_HEUTE_0125 :

03810125             Als des WEST—GOTEN—KÖNIG—ATHANARICH—SCHATZ (f am
03??0000—03810125    * † WEST—GOTEN—KÖNIG—ATHANARICH
04770125             † GEISERICH—KÖNIG—DER—VANDALEN
07500125             —SCHLAGEN, DIE—ABBASIDEN, DIE—UMAYYADEN unter MARWAN—II. in der tobenden
07500125             —SCHLACHT—AM ZAB—FLUSS—IRAK,
07500125             —ENTSCHEIDEND und, damit,
07500125             —NOCH—1—SCHLACHT—BEI—MOSSUL.
07500125—07500116    —SEIT, DIE—ABBASIDEN unter ABU—L—ABBAS—AS—SAFFAH
08170125             —ZUVOR, PASCHALIS—I—PAPA., Abt in S—STEPHAN—ROM,
08170125             PASCHALIS—I—PAPA, zum PAPA gewählt.
0820ca00—20140125    —HEUTE, Von jenem alten S—GALLEN—KLOSTER—BAU ist aber nichts mehr vorhanden als die WEST—KRYPTA von 9—KREUZ—GEWÖLBEN auf 4—JONISIERENDEN Säulen, die in der Tat an FULDA erinnern.
08440125             † GREGOR—IV—PAPA
10030125             † LOTHAR—GRAF—VON—WALBECK und MARK—GRAF der Nordmark
10770125             Heinrich bittet Mathilde und HUGO—VON—CLUNY um Vermittlung
10770125             Der RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHE KÖNIG—HEINRICH—IV. trifft während des Investiturstreits auf seinem Gang nach Canossa auf der Burg Canossa der Mathilde von Canossa ein, um von GREGOR—VII—PAPA. die Aufhebung des Kirchenbanns zu erbitten.
10770125—10770128    —3—TAGE, GREGOR—VII—PAPA ließ den HEINRICH—IV. als Büßender im härenen Gewand barfuß im Freien zwischen der 2. und 3. Ringmauer stehen;
11380125             † ANAKLET—II—PAPA—ANTI—PAPA, des INNOZENZ—II—PAPA.
11530125             1—HEER—DES—KÖNIGREICHS—JERUSALEM unter Führung von KÖNIG—BALDUIN—III., das um Ritter der Johanniter und Templer verstärkt ist, beginnt mit der BELAGERUNG—VON—ASKALON.
12040125             BYZANZ, tritt 1—SENATOREN und Priesterversammlung zusammen,
12040125             —3—TAGE—SPÄTER, DIE—SENATOREN und Priesterversammlung, zu des des BYZANZ—REICH—KURZ—ZEIT—KAISER—NIKOLAOS—KANABOS, wählt, gegen dessen Willen.
12730125             † KARDINAL—ODO—VON—CHÂTEAUROUX—BISCHOF—VON—FRASCATI, französischer Theologe
12900125             † HEINRICH—II—GRAF—VON—HOYA
13080125             8—KÖNIGE und Königinnen sind zugegen, als
13230125—13230225    —VOM, DEMSELBEN (8—UNCIE PRO—PERSONA—SUA, je 2^ pro 49—ARMIG.) 541—FLORENI 4—S.;
13270125—20200107    —SEE
13330125             † ELISABETH—VON—MALTITZ, deutsche Adelige
13380125             † HERMANN—MORNEWEG, Lübecker BÜRGERMEISTER
13480125             1—ERDBEBEN der Stärke 8—BIS 9—AUF der zwölfteiligen EMS-98-Skala mit Epizentrum in Friaul verursacht Schäden im Umkreis von mehreren 100—KILOMETERN und löst einen Bergsturz am Dobratsch aus.
13500125             † ALVARUS—PELAGIUS—BISCHOF—VON—SILVES, galicischer Franziskaner und Theologe,
13540125             —DAMALS, stand er bei BOLSENA.
13550125             † JOHN—DE—COBHAM, englischer Adeliger und Politiker
13660125             † HEINRICH—SEUSE, deutscher mittelalterlicher Mystiker
13700125             1—SOLD—VERTRAG NOCH besitzen Wir
13700125             —AM, LUDWIG—GRAF—VON—LANDAU mit der STADT—FLORENZ 1—SOLD—VERTRAG schloß. den
13700125             —AM, über 7.500—FLORENI 1—PERSÖNLICHES Geschenk zugesichert 1—SOLD—VERTRAG LUDWIG—GRAF—VON—LANDAU. erhält darin
13790125             DANIEL—VON—MENDEN (SUB I 482).
13790125             DANIEL—VON—MENDEN kam aus der Umgebung von SIEGBURG.
13790125—13810319    JOHANN—VON—LÜLSDORF (SUB 14820000             ;
13790125—13810319    —VON—LÜLSDORF, in: LÜLSDORF am RHEIN Sp. 63).
13790125—13810319    JOHANN—VON—LÜLSDORF
13940000—14760000    —CA—CA, SIR—JOHN, Fortescue, alfatomega.com/20090530.html
14080125             * Katharina, Tochter des REINHARD—II—VON—HANAU
14130125             † MAUD—UFFORD, englische Adelige
14310125             † KARL—II., der Kühne, HERZOG—VON—LOTHRINGEN
14340125             stirbt
14420125             Ludwig I. und sein Bruder Ulrich V. schließen den Nürtinger Vertrag zur Teilung des Landes Württemberg in 1—STUTTGARTER—LINIE und 1—URACHER—LINIE.
14420125             * JOHANNES—NUHN, deutscher Weltgeistlicher, Autor, Chronist
14420125—14820000    —BIS, Die Teilung dauert.
14430125             ROILMAN—VANME—GEISBUSCH, RITTER, und oo ELLENBERCH verkaufen an ihren guten Freund RABOIDE—VAN—LOEVENICH 1—ERB—RENTE—VON—5—MALTER—ROGGEN ZÜLPICH'er Maßes gegen 1—BEREITS bezahlte Summe Geld.
14430125             Zu liefern ist die Roggenrente PRO—JAHR auf S—REMIGIUS—TAG an ein noch zu bestimmendes Haus in ZÜLPICH
14430125             Als UNTER—PFAND stellen die Eheleute ihren Hof und ihr Erbe zu RÖVENICH (Roe-) mit Ackerland, Benden, Busch, Wiesen, Weiden, Gülten, Renten u. a.
14430125             —ES—SIEGELN, außer dem Aussteller sein Bruder JOHAN vanme Geisbusch, RITTER, sowie
14430125             DIE—SCHÖFFEN—VON—RÖVENICH, da diese kein gemeinsames SCHÖFFEN—STUHL—SIEGEL besitzen, nach alter Gewohnheit der Pastor ihrer MUTTERKIRCHE—S—PETER zu ZÜLPICH, DER—PROPST ARNOLT—VAN—ROIDE.
14430125             ipso die Conversionis beati Pauli apostoli.
14500125             —VON, in 1—ZEIT, die für DIE—GRUND—HERREN wenig günstig war, weitere RENTEN—VERKÄUFE stattfanden und
14540125             —AI—DELL—ANNO—SEGUENTE, si trova —CHE—FUMANDATO a regalare e a visitare da 1—MEDICO—DEL—COMUNE il magnifico GIOVANNI—NICOLA revisore delle genti d'arme del PAPA, infermo in Viterbo.
14550125             * ALBRECHT—VON—BADEN, badischer MARK—GRAF
14570125             † HEINRICH—IV—VON—ROSENBERG böhmischer Adliger, Landeshauptmann in Schlesien
14590125             * PAUL—HOFHAIMER, österreichischer Komponist
14770125             * ANNE, fille aînée du duc FRANÇOIS—II[FRANZ—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] de BRETAGNE, à NANTES
14880125             * GEORG—VON—WALDBURG—ZEIL, deutscher Heerführer (Bauernjörg)
14940125             ALFONS—II—VON—NEAPEL
14940125             —NACH—DEM Tod seines Vaters KÖNIG—FERDINAND I. besteigt ALFONS—II. aus dem Hause Aragon den THRON—VON—NEAPEL.
14940125             † FERDINAND—I—KÖNIG—VON—NEAPEL
14940125             † Ferdinand I, cruel KING—OF—NAPLES.
14970125             † Katharina, ERBHERZOGIN—VON—GELDERN
15070125             * JOHANNES—OPORINUS, Schweizer Humanist, Buchdrucker, Verleger, Sekretär und Lehrer
15090125             * GIOVANNI—MORONE, italienischer katholischer Kardinal
15090125             * GIOVANNI—MORONE, ITALY—THEOLOGIST, diplomat, cardinal, "heretic,".
15150125             In der KATHEDRALE—VON—REIMS wird der französische KÖNIG—FRANZ I. gesalbt und gekrönt.
15150125             * CHRISTOPH—PREUSS—VON—SPRINGENBERG, ungarischer Dichter und Rhetoriker
15190125             —LE, notre cicéronien, toujours indécis, remercie LE—ABBE—DE—S—HONORAT de son invitation si cordiale.
15190125             —LE, CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL repondit;
15210125             * PAUL—VON—EITZEN, deutscher Theologe und Reformator
15210125             —LETTRE—DE—LONGUEIL, le;;, II, 8
15220125             Id. PADOUE[PADUA].
15320125             * OWEN—GÜNTHER, deutscher Philosoph
15330125             Der englische KÖNIG—HEINRICH—VIII. heiratet ANNE—BOLEYN als 2. Frau, obwohl der PAPA einer Auflösung der Ehe mit KATHARINA—VON—ARAGON nicht zugestimmt hat.
15330125             oo HENRY—VIII—KING—OF—ENGLAND secretly, his 2. wife, ANNE—BOLEYN (who —LATER gave birth to ELIZABETH I) in 1—SERVICE performed by THOMAS—CRAMER.
15330125             HEINRICH—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND oo ANNE—BOLEYN, seine Geliebte, in 1—GEHEIM—ZEREMONIE.Doch
15330125             —WEITERHIN, offiziell, des HEINRICH—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND 1.oo KATHARINA—VON—ARAGÓN ihre Gültigkeit behielt — ,
15330125             KATHARINA—KÖNIGIN—VON—ARAGÓN dachte im Leben nicht daran, ihren Anspruch auf den Platz an des HEINRICH—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND Seite aufzugeben oder
15330125             KATHARINA—KÖNIGIN—VON—ARAGÓN dachte im Leben nicht daran, ihre Gemächer zu räumen.
15340125             * CHRISTOPH—WALTHER—II, deutscher Bildhauer
15400125             * EDMUND—CAMPION, englischer Jesuitenmönch, Märtyrer
15400125             * EDMUND—CAMPION, saint, Jesuit martyr (Decem Rationes), in LONDON.
15540125             —AM Festtag PAULI—BEKEHRUNG gründet der Jesuitenpater JOSé de Anchieta den Ort São Paulo, um 1—JESUITENKLOSTER in Brasilien zu bauen.
15560125             * CHARLES—DE—LORRAINE, duc d'Aumale, HERZOG—VON—AUMALE, Gouverneur der Picardie
15560125             —IN—THE—MANNER—CUSTOMARY—IN—THE—ORDER, inquiry was made into the lives and conduct of THE—KNIGHTS and
15560125             —IN—THE—MANNER—CUSTOMARY—IN—THE—ORDER, inquiry was made into the lives and CONDUCT—OF—THE—OFFICERS.
15560125             1. - THE—CASES—OF—THE—OFFICERS were taken, and
15560125             1. accusations which had been made against THE—GREFFIER in the outside world were investigated.
15560125             —MISAPPROPRIATED, It was said of THE—GREFFIER that he had, the Aids committed to his charge as RECEIVER—GENERAL,
15560125             but
15560125             —RULED, PHILIP, that THE—CHAPTER could not go into the matter, —UNTIL THE—RESULT—OF—ANOTHER inquiry
15560125             which was being held - should have been made known.
15560125             —REPRIMANDED, Several KNIGHTS were, for faults in their GENERAL conduct.
15560125             THE—INQUIRY which they held into THE—CONDUCT—OF—THE—SOVEREIGN—OF—THE—ORDER
15560125             revealed the fact that he was clement, affable, magnanimous, humble, generous,
15560125             and - a LOVER—OF—JUSTICE,
15560125             —EXPRESSED, THE—KNIGHTS, the hope that
15560125             he would be more careful than his father had been
15560125             that THE—ORDER was not embarrassed through THE—PRIVILEGES—OF—ITS—MEMBERS being disregarded.
15590125             † CHRISTIAN—II—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK
15610125             † HERMANN, CONFESSOR monialium in Neuw/srk
15670125             * MARGARETHA—VON—ÖSTERREICH, österreichische Erzherzogin und Nonne im Kloster SANTA—CLARA de las Descalzas Reales in MADRID
15680125             † KILIAN—GOLDSTEIN, deutscher Jurist
15760125             Die Stadt LUANDA im späteren ANGOLA wird von portugiesischen Siedlern gegründet.
15780125             † MIHRIMAH—SULTAN, osmanische Prinzissin, Tochter von Süleyman I.
15790125             THE—UNION—OF—UTRECHT brought together 7—NORTHERN, Protestant provinces of THE—NETHERLANDS against the Catholics.
15790125             Known as the United Provinces, they become THE—FOUNDATION—OF—THE—HOLLAND—REPUBLIC.
15800125             † WILLIBALD—IMHOFF, Nürnberger Patrizier, Kunstsammler, Kaufmann und Bankier
15830125             † JOHANNES—PISTORIUS der Ältere (Niddanus), hessischer Reformator und Superintendent
15860125             † LUCAS—CRANACH der Jüngere, deutscher Maler und Graphiker
15860125             † LUCAS—CRANACH "the Younger" (70), GERMANY—PAINTER.
15910125             † ALEXIUS—PAYOS, italienischer Steinmetzmeister und Bildhauer
16150125             * GOVAERT—FLINCK, niederländischer Maler
16270125             * JOHANN—GEORG—LORENZ, deutscher Pädagoge
16320125             † MARIA—ANDREAE, deutsche Arznei- und Heilkundige
16350125             * DANIEL—CASPER—VON—LOHENSTEIN, deutscher Dichter
16400125             * WILLIAM—CAVENDISH, 1. DUKE—OF—DEVONSHIRE, englischer Peer und Politiker
16400125             † ROBERT—BURTON, englischer Schriftsteller und anglikanischer Geistlicher
16400125             † ROBERT—BURTON, author (Anatomy of Melancholy).
16470125             * LUDWIG—GÜNTHER—MARTINI, deutscher Jurist, Schriftsteller und Hofbeamter
16500125             * GEORG—BOSE, Leipziger Rats- und Handelsherr
16550125             * CORNELIUS—ANCKARSTJERNA, schwedischer Admiral und Freiherr
16560125             —DATUM ;;. - HIERONYMUS—VAN—BEVERNINGK und die anderen Deputierten für DIE—SACHEN—VON—BRANDENBURG BERICHTEN—ÜBER ihre KONFERENZEN mit den BRANDENBURGischen Ministern,
16560125             betreffend die Bedingungen und Vorbehalte, unter denen an den KUR—FÜRSTEN ausser den im VERTRAG zugesagten 4.000—MANN—ZU—FUSS[M.z.F.] noch
16560125             200.000—REICHS—TALER geliehen werden sollen'), welche sie in Folge der
16560125             —BESCHLOSSEN, WORAUF, wird, nähere Erklärungen der brandenburgischen MINISTER in dieser Sache abzuwarten.
16570125             * GIUSEPPE—NICOLA—NASINI, italienischer Maler
16570125             DROYSEN, P. P. III. 2,
16610125             * Alexander zu DOHNA—SCHLOBITTEN, KURBRANDENBURGISCH—PREUßISCHER Generalfeldmarschall und Diplomat
16610125             * Antoine I—FÜRST—VON—MONACO
16640125             † REINHOLD—FRANCKENBERGER, deutscher Historiker
16650125             † ADRIAAN—CLANT, niederländischer Diplomat
16660125             DATUM—KLEVE[CLEVE]
16660125             —HEUTE, habe er[HIERONYMUS—VAN—BEVERNINGK], ganz unverhofft GEFUNDEN, daß
16680125             —AM, FRIEDRICH—VON—HOLDINGHAUSEN,
16690125             † MICHAEL—LECHLEITNER, Tiroler Bildhauer
16710125             † Heinrich X. Reuß zu Lobenstein, deutscher Adliger und Rektor der UNIVERSITÄT—LEIPZIG
16720125             —MONTAG
16730125             MEMORIAL —DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN.
16730125             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG bittet dringend 1. um Bezahlung des für 3—MONATE verfallenen Soldes, denn
16730125             sonst geht sein Heer zu Grunde, seine Lande werden RUINIERT, der Feind triumphirt, und DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN leiden auch Schaden davon;
16730125             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG bittet dringend 2. um SUBSIDIEN für die überzähligen Truppen, die er —JETZT wieder um 1.000—KRIEGSGEÜBTE Lothringer vermehrt.
16730125             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG erwartet baldige Bezahlung dieser verfallenen und pünktliche der noch verfallenden Summen,
16730125             sonst wird DER—STAAT, ohne Schuld des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG, Schaden leiden ').
16740403—16730125    —SEIT—DEM, restierenden SUBSIDIEN IV2—MONATE rechne, werde man den KUR—FÜRST befriedigen können;
16940125             Im Tordinona in Rom erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Xerse von GIOVANNI—BONONCINI.
16950125             * FRANZ—ERNST—VON—HESSEN—DARMSTADT, deutscher Adliger
16960125             * JAKOB—FRIEDRICH—DUTTENHOFER, BÜRGERMEISTER—IN—NÜRTINGEN, Landtagsabgeordneter
17070125             † JOHN—CUTTS—OF—GOWRAN, englischer Generalleutnant und Politiker
17080125             * WILLIAM—HAYES, britischer Organist und Komponist
17110128             MICHAEL—LOITMANN aus LOHN oo Jürgens, MARIA aus LOHN [DISPENS—VOM—HINDERNIS—DER—BLUTSVERWANDTSCHAFT] 2.-3.GRADES 17200125             ;.
17150125             * REINHARD—CHRISTOPH—UNGEWITTER, deutscher reformierter Theologe
17200125             * JOHANN—PETER—SNELL, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
17210125             † ROBERT—CHALLE, französischer Reisender und Schriftsteller
17210125             —ENDED, TSAR—PETER—THE—GREAT, THE—RUSSIA—ORTHODOX patriarchy.
17230125             * CLAIRE—CLAIRON, französische Schauspielerin
17260125             * HANS—STRØM, norwegischer Naturforscher
17260125             † GUILLAUME—DELISLE, französischer Kartograf
17260125             † GUILLAUME—DELISLE, 50—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—GEOGRAPHER (Atlas geographique).
17310125             * ANNA—CATHARINA—VON—PASSOW, dänische Schauspielerin und Autorin
17350125             —AM, GEORG—CHRISTOPH—VON—HAGEN —GEWÄHLT worden war VOM Kapitel zum ADMINISTRATOR
17360125             * JOSEPH—LOUIS Lagrange, italienischer Mathematiker und Astronom
17410125             † MARIA—KAROLINA—VON—ÖSTERREICH, österreichische PRINZESSIN
17420125             * MANUEL—CAETANO—DE—SOUSA, portugiesischer Architekt
17420125             † EDMOND—HALLEY, britischer Astronom, Mathematiker, Kartograph, Geophysiker und Meteorologe
17430125             * FRIEDRICH—HEINRICH—JACOBI, deutscher Philosoph und Schriftsteller
17460125             * Félicité de Genlis, französische Schriftstellerin
174920125            † WILHELM—ROEUVER aus WEVELKOVEN, Abt
17500125             * JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—VIERLING, deutscher Organist und Komponist
17520125             * FRIEDRICH—VALENTIN, deutscher Bildhauer
17550125             Auf Anregung von MICHAIL—WASSILJEWITSCH—LOMONOSSOW gründet Iwan Iwanowitsch Schuwalow nach einem ERLASS—VON—ZARIN Elisabeth I. in Moskau die 1. UNIVERSITÄT—RUSSLANDS, die heutige LOMONOSSOW—UNIVERSITÄT.
17560125             † CHRISTIAN—VATER, deutscher Orgelbauer
17570125             † OCTAVIO—PICCOLOMINI, HERZOG—VON—AMALFI, kaiserlicher GENERAL, Reichsfürst und Grundherr der ostböhmischen Herrschaft Nachod
17590125             * CAROLINE—VON—BENTHEIM—STEINFURT, deutsche Schriftstellerin
17590125             * ROBERT—BURNS, britischer Schriftsteller und Poet der Aufklärung
17590125             † ROBERT—BURNS (17960000             , ), poet and song writer, who wrote "Auld LANG—SYNE" and "Comin' Thru the Rye," was born in ALLOWAY—SCOTLAND.
17590125             ROBERT—BURNS took traditional SCOTLAND—SONGS and fiddle tunes, and improved upon existing words, or added verses where they had been lost.
17590125             "Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind, should auld acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne. For old lang syne, my dear, for old lang syne, we'll take 1—CUP—OF—KINDNESS yet, for old lang syne".
17650000—18250125    * † ELI—WHITNEY, cotton gin inventor and gun manufacturer.
17660125             * WOLF—LADENBURG, deutscher Händler und BANKHAUS—GRÜNDER—IN—MANNHEIM
17680125             * CHRISTOPH—WILHELM—FRIEDRICH—PENZENKUFFER, deutscher Geistlicher, Pädagoge und Sprachforscher
17680125             * JUSTUS—ERICH—WALBAUM, deutscher Typograf, Schriftgießer und Stempelschneider
17710000—18550125    * † DOROTHY—WORDSWORTH, ENGLAND—PROSE writer and THE—SISTER—OF—POET—WILLIAM—WORDSWORTH (17700000—18500000    ).
17730125             * GEORG—KARL—FRIEDRICH—EMMRICH, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher und Pädagoge
17740125             Der Friseur DAVID—LOW eröffnet im Covent Garden in LONDON das 1. Grand Hotel der Welt.
17750125             † GEORG—FRIEDRICH—SCHMIDT, deutscher Kupferstecher, Radierer und Maler
17750125             —DRAGGED, Americans, cannon up hill to fight the British at Gun Hill Road, Bronx.
17760125             * JOSEPH—GÖRRES, deutscher PUBLIZIST
17770125             * KAROLINE—JAGEMANN, deutsche Sängerin
17810125             * MARQUARD—GEORG—SEUFFERHELD, deutscher Kaufmann, Stifter und Politiker
17810125             * RÖTTGER—VON—VELTHEIM, deutscher Gutsherr und Privatgelehrter
17820125             —BEGINNT, Während des Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges, vor der Karibikinsel S—KITTS die zweitägige SEESCHLACHT—VON—S—KITTS zwischen einer britischen Flotte unter SAMUEL—HOOD, 1. Viscount Hood und einer französischen Flotte unter François JOSEPH—PAUL—DE—GRASSE.
17820125             FLORENZ, wird die Oper Armida abbandonata von LUIGI—CHERUBINI uraufgeführt.
17820125             * JOHANN—MICHAEL—ACKNER, deutscher Archäologe und Naturforscher
17830125             —f Laicus, FRATER—JOHANNES—KLOSTER—LAACH
17840125             † JOHANN—KASPAR—ARLETIUS, deutscher Pädagoge und Universalgelehrter
17860829—17870125    —SEE
17861226—17870125    —SEE
17870125             —SUFFERED, Shays' Rebellion, 1—SETBACK—WHEN DEBT—RIDDEN farmers led by CAPTAIN—DANIEL—SHAYS failed to capture 1—ARSENAL at SPRINGFIELD—MASSACHUSETTS Small farmers in SPRINGFIELD—MASSACHUSETTS led by DANIEL—SHAYS continued their revolt against tax laws.
17870125             —BECAME, Federal troops broke up the protesters of what —LATER, known as Shays' Rebellion.
17870125—17860829    —SEE
17920125             † — — Ignaz, aus KÖLN, PFARRER—IN—FRITZDORF, MÖNCH—IN—KLOSTER—STEINFELD
17940125             † GEORG—MARCUS—STEIN, deutscher Orgelbauer
17950125—18560000    —IN, 1—MAJOR—RENOVATION was undertaken.
17970125             † FRANZ—ANTON—HILLEBRANDT, österreichischer Architekt
17990125             † GEORG—HEINRICH—SIEVEKING, Hamburger Unternehmer und Aufklärer
17990125             —RECEIVED, Eliakim Spooner of VERMONT, the 1. USA patent for 1—SEEDING machine.
18020125             Der bayerische Kurfürst MAXIMILIAN—IV. Joseph verfügt in einer Kabinettsorder die Aufhebung aller nichtständischen Klöster (d. h. vor allem der Bettelorden) in BAYERN.
18020125             —BEGINNT, Damit, die Säkularisation in BAYERN.
18020125             * JOHANN—KARL—ERLER der Jüngere, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
18020125             —ELECTED, Napoleon was, PRESIDENT—OF—ITALIAN (Cisalpine) Republic.
18040125             * ANTONI—EDWARD—ODYNIEC, polnischer Lyriker, Dramatiker und Übersetzer
18140125             † LUDWIG—FRIEDRICH—VON—DOMHARDT, preußischer Beamter
18140125             —DÉPART—DE NAPOLEÓN pour LE—ARMÉE—FRANÇAISE
18170125             —PREMIERED, Giocchino ROSSINI—OPERA "La Cenerentola", in ROME.
18170125             —BASED, It was, on the Cinderella story.
18180125             * Théodore Mozin, französischer KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE
18180125             * FERDINAND—SCHLÖTH, Schweizer Bildhauer
18200125             * ADELBERT—HEINRICH—VON—BAUDISSIN, deutscher Schriftsteller
18210125             † MACIEJ—KAMIENSKI, polnischer Komponist
18230125             † JOHANN—HEINRICH—BLEULER, Schweizer Maler und Kupferstecher
18240000—18650000    * † —UK—CITIZEN—JAMES—MORRILL
18250125             * GEORGE—EDWARD—PICKETT, USA—AMERIKANISCHER GENERAL der Armee der Konföderierten im Sezessionskrieg
18290125             * FRANZ—VON—MENDELSSOHN, deutscher Bankier
18290125             † CONRAD—WILHELM—KAMBLI, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
18310125             † ERNST—AUGUST—FRIEDRICH—KLINGEMANN, deutscher Schriftsteller der Romantik
18320125             * PAUL—BRONSART—VON—SCHELLENDORFF, preußischer GENERAL und Kriegsminister
18330125             * ERNST—HEINRICH—LINDEMANN, deutscher Kommunalpolitiker, OBERBÜRGERMEISTER—VON—ESSEN, DORTMUND und Düsseldorf
18370125             † GEORG—WILHELM—SIGISMUND—BEIGEL, deutscher Diplomat, Bibliothekar, Naturforscher und Mathematiker
18390125             * AUGUST—AMMANN, deutscher Dichter, Schriftsteller und Gymnasiallehrer
18400125             * KARL—APPOLD, deutscher Maler, Zeichner und Kupferstecher
18410125             * JOHN—FISHER, 1. BARON—FISHER, britischer Admiral und 1. Seelord
18420125             † BERNHARD—CHRISTOPH—FAUST, deutscher Arzt, Begründer der Sonnenbaulehre
18430125             * HERMANN—AMANDUS—SCHWARZ, deutscher Mathematiker
18440125             † JEAN—BAPTISTE Drouet d'Erlon, französischer GENERAL und MARSCHALL—VON—FRANKREICH
18460125             —TAXED, The dreaded Corn Laws, which, imported oats, wheat and barley, were repealed by THE—UK—PARLIAMENT.
18490125             † ELIAS—PARISH—ALVARS, britischer Harfenist und Komponist
18490125             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—204—KÖLN.
18500125             * PAUL—ROWALD, deutscher Architekt
18510125             * JAN—BLOCKX, belgischer Komponist
18510125             * ARNE—GARBORG, norwegischer Schriftsteller
18510125             —ADDRESSED, Sojourner Truth, the 1. Black WOMEN—RIGHTS—CONVENTION in AKRON.
18510125             —AM, schrieb mir mein Freund WILHELM—WOLFF (der "PARLAMENTS—WOLF", wie ihn die "PARLAMENTS—SCHAFE" tauften) von ZÜRICH:
18510125             "DER—BUNDES—RAT hat durch seine —BISHERIGEN Maßregelungen die Zahl DER—FLÜCHTLINGE—VON—11.000—BIS auf 500—HERABGEBRACHT,
18510125             und DER—BUNDES—RAT wird nicht ruhen, —BIS vollends alle hinausdrangseliert sind, die nicht grade ansehnliches Vermögen oder besondere Konnexionen besitzen".
18510125—18510500    —SEE
18520125             † FABIAN—GOTTLIEB—VON—BELLINGSHAUSEN, russischer Seefahrer und Offizier
18550125             * EDUARD—MEYER, deutscher Althistoriker
18550125             † DOROTHY—WORDSWORTH, britische Poetin und Tagebuchautorin
18560125             * PIERRE—DECOURCELLE, französischer Schriftsteller
18580125             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM und Viktoria
18580125             Der preußische KRONPRINZ—FRIEDRICH heiratet in der Kapelle des S—JAMES'—PALACE in LONDON VICTORIA von Großbritannien und Irland, die Tochter der britischen KÖNIGIN—VICTORIA.
18580125             Der bei der Hochzeit gespielte Hochzeitsmarsch aus 1—SOMMERNACHTSTRAUM—VON—FELIX—MENDELSSOHN—BARTHOLDY wird daraufhin bei Hochzeiten generell sehr populär.
18580125             —SELECTED, The ceremony's TRADITION—SETTING music, personally, by THE—PRINCESS—ROYAL, included the "Bridal Chorus" from RICHARD—WAGNER'S "Lohengrin" and the "Wedding March" by FELIX—MENDELSSOHN.
18610125             —AM Théâtre des BOUFFES—PARISIENS in PARIS hat die Operette Les Musiciens d'orchestre von Léo Delibes und Aristide Hignard ihre Uraufführung.
18610125             —PICKED, PRESIDENT—LINCOLN, FERDINAND—SCHAVERS, 1—BLACK—MAN, as his 1. bodyguard.
18610125             (Hem., 5/97, p.18)(WSJ, 19970919             , p.A13)
18620125             * CARL—HEYER, deutscher Forstmann
18630125             * RUFUS—JONES, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Autor, COLLEGE—PROFESSOR, Mystiker, Philosoph und Quäker
18630125             —ASSUMED, MAJOR—GENERAL—JOSEPH—HOOKER, command and undertook the reorganization of the demoralized Army of the Potomac.
18630125             He commanded the Army of the Potomac —DURING THE—BATTLE—OF—CHANCELLORSVILLE.
18630125             —BY April, he thought he was ready to face LEE—ARMY—OF—NORTH—VIRGINIA.
18630125             BATTLE—OF—KINGSTON, NC.
18630125—18630126    —SEE
18630126—18630125    —SEE
18650125             * PAUL—DAHLKE, deutscher Arzt und Wegbereiter des Buddhismus in Deutschland
18650125             † KARL—HENRIK—ANCKARSWÄRD, schwedischer OBERST—UND—POLITIKER
18650125             † PETER—KARL—THURWIESER, österreichischer Meteorologe, Alpinist und Theologe
18660125             * ANTONIO—SCOTTI, italienischer Sänger (Bariton)
18660125             * Émile Vandervelde, belgischer Politiker
18660125             † MINNA Wagner, deutsche Schauspielerin und 1. Ehefrau RICHARD—WAGNERS
18670125             * SIMON—FRASER—TOLMIE, kanadischer Politiker
18680125             MONEY—MARKET—REVIEW—LONDON, vom.
18690125             * MAX—HOFFMANN, deutscher GENERAL und Diplomat
18690125             * Max tom Dieck, deutscher Politiker
18700125             * HELGE—VON—KOCH, schwedischer Mathematiker
18700125             † ACHILLE—LÉON—VICTOR de Broglie, französischer Staatsmann und Diplomat
18710125             * ALBERT—SÜDEKUM, deutscher JOURNALIST—UND—SPD—POLITIKER
18710125             † THOMAS—GARRETT, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Abolitionist
18710125             † WILHELM—WEITLING, deutscher Frühsozialist
18710125—18081005    † * WILHELM—WEITLING, in MAGDEBURG, in NEW—YORK
18720125             † RICHARD—STODDERT—EWELL, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Offizier, GENERAL der KONFÖDERIERTEN—ARMEE im Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg
18730125             * GEORG—AMFT, deutscher KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKLEHRER
18740125             * WILLIAM—SOMERSET—MAUGHAM, britischer Dramatiker, Schriftsteller, Arzt und Geheimagent
18740125—19650000    * † SOMERSET—MAUGHAM
18760125             * HERBERT—EULENBERG, deutscher Dichter und Schriftsteller
18770125             —DETERMINED, Congress, the presidential election between HAYES and TILDEN.
18770125             —WON, TILDEN, THE—POPULAR—VOTES,
18770125             —WON, HAYS. THE—ELECTORAL—VOTES.
18770125—18770129    —SEE
18780125             * HARRY—L—DAVIS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18780125             —FAILED, The anchor, and THE—KING—PHILIP drifted onto sand at Ocean Beach, where it foundered.
18780125—18560000    —MASTED, Off of S—FRANCISCO—THE—3—CLIPPER—SHIP—KING—PHILIP, built in MAINE, was towed by 1—TUG through the Golden Gate and laid anchor to allow the tug to assist 1—NEARBY—VESSEL.
18780125—19800000    —APPEARED, Remnants of the ship, and
18780125—20070000    —IN, again.
18800125             * BERNHARD—RAESTRUP, deutscher Unternehmer und Politiker, MdB
18800125             * ARTHUR—SCHÜTZ, österreichischer Ingenieur und Schriftsteller
18810125             * ELLY—HEUSS—KNAPP, deutsche Politikerin, MdL, Sozialreformerin, Gründerin des Müttergenesungswerks, Frau von THEODOR—HEUSS
18810125             * EMIL—LUDWIG, deutscher Schriftsteller
18810125             † SOPHIE—VON—HATZFELDT, deutsche Sozialistin und Lebensgefährtin FERDINAND—LASSALLES
18820125             * VIRGINIA Woolf, britische Schriftstellerin und Verlegerin der Klassischen Moderne, literarisches Vorbild der Frauenbewegung
18820125—19410000    * † VIRGINIA—WOOLF, ENGLAND—AUTHOR, critic.
18820125—19410000    VIRGINIA—WOOLF was 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—INTELLECTUAL—CIRCLE known as the Bloomsbury Group and wrote "MISTER—S—DALLOWAY" and "ORLANDO".
18820125—19410000    "On the outskirts of EVERY—AGONY sits SOME—OBSERVANT fellow who points".
18820125—19410000    "I read THE—BOOK—OF—JOB last night, I don't think God comes out of it well".
18820125—19410000    "The compensation of growing old was simply this: that the passions remain as strong as ever, but 1 has GAINED—AT last! -- the power which adds the supreme flavor to existence, the power of taking HOLD—OF—EXPERIENCE, of turning it round, slowly, in the light".
18820125—19970000    —PUBLISHED, Panthea Reid : "Art and Affection: 1—LIFE—OF—VIRGINIA—WOOLF".
18820125—19980000    —PUBLISHED, MITCHELL—LEASKA : "Granite and Rainbow: THE—LIFE—OF—VIRGINIA—WOOLF".
18840125             —AM Theater an der WIEN in WIEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der Operette Gasparone von CARL—MILLÖCKER auf das Libretto von FRIEDRICH—ZELL und RICHARD—GENÉE.
18840125             † JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—PIEFKE, deutscher Militärmusiker und Komponist
18850125             * KITAHARA—HAKUSHU, japanischer Schriftsteller
18850125             † CARL—EDUARD—ABENDROTH, Hamburger Kaufmann und Mitglied der Hamburgischen Bürgerschaft
18850125             † ALOIS—EMANUEL—BIEDERMANN, reformierter Theologe aus der Schweiz
18860125             * ERNST—ESCHMANN, Schweizerischer Schriftsteller
18860125             * WILHELM—FURTWÄNGLER, deutscher DIRIGENT—UND—KOMPONIST
18860125             * WILLIE—SMITH, englischer Snooker- und ENGLAND—BILLIARDS—SPIELER
18860125             * WILHELM—FURTWANGLER, conductor, composer, in BERLIN—GERMANY.
18870125             † JOHANNES—CARL, deutscher evangelischer Theologe, Konsistorialrat und Dichter
18890125             * Raúl HUGO—ESPOILE, argentinischer Komponist
18890125             * NAKAMURA—KENKICHI, japanischer Lyriker
18891114—18900125    —ON, NELLIE—BLY, the pen NAME—OF—JOURNALIST—ELIZABETH—COCHRAN, sailed from NEW—YORK to begin her RECORD—BREAKING 24,899-mile trip —AROUND the world, -1—JOURNEY that would end.
18900125             Der Deutsche Reichstag lehnt mit 167—ZU 98—STIMMEN 1—REGIERUNGSVORLAGE—OTTO—VON—BISMARCKS zur Verlängerung des Sozialistengesetzes auf unbestimmte Zeit ab.
18900125             Nellie Bly - Die USA—JOURNALISTIN Nellie Bly vollendet ihre Reise um die Welt auf den Spuren Phileas Foggs am 73. —TAG.
18900125             * KARL—ADLER, deutscher Musikwissenschaftler
18900125             † PIETER—DE—JONG, niederländischer Orientalist
18900125             Mit Nein stimmt auch DIE—KONSERVATIVE FRAKTION wegen der von DER—REICHS—TAG—KOMMISSION wiederhergestellten beschränkten Geltungsdauer des Gesetzes.
18900125             DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN PARTEI—MITGLIEDER veranstalten nach der Ablehnung spontane Freudenfeiern.
18900125             DIE—BILANZ des SOZIALISTEN—GESETZ ergibt das VERBOT—VON—155—PERIODISCHEN und 1.200 nicht periodisch erscheinenden Drucksachen, DRUCK—SCHRIFTEN, darunter die umfangreiche Broschürenliteratur,
18900125             DIE—BILANZ des SOZIALISTEN—GESETZ ergibt 1.000—JAHRE—GEFÄNGNIS, zu denen 1.500—MENSCHEN verurteilt waren.
18900125             DIE—BILANZ des SOZIALISTEN—GESETZ ergibt —CA—9.00—AUSWEISUNGEN, davon 500—FAMILIEN—VÄTER,
18910125             * William C. Bullitt, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Diplomat
18920125             * Paulus af Uhr, schwedischer Generalmajor und Leichtathlet
18920125             * TONI—BAUHOFER, deutscher Automobil- und Motorradrennfahrer
18920125             * TAKAGI—TAKEO, Vizeadmiral der kaiserlich japanischen Marine
18920125             —BATTLE—OF—MENGO—BUGANDA[UGANDA], took place.
18920125             —JUST outside what is —NOW KAMPALA, Catholics, ADVANCED, against ANGLICANS armed with MACHINE—GUNS
18940125             * AINO—AALTO, finnische Architektin und Designerin
18940125             * SERGEI—WASSILJEWITSCH—JEWSEJEW, russischer Komponist
18940125             * MARGUERITE—ROESGEN—CHAMPION, Schweizer Komponistin und Cembalistin
18940125             * MICHEIL—TSCHIAURELI, georgischer Filmregisseur
18940125             —ERSCHEINT,der Wochenzeitung "DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRAT—PROBENUMMER.
18940125             Redakteur der Wochenzeitung "DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRAT wird M. Schippel.
18950125             * HEINRICH—LANDAHL, deutscher Politiker, Hamburger Schulsenator
18950125             * PAOLO—MARELLA, vatikanischer Diplomat und Kurienkardinal
18960125             * CORB—DENNENY, kanadischer Eishockeyspieler
18980125             * ANTON—DIEL, deutscher Politiker, MdB
18990125             * Gérard Marinier, französischer Autorennfahrer
18990125             * PAUL—HENRI Spaak, belgischer Politiker und Staatsmann
18990125             † Adolphe d'Ennery, französischer Schriftsteller
19000125             * THEODOSIUS—DOBZHANSKY, RUSSISCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER Genetiker und Evolutionsbiologe
19000125             * István Fekete, ungarischer Schriftsteller
19000125             —REFUSED, THE—USA—CONGRESS 56., to seat MORMON—DEMOCRAT—FROM—UTAH—BRIGHAM—H—ROBERTS, because of his polygamy.
19010125             † WILHELM—VON—ROTHSCHILD, financier, orthodox, Talmudic scholar, FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN on Main
19020125             Uraufführung der 2. Sinfonie von ALEXANDER—NIKOLAJEWITSCH—SKRJABIN in S—PETERSBURG.
19040125             Im Auftrag des Fabrikanten JOHN—B—TIMBERLAKE wird beim USA Patent OFFICE—1—PATENT auf den erfundenen Kleiderbügel aus Draht beantragt.
19040125             J.M. Synge's "Riders to the Sea," premiered in DUBLIN.
19040125             200 (179) coal miners were entombed in 1—EXPLOSION in CHESWICK—PENNSYLVANIA.
19040125—19040225    —SEE
19040225—19040125    —SEE
19050125             —DIRIGIERT, ARNOLD—SCHÖNBERG, im Großen Musikvereinssaal in WIEN die Uraufführung seiner symphonischen Dichtung Pelleas und Melisande —NACH—DEM Drama von MAURICE—MAETERLINCK.
19050125             Largest diamond, Cullinan (3106—CARETS), was found in SOUTH—AFRICA.
19060000—20050125    * † PHILIP—JOHNSON, architect, in CONNECTICUT.
19060125             † MAJOR—GENERAL—JOSEPH—WHEELER—II, 70—JAHRE—ALT, Confederate, USA—GENERAL.
19060125             As 1—CONFEDERATE BRIGADIER and then MAJOR—GENERAL, "Fightin' Joe" Wheeler commanded the cavalry of the Confederate Army of MISSISSIPPI and, —LATER, the Army of TENNESSEE.
19060125             —RETIRED, —AFTER his SPANISH—USA—WAR—SERVICE, Wheeler, from the army as 1—BRIGADIER—GENERAL—OF—USA Regulars.
19060125             —INTERRED, He was, in ARLINGTON National Cemetery.
19060125—18650500    —IN, Captured, he went on to have 1—PROSPEROUS postwar life, serving as A—USA—CONGRESSMAN for 8—TERMS.
19060125—18980000    —IN, He led 1—CAVALRY division in THE—BATTLE—OF—S—JUAN—HILL.
19070125             Bei der sogenannten "Hottentottenwahl" zum 12. Deutschen Reichstag verliert die SPD durch Wahlkreisabsprachen der anderen Parteien fast die Hälfte ihrer Mandate.
19070125             Obwohl sie nach Stimmen immer noch die stärkste Partei bleibt, ist ihr Aufwärtstrend damit vorläufig gestoppt und der BÜLOW—BLOCK von Reichskanzler BERNHARD—VON—BÜLOW erhält die Mandatsmehrheit.
19070125             Der REICHS—TAG—WAHL—KAMPF wurde mit sehr starken nationalistischen Parolen geführt.
19070125             —KONZENTRIERT, DIE—REICHS—TAG—WAHL—KAMPF—PROPAGANDA aller Parteien war, gegen DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE gerichtet.
19070125             —GEWINNT, DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE, dennoch 250.000—STIMMEN.
19070125             DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE hat in 392—WAHL—KREISEN Kandidaten aufgestellt;
19070125             trotz des Stimmengewinns verliert DIE—PARTEI beinahe 50 % ihrer Mandate und
19070125             DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE zieht nur noch mit 43—ABGEORDNETEN, das sind 10,8 %, in den neuen REICHS—TAG.
19070125             —BEGINNT, Es, die Ära der "Blockpolitik", des BÜNDNISS—VON—KONSERVATIVEN und Liberalen.
19070125             REICHS—TAG—WAHLEN —
19070125             —DISKUTIERT, In der Partei, man den Ausgang der Wahlen, vor allem DIE—NATIONALE—FRAGE, das MILITARISMUS—PROBLEM — KARL—KAUTSKY: "SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE ist Frieden" —, die Mittelstandspolitik.
19070125—18870000    —SEIT, Für diese war es der härteste und oft schikanöseste WAHL—KAMPF
19080125             Die Oper Leyli va Madschnun des aserbaidschanischen Komponisten Üzeyir Hacib?yov wird am Bakuer HAJI—ZEYNALABDIN—TAGIYEV—THEATER uraufgeführt.
19080125             —BASIERT, Sie, auf Fuzulis Fassung der populären Liebesgeschichte Leila und Madschnun.
19090125             An der Hofoper in DRESDEN wird die Symphonieoper Elektra von RICHARD—STRAUSS mit dem Libretto von HUGO—VON—HOFMANNSTHAL erfolgreich uraufgeführt.
19090125             Die Klytämnestra singt Ernestine SCHUMANN—HEINK.
19150125             Bei einem Putsch konservativer Offiziere in PORTUGAL wird die Regierung VICTOR—HUGO—DE—AZEVEDO—COUTINHO gestürzt und das Parlament aufgelöst.
19150125             Die "Diktatur der Schwerter" unter GENERAL—JOAQUIM—PIMENTA—DE—CASTRO dauert —BIS zum 19150514            .
19150125             —WWI—IM wird in Deutschland die Versorgung mit Brot rationiert.
19150125             Die Brotkarte ist die 1. von weiteren, folgenden Lebensmittelmarken.
19150125             Umberto Giordano, Sardou & MOREAU—OPERA "Madame Sans Gene" premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19150125             —INAUGURATED, THE—INVENTOR—OF—THE—TELEPHONE, ALEXANDER—GRAHAM—BELL, transcontinental telephone service in THE—USA.
19150125             —PLACED, Bell, the 1. ceremonial CROSS—CONTINENTAL—CALL from NEW—YORK to his old colleague THOMAS—WATSON in S—FRANCISCO.
19170000—19920125    * † MAHMOUD—RIAD, EGYPT—DIPLOMAT and SEC—GEN of Arab League (19720000—19790000    ).
19170125             —THREATENED, His campaign to rid THE—CITY—OF—PROSTITUTION, their livelihood.
19170125             —FAILED, The protest, and within days police began raiding houses in the Uptown Tenderloin.
19170125             —CRAMMED, S—FRANCISCO, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, into the Dreamland Rink at Post and Steiner demanding that City Hall take action against THE—TENDERLOIN—BOISTEROUS nightlife.
19170125             —AIMED, The campaign, to shut down the cafes and saloons where men and women freely comingled.
19170125—19180000    —TITLED, Smith made 1—MOVIE, "THE—FINGER—OF—JUSTICE" starring matinee idol Crane Wilbur as "fighting parson".
19170125—19220000    —FAILED, The film, to gain national prominence and Smith left the ministry, moved to LOS—ANGELES and began 1 used car salesman.
19190000—20110125    * † DANIEL—BELL, sociologist and 1—PROFESSOR emeritus at Harvard University.
19190125             —ADOPTED, THE—LEAGUE—OF—NATIONS plan was, by the Allies.
19210125             Das Bundesverfassungsgesetz über die Stellung des Burgenlandes als selbständiges und gleichberechtigtes Land im Bund und über seine vorläufige Einrichtung, mit dem das Burgenland in die REPUBLIK Österreich eingegliedert wird, wird beschlossen.
19210125             KAREL—CAPEK'S " R.U.R.: ROSSUM—UNIVERSAL—ROBOTS" (19200000             ), premiered in PRAGUE.
19210125             —INTRODUCED, The play, the term robot (robota for forced labor).
19240125             —BEGINNT, CHAMONIX—MONT—BLANC, (Frankreich), die vom Internationalen Olympischen Komitee veranstaltete "Internationale Wintersportwoche", der —ERST im Nachhinein der Titel I. Olympische Winterspiele zugesprochen wird.
19240125             Die Wettkämpfe dauern —BIS zum 19240205            .
19240125             —OPENED, The 1. —WINTER Olympic games, in CHAMONIX—FRANCE.
19280125             —FOUNDED, THE—ZAMORANO—CLUB was, in LOS—ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, "to establish contact and encourage exchange of thought among its members, who shall be men interested in Fine Books".
19280125             —NAMED, The club was, —AFTER Agustin Vicente Zamorano, the 1. printer in Alta CALIFORNIA.
19280125             * EDUARD—SHEVARDNADZE, foreign MINISTER—OF—USSR, in Soviet GEORGIA.
19300125             —ROUTED, NEW—YORK police, 1—COMMUNIST—RALLY at the Town Hall.
19330125             * CORAZON—AQUINO as CORAZON—COJUANGCO.
19330125             —DEFEATED, CORAZON—AQUINO, the corrupt FERDINAND—MARCOS to become THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—PHILIPPINES (19860000—19920000    ).
19330125             —KILLED, Her husband had been, by Marcos' gunmen.
19370125             THE—USA—RADIO—PROGRAM "THE—GUIDING—LIGHT," made its debut.
19370125—19520000    —IN, it became 1—TELEVISION soap opera on CBS.
19390125             1—ERDBEBEN der Stärke 8,3 in Chillán in CHILE fordert rund 28.000—TODESOPFER.
19400125             —ESTABLISHED, Nazis, 1—JEWISH ghetto in LODZ—POLAND.
19420125             Die eidgenössische Volksinitiative "für die Wahl des Bundesrates durch das Volk und die Erhöhung der Mitgliederzahl", die die Vergrößerung des Bundesrates und dessen Wahl durch das Volk verlangt, wird vom Volk abgelehnt.
19430000—20080125    * † RICHARD—DARMAN, former budget director (19890000—19920000    ) under PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH.
19430125             —CAPTURED, The last GERMANY—AIRFIELD in Stalingrad was, by the Red Army.
19440125             —SCHREIBT GOEBBELS in sein Tagebuch, DER—FILM solle "unbedingt aufgeführt werden.
19440125             —SCHREIBT GOEBBELS in sein Tagebuch, DER—FÜHRER gibt mir den Auftrag, mich nicht durch Einsprüche von Lehrerseite oder von Seiten des Erziehungsministeriums einschüchtern zu lassen".
19441206—19450125    —DATE
19450125             —FILED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—ANTITRUST—DIVISION, suit in THE—USA—DISTRICT—COURT—IN—NEW—YORK against De Beers, 4—OTHER—BRITISH or SOUTH—AFRICA—COMPANIES, 3—BELGIUM—COMPANIES and 1—PORTUGAL—COMPANY which together produced and sold 95—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—DIAMONDS, 'charging them with conspiring to restrain and monopolize the foreign trade of THE—USA in gem and industrial diamonds in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and THE—WILSON—TARIFF—ACTS.
19470125             † AL—CAPONE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Verbrecher und Gangsterboss
19470125             † USA—GANGSTER—AL—CAPONE of syphilis in MIAMI BEACH—FLORIDA, at age 48. —WHILE he was in prison at Alcatraz Capone composed 1—SONG titled "Madonna Mia," and gave to VINCENT—CASEY, 1—JESUIT priest, who had visited him regularly.
19470125—20090000    —IN, the song was produced and made available on CD.
19490125             Die Sowjetunion, Bulgarien, Polen, Rumänien, Tschechoslowakei und Ungarn gründen die Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft Rat für gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe (RGW), im Westen als COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) bezeichnet, als sozialistisches Gegengewicht zu Marshallplan und OEEC.
19490125             Mit der Übergabe des von der USA—AMERIKANISCHEN Militärregierung betriebenen Senders Radio München in deutsche Hände konstituiert sich der Bayerische Rundfunk.
19490125             —BROADCASTED, Axis Sally, who, Nazi propaganda to USA—TROOPS in EUROPE, stood trial in THE—USA for war crimes.
19490125             "Comecon," or the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, was THE—SOVIET—UNION—ATTEMPT to create 1—PROGRAM that would be the Communist EQUIVALENT—OF—THE—MARSHALL—PLAN, 1—USA—PROGRAM to rebuild postwar WEST—EUROPE.
19490125             —AFTER the formal division of GERMANY into east and west, the Soviets attempted to create the organization to replicate for EAST—EUROPE what THE—MARSHALL—PLAN was to do for the west.
19490125             —STARTED, THE—SOVIET—BACKED organization, with BULGARIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA—HUNGARY, POLAND, and ROMANIA becoming founding members (in addition to THE—SOVIET—UNION).
19490125             —JOINED, ALBANIA and EAST—GERMANY, shortly thereafter.
19490125             Comecon was never able to match THE—EFFECTIVENESS—OF—THE—USA—PROGRAM—BECAUSE—OF—THE—LACK—OF—RESOURCES in the weaker Communist countries and inflexible Soviet leadership concerned primarily with strengthening THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19490125—19900000    —UNTIL, The organization, which sought coordination between the nations' CENTRALLY—PLANNED economies lasted —WHEN the democratization movements in EAST—EUROPE made COMECON—PURPOSE moot.
19490125—19910000    —RENAMED, Comecon was, the Organization for INTERNATIONAL Economic Cooperation.
19500125             Der USA—REGIERUNGSBEAMTE Alger Hiss, der der Spionage für die Sowjetunion verdächtig ist, wegen Verjährung aber nicht angeklagt werden kann, wird auf Grund der AUSSAGEN—VON—WHITTAKER—CHAMBERS und RICHARD—NIXON vom Komitee für unamerikanische Umtriebe wegen Meineids zu 5—JAHREN Haft verurteilt.
19510125             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA 8. Army in KOREA, Operation Thunderbolt, 1—COUNTER attack to push THE—CHINA—ARMY—NORTH—OF—THE—HAN—RIVER.
19550125             —BEENDET, Die UdSSR, den Kriegszustand mit Deutschland mit dem Erlass des Präsidiums des Obersten Sowjets der UdSSR.
19560125             Khrushchev said that he believed that Eisenhower was sincere in his efforts to abolish war.
19570125             Der 1. Startversuch der USA—AMERIKANISCHEN Thor, der weltweit 1. Mittelstreckenrakete, in Cape Canaveral schlägt fehl.
19590125             JOHANNES—XXIII—PAPA gibt im Kapitelsaal der Patriarchalbasilika S—PAUL vor den Mauern vor 17—KARDINÄLEN bekannt, dass er unter dem Leitmotiv des Aggiornamento 1—KONZIL für die Weltkirche einzuberufen beabsichtigt.
19590125             —OPENED, USA—AIRLINES, the jet age in THE—USA—WITH—THE— 1. scheduled transcontinental flight of 1—BOEING 707—FROM LA to NY for $301.
19590125             —PROCLAIMED, JOHN—XXII—PAPAI, the 2. VATICAN council.
19600125—19600127    —MEANWHILE, THE—FRANCO government had arranged permanent premises in MADRID for THE—CIDCC headquarters.
19600125—19600127    LINDRATH would however be absent from THE—CONFERENCE;
19600125—19600127    accompanied by SOLIS and
19600125—19600127    THE—SUCCESSION to THE—PRESIDENCY was only 1—OUTSTANDING issue:
19600125—19600127    —WISHED, THE—GERMAN—SECTION, to study the political and —ORGANISATIONAL problems of THE—CIDCC,
19600125—19600127    —WANTED, THE—FRENCH—SECTION, to focus on media measures to combat SOVIET—PSYCHOLOGICAL—WARFARE,
19600125—19600127    —FROM—TO, THE—II. INTERNATIONAL—CONFERENCE—OF—THE—CIDCC was held in MADRID, including
19600125—19600127    —FROM—TO, DELEGATES—FROM—14—COUNTRIES, and
19600125—19600127    —FROM—TO, was ATTENDED—BY PINAY,
19600125—19600127    —FROM—TO, was ATTENDED—BY SOLIS—RUIZ,
19600125—19600127    —FROM—TO, was ATTENDED—BY MANUEL—FRAGA—IRIBARNE and
19600125—19600127    —FROM—TO, it received TELEGRAMS—OF—SUPPORT from KONRAD—ADENAUER and
19600125—19600127    —FROM—TO, it received TELEGRAMS—OF—SUPPORT from from THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—OF—THE—VATICAN, and
19600125—19600127    —ACCOMPANIED—BY, SOLIS—RUIZ and
19600125—19600127    THE—SPANISH—SECTION felt the need to setde the definitive aim and INTERNATIONAL STATUS—OF—THE—COMMITTEE.
19600125—19600127    accompanied by MANUEL—FRAGA—IRIBARNE —
19600125—19600127    —MEANWHILE, THE—GENERAL—FRANCISCO—FRANCO—GOVERNMENT had arranged permanent premises in MADRID for THE—CIDCC headquarters.
19600125—19600127    —FROM—TO, it would end with 1—PRIVATE—AUDIENCE with FRANCO for THE—FOREIGN dignitaries, accompanied by SOLIS and MANUEL—FRAGA—IRIBARNE —
19610125             —RELEASED, Walt Disney's "101—DALMATIANS" was.
19610125             PRESIDENT—KENNEDY held the 1. presidential news conference carried live on radio and television.
19630125             † WILSON—KETTLE (102), leaving 582—LIVING descendents.
19640125             Die ARD strahlt die 1. Folge der Spieleshow Einer wird gewinnen (EWG) des Hessischen Rundfunks mit HANS—JOACHIM Kulenkampff aus.
19640125             Produzent MARTIN—JENTE hat hier —BEREITS seinen 1. Schlussauftritt als "Butler".
19640125             Beatles 1. USA #1, "I—WANT to Hold your Hand".
19690125             USA—NORTH—VIETNAM—PEACE talks began in PARIS.
19700125             —PREMIERED, THE—ROBERT—ALTMAN film "M*A*S*H", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19710125             —ÜBERNIMMT, Während PRÄSIDENT—MILTON—OBOTE nicht im Land ist, Armeechef Idi Amin mit einem unblutigen Putsch die Macht in UGANDA.
19710125             INDIEN, entsteht der nördliche Bundesstaat Himachal Pradesh aus einem zuvor bestehenden Unionsterritorium.
19710125             THE—PHILADELPHIA mint made its 1. trial strike of the Eisenhower dollar.
19710125             —DAMAGED, MILAN—ITALY, firebombs, the Pirelli tire factory.
19710125             † UGANDA, GENERAL—IDI—AMIN (20030000             , ) led 1—MILITARY—COUP that seized power —WHILE PRESIDENT—OBOTE was at 1—SUMMIT in SINGAPORE.
19710125             Obote sought refuge in TANZANIA.
19710125—19690000    —IN—THE, CHARLES—MANSON and 3—FEMALE followers were convicted in LOS—ANGELES—OF—MURDER and conspiracy slayings of 7—PEOPLE, including actress SHARON—TATE.
19720125             —REVISED, He made 1, offer with THE—CONCURRENCE—OF—SOUTH—VIETNAM—PRESIDENT—THIEU.
19720125             —AIRED, Nixon, THE—8—POINT—PEACE—PLAN for VIETNAM, asking for PRISONER—OF—WAR—RELEASE in return for withdrawal.
19720125             —ELECTED, Shirley Chisholm, the 1. African USA—WOMAN, to USA—CONGRESS, announced her candidacy for PRESIDENT—AS—DEMOCRAT.
19720125—19710531    —FROM, PRESIDENT—NIXON made public the secret talks, that included 1—CEASE—FIRE—IN—PLACE, USA—WITHDRAWAL, and THE—RETURN—OF—PRISONERS from NORTH—VIETNAM.
19730125             XVIIth Charlemagne Grand DINNER—MORE than 200 ATTENDED—WIDE—PRESS—COVERAGE—OF:
19730125             ARCH—DUKE—OTTO—SPEECH.
19730125             —ATTENDED, XVIIth Charlemagne Grand Dinner — more than 200, — wide press coverage of:
19740125             RAY—KROC (19020000—19840000    ), THE—HEAD—OF—MCDONALD—CORP., bought THE—SD Padres for $12—MILLION and prevented the team's planned move to WASHINGTON DC.
19740125             —BECAME, Bulent Ecevit (19250000—20060000    ), PRIME—MINISTER—OF—TURKEY.
19740125             —PUBLISHED, THE—TIMES, largely unfounded allegations by JOSEF—FROLIK, 1—CZECH—REPUBLIC—INTELLIGENCE defector to THE—CIA,
19740125             —AM, JOSEF—FROLIK, 1—CZECH—REPUBLIC—INTELLIGENCE defector to THE—CIA, claimed that several LABOUR MPs were spying for THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19780125             —APPOINTED, MURIEL—HUMPHREY was, to fill the Senate seat left vacant by THE—DEATH—OF—HER—HUSBAND, HUBERT—H—HUMPHREY—OF—MINNESOTA.
19800116—19800125    —RELEASED, He was, and deported.
19800125             Abolhassan Banisadr wird zum 1. Präsidenten des IRAN nach der Islamischen Revolution gewählt.
19800125             Der gemäßigte Politiker kann sich jedoch nur —BIS zum 19810700              an der Macht halten.
19800125             —LAUNCHED, ROBERT—L—JOHNSON, Black Entertainment Television (BET).
19800125             —AIRED, It began as a 2—HOUR—A—WEEK—SERVICE that, EVERY—FRIDAY —EVENING.
19800125             —ALLOWED, IT—MEXICO to refuse EXTRADITION—OF—SUSPECTS facing the death penalty in THE—USA.
19800125             —RELEASED, PAUL—MCCARTNEY— was, from TOKYO jail & deported.
19800125             —ELECTED, Abolhassan BANI—SADR was, as IRAN—1. PRESIDENT —SINCE 19790000             —THE Islamic revolution.
19800125             Though he won 1—OVERWHELMING majority of the popular vote, he did not have the support of the predominantly fundamentalist PARLIAMENT.
19800125—19780000    —IN, 1—USA—MEXICO—EXTRADITION—TREATY, signed by PRESIDENT—CARTER, went into effect.
19810125             Jiang Qing - CHINA, werden die Urteile im Prozess gegen die so genannte Viererbande gesprochen:
19810125             Maos o†o Jiang Qing und Zhang Chunqiao werden zum Tod verurteilt,
19810125             Yao Wenyuan und Wang Hongwen zu je 20—JAHREN Freiheitsstrafe.
19810125             —SPÄTER, Die Todesurteile werden in lebenslange Haft umgewandelt.
19810125             —ARRIVED, THE—52—AMERICANS held hostage by IRAN —FOR—444—DAYS, in THE—USA.
19810125             —RECEIVED, CHINA, Jiang Qing (19140000—19910000    ), MAO—WIDOW, 1 suspended death sentence.
19820125             ROBERT—HAVEMANN und Pfarrer RAINER—EPPELMANN veröffentlichen in der DDR den Berliner Appell – Frieden schaffen ohne Waffen, mit dem sie eine gesamtdeutsche Friedensbewegung fordern und zur Abrüstung in Ost und West auffordern.
19820125             —ESTIMATED, S—FRANCISCO, crowds, at over 500,000 took to the streets to celebrate the Super Bowl XVI parade.
19820125             —PLANNED, City Hall had, for 25,000.
19820125             STOCKTON—CALIFORNIA, RENEE—RONTAL, 13—JAHRE—ALT and NANCY Rubia (13) were out looking for fun on 1—POPULAR cruising strip —WHEN they were picked up by a 22—YEAR—OLD—REYES and 21—YEAR—OLD—ANTONIO—ESPINOZA.
19820125             The next —DAY 1—FARM—WORKER found Renee in 1—DITCH outside town with her throat cut.
19820125             † NANCY was found nearby face down in shallow water, and 1—AUTOPSY concluded that she, from drowning in the muddy water.
19820125             Both girls had been beaten and raped.
19820125             —ARRESTED, Espinoza was, 1—YEAR and 1—HALF—AFTER the killing and was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER.
19820125—20110527    —ARRESTED, FBI agents and MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE, Alfredo Reyes (51) outside 1—POOL—HALL in TIJUANA, where he had been living under 1—ALIAS.
19830125             —PROMULGIERT, JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA, mit der Apostolischen Konstitution Sacrae Disciplinae Leges die aktuelle Fassung des CIC.
19830125             —LAUNCHED, THE—IRAS space probe was.
19830125             —INFRARED, It studied, radiation from across the cosmos and exposed stars as they were born from CLOUDS—OF—GAS and dust.
19830125             —COMMUTED, CHINA—SUPREME—COURT, the death sentence of Jiang Qing, MAO—WIDOW, to life.
19840125             —ENDORSED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN, the development of the 1. USA permanently manned space station.
19850125             Der Deutsche BUNDESTAG spricht den Urteilen des Volksgerichtshofes zur Zeit des 3. Reichs jegliche Rechtswirkung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ab.
19850125             —AM, erklärte DER—BUNDESTAG endlich, daß der Volksgerichtshof kein ordentliches Gericht war, sondern 1—TERROR—INSTRUMENT in juristischer Hülle.
19870125             Bei der Bundestagswahl in Deutschland gewinnen die FDP und Die Grünen Stimmen und Mandate, während vor allem die CDU unter Bundeskanzler HELMUT—KOHL massive Verluste erleidet.
19870125             Die Regierungskoalition aus CDU/CSU und FDP hat jedoch weiterhin die Mehrheit im Deutschen BUNDESTAG.
19880125             In his final STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, PRESIDENT—REAGAN declared AMERICA was "strong, prosperous, at peace".
19880125             —CLASHED, VICE—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH and DAN—RATHER, on "THE—CBS —EVENING News" as the anchorman attempted to question the Republican presidential candidate about his role in THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair.
19890125             —SCORED, MICHAEL—JORDAN, his 10,000. NBA point in his 5. season.
19900125             Der Orkan Daria fegt über Nord- und Mitteleuropa und fordert mindestens 94—TODESOPFER und Schäden in Milliardenhöhe.
19900125             —PROPOSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, to add 1—ADDITIONAL $1.2—BILLION to the budget for THE—WAR—ON—DRUGS, including a 50% increase in military spending.
19900125             1—AVIANCA—BOEING 707—RAN OUT—OF—FUEL and crashed in Cove NECK—NEW—YORK;
19900125             73—OF—THE—161—PEOPLE aboard were killed.
19900125             † ACTRESS—AVA—GARDNER, star in 60—FILMS, in LONDON at age 67. ACTRESS—AVA—GARDNER—3—HUSBANDS included MICKEY—ROONEY (19420000—19430000    ), Artie Shaw (19450000—19460000    ) and FRANK—SINATRA (19510000—19570000    ).
19910125             —DURING the Gulf War IRAQ sabotaged KUWAIT—MAIN supertanker loading pier, dumping 1 estimated 460—MILLION gallons of crude oil into the Persian Gulf.
19910125             —FIRED, Missiles, from WEST—IRAQ struck in the Tel Aviv and HAIFA areas, killing 1—ISRAELI and injuring more than 40—OTHERS.
19910600             CURT—WELDON—NEPHEW and THE—CIA | TPMCafe Caribe Air Transport,
19920125             VrijNederIand.
19920125             Finance ministers from the Group of 7—NATIONS met in Garden CITY—NEW—YORK, agreeing to intensify their cooperation to stimulate the world's sluggish economy, —WHILE leaving it to EACH—COUNTRY to decide how.
19920125             INFO—PARANET Newsletters Vol.I N°528—PARANET Information Service.
19920125             I'm not trying to discount ANY—TRANSFER—OF—LANGUAGE or blendings, but I..
19930125             —ANNOUNCED, Sears, it was closing its catalog sales dept —AFTER—97—YEARS.
19930125             LANCE—CPL.
19930125—19970000    —IN, Mir [Amil] Aimal Kasi, 1—PAKISTAN—NATIONAL, was tracked down for the shooting in AFGHANISTAN and returned to THE—USA.
19930125—19970000    —EXECUTED, He was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and was, 20021114           .
19940125             —DELIVERED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS in which he challenged Congress to pass comprehensive health care reforms.
19940125             —SETTLED, Singer MICHAEL—JACKSON, 1—CHILD—MOLESTATION—LAWSUIT against him;
19940125             terms were confidential, although 1—SOURCE put the monetary figure at least $10—MILLION.
19940125             —UNMANNED, THE—USA—LAUNCHED—CLEMENTINE I, 1, spacecraft that was to study the moon —BEFORE it was "lost and gone forever".
19950125             —AM, DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER ahnten nicht, dass ihr Experiment das ENDE—DER—ZIVILISATION bedeuten konnte.
19950125             —AM, schossen norwegische und amerikanische Forscher 1—RAKETE in den Himmel über NORD—WEST—NORWEGEN, um Nordlichter zu erforschen.
19950125             The defense gave its opening statement in the O.J. Simpson trial in LOS—ANGELES, saying Simpson was the victim of a "rush to judgment" by authorities who had mishandled evidence and ignored witnesses.
19950125             Extensive flooding hit THE—STREETS—OF—LAS—VEGAS and MANY—CASINOS had water dripping onto gambling tables.
19950125             —DISINTEGRATED, The top of 1—CHINESE—LONG—MARCH—MISSILE, as it hit supersonic speeds and destroyed 1—HUGHES—APSTAR 2—SATELLITE.
19950125             —KILLED, The debris, at least 6—VILLAGERS.
19950125             1—TEAM—OF—NORWEGIAN and USA—SCIENTISTS launched 1—BLACK—BRANT—XII 4—STAGE sounding rocket from the Andoya Rocket Range off THE—NORTH—WEST—COAST—OF—NORWAY to study the aurora borealis over Svalbard.
19950125             Nuclear forces in RUSSIA were put on alert, and THE—NUCLEAR—COMMAND suitcase was brought to PRESIDENT—BORIS—YELTSIN, who then had to decide whether to launch 1—NUCLEAR—BARRAGE against THE—USA.
19950125             —BECAME, This, known as THE—NORWAY—ROCKET—INCIDENT or Black Brant scare.
19960121             † JONATHON—LARSON (19960125             , ), COMPOSER—OF—RENT, began COMPLAINING—OF—CHEST—PAINS.
19960124             † JONATHON—LARSON (19960125             , ), COMPOSER—OF—RENT, was taken to S—VINCENT—HOSPITAL—EMERGENCY—ROOM in NEW—YORK—CITY and discharged with 1—DIAGNOSIS—OF—1—PROBABLE—VIRUS.
19960125             - Agreement between THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE for heritage + THE—BBC (with treasury minutes).
19960125             1—EXAMPLE from the agreement:
19960125             8.3—IF + —WHENEVER in THE—OPINION—OF—THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—1—EMERGENCY shall have arisen in which it is expedient in the public interest that Her MAJESTY—GOVERNMENT in THE—UK—SHALL have control over the broadcasting or TRANSMISSION—OF—ANY—MATTER whatsoever by MEANS—OF—THE—STATIONS or ANY—OF—THEM,
19960125             it shall be lawful for THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE to direct and cause the stations or ANY—OF—THEM or ANY—PART thereof to be taken possession of in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty and to prevent the Corporation from using them + also to cause the stations or ANY—OF—THEM or ANY—PART thereof to be used for Her MAJESTY—SERVICE,
19960125             or to take such other steps as he may think fit to secure control over the stations or ANY—OF—THEM + in that event ANY—PERSON authorised by THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE may enter upon the stations or ANY—OF—THEM and the offices and WORKS—OF—THE—CORPORATION or ANY—OF—THEM and take possession thereof and use the same as aforesaid.
19960125             —ARRESTED, CHARLES—ROTHENBERG was, in the shooting of a 47—YEAR—OLD—MAN and charged with attempted murder.
19960125             Wells Fargo won the battle to acquire 1. Interstate of LOS—ANGELES in a $11.6—BILLION pact.
19960125             8.3—IF + —WHENEVER in THE—OPINION—OF—THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—1—EMERGENCY shall have arisen in which it is expedient in the public interest that Her MAJESTY—GOVERNMENT in THE—UK—SHALL have control over the broadcasting or TRANSMISSION—OF—ANY—MATTER whatsoever by MEANS—OF—THE—STATIONS or ANY—OF—THEM, it shall be lawful for THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE to direct and cause the stations or ANY—OF—THEM or ANY—PART thereof to be taken possession of in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty and to prevent the Corporation from using them + also to cause the stations or ANY—OF—THEM or ANY—PART thereof to be used for Her MAJESTY—SERVICE, or to take such other steps as he may think fit to secure control over the stations or ANY—OF—THEM + in that event ANY—PERSON authorised by THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE may enter upon the stations or ANY—OF—THEM and the offices and WORKS—OF—THE—CORPORATION or ANY—OF—THEM and take possession thereof and use the same as aforesaid.
19960125             Charter available on THE—BBC website
19960125—19830000    —IN, He had set fire to his 6—YEAR—OLD—SON in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA and served 7—YEARS in prison.
19960125—19960315    —BRUISED, THROUGH, With Republicans, by 2—GOVERNMENT shutdowns, THE—USA—HOUSE overwhelmingly approved legislation to keep federal agencies running.
19970125             Responding to recent cases of deadly food poisoning, PRESIDENT—CLINTON promised to seek $43—MILLION—DOLLARS to implement 1—EARLY warning system for food contamination.
19970125             † Astrologer Jeane Dixon in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, at age 79.
19970125             ALBANIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE lost money in pyramid investment schemes and took to THE—STREETS—OF—LUSHNJA in protest.
19970125             SOME—1—MILLION—KALASHNIKOV rifles were stolen from government depots.
19970125             Some 656,000 weapons and 1.5—BILLION ROUNDS—OF—AMMUNITION were stolen from army depots —DURING civil unrest sparked by Ponzi scheme failures.
19970125             ARGENTINA, Noticias photojournalist Jose LUIS—CABEZAS was found murdered in the Atlantic resort of Pinamar.
19970125             —HANDCUFFED, He had been, tortured and burned alive near 1—MEETING PLACE—OF—THE—JUSTICIALIST Party.
19970125             —REVEALED, It was —LATER, that police officers carried out the murder under orders from Alfredo Yabran.
19970125             —REPORTED, CHINA, it was, that —WINTER storms had stranded some 320,000—PEOPLE in Xinjiang province and that many were close to starvation.
19970125             COLUMBIA, gunmen of THE—FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of COLUMBIA) kidnapped FERNANDO—CABALLERO—ARGAEZ, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—BOGOTA—STOCK—EXCHANGE, in GRANADA.
19970125             —REPORTED, KENYA, it was, that mass starvation was threatening —AFTER 1—WIDESPREAD draught this season.
19970125             —REPORTED, SOMALILAND, it was, that MANY—WELLS and bore holes had dried up and that cattle and goats were dying in large numbers.
19970125—20000000    —IN, 1—TRIBUNAL found 3—FORMER—PROVINCIAL—POLICE—OFFICERS—GUILTY in the murder along with 1—FORMER—SECURITY—GUARD and 4—CIVILIANS.
19980125             Das USA—EHEPAAR Tom und Eileen Lonergan wird bei einem Tauchgang am Great Barrier Reef vor Queensland, Australien von ihrem Tauchboot vergessen und nie mehr gefunden.
19980125             Die Handlung des USA—AMERIKANISCHEN Spielfilms Open Water basiert grob auf diesem Schicksal.
19980125             Terrorists shot dead 23—CIVILIANS in THE—VILLAGE—OF—WANDHAMA, 1—HAMLET in THE—FOOTHILLS—OF—THE—MOUNTAINS—OF—JAMMU and Kashmir.
19980125             The temple reportedly held 1—TOOTH of the Buddha brought from INDIA in the 03010101—04001231 .
19980125             Major Bomb Blasts in NEW—DELHI —DURING 19970000
19980125             "Grease" closed at EUGENE—O'NEILL—THEATER—NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER 1,503 performances.
19980125             THE—BRONCOS led by JOHN—ELWAY won their 1. Super Bowl title in 4—TRIES, defeating THE—GREEN—BAY Packers 31-24.
19980125             —MOVED, USA—ASTRONAUT—ANDREW—THOMAS, from the space shuttle Endeavour into THE—RUSSIA—SPACE—STATION—MIR as the relief for DAVID—WOLF.
19980125             ALGERIA, 20—PEOPLE had their throats cut in the village of Frenda.
19980125             —REPORTED, Local media, that 50—PEOPLE were killed in KAID—BEN—LARBI.
19980125             Ambushes and bombings were widespread as the celebration of Leilat El Qadr (NIGHT—OF—DESTINY) began in RECOGNITION—OF—THE—END—OF—RAMADAN.
19980125             —REPORTED, The government, 29—REBELS killed in 3—CLASHES in the last few days.
19980125             CUBA, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA spoke in Revolution Square on his final —DAY in the country.
19980125             He urged Castro to respect human rights.
19980125             —KILLED, WANDHAMA—INDIA, NORTH—OF—SRINAGAR, Muslim separatists, 23—HINDUS.
19980125             —PROPOSED, ISRAEL, THE—CHIEF rabbinate, that THE—STATE—RECOGNIZE—REFORM and Conservative converts as Jews.
19980125             —REDUCED, The ransom was reportedly, to about $6—MILLION.
19980125             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA, suicide bombers, themselves and 8—OTHERS as their truck crashed through the gates of the Temple of the Tooth in KANDY.
19980125             —BURNED, Enraged Sinhalese, down 1—HINDU cultural center in KANDY in retaliation.
19980125             —DISCLOSED, TURKEY, PRIME—MINISTER—YILMAZ, that the Ciller government's security forces used death squads against Kurds and engaged in drug trafficking.
19980125             This was 1—RESULT—OF—THE 7-month investigation of the Susurluk scandal.
19980125             Terrorists shot dead 23—CIVILIANS in the village of Wandhama, 1—HAMLET in THE—FOOTHILLS—OF—THE—MOUNTAINS—OF—JAMMU and Kashmir.
19990113—19990125    —COVERED, MARVIN—KALB, this period of the Monicagate story in his 20010000              book: "1—SCANDALOUS—STORY: Clinton, Lewinsky, and 13—DAYS That Tarnished USA—JOURNALISM".
19990125             1—ERDBEBEN der Stärke 6,2 in Kolumbien fordert über 1.000—TOTE.
19990125             —PLANNED, THE—USA, to notify the World Trade Organization that it planned sanctions on the European Union and 100% tariffs on 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—PRODUCTS due to 1—DISPUTE over EU banana import laws.
19990125             1—USA—WARPLANE—MISSILE reportedly misfired and IRAQ asserted that 11—CIVILIANS were killed and 59 injured at AL—JUMHURIYA.
19990125             —CONFIRMED, THE—PENTAGON, that 1—AGM 130—MISSILE had gone off mark.
19990125             —RULED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, 5-4, that 20000000             —THE census could not use statistical sampling to enhance its accuracy.
19990125             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT upheld rules to let new local phone companies connect to the Bell companies at low cost.
19990125             Jury selection began in JASPER—TEXAS, in THE—TRIAL—OF—JOHN—WILLIAM—KING, charged in the dragging DEATH—OF—JAMES—BYRD—JUNIOR.
19990125             WILLIAM—J—MCCORKLE, 30—JAHRE—ALT, "OF—THE—I—KING—OF—NFOMERCIALS," and his wife, Chantal, were sentenced to 24—YEARS in prison for fraud and MONEY—LAUNDERING.
19990125             Abecnego Monje Ortiz (18) was shot in the back by 1—USA—DEA agent as he crossed THE—RIO—GRANDE in 1—INNER tube with 14—OTHERS—NEAR—EAGLE PASS—TEXAS.
19990125             —TRANSPLANTED, LOUISVILLE, doctors, 1—LEFT hand to MATTHEW—SCOTT in a 14 1/2—HOUR operation.
19990125             It was the 1. hand transplant in THE—USA.
19990125             —KILLED, CHINA, 1—EXPLOSION in Yizhang, 8—PEOPLE and injured over 60. The area was the site of recent worker and farmer protests over corruption, unpaid wages and taxes.
19990125             COLOMBIA, a 6.0—EARTHQUAKE hit in WEST—VALLE del Cauca state and at least 273—PEOPLE were killed and 900 injured.
19990125             The cities of ARMENIA, PEREIRA, and Calarca were hardest hit.
19990125             —PREDICTED, The death toll went up and it was, that 2,000 † in ARMENIA alone.
19990125             1—POWERFUL—EARTHQUAKE rocked COLOMBIA, killing more than 1,000—PEOPLE.
19990125             RAKOVINA, Kosovo 5—ETHNIC—ALBANIANS, including 2—CHILDREN, were found riddled with bullets.
19990125             —NAMED, HUSSEIN—KING—OF—JORDON, his eldest son, Abdullah, as heir to the throne.
19990125             —REPORTED, SIERRA—LEONE, 1—MORTUARY worker, that at least 2,000—MEN, women and children were killed in FREETOWN.
19990125             ZIMBABWE, 3—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICES wrote PRESIDENT—MUGABE 1—LETTER asking that he confirm that the army has no power to arrest civilians and that the government will not tolerate torture.
19990125—20000000    —SENTENCED, THE—DEA agent was, to 15—YEARS in prison.
19990125—20010000    —AGREED, THE—DEA, to pay Ortiz $1.75—MILLION to help pay medical costs.
19990126             —1—, 20060125             , C50015, WACKENHUT—CORPORATION...
19990127—19990125    —FROM—THE, COLOMBIA, the death toll earthquake went up to 878 with over 3,400 injured and survivors began looting markets for food.
19991122             —DECOMPOSED, Sin's, and BULLET—RIDDLED body was found 20000125             , in Churchill COUNTY—NEVADA.
20000125             —ENTERED, Martina Navratilova, THE—INTERNATIONAL—TENNIS Hall of Fame.
20000125             Under government orders, THE—FLORIDA relatives of Elian Gonzalez agreed to make the boy available for 1—MEETING with his CUBA—GRANDMOTHERS at 1—NEUTRAL—SITE.
20000125             1—SNOW—STORM hit THE—EAST—COAST and left RALEIGH, NC, with over 1—FOOT—OF—SNOW.
20000125             —BLAMED, At least 5—DEATHS were, on the storm.
20000125             —OVERTURNED, TEXAS, 1—TANKER—TRUCK with 9000—GALLONS of furfural, and spilled the toxic chemical, which is used in manufacturing, into 1—DRAINAGE ditch that flows into S—MARTIN—LAKE.
20000125             1 estimated 6—MILLION—FISH and DOZENS—OF—DUCKS were soon found dead.
20000125             —INCLUDED, The charges, helping to burn scores of Muslims to death in Visegrad.
20000125             1—COMPLAINT was submitted in DAKAR—SENEGAL, against FORMER—CHAD dictator Hissene Habre.
20000125—20001001    —SINCE, THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT announced that 1,055 servicemen had been killed and 3,206 wounded in Chechnya.
200009200125         —PM Maree Howard... mouv4x8.club.fr/11sept01_A57_Did_this_man_predict_911.pdf
20010125             —PRESENTED, RICHARD—CLARKE, USA—TOP—COUNTER—TERRORISM—ADVISOR, 1—STRATEGY—DOCUMENT to Condoleeza Rice with proposal for eliminating the threat from AL—QAEDA.
20010125             ALAN—GREENSPAN said budget surpluses were growing enough to allow 1—TAX cut and still eliminate the national debt by THE—END—OF—THE—DECADE.
20010125             1—JURY in FORT—LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, found 13—YEAR—OLD—LIONEL—TATE guilty of 1.—DEGREE murder in the death of a 6—YEAR—OLD—FAMILY—FRIEND.
20010125             —KILLED, Tate had said he accidentally, the girl —WHILE imitating moves by pro wrestlers.
20010125             —ORIGINATED, The 1. World Social Forum (WSF), by Oded Grajew, opened in PORTO—ALEGRE, BRAZIL, organized by MANY—GROUPS including THE—FRANCE—ASSOCIATION for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for THE—AID—OF—CITIZENS (ATTAC).
20010125             —CONTINUED, ISRAEL and Palestine, talks in EGYPT as 1—ISRAEL—MOTORIST was killed in 1—AMBUSH by the "Thabet Thabet Brigade".
20010125             —CRASHED, VENEZUELA, 1—DC 3—RUTACA Airlines flight 225, and all 24—PASSENGERS, American and European tourists, were killed.
20010125—20050000    —IN, The document was made public.
20020125             1—SENIOR—HOUSE—DEMOCRAT called for THOMAS—WHITE, SECRETARY—OF—THE—ARMY and FORMER—ENRON executive, to testify on his role at Enron.
20020125             —SENTENCED, CAMBRIDGE—MASSACHUSETTS, THOMAS—JUNTA was, 6 to 10—YEARS in prison for beating another man to death at their sons' hockey practice.
20020125             —MASKED, PITTSBURGH, 2, gunmen killed 2—MEN and 1—YOUNG—GIRL in 1—SANDWICH shop.
20020125             J. CLIFFORD—BAXTER, 1—FORMER—ENRON—VICE—CHAIRMAN, was found dead of apparent suicide in Sugar Land, 1—HOUSTON suburb.
20020125             —COMPLAINED, He had reportedly, about the company's questionable accounting practices.
20020125             —CALLED, AFGHANISTAN, leaders, for 1—INCREASE in peacekeeping troops as warlords competed for power outside of KABUL.
20020125             1—BOAT—FULL—OF—HAITI—MIGRANTS capsized near THE—BAHAMAS and at least 14—PEOPLE were drowned.
20020125             1—BOMB in BOGOTA—COLOMBIA, killed 4—POLICE—OFFICERS and 1—GIRL, 5—JAHRE—ALT.
20020125             —BLAMED, FARC rebels were.
20020125             1—PALESTINE—SUICIDE—BOMBER sd'd in 1—TEL—AVIV neighborhood and at least 25—PEOPLE were wounded —FOLLOWING 1—ISRAEL—MISSILE—ATTACK in THE—GAZA Strip that killed 1—SENIOR—HAMAS COMMANDER.
20020125             —KILLED, Separately 2—HAMAS members were, by ISRAEL—TROOPS.
20030125             THE—SUNDANCE—FILM—FESTIVAL in UTAH gave the grand jury prize to "USA—SPLENDOR" and the documentary grand prize to "Capturing the Friedmans".
20030125             The audience award went to "THE—STATION—AGENT".
20030125             1—COMPUTER—WORM slowed INTERNET traffic.
20030125             The "slammer" virus sought vulnerable Microsoft "SQL Server 2000" software.
20030125             —LAUNCHED, NASA, 1—SPACECRAFT into orbit to measure all the radiation streaming toward Earth from the sun.
20030125             —CALLED, The small satellite is, Sorce — for Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment.
20030125             —ACCEPTED, IVORY—COAST—PRESIDENT—LAURENT—GBAGBO, 1—PEACE—PLAN to end the 4-month civil war.
20030125             FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—SEYDOU—DIARRA would lead —UNTIL new elections.
20030125             —SUSPECTED, NEPAL, Maoist rebels gunned down police CHIEF—KRISHNA—MOHAN—SHRESTHA along with his wife and bodyguard.
20030125             —MARKED, PAKISTAN, its entry into the space age —WHEN its 1. communication satellite, PAKSAT—I, formally began operations.
20030125             —LAUNCHED, VENEZUELA, OPPONENTS—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, a 24-hour street demonstration to protest 1—COURT ruling that postponed 1—REFERENDUM on CHAVEZ—RULE.
20030125             L'homme du jour : MARC—RICH - eagnes
20040121—20040125    —ARRIVED, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, in CUBA to consecrate  S—NICHOLAS—CATHEDRAL, said Metropolitan Athenagoras of PANAMA and CENTRAL—AMERICA.
20040125             Seine Amtseinführung stellt einen Triumph der Rosenrevolution gegen EDUARD—SCHEWARDNADSE dar.
20040125             Die NASA—RAUMSONDE Opportunity landet 20—TAGE nach ihrer Schwestersonde Spirit auf dem Planeten Mars in einem kleinen Krater auf der Hochebene Meridiani Planum.
20040125             Rente auf Pump - USA : Krieg war bedingungslos geplant!
20040125             "THE—LORD—OF—THE—RINGS: THE—RETURN—OF—THE—KING," the final installment of the epic fantasy trilogy that hadn't yet won most major movie awards, finally snared best dramatic film and 3—OTHER trophies at the Golden Globes.
20040125             HBO—6—HOUR—ADAPTATION—OF "Angels in AMERICA" won best miniseries or TV movie.
20040125             Outgoing USA—WEAPONS—INSPECTOR—DAVID—KAY told National Public Radio his inability to find illicit arms in IRAQ raised serious questions about USA—INTELLIGENCE—GATHERING.
20040125             —ZIPPED, NASA—OPPORTUNITY rover, its 1. pictures of Mars to Earth, delighting and puzzling scientists —JUST hours —AFTER the spacecraft bounced to 1—LANDING on the opposite side of the red planet from its twin rover, Spirit.
20040125             GREENVILLE, SC, 1—FIRE at 1—COMFORT—INN left 6—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20040125             —CRASHED, NORTH—IRAQ, 1—USA—HELICOPTER, —WHILE searching for 1—RIVER—PATROL—BOAT that had capsized on the Tigris.
20040125             1—SOLDIER and 2—PILOTS were missing.
20040125             4—IRAQ—POLICEMEN manning 1—CHECKPOINT outside Ramadi WEST—OF—BAGHDAD were killed in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting.
20040125             —KILLED, Gunmen also, 3—POLICEMEN at another checkpoint in Ramadi.
20040125             —ARRESTED, USA—SOLDIERS, nearly 50—PEOPLE and confiscated weapons in several raids in IRAQ—VOLATILE Sunni Triangle.
20040125             † Another soldier, of wounds from the previous —DAY—ATTACKS.
20040125             —LAUNCHED, Rescuers in THE—PHILIPPINES, 1—MASSIVE—SEARCH for 53—FISHERMEN missing —AFTER their boats were pounded by strong winds and high waves off 3—NORTHWESTERN provinces.
20040125             † At least 2—FISHERMEN.
20040125—20040104    —AM, Nach seinem überwältigenden Wahlsieg wird MICHEIL—SAAKASCHWILI als STAATSPRÄSIDENT—VON—GEORGIEN vereidigt.
20040805             JOC for HAS, RFP, 28, 20031229             , 20061229             , C55521, KELLOGG BROWN & ROOT SERV.,INCORPORATED..GUARD SERVICES, renew, 28, 19990126             , 20060125             , C50015, WACKENHUT CORPORATION...
20040916             —POSTED:
20050125             1—PANIK im Mandher Devi Tempel in Wai in Maharashtra, Indien, führt zu mindestens 330—TOTEN und über 200—VERLETZTEN.
20050125             ( 1,55 segundos - 0050116 20050115              MUSSOLINI—GRUß: Italiens Fußballboss hält zu Di Canio.
20050125             —THURSDAY—2. inauguration for GEORGE—W—BUSH comes only —3—DAYS—AFTER MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—DAY was celebrated on —MONDAY, 20050117        .
20050125             Web | 20050118
20050125             303.447.8655, Extension 1, # For Immediate Release: 20050119             ... COALITION—OF—GREEN—GROUPS, called AGRO, has... BOARD (NTSB) records, the airplane.
20050125             carried by the New Yorker in its issue dated 20050124             , DEFEX SA ,SPAIN.
20050125             DEFEX SA—SPAIN. 20050124
20050125             —CARRIED, THE—COMING—WARS: What the Pentagon can —NOW do in secret, by the New Yorker in its issue dated 20050124             , about USA—PREPARATIONS for 1—POSSIBLE—COVERT—OPERATION against IRAN's suspected military nuclear installations set up with PAKISTAN—COMPLICITY.
20050125             Wenn es 1—DATUM gibt, an dem man besser gar nicht —ERST aufstehen sollte, dann ist es der 20050124         .
20050125             Tras 16—HORAS de sesi?n fue.
20050125             La Comisison Investigadora del caso FOCOEX terminar?
20050125             esta semana su trabajo. ASBA (THE—AUSTRALIA SPAIN Business...
20050125             He was Chairman + CEO—OF—FOCOEX, DEFEX, SOVHISPAN, all SPAIN—STATE—OWNED CARLOS—JONES has lived in ARGENTINA...
20050125             Bush Inauguration Speech: A "Vacuous Sermon," A "Global Crusade" Against "Defenseless States"
20050125             All Jews Are Not Zionists:
20050125             Although there are those who refuse to accept the teachings of our Rabbis and will continue to support the Zionist state,
20050125             there are also MANY—WHO are totally UNAWARE—OF—THE—HISTORY—OF—ZIONISM and its contradiction to the beliefs of TORAH—TRUE—JEWS.
20050125             Central banks shift reserves away from USA Central banks are shifting reserves away from THE—USA and towards the eurozone in 1—MOVE that looks set to deepen THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DIFFICULTIES in financing its ballooning current account deficit.
20050125             Central banks 'shunning dollar':
20050125             THE—USA is running 1—BUDGET—DEFICIT—OF—CLOSE to $500bn 1—YEAR, funded largely by CHINA and JAPAN buying large AMOUNTS—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT—BONDS.
20050125             Forbes: Doom For THE—DOLLAR: Dollar at mercy of central banks:
20050125             —DURING the past few years THE—USA has become dependent, not so much on MILLIONS—OF—INVESTORS—AROUND the globe but on 1—FEW individuals in 1—FEW—OF—THE—WORLD—CENTRAL—BANKS.
20050125             Failing Upwards: THE—RISE—OF—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF:
20050125             Only in THE—GRAVITY—DEFYING world of G.W. BUSH, where reality is routinely run through 1—PUBLIC—RELATIONS shredder,
20050125             would 1—BUNGLER like Chertoff reach THE—TOP—SPOT at Homeland Security.
20050125             Even so, his appointment should come as no surprise to the wary USA—PUBLIC.
20050125             —ADDED, It's —JUST 1—MORE—HORSE—NUGGET, to 1—ALREADY ample mound of political manure.
20050125             Countdown to global catastrophe: Climate change:
20050125             report warns POINT—OF—NO—RETURN may be reached in 10—YEARS, leading to droughts,
20050125             agricultural failure and water shortages - Ghali Hassan : Imperial Misadventures:
20050125             A FANTASY—OF—FREEDOM:
20050125             —WANTED, If BUSH, to tackle tyranny, he could start with regimes under USA—CONTROL.
20050125             But liberty clearly has limits
20050125             UN on Holocaust: Evil Wins —WHEN the Good Are Quiet:
20050125             —HATRED, Those who incite, and mass murder are not always extremists but MEN—OF—CULTURE,
20050125             SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN told world leaders in opening the 1.—EVER GENERAL—ASSEMBLY—COMMEMORATION—OF—THE—WWII Holocaust.
20050125             'Robot soldiers' bound for IRAQ:
20050125             —ARMED, THE—USA—MILITARY is planning to deploy robots, with MACHINE—GUNS to wage war against anti occupation forces in IRAQ.
20050125             4—MONTHS on Planet OSAMA—BIN—LADEN:
20050125             —OFFERED, The experience nearly broke him, but it also, him stunning insights into the way jihadist groups operate.
20050125             —CONVINCED—OF, He returned, 1—THING: AMERICA—POLICY is doomed.
20050125             Secret Unit Expands RUMSFELD—DOMAIN:
20050125             Source confirms clandestine intelligence unit:
20050125             —NOTIFIED, The official said Congress had been, about the formation of "this KIND—OF—ACTIVITY," but might have been TOLD—OF—THE—PROGRAM several months ago —WHEN it had 1—DIFFERENT—NAME.
20050125             CIA in decline, Pentagon on the rise:
20050125             The recent revelation that THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE has been operating its own espionage arm for the last 2—YEARS confirms RUMSFELD—SUCCESS in sidelining THE—CIA.
20050125             Democracy doctrine faces doubt abroad:
20050125             With his eye on history, BUSH wants to change the world.
20050125             THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD is not necessarily so eager to be changed.
20050125             Bush Pulls 'Neocons' Out of the Shadows:
20050125             In the unending struggle over USA—FOREIGN—POLICY that consumes MUCH—OF—OFFICIAL—WASHINGTON,
20050125             1—SIDE claimed 1—VICTORY this —WEEK: the neoconservatives, that determined band of hawkish idealists who promoted THE—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ and —NOW seek to bring democracy to THE—REST—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20050125             Noam Chomsky: 'Controlling the oil in IRAQ puts AMERICA in 1—STRONG—POSITION to exert influence on the world'
20050125             I sraeli Occupation Forces reviving psychological warfare unit:
20050125             The overall intention is to conduct "awareness operations" to influence PALESTINE—PUBLIC opinion,
20050125             mostly through propaganda, psychological warfare and sometimes disinformation.
20050125             VENEZUELA—CHAVEZ: USA behind COLOMBIA rebel arrest
20050125             Chavez said —SUNDAY that THE—USA was behind COLOMBIA—ARREST, on VENEZUELA—TERRITORY, of 1—COLOMBIA—REBEL, triggering 1—DIPLOMATIC—CRISIS with BOGOTA.
20050125             THE—CIA + Riggs Bank:
20050125             Gore Vidal on BUSH—INAUGURAL—ADDRESS: "THE—MOST—UN—USA—SPEECH I've Ever Heard
20050125             ": Vidal says, "If THE—USA does go abroad to slay dragons in THE—NAME—OF—FREEDOM,
20050125             liberty + so on, she could become DICTATRESS—OF—THE—WORLD, but in the process she would lose her soul".
20050125             Real audio - THE—HIDDEN—PASSAGES in BUSH—INAUGURAL—ADDRESS:
20050125             but there were even more hidden allusions to the Bible that may have been lost to many in his audience,
20050125             as they were to me, —BEFORE I did SOME—RESEARCH.
20050125             The debate about DOCTOR—RICE—CONFIRMATION must not be 1—RUBBER—STAMP—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—APPOINTMENT.
20050125             THE—SENATE must take its "advice and consent" role seriously.
20050125             The bizarre terror CONNECTIONS—OF—BUSH—CHOICE for Homeland Security TSAR
20050125             USA—NEO—CONSERVATIVES and FOLLOWERS—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—PRIDE themselves on taking no prisoners in their ideological quests.
20050125             —NOW they seem to have set their sights on 1—NEW—TARGET:
20050125             the stifling of academic freedom in THE—USA.
20050125             Gov't Releases $855—BILLION Deficit Forecast:
20050125             THE—CONGRESSIONAL—BUDGET—OFFICE is predicting the government will go another $855—BILLION into debt over the next —DECADE,
20050125             excluding THE—COSTS—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—SOCIAL—SECURITY—PLAN and ongoing wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20050125             Bush Is Bankrupting AMERICA:
20050125             Like Nero, Bush and GOP fiddle
20050125             —WHILE IRAQ burns + Americans struggle to make ends meet.
20050125             The neocons have spun into fits of Lincolnite hysteria over PRESIDENT—BUSH—INAUGURAL speech, in which he PROMIS ed to rid the planet of tyranny.
20050125             —INFORMED, WILLIAM—KRISTOL, 1—FOX—NEWS—CHANNEL—AUDIENCE that it was the best presidential speech "—SINCE LINCOLN freed the slaves".
20050125             History Untold!: THE—AMERICAN—INDIAN—AND—THE "Great Emancipator":
20050125             —AFFORDED, The false sainthood and adulation, LINCOLN has its basis in the incorrect assumption he fought the war to free 1 enslaved people.
20050125             —IGNORED, LINCOLN—TREATMENT—OF—THE—USA—INDIAN has been very much, though not exactly misrepresented
20050125             1—ITALY—JUDGE dropped charges of INTERNATIONAL terrorism against 5—NORTH—AFRICANS arrested
20050125             —MISSED, In case you, it?: NEO—CONSERVATIVES Directing Bush Towards Regime Change in NORTH—KOREA:
20050125             —OPPOSED, Schroeder, to military action against IRAN:
20050125             GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—GERHARD—SCHROEDER said —ON—MONDAY that he opposed THE—USE—OF—MILITARY—FORCE against IRAN over the country's nuclear programme.
20050125             1—TALE—OF—2—IRAQ Investigations:
20050125             —WHILE investigators 0 in on what happened to BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS allegedly siphoned away in THE—OIL—FOR—FOOD—SCANDAL,
20050125             1—LESS—HIGH—PROFILE—PROBE is under way into spending in IRAQ.
20050125             Investigations into how the U.S—LED coalition spent IRAQ—OIL—REVENUES—AFTER the fall of BAGHDAD
20050125             Pentagon Sends Top Intelligence Official to Meet With Lawmakers About Secret Unit:
20050125             THE—PENTAGON sent its top intelligence official to Capitol Hill —ON—MONDAY to explain the mission and makeup of 1—SECRET—BATTLEFIELD—INTELLIGENCE—GROUP that SOME—LAWMAKERS suggested may have skirted congressional oversight and not been coordinated fully with THE—CIA.
20050125             GEORGE—MONBIOT: Pedigree DOGS—OF—WAR:
20050125             —CALLED, SOME—PEOPLE who engage in foreign conflicts are, terrorists.
20050125             Others are about to be GOVERNMENT—LICENSED
20050125             SERGEANT—KEVIN—M—BENDERMAN : Right to Life:
20050125             Why I am facing the possibility of 7—YEARS in Federal Prison because I do not want to kill another human being?
20050125             More on this topic - PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS: A Party Without Virtue:
20050125             —AFTER listening to his inaugural speech, anyone who thinks PRESIDENT—BUSH and his handlers are sane needs to visit 1—PSYCHIATRIST.
20050125             THE—HUBRIS—FILLED megalomaniac in the Oval OFFICE—HAS—PROMIS ed the world war without end.
20050125             Dream On AMERICA: THE—USA—MODEL:
20050125             For years, MUCH—OF—THE—WORLD did aspire to THE—USA—WAY—OF—LIFE.
20050125             But —TODAY countries are finding more appealing systems in their own backyards.
20050125             Gov't will not release IRAQ war legal advice under information law:
20050125             The government will not release the official guidance it received about the potential legality of THE—IRAQ war under 1—NEW—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—LAW.
20050125             Purple Hearts - 1—STORY that PRESIDENT—BUSH would probably prefer not to see propagated.
20050125             Video Documentary
20050125             1—PHOTO series that THE—NEW—YORK—BASED Nina Berman made of wounded IRAQ veterans led to the making of this documentary.
20050125             —HAPPENED, In detail, they recount what, on the —DAY they got injured;
20050125             how they arrived back home,
20050125             blind or legless; how they have to try to forget the war —NOW, in small towns —AROUND ALABAMA and PITTSBURGH,
20050125             or in WASHINGTON and L.A. Officially recognised as "heroes," 1—PURPLE—HEART on the uniform in the closet,
20050125             MOST—OF—THESE soldiers long to go back to 1—ARMY that has no use for them anymore.
20050125             Divided We Fall - 1—MAN named SCOTT—RITTER once said, "I can train 1—MONKEY to wave 1—USA—FLAG.
20050125             That does not make the monkey patriotic".
20050125             By Dom Stasi - The $40—MILLION—INAUGURATION extravaganza — the most expensive EVER—SYMBOLICALLY urinates upon the graves of the over 13000000              young Americans who've † for BUSH—LIES,
20050125             mistakes + corporate greed.
20050125             That money would buy 1—HELLUVA LOT—OF—BODY armor for our troops.
20050125             But that $40—MIL will instead buy martinis, hookers, influence + contracts here in AMERICA.
20050125             And indeed, in MANY—RESPECTS it looks like that.
20050125             PRESIDENT—BUSH dances to Ariel SHARON—TUNE.
20050125             Both HOUSES—OF—CONGRESS are totally subservient to THE—ISRAEL—RIGHT—WING ­ much more so than the Knesset.
20050125             —PREDICTED, THE—USA—CONGRESSIONAL—BUDGET—OFFICE, the government will accumulate another $855—BILLION in deficits over the next —DECADE.
20050125             —DETAILED, Administration officials, PRESIDENT—BUSH—REQUEST for $80—BILLION to pay for military operations in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN this —YEAR.
20050125             - EVERY—YEAR—CONGRESS confirms the payment of 1—MASSIVE tribute to ISRAEL.
20050125             SF and DOZENS—OF—OTHER—USA—CITIES undertook 1—TALLY—OF—THEIR—HOMELESS competing for nearly $1.5—BILLION in federal funds to care for the homeless.
20050125             "Durrani then went on to list 1—SERIES—OF—COVERT—MILITARY—OPERATIONS in
20050125             —VOTED, Legislators in S—FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, 8-3 to ban smoking in public parks, becoming the 1. major USA—CITY to embrace such 1—EXPANSIVE ban on tobacco use.
20050125             —PLEDGED, THE—BILL—AND—MELINDA—GATES—FOUNDATION, $750—MILLION over 10—YEARS to support the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.
20050125             production in THE—PAK—AFGHANISTAN border region was 1 planned affair, linked with the...
20050125             Georgina Mace told 1—MEETING—OF—ZOOLOGISTS in LONDON that 0.5—PERCENT—OF—THE—AREA—OF—NATURAL habitats on land is lost EACH—YEAR, largely due to conversion to farmland.
20050125             Welcome to PAKISTAN Link..
20050125             in VIETNAM + THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair.
20050125             Can we believe ASLAM—BEG? Judging by his behaviour and record, no.
20050125             —INCLUDED, His buildings, 101—CALIFORNIA St. in SF and THE—AT&T building in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20050125             —KIDNAPPED, The elder Khar beat Durrani, their children, had 1—RIP—ROARING affair with her youngest sister and once forced Durrani to strip naked —WHEN she...
20050125             ETHIOPIA—GOVERNMENT said it has began giving free DOSES—OF—LIFE—PROLONGING drugs to about 14,000 HIV—INFECTED Ethiopians in 1—USA—FUNDED program.
20050125             —INAUGURATED, PARIS' new memorial to the Holocaust was, with PRESIDENT—CHIRAC bowing —BEFORE the wall inscribed with the names of 76,000 Jews sent to Nazi death camps from FRANCE.
20050125             —PANICKED, WEST—INDIA, THOUSANDS—OF—HINDUS, —DURING 1—RELIGIOUS—PROCESSION, —WHEN fire broke out in roadside stalls.
20050125             —KILLED, The resulting stampede, at least 258—PEOPLE—NEAR the village of Wai.
20050125             Id.
20050125             8—GE 4, at 5-6. Notably, Durrani did not claim ANY—INVOLVEMENT with the emerging IRAN—CONTRA affair.
20050125             —NOTED, THE—GOVERNMENT, at.
20050125             —ASSASSINATED, IRAQ, gunmen, 1—SENIOR—JUDGE.
20050125             1. William C. Bodie was 1—SENIOR—FELLOW in the Institute for...
20050125             —KIDNAPPED, ROY—HALLUMS, 1—USA—HOSTAGE, in November, pleaded for his life with 1—RIFLE pointed at his head in 1—NEWLY released video.
20050125             for National Security Studies at the Smith Richardson Foundation (19870000             —1990) + Research Coordinator at the National Strategy Information Center (19820000             —1987).
20050125             Intelligence ONLINE—BACK—ISSUES.. - † 11—IRAQ—POLICE, in clashes.
20050125             UNIVERSITY—IN—SCOTLAND was the venue for the recent "Technology and Terrorism" conference sponsored by the National Strategy Information Center in WASHINGTON...
20050125             † 6—USA—SOLDIERS, including 5 in 1—VEHICLE—CRASH—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20050125             —PREPARED, IRELAND—PRIME—MINISTER—BERTIE—AHERN, to meet with Sinn Fein leaders, in his 1. talks with THE—IRA—LINKED party —SINCE 20051220             —THE bank theft.
20050125             THE—PROGRESSIVE—RESPONSE...
20050125             true problem rests with the very TYPE—OF—INTELLIGENCE that RIGHT—WING groups such as the National Strategy Information Center (NSIC) and
20050125             —PREPARED, The top Hamas leader said his militant group is, to suspend attacks if ISRAEL stops targeting militants and agrees to release THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINE—PRISONERS.
20050125             THESIS-. - 25—ROY—GODSON ed., Intelligence Requirements for 19800000             —THE'S:
20050125             Counterintelligence.
20050125             (WASHINGTON DC: National Strategy Information Center, 19800000             .), 156.
20050125             Crusader 41—PAGE 26
20050125             AIRWARRIORS—CHINA—RAPIDLY Modernizes for War With USA
20050125             National Strategy Information Center, INCORPORATED, 19730000             ), 51.
20050125             [casi] The `Ignoble Liars' Behind BUSH—DEADLY—IRAQ—WAR
20050125             Consortium for THE—STUDY—OF—INTELLIGENCE, 1—PROJECT—OF—THE—NEW—YORK CITY—BASED National Strategy Information Center.
20050125             LINKSNET—ÜBER starke Ökonomie und starke Politik
20050125             EAST—FORUM, National Institute for Public Policy, USA—SPACE Foundation,
20050125             National Strategy Information Center, Jewish Institute
20050125             NEW—YORK, —DURING which he met with Mayor RUDOLPH—GIULIANI + superintendents across the city, was hosted by the National Strategy Information Center in WASHINGTON...
20050125             Polmar, Norman.
20050125             SOVIET naval power: challenge for 19700000             —THE S.
20050125             NEW—YORK : National Strategy Information Center, 19740000           .
20050125             Guide to THE—SOVIET—NAVY.
20050125             It's Happening Global Discussion FORUM—THE—WAR Profiteering of...
20050125             TIME INTERNATIONAL: Cop CRISIS—PAGE 2- 19980824
20050125             Bibliography on Future Trends in Terrorism-
20050125             Federal Research Division LIBRARY—OF—CONGRESS—WASHINGTON, DC 20540—4840
20050125             criado em 19790000              sob os auspícios do National Strategy Information Center e de
20050125             Strategic Intelligence Homepage, do Departamento de Ciência Política, Loyola...
20050125             Search Results: EVOLUTION—OF—STRATEGY
20050125             SC 6X9, 139PP, 19650000             —1975, NATIONAL STRATEGY INFORMATION CENTER, INCORPORATED, STRATEGY PAPER NO.31,Click on my name below,
20050125             then click on our homepage + then click...
20050125             Blindsided? ;;09;; 11 and the Origins of Strategic Surprise - Page 1. Blindsided?
20050125             Neues Gesetz: Bundesregierung will NEONAZI—AUFMÄRSCHE vor Gedenkstätten verbieten
20050125             Anhörung im Senat: Demokraten lassen Rice zappeln - Türkei: Erdbeben löst Panik aus
20050125             AUSCHWITZ—GEDENKEN: Schröder ruft zum Kampf gegen Neonazis auf - Auschwitz: Ort des Unfassbaren
20050125             "'Tell us what you know about IRAN and we will let your A. Q. Khan guys go.' It's the neoconservatives' VERSION—OF—SHORT—TERM—GAIN at LONG—TERM—COST.
20050125             They want to prove that BUSH is THE—ANTI—TERRORISM—GUY who can handle IRAN and the nuclear threat,
20050125             against THE—LONG—TERM—GOAL—OF eliminating the black market for nuclear proliferation".
20050125             THERE—NO—EDUCATION in the 2. kick of 1—MULE".
20050125             In return, THE—USA—DID not act against him for the complicity of his ISI in the kidnapping and MURDER—OF—DANIEL—PEARL... B. RAMAN
20050125             Dear MISTER—HERSH,
20050125             I read with great interest your article titled THE—COMING—WARS: What the Pentagon can —NOW do in secret
20050125             carried by the New Yorker in its issue dated 20050124              ,
20050125             —ABOUT USA—PREPARATIONS for 1—POSSIBLE—COVERT—OPERATION against IRAN's suspected military nuclear installations set up with PAKISTAN—COMPLICITY.
20050125             I particularly noted your findings about THE—ROLE—OF—THE—PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE in the preparations being made by THE—USA.
20050125             You have said: "SOME—OF—THE—MISSIONS involve extraordinary cooperation
20050125             ".. findings about THE—ROLE—OF—THE—PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE in the preparations being made by THE—USA.
20050125             For example, THE—FORMER—HIGH—LEVEL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL told me that 1—USA—COMMANDO task force has been set up in SOUTH—ASIA and is —NOW working closely with 1—GROUP—OF—PAKISTAN—SCIENTISTS and.".
20050125             ".. capable of sampling the atmosphere for radioactive emissions and other EVIDENCE—OF—NUCLEAR—ENRICHMENT—PROGRAMS.
20050125             "Getting such evidence is 1—PRESSING concern for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20050125             THE—FORMER—HIGH—LEVEL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL told me, "They don't want to make ANY—WM.D. intelligence mistakes, as in IRAQ.
20050125             THE—REPUBLICANS can't have 2—OF—THOSE. THERE—NO—EDUCATION in.".
20050125             ".. has refused to allow the I.A.E.A. or USA—INTELLIGENCE to interview him.
20050125             Khan is —NOW said to be living under house arrest in 1—VILLA in ISLAMABAD.
20050125             "It's 1—DEAL—1—TRADE—OFF," THE—FORMER—HIGH—LEVEL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL explained.
20050125             'Tell us what you know about IRAN and we will let your A. Q. Khan guys go.' It's the neoconservatives' VERSION—OF—SHORT—TERM—GAIN at.".
20050125             "The agreement comes at 1—TIME—WHEN Musharraf, according to 1—FORMER—HIGH—LEVEL—PAKISTAN—DIPLOMAT,
20050125             has authorized THE—EXPANSION—OF—PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—ARSENAL.
20050125             "THE—USA has done nothing to stop it".
20050125             The transcript of a 19910000              60—MINUTES—PROGRAM on Soghanalian was entered into the Congressional Record with this preface:
20050125             "The revelations and allegations made by MISTER—SOGHANALIAN are + must be, extremely disturbing to EVERY—AMERICAN.
20050125             They are disturbing to Mr. Soghanalian.
20050125             He gives a 1.—HAND DESCRIPTION—OF—OFFICIAL and unofficial USA—INVOLVEMENT in the enormous BUILDUP—OF—ARMS to Saddam Hussein".
20050125             Arms Dealer Implicates PERU Spy CHIEF—IN—SMUGGLING—RING
20050125             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—PROFILES—SOGHANALIAN and describes his account of 1—DEAL gone bad, in which he shipped 10,000 AK-47s to PERU.
20050125             —ENDED, Those guns, up with FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of COLOMBIA) guerillas in COLOMBIA.
20050125             —DUPED, Soghanalian says he was, by THE—PERU—SPY—CHIEF—VLADIMIRO—MONTESINOS.
20050125             ( LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20001101             )
20050125             How you can be sure that the guns will stay where they are supposed to?
20050125             SOME—PEOPLE don't care.
20050125             SOME—PEOPLE do care, people like me, they don't make the sale + I have stopped MANY—SALES.
20050125             MANY—PLACES.
20050125             But for the ones that are still friendly, we have 1—WAY—OF knowing.
20050125             That is important in our business, to at least be sure that the weapons are going to stay there.
20050125             But you find that 1—WEAPON here and 1—WEAPON there is stolen.
20050125             Even in AMERICA, they kill people in colleges, in high school.
20050125             How can you control them?
20050125             You will see that CHINA will be the most dangerous SUPPLIER—OF—WEAPONS to the free world.
20050125             More so than RUSSIA or THE—EAST—BLOC?
20050125             RUSSIA doesn't have very modern weapons, other than surplus OLD—FASHIONED weapons.
20050125             But THE—CHINA—HAVE good technology —NOW because they steal it from everywhere.
20050125             And they will be the biggest danger to countries like THE—USA and its allies.
20050125             They have very, very modern weapons.
20050125             The operators are EX—MILITARY—OFFICERS and agents.
20050125             They don't take it by ship + they don't take it by trucks because there's no roads.
20050125             They parachute it.
20050125             And there are —NOW many, MANY—TRANSPORTERS available in THE—EAST—BLOC—COUNTRIES, mainly in UKRAINE.
20050125             It's nice to have money but it's not everything, believe me.
20050125             Once you have it, you don't know what to do with it and you create problem for yourself.
20050125             So why do they do it? It's their 1. time and they're weak people.
20050125             All the weapons that went into LEBANON —DURING the civil war, everything was sold out from LEBANON and into YUGOSLAVIA as contraband.
20050125             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT relies on your knowledge. Correct. For what?
20050125             Based on the experience they have with me, that I can produce the intelligence information they need,
20050125             which is in their own interest and not to my interest.
20050125             So why would they charge you?
20050125             —TURNED, They try to get you —WHEN your back is.
20050125             Somebody doesn't like the color of your eyes.
20050125             I went to court, I plead guilty to wire fraud.
20050125             I plead guilty to wire fraud with the involvement of 1—PERSON that I really don't know.
20050125             I wouldn't know him if I saw him on the street.
20050125             So they say you have to testify against him. I didn't know the guy.
20050125             Do you still consider THE—USA—GOVERNMENT your friend?
20050125             I refused.
20050125             I said I can't. IRAN is like riding 2—HORSES in 1—HORSE—RACE.
20050125             You can't do that.
20050125             Either you are with this person or country, or you are with the other country.
20050125             —WANTED, They, me to supply weapons to IRAN in order to get money for them to buy weapons to fight the Sandinistas [in NICARAGUA].
20050125             It could be done but I didn't do it.
20050125             I don't do this KIND—OF—STUFF.
20050125             —ASKED, Who, you?
20050125             There is no need to mention names.
20050125             —ASKED, But I was.
20050125             —BY—A government?
20050125             —EXPLAINED, You, 1—LITTLE—BIT about how you arrange arms deals legally.
20050125             How difficult is it to do 1—ILLEGAL—ARMS—DEAL?
20050125             EACH—TRANSACTION has its own benefit.
20050125             Sometimes you want to do something even if it's not legal + you must consider:
20050125             where are the costs and what are the benefits? Is this transaction worth it?
20050125             —WHEN there was 1—EMBARGO on IRAQ, we kept supplying weapons to IRAQ.
20050125             We thought we'd do it through EUROPE + there was 1—SPECIAL—PURPOSE—SINCE this involvement was not subject to discussion.
20050125             —SATISFIED, We, SADDAM—INTEREST because it was in our interest.
20050125             —HAPPENED, But —WHEN KUWAIT, we all pulled back.
20050125             If I keep helping you + you take ADVANTAGE—OF—MY help + the purpose is something not in my interest, I will change my colors right away.
20050125             How closely did you work with THE—USA—GOVERNMENT on this?
20050125             I don't like to EXPLORE—OF—THE—POSSIBILITIES—OF what DEPARTMENT—OF—THIS or that, but very, very close, very close.
20050125             So —WHEN you were arranging SALES—OF—WEAPONS to ARGENTINA —DURING the Falklands War [THE—USA—OPPOSED—ARGENTINA and supported BRITAIN —DURING Falklands War], how did the Americans react to that?
20050125             THE—AMERICANS knew what I was doing, EVERY—MINUTE, EVERY—HOUR.
20050125             If I drank 1—GLASS—OF—WATER, they were aware of it and what KIND—OF—WATER it was.
20050125             I don't try to prevent the Americans from knowing what I am doing.
20050125             You go to 1—COUNTRY.
20050125             You have your WAY—OF—CONTACT, you have your meetings, you explain why you are there.
20050125             You consider yourself 1—OF—THEM + they are 1—OF—YOU.
20050125             —OPERATED, This is how we.
20050125             And —WHEN the answer is negative, of course, you go somewhere else for 1—DIFFERENT—CAUSE.
20050125             How do you know, if you're selling to someone 1—DAY,
20050125             it might not be all different a —WEEK—LATER?
20050125             If you're 1—PROFESSIONAL, you get 1—FEELING for the side you are helping;
20050125             you develop your feelings and then they can tell you how far you can go.
20050125             1—ARMS—DEAL is 1—LONG—TERM thing;
20050125             it's not like last night and tomorrow —MORNING.
20050125             There are months and months —WHEN you've got to be patient.
20050125             You have to get into that emotion and see how you can maneuver it.
20050125             ABC News: Politics Index - MICHAEL—CHERTOFF—PROFILE:
20050125             SECRETARY—OF—HEALTH and Human Services Nominee MIKE—LEAVITT—PROFILE:
20050125             THE—NOTE: Peggy Noonan Has Never Met Belinda Carlisle
20050125             And What We're About Full.". - ABC News: Inauguration
20050125             Talk Politics Vote: BUSH—AGENDA—STUMP—SAM—DONALDSON and Win 1—FREE—HAT—YOUR—THOUGHTS:
20050125             Vote 20040000              Election —DAY Experiences ABC News Home Contact ABC News.
20050125             In the bizarro world that PRESIDENT—BUSH—LIVES in, it PAYS—LITERALLY—TO be 1—MISERABLE—FAILURE,
20050125             1—CRIMINAL and 1—CORPORATE con man.
20050125             But 1—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—MOST outrageous decisions (besides naming ALBERTO—GONZALES,
20050125             who concocted 1—LEGAL—CASE for torturing foreign prisoners at ABU—GHRAIB and GUANTANAMO Bay, ATTORNEY—GENERAL) has got to be choosing 66—YEAR—OLD—SAM—BODMAN to serve as SECRETARY—OF—ENERGY.
20050125             This is 1—GUY who —FOR—12—YEARS ran 1—TEXAS—BASED chemical company that spent years on the top 5—LISTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—WORST—POLLUTERS....(full article)
20050125             BUSH Uses TSUNAMI Aid to Regain Foothold in INDONESIA
20050125             AMERICA—NEW—CIVILIZING—MISSION by M. Shahid Alam
20050125             Historically, Islamdom has nearly always been the principal Other in THE—WEST—DIALECTIC—OF—IMAGINATION, fear and domination.
20050125             Over the past few decades, with the growing salience of THE—ISRAELI—ARAB conflict,
20050125             THE—RE—ENTRY—OF—ISLAM into the politics of the Islamicate world + finally with THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—CHALLENGE,
20050125             1—GROWING BODY—OF—THOUGHT in THE—USA has sought to reclaim, to resurrect, this old Western adversary....(full article)
20050125             Lifetime Detainment: No Pros, All CONS—OR,
20050125             To Torture or Not to Torture: How Is That Even the Question?
20050125             —BY—DANA PRIEST—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—POST :"Administration officials are preparing LONG—RANGE—PLANS for indefinitely imprisoning suspected terrorists whom they do not want to set free or turn over to courts in THE—USA or other countries...THE—PENTAGON and THE—CIA have asked THE—WHITE—HOUSE to decide on 1—MORE—PERMANENT—APPROACH for potentially lifetime detentions,
20050125             including those for HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE—NOW in military and CIA custody whom the government does not have enough evidence to charge in courts".
20050125             Well, where to start? The indefinite imprisonments?
20050125             —SUSPECTED, The fact that 1 need only be "" of being 1—TERRORIST (as so designated by GEORGE—BUSH ; —NOW there's 1—COMFORTING thought) to be detained for a "lifetime" because of 1—LACK—OF "enough evidence to charge in courts"?
20050125             Not to be 1—ALARMIST (impossible these days, anyway), but this means you or I could be put away forever simply at DUBYA—DISCRETION.
20050125             If you consider this FAR—FETCHED, I remind you here that Education SECRETARY—ROD—PAIGE
20050125             identified the country's largest teacher's union, the National Education Association,
20050125             "; it is 1—SMALL—STEP indeed for the Constitution-
20050125             revering TEAM—OF—BUSH /CHENEY to label -- yes, believe it or not -- even NON—EDUCATORS as mortal ENEMIES—OF—THE—STATE....(full article)
20050125             This —WEEK features 2—MAJOR—CELEBRATIONS in THE—USA + the contrasts between the figures being feted couldn't be starker.
20050125             ;;01;; 17. THE—2—CELEBRATIONS couldn't be more opposed, revealing the chasm between the " 2—AMERICAS.
20050125             "Gay and lesbian rights + peace and justice issues were raised in 1—SERIES—OF—MARCHES celebrating the birthday of the civil rights icon;
20050125             THE—RUN—UP to BUSH 's 2. swearing in was marked by 1—CONTINUING crisis in IRAQ + REVELATIONS—OF—NEW—COVERT—WAR—PREPARATIONS for IRAN....(full article)
20050125             BUSH—GRAND—PLAN: Incite Civil War
20050125             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is intentionally steering IRAQ towards civil war.
20050125             The elections are merely the catalyst for igniting, what could be, 1—MASSIVE—SOCIAL upheaval.
20050125             This explains the bizarre insistence on voting —WHEN security is nearly nonexistent and where 1—MERE 7—PERCENT—OF—THE—PEOPLE can even identify the candidates.
20050125             (This figure gleaned from ALLAWI—BAGHDAD newspaper, AL—SABAH ) RUMSFELD is using the elections as 1—SPRINGBOARD for aggravating tensions between Sunnis and Shiites and for diverting attention away from the troops.
20050125             It's 1—FOOLHARDY move that only magnifies THE—DESPERATION—OF—THE—PRESENT—SITUATION.
20050125             "Piss on Pity": Clint Eastwood's "Million Dollar" Snuff Film
20050125             "This movie is 1—CORNY, melodramatic assault on people with disabilities," writes STEVE—DRAKE in THE—RAGGED—EDGE.
20050125             "It plays out killing as 1—ROMANTIC fantasy and gives emotional life to the 'better dead than disabled' mindset lurking in the heart of the typical (read:
20050125             NON—DISABLED) audience member".
20050125             It will likely come as 1—BIT—OF—SHOCK to those unfamiliar with the disability rights movement, but not
20050125             An Open Letter To Seymour Hersh
20050125             Let me quote in detail from that article:
20050125             "Effective covert action demands bases from which 1 could relay broadcasts and telecasts,
20050125             disseminate printed propaganda, interact with dissident elements inside IRAN without their having to travel to the West for this purpose + train the surrogates in clandestine operations.
20050125             THE—CIA was hoping to use Iraqi and PAKISTAN—TERRITORY for this purpose.
20050125             "As 1—RESULT, the importance of PAKISTAN has increased MANY—FOLD in THE—CIA—PERCEPTION.
20050125             —ADVISED, That is why THE—CIA strongly, its Government to tickle the ego of Gen.
20050125             PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF by receiving him in Camp David instead of in WASHINGTON and to shower him with the kind of honours no other PAKISTAN—LEADER had received —BEFORE---not even ZIA—UL—HAQ —DURING THE—AFGHANISTAN—WAR—OF—19800000             —THE S.
20050125             Whiskey Bar: Ashcroft
20050125             —PREPARED, The former administration official said THE—CIA "was, to get more aggressive and RE—LEARN old skills,
20050125             but only with explicit assurances from the top that they were doing so with the.".
20050125             213. Unfiltered: Unfiltered 20041022              - ".. URGENT! THE—NEW—ANTI—KERRY TACTIC!!
20050125             I live in FLORIDA and have been receiving this email against Kerry from 1—GROUP called Patriotic Friends,
20050125             showing KERRY—PICTURE—NEXT to Arafat's and THE—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—MALAYSIA, Mahatir Mohammad.
20050125             The tactic is the same as the 1 used against MAX—CLELAND in GEORGIA.
20050125             I am not sure where to send it so people on this show really read.".
20050125             —URGED, CNN: Pinochet: USA, to charge bank (by SPAIN)
20050125             —URGED, Pinochet: USA, to charge BANK—BY—CNN—MADRID—BUREAU—CHIEF—AL—GOODMAN—THURSDAY,
20050125             The 11-page court order by JUDGE—BALTASAR—GARZON, who has investigated alleged abuses by Pinochet, also asks THE—USA to effectively freeze nearly $10.3—MILLION at RIGGS BANK—IN—WASHINGTON,
20050125             DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, in the event the institution is held liable for damages.
20050125             1—SPAIN—COURT—OFFICIAL told CNN that GARZON—ORDER informs USA officials that if they do not act,
20050125             1—SPAIN—COURT will press CHARGES—OF—MONEY laundering + concealing assets against RIGGS BANK + THE—EXECUTIVES.
20050125             (apparently we missed SOME—IMPORTANT developments —WHILE DU was sluggish)
20050125             Why was BOB—DOLE withdrawning $8000 in cash EVERY—WEEK from RIGGS ?
20050125             RIGGS Affair Sparks 'Suspicious Activity' Alert on Dole
20050125             Suchtechnik: Google und —YAHOO durchsuchen TV—ANGEBOTE
20050125             Bizarrer Streit: Hindus wehren sich gegen HAKENKREUZ—VERBOT
20050125             Taliban and Aschcroft... - Cheers, KEN—HANLY—ASHCROFT—EAGLE soars, but SOME—SEE
20050125             golden shore/Let the mighty eagle soar," +
20050125             Thank God somebody has made 1—MUSIC—VIDEO OUT—OF—JOHN—ASHCROFT—SOUL stirring rendition of THE—MIGHTY—EAGLE—SOARS.
20050125             Good for BUSH.
20050125             The connection between Protest Warriors and FreeRepublic : SF Bay...
20050125             Does it have Ashcroft singing "THE—EAGLE—SOARS " ( www
20050125             Here is JOHN—ASHCROFT singing "Blessed Be That City
20050125             John on the soundtrack for their video, 1—FILM - SPENCER—BLOG—ARCHIVES 10-02...
20050125             I also - 3. of MISSOURI, or as JOHN—ASHCROFT and natives...
20050125             Let the Eagle SOAR—JOHN Ashcroft Sings - "Let THE—EAGLE—SOAR" Flash video.
20050125             HavinHaving trouble viewing the feature?
20050125             Spartacus: The eagle soars... (Or something)
20050125             The eagle soars... I am not 1—BIG—FAN—OF—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT.
20050125             :: Wolves :: Lynx :: Cougars :: Grizzly Bears ::
20050125             Within you'll find information about wolves, coyotes, bears, lynx, pumas and the ecosystems these creatures hold together in THE—SOUTH—ROCKIES.
20050125             Contacts : WENDY—KEEFOVER—RING.
20050125             303.447.8655, Extension 1, # For Immediate Release:
20050125             COALITION—OF—GREEN—GROUPS, called AGRO, has - BOARD (NTSB) records, the airplane...
20050125             Naturkatastrophen fordern kaum noch Menschenopfer
20050125             SACHSEN zieht Bilanz: 15—TOTE, 26—VERMISSTE (Morgenpost
20050125             Im Landkreis Köthen entstand eine Schneise der Verwüstung:
20050125             Flutwelle im Indischen Ozean 20041226             , Was ist ein Tsunami ?
20050125             [proletar] The not so ugly Americans
20050125             columnist Aida AL—NAJJAR wrote in the daily AD—DUSTOUR that
20050125             and compassion of our nation to the world ",
20050125             —JUST as they - Post message: QUOD LICET JOVIS...NON LICET BOVIS
20050125             HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—JOURNAL—VOLUME 1: Die Jovis, 19o Novembris, Anno Reg.
20050125             Huddleston Armigeri, unius Militum Comitatus * Cumbriae in praesenti Parliamento nostro, accepimus, quod, licet ad dictum.
20050125             HOUSE—OF—LORDS—JOURNAL—VOLUME 1: 15151220              | British...
20050125             In die Jovis post Meridiem, que erat Vigilia...Thome Apostoli, Domini decreverunt, quod singuli Domini.
20050125             Billa concernens Reventiones Domini Regis, licet hodie non.
20050125             QUOD LICET JOVIS...NON LICET BOVIS
20050125             If this isn't "doulbe standard", I don't what'sa double standard ( Quod licet Jovis, non licet bovis).
20050125             It is —JUST.
20050125             —WHEN I had ventured to put forward opinion.) (b) "What is permitted to Jupiter is nevertheless forbidden to the ox".
20050125             [ Quod licet Jovis non licet bovis.
20050125             Frithjof Schuon: Poems on Philosophy and Philosophers
20050125             The fool should not try to make his mark in PHILOSOPHY—1 ...
20050125             Duro com duro faz mau muro - - "QUOD LICET JOVIS NON LICET BOVIS " - CORRUPTIO OPTIMI PESSIMA -
20050125             GEORGE W is THE—MESS—IAH... - MENTOR—FOR You - Lösung.
20050125             4. quod licet Iovi non licet bovi.
20050125             Was Jupiter darf, darf noch lange nicht jeder (Ochse).
20050125             Die JOVIS—BOVIS—LIZENZ ist nicht mehr gültig.
20050125             Web Resultados 11 - 54—DE cerca 61—PARA biografia Mussolini.
20050125             ( 1,55 segundos - a Izar para que realice la fusión por absorción de DEFEX y Defoback...
20050125             ACTUALIDAD—CONSEJO de Ministros...
20050125             filial al 100—POR cien, Izar Construcciones Navales, SA, lleve a cabo la fusión por absorción de DEFEX ,
20050125             SA, (sociedad absorbente) y Defoback, SL, (sociedad... - REFERENCIA DEL CONSEJO DE MINISTROS...
20050125             pb d'evt de clic de souris:execute 4—FOIS l'evt au lieu d'une [ Au...
20050125             UNE INTERFACE POUR MYSQL, Source N°20316 ¤ Java Codes Sources...
20050125             Sector Público Empresarial Sector Público Empresarial
20050125             Fundaciones 20020000              portada.cdr
20050125             Economía/Empresas.- El Gobierno autoriza a Izar para que realice...E
20050125             MADRID, 25 (EUROPA.
20050125             HispaVista : La Bolsa : Noticias : Últimas noticias de la Bolsa... - millones.
20050125             20032507              Economía/Empresas.- El Gobierno autoriza a Izar para que realice la fusión por absorción de DEFEX y Defoback.
20050125             25. - La auditoría de la empresa recoge también la fusión por absorción de la sociedad Defoback, mediante su disolución sin liquidación....
20050125             HACIENDA.
20050125             MADRID, 25—DE julio de 20030000             . - El Consejo de Ministros.
20050125             DAVA, SA.
20050125             DEFEX, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA (Sociedad absorbente) DEFOBACK, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA Sociedad unipersonal (Sociedad absorbida).
20050125             DESARROLLO.
20050125             BORME 29—DE octubre de 20030000              (núm 206) - CROF, SL.
20050125             BORME 31—DE octubre de 20030000              (núm 208) - COMPAÑÍA TRASATLÁNTICA ESPAÑOLA, SA.
20050125             Wenn es 1—DATUM gibt, an dem man besser gar nicht —ERST aufstehen sollte, dann ist es der 24. ;;01;;.
20050125             Das zumindest hat Cliff Arnall ausgerechnet + er nennt EINIGE—GUTE—GRÜNDE.
20050125             (W + (D—D)) x TQ M x NA
20050125             Was das bedeuten soll? Ganz einfach: W steht für Wetter, das große D für Schulden,
20050125             das kleine d für das JANUAR—GEHALT + die Differenz zwischen beiden folglich für die Fähigkeit,
20050125             die über die Feiertage angesammelten Schulden —SCHON mit dem nächsten Gehaltsscheck begleichen zu können.
20050125             M bedeutet Motivationsniveau, in engem Zusammenhang zu sehen mit der Tatsache, dass —NACH—DEM ENDE—DER—FEIERTAGE—ALLE—VERTAGTEN—PFLICHTEN vor der Tür stehen.
20050125             —BEZEICHNET, NA, die Notwendigkeit, aktiv zu werden und etwas gegen das ganze Elend zu tun.
20050125             DEFEX—SA—SPAIN.
20050125             20050124              - SAUDI—ARABIA. Night Vision Optics. SPAIN.
20050125             SWITZERLAND. Gasin Gases Industriale / SPAIN—DEFEX—SA // EAST—WEST—ENGINEERING—CO.
20050125             Defensa_com -> EXTRA Nº 71 <- ESPECIAL INDUSTRIA
20050125             Accenture, SL Álava Ingenieros Aplein Ingenieros Coritel, SA DEFEX Empresarios Agrupados AIE Estudio de Arquitectura Informática, SL Espelsa Grupo de..
20050125             Einstand als CDU—GENERAL: Kauder entsetzt ROT—GRÜN mit NS—VERGLEICH
20050125             INFINEON—GLASFASER—SPARTE: Amerikaner kaufen nur die Maschinen
20050125             IFO—MAHNUNG: Ohne weitere Einschnitte droht der Kollaps
20050125             GUANTANAMO: 23—HÄFTLINGE versuchten kollektiven Selbstmord
20050125             Umstrittene These: Waren Gladiatoren langlebige Showstars?
20050125             Dubioser ANLEIHE—DEAL: Finanzaufsicht zeigt die Citigroup an
20050125             —BEFÜRCHTET, Flutkatastrophe: Mehr als 287.000—TOTE
20050125             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Lügen ist nicht strafbar"
20050125             Dicke Familienbande: Wal und Hippo sind verwandt
20050125             —JAGD—AUF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN: USA—AUßENMINISTERIUM will KOPF—GELD verdoppeln
20050125             "Goldene Himbeere": Was GEORGE—BUSH mit HALLE Berry gemeinsam hat
20050125             Chinas Boom: Einfach nicht zu bändigen
20050125             —GEHABT, USA—EINREISE: Koffer aufgebrochen, Pech
20050125             Schwere Vorwürfe: Folter soll in irakischen Gefängnissen die Regel sein
20050125             BUSH Inauguration Speech: A "Vacuous Sermon," A "Global Crusade...
20050125             It should come as no surprise that AMERICA—DOMINANCE... - 26.000.---- löst 1—ERDBEBEN vor ALASKA
20050125             Computer der Welt, an den alle anderen angeschlossen sind, in Brüssel steht und "La Bête" ("THE—BEAST ") genannt wird......
20050125             Business...He was Chairman + CEO—OF—FOCOEX, DEFEX, SOVHISPAN, all SPAIN—STATE—OWNED CARLOS—JONES has lived in ARGENTINA + PORTUGAL + SPAIN + UK, where he set up...
20050125             Lycos Suche modern banking zusammenfasung - as a "terrorist organization
20050125             ( Biografia de JOSé Tomás Nabuco de Araújo, senador, pai do autor.). o fascismo e em 19230323              chega a ser nomeado senador por Mussolini, mas logo...
20050125             [alef] Knesset debated ISRAEL—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS... other WMD.
20050125             Finding 1—VOICE — Thinking with Others: 1—CONCEPTION—OF—ACTION...
20050125             Usenet replayer's FAQ collection: alt.OFF—TOPIC Date: Mon,
20050125             Subrayado en INTERNET... modificado en febrero, abril y junio.
20050125             esta semana su trabajo.
20050125             All Jews Are Not Zionists : Although there are those who refuse to accept the teachings of our Rabbis and will continue to support the Zionist state, there are also MANY—WHO are totally UNAWARE—OF—THE—HISTORY—OF—ZIONISM and its contradiction to the beliefs of TORAH—TRUE—JEWS.
20050125             Central banks shift reserves away from USA ;
20050125             Central banks are shifting reserves away from THE—USA and towards the eurozone in 1—MOVE that looks set to deepen THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DIFFICULTIES in financing its ballooning current account deficit.
20050125             Central banks 'shunning dollar' : THE—USA is running 1—BUDGET—DEFICIT—OF—CLOSE to $500bn 1—YEAR, funded largely by CHINA and JAPAN buying large AMOUNTS—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT—BONDS.
20050125             Forbes: Doom For THE—DOLLAR : The dollar's fall is more 1—SYMPTOM than 1—CAUSE.
20050125             Dollar at mercy of central banks : —DURING the past few years THE—USA has become dependent, not so much on MILLIONS—OF—INVESTORS—AROUND the globe but on 1—FEW individuals in 1—FEW—OF—THE—WORLD—CENTRAL—BANKS.
20050125             Failing Upwards: THE—RISE—OF—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF : Only in THE—GRAVITY—DEFYING world of G.W. Bush, where reality is routinely run through 1—PUBLIC—RELATIONS shredder, would 1—BUNGLER like Chertoff reach THE—TOP—SPOT at Homeland Security.
20050125             report warns POINT—OF—NO—RETURN may be reached in 10—YEARS, leading to droughts, agricultural failure and water shortages
20050125             Ghali Hassan : Imperial Misadventures: It is only 1—MATTER—OF—TIME—BEFORE THE—PEOPLES—OF—THE—WORLD will watch the last USA—HELICOPTER hastily evacuating the last USA—OFFICIALS from BAGHDAD + end the last ACT—OF—USA imperial misadventure.
20050125             UN on Holocaust: Evil Wins —WHEN the Good Are Quiet : Those who incite hatred and mass murder are not always extremists but MEN—OF—CULTURE, SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN told world leaders in opening the 1.—EVER GENERAL—ASSEMBLY—COMMEMORATION—OF—THE—WWII Holocaust.
20050125             'Robot soldiers' bound for IRAQ : THE—USA—MILITARY is planning to deploy robots armed with MACHINE—GUNS to wage war against anti occupation forces in IRAQ.
20050125             —CREATED, THE—PENTAGON, expanding into THE—CIA—HISTORIC bailiwick, has, 1—NEW—ESPIONAGE—ARM and is reinterpreting USA—LAW to give Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD broad authority over clandestine operations abroad
20050125             Source confirms clandestine intelligence unit : The official said Congress had been notified about the formation of "this KIND—OF—ACTIVITY," but might have been TOLD—OF—THE—PROGRAM several months ago —WHEN it had 1—DIFFERENT—NAME.
20050125             CIA in decline, Pentagon on the rise : The recent revelation that THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE has been operating its own espionage arm for the last 2—YEARS confirms RUMSFELD—SUCCESS in sidelining THE—CIA.
20050125             Democracy doctrine faces doubt abroad : With his eye on history, Bush wants to change the world.
20050125             Bush Pulls 'Neocons' Out of the Shadows: In the unending struggle over USA—FOREIGN—POLICY that consumes MUCH—OF—OFFICIAL—WASHINGTON, 1—SIDE claimed 1—VICTORY this —WEEK: the neoconservatives, that determined band of hawkish idealists who promoted THE—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ and —NOW seek to bring democracy to THE—REST—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20050125             I - sraeli Occupation Forces reviving psychological warfare unit : The overall intention is to conduct "awareness operations" to influence PALESTINE—PUBLIC opinion, mostly through propaganda, psychological warfare and sometimes disinformation.
20050125             THE—CIA + Riggs Bank : 1—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL story that the press gang should chase.
20050125             ": Vidal says, "If THE—USA does go abroad to slay dragons in THE—NAME—OF—FREEDOM, liberty + so on, she could become DICTATRESS—OF—THE—WORLD, but in the process she would lose her soul".
20050125             Real AUDIO—THE—HIDDEN Passages in BUSH—INAUGURAL—ADDRESS : BUSH—INAUGURAL—ADDRESS contained MANY—EXPLICIT—REFERENCES to God, but there were even more hidden allusions to the Bible that may have been lost to many in his audience, as they were to me, —BEFORE I did SOME—RESEARCH.
20050125             Barbara Boxer: Hold Condoleezza RICE—ACCOUNTABLE!
20050125             CHERTOFF—SKELETONS: Terror baggage?
20050125             Ethnic CLEANSING—OF—UNIVERSITIES Is THE—NEW—MANTRA—IN—AMERICA : USA—NEO—CONSERVATIVES and FOLLOWERS—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—PRIDE themselves on taking no prisoners in their ideological quests.
20050125             —NOW they seem to have set their sights on 1—NEW—TARGET: the stifling of academic freedom in THE—USA.
20050125             Gov't Releases $855—BILLION Deficit Forecast : THE—CONGRESSIONAL—BUDGET—OFFICE is predicting the government will go another $855—BILLION into debt over the next —DECADE, excluding THE—COSTS—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—SOCIAL—SECURITY—PLAN and ongoing wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20050125             Bush Is Bankrupting AMERICA : PRESIDENT—BUSH is bankrupting THE—GLOBE + USA—CONGRESS is helping him get away with it.
20050125             Like Nero, Bush and GOP fiddle —WHILE IRAQ burns + Americans struggle to make ends meet.
20050125             History Untold!: - THE—USA—INDIA—AND The "Great Emancipator":
20050125             To believe this propaganda 1 must ignore most everything LINCOLN said about the Black race and his continued efforts at colonization.
20050125             —ACCUSED—OF, The men had been, sending recruits and financial support to paramilitary training camps in IRAQ.
20050125             —MISSED, In case you, it?:
20050125             NEO—CONSERVATIVES Directing Bush Towards Regime Change in NORTH—KOREA :
20050125             —OPPOSED, Schroeder, to military action against IRAN : GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—GERHARD—SCHROEDER said on —MONDAY that he opposed THE—USE—OF—MILITARY—FORCE against IRAN over the country's nuclear programme.
20050125             1—TALE—OF—2—IRAQ Investigations : —WHILE investigators 0 in on what happened to BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS allegedly siphoned away in THE—OIL—FOR—FOOD—SCANDAL, 1—LESS—HIGH—PROFILE—PROBE is under way into spending in IRAQ.
20050125             Pentagon Sends Top Intelligence Official to Meet With Lawmakers About Secret Unit : THE—PENTAGON sent its top intelligence official to Capitol Hill on —MONDAY to explain the mission and makeup of 1—SECRET—BATTLEFIELD—INTELLIGENCE—GROUP that SOME—LAWMAKERS suggested may have skirted congressional oversight and not been coordinated fully with THE—CIA.
20050125             SERGEANT—KEVIN—M—BENDERMAN : Right to Life: Why I am facing the possibility of 7—YEARS in Federal Prison because I do not want to kill another human being?
20050125             More on this topic
20050125             PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS: 1—PARTY—WITHOUT—VIRTUE : —AFTER listening to his inaugural speech, anyone who thinks PRESIDENT—BUSH and his handlers are sane needs to visit 1—PSYCHIATRIST.
20050125             THE—HUBRIS—FILLED megalomaniac in the Oval Office has promis ed the world war without end.
20050125             Dream On AMERICA: THE—USA—MODEL : For years, MUCH—OF—THE—WORLD did aspire to THE—USA—WAY—OF—LIFE.
20050125             Gov't will not release IRAQ war legal advice under information law : The government will not release the official guidance it received about the potential legality of THE—IRAQ war under 1—NEW—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—LAW.
20050125             1—STORY that PRESIDENT—BUSH would probably prefer not to see propagated.
20050125             how they arrived back home, blind or legless;
20050125             how they have to try to forget the war —NOW, in small towns —AROUND ALABAMA and PITTSBURGH, or in WASHINGTON and L.A. Officially recognised as "heroes," 1—PURPLE—HEART on the uniform in the closet, MOST—OF—THESE soldiers long to go back to 1—ARMY that has no use for them anymore.
20050125             1—MAN named SCOTT—RITTER once said, "I can train 1—MONKEY to wave 1—USA—FLAG. That does not make the monkey patriotic".
20050125             —BY Dom STASI—THE $40—MILLION—INAUGURATION extravaganza — the most expensive EVER—SYMBOLICALLY urinates upon the graves of the over 13000000              young Americans who've † for BUSH—LIES, mistakes + corporate greed.
20050125             —BY URI—AVNERY—SOME—PEOPLE say, only half in jest, that THE—USA is 1—ISRAEL—COLONY.
20050125             —FROM THE—PAKISTAN MEDIA: THE—PAKISTAN ARMY AND THE—INTER—SERVICES... " Durrani then went on to list 1—SERIES—OF—COVERT—MILITARY—OPERATIONS in... production in THE—PAK—AFGHANISTAN border region was 1 planned affair, linked with the...
20050125             Welcome to PAKISTAN Link.. in VIETNAM + THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair.
20050125             —EXPECTED, Are we, to believe Asad Durrani,1—CLEVER
20050125             TIMEasia_com: News -- THE—EVIL—THAT—MEN—DO—THE elder Khar beat Durrani, kidnapped their children, had 1—RIP—ROARING affair with her youngest sister and once forced Durrani to strip naked —WHEN she...
20050125             04-0717-cr Id.
20050125             20050125 1. WILLIAM—C—BODIE was 1—SENIOR—FELLOW in the Institute for... for National Security Studies at the Smith Richardson Foundation (19870000199000       00—DATE) + Research Coordinator at the National Strategy Information Center (19820000198700       00—DATE).
20050125             Intelligence ONLINE—BACK—ISSUES.. UNIVERSITY—IN—SCOTLAND was the venue for the recent "Technology and Terrorism" conference sponsored by the National Strategy Information Center in WASHINGTON...
20050125             THE—PROGRESSIVE—RESPONSE... true problem rests with the very TYPE—OF—INTELLIGENCE that RIGHT—WING groups such as the National Strategy Information Center (NSIC) and... Back to FPIF homepage.
20050125             THESIS -.. 25—ROY—GODSON ed., Intelligence Requirements for the 1980's: Counterintelligence.
20050125             Crusader 41—PAGE 26 "THE—NATIONAL—STRATEGY—INFORMATION—CENTER—PUBLICATION: Political Warfare, says there is mounting evidence' that Gennadi Yanayev (acting as GORBACHEV—CHIEF—OF...
20050125             AIRWARRIORS—CHINA—RAPIDLY Modernizes for War With USA 2. ANGUS—M—FRASER, THE—PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY—COMMUNIST—CHINA—ARMED—FORCES (NEW—YORK: National Strategy Information Center, INCORPORATED, 19730000             ), 51.
20050125             [casi] The `Ignoble Liars' Behind BUSH—DEADLY—IRAQ—WAR—CONSORTIUM for THE—STUDY—OF—INTELLIGENCE, 1—PROJECT—OF—THE—NEW—YORK CITY—BASED National Strategy Information Center.
20050125             Campaign Against Sanctions on IRAQ Homepage.
20050125             LINKSNET—ÜBER starke Ökonomie und starke Politik EAST—FORUM, National Institute for Public Policy, USA—SPACE Foundation, National Strategy Information Center, Jewish Institute... Homepage :
20050125             THE—CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR | csmonitor_com NEW—YORK, —DURING which he met with Mayor RUDOLPH—GIULIANI + superintendents across the city, was hosted by the National Strategy Information Center in WASHINGTON...
20050125             History Polmar, Norman.
20050125             Soviet naval power: challenge for the 1970s.
20050125             Guide to the Soviet navy.
20050125             loosely organized team soon became THE—OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—PLANS directed by Abram Shulksy, formerly of RAND and the National Strategy Information Center (NSIC).
20050125             Bibliography on Future Trends in TERRORISM—FEDERAL—RESEARCH—DIVISION—LIBRARY—OF—CONGRESS—WASHINGTON, DC 20540—4840
20050125             INTELIGÊNCIA, POLÍTICA E PODER NO ESTADO CONTEMPORÂNEO... criado em 19790000              sob os auspícios do National Strategy Information Center e de... Strategic Intelligence Homepage, do Departamento de Ciência Política, Loyola...
20050125             Search Results: EVOLUTION—OF—STRATEGY—SC 6X9, 139PP, 19650000197500       00—DATE, NATIONAL STRATEGY INFORMATION CENTER, INCORPORATED, STRATEGY PAPER NO.31,Click on my name below, then click on our homepage + then click...
20050125             Blindsided? 20050911              and the Origins of Strategic Surprise
20050125             They want to prove that Bush is THE—ANTI—TERRORISM—GUY who can handle IRAN and the nuclear threat, against THE—LONG—TERM—GOAL—OF eliminating the black market for nuclear proliferation".
20050125             Dear MISTER—HERSH, I read with great interest your article titled
20050125             ".. capable of sampling the atmosphere for radioactive emissions and other EVIDENCE—OF—NUCLEAR—ENRICHMENT—PROGRAMS. "Getting such evidence is 1—PRESSING concern for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20050125             ".. handle IRAN and the nuclear threat, against THE—LONG—TERM—GOAL—OF eliminating the black market for nuclear proliferation".
20050125             "The agreement comes at 1—TIME—WHEN Musharraf, according to 1—FORMER—HIGH—LEVEL—PAKISTAN—DIPLOMAT, has authorized THE—EXPANSION—OF—PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—ARSENAL.
20050125             "PAKISTAN still needs parts and supplies + needs to buy them in the clandestine market," the former diplomat said.
20050125             Sarkis Soghanalian, Arms Dealer to IRAQ
20050125             The transcript of a 19910000              60—MINUTES—PROGRAM on Soghanalian was entered into the Congressional Record with this preface: "The revelations and allegations made by MISTER—SOGHANALIAN are + must be, extremely disturbing to EVERY—AMERICAN. They are disturbing to MISTER—SOGHANALIAN. He gives a 1.—HAND DESCRIPTION—OF—OFFICIAL and unofficial USA—INVOLVEMENT in the enormous BUILDUP—OF—ARMS to Saddam Hussein".
20050125             CONTROLLING THE—END—USER—OF—SMALL—ARMS - SOME—PEOPLE don't care.
20050125             Like in PERU, for example, I stopped it + in LEBANON we stopped it.
20050125             We rely 1—LOT on THE—USA—EMBASSY advisors, because they have good information and they know darn well if the weapon is going to stay in the country or not.
20050125             So who are the operators —NOW supplying weapons to AFRICA?
20050125             Based on the experience they have with me, that I can produce the intelligence information they need, which is in their own interest and not to my interest.
20050125             Yes, the government is my friend, but there are SOME—INDIVIDUALS in that government who are not my friend.
20050125             IRAN—CONTRA—EXPLAIN your role in THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair.
20050125             I was asked officially to go and help them [IRAN] and do the same thing that we were doing for IRAQ.
20050125             —ASKED, Who, you? There is no need to mention names.
20050125             —BY government officials, not by THE—PRESIDENT.
20050125             Sometimes you want to do something even if it's not legal + you must consider: where are the costs and what are the benefits?
20050125             Is this transaction worth it?... —WHEN there was 1—EMBARGO on IRAQ, we kept supplying weapons to IRAQ.
20050125             In order to save USA—FACE, we didn't do ANY—OPERATIONS from THE—USA.
20050125             I don't like to EXPLORE—OF—THE—POSSIBILITIES—OF what department of this or that, but very, very close, very close.
20050125             How do you know, if you're selling to someone 1—DAY, it might not be all different 1—WEEK—LATER?
20050125             it's not like last night and tomorrow —MORNING. MICHAEL—CHERTOFF—PROFILE:
20050125             In the bizarro world that PRESIDENT—BUSH—LIVES in, it PAYS—LITERALLY—TO be 1—MISERABLE—FAILURE, 1—CRIMINAL and 1—CORPORATE con man.
20050125             Those are —JUST SOME—OF—THE—CHARACTERISTICS—OF—THE dastardly men and women who were tapped —RECENTLY to fill the vacancies in BUSH—2.—TERM cabinet.
20050125             But 1—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—MOST outrageous decisions (besides naming ALBERTO—GONZALES, who concocted 1—LEGAL—CASE for torturing foreign prisoners at ABU—GHRAIB and GUANTANAMO Bay, ATTORNEY—GENERAL) has got to be choosing 66—YEAR—OLD—SAM—BODMAN to serve as SECRETARY—OF—ENERGY.
20050125             full article) - Bush Uses Tsunami Aid to Regain Foothold in INDONESIA
20050125             Besides improving WASHINGTON—IMAGE in South and SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH is hoping to achieve something more concrete from its aid efforts in the aftermath of the
20050125             Over the past few decades, with the growing salience of THE—ISRAELI—ARAB conflict, THE—RE—ENTRY—OF—ISLAM into the politics of the Islamicate world + finally with THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—CHALLENGE, 1—GROWING BODY—OF—THOUGHT in THE—USA has sought to reclaim, to resurrect, this old Western adversary....(
20050125             Lifetime Detainment: No Pros, All CONS—OR, To Torture or Not to Torture: How Is That Even the Question?
20050125             1—GLARING, galling EXAMPLE—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—BASEMENT—LEVEL—BASENESS is provided in 1—RECENT—ARTICLE by Dana PRIEST—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—POST :"Administration officials are preparing LONG—RANGE—PLANS for indefinitely imprisoning suspected terrorists whom they do not want to set free or turn over to courts in THE—USA or other countries...THE—PENTAGON and THE—CIA have asked THE—WHITE—HOUSE to decide on 1—MORE—PERMANENT—APPROACH for potentially lifetime detentions, including those for HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE—NOW in military and CIA custody whom the government does not have enough evidence to charge in courts".
20050125             —SUSPECTED, The fact that 1 need only be "" of being 1—TERRORIST (as so designated by GEORGE—BUSH ;
20050125             —NOW there's 1—COMFORTING thought) to be detained for a "lifetime" because of 1—LACK—OF "enough evidence to charge in courts"?
20050125             If you consider this FAR—FETCHED, I remind you here that Education SECRETARY—ROD—PAIGE identified the country's largest teacher's union, the National Education Association, as a "terrorist organization ";
20050125             it is 1—SMALL—STEP indeed for THE—CONSTITUTION—REVILING, Patriot ACT—REVERING TEAM—OF—BUSH /Cheney to label -- yes, believe it or not -- even NON—EDUCATORS as mortal ENEMIES—OF—THE—STATE....(full article)
20050125             —OPPOSED, THE—2—CELEBRATIONS couldn't be more, revealing the chasm between the " 2—AMERICAS. " Gay and lesbian rights + peace and justice issues were raised in 1—SERIES—OF—MARCHES celebrating the birthday of the civil rights icon;
20050125             —MARKED, THE—RUN—UP to BUSH—2. swearing in was, by 1—CONTINUING crisis in IRAQ + REVELATIONS—OF—NEW—COVERT—WAR—PREPARATIONS for IRAN....(
20050125             —EXPECTED, THE—PENTAGON brass, a "cakewalk" and, instead, they've found themselves mired in 1—GUERILLA—WAR....(
20050125             Fresh off SOME—BIG—GOLDEN—GLOBES wins, "Million Dollar Baby" seems poised for Oscar success...but not everyone is pleased with the boxing FLICK—CUM—SNUFF film.
20050125             "This movie is 1—CORNY, melodramatic assault on people with disabilities,"
20050125             writes STEVE—DRAKE in THE—RAGGED—EDGE.
20050125             "It plays out killing as 1—ROMANTIC fantasy and gives emotional life to the 'better dead than disabled' mindset lurking in the heart of the typical (read: NON—DISABLED) audience member".
20050125             Free Speech - THE—TEHERAN—CONNECTION—LET me quote in detail from that article:
20050125             "Effective covert action demands bases from which 1 could relay broadcasts and telecasts, disseminate printed propaganda, interact with dissident elements inside IRAN without their having to travel to the West for this purpose + train the surrogates in clandestine operations.
20050125             The deterioration in the internal security situation in IRAQ has ruled out the use of its territory for the present.
20050125             —ADVISED, That is why THE—CIA strongly, its Government to tickle THE—EGO—OF—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF by receiving him in Camp David instead of in WASHINGTON and to shower him with the kind of honours no other PAKISTAN—LEADER had received —BEFORE---not even ZIA—UL—HAQ —DURING THE—AFGHANISTAN—WAR—OF—THE 1980s.
20050125             "—SINCE his last bilateral visit to THE—USA—IN—FEBRUARY —LAST—YEAR, Musharraf has already ordered his INTER—SERVICES—INTELLIGENCE (ISI) to covertly collaborate with THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES for THE—COLLECTION—OF—INTELLIGENCE about IRAN.
20050125             It was unhappiness over this, which led to the resignation of ABDUL—SATTAR, his Foreign MINISTER, ostensibly on health grounds.
20050125             213. - Unfiltered: Unfiltered 20041022              - ".. URGENT!
20050125             THE—NEW—ANTI—KERRY TACTIC!! I live in FLORIDA and have been receiving this email against Kerry from 1—GROUP called Patriotic Friends, showing KERRY—PICTURE—NEXT to Arafat's and THE—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—MALAYSIA, Mahatir Mohammad.
20050125             —URGED, Pinochet: USA, to charge BANK—BY—CNN—MADRID—BUREAU—CHIEF—AL—GOODMAN—THURSDAY, 20040916              —POSTED: 2:01 PM EDT (18010000              GMT) MADRID—SPAIN (CNN)-
20050125             1—SPAIN—JUDGE has asked USA—AUTHORITIES to file criminal charges against A—USA—BANK + 7—SENIOR—EXECUTIVES for concealing MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS belonging to FORMER—CHILE—DICTATOR—AUGUSTO Pinochet.
20050125             The 11-page court order by JUDGE—BALTASAR—GARZON, who has investigated alleged abuses by Pinochet, also asks THE—USA to effectively freeze nearly $10.3—MILLION at Riggs BANK—IN—WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, in the event the institution is held liable for damages.
20050125             1—SPAIN—COURT—OFFICIAL told CNN that GARZON—ORDER informs USA—OFFICIALS that if they do not act, 1—SPAIN—COURT will press CHARGES—OF—MONEY laundering + concealing assets against Riggs Bank + the executives.
20050125             MICHAEL C. RUPPERT CROSSING THE—RUBICON Edited on Tue Sep-14-04 01:30 PM by sattahipdeep
20050125             Taliban and Aschcroft... Cheers, KEN—HANLY—ASHCROFT—EAGLE soars, but SOME—SEE... JULIAN—BORGER in WASHINGTON —SINCE JOHN—ASHCROFT became the... golden shore/Let the mighty eagle soar," +
20050125             Disinfotainment —TODAY Music VIDEO—OF—THE—WEEK.
20050125             The connection between Protest Warriors and FreeRepublic : SF Bay... Does it have Ashcroft singing "THE—EAGLE—SOARS "
20050125             Here is JOHN—ASHCROFT singing "Blessed Be That City... John on the soundtrack for their video, 1—FILM
20050125             I also... —WHILE we're posting links to video, check out... 3. of MISSOURI, or as JOHN—ASHCROFT and natives.
20050125             Let the Eagle SOAR—JOHN—ASHCROFT—SINGS "Let THE—EAGLE—SOAR" Flash video.
20050125             Click here to download the Flash MX plugin. Please help.
20050125             Spartacus: The eagle soars... (Or something) The eagle soars... I am not 1—BIG—FAN—OF—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT.
20050125             Regardless of your views on Ashcroft, however, this video clip of him singing 1—OF.
20050125             :: Wolves :: Lynx :: Cougars :: Grizzly Bears :: Within you'll find information about wolves, coyotes, bears, lynx, pumas and the ecosystems these creatures hold together in THE—SOUTH—ROCKIES.
20050125             Naturkatastrophen fordern kaum noch Menschenopfer SACHSEN zieht Bilanz: 15—TOTE, 26—VERMISSTE
20050125             Morgenpost... Im Landkreis Köthen entstand 1—SCHNEISE—DER—VERWÜSTUNG: In... Flutwelle im Indischen Ozean 20041226             ,
20050125             [proletar] The not so ugly Americans www.mail-archive_com/proletar@yahoogroups_com/msg03084.html
20050125             columnist Aida AL—NAJJAR wrote in the daily AD—DUSTOUR that... and compassion of our nation to the world ", —JUST as they... Post message: quod licet jovis...non licet bovis
20050125             HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—JOURNAL—VOLUME 1:
20050125             It is —JUST. quod licet jovis...non licet bovis
20050125             Quod licet Jovis, numquam licet bovis: "What is lawful for Jupiter, is not lawful for the ox".
20050125             The fool should not try to make his mark in philosophy - 1 ...
20050125             quod licet jovis...non licet bovis - 20050125 200500113
20050125             quod licet jovis...non licet BOVIS—MENTOR - For You - Lösung.
20050125             Was da noch kommen kann? Die Formel für den miesesten —TAG—DES—JAHRES zum Beispiel + der IST—HEUTE.
20050125             Nach umfangreicher Tüftelei stieß der TEILZEIT—DOZENT der CARDIFF University auf folgende Formel:
20050125             Was das bedeuten soll? Ganz einfach: W steht für Wetter, das große D für Schulden, das kleine d für das JANUAR—GEHALT + die Differenz zwischen beiden folglich für die Fähigkeit, die über die Feiertage angesammelten Schulden —SCHON mit dem nächsten Gehaltsscheck begleichen zu können.
20050125             T steht für die Zeit —SEIT Weihnachten, Q bezeichnet die Spanne, die vergangen ist, —SEIT man sich so VIELE—GUTE—VORSÄTZE für das neue —JAHR vorgenommen hat.
20050125             USA—STUDIE: Mediziner zählen —BIS zu 140.000—VIOXX—GESCHÄDIGTE
20050125             Details zum 20050911             : "Das muss die Hölle gewesen sein"
20050125             Kritik aus EUROPA: USA—FINANZMINISTER spielt den Ball zurück
20050125             FIREFOX—ENTWICKLER BLAKE—ROSS: Auf der Suche —NACH—DEM Gral
20050125             Irak: USA—GENERAL warnt vor Großoffensive der Rebellen
20050125             "Goldene Himbeere": Was GEORGE—BUSH mit HALLE Berry gemeinsam hat
20050125             Trotz USA—DRUCK: Deutsche Konzerne wollen in IRAN bleiben
20050125             Militärausgaben: Bush verlangt 80—MILLIARDEN Dollar mehr für den Krieg
20050125             The dollar's fall is more 1—SYMPTOM than 1—CAUSE.
20050125             The real problem is that THE—USA is producing too LITTLE—AND spending too MUCH—AND the result is likely to be far worse than THE—HAPPY—TALKERS on WALL—STREET will ever let on.
20050125             —FILED, GARZON—ORDER on —THURSDAY was in 1—RESPONSE to 1—REQUEST, with his court last 20040700              by SPAIN—ATTORNEY—JUAN—GARCES on BEHALF—OF—MANY—ALLEGED—VICTIMS—OF—PINOCHET—REGIME, from 19730911199000       00—DATE.
20050125             01—19—PM —POSTED—BY: PRAKTIKE—ANY—STUDENT—OF—HISTORY will recognize that no empire lasts forever.
20050125             It should come as no surprise that AMERICA—DOMINANCE... - Was ist 1—TSUNAMI? Am
20050125             —PREPARED, IRELAND—PRIME—MINISTER—BERTIE—AHERN, to meet with SINN—FEIN—LEADERS, in his 1. talks with THE—IRA—LINKED party —SINCE 20051220             —THE—BANK—THEFT.
200501250201         —PM—EDT (18010000—GMT) MADRID—SPAIN (CNN)-
20050125—19870100    —IN, USA—DISTRICT—COURT—DISTRICT—OF—CONNECTICUT—ARIF—DURRANI... Rather, only —AFTER THE—RELEASE—OF—THE—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT on THE—IRAN—CONTRA Affair, did Durrani raise for the 1. time that he was...
20050125—20010911    —AFTER, ".. of directive granting full or partial immunity to USA INTERROGATORS—WHICH is 1—POSSIBLE—INTERPRETATION—OF what THE—CIA supposedly requested from THE—WHITE—HOUSE shortly :
20050125—20010911    —AFTER, ".. The former administration official said THE—CIA "was prepared to get more aggressive and RE—LEARN old skills, but only with explicit assurances from the top that they were doing so with the.".
20050125—20030000    —IN, Investigations into how the U.S—LED coalition spent IRAQ—OIL—REVENUES—AFTER the fall of BAGHDAD have found several problems.
20050125—20030600    —IN, I had made 1 detailed reference to it in 1—ARTICLE on IRAN written by me ,
20050125—20041226    Flutwelle im Indischen Ozean,
20050125—20050000    Note Archives ABC News Political Calendar Find Out Who We Are
20050125—20050115    MUSSOLINI—GRUß: Italiens Fußballboss hält zu Di Canio.
20050125—20050115    Biografia | Biography| Biographie | Biografí1—DOWNLOAD the.pdf version.
20050125—20050115    ITALIANO.
20050125—200501226   -löst 1—ERDBEBEN vor ALASKA... alfatomega.com/20050126.html
20050125—20050907    —RESCUED, Hallums was, by coalition troops.
20050820             —SIGNED, PALESTINE—LEADER—MAHMOUD—ABBAS, 1—DECREE appropriating Jewish settlement land and scheduled elections for 20050125           .
20051126—20050125    —SHOWED, Preliminary results, jailed PALESTINE—UPRISING leader MARWAN—BARGHOUTI and other younger activists swept Fatah primaries, signaling 1—CHANGE—OF—GENERATIONS that could make THE—CORRUPTION—TAINTED ruling party more attractive to voters PARLIAMENT elections.
20051228             DOZENS—OF—MASKED—PALESTINE—GUNMEN took over election offices in THE—GAZA Strip, exchanging fire with police and demanding spaces for the ruling Fatah PARTY—MILITARY wing on 1—LIST for 20050125              parliamentary elections.
20060109—20060125    —PERMITTED, ISRAEL, PALESTINE—POLITICIANS to campaign in disputed JERUSALEM, reversing 1—INITIAL—BAN and clearing 1—OBSTACLE to holding PALESTINE—PARLIAMENT—ELECTIONS.
20060123—20060125    —RESIGNED, Horie, from THE—BOARD—OF—LIVEDOOR.
20060125             Die radikale Terroreinheit Hamas, die das Existenzrecht Israels in Frage stellt, gewinnt mit großer Mehrheit die Wahl zum Legislativrat in den Palästinensischen Autonomiegebieten und löst die —BIS dahin regierende Fatah ab.
20060125             —BERICHTET, Die Nationale Statistikbehörde Chinas, dass das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) des Landes 20050000              um 9,9 % auf umgerechnet 1,83 Billionen Euro gestiegen sei.
20060125             Damit überholt CHINA Frankreich und Großbritannien, die nur 1—WACHSTUM des BIP—VON—1,6 bzw. 1,7 % aufweisen, und steigt zur viertgrößten Wirtschaftsmacht der Erde auf.
20060125             C50015, WACKENHUT CORPORATION...
20060125             Veröffentlicht: 200601241601
20060125             Republicans JOHN—MCCAIN and TOM—COBURN said they're putting their colleagues on notice: They will challenge special projects that senators insert into spending bills —UNTIL the practice stops.
20060125             —DISCOVERED, USA—AUTHORITIES, what they say is the largest and most sophisticated tunnel under their border with MEXICO, 1—THAT was used by drug trafficking gangs.
20060125             The tunnel began near TIJUANA—AIRPORT and ended 2,400 feet away in 1—WAREHOUSE on THE—USA—SIDE—OF—THE—BORDER.
20060125             —INCLUDED, The find, 2—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA.
20060125             Hattie McDaniel, the 1. black actress to win 1—ACADEMY—AWARD, was honored with A—USA—POSTAL Service commemorative stamp.
20060125             —BECAME, McDaniel, the 29. person honored in the Postal SERVICE—LONG—RUNNING—BLACK—HERITAGE stamp series.
20060125             "Survivor" RICHARD—HATCH was convicted in PROVIDENCE, R.I., of failing to pay taxes on his $1—MILLION—WINNINGS.
20060125             —SENTENCED, He was —LATER, to more than 4—YEARS in prison.
20060125             —NOTIFIED, Ameriprise Financial INCORPORATED said it has, about 226,000—PEOPLE that their names and other personal data were stored on 1—LAPTOP computer that was stolen from 1—EMPLOYEE—VEHICLE.
20060125             —REPORTED, Konami Digital Entertainment, that WEST—VIRGINIA school officials had struck 1—PARTNERSHIP to use KONAMI—DANCE—DANCE—REVOLUTION—VIDEO—GAME in ALL—OF—ITS—765—PUBLIC—SCHOOLS to attack 1—YOUTH—OBESITY—PROBLEM.
20060125             —OFFERED, Microsoft, to license access to its source code for Windows in 1—EFFORT to fend off pressure from USA and EU authorities.
20060125             —AGREED, THE—USA—BASED UPN and WB television broadcast networks, to merge.
20060125             —AGREED, Heart device maker Guidant Corp., to be bought by BOSTON Scientific Corp. for $80—PER share, or about $27—BILLION, and terminated 1—AGREEMENT to be acquired by Johnson & Johnson.
20060125             —REPORTED, It was, that WYOMING rancher ALLEN—COOK, 57—JAHRE—ALT, with no connection to THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PITTSBURGH, has given the school 4,700 ACRES—OF—LAND littered with dinosaur fossils.
20060125             —HEADED, FLORIDA, 1—CAR—FULL—OF—SIBLINGS, home was crushed between 1—TRUCK and 1 stopped school bus, killing the 7 adopted children —JUST 2—MILES from where they lived.
20060125             —RUSHED, AUSTRALIA, emergency crews, to clean up 10,000 LITERS—OF—FUEL—OIL that fouled mangroves off Gladstone City near the Great Barrier Reef —AFTER 2—VESSELS collided.
20060125             The older daughter of former dictator GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET was detained upon arrival in WASHINGTON —AFTER failing to obey 1—SUMMONS by 1—CHILE—JUDGE, who indicted her on tax evasion charges.
20060125             —LAUNCHED, Google INCORPORATED, 1—SEARCH—ENGINE in CHINA that censors material about human rights, Tibet and other topics sensitive to BEIJING, defending the move as 1—TRADE—OFF granting CHINA—GREATER—ACCESS to other information.
20060125             —KIDNAPPED, HAITI, 2—FRANCE—MISSIONARIES and 2—HAITIANS were, near Cite Soleil, 1—VOLATILE slum outside PORT—AU—PRINCE.
20060125             —REPORTED, Last —MONTH, there were 162, kidnap cases in HAITI, and January has seen 37—SO far.
20060125             The actual number is probably much higher because victims' families often prefer to negotiate with kidnappers rather than notify police.
20060125             IRAN—TOP—NUCLEAR—NEGOTIATOR said that TEHRAN views MOSCOW—OFFER to have IRAN—URANIUM enriched in RUSSIA as 1—POSITIVE—DEVELOPMENT but no agreement has been reached between the countries.
20060125             —REPORTED, Police in BAGHDAD, the discovery of 10 blindfolded men in WATER—HOLDING tanks at 1—SEWAGE—TREATMENT—FACILITY.
20060125             —KILLED, Insurgents in KIRKUK, 2—CITY—OFFICIALS.
20060125             —SENTENCED, Kamal Said Qadir (48), 1—AUSTRIA—CITIZEN, by 1—COURT—IN—NORTH—IRAQ to 25—YEARS in prison last —MONTH—AFTER being convicted of dishonoring the Kurdish cause, was released from custody.
20060125             —AFTER moving to AUSTRIA 1—FEW years ago, he wrote articles that accused the powerful Kurdistan DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—OF—CORRUPTION.
20060125             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—USA—SOLDIER was, and another wounded by 1—ROADSIDE bomb blast SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD, —WHILE 3—IRAQ—POLICE † in 1—SIMILAR—ATTACK.
20060125             IRAQ—POLICE shot dead 1—SUNNI cleric at 1—CHECKPOINT—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20060125             —KILLED, Gunmen, 1—POLICEMAN in the capital's Sadr City neighborhood.
20060125             THE—UN said that THOUSANDS—OF—REFUGEES were without help —AFTER riots forced it to curtail operations in IVORY—COAST.
20060125             —ARRESTED, Juana Barraza (48) was, —WHILE fleeing from 1—HOME where 1—ELDERLY—WOMAN was slain.
20060125             —SUSPECTED, She was, to be the serial murderer known as the "Mataviejitas," or "Little Old Lady Killer".
20060125             —MATCHED, BARRAZA—FINGERPRINTS, those left at the scene of 10—OTHER—MURDERS, plus at the scene of 1 attempted murder.
20060125             —APPROVED, MONGOLIA—PRESIDENT—AND—PARLIAMENT, Mieagombo Enkhbold (41), THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—MONGOLIAN—PEOPLE—REVOLUTIONARY—PARTY, as the new PRIME—MINISTER, 1—MAJOR—STEP toward rebuilding the former communist country's collapsed government.
20060125             1—MINIBUS struck 1—LAND—MINE in SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, killing 6—PASSENGERS and wounding 5.
20060125             Palestinians cast ballots in their 1. parliamentary election in 1—DECADE.
20060125             Hamas won 1—HUGE—MAJORITY in parliamentary elections as PALESTINE—VOTERS rejected the longtime RULE—OF—THE—FATAH—PARTY, throwing the future of Mideast peacemaking into question.
20060125             —COUNTED, Hamas, up to 6—LEADERSHIPS: notional CHIEF—KHALED—MESHAL in exile in DAMASCUS;
20060125             ISMAIL—HANIYEH and other heavyweights in THE—GAZA Strip;
20060125             members in THE—WEST—BANK; convicted prisoners in ISRAEL—JAILS;
20060125             unconvicted prisoners detained in ISRAEL—MILITARY—JAILS; and heads of the armed wing.
20060125             —AGREED, SRI—LANKA—PRESIDENT—AND—THE—LEADER—OF—TAMIL—TIGER rebels, on to resume peace talks.
20060125             15—HEADS—OF—STATE, top business leaders and celebrities attended the session to brainstorm on key issues facing the globe, including high oil prices, IRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS, new business models and the shifting BALANCE—OF—POWER in ASIA.
20060125             1—ARCTIC—WEATHER—FRONT wreaked more havoc across 1—WIDE—SWATH—OF—EAST—EUROPE, killing 53—PEOPLE overnight in UKRAINE alone and severely disrupted transport networks in HALF—A—DOZEN—COUNTRIES.
20060125             BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA said in his 1. encyclical, "God is Love," that THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH has no desire to govern states or set public policy, but can't remain silent —WHEN its charity is needed to ease suffering —AROUND the world.
20060125             —MARCHED, VENEZUELA, THOUSANDS—OF—ACTIVISTS, through CARACAS demanding 1—END to the war in IRAQ and shouting slogans against USA—IMPERIALISM at THE—OPENING—OF—THE—WORLD—SOCIAL—FORUM backed by PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ.
20060125             VENEZUELA—VICE—PRESIDENT—JOSE—VICENTE—RANGEL said that SOME—VENEZUELA—MILITARY—OFFICERS have been detained —AFTER they allegedly passed information to USA—OFFICIALS.
20060125             Of THE—MANY—MYSTERIES surrounding 20010911             , 20010911              few have been of as much interest to as broad 1—RANGE—OF—PEOPLE as THE—FATE—OF—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER 7,
20060125             the 47-story office building that was the last to fall and appears to have been the 1. STEEL—FRAMED skyscraper to collapse due solely to fire.
20060125             —ISSUED, THE—NATIONAL—INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology, which this fall, its final report on what happened to the Twin Towers,
20060125             was supposed to report on WTC 7 at the same time.
20060125             —NOW, NIST is soliciting 1—CONTRACTOR to try to come up with the best explanation for why the building came down.
20060125             —ANNOUNCED, NIST, the move in 1—DRAFT—SOLICITATION - 1—FORMAL—BID is being prepared.
20060125             MICHAEL—NEWMAN, NIST spokesman, says
20060125             the contractor will "determine the most likely scenario for the initiating event of THE—WTC 7—COLLAPSE + provide the global ANALYSIS—OF—THE—COLLAPSE (i.e. THE—RESPONSE—OF—THE—WHOLE building to the initiating event)".
20060125             The draft solicitation says NIST will consider the "POSSIBILITY—OF—ANY—OTHER—EVENTS that may have occurred that —DAY".
20060125             —HOUSED, WTC7, which, offices for THE—CIA + THE—OFFICE—OF—EMERGENCY—MANAGEMENT,
20060125             is central to the notion that the buildings at Ground 0 were brought down by planned demolitions, partly because FILM—OF—THE—COLLAPSE shows 1—SUDDEN, IMPLOSION—LIKE demise.
20060125             —ASKED, THE—VOICE, NIST what it meant by "other scenarios".
20060125             Its answer: The contractor will look at up to 20—POSSIBLE—SCENARIOS for the initiating event of THE—WTC 7—COLLAPSE.
20060125             then focus its modeling on these 5 to eventually determine the single most likely scenario.
20060125             —POSTED in Citystate Comments
20060125             How MANY—YEARS must go by —BEFORE we can start to accept(if ever) the fact that our GOVERNMENT had 1—MAJOR—ROLE
20060125             I studied architecture as the bldgs. were put up.
20060125             I watched the steel come to the site.
20060125             I studied the engineering drawings as the towers grew.
20060125             I went on to design SOME—OF—THE—HVAC systems inside those bldgs.
20060125             Those towers were as tough as 1—SKYSCRAPER comes.
20060125             They should still be there —TODAY.
20060125             Analysis CLUMSINESS—OF—NEW "Osama" propaganda:
20060125             sign of increasing BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DESPERATION-
20060125             Exactly 1—YEAR ago, in response to a previous bogus "Osama" transmission,
20060125             I wrote: "Like previous productions, the tape was conveniently timed to reinforce + invigorate WASHINGTON—EXPANDING war agenda,
20060125             keep the populations of Western nations fearfully compliant and SUPPORTIVE—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S 'WAR—ON—TERRORISM,'
20060125             further provoke ANTI—WESTERN—SENTIMENT in THE—MIDDLE—EAST + distract from exploding political + economic fault lines all over the world.
20060125             likely produced by OPERATIVES—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION
20060125             mhp: THE—ALLIANCE—OF—BANKERS and Revolution
20060125             —FINANCED, THE—MARBURG—PLAN, by ANDREW—CARNEGIE—AMPLE—HERITAGE, was produced in the early years of the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY.
20060125             It suggests premeditation for this. ORIGINAL—URL des Artikels:
20060125             Bundesweite Razzia gegen Raubkopierer Auch Gesellschaft zur Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen (GVU) im Visier
20060125             Außerdem wurde T—ONLINE d azu verpflichtet, nach Beendigung der jeweiligen Nutzung ALLE—DATEN,
20060125             die 1—VERBINDUNG zwischen der zugeteilten IP—ADRESSE und dem Kläger herstellen, umgehend zu löschen.
20060125             Die Kammer vertrat die Auffassung, dass diese Daten für 1—RECHNUNGSSTELLUNG nicht erforderlich seien und deshalb deren Erhebung und/oder Speicherung —NACH—DEN einschlägigen Vorschriften des TK—GESETZES nicht zulässig sei.
20060125             Dass die Armee vor einem Zusammenbruch stehe, sei eine "sehr extreme Charakterisierung".
20060125             Der derzeitige Leiter eines Forschungsinstituts für strategische und haushaltspolitische Einschätzungen befürchtet katastrophale Einbrüche bei der Nachwuchsanwerbung,
20060125             sollten die Truppen weiter derart strapaziert werden.
20060125             Noch verfüge die Army über eine ausgezeichnete Kampfkraft, aber man beginne sich zu fragen,
20060125             wie lange der Stress noch weitergehen könne, warnt Krepinevich in der 136—SEITEN umfassenden vom PENTAGON in Auftrag gegebenen Studie.
20060125             trotz erheblich verstärkter finanzieller Anreize für Neulinge.
20060125             Die USA—ARMEE befinde sich in einem "Rennen gegen die Zeit",
20060125             wenn sie den Anforderungen des Krieges genügen wolle oder ein "zusammenbrechen", weil die Rekrutierung sich "katastrophal" entwickle.
20060125             Gordon schätzt, dass —BEREITS 26—PROZENT—DES—AUS—DER—ERDKRUSTE gewinnbaren Kupfers verloren SIND—IN Müll, der nicht mehr aufgearbeitet werden kann.
20060125             Bei Zink ist die Lage ähnlich: 19 % seien nicht mehr zu verwerten.
20060125             Die aktuellen Rohstoffpreise würden dies jedoch nicht widerspiegeln,
20060125             weil —DERZEIT noch ausreichend Vorräte zur Verfügung stünden.
20060125             Zudem entwickeln Ingenieure immer bessere Verfahren, um Metall effizienter zu gewinnen.
20060125             Kurzfristig ist nach AUSSAGEN—DER—FORSCHER noch nicht mit einem Metallmangel zu rechnen.
20060125             Langfristig sei dies aber der Fall.
20060125             Vor allem seltene Metalle wie etwa Platin könnten —SCHON bald knapp werden.
20060125             Es gebe bislang auch keine PLATIN—ALTERNATIVEN, etwa für den Bau von Katalysatoren oder Brennstoffzellen.
20060125             Als Risiko werten die Forscher zudem, dass der PRO—KOPF—VERBRAUCH vieler Metalle weiterhin ansteigt.
20060125             Deshalb könnten eines Tages auch —BISHER reichlich vorhandene Metalle rar werden.
20060125             "Wir müssen das Recycling in einem größerem Maßstab angehen", sagte Cynthia Ekstein von der National Science Foundation.
20060125             —GESEHEN, Metall solle in seinem gesamten Nutzungsprozess, WERDEN—VON der Förderung als Erz —BIS zur Müllhalde.
20060125             Als Rakoff nun die Veröffentlichung der Namen anordnete, fügte er gleich unmissverständlich hinzu, die Entscheidung sei "endgültig".
20060125             Sowohl AP als auch AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL rechneten allerdings —NACH—DEM Urteil damit,
20060125             dass das PENTAGON in Berufung gehen wird.
20060125             "Das wird mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlich passieren", sagte AI—EXPERTE Bhattacharyya.
20060125             "Und dann hoffen wir eben, dass das Berufungsgericht zum gleichen Urteil kommt".
20060125             —JETZT bringt ein amerikanischer Bundesrichter die USA—REGIERUNG in Sachen GUANTANAMO allerdings in Bedrängnis:
20060125             JED—S—RAKOFF, RICHTER—AM—FEDERAL—DISTRICT—COURT—IN—MANHATTAN, ordnete die Veröffentlichung der Namen der mehreren 100—GUANTANAMO—GEFANGENEN an.
20060125             NS—DOKUMENTATION: Topographie des Terrors soll 20090000              fertig werden
20060125             ALITALIA—STREIK: Berlusconi wirft Linken Verschwörung vor
20060125             ENRON—PROZESS: Schauplätze und Dramatis personae eines Bilanzskandals
20060125             Weltwirtschaftsforum: Der Geist von Davos
20060125             ENGLAND: Forscher will Spukschloss entzaubern
20060125             Trotz Recycling: Metallvorräte der Erde reichen nicht
20060125             Iranischer MINISTER—NENNT—ISRAEL "kleiner Satan"
20060125             Benedikts 1. Enzyklika: Love, love, love!
20060125             Prognose 20060000             : Glos hält Wachstum von 2 % für möglich
20060125             Tumulte auf Zypern: Straws Auto mit Eiern beworfen
20060125             —VERURTEILT, GUANTANAMO: Zypries, Vernehmungen durch deutsche Beamte
20060125             Raucher: Gene bestimmen täglichen Tabakbedarf
20060125             BND—AFFÄRE: Opposition streitet weiter über Untersuchungsausschuss
20060125             —BLOCKIERT, Straßengebühr: EU, MAUT—ERSTATTUNG für deutsche Spediteure
20060125             Irak: Anstieg der Armut —SEIT Saddams Sturz
20060125             —DEMENTIERT, GUANTANAMO: USA—MILITÄR, neue Hinrichtungsregelung
20060125             Psychische Krisen: 1. Hilfe im Netz
20060125             Palästinenser: Hamas will bewaffneten Kampf fortsetzen
20060125             Hochstimmung: IFO—GESCHÄFTSKLIMAINDEX schnellt nach oben
20060125             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Ich war Maos Hund"
20060125             Italien: Gericht soll über Existenz Jesu entscheiden
20060125             Landtagswahl RHEINLAND—PFALZ: SPD drohen schwere Verluste
20060125             —ÜBERNIMMT, Suchmaschine: Google, chinesische Zensurbestimmungen
20060125             CIA—AFFÄRE: USA weisen EUROPARAT—KRITIK zurück
20060125             —LIVED, Please help me my friends, who, through war, who experienced war —AROUND the world.
20060125             Please tell me the way in which I can pass on this horrible experience to others.
20060125             Audit Describes MISUSE—OF—FUNDS in IRAQ Projects:
20060125             MUCH—OF—THE—MATERIAL in the latest audit is new + the portrait it paints of abandoned rebuilding projects,
20060125             nonexistent paperwork + cash routinely taken from the main vault in Hilla without even 1—LOG to keep TRACK—OF—THE—TRANSACTIONS is likely to raise major new questions about how the provisional authority did its business + accounted for huge expenditures of Iraqi + USA—MONEY.
20060125             IRAQ—OIL—BUST:
20060125             —UNTAPPED, Billions in, oil reserves would pay for reconstruction and NATION—BUILDING.
20060125             But HUNDREDS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—USA—TAX—DOLLARS—LATER, IRAQ—OIL still isn't flowing at prewar levels.
20060125             Fact or fiction? Bush offered Blair chance to pull out of IRAQ:
20060125             —REVEALED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH has, he offered TONY—BLAIR the chance not go to war in IRAQ, but THE—PRIME—MINISTER turned it down.
20060125             BOLTON: Bush won't tolerate nuclear IRAN:
20060125             According to BOLTON, BUSH worries that 1—NUCLEAR—EQUIPPED IRAN under its current leadership could well engage in 1—NUCLEAR holocaust,
20060125             PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN: If AMERICA does not strike, Mofaz is saying, ISRAEL will.
20060125             Yet, as that could produce the same results as 1—USA—ATTACK, without the same ASSURANCE—OF—SUCCESS,
20060125             BUSH may have to restrain ISRAEL, if he does not want 1—WIDER—WAR.
20060125             PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS : USA—ORDERS—SYRIA To Do the Impossible:
20060125             Is there 1—PERSON anywhere in the world who still thinks there is 1—OUNCE—OF—SANITY in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION?
20060125             If so, let that person read JOHN—BOLTON—ORDERS to Syria in the ;;01;;
20060125             24—ONLINE edition of THE—ISRAEL i newspaper Haaretz.
20060125             —LIKENED, CIA flights, to the work of gangsters:
20060125             —ACCUSED—OF, THE—USA was, "gangster tactics" —YESTERDAY + European governments were accused of turning 1—BLIND—EYE to the "OUTSOURCING—OF—TORTURE",
20060125             as 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCHDOG concluded that THE—CIA conducted illegal ANTI—TERROR—ACTIVITIES in EUROPE.
20060125             —CONDONED, EU governments, torture, SWITZERLAND—INVESTIGATOR says:
20060125             —CONDONED, European governments have silently, the practice of abducting suspected terrorists + transporting them from European airports to countries in which torture is used,
20060125             1—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE (CoE) investigation has revealed.
20060125             Video: Elusive Peace: ISRAEL and the Arab
20060125             s: ISRAEL—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—BARAK persuaded USA—PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON to devote his last 18—MONTHS in office to helping make peace with Yasser Arafat.
20060125             But —AFTER tense negotiations the deal was never made.
20060125             Then Ariel Sharon made 1—CONTROVERSIAL—VISIT to THE—AL—AQSA mosque compound in EAST—JERUSALEM, 1—SITE which is also holy to Jews.
20060125             NSA Director HAYDEN—1—NEEDLE in 1—GROWING—BUSH "Hay"stack of Lies: New Frontiers for the Police State:
20060125             1—PROVISION in the "Patriot Act" creates 1—NEW—FEDERAL—POLICE—FORCE with power to violate THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS.
20060125             You might think that this cannot be true as you have not read about it in newspapers or heard it discussed by talking heads on TV.
20060125             UK: Police stop and search 100—PEOPLE 1—DAY under new ANTI—TERROR—LAW
20060125             s : Campaigners will mount 1—LEGAL—CHALLENGE in THE—HOUSE—OF—LORDS—TODAY,
20060125             —STRETCHED, Study: Army, to breaking point:
20060125             ANDREW—KREPINEVICH, 1—RETIRED—ARMY—OFFICER who wrote the report under 1—PENTAGON contract,
20060125             concluded that the Army cannot sustain THE—PACE—OF—TROOP—DEPLOYMENTS to IRAQ long enough to break THE—BACK—OF—THE—INSURGENCY.
20060125             USA forces must learn to fight 'Long War':
20060125             "This GENERATION—OF—SERVICEMEMBERS will be in what we're calling the Long War," the general said.
20060125             THE—REPUBLICRATS represent 1—CAPITALIST—SYSTEM that has given rise to class division,
20060125             the unequal DISTRIBUTION—OF—WEALTH, private ownership + 1—SYSTEM—OF—WAGE—SLAVERY that does not serve democracy, but plutocracy.
20060125             According to BILL—O'REILLY, bloggers who went —AFTER Deborah Howell for her Abramovian obfuscations -- in other words,
20060125             bloggers like yours truly -- functioned as PART—OF—1—WELL—ORGANIZED smear campaign funded by GEORGE—SOROS and PETER—LEWIS.
20060125             —OBLIGATED, Does O'Reilly feel, to provide ANY—EVIDENCE that either of these men paid 1—SINGLE—DOLLAR to 1—SINGLE—BLOGGER for this purpose?
20060125             Of course not.
20060125             "Christians" like O'Reilly always have 1—ELASTIC—INTERPRETATION—OF—THE—COMMANDMENT forbidding false witness.
20060125             Obviously, this is the 1. step.
20060125             —TODAY, we are told that these intrusions are justified by the sacred cause of protecting our children.
20060125             Tomorrow, we will be living in THE—WORLD—OF—MINORITY—REPORT.
20060125             —STRAINED, Iris scans Why, in 1—TIME—OF, educational budgets, would the Freehold Borough School District feel obligated to spend $369,000 on 1—IRIS scanner system
20060125             designed to identify everyone in or near 1—ELEMENTARY school ?
20060125             Are terrorists infiltrating our grade schools? 20060125
20060125             The new Gestapo THE—PATRIOT—ACT—REAUTHORIZATION—BILL—OF—20050000
20060125             offers 1—INTERESTING little tidbit.
20060125             Most people don't know about this:
20060125             Sec. 3056A. - Powers, authorities + duties of USA—SECRET—SERVICE Uniformed Division
20060125             (a) There is hereby created and established 1—PERMANENT—POLICE—FORCE, to be known as THE—'USA—SECRET—SERVICE Uniformed Division'.
20060125             shall perform such duties as THE—DIRECTOR—USA—SECRET—SERVICE,
20060125             may prescribe in connection with the protection of the —FOLLOWING:
20060125             What follows is 1—LIST—OF—FEDERAL—PROPERTIES (THE—WHITE—HOUSE, Foreign Diplomatic Missions + so forth).
20060125             Then we get to the juicy bit:
20060125             (11) 1—EVENT designated under section 3056(e) of title 18 as 1—SPECIAL—EVENT—OF—NATIONAL—SIGNIFICANCE.
20060125             —AUTHORIZED, The uniformed SECRET—SERVICE are, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF such an "event," to make arrests without warrant.
20060125             What I've been looking FOR—AND have yet to FIND—IS Section 3056(e) of title 18.
20060125             —JUST what is a "special event of national significance"?
20060125             I'm thinking bombs.
20060125             then they will have the authority, based on laws already on the books, to send out the Gestapo to jail all dissenters.
20060125             KLIMA—STUDIE: 20050000              war wärmstes —JAHR —SEIT über einem —JAHRHUNDERT
20060125             Mordechai VANUNU : —TODAY—TRIAL: —TODAY, the trial against me began in the...
20060125             Feldpolitik vs. Weltpolitik.
20060125             Tumbe Politiker zerstören die Erde.
20060125             BUSH—DILEMMA: IRAN vs. ISRAEL:
20060125             —EARLIER this —MONTH.
20060125             Of THE—MANY—MYSTERIES surrounding 20010911             , 20010911              few have been of as much interest to as broad 1—RANGE—OF—PEOPLE as the fate of
20060125             —ISSUED, THE—NATIONAL—INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology, which this fall, its final report on what happened to the Twin Towers, was supposed to report on WTC 7 at the same time.
20060125             —PUSHED, But that got, to December, then to this —SPRING + lately to the end of 20060000           .
20060125             —ANNOUNCED, NIST, the move in a - draft solicitation —EARLIER this —MONTH.
20060125             1—FORMAL—BID is being prepared.
20060125             This is 1 red flag to people who harbor alternative theories of what 20010911              was all about.
20060125             is central to the notion that the buildings at Ground 0 were brought down by planned demolitions,
20060125             partly because FILM—OF—THE—COLLAPSE shows 1—SUDDEN, IMPLOSION—LIKE demise.
20060125             In collaboration with THE—NIST WTC 7—TEAM, the contractor will reduce this number to no more than 5—SCENARIOS deemed most likely to be correct +
20060125             They took the hit and there was 1—FIRE and it wasn't that bad.
20060125             Bldgs. like that don't —JUST drop to the ground EXACTLY like 1 preplanned demolishion.
20060125             Wake up AMERICA and embrace the truth for once in your history.
20060125             ANALYSIS—CLUMSINESS—OF—NEW "Osama" propaganda: sign of increasing BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DESPERATION
20060125             Exactly 1—YEAR ago,
20060125             in response to 1—PREVIOUS bogus "Osama" transmission, I wrote: "Like previous productions, the tape was conveniently timed to reinforce + invigorate WASHINGTON—EXPANDING war agenda,
20060125             —ALLEGED, Analysis of previous, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN videos + other LOUDLY—PROMOTED' 'terror tapes,' 'arrests' + 'trials,' have been exposed as propaganda, likely
20060125             We can logically conclude that this work is more of the same".
20060125             mhp: THE—ALLIANCE—OF—BANKERS and Revolution THE—MARBURG—PLAN, financed by ANDREW—CARNEGIE—AMPLE—HERITAGE, was produced in the early YEARS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY.
20060125             It suggests premeditation for this.
20060125             AHMADI—NEDSCHAD wirft LONDON erneut Terrorbeteiligung vor
20060125             TEHERAN—DER IRAN hat Großbritannien und die USA für die Bombenanschläge verantwortlich gemacht, bei denen im Südwesten des Landes mehrere Menschen...
20060125             —VERPFLICHTET, Außerdem wurde - T—ONLINE dazu, nach Beendigung der jeweiligen Nutzung ALLE—DATEN, die 1—VERBINDUNG zwischen der zugeteilten IP—ADRESSE und dem Kläger herstellen, umgehend zu löschen.
20060125             Die Armee sei immer noch dazu in der Lage, JEDE—ANFORDERUNG, die an sie gestellt werde, zu erfüllen.
20060125             Krepinevich, pensionierter Heeresoffizier, warnt in seiner Studie für das Verteidigungsministerium vor einem drohenden "Zusammenbruch" der größten Teilstreitkraft der USA—ARMEE.
20060125             Der derzeitige Leiter eines Forschungsinstituts für strategische und haushaltspolitische Einschätzungen befürchtet katastrophale Einbrüche bei der Nachwuchsanwerbung, sollten die Truppen weiter derart strapaziert werden.
20060125             Noch verfüge die Army über eine ausgezeichnete Kampfkraft, aber man beginne sich zu fragen, wie lange der Stress noch weitergehen könne, warnt Krepinevich in der 136—SEITEN umfassenden vom Pentagon in Auftrag gegebenen Studie.
20060125             Die USA—ARMEE befinde sich in einem "Rennen gegen die Zeit", wenn sie den Anforderungen des Krieges genügen wolle oder ein "zusammenbrechen", weil die Rekrutierung sich "katastrophal" entwickle.
20060125             Die aktuellen Rohstoffpreise würden dies jedoch nicht widerspiegeln, weil —DERZEIT noch ausreichend Vorräte zur Verfügung stünden.
20060125             Sowohl AP als auch AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL rechneten allerdings —NACH—DEM Urteil damit, dass das Pentagon in Berufung gehen wird.
20060125             —JETZT bringt ein amerikanischer Bundesrichter die USA—REGIERUNG in Sachen GUANTANAMO allerdings in Bedrängnis: JED—S—RAKOFF, RICHTER—AM—FEDERAL—DISTRICT—COURT—IN—MANHATTAN, ordnete die Veröffentlichung der Namen der mehreren 100—GUANTANAMO—GEFANGENEN an.
20060125             USA—TERRORABWEHR: Bundesrichter bringt BUSH—REGIERUNG in Bedrängnis
20060125             PENTAGON—STUDIE: "USA—ARMY am Rande des Zusammenbruchs"
20060125             Energienot und Kälte: UKRAINE erwägt, Industrie lahmzulegen
20060125             Atomkonflikt: IRAN begrüßt russischen Vorschlag
20060125             Boomwirtschaft CHINA: Exportüberschuss erreicht Rekordhöhe
20060125             Wechsel zur Deutschen Bank: Harsche Kritik an EX—STAATSSEKRETÄR—KOCH—WESER
20060125             —ÜBERNIMMT, Suchmaschine: Google, chinesische Zensurbestimmungen - Please, Help Me!
20060125             Please also tell me, explain to me why MANY—OF—USA still, as my friend observes, keep "quiet and cower".
20060125             Audit Describes MISUSE—OF—FUNDS in IRAQ Projects : MUCH—OF—THE—MATERIAL in the latest audit is new + the portrait it paints of abandoned rebuilding projects, nonexistent paperwork + cash routinely taken from the main vault in Hilla without even 1—LOG to keep TRACK—OF—THE—TRANSACTIONS is likely to raise major new questions about how the provisional authority did its business + accounted for huge expenditures of Iraqi + USA—MONEY.
20060125             —DREAMED—OF, IRAQ—OIL—BUST : THE—BUSH—AD—MINISTRATION, liberating the country on the cheap.
20060125             Fact or fiction?
20060125             —OFFERED, Bush, Blair chance to pull out of IRAQ: PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush has revealed he offered TONY—BLAIR the chance not go to war in IRAQ, but THE—PRIME—MINISTER turned it down.
20060125             BOLTON: Bush won't tolerate nuclear IRAN : According to BOLTON, Bush worries that 1—NUCLEAR—EQUIPPED—IRAN under its current leadership could well engage in 1—NUCLEAR holocaust,
20060125             "and that is —JUST not something he is going to accept".
20060125             PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN: BUSH—DILEMMA: IRAN vs. ISRAEL: If AMERICA does not strike, Mofaz is saying, ISRAEL will.
20060125             Yet, as that could produce the same results as 1—USA—ATTACK, without the same ASSURANCE—OF—SUCCESS, Bush may have to restrain ISRAEL, if he does not want 1—WIDER—WAR.
20060125             PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS : USA—ORDERS—SYRIA To Do the Impossible : Is there 1—PERSON anywhere in the world who still thinks there is 1—OUNCE—OF—SANITY in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION?
20060125             —LIKENED, CIA flights, to the work of gangsters : THE—USA was accused of "gangster tactics" —YESTERDAY + European governments were accused of turning 1—BLIND—EYE to the "OUTSOURCING—OF—TORTURE", as 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCHDOG concluded that THE—CIA conducted illegal ANTI—TERROR—ACTIVITIES in EUROPE.
20060125             —CONDONED, EU governments, torture, SWITZERLAND—INVESTIGATOR says : European governments have silently condoned the practice of abducting suspected terrorists + transporting them from European airports to countries in which torture is used, 1—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE (CoE) investigation has revealed.
20060125             Video: Elusive Peace: ISRAEL and the Arab s: ISRAEL—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—BARAK persuaded USA—PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON to devote his last 18—MONTHS in office to helping make peace with Yasser Arafat.
20060125             New Frontiers for the Police State: 1—PROVISION in the "Patriot Act" creates 1—NEW—FEDERAL—POLICE—FORCE with power to violate THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS.
20060125             UK: Police stop and search 100—PEOPLE 1—DAY under new ANTI—TERROR—LAW s : Campaigners will mount 1—LEGAL—CHALLENGE in THE—HOUSE—OF—LORDS—TODAY,
20060125             as they attempt to limit the laws giving police sweeping powers to stop people even if they have no grounds to suspect them of 1—CRIME.
20060125             —STRETCHED, Study: Army, to breaking point: ANDREW—KREPINEVICH, 1—RETIRED—ARMY—OFFICER who wrote the report under 1—PENTAGON contract, concluded that the Army cannot sustain THE—PACE—OF—TROOP—DEPLOYMENTS to IRAQ long enough to break THE—BACK—OF—THE—INSURGENCY.
20060125             USA—FORCES must learn to fight 'Long War' : "This GENERATION—OF—SERVICEMEMBERS will be in what we're calling the Long War," the general said.
20060125             "Our estimate is that for at least the next 20—YEARS, PART—OF—OUR focus will be on how do we deal with the extremist networks that will continue to threaten THE—USA and its allies".
20060125             Unhitching our WAGONS—NEW Blood, New Visions + a New Political Party
20060125             Working class people, especially progressives, must come to understand that our interests are not being served by hitching our political wagons to either the Democrat ic or THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20060125             THE—REPUBLICRATS represent 1—CAPITALIST—SYSTEM that has given rise to class division, the unequal DISTRIBUTION—OF—WEALTH, private ownership + 1—SYSTEM—OF—WAGE—SLAVERY that does not serve democracy, but plutocracy.
20060125             According to BILL—O'REILLY, bloggers who went —AFTER Deborah Howell for her Abramovian obfuscations -- in other words, bloggers like yours truly -- functioned as PART—OF—1—WELL—ORGANIZED smear campaign funded by GEORGE—SOROS and PETER—LEWIS.
20060125             For THE—WELL—HEELED O'Reilly to accuse anyone else of taking money is like GERMANY accusing POLAND—OF—STARTING —WWII.
20060125             Permalink 20060125              - Obviously, this is the 1. step.
20060125             —JUSTIFIED, —TODAY, we are told that these intrusions are, by the sacred cause of protecting our children.
20060125             —STRAINED, Iris scans Why, in 1—TIME—OF, educational budgets, would the Freehold Borough School District feel obligated to spend $369,000 on 1—IRIS scanner system designed to identify everyone in or near 1—ELEMENTARY school ?
20060125             Are terrorists infiltrating our grade schools? The new Gestapo The
20060125             Patriot Act reauthorization BILL—OF—20050000              offers 1—INTERESTING little tidbit.
20060125             shall perform such duties as THE—DIRECTOR—USA—SECRET—SERVICE, may prescribe in connection with the protection of the —FOLLOWING:
20060125             I'm thinking that all the Bush ies need do is set off 1—SINGLE—MINI—NUKE - +
20060125             then they will have the authority, based on laws already on the books,
20060125             to send out the Gestapo to jail all dissenters. Yahoo News — Politics
20060125             THE—MUDDYING—OF—THE—GREENS
20060125             Mordechai Vanunu : —TODAY—TRIAL: —TODAY,
20060125             the trial against me began in the... alfatomega.com/20060205.html FELDPOLITIK vs. Weltpolitik.
20060125—20010911    —IN, How MANY—YEARS must go by —BEFORE we can start to accept(if ever) the fact that our GOVERNMENT had 1—MAJOR—ROLE + THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—ALL 3—WTC bldgs. with preplanted explosives.
20060125—20050000    —J—IM, Als Zeichen eines —BEREITS begonnenen "Abwärtstrends" gibt er an, dass das Heer hinter seinem Rekrutierungssoll zurückgeblieben sei,
20060125—20050000    —J—IM, Als Zeichen eines —BEREITS begonnenen "Abwärtstrends" gibt er an, dass das Heer hinter seinem Rekrutierungssoll zurückgeblieben sei, trotz erheblich verstärkter finanzieller Anreize für Neulinge.
20060125—20051225    —VERÖFFENTLICHT, BENEDIKT—XVI—PAPA., seine unterzeichnete 1. Enzyklika Deus caritas est (Gott ist die Liebe), in der er sich mit der Liebe in unterschiedlichen Dimensionen auseinandersetzt.
20060125—20060124    —IN—THE, If so, let that person read JOHN—BOLTON—ORDERS to Syria online edition of THE—ISRAEL i newspaper Haaretz.
20060128             Mordechai Vanunu: —TODAY—TRIAL: —TODAY, 20060125             , the trial against me began in the lower COURT—OF—JERUSALEM.
20060506             —GEFÜTTERT, Schokolade, und dabei die Gehirnaktivität der Probanden untersucht... dodano: 20050125             . srednia ocena: 3 ...
20060509—20070125    —ON, Pfc.
20060627             ACLU Challenges Patriot Act Provision Used to Exclude Prominent SWITZERLAND—SCHOLAR from THE—USA (20060125             )...
20060627             Homepage von GUDRUN—EUSSNER—ACLU—CHALLENGES—PATRIOT—ACT—PROVISION—USED to Exclude Prominent SWITZERLAND—SCHOLAR from THE—USA (20060125             )...
20061218             GLADIO in Nederland.
20061218             De geschiedenis van een halve eeuw komplot. tegen de vijand In Vrij Nederland, 19920125             , 13. 83. Frans Kluiters, De Nederlandse.
20070125             Wie der Schriftsteller Polyainos im 01010101—02001231     n. Chr.
20070125             "Silicon Valley gossip rag Valleywag is carrying 1—STORY about 2. Life being 1—NEW—SPIN on the old pyramid scheme.
20070125             The article, which consists MOSTLY—OF—SELECTIONS from the report of financial consultant RANDOLPH—HARRISON, suggests that not only are most people deceived about THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY they can make in 2. Life, but also about how easily they can withdraw it.
20070125             It says 'Like the paid promotion infomercials that run on CNBC, sadly SecondLife is 1—GIANT magnet for the desperate, uninformed, easily victimized.
20070125             Its PROMISES—OF—WEALTH readily ensnare those who can least afford to lose their money or lives to such scam in exactly the same way that real estate investor seminars convince divorcees with low FICO scores to buy houses sight unseen with no money down.'"
20070125             Barrick Gold "sector perform"RATING—UPDATE: TORONTO (aktiencheck.de AG)
20070125             "Die Analysten von RBC CAPITAL—MARKETS stufen die Barrick GOLD—AKTIE (ISIN CA0679011084/WKN 870450) nach wie vor mit dem Rating "sector perform" ein.
20070125             BARRICK—GOLD "sector perform"RATING—UPDATE: TORONTO (aktiencheck.de AG)
20070125             —TRANSPIRED, CHENEY : "If you look at what's, in IRAQ, Chris, we've made enormous progress".
20070125             —BY Jgideon 'Daily Voting News' For 20070123
20070125             Bush never had to utter 1—WORD on —TUESDAY night, 20070123             , to reveal THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION.
20070125             —BY JGIDEON—'DAILY Voting News' For 20070123
20070125             (20070124             /ac/a/u) 20070125              EU states 'KNEW—OF—CIA—FLIGHTS'A COMMITTEE—OF—MEPS approves 1—REPORT saying EU states knew of secret CIA flights over EUROPE.
20070125             1—RARE—LATE—WORK by Rembrandt depicting the Apostle James in prayer was sold in NEW—YORK—CITY for $25.8—MILLION.
20070125             Ford Motor Co. lost $5.8—BILLION in the 4. quarter amid slumping sales and huge restructuring costs, pushing the automaker's deficit for the —YEAR to $12.7—BILLION, the largest in its 103-year history.
20070125             —DESTROYED, In SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN 1—NATO—AIRSTRIKE, 1—TALIBAN command post, killing 1 suspected senior militant leader.
20070125             —CLASHED, In EAST—AFGHANISTAN border police, with suspected militants in Gomal DISTRICT—IN—PAKTIKA province, leaving 10 suspected Taliban and 1—POLICE—DEAD.
20070125             GUINEA—HEALTH—MINISTRY said battles between security forces and protesters —EARLIER this —WEEK killed at least 59—PEOPLE, almost double the toll previously reported.
20070125             —HIRED, GUYANA—PRESIDENT, FORMER—NEW—YORK City Police Commissioner BERNARD—KERIK as 1—STATE—SECURITY—ADVISER despite criticism in this SOUTH—USA—COUNTRY over his record of alleged ethics violations.
20070125             INDIA, 1—ANGRY—CROWD severely beat up 2—SUSPECTS who are accused of sexually assaulting and killing up to 20—CHILDREN and women.
20070125             —POUNCED, The crowd, upon the 2 as they were being taken to 1—LOCKUP by police —AFTER 1—COURT—IN—GHAZIABAD, 1—TOWN on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—NEW—DELHI, sent them to police custody —FOR—15—DAYS.
20070125             IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—TOLD—PARLIAMENT that the coming USA—IRAQ—SECURITY—SWEEP in BAGHDAD, dubbed "Operation Imposing Law," would not be the last battle against militants.
20070125             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER struck 1—PREDOMINANTLY—SHIITE neighborhood in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killing at least 19—PEOPLE and wounding 23. At least 3—POLICEMEN were among the dead.
20070125             —STEPPED, ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—MOSHE—KATSAV, who insists he is the victim of 1—CONSPIRACY, aside —AFTER 1—PARLIAMENTARY—COMMITTEE voted 13-11 to grant his request to do so.
20070125             He preserved his immunity by taking 1—LEAVE rather than resigning.
20070125             —PLEDGED, INTERNATIONAL donors, $7.6—BILLION in aid and loans at 1—CONFERENCE to raise money for LEBANON—USA—BACKED PRIME—MINISTER and his economic reform program.
20070125             —PLEDGED, THE—USA, to more than triple its economic aid to $770—MILLION including $220—MILLION in military aid.
20070125             —CLASHED, Government and opposition supporters, at 1—BEIRUT university campus.
20070125             —REPORTED, At least 3—PEOPLE were, killed.
20070125             —CHAIRED, LIBYA—LEADER—MUAMMAR Gaddafi, 1—MEETING—OF—AFRICAN presidents and other top officials to prepare for 1—AFRICAN—UNION—SUMMIT as conflicts rage on the continent.
20070125             —STORMED, SOUTH—NIGERIA, gunmen, the local offices of 1—MAJOR—CHINA—OIL—COMPANY, abducting 7—CHINA—EMPLOYEES and stealing 1—LARGE—AMOUNT—OF—CASH.
20070125             —DIVESTED, NIGERIA, 24.87—PERCENT—OF—ITS—EQUITY in the ailing Peugeot Automobile of NIGERIA (PAN), —WHILE THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT also conceded to shed 30% interest in the company, which was turned over to ASD Motors NIGERIA.
20070125             —EXPLODED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—CAR—BOMB, in the shopping DISTRICT—OF—HANGU, killing at least 2—PASSERS—BY and wounding 4—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20070125             —ARRIVED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, in INDIA, hoping to use THE—2—NATIONS' DECADES—LONG—FRIENDSHIP to push for deals in CIVIL—NUCLEAR—COOPERATION, military hardware and trade expansion.
20070125             —SEALED, Putin, 1—DEAL to construct more nuclear power plants in INDIA.
20070125             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—SOMALIA, gunmen, ETHIOPIA—SOLDIERS stationed there, killing 1 and wounding another.
20070125             —COMPLETED, UKRAINE—PRIME—MINISTER—YANUKOVYCH said that he is working to, 1—PIPELINE to carry CASPIAN—REGION oil directly to THE—EU.
20070125             —SIGNED, URUGUAY—LEFT—WING government under PRESIDENT—TABARE—VAZQUEZ, 1—TRADE and investment "framework agreement" with THE—USA.
20070125             —MARKED, Their talks, 1—IMPORTANT—STEP toward establishing diplomatic relations —FOLLOWING DECADES—OF—TENSION.
20070125             Vogelgrippe: Katzen in Indonesien sollen H5N1- Antikörper tragen - PANAMA—NORIEGA set to be released:
20070125             THE—GORILLA in the Room is USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL. Legislative Notice-
20070125             THE—SONORA cartel operates in NORTH—CENTRAL—MEXICO, with main trafficking routes.
20070125             through THE—ARIZONA border.
20070125             MEXICO—CARTEL—ACTIVITIES in the United.
20070125             Die Toxine wurden von Bogenschützen eingesetzt, aber AUCH—ALS 1. MASSENVERNICHTUNGSMITTEL—VON Brunnenvergiftern.
20070125             —BERICHTET, So, Pausanias, dass der griechische Stratege Solon im —JAHR 600—V. Chr.
20070125             bei der Belagerung der Festung Kirrha einen Bach mit Nieswurz vergiften ließ, deren Wirkung Plinius der Ältere (23—79—N.
20070125             Chr.) beschrieb: "Die vielen Farben des Erbrochenen sind erschreckend und machen Angst,
20070125             sich den eigenen Stuhlgang anzuschauen".
20070125             Wahrscheinlich warf man —SCHON in der Steinzeit BIENEN—ODER Wespennester in die Höhlen der anderen.
20070125             In der Antike gehörte Wein zu den simpelsten Waffen der MASSENVERNICHTUNG—INSBESONDERE im Kampf gegen die Barbaren.
20070125             vermerkte, nutzten auch die Strategen des Römischen Reichs etwa den "von Natur aus maßlosen" Hang der Kelten zum Wein.
20070125             Sobald sie besoffen am Boden lagen, "kamen die Römer + hackten sie in Stücke".
20070125             Bienenkatapulte, Giftangriffe, Flammenwerfer: —SCHON im Altertum griffen perfide Feldherren zu fatal wirksamen Mitteln,
20070125             um den Gegner zu verwirren, zu schwächen, zu dezimieren.
20070125             Historiker kennen 1—FÜLLE dieser ältesten Massenvernichtungswaffen.
20070125             "Das ist 1—DER—SCHLÜSSELTECHNOLOGIEN der Zukunft", so Hymes.
20070125             Während der fortgeschrittenen Entwicklungsphase in den vergangenen 5—JAHREN sei es zu keinen Verletzungen gekommen,
20070125             die medizinischer Behandlung bedurft hätten.
20070125             Offen blieb jedoch, ob Menschen auch längerer Zeit der schmerzhaften Strahlung ausgesetzt waren.
20070125             "Unter Hitzeeinwirkungen dehnen sich das Kammerwasser und der Glaskörper des Auges aus",
20070125             sagte OLAF—STRAUSS, Augenheilkundler an der Uniklinik HAMBURG—EPPENDORF, bei Bekanntwerden des "Projekts Sheriff" zu SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20070125             Das Resultat seien die gleichen Symptome wie bei einem akuten Grünen Star:
20070125             Der erhöhte Innendruck presst die Blutgefäße des Auges weg, schädigt den Sehnerv und kann zur Erblindung führen.
20070125             "Bei einem akuten Glaukom sieht das Auge furchtbar aus", sagte Strauß.
20070125             Ihnen zufolge - Bespitzelung in Frankreich: Sarkozy gerät ins Zwielicht
20070125             —VERHAFTET, Mordverdacht: KU—KLUX- KLAN—ANHÄNGER 43—JAHRE nach Tat
20070125             Sicherheitsforschung: Mit HIGH—TECH gegen Terroristen
20070125             USA—INVESTMENTBANK- CHEF: Der 47- MILLIONEN—DOLLAR- Mann
20070125             Zeckenbisse: ZAHL—DER—HIRNENTZÜNDUNGEN steigt rasant
20070125             GREENPEACE—STUDIE: ÖKO—ENERGIE soll Klimakollaps abwenden
20070125             Tarifrunde: IG Metall fordert mindestens 6,5 Prozent mehr Gehalt
20070125             VIDEO—ÜBERWACHUNG: "Wir haben Sie auf dem Schirm"
20070125             Israelisches Parlament: Katsav darf sein Amt ruhen lassen
20070125             Briefkastenfirmen: Dubiose SIEMENS—VERTRÄGE reichen —BIS in frühe achtziger Jahre zurück
20070125             Dreister Ideenklau: Chinesische Produktpiraten melden Anspruch auf deutsches Firmenlogo an
20070125             Verzweifelte Fluchtpläne: Briefe von ANNE—FRANKS—VATER entdeckt
20070125             —VERBUCHT, Rekordverlust: Ford, Minus von 12,7 Milliarden Dollar
20070125             Gifte und Insekten: Die Massenvernichtungswaffen der Antike
20070125             Handys: Nokia steigert Gewinn um fast 1—FÜNFTEL
20070125             Discounter: Lidl leidet unter Managerschwund
20070125             Konsumklima: Steuerschock schlägt auf die Stimmung
20070125             QUEEN—ELISABETH 2: Hunderte erkranken auf Luxuskreuzer
20070125             RAF—GNADENDEBATTE: "Reue wäre nur 1—LIPPENBEKENNTNIS" - HARTZ—PROZESS: "Das ist viel zu milde"
20070125             IFO—DATEN: GESCHÄFTSKLIMA—INDEX fällt überraschend
20070125             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Die Weisheit des Kollektivs"
20070125             KNOCHEN—SCHATZKAMMER: Höhle verschluckte VORZEIT—TIERE
20070125             REKLAME—WAHNSINN: Die Stadt der wuchernden Werbetafeln
20070125             Rote Armee Fraktion: Witwe von RAF—OPFER fordert Bedingungen für Begnadigung Klars
20070125             Wintereinbruch: Schneechaos im SÜDEN—EISGLÄTTE im Norden - Sexskandal: Katsav wütet ohne Maß
20070125             —GEBETEN, Fall Kurnaz: BND soll USA um Freilassung, haben
20070125             Oh...and enough already about Skull and freakin' Bones.
20070125             Americans adore the idea that secret societies run the world.
20070125             Trouble is, no good evidence supports the thesis.
20070125             Don't dare presume to think you can take me to school on this point;
20070125             I doubt very much that you've read anything relevant to this question that I have not.
20070125             —STOCKED, We're all, up on crazy here; try selling it to ALEX—JONES.
20070125             Bush Has 1—NEW—SADISTIC—TOY: "The military calls its new weapon an "active denial system," but that's 1—UNDERSTATEMENT.
20070125             It's 1—RAY gun that shoots 1—BEAM that makes people feel as if they are about to catch fire.
20070125             Bet He Can't Wait to Use That 1. Beats Putting Firecrackers Up the Butts of Squirrels.
20070125             Play the BuzzFlash Electoral Map 20080000              Prediction Game and Win 1—BUZZFLASH—TOTEBAG,
20070125             2. prize is 1—COPY—OF—AL—GORE?s "Earth in the Balance" and 1—COPY—OF "Bush on the Couch".
20070125             —REACHED, Poll —BEFORE SOTU: Bush, 1—ALL—TIME—LOW 28 % approval rating in 1—CBS poll.
20070125             66—PERCENT—OF—THOSE surveyed in THE—CBS poll said they opposed BUSH—SENDING 20,000 additional troops to IRAQ + 75 % said the war there is going badly.
20070125             50 % said Congress shouldn't provide money for the 20,000 additional troops.
20070125             —MOVED, It's pretty much, out of the suspicion category into THE—REALM—OF—FACT.
20070125             CARL—BERNSTEIN about GEORGE—W—BUSH : "But imagine the difference in our worldview —TODAY,
20070125             had the institutions -- PARTICULARLY—OF—GOVERNMENT -- done their job to insure that 1—MENDACIOUS and dangerous PRESIDENT (as has —SINCE been proven MANY—TIMES—OVER—BEYOND mere assertion) be restrained in 1—WAR that has killed THOUSANDS—OF—USA—SOLDIERS,
20070125             brought turmoil to THE—LIVES—OF—MILLIONS + constrained the goodwill towards THE—USA in MUCH—OF—THE—WORLD".
20070125             It's Arrogance, Evil or Too Much Heart Medication:
20070125             Defiant Cheney Cites 'Enormous Successes'
20070125             1—HIGH—RANKING FORMER—CIA official testified —TODAY that he told I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby
20070125             "Forgettable words from 1—IRRELEVANT—PRESIDENT" 1/25
20070125             1—VETERAN—LITTLE—ROCK, ARKANSAS, attorney has lodged the 1. constitutional challenge to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ATTEMPT to appoint A—USA—ATTORNEY without seeking Senate approval.
20070125             The fact that he is still PRESIDENT, still given credibility by the corporate media,
20070125             —STILL speaking on behalf of this great nation, said everything that needed to be said about THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION.
20070125             Even as BUSH speaks tonight of liberating and freeing Iraqis from the grip of 1—BRUTAL—USA supported dictator,
20070125             he will be RE—ASSERTING himself as yet another SELF—SERVING orchestrator and administrator of bloody violence against Iraqis to satisfy his SELF—APPOINTED posturing as THE—POST—911—PROTECTOR—OF—THE—WORLD.
20070125             —BY Diane M. GRASSI—NEW Mining Laws —YEAR—AFTER Sago NON—IMPLEMENTED
20070125             —UNFULFILLED, STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS is 1—SERIES—OF, promises for the Administration.
20070125             —MISSED, In case you, it, or couldn't stand to listen to BUSH abuse THE—ENGLAND—LANGUAGE for that long 1—TIME
20070125             —BY—SCOTT Shuster Underneath The "Surge" Strategy
20070125             —PROCEED, BUSH and company intend to, with the escalation of THE—IRAQ conflict despite all advice & evidence against it.
20070125             THOSE—OF—USA paying attention know that this "surge" is all about IRAN & Syria.
20070125             IRAQ is —JUST the conduit for THE—NEO—CON—NEXT—CONQUEST.
20070125             —BY—MICHAEL RICHARDSON—INSIDER Trading Stock SELL—OFF By Ciber Execs —DURING EAC Secrecy Over Voting Machine Test Lab Ban
20070125             —WHILE THE—EAC kept AMERICA in the dark about its ban on voting machine test lab Ciber,
20070125             top company execs engaged in insider trading dumping stock
20070125             —BY—CHUCK BALDWIN—PELOSI'S 1. BILL—PUTS—AMERICA—IN A Giant Bird Cage
20070125             HR 1, "Implementing the recommendations of 20010911             —THE Commission" goes 1—LONG—WAY toward creating 1—POLICE—STATE.
20070125             —INCREASED, It also mandates, interference in the internal WORKINGS—OF—OTHER—COUNTRIES.
20070125             —PASSED, All has, largely unnoticed by the blogosphere.
20070125             1—PRESIDENT—CAPABLE—OF relating to the average person would have given 1—VERY—DIFFERENT—SPEECH tonight.
20070125             —BY JOSHUA—FRANK—HILLARY Clinton And THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY
20070125             —BY CAROL—WOLMAN—PELOSI—APPROVES 20010911             —THE Coverup With H. R. 1
20070125             Pelosi's 1. move was to "implement the recommendations of 20010911             —THE Commission".
20070125             Why was this her top priority?
20070125             —BY Kathy Dopp 20070125              "Tiered Election Audits" For THE—LAYMAN
20070125             If THE—GOAL—OF—ELECTIONS is to ensure THE—WILL—OF—THE—VOTERS, then THE—GOAL—OF—ELECTION audits is to ensure that voters determine who represents them.
20070125             It seems simple.
20070125             —FIXED, However, if Congress specifies 1, rate manual election audit of 2%, there will be less than a 50% chance to detect miscount in close elections.
20070125             —BY KEVIN—ZEESE 20071107             —SINCE Support For IRAQ War Dropping
20070125             1—SERIES—OF—POLLS published this —MONTH finds little confidence in BUSH or Democrats.
20070125             Voters want Democrats to stop the "surge" by withholding funding.
20070125             —BY—LARISA Alexandrovna —AFTER Query, AP Says Nuke Watchdog Didn't Respond To —AFTER—HOUR Calls On IRAN Nuke Claim
20070125             —BY—BERNARD Weiner, THE—CRISIS—PAPERS 20070125              10—THINGS Learned —SINCE Dems' Election Victory
20070125             Yes, the Democrats in Congress deserve praise for how they've conducted themselves in their 1. few weeks in power,
20070125             but their political choices and timidity also cry out for thoughtful, critical examination.
20070125             Not everything is coming up roses.
20070125             1—RUN—DOWN—OF—THE—DAYS—ELECTIONS/voting news from across the country and overseas.
20070125             —BY—STEPHEN Soldz Aliens In 1—ALIEN—LAND:
20070125             IRAQ Through THE—LENS—OF—SOLDIERS'—MEMOIRS
20070125             —ENTERED, With THE—IRAQ war and occupation, USA—TROOPS, 1—ALIEN—LAND, 1 in which they could not feel at home.
20070125             1—EXAMINATION—OF—THE—MEMOIRS—OF—SOME—OF—THESE troops helps understand their experience, as well as THE—COURSE—OF—THE—OCCUPATION.
20070125             —BY Timothy V. Gatto It's Your Future: Try To Enlighten Your Neighbor - How bad the situation really is.
20070125             Let them know that it's their freedom that's at stake too.
20070125             Impossible? HERE—HOW it could happen.
20070125             —BY ANTHONY—WADE - 28% And Counting, THE—DISINTEGRATION—OF—1—PRESIDENT
20070125             In his 6. STATE—OF—THE—UNION—GEORGE—W—BUSH left no doubt that he exists in 1—VACUUM of his own making;
20070125             where up is down and black is white.
20070125             He should —JUST rename these speeches STATE—OF—DENIAL and be done with it.
20070125             Either way, he continues his precipitous slide toward the darker PAGES—OF—USA—HISTORY seemingly oblivious as to how to stop himself.
20070125             —BY Walter C. UHLER—SUPPORTING THE—TROOPS?
20070125             SENATOR—WEBB asserts that PRESIDENT—BUSH—RECKLESS—INVASION—OF—IRAQ is opposed by AMERICA—MILITARY and has needlessly harmed AMERICA—MILITARY
20070125             Bush Speech Terror Claim Debunked 1—YEAR—AGO
20070125             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—JUST 1—OF—MANY—STATE—OF—THE—UNION lies, —FOLLOWING in the tradition of 20030000             —THE yellowcake fraud, BUSH commits an
20070125             FOX—GIBSON: Reporter Who Debunked Obama Smear Probably Went To THE—SAME—MADRASSA
20070125             —HIGHLIGHTED, Last —WEEK, FOX—NEWS, 1—RIGHT—WING report alleging that Sen.
20070125             —ATTENDED, BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL), 1—ISLAMIC "madrassa" school as a 6—YEAR—OLD—CHILD.
20070125             —ON his radio show this —WEEK, Gibson refused to back down.
20070125             —DEBUNKED, He claimed the reporter who, the false report
20070125             "probably went to the very madrassa" as Obama.
20070125             —IMPLIED, Gibson, that 's report had covered up religious extremism at the school:
20070125             HOST: Kids playing volleyball.
20070125             GIBSON: Playing volleyball, right.
20070125             They didn't see them in ANY—TERRORIST training camps?
20070125             HOST: No. GIBSON: No.
20070125             Um, but they probably didn't show them in their little lessons where they're bobbing their heads and memorizing the Koran.
20070125             HOST: I didn't see ANY—TAPE—OF—THAT, no.
20070125             GIBSON: The whole point of this story last —WEEK, and, you know, BLITZER—JUST been on their air with SOME—UPDATE on this, right?
20070125             HOST: Yeah, he sent 1—REPORTER out there.
20070125             GIBSON: Yeah, cause they got 1—REPORTER in INDONESIA, probably went to the very madrassa, —NOW works for.
20070125             But that reporter went out there + what did they see —WHEN they went to the madrassa where BARACK—OBAMA went to school?
20070125             Cheney Dismisses Questions Of His Credibility As 'Hogwash'-
20070125             —AIRED, In 1—INTERVIEW, on 's THE—SITUATION—ROOM, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY dismissed as "hogwash" the suggestion that blunders may have hurt his credibility on IRAQ.
20070125             WOLF—BLITZER told CHENEY that conservatives in Congress "are —NOW seriously questioning your credibility,
20070125             —RESPONDED, CHENEY : "Wolf, Wolf, I simply don't accept the premise of your question. I —JUST think it's hogwash".
20070125             MISTER—VICE—PRESIDENT, here are SOME—EXAMPLES—OF—REAL hogwash:
20070125             [ 20070114             ]
20070125             CHENEY : Rumsfeld "is the finest SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE this nation has ever had".
20070125             [ 20061215             ]
20070125             —ANTICIPATED, CHENEY : "I don't think anybody, THE—LEVEL—OF—VIOLENCE that we have encountered".
20070125             —CLAIMED, Also in the interview, CHENEY, the escalation plan "will work," adding that the administration will "move forward" with the troops buildup in IRAQ regardless of what Congress says.
20070125             —CITED, CHENEY, 1—ARGUMENT made by SENATOR—JOSEPH—LIEBERMAN (I—CT) claiming OPPONENTS—OF—ESCALATION are not supporting the troops.
20070125             BLITZER: HERE—WHAT JIM—WEBB, SENATOR—FROM—VIRGINIA said in the Democratic response last night — he said,
20070125             "THE—PRESIDENT took us into this war recklessly. We are —NOW, as 1—NATION, held hostage to the predictable and predicted disarray that has followed".
20070125             And it's not —JUST JIM—WEBB; it's SOME—OF—YOUR good Republican friends in the Senate and the House are —NOW seriously questioning your credibility,
20070125             because of the blunders and the failures. GORDON—SMITH.
20070125             CHENEY : Wolf, Wolf, I simply don't accept the premise of your question.
20070125             I —JUST think it's hogwash.
20070125             —NOW, the critics have not suggested 1—POLICY.
20070125             They haven't put anything in place.
20070125             —RECOMMENDED, All they want to do, all they've, is to redeploy or to withdraw our forces.
20070125             We've got Petraeus, GENERAL—PETRAEUS taking over.
20070125             It is 1—GOOD—STRATEGY. It will work.
20070125             But we have to have the stomach to finish the task.
20070125             BLITZER: What if the Senate passes 1—RESOLUTION saying,
20070125             This is not good idea? Will that stop you? CHENEY : It won't stop us.
20070125             And it would be, I think, detrimental from THE—STANDPOINT—OF—THE—TROOPS.
20070125             —ASKED, As GENERAL—PETRAEUS said —YESTERDAY — he was, by JOE—LIEBERMAN,
20070125             among others, in his testimony about this notion that somehow the Senate could vote overwhelmingly for him,
20070125             send him on his new assignment + then pass 1—RESOLUTION at the same time, say, "But we don't agree with the mission you've been given".
20070125             CHENEY : We are moving forward.
20070125             —THINK—PROGRESS—GREG Sargent has details.
20070125             Bush Trusts Patients To Make Their Own Health Care Decisions, Except —WHEN They're Women-
20070125             In last night's STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, PRESIDENT—BUSH acknowledged that patients and their doctors should have full CONTROL—OF—THEIR—HEALTH—CARE—DECISIONS:
20070125             —SIGNED, Despite his rhetoric, BUSH, into law the "PARTIAL—BIRTH—ABORTION—BAN—ACT—OF—20030000             ,
20070125             "which is the 1. federal statute to tell doctors what specific methods they may + may not use —WHEN providing legal medical services — REGARDLESS—OF—THE—PATIENT—CONDITION or the doctor's opinion about the safest COURSE—OF—TREATMENT.
20070125             "As Congress has found, the practice is widely regarded within the medical profession as unnecessary, not only cruel to the child, but harmful to the mother + 1—VIOLATION—OF—MEDICAL—ETHICS.
20070125             But the nation's leading GROUP—OF—PROFESSIONALS providing health care for women, THE—USA—COLLEGE—OF—OBSTETRICIANS and Gynecologists, disagrees.
20070125             It opposes the law, because the banned procedure is often the best option for women:
20070125             —RECOGNIZED, These safety advantages are widely, by experts in THE—FIELD—OF—WOMEN—HEALTH, authoritative medical texts, PEER—REVIEWED studies + the nation's leading medical schools.
20070125             In other words, women sometimes need the procedure in order to protect their health and future fertility.
20070125             BUSH has had THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE defend the law all the way to THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20070125             1—DECISION is expected from the Court by this ;;06;;.
20070125             Evidently, THE—PRESIDENT—BELIEVES that patients and doctors make the best health care decisions — except for —WHEN the patient is 1—WOMAN.
20070125             This —MORNING in his opening statements —BEFORE the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE) said, "THE—USA—PEOPLE are far AHEAD—OF—USA" on what to do next in IRAQ.
20070125             "They're not conflicted with THE—NUANCES—OF—LIFE.
20070125             They understand what's going on".
20070125             According to 1—RECENT—GALLUP—POLL, 56 %
20070125             of Americans want 1—WITHDRAWAL from IRAQ within 1—YEAR.
20070125             —CHIDED, Hagel, his fellow colleagues for being too concerned about the politics of their IRAQ positioning.
20070125             "If you wanted 1—SAFE—JOB, go sell shoes," he said.
20070125             —CONCLUDED, Hagel, that all 100—SENATORS have 1—RESPONSIBILITY to take 1—POSITION on escalation.
20070125             "We owe it to those men and women that we continue to send in that grinder".
20070125             This is 1—VERY—REAL, responsible addressing of the most divisive issue in this country —SINCE VIETNAM.
20070125             Yes, sure, it's tough. Absolutely.
20070125             And I think all 100—SENATORS ought to be on the line on this.
20070125             What do you believe? What are you willing to support?
20070125             What do you think? Why were you elected?
20070125             —WANTED, If you, 1—SAFE—JOB, go sell shoes.
20070125             This is 1—TOUGH—BUSINESS. But is it ANY—TOUGHER,
20070125             —WHEN I hear, on both sides of this argument, impugning motives and patriotism to our country,
20070125             not only is it offensive and disgusting but it debases the whole system of our country and who we are.
20070125             My goodness.
20070125             Can't we debate the most critical issue of our time, out front, in FRONT—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE?
20070125             The expect it. Are we so weak, we can't do that? I don't think so.
20070125             Like always, THE—USA—PEOPLE are far AHEAD—OF—USA sitting here, far AHEAD—OF—USA.
20070125             —CONCERNED, Because we're, about politics.
20070125             —CONCERNED, We're, about our position.
20070125             —CONCERNED, We're, about our next election.
20070125             So we tinker. So we figure out wordsmithing.
20070125             So should we oppose THE—PRESIDENT or —JUST not support THE—PRESIDENT?
20070125             Different languages: disagree with THE—PRESIDENT ;
20070125             that's not as harsh as oppose THE—PRESIDENT.
20070125             —SORTED, But you know what, THE—USA—PEOPLE have got this, out.
20070125             They always have.
20070125             —CONFLICTED, They're not, with THE—NUANCES—OF—LIFE.
20070125             It's the strength of who we are, the fabric of our society.
20070125             But we owe it to those men and women that we continue to send in that grinder.
20070125             —DURING last night's STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, PRESIDENT—BUSH again "forcefully defended his unpopular decision to send more USA troops to IRAQ.
20070125             —WHILE House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA) and MUCH—OF—THE—REST—OF—THE—AUDIENCE stayed seated, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY gave the rhetoric 1—STANDING ovation.
20070125             Watch it: 1—PHOTO—CLOSE—UP: Full transcript:
20070125             For AMERICA, this is 1—NIGHTMARE scenario.
20070125             For the enemy, this is the objective.
20070125             Chaos is the greatest ally — their greatest ally in this struggle.
20070125             —EMBOLDENED, And out of chaos in IRAQ would emerge 1, enemy with new safe havens, new recruits, new resources + 1—EVEN greater determination to harm AMERICA.
20070125             Ladies and gentlemen, nothing is more important at this moment in our history than for AMERICA to succeed in THE—MIDDLE—EAST,
20070125             to succeed in IRAQ and to spare THE—USA—PEOPLE from this danger.
20070125             stating escalation is "not in the national interest of THE—USA ".
20070125             In his speech last night we heard THE—PRESIDENT talking the bipartisan talk, but THE—SUBSTANCE—OF—THE—SPEECH shows he has yet to walk the bipartisan walk.
20070125             —JUST about EVERY—1—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—PROPOSALS—FALLS within the narrow ideological contours that the voters rejected 20060000           .
20070125             —LEARNED, He has, very little.
20070125             THERE—CERTAINLY 1—LOT to criticize in THE—PRESIDENT—SPEECH and in his record, but I don't think that's the only thing we should be focusing on.
20070125             We must get beyond THE—PRESIDENT—DISINGENUOUSNESS and failures.
20070125             That's what I hope my new book Positively American:
20070125             Winning Back THE—MIDDLE—CLASS—MAJORITY 1—FAMILY at 1—TIME - will do.
20070125             The 1. PART—OF—THE—BOOK describes SOME—WAR—STORIES — my improbable Senate election 19980000              and the next to impossible TAKE—OVER—OF—THE—SENATE this past fall — and includes colorful anecdotes to describe where,
20070125             as 1—COUNTRY, our political process stands.
20070125             1—LOT—OF—IT boils down 1 to large GROUP—OF—USA—VOTERS who are too often ignored by too MANY—OF—USA: THE—MIDDLE—CLASS.
20070125             War in IRAQ. Cut Taxes. No gay marriage.
20070125             —CONNECTED, Each was, to 1—LARGER,
20070125             deeply held value that the conservative movement had been developing — and advocating — for 1—GENERATION.
20070125             In THE—LEAD—UP to 20080000             , progressives must develop our own 8—WORDS.
20070125             That's the point of the 2. PART—OF—THE—BOOK — "The 50% Solution" — which presents 11—CONCRETE—GOALS,
20070125             to be achieved within 10—YEARS, that are 1—PROMISE to the middle class.
20070125             For EACH—GOAL, there are novel and detailed solutions and 1—DISCUSSION—OF why I am convinced they are critical to our country's future.
20070125             You can look at the 50% Solution HERE.
20070125             —WHILE THE—11—GOALS are by no means 1—COMPLETE—PLATFORM, I hope they serve as the beginning of 1—NEW—DISCUSSION.
20070125             —DESIGNED, Ambitious but practical ideas like these, to help regular people,
20070125             have the power to push the conservative agenda — which wants to take us back to 19300000             —THE'S or even 18800000             —THE'S — away from THE—CENTER—OF—DISCOURSE.
20070125             They can replace it with progressive ideals, built —AROUND the knowledge that in 1—WORLD unsettlingly changed by technology,
20070125             people are more and more looking to the government for security, stability and support.
20070125             As we think about these ideas and respond to THE—PRESIDENT—SPEECH,
20070125             let's try to move past our frustration at the disingenuousness and ineffectiveness of what he has presented.
20070125             Instead, let's focus on furthering our own positive agenda and platform;
20070125             because that, more than anything, is what our country so desperately needs.
20070125             ThinkProgress is keeping track of where EVERY—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS—STANDS on escalation.
20070125             Using media reports, press releases + submissions from HUNDREDS—OF—READERS, we've compiled 1—INTERACTIVE—TALLY
20070125             showing EVERY—MEMBER—POSITION.
20070125             —UPDATED, We —JUST, the tally: 462—MEMBERS - But we still need your help.
20070125             DOZENS—OF—OFFICIALS have either said nothing publicly about escalation or are explicitly refusing to state their position.
20070125             Call your MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS—NOW and ask their position, then email their response to.
20070125             Senate rejects effort to pass minimum wage bill-
20070125             AMANDA—WITHOUT additional tax cuts for businesses, MISS—NBC reports.
20070125             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has taken 1—SERIES—OF—STEPS in recent weeks that appear to be setting the stage for 1—MILITARY—CONFRONTATION with IRAN.
20070125             Congressional leaders have been raising red flags.
20070125             "I'd like to be clear," Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID (D—NV) said last —WEEK.
20070125             "THE—PRESIDENT does not have the authority to launch military action in IRAN
20070125             without 1. seeking congressional authorization". Recent comments made by Sen.
20070125             Chuck Hagel (R—NE) explain why CONGRESS—RESISTANCE is so vital.
20070125             In 1—INTERVIEW in GQ Magazine, Hagel reveals that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION tried to get Congress to approve military action anywhere in THE—MIDDLE—EAST
20070125             — not —JUST in IRAQ — in the fall of 20020000           .
20070125             —AT—THE—TIME, Hagel says, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION presented Congress with 1—RESOLUTION that would have authorized THE—USE—OF—FORCE anywhere in the region:
20070125             HAGEL: [F]inally, begrudgingly, [THE—WHITE—HOUSE] sent over 1—RESOLUTION for Congress to approve.
20070125             Well, it was astounding.
20070125             It said they could go anywhere in the region.
20070125             GQ: It wasn't specific to IRAQ? HAGEL: Oh no.
20070125             It said the whole region! They could go into GREECE or anywhere.
20070125             Is CENTRAL—ASIA in the region?
20070125             I suppose! Sure as hell it was clear they meant the whole MIDDLE—EAST.
20070125             It was anything. It was literally anything.
20070125             No boundaries. No restrictions.
20070125             —EXPECTED, GQ: They, Congress to let them start 1—WAR anywhere in THE—MIDDLE—EAST?
20070125             HAGEL: Yes. Yes.
20070125             Wide open. We had to rewrite it.
20070125             —STRIPPED, JOE—BIDEN, Dick Lugar + I, the language that THE—WHITE—HOUSE had set up and put our language in it.
20070125             Asked about his vote in support of the final IRAQ war resolution, Hagel told GQ, "Do I regret that vote?
20070125             Yes, I do regret that vote". Much support for euthanasia
20070125             1—UK poll finding 80% public support for voluntary euthanasia triggers 1 mixed reaction.
20070125             Deadly bird flu found in HUNGARY
20070125             HUNGARY reports 1—NEW—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—BIRD—FLU strain that can kill humans at 1—FARM in the south.
20070125             USA—SENATE panel rejects IRAQ plan
20070125             1—USA—SENATE—PANEL rejects PRESIDENT—BUSH—IRAQ plan, 1—DAY—AFTER he asks Congress to give it "1—CHANCE".
20070125             GERMANY wants globalisation push
20070125             EU tables fruit and veg reforms
20070125             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION announces plans to shake up CAP support for fruit and vegetable farmers.
20070125             —CONTAINED, LEBANON conflict oil ''
20070125             1—OIL spill resulting from —LAST—YEAR—CONFLICT in LEBANON is largely contained, says THE—UN, but problems remain.
20070125             Allies 'differ' over IRAQ plans
20070125             THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to IRAQ reveals possible differences between THE—USA—AND—UK over future strategy for IRAQ.
20070125             World economy 'set for good 20070000             '
20070125             This —YEAR will see strong economic growth —AROUND the world, leading economists are predicting.
20070125             Oil falls as stocks 'set to rise'
20070125             —EXPECTED, THE—PRICE—OF—OIL—FALLS as markets await figures, to show that USA crude oil stocks have risen.
20070125             Stem Cell Tactics for 1—NEW—AGE
20070125             PRESIDENT—BUSH ignores STEM—CELL—RESEARCH in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, leaving future research murky.
20070125             Commentary by STEVEN—EDWARDS. BUSH—PLAN: A Reality Check
20070125             THE—PRESIDENT says technology will set us free from foreign oil.
20070125             But we'll also need to drive less.
20070125             Privacy BOARD—VEILS—WIRETAP—DOCS
20070125             THE—WHITE—HOUSE denies 1—WIRED—NEWS sunshine request for documents on the government's warrantless wiretapping program.
20070125             In 27B Stroke 6. - Bush Energy Plan Falls Short
20070125             THE—PRESIDENT says we should cut gasoline consumption 20 % - APPLE—ITUNES an outlaw in NORWAY
20070125             —DEEMED, Blog: Regulators in NORWAY have, APPLE—ITUNES Store illegal in their country because the songs won't work on anything but an...
20070125             Presidential candidate puts energy at TOP—OF—AGENDA
20070125             Blog: Presidential candidate and NEW—MEXICO GOVERNOR—BILL—RICHARDSON says energy is his No.
20070125             1—PRIORITY".What this country needs is a MAN—ON—THE—MOON... - PAPA condemns violent games
20070125             In annual message, Catholic leader says violent and sexually explicit media is "repulsive," particularly —WHEN aimed at minors.
20070125             Why it's not easy being green
20070125             Consumers, not technology, are the big barrier to curbing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
20070125             "1—JAPAN—RESEARCH—GROUP published 1—PAPER describing 1—METHOD to detect explosives in luggage using radio waves.
20070125             The method relies upon nitrogen nuclear quadrapole resonance (NQR) and is able to distinguish between different white powders,
20070125             whereas currently used X—RAY technology is not".
20070125             "The most dense computer memory circuit ever fabricated, capable of storing —AROUND 2,000 words in 1—UNIT the size of 1—WHITE—BLOOD—CELL,
20070125             was unveiled by scientists in CALIFORNIA.
20070125             —DEVELOPED, LOS—ANGELES (UCLA) who, the 160-kilobit memory cell say it has 1—BIT—DENSITY—OF—100—GIGABITS per square centimeter,
20070125             1—NEW—RECORD.
20070125             The cell is capable of storing 1—FILE the size of THE—USA ' DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE with room left over".
20070125             —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—249 - "THE—CHOSONILBO reports that several government ministries in SOUTH—KOREA are advising users not to install Windows Vista,
20070125             at least —UNTIL popular online services can be made compatible.
20070125             The problem is that ActiveX is pervasive in the Korean webspace,
20070125             employed by everyone from web games to online banking.
20070125             —EXPECTED, Upgrading to Vista is, to render MANY—OF—THESE services unusable.
20070125             Portions of the popular "Hangul" word processor, 1—MAJOR competitor to Office in that country, are also not functioning under Vista.
20070125             THE—MINISTRY—OF—INFORMATION is planning to publish compatibility information for popular websites + urging users to carefully research the implications of upgrading".
20070125             CHINA—OFFICIAL—VOWS to "Purify" the Net-
20070125             —ANNOUNCED, Hu Jintao —TODAY, the intent to leverage the economic POTENTIAL—OF—THE—WEB—WHILE seeking to "purify THE—INTERNET—ENVIRONMENT".
20070125             He proposes to do this by maintaining "the initiative in opinion" on THE—INTERNET and to "'raise the level guidance on THE—INTERNET," thus civilizing and purifying THE—INTERNET—ENVIRONMENT.
20070125             "1—DEEP—SEA—FRILL—SHARK, whose normal habitat is between 600 - 1000m, was found + filmed off THE—COAST—OF—JAPAN—RECENTLY.
20070125             Normally they're caught (found dead) in fishermen's nets.
20070125             This 'living fossil' was probably so close to the coast because it was sick.
20070125             —MOVED, In its poor condition, the shark was, by marine park personnel to 1—SEAWATER pool where they filmed it swimming + opening its jaws.
20070125             —FILMED, The shark † 1—FEW hours —LATER—AFTER being ".
20070125             String Theory Put to the Test-
20070125             —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—340 -secretsather writes to mention that scientists have come up with 1—DEFINITIVE test that could prove or disprove string theory.
20070125             —DESCRIBED, The project is, as "Similar to the well known USA particle collider at Fermi Lab,
20070125             the Large Hadron Collider, scheduled for 20071100             ,
20070125             is expected to be the largest + highest energy particle accelerator in existence;
20070125             it will use liquid helium cooled superconducting magnets to produce electric fields that will propel particles to near light speeds in a 16.7—MILE—CIRCULAR—TUNNEL.
20070125             They then introduce 1—NEW—PARTICLE into the accelerator, which collides with the existing ones, scattering MANY—OTHER—MYSTERIOUS—SUBATOMIC—PARTICLES about".
20070125             "PR Newswire reports that 65—PERCENT—OF—CONSUMERS are spending more time with 1—COMPUTER than with their significant other (SO).
20070125             —CONFIRMED, The "Cyber Stress" study, consumers' growing relationship with technology in their everyday lives.
20070125             In fact, more than 8—OUT—OF—10—AMERICANS (84%) say they are more dependent on their home computer —NOW than they were —JUST—3—YEARS—AGO".
20070125             He starts "On ;;01;; 16, 1—MAN named Guntram Graef who invoked the Digital —MILLENNIUM Copyright Act to ask YouTube to remove 1—VIDEO—OF—GIANT penises attacking his wife's avatar/character in the virtual community "2. Life",
20070125             retracted the claim and stated that he —NOW believes the video was not 1—COPYRIGHT—VIOLATION.
20070125             I sympathize with Graef and I admire him for admitting 1—ERROR, but I still think the incident shows why THE—DMCA is 1—BAD—LAW.
20070125             Hit that link below to read the rest of his story.
20070125             The article, which consists MOSTLY—OF—SELECTIONS from the report of financial consultant RANDOLPH—HARRISON,
20070125             suggests that not only are most people deceived about THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY they can make in 2. Life,
20070125             but also about how easily they can withdraw it.
20070125             It says 'Like the paid promotion infomercials that run on CNBC,
20070125             sadly SecondLife is 1—GIANT magnet for the desperate, uninformed, easily victimized.
20070125             (20070124             /ac/a/u) 20070125
20070125             1—COMMITTEE—OF—MEPS approves 1—REPORT saying EU states knew of secret CIA flights over EUROPE.
20070125             —ON Overblown Threats and Islamophobia
20070125             Falling Dominos and Failing Presidencies - BUSH—WAR—ON—THE—REPUBLIC
20070125             —FROM : SETH—STEVENSON - Subject: What I—DIDN'T—LEARN at the Urinal
20070125             gives 1—QUICK—SMILE and nod to his wife in the front row.
20070125             As we're waiting for the judge to arrive and call us to order, I glance —AROUND.
20070125             This is 1—MODEST—LITTLE—ROOM with 1—BROKEN clock on the wall.
20070125             The public seating section isn't full:
20070125             Aside from the press, there's —JUST 1—HANDFUL—OF—SPECTATORS here--including 1—VAGUELY—SYPHILITIC—LOOKING older fellow,
20070125             in jeans and 1—SWEATSHIRT, who carries 1—STACK—OF—NEWSPAPERS and constantly jots notes on 1—TINY—MEMO pad.
20070125             The last time - the defendant was MICHAEL—JACKSON + there was 1—LOTTERY EVERY—MORNING for these public seats.
20070125             —LINED, Fans, up by the hundreds sometimes for 1—CHANCE to be in the same room as THE—KING—OF—POP.
20070125             Scooter LIBBY is apparently not quite the same draw.
20070125             Debris in Space - The real "fallout" from THE—CHINA—MISSILE.
20070125             lead + THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox, with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approving 1—NONBINDING resolution
20070125             that declares the administration's plans to send more troops to IRAQ is "not in the national interest.
20070125             —APPROVED, The resolution was, 12-9, with only 1—REPUBLICAN, SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL voting with the Democrats.
20070125             Although the vote numbers might make it seem like the committee was divided,
20070125             in fact, most senators agreed the plan was not 1—GOOD—IDEA but MANY—REPUBLICANS disagreed with the strategy or WORDING—OF—THE—RESOLUTION.
20070125             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070125             leads with 1—LOOK at how SOME—BIG—STATES are likely to move up their presidential primaries in order to make them more relevant.
20070125             This shift could lead to fundamental changes in the way presidential campaigns operate.
20070125             Both THE—NYT and WP emphasize
20070125             in the lead that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee vote came 1—DAY—AFTER PRESIDENT—BUSH asked CONGRESS to give his plan 1—CHANCE.
20070125             The full senate could vote on the resolution next —WEEK.
20070125             But —NOW there's another contender in the resolution race,
20070125             this 1—PUT forward by Republican SENATOR—JOHN—WARNER—OF—VIRGINIA with several Republican CO—SPONSORS.
20070125             WARNER—RESOLUTION doesn't automatically discount all troop increases in IRAQ, stating that the 4,000 planned for Anbar province may be necessary.
20070125             It also does 1—THOROUGH—JOB—OF recognizing THE—PRESIDENT—POWER as COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF, which could go 1—LONG—WAY to gathering support from Republican senators.
20070125             To continue reading, click here.
20070125             —BLOCKED, Senate conservatives —YESTERDAY, legislation to raise the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25, "insisting it include new tax breaks
20070125             —REPORTED, THE—CONGRESS ional Budget Office, —YESTERDAY that PRESIDENT—BUSH "can balance the budget within 5—YEARS,
20070125             or he can get CONGRESS to extend his tax cuts beyond their scheduled expiration — but he can't do both.
20070125             In the Scooter LIBBY trial —YESTERDAY, FORMER—ASSOCIATE—CIA—DEPUTY—DIRECTOR—ROBERT—GRENIER testified that — pursuant to 1—REQUEST — he told LIBBY that Valerie Plame worked at THE—CIA
20070125             entspräche in etwa 75—PROZENT—DER—DERZEITIGEN—USA—ÖLIMPORTE aus dem Nahen Osten.
20070125             Barrick Gold "sector perform" - EU states 'KNEW—OF—CIA—FLIGHTS' - are —NOW on the record.
20070125             Gifte und Insekten: Die MASSEN—VERNICHTUNGS—WAFFEN der ANTIKE - PANAMA—NORIEGA set to be released:
20070125             —TOPPLED, Noriega, the military ruler, by 1—MASSIVE—USA—INVASION—OF his country
20070125             THE—GORILLA in the Room is USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL. Legislative Notice -
20070125             THE—SONORA cartel operates in NORTH—CENTRAL—MEXICO, with main trafficking routes. through THE—ARIZONA border.
20070125             Doch kaum 1—MITTEL war so wirkungsvoll wie das Feuer.
20070125             —BERICHTET, So, Pausanias, dass der griechische Stratege Solon im —JAHR 600—V. Chr. bei der Belagerung der Festung Kirrha einen Bach mit Nieswurz vergiften ließ, deren Wirkung Plinius der Ältere (23—79—N.
20070125             Chr.) beschrieb: "Die vielen Farben des Erbrochenen sind erschreckend und machen Angst, sich den eigenen Stuhlgang anzuschauen".
20070125             Wie der Schriftsteller Polyainos im 01010101—02001231    —CENTURY n. Chr. vermerkte, nutzten auch die Strategen des Römischen Reichs etwa den "von Natur aus maßlosen" Hang der Kelten zum Wein.
20070125             Bienenkatapulte, Giftangriffe, Flammenwerfer: —SCHON im Altertum griffen perfide Feldherren zu fatal wirksamen Mitteln, um den Gegner zu verwirren, zu schwächen, zu dezimieren.
20070125             "Das ist 1—DER—SCHLÜSSELTECHNOLOGIEN—DER—ZUKUNFT", so Hymes.
20070125             Die Entwicklungsfirma Raytheon nennt den Prototypen "Silent GUARDIAN" ("Stiller Wächter") und hofft bei Verkäufen ins Ausland auf Milliardengewinne.
20070125             Vertreter der USA—ARMEE verteilten dagegen bei der Waffenpräsentation Dokumente, denen zufolge mehr als 10.000—MENSCHEN während der Tests den Mikrowellen ausgesetzt waren.
20070125             Während der fortgeschrittenen Entwicklungsphase in den vergangenen 5—JAHREN sei es zu keinen Verletzungen gekommen, die medizinischer Behandlung bedurft hätten.
20070125             "Unter Hitzeeinwirkungen dehnen sich das Kammerwasser und der Glaskörper des Auges aus", sagte OLAF—STRAUß, Augenheilkundler an der Uniklinik HAMBURG—EPPENDORF, bei Bekanntwerden des "Projekts Sheriff" zu SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20070125             Eigentlich müsste der "Sheriff" —SCHON längst im Irak für Ruhe und Ordnung sorgen, wären die Pläne des USA—MILITÄRS wahr geworden.
20070125             Bagdad: Iraks Vizepräsident nennt USA—INVASION idiotisch
20070125             Strahlenwaffe: USA—MILITÄR stellt MIKROWELLEN—KANONE vor
20070125             Prozess gegen SADDAM—VIZE—RAMADAN: Richter tobt im Gerichtssaal
20070125             RAF—GNADENDEBATTE: "Reue wäre nur 1—LIPPENBEKENNTNIS"
20070125             Angst vor Überhitzung: Chinas Wirtschaft wächst um mehr als 10—PROZENT
20070125             Coup vor der Hauptversammlung: Siemens kauft USA—SOFTWAREHERSTELLER für 3,5 Milliarden Dollar
20070125             Wiederaufbau: USA sagen Libanon 770—MILLIONEN Dollar zu - Permalink #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH
20070125             Bush Has 1—NEW—SADISTIC—TOY: "The military calls its new weapon an "active denial system," but that's 1—UNDERSTATEMENT. It's 1—RAY gun that shoots 1—BEAM that makes people feel as if they are about to catch fire".
20070125             Play the BuzzFlash Electoral Map 20080000              Prediction Game and Win 1—BUZZFLASH—TOTEBAG, 1—BUZZFLASH—HAT + 1—COPY—OF "USA—FASCISTS: THE—CHRISTIAN—RIGHT and THE—WAR—ON—AMERICA" (1. Prize).
20070125             Dropping like flies: RESIGNATIONS—OF—USA—ATTORNEYS raise suspicion of politically motivated Justice Department purge.
20070125             CARL—BERNSTEIN about GEORGE—W—BUSH : "But imagine the difference in our worldview —TODAY, had the institutions -- PARTICULARLY—OF—GOVERNMENT -- done their job to insure that 1—MENDACIOUS and dangerous PRESIDENT (as has —SINCE been proven MANY—TIMES—OVER—BEYOND mere assertion) be restrained in 1—WAR that has killed THOUSANDS—OF—USA—SOLDIERS, brought turmoil to THE—LIVES—OF—MILLIONS + constrained the goodwill towards THE—USA in MUCH—OF—THE—WORLD".
20070125             It's Arrogance, Evil or Too Much Heart Medication: Defiant Cheney Cites 'Enormous Successes'
20070125             —DISCLOSED, He became the 2. witness to say he had, information about CIA officer Plame to Libby weeks —BEFORE Libby claims he learned her identity from 1—JOURNALIST.
20070125             Bush â??s STATE—OF—THE—MORON—ADDRESS: He Is Killing Us Softly With His Wrong, Killing Us Softly.
20070125             The fact that he is still PRESIDENT, still given credibility by the corporate media, still speaking on behalf of this great nation, said everything that needed to be said about THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION.
20070125             —BY Ron Fullwood - - STATE—OF—BUSH—IRAQ—DECEPTION
20070125             Even as Bush speaks tonight of liberating and freeing Iraqis from the grip of 1—BRUTAL—USA supported dictator, he will be RE—ASSERTING himself as yet another SELF—SERVING orchestrator and administrator of bloody violence against Iraqis to satisfy his SELF—APPOINTED posturing as THE—POST—911—PROTECTOR—OF—THE—WORLD.
20070125             Idly standing by waiting for THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to fund the necessary changes in the new mining law or waiting for mine operators to police themselves in the meantime are both unrealistic and foolish premises.
20070125             —BY SCOTT—SHUSTER—UNDERNEATH The "Surge" Strategy
20070125             —BY MICHAEL—RICHARDSON -
20070125             Insider Trading Stock SELL—OFF By Ciber Execs —DURING EAC Secrecy Over Voting Machine Test Lab Ban
20070125             —WHILE THE—EAC kept AMERICA in the dark about its ban on voting machine test lab Ciber, top company execs engaged in insider trading dumping stock
20070125             —BY Chuck Baldwin - - PELOSI—1. BILL—PUTS—AMERICA—IN A Giant Bird Cage
20070125             —BY KIM—GANDY -
20070125             —NOW On BUSH—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH: Careful Words Obscure Old Agenda
20070125             —BY JOSHUA—FRANK - - Hillary Clinton And THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY—HILLARY for Prez?
20070125             —BY CAROL—WOLMAN
20070125             Pelosi Approves 20010911             —THE Coverup With H. R. 1—PELOSI—1. move was to "implement the recommendations of 20010911             —THE Commission".
20070125             —BY KEVIN—ZEESE - 1—SERIES—OF—POLLS published this —MONTH finds little confidence in Bush or Democrats.
20070125             Majority favors withdrawal and wants 1—TIME—TABLE to exit.
20070125             —BY Larisa Alexandrovna
20070125             —AFTER Query, AP Says Nuke Watchdog Didn't Respond To —AFTER—HOUR Calls On IRAN Nuke Claim
20070125             Why did Reuters and the Associated Press call THE—IAEA —AFTER hours —BEFORE running with the unconfirmed report that falsely claimed that IRAN had barred 38—IAEA inspectors?
20070125             —BY BERNARD—WEINER, THE—CRISIS—PAPERS 20070125
20070125             10—THINGS Learned —SINCE Dems' Election Victory
20070125             Yes, the Democrats in Congress deserve praise for how they've conducted themselves in their 1. few weeks in power, but their political choices and timidity also cry out for thoughtful, critical examination.
20070125             —BY STEPHEN—SOLDZ
20070125             Aliens In 1—ALIEN—LAND: IRAQ Through THE—LENS—OF—SOLDIERS' Memoirs With THE—IRAQ war and occupation, USA—TROOPS entered 1—ALIEN—LAND, 1 in which they could not feel at home.
20070125             —BY Timothy V. GATTO—IT—YOUR—FUTURE: Try To Enlighten Your Neighbor
20070125             We as citizens must pass what we know to people who, because of apathy or other reasons, don't know what is happening in AMERICA.
20070125             How bad the situation really is.
20070125             —BY JORGE—HIRSCH—WHAT If Congress Unanimously Voted To Nuke IRAN?
20070125             —BY BRENT—BUDOWSKYY -
20070125             Had GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH begun his speech with "Ladies and Gentleman I am taking my leave and retiring from the Presidency" there would have been tidal waves of standing ovations sweeping from the Congress through the nation to the far corners of the free world.
20070125             —BY WALTER—C—UHLER -
20070125             —HIGHLIGHTED, Last —WEEK, FOX—NEWS, 1—RIGHT—WING report alleging that SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL)attended 1—ISLAMIC "madrassa" school as a 6—YEAR—OLD—CHILD.
20070125             —RELEASED, In 1—MEMO, —TODAY, OBAMA—OFFICE specifically called out FOX—NEWS host JOHN—GIBSON for discussing the story "without ANY—ATTEMPT to independently confirm the charges".
20070125             He claimed the reporter who
20070125             debunked the false report "probably went to the very madrassa" as Obama.
20070125             GIBSON [W]hat did they see —WHEN they went to the madrassa where BARACK—OBAMA went to school?
20070125             Listen: CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE—AUDIO Digg It!
20070125             GIBSON: No, no, no, you didn't see that.
20070125             WOLF—BLITZER told Cheney that conservatives in Congress "are —NOW seriously questioning your credibility, because of the blunders and the failures".
20070125             BLITZER: HERE—WHAT JIM—WEBB, SENATOR—FROM—VIRGINIA said in the Democratic response last night — he said, "THE—PRESIDENT took us into this war recklessly. We are —NOW, as 1—NATION, held hostage to the predictable and predicted disarray that has followed".
20070125             And it's not —JUST JIM—WEBB; it's SOME—OF—YOUR good Republican friends in the Senate and the House are —NOW seriously questioning your credibility, because of the blunders and the failures.
20070125             GORDON—SMITH... - CHENEY : Wolf, Wolf, I simply don't accept the premise of your question.
20070125             The fact is we can complete the task in IRAQ. And we're going to do it.
20070125             BLITZER: What if the Senate passes 1—RESOLUTION saying, This is not good idea?
20070125             Will that stop you? CHENEY : It won't stop us.
20070125             —ASKED, As GENERAL—PETRAEUS said —YESTERDAY — he was, by JOE—LIEBERMAN, among others, in his testimony about this notion that somehow the Senate could vote overwhelmingly for him, send him on his new assignment + then pass 1—RESOLUTION at the same time, say, "But we don't agree with the mission you've been given".
20070125             BLITZER: You're moving forward, no matter what the Congress does.
20070125             We are moving forward. Obama takes on FOX—NEWS.
20070125             - THINK—PROGRESS—GREG—SARGENT has details.
20070125             In last night's STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, PRESIDENT—BUSH acknowledged that
20070125             patients and their doctors should have full CONTROL—OF—THEIR—HEALTH—CARE—DECISIONS :
20070125             [I]n all we do, we must remember that the best healthcare decisions are made not by government and insurance companies, but by patients and their doctors.
20070125             —SIGNED, Despite his rhetoric, Bush, into law the "
20070125             PARTIAL—BIRTH—ABORTION—BAN—ACT—OF—20030000             ," which is the 1. federal statute to tell doctors what specific methods they may + may not use —WHEN providing legal medical services — REGARDLESS—OF—THE—PATIENT—CONDITION or the doctor's opinion about the safest COURSE—OF—TREATMENT.
20070125             violation of medical ethics.
20070125             IT—OPPOSES the law because the banned procedure is often the best option for women:
20070125             The intact variant of D&E offers significant safety advantages over THE—NON—INTACT—METHOD, including 1 reduced risk of catastrophic hemorrhage and LIFE—THREATENING infection.
20070125             Bush has had THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE
20070125             defend the law all the way to THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20070125             Jessica Arons - Hagel Chides Colleagues On IRAQ Vote: 'If You Wanted 1—SAFE—JOB, Go Sell Shoes'
20070125             "They're not conflicted with THE—NUANCES—OF—LIFE. They understand what's going on".
20070125             56—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS want 1—WITHDRAWAL from IRAQ within 1—YEAR.
20070125             —WANTED, If you, 1—SAFE—JOB, go sell shoes. This is 1—TOUGH—BUSINESS.
20070125             But is it ANY—TOUGHER, us having to take 1—TOUGH—VOTE, express ourselves + have the courage to step up on what we're asking our young men + women to do?
20070125             I don't think so.
20070125             —WHEN I hear, on both sides of this argument, impugning motives and patriotism to our country, not only is it offensive and disgusting but it debases the whole system of our country and who we are.
20070125             What we are proposing here — and everyone will have 1—OPPORTUNITY to voice their opinion, present their amendments, make their case, as they should.
20070125             Audience Snubs Bush Attack Line, Cheney Gives Standing Ovation
20070125             —DURING last night's STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, PRESIDENT—BUSH again "forcefully defended his unpopular decision to
20070125             send more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ.
20070125             —CLAIMED, At 1—POINT, PRESIDENT—BUSH, that redeploying from IRAQ would produce a "nightmare scenario" in THE—MIDDLE—EAST + that to "allow that to happen would be to ignore the lessons of September the 11. and invite tragedy".
20070125             To allow this to happen would be to ignore the lessons of September the 11. and invite tragedy.
20070125             Ladies and gentlemen, nothing is more important at this moment in our history than for AMERICA to succeed in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, to succeed in IRAQ and to spare THE—USA—PEOPLE from this danger.
20070125             Senate opposes BUSH—ESCALATION plan.
20070125             - AMANDA—THE—SENATE—FOREIGN—RELATIONS—COMMITTEE has approved 1—NONBINDING measure opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—IRAQ plan, stating escalation is "not in the national interest of THE—USA ".
20070125             (Our guest blogger, SENATOR—CHUCK—SCHUMER (D—NY), is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—FINANCE—COMMITTEE and author of
20070125             That's what I hope my new book
20070125             Positively American: Winning Back THE—MIDDLE—CLASS—MAJORITY 1—FAMILY at 1—TIME will do.
20070125             The 1. PART—OF—THE—BOOK describes SOME—WAR—STORIES — my improbable Senate election 19980000              and the next to impossible TAKE—OVER—OF—THE—SENATE this past fall — and includes colorful anecdotes to describe where, as 1—COUNTRY, our political process stands.
20070125             PRESIDENT—BUSH won 20040000             —THE election with 8—WORDS that spoke to this group: War in IRAQ.
20070125             Cut Taxes. No gay marriage.
20070125             —CONNECTED, Each was, to 1—LARGER, deeply held value that the conservative movement had been developing — and advocating — for 1—GENERATION.
20070125             That's the point of the 2. PART—OF—THE—BOOK — "The 50% Solution" — which presents 11—CONCRETE—GOALS, to be achieved within 10—YEARS, that are 1—PROMISE to the middle class.
20070125             You can look at the 50% SOLUTION—HERE.
20070125             —DESIGNED, Ambitious but practical ideas like these, to help regular people, have the power to push the conservative agenda — which wants to take us back to the 1930's or even the 1880's — away from THE—CENTER—OF—DISCOURSE.
20070125             They can replace it with progressive ideals, built —AROUND the knowledge that in 1—WORLD unsettlingly changed by technology, people are more and more looking to the government for security, stability and support.
20070125             As we think about these ideas and respond to THE—PRESIDENT—SPEECH, let's try to move past our frustration at the disingenuousness and ineffectiveness of what he has presented.
20070125             —UPDATED, Stop THE—ESCALATION—TALLY.
20070125             Using media reports, press releases + submissions from HUNDREDS—OF—READERS, we've compiled 1—INTERACTIVE—TALLY showing EVERY—MEMBER—POSITION.
20070125             —UPDATED, We —JUST, the tally: 462—MEMBERS are —NOW on the record.
20070125             But we still need your help.
20070125             Call your MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS—NOW and ask their position, then email their response to: stoptheescalation@americanprogressaction_org
20070125             Senate rejects effort to pass minimum wage BILL—AMANDA - without additional tax cuts for businesses, MISS—NBC reports.
20070125             Hagel: WHITE—HOUSE Originally Wanted 20020000              IRAQ War Resolution to Cover Entire MIDDLE—EAST
20070125             "THE—PRESIDENT does not have the authority to launch military action in IRAN without 1. seeking congressional authorization".
20070125             Recent comments made by SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE) explain why CONGRESS—RESISTANCE is so vital.
20070125             In 1—INTERVIEW in GQ Magazine, Hagel reveals that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION tried to get Congress to approve military action
20070125             anywhere in THE—MIDDLE—EAST — not —JUST in IRAQ — in the fall of 20020000           .
20070125             Yes, I do regret that vote".
20070125             Much support for euthanasia 1—UK poll finding 80% public support for voluntary euthanasia triggers 1 mixed reaction.
20070125             Deadly bird flu found in HUNGARY HUNGARY reports 1—NEW—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—BIRD—FLU strain that can kill humans at 1—FARM in the south.
20070125             USA—SENATE—PANEL rejects IRAQ plan 1—USA—SENATE—PANEL rejects PRESIDENT—BUSH—IRAQ plan, 1—DAY—AFTER he asks Congress to give it "1—CHANCE".
20070125             GERMANY wants globalisation push GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL defends globalisation at THE—OPENING—OF—THE—WORLD—ECONOMIC—FORUM.
20070125             EU tables fruit and veg reforms THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION announces plans to shake up CAP support for fruit and vegetable farmers.
20070125             —CONTAINED, LEBANON conflict oil '' 1—OIL spill resulting from —LAST—YEAR—CONFLICT in LEBANON is largely contained, says THE—UN, but problems remain.
20070125             Allies 'differ' over IRAQ plans THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to IRAQ reveals possible differences between THE—USA—AND—UK over future strategy for IRAQ.
20070125             World economy 'set for good 2007' This —YEAR will see strong economic growth —AROUND the world, leading economists are predicting.
20070125             Oil falls as stocks 'set to rise' THE—PRICE—OF—OIL—FALLS as markets await figures expected to show that USA crude oil stocks have risen.
20070125             Stem Cell Tactics for 1—NEW—AGE—PRESIDENT—BUSH ignores STEM—CELL—RESEARCH in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, leaving future research murky.
20070125             Commentary by STEVEN—EDWARDS.
20070125             BUSH—PLAN: 1—REALITY—CHECK—THE—PRESIDENT says technology will set us free from foreign oil.
20070125             Privacy BOARD—VEILS—WIRETAP—DOCS—THE—WHITE—HOUSE denies 1—WIRED—NEWS sunshine request for documents on the government's warrantless wiretapping program.
20070125             In 27B Stroke 6.
20070125             APPLE—ITUNES 1—OUTLAW in NORWAY Blog: Regulators in NORWAY have deemed APPLE—ITUNES Store illegal in their country because the songs won't work on anything but an...
20070125             Presidential candidate puts energy at TOP—OF—AGENDA—BLOG: Presidential candidate and NEW—MEXICO GOVERNOR—BILL—RICHARDSON says energy is his NUMBER 1—PRIORITY".What this country needs is 1—MAN—ON—THE—MOON...
20070125             PAPA condemns violent games In annual message, Catholic leader says violent and sexually explicit media is "repulsive," particularly —WHEN aimed at minors.
20070125             Why it's not easy being green Consumers, not technology, are the big barrier to curbing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
20070125             Using Radio Waves to Detect Explosives
20070125             "1—JAPAN—RESEARCH—GROUP published 1—PAPER describing 1—METHOD to detect explosives in luggage using radio waves. The method relies upon nitrogen nuclear quadrapole resonance (NQR) and is able to distinguish between different white powders, whereas currently used X—RAY technology is not".
20070125             Scientists Unveil Most Dense Memory Circuit Ever Made
20070125             "The most dense computer memory circuit ever fabricated, capable of storing —AROUND 2,000—WORDS in 1—UNIT the size of 1—WHITE—BLOOD—CELL, was unveiled by scientists in CALIFORNIA. THE—TEAM—OF—EXPERTS at THE—CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY (Caltech) and THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, LOS—ANGELES (UCLA) who developed the 160-kilobit memory cell say it has 1—BIT—DENSITY—OF—100—GIGABITS per square centimeter, 1—NEW—RECORD. The cell is capable of storing 1—FILE the size of THE—USA ' DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE with room left over".
20070125             Koreans Advised to "Avoid Vista" for —NOW
20070125             - ScuttleMonkey 249 - "THE—CHOSONILBO reports that several government ministries in SOUTH—KOREA are advising users not to install Windows Vista, at least —UNTIL popular online services can be made compatible. The problem is that ActiveX is pervasive in the Korean webspace, employed by everyone from web games to online banking. Upgrading to Vista is expected to render MANY—OF—THESE services unusable. Portions of the popular "Hangul" word processor, 1—MAJOR competitor to Office in that country, are also not functioning under Vista. THE—MINISTRY—OF—INFORMATION is planning to publish compatibility information for popular websites + urging users to carefully research the implications of upgrading".
20070125             CHINA—OFFICIAL—VOWS to "Purify" THE—NET—SCUTTLEMONKEY 249 -Sleeping Kirby CHINA—COMMUNIST—PARTY—LEADER, Hu Jintao —TODAY announced the intent to leverage the economic POTENTIAL—OF—THE—WEB—WHILE seeking to "purify THE—INTERNET—ENVIRONMENT".
20070125             Rare Shark Filmed in JAPAN
20070125             String Theory Put to THE—TEST—SCUTTLEMONKEY 340 -secretsather writes to mention that scientists have come up with 1—DEFINITIVE test that could prove or disprove string theory.
20070125             —DESCRIBED, The project is, as "Similar to the well known USA—PARTICLE collider at Fermi Lab, the Large Hadron Collider, scheduled for 20071100             , is expected to be the largest + highest energy particle accelerator in existence; it will use liquid helium cooled superconducting magnets to produce electric fields that will propel particles to near light speeds in a 16.7—MILE—CIRCULAR—TUNNEL. They then introduce 1—NEW—PARTICLE into the accelerator, which collides with the existing ones, scattering MANY—OTHER—MYSTERIOUS—SUBATOMIC—PARTICLES about".
20070125             "PR Newswire reports that 65—PERCENT—OF—CONSUMERS are spending more time with 1—COMPUTER than with their significant other (SO). The "Cyber Stress" study confirmed consumers' growing relationship with technology in their everyday lives. In fact, more than 8—OUT—OF—10—AMERICANS (84%) say they are more dependent on their home computer —NOW than they were —JUST 3—YEARS ago".
20070125             Are DMCA Abuses 1—TEMPORARY or Permanent Problem? story about THE—DMCA.
20070125             Financial Analyst Calls 2. Life a Pyramid Scheme
20070125             "Silicon Valley gossip rag Valleywag is carrying 1—STORY about 2. Life being 1—NEW—SPIN on the old pyramid scheme. The article, which consists MOSTLY—OF—SELECTIONS from the report of financial consultant RANDOLPH—HARRISON,
20070125             "suggests that not only are most people deceived about THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY they can make in 2. Life, but also about how easily they can withdraw it.
20070125             "It says 'Like the paid promotion infomercials that run on CNBC, sadly SecondLife is 1—GIANT magnet for the desperate, uninformed, easily victimized.
20070125             "Its PROMISES—OF—WEALTH readily ensnare those who can least afford to lose their money or lives to such scam in exactly the same way that real estate investor seminars convince divorcees with low FICO scores to buy houses sight unseen with no money down.'"
20070125             Barrick Gold "sector perform"RATING—UPDATE: TORONTO (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten von RBC CAPITAL—MARKETS stufen die Barrick GOLD—AKTIE (ISIN CA0679011084/WKN 870450) nach wie vor mit dem Rating "sector perform" ein.
20070125             Das Kursziel werde von 43—USD auf 36—USD herabgesetzt.
20070125             —ON Overblown Threats and Islamophobia - BUSH—WAR—ON—THE—REPUBLIC
20070125             —FROM : SETH—STEVENSON—SUBJECT: What I—DIDN'T Learn at the Urinal
20070125             Aside from the press, there's —JUST 1—HANDFUL—OF—SPECTATORS here--including 1—VAGUELY—SYPHILITIC—LOOKING older fellow, in jeans and 1—SWEATSHIRT, who carries 1—STACK—OF—NEWSPAPERS and constantly jots notes on 1—TINY—MEMO pad.
20070125             The real "fallout" from THE—CHINA—MISSILE.
20070125             THE—WASHINGTON—POST, LOS—ANGELES—TIMES + USA—TODAY—LEAD + THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox, with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approving 1—NONBINDING resolution that declares the administration's plans to send more troops to IRAQ is "not in the national interest".
20070125             Although the vote numbers might make it seem like the committee was divided, in fact, most senators agreed the plan was not 1—GOOD—IDEA but MANY—REPUBLICANS disagreed with the strategy or WORDING—OF—THE—RESOLUTION.
20070125             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LEADS with 1—LOOK at how SOME—BIG—STATES are likely to move up their presidential primaries in order to make them more relevant.
20070125             Both THE—NYT and WP emphasize in the lead that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee vote came 1—DAY—AFTER PRESIDENT—BUSH asked Congress to give his plan 1—CHANCE.
20070125             But —NOW there's another contender in the resolution race, this 1—PUT forward by Republican SENATOR—JOHN—WARNER—OF—VIRGINIA with several Republican CO—SPONSORS.
20070125             Although the resolutions are largely similar, THE—LAT does the best job of pointing out the differences.
20070125             " We're disappointed that he didn't mention cultural issues at all," said Rich Lowry, EDITOR—OF—NATIONAL—REVIEW—MAGAZINE and 1—SUMMIT host.
20070125             "Everyone realizes that this is 1—PRODUCT—OF his diminished circumstances".
20070125             [AP,
20070125             —BLOCKED, Senate conservatives —YESTERDAY, legislation to raise the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25, "
20070125             insisting it include new tax breaks - for restaurants and other businesses".
20070125             —REPORTED, THE—CONGRESS ional Budget Office, —YESTERDAY that PRESIDENT—BUSH "can balance the budget within 5—YEARS, or he can get Congress to extend his tax cuts beyond their scheduled expiration — but he
20070125             can't do both.
20070125             "Silicon Valley gossip rag Valleywag is carrying 1—STORY about 2. Life being 1—NEW—SPIN on the old pyramid scheme. The article, which consists MOSTLY—OF—SELECTIONS from the report of financial consultant RANDOLPH—HARRISON, suggests that not only are most people deceived about THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY they can make in 2. Life, but also about how easily they can withdraw it. It says 'Like the paid promotion infomercials that run on CNBC, sadly SecondLife is 1—GIANT magnet for the desperate, uninformed, easily victimized. Its PROMISES—OF—WEALTH readily ensnare those who can least afford to lose their money or lives to such scam in exactly the same way that real estate investor seminars convince divorcees with low FICO scores to buy houses sight unseen with no money down.'"
20070125             THE—ENVIRONMENT IN THE—NEWS—UNEP + the...
20070125             Die Wetterextreme nehmen nicht nur in Deutschland und EUROPA zu...
200701250923         a.m.: Scooter LIBBY arrives, walks up the courtroom aisle + —BEFORE taking his seat at the defense table,
200701250923         a.m.: Scooter Libby arrives, walks up the courtroom aisle + —BEFORE taking his seat at the defense table, gives 1—QUICK—SMILE and nod to his wife in the front row.
20070125—20030600    —IN, 1—HIGH—RANKING FORMER—CIA official testified —TODAY that he told I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby that the wife of former ambassador JOSEPH—C—WILSON—IV worked for THE—CIA.
20070125—20031100    —JUSTIFIED, At the signing ceremony —DATE, BUSH, his SUPPORT—OF—THE—BAN by citing THE—OPINION—OF—CONGRESS:
20070125—20031100    —JUSTIFIED, At the signing ceremony, Bush, his SUPPORT—OF—THE—BAN by citing THE—OPINION—OF—CONGRESS: "As Congress has found, the practice is widely regarded within the medical profession as unnecessary, not only cruel to the child, but harmful to the mother + a
20070125—20060000    —IN, Officials said AFGHANISTAN—HEROIN—PRODUCING poppies will not be sprayed with herbicide this —YEAR despite 1—RECORD crop and USA—PRESSURE to allow the tactic.
20070125—20060000    —REPORTED, CHINA, that its sizzling economy grew at 10.7%, its fastest rate in 1—DECADE, as the government struggled to contain the strains of 1—EXPORT—DRIVEN boom.
20070125—20070110    —ON.
20070125—20070110    —APPROVED, THE—HOUSE, 1—STAND—ALONE—INCREASE in the minimum wage.
20070125—20070116    —NAMED, He starts, 1—MAN, Guntram Graef who invoked the Digital —MILLENNIUM Copyright Act to ask YouTube to remove 1—VIDEO—OF—GIANT penises attacking his wife's avatar/character in the virtual community "2. Life", retracted the claim and stated that he —NOW believes the video was not 1—COPYRIGHT—VIOLATION.
20070125—20070116    (He had sent similar notices to BoingBoing and THE—SYDNEY —MORNING Herald —JUST for posting screen SHOTS—OF—THE—VIDEO.) His statements in 1—C—NET—INTERVIEW suggest that he didn't mean to alienate THE—ANTI—CENSORSHIP—COMMUNITY and was probably angry over what he saw as 1—SEXUALLY explicit attack on his wife.
20070125—20070116    —SPARKED, But the event, renewed debate over THE—DMCA and what constitutes abuse of it.
20070125—20070116    I sympathize with Graef and I admire him for admitting 1—ERROR, but I still think the incident shows why THE—DMCA is 1—BAD—LAW".
20070125—20071107    —SINCE, Support For IRAQ War Dropping
20070125—20100000    —BY, Bush Energy Plan Falls Short THE—PRESIDENT says we should cut gasoline consumption 20 %, but his suggestions don't go far enough to meet that goal.
20070126—20070125    Congress ' unanimous vote to nuke IRAN-
20070129             [WSJ, 20070125             ] - (20070125              /ac/a/u)
20070201             "As 1—RESULT, service members performed missions without the proper equipment, used informal procedures to obtain equipment and sustainment support + canceled or postponed missions —WHILE waiting to receive equipment," reads the executive summary dated 20070125           .
20070311—20070125    —IN—THE, Demonstrated by 1—FRANCE—TEAM at the Institut d'optique (CNRS), this result is described in detail ISSUE—OF—NATURE.
20071031—20070125    —SENTENCED, Tran was, to 7—YEARS.
20080000             we must have our own sharp, clear and progressive plan if we are going to prevail.
20080121—20080125    —ON, RUSSIA said it will expel 1—LATVIA—DIPLOMAT in apparent retaliation.
20080121—20080125    beraten.
20080125             ANWESENHEIT, des russischen Präsidenten WLADIMIR—PUTIN und des serbischen Präsidenten BORIS—TADIC wird der Kauf einer Mehrheitsbeteiligung der russischen Gazprom am staatlichen serbischen Energiekonzern NIS für 400.000.000—EURO unterzeichnet.
20080125             Zudem einigen sich die russische und serbische Seite bezüglich des geplanten Baus der Gaspipeline SOUTH—STREAM über serbisches Territorium.
20080125             —PLEADED, MIAMI, Moises Maionica (36) of Venezuelan, guilty in 1—SCHEME to cover up the source of $800,000 seized in 1—SUITCASE in ARGENTINA that was allegedly sent by Venezuelans as 1—DONATION to CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ—PRESIDENTIAL—CAMPAIGN.
20080125             Goldman Sachs Group and Credit Suisse Group said they will cut about 2,000 job worldwide as 1—CREDIT—CRISIS puts 1—DAMPER on FIXED—INCOME trading and corporate deal making.
20080125             —REACHED, Gold and platinum prices, new highs —AFTER mine stoppages in SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—LEADING producer of the precious metals, led to buying on supply concerns.
20080125             1—OUNCE—OF—GOLD for February delivery spiked to $924.30, 1—FRESH—RECORD, on THE—NEW—YORK Mercantile Exchange —BEFORE easing back to settle at $910.70, up $4.90. April platinum peaked at 1—NEW—HIGH—OF $1,694.90 1—OUNCE.
20080125             —SETTLED, Prices —LATER, at $1,670, up $57.
20080125             RICHARD—DARMAN was THE—CHIEF architect of the landmark 19900000              deficit reduction plan.
20080125             —CLASHED, AFGHANISTAN, USA—LED coalition and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, with insurgents —WHILE searching 1—COMPOUND near THE—PAKISTAN—FRONTIER, leaving 1—COALITION—SOLDIER—DEAD.
20080125             —ANNOUNCED, Scottish & NEWCASTLE, THE—UK—LARGEST brewer, it has agreed to be bought by Carlsberg and Heineken, for —AROUND 7.6—BILLION pounds.
20080125             —FORMED, EGYPT—GUARDS with riot shields, human chains along THE—EGYPT—GAZA border, but were unable to stop HUNDREDS—OF—PALESTINIANS from rushing into EGYPT —AFTER 1—BULLDOZER wrecked another SECTION—OF—FENCE along the frontier.
20080125             ETHIOPIA—ADMINISTRATION for refugee and returnee affairs said  that more than 450—ERITREANS, including 234—SOLDIERS, fled their country into ETHIOPIA in January alone.
20080125             —DEMONSTRATED, FRANCE, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CIVIL—SERVANTS, to protest job cuts and press for higher salaries in what the government dismissed as a "labor union ritual".
20080125             INDIA and FRANCE said they would push their military ties beyond weapons sales and open up nuclear power cooperation as soon as NEW—DELHI is able to enter the global atomic energy market.
20080125             —ANNOUNCED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—AL—MALIKI, that the government was preparing to strike back against AL—QAIDA in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL —AFTER—2—DAYS—OF—DEADLY—BOMBINGS killed nearly 40—PEOPLE.
20080125             He promised the fight "will be decisive".
20080125             —KILLED, THE—USA—MILITARY said that American and Iraqi, 1 estimated 41 suspected AL—QAIDA in IRAQ militants.
20080125             —ENGULFED, KENYA, street battles, THE—WEST—CITY—OF—NAKURU, tense with ethnic rivalries, leaving bodies in the roadways with gashes in their heads and arrows lodged in their torsos in the latest fighting set off by the disputed presidential election.
20080125             —BURNED, Overnight, half THE—TOWN—OF—TOTAL—STATION was, down and at least 2—PEOPLE were killed.
20080125             1—CAR—BOMB ripped through EAST—BEIRUT, killing CAPTAIN—WISSAM—EID, LEBANON—TOP—ANTI—TERRORISM—INVESTIGATOR, as he returned from 1—MEETING on the probe into 20050000             —THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—1—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER.
20080125             † 3—OTHERS, in the blast.
20080125             —ESTABLISHED, LITHUANIA, 1—SPECIALLY, commission on image creation, chaired by PRIME—MINISTER—GEDIMINAS—KIRKILAS, approved 1—STRATEGIC marketing concept for the presentation of LITHUANIA —AROUND the world.
20080125             North and SOUTH—KOREA held WORKING—LEVEL—MILITARY—TALKS, the 1. dialogue between THE—2—COUNTRIES this —YEAR, as SEOUL—CONSERVATIVE—PRESIDENT—ELECT prepared to take office with calls for 1—TOUGHER—STANCE toward PYONGYANG.
20080125             —BATTLED, PAKISTAN—TROOPS, Islamic militants —DURING 1—SEARCH for several hijacked trucks FULL—OF—AMMUNITION, with up to 30—REBELS and 2—SOLDIERS killed.
20080125             —KILLED, Militants said only 1—FEW fighters were, along with 6—PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS.
20080125             —ANNULLED, RUSSIA—LOWER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, 1—AGREEMENT with UKRAINE on using SOVIET—BUILT military radars, citing KIEV—BID to join NATO.
20080125             —BECAME, SOUTH—AFRICAN—GOLD, production ground to 1—HALT as the industry, the latest victim of 1—SPIRALING electricity crisis which the government labeled 1—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY.
20080125             —ANNOUNCED, At DAVOS—SWITZERLAND, Microsoft chairman BILL—GATES, at the World Economic Forum that his foundation would give $306—MILLION to use green technology and farming techniques to boost millions OUT—OF—HUNGER and poverty.
20080125             1—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION (WTO) accession COMMITTEE—APPROVED—UKRAINE—MEMBERSHIP—BID, clearing the way for THE—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLIC to join the body.
20080125             Darüber sei der WESTLB—VORSTAND unzureichend, "vielleicht auch irreführend" informiert worden.
20080125             Das Düsseldorfer Landgericht geht dem Verdacht nach, der Manager habe den Aufsichtsrat über den desaströsen BOXCLEVER—KREDIT falsch informiert.
20080125             Sengera soll den Kreditausschuss des Aufsichtsrats mutwillig getäuscht haben, um einen umstrittenen Milliardenkredit durchzuboxen, heißt es im Protokoll.
20080125             —BEHAUPTET, Er soll, haben, dass den Bedenken des Kreditmanagements Rechnung getragen worden ist.
20080125             Und selbst in Deutschland huldigt man dem "größten Bankräuber aller Zeiten":
20080125             "Bild"-Kolumnist FRANZ—JOSEF Wagner zeigt sich beeindruckt:
20080125             "Ich glaube, dass Sie ein verrücktes Genie sind.
20080125             Jérôme Kerviel, Sie werden in die Geschichte eingehen".
20080125             Kerviel nimmt mittlerweile den Spitzenplatz in der Liste der "Größten Kapitalverluste aller Zeiten" ein.
20080125             Kerviel habe darauf hingewiesen, dass er der Justiz zur Verfügung stehe, gestern soll er sogar noch in der Kanzlei gewesen sein.
20080125             1—GEWERKSCHAFTER meint hingegen, Kerviel habe nicht zur persönlichen Bereicherung gehandelt, sondern "einfach nur gespielt".
20080125             Die Familie selbst zeigte sich fassungslos angesichts der Vorwürfe gegen den 31-Jährigen:
20080125             —GEWESEN, Er sei immer "seriös und zurückhaltend", sagte seine Tante Sylviane Le Goff.
20080125             "Er muss manipuliert worden sein.
20080125             Die französische Tageszeitung "Le Monde" berichtete, Betriebsärzte kümmerten sich um den jungen Mann.
20080125             "Er lebte in einer Welt, in der es nur Gewinne gab", sagte er "Le Monde".
20080125             Denn während seine riskanten Spekulationen im vergangenen —JAHR noch zu großen Gewinnen führten, verließ ihn
20080125             Der 31-Jährige, von dem es heißt, er sei nett und elegant, gilt als Einzelgänger.
20080125             Seinen Vorgesetzten nennen ihn einen Amokläufer, andere sehen in ihm einen Sündenbock.
20080125             Die Erfassung aller Flugpassagiere, die in die EU EIN—ODER aus der Gemeinschaft ausreisen, sei für den Kampf gegen den Terrorismus jedoch unabdingbar.
20080125             Ein solches System würde die Bekämpfung der illegalen Einwanderung erleichtern, erklärte Frattini —HEUTE.
20080125             1—DER—HAUPTURSACHEN sei bislang, dass Personen mit zeitlich begrenzten Visa legal in die EU einreisten und dann einfach dort blieben.
20080125             —VERHINDERT, Dies solle durch 1—EIN—UND Ausreiseregister, werden.
20080125             Frattini argumentierte, wegen der Reisefreiheit innerhalb der EU sei der Nutzen nationaler Systeme begrenzt.
20080125             Wer genau Zugang zu den Daten bekommen soll, ist noch offen.
20080125             Die umstrittene Speicherung von Fluggastdaten stößt bei den EU—INNENMINISTERN auf allgemeines Wohlwollen.
20080125             "Wann haben wir jemals 1—ABKOMMEN zur Verteidigung eines anderen Landes vor Angriffen von außen und innen getroffen,
20080125             das kein Staatsvertrag war", fragte der demokratische Abgeordnete BILL—DELAHUNT am —MITTWOCH bei einer Anhörung im AUßEN—UNTERAUSSCHUSS des Repräsentantenhauses.
20080125             "Dieses Abkommen könnte zur Folge haben, dass unsere Truppen in einen ausgewachsenen Bürgerkrieg verwickelt werden.
20080125             Wenn 1—VERPFLICHTUNG solchen Ausmaßes nicht den Rang eines Staatsvertrages hat, was dann?"
20080125             Unklar blieb aber auch, ob etwa die MITARBEITER—DER—USA—FIRMA Blackwater,
20080125             die im ;;09;; vergangenen Jahres tödliche Schüsse auf irakische Zivilisten abgegeben hatten, überhaupt nach USA—RECHT belangt werden können.
20080125             Die Verhandlungen über das Abkommen beginnen im kommenden —MONAT.
20080125             —BERICHTET, Die "NEW—YORK—TIMES ", nun unter Berufung auf anonyme Quellen im Weißen Haus,
20080125             dem Verteidigungsministerium und dem STATE—DEPARTEMENT, dass die REGIERUNG—VON—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH sich auch für die Zeit —NACH—DEM internationalen UNO—MANDAT umfangreiche Kriegsrechte in dem Land am Golf vertraglich garantieren lassen will.
20080125             WASHINGTON/HAMBURG—ERST vor ein paar Tagen hatte der irakische Verteidigungsminister in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES " seine Einschätzung verkündet,
20080125             dass sein Land wohl noch lange auf die Unterstützung amerikanischer Truppen angewiesen sein werde.
20080125             so die Rechnung von ABDUL—KADIR, sei man wohl in der Lage, aus eigener Kraft auf BEDROHUNGEN—VON—AUSSEN zu antworten.
20080125             Die USA—HILFE ist also durchaus willkommen.
20080125             Nur: Wieviel Bewegungsfreiheit und Autonomie den amerikanischen Truppen dabei künftig eingestanden werden soll, ist umstritten.
20080125             JERUSALEM, schränkten Polizisten —HEUTE den Zugang zur AL—AKSA—MOSCHEE ein, um gewaltsame Proteste gegen die Abriegelung des Gazastreifens zu verhindern.
20080125             Die Bemühungen der ägyptischen Einsatzkräfte allerdings zeigten bislang wenig Wirkung:
20080125             An der größten Bresche in den Sperranlagen stellten sich Polizisten in mehreren Reihen auf, um die Bewohner des GAZA—STREIFENS daran zu hindern, nach Ägypten zu gelangen.
20080125             Es kam zu heftigen Protesten und Rangeleien der wartenden Menge.
20080125             Schließlich konnten die Polizisten dem Druck nicht mehr standhalten.
20080125             Die RADIKAL—ISLAMISCHE Hamas feiert den neuen Durchbruch an der Grenze als großen Erfolg.
20080125             Der gerechte Volkszorn habe über die Unterdrücker aus ISRAEL gesiegt, ist zu hören.
20080125             Und die Botschaft der Partei - "Wir sorgen für euch" - scheint anzukommen.
20080125             An der Grenze spielten sich chaotische Szenen ab.
20080125             Eine gewaltige Menschenmenge wogte über den gefallenen Zaun hin und her,
20080125             mittendrin fuhren Panzerfahrzeuge auf und ab, versprengte Einsatzkräfte aus Ägypten versuchten, der Situation Herr zu WERDEN—VERGEBLICH.
20080125             GAZA—DER Versuch der ägyptischen Sicherheitskräfte, die Grenze zu GAZA wieder zu schließen, ist gescheitert.
20080125             Zwar gelang es den Einsatztruppen —ZUNÄCHST, 2—DER 3—GRÖSSEREN Übergänge zu schließen,
20080125             doch am Nachmittag überrannten Tausende Palästinenser die Sperren.
20080125             Mit Bulldozern halfen vermutlich HAMAS—AKTIVISTEN noch nach und rissen weitere Löcher in die Grenzbarriere.
20080125             —SEIT—MITTWOCH sind Zehntausende Bewohner des GAZA—STREIFENS über die Grenze ins Nachbarland Ägypten geströmt und hatten sich dort mit Nahrungsmitteln,
20080125             —BESUCHT, Benzin und Zigaretten eingedeckt oder Verwandte.
20080125             Panzer, Schlagstöcke, Stacheldraht, WASSERWERFER—ALLES vergebens.
20080125             Die ägyptischen Polizeikräfte haben unter dem Ansturm Tausender Palästinenser an der Grenze zum GAZA—STREIFEN den Rückzug angetreten.
20080125             Zehntausende Menschen ziehen los, um noch das Nötigste aus dem Nachbarland zu holen.
20080125             Auch diese Darstellung ist allerdings umstritten: Spekulationen zufolge waren gerade die krummen Geschäfte der Société Générale der Grund für den Kurssturz zu Beginn der Woche.
20080125             So könnten Verluste von "100—BIS 200—MILLIONEN Euro erreicht werden, aber 5—MILLIARDEN ist unmöglich".
20080125             Dass diese Betrügereien niemandem aufgefallen waren, begründete die Société Générale mit der vorherigen Tätigkeit Kerviels als Kontrolleur innerhalb der Bank.
20080125             Dadurch, so hieß es, habe er intime Einblicke in die Kontrollmechanismen gehabt und diese aushebeln können.
20080125             Da man es sich mit den künftigen Kollegen nicht verderben wolle, werde "nicht allzu bohrend nachgefragt".
20080125             Mindestens 3—MENSCHEN seien in 1—TRANSAKTION—EINGEBUNDEN—EINER gebe die Order, einer verteile sie und einer führe sie aus.
20080125             "In den Handelsräumen herrscht das Gefühl vor, dass es für einen Einzelnen unmöglich ist, so etwas getan zu haben", sagte der Wirtschaftsforscher ELIE—COHEN vom Institut CNRS.
20080125             Cohen bezeichnete die Darstellung der Société Générale über den Tathergang als "an den Haaren herbeigezogen".
20080125             Das "WALL—STREET Journal" schreibt unter Berufung auf die Société Générale,
20080125             dass sich Kerviel mit Passwörtern von Kollegen in das Computersystem gehackt und die Kontrollmechanismen für seine Geschäfte aufgehoben habe.
20080125             Dadurch habe das Risikomanagement der BANK—SEINE—MILLIARDENINVESTITIONEN nicht sehen können.
20080125             Möglicherweise ist das Vorgehen bei der Société Générale kein Einzelfall.
20080125             "Die Bank entdeckt regelmäßig Verschleierungsoperationen und entlässt die Beschäftigten dann", erklärt die Gewerkschaft CGT in PARIS.
20080125             —ENTLASSEN, Auch im Fall Kerviel wurden seine Vorgesetzten sofort.
20080125             Laut CGT ist die Kontrolle im Investmentbanking generell "unzureichend".
20080125             "Keiner kann alleine eine solche Katastrophe auslösen"
20080125             Sarkozys Berater RAYMOND—SOUBIE sprach —HEUTE aus, was sich —SEIT gestern alle fragen:
20080125             Es sei doch "sehr erstaunlich, dass ein einzelner Mensch" Geschäfte in dieser Größenordnung habe tätigen können, ohne dass dies aufgefallen sei.
20080125             Und niemand soll etwas gemerkt haben.
20080125             Fest steht: Der 31-jährige SOCIÉTÉ—GÉNÉRALE—MITARBEITER Jérôme Kerviel hat mit enormen Summen JONGLIERT—OFFENBAR ohne kontrolliert zu werden.
20080125             Bei seinen Spekulationsgeschäften setzte er mehr als 50—MILLIARDEN Euro aufs Spiel, sagte 1—BERATER—VON—FRANKREICHS—STAATSCHEF—NICOLAS—SARKOZY.
20080125             Zum Vergleich:
20080125             1—SPRECHER—DER—SOCIÉTÉ—GÉNÉRALE bestätigte, dass sich das Volumen auf "mehrere 10—MILLIARDEN Euro" belaufen habe.
20080125             —GESEHEN, So, ist der Verlust, den Kerviel zu verantworten hat, vergleichsweise bescheiden: "nur" 4,9 Milliarden Euro.
20080125             Wie kann es sein, dass ein einzelner Händler mit solchen Summen JONGLIERT—OHNE überwacht zu werden?
20080125             —GEMELDET, Kerviel selbst hat sich noch nicht zu Wort.
20080125             Seine Anwältin sagt aber, er sei nicht untergetaucht.
20080125             1. Antworten erhoffen sich die Ermittler nun von seinen privaten Unterlagen:
20080125             Vor Kerviels Pariser Wohnung rückte —AM—ABEND Polizei an, offenbar zu einer Hausdurchsuchung.
20080125             Passwörter von Kollegen genutzt - Eigentümer des Hotels, das
20080125             Börsianern zufolge hatten massive Positionsauflösungen des Finanzinstitutes den größten Kurssturz des Dax —SEIT den Anschlägen vom 20010911              mit ausgelöst.
20080125             "Der Markt bleibt weiter angeschlagen, die Geschichte sitzt tief", betonte einer von ihnen.
20080125             Andere Fachleute glauben nicht daran, dass die französische Großbank den weltweiten Kurssturz zu Beginn der Woche ausgelöst haben kann.
20080125             Thema Nummer 1—AM Aktienmarkt war erneut der Milliardenskandal rund um die französische GROßBANK—SOCIÉTÉ—GÉNÉRALE.
20080125             Die WALL—STREET sorgte für düstere Stimmung.
20080125             Analysten zufolge könnten sie weitere 143—MILLIARDEN Dollar brauchen, um die Folgen der Krise auszugleichen.
20080125             Diese Summe werde möglicherweise benötigt,
20080125             damit Verluste kompensiert werden könnten, die durch Fehlspekulationen auf dem Anleihemarkt angefallen seien,
20080125             teilten die Analysten von Barclays Capital mit.
20080125             Goldman Sachs hat bislang abgelehnt, sich im Detail zu den Auswirkungen der Hypothekenkrise auf das Institut zu äußern.
20080125             Allerdings fiel der Ausblick vorsichtig aus.
20080125             Kreditkrise: Goldman Sachs will 15000000              Mitarbeiter entlassen
20080125             ILLIARDEN—DESASTER bei Société Généralee:
20080125             Experten bezweifeln These vom Einzeltäter
20080125             Rauchender HELMUT—SCHMIDT: Staatsanwaltschaft will Verfahren einstellen
20080125             —GELIEBT, Comeback Berlusconis: Im Ausland VERACHTET—IN Italien
20080125             VOGELSTIMMEN—JÄGER: Der Mann, bei dem es piept
20080125             —VERMEIDET, Anlage: Wie man die schwarzen Börsentage
20080125             NETZWELT—TICKER: Kontoinhaber haftet bei PHISHING—ANGRIFF
20080125             Mäuse: Forscher stellen insulinproduzierende Zellen her
20080125             20010911             — Terrorist Moussaoui: 5—MILLIONEN Belohnung für Fluglehrer
20080125             Geplatzter Milliardenkredit: EX—WESTLB- CHEF—SOLL—AUFSICHTSRAT getäuscht haben
20080125             USA: Teenager plante Flugzeugentführung
20080125             Kibaki und Odinga: "Wo Elefanten kämpfen, leidet das Gras"
20080125             Strafanzeige gegen rauchenden Altkanzler:
20080125             "Man sollte Schmidt ein bisschen Spaß gönnen"
20080125             Schmiergeldskandal: Siemens schlüsselt erstmals Zahlungen auf
20080125             Plagiate in der Wissenschaft: Kopieren geht über studieren
20080125             Bevölkerung: Deutschland SCHRUMPFT—TROTZ Geburtenanstieg
20080125             Der Grund: Der Verstoß gegen das Rauchverbot ist 1—ORDNUNGSWIDRIGKEIT, aber kein Straftatbestand.
20080125             Anders verhält es sich mit dem Vorwurf der Körperverletzung,
20080125             der vom Verein gegen das Ehepaar Schmidt erhoben wird.
20080125             In diesem Fall muss die Staatsanwaltschaft aktiv werden.
20080125             Oberstaatsanwalt RÜDIGER—BAGGER bestätigte der "Bild"-Zeitung und dem "Hamburger Abendblatt", dass der Vorgang —DERZEIT geprüft werde.
20080125             Denn eigentlich findet jeder, ob Politiker oder GENERAL, dort immer die gleiche Begründung:
20080125             —GEWESEN, Man sei "von einem Dämonen besessen ".
20080125             "Wenn jemand zugibt, mit seiner Gruppe 20.000—MENSCHEN umgebracht zu haben,
20080125             dann sollte es einen Mechanismus geben, der für Gerechtigkeit sorgt", sagte Mulbah Morlue, Leiter eines Forums zur Errichtung eines Kriegstribunals in LIBERIA.
20080125             —KONVERTIERT, Inzwischen ist der 37-Jährige zum christlichen Priester.
20080125             —BEHAUPTET, Und, in 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—DER—BBC,
20080125             während des Bürgerkrieges in LIBERIA von "einem Dämon" besessen gewesen zu sein:
20080125             —GEOPFERT, Vor den Schlachten habe er Menschen, um sich die Gunst der Götter für den Sieg zu sichern.
20080125             —GEWESEN, TEIL—DER—OPFERZEREMONIEN sei, "ein unschuldiges Kind zu töten und ihm das Herz herauszureißen,
20080125             das dann aufgeteilt und gegessen wurde".
20080125             Berichte und Gerüchte über Menschenopfer und Kannibalismus im Bürgerkrieg hatte es —BEREITS vorher gegeben,
20080125             etwa in den Büchern des britischen AFRIKA—FORSCHERS STEPHEN—ELLIS.
20080125             Doch Blahyi ist laut BBC der 1. Kriegsherr, der solche Taten öffentlich zugibt.
20080125             Arbeitsmarktstudie: Jeder 5. Ostdeutsche verdient weniger als den Mindestlohn
20080125             Kapitalismuskritik bei "Maybrit Illner": Die Jobkiller sind überall
20080125             —GESTIEGEN, GFK—INDEX: Ängste nagen an VERBRAUCHERN—KONSUM leicht
20080125             USA—KONJUNKTUR: Bush s Rettungspaket floppt bei Wirtschaftsexperten
20080125             USA: Hunde und Katzen leiden unter der Immobilienkrise
20080125             Partnerwahl: Vögel folgen jährlichen Modetrends
20080125             Strafanzeige: Altkanzler Schmidt raucht trotz VERBOTS—STAATSANWALT ermittelt
20080125             Kreditklemme: Wie der Mittelstand der Bankenkrise trotzt
20080125             —BERICHTET, Bankenbetrug: EX—BÖRSENSCHWINDLER Leeson, von zahllosen vertuschten Fällen
20080125             USA—VORWAHLEN: Demokrat Kucinich steigt aus
20080125             DIETRICH—REINHARDT - Hopsicker,D. Welcome to TerrorLand.
20080125             20040000              (253).
20080125             Operating out of CHARLOTTE County Airport, DIETRICH—REINHARDT—CARIBE—AIR, was called 1—CIA proprietary airline in 1—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE—REPORT...
20080125             Caribe Air is 1—NOTORIOUS—CIA proprietary air carrier with 1—PARTICULARLY...
20080125             And 1—CARIBE—AIR—C130 had been shot down over ANGOLA with the loss of everyone...
20080125             For THE—RECORD—SUMMARY—POSTS
20080125             —LIFTED, DIETRICH—REINHARDT—NAME, which could have been, straight OUT—OF—TRANSCRIPTS—OF...
20080125             Caribe Air was an especially notorious CIA proprietary whose past
20080125             And DIETRICH—REINHARDT, whose Caribe Air appears about to play 1—INCREASINGLY large role in our story,
20080125             is 1—PARTNER in 1—VENTURE at the airport strongly
20080125             1—COMPANY headed by DIETRICH—REINHARDT, family members - that crashed...
20080125             Mafia, Geheimdienste und POLITIK—DER—USA
20080125             DIETRICH—REINHARDT hätten belangt werden können.
20080125             Reinhardt hatte mit Seal beim Kokainschmuggel in Mena zu tun und seine CIA—TARNGESELLSCHAFT Caribe Air...
20080125             —HEADED, Caribe Air Transport, 1—COMPANY, by DIETRICH—REINHARDT, family members of THE—3—AMERICANS have told THE—ARKANSAS Gazette.
20080125             Daily Kos: Part TROIS—WHY Sibel Edmonds WILL—NEVER—TALK
20080125             Moreover it was run by 1—GERMANY—NATIONAL and longtime CIA asset named DIETRICH—REINHARDT...
20080125             Die schlimmsten Klimasünder sind die Länder SAUDI—ARABIA—ARABIEN—USA und Australien.
20080125             Das wäre ein enormer Paradigmenwechsel in der Landwirtschaft.
20080125             um über 20 % nach.
20080125             Beobachter vermuten, dass die Société Générale —SCHON vor dem
20080125             Acórdão do Tribunal da Relação de Guimarães
20080125             Constitui ofensa ilícita do direito ao repouso
20080125             (que se integra no direito à integridade física e a um ambiente de vida humana sadio e ecologicamente...
20080125             Lesão CORPORAL—WIKIPÉDIA
20080125             Ofensa à integridade física pode dizer respeito à debilitação da saúde como...
20080125             passando por todas as alterações físicas provocadas pela ação ou omissão...
20080125             Canil Municipal - "O ruído provocado pelos animais é considerado como ruído de vizinhança... "
20080125             O animal que cause ofensas graves à integridade física de uma pessoa...
20080125             —1201—AM
20080125             Und selbst in Deutschland huldigt man dem "größten Bankräuber aller Zeiten": "Bild"-Kolumnist FRANZ—JOSEF Wagner zeigt sich beeindruckt:
20080125             "Ich glaube, dass Sie ein verrücktes Genie sind. Jérôme Kerviel, Sie werden in die Geschichte eingehen".
20080125             Die Familie selbst zeigte sich fassungslos angesichts der Vorwürfe gegen den 31-Jährigen: Er sei immer "seriös und zurückhaltend" gewesen, sagte seine Tante Sylviane Le Goff.
20080125             Meiner Meinung nach muss man bei seinen Chefs und Kollegen suchen".
20080125             Kerviels Mutter reiste nach Angaben Le Goffs nach PARIS, weil sie einen Anruf bekommen habe, dass es ihrem Sohn nicht gut gehe.
20080125             Wer aber ist der junge Mann, dessen Namen die Bankenwelt wohl für ALLE—EWIGKEIT in Erinnerung behalten wird?
20080125             Alles, was man über ihn weiß, ist 1—PUZZLE aus Privatem, ein paar Bemerkungen aus dem UMFELD—UND Spekulationen.
20080125             Er ist der Börsenjudas von PARIS:
20080125             Auf einer vorgelagerten Insel liegt 1—FLUGHAFEN, die Landebahn ist selbst für Satellitenaugen nicht zu übersehen.
20080125             "Terrorismus bleibt die Sicherheitsbedrohung Nummer 1", sagte Frattini.
20080125             Deswegen sei 1—EU—WEITER einheitlicher Ansatz zur langfristigen Speicherung von Fluggastdaten notwendig.
20080125             "Die Philosophie in diesen Dingen ist in EUROPA etwas anders", sagte Mate.
20080125             Allerdings wollen die Politiker das USA—SYSTEM nicht ungeprüft übernehmen.
20080125             BRDO—DIE europäischen Innenminister unterstützen den Plan, die DATEN—VON—FLUGREISENDEN für den Kampf gegen den Terrorismus zu nutzen.
20080125             "Wann haben wir jemals 1—ABKOMMEN zur Verteidigung eines anderen Landes vor Angriffen von außen und innen getroffen, das kein Staatsvertrag war", fragte der demokratische Abgeordnete BILL—DELAHUNT am —MITTWOCH bei einer Anhörung im AUßEN—UNTERAUSSCHUSS des Repräsentantenhauses.
20080125             Unklar blieb aber auch, ob etwa die MITARBEITER—DER—USA—FIRMA—BLACKWATER, die im September vergangenen Jahres tödliche Schüsse auf irakische Zivilisten abgegeben hatten, überhaupt nach USA—RECHT belangt werden können.
20080125             —VERSUCHT, —DERZEIT, die USA—REGIERUNG etwaige juristische Schlupflöcher zu stopfen.
20080125             Schließlich genießen amerikanische Zivilisten, die für die USA—REGIERUNG arbeiten, in keinem anderen Land Immunität. Und auch die gewünschte freie Hand bei Kampfeinsätzen werden die Iraker den USA wohl nicht widerspruchlos gewähren.
20080125             "Das werden harte Verhandlungen", zitierte die "NEW—YORK—TIMES " einen Regierungsbeamten.
20080125             "Die Iraker sind keine Bittsteller".
20080125             —BERICHTET, Die "NEW—YORK—TIMES ", nun unter Berufung auf anonyme Quellen im Weißen Haus, dem Verteidigungsministerium und dem STATE—DEPARTEMENT, dass die REGIERUNG—VON—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH sich auch für die Zeit —NACH—DEM internationalen UNO—MANDAT umfangreiche Kriegsrechte in dem Land am Golf vertraglich garantieren lassen will.
20080125             WASHINGTON/HAMBURG—ERST vor ein paar Tagen hatte der irakische Verteidigungsminister in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES " seine Einschätzung verkündet, dass sein Land wohl noch lange auf die Unterstützung amerikanischer Truppen angewiesen sein werde.
20080125             Der ägyptische Staatspräsident Husni Mubarak sprach von einer nicht hinnehmbaren Situation, forderte ISRAEL auf, die Schließung seiner Grenze zum GAZA—STREIFEN zu beenden.
20080125             Maskierte Palästinenser setzten schwere Räumfahrzeuge ein, um 1—BETONMAUER zur Seite zu schieben und die Öffnung in den Grenzanlagen zu erweitern.
20080125             Eine gewaltige Menschenmenge wogte über den gefallenen Zaun hin und her, mittendrin fuhren Panzerfahrzeuge auf und ab, versprengte Einsatzkräfte aus Ägypten versuchten, der Situation Herr zu WERDEN—VERGEBLICH.
20080125             Zwar gelang es den Einsatztruppen —ZUNÄCHST, 2—DER 3—GRÖßEREN Übergänge zu schließen, doch am Nachmittag überrannten Tausende Palästinenser die Sperren.
20080125             —SEIT—MITTWOCH sind Zehntausende Bewohner des GAZA—STREIFENS über die Grenze ins Nachbarland Ägypten geströmt und hatten sich dort mit Nahrungsmitteln, Benzin und Zigaretten eingedeckt oder Verwandte besucht.
20080125             Ohne den Börsencrash vom —MONTAG wäre der Verlust weit geringer ausgefallen.
20080125             Auch diese Darstellung ist allerdings umstritten: Spekulationen zufolge waren gerade die krummen Geschäfte der Société Générale der
20080125             Grund für den Kurssturz zu Beginn der Woche.
20080125             "Jeder, der in einer Bank arbeitet, weiß, dass wenn Verluste eine bestimmte Schwelle erreichen, die Positionen geschlossen werden".
20080125             Das Problem sei aber, dass die Kontrolleure oft selber eines Tages Händler werden wollen, sagt OLIVIER—GODECHOT vom französischen Forschungsinstitut CNRS laut der Zeitung "L'humanité".
20080125             Auch ARNAUD—RIVERAIN, Analyst bei Arkeon Financee ist skeptisch: "1—PERSON alleine kann keine solche Katastrophe auslösen".
20080125             Das "WALL—STREET Journal" schreibt unter Berufung auf die Société Générale, dass sich Kerviel mit Passwörtern von Kollegen in das Computersystem gehackt und die Kontrollmechanismen für seine Geschäfte aufgehoben habe.
20080125             Sarkozys Berater RAYMOND—SOUBIE sprach —HEUTE aus, was sich —SEIT gestern alle fragen: Es sei doch "sehr erstaunlich, dass ein einzelner Mensch" Geschäfte in dieser Größenordnung habe tätigen können, ohne dass dies aufgefallen sei.
20080125             —ENTSPRICHT, Zum Vergleich: Die Summe, der gesamten Jahreswirtschaftsleistung eines Landes wie der Slowakei.
20080125             1. Antworten erhoffen sich die Ermittler nun von seinen privaten Unterlagen: Vor Kerviels Pariser Wohnung rückte —AM—ABEND Polizei an, offenbar zu einer Hausdurchsuchung.
20080125             Von dort gab es —ZUNÄCHST keine Stellungnahme zu dem Unglück.
20080125             Diese Summe werde möglicherweise benötigt, damit Verluste kompensiert werden könnten, die durch Fehlspekulationen auf dem Anleihemarkt angefallen seien, teilten die Analysten von Barclays Capital mit.
20080125             Im Dezember gab der Konzern einen Anstieg seines Gewinns im 4. Quartal um 2 % bekannt und übertraf damit die Erwartungen.
20080125             Großbrand: Luxushotel in LAS—VEGAS steht in Flammen
20080125             Schwache WALL—STREET: Dax gibt Tagesgewinn wieder ab
20080125             ILLIARDEN—DESASTER bei Société Généralee: Experten bezweifeln These vom Einzeltäter
20080125             Zukunft des Irak: USA—REGIERUNG will sich umfassende Kriegsrechte sichern
20080125             PALÄSTINENSER—EXODUS aus GAZA: Ägypter HILFLOS—TAUSENDE stürmen in den Sinai
20080125             —VERACHTET, Comeback Berlusconis: Im Ausland, - in Italien geliebt
20080125             Sicherheit: EU—MINISTER—WOLLEN—FLUGGASTDATEN—AUSWERTUNG einführen
20080125             Schwarzer —MONTAG: War der französische AMOK—BANKER schuld am Börsencrash?
20080125             Standort BOCHUM: Betriebsrat wirft Nokia falsche Berechnungen vor
20080125             Chaos in GAZA: Palästinenser überrennen ägyptische Polizeisperren
20080125             5- MILLIARDEN—MANN: 1—EINZELGÄNGER erschüttert die Bankenwelt
20080125             Strafanzeige gegen rauchenden Altkanzler: "Man sollte Schmidt ein bisschen Spaß gönnen"
20080125             Die "Bild"-Zeitung schreibt, die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittle allerdings nur gegen die Schmidts und nicht gegen den CHEF—DES—THEATERS.
20080125             Anders verhält es sich mit dem Vorwurf der Körperverletzung, der vom Verein gegen das Ehepaar Schmidt erhoben wird.
20080125             "Dieser Fall ist ein eindrucksvoller Beweis dafür, mit welchen Sachen sich 1—STAATSANWALTSCHAFT beschäftigen muss", zitiert ihn die "Bild"-Zeitung.
20080125             Denn eigentlich findet jeder, ob Politiker oder GENERAL, dort immer die gleiche Begründung: Man sei "von einem Dämonen besessen gewesen".
20080125             "Wenn jemand zugibt, mit seiner Gruppe 20.000—MENSCHEN umgebracht zu haben, dann sollte es einen Mechanismus geben, der für Gerechtigkeit sorgt", sagte Mulbah Morlue, Leiter eines Forums zur Errichtung eines Kriegstribunals in LIBERIA.
20080125             Der ehemalige Rebellenführer PRINCE—JOHNSON etwa, der —HEUTE Kongressmitglied ist, weigert sich, vor der Wahrheitskommission auszusagen.
20080125             —BEHAUPTET, Und, in 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—DER—BBC, während des Bürgerkrieges in LIBERIA von "einem Dämon" besessen gewesen zu sein:
20080125             —GEWESEN, TEIL—DER—OPFERZEREMONIEN sei, "ein unschuldiges Kind zu töten und ihm das Herz herauszureißen, das dann aufgeteilt und gegessen wurde".
20080125             Berichte und Gerüchte über Menschenopfer und Kannibalismus im Bürgerkrieg hatte es —BEREITS vorher gegeben, etwa in den Büchern des britischen AFRIKA—FORSCHERS STEPHEN—ELLIS.
20080125             Börsenauftakt: Dax zeitweise über 7000—PUNKTEN
20080125             DIETRICH—REINHARDT—HOPSICKER,D. Welcome to TerrorLand.
20080125             THE—BBC is run by the military?
20080125             Wing COMMANDER—MICHAEL—CAIRNS took part in operations in Bosnia and Kosovo.
20080125             'BIGGLES' QUITS —SUNDAY Mirror Find Articles at BNET_com)
20080125             CAIRNS has been responsible for political output from THE—BBC in Norther IRELAND.
20080125             CAIRNS was found out.
20080125             "1—BBC editor has resigned his post within THE—UK—MILITARY—AFTER Sinn Féin raised CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST—CONCERNS.
20080125             —RESIGNED, RAF wing COMMANDER—MIKE—CAIRNS, as OC 7644—VR Squadron —AFTER Sinn Féin complained that his work as 1—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—OFFICER for THE—RAF was incompatible with his job as 1—HIGH—RANBBC—KING—OF— editor.
20080125             "—FOLLOWING SINN—FÉIN—COMPLAINT, THE—BBC confirmed MIKE—CAIRNS who worked in NEWS—GATHERING in THE—BBC had resigned from THE—RAF reserve".
20080125             PARTEIBUCH—SPIEGEL: Parteibuch Ticker Feed von ( letsibeledmondsspeak. blogspot_com,
20080125             An Phoblacht: BBC editor resigns from RAF post
20080125—19910600    : CURT—WELDON—NEPHEW and THE—CIA | TPMCafe
20080125—19920000    (267); Covert Action Quarterly 19930000             -#45 (64)...
20080125—19960600    —IM, Eigentümer des Hotels, das eröffnete, ist das Immobilienunternehmen MGM Mirage.
20080125—20080000    —ANFANG, Denn während seine riskanten Spekulationen im vergangenen —JAHR noch zu großen Gewinnen führten, verließ ihn das Glück.
20080125—20081022    —ON, Constitution vote 1—VICTORY for Morales:
20080125—20100000    —BIS, Wenn ALLE—STAATEN zustimmen, könnte ein derartiges Gesetzt in Kraft treten.
20080125—20180000    —VOR, Nicht oder 20200000             ,
20080125—20180000    —VOR, Nicht oder 20200000             , so die Rechnung von ABDUL—KADIR, sei man wohl in der Lage, aus eigener Kraft auf BEDROHUNGEN—VON—AUßEN zu antworten.
20080131—20080125    —ON, 1—WEEK—LATER it was reported that 1—SPILL had released 2.5—MILLION gallons.
20081022             —RATIFIED, BOLIVIA—CONGRESS, PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES' DRAFT—CONSTITUTION, —ON—TUESDAY and sent it to 1—NATIONWIDE vote, granting the leftist leader 1—HARD—FOUGHT victory in his push to remake SOUTH—AMERICA—POOREST—COUNTRY.
20090125             The proposed document grants new rights to more than 5—MILLION—INDIGENOUS—INHABITANTS—OF—35—DISTINCT "nations".
20090125             —RESERVED, It would create 1—NEW—CONGRESS with seats, for BOLIVIA—SMALLER—INDIGENOUS—GROUPS and eliminates ANY—MENTION—OF—THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH, instead recognizing and honoring the Pachamama, 1—ANDEAN earth deity.
20090125             CHINA, 1—RICHTER scale 5.0—EARTHQUAKE hit 1—AREA inhabited by the Xibe people.
20090125             It destroyed nearly 200—HOMES and damaged nearly 3,000 buildings.
20090125             The community, originally from Manchuria, had established 1—FRONTIER garrison in Xinjiang —DURING the Qing dynasty.
20090125             —SUSPECTED, INDIA—POLICE shot dead 2, militants from PAKISTAN in 1—PRE—DAWN car chase near NEW—DELHI.
20090125             LIBERIA—MINISTRY—OF—AGRICULTURE said it has set up 1—COMMAND—POST and called on INTERNATIONAL experts to help fight 1—INVASION by MILLIONS—OF—CROP—DEVOURING caterpillars that are eating their way across the country with dire economic consequences.
20090125             MEXICO, Chiapas STATE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—RACIEL—LOPEZ said Mariano Herran has been charged with embezzling funds —WHILE working as Chiapas economy SECRETARY —LAST—YEAR.
20090125             Herran was MEXICO—DRUG—TSAR 19970000—20000000    —FROM—TO, replacing GENERAL—JESUS—GUTIERREZ—REBOLLO, who was convicted of aiding 1—TOP—DRUG—LORD.
20090125             —CONTROLLED, SRI—LANKA—TROOPS overran the last town, by Tamil rebels, striking 1—MAJOR—BLOW in ASIA—LONGEST—RUNNING ethnic conflict.
20090125             1—AVALANCHE slammed into 1—GROUP—OF—TURKEY—HIKERS on 1—TRIP to 1—REMOTE—MOUNTAIN plateau, dragging them more than (16400000              feet) 500—METERS into 1—VALLEY and fatally burying 10—OF—THEM.
20090125             1—SMALL ferry overloaded with holiday shoppers sank in CENTRAL—VIETNAM, killing at least 40—PEOPLE ahead of the traditional Lunar New —YEAR.
20090125             Most of the dead were women and children.
20090125             Mit der Vergiftung der Umwelt sind die Götter gewiss nicht zufrieden.
20090125             Natürlich - Natürlich kann nichts den unberührten Regenwald zurückbringen
20090125             —GELEITET, Rückstände aus der chemischen Aufbereitung werden ins Meer.
20090125             Nur wenige gehen noch aggressiver vor als Newmont.
20090125             Der Konzern mit Sitz in DENVER gräbt auf 5—KONTINENTEN im Tagebau nach Gold,
20090125             im Tiefland von GHANA ebenso wie in den BERGEN—VON—PERU.
20090125             In der indonesischen Provinz Ostkalimantan vertrieb das Militär mit Hilfe der Sicherheitskräfte eines angloaustralischen Goldunternehmens die lokalen Schürfer und zerstörte ihre Dörfer,
20090125             um Platz für eine große Mine zu schaffen
20090125             —AM einen ENDE—DES—SPEKTRUMS finden sich die HEERE—VON—ARMEN—WANDERARBEITERN, die in kleinen Minen wie La Rinconada ihr Glück versuchen.
20090125             Am anderen weltweit operierende Konzerne,
20090125             die in großem Stil und mit riesigem Aufwand —NACH—DEM Metall suchen.
20090125             stand der Goldpreis bei 271—DOLLAR je Feinunze.
20090125             Es wimmelt von Gaunern und von Träumern auf der Suche nach Reichtum.
20090125             Dass sie dabei die Umwelt ZERSTÖREN—UND sich SELBER—SCHEINT keine Rolle zu spielen.
20090125             Der Konzern mit Sitz in DENVER gräbt auf 5—KONTINENTEN im Tagebau nach Gold, im Tiefland von GHANA ebenso wie in den BERGEN—VON—PERU.
20090125             In der indonesischen Provinz Ostkalimantan vertrieb das Militär mit Hilfe der Sicherheitskräfte eines angloaustralischen Goldunternehmens die lokalen Schürfer und zerstörte ihre Dörfer, um Platz für eine große Mine zu schaffen
20090125             —AM anderen weltweit operierende Konzerne, die in großem Stil und mit riesigem Aufwand —NACH—DEM Metall suchen.
20090125             schuftet Apaza 30—TAGE im —MONAT. Ohne Lohn.
20090125             Wie so VIELE—SEINER—VORFAHREN, der Inka, ist auch JUAN—APAZA vom Gold besessen.
20090125             Alles für das Gold, —NACH—DEM die Welt giert.
20090125             Der Lohn kommt —ERST—AM 31. —TAG.
20090125             Dann erlaubt man ihm und den anderen eine einzige vierstündige Schicht oder etwas mehr, in der sie so VIELE—STEINE hinausschleppen dürfen, wie sie tragen können.
20090125             Nach der uralten Lotterie der Hochanden, dem cachorreo, entspricht das einem Gehalt: 1—SACK—STEINE, der möglicherweise ein kleines Vermögen an Gold enthält.
20090125             Oder ganz wenig, wie meist.
20090125             Wirtschaftskrise: IWF senkt Wachstumserwartungen
20090125             NAHOST—KRISE: Steinmeier schmiedet EU—FRIEDENSPLAN für GAZA
20090125             ROT—ROTE Bündnisse: Müntefering verschärft Abgrenzung zur Linken
20090125             Studieren bei der Bundeswehr: Vom Hörsaal in den Krieg
20090125             Die österreichische Staatsanwaltschaft, die —NACH—DEM Skiunfall, bei dem eine 41-jährige Frau ums Leben kam, gegen Althaus wegen fahrlässiger Tötung ermittelt, darf den Ministerpräsidenten bislang nicht befragen.
20090125             "Herr Althaus ist nach wie vor nicht vernehmungsfähig", sagte der DIREKTOR—DER—REHA—KLINIK in Allensbach, Crone.
20090125             Der Hergang des Unfalls ist noch ungeklärt.
20090125             ÖSTERREICH, wird deswegen gegen Althaus ermittelt.
20090125             Tatsächlich gebe es VIELE—MENSCHEN in GAZA, die den Israelis helfen würden, doch die seien nicht politisch motiviert, sondern bettelarm und verzweifelt.
20090125             "Wenn einer eine todkranke Frau hat, stellen ihm die Israelis 1—FALLE:
20090125             Wir heilen sie in unseren Krankenhäusern, dafür spionierst du für uns".
20090125             Im Februar soll der Kongress über das 825—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR—PROGRAMM abstimmen.
20090125             "Wenn wir nicht mutig und schnell handeln, könnte sich die schlechte Lage noch dramatisch verschlimmern", sagte Obama.
20090125             "Wir beginnen dieses —JAHR und diese Regierung inmitten einer beispiellosen Krise, die beispiellose Schritte verlangt".
20090125             Ferner sei eine größere KONTROLLE—DER—KOMPLEXEN—FINANZINSTRUMENTE geplant, die zur gegenwärtigen Wirtschaftskrise geführt haben.
20090125             In den ENTWICKLUNGS—UND Schwellenländern boomt die Mobiltelefonie dagegen vor allem, weil sie neue Erwerbsmöglichkeiten erschließt oder den Alltag etwas weniger entbehrungsreich macht:
20090125             Für Millionen armer Menschen in AFRIKA und ASIEN ist das Handy auch das 1. Bankkonto, die 1. respektable Adresse und der 1. unzensierte Informationskanal.
20090125             CO2-Speicherung: Energieriesen rufen —NACH—DEM STAAT
20090125             —VERLIERT, USA—AUTOR—THOMAS—L—FRIEDMAN: "Wer seinen Wettbewerber, wird dick, dumm und fröhlich"
20090125             SPD: Müntefering geißelt Auswüchse in der Bankenbranche
20090125             Weltkrise: Obama will strengere Regeln für USA—FINANZMÄRKTE
20090125—20010910    einen —TAG vor den Anschlägen auf das World Trade Center in NEW—YORK,
20090125—20140000    —APPROVED, THROUGH, Bolivians easily, 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION aimed at increasing their strength —WHILE allowing leftist PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES 1—SHOT at staying in power.
20090721—20080125    PARTEIBUCH—SPIEGEL: Parteibuch Ticker Feed von
20090815—20170125    —HANGED, AL—ENEZI was among 7—PEOPLE.
20090917—20090125    —ON, 1—BELGRADE court convicted 14—SERBS of the fatal beating of Taton.
20100111—20100125    —RELEASED, He was.
20100125             —PLEADED, NEW—YORK, 2—CANADA—MEN who, guilty to conspiring to buy ANTI—AIRCRAFT—MISSILES and other equipment for the Tamil Tigers rebel group in SRI—LANKA were sentenced to 25—YEARS in 1—USA—PRISON.
20100125             NEW—YORK—CITY, ALFONSO—PORTILLO (19510000              *), THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—GUATEMALA (20000000—20040000    ), was charged with using foreign banks to launder MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS plundered from charity and government coffers.
20100125             —CHARGED, He was, with embezzling $15.7—MILLION.
20100125             PORTILLO—WHEREABOUTS were unknown.
20100125             PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREA—CURRY—DEMUS, 40—JAHRE—ALT was found to be mentally ill but guilty of 2. degree murder and kidnapping for luring 1—PREGNANT—TEENAGER to her apartment, cutting out the baby and killing the mother.
20100125             The infant, —NOW 18—MONTHS—OLD, was living with relatives.
20100125             —ANNOUNCED, Electric vehicle network firm Better Place, it has signed 1—AGREEMENT with an HSBC—LED investor consortium for new equity financing of $350m (£217m), valuing the firm at $1.25bn.
20100125             Better Place, led by former software entrepreneur SHAI—AGASSI, hoped to be the leading infrastructure provider for the world's growing fleet of electric cars.
20100125             † In AFGHANISTAN 1—NORWAY—SOLDIER—WHEN his vehicle hit 1—ROADSIDE bomb in Faryab province in the north.
20100125             —LAUNCHED, THE—BRITISH and IRELAND—GOVERNMENTS, 1—MISSION to save NORTH—IRELAND—UNRAVELING administration, 1—CATHOLIC—PROTESTANT—COALITION that the territory's 19980000              peace accord intended would promote 1—LASTING new era of nonviolent compromise.
20100125             —CALLED, NEW—YORK—BASED Human Rights Watch, on THE—CAMBODIA—GOVERNMENT to shut down its drug detention centers alleging abuses such as torture and rape, as well as THE—LOCKUP—OF—CHILDREN and the mentally ILLINOIS.
20100125             —REBUKED, CHINA sharply, THE—USA, denying involvement in ANY—INTERNET—ATTACKS and defending its online restrictions as lawful —AFTER WASHINGTON urged BEIJING to investigate 1—ATTACK against Google.
20100125             —SENTENCED, CHINA, the Intermediate PEOPLE—COURT—IN—URUMQI, 4—MORE—PEOPLE to death for involvement in rioting —LAST—YEAR in the restive FAR—WESTERN—REGION—OF—XINJIANG, the country's worst ethnic violence in decades.
20100125             —SENTENCED, Another person was, to death with a 2—YEAR reprieve, 1—PENALTY usually commuted to life in prison, —WHILE 8—OTHERS were given sentences of up to life imprisonment.
20100125             —REPORTED, Official media, that CHINA is hoping to close THOUSANDS—OF—LOCAL—GOVERNMENT lobbying offices in BEIJING to cut down on waste and corruption.
20100125             —BUSTED, CYPRUS police said they have, 1—SMUGGLING ring in CYPRUS and recovered DOZENS—OF—ANCIENT artifacts it planned to sell for euro11 million (15.5—MILLION), including 1—MINIATURE—GOLD coffin, silver coins and TERRA—COTTA urns.
20100125             10—CYPRIOTS were arrested —DURING the raids over the weekend, and authorities were searching for another 5—SUSPECTS, including 1—SYRIA—MAN.
20100125             1—ETHIOPIAN—AIRLINES—PLANE carrying 90—PEOPLE caught fire and crashed into the sea minutes —AFTER taking off from BEIRUT.
20100125             —RECOVERED, At least 34—BODIES were, but no survivors were found by nightfall.
20100125             —REJECTED, ETHIOPIA—AIRLINES—IMMEDIATELY, THE—LEBANON—FINDINGS saying the crash was likely caused by sabotage or 1—LIGHTNING strike.
20100125             IRAQ, suicide bombers struck near 3—HOTELS—POPULAR with Western journalists and businessmen —JUST as IRAQ announced the execution of Saddam HUSSEIN—NOTORIOUS cousin known as "Chemical Ali".
20100125             —KILLED, At least 41—PEOPLE were, and more than 104 injured.
20100125             The explosions came hours —AFTER 1—IRAQ—SECURITY—OFFICIAL defended the ADE651, made by THE—UK—COMPANY—ATSC, 1—BOMB—DETECTING device that BRITAIN banned for export to IRAQ BECAUSE—OF—QUESTIONS about whether it works, saying it would be a "big mistake" to withdraw it from checkpoints.
20100125             SARA—NETANYAHU sued the Maariv daily for libel and DEFAMATION—OF—CHARACTER, claiming it is "maliciously trying to humiliate" her.
20100125             The gardener had lost 1—SON in 1—OF—ISRAEL—WARS.
20100125             THE—UN said that extreme —WINTER weather in 19—OF 21—PROVINCES in MONGOLIA has killed over 1—MILLION in livestock impacting the country's food supply and worsening poverty.
20100125             1—NIGERIA—STATE—POLICE—COMMISSIONER said sectarian violence between Christians and Muslims in JOS left 326—PEOPLE—DEAD last —WEEK.
20100125             —ARRESTED, Police in CENTRAL—PLATEAU state have, 303—SUSPECTS from last —WEEK—INTER—RELIGIOUS—VIOLENCE.
20100125             SOUTH—WEST—OGUN, State gunmen shot dead CHIEF—DIPO—DINA, 1—PROMINENT—OPPOSITION politician, amid rising tensions AHEAD—OF—GENERAL—ELECTIONS next —YEAR.
20100125             —DETAINED, NORTH—KOREA, 1—USA—MAN for illegally entering the country from CHINA, the 2. ARREST—OF—1—USA—CITIZEN it has reported in the past few weeks.
20100125             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN said SAUDI—ARABIA has donated $50—MILLION in relief to HAITI to cope with the devastating earthquake that hit the country nearly 2—WEEKS ago, making it the largest donation from THE—MIDDLE—EAST to date.
20100125             —SMASHED, SOMALIA, 1—MORTAR shell, into 1—AFRICAN—UNION peacekeeping mission base in MOGADISHU, killing several people, including 1—SOLDIER.
20100125             —ANNOUNCED, SWEDEN—ERICSSON, the world leader in phone network equipment, 1—EXTRA 1,500 job cuts under restructuring which bit deeply into 4.-quarter net profit.
20100125             —CLASHED, VENEZUELA, police and SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, with students in cities across the country —DURING protests over the government forcing 1—OPPOSITION—CHANNEL off cable TV.
20100125             1—YOUTH was reported killed and 16—PEOPLE suffered injuries.
20100125             1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said that PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ has accepted the resignation of Ramon Carrizalez, who also served as defense MINISTER.
20100125             —RESIGNED, CARRIZALEZ—WIFE, the environment MINISTER, also.
20100125             —REPORTED, It was, that ABDEL—MALEK AL—HAWTHI, THE—LEADER—OF—YEMEN—SHIITE rebels, has declared the war with SAUDI—ARABIA over and that he will pull his fighters OUT—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—TERRITORY.
20100125             † At least 133—SAUDIS soldiers have, in THE—MONTHS—OF—FIERCE fighting in the rugged border region.
20100125—20050900    —SINCE, THE—NATIONAL—BANK—OF—HUNGARY cut its main interest rate by 1—QUARTER—PERCENTAGE—POINT to 6—PERCENT, its lowest.
20100125—20060000    —IN, Thiruthanikan Thanigasalam (41) and Sahilal Sabaratnam (30) were among 4—MEN arrested in Long Island, NEW—YORK, in an FBI sting operation as they tried to buy SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILES, missile launchers and HUNDREDS—OF—AK 47—ASSAULT—RIFLES to be used against SRI—LANKA—FORCES.
20100125—20100122    —ON, 1—STORY stated that MISTER—S—NETANYAHU fired a 70—YEAR—OLD gardener at THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICIAL—RESIDENCE.
20100125—20100130    —ON, 1—NEWS—REPORT said THE—USA—MAN has sought asylum and wants to join THE—NORTH—KOREA—MILITARY.
20100125—20100407    —ON, state media said Aijalon Mahli Gomes (30) of BOSTON has been sentenced to 8—YEARS—OF—HARD—LABOR and ordered to pay a $700,000 fine for crossing into the communist country illegally.
20100125—20120000    —IN, 1—LEBANON—REPORT put the blame on pilot error and inexperience.
20100125—20140000    —OFFERED, SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT, to help ENERGY—HUNGRY—INDIA build more nuclear plants as THE—2—ASIA—POWERHOUSES 20140901             —GOAL of doubling bilateral trade.
20101215—20100125    —DETAINED, IRANIAN—BORN ALI—KHORRAM—HEYDARKHANI, 40—JAHRE—ALT was, by INDONESIA—AUTHORITIES but only sent to AUSTRALIA —AFTER overstaying his visa.
20110125             ÄGYPTEN, beginnen im Arabischen Frühling Massenproteste gegen PRÄSIDENT—HUSNI—MUBARAK.
20110125             Habib EL—ADLY said the suspects had been into custody —BEFORE 20110101          .
20110125             THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC, 3—OF 5—CANDIDATES in the presidential elections said they rejected the results "in advance" and demanded 20110123             —THE vote be annulled.
20110125             PRESIDENT—OBAMA in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS told Congress "We will move forward together or not at all".
20110125             —PLAYED, Obama, up USA—PROGRESS in both AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ, —WHILE declaring THE—USA would stay tough on NORTH—KOREA and IRAN over their nuclear ambitions.
20110125             —SERVED, AHMED—GHAILANI, 36—JAHRE—ALT, THE—GUANTANAMO detainee who, as Osma OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—COOK and bodyguard, was sentenced in NEW—YORK—CITY to life in prison for his role 19980000             —IN—THE—USA—EMBASSY bombings in AFRICA.
20110125             1—FEDERAL—INDICTMENT was unsealed in PHOENIX, Az., and charged 20—PEOPLE for participating in 1—RING that bought more than 700—GUNS to be smuggled into MEXICO for use by 1—DRUG—CARTEL.
20110125             —ARRESTED, Police, 17—SUSPECTS in 1—MULTI—AGENCY—OPERATION across THE—PHOENIX valley.
20110125             3—OTHER—SUSPECTS remained at large.
20110125             —UNVEILED, MIAMI—FLORIDA, its New World Center concert hall designed by FRANK—GEHRY.
20110125             DANIEL—BELL is best known for his seminal contributions to THE—STUDY—OF—POST—INDUSTRIALISM.
20110125             —TIPPED, Incumbent FRANCOIS—BOZIZE has been, to win the vote amidst complaints of irregularities and fraud.
20110125             EGYPT, THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS, SOME—HURLING rocks and climbing atop 1 armored police truck, clashed with riot police in the center of CAIRO in 1—TUNISIA—INSPIRED demonstration to demand THE—END—OF—HOSNI—MUBARAK—NEARLY 30—YEARS in power.
20110125             1—LOOSE—COALITION had issued 1—FACEBOOK call for a "—DAY—OF—RAGE" to coincide with Police —DAY, —RECENTLY declared 1—NATIONAL—HOLIDAY.
20110125             —ARRESTED, The interior MINISTER said authorities have, 19—ARABS suspected of having links to AL—QAIDA en route to IRAQ.
20110125             GREECE, more than 250—IMMIGRANTS, mostly from NORTH—AFRICA, began 1—HUNGER—STRIKE in ATHENS, demanding to be legalized and challenging 1—GREECE—GOVERNMENT—CRACKDOWN on migrant trafficking.
20110125             IRELAND said it is upgrading its diplomatic relations with THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORIES in RECOGNITION—OF—PROGRESS being made by THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY.
20110125             The decision recognizes IRELAND—LONG—STANDING support for PALESTINE—STATEHOOD, but does not involve ANY—RECOGNITION—OF—1—PALESTINE—STATE.
20110125             —ISSUED, LEBANON—PRESIDENT—MICHEL—SLEIMAN, 1—DECREE appointing former premier Najib Mikati, HARVARD—EDUCATED billionaire businessman and the candidate backed by IRANIAN—ALLIED Hezbollah, to form LEBANON—NEXT—GOVERNMENT, angering Sunnis who protested the rising power of the Shiite militant group by burning tires and torching 1—VAN belonging to AL—JAZEERA.
20110125             MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE shot and killed Jose Humberto Perez (29), 1—MUNICIPAL—POLICEMAN guarding CIUDAD—JUAREZ Mayor HECTOR—MURGUIA, raising tensions between security forces amid 1—FIERCE—DRUG—WAR.
20110125             —SEIZED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES said they have, more than 23—TONS—OF—1—CHEMICAL used in the manufacture of synthetic drugs, —DURING 1—INSPECTION—OF—1—SHIPMENT from CHINA.
20110125             —DECLARED, The ethyl phenylacetate was, as 1—DIFFERENT—PRODUCT on arrival at the Pacific port of MANZANILLO.
20110125             —ATTACKED, PAKISTAN, suicide bombers, police protecting marches by minority Shiite Muslims in KARACHI and LAHORE, killing 12—PEOPLE and wounding dozens.
20110125             —SUSPECTED, UMAR—PATEK, 40—JAHRE—ALT, 1, MEMBER—OF—THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED militant group Jemaah Islamiyah, was wounded and arrested by security forces.
20110125             —QUESTIONED, PAKISTAN—AUTHORITIES, Patek planned to hand him over to INDONESIA.
20110125             —PACKED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—BOMB on 1, bus killed 5—PEOPLE.
20110125             —RECOVERED, Investigators, fragments of an 81—MM mortar round and 1—NOKIA cell phone used in the bombing that also wounded 13—OTHER—PEOPLE in Makati city, the financial DISTRICT—OF—MANILA.
20110125             —REPORTED, It was, that POLAND—STATE—RUN—NATIONAL—REMEMBRANCE—INSTITUTE has created 1—NEW—GAME called "Kolejka," or "Queue," to help young Poles understand THE—HARDSHIPS—OF—LIFE under communism.
20110125             It goes on sale 20110205           .
20110125             —RATIFIED, RUSSIA—LOWER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, 1—LANDMARK nuclear arms pact with THE—USA, virtually assuring passage of 1—AGREEMENT—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA has described as the most significant arms control deal in nearly 2—DECADES.
20110125             —ARRIVED, RWANDA—REBEL—CALLIXTE Mbarushimana (47), in THE—HAGUE—NETHERLANDS, —AFTER 1—PARIS appeals court ruling in November approved the transfer to THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT.
20110125             —CLASHED, SUDAN—ARMY, with Darfur rebels for the 2. time in 1—WEEK.
20110125             Insurgents said they shot down 1—HELICOPTER—GUNSHIP, killing at least 3—PEOPLE.
20110125             —FACED, THAILAND—GOVERNMENT, renewed street protests as THE—RIGHT—WING nationalist group that seized BANGKOK—AIRPORTS 2—YEARS ago gathered in the capital to pressure THE—PRIME—MINISTER over 1—LAND—DISPUTE with CAMBODIA.
20110125             —KILLED, In the south 9—PEOPLE were, by 1—ROADSIDE bomb, where 1—ISLAMIC—SEPARATIST—INSURGENCY has entered its 8. —YEAR.
20110125             —PRESSURED, TUNISIA, protesters, the new interim government to quit in THE—WAKE—OF—PRESIDENT—ZINE—EL—ABIDINE—BEN—ALI—OUSTER, as the cabinet prepared 1—MAJOR—SHAKE—UP.
20110125             —CALLED, Human Rights Watch, on THE—USA to return VIETNAM to 1—LIST—OF—THE—WORLD—WORST abusers of religious freedom, accusing it of continuously harassing SOME—GROUPS trying to worship peacefully.
20110125             ZIMBABWE—WILDLIFE CHIEF said poachers are using aircraft to hunt and kill rhinoceros as demand in ASIA for their horns' supposed medicinal benefits grows.
20110125             I'll write more about this —LATER.
20110125             LEBANON NEWS—NOW LEBANON—FELTMAN to discuss TUNISIA, LEBANON in...
20110125             "The other significant news —TODAY is 1—VISIT by Assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JEFFREY—FELTMAN to TUNIS ".
20110125             [Published 15—HOURS—AGO by The.
20110125             THE—TUNISIA n people should be on guard: —WHEN Feltman wants...
20110125             Key diplomat says USA approves of TUNISIA REVOLT—SILOBREAKER
20110125             JEFFREY—D—FELTMAN, assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—NEAR...
20110125             Conflict in TUNISIA - THE—ANGRY—ARAB—NEWS—SERVICE.
20110125             1—SOURCE on politics, war, the.
20110125             Feltman in TUNISIA—THE—ANGRY—ARAB News Service
20110125             —HAPPENED, Feltman : 'What, in TUNISIA strikes me as uniquely TUNISIA n '.
20110125             USA: TUNISIA example can spur reform
20110125             THE—USA is hoping that the "example" of THE—TUNISIA n uprising will bring reform to other parts of the region, JEFFREY—FELTMAN, the country's...
20110125             —REJECTED, Feltman flatly, reports, circulating in local and.
20110125             Bingham said Homo sapiens has been so successful as 1—SPECIES because of 3—FACTORS: Social organization and cooperation, language, which helps with the former factor, and the ability to throw long distance.
20110125             —ALLOWED, This trio, Homo sapiens to "take down all the potential competition," Bingham said.
20110125             said GEOFFREY—BINGHAM, professor in IU—DEPARTMENT—OF—PSYCHOLOGICAL and Brain Sciences.
20110125             "It was not —JUST language. It was language and throwing that led to the survival of Homo sapiens, and we are —NOW beginning to gain SOME—UNDERSTANDING of how these abilities are rapidly acquired by MEMBERS—OF—OUR species".
20110125             Krawalle in Ägypten: Tote bei Protesten gegen Mubarak
20110125             TERROR—PROZESS: Lebenslange Haft für EX—GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLING
20110125             Rede zur Lage der Nation: Obama startet Operation Wiederwahl
20110125             In den vergangenen Monaten maßen Meteorologen das stärkste LA—NIÑA—EREIGNIS —SEIT den siebziger Jahren;
20110125             es hatte im Juni begonnen.
20110125             Das Ereignis sei durch besonders starke Winde aufgefallen, die Meerestemperaturen hingegen kühlten lediglich um rund 1,5 Grad AB—LA Niña kann den Pazifik deutlich stärker abkühlen.
20110125             Sorge um Engpässe: EUROPA will Rohstoffe hamstern - "Mubarak, SAUDI—ARABIEN erwartet dich",
20110125             Den Demonstranten standen —BIS zu 30.000—POLIZISTEN gegenüber.
20110125             Vor dem nahe gelegenen Parlament setzten die Sicherheitskräfte Wasserwerfer und Tränengas ein, um die Menge zu vertreiben.
20110125             Es kam auch zu Rangeleien.
20110125             Das Innenministerium drohte mit Festnahmen.
20110125             Wie AFP—REPORTER berichteten, gelang es GRUPPEN—VON—DEMONSTRANTEN, 1—POLIZEIABSPERRUNG zu durchbrechen und sich auf Straßen in der Umgebung des Gerichtsgebäudes zu verteilen.
20110125             "Tunesien ist die Lösung", war auf großen Schildern zu lesen.
20110125             Wetterphänomen: La Niña kühlt Pazifikregion noch —BIS ins Frühjahr
20110125             Türkei: Lehrer darf nicht über Evolution sprechen
20110125             —ÜBERNIMMT, Libanons neuer Premier: HISBOLLAH—MILLIARDÄR, die Macht
20110125             Krawalle in Kairo: Tausende Ägypter marschieren gegen Mubarak
20110125             —GEWESEN, Die ZENSUR—SOFTWARE Ammar soll damals drauf und dran, sein, den PASSWORT—SCHATZ eines ganzen Landes zu stehlen.
20110125             Die ehemalige tunesische Regierung unter PRÄSIDENT—ZINE—EL—ABIDINE—BEN—ALI soll in einer beispiellosen Aktion Passworte ihrer Bürger ausgespäht haben.
20110125             —GEWESEN, Betroffen, seien die sozialen NETZWERKE—VON—FACEBOOK und Yahoo sowie Googles E—MAIL—DIENST, behaupten verschiedene Sicherheitsexperten.
20110125             FACEBOOK—SICHERHEITSCHEF JOE—SULLIVAN erklärt im "
20110125             —GEFUNDEN, Atlantic ", er habe Schadcode, mit dem Benutzernamen und Passworte tunesischer MITGLIEDER—VON—FACEBOOK, Google Mail und Yahoo abgeschöpft wurden.
20110125             Die Angriffe fielen ihm zuerst Ende Dezember auf, etwa zur selben Zeit, als Demonstranten die Absetzung des damaligen tunesischen Präsidenten BEN—ALI forderten.
20110125             Laut DANNY—O'BRIEN, INTERNET—RECHTLER des Journalistenverbandes CPJ (COMMITTEE—TO—PROTECT—JOURNALISTS), habe die Regierung eine —BEREITS im Einsatz befindliche ZENSUR—SOFTWARE—VON tunesischen Surfern AMMAR—GENANNT—DAHINGEHEND modifiziert, dass sie Facebook-, YAHOO—UND GOOGLE—MAIL—BESUCHER auf präparierte Websites umleitete.
20110125             Die dort eingegebenen Zugangsdaten sollen dann auf einen REGIERUNGS—SERVER umgeleitet worden sein.
20110125             Solche PHISHING—ANGRIFFE habe es —SCHON—SEIT Juni vergangenen Jahres gegeben, sagte O'Brien "THE—REGISTER".
20110125             NETZWELT—TICKER: Tunesiens EX—REGIERUNG hat angeblich Passworte mitgelesen
20110125             Abrüstung: Duma stimmt START—VERTRAG mit USA zu
20110125             Klamme Kommune: Britische Stadt will Schwimmbad mit Krematorium heizen
20110125             Der Aufruf zu dieser Demonstration war unter dem Titel "Revolution und Freiheit" verbreitet worden.
20110125             Protest richte sich gegen Korruption, Folter und Arbeitslosigkeit.
20110125             —FORDERUNGEN, Zu den, gehörten der Rücktritt von Innenminister Habib el Adli, dessen Polizei und Sicherheitsdiensten Menschenrechtsverstöße vorgeworfen werden, die Aufhebung des —SEIT Jahrzehnten geltenden Ausnahmezustands und 1—ERHÖHUNG—DES—MINDESTLOHNS.
20110125             1—GRUPPE von rund 10000000              Demonstranten versammelte sich in der Innenstadt von Kairo.
20110125             Sie riefen "MUBARAK—GEH, geh, wir wollen dich nicht".
20110125             Auf Plakaten stand: " Tunesien ist die Lösung".
20110125             Auch aus anderen Stadtteilen und von der SINAI—HALBINSEL wurden Proteste gemeldet.
20110125             Nach ANGABEN—DER—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTE beteiligten sich allein in der HAUPTSTADT etwa 15.000—MENSCHEN an verschiedenen Protestmärschen.
20110125             HAMBURG/BERLIN/Port ANTONIO—DER Schriftsteller PETER—PAUL—ZAHL ist im Alter von 66—JAHREN auf Jamaika gestorben.
20110125             Anarchist und Schriftsteller: PETER—PAUL—ZAHL ist tot
20110125             Diagnose: Ärzte erklären Chopins Halluzinationen
20110125             Unruhen in Ägypten: Demonstranten rufen zur Revolution auf
20110125             Terror in Moskau: Putin schwört Rache für FLUGHAFEN—ANSCHLAG
20110125             Verliehen wird der SCHMÄH—PREIS ("Public Eye Award") an diesem —FREITAG, —BIS dahin läuft noch die
20110125             Abstimmung im INTERNET.
20110125             Auf dem Spitzenplatz steht —ZURZEIT der finnische BIO—DIESEL—HERSTELLER Neste Oil, dem die Kritiker vorwerfen, Palmöl aus sozial und ökologisch schädlicher Produktion in Indonesien und MALAYSIA zu verkaufen (siehe Fotostrecke).
20110125             Hinter Neste Oil folgt im bisherigen Ranking der Ölkonzern BP, dessen Bohrinsel Deepwater Horizon 20100000              im Golf von Mexiko versank und die schlimmste Ölpest in der USA—GESCHICHTE verursachte.
20110125             Auf Platz 3—DER Internetabstimmung steht momentan das Tabakunternehmen PHILIPP—MORRIS, das "gegen Nichtraucherschutzgesetze in URUGUAY klagt und damit den staatlichen Gesundheitsschutz unterminiert", wie die Organisatoren erklären.
20110125             Nichts macht Spaß, wenn man nicht gut darin ist.
20110125             Und dafür muss man hart arbeiten.
20110125             Doch Kinder wollen von sich selbst aus niemals arbeiten.
20110125             Darum ist es entscheidend, sich über ihre Vorlieben hinwegzusetzen.
20110125             Das erfordert Strenge, denn das Kind wird sich widersetzen.
20110125             Als sie 3—WAR, las sie Sartre.
20110125             Die Erhebungen offenbaren Verwirrung unter den USA—BÜRGERN, was das Sparen anbelangt.
20110125             Fragt man Amerikaner, ob der STAAT sparen soll, stimmen sie überwiegend zu.
20110125             Geht es jedoch um konkrete Kürzungen, von denen sie möglicherweise selber betroffen sind, ändern sie schnell ihre Meinung.
20110125             rund 14—BILLIONEN Dollar beträgt mittlerweile die USA—STAATSVERSCHULDUNG.
20110125             Zu den frühen Warnzeichen zählten die Studienautoren unter anderem eine besonders niedrige Frustrationsschwelle, wenig Geduld beim Erreichen von Zielen und Schwierigkeiten beim konzentrierten Erledigen von Aufgaben über eine längere Zeit hinweg.
20110125             "Entlang dieses Spektrums von Selbstkontrolle war das Ergebnis im Erwachsenenalter vorhersagbar", schreibt Chefautor Terrie Moffitt von der DUKE—UNIVERSITÄT—IM—USA—BUNDESSTAAT—NORTH—CAROLINA.
20110125             Gemeinsame Erklärung: Bundestagsfraktionen gegen Patente auf Tiere und Pflanzen
20110125             Sexskandal: Berlusconi rastet in TV—SHOW aus
20110125             Tunesien ist extrem abhängig vom Konjunkturverlauf in EUROPA, weswegen es auch die Schockwellen der EURO—KRISE zu spüren bekam.
20110125             auch ein extrem repressiver Polizeistaat mit liberaler Fassade keine Überlebensgarantie
20110125             Und wir messen mit zweierlei Maßstab: Wir glauben dass Demokratie für Stabilität in Weißrussland oder der UKRAINE sorgt, und fürchten gleichzeitig, dass sie in Nordafrika Chaos und Terror bringt.
20110125             Das ist ziemlich demütigend für einen Tunesier.
20110125             Man muss ehrlicherweise sagen, dass das "tunesische Modell" mit seiner Mischung aus autoritärer Herrschaft und halbwegs solider wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung in fast allen EU—STAATEN als Erfolgsmodell diskutiert wurde.
20110125             Sogar in Marokko haben EINIGE—BEGONNEN—VON—BEN—ALI zu schwärmen.
20110125             Nach der Revolution in Tunesien kann das in EUROPA oder Nordafrika aber niemand mehr ernsthaft tun.
20110125             —GESCHEITERT, Das BEN—ALI—MODELL ist endgültig.
20110125             Davon abgesehen hat BEN—ALI nicht nur die religiöse, sondern auch die säkulare Opposition abgeschafft.
20110125             Er hat jegliche Demokratie im Keim erstickt.
20110125             Und damit im Ergebnis eher noch die Extremisten gestärkt.
20110125             Der politische Islam ist kein einheitlicher Block,
20110125             Bei Folter und Repressionen hat man einfach die Augen zugedrückt.
20110125             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Die EU hat sich im Umgang mit Tunesien nicht gerade mit Ruhm bekleckert.
20110125             "Die äußere Schicht des Käferschneckenzahns ist das härteste Biomaterial, das man kennt", sagt Derk Joester von der NORTH—WEST—UNIVERSITY—IN—EVANSTON, ILLINOIS.
20110125             Gleichzeitig ist es ZÄH—DAS heißt, es neigt nicht dazu, kleine Risse zu bilden.
20110125             Damit unterscheidet es sich von vielen anderen sehr harten Materialien, die oft spröde sind.
20110125             Lettland (25,7 Prozent), Litauen (20,6 Prozent) und Estland (19,7 Prozent), in den Balkanländern Rumänien (22,4 Prozent) und Bulgarien (21,8 Prozent) sowie in Griechenland (19,7 Prozent) und Spanien (19,5 Prozent).
20110125             Die niedrigsten Quoten wiesen die Tschechische REPUBLIK (8,6 Prozent), die Slowakei (11,0 Prozent), die Niederlande (11,1 Prozent) und Slowenien (11,3 Prozent)
20110125             1—PERSON ist nach EU—DEFINITION armutsgefährdet, wenn ihr Einkommen nach Einbeziehung staatlicher Transferleistungen weniger als 60—PROZENT—DES—MITTLEREN—EINKOMMENS ihres Landes beträgt.
20110125             Für einen allein lebenden Deutschen belief sich dieser Schwellenwert 20080000              auf 11.151—EURO im —JAHR.
20110125             1—PERSON ist nach EU—DEFINITION armutsgefährdet, wenn
20110125             DEUTSCHLAND, ist die Quote im Vergleich zur GESAMT—EU stärker gestiegen
20110125             EUROPA, waren 20080000              durchschnittlich 16,3 PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN armutsgefährdet.
20110125             mehr als 15—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN armutsgefährdet
20110125             ging die ZAHL—DER—ANLEGER, die direkt oder indirekt in Aktien investieren, auf rund 8,2 Millionen zurück.
20110125             Das ist der niedrigste Stand —SEIT mehr als 10—JAHREN:
20110125             Rede zur Lage der Nation: Obama lockt Republikaner in die Sparfalle
20110125             —INSTALLIERT, Hisbollah, Premier: "Partei Gottes" übernimmt Macht im Libanon
20110125             —GEFÄHRDET, Wirtschaftskrise: Dümpelnder Jobmarkt, weltweiten Aufschwung
20110125             Langzeitstudie: Schwierige Kinder tun sich als Erwachsene schwer
20110125             Riesige ANLEIHE—NACHFRAGE: EU—KRISENFONDS besteht Feuertaufe
20110125             Revolution in Tunesien: "In dieser Phase hängt viel von EUROPA ab"
20110125             Anschlag auf Moskauer Flughafen: Terrorakt stellt Medwedews Friedenskurs in Frage
20110125             BÖRSEN—SKEPSIS: Hunderttausende Deutsche stoßen ihre Aktien ab
20110125             Rohstoffförderung: Traum vom ARKTIS—ÖL wird teuer
20110125             Bizarrer Dinosaurier: Verwandter von T—REX hatte nur einen Finger
20110125             Materialforschung: Hart, härter, Weichtier
20110125             Weltwirtschaftsgipfel in Davos: Mächtiges Palaver im Pulverschnee
20110125             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Hang zur Leugnung der Realität"
20110125             Einkommenskluft: Fast jedem 6. Deutschen droht Armut
20110125             Ökostrom: EU fordert einheitliche Energiepolitik
20110125             —VERLIERT, Präsidententeam: Obama, seine Umweltberaterin
20110125             KONSUM—BOOM: Konjunkturplus versetzt Deutsche in Kaufrausch
20110125             —BELASTET, Rückforderung aus Ägypten: Streit um Nofretete, Archäologen
20110125             Nachfrageschub: CHINA und Indien bescheren Siemens BOOM—BILANZ
20110125             Bayerns Kultusminister zu Schulreformen: "In NRW findet 1—BILDUNGS—STAATSSTREICH statt"
20110125             SAUDI—ARABIEN: Lichtzauber im Wüstensand
20110125             —GEFEIERT, Skandalschiff "Gorch Fock": Besatzung soll ALKOHOL—EXZESSE, haben
20110125             Live tweets: "Dostor: ALEXANDRIA starts 1. —DAY—OF—OPEN—SIT—IN in Sidi Jaber sq. despite rain.
201101250906         "There are live broadcasts 24/7—SHOWING only 1—SIDE—OF—THE—STORY, only 1—SIDE," he tells THE—BBC World Service.
20110125—20010000    —J—IM, Zu Zeiten des Börsenbooms war die ZAHL—DER—AKTIONÄRE und Fondsbesitzer in Deutschland auf fast 13—MILLIONEN geschnellt.
20110125—20020000    —IN—THE, The senior INDONESIA—AL—QAIDA operative was wanted Bali bombings.
20110125—20090000    —CHARGED, He was, with 11—COUNTS—OF—CRIMES against humanity and war crimes, including murder, rape, persecution based on gender, and extensive DESTRUCTION—OF—PROPERTY by the Hutu FDLR.
20110125—20090600    —IN, GABON—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ANDRE—MBA—OBAME took THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE declaring himself the new leader, challenging THE—AUTHORITY—OF—PRESIDENT—ALI—BONGO, THE—SON—OF—GABON—LONGTIME dictator who † —AFTER a 41-year rule.
20110125—20110128    —ON, federal prosecutors charged 2—FEDERAL—POLICE—OFFICERS with killing the bodyguard.
20110125—20110329    —ON, Intelligence officials in INDONESIA and PHILIPPINES made the arrest public.
20110125—20110602    —ARRESTED, RYAN—SISON, 1—SUSPECT in the bombing, was, in 1—RAID in LUCENA city in Quezon province.
20110125—20300000    —J—IM, Wegen des technischen Fortschritts werde die Nachfrage nach Gallium etwa 20-mal so hoch sein wie 20060000             , heißt es nun in dem Entwurf.
20110126             CAIRO, 20110125           .
20110126—20110125    —HAPPENED, FELTMAN : 'What, in TUNISIA strikes me as uniquely TUNISIA n '.
20110126—20110125    FELTMAN :
20110126—20110125    "We have long called for greater political space in TUNISIA ," he said.
20110126—20110125    THE—USA is hoping that the "example" of THE—TUNISIA n uprising will bring reform to other parts of the region,
20110128—20110125    The other significant news —TODAY is 1—VISIT by Assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JEFFREY—FELTMAN to TUNIS.
20110128—20110125    I'll write more about this —LATER.
20110128—20110125    FELTMAN to discuss TUNISIA, LEBANON in PARIS... Affairs JEFFREY—FELTMAN will HEAD—TO—PARIS —ON—WEDNESDAY to hold talks with FRANCE—OFFICIALS...
20110128—20110125    "The other significant news —TODAY is 1—VISIT by Assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JEFFREY—FELTMAN to TUNIS.
20110128—20110125    THE—TUNISIA n people should be on guard: —WHEN FELTMAN wants...
20110128—20110125    Jeffrey D. FELTMAN, assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—NEAR...
20110128—20110125    FELTMAN to PARIS —WEDNESDAY for Talks on LEBANON, TUNISIA THE—TOP—RANKING USA envoy for THE—MIDDLE—EAST, JEFFREY—FELTMAN, said he would...
20110128—20110125    THE—ANGRY—ARAB—NEWS—SERVICE.
20110128—20110125    1—SOURCE on politics, war, the.
20110128—20110125    —UNRUHEN, Die, hatten begonnen.
20110129—20110125    —SINCE, 1 enraged mob killed 3—POLICE in THE—SINAI—TOWN—OF—RAFAH, bringing the overall death toll from the nationwide protests to at least 48.
20110201—20110125    —ON, Even the Israelis were caught completely unaware:, THE—DAY—WHEN massive protests 1. erupted across EGYPT, MAJOR—GENERAL—AVIV—KOCHAVI, newly appointed HEAD—OF—ISRAEL—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—DIRECTORATE, told 1—KNESSET committee that "there are no doubts about THE—STABILITY—OF—THE—REGIME in EGYPT" and that "the Muslim Brotherhood is not organized enough to take over".
2011020400909        More from THE—BBC—LYSE—DOUCET tweets: "More soldiers #Qasr Nil entrance Tahrir sq. Double coils razor wire thrown across street.
2011020400909        But mood relaxed #EGYPT
20110205—20110125    —AM, Die Zollbehörden, die für den Export explosiver Produkte zuständig seien, hätten die Lieferung von Materialien wie Tränengasbomben —BEREITS gestoppt.
20110206             Suleiman also met separately with 6—YOUNG—PEOPLE representing protesters in Tahrir Square, who call themselves part of 20110125             —THE movement, named —AFTER the date the protests began, according to STATE—RUN TV.
20110207—20110125    —SPARKED, He was 1—KEY organizer of the online campaign that, the 1. protest.
20110208             —DECLARED, More than 500—MEDIA—FIGURES, their REJECTION—OF—OFFICIAL—MEDIA—COVERAGE—OF—20110125             —THE uprising and demanded that MINISTER—OF—INFORMATION—ANAS—EL—FIKKI stepdown.
20110209—20110125    —AM, Wir haben niemanden um Erlaubnis gefragt, und wir werden auch künftig niemanden um Erlaubnis fragen", sagt er.
20110210             Der GOOGLE—MITARBEITER gilt als einer Organisatoren der Proteste vom 20110125             , die den Aufruhr in Ägypten ausgelöst hatten.
20110211—20110125    —SEIT—DEM, HAMBURG—DER Protest gegen die Regierung in Ägypten hat an manchen Stellen etwas von einem Festival: Die Demonstranten sind überwiegend jung, viele kleiden sich BUNT—UND beweisen bei ihrer Ablehnung des Regimes teilweise amüsante Kreativität.
201102260125         —PM, Security forces are deployed —AROUND mosques in THE—LIBYA n capital,
201102260125         —PM Security forces are deployed —AROUND mosques in THE—LIBYA n capital, TRIPOLI, fearing protests —WHEN—FRIDAY prayers end shortly, AL—JAZEERA—ARABIC—REPORTS.
20110811—20110125    —ON, THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED militant, had a $1—MILLION bounty on his head —WHEN authorities caught up with him in Abbottabad.
20120118             —DELIVERED, FIELD—MARSHAL—HUSSEIN—TANTAWI, 1—THINLY veiled warning to ANTI—MILITARY—ACTIVISTS planning 1—WAVE—OF—PROTESTS to mark 20120125             —THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—START—OF—THE uprising.
20120123—20120125    —ON, MEXICO STATE—PROSECUTOR—ALFREDO—CASTILLO said the officers from THE—TOWN—OF—IXTAPALUCA had asked THE—4—LA Familia Michoacana cartel members in the vehicle for 6,000 pesos (about $460) to let them go.
20120124             This would become effective 20120125             , the 1. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—START—OF—THE—POPULAR uprising that toppled longtime AUTHORITY—RULER—HOSNI Mubarak.
20120125             USA Federal Reserve Chairman BEN—BERNANKE said that it would likely not raise interest rates —UNTIL the end of 20140000           .
20120125             THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE took the historic step of setting 1—INFLATION—TARGET—OF—2%, 1—VICTORY for Chairman BEN—BERNANKE that brings the Fed in line with MANY—OF—THE—WORLD—OTHER—MAJOR—CENTRAL—BANKS.
20120125             —REMAINED, USA—INFLATION, below 2% for 59—OF—THE—NEXT 63—MONTHS.
20120125             —AGREED, FORMER—USA—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS—EMPLOYEE—MICHAEL—ALEXANDER, to plead guilty to charges of participating in a $20—MILLION—BRIBERY and kickback scheme involving THE—AWARDING—OF—GOVERNMENT—CONTRACTS related to software encryption devices.
20120125             —KILLED, USA—NAVY—SEAL Team 6, the same unit that, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, parachuted into SOMALIA under COVER—OF—DARKNESS and crept up to 1—OUTDOOR—CAMP where 1—USA—WOMAN and DENMARK—MAN were being held hostage.
20120125             9—KIDNAPPERS were killed and USA—JESSICA Buchanan and Poul HAGEN Thisted were freed.
20120125             Boeing won its largest ever order from EUROPE as NORWAY—AIR—SHUTTLE ordered 122—PLANES.
20120125             The deal was worth $11.4—BILLION at list prices.
20120125             —PLANNED, NAS also, to buy some 100—AIRBUSES.
20120125             The total package for 222—PLANES was about $10—BILLION.
20120125             1—STUDY—OF—FREAKISH—CONDITION called Morgellons was released.
20120125             It concluded that Morgellons exists only in the patients' minds.
20120125             —FIRED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROCKET, by Taliban insurgents killed 1—WOMAN and her child in Kapisa province.
20120125             —ARRESTED, AZERBAIJAN officials said 2—MEN have been, in 1—PLOT to assassinate ISRAEL—TARGETS in BAKU.
20120125             —SUSPECTED—OF, Local mercenaries, being recruited by 1—WELL—KNOWN gangster with ties to IRAN, were arrested.
20120125             —ARRESTED, AZERBAIJAN—MEDIA—LATER said that 2—IRAN—QUDS Force members were.
20120125             In addition, —AROUND 20—PEOPLE, mostly from the same family, were arrested in connection with the planned attacks, in 1—VILLAGE on the outskirts of BAKU.
20120125             —FIRED, Security forces in BAHRAIN, tear gas and stun grenade —AFTER opposition groups staged 1—RARE—MARCH into THE—CENTER—OF—THE—CAPITAL—MANAMA.
20120125             —COLLAPSED, BRAZIL, 1—BUILDING of some 20—STORIES, in RIO—DE—JANEIRO causing 2—OTHER—SMALLER—BUILDINGS to also come down.
20120125             —KILLED, At least 17—PEOPLE were, and —AFTER—3—DAYS 7—PEOPLE remained missing.
20120125             —DECLARED, CongoDRC aid workers, "1—HUMANITARIAN—CATASTROPHE" in SOUTH—EAST—CONGO, and blamed the recent deaths of at least 25—PEOPLE on Kyungu "Gedeon" Mutanga, 1—FEARED—MAI—MAI warlord who broke OUT—OF—JAIL—LATE—LAST—YEAR.
20120125             —RALLIED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—EGYPTIANS, to mark the 1. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S 20110000              uprising, with liberals and Islamists gathering on different SIDES—OF—CAIRO—TAHRIR—SQUARE.
20120125             —DECLARED, The ruling generals have, 20120125              1—NATIONAL—HOLIDAY to mark the occasion.
20120125             Previously, 20120125              was Police —DAY.
20120125             —RAIDED, GERMANY—POLICE, the homes of 4 alleged SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—NATIONALIST—SOCIALIST—UNDERGROUND—GROUP, 1—NEO—NAZI group linked to the killings of 9—IMMIGRANTS and 1—POLICEWOMAN over the past —DECADE.
20120125             —SIGNED, THE—HAITI—GOVERNMENT and European Union, 1—AGREEMENT for building 1—ROAD to connect the capital with the country's 2. largest city.
20120125             WEST—INDIA, bus driver Santosh Mane (30) went on 1—RAMPAGE in CENTRAL—PUNE, killing at least 9—PEOPLE and injuring dozens —DURING RUSH—HOUR.
20120125             —KILLED, INDONESIA, 7—PEOPLE were, and 51 injured as heavy rains from by Tropical Cyclone Iggy lashed the country, bringing down trees and power lines and damaging HUNDREDS—OF—HOMES.
20120125             JAPAN—NISSAN said it will invest $2—BILLION in 1—NEW auto plant in AGUASCALIENTES—MEXICO.
20120125             LIBYA, Defense MINISTER—OSAMA—AL—JUWALI sought 1—SOLUTION to the clashes in Bani Walid between locals still loyal to Gadhafi and FORCES—OF—THE—NEW—REGIME.
20120125             Juili said that Bani Walid was under government control and that the fighting was 1—INTERNAL—PROBLEM between 2—GROUPS—OF—YOUNG—MEN, 1—OF—THEM being 20120528             —THE Brigade.
20120125             —WOUNDED, PAKISTAN, 3—LAWYERS were shot dead and a 4., in 1—DRIVE—BY sectarian attack in KARACHI.
20120125             The victims were minority Shiite Muslims.
20120125             6—PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS and 17—TALIBAN militants were killed in 1—OVERNIGHT clash in Jogi village of CENTRAL—KURRAM tribal DISTRICT—NEAR—THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20120125             —FEARED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 9—PHOSPHATE miners were, dead —AFTER they were buried by 1—LARGE landslide in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
20120125             —EXPLODED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—ARTILLERY round accidentally, —WHILE 1—WELDER and police commandos tinkered with it with 1—ACETYLENE torch, killing 4—PEOPLE, including 2—POLICEMEN, in MANILA.
20120125             —REGISTERED, RUSSIA—BILLIONAIRE MIKHAIL—PROKHOROV was, as 1—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE and will be the only political newcomer in the race.
20120125             He joined PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN and 3—VETERAN—PARTY—LEADERS on the ballot for the March vote.
20120125             His wording kept open the option maximum SELF—GOVERNMENT.
20120125             —KILLED, At least 15—SOMALIA—MIGRANTS were, and 40—LEFT missing —AFTER their boat capsized off THE—COAST—OF—LIBYA.
20120125             The boat had been carrying 55—SOMALIS and the other passengers were still missing.
20120125             SUDAN, arson and looting broke out in THE—WAR—RAVAGED Darfur region —AFTER 1—PROTEST against the appointment of 1—NEW—GOVERNOR.
20120125             —TURNED, Hundreds had, out in NYALA to show support for ABDUL—HAMID—KASHA, the ousted elected GOVERNOR.
20120125             —OFFERED, Kasha was, the post of GOVERNOR in the newly created STATE—OF—EAST—DARFUR but refused.
20120125             —GATHERED, Corporate leaders, in DAVOS—SWITZERLAND, for the annual World Economic Forum.
20120125             CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL—OF—GERMANY was the opening speaker.
20120125             —CLASHED, CENTRAL—SYRIA, government forces, with army defectors and stormed rebellious districts, firing mortars and deploying snipers in violence that killed at least 7—PEOPLE.
20120125             THE—UN said that the worldwide fishing industry could benefit from a $50—BILLION boost annually if stocks were allowed time to recover.
20120125             1—UN—ENVIRONMENT—PROGRAM—REPORT released in THE—PHILIPPINES—SAID 32—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—FISH—STOCKS have already been depleted by YEARS—OF—OVERFISHING and poor coastal management.
20120125             —KILLED, Fresh clashes in SOUTH—YEMEN, 6—AL—QAIDA militants and injured 10—SOLDIERS.
20120125             Residents of Radda, 100—MILES (160—KM) SOUTH—OF—SANAA, held street celebrations, firing guns in the air to celebrate the withdrawal of AL—QAIDA gunmen from their town.
20120125—20020000    —UNTIL, The syndrome wasn't named, —WHEN "Morgellons" was chosen from a 16740000              medical paper describing similar symptoms.
20120125—20080000    —IN, Federal health officials began the study.
20120125—20140000    —AUTUMN—OF, SCOTLAND—1. MINISTER, ALEX—SALMOND, announced the wording of 1—REFERENDUM on the nation's independence, scheduled for the, in 1—CONSULTATION—DOCUMENT.
20130125             1—USA federal appeals court ruled that PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA violated THE—USA—CONSTITUTION—WHEN he used recess appointments to fill 1—LABOR—BOARD, 1—DECISION that could curtail THE—PRESIDENT—OPTIONS in filling vacancies.
20130125             The panel said the Senate was not truly in recess —WHEN Obama made his appointments.
20130125             —AGREED, WASHINGTON and BEIJING, that ANY—NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—TEST will lead to NORTH—KOREA—FURTHER—ISOLATION and set back efforts to restart regional talks.
20130125             —SENTENCED, CIA veteran JOHN—KIRIAKOU was, to 30—MONTHS in prison for leaking 1—COVERT—OFFICER'S—IDENTITY to 1—REPORTER.
20130125             —SUSPENDED, Twitter, the account used by SOMALIA—AL—QAIDA—LINKED militant group —2—DAYS—AFTER AL—SHABAB used the platform to announce 1—DEATH—THREAT against KENYA—HOSTAGES unless KENYA—GOVERNMENT—MEETS—ITS—DEMANDS.
20130125             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER, 5—CIVILIANS and wounded another 25 in 1 botched attempt to hit 1—CONVOY—OF—NATO—SUPPLY—TRUCKS in kapisa province.
20130125             —CLASHED, BAHRAIN, HUNDREDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS, with riot police in MANAMA —AFTER authorities denied 1—REQUEST for 1—MAJOR—OPPOSITION—RALLY.
20130125             —PUBLISHED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, 1—BILL to legalize SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE, and said lawmakers will get their 1. vote on it in PARLIAMENT next —MONTH.
20130125             1—CANADA—POLICE—REPORT said 1—SON—OF—DEPOSED—LIBYA—LEADER—MUAMMAR Gaddafi allegedly received 120—MILLION—EUROS ($162—MILLION) in bribes for giving major contracts in LIBYA to SNC—LAVALIN Inc, CANADA—BIGGEST engineering and construction company.
20130125             The report did not make clear —WHEN the alleged bribes occurred.
20130125             CALGARY—BASED Griffiths Energy INTERNATIONAL will pay 1—C$10.35—MILLION ($10.26—MILLION) fine —AFTER 1—CANADA—COURT accepted 1—SETTLEMENT between the company and prosecutors.
20130125             —ADMITTED, The company had, to bribing the wife of 1—CHAD—DIPLOMAT.
20130125             CHINA, 1—SCANDAL involving CHINA—CITY—OFFICIALS having sex with women hired by developers who secretly videotaped the trysts to extort construction deals broadened with state media announcing that 10—MORE—OFFICIALS have been fired.
20130125             —SENTENCED, Blanco was, to nearly 38—YEARS in prison.
20130125             1—SENIOR—JAPAN—ENVOY handed CHINA—LEADER, Xi Jinping, 1—CORDIAL letter from PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE in THE—HIGHEST—LEVEL—CONTACT between the sides —SINCE tensions spiked in September over 1—ISLAND—DISPUTE, though the meeting yielded little beyond commitments to hold further contact.
20130125             EGYPT—SCHISM was on display as the mainly liberal and secular opposition held rallies saying THE—GOALS—OF—THE—PRO—DEMOCRACY uprising have not been met and denouncing Islamist PRESIDENT—MOHAMMED—MORSI.
20130125             —KILLED, At least 11—PEOPLE were, as tens of thousands took to the streets to deliver 1—ANGRY—BACKLASH against Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood.
20130125             —STORMED, GREECE—RIOT—POLICE, THE—ATHENS subway train depot —BEFORE dawn to enforce 1—GOVERNMENT—EMERGENCY—ORDER forcing striking staff back to work in 1—ESCALATING standoff over new austerity measures.
20130125             —KILLED, HAITI, up to 20—PEOPLE were, —AFTER their truck plunged into 1—CANAL.
20130125             THE—HONDURAS Congress went on recess.
20130125             —PASSED, Lawmakers had only partially, 1—BUDGET to pay SOME—OF—STATE—EMPLOYEES and contractors.
20130125             —UNDECIDED, That left, the budgets of autonomous institutions such as utilities and the port authority.
20130125             The country has been on THE—BRINK—OF—BANKRUPTCY for months, as lawmakers put off passing 1—BUDGET.
20130125             —KILLED, IRAQ—TROOPS, 5—PROTESTERS—WHEN they opened fire at demonstrators angry at the troops for preventing them from attending 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RALLY in FALLUJAH.
20130125             —ATTACKED, Gunmen, 1—ARMY—CHECKPOINT in FALLUJAH, killing 2—SOLDIERS and prompting local authorities to impose 1—CURFEW in the city.
20130125             —PUSHED, MALI—MILITARY and FRANCE—FORCES, toward the Islamic extremist stronghold in THE—CITY—OF—GAO, in their farthest push EAST—SINCE launching 1—OPERATION 2—WEEKS ago to retake land controlled by the rebels.
20130125             MEXICO, 16—MEMBERS—OF—KOMBO—KOLOMBIA and their crew were reported missing early —TODAY—AFTER playing 1—PRIVATE—SHOW in 1—BAR—LATE last night in the town, HIDALGO, Nuevo LEON state.
20130125             —PELTED, NORTH—IRELAND—POLICE were, by petrol bombs for the 1. time in almost 2—WEEKS on —FRIDAY—AFTER more protests at THE—REMOVAL—OF—THE—UK—FLAG from BELFAST City Hall.
20130125             —THREATENED, NORTH—KOREA, to attack rival SOUTH—KOREA if SEOUL joined 1—NEW—ROUND—OF tightened UN sanctions, as WASHINGTON unveiled more of its own economic restrictions —FOLLOWING PYONGYANG—ROCKET—LAUNCH last —MONTH.
20130125             NORWAY—ENERGY—COMPANY—STATOIL ASA said 2—NORWAY—EMPLOYEES missing —AFTER 1—TERROR—ATTACK on 1—GAS—PLANT in ALGERIA have been confirmed dead.
20130125             —DETAINED, RUSSIA—POLICE, 20—GAY—RIGHTS—CAMPAIGNERS and militant Orthodox Christian activists near the country's PARLIAMENT as it overwhelmingly backed 1—BILL that would ban "homosexual propaganda".
20130125             —SHELLED, SYRIA—TROOPS, THE—CITY—OF—HOMS and soldiers battled rebels —AROUND the central province with the same name.
20130125             1—AMATEUR—VIDEO—POSTED online by activists showed rockets slamming into buildings in THE—REBEL—HELD TOWN—OF—RASTAN.
20130125             Activist groups said at least 140—PEOPLE were in fighting nationwide.
20130125             —ERUPTED, VENEZUELA, violence, at Uribana prison in THE—CITY—OF—BARQUISIMETO —WHEN GROUPS—OF—INMATES attacked National Guard troops who were attempting to carry out 1—INSPECTION.
20130125             —REACHED, The death toll, 58 with some 120 wounded.
20130125             Regional civic campaign group AfriForum said it is taking legal action to stop ZIMBABWE from taking DELIVERY—OF—HELICOPTER—GUNSHIPS from neighboring SOUTH—AFRICA.
20130125             Wehrbeauftragter: Soldaten sollen mehr Schlaf bekommen - Ausbildung: Jeder 4.
20130125             GRIECHENLAND—POLIZEI geht gegen streikende U—BAHN—ARBEITER vor
20130125             Stellenabbau: COMMERZ—BANK—BETRIEBSRAT nennt SPAR—PLÄNE nicht verhandelbar
20130125             Gesetz im USA—KONGRESS—DEMOKRATEN wollen 150—WAFFENMODELLE verbieten
20130125             Leben auf der Erde: —FORSCHER halten ARTEN—INVENTUR —BIS 2100—FÜR möglich
20130125             Tödliches Trauma bei NAVY—SEAL: Futter für die Bestie
20130125             [l] Wenn ihr gerade in der SCHWEIZ oder grenznahen Gebieten in ÖSTERREICH unterwegs seid, und euch über DIE—EUROFIGHTER wundert: Das ist die "LUFT—RAUMSICHERUNG"für das WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSFORUM in DAVOS.
20130125             alfatomega.com/20090209.html
20130125             Geschäftsklima: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT kommt in Stimmung
20130125             ARBEIT—BEDINGUNGEN: APPLE kündigt chinesischer Firma wegen ARBEITern unter 16
20130125             GEWALT—GEGEN—FRAUEN: Diskriminieren, misshandeln, tabuisieren
20130125             KRITIK—AN—REGIERUNG: Verband fürchtet Zerschlagung von BANKEN
20130125             Investorenlegende: SOROS WARNT—VOR—WÄHRUNGS—KRIEG
20130125             Entspannung an den Märkten: BANKEN zahlen EZB—EURO zurück
20130125             —APPELLIERT, BERICHTE—ÜBER—MENSCHEN—RECHTSVERSTÖßE: Malische Regierung, an eigene Soldaten
20130125             EZB—PRÄSIDENT: MARIO—DRAGHI setzt weiter auf KRISEN—POLITIK
20130125             † AARON—SWARTZ: UNIVERSITÄT bittet um Fragen zur Aufklärung
20130125             —VERSPRICHT, Aufrüstung DER—BUNDESWEHR: EADS, KAMPF—DROHNE binnen 1—JAHR
20130125             ESM—CHEF—REGLING zur EURO—KRISE, "In DEUTSCHLAND ist die Stimmung aggressiv"
20130125             Teure FachZEITSCHRIFTen: Mathematiker —PROBEN — AUFSTAND—GEGEN—VERLAGE
20130125—20010312    —ON, 1—COLOMBIA JUDGE—CONVICTED—JAIME—BLANCO, 1—FORMER—CONTRACTOR for USA—BASED Drummond Coal, of murder for being the mastermind of the killing of 2—UNION—LEADERS.
20130313—20110125    —LEAKED, EGYPT, 1, report concluded that police were behind THE—KILLING—OF—NEARLY 900—PROTESTERS in Tahrir Square —DURING THE—18—DAY—UPRISING that began.
20140115—20140125    —ACCUSED—OF, Tohti was, leading 1—SEPARATIST—GROUP that advocates violence to overthrow CHINA—RULE in Xinjiang.
20140125             —CENSURED, ARIZONA—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN, 77—JAHRE—ALT citing his voting record as too liberal.
20140125             —KILLED, MARYLAND, 1—SHOOTER at the Mall in COLUMBIA, 2—YOUNG—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—ZUMIEZ skateboard shop and then took his own life.
20140125             —GATHERED, UTAH, some 4,000 protesters, in Salt lake City to protests against poor air quality.
20140125             Michaels Stores said that it is investigating 1—POTENTIAL—SECURITY breach involving customers' credit card information.
20140125             —NEGOTIATED, CHILE—PORT workers, 1—SETTLEMENT with management and ended 1—MORE than 3—WEEK—OLD—STRIKE that had slowed copper, fruit and other shipments from the world's top copper producer.
20140125             —STRESSED, ECUADOR, it wanted THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—MILITARY—STAFF on its territory reduced, and warned it also would not allow USA "espionage equipment".
20140125             —KILLED, EGYPT, at least 49—PEOPLE were, —DURING ANTI—GOVERNMENT—MARCHES as thousands rallied in SUPPORT—OF—THE—ARMY—LED authorities on the 3. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S 20110000           .
20140125             EGYPT, MAHMOUD—MOHAMMED—AHMED, 18—JAHRE—ALT, 1—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENT, was arrested at 1—CHECKPOINT—NORTH—OF—CAIRO for wearing 1—T—SHIRT with 1—SLOGAN against torture.
20140125             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE, his separation from 1. lady Valerie Trierweiler —FOLLOWING 1—MEDIA—STORM over allegations he is having 1—AFFAIR with 1—ACTRESS nearly 20—YEARS his junior.
20140125             1—IRAN—EMBASSY official who was kidnapped in SANAA in July was found beheaded in Naarib province, CENTRAL—YEMEN.
20140125             —KILLED, IRAQ, at least 17—PEOPLE were, in violence that included car bombs and 1—MORTAR attack on 1—SHI'ITE Muslim village near Baquba.
20140125             —RANSACKED, IVORY—COAST, 1—ANGRY—MOB "" THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST prominent gay rights organization, —FOLLOWING DAYS—OF—ANTI—GAY—PROTESTS in 1—COUNTRY generally seen as moderate on the issue.
20140125             —SEIZED, LIBYA, kidnappers, EGYPT—CULTURAL attache and 3—OTHER embassy staff in TRIPOLI, 1—DAY—AFTER another of its diplomats was abducted.
20140125             THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the country's largest Muslim rebel group, completed talks on 1—DEAL to end 4—DECADES—OF—FIGHTING.
20140125             —CALLED, SOMALIA—SHEBAB insurgents, for renewed attacks against foreign forces, —AFTER ARCH—ENEMY—ETHIOPIA joined the African Union force battling the extremists.
20140125             Residents in parts of SOMALIA under militant control said at least 1—CELLULAR telephone company has shut down data services in response to 1—THREAT from AL—QAIDA—LINKED extremists.
20140125             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT said that rebel fighters had, government troops —AFTER THE—CEASE—FIRE had come into force.
20140125             —SHOWED, New satellite images, that fighting has resulted in the intentional burning of some 750—HOMES—NEAR THE—TOWN—OF—BENTIU.
20140125             SYRIA—AIR—FORCE struck REBEL—HELD areas near DAMASCUS and ALEPPO.
20140125             SWITZERLAND, the 1. FACE—TO—FACE meeting between SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and the opposition hoping to overthrow PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD ended —AFTER barely 1—HALF—HOUR, with THE—2—SIDES facing EACH—OTHER silently as 1—UN—MEDIATOR laid groundwork for talks.
20140125             —WARNED, Officials, that police could storm the Kiev city hall to free 2—POLICEMEN allegedly captured by demonstrators.
20140125             —WRAPPED, YEMEN—FEUDING factions, up MONTHS—OF—NATIONAL—DIALOGUE aimed at drafting 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION and establishing 1—FEDERAL—STATE in 1—COUNTRY where southerners are clamoring for independence.
20140125             —AM, Mit der Amtseinführung seines Nachfolgers ANDRY—RAJOELINA endete die Amtszeit des Übergangspräsidenten
20140125             —CLASHED, Police, with protesters who blockaded 1—BUILDING in CENTRAL—KIEV and THE—FATE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT was uncertain —AFTER embattled PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YANUKOVICH offered opposition leaders key posts.
20140125—20140126    —ON, police identified the shooter as Darion MARCUS—AGUILAR, 19—JAHRE—ALT—OF—COLLEGE—PARK.
20140125—20140612    —PROTESTED, BRAZIL, at least 1,000 demonstrators, in SAO—PAULO against the World Cup, due to open, in 1—DEMONSTRATION that devolved into violence late in the night.
20140125—20160325    —RELEASED, He was.
20140126—20140125    —ON, explosives and † late.
20141229             —CALLED, GREECE, for 1—SNAP general election for 20140125          .
20150125             —EXPLODED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—TALIBAN truck bomb, in the capital, wounding 2—PEOPLE in the 1. attack targeting KABUL in almost 3—WEEKS.
20150125             —KIDNAPPED, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—MINISTER for youth and sport was, by gunmen in the capital, BANGUI, as he returned from church.
20150125             EGYPT, clashes between police and Islamist protesters in 1—EASTERN—CAIRO district left 9—DEMONSTRATORS dead.
20150125             —KILLED, Another protester was, in clashes in the Mediterranean port CITY—OF—ALEXANDRIA.
20150125             2 suspected Islamists were killed in the Nile Delta PROVINCE—OF—BEHEIRA —WHEN 1—EXPLOSIVE device they were planting under 1—HIGH—VOLTAGE—TOWER exploded.
20150125             —ARRESTED, Police, 516—SUPPORTERS—OF—THE blacklisted Muslim Brotherhood —DURING violence that erupted as the country marked the 4. ANNIVERSARY—OF—ITS 20150125              uprising.
20150125             Shaimaa Sabbagh (32) was shot.
20150125             1—PHOTOGRAPH of her bleeding to death went viral and caused 1—INTERNATIONAL—OUTCRY.
20150125             FRANCE, rescue workers found the bodies of 6—SKIERS who went missing 1—DAY—EARLIER—AFTER being carried away by 1—AVALANCHE.
20150125             GREECE held general elections.
20150125             THE—LEFT—WING Syriza party led by Alexis Tsipras won 149—SEATS in the 300-seat PARLIAMENT, leaving it —JUST 2—SEATS—SHORT—OF—1—OUTRIGHT majority and in need of 1—COALITION—PARTNER.
20150125             THE—INDEPENDENT—GREEKS won 13—SEATS.
20150125             INDIA, USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA and INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI unveiled 1—DEAL aimed at unlocking BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in nuclear trade, 1—STEP that both sides hope will help establish 1—ENDURING strategic partnership.
20150125             —RIPPED, IRAQ, 2—BOMBINGS, through commercial areas in BAGHDAD, killing at least 10—CIVILIANS and wounding dozens.
20150125             —ARMED, NORTH—IRAQ, GROUPS—OF—YAZIDIS raided 4—ARAB villages in Sinjar, killing at least 21—PEOPLE in reprisals against Sunni villagers they believe collaborated in atrocities inflicted by Islamic State on their community.
20150125             1—FURTHER 17—WENT missing.
20150125             —BRANDED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE, THE—MURDER—OF—SELF—EMPLOYED security contractor Haruna Yukawa by Islamic State militants as "outrageous and unforgivable" and demanded the immediate release of a 2. captive, amid 1—TIDE of global revulsion.
20150125             —KILLED, LIBYA, 6—PEOPLE were, —WHEN rockets hit residential houses in THE—CITY—OF—BENGHAZI.
20150125             —KILLED, NORTH—MALI, at least 2—SOLDIERS were, in 1—AMBUSH 30—MILES (45—KM) WEST—OF—TIMBUKTU.
20150125             —REPELLED, NIGERIA—MILITARY, 1—ATTACK by suspected Boko Haram militants on Borno STATE—CAPITAL—MAIDUGURI.
20150125             —KILLED, The assault, over 200—COMBATANTS, mostly insurgents.
20150125             —CONTINUED, In Adamawa state insurgents, SCORCHED—EARTH—ATTACKS on 6—VILLAGES.
20150125             1—MASSIVE—BLACKOUT struck PAKISTAN early —TODAY, leaving as much as 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY without electricity at its height as officials rushed to restore power.
20150125             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—ARMY said airstrikes have, 35—MILITANTS in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20150125             —KILLED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES 44—POLICE commandos were, in 1—CLASH with Muslim insurgents.
20150125             † 17—REBELS and 4—CIVILIANS also, in the deadly clash.
20150125             Mayor Tahirudin Benzar Ampatuan of Mamasapano town said DOZENS—OF—COMMANDOS had entered the village of Tukanalipao at dawn looking for 1—TOP—TERROR—SUSPECT, but had a "misencounter" with MEMBERS—OF—THE—MORO—ISLAMIC—LIBERATION—FRONT.
20150125             6—AMERICANS were —LATER confirmed present at the command center of the Special Action Force hours —BEFORE the raid.
20150125             —MARCHED, SPAIN, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, in cities to express their opposition to 1 proposed law that would set hefty fines for offenses like demonstrating outside PARLIAMENT buildings or strategic installations.
20150125             SYRIA, Islamist fighters struck DAMASCUS with at least 38—ROCKETS, killing 7—PEOPLE.
20150125             —BASED, THE—SAUDI—BACKED Islam Army, in THE—EAST—GHOUTA region near DAMASCUS, had warned —EARLIER that it would hit back against 1—AIR—STRIKE last —WEEK in Ghouta in which more than 40—PEOPLE were killed.
20150125             —LAUNCHED, EAST—UKRAINE, PRO—RUSSIA—REBELS, new attacks against government positions.
20150125             —THREATENED, Western countries, more sanctions against MOSCOW for backing 1—NEW—SEPARATIST—OFFENSIVE.
20150125             —INTERCEPTED, PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO said, radio and telephone conversations prove that RUSSIAN—BACKED separatists were responsible for firing the rockets that pounded Mariupol and killed at least 30—PEOPLE.
20150125             PEGIDA—DEMONSTRATIONEN: STEINMEIER sieht Ansehen Deutschlands beschädigt
20150125             IS—GEISEL—NAHME: JAPAN hält Enthauptungsvideo für authentisch
20150125             Verdrängte Jobs: Wenn Roboter DIE—ARBEIT übernehmen (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 08:21)
20150125             Gentechnik: Hungertrick soll UMWELT vor manipulierten Bakterien schützen
20150125             Instabile Lage: BUNDES—REGIERUNG stoppt offenbar WAFFEN—EXPORTE nach SAUDI—ARABIEN
20150125             Recherche zu Todesfall Nisman: Reporter fürchtet in ARGENTINIEN um sein Leben
20150125             REAKTION—AUF—RUSSISCHE Scheinangriffe: NATO stellt NUKLEAR—STRATEGIE auf den Prüfstand
20150125             Teams um GEORGE—CHURCH von der Harvard Medical School in BOSTON und FARREN—ISAACS von der YALE—UNIVERSITY—HABEN—GMO—STÄMME—DES—DARMBAKTERIUMS—E
20150125             es ist das 1.mal, dass Bakterien von künstlichen Aminosäuren abhängig gemacht wurden.
20150125             Roboter ersetzen zusehends INDUSTRIE—ARBEITER.
20150125             Das MEDIAN—ALTER WELT—WEIT ist 27,5—JAHRE.
20150125             KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, Und was ist mit der Gruppe, die älter ist als der Median?
20150125             Schoendorf: Um die mache ich mir Sorgen, genauer um die, die keine entsprechenden Kenntnisse des Informationszeitalters haben, deren ARBEIT—PLATZ durch Maschinen ersetzt wird.
20150125             deren ARBEIT—PLATZ durch Maschinen ersetzt wird.
20150125             KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, Damit stellen Sie aber auch in Frage, dass Innovation automatisch zu mehr Wohlstand führt.
20150125             Leben wir bald in 1—ART neuem Feudalismus?
20150125             Schoendorf: Nun, EINIGE—EUROPÄER fragten mich recht pessimistisch, ob das bedeute, dass DAS—KAPITALISTISCHE SYSTEM damit —AM—ENDE wäre.
20150125             Ich bin nun —SEIT—49—JAHREN im SILICON—VALLEY.
20150125             Ich sage aber, dass dies das größte Problem ist, was ich jemals gesehen habe.
20150125             Ich möchte, dass sie mir sagen, welchen besseren Job der Schweißer bekommt, der in der PRODUKTIONskette von Daimler ist und von Robotern ersetzt wird.
20150125             —VON, KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, Sind die Auswirkungen der digitalen REVOLUTION also negativer als die DER—INDUSTRIELLE—REVOLUTION?
20150125             Schoendorf: Ja.
20150125             Schoendorf: Das MIT hat in seinen Laboren beispielsweise —BEREITS 1—MASCHINE, die essen produzieren kann, ohne dass sie dafür 1—EINZIGES Saatkorn —PFLANZEN müssen.
20150125             das START—UP Biotec, das tierische Produkte entwickeln kann, ohne dass 1—BAUER dafür 1—EINZIGE Kuh züchten muss.
20150125             Das Leder kommt aus der Maschine.
20150125             Wir müssen uns 1—GESELLSCHAFT vorstellen, in der es weniger Arbeitsplätze gibt.
20150125             Wir werden sehen, dass das Bruttoinlandsprodukt weiter steigen wird, aber damit wird anders als FRÜHER keine steigende Beschäftigung einhergehen.
20150125             KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, In CHINA gab es kürzlich Proteste, weil —ARBEITER durch Roboter ersetzt wurden.
20150125             Schoendorf: Das sind die 1.Auswirkungen.
20150125             Das sind quasi Menschen, die nicht mehr beschäftigt werden müssen.
20150125             CHINAs Sicherheit hängt nicht zuletzt davon ab, dass es den Menschen Arbeit geben kann, aber DAS—LAND muss auch in 1—GLOBALISIERTEN Welt konkurrieren.
20150125             —GEGANGEN, ANDREAS—VON—BECHTOLSHEIM ist beispielsweise in DIE—USA, um Sun Microsystems zu gründen, weil er in DEUTSCHLAND nicht DAS—RISIKO hätte eingehen können.
20150125             1.Wenn - Wenn wir nicht so primitiv denken würden was Besitz betrifft wäre DAS—PROBLEM längst nicht so groß.
20150125             Wenn 10—MENSCHEN mit Hacke und Schaufel 0,5—HEKTAR Land PRO—TAG beackern können und durch 1—PERSON mit Traktor ersetzt werden, die 2—HEKTAR bearbeiten kann, liegt 1—PRODUKTIVITÄTSSTEIGERUNG vom Faktor 40—VOR.
20150125             es ist nunmal so, daß die zusätzliche Steigerung der Produktivität vom Eigentümer des Ackerlandes und des Traktors einbehalten wird.
20150125             —BEKOMMT, Der Fahrer, weiterhin seinen Lohn, der aufgrund der höheren Qualifikation auch höher ausfällt.
20150125             Aber natürlich nicht um der Faktor 40.
20150125             NATÜRLICH - Den erwirtschafteten Uberschuss eignet sich natürlich DER—EIGENTÜMER an.
20150125             DIE—RESTLICHEN 9—ARBEITER dürfen nun zuhause bleiben
20150125             DIE—LOHNQUOTE am Ertrag sinkt dann eklatant.
20150125             1—HÖHERE BE—STEUERUNG würde sicherlich die KAPITAL—AKKUMULATION bremsen, aber nicht stoppen
20150125             Denn wenn der Unternehmer durch die weitergehende Automatisierung keinen MEHR—GEWINN hätte, würde er sie auch nicht durchführen.
20150125             Deshalb ist 1—HÖHERE STEUER auch keine nachhaltige Lösung für diese Problematik sondern verschiebt den —TAG—DER—WAHRHEIT nur weiter in DIE—ZUKUNFT.
20150125             —FORDERUNGEN, Weshalb ich die dauernden, DER—LINKEN und auch der SPD in diesem Zusammenhang auch inkonsequent finde, weil nicht zuende gedacht.
20150125             Auch das Argument, die überschüssigen ARBEITS—KRÄFTE würden dann
20150125             in anderen Branchen unterkommen, ist nicht zuende gedacht.
20150125             selbst in der New Economy ist der Zwang
20150125             zur Steigerung der Produktivität oberstes Gebot.
20150125             Ja Arbeit ist —SCHON da, aber niemand will sie bezahlen.
20150125             Und BANKEN verweigern Kredite für die Selbstständigkeit (BASEL III).
20150125             NATÜRLICH ersetzt der Student nicht nur das, was —DAMALS, 1—GANZE ABTEILUNG WAR—ER verdient auch noch viel weniger.
20150125             Für DIE—WIRTSCHAFT (DIE—UNTERNEHMEN) ist das natürlich großartig.
20150125             Lässt sich diese Entwicklung also aufhalten?
20150125             NATÜRLICH nicht - NATÜRLICH wird das noch viel extremer werden.
20150125             —MARSCHIERT, Wie hier in KÖNIGSBERG, DIE—ROTE—ARMEE im Eiltempo durch Ostpreußen.
20150125             DIE—3—BURSCHEN wollten eigentlich gar nicht die Schule schwänzen.
20150125             —GESEHEN, Tags zuvor hatten sie aber, dass das 30—KM entfernte Neidenburg brannte.
20150125             Das Feuer schien 1—GERÜCHT zu bestätigen, das —SCHON auf dem Postamt umging: DIE—RUSSEN waren da.
20150125             In den 1.Monaten —DES—JAHRES 19450000              herrschte überall große Ungewissheit.
20150125             Getötete Zivilisten: UKRAINE ruft nach RAKETEN—ANGRIFF—AUF—MARIUPOL Staatstrauer aus
20150125             TERROR—IN—NIGERIA: BOKO—HARAM greift Millionenstadt an
20150125             [l] Ausrede des Tages: Die angeblich bei der DEMO—GEGEN—DEN Akademikerball in WIEN zu Bruch gegangenen Glasscheiben, das war bloß 1—HÖR—FEHLER 1—POLIZISTEN.
20150125             Entschädigungen DER—BUNDESWEHR: 5000—DOLLAR für 1—MENSCHENLEBEN, 10.000—DOLLAR für 1—AUTO
20150125             Kein Heftverkauf im Laden: Aufregung um CHARLIE—HEBDO—AUSGABE in ISRAEL
20150125             —VOR, Demo in DRESDEN: ZENTRAL—RAT—DER—JUDEN warnt vor PEGIDA—GEDANKENGUT
20150125             Asteroid "2004—BL86"in Erdnähe: Kosmischer Geisterfahrer voraus
20150125             Mythos Bilderverbot: Muslime, holt die Buntstifte raus!
20150125             ÄGYPTEN: Blutige Proteste am —JAHRES—TAG—DER—REVOLUTION
20150125             OFFENBACH—AM—MONTAG soll DER—ASTEROID "2004—BL86"so nah an der Erde vorbeisausen, wie vor ihm kein anderer
20150125             es wird damit gerechnet, dass sich der Himmelskörper um 17—UHR MITTEL—EUROPÄISCHER—ZEIT der Erde am stärksten nähert,
20150125             ES—SICH um 1—SELTENE Annäherung handelt, werden den Brocken IMMER—NOCH 1.200.000 Km von unserem Planeten trennen.
20150125             es wird DIE—ERDE etwa in Monddistanz passieren und dann 20390000              erneut unserem Planeten nahe kommen.
20150125             WAHL—IN—GRIECHENLAND: Linksbündnis Syriza liegt deutlich vorn
20150125             —PASSIERT, Blitzanalyse: LINKS—RUCK in GRIECHENLAND—WAS —JETZT
20150125             ALBERTO Nisman: Kopfschuss traf argentinischen STAATS—ANWALT aus nächster Nähe
20150125             Das Linksbündnis Syriza hat bei der PARLAMENTS—WAHL—IN—GRIECHENLAND PROGNOSEn zufolge mit gewaltigem Vorsprung gesiegt.
20150125             ALEXIS—TSIPRAS will ausdrücklich keinen AUSTRITT aus dem EURO.
20150125             Er will jedoch das SPAR—PROGRAMM lockern und bei den internationalen Gläubigern 1—SCHULDEN—ERLASS durchsetzen.
20150125             Sollte es dabei zu keiner Einigung kommen, könnte GRIECHENLAND im äuß1. Fall gezwungen werden, aus DER—EURO—ZONE auszutreten ("Grexit").
20150125             DIE—EURO—FINANZ—MINISTER wollen —BEREITS an diesem —MONTAG über den weiteren Weg des KRISEN—LANDES SPRECHEN—AUCH wenn konkrete Beschlüsse noch nicht geplant sind.
20150125             DIE—GESCHEITERTE Kür des konservativen Präsidentenkandidaten Stavros Dimas war DER—GRUND für die vorgezogene PARLAMENTS—WAHL an diesem —SONNTAG.
20150125             DAS—WAHERGEBNIS hätte deutlich anders aussehen können, wenn DIE—REGIERUNG nicht mit 1—NEUEN GRUNDSTÜCKS—STEUER Arm wie Reich erzürnt hätte.
20150125             Geschadet haben den Konservativen wohl auch 1—ANGSTKAMPAGNE sowie der Eindruck, sie seien lediglich BEFEHLS—EMPFÄNGER der ausländischen GELD—GEBER.
20150125             Neben all diesen Fehlern profitierte das noch junge SYRIZA—BÜNDNIS aber auch davon, dass sich auch konservativere Wähler —INZWISCHEN an DIE—IDEE 1—LINKS—REGIERUNG unter TSIPRAS gewöhnt haben.
20150125             SYRIZA—SIEG in GRIECHENLAND: SPAR—GEGNER liegen klar vorn
20150125             Nur 17.000—DEMONSTRANTEN—IN—DRESDEN—PEGIDA geht die Puste aus
20150125             LINKS—RUCK in GRIECHENLAND: EURO fällt nach SYRIZA—SIEG auf tiefsten Stand —SEIT—11—JAHREN
20150125             NIEDERLANDE: POLIZEI erschießt Messerangreifer vor Museum
20150125             SYRIZA—SIEG: EUROPAs Linke feiert Triumph in GRIECHENLAND - Demo in DRESDEN—PEGIDA schrumpft
20150125             DIE—KONSERVATIVE Nea Dimokratia des —BISHERIGEN PREMIER—MINISTERS Antonis SAMARAS ist MIT—CA—28% mehr als deutlich geschlagen.
20150125             Auf dem KLAGE—PLATZ glauben viele, dass dieses Signal weit über GRIECHENLAND hinausreicht.
20150125             Junge italienische KOMMUNISTEN schwenken hier ihre Fahnen und singen DIE—INTERNATIONALE.
20150125             "Das andere EUROPA mit TSIPRAS", steht auf Ansteckern.
20150125             —MOBILISIERT, Dieses EUROPA, auch in anderen KRISEN—LÄNDERN gegen jenen strikten Sparkurs, für den vor allem DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG steht.
20150125             BERLIN, sorgt dieser Trend gleich doppelt für Unruhe.
20150125             Dennoch jubeln in ATHEN auch DEUTSCHE.
20150125             "Wir fangen in GRIECHENLAND an.
20150125             Der, 24—JAHRE—ALTE ist VIZE—CHEF—DER—BRANDENBURGISCHEN Linken und —SCHON—SEIT einigen Tagen im Land.
20150125             "An diesem Ergebnis kann SCHÄUBLE nicht vorbei".
20150125             DAVID Jamieson vom "SCOTLAND—LEFT Project"sieht es ähnlich.
20150125             Auf DIE—EURO—ZONE kommmen in jedem Fall harte Verhandlungen zu.
20150125             und die Troika der internationalen GELD—GEBER ist in ihrer jetzigen Form nach 1—URTEIL—DES—EUROPÄISCHER—GERICHT—HOF ohnehin nicht haltbar.
20150125             DIE—VON Antonis SAMARAS geführte KONSERVATIVEN—PARTEI hat GRIECHENLAND 19810000              in die damalige Europäische Gemeinschaft (EG) geführt;
201501250500         —ANFANG, überbrachte 1—DER in Hirschberg stationierten SOWJET—SOLDATEN DIE—NACHRICHT: "HITLER kaputt!"
20150125—20150124    —INAUGURATED, ZAMBIA, EDGAR—LUNGU was, as the country's new PRESIDENT —AFTER being declared the winner of ZAMBIA's 20150120              presidential election late.
20150125—20150204    —INDICATED, THE—USA—FBI said DNA testing, that Zulkfli bin Hir (Zulkifli Abdhir, aka Marwan), 1—MALAYSIA—MEMBER—OF—THE—AL—QAEDA—LINKED—JEMAAH—ISLAMIAH militant group, likely killed in the raid.
20150125—20150317    —ON, 1—POLICE—OFFICER was charged over her shooting.
20150125—20270000    —ERST wird mit "1999—AN10"1—NOCH größeres Exemplar erwartet.
20150129—20150125    —ON, TROY—BRADLEY—OF—ALBUQUERQUE and LEONID—TIUKHTYAEV—OF—RUSSIA began their flight from SAGA—JAPAN.
20150208—19950125    20—JAHRE hatten beide Seiten erfolgreich kooperiert.
20150208—19950125    20—JAHRE Aus, vorbei.
20150208—19950125    Käme es allerdings —HEUTE zu 1—SOLCHEN Zwischenfall, so warnte kürzlich DER—USA—RÜSTUNGS—EXPERTE THEODORE—POSTOL, könnte es durchaus zur nuklearen Katastrophe kommen.
20150208—19950125    —VON, der Raketenvorfall, was —HEUTE geschähe, wenn sich wiederholte?
20150208—19950125    "Ich bin nicht sicher", sagt Iwanow, "ob dann noch die richtige Entscheidung getroffen würde".
20150315             —INVOLVED, Tambako was, in protecting ABDUL—BASIT—USMAN, 1—OF—THE—USA' "most wanted terrorists," who had escaped a 20150125              raid.
20160125             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, that USA federal prisons will no longer hold juveniles or LOW—LEVEL—OFFENDERS in solitary confinement.
20160125             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, 6-3 to extend a 20120000              ruling that struck down automatic life terms with no chance of parole for teenage killers.
20160125             —CONDUCTED, The coalition of THE—USA and its allies, 18—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ and Syria.
20160125             Officials said 1—TEXAS grand jury investigating allegations that 1—USA—ABORTION—PROVIDER sold organs of aborted fetuses instead indicted 2—ANTI—ABORTION—ACTIVISTS who secretly filmed the group.
20160125             —CANCELLED, Airlines, some 1,600 flights in THE—AFTERMATH—OF—THE—WEEKEND blizzard in THE—EAST—USA.
20160125             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 3—BORDER—POLICEMEN were, and 3—OTHERS were wounded in 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK—NEAR 1—IMPORTANT—BORDER crossing at Spin Boldak.
20160125             1—AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMAN turned his weapon on fellow officers as they were sleeping in their quarters near 1—CHECKPOINT in the country's south, killing 10 in Uruzgan province.
20160125             —POISONED, The officers had been.
20160125             —CLAIMED, THE—TALIBAN quickly, responsibility for the incident.
20160125             —BLAMED, Unusually cold weather in EAST—ASIA was, for more than 65—DEATHS, disrupted transportation and brought the 1. snow to 1—SUBTROPICAL—CITY in SOUTH—CHINA in almost 50—YEARS.
20160125             —REPORTED, THE—SEMI—OFFICIAL—FOCUS—TAIWAN news website, that 85—PEOPLE had † because of the cold.
20160125             1—BAHRAIN—COURT sentenced 57—MEN to 15-year jail terms for rioting in 1—PRISON outside THE—CAPITAL—MANAMA last March.
20160125             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN—CHANCELLOR—GEORGE—OSBORNE and BILL—GATES, a £3—BILLION ($4.28—BILLION, 4—BILLION euros) fund for research and to support efforts to eliminate malaria.
20160125             —KILLED, CAMEROON, 4—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, at least 35—PEOPLE in 1—VILLAGE in the Far North region, the most deadly in 1—STRING of recent attacks in 1—AREA beset by violence connected to Islamist militant group Boko Haram.
20160125             —APPROVED, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRIME—MINISTER—BOHUSLAV—SOBOTKA said his government has, 1—PLAN to donate further weapons and ammunition to IRAQ and also ammunition to JORDAN to help them fight Islamic State militants.
20160125             —ANNOUNCED, THE—INTERIOR—MINISTRY, that security forces killed Hamdan in 1—GUN—BATTLE that —DAY—WHILE raiding 1—FARMHOUSE where he was hiding.
20160125             —DISAPPEARED, Hamdan had, weeks —EARLIER.
20160125             —MASKED, Witnesses said, police burst into his OFFICE—IN—THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—BENI—SUEF and dragged him off in handcuffs in front of his CO—WORKERS.
20160125             GIULIO—REGENI, 28—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ITALIAN—CAMBRIDGE—UNIVERSITY—PHD student, mysteriously disappeared in CAIRO.
20160125             —STABBED, REGENI—BODY was, repeatedly and exhibited cigarette burns and other SIGNS—OF—TORTURE.
20160125             Regeni had written articles CRITICAL—OF—THE—EGYPT—GOVERNMENT, 1—AUTOPSY —LATER showed he was interrogated for up to —7—DAYS—BEFORE he was killed.
20160125             —SIGNED, INDIA, 1—INTER—GOVERNMENTAL—PACT to buy 36—FRENCH—BUILT Rafale fighter planes, but the leaders of both countries said there was still work to do to finalize financial terms —AFTER MONTHS—OF—TALKS.
20160125             —RECOGNIZED, LIBYA—INTERNATIONALLY, PARLIAMENT voted to reject 1—UNITY—GOVERNMENT proposed under 1—UN—BACKED plan to resolve the country's political crisis and armed conflict.
20160125             —KILLED, NORTH—MYANMAR, 1—LANDSLIDE of mining waste, at least 6—PEOPLE in Kachin state's Hpakant jade mining region.
20160125             Hpakant Baptist Church deacon Dut La said more than 12—MAY still lie under the waste from the slide.
20160125             —REPORTED, It was, that SALES—OF—RAT poison have taken off in NIGERIA —FOLLOWING 1—OUTBREAK—OF—LASSA fever that has left at least 76—PEOPLE—DEAD and sparked fears of contagion across the country.
20160125             Palestinians IBRAHIM—ALLAN, 23—JAHRE—ALT and Hussein ABU—GHOSH, 17—JAHRE—ALT were shot dead by 1—SECURITY—GUARD—AFTER stabbing 2—ISRAEL—WOMEN in 1—WEST—BANK minimarket.
20160125             † Shlomit Krigman (24), of her wounds the next —DAY.
20160125             THOUSANDS—OF—SLOVAKIA—TEACHERS went on strike to demand higher pay, forcing authorities to close HUNDREDS—OF—SCHOOLS across the country.
20160125             SWEDEN, ALEXANDRA—MEZHER (22), 1—ASYLUM—CENTER—SOCIAL—WORKER, wasfatally stabbed.
20160125             —KNIFED, She was, by a 15—YEAR—OLD—BOY as she tried to break up 1—FIGHT in 1—CENTER for unaccompanied minors where she worked in Molndal.
20160125             SYRIA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER driving 1—FUEL—TANK blew himself up at 1—CHECKPOINT—RUN by Islamist group Ahrar AL—SHAM in SYRIA—NORTHERN—CITY—OF—ALEPPO killing at least 23—PEOPLE.
20160125             —MARCHED, TUNISIA, several 1000—POLICE, to the presidential palace to demand more pay in the latest challenge to PRIME—MINISTER—HABIB—ESSID—GOVERNMENT—AFTER 1—WEEK—OF—PROTESTS and riots over jobs.
20160125             —PLANNED, TURKEY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SAID—ANY—PARTICIPATION—OF—KURDISH—FORCES in, Syria peace talks would be dangerous and spell THE—END—OF—THE—UN—LED initiative.
20160125             —RETURNED, YEMEN—PRIME—MINISTER—KHALED—BAHAH and his Cabinet, to the volatile southern port CITY—OF—ADEN, months —AFTER he was targeted in 1—SUICIDE bombing that forced them to leave the country.
20160125             1—MISSILE fired by THE—SAUDI—LED coalition killed 1—JUDGE and his entire family — 8—PEOPLE in all — in SANAA—NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—NAHDA.
20160125             The judge was 1—KNOWN—HOUTHI supporter.
20160125             † In THE—NORTH—JAWF province, more than 20—FIGHTERS on both SIDES—OF—THE—YEMEN—CONFLICT, in fierce clashes.
20160125             GROß—BRITANNIEN: FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—CARDIFF müssen Erkennungsarmband tragen
20160125             Neuer UNO—FLÜCHTLINGS—KOMMISSAR Grandi: "EUROPA könnte mehr FLÜCHTLINGE aufnehmen"
20160125             MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG: Der Mann, der AMERIKA vor DONALD—TRUMP bewahren könnte
20160125             TERROR des IS: FRANKREICH entging mehrmals schweren Anschlägen
20160125             DEUTSCHLAND: Die oberen 10 % besitzen 52—PROZENT—DES—VERMÖGENS
20160125             SIGMAR—GABRIEL und SAUDI—ARABIEN: Reden ist Silber, Waffen sind Gold
20160125             IFO—INDEX: DEUTSCHE Firmen fürchten den Ölpreisschock
20160125             —ENTSTANDEN, DIE—AUFNAHMEN, an den seinerzeit touristisch attraktivsten Orten in FRANKREICH, GROß—BRITANNIEN, DEUTSCHLAND, ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN und den NIEDERLANDE.
20160125             Ermittler Nelson fand aber 1.Aufnahme, die 1—MANN in LONDON mit Reklametafel zeigt: Werbung für 1.Aufführung im WYNDHAM—THEATRE, "Cynthia"mit "Miss Ethel Barrymore".
20160125             [l] Hey, bei Diesel bescheißen sie, bei Ottomotoren bescheißen sie... bleiben ja nur noch E—MOTOREN.
20160125             [l] Ursprünglich so: FRANKREICHs Notfallgesetze laufen maximal 12—TAGE.
20160125             —DANN, so, Wie das halt immer so läuft, wenn man es mit Notstandsgesetzen zu tun hat.
20160125             Immerhin anscheinend ohne KRYPTO—BACKDOORS.
20160125             Girokonto für jedermann: BANKEN fordern mehr Zeit für Einführung
20160125             Fehlbildungen bei Kindern: WHO WARNT—VOR—ZIKA—AUSBREITUNG in fast ganz AMERIKA
20160125             —RECHTS—EXTREME: Neonazis und Hooligans kooperieren —, werden brutaler
20160125             Millionenspende: GOOGLE stiftet 25.000—RECHNER für FLÜCHTLINGE
20160125             CDU bremst MERKEL—KRITIKER: "Welche Schritte forderst Du?
20160125             Strandungen: Pottwale —STERBEN an englischer Küste
20160125             Schadstoffe im Schnee: Leise rieselt der Staub
20160125             WHO—WARNUNG: 41.000.000 KLEIN—KINDER sind zu dick
20160125             Jüdische Siedlung: Wachmänner erschießen 2—PALÄSTINENSER nach Messerattacke
20160125             Druck der Autolobby: EU—ABGEORDNETE sollen lasche DIESEL—GRENZWERTE durchwinken
20160125             AUSLÄNDER—POLITIK—DER—SCHWEIZER—SVP: "Das ist barbarisch"
20160125             BANKEN und Sparkassen verlangen für die Umsetzung des geplanten Girokontos für jedermann längere Fristen.
20160125             "1—VORZIEHEN des Regelungskomplexes 'Basiskonto' würde nicht nur mittelständische Institute vor teils unlösbare Probleme stellen", argumentieren die im BANKEN—VERBAND zusammengeschlossenen privaten Institute.
20160125             Auch sollte der Katalog der Ablehnungs—, Kündigungsgründe erweitert werden.
20160125             Sparkassen und GENOSSENSCHAFTsbanken verweisen darauf, daß zum Beispiel 1.Straftat zulasten des Kreditinstituts —NACH—3—JAHRE, verjähre:
20160125             "1—VERURTEILTER Bankräuber hätte also nach Ablauf von 3—JAHREN —SEIT der VERURTEILUNG 1—ANSPRUCH auf Eröffnung eines Basiskontos bei dem geschädigten Kreditinstitut.
20160125             —NACH, den Gesetzesplänen sollen BANKEN künftig niemanden mehr abweisen können, der ein einfaches Girokonto eröffnen will.
20160125             —AKZEPTIERT, Auch Obdachlose und ASYL—BEWERBER müssen als Kunden, werden.
20160125             —GEWORDEN, DAS—GESETZ war notwendig, weil sich —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT VIELE—INSTITUTE geweigert hatten, Bedürftigen solche Konten zur Verfügung zu stellen.
20160125             DAS—NEUE—ZAHLUNGSKONTENGESETZ, mit dem 1.EU—DIE—RICHTLINIE umgesetzt wird, sieht DIE—EINFÜHRUNG eines sogenannten Basiskontos für alle vor.
20160125             Dieses einfache Girokonto auf GUTHABEN—BASIS soll künftig jeder eröffnen können, der sich legal in DER—EUROPÄISCHE—UNION (EU) aufhält —, zwar bei 1—BANK—SEINER—WAHL.
20160125             DIE—PLÄNE kommen nach REGIERUNGSANGABEN—CA—1—MILLION Menschen zugute.
20160125             —NACH, der ZAHLUNGSKONTENDIE—RICHTLINIE müssen DIE—EU—STAATEN diese Vorgaben spätestens —BIS zum ;;0918;;
20160125             umsetzen.
20160125             DIE—REGELUNGEN zum Basiskonto können aber früher gelten.
20160125             "Wegen der hinlänglich bekannten Praxis der Privatbanken und einzelner ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHER Sparkassen", insbesondere Wohnungslosen und FLÜCHTLINGEn auch —NACH—DEM Inkrafttreten der ZAHLUNGSKONTENDIE—RICHTLINIE ein solches Konto weiter zu verweigern, bestehe dringender Handlungsbedarf, heißt es im GESETZ—ENTWURF DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG.
20160125             —NACH, den KOALITIONsplänen müssen zudem BANKEN Kontogebühren künftig so veröffentlichen, daß auch Verbraucher ohne Fachkenntnisse problemlos verschiedene Angebote vergleichen können.
20160125             EU—DROHUNG—GEGEN—GRIECHENLAND: An der äuß1. Grenze
20160125             DRESDEN: Brennende Autos nahe der PEGIDA—DEMONSTRATION
20160125             ferner sollen Verbraucher leichter ihre Konten wechseln können.
20160125             —ANNULLED, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, the results of 20161230             —THE legislative election, citing irregularities, setting back 1—TRANSITION to democracy —AFTER YEARS—OF—CONFLICT.
20160125—20151100    —NACHDEM, DIE 3—MONATE ABGELAUFEN SIND, Und —JETZT so, FRANKREICH will verlängern,
20160125—20160203    —ON, his corpse was found on the outskirts of CAIRO.
20170117—20170125    —ON, His body was found in the foothills of Tulare County.
20170125             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, he would seek 1—PROBE into what he calls widespread voter fraud in the election that brought him to power, hammering away at allegations widely dismissed as baseless.
20170125             —ORDERED, Trump also, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY to allocate funds for building 1—WALL along THE—MEXICO—BORDER.
20170125             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION is mandating that ANY—STUDIES or data from scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) undergo review by political appointees —BEFORE they can be released to the public.
20170125             † MARY—TYLER—MOORE, 80—JAHRE—ALT, star of 1970s sitcom "THE—MARY—TYLER—MOORE—SHOW," at her home in GREENWICH—CONNECTICUT.
20170125             —VOTED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—BOARD—OF—EDUCATION, to remove COLUMBUS —DAY from the academic calendar and replace it with Indigenous PEOPLE—DAY.
20170125             —PASSED, THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE, 20,000 for the 1. time.
20170125             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY, that the government would publish 1—WHITE—PAPER setting out its approach to Brexit.
20170125             THE—EU—EXECUTIVE—ARM said BULGARIA and ROMANIA must do more to meet European Union standards on crime, corruption and judicial reform.
20170125             —UNVEILED, THE—EU, plans to increase training for THE—LIBYA—COAST—GUARD as PART—OF—NEW—MEASURES to stop African migrants leaving for EUROPE in 1 feared —SPRING surge.
20170125             —LAUNCHED, FRANCE—INVESTIGATORS, 1—PRELIMINARY—PROBE into claims the wife of presidential candidate FRANCOIS—FILLON earned 500,000 euros ($538,000) for 1 suspected fake job as his parliamentary aide.
20170125             —CARRIED, GERMANY—POLICE, out dawn raids against FAR—RIGHT—SUSPECTS accused of plotting attacks on refugees, Jews and police officers, and detained 2—SUSPECTS.
20170125             IRAQ, local residents said Islamic State fighters have taken up sniper positions in buildings on THE—WEST—BANK—OF—THE—TIGRIS river ahead of 1 expected government offensive into that side the city.
20170125             —ESTIMATED, IRAQ—FORCES, the number of militants inside MOSUL at 5,000-6,000 at THE—START—OF—THE—BATTLE, and have said 3,300 have been killed in the fighting.
20170125             JAMAICA—USAIN—BOLT lost 1—OF—HIS 9—OLYMPIC gold medals —WHEN THE—INTERNATIONAL—OLYMPIC—COMMITTEE—STRIPPED—JAMAICA of their 4x100m relay win at 20080000             —THE—BEIJING Games —AFTER relay teammate Nesta Carter, who ran the 1. LEG—OF—THE—RACE, was found to have tested positive for banned substance Methylhexanamine.
20170125             KAZAKHSTAN—PRESIDENT—NURSULTAN—NAZARBAYEV said he will delegate SOME—OF—HIS sweeping powers to THE—CENTRAL—ASIA—NATION—PARLIAMENT and cabinet, 1—MOVE that could facilitate 1—EVENTUAL—POLITICAL—TRANSITION.
20170125             —HANGED, KUWAIT, 7—PRISONERS in 1—MASS—EXECUTION that included 1—ROYAL—FAMILY—MEMBER.
20170125             —ROUTED, LIBYA—TROOPS, Islamic militants from 1—KEY—AREA they controlled in BENGHAZI.
20170125             THE—2—YEAR—CAMPAIGN to push militants out of BENGHAZI was led by Khalifa Hifter, who is not recognized by THE—UN—BACKED government in TRIPOLI.
20170125             —LAUNCHED, THE—PHILIPPINES—TROOPS, airstrikes and ground assaults that reportedly wounded 1—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—MOST—WANTED militant suspects who is trying to establish 1—NEW—BASE for 1—ALLIANCE backing the Islamic State group.
20170125             —MANAGED, Isnilon Hapilon, to flee from 1—CAMP in Butig town in SOUTH—LANAO del SUR province.
20170125             2—DAYS—OF—AIRSTRIKES killed 15—MUSLIM militants linked to the Islamic State group.
20170125             POLAND, HUNDREDS—OF—STUDENTS are gathering in downtown WARSAW and other cities to protest the country's populist government, with 1—RANGE—OF—DEMANDS that includes better ties with the European Union and protecting the environment.
20170125             —SIGNED, POLAND—STATE—RUN—DEFENSE—FIRM—PGZ said it has, 1—MEMORANDUM of understanding with FRANCE—MILITARY shipbuilder DCNS that could allow them to work together on building submarines in POLAND.
20170125             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 28—PEOPLE were, —WHEN AL—SHABAAB fighters attacked the popular Dayah in MOGADISHU, setting off 2—CAR—BOMBS and opening fire on security guards.
20170125             4—AL—SHABAB attackers were also killed.
20170125             SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and their allies drove Islamic State militants out of several villages NORTH—EAST—OF—ALEPPO over the last 24—HOURS.
20170125             † 1—TURKEY—SOLDIER was killed and 5 were wounded in 1—CLASH with Islamic State militants near AL—BAB.
20170125             SYRIA, 6—LONG—RANGE RUSSIA—BOMBERS struck Islamic State targets in Deir AL—ZOR province.
20170125—20170118    —FROM—THE, HUNDREDS—OF—ITALIANS whose homes were devastated in 1—SERIES—OF—DEADLY—EARTHQUAKES protested in ROME at the slow PACE—OF—GOVERNMENT—AID as the death toll AVALANCHE—HIT hotel rose to 24.
20180123—20180125    —PREMIERED, SCOTLAND—WRITER—DIRECTOR—ARMANDO Iannucci's "THE—DEATH—OF—STALIN" film, in BRITAIN in October and was scheduled to open in RUSSIA.
20180125             —ARRIVED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, in SWITZERLAND to attend the World Economic Forum where he will push his "AMERICA 1." agenda and seek more fair, reciprocal trade between THE—USA and its allies.
20180125             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said in DAVOS—SWITZERLAND, that the Palestinians must return to peace talks to receive USA—AID—MONEY.
20180125             —CALLED, THE—USA, on RUSSIA and MYANMAR to reconsider 1 reported agreement for the supply of 6—RUSSIA—FIGHTER—PLANES and potential further PURCHASES—OF—MILITARY—HARDWARE.
20180125             —HALTED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, the execution of ALABAMA inmate Vernon MADISON (67).
20180125             1—NEW—YORK—TIMES—STORY reported that PRESIDENT—TRUMP had ordered the firing of RUSSIA investigation special prosecutor ROBERT—MUELLER —LAST—YEAR, but had to back off —WHEN THE—WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—DONALD—MCGAHN threatened to resign.
20180125             —INTERCEPTED, Police at S—FRANCISCO—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, 18—PIECES—OF—LUGGAGE heading to VIETNAM that contained more than 300—STOLEN electronic devices.
20180125             1—SEARCH revealed 700—MORE stolen electronics at the home of BENJAMIN—PHAM, 44—JAHRE—ALT.
20180125             8—PEOPLE were soon arrested under charges that included felony possession of stolen property and conspiracy.
20180125             —OBTAINED, Police said the stolen devices were, in Bay Area car burglaries.
20180125             —RAIDED, TEXAS, FBI agents, 1—HOUSTON residence about 1—DAY—AFTER Ulises Valladores (47) was kidnapped for ranson by men claiming to be PART—OF—1—MEXICO—CARTEL.
20180125             Valladores was fatally shot —DURING the rescue attempt.
20180125             —KILLED, In September his family sued THE—FBI agent who, him alleging illegal search and seizure and wrongful death.
20180125             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—REUTERS investigation has found that major global technology providers SAP, Symantec and McAfee have allowed RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES to hunt for vulnerabilities in software deeply embedded across THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20180125             THE—BULLETIN—OF—ATOMIC—SCIENTISTS said mounting concerns about the possibility of 1—NUCLEAR—WAR along with USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP'S "unpredictability" have pushed the symbolic "Doomsday Clock" to —2—MINUTES—BEFORE midnight.
20180125             —RESIGNED, AFGHANISTAN, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—THE—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—FARAH, —AFTER MONTHS—OF—MOUNTING insecurity that have fueled protests by residents fearful that the Taliban could threaten the provincial capital.
20180125             —BLAMED, MOHAMMAD—AREF—SHAH—JAHAN, political interference and corruption among security forces in the province.
20180125             INTERNATIONAL rights groups said they fear for the health behind bars of BAHRAIN—MOST HIGH—PROFILE—ACTIVIST, NABEEL—RAJAB, condemning the Gulf state over its 7—YEAR—CRACKDOWN on dissent.
20180125             —REPORTED, It was, that Belarusian authorities have blocked access to charter97_org, 1—POPULAR—OPPOSITION—WEBSITE, over alleged legal violations.
20180125             UK—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY sought to reaffirm her country's central role in world affairs, —WHEN she delivered 1—SPEECH to the World Economic Forum and met with PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP to dispel ANY—PERCEPTIONS—OF—TENSIONS between them.
20180125             BRITAIN—GOVERNMENT said it is tightening controls on firms hoping to carry out hydraulic fracking in PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY by adding 1—FINANCIAL—HEALTH—CHECK to the application process.
20180125             —RAIDED, CAMBODIA—POLICE, 1 rented villa where the foreigners were taking part in what organizers billed as 1—PUB crawl and found people "dancing pornographically".
20180125             —DETAINED, —WHILE almost 90—FOREIGNERS were, all but 10 were released.
20180125             Local aid officials said more than 43,000 Cameroonians have fled as refugees to NIGERIA to escape 1—CRACKDOWN by the government on Anglophone separatists.
20180125             COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS said his country will not recognize the validity or THE—RESULT—OF—FORTHCOMING presidential elections in neighboring VENEZUELA, adding he expected other countries would share the view that the vote is illegitimate.
20180125             —BLOCKADED, FRANCE—FISHERMEN, Calais, halting shipping movements at FRANCE—BUSIEST—PASSENGER port and 1—MAJOR—ENTRY—POINT to EUROPE for UK—GOODS, in protest at losses inflicted by the practice of electric pulse fishing.
20180125             —REPORTED, It was, that GERMANY—CARETAKER—GOVERNMENT has decided to put on hold ANY—DECISION on upgrading GERMAN—MADE tanks in TURKEY as requested by its NATO—ALLY—ANKARA.
20180125             —SHOWED, INDONESIA, 1—SURVEY, that nearly 90—PERCENT of Indonesians who understand the term LGBT feel "threatened" by the community and believe their religion forbids SAME—SEX—RELATIONS.
20180125             —KILLED, ITALY, at least 3—PEOPLE were, and about 12—SERIOUSLY injured —AFTER 1—PACKED—ITALY—COMMUTER train derailed near THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MILAN.
20180125             —PAIRED, Female hockey players from the rival Koreas were, up with EACH—OTHER to form their 1.—EVER Olympic squad —DURING next —MONTH—PYEONGCHANG —WINTER Games.
20180125             —RAISED, MALAYSIA—CENTRAL—BANK, its key interest rate for the 1. time in 4—YEARS to 3.25—PERCENT from 3—PERCENT, citing 1—STRONGER—DOMESTIC and global economy AHEAD—OF—GENERAL—ELECTIONS due by August.
20180125             CENTRAL—MALI, 1—LANDMINE—EXPLOSION blew up 1—CIVIL—PASSENGER—VEHICLE from BURKINA—FASO, killing 13—PEOPLE and wounding several others.
20180125             —RAISED, The death toll was soon, to 26 and included 6—WOMEN and 4—CHILDREN.
20180125             —SUGGESTED, MEXICO—TOURISM—SECRETARY, that legalizing marijuana could help reduce drug violence at big tourist resorts.
20180125             —RACED, He also, to dampen controversy over the statement, saying he wasn't speaking in 1—OFFICIAL—CAPACITY.
20180125             —DECIDED, MYANMAR said it has, to dump USA—DIPLOMAT—BILL—RICHARDSON from 1—ADVISORY—PANEL on the Rohingya crisis, accusing the veteran politician of a "personal attack" on Aung S—SUU—KYI in his stinging resignation letter.
20180125             —IMPOSED, NIGERIA said it will protest to THE—USA—OVER conditions, on its planned $494—MILLION—PURCHASE—OF—12 A—29—SUPER—TUCANO fighter planes.
20180125             THE—SALE—OF—THE—AIRCRAFT, with weapons and service, includes THOUSANDS—OF—BOMBS and rockets.
20180125             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—PAKISTANIS, in the port CITY—OF—KARACHI to demand THE—ARREST—OF—1—POLICE—COMMANDER charged with killing a 27—YEAR—OLD aspiring model.
20180125             Rao Anwar went into hiding —AFTER he and other officers killed Naqeeb Ullah —EARLIER this —MONTH and then tried to cover it up, saying that Ullah was 1—TALIBAN militant killed in 1—SHOOTOUT.
20180125             —BILLOWED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—HUGE—PLUME—OF ash, from the glowing peak of MOUNT—MAYON volcano, as more residents of surrounding areas fled and experts warned of further escalation —12—DAYS—AFTER it started to erupt.
20180125             —SUBMITTED, PUERTO—RICO—GOVERNOR, 1 revised fiscal plan that estimates THE—USA—CARIBBEAN territory's economy will shrink by 11—PERCENT and its population drop by nearly 8—PERCENT next —YEAR.
20180125             † NEAGU—DJUVARA (101), ROMANIA—BEST—KNOWN historian, in BUCHAREST.
20180125             NEAGU—DJUVARA had spent decades in exile —BEFORE returning home —WHEN communism ended.
20180125             —INCLUDED, NEAGU—DJUVARA—BOOKS, "From Vlad the Impaler to Dracula the Vampire".
20180125             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—COURT sentenced human rights activists MOHAMMAD—AL—OTAIBI and ABDULLAH—AL—ATTAWI to 14 and 7—YEARS in prison respectively.
20180125             —ATTACKED, SENEGAL, bandits, 1—GROUP—OF—SPAIN—TOURISTS and raped 2—WOMEN in THE—SOUTH—CASAMANCE region —BEFORE making off with THOUSANDS—OF—EUROS.
20180125             —VOWED, TURKEY and AUSTRIA, to work to improve relations battered by THE—OPPOSITION—OF—THE—NEW—CONSERVATIVE—FAR—RIGHT—AUSTRIA—GOVERNMENT—COALITION to ANKARA ever joining THE—EU.
20180125             AUSTRIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—KARIN—KNEISSL held talks in ISTANBUL with TURKEY—COUNTERPART Mevlut Cavusoglu, in the 1. HIGH—LEVEL—CONTACT between THE—2—SIDES—SINCE the new AUSTRIA—GOVERNMENT came to power.
20180125             —CRASHED, CENTRAL—UKRAINE, an MI—8—HELICOPTER on 1—TRAINING mission, —AFTER hitting 1—CABLE supporting 1—TV—TOWER.
20180125             † All 4—CREW members on BOARD, —DURING the crash near THE—CITY—OF—KREMENCHUK.
20180125             UN—BROKERED peace talks with THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and opposition began in VIENNA, days —BEFORE SYRIA—CLOSE—ALLY—RUSSIA was due to host separate negotiations to end the war.
20180125             —MOVED, VENEZUELA, THE—PRO—MADURO SUPREME—COURT, late —TODAY to exclude the opposition coalition from registering in the vote placed yet another obstacle ahead of the already disparate opposition.
20180125             "Google will be opening THE—EUROPE, MIDDLE—EAST and AFRICAN—OFFICES in LISBON THIS—YEAR, hiring up to 500—OF—PORTUGAL'S—BEST—TALENT engineers," Costa said.
20180125             PRO—JAHR —STERBEN 121.000—MENSCHEN hierzulande an den Folgen des Rauchens, berichtete kürzlich das DEUTSCHE KREBSFORSCHUNG—ZENTRUM (DKFZ)
20180125             Männer, die täglich 1.Zigarette rauchen, haben demnach —BEREITS ein um 48 % erhöhtes RISIKO—FÜR—1.KHK sowie ein um 45 % erhöhtes Risiko eines Schlaganfalls gegenüber männlichen Nichtrauchern.
20180125             Für Frauen steigt DAS—RISIKO 1—KHK mit 1—TÄGLICHEN Zigarette um 57 % und das eines Schlaganfalls um 65 % gegenüber Nichtraucherinnen.
20180125             RÜSTUNGS—DEALS: Grüne fordern gesetzliche Regelung für WAFFEN—EXPORTE
20180125             Mumienfund in BASEL: Das ist die UR—UR—UR?UR—UR?UR—UR—OMA—VON—BORIS—JOHNSON
20180125             RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE: DEUTSCHLANDs Geschäft mit dem KRIEG
20180125             IFO—INDEX: DEUTSCHE Chefs in Spitzenlaune
20180125             welch raffinierte forensische Methodik ARCHÄOLOGEN und Anthropologen HEUTZUTAGE zur Verfügung steht.
20180125             [l] Meine Damen und Herren, ich präsentiere: Das DEUTSCHE INSTITUT—FÜR—VERTRAUEN und Sicherheit im INTERNET, DIVSI
20180125             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, Linke hängen Doxxing/OUTING—PLAKATE gegen RECHTE—IN—STECKBRIEFFORM auf.
20180125             NEW—HOTNESS, Rechte hängen Doxxing/OUTING—PLAKATE gegen Linke in Steckbriefform auf.
20180125             Hätte doch nur jemand DIE—LINKEN gewarnt, dass
20180125             Nachwachsende Gliedmaßen: ERB—GUT des Wunderlurchs entschlüsselt
20180125             —VERBIETET, Asylgrund Schwulenhass: EUROPÄISCHER—GERICHT—HOF, Test auf Homosexualität
20180125             MEXIKO: 300—TOTE Haie HUNDERTE—KM vom Meer entfernt entdeckt
20180125             Rente mit 63: Immer mehr DEUTSCHE gehen früher in den Ruhestand
20180125             ENERGIE—WENDE: Ausbau von Windrädern an Land steigt deutlich
20180125             JAPAN: Nissan baut selbstfahrende Pantoffeln
20180125             Wegen ihrer erstaunlichen Regenerationsfähigkeit werden Axolotl —SEIT knapp 150—JAHREN erforscht
20180125             Axolotl Die mexikanischen Schwanzlurche
20180125             Mit—BASENPAAREN ist DAS—ERBGUT der Tiere mehr als zehnmal so groß wie das menschliche Genom.
20180125             —GELUNGEN, Forschern ist es nun 1., das komplette ERB—GUT zu entziffern.
20180125             —EXISTIERT, Der Axolotl wird —BIS zu 25—ZENTI—METER—GROß und, —SEIT—CA—350.000.000—JAHREN.
20180125             "Wir haben —JETZT die genetische Karte in der Hand, mit der wir untersuchen können, wie komplizierte Strukturen, zum Beispiel Beine, nachwachsen können",
20180125             SYRIEN—OFFENSIVE—GEGEN—KURDEN: BUNDES—REGIERUNG stoppt geplante Aufrüstung türkischer Panzer
20180125             DONALD—TRUMP—ERDOGAN—TELEFONAT: TÜRKEI wirft USA falsche Darstellung von SYRIEN—GESPRÄCH vor
20180125             GELD—POLITIK,EZB lässt LEIT—ZINS auf Rekordtief
20180125             BREXIT: Schatzkanzler hält BANKER—EXODUS nach FRANKFURT für "Fantasie"
20180125             —NACH, Marktbewertung: Kanadische Firmen gründen weltgrößten KIFFER—KONZERN
20180125             Medikamente gezielt platzieren: Forscher entwickeln Miniroboter zum Schlucken
20180125             TÜRKEI—SYRIEN—OFFENSIVE: NATO scheut klare Ansage an ERDOGAN
20180125             —SEIT—DEM, AMTS—ANTRITT—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP vor gut 1—JAHR hat DER—EURO im Verhältnis zum USA—$ fast 20 % an Wert gewonnen.
20180125             —DEBATTE um Peilsender in Schultaschen: Der Spion im Ranzen
20180125             Studie: Jugendlichen ist Reisen wichtiger als das neueste Smartphone (Leben und Lernen, 18:04)
20180125             "DOOMSDAY—CLOCK"vorgestellt: Noch 2—MINUTEN —BIS zum WELT—UNTERGANG
20180125             Zahnfunde in ISRAEL: Moderner Mensch verließ AFRIKA früher als gedacht
20180125             Der MODERNE—MENSCH hat AFRIKA mindestens 50.000—JAHRE—FRÜHER verlassen als —BISHER, gedacht.
20180125             Sie fanden in ISRAEL 1—TEIL eines Oberkiefers und 8—ZÄHNE, die etwa 180.000—JAHRE—ALT sind.
20180125             Der Knochen und die Zähne stammen aus der MISLIYA—HÖHLE im Karmelgebirge, etwa 12—KM südlich der Hafenstadt HAIFA.
20180125             Der Fundort liegt nur knapp zehnKm entfernt von der SKHUL—HÖHLE;
20180125             dort waren in den 3ßigerjahren DIE—BISHER, ältesten bekannten Überreste eines modernen Menschen außerhalb AFRIKAs entdeckt worden
20180125             —NACH, —BISHERIGER Lehrmeinung entstand der HOMO—SAPIENS vor mindestens 300.000—JAHREN in AFRIKA und
20180125             und verließ VOR—CA—100.000—JAHREN den Kontinent.
20180125             DIE—U—SERIES—DATIERUNG eines Zahnstücks ergab 1—ALTER von nur 70.000—JAHREN—DIES betrachten DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER als unterste Altersgrenze.
20180125             3—WEITERE Analysen mit verschiedenen Methoden und in verschiedenen Laboren ergaben dagegen 1—ALTER zwischen 177.000—UND 194.000—JAHREN.
20180125             GEN—ANALYSEN legen nahe, dass
20180125             Gold is higher on the back of the weaker dollar
20180125             The price of bitcoin on the Bitstamp exchange is trading up $27 at $11,008
20180125             THE—GBP remains the strongest currency.
20180125             —ON—TUESDAY, JAPAN—SHARES rallied past milestones last seen almost 27—YEARS—AGO and investors have THE—BANK—OF—JAPAN to thank for that.
20180125             —LEAPED, THE—NIKKEI 225—STOCK—AVERAGE, over the 24,000—MARK for the 1. time —SINCE 1991
20180125             Okinawa GOVERNOR—SAYS—USA
20180125             —SURGED, The pound, to $1.3691, apparently on reports that SPAIN and THE—NETHERLANDS are willing to back 1—SOFT—BREXIT.
20180125             —PICKED, The pound also, up against THE—EURO, currently up 0.1% at €1.1263.
20180125             The pound is currently down 0.2% against THE—EURO at €1.1230.
20180125—19850000    —ARGUED, Attorneys had, that MADISON suffers from dementia and does not remember killing police Officer JULIUS—SCHULTE or understand his looming execution.
20180125—20010000    —SEIT, Bester Konsumindex
20180125—20160624    —ON, It hasn't been that high —SINCE THE—RESULT—OF—THE—REFERENDUM was clear
20180125—20180128    —CHARGED, THE—10—FOREIGNERS were, with producing pornographic pictures.
20190125             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP brought 1—TEMPORARY—END to the longest government shutdown in USA—HISTORY, —WHILE dropping his previous insistence on immediate funding for wall construction along THE—MEXICO—BORDER—AFTER the Senate and HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES both passed the deal by unanimous consent.
20190125             He charged with lying about his pursuit of RUSSIAN—HACKED emails damaging to Hillary Clinton's 20160000              election bid.
20190125             —ADVISED, THE—USA—STRONGLY, Kosovo to revoke a 100—PERCENT tariff on Serb and BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—GOODS, saying the duty runs counter to USA strategic interests.
20190125             —IMPOSED, KOSOVO—GOVERNMENT, the measure —LAST—YEAR and says it won't be lifted —UNTIL BELGRADE recognizes its sovereignty and stops preventing it from joining INTERNATIONAL organizations.
20190125             ALABAMA, THE—BIRMINGHAM Civil Rights Institute said that its BOARD has reversed course and voted to reaffirm 1—AWARD for political activist ANGEL—DAVIS.
20190125             —ABUSED, CONNECTICUT, more than 130—PEOPLE who say they were sexually, as children at 1—NOW—DEFUNCT charity school in HAITI reached a $60—MILLION—SETTLEMENT with 1—JESUIT UNIVERSITY—IN—CONNECTICUT and other defendants.
20190125             —KILLED, GEORGIA—DAYLON—DELON—GAMBLE, (27), 4—PEOPLE and wounded 1—MAN in 1—PAIR—OF—SHOOTINGS in Rockmart.
20190125             —SENTENCED, KANSAS, 3—MEN were, to prison terms of 25 to 30—YEARS for plotting to blow up 1—APARTMENT—COMPLEX in Garden City where SOMALIA—REFUGEES lived.
20190125             —SIGNED, NEW—YORK GOVERNOR—ANDREW—CUOMO, 1—MEASURE making it illegal to deny people 1—JOB, housing, education or public accommodations because they are transgender.
20190125             —CALLED, NEW—YORK, the World Refugee Council, for up to $20—BILLION stolen by government leaders and —NOW frozen in THE—USA, BRITAIN and other countries, to be reallocated by courts to help millions of displaced people forced to flee conflict, persecution and victimization.
20190125             1—TEXAS official said some 95,000 NON—USA—CITIZENS have been identified on voter rolls going back to 19960000              and that some 58,000 are believed to have voted in at least 1—STATE—ELECTION.
20190125             —DECLARED, WASHINGTON STATE—GOVERNOR—JAY—INSLEE, 1—STATEWIDE public health emergency —FOLLOWING 1—NUMBER—OF confirmed measles cases in and near VANCOUVER.
20190125             —RECORDED, MELBOURNE—AUSTRALIA, its hottest —DAY in 5—YEARS.
20190125             —REACHED, The temperature, 42.8—C (109—F) with the airport recording 46—C (114.8—F).
20190125             JEAN—WYLLYS, BRAZIL—2. openly gay congressman, said he will not serve the new term for which he was RE—ELECTED due to death threats and he —NOW plans to live abroad.
20190125             His Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL) said his seat in BRASILIA will go to 1—SUBSTITUTE lawmaker who is also gay: Rio councilman DAVID—MIRANDA, the husband of Pulitzer PRIZE—WINNING USA—JOURNALIST—GLENN—GREENWALD.
20190125             —COLLAPSED, BRAZIL, 1—DAM, at 1—MINE owned by corporate giant Vale in Minas Gerais state.
20190125             —KILLED, The dam collapse, at least 84—PEOPLE with hopes fading for over 200—STILL missing.
20190125             The overwhelming majority of the dead and missing were Vale employees or contractors, buried in up to 15—METERS (50—FEET) of mud that stretched for 12—KM (8—MILES) and was at SOME—POINTS up to 300—METERS (yards) wide.
20190125             —AFTER—2—MONTHS the death toll reached 212 with 93—STILL missing.
20190125             —INVESTIGATED, CHINA—AUTHORITIES, 2—EXPLOSIONS in 1—BASEMENT—CAR—PARK and a 30. floor apartment in the country's northeast that left 1—PERSON—DEAD and 1 injured in THE—CITY—OF—CHANGCHUN.
20190125             —CONCLUDED, Investigators soon, that then explosion in 1—APARTMENT building in the country's northeast was set off by 1—MAN killed in the blast.
20190125             ETHIOPIA said it is banning street begging by SYRIA—NATIONALS who have startled people by showing up in growing numbers in recent months in major cities —AROUND hotels and mosques.
20190125             —RATIFIED, GREECE, 1—LANDMARK accord that changes THE—NAME—OF—NEIGHBORING—MACEDONIA, ending 1—DECADES—OLD—DISPUTE with its neighbor and opening the way for THE—EX—YUGOSLAVIA—REPUBLIC to join the European Union and NATO.
20190125             INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI and visiting SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—CYRIL—RAMAPHOSA announced they will boost ties in key areas such as defense, maritime security, information technology and trade under a 3-year strategic exchange program.
20190125             1—DISASTER—OFFICIAL in INDONESIA said THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE killed —AFTER DAYS—OF—TORRENTIAL rain triggered flash floods and landslides on Sulawesi island has climbed to 59 with 25—OTHERS missing.
20190125             1—SEPARATIST—MOVEMENT in INDONESIA—WEST—PAPUA province delivered 1—PETITION with 1.8—MILLION signatures demanding 1—INDEPENDENCE—REFERENDUM to UN Human Rights CHIEF—MICHELLE—BACHELET.
20190125             ISRAEL—TROOPS shot and killed 1—PALESTINE—MAN in GAZA as thousands took part in 1—PROTEST along the border.
20190125             THE—WEST—BANK—ISRAEL—TROOPS, shot and killed 1—PALESTINE—TEEN and wound another as 1—GROUP—OF—YOUNG—MEN hurled stones at the troops.
20190125             THE—ITALY—ALPS, 1—FRANCE—FLIGHT instructor was 1—OF 2—SURVIVORS in 1—MIDAIR collision between 1—SMALL—TOURIST—PLANE and 1—HELICOPTER over the Rutor glacier.
20190125             The death toll from the deadly collision soon rose to 7.
20190125             JAPAN—SUPREME—COURT upheld 1—LAW that effectively requires transgender people to be sterilized —BEFORE they can have their gender changed on official documents.
20190125             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that JAPAN—BREWER Asahi is buying the beer BUSINESS—OF—BRITAIN—FULLER—SMITH & Turner's for 250—MILLION—POUNDS ($327—MILLION), in 1—DEAL that includes its flagship LONDON Pride.
20190125             † In CENTRAL—MALI 2—UN—PEACEKEEPERS from SRI—LANKA and several were wounded —WHEN their vehicle hit 1—MINE.
20190125             NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—MUHAMMADU—BUHARI set off 1—UPROAR by announcing THE—SUSPENSION—OF—THE—CHIEF—JUSTICE, citing corruption allegations.
20190125             —ANNOUNCED, PAKISTAN, plans to ease visa restrictions for tourists from 90—COUNTRIES, including THE—USA—AND—EUROPE, in 1—BID to revive its tourism sector, decimated by YEARS—OF—NEGLIGENCE and problems with militants.
20190125             PANAMA, FRANCIS—PAPA brought World Youth —DAY to the Las Garzas de Pacora detention center so that its inmates, even behind barbed wire fencing, could participate in the Catholic CHURCH—BIG—FESTIVAL—OF—FAITH.
20190125             QATAR said it will adopt 1—NEW formula for aid to GAZA —AFTER THE—PALESTINE—ENCLAVE—RULERS—HAMAS rejected 1—CASH—INJECTION over alleged unacceptable ISRAEL—CONDITIONS.
20190125             QATAR would —NOW channel MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in humanitarian projects "in full coordination with THE—UNITED—NATIONS".
20190125             —OFFERED, RUSSIA, to mediate between the government and opposition in VENEZUELA if necessary, saying it was ready to cooperate with all political forces that acted responsibly.
20190125             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—BOARD—GAME that makes LIGHT—OF—LAST—YEAR—NERVE agent attack on 1—FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY in BRITAIN has gone on sale in RUSSIA.
20190125             Players of "Our Guys In Salisbury" roll dice to advance across THE—BOARD—FROM—MOSCOW to Salisbury, the city where BRITAIN says 2—RUSSIA—SPIES used 1—CHEMICAL—WEAPON to poison SERGEI—SKRIPAL and his daughter.
20190125             —CALLED, SUDAN—MAIN—OPPOSITION—LEADER—SADIQ AL—MAHDI, for PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR to step down, throwing his support behind ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS—AFTER weeks of deadly protest.
20190125             —MARCHED, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, through OMDURMAN, across the River Nile from the capital, and police fired teargas to try to break up the rally.
20190125             1—TURKEY—COURT—RELEASED—LEYLA—GUVEN, 1—KURDISH—LAWMAKER who was jailed —LAST—YEAR for criticizing ANKARA—MILITARY—OPERATION in Syria.
20190125             She has been on hunger strike for nearly 3—MONTHS and still faces trial and up to 31—YEARS' jail over CHARGES—OF—TERRORISM—LEADERSHIP and propaganda for her opposition to TURKEY—INCURSION into NORTH—WEST—SYRIA—AFRIN region.
20190125             —SHELLED, TURKEY—FORCES, YPG militia positions in THE—NORTH—SYRIA—REGION—OF—TAL—RIFAAT for a 3. consecutive —DAY.
20190125             —CONTROLLED, THE—HEAD—OF—UKRAINE—CYBER police said hackers likely, by RUSSIA are stepping up efforts to disrupt UKRAINE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION in March with CYBER—ATTACKS on electoral servers and personal COMPUTERS—OF—ELECTION—STAFF.
20190125             Yanghee Lee, THE—UN—SPECIAL—RAPPORTEUR on Human Rights in MYANMAR, said MYANMAR—ARMY—CHIEF should be prosecuted for genocide against the Rohingya Muslim minority, adding that holding perpetrators to account for crimes was necessary —BEFORE refugees who fled the country could return.
20190125             —CALLED, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—BOSS—MICHELLE—BACHELET, for 1—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION into alleged excessive USE—OF—FORCE by VENEZUELA—SECURITY—FORCES or allied militia, citing reports of at least 20—PEOPLE killed this —WEEK.
20190125             VENEZUELA, SOME—USA—DIPLOMATS left the embassy in CARACAS for the airport in 1—CONVOY escorted by police, —AFTER PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO broke off relations with WASHINGTON and ordered USA—PERSONNEL out.
20190125             —PULLED, VENEZUELA, Jhonny Godoy (29) was, outside his home in THE—CARACAS slum of LA—VEGA and was shot in the abdomen and foot.
20190125             1—DISPOSABLE diaper was shoved in his mouth, apparently to suffocate him He had —RECENTLY—POSTED 1—VIDEO—OF his opposition to PRESIDENT—MADURO.
20190125             —CONTINUED, ZIMBABWE, reports of 1—VIOLENT—CRACKDOWN, as rights groups and others accused security forces of raping women —DURING HOUSE—TO—HOUSE—SEARCHES.
20190125             —GESPALTEN, Umfrage, Beim TEMPO—LIMIT für Autobahnen ist DEUTSCHLAND
20190125             MEDIEN—BERICHT, Vattenfall will offenbar massiv in BRAUNKOHLE—REVIERE investieren
20190125             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—CARACAS: USA ziehen DIPLOMATEN teilweise aus VENEZUELA ab
20190125             BRASILIEN: Schwuler Abgeordneter verlässt nach TODES—DROHUNGEN DAS—LAND
20190125             —KLIMA—DEMONSTRATION vor dem WIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTERIUM: ALTMAIER will mit streikenden Schülern reden
20190125             DONALD—TRUMP und PUTIN—IRAN und CHINA: Diese Mächte zerren an VENEZUELA
20190125             —DIE—LAGE—AM—FREITAG, Showdown in CARACAS
20190125             Studie: Steuerhinterziehung kostet DIE—EU—STAATEN 825.000.000.000—EURO—PRO—JAHR
20190125             PAPA beim Weltjugendtag: Baut BRÜCKEN—KEINE Mauern
20190125             —VORSTOß auf Verkehrsgerichtstag: "Klagen gegen FAHR—VERBOTE haben gute Chancen"
20190125             Schwere KÄMPFE—IN—SYRIEN—ASSAD—VERBÜNDETE gehen aufeinander los
20190125             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—VENEZUELA: Die Gegner machen einander Angebote
20190125             Wirtschaft im Abschwung: IFO—INDEX fällt unerwartet stark
20190125             —BEREITET, EU—AUSTRITT: FRANKREICH, sich auf harten BREXIT vor
20190125             Galapagosinseln: Drohnen bekämpfen Ratten
20190125             Doch —SCHON—LÄNGER ist das ÖKO—PARADIES bedroht.
20190125             DER—EINSATZ—VON—DROHNEN ermögliche es, insbesondere auf kleinen und mittelgroßen Inseln präziser GEGEN—DIE—RATTEN vorzugehen,
20190125             EU—AUSTRITT und der NORD—IRLAND—KONFLIKT, "DIE—PARAMILITÄRS wollen zeigen, daß sie zurück sind"
20190125             VENEZUELA: Wie 1—USA—SENATOR—DEN—MACHT—WECHSEL plante
20190125             —CHAOS bei SPEZIAL—EINHEIT: Zoll räumt Fehler im KAMPF—GEGEN—GELD—WÄSCHE ein
20190125             Nachhaltige Investments: UBS will selbst die Standards setzen
20190125             USA—TRUMP—VERTRAUTER ROGER—STONE in FLORIDA festgenommen
20190125             Umfragen: MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN—FÜR schnellen Kohleausstieg
20190125             Wirtschaftskompetenz: Das große Missverständnis
20190125             LONDON: Verschollenes Grab von britischem Entdecker bei Bau von Bahntrasse entdeckt
20190125             Datenleaks: Millionen nutzen den "Identity Leak Checker"
20190125             Griechenland und MAZEDONIEN: Zahlreiche Festnahmen nach PROTESTE—GEGEN—NAMENSABKOMMEN
20190125             Betrugsmasche: ANDROID—NUTZER werden von FAKE—NAVIS in die Irre geführt
20190125             Schutz im KLOSTER: ÖSTERREICH will FLÜCHTLING aus Kirchenasyl abschieben
20190125             POSITIONS—PAPIER—VON—LUNGEN—ÄRZTEN: 2—SEITEN Behauptungen, kein einziger Beleg
20190125             "Nordmazedonien": Griechisches PARLAMENT stimmt Abkommen im NAMENS—STREIT zu
20190125             Mutmaßliche VETTERN—WIRTSCHAFT im VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM: Millionenaufträge, ohne Ausschreibung
20190125             —KLIMAAKTIVISTIN THUNBERG in DAVOS: "Alle sollen die Angst spüren, die ich selbst jeden —TAG spüre"
20190125             Studie: 3—VIERTEL DER—FLÜCHTLINGE lernen Deutsch, 33 % hat 1—JOB
20190125             Ablenkung, Öl, Wählerstimmen: Warum sich DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT—IN—VENEZUELA einmischt
20190125             STICK—OXIDE: Verkehrsgerichtstag fordert Überprüfung der DIESEL—GRENZWERTE
20190125             VENEZUELA: Guaidó telefonierte offenbar mit PENCE—KURZ bevor die Revolte begann
20190125             Verräterisches Foto: Im JEMEN—KRIEG wird offenbar DEUTSCHE—RÜSTUNGSTECHNIK eingesetzt
20190125             Personalmangel wegen Shutdown, USA—BEHÖRDE stoppt Landungen an NEW—YORKER Flughafen
20190125             Verkauf von Schloss Marienburg: "Keinerlei Verständnis" - PRINZ—ERNST—AUGUST kritisiert sein Sohn
20190125             CHINA gegen DIE—USA : ANGST—VOR—DEM großen WIRTSCHAFTS—KRIEG
20190125             UNTERNEHMENS—BERATER: STAAT zahlt PRO—JAHR 3—MILLIARDEN—EURO für McKinsey & Co.
20190125             Schulstreik fürs Klima: "Wir sind laut, weil ihr uns DIE—ZUKUNFT klaut" (Leben und Lernen, 18:44)
20190125             DONALD—TRUMP—EX—BERATER festgenommen: Was wusste Stone von den geleakten CLINTON—E—MAILS?
20190125             —BEENDET, USA—DONALD—TRUMP erklärt Shutdown für, - [l] SEYMOUR—HERSH ist zurück.
20190125             [l] Der Shutdown hat die Flugsicherung so entkernt, daß die FAA —JETZT Flüge absagen muss.
20190125             But here I am.
20190125             The indictment's wording does not say who on THE—CAMPAIGN knew about STONE—QUEST, but makes clear it was multiple people.
20190125             "—AFTER the.
20190125             MANY—OF—USA will be amused to learn that Infowars has 1—HUMAN—RESOURCES—DIRECTOR.
20190125             BRASILIEN: Hunderte Vermisste nach Dammbruch bei Erzmine
20190125             VENEZUELA: DEUTSCHLAND erwägt Anerkennung von GUAIDÓ als PRÄSIDENT
20190125             Studie: STEUER—HINTERZIEHUNG kostet DIE—EU—STAATEN 825.000.000.000—EURO—PRO—JAHR
20190125—20171000    —ARRESTED, She had been, on arrival at Hurghada, 1—RED—SEA—RESORT, and was accused of attempting to smuggle HUNDREDS—OF—TRAMADOL tablets, which are legal in BRITAIN but banned in EGYPT.
20190125—20180600    —MITTE, war bekannt geworden, daß es ein geheimes TREFFEN—ZWISCHEN—STONE und einem russischen STAATS—BÜRGERIN FLORIDA gegeben haben soll, bei dem der Russe Stone angeblich schädliche INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—HILLARY—CLINTON für 2—MILLIONEN $ verkaufen wollte.
20190125—20190121    —ANNOUNCED, In THE—PHILIPPINES the Commission on Elections, that the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao is deemed ratified —FOLLOWING 1—REFERENDUM.
20190125—20190125    —ON, EGYPT, Laura Plummer (34), 1—UK—WOMAN, was 1—OF 6,925 prisoners pardoned by PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI, THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—EGYPT'S 20110000              uprising.
20190125—20190127    —ARRESTED, Gamble was, in INDIANA.
20190128             BRAZIL, the confirmed death toll rose to 60, with 292—PEOPLE still missing for 20190125             —THE dam break in Minas Gerais state.
20190131             BRAZIL—MINAS—GERAIS state labor prosecutors' office said it had frozen more than 800—MILLION reais ($219—MILLION) of miner VALE—FUNDS as compensation for victims of 20190125             —THE deadly tailings dam burst.
20190215             —ARRESTED, BRAZIL—POLICE, 8—EMPLOYEES—OF mining company Vale SA as PART—OF—1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION into the causes of 20190125             —THE deadly dam disaster.
20200125             —SAMSTAG, Mehr als 40—TOTE, knapp 1.300—INFIZIERTE in CHINA: CORONA—VIRUS— breitet sich weiter aus
20200125             4—LEHREN aus DAVOS: Warum sich VIELE—KONZERNBOSSE über DONALD—TRUMP freuen Aus DAVOS berichtet STEFAN—KAISER
20200125             —ANGRIFFE—AUF—ANWÄLTE und Gerichte: des ORBÁN—NEUE Feinde
20200125             WERTE—UNION und DIE—NEUE—RECHTE: Koalition der Klimawandelleugner
20200125             CRASH—KURS in Strahlungsbilanz und TREIBHAUSGAS—HEIZUNG: Woher die gewaltige Energie des Klimawandels stammt 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—STEFAN—RAHMSTORF
20200125             IMPEACHMENT—VERFAHREN gegen TRUMP: Verteidiger widersprechen vehement den Vorwürfen
20200125             CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTIONEN in FRANKREICH unter Kontrolle
20200125             INDYMEDIA—VERBOT: DEMONSTRANTEN—IN—LEIPZIG werfen Steine und zünden Bengalos
20200125             NORD—IRAK: Bundeswehr nimmt KURDEN—AUSBILDUNG wieder auf
20200125             WERTE—UNION und DIE—NEUE—RECHTE: Koalition der KLIMA—WANDEL—LEUGNER
20210108             Wie Bildungssenatorin SANDRA—SCHEERES (SPD) am —FREITAG dem rbb bestätigte, soll es in BERLIN keine Präsenzpflicht geben —BIS zum 20210125              geben.
20210125             —MONTAG, 20210125
20210125             Aliás, o segundo mais votado no Algarve foi André Ventura, que obteve 16,69%.
20210125             O candidato apoiado pelo Chega alcançou o segundo lugar em 14—DOS concelhos algarvios, apenas à exceção de Monchique e de Aljezur.
20210125             Foi precisamente aqui que Ventura alcançou os seus piores resultados: 8,33% em Monchique e 11,88% em Aljezur.
20210125             Quanto a Ana Gomes, que foi 3ª classificada a nível regional (11,74%), conseguiu suplantar Ventura nesses mesmos dois municípios, obtendo 13,63% dos votos em Aljezur e 10,88% em Monchique.
20210125             Quanto a João Ferreira, foi o 4º mais votado em seis concelhos: Alcoutim, Aljezur, Castro Marim, Silves, Vila do Bispo e Vila Real de Santo António.
20210125             A sua maior votação, em termos de percentagem, foi alcançada em Vila Real (8,17%), logo seguida de Silves (6,73%).
20210125             No Algarve, 57,89% dos eleitores não foram votar.
20210125             Em toda a região, a percentagem de abstenção apenas ficou abaixo dos 50% em Monchique, onde foi de 49,16%, a mais baixa
20210125             2. Welle in Brasilien: 1—LAND leidet — und der PRÄSIDENT sabotiert die Impfkampagne
20210125             Schwerkranke und Behinderte klagen gegen Spahns IMPF—REIHENFOLGE: "Die haben Menschen wie mich komplett vergessen"
20210125             WHO—DIREKTOR über neue ANTI—RAUCH—KAMPAGNE: "1—PACKUNG—ZIGARETTEN müsste 23—EURO kosten"
20210125             Resort in FLORIDA: Trumps "traurigem" MAR—A—LAGO laufen die Mitglieder weg
20210125             AMNESTY—BERICHT über ägyptische Gefängnisse: "Folter, Misshandlungen und gezielte Unterversorgung"
20210125             ANTHONY—FAUCI über sein Verhältnis zu Trump: "Ich war das Stinktier beim Picknick"
20210125             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: —JETZT hat JOE—BIDEN das CHINA—PROBLEM
20210125             NAWALNY—PROTESTE in ganz Russland: Die WELLE—DER—WUT erfasst das Land
20210125             Coronakrise: Gewerkschaften und Verbände fordern massive HARTZ—IV—ERHÖHUNG
20210125             Niederlande: Krawalle bei Protesten gegen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20210125             LOCKDOWN—FOLGEN: Coronakrise verschärft Kneipensterben in Großbritannien
20210125             CORONA—PANDEMIE: ZAHL—DER—NOTRUFE bei britischem Kinderschutzbund steigt deutlich
20210125             Horrorgeschichte vom "Great Reset": Wie der DAVOS—GRÜNDER—ZUM—ANFÜHRER einer vermeintlichen Weltverschwörung wurde
20210125             Intensivstation in der Pandemie: Bilder von dort, wo keiner hindarf 1—VIDEOINTERVIEW—VON—MARTIN—JÄSCHKE, Leonie Voss und Wilma Leskowitsch
20210125             IFO—INDEX in der Coronakrise: Manager verlieren die Zuversicht
20210125             —VERURTEILT, Vor EU—AUßENMINISTERTREFFEN: Maas, Verhaftungen russischer Demonstranten
20210125             Oppositionspolitiker in UGANDA: Gericht entlässt Bobi Wine aus Hausarrest
20210125             Menschenrechte: Fachleute fordern Stopp des EU—CHINA—ABKOMMENS
20210125             Überforderte Gesundheitsämter: Merkels Nemesis
20210125             Negativpreis für Seitenbacher: Verbraucher küren Fruchtmüsli zur "Mogelpackung des Jahres"
20210125             Konfrontation im Himalaja: Erneut gewaltsame Grenzstreitigkeiten zwischen Indien und CHINA
20210125             Die australische Regulierungsbehörde für therapeutische Mittel (TGA) hat dem CORONA—IMPFSTOFF aus dem Hause Pfizer/Biontech 1—ZULASSUNG erteilt.
20210125             Das Mittel dürfe bei mindesten 16-Jährigen angewendet werden,
20210125             Der mexikanische Staatspräsident Andrés MANUEL—LÓPEZ—OBRADOR ist an COVID—19—ERKRANKT.
20210125             —GETESTET, Er sei positiv auf das Coronavirus, worden, habe leichte Symptome und werde medizinisch behandelt,
20210125             Mexiko ist nach offiziellen Zahlen das Land mit den viertmeisten Todesfällen infolge der CORONA—PANDEMIE — knapp 150 000—TODESOPFER wurden bislang registriert.
20210125             Allerdings wird in dem nordamerikanischen Land mit fast 130—MILLIONEN Einwohnern — Platz 10—DER bevölkerungsreichsten Länder — ÄUß—ERST wenig auf das Virus getestet.
20210125             Außerdem ist die sogenannte Übersterblichkeit dort sehr hoch.
20210125             Das Berliner Vivantes HUMBOLDT—KLINIKUM nimmt nach mehreren Infektionen mit der gefährlichen britischen CORONAVIRUS—VARIANTE keine Patienten mehr auf.
20210125             Routinescreenings in der Station für Innere Medizin und Kardiologie ergaben positive Nachweise bei bislang 20—PERSONEN.
20210125             Neben 14—PATIENTINNEN und Patienten seien 6—MITARBEITERINNEN und Mitarbeiter betroffen,
20210125             Die etwa 17000000              Mitarbeiterinnen und MITARBEITER—DES—KRANKENHAUSES stehen unter sogenannter Pendelquarantäne.
20210125             Viel mehr Notrufe bei britischem Kinderschutzbund während Pandemie
20210125             Ohne Verpflichtung für die Kommunen, staatliches Geld zum Kindesschutz einzusetzen, könnten die Mittel in andere Projekte fließen.
20210125             Neuseeland bestätigt 1. Fall —SEIT Monaten
20210125             Auf einem Platz im ZENTRUM—VON—AMSTERDAM setzte die Polizei nach ANGABEN—DES—ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHEN Senders NOS Hunde und einen Wasserwerfer ein, um 1—PROTESTVERSAMMLUNG von rund 1500—MENSCHEN aufzulösen.
20210125             Mindestens 100—MENSCHEN wurden in der Stadt festgenommen
20210125             EINDHOVEN, trieb die Polizei Hunderte Demonstranten mit Tränengas auseinander, wie der Regionalsender Omroep Brabant berichtete.
20210125             Mehrere Fahrzeuge seien dort in Brand gesteckt und Geschäfte am Hauptbahnhof geplündert worden.
20210125             —SPEKULIERT, Kultusministerkonferenz, über 1. Schulöffnungen —ANFANG Februar
20210125             Paare erhalten pro Partner 401—EURO.
20210125             Neben der Erhöhung auf 600—EURO fordert das Bündnis "Soforthilfe für die Armen — —JETZT!" einen "pauschalen Mehrbedarfszuschlag" für die Dauer der Coronakrise von 100—EURO.
20210125             ALLE—KINDER und Jugendlichen in Familien mit niedrigen Einkommen sollten HARD—UND Software sowie weitere Lernmittel erhalten, die für die Nutzung der digitalen Bildungsangebote der Schulen notwendig sind.
20210125             —GEFORDERT, Zudem wird 1—KÜNDIGUNGSSCHUTZ für Mieter.
20210125             Kanzleramtschef: Mutation wird in Deutschland dominante Form werden
20210125             Umso wichtiger sei es nun, die Infektionszahlen "sehr stark" zu senken und damit einer weiteren Verbreitung der Mutation die Grundlage zu entziehen,
20210125             RKI: 6729—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN und 217—NEUE Todesfälle
20210125             Die Zahl der binnen 7—TAGEN gemeldeten Neuinfektionen pro 100.000—EINWOHNER (7—TAGE—INZIDENZ) lag laut RKI am Montagmorgen bei 111,2.
20210125             Der bundesweite 7—TAGE—R—WERT lag laut RKI—LAGEBERICHT vom Sonntagabend bei 1,01 (Vortag ebenfalls 1,01).
20210125             Die verschärften deutschen Einreiseregeln für Berufspendler aus Tschechien stoßen im Nachbarland auf Kritik.
20210125             —SEIT—SONNTAG müssen die Grenzgänger bei JEDER—FAHRT in die Bundesrepublik einen negativen CORONA—TEST vorlegen, der nicht älter als 48—STUNDEN sein darf.
20210125             Wer es sich leisten könne, werde sich nach einer neuen Arbeit in Tschechien umsehen.
20210125             Für viele gehe es indes um ihre Existenz,
20210125             Nach Schätzungen fahren 35.000—BIS 60.000—TSCHECHEN regelmäßig zur Arbeit nach Deutschland.
20210125             Die Forderung, die Pendler alle 48—STUNDEN neu zu testen, sei eine enorme Belastung für das CORONA—TESTSYSTEM.
20210125             Es drohe, dass echte Verdachtsfälle keinen Termin mehr für einen Test auf das Virus SARS—COV—2—BEKOMMEN würden.
20210125             87—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN—WISSENSCHAFTLER erwarten Oxfam zufolge, dass die Einkommensungleichheit in ihrem Land als Folge der Pandemie zunehmen oder stark zunehmen wird.
20210125             Mehr als die Hälfte ist der Ansicht, dass die Ungleichheit zwischen den Geschlechtern wahrscheinlich oder sehr wahrscheinlich zunehmen wird, und
20210125             mehr als 2—DRITTEL gehen davon aus, dass die Ungleichheit zwischen Weißen und BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) zunehmen wird.
20210125             Menschen in Armut seien dem Coronavirus am stärksten ausgesetzt.
20210125             Sie lebten häufiger in beengten Verhältnissen, teilweise ohne Wasser und sanitäre Einrichtungen.
20210125             JAPAN erreicht Forschern zufolge durch Massenimpfungen wohl —ERST im Oktober die sogenannte Herdenimmunität und damit etwa 2—MONATE nach ENDE—DER—GEPLANTEN—OLYMPISCHEN—SOMMERSPIELE.
20210125             Lieferengpässe bei CORONA—IMPFSTOFFEN sind nach ANSICHT—DER—STÄNDIGEN—IMPFKOMMISSION (Stiko) am ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT nicht abzusehen gewesen.
20210125             —GEMACHT, Zu der Zeit, als Vorverträge mit Herstellern, worden seien, habe man nichts über die wirkliche Wirksamkeit der Impfstoffe gewusst.
20210125             "Man musste mehrere Katzen im Sack kaufen, weil man nicht wusste, welcher Impfstoff zuerst zur Zulassung kommt",
20210125             Der CHEF—DES—MÜNCHNER—IFO—INSTITUTS, Clemens Fuest, hat sich optimistisch gezeigt, dass Deutschland ohne eine "massive Insolvenzwelle" durch die CORONA—PANDEMIE kommen kann — "wenn wir es richtig angehen".
20210125             Fuest lehnte am —MONTAG im ZDF-"Morgenmagazin" einen harten Lockdown ab.
20210125             "Wir müssen die Industrie auf jeden Fall offen halten, wir können uns einen wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruch nicht leisten",
20210125             Dort, "wo die Inzidenzen runtergehen", könnten die Beschränkungen stärker gelockert werden, schlug Fuest im ZDF vor.
20210125             Reisen in diese "grünen Zonen", etwa zum Shoppengehen, müssten dabei aber unterbunden werden.
20210125             Ausschreitungen bei CORONA—PROTESTEN in ISRAEL
20210125             Wie die Polizei mitteilte, setzten Randalierer unter anderem einen Bus in Brand.
20210125             Sie versuchten demnach auch, 1—GEBÄUDE der Feuerwehr zu stürmen.
20210125             Medienberichten zufolge setzten die Beamten unter anderem Blendgranaten ein.
20210125             VIELE—STRENGRELIGIÖSE befolgen die Regeln zur Pandemiebekämpfung nicht.
20210125             Ein einflussreicher Rabbiner etwa hatte dazu aufgerufen, die Schulen im ultraorthodoxen Sektor trotz eines allgemeinen Verbots zu öffnen.
20210125             Türkei erhält 6,5 Millionen weitere Dosen des chinesischen Impfstoffs
20210125             Der Ostbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, MARCO—WANDERWITZ (CDU), sagt, dass es einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Anteil der AFD—ANHÄNGER in einer Region und der dortigen CORONA—LAGE gibt.
20210125             "Wer die Infektionsschutzmaßnahmen ablehnt, wie VIELE—AFD—ANHÄNGER, Reichsbürger und Esoteriker es tun, hilft am Ende bei der AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS",
20210125             —INZWISCHEN, Wanderwitz fügte hinzu, das Phänomen habe, 1—DIMENSION, die über das Parteipolitische hinausgehe.
20210125             VIELE—SCHÖBEN—KOMPLEXES und Unwillkommenes einfach beiseite, igelten sich ein — und seien dann keinem Argument mehr zugänglich.
20210125             "Aber diese Partei leugnet CORONA und fordert dazu auf, die Hygieneregeln nicht zu beachten.
20210125             Das führt dann dort, wo VIELE—AFD—ANHÄNGER leben, leider zu verstärkter Ansteckung".
20210125             Wer die Impfung gegen COVID—19—VERWEIGERT, kann in AMERIKA seinen Job verlieren.
20210125             Erstmals —SEIT November unter 20.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in Russland
20210125             Der Shutdown Ende 20200000              bremst die Erholung am deutschen Bau.
20210125             Die Betriebe sammelten im November inflationsbereinigt (real) 5,9 Prozent weniger Aufträge ein als im Vorjahresmonat,
20210125             Dies sei ein nominales Minus von 2,3 Prozent auf rund 6,9 Milliarden Euro.
20210125             "Wir sehen eine ähnliche Entwicklung wie —BEREITS im Frühjahr des letzten Jahres während des 1. Lockdowns"
20210125             Der Wohnungsbau hingegen boome weiter und sei dank "anhaltend hoher Baugenehmigungen für die kommenden Monate gut ausgelastet".
20210125             In den USA haben sich 130.485—MENSCHEN binnen 24—STUNDEN mit dem Coronavirus infiziert.
20210125             Die ZAHL—DER—ERFASSTEN—TOTEN erreichte am —SONNTAG 17690000             ,
20210125             FRANKREICH, rückt ein 3. Lockdown näher:
20210125             Der VORSITZENDE—DES—WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN—CORONA—BEIRATS—DER—REGIERUNG, JEAN—FRANÇOIS Delfraissy, sagte am Sonntagabend im Fernsehsender BFM—TV,
20210125             angesichts der Verbreitung neuer CORONA—VARIANTEN gebe es "akuten Handlungsbedarf".
20210125             Die Entwicklungsorganisation 1—WIRFT den Industrieländern Versagen bei einer weltweit gerechten Verteilung von Impfstoffen gegen die CORONA—PANDEMIE vor.
20210125             "Statt sich dafür stark zu machen, dass ALLE—MENSCHEN weltweit Zugang zu CORONA—IMPFSTOFFEN erhalten, sichern sich VIELE—REICHE—LÄNDER mehr Impfstoffe als sie benötigen und kreieren so 1—MONOPOL",
20210125             Entgegen öffentlicher Bekenntnisse verfolgten insbesondere die Industrieländer eine "MEIN—LAND—ZUERST"-Strategie.
20210125             Dies sei unklug, weil es die Dauer der Pandemie um Jahre verlängere und tödlich für die Menschen sein könne, die keinen Zugang zu einem Impfstoff hätten.
20210125             HÄLFTE—DER—DEUTSCHEN begrüßt offene EU—GRENZEN trotz CORONA
20210125             begrüßten 53—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN das Bekenntnis der EU—STAATEN, Grenzen für Pendler offen zu halten.
20210125             29—PROZENT lehnten dies ab, knapp jeder 5. machte keine Angabe.
20210125             Rund 14000000              Bundeswehrsoldaten für Tests in Altenheimen im Einsatz
20210125             Verschärfte Testpflicht für Grenzgänger aus Tschechien führt zu Staus
20210125             Gesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN (CDU) hat 1—PFLICHT zur Genehmigung für den Export von Impfstoffen aus der Europäischen Union (EU) ins Gespräch gebracht.
20210125             Aus seiner Sicht solle die EU eine entsprechende Genehmigungspflicht prüfen,
20210125             Die britische Regierung denkt wegen der neuen CORONAVIRUS—VARIANTEN über 1—VERSCHÄRFUNG der Grenzkontrollen nach.
20210125             Grund sei die Furcht vor VIRUS—MUTATIONEN, gegen die die Impfstoffe nicht mehr wirkten,
20210125             Human Rights Concerns: Experts Demand SUSPENSION—OF—EU—CHINA Investment Deal
20210125             Eskalation im Grenzgebiet: Berichte über Gefechte zwischen somalischem und kenianischem Militär
20210125             Korruptionsvorwürfe: Putin nennt Nawalnys Enthüllungsvideo Ergebnis von "Gehirnwäsche"
20210125             Smartphones, Kameras, Kopfhörer: EU will Hersteller zu einheitlichen Ladekabeln verpflichten
20210125             34—MILLIONEN—EURO—DEAL: Großbritannien startet eigenes KAMPFDROHNEN—PROGRAMM
20210125             Falschinformationen zur USA—WAHL: Giuliani auf 1,3 Milliarden Dollar Schadensersatz verklagt
20210125             Zu stark für die Konkurrenz? 7—FAKTEN zum ELEKTRO—AUTO Lucid Air - Ein Angebot von
20210125             —BERICHTET, Wie die "NEW—YORK—TIMES", hat die Wahlmaschinenfirma Dominion Klage gegen Trumps Anwalt RUDY—GIULIANI eingereicht.
20210125             In der 107-seitigen Klageschrift, die dem Blatt zufolge beim Bundesgericht in WASHINGTON eingereicht worden sei,
20210125             werde Giuliani beschuldigt, "eine virale Desinformationskampagne über Dominion" durchgeführt zu haben, die sich aus "nachweislich falschen" Anschuldigungen zusammensetze.
20210125             Ihm werde zudem vorgeworfen, sich über dadurch anfallende Anwaltskosten und seinen Podcast bereichert haben zu wollen.
20210125             Die Klage basiere der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" zufolge auf mehr als 50—AUSSAGEN—VON—GIULIANI, in denen dieser Verschwörungstheorien über Wahlmaschinen verbreitet haben soll.
20210125             —SCHON—ANFANG des Monats hatte Dominion gegen die Anwältin SIDNEY—POWELL geklagt.
20210125             P - Überraschender Rückschlag: Merck scheitert mit CORONA—IMPFSTOFF
20210125             BREXIT—FOLGE: Fast die HÄLFTE—DER—LKW verlässt Großbritannien ohne Ware
20210125             SARAH—HUCKABEE—SANDERS: Trumps EX—SPRECHERIN will Gouverneurin in ARKANSAS werden
20210125             Weltwirtschaftsforum: Chinas PRÄSIDENT—XI warnt vor "neuem Kalten Krieg"
20210125             Parteien: Erstmals —SEIT—5—JAHREN Mitgliederschwund bei der AfD
20210125             Universalkünstler: ARIK—BRAUER ist tot - ARIK—BRAUER (19290000—20210000    ) F
20210125             Die GESCHICHTEN—DES—ALTEN—TESTAMENTS, Träume und Heldensagen brachte ARIK—BRAUER mit großer Akribie auf die Leinwand.
20210125             Auch aktuelle Missstände in Gesellschaft und Politik sprach der jüdische Künstler offen an und verarbeitete sie in seinen Werken.
20210125             Gemeinsam mit seinen Freunden ERNST—FUCHS, ANTON—LEHMDEN, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, RUDOLF—HAUSNER und WOLFGANG—HUTTER begründete er die Wiener Schule des Phantastischen Realismus.
20210125             Aufgewachsen ist der 19290000              geborene Brauer, der nie gläubig war, in einem Wiener Arbeiterbezirk.
20210125             ARIK—BRAUER ist tot Universalkünstler und LIEDERMACHER—DER SPIEGEL
20210125             AGENT—ORANGE—PROZESS: Eine für alle gegen die Chemiegiganten
20210125             Oberstes USA—GERICHT: SUPREME—COURT—WEIST—KORRUPTIONSKLAGEN gegen Trump zurück
20210125             WIRECARD—SKANDAL: 3. mutmaßlicher Helfer Marsaleks festgenommen
20210125             Tourismus in der Pandemie: Geimpft und für einreisefähig erklärt
20210125             Brücken, Tunnel, Extraspuren: Bund gibt Hunderte Millionen für bessere Fahrradwege frei
20210125             USA—MILITÄR: Biden kippt Trumps umstrittenes TRANSGENDER—VERBOT
20210125             LAST—MINUTE—ABSCHIEBUNGEN nach AFRIKA: Trumps letzte Opfer
20210125             Überlastete Buchungssysteme: So holprig läuft der Impfstart in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210125             Geldpolitik: Notenbanken wollen mehr in grüne Anleihen investieren
20210125             Mit künstlichen Antikörpern gegen CORONA: Wem das neue Medikament hilft — und wem nicht
20210125             Drogenstudie: Engländer und Schotten sind am häufigsten schwer betrunken
20210125             KLIMA—RISIKO—INDEX: Deutschland bei Wetterextremen weltweit unter Top 20
20210125             —GEHÖRT, Deutschland, —SEIT—ANFANG der Nullerjahre zu den weltweit am stärksten von Wetterextremen betroffenen Ländern.
20210125             Das geht aus dem Globalen KLIMA—RISIKO—INDEX hervor, den die Umweltorganisation Germanwatch vorgestellt hat.
20210125             belegt Deutschland im Langfristvergleich Platz 18—UNTER den Ländern, die am stärksten mit Hitzewellen, Dürren und Stürmen zu kämpfen hatten.
20210125             An der Spitze der Liste stehen PUERTO—RICO, MYANMAR und HAITI.
20210125             —BASIERT, Der jährlich veröffentlichte KLIMA—RISIKO—INDEX, auf einer Datenbank des Rückversicherers MUNICH Re und Informationen des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF).
20210125             Der wirtschaftliche Schaden lag für Deutschland kaufkraftbereinigt jährlich im Schnitt bei umgerechnet 3,54 Milliarden Euro.
20210125             Fast eine halbe Million Menschen kamen in den vergangenen 20—JAHREN in der Folge ums Leben,
20210125             Der globale wirtschaftliche Schaden liegt bei insgesamt umgerechnet rund 2,1 Billionen Euro.
20210125             Versuchter Wahlbetrug: USA—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM startet interne Untersuchung gegen mögliche TRUMP—UNTERSTÜTZER
20210125             Gebrochene Lieferversprechen: EU droht Impfstoffherstellern mit Exportverbot
20210125             Bürokratie: Ausbau der Windenergie an Land kommt kaum voran
20210125             Nach umstrittener Impfwerbung: Facebook sperrt MESSENGER—BOT von Israels Premier Netanyahu
20210125             Mon 20210125              - [l] Old and busted: ARM disrupts Intel.
20210125             New hotness: RISC—V disrupts ARM. Finde ich gut.
20210125             —GEHÖRT, Die Chinesen haben den Schuss offensichtlich.
20210125             Die haben die OPEN—SOURCE—VERSION—VON—ANDROID 10—AUF RISC—V portiert.
20210125             Alles Open Source, nichts von westlichen MÖCHTEGERNE—HANDELSKRIEGFÜHRERN abklemmbar.
20210125             Natürlich kann der Westen immer noch den Import verweigern, klar.
20210125             Aber der Westen kann dann nicht mehr chinesischen Herstellern ihre Produkte im chinesischen Markt kaputtmachen.
20210125             Von den Wachstumszahlen her ist der eh ein viel wichtigerer Markt als die EU oder die USA.
20210125             Das Problem für den Westen ist, dass bei solchen unilateralen Gewaltakten (wie als Google den Chinesen die KOMMERZ—VERSION—VON—ANDROID verboten hat) meist —ERST nach Jahren der volle Schaden klar wird.
20210125             Nehmt nur die Bundesregierung.
20210125             Die hat vor Jahren Hackertools verboten und hat immer noch nicht kapiert, wieviel sie damit langfristig kaputtgemacht hat.
20210125             Na dann kauft mal weiter eure Firewalls und Router bei den "freundlichen" Geheimdiensten, die —SCHON Merkels Telefon abgehört haben!
20210125             Monchique é o único concelho do continente com menos de 60—CASOS por 100—MIL habitantes
20210125             Monchique também passou a ser o único concelho do Algarve que não está com um nível de risco elevado ou superior
20210125             Monchique é o único concelho de PORTUGAL Continental com uma incidência da COVID—19—ABAIXO dos 60—CASOS por cada cem mil habitantes (39), nos últimos 14—DIAS,
20210125             Monchique, apenas igualado ou superado por uma mão cheia de municípios, todos eles da região autónoma dos Açores, onde a pandemia se tem mostrado mais controlada.
20210125             Este município serrano é, de resto, aquele do Algarve com uma incidência da COVID—19—ABAIXO dos 240—INFETADOS por cada cem mil habitantes,
20210125             Covid-19: Vacina da Moderna é eficaz contra novas variantes
20210125             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 1824 (+41) Óbitos - 18 (+3) Recuperados - 11260000              (+38) Casos ativos - 680 (=)
20210125             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 49 (+3) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 28 (=) Casos ativos - 17 (+3)
20210125             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 55 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 32 (=) Casos ativos - 22 (=)
20210125             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 244 (=) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 100 (+6) Casos ativos - 144 (-6)
20210125             Faro Casos confirmados - 225 (+46) Óbitos - 16 (=) Recuperados - 13550000              (+42) Casos ativos - 954 (+4)
20210125             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 464 (+2) Óbitos - 7 (+1) Recuperados - 319 (+5) Casos ativos - 138 (-4)
20210125             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 1066 (+7) Óbitos - 15 (=) Recuperados - 776 (+6) Casos ativos - 275 (+1)
20210125             Loulé Casos confirmados - 2780 (+70) Óbitos - 29 (+1) Recuperados - 16600000              (+79) Casos ativos - 10910000              (-10)
20210125             Monchique Casos confirmados - 53 (+1) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 49 (=) Casos ativos - 3 (+1)
20210125             Olhão Casos confirmados - 1215 (+31) Óbitos - 5 (=) Recuperados - 712 (+21) Casos ativos - 498 (+10)
20210125             Portimão Casos confirmados - 1562 (+23) Óbitos - 19 (=) Recuperados - 11570000              (+10) Casos ativos - 386 (+13)
20210125             Silves Casos confirmados - 906 (+9) Óbitos - 7 (=) Recuperados - 528 (+8) Casos ativos - 371 (+1)
20210125             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 297 (+3) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 206 (+3) Casos Ativos - 81 (=)
20210125             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1287 (+7) Óbitos - 22 (+1) Recuperados - 771 (+38) Casos ativos - 494 (-30)
20210125             VRSA Casos confirmados - 789 (+12) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 427 (+17) Casos ativos - 350 (-5)
20210125             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 112 (=) Óbitos - 5 (=) Recuperados - 88 (=) Casos ativos - 19 (=)
20210125             329_DGS_boletim_20210125
20210125             LK Altenkirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 62—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,1 Fälle gesamt 2.051—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.592,3 Todesfälle gesamt 43—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.805—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210125             LK Ammerland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 47—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 37,6 Fälle gesamt 1.605—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.285,4 Todesfälle gesamt 24—EINWOHNERZAHL 124.859—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210125             LK Aurich Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 60—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 31,6 Fälle gesamt 1.849—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 974,7 Todesfälle gesamt 24—EINWOHNERZAHL 189.694—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210125             LK BITBURG—PRÜM Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 47—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,4 Fälle gesamt 2.025—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.044,3 Todesfälle gesamt 18—EINWOHNERZAHL 99.058—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210125             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 264—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 99,8 Fälle gesamt 8.071—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.049,8 Todesfälle gesamt 201—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210125             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 153—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 79,0 Fälle gesamt 4.498—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.322,7 Todesfälle gesamt 150—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210125             LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 19—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 19,2 Fälle gesamt 920—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 932,1 Todesfälle gesamt 27—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.704—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210125             LK Hohenlohekreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 49—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,5 Fälle gesamt 2.661—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.362,1 Todesfälle gesamt 91—EINWOHNERZAHL 112.655—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210125             LK LÜCHOW—DANNENBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 21—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,4 Fälle gesamt 442—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 913,0 Todesfälle gesamt 12—EINWOHNERZAHL 48.412—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210125             LK Lüneburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 65—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,3 Fälle gesamt 1.655—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 898,8 Todesfälle gesamt 35—EINWOHNERZAHL 184.139—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210125             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 49—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,1 Fälle gesamt 721—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 560,3 Todesfälle gesamt 18—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210125             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 360—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 76,5 Fälle gesamt 10.494—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.229,8 Todesfälle gesamt 259—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210125             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 244—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 86,1 Fälle gesamt 6.458—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.279,8 Todesfälle gesamt 96—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210125             LK Rotenburg (Wümme) Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 63—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,5 Fälle gesamt 2.178—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.329,8 Todesfälle gesamt 63—EINWOHNERZAHL 163.782—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210125             LK Tübingen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 111—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,5 Fälle gesamt 5.737—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.508,8 Todesfälle gesamt 145—EINWOHNERZAHL 228.678—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210125             LK Verden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 58—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,3 Fälle gesamt 2.465—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.797,5 Todesfälle gesamt 34—EINWOHNERZAHL 137.133—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210125             LK WEILHEIM—SCHONGAU Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 66—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,7 Fälle gesamt 2.927—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.160,5 Todesfälle gesamt 40—EINWOHNERZAHL 135.478—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210125             SK Bamberg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 36—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,5 Fälle gesamt 1.580—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.042,1 Todesfälle gesamt 63—EINWOHNERZAHL 77.373—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210125             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 418—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 130,2 Fälle gesamt 14.019—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.365,6 Todesfälle gesamt 276—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210125             SK Emden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 18—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,1 Fälle gesamt 493—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 987,7 Todesfälle gesamt 6—EINWOHNERZAHL 49.913—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210125             SK Kempten Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 34—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,2 Fälle gesamt 1.462—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.114,2 Todesfälle gesamt 29—EINWOHNERZAHL 69.151—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210125             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 999—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 91,8 Fälle gesamt 29.808—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.740,1 Todesfälle gesamt 409—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863
20210125             SK Münster Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 133—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,2 Fälle gesamt 5.060—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.604,9 Todesfälle gesamt 88—EINWOHNERZAHL 315.293—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210125             SK OLDENBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 70—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,4 Fälle gesamt 2.230—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.318,9 Todesfälle gesamt 33—EINWOHNERZAHL 169.077—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210125             SK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 71—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 33,9 Fälle gesamt 1.209—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 577,9 Todesfälle gesamt 11—EINWOHNERZAHL 209.191—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210125             Behörden stufen PORTUGAL als VIRUSVARIANTEN—GEBIET ein
20210125             ALLE—REISENDEN aus PORTUGAL müssen deswegen strenge Regeln befolgen und sich —SCHON vor dem Abflug in Richtung Deutschland auf CORONA testen lassen.
20210125             PORTUGAL, breitet sich —DERZEIT die —ZUNÄCHST in Großbritannien entdeckte Mutation des Virus verheerend schnell aus.
20210125             Das beliebte Urlaubsland hat aktuell mit 850—DIE weltweit höchste 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ.
20210125             Vergangene Woche verhängte die Regierung deswegen einen landesweiten Lockdown.
20210125             Innerhalb der EU hat die Regierung in Lissabon einen dramatischen Hilferuf abgesetzt, da das Gesundheitssystem kollabiert.
20210125             Wegen der "sich dramatisch zuspitzenden Lage" sei ein "umfangreiches Hilfeersuchen" eingegangen, heißt in einem internen Vermerk des Ministeriums.
20210125             Nach SPIEGEL—INFORMATIONEN prüft die Bundeswehr —BEREITS intern, ob man durch 1—LUFTBRÜCKE helfen könne.
20210125             —GETRETEN, Verschärfte Maskenpflicht in Österreich in Kraft
20210125             —SEIT Ende Dezember gelten in Österreich wieder strenge CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN.
20210125             Geschäfte, Restaurants, Sportstätten, Kinos und Museen sind ebenso geschlossen wie Schulen.
20210125             Trotzdem ist die ZAHL—DER—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN —BISHER nicht spürbar zurückgegangen.
20210125             Der Inzidenzwert liegt —DERZEIT bei rund 130—PRO 100.000—EINWOHNER,
20210125             —ALARMIERT, Die Bundesregierung zeigt sich in hohem Maße, von der AUSBREITUNG—DER—IN—GROSSBRITANNIEN verbreiteten CORONA—MUTATION in Deutschland.
20210125             "Wir haben im Hintergrund die dunkle Wolke einer sehr ernsthaften Gefahr",
20210125             Der wohl sehr viel leichter übertragbare Virustyp B.1.1.7—IST —BEREITS mehrfach in Deutschland aufgetreten.
20210125             Man müsse damit rechnen, dass Deutschland der weiteren AUSBREITUNG—DER—MUTANTE nicht entgehen werde.
20210125             Um die Verbreitung neuer Varianten des Coronavirus zu bremsen, sollen Reisen innerhalb der EU sowie von außerhalb nach ANSICHT—DER—EU—KOMMISSION weiter eingeschränkt werden.
20210125             Die Brüsseler Behörde schlug am —MONTAG vor, für bestimmte Länder und Regionen strengere TEST—UND Quarantäneregeln einzuführen.
20210125             Die EU—KOMMISSION schlug nun vor, die bestehende EU—AMPEL—KARTE, auf der Regionen auf Grundlage gemeinsamer Kriterien grün, orange oder rot markiert sind, anzupassen.
20210125             Demnach soll eine neue "dunkelrote" Kategorie für Hochrisikogebiete mit mehr als 500—NEUINFEKTIONEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER innerhalb der vergangenen 2—WOCHEN eingeführt werden.
20210125             Von unnötigen Reisen aus diesen Gebieten solle dringend abgeraten werden,
20210125             Um das Einschleppen weiterer Virusmutanten zu verhindern, soll parallel zum geltenden Lockdown der Flughafen BEN—GURION —BIS Monatsende weitgehend geschlossen werden.
20210125             Die Schließung sollte in der Nacht auf —DIENSTAG beginnen.
20210125             Über ihn wird nahezu der gesamte internationale Luftverkehr des Landes abgewickelt.
20210125             1—ANSTURM auf Impftermine in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN hat am —MONTAG die Website 116117.de lahmgelegt.
20210125             Nach Recherchen des Wirtschaftsmagazins "Business Insider" hatte NRW—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER KARL—JOSEF Laumann (CDU) —ZUNÄCHST—MITTE Januar alle über 80-Jährigen in seinem Land angeschrieben und auf Terminbuchungsmöglichkeiten über 116117.de oder 1—HOTLINE hingewiesen.
20210125             Ab 8—UHR sollte man am heutigen —MONTAG Impftermine in NRW buchen können.
20210125             Doch der Ansturm auf die Website war —BEREITS—SEIT —MITTERNACHT offenbar derart groß, dass die Server sofort zusammenbrachen.
20210125             Bei 1,2 Millionen Berechtigten in NRW, von denen erfahrungsgemäß auch Verwandte und Bekannte anrufen, bräuchte es "epische" Callcenterkapazitäten, die schlicht nicht verfügbar seien.
20210125             Ergebnisse lagen der Deutschen PRESSE—AGENTUR am —MONTAG vor.
20210125             Demnach sehen sich —DERZEIT 5—PROZENT—DER—BETRIEBE in der Gesamtwirtschaft möglicherweise bald in 1—INSOLVENZ abrutschen.
20210125             Nach DIHK—ANGABEN wären dies hochgerechnet rund 175.000—UNTERNEHMEN.
20210125             Laut Trendauswertung stehen 33—PROZENT der kreativen und künstlerischen Betriebe, 30—PROZENT—DER—REISEVERMITTLER, 27—PROZENT—DER—TAXIBETRIEBE und 20—PROZENT—DER—UNTERNEHMEN aus der Gastronomie vor einer drohenden Pleite.
20210125             jeder 5. Betrieb habe mit Liquiditätsengpässen zu kämpfen
20210125             Die EU—WETTBEWERBSHÜTER haben einen 642—MILLIONEN—EURO—RETTUNGSSCHIRM für die deutsche MESSE—UND Kongressbranche genehmigt.
20210125             Profitieren sollen Unternehmen mit Gewinneinbußen zwischen März und 20201200              aufgrund von CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN,
20210125             Im Süden Brasiliens ist 1—RAVE—PARTY mit rund 12000000              Gästen aufgelöst worden.
20210125             BER rechnet —ERST 20250000              wieder mit Erholung des Flugverkehrs auf Vorkrisenniveau
20210125             Streit zwischen AstraZeneca und EU—KOMMISSION spitzt sich zu
20210125             Während Brüssel schäumt, holt der CHEF—DES—PHARMAKONZERNS, Pascal Soriot, beim Weltwirtschaftsforum zum Rundumschlag aus: Die ENTWICKLUNG—DER—VAKZINE hätte 1—GRUND zum Feiern sein können, sagte Soriot bei der virtuellen Veranstaltung.
20210125             Stattdessen hätten sich EINIGE—LÄNDER vorgedrängelt und eine "Ich zuerst"-Mentalität vertreten.
20210125             "Global gesehen, kann man mit Fug und Recht behaupten, dass wir besser auf diese Pandemie hätten vorbereitet sein können und sollen".
20210125             IMPFSTOFF—NATIONALISMUS könnte Billionen kosten
20210125             Das berichtete die Internationale Handelskammer (ICC) am —MONTAG.
20210125             —GEGEBEN, Sie hatte 1—STUDIE dazu in Auftrag.
20210125             Wenn Impfstoffe nicht weltweit fair verteilt werden, könne dies die globale Wirtschaftsleistung allein in diesem —JAHR um —BIS zu 9,2 Billionen Dollar (7,6 Billionen Euro) schmälern, heißt es darin.
20210125             Die HÄLFTE—DES—AUSFALLS betreffe Industrieländer.
20210125             Rekordanstieg der Neuinfektionen in Spanien
20210125             [Biontech berechnet mehr Dosen und liefert weniger Fläschchen]
20210125             Restaurants in DUBAI gewähren Geimpften Rabatte
20210125             Der CORONA—IMPFSTOFF des Herstellers AstraZeneca hat offenbar bei älteren Menschen nur eine geringe Wirksamkeit.
20210125             Wie das "Handelsblatt" unter Berufung auf Regierungskreise berichtet, wird bei dem Impfstoff nur mit einer Wirksamkeit von 8—PROZENT bei den über 65-Jährigen gerechnet.
20210125             AstraZeneca wies die Berichte laut der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters als "vollkommen inkorrekt" zurück.
20210125             —BERICHTET, Die "Bild"-Zeitung, indes ebenfalls unter Berufung auf Regierungskreise, dass der Impfstoff von der Europäischen Arzneimittelbehörde EMA nur 1—ZULASSUNG für Unter-65-Jährige erhalten soll.
20210125             CORONA—KOORDINATORIN Birx: "Ich sah, wie Trump Grafiken präsentierte, die ich so nie gemacht hatte" 1—VIDEO—VON—ECKHARD—KLEIN
20210125             CORONA—MUTANTE B1.1.7 in BERLIN: Ausbruch in der Kardiologie
20210125             UNO—GIPFEL in Den Haag: Wie sich die Welt an den Klimawandel anpassen muss
20210125             SACHSEN—ANHALT: Verfassungsschutz stuft AfD als rechtsextremen Verdachtsfall ein
20210125             1. Telefonat nach Machtwechsel in den USA: Merkel lädt Biden nach Deutschland ein
20210125             Trotz CORONA—AUSGANGSSPERRE: Erneute Ausschreitungen in den Niederlanden
20210125             Kalifornien will CORONA—MAßNAHMEN leicht lockern
20210125             [l] Wisst ihr, was an QUERDENKEN—DEMOS das Gefährliche ist?
20210125             Linke Gegendemonstranten. Das hat das BKA rausgefunden.
20210125             Die finden ja alles raus. Alles finden die raus!
20210125             Das BKA konnte auch nicht erkennen, wieso die Presse bei den mitlaufenden SPRINGERSTIEFEL—GLATZEN, Reichsbürgern und Reichsfahnenwedlern sofort auf 1—UNTERWANDERUNG auf Rechtsextremisten schloss!
20210125             Das ist alles Einbildung und Agitation von Linken!1!!
20210125             "Allgemein scheint die (linke) Szene die sogenannten QUERDENKER—PROTESTE als von 'Rechten' dominiert, beziehungsweise faschistisch geprägt einzuordnen"
20210125             Und da haben wir den schönen Zirkelschluss. Rechte gibt es da nicht.
20210125             Wer doch welche sieht, muss 1—LINKER sein.
20210125             Das eigentliche Problem sind die Linken.
20210125             Wisst ihr, wofür wir —JETZT mal endlich mehr Geld ausgeben sollten?
20210125             Für die Bekämpfung des Linksextremismus!!1!
20210125—20160000    —J—IM, So wachse in manchen REGIONEN—DER—FRÜHEREN—DDR 1—REALITÄTSVERWEIGERUNG wie bei den Wählern des früheren USA—PRÄSIDENTEN DONALD—TRUMP in den USA.
20210125—20190000    —BIS, Von 20000000              starben in Deutschland der Analyse zufolge mehr als 10.700—MENSCHEN durch Extremwetterereignisse — vor allem infolge von Hitzewellen.
20210125—20200300    —IM, Coronakrise verschärft soziale Ungleichheit: "Wer genug Geld hatte, um zu investieren, ist —HEUTE vermutlich reicher"
20210125—20210101    —SEIT—DEM, Der HARTZ—IV—REGELSATZ für Alleinstehende liegt bei 446—EURO.
20210125—20211222    —AM, Ihr bisheriger Höchststand war mit 197,6 erreicht worden.