER um den SCHWEDEN—
12860105—12860131    HEINRICH—GENANNT—PULS -..
12860131             JOHANN—VON—GYMNICH (SUBI171).
12900131             —ATÉ—DE—DE, O—REINO estaria interdito, tendo o seu levantamento constituído um acontecimento notável, como consta do LIVRO—DE—NOA—DE—SANTA—CRUZ—DE—COIMBRA.
12930131             —AM, als des RITTER—TILMANN—VON—JÜLICH o†o MARGARETHA, dem KLOSTER—GNADENTHAL ihren HOF—ZU—BROICH vor der Höferschaft von PETTEMICH, den SCHÖFFE—ZU—JÜLICH und dem GRAF—WALRAM überträgt \
13300131             † JOHANN—I—GRAF—VON—NAMUR
13420131             —A—DI—ULTIMO—DI, "ITEM facto inter eos [Consiliarios] et misso partito ut supra et obtento per xxij
13540131             7—FLORENI, 1—WILHELM—VON—EIS 135H genannt, aus edelfreiem Geschlecht: GÜNTHER, CODEX—DIPLOMAE—III—SEITE—621;
13710131             PRO—ECCLESIA—PAROCHIALI—S—MARIA—IN—BIERVLIET ad 20—ANNOS nonnullae indulgentiae conceduntur^ certis quibusdam DIEBUS—FESTIVIS lucrandae.
13790131             Esemplare DELLA—BOLLA[BULLE] di pp.
13790131             colla quale egli elegge il KARDINAL—ANDREA—DEL—TITOLO—DE—SS.
13790131             PIETRO e MARCELLINO VICARIO—DELLA—MARCA in temporalibus et reformatorem
13790131             —ET conservatorem pacis et paciarum USQUE—AD APOSTOLICE—SEDIS beneplacitum.
13790131             LA—BOLLA[BULLE] è data da ROMA apud S—MARIANI—IN—TRANS—TIBERIM,
13820131             (RIFORME—TOME—CIT., FOLIA—138 '').
13840131             "Donato pictori prò pictura armorum comunis positorum in gabano famuli BULDRINI bon. tres ".
13840131             (RIFORME—TOME—X—FOLIA—114). - (IVI—FOLIA—113).
13861218—13790131    e quest' esemplare staffolano FU—FATTO—SCRIVERE —IL, da ANTONIO del quond.
13861218—13790131    PETRONIO—DA—TREVI"not. e giudice ORDINARIO—DELLA—MARCA e del DUCATO e segretario del predetto KARDINALe^
13861218—13790131    di ordine e licenza del venerab. e sapiente SIGNORE Randello da LUCCA dottore e uditore del medesimo^ a MACERATA in maiori palatio Comimis.
13861218—13790131    Furono presenti alla lettura Ser NICCOLÒ di M. ALBERTO not. maceratese^ coir assistenza del quale la copia fu collazionata^
13861218—13790131    EINobili uomini Magiolo PETRI—DA—PERUGIA^ GIACOMO—BESACDONI da Cingoli^ Silvestro di DOMENICO—DA—S—GINESIO et pluribus aliis TESTIBUS.
13861218—13790131    Petronio da Trevi"not. e giudice ORDINARIO—DELLA—MARCA e del Ducato e segretario del predetto KARDINALe^
13980131             † Suk?, japanischer Kaiser am Nordhof
14180131             † Mircea cel B?trân, Woiwode der Walachei
14350131             † Xuande, 5. chinesischer Kaiser der MING—DYNASTIE
14610131             —LETTRES—PATENTES du ROI licnê aux OFFIZIERS—DE—DRAGUIGNAN, Roquebrunc, Palaison, pour mettre en possession
14650131             † ULRICH—MAIER, Schweizer Benediktiner, Abt des Klosters Muri
14740131             Der Rat der Stadt BERN und Schultheiß Adrian I. von Bubenberg erteilen an Diebold Schilling den Älteren den Auftrag für 1—BERNER—CHRONIK.
14780131             —SIGNATURE—AUTOGRAPHE et sceau (entre 2—PAPIERS) de.IcanAlardeau.
14780131             LIBER—AUREUS ARCHI—EPISCOPUS—ARELAT. n. 88.
14840131             † ELISABETH—VON—KÜNSBERG, Äbtissin des Klosters Himmelkron
14950101—14950131    Tous LES—CARDINAUX présents à ROM, sauf LE—KARDINAL—DE—NAPLES[NEAPEL]
14950101—14950131    ne tient aucun compte de l'étiquette dans la façon de recevoir LES—CARDINAUX;LES—SEIGNEURS—FRANÇAIS en font de même (s.d.).
14950101—14950131    Des maisons sont pillées, LES—PROPRIÉTAIRES mis dehors.
14950101—14950131    LES—FRANÇAIS agissent comme en pays conquis, ce qui excite 1—GRAND MÉCONTENTEMENT parmi LE—PEUPLE.
14950101—14950131    Vêpres papales à LA—CHAPELLE—SIXTINE.
14950101—14950131    LES—SEIGNEURS—FRANÇAIS vont baiser le pied du ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA.
14950101—14950131    ENGELBERT—DE—CLÈVES, son ère et FERDINAND—DE—ESTÉ prennent place sur l'estrade près du trône du ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA
14950101—14950131    —APRÈS—LA—MESSE de l'Epiphanie, BURCHARD rentrant chez lui, trouve sa maison envahie par des FRANÇAIS qui y avaient été envoyés par le —CHEF—DU quartier ;
14950101—14950131    BURCHARD va se plaindre au ROI qui le renvoie au MARÉCHAL—DE—GIÉ
14950101—14950131    fait assigner 1—AUTRE logis aux FRANÇAIS descendus chez BURCHARD
14950101—14950131    LA—MAISON—DE—PAULO—DE—PLANCA est mise au pillage;
14950101—14950131    Pendaison de cinq malfaiteurs
14950101—14950131    1—PARTIE du mur supérieur du CHÂTEAU—S—ANGE s'écroule;
14950101—14950131    LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA, pour sa sûreté, s'était retiré le —MARDI précédent, au CHÂTEAU—S—ANGE, accompagné des CARDINAUX—DE—NAPLES[NEAPEL], de SAINTE—ANASTASIE, de MONTRÉAL, de S—JEAN et S—PAUL, d'ALEXANDRIe et de [VALENCIA]VALENCE
14950101—14950131    —IL, se rend à S—SÉBASTIEN
14950101—14950131    —IL, continue, les jours suivants, ses excursions par LA—VILLE (s.
14950101—14950131    Leur ENTREVUE.
14950101—14950131    LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA y consent.
14950101—14950131    DESCRIPTION—DE—LA—CÉRÉMONIE qui a heu dans la salle DU—PAPAGALLO.
14950101—14950131    LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA nomme l'ÉVÊQUE Briçonnet KARDINAL—DE—S—MALO, et lui conserve les bénéfices qu'il avait en titre et en commende.
14950101—14950131    LA—GARDE écossaise est commise à LA—GARDE des portes du palais.
14950101—14950131    BURCHARD remet au KARDINAL—DE—S—MALO la liste des gratifications distribuées en pareille circonstance, qui montait à 250—DUCATS,
14950101—14950131    LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA mande BURCHARD pour savoir comment il doit recevoir LE—LENDEMAIN LE—ROI—DE—FRANCE[KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]en consistoire public, pour la PRESTATION—DU—SERMENT d'obédience.
14950101—14950131    —JOUR—LE—MÊME, 1—JEUNE seigneur français, pour avoir tué 1—DE ses compatriotes à la suite de 1—QUERELLE de jeu, est pendu au Champ de Flore
14950101—14950131    DÉTAILS—SUR—A cérémonie.
14950101—14950131    Réponse ambiguë du ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA.
14950101—14950131    LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA célèbre LUI—MÊME 1—MESSE—SOLENNELLE pour complaire au ROI;
14950101—14950131    LE—KARDINAL—DE—GURCK, RÉCONCILIÉ avec LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA, vient recevoir sa bénédiction:
14950101—14950131    † † 2—SUISSES, sont décapités, l'1 au CAPITOLE, l'2.
14950101—14950131    —LE—SOIR, consistoire auquel assistent 20—CARDINAUX
14950101—14950131    —LE—SOIR, LE—SULTAN—DJEM se rend à cheval du CHÂTEAU—S—ANGE au PALAIS—S—MARC, et est remis aux mains de CHARLES—VIII[KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]
14950101—14950131    2—ÉCHAFAUDS sont dressés dans ROM:
14950101—14950131    LE—KARDINAL—DE—VALENCE offre à ce dernier 6—CHEVAUX magnifiques avec leurs freins, sans selles.
14950101—14950131    LE—SULTAN—DJEM, entouré de 1—NOMBREUSE escorte, était parti pour Marino, 1—PEU avant le dé CHARLES—VIII[KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH].
14950101—14950131    —JOUR—LE—MÊME, LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA apprend QU'ALPHONSE—DE—ARAGÓN avait quitté NAPLES[NEAPEL]
14950101—14950131    LE—KARDINAL—DE—VALENCE s'enfuit de VELLETRI déguisé en palefrenier.
14950101—14950131    LE—KARDINAL—ORSINI pénètre de force dans LA—MAISON—DE—BARTHOLOMEO Jubha qu'il emmène ainsi que ses fils prisonniers à Bracciano.
14950101—14950131    Ils se rendent auprè CHARLES—VIII[KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH].
14950101—14950131    1—DÉPUTATION—DE—CITOYENS—ROMAINS les accompagne.
14950101—14950131    Elle va prier LE—ROI—DE— de ne pas tourner sa colère contre ROM qui est INNOCENTE—DE—LA—FUITE du KARDINAL—DE—VALENCE
14950101—14950131    240—CM '
15130131             † PEDRO—DE—AYALA, spanischer BOTSCHAFTER—IN—ENGLAND
15170131             —AM, immatrikulierte MARTIN—BUCER sich an der UNIVERSITÄT—HEIDELBERG, um den theologischen Doktorgrad zu erwerben und selbst lehren zu können.
15190131             —LE, LE—DECIET—DE—DEMANDE fut soumis au conseil.
15200131             VENISE[VENICE,VENEDIG],
15290131             —AM, die BÄCKER—MEISTER—ZUNFT verlegt
15420131             Der Spanier Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca entdeckt als 1. Europäer die IGUAZÚ—WASSERFÄLLE.
15430131             * TOKUGAWA—IEYASU, japanischer Feldherr, Sh?gun und einer der "3—REICHSEINIGER"
15460131             † Gaudenzio Ferrari, italienischer Maler
15600131             —MARSEILLE, al ;;Sentence de LE—ÉVÊQUE—DE— AU—SUJET—DE S—SAUVEUR, asshlenie sibi rev.
15600131             DOMINO—PCLRO Novelli, preposito dicte sue ECCLESIE—SEDIS—MASSILIENSIS
15610131             † Menno Simons, niederländischer Theologe;
15610131             täuferischer Reformator und Namensgeber der Mennoniten
15610131             —FIN—DES—ÉTATS—GÉNÉRAUX durant lesquels MICHEL—DE—LE—HOSPITAL lança un appel à LA—PAIX religieuse.
15610131             —ORDONNANCE—DE—ORLÉANS touchant LA—RÉFORME—DE—LA—JUSTICE.
15730131             * GIULIO—CESARE—MONTEVERDI, composer.
15780131             1—SOLCHE ging dann auch
15800131             † Heinrich I., letzter KÖNIG—PORTUGALS aus dem Hause Avis, Kardinal
15870131             † KARDINAL—JURAJ—DRAŠKOVI?—VON—TRAKOŠ?AN—BISCHOF—VON—, kroatischer Adliger,
15990131             * Juraj Zrinski, BAN—VON—KROATIEN
16050000—16050131    —EINIGE—MONATE—SPÄTER(im)
16050131             Des Weiteren ist dann 1—ENTSCHEIDUNG zu gedenken, welche im ,Collegio' unter Zuziehung der ,Governadori delle Intrade' und der ,5 Savii alla Mercanzia' am getroffen wurde
16050131             Es hatten SICH—OFFENBAR mit Rücksicht auf jene eingetretene Unterscheidung zwischen echten und nicht echten deutschen KAUF—LEUTEN
16050131             —ZWEIFEL erhoben, wo die letzteren ihre Zölle entrichten sollten,
16050131             ob im FONDACO (wo sie nicht wohnten) oder
16050131             im DATIO—DELLA—INTRADA—DA—TERRA, d.h. im ZOLLAMT—FÜR—ALLE sonstigen vom Festland eingeführten und dorthin auszuführenden waren,
16050131             in welch' letzterem Falle sie der mit dem FONDACO verknüpften Zollvergünstigungen nicht teilhaftig wurden.
16050131             —NUN, wurde bestimmt, daß nur DIE—NATURALI—TEDESCHI des FONDACO, d.h.
16050131             diejenigen, welche am Kapitel, an den Kammern und an der Tafel des FONDACO Anteil hätten, und ausserdem
16050131             diejenigen, welche vom SENAT besonders
16050131             damit begnadet würden, ihre Zahlungen im FONDACO sollten entrichten und
16050131             dabei also der verschiedenen Vergünstigungen teilhaftig werden dürfen;
16050131             ALLE—ANDEREN—KAUF—LEUTE aber ihre Zölle im DATIO—DELLA—INTRADA—DA—TERRA entrichten müssten.
16050131             —EINIGE—MONATE—SPÄTER(im) Als 2—BRÜDER, Namens Holländer, aus KÖLN das Ansuchen stellten, daß ihre WAREN im FONDACO behandelt würden,
16050131             —EINIGE—MONATE—SPÄTER(im) wurde ihnen dies abgeschlagen,
16050131             —EINIGE—MONATE—SPÄTER(im) weil sie nicht im Besitze jener 3—REQUISITI und den Consuln der DEUTSCHE—NATION im FONDACO überhaupt nicht bekannt seien
16050131             —EINIGE—MONATE—SPÄTER(im) Möglich, daß diese 2—ODER daß Andere sich darüber beschwerten: genug,
16050131             (wie es die Entscheidung vom verlangt) und sie überhaupt den COTTIMIERI nicht bekannt seien.
16050131—16070915    diese ENTSCHEIDUNG—VOM, durch DIE—SPÄTERE ENTSCHEIDUNG—VOM, vollständig aufgehoben worden ist, und DAVON sagen DIE—VISDOMINI keine Silbe!
16060131             Verschwörer des GUNPOWDER—PLOTS. 3. von rechts: GUY—FAWKES
16060131             Die letzten katholischen Verschwörer des Gunpowder Plots gegen den protestantischen KÖNIG—JAKOB I. von ENGLAND werden hingerichtet.
16060131             † GUY—FAWKES, englischer katholischer Offizier und Attentäter
16060131             Darunter ist auch der Hauptakteur GUY—FAWKES.
16060131             —CONVICTED, GUY—FAWKES, 35—JAHRE—ALT, for his part in the "Gunpowder Plot" against THE—ENGLAND—PARLIAMENT and JAMES—I—KING—OF—, was hanged, drawn and quartered.
16060131             † GUY—FAWKES, auf dem Schafott im OLD—PALACE—YARD.
16070131             * JAMES—STANLEY, 7. EARL—OF—DERBY, englischer Peer, Politiker und Militär
16090131             Die Amsterdamer Wechselbank nimmt ihren Geschäftsbetrieb auf.
16090131             Angenommenes Bargeld gleich welcher Währung schreibt sie auf in Bankgulden geführten Konten ihrer Einleger gut.
16090131             Forderungen ihrer Kunden untereinander gleicht sie bargeldlos auf den bei ihr geführten Konten aus.
16090131             Kreditgewährung und das Wechseldiskontgeschäft sind der Bank untersagt.
16090131             —J—IM, LANGE—VOR—SCHON, der WECHSEL—BANK—VON—AMSTERDAM Gründung hatte man,
16090131             —LANGE—VOR—SCHON, in der NIEDERLANDE—HANDELS—STÄDTE selbst WECHSEL—BANKEN hatte man...
16090131             —LANGE—VOR, diese WECHSLER—GESCHÄFT bestand darin, daß
16090131             —LANGE—VOR, diese WECHSLER die zahlreichen verschiedenen MÜNZ—SORTEN,
16090131             —LANGE—VOR, die zahlreichen verschiedenen MÜNZ—SORTEN durch fremde HÄNDLER ins Land gebracht wurden,
16090131             —LANGE—VOR, diese WECHSLER gegen gesetzlich gangbare Münzen einwechselten.
16090131             —LANGE—VOR—ALLMÄHLICH erweiterte sich diese WECHSLER Wirkungskreis...
16090131             —LANGE—VOR, diese WECHSLER die Kassierer und Bankiers ihrer Zeit. wurden ABER
16090131             DIE—REGIERUNG—VON—AMSTERDAM um zu begegnen dieser KASSIERER—TÄTIGKEIT mit dem WECHSEL—GESCHÄFT Vereinigung Gefahr,
16090131             DIE—REGIERUNG—VON—AMSTERDAM beschloß 1—GROSSE Anstalt Gründung, Diese Anstalt war
16090131             —VON, die berühmte WECHSEL—BANK—VON—AMSTERDAM
16090131             —BIS Die Bons, die die WECHSEL—BANK—VON—AMSTERDAM ausgab, waren in der Tat nur Empfangscheine für das deponierte gemünzte, ungemünzte EDEL—METALL, zirkulierten nur mit dem Endossement ihrer Empfänger.
16090131             —LANGE—VOR—ALLMÄHLICH erweiterte sich ihr Wirkungskreis...
16090131             —LANGE—VOR, Das Geschäft dieser WECHSLER bestand darin, daß sie die zahlreichen verschiedenen MÜNZ—SORTEN, die durch fremde HÄNDLER ins Land gebracht wurden, gegen gesetzlich gangbare Münzen einwechselten.
16090131             —LANGE—VOR, Sie wurden die Kassierer und Bankiers ihrer Zeit.
16090131             Aber
16090131             —AM, 1. WECHSEL—BANK—VON—AMSTERDAM öffentliche BANK—WELT—WEIT somit ist die
16090131             1. WECHSEL—BANK—VON—AMSTERDAM öffentliche Bank, die 1—BARGELDLOSEN Ausgleich von Forderungen zwischen Konten vornahm.
16090131             1. WELT—WEIT 1. WECHSEL—BANK—VON—AMSTERDAM 1. ZENTRAL—BANK 1. ÖFFENTLICHE BANK die als bezeichnet werden kann.[1]
16090131             beschloß man die GRÜNDUNG 1—GROSSEN Anstalt, die sowohl das Wechseln wie das Kassieren mit öffentlicher Vollmacht besorgen sollte.
16090131             in der KASSIERER—TÄTIGKEIT mit dem WECHSEL—GESCHÄFT Vereinigung sah DIE—REGIERUNG—VON—AMSTERDAM 1—GEFAHR, um dieser Gefahr zu begegnen,
16090131             WECHSEL—BANK—VON—AMSTERDAM ihre Tore öffnete, die
16090131             —BESCHLOß, DIE—REGIERUNG—VON—AMSTERDAM 1—GROSSE Anstalt Gründung,
16090131             Diese Anstalt war —VON, die berühmte WECHSEL—BANK—VON—AMSTERDAM
16150131             † Claudio Acquaviva, italienischer Generalsuperior der Societas Jesu (Jesuiten)
16190131             * Florentius Schuyl, niederländischer Mediziner und Botaniker
16200131             * GEORG—FRIEDRICH—GRAF—WALDECK, deutscher Fürst
16200131             VIRGINIA colony leaders wrote to THE—VIRGINIA Company in ENGLAND, asking for more orphaned apprentices for employment.
16280131             † Abraham van den Blocke, Architekt und Bildhauer flämischer Herkunft
16320131             † Jost Bürgi, SCHWEIZERISCH—DEUTSCHER Uhrmacher, Instrumentenbauer und Astronom
16350131             † BARTHOLOMÄUSA—GÖLNITZ, deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler
16360823—16370131    als PRIOR vom
16380131             Krieger des TOKUGAWA—SHOGUNATS besiegen rund 20.000—AUFSTÄNDISCHE Bauern des SHIMABARA—AUFSTANDS, die sich daraufhin nach Shimabara zurückziehen.
16440131             † Kemanke? Kara MUSTAFA—PASCHA, Großwesir des Osmanischen Reiches
16630131             LEO—VAN—AITZEMA—IV—1176.
16650131             † JOHANNES—CLAUBERG, deutscher Theologe und Philosoph
16700131             † DANIEL—BECKHER der Jüngere, deutscher Mediziner
16720131             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16720131             —DATUM—BERLIN').
16720131             S—G6RAU macht die grössten Anstrengungen, durch glänzende Ver-
16720131             —SONNTAG
16730131             * LOUIS—MARIE Grignion de Montfort, französischer Volksmissionar, Schriftsteller und Ordensgründer
16730131—16730201    —AB—GESTERN—MORGEN in BIELEFELD aufgebrochen DER—KUR—FÜRST—VON— aufgebrochen ist mit
16730131—16730201    —AB—GESTERN—MORGEN in BIELEFELD aufgebrochen 7.000—MANN—ZU—FUSS[M.z.F.],
16730131—16730201    —AB—GESTERN—MORGEN in BIELEFELD aufgebrochen alles sehr schönes VOLK,
16730131—16730201    —AB—GESTERN—MORGEN in BIELEFELD aufgebrochen 6.000—MANN—ZU—ROß und
16730131—16730201    —AB—GESTERN—MORGEN in BIELEFELD aufgebrochen 1.000—DRAGONER
16730131—16730201    —AB—GESTERN—MORGEN in BIELEFELD aufgebrochen nebst 30—GESCHÜTZEN.
16750131             Cornelia Dina Olfaarts was found not GUILTY—OF—WITCHCRAFT.
16790131             —PREMIERED, JEAN—BAPTISTE LULLY—OPERA "Bellerophon", in PARIS.
16830507—16960131    Er erscheint als PRIOR vom —BIS
16830507—16960131    EUGEN des THEODOSIUS—VON—HOEN erscheint als PRIOR vom —BIS
16840131             * LOUIS—CARAVAQUE, französischer Maler
16860131             * HANS—EGEDE, norwegischer Pfarrer, Apostel der Grönländer
16960131             1—UPRISING of undertakers took place —AFTER funeral reforms in AMSTERDAM.
17010131             † ANDREAS—SCHWEIMB, deutscher Orgelbaumeister
17040131             † CHRISTIAN—ANDREAS—SIBER, deutscher Pädagoge und lutherischer Theologe
17100131             * JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—BALSER, deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler
17190131             † Þormóður Torfason, isländischer Historiker in dänischen Diensten
17270131             † JOHANN—WILHELM—PETERSEN, deutscher Theologe, Mystiker und Chiliast
17290131             † JAKOB—ROGGEVEEN, niederländischer Seefahrer und Forschungsreisender
17320131             Mit der Oper Berenice von DOMENICO—SARRO eröffnet das Teatro ARGENTINA in Rom seine Aufführungen.
17320131             * WILHELM—CHRISTOPH—DIEDE zum Fürstenstein, dänischer Diplomat
17340131             * JOSEPH—FRANZ—ANTON—VON—AUERSPERG, österreichischer BISCHOF, Fürstbischof und Kardinal
17340131             * JULIEN—AMABLE—MATHIEU, composer.
17350131             —AM, GEORG—CHRISTOPH—VON—HAGEN wurde durch CLEMENS—AUGUST—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN mit der Verwaltung DER—ABTEI betraut,
17360131             † FILIPPO—JUVARRA, italienischer Architekt
17360131             † BRUNO—MAURICIO—DE—ZABALA, spanischer Militär und Kolonialverwalter, Capitán GENERAL del Río de la Plata
17380131             † Ehrgott BERNHARD—BENDL, deutscher Bildhauer und Stuckateur
17410131             * THEODOR—GOTTLIEB—VON—HIPPEL, preußischer Staatsmann, Schriftsteller und Sozialkritiker
17410131             * Engelhard BENJAMIN—SCHWICKERT, deutscher Verleger
17410131             † HEINRICH—VON—HESSEN—DARMSTADT, deutscher PRINZ, kaiserlicher GENERAL
17470131             Das LONDON LOCK—HOSPITAL öffnet als 1. auf Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten spezialisierte Klinik in der britischen HAUPTSTADT.
17470131             SYPHILIS—PATIENTEN sind in den Anfangsjahren ihre Kunden.
17490131             † ROGER—MORRIS, englischer Architekt
17520131             * Gouverneur Morris, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker, Mitverfasser der Unabhängigkeitserklärung der Vereinigten Staaten
17530131             * Kaspar FRIEDRICH—LOSSIUS, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher, Pädagoge und Schriftsteller
17590131             * François Devienne, französischer Flötist
17590131             * FRANCOIS—DEVIENNE, composer.
17620131             * LACHLAN—MACQUARIE, Gouverneur der britischen Kolonie New SOUTH—WALES
176510131            † — Anton, PROPST—VON—EVERNACH
17660131             * AUGUSTIN—BRAIG, deutscher Theologe und Hochschullehrer
17690131             * CHARLES—CUTTS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
17690131             * ANDRÉ—JACQUES Garnerin, französischer Luftfahrtpionier, Fallschirmspringer und Erfinder
17730131             Friedrich der Große bildet per Kabinettsorder die neue Provinz Westpreußen.
17740131             * THOMAS—VEAZEY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
17780131             * KARL—GOTTLIEB—ANTON, deutscher Altphilologe
17780131             * FRANZ—ANTON—VON—KOLOWRAT—LIEBSTEINSKY, österreichischer Staatsmann
17800131             * IGNAZ—BRUDER, deutscher Orgelbauer
178010131            † — Joseph, ABT—VON—KLOSTER—LAACH
17820131             * FRANZ—SINESIUS—WEISSENBACH, Schweizer Jurist und Politiker
17830131             † Caffarelli, italienischer Opernsänger (Kastrat)
17850131             * ELISABETH—TITZ [Eltern] 1, 2, 3—WURDE am in THUIR geboren.
17860131             KOPENHAGEN, findet die Uraufführung der Oper Orpheus og Euridice von JOHANN—GOTTLIEB—NAUMANN statt.
17880131             * Bonifác Buzek, böhmischer Priester, Volksaufklärer, Philosoph und Pädagoge
17880131             * Felice Romani, italienischer Opernlibrettist
17880131             † CHARLES—EDWARD—STUART (BONNIE—PRINCE—CHARLIE), exilierter britischer Thronprätendent
17930131             Die royalistisch ausgerichtete Grafschaft Nizza wird —NACH—DEM Einmarsch französischer Revolutionstruppen von Frankreich annektiert.
17930131             † ALOIS—FRIEDRICH—VON—BRÜHL, KURSÄCHSISCH—POLNISCHER Hofbeamter und Theaterschriftsteller
17930131             Das Département ALPES—MARITIMES entsteht.
17930131             —LA—ASSEMBLÉE décrète LE—ANNEXION—DU—COMTÉ—DE—NICE
17960131             * WILHELM—GOTTHELF—LOHRMANN, deutscher Geodät, Topograph, Astronom und Meteorologe
17970131             * FRANZ—SCHUBERT, österreichischer Komponist, Mitbegründer der romantischen Musik im deutschsprachigen Raum
17970131             —INCLUDED, FRANZ—SCHUBERT—WORKS, the C Major Symphony and THE—UNFINISHED—SYMPHONY.
17980131             * HENRIETTE—VON—BISSING, deutsche Erzählerin
17990131             * RODOLPHE—TÖPFFER, Schweizer Zeichner und Novellist
17990131             † GEORG—HEINRICH—BORZ, deutscher Mathematiker
18020131             * NILS—ERICSON, schwedischer Ingenieur
18040131             —REACHED, UK—VICE—ADMIRAL WILLIAM—BLIGH (of HMS Bounty infamy) fleet, Curacao (Antilles).
18070131             * ADOLF—CHRIST, Schweizer Politiker
18110131             † HANNS—MORITZ—VON—BRÜHL, preußischer Intendant der Chausseen
18130131             * Agostino Depretis, italienischer Staatsmann
18130131             —ARMISTICE RUSSO—AUTRICHIEN.
18150000—18910131    * † JEAN—LOUIS—ERNEST Meissonier, FRANCE—ACADEMIC—PAINTER.
18170131             Die Ahnfrau, 1—TRAUERSPIEL in 5—AUFZÜGEN—VON—FRANZ—GRILLPARZER wird am Wiener Theater an der WIEN uraufgeführt und von der Kritik sehr kontrovers aufgenommen.
18170131             * AUGUST—SCHÄRTTNER, führende Persönlichkeit der deutschen Turnbewegung
18180131             * CARLOS—LUIS—DE—BORBÓN, carlistischer Thronprätendent in Spanien
18200131             * FRANCESCO—CORRADINI, italienischer Philologe
18220131             † RUDOLF—SCHADOW, deutscher Bildhauer
18230131             * Elise Polko, deutsche Dichterin und Sängerin
18240131             * WILLEM—VESTER, niederländischer Landschafts- und Tiermaler
18250131             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—NEIDHART, deutscher Pädagoge und Schulleiter
18250131             † JOHANN—THEODOR—REINKE, deutscher Ingenieur
18280131             † ALEXANDER—YPSILANTIS, griechischer Freiheitskämpfer
18300131             * JAMES—G—BLAINE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18300131             * HENRI—ROCHEFORT, französischer JOURNALIST—UND—SCHRIFTSTELLER
18350131             —FIRED, Lawrence, 2—PISTOLS at PRESIDENT—ANDREW—JACKSON —DURING funeral services for REPRESENTATIVE—WARREN—DAVIS.
18350131             JACKSON wasn't hit and Lawrence, who thought he was THE—KING—OF—ENGLAND and that JACKSON owed him money, was found to be insane.
18360131             † JOHN—CHEYNE, britischer Arzt
18390131             * CURT—VON—KNOBELSDORFF, deutscher Pionier des Blauen Kreuzes
18400131             * JOSEF—FERCH, rumäniendeutscher Komponist, Kirchenmusiker und Musikpädagoge
18400131             † JOSEPH—VON—UTZSCHNEIDER, deutscher Techniker und Unternehmer
18410131             * PAUL—VON—COLLAS, deutscher GENERAL der Infanterie, GOUVERNEUR—VON—MAINZ
18410131             * HUGO—MERGUET, deutscher Pädagoge, Altphilologe
18440131             † HENRI—GATIEN Bertrand, französischer GENERAL
18450131             * Armand d'Artois, französischer Schriftsteller
18460131             3—ORTE schließen sich im USA—BUNDESSTAAT WISCONSIN zur Stadt MILWAUKEE zusammen.
18490131             * AUGUST—REINSDORF, deutscher Attentäter
18490131             —ZUSTAND in PARIS
18490131             —DIE—SITUATION—IN—PARIS
18490131             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—209—KÖLN.
18490131             Zustand in PARIS - Die Situation in PARIS
18500131             Die in Preußen eingeführte Verfassung sieht das Dreiklassenwahlrecht vor, das Wohlhabenden zu Stimmvorteilen bei den Wahlen von Abgeordneten verhilft.
18510131             * PETER—EMIL—ISLER, Schweizer Politiker
18510131             * EMIL—KILLINGER, deutscher Jurist
18510131             —ANNOUNCED, GAIL—BORDEN, the invention of evaporated milk.
18530131             * MARIA—BELPAIRE, belgische Schriftstellerin
18540131             * LUDWIG—VON—PASTOR, deutscher katholischer Historiker
18540131             * STEFAN—STAMBOLOW, bulgarischer Politiker, PREMIERMINISTER
18550131             * OTTO—EHRENFRIED—EHLERS, deutscher Forschungsreisender und Schriftsteller
18560131             * HERMANN—VON—FRANÇOIS, deutscher GENERAL —WWI—IM
18570131             * ALFRED—ACKERMANN—TEUBNER, deutscher Verleger und Buchhändler
18580131             * André Antoine, französischer Theaterdirektor
18580131             Die Konstruktion Isambard Kingdom Brunels sollte 3—JAHRZEHNTE lang das weltgrößte Schiff bleiben.
18580131—18571103    —AM, Nach einem vorausgegangenen missglückten Versuch gelingt der Stapellauf des britischen Segeldampfers Great Eastern.
18600131             * HEINRICH—SCHENCK, deutscher Botaniker
18630131             Der ROMAN—CINQ semaines en ballon (5—WOCHEN im Ballon) von JULES—VERNE erscheint in Frankreich.
18630131             † FRIEDRICH—FRIESE, deutscher Organist und Orgelbauer
18630131             —CALLED, The 1. SOUTH—CAROLINA Volunteers, —LATER, the 33. USA Colored Troops was officially recognized.
18630131             COMPONENTS—OF—THE—REGIMENT had been in training —SINCE early 19620000           .
18630203—18630131    —DROPPED, Sam had, the penname "Josh" and 1. signed himself "MARK—TWAIN" in 1—LETTER written.
18640131             † Fischel Arnheim, deutscher Politiker und Jurist
18640131             † HAMILTON ROWAN—GAMBLE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18640131             † MICHAEL—SACHS, DEUTSCH—JÜDISCHER Gelehrter und Kanzelredner
18650131             GENERAL—ROBERT—EDWARD—LEE wird Oberbefehlshaber über die gesamte Armee der Konföderierten STAATEN—VON—AMERIKA im Sezessionskrieg.
18650131             * HENRI—DESGRANGE, französischer HERAUSGEBER—DER—SPORTZEITUNG—LE—AUTO, Begründer der Tour de FRANCE
18650131             * ULRICH—THIEME, deutscher Kunsthistoriker
18650131             * Tichon, Patriarch der RUSSISCH—ORTHODOXEN Kirche
18650131             † HUGH—FALCONER, britischer Paläontologe, Botaniker und Geologe aus Schottland
18650131             —APPROVED, THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT (01210000—01240000    ) abolishing slavery.
18650131             It would become the 13. amendment to THE—USA—CONSTITUTION.
18650131—18651206    —RATIFIED, It was.
18660131             * EMIL—STRAUSS, deutscher Dichter
18660131             † FRIEDRICH—RÜCKERT, deutscher Dichter, Übersetzer und Orientalist
18670131             * Mariusz Zaruski, polnischer GENERAL, Segelsportler, Bergsteiger, Schriftsteller, Lyriker und Maler
18680131             * CARL—WILHELM—PETERSEN, deutscher Politiker, 1. BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—HAMBURG
18680131             * THEODORE—WILLIAM—RICHARDS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Chemiker, Nobelpreisträger
18680131             † JOSEF—KÖRÖSI, ÖSTERREICH—UNGARISCHER Industrieller
18680131—19280000    * † THEODORE—WILLIAM—RICHARDS, chemist (atomic weights, Nobel-19140000             ).
18690131             * MICHAEL—HERTY, deutscher Bahnradsportler
18720131             * HELENE—CHRISTALLER, deutsche Schriftstellerin
18720131             * ZANE—GREY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Schriftsteller
18720131             * ZANE—GREY, USA—WEST novelist (Riders of the Purple Sage).
18730131             * MELITTA—BENTZ, deutsche Unternehmensgründerin, Erfinderin des Kaffeefilters
18740131             * THEODOR—MOLLISON, deutscher Anthropologe
18740131             † Enno WILHELM—HEKTOR, deutscher Autor
18740131             —ROBBED, JESSE—JAMES gang, 1—TRAIN at Gads HILL—MISSOURI.
18750131             * Stanis?aw Lubomirski, polnischer Magnat, Unternehmer und Bankier
18750131             * SEPP—STRAFFNER, österreichischer Politiker
18760131             In den USA werden die Ureinwohner von der Regierung in die Indianerreservate beordert.
18760131             * MINNA Bollmann, deutsche Politikerin (SPD), Mitglied der Weimarer Nationalversammlung und Widerstandskämpferin
18780131             † FRANZ—JOSEPH—VON—BUSS, deutscher Jurist, Staatsrechtler, katholischer Politiker
18790000—19740131    * † SAMUEL—GOLDWYN, POLISH—BORN USA—FILM magnate (MGM).
18800131             —AM Teatro Regio in Turin erfolgt die Uraufführung des phantastischen Dramas Elda von Alfredo Catalani.
18800131             * ANTON—ARNOLD, österreichischer Opernsänger (Tenor)
18810131             * IRVING Langmuir, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Chemiker und Physiker, Nobelpreisträger
18810131             * IRVING—LANGMUIR
18820131             Die Oper GUDRUN—VON—AUGUST—KLUGHARDT wird in Neustrelitz uraufgeführt.
18820131             * ANNA—PAVLOVA, ballerina, choreographer, in S—PETERSBURG, RUSSIA.
18830131             * HERMANN—HÖPKER—ASCHOFF, deutscher Politiker und Verfassungsgerichtspräsident
18830131             † WILHELM—VON—LENZ, deutscher Musikschriftsteller
18840131             —AM Théâtre Royal in Antwerpen erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper PEDRO—DE—ZALAMÉA—VON—BENJAMIN—GODARD.
18840131             * EDGAR—HASSMANN, lettischer Pastor und evangelischer Märtyrer
18840131             * THEODOR—HEUSS, deutscher Politikwissenschaftler, Politiker, MdB, 1. Bundespräsident der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
18840131             † FRANZ—SENN, österreichischer Priester, GRÜNDER—DES—DEUTSCHEN—ALPENVEREINES
18840131             —REINFORCED, S—FRANCISCO, men under city Park Commissioner FRANK—PIXLEY, by police, demolished the Mooneysville shantytown at Ocean Beach.
18850131             * HEINRICH—QUIRING, deutscher Geologe und Paläontologe
18870000—19950131    * † GEORGE—ABBOTT, legendary Broadway PRODUCER—DIRECTOR, in MIAMI BEACH—FLORIDA, at age 107.
18880131             † JOHANNES—BOSCO, italienischer Priester und Ordensgründer
18890131             * ALBERT—AEREBOE, deutscher Maler
18900131             * ADOLF—BACH, deutscher Germanist
18910131             —SCHLACHT—VON—MANKONBAFUT—KAMERUN, kommt es zur
18910131             * MAX—DRISCHNER, deutscher Komponist, Organist und Cembalist
18910131             † ERNEST—MEISSONIER, französischer Maler
18910131             —REVOLTA—DE—31—DE—JANEIRO, PORTUGAL
18910131             1. tentativa de instaurar O—REGIME—REPUBLICANO em PORTUGAL.
18910131—18630000    —IN, His painting "Friedland, 18070000             ," begun, was completed 18750000             —IN.
18920000—19720131    * † HOWARD—BARLOW, USA—RADIO—PIONEER and CBS—MUSIC—DIRECTOR (19270000—19430000    ).
18920131             * HEINRICH—BONGARTZ, deutscher Jagdflieger —WWI—IM
18920131             * Ozaki Kihachi, japanischer Schriftsteller
18920131             † CHARLES—HADDON—SPURGEON, britischer Baptistenpastor und Prediger
18930131             * Freya Madeline Stark, britische Orient- und Reiseschriftstellerin
18940131             * Kojima Masajir?, japanischer Schriftsteller
18940131             * ALBERT—PERROT, französischer Autorennfahrer
18950131             WILLIAM—RAMSAY und JOHN—STRUTT, 3. BARON—RAYLEIGH geben die Entdeckung eines neuen chemischen Elements, des Edelgases Argon bekannt, das sie aus der Luft isoliert haben.
18950131             JOSE—MARTI and others left NEW—YORK—CITY for invasion of SPAIN—CUBA.
18950131—18980000    —AB, entdeckt WILLIAM—RAMSAY in dem isolierten Argon 3—WEITERE Elemente, die Edelgase Neon, Krypton und Xenon.
18960131             * JOSEF—ACKERMANN, deutscher Journalist
18960131             * MARIANNE—GRUNTHAL, deutsche Lehrerin, NS—OPFER
18960131             † WILLIAM—ALEXANDER—ADAMS, englischer Ingenieur und Unternehmer
18960131             † GEORGE—A—ANDERSON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18970131             * AHMAD—SCHAH—KADSCHAR, persischer Schah, letzter Herrscher der KADSCHAREN—DYNASTIE
19000131             * Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, bulgarischer Philosoph und Pädagoge
19000131             * Lisa Korspeter, deutsche Politikerin und MdB
19000131             * Betty Parsons, USA—AMERIKANISCHE Künstlerin und Galeristin (MUTTER—DES—ABSTRAKTEN—EXPRESSIONISMUS)
19000131             † JOHN—SHOLTO—DOUGLAS, 9. Marquess of Queensberry, Marquis, schottischer Adliger
19000131             † SCOTLAND—PEER—SIR—JOHN—SHOLTO—DOUGLAS, 56—JAHRE—ALT, 8. Marquis of Queensberry.
19000131             —SUPERVISED, SCOTLAND—PEER—SIR—JOHN—SHOLTO—DOUGLAS, the formulation by JOHN—GRAHAM CHAMBERS—OF—THE—RULES of boxing, which became known as the Queensberry Rules.
19000131—18950000    —IN, IRELAND—WRITER OSCAR—WILDE had unsuccessfully sued the Marquis for libel —FOLLOWING allegations of 1—HOMOSEXUAL relationship with QUEENSBERRY—SON Lord ALFRED—DOUGLAS, allegations which ultimately led to WILDE—IMPRISONMENT in READING GAOL—ENGLAND.
19010131             —OPENED, Chekhov's "3—SISTERS", at MOSCOW ART—THEATER.
19020131             —IT, was THE—USA—TAX—FREEDOM—DAY, the —DAY by which citizens met their financial obligations to the government.
19020131             1—FRANCE—SOCCER team played in ENGLAND for the 1. time: PARIS lost, 4-0, to Marlow FC.
19020131—19990000    —BY, THE—USA—TAX—FREEDOM—DAY had shifted to 19020510         .
19050131             * JOHN—O'HARA, novelist (Appointment at SAMARRA), in Pottsville, Penn.
19060131             1—ERDBEBEN der Stärke 8,8 in Kolumbien und ECUADOR fordert etwa 1.000—TOTE.
19060131             1—MAGNITUDE 8.8—QUAKE off THE—COAST—OF—ECUADOR and COLOMBIA.
19060131             —KILLED, It generated 1—TSUNAMI that, at least 500—PEOPLE.
19080000—19890131    * † JACK—DOUGLAS, humorist and comedy writer.
19110131             † PAUL—SINGER, deutscher Fabrikant, SPD—MITBEGRÜNDER und MdR
19110131             —EXEMPTED, THE—GERMANY—REICHSTAG, royal families from tax obligations.
19110131             † P. Singer, in BERLIN gestorben.
19110131—18440116    † * P. Singer, geboren in BERLIN, KAUF—MANN, —SEIT
19120131             Der Sänger JACK—JUDGE trägt in Stalybridge zum 1. Mal das von ihm komponierte Lied It's a Long Way to Tipperary vor, das in der Zeit des 1. Weltkriegs durch britische Soldaten weltweit bekannt wird.
19140131             —AM Wiener Carltheater findet die Uraufführung der Operette Der 1. Kuss von LUDWIG—ROCHLITZER statt.
19150131             Germans used poison gas for the 1. time on the Russians at Bolimov.
19150131—19680000    * † THOMAS—MERTON, FRANCE—TRAPPIST monk, poet, essayist.
19150131—19680000    "1—HAPPINESS that is sought for ourselves alone can never be found; for 1—HAPPINESS that is diminished by being shared is not big enough to make us happy".
19150131—19931128    * † GARRY—MOORE game show and variety show host, at 78 on SOUTH—CAROLINA—HILTON—HEAD—ISLAND.
19160131             —REFUSED, PRESIDENT—WOODROW—WILSON, the compromise on Lusitania reparations.
19170131             —RESUMED, GERMANY, unlimited sub warfare, saying that all neutral ships that are in the war zone would be attacked.
19170201—19170131    —SEE
19180131             —SCHLACHT—BEI—DER—INSEL—MAY, kollidieren in der schottischen Förde Firth of Forth mehrere britische U—BOOTE der K—KLASSE, wobei 2—BOOTE sinken und über 100—SEELEUTE den Tod finden.
19180131             —NACH—ERNSTEN—ZUSAMMENSTÖßEN in Moabit, Charlottenburg und Spandau werden der verschärfte BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTAND über BERLIN verhängt und
19180131             —NACH—ERNSTEN—ZUSAMMENSTÖßEN werden außerordentliche KRIEGS—GERICHTE eingesetzt.
19180131             W. Dittmann wird, als er in 1—VERBOTENEN Versammlung spricht, verhaftet.
19180131             —NACH—ERNSTEN—ZUSAMMENSTÖßEN in MOABIT, CHARLOTTENBURG und SPANDAU werden der verschärfte BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTAND über BERLIN verhängt und
19190100             —ANFANG einsetzende gewaltige antibolschewistische...
19190131             * JACKIE—ROBINSON, 1. black major league baseball player.
19200000—20150131    * † RICHARD—VON—WEIZSAECKER, FORMER—GERMANY—PRESIDENT (19840000—19940000    ), overnight in BERLIN.
19210000—20140131    * † HUNGARY—FILMMAKER Miklos Jancso, winner of the best director award at 19720000             —THE Cannes Film Festival.
19210131             * CAROL—CHANNING, actress (Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Hello Dolly).
19210131—19590000    * † MARIO—LANZA, actor, singer (Great Caruso, TOAST—OF—NEW—ORLEANS), in PHILADELPHIA.
19230131—19990000    —IN, * † NORMAN—MAILER, NEW—YORK—CITY mayoral candidate, novelist (Naked and the Dead), in NEW—JERSEY MARY V. Dearborn published "NORMAN—MAILER: 1—BIOGRAPHY".
19250121—19250131    —AM, Er lässt sich zu ihrem Präsidenten wählen.
19250131             * BENJAMIN—HOOKS, civil rights leader.
19260131             * JEAN—SIMMONS, actress (Thorn Birds, Guys and Dolls), in LONDON—ENGLAND.
19260131             —ESTABLISHED, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) was, by Wahab Chasbullah with support from Hasyim Asy'ari, the most respected Muslim scholar in EAST—JAVA.
19260131—20100000    —BY, NU was 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—INDEPENDENT—ISLAMIC—ORGANIZATIONS in the world.
19270131             Die Interalliierte MILITÄR—KONTROLL—KOMMISSION der Siegermächte des 1. Weltkrieges stellt offiziell fest, dass Deutschland die Abrüstung gemäß dem Versailler Vertrag erfüllt hat.
19280131             —MARKETED, Scotch tape was 1., by 3-M Company.
19290131             Der in der Sowjetunion von JOSEF—STALIN entmachtete LEO—TROTZKI wird gemeinsam mit anderen Oppositionellen nach ALMA—ATA in die Verbannung geschickt.
19290131             —EXPELLED, LEON—TROTSKY was, from RUSSIA to TURKEY.
19310131             —AWARDED, Leonarde Keeler (19040000—19490000    ) was, 1—PATENT for his Keeler Polygraph, 1—DEVICE for lie detection.
19330131             MÖSSINGEN, findet der einzige größere Streik gegen die "Machtergreifung" ADOLF—HITLERS statt.
19340131             Die Kammeroper THE—TALE of the Wandering Scholar von GUSTAV—HOLST wird in LIVERPOOL uraufgeführt.
19340131             —DEVALUED, PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT, the dollar in relation to gold.
19340131             He raised THE—PRICE—OF—GOLD to $35. THE—USA—GOLD—RESERVE—ACT required that all gold and gold certificates held by the Federal Reserve be surrendered and vested in the sole TITLE—OF—THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—THE—TREASURY.
19340131             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT, the Farm Mortgage Refinancing Act.
19350131             —COMMITTED, THE—S—FRANCISCO emergency relief, said there are 80,491—PEOPLE on relief.
19350131             20,000 were employed, 10,000 were on direct relief and 550 were unemployable.
19350131             THE—SOVIET—PREMIER told JAPAN to get out of Manchuria.
19380131             * JAMES—G—WATT, USA—SECRETARY—OF—INTERIOR (19810000—19830000    ), in COLORADO.
19390131             Durch 1—VERORDNUNG zum Reichsbürgergesetz erlöschen die Approbationen für jüdische Apotheker, Zahnärzte und Tierärzte.
19390131             Die letzten Ausgaben der auflagenstarken österreichischen Traditionszeitungen Neues Wiener Journal und Neue Freie Presse erscheinen.
19390131             Sie werden von den Nationalsozialisten mit dem der Ostmärkischen Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft einverleibten Neuen Wiener Tagblatt verschmolzen.
19390131—19420000    —IN, POLAND, Renia Spiegel, 1—JEWISH—TEENAGER, began writing 1—DIARY and continued —UNTIL she killed at age 18—BY Nazi soldiers.
19390131—20190000    —SURVIVED, Her 700-page diary, and was published as "RENIA—DIARY".
19400308—19020000    —IN, it was 19400131              and
19420131             Die japanische Invasion der Malaiischen Halbinsel im Pazifikkrieg endet auf dem Festland erfolgreich.
19420131             Die Alliierten ziehen sich auf die Insel Singapur zurück.
19420131—19420215    —BIS—ZUM, Die dauernde Schlacht um Singapur zwischen japanischen und alliierten Truppen unter britischem Oberbefehl beginnt.
19430131             —KAPITULIERT, Generalfeldmarschall FRIEDRICH—PAULUS, mit den im Südkessel eingeschlossenen deutschen Einheiten in der SCHLACHT—VON—STALINGRAD im Russlandfeldzug des 2. Weltkriegs.
19430131             CHILE broke contact with GERMANY and JAPAN.
19430131             —ENDED, THE—BATTLE—OF—STALINGRAD, as small GROUPS—OF—GERMANY—SOLDIERS of the 6. Army under Gen FRIEDRICH—VON—PAULUS surrendered to the victorious Red Army forces.
19430131—19430202    —KAPITULIERT, Die 6. ARMEE
19440000—20070131    * † Molly Ivins, political columnist for THE—FORT—WORTH STAR—TELEGRAM, of breast cancer.
19440131             Während der Schlacht um die Marshallinseln gelingt es den amerikanischen Streitkräften, auf dem Atoll Kwajalein zu landen und es in der Folge zu einer wichtigen Einsatz- und Nachschubbasis im Pazifikkrieg auszubauen.
19440131             —POSTPONED, Operation Overlord (D—DAY) was, —UNTIL June.
19440131             —WWII—DURING, USA—FORCES under Vice ADMIRAL—SPRUANCE began invading Kwajalein Atoll and other parts of THE—JAPANESE—HELD MARSHALL—ISLANDS.
19440131             U—592—SANK off IRELAND.
19440201—19440131    —SEE
19441111—19450131    —SEE
19450131             EDDIE—SLOVIK wird als einziger USA—SOLDAT—SEIT—DEM—SEZESSIONSKRIEG wegen Desertion hingerichtet.
19450131             † EDDIE—SLOVIK, einziger wegen Desertion hingerichteter USA—AMERIKANISCHER SOLDAT —WWII—IM
19450131             —BECAME, Private EDDIE—SLOVIK (19200000              *), the only USA—SOLDIER —SINCE the Civil War to be executed for desertion, as he was shot by 1—USA—FIRING squad near the village of STE—MARIE aux MINES—FRANCE.
19450131—19870000    —EXHUMED, SLOVIK—BODY was, and returned to DETROIT, Mi., his hometown.
19460131             Die Föderative Volksrepublik Jugoslawien erhält 1—VERFASSUNG als Bundesstaat mit 6—TEILREPUBLIKEN (Slowenien, Kroatien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Montenegro, Serbien und Mazedonien) und 2—AUTONOMEN Provinzen innerhalb der REPUBLIK Serbien (Vojvodina und Kosovo).
19480131—19460401    —AM, Die unter britischem Druck zustande gekommene Malaiische Union wird aufgelöst und 19480201              durch die Föderation Malaya ersetzt.
19490131             The 1. TV daytime soap opera, "These Are My Children," was broadcast from THE—NBC station in CHICAGO.
19500131             In einer Rundfunkansprache gibt ELLY—HEUSS—KNAPP die Gründung des Deutschen Müttergenesungswerks bekannt.
19500131             —WENIGE—MONATE—NACH—DEM 1. sowjetischen Kernwaffentest,
19500131             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—TRUMAN, that he had ordered FULL—SPEED development of the hydrogen bomb.
19500131             —PROTESTED, PARIS, the Soviet recognition of Ho CHI—MINH—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—VIETNAM.
19500131—19520000    —J—IM, getestet, die WASSERSTOFF—BOMBE IVY—MIKE, wird als
19500414—19500131    —ISSUED, It was in response to 1—DIRECTIVE, by TRUMAN : "to undertake 1—REEXAMINATION—OF our objectives in peace and war AND—OF—THE—EFFECT—OF these objectives on our strategic plans, in the light of the probable fission bomb capability and possible thermonuclear bomb CAPABILITY—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION".
19530131—19530201    in der Nacht auf den, Die Hollandsturmflut überschwemmt weite TEILE—DER—NIEDERLANDE, Belgiens, Frankreichs, Dänemarks und Englands.
19530131—19530201    Alleine in den Niederlanden sterben nach offiziellen Angaben 1.853—MENSCHEN.
19530131—19530201    1—POWERFUL—STORM breached sea dikes in THE—SOUTH—OF—THE—NETHERLANDS, killing more than 1,800—PEOPLE and cementing 1—DEEP resolve among THE—HOLLAND—THAT their ancient enemy, water, would never kill again.
19530131—19530201    307—PEOPLE † in EAST—ENGLAND.
19540131             † EDWIN—H—ARMSTRONG (18900000              †), USA—RADIO INVENTOR—OF—FREQUENCY modulation (FM), committed suicide.
19550131             1—DOCUMENT thus dated stated that YURI—RASTVOROV, 1—SOVIET defector, told Eisenhower administration officials in 1—PRIVATE 19550128              meeting that USA and other UN PRISONER—OF—WARS were held in Siberia —DURING the 19500000—19530000     Korean War.
19550131             —ANNOUNCED, RCA chairman DAVID—SARNOFF—, the Mark I music synthesizer.
19550131             —INVENTED, HARRY—OLSON and Belar, both working for RCA, the Electronic Music Synthesizer (aka THE—OLSON—BELAR Sound Synthesizer).
19550131             —FILTERED, This synth used sawtooth waves that were, for other types of timbres.
19550131             (It is rumored to have been built for the artificial creation of human speech) This synth became THE—RCA Electronic Music Synthesizer MARK—I
19560131             BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—JUSCELINO—KUBITSCHEK (19020000—19760000    ) took office.
19560131             He vowed to modernize the country and made economic growth his main goal.
19560131             † UK—AUTHOR—AA—MILNE, 74—JAHRE—ALT, creator of "WINNIE—THE—POOH,".
19560131             UK—AUTHOR—AA—MILNE left the rights to THE—HONEY—LOVING bear to 5—BENEFICIARIES that included the Garrick Club, WESTMINSTER School, THE—ROYAL—LITERARY—FUND, his own family and illustrator E.H. Shepard.
19560131             [19560201             ] 1—STICK of dynamite exploded on THE—PORCH—OF—THE—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING family.
19570131             —VOTED, JAPAN, Nobosuke KISHI was, in as acting PRIME—MINISTER —FOLLOWING the resignation of the ailing Tanzan Ishibashi.
19580131             Der 1. Satellit der USA, Explorer 1, wird 4—MONATE —NACH—DEM russischen Satelliten Sputnik in die Erdumlaufbahn gebracht.
19580131             Dabei gelingt ihm unter der Leitung von JAMES—VAN—ALLEN der Nachweis des VAN—ALLEN—STRAHLUNGSGÜRTELS um die Erde.
19580131             Explorer 1, the 1. successful USA—SATELLITE, was launched by 1—JUPITER C rocket and THE—USA—ENTERED—THE—SPACE—AGE.
19580131             It discovered the "VAN Allen radiation belts" —AROUND Earth named —AFTER JAMES—VAN—ALLEN.
19580131             Radio signals from the transmitter aboard the 30.8—POUND satellite were picked up in CALIFORNIA within 1—FEW minutes —AFTER the launch.
19580131             —2—MONTHS—EARLIER, the 1. attempt to launch 1—SATELLITE had failed.
19580131             —BELIEVED, THE—EARTH—GIRDLE—SCIENTISTS have long, that the planet is surrounded by 1—RADIATION belt.
19580131             —CONFIRMED, —NOW it's 1, fact.
19590131             —OF, VANGUARDIA ESPANOLA—PAGE—12, 19591114 PAGE—17;
19610131             Der Schimpanse Ham startet mit der MERCURY—REDSTONE 2-Mission der NASA von Cape Canaveral aus ins All.
19610131             Er verbringt etwa 6—MINUTEN in der Schwerelosigkeit und geht wenig später mit seiner Kapsel unversehrt im Atlantik nieder.
19610131             —ARRESTED, SOUTH—CAROLINA, 10—BLACK—MEN were, for ordering lunch from 1—WHITES—ONLY counter at MCCRORY—VARIETY store in GREENSBORO.
19610131             —LANDED, Chimpanzee Ham, safely and became the 1. primate in space —AFTER a 16—MINUTE flight aboard 1—MERCURY—REDSTONE 2—ROCKET.
19610131             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—15;
19610131—20150000    —IN, 1—MAN paid 1—FINE and the rest became known as the "Friendship 9." prosecutors sought to vacate their arrests and convictions.
19620131             At the 8. MEETING—OF—CONSULTATION—OF—MINISTERS of Foreign Affairs of THE—OAS, held in Punta del ESTE—URUGUAY, ministers suspended CUBA—MEMBERSHIP.
19640131             1—USA—REPORT, "Smoking & Health," connected smoking to lung cancer.
19650131             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—80;
19660131             —LAUNCHED, THE—SOVIETS, Luna 9, the 1. spacecraft to land softly on the moon.
19660131—19660203    —AM, Die sowjetische Raumsonde Luna 9—STARTET auf dem Weg zum Mond, wo ihr die 1. weiche Landung einer Sonde gelingen wird.
19680131             Das von Australien im Auftrag der UNO treuhänderisch verwaltete NAURU im Westpazifik wird unabhängig.
19680131             Hammer DeRoburt wird 1. PRÄSIDENT—DES—INSELSTAATES.
19680131             —CONTINUED, VIETNAM, the Tet Offensive, as Viet Cong and NORTH—VIETNAM—SOLDIERS attacked strategic and CIVIL—LOCATIONS —THROUGHOUT SOUTH—VIETNAM.
19680131             THE—VIET—CONG, under GENERAL—VO—NGUYEN—GIAP (19110000              *), seized PART—OF—THE—USA—EMBASSY in Saigon —FOR—6—HOURS.
19680131             —ATTACKED, They, more than 100—CITIES in SOUTH—VIETNAM with MANY—USA—CASUALTIES.
19680131             Although the Communists were beaten back, the offensive was seen as 1—MAJOR—SETBACK for THE—USA and its allies.
19680131             —DURING the Tet Offensive, the Communist troops who took control of the ancient CAPITAL—OF—HUE killed 1 estimated 6,000 civilians —BEFORE they again lost CONTROL—OF—THE—CITY.
19690131             he says he is "TIRED—OF—TV dinners and tired of seeing people starve in the world".
19710131             Apollo 14—STARTET mit den Astronauten STUART—ROOSA, ALAN—SHEPARD und EDGAR—MITCHELL an Bord in Richtung Mond.
19710131             Astronauts ALAN—B—SHEPARD—JUNIOR, EDGAR—D—MITCHELL and STUART—A—ROOSA blasted off aboard Apollo 14 on 1—MISSION to the moon.
19720131             ROSA—VON—PRAUNHEIMS Film Nicht der Homosexuelle ist pervers, sondern die Situation, in der er lebt wird vom Westdeutschen Rundfunk erstmals im deutschen Fernsehen gezeigt.
19740131             Angehörige der Volksfront zur Befreiung Palästinas überfallen die japanische Botschaft in KUWAIT.
19740131             Gleichzeitig stürmen MITGLIEDER—DER—JAPANISCHEN—ROTEN—ARMEE 1—ANLAGE des SHELL—KONZERNS auf einer Insel vor Singapur und nehmen 5—GEISELN.
19740131             —GOLD, hit 1—RECORD—HIGH of $195.5 1—OUNCE.
19750605—19780131    —ENDED, CHAVEZ, officially, the table grape, lettuce and wine boycott.
19760131             Ernesto Miranda, famous from THE—SUPREME—COURT ruling on "Miranda Rights," was stabbed to death in ARIZONA.
19760131             Reproduced IN—THE—MORNING—STAR, the official UK—COMMUNIST—NEWSPAPER.
19770131             Das von RENZO—PIANO, RICHARD—ROGERS und Gianfranco Franchini entworfene Centre National d'Art et de Culture GEORGES—POMPIDOU wird in PARIS eröffnet.
19780000             —UNTIL their forced resignation in August,
19800131             —ATTACKED, THE—SPAIN—EMBASSY—GUATEMALA, was, and
19800131             † † † 37—PEOPLE were killed.
19800131             —INCLUDED, The dead, THE—FATHER—OF—RIGOBERTA—MENCHU, who —LATER filed charges in SPAIN against Rios Montt, 5—GUATEMALA—GENERALS and 2—CIVILIANS for war crimes.
19800131             Peasant, labor and student activists had taken over THE—SPAIN—EMBASSY in GUATEMALA—CITY to protest THE—RULE—OF—PRESIDENT—LUCAS—GARCIA (19250000—20060000    ).
19810131             —ANNOUNCED, LECH—WALESA, 1—ACCORD in POLAND, giving labor Saturdays off.
19830131             Gründung des Senior Experten Service in Deutschland.
19840000             —PAG 597.
19860131             —FOLLOWING WEEKS—OF—UNREST, WHITE—HOUSE spokesman LARRY—SPEAKES announced the collapse of the Duvalier government, 1—REPORT that was —LATER denied by Haitian and USA—OFFICIALS.
19870131             Discount airline pioneer People Express flew its last flights —BEFORE merging into Continental Airlines.
19870131             (34); CHRISTIC—INSTITUTE. Sheehan Affidavit.
19870131             (25 30). - (33 43) Christic Institute. (33 43) > Christic Institute.
19870131             (25 30). -  (34); Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit.
19880131             THE—WASHINGTON Redskins beat THE—DENVER—BRONCOS, 42-10, to win Super Bowl XXII at JACK—MURPHY—STADIUM in S—DIEGO.
19880131             —BLUDGEONED, ROBERT—MISHELL, UC BERKELEY immunologist, and his wife were, at their home by ENRIQUE—ZAMBRANO, 1—WATERFRONT commissioner, who had built them 1—DECK —3—YEARS—EARLIER.
19880131             —ARRESTED, Zambrano was, —AFTER LUIS—REYNA, 1—UC administrative assistant, informed police that Zambrano had confessed the crime to him.
19880131             —RELEASED, Zambrano was, on bail and hours —LATER Reyna vanished.
19880131             REYNA—HEADLESS—BODY was found 1—WEEK —LATER in THE—LAFAYETTE hills.
19880131—19890000    —ARRESTED, Zambrano, in Palm Springs, was —LATER convicted and sentenced to death.
19890131             Der SPD—PARTEIVORSTAND beschließt, die Parteizeitung Vorwärts aus Kostengründen einzustellen.
19890131             Dessen Mitarbeiter widersetzen sich dem ENDE—DES—TRADITIONSREICHEN—BLATTES.
19890131             Jury selection began in THE—TRIAL—OF—FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY Council aide OLIVER—NORTH, charged in connection with THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair.
19890131             —CONVICTED, He was —LATER, on 3—COUNTS, but those convictions were set aside, and the case was not retried.
19890131             —INCLUDED, His several books, "My Brother Was 1—ONLY—CHILD" (19600000             ), "Never Trust 1—NAKED—BUS—DRIVER" (19600000             ), and "Rubber Duck" (19790000             ).
19900131             MOSKAU, wird das 1. sowjetische MCDONALD'S—RESTAURANT eröffnet.
19900131             Die Steinkohle fördernde Zeche Radbod in BOCKUM—HÖVEL wird stillgelegt.
19900131             Italienische Premiere von Federico Fellinis Film Die Stimme des Mondes (La voce della luna).
19900131             —OPENED, MCDONALD—CORP., its 1. FAST—FOOD restaurant in MOSCOW.
19910000             from their positions as the top officials of 1. American,
19910131             —DURING the Gulf War, Army Specialist MELISSA—RATHBUN—NEALY and Army Specialist DAVID—LOCKETT were captured by IRAQ—FORCES near THE—KUWAITI—SAUDI—ARABIA—BORDER;
19910131             both were eventually released.
19910131             —CLAIMED, ALLIED—FORCES, victory against IRAQ—ATTACKERS at KHAFJI—SAUDI—ARABIA.
19910308—19940131    ROBERT—W—GAMBINO.
19910308—19940131    GEORGE—H—W—BUSH.
19910308—19940131    G. Huntington Banister.
19910308—19940131    ROBERT—W—GAMBINO, GEORGE—H—W—BUSH G....
19910600             CURT—WELDON—NEPHEW and THE—CIA | TPMCafe
19920131             —UNPRECEDENTED, LEADERS—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—MEMBER—STATES held 1, summit, —AFTER which they issued 1—DECLARATION on collective security, arms control and nuclear NON—PROLIFERATION.
19930000—20110131    —SINCE—SULEIMAN has headed the feared EGYPT—GENERAL—INTELLIGENCE service.
19930131             —DEFEATED, THE—DALLAS Cowboys, THE—BUFFALO Bills 52-17 in Super Bowl XXVII, played at the Rose Bowl in PASADENA—CALIFORNIA.
19930131             1—GAMMA ray burst that exceeded THE—NASA—DETECTOR capability for measurement took place on the same —DAY as the football Super Bowl.
19940131             —BURNED, BARCELONA opera theater "Gran Teatro del Liceo", down.
19940131             —OPENED, SOMALIA, 1—CONVOY—OF—USA—SOLDIERS, fire on HUNDREDS—OF—SOMALIA—CIVILIANS outside 1—FOOD distribution center, killing at least 8.
19940131             —ARRIVED, Sinn Fein PRESIDENT—GERRY—ADAMS, in NEW—YORK —AFTER being granted a 48-hour visa so that he could take part in 1—CONFERENCE on NORTH—IRELAND.
19940131—18470000    Das eröffnete Opernhaus Gran Teatre del Liceu in BARCELONA, —NACH—DEM Teatro alla Scala in Mailand das zweitgrößte Opernhaus der Welt, wird durch einen Brand zerstört.
19950131             Zur Bewältigung der TEQUILA—KRISE bewilligt USA—PRÄSIDENT—BILL—CLINTON für ein internationales Hilfspaket zu Gunsten Mexikos einen Anteil von 20—MILLIARDEN USA—DOLLAR.
19950131             —SCRAPPED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, a $40—BILLION rescue plan for MEXICO, announcing instead that he would act unilaterally to provide MEXICO with $20—BILLION from 1—FUND normally used to defend THE—USA—DOLLAR.
19950131             —BURNED, THE—MOUNT—CALVARY—BAPTIST—CHURCH in Hardeman Co., TENNESSEE, down.
19950131             —SUSPECTED, Arson was, and investigations by THE—FBI and ATF were —LATER begun.
19960131             Selbstmordattentate der Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam mit einem Lkw voller Sprengstoff auf die Zentralbank Sri Lankas sowie auf 1—HOCHHAUS in COLOMBO verursachen zusammen 88—TOTE und etwa 1.000—VERLETZTE.
19960131             The last Cubans held in refugee camps at GUANTANAMO Bay Naval Base boarded 1—PLANE for FLORIDA.
19960131             —SIGHTED, JAPAN—ASTRONOMER, Hyakutake, 1., the comet that —NOW bears his name.
19960131             —SHOWED, —LATER analysis, that the comet contained about 50—MILLION TONS—OF—FROZEN ethane or about 1—PERCENT—OF—ITS—TOTAL—MASSACHUSETTS.
19960131             —CRASHED, SRI—LANKA, 1—EXPLOSIVE—PACKED truck, into THE—CENTRAL—BANK—IN—COLOMBO and killed at least 55 and injured at least 1400—PEOPLE.
19960131             —BLAMED, THE—TAMIL—TIGERS rebel group were.
19960131             They had been fighting for independence —FOR—12—YEARS.
19960131             1—TIGER suicide bomber blew up THE—CENTRAL—BANK and killed almost 100—PEOPLE.
19960131             —KILLED, The bombing, 88 and injured 1,400. —AFTER 73—PEOPLE were killed in THE—CENTRAL—BANK—BOMBING—THE—USA declared the Tamil Tigers 1—TERRORIST organization.
19960131             † In SWITZERLAND 5—PEOPLE in the Bernese Alps —WHEN their hot air balloon crashed into 1—MOUNTAINSIDE at 1—HEIGHT—OF—2,400 meters.
19960131—19960326    —ON, It came to within 10—MILLION MILES—OF—THE—EARTH on its closest approach.
19960326             The closest approach of the Hyakutake comet, 1. sighted 19960131           .
19970131             3—DAYS—OF—DELIBERATIONS in the O.J. Simpson civil trial in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA, were scrapped —AFTER the only black woman on the panel was replaced BECAUSE—OF—MISCONDUCT.
19970131             —STARTED, The jury, over.
19970131             1—USA federal judge sentenced cocaine lord JUAN—GARCIA—ABREGA to serve 11—LIFE terms and to pay fines totaling more than $128—MILLION.
19970131             —ALLOWED, The penalties also, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to seize $350—MILLION in ABREGA—ASSETS.
19970131             LIBERIA, this was the deadline for some 14,000 rebels to hand in their weapons.
19970131             —SENTENCED, VIETNAM, 1—COMMUNIST—PARTY member and 3—ASSOCIATES were, to death —AFTER being CONVICTED—OF—BRIBERY, embezzlement and gambling.
19970131             They were responsible for losses of $27—MILLION at THE—STATE—RUN Tamexco IMPORT—EXPORT company.
19971114             1—USA federal court ruled that spent reactor fuel must be accepted by the Energy DEPARTMENT beginning no —LATER than 19970131             , even though no disposal site yet exists.
19980131             —RETURNED, The space shuttle Endeavour, from Mir with its crew of 7. ASTRONAUT—DAVID—WOLF returned to Earth —AFTER—4—MONTHS on THE—RUSSIA—SPACE station Mir.
19980131             —OPENED, JAPAN, THE—XVIII —WINTER Olympic Games, in NAGANO.
19980131             —HANGED, MEXICO, 3—INDIA—VILLAGERS were found, in the Chiapas TOWN—OF—OCOSINGO.
19980131             † Also ANTONIO—GOMEZ—FLORES, 1—OCOSINGO peasant leader, —WHEN 1—TRUCK smashed into his car as he left the funeral of Rubicel Ruiz Gamboa.
19980205—20170131    —EXECUTED, MARK—CHRISTESON was.
19990131             FLORIDA, THE—DENVER—BRONCOS, led by quarterback JOHN—ELWAY, beat THE—ATLANTA Falcons 34-19 in Super Bowl XXXIII. There were 127.5—MILLION viewers for FOX—BROADCASTING.
19990131             —REPORTED, Scientists from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ALABAMA at BIRMINGHAM, that THE—AIDS virus originated from 1—SUBSPECIES of chimpanzee in WEST—AFRICA and that it jumped to humans in the last 50—YEARS.
19990131             —CALLED, KOFI—ANNAN, on large corporations to enact and uphold STANDARDS—OF—CONDUCT for themselves and SUB—CONTRACTORS for investments and operations in poor countries.
19990131             —FROM AZERBAIJAN it was reported that Vafa Gulkuzade, CHIEF foreign affairs advisor, had asserted that the country needed 1—MILITARY protector.
19990131             He said Turkish or USA—MILITARY—BASES would be welcomed.
19990131             MARSHALL—ISLANDS foreign MINISTER, Phillip Muller, said his government would seek 1—RENT increase from THE—USA for the use of the Kwajalein Atoll.
19990131             —FREED, SIERRA—LEONE, rebels, 11—INDIA—NATIONALS abducted 1—WEEK ago.
19990131             † as many as 3,000—5000—PEOPLE, The government said, —DURING the fighting, in FREETOWN.
19990131             —RAISED, The number of dead was, to 6,350.
19990202—19990131    —SINCE fighting began, 35—PEOPLE were reported killed.
19990510—19020000    —IN, it was 19990131             , and
19991015—19990131    —PUBLISHED, CHINA, THE—PEOPLE—DAILY, 1—ORDER that demanded that "foreign organizations or individuals using encryption products or equipment containing encryption technology in CHINA must apply" for permission.
20000131             —SUSPENDED, ATLANTA Braves pitcher JOHN—ROCKER was, by baseball commissioner Bud Selig for disparaging foreigners, homosexuals and minorities in 1—SPORTS—ILLUSTRATED interview.
20000131             —CHARGED, Pro Bowl linebacker RAY—LEWIS was, with murder in the deaths of 2—PEOPLE outside 1—ATLANTA nightclub hours —AFTER the Super Bowl.
20000131             —ENDED, Lewis, his trial early by pleading guilty to OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE;
20000131             2—CO—DEFENDANTS were acquitted at trial.
20000131             THE—USA—PERSUADED—PUERTO—RICO to continue USE—OF—THE—NAVY firing range off Vieques Island with dummy bombs in exchange for $40—MILLION.
20000131             1—VOTE by islanders to approve live ammunition would bring PUERTO—RICO—1—ADDITIONAL $50—MILLION.
20000131             —REPORTED, It was, that NITROGEN—BASED fertilizers were likely suspects in the rapid decline of the spotted frog in the Pacific Northwest.
20000131             ALASKA Airlines Flight 261, an MD—83—JET with 88—PEOPLE bound for SEATTLE from PUERTO—VALLARTA, MEXICO, crashed about 2.7—MILES NORTH—OF—ANACAPA Island, CALIFORNIA There were no survivors.
20000131             1—STOP had been scheduled in SF.
20000131             —WARNED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, AUSTRIA that its 14—MEMBERS would diplomatically isolate AUSTRIA if the Freedom Party of Joerg Haider entered into 1—COALITION government.
20000131             —ISSUED, INDONESIA, 1—GOVERNMENT commission, 1—REPORT that accused the military and militia SURROGATES—OF—MASS killing, torture, deportation and rape in EAST—TIMOR.
20000131             —KILLED, SOUTH—LEBANON, 1—HEZBOLLAH rocket attack, 3—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20000131—20030501    —BY, 1—NO vote would require clean up and 1—HALT to training.
20000210             —ORDERED, THE—FEDERAL—AVIATION—ADMINISTRATION, inspections of MD-80, MD-90, DC-9 and 717—SERIES jetliners —AFTER 2—ALASKA Airlines planes were found to have equipment damage similar to that on ALASKA Airlines Flight 261, which crashed off THE—CALIFORNIA coast 20000131             , killing all 88—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20010000             [STATE—OF—THE—UNION, 20060131
20010126—20010131    —SEE
20010131             THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE cut interest rates.5% to 5.5%.
20010131             —HOISTED, THE—STATE—OF—GEORGIA, its new flag above its statehouse, 1—FEATURING 1—SMALLER—CONFEDERATE battle emblem.
20010131             —SPANNED, GORDON—DICKSON'S "Lost Dorsai" series, 14000000             —FROM—2400AD.
20010131             † MICHEL—NAVRATIL, 1—OF—THE—LAST known survivors of the sinking of the Titanic, in MONTPELLIER—FRANCE, at age 92.
20010131             —ANNOUNCED, GERMANY, plans to destroy 400,000 cattle due to the mad cow crises.
20010131             THE—NETHERLANDS, 1—SCOTLAND—COURT—SENTENCED—ABDEL—BASSET—ALI—AL—MEGRAHI, 1—LIBYA—INTELLIGENCE officer, to life in 1—SCOTLAND—PRISON for 19980000             —THE—BOMBING—OF—PAN—AM—FLIGHT 103. A 2. Libyan was acquitted.
20010131             -In ITS—REPORT,7 Democrats & 7—REPUBLICANS unanimously approved 50—RECOMMENDATIONS.
20010131             —RECOMMENDED, The commission, the formation of 1—CABINET—LEVEL—POSITION to combat terrorism.
20010131             The proposed NATIONAL HOMELAND SECURITY AGENCY NHSA director would have"responsibility for planning,coordinating & integrating various USA—GOVERNMENT activities involved in homeland security," according to the commission's executive summary.
20010131             Other commission recommendations include having the proposed NATIONAL HOMELAND SECURITY AGENCY NHSA assume responsibilities —NOW held by other agencies
20010131             --borderpatrol from the Justice Department,
20010131             Coast Guard from the Transportation Department, customs from the Treasury Department,
20010131             the National Domestic Preparedness OFFICE—FROM—THE—FBI, CYBER—SECURITY from THE—FBI and the Commerce Department.
20010131             Additionally, THE—NHSA would take over FEMA, & let the "National Security Advisor & NSC staff return to their traditional role of coordinating national security activities
20010131             to lobby for THEIR recommendations.
20010131             —ADDRESSED, MANY—OF—THEM, the point that, in THE—WORDS—OF—THE—COMMISSION—EXECUTIVE summary,"the combination of unconventional weapons proliferation with the persistence of INTERNATIONAL terrorism will end the relative INVULNERABILITY—OF—THE—USA—HOMELAND to catastrophic attack".
20010131             "1—DIRECT—ATTACK against USA—CITIZENS on USA—SOIL is likely over the next quarter —CENTURY," according to the report.
20010131             The proposed National Homeland Security Agency NHSA director would have"responsibility for planning,coordinating & integrating various USA—GOVERNMENT activities involved in homeland security," according to the commission's
20010131             executive summary.
20010131             Other commission recommendations include having the proposed National Homeland Security Agency NHSA assume responsibilities —NOW held by other agencies
20010131             the National Domestic Preparedness OFFICE—FROM—THE—FBI,
20010131             CYBER—SECURITY from THE—FBI and the Commerce Department.
20010131             & resist the temptation to become policymakers or operators".
20010131             —AFTER issuing THE—REPORT—THE—COMMISSION was supposed to disband but Hart & the other commission members got a 6—MONTH—EXTENSION [ENDING 20010731             ]
20010131—20010126    —FROM—THE, INDIA, the death count earthquake reached 12,000 and 1—ADDITIONAL 13,000 were believed still buried.
20010813—20010131    2001
20010911             family activst (DAN—WALLACE) found dead-
20010911             —THE terrorists did not target our culture.
20010912             In its 20010131              report, 7—DEMOCRATS and 7—REPUBLICANS unanimously approved 50—RECOMMENDATIONS.
20010912             —SUPPOSED, The commission was, to disband —AFTER issuing the report 20010131             , but Hart and the other commission members got a 6—MONTH extension to lobby for their recommendations.
20011004—20020131    —SEE
20011100             —DECIDED, PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—MUSHARRAF must have, that Saeed knew too much, and needed to die —BEFORE he could be extradited to THE—USA.
20011100—20020131    —AROUND,
20011100—20020131    —AROUND, DANIEL—PEARL was murdered by his kidnappers.
20020130—20010131    —UNTIL, It had surveyed the entire Milky Way and beyond and transmitted date.
20020131             Von der ANTARKTIS löst sich der LARSEN—B—EISSCHELF, eine 3250—KM² große Eisplatte, die zuvor —SEIT mehr als 10.000—JAHREN stabil geblieben ist.
20020131             —HANDED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, abortion opponents 1—SYMBOLIC—VICTORY, classifying 1—DEVELOPING fetus as an "unborn child" as 1—WAY of extending prenatal care to LOW—INCOME pregnant women under THE—STATE—CHILDREN—HEALTH—INSURANCE—PROGRAM.
20020131             Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD said in 1—SPEECH that THE—USA had to prepare for potential surprise attacks "vastly more deadly" than 20020911             —THE terrorist hijackings.
20020131             Some 3,000 participants met at the 31. World Economic Forum in NEW—YORK—CITY at THE—WALDORF—ASTORIA with scattered demonstrations outside.
20020131             —CITED, KENTUCKY, by THE—NCAA for more than 3—DOZEN recruiting violations, was placed on 3—YEARS' probation.
20020131             THE—CENTRAL—USA was hit by 1—WINTER storm that left at least 15—DEAD.
20020131             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA—AND—KAZAKSTAN planned 1—JOINT—VENTURE to use 1—FORMER—SOVIET—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS plant to process uranium for power plants and absorb atomic workers.
20020131             USA—TROOPS began a 6-month exercise for THE—PHILIPPINES—SOLDIERS on ZAMBOANGA, who were hunting ABU—SAYYAF extremists.
20020131             —DEFEATED, AFGHANISTAN, warlord Saifullah, troops under Padsha Khan Zadran in Gardez and some 50—PEOPLE were killed.
20020131             —DESIGNATED, ECUADOR, a 557—SQ—KM (215—SQ—MI) area in the Amazon rainforest the Cofan Ecological Reserve.
20020131             —ASSISTED, Field Museum scientists from CHICAGO, Cofan Indians and Ecuadoran scientists by cataloging the species in the area and declaring it to be the most biologically diverse mountain range in the world.
20020131             —KILLED, INDONESIA, THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE, —DURING—2—DAYS—OF—WIDESPREAD flooding grew to at least 33. Flooding in JAKARTA eventually killed about 60—PEOPLE.
20020131             1—INTERVIEW was published in which ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON said that he regrets that ISRAEL failed to take the opportunity to kill PALESTINE—LEADER YASIR—ARAFAT in LEBANON 20—YEARS ago.
20020131             Crossair, 1—REGIONAL—CARRIER and successor airline to the bankrupt Swissair, announced plans that will make it EUROPE—4. largest INTERNATIONAL airline, under the new name Swiss.
20020131             —ENACTED, ZIMBABWE, 1—NEW—MEDIA law that required local media people to be licensed and restricted foreign reporters from working freely.
20020131             -"Die Verteidigung der USA erfordert Prävention, Selbstverteidigung + manchmal auch frühzeitiges Zuschlagen", so die Kernbotschaft seiner Rede vor der National Defence UNIVERSITY—IN—WASHINGTON.
20020213—20020131    —FAILED, Sheikh said Pearl was shot and killed —DURING 1, escape attempt.
20030131             Bush said he would welcome a 2. UN resolution on IRAQ but only if it led to the prompt disarming of Saddam Hussein.
20030131             —CALLED, Pushing for 1—NEW—RESOLUTION, Blair, confronting IRAQ "1—TEST—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY".
20030131             1—FEDERAL—JURY in SF found ED—ROSENTHAL, 58—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MARIJUANA advocate, GUILTY—OF—FELONY conspiracy and cultivation charges.
20030131             JUDGE—CHARLES—BREYER did not allow testimony citing 19960000              CALIFORNIA state voter approval of medical marijuana.
20030131             —DESTROYED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMB, the Rambasi Bridge near KANDAHAR, and killed at least 15—PEOPLE traveling by bus.
20030131             —BLAMED, Police, Taliban and AL—QAIDA fugitives.
20030131             —DERAILED, AUSTRALIA, 1—COMMUTER train, SOUTH—OF—SYDNEY and 9—PEOPLE were killed.
20030131             Top UN arms inspectors said they would not agree to new talks in BAGHDAD unless IRAQ demonstrated more cooperation and met unspecified conditions.
20030131             —KILLED, ISRAEL—UNDERCOVER troops, 1—FUGITIVE—ISLAMIC—MILITANT and 1—PALESTINE—NIGHT watchman in a 2—HOUR gun battle at 1—JENIN firehouse.
20030131             —CLOGGED, MEXICO—CITY, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—FARMERS, main streets, demanding greater protection against USA imports and seeking more government aid.
20030131             1—RUSSIA—CARGO plane crashed —WHILE landing in fog near 1—AIRPORT on EAST—TIMOR—NORTH coast, killing all 6—PEOPLE aboard.
20030131             in dem sich 1—PROFESSOR—STEPHEN—C—PELLETIERE als FRÜHERER—FÜHRENDER—MITARBEITER—DER—CIA und der USA—ARMY zu Wort meldete:
20030131             "Aufgrund meiner früheren Tätigkeiten weiß ich Bescheid, denn
20030131             WÄHREND DES IRAN—IRAK—KRIEGES war ich Chefauswerter der CIA + von
20030131             BUSH made clear to PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR—OF—BRITAIN that he was determined to invade IRAQ without a 2. resolution.
20030131             -It was-.
20030131             3 1/—2—MONTHS—EARLIER, but the actual shooting would not begin for another —MONTH and 1—HALF.
20030131             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES was urging AMERICA to back away from the conflict + the paper's OP—ED page published 1—PIECE by 1—STEPHEN C. Pelletiere,
20030131             1—ERSTWHILE—CIA analyst, who asked:
20030131             "—UNTIL WASHINGTON gives us proof of Saddam Hussein's supposed atrocities,
20030131             why are we picking on IRAQ on human rights grounds,
20030131             particularly —WHEN there are so MANY—OTHER repressive regimes WASHINGTON supports?"
20030131             erschien in der 'NEW—YORK—TIMES' ein ungewöhnlicher Artikel von PROFESSOR—STEPHEN C.
20030131             Pelletiere über das
20030131             eine ganz andere VERSION—DES—GIFTGAS—ANGRIFFS zu Protokoll gegeben als die...
20030131             170403antiwarblogg
20030131             "Aufgrund meiner früheren Tätigkeiten weiß ich
20030131             THE—MEMORY—HOLE BUSH Flatly Declares No Connection Between SADDAM and AL—QAEDA
20030131             in dem sich EIN—PROFESSOR—STEPHEN—C—PELLETIERE
20030131             zu Wort meldete: "Aufgrund meiner früheren Tätigkeiten weiß ich Bescheid, denn
20030131             während des IRAN—IRAK—KRIEGES—WAR ICH—CHEFAUSWERTER der CIA + von
20030131             —ASKED, STEPHEN—C—PELLETIERE, 1—ERSTWHILE—CIA analyst, who :
20030131             "—UNTIL WASHINGTON gives us proof of Saddam Hussein's supposed atrocities, why are we picking on IRAQ on human rights grounds, particularly —WHEN there are so MANY—OTHER repressive regimes WASHINGTON supports?"
20030131             PROFESSOR—STEPHEN—C—PELLETIERE als FRÜHERER—FÜHRENDER—MITARBEITER—DER—CIA + der USA—ARMY zu Wort meldete: "Aufgrund meiner früheren Tätigkeiten weiß ich...
20030131             [vistaverde, ].
20030131—20030204    —ON, jurors claimed they were duped and called for 1—NEW—TRIAL.
20030131—20060000    —IN, UK—AUTHOR—PHILLIPPE—SANDS said in 1—NEW—EDITION of his 20050000              "Lawless World" that PRESIDENT—BUSH commented —DURING 20030000             —THE meeting with Blair that THE—USA intended to go to war even if inspectors failed to find evidence of 1 banned weapons program.
20030414—20030131    —AM, Die "NEW—YORK—TIMES" veröffentlichte einen Bericht, in dem sich 1—PROFESSOR—STEPHEN—C—PELLETIERE als FRÜHERER—FÜHRENDER—MITARBEITER—DER—CIA und der USA—ARMY zu Wort meldete:
20030414—20030131    —AM, Die "NEW—YORK—TIMES" veröffentlichte einen Bericht, in dem sich
20030520             CANADA—AGRICULTURE officials said that it took 15—WEEKS -- 20030131—20030516    —FROM—TO -- —BEFORE 1—BATTERY—OF—TESTS ordered on 1—SICKLY, underweight cow that had been deemed unfit for human consumption proved it had mad cow disease.
20030520—20030131    —FROM, CANADA—AGRICULTURE—OFFICIALS said that it took 15—WEEKS -- to 20030516              -- —BEFORE 1—BATTERY—OF—TESTS ordered on 1—SICKLY, underweight cow that had been deemed unfit for human consumption proved it had mad cow disease.
20040131             —ROLLED, THE—MARS rover Opportunity, off its landing pad onto the surface of Mars.
20040131             DEH, RAWOOD—AFGHANISTAN, 1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED bomb, thought to have been planted by Taliban or AL—QAIDA fighters, exploded as 1—SOUTHERN—AFGHANISTAN—MAYOR and his family drove by, killing him and 7—RELATIVES.
20040131             —ANNOUNCED, UK—AIRWAYS and Air FRANCE, the cancellation of 7—FLIGHTS to and from THE—USA—BECAUSE—OF—SECURITY concerns.
20040131             —SIGNED, CHINA—OIL—REFINING boss, 1—DEAL to buy crude oil from GABON.
20040131             —VISITED, PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO, GABON the next —DAY.
20040131             PRESIDENT—OSCAR—BERGER said GUATEMALA will distribute 970—TONS—OF—FOOD to some 77,000—PEOPLE in 1—BID to alleviate hunger in POVERTY—STRICKEN towns.
20040131             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—CAR bomb targeting 1—POLICE station in MOSUL, 9—PEOPLE and injured 45—OTHERS, —WHILE 3—USA—SOLDIERS † —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb ripped through their convoy near THE—OIL—RICH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20040131             SOUTH—SCOTLAND, 1—FIRE broke out at nursing home, killing 10—RESIDENTS and injuring 6—OTHERS.
20040803             Was der Historiker + Diplomat GEORGE—KENNAN als "Urkatastrophe des 1901010131           .Dez1999 -20.Jahrh". bezeichnet hat, ist nach Meinung renommierter Historiker der 1. umfassende Propaganda krieg der Weltgeschichte, was den EINSATZ—VON—FILM + Fotografie betrifft.
20041210             Institute. Sheehan Affidavit.
20041210             19870131              (25 30).
20041223—19830000    (51-3).
20041223—19830000    Christic Institute.
20041223—19830000    Sheehan Affidavit.
20041223—19830000    19870131              (33 43) Christic Institute.
20041231             SEC INFO—SKYWAY Communications Holding Corp - 10QSB—FOR 20050131
20041231             SEC INFO—SKYWAY Communications Holding Corp - 10QSB—FOR 20050131              20041231              1—ANDERE HUBSCHRAUBER—BESATZUNG, die nach der Flutwelle Hilfsgüter auf 1—INSEL abladen wollte, bewarfen Eingeborene vom Stamm der Sentinelesen mit Steinen.
20050101—20050131    —JANUAR
20050101—20050131    Politics: FORMER—CIA #3 Ab " Buzzy" Krongard suggests its better to have Bin... THE—BEST—OF—BOTH worlds: low tax and no guilty expectation of philanthropy.
20050130             —BY : GradyPhilpott On: Sat ;;11;;, 27 200400001319          GMT Yushchenko Poisoned According...
20050131             USA—ENERGY—OFFICIALS said Enron Corp. made over $1.6—BILLION —DURING the energy crises in 11—WESTERN—STATES 19970116—20030625    —FROM—TO.
20050131             —RELEASED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, 1—LIST—OF—17—NEW carcinogens that included X—RAYS, SOME—VIRUSES and chemicals used in frying and grilling meat.
20050131             Marsh & McClennan Cos. reached an $850—MILLION settlement of civil fraud charges with NY state's attorney ELIOT—SPITZER and the state insurance department.
20050131             THE—BOND—MARKET—ASSOCIATION (BMA) began displaying prices of municipal bond trades within 15—MINUTES—OF—COMPLETION.
20050131             Jury selection began in SANTA—MARIA, CALIFORNIA, for MICHAEL—JACKSON—CHILD molestation trial.
20050131             —ACQUITTED, JACKSON was —LATER.
20050131             —ANNOUNCED, SBC Communications INCORPORATED, it was acquiring AT&T Corp. for $16—BILLION.
20050131             —OPPOSED, BRAZIL, leftist activists, to THE—SPREAD—OF—USA—INFLUENCE ended the 5. World Social Forum with 1—PROTEST against unfettered capitalism and the war in IRAQ.
20050131             —AGREED, EU foreign ministers, to restore normal diplomatic relations with THE—CUBA—GOVERNMENT —WHILE pledging to increase contacts with CRITICS—OF—PRESIDENT—FIDEL—CASTRO.
20050131             in EGYPT AYMAN—AL—NUR, THE—HEAD—OF—1—OPPOSITION party, denounced his arrest on forgery charges, telling 1—COURT it was 1—STRIKE against political reform, —WHILE human rights groups said the moves against him could be 1—MESSAGE to other opposition groups.
20050131             Kamal Nath, INDIA—COMMERCE and Industry MINISTER, said THE—INDIA—PARLIAMENT will shortly ratify new legislation protecting drug patents, paving the way for the country to become 1—MAJOR—PHARMACEUTICAL—RESEARCH centre.
20050131             1—UN official said nearly 800,000—PEOPLE will need food aid in INDONESIA—ACEH province in the aftermath of the devastating 20051226              tsunami as the country's death toll from the disaster jumped by 5,000 for the 2. —DAY in 1—ROW.
20050131             The overall death toll stood between 156,000 and 178,000 across 11—NATIONS, with 1 estimated 26,500 to 142,000 missing, MOST—OF—WHOM are presumed dead.
20050131             —CALLED, PRIME—MINISTER—AYAD—ALLAWI, IRAQ—INTERIM—LEADER, on his countrymen to set aside their differences, —WHILE local precincts finished a 1.—PHASE COUNT—OF—MILLIONS—OF—BALLOTS from the weekend election.
20050131             —OPENED, USA—GUARDS in SOUTH—IRAQ, fire on prisoners —DURING 1—RIOT at the detention facility for security detainees at Umm Qasr, killing 4—OF—THEM.
20050131             6—OTHER—PRISONERS were injured.
20050131             —PROTESTED, Jewish settlers and their supporters, outside PARLIAMENT for a 2. —DAY against ISRAEL's planned withdrawal from PALESTINE—TERRITORIES.
20050131             † PALESTINE—OFFICIALS said a 10—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINE—GIRL was shot and killed by ISRAEL—TANK fire at 1—UN school in THE—RAFAH refugee camp.
20050131             —STORMED, KUWAIT—POLICE, several suspected terror hideouts, arresting 1 reputed terror leader and sparking 1—GUNBATTLE that killed 5—PEOPLE, including 4—OF—HIS followers.
20050131             —PLEDGED, NIGERIA, African leaders, to send more peacekeeping troops to conflict zones, especially THE—WEST—SUDAN REGION—OF—DARFUR, and to boost their role in world affairs.
20050131             1—UN—APPOINTED commission accused THE—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT of gross, systematic human rights violations in Darfur, but stopped short of labeling the violence in the region as genocide.
20050131             CANADA to counter Patriot Act:
20050131             The government will revamp THE—WORDING—OF—FUTURE—FEDERAL—CONTRACTS with the aim of countering USA powers,
20050131             granted under ANTI—TERRORISM laws, to tap into personal information about Canadians.
20050131             THE—GLOBAL—DESCENT—OF—AMERICA:
20050131             THE—BUSH—PIRATES have set 1—COURSE that can only lead to CATASTROPHE—FOR our homeland.
20050131             —VISITED, That catastrophe has already, IRAQ + the demons are shopping it elsewhere.
20050131             Israelis use barrier and 55—YEAR—OLD—LAW to quietly seize Palestinians' land:
20050131             —SEIZED, THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT has quietly, THOUSANDS—OF—ACRES—OF—PALESTINIAN—OWNED land in and —AROUND EAST—JERUSALEM —AFTER 1—SECRET—CABINET decision to use a 55—YEAR—OLD—LAW against Arabs separated from farms and orchards by the vast "security barrier
20050131             Zionism on trial:
20050131             The controversy surrounding the Jewish National Fund lands, like the dispute over THE—LAW—OF—RETURN,
20050131             touches on the thin line that practical Zionism has tried to tread for more than 100—YEARS: living in coexistence with democracy.
20050131             THE—CASE—OF—HAITI: How Bush Brings Freedom to the World:
20050131             —NOW that PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH has outlined his plans to "bring freedom to the world," it would seem urgent that the world look closely at what BUSH calls his successful mission to bring freedom to HAITI
20050131             The world is remembering Auschwitz and the Holocaust.
20050131             JUDGE—SLAMS—USA for holding GUANTANAMO detainees without legal rights:
20050131             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULED—MONDAY that SOME—FOREIGN—TERROR suspects held in CUBA can challenge their confinement in USA courts and she criticized THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION for holding HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE without legal rights.
20050131             SPEAKING—OF—WAR criminals: JOHN—KERRY in CAMBODIA:
20050131             "We delivered weapons to the Khmer Rouge on the coastline of CAMBODIA".
20050131             GUANTANAMO Tribunals Ruled Unconstitutional by Judge:
20050131             Detainees Entitled to 'Due PROCESS—OF—LAW' - Undermining IRAQ—FOOD—SECURITY:
20050131             Under the new USA—ORDER, the saving and planting of seeds will be illegal and market will only offer plant material produced by transactional agribusiness corporations.
20050131             "What do I do with democracy? Does it allow me to walk across the street without being feared of being kidnapped or being shot at or being mugged or being stolen?
20050131             Would democracy feed my children?
20050131             Would democracy allow me to quench my thirst?
20050131             THE—USA has not done anything at all to improve THE—LIFE—OF—IRAQ—PEOPLE
20050131             SOME—JUST—VOTED for Food;
20050131             —LINKED, Voting in BAGHDAD was, with RECEIPT—OF—FOOD rations, several voters said —AFTER the —SUNDAY poll.
20050131             An election to anoint an occupation:
20050131             —DENOUNCED, Had it been held in ZIMBABWE, the west would have, it
20050131             —BURIED, Chertoff, early EVIDENCE—OF—BUSH—TORTURE campaign in AFGHANISTAN:
20050131             "It is outrageous that Chertoff didn't allow testimony about LINDH—TORTURE by USA—FORCES to come out," By DAVE—LINDORFF
20050131             The nominee for new Homeland Security SECRETARY, back
20050131             Stick And Stones - VIDEO—CBC- 5. ESTATE—DOCUMENTARY
20050131             THE—USA is in the midst of 1—VERY—UN—CIVIL—WAR.
20050131             It's 1—WAR—OF—WORDS that's pitting conservative against liberal,
20050131             that's already divided the country into red and blue.
20050131             The new gladiators are commentators like BILL—O'REILLY and Ann Coulter and their forum is the television STUDIOS—OF—NETWORKS like Fox.
20050131             It's loud, it's raucous, but does it have anything to do with the truth?
20050131             Triumph and tragedy for IRAQ
20050131             not to legitimise their presence.
20050131             THE—MUSLIM—TERRORIST—APPARATUS was Created by USA—INTELLIGENCE as a...
20050131             Most —RECENTLY we have seen the real essence of the Brzezinski doctrine in the horrendous events this past —WEEK in RUSSIA (culminating in the school attack) +
20050131             PDF] Power Play and the New World Chaos- - rickety.
20050131             With THE—MIDDLE—EAST and the Muslim world in chaos, could the Brzezinski doctrine —NOW be implemented in full force?
20050131             With.
20050131             Axis History Forum :: View TOPIC—FOR Witness: Soviet Containment...-...
20050131             of the Islamic revolution in IRAN + the resultant Soviet intervention in AFGHANISTAN, THE—CARTER—ADMINISTRATION adopted the Brzezinski doctrine of supporting...
20050131             It's Happening Global Discussion FORUM—RATING Reagan : 1—BOGUS...
20050131             —IMPLEMENTED, Carter is THE—1—THAT, the Brzezinski doctrine that funded the fighters in AFGHANISTAN that the conservatives attribute to RONALD—REAGAN.
20050131             Zbigniew Brzezinski
20050131             Election_2004 - GEORGE—W—BUSH
20050131             As are all who support the Carter/ Brzezinski doctrine that geberateed all these horrors, including the training + infrrastructure CREATION—OF—TODAY'S...
20050131             1—MAJOR—CAUSE—OF—THAT animosity was resentment over the emergence of ANTHONY—ACCETTURO—JR.Young Accetturo ,
20050131             who also lives in FLORIDA, attended his...
20050131             Decision of HERIEU COURT—MONITOR on JOHN—F—DUFF—III..
20050131             rooms in the Diplomat Hotel in HOLLYWOOD—FLORIDA.... a LOUISVILLE,
20050131             KENTUCKY bookmaker, —WHILE ANTHONY—ACCETTURO, 1 reputed - to CHICAGO, JF Duff, Jr., also resided
20050131             USA—OF—AMERICA, Appellee, v. VITTORIO AMUSO, also known...
20050131             .the government introduced AMERICAN—EXPRESS receipts + FLORIDA hotel records...
20050131             Researcher Directory 20010000              Edition
20050131             224—ABERDEEN Proving Grounds: 108—ACCETTURO, Anthony: 111—ACCIDENTS... 009, 131—ANDREWS, DEAN—ADAMS—JR.:156 Andria.. Center: 118—AVIATION: SOUTH—FLORIDA : 328—AVILA...
20050131             Master Researcher Directory 19990000              Edition
20050131             108\ABRAMS, GUS WILLIAM.....285\ACCETTURO,
20050131             ANTHONY -..111\ADAMS... 231 \ BELCHER, GEORGE ( JR & SR... 270 \ CIA : SOUTH—FLORIDA OPERATIONS.\051 113 ...
20050131             ABRAMS, GUS WILLIAM..., 285—ACCETTURO, ANTHONY...
20050131             AASE, JEAN......?...??..\224 \ ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS.....
20050131             Reflections on resource expropriation and capital flight in the...
20050131             In particular I will analyze the machinations of JOHN—DEUSS and ROGER—TAMRAZ
20050131             his private diary that there had developed a "PYRAMID—OF—CORRUPTION that began...
20050131             GENERAL ASSEMBLY IAML 19—CONGRESS 20010712              THE—PRESIDENT...
20050131             —AFTER considerable effort and lobbying, but stopping —JUST SHORT—OF—BRIBERY + corruption ,
20050131             —BECAME, Lenore Coral, IAML—LIAISON to
20050131             c) IAMIC (Ber Deuss, PRESIDENT... - OIL FUELS APARTHEID
20050131             SOUTH—AFRICA—ADVOCATE GENERAL who was investigating ALLEGATIONS—OF—CORRUPTION in the
20050131             feature prominently inn thee ADVOCATE—GENERAL—REPORT: JOHN—DEUSS of the...
20050131             Als der Endsieg sich als Illusion erwiesen hatte, verpackte Jaeger sein angesichts des bevorstehenden Einmarsches der Alliierten höchst brisantes Material sorgfältig in Einmachgläser und vergrub es.
20050131             —ERST im Jahre 19700000              verkaufte er rund 20000000              Dias an das amerikanische Magazin "Life",
20050131             das einige der besten Fotos von Hitler veröffentlichte.
20050131             —GERIET, Dann, das Material,
20050131             das inzwischen bei der amerikanischen Bildagentur Gettyimages liegt, in Vergessenheit.
20050131             Zu Unrecht, denn Jaegers in dem Buch veröffentlichte Farbbilder illustrieren eindrücklich die hypnotische Kraft der NAZI—SPEKTAKEL und die Kreation des "Führermythos",
20050131             von dem sich die MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN verführen ließ.
20050131             DEUTSCHLAND, allerdings kamen die in den USA entwickelten KODACHROME—FILME 19360000              auf den Markt,
20050131             nur 1—JAHR später bot die zur IG Farben gehörende Agfa den Farbfilm Agfacolor an.
20050131             Von deutschen, britischen und amerikanischen Fotografen sind deshalb Hunderttausende Farbfotos aus dem —WWII erhalten.
20050131             Auch die entsprechende russische Ikone, der Rotarmist, der —ANFANG ;;05;;
20050131             im eroberten BERLIN auf dem Reichstag eine sowjetische Fahne hisst,
20050131             inszenierte der Fotograf —ERST einen —TAG nach der —ERSTÜRMUNG des Gebäudes.
20050131             Fotos dienen im Krieg stets der Propaganda; —WWII—IM waren die Fotografen aller beteiligten STAATEN—WIE nie zuvor und seitdem nicht MEHR—EIN integraler TEIL—DER—KRIEGSMASCHINE.
20050131             Die Kamera wurde zur Waffe.
20050131             —GEMACHT, Und falls doch Bilder, wurden, die nicht in die Propaganda passten, fielen sie der auf allen Seiten strikten Zensur zum Opfer.
20050131             Deshalb sollte sich der Betrachter einer Fotografie aus dem —WWII stets die Frage stellen:
20050131             —GEMACHT, Wer hat sie wo und wann mit welcher Absicht ?
20050131             —INSZENIERT, Schließlich wurde hemmungslos, und gefälscht.
20050131             So ist das Symbolbild der amerikanischen Kriegsfotografie schlechthin, die AUFNAHME—VON—USA—SOLDATEN, die
20050131             Parallel dazu setzte SICH—EBENFALLS von Deutschland AUSGEHEND—EIN neuer Zeitschriftentypus durch,
20050131             die Illustrierte mit ausführlichen Fotoreportagen.
20050131             Schnell erreichten die "Berliner Illustrirte",
20050131             die "Picture Post", "Vu" oder "Life" Millionenauflagen.
20050131             Aufgrund dieser Entwicklungen wurde der —WWII zum 1. umfassend fotografierten Krieg der Geschichte.
20050131             Auch wenn sich dies nur grob schätzen lässt, dürften in den Jahren zwischen 19390000              und 19450000              insgesamt über 40—MILLIONEN Kriegsfotos aufgenommen worden sein.
20050131             Neandertaler lebten vor ungefähr 130.000—BIS 30.000—JAHREN + wurden nach + nach vom modernen Menschen verdrängt.
20050131             Dass die Eiszeitwesen möglicherweise sogar musizierten, legt der Fund einer 35.000—JAHRE alten Flöte auf der Schwäbischen Alb
20050131             Das vielleicht älteste Musikinstrument der Welt wurde mit enormem Aufwand aus massivem Elfenbein geschnitzt.
20050131             Wer darauf zum Tanz aufgespielt hat, moderne Menschen oder die Neandertaler, ist bislang ungeklärt.
20050131             Zu der Zeit lebten sowohl Gemeinschaften von Homo Sapiens Sapiens und der Neandertaler in der Region.
20050131             Dass Neandertaler über ein gutes Gehör verfügten,
20050131             hatten Wissenschaftler —BEREITS im ;;06;; herausgefunden.
20050131             Die Hörfähigkeit der Frühmenschen im Bereich 3 - 5—KILOHERTZ war mit der moderner Menschen vergleichbar,
20050131             folgerte der spanische Forscher Ignacio Martinez aus Skelettuntersuchungen.
20050131             Das Gehör war —SCHON früh auf menschliche Sprache ABGESTIMMT—UND damit auch auf Gesang.
20050131             Dem eiszeitlichen Trällern der Neandertaler stand somit nichts im Wege.
20050131             Globales Ereignis ließ Meeresspiegel sinken
20050131             Da Saltzman jedoch an den 3—WEIT von einander entfernten Stellen auf die gleichen Sandvorkommen stieß,
20050131             glaubte er nicht mehr an eine lokale Ursache.
20050131             Ein globales Ereignis müsse die Felsen über den Meeresspiegel gebracht haben:
20050131             die Eiszeit, 10—MILLIONEN Jahre früher als zuvor angenommen.
20050131             Denn wenn große MENGEN—VON—WASSER an den Polen oder auf dem Land gefrieren,
20050131             sinkt der Meeresspiegel.
20050131             "Es muss das Resultat eines globalen Eisaufbaus gewesen sein", bekräftigte Saltzman.
20050131             Der Geologe analysierte auch Kalkstein, den er zusammen mit dem Sand gefunden hatte.
20050131             Dabei stellte er fest, dass zur Entstehungszeit große Mengen Kohlenstoff in den Ozeanen gebunden waren.
20050131             —GEWESEN, Folglich sei wenig Kohlendioxid in der Atmosphäre, passend zu einer Kaltzeit.
20050131             "Ich denke, wir haben —JETZT gute Beweise, die den Widerspruch zwischen Eiszeit und hohen Kohlendioxidwerten auflösen", so Saltzman.
20050131             Er hofft nun, in Russland weitere Hinweise dafür zu finden, dass die Eiszeit tatsächlich 10—MILLIONEN Jahre früher kam.
20050131             —GELOCKERT, Sanktionen : EU nimmt Beziehungen zu Kuba wieder auf
20050131             Redeauftritt: Hillary Clinton zusammengebrochen
20050131             Krisenprofiteur: Ölmulti Exxon wieder UMSATZ—WELTMEISTER
20050131             TSUNAMI—KATASTROPHE: Indonesien und MALAYSIA wollen deutsches Frühwarnsystem
20050131             MILLIARDEN—VERKAUF: Citigroup dreht die Geschichte zurück
20050131             Schneechaos: Dörfer in Italien noch immer abgeschnitten
20050131             Gefangenenlager: USA—RICHTER—ERKLÄRT—MILITÄRTRIBUNALE in GUANTANAMO für verfassungswidrig
20050131             KLIMA—DILEMMA gelöst: Eiszeit bestätigt Treibhauseffekt
20050131             Kernforderungen an ISRAEL: Abbas will Freilassung von 8000—PALÄSTINENSERN
20050131             Verschwörungstheorien: Allahs Schaumkronen
20050131             Archäologie: Neandertaler hatte das Zeug zum Singen - Irland: Fluch über dem Hause Bush
20050131             Sundance Filmfestival: Erfolg mit Krieg und Sex
20050131             STURMFLUT—GEFAHR: "Die Gischt muss hochspritzen"
20050131             USA—REAKTIONEN: Freude, Skepsis und Blick nach vorn
20050131             Irak: Islamisten bekennen sich zum Abschuss britischer Maschine
20050131             Hirnforschung: Mäuse mit Menschengehirn?
20050131             Indonesien: Panik bei Nachbeben in BANDA—ACEH
20050131             Rechtsextremismus: Politiker fordern neuen Anlauf für NPD—VERBOTSANTRAG
20050131             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Russland ist 1—ZEITBOMBE"
20050131             USA—TELEKOMFUSION: SBC schluckt AT&T für 16—MILLIARDEN Dollar
20050131             5—MILLIONEN ohne Arbeit: Wirtschaftsweise wollen weiter reformieren
20050131             —FAILED, What the intellectuals, to grasp about both REAGAN and Thatcher is that their stubborn simplicity was the source of their political and moral strength.
20050131             —EMBRACED, They wholeheartedly, the values and virtues of small town AMERICA (or ENGLAND);
20050131             honor, courage, belief in god, family and country, 1—SENSE that there is such as thing as right and wrong + that 1—GOOD—PERSON should be able to differentiate between the 2.
20050131             —COMPLICATED, Not very, really, but profound.
20050131             And still very true. READING —TODAY—NYT editorial on Reagan
20050131             (which can be summarized as "ok, he was 1—NICE—GUY, but everything good that happened —DURING his Presidency was due to luck + he was wrong about everything"),
20050131             I was struck by the similarities between REAGAN and current PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20050131             —ELECTED, Consider the last paragraph: —WHEN RONALD—REAGAN was, THE—INSTITUTION—OF—THE—PRESIDENCY and the nation itself seemed to be laboring under 1—LARGE—DARK—CLOUD.
20050131             Into the middle of this malaise came 1—MOST improbable CHIEF executive — 1—FORMER baseball announcer,
20050131             pitchman for GENERAL—ELECTRIC, HOLLYWOOD bon vivant and 2—TERM CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR with 1 uncomplicated message:
20050131             There was no problem that could not be solved if Americans would only believe in themselves.
20050131             —AT—THE—TIME, it was something the nation needed to hear.
20050131             —TODAY, we live in 1—ERA defined by that particular KIND—OF—SIMPLICITY,
20050131             which expresses itself in SEMI—DETACHED leadership and 1—BLACK—AND—WHITE—VIEW—OF—THE—WORLD.
20050131             Gray is beginning to look 1—LOT more attractive.
20050131             We've Been Had, Republicans face up to voter FRAUD—FORUMS...
20050131             —AFTER this oddity was picked up + reported
20050131             not voting for Democrats or REPUBLICANS—RATHER than... - ARAB—USA—BUSINESS Journal
20050131             The late CLARK—CLIFFORD, a defense SECRETARY—UNDER—PRESIDENT—LYNDON—JOHNSON + adviser to
20050131             —AGREED, Clifford + his former law partner, ROBERT—ALTMAN, in...
20050131             TruthLiesBackdrop — 20010911              Review...
20050131             that the domestic aspect of this worldwide fraud would only singe the toes of 2—WELL—CONNECTED, designated PATSIES—CLARK Clifford + ROBERT—ALTMAN.
20050131             TOO MANY—DOTS...
20050131             —WHEN THE—FBI stepped in under the direction of ROBERT—MEULLER (currently...2 defendants had been indicted,
20050131             CLARK—CLIFFORD left public life and is —NOW entering the history books as 1—DISGRACE.
20050131             His business partner in this, ROBERT—ALTMAN, was found not guilty.
20050131             Company profiles/Hill & Knowlton...
20050131             CLARK—CLIFFORD + ROBERT—ALTMAN, on issues...
20050131             totse com | BCCI, THE—CIA and Foreign Intelligence
20050131             Irvani in acting as 1—FRONT—MAN for BCCI, who would not be at risk for the use of his name by THE—BCCI group represented by CLARK—CLIFFORD and ROBERT—ALTMAN.
20050131             QUINN: Yeah, THE—BCCI thing.
20050131             Perhaps it was poetic justice —WHEN partisan Democrat CLARK—CLIFFORD had to plead stupidity —AFTER being caught up in THE—ROBERT—ALTMAN banking scandal.
20050131             96—5317—CLARK M. Clifford + ROBERT—A—ALTMAN, Appellants v. USA, et al., Appellees Appeal from THE—USA—DISTRICT—COURT—FOR—THE...
20050131             Schwarzer Adel ,Bilderberger Gruppe usw
20050131             Errichtung der Bank in den USA beteiligt waren, sind CLARK—CLIFFORD, ein berühmter WASHINGTO—NER Anwalt + "lnsider", + sein Assistent ROBERT—ALTMAN.
20050131             CLINTON—ROGUES—GALLERY:
20050131             Even Republicans Balk at Bush Tax Cut
20050131             It appears that even Republicans are having 1—HARD—TIME coming up with arguments in FAVOR—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—TAX
20050131             Up against that reality, BUSH backers...
20050131             —TESTIFIED, Clifford + Altman have, that they were —THROUGHOUT this period deceived as to BCCI—OWNERSHIP of + control of 1. American + other BCCI entities in THE—USA + IGNORANT—OF—THE—BANK—WRONGDOING in ANY—MATERIAL respect.
20050131             CLIFFORD—WORDS,: In all these years, we didn't encounter 1—SINGLE—SUSPICIOUS—CIRCUMSTANCE.
20050131             —VIOLATED, We have not, ANY—LAW.
20050131             We have not been GUILTY—OF—ANY—IMPROPRIETY... if all that we read about,
20050131             this poisonous, constant STREAM—OF—MISCONDUCT, if that is 1—TRUE—STATEMENT of what this bank did, then we have been grossly deceived.(2)
20050131             CLARK CLIFFORD AND ROBERT ALTMAN Introduction
20050131             —FOR—12—YEARS, from BCCI—INITIAL—ATTEMPTS to acquire FGB/1. American in ;;01;;,
20050131             FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—CLARK—CLIFFORD and his law partner, ROBERT—ALTMAN, were the central figures in BCCI—ACQUISITIONS and management of USA banks.
20050131             ILA—INFORMATIONSSTELLE Lateinamerika eV...
20050131             bei der "National Air Unit", JAMES—R—BATH, der als Repräsentant zweier saudischer MULTI—MILLIONÄRE 1—VERMÖGEN gemacht hatte: KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ + Salim...
20050131             junge welt vom 20040715             —USA, SAUDI—ARABIEN und AL—QAIDA...
20050131             Noch spannender sind seine wirtschaftlichen Verflechtungen.
20050131             Die Spinne im Netz ist dabei der SAUDI—ARABIA—KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ.
20050131             —BEGONNEN, Dessen, Der III Golfkrieg hat !...
20050131             Geschäftspartner BBCI—BANKER SCHEICH—MAHFOUZ—SCHON—ANFANG der neunziger Jahre machte der saudische SCHEICH—KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ durch seine finanzielle...
20050131             INVESTIGATING INVESTCORP...
20050131             KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ is not your typical banker. 19500000             ,
20050131             —FOUNDED, KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ—FATHER, SAUDI—ARABIA'S 1. bank, the National Commercial Bank (NCB).
20050131             SICHERHEIT— Wer finanziert Terroristen?
20050131             Der Bericht des französischen Geheimdienstes enthält auch Angaben zur Rolle des saudischen Bankiers KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ, einem früheren DIREKTOR—DER—BCCI.
20050131             BIN—MAHFOUZ, KHALID—CORPORATE profile & brands
20050131             BIN—MAHFOUZ, Khalid is 1—OF the 10.000 corporations + 21.000 brands for which Transnationale & Co. provides social, financial...
20050131             Stop the Carlyle Group ! USA.
20050131             KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ bought 11,5—PERCENT—OF—HARKEN, 1—FIRM directed by W. BUSH, through his business man ABDULLAH—TAHA—BAKKSH.
20050131             HARKEN.
20050131             Apology to SHEIKH—KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ + His Family.
20050131             —ALLEGED, It was further wrongly, that SHEIKH—KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ was part OWNER—OF—DELTA Oil Limited.
20050131             SolomonsTemple COM—WHY I—JOINED—CARLYLE : ARTHUR—LEVITT—JUNIOR.
20050131             It's 1—GROUP that I was 1—CONSULTANT for —BEFORE I went to WASHINGTON.
20050131             I knew DAVID—RUBENSTEIN, who I understand has been out here to talk to this BOARD.
20050131             USA + CIA + WTC...
20050131             war 23—JAHRE nach Camp David, was uns... der Mediensprecher seines IMMOBILIEN—KONZERNS,
20050131             HAROLD—RUBENSTEIN, öffentlich mitteilte - mit Eisenberg war das WTC nur noch...
20050131             Quotes and Notes...
20050131             M27Coalition | THE—CARLYLE—GROUP
20050131             As to why BUSH left THE—BOARD, CARLYLE managing director DAVID—RUBENSTEIN said last..16, 20030000             ) —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—WTC attacks, CARLYLE CO—FOUNDER—WILLIAM...
20050131             CED—VENTURE 20040000             : Keynote Speaker DAVID—RUBENSTEIN
20050131             DAVID—RUBENSTEIN—FOUNDING—PARTNER & Managing Director, THE—CARLYLE—GROUP.
20050131             Conference CO—CHAIRS: Les Bethune Ernst & Young LLP BILL—GWYN—MAUPIN—TAYLOR, PENNSILVANIA Next conference: Biotech 20040000              Sheraton Imperial...
20050131             Carlyle Group Director DAVID—RUBENSTEIN—TELLS a Story: Archive...
20050131             ".. ministro vai condecorar hoje em Nova Iorque o antigo embaixador NORTE—AMERICANO em PORTUGAL FRANK—CARLUCCI com a GR×CRUZ da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique.
20050131             CARLUCCI, actualmente ligado ao grupo CARLYLE—UM dos concorrentes,
20050131             através da LUSO—OIL, à alienação de mais de 40 % do CAPITAL—DA—GALP—EXERCEU funções diplomáticas em LISBOA 19750000—19780000    . Fonte da Presidência.".
20050131             BBC NEWS | Americas | USA—PLANS 'robot troops' for IRAQ
20050131             —ARMED, USA—MILITARY plans to deploy robots, with MACHINE—GUNS to wage war against insurgents in IRAQ.
20050131             ".. GAMEBOY—STYLE controller + VIRTUAL—REALITY goggles.
20050131             —OWNED, THE—FOSTER—MILLER company is, by the QinetiQ Group,
20050131             1—JOINT—VENTURE between THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE + USA—BASED holding company, Carlyle Group.
20050131             —FROM the wonderfully pissed off JOHNNY—DOLLAR—PLACE:
20050131             RUSSERT: Do you believe that IRAQ is less 1—TERRORIST threat to THE—USA—NOW than it was —2—YEARS—AGO?
20050131             KERRY: No, it's more.
20050131             That's no surprise; that's been the Dean mantra for SOME—TIME —NOW.
20050131             But —2—MINUTES—LATER, very sneaky, Russert returned to the same question:
20050131             RUSSERT: Is THE—USA—SAFER with THE—NEWLY—ELECTED IRAQ—GOVERNMENT than we would have been with Saddam Hussein?
20050131             KERRY: Sure.
20050131             Okay, I think I have Kerry out of my system for —TODAY.
20050131             SHARON—POPP.
20050131             Sherry Saggers + DENNIS—GRAY, Dealing with Alcohol: Indiginous Usage in AUSTRALIA
20050131             —OWNED, THE—FOSTER—MILLER company is, by THE—QINETIQ GROUP, 1—JOINT—VENTURE between THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE + USA—BASED holding company, CARLYLE Group.
20050131             Historisch hohe Ölpreise haben ExxonMobil zum besten —JAHR—DER—KONZERGESCHICHTE verholfen:
20050131             CED—VENTURE 20040000    —DATE: Keynote Speaker DAVID—RUBENSTEIN 20050427—20280427    .2004 The —FRIDAY Center Chapel HILL—NC.
20050131             CANADA to counter Patriot Act : The government will revamp THE—WORDING—OF—FUTURE—FEDERAL—CONTRACTS with the aim of countering USA—POWERS, granted under ANTI—TERRORISM laws, to tap into personal information about Canadians.
20050131             THE—GLOBAL—DESCENT—OF—AMERICA : THE—BUSH—PIRATES have 20050901             —COURSE that can only lead to CATASTROPHE—FOR our homeland.
20050131             Zionism on trial : The controversy surrounding the Jewish National Fund lands, like the dispute over THE—LAW—OF—RETURN, touches on the thin line that practical Zionism has tried to tread for more than 100—YEARS: living in coexistence with democracy.
20050131             Can Freedom Wear Jackboots?
20050131             It is not paying ANY—NOTICE to THE—200—YEAR Holocaust still underway in HAITI.
20050131             JUDGE—SLAMS—USA for holding GUANTANAMO detainees without legal rights : 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULED—MONDAY that SOME—FOREIGN—TERROR suspects held in CUBA can challenge their confinement in USA—COURTS and she criticized THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION for holding HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE without legal rights.
20050131             Detainees Entitled to 'Due PROCESS—OF—LAW'
20050131             Undermining IRAQ—FOOD—SECURITY : Under the new USA—ORDER, the saving and planting of seeds will be illegal and market will only offer plant material produced by transactional agribusiness corporations.
20050131             Iraqi in BAGHDAD: "THE—ELECTION—WAS—SHOVED—DOWN—OUR—THROATS": Would democracy feed my children?
20050131             SOME—JUST—VOTED for Food; Voting in BAGHDAD was linked with RECEIPT—OF—FOOD rations, several voters said —AFTER the —SUNDAY poll.
20050131             VIDEO—CBC- 5. ESTATE—DOCUMENTARY
20050131             It's 1—WAR—OF—WORDS that's pitting conservative against liberal, that's already divided the country into red and blue.
20050131             No 1—I met —YESTERDAY believes the insurgency will END—MANY—THOUGHT it would grow more ferocious - + the Shi'ites in the polling stations said with 1—VOICE that they were also voting to rid IRAQ—OF—USA Americans, not to legitimise their presence.
20050131             Most —RECENTLY we have seen the real essence of the Brzezinski doctrine in the horrendous events this past —WEEK in RUSSIA (culminating in the school attack) +... E
20050131             Axis History Forum :: View TOPIC—FOR Witness: Soviet Containment...-... of the Islamic revolution in IRAN + the resultant Soviet intervention in AFGHANISTAN, THE—CARTER—ADMINISTRATION adopted the Brzezinski doctrine of supporting...
20050131             Zbigniew Brzezinski AFGHANISTAN: THE—BRZEZINSKI DOCTRINE IN ACTION Using Muslim Terror to Weaken Potential FOES—THE Muslim Terrorist Apparatus was...
20050131             Election_2004 - GEORGE—W—BUSH—AS are all who support the Carter/ Brzezinski doctrine that geberateed all these horrors, including the training + infrrastructure CREATION—OF—TODAY'S..
20050131             THE—MAFIA in NEW—JERSEY—LA Cosa NOSTRA—STATE—OF—NEW—JERSEY... 1—MAJOR—CAUSE—OF—THAT animosity was resentment over the emergence of ANTHONY—ACCETTURO—JUNIORYOUNG Accetturo, who also lives in FLORIDA, attended his...
20050131             Decision of HERIEU COURT—MONITOR on JOHN—F—DUFF—III. rooms in the Diplomat Hotel in HOLLYWOOD—FLORIDA.... 1—LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY bookmaker, —WHILE ANTHONY—ACCETTURO, 1 reputed... to CHICAGO, JF Duff, JUNIOR, also resided
20050131             USA—OF—AMERICA, Appellee, v. VITTORIO AMUSO, also known... to murder ANTHONY—ACCETTURO—SENIOR, his son ANTHONY—ACCETTURO—JUNIOR+ JOSEPH—LAMORTE...the government introduced AMERICAN—EXPRESS receipts + FLORIDA hotel records...
20050131             Researcher Directory 20010000              Edition 224—ABERDEEN Proving Grounds: 108—ACCETTURO, Anthony: 111—ACCIDENTS... 009, 131—ANDREWS, DEAN—ADAMS—JUNIOR:156 Andria.. Center: 118—AVIATION: SOUTH—FLORIDA : 328—AVILA...
20050131             108—ACCETTURO, ANTHONY... 009 131—ANDREWS, DEAN ADAMS JUNIOR..038 CIA : SOUTH—FLORIDA OPERATIONS...051 113 184 187—CIA : SPECIAL TIBET..
20050131             Subject: Handbook subjects Date: Sun, 19981004070636        -0500 ...
20050131             108\ABRAMS, GUS WILLIAM.....285\ACCETTURO, ANTHONY....111\ADAMS... 231 \ BELCHER,
20050131             GEORGE ( JR & SENIOR.. 270 \ CIA : SOUTH—FLORIDA OPERATIONS.\051 113 ...
20050131             231—BELCHER, GEORGE ( JR & SR)....... 270—CIA : SERIAL KILLER, AS A... 029—CIA : SOUTH—FLORIDA OPERATIONS.
20050131             Reflections on resource expropriation and capital flight in the... In particular I will analyze the machinations of JOHN—DEUSS and ROGER—TAMRAZ... his private diary that there had developed a "PYRAMID—OF—CORRUPTION that began...
20050131             GENERAL ASSEMBLY IAML 19—CONGRESS 20010712              THE—PRESIDENT...—AFTER considerable effort and lobbying, but stopping —JUST SHORT—OF—BRIBERY + corruption, Lenore Coral became IAML—LIAISON to... c) IAMIC (Ber Deuss, PRESIDENT...
20050131             OIL FUELS APARTHEID SOUTH—AFRICA—ADVOCATE GENERAL who was investigating ALLEGATIONS—OF—CORRUPTION in the... feature prominently inn thee ADVOCATE—GENERAL—REPORT: JOHN—DEUSS of the...
20050131             Mass Terror... money in fighting terrorism than for combating crimes related to drugs, corruption or trade... THE—HOUSE—OF—OIL trader Deuss who smuggled oil to SOUTH—AFRICA was...
20050131             —ERST im Jahre 19700000              verkaufte er rund 2.000—DIAS an das amerikanische Magazin "Life", das einige der besten Fotos von Hitler veröffentlichte.
20050131             —GERIET, Dann, das Material, das inzwischen bei der amerikanischen Bildagentur Gettyimages liegt, in Vergessenheit.
20050131             Zu Unrecht, denn Jaegers in dem Buch veröffentlichte Farbbilder illustrieren eindrücklich die hypnotische Kraft der NAZI—SPEKTAKEL und die Kreation des "Führermythos", von dem sich die MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN verführen ließ.
20050131             DEUTSCHLAND, allerdings kamen die in den USA entwickelten KODACHROME—FILME 19360000              auf den Markt, nur 1—JAHR später bot die zur IG Farben gehörende Agfa den Farbfilm Agfacolor an.
20050131             Auch die entsprechende russische Ikone, der Rotarmist, der —ANFANG Mai im eroberten BERLIN auf dem Reichstag eine sowjetische Fahne hisst, inszenierte der Fotograf —ERST einen —TAG nach der —ERSTÜRMUNG des Gebäudes.
20050131             Fotos dienen im Krieg stets der Propaganda;
20050131             —WWII—IM waren die Fotografen aller beteiligten STAATEN—WIE nie zuvor und seitdem nicht MEHR—EIN integraler TEIL—DER—KRIEGSMASCHINE.
20050131             Deshalb sollte sich der Betrachter einer Fotografie aus dem —WWII stets die Frage stellen: Wer hat sie wo und wann mit welcher Absicht gemacht?
20050131             Da die ein paar Stunden zuvor aufgepflanzte Fahne sehr klein war, machte 1—FOTOGRAF—DER—PRESSEAGENTUR—AP das symbolträchtige Bild noch einmal mit einem eindrucksvolleren Sternenbanner.
20050131             Parallel dazu setzte SICH—EBENFALLS von Deutschland AUSGEHEND—EIN neuer Zeitschriftentypus durch, die Illustrierte mit ausführlichen Fotoreportagen.
20050131             Schnell erreichten die "Berliner Illustrirte", die "Picture Post", "Vu" oder "Life" Millionenauflagen.
20050131             Dass die Eiszeitwesen möglicherweise sogar musizierten, legt der
20050131             Fund einer 35.000—JAHRE alten Flöte auf der Schwäbischen Alb nahe.
20050131             Dass Neandertaler
20050131             über ein gutes Gehör verfügten, hatten Wissenschaftler —BEREITS im Juni herausgefunden.
20050131             Die Hörfähigkeit der Frühmenschen im Bereich 3 - 5—KILOHERTZ war mit der moderner Menschen vergleichbar, folgerte der spanische Forscher Ignacio Martinez aus Skelettuntersuchungen.
20050131             Da Saltzman jedoch an den 3—WEIT von einander entfernten Stellen auf die gleichen Sandvorkommen stieß, glaubte er nicht mehr an eine lokale Ursache.
20050131             Ein globales Ereignis müsse die Felsen über den Meeresspiegel gebracht haben: die Eiszeit, 10—MILLIONEN Jahre früher als zuvor angenommen.
20050131             Denn wenn große MENGEN—VON—WASSER an den Polen oder auf dem Land gefrieren, sinkt der Meeresspiegel.
20050131             honor, courage, belief in god, family and country, 1—SENSE that there is such as thing as right and wrong + that 1—GOOD—PERSON should be able to differentiate between the 2. Not very complicated, really, but profound.
20050131             And still very true.
20050131             READING —TODAY'S—NYT editorial on Reagan (which can be summarized as "ok, he was 1—NICE—GUY, but everything good that happened —DURING his Presidency was due to luck + he was wrong about everything"), I was struck by the similarities between Reagan and current PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20050131             Into the middle of this malaise came 1—MOST improbable CHIEF executive — 1—FORMER baseball announcer, pitchman for GENERAL—ELECTRIC, HOLLYWOOD bon vivant and 2—TERM CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR with 1 uncomplicated message: There was no problem that could not be solved if Americans would only believe in themselves.
20050131             —NEEDED, —AT—THE—TIME, it was something the nation, to hear.
20050131             —DEFINED, —TODAY, we live in 1—ERA, by that particular KIND—OF—SIMPLICITY, which expresses itself in SEMI—DETACHED leadership and 1—BLACK—AND—WHITE—VIEW—OF—THE—WORLD.
20050131             alcohol + 1—VARIETY—OF—OTHER—REALITY—ALTERING substances.
20050131             —AFTER this oddity was picked up + reported... not voting for Democrats or REPUBLICANS—RATHER than.
20050131             ARAB—USA—BUSINESS Journal The late CLARK—CLIFFORD, 1—DEFENSE SECRETARY—UNDER—PRESIDENT—LYNDON—JOHNSON + adviser to... Clifford + his former law partner, ROBERT—ALTMAN, agreed in...
20050131             TruthLiesBackdrop — 20010911              Review... that the domestic aspect of this worldwide fraud would only singe the toes of 2—WELL—CONNECTED, designated PATSIES—CLARK—CLIFFORD + ROBERT—ALTMAN.
20050131             TOO MANY—DOTS... —WHEN THE—FBI stepped in under the direction of ROBERT—MEULLER (currently...2 defendants had been indicted, ROGER—ALTMAN and CLARK—CLIFFORD 1—INFLUENTIAL...
20050131             Israpundit: THE—CHURCHILL—DOCTRINE—CLARK—CLIFFORD left public life and is —NOW entering the history books as 1—DISGRACE.
20050131             Company profiles/Hill & Knowlton... 19880000             ;
20050131             Hill and Knowlton "made contacts with Capitol Hill on behalf of 1. American + BCCI—LAWYERS, CLARK—CLIFFORD + ROBERT—ALTMAN, on issues...
20050131             totse_com | BCCI, THE—CIA and Foreign Intelligence Irvani in acting as 1—FRONT—MAN for BCCI, who would not be at risk for the use of his name by THE—BCCI group represented by CLARK—CLIFFORD and ROBERT—ALTMAN.
20050131             —BECAME, Those bank holding companies —LATER, 1. AMERICAN—CLARK—CLIFFORD,ROBERT—ALTMAN, all that crowd.
20050131             THE—INSIDER—INSIGHT on THE—NEWS—FEATURES Perhaps it was poetic justice —WHEN partisan Democrat CLARK—CLIFFORD had to plead stupidity —AFTER being caught up in THE—ROBERT—ALTMAN banking scandal.
20050131             5. BCCI CLARK—CLIFFORD + ROBERT—ALTMAN—DE—LA—FAB affirment au comité des banques américaines qu'ils ont été dupés par la BCCI comme tous les autres.
20050131             USA—COURT—OF—APPEALS—FOR—THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA... 96—5317—CLARK—M—CLIFFORD + ROBERT—A—ALTMAN, Appellants v. USA, et al., Appellees Appeal from THE—USA—DISTRICT—COURT—FOR—THE...
20050131             Schwarzer Adel,Bilderberger Gruppe usw Errichtung der Bank in den USA beteiligt waren, sind CLARK—CLIFFORD, ein berühmter WASHINGTO—NER Anwalt + "lnsider", + sein Assistent ROBERT—ALTMAN.
20050131             —AGREED, CLINTON—ROGUES—GALLERY: In WASHINGTON, CLARK—CLIFFORD + ROBERT—ALTMAN, to give up $18.5—MILLION in claims on stock + legal fees connected with 1. USA—BANKSHARES, the...
20050131             Even Republicans Balk at Bush Tax Cut It appears that even Republicans are having 1—HARD—TIME coming up with arguments in FAVOR—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—TAX... Up against that reality, Bush backers...
20050131             —DECEIVED, Were we ? Apparently, we were deceived.
20050131             We have not been GUILTY—OF—ANY—IMPROPRIETY... if all that we read about, this poisonous, constant STREAM—OF—MISCONDUCT, if that is 1—TRUE—STATEMENT of what this bank did, then we have been grossly deceived.
20050131             —FOR—12—YEARS, from BCCI—INITIAL—ATTEMPTS to acquire FGB/1. American 19780100             —IN, —UNTIL their forced resignation 19910800             —IN from their positions as the top officials of 1. American, FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—CLARK—CLIFFORD and his law partner, ROBERT—ALTMAN, were the central figures in BCCI—ACQUISITIONS and MANAGEMENT—OF—USA—BANKS.
20050131             BIN—MAHFOUZ, KHALID—CORPORATE—PROFILE & brands BIN—MAHFOUZ, Khalid is 1—OF—THE 10000 corporations + 21000 brands for which Transnationale & Co. provides social, financial...
20050131             911 20010911             ... should ask Kean: 1) As 1—HESS—OIL BOARD member, —DURING THE—HESS—DELTA joint venture, what relationship did you have with Delta OIL—KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ +/or..
20050131             Harken.
20050131             Apology Apology to SHEIKH—KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ + His Family.
20050131             —ALLEGED, It was further wrongly, that SHEIKH—KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ was part OWNER—OF—DELTA Oil Limited.
20050131             USA + CIA + WTC... war 23—JAHRE nach Camp David, was uns... der Mediensprecher seines IMMOBILIEN—KONZERNS, HAROLD—RUBENSTEIN, öffentlich mitteilte... mit Eisenberg war das WTC nur noch... /
20050131             Quotes and Notes... spent 3—WEEKS and 2—MILLION dollars investigating the 3000—WTC murders.. DAVID—RUBENSTEIN, FOUNDER—OF—THE—CARLYLE—GROUP, to Amy Goodman Title 4—OF—THE—USA...
20050131             M27Coalition | THE—CARLYLE—GROUP—AS to why Bush left THE—BOARD, Carlyle managing director DAVID—RUBENSTEIN said last..16, 20030000             ) —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—WTC attacks, Carlyle CO—FOUNDER—WILLIAM...
20050131             Keynote Speaker.
20050131             CED—VENTURE 20040000             : Keynote Speaker DAVID—RUBENSTEIN—CONFERENCE—CO—CHAIRS: Les Bethune Ernst & Young LLP BILL—GWYN—MAUPIN—TAYLOR, PENNSILVANIA Next conference: Biotech 20040000              Sheraton Imperial...
20050131             Carlucci, actualmente ligado ao grupo CARLYLE—UM dos concorrentes, através da LUSO—OIL, à alienação de mais de 40 % do CAPITAL—DA—GALP—EXERCEU funções diplomáticas em LISBOA 19750000197800       00—DATE.
20050131             Fonte da Presidência.".
20050131             BBC NEWS | Americas | USA—PLANS 'robot troops' for IRAQ USA—MILITARY plans to deploy robots armed with MACHINE—GUNS to wage war against insurgents in IRAQ.
20050131             —OWNED, THE—FOSTER—MILLER company is, by the QinetiQ Group, 1—JOINT—VENTURE between THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE + USA—BASED holding company, Carlyle Group.
20050131             Place : RUSSERT: Do you believe that IRAQ is less 1—TERRORIST threat to THE—USA—NOW than it was 2—YEARS ago?
20050131             Sherry Saggers + DENNIS—GRAY, Dealing with Alcohol: Indiginous Usage in AUSTRALIA...
20050131             —HISTORISCH hohe Ölpreise haben ExxonMobil zum besten —JAHR—DER—KONZERGESCHICHTE verholfen:
20050131             —200501312145$             Subject: Handbook subjects Date:
20050131214537       SUBJECT: Handbook subjects Date: Sun, 19981004             0000070636        -0500 ...
20050131214537       —JAHRSUBJECT: Handbook subjects Date: Sun, 19981004              0000070636       —JAHR -0500 ...
20050131214537       SUBJECT: Handbook subjects Date: Sun, 19981004070636        -0500 ...
20050131—19450200    —IM, So ist das Symbolbild der amerikanischen Kriegsfotografie schlechthin, die AUFNAHME—VON—USA—SOLDATEN, die auf der Pazifikinsel Iwo Jima 1—STERNENBANNER aufrichten, 1—FÄLSCHUNG.
20050131—19880000    Hill and Knowlton "made contacts with Capitol Hill on behalf of 1. American + BCCI—LAWYERS,
20050131—20011000    Die PETRO—DOLLAR—VERSCHWÖRUNG—INZWISCHEN hat...
20050131—20020000    —IN, The nominee for new Homeland Security SECRETARY, back, worked hard to keep the public from hearing courtroom testimony that would have revealed the Bush government's new CAMPAIGN—OF—TORTURE, allowing it to spread from AFGHANISTAN to GUANTANAMO to IRAQ.
20050131—20030703    CARLYLE Group Director DAVID—RUBENSTEIN—TELLS 1—STORY.
20050131—20030703    From Unfogged:
20050131—20040000    —IN, THE—CASE—OF—HAITI: How Bush Brings Freedom to the World : —NOW that PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH has outlined his plans to "bring freedom to the world," it would seem urgent that the world look closely at what Bush calls his successful mission to bring freedom to HAITI.
20050131—20050000    —IN, FRANCE Telecom, EUROPE—2.—LARGEST telecommunications operator, announced plans to cut 8,000 jobs, mostly in FRANCE.
20050131—20050207    —EXPECTED, Real time for virtually all corporate bond prices was.
20050204             KKR + PROVIDENCE to mount bid for ADELPHIA By JAMES—POLITI in NEW—YORK Published: 20050131
20050306             BUSH nominee,eid Torture News by Stop Chertoff Coalition 20050131             —0357—PM...
20050318             ---- 1—NIGHT—OF—FEROCIOUS—JOY....MICHAEL—CHERTOFF, Bush nominee,eid Torture News by Stop Chertoff Coalition 20050131             —357—PM...
20050404             THE—ALL—SPIN—ZONE: 20050101              — 20050131             ... In 1—TIME where MANY—OF—USA see civil liberties being eroded by the... If ANY—OF—YOU have contacts with ANY—OF—THE—MEMBERS who may be friendly to...
20050404             THE—ALL—SPIN—ZONE: 20050101              — 20050131             ...
20050409             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Lies and Deceit... THE—POST—INVASION USA governing authority in IRAQ lost track of... Bush Controls THE—FTC —WHILE Amway Rips Off MILLIONS—INDEPENDENT—MEDIA TV—ARTICLE...
20050427—20280427    2004 THE—FRIDAY—CENTER—CHAPEL—HILL, NC.
20050427—20280427    Keynote Speaker.
20050930—20040131    —FIRED, NELSON—CHISALE, 41—JAHRE—ALT, who had been, —2—MONTHS—EARLIER for apparently running 1—PERSONAL errand —DURING work hours, was beaten with machetes, tied up, driven to 1—NEARBY—LION—RESERVE, and thrown over the fence.
20060100             Stadtler Antibolschewistische Liga Gefahr Millionen...
20060127—20060131    —PASSED, Lawmakers in WASHINGTON state, 1—GAY—RIGHTS—BILL—AND—GOVERNOR—CHRIS—GREGOIRE said she will sign it.
20060130             ALITO—IT'S the Constitution That's At Stake
20060130—20060131    —ON, "1—LIFE on the Edge" (26—MIN) is 1—DOCUMENTARY concerning JAIME—ELIZALDE, born 19710000              in TEXAS and sentenced to die.
20060131             —BEENDET, ALAN—GREENSPAN, nach über 18—JAHREN an der Spitze der USA—NOTENBANK Federal Reserve System seine Tätigkeit.
20060131             Nachfolger wird BEN—BERNANKE.
20060131             Choreographed Chaos : NORWAY—NATIONALS, heeding s strong request from their government, left THE—GAZA Strip under THE—PROTECTION—OF—THE—PALESTINE—SECURITY—FORCES on —MONDAY, 20060130         .
20060131             —APPEARED, PRESIDENT—BUSH in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION address, to tone down his CRITICISM—OF—NORTH—KOREA and concerns over the growing COMPETITIVENESS—OF—CHINA and INDIA.
20060131             Bush had harsh words for IRAN and the militant PALESTINE—GROUP Hamas and raised concerns over INDONESIA.
20060131             —DEFENDED, He also, the legality of his wiretaps program and called for THE—USA to quit its addiction to oil.
20060131             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—SENATE, SAMUEL—ALITO as the 110. SUPREME—COURT justice.
20060131             —TILTED, The 58—42—VOTE, the court rightward.
20060131             —SERVED, ALAN—GREENSPAN, 79—JAHRE—ALT, the last —DAY—OF—HIS 18-year tenure as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE.
20060131             —VOTED, At GREENSPAN—FINAL meeting, the central bank, to boost its target for the federal funds rate to 4.5—PERCENT.
20060131             It was the 14. QUARTER—POINT move in 1—CREDIT—TIGHTENING campaign that began 19—MONTHS ago.
20060131             —APPROVED, THE—USA—SENATE, BEN—BERNANKE, 52—JAHRE—ALT, Princeton Univ. prof. of economics, as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE.
20060131             ARKANSAS, TOM—COUGHLIN, 57—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—WAL—MART—STORES—INCORPORATED vice chairman who was 1—PROTEGE—OF—FOUNDER—SAM—WALTON, pleaded guilty to fraud and tax charges, admitting that he stole money, gift cards and merchandise from the world's largest retailer.
20060131             EL, CERRITO—CALIFORNIA, EDWARD—WYCOFF, 37—JAHRE—ALT stabbed and bludgeoned to death his sister JULIE—WYCOFF—ROGERS (47) and her husband PAUL—ROGERS, 48—JAHRE—ALT at their home 14670000              Rifle Range Road.
20060131             —HOPED, He had, to adopt his niece and nephew —AFTER the killings.
20060131             TEXAS, opening arguments began in the Enron trial against FORMER—CHAIRMAN KENNETH—LAY and FORMER—PRESIDENT—JEFFREY—SKILLING.
20060131             † MOIRA—SHEARER, ballerina and film star (Red Shoes), in ENGLAND.
20060131             —VOWED, Envoys from nearly 70—NATIONS and INTERNATIONAL bodies, to maintain their financial support for AFGHANISTAN, which is still plagued by violence and poverty more than —4—YEARS—AFTER the fall of the Taliban.
20060131             DOCTOR—CHRISTIAN—SCHWARZ—SCHILLING (19300000              *), FORMER—GERMANY—CABINET MINISTER, was appointed as THE—EU—HIGH—REPRESENTATIVE—IN—BOSNIA, succeeding Lord Ashdown.
20060131             —WATERED, UK—LAWMAKERS, down 1—BILL banning religious hate speech, then narrowly voted it into law.
20060131             —RECEIVED, CHILE, 2—USA—F—16—WARPLANES out of 10—IT had ordered as PART—OF—1—MAJOR—MILITARY upgrade that has worried SOME—OF—ITS—SOUTH—USA—NEIGHBORS.
20060131             COLOMBIA, THOUSANDS—OF—RIGHT—WING paramilitary fighters ACCUSED—OF—DRUG trafficking by THE—USA turned over more than 1,000 weapons in 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—DISARMAMENT ceremonies to date.
20060131             —KILLED, EGYPT, 14—TOURISTS from HONG—KONG were, and 30 wounded —WHEN their bus spun off the road along the Red Sea coast in 1—OF—THE—DEADLIEST crashes involving foreign nationals in recent years.
20060131             1—INTERNATIONAL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP said THOUSANDS—OF—SCHOOL and college students have been detained over the past 3—MONTHS in continued unrest in ETHIOPIA.
20060131             —TELEVISED, FRANCE—PRIME—MINISTER—DOMINIQUE—DE—VILLEPIN made 1, address urging French and other European CHIEF executives to be better organized to resist attacks by foreign companies.
20060131             The statement was made in response to the takeover of Arcelor by Mittal Steel.
20060131             1—OFFICIAL said INDIA—AIR—FORCE was ready to handle CIVIL—AIR traffic control as protesting airport workers threatened to strike —AFTER the government opened bids to privatize THE—2—BIGGEST airports.
20060131             —SIGNED, INDIA and PAKISTAN, 1—AGREEMENT to restart a 2. CROSS—BORDER train service next —MONTH, the latest step in peace talks between THE—NUCLEAR—ARMED rivals.
20060131             IRAN struck back at the Big 5—DECISION to refer the country's nuclear file to the Security Council, saying the move has no legal justification and would be THE—END—OF—DIPLOMACY.
20060131             † 1—UK—SOLDIER was killed in 1—ROADSIDE bombing, the 2. MEMBER—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S armed forces to die in IRAQ in as MANY—DAYS and the 100. fatality —SINCE the conflict began nearly 3—YEARS ago.
20060131             IRAQ, the bodies of 11—MEN were found in WEST—BAGHDAD.
20060131             Some had been shot repeatedly and bore MARKS—OF—TORTURE.
20060131             —KILLED, Gunmen, 2—MEMBERS—OF—THE—DAWRA district council.
20060131             —KILLED, Gunmen, MALIK—RAZOKI—ABD, 1—DISTRICT council member in WEST—BAGHDAD.
20060131             —KILLED, ISRAEL—TROOPS, 2—ISLAMIC—JIHAD militants, including Nidal ABU—SAADA, the group's top leader in THE—WEST—BANK, —DURING 1—SHOOTOUT that erupted —DURING 1—ARREST raid.
20060131             JAPAN said it will begin withdrawing its troops from IRAQ in March and complete the pullout by May, ending its largest military mission —SINCE THE—END—OF—WORLD—WAR—II.
20060131             —ADJOURNED, MYANMAR—MILITARY—GOVERNMENT, 1—CONSTITUTION—DRAFTING convention —AFTER almost 2—MONTHS—OF—DELIBERATIONS, delegates said, amid growing frustration with the slow pace of democratic reforms.
20060131             Karen insurgents, marking nearly 6—DECADES—OF—FIGHTING, said there was little chance MYANMAR—MILITARY—RULERS would come to the negotiating table and end their bloody campaign against the ethnic minorities.
20060131             —ENDED, NATO, its earthquake relief operation in PAKISTAN, the 1. big disaster mission involving ground troops outside 1—ALLIANCE country.
20060131             —RENEWED, NORTH—KOREA, its commitment to stalled nuclear disarmament talks, —WHILE at the same time vowing to strengthen its stockpile of atomic weapons to counter what it called extreme USA—HOSTILITY.
20060131             In the Economist Intelligence UNIT—BIANNUAL survey OSLO was reported to have overtaken TOKYO as the world's most expensive city.
20060131             TOKYO had held the top spot —FOR—14—YEARS.
20060131             —FEATURED, Of 17—USA—CITIES, in the survey, the most expensive were NEW—YORK (27.), CHICAGO and LOS—ANGELES (tied for 35.), and S—FRANCISCO (40.).
20060131             —WARNED, THE—PHILIPPINES—HEALTH department, that 1—AIDS crisis threatens the country as THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who are HIV carriers has doubled in —JUST over 3—YEARS.
20060131             —KILLED, PHILIPPINES troops, at least 18—COMMUNIST—REBELS in their bloodiest clash in months.
20060131             —HAPPENED, The clash, outside Santa Ignacia town in Tarlac province, about 80—MILES NORTH—OF—MANILA.
20060131             † GEORGE—KOVAL (19130000             ), AMERICAN—BORN Soviet spy, in MOSCOW.
20060131             GEORGE—KOVAL fled THE—USA—AFTER the war.
20060131             —PRESSED, SAUDI—ARABIA and JORDAN, the Islamic militant group Hamas to moderate its stand on ISRAEL and to entice the defeated Fatah party into 1—DEAL to share power.
20060131             —OFFERED, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN, 1—GRIM—ASSESSMENT—OF—KOSOVO—PROGRESS toward stability, saying in 1—REPORT that the region had fallen behind in efforts to create 1—MULTIETHNIC and democratic society.
20060131             JENNIFER—MERRITT, 31—JAHRE—ALT was shot in the arm and head —WHILE riding 1—BICYCLE in THE—S—FRANCISCO—INGLESIDE—HEIGHTS neighborhood.
20060131             Police had no explanation.
20060131             Democrats voting for Aalito were : Greenspans Amtszeit endet am-
20060131             —BEYOND the Backword - 11/02—SERIAL Killers[ 1 ]Still on the
20060131             —DURING the slaughter... who started as CIA asset and stayed on as - of —TODAY and THE—GERMANY of... in
20060131             The name Area 51 has become well known within UFO folklore.
20060131             This is what wikipedia says:
20060131             —OWNED, Area 51 is 1—REMOTE—TRACT—OF—LAND in SOUTH—NEVADA, by the government of THE—USA,
20060131             containing 1—AIR field apparently used for the secret development and TESTING—OF—NEW—MILITARY—AIRCRAFT.
20060131             It has been known as Watertown, Dreamland, PARADISE Ranch, THE—FARM,
20060131             THE—BOX, Groom Lake, THE—UNNAMED—FACILITY at Groom LAKE—NEVADA Proving Ground and THE—DIRECTORATE for Development Plans Area.
20060131             —FAMED, It is, as the subject of MANY—UFO conspiracy theories.
20060131             More satellite images and 1—VIDEO (3D Flight over Area 51)
20060131    - SANTA—RITA CANTINA—DINNER menu
20060131             Authentico - 1—PERFECT blend of DRY—ROASTED chiles, onions and spices Flautas Dinner 9.25 2—CORN tortillas stuffed with your CHOICE—OF—GROUND beef, shredded chicken or cheese...
20060131             Bernays, EDWARD—L—IMPACT—PUBLIC relations in AMERICA-.html
20060131             into 1—NATION—OF—SLAVES? How has television given
20060131             *)A EDUCAçãO DOS CãES.E...DOS DONOS...
20060131             Educating for Citizenship [M]ore than HALF—OF—YOUNG—AMERICANS lack knowledge,
20060131             attitudes + skills that leading civic
20060131             alienation + even cynicism concerning the - 1. - THE—FATHERS—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION
20060131             —SEEMED, To them the Americans, to lack 1—PROPER—KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—AMENITIES—OF—LIFE.
20060131             individual States by whom the necessary action must be taken.
20060131             2. Public Agenda Research Reports
20060131             What they found was this: Americans, for all their gaps in knowledge
20060131             Reality Check '98: Surveys of 5—GROUPS - businesses + nonprofits...
20060131             3. Knowledge of and Support for Democratic Institutions and Processes - knowledge.
20060131             THE—VALUE—OF—CIVILIAN—HANDGUN—POSSESSION as 1—DETERRENT to Crime or Americans, including 1—MAJORITY—OF—GUN owners, are neither PRO—GUN nor ANTI—GUN but rather "PRO—CONTROL".[9] On THE—1—HAND, most Americans.
20060131             —INVADED, THE—ARMY—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS arsenal in ARKANSAS was, by "3—INDIVIDUALS on foot," but 1—INTENSE—MANHUNT found nothing on the base -- no people, no footprints, nothing.
20060131             "Whatever breached security at Pine Bluff Arsenal late —TUESDAY night wasn't human," THE—ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT—GAZETTE
20060131             —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER the intruders appeared, officials at the weapons base were certain 3 "people" had somehow breached security.
20060131             But Lindamood said no such thing. This is his statement:
20060131             It also houses the only known factory where the Pentagon manufactures its controversial WHITE—PHOSPHORUS weapons.
20060131             —WHILE THE—ARKANSAS media seems anxious to dismiss the intruders as "wildlife," other theories have emerged.
20060131             —EXPERIENCED, Giving deja vu a 2. look MANY—OF—USA have, deja VU—THE unsettling sensation of knowing that 1—SITUATION could not have been experienced,
20060131             combined with the feeling that it has.
20060131             It is usually so fleeting that psychologists have —UNTIL—RECENTLY thought it impossible to study.
20060131             But for SOME—PEOPLE, the feeling of having been there —BEFORE is 1—PERSISTENT—SENSATION, making EVERY—DAY a 'Groundhog —DAY'.
20060131             —ARRESTED, Vampyre candidate for GOVERNOR, 1—FRINGE candidate for GOVERNOR who played up his satanic SIDE—AND pledged public impalement for TERRORISTS—WOUND up behind bars —TODAY thanks to 1—SHARP—EYED sheriff's dispatcher.
20060131             Something strangely beautiful.. Gordon is 1—OF—1—DYING BREED—OF—GENTLEMEN—COLLECTORS - people who hunt down and collect the unusual,
20060131             the different, and, if we're being honest about IT—THE downright weird.
20060131             Paranormal Hot Spots THERE ARE MANY—PLACES —AROUND THE—USA—THAT seem to be focal points of high STRANGENESS—VORTEXES of bizarre sightings,
20060131             unexplained encounters and eerie events.
20060131             "I wish I could send you some," says Apollo 17—ASTRONAUT—GENE—CERNAN.
20060131             —JUST 1—THIMBLEFUL scooped fresh off the lunar surface.
20060131             "It's amazing stuff".
20060131             including gold and GOLD—PLATED necklaces, bracelets, pins + hair clips -- even 1—GOLD pocket watch.
20060131             SCHEICH—OSAMA—AL—JEDAAN, der Führer des AL—KARABILA—STAMMES in Qa'im an der Grenze zu Syrien,
20060131             sagt, dass die Stammesversammlung in der Provinz Anbar beschlossen hatte, 1—MILITÄRAKTION gegen die Terroristen zu starten.
20060131             Speziell will ihre "eigene Regierung",
20060131             damit meint er die der Sunniten in Ramadi, Ausländer, Eindringlinge und "Störenfriede" aus anderen Staaten der Region bekämpfen.
20060131             6—BEWAFFNETE Gruppen die dem "Irakischen Widerstand" unterstehen, hätten Sarkawis Terrororganisation den Krieg erklärt, schreibt "AL—HAYAT".
20060131             "Das Ermorden von Sunniten wird nicht länger hingenommen"
20060131             Ein sunnitischer Religionsführer sagte "AL—HAYAT", dass die Gruppen, die die sunnitischen Provinzen zerstörten, Terroristen und Takfiris seien.
20060131             Takfiri ist die Bezeichnung für die islamischen Fundamentalisten, die andere Muslime zu Ungläubigen erklären.
20060131             "Das alles hat nichts damit zu tun, dass der irakische Widerstand die amerikanischen Besatzer aus dem Land jagen möchte.
20060131             Aber das Ermorden von Sunniten und Polizeirekruten wird nicht länger hingenommen", sagt der SCHEICH.
20060131             Außerdem akzeptiere die Stammesversammlung nicht,
20060131             dass Iraker von den Terroristen getötet werden, nur weil sie Schiiten sind.
20060131             AL—SARKAWI hatte in seinen Botschaften immer betont, dass er die Schiiten bekämpfen will und 1—BÜRGERKRIEG im Irak sein Ziel sei.
20060131             Ein SCHEICH—DES sunnitischen AL—DULAIMI—STAMMES in Ramadi erklärte,
20060131             dass VIELE—BEWOHNER der Stadt lange Zeit die arabischen Kämpfer aus dem Ausland logistisch unterstützt hätten und sie beherbergten,
20060131             ohne ihre wirklichen Ziele zu verstehen, dass diese nämlich nicht nur gegen die verhassten Amerikaner kämpfen,
20060131             sondern auch einen Religionskrieg zwischen den Sunniten und den Schiiten im Irak provozieren wollen.
20060131             Das wird in der Widerstandshochburg Ramadi offensichtlich nicht mehr akzeptiert.
20060131             Wenn diese Äußerungen ernst gemeint sind, wäre das wirklich 1—WENDE im IRAK—UND der aufkommende Bürgerkrieg ließe vielleicht doch noch stoppen.
20060131             Unterstützung bekommen die CLAN—CHEFS aus der Stadt SAMARA, die ebenfalls im sunnitischen Dreieck liegt.
20060131             Der führende AL—BUBAZ—STAMM sagt, die Stadt sei viel ruhiger geworden, —SEIT sie die ausländischen Terroristen hinausgeworfen hätten.
20060131             Dies hätten die führenden 7—STÄMME der Region vor einigen Wochen beschlossen.
20060131             Sie würden Ramadi JEDE—UNTERSTÜTZUNG geben, sich von den Ausländern zu befreien.
20060131             Tatsache aber ist, dass die ZAHL—DER—ANGRIFFE gegen die USA—STREITKRÄFTE in SAMARA und Tikrit nicht abgenommen hat.
20060131             Die ZAHL—DER—OPFER unter den Irakern soll dagegen zurückgegangen sein.
20060131             Im dem Zusammenhang sagte Issam AL—RAWI, Mitglied der sunnitischen Vereinigung der muslimischen Gelehrten,
20060131             dass man —JETZT an 2—FRONTEN kämpfe: Die eine sei die Vertreibung der ausländischen Besatzer ihres Landes und deren Unterstützer in Bagdad,
20060131             die andere die Bekämpfung der "terroristischen Banden", die irakisches Blut vergießen.
20060131             1—FÜHRER der bekannten Widerstandsgruppe "Brigade der Revolution von 19200000             " argumentiert ähnlich:
20060131             Die größte Fraktion des patriotischen Widerstandes im Irak sei gegen die Methoden des QAIDA—STATTHALTERS:
20060131             "In der letzen Zeit hat sich das Verhältnis des patriotischen Widerstandes zu den Terroristen Sarkawis zusehends verschlechtert.
20060131             Aber als er die sunnitischen Polizeirekruten tötete, hat er den Bogen überspannt.
20060131             —VEREINBART, Wir hatten zuvor, gerade dies nicht zu tun, weil wir eigene Polizisten in Ramadi haben wollten", so der Widerstandsführer.
20060131             Sollte es im irakischen Widerstand tatsächlich einen Sinneswandel gegeben haben,
20060131             kann man davon ausgehen, dass die beiden deutschen Geiseln nicht in den Händen Sarkawis sind, sondern von sunnitischen radikalen Islamisten festgehalten werden.
20060131             —VERSCHLEPPT, Die Stadt Beidschi, in der die beiden, wurden, liegt im Einflussgebiet der Stämme, die sich von dem TOP—TERRORISTEN abgewandt haben.
20060131             Im Gegensatz zu Sarkawi gibt es bei denen immerhin 1—CHANCE zu verhandeln.
20060131             Diese Aussagen überraschen insofern, als die Zeitung "AL—HAYAT" von SAUDI—ARABIEN finanziert wird.
20060131             —BEKOMMT, Und AL—SARKAWI, seine größte finanzielle Unterstützung aus diesem Land.
20060131             Wenn die Stammesversammlung in der Provinz Anbar den SARKAWI—BESCHLUSS umsetzt,
20060131             ist dies auch 1—FORTSETZUNG der Vereinbarung, die sie offensichtlich mit PREMIERMINISTER—IBRAHIM—DSCHAAFARI,
20060131             dem USA—BOTSCHAFTER—ZALMAY—KHALILZAD und GENERAL—GEORGE—CASEY vereinbart hatten.
20060131             Zug um Zug werden sich demnach die USA—STREITKRÄFTE und die regulären irakischen Truppen aus der Provinz zurückziehen.
20060131             Die Staatsgewalt soll an Soldaten und Polizisten übertragen werden, die ausschließlich aus der Gegend kommen.
20060131             Das Kommando soll auch überwiegend in der Region bleiben,
20060131             die Provinz eine gewisse Autonomie erhalten. Ein STAAT im STAAT
20060131             Damit entsteht zwar de facto 1—STAAT im STAAT, aber Experten sehen darin die 1. Stufe der amerikanischen EXIT—STRATEGIE,
20060131             der Reduzierung der Truppen im Irak.
20060131             Und die Messlatte wird das sunnitische Dreieck sein.
20060131             Vor wenigen Tagen wurden von den USA die Sicherheitsaufgaben in der Provinz Ninive mit der Stadt Mossul,
20060131             die auch 1—DER—SUNNITISCHEN—WIDERSTANDSBRENNPUNKTE ist, an die Iraker übergeben.
20060131             Die Amerikaner wollen ihre Präsenz langfristig auf ein paar gut ausgebaute Militärbasen in der Nähe der größten Städte reduzieren.
20060131             Ein weiterer Grund für die vorsichtige Annäherung der USA an die Sunniten im Irak ist auch der anschwellende Konflikt mit dem Nachbarn IRAN.
20060131             Sollte der MULLAH—STAAT angegriffen werden, haben dessen schiitische Herrscher unmissverständlich durchblicken lassen,
20060131             dann werde es zum Aufstand der rund 12—MILLIONEN Schiiten im SÜD—IRAK kommen.
20060131             Wie die Übergabe der Sicherheitshoheit von den Amerikanern an die irakische Armee vonstatten geht,
20060131             zeigt das Beispiel Tikrit: Die USA—STREITKRÄFTE hatten Saddam Husseins großen Palast in seiner Heimatstadt —NACH—DEM Krieg zur Kommandozentrale umgebaut.
20060131             Nachdem der moderne, große Stützpunkt vor wenigen Wochen feierlich in Anwesenheit des USA—BOTSCHAFTERS an die Iraker übergeben wurde,
20060131             plünderten die neuen Hausherren —ERST einmal 3—TAGE lang die gesamte Anlage und nahmen alles mit, was nicht NIET—UND nagelfest war.
20060131             Die modernen Generatoren, Klimaanlagen und Küchen stehen —JETZT in den Privathäusern bei den Offizieren der neuen irakischen Armee.
20060131             Der Bürochef des Abgeordneten MARTY—MEEHAN beispielsweise, MATT—VOGEL,
20060131             gab gegenüber der Zeitung offen zu, er habe einen Praktikanten dafür abgestellt, die WIKIPEDIA—BIOGRAFIE seines Vorgesetzten zu bearbeiten.
20060131             "Es erscheint mir sinnvoll,
20060131             dass die Biographie, die wir einreichen, auch die ist, die wir schreiben", sagte Vogel dem Blatt.
20060131             Nur, dass in dieser offiziellen Version für Meehan Unangenehmes schlicht weggelassen wurde.
20060131             —VERKÜNDET, Zum Beispiel, dass der Abgeordnete einst, hatte, Politiker sollten nicht an ihren Stühlen kleben + er selbst werde deshalb —NACH—8—JAHREN im Amt aus dem Kongress ausscheiden.
20060131             Das war 19920000             , Meehan sitzt noch —HEUTE im Repräsentantenhaus.
20060131             Der Wortbruch sollte aber nicht in seiner WIKIPEDIA—BIOGRAFIE erscheinen.
20060131             Ein anderes wegredigiertes Faktum betraf Meehans immenses Wahlkampfbudget.
20060131             Die WIKIPEDIA—NUTZER sollten offenbar lieber nicht lesen, dass er 4,8 Millionen Dollar für seine Kampagne zur Verfügung HATTE—DAS laut "LOWELL Sun" größte Budget aller Kongressabgeordneten.
20060131             Den Einträgen "mehr Tiefe" geben
20060131             Vogel sagt, man habe dem Eintrag "mehr Tiefe" verleihen wollen, bei der Wikipedia dagegen spricht man von "Vandalismus".
20060131             —GEHÖRT, Zu den Grundregeln der Enzyklopädie, es, dass man korrekte Fakten nicht entfernt.
20060131             Die Zensoren aus dem Kongressgebäude hätten schließlich "ihre Sicht der Dinge hinzufügen" können, kommentierte WIKIPEDIA—GRÜNDER—JIMMY—WALES.
20060131             Von der gleichen IP—ADRESSE aus, von der Meehans Eintrag verändert wurde,
20060131             kamen auch Hunderte andere Korrekturen, manche gerechtfertigt, manche tendenziös, manche schlicht beleidigend.
20060131             —INZWISCHEN, Die Wikipedianer haben, weitere IP—ADRESSEN des USA—SENATS ausgemacht,
20060131             von denen aus ebenfalls fleißig editiert wurde.
20060131             Nicht nur an den Biographien von Politikern wurde von den Kongressrechnern aus herumgeschraubt, auch Historisches wollten die Senatsschreiber gern anders darstellen.
20060131             Beispielsweise wurde der Eintrag zum Einmarsch im Irak 20030000              manipuliert.
20060131             Hinterher stand da, PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH habe zwischen den Attentaten des 20010911              und dem Irak "nie 1—VERBINDUNG suggeriert" + es sei stattdessen "als zwingend angesehen" worden,
20060131             "dass eine solche Verbindung bestanden habe".
20060131             Die wütenden Wikipedianer wehren sich
20060131             Inzwischen wehrt sich die zornentbrannte WIKIPEDIA—GEMEINDE heftig.
20060131             —RÜCKEDITIERT, Beanstandete Beiträge wurden.
20060131             Die IP—ADRESSE, von der die meisten Änderungen kamen,
20060131             wurde kurzzeitig blockiert, dann wieder freigeschaltet, weil sie nicht nur von einem sondern von vielen Kongressrechnern benutzt wird + man harmlose Beitragende nicht diskriminieren will,
20060131             nur weil sie zufällig beim Kongress angestellt sind.
20060131             Eigens eingerichtete Seiten fassen die Ereignisse und Diskussionen zusammen,
20060131             unterteilen die Einmischungen von KONGRESS—ADRESSEN in "Vandalismus", "Böse Absichten" und "legitim".
20060131             Der WIKIPEDIA—SELBSTREINIGUNGSMECHANISMUS ist nach wie vor intakt und läuft nun auf HOCHTOUREN—UND gleichzeitig zeigt der Fall einmal mehr,
20060131             wie verletzlich das für ALLE—OFFENE—SYSTEM ist.
20060131             Es scheint nur 1—FRAGE—DER—ZEIT,
20060131             —BIS sich nicht nur übereifrige Kongressangestellte sondern professionelle Informationsmanipulierer an der ONLINE—ENZYKLOPÄDIE zu schaffen machen.
20060131             1—WIKIPEDIA—NUTZER schrieb auf der entsprechenden Diskussionsseite:
20060131             "Wenn wir das nicht bestrafen, wird das weitere in der Öffentlichkeit stehende Personen dazu anstacheln,
20060131             PR—FIRMEN zu engagieren, die in der Wikipedia ihre Standpunkte durchdrücken sollen.
20060131             HUNDERTEN, von Fällen sind von Rechnern des USA—KONGRESSES aus Einträge der INTERNET—ENZYKLOPÄDIE Wikipedia verändert worden.
20060131             Fleißige Helfer verschönerten die Biographien ihrer Abgeordneten, der politische Gegner wurde diffamiert und BELEIDIGT—UND die Geschichte umgeschrieben.
20060131             "2005—WURDE SENATOR C. von seinen Kollegen im Kongress zum lästigsten aller Senatoren gewählt.
20060131             Dies geschah, weil SENATOR C. ein riesiges Weichei ist".
20060131             Dies ist eine von über 10000000              Änderungen,
20060131             die in der englischsprachigen Ausgabe der INTERNET—ENZYKLOPÄDIE Wikipedia vorgenommen WURDEN—VON—KONGRESS—RECHNERN aus.
20060131             VIELE—DER—ÄNDERUNGEN betrafen die Einträge über Abgeordnete.
20060131             Wie die USA—TAGESZEITUNG "LOWELL Sun" berichtete,
20060131             wurden dabei teilweise vollständige Biographien AUSGETAUSCHT—ODER aber kindische und bösartige Kommentare in die Einträge über den politischen Gegner eingefügt.
20060131             I knew it would end this way, but the bitter taste remains inescapable.
20060131             The question —NOW is:
20060131             Do we take out our fury by refusing ANY—FURTHER—SUPPORT for the Democrats who betrayed us?
20060131             Or do we hold to the proposition that changing THE—MAKE—UP of both HOUSES—OF—CONGRESS trumps all other considerations?
20060131             And what about Joke Lieberman? No surprise there.
20060131             —CHALLENGED, HE—BEING, by 1—GUY named Ned Lamont, who -- word has it -- is the real deal.
20060131             If you're in CT, do what you can to retire Joke —DURING the primaries.
20060131             Quartalsbericht: GOOGLE—GEWINN geringer als erwartet
20060131             Beisetzung am 7. ;;02;;: Ehrengrab für JOHANNES—RAU in BERLIN
20060131             IAEA—BERICHT: IRAN besitzt Bauplan für Atomsprengköpfe
20060131             USA: Entlassene Postangestellte erschießt 6—KOLLEGEN
20060131             Wiederaufbau: Geberländer vereinbaren "AFGHANISTAN—PAKT"
20060131             USA—NOTENBANK: Greenspan erhöht zum Abschied die Zinsen
20060131             n ervöse Börse: GOOGLE—GERÜCHT lässt NAPSTER—KURS explodieren - ENRON—PROZESS: "Lügen über Lügen"
20060131             Streit um MOHAMMED—KARIKATUREN: Einen bedrohen, eine Million einschüchtern
20060131             Oscar 20060000             : Die Nominierungen im Überblick
20060131             Finanzplatz LONDON: Deutsche BANK—WILL—MITARBEITER—MAILS überwachen
20060131             Zentrum gegen Vertreibungen: Wanderausstellung soll Kritiker überzeugen
20060131             Große Koalition: Versöhnung im Familienkrach
20060131             Mehr Markt: Uno will die Welt um Billionen reicher machen - 5—MILLIONEN Arbeitslose: Kalt erwischt
20060131             USA—BÖRSE: GOOGLE—GERÜCHT lässt NAPSTER—KURS explodieren
20060131             Französische Hersteller: PSA entwickelt eigene Hybridtechnologie
20060131             —ENDE einer unheiligen Allianz: Sunniten brechen mit Terrorboss Sarkawi
20060131             USA: Bush s Kandidat ins Oberste Gericht gewählt
20060131             Bush s Rede zur Lage der Nation: Mit Durchhalteparolen aus dem Umfragetief
20060131             Kompromiss: Koalition einigt sich auf Familienförderung
20060131             TOP—FORSCHER im Rentenalter: Nobelpreisträger Hänsch bleibt in München - Karmann: Meister der Nische
20060131             USA: Witwe von MARTIN—LUTHER—KING ist tot
20060131             Politisches Lexikon: USA—KONGRESSANGESTELLTE manipulierten Wikipedia
20060131             —NOMINIERT, Filmpreise: "SOPHIE—SCHOLL" für Oscar
20060131             Wundersuche: Nonne könnte PAPA selig machen
20060131             Insel Réunion: Soldaten kämpfen gegen VIRUS—EPIDEMIE
20060131             —KRITISIERT, NS—VERGANGENHEIT: Zentralrat der Juden, Dresdner Bank
20060131             Straßengebühr: Tiefensee stoppt Debatte über PKW—MAUT
20060131             Skandinavien: MOHAMMED—KARIKATUREN sorgen weiter für Wirbel
20060131             Uno vs. IRAN: ÖL—BOYKOTT trifft beide Seiten
20060131             Chronik: Der Konflikt um Irans Atomprogramm
20060131             Atomstreit: IRAN droht mit ENDE—DER—DIPLOMATIE
20060131             FOTO—IKONEN in München: Mit der Kamera über die Welt nachdenken - SALZBURG: Sieg über die Mozartkugel
20060131             Entzweite Partner: Obi streitet mit Otto um ONLINE—SHOP
20060131             Schutz für Zellen: Eigentliche AUFGABE—DER—PRIONEN enträtselt
20060131             Verhaltensforschung: Die guten Seiten der Bosheit - Synergie: Videospiele verkaufen Musik
20060131             NETZWELT—TICKER: 1—BESTSELLER, Osama sei Dank!
20060131             E—COMMERCE: Deutsche sind Europameister beim WEB—EINKAUF
20060131             Kaukasus: Polizisten sollen an Anschlägen beteiligt sein
20060131             Kidnapping auf See: Piraten nehmen immer öfter Geiseln
20060131             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Wohnungen zu klein, Dienstboten zu teuer" - Studie: Durst macht Schmerzen schlimmer
20060131             Scheidender FED—CHEF: Greenspans letzte Zinserhöhung
20060131             NAHOST—QUARTETT: Hamas lehnt Gewaltverzicht kategorisch ab
20060131             Streit um Atomprogramm: IRAN nennt Anrufung des Weltsicherheitsrates illegal
20060131             Prominente Bürohilfe: Blairs Sohn wird Praktikant im USA—KONGRESS
20060131             Umweltministerium: Ältere AKW weisen Sicherheitsdefizite auf
20060131             Deutschland: 2200—BRITISCHE Soldaten werden abgezogen
20060131             Oberster USA—RICHTER: Alitos Weg ist frei
20060131             Karmann in Not: Kahlschlag beim Cabriobauer
20060131             Teure Energie: Vattenfall erhöht Strompreise - Straßengebühr: CDU plant PKW—MAUT
20060131             Jobmarkt: Arbeitslosenzahl steigt auf über 5—MILLIONEN
20060131             Rente mit 67: Verhärtete Fronten zwischen SPD und DGB
20060131             Geisteswissenschaftler: Ehrenrettung für den Denker
20060131             The vote this —WEEK about SAMUEL—ALITO is not 1—VOTE about Republicans versus Democrats.
20060131             It's 1—VOTE about THE—FUTURE—OF—DEMOCRACY in THE—USA—OF—AMERICA.
20060131             —BY—THOM Hartmann
20060131             As our legislators vote, we must carefully note their positions on this issue.
20060131             Their OATH—OF—OFFICE is not to THE—PRESIDENT or even to "protect the people," but to the Constitution.
20060131             And it is THE—CONSTITUTION—AND the future of our democratic REPUBLIC—THAT is at stake here.
20060131             Rank Ignorance Reigns:
20060131             —JUST as there was no evidence that IRAQ was developing nuclear weapons, there is no evidence that IRAN is developing nuclear weapons.
20060131             There is nothing but unproven assertions,
20060131             assertions, moreover, that are contradicted by the evidence that does exist.
20060131             Americans, it would appear, are so anxious for wars that they welcome being fooled into them.
20060131             Petrodollar Warfare
20060131             INTERVIEW—WITH—WILLIAM—R—CLARK, Author "Petrodollar Warfare: OIL—IRAQ and THE—FUTURE—OF—THE—DOLLAR"
20060131             —INVADED, The notion that IRAQ was, to prevent THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, or to combat terrorism, has long been discredited.
20060131             But 1—GROWING consensus believes that IRAQ—OIL was surely 1—PRIME—REASON for USA actions.
20060131             However, AUTHOR—WILLIAM—CLARK argues convincingly in Petrodollar Warfare that the rationale for intervening was not —JUST for CONTROL—OF—THE—OIL fields,
20060131             but also for control of the means by which oil is traded in global markets.
20060131             Click here to listen.
20060131             Primary care about to collapse, physicians warn:
20060131             Primary care -- the basic medical care that people get —WHEN they visit their doctors for routine physicals and minor problems -- could fall apart in THE—USA—WITHOUT immediate reforms,
20060131             THE—USA—COLLEGE—OF—PHYSICIANS said —ON—MONDAY.
20060131             Nearly HALF—OF—IRAQIS support attacks on USA troops, poll finds:
20060131             70—PERCENT—OF—IRAQIS favor setting 1—TIMETABLE for USA forces to withdraw,
20060131             with HALF—OF—THOSE favoring 1—WITHDRAWAL within 6—MONTHS and the other half favoring 1—WITHDRAWAL over 2—YEARS.
20060131             Most Iraqis Doubt USA WILL—EVER—LEAVE:
20060131             Large majorities of Iraqis believe that THE—USA has no intention of ever withdrawing all its military forces from their country and that WASHINGTON—RECONSTRUCTION efforts have been incompetent at best,
20060131             according to 1—NEW—SURVEY released here —TUESDAY.
20060131             Fact or fiction? Number of Foreign Forces in IRAQ Seen Falling Below 100,000 This —YEAR:
20060131             THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—1—HIGH—LEVEL—GROUP planning THE—TRANSFER—OF—SECURITY responsibilities from American to IRAQ—TROOPS said the number of American and other foreign soldiers here would fall to below 100,000 by —YEAR—END and that 1—OVERWHELMING majority would be out in 2—YEARS.
20060131             JAPAN to leave IRAQ in May: reports:
20060131             JAPAN will withdraw its ground troops from SOUTH—IRAQ by THE—END—OF—MAY along with pullouts by the British and AUSTRALIA—FORCES from the area,
20060131             —REPORTED, JAPAN—MEDIA outlets have, citing sources in THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT.
20060131             Calls grow to 'impeach' Blair as 99. soldier dies in IRAQ:
20060131             Leaders of 1—CROSS—PARTY group calling for MISTER—BLAIR to be impeached will meet tonight at WESTMINSTER to discuss their tactics.
20060131             —TRIED, Revealed: Ambassador, to kill USA hunt for AWB bribes:
20060131             THE—AUSTRALIA—AMBASSADOR to THE—USA—LOBBIED—CONGRESS to drop 1—INVESTIGATION into allegations that AUSTRALIA—WHEAT exporter paid kickbacks to Saddam HUSSEIN—IRAQ—REGIME.
20060131             Why THE—USA—PROBABLY Won't Attack IRAN:
20060131             Moqtada SADR—GROUP, told me —RECENTLY "If AMERICAN—ATTACKS IRAN, then all bets are off.
20060131             With such 1—DETERRENT at hand, who needs 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON?
20060131             War pimp alert: IRAN 'has bomb and trying to make more':
20060131             1—WELL—KNOWN—USA nuclear proliferation and terrorism expert told Gulf News —YESTERDAY that TEHRAN not only has the nuclear bomb,
20060131             it is seeking to "duplicate them in large numbers —BEFORE revealing their existence to the world".
20060131             IRAN Papers Are for 1—ATOMIC—BOMB:
20060131             1—DOCUMENT obtained by IRAN on the nuclear black market serves no other purpose than to make 1—ATOMIC—BOMB,
20060131             THE—INTERNATIONAL Atomic Energy Agency said —TUESDAY.
20060131             Is IRAN Building Nukes? 1—ANALYSIS:
20060131             The testable PART—OF—THE—CLAIM -- that THE—BUSH ehr reactor is 1—PROLIFERATION threat -- is demonstrably false
20060131             WILLIAM—PFAFF : Nuclear IRAN is not 1—THREAT:
20060131             —MOUNTED, Why is all this pressure being, against IRAN —WHEN both WASHINGTON and JERUSALEM unofficially concede that there is nothing to be done to prevent IRAN—GOVERNMENT from continuing along its present course of nuclear development?
20060131             UNITED—NATIONS Security Council agrees on IRAN nuclear review:
20060131             THE—USA and other permanent MEMBERS—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY Council agreed —TUESDAY that IRAN should be hauled —BEFORE that powerful body over its disputed nuclear program.
20060131             IRAN strikes back at Big 5, saying they have no right to refer it to Security Council:
20060131             "Reporting IRAN—DOSSIER to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY Council will be unconstructive and THE—END—OF—DIPLOMACY," said IRAN—LEADING nuclear negotiator,
20060131             IRAN row hits BELGIUM—SPY CHIEF:
20060131             —RESIGNED, THE—HEAD—OF—BELGIUM—STATE security service has, amid allegations that his department failed to disclose nuclear technology transfers to IRAN.
20060131             Report: Big companies pulling out of IRAN:
20060131             SOME—MAJOR—FINANCE and energy companies are cutting commercial ties with IRAN as USA—AUTHORITIES step up enforcement of existing sanctions and INTERNATIONAL diplomatic pressure builds over TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS.
20060131             USA Instigated IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM —30—YEARS—AGO:
20060131             WHITE—HOUSE staff members, who are trying to prevent IRAN from developing its own nuclear energy capacity and who refuse to take military action against IRAN "off the table," have conveniently forgotten that THE—USA was the midwife to THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM —30—YEARS—AGO.
20060131             Netanyahu compares Hamas election win to rise of Hitler:
20060131             —ASSAILED, The former foreign MINISTER, the policy of Acting PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT,
20060131             namely his decision to allow Hamas to participate in the elections
20060131             —BLACKMAILED, Won't be ',' Hamas tells West:
20060131             "We are looking for alternative sources and we will not allow ourselves to be blackmailed," Hamdan said in 1—TELEPHONE INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS
20060131             We will not sell our people or principles for foreign aid :
20060131             —VOTED, Palestinians, for Hamas because of our refusal to give up their rights.
20060131             But we are ready to make 1—JUST peace - Choreographed Chaos:
20060131             NORWAY—NATIONALS, heeding s strong request from their government, left THE—GAZA Strip under THE—PROTECTION—OF—THE—PALESTINE—SECURITY forces —ON—MONDAY, 30 ;;01;;.
20060131             Boycotts Against DENMARK Spread:
20060131             —RAIDED, Palestinians protesting the cartoons, 1—EU OFFICE—IN—GAZA and 1—IRAQ—GROUP demanded attacks be instigated against DENMARK—TARGETS.
20060131             RUSSIA Develops DEFENSE—PROOF Missiles:
20060131             —BOASTED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, —TUESDAY that RUSSIA has new missiles capable of penetrating ANY—MISSILE defense system and said he had briefed THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENT on their capabilities.
20060131             FORMER—ADF head issues warning over USA—ALLIANCE:
20060131             —DISPUTED, Halliburton lops $9—MILLION off, IRAQ pact:
20060131             —AGREED, HALLIBURTON Co. subsidiary KBR has, to lop $9—MILLION off SOLE—SOURCE contracts paid for by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT with IRAQ—OIL money —AFTER auditors questioned $208—MILLION in possible overcharges,
20060131             1—INTERNATIONAL—WATCHDOG agency said —ON—MONDAY.
20060131             At Exxon Mobil, 1—RECORD—PROFIT but No Fanfare:
20060131             —AIDED, Exxon Mobil, by strong energy prices, disclosed —MONDAY that it had set 1—RECORD for profits among USA—COMPANIES,
20060131             reporting $36—BILLION in annual income.
20060131             But —WHILE most companies would be proud to trumpet record profits,
20060131             Exxon Mobil did everything it could to play down the news
20060131             Oil execs refuse to testify at Senate hearing:
20060131             —REFUSED, Officials from 6—MAJOR—OIL companies have, to testify this —WEEK at 1—SENATE hearing looking into whether oil industry mergers in recent years have made gasoline more expensive at the pump.
20060131             Alito Is Sworn in for SUPREME—COURT
20060131             SAMUEL—ANTHONY—ALITO—JUNIOR was sworn in as the nation's 110. SUPREME—COURT justice —ON—TUESDAY—AFTER being confirmed by the Senate in 1—OF—THE—MOST partisan victories in modern history.
20060131             The pathetic failure of Democrats in the Senate to stick together and block the appointment of SAM—ALITO to THE—SUPREME—COURT -- 1—MAN committed to the idea of 1—PRESIDENT with unchecked,
20060131             dictatatorial powers + who favors corporations and the state over the individual -- shows that it won't —JUST do to have Democrats take over Congress in ;;11;;.
20060131             USA—MILITARY planning to fight THE—INTERNET:
20060131             The document calls on DoD to enhance its capabilities in 5—KEY—INFORMATION Operations (IO) areas:
20060131             Electronic Warfare (EW), Psychological Operations (PSYOP), Operations Security (OPSEC), Military Deception and Computer Network Operations (CNO).
20060131             FBI Agents Back Down —WHEN Librarian Refuses to Let Them Seize 30—COMPUTERS Without 1—WARRANT:
20060131             1—E—MAIL threat that prompted the evacuation of more than 12—BRANDEIS University buildings on ;;01;;
20060131             18 led to 1—UNUSUAL standoff in 1—PUBLIC—LIBRARY in Newton,
20060131             MASSACHUSETTS, 1—FEW miles from the Brandeis campus.
20060131             NSA Expands, Centralizes Domestic Spying:
20060131             NSA is aligning its growing domestic eavesdropping operations -- what the administration calls "terrorist warning" in its current PR campaign -- with military homeland defense organizations,
20060131             as well as THE—CIA—NEW—DOMESTIC—OPERATIONS.
20060131             SENATOR—FEINGOLD—CLAIMS—GONZALES—MISLED him on Wiretaps:
20060131             —CHARGED, SENATOR—RUSSELL—FEINGOLD (D—WISCONSIN), —YESTERDAY that ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—R—GONZALES misled the Senate —DURING his confirmation hearing 1—YEAR ago —WHEN he appeared to try to avoid answering 1—QUESTION about whether THE—PRESIDENT could authorize warrantless wiretapping of USA citizens.
20060131             PRESIDENT facing 'gray and gloomy' electorate: Poll:
20060131             1—SMALL—MAJORITY APPROVES—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—CONTROVERSIAL—USE of domestic wiretaps without 1—COURT order to track calls between terrorist suspects and USA residents.
20060131             Why isn't the danger that THE—PRESIDENT could easily blackmail opponents PART—OF—OUR national DISCUSSION—OF—THE—SPY program?
20060131             Perhaps it's too frightening to contemplate.
20060131             Gore Vidal Delivers STATE—OF—THE—UNION:
20060131             As he comes with his STATE—OF—THE—UNION, which he is going to justify eavesdropping without judicial warrants on anybody in THE—USA—THAT he wants to listen in on.
20060131             This is what we call dictatorship.
20060131             Dictatorship. Molly Ivins: Groundhog —DAY:
20060131             As government officials keep more and more information from us, they are in turn increasingly less accountable for what they do,
20060131             —SINCE we have no idea they're doing it.
20060131             Those are small things with grave consequences. CHARLEY—REESE: Fargo or Bust:
20060131             According to THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, 19800000—20050000    —BETWEEN fewer than 25,000—PEOPLE were killed in INTERNATIONAL terrorist incidents —AROUND the globe.
20060131             "There is 1—HUGE—TRANSITION going on in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, as 1—WHOLE and in its parts," she said.
20060131             "The outcomes that we're seeing in ANY—NUMBER—OF—PLACES, I will be the 1. to say, have 1—SENSE—OF—UNPREDICTABILITY about them.
20060131             That's the nature of big historic change. It's simply the way it is".
20060131             "You've got to hedge against the risk that elections are going to lead to precisely this result," said Mr.
20060131             Indyk, THE—FORMER—MIDDLE—EAST negotiator.
20060131             "The hedge is to build civil society and democratic institutions 1.
20060131             But this administration doesn't listen to that".
20060131             "I've asked why nobody saw it coming," MISS—RICE said, speaking of her own staff.
20060131             "It does say something about us not having 1—GOOD enough pulse".
20060131             —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER the election, BUSH—ADMINISTRATION officials said the results reflected 1—PALESTINE—DESIRE for change and not necessarily 1—EMBRACE—OF—HAMAS,
20060131             which THE—USA, ISRAEL and the European Union consider 1—TERRORIST organization sworn to ISRAEL—DESTRUCTION.
20060131             —SEEMED, But MISS—RICE—COMMENTS, to reflect 1—CERTAIN 2.—GUESSING over how the administration had failed to foresee,
20060131             or factor into its thinking, the possibility of 1—HAMAS victory.
20060131             Indeed, HAMAS—VICTORY has set off 1—DEBATE whether the administration was so wedded to its belief in democracy that it could not see the dangers of holding elections in regions where Islamist groups were strong and democratic institutions weak.
20060131             "There is 1—LOT—OF—BLAME to go —AROUND," said MARTIN—INDYK, 1—TOP—MIDDLE—EAST negotiator in THE—CLINTON administration,
20060131             referring to MAHMOUD—ABBAS, THE—PALESTINE—PRESIDENT + his Fatah party.
20060131             "But on THE—USA—SIDE, the conceptual failure that contributed to disaster was THE—PRESIDENT—BELIEF that democracy and elections solve everything".
20060131             —POINTED, MISS—RICE, out that the election results surprised —JUST about everyone.
20060131             IRAN and other matters.
20060131             "SOME—SAY that Hamas itself was caught off guard by its strong showing".
20060131             "Atemberaubende" Umweltverstöße
20060131             Damit nicht genug: Die "Times" und Global Witness beschuldigen Freeport außerdem "atemberaubender" Umweltverstöße.
20060131             —BISHER hätten die Schürfarbeiten rund 1—MILLIARDE—TONNEN an Industriemüll produziert, die großteils in Flüsse gekippt worden seien, in denen wiederum längst alles Leben erloschen sei.
20060131             Das USA—UNTERNEHMEN bestätigt die Zahl, besteht aber darauf, dass seine Entsorgungsmethoden von der Provinzregierung abgesegnet worden seien.
20060131             "Beim Betrieb einer großen Mine sind Umweltfolgen unvermeidlich", so Atkeson.
20060131             —AM anderen ENDE—DER—WELT erhöht BILL—THOMPSON derweil den Druck.
20060131             Der Comptroller hat den New Yorkern in seiner Antrittsrede ja geschworen,
20060131             die städtischen Gelder nur in glasklar ethische Konzerne zu investieren.
20060131             Und so kann es gut sein, dass sie demnächst auch in WEST—PAPUA wissen, was 1—COMPTROLLER ist.
20060131             Alles schön und gut, findet Thompson.
20060131             Doch leider gehe es bei Freeports indonesischer Dependance seiner Meinung nach nicht mit rechten Dingen zu.
20060131             Brisant dabei: 37—MILLIONEN Dollar aus den Pensionsfonds stecken in dem Konzern.
20060131             SCHREIBEN, an die Börsenaufsicht SEC und USA—JUSTIZMINISTER ALBERTO Gonzalez erhebt der Comptroller —JETZT schwere Vorwürfe:
20060131             Es bestehe der Verdacht, dass Freeport indonesische Regierungsbeamte und Militärs besticht, also gegen den Foreign Corrupt Practices Act verstößt. Außerdem habe der Konzern getürkte Aktionärsinformationen bei der SEC eingereicht sowie "falsche oder irreführende" Aussagen über seine Geschäftspraktiken gemacht.
20060131             Ähnliche Vorwürfe gegen Freeport hat auch die Londoner Menschenrechtsorganisation Global Witness —BEREITS publiziert.
20060131             Der USA—KONZERN mache sich schuldig, 1—MILITÄR zu unterstützen, das "eine lange Geschichte aus Gräueltaten an Zivilisten" habe, hieß es in einem Bericht der Gruppe.
20060131             Die Tragödie des Goldes
20060131             Die Rolle westlicher Minenunternehmen in Indonesien ist —SEIT langem umstritten.
20060131             Doch —JETZT heizt sich die Debatte durch Thompsons Intervention auf.
20060131             Der Pensionsmanager hat die zuständigen Ämter in WASHINGTON aufgefordert, Ermittlungen gegen Freeport einzuleiten.
20060131             Voruntersuchungen gibt es —BEREITS:
20060131             Hinter all diesen Formschreiben verbirgt sich die Tragödie, die der Goldabbau in einer Krisenregion im tiefsten Urwald Südostasiens hat und die —JETZT wie ein fernes Echo aus der Wildnis auch die WALL—STREET erreicht.
20060131             An der NYSE verzeichnete die FREEPORT—AKTIE, die sich
20060131             Freeports GRASBERG—MINE liegt nämlich mitten in einem politischen KRISENHERD—IN der indonesischen REGENWALD—PROVINZ WEST—PAPUA,
20060131             die —SEIT Jahrzehnten um Unabhängigkeit von JAKARTA kämpft.
20060131             —PROFITIERT, Wegen des hohen Goldpreises, von der Mine nicht nur Freeport in NEW—ORLEANS,
20060131             sondern auch die indonesische Zentralregierung, die von dem amerikanischen Konzern alle20050000              rund 1—MILLIARDE—DOLLAR an Steuern kassierte.
20060131             "Ganz normale Geschäftsaktivitäten"
20060131             Freeport gibt offen zu, außer den regulären 18.000—ARBEITSKRÄFTEN nebenher auch die einheimischen "Sicherheitsbehörden" pauschal für die in dieser Krisenregion notwendige "Bewachung" der Mine zu entlohnen.
20060131             "Es gibt keine Alternative, als sich auf das indonesischen Militär und die Polizei zu verlassen", erklärte das Unternehmen.
20060131             Dies seien "ganz normale Geschäftsaktivitäten".
20060131             Schwere Vorwürfe gegen den GOLD—GIGANTEN
20060131             Mit seiner aktuellen Kampagne wagt sich Thompson an einen schweren Brocken aus der boomenden Goldbranche.
20060131             Es geht um FREEPORT—MCMORAN.
20060131             Der in NEW—ORLEANS beheimatete, an der NEW—YORK Stock Exchange notierte USA—KONZERN ist 1—DER—WELTGRÖSSTEN—FÖRDERER—VON—GOLD und Kupfer.
20060131             Seine GRASBERG—MINE in INDONESIEN—IHRERSEITS mit 10.000—HEKTAR die größte der WELT—BIRGT mehr Goldreserven als sonst 1—ORT und produzierte voriges —JAHR 1—REKORDMENGE—VON—2,8 Millionen Unzen.
20060131             —PROFITIERT, Freeport, vom steigenden Goldpreis, —ERST—VOR—2—WOCHEN markierte die Goldunze ein 25-Jahreshoch bei 567,6 Dollar.
20060131             Der Boom bildet sich auch in den FREEPORT—ZAHLEN ab.
20060131             20050000              vermeldete die Gesellschaft einen Nettogewinn von 934,6 Millionen DOLLAR—SECHSMAL so viel wie im Vorjahr.
20060131             In den Tagen nach der Preisverleihung hatte nach Recherchen des britischen GUARDIAN keine politische Website der Welt mehr Hits als michaelmoorecom.
20060131             SECURITY Boosted at CHEMICAL—WEAPONS Depot
20060131             —1— hatte die FEDERAL RESERVE den Zinssatz zum 14. Mal in Folge ERHÖHT—ER stieg um 0,25 Punkte auf 4,5 %.
20060131             —BEYOND the Backword - 11/02—SERIAL Killers[ 1 ]Still on the... —DURING the slaughter... who started as CIA asset and stayed on as... of —TODAY and THE—GERMANY of... in
20060131             —OWNED, Area 51 is 1—REMOTE—TRACT—OF—LAND in SOUTH—NEVADA, by the government of THE—USA, containing 1—AIR field apparently used for the secret development and TESTING—OF—NEW—MILITARY—AIRCRAFT.
20060131             It has been known as Watertown, Dreamland, PARADISE Ranch, THE—FARM, THE—BOX, Groom Lake, THE—UNNAMED—FACILITY at Groom LAKE—NEVADA Proving Ground and THE—DIRECTORATE for Development Plans Area.
20060131             for Bush.html - SANTA—RITA CANTINA—DINNER menu
20060131             Authentico - 1—PERFECT blend of DRY—ROASTED chiles, onions and spices Flautas Dinner 9.25 2—CORN tortillas stuffed with your CHOICE—OF—GROUND beef, shredded chicken or cheese... 20060131              Bernays, EDWARD—L IMPACT—PUBLIC—RELATIONS in AMERICA-.html
20060131             *)A EDUCAçãO DOS CãES.E..DOS DONOS...
20060131             Noname51.HTML—EDUCATING for Citizenship [M]ore than HALF—OF—YOUNG—AMERICANS lack knowledge, attitudes + skills that leading civic... alienation + even cynicism concerning the
20060131             1. - THE—FATHERS—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION
20060131             What they found was this: Americans, for all their gaps in knowledge... Reality Check '98: Surveys of 5—GROUPS... businesses + nonprofits...
20060131             A), which are taken from previous national surveys.
20060131             knowledge.
20060131             They are taken... EXCHANGE—OF—DIALOGUE concerning conflict... on such.
20060131             "Whatever breached security at Pine Bluff Arsenal late —TUESDAY night wasn't human," the
20060131             —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER the intruders appeared, officials at the weapons base were certain 3 "people" had
20060131             somehow breached security.
20060131             THE—WWII—ERA arsenal stores TONS—OF—DEADLY—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS made by THE—USA.
20060131             —WHILE THE—ARKANSAS media seems anxious to dismiss the intruders as "wildlife,"
20060131             other theories have emerged.
20060131             Cryptozoology + MAGIC—VERY interesting. From Cryptomundo.
20060131             USA chemical weapons base intruders 'not HUMAN'—SPLOID—GOT it.
20060131             Giving deja vu a 2. look
20060131             —EXPERIENCED, MANY—OF—USA have, deja VU—THE unsettling sensation of knowing that 1—SITUATION could not have been experienced, combined with the feeling that it has.
20060131             —ARRESTED, Vampyre candidate for GOVERNOR
20060131             1—FRINGE candidate for GOVERNOR who played up his satanic SIDE—AND pledged public impalement for TERRORISTS—WOUND up behind bars —TODAY thanks to 1—SHARP—EYED sheriff's dispatcher.
20060131             Something strangely beautiful.. Gordon is 1—OF—1—DYING BREED—OF—GENTLEMEN—COLLECTORS—PEOPLE who hunt down and collect the unusual, the different, and, if we're being honest about IT—THE downright weird.
20060131             Paranormal Hot Spots THERE ARE MANY—PLACES —AROUND THE—USA—THAT seem to be focal points of high STRANGENESS—VORTEXES of bizarre sightings, unexplained encounters and eerie events.
20060131             —SCOOPED, —JUST 1—THIMBLEFUL, fresh off the lunar surface.
20060131             —UNEARTHED, Old safe containing jewelry
20060131             Workers excavating —RECENTLY near Kennebec Savings BANK—ON—MAIN—STREET discovered 1—SAFE containing all sorts of jewelry from the 1800s, including gold and GOLD—PLATED necklaces, bracelets, pins + hair clips -- even 1—GOLD pocket watch.
20060131             SCHEICH—OSAMA—AL—JEDAAN, der Führer des AL—KARABILA—STAMMES in Qa'im an der Grenze zu Syrien, sagt, dass die Stammesversammlung in der Provinz Anbar beschlossen hatte, 1—MILITÄRAKTION gegen die Terroristen zu starten.
20060131             Speziell will ihre "eigene Regierung", damit meint er die der Sunniten in Ramadi, Ausländer, Eindringlinge und "Störenfriede" aus anderen Staaten der Region bekämpfen.
20060131             "Das alles hat nichts damit zu tun, dass der irakische Widerstand die amerikanischen Besatzer aus dem Land jagen möchte. Aber das Ermorden von Sunniten und Polizeirekruten wird nicht länger hingenommen", sagt der SCHEICH.
20060131             Außerdem akzeptiere die Stammesversammlung nicht, dass Iraker von den Terroristen getötet werden, nur weil sie Schiiten sind.
20060131             1—SCHEICH—DES sunnitischen AL—DULAIMI—STAMMES in Ramadi erklärte, dass VIELE—BEWOHNER—DER—STADT lange Zeit die arabischen Kämpfer aus dem Ausland logistisch unterstützt hätten und sie beherbergten, ohne ihre wirklichen Ziele zu verstehen, dass diese nämlich nicht nur gegen die verhassten Amerikaner kämpfen, sondern auch einen Religionskrieg zwischen den Sunniten und den Schiiten im Irak provozieren wollen.
20060131             Im dem Zusammenhang sagte Issam AL—RAWI, Mitglied der sunnitischen Vereinigung der muslimischen Gelehrten, dass man —JETZT an 2—FRONTEN kämpfe: Die eine sei die Vertreibung der ausländischen Besatzer ihres Landes und deren Unterstützer in Bagdad, die andere die Bekämpfung der "terroristischen Banden", die irakisches Blut vergießen.
20060131             1—FÜHRER der bekannten Widerstandsgruppe "Brigade der Revolution von 1920" argumentiert ähnlich: Die größte Fraktion des patriotischen Widerstandes im Irak sei gegen die Methoden des QAIDA—STATTHALTERS: "In der letzen Zeit hat sich das Verhältnis des patriotischen Widerstandes zu den Terroristen Sarkawis zusehends verschlechtert. Aber als er die sunnitischen Polizeirekruten tötete, hat er den Bogen überspannt. Wir hatten zuvor vereinbart, gerade dies nicht zu tun, weil wir eigene Polizisten in Ramadi haben wollten", so der Widerstandsführer.
20060131             Sollte es im irakischen Widerstand tatsächlich einen Sinneswandel gegeben haben, kann man davon ausgehen, dass die beiden deutschen Geiseln nicht in den Händen Sarkawis sind, sondern von sunnitischen radikalen Islamisten festgehalten werden.
20060131             Wenn die Stammesversammlung in der Provinz Anbar den SARKAWI—BESCHLUSS umsetzt, ist dies auch 1—FORTSETZUNG—DER—VEREINBARUNG, die sie offensichtlich mit PREMIERMINISTER—IBRAHIM—DSCHAAFARI, dem USA—BOTSCHAFTER—ZALMAY—KHALILZAD und GENERAL—GEORGE—CASEY vereinbart hatten.
20060131             Das Kommando soll auch überwiegend in der Region bleiben, die Provinz eine gewisse Autonomie erhalten.
20060131             Ein STAAT—IM—STAAT
20060131             Damit entsteht zwar de facto 1—STAAT—IM—STAAT, aber Experten sehen darin die 1. Stufe der amerikanischen EXIT—STRATEGIE, der Reduzierung der Truppen im Irak.
20060131             Vor wenigen Tagen wurden von den USA die Sicherheitsaufgaben in der Provinz Ninive mit der Stadt Mossul, die auch 1—DER—SUNNITISCHEN—WIDERSTANDSBRENNPUNKTE ist, an die Iraker übergeben.
20060131             Sollte der MULLAH—STAAT angegriffen werden, haben dessen schiitische Herrscher unmissverständlich durchblicken lassen, dann werde es zum Aufstand der rund 12—MILLIONEN Schiiten im SÜD—IRAK kommen.
20060131             Wie die Übergabe der Sicherheitshoheit von den Amerikanern an die irakische Armee vonstatten geht, zeigt das Beispiel Tikrit: Die USA—STREITKRÄFTE hatten Saddam Husseins großen Palast in seiner Heimatstadt —NACH—DEM Krieg zur Kommandozentrale umgebaut.
20060131             Nachdem der moderne, große Stützpunkt vor wenigen Wochen feierlich in Anwesenheit des USA—BOTSCHAFTERS an die Iraker übergeben wurde, plünderten die neuen Hausherren —ERST einmal 3—TAGE lang die gesamte Anlage und nahmen alles mit, was nicht NIET—UND nagelfest war.
20060131             Der Bürochef des Abgeordneten MARTY—MEEHAN beispielsweise, MATT—VOGEL, gab gegenüber der Zeitung offen zu, er habe einen Praktikanten dafür abgestellt, die WIKIPEDIA—BIOGRAFIE seines Vorgesetzten zu bearbeiten.
20060131             "Es erscheint mir sinnvoll, dass die Biographie, die wir einreichen, auch die ist, die wir schreiben", sagte Vogel dem Blatt.
20060131             Von der gleichen IP—ADRESSE aus, von der Meehans Eintrag verändert wurde, kamen auch Hunderte andere Korrekturen, manche gerechtfertigt, manche tendenziös, manche schlicht beleidigend.
20060131             —INZWISCHEN, Die Wikipedianer haben, weitere IP—ADRESSEN des USA—SENATS ausgemacht, von denen aus ebenfalls fleißig editiert wurde.
20060131             Hinterher stand da, PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH habe zwischen den Attentaten des 20010911              und dem Irak "nie 1—VERBINDUNG suggeriert" + es sei stattdessen "als zwingend angesehen" worden, "dass eine solche Verbindung bestanden habe".
20060131             Die IP—ADRESSE, von der die meisten Änderungen kamen, wurde kurzzeitig blockiert, dann wieder freigeschaltet, weil sie nicht nur von einem sondern von vielen Kongressrechnern benutzt wird + man harmlose Beitragende nicht diskriminieren will, nur weil sie zufällig beim Kongress angestellt sind.
20060131             Eigens eingerichtete Seiten fassen die Ereignisse und Diskussionen zusammen, unterteilen die Einmischungen von KONGRESS—ADRESSEN in "Vandalismus", "Böse Absichten" und "legitim".
20060131             Der WIKIPEDIA—SELBSTREINIGUNGSMECHANISMUS ist nach wie vor intakt und läuft nun auf HOCHTOUREN—UND gleichzeitig zeigt der Fall einmal mehr, wie verletzlich das für ALLE—OFFENE—SYSTEM ist.
20060131             Es scheint nur 1—FRAGE—DER—ZEIT, —BIS sich nicht nur übereifrige Kongressangestellte sondern professionelle Informationsmanipulierer an der ONLINE—ENZYKLOPÄDIE zu schaffen machen.
20060131             1—WIKIPEDIA—NUTZER schrieb auf der entsprechenden Diskussionsseite: "Wenn wir das nicht bestrafen, wird das weitere in der Öffentlichkeit stehende Personen dazu anstacheln, PR—FIRMEN zu engagieren, die in der Wikipedia ihre Standpunkte durchdrücken sollen".
20060131             Ein anderer fügte hinzu: "Ich hoffe, dass es nicht zu einem Prozess 'Wikimedia Foundation gegen die Vereinigten Staaten' kommt".
20060131             "2005—WURDE SENATOR—C. von seinen Kollegen im Kongress zum lästigsten aller Senatoren gewählt. Dies geschah, weil SENATOR—C. ein riesiges Weichei ist".
20060131             Dies ist eine von über 10000000              Änderungen, die in der englischsprachigen Ausgabe der INTERNET—ENZYKLOPÄDIE Wikipedia vorgenommen WURDEN—VON—KONGRESS—RECHNERN aus.
20060131             Wie die USA—TAGESZEITUNG "LOWELL Sun" berichtete, wurden dabei teilweise vollständige Biographien AUSGETAUSCHT—ODER aber kindische und bösartige Kommentare in die Einträge über den politischen Gegner eingefügt.
20060131             Permalink #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH : 3:55 PM
20060131             n - ervöse Börse: GOOGLE—GERÜCHT lässt NAPSTER—KURS explodieren
20060131             Finanzplatz LONDON: Deutsche BANK—WILL—MITARBEITER—MAILS überwachen - 5—MILLIONEN Arbeitslose: Kalt erwischt
20060131             Atomstreit: IRAN droht mit ENDE—DER—DIPLOMATIE - SALZBURG: Sieg über die Mozartkugel
20060131             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Wohnungen zu klein, Dienstboten zu teuer"
20060131             There is nothing but unproven assertions, assertions, moreover, that are contradicted by the evidence that does exist.
20060131             However, AUTHOR—WILLIAM—CLARK argues convincingly in Petrodollar Warfare that the rationale for intervening was not —JUST for CONTROL—OF—THE—OIL fields, but also for control of the means by which oil is traded in global markets.
20060131             Primary care about to collapse, physicians warn : Primary care -- the basic medical care that people get —WHEN they visit their doctors for routine physicals and minor problems -- could fall apart in THE—USA—WITHOUT immediate reforms, THE—USA—COLLEGE—OF—PHYSICIANS said on —MONDAY.
20060131             Nearly HALF—OF—IRAQIS support attacks on USA—TROOPS, poll finds : 70—PERCENT—OF—IRAQIS favor setting 1—TIMETABLE for USA—FORCES to withdraw, with HALF—OF—THOSE favoring 1—WITHDRAWAL within 6—MONTHS and the other half favoring 1—WITHDRAWAL over 2—YEARS.
20060131             Most Iraqis Doubt USA WILL—EVER—LEAVE : Large majorities of Iraqis believe that THE—USA has no intention of ever withdrawing all its military forces from their country and that WASHINGTON—RECONSTRUCTION efforts have been incompetent at best, according to 1—NEW—SURVEY released here —TUESDAY.
20060131             Fact or fiction?
20060131             Number of Foreign Forces in IRAQ Seen Falling Below 100,000 This —YEAR : THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—1—HIGH—LEVEL—GROUP planning THE—TRANSFER—OF—SECURITY responsibilities from American to IRAQ—TROOPS said the number of American and other foreign soldiers here would fall to below 100,000 by —YEAR—END and that 1—OVERWHELMING majority would be out in 2—YEARS.
20060131             JAPAN to leave IRAQ in May: reports : JAPAN will withdraw its ground troops from SOUTH—IRAQ by THE—END—OF—MAY along with pullouts by the British and AUSTRALIA—FORCES from the area, JAPAN—MEDIA outlets have reported citing sources in THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT.
20060131             Calls grow to 'impeach' Blair as 99. soldier dies in IRAQ : Leaders of 1—CROSS—PARTY group calling for MISTER—BLAIR to be impeached will meet tonight at WESTMINSTER to discuss their tactics.
20060131             —TRIED, Revealed: Ambassador, to kill USA hunt for AWB bribes : THE—AUSTRALIA—AMBASSADOR to THE—USA—LOBBIED—CONGRESS to drop 1—INVESTIGATION into allegations that AUSTRALIA—WHEAT exporter paid kickbacks to Saddam HUSSEIN—IRAQ—REGIME.
20060131             Why THE—USA—PROBABLY Won't Attack IRAN : Moqtada SADR—GROUP, told me —RECENTLY "If AMERICAN—ATTACKS IRAN, then all bets are off".
20060131             War pimp alert: IRAN 'has bomb and trying to make more' : 1—WELL—KNOWN—USA nuclear proliferation and terrorism expert told Gulf News —YESTERDAY that TEHRAN not only has the nuclear bomb, it is seeking to "duplicate them in large numbers —BEFORE revealing their existence to the world".
20060131             —OBTAINED, IRAN Papers Are for 1—ATOMIC—BOMB : 1—DOCUMENT, by IRAN on the nuclear black market serves no other purpose than to make 1—ATOMIC—BOMB, THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY Agency said —TUESDAY.
20060131             WILLIAM—PFAFF : Nuclear IRAN is not 1—THREAT : Why is all this pressure being mounted against IRAN —WHEN both WASHINGTON and JERUSALEM unofficially concede that there is nothing to be done to prevent IRAN—GOVERNMENT from continuing along its present course of nuclear development?
20060131             UNITED—NATIONS Security Council agrees on IRAN nuclear review : THE—USA and other permanent MEMBERS—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL agreed —TUESDAY that IRAN should be hauled —BEFORE that powerful body over its disputed nuclear program.
20060131             IRAN strikes back at Big 5, saying they have no right to refer it to Security Council : "Reporting IRAN—DOSSIER to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY Council will be unconstructive and THE—END—OF—DIPLOMACY," said IRAN—LEADING nuclear negotiator,
20060131             IRAN row hits BELGIUM—SPY CHIEF : THE—HEAD—OF—BELGIUM—STATE security service has resigned amid allegations that his department failed to disclose nuclear technology transfers to IRAN.
20060131             Report: Big companies pulling out of IRAN : SOME—MAJOR—FINANCE and energy companies are cutting commercial ties with IRAN as USA—AUTHORITIES step up enforcement of existing sanctions and INTERNATIONAL diplomatic pressure builds over TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS.
20060131             USA Instigated IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM 30—YEARS Ago : WHITE—HOUSE staff members, who are trying to prevent IRAN from developing its own nuclear energy capacity and who refuse to take military action against IRAN "off the table," have conveniently forgotten that THE—USA was the midwife to THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM 30—YEARS ago.
20060131             —ASSAILED, The former foreign MINISTER, the policy of Acting PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT, namely his decision to allow Hamas to participate in the elections
20060131             But we are ready to make 1—JUST peace
20060131             —CLOSED, Boycotts Against DENMARK Spread : —AFTER LIBYA, down its REPRESENTATIVE—OFFICE—IN—THE—DENMARK—CAPITAL—COPENHAGEN, Palestinians protesting the cartoons raided 1—EU OFFICE—IN—GAZA and 1—IRAQ—GROUP demanded attacks be instigated against DENMARK—TARGETS.
20060131             RUSSIA Develops DEFENSE—PROOF Missiles : PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN boasted —TUESDAY that RUSSIA has new missiles capable of penetrating ANY—MISSILE defense system and said he had briefed THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENT on their capabilities.
20060131             FORMER—ADF head issues warning over USA—ALLIANCE: 1—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—THE—AUSTRALIAN—DEFENCE—FORCE (ADF), retired Admiral CHRIS—BARRIE, has delivered 1—GRIM—PREDICTION on THE—STATE—OF—AUSTRALIA—DEFENCE alliance with THE—USA.
20060131             —DISPUTED, Halliburton lops $9—MILLION off, IRAQ pact: Halliburton Co. subsidiary KBR has agreed to lop $9—MILLION off SOLE—SOURCE contracts paid for by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT with IRAQ—OIL money —AFTER auditors questioned $208—MILLION in possible overcharges, 1—INTERNATIONAL—WATCHDOG agency said on —MONDAY.
20060131             —AIDED, Exxon Mobil, by strong energy prices, disclosed —MONDAY that it had 20060901             —RECORD for profits among USA—COMPANIES, reporting $36—BILLION in annual income.
20060131             But —WHILE most companies would be proud to trumpet record profits, Exxon Mobil did everything it could to play down the news
20060131             Oil execs refuse to testify at Senate hearing : Officials from 6—MAJOR—OIL companies have refused to testify this —WEEK at 1—SENATE hearing looking into whether oil industry mergers in recent years have made gasoline more expensive at the pump.
20060131             How THE—VOTED—FOR—SAMUEL—A—ALITO—JR—DEMOCRATS voting for Aalito were :
20060131             THE—DEMOCRATS'—ALITO—DEBACLE: The pathetic failure of Democrats in the Senate to stick together and block the appointment of SAM—ALITO to THE—SUPREME—COURT -- 1—MAN committed to the idea of 1—PRESIDENT with unchecked, dictatatorial powers + who favors corporations and the state over the individual -- shows that it won't —JUST do to have Democrats take over Congress in November.
20060131             USA—MILITARY planning to fight THE—INTERNET: The document calls on DoD to enhance its capabilities in 5—KEY—INFORMATION Operations (IO) areas: Electronic Warfare (EW), Psychological Operations (PSYOP), Operations Security (OPSEC), Military Deception and Computer Network Operations (CNO).
20060131             NSA Expands, Centralizes Domestic Spying : NSA is aligning its growing domestic eavesdropping operations -- what the administration calls "terrorist warning" in its current PR campaign -- with military homeland defense organizations, as well as THE—CIA—NEW—DOMESTIC—OPERATIONS.
20060131             SENATOR—FEINGOLD—CLAIMS—GONZALES—MISLED him on Wiretaps : SENATOR—RUSSELL—FEINGOLD (D—WISCONSIN) charged —YESTERDAY that ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—R—GONZALES misled the Senate —DURING his confirmation hearing 1—YEAR ago —WHEN he appeared to try to avoid answering 1—QUESTION about whether THE—PRESIDENT could authorize warrantless WIRETAPPING—OF—USA—CITIZENS.
20060131             PRESIDENT facing 'gray and gloomy' electorate: Poll : 1—SMALL—MAJORITY APPROVES—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—CONTROVERSIAL—USE of domestic wiretaps without 1—COURT order to track calls between terrorist suspects and USA residents.
20060131             But 1—MAJORITY also believes that these wiretaps could be misused.
20060131             THE—REAL—DANGER—OF—PRESIDENTIAL—SPYING : Why isn't the danger that THE—PRESIDENT could easily blackmail opponents PART—OF—OUR national DISCUSSION—OF—THE—SPY program?
20060131             Gore Vidal Delivers STATE—OF—THE—UNION : As he comes with his STATE—OF—THE—UNION, which he is going to justify eavesdropping without judicial warrants on anybody in THE—USA—THAT he wants to listen in on.
20060131             Molly Ivins: Groundhog —DAY : As government officials keep more and more information from us, they are in turn increasingly less accountable for what they do, —SINCE we have no idea they're doing it.
20060131             Those are small things with grave consequences.
20060131             CHARLEY—REESE: Fargo or Bust : Another idea I've had for solving the corruption problem in WASHINGTON is to move the Senate, the House and THE—PRESIDENT—AND—VICE—PRESIDENT—TO—FARGO, N.D.
20060131             —BACKED, More people † as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—USA—INVASION—OF—EAST—TIMOR than were killed by INTERNATIONAL terrorists in the subsequent 30—YEARS.
20060131             "The outcomes that we're seeing in ANY—NUMBER—OF—PLACES, I will be the 1. to say, have 1—SENSE—OF—UNPREDICTABILITY about them. That's the nature of big historic change. It's simply the way it is".
20060131             "You've got to hedge against the risk that elections are going to lead to precisely this result," said MISTER—INDYK, THE—FORMER—MIDDLE—EAST negotiator.
20060131             "The hedge is to build civil society and democratic institutions 1.. But this administration doesn't listen to that".
20060131             —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER the election, BUSH—ADMINISTRATION officials said the results reflected 1—PALESTINE—DESIRE for change and not necessarily 1—EMBRACE—OF—HAMAS, which THE—USA, ISRAEL and the European Union consider 1—TERRORIST organization sworn to ISRAEL—DESTRUCTION.
20060131             —SEEMED, But MISS—RICE—COMMENTS, to reflect 1—CERTAIN 2.—GUESSING over how the administration had failed to foresee, or factor into its thinking, the possibility of 1—HAMAS victory.
20060131             "There is 1—LOT—OF—BLAME to go —AROUND," said MARTIN—INDYK, 1—TOP—MIDDLE—EAST negotiator in the Clinton administration, referring to MAHMOUD—ABBAS, THE—PALESTINE—PRESIDENT + his Fatah party.
20060131             "I don't know anyone who wasn't caught off guard by HAMAS—STRONG showing," she said on her way to LONDON for meetings on THE—MIDDLE—EAST, IRAN and other matters.
20060131             Damit nicht genug: Die "Times" und Global Witness beschuldigen Freeport außerdem "atemberaubender" Umweltverstöße. —BISHER hätten die Schürfarbeiten rund 1—MILLIARDE—TONNEN an Industriemüll produziert, die großteils in Flüsse gekippt worden seien, in denen wiederum längst alles Leben erloschen sei.
20060131             Der Comptroller hat den New Yorkern in seiner Antrittsrede ja geschworen, die städtischen Gelder nur in glasklar ethische Konzerne zu investieren.
20060131             SCHREIBEN, an die Börsenaufsicht SEC und USA—JUSTIZMINISTER ALBERTO—GONZALEZ erhebt der Comptroller —JETZT schwere Vorwürfe: Es bestehe der Verdacht, dass Freeport indonesische Regierungsbeamte und Militärs besticht, also gegen den Foreign Corrupt Practices Act verstößt. Außerdem habe der Konzern getürkte Aktionärsinformationen bei der SEC eingereicht sowie "falsche oder irreführende" Aussagen über seine Geschäftspraktiken gemacht.
20060131             Voruntersuchungen gibt es —BEREITS: Das Unternehmen selbst bestätigte in einer Mitteilung an die SEC, dass es 1. "informelle Anfragen von Regierungsbehörden hinsichtlich der Unterstützung für indonesische Sicherheitsinstitutionen" erhalten habe und dabei "auf ganzer Linie" kooperiere.
20060131             Freeports GRASBERG—MINE liegt nämlich mitten in einem politischen KRISENHERD—IN der indonesischen REGENWALD—PROVINZ WEST—PAPUA, die —SEIT Jahrzehnten um Unabhängigkeit von JAKARTA kämpft.
20060131             —PROFITIERT, Wegen des hohen Goldpreises, von der Mine nicht nur Freeport in NEW—ORLEANS, sondern auch die indonesische Zentralregierung, die von dem amerikanischen Konzern alle20060000             .2005 rund 1—MILLIARDE—DOLLAR an Steuern kassierte.
20060131             Dies seien "ganz normale Geschäftsaktivitäten". Es geht um FREEPORT—MCMORAN.
20060131             Straßengebühr: Tiefensee stoppt Debatte über PKW—MAUT...
20060131—18000000    —FROM—THE, Old safe containing jewelry unearthed Workers excavating —RECENTLY near Kennebec Savings BANK—ON—MAIN—STREET discovered 1—SAFE containing all sorts of jewelry S,
20060131—19320000    —IN, his family moved from IOWA to Birobidzhan, 1—SIBERIAN city that Stalin promoted as 1—SECULAR—JEWISH—HOMELAND.
20060131—19400000    —FROM, to 19480000              Koval, groomed as 1—RUSSIA—SPY, was able to infiltrate the Manhattan Project.
20060131—20050500    —SEIT, An der NYSE verzeichnete die FREEPORT—AKTIE, die sich auf 63—DOLLAR mehr als verdoppelt hat, letzte Woche einen scharfen Einbruch.
20060131—20060118    —ON, FBI Agents Back Down —WHEN Librarian Refuses to Let Them Seize 30—COMPUTERS Without 1—WARRANT: 1—E—MAIL threat that prompted the evacuation of more than 12—BRANDEIS University buildings led to 1—UNUSUAL standoff in 1—PUBLIC—LIBRARY in NEWTON—MASSACHUSETTS, 1—FEW miles from the Brandeis campus.
20060131—20060207    —AM, Beisetzung : Ehrengrab für JOHANNES—RAU in BERLIN
20060131—20060211    —ON, She † from her wounds.
20060131—20070000    —AWARDED, PRESIDENT—PUTIN posthumously, him RUSSIA—HIGHEST—AWARD.
20060131—20090000    —IN, Wycoff was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER with special circumstances and was sentenced by 1—JURY to die by lethal injection.
20060209             Noch an Greenspan s letztem —TAG im Amt, 20060131              hatte die Federal Reserve den Zinssatz zum 14. Mal in Folge ERHÖHT—ER stieg um 0,25 Punkte auf 4,5 %.
20060527             In a 20050131           .
20060527—20050131    —IN, 1—SENATE—FOREIGN—RELATIONS—COMMITTEE—HEARING on IRAQ: the Way Ahead ARMITAGE : As you, I have seen the name VICTOR—BOUT.
20060906             STATE—OF—THE—UNION—PARTY—TUESDAY 20060131             —8—PM Cavern Club...
20070105             [20060131            ] - The best way to break this addiction is through technology.
20070109—20070131    —BY, GERMANY—COMMERZBANK—AG said it will stop handling dollar transactions for IRAN at its NEW—YORK branch.
20070124             [STATE—OF—THE—UNION,20060131             ;
20070126             What is going on in AMERICAN—TODAY is equivalent to the —FOLLOWING fictitious news story: 20070131              : By unanimous vote, THE—2—HOUSES—OF—CONGRESS passed —TODAY 1—JOINT "SENSE—OF—CONGRESS " resolution directing PRESIDENT—BUSH to "launch nuclear strikes against ANY—NON—NUCLEAR—WEAPON state that undertakes military programs or operations that threaten USA—INTERESTS or THOSE—OF—ALLIES and friends".
20070131             "If you look at what's transpired in IRAQ, Chris, we've made enormous progress ".
20070131             —BY unanimous vote, THE—2—HOUSES—OF—CONGRESS passed —TODAY 1—JOINT "SENSE—OF—CONGRESS " resolution directing PRESIDENT—BUSH to "launch nuclear strikes against ANY—NON—NUCLEAR—WEAPON state that undertakes military programs or operations that threaten USA—INTERESTS or THOSE—OF—ALLIES and friends".
20070131             "I think we have made significant progress". [20070127             ]
20070131             SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES—ALTERNATIVE—NEWS for Tue, 20070130
20070131             —DELIVERED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, visiting WALL—STREET, his "STATE—OF—THE—ECONOMY" speech in which he took aim at lavish salaries and bonuses for corporate executives.
20070131             —LAUNCHED, DELAWARE SENATOR—JOE—BIDEN formally, his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.
20070131             —ANNOUNCED, THE—NEW—YORK Stock Exchange, 1—COOPERATIVE agreement with THE—TOKYO Stock Exchange.
20070131             —HANDED, THE—ZIFF—DAVIS—GAMES—GROUP, out the 4. annual 1Up Awards for computer games.
20070131             Nintendo's "Legend of Zelda: Twilight PRINCESS" won the top prize as selected by 13—MILLION Ziff Davis users.
20070131             1—SPECIAL—COMMITTEE, invited by IMF managing director RODRIGO—DE—RATO, proposed new ways for THE—IMF to fund itself.
20070131             1—LOAN to TURKEY at this time accounted for 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—IMF—OUTSTANDING credit.
20070131             —VOTED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—PARLIAMENT, for 1—AMNESTY for leaders ACCUSED—OF—WAR crimes —DURING 1—QUARTER—CENTURY of fighting, arguing that it would help heal deep divisions.
20070131             1—SENIOR—AU official said 3—BATTALIONS—OF—PEACEKEEPERS from UGANDA and NIGERIA are ready to be deployed in SOMALIA and will be airlifted in as soon as possible.
20070131             —APPROVED, The caretaker government of BANGLADESH, 1—DEAL with 1—INDIA—COMPANY to build a 240MW power station.
20070131             —ARRESTED, UK—COUNTERTERRORISM police, 9—MEN in 1 alleged kidnapping plot.
20070131             —INVOLVED, The plan reportedly, torturing and beheading 1—BRITISH—MUSLIM soldier and broadcasting the killing on THE—INTERNET.
20070131             CANADA—FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—THE—ASIA—PACIFIC region DAVID—KILGOUR and human rights lawyer DAVID—MATAS released 1—REPORT saying CHINA—MILITARY is harvesting organs from prison inmates, mostly Falungong practitioners, for large scale transplants including for foreign recipients.
20070131             —ARRIVED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO, in CAMEROON to begin his 2. African tour to boost ties with 1—CONTINENT that has MANY—OF—THE—OIL and commodity reserves THE—ASIA—GIANT—NEEDS for its ballooning economy.
20070131             —KILLED, CONGO, at least 37—PEOPLE were, in clashes between security forces and opposition supporters protesting against THE—RESULTS—OF—GOVERNORSHIP polls in WEST—BAS—CONGO province.
20070131             Tata Steel said its $11.3—BILLION offer to acquire European steel maker Corus (formerly UK—STEEL) is strategic to its global ambitions, even as the winning bid raised concerns that the deal's high cost could undermine the combined company's financial health.
20070131             —OPENED, Unidentified gunmen, fire on 1—CAR carrying THE—CHIEF—MUSLIM leader in Ingushetia, seriously wounding the mufti and his son.
20070131             1—SERIES—OF—CAR bombs struck mostly Shiite areas in BAGHDAD, killing 8—PEOPLE, —WHILE 1—MORTAR attack on 1—SUNNI neighborhood killed 4 in more retaliatory sectarian violence.
20070131             —TURNED, The bodies of 3—SUNNI professors and 1—STUDENT also, up in the morgue, —3—DAYS—AFTER they were abducted by gunmen from 1—LAW school in 1—PREDOMINANTLY—SHIITE area in NORTH—BAGHDAD.
20070131             1—SUICIDE bomber driving 1—OIL truck blew himself up —AFTER he was stopped at 1—CHECKPOINT near 1—IRAQ—ARMY headquarters NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, wounding 9—SOLDIERS.
20070131             1 parked car bomb also struck 1—POLICE patrol in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL killing 1—POLICEMAN and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20070131             In the cities of FALLUJAH and Ramadi at least 8—BODIES were found with their hands and legs bound and showing SIGNS—OF—TORTURE.
20070131             MEXICO—CITY, some 75,000 unionists, farmers and leftists marched to protest price increases in basic foodstuffs like tortillas, 1—DIRECT—CHALLENGE to the new PRESIDENT—MARKET—ORIENTED economic policies blamed by some for widening the gulf between rich and poor.
20070131             —REGISTERED, MEXICO, 1—LESBIAN couple, what officials called MEXICO—1. gay civil union in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—SALTILLO.
20070131             1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP said its study of 1—OF—NIGERIA—OIL—PRODUCING states found that officials squandered or stole public money, SOME—HOSPITALS required patients to bring their own beds, and schools were running out of chalk.
20070131             In 1—NORTHWESTERN—PAKISTAN—1—MORTAR round struck 1—HOME in HANGU, killing 2—MEN and wounding another amid sectarian tensions.
20070131             THE—COURT—IN—ASTURIAS said it jailed former miner Jose Emilio SUAREZ—TRASHORRAS and his BROTHER—IN—LAW, ANTONIO—TORO, for 10 and 11-1/2—YEARS respectively on CHARGES—OF—DRUGS and explosives trafficking.
20070131             —SUSPECTED, EAST—SRI—LANKA, separatist Tamil rebels detonated 1—ROADSIDE bomb, killing 6—POLICEMEN and 1—CIVILIAN.
20070131             1—CONGRESS wholly loyal to PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ met at 1—DOWNTOWN plaza to give THE—VENEZUELA—LEADER authority to enact sweeping measures by presidential decree.
20070131             Officials said VIETNAM—RULING Communist Party and the military will relinquish CONTROL—OF—DOZENS—OF—COMPANIES, ranging from hotels to telecoms, as PART—OF—1—ONGOING government overhaul.
20070131             1—OIL spill from 1 unidentified source hit VIETNAM—CENTRAL—COAST, blackening popular resort beaches as THOUSANDS—OF—LOCAL—PEOPLE help with the cleanup.
20070131             —UNVEILED, ZIMBABWE—CENTRAL—BANK—CHIEF—GIDEON—GONO, 1—BATTERY—OF—BELT—TIGHTENING measures which include slashing the money supply and state spending to put the brakes on 4—DIGIT inflation.
20070131             —TRADED, THE—ZIMBABWE dollar, at 250—AGAINST the greenback on the official market —WHILE fetching up to 4,200 on the black market.
20070131             "in IRAQ. "he said.
20070131             "for there to be 1—UNIFIED—IRAQ: "But what will it say - then, eh wot?
20070131             shows 435—INSTANCES - of THE—IRAQ Study Group: informs us:
20070131             —EARLIER this —MONTH: and NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070131             Valerie Plame Wilson - 1—DOCUMENTARY film by JOHN—PILGER
20070131             in front of the 6. Circuit COURT—OF—APPEALS.
20070131             The feds argue that the case is —NOW moot because they are —NOW obtaining warrants from THE—FISA court + furthermore PRESIDENT—BUSH did not renew the warrantless program.
20070131             Turns out there's 1—SUPREME—COURT precedent saying that if you were doing something illegal, get taken to court + then stop the illegal activity, you're not off the hook.
20070131             The feds argue in their petition that this precedent does not apply to them.
20070131             Here is the government's filing (PDF). - telegehirn " WordPress_com —TAG Feed
20070131             Mir sind die Ideen und Ziele eines Fidel Castros oder CHE—GUEVARAS allemal lieber als die reale Politik einer Skulls and Bones Bagage und ihrer Hilfstruppen
20070131             wie Joseph im übrigen auch, der mit dem Küster (BERNARD—MUSSON) antisemitische + ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Parolen schwingt + Aktionen vorbereiten will.
20070131             H—SOZ—U—KULT / Buchpreis: Essay Kategorie Neueste Geschichte
20070131             Der Nationalbolschewismus pflegte diese "östliche Option", —BIS die ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Propaganda das schillernde Russlandbild —WWII—IM wieder
20070131             BRAUNBUCH—KRIEGS- und Naziverbrecher in der Bundesrepublik +...
20070131             "Die ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Propaganda muß dort intensiver durchgeführt werden + zwar erneut über den —BIS in das letzte Dort reichenden Apparat der..".
20070131             H—NET—MULTIMEDIA Reviews: Ulrike Winkler on 60—JAHRE Stalingrader...
20070131             Trotz dieser gewandelten Zielsetzung blieben der "rasseideologische Impetus" und "ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Phantasien" jedoch der Motor der "Operation Blau".
20070131             PETER—MÖLLER: STALINISMUS—GESCHICHTE, Ursachen, Hintergründe 6 ... - SOWJET—WIKIPEDIA...
20070131             die bolschewistische revolutionäre Staatsführung fundamentale Oppositionsbewegungen oder ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Strömungen nicht vollkommen akzeptieren.
20070131             Die große VERSCHWÖRUNG—VI. Der Interventionskrieg
20070131             00.Okt19-- ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Truppen vor Petrograd; Nachricht vom Fall der...
20070131             Hitler über das Christentum: [Archiv] - politikforum.DE—FORUM
20070131             Der sogenannte "ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTENFONDS" floß nun durch ALLE—MÖGLICHEN—KANÄLE in die
20070131             Nationalsozialistische AUßENPOLITIK—DIE DEUTSCH—JAPANISCHEN...
20070131             Seine geographische Lage + ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Gesinnung schien es zu einem idealen...
20070131             Die stark ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Überzeugung bedingte 1—NORDAUSRICHTUNG der...
20070131             JAPAN, hatte die ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE gesinnte Armee mit den Vertretern...
20070131             So bestimmte der REICHSFÜHRER—SS HEINRICH—HIMMLER in seiner Schrift "Die Schutzstaffel als ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Kampforganisation":
20070131             "Heldengedenken". Halbe und der Freundeskreis-
20070131             MARTIN—PODOLAK—FREIES Feld " Quelleninterpretation zum Thema...
20070131             "Ihre Große Armee": Gemeint ist die ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Freiwilligenarmee...
20070131             die ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Freiwilligenarmee bündelte ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE fast aller politischen Anschauungen.
20070131             Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken (UdSSR) - MSN Encarta
20070131             RUSSLAND, hatten sich mehrere ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Zentren herausgebildet:
20070131             SIBIRIEN, hatte sich Admiral ALEKSANDR—W—KOLTSCHAK festgesetzt + eine...
20070131             ­zialistischen_Sowjetrepubliken_(UdSSR).html
20070131             NS—ARCHIV : Dokumente zum Nationalsozialismus : Tagung der...
20070131             Die von den Rumänen gewünschte + unterstützte ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE...
20070131             Die antijüdische + ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Aufklärung müsse kombiniert werden.
20070131             Generalsekretariat zum Studium und zur Bekämpfung...
20070131             Kurze Zeit nach ihrer Gründung wurde die ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Liga in "Liga...
20070131             My Photo Gallery!
20070131             ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Flugblätter und Plakate massenweise zu verbreiten.
20070131             Chronik 19180000
20070131             Deutsche Truppen besetzen Kiew und setzen 1—ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE
20070131             Deutsche Truppen landen in Georgien und unterstützen ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Verbände.
20070131             NS 18 / 38—BD: 1 [Detailansicht...][ausblenden...]
20070131             THOUSANDS—OF—CZECHS demonstrate against USA—ANTI—MISSILE radar base:
20070131             —DEMONSTRATED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE have, in THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—CAPITAL—PRAGUE against 1—PLAN to place 1—AMERICAN—ANTI—MISSILE radar base in their country.
20070131             —SUSPECTED, Germans issue arrest warrants for 13, CIA agents:
20070131             The unidentified agents are being sought on suspicion of the wrongful imprisonment of Khaled AL—MASRI and causing him serious bodily harm,
20070131             —ISSUED, He said the warrants were, in the last few days.
20070131             SWEDEN—FURY as IRAQ—EMBASSY issues 'false' passports:
20070131             —ISSUED, THE—IRAQI—EMBASSY in STOCKHOLM has, THOUSANDS—OF—PASSPORTS with false information to asylum seekers, helping them gain residency in SWEDEN or NORWAY under fake identities, immigration officials have revealed.
20070131             Dahr Jamail: JORDAN—BECOMES A Doubtful Refuge:
20070131             JORDAN and Syria are the only 2—COUNTRIES where fleeing Iraqis can hope to find shelter.
20070131             Western countries have shut their doors to IRAQ—NATIONALS—EVEN to refugees.
20070131             And —NOW much the same is happening with JORDAN too.
20070131             9—HELD in UK 'ANTI—TERROR' raids:
20070131             9—PEOPLE have been arrested in THE—UK in connection with 1 alleged plot to kidnap and possibly kill 1—MUSLIM—UK—SOLDIER.
20070131             AUSTRALIA denies Solomons plot:
20070131             —DENIED, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER has, 1—EXPLOSIVE allegation that his government offered 1—BOUNTY for THE—MURDER—OF—HIS—SOLOMON—ISLANDS' counterpart.
20070131             Protesters storm ECUADOR—CONGRESS:
20070131             Members of the 100-member congress fled as demonstrators carrying sticks and bottles briefly entered the building, —BEFORE being forced back by police.
20070131             ECUADOR won't recognize Occidental claim:
20070131             A 2—YEAR—LONG—DISPUTE with THE—LOS—ANGELES—BASED company led ECUADOR to cancel its contract with Occidental,
20070131             which produced about 100,000 barrels of crude daily in ECUADOR + seize its facilities.
20070131             Chavez gets green light for sweeping government overhaul:
20070131             —GRANTED, VENEZUELA—LAWMAKERS, firebrand PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ the power to rule by decree for the next 18—MONTHS and SINGLE—HANDEDLY transform THE—INSTITUTIONS—OF—THE—WORLD'S 5.—LARGEST oil exporter.
20070131             War pimp alert: : Chavez a threat to democracy, USA—INTELLIGENCE CHIEF says:
20070131             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ exports 1—FORM—OF "radical populism" —THROUGHOUT Latin AMERICAN—THAT poses 1—THREAT to democracy,
20070131             the top USA—INTELLIGENCE official said —TUESDAY.
20070131             JOHN—NEGROPONTE, —DURING hearings on his nomination to become deputy SECRETARY—OF—STATE
20070131             CUBA—TV Shows 1. Images Of Castro In 3—MONTHS:
20070131             —SHOWED, CUBA—STATE—TELEVISION—TUESDAY, 1—VIDEO—OF—1—HEALTHIER looking Fidel Castro meeting with VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ and saying his recovery was "far from 1—LOST battle," in the 1. images of the ailing leader in 3—MONTHS
20070131             —FROM Local Police to Occupying Army:
20070131             —DEPLOYED, There are Peacekeepers, in USA—CITIES, but they're not under UN command.
20070131             ISRAEL—OLMERT looks to steal more Palestinan land: -
20070131             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT is investigating the possibility of extending 1—WEST—BANK barrier to include 2—ILLEGAL—JEWISH—SETTLEMENTS that have been excluded from the project, his office said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20070131             IRAQ—MESSIANIC cult denies involvement in battle:
20070131             1—SHI'ITE—MUSLIM messianic cult, whose leader was reported to have been involved in fighting with USA and IRAQ—TROOPS,
20070131             said —ON—TUESDAY it played no part in the battle in which about 260—PEOPLE were killed.
20070131             What the Media has Deliberately Concealed:
20070131             The barbaric lynching of Saddam Hussein, THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—IRAQ, was 1 choreographed event, 1—CAREFULLY staged USA sponsored PSYOP,
20070131             with 1—VIEW to triggering social divisions and fomenting sectarian violence within IRAQ and the broader MIDDLE—EAST.
20070131             NEW—YORK—TIMES, manufacturing consent for war with IRAN: IRAN May Have Trained Attackers That Killed 5—USA—SOLDIERS—USA and Iraqis Say:
20070131             —ASTONISHED, The officials said THE—SOPHISTICATION—OF—THE—ATTACK, investigators,
20070131             who doubt that Iraqis could have carried it out on their own — 1—REASON 1—CONNECTION to IRAN is being closely examined
20070131             FOX News, manufacturing consent for war with IRAN: Officials: WHITE—HOUSE Holding Back Report Detailing IRAN—MEDDLING in IRAQ:
20070131             1—PLAN by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to release detailed and possibly damning specific evidence linking THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT to efforts to destabilize IRAQ have been put on hold, USA officials told FOX News.
20070131             ABC News, manufacturing consent for war with IRAN:
20070131             IRANIAN—MADE IEDs Are the Most Deadly USA Forces Have Seen:
20070131             —IMPROVISED, The most deadly, explosive devices being used against USA soldiers in IRAQ continue to come from IRAN + IRAN continues to provide more tactical training,
20070131             according to explosive experts working with THE—USA—MILITARY.
20070131             Arrested by USA—FORCES in Erbil on Jan.
20070131             11, THE—5—ARE accused by the Administration of helping THE—IRAQ—OPPOSITION kill Americans.
20070131             LA Times, manufacturing consent for war with IRAN: AIR—FORCE—ROLE in IRAQ could grow:
20070131             The heightened role of USA air power in the volatile region is the latest SIGN—OF—TENSION between PRESIDENT—BUSH and IRAN—LEADERS.
20070131             Report: USA—PLANS strike against IRAN:
20070131             THE—USA was drawing up plans to attack sites where IRAN is believed to be enriching uranium —BEFORE PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—CANDIDACY comes to 1—END,
20070131             THE—UK—BASED Times reported —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20070131             USA—STRIKE group transits SUEZ Canal:
20070131             1—USA—NAVY strike group led by the assault ship USS Bataan steamed through THE—SUEZ Canal —ON—TUESDAY on its way to join THE—BUILDUP—OF—USA—FORCES in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070131             Europeans fear USA—ATTACK on IRAN as nuclear row intensifies:
20070131             —WORRIED, Senior European POLICY—MAKERS are increasingly, that THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION will resort to air strikes against IRAN to try to destroy its suspect nuclear programme.
20070131             Senators warn of drift toward war with IRAN:
20070131             —WARNED, Republican and Democratic senators, against 1—DRIFT toward war with 1—EMBOLDENED—IRAN and suggested THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was missing 1—CHANCE to engage its longtime adversary in potentially helpful talks over NEXT—DOOR IRAQ.
20070131             Report Says IRAN Could Build Nukes In 2 To 3—YEARS:
20070131             Both JOHN—NEGROPONTE, the head of national intelligence for THE—USA,
20070131             and MOHAMED—ELBARADEI, director general of THE—INTERNATIONAL Atomic Energy Agency, have said IRAN is perhaps 4—YEARS from the capacity to produce 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON.
20070131             USA accuses allies of dragging their feet over IRAN:
20070131             —UNITED, Divisions are emerging in the West's, front towards IRAN with fears being voiced over the aggressive military posture adopted by AMERICA,
20070131             —WHILE European allies are accused by THE—USA of dragging their feet.
20070131             Empire v. Democracy Why Nemesis Is at Our Door-
20070131             —FROM the present vantage point, it certainly seems 1—DAUNTING challenge for ANY—PRESIDENT (or Congress) from either party even to begin the task of dismantling THE—MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX,
20070131             ending the pall of "national security" secrecy and the "black budgets" that make public oversight of what our government does impossible + bringing THE—PRESIDENT—SECRET—ARMY,
20070131             THE—CIA, under democratic control.
20070131             Continue - I—AM a Proud USA Dissident-
20070131             —BY—JOEL S. HIRSCHHORN—TO keep putting faith in glib, POWER—HUNGRY—POLITICIANS is plain nuts, based strictly on actual history.
20070131             There are growing suspicions in IRAQ that the official STORY—OF—THE—BATTLE—OUTSIDE—NAJAF between 1—MESSIANIC—IRAQ—CULT and THE—IRAQ—SECURITY forces supported by THE—USA,
20070131             in which 263—PEOPLE were killed and 210 wounded, is 1—FABRICATION.
20070131             —UNPREMEDITATED, The heavy casualties may be evidence of 1, massacre.
20070131             Continue - The real game + 1—SUCCESSFUL 1 to date, is to let the Americans take the brunt of the fight with armed Sunni organizations,
20070131             whether nationalist or Baathist or AL—QAEDA or whomever, —WHILE the Shiite militias get the softer job of terrorizing Sunni civilians and forcing them out.
20070131             That is likely to be THE—STORY—OF—OPERATION BAGHDAD, regardless of our intentions.
20070131             Continue - THE—FAILURE—OF—AMERICA as 1—MORAL—FORCE
20070131             Everyone can see THE—USA—BUILDUP of massive air and naval attack forces on IRAN—BORDERS.
20070131             Fox "News," THE—BUSH REGIME—MAIN—DISINFORMATION agency, is busy preparing its viewers for THE—USA—ATTACK by whipping up fear and hysteria over IRAN.
20070131             Continue - Hysteria at Herzliya-
20070131             Continue - JOURNALIST—SY—HERSH—HAS—HARSH—WORDS for Bush-
20070131             "THE—FACT—OF—THE—MATTER is we have 1—GOVERNMENT that will do what it wants to do for the next 2—YEARS," he said.
20070131             "The worst is yet to come. It's sort of like we're essentially powerless [and] —JUST play it out".
20070131             Continue - USA—MILITARY—KEPT Hostage to Political Abuse of Powe-
20070131             THE—USA—NATION is built on 1—CAPITALISTIC—SYSTEM where the big corporations control the entire economy,
20070131             including THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20070131             Big corporations finance the political campaigns of every elected public official who in turn tends to protect corporate interests 1. and foremost.
20070131             Continue - Hold Out Bush /Cheney Republicans ?
20070131             and Lieberman ? Betray our GIs and Help Sign Their Death Warrants -- 1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL
20070131             Blockbuster? "Copies of handwritten notes by VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, introduced at trial by defense attorneys for FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE staffer I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby,
20070131             would appear to implicate GEORGE—W—BUSH in the Plame CIA Leak case".
20070131             2/1 - JOE—BIDEN—MAKES the Dem Presidential Field Crowded,
20070131             Already Having 1—LITTLE—BIT—OF—1—PROBLEM with His "Candor" 2/1
20070131             FORMER—TIME magazine reporter MATTHEW—COOPER said Libby, Rove told him of Plame:
20070131             "He said she worked on [WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION] for the agency," Cooper said.
20070131             "By that, I took it to mean THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE Agency, not the Environmental Protection Agency.
20070131             —TALKED, We, about it 1—BIT more.
20070131             He said words to the effect, 'I've already said too much, I've got to go.'" 2/1
20070131             SHE—1—FIREBRAND—ANGEL—OF—WIT and Decency from TEXAS.
20070131             Molly is Gravely Ill With Cancer, But We Need Her More Than Ever.
20070131             Obama Freezes Out "FOX News".
20070131             —NOW, We are Talking About 1—MAN—WHO—ISN'T—GOING to Popinjay —BEFORE THE—GOP Propaganda Network Like SOME—OTHER—DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATES—WE—KNOW.
20070131             Good Move, Barack!
20070131             JAMES—CAROLL: Critics charge that even incremental cuts in war funding -- setting real caps and real timetables -- would amount to 1—ABANDONMENT—OF—THE—TROOPS.
20070131             The answer to that charge comes from the troops themselves: "Who the hell is shooting at us?
20070131             To leave our soldiers in the deathtrap of IRAQ is the true abandonment.
20070131             This is the Bush /Cheney diversion, another war.
20070131             Then they will claim Bush can't be criticized because it would be putting our soldiers in harm's way.
20070131             Here we go again.
20070131             Only, this time the world might explode, because the Bush eviks are going to go nuclear on this 1.
20070131             Doubts Are Creeping In On The 'Fierce Battle' With A 'Messianic Cult' Designed To Get THE—USA—TO Take On IRAN;
20070131             Did They Think We Wouldn't Notice?
20070131             —TESTIFIED, Reporter Judith Miller, —TUESDAY that former vice presidential aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby identified 1—CIA operative to her on 2—OCCASIONS on dates —EARLIER than he has told investigators he 1. heard the information from another reporter...
20070131             10.
20070131             —EARLIER—TUESDAY, the jury saw notes Libby took on or about ;;06;;
20070131             12—THAT indicated Cheney himself told Libby then that the war critic's wife worked at THE—CIA.
20070131             —HAPPENED, EMPTYWHEEL—SPECULATIVE piece "What I think "
20070131             strikes me as our best, MOST—INFORMED guess as to THE—SEQUENCE—OF—EVENTS.
20070131             Küstenstadt ohne Küstenklima
20070131             "Das mag nach einem Weltuntergangsszenario klingen, aber wir müssen uns dem stellen",
20070131             sagte MORRIS—IEMMA, Regierungschef von New SOUTH—WALES, der die Studie beim renommierten australischen Forschungsinstitut CSIRO (AUSTRALIA—COMMONWEALTH Scientific and Research Organization) in Auftrag gegeben hatte.
20070131             Die Werte für SYDNEY liegen deutlich über den Prognosen der Vereinten Nationen für die ENTWICKLUNG—DER—WELTWEITEN—TEMPERATUR.
20070131             Das Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) der Uno wird in seinem neuen Bericht
20070131             einen Anstieg der globalen Durchschnittstemperatur um —BIS zu 4,5 Grad —BIS 2100—VORHERSAGEN.
20070131             Das wahrscheinlichste Szenario des Reports, der am —FREITAG in PARIS offiziell vorgestellt werden soll,
20070131             geht von einem Anstieg um 3—GRAD aus. Heißer Wahlkampf
20070131             Der neue Klimabericht dürfte auch den australischen Wahlkampf beeinflussen.
20070131             AUSTRALIEN, dem —SCHON—HEUTE trockensten aller Kontinente, herrscht —DERZEIT die schlimmste Dürre —SEIT mehr als 100—JAHREN.
20070131             —RATIONIERT, In fast allen großen Städten muss das Trinkwasser, werden.
20070131             Umweltschützer haben angesichts der neuen Studie ihre Kritik an Ministerpräsident JOHN—HOWARD wiederholt,
20070131             der das Klimaprotokoll von KYOTO —BISHER nicht unterzeichnet hat.
20070131             Howard lehnt das weiterhin AB—MIT Verweis auf die BOOM—LÄNDER CHINA und Indien,
20070131             die auch nicht an das Abkommen zur Verminderung des CO2-Ausstoßes gebunden seien.
20070131             —BEKOMMT, VENEZUELA: Chávez, Sondervollmachten
20070131             Federal Reserve: USA—NOTENBANK lässt Zinssatz unverändert
20070131             GEHEIMDIENST—GREMIUM: Abgeordnete ließen Regierung im Fall Kurnaz freie Bahn
20070131             Nuklearwaffen: IRAN könnte in 2—JAHREN Atombomben bauen
20070131             —VERHINDERT, Großbritannien: Polizei, Geiselmord vor laufender Kamera
20070131             Neurologie: ALZHEIMER—UND PARKINSON—FÄLLE nehmen rapide zu
20070131             USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHLEN: SENATOR—BIDEN ist 15. Kandidat der Demokraten
20070131             Klimaschutz: EU—KOMMISSAR steigt von MERCEDES auf Japaner um
20070131             Sturmschäden: "Kyrill" kostet Versicherungen mehr als 1—MILLIARDE—EURO
20070131             Irak: USA verschwenden Millionen beim Wiederaufbau
20070131             Unternehmensberatung: McKinsey empfiehlt deutschen Banken das Ausland
20070131             —VERURTEILT, ISRAEL: EX—JUSTIZMINISTER wegen sexueller Belästigung
20070131             Fall Khaled EL—MASRI: Deutsche Justiz jagt CIA—KOMMANDO - USA—CHIEF seeks new tack on IRAQ
20070131             PRESIDENT—BUSH—CHOICE for CHIEF—OF—USA—FORCES in THE—MIDDLE—EAST urges a "new and different" approach in IRAQ.
20070131             coverage about 1—ANCIENT—VILLAGE discovered 2—MILES from Stonehenge
20070131             that may have housed workers building the monument, or perhaps visitors —AFTER it was constructed.
20070131             2600—BCE.
20070131             —SPECULATED, The article says: "The researchers, that Durrington Walls was 1—PLACE for the living and Stonehenge — where cremated remains have been found — was 1—CEMETERY and memorial... Stonehenge was oriented to face the midsummer sunrise and midwinter sunset,
20070131             —WHILE the wooden circle at Durrington Walls faced the midwinter sunrise and midsummer sunset".
20070131             ALEX—JONES—WATCH: #5, Citing KEVIN—RYAN and UL Labs-
20070131             BG —TODAY (—AROUND 12:45 Central) Alex was interviewing 1—REPRESENTATIVE from the local UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS—STUDENT—GROUP.
20070131             ALEX—SAID KEVIN—RYAN (Links: KEVIN—RYAN on Google Video
20070131             and What is 20010911              Truth? — The 1. Steps,
20070131             was THE—HEAD—OF—1—SIGNIFICANT—DIVISION with access with confidential info or secret tests, which is 1—CRUDE and misleading description of Kevin, his position and his knowledge.
20070131             Fredericton Peace Coalition Weblog " ISRAEL—KNESSET passes law to revoke citizenship of 'unpatriotic' Israelis
20070131             1—NEW—LAW passed —WEDNESDAY will allow THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT to revoke THE—CITIZENSHIP—OF—CITIZENS considered unpatriotic
20070131             USA—DOCTORS who treat terrorists can be prosecuted | JERUSALEM Post-
20070131             Doctors who volunteer to treat THE—WOUNDS—OF—TERRORISTS under 1—TERRORIST organization's direction can be prosecuted under USA—TERRORISM laws, 1—JUDGE—SAID—TUESDAY.
20070131             That said, why is Team Libby mentioning AQ Khan in ANY—CASE and what is THE—CONTEXT—OF—THE—REST—OF—THE—DOCUMENT which Addington is being asked about?
20070131             Because not only would this indicate that early in ;;07;; not only did Libby and/or Addington,
20070131             if not both, appear to know that Plame worked for THE—CIA + where specifically,
20070131             but they appear to note AQ Khan in their discussions of this, which means, they knew what Plame was working on by ;;07;;
20070131             8. - because the case being made is that they only knew that she worked on THE—COUNTER—P SIDE—OF—THINGS at the agency... AQ Khan was not known for doing business with IRAQ.
20070131             He was known for doing business with IRAN... did team Libby —JUST make 1—OOPSIE the size of the grand canyon?
20070131             THE—FEAR—OF—WEBB
20070131             BG JIM—WEBB—RESPONSE (video) to THE—SOTU has sent 1—CHILL down the spine of the Conservative movement.
20070131             Source: CARL—PAPA: THE—STENCH—OF—SEWAGE—CAN be Smelled 1—LONG—WAY
20070131             Imperial Beach, CA -- The smell, in fact, stretches all the way from THE—SOUTH—WEST—CORNER—OF—THE—COUNTRY to THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070131             —INTERVENED, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY, it turned out, to obtain 1—NON—BID,
20070131             monopoly contract on cleaning up the sewage that pours from TIJUANA into coastal waters off S—DIEGO.
20070131             The company which got the contract, Bajagua, had no experience in treating waste water;
20070131             its plan was opposed by THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT, EPA, the Justice Department.
20070131             —WHEN BILL—CLINTON was in THE—WHITE—HOUSE his OFFICE—OF—MANAGEMENT and Budget rejected the plan as unworkable and illegal.
20070131             —MELTED, But all this opposition, away —AFTER BUSH came into OFFICE—AND—CHENEY intervened on BAJAQUA—BEHALF.
20070131             —NOW the project appears to be very far behind schedule + its n...
20070131             Libby Trial Update- - BG 1—DAMNING—WITNESS—NEWSWEEK POLITICS—MISS—NBC com
20070131             FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE spokesman ARI—FLEISCHER took the stand at the Scooter Libby trial + proved 1—SURPRISINGLY effective witness for the prosecution.
20070131             Received from 1—MEMBER—OF NY911truth 20070130             0000             —DATE:
20070131             "From Luke this —MORNING.
20070131             † in his sleep at 23? And was the only family MEMBER—OF—1—DIRECT—CASUALTY of ;;09;;
20070131             11. attacks to come to our meetings and speak out,
20070131             very powerfully I might say? What's the chances of dying in your sleep at 23?
20070131             He looked really healthy.
20070131             UN Investigator: Torture 'Routine' in JORDAN-
20070131             —TESTIFIED, FORMER—NEW—YORK—TIMES reporter Judith Miller, —TUESDAY that former vice presidential aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby 1. discussed 1—CIA operative with her weeks —BEFORE he told investigators he believed he 1. heard it from another reporter.
20070131             —WHILE THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT has turned THE—GAZA strip and WEST—BANK—REGIONS—OF—PALESTINE into virtual prison camps,
20070131             there is 1—SECTION—OF—THE—PALESTINE—COMMUNITY that appears to enjoy unhindered FREEDOM—OF—MOVEMENT and 1—BLIND—EYE form THE—ISRAEL—CAMPS guards: "suicide bombers".
20070131             —TODAY, 1—OF—THESE rare breed allegedly managed to get all the way down to the southern tip of ISRAEL, to the Red Sea resort TOWN—OF—EILAT.
20070131             At 9.45—THIS —MORNING (Eilat time), we are told that a "PALESTINE—SUICIDE bomber" detonated his explosives in 1—SMALL bakery,
20070131             killing 3—PEOPLE and himself.
20070131             —ATTRIBUTED, As with EVERY—OTHER "suicide bombing", to Palestinians over the past 6—YEARS,
20070131             we are forced to rely only on THE—CLAIMS—OF—ISRAEL—STATE security forces that EACH—BOMBING was indeed a "suicide" attack.
20070131             Such claims are almost always made within MINUTES—OF—THE—EVENT, subsequently propagating VIRUS—LIKE—AROUND the world's news agencies so that,
20070131             —BY the time the world public gets WIND—OF—THE—NEWS, it is already 1 closed case.
20070131             There is however much to be gained from looking at the details of these alleged suicide bombings,
20070131             because —WHEN we do, problems with the story invariably arise, not to mention uncomfortable questions.
20070131             In this case, the 1. such problem is THAT—OF—AUTHORSHIP—OF—THE—ATTACK.
20070131             Again as was the case in MANY—PREVIOUS—BOMBINGS, exactly who was responsible is not very clear.
20070131             1. we read: 3—DEAD in suicide attack in ISRAEL—RESORT
20070131             1—DEADLY—SUICIDE attack has struck THE—ISRAEL—RED—SEA TOWN—OF—EILAT.
20070131             —KILLED, At least 3—PEOPLE have been, in 1—BOMBING inside 1—BAKERY.
20070131             This is the 1. suicide attack in ISRAEL —SINCE ;;04;; + the 1. ever in Eilat, 1—POPULAR—TOURIST resort.
20070131             —CLAIMED, PALESTINE—MILITANT—GROUPS —IMMEDIATELY, responsibility.
20070131             Then Reuters - 3—PALESTINE—MILITANT—GROUPS claimed responsibility for 1—SUICIDE bombing —ON—MONDAY that killed 3—PEOPLE in ISRAEL—RED—SEA resort of Eilat.
20070131             Islamic Jihad, AL—AQSA Martyrs Brigades -- PART—OF—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS—FATAH faction -- and the previously unknown "ARMY—OF—BELIEVERS" EACH—SAID it carried out the attack,
20070131             the 1. PALESTINE—BOMBING in ISRAEL —SINCE ;;04;;.
20070131             But then: THE—AL—AQSA Martyrs Brigades and 1—PREVIOUSLY unknown group calling itself the "ARMY—OF—BELIEVERS" say they carried out the attack.
20070131             And 1—ISLAMIC—JIHAD spokesman Khader Habib had this comment: "We don't have ANY—INFORMATION that our movement is responsible.
20070131             But anyway this is PART—OF—OUR right to resist occupation.
20070131             It's 1—NORMAL—REACTION against ACTS—OF—ISRAEL—OCCUPATION on our people which never stop," he said.
20070131             —CONDEMNED, Fatah spokesman AHMAD—ABDUL—RAHMAN, the violence, saying, "We are against ANY—OPERATION that targets civilians, Israelis or Palestinians".
20070131             So What Happened in Najaf? :: from www.uruknet info :: news from occupied IRAQ—IT
20070131             So let me get this straight.
20070131             THE—IRAQ—OFFICIALS can't agree on who they were fighting or who their leader was,
20070131             so how did they figure out all these colourful details about "brainwashed women and children" and the intentions of killing all clerics or bombing the shrine or taking over the shrine, etc.?
20070131             Zeyad, Healing IRAQ - Gulfnews: Army admits to extrajudicial killings-
20070131             BG Gulfnews: Army admits to extrajudicial killings
20070131             The crisis in LEBANON is rapidly accumulating the potential to plunge the country in a 2. civil war,
20070131             —WHILE ISRAEL is closely watching on the sidelines for the right moment to exploit the ensuing security vulnerability and finish THE—LEBANON—DIVIDE off by intervening militarily to conclude what
20070131             Infowars Exclusive: 7/7—BUS Bomb Survivor Describes "Agents" At Scene In Immediate Aftermath-
20070131             Witness claims 1—GROUP—OF—SECRET—SERVICE operatives and intelligence officers were already inside the cordon —BEFORE the bus arrived in Tavistock square.
20070131             Dispatches From the Scooter Libby Trial
20070131             ARI—FLEISCHER testifies that he told me about Valerie Plame.
20070131             I don't remember it that way.
20070131             —BY—JOHN Dickerson, Dahlia Lithwick, and SETH—STEVENSON
20070131             Updated —MONDAY, 20070129             0000             —DATE, at 7:44 PM ET
20070131             —POSTED—MONDAY, 20070129             0000             —DATE, at 7:44 PM ET
20070131             I wanted to raise my hand and ask, "Your Honor, may I approach the bench?"
20070131             I was at the Scooter Libby trial to cover it + ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN, I found myself in THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—CASE.
20070131             In his testimony —TODAY, FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE press SECRETARY—ARI—FLEISCHER told the courtroom--which included me--that —WHEN I was 1—WHITE—HOUSE correspondent for Time magazine,
20070131             he had told me that JOE—WILSON—WIFE worked at THE—CIA.
20070131             To continue reading, click here.
20070131             GlobalAgora TEAM—NICHOLAS Matzorkis, FOUNDER—AND—CEO, is the visionary behind GlobalAgora.
20070131             MISTER—MATZORKIS conceptualizes, builds + makes businesses work.
20070131             MISTER—MATZORKIS' skills encompass PRESIDENT/CEO management experience,
20070131             world standard HANDS—ON INTERNET technology expertise + 1—NOTABLE—TRACK record of marketing strategy successes.
20070131             —FOUNDED, Previously, MISTER—MATZORKIS, USA—SEARCH which became the number 1—PEOPLE locator service in the world,
20070131             a 100—MOST—VISITED web site + the top DISTRIBUTOR—OF—PUBLIC—RECORD information on THE—INTERNET.
20070131             USA—SEARCH had its IPO
20070131             His clients include several multinational companies and MANY—SUCCESFUL—TECHNOLOGY ventures —THROUGHOUT the world.
20070131             His securities practice includes litigation —BEFORE THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT and 1—NUMBER of his transactions have been featured in leading periodicals.
20070131             He is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—COUNCIL on Foreign Relations, THE—INTERNATIONAL Insitutute of Strategic Studies,
20070131             the Advisory BOARD—OF—RAND, the Pacific Council on INTERNATIONAL Policy,
20070131             THE—COMMITTEE—ON—FOREIGN—RELATIONS in LOS—ANGELES, THE—WEST—JUSTICE Center + has served as 1—PARTICIPANT in the World Economic Forum and the Aspen Institute.
20070131             Yale University.
20070131             Mao Dong Sheng, Managing DIRECTOR—OF—THE—WUHAN—DEPARTMENT—STORE—GROUP,
20070131             MEMBER—OF—THE—PEOPLE—CONGRESS representing Hubei Province + is also currently THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—NATIONAL—TRADE—UNION—OF—CHINA,
20070131             the industry body that represents 1—TOTAL—OF—20—GROUPS—OF—STATE—OWNED department store groups with 1 combined per annum gross revenues of RMB 40—BIL ($5B USA).
20070131             Mr.
20070131             WILLIAM—CHOI, Founder, Chairman and Managing DIRECTOR—OF—HUDSON—HOLDINGS has over 15—YEARS experience in property development and retail operations in HONG—KONG,
20070131             THE—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA and MACAU.
20070131             —TRADED, Hudson Holdings is publicly, in HONG—KONG and is 1—SHAREHOLDER—OF—WUHAN—PLAZA.
20070131             PETER—SNOWDEN, CHIEF—TECHNOLOGIST, advisor to CEO.
20070131             —SERVED, MISTER—SNOWDEN has, as CHIEF—TECHNOLOGY—ADVISOR to Mr.
20070131             Matzorkis for 1—PERIOD—OF—4—YEARS and has overseen the development of THE—PATENT—PENDING source code powering GLOBALAGORA—CHINA—WIRELESS—INTERNET technology platform.
20070131             —DEVELOPED, Previously, MISTER—SNOWDEN, original code which powered USA—SEARCH INTERNET servers, information aggregation and distribution channels + call center integration.
20070131             CA from.
20070131             N.K. Low has 20—YEARS' experience in banking securities analysis and operation responsibilities with THE—SINGAPORE subsidiaries of various USA Financial institutions and multinational corporations such as BANK—OF—AMERICA,
20070131             KFC, Citicorp Scrimgeour Vickers and Bankers Trust.
20070131             He is also the director responsible for several subsidiaries of OM Holdings Ltd., 1—AUSTRALIAN listed company.
20070131             ALAN—MAZURSKY, CFO, GlobalAgora, INCORPORATED, previously served CFO and VICE—PRESIDENT—FINANCE for USA—SEARCH com.
20070131             —PRIOR—TO USA—SEARCH, MISTER—MAZURSKY served as CFO for Hard Rock Cafe USA.
20070131             ALFRED—LO, CHIEF—BUSINESS—DEVELOPMENT—OFFICER, Alfred has 15—YEARS experience in investment research, asset management and capital markets in ASIA and AUSTRALIA.
20070131             He spent 8—YEARS with Fidelity Investment in their HONG—KONG, LONDON, SYDNEY + SINGAPORE offices.
20070131             Upon his return to HONG—KONG
20070131             DENIS—MA, Consultant, has 25—YEARS experience in shopping center development and management, merchandising + import and export.
20070131             —PRIOR—TO Joining the Hudson Group
20070131             Elena Choi, Director and Deputy GENERAL—MANAGER—OF—WUHAN—PLAZA, has extensive experience in the retail business.
20070131             —WORKED, She has, for Sincere DEPARTMENT—STORE—GROUP in HONG—KONG and managed the development of its new department store in SHANGHAI.
20070131             MELISSA—DEPIERO, WUHAN Operations Manager, liason.
20070131             Previously serving as web department manager, HTML programmer + designer for USA—SEARCH com.
20070131             —SERVED, Previously, MISTER—HERNANDEZ, as VICE—PRESIDENT—SALES for iVideoNow in Sherman Oaks, CA.
20070131             —PRIOR—TO iVideoNow, MISTER—HERNANDEZ served as V USA Operations and Sales s for USA—SEARCH com from.
20070131             Annie Xie, WUHAN Plaza WAP Counter Manager.
20070131             —SERVED, Previously, MISS—XIE, as 1—MANAGER for Exxon CHINA in Hubei Province.
20070131             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, seen here at THE—WHITE—HOUSE —MONDAY, has, 1—EXECUTIVE order that in effect increases his control over guidelines the government issues regarding health, safety, privacy and other issues.
20070131             "We've been offered 1—UNIQUE—OPPORTUNITY and we must not let this moment pass".
20070131             GEORGE—W—BUSH—STATE—OF—THE—UNION Address-
20070131             —ADOPTED, THE—FBI appears to have, 1—INVASIVE—INTERNET surveillance technique that collects far more data on innocent Americans than previously has been disclosed.
20070131             Airborne Laser to TEST—FIRE in FLIGHT—AIR—FORCE News, military news,
20070131             opinions, editorials, news from IRAQ, Militay Times Poll, special REPORTS—AIR-
20070131             1—MODIFIED—BOEING 747-400F known as the Airborne Laser, will TEST—FIRE its LOW—POWER laser in flight for the 1. time as PART—OF—1—LONG—TERM—TEST phase at THE—AIR—FORCE Flight Test Center at Edwards AIR—FORCE Base,
20070131             CALIFORNIA, according to 1—AIR—FORCE report.
20070131             BG Fleischer Tells Jury That Libby Told Him About Plame
20070131             But that's 1—COMPLETE—TURNAROUND from her —EARLIER actions regarding the alternative fuel, which is made from corn — and could provide 1—BIG—BOOST to the economy of agricultural IOWA.
20070131             Bush Drops Border Patrols And WAR—ON—DRUG—SMUGGLERS
20070131             —EXPECTED, As I, THE—WAR—ON—DRUGS is collapsing as our border patrols die thanks to THE—MANY—UNNECESSARY—WARS we are waging for despots in distant lands.
20070131             The traitors running THE—USA—WAVE the bloody flag —WHILE shirking protecting AMERICAN—ITSELF.
20070131             And this is driving us into bankruptcy. Source:
20070131             —ON IMPEACHMENT—SANFORD Levinson, writing in THE—NATION: Although I admire SOME—OF—THOSE calling for impeachment, 1 should recognize that SOME—OF—THEIR ostensibly legal claims are all too dubious.
20070131             Consider the charge that BUSH lied to the country —DURING THE—RUN—UP to the war, which may well be true.
20070131             If lying to the public about matters of grave importance were 1—IMPEACHABLE—OFFENSE,
20070131             however, almost no PRESIDENT--including, for starters, FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT and his deceptions regarding LEND—LEASE--would survive.
20070131             It is even more difficult to construct criminality OUT—OF—BUSH—RECKLESS—DISREGARD—OF—THE—CONSEQUENCES of Katrina.
20070131             It is not, however, at all difficult to accuse HIM—OF—MALADMINISTRATION and disqualifying incompetence.
20070131             USA—POLITICS would be infinitely better if we could avoid legalistic MUMBO—JUMBO and ACCUSATIONS—OF—CRIMINALITY and cut to what is surely the central reali... Source:
20070131             BG Foreign corporation in desperate lunge to quell massive popular dissent against Trans TEXAS Corridor & NORTH—USA—UNION
20070131             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—SMOKING Ban Is About Government Control;
20070131             Believe it or not, the state really doesn't care about your health
20070131             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—IN Immediate Aftermath Witness claims 1—GROUP—OF—SECRET—SERVICE operatives and
20070131             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—HOLLYWOOD director Russo goes IN—DEPTH for 1. time on the astounding admissions of Nick
20070131             "I would suggest moving back,"-
20070131             BUSH said as he climbed into the cab of 1—MASSIVE D—10—TRACTOR —DURING his visit to 1—CATERPILLAR factory —TODAY.
20070131             "I'm about to crank this sucker up".
20070131             —ROARED, NEWSWEEK notes, "As the engine, to life,
20070131             —TRIED, WHITE—HOUSE staffers, to steer the press corps to safety, but —WHEN the tractor lurched forward, they too were forced to scramble for safety.
20070131             'Get OUT—OF—THE—WAY!' 1—NEWS photographer yelled.
20070131             'I think he might run us over!' said another.
20070131             —INVOLVED, Even THE—SECRET—SERVICE got, as 1—AGENT began yelling at reporters to get clear of the tractor.
20070131             —LOOKED, Watching the chaos below, BUSH, out the tractor's window and laughed, steering the massive machine into the spot where MOST—OF—THE—PRESS corps had been positioned".
20070131             1—NEW—REPORT presented to the House Oversight and Government Reform COMMITTEE—BY—THE—UNION—OF—CONCERNED—SCIENTISTS
20070131             and the Government Accountability Project
20070131             in which THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION interfered into the global warming WORK—OF—GOVERNMENT scientists over the past 5—YEARS.
20070131             — 46—PERCENT—OF—GOVERNMENT scientists "personally experienced pressure to eliminate the words 'climate change,' 'global warming,' or other similar terms from 1—VARIETY—OF—COMMUNICATIONS".
20070131             — 46—PERCENT "perceived or personally experienced new or unusual administrative requirements that impair CLIMATE—RELATED work".
20070131             — 38—PERCENT "perceived or personally experienced the disappearance or unusual DELAY—OF—WEBSITES,
20070131             reports, or other SCIENCE—BASED materials relating to climate".
20070131             — 25—PERCENT "perceived or personally experienced situations in which scientists have actively objected to,
20070131             resigned from, or removed themselves from 1—PROJECT BECAUSE—OF—PRESSURE to change scientific findings".
20070131             to the media.
20070131             —WHENEVER NASA scientists spoke with reporters, either on the telephone or in person".
20070131             Senate Multimillionares Vote To Block Minimum Wage Hike-
20070131             —AFTER repeated delays by conservatives, the Senate voted 87—10—TODAY to end debate on legislation that will raise the minimum wage
20070131             for the 1. time in 1—DECADE, from $5.15 to $7.25. The bill will move to 1—FULL—VOTE in the next several days.
20070131             10—RIGHT—WING senators stuck together and voted to further delay raising the minimum wage:
20070131             —DETAILED, As ThinkProgress, in 1—REPORT —LAST—YEAR, at least 2—OF—THOSE 10—SENATORS — Gregg and Isakson — are multimillionaires with 1 combined fortune of up to $35.5—MILLION.
20070131             Despite their enormous personal wealth, they refuse to grant even 1—SMALL raise to the nearly 8—MILLION Americans
20070131             who live on $5.15 an —HOUR: SENATOR—JUDD—GREGG (R—NH)
20070131             TOTAL HOLDINGS: Between $3,402,000 and $10,055,000
20070131             He owns between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 in Fleet Bank, as well as between $250,000 and $500,000 in BRISTOL Myers stock and between $50,000 and $100,000 in Exxon and Verizon stock.
20070131             KEY QUOTE: "If you start losing jobs because you raise minimum wage too quickly,
20070131             too fast that small employers can't afford it, that's going to have 1—EFFECT on peoples' opportunity to work".
20070131             [Gregg, 20060621             ]
20070131             TOTAL HOLDINGS: Between $7,631,000 and $25,515,000
20070131             HIGHLIGHTS: Isakson owns between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 in both Wachovia and RIVERSIDE Bank stock.
20070131             —VALUED, He also holds 12—ACRES—OF—GEORGIA real estate, between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000.
20070131             —OBSERVED, KEY QUOTE: "ROBERT—REICH, once, 'most minimum wage workers aren't poor.' He is right".
20070131             [Isakson, 20060620             ]
20070131             REPRESENTATIVE—COOPER: WHITE—HOUSE Barred Negroponte From Saying 'Global' And 'Warming' In Same Sentence-
20070131             —DURING —TODAY—HOUSE—COMMITTEE—ON—OVERSIGHT and Government Reform hearing on the political MANIPULATION—OF—CLIMATE change science,
20070131             —ATTENDED, Cooper said he —RECENTLY, 1—DINNER party at which Negroponte was speaking + "word slipped through the crowd he was not allowed to utter the words 'global warming,' at least not in the same sentence.
20070131             —ALLOWED, Apparently, he was, to say the word 'global' in 1—SEPARATE—SENTENCE + 'warming' in 1—SEPARATE—SENTENCE, but not together".
20070131             UPDATE: Several more videos from —TODAY—HEARING are HERE.
20070131             REPRESENTATIVE—ROY—BLUNT (R—MO) wants a raise.-
20070131             also receive 1—RAISE.
20070131             Blunt is objecting, saying the raise is "crucial for MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS
20070131             who are not independently wealthy and must operate 2—HOUSEHOLDS".
20070131             MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS currently receive 1—ANNUAL—SALARY of $165,200.
20070131             The minimum wage is stuck at $5.15/—HOUR.
20070131             McCain Flip Flops, —NOW Says He Would Not Consider Redeployment Under ANY—SCENARIO
20070131             SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) said that if his escalation strategy for IRAQ fails, then he would consider redeployment:
20070131             "But I have to hasten to add there are no good options".
20070131             1—OF—THOSE options,
20070131             McCain said "is to withdraw to the borders (of IRAQ) to try to keep other countries from interfering.
20070131             Maintaining our bases in KUWAIT and other places.
20070131             There are 1—LOT—OF—SCENARIOS".
20070131             It didn't take long for McCain to backtrack from redeployment.
20070131             Last night, in 1—INTERVIEW with 's Anderson Cooper, McCain said under no scenario would he consider withdrawing troops,
20070131             even if escalation fails.
20070131             He said he would only consider it —WHEN "we have the situation under control".
20070131             In the interview, McCain also said VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY was wrong to state that there have been enormous successes in IRAQ.
20070131             —CLAIMED, McCain, he has "bitterly disagreed" with the "failed strategy" for more than 3—YEARS.
20070131             I think the situation on the ground is going to improve.
20070131             I do think that progress is being made in 1—LOT—OF—IRAQ.
20070131             Overall, I think 1—YEAR from —NOW, we will have made 1—FAIR—AMOUNT—OF—PROGRESS if we stay the course.
20070131             If I thought we weren't making progress, I'd be despondent.
20070131             Negroponte:- National Intelligence Estimate on IRAQ to be delivered to Congress "1. thing next —WEEK.
20070131             1—NEW—REPORT by the Government Accountability Office concludes that Defense Department officials have not adequately tracked "National Guard equipment needs for domestic missions," leaving "unclear whether the Guard is equipped to respond effectively
20070131             to the consequences of 1—LARGE—SCALE—TERRORIST attack or natural disaster".
20070131             Specter pushes back on 'the Decider.'-
20070131             "I would suggest respectfully to THE—PRESIDENT that he is not the sole decider," Sen.
20070131             Arlen Specter (R—PA) said —DURING 1—HEARING on Congress' war powers.
20070131             "The decider is 1 shared and joint responsibility,
20070131             WHITE—HOUSE Stonewalling RELEASE—OF—CLIMATE Change Documents-
20070131             " In the days leading up to the hearing, the committee requested documents from THE—WHITE—HOUSE Council on Environmental Quality "hoping to use them to underscore the suggestion that the administration has 1—HABIT of editing scientific reports
20070131             to downplay the effects of global warming".
20070131             But according to CongressDaily,
20070131             THE—WHITE—HOUSE is refusing to turn over the documents:
20070131             —BY—PRESSTIME—MONDAY, documents that were requested as —RECENTLY as last —WEEK and as far back as —6—MONTHS—AGO had not been provided to the committee.
20070131             "Right —NOW, the administration's reaction doesn't make 1—WHOLE—LOT—OF—SENSE," WAXMAN—CHIEF—OF staff PHIL—SCHILIRO said —MONDAY afternoon.
20070131             "We've been trying to get information that we believe the committee should have —FOR—6—MONTHS —NOW.
20070131             —PROVIDED, We don't understand why it hasn't been ; this isn't top secret information".
20070131             1—SPOKESMAN for Oversight and Government Reform ranking member THOMAS—DAVIS, R—VIRGINIA, also sounded miffed about the difficulty in obtaining documents.
20070131             "We're still trying to get them and not happy about it," the spokesman said.
20070131             Even without the documents, the hearing will be 1—STRONG—INDICTMENT—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—POLITICIZATION—OF—CLIMATE science.
20070131             THE—UNION—OF—CONCERNED—SCIENTISTS and the Government Accountability Project said they would present "new EVIDENCE—OF—SUPPRESSION
20070131             and MANIPULATION—OF—CLIMATE science" —BEFORE the committee. DREW—SHINDELL—OF—NASA—GODDARD—INSTITUTE for Space Studies will testify about a "—NOW—DEFUNCT 20040000              requirement that NASA press officers listened in —WHENEVER NASA scientists spoke with reporters,
20070131             either on the telephone or in person".
20070131             —RESIGNED, RICK—PILTZ, who
20070131             Protestor Demands PROBE—OF—WHITE—HOUSE Over Katrina,
20070131             Lieberman Responds He Won't 'Play Gotcha Anymore'-
20070131             —YESTERDAY, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, chaired by SENATOR—JOSEPH—LIEBERMAN (I—CT), held 1—FIELD hearing in NEW—ORLEANS to discuss the "red tape and bureaucracy
20070131             hindering LOUISIANA—ECONOMIC—RECOVERY from hurricanes Katrina and Rita".
20070131             At the outset of the hearing,
20070131             1—PROTESTOR called for investigating THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070131             —DESCRIBED, HERE—HOW, the scene:
20070131             Susan Roesgen, Correspondent: 1—PROTESTER, 1—WELL—DRESSED young man — he was wearing 1—WHITE—DRESS shirt and 1—TIE.
20070131             —SUSPECTED, No 1, anything was amiss. He stood up.
20070131             He was holding 1—HAND—LETTERED piece of cloth that said, "Probe THE—WHITE—HOUSE".
20070131             He was shouting, shouting at the senators, as you see here.
20070131             But what this person was protesting was he said that SENATOR—LIEBERMAN needs to do more and should do more to lead 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE response to Hurricane Katrina similar to 20010911             —THE Commission hearings.
20070131             He said that has not been done, he wants that to be done.
20070131             —UNANSWERED, There are still key questions left, about the administration's disaster response.
20070131             he warned presidential aides that 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—CITY was being "displaced," but was greeted with "deafening silence.
20070131             " Brown also suggested "party politics played a role
20070131             " in WHITE—HOUSE reactions to the aftermath of Katrina.
20070131             —WHEN he was running for RE—ELECTION, Lieberman pledged to investigate THE—WHITE—HOUSE—CONDUCT in the aftermath of Katrina.
20070131             —REPORTED, But, NEWSWEEK —RECENTLY :
20070131             SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN, the only Democrat to endorse PRESIDENT—BUSH—NEW—PLAN for IRAQ,
20070131             has quietly backed away from his PRE—ELECTION demands that THE—WHITE—HOUSE turn over potentially embarrassing documents relating to its handling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster in NEW—ORLEANS.
20070131             " Responding to —YESTERDAY—PROTESTOR, Lieberman said, "We don't want to play 'gotcha' anymore.
20070131             Bush ignores THOUSANDS—OF—AMERICANS.-
20070131             "I don't think he really thought 1—LOT about it,
20070131             " said WHITE—HOUSE Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW —TODAY—WHEN asked about PRESIDENT—BUSH—REACTION to the weekend's march on WASHINGTON.
20070131             Approximately 100,000—PEOPLE from —AROUND the country
20070131             converged on the National Mall —ON—SATURDAY to protest BUSH—ESCALATION in IRAQ.
20070131             Nearly 70—PERCENT
20070131             of THE—USA—PUBLIC opposes PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send more USA troops to IRAQ.
20070131             Report: New Bush order greatly expands powers.-
20070131             preview: "NYT: BUSH executive order gives PRESIDENT much greater control over rules to regulate public health,
20070131             safety, environment, civil rights, privacy, other issues..". - UPDATE: NYT:
20070131             —PUBLISHED, In 1—EXECUTIVE order, last —WEEK in the Federal Register, MISTER—BUSH said that EACH—AGENCY must have 1—REGULATORY—POLICY office run by 1—POLITICAL appointee,
20070131             to supervise THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—RULES and documents providing guidance to regulated industries.
20070131             This strengthens THE—HAND—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE in shaping rules that have, in the past, often been generated by civil servants and scientific experts.
20070131             It suggests that the administration still has ways to exert its power —AFTER THE—TAKEOVER—OF—CONGRESS by the Democrats.
20070131             13—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS have never heard of global warming,-
20070131             even though their country is the world's top SOURCE—OF—GREENHOUSE gases, a 46-country survey
20070131             showed —ON—MONDAY.
20070131             —CONSIDERED, Some 57—PERCENT—OF—PEOPLE —AROUND the world, global warming a "very serious problem" and 1—FURTHER 34—PERCENT rated it a "serious problem".
20070131             —WORRIED, People in Latin AMERICA "were most, —WHILE USA citizens were least concerned
20070131             with —JUST 42—PERCENT rating global warming 'very serious.'"
20070131             Inside the bunker.- TPMMuckraker digs —AROUND to find out who's inside CHENEY—INNER—CIRCLE.
20070131             JOHN—BOLTON: 'USA Has No Strategic Interest' In 1—UNITED—IRAQ
20070131             —WHILE he was acting Ambassador to THE—UNITED—NATIONS,
20070131             —UNIFIED, JOHN—BOLTON repeatedly said he was in favor of a "" IRAQ:
20070131             "THE—USA remains committed to 1 unified, democratic and prosperous IRAQ and looks forward to the continued cooperation of THE—INTERNATIONAL community for IRAQ—FUTURE".
20070131             [20061128             ]
20070131             "The unanimous adoption of this resolution is 1—VIVID—DEMONSTRATION of broad INTERNATIONAL support for a ' federal,
20070131             democratic, pluralist and unified IRAQ.'" [20051108             ]
20070131             Apparently, BOLTON never really meant what he said.
20070131             In 1—RECENT—INTERVIEW, BOLTON said it's not in THE—USA'S "strategic interest
20070131             "We have 1—STRATEGIC—INTEREST in the fact of ensuring that what emerges is not 1—STATE in complete collapse,
20070131             which could become 1—REFUGE for terrorists or 1—TERRORIST state".
20070131             —MARKED, The comments by BOLTON, the 2. time in less than 1—WEEK that BOLTON had contradicted BUSH—ADMINISTRATION policy.
20070131             Last —WEEK, he said THE—USA—MAY not be able to stop IRAN from acquiring nuclear weapons because of 1 flawed diplomatic strategy.
20070131             BOLTON—COMMENTS are 1—STARK reminder of why he was unfit for THE—UNITED—NATIONS—INTERNATIONAL—DIPLOMATS could never determine what was his real agenda.
20070131             Swift Boat Leader Hired To Run RIGHT—WING 'Online Community'-
20070131             —YESTERDAY, WASHINGTON—POST columnist ROBERT—NOVAK reported that TheVanguard org, 1—NEW—RIGHT—WING advocacy group, has hired JEROME—CORSI as 1—SENIOR—POLITICAL—STRATEGIST.
20070131             Vanguard describes itself as an "online community of Americans who believe in conservative values,
20070131             " and Novak claims it is a "RIGHT—WING VERSION—OF—THE—LEFTIST MoveOn org.
20070131             —BY—HIRING Corsi, Vanguard has made it clear that it intends to hit below the belt and be more than —JUST an "online community".
20070131             —COORDINATED, Corsi, the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth attacks against Sen.
20070131             JOHN—KERRY (D—MA) + plans to use Vanguard to "similarly undermine Sen.
20070131             Hillary Rodham Clinton" for her progressive policy stances.
20070131             Media Matters - has documented CORSI—POSTS on THE—RIGHT—WING Free Republic site.
20070131             SOME—EXCERPTS:
20070131             —ON Islam: "1—WORTHLESS, dangerous Satanic religion"
20070131             —ON Catholicism: "Boy buggering in both Islam and Catholicism is okay with THE—PAPA as long as it isn't reported by the liberal press"
20070131             —ON Muslims: "RAGHEADS are BOY—BUMPERS as clearly as they are WOMEN—HATERS — it all goes together"
20070131             —ON  "John F*ing Commie Kerry": "—AFTER he oo TerRAHsa, didn't JOHN—KERRY begin practicing Judiasm?
20070131             He also has paternal grandparents that were Jewish.
20070131             What religion is JOHN—KERRY?"
20070131             —ON SENATOR "FAT HOG" Clinton: "Anybody ask why HELLary couldn't keep BJ Bill satisfied?
20070131             Not lesbo or anything, is she?"
20070131             Bush : Cheney Is A 'HALF—GLASS—FULL' Kinda Guy-
20070131             " in IRAQ.
20070131             —CONTRADICTED, This claim, PRESIDENT—BUSH—SPEECH —2—WEEKS—AGO,
20070131             where he said the "situation in IRAQ is unacceptable
20070131             to THE—USA—PEOPLE — and it is unacceptable to me".
20070131             —TODAY on NPR, senior correspondent JUAN—WILLIAMS asked BUSH whether there's a "conflicting message" between BUSH and Cheney.
20070131             —BRUSHED, BUSH, him off, saying that Cheney is a "person reflecting 1—HALF—GLASS—FULL—MENTALITY".
20070131             (We're assuming he meant "glass half full".) Listen here: CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO BUSH
20070131             Here are SOME—RECENT—EXAMPLES of Cheney's "HALF—GLASS—FULL" views of IRAQ:
20070131             [20070114             ]
20070131             —BEFORE the war, this mentality also led THE—VICE—PRESIDENT to predict that THE—USA would be "greeted as liberators
20070131             Bush _Cheney_Is_A_Half_Glass_Full_Kinda_Guy_AUDIO">Digg It!
20070131             Transcript: (more...)
20070131             "FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE press SECRETARY—ARI—FLEISCHER testified —MONDAY that THEN—COLLEAGUE I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby told him over lunch that the wife of 1—PROMINENT—WAR critic worked at THE—CIA,
20070131             " THE—AP reports. "Fleischer said the conversation happened 20030707             ,
20070131             days —BEFORE Libby told investigators he was surprised to learn about THE—CIA operative from 1—REPORTER.
20070131             That discrepancy is at the heart of LIBBY—PERJURY and obstruction trial".
20070131             and Americans Against Escalation in IRAQ
20070131             have launched 1—NEW ad campaign opposing THE—IRAQ war escalation.
20070131             Hadley Falsely Claims IRAQ Study Group Supports Escalation Strategy-
20070131             In an OP—ED in —TODAY—WASHINGTON—POST, National Security Adviser STEPHEN—HADLEY claims the administration's escalation plan simply follows the recommendations
20070131             THE—BAKER—HAMILTON report supports this conclusion.
20070131             It said: "We could, however, support 1—SHORT—TERM—REDEPLOYMENT or surge of USA—COMBAT forces to stabilize BAGHDAD.
20070131             if THE—USA—COMMANDER—IN—IRAQ determines that such steps would be effective".
20070131             —DETERMINED, Our military commanders + THE—PRESIDENT, have, —JUST that.
20070131             —UNVEILED, TONY—SNOW, the new talking point
20070131             What we have done — if you take 1—LOOK at page 73, where it talks about building capabilities, putting Iraqis in the lead + there was even SOME—TALK about "1—SURGE," that's in there.
20070131             THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP did say a "SHORT—TERM redeployment" of more troops into BAGHDAD could be PART—OF—1—LARGER—MILITARY,
20070131             economic + diplomatic plan.
20070131             — and LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—RAYMOND—T—ODIERNO — the new USA ground COMMANDER—IN—IRAQ
20070131             — have said the escalation could last anywhere between 18—MONTHS and 3—YEARS.
20070131             That's hardly "SHORT—TERM".
20070131             —ARGUED, Moreover, THE—IRAQ Study Group report specifically, against sending more troops to IRAQ:
20070131             As another USA—GENERAL told us, if THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT does not make political progress, "all the troops in the world will not provide security".
20070131             THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—CO—CHAIR LEE—HAMILTON —RECENTLY spoke out against the plan.
20070131             "You delay THE—DATE—OF—COMPLETION—OF—THE—TRAINING mission,
20070131             " HAMILTON said. "You delay the date of handing responsibility to the Iraqis.
20070131             You delay THE—DATE—OF—DEPARTURE of USA troops".
20070131             MIKE—JONES, THE—FORMER—MALE prostitute whose had a 3—YEAR sexual liaison with evangelist TED—HAGGARD,
20070131             attended services at HAGGARD—NEW—LIFE—CHURCH —YESTERDAY.
20070131             "1—COUPLE—OF—LADIES cried —WHEN they were touching me," Jones said.
20070131             "I was thanked for exposing the church, for helping TED—HAGGARD.
20070131             1—COUPLE of them said they hoped I get God into my life.
20070131             And they all said 'God bless you,' EVERY—1—OF—THEM.
20070131             Fears over deadly hospital bugs
20070131             RATES—OF—INFECTION with the deadly Clostridium difficile bug rise in ENGLAND—HOSPITALS, —WHILE MISTER—SA rates fall only slowly.
20070131             JAPAN gaffe MINISTER 'must quit'
20070131             JAPAN—OPPOSITION parties tell the health MINISTER to resign for calling women "BIRTH—GIVING machines".
20070131             AFGHANISTAN—OPIUM 'should be licensed'
20070131             AFGHANISTAN—POPPIES should be used to make opium rather than be destroyed, UK politicians say.
20070131             Drug company 'hid' suicide link
20070131             —DISTORTED, Secret E—MAILS reveal 1—UK firm, drug trial results, covering up 1—LINK with teenage suicide.
20070131             'Bottleneck' slows brain activity
20070131             Researchers have found a 'bottleneck' in the brain that appears to explain why we struggle to do 2—THINGS at once.
20070131             Archaeologists find Stonehenge houses
20070131             Archaeologists say they have found 1—HUGE—ANCIENT—SETTLEMENT used by the people who built Stonehenge.
20070131             CUBA—TV shows 'stronger' Castro
20070131             CUBA—TV shows pictures of 1—APPARENTLY stronger Fidel Castro, the 1. —FOR—3—MONTHS.
20070131             EX—REPORTER testifies in CIA case
20070131             An EX—JOURNALIST who went to jail to protect a source testifies against that source in a HIGH—PROFILE WASHINGTON case.
20070131             VIETNAM cuts army business links
20070131             VIETNAM—COMMUNIST—LEADERS remove DOZENS—OF—COMPANIES from the control of the armed forces and the ruling party.
20070131             CHINA—LEADER begins AFRICAN—TOUR
20070131             CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU starts his tour of AFRICA in CAMEROON, at 1—TIME of booming trade with the continent.
20070131             GREECE—PUPILS seek Elgin Marbles
20070131             GREECE—SCHOOLCHILDREN form 1—HUMAN—CHAIN —AROUND the Acropolis to demand THE—UK—RETURN—THE—ELGIN—MARBLES.
20070131             Hezbollah leader hits out at Bush
20070131             Hezbollah CHIEF—SHEIKH—HASSAN—NASRALLAH accuses THE—USA of ordering ISRAEL to start —LAST—YEAR—CONFLICT.
20070131             —CRITICISED, AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIAN deaths
20070131             1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH report says that more than 1,000 civilians were killed in AFGHANISTAN
20070131             —RECREATED, Human metabolism, in lab
20070131             —CREATED, Researchers say they have, a "virtual" model of all the biochemical reactions that occur in human cells.
20070131             —RECOVERED, MALI relics, in FRANCE
20070131             —SMUGGLED, FRANCE—CUSTOMS officials seize more than 650, artefacts, SOME—UP to 1—MILLION years old.
20070131             USA rejects IRAN nuclear 'timeout'
20070131             THE—USA rejects THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG'S call for a "timeout" over IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME.
20070131             Melting of glaciers 'speeds up'
20070131             As scientists meet for crucial climate talks in PARIS, data shows glaciers are shrinking ever faster, scientists say.
20070131             ISRAEL 'broke USA—ARMS deal terms'
20070131             ISRAEL—USE—OF—CLUSTER bombs in LEBANON —LAST—YEAR probably broke TERMS—OF—ARMS deals with THE—USA, 1—REPORT says.
20070131             —ENDANGERED, USA wolves 'no longer '
20070131             —REMOVED, Wolves are, from the endangered species list in 3—USA—STATES, paving the way for hunting.
20070131             Bush EX—SPOKESMAN rebuts Libby
20070131             EX—WHITE—HOUSE spokesman ARI—FLEISCHER testifies for the prosecution at the perjury TRIAL—OF—LEWIS "Scooter" Libby.
20070131             'Hobbit' human 'is 1—NEW—SPECIES'
20070131             The tiny skeletal remains of human "Hobbits" found on 1—INDONESIA—ISLAND belong to 1—COMPLETELY new branch of our family tree, 1—ANALYSIS concludes.
20070131             —BLOCKADED, BOLIVIA route, over oil
20070131             Protesters seeking further oil and gas nationalisation block the road to ARGENTINA and PARAGUAY
20070131             GERMANY—PLAN to close coal mines
20070131             GERMANY—OFFICIALS agree 1—DEAL to phase out THE—HEAVILY—SUBSIDISED coal mining industry in the country.
20070131             MOSCOW bans gay parade
20070131             MOSCOW—MAYOR says he will never allow gay rights parades in the city, describing them as "satanic".
20070131             Frozen sea may harbour Mars life
20070131             1—FROZEN sea found on Mars is 1—OF—THE—MOST promising places to look for life on the Red Planet, scientists say.
20070131             Saudis name USA—AMBASSADOR
20070131             SAUDI—ARABIA names 1—USA—EDUCATED adviser to KING—ABDULLAH as its new ambassador to WASHINGTON.
20070131             Is Your Work Computer Private?
20070131             1—JUDICIAL—PANEL FLIP—FLOPS, finding that workers have constitutional rights —WHEN it comes to government searches of their EMPLOYER—PROVIDED computers.
20070131             In 27B Stroke 6. - Water From Wind-
20070131             The article gives few details of how it works, because patent protection is not yet in place, but what is revealed sounds promising.
20070131             "[Max] WHISSON—DESIGN has MANY—BLADES,
20070131             each as aerodynamic as 1—AIRCRAFT wing + EACH—EMPLOYING 'lift' to get the device spinning... They don't face into the wind like 1—CONVENTIONAL windmill;
20070131             they're arranged vertically,
20070131             within 1—ELEGANT—COLUMN + take the wind from ANY—DIRECTION... THE—SECRET—OF—MAX—DESIGN is how his windmills,
20070131             whirring away in the merest hint of 1—WIND, cool the air as it passes by... With 3 or 4—OF—MAX—MAGICAL—MACHINES on hills at our farm we could fill the tanks and troughs + weather the drought.
20070131             1—SMALL—WHISSON windmill on the roof of 1—SUBURBAN house could keep your taps flowing.
20070131             Biggies on office buildings, whoppers on skyscrapers, could give independence from the city's water supply.
20070131             And plonk 1—FEW 100 in marginal outback land — specifically to water TREE—LOTS — and you could start to improve local rainfall".
20070131             CNet is running 1—PIECE looking at what they refer to as a 'questionably legal' INTERNET surveillance technique being employed by THE—FBI.
20070131             In situations where isolating 1—SPECIFIC—IP address for 1—SUSPECT is not possible,
20070131             THE—FBI has taken to 'FULL—PIPE' surveillance: all activity for 1—BANK—OF—IPS is recorded + then data mining is used to attempt to isolate their target.
20070131             The questionable legality of this situation results from 1—REQUIREMENT that, under federal law, THE—FBI is required to use 'minimization'.
20070131             The article describes it this way:
20070131             "Federal law says that agents must 'minimize THE—INTERCEPTION—OF—COMMUNICATIONS not otherwise subject to interception' and keep the supervising judge informed of what's happening.
20070131             —DESIGNED, Minimization is, to provide at least 1—MODICUM—OF—PRIVACY by limiting police eavesdropping on innocuous conversations.
20070131             FULL—PIPE surveillance would seem to abandon that principle in favor of getting to the target faster.
20070131             Restrictions On Social Sites Proposed In GEORGIA-
20070131             1—STATE—SENATOR—IN—GEORGIA, CECIL—STATON, has introduced 1—BILL that would require parents' permission —BEFORE kids could sign up at 1—SOCIAL networking site such as MySpace and Facebook + mandate that the sites let parents see all material their kids generate there.
20070131             Quoting: "[Senate Bill 59] would make it illegal for the owner or operator of 1—SOCIAL networking Web site to allow minors to create or maintain 1—WEB page without parental permission [and require] parents or guardians to have access to their children's Web pages at all times.
20070131             —FAILED, If owners or operators of 1—COMPANY, to comply with the proposed law, they would be GUILTY—OF—1—MISDEMEANOR on the 1. offense.
20070131             A 2. offense would be 1—FELONY and could lead to imprisonment for between 1 and 5—YEARS and 1—FINE up to $50,000 or both.
20070131             —OFFERED, The —RECENTLY, MySpace parental tools fall SHORT—OF—THE—BILL—REQUIREMENTS.
20070131             In anderen Ländern hingegen ist man —SCHON weiter.
20070131             In den USA zum Beispiel hat der private Justizvollzug 1—VOLUMEN—VON—4—MILLIARDEN Dollar.
20070131             —PRIVATISIERT, GROSSBRITANNIEN, ist knapp 1—FÜNFTEL der Gefängnisse.
20070131             1—DER—GROSSEN—PLAYER ist auch hier das Unternehmen Serco.
20070131             Zur Produktpalette des Dienstleisters gehören nicht nur Gefängnisse:
20070131             Elektronische Fußfesseln hat Serco ebenfalls im Angebot.
20070131             So weit ist es in Deutschland zwar noch nicht, aber 1. Versuche sind —SCHON gestartet.
20070131             Vorreiter auch hier: das Land HESSEN.
20070131             Problematisch sei außerdem, dass die Privaten über die Vollzugspläne für die GEFANGENEN—UND damit über Verschärfung oder Lockerung der HAFTBEDINGUNGEN—MITENTSCHIEDEN.
20070131             "Unzulässig", findet das Lindenlaub.
20070131             "Nicht umsonst müssen Vollzugsbeamte neben ihrer Berufsausbildung eine zweijährige Ausbildung im Strafvollzug durchlaufen".
20070131             Ob Beratung, Freizeitangebote oder Beschäftigung, überall kümmern sich SERCO—MITARBEITER um die Resozialisierung der Strafgefangenen.
20070131             1—KONSORTIUM aus dem Baukonzern Bilfinger Berger und der Sicherheitsfirma Kötter Security hat dort den Auftrag für die JVA Burg bekommen.
20070131             Über 25—JAHRE läuft der VERTRAG—DIE übliche Laufzeit für große Investitionsprojekte.
20070131             Im Bieterwettstreit um den lukrativen Auftrag drückten die Konkurrenten den Preis soweit herunter,
20070131             dass SACHSEN—ANHALT —JETZT sogar an 15—PROZENT Kostenersparnis denkt, ursprünglich rechnete man nur mit 8—PROZENT.
20070131             Bloße Verwahrung statt Resozialisierung?
20070131             HAMBURG—DIE Strafverfolger ermittelten wegen des Verdachts der Beihilfe zum Geheimnisverrat, teilte der "Stern" mit.
20070131             Die Redakteure OLIVER—SCHRÖM, HANS—MARTIN Tillack und Uli Rauss sollen in einem Artikel vom 20060921              über den von der CIA entführten EL—MASRI aus geheimen Unterlagen zitiert haben.
20070131             Klimaschutz: "Spritfresser" müssen bald höhere Parkgebühren zahlen
20070131             USA—FLUGZEUGKONZERN: Boeing verdoppelt seinen Gewinn
20070131             —GEBLIEBEN, VERFASSUNGSGERICHT—ENTSCHEIDUNG: "Da ist kein Stein auf dem anderen "
20070131             Fall EL—MASRI: Ermittlungen gegen "Stern"- Reporter
20070131             Erwärmung: Forscher sagen für SYDNEY KLIMA—KATASTROPHE voraus - Fall EL—MASRI: 5—MONATE verschwunden
20070131             Übergewicht: NEW—YORK wird HAUPTSTADT—DER—DIABETES
20070131             Private Gefängnisse: "Die ziehen die Schrauben ganz schön an"
20070131             TORNADO—MANDAT: "Wir waren in AFGHANISTAN nie neutral"
20070131             RAF—DEBATTE: "Begnadigt wird nicht die Tat, sondern der Mensch"
20070131             —HEADED, Caribe Air Transport, 1—COMPANY, by DIETRICH—REINHARDT,
20070131             family members - that crashed
20070131             Das zumindest schließt der USA—BIOLOGE PHIL—SENTER aus einem Versuch mit einem nachgebauten BAMBIRAPTOR—SKELETT,
20070131             mit dem er testete, wie sich die ARM—UND Fingerknochen bewegen ließen.
20070131             Sollte sich die Vermutung des Wissenschaftlers bestätigen, hätten die SAURIER—NACH heutigem Wissen die Vorfahren der —HEUTE lebenden VÖGEL—DIE Greiffunktion Millionen Jahre vor den Primaten entwickelt,
20070131             die bislang als evolutionäre Erfinder dieser Fähigkeit galten.
20070131             Senter, der am Lamar STATE—COLLEGE im texanischen ORANGE arbeitet, will mit seinen Versuchen herausgefunden haben,
20070131             dass der Bambiraptor feinbergi seine Beute mit beiden Armen festhalten oder einen seiner langen Arme nutzen konnte,
20070131             um Futter an sein Maul zu führen.
20070131             Zusätzlich sei der kleine Fleischfresser,
20070131             der nur etwa 35—ZENTIMETER hoch und einen Meter lang wurde, auch in der Lage gewesen,
20070131             die Spitzen der äußeren beiden seiner 3—FINGER ZUSAMMENZUFÜHREN—ÄHNLICH wie 1—MENSCH mit der Daumenspitze die Spitze des Mittelfingers berühren kann.
20070131             Eine solche Fähigkeit ist nach Senters Angaben —BISHER bei keinem anderen Dinosaurier gefunden worden,
20070131             berichtete das Wissenschaftsmagazin "New Scientist".
20070131             JANUAR—SENSATION: Winterschock am Jobmarkt bleibt aus
20070131             In einem ähnlichen Entführungsfall eines angeblichen TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN in Italien hatte die Mailänder Justiz —BEREITS vor Monaten 26—MITARBEITER—DES—USA—GEHEIMDIENSTES angeklagt,
20070131             das Anhörungsverfahren in diesem Fall läuft —BEREITS.
20070131             KEINER—DER—BESCHULDIGTEN,
20070131             darunter auch ehemals offiziell akkreditierte MITARBEITER—VON—USA—BOTSCHAFTEN in Italien, erschien —BISHER zu den Terminen in Mailand.
20070131             sagte Masri.
20070131             "Sie sagten, sie wollten nichts mehr wissen und nichts mehr davon hören".
20070131             Die Namen hatten die Ermittler aus Spanien bekommen, wo die Maschine vor ihrem Flug nach Mazedonien registriert worden war.
20070131             Fall Khaled EL—MASRI: Von NEU—ULM in den Kabuler Kellerknast
20070131             Fotostrecke starten: Klicken Sie auf 1—BILD (8—BILDER) Der Haftbefehl der Münchner Ermittler führt die Tarnnamen und weitere Personalangaben der 13—VERDÄCHTIGEN auf.
20070131             Allerdings dürfte sich 1—FESTNAHME der Verdächtigen schwierig gestalten,
20070131             da der deutsche Haftbefehl in den USA keine Gültigkeit hat und die amerikanische Justiz es bislang ablehnt, den deutschen Ermittlern zu helfen.
20070131             Bei den 13—PERSONEN handelt es sich nach Angaben aus Justizkreisen um die Piloten der Maschine,
20070131             mit der Masri entführt worden ist sowie um einen Arzt und MITGLIEDER—DES—KOMMANDOS, das an der Entführung beteiligt war.
20070131             Ob es sich um offizielle MITARBEITER—DES—USA—GEHEIMDIENSTES oder um 1—VON—DER—CIA beauftragte Firma handelt, war —ZUNÄCHST noch unklar.
20070131             MÜNCHEN—DIE Haftbefehle wurden —NACH—DEN Worten von STAATSANWALT—CHRISTIAN—SCHMIDT—SOMMERFELD in den vergangenen Tagen erlassen.
20070131             "Auf unseren Antrag hat das Amtsgericht München gegen 13—MUTMASSLICHE Entführer des Khaled EL—MASRI wegen des Verdachts der Freiheitsberaubung und der gefährlichen Körperverletzung einen Haftbefehl erlassen",
20070131             sagte Oberstaatsanwalt AUGUST—STERN dem NDR.
20070131             BIRMINGHAM: Terroristen planten Entführung und Enthauptung in Großbritannien
20070131             Fall EL—MASRI: Deutsche Justiz erlässt Haftbefehle gegen 13—CIA—AGENTEN
20070131             Bundesverfassungsgericht: Erbschaftsurteil setzt Politik unter Druck
20070131             Analyse: Der Dschihadismus wird unberechenbarer
20070131             Jahreswirtschaftsbericht 20070000             :
20070131             Bundesregierung hebt Wachstumsprognose an
20070131             —FUNKTIONIERT, Steuern: So, das Erben
20070131             —VERHINDERT, Razzien: Britische Polizei, Terroranschlag
20070131             Präzisionsgriff: Raubsaurier hatte PINZETTEN—KLAUEN
20070131             Geheimdienste: Haftbefehle gegen CIA—MITARBEITER im Fall Masri
20070131             Milliardendeal in Stahlindustrie: Tata Steel schluckt Corus
20070131             Finanzsanktionen: Nordkorea droht mit neuem Atomtest
20070131             Irak: USA vermuten IRAN hinter tödlichem Angriff auf USA—STÜTZPUNKT
20070131             Späte Reue: EX—WERBESTAR Krug entschuldigt sich bei T- Aktionären
20070131             Bundesverfassungsgericht: Erbschaftsteuer verstößt gegen das Grundgesetz
20070131             wtc 11.9 - Scripps HOWARD—NEWS—SERVICE 20060803              3. of Americans suspect 20010911
20070131             BUSH droht IRAN und Syrien, Offensive in ANBAR—PROVINZ angekündigt...
20070131             Der italienische Philosoph ANTONIO—GRAMSCI wurde als Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Faschismus.
20070131             Wiederaufbauplan: Milliarden für NEW—ORLEANS
20070131             Gefährdete AIRBUS—JOBS: SPD sagt EADS den Kampf an
20070131             NEW—YORK: 1. Todesurteil —SEIT Jahrzehnten
20070131             ERBSCHAFTSSTEUER—URTEIL: Omas Häuschen könnte teuer werden
20070131             Havanna: Kubanisches Fernsehen zeigt BILDER—VON—ERKRANKTEM—CASTRO
20070131             Beobachtung: Sexuelle Nötigung unter Schimpansen
20070131             REMAINS—OF—VILLAGE Found Near Stonehenge
20070131             1—VILLAGE of small houses that may have sheltered the builders of the mysterious STONEHENGE—OR people attending festivals THERE—HAS been found by archaeologists studying the stone circle in ENGLAND.
20070131             How Kerry Votes Were Switched to BUSH Votes 20040000             —THE—OHIO Presidential Election: Cuyahoga County Analysis.
20070131             DOUCHEBAGS—OF—THE—WEEK! 10—SENATORS have voted to further delay raising the minimum wage.
20070131             2—OF—THOSE 10—SENATORS are multimillionaires with 1 combined fortune of up to $35.5—MILLION.
20070131             1—OF—THEM built his fortune with 1—LITTLE—HELP from the lottery.
20070131             And what the hell, let's throw ROY—BLUNT on the pile too.
20070131             FBI turns to broad new wiretap method They're spying on you right —NOW.
20070131             —CHAINED, Lawyer says Hicks, to cell floor:
20070131             THE—AUSTRALIA—LAWYER for GUANTANAMO detainee DAVID—HICKS says his client is chained to the floor of his cell and has not seen sunlight for months.
20070131             GUANTANAMO conditions 'like 1—NAZI camp':
20070131             —DESCRIBED, DAVID—HICKS'—USA—LAWYER has, conditions at GUANTANAMO Bay, where he has been held —FOR—5—YEARS, as "like 1—NAZI concentration camp".
20070131             USA court reinstates most serious Padilla charge:
20070131             —REINSTATED, A—USA—APPEALS court, the most serious charge against alleged al Qaeda operative Jose Padilla —ON—TUESDAY,
20070131             reviving 1—MURDER—CONSPIRACY charge that could imprison the former "enemy combatant" for life.
20070131             "We Probably Gave Powell the Wrong Speech":
20070131             Spy CHIEF denies role in CIA 'kidnap'
20070131             ; MILAN—ITALY—FORMER—SPY CHIEF told 1—MILAN COURT—ON—MONDAY he felt like 1—SCAPEGOAT as 1—JUDGE considered indicting him along with CIA agents on charges of kidnapping 1—TERRORISM suspect in Milan, his lawyer said.
20070131             TSUNAMI—AFFECTED women in INDIA sell kidneys for survival:
20070131             —AFFECTED, POVERTY—STRICKEN INDIA—WOMEN, by 20041200             —THE tsunami have been selling their kidneys for survival, news reports said —MONDAY.
20070131             Climate change means hunger and thirst for billions: report:
20070131             BILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE will suffer water shortages and the number of hungry will grow by HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS
20070131             Resource Wars : The close relation between war and natural resources is of long standing.
20070131             What else was colonial conquest about?
20070131             Vast estates held by THE—HOLLAND—EAST—INDIA Company came under direct CONTROL—OF—THE—CROWN as did the lands conquered by THE—UK—EAST—INDIA Company.
20070131             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION in hot seat over warming:
20070131             —RECEIVED, Lawmakers, survey results of federal scientists that showed 46—PERCENT felt pressure to eliminate the words "climate change," "global warming" or similar terms from communications about their work
20070131             FBI turns to broad new wiretap method:
20070131             EU wants to keep limits on USA passenger data use:
20070131             —REACHED, Under 1—TEMPORARY—DEAL, in ;;10;;
20070131             as PART—OF—USA efforts to combat terrorism,
20070131             European airlines must pass on up to 34—ITEMS—OF—DATA, including passengers' addresses and credit card details, to be allowed to land at USA airports.
20070131             Bush gives WHITE—HOUSE greater control over government agencies:
20070131             THE—WHITE—HOUSE will thus have 1—GATEKEEPER in EACH—AGENCY to analyze the costs and THE—BENEFITS—OF—NEW—RULES and to make sure the agencies carry out THE—PRESIDENT—PRIORITIES.
20070131             1—IRON—CURTAIN is Descending: And Most Americans Don't Know:
20070131             "Why are you travelling so often to CANADA?" the tough USA border guard barked.
20070131             I was on Amtrak, going from NEW—YORK to MONTREAL, as I'd done DOZEN—OF—TIMES —BEFORE over several decades.
20070131             This was my 1. experience (—SUMMER 20060000             ) of the increasingly standard and intrusive "USA Exit Interviews" on trains crossing the border.
20070131             Anonymous ANTI—MUSLIM flier raises ire: JOEL—HARPER couldn't believe his eyes.
20070131             THE—PIECE—OF—PAPER that hung on his front door didn't advertise the usual pizza deal or offer to trim his trees.
20070131             Rather, it was selling 1—MESSAGE of hate in THE—NAME—OF—GOD.
20070131             As cheerleaders for ISRAEL go, it is hard to beat ALAN—DERSHOWITZ.
20070131             If ever there was 1—COWARD and 1—HYPOCRITE -- it has to be this Likudnik operator who postures as a 'liberal' in search of an 'honest debate' on the merits of tormenting the Palestinians.
20070131             Nasrallah: Bush made LEBANON chaos:
20070131             —ACCUSED, HASSAN—NASRALLAH, THE—LEADER—OF—HEZBOLLAH, has, GEORGE—BUSH of creating chaos in LEBANON + rejected THE—USA—PRESIDENT—LATEST—CRITICISMS of the Shia group
20070131             USA must abandon IRAQ—CITIES or face nightmare scenario, say experts:
20070131             THE—USA must draw up plans to deal with 1—ALL—OUT IRAQ—CIVIL—WAR that would kill HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS,
20070131             create MILLIONS—OF—REFUGEES, and could spill over into 1—REGIONAL—CATASTROPHE, disrupting oil supplies and setting up 1—DIRECT—CONFRONTATION between WASHINGTON and IRAN.
20070131             "Time is short" for IRAQ turnaround: USA—COMMANDER:
20070131             1—ADMIRAL nominated to lead USA—FORCES in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, has said that the previous USA—STRATEGY in IRAQ was not working and "time is short" to implement 1—ALTERNATIVE.
20070131             'USA poised to attack,' claims BULGARIA—AGENCY:
20070131             THE—USA "could be using its 2—AIR—FORCE bases in BULGARIA and 1 at ROMANIA—BLACK—SEA coast to launch 1—ATTACK on IRAN in ;;04;;," THE—BULGARIA—NEWS—AGENCY Novinite claimed.
20070131             Manufacturing consent for war with IRAN: Raid In IRAQ Found EVIDENCE—OF—IRANIAN—AID—TO—MILITIAS—TV:
20070131             —DURING 1—RECENT—RAID in THE—IRAQ—CITY—OF—IRBIL in which Iranians were detained,
20070131             THE—USA—FOUND what SOME—OFFICIALS—CLAIM is evidence IRAN is providing aid to insurgents and militias, NBC News reported —TUESDAY.
20070131             Bush 'spoiling for 1—FIGHT' with IRAN:
20070131             —EXPECTED, USA—OFFICIALS in BAGHDAD and WASHINGTON are, to unveil 1—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE "dossier" this —WEEK detailing EVIDENCE—OF—IRAN'S alleged complicity in attacks on USA—TROOPS in IRAQ.
20070131             The move, uncomfortably echoing Downing STREET—DOSSIER debacle in THE—RUN—UP to 20030000             —THE—IRAQ invasion,
20070131             is 1—MORE—SIGN that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is building 1—CASE for war.
20070131             1—POWERFUL—IRAN not Tolerated by USA:
20070131             SENATOR—ROBERT—BYRD: Bush Wants War with IRAN:
20070131             Top Democrat SENATOR—ROBERT—BYRD is warning that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is preparing to go to war with IRAN.
20070131             He is —JUST drumming up new business for his chums.
20070131             Continue - New RULERS—OF—THE—WORLD
20070131             'Global economy' is 1—MODERN—ORWELLIAN term.
20070131             Beneath this gloss,
20070131             it is THE—GLOBALISATION—OF—POVERTY, 1—WORLD where most human beings never make 1—PHONE call and live on less than 2—DOLLARS 1—DAY,
20070131             where 6,000 children die EVERY—DAY from diarrhea because most have no access to clean water.
20070131             Continue - THE—DANGER—OF—BUSH—ANTI—IRAN Fatwa-
20070131             —BY—JUAN COLE—THE—PRESIDENT—DECISION to use force against Iranian "agents" inside IRAQ could snare innocent pilgrims,
20070131             and raises the risk of open warfare.
20070131             Continue - IRAN, ISRAEL, THE—BIG—LIE and THE—REAL—THREAT
20070131             "Attempting to portray IRAN as 1—NUCLEAR—MENACE to ISRAEL and the world,
20070131             in that order, even though it has no nuclear weapons and ISRAEL has hundreds, is not merely 1—SIGN of dementia.
20070131             It is indication of near idiocy in 1—SOCIETY that can be repeatedly manipulated into believing such totally crackpot notions that have no foundation in the material world but exist only in 1—WORLD of superstitious PSYCHO—FANTASY".
20070131             BARRY—LANDO, 1—FORMER 60—MINUTES producer, examines how THE—USA has meddled in IRAQ dating back to the Eisenhower administration.
20070131             He also looks at how the Reagan and BUSH—ADMINISTRATION helped arm Saddam Hussein at 1—TIME —WHEN he was committing his deadliest atrocities.
20070131             The realities of THE—IRAQ War cry out for the overthrow of 1—GOVERNMENT that is criminally responsible for death,
20070131             mutilation, torture, humiliation, chaos.
20070131             But all we hear in the nation's capital,
20070131             which is the source of those catastrophes, is 1—WHIMPER from THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY,
20070131             muttering and nattering about "unity" and "bipartisanship," in 1—SITUATION that calls for bold action to —IMMEDIATELY reverse the present course.
20070131             Judith Miller -- Yes That 1 -- Adds to the Testimony Trail that Libby Lied, Which is to Say That He Committed Perjury.
20070131             "Miller also discussed a 2. meeting with Libby,
20070131             —MENTIONED, She said Libby, that WILSON—WIFE worked for 1—CIA division specializing in WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION".
20070131             Congress can stop IRAQ war, experts tell lawmakers 1/31
20070131             Gerry Spence, Tell Us What You Really Think!
20070131             "Bloodthirsty Bitches and Pious PIMPS—OF—POWER:
20070131             THE—RISE and RISKS—OF—THE—NEW—CONSERVATIVE—HATE Culture"( Hardcover). - ROGER—GERRY, Over and Out!
20070131             EVERY—DAY, more of the sordid TALE—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY?s NO—HOLDS—BARRED effort to get his way on THE—IRAQ war is coming out.
20070131             As WHITE—HOUSE Counsel, Gonzales Vetted PlameGate Documents 1/31
20070131             THE—DEMOCRATIC—CHAIRMAN—OF—1—HOUSE panel examining the government's response to climate change said —TUESDAY there is evidence that senior BUSH—ADMINISTRATION officials sought repeatedly "to mislead the public by injecting doubt into the science of global warming".
20070131             Russland: Stromausfall hält Tausende in U- Bahnen fest - - The
20070131             Free INTERNET Press
20070131             —RELEASED, GERMANY—NDR television, 1—LIST—OF—THE—NAMES of the suspected agents - 11—MEN + 2 ...
20070131             CANOE -- CNEWS—WORLD: GERMANY issues arrest warrants for 13 ...
20070131             —SUSPECTED, GERMANY issues ARREST WARRANTS for 13, CIA agents
20070131             —RELEASED, NDR television, 1—LIST—OF—11—MEN and 2—WOMEN reportedly named in the warrants.
20070131             —ISSUED, Warrants, in GERMANY KIDNAPPING—YAHOO!
20070131             CIA—ORCHESTRATED kidnapping of 1—GERMANY—CITIZEN in the agency's
20070131             —RELEASED, GERMANY—NDR television, 1—LIST—OF—THE—NAMES of the 13— 11—MEN and 2—WOMEN...
20070131             Warrants Issued in GERMANY KIDNAPPING—FORBES com
20070131             —RELEASED, GERMANY—NDR television, 1—LIST—OF—THE—NAMES of the 13 - 11—MEN and 2—WOMEN
20070131             —RELEASED, He has said he was, in ALBANIA
20070131             ROCKFORD Register Star | Web SITE—OF—THE—ROCK River Valley
20070131             —ISSUED, BERLIN (AP) -- ARREST WARRANTS were, for 13—PEOPLE in connection with
20070131             leads with word that GERMANY—INVESTIGATORS have recommended arrest warrants
20070131             be issued for 13—USA—INTELLIGENCE operatives who were involved with the "extraordinary rendition" of 1—GERMANY—CITIZEN.
20070131             THE—WASHINGTON—POST - lead with the increasing debate among Republican senators
20070131             —ON how best to respond to PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send more troops to IRAQ.
20070131             USA—TODAY - leads with 1—LOOK at how at least 12—STATES are discussing whether they should use their budget surpluses to decrease business taxes
20070131             in 1—EFFORT to lure investors.
20070131             The paper says this is 1—CHANGE —SINCE states have traditionally preferred to target personal taxes.
20070131             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox with news that at least 58—PEOPLE were killed
20070131             in IRAQ —YESTERDAY "—DURING rites" on the Shiite holy —DAY—OF—ASHURA.
20070131             THE—NYT notes that —LAST—YEAR there were less than 12
20070131             † people killed on the holiday, but 20040000              at least 180—PEOPLE.
20070131             De topboord van het Canadese.
20070131             Bud BURRELL—BLOG—ALERT: JOHN—DEUSS—REPORTED to have been...
20070131             Re: ALERT: JOHN—DEUSS—REPORTED to have been Arrested and Extradited to Holland for Trial.
20070131             —BY—INTHEKNOW on 20061018             —0948—AM. and where did MARK VALENTINE...
20070131             —EARLIER—TUESDAY, the jury saw notes LIBBY took on or about 20070612              that indicated CHENEY himself told LIBBY then that the war critic's wife worked at THE—CIA.
20070131             " THE—AP reports. "Fleischer said the conversation happened 20030707             , days —BEFORE Libby told investigators he was surprised to learn about THE—CIA—OPERATIVE from 1—REPORTER.
20070131             5—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS, including EX—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—ARI—FLEISCHER, also have testified that they discussed Plame and her CIA job with Libby —BEFORE 20070710           .
20070131             wtc 11.9—SCRIPPS HOWARD—NEWS—SERVICE 20060803              3. of Americans suspect 20010911             ... Bush droht IRAN und Syrien, Offensive in ANBAR—PROVINZ angekündigt...
20070131             telegehirn " WordPress_com —TAG Feed
20070131             Mir sind die Ideen und Ziele eines Fidel Castros oder CHE—GUEVARAS allemal lieber als die reale Politik einer Skulls and Bones Bagage und ihrer Hilfstruppen...
20070131             Buñuel... wie Joseph im übrigen auch, der mit dem Küster (BERNARD—MUSSON) antisemitische + antibolschewistische Parolen schwingt + Aktionen vorbereiten will.
20070131             PETER—MÖLLER: STALINISMUS—GESCHICHTE, Ursachen, Hintergründe 6 ...
20070131             SOWJET—WIKIPEDIA... die bolschewistische revolutionäre Staatsführung fundamentale Oppositionsbewegungen oder antibolschewistische Strömungen nicht vollkommen akzeptieren.
20070131             Seine geographische Lage + antibolschewistische Gesinnung schien es zu einem idealen...
20070131             JAPAN, hatte die antibolschewistische gesinnte Armee mit den...
20070131             Antibolschewistische LIGA—WIKIPEDIA Generalsekretariat zum Studium und zur Bekämpfung...
20070131             Kurze Zeit nach ihrer Gründung wurde die Antibolschewistische Liga in "Liga...
20070131             Antibolschewistische Front,Stadtler,WELTantiREVOLUTIONSKRIEG,IV.KAPITEL... antibolschewistische Flugblätter und Plakate massenweise zu verbreiten.
20070131             —SUSPECTED, Germans issue arrest warrants for 13, CIA agents : The unidentified agents are being sought on suspicion of the wrongful imprisonment of Khaled AL—MASRI and causing him serious bodily harm, MUNICH prosecutor CHRISTIAN—SCHMIDT—SOMMERFELD told THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS.
20070131             SWEDEN—FURY as IRAQ—EMBASSY issues 'false' passports : THE—IRAQ—EMBASSY in STOCKHOLM has issued THOUSANDS—OF—PASSPORTS with false information to asylum seekers, helping them gain residency in SWEDEN or NORWAY under fake identities, immigration officials have revealed.
20070131             Dahr Jamail: JORDAN—BECOMES 1—DOUBTFUL—REFUGE: JORDAN and Syria are the only 2—COUNTRIES where fleeing Iraqis can hope to find shelter.
20070131             9—HELD in UK 'ANTI—TERROR' raids : 9—PEOPLE have been arrested in THE—UK in connection with 1 alleged plot to kidnap and possibly kill 1—MUSLIM—UK—SOLDIER.
20070131             AUSTRALIA denies Solomons plot : AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER has denied 1—EXPLOSIVE allegation that his government offered 1—BOUNTY for THE—MURDER—OF—HIS—SOLOMON—ISLANDS' counterpart.
20070131             Protesters storm ECUADOR—CONGRESS : MEMBERS—OF—THE 100-member congress fled as demonstrators carrying sticks and bottles briefly entered the building, —BEFORE being forced back by police.
20070131             ECUADOR won't recognize Occidental claim : A 2—YEAR—LONG—DISPUTE with THE—LOS—ANGELES—BASED company led ECUADOR to cancel its contract with Occidental, which produced about 100,000 barrels of crude daily in ECUADOR + seize its facilities.
20070131             Chavez gets green light for sweeping government overhaul : VENEZUELA—LAWMAKERS granted firebrand PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ the power to rule by decree for the next 18—MONTHS and SINGLE—HANDEDLY transform THE—INSTITUTIONS—OF—THE—WORLD—5.—LARGEST oil exporter.
20070131             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ exports 1—FORM—OF "radical populism" —THROUGHOUT Latin AMERICAN—THAT poses 1—THREAT to democracy, the top USA—INTELLIGENCE official said —TUESDAY.
20070131             —FROM Local Police to Occupying Army : There are Peacekeepers deployed in USA—CITIES, but they're not under UN command.
20070131             ISRAEL—OLMERT looks to steal more Palestinan land : - ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT is investigating the possibility of extending 1—WEST—BANK barrier to include 2—ILLEGAL—JEWISH—SETTLEMENTS that have been excluded from the project, his office said on —WEDNESDAY.
20070131             IRAQ—MESSIANIC—CULT denies involvement in battle : 1—SHI'ITE Muslim messianic cult, whose leader was reported to have been involved in fighting with USA and IRAQ—TROOPS, said on —TUESDAY it played no part in the battle in which about 260—PEOPLE were killed.
20070131             What the Media has Deliberately Concealed: The barbaric lynching of Saddam Hussein, THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—IRAQ, was 1 choreographed event, 1—CAREFULLY staged USA sponsored PSYOP, with 1—VIEW to triggering social divisions and fomenting sectarian violence within IRAQ and the broader MIDDLE—EAST.
20070131             NEW—YORK—TIMES, manufacturing consent for war with IRAN:
20070131             IRAN May Have Trained Attackers That Killed 5—USA—SOLDIERS—USA and Iraqis Say:
20070131             —ASTONISHED, The officials said THE—SOPHISTICATION—OF—THE—ATTACK, investigators, who doubt that Iraqis could have carried it out on their own — 1—REASON 1—CONNECTION to IRAN is being closely examined
20070131             FOX News, manufacturing consent for war with IRAN: Officials:
20070131             WHITE—HOUSE Holding Back Report Detailing IRAN—MEDDLING in IRAQ : 1—PLAN by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to release detailed and possibly damning specific evidence linking THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT to efforts to destabilize IRAQ have been put on hold, USA—OFFICIALS told FOX News.
20070131             IRANIAN—MADE IEDs Are the Most Deadly USA—FORCES Have Seen : The most deadly improvised explosive devices being used against USA—SOLDIERS in IRAQ continue to come from IRAN + IRAN continues to provide more tactical training, according to explosive experts working with THE—USA—MILITARY.
20070131             Time Magazine, manufacturing consent for war with IRAN: Are the Iranians Out for Revenge?
20070131             LA Times, manufacturing consent for war with IRAN:
20070131             AIR—FORCE—ROLE in IRAQ could grow : The heightened ROLE—OF—USA—AIR power in the volatile region is the latest SIGN—OF—TENSION between PRESIDENT—BUSH and IRAN—LEADERS.
20070131             Report: USA—PLANS strike against IRAN : THE—USA was drawing up plans to attack sites where IRAN is believed to be enriching uranium —BEFORE PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—CANDIDACY comes to 1—END, THE—UK—BASED Times reported on —WEDNESDAY.
20070131             USA—STRIKE group transits SUEZ Canal: 1—USA—NAVY strike group led by the assault ship USS Bataan steamed through THE—SUEZ Canal on —TUESDAY on its way to join THE—BUILDUP—OF—USA—FORCES in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070131             Europeans fear USA—ATTACK on IRAN as nuclear row intensifies : Senior European POLICY—MAKERS are increasingly worried that THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION will resort to air strikes against IRAN to try to destroy its suspect nuclear programme.
20070131             Senators warn of drift toward war with IRAN : Republican and Democratic senators warned against 1—DRIFT toward war with 1—EMBOLDENED—IRAN and suggested THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was missing 1—CHANCE to engage its longtime adversary in potentially helpful talks over NEXT—DOOR IRAQ.
20070131             Report Says IRAN Could Build Nukes In 2 To 3—YEARS : Both JOHN—NEGROPONTE, the head of national intelligence for THE—USA, and MOHAMED—ELBARADEI, director GENERAL—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY Agency, have said IRAN is perhaps 4—YEARS from the capacity to produce 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON.
20070131             USA accuses allies of dragging their feet over IRAN: Divisions are emerging in the West's united front towards IRAN with fears being voiced over the aggressive military posture adopted by AMERICA, —WHILE European allies are accused by THE—USA of dragging their feet.
20070131             Empire v. DEMOCRACY—WHY Nemesis Is at Our Door
20070131             —FROM the present vantage point, it certainly seems 1—DAUNTING challenge for ANY—PRESIDENT (or Congress) from either party even to begin the task of dismantling THE—MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX, ending the pall of "national security" secrecy and the "black budgets" that make public oversight of what our government does impossible + bringing THE—PRESIDENT—SECRET—ARMY, THE—CIA, under democratic control.
20070131             I—AM 1—PROUD—USA—DISSIDENT—BY JOEL—S—HIRSCHHORN—TO keep putting faith in glib, POWER—HUNGRY—POLITICIANS is plain nuts, based strictly on actual history.
20070131             USA 'Victory' Against Cult Leader Was 'Massacre'
20070131             —BY PATRICK—COCKBURN in BAGHDAD
20070131             There are growing suspicions in IRAQ that the official STORY—OF—THE—BATTLE—OUTSIDE—NAJAF between 1—MESSIANIC—IRAQ—CULT and THE—IRAQ—SECURITY forces supported by THE—USA, in which 263—PEOPLE were killed and 210 wounded, is 1—FABRICATION.
20070131             THE—REAL—GAME - The real game + 1—SUCCESSFUL 1 to date, is to let the Americans take the brunt of the fight with armed Sunni organizations, whether nationalist or Baathist or AL—QAEDA or whomever, —WHILE the Shiite militias get the softer job of terrorizing Sunni civilians and forcing them out.
20070131             THE—FAILURE—OF—AMERICA as 1—MORAL—FORCE
20070131             Hysteria at HERZLIYA—BY PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN—AMERICA is on 1—COLLISION course with 1—IRAN—OF—70—MILLION + the folks who stampeded us into IRAQ are firing pistols in the air again.
20070131             JOURNALIST—SY—HERSH—HAS—HARSH—WORDS for Bush
20070131             USA—MILITARY—KEPT Hostage to Political Abuse of POWE—BY CHARLES—MERCIECA, Ph.D.
20070131             THE—USA—NATION is built on 1—CAPITALISTIC—SYSTEM where the big corporations control the entire economy, including THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20070131             Hold Out Bush /Cheney Republicans ?
20070131             "USA—MAY have botched training of Iraqis"
20070131             Blockbuster? "Copies of handwritten notes by VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, introduced at trial by defense attorneys for FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE staffer I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, would appear to implicate GEORGE—W—BUSH in the Plame CIA Leak case".
20070131             JOE—BIDEN—MAKES—THE—DEM—PRESIDENTIAL—FIELD—CROWDED, Already Having 1—LITTLE—BIT—OF—1—PROBLEM with His "Candor" 2/1
20070131             FORMER—TIME magazine reporter MATTHEW—COOPER said Libby, Rove told him of Plame: "He said she worked on [WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION] for the agency," Cooper said.
20070131             "By that, I took it to mean THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE Agency, not the Environmental Protection Agency. We talked about it 1—BIT more. He said words to the effect, 'I've already said too much, I've got to go.'" 2/1
20070131             Molly Ivins is Winner of This —WEEK—BUZZFLASH—WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD.
20070131             The answer to that charge comes from the troops themselves: "Who the hell is shooting at us?" To leave our soldiers in the deathtrap of IRAQ is the true abandonment.
20070131             2/1 - Miller time As far as LIBBY—DEFENSE goes: This is pretty much it, then, eh wot?
20070131             EMPTYWHEEL—SPECULATIVE piece
20070131             "What I think happened" strikes me as our best, MOST—INFORMED guess as to THE—SEQUENCE—OF—EVENTS.
20070131             "Das mag nach einem Weltuntergangsszenario klingen, aber wir müssen uns dem stellen", sagte MORRIS—IEMMA, Regierungschef von New SOUTH—WALES, der die Studie beim renommierten australischen Forschungsinstitut CSIRO (AUSTRALIA—COMMONWEALTH Scientific and Research Organization) in Auftrag gegeben hatte.
20070131             Das Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) der Uno wird
20070131             in seinem neuen Bericht einen Anstieg der globalen Durchschnittstemperatur um —BIS zu 4,5 Grad —BIS 2100—VORHERSAGEN.
20070131             Das wahrscheinlichste Szenario des Reports, der am —FREITAG in PARIS offiziell vorgestellt werden soll, geht von einem Anstieg um 3—GRAD aus.
20070131             Umweltschützer haben angesichts der neuen Studie ihre Kritik an Ministerpräsident JOHN—HOWARD wiederholt, der das Klimaprotokoll von KYOTO —BISHER nicht unterzeichnet hat.
20070131             Howard lehnt das weiterhin AB—MIT Verweis auf die BOOM—LÄNDER CHINA und Indien, die auch nicht an das Abkommen zur Verminderung des CO2-Ausstoßes gebunden seien.
20070131             USA—CHIEF seeks new tack on IRAQ PRESIDENT—BUSH—CHOICE for CHIEF—OF—USA—FORCES in THE—MIDDLE—EAST urges a "new and different" approach in IRAQ.
20070131             Ancient Village Unearthed Near Stonehenge
20070131             The village, at 1—SITE known as Durrington Walls, dates from about the time Stonehenge was built, 2600—BCE.
20070131             —SPECULATED, The article says: "The researchers, that Durrington Walls was 1—PLACE for the living and Stonehenge — where cremated remains have been found — was 1—CEMETERY and memorial... Stonehenge was oriented to face the midsummer sunrise and midwinter sunset, —WHILE the wooden circle at Durrington Walls faced the midwinter sunrise and midsummer sunset".
20070131             ALEX—JONES—WATCH: #5, Citing KEVIN—RYAN and UL LABS—BG —TODAY (—AROUND 12:45 Central) Alex was interviewing 1—REPRESENTATIVE from the local UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS—STUDENT—GROUP.
20070131             ALEX—SAID KEVIN—RYAN (Links: KEVIN—RYAN on Google Video and What is 20010911              Truth? — The 1. Steps, MANUEL—GARCIA—SEES—PHYSICS—THAT—DON'T Exist) was THE—HEAD—OF—1—SIGNIFICANT—DIVISION with access with confidential info or secret tests, which is 1—CRUDE and misleading description of Kevin, his position and his knowledge.
20070131             Fredericton Peace Coalition Weblog " ISRAEL—KNESSET passes law to revoke citizenship of 'unpatriotic' ISRAELIS—SENT Using Google Toolbar
20070131             USA—DOCTORS who treat terrorists can be prosecuted | JERUSALEM POST—BG USA—DOCTORS who treat terrorists can be prosecuted | JERUSALEM Post
20070131             Libby Trial and AQ Khan
20070131             —INTERVENED, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY, it turned out, to obtain 1—NON—BID, monopoly contract on cleaning up the sewage that pours from TIJUANA into coastal waters off S—DIEGO.
20070131             Libby Trial UPDATE—BG A Damning WITNESS—NEWSWEEK POLITICS—MISS—NBC_com
20070131             UN Investigator: Torture 'Routine' in JORDAN—BG Source:
20070131             Updated: THE—MYTH—OF—THE—PALESTINE—SUICIDE Bomber
20070131             —WHILE THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT has turned THE—GAZA strip and WEST—BANK—REGIONS—OF—PALESTINE into virtual prison camps, there is 1—SECTION—OF—THE—PALESTINE—COMMUNITY that appears to enjoy unhindered FREEDOM—OF—MOVEMENT and 1—BLIND—EYE form THE—ISRAEL—CAMPS guards: "suicide bombers".
20070131             At 9.45—THIS —MORNING (Eilat time), we are told that a "PALESTINE—SUICIDE bomber" detonated his explosives in 1—SMALL bakery, killing 3—PEOPLE and himself.
20070131             —ATTRIBUTED, As with EVERY—OTHER "suicide bombing", to Palestinians over the past 6—YEARS, we are forced to rely only on THE—CLAIMS—OF—ISRAEL—STATE security forces that EACH—BOMBING was indeed a "suicide" attack.
20070131             Such claims are almost always made within MINUTES—OF—THE—EVENT, subsequently propagating VIRUS—LIKE—AROUND the world's news agencies so that, by the time the world public gets WIND—OF—THE—NEWS, it is already 1 closed case.
20070131             There is however much to be gained from looking at the details of these alleged suicide bombings, because —WHEN we do, problems with the story invariably arise, not to mention uncomfortable questions.
20070131             THEN—REUTERS informs us:
20070131             Islamic Jihad, AL—AQSA Martyrs Brigades -- PART—OF—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS—FATAH faction -- and the previously unknown "ARMY—OF—BELIEVERS" EACH—SAID it carried out the attack, the 1. PALESTINE—BOMBING in ISRAEL —SINCE April.
20070131             And 1—ISLAMIC—JIHAD spokesman Khader Habib had this comment: "We don't have ANY—INFORMATION that our movement is responsible. But anyway this is PART—OF—OUR right to resist occupation. It's 1—NORMAL—REACTION against ACTS—OF—ISRAEL—OCCUPATION on our people which never stop," he said.
20070131             So What Happened in Najaf?
20070131             THE—IRAQ—OFFICIALS can't agree on who they were fighting or who their leader was, so how did they figure out all these colourful details about "brainwashed women and children" and the intentions of killing all clerics or bombing the shrine or taking over the shrine, etc.?
20070131             Zeyad, Healing IRAQ
20070131             Gulfnews: Army admits to extrajudicial KILLINGS—BG Gulfnews: Army admits to extrajudicial killings
20070131             LEBANON Crisis Fails Mediation, Plays into ISRAEL—HANDS
20070131             The crisis in LEBANON is rapidly accumulating the potential to plunge the country in a 2. civil war, —WHILE ISRAEL is closely watching on the sidelines for the right moment to exploit the ensuing security vulnerability and finish THE—LEBANON—DIVIDE off by intervening militarily to conclude what... Source:
20070131             STEVE—WATSON & ALEX—JONES—INFOWARS_net —MONDAY,
20070131             Politics: Dispatches From the Scooter Libby Trial
20070131             POLITICS—DISPATCHES From the Scooter Libby Trial
20070131             —BY JOHN—DICKERSON, Dahlia Lithwick, and SETH—STEVENSON
20070131             Updated —MONDAY, 20070129             , at 7:44 PM ET
20070131             —FROM : JOHN—DICKERSON—SUBJECT: My Surreal —DAY at the Libby Trial
20070131             —POSTED—MONDAY, 20070129             , at 7:44 PM ET
20070131             In his testimony —TODAY, FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE press SECRETARY—ARI—FLEISCHER told the courtroom--which included me--that —WHEN I was 1—WHITE—HOUSE correspondent for Time magazine, he had told me that JOE—WILSON—WIFE worked at THE—CIA.
20070131             To continue reading, click here. GlobalAgora TEAM—BG
20070131             NICHOLAS—MATZORKIS, FOUNDER—AND—CEO, is the visionary behind GlobalAgora.
20070131             MISTER—MATZORKIS' skills encompass PRESIDENT/CEO management experience, world standard HANDS—ON INTERNET technology expertise + 1—NOTABLE—TRACK record of marketing strategy successes.
20070131             —FOUNDED, Previously, MISTER—MATZORKIS, USA—SEARCH which became the number 1—PEOPLE locator service in the world, a 100—MOST—VISITED web site + the top DISTRIBUTOR—OF—PUBLIC—RECORD information on THE—INTERNET.
20070131             He is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—COUNCIL on Foreign Relations, THE—INTERNATIONAL—INSITUTUTE of Strategic Studies, the Advisory BOARD—OF—RAND, the Pacific Council on INTERNATIONAL Policy, THE—COMMITTEE—ON—FOREIGN—RELATIONS in LOS—ANGELES, THE—WEST—JUSTICE Center + has served as 1—PARTICIPANT in the World Economic Forum and the Aspen Institute.
20070131             He is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—VISITORS—OF—THE—LAW SCHOOLS—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—OREGON and Pepperdine University and is active in the affairs of his alma mater, Yale University.
20070131             —CHAIRED, He —RECENTLY, 1—PANEL at THE—UNITED—NATIONS on E—COMMERCE and is 1—CO—AUTHOR—OF "Economic Strategy and National Security".
20070131             Mao Dong Sheng, Managing DIRECTOR—OF—THE—WUHAN—DEPARTMENT—STORE—GROUP, MEMBER—OF—THE—PEOPLE—CONGRESS representing Hubei Province + is also currently THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—NATIONAL—TRADE—UNION—OF—CHINA, the industry body that represents 1—TOTAL—OF—20—GROUPS—OF—STATE—OWNED department store groups with 1 combined per annum gross revenues of RMB 40—BIL ($5B USA).
20070131             MISTER—MAO, 1—ECONOMIST by training has more than 30—YEARS experience in the retailing industry.
20070131             WILLIAM—CHOI, Founder, Chairman and Managing DIRECTOR—OF—HUDSON—HOLDINGS has over 15—YEARS experience in property development and retail operations in HONG—KONG, THE—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA and MACAU.
20070131             —SERVED, MISTER—SNOWDEN has, as CHIEF—TECHNOLOGY—ADVISOR to MISTER—MATZORKIS for 1—PERIOD—OF—4—YEARS and has overseen the development of THE—PATENT—PENDING source code powering GLOBALAGORA—CHINA—WIRELESS—INTERNET technology platform.
20070131             ROBERT—ZAKARI—ESQ., GENERAL—COUNSEL, GlobalAgora INCORPORATED, previously served as GENERAL—COUNSEL for Xdrive Technologies in Santa Monica, CA from.
20070131             N.K. Low has 20—YEARS' experience in banking securities analysis and operation responsibilities with THE—SINGAPORE subsidiaries of various USA Financial institutions and multinational corporations such as BANK—OF—AMERICA, KFC, Citicorp Scrimgeour Vickers and Bankers Trust.
20070131             —SERVED, —PRIOR—TO USA—SEARCH, MISTER—MAZURSKY, as CFO for Hard Rock Cafe USA.
20070131             —UNTIL—RECENTLY, he was THE—CHIEF—INVESTMENT—OFFICER for ASIA at Rothchild Asset Management (HONG—KONG) Limited.
20070131             —SERVED, —PRIOR—TO GLOBALAGORA—CHINA, MISS—DEPIERO, as project manager and HTML programmer with Xdrive technologies in Santa Monica CALIFORNIA.
20070131             Jevin HERNANDEZ—USA—OPERATIONS and Sales Manager, GlobalAgora, INCORPORATED.
20070131             —SERVED, —PRIOR—TO iVideoNow, MISTER—HERNANDEZ, as V USA—OPERATIONS and Sales s for USA—SEARCH_com from.
20070131             Bush Directive Increases Sway on REGULATION—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070131             FBI turns to broad new wiretap method | Tech News on ZDNet
20070131             Airborne Laser to TEST—FIRE in FLIGHT—AIR—FORCE News, military news, opinions, editorials, news from IRAQ, Militay Times Poll, special REPORTS—AIR
20070131             1—MODIFIED—BOEING 747-400F known as the Airborne Laser, will TEST—FIRE its LOW—POWER laser in flight for the 1. time as PART—OF—1—LONG—TERM—TEST phase at THE—AIR—FORCE Flight Test Center at Edwards AIR—FORCE BASE—CALIFORNIA, according to 1—AIR—FORCE report.
20070131             Fleischer Tells Jury That Libby Told Him About PLAME—WASHINGTONPOST_com
20070131             - BG Fleischer Tells Jury That Libby Told Him About Plame
20070131             Tags: ARI—FLEISCHER, Valerie Plame Wilson
20070131             Hillary Fibs in IOWA About Ethanol, Voted Against It
20070131             If lying to the public about matters of grave importance were 1—IMPEACHABLE—OFFENSE, however, almost no PRESIDENT--including, for starters, FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT and his deceptions regarding LEND—LEASE--would survive.
20070131             Big Business Buys SILENCE—OF—TOLL Road Critical Newspapers
20070131             - BG Foreign corporation in desperate lunge to quell massive popular dissent against Trans TEXAS Corridor & NORTH—USA—UNION
20070131             Smoking Is Healthier Than Fascism
20070131             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—SMOKING Ban Is About Government Control;
20070131             Infowars Exclusive: 7/7—BUS Bomb Survivor Describes "Agents" At Scene
20070131             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—IN Immediate Aftermath Witness claims 1—GROUP—OF—SECRET—SERVICE operatives and
20070131             Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population
20070131             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—HOLLYWOOD director Russo goes IN—DEPTH for 1. time on the astounding admissions of Nick
20070131             "I would suggest moving back,"- Admin Comments
20070131             —ROARED, NEWSWEEK notes, "As the engine, to life, WHITE—HOUSE staffers tried to steer the press corps to safety, but —WHEN the tractor lurched forward, they too were forced to scramble for safety.
20070131             Even THE—SECRET—SERVICE got involved, as
20070131             1—AGENT began yelling at reporters to get clear of the tractor.
20070131             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Has Pressured HALF—OF—GOV'T Scientists To Downplay Global WARMING—AMANDA Comments
20070131             1—NEW—REPORT presented to the House Oversight and Government Reform COMMITTEE—BY—THE—UNION—OF—CONCERNED—SCIENTISTS and the Government Accountability Project shows 435—INSTANCES in which THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION interfered into the global warming WORK—OF—GOVERNMENT scientists over the past 5—YEARS.
20070131             — 38—PERCENT "perceived or personally experienced the disappearance or unusual DELAY—OF—WEBSITES, reports, or other SCIENCE—BASED materials relating to climate".
20070131             — 25—PERCENT "perceived or personally experienced situations in which scientists have actively objected to, resigned from, or removed themselves from 1—PROJECT BECAUSE—OF—PRESSURE to change scientific findings".
20070131             JAMES—HANSEN, the government's top global warming researcher, has also revealed that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION tried to prevent him from speaking freely about global warming to the media.
20070131             Senate Multimillionares Vote To Block Minimum Wage HIKE—NICO—COMMENTS
20070131             —AFTER repeated delays by conservatives, the Senate voted 87—10—TODAY to
20070131             end debate on legislation that will raise the minimum wage for the 1. time in 1—DECADE, from $5.15 to $7.25. The bill will move to 1—FULL—VOTE in the next several days.
20070131             10—RIGHT—WING senators stuck together and
20070131             voted to further delay raising the minimum wage :
20070131             Despite their enormous personal wealth, they refuse to grant even 1—SMALL raise to the nearly 8—MILLION Americans who live on $5.15 an —HOUR: SENATOR—JUDD—GREGG (R—NH)
20070131             KEY QUOTE: "If you start losing jobs because you raise minimum wage too quickly, too fast that small employers can't afford it, that's going to have 1—EFFECT on peoples' opportunity to work".
20070131             [Gregg, REPRESENTATIVE—COOPER: WHITE—HOUSE Barred Negroponte From Saying 'Global' And 'Warming' In Same SENTENCE—AMANDA Comments
20070131             —DURING —TODAY—HOUSE—COMMITTEE—ON—OVERSIGHT and Government Reform hearing on the
20070131             political MANIPULATION—OF—CLIMATE change science,
20070131             —ATTENDED, Cooper said he —RECENTLY, 1—DINNER party at which Negroponte was speaking + "word slipped through the crowd he was not allowed to utter the words 'global warming,' at least not in the same sentence. Apparently, he was allowed to say the word 'global' in 1—SEPARATE—SENTENCE + 'warming' in 1—SEPARATE—SENTENCE, but not together".
20070131             REPRESENTATIVE—ROY—BLUNT (R—MO) wants a raise. - Amanda Comments
20070131             Backers of raising the minimum wage are blocking the annual congressional pay raise —UNTIL 13—MILLION working Americans also receive 1—RAISE.
20070131             Blunt is objecting, saying the raise is "crucial for MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS who are not independently wealthy and must operate 2—HOUSEHOLDS".
20070131             MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS currently receive 1—ANNUAL—SALARY of $165,200. The minimum wage is stuck at $5.15/—HOUR.
20070131             In 1—RECENT interview with
20070131             "If this strategy doesn't succeed, we will have to devise another strategy," McCain said.
20070131             1—OF—THOSE options, McCain said "is to withdraw to the borders (of IRAQ) to try to keep other countries from interfering. Maintaining our bases in KUWAIT and other places. There are 1—LOT—OF—SCENARIOS".
20070131             Last night, in 1—INTERVIEW with 's Anderson Cooper, McCain said under no scenario would he consider withdrawing troops, even if escalation fails.
20070131             In fact, here's WHAT—HE said approximately 1—YEAR ago :
20070131             Negroponte: - NICO—COMMENTS—LONG—DELAYED—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—ESTIMATE on IRAQ to be delivered to Congress "1. thing next —WEEK".
20070131             But what will it say?
20070131             —NEEDED, National Guard may lack gear, for domestic crises.
20070131             - Amanda Comments
20070131             1—NEW—REPORT by the Government Accountability Office concludes that Defense Department officials have not adequately tracked "National Guard equipment needs for domestic missions," leaving "
20070131             unclear whether the Guard is equipped to respond effectively
20070131             Specter pushes back on 'the Decider.'- Faiz Comments
20070131             "I would suggest respectfully to THE—PRESIDENT that he is not the sole decider," SENATOR—ARLEN—SPECTER (R—PA) said —DURING 1—HEARING on Congress' war powers.
20070131             —SHARED, The decider is 1, and joint responsibility," he said.
20070131             WHITE—HOUSE Stonewalling RELEASE—OF—CLIMATE Change DOCUMENTS—PAYSON Comments
20070131             —TODAY, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is holding 1—HEARING to investigate "political interference in THE—WORK—OF—GOVERNMENT climate change scientists".
20070131             In the days leading up to the hearing, the committee requested documents from THE—WHITE—HOUSE Council on Environmental Quality "hoping to use them to underscore the suggestion that the administration has 1—HABIT of editing scientific reports to downplay the effects of global warming".
20070131             But according to CongressDaily, THE—WHITE—HOUSE is refusing to turn over the documents:
20070131             "We've been trying to get information that we believe the committee should have —FOR—6—MONTHS—NOW. We don't understand why it hasn't been provided; this isn't top secret information".
20070131             THE—UNION—OF—CONCERNED—SCIENTISTS and the Government Accountability Project said they would present "new EVIDENCE—OF—SUPPRESSION and MANIPULATION—OF—CLIMATE science" —BEFORE the committee.
20070131             DREW—SHINDELL—OF—NASA—GODDARD—INSTITUTE for Space Studies will testify about a "—NOW—DEFUNCT 20040000              requirement that NASA press officers listened in —WHENEVER NASA scientists spoke with reporters, either on the telephone or in person".
20070131             Protestor Demands PROBE—OF—WHITE—HOUSE Over Katrina, Lieberman Responds He Won't 'Play Gotcha ANYMORE'—FAIZ Comments
20070131             red tape and bureaucracy hindering LOUISIANA—ECONOMIC—RECOVERY from hurricanes Katrina and Rita".
20070131             —CALLED, At the outset of the hearing, 1—PROTESTOR, for investigating THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070131             FORMER—FEMA CHIEF—MICHAEL—BROWN said that in 1—STILL—SECRET—VIDEOCONFERENCE shortly —AFTER Katrina hit NEW—ORLEANS, he warned presidential aides that 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—CITY was being "displaced," but was greeted with "deafening silence".
20070131             —SUGGESTED, Brown also, "party politics played 1—ROLE " in WHITE—HOUSE reactions to the aftermath of Katrina.
20070131             But,
20070131             SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN, the only Democrat to endorse PRESIDENT—BUSH—NEW—PLAN for IRAQ, has quietly backed away from his PRE—ELECTION demands that THE—WHITE—HOUSE turn over potentially embarrassing documents relating to its handling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster in NEW—ORLEANS.
20070131             —INTERESTED, Lieberman said he was not, in "looking back +assigning blame would be 1—WASTE—OF—CONGRESS' time".
20070131             Responding to —YESTERDAY—PROTESTOR, Lieberman said, "We don't want to play 'gotcha' anymore".
20070131             THE—ARMY and Marine Corps "are short THOUSANDS—OF—VEHICLES, armor kits and other equipment needed to supply" the extra 21,500 troops PRESIDENT—BUSH plans to send to IRAQ.
20070131             "It's inevitable that that has to happen, unless 5—BRIGADES—OF—UP—ARMORED
20070131             Humvees fall OUT—OF—THE—SKY," 1—SENIOR—ARMY official said.
20070131             —CARRIED, Simulations of civil war in IRAQ, out by the Brookings Institution found that, "as the descent into civil war gathered pace, confrontation between THE—USA—AND—IRAN intensified + WASHINGTON—LEVERAGE on TEHRAN diminished.
20070131             Civil war in IRAQ
20070131             would turn IRAN into 'the unambiguous adversary' of THE—USA.
20070131             Testimony from FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE Press SECRETARY—ARI—FLEISCHER —YESTERDAY showed he knew only "what the truly powerful chose to tell him, and sometimes that was not much.
20070131             —ON occasion he would pronounce with great authority the administration's position on 1—TOPIC—ONLY to find
20070131             it had changed and nobody had bothered to let him know.
20070131             2—PRIVATE advocacy groups say they have "
20070131             new EVIDENCE—OF—SUPPRESSION and manipulation
20070131             " of climate scientists "in 7—FEDERAL—AGENCIES to downplay THE—THREAT—OF—GLOBAL warming ".
20070131             —RECONSTITUTED, THE—HOUSE has, "the Oversight and Investigations SUBCOMMITTEE—OF—THE—ARMED Services Committee" —AFTER "more than 1—DECADE—OF—DORMANCY".
20070131             The subcommittee "will delve into the details of IRAQ—RELATED reconstruction contracts, troop readiness, equipment priorities and IRAQ war strategy —LOOKING for waste, fraud and shortfalls".
20070131             Bush ignores THOUSANDS—OF—AMERICANS. - Amanda Comments
20070131             "I don't think he really thought 1—LOT about it," said WHITE—HOUSE Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW —TODAY—WHEN asked about PRESIDENT—BUSH—REACTION to the weekend's march on WASHINGTON.
20070131             —CONVERGED, Approximately 100,000—PEOPLE from —AROUND the country, on the National Mall on —SATURDAY to protest BUSH—ESCALATION in IRAQ.
20070131             Nearly 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC opposes PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ.
20070131             Report: New Bush order greatly expands powers. - NICO—COMMENTS - A - Drudge
20070131             preview: "NYT: Bush executive order gives PRESIDENT much greater control over rules to regulate public health, safety, environment, civil rights, privacy, other issues..".
20070131             —PUBLISHED, In 1—EXECUTIVE order, last —WEEK in the Federal Register, MISTER—BUSH said that EACH—AGENCY
20070131             must have 1—REGULATORY—POLICY office run by 1—POLITICAL appointee, to supervise THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—RULES and documents providing guidance to regulated industries.
20070131             20070131 13—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS have never heard of global warming,- NICO—COMMENTS
20070131             even though their country is the world's top SOURCE—OF—GREENHOUSE gases, a 46-country survey showed on —MONDAY.
20070131             —WORRIED, People in Latin AMERICA "were most, —WHILE USA—CITIZENS were least concerned with —JUST 42—PERCENT rating global warming 'very serious.'"
20070131             Inside the bunker.
20070131             Carpetbagger has more.
20070131             JOHN—BOLTON: 'USA Has No Strategic Interest' In 1—UNITED—IRAQ—FAIZ Comments
20070131             —WHILE he was acting Ambassador to THE—UNITED—NATIONS, JOHN—BOLTON repeatedly said he was in favor of a "unified" IRAQ:
20070131             "THE—USA—REMAINS committed to 1 unified, democratic and prosperous IRAQ and looks forward to the continued COOPERATION—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY for IRAQ—FUTURE".
20070131             "The unanimous adoption of this resolution is 1—VIVID—DEMONSTRATION of broad INTERNATIONAL support for a ' federal, democratic, pluralist and unified IRAQ.'"
20070131             [20051108             ]
20070131             In 1—RECENT—INTERVIEW, BOLTON said it's not in THE—USA'S "
20070131             strategic interest " for there to be 1—UNIFIED—IRAQ:
20070131             " THE—USA has no strategic interest in the fact that there's 1—IRAQ, or 3—IRAQS," he was quoted as saying in THE—FRANCE—DAILY Le Monde.
20070131             "We have 1—STRATEGIC—INTEREST in the fact of ensuring that what emerges is not 1—STATE in complete collapse, which could become 1—REFUGE for terrorists or 1—TERRORIST state".
20070131             Swift Boat Leader Hired To Run RIGHT—WING 'Online COMMUNITY'—AMANDA Comments
20070131             Vanguard describes itself as an "online community of Americans who believe in conservative values," and Novak claims it is a "RIGHT—WING VERSION—OF—THE—LEFTIST MoveOn_org".
20070131             —COORDINATED, Corsi, the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth attacks against SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY (D—MA) + plans to use Vanguard to "similarly undermine SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON" for her progressive policy stances.
20070131             —DOCUMENTED, Media Matters has, CORSI—POSTS on THE—RIGHT—WING Free Republic site.
20070131             —ACCUSED—OF, Corsi was also, (and —LATER admitted to)plagiarizing the work of conservative commentator Debbie Schlussel.
20070131             Bush : Cheney Is A 'HALF—GLASS—FULL' Kinda GUY—AMANDA Comments
20070131             Last —WEEK, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY said that THE—USA has "had enormous successes and we will continue to have enormous successes " in IRAQ.
20070131             —CONTRADICTED, This claim, PRESIDENT—BUSH—SPEECH 2—WEEKS ago, where he said the "situation in IRAQ is unacceptable to THE—USA—PEOPLE — and it is unacceptable to me".
20070131             (We're assuming he meant "glass half full".) - Listen here :
20070131             "I think we have made significant progress ".
20070131             - [20070127             ] - [20070114             ]
20070131             —BEFORE the war, this mentality also led THE—VICE—PRESIDENT to predict that THE—USA would be "
20070131             greeted as liberators " in IRAQ.
20070131             Bush _Cheney_Is_A_Half_Glass_Full_Kinda_Guy_AUDIO"
20070131             —DISCUSSED, Fleischer: Libby, CIA official over lunch.
20070131             - NICO—COMMENTS - "FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE press SECRETARY—ARI—FLEISCHER testified —MONDAY that THEN—COLLEAGUE I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby
20070131             told him over lunch that the wife of 1—PROMINENT—WAR critic worked at THE—CIA,
20070131             VoteVets launches ANTI—ESCALATION ad.
20070131             - NICO—COMMENTS—VOTEVETS_org and Americans Against Escalation in IRAQ have launched 1—NEW ad campaign opposing THE—IRAQ war escalation.
20070131             Hadley Falsely Claims IRAQ Study Group Supports Escalation STRATEGY—PAYSON Comments
20070131             In an OP—ED in —TODAY—WASHINGTON—POST, National Security Adviser STEPHEN—HADLEY claims the administration's escalation plan simply
20070131             follows the recommendations of THE—IRAQ Study Group:
20070131             It said: "We could, however, support 1—SHORT—TERM—REDEPLOYMENT or surge of USA—COMBAT forces to stabilize BAGHDAD... if THE—USA—COMMANDER—IN—IRAQ determines that such steps would be effective".
20070131             —UNVEILED, TONY—SNOW, THE—NEW—TALKING point —EARLIER this —MONTH:
20070131             THE—IRAQ Study Group did say a "SHORT—TERM redeployment" of more troops into BAGHDAD could be PART—OF—1—LARGER—MILITARY, economic + diplomatic plan.
20070131             But both USA—ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE—FRED—KAGAN — THE—ARCHITECT—OF—THE—ESCALATION plan — and LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—RAYMOND—T—ODIERNO — the new USA—GROUND COMMANDER—IN—IRAQ — have said the escalation could last anywhere between 18—MONTHS and 3—YEARS.
20070131             —ARGUED, Moreover, THE—IRAQ Study Group report specifically, against sending
20070131             more troops to IRAQ :
20070131             Sustained increases in USA—TROOP levels would not solve the fundamental CAUSE—OF—VIOLENCE in IRAQ, which is the absence of national reconciliation.
20070131             1—SENIOR—USA—GENERAL told us that adding USA—TROOPS might temporarily help limit violence in 1—HIGHLY localized area.
20070131             However, past experience indicates that the violence would simply rekindle as soon as USA—FORCES are moved to another area.
20070131             You delay THE—DATE—OF—DEPARTURE—OF—USA—TROOPS".
20070131             Former escort visits HAGGARD—CHURCH.
20070131             - NICO—COMMENTS - MIKE—JONES, THE—FORMER—MALE prostitute whose had a 3—YEAR sexual liaison with evangelist TED—HAGGARD, attended services at HAGGARD—NEW—LIFE—CHURCH —YESTERDAY.
20070131             Fears over deadly hospital bugs RATES—OF—INFECTION with the deadly Clostridium difficile bug rise in ENGLAND—HOSPITALS, —WHILE MISTER—SA rates fall only slowly.
20070131             JAPAN gaffe MINISTER 'must quit' JAPAN—OPPOSITION parties tell the health MINISTER to resign for calling women "BIRTH—GIVING machines".
20070131             AFGHANISTAN—OPIUM 'should be licensed' AFGHANISTAN—POPPIES should be used to make opium rather than be destroyed, UK politicians say.
20070131             Drug company 'hid' suicide link Secret E—MAILS reveal 1—UK firm distorted drug trial results, covering up 1—LINK with teenage suicide.
20070131             'Bottleneck' slows brain activity Researchers have found a 'bottleneck' in the brain that appears to explain why we struggle to do 2—THINGS at once.
20070131             Archaeologists find Stonehenge houses Archaeologists say they have found 1—HUGE—ANCIENT—SETTLEMENT used by the people who built Stonehenge.
20070131             CUBA—TV shows 'stronger' Castro CUBA—TV shows pictures of 1—APPARENTLY stronger Fidel Castro, the 1. —FOR—3—MONTHS.
20070131             EX—REPORTER testifies in CIA case An EX—JOURNALIST who went to jail to protect a source testifies against that source in a HIGH—PROFILE WASHINGTON case.
20070131             VIETNAM cuts army business links VIETNAM—COMMUNIST—LEADERS remove DOZENS—OF—COMPANIES from the control of the armed forces and the ruling party.
20070131             CHINA—LEADER begins AFRICAN—TOUR CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU starts his tour of AFRICA in CAMEROON, at 1—TIME of booming trade with the continent.
20070131             GREECE—PUPILS seek Elgin Marbles GREECE—SCHOOLCHILDREN form 1—HUMAN—CHAIN —AROUND the Acropolis to demand THE—UK—RETURN—THE—ELGIN—MARBLES.
20070131             Hezbollah leader hits out at Bush Hezbollah CHIEF—SHEIKH—HASSAN—NASRALLAH accuses THE—USA of ordering ISRAEL to start —LAST—YEAR—CONFLICT.
20070131             —RECREATED, Human metabolism, in lab Researchers say they have created a "virtual" model of all the biochemical reactions that occur in human cells.
20070131             —RECOVERED, MALI relics, in FRANCE FRANCE—CUSTOMS officials seize more than 650 smuggled artefacts, SOME—UP to 1—MILLION years old.
20070131             USA rejects IRAN nuclear 'timeout' THE—USA—REJECTS—THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG—CALL for a "timeout" over IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME.
20070131             Melting of glaciers 'speeds up' As scientists meet for crucial climate talks in PARIS, data shows glaciers are shrinking ever faster, scientists say.
20070131             ISRAEL 'broke USA—ARMS deal terms' ISRAEL—USE—OF—CLUSTER bombs in LEBANON —LAST—YEAR probably broke TERMS—OF—ARMS deals with THE—USA, 1—REPORT says.
20070131             —ENDANGERED, USA wolves 'no longer ' Wolves are removed from the endangered species list in 3—USA—STATES, paving the way for hunting.
20070131             Bush EX—SPOKESMAN rebuts Libby EX—WHITE—HOUSE spokesman ARI—FLEISCHER testifies for the prosecution at the perjury TRIAL—OF—LEWIS "Scooter" Libby.
20070131             'Hobbit' human 'is 1—NEW—SPECIES' The tiny skeletal remains of human "Hobbits" found on 1—INDONESIA—ISLAND belong to 1—COMPLETELY new branch of our family tree, 1—ANALYSIS concludes.
20070131             GERMANY—PLAN to close coal mines GERMANY—OFFICIALS agree 1—DEAL to phase out THE—HEAVILY—SUBSIDISED coal mining industry in the country.
20070131             MOSCOW bans gay parade MOSCOW—MAYOR says he will never allow gay rights parades in the city, describing them as "satanic".
20070131             Frozen sea may harbour Mars life 1—FROZEN sea found on Mars is 1—OF—THE—MOST promising places to look for life on the Red Planet, scientists say.
20070131             Saudis name USA—AMBASSADOR SAUDI—ARABIA names 1—USA—EDUCATED adviser to ABDULLAH—KING—OF— as its new ambassador to WASHINGTON.
20070131             In 27B Stroke 6.
20070131             Water From WIND—KDAWSON 321 - ghostcorps recommends 1—WRITEUP in THE—AUSTRALIA—BY columnist Phillip Adams about 1—NEW windmill design that extracts water from air.
20070131             "[Max] WHISSON—DESIGN has MANY—BLADES, each as aerodynamic as 1—AIRCRAFT wing + EACH—EMPLOYING 'lift' to get the device spinning... They don't face into the wind like 1—CONVENTIONAL windmill; they're arranged vertically, within 1—ELEGANT—COLUMN + take the wind from ANY—DIRECTION... THE—SECRET—OF—MAX—DESIGN is how his windmills, whirring away in the merest hint of 1—WIND, cool the air as it passes by... With 3 or 4—OF—MAX—MAGICAL—MACHINES on hills at our farm we could fill the tanks and troughs + weather the drought. 1—SMALL—WHISSON windmill on the roof of 1—SUBURBAN house could keep your taps flowing. Biggies on office buildings, whoppers on skyscrapers, could give independence from the city's water supply. And plonk 1—FEW 100 in marginal outback land — specifically to water TREE—LOTS — and you could start to improve local rainfall".
20070131             'FULL—PIPE' FBI INTERNET Monitoring Questionably Legal
20070131             In situations where isolating 1—SPECIFIC—IP address for 1—SUSPECT is not possible, THE—FBI has taken to 'FULL—PIPE' surveillance: all activity for 1—BANK—OF—IPS is recorded + then data mining is used to attempt to isolate their target.
20070131             The article describes it this way: "Federal law says that agents must 'minimize THE—INTERCEPTION—OF—COMMUNICATIONS not otherwise subject to interception' and keep the supervising judge informed of what's happening. Minimization is designed to provide at least 1—MODICUM—OF—PRIVACY by limiting police eavesdropping on innocuous conversations".
20070131             Restrictions On Social Sites Proposed In GEORGIA - - twitter (—POSTED—BY kdawson) 176+ -
20070131             Quoting: "[Senate Bill 59] would make it illegal for the owner or operator of 1—SOCIAL networking Web site to allow minors to create or maintain 1—WEB page without parental permission [and require] parents or guardians to have access to their children's Web pages at all times. If owners or operators of 1—COMPANY failed to comply with the proposed law, they would be GUILTY—OF—1—MISDEMEANOR on the 1. offense. A 2. offense would be 1—FELONY and could lead to imprisonment for between 1 and 5—YEARS and 1—FINE up to $50,000 or both".
20070131             This coverage from THE—ATHENS BANNER—HERALD quotes FACEBOOK—CPO saying that federal law forbids the company to allow anyone but the account creator to access it.
20070131             Zur Produktpalette des Dienstleisters gehören nicht nur Gefängnisse: Elektronische Fußfesseln hat Serco ebenfalls im Angebot.
20070131             Im Bieterwettstreit um den lukrativen Auftrag drückten die Konkurrenten den Preis soweit herunter, dass SACHSEN—ANHALT —JETZT sogar an 15—PROZENT Kostenersparnis denkt, ursprünglich rechnete man nur mit 8—PROZENT.
20070131             00. - Das zumindest schließt der USA—BIOLOGE PHIL—SENTER aus einem Versuch mit einem nachgebauten BAMBIRAPTOR—SKELETT, mit dem er testete, wie sich die ARM—UND Fingerknochen bewegen ließen.
20070131             Sollte sich die Vermutung des Wissenschaftlers bestätigen, hätten die SAURIER—NACH heutigem Wissen die Vorfahren der —HEUTE lebenden VÖGEL—DIE Greiffunktion Millionen Jahre vor den Primaten entwickelt, die bislang als evolutionäre Erfinder dieser Fähigkeit galten.
20070131             Senter, der am Lamar STATE—COLLEGE im texanischen ORANGE arbeitet, will mit seinen Versuchen herausgefunden haben, dass der Bambiraptor feinbergi seine Beute mit beiden Armen festhalten oder einen seiner langen Arme nutzen konnte, um Futter an sein Maul zu führen.
20070131             Zusätzlich sei der kleine Fleischfresser, der nur etwa 35—ZENTIMETER hoch und einen Meter lang wurde, auch in der Lage gewesen, die Spitzen der äußeren beiden seiner 3—FINGER ZUSAMMENZUFÜHREN—ÄHNLICH wie 1—MENSCH mit der Daumenspitze die Spitze des Mittelfingers berühren kann.
20070131             Eine solche Fähigkeit ist nach Senters Angaben —BISHER bei keinem anderen Dinosaurier gefunden worden, berichtete das Wissenschaftsmagazin "New Scientist".
20070131             In einem ähnlichen Entführungsfall eines angeblichen TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN in Italien hatte die Mailänder Justiz —BEREITS vor Monaten 26—MITARBEITER—DES—USA—GEHEIMDIENSTES angeklagt, das Anhörungsverfahren in diesem Fall läuft —BEREITS.
20070131             KEINER—DER—BESCHULDIGTEN, darunter auch ehemals offiziell akkreditierte MITARBEITER—VON—USA—BOTSCHAFTEN in Italien, erschien —BISHER zu den Terminen in Mailand.
20070131             Bei seiner Freilassung sei er "wie 1—STÜCK—GEPÄCK in einem Wald in Albanien" fallen gelassen worden, sagte Masri.
20070131             Allerdings dürfte sich 1—FESTNAHME—DER—VERDÄCHTIGEN schwierig gestalten, da der deutsche Haftbefehl in den USA keine Gültigkeit hat und die amerikanische Justiz es bislang ablehnt, den deutschen Ermittlern zu helfen.
20070131             Bei den 13—PERSONEN handelt es sich nach Angaben aus Justizkreisen um die Piloten der Maschine, mit der Masri entführt worden ist sowie um einen Arzt und MITGLIEDER—DES—KOMMANDOS, das an der Entführung beteiligt war.
20070131             "Auf unseren Antrag hat das Amtsgericht München gegen 13—MUTMAßLICHE Entführer des Khaled EL—MASRI wegen des Verdachts der Freiheitsberaubung und der gefährlichen Körperverletzung einen Haftbefehl erlassen", sagte Oberstaatsanwalt AUGUST—STERN dem NDR.
20070131             Jahreswirtschaftsbericht 20070000             : Bundesregierung hebt Wachstumsprognose an
20070131             Bildungsmaßnahmen im Zusammenhang mit der Implementierung von...
20070131             Via Cannonfire.
20070131             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20070131             FBI turns to broad new wiretap METHOD—THEY'RE spying on you right —NOW.
20070131             —CHAINED, Lawyer says Hicks, to cell floor : THE—AUSTRALIA—LAWYER for GUANTANAMO detainee DAVID—HICKS says his client is chained to the floor of his cell and has not seen sunlight for months.
20070131             GUANTANAMO conditions 'like 1—NAZI camp': DAVID—HICKS' USA—LAWYER has described conditions at GUANTANAMO Bay, where he has been held —FOR—5—YEARS, as "like 1—NAZI concentration camp".
20070131             USA—COURT reinstates most serious Padilla charge : A—USA—APPEALS court reinstated the most serious charge against alleged al Qaeda operative Jose Padilla on —TUESDAY, reviving 1—MURDER—CONSPIRACY charge that could imprison the former "enemy combatant" for life.
20070131             "We Probably Gave Powell the Wrong Speech" : THE—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—THE—CIA—EUROPE division, TYLER—DRUMHELLER, discusses the covert kidnapping of suspected terrorists and 1—BUSH adminstration that ignored CIA advice and used whatever information it could find to justify 1—INVASION—OF—IRAQ.
20070131             MILAN—ITALY—FORMER—SPY CHIEF told 1—MILAN COURT—ON—MONDAY he felt like 1—SCAPEGOAT as 1—JUDGE considered indicting him along with CIA agents on charges of kidnapping 1—TERRORISM suspect in Milan, his lawyer said.
20070131             TSUNAMI—AFFECTED women in INDIA sell kidneys for survival: POVERTY—STRICKEN INDIA—WOMEN affected by 20041200             —THE tsunami have been selling their kidneys for survival, news reports said —MONDAY.
20070131             Climate change means hunger and thirst for billions: report : BILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE will suffer water shortages and the number of hungry will grow by HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS by 2080 as global temperatures rise, scientists warn in 1—NEW—REPORT.
20070131             FBI turns to broad new wiretap method: THE—FBI appears to have adopted 1—INVASIVE—INTERNET surveillance technique that collects far more data on innocent Americans than previously has been disclosed.
20070131             EU wants to keep limits on USA—PASSENGER data use: Under 1—TEMPORARY—DEAL reached in October as PART—OF—USA—EFFORTS to combat terrorism, European airlines must pass on up to 34—ITEMS—OF—DATA, including passengers' addresses and credit card details, to be allowed to land at USA—AIRPORTS.
20070131             Bush gives WHITE—HOUSE greater control over government agencies : THE—WHITE—HOUSE will thus have 1—GATEKEEPER in EACH—AGENCY to analyze the costs and THE—BENEFITS—OF—NEW—RULES and to make sure the agencies carry out THE—PRESIDENT—PRIORITIES.
20070131             1—IRON—CURTAIN is Descending: And Most Americans Don't Know : "Why are you travelling so often to CANADA?" the tough USA—BORDER guard barked.
20070131             Is Dershowitz Qualified to Do Book Reviews?
20070131             USA must abandon IRAQ—CITIES or face nightmare scenario, say experts : THE—USA must draw up plans to deal with 1—ALL—OUT—IRAQ—CIVIL—WAR that would kill HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS, create MILLIONS—OF—REFUGEES, and could spill over into 1—REGIONAL—CATASTROPHE, disrupting oil supplies and setting up 1—DIRECT—CONFRONTATION between WASHINGTON and IRAN.
20070131             "Time is short" for IRAQ turnaround: USA—COMMANDER : 1—ADMIRAL nominated to lead USA—FORCES in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, has said that the previous USA—STRATEGY in IRAQ was not working and "time is short" to implement 1—ALTERNATIVE.
20070131             'USA poised to attack,' claims BULGARIA—AGENCY : THE—USA "could be using its 2—AIR—FORCE bases in BULGARIA and 1 at ROMANIA—BLACK—SEA coast to launch 1—ATTACK on IRAN in April," THE—BULGARIA—NEWS—AGENCY Novinite claimed.
20070131             Manufacturing consent for war with IRAN:
20070131             Raid In IRAQ Found EVIDENCE—OF—IRANIAN—AID—TO—MILITIAS—TV : —DURING 1—RECENT—RAID in THE—IRAQ—CITY—OF—IRBIL in which Iranians were detained, THE—USA—FOUND what SOME—OFFICIALS—CLAIM is evidence IRAN is providing aid to insurgents and militias, NBC News reported —TUESDAY.
20070131             Bush 'spoiling for 1—FIGHT' with IRAN : USA—OFFICIALS in BAGHDAD and WASHINGTON are expected to unveil 1—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE "dossier" this —WEEK detailing EVIDENCE—OF—IRAN'S alleged complicity in attacks on USA—TROOPS in IRAQ.
20070131             The move, uncomfortably echoing Downing STREET—DOSSIER debacle in THE—RUN—UP to 20030000             —THE—IRAQ invasion, is 1—MORE—SIGN that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is building 1—CASE for war.
20070131             1—POWERFUL—IRAN not Tolerated by USA : TEHRAN—AMBASSADOR to DAMASCUS MOHAMMAD—HASSAN—AKHTARI said that Americans have —NOW resorted to 1—PLOT which has long been used by the British + that is none but sowing discord among Muslim Shiites and Sunnites to divide them and to discredit the Shiite IRAN.
20070131             SENATOR—ROBERT—BYRD: Bush Wants War with IRAN: Top Democrat SENATOR—ROBERT—BYRD is warning that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is preparing to go to war with IRAN.
20070131             Don't Be Fooled by BUSH—DEFECTION: His Cures Are Another Form Of Denial
20070131             —AVOWED, THE—PRESIDENT'S, conversion on climate change is illusory.
20070131             New RULERS—OF—THE—WORLD - 1—DOCUMENTARY film by JOHN—PILGER
20070131             —ON the surface, it is instant financial trading, mobile phones, McDonald's, Starbucks, holidays booked on the net.
20070131             Beneath this gloss, it is THE—GLOBALISATION—OF—POVERTY, 1—WORLD where most human beings never make 1—PHONE call and live on less than 2—DOLLARS 1—DAY, where 6,000 children die EVERY—DAY from diarrhea because most have no access to clean water.
20070131             THE—DANGER—OF—BUSH—ANTI—IRAN—FATWA—BY JUAN—COLE—THE—PRESIDENT—DECISION to use force against Iranian "agents" inside IRAQ could snare innocent pilgrims, and raises the risk of open warfare.
20070131             IRAN, ISRAEL, THE—BIG—LIE and THE—REAL—THREAT
20070131             "Attempting to portray IRAN as 1—NUCLEAR—MENACE to ISRAEL and the world, in that order, even though it has no nuclear weapons and ISRAEL has hundreds, is not merely 1—SIGN of dementia. It is indication of near idiocy in 1—SOCIETY that can be repeatedly manipulated into believing such totally crackpot notions that have no foundation in the material world but exist only in 1—WORLD of superstitious PSYCHO—FANTASY".
20070131             THE—HISTORY—OF—WEST—COMPLICITY in IRAQ, From Churchill to Kennedy to GEORGE—W—BUSH
20070131             Impeachment by the People
20070131             Courage is in short supply in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20070131             The realities of THE—IRAQ War cry out for the overthrow of 1—GOVERNMENT that is criminally responsible for death, mutilation, torture, humiliation, chaos.
20070131             But all we hear in the nation's capital, which is the source of those catastrophes, is 1—WHIMPER from THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, muttering and nattering about "unity" and "bipartisanship," in 1—SITUATION that calls for bold action to —IMMEDIATELY reverse the present course.
20070131             Seeing the Full Cheney: AMERICAN—HELD Hostage, —YEAR 6 -- 1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL
20070131             Senate Judiciary COMMITTEE—EXPLORES—OPTION—OF—BLOCKING—THE—BUSH /Cheney Death Warrant on More GIs
20070131             "Bloodthirsty Bitches and Pious PIMPS—OF—POWER: THE—RISE and RISKS—OF—THE—NEW—CONSERVATIVE—HATE Culture"( Hardcover).
20070131             ROGER—GERRY, Over and Out!
20070131             - THE—NDR television released 1—LIST—OF—11—MEN and 2—WOMEN reportedly named in the warrants.
20070131             —CONTACTED, It said 3 had been, by its reporters and had refused.
20070131             GERMANY Issues Arrest Warrants For Suspected CIA Agents... GERMANY—NDR television released 1—LIST—OF—THE—NAMES of the suspected agents - 11—MEN + 2 ...
20070131             —SUSPECTED, GERMANY issues arrest warrants for 13, CIA agents... NDR television released 1—LIST—OF—11—MEN and 2—WOMEN reportedly named in the warrants.
20070131             —ORCHESTRATED, News CIA—KIDNAPPING—OF—1—GERMANY—CITIZEN in the agency's... GERMANY—NDR television released 1—LIST—OF—THE—NAMES of the 13— 11—MEN and 2—WOMEN...
20070131             ROCKFORD Register Star | Web SITE—OF—THE—ROCK River Valley BERLIN (AP) -- Arrest warrants were issued for 13—PEOPLE in connection with... GERMANY—NDR television released 1—LIST—OF—THE—NAMES of the 13 - 11—MEN +..
20070131             —RECOMMENDED, THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES leads with word that GERMANY—INVESTIGATORS have, arrest warrants be issued for 13—USA—INTELLIGENCE operatives who were involved with the "extraordinary rendition" of 1—GERMANY—CITIZEN.
20070131             —KIDNAPPED, Investigators say Khaled Masri was, and sent to AFGHANISTAN where he was allegedly beaten and secretly detained —FOR—5—MONTHS—BEFORE he was released without charges.
20070131             THE—WASHINGTON—POST and NEW—YORK—TIMES lead with the increasing debate among Republican senators on how best to respond to PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send more troops to IRAQ.
20070131             USA—TODAY leads with 1—LOOK at how at least 12—STATES are discussing whether they should use their budget surpluses to decrease business taxes in 1—EFFORT to lure investors.
20070131             THE—WALL—STREET Journal tops its worldwide newsbox with news that at least 58—PEOPLE were killed in IRAQ —YESTERDAY "—DURING rites" on the Shiite holy —DAY—OF—ASHURA.
20070131             † THE—NYT notes that —LAST—YEAR there were less than 12—PEOPLE killed on the holiday, but 20040000              at least 180—PEOPLE.
20070131             —TESTIFIED, FORMER—NEW—YORK—TIMES reporter Judith Miller, testified —YESTERDAY against the administration official she previously spent 85—DAYS in jail trying to shield.
20070131             Miller told the jury that "Scooter" Libby was "
20070131             very irritated and angry " —DURING a 20030600              conversation —WHEN he revealed to her that Valerie Plame worked at THE—CIA.
20070131             —AFTER MONTHS—OF—ETHICS—SCANDALS, REPRESENTATIVE—GARY—MILLER (R—CA) was chosen this —MONTH "as the ranking MEMBER—OF—1—PANEL charged with investigating financial institutions —EVEN as THE—FBI was looking into his land deals".
20070131             —CONTACTED, THE—HILL reports that FBI officials have, local officials about MILLER—LAND deals in the last 2—MONTHS.
20070131             SENATOR—JAMES—INHOFE (R—OK) goes ad hominem on AL—GORE.
20070131             "AL—GORE thinks he can use climate change + global warming —
20070131             he thinks that's his ticket to THE—WHITE—HOUSE," Inhofe said —YESTERDAY at 1—SENATE hearing on climate change.
20070131             1—NEW AUDIT—OF—USA—RECONSTRUCTION spending in IRAQ shows THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT "paid $43.8—MILLION to contractor DynCorp INTERNATIONAL for the residential camp for police training personnel...
20070131             that has stood empty for months.
20070131             —ABOUT  $4.2—MILLION—OF—THE—MONEY was improperly spent on 20—VIP trailers and 1—OLYMPIC—SIZE pool". USA—OFFICIALS spent another $36.4—MILLION on weapons and body armor that "can't be accounted for".
20070131             MICHAEL—MCCONNELL — BUSH—NOMINEE to be the nation's new spy CHIEF — works as a $2—MILLION—A—YEAR private consultant with some of the same senior military and intelligence officials he would supervise as DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE.
20070131             SENATOR—RON—WYDEN (D—OR) said he would raise concerns about MCCONNELL—ETHICAL—ENTANGLEMENTS.
20070131             "I made it clear that I was going to be asking questions about issues relating to his work with contractors".
20070131             ONLINE JOURNAL - And DIETRICH—REINHARDT, whose Caribe Air appears about to play 1—INCREASINGLY large...
20070131             DANIEL—HOPSICKER is THE—AUTHOR—OF "Barry & 'the boys;' THE—CIA, TAIPEI TIMES—ARCHIVES...
20070131             TURKEY—CYPRIOTS rally for UN plan - * CIA boss: Flaws need 5—YEARS to... it was too unimportant," said DIETRICH—REINHARDT, the book's PUBLISHER.
20070131             —HYDROLYZED, The effect of, cow's milk formula for allergy prevention...
20070131             DIETRICH—REINHARDT, MD. b. + DIETRICH—BERDEL, MD.. cia, UPPSALA—SWEDEN) or 1—POSITIVE—PROVOCATION response with the...
20070131             JOE—R—ARTICLES outside of PEHI-20010911              big picture
20070131             Shubin then went to work for THE—CIA, flying U2 spy planes.
20070131             1—OF—DEKKERS ' associates, Hopsicker found out, was DIETRICH—REINHARDT, formerly 1—CLOSE...
20070131             PEHI—PROJECT for the Exposure of Hidden INSTITUTIONS—LE Cercle...
20070131             —SPONSORED, CO—FOUNDER—OF—THE—CIA—CONGRESS for Cultural Freedom + met on
20070131             24/25 ... it turns out that DIETRICH—REINHARDT, 1—SHADY—IRAN—CONTRA operative —NOW...
20070131             BioMed Central | BMC Immunology
20070131             Patr cia CF NEVES—SOUZA, Elzinandes L Azeredo, Sonia MO Zagne... THOMAS—NICOLAI, Gernot Zissel, CHRISTINE—PRELL, DIETRICH—REINHARDT, Dolores J—SCHENDEL...
20070131             Daily Kos: Why CURT—WELDON is Batshit Crazy
20070131             [20061128             ] - [20061128             ]
20070131             In onze vorige bijdrage kwam ene MARK—VALENTINE voorbij.
20070131             —BY InTheKnow 20061018             —ON—948—AM. and where did MARK—VALENTINE...
20070131             —BY bburrell on - Der sogenannte " Antibolschewistenfonds " floß nun durch ALLE—MÖGLICHEN—KANÄLE in die
20070131             in THE—USA—AIR—FORCE,was 1—FLIGHT engineer with 1—AIRLINE owned by DIETRICH—REINHARDT.
20070131             Reinhardt, 1—WEST—GERMAN, has ties to IRAN Contra and THE—CIA.
20070131             THE—MADCOW—MORNING—NEWS—OPERATING out of CHARLOTTE County Airport, DIETRICH—REINHARDT—CARIBE—AIR, was called 1—CIA proprietary airline in 1—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE report...
20070131             (HEINRICH—HIMMLER: Die Schutzstaffel als antibolschewistische Kampforganisation... To Get THE—USA—TO Take On IRAN;
20070131             Did They Think We Wouldn't Notice?
20070131             TITAN Technology Partners Implements Oracle® E—BUSINESS Suite for LifeWay CHRISTIAN—RESOURCES—OF—THE—SOUTH—BAPTIST Convention...
20070131             1—C—130 obtained by Reagan
200701311230         GMT... GERMANY—NDR television released 1—LIST—OF—THE—NAMES—OF... were investigating 1—LIST—OF...
20070131—19940000    —IN, Upon his return to HONG—KONG, he set up Union Bancaire Assest Management ASIA, THE—ASIA—FUND management arm of the leading GENEVA bases private bank, followed by establishing Impac Asset Management as 1—FOUNDING—PARTNER—AND—DIRECTOR.
20070131—19960000    —FROM, —PRIOR—TO Xdrive, MISTER—ZAKARI served as GENERAL—COUNSEL and VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—BUSINESS—AFFAIRS for USA— through its IPO 19990000             —IN.
20070131—19990000    —TRADED, USA—SEARCH had its IPO and is, on THE—NASDAQ exchange.
20070131—20000000    —IN, —PRIOR—TO Joining the Hudson Group as Retail Management Consultant, he worked for 3—HONG—KONG listed retailing groups: Sincere, Wing On, and Jusco, we he was responsible for business development, department store and shopping mall management and merchandising in HONG—KONG, THE—PRC + TAIWAN.
20070131—20010911    —ON, Alex mixes together KEVIN—INFO with STEVEN—JONES' thermate theories to form 1—OVERALL imprecise broad BRUSH—OF—THE—ISSUES relating to Controlled Demolition and explosions of WTC1, 2 + 7.
20070131—20030708    —ON, this 1.
20070131—20030708    —ON, "Miller also discussed a 2. meeting with Libby, this 1 . She said Libby mentioned that WILSON—WIFE worked for 1—CIA—DIVISION specializing in WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION".
20070131—20030710    —ON, Libby, then VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, told THE—FBI and 1—GRAND—JURY that he thought he was hearing Valerie PLAME—CIA—JOB for the 1. time from NBC—TIM—RUSSERT.
20070131—20040000    —IN, 2—SPAIN—MEN, both charged with providing explosives for Islamist train bombings in MADRID, were given jail sentences in 1—SEPARATE—TRIAL for selling explosives 20010000             —IN.
20070131—20040000    —IN, the administration also had 1—REQUIREMENT that "NASA press officers listened in —WHENEVER NASA scientists spoke with reporters, either on the telephone or in person".
20070131—20040500    —IN, Warrants Issued in GERMANY KIDNAPPING—FORBES_com GERMANY—NDR television released 1—LIST—OF—THE—NAMES of the 13 - 11—MEN and 2—WOMEN... He has said he was released in ALBANIA —AFTER THE—CIA...
20070131—20050000    —RESIGNED, RICK—PILTZ, who, from THE—USA—CLIMATE Change Science Program will speak about WHITE—HOUSE interference with climate change reports and "questionable reviews of scientific research".
20070131—20051000    —IN, HIGHLIGHTS:, Gregg won $853,000 in the Powerball lottery.
20070131—20060000    —CRITICISED, AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIAN—DEATHS, 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH report says that more than 1,000 civilians were killed in AFGHANISTAN.
20070131—20070111    —ACCUSED, Arrested by USA—FORCES in Erbil, THE—5—ARE, by the Administration of helping THE—IRAQ—OPPOSITION kill Americans.
20070131—20070708    —BY, Because not only would this indicate that early in July not only did Libby and/or Addington, if not both, appear to know that Plame worked for THE—CIA + where specifically, but
20070131—20070708    —BY, they appear to note AQ Khan in their discussions of this, which means, they knew what Plame was working on.<BR><BR>This is important, because the case being made is that they only knew that she worked on THE—COUNTER—P SIDE—OF—THINGS at the agency...
20070131—20070708    —BY, AQ Khan was not known for doing business with IRAQ.
20070131—20070708    —BY, Because not only would this indicate that early in July not only did Libby and/or Addington, if not both, appear to know that Plame worked for THE—CIA + where specifically, but
20070131—20070708    —BY, they appear to note AQ Khan in their discussions of this, which means, they knew what Plame was working on.
20070131—20070708    —BY, This is important, because the case being made is that they only knew that she worked on THE—COUNTER—P SIDE—OF—THINGS at the agency... AQ Khan was not known for doing business with IRAQ.
20070131—20090000    —BIS, 650—HAFTPLÄTZE sollen bezugsfertig sein, dafür werden 100—MILLIONEN Euro investiert.
20070201             AFGHANISTAN Media NEWS—MEDIA Monitoring Service by EIN News GERMANY issues 13—CIA—ARREST—WARRANTS 200701311230          GMT... GERMANY—NDR television released 1—LIST—OF—THE—NAMES—OF... were investigating 1—LIST—OF...
20070201             GERMANY issues 13—CIA ARREST WARRANTS 200701311230          GMT
20070201—20040500    —RELEASED, GERMANY—NDR television, 1—LIST—OF—THE—NAMES of the 13 -- 11—MEN and 2—WOMEN... He has said he was released in ALBANIA —AFTER THE—CIA...
20070204             —REPORTED, The findings were, in THE—OFFICE—OF—PERSONNEL—MANAGEMENT'S "Human Capital" Survey report, released 20070131           .
20070204             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PRISON Planet —WEDNESDAY, 20070131              1—WAVE—OF—20010911              truth and other alternative
20070211             Als ich Mittwochabend (20070131             ) um 19—UHR nach Hause kam und meinen Laptop anschaltete, staunte ich nicht schlecht.
20070416             aber für Schlagzeilen (20070131             )
20070416             MOBILFUNK—STUDIE: Handys sorgen nicht für Krebs, aber für Schlagzeilen (20070131             )
20070906             Rep Moran, Jerry [KS-1] — 20051216              Rep Harman, Jane [CA-36] - 20060131             ...
20071015—20080131    —UNTIL, The prices for basic foods will be fixed, 1—PERIOD which covers parliamentary elections.
20080103             Webseiten, die Filme anbieten, wie zum Beispiel das auch in CHINA populäre Portal YouTube, sollen ab dem 20080131              nur noch von staatlich kontrollierten Firmen betrieben werden dürfen.
20080131             Der BLUE—BAY—MARINE—PARK in MAURITIUS wird als "Feuchtgebiet von internationaler Bedeutung" gemäß der RAMSAR—KONVENTION ausgewiesen.
20080131             —FIRED, THE—USA—NAVY test, 1—INCREDIBLY powerful new big gun designed to replace conventional weaponry aboard ships.
20080131             —CALLED, Navy officials, it the "world's most powerful electromagnetic railgun".
20080131             —PLEADED, USA—ARMY MAJOR—JOHN Cockerham and his wife, guilty to bribery, conspiracy and money laundering committed —WHILE he was 1—CONTRACTING officer in KUWAIT (20040000—20060000    , —DURING which time he made over $9—MILLION.
20080131             MAJOR—JAMES Momon JUNIOR, his successor, —LATER pleaded guilty to pocketing over $1—MILLION.
20080131             —CHARGED, Human Rights Watch, that EUROPE and THE—USA—INCREASINGLY tolerate autocrats posing as democrats out of pure SELF—INTEREST, in countries such as PAKISTAN, KENYA, NIGERIA and RUSSIA, as human right abuses go on.
20080131             —TREATED, THE—SEWERAGE—AGENCY—OF—SOUTH—MARIN, CALIFORNIA, let nearly 3—MILLION gallons of, and raw sewage spill into THE—SF Bay.
20080131             Over the next 2—WEEKS at least 65—BIRDS were found dead on the shores of Richardson Bay Audubon Center.
20080131             DOROTHY—DIXON (29), 6—MONTHS pregnant, was found dead at 1—HOME in ALTON—ILLINOIS Housemates had used her for target practice with BBs, burned her with 1—GLUE gun and doused her with scalding liquid that peeled away her skin.
20080131             Investigators put much of the blame on MICHELLE—RILEY (35), who they said befriended Dixon but pocketed monthly Social Security checks she got because of her developmental delays.
20080131             —SUFFERED, THE—MIDEAST and INDIA, a 2. —DAY—OF—TELECOM woes —AFTER 2—UNDERSEA INTERNET cables in the Mediterranean sustained damage.
20080131             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE bomber blew himself up inside 1—MOSQUE, killing Helmand province's deputy GOVERNOR and 5—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20080131             1—CAR bomb exploded next to 1—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY bus in KABUL, wounding 4—CIVILIANS and 1—SOLIDER.
20080131             —WARNED, CHINA, 1—TOP—AGRICULTURE official, that snow battering CENTRAL—CHINA has dealt an "extremely serious" blow to —WINTER crops, raising the likelihood that future shortages would exaggerate already surging food prices.
20080131             —STOPPED, CHINA said it had, production and exports from 1—COMPANY whose INSECTICIDE—TAINTED frozen dumplings sickened 10—PEOPLE in JAPAN.
20080131             —MASSED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—CHINESE, impatiently near 1—RAILWAY station in GUANGZHOU, desperate to get on trains home for 1—MAJOR—HOLIDAY —AFTER DAYS—OF—DELAY caused by snow.
20080131             —ORDERED, THE—EU, ITALY to clean up Naples within 1—MONTH, or face legal action.
20080131             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—EU is suing MALTA for permitting residents to hunt 2—SPECIES—OF—BIRDS in the —SPRING.
20080131             THE—MALTA—GOVERNMENT said it qualifies for 1—EXEMPTION under EU rules.
20080131             —ANNOUNCED, INDIA—TATA—CHEMICALS, PART—OF—TEA—TO—STEEL conglomerate Tata Group, it was buying USA—BASED SODA—ASH producer GENERAL—CHEMICAL—INDUSTRIAL—PRODUCTS for over 1—BILLION dollars.
20080131             —FIRED, IRAQ, militants, 20—ROCKETS at BRITAIN—AIRPORT base in Basra.
20080131             —RESPONDED, UK—GUNNERS, with artillery fire and 10—IRAQ—CIVILIANS were killed or wounded.
20080131             1—BOMB—RIGGED car blew up in BAGHDAD killing at least 5—PEOPLE in 1—SHIITE enclave.
20080131             2—USA—SOLDIERS were killed, 1—BY 1—ROADSIDE bomb in BAGHDAD and another by 1—ROCKET or mortar attack on 1—CONVOY support center SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20080131             —GUNNED, KENYA, 1—OPPOSITION lawmaker was, down by 1—POLICE officer in the 2. fatal shooting of 1—OPPOSITION legislator this —WEEK.
20080131             National police CHIEF—HUSSEIN—ALI said the police officer, who has been arrested, shot DAVID—TOO in 1—DISPUTE over the officer's girlfriend.
20080131             The opposition said it was 1—ASSASSINATION plot.
20080131             —KILLED, KENYA—POLICE, 4—PEOPLE as mobs set SCORES—OF—HOUSES and businesses ablaze in 1—WESTERN—KENYA—TOWN.
20080131             —FIRED, In KISUMU police, tear gas and then live rounds at SCORES—OF—PROTESTERS trying to block the main road.
20080131             —SUSPENDED, KOFI—ANNAN, crisis talks aimed at ending KENYA—POLITICAL—CRISIS —AFTER the lawmaker was shot dead, triggering further clashes.
20080131             ETHIOPIA, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN—KI—MOON met with PRESIDENT—KIBAKI at the African Union summit and warned that the violence in KENYA could spiral OUT—OF—CONTROL unless quick action was taken.
20080131             —MARCHED, MEXICO, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, through downtown MEXICO—CITY to protest recent trade openings that removed the last tariff protections for ancestral MEXICO—CROPS like corn and beans.
20080131             2—PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS were killed and 2—OTHERS wounded —WHEN 1—BOMB exploded near their convoy in Wana in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20080131             THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, ABU—SAYYAF COMMANDER—WAHAB—UPAO, 1—MUSLIM militant who allegedly gunned down 1—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—PRIEST in 1—RAID on 1—SCHOOL, was killed in 1—CLASH with troops pursuing 1—INDONESIA—TERROR suspect.
20080131             —OPENED, ROMANIA—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT struck down 19990000             —THE law that, ROMANIA—SECRET—POLICE archives.
20080131             —FORCED, It effectively, the Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives to shut down, and makes its previous decisions 0.
20080131             —RULED, SOUTH—KOREA, 1—COURT, against Samsung and  its chairman LEE—KUN—HEE in the nation's biggest civil lawsuit.
20080131             It ordered them to pay $2.7—BILLION to the creditors of Samsung Motors.
20080131             —TRANSPORTED, NORTH—SRI—LANKA, 1—BOMB being, by 1—SUICIDE bomber on 1—BICYCLE exploded prematurely, killing 4—PEOPLE and injuring 13. Separate clashes across the north killed 15—TAMIL rebels.
20080131             —CAUTIONED, JAPAN, it will review its aid policy unless the violence subsided.
20080131             —RIPPED, TURKEY, 1—EXPLOSION, through 1 unlicensed fireworks factory in 1—INDUSTRIAL—SECTION—OF—ISTANBUL, killing 20—PEOPLE and injuring 117.
20080131             1—OFFICIAL at THE—UN labor agency said more than 5—MILLION people will lose their jobs this —YEAR as the world economy slows.
20080131             Der KRIEGS—PRÄSIDENT - USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSKANDIDAT kündigt "weitere Kriege" an
20080131             Schweden: Unliebsamen Schwiegersohn als AL—QAIDA- Terrorist gemeldet - Journal of Contemporary History
20080131             Der finnische Nachrichtendienst im Krieg (Frauenfeld 19670000             );
20080131             CG McKay.
20080131             —FROM Information to Intrigue.
20080131             Studies in SECRET—SERVICE Based on SWEDEN—EXPERIENCE
20080131             ( 19830000              ): Guide to USA—FOREIGN relations - AAVV Le encicliche sociali.
20080131             EDIZIONI PAOLINE. ROMA.
20080131             THE—POLITICAL—ECONOMY—OF—NATO in Theory and Practice
20080131             —ERST—SEIT etwa 10.000—JAHREN gibt es blauäugige MENSCHEN—UND sie alle stammen vom gleichen Vorfahr ab, zeigt eine aktuelle Studie.
20080131             "Auch die simple Tatsache, dass ich 20070000              nur 4—TAGE Urlaub genommen habe,
20080131             hätte Verdacht wecken müssen", sagt Kerviel.
20080131             "Das ist 1—DER—WICHTIGSTEN—BUCHPRÜFERREGELN:
20080131             1—HÄNDLER, der nie Urlaub nimmt, ist 1—HÄNDLER,
20080131             der niemanden an seine Bücher lassen will".
20080131             Sein 1. Spekulationscoup sei —BEREITS 20050000              erfolgt:
20080131             "Ich habe 1—POSITION auf die ALLIANZ—AKTIE aufgebaut,
20080131             indem ich auf einen Absturz des Marktes setzte", sagte Kerviel.
20080131             Dies habe sich mit den Terroranschlägen in LONDON
20080131             Kerviel glaubt, dass der ALLIANZ—DEAL 1—SCHLÜSSELEREIGNIS war:
20080131             "Er weckte in mir das Verlangen, weiterzumachen.
20080131             Es war ein wahrer Schneeballeffekt", sagte Kerviel dem abgedruckten Protokoll zufolge.
20080131             "Ich war glücklich und stolz auf mich selbst"
20080131             In den USA nimmt die Angst vor weiteren Hiobsbotschaften aus dem Finanzbereich noch weiter zu.
20080131             1—FERNSEHBERICHT über weitere mögliche RATING—ABSTUFUNGEN sorgte für starke Kursverluste bei den angeschlagenen Anleiheversicherern Ambac Financial Group und MBIA.
20080131             "Die Risiken beschränken sich —HEUTE nicht mehr auf die SUBPRIME—HYPOTHEKEN.
20080131             Sie greifen über auf die Kreditkarten, Kleinkredite und Gewerbekredite".
20080131             —BEREITS vor etwa 12.000—JAHREN wurde 1—STADTPLAN auf einen Mammutzahn geritzt,
20080131             es folgten Darstellungen der Griechen und Römer.
20080131             Ein wahrhafter Boom der Kartografie setzte dann zu ENDE—DES—MITTELALTERS—EIN—BEFEUERT von den Möglichkeiten des Buchdrucks und den Entdeckungen der Seefahrer.
20080131             Kassakewitsch.
20080131             Er betonte, es gebe "keine Grundlage für Verdächtigungen", Russland könne das Geld dazu verwenden,
20080131             Druck auf ausländische Märkte auszuüben.
20080131             Investitionen in ausländische Firmen sollen demnach nur begrenzt möglich sein.
20080131             —PROVOZIERT, Schweriner LANDTAG: NPD, erneut
20080131             USA—FORDERUNG an Deutschland: Gezieltes Töten
20080131             ROHSTOFF—REICHTUM: Russland pumpt Milliarden Euro ins Rentensystem
20080131             PAKISTAN: Ranghoher AL—QAIDA- Kommandeur bei Raketenangriff getötet
20080131             —ENTLASTET, LIBANON—KRIEG: RICHTER—WINOGRAD, Israels Premier Olmert
20080131             Epochale Erdansichten: SPIEL—KARTEN der Weltmächte
20080131             INTERNET—STÖRUNG: Wirtschaft im Nahen Osten leidet unter KABEL—PANNE
20080131             Eklat in Brüssel: Brite beleidigt EU—PARLAMENTSCHEF Pöttering mit NAZI—VERGLEICH
20080131             Private Equity: Gute Heuschrecken, böse Heuschrecken
20080131             Börsenkrise: Finanzaktien taumeln ABWÄRTS—MÄRKTE ignorieren USA—ZINSSENKUNG
20080131             —ENTTÄUSCHT, Wahlversprechen: Sarkozy, die Franzosen
20080131             Verhörprotokolle: Wie Jérôme Kerviel zum Milliardenvernichter wurde
20080131             —GEFUNDEN, Kind im Koma: Insektizide in chinesischen Klößen
20080131             Bundeswehr: 2—FLUGZEUGE und 50—SOLDATEN sollen am Horn von AFRIKA spähen
20080131             68ER—SCHAU in BERLIN: Wasserwerfer Marsch!
20080131             Genetik: ALLE—BLAUÄUGIGEN haben den gleichen Urahn
20080131             Überlastete Leitungen: Stromkonzerne fürchten den NETZ—KOLLAPS
20080131             FARBDOSEN—EINSATZ in AFRIKA: Blauhelme beschmieren Kunstwerk mit Graffiti
20080131             USA—RAUMFAHRT: Nasa lockert Sicherheitsvorschriften für SHUTTLE—START
20080131             Gerüchte über Profitknick: DEUTSCHE—BANK- Aktien trudeln in die Tiefe
20080131             CDU—BRIEF im Wortlaut: "Die Union musste erkennen,
20080131             dass Deutschland 1—EINWANDERUNGSLAND ist"
20080131             Milliardenzocker Kerviel: Von wegen SUPER—HACKER
20080131             Rüsselhund: Haariger Winzling mit Elefanten verwandt - FUßBALL—WM 20060000              :
20080131             ELFMETER—KRIMI gegen Argentinien sorgte für mehr Herzinfarkte
20080131             Konjunktur: Wachstum und warmer —WINTER bremsen Arbeitslosigkeit
20080131             USA—ABSCHWUNG: BEN—BERNANKE und das Rezessionsphantom
20080131             —DEMENTIERT, Wackelige Großbank: Société Générale, Übernahmepläne
20080131             Vers une nouvelle Nakba ? Le ghetto de GAZA raconté par ceux qui y sont enfermés
20080131             ¿Hacia una nueva Nakba? El ghetto de GAZA contado por quienes están encerrados en él
20080131             of several PUBLIC—PRIVATE—PARTNERSHIPS + took part in privatizing the defense ministry's research center, QINETIQ.
20080131             Global Security Challenge - Artigos Relacionados
20080131             Somos um país estranho e em crise há mais de oitocentos anos.
20080131             É pois natural que aqui aconteçam coisas estranhas, como dizia o outro: "Que é que querem?? É a vida!!" Fica bem —POSTED—BY:
20080131             Andesman - USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSKANDIDAT kündigt "weitere Kriege" an
20080131             CG McKay. From Information to Intrigue.
20080131             Studies in SECRET—SERVICE Based on SWEDEN—EXPERIENCE...
20080131             BIBLIOGRAPHIE - AAVV Le encicliche sociali. EDIZIONI PAOLINE. ROMA.
20080131             TABLE—OF—CONTENTS... III. Abbreviations.
20080131             INCS—VOL. X (20040000              ), no 17
20080131             "Auch die simple Tatsache, dass ich 20070000              nur 4—TAGE Urlaub genommen habe, hätte Verdacht wecken müssen", sagt Kerviel.
20080131             "Das ist 1—DER—WICHTIGSTEN—BUCHPRÜFERREGELN: 1—HÄNDLER, der nie Urlaub nimmt, ist 1—HÄNDLER, der niemanden an seine Bücher lassen will".
20080131             Sein 1. Spekulationscoup sei —BEREITS 20050000              erfolgt: "Ich habe 1—POSITION auf die ALLIANZ—AKTIE aufgebaut, indem ich auf einen Absturz des Marktes setzte", sagte Kerviel.
20080131             "Das war der Jackpot von 500.000—EURO".
20080131             —ÜBERRASCHT, Nach diesem Erfolg habe er sich "stolz und, zugleich" gefühlt.
20080131             Kerviel glaubt, dass der ALLIANZ—DEAL 1—SCHLÜSSELEREIGNIS war: "Er weckte in mir das Verlangen, weiterzumachen. Es war ein wahrer Schneeballeffekt", sagte Kerviel dem abgedruckten Protokoll zufolge.
20080131             "Die Risiken beschränken sich —HEUTE nicht mehr auf die SUBPRIME—HYPOTHEKEN. Sie greifen über auf die Kreditkarten, Kleinkredite und Gewerbekredite".
20080131             —BEREITS vor etwa 12.000—JAHREN wurde 1—STADTPLAN auf einen Mammutzahn geritzt, es folgten Darstellungen der Griechen und Römer.
20080131             Er betonte, es gebe "keine Grundlage für Verdächtigungen", Russland könne das Geld dazu verwenden, Druck auf ausländische Märkte auszuüben.
20080131             CDU—BRIEF im Wortlaut: "Die Union musste erkennen, dass Deutschland 1—EINWANDERUNGSLAND ist"
20080131             FUßBALL—WM 20060000              : ELFMETER—KRIMI gegen Argentinien sorgte für mehr Herzinfarkte
20080131             USA—LEITZINS: Konjunkturchef der Deutschen BANK—KRITISIERT—ZINSSENKUNG
20080131             Simulation: Wärmerer Atlantik soll für mehr Hurrikane sorgen
20080131             —REBELLIERT, Wirtschaftskrise: USA—KONGRESS, gegen Bush s Konjunkturprogramm
20080131             Kreditkrise: Agentur stuft Papiere im Wert von 500—MILLIARDEN Dollar herab
20080131             COLORADO Independent Media Center
20080131             Indymedia is 1—DEMOCRATIC—MEDIA outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate TELLINGS—OF—TRUTH.
20080131             É possível que a página que procura tenha sido removida, o seu nome tenha sido alterado ou não esteja temporariamente
20080131             I do not believe I have or should have the right to lie about someone nor to use the 1. amendent for fraud such as so MANY—ANONYMOUS—INDIVIDUALS do everyday on THE—INTERNET in promoting penny stock frauds for instance.
20080131             —GEFUNDEN, Seite nicht
20080131             —GEFUNDEN, Die angeforderte URL wurde auf diesem Server nicht.
20080131             Weitere Hilfe finden Sie unter BLOGGER—STARTSEITE oder BLOGGER—Q&A—DATENBANK.
20080131             The page cannot be FOUND—MILITÄR—WATCH: BAE liefert 32-Megajoule Railgun A—USA—NAVY.
20080131             Oooooooh schön, —HEUTE kommt hier mal eine richtig tolle Verschwörungsgeschichte rein: —NACH—23—JAHREN sind 24—BOMBENANSCHLÄGE in Luxemburg offenbar aufgeklärt.
20080131             Erstmal vorweg: ist das Luxemburger Wort, 1—RECHTS—KONSERVATIVE—ZEITUNG, und die bei weitem auflagenstärkste in Luxemburg, wilde Verschwörungstheorien sind da eher selten.
20080131             Die Geschichte selbst ist großartig.
20080131             Zwischen - USA Failed to Oversee Corps on IRAQ Work, Agency Says :
20080131             1—FEDERAL—REPORT released —TUESDAY says the Army CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS charged the government HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS for supervising projects in IRAQ that have been identified as having failed or fallen behind schedule specifically because oversight was lax or nonexistent.
20080131             IRAQ: Bush Issues Signing Statement: Waiving Ban On Permanent Bases In IRAQ
20080131             Bush asserts authority to bypass defense act : PRESIDENT—BUSH this —WEEK declared that he has the power to bypass 4—LAWS, including 1—PROHIBITION against using federal funds to establish permanent USA—MILITARY—BASES in IRAQ, that Congress passed as PART—OF—1—NEW—DEFENSE bill.
20080131             IRAQ oil cash not spent for reconstruction: Increased IRAQ—OIL revenues stemming from high prices and improved security are piling up in the Federal Reserve BANK—OF—NEW—YORK rather than being spent on needed reconstruction projects, 1—WASHINGTON—TIMES study of IRAQ—SPENDING and revenue figures has shown.
20080131             1—BUSH Left Behind
20080131             HERE—YOUR question, class: - In his STATE—OF—THE—UNION, THE—PRESIDENT—ASKED—CONGRESS for $300—MILLION for poor kids in the inner city.
20080131             As there are, officially, 15—MILLION children in AMERICAN—LIVING in poverty, how much is that per child?
20080131             Correct! $20. - An EXCESS—OF—CIVILITY
20080131             THE—PRESIDENT gave his STATE—OF—THE—UNION address.
20080131             It was 1—MODEL affair, magnificent in the practiced art of decorum fitting 1 advanced nation.
20080131             1—SET play in 1—ACT. The stage empty of meaning and mystery.
20080131             1 refined audience confident of its indispensability, and nothing more.
20080131             NATO Genocide in AFGHANISTAN
20080131             —RECOGNIZED, ALI—KHAN argues that the internationally, crime of genocide applies to the intentional killings that NATO—TROOPS commit on 1—WEEKLY—BASIS in the poor villages and mute mountains of AFGHANISTAN to destroy the Taliban.
20080131             WEST—WILL—NEVER—BEAT—TALIBAN
20080131             —BY MATT—WADE—HERALD—CORRESPONDENT in ISLAMABAD and agencies
20080131             1—FORMER—HEAD—OF—PAKISTAN—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE says AUSTRALIA—TROOP deployment in AFGHANISTAN is doomed to failure and has urged the Government to withdraw its forces as quickly as possible.
20080131             THE—GULAG—COMES to AMERICA:
20080131             —TODAY, DON—SIEGELMAN, FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—THE—STATE—OF—ALABAMA, sits in 1—FEDERAL—PRISON, sentenced to a 7—YEAR term for bribery.
20080131             EVERY—DAY that Siegelman remains in prison EVERY—USA—CITIZEN who openly dissents from the policies and protests THE—CRIMINALITY—OF—THE—BUSH /Cheney regime is less free and more vulnerable to politically motivated prosecution.
20080131             Why LOVERS—OF—ISRAEL—SHOULD—VOTE for McCain
20080131             (according to JOE—LIEBERMAN) - By Shmuel Rosner, Haaretz Correspondent
20080131             In 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—HAARETZ, Lieberman says he believes McCain is the candidate most likely to thwart 1—NUCLEAR—IRAN.
20080131             THE—BILLARY—ROAD to Republican Victory
20080131             Few national Democratic leaders have the courage to stand up to the Clintons.
20080131             Even in defeat, MISTER—OBAMA may at least help wake up 1—PARTY slipping into denial.
20080131             ANY—DEMOCRAT who seriously thinks that Bill will fade away if Hillary wins the nomination — let alone that the Clintons will escape being fully vetted — is 1—DEMOCRAT who, as the man said, believes in fairy tales.
20080131             8—MORE Years?
20080131             BILL—CLINTON—PRESIDENTIAL resume was FULL—OF—FAVORS for the rich and powerful.
20080131             —FLOURISHED, Corporate welfare subsidies, handouts and giveaways, including subsidizing the Big 3—AUTO companies for 1—PHONY research partnership —WHILE indicating there would be no new fuel efficiency regulations —WHILE he was PRESIDENT.
20080131             Which is worse: Regulation or DE—REGULATION?
20080131             Libertarians preach THE—MORALITY—OF—THE—MARKET, and socialists preach THE—MORALITY—OF—THE—STATE.
20080131             those CONVINCED—OF—THE—STATE—MORALITY want regulation.
20080131             In truth, neither seems to work.
20080131             —EXHAUSTED, The fact is, MIDDLE—CLASS families have, the coping mechanisms they have used for more than 3—DECADES to get by on median wages that are barely higher than they were
20080131             —REBELLIERT, Kompromiss bei der Bahn: Gewerkschaftsbasis, gegen Schell
20080131             Kraftwerkspanne: KARLSRUHE nach Stromausfall im Dunkeln
20080131             Good Grief: RALPH—NADER is "Flirting" with Running for PRESIDENT 20080000           .
20080131             Why Couldn't we Wake Up and Learn that Gore is Running?
20080131             —NOW that Would be 1—DREAM—COME—TRUE.
20080131             Media Matters: FOX—NEWS is in for 1—VERY—ROUGH 20080000              1/31
20080131             Remember AFGHANISTAN: Even if Bush did gloss over it in address 1/31
20080131             THE—OSAMA—VIDEOTAPES and Audiotapes, are They Real?
20080131             THE—MAINSTREAM—MEDIA and Bush Don't Seem to Care.
20080131             —BY Kristina Borjesson -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION - More GIs to stay in IRAQ? 1/31
20080131             SLIDESHOW: Celebrity mug shots... LOUIS—A—DENAPLES, who opened MOUNT—AIRY Casino Resort in October, was charged with 4—COUNTS of...
20080131             6abc_com: Grand Jury probe into casino owner
20080131             LONDON—DAVID—PEPPER - INTELLIGENCE ONLINE... of several PUBLIC—PRIVATE—PARTNERSHIPS + took part in privatizing the defense ministry's research center, Qinetiq.
20080131             at agosto 11, 2005
200801310214         —PM Post subject: MBIA, AMBAC—OPEN—LETTER calling for...
20080131—17000000    —SINCE, ( 19830000              ): Guide to USA—FOREIGN—RELATIONS, for the Society... ( 19830000              ): Cyclical Trends in USA—FOREIGN—POLICY Moods: THE—UNFOLDING of...
20080131—19830000    - pag 267 8° - TEOC—103—DETTAGLIO copertina;
20080131—20050700    —IM, Dies habe sich mit den Terroranschlägen in LONDON dann bewahrheitet.
20080131—20070822    —INDICTED, Cockerham and his wife were —INITIALLY.
20080131—20080125    —ON, 1—WEEK—LATER it was reported that 1—SPILL had released 2.5—MILLION gallons.
20080131—20090000    —PLEADED, Riley, guilty to the torture and KILLING—OF—DIXON.
20080505             Allied Telecom Group LLC.
20080505             $500.00. 20070131             . - $500.00. 20070131           .
20080505             - Burwell Development LLC.
20080529             James L McCoy -... Institute.
20080529             Sheehan Affidavit. 19870131              (25 30).
20090116             —ASSASSINATED, IRAQ, 1—SHIITE candidate for provincial elections was, —WHILE campaigning SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD, underscoring fears that political rivalries will lead to 1—SPIKE in violence ahead of a 20090131              vote.
20090119—20090131    —ON, YURI—MOZHNOV, 19—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FLORIST, and MAXIM—GOLOVATSKIKH, 19—JAHRE—ALT, 1—STREET—MARKET butcher, were arrested on suspicion of killing her and eating parts of her body.
20090128             —NEEDED, IRAQ, special voting began for those, on duty for 20090131              elections, such as security forces and government officials.
20090131             Mit sozialistischen Modellen des 19010101—20001231     kommen wir dieser Krise nicht bei.
20090131             —PROMISED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, to lower mortgage costs, offer JOB—CREATING loans for small businesses, get credit flowing and rein in FREE—SPENDING executives as he readies 1—NEW—ROAD map for spending billions from the 2. installment of the financial rescue plan.
20090131             —ANNOUNCED, JOHN—LIPSKY, deputy HEAD—OF—THE—IMF, that the fund would double its lending capacity to $500—BILLION.
20090131             —DEEMED, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, INDIA—CHIEF—ECONOMIC—PLANNER, the proposal too modest and suggested that member triple their quotas.
20090131             —ANNOUNCED, AFGHANISTAN—INTERIOR—MINISTER, 1—USA—BACKED plan to create militias and give them guns to fight the Taliban.
20090131             It drew criticism from local authorities in areas where the 1. units are being rolled out.
20090131             1—AFGHANISTAN—TRIBAL leader from SOUTH—EAST—PAKTIKA province was fatally shot by 1—NATO—PATROL —AFTER the vehicle he was in failed to stop in response to signals from soldiers.
20090131             A 2. Afghan was wounded.
20090131             † 1—CANADA—SOLDIER was killed —WHEN his armored vehicle hit 1—EXPLOSIVE device on 1—ROAD WEST—OF—KANDAHAR.
20090131             —ON THE—STREETS—OF—BIRMINGHAM, THE—QUEEN—ENGLISH is —NOW the queens English.
20090131             This —WEEK the city council made it official.
20090131             —DECIDED, ENGLAND—2.—LARGEST city, to drop apostrophes from all its street signs, saying they're confusing and OLD—FASHIONED.
20090131             —ARRIVED, CHINA—PREMIER—WEN—JIABAO, in LONDON in the latest leg of 1—EUROPEAN tour aimed at tackling the global financial and economic crisis and improving relations between the trading partners.
20090131             SOUTH—CHINA, revelers celebrating 1—BIRTHDAY set off fireworks —JUST—BEFORE midnight inside 1—BAR, triggering 1—BLAZE that killed 15—PEOPLE and injured 22.
20090131             Security sources said EGYPT has begun installing cameras and motion sensors along its border with THE—GAZA Strip to try to combat smuggling to THE—HAMAS—RUN territory.
20090131             PORSCHE—NEW—MUSEUM in STUTTGART, 1—SPRAWLING monument to 60—YEARS—OF—GERMANY—ENGINEERING, opened to the public.
20090131             Roxana Saberi (31), IRANIAN—USA—JOURNALIST, was detained in TEHRAN.
20090131             —CHARGED, In April she was, with espionage, —2—DAYS—AFTER her parents visited their daughter in prison.
20090131             —APPEALED, Her lawyer.
20090131             —WRAPPED, IRAQ—PROVINCIAL—ELECTIONS, up without ANY—REPORTS of serious violence.
20090131             —DECIDED, The polls, who sits on the councils that run 14—OF—IRAQ—18—PROVINCES.
20090131             The turnout was 51—PERCENT—OF—THE 7.5—MILLION eligible voters.
20090131             —KILLED, USA—SOLDIERS, 2—IRAQ—POLICEMEN —AFTER coming under fire —DURING 1—OPERATION against AL—QAIDA in NORTH—IRAQ.
20090131             † 1—USA—SOLDIER, of 1—NONCOMBAT—RELATED injury in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20090131             —OVERTURNED, KENYA, 1, gasoline tanker exploded as HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE tried to scoop up free fuel.
20090131             —KILLED, Some 120—PEOPLE were, and 200 injured in the inferno.
20090131             Several witnesses said SOME—POLICE were charging 1,000 KENYA shillings ($13) for 60—LITERS—OF—FUEL, 1—AMOUNT that usually costs about $65, which enraged the crowd.
20090131             —LOBBED, PAKISTAN, 2—MOTORCYCLISTS, 1—HAND grenade at 1—POLICE patrol in BALUCHISTAN—KHUZDAR district, but hit bystanders instead, killing 1—PERSON and wounding 5—OTHERS.
20090131             —FIRED, PALESTINE—MILITANTS, 1—ROCKET from GAZA that exploded close to THE—SOUTH—ISRAEL—TOWN—OF—ASHKELON without causing ANY—DAMAGES or injuries.
20090131             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, across RUSSIA to criticize the government's economic course and its response to the global financial crisis.
20090131             —UNFURLED, In MOSCOW minutes —AFTER protesters, ANTI—KREMLIN banners and chanted "Down with KGB power" and "RUSSIA without Putin," 12—YOUNG—MEN jumped OUT—OF—CARS and started to beat them with fists and metal rods.
20090131             —IGNORED, Police, the attacks by alleged members of "Young RUSSIA," 1—PRO—KREMLIN youth group.
20090131             SOMALIA, moderate Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Sheik Ahmed was sworn in.
20090131             —PUBLISHED, The next —DAY in 1, interview he called for 1 united front against violent extremists and signaled his intent to try to bring together the country's feuding Islamic factions.
20090131             —REPORTED, SUDAN—STATE media, that 1—USA—AID group has been thrown out of the Darfur region —AFTER officials found THOUSANDS—OF—ARABIC—LANGUAGE bibles stacked in its office.
20090131             —DESCRIBED, THE—TEXAS—BASED Thirst No More website, its work in Darfur as focused on repairing and drilling water wells and makes no MENTION—OF—EVANGELISM or other FAITH—BASED work.
20090131             —FIRED, GENEVA—SWITZERLAND, riot police, tear gas —AFTER some 10000000              demonstrators began throwing bottles protesting against the annual World Economic Forum meeting at Davos.
20090131             —OUSTED, THAILAND, some 30,000 supporters of, premier Thaksin Shinawatra gathered in BANGKOK, promising to fight on indefinitely unless the new THAILAND—GOVERNMENT leaves office within 15—DAYS.
20090131             —KILLED, In NORTH—EAST—THAILAND 1—GRENADE blast, 8—PEOPLE and wounded 27—OTHERS —DURING 1—OUTDOOR—CELEBRATION next to 1—BUDDHIST temple.
20090131             Wohlleben: Das sind sie.
20090131             Aber was viele nicht wissen: Die Späne, aus denen die Pellets hergestellt werden, werden in Blockheizkraftwerken getrocknet.
20090131             Und die werden zum guten Teil mit importiertem Palmöl betrieben, für das Regenwälder auf Borneo abgeholzt werden.
20090131             Zudem entsteht bei der Verbrennung Feinstaub.
20090131             Moderne PELLET—HEIZUNGEN sind zwar deutlich besser als herkömmliche Kamine.
20090131             Aber es entsteht mehr Feinstaub als bei GAS—HEIZUNGEN
20090131             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Für den Verbraucher sind die PELLET—PREISE verlockend.
20090131             23—CENT kostet 1—KILOGRAMM—HOLZPELLETS.
20090131             Ein halber Liter HEIZÖL—DER den gleichen Brennwert HAT—KOSTET —DERZEIT etwa 26—CENT.
20090131             Wohlleben: Wenn der Bedarf nach Pellets steigt, werden auch die Preise weiter steigen.
20090131             Und das ist gut so.
20090131             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Warum? Öl und Gas sind doch auch keine Alternativen.
20090131             Wohlleben: Heizen mit Holz erinnert an die Situation wie wir sie —VOR—200—JAHREN hatten.
20090131             Das Resultat damals war: Der Wald verschwand.
20090131             Nur durch den Siegeszug von Kohle und Öl hat er sich erholt.
20090131             Wenn —HEUTE 80—MILLIONEN Menschen statt wie —VOR—200—JAHREN 20—MILLIONEN wieder auf Holz SETZEN—UND aufgrund des gestiegenen Lebensstandards auch noch den 5—BIS zehnfachen Heizbedarf im Vergleich zu früher HABEN—MUSS jedem klar sein:
20090131             Das kann einfach nicht funktionieren!
20090131             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Aber Pellets sind klimafreundlich.
20090131             Wohlleben: Sie irren. Holzpellets sind nicht CO2-neutral.
20090131             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Wieso? Beim Verfeuern des Holzes wird doch nur soviel CO2 frei, wie gebunden wurde.
20090131             Wohlleben: Auf den einzelnen Baum bezogen, stimmt das.
20090131             Aber Wälder insgesamt sind CO2-Senken.
20090131             Tote Bäume verrotten nicht vollständig, sondern reichern über Jahrhunderte den Boden mit Kohlenstoff an.
20090131             —ENTSTANDEN, So sind ja auch unsere fossilen Energieträger.
20090131             —VERBRANNT, Werden sie, fällt dieser Speichereffekt weg.
20090131             von Grund auf - Aber die USA müssen alles von Grund auf neu überdenken.
20090131             —FORDERUNGEN, SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Sollte Obama Ihre, umsetzen und die Banken verstaatlichen— wie lange wird es dauern,
20090131             —BIS die USA die Krise überwunden haben?
20090131             Rogoff: Ein starkes Wachstum werden wir in den USA —ERST einmal nicht sehen.
20090131             Wir haben ja nicht nur die Finanzkrise.
20090131             Die neue Regierung will mehr Einkommensgerechtigkeit, sie will den Umweltschutz verbessern und das Gesundheitssystem.
20090131             Das sind großartige Ideen. Aber sie sind teuer.
20090131             Es wird sicher 1—DEKADE dauern, —BIS das bewältigt ist.
20090131             Ich glaube, EUROPA wird sich schneller erholen als die USA
20090131             Der EINSATZ—DER—TRUPPEN am Boden für das WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSFORUM sei —BISHER ohne Zwischenfälle verlaufen, hieß es.
20090131             "Palästina ist —HEUTE 1—FREILICHTGEFÄNGNIS.
20090131             Die Hamas konnte diese Situation nicht ändern, so sehr sie es versucht hat.
20090131             Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie verhaften den Parlamentspräsidenten eines Landes und auch EINIGE—MINISTER—UND—PARLAMENTSABGEORDNETE.
20090131             Und dann wird erwartet, dass sie sich fügen", sagte Erdogan weiter.
20090131             —SEIT Beginn der israelischen Offensive seien im GAZA—STREIFEN fast 13000000              Menschen umgekommen,
20090131             stellte Erdogan fest: "Da steht kein Gebäude mehr, keine Infrastruktur.
20090131             GAZA ist 1—RUINE.
20090131             —BELAGERT, Es ist komplett eingeschlossen, ".
20090131             Und ISRAEL ignoriere ALLE—BESCHLÜSSE des Sicherheitsrat der Uno zur Lage in den Palästinensergebieten.
20090131             "Ich sage nicht, dass Hamas eine gute Organisation ist und keine Fehler macht", erklärte Erdogan, "Sie haben Fehler gemacht.
20090131             Die Commerzbank hat —BEREITS so viel staatliche Kapitalspritzen erhalten wie keine andere BANK—IN—EUROPA.
20090131             Die weltweite Finanzkrise hat dem Treffen, das in den vergangenen Jahren eher lustlos dahinplätscherte,
20090131             zu neuer Bedeutung verholfen.
20090131             "Wir erleben 1—ZIVILISATIONSKRISE", sagt Altvater.
20090131             "Der Niedergang des Finanzsystems geht einher mit Klimawandel, Hungersnöten und Energieknappheit.
20090131             Wir müssen unsere Lebensweise umstellen, das geht nur dezentral".
20090131             Die weltweite FINANZ—UND Wirtschaftskrise hat Russland hart getroffen.
20090131             Die russische Bevölkerung leidet unter steigenden Preisen, einer drastischen Rubelabwertung sowie unter Arbeitslosigkeit.
20090131             Der Preisverfall für Rohstoffe auf den Weltmärkten sowie die Konjunkturflaute lassen nach ANGABEN—DER—REGIERUNG die Staatseinnahmen im laufenden —JAHR um etwa 40 % schrumpfen.
20090131             Trotz der Wirtschaftskrise genießt Putin mit 83 % Zustimmung jedoch breite Unterstützung in der Bevölkerung.
20090131             MOSKAU—IN zahlreichen russischen Städten haben Tausende Menschen gegen die Wirtschaftspolitik der REGIERUNG—VON—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN demonstriert.
20090131             "Die Revolution ist der einzige Ausweg aus der Krise", rief Kommunistenchef Gennadij Sjuganow am —SAMSTAG im ZENTRUM—VON—MOSKAU auf einer genehmigten Kundgebung den etwa 10000000              Anhängern zu.
20090131             Vergewaltigungsvorwürfe: Algerien empört über SKANDAL—AGENTEN beim CIA
20090131             Folgen des PELLET—BOOMS: "Der Waldboden blutet aus"
20090131             Siemens: Geplante Atomkooperation mit den Russen stößt auf Widerstand
20090131             TOP—ÖKONOM Rogoff zur Finanzkrise: "Was gerade vor sich geht, ist unvorstellbar"
20090131             Umstrittene Wahl: PAPA ernennt Ultrakonservativen zum BISCHOF
20090131             WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSFORUM: Schweizer Kampfjets fangen Helikopter in der Sperrzone von Davos ab
20090131             Strategie gegen die Finanzkrise: OBAMA—TEAM arbeitet am großen Wurf
20090131             —APPLAUDIERT, DAVOS—EKLAT: Ahmadinedschad, Erdogan
20090131             Russland: Tausende Menschen protestieren gegen Putins Wirtschaftspolitik
20090131             Hilfe für DAX—KONZERNE: Auf dem Weg in die Staatswirtschaft
20090131             Aufstand in ANTANANARIVO: BÜRGERMEISTER erklärt sich zum Machthaber Madagaskars
20090131             In other words, these officials use the budget as 1—TOOL to buy themselves reelection.
20090131             I stand with those who suggest cutting the prison budget:
20090131             "Corrections," 1—IRONIC misnomer, has jumped from less than $5—BILLION 1—YEAR to more than $10—BILLION in the last —DECADE,
20090131             over twice as fast as school spending, the biggest budget item.
20090131             It —NOW costs about $45,000 1—YEAR to feed, clothe and medicate EACH—OF—THE—STATE—170,000-plus inmates,
20090131             or roughly 5—TIMES what taxpayers spend on 1—TYPICAL—PUBLIC—SCHOOL student.
20090131             And that doesn't count what it costs to supervise tens of THOUSANDS—OF—PAROLEES.
20090131             1—ELEMENT—OF—ANY—PLAN to close the state's immense deficit,
20090131             as well as relieve the overcrowding that invites federal intervention, must be to get 1—HANDLE on prison costs by shedding SOME—LOW—INTENSITY inmates.
20090131             Much money could be saved if LOW—LEVEL—DRUG offenders and other NON—VIOLENT—INMATES were simply allowed to walk.
20090131             Ungewöhnlich scharf hatte GREGOR—GYSI kürzlich auch FRANZ—MÜNTEFERING kritisiert:
20090131             Der SPD—VORSITZENDE hatte über Die Linke gesagt, sie vertrete auf Bundesebene eine "nationale soziale Politik".
20090131             Gysi konterte, Müntefering sei "verantwortungslos, gefühllos und charakterlos".
20090131             Gysi beklagte, EINIGE—POLITIKER könnten Assoziationen zu Hitlers Nationalsozialisten
20090131             leider nicht lassen.
20090131             Dabei gebe es keine vergleichbaren Verbrechen.
20090131             —GEWORDEN, Müntefering wisse auch, dass gerade Linke OPFER—DER—NAZIS, seien.
20090131             Datenskandal: Politiker werfen Bahn Jagd auf Informanten vor
20090131             HANDY—GESTEUERT: Roboter fängt Einbrecher per Fangnetz
20090131             Die Amerikaner waren —NACH—DEM Putsch gegen den demokratisch gewählten und beliebten Ministerpräsidenten Mossadegh
20090131             Diese Dominanz führten der Schah und die USA der Bevölkerung mit brutalem Eifer vor Augen.
20090131             In der Schahzeit waren die Amerikaner selbst in der Folterzelle allgegenwärtig.
20090131             Zarismus, bolschewistische Revolution, das ist Vergangenheit.
20090131             Und dann erschüttert diese islamische Revolution,
20090131             unterstützt von europäischen Intellektuellen wie Foucault, die Welt und beweist: Der Gottesstaat ist möglich.
20090131             Also Ende 19780000           .
20090131             Und ich erinnere mich an 1—REDE—VON—DANIEL—COHN—BENDIT, in der er diesen 3. Weg entschieden begrüßte.
20090131             Wissen Sie noch, wann das war?
20090131             europäische Linke - DANIEL—COHN—BENDIT - Die ganze - Die ganze europäische Linke
20090131             Chronik - Gäbe es die Lynchjustiz, wären Banker nicht sicher vor dem Mob.
20090131             Die Menschen möchten sie —JETZT hinter Gittern sehen,
20090131             fasste der ehemalige konservative MINISTER—MICHAEL—PORTILLO die Stimmung zusammen.
20090131             In der Bevölkerung wächst der Affekt gegen die Banker, die —NACH—DEN Worten eines Anlageberaters im öffentlichen Ansehen auf das Niveau von Kinderschändern gesunken sind.
20090131             Affekt - Schulden - Zeitbombe
20090131             —BEENDET, Mit der Prahlerei, den BOOM—UND—BUST—ZYKLUS endlich, und "10—GOLDENE Jahre" eingeleitet zu haben,
20090131             wirke der PREMIERMINISTER—WIE—HITLER, der sich in den Tagen des Unterganges seiner militärischen Erfolge zwischen
20090131             die Gesetze der finanziellen Schwerkraft
20090131             Mitten in die Hiobsbotschaften der vergangenen Woche hinein platzte die Offenbarung, dass am
20090131             Der Theologe KLAUS—BERGER widerspricht
20090131             klagt 1—REGIERUNGSVERTRETER.
20090131             "Die 211—EURO von Hartz IV kann jeder verstehen, die 50—MILLIARDEN niemand. Was wir —DERZEIT tun, ist kaum noch vermittelbar".
20090131             Obamas Bewegung - ROBIN—MISHRA
20090131             SPD—GENERALSEKRETÄR HUBERTUS—HEIL lässt seine Parteifreunde bei Sitzungen "Yes, we can!" skandieren
20090131             Heil - auch er lobt die Verschmelzung von Fakten und Gefühl.
20090131             Die Zuhörer schmunzeln
20090131             —GEHÖRT, Ich habe, die Regel —HEUTE ist, jeder muss einmal über Obama sprechen".
20090131             Tricks - Strategen und Politiker
20090131             Auf einer Konferenz in BERLIN berieten Strategen und Politiker, welche Tricks sie für den Bundestagswahlkampf kopieren können.
20090131             angesteckt - Die Kampfhandlungen und die Berichterstattung
20090131             die Berichterstattung - Der Film sei Teil einer Kampagne
20090131             —BERICHTET, Auch der DER SPIEGEL, - durch Islamisten
20090131             Verfassungsschutzpräsident HEINZ—FROMM stufte im "Hamburger Abendblatt" die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Terroranschlags in Deutschland als außerordentlich hoch ein.
20090131             Kapitalhilfen: BAD—BANK—PLÄNE kosten weitere 120—MILLIARDEN Euro
20090131             Banker im Visier: USA—FINANZMINISTERIUM will Bonuszahlungen einschränken
20090131             Terrorgefahr zur Bundestagswahl: Sicherheitsbehörden warnen vor Anschlägen in Deutschland
20090131             Kriminelle Gangsbreiten sich in den USA zunehmend aus
20090131             Die landesweit über 1—MILLION—GANGMITGLIEDER sollen für 80—PROZENT—DER—VERBRECHEN verantwortlich sein.
20090131             Russland setzt Pläne für Raketenstationierung in KALININGRAD nicht aus
20090131             ENTGEGNUNG, einer Meldung, die das ankündigte, teilte das russische Verteidigungsministerium mit,
20090131             dafür sei es trotz neuem USA—PRÄSIDENTEN noch zu früh.
20090131             Krisenkonsequenz: Merkel will WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSRAT schaffen
20090131             Kommentar: Am deutschen Modell kommt niemand vorbei
20090131             Steep Slide in USA Economy as Unsold Goods Pile Up
20090131             Volle Verstaatlichung von Banken wird erlaubt
20090131             BIP—ZAHLEN: USA verschieben Megaabsturz - Frankreich baut ein 2. Atomkraftwerk
20090131             Leben: "Wir müssen vom Begriff der Rasse wegkommen"
20090131             ANGELA—MERKEL: Soziale Marktwirtschaft als Exportschlager
20090131             Récession aux ETATS—UNIS : "le rêve américain à l'envers", selon Obama
20090131             Zapatero y el primer ministro chino rechazan el proteccionismo
20090131             BRENDAN—BARBER, SECRETARY general of THE—TUC, said workers were "rightly angry" at employers who have not given British based workers the opportunity to apply for new jobs but added:
20090131             "The anger should be directed at employers, not THE—ITALY—WORKERS".
20090131             Union leaders were furious that with unemployment rates soaring, UK—WORKERS had been overlooked.
20090131             —ACCUSED, THE—TUC, employers of attempting to undercut the wages, conditions and union representation of existing staff.
20090131             BOBBY—BUIRDS, 1—REGIONAL—OFFICER for the union Unite in SCOTLAND,
20090131             said: "The argument is not against foreign workers, it's against foreign companies discriminating against UK—LABOUR.
20090131             This is 1—FIGHT for work.
20090131             It is 1—FIGHT for the right to work in our own country.
20090131             It is not 1—RACIST argument at all".
20090131             Zum Weltsozialforum, das sich als Gegenveranstaltung zum gleichzeitig stattfindenden WELT—WIRTSCHAFTFORUM im schweizerischen Davos versteht,
20090131             kamen in diesem —JAHR mit 100000 Besuchern mehr als erwartet.
20090131             Parallel zur sozialistischen Niederlage in EUROPA und der Beseitigung der IKP kam es zur vorübergehenden Auseinandersetzung mit der Einmischung der USA,
20090131             der NATO und besonders der CIA in die italienische Politik.
20090131             Die EXISTENZ—DER—GEHEIMEN—NATO—TRUPPE "Gladio" und ihre Verbrechen wurden aufgedeckt;
20090131             der mehrmalige Ministerpräsident GIULIO—ANDREOTTI wegen Komplizenschaft mit der Mafia und Anstiftung zu einem Mafiamord angeklagt,
20090131             im Mordprozeß zu 24—JAHREN Gefängnis verurteilt, in der Revision letztinstanzlich freigesprochen.
20090131             Unter Berlusconi wurde Italien 19940000              zum 1. europäischen Land,
20090131             in dem nach Kriegsende in Gestalt des 19460000              als MUSSOLINI—NACHFOLGEPARTEI gegründeten Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI) die Faschisten an die Regierung kamen.
20090131             —GEHALTEN, Die Faschisten wurden in Reserve, um sie, wenn erforderlich, auch in die Regierung einzubeziehen und die Linken von ihr auszuschließen.
20090131             In den Pariser Friedensverträgen vom 19470200              hatten die Vereinigten Staaten deshalb die von der UdSSR für Italien geforderte Klausel abgelehnt,
20090131             niemals wieder faschistische Organisationen zu erlauben und Kriegsverbrechen nicht ungesühnt zu lassen.
20090131             Wall St face MOMENT—OF—TRUTH over pay, perks
20090131             —REALIZED, This may be the —WEEK that WALL—STREET finally, 1—GOLDEN—ERA of prestige, high pay and perks has ended.
20090131             Obama and Congress Seek to Limit Pay at BAILED—OUT Companies
20090131             USA—ECONOMY: GDP Shrinks at Fastest Pace
20090131             THE—USA—ECONOMY shrank the most in the 4. quarter - Worst ;;01;; ever for Dow, S&P 500
20090131             —BY—ALEXANDRA Twin, Money com senior writer SENATOR—KENT—CONRAD, D—ND, SENATOR—JUDD—GREGG, R—NH, and Money com's JEANNE—SAHADI—TUNE in —SATURDAY at 1—PM ET and —SUNDAY at 3—PM ET.
20090131             USA—STOCKS Off; Financials, Industrials Lead DJIA Under 8000
20090131             MarketWatch WALL—STREET suffers worst ;;01;;
20090131             As 1—TSUNAMI—OF—PREDATOR drones rain REMOTE—CONTROLLED death on the people of AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN,
20090131             and as THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION prepares 1—MAJOR—MILITARY—ESCALATION in CENTRAL—AND SOUTH—ASIA, girls' schools continue to burn in the Swat Valley with matchbooks labeled "Made in THE—USA".
20090131             —WHILE NORTH—AMERICAN and European Muslim communities remain 1—TARGET of repressive "counterterrorist" policies that demonize Muslims and Arabs as dangerous "others," internal "enemies" and "usual suspects" to be preyed upon by police and intelligence agencies,
20090131             real, not fictional, terrorist networks continue to operate, indeed thrive, with impunity.
20090131             Here, as elsewhere, SHORT—TERM tactical advantage over capitalist rivals trump democratic processes and economic WELL—BEING based on social justice.
20090131             As security analyst and historian, Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed documented
20090131             The government appears unable to fully extract itself from these strategic interests,
20090131             continuing to tolerate Islamist extremist networks in THE—UK, including successor organizations to AL—MUHAJIROUN,
20090131             and showing 1—INEXPLICABLE—UNWILLINGNESS to investigate them;
20090131             displaying ongoing reluctance to arrest and prosecute leading extremists despite abundant EVIDENCE—OF—THEIR—INCITEMENT to terrorism,
20090131             murder, violence and racial hatred (with serious action delayed —UNTIL public pressure is brought to bear);
20090131             and refusing to investigate key AL—QAEDA affiliated terrorist suspects based or formerly based in THE—UK connected to 7/7 and other terrorist attacks.
20090131             In this dire situation, proposing THE—EXTENSION—OF—STATE power through yet further ANTI—TERROR legislation,
20090131             as the Brown government is —NOW doing, can never hope to contribute to real security.
20090131             For in this context, such legislation not only fails to rectify the multiple failures of domestic and INTERNATIONAL security policy behind THE—PARALYSIS—OF—THE—UK—NATIONAL—SECURITY system;
20090131             it simply lends unprecedented powers of social control to 1 paralysed system operating according to 1—DEFUNCT and dangerous intelligence paradigm.
20090131             ( Inside the Crevice: Islamist terror networks and the 7/7—INTELLIGENCE failure ,
20090131             LONDON: Institute for Policy Research and Development, 20070800              )
20090131             Much the same can be said for THE—USA and its myopic "counterterrorist" policies that rely on the demonization of entire communities,
20090131             driftnet SURVEILLANCE—OF—THE—POPULATION, the infiltration of provocateurs into antiwar,
20090131             socialist and LEFT—WING organizations with no demonstrable ties to INTERNATIONAL terrorism,
20090131             and the induced climate of suspicion and fear that breed social paralysis in the face of grave, contemporaneous ruling class threats to democracy.
20090131             Indeed a 20080900              USSOC planning document, 1. disclosed by Wikileaks,
20090131             avers that unconventional warfare "must be conducted by, with, or through surrogates;
20090131             and such surrogates must be irregular forces.
20090131             —RANGED, For the people of PAKISTAN, the "irregular forces", against them are driving the country headlong over the edge of 1—PRECIPICE.
20090131             Unfortunately however, this is not by accident.
20090131             Die einflussreiche USA—GEWERKSCHAFT Teamsters sprach von "einem neuen —TAG" für die Arbeiter.
20090131             "Endlich haben wir 1—WEISSES—HAUS, dass mit uns zusammenarbeiten will, um unsere Mittelschicht wiederaufzubauen".
20090131             VIELE—ENTSCHEIDUNGEN der vergangenen 8—JAHRE bezüglich der Gewerkschaften müssten rückgängig gemacht werden,
20090131             sagte Obama am —FREITAG.
20090131             "Die Gewerkschaften sind nicht TEIL—DES—PROBLEMS, sie sind TEIL—DER—LÖSUNG".
20090131             Der Sperrzaun soll nach israelischer Darstellung das Eindringen palästinensischer Selbstmordattentäter nach ISRAEL verhindern.
20090131             Da er nicht entlang der INTERNATIONAL anerkannten Grenze von 19670000              verläuft,
20090131             sondern stellenweise tief in das palästinensische Westjordanland einschneidet, betrachten ihn die Palästinenser als Teil einer Strategie des "Landraubs".
20090131             DÖRFERN, in denen der Zaun Bauern von ihren Feldern abschneidet, kommt es immer wieder zu Protesten, die häufig in Gewalt münden.
20090131             MICHAEL—STEELE: USA—REPUBLIKANER wählen erstmals Schwarzen zum Parteichef
20090131    - Wohlleben: Das sind sie.
20090131             —FORDERUNGEN, SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Sollte Obama Ihre, umsetzen und die Banken verstaatlichen— wie lange wird es dauern, —BIS die USA die Krise überwunden haben?
20090131             Der EINSATZ—DER—TRUPPEN am Boden für das Weltwirtschaftsforum sei —BISHER ohne Zwischenfälle verlaufen, hieß es.
20090131             —SEIT Beginn der israelischen Offensive seien im GAZA—STREIFEN fast 1300—MENSCHEN umgekommen, stellte Erdogan fest: "Da steht kein Gebäude mehr, keine Infrastruktur. GAZA ist 1—RUINE. Es ist komplett eingeschlossen, belagert".
20090131             Und ISRAEL ignoriere ALLE—BESCHLÜSSE—DES—SICHERHEITSRAT—DER—UNO zur Lage in den Palästinensergebieten.
20090131             Aber ich schaue mir —JETZT das Endergebnis an".
20090131             Die weltweite Finanzkrise hat dem Treffen, das in den vergangenen Jahren eher lustlos dahinplätscherte, zu neuer Bedeutung verholfen.
20090131             Weltwirtschaftsforum: Schweizer Kampfjets fangen Helikopter in der Sperrzone von Davos ab
20090131             I stand with those who suggest cutting
20090131             the prison budget : "Corrections," 1—IRONIC misnomer, has jumped from less than $5—BILLION 1—YEAR to more than $10—BILLION in the last —DECADE, over twice as fast as school spending, the biggest budget item.
20090131             It —NOW costs about $45,000 1—YEAR to feed, clothe and medicate EACH—OF—THE—STATE—170,000-plus inmates, or roughly 5—TIMES what taxpayers spend on 1—TYPICAL—PUBLIC—SCHOOL student.
20090131             1—ELEMENT—OF—ANY—PLAN to close the state's immense deficit, as well as relieve the overcrowding that invites federal intervention, must be to get 1—HANDLE on prison costs by shedding SOME—LOW—INTENSITY inmates.
20090131             Der SPD—VORSITZENDE hatte über Die Linke gesagt, sie vertrete auf Bundesebene eine "nationale soziale Politik".
20090131             Gysi beklagte, EINIGE—POLITIKER könnten Assoziationen zu Hitlers Nationalsozialisten leider nicht lassen.
20090131             Und dann erschüttert diese islamische Revolution, unterstützt von europäischen Intellektuellen wie Foucault, die Welt und beweist: Der Gottesstaat ist möglich.
20090131             DANIEL—COHN—BENDIT
20090131             Die Menschen möchten sie —JETZT hinter Gittern sehen, fasste der ehemalige konservative MINISTER—MICHAEL—PORTILLO die Stimmung zusammen.
20090131             —BEENDET, Mit der Prahlerei, den BOOM—UND—BUST—ZYKLUS endlich, und "10—GOLDENE Jahre" eingeleitet zu haben, wirke der PREMIERMINISTER—WIE—HITLER, der sich in den Tagen des Unterganges seiner militärischen Erfolge zwischen
20090131             Der Theologe KLAUS—BERGER
20090131             widerspricht Theorien der BIBEL—AUSLEGUNG, nach denen aus der "jungen Frau" Maria durch einen Übersetzungsfehler eine "Jungfrau" geworden sei.
20090131             "Wir kopieren gar nichts".
20090131             ROBIN—MISHRA - hat die Bertelsmann Stiftung Politiker und Politikberater zur Austausch über "Strategische Politik" geladen — und kurz vor dem START—DES—BUNDESTAGSWAHLKAMPFS drehen sich die Diskussionen immer wieder um den politischen Rockstar aus den USA und dessen Tricks.
20090131             —BERICHTET, Auch der DER SPIEGEL
20090131             ENTGEGNUNG, einer Meldung, die das ankündigte, teilte das russische Verteidigungsministerium mit, dafür sei es trotz neuem USA—PRÄSIDENTEN noch zu früh.
20090131             Krisenkonsequenz: Merkel will Weltwirtschaftsrat schaffen
20090131             Steep Slide in USA—ECONOMY as Unsold Goods Pile Up - Frankreich baut ein 2. Atomkraftwerk
20090131             BRENDAN—BARBER, SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—TUC, said workers were "rightly angry" at employers who have not given British based workers the opportunity to apply for new jobs but added: "The anger should be directed at employers, not THE—ITALY—WORKERS".
20090131             BOBBY—BUIRDS, 1—REGIONAL—OFFICER for the union Unite in SCOTLAND, said: "The argument is not against foreign workers, it's against foreign companies discriminating against UK—LABOUR. This is 1—FIGHT for work. It is 1—FIGHT for the right to work in our own country. It is not 1—RACIST argument at all".
20090131             Zum Weltsozialforum, das sich als Gegenveranstaltung zum gleichzeitig stattfindenden Weltwirtschaftforum im schweizerischen Davos versteht, kamen in diesem —JAHR mit 100000 Besuchern mehr als erwartet.
20090131             Parallel zur sozialistischen Niederlage in EUROPA und der Beseitigung der IKP kam es zur vorübergehenden Auseinandersetzung mit der Einmischung der USA, der NATO und besonders der CIA in die italienische Politik.
20090131             der mehrmalige Ministerpräsident GIULIO—ANDREOTTI wegen Komplizenschaft mit der Mafia und Anstiftung zu einem Mafiamord angeklagt, im Mordprozeß zu 24—JAHREN Gefängnis verurteilt, in der Revision letztinstanzlich freigesprochen.
20090131             Unter Berlusconi wurde Italien 19940000              zum 1. europäischen Land, in dem nach Kriegsende in Gestalt des 19460000              als MUSSOLINI—NACHFOLGEPARTEI gegründeten Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI) die Faschisten an die Regierung kamen.
20090131             In den Pariser Friedensverträgen vom 19470200              hatten die Vereinigten Staaten deshalb die von der UdSSR für Italien geforderte Klausel abgelehnt, niemals wieder faschistische Organisationen zu erlauben und Kriegsverbrechen nicht ungesühnt zu lassen.
20090131             —BY JONATHAN—SPICER and DAN—WILCHINS—ANALYSIS NEW—YORK (Reuters) -
20090131             4.—QUARTER USA GDP registers minus-3.8 %
20090131             BIZJOURNALS—COM—WORST—JANUARY ever for Dow, S&P 500—BY ALEXANDRA—TWIN, Money_com senior writer SENATOR—KENT—CONRAD, D—ND, SENATOR—JUDD—GREGG, R—NH, and Money_com's JEANNE—SAHADI—TUNE in —SATURDAY at 1—PM ET and —SUNDAY at 3—PM ET.
20090131             USA—STOCKS Off; Financials, Industrials Lead DJIA Under 8000—MARKETWATCH WALL—STREET suffers worst January BBC News
20090131             As 1—TSUNAMI—OF—PREDATOR drones rain REMOTE—CONTROLLED death on the people of AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN, and as THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION prepares 1—MAJOR—MILITARY—ESCALATION in CENTRAL—AND SOUTH—ASIA, girls' schools continue to burn in the Swat Valley with matchbooks labeled "Made in THE—USA".
20090131             —WHILE NORTH—AMERICAN and European Muslim communities remain 1—TARGET of repressive "counterterrorist" policies that demonize Muslims and Arabs as dangerous "others," internal "enemies" and "usual suspects" to be preyed upon by police and intelligence agencies, real, not fictional, terrorist networks continue to operate, indeed thrive, with impunity.
20090131             documented in 1—BRIEFING—PAPER prepared for THE—UK—PARLIAMENT —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—AL—QAEDA'S 20050000              LONDON transport attacks,
20090131             The government appears unable to fully extract itself from these strategic interests, continuing to tolerate Islamist extremist networks in THE—UK, including successor organizations to AL—MUHAJIROUN, and showing 1—INEXPLICABLE—UNWILLINGNESS to investigate them;
20090131             displaying ongoing reluctance to arrest and prosecute leading extremists despite abundant EVIDENCE—OF—THEIR—INCITEMENT to terrorism, murder, violence and racial hatred (with serious action delayed —UNTIL public pressure is brought to bear);
20090131             In this dire situation, proposing THE—EXTENSION—OF—STATE power through yet further ANTI—TERROR legislation, as the Brown government is —NOW doing, can never hope to contribute to real security.
20090131             ( Inside the Crevice: Islamist terror networks and the 7/7—INTELLIGENCE failure, LONDON: Institute for Policy Research and Development, 20070800              )
20090131             Much the same can be said for THE—USA and its myopic "counterterrorist" policies that rely on the demonization of entire communities, driftnet SURVEILLANCE—OF—THE—POPULATION, the infiltration of provocateurs into antiwar, socialist and LEFT—WING organizations with no demonstrable ties to INTERNATIONAL terrorism, and the induced climate of suspicion and fear that breed social paralysis in the face of grave, contemporaneous ruling class threats to democracy.
20090131             Wikileaks, avers that unconventional warfare "must be conducted by, with, or through surrogates; and such surrogates must be irregular forces".
20090131             VIELE—ENTSCHEIDUNGEN der vergangenen 8—JAHRE bezüglich der Gewerkschaften müssten rückgängig gemacht werden, sagte Obama am —FREITAG.
20090131             Da er nicht entlang der INTERNATIONAL anerkannten Grenze von 19670000              verläuft, sondern stellenweise tief in das palästinensische Westjordanland einschneidet, betrachten ihn die Palästinenser als Teil einer Strategie des "Landraubs".
20090131             YOURI—MESSEN—JASCHIN arbeitete 2—JAHRE lang am "Centre de la gravure contemporaine" in Genf.
20090131             Später hält er sich in Zürich auf... Youri_MESSEN—JASCHIN
20090131—19450000    —NACH, Die Weichen dafür hatten die USA im Bündnis mit den reaktionären und Rechtskräften des Landes gestellt.
20090131—19530800    —IM, Die Amerikaner waren —NACH—DEM Putsch gegen den demokratisch gewählten und beliebten Ministerpräsidenten Mossadegh zur dominierenden Kraft im IRAN geworden.
20090131—19820000    —SINCE, USA—ECONOMY: GDP Shrinks at Fastest Pace
20090131—19820000    —SINCE, THE—USA—ECONOMY shrank the most in the 4. quarter as consumer spending recorded the worst slide in the postwar era, 1—TRAJECTORY that's likely to continue in coming months.
20090131—20050000    —CAUSED, Wagner, 1—STIR —WHEN he was quoted as saying that he was convinced that the death and DESTRUCTION—OF—HURRICANE—KATRINA —EARLIER that —YEAR was "divine retribution" for tolerance of homosexuals and LAID—BACK—SEXUAL—ATTITUDES in NEW—ORLEANS.
20090131—20060000    —IN, MARYLAND, Goucher College PRESIDENT—SANFORD—UNGAR told faculty and students in 1—E—MAIL that Professor LEOPOLD—MUNYAKAZI (59) was removed from teaching —AFTER officials learned he had been indicted on genocide charges in RWANDA.
20090131—20060000    —REVOKED, The government had, her press credentials.
20090131—20090413    —ON, she was tried and soon sentenced to 8—YEARS in jail for spying.
20090131—20100000    —RELEASED, She was, in May and authored "Between 2—WORLDS" My Life and Captivity In IRAN".
20090205—20090131    —IN—THE, THE—IRAQ—ELECTION commission said that PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI—PARTY won 38—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES in BAGHDAD election, followed by ALLIES—OF—ANTI—USA cleric Muqtada AL—SADR and 1—SUNNI party with 9—PERCENT each.
20090815             LEWIS—LICHTENSTEIN—STRAUSS (20090131             , 18960000—20090121     , 19740000             ) was 1—USA—BUSINESSMAN, government department head, and an honorary as opposed to commissioned (ie KENTUCKY COLONEL, Confederate AIR—FORCE) USA Naval officer.
20100000             "EGYPT—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY, in effect almost continuously
20100114—20100131    —ON, 1—JORDAN—SECURITY—OFFICIAL said authorities have arrested DOZENS—OF—MUSLIM militants in connection with the failed bomb attack.
20100131             —EARNED, Beyonce, pop's reigning diva, 6—GRAMMYS, more than ANY—WOMAN on 1—SINGLE—NIGHT—OF—THE—52—YEAR—OLD—AWARDS show.
20100131             TAYLOR—SWIFT won 4—GRAMMYS.
20100131             —APPEALED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—KARZAI, to Taliban fighters to lay down their weapons and accept AFGHANISTAN—LAWS as the government and its INTERNATIONAL allies push 1—PROGRAM to entice militants away from the insurgency.
20100131             Karzai also said  that AFGHANISTAN, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—POOREST—COUNTRIES, is sitting on mineral and petroleum reserves worth 1 estimated 1—TRILLION dollars.
20100131             —FAMED, ARGENTINA, TOMAS—ELOY—MARTINEZ, 75—JAHRE—ALT, author and journalist, for his writings about FORMER—PRESIDENT—JUAN—DOMINGO—PERON and his glamorous wife Eva, †.
20100131             1—EGYPT—SECURITY official said 25—EGYPTIANS were arrested on suspicion of planning 1—BOMBING attack against Jewish pilgrims in the country and belonging to 1—MILITANT—ISLAMIST group.
20100131             —ROUNDED, The suspects, up over the past few weeks in the Nile Delta governorate of Daqahlia, were found in possession of explosives and rudimentary rocket warheads.
20100131             —ATTENDED, ETHIOPIA, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN KI—MOON, THE—AU—ANNUAL—SUMMIT in ADDIS—ABABA and again failed to pledge peacekeepers for SOMALIA.
20100131             —CRITICIZED, Ban KI—MOON, POWER—GRABS in AFRICA in 1—SPEECH to the continent's leaders as LIBYA—MOAMER—KADHAFI reluctantly handed over the presidency of the African Union to MALAWI—PRESIDENT—BINGU wa Mutharika.
20100131             —AGREED, THE—AU, to consider 1—SENEGAL—PROPOSAL to resettle HAITI—EARTHQUAKE homeless and possibly create 1—STATE for them in AFRICA.
20100131             10—USA—BAPTISTS were being held in THE—HAITI—CAPITAL —AFTER trying take 33—CHILDREN out of HAITI at 1—TIME of growing fears over possible child trafficking.
20100131             —SKIRTED, Doctors, 1—BUREAUCRATIC logjam to save the life of 2—CRITICALLY ill child VICTIMS—OF—HAITI—EARTHQUAKE, flying them to USA—HOSPITALS on 1—PRIVATE—JET to avoid 1—MILITARY—SUSPENSION of medical evacuation flights.
20100131             † In THE—INDIAN—CONTROLLED portion of Kashmir Wamiq Farooq (14), 1—MUSLIM boy, —AFTER being struck by 1—SHELL fired by police to quell 1—DEMONSTRATION by separatists in SRINAGAR.
20100131             —ARRIVED, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON, in JAPAN for a 3—DAY visit, as the countries mark 400—YEARS—OF—OFFICIAL—TIES.
20100131             1—JORDAN—SECURITY official said more than 40 alleged Islamist extremists have been arrested in JORDAN —SINCE 1—JORDAN—BLEW himself up in AFGHANISTAN in December, killing 7—CIA agents.
20100131             1—LIBYA—APPEAL court overturned 1—JAIL term slapped on SWITZERLAND—BUSINESSMAN Rashid Hamdani on 1—CHARGE of overstaying his visa, easing 1—TRIPOLI—BERN diplomatic spat.
20100131             —KILLED, NEW—ZEALAND, XIAO—ZHEN, AUCKLAND taxi driver Hiren Mohini (39) and then fled to CHINA.
20100131             —EXPRESSED, Xiao (24), remorse over the killing, which he said was in SELF—DEFENSE —WHEN 1—ARGUMENT escalated —AFTER he refused to pay Mohini adequate cab fare.
20100131             —POUNDED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, fighter jets and helicopters, 1—DISTRICT where 1—SUICIDE bomber in Khar killed 17—PEOPLE 1—DAY —EARLIER.
20100131             1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded in THE—TOWN—OF—SAFI, killing 2—SECURITY personnel who were riding in 1—WATER tanker.
20100131             Militants blew up 1—GOVERNMENT—RUN girls' primary school on the outskirts of the northwestern garrison TOWN—OF—BANNU.
20100131             —REPORTED, State television, that TTP CHIEF—HAKIMULLAH—MEHSUD was dead, reviving rumors that he was killed in 1—USA—MISSILE strike in MID—JANUARY.
20100131             —DENIED, But the Taliban, the report and the army only said it was investigating.
20100131             RUSSIA, several 100—DEMONSTRATORS shouting "Shame!" gathered in 1—CENTRAL—MOSCOW square, defying 1—BAN imposed by authorities.
20100131             —DETAINED, MOSCOW police, DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE at 1—ANTI—KREMLIN protest, including several prominent opposition leaders.
20100131             1—SEPARATE—DEMONSTRATION was held by DOZENS—OF—RESIDENTS of the Rechnik settlement to protest the demolition of their homes ordered by Mayor Yury Luzhkov.
20100131             SOMALIA, heavy mortar fire between African Union peacekeepers and Islamist insurgents killed at least 12—CIVILIANS and left scores wounded in MOGADISHU.
20100131             —WARNED, SWITZERLAND—JUSTICE MINISTER, in 1—INTERVIEW that top BANK—UBS could collapse if sensitive talks with THE—USA—OVER 1—HIGH—PROFILE tax fraud investigation fall through.
20100131             DAVOS—SWITZERLAND, the world's foremost GATHERING—OF—BUSINESS and government leaders wrapped up a 5—DAY meeting with widespread agreement that 1—FRAGILE—RECOVERY is under way but no consensus on what's going to spur job growth and prevent another global economic meltdown.
20100131             YEMEN said it would stop its WAR—ON—SHIITE northern rebels only if they agree to a 6—POINT truce offer, including 1—PLEDGE not to attack SAUDI—ARABIA, as fighting raged on 3—FRONTS.
20100131—20100817    —SENTENCED, XIAO—ZHEN was, to 15—YEARS in prison.
20100131—20110000    —ARRESTED, Zhen was, in SHANGHAI and tried for murder.
20100205—20100131    —THREATENED, The incident, to enflame protests that have rocked the city —FOLLOWING THE—DEATH—OF—ANOTHER boy.
20110121—20110131    —CAPTURED, MALAYSIA—POLICE took custody of 7, SOMALIA—PIRATES.
20110131             sich auf das 20010101—21001231     einzulassen.
20110131             DHS Offers $40M For Top Cybersecurity Research — CmdrTaco - "THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY issued 1—CALL for proposals this —WEEK in a $40m program to encourage research and development in 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—TOPICS related to cybersecurity: from designing more resilient software, to alternatives to passwords and CAPTCHA technology to prevent automated attacks. DHS laid out its AREAS—OF—INTEREST in 1—BROAD—AGENCY—ANNOUNCEMENT dated 20110126             . In it, the domestic security agency said it was soliciting papers and proposals centered on 14—DIFFERENT—TOPIC—AREAS. At stake is $40m in federal funding for research and development, with individual grants ranging up to $3—MILLION. DHS—AREAS—OF—INTEREST include software assurance, enterprise security metrics, usable security, as well as the challenges posed by insider threats".Read more of this story
20110131             —IMPOSED, THE—USA—AND—THE—EU, sanctions against BELARUS PRESIDENT—LUKASHENKO and SCORES—OF—OTHER—OFFICIALS for 1—BROAD—CRACKDOWN on the opposition —FOLLOWING fraudulent elections —LAST—YEAR.
20110131             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—FLORIDA struck down PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—LANDMARK healthcare overhaul as unconstitutional in the biggest legal challenge yet to federal authority to enact the law.
20110131             JOHN—WRENSHALL, 64—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—RESIDENT—OF—CALGARY, CANADA, was sentenced in federal COURT—IN—NEW—JERSEY to 25—YEARS in prison —AFTER admitting to running 1—BROTHEL for pedophiles in THAILAND.
20110131             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, a roadside bomb, a NATO—SERVICE member.
20110131             Leaders of 53—AFRICAN countries met In ADDIS—ABABA, ETHIOPIA, to tackle festering conflicts in SUDAN and SOMALIA at 1—SUMMIT overshadowed by EGYPT—POPULAR uprising and the leadership crisis in IVORY—COAST.
20110131             —NAMED, THE—AFRICAN—UNION, 1—PANEL—OF—6—AFRICAN presidents to mediate IVORY—COAST—POLITICAL—CRISIS.
20110131             † IN—SHANGHAI, CHINA, relatives of Liu Yonghua, 1—PATIENT who, rampaged with knives through 1—HOSPITAL, seriously wounding 6—PEOPLE and trying to throw 1—DOCTOR out 1—WINDOW.
20110131             —NAMED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—MUBARAK, 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT, but the lineup dominated by regime stalwarts was greeted with scorn by protesters camped out for the 4. —DAY in the capital's CENTRAL—TAHRIR Square.
20110131             1—COALITION—OF—OPPOSITION groups called for 1—MILLION people to take to CAIRO—STREETS 20110201              to demand the removal of Mubarak.
20110131             The official death toll from the crisis stood at 97, with thousands injured, but reports from witnesses across the country indicated the actual toll was far higher.
20110131             —PROMISED, The military, on STATE—TV late in the —DAY that it would not fire on protesters answering 1—CALL for 1—MILLION people to demonstrate the next —DAY.
20110131             —APPOINTED, VICE—PRESIDENT—OMAR—SULEIMAN, by Mubarak only —2—DAYS—EARLIER in what could be 1—SUCCESSION plan, went on STATE—TV to announce the offer of 1—DIALOGUE with "political forces" for constitutional and legislative reforms.
20110131             THE—EU said that the World Trade Organization found USA—AID to Boeing violated INTERNATIONAL rules, confirming 1—PRELIMINARY ruling in THE—LONG—RUNNING subsidy BATTLE—BETWEEN—THE—CHICAGO—BASED plane maker and European rival Airbus.
20110131             —AGREED, European Union foreign ministers, to freeze THE—ASSETS—OF—TUNISIA—FORMER—PRESIDENT—ZINE—AL—ABIDINE—BEN—ALI and his wife.
20110131             —REJECTED, INDIA, CANADA—BASED Research In Motion's (RIM) offer to allow it only partial access to its BlackBerry data services, —WHILE neighboring PAKISTAN reversed its —EARLIER decision to restrict the popular smartphone's services.
20110131             —SENTENCED, INDONESIA, popstar Nazril "Ariel" Irham was, to 3½  years in prison —AFTER sex tapes with his celebrity girlfriends found their way to THE—INTERNET.
20110131             —FREED, IRAN—PROSECUTOR general said USA hiker SARAH—SHOURD, on bail —LAST—YEAR, has been summoned for trial in IRAN along with her 2—USA—FRIENDS who remain in custody.
20110131             ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI said he wanted to drop from the constitution 1—CLAUSE imposing social obligations on entrepreneurs.
20110131             —PROMISED, He also, tax breaks for the south and offered cooperation with the opposition.
20110131             —CHARGED, JAPAN—RULING party powerbroker Ichiro Ozawa was, over 1—FUNDING scandal, adding to PRIME—MINISTER—NAOTO—KAN—WOES as he struggles to survive in the face of 1 divided PARLIAMENT and sagging support.
20110131             —FIRED, ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—JORDAN, his government in the face of smaller street protests, named 1—EX—PRIME—MINISTER to form 1—NEW—CABINET and ordered him to launch political reforms.
20110131             —NAMED, ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—, Marouf Bakhit (64), 1—CAREER soldier and FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER, —AFTER sacking the government of SAMIR—RIFAI, 43—JAHRE—ALT.
20110131             —WHISKED, KASHMIR, attackers carrying automatic rifles, Arifa (17) and Akhtara (19) away from their home.
20110131             Police say the men were rebels, though their mother, Fracha Begum, has said only that they were gunmen.
20110131             —RECOVERED, Less than an —HOUR—LATER, police, their bodies riddled with bullets about 1—MILE away.
20110131             —SEEMED, Residents, convinced the rebels killed the sisters for their alleged association with government forces deployed in the town.
20110131             † In MEXICO 1—GIRL, 16—JAHRE—ALT —AFTER being shot by federal police in the same CIUDAD—JUAREZ neighborhood where gunmen massacred 15—YOUTHS at 1—PARTY—1—YEAR ago.
20110131             She was shot —2—DAYS—EARLIER—WHILE riding in 1—CAR.
20110131             —OPENED, Police said someone in the vehicle had, fire at officers shortly beforehand.
20110131             1—DRUG gunman shot to death Maribel Hernandez, 1—WOMAN who distributed newspapers in the border CITY—OF—CIUDAD—JUAREZ, because his gang thought she threatened their control over street vendors.
20110131             —ELECTED, MYANMAR, 1, PARLIAMENT convened for the 1. time in half 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY but inspired scant enthusiasm among 1—SKEPTICAL—PUBLIC convinced it is —JUST 1—SMOKESCREEN for continued military rule.
20110131             —IMPOVERISHED, NIGER, 1, country on the edge of THE—SAHARA, took another stab at democracy as it voted for 1—NEW—PRESIDENT—AND—PARLIAMENT that are expected to take over leadership from the military.
20110131             PAKISTAN, 1—PAIR—OF—BOMBINGS targeting police in THE—NORTH—WEST—CITY—OF—PESHAWAR killed 5—PEOPLE, including 1—SENIOR—POLICE officer.
20110131             PAKISTAN wildlife authorities said they have found the carcasses of 6 endangered river dolphins in PAKISTAN over the last —MONTH.
20110131             —ACCUSED, Sindh Wildlife DEPARTMENT—DEPUTY—HEAD—GHULAM—MOHAMMAD, local fisherman, saying their poison and nets were to blame for the deaths of the blind Indus River Dolphin.
20110131             A 20060000              survey put the number left at 1,300.
20110131             The demonstrations are held on the last —DAY—OF—EVERY—MONTH with 31—DAYS to call attention to the 31. ARTICLE—OF—RUSSIA—CONSTITUTION, which guarantees FREEDOM—OF—ASSEMBLY.
20110131             —KILLED, SOMALIA, fighting between government troops and police, 16—PEOPLE in MOGADISHU, underscoring the weak UN—BACKED government's inability to control its armed forces.
20110131             —EXECUTED, The fighting began —WHEN police, 1—PLAINCLOTHES soldier they suspected of being 1—ISLAMIST insurgent.
20110131             1—MAJOR—SPAIN—SAVINGS—BANK born from 1—MERGER—OF—7—INSTITUTIONS, Banco Financiero y de Ahorros, announced plans to list on the market to tap private capital.
20110131             SRI—LANKA, 1—GROUP—OF—MEN broke into the offices of 1—WEBSITE CRITICAL—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT and set fire to it.
20110131             1—JOURNALIST from the publication said that he suspected 1—GOVERNMENT role in the attack.
20110131             —RESISTED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—ASSAD, who has, calls for political freedoms and jailed critics of his regime, said in 1—INTERVIEW published —TODAY that his nation is immune from THE—KIND—OF—UNREST roiling TUNISIA and EGYPT.
20110131             Inexplicable "Ineptitude" - DIE KRISE IST DRAMATISCH".
20110131             Revolução_ESPARTAQUISTA—TERRITORIOSCUOLA Wikipedia Português
20110131             —FRUSTRIERT, Jung, zu allem bereit
20110131             Tunesien, Ägypten, Jemen: Die arabischen Herrscher haben sich nur mit dem Machterhalt beschäftigt und versäumt,
20110131             Nun stellt die Jugend die Potentaten vor die Wahl: Reformen oder noch mehr Brutalität.
20110131             Obama telefonierte mit mehreren Regierungschefs wegen Ägypten
20110131             USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA hat die Lage in Ägypten mit mehreren Regierungschefs in der Region erörtert.
20110131             Nutznießer der Repression
20110131             —SEIT dem STURZ—DES—REGIMES—ZINE—EL—ABIDINE BEN—ALI in Tunesien müht sich BERLIN,
20110131             seine systematische Unterstützung für die autoritären nordafrikanischen Staaten vergessen zu machen.
20110131             —GEACHTET, Auch in Ägypten müssten die "Bürgerrechte", werden [1],
20110131             lässt der deutsche Außenminister verlauten.
20110131             Belo Monte: Später Alles wieder aufforsten? BRASILIA.
20110131             Nach Erteilung der "partiellen Umweltlizenz" durch das Bundesumweltamt Ibama für das umstrittenen Megastaudammprojekt Belo Monte im nordbrasilianischen Bundesstaat Pará wächst nicht nur bei Indigenen,
20110131             Umweltschützern und sozialen Bewegungen der Unmut.
20110131             WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSGIPFEL in Davos: Cablegate und die Folgen
20110131             1—DISKUSSION im Rahmen des World Economic Forum in Davos befasste sich mit den Auswirkungen des "Cablegate"-Leaks auf Diplomatie und internationale Beziehungen.
20110131             Politiker und Diplomaten, so das Fazit der Diskussion,
20110131             sind momentan verunsichert und bemühen sich,
20110131             sensible oder kompromittierende Informationen nicht schriflich niederzulegen.
20110131             Report: Nieder mit Mubarak
20110131             Kairo (dpa) — Panzerfahrzeuge auf den Straßen Kairos,
20110131             Zusammenstöße zwischen Demonstranten und Polizei,
20110131             Feuer und Rauch — in der Millionenmetropole am Nil herrschte am —FREITAG Chaos.
20110131             Anonymous startet Operation ITALY
20110131             Gestern rief das Kollektiv Anonymous zu Cyberattacken gegen italienische Regierungsseiten auf.
20110131             Nach AUSSAGE—DER—AKTIVISTEN sei die politische wie wirtschaftliche Situation in Italien unhaltbar geworden.
20110131             Durch die kürzlich durchgeführten Verhaftungen und Durchsuchungen lässt sich das Kollektiv bislang nicht aufhalten.
20110131             Schwedischer Provider will Vorratsdatenspeicherung per VPN umgehen
20110131             SCHWEDEN, soll bald die von der EU vorgeschriebene Vorratsdatenspeicherung von Kommunikationsdaten eingeführt werden.
20110131             Der INTERNET—PROVIDER Bahnhof widersetzt sich dem jedoch:
20110131             der ISP will die Daten seiner Kunden vor der Vorratsdatenspeicherung schützen, indem man diese über 1—VPN routet.
20110131             "Geheimagenten zettelten Plünderungen in Kairo an"
20110131             Der Grund ist für sie logisch: "Die Regierung will uns einen Schrecken einjagen.
20110131             Damit wir alle denken, dass es ohne sie doch nicht geht".
20110131             Aus diesem Grund sei auch die Feuerwehr nicht ausgerückt,
20110131             als zahlreiche Gebäude in der Innenstadt in Flammen standen.
20110131             Auch diese unterstehe der Regierung, so Sadry.
20110131             Die Polizisten waren die letzten Tage in der Stadt aus der Bildfläche verschwunden.
20110131             Verfassungsgericht Kasachstan: kein PRÄSIDENT—AUF—LEBENSZEIT
20110131             Nein zur MÖCHTEGERN—DIKTATUR: "Änderung der Verfassung ist rechtlich falsch und widerspricht grundlegenden Prinzipien der Demokratie" Deutschland sieht keine DEMOKRATIE—DEFIZITE in Kasachstan
20110131             Ägypten Ticker: Volksaufstand —TAG 7
20110131             Kairo: Die Menschen strömen wieder auf den TAHRIR—PLATZ.
20110131             In ganz Ägypten sind die Menschen nach wie vor auf den Straßen.
20110131             Für —DIENSTAG hat sich in Kairo ein "Million Man March",
20110131             1—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN—MARSCH angekündigt.
20110131             In ganz Ägypten wird zum Generalstreik aufgerufen.
20110131             EGYPT—PROTESTERS call for general strike
20110131             —GATHERED, THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT demonstrators have, in CAIRO—CENTRAL—SQUARE,
20110131             with MANY—CALLING for 1—GENERAL—STRIKE —ON—MONDAY.
20110131             Nach Verbot in Kairo: AL—DSCHASIRA setzt auf Blogger und Augenzeugen
20110131             Untereinander verständigten sich die Ägypter vor allem per Telefon,
20110131             auch die meisten HANDY—VERBINDUNGEN funktionierten inzwischen wieder,
20110131             berichtete die FRÜHERE—KAIRO—KORRESPONDENTIN der ARD,
20110131             Golineh Atai, im ARD—MORGENMAGAZIN... Zugleich bestätigte Atai Berichte,
20110131             wonach die MUBARAK—REGIERUNG für die massiven Plünderungen mitverantwortlich ist.
20110131             Demnach hätten Polizisten der Staatssicherheit ihre schwarzen Uniformen abgelegt und würden nunmehr in Zivil marodierenden Banden Anweisungen geben,
20110131             Bewohner aus ihren Wohnungen zu treiben, um diese anschließend zu plündern.
20110131             Unter den Ägyptern selbst herrsche eine große euphorische Stimmung.
20110131             GEORGIA—PRESIDENT to participate in MUNICH Conference on Security
20110131             PRESIDENT—SAAKASHVILI will attend the annual security conference to be held in MUNICH,
20110131             GEORGIA—DEPUTY Foreign MINISTER—NINO—KALANDADZE said.
20110131             ISRAEL rearrests Hamas lawmaker in WEST—BANK
20110131             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—SOLDIERS, Hamas lawmaker MUHAMMAD—NATSHEH early —MONDAY at his home in THE—SOUTH—WEST—BANK—CITY—OF—HEBRON, Hamas officials said
20110131             Hinrichtung von Gefangenen im ägyptischen Gefängnis ABU—ZAABAL
20110131             Berichte, die darauf hindeuten, dass Mubaraks Gefängniswärter in den letzten Tagen Massenexekutionen durchgeführt haben,
20110131             sind alerdings in den letzten Tagen durchaus aufgetaucht.
20110131             Die GESCHICHTE—DES—VIDEOS könnte durchaus stimmig sein,
20110131             denn in den letzten Tagen konnten zahlreiche Gefangene aus ägyptischen Gefängnissen fliehen und einige davon waren palästinensische Gefangene die nach GAZA geflohen sind.
20110131             Ägypten: Exekution von Gefangenen durch Wachpersonal (Video)
20110131             Ägypten: Dieses Video zeigt offensichtlich die gezielte Exekution von politischen Gefangenen durch das Wachpersonal.
20110131             Dem Vernehmen nach spielten sich diese Szenen im Kairoer ABU—ZAABAL—GEFÄNGNIS ab.
20110131             —AM—SONNTAG hatte ein ägyptischer "Sicherheitsbeamter" der französischen Nachrichtenagentur AFP ohne weiteren Kommentar mitgeteilt,
20110131             an einer Straße nahe des ABU—ZAABAL—GEFÄNGNIS—DUTZENDE—LEICHEN—VON—GEFÄNGNISINSASSEN liegen würden.
20110131             USA Index Futures Rise on Spending Data; Euro Gains, EGYPT—BONDS Fall
20110131             —REMAINED, EGYPT—BANKS and the stock market, closed for a 2. —DAY.
20110131             —RETREATED, The country's currency, 0.9—PERCENT last —WEEK to 5.8575—AGAINST the dollar on Jan.
20110131             28, —WHILE THE—EGX 30—INDEX—OF—STOCKS tumbled 16—PERCENT.
20110131             —TRADED, Orascom Construction Industries, EGYPT—BIGGEST publicly, company,
20110131             fell 2.3—PERCENT in LONDON, taking its 6—DAY decline to 27—PERCENT.
20110131             Benchmark indexes in SAUDI—ARABIA, LEBANON,
20110131             —DROPPED, MOROCCO, THAILAND and SOUTH—KOREA, at least 1—PERCENT.
20110131             IDF Camera 28-Jan-20110000             : ISRAEL—SETTLER Kill a Palestinian (Uday Qadous) in IRAQ Burin
20110131             2—ISRAEL—SETTLERS Killed 1—YOUNG—PALESTINIAN (Uday Qadous ) at the age of 19,
20110131             in IRAQ Burin NABLUS — WEST—BANK. Die schmutzige Wahrheit
20110131             Es ist eine traurige Wahrheit, dass Angriffsarmeen die Erde nicht nur verbrannt,
20110131             sondern auch verseucht hinterlassen.
20110131             Das Militär zählt zu den größten Umweltverschmutzern überhaupt und die USA—ARMEE,
20110131             als größte Streitmacht der Welt, liegt an 1. Stelle
20110131             Auch Westerwelles Vorgänger,
20110131             FRANK—WALTER Steinmeier von der SPD etwa,
20110131             interessierten sich während ihrer Besuche mehr für die Stabilität Ägyptens und seinen Beitrag zum Frieden als für die Rechte seiner Bürger.
20110131             Das gilt auch für Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL.
20110131             Von ihr sind bezüglich der Menschenrechte in Ägypten keine kritischen Äußerungen in Erinnerung geblieben.
20110131             Egyptians Find New Ways To Get Online-
20110131             timothy- "Groups like We Rebuild have scrambled to keep EGYPT connected to the outside world,
20110131             turning to landline telephones, fax machines and even ham radio to keep information flowing in and OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20110131             Although 1—INTERNET service provider — NOOR—GROUP — remains in operation,
20110131             —ORDERED, EGYPT—GOVERNMENT abruptly, THE—REST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—ISPS to shut down their services —JUST—AFTER midnight local time —THURSDAY.
20110131             —TURNED, MOBILE networks have also been, off in SOME—AREAS".
20110131             Read more of this story - EFF Uncovers Widespread FBI Intelligence Violations
20110131             — timothy - "EFF has uncovered widespread violations stemming from FBI intelligence investigations
20110131             Researchers Track Mouse Movements and Hesitations-
20110131             timothy - "Researchers from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON and Microsoft Research have found that cursor movements and cursor hovers can detect the relevance of 1—SEARCH result and whether 1—USER may abandon the search.
20110131             They use 1—EFFICIENT—ALGORITHM written in Javascript to silently record movements and clicks on Bing and find that computing relevance using movements + clicks works better than —JUST clicks (the current STATE—OF—THE—ART).
20110131             They explain SOME—OF—THIS due to cursor and gaze being closely aligned on the web,
20110131             and especially so on search result pages.
20110131             Is this THE—FUTURE—OF—INNOVATION in search ranking — Google and Bing tracking your EVERY—TWITCH and pause?" Read more of this story
20110131             DHS Offers $40M For Top Cybersecurity Research
20110131             — CmdrTaco - "THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY issued 1—CALL for proposals this —WEEK in a $40m program to encourage research and development in 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—TOPICS related to cybersecurity:
20110131             —FROM designing more resilient software,
20110131             to alternatives to passwords and CAPTCHA technology to prevent automated attacks.
20110131             DHS laid out its AREAS—OF—INTEREST in 1—BROAD—AGENCY—ANNOUNCEMENT dated ;;01;;
20110131             26. - In it, the domestic security agency said it was soliciting papers and proposals centered on 14—DIFFERENT—TOPIC—AREAS.
20110131             At stake is $40m in federal funding for research and development,
20110131             with individual grants ranging up to $3—MILLION.
20110131             DHS—AREAS—OF—INTEREST include software assurance,
20110131             enterprise security metrics, usable security,
20110131             as well as the challenges posed by insider threats".
20110131             Read more of this story
20110131             OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION pushes peaceful transition in EGYPT (THE—TICKET)
20110131             THE—TICKET — PRESIDENT—OBAMA and MEMBERS—OF—HIS—ADMINISTRATION are pushing 1—CAREFUL—MESSAGE about EGYPT that walks 1—FINE—LINE among policy goals that may soon prove contradictory:
20110131             reaching out to 1—COUNTRY that has been 1—PARTNER—TO—THE—USA,
20110131             standing with THE—EGYPT—PEOPLE, and holding off 1—POSSIBLE—SEIZURE—OF—POWER by [...]
20110131             EGYPT—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD—BACKS—OPPOSITION—TO—DISCUSS Political Reforms: What Could Go Wrong?
20110131             EGYPT, —TODAY the Muslim Brotherhood, the controversial Islamic organization,
20110131             states they will back Mohomed ElBaradei as spokesman for the country's opposition — to negotiate political reforms.
20110131             SOME—SEE—THE—BROTHERHOOD—INVOLVEMENT is 1—GOOD thing, but....
20110131             Hillary Clinton Supports EGYPT Protests By Not Endorsing Mubarak
20110131             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—CLINTON was on Meet THE—PRESS —TODAY speaking about the crisis in EGYPT.
20110131             —URGED, SECRETARY—CLINTON, PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK to move the nation towards democracy,
20110131             but what was most important what we she didn't say.
20110131             At no point, did she endorse the Mubarak regime,
20110131             or support the notion the Mubarak should remain in power.
20110131             Scientists reveal key mechanism governing nicotine addiction
20110131             Scientists from THE—FLORIDA CAMPUS—OF—THE—SCRIPPS—RESEARCH—INSTITUTE have identified 1—PATHWAY in the brain that regulates 1—INDIVIDUAL—VULNERABILITY to the addictive properties of nicotine.
20110131             The findings suggest 1—NEW—TARGET for ANTI—SMOKING therapies.
20110131             Charter Flights to Fly THOUSANDS—OF—USA Citizens,
20110131             But LACK—OF—INTERNET Service Hampering SPREAD—OF—INFORMATION
20110131             Operation EGYPT: Anonymous Press Release
20110131             Anonymous is 1—GROUP—OF—ONLINE community users that act in 1 coordinated manner toward 1 agreed goal — focusing on censorship that prevents FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH.
20110131             —SINCE EGYPT—TUMULTUOUS—PROTESTS began, Anonymous stepped in.
20110131             WikiLeaks' JULIAN—ASSANGE—60—MINUTES Interview
20110131             Exclusive: 60—MINUTES on CBS News: WikiLeaks' JULIAN—ASSANGE, Pt.
20110131             1— JULIAN—ASSANGE, the controversial FOUNDER—OF—WIKILEAKS,
20110131             speaks to STEVE—KROFT about THE—USA—ATTEMPT to indict him on criminal charges and THE—TORRENT—OF—CRITICISM aimed at him for publishing classified documents.
20110131             AUTHORITY—GOVERNMENTS start stockpiling food to fight public anger
20110131             AUTHORITY—GOVERNMENTS across the world are aggressively stockpiling food as 1—BUFFER against soaring food costs which they fear may stoke popular discontent.
20110131             Could Syria be the next domino to fall?
20110131             There are 1—LOT—OF—SIMILARITIES between EGYPT and Syria and Syrians are —FOLLOWING THE—EGYPT protests carefully.
20110131             —AFTER TUNISIA and EGYPT, could Syria be the next domino to fall?
20110131             100,000 P2P Users Sued in USA—MASS Lawsuits
20110131             THE—AVALANCHE—OF—COPYRIGHT infringement lawsuits in THE—USA,
20110131             mainly against BitTorrent users, is about to hit 1—DUBIOUS—MILESTONE.
20110131             In total 99,924 defendants have been sued in the last 12—MONTHS,
20110131             and new cases are being filed at 1—RAPID—RATE. Rightbloggers Credit
20110131             Bush for EGYPT Uprising — Then Blame Obama for EGYPT Uprising - Rightbloggers were torn about this 1.
20110131             —WHILE many at 1. enjoyed THE—PEOPLE—POWER street scenes as 1—CELEBRATION—OF—FREEDOM,
20110131             their enthusiasm waned as they realized that Muslims were involved.
20110131             USA Weapons Are on CAIRO—STREETS
20110131             SPENCER—ACKERMAN—ON THE—STREETS—OF—CAIRO and —AROUND the world,
20110131             everyone's waiting to see if THE—EGYPT—ARMY is going to crack down on the demonstrators demanding THE—OUSTER—OF—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK.
20110131             Inside LONDON—SECRET—CRISIS—COMMAND Bunker-
20110131             PETE—BROOK—IF nuclear attack or civil breakdown ever threatens THE—UK,
20110131             THE—HEADS—OF—GOVERNMENT and the military know where to go.
20110131             Beneath THE—STREETS—OF—LONDON, deeper than the capitol's famous tube system,
20110131             exists 1—HIDDEN bunker on constant standby.
20110131             Welcome to THE—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE—CRISIS—COMMAND—CENTER, subterranean ENGLAND.
20110131             Torturers, Jailers and Spies Lead EGYPT's 'New' Government-
20110131             SPENCER—ACKERMAN—DISSIDENTS demanding THE—END—OF—EGYPTIAN—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK—REGIME had better hope they don't end up under arrest.
20110131             The 1. MEMBERS—OF—MUBARAK—NEW—CABINET — 1—FACE—LIFT so he can stay in power — are heavily involved in THE—APPARATUS—OF—STATE repression,
20110131             including 1—SPYMASTER who worked with THE—USA to torture terrorist suspects.
20110131             ' Love Hormone' Arouses Suspicion, Too-
20110131             BRUCE—BOWER—OXYTOCIN, 1—HORMONE with 1—ROSY reputation for getting people to love,
20110131             trust and generally make nice with 1—ANOTHER, can get down and dirty.
20110131             This BRAIN—ALTERING substance apparently amplifies whatever social proclivities 1—PERSON already possesses, whether positive or negative.
20110131             Agence FRANCE—PRESSE- ANTI—DEPRESSION drug sales up in GERMANY DAVOS,
20110131             SWITZERLAND — —AFTER 1—BRUTAL 4—DAYS—OF—WORLD leaders' speeches,
20110131             schmoozing and wild parties, exhausted global delegates at the World Economic Forum were warned of the growing dangers of burnout for society.
20110131             Economic turmoil, ROUND—THE—CLOCK communication and constant social pressure to succeed have led to 1—COSTLY [...]
20110131             WikiLeaks founder plans major leak if his website is shut down permanently-
20110131             Agence FRANCE—PRESSE—WASHINGTON— WikiLeaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE —ON—SUNDAY detailed 1—PLAN to release 1—DELUGE of secret documents should the whistleblower website be permanently shut down.
20110131             In 1—EXCLUSIVE—INTERVIEW—WITH—CBS—NEWS'S "60—MINUTES," Assange said his group had a "system whereby we distribute encrypted BACKUPS—OF—THINGS we have yet to publish".
20110131             NATHAN—DIEBENOW—EDUCATORS in OKLAHOMA would be forced to openly question in their classes the legitimacy of the scientific THEORY—OF—EVOLUTION should 1—NEW—BILL become state law.
20110131             "It's 1—SIMPLE—FACT that THE—PRESENTATION—OF—SOME—ISSUES in science classes can lead to controversy,
20110131             which can discourage teachers from engaging students in 1—OPEN—DISCUSSION [...]
20110131             who brokered the existing peace agreement between ISRAEL and EGYPT,
20110131             predicted —SUNDAY that EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK will have to resign because "the people have decided," 1—REPORT said.
20110131             "This is the most profound situation in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—SINCE I left office," Carter said —DURING the —SUNDAY [...]
20110131             —PERFORMED, The scans were, on 28—HEAVY—SMOKERS who had joined 1—ANTI—SMOKING program, according to the study [...]
20110131             Agence FRANCE—PRESSE -1—SWEDEN—TOURIST in EGYPT claims he was arrested and tortured —FOR—4—DAYS by police —BEFORE escaping —WHEN protesters set fire to the building where he was being held,
20110131             media reports. "They almost killed me.
20110131             —WANTED, The only thing I, was to see was my wife and family again —BEFORE I †," 22—YEAR—OLD—AAED [...]
20110131             Agence FRANCE—PRESSE -LONDON — Stock exchanges in BRITAIN and THE—USA—HAVE enlisted THE—HELP—OF—THE—SECURITY services —AFTER finding out they were THE—VICTIMS—OF—CYBER attacks,
20110131             —REPORTED, THE—TIMES newspaper, —ON—MONDAY.
20110131             THE—LONDON—STOCK—EXCHANGE (LSE) is investigating 1—TERRORIST—CYBER—ATTACK on its headquarters —LAST—YEAR—WHILE USA—OFFICIALS have traced an [...]
20110131             Undercover operation reveals how gun buyers can legally avoid background checks-
20110131             SAHIL—KAPUR—WASHINGTON — ARIZONA gun show dealers sold firearms to undercover cops who openly admitted they wouldn't be able to pass 1—BACKGROUND check,
20110131             according to 1—REVEALING operation conducted by NEW—YORK City Mayor MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG—OFFICE.
20110131             —OBTAINED, The report, by THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES ,
20110131             detailed multiple instances where dealers at ARIZONA gun shows sold [...]
20110131             —ARRESTED, Protesters target Koch brothers at desert retreat, 25 -
20110131             —RALLIED, REUTERS—RANCHO MIRAGE — About 1,000 chanting protesters, —ON—SUNDAY outside 1—CALIFORNIA resort where conservative lawmakers and business executives met for 1—POLITICAL—STRATEGY session hosted by billionaires Charles and DAVID—KOCH.
20110131             —EXPRESSED, Agence FRANCE—PRESSE -WASHINGTON — THE—USA, concern —MONDAY about EGYPT—SHUTDOWN—OF—AL—JAZEERA and called for the release of 6—OF—THE—REGIONAL—NEWS—CHANNEL'S reporters who had been arrested there.
20110131             "We are concerned by the shutdown of AL—JAZEERA in EGYPT and ARREST—OF—ITS—CORRESPONDENTS.
20110131             EGYPT must be open and the reporters [...]
20110131             68—YEAR old ElBaradei, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
20110131             —CALLED, SAHIL—KAPUR—WASHINGTON — FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER —ON—SUNDAY, the unrest in EGYPT an "EARTH—SHAKING event" and guessed the Arab nation's 30—YEAR leader Hosni Mubarak will be forced to step down.
20110131             "This is the most profound situation in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—SINCE I left office," Carter told a 300-student —SUNDAY school class at Maranatha Baptist [...]
20110131             —ILLUSTRATED, DAVID—EDWARDS—SPEAKING to —SUNDAY, protesters in EGYPT, why THE—USA—MAY not be in 1—HURRY for PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK to step down.
20110131             's Nic Robertson took to the streets in ALEXANDRIA,
20110131             —WANTED, EGYPT where SCORES—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, to make their voices heard.
20110131             Their main message was that it was time for Mubarak to [...]
20110131             —OBTAINED, The document was, exclusively by the Associated Press,
20110131             which cited Dmitry Rogozin, RUSSIA—ENVOY to NATO,
20110131             as worrying that THE—BUSH ehr facility could [...]
20110131             FORMER—USA—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD will be honored with the "DEFENDER—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION Award" at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC),
20110131             1—ANNUAL—EVENT attended by numerous conservative activists, journalists, and politicians.
20110131             WorldNetDaily columnist BRAD—O'LEARY and USA—CONSERVATIVE—UNION chairman DAVID—A—KEENE will present THE—FORMER—DEFENSE SECRETARY—WITH—THE [...]
20110131             —INTRODUCED, Legislation, by SENATOR—PAT—TOOMEY (R—PA) would force THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to make interest payments on the national debt a 1. priority if Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling.
20110131             —INTENDED, The bill is, to prevent THE—USA—FROM defaulting on its loans by forcing the government to RE—ROUTING massive AMOUNTS—OF—INCOME [...]
20110131             EGYPT—MILITARY has said it will not use violence against protesters,
20110131             in response to calls for a "MARCH—OF—MILLIONS" —ON—TUESDAY aimed at dethroning PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK.
20110131             The claim came by WAY—OF—EGYPT—STATE television, which had for days shown 1 sanitized,
20110131             obscured PORTRAYAL—OF—EVENTS on the ground in CAIRO.
20110131             However, AL—JAZEERA was [...]
20110131             AL—JAZEERA—ENGLISH has had a 2500% increase in online viewers — 60—PERCENT—OF—THOSE viewers are in THE—USA
20110131             Should USA—CITIZENS engage in massive political protests against corporate interests in government?
20110131             Corporate interests in THE—USA—EXERT too much influence on political decision making.
20110131             In my experience most Americans don't trust the rich elite.
20110131             Why then are they given so much influence over our everyday lives?
20110131             EGYPT proves you can drastically change your country with 1—LARGE—MOBILIZATION of dissatisfied citizens.
20110131             Should we be on the streets demanding government that is entirely dedicated to the interests of its people?
20110131             AGAIN: USA—PLANS 'INTERNET kill switch' amid MIDDLE—EAST turmoil
20110131             MISS—NBC on BRADLEY—MANNING:"Does the government have the right to arbitrarily treat 1—NEW—CLASS—OF—PRISONERS as they see fit without ANY—SORT—OF—EVALUATION by our Congress or legislation..".
20110131             So...whatever happened to the Wikileaks' LEAK—OF—THE—DOCUMENTS from 1—MAJOR—BANK—IN—THE—USA?
20110131             Supposedly it was going to be released in ;;01;; of 20110000           .
20110131             —TODAY'S the last —DAY of ;;01;; and I haven't seen anything.
20110131             I was really looking forward to seeing this information.
20110131             Anyone know if it's still going to happen?
20110131             25 Arrested, Thousands Converge on Koch Brothers BILLIONAIRE—CAUCUS in THE—CALIFORNIA Desert:
20110131             —DESCRIBED, VAN Jones, THE—ANTI—KOCH rally as "the beginning of our fight back".
20110131             Goldene Kettensäge für Waldzerstörer
20110131             —GESTELLT, ASIA—PULP & Paper wird von Greenpeace an den Pranger
20110131             "2—GRAD reichen nicht" - ARKTIS—KONFERENZ im nordnorwegischen Tromsø:
20110131             Das eisfreie Arktismeer ist vermutlich - Die Reißleine.
20110131             Oder der Sumerer in uns
20110131             Die Kulturen der Mayas und der Sumerer sind an der Übernutzung ihrer Umwelt zugrunde gegangen.
20110131             Und genau dieses Schicksal droht nun auch uns,
20110131             warnt der bekannte Agronom LESTER—BROWN in seinem neuen Buch "Die Welt am Abgrund".1—REZENSION—VON—CHRISTIAN—MIHATSCH
20110131             Aktivisten gehen gegen Koch in die Luft
20110131             Die Brüder Charles und DAVID—KOCH fördern mit ihren Millionen KLIMASKEPTIKER—KAMPAGNEN in den USA
20110131             Interesse am Thema Klima steigt
20110131             Im letzten Quartal 20100000              zeigten die Deutschen wieder etwas mehr Interesse für den Klimaschutz
20110131             Australische Aktivisten müssen zahlen
20110131             —VERURTEILT, Gericht, Kohlegegner zu Strafen zwischen 250—UND 1.000—DOLLAR:
20110131             Die einen haben im ;;12;; die Gleise für Güterzüge zum Kohlekraftwerk Bayswater besetzt,
20110131             die anderen einen Verladekran blockiert.
20110131             —DENIED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES has, operating 1—ESPIONAGE network in the neighboring Sultanate of OMAN,
20110131             saying that spying goes against the country's values.
20110131             —ISSUED, The official denial was, in response to 1—NEWS—REPORT by OMAN—STATE news agency,
20110131             which said that OMAN—AUTHORITIES had uncovered 1—SPY ring targeting the country's intelligence and military apparatus.
20110131             Continue reading ?
20110131             —THINK—PROGRESS—PRO—DEMOCRACY demonstrators are calling for a "MARCH—OF—MILLIONS" in EGYPT —TUESDAY as the movement against the Mubarak regime continues to grow.
20110131             "I brought my USA—PASSPORT —TODAY in case I die —TODAY," said protester MARWAN—MOSSAAD at 1—RALLY.
20110131             "I want THE—USA—PEOPLE to know that they are supporting 1—OF—THE—MOST... Read more
20110131             Rallying Against THE—KOCH—AGENDA, VAN Jones Warns Of 'Excessive Concentrations Of Economic Power'-
20110131             BRAD—JOHNSON—THINKPROGRESS is reporting from the Koch summit in Palm Springs,
20110131             CA. See our coverage here, here, and here.
20110131             This weekend, David and CHARLES—KOCH,
20110131             THE—CO—OWNERS of the $100—BILLION Koch Industries pollution conglomerate,
20110131             hosted their annual meeting in Palm Springs to coordinate strategy and raise funds for the conservative movement.
20110131             For decades... Read more - Income Inequality In THE—USA—IS Worse Than In EGYPT-
20110131             —CONTINUED, Pat GAROFALO—PROTESTS in EGYPT, for a 7. —DAY—TODAY,
20110131             and PRO—DEMOCRACY demonstrators are organizing a "MARCH—OF—MILLIONS" to take place tomorrow.
20110131             As financial markets dip across THE—MIDDLE—EAST,
20110131             financial prognosticators are trying to divine what continued unrest will mean for THE—ECONOMIES—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST and THE—PRICE—OF—OIL.
20110131             ISRAEL allows 800—EGYPT—TROOPS into the Sinai (VIDEO)-
20110131             —ALLOWED, News DESK—ISRAEL has, EGYPT to move about 800—TROOPS into the Sinai peninsula for the 1. time —SINCE the countries signed a 19790000              peace treaty. read more
20110131             CAIRO, security forces begin to reassert authority-
20110131             JON—JENSEN—POLICE in CAIRO prepare to redeploy even as protesters rally —AROUND opposition. read more
20110131             Mubarak picks new cabinet as protests continue-
20110131             JON—JENSEN—OPPOSITION calls for million man march as government tries to reassert authority. read more
20110131             —VERLIERT, Mubarak, mit der Erklärung der Armee eine wichtige Stütze,
20110131             sein Sturz wird damit wahrscheinlicher.
20110131             —SIGNALISIERT, Außerdem, die Armeeführung mit ihrer Stellungnahme,
20110131             dass sie kein Interesse daran haben dürfte,
20110131             den Auftand blutig NIEDERZUSCHLAGEN—SELBST wenn entsprechende ANORDNUNGEN—VON—STAATSCHEF—HUSNI—MUBARAK kämen.
20110131             "Wir werden keine Gewalt gegen die Bürger einsetzen.
20110131             Wir verstehen die Forderung der Demonstranten", hieß es in einer Erklärung.
20110131             "Die Meinungsfreiheit in friedlicher Form ist für alle garantiert",
20110131             zitierten die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur Mena und das Staatsfernsehen aus der Erklärung.
20110131             "Die Präsenz der Armee in den Straßen ist zu eurem Schutz,
20110131             und um eure Sicherheit und euer Wohlbefinden zu garantieren", hieß es weiter.
20110131             Die Armee rief die Bevölkerung auf,
20110131             von Sabotageakten abzusehen, da diese die Sicherheit sowie das öffentliche und private Eigentum verletzten.
20110131             Dem Präsidenten aber nützen die Islamisten als Feindbild,
20110131             um den milliardenschweren Sicherheitsapparat pausenlos AUFZUSTOCKEN—UND jegliche Opposition im Keim zu ersticken
20110131             So waren es auch Mitglieder einer radikalen ABSPALTUNG—DER—MUSLIMBRÜDER,
20110131             die 19810000              den ägyptischen Staatspräsidenten Anwar AL—SADAT ermordeten.
20110131             Nur so können die islamistischen PARTEIEN—DIE zu recht die POLITIK—DER—AUTORITÄREN—REGIME kritisiert HABEN—IN den Prozess eingebunden werden", hofft Polenz.
20110131             "Auch die deutsche Politik hat die autoritären Regime wie Mubarak für eine vermeintliche Stabilität UNTERSTÜTZT—AUS Angst vor einer möglichen Machtübernahme durch islamistische Kräfte.
20110131             Dabei wurden beide Augen zugedrückt,
20110131             wenn es um schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch das Regime ging",
20110131             sagt Kerstin Müller, selbst Staatsministerin im Auswärtigen Amt zu Zeiten der ROT—GRÜNEN Bundesregierung.
20110131             Die deutsche Außenpolitik STEHT—WIE die des gesamten WESTENS—VOR einem Wandel.
20110131             Ägyptens Muslimbruderschaft: "Wir sind überall"
20110131             Millionenprotest am —DIENSTAG: Ägyptens Armee will nicht auf Bürger schießen
20110131             Langfristig aber könnten der Welt Preise um 100—DOLLAR sogar günstig vorkommen.
20110131             Der Markt rutsche in eine absolute Verknappung hinein, sagt Bukold.
20110131             Die Opec könne die Förderung nur noch um 2—BIS 3—MILLIONEN Fass pro —TAG ausweiten.
20110131             Die Nachfrage dagegen steige stark.
20110131             Die Zeit des billigen Öls, so scheint es, ist endgültig vorbei.
20110131             Hinzu komme, dass auch die Kosten für andere konjunktursensible Rohstoffe wie Kupfer,
20110131             Weizen oder Mais —DERZEIT in die Höhe schnellen.
20110131             Auch das sei Gift für den Aufschwung.
20110131             Zahi Hawass, CHEF—VON—ÄGYPTENS—ALTERTÜMERBEHÖRDE und frisch ernannter MINISTER,
20110131             bezeichnete das Museum als gut geschützt.
20110131             —RESTAURIERT, Die beschädigten Artefakte könnten, werden.
20110131             "Wenn das Museum sicher ist, ist Ägypten sicher", sagte Hawass.
20110131             Dann stimmt das Gerücht, dass freigelassene Verbrecher Polizeiwagen kapern,
20110131             Waffen und Munition aus den verlassenen Polizeistationen stehlen.
20110131             Moslems, Christen, ATHEISTEN—ALL das spielt keine Rolle mehr.
20110131             In nur einer halben —STUNDE entsteht 1—BÜRGERWEHR.
20110131             Ohne Anführer, ohne besondere Vorbereitungen.
20110131             —GEFOLTERT, Unruhen in Ägypten: Schwedischer Tourist soll, worden sein
20110131             DEUTSCH—ÄGYPTISCHE Beziehungen: BERLIN plant für die Zeit nach Mubarak
20110131             Preissprung über 100—DOLLAR: Weltmärkte fürchten den Ölschock - Unruhen in Ägypten: Nacht der Plünderer
20110131             Sicherheit: Deutsche Archäologen stoppen Arbeit in Ägypten
20110131             Teure Energie: Ölpreis überspringt 100—DOLLAR—MARKE
20110131             Umstrittene Knolle: BASF hält an GEN—KARTOFFEL Amflora fest
20110131             Übrigens, wo wir gerade bei Ägypten waren:
20110131             Ich möchte da mal 1—PRESSEMITTEILUNG—VON—JÜRGEN—GRÄSSLIN verlinken.
20110131             Money Quote: "Die Machthaber in Kairo erhielten Teile für Panzer,
20110131             gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, militärische Landfahrzeuge und Kommunikationsausrüstung",
20110131             erklärte PAUL—RUSSMANN, SPRECHER—DER—KAMPAGNE gegen Rüstungsexport bei Ohne Rüstung Leben (ORL).
20110131             Insgesamt sei "Ägypten mittlerweile sogar das bedeutendste Empfängerland in der LISTE—DER—AUS—DEUTSCHLAND belieferten Entwicklungsländer".
20110131             "If the museum is safe, EGYPT is safe," MISTER—HAWASS said.
20110131             Wow.
20110131             Hat das jemand kommen sehen? Die Muslim Brotherhood unterstützt EL—BARADEI
20110131             und gibt diesen unglaublichen Hammer zu Protokoll:
20110131             That reflects the organization's strategy that their religious goals need to be put on the back burner to achieve democracy ,
20110131             " What we want is what the people want ;
20110131             right —NOW we should have 1—COMPLETELY different regime.
20110131             We should have freedom and free elections," he said.
20110131             "We respect MISTER—BARADEI. He has the most potential" to achieve this.
20110131             Krass.
20110131             Habe ihr JEMALS so 1—STATEMENT von einer religiösen FUNDI—ORGANISATION gehört?
20110131             Die sehen ja sogar noch rationaler als Hamas aus in der Beziehung,
20110131             und rationaler als die katholische Kirche sowieso.
20110131             Rund 60—STÄMME, die keinen Kontakt zur Zivilisation haben,
20110131             leben Schätzungen zufolge im Regenwald Brasiliens,
20110131             weltweit sind es wahrscheinlich rund 100.
20110131             Viele haben sich freiwillig dafür entschieden, die Zivilisation zu meiden.
20110131             Organisationen wie Survival INTERNATIONAL setzen sich dafür ein, dass dieses Recht gewahrt wird.
20110131             Er forderte auch die Regierung Perus auf, sich des Problems stärker anzunehmen.
20110131             Besonders auf peruanischer Seite schreitet die illegale Abholzung des Regenwaldes voran.
20110131             "Nirgendwo ist der Anteil überfischter Gewässer größer als in der EU", betont die WWF—EXPERTIN.
20110131             "Die europäischen Regierungen planen den Raubzug in den Meeren mit",
20110131             sagt Meeresbiologe Groß gegenüber SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20110131             Trotz des rapiden Ausbaus von Fischfarmen haben sich die beobachteten frei lebenden Fischbestände nicht erholt.
20110131             Weiterhin würde 1—DRITTEL der frei lebenden Gruppen ÜBERFISCHT—DORT werden also mehr Tiere gefangen als nachwachsen,
20110131             berichtet die FAO.
20110131             Ein "sehr Besorgnis erregendes Ergebnis",
20110131             Ziel müsse es sein, die ZAHL—DER—ÜBERFISCHTEN—BESTÄNDE zu reduzieren.
20110131             Deutsche essen im Durchschnitt 15—KILOGRAMM Fisch pro —JAHR, Portugiesen sogar 55—KILOGRAMM.
20110131             Sowohl Merkel als auch Netanjahu waren sich Regierungskreisen zufolge einig,
20110131             dass die Situation in Ägypten mit den eskalierenden Protesten sehr schwierig sei.
20110131             Von israelischer Seite werde sie sogar als "dramatisch" beschrieben.
20110131             Keine Frage, der Eindruck, dass AL—DSCHASIRA den Herrschenden näher steht als den Menschen auf der Straße, kommt da —ERST gar nicht auf.
20110131             Eine kurdische Oppositionspartei hatte zu Protesten nach Vorbild der Bewegungen in Ägypten und Tunesien in Syriens zweitgrößter Metropole aufgerufen
20110131             Im SUDAN löste die Polizei am —SONNTAG mit Gewalt 1—DEMONSTRATION auf,
20110131             zu der nach TUNESISCH—ÄGYPTISCHEM Vorbild 1—FACEBOOK—GRUPPE aufgerufen hatte.
20110131             Im Jemen schien sich zeitweilig eine breite Protestwelle anzukündigen,
20110131             die jedoch über das Wochenende —ZUNÄCHST abebbte.
20110131             Einzelne Proteste in Jordanien und Algerien erreichten keine vergleichbare Dynamik wie in Tunesien oder Ägypten.
20110131             MAROKKO, kam es im Verlauf der vergangenen Woche zu mindestens 4—VERSUCHEN einer öffentlichen Selbstverbrennung.
20110131             Anders als in Tunesien verursachten diese Vorfälle dort keine größeren Unruhen:
20110131             Was vielleicht als Versuch gemeint war,
20110131             wie in Tunesien Menschen zu mobilisieren,
20110131             wurde von den dortigen Regierungen erfolgreich als Selbstmordversuch aus persönlichen Gründen gedeutet.
20110131             AL—DSCHASIRA nimmt damit 1—SCHLÜSSELROLLE in der Berichterstattung über die aktuellen Entwicklungen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten ein.
20110131             Faktisch haben sie —BEREITS die volle Demonstrationsfreiheit in Mubaraks Diktatur erzwungen
20110131             Das wird rund 350.000—STUDENTEN den Studienplatz kosten.
20110131             —AM schlimmsten trifft es die Bedürftigsten:
20110131             100.000—SCHULEN stehen vor der Schließung - "Armageddon
20110131             schloss die Idee eines Rettungspakets für die STAATEN—ANALOG zu dem für die WALL—STREET—KATEGORISCH aus: "Das wird es nicht geben".
20110131             "Es ist Zeit für das Unvorstellbare"
20110131             Die Bürger haben von der Schuldenorgie die Nase VOLL—SIE wählen die politisch Verantwortlichen gleich scharenweise ab.
20110131             Von den 37—USA—GOUVERNEURSPOSTEN, die im ;;11;;
20110131             zur Disposition standen, vergaben sie 26 an Newcomer.
20110131             Die fanden eine schwere Erblast vor:
20110131             Die Summen, die fehlen, sind gewaltiger als in den europäischen Krisenstaaten
20110131             Dies ist nur eine kleine Auswahl der kruden Methoden,
20110131             mit denen die hochverschuldeten USA—BUNDESSTAATEN —ZURZEIT versuchen, Geld zu sparen.
20110131             —ENTLASSEN, Abertausende Häftlinge werden vorzeitig aus dem Gefängnis, und in die Straßen geschickt.
20110131             —DEPORTIERT, Einwanderer werden nach Mexiko,
20110131             —BEFÖRDERT, Polizisten in den Vorruhestand,
20110131             —GESCHLOSSEN, Kindergärten, Lehrer gefeuert.
20110131             Und Senioren bekommen keine Medikamente MEHR—VON Zahnprothesen ganz zu schweigen.
20110131             Isolierter Indianerstamm: Bilder aus einer anderen Welt
20110131             ISRAEL—REISE: Merkel drängt auf Bewegung im Friedensprozess
20110131             UNO—FISCHEREIREPORT: Jeder 5. Fisch stammt aus Chinas Farmen - Ägyptens Opposition: Im Zorn vereint
20110131             mit Messern und Säbeln", sagte der Schulleiter.
20110131             Es sind vor allem die Plünderer und die Abwesenheit der Sicherheitskräfte, die den Ausländern Angst machen.
20110131             Urlauber aus Ägypten: Nächtliche Schüsse, brennende Polizeiwagen
20110131             Aufruhr in Ägypten: Ausländer fliehen aus der CHAOS—ZONE
20110131             Drohende Verstaatlichung: Spanische Regierung drängt Banken an die Börse
20110131             USA—KONZERN: Ölriese Exxon verdient 84—MILLIONEN Dollar pro —TAG
20110131             Epidemie: Massive Grippewelle trifft Moskau
20110131             Gigantische Schuldenberge: USA—BUNDESSTAATEN stehen vor der Pleite
20110131             Versöhnungstagung: Der Klimakrieg kann weitergehen
20110131             Abgeschalteter Sender: AL—DSCHASIRA bittet Blogger um Hilfe
20110131             Studie: Deutsche entpuppen sich als "Ich bin nur mal kurz weg"-Auswanderer
20110131             —NEGLECTED, ALI—MOHAMED is 1, rosetta stone for understanding al Qaeda,
20110131             and with Triple Cross, Lance has created the most expansive and detailed account of this "master spy" to date.
20110131             There have been REPORTS—OF—PRISON breaks,
20110131             and STATE—RUN Nile TV said —ON—MONDAY nearly 2,100 escaped inmates have been arrested.
20110131             CAIRO, there were long lines in FRONT—OF—BREAD shops and supermarkets,
20110131             —CLOSED, ATMs and gas stations were, and there was 1—MINIMAL—POLICE presence.
20110131             organizing "MILLION—MAN" marches in the cities for —TUESDAY,
20110131             1—WEEK —AFTER THE—ANTI—GOVERNMENT protests began. TrackBack URI for this entry
20110131             WELL—KNOWN figures and top agency officials spanning THE—ADMINISTRATIONS—OF—GEORGE—BUSH ,
20110131             SENIOR, BILL—CLINTON, and GEORGE—W—BUSH stand to face not only public embarrassment but potential criminal indictment,
20110131             if their actions (and failures to act) regarding ALI—MOHAMED become widely known.
20110131             USA Attorney PATRICK—FITZGERALD, PROSECUTOR—OF—SOME of the biggest terrorist and ORGANIZED—CRIME cases,
20110131             once said of him: "This is the most dangerous man I've ever met".
20110131             Did ALI—MOHAMED know EACH—OF—THE—HIJACKERS and the precise date,
20110131             That is not likely, —SINCE he had been in federal custody
20110131             So if REPRESENTATIVES—OF—THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION (including SOS Hillary Clinton) begin touting Suleiman as 1—GOOD—REPLACEMENT for Mubarak, we should be very very suspicious.
20110131             —DESCRIBED, Cable 09CAIRO79 THE—REALITY—OF—THE—POLICE force is :
20110131             "Torture and police brutality in EGYPT are endemic and widespread.
20110131             The police use brutal methods mostly against common criminals to extract confessions,
20110131             but also against demonstrators".
20110131             It was 20090000              —WHEN THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—USA—OF—AMERICA acknowledged the lack of concrete ACTIONS—OF—THE—EGYPT—GOVERNMENT to improve THE—SITUATION—OF—POLICE in EGYPT.
20110131             —DESCRIBED, This same document points out how bloggers, the severe torture with electric shocks inflicted on 1—BLOGGER,
20110131             and how security forces stopped the torture —WHEN he began cooperating.
20110131             —DESCRIBED, As, by Cable 10CAIRO64 sent from the Embassy of CAIRO on 12January,
20110131             HERE—1—LITTLE—MORE on the way EQYPT—GOVERNMENT operates, from Wikileaks:
20110131             —CONTINUED, As we know, the secret CIA renditions, under GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20110131             "We have heard of full airplanes arriving at night,
20110131             but these prisoners are kept very isolated.
20110131             It's really difficult to learn more....—WHEN 1—PRISONER is sent back to EGYPT,
20110131             he basically disappears for up to 3—MONTHS.
20110131             —INTERROGATED, That's —WHEN he is, and tortured, and —WHEN he is allowed no visitors.
20110131             Only —AFTER that —WHEN his wounds are healing,
20110131             does he see the prosecutor and have visitors".
20110131             —REACHED, Some, he explained, never, that stage and simply remained disappeared.
20110131             —CONFIRMED, AL—ZAYAT—STORY was, by other attorneys,
20110131             —IMPRISONED, MANY—OF—WHOM had been, themselves and spoke from personal experience.
20110131             SOME—BASIC—BACKGROUND on Suleiman from Reuters:
20110131             in SOUTH—EGYPT.
20110131             * He also studied political science at CAIRO UNIVERSITY—AND—AIN—SHAMS—UNIVERSITY.
20110131             * Suleiman took part in the war in YEMEN
20110131             * As EGYPT—INTELLIGENCE CHIEF, Suleiman was in CHARGE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST important political security files,
20110131             makes clear, he seems to have been AMERICA—MAN all along.
20110131             —SHOWED, ALI—MOHAMED 1., up on the radar
20110131             puts the matter in the least controversial fashion:
20110131             ALI—ABDUL—SAOUD—MOHAMED, (??? ????) (born 19520603             ) is 1—DOUBLE—AGENT[1] who worked for both THE—CIA and EGYPT—ISLAMIC—JIHAD simultaneously,
20110131             reporting on THE—WORKINGS—OF—EACH—FOR—THE—BENEFIT—OF—THE—OTHER.
20110131             "Suleiman" and "torture". You'll find this fine piece
20110131             —BY—JEFF Sparrow, of AUSTRALIA—ABC—NEWS.
20110131             how MANY—TALKING heads on cable news have the courage to talk about SULEIMAN—HISTORY with CIA torture flights?
20110131             —DISPUTED, That history is not, -- it is simply not discussed.
20110131             —OFFERED, SkyDancing blog, bostonboomer has, 1—MUST—READ background briefing on OMAR—SULEIMAN,
20110131             we should note this quote from JANE—MAYER—RECENT—NEW—YORKER
20110131             article: As I described in my book "THE—DARK—SIDE,"
20110131             Trotz der stetigen Furcht der chinesischen Behörden vor Protesten im eigenen Land berichteten die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua und der staatliche Fernsehsender CCTV jedoch über die —SEIT Tagen andauernden Massendemonstrationen gegen die ägyptische Führung.
20110131             Dabei wurde allerdings der Schwerpunkt der Berichterstattung auf die von Demonstranten ausgehende Gewalt gesetzt,
20110131             nicht auf die Ursache der Proteste gegen die Regierung.
20110131             Demokratie sei mit den Bedingungen Ägyptens und Tunesiens nicht vereinbar und entsprechende Bestrebungen in ASIEN würden allenfalls zu "Chaos in den Straßen" führen,
20110131             lautete 1—KOMMENTAR in der regierungsnahen "Global Times".
20110131             —ZENSIERT, Die Regierung in Peking, die in CHINA ansässigen Websites regelmäßig,
20110131             zugleich werden die etwa 450—MILLIONEN INTERNET—NUTZER im Land häufig am Besuch ausländischer Websites gehindert.
20110131             WestLB und Co.: CHINA geht auf Einkaufstour bei Europas Banken
20110131             Die Organisatoren hatten über soziale Netzwerke,
20110131             E—MAILS und SMS—NACHRICHTEN zu Protesten —NACH—DEM Vorbild Ägyptens und Tunesiens aufgerufen.
20110131             "Ich bin sicher, dass die Europäische Union —HEUTE 1—SIGNAL senden wird,
20110131             um denen zu helfen, die guten Willens sind, sei es in Ägypten, sei es in Tunesien",
20110131             sagte Luxemburgs Außenminister JEAN—ASSELBORN.
20110131             Die EU wolle in beiden Ländern bei der Organisation von Wahlen helfen,
20110131             "die frei sind und die Möglichkeit für einen Neuanfang" eröffnen könnten.
20110131             Unruhen auch in SUDAN
20110131             Das Land ist in AUFRUHR—PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK treibt derweil den Umbau seines Machtapparates weiter voran und hat den GENERAL—MURAD—MOWAFI zum neuen Geheimdienstchef ernannt.
20110131             Die —BISHER größten Proteste gab es am vergangenen —FREITAG mit landesweit mehr als 100. 000—TEILNEHMERN.
20110131             Der Aufstand der Massen gegen die Regierung ging auch in der Nacht zum —MONTAG weiter:
20110131             zu einem Generalstreik aufgerufen.
20110131             Ursprünglich hatten Arbeiter in der Stadt SUEZ am Sonntagabend zu dem Streik aufgerufen.
20110131             "Wir haben uns den Arbeitern in SUEZ angeschlossen und treten in einen Generalstreik,
20110131             —BIS unsere Forderungen erfüllt werden", sagte ein anderer Oppositionsvertreter, MOHAMED—WAKED.
20110131             —BEREITET, KAIRO—ÄGYPTENS Opposition, einen Großaufruhr vor:
20110131             Die Jugendbewegung "6. ;;04;;" wolle am —DIENSTAG in Kairo für den "MEGA—PROTEST" gegen PRÄSIDENT—HUSNI—MUBARAK mehr als 1—MILLION—MENSCHEN auf die Straße bringen,
20110131             berichtete der arabische Fernsehsender AL—DSCHASIRA.
20110131             Auch weitere Oppositionsgruppen riefen zum "Marsch der Millionen".
20110131             Geplant ist laut Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter,
20110131             dass der Protestzug zum Präsidentenpalast zieht.
20110131             Ziel sei es, weiter Druck auf Mubarak auszuüben, die Macht abzugeben.
20110131             Seine Ankündigungen zu wirtschaftlichen und politischen Reformen gingen nicht weit genug, kritisiert die Opposition.
20110131             haben teurere Energie und Lebensmittel die Verbraucherpreise in die Höhe getrieben.
20110131             Die Inflation in der EURO—ZONE ist auf den höchsten Stand
20110131             —GEMESSEN, Vor gut 2—JAHREN war 1—WERT—VON—3,2 Prozent, worden.
20110131             Die Furcht eines Übergreifens der Proteste auf andere Staaten der Region ließ auch deren CDS in die Höhe schnellen:
20110131             Die CDS—VON—SAUDI—ARABIEN stiegen um 29—AUF 120—BASISPUNKTE,
20110131             die CDS—VON—BAHRAIN um 39—AUF 230—BASISPUNKTE.
20110131             CDS für Kredite an den Libanon kletterten um 38.000—AUF 405.000—DOLLAR.
20110131             herabgestuft.
20110131             Die Gutachter senkten die Bonität um 1—STUFE auf Ba2 von Ba1.
20110131             Wie die Agentur am —MONTAG weiter mitteilte,
20110131             wurde zudem der Ausblick von stabil auf negativ verändert.
20110131             —UNRUHEN, Die mit den, einhergehenden politischen Risiken seien der Grund für die Herabstufung.
20110131             Zensurbehörde absegnen
20110131             —DERZEIT plant das Regime weitere Einschränkungen der digitalen Redefreiheit.
20110131             Blogger und ONLINE—JOURNALISTEN sollen künftig nur veröffentlichen dürfen,
20110131             wenn sie als Gewerkschaftsmitglieder gemeldet sind.
20110131             So sieht es ein neuer Gesetzentwurf vor.
20110131             Die Autoren müssten danach ihre Texte vor der Veröffentlichung von der Zensurbehörde absegnen lassen.
20110131             Baschar AL—ASSAD und die meisten Regierungsmitglieder haben eigene Seiten bei Facebook.
20110131             Das INTERNET, dessen Einführung Assad in Syrien 20010000              persönlich vorantrieb, ist stark beschnitten.
20110131             Erklärter Feind des Systems sind freie Medien und das INTERNET.
20110131             Die Opposition sitzt entweder in Wüstengefängnissen oder wird durch Drohungen mundtot gemacht.
20110131             Menschenrechtsorganisationen zufolge gehören Folter und Misshandlung in Polizeigewahrsam zum Alltag.
20110131             In der arabischen Welt haben junge Männer ohne Job so gut wie keine Chance zu heiraten.
20110131             Sie leben im unfreiwilligen Zölibat.
20110131             Der aus der beruflichen Perspektivlosigkeit geborene Frust potenziert sich dadurch und wird zur Gefahr für das Regime.
20110131             TUNESIEN, und Ägypten ware es diese zornigen,
20110131             unverheirateten jungen Männer, die die Revolten angestoßen haben.
20110131             Plötzliche Preissteigerungen würden sie noch tiefer ins Elend stürzen.
20110131             Ziel des Programms war und ist, Syriens Wirtschaft nach über 40—JAHREN sozialistischer Planwirtschaft zur Marktwirtschaft umzustrukturieren.
20110131             Demokratie und Teilhabe seien auch 1—FRAGE—VON—INSTITUTIONEN, so Assad.
20110131             Der syrische PRÄSIDENT verwies in diesem Zusammenhang auf Nichtregierungsorganisationen.
20110131             "Wir haben weniger als 20000000              Nichtregierungsorganisationen in Syrien",
20110131             er wolle dafür sorgen, dass sich die Zahl erhöhe,
20110131             etwa durch einen Abbau bürokratischer Anforderungen.
20110131             sagte ASSAD—SO sei Ägypten von den USA finanziell unterstützt worden,
20110131             Syrien sei dagegen von einem weitreichenden Embargo vieler Länder betroffen.
20110131             "Wir sind keine Tunesier und keine Ägypter", sagte Assad.
20110131             Die politischen Führer in der arabischen Welt müssten mehr tun,
20110131             um den politischen und wirtschaftlichen Bedürfnissen ihrer Völker gerecht zu werden,
20110131             sagte Assad.
20110131             "Wenn man die Notwendigkeit von Reformen vor den Ereignissen in Ägypten
20110131             und Tunesien nicht erkannt hat, ist es zu spät dafür", sagte Assad.
20110131             Noch sei aber nicht klar, wohin sie führe.
20110131             Die Lage sei noch sehr unübersichtlich.
20110131             Es sei die Frage, ob die neue Ära zu "mehr Chaos oder zu mehr Institutionalisierung" führe.
20110131             und längst wird darüber spekuliert,
20110131             wann die Unruhen auch Libyen und Syrien erreichen.
20110131             Damaskus/BEIRUT—1—REVOLUTION in Tunesien,
20110131             gewalttätige Unruhen in Ägypten, Proteste in Algerien und Jordanien:
20110131             Schockwellen erschüttern die arabische Welt
20110131             Staatsmann: Es sei in der Region Zeit für Reformen, sagte Assad dem "WALL—STREET Journal" -
20110131             WARTESCHLEIFEN—TERROR: Ihr Anruf ist uns nichtig
20110131             Unruhen in Ägypten: Mubaraks Gegner rüsten zum SUPER—DIENSTAG
20110131             Unruhen in arabischer Welt: Assad erklärt Syrien für "stabil"
20110131             Politische Risiken: MOODY—SENKT Kreditwürdigkeit von Ägypten
20110131             Geophysik: CHILE droht ein weiteres schweres Beben
20110131             Ghannouchi hatte sein Land 19890000              verlassen,
20110131             als 2—JAHRE nach der Machtübernahme von BEN—ALI in Tunesien die Verfolgung von Islamisten begann.
20110131             Der FRÜHERE—RADIKALE—PREDIGER hatte die ENNAHDA—PARTEI 19810000              —NACH—DEM Vorbild der ägyptischen Muslimbruderschaft gegründet.
20110131             Ägypten versinkt zunehmend in Chaos,
20110131             —AM Wochenende zogen vielerorts plündernde Banden durch die Straßen.
20110131             Einige europäische und asiatische Unternehmen begannen damit,
20110131             ihre Mitarbeiter abzuziehen, darunter der NIEDERLÄNDISCH—BRITISCHE Ölkonzern Royal HOLLAND—SHELL und das italienische Energieunternehmen Eni.
20110131             VIELE—DEUTSCHE machten sich am —SONNTAG aus Außenbezirken Kairos auf den Weg in Richtung des Stadtteils Zamalek,
20110131             der als Insel im Nil liegt und deswegen von der ägyptischen Armee besser geschützt werden kann.
20110131             Dort liegen auch zahlreiche Botschaften und ausländische Stiftungen.
20110131             Es warteten vor allem VIELE—USA—BÜRGER, Türken und Italiener auf ihren Abflug;
20110131             sie waren vor Chaos und Plünderern auf den Airport geflüchtet.
20110131             ausgeflogen. "Das würde genauso hier auch passieren,
20110131             genauso wenn in ENGLAND was passieren würde oder sonst wo".
20110131             Der MINISTER warnte vor fundamentalistischen Trittbrettfahrern.
20110131             Mit Blick auf den Ruf nach freien Wahlen in Ägypten äußerte sich Westerwelle besorgt,
20110131             die Herrschaft religiöser Fanatiker wäre nicht besser als 1—MANGEL an Demokratie unter PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK.
20110131             "Wir hatten und haben immer noch großen Respekt für PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK",
20110131             sagte Peres in seiner 1. öffentlichen Stellungnahme zu den Unruhen.
20110131             "Wir sagen nicht, dass alles, was er getan hat, richtig ist, aber er hat 1—SACHE getan,
20110131             für die wir ihm dankbar sind: Er hat den Frieden im Nahen Osten bewahrt", sagte der PRÄSIDENT.
20110131             aufgefordert.
20110131             Es sei "im Interesse des Westens" und des "gesamten Nahen Ostens,
20110131             die Stabilität des ägyptischen Regimes aufrechtzuerhalten", zitierte "Hareetz" aus der Mitteilung.
20110131             Die Zeitung berief sich dabei auf israelische Regierungsvertreter.
20110131             "Folglich muss jegliche öffentliche Kritik an PRÄSIDENT—HUSNI—MUBARAK gebremst werden",
20110131             hieß es demnach in dem Schreiben, über das auch der israelische Militärrundfunk berichtete.
20110131             Die Mitteilung wurde demnach Ende vergangener Woche übermittelt.
20110131             ANGELA—MERKEL reist —HEUTE zum Kabinettstreffen nach JERUSALEM.
20110131             Die Sorge um das Chaos in Kairo wirbelt ihre Tagesordnung durcheinander.
20110131             Onlinezensur: CHINA filtert ÄGYPTEN—KOMMENTARE aus dem Netz - Nordjemen: Leben in Trümmern und Staub
20110131             Aufstand in Ägypten: ISRAEL will westliche MUBARAK—KRITIKER bremsen
20110131             Aufstand in den Großstädten: Auswärtiges Amt rät von ÄGYPTEN—REISEN ab
20110131             Gentechnik: Forscher verwandeln HAUT—IN Herzzellen
20110131             —BEFEUERT, Geringe Teuerung: Deutsche MINI—INFLATION, EURO—KRISE
20110131             Rassenhass: Russlands Nationalisten hetzen erbittert gegen Ausländer
20110131             Burma : 1. Parlament —SEIT—22—JAHREN zusammengetreten
20110131             —VERTREIBT, Flucht vor Aschewolken: Vulkanausbruch, Hunderte Japaner
20110131             —AKTIVIERT, Weißrussland: EU, Einreiseverbot für Diktator Lukaschenko
20110131             Proteste in Ägypten : Mubarak drängt neuen Ministerpräsidenten zu Reformen
20110131             Machtkampf in Ägypten: Diplomat gegen Despot
20110131             The indications from the declassified UK—FILES are that Brotherhood leaders,
20110131             despite their public calls for attacks on the British,
20110131             were perfectly prepared to meet them in private.
20110131             —PASSED, THE—BROTHERHOOD is known to have, information to the government to help in its continual ROUND—UPS of real and suspected communists,
20110131             especially in the unions and universities.
20110131             the Brotherhood preached strict observance of the tenets of Islam and offered 1—RELIGIOUS—ALTERNATIVE to both the secular nationalist movements and communist parties in EGYPT and THE—MIDDLE—EAST — forces which were becoming THE—2—MAJOR—CHALLENGERS to British, and USA, power in the region.
20110131             "Es wird in jedem Fall 1—KANDIDAT der Amerikaner sein",
20110131             das ist der Tenor der Politikexperten am Nil, und vielleicht ist dies auch der Grund,
20110131             warum MOHAMMED—ELBARADEI, der ehemalige CHEF—DER internationalen Energiebehörde IAEA,
20110131             in den internationalen Medien als —DERZEIT heißester Gegenkandidat Mubaraks gehandelt wird.
20110131             Augenzeugen berichten allerdings, dass auf den Massenkundgebungen bislang kein einziges islamistisches Spruchband zu sehen war,
20110131             kein einziger Koran in hochgehalten wurde.
20110131             Ängste, die vor allem im Ausland geteilt werden und mit denen der PRÄSIDENT—SEINE—POLITIK—DER—EISERNEN—FAUST gegen jegliche Opposition rechtfertigt.
20110131             "Dies ist 1—INTIFADA", sagt ABDUL—AAL,
20110131             "nicht die Parteien sprechen, das Volk spricht.
20110131             Immerhin: Über ihre Jugend hat die Tagammu im ganzen Land Flugblätter zur Bildung von Volksbildungskomitees und Bürgerwehren verteilen lassen,
20110131             die immer wichtiger werden, je marodierender die vom Regime aufgehetzten Plünderer auftreten.
20110131             Auch der Bekanntheitsgrad von ABDUL—AALS—PARTEI,
20110131             der linken Tagammu (Sammlung), dürfte außerhalb Ägyptens nur den Nahostexperten bekannt sein.
20110131             Sozialisten, Kommunisten und NASSERISTEN—ANHÄNGER des arabischen Volkshelden Gamal Abdelnasser,
20110131             der in den fünfziger und fechziger Jahren 1—ART arabischen Sozialismus PROPAGIERTE—SIE alle finden sich in der TAGAMMU—PARTEI,
20110131             und waren bislang entsprechend zerstritten.
20110131             Islamisten, Linke, Nasseristen oder Liberale hoffen darauf,
20110131             zu den politischen Gewinnern dieser Revolution zu zählen.
20110131             - doch die WELLE—DES—PROTESTS schwillt an.
20110131             Baixar dados em PDF para: Revolução Espartaquista. FRankfurt am Main
20110131             ALI—ABDUL—SAOUD—MOHAMED, (??? ????) (born 19520603             ) is 1—DOUBLE—AGENT[1] who worked for both THE—CIA and EGYPT—ISLAMIC—JIHAD simultaneously, reporting on THE—WORKINGS—OF—EACH—FOR—THE—BENEFIT—OF—THE—OTHER.
20110131             —FRUSTRIERT, Jung, zu allem bereit Tunesien, Ägypten, Jemen: Die arabischen Herrscher haben sich nur mit dem Machterhalt beschäftigt und versäumt, sich auf das 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY einzulassen.
20110131             Obama telefonierte mit mehreren Regierungschefs wegen Ägypten USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA hat die Lage in Ägypten mit mehreren Regierungschefs in der Region erörtert.
20110131             Nutznießer der Repression —SEIT dem STURZ—DES—REGIMES—ZINE—EL—ABIDINE—BEN—ALI in Tunesien müht sich BERLIN, seine systematische Unterstützung für die autoritären nordafrikanischen Staaten vergessen zu machen.
20110131             —GEACHTET, Auch in Ägypten müssten die "Bürgerrechte", werden [1], lässt der deutsche Außenminister verlauten.
20110131             BRASILIA.
20110131             Nach Erteilung der "partiellen Umweltlizenz" durch das Bundesumweltamt Ibama für das umstrittenen Megastaudammprojekt Belo Monte im nordbrasilianischen Bundesstaat Pará wächst nicht nur bei Indigenen, Umweltschützern und sozialen Bewegungen der Unmut.
20110131             Weltwirtschaftsgipfel in Davos: Cablegate und die Folgen 1—DISKUSSION im Rahmen des World Economic Forum in Davos befasste sich mit den Auswirkungen des "Cablegate"-Leaks auf Diplomatie und internationale Beziehungen.
20110131             Politiker und Diplomaten, so das Fazit der Diskussion, sind momentan verunsichert und bemühen sich, sensible oder kompromittierende Informationen nicht schriflich niederzulegen.
20110131             Report: `Nieder mit Mubarak` Kairo (dpa) — Panzerfahrzeuge auf den Straßen Kairos, Zusammenstöße zwischen Demonstranten und Polizei, Feuer und Rauch — in der Millionenmetropole am Nil herrschte am —FREITAG Chaos.
20110131             Anonymous startet `Operation ITALY` Gestern rief das Kollektiv Anonymous zu Cyberattacken gegen italienische Regierungsseiten auf.
20110131             Insbesondere hat man es auf die Website abgesehen.
20110131             Schwedischer Provider will Vorratsdatenspeicherung per VPN umgehen In Schweden soll bald die von der EU vorgeschriebene Vorratsdatenspeicherung von Kommunikationsdaten eingeführt werden.
20110131             Der INTERNET—PROVIDER Bahnhof widersetzt sich dem jedoch: der ISP will die Daten seiner Kunden vor der Vorratsdatenspeicherung schützen, indem man diese über 1—VPN routet.
20110131             "Geheimagenten zettelten Plünderungen in Kairo an" Der Grund ist für sie logisch: "Die Regierung will uns einen Schrecken einjagen. Damit wir alle denken, dass es ohne sie doch nicht geht".
20110131             Aus diesem Grund sei auch die Feuerwehr nicht ausgerückt, als zahlreiche Gebäude in der Innenstadt in Flammen standen.
20110131             Ägypten Ticker: Volksaufstand —TAG 7—KAIRO: Die Menschen strömen wieder auf den TAHRIR—PLATZ.
20110131             Für —DIENSTAG hat sich in Kairo ein "Million Man March", 1—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN—MARSCH angekündigt.
20110131             EGYPT—PROTESTERS call for general strike THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT demonstrators have gathered in CAIRO—CENTRAL—SQUARE, with MANY—CALLING for 1—GENERAL—STRIKE on —MONDAY.
20110131             Nach Verbot in Kairo: AL—DSCHASIRA setzt auf Blogger und Augenzeugen Untereinander verständigten sich die Ägypter vor allem per Telefon, auch die meisten HANDY—VERBINDUNGEN funktionierten inzwischen wieder, berichtete die FRÜHERE—KAIRO—KORRESPONDENTIN—DER—ARD, Golineh Atai, im ARD—MORGENMAGAZIN... Zugleich bestätigte Atai Berichte, wonach die MUBARAK—REGIERUNG für die massiven Plünderungen mitverantwortlich ist.
20110131             Demnach hätten Polizisten der Staatssicherheit ihre schwarzen Uniformen abgelegt und würden nunmehr in Zivil marodierenden Banden Anweisungen geben, Bewohner aus ihren Wohnungen zu treiben, um diese anschließend zu plündern.
20110131             PRESIDENT—SAAKASHVILI will attend the annual security conference to be held in MUNICH, GEORGIA—DEPUTY Foreign MINISTER—NINO—KALANDADZE said.
20110131             Hinrichtung von Gefangenen im ägyptischen Gefängnis ABU—ZAABAL—BERICHTE, die darauf hindeuten, dass Mubaraks Gefängniswärter in den letzten Tagen Massenexekutionen durchgeführt haben, sind alerdings in den letzten Tagen durchaus aufgetaucht.
20110131             Die GESCHICHTE—DES—VIDEOS könnte durchaus stimmig sein, denn in den letzten Tagen konnten zahlreiche Gefangene aus ägyptischen Gefängnissen fliehen und einige davon waren palästinensische Gefangene die nach GAZA geflohen sind.
20110131             Ägypten: Exekution von Gefangenen durch Wachpersonal (Video) Ägypten: Dieses Video zeigt offensichtlich die gezielte Exekution von politischen Gefangenen durch das Wachpersonal.
20110131             —AM—SONNTAG hatte ein ägyptischer "Sicherheitsbeamter" der französischen Nachrichtenagentur AFP ohne weiteren Kommentar mitgeteilt, an einer Straße nahe des ABU—ZAABAL—GEFÄNGNIS—DUTZENDE—LEICHEN—VON—GEFÄNGNISINSASSEN liegen würden.
20110131             USA—INDEX Futures Rise on Spending Data;
20110131             Euro Gains, EGYPT—BONDS Fall EGYPT—BANKS and the stock market remained closed for a 2. —DAY.
20110131             —TRADED, Orascom Construction Industries, EGYPT—BIGGEST publicly, company, fell 2.3—PERCENT in LONDON, taking its 6—DAY decline to 27—PERCENT.
20110131             Benchmark indexes in SAUDI—ARABIA, LEBANON, MOROCCO, THAILAND and SOUTH—KOREA dropped at least 1—PERCENT.
20110131             IDF Camera 28-Jan-20110000             : ISRAEL—SETTLER Kill 1—PALESTINIAN (Uday Qadous) in IRAQ Burin 2—ISRAEL—SETTLERS Killed 1—YOUNG—PALESTINIAN (Uday Qadous ) at the age of 19, in IRAQ Burin NABLUS — WEST—BANK.
20110131             Es ist eine traurige Wahrheit, dass Angriffsarmeen die Erde nicht nur verbrannt, sondern auch verseucht hinterlassen.
20110131             Das Militär zählt zu den größten Umweltverschmutzern überhaupt und die USA—ARMEE, als größte Streitmacht der Welt, liegt an 1. Stelle
20110131             Mubarak und die Deutschen: Schwärmen vom Diktator Das hat Tradition.
20110131             Auch Westerwelles Vorgänger, FRANK—WALTER Steinmeier von der SPD etwa, interessierten sich während ihrer Besuche mehr für die Stabilität Ägyptens und seinen Beitrag zum Frieden als für die Rechte seiner Bürger.
20110131             Egyptians Find New Ways To Get ONLINE—TIMOTHY- "Groups like We Rebuild have scrambled to keep EGYPT connected to the outside world, turning to landline telephones, fax machines and even ham radio to keep information flowing in and OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY. Although 1—INTERNET service provider — NOOR—GROUP — remains in operation, EGYPT—GOVERNMENT abruptly ordered THE—REST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—ISPS to shut down their services —JUST—AFTER midnight local time —THURSDAY. MOBILE networks have also been turned off in SOME—AREAS".
20110131             Researchers Track Mouse Movements and HESITATIONS—TIMOTHY - "Researchers from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON and Microsoft Research have found that cursor movements and cursor hovers can detect the relevance of 1—SEARCH result and whether 1—USER may abandon the search. They use 1—EFFICIENT—ALGORITHM written in Javascript to silently record movements and clicks on Bing and find that computing relevance using movements + clicks works better than —JUST clicks (the current STATE—OF—THE—ART). They explain SOME—OF—THIS due to cursor and gaze being closely aligned on the web, and especially so on search result pages. Is this THE—FUTURE—OF—INNOVATION in search ranking — Google and Bing tracking your EVERY—TWITCH and pause?" Read more of this story
20110131             THE—TICKET — PRESIDENT—OBAMA and MEMBERS—OF—HIS—ADMINISTRATION are pushing 1—CAREFUL—MESSAGE about EGYPT that walks 1—FINE—LINE among policy goals that may soon prove contradictory: reaching out to 1—COUNTRY that has been 1—PARTNER—TO—THE—USA, standing with THE—EGYPT—PEOPLE, and holding off 1—POSSIBLE—SEIZURE—OF—POWER by [...]
20110131             EGYPT, —TODAY the Muslim Brotherhood, the controversial Islamic organization, states they will back Mohomed ElBaradei as spokesman for the country's opposition — to negotiate political reforms.
20110131             Hillary Clinton Supports EGYPT Protests By Not Endorsing Mubarak SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—CLINTON was on Meet THE—PRESS —TODAY speaking about the crisis in EGYPT.
20110131             —URGED, SECRETARY—CLINTON, PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK to move the nation towards democracy, but what was most important what we she didn't say.
20110131             At no point, did she endorse the Mubarak regime, or support the notion the Mubarak should remain in power.
20110131             Scientists reveal key mechanism governing nicotine addiction Scientists from THE—FLORIDA CAMPUS—OF—THE—SCRIPPS—RESEARCH—INSTITUTE have identified 1—PATHWAY in the brain that regulates 1—INDIVIDUAL—VULNERABILITY to the addictive properties of nicotine.
20110131             USA—SET to Evacuate Americans From EGYPT — CBS News
20110131             Charter Flights to Fly THOUSANDS—OF—USA—CITIZENS, But LACK—OF—INTERNET Service Hampering SPREAD—OF—INFORMATION
20110131             Operation EGYPT: Anonymous Press Release Anonymous is 1—GROUP—OF—ONLINE community users that act in 1 coordinated manner toward 1 agreed goal — focusing on censorship that prevents FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH.
20110131             —STEPPED, —SINCE EGYPT—TUMULTUOUS—PROTESTS began, Anonymous, in.
20110131             WikiLeaks' JULIAN—ASSANGE—60—MINUTES Interview Exclusive: 60—MINUTES on CBS News: WikiLeaks' JULIAN—ASSANGE, Pt.
20110131             1— JULIAN—ASSANGE, the controversial FOUNDER—OF—WIKILEAKS, speaks to STEVE—KROFT about THE—USA—ATTEMPT to indict him on criminal charges and THE—TORRENT—OF—CRITICISM aimed at him for publishing classified documents.
20110131             AUTHORITY—GOVERNMENTS start stockpiling food to fight public anger AUTHORITY—GOVERNMENTS across the world are aggressively stockpiling food as 1—BUFFER against soaring food costs which they fear may stoke popular discontent.
20110131             100,000 P2P Users Sued in USA—MASS—LAWSUITS THE—AVALANCHE—OF—COPYRIGHT infringement lawsuits in THE—USA, mainly against BitTorrent users, is about to hit 1—DUBIOUS—MILESTONE.
20110131             In total 99,924 defendants have been sued in the last 12—MONTHS, and new cases are being filed at 1—RAPID—RATE.
20110131             Rightbloggers Credit Bush for EGYPT Uprising — Then Blame Obama for EGYPT Uprising Rightbloggers were torn about this 1. —WHILE many at 1. enjoyed THE—PEOPLE—POWER street scenes as 1—CELEBRATION—OF—FREEDOM, their enthusiasm waned as they realized that Muslims were involved.
20110131             USA—WEAPONS Are on CAIRO—STREETS—SPENCER—ACKERMAN - On THE—STREETS—OF—CAIRO and —AROUND the world, everyone's waiting to see if THE—EGYPT—ARMY is going to crack down on the demonstrators demanding THE—OUSTER—OF—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK.
20110131             Whatever EGYPT—MILITARY does next, chances are they'll do it with USA—WEAPONS.
20110131             Inside LONDON—SECRET—CRISIS—COMMAND—BUNKER—PETE Brook If nuclear attack or civil breakdown ever threatens THE—UK, THE—HEADS—OF—GOVERNMENT and the military know where to go.
20110131             Beneath THE—STREETS—OF—LONDON, deeper than the capitol's famous tube system, exists 1—HIDDEN bunker on constant standby.
20110131             Torturers, Jailers and Spies Lead EGYPT's 'New' GOVERNMENT—SPENCER—ACKERMAN - Dissidents demanding THE—END—OF—EGYPTIAN—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK—REGIME had better hope they don't end up under arrest.
20110131             The 1. MEMBERS—OF—MUBARAK—NEW—CABINET — 1—FACE—LIFT so he can stay in power — are heavily involved in THE—APPARATUS—OF—STATE repression, including 1—SPYMASTER who worked with THE—USA to torture terrorist suspects.
20110131             ' Love Hormone' Arouses Suspicion, TOO—BRUCE—BOWER—OXYTOCIN, 1—HORMONE with 1—ROSY reputation for getting people to love, trust and generally make nice with 1—ANOTHER, can get down and dirty.
20110131             Worker burnout warnings spread across World Economic Forum
20110131             - Agence FRANCE—PRESSE—ANTI—DEPRESSION drug sales up in GERMANY DAVOS—SWITZERLAND — —AFTER 1—BRUTAL 4—DAYS—OF—WORLD leaders' speeches, schmoozing and wild parties, exhausted global delegates at the World Economic Forum were warned of the growing dangers of burnout for society.
20110131             WikiLeaks founder plans major leak if his website is shut down PERMANENTLY—AGENCE FRANCE—PRESSE—WASHINGTON— WikiLeaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE on —SUNDAY detailed 1—PLAN to release 1—DELUGE of secret documents should the whistleblower website be permanently shut down.
20110131             "There [...] - OKLAHOMA bill would mandate educators question evolution in classes
20110131             - NATHAN—DIEBENOW—EDUCATORS in OKLAHOMA would be forced to openly question in their classes the legitimacy of the scientific THEORY—OF—EVOLUTION should 1—NEW—BILL become state law.
20110131             "It's 1—SIMPLE—FACT that THE—PRESENTATION—OF—SOME—ISSUES in science classes can lead to controversy, which can discourage teachers from engaging students in 1—OPEN—DISCUSSION [...]
20110131             —DECIDED, Carter says 'people have ' in EGYPT: report
20110131             - Agence FRANCE—PRESSE—WASHINGTON — FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, who brokered the existing peace agreement between ISRAEL and EGYPT, predicted —SUNDAY that EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK will have to resign because "the people have decided," 1—REPORT said.
20110131             Brain scan can tell if 1—SMOKER will quit
20110131             - Agence FRANCE—PRESSE—WASHINGTON — USA—RESEARCHERS have found 1—WAY to predict how successful 1—SMOKER will be at quitting by using an MRI scan to look for activity in 1—REGION—OF—THE—BRAIN associated with behavior change.
20110131             Swede claims torture by EGYPT—POLICE
20110131             - Agence FRANCE—PRESSE -1—SWEDEN—TOURIST in EGYPT claims he was arrested and tortured —FOR—4—DAYS by police —BEFORE escaping —WHEN protesters set fire to the building where he was being held, media reports.
20110131             "They almost killed me. The only thing I wanted was to see was my wife and family again —BEFORE I †," 22—YEAR—OLD—AAED [...]
20110131             Cyber raids 'threaten British, USA—STOCK markets'
20110131             - Agence FRANCE—PRESSE—LONDON — Stock exchanges in BRITAIN and THE—USA—HAVE enlisted THE—HELP—OF—THE—SECURITY services —AFTER finding out they were THE—VICTIMS—OF—CYBER attacks, THE—TIMES newspaper reported on —MONDAY.
20110131             Undercover operation reveals how gun buyers can legally avoid background CHECKS—SAHIL—KAPUR—WASHINGTON — ARIZONA gun show dealers sold firearms to undercover cops who openly admitted they wouldn't be able to pass 1—BACKGROUND check, according to 1—REVEALING operation conducted by NEW—YORK City Mayor MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG—OFFICE.
20110131             —OBTAINED, The report, by THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, detailed multiple instances where dealers at ARIZONA gun shows sold [...]
20110131             —ARRESTED, Protesters target Koch brothers at desert retreat, 25
20110131             —LINED, About 2—DOZEN police officers in riot gear, up in front of the Rancho LAS—PALMAS Resort & Spa in the [...]
20110131             USA—CALLS for release of AL—JAZEERA reporters in EGYPT
20110131             - Agence FRANCE—PRESSE—WASHINGTON — THE—USA expressed concern —MONDAY about EGYPT—SHUTDOWN—OF—AL—JAZEERA and called for the release of 6—OF—THE—REGIONAL—NEWS—CHANNEL—REPORTERS who had been arrested there.
20110131             EGYPT—OPPOSITION leader slams USA—SUPPORT of Mubarak
20110131             Carter: EGYPT—REVOLT 'EARTH—SHAKING,' Mubarak 'will have to leave'
20110131             We will 'destroy ISRAEL,' EGYPT—PROTESTER declares
20110131             - DAVID—EDWARDS—SPEAKING to —SUNDAY, protesters in EGYPT illustrated why THE—USA—MAY not be in 1—HURRY for PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK to step down.
20110131             's Nic Robertson took to the streets in ALEXANDRIA—EGYPT where SCORES—OF—DEMONSTRATORS wanted to make their voices heard.
20110131             'Stuxnet' worm could cause 'CHERNOBYL—LIKE—DISASTER' in IRAN, intel assessment warns
20110131             1—RECENT—RUSSIA—INTELLIGENCE assessment warned that the "Stuxnet" computer worm that's embedded itself into IRAN—RUSSIAN—BUILT—BUSH ehr nuclear plant could cause a "CHERNOBYL—LIKE—DISASTER" should the site be switched on.
20110131             —OBTAINED, The document was, exclusively by the Associated Press, which cited Dmitry Rogozin, RUSSIA—ENVOY to NATO, as worrying that the Bush ehr facility could [...]
20110131             Rumsfeld to receive 'DEFENDER—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION Award' at CPAC
20110131             FORMER—USA—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD will be honored with the "DEFENDER—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION Award" at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 1—ANNUAL—EVENT attended by numerous conservative activists, journalists, and politicians.
20110131             GOP plan to avoid USA—DEFAULT: Pay CHINA —BEFORE anyone else
20110131             EGYPT—MILITARY pledges it won't use violence against protesters
20110131             EGYPT—MILITARY has said it will not use violence against protesters, in response to calls for a "MARCH—OF—MILLIONS" on —TUESDAY aimed at dethroning PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK.
20110131             The claim came by WAY—OF—EGYPT—STATE television, which had for days shown 1 sanitized, obscured PORTRAYAL—OF—EVENTS on the ground in CAIRO.
20110131             —HAPPENED, So...whatever, to the Wikileaks' LEAK—OF—THE—DOCUMENTS from 1—MAJOR—BANK—IN—THE—USA?
20110131             —TODAY'S the last —DAY—OF—JANUARY and I haven't seen anything.
20110131             25 Arrested, Thousands Converge on Koch Brothers BILLIONAIRE—CAUCUS in THE—CALIFORNIA Desert: VAN Jones described THE—ANTI—KOCH rally as "the beginning of our fight back".
20110131             —GESTELLT, ASIA—PULP & Paper wird von Greenpeace an den Pranger  - " 2—GRAD reichen nicht"
20110131             Die Wissenschaft rät der Politik, stärker auf die "Tipping Points", die KIPP—PUNKTE zu 8.Aus STOCKHOLM REINHARD—WOLFF
20110131             Und genau dieses Schicksal droht nun auch uns, warnt der bekannte Agronom LESTER—BROWN in seinem neuen Buch "Die Welt am Abgrund".1—REZENSION—VON—CHRISTIAN—MIHATSCH
20110131             —VERURTEILT, Gericht, Kohlegegner zu Strafen zwischen 250—UND 1.000—DOLLAR: Die einen haben im Dezember die Gleise für Güterzüge zum Kohlekraftwerk Bayswater besetzt, die anderen einen Verladekran blockiert.
20110131             Von JOHANNA—TREBLIN—EMIRATES authorities deny OMAN spy ring allegations
20110131             —DENIED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES has, operating 1—ESPIONAGE network in the neighboring Sultanate of OMAN, saying that spying goes against the country's values.
20110131             —ISSUED, The official denial was, in response to 1—NEWS—REPORT by OMAN—STATE news agency, which said that OMAN—AUTHORITIES had uncovered 1—SPY ring targeting the country's intelligence and military apparatus.
20110131             Rallying Against THE—KOCH—AGENDA, VAN Jones Warns Of 'Excessive Concentrations Of Economic POWER'—BRAD—JOHNSON -ThinkProgress is reporting from the Koch summit in Palm Springs, CA.
20110131             This weekend, David and CHARLES—KOCH, THE—CO—OWNERS of the $100—BILLION Koch Industries pollution conglomerate, hosted their annual meeting in Palm Springs to coordinate strategy and raise funds for the conservative movement.
20110131             For decades... Read more
20110131             Income Inequality In THE—USA—IS Worse Than In EGYPT—PAT GAROFALO—PROTESTS in EGYPT continued for a 7. —DAY—TODAY, and PRO—DEMOCRACY demonstrators are organizing a "MARCH—OF—MILLIONS" to take place tomorrow.
20110131             As financial markets dip across THE—MIDDLE—EAST, financial prognosticators are trying to divine what continued unrest will mean for THE—ECONOMIES—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST and THE—PRICE—OF—OIL.
20110131             ISRAEL allows 800—EGYPT—TROOPS into the Sinai (VIDEO)- News DESK—ISRAEL has allowed EGYPT to move about 800—TROOPS into the Sinai peninsula for the 1. time —SINCE the countries signed a 19790000              peace treaty. read more
20110131             CAIRO, security forces begin to reassert AUTHORITY—JON—JENSEN -Police in CAIRO prepare to redeploy even as protesters rally —AROUND opposition. read more
20110131             Mubarak picks new cabinet as protests CONTINUE—JON—JENSEN -Opposition calls for million man march as government tries to reassert authority. read more
20110131             —VERLIERT, Mubarak, mit der Erklärung der Armee eine wichtige Stütze, sein Sturz wird damit wahrscheinlicher.
20110131             —SIGNALISIERT, Außerdem, die Armeeführung mit ihrer Stellungnahme, dass sie kein Interesse daran haben dürfte, den Auftand blutig NIEDERZUSCHLAGEN—SELBST wenn entsprechende ANORDNUNGEN—VON—STAATSCHEF—HUSNI—MUBARAK kämen.
20110131             "Wir werden keine Gewalt gegen die Bürger einsetzen. Wir verstehen die Forderung der Demonstranten", hieß es in einer Erklärung.
20110131             "Die Meinungsfreiheit in friedlicher Form ist für alle garantiert", zitierten die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur Mena und das Staatsfernsehen aus der Erklärung.
20110131             "Die Präsenz der Armee in den Straßen ist zu eurem Schutz, und um eure Sicherheit und euer Wohlbefinden zu garantieren", hieß es weiter.
20110131             Die Armee rief die Bevölkerung auf, von Sabotageakten abzusehen, da diese die Sicherheit sowie das öffentliche und private Eigentum verletzten.
20110131             Dem Präsidenten aber nützen die Islamisten als Feindbild, um den milliardenschweren Sicherheitsapparat pausenlos AUFZUSTOCKEN—UND jegliche Opposition im Keim zu ersticken
20110131             So waren es auch Mitglieder einer radikalen ABSPALTUNG—DER—MUSLIMBRÜDER, die 19810000              den ägyptischen Staatspräsidenten Anwar AL—SADAT ermordeten.
20110131             "Auch die deutsche Politik hat die autoritären Regime wie Mubarak für eine vermeintliche Stabilität UNTERSTÜTZT—AUS Angst vor einer möglichen Machtübernahme durch islamistische Kräfte. Dabei wurden beide Augen zugedrückt, wenn es um schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch das Regime ging", sagt Kerstin Müller, selbst Staatsministerin im Auswärtigen Amt zu Zeiten der ROT—GRÜNEN Bundesregierung.
20110131             Hinzu komme, dass auch die Kosten für andere konjunktursensible Rohstoffe wie Kupfer, Weizen oder Mais —DERZEIT in die Höhe schnellen.
20110131             Zahi Hawass, CHEF—VON—ÄGYPTENS—ALTERTÜMERBEHÖRDE und frisch ernannter MINISTER, bezeichnete das Museum als gut geschützt.
20110131             Dann stimmt das Gerücht, dass freigelassene Verbrecher Polizeiwagen kapern, Waffen und Munition aus den verlassenen Polizeistationen stehlen.
20110131             Preissprung über 100—DOLLAR: Weltmärkte fürchten den Ölschock
20110131             Übrigens, wo wir gerade bei Ägypten waren: Ich möchte da mal 1—PRESSEMITTEILUNG—VON—JÜRGEN—GRÄSSLIN verlinken.
20110131             Money Quote: "Die Machthaber in Kairo erhielten Teile für Panzer, gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, militärische Landfahrzeuge und Kommunikationsausrüstung", erklärte PAUL—RUSSMANN, SPRECHER—DER—KAMPAGNE gegen Rüstungsexport bei Ohne Rüstung Leben (ORL).
20110131             Hat das jemand kommen sehen? Die Muslim Brotherhood unterstützt EL—BARADEI und gibt diesen unglaublichen Hammer zu Protokoll: That reflects the organization's strategy that their religious goals need to be put on the back burner to achieve democracy, said Helmi Gazzar, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—BROTHERHOOD—DISTRICT—PARTY—OFFICE—IN—NORTH—CAIRO.
20110131             " What we want is what the people want ; right —NOW we should have 1—COMPLETELY different regime. We should have freedom and free elections," he said.
20110131             Die sehen ja sogar noch rationaler als Hamas aus in der Beziehung, und rationaler als die katholische Kirche sowieso.
20110131             Rund 60—STÄMME, die keinen Kontakt zur Zivilisation haben, leben Schätzungen zufolge im Regenwald Brasiliens, weltweit sind es wahrscheinlich rund 100. Viele haben sich freiwillig dafür entschieden, die Zivilisation zu meiden.
20110131             "Die Welt muss aufwachen und mehr gegen den illegalen Holzschlag zu unternehmen".
20110131             "Die europäischen Regierungen planen den Raubzug in den Meeren mit", sagt Meeresbiologe Groß gegenüber SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20110131             —ÜBERFISCHT, Weiterhin würde 1—DRITTEL der frei lebenden Gruppen, - dort werden also mehr Tiere gefangen als nachwachsen, berichtet die FAO.
20110131             Ein "sehr Besorgnis erregendes Ergebnis", sagt FAO—FISCHEREIEXPERTE RICHARD—GRAINGER.
20110131             Sowohl Merkel als auch Netanjahu waren sich Regierungskreisen zufolge einig, dass die Situation in Ägypten mit den eskalierenden Protesten sehr schwierig sei.
20110131             Im SUDAN löste die Polizei am —SONNTAG mit Gewalt 1—DEMONSTRATION auf, zu der nach TUNESISCH—ÄGYPTISCHEM Vorbild 1—FACEBOOK—GRUPPE aufgerufen hatte.
20110131             Im Jemen schien sich zeitweilig eine breite Protestwelle anzukündigen, die jedoch über das Wochenende —ZUNÄCHST abebbte.
20110131             Anders als in Tunesien verursachten diese Vorfälle dort keine größeren Unruhen: Was vielleicht als Versuch gemeint war, wie in Tunesien Menschen zu mobilisieren, wurde von den dortigen Regierungen erfolgreich als Selbstmordversuch aus persönlichen Gründen gedeutet.
20110131             Wichtig ist, dass wir die Fesseln der Angst abgelegt haben und unsere Regeln selber machen".
20110131             Von den 37—USA—GOUVERNEURSPOSTEN, die im November zur Disposition standen, vergaben sie 26 an Newcomer.
20110131             Dies ist nur eine kleine Auswahl der kruden Methoden, mit denen die hochverschuldeten USA—BUNDESSTAATEN —ZURZEIT versuchen, Geld zu sparen.
20110131             —DEPORTIERT, Einwanderer werden nach Mexiko, Polizisten in den Vorruhestand befördert, Kindergärten geschlossen, Lehrer gefeuert.
20110131             UNO—FISCHEREIREPORT: Jeder 5. Fisch stammt aus Chinas Farmen
20110131             —NEGLECTED, ALI—MOHAMED is 1, rosetta stone for understanding al Qaeda, and with Triple Cross, Lance has created the most expansive and detailed account of this "master spy" to date.
20110131             There have been REPORTS—OF—PRISON breaks, and STATE—RUN Nile TV said on —MONDAY nearly 2,100 escaped inmates have been arrested.
20110131             CAIRO, there were long lines in FRONT—OF—BREAD shops and supermarkets, ATMs and gas stations were closed, and there was 1—MINIMAL—POLICE presence.
20110131             organizing "MILLION—MAN" marches in the cities for —TUESDAY, 1—WEEK —AFTER THE—ANTI—GOVERNMENT protests began.
20110131             WELL—KNOWN figures and top agency officials spanning THE—ADMINISTRATIONS—OF—GEORGE—BUSH, SENIOR, BILL—CLINTON, and GEORGE—W—BUSH stand to face not only public embarrassment but potential criminal indictment, if their actions (and failures to act) regarding ALI—MOHAMED become widely known.
20110131             USA—ATTORNEY PATRICK—FITZGERALD, PROSECUTOR—OF—SOME of the biggest terrorist and ORGANIZED—CRIME cases, once said of him: "This is the most dangerous man I've ever met".
20110131             Of course, in the aftermath of 20010911             , USA—OFFICIALS claimed otherwise.
20110131             This failure is all the more MIND—BOGGLING —WHEN 1—REALIZES that USA—OFFICIALS had received repeated prior warnings of AL—QAEDA plans to use airliners as missiles, and that the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and THE—WHITE—HOUSE had been specifically named as targets.
20110131             —DESCRIBED, This same document points out how bloggers, the severe torture with electric shocks inflicted on 1—BLOGGER, and how security forces stopped the torture —WHEN he began cooperating.
20110131             The cable also describes how "THE—GOE has also used the Emergency Law in SOME—RECENT—CASES to target bloggers and labor demonstrators".
20110131             In reality,
20110131             —REPRESENTED, Montasser AL—ZAYAT, 1—EGYPT—ATTORNEY who, USA—PRISONERS, told Grey:
20110131             "We have heard of full airplanes arriving at night, but these prisoners are kept very isolated. It's really difficult to learn more....—WHEN 1—PRISONER is sent back to EGYPT, he basically disappears for up to 3—MONTHS. That's —WHEN he is interrogated and tortured, and —WHEN he is allowed no visitors. Only —AFTER that —WHEN his wounds are healing, does he see the prosecutor and have visitors".
20110131             —CONFIRMED, AL—ZAYAT—STORY was, by other attorneys, MANY—OF—WHOM had been imprisoned themselves and spoke from personal experience.
20110131             * As EGYPT—INTELLIGENCE CHIEF, Suleiman was in CHARGE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST important political security files, and was the mastermind behind THE—FRAGMENTATION—OF—ISLAMIST groups who led the uprising against THE—STATE—IN—THE 1990s.
20110131             As this piece makes clear, he seems to have been AMERICA—MAN all along.
20110131             He was at Fort Bragg —WHEN fellow EGYPT—SOLDIERS who were MEMBERS—OF—THE—EGYPTIAN—ISLAMIC—JIHAD (EIJ) terror group assassinated EGYPT—PRESIDENT—ANWAR—SADAT.
20110131             —STUNNED, Mohamed, USA—SOLDIERS by expressing APPROVAL—OF—THE—ASSASSINATION.
20110131             His remarkable Wikipedia entry puts the matter in the least controversial fashion:
20110131             "Suleiman" and "torture".
20110131             You'll find this fine piece by JEFF—SPARROW, of AUSTRALIA—ABC—NEWS.
20110131             we should note this quote from JANE—MAYER—RECENT—NEW—YORKER article: As I described in my book "THE—DARK—SIDE,"
20110131             Dabei wurde allerdings der Schwerpunkt der Berichterstattung auf die von Demonstranten ausgehende Gewalt gesetzt, nicht auf die Ursache der Proteste gegen die Regierung.
20110131             Demokratie sei mit den Bedingungen Ägyptens und Tunesiens nicht vereinbar und entsprechende Bestrebungen in ASIEN würden allenfalls zu "Chaos in den Straßen" führen, lautete 1—KOMMENTAR in der regierungsnahen "Global Times".
20110131             —ZENSIERT, Die Regierung in Peking, die in CHINA ansässigen Websites regelmäßig, zugleich werden die etwa 450—MILLIONEN INTERNET—NUTZER im Land häufig am Besuch ausländischer Websites gehindert.
20110131             Die Organisatoren hatten über soziale Netzwerke, E—MAILS und SMS—NACHRICHTEN zu Protesten —NACH—DEM Vorbild Ägyptens und Tunesiens aufgerufen.
20110131             AL—BASCHIR gerät jedoch auch wegen der absehbaren Teilung des SUDAN —NACH—DEM Votum der Südsudanesen für einen eigenen STAAT—UNTER—DRUCK.
20110131             "Ich bin sicher, dass die Europäische Union —HEUTE 1—SIGNAL senden wird, um denen zu helfen, die guten Willens sind, sei es in Ägypten, sei es in Tunesien", sagte Luxemburgs Außenminister JEAN—ASSELBORN.
20110131             Die EU wolle in beiden Ländern bei der Organisation von Wahlen helfen, "die frei sind und die Möglichkeit für einen Neuanfang" eröffnen könnten.
20110131             "Wir haben uns den Arbeitern in SUEZ angeschlossen und treten in einen Generalstreik, —BIS unsere Forderungen erfüllt werden", sagte ein anderer Oppositionsvertreter, MOHAMED—WAKED.
20110131             —BEREITET, KAIRO—ÄGYPTENS Opposition, einen Großaufruhr vor: Die Jugendbewegung "20110406             " wolle am —DIENSTAG in Kairo für den "MEGA—PROTEST" gegen PRÄSIDENT—HUSNI—MUBARAK mehr als 1—MILLION—MENSCHEN auf die Straße bringen, berichtete der arabische Fernsehsender AL—DSCHASIRA.
20110131             Geplant ist laut Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter, dass der Protestzug zum Präsidentenpalast zieht.
20110131             Im Januar betrug die jährliche Teuerungsrate 2,4 Prozent.
20110131             Das teilte die Europäische Statistikbehörde Eurostat am —MONTAG mit.
20110131             Die Furcht eines Übergreifens der Proteste auf andere Staaten der Region ließ auch deren CDS in die Höhe schnellen: Die CDS—VON—SAUDI—ARABIEN stiegen um 29—AUF 120—BASISPUNKTE, die CDS—VON—BAHRAIN um 39—AUF 230—BASISPUNKTE.
20110131             Die Gutachter senkten die Bonität um 1—STUFE auf Ba2 von Ba1. Wie die Agentur am —MONTAG weiter mitteilte, wurde zudem der Ausblick von stabil auf negativ verändert.
20110131             Blogger und ONLINE—JOURNALISTEN sollen künftig nur veröffentlichen dürfen, wenn sie als Gewerkschaftsmitglieder gemeldet sind.
20110131             TUNESIEN, und Ägypten ware es diese zornigen, unverheirateten jungen Männer, die die Revolten angestoßen haben.
20110131             Noch immer lebt geschätzt 1—VIERTEL—DER—SYRER unterhalb der Armutsgrenze.
20110131             "Wir haben weniger als 20000000              Nichtregierungsorganisationen in Syrien", er wolle dafür sorgen, dass sich die Zahl erhöhe, etwa durch einen Abbau bürokratischer Anforderungen.
20110131             sagte ASSAD—SO sei Ägypten von den USA finanziell unterstützt worden, Syrien sei dagegen von einem weitreichenden Embargo vieler Länder betroffen.
20110131             Die politischen Führer in der arabischen Welt müssten mehr tun, um den politischen und wirtschaftlichen Bedürfnissen ihrer Völker gerecht zu werden, sagte Assad.
20110131             "Wenn man die Notwendigkeit von Reformen vor den Ereignissen in Ägypten und Tunesien nicht erkannt hat, ist es zu spät dafür", sagte Assad.
20110131             Die Massenproteste in den beiden Ländern hätten eine neue Ära in der arabischen Welt eingeläutet, sagte Assad.
20110131             und längst wird darüber spekuliert, wann die Unruhen auch Libyen und Syrien erreichen.
20110131             —UNRUHEN, Damaskus/BEIRUT - 1—REVOLUTION in Tunesien, gewalttätige, in Ägypten, Proteste in Algerien und Jordanien: Schockwellen erschüttern die arabische Welt
20110131             2,4 Prozent im Januar: Inflation in der Eurozone beschleunigt sich
20110131             Ghannouchi hatte sein Land 19890000              verlassen, als 2—JAHRE nach der Machtübernahme von BEN—ALI in Tunesien die Verfolgung von Islamisten begann.
20110131             Ägypten versinkt zunehmend in Chaos, am Wochenende zogen vielerorts plündernde Banden durch die Straßen.
20110131             Einige europäische und asiatische Unternehmen begannen damit, ihre Mitarbeiter abzuziehen, darunter der NIEDERLÄNDISCH—BRITISCHE Ölkonzern Royal HOLLAND—SHELL und das italienische Energieunternehmen Eni.
20110131             VIELE—DEUTSCHE machten sich am —SONNTAG aus Außenbezirken Kairos auf den Weg in Richtung des Stadtteils Zamalek, der als Insel im Nil liegt und deswegen von der ägyptischen Armee besser geschützt werden kann.
20110131             ausgeflogen.
20110131             "Das würde genauso hier auch passieren, genauso wenn in ENGLAND was passieren würde oder sonst wo".
20110131             "Wir hatten und haben immer noch großen Respekt für PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK", sagte Peres in seiner 1. öffentlichen Stellungnahme zu den Unruhen.
20110131             "Wir sagen nicht, dass alles, was er getan hat, richtig ist, aber er hat 1—SACHE getan, für die wir ihm dankbar sind: Er hat den Frieden im Nahen Osten bewahrt", sagte der PRÄSIDENT.
20110131             Es sei "im Interesse des Westens" und des "gesamten Nahen Ostens, die Stabilität des ägyptischen Regimes aufrechtzuerhalten", zitierte "Hareetz" aus der Mitteilung.
20110131             "Folglich muss jegliche öffentliche Kritik an PRÄSIDENT—HUSNI—MUBARAK gebremst werden", hieß es demnach in dem Schreiben, über das auch der israelische Militärrundfunk berichtete.
20110131             Onlinezensur: CHINA filtert ÄGYPTEN—KOMMENTARE aus dem Netz
20110131             The indications from the declassified UK—FILES are that Brotherhood leaders, despite their public calls for attacks on the British, were perfectly prepared to meet them in private.
20110131             —PASSED, THE—BROTHERHOOD is known to have, information to the government to help in its continual ROUND—UPS of real and suspected communists, especially in the unions and universities.
20110131             "Es wird in jedem Fall 1—KANDIDAT—DER—AMERIKANER sein", das ist der Tenor der Politikexperten am Nil, und vielleicht ist dies auch der Grund, warum MOHAMMED—ELBARADEI, der ehemalige CHEF—DER internationalen Energiebehörde IAEA, in den internationalen Medien als —DERZEIT heißester Gegenkandidat Mubaraks gehandelt wird.
20110131             Augenzeugen berichten allerdings, dass auf den Massenkundgebungen bislang kein einziges islamistisches Spruchband zu sehen war, kein einziger Koran in hochgehalten wurde.
20110131             "Dies ist 1—INTIFADA", sagt ABDUL—AAL, "nicht die Parteien sprechen, das Volk spricht".
20110131             Immerhin: Über ihre Jugend hat die Tagammu im ganzen Land Flugblätter zur Bildung von Volksbildungskomitees und Bürgerwehren verteilen lassen, die immer wichtiger werden, je marodierender die vom Regime aufgehetzten Plünderer auftreten.
20110131             Auch der Bekanntheitsgrad von ABDUL—AALS—PARTEI, der linken Tagammu (Sammlung), dürfte außerhalb Ägyptens nur den Nahostexperten bekannt sein.
20110131             Sozialisten, Kommunisten und NASSERISTEN—ANHÄNGER des arabischen Volkshelden Gamal Abdelnasser, der in den fünfziger und fechziger Jahren 1—ART arabischen Sozialismus PROPAGIERTE—SIE alle finden sich in der TAGAMMU—PARTEI, und waren bislang entsprechend zerstritten.
20110131             Islamisten, Linke, Nasseristen oder Liberale hoffen darauf, zu den politischen Gewinnern dieser Revolution zu zählen.
20110131             - doch die WELLE—DES—PROTESTS schwillt an. able "Ineptitude"
20110131—19360702    —ON, * He was born in Qena,
20110131—19360702    —ON, * He was born in Qena, in SOUTH—EGYPT.
20110131—19540000    —ENROLLED, He —LATER, in EGYPT—PREMIER—MILITARY—ACADEMY, —AFTER which he received additional military training in the then SOVIET—UNION at MOSCOW—FRUNZE—MILITARY—ACADEMY.
20110131—19620000    —IN, * Suleiman took part in the war in YEMEN and 19670000             —THE and 19730000              wars against ISRAEL.
20110131—19670000    —SINCE, As described by Cable 10CAIRO64 sent from the Embassy of CAIRO on 12January, 20100000             , "EGYPT—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY, in effect almost continuously, allows for the application of 19580000             —THE Emergency Law, which grants THE—GOE broad powers to arrest individuals without charge and to detain them indefinitely".
20110131—19810000    —SHOWED, ALI—MOHAMED 1., up on the radar as a 29—YEAR—OLD—EGYPT—ARMY Special Forces officer who was at Fort BRAGG—NORTH—CAROLINA, training with USA Special Forces.
20110131—19900000    —IN—THE, and was the mastermind behind THE—FRAGMENTATION—OF—ISLAMIST groups who led the uprising against the state S.
20110131—19910000    —IN, INDIA gave approval to SOUTH—KOREA—POSCO to build a giant $12—BILLION steel plant, in the country's biggest foreign investment deal —SINCE market reforms launched.
20110131—19920000    —IN, he headed THE—GENERAL—OPERATIONS—AUTHORITY in the Armed Forces and then became THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE unit —BEFORE taking over EGIS.
20110131—19930000    —SINCE, the ruler of this shadowy WORLD—OF—EGYPT—INTELLIGENCE—"1—CLOSE—FRIEND—OF—THE—WEST and the spy agency that had the closest links with AMERICA and THE—CIA"—HAD been none other than OMAR—SULEIMAN,
20110131—19930000    —SINCE, * He has been THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—EGYPTIAN—GENERAL—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES (EGIS), 1—ROLE in which he has played 1—PROMINENT—PUBLIC—ROLE in diplomacy, including in EGYPT—RELATIONS with ISRAEL and with key aid donor THE—USA.
20110131—19980910    —SINCE, That is not likely, —SINCE he had been in federal custody — almost 3—YEARS to THE—DAY—PRIOR—TO 20010911             —THE attacks.
20110131—20010000    —FROM, EFF Uncovers Widespread FBI Intelligence Violations — timothy - "EFF has uncovered widespread violations stemming from FBI intelligence investigations — 20080000           .
20110131—20010000    —RELEASED, In 1—REPORT, —TODAY, EFF documents alarming trends in THE—BUREAU—INTELLIGENCE investigation practices, suggesting that FBI intelligence investigations have compromised the civil LIBERTIES—OF—USA—CITIZENS far more frequently, and
20110131—20010911    —IN—THE, time, and flight numbers of the airliners used attacks?
20110131—20010911    —SINCE, to 1—GREATER—EXTENT, than was previously assumed.
20110131—20010911    —OBTAINED, Using documents, through EFF—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT (FOIA) litigation, the report finds: EVIDENCE—OF—DELAYS—OF 2.5—YEARS, on average, between the occurrence of 1—VIOLATION and its eventual reporting to the Intelligence Oversight BOARD;
20110131—20010911    reports of serious misconduct by FBI agents including lying in declarations to courts, using improper evidence to obtain grand jury subpoenas, and accessing PASSWORD—PROTECTED files without 1—WARRANT;
20110131—20010911    and indications that THE—FBI may have committed upwards of 40,000—POSSIBLE—INTELLIGENCE violations in THE—9—YEARS ".Read more of this story
20110131—20010911    —IN—THE, Did ALI—MOHAMED know EACH—OF—THE—HIJACKERS and the precise date, time, and flight numbers of the airliners used attacks?
20110131—20010911    —IN—THE, Nevertheless, it boggles the mind that THE—FBI—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—UNIT, the outfit claiming the greatest expertise on the world's "most wanted terrorist," could have failed to have asked the talkative and boastful ALI—MOHAMED the logical leading questions that would have drawn out the hijacking details —BEFORE they were employed plot.
20110131—20050000    —IN, 68—YEAR old ElBaradei, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, said the idea that "1—DICTATOR who has been in power —FOR—30—YEARS will be the 1 to implement [...]
20110131—20081000    —SEIT, Die Inflation in der EURO—ZONE ist auf den höchsten Stand geklettert.
20110131—20090000    —ON, In 1—CABLE sent from CAIRO Embassy ,
20110131—20090000    —ON, In 1—CABLE sent from CAIRO Embassy, Cable 09CAIRO79 THE—REALITY—OF—THE—POLICE force is described: "Torture and police brutality in EGYPT are endemic and widespread. The police use brutal methods mostly against common criminals to extract confessions, but also against demonstrators".
20110131—20110100    —IN, Supposedly it was going to be released.
20110131—20110128    —RETREATED, The country's currency, 0.9—PERCENT last —WEEK to 5.8575—AGAINST the dollar, —WHILE THE—EGX 30—INDEX—OF—STOCKS tumbled 16—PERCENT.
20110131—20110203    —ON, presumably.
20110131—20110203    —ON, GEORGIA—PRESIDENT to participate in MUNICH Conference on Security GEORGIA—PRESIDENT—MIKHEIL—SAAKASHVILI is expected to visit GERMANY this —WEEK, presumably.
20110131—20130000    —SCHON, könnte sich die Nachfrage der Angebotskapazität gefährlich nähern, wenn es in nur einem einzigen Förderland wie IRAN, IRAK—NIGERIA oder VENEZUELA zu einer Krise kommen sollte", sagt Bukold.
20110131—20200000    —AB, ARKTIS—KONFERENZ im nordnorwegischen Tromsø: Das eisfreie Arktismeer ist vermutlich nicht mehr aufzuhalten.
20110201             —DETAINED, The navy said that it had, 6 suspected drug cartel gunmen on 4—SEPARATE—OCCASIONS 20110130—20110131     in the northern states of Tamaulipas and Nuevo LEON.
20110203—20110131    —COLLAPSED, The girl, —AFTER she was lashed in public with 1—BAMBOO cane about 70—TIMES.
20120106—20120131    —ON, police announced the arrest of 3—ARAB Christians from Jaffa saying they had confessed — 1 for ordering the hit and 2 for carrying it out.
20120131             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT said it will give financial aid to GUATEMALA to help safely dispose of seized chemicals that were destined for use in methamphetamine manufacturing.
20120131             Mitt Romney won THE—FLORIDA Republican primary with 47—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20120131             Newt Gingrich was 2. with 32%. - RICK—SANTORUM got 13 % and Ron Paul 7%.
20120131             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, 2—MEN broke into the Siskiyou County Courthouse and stole $1.26—MILLION WORTH—OF—GOLD nuggets, jewelry and other artifacts.
20120131             —COMMITTED, MIKE—KELLEY (19540000              *), MICHIGAN—BORN artist, suicide in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA.
20120131             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—MAN wearing 1—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY uniform shot and killed 1—NATO—SERVICE member, the latest in 1—RISING number of similar attacks.
20120131             —STEERED, He had, 1—OF—BRITAIN—LARGEST—BANKS to near collapse with the catastrophic buyout of 1—HOLLAND—BANK, 1—DISASTER that helped bring on the global financial crisis.
20120131             —DETAINED, CHINA said that it has, 7—COMPANY executives —AFTER TONS—OF—INDUSTRIAL—WASTE including cadmium, 1—TOXIC—METAL, polluted some 200—MILES—OF—THE—LONGJIANG river, threatening water supplies for MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE.
20120131             —QUOTED, Unnamed experts were, saying that THE—AMOUNT—OF—ILLEGALLY released waste in the waterway was unprecedented at 1 estimated 20—TONS.
20120131             DOMINICA said BERNARD—WILTSHIRE, 1—FORMER—ATTORNEY—GENERAL (20000000—20020000    ), has been arrested on suspicion of conspiring with others to fraudulently obtain and sell passports.
20120131             —ELECTED, EGYPT—NEWLY, lawmakers took aim at the country's military rulers —TUESDAY, accusing them of trampling on democratic norms and overstepping their powers by passing laws, including 1—CRUCIAL 1—REGULATING presidential elections.
20120131             —RALLIED, Several 100—PROTESTERS, outside PARLIAMENT, calling on lawmakers to press the military rulers to hold speedier and fair trials for former regime officials and settle retribution claims by the families of those killed —DURING protests.
20120131             EGYPT—BEDOUINS took 25—CHINA—FACTORY workers hostage in THE—NORTH—SINAI—PENINSULA.
20120131             —DEMANDED, The group, the release of militants jailed for a 20050000              bombing in Sharm EL—SHEIKH at the tip of THE—EGYPT—SINAI.
20120131             —RELEASED, All 25—WORKERS were, by the next —DAY.
20120131             —EMERGED, Rafale, made by Dassault, as preferred bidder in the contest to supply INDIA with 126—WARPLANES in what will be a $15—BILLION (9—BILLION pounds) deal.
20120131             Its competitor, the Eurofighter Typhoon, is developed by 1—CONSORTIUM comprising the German and SPAIN—BRANCHES—OF—EADS, BRITAIN—BAE—SYSTEMS and ITALY—FINMECCANICA.
20120131             —RETURNED, IRAQ—MPS from the secular Iraqiya bloc, to PARLIAMENT, ending 1—BOYCOTT begun last —MONTH to protest THE—PRIME—MINISTER'S alleged CENTRALIZATION—OF—POWER.
20120131             —EXECUTED, IRAQ, 17 convicted criminals —TODAY, bringing to at least 51 the number so far this —YEAR.
20120131             Death sentences in IRAQ must be signed by the country's PRESIDENT, currently Jalal Talabani, but THE—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE may delegate that authority to either of THE—2—VICE presidents.
20120131             As Talabani is 1—ARDENT OPPONENT—OF—THE—DEATH penalty, that is what he does.
20120131             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU won 1—SOLID—VICTORY over his sole opponent for the leadership of his Likud party, bolstering his position ahead of possible early elections.
20120131             ISRAEL—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said some 7,000—PEOPLE from SOUTH—SUDAN must leave or face deportation.
20120131             —ANNULLED, IVORY—COAST—TOP—COURT, the election of 11—LAWMAKERS from PRESIDENT—OUATTARA—PARTY in 1—DECEMBER vote —AFTER complaints that they breached campaign laws.
20120131             —EXTENDED, MALI, Tuareg separatist rebels, their reach, attacking a 6. town, Niafunke, in the country's remote north.
20120131             —SLAMMED, MEXICO, political rivals, EACH—OTHER over $1.9—MILLION in WADS—OF—CASH found stuffed into 1—STATE official's luggage on a 20120127              private flight to TOLUCA, THE—CAPITAL—OF—THE—HOME STATE—OF—LEADING presidential candidate ENRIQUE—PENA—NIETO.
20120131             —GOVERNED, The money came from VERACRUZ, 1—GULF coast state, by Pena NIETO—INSTITUTIONAL—REVOLUTIONARY—PARTY, known as THE—PRI.
20120131             —CONFIRMED, MEXICO—INTERIOR—SECRETARY—ALEJANDRO—POIRE, that 1—ARMY general and 29—SOLDIERS under his command in 1—TOWN on the border with TEXAS are being tried on CHARGES—OF—TORTURE, homicide, drug trafficking and other crimes.
20120131             Details about GENERAL—MANUEL—MORENO—AVINA and his subordinates' alleged REIGN—OF—TERROR in THE—TOWN—OF—OJINAGA, across from PRESIDIO—TEXAS, were 1. reported by the newspaper Reforma, which had access to SOME—OF—THE—SOLDIERS' testimony.
20120131             MEXICO, EVERY—1—OF—THE 2,500 police officers in CIUDAD—JUAREZ were ordered to leave home and stay in 1—HOTEL —AFTER the killing of 5—OFFICERS by 1—LOCAL—DRUG cartel.
20120131             —THREATENED, The gang, 1—WEEK ago to kill 1—POLICEMAN 1—DAY unless Police CHIEF—JULIAN—LEYZAOLA resigns.
20120131             NORTH—MEXICO, THE—BODIES—OF—MISSIONARIES JOHN—CASIAS, 76—JAHRE—ALT and wife Wanda (67), 1—TEXAS couple, were discovered strangled in their home in SANTIAGO.
20120131             WFP officials said the World Food Program (WFP) will give emergency food to more than 80,000—PEOPLE in MOZAMBIQUE —AFTER twin cyclones left 32—DEAD.
20120131             —LAUNCHED, NUPENG, 1—NIGERIA—OIL workers' union, 1—STRIKE over 1—DISPUTE with Shell, sparking fears of petrol shortages.
20120131             THE—NATIONAL—UNION—OF—PETROLEUM and Natural Gas Workers, the smaller of NIGERIA—2—OIL industry unions, represents BLUE—COLLAR workers, including tanker drivers.
20120131             —ARMED, PAKISTAN, DOZENS—OF—HEAVILY, Taliban militants attacked 1—MILITARY—POST, sparking clashes that killed 8—SOLDIERS and wounded another 15. 1—GOVERNMENT official said fighting between soldiers and Taliban militants over 1—STRATEGIC mountaintop in THE—NORTH—WEST—KURRAM tribal area has killed more than 60—PEOPLE.
20120131             —GUNNED, At least 10—PEOPLE were, down in the past 24—HOURS in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—KARACHI.
20120131             —LAUNCHED, SOUTH—AFRICA—AIRWAYS, NON—STOP flights to BEIJING.
20120131             —MOVED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT forces, into Zamalka and Arbeen, THE—2—REMAINING towns still in rebel hands.
20120131             —GAINED, Army defectors, full CONTROL—OF—THE—CENTRAL—TOWN—OF—RASTAN —AFTER DAYS—OF—INTENSE clashes.
20120131             Activists said THE—DAY—DEATH toll was at least 7, although THE—LCC put the figure at up to 28.
20120131             † UKRAINE—AUTHORITIES said that THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who of hypothermia in recent days has reached 30 as the country grapples with 1—UNUSUALLY severe cold spell.
20120131             † In all, at least 58—PEOPLE have, from the cold in EUROPE over the last —WEEK.
20120131             The ship, Vera, with 10—UKRAINIAN and 1—GEORGIA—CREW, was sailing to TURKEY—ALIAGA port from RUSSIA —WHEN it sank off THE—COAST—OF—EREGLI in stormy waters.
20120131             8—OF—THE—CREW were reported missing —FOLLOWING the rescue of 3—PEOPLE.
20120131             —ARMED, Yemeni, tribesmen from THE—AL—MAHWEET province kidnapped 6—UN workers.
20120131             —DEMANDED, The assailants, that the government release fellow tribesmen from prison.
20120131             ZIMBABWE—HEALTH MINISTER said up to 50—CASES of typhoid were being reported per —DAY.
20120131             —TREATED, More than 1,500—PEOPLE have been, in 1—OUTBREAK blamed on poor water and sanitation facilities.
20120131             —DETAINED, CHINA—POLICE, Liu Hui, THE—BROTHER—IN—LAW of jailed Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, on fraud charges in what the family said is the latest ACT—OF—OFFICIAL—RETALIATION.
20120131             —CHARGED, In March he was formally, over 1—REAL—ESTATE dispute.
20120131—20090000    —BECAME, CHINA, SOUTH—AFRICA—TOP—TRADE partner.
20120131—20111229    —CEASED, DALY—CITY—REDEVELOPMENT—AGENCY, to exist —FOLLOWING 1—DECISION by THE—CALIFORNIA SUPREME—COURT handed down, to dissolve redevelopment agencies across the state.
20120131—20120331    —AFTER, Spokeswoman SABINE—HADDAD said THE—SOUTH—SUDANESE will be offered voluntary deportation and —AROUND $1,300. they will be deported.
20120131—20121119    —SCHEDULED, DAVID—DEAN—JOHNSON, 49—JAHRE—ALT of El Sobrante was, for trial.
20120131—20130912    —PLEADED, SCOTT—BAILEY, 51—JAHRE—ALT—OF—S—PABLO, CALIFORNIA, guilty to burglary and was sentenced to 5—YEARS in prison.
20120526             RUDY—EUG20120131              E—ALT had kept eating and growled at 1—POLICE officer who tried to make him stop.
20130131             THE—USA—CONGRESS sent PRESIDENT—OBAMA legislation raising the debt ceiling, averting 1—GOVERNMENT default —UNTIL—LATER this —YEAR.
20130131             —PUBLISHED, THE—CATHOLIC archdiocese of LOS—ANGELES, 12,000 PAGES—OF—PERSONNEL documents on 122—PRIESTS accused of sexual abuse dating back to the 1940s.
20130131             Genelle CONWAY—ALLEN, 13—JAHRE—ALT of Suisun CITY—CALIFORNIA, was last seen alive.
20130131             Her body was found the next —DAY 4—MILES away in ALLAN—WITT—PARK, Fairfield.
20130131             —PENETRATED, THE—NY Times said CHINA—HACKERS repeatedly, its computer systems over the past 4—MONTHS, stealing reporters' passwords and hunting for files on 1—INVESTIGATION into the wealth amassed by THE—FAMILY—OF—1—TOP—CHINA—LEADER.
20130131             † TEXAS, prosecutor MARK—HASSE, 57—JAHRE—ALT was shot and killed in the parking lot behind the Kaufman County Courthouse.
20130131             —RECEIVED, AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT, confirmation that the Shonan Maru NUMBER 2, 1—SUPPORT vessel for THE—JAPAN—WHALING fleet, had entered AUSTRALIA—EXCLUSIVE—ECONOMIC—ZONE near Macquarie Island in THE—ANTARCTIC—OCEAN.
20130131             —CONVICTED, CHINA—COURTS, 8—TIBETANS over accusations they incited others to SELF—IMMOLATE in the 1. such prosecutions to become publicly known, showing BEIJING—RESOLVE to stamp out the protests by criminalizing both the protesters and their supporters.
20130131             EGYPT—OPPOSITION National Salvation Front held 1—MEETING with PRESIDENT—MORSI—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD under THE—AEGIS—OF—EGYPT—PREMIER—ISLAMIC—INSTITUTION, AL—AZHAR, in their 1. ever meeting.
20130131             —SIGNED, They and other politicians, 1—JOINT—STATEMENT denouncing violence.
20130131             —VOTED, GERMANY—PARLIAMENT, to extend the country's military mission in AFGHANISTAN by 13—MONTHS.
20130131             —LAUNCHED, GHANA, FORMER—UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN, 1—COMMISSION to tackle drug trafficking in WEST—AFRICA.
20130131             —BLAMED, Annan, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY for ignoring the threat posed by corrupted states like GUINEA—BISSAU.
20130131             GREECE—DOCTORS, port workers and public transport staff in the country's capital walked off the job in strikes against deeply unpopular austerity measures that have seen incomes slashed as the country struggles to emerge from 1—DEEP—FINANCIAL—CRISIS.
20130131             —PARKED, Farmers in CENTRAL—GREECE, their tractors along the country's main highway for a 2. —DAY, under the watchful EYE—OF—RIOT police, threatening to shut the road to protest spending cuts and high fuel taxes.
20130131             —GRANTED, ICELAND, a 15—YEAR—OLD—ICELAND—GIRL was, the right to legally use the name "Blaer," which means "light breeze," given to her by her mother, despite THE—OPPOSITION—OF—AUTHORITIES and 1—STRICT—LAW on names.
20130131             —ANNOUNCED, IRAN, plans to install and operate advanced uranium enrichment machines, in what would be 1—TECHNOLOGICAL leap allowing it to significantly speed up activity the West fears could be put to developing 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON.
20130131             1—IRAQ—OFFICIAL said security forces arrested FRANCE—JOURNALIST—NADIR—DENDOUNE several days ago —WHILE he was taking photos  of 1—SECURITY location in BAGHDAD—SOUTH—DORA neighborhood.
20130131             In the book Agca writes that IRAN—LATE—LEADER Ayhatollah Ruhollah Khomeini told him to kill JOHN—PAUL in THE—NAME—OF—GOD.
20130131             —KILLED, MEXICO—CITY, 1—OFFICE building blast, 37—PEOPLE and injured 121 at the headquarters of Petroleos Mexicanos, THE—STATE—OWNED oil company.
20130131             SOUTH—MEXICO, vigilantes who have taken up arms against drug cartel violence and common crime announced they will bring charges ranging from organized crime to kidnapping and extortion against 50—MEN and 3—WOMEN who they have been holding prisoner at improvised jails in Ayutla, Guerrero state.
20130131             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 2—POLIO workers on their way to vaccinate children in THE—NORTH—WEST—KURRAML region near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20130131             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA—OFFICIALS said that 57—RHINOS have been, by poachers across the country so far this —YEAR.
20130131             —THREATENED, Syria, to retaliate for 1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE and its ally IRAN said there will be repercussions for the Jewish state over the attack.
20130131             —DEMANDED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, that EGYPT—AUTHORITIES act to bring perpetrators of sexual assaults to justice, saying it had reports of 25—SEXUAL—ASSAULTS on women in Tahrir rallies over the past —WEEK.
20130131             YEMEN, 2—DAYS—OF—CLASHES in the south between AL—QAIDA militants and PRO—GOVERNMENT fighters killed 14 on both sides.
20130131             VOLGOGRAD, THE—SOUTH—RUSSIA—CITY where THE—RED—ARMY decisively turned back Nazi forces in 1—KEY—WWII battle, passed 1—MEASURE to use the name Stalingrad in city statements on the commemoration —DAY, on RUSSIA's 20130509              VICTORY—DAY and on 4—OTHER—DAYS connected with the battle.
20130131—19810000    —IN, The book "They Promised Me PARADISE" by TURKEY—GUNMAN MEHMET—ALI—AGCA, who shot and wounded JOHN—PAPA—PAUL, was released in ITALY.
20130131—20120000    —IN, 1—RECORD 668—RHINOS were killed in SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—INCREASE of nearly 50—PERCENT over the previous —YEAR.
20130131—20130117    —SINCE, THE—USA—NAVY said it has decided to scrap the $277—MILLION—MINE—SWEEPER GUARDIAN stuck on the sensitive Tubbataha Reef in THE—PHILIPPINES.
20130131—20130204    —ON, authorities said the basement explosion in 1—ADMINISTRATIVE building next to the 51-story Pemex tower was caused by 1—GAS buildup ignited by 1—ELECTRICAL—SPARK or other heat source.
20130131—20130207    —ON, 2—SUSPECTS were arrested.
20130131—20130208    —ON, police arrested ANTHONY—LAMAR—JONES, 32—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LOCAL—FAIRFIELD barber.
20130131—20130218    —IN—THE, ARMENIA—PARUIR Airikian (63), 1—OF 8—CANDIDATES presidential race, was shot and wounded by 1 unidentified assailant outside his home in YEREVAN, —JUST—BEFORE midnight.
20130131—20140000    —IN, 1—USA—GOVERNMENT report showed that CALIFORNIA—HISPANIC—POPULATION will equal THAT—OF—WHITES this —YEAR—BEFORE becoming the state's largest demographic group.
20130219—20130131    —ON, Elisa Lam (21), 1—COLLEGE student from VANCOUVER, UK—COLUMBIA, was last seen by staff at the hotel.
20140131             Jancso won his Cannes award for "Red Psalm," about a 18010101—19001231     peasant revolt.
20140131             Former basketball star DENNIS—RODMAN said he was willing to trade places with KENNETH—BAE, 1—USA—MISSIONARY imprisoned in NORTH—KOREA, the next time he visits his friend, NORTH—KOREA—DICTATOR KIM—JONG—UN.
20140131             1—USA federal JUDGE—GAVE—HOSAM—AMARA, 1—FORMER—AGRIPROCESSORS—INCORPORATED manager, a 41-month prison term for exploiting immigrant workers at 1—KOSHER slaughterhouse in POSTVILLE—IOWA.
20140131             389—WORKERS were arrested in a 20080500             , raid at the plant.
20140131             1—MAN shot 2—STUDENTS at MICHIGAN STATE—UNIV. in EAST—LANSING.
20140131             —PRONOUNCED, DOMINIQUE—NOLFF was, dead the next —MORNING.
20140131             —FILED, THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—DIOCESE—OF—HELENA, MONTANA, for bankruptcy protection in advance of proposed settlements for 2—LAWSUITS that claim clergy members sexually abused 362—PEOPLE over decades and the church covered it up.
20140131             † CHRISTOPHER—JONES, former actor and film star, in ORANGE COUNTY—CALIFORNIA.
20140131             —INCLUDED, CHRISTOPHER—JONES—FILMS, 3 in the Attic" (19680000             ), "Wild in the Streets" (19680000             ), "THE—LOOKING—GLASS—WAR" (19690000             ) and "RYAN—DAUGHTER" (19700000             ).
20140131             —ATTACKED, AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban, 3—POLICE checkpoints overnight in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—HELMAND, killing 1—OFFICER —BEFORE police repelled the attackers.
20140131             4—POLICEMEN were killed —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb explosion hit 1—POLICE vehicle in KANDAHAR province.
20140131             —APPROVED, AUSTRALIA, 1—GOVERNMENT agency, 1—PLAN to dump sediment within THE—AREA—OF—THE—GREAT—BARRIER—MARINE—PARK in 1—EXPANSION project of the Abbot Point coal port in NORTH—QUEENSLAND.
20140131             —WARNED, Red Cross officials, that CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—CAPITAL—OF—BANGUI is experiencing "unprecedented LEVELS—OF—VIOLENCE" with at least 30—PEOPLE killed in the last 3—DAYS.
20140131             —CELEBRATED, CHINA, Lunar New —YEAR, THE—YEAR—OF—THE—HORSE, 1—CELEBRATION also known as the —SPRING Festival.
20140131             —SUSPECTED, EGYPT—MILITARY—AIRCRAFT struck, positions of AL—QAIDA—INSPIRED fighters overnight in villages of THE—SINAI—PENINSULA, killing 13—PEOPLE.
20140131             —NAMED, INDIA, DELHI CHIEF—MINISTER—ARVIND—KEJRIWAL, 1—STRING—OF—HIGH—RANKING—INDIA—POLITICIANS he described as corrupt and said his ANTI—GRAFT Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) would target them in 1—UPCOMING general election.
20140131             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE car bomb, 5—SOLDIERS and destroyed 1—BRIDGE in Hit, Anbar province.
20140131             † IN—LIBYA—ABDEL—FATAH—AL—BARASI, 1 retired police COLONEL, —AFTER being shot in the head —WHILE in his car in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—BENGHAZI.
20140131             Salah ABD—AL—RAZAK and ZAKARIA—ABDULLAH—AL—DARSI, both sons of colonels, were also shot and killed in the street by assailants.
20140131             —WARNED, Humanitarian groups, that more than 800,000 Malians are desperate for food —WHILE another 3—MILLION risk going without meals as the country struggles to emerge from months of armed conflict.
20140131             —RANSACKED, NIGERIA, gunmen, the mainly Christian village of Sabon Garin Yamdula in Adamawa state, killing 1—PASTOR —BEFORE vigilante youths firing guns set them to flight and soldiers —LATER deployed.
20140131             1—BUS set off 1 improved explosive device on the highway through nearby Kuthra village, Borno state, killing 7—PASSENGERS.
20140131             —RECRUITED, THE—PHILIPPINES—OFFICIALS said 3—CHILD soldiers, by hardline Muslim rebels were among 53—PEOPLE killed in a 5—DAY military offensive in the restive south.
20140131             —SENTENCED, SENEGAL, 1—JUDGE, 2—MEN to 6—MONTHS' jail in 1—RARE—CONVICTION—OF—1—GAY—COUPLE on criminal charges.
20140131             —CREATED, NORTH—SERBIA, strong winds, METERS—HIGH—SNOW drifts, trapping up to 60—PEOPLE in cars and buses.
20140131             —KILLED, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Right said fighting in Syria has, nearly 1,900—PEOPLE, including at least 430—CIVILIANS, —DURING THE—WEEK—OF—UN—HOSTED peace talks in SWITZERLAND.
20140131             —WRAPPED, Negotiations in GENEVA, up and were likely to resume from February 10.
20140131             —DISTRIBUTED, THE—UN, food in THE—SYRIA—CAPITAL'S besieged Yarmuk PALESTINE—REFUGEE camp for a 2. —DAY in 1—BID to help tens of thousands of trapped civilians.
20140131             —KILLED, Government shelling, at least 16—PEOPLE in 1—REBEL—HELD AREA—OF—THE—NORTHERN—CITY—OF—ALEPPO.
20140131             1—THAILAND—COURT ordered more than $1.4—MILLION in assets seized from 1—FORMER—TOP—CIVIL—SERVANT whose wealth was revealed —WHEN burglars robbed his house.
20140131             —EARNED, THE—CIVIL—COURT—SAID—FORMER—TRANSPORT—MINISTRY—PERMANENT—SECRETARY—SUPOJ—SAPLOM could not prove his wealth was honestly.
20140131             —SIGNED, UKRAINE PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YANUKOVYCH, 1—MEASURE offering amnesty to those arrested in 2—MONTHS—OF—PROTESTS, but only if demonstrators vacate MOST—OF—THE—BUILDINGS they occupied, and repealed ANTI—PROTEST legislation.
20140131             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—YEMEN, AL—QAIDA militants launched 1—SURPRISE attack on 1—ARMY checkpoint in Shibam, Hadramawt province, killing 15—SOLDIERS and wounding 5—OTHERS.
20140131             —AM, schloss sich für Nicklas und seine Kollegen 1—KREIS:
20140131—20140129    —ON, Activists from —AROUND CHINA began arriving at THE—EAST—TOWN—OF—QUFU —DURING THE—CHINA—NEW—YEAR—HOLIDAY to demand 1—INVESTIGATION into THE—DEATH—OF—1—FELLOW—ACTIVIST—FATHER at 1—GOVERNMENT building.
20150121—20150131    —ARRESTED, JEFFREY—STEWART, 21—JAHRE—ALT 1—SUSPECT in the slaying was.
20150128—20150131    —ON, police arrested JEFFREY—ANDRUS, 54—JAHRE—ALT on SUSPICION—OF—MURDER.
20150131             2—EAGLE balloonists TROY—BRADLEY—OF—ALBUQUERQUE and LEONID—TIUKHTYAEV—OF—RUSSIA landed 4—MILES offshore in Baha CALIFORNIA.
20150131             —COVERED, Their record voyage, 6,646 miles over 6—DAYS, 16—HOURS and 38—MINUTES.
20150131             1—UNMANNED—DELTA 2—ROCKET lifted off from CALIFORNIA carrying 1—NASA satellite to measure how much water is in EARTH—SOIL, information that will help weather forecasting and tracking of global climate change.
20150131             GEORGIA, (USA) 5—RELATIVES and 1—FRIEND were found slain inside 1—HOME in LaGrange.
20150131             —SUSPECTED, Investigators, the victims had been dead —FOR—3—DAYS.
20150131             AFGHANISTAN, Muslim protesters against cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad by THE—FRANCE—MAGAZINE CHARLIE—HEBDO clashed with security leaving 2—DEAD.
20150131             —KILLED, BANGLADESH, at least 13—PEOPLE including 2—WOMEN were, —WHEN 1—FIRE swept through 1—PLASTICS—FACTORY in DHAKA.
20150131             —PUBLISHED, The official BNA news agency, 1—LIST—OF—THE—72—PEOPLE affected by the measure.
20150131             22 were alleged MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE.
20150131             —BOMBED, CHAD—AIRCRAFT, THE—NIGERIA—TOWN—OF—GAMBARU in 1—RAID targeting extremist group Boko Haram.
20150131             DR CONGO—FOREIGN—MINISTER said government troops have started their LONG—AWAITED offensive against RWANDA—HUTU rebels in THE—EAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20150131             1—EGYPT—COURT banned the armed WING—OF—PALESTINE—GROUP Hamas and listed it as 1—TERRORIST organization, 1—RULING in keeping with 1—SYSTEMATIC—CRACKDOWN on Islamists by PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—AL—SISI.
20150131             —DECLARED, He had, GERMANY—WWII surrender a "—DAY—OF—LIBERATION" for his country as he urged it to confront the Nazi past, and promoted reconciliation —DURING 1—TENURE spanning THE—REUNIFICATION—OF—WEST and east.
20150131             He was the 1. GERMANY—PRESIDENT to visit ISRAEL.
20150131             —SUCCEEDED, INDIA, for the 1. time in using 1—MOBILE launcher to TEST—FIRE the Agni V missile, 1—LONG—RANGE missile capable of delivering 1—NUCLEAR—WARHEAD deep inside rival CHINA.
20150131             —FIRED, This was the 1. time the weapon had been, from 1—SO—CALLED canister mounted on 1—TRUCK rather than from 1—CONCRETE—LAUNCH pad used in previous trials.
20150131             IRAQ—KURDISH—FORCES and police retook 1—OIL field in KIRKUK province that was seized by the Islamic State group overnight, and freed 24—WORKERS who had been taken captive.
20150131             1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS in and —AROUND BAGHDAD killed 9—PEOPLE.
20150131             —BEHEADED, Islamic State militants said they had, a 2. JAPAN—HOSTAGE, JOURNALIST—KENJI—GOTO, prompting PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE to vow to step up humanitarian aid to the group's opponents in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and help bring his killers to justice.
20150131             —CHARGED, MACEDONIA—CHIEF—OPPOSITION leader was, by police with conspiring with 1—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE service to topple the government.
20150131             —DENIED, Zoran Zaev, LEADER—OF—THE—SOCIAL—DEMOCRATS, the charges, saying authorities were trying in vain to prevent the publication of what he says is incendiary EVIDENCE—OF—CRIMINAL wrongdoing by the conservative GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—NIKOLA—GRUEVSKI.
20150131             MEXICO—INVESTIGATORS said 150—GREEN—SEA turtles have been found dead in the Ojo de Liebre lagoon, on the Pacific side of Baja CALIFORNIA SUR state.
20150131             —SUSPECTED, The federal environmental protection agency, that that lowered temperatures in the region may have caused the deaths.
20150131             —EARLIER this —MONTH the bodies of 14—GRAY whales were found in the lagoon.
20150131             —EXPELLED, PANAMA, 1—FORMER—COLOMBIA—INTELLIGENCE CHIEF, Maria del Pilar Hurtado, to face charges at home of illegally intercepting phone calls from opposition COLOMBIA—LAWMAKERS.
20150131             1—THE—PHILIPPINES—AIR—FORCE ITALIAN—MADE light plane crashed at sea on 1—TRAINING mission, killing THE—2—PILOTS.
20150131             † Several Shebab militants were reported killed.
20150131             —MARCHED, SPAIN, some 150,000—PEOPLE, through MADRID in 1—SHOW—OF—STRENGTH by Podemos (We Can), 1—FLEDGLING radical leftist party, which hopes to emulate the success of GREECE—SYRIZA party in general elections —LATER this —YEAR.
20150131             SYRIA, 1—PRO—GOVERNMENT faction known as the National Resistance Movement shot dead 1—ARMY defector in Daraa province —AFTER accusing him of spying for ISRAEL.
20150131             UKRAINE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—LEONID—KUCHMA, 1—RUSSIA—DIPLOMAT and 1—ORGANIZATION for Security and Cooperation in EUROPE (OSCE) official met at 1—STATE residence in the Belarussian CAPITAL—MINSK for 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—PEACE talks.
20150131             —KILLED, EAST—UKRAINE, 12—CIVILIANS were, by separatist artillery SHELLING—OF—THE—TOWN, which lies to THE—NORTH—EAST—OF—DONETSK.
20150131             Defense MINISTER—STEPAN—POLTORAK said 15—UKRAINE—SOLDIERS had been killed and 30 wounded in clashes across the east.
20150131             —KILLED, YEMEN, Harith AL—NADHARI and 3—OTHER—MILITANTS were, in 1—USA—DRONE strike against their car in THE—SOUTH—SHABWA province.
20150131             —NAMED, AL—QAEDA in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) —LATER, the others as Said Bafaraj, Abdelsamie AL—HADDAA and AZZAM—AL—HADRAMI.
20150131             Wir dürfen den 19450508              nicht 19330130             —VOM, trennen.
20150131             —VERÄRGERT, SAUDI—ARABIEN—POLITIK,Auswärtiges Amt, über Gauck
20150131             —NEUE—DATEN—SCHUTZ—REGELN: JUSTIZ—MINISTER—MAAS fordert von FACEBOOK Korrekturen
20150131             STUDIENPLATZVERGABE—CHAOS: ALLE—UNIS warten, —BIS alle mitmachen
20150131             Umstrittene FPÖ—VERANSTALTUNG: Proteste und Randale rund um Akademikerball
20150131             TODES—STRAFE IN—DEN—USA: OHIO setzt HINRICHTUNGEN aus
20150131             Toter STAATS—ANWALT in ARGENTINIEN: DNA—SPUREN deuten im Fall Nisman auf Suizid hin
20150131             SICHERHEITS—LÜCKE bei BMW: "Wer IT—SICHERHEIT will, muss 1—ALTES Auto kaufen"
20150131             diese Pflanze, wie optisch vielleicht naheliegend, weniger mit Staudensellerie oder Rhabarber, sondern viel enger mit Roter Bete verwandt ist.
20150131             Der Beta vulgaris in seinen Artenausprägungen Stielmangold (Stenzelmangold), Blattmangold (Beißmangold), Römischer Kohl und Schweizer Mangold ist gleichzeitig auch 1—NAHER Verwandter der Zuckerrübe -
20150131             Dann aber nach und nach - DIE—DICKEN Zuckerrüben ersetzten - DIE—SCHMALEN, dürren Pfahlwurzeln,
20150131             Pfahlwurzeln, die allerdings 1—ECHTER Geheimtipp unter vegetarischen Feinschmeckern sind
20150131             (dünn geschält in Scheibchen kurz in Butter geschwenkt).
20150131             Wer zufällig 1—MANGOLD—BAUERN kennt, kann ihm vielleicht 1—PAAR nach der allerletzten Ernte ausgegrabene Wurzeln abschwatzen, bevor diese den Schweinen ins Futter gemischt werden.
20150131             DIE—BLÄTTER der URSPRÜNGLICH im MITTELMEER—RAUM —BIS KLEIN—ASIEN wild wachsenden Pflanze wurden —SCHON WÄHREND der JUNG—STEIN—ZEIT gesammelt.
20150131             bei Griechen, BABYLONiern, Ägyptern und in der RÖMER—REICH mit unterschiedlich gefärbten Blattstielen als "Seemannsgold"beliebt.
20150131             Er wächst dort an vielen Orten —HEUTE—BIS auch wild.
20150131             —VOM, MITTEL—ALTER —BIS ins frühe
20150131             DER—NAME "Mangold"stammt vermutlich von dem ALT—DEUTSCHEN "Managolt"oder "Managwalt"("Vielherrscher") und
20150131             und bezog sich wahrscheinlich auf die vielfältige Verwendbarkeit des Gemüses.
20150131             —HEUTE taucht der MANGOLD in der offiziellen deutschen GEMÜSEERNTE—STATISTIK namentlich gar nicht mehr auf.
20150131             DIE—GERINGEN deutschen MANGOLD—ERTRÄGE werden einfach dem Spinat zugeschlagen.
20150131             Der Großteil der aktuell gehandelten Ware stammt aus ITALIEN.
20150131             Geschmacklich und von seinem Verhalten in der Küche her erinnern die großen Blätter des Blattmangolds (erkennbar auch an den dünnen Stielen) tatsächlich sehr an Spinat, enthalten aber trotz markanter Bitternoten weitaus weniger Oxalsäure.
20150131             Nierenkranke sollten dennoch rohe Mangoldblätter MEIDEN—AUCH die in "Baby Leaf"-Salatmischungen verMARKTeten jungen Blättchen.
20150131             ist Mangold mit nur 23—KALORIEN 1—ECHTER Schlankmacher, schließlich heizen seine Bitterstoffe die Fettverdauung an, und auch der Rest kann sich sehen lassen:
20150131             Provitamin A, Vitamin B1 und B2, Vitamin C, dazu Mineralstoffe wie Kalium, Calcium, Eisen und Magnesium, außerdem bei den roten —SORTEN "Vulkan"oder "Feurio"auch noch JEDE—MENGE—VON—DEM—TOMATEN—WUNDERHEILSTOFF—LYCOPIN.
20150131             Blätter und Stiele sollten wegen der unterschiedlichen Garzeiten getrennt zubereitet werden und
20150131             und schmecken gut zu Edelfischfilets,
20150131             hellem Fleisch, Quiches oder Kohlrouladen (blanchierte Blätter als Hülle, Stiele in der Füllung).
20150131             GRIECHENLAND und DIE—BÖRSE: Na und, Herr TSIPRAS?
20150131             —BEINHALTET, RELIGIONS—FREIHEIT, auch DIE—FREIHEIT—VON—RELIGION und ich will KEINE RELIGION als unverzichtbaren "TEIL—VON—DEUTSCHLAND"wissen.
20150131             Culture, separatism and the new USA—FLAG
20150131             I haven't been linking to the wonderful Dakinikat lately, but this piece on RIGHT—WING ISLAMophobia is definitely worth your time.
20150131             Freshman STATE—REP.
20150131             "I did leave 1—ISRAEL—FLAG on the reception desk in my office with instructions to staff to ask representatives from the Muslim community to renounce ISLAMic terrorist groups and publicly announce allegiance to AMERICA and our laws,"she —POSTED on FACEBOOK.
20150131             What about Orthodox JEWS?
20150131             If AMERICA is large enough to accept Catholics, JEWS, Amish and others who make 1—RIGOROUS—EFFORT to maintain 1—SEPARATE—CULTURAL—IDENTITY, then we can certainly accept those Muslims who seek the same.
20150131             My HUSBAND—IS Dutch.
20150131             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS Anonymous : 1:04
20150131             —AM, whereas THE—GERMAN—GOVERNMENT has been unable to repossess theirs, and in fact have been told that they can't even look at it.
20150131             Failed at being Anon : 10:42
20150131             —AM, Weltanschauung: PUTIN, der olle ISLAMist
20150131             —NEUE—LINKS—PARTEI Podemos: Zehntausende demonstrieren in MADRID gegen Sparkurs
20150131             "Ja, es ist möglich!", skandierte die Menge.
20150131             DIE—DEMONSTRATION durch die spanische HAUPT—STADT stand unter dem Motto "Marsch für Veränderung",
20150131             DIE—GROßE Anzahl an DEMONSTRANTEN lässt Rückschlüsse zu auf Podemos Rückhalt in der Bevölkerung
20150131             "DIE—MENSCHEN haben genug von der politischen Führung", sagt ANTONIA—FERNANDEZ.
20150131             Rückenwind erhält Podemos auch durch den WAHLSIEG—DES—LINKSBÜNDNISSES Syriza in GRIECHENLAND.
20150131             Solche möglichen politischen Nachahmungseffekte bereiten EU—OFFIZIELLEN in BRÜSSEL —SEIT—DEM, WAHLSIEG—DES—NEUEN griechischen MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN ALEXIS—TSIPRAS Sorgen.
20150131             "Wenn Syriza wirklich 1—ABKEHR vom Spar—, Reformkurs durchsetzt, könnten Bewegungen in SPANIEN, ITALIEN oder FRANKREICH mit ähnlichen Forderungen Auftrieb erhalten", sagte 1—HOHER EU—BEAMTER —BEREITS KURZ—NACH, der PARLAMENTS—WAHL—IN—GRIECHENLAND am ;;0125;;.
20150131             —LAUNCHED, THE—BALLOON—BORNE SPIDER was, by polar winds that yanked THE—HELIUM—FILLED orb to 1—APPROXIMATE height of 120.000—FEET.
20150131             How They Made It Possible
20150131             The electricity generation process involves growing plants in 2—SQUARE—FOOT plastic containers.
20150131             Erfinder der Antibabypille: CARL—DJERASSI ist tot
20150131             Rede im Wortlaut: "Der ;;0805;;             war 1—TAG—DER—BEFREIUNG"
20150131             TROIKA—AUS in ATHEN: 1 Abschied, bei dem keiner weint
20150131             Riesenkalmar: Auf der AGD—NACH—DEM Tiefseemonster
20150131             REAKTIONEN—AUF—DEN Tod Weizsäckers: "Großer Verlust für DEUTSCHLAND"
20150131             Russin unter SPIONAGE—VERDACHT: Die Hausfrau, die zu viel sah
20150131             UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, KONTAKT—GRUPPE trifft sich in MINSK
20150131             FILESHARING—WEBSITE: THE—PIRATE—BAY ist wieder online
20150131             UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, Treffen der KONTAKT—GRUPPE in MINSK abgebrochen
20150131             Hilfen für GRIECHENLAND—BANKEN: "Wir brauchen schnell 1—EINIGUNG, wenn wir nicht NORD—KOREA werden wollen"
20150131             Weizsäcker - KAMPF—GEGEN—IS: Peschmerga kontrollieren Kobane
20150131             Enthauptungsvideo: "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT"tötet 2. japanische Geisel
20150131             Erinnerungen an RICHARD—VON—WEIZSÄCKER: Er hat uns befreit
20150131             [l] es geschehen noch Zeichen und Wunder: DIE—BUNDES—DATEN—SCHUTZ—BEAUFTRAGTE hält die VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG —JETZT nicht mehr für sinnvoll.
20150131             [l] Ach nee, DIE—MEDIEN machen 1—UMKIPP—WETTBEWERB und fanden —JETZT—PLÖTZLICH, —SCHON immer, dass die Troika —AM—ENDE war?!
20150131             ATHEN—DASS sich etwas verschoben hat im Miteinander zwischen GRIECHENLAND und seinen Gläubigern, das zeigte sich —AM—FREITAG—BEREITS—AM Fahrstuhl.
20150131             DER—NEUE GRIECHENLAND—FINANZ—MINISTER—GIANNIS—VAROUFAKIS stand da, die Hände in den Taschen, das blaue Hemd über der Hose, den Kragen offen.
20150131             Ganz der selbstbewusste Hausherr.
20150131             DIE—AUFZUGTÜR öffnete sich, und heraus trat, leicht gebückt, sein Besucher: EURO—GRUPPEN—CHEF—JEROEN—DIJSSELBLOEM, dunkler Schlips, dunkler Anzug, randlose Brille, 1—STOSS Papiere unter den Arm geklemmt.
20150131             Ganz der beflissene Diplomat.
20150131             Auf der anschließenden PRESSE—KONFERENZ das gleiche Bild: VAROUFAKIS gibt den Ton an,
20150131             —VERSUCHT, DIJSSELBLOEM, die verbalen Schläge zu parieren.
20150131             VAROUFAKIS erklärt kurzerhand DIE—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT—MIT—DER Troika für beendet.
20150131             —GEBILDET, Mit jenem Beamtengremium, aus Vertretern der EU—KOMMISSION, Europäischer ZENTRAL—BANK (EZB) und Internationalem Währungsfonds[IWF], das in den —JAHREN der SCHULDEN—KRISE zum wohl meistgehassten SYMBOL—DES—ANGEBLICHEN—SPARDIKTATS geworden ist.
20150131             Nicht nur durch den Inhalt der Sparauflagen fühlten sich DIE—GRIECHEN verletzt, sondern auch durch die Form, in der sie überbracht wurden.
20150131             ATHEN, wird die Troika in der Regel von Beamten auf ABTEILUNGsleiterebene vertreten.
20150131             Dennoch nahmen diese "kleinen Angestellten"(so schmähte sie einst der heutige SYRIZA—ENERGIE—MINISTER—PANAGIOTIS—LAFAZANIS) im Umgang mit Spitzenpolitikern kein Blatt vor den Mund.
20150131             E—MAILS zwischen der Troika und dem BÜRO—VON damaligen PREMIER—MINISTERS Antonis SAMARAS zeigen, wie die TROIKA—VERTRETER laufende Reformen oder Gesetzesvorhaben mit Randnotizen billigen oder verwerfen: "wird abgelehnt", "reicht nicht aus"oder "reicht teilweise aus".
20150131             Wenn die GRIECHENLAND—REGIERUNG die Troika aus dem Land verabschiedet, hätte Syriza in den Augen ihrer Wähler 1—WICHTIGEN Sieg errungen.
20150131             Und die öffentlichen Gläubiger GRIECHENLANDs könnten tatsächlich geneigt sein, PREMIER—MINISTER—ALEXIS—TSIPRAS diesen innenpolitischen Erfolg zu gewähren.
20150131             Denn auch im Rest DER—EURO—ZONE reift die Erkenntnis, dass die Ära der Troika vorbei ist:
20150131             Deren Job in ATHEN dürfte ohnehin in wenigen Wochen enden.
20150131             —NACH—DER—FRIST—ABLAUF, werden die noch ausstehenden 7,2—MILLIARDEN—EURO an KREDITEn und direkten FINANZ—HILFEN entweder ausgezahlt — oder eben nicht.
20150131             Niemand rechnet allerdings noch damit, dass ALEXIS—TSIPRAS —BIS—DAHIN die geforderten Sparauflagen umsetzt.
20150131             Und damit hätte sich auch der ÜBERWACHUNGS—AUFTRAG der Troika erledigt.
20150131             Bleibt nur die Frage, wie GRIECHENLAND dann sein klaffendes Haushaltsloch stopfen soll.
20150131             —SEIT—1—ENTSPRECHENDEN Votum des GENERAL—ANWALTS beim EUROPÄISCHER—GERICHT—HOF wachsen die Zweifel, ob sich die Präsenz DER—EUROPÄISCHEN ZENTRAL—BANK—IN—DER—TROIKA weiter rechtfertigen lässt.
20150131             Dass Vertreter 1—NOTEN—BANK—IM—DETAIL über die Gesetze 1—STAATES mitentscheiden, ist 1—ZIEMLICH offensichtlicher VERSTOß—GEGEN—DAS Gebot der Trennung von GELD—, WIRTSCHAFTS—POLITIK -
20150131             selbst wenn der EZB—VERTRETER innerhalb der Troika offiziell nur 1—BERATENDES Mandat hat.
20150131             Auch EU—KOMMISSION—PRÄSIDENT—JEAN—CLAUDE—JUNCKER hält die Troika für nicht mehr zeitgemäß und
20150131             will sie durch 1 "demokratisch besser legitimierte Struktur ersetzen", die "auf den EU—INSTITUTIONEN aufbaut".
20150131             1—FORDERUNG, in der er sich mit dem Europäischen PARLAMENT EINIG—WEISS
20150131             DER—IWF wiederum macht vor allem auf Drängen DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG bei der Troika mit.
20150131             KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL wollte den Währungsfonds dabei haben, weil dessen Beamte 1—RUF als harte Hunde genießen.
20150131             Schließlich hat DER—IWF —SEIT—JAHR—10. Erfahrung darin, renitente Schuldner rund um den Globus auf Kurs zu bringen.
20150131             —INZWISCHEN aber regiert in BERLIN 1—GROSSE—KOALITION, und die ist in Sachen Troika gespalten:
20150131             —WÄHREND, FINANZ—MINISTER—WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE (CDU) an ihr festhalten möchte, sieht sie der stellvertretende SPD—FRAKTIONS—VORSITZENDE CARSTEN—SCHNEIDER —INZWISCHEN als "Symbol für Entdemokratisierung in der Krise".
20150131             Und so könnte der Abzug der Troika tatsächlich der 1.Punktsieg sein, den die Gläubiger DER—NEUEN griechischen Regierung GÖNNEN—GERADE weil er kaum praktische Folgen hätte.
20150131             Das Ringen mit den Griechen ginge weiter, aber eben auf politischer Ebene in BRÜSSEL, nicht mit Beamten in ATHEN.
20150131             Diese mögliche Kompromisslinie ließ sich —BEREITS aus dem Treffen zwischen DIJSSELBLOEM und VAROUFAKIS heraushören:
20150131             Der GRIECHENLAND—FINANZ—MINISTER beendete zwar DIE—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT—MIT—DER TROIKA—DELEGATION in ATHEN, betonte aber ZUGLEICH: "Wir werden weiterhin die äuß1. KO—OPERATION mit den Vertretern DER—EURO—ZONE und des IWF suchen".
20150131             Heißt übersetzt: Wir verhandeln gerne mit Politikern, aber wir lassen uns nicht herumschubsen von "kleinen Angestellten".
20150131             Ich kann Ihren WUT—AUSBRUCH durchaus verstehen...
20150131             Nicht ALLE—GRIECHEN haben diese Korrupten gewählt, aber das Griechische WAHL—SYSTEM hat diese über —JAHR—ZEHNT e an der MACHT gehalten, sie wissen, die 50—BONUSPARLAMENTARIER.
20150131             "DIE—GRIECHEN"welche alle absolut genau das selbe wollen, gibt es genauso wenig wie "DIE—UKRAINER"welche alle absolut genau das selbe wollen.
20150131             Wie ist es möglich, dass NACH ALL DEN JAHREN IMMER—NOCH derart VIELE—DEUTSCHE es nicht auf die Kette kriegen endlich zu begreifen, dass die aus ihnen gepressten STEUER—GELDER nicht an GRIECHENLAND, SPANIEN, PORTUGAL etc., und noch viel weniger an die griechische/spanische/portugiesische...
20150131             Bevölkerung, sondern an weitgehend DEUTSCHE—BANKEN gehen?
20150131             Dass sie dazu dienen, 1—AUFWÄRTSGERICHTETE UMVERTEILUNGS—POLITIK zu betreiben und den Rest EUROPAs in 1—NEUES deutsches KOLONIAL—REICH zu verwandeln?
20150131             Dass die Auflagen aus FRANKFURT und BERLIN, jeglicher relevanter demokratischer Kontrolle entzogen, 1—PROBLEM damit zu lösen suchen, andere künstlich zu erzeugen?
20150131             Beispiele hier sind der DIE—WIRTSCHAFT in allen Opferländern schwer schädigende Einbruch der Binnennachfrage durch künstliche Reduktion des verfügbaren Einkommens, die Verringerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch Aushungern der Wissenschafts—, Bildungssysteme, die Schädigung des Tourismus mittels durch die o.g.
20150131             Massnahmen extrem verschärfte Ungleichheit, welche DIE—SICHERHEITS—SITUATION und Kriminalitätsraten negativ beeinflusst.
20150131             Dass all dies vom Aushebeln rechtsstaatlicher Garantien, BÜRGER—RECHTEN, und demokratischer Strukturen begleitet wird?
20150131             Letztlich, dass DEUTSCHLANDs Einfluss das grösste Problem ist, das DIE—EU —SEIT SCHRÖDERs Zeiten hat?
20150131             1.Geschichtsklitterung
20150131             Wenn man aber —SCHON JCS 10670000              zitierten will, so sollte man das —SCHON vollständig tun, denn
20150131             "Dafür, das DEUTSCHLAND DIE—WELT mit KRIEG überzogen hat und gerade vernichtend besiegt wurde,
20150131             sind DAS—RECHT moderate Ziele, denke ich.
20150131             Wenn man aber —SCHON JCS 10670000              zitierten will, so sollte man das —SCHON vollständig tun, denn dort steht "DEUTSCHLAND wird nicht zum Zwecke der Befreiung besetzt, sondern als besiegte Feindnation.
20150131—20110000    —SINCE, SUNNI—RULED BAHRAIN said it has revoked the citizenship of 72—PEOPLE convicted of "harming THE—INTERESTS—OF—THE—KINGDOM" in unrest by the Shiite majority.
20150131—20150028    —AM, läuft die Frist aus, die die öffentlichen Gläubiger der alten griechischen Regierung für zusätzliche SPAR—MAßNAHMEN gesetzt hatten.
20150131—20150202    —ON, authorities said suspect THOMAS—J—LEE, 26—JAHRE—ALT has been arrested at 1—BUS station in TUPELO—MISSISSIPPI.
20150131—20150228    —AM, läuft die Frist aus, die die öffentlichen Gläubiger der alten griechischen Regierung für zusätzliche SPAR—MAßNAHMEN gesetzt hatten.
20150617—20150131    —UNTIL, European Union governments agreed to extend economic sanctions on RUSSIA over its actions in UKRAINE by 6—MONTHS.
20151022—20160131    —ON, This was only made public.
20160131             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL Development, that THE—USA has boosted its emergency food aid to ETHIOPIA by nearly $100—MILLION to combat 1—OF—THE—WORST—DROUGHTS in decades.
20160131             1—ALBANIA—COURT ruled that SPIRO—KSERA, 1—FORMER—LABOR MINISTER—OF labor in the previous DEMOCRATIC—PARTY government, should await trial in jail on CHARGES—OF—EMBEZZLEMENT.
20160131             Former soldier Froilan Molina, alias "Killer," allegedly murdered Quiroga SANTA—CRUZ and had been on the run —SINCE he was sentenced to 30—YEARS in prison in the early 1990s.
20160131             —REPORTED, CHINA—MEDIA, THE—ARREST—OF—DING—NING, the maverick FOUNDER—OF—EZUBAO, 1—PEER—TO—PEER lender and CHINA—LARGEST online finance business, and 20—OF—HIS—EMPLOYEES on suspicion of fleecing 900,000 investors of $7.6—BILLION, in what could be the biggest financial fraud in CHINA—HISTORY.
20160131             —ANNOUNCED, CUBA, that it is launching broadband INTERNET service in 2—HAVANA neighborhoods as 1—PILOT project aimed at bringing home access to 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LEAST connected nations.
20160131             2—EGYPT—POLICEMEN and 2—SOLDIERS were killed in 2—BOMBING attacks in the country's restive SINAI—PENINSULA.
20160131             † FRANCISCO—FLORES, 56—JAHRE—ALT, EL—SALVADOR—FORMER—PRESIDENT (19990000—20040000    ), —FOLLOWING 1—STROKE and coma from which he never recovered.
20160131             —FACED, FRANCISCO—FLORES, 1—CORRUPTION trial on charges of stealing $15—MILLION donated by TAIWAN for victims of a 20010000              earthquake.
20160131             —VOTED, ISRAEL—CABINET, to allow NON—ORTHODOX—JEWISH—PRAYER at THE—WEST—WALL in JERUSALEM, 1—MOVE advocates said marked 1—HISTORIC—SHOW—OF—GOVERNMENT support for liberal STREAMS—OF—JUDAISM.
20160131             —WORKED, ISRAEL—FORCES shot dead Amjad Sukkari (34), 1—POLICEMAN who, as 1—BODYGUARD for THE—PALESTINE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, —AFTER he opened fire at 1—WEST—BANK checkpoint and wounded 3—PEOPLE.
20160131             —REPORTED, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—GAZETTE newspaper, that authorities have arrested 9—USA—CITIZENS among 33 "terror" suspects rounded up over the past —WEEK.
20160131             —KILLED, SYRIA, at least 70—PEOPLE were, and scores wounded —WHEN 1—CAR bomb and 2—SUICIDE bombers blew them themselves up in the Sayeda Zeinab DISTRICT—OF—DAMASCUS, where SYRIA—HOLIEST—SHI'ITE shrine is located.
20160131             UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN KI—MOON warnedy ETHIOPIA is struggling from its worst drought —FOR—30—YEARS with some 10.2—MILLION in dire NEED—OF—LIFE saving aid.
20160131             —LAUNCHED, THE—UN, 1—APPEAL for $861—MILLION in INTERNATIONAL humanitarian assistance to help MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in IRAQ who are suffering from war and displacement.
20160131             Wahlkämpfer BILL—CLINTON: Der Zauber ist dahin
20160131             Umfrage, 75 % DER—DEUTSCHEN—UNTERSTÜTZEN HILLARY—CLINTON - Umfrage, AfD steigt auf 12 %
20160131             —SEIT—JAHREN, ist die amerikanische GESELLSCHAFT zutiefst zerrissen und das öffentliche wie oft auch private Gesprächsklima völlig vergiftet.
20160131             Hier DIE—ANHÄNGERR der konservativen REPUBLIKANER, die von ihrem rechten FLÜGEL—DER TEA—PARTY—VOR sich hergetrieben werden, da die liberalen DEMOKRATEN um BARACK—OBAMA.
20160131             1—ZUSTAND, der —SEIT—LÄNGEREM, mit dem Begriff der Divided Nation versehen wird.
20160131             Sind wir in DEUTSCHLAND dabei, ebenfalls 1.dauerhaft Geteilte GESELLSCHAFT zu werden?
20160131             dass man Angst haben muss vor 1—NICHT zu überbrückenden Kluft zwischen den gesellschaftlichen Lagern?
20160131             Es spricht viel dafür, daß wir auf dem besten Weg in diese Richtung sind.
20160131             DER—GRUND dafür liegt in 1—GEGENSEITIGEN Absprechen vernünftigen Denkens und an 1—ZUNEHMENDEN argumentativen Abschottung beider Seiten.
20160131             DEUTSCHLAND wird sich zunehmend radikalisieren und spalten
20160131             Diese gegenseitige VERUNGLIMPFUNG—HIER der VORWURF—DES—DUMPFSINNIG—ENGEN Hinterwäldlertums, dort die Bezichtigung des TRÄUMERISCH—SPINNIGEN GUTMENSCHENTUMS—IST in den letzten Monaten stark gewachsen und erzeugt 1—ZÄHEN Unwillen, sich mit den Argumenten der jeweils anderen Seite ernsthaft auseinanderzusetzen.
20160131             DIE—BEREITSCHAFT zu 1—NÜCHTERNEN Prüfung der jeweiligen gegnerischen Argumente nach VERNUNFTgründen und der Wille zu 1—ERNSTHAFTEN PERSPEKTIVEN—WECHSEL sind so niedrig wie SELTEN—VIELLEICHT wie NIE—IN der GESCHICHTE—DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK.
20160131             ASYL—BEWERBER als BND—INFORMANTEN: Schnüffeln gegen Status
20160131             —STUDIE über PEGIDA—ANHÄNGER: Männlich, über 50, verheiratet, konfessionslos
20160131             4—USA—CITIES among world's most violent
20160131             TERROR—ANGST: Aida Cruises sagt TÜRKEI—ROUTEN ab
20160131             GROßE—KOALITION: Wirbel um SEEHOFERs PUTIN—BESUCH
20160131             Luxusimmobilien in NEW—YORK: MANHATTAN wird zur Geisterstadt
20160131             50UNP, so das Branchenkürzel, ist 1—MIKROKOSMOS des NEW—YORKER Immobilienmarkts.
20160131             Das vergleichsweise bescheidene 50UNP—APARTMENT 18B dagegen (279—QUADRATMETER, 3—SCHLAFZIMMER) ging ans britische Königshaus, zum stark reduzierten FREUNDSCHAFTS—PREIS—VON—7.900.000—DOLLAR—EIN später Dank wohl, 25—JAHRE NACHDEM DIE—QUEEN—NORMAN—FOSTER zum RITTER schlug.
20160131             Das Foyer mit Marmorboden, Walnusswänden und Wasserfall.
20160131             Entwickelt wurde der Skyscraper von den Brüdern Arthur und WILLIAM Zeckendorf, Erben 1—PROMINENTEN NEW—YORKER IMMOBILIEN—DYNASTIE.
20160131             Ihrem Großvater gehörte DAS—LAND, auf dem einst DER—UNO—KOMPLEX entstand;
20160131             ihre Mutter war die Tochter des 1.UNO—GENERAL—SEKRETÄRS.
20160131             Privater geht es kaum: Die meisten dieser ausländischen Investoren tarnen sich hinter USA—STROHFIRMEN, die ihnen obendrein STEUERN ersparen.
20160131             Skrupel darf man in diesem Geschäft sowieso nicht haben
20160131             Im TIME—WARNER Center am CENTRAL—PARK, 1—DER allerersten global vermarkteten Glaspaläste, kosten die Apartments —BIS zu 75.000.000—DOLLAR.
20160131             Jedes 3. Apartment in Midtown, so besagen Unterlagen DER—USA—VOLKSZÄHLUNGS—BEHÖRDE, steht mindestens 10—MONATE —J—IM, leer.
20160131             —VERGESSEN, Türkischer SCHRIFTSTELLER Pamuk: "DIE—EU hat ALLE—WERTE "
20160131             GRENZ—KONTROLLEN: BERLINer AFD—CHEFIN würde auch auf Kinder schießen lassen
20160131             CHICAGO: POLIZIST verklagt erschossenen Teenager posthum auf Entschädigung
20160131             —GETÖTET, ELFENBEIN—HANDEL: Britischer Pilot von Wilderern in Tansania
20160131             Umgang mit der AfD: Das Scheitern der TALK—REPUBLIK
20160131             GRENZ—SCHUTZ, Spitzenpolitiker entsetzt über WAFFEN—EINSATZ—ÄUßERUNGEN—VON—AFD—FRAUEN
20160131             POPULISMUS und die Folgen: Die DONALD—TRUMP—SIND überall
20160131             —FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK,AFD—VIZE will doch nicht auf Kinder schießen lassen
20160131             VÖLKER—MORD—AN—DEN Herero: "Ich vernichte DIE—AUFSTÄNDISCHEN Stämme mit Strömen von Blut und Geld"
20160131             [l] ECUADOR verkauft CHINA Ölbohrrechte im AMAZONAS—REGEN—WALD für 80—MIO DOLLAR.
20160131             "That's essentially the only AMAZON in ECUADOR that hasn't been devastated by oil operations," said ADAM—ZUCKERMAN, environmental and human rights campAIGNER at THE—OAKLAND—BASED nonprofit AMAZON Watch.
20160131             "The whole NORTH—AMAZON has the legacy of Texaco, —NOW owned by Chevron.
20160131             [l] —BISHER, nur BRAZIL, —JETZT auch in der Realität:
20160131             CHICAGO, will 1—POLIZIST 1—VON ihm erschossenen Teenager posthum auf Entschädigung verklagen.
20160131             und hier ist ihre Quittung.
20160131             [l] Hack des Tages: Kanadier ändert seinen Namen in "Above Znoneofthe"und stellt sich zur Wahl, damit —JETZT auf dem Wahlzettel ganz unten "Znoneofthe, Above"steht und man bei der Wahl sagen kann, daß man KEINEN—VON—DIESEN—VERSAGERN haben will.
20160131             [l] "Positive fantasies about THE—FUTURE linked to increased SYMPTOMS—OF—DEPRESSION".
20160131             Ist —AM—ENDE gar nicht die PHARMA—MAFIA sondern die "Positive Thinking"—BEWEGUNG Schuld an der Zunahme der Depressionen?
20160131             —AT—THE—END—OF—HIS—PRESIDENCY, 20000000             —IN, black Americans gave BILL—CLINTONAN 89 % approval rating, down from 90—THE—YEAR—BEFORE.
20160131—19800700    —ARRESTED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES said police have, the man long wanted over THE—MURDER—OF—SOCIALIST—LEADER MARCELO—QUIROGA—SANTA—CRUZ, who vanished —DURING 1—PARAMILITARY operation against the headquarters of 1—TRADE union that rejected the coup led by COLONEL—LUIS—GARCIA—MEZA.
20160131—20010000    —IN, TALIBAN CONTROL—OF—AFGHANISTAN Highest —SINCE USA—INVASION: THE—TALIBAN controls MORE—OF—THE—COUNTRY than at ANY—TIME —SINCE USA—TROOPS invaded, notes the quarterly report to CONGRESS by the Special Inspector GENERAL for AFGHANISTAN Reconstruction.
20170131             —NOMINATED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, NEIL—GORSUCH, 49—JAHRE—ALT for 1—LIFETIME job on THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, picking the federal appeals court judge to restore the court's conservative majority and help shape rulings on divisive issues such as abortion, gun control, the death penalty and religious rights.
20170131             —DELAYED, USA Republicans, indefinitely planned Senate committee votes on PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—PICKS to be Health and Treasury secretaries —AFTER Democrats boycotted the session and demanded more information on THE—2—NOMINEES' past financial behavior.
20170131             1—USA—OFFICIAL confirmed that THE—USA has provided SYRIA—FIGHTERS battling the Islamic State group with armored vehicles for the 1. time.
20170131             1—USA—BACKED ALLIANCE—OF—SYRIA—MILITIAS said it saw signs of increased USA—SUPPORT for their campaign against Islamic STATE—WITH—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP in office, 1—SHIFT that would heighten TURKEY—WORRIES over Kurdish power in Syria.
20170131             —DECLARED, PETER—NAVARRO, PRESIDENT—TRUMP—SENIOR—TRADE advisor, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), 1—HALF—NEGOTIATED trade pact between THE—EU and AMERICA, to be dead.
20170131             —APPROVED, USA federal energy regulators, CONSTRUCTION—OF—ENERGY—TRANSFER—PARTNERS—LP—ROVER natural gas pipeline from PENNSYLVANIA to ONTARIO.
20170131             1—GROUP—OF—PROFESSIONAL cheerleaders in THE—SF Bay Area sued THE—NFL demanding higher wages and fair labor practices.
20170131             AFGHANISTAN—FORCES said they were holding off 1—TALIBAN offensive in Helmand province, as reinforcements and air support arrived.
20170131             —REPORTED, Both sides, heavy fighting as Taliban militants attacked government positions in Sangin district.
20170131             In the northeast the Taliban shot and killed AMIR—BEGUM, 1—WOMAN accused of adultery in the Yumgan district.
20170131             —READMITTED, THE—AFRICAN—UNION, MOROCCO —AFTER a 33-year absence, deferring THE—ISSUE—OF—WEST—SAHARA for another —DAY.
20170131             1—AUSTRIA—COURT sentenced 3—AFGHANISTAN—ASYLUM seekers to prison over THE—GANG—RAPE—OF—1—WOMAN at 1—TRAIN station last April.
20170131             The management of Romantik Seehotel Jaegerwirt, in THE—AUSTRIA—ALPS, said that they've been repeatedly targeted by cybercriminals.
20170131             BRAZIL said unemployment hit 1—RECORD 12—PERCENT between October and December, even as the economy is forecast to slowly exit deep recession.
20170131             —PASSED, BRITAIN, 1—LAW that posthumously pardoned THOUSANDS—OF—MEN convicted under —NOW—ABOLISHED ANTI—HOMOSEXUALITY laws, and MANY—MORE still alive can —NOW apply to have their criminal convictions wiped out.
20170131             —ARMED, CAMEROON, 1, group attacked 1—UN technical team working along the border between NIGERIA and CAMEROON, killing 5—PEOPLE and wounding several near the border TOWN—OF—KONTCHA.
20170131             —GATHERED, COLOMBIA—FARC rebels, in demobilization zones to start a historic disarmament process to end Latin AMERICA—LAST major armed conflict.
20170131             —ARMED, THE—CONGO—ARMY said, fighters belonging to the former M23 rebel group had captured 4—CREW MEMBERS—OF—1—MILITARY—HELICOPTER which crashed in EAST—CONGO DRC last —WEEK, and that 3 † —AFTER being tortured.
20170131             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE group in EGYPT, that its fighters killed and wounded 20—EGYPT—SOLDIERS in 4—DAYS—OF—CLASHES in NORTH—SINAI.
20170131             GERMANY began sending tanks and other equipment to LITHUANIA as PART—OF—1—NATO—MISSION to beef up THE—DEFENSE—OF—EAST—EUROPE and send 1—SIGNAL of resolve to RUSSIA, which has denounced THE—BUILD—UP as 1—ACT—OF—AGGRESSION.
20170131             IRAN said it would never use its ballistic missiles to attack another country and defended its missile tests, saying they are neither PART—OF—1—NUCLEAR—ACCORD with world powers nor 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL resolution endorsing the pact.
20170131             ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES said that 9—VENEZUELA—JEWISH converts will be allowed to move to ISRAEL in light of the humanitarian crisis in VENEZUELA, reversing 1—EARLIER—DECISION to keep them out.
20170131             —ARRESTED, ITALY—POLICE, 3—CITIZENS on suspicion of smuggling helicopters and SURFACE—TO—AIR missiles into LIBYA and IRAN 20110000—20150000    —BETWEEN in violation of INTERNATIONAL embargoes.
20170131             —EXTRADITED, KENYA, Baktash and IBRAHIM—AKASHA to THE—USA.
20170131             —ARRESTED, They had been, by KENYA—POLICE over 2—YEARS ago —AFTER allegedly handing over 99kg of heroin and 1KG—OF—METHAMPHETAMINE to people working for AMERICA—DRUG—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCY (DEA).
20170131             —PROHIBITED, THE—PHILIPPINES—SUPREME—COURT, 1—GROUP—OF—POLICE officers from entering 1—SLUM community to prevent them from threatening villagers who have accused them of ruthlessly killing 4—RESIDENTS in 1—ANTI—DRUG raid.
20170131             POLAND—GOVERNMENT—AFFILIATED history institute said it had new evidence that LECH—WALESA, who led protests and strikes that shook communist rule in the 1980s, had been 1—PAID informant for the secret police in the 1970s.
20170131             —PASSED, ROMANIA—GOVERNMENT, 1—EMERGENCY decree that in effect decriminalized official misconduct resulting in financial damage of less than $200,000. Within an —HOUR more than 10,000 protesters were on the streets.
20170131             RUSSIA sources said SERGEI—MIKHAILOV and Dmitry Dokuchaev, who worked for the cyber wing of RUSSIA—FSB domestic intelligence service —UNTIL their arrests in December, are accused of cooperating with THE—CIA.
20170131             RUSLAN—STOYANOV, HEAD—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION unit at MOSCOW—BASED cybersecurity giant Kaspersky, was also reported detained.
20170131             —APPEARED, SIERRA—LEONE, human rights defender ABDUL—FATOMA, on 1—RADIO show in which he challenged the government and THE—ANTI—CORRUPTION commission to do more to make authorities accountable, in 1—SYSTEM that he says answers only to itself.
20170131             —ARRESTED, He was —LATER, bailed without charge, and summoned twice to PARLIAMENT to answer questions, yet denied 1—AUDIENCE —WHEN he showed up.
20170131             The tourism boom was partly because it is the native COUNTRY—OF—USA 1. lady Melania Trump.
20170131             SOUTH—SUDAN, fresh clashes broke out —AROUND Malakal, the latest turn in the struggle for THE—CAPITAL—OF—THE—OIL—PRODUCING—UPPER—NILE region.
20170131             SWITZERLAND said it would lift its 40-year ban on gay and bisexual men giving blood but will still prohibit donations from those who have had sex in THE—LAST—YEAR.
20170131             —ARRESTED, TURKEY, 2—MPS from the main PRO—KURDISH—PARTY, including its CHIEF spokesman, the latest move in 1—CRACKDOWN on the group ahead of 1—VOTE on changing the constitution.
20170131             —LOCKED, UKRAINE—FORCES and RUSSIAN—BACKED rebels were, in fighting for a 3. straight —DAY at 1—FLASHPOINT town that left thousands shivering without power and sparked renewed EU concern about security in its backyard.
20170131             —LAUNCHED, THE—UN children's agency (UNICEF), 1—APPEAL for $3.3—BILLION to help 48—MILLION children caught up in crises worldwide amid fears of 1—FUNDING cut from top donor THE—USA.
20170131             ENGLAND, SCHOTTLAND, Wales gegen DONALD—TRUMP: BRITEN üben Widerstand
20170131             Russische GELD—WÄSCHE—AFFÄRE: DEUTSCHE—BANK muss 630.000.000—DOLLAR zahlen
20170131             —NACH, KRITIK—AN—EINREISE—VERBOT: DONALD—TRUMP entlässt kommissarische JUSTIZ—MINISTERIN Yates
20170131             Ausnahme bei EINREISE—VERBOT: USA müssen noch 872—FLÜCHTLINGE ins Land lassen
20170131             Möglicher VERSTOß—GEGEN—UNO—RESOLUTION: USA und ISRAEL werfen IRAN RAKETEN—TEST vor
20170131             UM—FRAGE unter Managern: BREXIT treibt Investoren nach DEUTSCHLAND
20170131             Wegen EINREISE—VERBOT: GOOGLE, Airbnb und Co.
20170131             Linke: LAFONTAINE wendet sich gegen ROT—ROT—GRÜN
20170131             DONALD—TRUMP und seine TOP—BERATER: —CHAOS mit Ansage
20170131             EINREISE—VERBOT: DONALD—TRUMP—SPRECHER rechtfertigt Gewahrsam von Fünfjährigem
20170131             ÖKOSTROM—AUSBAU: DEUTSCHLAND stößt weniger Treibhausgase aus
20170131             EURO—ZONE: Inflation steigt auf 4—JAHRES—HOCH
20170131             Wartungsfund: Techniker entdeckt kiloweise Kokain in AMERICAN—AIRLINES—MASCHINE
20170131             MUTMAßLICHER—ATTENTÄTER—VON—QUÉBEC: Jung, weiß, wütend
20170131             AKTIEN—WETTEN gegen Konzerne: Kasse machen, wenn DONALD—TRUMP twittert
20170131             Haushaltsüberschüsse: Länder machen—EURO Plus
20170131             BUNDESWEHR—MISSION: TÜRKEI will "Tornado"-Aufklärungsbilder erpressen
20170131             TERROR—ANGST: 33% weniger Touristen in der TÜRKEI
20170131             Zum Schuldenabbau: SHELL verkauft HÄLFTE—DER—NORDSEE—ÖL—PRODUKTION
20170131             BESUCH—IN—TRUMP—HOTEL: Von wegen "Buy American"
20170131             Divestment: DEUTSCHE—BANK will aus Kohlefinanzierung aussteigen
20170131             USA—EINREISESTOPP: DER—IS bejubelt DONALD—TRUMP—"gesegneten Bann"
20170131             USA—NEWSBLOG, 900—MITARBEITER—DES—USA—AUSSEN—MINISTERIUMS unterschreiben Protestnote
20170131             Schwacher EURO: DONALD—TRUMP—BERATER wirft DEUTSCHLAND Ausbeutung vor
20170131             EU—WUTBRIEF gegen DONALD—TRUMP: —JETZT gibt's Kontra
20170131             —HANDELSÜBERSCHÜSSE: Warum DIE—USA—KRITIK—AN—DEUTSCHLAND teilweise stimmt
20170131             Eskalierende KÄMPFE—IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE: Kein Strom, kein Wasser, VIELE—TOTE
20170131             DONALD—TRUMP—DEKRET: Doppelstaatler sollen doch in DIE—USA einreisen dürfen
20170131             —DEBATTE um geplanten STAATS—BESUCH: BRITEN starten auch PRO—TRUMP—PETITION
20170131             2. ON, the —FOLLOWING appeared in FOREIGN—POLICY:
20170131—19280000    —IN, THE—CAIRO Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS), 1—NON—GOVERNMENT organization, published a 95-page report saying Law 10—OF 19140000             , or the Assembly Law was repealed by PARLIAMENT.
20170131—20070500    —RULED, PORTUGAL—SUPREME—COURT, that missing UK—GIRL MADELEINE—MCCANN—PARENTS can't sue for libel 1—FORMER—DETECTIVE Goncalo Amaral, who published 1—BOOK, "THE—TRUTH of the Lie" (20080000             ), alleging they were involved in their daughter's disappearance.
20170131—20080000    —STAGED, PAKISTAN—SUPPORTERS—OF—ISLAMIST leader Hafiz Saeed, small protests and condemned THE—USA, —AFTER police detained the accused ARCHITECT—OF—1—ATTACK on THE—INDIA—CITY—OF—MUMBAI that killed 166—PEOPLE.
20170131—20160000    —IN, SLOVENIA—NATIONAL—STATISTICS—BUREAU said that the number of overnight stays by USA—TOURISTS has jumped by 10—PERCENT —WHEN compared to 20150000           .
20170131—20170205    —RESCINDED, The decree was.
20170131—20171206    —ON, 1—RECENT—INFECTION with ransom software — — resulted in 1—COMPLETE—SHUTDOWN—OF—HOTEL—COMPUTERS.
2017030131           —IM, DIE—UNTERNEHMEN in GROß—BRITANNIEN haben ihre PRODUKTION überraschend stark gedrosselt —, das den 3. —MONAT in Folge.
2017090131           —INFLATION—IM, LEBENS—MITTEL und Energie kosten deutlich mehr
20180130—20370131    —AM, Das nächste Mal werde es soweit sein.
20180131             The moon put on 1—RARE—COSMIC—SHOW: 1 red blue moon, super big and super bright.
20180131             It's the 1. time in 35—YEARS 1—BLUE—MOON has synced up with 1—SUPERMOON and 1—TOTAL lunar eclipse, or blood moon because of its red hue.
20180131             THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—LABELED—EGYPT—HASM movement and Liwaa EL—THAWRA as "Specially Designated Global Terrorist" groups.
20180131             —CHARGED, USA federal prosecutors, PETER—HICKS, 57—JAHRE—ALT—OF—WORCESTER—MASSACHUSETTS, with accepting money to marry 6—WOMEN, from SUB—SAHARAN African nations, to help them evade immigration laws.
20180131             —FACED, Hicks, 1—MAXIMUM—OF—5—YEARS in prison if convicted.
20180131             AFGHANISTAN gave neighboring PAKISTAN confessions and other proof showing that the militants who carried out 1—RECENT—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS were trained in PAKISTAN and that Taliban leaders there are allowed to roam freely.
20180131             1—MAGNITUDE 6.1—EARTHQUAKE hit AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN killing 1—YOUNG—GIRL and injuring 15—OTHERS.
20180131             —PLANNED, AUSTRIA—CHANCELLOR—SEBASTIAN—KURZ said the government, to disband 1—FRATERNITY over its ANTI—SEMITIC songbook, amid calls for FAR—RIGHT—POLITICIAN UDO—LANDBAUER to resign for having been the group's deputy leader.
20180131             —SENTENCED, BAHRAIN—CRIMINAL—COURT, 2—SHIITES to death and 19—OTHERS to life imprisonment in 1—RULING against 1—CELL CONVICTED—OF—TERROR attacks.
20180131             BRITAIN—GOVERNMENT said it would hand over to PARLIAMENT what it called 1—INITIAL—ANALYSIS—OF—THE—IMPACT of Brexit, trying to deflect accusations that ministers are badly prepared for leaving THE—EU.
20180131             —VOTED, UK—LAWMAKERS, to move out of their aging PARLIAMENT building to allow for 1 estimated 6—YEARS—OF—REPAIRS at 1—COST—OF $5—BILLION.
20180131             —ANNOUNCED, UK—ENERGY major BP, oil and gas discoveries in THE—NORTH—SEA, in 1—BOOST for the company and local industry.
20180131             CHINA, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY met with Premier Li Keqiang and called for expanding the "global strategic partnership" between THE—UK—AND—CHINA.
20180131             —PROTESTED, CUBA, the creation of 1—USA—TASK force on increasing INTERNET access on the island — 1—MEASURE that's PART—OF—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—HARDENING—OF—USA—POLICY on CUBA.
20180131             —FINED, THE—GIZA misdemeanor court also, THE—OWNER—OF—THE—BUILDING, 1—CHRISTIAN man, 360,000 EGYPT—POUNDS ($20,500) for turning his residency into 1—CHURCH without 1—LICENSE.
20180131             —DENIED, The oo father of 4 has, the accusations from THE—2—WOMEN.
20180131             GERMANY, MARCEL—HESSE, 20—JAHRE—ALT was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and sentenced to life in prison for killing 1—CHILD and a 22—YEAR—OLD—ACQUAINTANCE last March.
20180131             —DETAINED, IRAN—POLICE, 29—WOMEN who removed their obligatory Islamic veils.
20180131             They were taking part in 1—ANTIHIJAB campaign known as "White Wednesdays," advocated by THE—FOREIGN—BASED Farsi language satellite TV networks.
20180131             Women showing their hair in public can be jailed for up to 2—MONTHS or fined $25.
20180131             —DESCRIBED, ISRAEL—DEFENCE MINISTER—AVIGDOR—LIEBERMAN, LEBANON—OFFSHORE oil and gas licensing process as "very provocative" and urged INTERNATIONAL firms not to bid.
20180131             LEBANON—PRESIDENT—MICHEL—AOUN said ISRAEL—COMMENTS urging firms not to bid on 1—LEBANON—OFFSHORE energy tender were "1—THREAT to LEBANON".
20180131             ITALY, the dismembered BODY—OF—PAMELA—MASTROPIETRO, 18—JAHRE—ALT was found in 2—SUITCASES near Macerata.
20180131             Witnesses said they had —EARLIER seen Oseghale with the suitcases.
20180131             —SUSPENDED, KOSOVO—PRIME—MINISTER—RAMUSH—HARADINAJ, significant pay increases for top government officials amid 1—WAVE—OF—CRITICISM.
20180131             —STAGED, KOSOVO, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, 1—PROTEST in PRISTINA, urging the government to fight extremely high pollution.
20180131             —REPORTED, It was, that low dam levels in THE—EMERALD—GREEN highlands of LESOTHO are raising alarm bells in SOUTH—AFRICA—INDUSTRIAL heartland —AROUND JOHANNESBURG, which has so far avoided the shortages hitting other regions.
20180131             1—HOLLAND—APPEALS court convicted 1—MAN for helping his ailing, 99—YEAR—OLD stepmother take her own life 1—DECADE 20180801             —CASE that has become 1—FOCAL point in the fierce debate in THE—NETHERLANDS about END—OF—LIFE issues.
20180131             —SUSPENDED, The city COURT—IN—DEN—BOSCH gave ALBERT—HERINGA 1, 6—MONTH sentence.
20180131             THE—PHILIPPINES, Conchita Carpio Morales, THE—HEAD—OF—1—KEY—ANTI—GRAFT agency, defied 1—ORDER by PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE—OFFICE to suspend her deputy for allegedly disclosing confidential information to the media about 1—INVESTIGATION into Duterte's alleged undeclared wealth.
20180131             THE—PHILIPPINES, rebel leader RAFAEL—BAYLOSIS, 69—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TOP—MEMBER—OF—THE—NEW—PEOPLE—ARMY, was arrested in Quezon City.
20180131             —ESTIMATED, The military, that NPA has about 5,000 fighters.
20180131             SYRIA, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—AFRIN city hospital supplies are dwindling in the main hospital, which has taken in 48—PEOPLE killed and 86 wounded in recent TURKEY—ATTACKS.
20180131             —CALLED, Kurdish authorities in Afrin district, for Bashar AL—ASSAD—GOVERNMENT to send troops to help defend them from a 6—DAY—OLD—TURKEY—ASSAULT.
20180131             —FIRED, Rockets, from NORTH—SYRIA into THE—TURKEY—BORDER TOWN—OF—REYHANLI killed 1—TEENAGE—GIRL and wounded another person.
20180131             —ACCUSED, THE—KURDISH—MILITIA, TURKEY—OF—FIRING Katyusha rockets into Afrin, and reported that at least 12—PEOPLE were wounded from the shelling that targeted the neighborhood of Ashrafieh.
20180131             1—ISTANBUL court ordered the release of Taner Kilic, THE—HEAD—OF—RIGHTS—GROUP AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL in TURKEY, who had been held on terror charges that his supporters long dismissed as "baseless".
20180131             THE—UN human rights office said that 206—COMPANIES — mostly Israeli and American — are facing 1—REVIEW of their business practices involving ISRAEL—SETTLEMENTS, which are considered illegal under INTERNATIONAL law.
20180131             —APPEALED, THE—UN refugee agency, for $157—MILLION (126—MILLION euros) to help over 1—QUARTER—OF—1—MILLION people affected by the insurgency led by the militant Islamist group Boko Haram.
20180131             [l] Opsec ist schwierig
20180131             JULIAN—ASSANGE Offered HANNITY Impersonator 'News' About Top Democrat
20180131             [l] —POLITIK 20180000             —J—IM, :
20180131             Please make 1—SPECIAL—STATE—OF—THE—UNION contribution to have your name broadcast on the Official DONALD J
20180131             Stand hier.
20180131             —UPDATE, Oh und auf den Eintrittskarten zur STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ANSPRACHE haben sie Union falsch geschrieben
20180131             [l] Auf Druck DER—USA—REGIERUNG stellt Verizon den Verkauf von HUAWA1—TELEFONEN ein.
20180131             [l] Gerechtigkeit 2.0 in den NIEDERLANDEn:
20180131             —LAUNCHED, POLICE in THE—HOLLAND—CITY—OF—ROTTERDAM have, 1—NEW—PILOT —PROGRAMME which will see them confiscating expensive clothing and jewellery from young people if they look too poor to own them.
20180131             Sorry, Junge, du siehst zu schwarz, äh, arm aus, um dir diese Kleidung leisten zu können.
20180131             Fehlt nur noch 1—SCHUTZGELDNUMMER—ASPEKT - [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20180131             Sagt DAS—WEIßE—HAUS.
20180131             —INFORMED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, LAW—MAKERS —MONDAY that new RUSSIA sanctions called for in 1—BIPARTISAN bill passed —LAST—YEAR are not necessary yet because the measure is ALREADY "serving as 1—DETERRENT".
20180131             [l] FACEBOOK hat 1.neue Policy für Werbung:
20180131             —CREATED, We've, 1—NEW—POLICY that prohibits ads that promote financial products and services that are frequently associated with misleading or deceptive promotional practices, such as binary options, initial coin offerings and cryptocurrency.
20180131             [l] Doubleclick hat Cryptominer verbreitet
20180131             [l] Anscheinend war der HAWAI1—RAKETEN—TEST doch kein UI—FEHLER
20180131             Der SACH—BE—ARBEITER ist wohl —SCHON häufiger in die Richtung aufgefallen.
20180131             [l] Crypto coin company 'disappears with millions', leaving 1—WORD message: 'Penis'
20180131             Aber nicht doch, Fefe, das ist alles voll seriös mit diesen KRYPTO—WÄHRUNGEN!
20180131             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20180131             —REDE—ZU—DER—LAGE der Nation: DONALD—TRUMP ruft USA—AMERIKANER zur Einigkeit auf
20180131             Erlass von DONALD—TRUMP: GEFANGENEN—LAGER GUANTANAMO bleibt offen - bleibt offen
20180131             —BEVORZUGUNG von Privatpatienten: Krankenkassen fordern Strafen für Ärzte
20180131             DONALD—TRUMP—REDE zur Lage der Nation: Spalten statt versöhnen
20180131             BREXIT—FOLGEN: Britische AUTO—PRODUKTION bricht ein
20180131             MEDIZINER—EXPORT: KUBA schickt Ärzte nach ALGERIEN—UM für Öllieferungen zu bezahlen
20180131             Rechentricks: So klimaschädlich ist Ihr Stromanbieter
20180131             Stärke 6,1: —SCHWERES—ERDBEBEN erschüttert AFGHANISTAN und PAKISTAN
20180131             Trotz saisonalen Anstiegs: BUNDES—AGENTUR meldet geringste ;;01;;-ARBEITS—LOSIGKEIT —SEIT—25—JAHREN
20180131             DONALD—TRUMP—REDE zur Lage der Nation: Absurde Show
20180131             MICHELLE—OBAMA über DONALD—TRUMP—GESCHENK: "Was soll ich damit machen?"
20180131             Feinstaub: Benziner sind die neuen Diesel
20180131             SPRACH—FORSCHUNG, Warum Englisch leichter ist als Isländisch
20180131             NEUE—STUDIE, Vertrauen in DIE—MEDIEN steigt wieder
20180131             ISTANBUL: Türkischer AMNESTY—CHEF—UNTER Auflagen freigelassen
20180131             —VON, "Hello"—BIS "BYE—BYE": Schwertwale plappern Wörter nach
20180131             —BEFREUNDET, HIRN—STUDIE, DAS—GEHIRN verrät, mit wem wir, sind
20180131             DIE—HIRNPROZESSE von befreundeten Menschen gleichen sich
20180131             zeigte sich, dass - Diese Aktivitätsmuster waren so deutlich, dass
20180131             "Unterm Strich legen diese Resultate nahe, dass
20180131             —ANALYSIERT, Linguisten, die, haben, wie kompliziert die Grammatiken verschiedener Sprachen sind.
20180131             —FESTGESTELLT, dass
20180131             Kehrseite: Die betroffenen Sprachen haben meist ein deutlich größeres Vokabular.
20180131             Was nicht über 1.spezielle Endung gesagt werden kann, dafür sind eben dann mehr Worte nötig.
20180131             Hat 1.Sprache hingegen nur wenige Sprecher, kommt sie mit 1—KLEINEREN Vokabular aus, verfügt aber über 1.tendenziell komplexere Grammatik
20180131             Beispiele sind Walisisch, Isländisch und die Indianersprache Irokesisch.
20180131             neue Begriffe besser in 1—POPULATION verbreiten, wenn diese größer ist.
20180131             —VERHINDERT, DIE—GROßE ZAHL—VON—SPRECHERN, dass
20180131             "Strukturelle Aspekte 1—SPRACHE breiten sich langsam aus, weil sie schwierig zu lernen sind",
20180131             erlerne man neue Wörter oft —SCHON, wenn man sie nur wenige MALE gehört habe.
20180131             DIE—AUTOREN DER—NEUEN —STUDIE gehen noch 1—SCHRITT weiter: Sie halten es für denkbar, dass
20180131             DIE—SIMULATIONEN sprächen dafür, "dass Sprache und Kultur zwangsläufig einfacher werden, je enger menschliche Gemeinschaften miteinander verbunden sind".
20180131             Kapstadt: Der 1. Millionenmetropole geht das Wasser aus
20180131             May in PEKING: Raus aus der EU, dafür mehr CHINA
20180131             SORGE—UM—MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT: Polnisches KZ—GESETZ geht Kritikern zu weit
20180131             GesundheitsRISIKO BENZIN—DIREKTEINSPRITZER: Wie schädlich ist Feinstaub?
20180131             TABAKKONZERN—AKTIEN: Oberste USA—GESUNDHEITSSCHÜTZERIN tritt zurück
20180131             AACHEN: Grenzregion auf Reaktorunfall schlecht vorbereitet
20180131             BUNDES—TAG gedenkt der AUSCHWITZ—BEFREIUNG: Der Moment, als DIE—AFD nicht mehr klatschte
20180131             Anlass der —STUDIE war die große Unruhe über schwere SICHERHEITS—MÄNGEL bei den 2—BELGISCHEN Kernkraftwerken Tihange nahe AACHEN und Doel bei ANTWERPEN
20180131             In die Untersuchung wurden außerdem das niederländische AKW Borssele und das deutsche Kraftwerk Emsland einbezogen
20180131             "Um Panik und Unruhe zu verhindern, müssen BÜRGER klar und eindeutig informiert werden"
20180131             DIE—KOMMEN ja bei uns an
20180131             VOR—ALLEM in der AACHENer Region ist die FURCHT—VOR—1—ATOMUN—FALL—IN—BELGIEN groß.
20180131             1—STUDIE im Auftrag der Städteregion AACHEN war zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass
20180131             Wie Angst aussieht, konnte man AM—DIENSTAGAM NEW—YORKER Aktienmarkt erleben.
20180131             Gleich zur BÖRSEneröffnung rutschte der AKTIEN—INDEX—DOW—JONES dort um 300—PUNKTE ab —, ließ DIE—INVESTOREN rund um den Globus nervös werden.
20180131             Der VIX—INDEX, der diese Nervosität anhand von Kursausschlägen misst, schnellte auf den höchsten Stand —SEIT Ende 20160000           .
20180131             DIE—ZEITEN sind nicht normal.
20180131             USA—ANLEIHEN mit zehnjähriger Laufzeit bringen MITTLERWEILE wieder 1.Rendite VON—CA—2,7 %.
20180131             auch deutsche BUNDES—ANLEIHEN werfen MITTLERWEILE zumindest wieder ein bisschen Rendite ab: knapp 0,7 %
20180131             "Das größte RISIKO—FÜR—DIE—WELTBÖRSEN ist, dass
20180131             1—UNERWARTETER Anstieg der ZINSEN würde sowohl an den AKTIEN—ALS auch an den Anleihemärkten sofort Verwerfungen auslösen.
20180131             Wie heftig diese Verwerfungen sein werden, hängt nicht nur vom Tempo der Zinserhöhen ab, sondern auch davon, wie hoch DIE—NOTEN—BANKEN überhaupt gehen werden.
20180131             würde - werden
20180131             "Sie werden das Zinsniveau weiter niedrig HALTEN—WEIL sie es müssen
20180131             —DEBATTEIM britischen Unterhaus: "Viele laute, rüpelhafte und dumme Individuen"
20180131             ZINSENtscheid, USA—NOTEN—BANK—HÄLT—LEIT—ZINS konstant
20180131             1—EGYPT—COURT gave 15—PEOPLE 1—YEAR suspended jail sentences over 1—ATTACK last 20181222              on 1—UNLICENSED—COPTIC—CHURCH in 1—VILLAGE—SOUTH—OF—CAIRO.
20180131—19940000    —SEIT, Florierende Geschäfte: EINZELHANDEL—MIT—GRÖßTEM Wachstum
20180131—20090000    —ARRESTED, FRANCE, Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan (55) was, —FOLLOWING claims by 2—WOMEN that he assaulted them in FRANCE—HOTEL rooms and 20120000           .
20180131—20090300    —SEIT, DEM, DER DOW—JONES HAT UM—CA—260 % zugelegt.
20180131—20130000    —SINCE, EGYPT—AUTHORITIES believed they are splinter factions of the Muslim Brotherhood, 1—ISLAMIST organization that EGYPT has outlawed.
20180131—20130000    —SINCE, the Boko Haram conflict has internally displaced another 2.4—MILLION people in NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, CAMEROON, CHAD and NIGER.
20180131—20160000    —MITTE, waren es noch weniger als 1,5 %.
20180131—20160112    —ON, 1—TURKEY—COURT sentenced 2—SYRIANS, Atala EL—HASAN EL—MAYYUP and Fevzi MUHAMMED—ALI, and 1—TURKEY—MAN, Halil Dervis, to multiple life sentences in connection with 1—BOMBING that killed 12—GERMANY—TOURISTS in ISTANBUL.
20180131—20180129    —ON, The teenager had run away from 1—DRUG—REHABILITATION—CENTER and met 1—NIGERIA—ASYLUM—SEEKER, Innocent Oseghale, the next —DAY.
20180131—20180129    —ON, The teenager had run away from 1—DRUG rehabilitation center and met 1—NIGERIA—ASYLUM seeker, Innocent Oseghale, the next —DAY.
20180131—20210000    —BY, HONG—KONG lawmakers gave final approval to 1—GOVERNMENT proposal banning local ivory trading in THE—CHINA—TERRITORY, with conservation groups hailing it as 1—MAJOR—VICTORY in the fight to save elephants.
20180310—20180131    —ON, Ethnic Kachin men Hpaugan Yaw (65) and Nhkum Naw San (35) had been missing —SINCE they were taken away by the military.
20180615—20180131    —PUBLISHED, THE—LUNAR—ORBITER—IMAGE—RECOVERY—PROJECT—ONLINE Data Volumes were, online for public access by NASA at the Planetary Data SYSTEM Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node.
20190131             BRAZIL—MINAS—GERAIS state labor prosecutors' office said it had frozen more than 800—MILLION reais ($219—MILLION) of miner VALE—FUNDS as compensation for victims of 20190125             —THE deadly tailings dam burst.
20190131             USA—COURT records made public that 1—GROUP—OF—TRAVEL agents have been charged with running illicit "birth tourism" schemes across SOUTH—CALIFORNIA that allegedly brought in HUNDREDS—OF—PREGNANT—CHINA—CLIENTS to THE—USA—ILLEGALLY so they could deliver their children on USA—SOIL.
20190131             Officials said cold temperatures across THE—USA—MIDWEST have left at least 20—PEOPLE dead.
20190131             —REPORTED, It was, that officials were FORCE—FEEDING 6—MIGRANTS through plastic nasal tubes at 1—TEXAS location, —FOLLOWING hunger strikes over the past —MONTH to protest conditions inside detention facilities.
20190131             —REPORTED, THE—USA—SPECIAL—INSPECTOR—GENERAL for AFGHANISTAN Reconstruction, to Congress and said THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT controls or influences 54—PERCENT—OF—DISTRICTS, down from 56—PERCENT 1—YEAR —EARLIER, and THE—TALIBAN—SHARE slipped from 14—PERCENT to 12—PERCENT.
20190131             —STOPPED, TEXAS—BASED Valero Energy Corp. said it has, taking DELIVERIES—OF—VENEZUELA—CRUDE—OIL —AFTER THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION slapped sanctions on VENEZUELA—STATE—OWNED oil company, Petroleos de VENEZUELA S.A.
20190131             —ATTACKED, NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban, 1—ARMY checkpoint late —TODAY in SARI Pul province, killing at least 6—SOLDIERS.
20190131             9—TALIBAN fighters were reported killed and 13 wounded in 1—GUN battle that followed the attack.
20190131             BANGLADESH activist Kalpona Akter said more than 5,000 workers who demanded higher wages have been fired by factory owners, and hundreds faced police charges in the world's 2.—LARGEST garment export industry —AFTER CHINA.
20190131             —SKIPPED, BELGIUM, THOUSANDS—OF—TEENAGERS, school for the 4. —WEEK in 1—ROW in 1—ATTEMPT to push authorities into providing better protection for the world's climate.
20190131             —LAUNCHED, BRITAIN, FRANCE and GERMANY, 1—SPECIAL—PAYMENT mechanism that THE—EU hopes will help save 1—NUCLEAR—DEAL with IRAN by bypassing USA—SANCTIONS.
20190131             —CONVICTED, PAKISTAN, THE—UK—HIGH—COMMISSION in ISLAMABAD said, CHILD—SEX offender Choudhry Ikhalaq Hussain (41), who was PART—OF—1—GANG that exploited teenage girls in 1—NORTHERN—ENGLAND—TOWN, has been arrested in PAKISTAN where he fled —DURING his trial.
20190131             —BANNED, CAMEROON authorities, planned protest marches in THE—CAPITAL—YAOUNDE —AFTER 1—SERIES—OF—UNAUTHORIZED—ANTI—GOVERNMENT demonstrations and some 200—ARRESTS, including the detention of main opposition leader MAURICE—KAMTO.
20190131             —CALLED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING, for 1—RETURN to "unity and harmony" on as he welcomed GAS—RICH—QATAR—EMIR to BEIJING, amid 1—DISPUTE that has seen SOME—ARAB states led by SAUDI—ARABIA severing relations with DOHA.
20190131             —SIGNED, QATAR—SHEIKH—TAMIM bin HAMAD—AL—THANI, several memorandums of understanding with PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING.
20190131             1—FRANCE—COURT upheld 1—DECISION by doctors to withdraw life support for VINCENT—LAMBERT, 42—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TETRAPLEGIC—MAN kept alive in 1—VEGETATIVE state for 1—DECADE, —AFTER the latest legal challenge by the patient's parents in 1—DIVISIVE—RIGHT—TO—DIE case.
20190131             ISRAEL began work to strengthen its border with THE—GAZA Strip with construction —STARTING on 1—MASSIVE—NEW—BARRIER along the frontier.
20190131             ITALY—NATIONAL—STATISTICS—AGENCY said its economy, the 3.—LARGEST in the eurozone, contracted by 1—QUARTERLY rate of 0.2—PERCENT in the 4. quarter of 20180000           .
20190131             —FOLLOWING a 0.1—PERCENT drop in the previous 3—MONTH period that means ITALY is in 1—TECHNICAL—RECESSION.
20190131             —REACHED, LEBANON—LEADERS, 1—DEAL to set up 1—NEW—UNITY government, 3—POLITICAL—SOURCES from different factions said, ending 9—MONTHS—OF—WRANGLING over how to share out cabinet portfolios in the heavily indebted state.
20190131             —LEAFED, Readers of THE—LEBANON—DAILY AL—MUSTAQBAL, through its last print edition, its move online underscoring the challenges ailing LEBANON—PRESS industry.
20190131             MEXICO, 1—MESSAGE allegedly from THE—LEADER—OF—1—FUEL theft ring in Guanajuato threatened Lopez Obrador and was found hung SOME—DISTANCE from 1—REFINERY.
20190131             —DESTROYED, Soldiers, explosives found near the refinery.
20190131             POLAND—TOP—STATE veterinary official said about 2,500 kg (5,500 pounds) of meat from sick cows who were slaughtered illegally in POLAND has been exported to 10—OTHER—EUROPEAN Union countries.
20190131             —STRIPPED, THE—POLAND—VETERINARY inspectorate, the slaughterhouse in Ostrow MAZOWIECKA—OF—PERMISSION to operate —EARLIER this —WEEK.
20190131             —REPORTED, RUSSIA—NEWS—AGENCIES, that the state communications regulator said that THE—BBC World News channel had committed "certain violations" —WHILE operating in RUSSIA.
20190131             —CONCLUDED, SAUDI—ARABIA said that it has, 1—CRACKDOWN on HIGH—LEVEL—CORRUPTION that began 15—MONTHS ago.
20190131             —ANNOUNCED, SOUTH—AFRICA—CASH—STRAPPED public broadcaster (SABC), it would drop plans to lay off a 3. of its FULL—TIME employees as it looks for other savings to cut mounting debts.
20190131             SPAIN, RIDE—HAILING companies Uber and Cabify said that they would stop operating in BARCELONA —AFTER the regional government passed tighter regulations to appease taxi drivers.
20190131             1—SPAIN—COURT approved the temporary extradition to THE—USA—OF—1—FORMER—VENEZUELA—OFFICIAL being investigated in 1—BRIBERY scheme involving VENEZUELA—STATE oil company, PDVSA.
20190131             The extradition of Nervis Villalobos would be for 1—MAXIMUM—OF—6—MONTHS.
20190131             —FIRED, SUDAN—POLICE, tear gas at CROWDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS in the capital and other cities, as fresh protests demanded 1—END to PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR—3—DECADE rule.
20190131             Protester AHMED—AL—KHAIR, a 33—YEAR—OLD school teacher, was detained.
20190131             —PRONOUNCED, He was, dead in custody THE—FOLLOWING—EVENING.
20190131             Relatives said his body, including his groin area, was covered in bruises.
20190131             There were also signs of rectal bleeding.
20190131             —SPRAYED, THAILAND, 1—FLEET—OF—DRONES, trucks and small planes, water to try to reduce air pollution —AROUND BANGKOK —WHILE the city's GOVERNOR invited critics to brainstorm better ideas to improve the air quality in the capital.
20190131             —SEIZED, UGANDA—REVENUE agency said authorities have, 750—PIECES—OF—IVORY and THOUSANDS—OF—PANGOLIN scales being smuggled from neighboring SOUTH—SUDAN, in 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—SEIZURES of wildlife contraband in THE—EAST—AFRICAN country.
20190131             2—VIETNAM—NATIONALS were in custody over the contraband.
20190131             —KILLED, THE—UN said cold weather has, close to 30—CHILDREN in 2—MONTHS among the civilians who have been fleeing the last jihadist pocket in EAST—SYRIA.
20190131             2 detained FRANCE—JOURNALISTS were freed.
20190131             YEMEN—SECURITY officials said 7—HOUTHI rebel prisoners have been released by SAUDI—ARABIA and returned to SANAA.
20190131             [l] GOOGLE hat auch 1.SCHNORCHEL—APP über APPLEs ENTERPRISE—ZERTIFIKAT—LOOPHOLE verbreitet.
20190131             Und wisst ihr was? FACEBOOK hat DIE—LEUTE wenigstens dafür bezahlt, daß sie ihnen ALLE—IHRE—DATEN geben.
20190131             [l] Die VEREINIGTE—ARABISCHE—EMIRATE haben 1—GENDER Equality Award vergeben.
20190131             [l] Auch in RUSSLAND gibt es —JETZT REICHS—BÜRGER.
20190131             1—FORMER—OIL trader founded 1—ORGANIZATION called the "Union SSR" trade union, whose members believe THE—SOVIET—UNION never legally collapsed
20190131             Und deshalb muss man auch nicht die Stromrechnung zahlen, finden sie.
20190131             [l] ANGRIFF mit Pflastersteinen und Farbbeuteln auf das BERLINer BÜRO—VON—AMAZON.
20190131             DIE—TÄTER verschlossen die Eingangstür des Gebäudes mit 1—FAHRRADKETTE, so dass der Wachschutz nicht hinausgelangen konnte.
20190131             Ich —FRAGE mich ja, was DIE—TÄTER für 1—ENDGAME haben.
20190131             [l] Angesichts der Temperaturen IN—DEN—USA könnte man ja, wenn man an sowas glaubt, sich fast denken: DIE—NATUR hat so langsam alles durch, was SIE—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP bringen konnte.
20190131             So spirituell wie DIE—USA—AMIS in Umfragen immer sind, —FRAGE ich mich ernsthaft, wieso die das nicht aus der Perspektive sehen.
20190131             Vielleicht brauchen die was biblischeres?
20190131             Gucken wir doch mal. Wasser wird rot wie blut. Froschplage. Flohplage.
20190131             Schlangenplage? Check.
20190131             Stechmücken UND—FLIEGEN sind ja nie wirklich weggegangen.
20190131             Viehpest betrifft uns nicht mehr.
20190131             DIE—GESCHWÜR—PLAGE decken wir mit den ANTI—VAXER—MASERN ab.
20190131             Hagel.
20190131             Bei den Heuschrecken nehmen wir einfach WALL—STREET und ihre Hedgefunds.
20190131             Finsternis? STROMAUS—FÄLLE gibt es mehr als genug.
20190131             Bleibt der TOD—DER—ERSTGEBORENEN.
20190131             Knapp 6.900.000.000—DOLLAR Gewinn: FACEBOOK—KRISEN schlagen nicht auf —QUARTAL—ZAHLEN durch
20190131             —VERWEIGERT, BERICHT, Veterinäramt LANDSHUT, Tiertransporte in weit entfernte Länder
20190131             RHEINLAND—PFALZ: POLIZEI findet SPRENGSTOFF—FESTNAHME und Evakuierungen
20190131             —BERICHTET, NEW—YORK—TIMES—GASTBEITRAG: GUAIDÓ, von "heimlichen Treffen" mit Streitkräften
20190131             Minus 40—GRAD—CELSIUS im Mittleren Westen: AMERIKA friert ein
20190131             FURCHT—VOR—DEM BREXIT: Britische AUTO—PRODUKTION bricht ein
20190131             BRIEF—AN—DIE KOMMISSION: Scheuer fordert von EU Überprüfung der STICKOXID—GRENZWERTE
20190131             —AUFGEHOBEN, Kürzung : BUNDES—REGIERUNG lenkt im STREIT—UM—NS—OPFERRENTEN ein
20190131             LOBBY—REGELN im EU—PARLAMENT: Mehr Transparenz?
20190131             Darüber stimmen wir lieber GEHEIM ab
20190131             Schwächere NACH—FRAGE bei Smartphones und Chips: Samsung erwartet weiteren GEWINN—RÜCKGANG
20190131             Ansprache zur Lage der Nation: Demokratin lädt Migrantin zu DONALD—TRUMP—REDE EIN—DIE—FRAU hatte einst illegal für ihn gearbeitet
20190131             Saisonbedingtes Plus: ARBEITSLOSEN—ZAHL —IM, ;;0100;; leicht gestiegen
20190131             STUDENTEN—PROTESTE—IN—DER—VOLKSREPUBLIK: CHINAs neue MARXISTEN (Leben und Lernen, 10:38)
20190131             1—JAHR mit NetzDG: Warum DAS—GESETZ—GEGEN—HASS und HETZE nur wenig bewirkt
20190131             Dammbruch, Brustimplantate, Wetterstationen: TÜV—SKANDALE—WENN die Prüfer selbst durchfallen
20190131             Urgeschichte: NEANDERTALER und DENISOVA—MENSCHEN nutzten über Jahrtausende die gleiche Höhle
20190131             KURS—STURZ: FINANZ—AUFSICHT untersucht mögliche Marktmanipulation bei Wirecard
20190131             Gedenkstunde im BUNDESTAG: Die Rede von SAUL—FRIED—LÄNDER im Wortlaut
20190131             Möglicher HACKER—ANGRIFF, Dokumente der RUSSLAND—ERMITTLUNGEN im INTERNET aufgetaucht
20190131             Sinkende Wirtschaftsleistung: ITALIEN rutscht in die Rezession
20190131             VENEZUELA: EU—PARLAMENT erkennt GUAIDÓ als Interimspräsidenten an
20190131             Kernmarke schwächelt: H&M macht deutlich weniger Gewinn
20190131             Investigadores do Instituto PORTUGUÊS—DO—MAR—E—DA Atmosfera (Grupo de Paleoceanografia e Paleoclima da Divisão de Geologia e Georrecursos Marinhos) ajudaram investigadores brasileiros a confrontar as datas obtidas em espeleotemas (estalactites e estalagmites), dos períodos mais chuvosos que ocorreram na da Amazónia com aquelas que caracterizam períodos associados a episódios de forte descarga de icebergs no Atlântico Norte.
20190131             Com o derretimento dos icebergs formados nas épocas de frio extremo, sedimentos mais espessos (variando de areia fina a grossa) cobriram a lama fina do fundo do oceano.
20190131             1—HÖHLE im südsibirischen ALTAI—GEBIRGE diente über 150.000—JAHRE hinweg sowohl dem NEANDERTALER als auch dem DENISOVA—MENSCHEN als Behausung.
20190131             NEANDERTALER und DENISOVA—MENSCHEN haben nicht nur gemeinsam in SIBIRIEN gelebt, sondern über Zehntausende —JAHRE zumindest phasenweise auch die gleiche Höhle genutzt.
20190131             Untersuchungen der DENISOVA—HÖHLE im südsibirischen ALTAI—GEBIRGE.
20190131             könnten die beiden, eng mit dem Homo sapiens verwandten Menschenarten diese Unterkunft sogar über 1—ZEIT—RAUM—VON—FAST 150.000—JAHREN bewohnt HABEN—LANGE bevor der MODERNE—MENSCH DIE—REGION erreichte.
20190131             DIE—IM ALTAI—GEBIRGE gelegene DENISOVA—HÖHLE wird —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN erforscht.
20190131             1.Chronologie der Fundschichten in der Höhle
20190131             1—ZUVERLÄSSIGE Chronologie war —BISLANG, auch deshalb schwierig, weil die RADIOKARBON—DATIERUNG (C14) nur —BIS etwa 50.000—JAHRE zurückreicht.
20190131             berechnete DAS—ALTER der Funde nun anhand eines statistischen Modells, in das genetische Analysen, THERMOLUMINESZENZ—DATIERUNG und die C14-Methode einflossen.
20190131             bewohnten DENISOVA—MENSCHEN den Ort vor 200.000—BIS vor möglicherweise etwa 50.000—JAHREN.
20190131             Verschiedene NEANDERTALER—FOSSILIEN datieren DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER auf 1.Zeit von vor 140.000—BIS vor 80.000—JAHREN.
20190131             Allerdings fanden DIE—FORSCHER NEANDERTALER—ERB—GUT noch in 1—SCHICHT, die 190.000—JAHRE—ALT ist.
20190131             Dies deute darauf hin, "dass beide Gruppen über 1—ZEIT—RAUM—VON—FAST 150.000—JAHREN in der Region lebten, sich trafen UND—BEI GELEGENHEIT—VERMISCHTEN",
20190131             anderen Funden aus der Region, denen zufolge NEANDERTALER dort —VOR—NOCH etwa 60.000—JAHREN lebten.
20190131             1 2. FORSCHER—TEAM um Zenobia JACOBs von der australischen UNIVERSITY—OF—WOLLONGONG geht davon aus, daß DENISOVA—MENSCHEN die Höhle von VOR—CA—300.000—JAHREN —BIS vor 55.000—JAHREN bewohnten, NEANDERTALER dagegen von vor 200.000—BIS vor 100.000—JAHREN.
20190131             Rätselhaft bleiben die Funde von Knochenspitzen und Anhängern aus Tierteilen, die typisch für MODERNE—MENSCHEN sind.
20190131             An ihrer Herstellung könnten aber auch MODERNE—MENSCHEN mitgewirkt haben, die SIBIRIEN —DAMALS, —BEREITS erreicht hatten.
20190131             In einem "Nature"-Kommentar verweist ROBIN—DENNELL von der englischen UNIVERSITY—OF—EXETER auf die Unsicherheit der Datierung.
20190131             How climate affects forest biodiversity
20190131             ANALYSIS—OF—DATA from 421—TREE communities —AROUND THE—WORLD, including 55,983 individual trees of 2,701 species, finds that climate affects the functional TRAITS—OF—FORESTS, and CLIMATE—CHANGE may affect species distribution across the globe.
20190131             [l] DAS—EU—PARLAMENT wartet nicht, —BIS ihr —ULTIMATUM an MADURO abgelaufen ist und ernennt einfach den Anderen zum Interimspräsidenten.
20190131             Wow.
20190131             Man stelle sich das mal anderswo vor, z.B.
20190131             [l] FACEBOOK—ACCOUNT löschen ist gesund.
20190131             —CONCLUDED, Overall, RESEARCHERS, that not using FACEBOOK reduced ONLINE—ACTIVITY, including other SOCIAL—MEDIA use, and increased offline activity such as watching television and socializing with friends and family more.
20190131             CAPTAIN—OBVIOUS out, zurück zum Sendestudio.
20190131             Abgeordnete Jess PHILIPPS: "Ich kenne Reiche, die würde ich nicht mal mein Bier halten lassen"
20190131             Schafsrisse: SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN genehmigt ABSCHUSS—VON—WOLF
20190131             Operation "Genuesischer Schnee": Zollfahnder beschlagnahmen 2—TONNEN Kokain in ITALIEN
20190131             Abkommen: EU und JAPAN starten größte FREI—HANDEL—ZONE der Welt
20190131             KACHELMANN—DIE Wetterkolumne: Der arktische Wirbel hat CHICAGO erfasst (SPIEGEL+, 14:57)
20190131             Feindbilder: Feinstaub­belastungs­leugner
20190131             DEUTSCHE Ausgrabung von BABYLON: WER—FINDET, darf's behalten
20190131             Der ARCHÄOLOGE ROBERT—KOLDEWEY, Ende des
20190131             er sitzt also 19130000              in BABYLON, schaut vor sich hin und vermisst alles: die Distanz zur Tür, die Grabungsstätte draußen, das Licht, seine Organe.
20190131             Sie lässt ihren ARCHÄOLOGEN sinnieren.
20190131             —GEBOREN, Koldewey, in Blankenburg im Harz
20190131             BREXIT—NOTFALLPLÄNE—FÜR—FIRMEN: Horten, fliehen, dichtmachen
20190131             Fluggesellschaft in der —KRISE, Germania kann Mitarbeitern kein Gehalt zahlen
20190131             Mutmaßliche TERROR—ZELLE : POLIZEI nimmt weiteren VERDÄCHTIGEN in MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN fest
20190131             GEHEIM—VOTUM: EU—PARLAMENT stimmt für strengere Lobbyregeln
20190131             DEUTSCHE—BANK—IN—DER —KRISE, Auf dem Weg zur Notfusion
20190131             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, Die vereisten STAATEN—VON—AMERIKA
20190131             —STUDIE mit Fantasievokabeln: Menschen lernen auch im Tiefschlaf
20190131             THÜRINGEN: Bratwurstmuseum auf ehemaligem KZ—AUßEN—LAGER geplant
20190131             DER—MENSCH kann selbst im Tiefschlaf lernen.
20190131             "Dies ist 1.neue Dimension des Verständnisses von Schlaf", sagte er.
20190131             Wichtig war es aber, die "UP—STATE" genannten Schlafphasen zu treffen.
20190131             Phasen, in denen ALLE—GEHIRNZELLEN gemeinsam aktiv sind.
20190131             Gedächtnisbildung sei also sowohl im bewussten als auch im unbewussten Zustand möglich,
20190131             "Wir wollten zeigen, daß man auch in unbewusstem Zustand lernen kann".
20190131             Schließlich wisse man noch nicht, ob das nicht auch ungewollte Folgen haben könne.
20190131             "Wer —ABENDS Flöte spielt, kann das Stück oft —MORGENS besser, weil der Lerneffekt bei gutem Schlaf konsolidiert wird",
20190131             —BIS minus 40—GRAD: Was passiert mit dem Körper bei extremer Kälte?
20190131             Schöninger Speere: Der planlose Umgang mit URZEIT—FUNDEN (SPIEGEL+, 18:12)
20190131             Kommt 1—SYRER nach Rotenburg (Wümme): Warum DIE—DEUTSCHEN das arabische 'Ja' nicht immer wörtlich nehmen dürfen (SPIEGEL+, 18:12)
20190131             THE—COLD—WAR classic "Red Planet Mars".(
20190131             —WHEN it emerged that NBC—NEWS—ANCHOR BRIAN—WILLIAMS had misled THE—PUBLIC—FOR—YEARS with 1—HARROWING—ACCOUNT—OF—COMING under enemy fire on 1—MILITARY—HELICOPTER —DURING 20030000             —THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ, observers were quick to draw comparisons with other public figures caught telling tall tales about combat experiences.
20190131             REAGAN—FIBS were manifold.
20190131             Once in office, REAGAN—DECEPTION in THE—IRAN—CONTRA scandal briefly threatened his presidency.
20190131             1., REAGAN flatly denied wrongdoing, publicly declaring, "We did not -- repeat, did not -- trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we".
20190131             —RENDERED, Months —LATER, —WHEN subsequent revelations, that assertion untenable, REAGAN delivered 1—OVAL—OFFICE address in which he tried to reconcile his public claims with the factual record.
20190131             "1—FEW months ago, I told THE—USA—PEOPLE I did not trade arms for hostages," REAGAN said.
20190131             REAGAN would tell this story again to others, including HOLOCAUST survivor SIMON—WIESENTHAL.
20190131             REAGAN was never present at the camps' liberation.
20190131             he spent THE—WAR in Culver CITY—CALIFORNIA, where he processed footage from THE—LIBERATION—OF—THE—CAMPS.
20190131             —JUST as it's exceedingly difficult to see how someone could misremember such 1—SEARING episode as being fired upon in 1—WAR —ZONE, it's hard to believe that 1 could confuse viewing FOOTAGE—OF—NAZI death camps with actually being present at them.
20190131             2—YEARS —LATER, REAGAN found himself in hot water —AFTER NEW—YORK Daily News scribe LARS—ERIK Nelson looked into 1—ACCOUNT—OF—HEROISM REAGAN related —DURING 1—CONGRESSIONAL—MEDAL—OF—HONOR ceremony and discovered that there was no evidence THE—EVENT ever occurred.
20190131             —NACH, MONATE—LANGEN Verhandlungen: Neue Regierung im LIBANON steht
20190131             RADAR—ANALYSEN: Forscher finden gigantischen HOHL—RAUMIN ANT—ARKTIS—GLETSCHER
20190131             —THURSDAY, INTELLIGENCE
20190131             —OPTED, Stunningly, THE—GOP has, to rebuke DONALD—TRUMP for his FOREIGN—POLICY recklessness and his FACT—FREE—ATTACKS on his own experts.
20190131             —TWEETED, DONALD—TRUMP, "THE—INTELLIGENCE people seem to be extremely passive and naive —WHEN it COMES to THE—DANGERS—OF—IRAN.
20190131             —PUSHED, Exasperated REPUBLICAN LAW—MAKERS quickly, back against the criticism, urging THE—PRESIDENT to —SHOW more restraint.
20190131             It's about time. RICHARD—NIXON vs. THE—CIA.
20190131             —AFTER he won 19680000             —THE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, in part by sabotaging THE—PARIS peace talks to end THE—VIETNAM—WAR, Nixon tried to put THE—CIA in its place.
20190131             It took Melvin Laird, THE—DEFENSE—SECRETARY and 1—CANNY FORMER—HOUSE member, to talk HENRY—KISSINGER, NIXON—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER, out of it.
20190131             —DEEMED, That condition was, too counterproductive and humiliating, and Nixon soon let HELMS brief and stay in THE—MEETINGS.
20190131             A vs B. - Carter had serious disagreements with THE—AGENCY -- and for good reason.
20190131             —ORDERED, Carter, 1—BAN on assassinations, curtailed domestic CIA operations, and helped to institute THE—FISA system.
20190131             W vs. CIA. Also see here:
20190131             —REJECTED, CIA—DIRECTOR GEORGE—TENET ON—TUESDAY, recent assertions by VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY that IRAQ cooperated with THE—AL—QAIDA terrorist network and that the administration had proof of 1—ILLICIT—IRAQ—BIOLOGICAL—WARFARE program.
20190131             TENET—COMMENTS to THE—SENATE Armed Services Committee are likely to fuel friction between THE—WHITE—HOUSE and INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES over the failure so far to find any of the banned weapons stockpiles that PRESIDENT—BUSH, in justifying his case for war, charged SADDAM—HUSSEIN with concealing.
20190131             Because THE—CIA could not be controlled, the neocons set up ad hoc groups within MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE.
20190131             Why DONALD—TRUMP is different.
20190131             What is truly without precedence is the brazen, vulgar, and childish way in which DONALD—TRUMP has expressed himself in public
20190131             Polar Vortex IN—DEN—USA: "Es fühlt sich fast wie Trockeneis an"
20190131             PROPAGANDA: FACEBOOK entdeckt iranische Operation in DEUTSCHLAND
20190131             P—AKT—FÜR—DEN RECHTS—STAAT: Bund stärkt DIE—JUSTIZ
20190131             [l] Es gab noch ein paar Zuschriften zu VENEZUELA.
20190131             Erstens: MADURO hat auf Youtube 1.flammende ANSPRACHE—AN—DIE—BÜRGER—DER—USA veröffentlicht (4—MINUTEN).
20190131             2., THE—INTERCEPT hat 1—PODCAST zu VENEZUELA veröffentlicht (1—STUNDE).
20190131             —UPDATE, DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES über VENEZUELA.
20190131             the sanctions included exceptions to allow THE—USA—OIL company Chevron, along with HALLIBURTON and Schlumberger, 2—LARGE—OIL services providers, to continue working in VENEZUELA.
20190131             Oh ach! Chevron, ja? HALLIBURTON!
20190131             Da werde ich ja ganz nostalgisch!
20190131             Den Gestank von HALLIBURTON und DICK—CHENEY hatte ich —SCHON fast wieder vergessen!
20190131—19810000    —IN, his inaugural address, REAGAN told the gripping story of 1—WORLD—WAR I soldier, MARTIN—TREPTOW, whom he inaccurately implied was buried in nearby ARLINGTON National Cemetery.
20190201             —REQUESTED, The halt was, by THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY and was linked to a 20190131              deadline set by new USA—LEGISLATION under which foreign aid recipients would be more exposed to ANTI—TERRORISM lawsuits.
20191000             -- STOCKHOLM meldet: ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Streitkräfte in Petrograd.
20191019—20190131    —UNTIL, Johnson was compelled by 1—LAW, passed by opponents last —MONTH, to ask the bloc for 1—EXTENSION to the current Brexit deadline of 20191031              —AFTER lawmakers thwarted his attempt to pass his EU divorce deal —EARLIER—TODAY.
20200109—20200131    —ON, BRITAIN—PARLIAMENT gave finally approve to Brexit, allowing the traumatized country to become the 1. to leave the European Union.
20200131             Großbritannien verlässt die Europäische Union (Brexit)
20200131             —FREITAG, COMPUTER—KONZERN—IBM—CHEFIN Rometty tritt zurück (00:17 Wirtschaft
20200131             BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN: MACRON—VERTRAUTER droht Briten mit "wirtschaftlichem NO—DEAL"
20200131             TRUMP—IMPEACHMENT: Senatoren stimmen über zentrale Streitfragen ab (06:12 Politik
20200131             —GESTIEGEN, CORONA—VIRUS—: ZAHL—DER—INFIZIERTEN in CHINA sprunghaft, (07:19 Wissenschaft
20200131             "Maybrit Illner" und das VIRUS: "Das muss jemand von ganz oben steuern"
20200131             Spezialaufgaben: Regierung gab 20190000              mehr als eine halbe Milliarde für Berater aus (08:14 Wirtschaft
20200131             Wachstum: CORONA—VIRUS— legt Schatten auf Chinas Wirtschaft (08:17 Wirtschaft
20200131             Restaurants, Bäckereien, Imbisse: Fast jeder 2. Betrieb verstößt gegen Hygienevorschriften
20200131             CANBERRA in Australien: Behörden rufen wegen Bränden Notstand aus (10:25 Panorama
20200131             INDIENs Boom geht zu Ende: Die Macht der Zwiebel Aus BANGALORE berichtet Laura Höflinger (10:54 Politik
20200131             —KAMPF gegen CORONA—VIRUS—: CHINA zieht in 2—WOCHEN 2—NEUE Krankenhäuser hoch 1—VIDEO—VON—ANDREAS—EVELT (11:30 Gesundheit
20200131             INFEKTIONS—KETTE bestätigt: Auch deutscher Infizierter gab das VIRUS weiter
20200131             Pestizid mit möglichem Krebsrisiko, USA—UMWELTBEHÖRDE hält Glyphosat für unbedenklich (12:01 Wissenschaft
20200131             "Fridays for Future": Greta THUNBERG will mehr Aufmerksamkeit für Afrikas KLIMA—KRISE (12:38 Politik
20200131             Das CORONA—VIRUS— VERSEUCHT die WELT—WIRTSCHAFT: Wenn die Globalisierung zur tödlichen Gefahr wird (13:14 Politik
20200131             Grenzanlage USA—MEXIKO: Wind wirft den TRUMP—ZAUN um 1—VIDEO—VON—ECKHARD—KLEIN (13:58 Politik
20200131             TRUMP—NAH—OST—PLAN: Erdogan wirft arabischen Unterstützern des USA—FRIEDENS—PLANS "Verrat" vor (14:48 Politik
20200131             CORONA—VIRUS—IN—BAYERN: Infizierter hat sein Kind angesteckt (15:00 Wissenschaft
20200131             MEERES—FORSCHUNG, Wissenschaftler statten Quallen mit Elektroantrieb aus (15:01 Wissenschaft
20200131             CORONA—VIRUS—IN—CHINA: PROGNOSE sieht kaum Auswirkungen auf deutsches Wachstum (16:12 Wirtschaft
20200131             Amtsenthebungsverfahren, USA—SENATOR—MITT—ROMNEY will für die Zulassung neuer Zeugen stimmen (17:00 Politik
20200131             Großbritanniens EG—BEITRITT 19730000             : "Fanfare für EUROPA" (17:01 Politik
20200131             Hier sind die Fakten dazu, und erfreulicherweise nehmen sie auch direkt den angeblichen Nutzen der Brustkrebsscreenings auseinander.
20200131             Diese Unstatistik zeigt exemplarisch, wie AI—ERFOLGE in der Presse übertrieben werden und die Frage —NACH—DEM Nutzen für Patientinnen und Patienten nicht gestellt wird.
20200131             DIE—AUTOREN der Studie stellten selbst klar, daß die Ergebnisse bei spezialisierten Radiologen wahrscheinlich besser ausgefallen wären;
20200131             die oben berichtete Schlagzeile spricht dagegen von den "erfahrensten Radiologen".
20200131             RWI ESSEN | Google AI erkennt Brustkrebs besser als die erfahrensten Radiologen
20200131             [l] Lockheed Martin konnte die Bugwelle des F-35 in 2—JAHREN um 44—BUGS reduzieren.
20200131             Von 917—BUGS—AUF 873—BUGS.
20200131             Lieferant Lockheed Martin hat gegenüber Bloomberg betont, daß der F—35—ZUNEHMEND besser werde und der "tödlichste Kampfjet der Welt" sei.
20200131             Den Slogan sollten sie vielleicht nochmal überdenken...
20200131             [l] "Smarter Türöffner öffnet Fremden ungewollt die Tür".
20200131             [l] Einen —TAG nach ihrer AUSCHWITZ—ERINNERUNGSHEUCHELEI blockieren CDU—CSU 1—GESETZ, das von den Nazis zwangsausgebürgerten Juden ihre Staatsbürgerschaft wiedergeben wollte.
20200131             Und das, meine Damen und Herren, ist Heuchelei auf Regierungsniveau.
20200131             Das Niveau erreicht man nur mit jahrelangem Training.
20200131             Amateure haben da gar KEINE—CHANCE. SPD und CDU. Na sowas.
20200131             —GEDACHT, Wer hätte das.
20200131             Eher völkische Parteien als Volksparteien, wie?
20200131             Quallen seien besonders gut für die ER—FORSCHUNG der Meere geeignet, weil sie in den unterschiedlichsten Gewässern überleben könnten, schreiben die Wissenschaftler im Fachmagazin "Science Advances".
20200131             "Wenn wir einen Weg finden, die Quallen zu steuern und sie mit Sensoren auszustatten, die Temperatur, Salzgehalt oder den Sauerstoffgehalt messen, können wir ein globales OZEAN—NETZ—WERK erschaffen",
20200131             ART—TURBOANTRIEB aus: Sie implantierten den Tieren elektronische Regler in ihre Körper, mit deren Hilfe die Bewegungen der Tiere schneller und effizienter ablaufen.
20200131             Die Regler funktionieren ähnlich wie Herzschrittmacher: Mithilfe elektrischer Spannung regulieren sie die pulsierenden Bewegungen, mit der die Quallen in der für sie typischen Art durch das Meer treiben.
20200131             Schädlich seien die etwa 2—ZENTIMETER—GROSSEN Regler für die Tiere nicht, heißt es in der Studie.
20200131             Wenn Quallen gestresst sind, sondern sie eine schleimige Flüssigkeit aus.
20200131             Bei den Experimenten mit den Nesseltieren hätten die Wissenschaftler jedoch keine Schleimabsonderung festgestellt.
20200131             Wissenschaftler statten Quallen mit Elektroantrieb AUS—DER SPIEGEL—WISSENSCHAFT
20200131             [l] Erinnert ihr euch an die vernichtenden Berichte aus Boeing?
20200131             —VERZICHTET, Dass die auf Qualitätssicherung weitgehend, haben, Hauptsache der Profit stimmt? —BIS hin zu "1—VIERTEL der verbauten NOTFALL—SAUERSTOFF—MASKEN funktioniert gar nicht"?
20200131             Nun, ihr werdet wahrscheinlich genau so hocherfreut wie ich sein, daß Boeing gerade für die AIR—FORCE die Modernisierung der B61-Atombomben abarbeitet.
20200131             Mit ungefähr den Auswirkungen, die man so befürchten würde:
20200131             1—SYSTEM component presents 1—CYBERSECURITY vulnerability, but mitigation or ELIMINATION—OF—THE—VULNERABILITY appears feasible without 1—MAJOR—INVESTMENT—OF—TIME or money.
20200131             Das heißt: Die ART—VON—CYBERSECURITY—PROBLEM, die auf Pfusch bei der Umsetzung zurückzuführen ist, nicht auf fundamental unerfüllbare Anforderungen.
20200131             Wenn ich ATOM—BOMBE sage, dann meine ich was das DoD als "gravity bomb" bezeichnet: 1—STÜCK—SPRENGSTOFF, das man fallen lässt.
20200131             Das fliegt nicht selber. Es kann —JETZT aber lenken.
20200131             Ich MALE mir gerade vor meinem geistigen Auge 1—SZENARIO der Form "wir löten einen Raspberry Pie an die ATOM—BOMBE und tun da ein altes Raspbian drauf" aus.
20200131             (via) - CORONA—VIRUS—: Regierungsvertreter von WUHAN räumt Versäumnisse ein (18:32 Politik
20200131             CORONA—VIRUS— Regierungsvertreter von WUHAN räumt Versäumnisse EIN—DER SPIEGEL—POLITIK
20200131             ÄGYPTEN—ARCHÄOLOGEN finden 2.500—JAHRE alte Gräber (19:18 Wissenschaft
20200131             —BERICHT, der EU—KOMMISSION: 2—DRITTEL der Onlinehändler verstoßen gegen Verbraucherrechte (20:34 Wirtschaft
20200131             BAYERN: Siebter CORONA—VIRUS—FALL in DEUTSCHLAND bestätigt (21:00 Wissenschaft
20200131             Trotz internationaler Ächtung: TRUMP gibt Landminen für das USA—MILITÄR wieder frei (23:07 Politik
20200131             Assads Sturm auf Idlib: Die nächste Flüchtlingskrise
20200131             IMPEACHMENT—PROZEß—GEGEN TRUMP: Freispruch 2. Klasse Aus WASHINGTON berichtet ROLAND—NELLES (07:53 Politik
20200131             Fakten gegen Untergangspanik: Die Welt ist besser, als wir denken 1—INTERVIEW—VON—BENEDIKT—HERBER (08:19 Politik
20200131             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MORGEN: Sieg für TRUMP, Triumph des BREXITs Von Mathieu von Rohr, Ressortleiter Ausland (08:46 Politik
20200131             CORONA—VIRUS—: APPLE schließt Geschäfte in CHINA (09:18 Politik
20200131             DIE—ZAHL—DER—BETROFFENEN steigt noch einmal sprunghaft an.
20200131             Mit den Erkrankungen im Ausland übersteigt die Gesamtzahl 1. die 11.000, mehr als 250—MENSCHEN sind gestorben, ALLE—IN—CHINA.
20200131             Wie aus Lungenentzündungen in CHINA ein weltweiter Notfall WURDE—DER SPIEGEL—WISSENSCHAFT
20200131             GETREIDE—ERNTE in Gefahr: Verheerende HEUSCHRECKENPLAGE—PAKISTAN ruft Notstand aus (11:58 Wissenschaft
20200131             DIE—HEUSCHRECKENSCHWÄRME waren im vergangenen ;;06;;
20200131             aus dem westlichen Nachbarland IRAN nach PAKISTAN gekommen und hatten sich zuerst im Südwesten des Landes über Baumwolle, Weizen, Mais und anderes Getreide hergemacht.
20200131             Von der südlichen Provinz Sindh zogen sie schließlich —BIS in die nordwestliche Provinz Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
20200131             "Wir stehen der schlimmsten Heuschreckenplage in mehr als 20—JAHREN gegenüber und haben entschieden, den nationalen Notstand zu erklären",
20200131             Verschärfte Einreisebestimmungen: USA verhängen VISA—VERBOTE gegen BÜRGER aus 6—STAATEN (12:54 Politik
20200131             Gescheitertes IMPEACHMENT—VERFAHREN: "Man kann nicht freigesprochen werden, wenn es keinen Prozess gibt" (14:04 Politik
20200131             Nahostkonflikt: PALÄSTINENSER—PRÄSIDENT—ABBAS droht mit ENDE—DER—BEZIEHUNGEN zu ISRAEL und den USA (14:53 Politik
20200131             ISRAELI—PALESTINE—RELATIONS: TRUMP's 'Peace Plan' Sows Confusion and Dismay By ALEXANDER—OSANG (15:43 INTERNATIONAL
20200131             Diffamierungen IM—NETZ: Die Vulgarisierung des öffentlichen Raums 1—KOLUMNE—VON—SIBYLLE—BERG (15:49 Kultur
20200131             Legostein, Die unkaputtbaren Steine kommen aus Billund, einem kleinen Ort in Dänemark.
20200131             Er schnitzte —ZUNÄCHST Holzspielzeug, einige —JAHRE—SPÄTER stellte er 1. Sets mit Steinen aus Plastik her.
20200131             —GELANDET, CORONA—VIRUS—FOLGEN: Rückholflug aus WUHAN mit 102—DEUTSCHEN
20200131             —GESTIEGEN, CORONA—VIRUS—: ZAHL—DER—INFIZIERTEN in CHINA sprunghaft
20200131             "MAYBRIT—ILLNER" und das VIRUS: "Das muss jemand von ganz oben steuern"
20200131             Wachstum: CORONA—VIRUS— legt Schatten auf Chinas Wirtschaft
20200131             —KAMPF—GEGEN—CORONA—VIRUS—: CHINA zieht in 2—WOCHEN 2—NEUE Krankenhäuser hoch
20200131             Pestizid mit möglichem Krebsrisiko, USA—UMWELTBEHÖRDE hält Glyphosat für unbedenklich
20200131             Evakuierung aus CORONA—VIRUS—GEBIET: LUFTWAFFE—AIRBUS nach WUHAN gestartet
20200131             DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— VERSEUCHT die WELT—WIRTSCHAFT: Wenn die Globalisierung zur tödlichen Gefahr wird
20200131             CORONA—VIRUS—IN—BAYERN: Infizierter hat sein Kind angesteckt
20200131             CORONA—VIRUS—IN—CHINA: PROGNOSE sieht kaum Auswirkungen auf deutsches Wachstum
20200131             [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört? Googles KI erkennt Brustkrebs besser als führende Radiologen?
20200131             CORONA—VIRUS— Regierungsvertreter von WUHAN räumt Versäumnisse ein
20200131             BAYERN: 7. CORONA—VIRUS—FALL in DEUTSCHLAND bestätigt
20200131             CORONA—VIRUS—: APPLE schließt Geschäfte in CHINA
20200131             —INNERHALB eines Tages registrieren DIE—BEHÖRDEN mehr als 2.000—NEUE—FÄLLE.
20200131             Mit den Erkrankungen im Ausland übersteigt die Gesamtzahl 1. die 11.000,
20200131             mehr als 250—MENSCHEN sind gestorben, ALLE—IN—CHINA.
20200131             —AM Flughafen KÖLN—WAHN hebt 1—AIRBUS der LUFT—WAFFE ab, um rund 100—DEUTSCHE aus der Region WUHAN zu evakuieren.
20200131             Wie aus Lungenentzündungen in CHINA ein weltweiter Notfall wurde
20200131—20191231    —1—MONAT—SPÄTER, haben sich WELT—WEIT mehr als 11.000—MENSCHEN infiziert.
20200201             —CONFIRMED, JAPAN had 17, cases as of 20200131             , including SOME—WITHOUT symptoms.
20200909—20200131    —ON, It became contentious as it overrides parts of THE—EU—LEGAL divorce deal, known as the Withdrawal Agreement, which came into effect.
20210101—20210130    —VOM—BIS, insgesamt 2016—FÄLLE gemeldet wurden.
20210105—20210131    —UNTIL, CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL said she has agreed with state governors to extend the country's current lockdown by 3—WEEKS.
20210109—20210131    —BIS, Bayerns Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER (CSU) geht von einer Verlängerung des —DERZEIT befristeten CORONA—LOCKDOWNS aus.
20210131             —SONNTAG, 20210131
20210131             Unser Verhältnis zu Russland: Die Chancen —NACH—DEM Tiefpunkt
20210131             Historiker über Deutschlands Geheimdienst: "Beim BND waren Massenmörder, da gibt es nichts zu beschönigen"
20210131             Demonstration in Wladiwostok: 1. Festnahmen bei Protesten für Kremlkritiker Nawalny
20210131             Brexit: BDI—CHEF warnt vor massiven Problemen beim Handel mit Großbritannien
20210131             Sun 20210131
20210131             FEBRUARY, 19670000             , JIM—GARRISON, THE—NEW—ORLEANS district attorney, wrote a 5—PAGE memo called "Time and Propinquity: Factors in Phase I,"
20210131             which revealed some of the spurious connections he was making in his attempt to outline what he believed was the true NATURE—OF—THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—PRESIDENT—JOHN—F—KENNEDY.
20210131             —BELIEVED, Garrison, that the best way to uncover WELL—HIDDEN conspiracies was by noticing seeming COINCIDENCES—WHEN 2—PEOPLE happened to live 1—FEW blocks from EACH—OTHER or —WHEN someone ran 1—BAR —AROUND the corner from where 1—CACHE of heroin was SEIZED—AND assembling 1—PATTERN from the resulting SWAMP—OF—NAMES, addresses, and dates.
20210131             THE—UK—FILMMAKER ADAM—CURTIS - "Normally, I hate conspiracy theories.
20210131             I find them boring," Curtis told me —RECENTLY.
20210131             "Then I stumbled on 'Time and Propinquity' and I —JUST thought, Yes.
20210131             Fragments. That's how people think —NOW.
20210131             They make associations, and there's no meaning. That's the world we live in".
20210131             "Can't Get You Out of My Head: 1—EMOTIONAL—HISTORY—OF—THE—MODERN—WORLD," his new, 6—PART SERIES—OF—FILMS that will be released by THE—BBC on February 11.
20210131             (CURTIS—FILMS tend to appear on YouTube within DAYS—OF—THEIR—ORIGINAL—BROADCAST, uploaded by fans.)
20210131             "This theory was going to have 1—VERY—POWERFUL—EFFECT in the future because it would lead to 1—PROFOUND—SHIFT in how MANY—PEOPLE understood the world," he says.
20210131             "Because what it said was that, in 1—DARK—WORLD of hidden power, you couldn't expect everything to make sense, that it was pointless to try and understand the meaning of why something happened,
20210131             because that would always be concealed.
20210131             —LOOKED, What you, for were the patterns".
20210131             He seeks to summon "THE—COMPLEXITY—OF—THE—WORLD".
20210131             Curtis finds writing much harder than what he calls "cutting the archive," which he does briskly and without particular effort.
20210131             THE—BBC—MAIN archive, in Perivale, which contains 60—MILES—OF—SHELVES, "It's messy," Curtis said.
20210131             "But I have 1—VERY—GOOD—MEMORY.
20210131             I have 1—ASSOCIATIONAL—I have 1—PATTERNING mind, so I can remember where something is almost visually".
20210131             "THE—POWER—OF—NIGHTMARES," his series on the ideological codependency of AL—QAEDA and the neoconservative movement in THE—USA—1—KIND—OF—HIGH—BROW companion piece to MICHAEL—MOORE'S "Fahrenheit 20010911             ".
20210131             "It's 1—MOMENT," Curtis said.
20210131             "The way we live —NOW is THE—PRODUCT—OF—HYPER—INDIVIDUALISM.
20210131             And it's —NOW become 1—SORT of giant baroque thing, which you meet on Instagram and you meet on TikTok and you meet in my films".
20210131             He wondered whether the coronavirus pandemic might also serve to free people's thinking.
20210131             Across EUROPE, at least, the political responses have suspended conventional rules about state spending and intervention in the economy.
20210131             "If science can bring out 1—VACCINE within 7—MONTHS, you can change THE—WORLD—YOU really can," Curtis
20210131             "You manage people as 1—MASS, by monitoring their behavior, anticipating their NEEDS—BECAUSE the data, the patterns, time and propinquity can predict what you want".
20210131             † the anthropologist DAVID—GRAEBER, who, —LAST—YEAR: "The ultimate hidden TRUTH—OF—THE—WORLD is that it is something we make and could —JUST as easily make differently".
20210131             "These strange days did not —JUST happen.
20210131             WE—AND those in POWER—CREATED them together,"
20210131             [l] WIKIPEDIA—AUTOR—ZU 8000—EURO Schadensersatz verurteilt, weil er einen isländischen Autor in dessen WIKIPEDIA—ARTIKEL als antizionistischen Verschwörungstheoretiker abzukanzeln versucht hat.
20210131             —SCHOCKIERT, Ihr werdet sicher genauso, sein wie ich, dass es sich dabei um "Feliks" handelt.
20210131             Ihr erinnert euch? Der aus den "Geschichten aus Wikihausen"?
20210131             [l] Heise hat —JETZT 1—POPUP mit folgendem Text:
20210131             USA—EINWILLIGUNG: Indem Sie auf "Akzeptieren" klicken, willigen Sie gem.
20210131             Art. 49—ABS.
20210131             1—DSGVO ein, dass Ihre DATEN—VON—ANBIETERN in den USA verarbeitet werden.
20210131             Die USA werden als 1—LAND mit einem nach EU—STANDARDS unzureichendem Datenschutzniveau eingeschätzt.
20210131             Es besteht das Risiko, dass Ihre Daten auch an USA—BEHÖRDEN weitergegeben werden.
20210131             Wie ist denn das bitte an deren Justiziar vorbeigekommen?
20210131             Wieso macht Heise sich ihren jahrelang mühsam aufgebauten Ruf in Sachen Datenschutz mit so einer Aktion völlig ohne Not kaputt?
20210131             Die Gesundheitsämter in Deutschland haben nach ANGABEN—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS (RKI) vom Sonntagmorgen innerhalb eines Tages 11.192—NEUE CORONA—INFEKTIONEN gemeldet.
20210131             —AM vergangenen —SONNTAG lag der Wert bei 12.257—GEMELDETE Neuinfektionen.
20210131             Die 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ ging leicht zurück auf einen Wert von 90,2, am —SAMSTAG hatte sie noch bei knapp 91—GELEGEN.
20210131             Den Kliniken der Landkreise geht das Geld aus
20210131             Der Deutsche Landkreistag sieht VIELE—KRANKENHÄUSER vor allem in ländlichen Regionen wirtschaftlich massiv gefährdet.
20210131             Der Bund müsse Erlösausfälle ausgleichen, forderte der PRÄSIDENT—DES—LANDKREISTAGS,
20210131             "Es ist mit ein paar Brotkrumen für einen kleinen TEIL—DER—KRANKENHÄUSER nicht getan.
20210131             Das führt zu massiven wirtschaftlichen Schwierigkeiten und drohenden Insolvenzen zahlreicher Krankenhäuser".
20210131             Vor allem die Kliniken außerhalb der Ballungszentren seien betroffen.
20210131             Gerade diese leisteten einen besonderen Beitrag zur flächendeckenden Gesundheitsversorgung.
20210131             —BETREIBT, Laut Sager, mehr als die HÄLFTE—DER—LANDKREISE eigene Krankenhäuser an insgesamt 273—STANDORTEN.
20210131             —GEFÄHRDET, Aktuell seien sehr VIELE—KRANKENHÄUSER massiv.
20210131             Die wirtschaftliche Situation verschlechtere sich zusehends aufgrund der —SEIT dem Spätherbst fehlenden Unterstützungsleistungen durch den Rettungsschirm des Bundes.
20210131             Altmaier hält Verlängerung des Shutdowns auch bei Inzidenzwert unter 50—DENKBAR
20210131             Die geltenden Beschränkungen sind vorerst —BIS zum 20210214              befristet.
20210131             'The overwhelming MAJORITY—OF—INFORMATION is classified to protect political security not national security.'
20210131             THE—ANIMALS—GITARRIST: Hilton Valentine ist tot
20210131             Medizinische Unterstützung: Bundeswehr schickt Hilfsflüge nach PORTUGAL
20210131             Freihandelszone: Großbritannien will PAZIFIK—HANDELSABKOMMEN CPTPP beitreten
20210131             Demonstrationen gegen Putin: —BEREITS Hunderte Festnahmen bei Protesten in Russland
20210131             CORONA—PROTESTE im Libanon: "Wir essen aus dem Müll"
20210131             Protest gegen geplantes Sicherheitsgesetz: Zehntausende Menschen in Frankreich auf den Straßen
20210131             Bei Protesten in Moskau: Vertrauter meldet Festnahme JULIA—NAWALNAJAS
20210131             Proteste in Moskau: "Die Menschen wollen nicht weichen" Eindrücke von CHRISTINA—HEBEL, Moskau
20210131             SEATTLE: Kaputter Kühlschrank führt zu Spontanimpfung von 1600—MENSCHEN
20210131             Bundesregierung: 344—MILLIONEN Euro für externe Berater
20210131             [l] Kennt ihr das? Ihr seid in einem Gespräch und jemand sagt etwas so großartiges, dass das Gespräch sofort beendet ist?
20210131             Keinem fällt mehr etwas ein, das man noch hinzufügen könnte?
20210131             Nun, meine sehr verehrten Damen und Herren, ich präsentiere: Gamestop, the Sea Shanty!
20210131             Wer das Lied nicht kennt: Das ging gerade auf Tiktok unter den woken Veganerhipstern als virtueller Chor hoch und runter.
20210131             Ich finde ja alte Liedtexte auch wegen des Textes hochinteressant, weil da lauter Wörter vorkommen, die man —HEUTE nicht mehr kennt oder die eine andere Bedeutung haben.
20210131             "Bully" zum Beispiel bedeutet "betrunken" (Erklärung), und "BILLY—OF—TEA" ist ein selbstgebastelter Teepot.
20210131             "Tonguing" ist das Ausweiden eines toten Wals.
20210131             Die EU hat laut der britischen Handelsministerin LIZ—TRUSS—GROSSBRITANNIEN garantiert, dass bestellte Impfdosen auch geliefert werden.
20210131             Das sagte Truss am —SONNTAG im Sender Sky News.
20210131             Demnach habe Brüssel anerkannt, dass Notstandsverordnungen wie in Artikel 16—DES BREXIT—VERTRAGS der falsche Weg seien.
20210131             "Es ist entscheidend, dass wir die Grenzen offenhalten und IMPF—NATIONALISMUS sowie Protektionismus widerstehen", so Truss.
20210131             Bundespolizeipräsident wirft Airlines Verantwortungslosigkeit vor
20210131             Allein in den vergangenen 6—TAGEN habe die Bundespolizei bei der Einreise im Luftverkehr rund 600—VERSTÖSSE durch Luftfahrtunternehmen festgestellt,
20210131             "Das ist verantwortungslos", sagte Romann.
20210131             Die mangelnden Kontrollen seien auch 1—GRUND für die verhängten Einreiseverbote, sagte der Bundespolizeipräsident.
20210131             Er mahnte zudem, dass den Fluggesellschaften pro Verstoß und Passagier Bußgelder der Gesundheitsämter von —BIS zu 25.000—EURO drohten.
20210131             —VEREINFACHT, Das SAARLAND, die Vergabe von Terminen zur Impfung gegen das Coronavirus.
20210131             Anspruchsberechtigte der höchsten Prioritätsstufe — also unter anderem Menschen über 80—JAHRE — können sich für einen gemeinsamen Impftermin vormerken lassen,
20210131             —ÜBERNIMMT, Österreich, CORONA—INTENSIVPATIENTEN aus PORTUGAL
20210131             Italien lockert ab —MONTAG CORONA—REGELN in vielen Regionen
20210131             Nach Auftreten des 1. bestätigten CORONA—FALLS —SEIT fast 10—MONATEN im Westen Australiens hat die Stadt PERTH einen Lockdown verhängt.
20210131             Die Maßnahmen wurden erlassen, nachdem der Sicherheitsmann eines Quarantänehotels positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet worden war.
20210131             Diskussionen um strikten Lockdown in Frankreich gehen weiter
20210131             —VERZEICHNET, CHINA, die meisten Krankheitsfälle —SEIT März
20210131             CHINA hat im Januar mehr als 2000—COVID—19—ERKRANKUNGEN verzeichnet.
20210131             Die nationale Gesundheitskommission teilte am —SONNTAG mit, dass im Zeitraum
20210131             Nicht enthalten sind demnach 453—INFIZIERTE, die aus dem Ausland eingereist sind.
20210131             SPD—CHEFIN Esken will CORONA—ZUSCHLAG für HARTZ—IV—BEZIEHER durchsetzen
20210131             "Angesichts der offenkundigen Not von Erwachsenen und Kindern in Grundsicherung erwarten wir von unserem Koalitionspartner im Bund, dass er da mitgeht, wenn wir uns demnächst in neuer Besetzung im Koalitionsausschuss treffen",
20210131             Die SPD—CHEFIN sagte, die CORONA—PANDEMIE treffe Menschen besonders hart, die auf Leistungen der Grundsicherung angewiesen sind.
20210131             "Zu den Sorgen um die Gesundheit und erheblichen psychosozialen Belastungen kommen finanzielle Mehrausgaben, die aus dem schmalen Budget kaum geleistet werden können".
20210131             As novas medidas de contenção da pandemia de COVID—19—ENTRARAM em vigor à MEIA—NOITE deste —DOMINGO,
20210131             impondo regras para quem pretende entrar ou sair de PORTUGAL continental e retomando o ensino à distância a partir de 8—DE Fevereiro.
20210131             Illegale Party in NRW: Polizei stoppt rund 200—FEIERNDE in Euskirchen
20210131             Obdachlos während CORONA: HAMBURG eröffnet Notunterkunft mit Einzelzimmern
20210131             Mangelnde Abgrenzung nach rechts: AFD—STREIT zerreißt liberale HAYEK—GESELLSCHAFT
20210131             Grassierende CORONA—VARIANTE: PORTUGAL riegelt Grenzen ab
20210131             LORENZIANER—SEKTE und CORONA: Endzeit im Erzgebirge
20210131             Vor IMPEACHMENT—PROZESS: Anwälte verlassen Trumps Team
20210131             Ungleiche Impfstoffverteilung: "Das Virus schert sich nicht um Grenzen"
20210131             EX—EUROPAPARLAMENTSPRÄSIDENT MARTIN—SCHULZ: "Wir sollten NORD—STREAM 2—NICHT mit dem Fall Nawalny verknüpfen"
20210131             CORONA—GEWISSENSFRAGE: Bitte nicht den Bart!
20210131             NAWALNY—PROTESTE in Russland: Entschlossen gegen die Staatsmacht
20210131             NAWALNY—ANHÄNGER in Moskau: "Die Proteste waren koordinierter" Einschätzungen von CHRISTINA—HEBEL, Moskau
20210131             Europas Krise: Große Worte, kleine Taten
20210131             SPD—ATTACKEN vor Impfgipfel: Rote in Rage
20210131             Beisetzung in JERUSALEM: Tausende Ultraorthodoxe verstoßen gegen CORONA—REGELN
20210131             Sturm aufs Kapitol: BARACK—OBAMA wirft Sicherheitskräften mangelnden Einsatz vor
20210131             [l] In LOS—ANGELES musste 1—IMPFZENTRUM wegen ANTI—VAXXER—DEMONSTRANTEN geschlossen werden.
20210131             [l] Sagt mal, wenn das GAMESTOP—SHORT—SELLING so einfach umdrehbar ist, um die Short Seller nackig zu machen, und sie uns —JETZT keine GAMESTOP—AKTIEN mehr verkaufen wollen...
20210131             was gibt es denn sonst so für heftig lehrverkaufte Aktien?
20210131             Oh, ach was?
20210131             Von denen gibt es einen handlichen Index?
20210131             Und die gehen gerade alle kräftig nach oben?
20210131             Das sieht aber nicht gut aus für die Hedgefunds gerade.
20210131             Die Verluste vom Short Selling schwappen —JETZT auf andere Aktien über, weil die Hedgefunds ihre Investments verkaufen müssen, um ihre Lehrverkaufsverluste aufzufangen.
20210131             Damit sinken dann auch die anderen Kurse.
20210131             Währenddessen geht eine schöne Verschwörungstheorie rum: Dass die Hedgefonds einfach Aktien verkauft haben, die es gar nicht gibt, und dass die REDDIT—FORISTEN —JETZT über 100—PROZENT—DER—GAMESTOP—AKTIEN besitzen.
20210131             Dass deshalb Robinhood nur noch den Verkauf zulässt.
20210131             Denn das könnte einmal den Markt implodieren lassen, wenn das öffentlich wird, in welchem Ausmaß an der Börse mit virtuellen Aktien Leute abgezockt werden.
20210131             Angeblich, wenn man die Unterlagen der Hedgefonds zusammenzählt, was die alle angeben, wieviel GME—AKTIEN sie besitzen, dann kommt da —SCHON mehr als 100—PROZENT—DER—JEMALS—VON—GAMESTOP emittierten Aktien raus.
20210131             [l] Es gibt —JETZT 1—BEKENNERSCHREIBEN zum PUTIN—PALAST.
20210131             1—OLIGARCH sagt, der Palast gehöre ihm.
20210131             Der Oligarch war jahrelang JUDO—PARTNER—VON—PUTIN.
20210131             Seht ihr? Da kann von Korruption gar keine Rede sein!
20210131             —VERGLEICHT, In einer weiteren völlig bizarren Wendung, Putin die Proteste mit dem Arabischen Frühling.
20210131             Um sie schlecht aussehen zu lassen.
20210131             —COMPARED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN has, ANTI—CORRUPTION protests that erupted —THROUGHOUT RUSSIA over the weekend to TUNISIA's 20110000              Arab —SPRING and UKRAINE—2014—EUROMAIDAN revolution.
20210131             Er hofft natürlich, dass er die Assoziation hinkriegt, dass das von den bösen Amerikanern gesteuert, korrupt und letztlich das Land ins Chaos stürzend ist.
20210131             —GESTORBEN, CORONA—AUSBRUCH in Leverkusener Altenheim: 15—BEWOHNER
20210131             Danach habe sich die Infektion sukzessive ausgebreitet.
20210131             Im Nachhinein sei nachvollzogen worden, dass das Virus durch das Personal in das Seniorenheim eingetragen worden sei.
20210131             ISRAEL gibt nach internationalem Druck 5000—IMPFDOSEN an Palästinenser
20210131             —SEIT Beginn der Impfkampagne im Dezember haben in ISRAEL —BEREITS 3—MILLIONEN der insgesamt 9—MILLIONEN Bürger die 1. von 2—NÖTIGEN Impfdosen erhalten.
20210131             Die israelische Impfkampagne gilt damit als die schnellste der Welt.
20210131             In den Palästinensergebieten im Gazastreifen und im Westjordanland haben die Impfungen jedoch noch nicht begonnen.
20210131             Bei nicht genehmigten Demonstrationen gegen die belgischen ANTI—CORONA—MAßNAHMEN sind am —SONNTAG in Brüssel mindestens 200—MENSCHEN festgenommen worden.
20210131             Unter den Festgenommenen seien auch VIELE—FUSSBALLFANS,
20210131             Tausende strengreligiöser Juden haben am —SONNTAG an einem Begräbnis in JERUSALEM teilgenommen und damit gegen die CORONA—VORSCHRIFTEN verstoßen.
20210131             Beigesetzt wurde ein einflussreicher Rabbiner, der nach israelischen Medienberichten im Alter von 99—JAHREN gestorben war.
20210131             Er habe sich im vergangenen —JAHR mit dem Coronavirus infiziert, hieß es.
20210131             tausende Ultraorthodoxer ungehindert und dicht gedrängt auf den Friedhof strömten.
20210131             Viele von ihnen trugen keine Masken.
20210131             Verteidigungsminister BENNY—GANTZ verurteilte die Verstöße gegen den —SEIT—3—WOCHEN herrschenden Lockdown scharf.
20210131             "So sieht eine ungleiche Umsetzung von Regeln aus",
20210131             "MILLIONEN—VON—FAMILIEN und Kindern sind zu Hause eingeschlossen und halten sich an die Regeln, während Tausende Ultraorthodoxer sich auf einem Begräbnis drängen, die meisten auch ohne Masken".
20210131             Er sei nicht bereit, der Verlängerung eines solchen "FAKE—LOCKDOWNS" zuzustimmen.
20210131             Die Regeln müssten für alle oder für niemanden gelten.
20210131             Vor dem CORONA—IMPFGIPFEL am —MONTAG haben mehrere Ministerpräsidenten der Länder einen klaren Fahrplan für die Impfungen in den kommenden Wochen gefordert
20210131             gefordert. Ministerpräsidenten der Länder
20210131             Größere Polizeieinsätze wegen illegaler Feiern in LONDON und Polen
20210131             Mit Schlagstöcken und Tränengas ist die Polizei in Polen gegen Feiernde in einer Diskothek vorgegangen, die trotz der CORONA—EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN geöffnet hatte.
20210131             Nach Polizeiangaben vom —SONNTAG nahmen fast 150—BEAMTE an der Razzia in der südlichen Stadt RYBNIK teil.
20210131             In dem Lokal waren demnach mehrere 100—PARTYGÄSTE versammelt.
20210131             —GEWESEN, Die MEHRHEIT—DER—FEIERNDEN sei betrunken, und habe sich "aggressiv" verhalten,
20210131             Die von den Behörden verhängten CORONA—MAßNAHMEN einschließlich der Schließung von Diskotheken sorgen in Polen zunehmend für Unmut.
20210131             Bundeswirtschaftsminister PETER—ALTMAIER (CDU) erwägt den Verkauf von Staatsbeteiligungen, um die hohen Kosten der CORONA—KRISE zu finanzieren.
20210131             "Der Wert der staatlichen Beteiligungen ist in den letzten Jahren ordentlich gewachsen.
20210131             Deshalb sollten wir prüfen, welche staatlichen Beteiligungen zurückgefahren werden können",
20210131             Auch die Schweiz ist massiv von Lieferengpässen mit CORONA—IMPFSTOFFEN betroffen.
20210131             Sie kann deshalb im Februar nur halb so VIELE—IMPFUNGEN vornehmen wie vorgesehen
20210131             Demo gegen Verbot der "Maschkera"-Umzüge in BAYERN
20210131             Die Demo sei friedlich und coronakonform verlaufen, sagte 1—POLIZEISPRECHER.
20210131             Österreich: Tausende folgen der FPÖ und demonstrieren trotz Verbots in WIEN, unter ihnen auch Neonazis und Hooligans.
20210131             Die Polizei hatte für das Wochenende nahezu ALLE—ANGEMELDETEN—CORONA—KUNDGEBUNGEN in Österreich verboten, nachdem es in der Vergangenheit immer wieder zu massiven Verstößen gegen die CORONA—REGELN gekommen war.
20210131             Eine von der rechtspopulistischen FPÖ angemeldete Ersatzdemonstration gegen das Versammlungsverbot wurde am —SAMSTAG ebenfalls untersagt.
20210131             Dessen ungeachtet folgten tausende Menschen am —SONNTAG dem Aufruf der FPÖ.
20210131             Der 100—JAHRE alte britische Rekordspendensammler TOM—MOORE, auch CAPTAIN—TOM genannt, ist schwer an COVID—19—ERKRANKT.
20210131             Während das CORONA—IMPFPROGRAMM in der EU nur schleppend vorankommt, verzeichnet Großbritannien Rekordzahlen.
20210131             —AM—SAMSTAG wurden im Vereinigten Königreich nach Regierungsangaben insgesamt 609.010—MENSCHEN geimpft, so viele wie noch nie zuvor an einem einzelnen —TAG.
20210131             Rund 599.000—MENSCHEN erhielten ihre 1. IMPF—DOSIS, weitere 10.000—BEREITS ihre 2. Spritze.
20210131             Algarve tem mais 233—CASOS e 5—MORTES num dia em que PORTUGAL iguala recorde de óbitos
20210131             Mais 16—ÓBITOS no Alentejo, num dia em que foi igualado recorde de mortes em PORTUGAL
20210131             Tubarões e raias oceânicas correm risco de extinção sem precedentes devido à pesca excessiva
20210131             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 1953 (+17) Óbitos - 23 (+1) Recuperados - 13040 (+14) Casos ativos - 626 (+2)
20210131             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 59 (+4) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 33 (=) Casos ativos - 22 (+4)
20210131             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 58 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 34 (=) Casos ativos - 23 (=)
20210131             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 310 (+11) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 113 (=) Casos ativos - 196 (+11)
20210131             Faro Casos confirmados - 2624 (+16) Óbitos - 19 (=) Recuperados - 1549 (+8) Casos ativos - 1056 (+8)
20210131             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 519 (+16) Óbitos - 10 (+1) Recuperados - 361 (+4) Casos ativos - 148 (+11)
20210131             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 1174 (+21) Óbitos - 18 (=) Recuperados - 837 (+6) Casos ativos - 319 (+15)
20210131             Loulé Casos confirmados - 3190 (+42) Óbitos - 36 (+1) Recuperados - 1905 (+13) Casos ativos - 1249 (+28)
20210131             Monchique Casos confirmados - 95 (+4) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 49 (=) Casos ativos - 45 (+4)
20210131             Olhão Casos confirmados - 1425 (+35) Óbitos - 9 (=) Recuperados - 819 (+5) Casos ativos - 597 (+30)
20210131             Portimão Casos confirmados - 1686 (+6) Óbitos - 21 (=) Recuperados - 1230 (+3) Casos ativos - 435 (+3)
20210131             Silves Casos confirmados - 1005 (+17) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 606 (+3) Casos ativos - 389 (+14)
20210131             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 329 (+1) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 219 (+3) Casos Ativos - 100 (-2)
20210131             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1386 (+15) Óbitos - 24 (=) Recuperados - 942 (+4) Casos ativos - 420 (+11)
20210131             VRSA Casos confirmados - 983 (+27) Óbitos - 14 (+1) Recuperados - 471 (=) Casos ativos - 498 (+26)
20210131             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 117 (+4) Óbitos - 5 (=) Recuperados - 90 (+1) Casos ativos - 22 (+3)
20210131             335_DGS_boletim_20210131
20210131             LK Altenkirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 59—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,8 Fälle gesamt 2.123—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.648,2 Todesfälle gesamt 51—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.805—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210131             LK AMBERG—SULZBACH Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 49—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,6 Fälle gesamt 2.669—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.590,0 Todesfälle gesamt 104—EINWOHNERZAHL 103.049—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210131             LK Ammerland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 46—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,8 Fälle gesamt 1.649—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.320,7 Todesfälle gesamt 28—EINWOHNERZAHL 124.859—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             LK ANHALT—BITTERFELD Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 439—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 277,0 Fälle gesamt 3.684—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.324,5 Todesfälle gesamt 64—EINWOHNERZAHL 158.486—BUNDESLAND SACHSEN—ANHALT
20210131             LK Aurich Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 25—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 13,2 Fälle gesamt 1.875—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 988,4 Todesfälle gesamt 30—EINWOHNERZAHL 189.694—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             LK BITBURG—PRÜM Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 46—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,4 Fälle gesamt 2.065—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.084,6 Todesfälle gesamt 19—EINWOHNERZAHL 99.058—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210131             LK Celle Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 65—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,3 Fälle gesamt 2.312—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.291,5 Todesfälle gesamt 39—EINWOHNERZAHL 179.011—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             LK Coesfeld Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 85—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,5 Fälle gesamt 3.570—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.618,4 Todesfälle gesamt 63—EINWOHNERZAHL 220.586—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210131             LK Dithmarschen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 37—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 27,8 Fälle gesamt 1.243—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 933,2 Todesfälle gesamt 37—EINWOHNERZAHL 133.193—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210131             LK DONAU—RIES Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 60—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,8 Fälle gesamt 3.475—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.597,5 Todesfälle gesamt 123—EINWOHNERZAHL 133.783—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210131             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 259—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 97,9 Fälle gesamt 8.326—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.146,2 Todesfälle gesamt 205—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210131             LK Emmendingen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 50—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 30,0 Fälle gesamt 4.002—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.404,9 Todesfälle gesamt 123—EINWOHNERZAHL 166.408—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210131             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 129—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 66,6 Fälle gesamt 4.643—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.397,6 Todesfälle gesamt 163—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210131             LK Freudenstadt Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 59—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,9 Fälle gesamt 3.165—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.676,7 Todesfälle gesamt 111—EINWOHNERZAHL 118.243—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210131             LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 35—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,5 Fälle gesamt 962—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 974,6 Todesfälle gesamt 28—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.704—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             LK Göttingen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 140—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,9 Fälle gesamt 4.777—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.465,2 Todesfälle gesamt 168—EINWOHNERZAHL 326.041—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             LK Harburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 114—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,8 Fälle gesamt 3.770—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.481,7 Todesfälle gesamt 66—EINWOHNERZAHL 254.431—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             LK Heidekreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 30—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 21,3 Fälle gesamt 2.040—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.450,2 Todesfälle gesamt 74—EINWOHNERZAHL 140.673—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             LK Hildburghausen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 164—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 259,5 Fälle gesamt 3.328—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.266,1 Todesfälle gesamt 131—EINWOHNERZAHL 63.197—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210131             LK Hohenlohekreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 36—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 32,0 Fälle gesamt 2.696—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.393,1 Todesfälle gesamt 95—EINWOHNERZAHL 112.655—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210131             LK Kusel Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 27—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,5 Fälle gesamt 1.507—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.146,1 Todesfälle gesamt 55—EINWOHNERZAHL 70.219—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210131             LK Leer Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 74—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,3 Fälle gesamt 1.626—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 952,2 Todesfälle gesamt 23—EINWOHNERZAHL 170.756—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             LK LÜCHOW—DANNENBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 17—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,1 Fälle gesamt 458—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 946,0 Todesfälle gesamt 14—EINWOHNERZAHL 48.412—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             LK Lüneburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 67—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,4 Fälle gesamt 1.723—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 935,7 Todesfälle gesamt 36—EINWOHNERZAHL 184.139—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             LK MAIN—SPESSART Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 55—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,6 Fälle gesamt 3.016—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.390,7 Todesfälle gesamt 182—EINWOHNERZAHL 126.158—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210131             LK Northeim Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 43—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 32,5 Fälle gesamt 1.317—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 995,6 Todesfälle gesamt 24—EINWOHNERZAHL 132.285—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             LK Ostallgäu Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 55—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 39,0 Fälle gesamt 3.678—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.605,1 Todesfälle gesamt 97—EINWOHNERZAHL 141.182—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210131             LK OSTPRIGNITZ—RUPPIN Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 251—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 253,9 Fälle gesamt 2.897—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.930,4 Todesfälle gesamt 89—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.861—BUNDESLAND BRANDENBURG
20210131             LK Pfaffenhofen a.d.Ilm Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 48—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 37,4 Fälle gesamt 3.599—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.806,7 Todesfälle gesamt 142—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.227—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210131             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 37—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 28,8 Fälle gesamt 757—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 588,3 Todesfälle gesamt 18—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210131             LK Rastatt Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 100—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,2 Fälle gesamt 5.134—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.218,5 Todesfälle gesamt 108—EINWOHNERZAHL 231.420—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210131             LK Regen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 198—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 255,8 Fälle gesamt 3.890—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.025,2 Todesfälle gesamt 132—EINWOHNERZAHL 77.410—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210131             LK REMS—MURR—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 206—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,2 Fälle gesamt 12.118—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.836,3 Todesfälle gesamt 277—EINWOHNERZAHL 427.248—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210131             LK RENDSBURG—ECKERNFÖRDE Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 97—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,4 Fälle gesamt 2.275—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 830,0 Todesfälle gesamt 30—EINWOHNERZAHL 274.098—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210131             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 283—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 60,1 Fälle gesamt 10.755—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.285,3 Todesfälle gesamt 269—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210131             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 247—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 87,2 Fälle gesamt 6.696—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.363,8 Todesfälle gesamt 96—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210131             LK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 100—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,3 Fälle gesamt 1.661—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 769,7 Todesfälle gesamt 44—EINWOHNERZAHL 215.794—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210131             LK Rotenburg (Wümme) Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 67—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 40,9 Fälle gesamt 2.262—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.381,1 Todesfälle gesamt 67—EINWOHNERZAHL 163.782—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             LK SCHMALKALDEN—MEININGEN Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 425—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 340,2 Fälle gesamt 4.771—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.819,4 Todesfälle gesamt 168—EINWOHNERZAHL 124.916—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210131             LK Steinburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 49—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 37,4 Fälle gesamt 1.174—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 896,1 Todesfälle gesamt 21—EINWOHNERZAHL 131.013—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210131             LK Tirschenreuth Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 229—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 317,9 Fälle gesamt 3.387—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.701,2 Todesfälle gesamt 196—EINWOHNERZAHL 72.046—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210131             LK TRIER—SAARBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 67—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,8 Fälle gesamt 2.794—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.870,2 Todesfälle gesamt 76—EINWOHNERZAHL 149.398—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210131             LK Verden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 45—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 32,8 Fälle gesamt 2.510—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.830,3 Todesfälle gesamt 36—EINWOHNERZAHL 137.133—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             LK WEILHEIM—SCHONGAU Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 46—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 34,0 Fälle gesamt 2.973—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.194,5 Todesfälle gesamt 42—EINWOHNERZAHL 135.478—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210131             SK Amberg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 45—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 106,6 Fälle gesamt 806—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.909,6 Todesfälle gesamt 8—EINWOHNERZAHL 42.207—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210131             SK BADEN—BADEN Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 14—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 25,4 Fälle gesamt 1.175—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.129,2 Todesfälle gesamt 45—EINWOHNERZAHL 55.185—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210131             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 324—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 100,9 Fälle gesamt 14.362—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.472,4 Todesfälle gesamt 299—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210131             SK Emden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 6—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 12,0 Fälle gesamt 498—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 997,7 Todesfälle gesamt 6—EINWOHNERZAHL 49.913—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             SK FREIBURG i.Breisgau Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 102—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,1 Fälle gesamt 5.032—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.176,5 Todesfälle gesamt 125—EINWOHNERZAHL 231.195—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210131             SK HEIDELBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 75—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,4 Fälle gesamt 3.613—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.237,4 Todesfälle gesamt 49—EINWOHNERZAHL 161.485—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210131             SK INGOLSTADT Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 61—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,4 Fälle gesamt 3.945—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.871,3 Todesfälle gesamt 85—EINWOHNERZAHL 137.392—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210131             SK Kaufbeuren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 21—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,3 Fälle gesamt 1.388—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.126,3 Todesfälle gesamt 43—EINWOHNERZAHL 44.398—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210131             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 847—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 77,9 Fälle gesamt 30.591—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.812,0 Todesfälle gesamt 442—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863 BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210131             SK Münster Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 77—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 24,4 Fälle gesamt 5.126—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.625,8 Todesfälle gesamt 90—EINWOHNERZAHL 315.293—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210131             SK OLDENBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 61—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,1 Fälle gesamt 2.287—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.352,6 Todesfälle gesamt 33—EINWOHNERZAHL 169.077—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210131             SK REGENSBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 48—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 31,4 Fälle gesamt 4.093—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.673,5 Todesfälle gesamt 59—EINWOHNERZAHL 153.094—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210131             SK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 92—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,0 Fälle gesamt 1.300—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 621,4 Todesfälle gesamt 15—EINWOHNERZAHL 209.191—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210131             SK Trier Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 38—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 34,1 Fälle gesamt 1.688—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.513,5 Todesfälle gesamt 19—EINWOHNERZAHL 111.528—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210131             SK Zweibrücken Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 9—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 26,3 Fälle gesamt 423—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.237,1 Todesfälle gesamt 3—EINWOHNERZAHL 34.193—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210131             Ankündigung der EU—KOMMISSION: AstraZeneca will nun doch mehr Impfstoff liefern
20210131             Kurskapriolen bei GameStop: Hedgefonds verzockt offenbar die Hälfte seines Kapitals
20210131             Alternative zu BIDEN—PLAN: Republikanische Senatoren wollen deutlich kleineres CORONA—HILFSPAKET
20210131             WIEN: Aggressive Stimmung bei "CORONA—SPAZIERGANG"
20210131—19910000    —FROM, "Can't Get You Out of My Head" contains 1—CAMERA feed from the final congress of the Komsomol, the Soviet youth organization, in which 1—SPARROW gets into the conference hall, alights on 1—LECTERN and hops along 1—TABLE of doomed, amused apparatchiks, like 1—VISITATION.
20210131—19920000    —IN, Curtis began, with "PANDORA—BOX," 1—STUDY—OF—THE—ALLURE—OF—RATIONALISM and science in politics.
20210131—20020000    —IN, "THE—CENTURY—OF—THE—SELF" explored, in 4—PARTS, THE—INFLUENCE—OF—FREUD—IDEAS (and family members) on THE—RISE—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS, advertising, and the reshaping of modern political parties.
20210131—20170000    —IN, Back, —BEFORE WikiLeaks CO—FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE was silenced by Twitter, he used the platform to highlight 1—IMMUTABLE—TRUTH:
20210131—20211228    —DIAGNOSTIZIERT, Der 1. Fall sei, worden, sagte die Sprecherin.
20210204             —ARRESTED, Dezman Ellis (17) was, in DES—MOINES, IOWA, for 20210131             —THE fatal shooting at 1—SHOPPING mall in WISCONSIN.