_HEUTE_0124 :

00410124             † RÖMER—KAISER—CALIGULA, zusammen mit seiner oo MILONIA—CAESONIA, seiner Tochter IULIA—DRUSILLA von der PRÄTORIANER—GARDE ermordet.
00410124             † RÖMER—KAISER—CALIGULA,
00410124             † Shortly —AFTER declaring himself 1—GOD, GAIUS—CALIGULA—GERMANICUS, emperor from 37-41, was assassinated by 2—PRAETORIAN tribunes.
00410124             † RÖMER—KAISER—CALIGULA, durch PRÄTORIANER—FÜHRER—CAEREA ermordet WIRD, um dem weiteren STAATS—VERFALL zu begegnen.
00760124             * RÖMISCHER—KAISER—HADRIAN, Förderer bedeutender Bauwerke (Hadrianswall)
00760124             * PUBLIUS—A—HADRIANUS,
01170000—01380000    ROMAN—EMPEROR—PUBLIUS—A—HADRIANUS (14.).
06610124             † KALIF—ALI—IBN—ABI—TALIB,
07720124             † STEPHAN—III—PAPA
08170124             † STEPHAN—IV—PAPA
08210124             † S—AMANDUS—KLOSTER—ABT—ARN
08630124             † KARL—KÖNIG—VON—BURGUND
10020123—10020124    Da KAISER—OTTO—III. keine Nachkommen hinterließ, so
10020123—10020124    † —ODER,
10460124             † EKKEHARD—II—MARK—GRAF—VON—MEIßEN
10760124             —INVESTITURSTREIT
10760124             —HOF—TAG—ZU—WORMS
10760124             RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHER—KÖNIG—HEINRICH—IV. erklärt GREGOR—VII—PAPA für abgesetzt,
11180124             JOHANNES—VON—GAETA wird als Nachfolger des verstorbenen Paschalis II. zum PAPA gewählt und nimmt den Namen Gelasius II. an.
11180124             Der gebannte Kaiser Heinrich V., der in diese Wahl nicht einbezogen worden ist, eilt daraufhin umgehend nach Rom.
11480124             † ASCELIN—BISCHOF—VON—ROCHESTER
12290124             —MARSEILLE, CONCESSION in acaptum par PIERRE—ÉVÈQUE—DE—MARSEILLE.
12370124             † GROß—KÄMMERER—VON—FRANKREICH—BARTHÉLEMY—DE—ROYE, französischer Adeliger und
12760124             † WALRAM—II—GRAF—VON—NASSAU
12870124             * RICHARD—AUNGERVILLE—BISCHOF—VON—DURHAM und Lordkanzler
13290124             JOHANN—VON—ALDENHOVEN, MÖNCH
13360124             PETER—IV—KÖNIG—VON—ARAGONIEN, wird, durch seines Vater ALFONS—IV—KÖNIG—VON—ARAGONIEN Tod.
13360124             † ALFONS—IV—KÖNIG—VON—ARAGÓN und Sardinien
13740124             WILHELMO—DE—ZYU confirmatur decanatm ECCLESIAE—S—PETRI—TRAIECTENSIS ^ non obstante quod alio qrnm in literis collationis 1)
13770124             —ROMAE—APUD—S—PETRUM, Omnibus vere poenitentibus et confessis^ qui ad reparationem HOSPITALIS—PAUPERUM S—SPIRITUS in HEUKELOM ndjuverint^ ad decem ANNOS conceditur indulgentia 100—DIERUM.
14300124             † † † 9—JEWS killed at AIX
14300124             —BASELER—KONZIL
14380124             —BASELER—KONZIL, Suspension des EUGENIUS—IV—PAPA, durch DAS.
14400124             † JOHANNES—NASO—BISCHOF—VON—CHUR, böhmischer Adliger,
14440124—14440706    —ANKÄUFE—VON,
14580124             der UNGARN—REICHS—TAG, wählt, MATTHIAS—CORVINUS—KÖNIG—VON—UNGARN, zum.
14580124             Under MATTHIAS—CORVINUS—KING—OF—HUNGARY his  rule HUNGARY was the most important STATE—IN—CENTRAL—EUROPE.
14580124             MATTHIAS—CORVINUS—KING—OF—HUNGARY, For his fighting force, ordered every 20—HOUSES to provide 1—HORSE—SOLDIER.
14580124             "Husz" is 20 in Hungarian and so the light cavalryman became know as 1—HUSSAR.
14660124             * JAN—ŠLECHTA ze Všehrd, tschechischer Humanist, Philosoph und Diplomat
14730124             † CONRAD—PAUMANN, deutscher Musiker
14790124             Der venezianische DOGE—GIOVANNI—MOCENIGO schließt Frieden mit dem OSMANEN SULTAN—MEHMED—II.
14790124             —VERZICHTEN—MUSS, DIE—REPUBLIK—VENEDIG, auf LEMNOS  und darüber hinaus
14790124             —JEDES—JAHR, zahlen muß, DIE—REPUBLIK—VENEDIG, 10.000—GOLD—DUKATEN—TRIBUT.
14820124             JULIEN—CESARINI Son frère JEAN—CESARINI avait oo GIROLAMA—BORGIA, le..
14850124             in der —BULLE—VOM, DASELBST—TH. III—17.
14940124             —FERIA—SEXTA—DICTI—MENSIS, SS—D—N ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA me ad SECRETUM—CONSISTORIUM vocatum interrogavit quando
14950124             "EX—MÀNTUA die ;;. "
14960124             fra gli ORSINI e le
15010124             * JAKOB—MILICH, deutscher Mathematiker und Mediziner
15040124             —IL—MEDESIMO parimente fu risposto da quello di FORLÌ —ALLI, -.
15050124             —A—DÌ.S' intese che il Marchese di Mantova daua la figliuola al Prefetto e che il PAPA daua Madonna Felice sua figlia al Principe di SALERNO, acciò renunziasse le sue ragioni sopra lo stato d' URBINO.
15150124             —ON—THE, [KAISER—KARL—V]CHARLES was inaugurated as the [HERZOG]DUKE—OF—BRABANT at LOUVAIN[LÖWEN,LEUVEN]
15160124—15150500    and —AFTER several months THE—COMMISSIONERS agreed to 1—CONVENTION
15200124             SADOLET a CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL.
15200124             SADOLETi OPERA—OMNIA, Yevonan', 17370000             , 1. 1, EPISTOLAE, lib, XVII, n° 16, Mi Longoli salve...
15200124             —LETTRE, par laquelle SADOLETo, de concert avec PIERIO PAZZI et LE—KARDINAL—DI—MEDICIS,
15200124             LE—KARDINAL—DI—MEDICIS laisse a CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL toute liberte d'accepter ou de refuser,
15200124             LE—KARDINAL—DI—MEDICIS mais, au fond, il tient beaucoup 61—CE qu'il accepte.
15210124             FERDINAND—MAGELLAN, auf seiner WELT—UMRUNDUNG
15240124             * JOHANN—LATOMUS, deutscher Kanoniker und Chronist
15250124             † Franciabigio, italienischer Maler
15340124             * Setthathirath, KÖNIG—VON—LAN—XANG und Lan Na im heutigen Laos, Nordost- und NORD—THAILAND
15340124             † GUILLAUME—BRIÇONNET—BISCHOF—VON—, französischer
15390124             † TÄUFER—BEWEGUNG—MÄRTYRERIN—ANNA—JANSZ, niederländische
15440124             * Gillis van Coninxloo, flämischer Maler
15450124             † EBERHARD—BRISGER, deutscher Theologe und Reformator
15470124             * JOHANNA—VON—ÖSTERREICH, österreichische Renaissancefürstin
15960124             —TRAITÉ—DE—FOLEMBRAY.
15960124             A FOLEMBRAY—JOYEUSE et MAYENNE reconnaissent HENRI—IV.
15960124             LE—ROI accorde à MAYENNE trois places de sûreté
16000124             Der holländische Seefahrer Sebald de Weert erreicht die Falklandinseln und gibt ihnen den Namen Sebald Eilands, 1—NAME, der —BIS ins 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY auf Seekarten Verwendung findet.
16070124             Nach der Errichtung der Mannheimer Rheinschanze und der Festung Friedrichsburg werden der damit verbundenen neu ausgebauten "Quadratestadt" MANNHEIM von Kurfürst FRIEDRICH—IV. von der Pfalz die Stadtprivilegien verliehen.
16090124             LE—DAUPHIN doit quitter le CHÂTEAU—DE—S—GERMAIN—EN—LAYE pour s'installer au Louvre.
16130528—16150124    —DATE16250528             † — —(LAACH)
16140124             * TIMOTHEUS—RITZSCH, deutscher Buchdrucker;
16140124             Buchhändler und Herausgeber der 1. deutschen Tageszeitung
16150124             BERTRAM—VON—BELLINGHAUSEN erscheint als MÖNCH 1. am
16150124             —AM, JOHANN—BERTRAM—VON—KESSEI erwähnt
16150124             —AM, WERNER—VON—PALANDT ist als MÖNCH bezeugt
16150124—16140920    —SEIT—DEM,
16150124—16710301    WERNER—VON—PALANDT erscheint —VOM—BIS zu seinem Tod —AM,
16180124             HERMANN oo ANNA—VON—HEMMERICH zu Rautenburg
16200124             Im erzgebirgischen Altenberg kommt es zum umfangreichsten Pingenbruch im deutschen Bergbau.
16200124             —ZERSTÖRT, Einbrechendes Gestein, 36—ZINNERZGRUBEN.
16280124             † KATHARINA—HAAN, OPFER—DER—HEXENVERFOLGUNG in Bamberg
16340124             Kaiser FERDINAND—II. entlässt Wallenstein als Kommandeur der kaiserlichen Truppen im 3ßigjährigen Krieg, nachdem dieser in Verdacht geraten ist, einen Putsch zu planen.
16340124             * PAOLO—AMATO, italienischer Architekt
16350124             * RUDOLF—CAPELL, deutscher Pädagoge, Historiker und Philologe
16390114             (JULIAN—CALENDAR) "Fundamental Orders," the 1. constitution of CONNECTICUT, was adopted 16390124             —SEE.
16390124             VENEDIG, findet die Uraufführung der Oper Le nozze di Teti e di Peleo von FRANCESCO—CAVALLI statt.
16390124             † JÖRG—JENATSCH, Schweizer Pfarrer und Politiker
16390124             (Gregorian Calendar) THE—FUNDAMENTAL—ORDERS, the 1. constitution in the New World, was adopted in CONNECTICUT 16390114             —SEE.
16440124             † JAMES—HAMILTON—VISCOUNT—CLANEBOYE, 1., schottischer Adeliger
16490609—16510124    ANTON—PEPFENHAUSER.
16520124             * NICOLAS—CHALON du Blé, französischer Militär, Diplomat und Außenminister
16530124             † GEORG—RUDOLF, HERZOG—VON—LIEGNITZ und Wohlau
16560124             In der 1. SCHLACHT—VON—VILLMERGEN in der Alten Eidgenossenschaft besiegt die Streitmacht der katholischen Orte die Truppen der reformierten Orte.
16560124             —ARRIVED, JACOB—LUMBROZO, 1. Jewish doctor in USA, in MARYLAND.
16600124             —MEMOIRE von Weimann und —DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN.
16700124             * WILLIAM—CONGREVE, englischer Dramatiker und Dichter
16720124             * ALBRECHT—FRIEDRICH, KURBRANDENBURGISCH—PREUßISCHER Generalleutnant und Herrenmeister des Johanniterordens
16720124             —SONNTAG
16730124             DER—PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN an AMERONGEN.
16730124             —DATUM—HAAG (Eigenhändig.)
16730124             [Correspondenz mit dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG.
16730124             Rückzug über die WESER zu verhindern.
16730124             SUBSIDIEN.] - U Ed. missive van den 3. deser uyt Bilefelt is my gisteren wel geworden.
16790124             * CHRISTIAN—WOLFF, deutscher Universalgelehrter und Philosoph
16800124             * HYACINTH—PETIT, deutscher Weihbischof
16820114             Er hat keine positive Antwort
16820114/16820124    —DATUM—KOPENHAGEN, FUCHS ist so unerwartet wie er gekommen auch abgereist, nachdem er verschiedene lange KONFERENZen gehabt.
16820124             —DATUM,
16820124             —AUF Bericht des RATS—PENSIONÄR—VON—HOLLANDS über das Memorial von FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—DIEST
16820124             man wünsche mit dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG in guter Harmonie und Eintracht zu leben;
16820124             DERSELBE habe wenig Ursache, über den Aufschub der Sache, und die von den GENERAL—STAATEN —SCHON gegebene Antwort zu klagen;
16820124             wenn er dennoch DIE—UNTERTANEN des Staates oder der Westindischen Compagnie, um sich Entschädigung zu verschaffen, beleidigen oder beschädigen sollte,
16820124             würden sie sich zu ihrem LEID—WESEN genötigt sehen, ihre unterthanen mit allen Kräften zu beschützen.
16820124—16820120    —VOM, ist beschlossen bei DER—GENERALITÄT zu beantragen, daß auf das Memorial geantwortet werde,
16950124             † ELISABETH—ANGÉLIQUE—DE—MONTMORENCY, französische Adelige
17010124             † JOHAN—II—DE—WITT, niederländischer Patrizier
17050124             * Farinelli, italienischer Sänger (Kastrat)
17090124             * François Dom Bédos de Celles, französischer Benediktiner, Orgelbauer und Verfasser von Fachliteratur
17090124             † BARTOLOMEO—GUIDOBONO, italienischer Maler und Freskant
17090124             † ADMIRAL—GEORGE—ROOKE, englischer
17100124             * KARL—JOSEPH—RIEPP, deutscher Orgelbauer
17110124             † JEAN—BÉRAIN—DER—ÄLTERE, französischer Maler, Zeichner und Kupferstecher
17120124             * FRIEDRICH—II., der Große, KÖNIG in und von Preußen, Kurfürst von BRANDENBURG
17120124             * GEORG—FRIEDRICH—SCHMIDT, deutscher Kupferstecher, Radierer und Maler
17120124—17860000    * † FREDERICK—II, FREDERICK—THE—GREAT, THE—HOHENZOLLERN—KING—OF—PRUSSIA (17400000—17860000    ).
17120124—17860000    —NOTED, FREDERICK—II was, for his social reforms and leading Prussia in military victories.
17170124             * ANTONIO—MARÍA—DE—BUCARELI y Ursúa, spanischer Offizier, Kolonialverwalter und Vizekönig von Neuspanien
17190124             * BERND—JAKOB—VON—ARNIM, preußischer Beamter und Numismatiker
17190124             * HEINRICH—OTTO—DUYSING, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Hochschullehrer
17220124             —CAPPED, TSAR—PETER—THE—GREAT, his reforms in RUSSIA with the "Table of Rank" which decreed 1—COMMONER could climb on merit to the highest positions.
17250124             * HEINRICH—XXVI—REUß—ZU—EBERSDORF, deutscher Diplomat und Historiker
17270124             † PHILIPPE—DE—BOURBON, HERZOG—VON—VENDÔME, französischer GENERAL und Großprior des Malteserordens in Frankreich
17320124             * PIERRE—AUGUSTIN—CARON—DE—BEAUMARCHAIS, französischer Dramatiker
17320124—17990000    —REMEMBERED, PIERRE—CARON—DE—BEAUMARCHAIS was best, for his plays "Barber of Civil" and "Marriage of Figaro".
17320124—17990000    He was 1—CONDUIT for FRANCE—GOLD and arms to USA—REVOLUTION, persecuted by mob —DURING FRANCE—REV.
17320124—17990000    "It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them".
17330124             * BENJAMIN—LINCOLN, USA—GENERAL
17340124             CRACOW, the 2. last KING—OF—LITHUANIA—AND—POLAND, AUGUST—III, was crowned.
17350124             * JEAN—NICOLAS Houchard, französischer Général de division
17360124             * NICOLAI—JACOB—WILSE, norwegischer Naturwissenschaftler
17370124             * ANNA—CHRISTINA—EHRENFRIED—VON—BALTHASAR, deutsche Akademikerin
17370124             † ALEXANDER—SIGISMUND von der Pfalz, FÜRST—BISCHOF—VON—AUGSBURG
17380124             * JEAN—NICOLAS Houchard, französischer Général de division
17420124             Kurfürst Karl I. ALBRECHT—VON—BAYERN wird nach beinahe zweijährigem Interregnum in FRANKFURT am Main als KARL—VII. zum Kaiser gewählt.
17420124             —AM, Auf FRANKREICHs Antrieb wurde vielmehr DER—KUR—FÜRST—KARL—ALBRECHT—VON—BAYERN, als KARL—VII., zum KAISER gewählt.
17420124—14380000    —SEIT, Er ist der 1. nicht aus dem Haus Habsburg stammende Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs.
17440124             † MARIE—POUSSEPIN, französische Nonne und Ordensgründerin
17450124             † WINCENTY—MAXYLEWICZ, polnischer Komponist
17460000—18130124    * † THEODORE—SEDGWICK, FORMER—MASSACHUSETTS SENATOR (17960000—17990000    ).
17460000—18130124    * † THEODORE—SEDGWICK, ARCH—FEDERALIST and FORMER—MASSACHUSETTS SENATOR (17960000—17990000    ).
17460124             * GUSTAV—III., KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN
17460124             * GUSTAV—III, KING—DURING—SWEDISH—ENLIGHTENMENT (17710000—17920000    ).
17490124             * CHARLES—JAMES—FOX, britischer Staatsmann und Redner
17590124—16880000    —VOR, PETER—JENTGES, Küster, Nagelschmied und Händler aus VICHT oo Müller, MARGARETHE, stiftet Weihetitel für Bruder bzw.Schwager HEINRICH Jentges (JL—J126).Zeugen (Gress.
17600124             * FRIEDERIKE—BETHMANN—UNZELMANN, deutsche Schauspielerin und Sängerin
17610124             * JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—REINHART, deutscher Maler, Zeichner und Radierer
17630124             * ALEXANDRE—ANDRAULT—DE—LANGERON, russischer GENERAL, Gouverneur der Krim und Generalgouverneur von Neurussland
17670124             † JEAN—BAPTISTE—FRANÇOIS—JOSEPH de Sade, französischer Adeliger, Diplomat, Offizier, Libertin und Literat
17670124             † TAKENOUCHI—SHIKIBU, japanischer Konfuzianist und Shintoist
17680124             * FRIEDRICH—ERHARD—VON—RÖDER, preußischer GENERAL
17690124             † MARIE—ELISABETH—VON—AHLEFELDT, Konventualin und Hofdame der PRINZESSIN—LOUISE—VON—DÄNEMARK und Norwegen
17720124             MARC—JOSEPH Marion du Fresne entdeckt im südlichen Indischen Ozean die Crozetinseln, die er nach seinem Schiffsoffizier JULES—CROZET benennt und für Frankreich in Besitz nimmt.
17730124             † FERDINAND—VON—BRAKEL starb am im 49.—JAHR—DER—PRIESTERWEIHE, wurde in HIRZENACH begraben
17760124             * WILHELMINE—HALBERSTADT, deutsche Pädagogin und Schriftstellerin
17760124             * E—T—A—HOFFMANN, deutscher Schriftsteller, Jurist und Komponist, Kapellmeister und Musikkritiker, Zeichner und Karikaturist
17780124             * CHARLES—FERDINAND d'Artois, jüngerer SOHN—DES—COMTE d'Artois, dem späteren KÖNIG—KARL X.
17790124             * ELISABETH—ALEXEJEWNA, badische PRINZESSIN—UND—GEMAHLIN des russischen Zaren Alexander I.
17800124             † HIRAGA—GENNAI, japanischer Gelehrter, Erfinder und Schriftsteller
17800124             † CHRISTIAN—LUDWIG—VON—HAGEDORN, deutscher Kunsttheoretiker und -sammler
17860124             * KARL—WILHELM—BAUMGARTEN—CRUSIUS, deutscher Pädagoge
17870124             * CHRISTIAN—LUDWIG—BREHM, deutscher Pfarrer und Ornithologe
17890124             LA—CONVOCATION—DES—ÈTATS—GÉNÉRAUX a été réclamée
17910124             † ÉTIENNE—MAURICE Falconet, französischer Bildhauer
17920124             * FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG, preußischer GENERAL und Staatsmann
17930124             A Londres renvoi de LE—AMBASSADEUR—DE—FRANCE
17960124             ist obiger gesell ausgeschrieben und losgesprochen worden.
17980124             Die Révolution vaudoise ist der Auftakt für die Unabhängigkeit des Kantons Waadt von BERN.
17980124             * KARL—VON—HOLTEI, deutscher Schriftsteller, Schauspieler und Theaterleiter
17980124             * KARL—VON—STAUDT, deutscher Mathematiker
18000124             * EDWIN—CHADWICK, UK—SOCIAL—REFORMER.
18090124             CARL—FRIEDRICH—ZELTER gründet in BERLIN die 1. deutsche Liedertafel.
18090124             * CARL—LUDWIG—GESELL, deutscher Orgelbauer
18090124             * PAUL—THEODOR—VON—KRUSENSTERN, russischer Polarforscher
18130124             * AUGUST—VON—WÜRTTEMBERG, preußischer Generaloberst
18130124—20070000    —AUTHORED, JOHN—SEDGWICK, "In My Blood: 6—GENERATIONS—OF—MADNESS and Desire in 1—AMERICAN—FAMILY".
18140124             † WILLIAM—HEATH, USA—LANDWIRT und Politiker, GENERAL der Kontinentalarmee
18160124             * COLES—BASHFORD, USA—POLITIKER
18160124             * WILHELM—HENZEN, deutscher Archäologe
18160124             * FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KRITZINGER, deutscher Theologe und Pädagoge
18170124             † FERNANDO—JOSÉ—DE—PORTUGAL e Castro, portugiesischer Adliger und Vizekönig von Brasilien
18200124             * HENRY—J—RAYMOND, USA—JOURNALIST
18210124             * BLASIUS—KOZENN, österreichischer Kartograph
18230124             * WILHELM—FRANZ—SPEER, deutscher Komponist, Organist und Chordirigent
18260124             * FRIEDRICH—BÖTTICHER, Oberbürgermeister von MAGDEBURG
18270124             * HERMANN—GLADENBECK, deutscher Bildgießer
18280124             * FERDINAND—JULIUS—COHN, deutscher Botaniker und Bakteriologe
18290124             * WILLIAM—MASON, USA—KOMPONIST
18310124             * FRITZ—EUNIKE, deutscher Kommunalpolitiker und Offizier
18320124             * ALBERT—ARNZ, deutscher Landschaftsmaler
18320124             * JOSEPH—CHOATE, USA—JURIST und Diplomat
18330124             * BERNHARD—ERDMANNSDÖRFFER, deutscher Historiker
18350124             —AM THÉÂTRE—ITALIEN in PARIS erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper I puritani (Die Puritaner) von VINCENZO—BELLINI mit dem Libretto von CARLO—PEPOLI nach der Komödie Têtes rondes et cavaliers, die ihrerseits auf WALTER—SCOTTS—ROMAN—OLD—MORTALITY beruht.
18350124             * CHARLES—KENDALL—ADAMS, USA—HISTORIKER und Hochschullehrer
18380124             * JOHAN—CESAR—GODEFFROY, deutscher Kaufmann und Hanseat
18390124             * ALEXANDER—VON—LIEZEN—MAYER, ungarischer Maler
18400124             † JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—HASSE, deutscher Apotheker
18430124             * FRANZISKA—TIBURTIUS, deutsche Ärztin und Frauenrechtlerin
18470124             1,500 NEW—MEXICO—INDIANS and Mexicans were defeated by USA—COLONEL—PRICE.
18480124             Ein von JAMES—W—MARSHALL nahe SUTTER—MILL gefundenes Nugget führt zu einem Ansturm von Glücksrittern.
18480124             Mit diesem Fund wird der Kalifornische Goldrausch ausgelöst.
18480124             John [JAMES—WILSON] Marshall, —WHILE inspecting THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—MILL on THE—USA—RIVER, being built for CAPTAIN—JOHN—SUTTER, spotted 1—GOLD nugget.
18480124—18480000    —TRIED, Marshall, Sutter and their workers, to keep the discovery quiet but GOLD—SEEKERS quickly began pouring into CALIFORNIA, raising the state's NON—INDIA—POPULATION to about 20,000 100,
18480124—18490000    —IN, 000 and twice that amount 18520000             —BY.
18490124             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—203—KÖLN.
18500124             * HERMANN—EBBINGHAUS, deutscher Psychologe
18500124             * GIUSEPPE—MORI, italienischer KURIEN—KARDINAL
18510124             † GASPARE—SPONTINI, italienischer Opernkomponist und -dirigent
18520124             † Ján Kollár, slowakischer Lyriker, Altertumsforscher und Sprachwissenschaftler
18540124             * ERICH—GIERSBERG, deutscher Feuerwehrmann und Erfinder
18540124             * PAUL—NATORP, deutscher Philosoph und Pädagoge
18570124             Im Wiener Münzvertrag wird der Vereinstaler im Kaisertum Österreich und den meisten Staaten des Deutschen Zollvereins als gemeinsame Kurantmünze eingeführt.
18570124             —EXISTIERT, Als österreichische Währung, der in 100—KREUZER eingeteilte Gulden.
18570124             In den Ländern des Deutschen Zollvereins werden die Dukaten abgeschafft.
18570124             KALKUTTA, dem heutigen Kolkata in Indien wird die UNIVERSITY—OF—CALCUTTA gegründet, die 1. moderne UNIVERSITÄT—VON indischen Subkontinents.
18580124             der wichtigste war der am abgeschlossene MÜNZVERTRAG—ZWISCHEN—DEN STAATEN des ZOLL—VEREINS einerseits und dem österreichischen KAISERstaate mit LIECHTENSTEIN andererseits,
18580124             —AM der wichtigste war der abgeschlossene MÜNZ—VERTRAG—ZWISCHEN—DES—ZOLL—VEREIN—STAATEN einerseits und des KAISER—STAAT—ÖSTERREICH mit LIECHTENSTEIN andererseits,
18600124             Der Franzose Étienne Lenoir erhält 1—PATENT auf den von ihm entwickelten Gasmotor.
18610124             † ROBERT—PERKINS—LETCHER, USA—POLITIKER, Gouverneur des Bundesstaates KENTUCKY
18620124             * EDITH—WHARTON, USA—AMERIKANISCHE Romanautorin
18620124—19370000    * † EDITH—WHARTON, USA—NOVELIST.
18620124—19370000    She also wrote books on home design.
18620124—19370000    "There are 2—WAYS—OF spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it".
18620124—19370000    "The essence of taste is suitability. Divest the word of its prim and priggish implications, and see how it expresses the mysterious DEMAND—OF—THE—EYE and mind for symmetry, harmony and order. "Eleanor Dwight wrote her 19940000              biography: "1—EXTRAORDINARY—LIFE".
18630124             * FRITZ—JAHN, deutscher Pastor, Leiter der Züllchower Anstalten
18640124             * MARGUERITE—DURAND, französische Schauspielerin, Journalistin und Frauenrechtlerin
18650124             * ADOLF—VON—TIEDEMANN, deutscher Offizier, Kolonialist und PUBLIZIST
18650124             1—CONFEDERATE fleet attempted to raid City POINT—VIRGINIA Most of the fleet ran aground.
18650124             2—IRONCLADS make 1—DESPERATE—ATTEMPT to push through to the supply center.
18650124             1—GUNBOAT was sunk and the other mysteriously turns —AROUND.
18670124             * ERNST—ZAHN, Schweizer Schriftsteller
18691201—18700124    weil DIE—ARBEIT—GEBER den AUSTRITT aus dem HIRSCH—DUNCKERSCHER—GEWERKVEREIN fordern.
18691201—18700124    DIE—MITGLIEDER DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—ARBEITER—PARTEI beteiligen sich aktiv an den in ganz DEUTSCHLAND durchgeführten Sammlungen für die STREIKenden.
18691201—18700124    Dennoch muß DER—STREIK wegen fehlender FINANZ—MITTEL abgebrochen werden.
18691201—18700124    —IM, WALDENBURGER—REVIER (NIEDER—SCHLESIEN) bricht der —BIS—DAHIN größte BERG—ARBEITERSTREIK aus — 6.400—MANN—VON—7.400—MANN des Reviers beteiligen sich -,
18691201—18700124    —AUSBRICHT, im NIEDER—SCHLESIEN)—WALDENBURG—REVIER, der —BIS—DAHIN größte BERG—ARBEITER—STREIK — 6.400—MANN—VON—7.400—MANN des Reviers beteiligen sich -,
18691201—18700124    —ABGEBROCHEN werden muß DER—STREIK wegen fehlender FINANZ—MITTEL,Dennoch.
18700124             * HERBERT—KILPIN, englischer Fußballspieler und -trainer
18720124             * MORRIS—WILLIAM—TRAVERS, britischer Chemiker
18730124             * Bartolomé Pérez Casas, spanischer Komponist, DIRIGENT—UND—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE
18730124             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—CHRISTOPH—BAUER, deutscher Politiker und Theologe
18730124             —LONDON, KARL—MARX
18730124             —HEUTZUTAGE, —BEREITS treibt ihre Schwindelblüte — DIE KAPITALISTISCHE—PRODUKTION.
18730124—18480000    KARL—MARX —SEIT LONDON, hat sich DIE KAPITALISTISCHE—PRODUKTION rasch in DEUTSCHLAND entwickelt und
18740124             * MAXIMILIAN—ARNOLD (Politiker), deutscher Politiker
18740124             * EMIL—BAUDENBACHER, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Volksschriftsteller
18750124             * JAN—JOHANNES—BLANKSMA, niederländischer Chemiker
18760124             Bat Masterson had 1—LEGENDARY gunfight in SWEETWATER—TEXAS.
18760124             1—CAVALRY soldier named KING and 1—WOMAN named Mollie Brennan were killed, Masterson was seriously wounded in the hip in 1—SALOON.
18770124             † JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—POGGENDORFF, deutscher Physiker
18780124             * JOHANNES—RUNGE, deutscher Leichtathlet
18790122—18790124    82—UK—SOLDIERS with rifles held off attacks by 4,000 Zulu warriors with spears at THE—BATTLE—OF—RORKE—DRIFT in SOUTH—AFRICA.
18790122—18790124    1—LARGE—UK—TROOP had —JUST been massacred —PRIOR—TO this battle.
18790122—18790124    19640000             —THE film "Zulu" was based on this event.
18790124             * STANISLAW—LJUDKEWYTSCH, russischer Komponist
18790124             † HEINRICH—GEISSLER, deutscher Glasbläser, Instrumentenbauer und Erfinder
18790124             JOHANN—HEINRICH—WILHELM—GEISSLER (or Geissler) dies.
18790124—18550000    —AROUND, he invents 1—LOW—PRESSURE—ELECTRICAL discharge tube, known as 1—GEISSLER tub, 1—FORERUNNER of the neon tube.
18800124             * ALFRED—MERZ, ÖSTERREICHISCH—DEUTSCHER Meereskundler
18800124             * PETER—WILHELM—MILLOWITSCH, deutscher Schauspieler und Theaterleiter
18800124             † FRIEDRICH—FEUERBACH, deutscher Philologe und Philosoph
18830124             † FRIEDRICH—VON—FLOTOW, deutscher Opernkomponist
18840000—19200124    * † AMEDEO—MODIGLIANI, ITALY—SCULPTOR, painter, in PARIS.
18840124             † JOHAN—CHRISTIAN—GEBAUER, dänischer Komponist, Musiktheoretiker und Organist
18850124             * CHRISTIAN—INGERSLEV—BAASTRUP, dänischer Radiologe
18860124             * HENRY—KING, USA—FILMREGISSEUR
18870124             † MORITZ—BROSIG, deutscher KOMPONIST—UND—ORGANIST
18880124             * VICKI—BAUM, österreichische Harfenistin und Schriftstellerin
18880124             * ERNST—HEINKEL, deutscher Ingenieur und Flugzeugkonstrukteur
18880124             * HENRY—KING, USA—DIRECTOR (JESSE—JAMES, 12—O'CLOCK High).
18890124             * VICTOR—EFTIMIU, rumänischer Schriftsteller
18890124             * HERMANN—BERNHARD Ramcke, deutscher GENERAL —WWII—IM, Kriegsverbrecher
18890124             * WLADIMIR—WLADIMIROWITSCH—SCHTSCHERBATSCHOW, russischer Komponist
18890124             * KUNI—TREMEL—EGGERT, deutsche Schriftstellerin
18910124             * WALTER—MODEL, deutscher Generalfeldmarschall
18910124             † PHILIPP—CARL, deutscher Physiker
18910124             * MAX—ERNST, GERMAN—FRANCE—SURREALIST painter, sculptor.
18910124—18910402    —SEE
18910402—18910124    —SEE
18920124             * ARKADI—DMITRIJEWITSCH—SCHWEZOW, sowjetischer Triebwerkskonstrukteur
18930124             * JOHAN—ERIK—FRIBORG, schwedischer Radrennfahrer
18930124             * ALFONSO—ORTIZ—TIRADO, mexikanischer Arzt und Sänger
18940124             * ROBERT—JAFFÉ, deutscher Ingenieur, Landwirt und Politiker, MdB
18950124             * ALBERT—DIVO, französischer Automobilrennfahrer
18950124             * EUGEN—ROTH, deutscher Lyriker und Erzähler
18950124             * ALBIN—ZOLLINGER, Schweizer Schriftsteller
18950124             —ABDICATED, HAWAII—QUEEN—LILI'UOKALANI formally, her throne and swore allegiance to THE—REPUBLIC—OF—HAWAII.
18960124             * HERMANN—ZORN, deutscher Chemiker
18970124             * JOHANNES—VON—RUDLOFF, deutscher Weihbischof
18980124             * KARL—HERMANN—FRANK, deutscher GENERAL und Politiker, Kriegsverbrecher
18990000—19830124    * † GEORGE—CUKOR, film director.
18990124             * Theodor M. Auer, deutscher Diplomat
18990124             * HOYT—S—VANDENBERG, USA—GENERAL
18990124             † CHRISTIAN—FRIELE, norwegischer Redakteur
18990124             —PATENTED, The rubber heel was, by HUMPHREY—O'SULLIVAN.
19000124             —BEFINDET, Obwohl sie sich —BEREITS auf dem Rückzug, besiegt eine demoralisierte BUREN—ARMEE im 2. Burenkrieg in der Kapkolonie die gleichfalls demoralisierten Briten, die in Unkenntnis der Lage in der SCHLACHT—VON—SPION—KOP ebenfalls abgezogen sind.
19000124             † ISACCO—ARTOM, italienischer Politiker und Diplomat
19030124             —CREATED, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—HAY and UK—AMBASSADOR—HERBERT, 1—JOINT—COMMISSION to establish the Alaskan border.
19031020—19030124    —ON, THE—JOINT—COMMISSION, set up by GREAT—BRITAIN and THE—USA to arbitrate the disputed Alaskan boundary, ruled in favor of THE—USA.
19050124             VILNIUS, 1—MASS—WORKER—STRIKE began and lasted to 19050129           .
19060124             Im BOLSCHOI—THEATER in Moskau wird die Oper Francesca da RIMINI—VON—SERGEI—WASSILJEWITSCH—RACHMANINOW uraufgeführt.
19080000—19930124    * † THURGOOD—MARSHALL, in Bethesda, Md., at age 84. He served on THE—USA—SUPREME 19670000—19910000    —FROM—TO.
19080124             —CONSIDERED, This is, the —STARTING DATE—OF—THE—BOY—SCOUTS movement in ENGLAND.
19080124             —ACHIEVED, LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—ROBERT—SS—BADEN—POWELL, had, fame as 1—HERO in the Boer War and applied his METHODS—OF—TRAINING UK—SOLDIERS in SOUTH—AFRICA in woodcraft and survival methods to young ENGLAND—BOYS in the early 1900s.
19080124             —ADDED, The scout oath to be "morally straight" was, in THE—USA—VERSION.
19080124—19050000    —IN, united with 2—PREVIOUSLY existing organizations, the Sons of DANIEL—BOONE, founded by DANIEL—BEARD and Ideals of the Woodcraft Indians, founded by ERNEST—SETON 19020000             —IN.
19080124—19100000    —INCORPORATED, THE—BOY—SCOUTS—OF—AMERICA was, and
19090124             BERLIN, HALLE und MAGDEBURG wird in zahlreichen Versammlungen und mit DEMONSTRATIONS—ZÜGEN gegen das 3—KLASSEN—WAHL—RECHT protestiert.
19100124             LOUIS—PAULHAN, FRANCE—AVIATOR, made 1—AERIAL display at the Tanforan Race Track in S—BRUNO, CALIFORNIA, —BEFORE 1—CROWD—OF—75,000. He flew his biplane 1,300 (700) feet high at 70—MPH.
19100124             —EARLIER he took WILLIAM—RANDOLPH—HEARST for 1—RIDE.
19110000—19860124    * † LaFayette RONALD—HUBBARD, science fiction AUTHOR—AND—FOUNDER—OF—SCIENTOLOGY.
19110124             USA Cavalry was sent to preserve the neutrality of THE—RIO—GRANDE —DURING THE—MEXICO—CIVIL—WAR.
19130124             Der Schweizer OSKAR—BIDER überfliegt in einer Blériot XI als 1. Mensch die Pyrenäen.
19130124             * MARK—GOODSON, TV GAME—SHOW producer (GOODSON—TODDMAN).
19140000—20060124    * † FAYARD—NICHOLAS, the elder HALF—OF—THE—NICHOLAS—BROTHERS tap dancing duo, in LOS—ANGELES.
19140831—18940124    welcher ERLAß—VOM soweit DERSELBE sich auf SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN—SCHRIFTEN beziehe, die
19140831—18940124    welcher ERLAß—VOM, das Halten und die Verbreitung REVOLUTIONÄRER—ODER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHER Schriften verbietet
19140831—18940124    Der PREUßEN—KRIEGS—MINISTER mitteilt, daß der ERLAß—VOM,
19140831—18940124    welcher ERLAß—VOM sowie DIE—EINFÜHRUNG solcher Schriften in Kasernen oder sonstigen Dienstlokalen verbietet,
19150124             Im Gefecht auf der Doggerbank —WWI—IM zwischen der deutschen Marine und der Royal Navy sinkt der deutsche Panzerkreuzer SMS Blücher.
19150124             THE—GERMANY—CRUISER Blücher was sunk by 1—UK—SQUADRON in THE—BATTLE—OF—DOGGER—BANK.
19160124             OSKAR—VON—NIEDERMAYER und WERNER—OTTO—VON—HENTIG gelingt es, mit dem EMIR—HABIBULLAH—KHAN einen Freundschaftsvertrag zwischen dem Deutschen Kaiserreich und AFGHANISTAN zu unterzeichnen.
19160124             Das eigentliche Ziel der NIEDERMAYER—HENTIG—EXPEDITION, den Eintritt Afghanistans in den —WWI aufseiten der Mittelmächte, erreichen sie jedoch nicht.
19170124             * ERNEST—BORGNINE, actor (Ice Station Zebra, McHale, Marty), in Hamden, COUNTY.
19180124             * ORAL—ROBERTS, Televangelist, FOUNDER—ORAL—ROBERTS—UNIVERSITY.
19180124             ÖSTERREICH, breitet sich 1—STREIK—BEWEGUNG aus.
19180124             —BERICHTET, PHILIPP—SCHEIDEMANN, im Hauptausschuß darüber, daß FRIEDRICH—EBERT und er als Landesverräter bezeichnet würden und täglich Droh—, Schmähbriefe erhielten, weil sie für 1—VERSTÄNDIGUNGS—FRIEDEN einträten.
19180124             Die Urheberschaft dafür läge bei der Vaterlandspartei.
19180124             Auch in anderen Städten kommt es unter dem Eindruck DER—BERLIN—VORGÄNGE zu STREIKs, so in HAMBURG, KIEL, BREMEN, DANZIG und LEIPZIG.
19180124             K. Eisner wird verhaftet und wegen LANDES—VERRATS angeklagt.
19180124             —BERICHTET, PHILIPP—SCHEIDEMANN im HAUPT—AUSSCHUß darüber, daß
19180124             unter dem Eindruck DER—BERLIN—VORGÄNGE, Auch in anderen Städten kommt es zu STREIKs so
19180124             in HAMBURG, in KIEL, in BREMEN, in DANZIG und - in LEIPZIG.
19180124             in MÜNCHEN fordern STREIKende nach 1—REDE—VON—KURT—EISNER die sofortige Beendigung des Krieges.
19180124             in MÜNCHEN KURT—EISNER wird verhaftet und wegen LANDES—VERRATS angeklagt.
19190124             RUSSIA, Grand PRINCE—PAVEL—ALEXANDROVICH, 1—SON—OF—TSAR—ALEXANDER—II, and grand princes NIKOLAI—MIKHAILOVICH, GEORGY—MIKHAILOVITCH and Dmitry Konstantinovich, nephews of THE—TSAR, were executed at the Peter and PAUL—FORTRESS in S—PETERSBURG.
19190124—19990000    —REHABILITATED, They were posthumously, by THE—RUSSIA—OFFICE—OF—THE—PROSECUTOR—GENERAL.
19200124             † His mistress JEANNE—HEBUTERNE, pregnant with his child, committed suicide —2—DAYS—LATER rather than live without him.
19200124—20060000    —AUTHORED, JEFFREY—MEYERS, "Modigliani: 1—LIFE".
19200124—20110000    —AUTHORED, Meryle Secrest, "Modigliani: 1—LIFE".
19220124             —PATENTED, CHRISTIAN—K—NELSON—OF—ONAWA, IOWA, the Eskimo Pie.
19240124             Das Walchenseekraftwerk liefert den 1. Strom in das NETZ—DES—BAYERNWERKS.
19240124             —RENAMED, THE—RUSSIA—CITY—OF—PETROGRAD (formerly S—PETERSBURG) was, Leningrad in honor of the late revolutionary leader.
19240124             It has —SINCE been RE—NAMED S—PETERSBURG.
19270124             UK—EXPEDITIONARY force of 12,000 was sent to CHINA to protect concessions at SHANGHAI.
19280000—20070124    * † JEAN—FRANCOIS Deniau, 1—FORMER—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT MINISTER, diplomat, sailor and novelist.
19280000—20100124    * † PERNELL—ROBERTS, TV actor, at his home in MALIBU—CALIFORNIA.
19290124             (19160000—19410000    ), accepted THE—POSITION—OF—SECRETARY—OF—THE—INTERIOR under PRESIDENT—HOOVER.
19290124             Wilbur took 1—LEAVE—OF—ABSENCE to serve.
19310124             —REBUKED, THE—LEAGUE—OF—NATIONS, POLAND  for the mistreatment of 1—GERMANY—MINORITY in Upper Silesia.
19310124             "Worauf kam es denn in 1. Linie an?
19310124             Auf das Sammeln der breiten Massen!
19310124             Meine Hauptaufgabe war es, sie dem MARX ismus zu entreißen, sie wieder nationalen Gedanken zugänglich zu machen.
19310124             Ich bin in diese vom MARX ismus verhetzten Schichten hineingestiegen und habe mit ihnen gerungen.
19310124             Auf den Erfolg kam es mir an, nicht auf die Methode, die mir immer wieder von Gegnern,
19310124             nicht zum wenigsten von Rechtsstehenden zum Vorwurf gemacht wird.
19310124             Sollen doch die Herren, die meine Methode bekritteln, in die INDUSTRIE zentren gehen + den durch den MARX ismus rasend gemachten Massen auf ihre Methode beizukommen suchen!" (21)
19310124             DIE—NAZIS waren sich ihrer Aufgabe absolut bewusst, so erklärte HITLER im GESPRÄCH—MIT—DEM Fürsten EULENBURG—HERTEFELD
19310124             —AM, HITLER im Gespräch mit dem FÜRST—EULENBURG—HERTEFELD : Auf DAS—SAMMELN der breiten Massen!
19310124             Meine HAUPT—AUFGABE war es, sie[DIE—BREITE—MASSEN] dem MARX ismus zu entreißen,
19310124             Meine HAUPT—AUFGABE war es, sie[DIE—BREITE—MASSEN] wieder nationalen Gedanken zugänglich zu machen.
19310124             Sollen doch die Herren, die meine Methode bekritteln, in die INDUSTRIE—ZENTREN gehen +
19310124             Sollen doch die Herren, die meine Methode bekritteln, den durch den MARX ismus rasend gemachten Massen auf ihre Methode beizukommen suchen!" (21)
19310124             —AM Hitler im Gespräch mit dem Fürsten EULENBURG—HERTEFELD : "Worauf kam es denn in 1. Linie an?
19350124             In den Vereinigten Staaten kommt nach einer vorausgegangenen Testphase das 1. Dosenbier, abgefüllt von der Brauerei GOTTFRIED—KRUEGER—BREWERY—COMPANY, in den Handel.
19350124             —CANNED, The 1., beer, "Krueger Cream Ale," was sold by Krueger Brewing Co. of RICHMOND—VIRGINIA.
19390124             —KILLED, Some 28-30,000 were, by magnitude 8.3—EARTHQUAKE in CHILLAN—CHILE.
19400124             Der Spielfilm Früchte des Zorns von JOHN—FORD —NACH—DEM gleichnamigen ROMAN—VON—JOHN—STEINBECK, in dem das Schicksal der "Okies" behandelt wird, hat in NEW—YORK City seine Uraufführung.
19400124             Die Hauptrollen spielen HENRY—FONDA, JANE—DARWELL und JOHN—CARRADINE.
19410124             * NEIL—DIAMOND, singer, actor (JAZZ—SINGER), in BROOKLYN—NEW—YORK.
19410124             † Josslyn VICTOR—HAY, the 22. EARL—OF—ERROLL, was shot to death in KENYA.
19410124             He was having 1—AFFAIR with Diana Delves Broughton.
19410124             —COVERED, The story was, in a 19820000              book "White Mischief" by JAMES—FOX, which was made into a 19880000              movie.
19410124             Juanita Carbery, DAUGHTER—OF—LORD—CARBERY, to whom JOHN—DELVES—BROUGHTON confessed his guilt even —BEFORE he was arrested.
19410124             —COMMITTED, ALICE—DE—JANZE, suicide not long —AFTER the acquittal Broughton.
19410124—19870906    —TRANSMITTED, THE—BBC television drama THE—HAPPY—VALLEY, 1., told THE—STORY—OF—ERROLL—MURDER, as seen through the eyes of 15—YEAR—OLD the Hon.
19420124             Bei der Seeschlacht vor BALIKPAPAN im Pazifikkrieg erringt die neu gegründete ABDA—FLOTTE der Alliierten unter dem Kommando der ABDACOM zwar einen taktischen Sieg gegen JAPAN, kann dessen Expansion in Südostasien allerdings nicht aufhalten.
19420124             1—SPECIAL—COURT—OF—INQUIRY into AMERICA—LACK—OF—PREPAREDNESS for THE—JAPAN—ATTACK on Pearl Harbor placed much of the blame on Rear ADMIRAL—HUSBAND—E—KIMMEL and LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—WALTER—C—SHORT, the Navy and Army commanders.
19430124             —ORDERED, Hitler, Nazi troops at Stalingrad to fight to death.
19440124             schließlich zu... Der Mord an ROBERTO—CALVI wurde dabei auch dem Vatikan angelastet. de.wikipedia_org/wiki/Istituto_per_le_Opere_di_Religione
19450124             In der von den Alliierten eingenommenen Stadt AACHEN erscheint mit den Aachener Nachrichten —BEREITS vor Ende des 2. Weltkriegs die 1. deutsche Nachkriegszeitung.
19450124             PEENEMÜNDE—WEST, wird eine geflügelte Version der A4/V2-Rakete, die A4b, entwickelt in der Heeresversuchsanstalt in Peenemünde, erstmals erfolgreich gestartet.
19450124             Sie soll die doppelte Reichweite der A4 erreichen, stürzt allerdings wegen eines Flügelbruchs vorzeitig ab.
19450124             Es kommt zu keinem weiteren Start dieses Flugkörpers mehr.
19450124             1—GERMANY—ATTEMPT to relieve the besieged CITY—OF—BUDAPEST was finally halted by the Soviets.
19450124             Memo to THE—PRESIDENT regarding negotiations with the Germans in SWITZERLAND and GERMANY—PEACE feelers at THE—VATICAN.
19460124             NEW—YORK, wird die Sinfonie in 3—SÄTZEN—VON—IGOR—STRAWINSKY uraufgeführt.
19480124             * ELLIOTT—ABRAMS, asst.
19480124             —SUPPLIED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE, arms to the Contras.
19490124             * JOHN—BELUSHI, comedian, actor (SNL, Blues Brothers), in CHICAGO—ILLINOIS.
19500124             Das Politbüro der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands beschließt die Bildung eines Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit in der DDR.
19500124             —SIGNED, JACKIE—ROBINSON, highest contract ($35,000) in Dodger history.
19500124—19500208    —AM, bestätigt die Volkskammer der DDR diesen Beschluss einstimmig.
19510124             —ASSAILED, INDIA—LEADER—NEHRU, THE—USA and demanded THE—UN to name Peking as 1—AGGRESSOR in KOREA.
19520124             DEUTSCHLAND, tritt das Gesetz zum Schutz der erwerbstätigen Mütter in Kraft, das werdende und stillende Mütter vor ungesunder Beschäftigung schützen soll.
19530124             † [Karl R] GERD—VON—RUNDSTEDT (77), GEN—FIELD—MARSHAL (Normandy).
19540124             Erstausstrahlung des Hörspiels Under Milk Wood von DYLAN—THOMAS (Regie DOUGLAS—CLEVERDON) durch den britischen Radiosender BBC 3. Das Werk avancierte schnell zum berühmtesten Hörspiel der Rundfunkgeschichte.
19540124             Die Regie führte FRITZ—SCHRÖDER—JAHN.
19540124—19540920    —AM, desselben Jahres, Die deutsche Ursendung erfolgte durch den NWDR HAMBURG unter dem Titel Unter dem Milchwald.
19550124             Einen —TAG nach seinem Ausschluss aus der Neuapostolischen Kirche gründet PETER—KUHLEN die Apostolische Gemeinschaft in Düsseldorf.
19580124             —AFTER warming to 100,000,000 degrees, 2—LIGHT atoms were bashed together to create 1—HEAVIER atom, resulting in the 1. MAN—MADE nuclear fusion.
19610124             1—B—52—CARRYING 2—NUCLEAR bombs near GOLDSBORO—NORTH—CAROLINA encountered 1—VIOLENT gust.
19610124             —ROLLED, The giant plane, completely over, came upright, and continued rolling inverted a 2. time —BEFORE whipping into 1—VICIOUS—FLAT—SPIN and breaking up.
19610124             1—APOCALYPTIC—EXPLOSION was stopped only by 1—TINY—LAST—DITCH, LOW—VOLTAGE switch.
19610124             —AM, IN DIE—ERDE 1—WASSERSTOFF—BOMBE vom Typ MARK—39—EINDRANG tief.
19610124             —AM, 1—B—52—BOMBER DER—USA—AIR—FORCE abstürzte nahe der STADT—GOLDSBORO in NORTH—CAROLINA USA.
19610124             —AM, 1—B—52—BOMBER DER—USA—AIR—FORCE an Bord 2—WASSERSTOFFBOMBEN vom Typ MARK—39, hatte
19610124             —AM, 1—WASSERSTOFF—BOMBE vom Typ MARK—39 an 1—FALLSCHIRM hängend in 1—WEIDE, landete
19610124             —AM, 1—WASSERSTOFF—BOMBE vom Typ MARK—39 in 1—SUMPF—GEBIET fiel
19610124             —AM, Nur 1—LETZTER, sehr sensibler Schalter verhinderte die Detonation.
19610124             —DER Fallschirm öffnete sich und die Auslösungsmechanismen wurden betätigt.
19610124             —GEWESEN, MILLIONEN—VON—MENSCHENLEBEN wären damit in Gefahr.
19610124             or - HOW I—LEARNED T0 MISTRUST THE—H—BOMB
19610124             TO SET THE ascosp STRAIGHT - GOLDSBORO REVISITED
19610124             —AM, page 127—OF—HIS—BOOK, and Overkill,"DOCTOR—RALPH—LAPP, 1—PROMINENT
19610124             EHE—FIEPORT 819.5
19610124             "In 1—OF—THESE incidents, 1—B 52—BOMBER had to jettison a 24—MEGATON bomb over NORTH—CAROLINA.
19610124             THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT 3.17155 OF T353.
19610124             adopted complex devices and strict rules prevent the accidental snning or firing NUCLEAR—WEAPONS.
19610124             gaton warhead was equipped with 6—STERLOCKING safety mechanisms, all of which had to be triggered in sequence to explode the bomb.
19610124             —USHED, Dam fj:, to THE—NORTH—CAROLINA farm to zxemine the weapon —AFTER the accident, they found that 5—OF—THE—6—INTERLOCKS had been set off_by the fall!
19610124             —PREVENTED, Only 1—SINGLE switch, THE—24—MEGATON bomb from detonating and spreading fire and destruction over 1—WIDE—AREA".
19610124             Alli!
19610124             physicist, writer and industrial consultant, states:
19610124             THE—FACTS 'Twas 1—ACCIDENT, not 1—INCIDENT.
19610124             There was_no jettison.The aixa. brolsmup in feline.
19610124             "were inadvertently idropped.
19610124             Ar They're simple, and not complex enough.
19610124             Not 6. hike bomb had 4, 1—OF which is not effective in the air.
19610124             The sequence is not very important. And AEC. Yeah, accident.
19610124             1' - I - I I
19610124             1 "set off"by the fall. rendered ineffective by aircraft" breakup.
19610124             That's right - - Yeah. IN SPADES.
19610124             —AM, 1—USA—AIR—FORCE—B—52—BOMBER abstürzte nahe der STADT—GOLDSBORO—NORTH—CAROLINA—USA.
19610124             —AM, 1—USA—AIR—FORCE—B—52—BOMBER an Bord 2—WASSERSTOFF—BOMBEN—TYP—MARK—39, hatte
19610124             —AM, 1—DER WASSERSTOFF—BOMBEN reagierte im freien Fall exakt so, wie es für 1—ABSICHTLICH abgeworfene ATOM—BOMBE im KRIEGS—FALL vorgesehen ist
19610124             —AM, Nur 1—LETZTER, sehr sensibler Schalter verhinderte DIE—DETONATION.
19610124             —AM, RADIOAKTIVER—NIEDERSCHLAG hätte sich andernfalls über WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA und sogar NEW—YORK—CITY ausbreiten können,
19610124             —AM—IN—THIS der Luft unabsichtlich abgeworfen 2—WASSERSTOFF—BOMBEN—TYP—MARK—39—BEI des B—52—BOMBER DER—USA—AIR—FORCE Flugzeug Auseinanderbrechen wurden.
19610124             THE—BOMB fell in 1—FIELD without exploding.
19610124—20130921    —VOR—MEHR—ALS—50—JAHREN.
19610124—20130921    dabei DIE—USA sind nach
19610124—20130921    —IMMER—WIEDER, DIE—USA—REGIERUNG stritt ab, dass
19610124—20130921    NUKLEAR—WAFFEN das Leben DER—USA—AMERIKANER gefährden könnten.
19610124—20130921    DIE—BEHÖRDEN hatten den Zwischenfall zwar bestätigt, aber
19610124—20130921    nie mitgeteilt, wie nahe die Bombe vor der Explosion stand.
19610124—20130921    Dass es erhebliche SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN gab,
19610124—20130921    beweist das
19610124—20130921    —DOKUMENT mit dem sperrigen Titel
19610124—20130921    steht in dem von USA—AUTOR—ERIC—SCHLOSSER untersuchten Papier.
19610124—20130921    —BISLANG 1. den Beweis für das verheerende Potential dieses USA—MILITÄR—UNFALLS 1—GEHEIM—DOKUMENT liefert
19610124—20130921    1—BERICHT—DES—BRITISCHEN "GUARDIAN"nur knapp 1—ATOM—KATASTROPHE entgangen.
19610124—20130921    Dass es erhebliche SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN gab, beweist das
19610124—20130921    —BISLANG geheime und nun im "GUARDIAN"veröffentlichte
19610124—20130921    "Goldsboro wiederholt, oder: Wie ich lernte die H—BOMBE zu fürchten, oder: Um Missverständnisse aus dem Weg zu räumen".
19610124—20130921    ENTHÜLLUNGS—JOURNALIST—SCHLOSSER erlangte zuletzt mit seinem Buch FAST—FOOD—NATION INTERNATIONAL Bekanntheit.
19610124—20130921    dabei DIE—USA sind LAUT—1—BERICHT—DES—BRITISCHEN "GUARDIAN"nur knapp 1—ATOM—KATASTROPHE entgangen.
19610124—20130921    —IMMER—WIEDER, stritt ab, dass NUKLEAR—WAFFEN der USA—AMERIKANER—LEBEN gefährden könnten.
19610124—20130921    DIE—USA—REGIERUNG—BEHÖRDEN hatten den ZWISCHENFALL zwar bestätigt, aber
19610124—20130921    DIE—USA—REGIERUNG—BEHÖRDEN hatten nie mitgeteilt, wie nahe die ATOM—BOMBE vor der Explosion stand.
19610124—20130921    Dass es erhebliche SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN gab, beweist das —DOKUMENT mit dem sperrigen Titel
19620124             28—MÄNNERN, Frauen und Kindern in der DDR gelingt die Flucht durch einen Tunnel nach WEST—BERLIN.
19620124             Die Volkskammer beschließt die Einführung der allgemeinen Wehrpflicht in der DDR einschließlich OST—BERLINS.
19620124             —ÜBERNIMMT, BRIAN—EPSTEIN, mit einem Fünfjahresvertrag das Management der Beatles.
19630124             —ENCOUNTERED, MAINE, 1—B—52—BOMBER, turbulence strong enough to snap off the vertical stabilizer, causing it to crash onto THE—SIDE—OF—ELEPHANT—MOUNTAIN.
19630124             † 7—CREW members.
19630124             —SURVIVED, GERALD—ADLER, along with the pilot, LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—DAN—BULLI, —AFTER spending 20—HOURS on the mountainside.
19650124             † WINSTON—CHURCHILL, britischer Staatsmann und Autor, Innenminister, 1. Lord der Admiralität, Schatzkanzlers, PREMIER—MINISTER, Nobelpreisträger
19650124             † WINSTON—CHURCHILL, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER (19400000—19450000    , 51-55), from 1—CEREBRAL thrombosis in LONDON at age 90. "I am always ready to learn, but I do not always like to be taught".
19650124             Lord Moran (SIR—CHARLES—WILSON), his personal physician, —LATER authored "Churchill At War: 19400000—19450000    ".
19660124             Der Learjet 24, 1—GESCHÄFTSREISEFLUGZEUG in Tiefdeckerauslegung, absolviert seinen Erstflug.
19660124             In den Alpen kommen sämtliche 117—INSASSEN einer Boeing 707—DER Air INDIA ums Leben, als die Maschine an einem Felsmassiv des Mont Blanc zerschellt.
19660124             THE—KANGCHENJUNGA, 1—BOEING 707—FLYING from Mumbai (Bombay) to NEW—YORK, crashed on the southwest face of Mont BLANC—FRANCE, as it descended towards 1 scheduled stopover in GENEVA—SWITZERLAND.
19660124             † All 117—PEOPLE on BOARD.
19660124             —AM—MORGEN—DES, —STEUERTE direkt in den Bossons Gletscher des Mont Blanc der Air INDIA Flug 101—VON Mumbai nach NEW—YORK Pilot
19660124             —AM—MORGEN—DES, Alle 117—INSASSEN des Flugzeuges kamen dabei ums Leben.
19660124             —AM—MORGEN—DES, An der Air INDIA Flug 101—VON Mumbai nach NEW—YORK Bord 1—SACK mit DIPLOMATEN—POST befand sich unter anderem auch.
19660124             —AM—MORGEN—DES, falsch verstand der Air INDIA Flug 101—VON Mumbai nach NEW—YORK Pilot 1—DER Tower von GRENOBLE Durchsage und
19660124—20120908    "Stattdessen fanden wir völlig durchnässte Briefe und indische Zeitungen".
19660124—20120908    "Wir hatten gehofft, Diamanten zu entdecken, oder wenigstens Goldbarren", sagt Christmann nach der Entdeckung.
19660124—20120908    DIE—INDIEN—BOTSCHAFT—PARIS ließ verlauten, sie freue sich auf den Erhalt der "sehr verspäteten Briefe".
19660124—20120908    —J—AUS—DEM, fanden den Sack mit Briefen und Zeitungen
19660124—20120908    Sie übergaben die DIPLOMATEN—POST DER—POLIZEI—CHAMONIX.
19680124             * MARY—LOU—RETTON, gymnast (OLY—GOLD/2—SILVER/2—BRONZE—84), in Fairmont, WV.
19680124             1—ISRAEL—SUBMARINE, THE—DAKAR, 1—BRITISH—MADE submarine with a 69-man crew, was lost in the Mediterranean Sea —WHILE enroute from ENGLAND to ISRAEL.
19680124             The sunken ship was found 19990528             , between Crete and CYPRUS.
19710124             † PRIVATE—ROGELIO—ROXAS (19930000             , ), 1—FORMER—THE—PHILIPPINES—SOLDIER, allegedly discovered the war TREASURE—OF—JAPAN—GENERAL—TOMOYUKI—YAMASHITA in caves near BAGUIO City.
19710124             The gold bullion was reportedly taken away by PRESIDENT—MARCOS.
19710124—19710518    —ARRESTED, ROXAS was, and jailed —FOR—5—YEARS.
19720124             MAINE SENATOR—EDMUND—MUSKIE (19140000—19960000    ) won THE—IOWA caucus but —LATER lost the Democratic nomination to GEORGE—MCGOVERN.
19720124             —DENIED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT struck down laws that, welfare benefits to people who had resided in 1—STATE for less than 1—YEAR.
19720124—19440810    —AM, Im Dschungel von GUAM wird der japanische SOLDAT—YOKOI—SHOICHI gefunden, der dort —SEIT der Ankunft der Amerikaner unter GENERAL—DOUGLAS—MACARTHUR in einer Höhle gelebt hat.
19741108—19890124    —IDENTIFIED, She was —LATER, as another victim of Theodore "Ted" Bundy (19460000—19890000    ), the Green River Murderer, who would be officially convicted of killing 36—WOMEN and executed, in FLORIDA.
19750124             Genesis spielen das komplette Konzeptalbum THE—LAMB—LIES—DOWN on Broadway live in LOS—ANGELES und veröffentlichen es später in der 4-CD-Box Archive I – 1967–1975.
19750124             —IMPROVISIERT, Der JAZZ—PIANIST KEITH—JARRETT, live und unter widrigsten Umständen sein —HEUTE weltberühmtes Köln Concert in der Kölner Oper.
19750124             NEW—YORK, City, THE—FALN, 1—MILITANT—GROUP seeking independence for PUERTO—RICO, sets off 1—BOMB in Fraunces Tavern.
19750124             4—PEOPLE were killed and 53 injured.
19760124             1—ERDBEBEN bei Muradiye in der Türkei fordert rund 3.850—TOTE.
19770124             MADRID, dringt zur Zeit der Transition in Spanien ein bewaffnetes Kommando der Alianza Apostólica Anticomunista in Tötungsabsicht in ein gewerkschaftsnahes Anwaltsbüro ein.
19770124             Das Blutbad von Atocha kostet 5—MENSCHENLEBEN, 4—PERSONEN werden angeschossen.
19770918—19780124    —ON, It fell onto NORTH—CANADA.
19780124             Cosmos 954, a 4—MONTH—OLD—NUCLEAR—POWERED Soviet satellite plunged through EARTH—ATMOSPHERE and disintegrated, scattering radioactive debris over PARTS—OF—NORTH—CANADA.
19800124             —DESIGNED, In 1—ACTION obviously, as another in 1—SERIES—OF—VERY—STRONG—REACTIONS to the Soviet invasion of AFGHANISTAN, USA—OFFICIALS announce that AMERICA is ready to sell military equipment (excluding weapons) to communist CHINA.
19800124             The surprise statement was PART—OF—THE—USA—EFFORT to build 1—CLOSER—RELATIONSHIP with THE—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA for use as leverage against possible Soviet aggression.
19800124             —GRANTED, THE—USA, Most Favoured Nation trading status to CHINA,
19800124             —6—MONTHS—FOLLOWING,—OVER—THE, CHINA reciprocated by supplying weapons to THE—AFGHAN—MUJAHEDDIN and
19800124             —6—MONTHS—FOLLOWING,—OVER—THE, CHINA reciprocated by granting unprecedented permission for THE—CIA and NSA to set up 2—ELECTRONIC listening posts at Qitai and Koria in XINJIANG
19820124             1—DRAFT—OF—AIR—FORCE—HISTORY reported that THE—USA—SECRETLY sprayed herbicides on Laos —DURING THE—VIETNAM War.
19821115—20170124    —IN, police arrested MARVIN—RAY—MARKLE, 51—JAHRE—ALT 1—LONG—TIME—SUSPECT in the killing.
19830124             —INCLUDED, His films, My Fair Lady, 1—STAR is Born, Born —YESTERDAY, Love Among the Ruins and THE—PHILADELPHIA Story.
19840124             Der 1. Apple Macintosh, der Macintosh 128, wird der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.
19840124             —UNVEILED, Apple Computer Inc, its Macintosh personal computer.
19840124             It included SOUND—SAMPLING technology that could play recorded sounds.
19840124             THE—CPU had 1—SPEED—OF—8—MHZ and 128k of RAM. It sold for $2,495.
19850124             —LAUNCHED, The space shuttle Discovery was, from Cape CANAVERAL—FLORIDA, on the 1. secret, ALL—MILITARY—SHUTTLE—MISSION.
19860124             Die Raumsonde Voyager 2—PASSIERT den Uranus und entdeckt dabei 2—WEITERE Ringe des Planeten.
19860124             THE—VOYAGER 2—SPACE—PROBE swept past Uranus, coming within 50,679—MILES—OF—THE 7. planet of the solar system.
19860124             —PUZZLED, Uranus has, scientists —EVER—SINCE the probe Voyager 2—DID the flyby and found that its magnetic field appeared to break the planetary rulebook.
19860124             L. Ron HUBBARD—BOOK "Dianetics: THE—MODERN—SCIENCE—OF—MENTAL—HEALTH" (19500000             ) laid the foundation for Scientology.
19860124             World News.At 1—OF—THOSE meetings, he said, MISTER—S—MARCOS was accompanied by Rolando C. Gapud... MORE ON REAL ESTATE AND: FOREIGN AID...
19860124             THE—MANILA Times INTERNET Edition | OPINION > BIG DEAL
19860124—20040000    —IN, scientists noted that Neptune and Uranus have 1—INTERIOR—STRUCTURE that is different from those of Jupiter and Saturn.
19860124—20070000    —BASED, THE—LOS—ANGELES, church claimed 10—MILLION—MEMBERS—AROUND the world.
19870124             —KIDNAPPED, Gunmen in LEBANON, educators Alann Steen, JESSE—TURNER, ROBERT—POLHILL and Mitheleshwar Singh.
19870124             —RELEASED, All were —LATER.
19870124             —ABOUT 20,000 civil rights demonstrators marched through predominantly white Forsyth COUNTY—GEORGIA, 1—WEEK—AFTER 1—SMALLER—MARCH was disrupted by Ku Klux Klan members and supporters.
19870124             TAGES—ZEITUNG,
19880124             —DECLARED, The government of HAITI, Leslie Manigat WINNER—OF—THAT—COUNTRY'S—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
19880124             However, Manigat was overthrown by HAITI—MILITARY—LEADER, LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—HENRI—HAMPHY, the —FOLLOWING June.
19890124             —REPORTED, Physicians 1., 1—CASE—OF—AIDS transmitted by heterosexual oral sex.
19890124             Confessed serial killer THEODORE—BUNDY, 42—JAHRE—ALT was put to death in FLORIDA—ELECTRIC—CHAIR for 19780000             —THE—KIDNAP—MURDER—OF—12—YEAR—OLD—KIMBERLY Leach.
19900124             Die japanische Raumsonde Hiten wird mit einer Mu-3S2-Trägerrakete in 1—UMLAUFBAHN um die Erde gestartet.
19900124             Später wird diese zum Mond gelangen.
19900124             —VOTED, THE—HOUSE, 390-25 to override PRESIDENT—BUSH—VETO—OF—LEGISLATION protecting CHINA—STUDENTS from deportation.
19900124             —PREVAILED, Bush, in 1—SENATE—VOTE the next —DAY.
19900700             MISTER—GAYLORD held various... SECRETARY—EDGAR—ONLINE_com/2
19910124             1—BRIEF—SKIRMISH occurred high above the Persian Gulf as 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—WARPLANE shot down 2—IRAQ—JETS.
19920124—19890000    —IN—THE, 1—JUDGE—IN—EL—SALVADOR sentenced 1—ARMY—COLONEL and 1—LIEUTENANT to 30—YEARS in prison for their part massacre of 6—JESUIT priests, their housekeeper and her daughter.
19930124             —MAINTAINED, As 1—CIVIL—RIGHTS—LAWYER in the 1950s he had, 1—CONFIDENTIAL—RELATIONSHIP with THE—FBI.
19930124—19970000    —PUBLISHED, Mark V. Tushnet, the book: "Making constitutional Law: THURGOOD—MARSHALL and THE—SUPREME—COURT".
19940000             hatte das Bundeskriminalamt Hinweise auf ein geplantes Attentat durch ein ausländisches Terrorkommando.
19940124             —RULED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, unanimously that protesters who block access to abortion clinics or in other ways conspire to stop women from having abortions may be sued under federal ANTI—RACKETEERING statutes.
19940124             —BELONGED, More than 1—HALF—DOZEN—OF—THE—WTC bombers, to this faction + SOME—OF—THE—CIA—MONEY paid for their training.
19940124             CLEMENT—RODNEY—HAMPTON—EL, Siddig Siddig Ali, AHMED—AJAJ + Mahmud Abouhalima.
19940124             [BOSTON Herald, 19940124             ]
19940124             —CONCLUDED, THE—BOSTON—HERALD reports that 1—INTERNAL—CIA—REPORT has, that THE—AGENCY is "partially culpable" for 19930000             —THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER bombing (see 19930226             ) because it helped train and support SOME—OF—THE—BOMBERS.
19940124             CIA Concludes It Is 'Partly Culpable' for WTC—BOMBING-
19940124             1—SOURCE with KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—REPORT says, "It was determined that 1—SIGNIFICANT—AMOUNT—OF—BLOWBACK appeared to have occurred".
19940124             1—USA—INTELLIGENCE—SOURCE—CLAIMS THE—CIA gave at least $1—BILLION to forces in AFGHANISTAN connected to Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.
19940124             —BELONGED, More than 6 THE—WTC—BOMBERS, to this faction + SOME—OF—THE—CIA—MONEY paid for their training.
19940124             THE—SOURCE says, "By giving these people THE—FUNDING that we did, 1—SITUATION was created in which it could be safely argued that we bombed THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER".
19940124             —CONNECTED, Those, to the bombing who went to AFGHANISTAN include Sheikh OMAR—ABDUL—RAHMAN,
19940124             [BOSTON—HERALD, 19940124             ]
19940124             CIA Concludes It Is 'Partly Culpable' for WTC BOMBING—BG - Source THE—BOSTON Herald reports that 1—INTERNAL—CIA—REPORT has concluded that the agency is "partially culpable" for 19930000             —THE World Trade Center bombing (see February 26, 19930000             ) because it helped train and support SOME—OF—THE—BOMBERS.
19940124             The source says, "By giving these people the funding that we did, 1—SITUATION was created in which it could be safely argued that we bombed the World Trade Center".
19940124             —CONNECTED, Those, to the bombing who went to AFGHANISTAN include Sheikh OMAR—ABDUL—RAHMAN, CLEMENT—RODNEY—HAMPTON—EL, Siddig Siddig Ali, AHMED—AJAJ + Mahmud Abouhalima.
19950124             —APPEALED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, for common ground as he delivered his 2. STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, this time —BEFORE 1—REPUBLICAN—LED—CONGRESS.
19950124             The prosecution gave its opening statement at the O.J. Simpson murder trial.
19960124             In den USA wird das synthetische Fett Olestra von der Food and Drug Administration zur Verwendung in Snacks zugelassen.
19960124             —APPROVED, THE—FDA, 1—FAT substitute to be marketed by Proctor and Gamble under the name Olestra.
19960124             It is know to cause abdominal cramps but not to 1—MEDICALLY significant degree.
19960124             —DISCHARGED, Specialist MICHAEL—NEW was, from THE—USA—ARMY—AFTER 1—COURT—MARTIAL jury convicted him for refusing to wear 1—UN beret for 1—PEACEKEEPING mission in THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA.
19960124             † JONATHON—LARSON (19960125             , ), COMPOSER—OF—RENT, was taken to S—VINCENT—HOSPITAL—EMERGENCY—ROOM in NEW—YORK—CITY and discharged with 1—DIAGNOSIS—OF—1—PROBABLE—VIRUS.
19960124             weil HEINZ—FASSBENDER + sein Team bei den Dreharbeiten zum dubiosen Immobilienerwerb eines leitenden LWB—MITARBEITERS tatsächlich angegriffen + erheblich verletzt wurden.
19960124             sendet DAS—ZDF in "Kennzeichen D" den Beitrag des freien,investigativen Journalisten HEINZ—FASSBENDER aus KÖLN,
19960124             der nach intensiven Recherchen über den skandalösen Umgang von Angestellten der Leipziger STADT—VERWALTUNG und offiziellen Beratern der Stadt mit Filetstücken des Immobilienfonds der Stadt berichtete.
19960124             DER—BEITRAG findet insbesondere auch deshalb Beachtung,
19960124             weil HEINZ—FASSBENDER + sein Team bei den Dreharbeiten zum dubiosen IMMOBILIEN—ERWERB eines leitenden LWB — Mitarbeiters tatsächlich angegriffen + erheblich verletzt wurden.
19960124             sendet das ZDF in "Kennzeichen D" den Beitrag des freien,investigativen Journalisten HEINZ—FASSBENDER aus Köln, der nach intensiven Recherchen über den skandalösen Umgang von Angestellten der Leipziger Stadtverwaltung und offiziellen Beratern der Stadt mit Filetstücken des Immobilienfonds der Stadt berichtete.
19960124             Der Beitrag findet insbesondere auch deshalb Beachtung, weil HEINZ—FASSBENDER + sein Team bei den Dreharbeiten zum dubiosen Immobilienerwerb eines leitenden LWB—MITARBEITERS tatsächlich angegriffen + erheblich verletzt wurden.
19970124             —RELEASED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, guest lists showing that in the —YEAR and A—HALF—BEFORE his RE—ELECTION, PRESIDENT—CLINTON invited more than 400—OF—HIS—PARTY—TOP—FINANCIAL—SUPPORTERS to coffee klatches for informal policy chats.
19970124             —ACCUSED—OF, Publix Super Markets, relegating women to DEAD—END, LOW—PAYING jobs, agreed to pay $81.5—MILLION to settle 1—CLASS—ACTION lawsuit.
19970124             —AWARDED, ZAGREB—CROATIA, Radio 101 was, 1—BROADCAST—LICENSE—AFTER 1—LONG—BATTLE with the nationalist government.
19970124             —KILLED, MADAGASCAR, 1—CYCLONE struck and that some 200 were.
19970124             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that 520,000—PEOPLE were affected.
19970124             —ISSUED, THE—RED—CROSS, 1—APPEAL for aid to NORTH—KOREA where it was reported that TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE were on starvation rations —AFTER—2—YEARS—OF—HEAVY—RAINS.
19970124             1—ZAIREAN counteroffensive was supported by some 300—FOREIGN mercenaries.
19970124             —TRAPPED, About 400,000 Hutu refugees were, near regions of fighting and UN officials raised pleas for 1—TRUCE to allow the refugees to move.
19970124             —IDENTIFIED, GE was, as the world's biggest company... name on THE—LIST—OF—LANDMINE component producers is GENERAL—ELECTRIC—THE—USA.
19970124             EXPOSING THE—SOURCE—HISTORICALLY, THE—USA has been 1—OF—THE—WORLD—BIGGEST producers and exporters of antipersonnel landmines.
19970124             —PRODUCED, THE—USA has, tens of.
19980124             —UNVEILED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, in his weekly radio address, 1—PROPOSAL to root out Medicare fraud.
19980124             JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, delivering blunt political messages —DURING his visit to CUBA, called for the release of "PRISONERS—OF—CONSCIENCE" and respect for FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION, initiative and association.
19980124             —ARRESTED, MEXICO, FORMER—GENERAL—JORGE—MALDONADO—VEGA was, for allegedly trying to arrange 1—PACT between 2—OF—THE—LARGEST—DRUG—CARTELS.
19980124             —CHARGED, CAPTAIN—RIGOBERTO—SILVA—ORTEGA was also.
19980124             —FROM TURKEY it was reported that 1 estimated 50,000 illegal immigrants move from TURKEY to GREECE EACH—YEAR across 1—SPARSELY populated 80—MILE—BORDER.
19980124—19360000    —IN, WALTER—D—EDMONDS, writer, † at age 94. His work included historic novels such as "Drums Along the Mohawk".
19990124             In the 56. Golden Globe Awards "Saving Private Ryan" was named best dramatic film of 19980000             , Spielberg won for directing it.
19990124             "Shakespeare in Love" was named best musical or comedy.
19990124             —INTERVIEWED, House prosecutors, Monica Lewinsky, 1—MOVE that triggered fresh partisan convulsions in PRESIDENT—CLINTON—IMPEACHMENT—TRIAL.
19990124             —ATTACKED, USA—JETS, 2—IRAQ—SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILE—BATTERIES—AFTER encountering radar detection in THE—NORTH—NO—FLY zone.
19990124             —MOVED, The executive BOARD—OF—THE—IOC, to expel 6—MEMBERS for unethical behavior in response to allegations of payoffs by host cities in their successful bids for 20000000             —THE—SUMMER—GAMES in SYDNEY and 20020000              —WINTER Games in SALT—LAKE—CITY.
19990124             —RECOMMENDED, THE—BOARD, drastic changes for the host cities ar chosen for the Olympic Games.
19990124             —ARRESTED, INDIA, police, 47—MEMBERS—OF—1—HINDU militant group in Orissa state for the burning of GRAHAM—STAINES and his 2—SONS.
20000124             Der deutsche Nachrichtensender N24 der ProSiebenSat.1 Media nimmt den Sendebetrieb auf.
20000124             1—TORRENT—OF—DATA to THE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY brought the system to 1—CRASHING halt that lasted 3½ days.
20000124             THE—IOWA, Caucuses VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE won over BILL—BRADLEY 63 to 35%;
20000124             TEXAS GOVERNOR—GEORGE—W—BUSH won over STEVE—FORBES 41 to 30%.
20000124             —LIMITED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT upheld 1—MISSOURI law that, contributions to candidates for statewide office.
20000124             —TESTIFIED, Stanislav Lunev, 1—FORMER—SOVIET—SPY, at 1—CONGRESSIONAL hearing that Soviet operatives had placed weapons and communications caches in CALIFORNIA and other states —DURING and —AFTER the Cold War to destabilize THE—USA in THE—EVENT—OF—WAR.
20000124             PRESIDENT—KABILA met with other African presidents at THE—UN to end THE—CONGO civil war.
20000124             —DEMANDED, Kabila, that THE—UN deploy 1—PEACE—KEEPING force to monitor the truce.
20000124             CROATIA, 42—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS chose Stipe Mesic for PRESIDENT and 28% chose Drazen Budisa.
20000124             1—RUNOFF was set for 20000207           .
20000124             —REAPPOINTED, SUDAN, PRESIDENT—OMAR—EL—BASHIR, 1—ENTIRELY new government.
20000124             —DISBANDED, He fired 10—MINISTERS, 2—MINISTRIES and appointed 25—NEW—STATE governors.
20000124             —STORMED, THAILAND, security forces, 1—HOSPITAL and ended a 22-hour standoff with MYANMAR—GUERRILLAS.
20000124             10—REBELS—OF—THE "GOD—ARMY" were reported killed.
20000124             —EXECUTED, THE—HOSTAGE—TAKERS were, —AFTER surrendering to security forces.
20000124             —ATTACKED, UGANDA, MEMBERS—OF—THE—KARAMOJONG tribe, and killed 14—100—HERDERS from KENYA—POKOT tribe in THE—NORTH—MORIAT Hills.
20010124             —ANNOUNCED, PORTUGAL Telecom and SPAIN—TELEFONICA, —TODAY the formation of 1—USA$ 10—BILLION Strategic Joint Venture ("JV") for mobile services in BRAZIL.
20010124             —NAMED, The resulting entity, Vivo, was formed from 7 assorted mobile units they already controlled.
20010124             —RECEIVED, CALIFORNIA, the state, bids for LONG—TERM—ELECTRICITY—CONTRACTS in 1—AUCTION to help ease the energy crises.
20010124             —ESCAPED, The last 2—OF 7, convicts from TEXAS were captured in COLORADO —AFTER—42—DAYS on the run;
20010124             † 4—OTHERS were captured —EARLIER, and 1 committed suicide.
20010124             Lucent Technologies said it would eliminate up to 16,000 jobs.
20010124             —KILLED, CHECHNYA, 14—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS were.
20010124             —MARKED, THE—CHINA—LUNAR calendar, this as the new —YEAR, 4699, —YEAR of the Snake.
20010124             —CELEBRATED, It is, in VIETNAM as Tet and in KOREA as Solnol.
20010911             was an inside job says Shayler 20070122              by Paddy Shennan,
20010911             Atta Update and More-
20010911             THE—HEROIN CONNECTION
20010911             Shuck & Jive at Shuckum's: MOHAMED—ATTA, Teetotaler?
20011100             Independent, 20020124             ] - New Yorker, 20000124             ]
20011100             [Telegraph, 20020124             ]
20011100             [Observer, 19980823             , New Yorker, 20000124             ]
20011100             [Telegraph, 20020124             ]JAISH—E—MOHAMMAD, Maulana MASOOD—AZHAR—GROUP, is also involved in these attacks.
20011100—20010811    —AFTER, [LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020123             , Independent, 20020124             ] 1—SERIES—OF—RECOVERED—E—MAILS shows the money was sent —JUST.
20020117             The plane was found 20020124              with no survivors.
20020123—20020124    —CAPTURED, USA—SOLDIERS, 27—TALIBAN fighters in Hazar Qadam, NORTH—OF—KANDAHAR.
20020123—20020124    —RELEASED, The captives were, 20020206              and reported that they had been beaten and abused.
20020123—20020124    —KILLED, GOVERNOR—JAN—MUHAMMAD—KHAN —LATER said that 60—PEOPLE were, and denied that ANY—WERE—TALIBAN or al Qaeda fighters.
20020123—20020124    —ACKNOWLEDGED, USA—MILITARY—LATER, that some of the dead may have been allies.
20020123—20020124    —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—PENTAGON, 20020221              that 16—VILLAGERS were mistakenly killed.
20020124             1—HOUSE—COMMITTEE opened hearings into THE—COLLAPSE—OF—ENERGY—GIANT—ENRON Corp. Officials of ENRON—ACCOUNTING firm, ARTHUR—ANDERSEN, claimed fired auditor DAVID—DUNCAN was solely responsible for the massive DESTRUCTION—OF—ENRON documents;
20020124             —REFUSED, Duncan, to answer questions, invoking the 5. Amendment.
20020124             —IMPOSED, THE—USA, sanctions on 3—CHINA—ENTITIES accused of giving chemical and biological arms technology to IRAN.
20020124             JOHN—WALKER—LINDH, THE—SO—CALLED "USA—TALIBAN," made his 1. court appearance in suburban WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20020124             —DISPLAYED, JUNEAU—ALASKA, JOSEPH—FREDERICK, 18—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BANNER reading "Bong Hits 4—JESUS" as the Olympic torch passed by.
20020124             —SUSPENDED, The head teacher at his high school, him and Frederick sued in return.
20020124             —MOVED, The case, up to THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT.
20020124             —REPORTED, THE—FLORIDA state pension fund, a $325—MILLION—LOSS from the demise of Enron.
20020124             —KILLED, MISSOURI, 1—MOBILE—HOME—FIRE, 7—PEOPLE.
20020124             —APPROVED, ARGENTINA, 1—LAW allowing THE—CENTRAL—BANK to print nearly $13—BILLION in new money to help pay salaries and bills as citizens protested over their frozen accounts.
20020124             —CONTINUED, AUSTRALIA, some 200—MAINLY AFGHANISTAN—ASYLUM—SEEKERS, their hunger strike for a 10. —DAY in Woomera.
20020124             —WHILE I was at home asleep taking 1—NAP- I was surrounded by 25—FEDERAL—AGENTS from THE—FBI + SECRET—SERVICE—LOS—ANGELES Joint Terror Task force.
20020124             Some had sewn their lips together.
20020124             —ARMED, The agents were, with
20020124             —RESUMED, AUSTRALIA, processing asylum applications —FOLLOWING 1—MASS—SUICIDE—ATTEMPT.
20020124             SUB—MACHINE guns,
20020124             —TESTED, INDIA, 1—INTERMEDIATE—RANGE—AGNI—II missile over the Bay of Bengal.
20020124             shot guns, † ISRAEL—TROOPS killed 1—PALESTINE—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER and 2—OTHERS in what looked like 1 failed suicide mission.
20020124             BULLET—PROOF vests, abattering ram +
20020124             Hobeika, 1—FORMER—CHRISTIAN militia chieftain, led a 19820000              MASSACRE—OF—PALESTINE—REFUGEES in the Sabra and Chatilla camps.
20020124             —AGREED, He had —RECENTLY, to testify against ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON in connection with the massacre.
20020124             —CLAIMED, Lebanese for 1—FREE and Independent LEBANON, responsibility for the car bomb.
20020124             —WHILE asleep- I was unaware that agents were already positioned —AROUND EVERY—ANGLE—OF—THE—HOUSE, including right outside my window with loaded weapons ready for 1—FIRE fight.
20020124             —ANNOUNCED, PAKISTAN, PRESIDENT—MUSHARRAF, legislative elections for October.
20020124             - I was 18.
20020124             —FOLLOWING 1—INSPECTION that began in ;;07;;
20020124             in... - Thievery Corporation — El PUEBLO Unido — Music at Last.fm
20020124             El PUEBLO Unido by Thievery Corporation has 4306—LISTENERS at Last.fm.
20020124             Thievery Corporation is 1—WASHINGTON, DC—BASED production and DJ duo consisting of...
20020124             Thievery Corporation — El PUEBLO Unido (feat.
20020124             Verny Varela. El PUEBLO Unido (feat.
20020124             Verny Varela) by Thievery Corporation has 373—LISTENERS at Last.fm.
20020124             Thievery Corporation is 1—WASHINGTON—DC—BASED production and DJ...)
20020124             Thievery - Corporation: 'El PUEBLO UNIDO'—TRUVEO Video Search
20020124             OSHA Cites DAVIS—WIRE of - PUEBLO for Health and...
20020124             SUB—MACHINE guns, shot guns, BULLET—PROOF vests, abattering ram +
20020124             a 25—PAGE—SEARCH + seizure warrant filled with as much "terror rhetoric" as they could think of.
20020124             —WHILE asleep- I was unaware that agents were already positioned —AROUND EVERY—ANGLE—OF—THE—HOUSE,
20020124             including right outside my window with loaded weapons ready for 1—FIRE fight.
20020124—20070000    —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, 5—3—THAT—SCHOOLS may punish youths for statements that might promote drug use.
20021207             THE—ISRAELIZATION—OF—AMERICA.htm
20021224—20020124    —ON, 1—REWARD for her return soon reached $500,000. Amber Frey stepped forward and admitted to 1—AFFAIR with SCOTT—PETERSON, the husband of Laci.
20030124             Die Kriegsszenarien der Investoren
20030124             —ENDE—DER—HEMMUNGEN—DAS amerikanische Imperium [USA] richtet sich im permanenten Ausnahmezustand ein.
20030124             —BECAME, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY under TOM—RIDGE, the government's 15. Cabinet department.
20030124             —LAUNCHED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—SMALLPOX vaccine program was, in CONNECTICUT with 4—DOCTORS getting shots.
20030124             —BOMBED, USA—WARPLANES, 1—IRAQ—AIR—DEFENSE—SITE, the 12. strike in the southern flight interdiction zone this —MONTH.
20030124             —REGISTERED, STATE—STREET, 1—USA financial services group, 1—EXCHANGE traded fund that tracked the S&P 500—SHARE—INDEX with the ticket code SPDR.
20030124             —APPROVED, THE—IMF, a $6.78—BILLION land package to ARGENTINA.
20030124             —FAILED, CZECH—REPUBLIC—LAWMAKERS, for a 2. time to pick 1—SUCCESSOR to PRESIDENT—HAVEL.
20030124             —FOCUSED, The "Asanace" (Sanitation) program, on some 50—DISSIDENTS, signatories of the Charter 77—HUMAN—RIGHTS manifesto, resorting to threats and harsh interrogations to intimidate them and force them to leave the country.
20030124             HAITI, THOUSANDS—OF—BUSINESS—LEADERS, taxi drivers and doctors held 1—GENERAL—STRIKE, clamoring for 1—BETTER—LIFE in the poor nation.
20030124             —KILLED, ISRAEL—SOLDIERS, at least 12—PALESTINIANS as helicopter gunships hit GAZA City with 11—MISSILES.
20030124             † GIOVANNI—AGNELLI, 81—JAHRE—ALT, the patriarch of the Fiat auto company, in Turin —AFTER 1—MONTHS—LONG—ILLNESS.
20030124             IVORY—COAST—NEGOTIATORS, trying to end a 4—MONTH—OLD—CIVIL—WAR, reached 1—DRAFT—PEACE—SETTLEMENT.
20030124             wurden beim USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT
20030124             1—PLANE carrying MEMBERS—OF—KENYA—NEW—GOVERNMENT crashed, killing 1—MINISTER, 2—PILOTS and injuring at least 3—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT.
20030124             2—ELEGANT gekleidete Männer vorstellig -
20030124             —ARRESTED, SPAIN, police, 16 suspected AL—QAIDA terrorists.
20030124             —BEZEICHNET, Der Verein, sich selbst als Sammelbecken von - "prominenten Sammlern und Kuratoren".
20030124             Sein Leiter ist - ASHTON—HAWKINS, ehemals Rechtsberater des - Metropolitan Museum in NEW—YORK.
20030124             Der Besuch der Granden, zu denen schwerreicher Geldadel und
20030124             EX—LEUTE vom Getty Museum - gehören, hatte ein klares Ziel.
20030124             Sie halten das harte irakische Antikengesetz - für zu "zurückhaltend".
20030124             Ausländische Archäologen, so das Begehr, müssten
20030124             in Zukunft - schneller Grabungslizenzen erhalten.
20030124             Den wichtigsten Punkt bei dem Lobbygespräch
20030124             nannte schließlich der Schatzmeister des Vereins, WILLIAM—PEARLSTEIN.
20030124             Iraks Antikenwunder - sollen in Zukunft
20030124             auch legal über die Grenze gehen können:
20030124             "Wir möchten die Freigabe MANCHER—OBJEKTE für den Export".
20030124             Die Kriegsszenarien der Investoren -
20030124             —ENDE, der HEMMUNGEN—DAS amerikanische Imperium [USA] richtet sich im permanenten AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND 1.
20030124             Vertreter des "USA—COUNCIL for Cultural Policy".
20030124             Sein Leiter IST—ASHTON—HAWKINS, ehemals Rechtsberater DES—METROPOLITAN Museum in NEW—YORK.
20030124             EX—LEUTE vom Getty MUSEUM—GEHÖREN, hatte ein klares Ziel.
20030124             Sie halten das harte irakische ANTIKENGESETZ—FÜR zu "zurückhaltend".
20030124             in ZUKUNFT—SCHNELLER Grabungslizenzen erhalten.
20030124             Iraks ANTIKENWUNDER—SOLLEN in Zukunft
20030124             1—MILITÄRSCHLAG gegen den Irak wird immer wahrscheinlicher.
20030124             Experten rechnen mit einem USA—ANGRIFF im Februar.
20030124             Börsianer spielen Kriegsszenarien und ihre Folgen durch.
20030124             ".. und Aktienmärkte. Die feinen Unterscheidungen, die die BUSH—ADMINISTRATION zwischen den "Schurkenstaaten".".
20030124             ".. war, we pledge to redouble our efforts to put 1—END to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DOCTRINE—OF—PRE—EMPTIVE attack and the.".
20030124             ".. Disinfopedia  ---------- Bush. "Wir werden siegen". --- AMERIKA kämpft.".
20030124             ".. Americano Dwight Eisenhower (19530000             ), via IAN—BOYNE in THE—DANGEROUS—BUSH—DOCTRINE "Alguns de vós irão morrer.".
20030124             54. - 55. - 08Feb.2001 Saddam und der HÜHNERDIEB—VOM Wert des Beweises vor Gericht und im Sicherheitsrat
20030124             ".. Außerdem in Jener Ausgabe:Bericht : Union schwenkt auf BUSH—KURS ein
20030124             "INFORMATION ON Present EVENTS—GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH—ISMS—NEED SORTING!- BUSH—NAZI—CONNECTION01 20020919              Flung under the flags of evil.".
20030124             56. 20021207              THE—ISRAELIZATION—OF—AMERICA.
20030124             - 1—PEACE—DEAL—ENDS the Kivu conflict in the Democratic...
20030124—20010000    —CHARGED, Obzina was, with ABUSE—OF—POWER for his role in 1—OPERATION aimed to crush political dissent 19780000—19840000    —BETWEEN.
20030124—20011109    —SEIT—DEM, ".. tterungen können sie zurück in die Rezession werfen. Die BUSH—ADMINISTRATION hat mit.".
20030124—20020524    Bush ,GW.on S.Hussein,20020525              GUARDIAN on USA spraying nerve gas on...
20030421             —BEREITS—AM  - 20030124 - wurden beim USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT
20040124             FLORIAN—GERSTER, der CHEF—DER deutschen Bundesagentur für Arbeit wird wegen des Vorwurfs der Bestechlichkeit aus seinem Amt entlassen.
20040124             —QUESTIONED, HOWARD—DEAN sharply, JOHN—KERRY—JUDGMENT on IRAQ as Democratic presidential rivals raced through 1—FINAL—WEEKEND—OF campaigning —BEFORE THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE primary.
20040124             —LANDED, NASA—OPPORTUNITY rover, on Mars, arriving at the Red Planet exactly —3—WEEKS—AFTER its identical twin's landing.
20040124             1—CAR—BOMB exploded in Khaldiya, 1—TOWN—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 3—USA—SOLDIERS and injuring 6—SOLDIERS and several IRAQ—CIVILIANS.
20040124             1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS killed 5—USA—SOLDIERS in the Sunni Triangle.
20040124             ISRAEL—OFFICIALS said they would release over 400—ARAB prisoners in 1—SWAP with LEBANON—HEZBOLLAH guerrilla group.
20040124             —ENTERED, ISRAEL—TROOPS shot to death 2—PALESTINE—MILITANTS who, 1 unauthorized military zone near 1—SECURITY—BARRIER separating GAZA from ISRAEL.
20040124             —SIGNED, QATAR, a $2.5—BILLION deal with Bechtel to begin CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—NEW—AIRPORT—NEAR—DOHA.
20040124             —MARCHED, Some 2,000 OPPONENTS—OF—THE—WORLD—ECONOMIC—FORUM, in Davos, Switz., to protest the meeting, which they say is elitist and does nothing for ordinary people.
20040124             BANGKOK—THAILAND, 1—WORLD—RECORD for 1—MASS jump was set by 672—SKYDIVERS from 42—COUNTRIES who leaped from 6—AIRCRAFT.
20040124             Haager Tribunal und das "RACAK—MASSAKER" - Er bezichtigte umgehend die Serben...
20040124             Eine "zentrale Rolle" spielte dabei der USA—DIPLOMAT WILLIAM—WALKER, der damals CHEF—DER—KOSOVO—MISSION—DER—OSZE war.
20040124             Er bezichtigte umgehend die Serben...
20041114             20041114012443        by Raisedeyebrows Ping List: Election 20040000              44—COMMENTS 93,000 Extra Votes In Cuyahoga COUNTY—OUTRAGE In OHIO By Teed Rockwell Philosophy Department,
20041114             93,000 Extra Votes In Cuyahoga COUNTY—OUTRAGE in OHIO Source: Rense_com URL Source: Published: 20041112              Author: Teed Rockwell Post Date: 20041114012443        by Raisedeyebrows Ping List: *Election 2004* 44—COMMENTS 93,000 Extra Votes In Cuyahoga COUNTY—OUTRAGE In OHIO By Teed Rockwell Philosophy Department, Sonoma STATE—UNIVERSITY 11—12—4—SMOKING Gun You may have seen the associated press story about the precinct in Cuyahoga county that had less than 1,000 voters + gave Bush almost 4,000 extra votes.
20050113—20050124    —ON, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD will travel to RUSSIA for talks with PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN,
20050113—20050124    —REPORTED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT to visit RUSSIA on, missile shopping trip: SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD will travel to RUSSIA for talks with PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, sources said, amid reports that he is shopping for 1—MISSILE that can strike anywhere in ISRAEL.
20050115—20050124    —ON, authorities announced THE—ARREST—OF—AL—JAAF, 1—AL—QAIDA figure allegedly behind the vast MAJORITY—OF—THE—CAR—BOMBINGS in BAGHDAD.
20050124             Events Intersec 20050000              DUBAI—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES 20050115—20170115    , 20050000              Stand # 10110000          .
20050124             THE—WORLD—DIALOGUE on Regulation will facilitate THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—REGULATION to provide 1—FOUNDATION—OF—SUPPORT and 1—CATALYST for DEVELOPMENT—OF—NETWORK—ECONOMIES... 20050123              De aannemersgids: Algemene woningbouw: OOST—VLAANDEREN: Gent
20050124             JEFFREY—ROYER, FORMER—FBI agent, and ANTHONY—ELGINDY, INTERNET penny stock advisor, were convicted for mining government computers for confidential information to manipulate stocks.
20050124             —EXPRESSED, CHINA—VICE—PRESIDENT, 1—STRONG—DESIRE to increase economic and diplomatic cooperation with MEXICO —WHILE meeting with MEXICO—LAWMAKERS.
20050124             —OPENED, CHINA and INDIA, a 1. round of "strategic dialogue", as their regional and INTERNATIONAL influence surges despite 1—NAGGING border dispute.
20050124             INDIA, P. Ravindra, FORMER—STATE—MINISTER—AND—TDP leader, was gunned down outside the party OFFICE—IN—ANANTPUR town.
20050124             —TORCHED, Mobs, nearly 100—STATE—RUN—BUSES and hurled stones at government buildings in Andhra Pradesh —AFTER 1—OPPOSITION—POLITICIAN was shot dead.
20050124             1—SUICIDE—DRIVER detonated 1—CAR—BOMB outside THE—PRIME—MINISTER—PARTY—HEADQUARTERS, injuring at least 10—PEOPLE in 1—BLAST claimed by THE—AL—QAIDA affiliate in IRAQ.
20050124             Authorities in IRAQ said SAMI—MOHAMMED—ALI—SAID—AL—JAAF, 1—AL—QAIDA LIEUTENANT in custody, had confessed to masterminding MOST—OF—THE—CAR—BOMBINGS in BAGHDAD.
20050124             —AGREED, Militant groups have, to suspend attacks as they near 1—FORMAL—TRUCE—DEAL with PALESTINE—LEADER—MAHMOUD—ABBAS and await ISRAEL—RESPONSE.
20050124             —CAPSIZED, THAILAND, 1—TOURIST—BOAT returning from Pa Ngan island, and at least 7—PEOPLE were dead.
20050124             Another 20 were missing.
20050124             UKRAINE PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO, visiting MOSCOW on 1—TRIP to mend relations —AFTER 1—BITTER—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN, appointed top ally Yulia Tymoshenko as PRIME—MINISTER.
20050124             THE—UNITED—NATIONS broke with YEARS—OF—PROTOCOL and commemorated the 60-year ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—LIBERATION—OF—THE—NAZI death camps, directly linking its own founding with THE—END—OF—THE—HOLOCAUST in some of the strongest language ever.
20050124             Eichel und Gaymard: Finanzminister bitten USA um Stärkung ihrer Währung
20050124             Mail aus Teheran: EXIL—IRAKER klammern sich an die Wahl
20050124             Klage gegen Regierungssprecher abgewiesen: "Lügen ist nicht strafbar" - Irak: Sarkawis Bombenbauer gefasst
20050124             —DEMENTIERT, Prozess: Britischer Offizier, Folterbefehl - Parteitag: Kissinger geht zur FDP
20050124             Nach NPD—EKLAT: Schröder lässt neues Verbotsverfahren prüfen
20050124             Grausamer Streich: Haftstrafe wegen falscher TSUNAMI—TODESMELDUNGEN
20050124             Staatsbesuch: Chiles PRÄSIDENT—STÜTZT—SCHRÖDERS—UNO—KURS
20050124             Ausgerechnet: Die Formel für den miesesten —TAG—DES—JAHRES
20050124             Teurer Strom: Energiekonzerne planen Rabatte für UNTERNEHMEN—AUF Kosten der Privatverbraucher
20050124             ALEXANDER—GRAB: Auf der Spur des Gottkönigs
20050124             Großbritannien: Proteste gegen PRINZEN—PRASSEREI
20050124             HÖHLEN—AKUSTIK: Steinzeitkünstler setzten auf Multimedia
20050124             Identische Intelligenzquotienten werden bei Mann und Frau durch Aktivierung unterschiedlicher Gehirnareale erreicht,
20050124             schreiben RICHARD—HAIER von der UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in IRVINE und seine Kollegen in der Fachzeitschrift "NeuroImage" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20050124             —GESTRICHEN, Reparatur : HUBBLE—TELESKOP vor dem Aus
20050124             Gewaltiger Blizzard: Nordosten der USA versinkt im Schnee - Argh: Jamiri an der Leidensgrenze
20050124             BYE—BYE WALL—STREET: Börsenflucht in NEW—YORK
20050124             —NACH—DEM Eklat im LANDTAG: Justiz wird nicht gegen NPD ermitteln
20050124             Festnahmen: Jugendliche zündeten historische Kirche an
20050124             —BEURTEILT, Der GROßTEIL—DER—GELDEXPERTEN, die europäischen GELD—UND Rentenmärkte demnach ebenso optimistisch wie die Segmente in den USA.
20050124             —BEKANNT, Nähere Details will CBP —HEUTE, geben.
20050124             DOLLAR—FLUCHT: Zentralbanken setzen auf den Euro - ANTI—SLAVERY - RESOURCES—PUBLICATION
20050124             The extraordinary story of 1—YOUNG—SUDAN—GIRL who was
20050124             Gifford ANTI—SLAVERY INTERNATIONAL 19960000             ;
20050124             He. KNIGHTS—OF—THE—REICH...
20050124             [WWII] Re: GERMANY—PRISONER—OF—WAR'S
20050124             THAILAND—AKTUELLE Nachrichten (rami world)
20050124             36—YEAR—OLD—ANGELA—FOUST hired private investigators to look for her and her boyfriend, 37—YEAR—OLD—LUKE—SCULLY.
20050124             —CREMATED, Young RP TSUNAMI victim, in THAILAND.
20050124             TSUNAMI claims former metro woman.
20050124             —PICKED, TSUNAMI victim, up —AFTER weeks at...
20050124             lost the —FOLLOWING 3—PEOPLE in THE—TSUNAMI in Phuket...
20050124             Foust 5'3", blond hair + LUKE—SCULLY, 6', brown... be registered as either 1—DUTCH or POLAND—VICTIM.
20050124             lostform_list.PHP—PAGE=7&statusAZ=search&alp=P&.htm -
20050124             1—WEBSITE for Missing Persons Registration from TSUNAMI in THAILAND Ulla Schmidt- 303—MISTER—DOCTOR—PETER—SCHMIDT—GERMANY - 304 -
20050124             ÃÒª×èͼÙéÃÍ´ªÕÇÔµ¨Ò¡¡ÃкÕÈ—ÕÈ...
20050124             Hannes, Wolf, Austrian, 20, AUSTRIA, m, Josef, Haslinger, Austrian,y,
20050124             21, AUSTRIA, f, Sophie, Haslinger, Austrian, y, 22, AUSTRIA, m, Elias, Halinper
20050124             ?? Maritime Park & Spa Resort (Survivals from Krabi, staying at Maritime Park & Spa Resort)
20050124             Competitive Intelligence and Strategy CONSULTING—OUTWARD...
20050124             KEN—SAWKA on early warning and effective monitoring of the competitive landscape.
20050124             INTELCON.
20050124             National Intelligence Conference and Exposition.
20050124             Projeto e montagem de escritório. Intelcon Informática. Av.
20050124             World Dialogue on Regulation
20050124             Hertoge MARCEL—WINTERTUINSTRAAT 15, 9000—GENT;
20050124             Intelcon Antwerpenplein 8, 9000—GENT; Lippens Linda Tussen Bermen...
20050124             Intersec 20050000              DUBAI—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES ;;01;;
20050124             15-17, 20050000              Stand # 10110000           .
20050124             INTELCON 20050000              ARLINGTON,
20050124             VIRGINIA ;;02;; 9-10, 20050000           .
20050124             Climate Controls EUROPE Manufacture of commercial refrigeration, residential and light commercial HVAC markets.
20050124             INTELCON. ARLINGTON—VIRGINIA 20050208—20100208.
20050124             Hospital Emergency Management: Concepts and Implications of WMD Terrorist Incidents.
20050124             WORLD INTELCON, JSC.
20050124             | Participants list | Participants | Shkola. WORLD INTELCON, JSC.
20050124             Main information Participant PRICE—LIST. Name: WORLD INTELCON, JSC.
20050124             Place on exhibition: pavilion 4, Á 40.
20050124             ANTI—TERRORISM Technology Engineers Applications Specialists Biometrics Specialists Cartographers CHIEF—TECHNOLOGY—OFFICERS—COLLECTION—MANAGEMENT—OFFICERS...
20050124             Biological Sensors Biometric Systems Cameras CD Declassifiers Chemical Sensors
20050124             Security Pipeline | 'Spam KING' To Stop Invading Computers...
20050124             the matter is ultimately resolved in the courts," said Laura Sullivan, 1—LAWYER...
20050124             No, but —AFTER THE—ASIA—TSUNAMI—DISASTERS,
20050124             we're making disaster preparedness a - FTC Wins Round Against 'Spyware' KING
20050124             "Basically, he agreed to stop dropping code on servers and Web sites," Laura Sullivan, THE—FTC lawyer handling the case, told internetnews_com.
20050124             Web Results 1 - 58—OF—ABOUT 93 for BILL—HAMILTON—INSLAW 20050000           .
20050124             Indonesien: Neues Erdbeben versetzt Tausende in Panik
20050124             06:56) Festnahmen in MAINZ: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN ließ in Deutschland IRAK—ANSCHLÄGE planen
20050124             Gelobtes Land: Warum Deutsche nach Norwegen auswandern
20050124             the jury returned 1—VERDICT,convicting Elgindy of... On - 19, AUSTRIA, m, Stalingrad) ;
20050124             IRAN: Schröder gegen militärische Schritte
20050124             —DEMENTIERT, Prozess: Britischer Offizier, Folterbefehl
20050124             UKRAINE: Timoschenko wird neue Ministerpräsidentin
20050124             USA—FORSCHER haben —JETZT bei der Analyse von Bildern aus dem MAGNETRESONANZ—TOMOGRAFEN herausgefunden, dass die Gehirne von Männern und Frauen grundsätzlich unterschiedliche Strategien benutzen.
20050124             Identische Intelligenzquotienten werden bei Mann und Frau durch Aktivierung unterschiedlicher Gehirnareale erreicht, schreiben RICHARD—HAIER von der UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in IRVINE und seine Kollegen in der Fachzeitschrift "NeuroImage" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20050124             Druck aus USA: BP zieht sich aus IRAN zurück
20050124             —GESTRICHEN, Reparatur : HUBBLE—TELESKOP vor dem Aus - BERLIN: SPD will NPD—MARSCH verhindern
20050124             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Das sind ausgeflippte Spießer"
20050124             CHINA—DEAL: USA—BEHÖRDEN besorgt wegen Verkauf der IBM—PC—SPARTE
20050124             Hirnforschung: Kleiner Unterschied im OBERSTübchen
20050124             LONDON—LAUT einer STUDIE—VON—CENTRAL—BANKING—PUBLICATIONS (CBP) haben 70—PROZENT—VON—65—BEFRAGTEN Notenbanken ihre EURO—RESERVEN in den vergangenen 2—JAHREN aufgestockt.
20050124             Entsprechend warnen Beobachter vor einer weitere Schwächung der USA—WÄHRUNG.
20050124             "Für die USA gibt es keine Garantie, dass der Dollar gestützt wird", warnte NICK—CARVER—VON—CBP.
20050124             ANTI—SLAVERY—RESOURCES - Publication
20050124             The extraordinary story of 1—YOUNG—SUDAN—GIRL who was... Gifford ANTI—SLAVERY—INTERNATIONAL 19960000             ;
20050124             JAPAN—TRANSLATION (transl... Postage: UK. He.
20050124             —HIRED, THAILAND—AKTUELLE Nachrichten (rami world)36—YEAR—OLD—ANGELA—FOUST, private investigators to look for her and her boyfriend, 37—YEAR—OLD—LUKE—SCULLY.
20050124             Tsunami claims former metro woman Tsunami claims former metro woman.
20050124             THAILAND—ORCHID 26—TSUNAMI in THE—INDIA—OCEAN, the families of LUKE—SCULLY and ANGELA—FOUST got the news + the news wasn't good.
20050124             Earthquake, tsunamis kill 5,187 in THAILAND, total 128,794 in...
20050124             lost the —FOLLOWING 3—PEOPLE in the tsunami in Phuket...
20050124             Registration for Missing Persons from Tsunami in THAILAND
20050124             Bettina Schmidt Germ an - 305—PETER—SCHMIDT—GERM—ANY - 304 - Bettina Schmidt Germ an - 305 - DAGMAR—SCHMIED—GERM an - 306 -
20050124             Bettina Schmidt Germ an - 305 - DAGMAR—SCHMIED—GERM an - 306 - NICOLE—SCHMITT - - 307—MS.
20050124             Hannes, Wolf, Austrian, 20, AUSTRIA, m, Josef, Haslinger, Austrian,y, 21, AUSTRIA, f, Sophie, Haslinger, Austrian, y, 22, AUSTRIA, m, Elias, Halinper
20050124             (2—QUOTES). - - 6. BANGKOK Hospital -- BangkokHospital_com --.
20050124             Competitive Intelligence and Strategy CONSULTING—OUTWARD... KEN—SAWKA on early warning and effective monitoring of the competitive landscape.
20050124             CURRICULUM—HOLOS Rua Jundiaí, 51 - 11o. - ANDAR—SÃO PAULO—SP.
20050124             Blogs For Bush. website: AP Broadcast/contact us.
20050124             —POSTED—BY: jaybo at - Hertoge MARCEL—WINTERTUINSTRAAT 15, 9000—GENT;
20050124             INTELCON 20050000              ARLINGTON—VIRGINIA February 9-10, 20050000           .
20050124             Zon Webgids www. intelcon_com/Invensys Climate Controls EUROPE Manufacture of commercial refrigeration, residential and light commercial HVAC markets.
20050124             Homeland Defense Journal Los ALAMITOS—CALIFORNIA 20050208           .
20050124             ARLINGTON—VIRGINIA 20050208—20100208. - WORLD INTELCON, JSC.
20050124             Intelcon National Intelligence Conference and Exposition ANTI—TERRORISM Technology Engineers Applications Specialists Biometrics Specialists Cartographers CHIEF—TECHNOLOGY—OFFICERS—COLLECTION—MANAGEMENT—OFFICERS...
20050124             Security Pipeline | 'Spam KING' To Stop Invading Computers... the matter is ultimately resolved in the courts," said Laura Sullivan, 1—LAWYER...
20050124             No, but —AFTER THE—ASIA—TSUNAMI—DISASTERS, we're making disaster preparedness a...              —1—
20050124             FTC Wins Round Against 'Spyware' KING "Basically, he agreed to stop dropping code on servers and Web sites," Laura Sullivan, THE—FTC lawyer handling the case, told internetnews_com.
20050124             Web Results 1 - 58—OF—ABOUT 93 for bill hamilton inslaw 20050000           .
20050124             DOLLAR—FLUCHT: ZENTRAL—BANKEN setzen auf den EURO
20050124             DRUCK—AUS—USA: BP zieht sich aus IRAN zurück
20050124             USA—FORSCHER haben —JETZT bei der Analyse von Bildern aus dem MAGNETRESONANZ—TOMOGRAFEN herausgefunden,
20050124             dass DIE—GEHIRNE von Männern und Frauen grundsätzlich unterschiedliche Strategien benutzen.
20050124             Identische INTELLIGENZ—QUOTIENTEN werden bei Mann und Frau durch Aktivierung unterschiedlicher GEHIRN—AREALE erreicht,
20050124             schreiben RICHARD—HAIER von der UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in IRVINE und seine Kollegen in der FACH—ZEITSCHRIFT—NEUROIMAGE
20050124             KLAGE—GEGEN—REGIERUNGS—SPRECHER abgewiesen: "Lügen ist nicht strafbar"
20050124             the jury returned 1—VERDICT,convicting Elgindy of... On - RIA, m,
20050124—18920612    —ON, Education, THE—SON—OF—1—POLICE—OFFICIAL, was born in MUNICH—GERMANY.
20050124—20050123    De aannemersgids: Algemene woningbouw: OOST—VLAANDEREN: Gent
20050125             carried by the New Yorker in its issue dated 20050124              , DEFEX SA ,SPAIN.
20050125             DEFEX SA—SPAIN. 20050124
20050125             —CARRIED, THE—COMING—WARS: What the Pentagon can —NOW do in secret, by the New Yorker in its issue dated 20050124             , about USA—PREPARATIONS for 1—POSSIBLE—COVERT—OPERATION against IRAN's suspected military nuclear installations set up with PAKISTAN—COMPLICITY.
20050125             Wenn es 1—DATUM gibt, an dem man besser gar nicht —ERST aufstehen sollte, dann ist es der 20050124           .
20050126             - 200312110124         . - - Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             —POSTED—BY: Kaspel 20050124             —515—P.m.
20050126             NUCLEAR PLANT SHUT DOWN 20050124             —551—P.m.
20050126             - 200312110124. - - 200312110124         . - - - Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             - 200312110124. - - 200312110124         -Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             von PABLO—RUIZ, A. Pérez Guerra; Übersetzung: kh. - 200312110124.
20050330             09:2 —MONDAY, 20050124              Who Are You Guys + Why Are You Digging 1—MORTAR—PIT—IN—MY—LAWN?
20050514             UNKNOWN NEWS: � MOBYTHOR—GUIDE—TO—THE—BUSH—UNDERGROUND—REICH...... Finally, THE—DOD has already moved to IPv6 ... — DONALD—RUMSFELD, 20020212             , DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—NEWS—BRIEFING—POSTED 20050124             ...
20060121             Ashok Malhotra (43) was shot dead at 2380—ABERDEEN Way in RICHMOND—CALIFORNIA 2—SUSPECTS, Ishtiaq Hussain (38) and Jose ANTONIO—BARAJAS, 22—JAHRE—ALT were arrested 20060124              —FOLLOWING 1—CHASE at THE—CANADA—BORDER, where Hussain was shot.
20060124             Der EMIR—VON—KUWAIT, Sa'ad AL—ABDALLAH AS—SALIM AS—SABAH, wird —NACH—10—TAGEN wegen einer Krebserkrankung vom kuwaitischen Parlament seines Amtes enthoben.
20060124             Nachfolger wird sein Bruder Sabah AL—AHMAD AL—DSCHABIR AS—SABAH.
20060124             —BEKANNT, Die Walt Disney Company gibt, dass sie für 7,4 Milliarden USA—DOLLAR die Pixar Animation Studios erwerben werde.
20060124             USA—SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—SAMUEL—ALITO won a 10—8—PARTY—LINE—APPROVAL from the Senate Judiciary Committee.
20060124             1—USA—COALITION—OF—ELECTRIC utilities kicked off 1—NATIONAL—CAMPAIGN to push auto makers to make PLUG—IN hybrids.
20060124             UC PROFESSOR—ANDREW—FRANK began configuring electric motors with rechargeable batteries and small gasoline engines in the 1990s.
20060124             —ANNOUNCED, Disney, that it had agreed to acquire Pixar Animation Studios in 1—STOCK—DEAL valued at $7.4—BILLION.
20060124             FedEx Corp. said it would take over local distribution from its CHINA—JOINT—VENTURE—PARTNER—DTW—GROUP in a $400—MILLION buyout.
20060124             Character actor CHRIS—PENN, younger brother of OSCAR—WINNER SEAN—PENN, was found dead at 1—APARTMENT—NEAR the Pacific Ocean in THE—LOS—ANGELES suburb of Santa Monica.
20060124             —KILLED, Officials said 4—PEOPLE were, in CARLSBAD—CALIFORNIA, —WHEN 1—TWIN—ENGINE—PLANE from IDAHO skidded off 1—AIRPORT runway and burst into flames.
20060124             —CROSSED, At least 10—MEN in MEXICO—MILITARY—STYLE—UNIFORMS, THE—RIO—GRANDE into THE—USA on 1—MARIJUANA—SMUGGLING foray, leading to 1 armed confrontation with TEXAS law officers near NEELY—CROSSING—TEXAS.
20060124             THE—3—SPORT—UTILITY—VEHICLES made 1—QUICK U—TURN and headed south toward the border, 1—FEW miles away.
20060124             —CRACKED, VIENNA—SUBWAY—TRACKS, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES shut 1—KEY canal to ships —AFTER it iced up, and 1—ZOO moved its penguins indoors as 1—DEADLY—DEEP freeze tightened its ARCTIC grip on much of EUROPE.
20060124             —ENDED, BRAZIL, rebellious inmates, a 1—DAY—PRISON uprising in the remote jungle STATE—OF—RONDONIA that left 4—DEAD.
20060124             —UNVEILED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, 1—PLAN to put 1—MILLION—OF—THE 2.7—MILLION—PEOPLE on incapacity benefits back to work within the next —DECADE, saving huge sums of taxpayers' money.
20060124             —RAPED, Banaz Mahmod (20) was, beaten, strangled, stuffed in 1—SUITCASE and buried in 1—BACK—GARDEN in BIRMINGHAM—ENGLAND, on her father's orders for becoming involved with 1—MAN—OF whom he did not approve.
20060124             CHINA shut down Bing Dian, 1—NEWSPAPER—SUPPLEMENT known for its IN—DEPTH reporting on sensitive issues, the latest measure by the communist government to tighten control over the media.
20060124             —ACCUSED, Fidel Castro, THE—USA of seeking to rupture the minimum remaining diplomatic ties with his country, addressing tens of THOUSANDS—OF—CUBANS —BEFORE—STARTING 1—MARCH outside THE—USA—MISSION in HAVANA.
20060124             THE—EX—GUERRILLA—COMMANDER had fought USA—BACKED troops —DURING the country's 12-year civil war.
20060124             —EXPRESSED, GEORGIA—ENERGY—MINISTER—SAID—IRAN has, 1—READINESS to export natural gas to GEORGIA to make up for 1—SHARP—DROP in RUSSIA—DELIVERIES.
20060124             GERMANY, automaker DaimlerChrysler AG said that it would cut administrative staff by 20—PERCENT worldwide over 3—YEARS, dropping 6,000 jobs in order to save some $1.2—BILLION 1—YEAR and make the company leaner and more profitable.
20060124             INDIA—CENTRAL—BANK—RAISED—SHORT—TERM borrowing rate 1—QUARTER percent point to 5.5—PERCENT, citing FEARS—OF—INFLATION amid strong economic growth.
20060124             —EXPLODED, IRAN, 2—BOMBS, in 1—BANK and outside 1—GOVERNMENT building in AHVAZ, 1—SOUTHWESTERN city with 1—HISTORY—OF—VIOLENCE involving MEMBERS—OF—IRAN—ARAB minority.
20060124             6—PEOPLE were killed and 46—OTHERS wounded.
20060124             1—WEB—SITE claiming to represent Arab secessionists in THE—AHVAZ region said they carried out the attack.
20060124             15—OTHER—DEFENDANTS received sentences ranging from 7 to 30—YEARS in prison.
20060124             —CONFIRMED, In July IRAN—SUPREME—COURT, death sentences for 5—IRAN—ARAB separatists convicted for the bombings.
20060124             —KIDNAPPED, NORTH—IRAQ, gunmen wearing IRAQ—ARMY—UNIFORMS, 2—GERMANY—ENGINEERS.
20060124             —RELEASED, Both were —LATER.
20060124             —DETAINED, UK—TROOPS, several police officers among more than 12—PEOPLE linked to 1—SERIES—OF—KILLINGS, bombings and kidnappings in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—BASRA.
20060124             —KILLED, USA—MARINES and IRAQ—SOLDIERS, 7—INSURGENTS in Ramadi.
20060124             MAHMOUD—ZAAL, 30—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CAMERAMAN for THE—BAGHDAD TV network, was mistaken for 1—COMBATANT and killed by Marine fire.
20060124             Biotechnology company Amgen INCORPORATED said it will build 1—MANUFACTURING plant in IRELAND to supply its growing European customer base.
20060124             —LAUNCHED, JAPAN, the leading rocket in its space program for the 1. time in nearly 1—YEAR, putting into orbit 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—LAND—OBSERVATION—SATELLITES to monitor natural disasters.
20060124             —VOTED, KUWAIT—PARLIAMENT, unanimously to oust the ailing emir, ending a 9—DAY—LEADERSHIP—CRISIS by temporarily handing power to the Cabinet headed by PRIME—MINISTER—SHEIK—SABAH—AL—AHMED—AL—SABAH.
20060124             1—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT—COMMISSION said it will distribute at least 70,000 maps showing highways, rescue beacons and water tanks in THE—ARIZONA desert to curb the death toll among illegal border crossers.
20060124             —GATHERED, MONGOLIA, some 1,000 protesters, in Ulan Bator, calling for THE—RESIGNATION—OF—THE—PRESIDENT and 1—END to corruption.
20060124             —FIRED, KATHMANDU—NEPAL, police, tear gas and beat PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS with batons, hours —AFTER authorities lifted 1—BAN on demonstrations.
20060124             —STAGED, Communist rebels fighting to topple NEPAL—MONARCHY, 1—MAJOR—ASSAULT on Nepalgunj, 1—WESTERN—BORDER—TOWN, that left at least 8—PEOPLE—DEAD, but security forces repulsed the insurgents.
20060124             —ARMED, PORT—HARCOURT, NIGERIA, 1, gang dressed in police uniform attacked the offices of Agip oil company, 1—UNIT—OF—ITALY—ENI, and at least 9—PEOPLE were killed.
20060124             —LINKED, PALESTINE—GUNMEN in NABLUS, to the ruling Fatah movement killed ABU—AHMED—HASSOUNA, 44—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—THEIR—PARTY—LEADERS, increasing tensions on THE—EVE—OF—PARLIAMENTARY balloting.
20060124             1—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN said SUDAN has withdrawn from the competition to lead the African Union amid criticism of its human rights record.
20060124             Diplomats said the presidency would go to THE—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20060124             VENEZUELA, activists gathering for THE—6—DAY—WORLD—SOCIAL—FORUM in CARACAS.
20060124             2—OTHER—GATHERINGS were set in MALI and PAKISTAN.
20060124             WHITE—HOUSE Declines to Provide Storm Papers
20060124             Commentary Unpatriotic spying-
20060124             The decision by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to go —AFTER THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES for exposing 1—PORTION—OF—THEIR—SPYING—THE unauthorized NSA spying on calls to AFGHANISTAN—SETS up the central struggle for AMERICA—SOUL.
20060124             We read about things done + said by THE—IRAQ—PRESIDENT, or the Ministry of this or THE—MINISTRY—OF—THAT + it's easy to get the impression that IRAQ is in the process of becoming 1—SOVEREIGN state,
20060124             Then we read about THE—IMF + the rest of THE—INTERNATIONAL—FINANCIAL—MAFIA—WITH THE—USA—PLAYING its usual sine qua non role -
20060124             making large loans to the country and forgiving debts, with the customary strings attached, in the current instance ending government subsidies for fuel + other petroleum products.
20060124             Commentary Another nuke exercise -- your next 20010911             ?
20060124             Catch this! SOME—FRESH—BREWED Homeland Insecurity published —TODAY on WorldNetDaily.
20060124             —SCHEDULED, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE (DOD) has, its 2. major, 3—DAY—EXERCISE to combat nuclear terrorism, this time in THE—CHARLESTON, SOUTH—CAROLINE area.
20060124             I don't know about you, but I didn't know CHARLESTON had 1—NUCLEAR—TERROR—PROBLEM, shades of
20060124             Zahlreiche "kohärente + übereinstimmende Indizien" sowie Äußerungen von USA—BEAMTEN deuteten darauf hin,
20060124             dass die CIA systematisch Häftlinge in Drittländer befördert habe, die dann die Folter übernahmen, erläuterte Marty.
20060124             Es gebe Beweise dafür, dass "Folter geoutsourct" wurde.
20060124             Das sei von den zuständigen Behörden nie bestritten worden.
20060124             —CONCERNED, Anyone, about USA—PUBLIC—LIFE at the outset of the 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY would do well to pay close attention to the prophetic scenario embraced by millions.
20060124             For these believers, AMERICAN—FACES not —JUST shadowy terrorists but nothing less than the advance GUARD—OF—ANTICHRIST himself.
20060124             Lahr knows that the Eastwind pilots are telling the truth.
20060124             So does THE—CIA.
20060124             Lahr is not overly optimistic, but he is not about to give up.
20060124             Die Evolutionsbiologen um Soojin Yi vom GEORGIA—INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY in ATLANTA haben die sogenannte molekulare Uhr von Menschen + Schimpansen verglichen.
20060124             Dabei fanden sie heraus, dass sich das Erbgut von Homo sapiens und Pan troglodytes, so der lateinische Name des Schimpansen, mit nahezu der gleichen Geschwindigkeit verändert.
20060124             Die langsam laufende molekulare Uhr deutet auf eine lange Zeitspanne zwischen den Generationen und eine ausgedehnte Entwicklungszeit —BIS zur Geschlechtsreife hin.
20060124             Beim Menschen geht sie besonders LANGSAM—UND wird oft als eines der Merkmale benutzt, die Homo sapiens gegen das Tierreich abgrenzen.
20060124             Yis Team hat —JETZT herausgefunden, dass sich das SCHIMPANSEN—ERBGUT ähnlich gemächlich VERÄNDERT—UND in dieser Hinsicht der DNA des Menschen näher steht als der von anderen Affenarten.
20060124             Die molekulare Uhr des Schimpansen tickt nur um 3 % schneller als die humane, schreiben die Forscher im Fachblatt "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES".
20060124             Zwischen Mensch + anderen Affenarten wie Gorilla oder ORANG—UTAN bestehe dagegen 1—GESCHWINDIGKEITSUNTERSCHIED—VON—11 %.
20060124             RALPH—CATALANO + TIM—BRUCKNER von der UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in BERKELEY haben nun 1—STUDIE veröffentlicht,
20060124             der zufolge Theorie Nummer 1—EHER zutrifft.
20060124             Die Forscher werteten die Lebensdaten der zwischen
20060124             GUANTANAMO: Neue USA—REGELN ermöglichen Hinrichtungen
20060124             Gigantische Krise: Arbeitslosigkeit weltweit auf Rekordstand
20060124             SUPREME—COURT: Bush setzt RICHTER—ALITO durch
20060124             ERBGUT—STUDIE: Schimpansen sollen wieder Menschen werden
20060124             CIA—AFFÄRE: Notizen eines frustrierten Ermittlers
20060124             INTERNATIONAL koordinierte Aktion: 300—RAZZIEN gegen Raubkopierer
20060124             Trotz Katastrophen: Tourismus steigt weltweit auf Rekordniveau
20060124             ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: Pentagon will Spezialeinheiten aufstocken
20060124             IMMOBILIENFONDS—KRISE: Anleger ziehen Milliarden ab
20060124             Unwort des Jahres: "Entlassungsproduktivität"
20060124             —BERICHTET, CIA—AFFÄRE: Europaratsermittler, von 100—VERSCHLEPPTEN und Folter
20060124             Ekliger Fund: WAL—ERBROCHENES macht Fischerpaar reich
20060124             Teure Devise: Euro klettert auf 4—MONATS—HOCH - Wolfowitz under Fire:
20060124             USA Senate panel endorses Alito:
20060124             —VOTED, THE—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE, strictly along party lines —TODAY to endorse JUDGE—SAMUEL—A—ALITO—JUNIOR.
20060124             for 1—SEAT on THE—SUPREME—COURT, sending the nomination to the full Senate, where confirmation is all but certain.
20060124             —RETIRED, More than —5—YEARS—AGO, United Airline CAPTAIN—RAY—LAHR began his FOIA (FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT) petition to discover why TWA Flight 800—BLEW up on the night of 19960717              off THE—COAST—OF—LONG—ISLAND.
20060124             Consevatives win in CANADA—ELECTI
20060124             —ON : Conservative STEPHEN—HARPER pledged to quickly carry out his campaign promises to cut taxes,
20060124             get tough on crime and repair strained ties with WASHINGTON —AFTER his party won national elections and ended 13—YEARS—OF—LIBERAL—PARTY—RULE in CANADA.
20060124             PALESTINE—REFUGEES will hold mock PLO elections in BRUSSELS and PARIS:
20060124             6—MILLION—PALESTINIANS exiled in Arab states, EUROPE, the Americas and elsewhere + PALESTINE—CITIZENS—OF—ISRAEL ,
20060124             have remained stripped of their right to participate in PALESTINE—DEMOCRAT ic decision making and are denied their right to return.
20060124             —ORDERED, USA, to reveal IDS—OF—DETAINEES:
20060124             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE has ordered THE—PENTAGON to release the names and NATIONALITIES—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—PRISONERS detained at GUANTANAMO Bay,
20060124             CUBA, rejecting the government's argument that it would be 1—VIOLATION—OF—THEIR—PRIVACY and expose them to retaliation by terrorist groups.
20060124             Defending Spy Program, GENERAL—REVEALS—SHAKY—GRIP on 4. Amendment:
20060124             The former national DIRECTOR—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY, in 1—APPEARANCE—TODAY—BEFORE the National Press Club in WASHINGTON,
20060124             —APPEARED, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, —TODAY, to be unfamiliar with the 4. Amendment to THE—USA—CONSTITUTION
20060124             No PRESIDENT in over 200—YEARS—OF—OUR history has ever —BEFORE claimed the "unitary powers" that BUSH claims are his.
20060124             Not PRESIDENT—LINCOLN —DURING the Civil War, not PRESIDENT—WILSON —WWI—DURING,
20060124             not PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT —WWII—DURING, not PRESIDENT—TRUMAN —DURING KOREA + not Presidents Johnson and Nixon —DURING VIETNAM.
20060124             Impeachment hearings: THE—WHITE—HOUSE prepares for the wors
20060124             t : "1—COALITION in Congress is being formed to support impeachment," 1—ADMINISTRATION—SOURCE said.
20060124             Bush on Trial for Crimes against Humanity:
20060124             THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMISSION—OF—INQUIRY on Crimes against Humanity Committed by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION convened last weekend in NEW—YORK CITY—RIVERSIDE—CHURCH.
20060124             Expulsion of USA Envoy Sought in PAKISTAN:
20060124             —DEMANDED, Lawmakers in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN —ON—MONDAY, the government expel THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to PAKISTAN in response to A—USA—AIRSTRIKE that killed 13—PEOPLE.
20060124             EAST—TIMOR truth commission finds USA "political and military support were fundamental to THE—INDONESIA—INVASION and occupation":
20060124             —KILLED, Report estimates 100-180,000 Timorese, or starved 19750000             —1999
20060124             11 killed in NIGERIA oil raid:
20060124             VENEZUELA VICE—PRESIDENT—TO—SENATOR—MCCAIN: 'Go to hell':
20060124             VENEZUELA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DERIDED—SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN for suggesting that "wackos" run THE—SOUTH—USA—COUNTRY,
20060124             saying —MONDAY that THE—USA should focus on its own problems.
20060124             Chavez says end is near for USA "empire
20060124             VENEZUELA—CHAVEZ hosts World Social Forum:
20060124             Leftist leaders are increasingly popular across Latin AMERICA, —WHILE CHAVEZ—OWN "revolution" for the poor has become 1—INSPIRATION for LIKE—MINDED activists everywhere.
20060124             Castro offers eye care for USA poor:
20060124             Fidel Castro, THE—CUBA—PRESIDENT, has offered free eye operations to impoverished Americans and asked THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to let them travel to his country for treatment.
20060124             —ARRESTED, IRAN—REPORT: Mossad agent, on border with TURKEY:
20060124             —ARRESTED, IRAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS, 1—MAN who worked for IRAN—GACHSARAN oil company SOME— 20—YEARS—AGO.
20060124             —14—YEARS—AGO, the man allegedly hijacked 1—IRAN—PLANE and landed it in ISRAEL.
20060124             —REPORTED, Farda News, "the Zionist regime granted the man asylum and recruited him to work as 1—SPY".
20060124             CHRIS—FLOYD: Into the Dark: THE—PENTAGON—PLAN to Foment Terrorism
20060124             PAKISTAN backs IRAN pipeline despite USA objections:
20060124             PAKISTAN said —ON—TUESDAY that 1—PLAN to build 1—NATURAL—GAS—PIPELINE from IRAN to INDIA through its territory should go ahead as scheduled,
20060124             despite strong opposition from THE—USA.
20060124             —PLEDGED, Weeks ago, CHINA—OFFICIALS, to veto ANY—USA or European attempt to impose UN sanctions on IRAN.
20060124             War pimp alert: Bush commits USA to defence of ISRAEL in face of IRAN threat:
20060124             "ISRAEL—OUR ally.
20060124             —COMMITTED, We're, to THE—SAFETY—OF—ISRAEL + it's 1—COMMITMENT we will keep.
20060124             War pimp alert: Bush says sees risk of IRAN—NUCLEAR blackmail:
20060124             USA PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH said —ON—MONDAY he was concerned 1—FUTURE—NUCLEAR—ARMED—IRAN could blackmail the world.
20060124             INTERNATIONAL Law, THE—UNITED—NATIONS + the War in IRAQ:
20060124             —CLAIMED, THE—USA—REPRESENTATIVE, his country's actions were authorized by previous council resolutions (as MANY—IN—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION are arguing again —TODAY).
20060124             —ARGUED, THE—UK—DELEGATE similarly, that because IRAQ had not complied with THE—TERMS—OF—RESOLUTION—687, military force was justified.
20060124             —DEMONSTRATED, New evidence
20060124             JORDAN: PARLIAMENT Should Reject USA Impunity Deal:
20060124             JORDAN—PARLIAMENT should reject 1—AGREEMENT that would shield USA citizens and personnel under JORDAN jurisdiction from ICC prosecution for war crimes,
20060124             crimes against humanity or genocide, Human Rights Watch and AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said —TODAY.
20060124             Sanitised images hide truth about war, says Fisk:
20060124             The sanitised IMAGES—OF—WAR—BROADCAST on television are a "lethal weapon" masking atrocities which demonstrate that conflict can "never be justified," 1—INDEPENDENT—DEBATE was told last night.
20060124             THE—RE—DECLARED WAR—ON—TERROR
20060124             The primary concern should, naturally, be to take measures to alleviate the threat, which has been severe in the past + will be even more so in the future.
20060124             —PROCEED, To, in 1—SERIOUS—WAY, we have to establish SOME—GUIDELINES.
20060124             Here are 1—FEW simple ones: Continued
20060124             —ALLEGED, THE—HEAD—OF—1—EUROPEAN investigation into, CIA secret prisons in EUROPE said —TUESDAY that evidence pointed to the existence of 1—SYSTEM—OF "outsourcing" of torture by THE—USA + that it was highly likely European governments were aware of it.
20060124             Moonie mag SPEAKS—OF—IMPEACHMENT—INSIGHT on the News is 1—PROPAGANDA—SHEET allied to THE—WASHINGTON Times and subsidized by the Reverend Moon.
20060124             —PUBLISHED, To the shock of many, Insight has —TODAY, 1—PIECE on possible impeachment hearings for W.
20060124             —BOLSTERED, Impeachment proponents in Congress have been, by 1—MEMORANDUM by the Congressional Research Service on Jan.
20060124             —BRIEFED, The latest CRS report said MISTER—BUSH should have, the intelligence committees in the House and Senate.
20060124             The report said covert programs must be reported to House and Senate leaders as well as THE—CHAIRS—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—PANELS,
20060124             termed the "Gang of 8." THERE—1—LAWRENCE—OF—ARABIA quote for EVERY—OCCASION -- and right —NOW,
20060124             I'm THINKING—OF—THE—SCENE where ANTHONY—QUINN tells OMAR—SHARIF "This is 1—NEW trick!"
20060124             The question is not "Should BUSH be impeached?" but "Why is Moon pushing the idea —NOW?
20060124             —AFTER all, the Korean Khrist has long been close to DUBYA—DADDY.
20060124             rally.
20060124             (How our Fearless Leader managed to avoid paying 1—POLITICAL—PRICE for that endorsement remains 1—MYSTERY.)
20060124             So...what's really going on here?
20060124             "THE—CELL—BE processor was originally designed for the volume home entertainment market,
20060124             but its architecture of 9—HETEROGENEOUS ON—CHIP cores is WELL—SUITED to the type of distributed,
20060124             REAL—TIME processing that will power tomorrow's digital battlefield," said CRAIG—LUND, CTO at Mercury. "At 200—GFLOPS, the Cell BE processor is 1—ORDER—OF—MAGNITUDE—HIGHER in performance than other processors.
20060124             In defense computing, THE—AVAILABILITY—OF—THE—CELL BE processor is 1—INDUSTRY—MILESTONE akin to the introduction of AltiVec into the PowerPC architecture".
20060124             So far, Mercury is the only company to reveal CELL—BASED server designs.
20060124             It has 1—BLADE server that slots into IBM—BLADECENTER chassis and the more compact Turismo
20060124             Airline CAPTAIN—ADDS—NSABRTO—TWA—FLIGHT 800—CASE
20060124             it did not plan to turn over certain documents about Hurricane Katrina or make senior WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS—AVAILABLE for sworn testimony —BEFORE 2—CONGRESSIONAL committees investigating the storm response.
20060124             COMMENTARY—UNPATRIOTIC spying
20060124             COMMENTARY—THE—ANTI—EMPIRE Report: SOME—THINGS you need to know —BEFORE the world ends
20060124             albeit not particularly secular + employing torture, but still, 1—FUNCTIONING, independent state.
20060124             COMMENTARY—ANOTHER nuke exercise -- your next 20010911             ?
20060124             Catch this! SOME—FRESH—BREWED—HOMELAND—INSECURITY published —TODAY on WorldNetDaily.
20060124             Zahlreiche "kohärente + übereinstimmende Indizien" sowie Äußerungen von USA—BEAMTEN deuteten darauf hin, dass die CIA systematisch Häftlinge in Drittländer befördert habe, die dann die Folter übernahmen, erläuterte Marty.
20060124             Er nannte die illegalen Verschleppungen des islamischen geistlichen ABU—OMAR in Italien + die des Deutschen Khaled EL—MASRI.
20060124             AHMADINEDSCHAD—BESUCH: Rätsel um Bombenanschläge in IRAN
20060124             Atomstreit: IRAN und Russland streben Kompromiss an
20060124             —NOW, with the 10. anniversary approaching of TWA 800's demise, it is left to 1—CALIFORNIA federal judge to insist that the truth be shared with the nation.
20060124             Yi folgert aus dem ERGEBNIS—DER—STUDIE, dass Menschen + Schimpansen einer gemeinsamen Gattung zugeordnet werden SOLLTEN—WIE es —SCHON einmal der Fall war.
20060124             Die molekulare Uhr des Schimpansen tickt nur um 3 % schneller als die humane,
20060124             schreiben die Forscher im Fachblatt "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES".
20060124             RALPH—CATALANO + TIM—BRUCKNER von der UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in BERKELEY haben nun 1—STUDIE veröffentlicht, der zufolge Theorie Nummer 1—EHER zutrifft.
20060124             Energiepreise: Höchste Zeit für 1—KARTELL—DER—ÖL—VERBRAUCHER
20060124             LUXOR: Gut erhaltene KÖNIGINNEN—STATUE entdeckt
20060124             UMWELT—RANGLISTE: COSTA—RICA schlägt Deutschland
20060124             Übernahmepläne: Thyssen und BASF blitzen in AMERIKA ab
20060124             Wolfowitz under Fire : The immediate CAUSE—OF—THE—TURMOIL at the World Bank is the appointment of 1—ADVISER to MISTER—WOLFOWITZ with close ties to THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY as the new director of the internal watchdog that investigates suspected fraud and staff misconduct.
20060124             SUPREME—ETHICS Problem?
20060124             USA—SENATE—PANEL endorses Alito : THE—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE voted strictly along party lines —TODAY to endorse JUDGE—SAMUEL—A—ALITO—JUNIOR for 1—SEAT on THE—SUPREME—COURT, sending the nomination to the full Senate, where confirmation is all but certain.
20060124             Airline CAPTAIN—ADDS—NSA to TWA Flight 800—CASE : More than 5—YEARS ago, retired United Airline CAPTAIN—RAY—LAHR began his FOIA (FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT) petition to discover why TWA Flight 800—BLEW up on the night of 19960717              off THE—COAST—OF—LONG—ISLAND.
20060124             Consevatives win in CANADA—ELECTI on: Conservative STEPHEN—HARPER pledged to quickly carry out his campaign promises to cut taxes, get tough on crime and repair strained ties with WASHINGTON —AFTER his party won national elections and ended 13—YEARS—OF—LIBERAL—PARTY—RULE in CANADA.
20060124             PALESTINE—REFUGEES will hold mock PLO elections in BRUSSELS and PARIS: 6—MILLION—PALESTINIANS exiled in Arab states, EUROPE, the Americas and elsewhere + PALESTINE—CITIZENS—OF—ISRAEL, have remained stripped of their right to participate in PALESTINE—DEMOCRAT ic decision making and are denied their right to return.
20060124             —ORDERED, USA, to reveal IDS—OF—DETAINEES : 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE has ordered the Pentagon to release the names and NATIONALITIES—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—PRISONERS detained at GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, rejecting the government's argument that it would be 1—VIOLATION—OF—THEIR—PRIVACY and expose them to retaliation by terrorist groups.
20060124             The former national DIRECTOR—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY, in 1—APPEARANCE—TODAY—BEFORE the National Press Club in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, —TODAY, appeared to be unfamiliar with the 4. Amendment to THE—USA—CONSTITUTION
20060124             How Close Are We to THE—END—OF—DEMOCRACY?
20060124             Impeachment hearings: THE—WHITE—HOUSE prepares for the wors t : "1—COALITION in Congress is being formed to support impeachment," 1—ADMINISTRATION—SOURCE said.
20060124             Bush on Trial for Crimes against Humanity: THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMISSION—OF—INQUIRY on Crimes against Humanity Committed by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION convened last weekend in NEW—YORK CITY—RIVERSIDE—CHURCH.
20060124             EXPULSION—OF—USA—ENVOY—SOUGHT in PAKISTAN : Lawmakers in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN on —MONDAY demanded the government expel THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to PAKISTAN in response to A—USA—AIRSTRIKE that killed 13—PEOPLE.
20060124             11 killed in NIGERIA oil raid: 1 armed gang dressed in police uniforms has attacked the offices of Agip oil company, 1—UNIT—OF—ITALY—ENI, in NIGERIA, killing 11—PEOPLE, security and government sources said.
20060124             VENEZUELA VICE—PRESIDENT—TO—SENATOR—MCCAIN: 'Go to hell' : VENEZUELA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DERIDED—SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN for suggesting that "wackos" run THE—SOUTH—USA—COUNTRY, saying —MONDAY that THE—USA should focus on its own problems.
20060124             Chavez says end is near for USA "empire ": "The empire has entered THE—PHASE—OF—DESPERATION, like 1—VAMPIRE who sees dawn approaching and realizes that he still has not sucked enough blood," the outspoken leftist said in 1—LONG—SPEECH—AFTER receiving an honorary degree from S—ANDRES—UNIVERSITY—IN—LA—PAZ.
20060124             VENEZUELA—CHAVEZ hosts World Social Forum : Leftist leaders are increasingly popular across Latin AMERICA, —WHILE CHAVEZ—OWN "revolution" for the poor has become 1—INSPIRATION for LIKE—MINDED activists everywhere.
20060124             Castro offers eye care for USA poor : Fidel Castro, THE—CUBA—PRESIDENT, has offered free eye operations to impoverished Americans and asked THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to let them travel to his country for treatment.
20060124             PAKISTAN backs IRAN pipeline despite USA—OBJECTIONS : PAKISTAN said on —TUESDAY that 1—PLAN to build 1—NATURAL—GAS—PIPELINE from IRAN to INDIA through its territory should go ahead as scheduled, despite strong opposition from THE—USA.
20060124             What will CHINA do?
20060124             But —SINCE Ahmadinejad began to ratchet up tensions and the West responded with threats of its own, CHINA has kept its intentions to itself.
20060124             War pimp alert: Bush commits USA to defence of ISRAEL in face of IRAN threat : "ISRAEL—OUR ally.
20060124             War pimp alert: Bush says sees risk of IRAN—NUCLEAR blackmail: USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH said on —MONDAY he was concerned 1—FUTURE—NUCLEAR—ARMED—IRAN could blackmail the world.
20060124             INTERNATIONAL Law, THE—UNITED—NATIONS + the War in IRAQ : THE—USA—REPRESENTATIVE claimed his country's actions were authorized by previous council resolutions (as MANY—IN—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION are arguing again —TODAY).
20060124             HRW: USA—POLICY—OF—ABUSE—UNDERMINES Rights Worldwide:
20060124             JORDAN: PARLIAMENT Should Reject USA—IMPUNITY—DEAL : JORDAN—PARLIAMENT should reject 1—AGREEMENT that would shield USA—CITIZENS and personnel under JORDAN jurisdiction from ICC prosecution for war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide, Human Rights Watch and AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said —TODAY.
20060124             Sanitised images hide truth about war, says Fisk : The sanitised IMAGES—OF—WAR—BROADCAST on television are a "lethal weapon" masking atrocities which demonstrate that conflict can "never be justified," 1—INDEPENDENT—DEBATE was told last night.
20060124             "Terror" is 1—TERM that rightly arouses strong emotions and deep concerns.
20060124             Here are 1—FEW simple ones: Investigator: USA 'Outsourced' Torture
20060124             —BY JAN SLIVA—THE Associated Press
20060124             —ASSERTED, CRS, which is the research ARM—OF—CONGRESS, in 1—REPORT by national security specialist ALFRED—CUMMING that the amended 19470000              law requires THE—PRESIDENT to keep all MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE and Senate intelligence committees "fully and currently informed" of 1—DOMESTIC—SURVEILLANCE—EFFORT.
20060124             It was the 2. CRS report in less than 1—MONTH that questioned the administration's domestic surveillance program.
20060124             The report said covert programs must be reported to House and Senate leaders as well as THE—CHAIRS—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—PANELS, termed the "Gang of 8." THERE—1—LAWRENCE—OF—ARABIA quote for EVERY—OCCASION -- and right —NOW, I'm THINKING—OF—THE—SCENE where ANTHONY—QUINN tells OMAR—SHARIF "This is 1—NEW trick!"
20060124             The question is not "Should Bush be impeached?" but "Why is Moon pushing the idea —NOW?" —AFTER all, the Korean Khrist has long been close to DUBYA—DADDY.
20060124             Brother Neil has been tagging along with the Moon roadshow for SOME—TIME.
20060124             —TELEVISED, And W himself even gave 1, "thumbs up" to Moon's "Tear Down the Cross —DAY"rally.
20060124             So, youngsters can —NOW blast away at their enemies on Sony gear and then graduate to 1—ACTUAL—CELL—POWERED tank.
20060124             "THE—CELL—BE processor was originally designed for the volume home entertainment market, but its architecture of 9—HETEROGENEOUS ON—CHIP cores is WELL—SUITED to the type of distributed, REAL—TIME processing that will power tomorrow's digital battlefield," said CRAIG—LUND, CTO at Mercury.
20060124             "At 200—GFLOPS, the Cell BE processor is 1—ORDER—OF—MAGNITUDE—HIGHER in performance than other processors. In defense computing, THE—AVAILABILITY—OF—THE—CELL BE processor is 1—INDUSTRY—MILESTONE akin to the introduction of AltiVec into the PowerPC architecture".
20060124             CNN - 2—GOP congressmen - 1—MODERATE and 1—CONSERVATIVE—JOINED forces —TUESDAY to endorse REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—SHADEGG—OF—ARIZONA as 1—CANDIDATE to succeed REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY as the powerful House majority leader.
20060124             Shadegg Sets Sights on House Leader ship
20060124—20000000    —IN—THE, The story of the dancing brothers was chronicled book "Brotherhood in Rhythm" by Constance Valis Hill.
20060124—20010000    —IN, THE—WORLD—SOCIAL—FORUM was 1. held in BRAZIL and coincides EACH—YEAR with THE—MARKET—FRIENDLY—WORLD—ECONOMIC—FORUM—OF—POLITICAL and business leaders in DAVOS—SWITZERLAND.
20060124—20050000    —DEMONSTRATED, New evidence, that torture and mistreatment have been 1—DELIBERATE—PART—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—COUNTERTERRORISM—STRATEGY, undermining the global defense of human rights, Human Rights Watch said —TODAY in releasing its World Report 2006
20060124—20060106    —PUBLISHED, To the shock of many, Insight has —TODAY, 1—PIECE on possible impeachment hearings for W. Impeachment proponents in Congress have been bolstered by 1—MEMORANDUM by the Congressional Research Service.
20060124—20060608    —ON, 1—COURT found 9—DEFENDANTS to be ENEMIES—OF—GOD, and sentenced them to death.
20060124—20070000    —IN, MAHMOD—FATHER was given 1—LIFE—SENTENCE for ordering the killing.
20060124—20070000    —IN—EARLY, Turismo server coming.
20060124—20100000    —IN, 2—OF—HER—KURDISH cousins were jailed for life by 1—LONDON court for murdering Mahmod because her family disapproved of her boyfriend.
20060125             Veröffentlicht: 200601241601
20060125—20060124    —IN—THE, If so, let that person read JOHN—BOLTON—ORDERS to Syria online edition of THE—ISRAEL i newspaper Haaretz.
20060128             —ON—TUESDAY, 20060124             , the Council of EUROPE announced the results of its LONG—AWAITED, MONTHS—LONG—INVESTIGATION into the possibility that torture victims have been shuttled —AROUND EUROPE to clandestine interrogation centers
20060320             Published by FactoryJoe 20060124              in Personal, Civil liberties, Society & economy Tags: No Tags. personal privacy is 1—OXYMORON. you know less about yourself than THE—MASS—OF—SERVICES and companies out there that collect, individually or collectively, information about you and your...
20060410             Common Stock||+stk|20060420              |20060424              |20060501              |+1 restricted share of INTERNATIONAL Energy.
20060410124916       PM|NBB|TWOG| Transworld Oil & Gas Ltd.
20060711             NASA—GODDARD—INSTITUTE for Space Studies, 20060124             :
20070100             This Has To End! This isn't about 20010911              or protection from terrorist attacks. alfatomega.com/20070124.html
20070102—20070103    —ON, "The unexpected LONGEVITY—OF—SPIRIT and Opportunity is giving the space agency 1—CHANCE to FIELD—TEST on Mars SOME—NEW capabilities useful both to these missions and future rovers. Spirit will begin its 4. —YEAR on Mars (PST); Opportunity 20070124             —ON. In addition to their continuing scientific observations, they are —NOW testing 4—NEW—SKILLS included in revised flight software uploaded to their onboard computers".
20070124             qwstnevrythg: 20060101          .
20070124             WASHINGTON—POST, 20070110             ; NBC, 20070102             ;
20070124             DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY; Financial Times, 20070102             ]
20070124             The truth about the December ETHIOPIA—INVASION—OF—SOMALIA and 20070107             —THE—8—USA—AIR—STRIKES on the Somalian towns of Afmadow and Ras Kamboni is obscure to most Americans.
20070124             not democracy, was its priority, EGYPT—POLITICAL—COMMENTATORS, political aides and human rights advocates said".
20070124             [NYTimes, 20070116             ]
20070124             —BY JGIDEON—'DAILY Voting News' For 20070121—200701212    1—RUN—DOWN—OF—THE—DAYS—ELECTIONS/voting news from across the country and overseas.
20070124             THE—ECHO has 1—READERSHIP—OF—400,000. 20010911              was 1—INSIDE job says Shayler 20070122              by Paddy Shennan, LIVERPOOL Echo EX—MI5 officer DAVID—SHAYLER, who will be in LIVERPOOL to launch the Truth Movement, tells Paddy Shennan what he thinks about THE—NEW—YORK terror attacks FORMER spy DAVID—SHAYLER doesn't have 1—STORY to tell.
20070124             1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL admitted that the escalation plan is "more of 1—POLITICAL—DECISION than 1—MILITARY 1." [SEATTLE Times, 20070123
20070124             There are about 47—MILLION—AMERICANS without health insurance".
20070124             [USA—TODAY, 20070123                USA—PROGRESS, 20070123             ]
20070124             1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL admitted that the escalation plan is "more of 1—POLITICAL—DECISION than 1—MILITARY 1." [SEATTLE Times,20070123             ;
20070124             [USA—TODAY,20070123             ; USA—PROGRESS, 20070123             ]
20070124             THE—DEMOCRATIC—CONTROLLED Senate Foreign Relations COMMITTEE—DISMISSED—PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLANS for 1—TROOP buildup in IRAQ as "not in the national interest" of THE—USA.
20070124             † ECUADOR—1. female defense MINISTER in 1—COLLISION—OF—2—HELICOPTERS that also killed her daughter and 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MILITARY.
20070124             —ARRESTED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES, 7—MEMBERS—OF—THE banned Muslim Brotherhood NORTH—OF—CAIRO in 1—WIDENING crackdown on the country's largest opposition movement.
20070124             His novel "Un Hero Tres Discret" (1—VERY—DISCREET—HERO) told of 1—ORDINARY—MAN who reinvented himself as 1—HERO—OF—THE—WWII Resistance.
20070124             —ADAPTED, The book was, into 1—MOVIE by director JACQUES—AUDIARD and given THE—ENGLISH—LANGUAGE—TITLE "1—SELF—MADE—HERO".
20070124             —TRADED, HAITI, UN troops, gunfire with armed gangs —AFTER seizing 1 abandoned primary school that had been used to stage attacks on the peacekeepers.
20070124             —INJURED, Witnesses said 1—PERSON † and 5 were.
20070124             —AGREED, INDIA and RUSSIA, 2—ARMS—DEALS meant to bring bilateral military ties into 1—NEW—ERA, 1—DAY—BEFORE RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN—ARRIVAL for a 2—DAY—SUMMIT.
20070124             INDIA, some 18,000 rickshaw operators went on strike in Kolkata to protest 1—BAN on rickshaws by the Communist GOVERNMENT—OF—WEST—BENGAL.
20070124             —CLASHED, Iraqi and USA—TROOPS, with gunmen in 1—SUNNI insurgent stronghold north of the heavily fortified Green Zone.
20070124             —KILLED, As many as 30—MILITANTS were, and 27 captured.
20070124             —ASKED, ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—MOSHE—KATSAV, facing charges of rape and ABUSE—OF—POWER, PARLIAMENT to temporarily remove him from office in 1—EFFORT to blunt growing calls for his resignation.
20070124             ISRAEL—TROOPS shot dead 1—PALESTINIAN and arrested 2—OTHERS, as the men tried to sneak into ISRAEL from THE—GAZA Strip.
20070124             1—STUDY released about the trade in MALAYSIA found that catches of SOME—GROUPER species and the endangered Napoleon wrasse fell by as much as 99% between 19950000              to 20030000             , 1—PERIOD coinciding with soaring economic growth in countries where the exotic fish are 1—DELICACY.
20070124             —PLUNGED, SOUTH—MEXICO, 1—BUS, into 1—RAVINE in remote mountains, killing at least 29—PEOPLE.
20070124             —APPROVED, NICARAGUA—LAWMAKERS, 1—BILL backed by PRESIDENT—DANIEL—ORTEGA to create "people's councils" that SOME—FEAR will resemble the defense committees that operated under the Sandinista government of the 1980s.
20070124             —LAUNCHED, SOMALIA, gunmen, several mortars at MOGADISHU INTERNATIONAL Airport, killing at least 2—PEOPLE and wounding several others.
20070124             1—HIJACKER seized 1—SUDAN—PASSENGER—PLANE carrying 103—PEOPLE and forced the pilot to fly to THE—CHAD—CAPITAL, N'DJAMENA, where he surrendered.
20070124             —WANTED, The gunman, the plane to be flown to BRITAIN but —WHEN told there was insufficient fuel agreed to go to THE—CAPITAL—OF—NEIGHBOURING—CHAD.
20070124             He said he wanted to draw attention to the Darfur conflict.
20070124             —REGISTERED, Some 2,400, participants gathered at DAVOS—SWITZERLAND, for THE—4—DAY—WORLD—ECONOMIC—FORUM, whose theme this —YEAR was: "THE—SHIFTING—POWER—EQUATION".
20070124             Terrorismus: AL—QAIDA warnt USA vor Anschlag in unvorstellbarer Größe
20070124             Trotz 269—BESTÄTIGTER INFEKTIONEN—UND mehr als 163—TODESFÄLLEN—BEI Menschen weltweit, ist die Vogelgrippe 1—TIERSEUCHE.
20070124             Das Säugetier Homo sapiens stellt für den Erreger keinen guten Wirt dar.
20070124             Das Virus schafft es kaum, über die Atemwege in den Körper einzudringen.
20070124             Doch, so die Befürchtung, Katzen und andere Tiere könnten auf dem Weg zum fatalen SPEZIES—SPRUNG gute Trainingsobjekte abgeben.
20070124             —BEKANNT, Es sei, dass die Pandemie der Spanischen Grippe aus dem —JAHR 19180000              auf 1—VOGELGRIPPEVIRUS zurückging,
20070124             das sich in einem Wirt, wahrscheinlich in Schweinen, an Säugetiere angepasst habe, sagte ALBERT—OSTERHAUS von der ERASMUS—UNIVERSITÄT—IN—ROTTERDAM—DEM "New Scientist".
20070124             Darüber hinaus habe Frey glaubhaft machen können, "dass er wesentlich mehr als die Allgemeinheit durch Angriffe auf Leib und Leben gefährdet ist",
20070124             hieß es in Begründung des Gerichts.
20070124             Auf sein Verlagsgebäude wurden 19770000              Sprengstoffanschläge verübt,
20070124             Die Entscheidung ist noch nicht rechtskräftig.
20070124             IRAK—STRATEGIE: Abfuhr für Bush im Senatsausschuss
20070124             VENEZUELA Boosts Dollar Sales By 90 %, Barroso Says:
20070124             —BOOSTED, VENEZUELA has, daily dollar sales by as much as 90 % this —YEAR to keep up with 1—SURGE in demand for imports from local manufacturers,
20070124             said MANUEL—BARROSO, whose office controls foreign exchange sales in the country.
20070124             "THE—PANAMA—DECEPTION":
20070124             —ATTACKED, Video: This film shows how THE—USA, PANAMA and killed 3 or 4 1000—PEOPLE in 1—INVASION that THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD was against.
20070124             (Sound familiar?).
20070124             The excuse given was to get the drug lord, GENERAL—NORIEGA, who had been on THE—CIA—PAYROLL —FOR—20—YEARS.
20070124             † Family says FORMER—CHILE—PRESIDENT was assassinated under USA supported Pinochet, files suit::
20070124             THE—FAMILY—OF—FORMER—CHILE—PRESIDENT—EDUARDO—FREI—MONTALVA filed 1—CRIMINAL—COMPLAINT—ON—WEDNESDAY claiming the former leader was assassinated by poisoning 19820000           .
20070124             EU COMMITTEE—SLAMS—IRELAND—COMPLICITY in CIA "torture flights
20070124             ": THE—IRISH—GOVERNMENT is coming for more severe criticism —TODAY over THE—USE—OF—SHANNON—AIRPORT by planes involved in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—RENDITION—PROGRAMME.
20070124             —MISSED, In case you, it; The postwar photographs that UK—AUTHORITIES tried to keep hidden:
20070124             For almost 60—YEARS, THE—EVIDENCE—OF—BRITAIN—CLANDESTINE torture programme in postwar GERMANY has lain hidden in the government's files.
20070124             —SURVIVED, Harrowing photographs of young men who had, being systematically starved, as well as beaten
20070124             Gonzales says the Constitution doesn't guarantee habeas corpus:
20070124             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—REMARKS on citizens' right astound THE—CHAIR—OF—SENATE judiciary panel
20070124             Huge majority say civil liberty curbs a 'price worth paying' to fight terror:
20070124             Research finds most support compulsory ID cards,
20070124             with phone tapping, curfews and tagging for suspects - UK: 'There is no WAR—ON—TERROR':
20070124             'I was set up by WHITE—HOUSE to shield aide':
20070124             Senate Republicans block minimum wage hike:
20070124             —BLOCKED, Senate Republicans —ON—WEDNESDAY, 1—DEMOCRATIC—BILL to increase the federal minimum wage for the 1. time in 1—DECADE,
20070124             demanding it 1. include SMALL—BUSINESS—TAX—RELIEF.
20070124             Senate Panel Votes Against Bush on IRAQ:
20070124             THE—DEMOCRATIC—CONTROLLED Senate Foreign Relations COMMITTEE—DISMISSED—PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLANS to increase troops strength in IRAQ —ON—WEDNESDAY as ``not in the national interest,'' 1—UNUSUAL wartime REPUDIATION—OF—THE—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF.
20070124             The vote was 12-9 and largely along party lines.
20070124             JAPAN MINISTER: IRAQ war a mistake:
20070124             —CALLED, JAPAN—DEFENCE—MINISTER has, THE—USA—WAR—ON—IRAQ a "mistake" and said he never supported it.
20070124             War pimp alert: USA seeks change in IRAN ties with IRAQ—AMBASSADOR:
20070124             THE—USA will present EVIDENCE—OF—IRAN—AGENTS' hostile activities in IRAQ soon and hopes arrests of Iranians will push TEHRAN to change its diplomatic ties with IRAQ, THE—USA—AMBASSADOR said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20070124             War pimp alert: ISRAEL faces nuclear Holocaust warns Gingrich:
20070124             —ADDRESSED, Gingrich, who, the conference via satellite from THE—USA, said he thought ISRAEL—EXISTENCE was under threat again for the 1. time in 40—YEARS.
20070124             Manufacturing consent for war : N KOREA helping IRAN with nuclear testing:
20070124             NORTH—KOREA is helping IRAN to prepare 1—UNDERGROUND—NUCLEAR—TEST—SIMILAR to THE—1—PYONGYANG carried out —LAST—YEAR.
20070124             "THE—MIDDLE—EAST isn't 1—REGION to be dominated by IRAN.
20070124             THE—GULF isn't 1—BODY—OF—WATER to be controlled by IRAN.
20070124             That's why we've seen THE—USA—STATION 2—CARRIER battle groups in the region," Burns said in 1—ADDRESS to THE—DUBAI—BASED Gulf Research Center, 1—INFLUENTIAL—THINK—TANK.
20070124             IRAN receives RUSSIA—AIR defense missiles, defense MINISTER says:
20070124             BELARUS, IRAN sign memorandum of understanding on defense:
20070124             1—MEMORANDUM of understanding on defense cooperation was signed between BELARUS and IRAN —DURING 1—VISIT by THE—EX—SOVIET nation's defense MINISTER—TO—THE—ISLAMIC—REPUBLIC,
20070124             the Belarusian ministry's press service said —WEDNESDAY.
20070124             RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER bristles at USA missile defense plans:
20070124             —CRITICIZED, RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—ON—WEDNESDAY harshly, USA plans to deploy missile defense sites in CENTRAL—EUROPE,
20070124             saying that MOSCOW doesn't trust USA—CLAIMS that they are intended to counter missile threats posed by IRAN and NORTH—KOREA.
20070124             —INJURED, Women and children, as USA—HELICOPTERS—STRIKE—BUILDINGS in BAGHDAD:
20070124             1—LOCAL—JOURNALIST said he helped transport 37 wounded people to hospital, including women and children, in 3—AMBULANCES that managed to get through the security cordon.
20070124             —WHEN THE—PRESIDENT lies he's got this weird nervous tick:
20070124             He sticks the tip of his tongue out between his lips.
20070124             Like 1—LITTLE—BOY who knows he's fibbing. Like 1—SNAKE licking 1—RAT.
20070124             In his STATE—OF—THE—UNION tonight THE—PRESIDENT did his tongue thing 124—TIMES — my kids kept count.
20070124             But it wasn't all RAT—LICKING lies. Continue
20070124             —CALLED, In recent years USA—POLICE—FORCES have, out SWAT teams 40,000 or more times annually.
20070124             No. What then were THE—SWAT teams doing?
20070124             —POSED, They were serving routine warrants to people who, no danger to the police or to the public.
20070124             This blog post was put together by 1—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE in the progressive movement who believe that journalism matters and that FOX—NEWS—CHANNEL does great disservice to THE—INSTITUTION—OF—THE—MEDIA (perhaps intentionally) by pretending to be legitimate MEMBERS—OF—THE—PRESS.
20070124             Continue - End Corporate Control Over Our Media-
20070124             If You Are Concerned About Health CARE—IRAQ, the Economy, Global Warming You Must Be Concerned About Corporate CONTROL—OF—THE—MEDIA.
20070124             Audio and transcript
20070124             —MISSED, In case you, it? Chalmers Johnson: "THE—LAST—DAYS—OF—THE—AMERICAN—REPUBLIC.
20070124             The largest element in our budget of discretionary spending goes for national security.
20070124             We are spending —TODAY more on national defense, SO—CALLED really on war, than all the other nations on earth combined.
20070124             That's an astonishing figure.
20070124             Its also amazing to see that perhaps,
20070124             20,000 insurgents in IRAQ have fought to 1—STANDSTILL 130,000—OF—THE—MOST—HIGHLY trained, heavily equipped troops on earth.
20070124             Bush ?s STATE—OF—THE—MORON—ADDRESS: He is Killing Us Softly With His Wrong, Killing Us Softly.
20070124             -- 1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL
20070124             Kerry bows out of '08 presidential race 1/25
20070124             "We will be showing him the way": Watch WEBB—SEARING response to SOTU.
20070124             He rips Bush 1—NEW 1: "THE—PRESIDENT took us into this war recklessly," the Democrats' chosen messenger,
20070124             JEFF—COHEN: JIM—WEBB—OFFERS the Democratic Response.
20070124             to Hillary and Obama -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20070124             —MENTIONED, Neither BUSH nor Webb, the gov't rountinely violating our Constitutional rights.
20070124             They violate the 2. Amendment by confiscating guns —DURING Katrina.
20070124             They violate the 4. Amendment by conducting WARRANT—LESS wiretaps.
20070124             They violate the 5. and 6. Amendment by suspending habeas corpus.
20070124             They violate the 8. Amendment by torturing.
20070124             They violate the entire Constitution by —STARTING 2—ILLEGAL—WARS based on lies and on behalf of 1—FORIEGN gov't.
20070124             Last link (unless Google Books caves to the gov't and drops the title): AMERICAN—DECEIVED (book)
20070124             1—NATION, under CHOICE POINT GREG—PALAST
20070124             has 1—IMPORTANT—RESPONSE to THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH: 1., there was the announcement the regime will,
20070124             "give employers the tools to verify the legal status of their workers".
20070124             —MISSED, In case you, that 1, THE—PRESIDENT is talking about creating 1—FEDERAL—CITIZEN—PROFILE—DATABASE.
20070124             THERE—1—PROBLEM with that idea.
20070124             It's against the law... And: WILL—BIG—BROTHER—ABUSE these snoop lists?
20070124             The biggest purveyor of such hit lists is CHOICE POINT, INCORPORATED — those characters who,
20070124             —BEFORE 20000000             —THE election, helped Jeb BUSH purge innocent voters as "felons" from FLORIDA voter rolls.
20070124             Will they abuse the new SUPER—LISTS?
20070124             Does Dick CHENEY shoot in the woods?
20070124             Vergewaltigungsvorwürfe: Israels Premier fordert Rücktritt des Präsidenten
20070124             Tote Gänse: Vogelgrippe in Ungarn ausgebrochen
20070124             Wintereinbruch: Heftiger Schneefall legt Süddeutschland lahm
20070124             Nichtraucher werden: Neuer Wirkstoff soll Entzug erleichtern
20070124             Der Fall Murat Kurnaz: Zwischen Raushauen und Raushalten
20070124             Urteil: Gericht stoppt Urheberrechtsabgabe auf Computerdrucker
20070124             Wirtschaftsgipfel in Davos: Manager sind so optimistisch wie lange nicht mehr
20070124             Java: Schlammvulkan wird Krater bilden
20070124             Rede zur Lage der Nation: Lob für Bush s KLIMA—WANDEL
20070124             RAF—HÄFTLINGE: "Im Versöhnungsgesülze wird die Chance auf Aufklärung verspielt"
20070124             "HE COMES FROM ODESSA. AND THIS MEANS..". - - MIKHAIL GOLD-.
20070124             Finally, Barbie (like Mengele), had SOME—CONTACT in SOUTH—AMERICA with Friedrich (Federico) Schwend.
20070124             Agiliteiros_com - Nosso objetivo é ajudar donos de cães barulhentos a melhorar a situação por meio de gerenciamento do problema,
20070124             compreendendo por que o cão está fazendo...
20070124             TV—BEITRÄGE : BUSH s perfekte PROPAGANDA—MASCHINE.
20070124             Die USA—REGIERUNG bietet einen Service für amerikanische LOKAL—SENDER, den diese immer häufiger nutzen:
20070124             Wintereinbruch: Süddeutschland versinkt im Schnee
20070124             Urteil: Haftstrafe für Handel mit Selbstmordpillen
20070124             RAF—DEBATTE: Die Chance der späten Gnade
20070124             Seltene Filmaufnahmen: Japaner fangen exotischen TIEFSEE—HAI
20070124             Protest gegen Präsidenten: BUSH—REDE bringt Demokraten in Rage
20070124             Chinesische Zoos: Hungerdrama hinter Gitterstäben
20070124             THE—SUNDAY—TIMES (UK) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation,
20070124             The current front page LAYOUT—OF—THE—SUNDAY—TIMES
20070124             Type Weekly newspaper - Format Broadsheet
20070124             Owner News INTERNATIONAL - EDITOR—JOHN—WITHEROW
20070124             All the papers lead with THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, where PRESIDENT—BUSH urged bipartisan support for, what THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070124             calls, "1—MODEST—AGENDA" on domestic issues
20070124             and asked lawmakers to give his new plan for IRAQ 1—CHANCE to work.
20070124             USA—TODAY - " of his speech talking about domestic policy issues, mainly education, energy, tax breaks (or increases) for health insurance + immigration.
20070124             All the papers note the changes on Capitol Hill were evident last night from THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—ADDRESS—WHEN THE—PRESIDENT—CONGRATULATED—THE—DEMOCRATS and noted he had the "high privilege and distinct honor
20070124             as the 1. PRESIDENT to begin THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—MESSAGE with these words: 'Madam Speaker.'
20070124             THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20070124             notes that as opposed to RONALD—REAGAN and BILL—CLINTON, both of whom admitted mistakes
20070124             —WHEN they faced 1—CONGRESS where their parties had lost in midterm elections,
20070124             —APPEARED, BUSH " unchastened last night and took no responsibility for his party's defeat or errors in office.
20070124             But the politically weak PRESIDENT wasn't as ambitious as he has seemed in the past —DURING this annual event.
20070124             As THE—NYT notes,
20070124             lthe address "was limited in ambition and political punch at home".
20070124             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES - sums up THE—THEME—OF—THE—SPEECH nicely with its headline:
20070124             "Sheer Scale" Of CLINTON—NEW—YORK Fundraising Makes Getting Money Nearly Impossible For Rivals...
20070124             - Give Me 1—MORE Chance...
20070124             —IMPLORED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, lawmakers and the nation last night to give him 1—MORE—CHANCE to win the war in IRAQ and avoid the "nightmare scenario" of defeat —WHILE presenting 1—DOMESTIC—AGENDA intended to find common cause with the new Democratic Congress on issues such as energy and immigration.
20070124             —WOUNDED, Politically, but rhetorically unbowed, BUSH gave no ground on his decision to dispatch 21,500 more troops to IRAQ despite 1—BIPARTISAN CASCADE—OF—CRITICISM.
20070124             BUSH Fails To Mention NEW—ORLEANS, Gulf Coast —DURING STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS...
20070124             NEW—ORLEANS is still 1—MESS and THE—PACE—OF—RECOVERY across the Gulf Coast from Hurricane KATRINA—STRIKE remains achingly slow —AFTER—17—MONTHS.
20070124             —CAPTURED, But NONE—OF—THIS, PRESIDENT—BUSH—ATTENTION on THE—YEAR—BIGGEST night for showcasing policy priorities.
20070124             ARMENIAN—TURKEY—UNITY at Slain EDITOR—FUNERAL—MORE than 50,000 mourners poured into the heart of ISTANBUL —ON—TUESDAY to bid farewell to Hrant Dink.
20070124             ISRAEL to Indict PRESIDENT—ON—SEX—CHARGES—MOSHE—KATSAV will be indicted on charges of rape and other sexual offenses,
20070124             in the most serious criminal case involving 1—SENIOR—ISRAEL—OFFICIAL.
20070124             IRAQ PARLIAMENT Finds 1—QUORUM—HARD to Come By
20070124             Nearly EVERY—SESSION—OF—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT—SINCE ;;11;;
20070124             has been adjourned because of low attendance - IRAN—PRESIDENT—DERIDES—USA Threats
20070124             TEHRAN—IRAN (AP) -- THE—USA is incapable of inflicting "serious damage" on IRAN, PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD said —TUESDAY, as a 2. USA.
20070124             IRAQ—POLITICIANS: BUSH Ideas Not New
20070124             BAGHDAD—IRAQ (AP) -- IRAQ—POLITICIANS on both SIDES—OF—THE—SECTARIAN divide said —WEDNESDAY they heard no new ideas and had little reason for renewed hope from PRESIDENT—BUSH—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS..
20070124             - BG Unclaimed TERRITORY—BY GLENN—GREENWALD:
20070124             Investigating, rather than reciting, Bush claims re: IRAN
20070124             —POINTED, As MURRAY—WAAS, out, Ari originally invoked the 5. Amendment —WHEN called —BEFORE the federal Grand Jury hearing evidence in THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE.
20070124             —TESTIFIED, Fleischer ultimately, under 1—GRANT—OF—IMMUNITY.
20070124             —CLAIMED, BUSH, publicly that everybody was cooperating fully and completely with the investigation + that anyone who wasn't would be gone.
20070124             ARI—CASE, he left THE—WH —BEFORE he took the 5., but the question remains:
20070124             Was 1—OF—THE—REASONS he left because he knew he was going to have to take the 5. and in doing so ,place THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION in 1—UNTENABLE—POLITICAL—POSITION?
20070124             Whatever our views of DAVID—SHAYLER are, this surely counts as 1—MAJOR—BOOST for 20010911              Truth.
20070124             I am 1—FAN—OF—BIG—DAVE.
20070124             He is not the most tactful person —AROUND, but he is for real.
20070124             ''This is the defining ISSUE—OF—HUMANITY.
20070124             —LIVED, We have never, with such control'' That's 1—BLOODY—GOOD slogan.
20070124             I'm going to make that my signature.
20070124             THE—ECHO has 1—READERSHIP—OF—400,000.
20070124             LIVERPOOL Echo EX—MI5 officer DAVID—SHAYLER, who will be in LIVERPOOL to launch the Truth Movement,
20070124             tells Paddy Shennan what he thinks about THE—NEW—YORK terror attacks FORMER spy DAVID—SHAYLER doesn't have 1—STORY to tell.
20070124             He has a - " BREAKING: Libby Destroyed Evidence —PRIOR—TO Testifying, Cheney Deeply Involved-
20070124             Grappling With THE—NUCLEAR—GENIE
20070124             "If we don't come to grips with THE—DEAD—END—OF—THE—NUCLEAR—DOUBLE—STANDARD," reports ALEXANDER—ZAITCHIK for AlterNet,
20070124             "and begin soon the brave and historic grapple with the nuclear genie, we race toward 1—CLIMAX as awful as it is certain.
20070124             The writing -- and the clock -- is on the wall".
20070124             The truth about the ;;12;; ETHIOPIA—INVASION—OF—SOMALIA and the ;;01;;
20070124             7—8—USA air strikes on the Somalian towns of Afmadow and Ras Kamboni is obscure to most Americans.
20070124             'Smoking Gun' For HUMAN—CAUSED Global Warming
20070124             WASHINGTON—HUMAN—CAUSED global warming is HERE—VISIBLE in the air,
20070124             water and melting ICE—AND is destined to get much worse in the future, 1—AUTHORITATIVE global scientific report will warn —WHEN it's released next —MONTH.
20070124             "The smoking gun is definitely lying on the table...," said top USA climate scientist JERRY—MAHLMAN,
20070124             who reviewed all 1,600 pages of the 1. segmenta 4—PART report.
20070124             "The evidence... is compelling".
20070124             Check out this ARCHIVE—OF—EYE—OPENING links to stories exposing the crimes of PAKISTAN—NOTORIOUS—ISI (INTER—SERVICES—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY) against its own people.
20070124             Bush Below Freezing, Approval —NOW Stands At —JUST 28 %
20070124             (CBS) As Americans grow WEARIER—OF—BUSH and his obsession with IRAQ by the moment, his approval rating continues 1—PRECIPITOUS—DROP.
20070124             —NOW, nearly 3FOURTHS of the nation is in staunch disagreement with BUSH.
20070124             —UNCHARTED, Virtually in, TERRITORY—IN—TERMS—OF—UNPOPULARITY, only Nixon faired worse at 1—DISMAL 23 %, —JUST—BEFORE he resigned 19740000              amid the Watergate scandal.
20070124             Activist Rains On ROMNEY—PARADE -
20070124             Mitt Romney under attack by Republican activist for conflicting views on gay rights
20070124             "THE—73—YEAR—OLD—COLOMBIA—ARTIST spent 14—MONTHS painting 1—SERIES—OF—80—DRAWINGS and paintings that depict pain,
20070124             degradation and torture -- all in the style of his more popular work," reports THE—SAN—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE.
20070124             "'People would forget about Guernica were it not for PICASSO—MASTERPIECE,' he said. 'Art is 1—PERMANENT—ACCUSATION.'"
20070124             Bush Declared —SUNDAY "Sanctity Of Human Life" —DAY -
20070124             "I swear, I'm not making this up," says our own BOB—GEIGER.
20070124             As if his health care proposals weren't bizarre enough.
20070124             "IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI had 1—SURPRISE for PRESIDENT—BUSH—WHEN they sat down with their aides in THE—4—SEASONS—HOTEL in AMMAN,
20070124             JORDAN," reports THE—WASHINGTON—POST. "Firing up 1—POWERPOINT presentation, Maliki and his national security adviser proposed that USA troops withdraw to the outskirts of BAGHDAD and let Iraqis take over security in THE—STRIFE—TORN capital".
20070124             Thanks, but no thanks, said BUSH.
20070124             "At most, THE—BUSH—PLAN might induce SOME—OF—THOSE [without insurance to buy it],
20070124             —WHILE in the process -- whaddya know -- giving MANY—OTHER—HIGH—INCOME—INDIVIDUALS yet another tax break," writes PAUL—KRUGMAN—OF—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20070124             "—WHILE proposing this HIGH—END—TAX—BREAK, MISTER—BUSH is also proposing 1—TAX—INCREASE -- not on the wealthy,
20070124             but on workers who, he thinks, have too much health insurance".
20070124             IRAQ, USA Has Never Let Its Eye Stray From THE—PRIZE: Oil
20070124             Without 1—DECISIVE—MILITARY—VICTORY, THE—USA—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ seems to be about to grab its oil prize by establishing 1—NEW sharing arrangement between 1—MAJOR—NATIONAL—PRODUCER and THE—MULTI—NATIONAL—GIANTS.
20070124             —PLACED, Looks like 1—SERIES—OF—3—STRATEGICALLY, stories point towards good OLD—FASHIONED FEAR—MONGERING to boost BUSH—ALL—TIME—LOW—POLL—RATINGS.
20070124             —BY—BOB—GEIGER—MINIMUM—WAGE—FRONT And Center In Senate
20070124             —BY—MISSY Comley BEATTIE—WHAT Our Actions Teach Our Children -
20070124             —WHEN adults say do as I say, not as I do.
20070124             —BY—BOB—SOMMER—THE—BACKDOOR Draft -
20070124             Our son in AFGHANISTAN worries that he may be sent to IRAQ next -- —AFTER already serving 1—TOUR there.
20070124             —BY—DIANE MARIE—QUAKING Bunny In THE—NEWS
20070124             Even nice people say, "1—EYE for 1—EYE".
20070124             But that's not for them to say. "You reap what you sow" is.
20070124             —BY—ROBERT WEITZEL—YET Another Generation Grows Up In THE—SHADOW—OF—1—MUSHROOM—CLOUD
20070124             Considering THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S 1.—STRIKE nuclear policy coupled with its reckless disregard for the global consequences of its ideological juggernaut,
20070124             USA—CHILDREN are no less likely to grow up in the shadow of 1—MUSHROOM cloud than were their parents and grandparents.
20070124             —BY—KAREN Fish Ayatollah ALI—KHAMENEI—AND—ANNA—NICOLE—SMITH—BUY Raytheon Co.
20070124             —BY—JAY Janson Early CIA Involvement In Darfur Has Gone Unreported
20070124             —BY—GUSTAV WYNN—GENERAL—PETRAEUS: There Must Be No More Vietnams
20070124             —ON THE—EVE—OF—HIS—MARGINALIZATION, BUSH finally implements practicable IRAQ strategy, led by aticulate and ethical SOLDIER—ACADEMIC—DOCTOR—DAVID—PETRAEUS.
20070124             But will this only underscore how incompetent his leadership has been for the last 3—YEARS?
20070124             —BY—FRANK J. Ranelli Bush By THE—NUMBERS
20070124             —WHILE fixated solely on 1—MASSIVELY deteriorating situation in IRAQ, BUSH continues his irreverence and refuses to listen to THE—VOICE—OF—AMERICA.
20070124             —NOW, in 1—SHOCKINGLY candid and irrefutable REJECTION—OF—BUSH—IMPERIALISM, 1—NEW—POLL make clears AMERICAN—UMBRAGE with their 43. PRESIDENT.
20070124             —AFTER hiding the truth that he knows about ISI—INVOLVMENT in operation 20010911             , Musharraf is coming out with select, partial truth to blackmail THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION.
20070124             —BY—RUSS Wellen Who WILL—SAVE—USA—FROM—WAR—WITH—IRAN?
20070124             Leading Democratic MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS?
20070124             Don't hold your breath. They're "uncertain".
20070124             MEMBERS—OF—THE—ARMED—FORCES should be aware that they have 1—LEGITIMATE—RIGHT through the Appeal for Redress mechanism to register their opposition to the war in IRAQ,
20070124             as well as the right in general to criticize the war, so long as they follow military protocol.
20070124             5—FORMER—CIA—DIRECTORS are identified as directly involved in election engineering,overtly or covertly:
20070124             JOHN—DEUTCH, R. JameWoolsey, BOBBY—RAY—INMAN,ROBERT—GATES,and GEORGE—HW—BUSH.Investigative journalist,Lynn Landes,reports that SAIC,
20070124             a "behemoth military defense contractor with 1—SHADOWY, if not tarnished reputation,"which maintains strong business ties to the military and intelligence communities.
20070124             ACTION ALERT! We have 1—DAY to make this happen.
20070124             It will still take 1—LOT—OF—NOISE and MANY—CITIZENS standing up to call for this in order for the Democrats to show the courage they'd need to make this bold and important change to THE—YEARS—LONG—TRADITION—OF relegating Opposition SOTU Responses to the dim recesses of SOME—POORLY lit makeshift TV studio somewhere.
20070124             —BY—CAROLYN Baker 20010911              And USA—EMPIRE: Intellectuals Speak Out, 1—REVIEW
20070124             —BY—REV.
20070124             BILL—MCGINNIS—CONGRESS—SHOULD—ORDER—BUSH—NOT To Increase Troop Levels In IRAQ,
20070124             Not Merely Send Him 1—POWERLESS, NON—BINDING Message
20070124             If Congress Really Believes It Is Not In THE—NATIONAL—INTEREST—TO—SEND—MORE—TROOPS, It Has THE—CONSTITUTIONAL—AUTHORITY -- And THE—MORAL—RESPONSIBILITY -- To Stop Him From Doing It.
20070124             REPRESENTATIVE—JIM—MCGOVERN will introduce new legislation, which replaces HR 4232 "End the War in IRAQ Act of 20050000              ".
20070124             —BY—TIMOTHY V. Gatto Is AMERICAN—NOW Totally Immoral?
20070124             This Has To End!
20070124             This is —NOW about our nation becoming as bad or worse than our enemies.
20070124             It's about our nations moral fabric.
20070124             —BY—SHEILA Samples NO WAY IN -- NO WAY OUT...
20070124             Americans who cherish freedom would do well to stop stumbling —AROUND in the trees and forests of the illegal immigration debate and see that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is well on its way to closing the borders of the entire nation,
20070124             not only to people trying to get in, but to citizens trying to get out.
20070124             —BY—JGIDEON 'Daily Voting News' For ;;01;; 21 And 22, 20070000
20070124             1—RUN—DOWN—OF—THE—DAYS—ELECTIONS/voting news from across the country and overseas.
20070124             The flapping wing represents 1—SMALL—CHANGE in the initial CONDITION—OF—THE—SYSTEM, which causes 1—CHAIN—OF—EVENTS leading to LARGE—SCALE phenomena.
20070124             —FLAPPED, Had the butterfly not, its wings,
20070124             THE—TRAJECTORY—OF—THE—SYSTEM might have been vastly different.
20070124             Help IRAQ—VETERANS and their famliies find 1—PLACE to stay in DC —WHILE challenging the war.
20070124             —BY—JOEL S. Hirschhorn Obama: THE—DEMOCRATIC—MESSIAH?
20070124             Is Obama, THE—SELF—PROFESSED progressive, the real thing?
20070124             Is he something other than 1—CONVENTIONAL—POLITICIAN?
20070124             I have read MANY—OF—HIS—SPEECHES and other statements.
20070124             We do not need another political false idol, from the left or the right.
20070124             —BY—TIMOTHY V. Gatto What Did Bush Tell Pelosi And Reid?
20070124             I certainly don't trust the corporate media as 1—OBJECTIVE—SOURCE, re: official USA enemies.
20070124             —BY—DAVID Swanson How We Can End THE—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ
20070124             VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, —MEANWHILE, asserts that MATTERS—OF—WAR must be left in THE—HANDS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT (presumably no matter how brilliant your alternative plan).
20070124             —BY—MARTHA Rosenberg Biotech Solutions To Factory Farming Not What Activists Had In Mind -
20070124             New animal production methods line the pockets of private industry and do nothing to reduce suffering.
20070124             —BY—ELIZABETH Ferrari Hunger On 48. Avenue -
20070124             Needy need not apply to S—FRANCISCO -- or ANY—MAJOR—USA—CITY.
20070124             1—REVIEW—OF—REPORTS that ISRAEL is preparing to attack IRAN with nuclear weapons.
20070124             —BY—JOHN Doraemi Notice To: My Surveillance Officer
20070124             —BY—JOYCE McCloy Laying To Rest Fraudulent Fraud Rumors Damaging To Election Integrity
20070124             Rumors still swirl —AROUND THE—INTERNET that the wrong winners were picked in both THE—FL 13's and NC 08's congressional races.
20070124             —BY—STEVEN Leser IRAN Showdown ?
20070124             —BY—TERESA SIMON—NOBLE—ALWAYS Suited In Black
20070124             —BY—RON Fullwood Bush To Bull Past Skepticism And Opposition On IRAQ
20070124             BUSH isn't listening to ANY—OF—USA on IRAQ, but he wants us to hear him tomorrow night.
20070124             —BY—ANDREW Bard Schmookler How To Cope With THE—BUSH ites' "Who Lost IRAQ?" Game
20070124             Chickens are coming home to roost.
20070124             It's important that they roost where they belong.
20070124             THE—BUSH ites are evidently willing to sacrifice lives and treasure to have the blame for their disaster fall on someone else.
20070124             It's important that these efforts to pass off the Old Maid card of this BUSH ite failure be defeated.
20070124             Here are SOME—THOUGHTS on how to thwart this dishonest and irresponsible BUSH ite game.
20070124             —BY—RON Jacobs History Through Humor -
20070124             I'm still paying 1—MERE 15—CENTS per cup of gasoline.
20070124             Somebody must be doing something right.
20070124             —BY—BEV HARRIS—VT—BOARD—SPURNS—VOTING—SCANNER, Wants To Stick With Hand Counts
20070124             BBV perspective on this article: Note the difference in tone in this hand count paper ballot town.
20070124             1—MIGHT almost call it "THE—JOY—OF—VOTING".
20070124             It's refreshing + calls to mind the great USA—SPIRIT.
20070124             —CONDUCTED, ThinkProgress, 1—REAL—TIME—FACT—CHECK—OF this —YEAR—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS.
20070124             You can watch the speech in its entirety, or click on the facts below to jump directly to the claims we're rebutting.
20070124             More at Click.TV.
20070124             Webb: If Bush Doesn't Take The 'Right Kind Of Action...We WILL—BE—SHOWING—HIM—THE—WAY'
20070124             In his response to THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION, SENATOR—JAMES—WEBB'S (D—VA) offered 1—HARSH—CRITICISM—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—NATIONAL—SECURITY and economic policies.
20070124             He said that BUSH "recklessly" took the country into war with IRAQ,
20070124             ignored the advice of his top advisers + is —NOW holding the nation hostage in the war's "predictable — and predicted — disarray".
20070124             —COMPARED, Webb also, the current situation of economic disparity in THE—USA to the era of —WHEN "robber barons were unapologetically raking in 1—HUGE %age of the national wealth" and the "dispossessed workers at the bottom were threatening revolt".
20070124             Like THEODORE—ROOSEVELT,
20070124             BUSH —NOW needs to take the "right kind of action" for "THE—BENEFIT—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE".
20070124             —CONCLUDED, Webb,
20070124             if BUSH chooses 1—NEW—DIRECTION, "we will join him.
20070124             If he does not, we will be showing him the way". Bush _Speech">Digg It!
20070124             THE—PRESIDENT took us into this war recklessly.
20070124             He disregarded warnings from the national security adviser —DURING the 1. Gulf War,
20070124             whose jurisdiction includes IRAQ, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—OPERATIONS on the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF + many, MANY—OTHERS with great integrity and long experience in national security affairs.
20070124             The war's costs to our nation have been staggering.
20070124             Financially.
20070124             The damage to our reputation —AROUND the world.
20070124             The lost opportunities to defeat the forces of INTERNATIONAL terrorism.
20070124             And especially the precious blood of our citizens who have stepped forward to serve.
20070124             The majority of the nation no longer supports the way this war is being fought;
20070124             nor does THE—MAJORITY—OF—OUR military. We need 1—NEW—DIRECTION.
20070124             Not 1—STEP back from the war against INTERNATIONAL terrorism.
20070124             Not 1—PRECIPITOUS—WITHDRAWAL that ignores the possibility of further chaos.
20070124             But 1—IMMEDIATE—SHIFT toward strong REGIONALLY—BASED diplomacy, 1—POLICY that takes our soldiers off THE—STREETS—OF—IRAQ—CITIES + 1—FORMULA that will in short order allow our combat forces to leave IRAQ.
20070124             AMERICA was then, as —NOW, drifting apart along class lines.
20070124             THE—SO—CALLED robber barons were unapologetically raking in 1—HUGE %age of the national wealth.
20070124             The dispossessed workers at the bottom were threatening revolt.
20070124             Roosevelt spoke strongly against these divisions.
20070124             He told his fellow Republicans that they must set themselves "as resolutely against improper corporate influence on THE—1—HAND as against demagogy and mob rule on the other".
20070124             And he did something about it.
20070124             As I look at IRAQ, I recall the words of former general and SOON—TO—BE PRESIDENT—DWIGHT—EISENHOWER —DURING the dark DAYS—OF—THE—KOREAN—WAR,
20070124             which had fallen into 1—BLOODY stalemate.
20070124             "—WHEN comes the end?" asked THE—GENERAL who had commanded our forces in EUROPE —WWII—DURING.
20070124             And as soon as he became PRESIDENT, he brought the Korean War to 1—END.
20070124             These Presidents took the right kind of action, for THE—BENEFIT—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE and for THE—HEALTH—OF—OUR relations —AROUND the world.
20070124             If he does, we will join him.
20070124             If he does not, we will be showing him the way.
20070124             "FOX NEWS—BRIAN—WILSON —JUST informed us that the major color tonight among the lady's outfits this SOTU is purple
20070124             ('I'm seeing 1—LOT—OF—PURPLE').
20070124             —STATED, He then, that NANCY Pelosi will be wearing a 'sea foam green' outfit.
20070124             —CHIMED, Brit Hume then, in to say that Pelosi had intended to wear 1—DIFFERENT jacket (he asked her about this —EARLIER—TODAY),
20070124             but then spilled chocolate on it, hence THE—SEA—FOAM green jacket.
20070124             BUSH said: "We hear the call to take on THE—CHALLENGES—OF—HUNGER, poverty + DISEASE—AND that is precisely what AMERICA is doing.
20070124             I ask that you fund the —MILLENNIUM Challenge Account, so that USA—AID—REACHES the people who need it,
20070124             in nations where democracy is on the rise and corruption is in retreat".
20070124             leaving in the lurch several poor countries that have labored to meet its strict eligibility standards, according to aid officials.
20070124             BUSH said: "We must continue to fight HIV/AIDS, especially on the continent of AFRICA — and because you funded our Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief,
20070124             THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE receiving LIFE—SAVING drugs has grown from 50,000 to more than 800,000 in 3—SHORT—YEARS.
20070124             I ask you to continue funding our efforts to fight HIV/AIDS".
20070124             FACT — BUSH POLICY HAS LED TO SHORTAGE—OF—CONDOMS: THE—UNITED—NATIONS and 1—NUMBER—OF advocacy groups for AIDS patients have charged that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY had led to 1—SHORTAGE—OF condoms in UGANDA,
20070124             increasing THE—RISK—OF—INFECTION for MANY—PEOPLE, particularly oo women and adolescents".
20070124             Jodi Jacobson, executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CENTER for Health and Gender Equity in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, said that "there has been 1—DANGEROUS and profound shift in USA donor policy from comprehensive prevention,
20070124             education and provision of condoms to focus on abstinence only".
20070124             [NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20050830             ]
20070124             FACT — GAO REPORT CRITICIZED IMPLEMENTATION—OF—BUSH—AIDS—PLAN: An 87-page GAO report criticized THE—PRESIDENT—EMERGENCY—PLAN for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) because 1—LARGE—PART—OF—THE funding is going "to promote abstinence and fidelity is causing confusion in MANY—COUNTRIES and in 1—FEW is eroding other prevention efforts,
20070124             including ones to reduce MOTHER—TO—CHILD—TRANSMISSION—OF—THE—VIRUS". The abstinence policy "is basically unworkable," said PAUL—ZEITZ,
20070124             "This shows the problem very clearly and starkly".
20070124             [WASHINGTON—POST, 20060404             ]
20070124             BUSH said: "I propose to establish 1—SPECIAL—ADVISORY—COUNCIL on THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, made UP—OF—LEADERS in Congress from both political parties.
20070124             We will share ideas for how to position AMERICA to meet EVERY—CHALLENGE that confronts us.
20070124             —UNITED, And we will show our enemies abroad that we are, in THE—GOAL—OF—VICTORY".
20070124             BUSH said: "Many in this Chamber understand that AMERICA must not fail in IRAQ — because you understand that THE—CONSEQUENCES—OF—FAILURE would be grievous and far reaching".
20070124             JOHN—WARNER (R—VA), 1—INFLUENTIAL—CONSERVATIVE on military affairs, offered 1—RESOLUTION that opposes PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION—PLAN.
20070124             "Combined with NEAR—UNANIMOUS—DEMOCRATIC—OPPOSITION to BUSH—WAR—POLICY, the Republican stands show 1—BROAD bipartisan LACK—OF—CONFIDENCE in THE—PRESIDENT—COURSE".
20070124             Nearly 70—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS say they oppose BUSH—ESCALATION.
20070124             Top military leaders, including FORMER—GENERAL—COLIN—POWELL, the current Joint Chiefs + Gen.
20070124             —EXPRESSED, JOHN—ABIZAID, have, their opposition to putting more USA troops on the ground.
20070124             THE—PRESIDENT—STRATEGY goes against the recommendations of THE—RECENTLY—RELEASED IRAQ Study Group.
20070124             ; OFFICE—OF—SPEAKER—NANCY—PELOSI (D—CA)
20070124             BUSH said: "My fellow citizens, our military commanders and I have carefully weighed the options.
20070124             In the end, I chose this course of action because it provides the best CHANCE—OF—SUCCESS".
20070124             FACT — ESCALATION HAS BEEN 1—FAILURE: —DURING the last 6—MONTHS, THE—USA has increased — or "surged" — THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—TROOPS in BAGHDAD by 12,000,
20070124             yet the violence and deaths of Americans and Iraqis has climbed alarmingly, averaging 960 1—WEEK—SINCE the latest troop increase.
20070124             This past —SUMMER,
20070124             [AP, 20070109
20070124             ; WASHINGTON—POST, 20061027
20070124             BUSH said: "Free people are not drawn to violent and malignant ideologies — and most will choose 1—BETTER—WAY—WHEN they are given 1—CHANCE.
20070124             So we advance our own security interests by helping moderates, reformers + brave voices for democracy".
20070124             "It was clear that THE—USA—  facing chaos in IRAQ, rising IRAN—INFLUENCE and the destabilizing ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT — had decided that stability,
20070124             BUSH said: "For too long our nation has been dependent on foreign oil.
20070124             And this dependence leaves us more vulnerable to hostile regimes + to terrorists who could cause huge DISRUPTIONS—OF—OIL—SHIPMENTS... raise THE—PRICE—OF—OIL... and do great harm to our economy".
20070124             There is no real scientific debate over this question.
20070124             BUSH said: "It is in our vital interest to diversify AMERICA—ENERGY—SUPPLY — and the way forward is through technology".
20070124             At —LAST—YEAR—STATE—OF—THE—UNION, PRESIDENT—BUSH said the "best way to break this addiction [to oil] is through technology".
20070124             —PROPOSED, Yet his 20070000              budget actually, to spend less on energy efficiency,
20070124             conservation + renewable energy resources in INFLATION—ADJUSTED dollars than was appropriated in fiscal
20070124             Influential conservative political consultant and wordsmith FRANK—LUNTZ has advised politicians to point to THE—PROMISE—OF—TECHNOLOGY in order to delay implementation of mandatory cuts in global warming pollution.
20070124             "We need to emphasize how voluntary innovation and experimentation are preferable to bureaucratic or INTERNATIONAL intervention and regulation," Luntz advises.
20070124             [Luntz Environment Memo]
20070124             —PLEDGED, PRESIDENT—BUSH has, to reduce our energy dependence in EVERY—STATE—OF—THE—UNION he has delivered —SINCE taking office.
20070124             SOTU: BUSH—HEALTH—SAVINGS—ACCOUNTS—OFFER—AMERICANS—NO Meaningful Savings-
20070124             BUSH said: "We need to expand Health Savings Accounts... help small businesses through Association Health Plans... reduce costs and medical errors with better information technology... encourage price transparency... and protect good doctors from junk lawsuits by passing medical liability reform.
20070124             FACT — HSAs DO NOT OFFER MEANINGFUL SAVINGS FOR AMERICANS: "LOW—AND MIDDLE—INCOME uninsured people will gain meager or no tax savings" from health savings accounts,
20070124             according to 1—COMMONWEALTH—FUND—STUDY.
20070124             —UNINSURED, Roughly 50 % of, adults pay no federal income taxes,
20070124             meaning that "tax incentives for HIGH—DEDUCTIBLE—HEALTH—PLANS would have little impact on uninsured adults".
20070124             [Commonwealth Fund, 20050400             ]
20070124             FACT — HSAs PRIMARILY BENEFIT THE—RICH: THE—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNTABILITY—OFFICE (GAO) found "that the average income of HSA users was $133,000 20040000              ,
20070124             compared to $51,000 for all NON—ELDERLY—TAX filers". Most LOW—INCOME—INDIVIDUALS "do not face high enough tax liability to benefit in 1—SIGNIFICANT—WAY from tax deductions associated with HSAs".
20070124             [CBPP, 20061207
20070124             ; Kaiser Familiy Foundation, 20061004             ]
20070124             FACT — HSAs WILL NOT DECREASE THE—NUMBER—OF—UNINSURED: HSAs are "not likely to be 1—IMPORTANT—CONTRIBUTOR to expanding coverage among uninsured people" because MOST—OF—UNINSURED—AMERICANS "do not face HIGH—ENOUGH marginal tax rates to benefit substantially from the tax deductibility of HSA contributions".
20070124             FACT — AMERICANS ARE DISSATISFIED WITH HSAs: —JUST 33—42—PERCENT—OF—ENROLLEES in CONSUMER—DRIVEN health plans were satisfied with their health care,
20070124             compared to 63—PERCENT—OF—THOSE people with traditional coverage.
20070124             2—THIRDS—OF—PEOPLE prefer 1—EMPLOYER—SELECTED SET—OF—PLANS over 1—EMPLOYER—FUNDED account and choosing insurance on their own.
20070124             [Commonwealth Fund, 20051200             ]
20070124             SOTU: Bush Health Care Plan WILL—CUT—FUNDING—FOR—HOSPITALS
20070124             BUSH said: "My 2. proposal is to help the States that are coming up with innovative ways to cover the uninsured.
20070124             States that make basic private health insurance available to all their citizens should receive Federal funds to help them provide this coverage to the poor and the sick.
20070124             FACT — BUSH PLAN WILL CUT $30—BILLION FROM PUBLIC HOSPITALS: BUSH 's 'Affordable Choice' grants will not involve ANY—NEW—FEDERAL—MONEY.
20070124             SOTU: Individual Health Plans Are OUT—OF—REACH—FOR MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS
20070124             BUSH said: "1., I propose 1—STANDARD—TAX—DEDUCTION for health insurance that will be like the standard tax deduction for dependents.
20070124             [F]or THE—MILLIONS—OF—OTHER—AMERICANS who have no health insurance at all, this deduction would help put 1—BASIC—PRIVATE—HEALTH—INSURANCE—PLAN within their reach.
20070124             Changing the tax code is 1—VITAL and necessary step to making health care affordable for more Americans".
20070124             Karen Pollitz, 1—GEORGETOWN—UNIVERSITY—RESEARCHER who CO—AUTHORED a 20010000              study on the individual HEALTH—INSURANCE—MARKET for the Kaiser Family Foundation,
20070124             found that people who aren't in perfect health are largely unable to buy individual health insurance.
20070124             In her study, Pollitz found that "roughly 90—PERCENT—OF—APPLICANTS in what's known as LESS—THAN—PERFECT—HEALTH were unable to buy individual policies at standard rates,
20070124             —WHILE 37% were rejected outright".
20070124             —BASED, Individual health insurers may deny coverage to people, on their medial history,
20070124             or put them in "1—HIGH—RISK—CATEGORY that it makes health coverage too expensive".
20070124             [MSN]
20070124             Der Skandal brachte 19740000              USA—PRÄSIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON zu Fall.
20070124             Hunt war SOLDAT—WÄHREND—DES 2. Weltkriegs, MITARBEITER—DES—USA—GEHEIMDIENSTES CIA ,
20070124             Organisator eines Staatsstreichs in GUATEMALA und der gescheiterten Invasion in der Schweinebucht auf Kuba,
20070124             aber auch AUTOR—VON mehr als 80—BÜCHERN, bei denen es sich oft um Spionagegeschichten handelte.
20070124             Die Crux mit dem Codex Alimentarius oder dem Gesetz der Nahrungsmittel
20070124             DOCTOR—BILLA—HOFMANN—DAS CODEX—KOMITEE wurde 19620000              von der WHO und UN gegründet,
20070124             um das Lebensmittelrecht und die Sicherheitsstandards in den Ländern einander anzugleichen,
20070124             die GESUNDHEIT—DER—VERBRAUCHER zu schützen und für redliche Praktiken im internationalen Nahrungsmittelhandel zu sorgen.
20070124             Bush asks for 'a chance' on IRAQ-
20070124             PRESIDENT—BUSH urges AMERICA to give his new IRAQ strategy "1—CHANCE to work" in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS.
20070124             ISRAEL—PRESIDENT 'will not quit'
20070124             ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—KATSAV is not planning to step down, despite moves to charge him with rape, his lawyers say.
20070124             Watergate plotter Hunt dies at 88
20070124             —HELPED, HOWARD—HUNT, THE—CIA man who, plan the Watergate BREAK—IN that led to NIXON—DOWNFALL, dies aged 88.
20070124             UK economy powers ahead
20070124             THE—UK economy grew at its fastest pace in 2—AND—A—HALF—YEARS, topping forecasts, official figures show.
20070124             —BLAMED, Drilling, for Java mud leak
20070124             1—MUD flow that has displaced THOUSANDS—OF—INDONESIANS was most probably caused by gas drilling, scientists say.
20070124             JAPAN schools to rethink beating
20070124             JAPAN schools should rethink 1—BAN on corporal punishment, 1—GOVERNMENT—BACKED panel urges.
20070124             CHINA net use set to surpass USA
20070124             CHINA could have more INTERNET users than THE—USA—WITHIN 2—YEARS' time, the country's state media reports.
20070124             Morales reshapes BOLIVIA cabinet
20070124             BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES replaces nearly HALF—OF—HIS—CABINET - 1—DAY—AFTER marking 1—YEAR in office.
20070124             Hopes revive for N KOREA talks
20070124             NORTH—KOREA has shown 'flexibility' —DURING recent meetings on its nuclear ambitions, the South says.
20070124             Green agenda for global leaders
20070124             Global warming and the 2. web revolution are uppermost as the World Economic Forum starts.
20070124             EU states 'KNEW—OF—CIA—FLIGHTS'
20070124             1—COMMITTEE—OF—MEPS approves 1—REPORT saying EU states knew of secret CIA flights over EUROPE.
20070124             —RAPPED, Tigers, over child soldiers
20070124             Human Rights Watch calls on Tamil Tiger rebels and 1—BREAKAWAY faction in SRI—LANKA to stop recruiting children.
20070124             INDIA—ECONOMY 'to overtake UK'
20070124             INDIA could overtake BRITAIN and have the world's 5. largest economy within 1—DECADE, 1—REPORT says.
20070124             Hillary: THE—PRIVACY—CANDIDATE?
20070124             But skeptics say she's biting off more than she can chew.
20070124             By SARAH—LAI—STIRLAND. Bush pushes energy regulations, ethanol
20070124             PRESIDENT—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS—CALLS for renewable energy and higher fuel standards for cars.
20070124             Solution to energy conundrum may be CO2
20070124             Idea of turning the CO2 waste product from coal into 1—LIQUID or 1—SOLID and storing it underground gains 1—FOLLOWING.
20070124             "1—SCIENCE—NEWS—ARTICLE—TALKS about the relationship between city design and health.
20070124             New CROSS—DISCIPLINARY—RESEARCH is exploring whether urban sprawl makes us soft,
20070124             or whether people who don't like to exercise move to the sprawling suburbs, or SOME—COMBINATION—OF both". "So far, the dozen strong studies that have probed the relationships among the urban environment,
20070124             people's activity + obesity have all agreed, says Ewing.
20070124             'Sprawling places have heavier people... There is EVIDENCE—OF—1—ASSOCIATION between the built environment and obesity.
20070124             However, UNIVERSITY—OF—TORONTO economist MATTHEW—TURNER charges that 'a LOT—OF—PEOPLE out there don't like urban sprawl + those people are trying to hijack the obesity epidemic to further THE—SMART—GROWTH—AGENDA [and] change how cities look.
20070124             'We're the only ones that have tried to distinguish between causation and sorting... and we find that it's sorting,' [says Turner].
20070124             'The available facts do not support the conclusion that sprawling neighborhoods cause weight gain.'"
20070124             "In yet another attempt to create legitimacy for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—MANY—QUESTIONABLE—LEGAL—PRACTICES,
20070124             USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES actually had the audacity to argue —BEFORE 1—CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE—THAT—THE—USA—CONSTITUTION doesn't explicitly bestow habeas corpus rights on USA—CITIZENS.
20070124             In his view it merely says —WHEN THE—SO—CALLED—GREAT—WRIT can be suspended, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the rights are granted.
20070124             —QUESTIONED, THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL was being, by Sen.
20070124             THE—MSM are not covering this story but Colbert is (click on the 4. video down,
20070124             'Exact Words')". - From THE—BALTIMORE Chronicle and Sentinel commentary:
20070124             "—WHILE GONZALES—STATEMENT has 1—MEASURE—OF quibbling precision to it,
20070124             his logic is troubling because it would suggest that MANY—OTHER—FUNDAMENTAL—RIGHTS that Americans hold dear (such as free speech,
20070124             FREEDOM—OF—RELIGION + the right to assemble peacefully) also don't exist because the Constitution often spells out those rights in the negative.
20070124             It boggles the mind the lengths this administration will go to to systematically erode the rights and privileges we have all counted on and held up as the granite pillars of our society —SINCE our nation was founded".
20070124             "Great article in Technology Review, bordering on 'too good to be true,' about 1—SMALL—COMPANY in TEXAS that is developing the replacement for the electrochemical battery.
20070124             The device is 1—KIND—OF—HYBRID—BATTERY—ULTRACAPACITOR based on BARIUM—TITANATE powders.
20070124             Quoting: 'The company boldly claims that its system... will dramatically outperform the best LITHIUM—ION batteries on the market in TERMS—OF—ENERGY—DENSITY,
20070124             price, charge time + safety... The implications are enormous and, for many, unbelievable.
20070124             Such 1—BREAKTHROUGH has the potential to radically transform 1—TRANSPORTATION—SECTOR already flirting with 1—ELECTRIC—RENAISSANCE.'"
20070124             THE—TIMES—OF—LONDON —TODAY (10/1) has 1—NEWS—STORY with silent video of Atta and more here.
20070124             —DEEMED, The news was, important enough to lead off THE—NPR 5—MINUTE newscast here in THE—USA.
20070124             THE—MSM might as well flash OBL/911 /Danger/Danger on our TV's and News Outlets 24—HOURS 1—DAY..
20070124             Below is 1—LINK to 1—WEB—PAGE that has interesting investigations by DANIEL—HOPSICKER on Atta and other 20010911              related background.
20070124             Why Hopsicker is so clueless that 20010911             —THE hijacking story is 1—FRAUD is beyond me.
20070124             However, he does expose MANY—QUESTIONABLE—TIES, various FBI lies, Homeland Security BS, etc.
20070124             By the way Hopsicker was talking about Abramoff —BEFORE Abramoff was national news.
20070124             latest stories - Atta Associate Surfaces in SOUTH—PACIFIC
20070124             5.5—TON DC9 Coke Bust Fallout: Worse Than Snakes on 1—PLANE
20070124             Cocaine 1—BUST Lifts Veil on Global Narcotics Cartel - THE—SECRET—HISTORY—OF—COCAINE 1
20070124             RELATIVE—OF—TUNNEL—BOMB—RINGLEADER Had Foreknowledge of 20010911              Attack
20070124             FAA Stonewalls Release of DC9 'Cocaine One' Records
20070124             Abramoff Henchman Fingers Dead Guy for Boulis Hit - COCAINE ONE' DC9 OWNER STILL 1—MYSTERY
20070124             PORTER—GOSS—RESIGNATION 'Mystery Solved: DC9 with 5.5—TONS—OF—COCAINE—WAS—CIA—PLANE
20070124             5.5—TON Coke Bust Reveals New Details of 20010911              Attack
20070124             S—DIEGO—DEFENSE—FIRM—LINK to Mysterious 5.5—TON Cocaine Bust
20070124             Porter & "the boys:" Goss made his 'Bones' on CIA—OP 40—HIT Team
20070124             Mystery of 5.5—TON Coke Flight Deepens THE—CIA ,
20070124             'Cocaine 1," Putting Planes in 'Suspense'
20070124             Moussaoui Trial Testimony Confirms FBI COVER—UP in Venice
20070124             Casino Jack & THE—MURDER—OF—GUS—BOULIS: "1—THREAT to Current Operations"
20070124             THE—SECRET—HISTORY—OF—MOHAMED—ATTA: USA Didn't need Able Danger to Locate Terrorist Ringleader
20070124             GERMANY—PILOT Linked to Atta Deposed in Naples, FL.
20070124             Abramoff and Kidan Implicated in Gangland Style Slaying
20070124             THE—BIG—FIX 20060000              : Is Abramoff Getting Away with Murder?
20070124             Cunningham Scandal Figure Linked to IRAN Contra Cocaine Trafficking
20070124             Cunningham Stripped $700—MILLION from USA Defense
20070124             Bush FELLAS—CASINO—JACK and the Republican Thuggees
20070124             New Mob Links in Abramoff Scandal: Kidan Ties to Sicilian Mafia
20070124             Hammer to the Slammer: Is Cruisegate Curtains for GOPMOB?
20070124             Was Pentagon Tracking Atta Days —BEFORE 20010911              Attack?
20070124             MOHAMED—ATTA—SENIOR in USA —2—WEEKS—BEFORE 20010911              Attack
20070124             TERRORISTS' HOMETOWN PAPER DISCOVERS 20010911
20070124             Hijackers, HEAVEN—GATE,& Republican INCORPORATED (video)
20070124             S—DIEGO 20010911              WITNESS DEATH THREAT - THE—SECRET—WORLD—OF—JACK—ABRAMOFF
20070124             Bookstore goes where others dare to tread
20070124             The '2. Mohamed' in Venice
20070124             THE—SECRET—WORLD—OF—20010911
20070124             1—INTRODUCTION to the Secret History - RUDI—DEKKKERS—ENTERING—USA Illegally
20070124             Did Bush Homeland CHIEF—SHIELD—TERRORIST—RING in NEW—JERSEY?
20070124             Rogue State: THE—COVER—OP—THAT—ATE—THE—WORLD
20070124             Election Official Thwarts Recount Using Phony Vote Totals
20070124             —BACK—IN THE—USSR: CIA "Helpful" in FLORIDA—UKRAINE Elections
20070124             "THE—BIG—FIX 20040000              " Part 2:
20070124             Election Company Has Long Criminal History
20070124             —EARLIER stories here
20070124             Tags: DANIEL—HOPSICKER, Culture Wars- - BG Spotted from 1—POST at BreakForNews.
20070124             —FROM the War College archives, 19970000             , by Major RALPH—PETERS.
20070124             Constant Conflict Information destroys traditional jobs and traditional cultures;
20070124             it seduces, betrays, yet remains invulnerable.
20070124             How can you counterattack the information others have turned upon you?
20070124             There is no effective option other than competitive performance.
20070124             For those individuals and cultures that cannot join or compete with our information empire,
20070124             there is only inevitable failure (of note, THE—INTERNET is to THE—TECHNO—CAPABLE disaffected what THE—UNITED—NATIONS is to marginal states:
20070124             it offers THE—ILLUSION—OF—EMPOWERMENT and community).
20070124             The attempt of THE—IRAN—MULLAHS to secede from modernity has failed,
20070124             although 1 turbaned corpse still stumbles about the neighborhood.
20070124             Information, from THE—INTERNET to rock videos, will not be contained + fundamentalism cannot control its.
20070124             Source:
20070124             —TWISTED, But the Post's, feature goes the extra step and says that —WHILE SOME—OF—THESE—VICTIMS mightjust be crazy.
20070124             propaganda.html">AGIT—PROPAGANDA-
20070124             —WONDERED, BG If you've ever, how AGIT—PROPAGANDA—WORKS, you might take 1—LOOK at the latest case study from THE—REVEREND—SUN—MYUNG—MOON—MEDIA empire.
20070124             There are 3—NEW—POLLS out + they have BUSH—OVERALL—APPROVAL rating ranging from 28 % to 35 %.
20070124             The surveys have all SORTS—OF—EYE—POPPING numbers: According to THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20070124             In THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL
20070124             65—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS say they want USA—TROOPS out of IRAQ in the next —YEAR.
20070124             Final Jury Picked For LIBBY Trial...4 BUSH Critics, Fmr.
20070124             Wash Post Reporter Included.
20070124             1—JURY that includes 4—CRITICS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—IRAQ policies was seated
20070124             —MONDAY to try FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE "Scooter" LIBBY on charges of lying about what he told reporters concerning the wife of 1—PROMINENT—WAR opponent..
20070124             "Smoking Gun" Report On Global Warming To Be Published Next —WEEK...
20070124             HUMAN—CAUSED global warming is here -- visible in the air, water and melting ice - + is destined to get much worse in the future,
20070124             1—AUTHORITATIVE global scientific report will warn next —WEEK.
20070124             "The smoking gun is definitely lying on the table as we speak," said top U.
20070124             ARMENIA—EDITOR—DEATH—LEADS to Conciliation
20070124             THE—KILLING—OF—1—NEWSPAPER—EDITOR—IN—ISTANBUL is leading to rare conciliatory gestures between TURKEY + ARMENIA.
20070124             - IRAN Bars Inspectors; Cleric Criticizes PRESIDENT
20070124             THE—2—DEVELOPMENTS suggest 1—INCREASINGLY open debate within IRAN on how to confront the West over IRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS.
20070124             Group Says AL—QAIDA NUMBER 2—MOCKS BUSH
20070124             —MOCKED, CAIRO—EGYPT (AP) - AL—QAIDA—DEPUTY—LEADER, PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send 21,000 more troops to IRAQ,
20070124             challenging him to send "the entire army," according to 1—NEW—AL—QAIDA videotape released —MONDAY by 1—USA.
20070124             —PARALYZED, BEIRUT—LEBANON (AP) - HEZBOLLAH—LED protesters, LEBANON —TUESDAY by burning tires and cars on major thoroughfares in and —AROUND the capital to enforce 1—GENERAL—STRIKE that aims to topple the government..
20070124             'In countries such as THE—USA, whose economies are commonly, though inaccurately,
20070124             described as "capitalist" or "FREE—MARKET,"
20070124             'Moreover, MILITARY—ECONOMIC—FASCISM, by empowering + enriching wealthy,
20070124             intelligent + influential MEMBERS—OF—THE—PUBLIC, removes them from THE—RANKS—OF—POTENTIAL opponents + RESISTERS—OF—THE—STATE + thereby helps to perpetuate the state's existence and its intrinsic class EXPLOITATION—OF—PEOPLE outside the state.
20070124             Outrage Over UK—COLLUSION In N. IRELAND Killings
20070124             1—DAMNING report said, triggering outrage in DUBLIN and BELFAST and remorse in LONDON.
20070124             The report about Protestant militants threatens to cloud current efforts to restore SELF—RULE in THE—LONG—TROUBLED BRITISH—RUN—PROVINCE,
20070124             in which Catholic LACK—OF—CONFIDENCE in policing is 1—KEY stumbling block.
20070124             Do You BELIEVE—IN—MAGIC?
20070124             'Psychologists and anthropologists have typically turned to faith healers,
20070124             tribal cultures or New Age spiritualists to study THE—UNDERPINNINGS—OF—BELIEF in superstition or magical powers.
20070124             —EXAMINED, Yet they could —JUST as well have, their own neighbors, lab assistants or even SOME—FELLOW—SCIENTISTS.
20070124             Along with 1—SHARP—INCREASE in subpoenas for reporters' notes and telephone records,
20070124             there are THREATS—OF—PROSECUTION under the Espionage Act of 19170000              for reporting such classified information as THE—PRESIDENT—SECRET—AUTHORIZATION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY AGENCY—WARRANTLESS—SECRET—AUTHORIZATION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY AGENCY—WARRANTLESS eavesdropping on us.
20070124             JIMMY—CARTER on ISRAEL—APARTHEID and Jewish lobby
20070124             FBI Faulted in Foley Probe-
20070124             BG Report finds officials took little action in response to complaints about FOLEY—CONDUCT with pages.... Source:
20070124             shoots down Obama "madrassa" story " HANLON—RAZOR
20070124             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—WAITING with anticipation for ANY—EXCUSE to pounce
20070124             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—2—DAYS—BEFORE STATE—OF—THE—UNION and for 2. —YEAR running,
20070124             AL—ZAWAHIRI vindicates BUSH—ADMINISTRATION claim
20070124             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ONCE again boiling it down to arguments about gender and the false LEFT—RIGHT—PARADIGM
20070124             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—LATINO thugs indiscriminately murder blacks REGARDLESS—OF—GANG—MEMBERSHIP, genocidal purge aligns with
20070124             —HELPED, CIA, Bush Senior in Oil Venture- - sfux Russ Baker & JONATHAN—Z—LARSEN
20070124             —RELEASED, Newly, internal CIA documents assert that FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH—OIL—COMPANY emerged from a 19500000             —COLLABORATION with 1—COVERT—CIA—OFFICER.
20070124             —DENIED, BUSH has long.
20070124             Es werde Krieg? - Baldower im Münchner Separée-
20070124             ? Was das alljährlich stattfindende ?Weltwirtschaftsforum?
20070124             in Davos für Ökonomen ist,
20070124             ist für Militärs aus aller Welt die ?Münchener Konferenz für Sicherheitspolitik (MUNICH Conference on Security Policy)?
20070124             JEDES—FRÜHJAHR treffen sich Politiker und Militärs im Münchener Nobelhotel ?Bayerischer Hof?, um über die Sicherheitslage der Welt zu diskutieren.
20070124             Dabei werden. Antidepressant bone risk link
20070124             Over 50s who use 1—TYPE—OF antidepressants are at double the risk of bone fractures, 1—STUDY suggests.
20070124             Call for deadly TB isolation move
20070124             —INFECTED, SOUTH—AFRICA should forcibly isolate patients, with 1—DEADLY strain of TB to stop the disease, doctors say.
20070124             Limit jail sentences, urges Reid
20070124             —ASKED, Courts are, to jail only the most dangerous and persistent criminals as prisons reach capacity.
20070124             Ford joins USA 'green' car trend
20070124             Ford becomes the latest USA—CAR—MAKER to unveil 1—TEST—VEHICLE that runs on green alternative fuels.
20070124             —LINKED, Yorkshire clan, to AFRICA
20070124             —LIVED, People of African origin have, in BRITAIN for centuries, according to genetic evidence.
20070124             Online fraud '—NOW major concern'
20070124             Britons fear being RIPPED—OFF online more than gun crime or THE—THREAT—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE, 1—SURVEY suggests.
20070124             CIA trial under way in WASHINGTON
20070124             THE—TRIAL—OF—EX—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—LEWIS—LIBBY opens and is set to reveal THE—BUSH—TEAM'S actions —BEFORE THE—IRAQ war.
20070124             ISRAEL—KATSAV faces rape charge
20070124             ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—MOSHE—KATSAV is to be charged with rape and ABUSE—OF—POWER, the justice ministry announces.
20070124             6 jailed over SAUDI—ARABIA—PLAY—ATTACK
20070124             6—SAUDIS are reportedly jailed for 1—ATTACK on actors taking part in 1—PLAY—CRITICAL—OF hardline religious attitudes.
20070124             —MURDERED, EX—CHILE—LEADER 'was '
20070124             † THE—FAMILY—OF—EX—CHILE—PRESIDENT—EDUARDO—FREI—MONTALVA say he was killed under the Pinochet regime.
20070124             COURT—BACKS—ISP—PRIVACY
20070124             1—NEW—JERSEY court throws out 1—SUBPOENA unmasking 1—CLUMSY hacker, ruling that residents have "informational privacy" rights.
20070124             Bush to Seek Gas Relief
20070124             THE—PRESIDENT will ask Americans to cut their fuel consumption by 20 % —DURING the next 10—YEARS.
20070124             Maybe this time he'll mean what he says.
20070124             Military Builds Robotic Insects
20070124             Defense scientists in several countries are developing tiny flying robots that can hit the enemy with ITSY—BITSY explosives.
20070124             Critics worry that terrorists will adopt the nasty tech.
20070124             Hacking the Human Life Span
20070124             —DECIDED, Feds: Details of ISP snooping haven't been
20070124             DOJ attorney says there has been no "official" decision on what data providers might be required to retain or for how long.
20070124             Kill kitchen germs with your microwave
20070124             Blog: Turns out that the microwave can clean your sink sponges —WHILE it nukes leftover pizza.Scientists have found that in —JUST 2..
20070124             Bionic Cat Eye Implants Aid Blindness Research-
20070124             with news of felines getting human retinal implants.
20070124             —AFFLICTED, The cats were, with 1—VERSION—OF—RETINITIS pigmentosa, 1—DISEASE that also blinds humans.
20070124             —IMPLANTED, The implants are 2—MILLIMETER—WIDE—CHIPS surgically, in THE—BACK—OF—EYE.
20070124             —COVERED, EACH—CHIP—SURFACE is, with 5,000 microphotodiodes that react to light, sending electric signals along the eye's optic nerve to the brain.
20070124             The hope is that the electrical activity in the optic nerve will encourage new retinal cells to grow.
20070124             The article notes: "The chips, which provide their own energy, have shown encouraging results in clinical human trials,
20070124             in SOME—CASES improving sight in people with retinitis pigmentosa or at least slowing the disease's development.
20070124             —IMPLANTED, Narfstrom said chips have been, in 30—PEOPLE".
20070124             "Researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA have developed a 'neural extension cord' by growing neurons attached to 1—MICROCHIP.
20070124             The cord is made by gradually moving 2—BATCHES—OF—NEURONS apart, as they naturally grow towards 1—ANOTHER.
20070124             This biological 'data cable' could then interface with the brain once implanted,
20070124             the researchers say". "...in the long run, it may not be necessary to interface directly with nerves at all.
20070124             'In EUROPE most researchers in this field are using NON—INVASIVE EEG,' [1—OUTSIDE—RESEARCHER] explains... 'The signals are weaker so more complex processing is needed,
20070124             but not having to perform surgery on the nervous system has MANY—ADVANTAGES,' [he] says".
20070124             "EUROPE is upping the pressure on Apple to open up its restrictive DRM that ties iTunes to the iPod.
20070124             —RULED, NORWAY, —LAST—YEAR that THE—IPOD—ITUNES TIE—IN was unreasonable and gave Apple 1—DEADLINE to make 1—CHANGE to its policies,
20070124             but was unsatisfied with the response they got.
20070124             —NOW FRANCE and GERMANY have joined forces with NORWAY,
20070124             making it 1—LOT—HARDER for Apple to —JUST walk away from those markets.
20070124             'FRANCE—CONSUMER—LOBBY—GROUP, UFC—QUE Choisir + GERMANY—VERBRAUCHERZENTRALE are —NOW PART—OF—THE—EUROPEAN effort to push Apple into 1—OPEN—DRM system,
20070124             with more countries considering joining the group.
20070124             However, the company has been under SOME—FIRE over THE—LAST—YEAR due to those restrictions,
20070124             1. with FRANCE and then DENMARK looking to open up restrictive DRM schemes (including,
20070124             but not limited to iTunes)
20070124             NORWAY has —NOW given Apple 1—NEW—DEADLINE—OF ;;09;;
20070124             of this —YEAR to change its policies + the pressure on Apple will likely grow in the months leading up to the deadline.'"
20070124             The carlyle group is waist deep in the research for these types of "population killers"...
20070124             Bernie Sanders, 1—POPULIST—PROGRESSIVE who came up the ranks as 1—SOCIALIST, was elected USA SENATOR—FROM—VERMONT with 65—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, proving if you do good by the people,
20070124             the Republicans can't touch you with their slime.
20070124             Remember that Winners are Nominated by You, MEMBERS—OF—THE—BUZZFLASH—COMMUNITY.
20070124             Read More About the Lacerating "Truth to Power" Dem Response, by JIM—WEBB,
20070124             1—BY 1, even the most senior Republicans in the Senate are expressing doubts that the administration's new war policy in IRAQ will work.
20070124             —REWARDED, UK—OFFICIAL says Bush and Blair have, 1—CRAZY—DEATH—CULT with SACRIFICE—OF—CITIZEN—RIGHTS: "There is no WAR—ON—TERROR" 1/24
20070124             IRAQ situation "dire," says LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS 1/24
20070124             Why Won't the Corporate Press Discuss BUSH—CHARACTER—PROBLEM? -- A BuzzFlash Editorial
20070124             New attack on sweatshop exploitation by Democratic senators and GOP Lindsay Graham,
20070124             who says he hopes bad bosses "get sued" 1/24
20070124             New Democratic star WEBB—BLUNT response to Bush 1/24 - THE—MCGILL—DAILY
20070124             Director ALBERT—NERENBERG—THESIS is this: Americans are stupid and getting stupider.
20070124             Rapid City Journal Discussion Forums -> SIOUX—FALLS Fbi Tampers...
20070124             9) HERE—WHAT THE—FBI did to USA—SENATOR—CHARLES—GRASSLEY......
20070124             Vergewaltigungsvorwürfe: Israels PRÄSIDENT—KATSAV vor Amtsniederlegung
20070124             WATERGATE—AFFÄRE: Verschwörer HOWARD—HUNT ist tot
20070124             Schiffsunglück vor ENGLAND: "Muss ich —JETZT 1—JAHR lang Angst haben?"
20070124             Rede zur Lage der Nation: Bush verblüfft mit IRAK—EINGESTÄNDNIS
20070124             FLORIDA: Unschuldiger saß 22—JAHRE lang im Gefängnis
20070124             Grüne Geldanlage: Hohe Rendite, gutes Gewissen
20070124             Vision 20670000             : Sorge vor dem Weltkrieg ums Wasser
20070124             - By JOHN—DICKERSON - It's hard to treat THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH seriously in ANY—YEAR.
20070124             But this —YEAR, it's practically impossible.
20070124             MEMBERS—OF—HIS—PARTY are revolting against his IRAQ troop increase.
20070124             And —TUESDAY he got 1—KICK in the pants
20070124             —FROM the opening of the Scooter LIBBY trial.
20070124             GEORGE—BUSH has to work fast to save his presidency + yet he did nothing in his speech to change the political dynamic.
20070124             To not have done so would have been rude.
20070124             But he iced the cake by speaking of her father.
20070124             This was reminiscent of - PETA Workers Charged With Killing Animals
20070124             PETA admits to killing THOUSANDS—OF—ANIMALS—WHILE raising $25—MILLION 1—YEAR to "protect" animals.
20070124             N KOREA Helping IRAN With Nuclear Testing - Bradblog: FRANK—LUNTZ—IS 1—LIAR
20070124             Treacherous Republican wordsmith/pollster/spinman FRANK—LUNTZ sinks to new depths in pretending to offer "advice" for THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY in 1—CONDESCENDING little screed —POSTED at Huff Po —ON—SUNDAY.
20070124             Will the politicians join us in getting rid of the corporate interests that threaten our Democracy, if they haven't destroyed it already?
20070124             BREAKING CIA LEAK CASE: Prosecutor Says Libby 'Destroyed' Cheney Note,
20070124             V.P. 'Far More Involved In Leak Case Than Previou
20070124             Attorney THEODORE—WELLS said LIBBY went to CHENEY 20030000              and complained that THE—WHITE—HOUSE was subtly blaming him for leaking PLAME—IDENTITY to columnist ROBERT—NOVAK.
20070124             "They're trying to set me up. They want me to be the sacrificial lamb," Wells said, recalling the alleged conversation between LIBBY and CHENEY.
20070124             Blackwell may be mercifully OUT—OF—OFFICE—IN—THE—BUCKEYE—STATE,but it looks as if his former constituents will continue to pay for his atrocious tenure in the SoS OFFICE—FOR—SOME—TIME to come.That,in addition to the price they are already paying,
20070124             along with THE—REST—OF—THE—COUNTRY,by suffering W who remains in office due,in no small part, to BLACKWELL—ABHORRENT MIS—ADMINISTRATION—OF—THE'04 Presidential Election.
20070124             Warned he was igniting 1—UNSUSTAINABLE asset bubble, Greenspan advised consumers to switch to adjustable mortgages right —BEFORE raising interest rates,
20070124             reports CHRIS—MARTENSON for Atlantic Free Press. And that's the least of it.
20070124             Fun, EASY—TO—UNDERSTAND graphs make it clear.
20070124             Doctors And Hospitals Pressuring Patients Without Insurance To Pay With Credit Cards
20070124             "SOME—DOCTORS and hospitals are teaming up with FINANCIAL—SERVICES—COMPANIES to market credit cards to patients,
20070124             reducing healthcare providers' dependence on bill collection + causing more LOW—AND MIDDLE—INCOME—CONSUMERS to pay interest on their medical debts," reports Christopher for THE—BOSTON—GLOBE.
20070124             Republicans Distance Themselves From Troop Surge - "SENATOR—JOHN—W—WARNER (R—VIRGINIA).
20070124             endorsed 1—NEW—RESOLUTION opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—BUILDUP—OF—TROOPS in BAGHDAD,
20070124             as even some of the most loyal Republicans scrambled to register their concerns and distance themselves from 1—UNPOPULAR policy," reports THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20070124             Liberal And Labor Organizers Unite To Hold Democrats To Their Word
20070124             "ANTI—WAR—ACTIVISTS... have already mobilized, pressuring Democrats and Republicans to denounce PRESIDENT—BUSH—TROOP boosting plan for IRAQ," reports THE—AP.
20070124             —NOW, "1—INFLUENTIAL—GROUP—OF—ORGANIZERS from labor and the liberal movement are banding together to hold Democrats in line on populist issues such as expanded health care,
20070124             trade restrictions and worker protections".
20070124             —SERVED, They, as "advocates for wounded service members who have questions or issues related to benefits,
20070124             financial resources.
20070124             all FORMS—OF—SUPPORT other than medical care".
20070124             PRESIDENT—BUSH used the word IRAQ 37—TIMES in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION last night, more than ANY—OTHER—YEAR.
20070124             He said the word "freedom" —JUST 3—TIMES, fewer than ANY—OTHER—YEAR.
20070124             (Compare word usage with this interactive graph.)
20070124             BUSH said —YESTERDAY he has a "goal of reducing USA gasoline usage by 20 % in the next 10—YEARS".
20070124             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—NOTES the fine print:
20070124             "Administration officials said that the goal is 20 % below projected annual gasoline usage,
20070124             not off —TODAY—LEVELS ," meaning "that carbon dioxide emissions from transportation fuels will drop only slightly from —TODAY—LEVELS
20070124             ; other PARTS—OF—THE—ECONOMY produce the other 2—THIRDS—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES".
20070124             "Democrats took the 1. step toward 1—WARTIME REPUDIATION—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ON—WEDNESDAY,
20070124             convening the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to approve nonbinding legislation saying 1—INCREASE in troops in IRAQ is 'not in the national interest.
20070124             '" Senators are working to combine 2—BIPARTISAN ANTI—ESCALATION—MEASURES
20070124             —JOINED, THE—HOUSE—YESTERDAY, the Senate and voted to strip pensions from lawmakers "CONVICTED—OF—CRIMES such as bribery, fraud and perjury.
20070124             "As chaos has deepened" in IRAQ, THE—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT "has been at 1—STANDSTILL".
20070124             "Nearly EVERY—SESSION—SINCE ;;11;; has been adjourned because as few as 65—MEMBERS made it to work," and officials fear "that members were losing confidence
20070124             —JUST—2—WEEKS—AFTER PRESIDENT—BUSH announced his escalation plan for IRAQ,
20070124             sectarian " violence in IRAQ—CAPITAL has spiked in recent days, even as the 1. USA and IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—MILITARY—REINFORCEMENTS have deployed into the embattled city.
20070124             UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN KI—MOON, "on his 1. overseas trip
20070124             as HEAD—OF—THE—WORLD—BODY," "will pressure SUDAN—PRESIDENT—NEXT—WEEK to speed up the peace process in Darfur,
20070124             which has been delayed by MONTHS—OF—WRANGLING over the makeup of 1—LARGER peacekeeping force".
20070124             " Pregnant polar bears in ALASKA, which spend MOST—OF—THEIR—LIVES on sea ice,
20070124             are increasingly giving birth on land, according to researchers who say global warming is probably to blame.
20070124             Looking Forward: 1—MODEL—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS for ;;01;;, 20090000
20070124             Off the Rails - THE—EMPIRE—TURNS—ITS—GUNS on the Citizenry - Whither Diversity?
20070124             - —5—YEARS—AFTER THE—FBI RAID ON RAISE THE—FIST
20070124             "THE—TIMES", /ABC poll, ; DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY
20070124             ; Financial Times, 20070102             ] - ; National Academies Press]
20070124             ; PRESIDENT—BUDGET, FY 20070000             ] - A letter to Big Brother.
20070124             —EXPECTED, Vote, by END—OF—WEEK
20070124             homeland security, says BUSH spent "less than half - to ensure maximum support.
20070124             —REPORTED, Scientists, that they had built the densest memory chip to date.
20070124             It measured about 100—MILLION—BITS per square centimeter, about 40—TIMES as much as current memory chips.
20070124             The chip was about the size of 1—WHITE—BLOOD—CELL and held about 160,000 bits.
20070124             WASHINGTON—POST, 20061027             ;, 20060614             ]
20070124             ; WASHINGTON—POST, 20061027              20070124              WASHINGTON—POST, 20061027             ;, 20060614             ]
20070124             "Vielleicht sind Katzen der Zwischenwirt für H5N1"
20070124             —BEKANNT, Es sei, dass die Pandemie der Spanischen Grippe aus dem —JAHR 19180000              auf 1—VOGELGRIPPEVIRUS zurückging, das sich in einem Wirt, wahrscheinlich in Schweinen, an Säugetiere angepasst habe, sagte ALBERT—OSTERHAUS von der ERASMUS—UNIVERSITÄT—IN—ROTTERDAM—DEM "New Scientist".
20070124             Darüber hinaus habe Frey glaubhaft machen können, "dass er wesentlich mehr als die Allgemeinheit durch Angriffe auf Leib und Leben gefährdet ist", hieß es in Begründung des Gerichts.
20070124             Auf sein Verlagsgebäude wurden 19770000              Sprengstoffanschläge verübt, 19940000              hatte das Bundeskriminalamt Hinweise auf ein geplantes Attentat durch ein ausländisches Terrorkommando.
20070124             VENEZUELA Boosts Dollar Sales By 90 %, Barroso Says : VENEZUELA has boosted daily dollar sales by as much as 90 % this —YEAR to keep up with 1—SURGE in demand for imports from local manufacturers, said MANUEL—BARROSO, whose office controls foreign exchange sales in the country.
20070124             "THE—PANAMA Deception" : Video: This film shows how THE—USA attacked PANAMA and killed 3 or 4 1000—PEOPLE in 1—INVASION that THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD was against.
20070124             —ASSASSINATED, Family says FORMER—CHILE—PRESIDENT was, under USA supported Pinochet, files suit: : THE—FAMILY—OF—FORMER—CHILEAN—PRESIDENT—EDUARDO—FREI—MONTALVA filed 1—CRIMINAL—COMPLAINT on —WEDNESDAY claiming the former leader was assassinated by poisoning 19820000           .
20070124             EU COMMITTEE—SLAMS—IRELAND—COMPLICITY in CIA "torture flights ": THE—IRELAND—GOVERNMENT is coming for more severe criticism —TODAY over THE—USE—OF—SHANNON—AIRPORT by planes involved in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—RENDITION—PROGRAMME.
20070124             —MISSED, In case you, it;
20070124             —TRIED, The postwar photographs that UK—AUTHORITIES, to keep hidden:
20070124             Research finds most support compulsory ID cards, with phone tapping, curfews and tagging for suspects
20070124             UK: 'There is no WAR—ON—TERROR': THE—DIRECTOR—OF—PUBLIC—PROSECUTIONS, SIR—KEN—MACDONALD, put himself at odds with the home SECRETARY—AND—DOWNING—STREET last night by denying that BRITAIN is caught up in a "WAR—ON—TERROR" and calling for a "culture of legislative restraint" in passing laws to deal with terrorism.
20070124             'I was set up by WHITE—HOUSE to shield aide': 1—KEY—AIDE to VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY was "set up" by THE—WHITE—HOUSE over the leaking of 1—CIA—OPERATIVE'S—IDENTITY as 1—WAY—OF protecting PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH—CHIEF—ADVISER, 1—COURT heard —YESTERDAY.
20070124             Senate Republicans block minimum wage hike : Senate Republicans on —WEDNESDAY blocked 1—DEMOCRATIC—BILL to increase the federal minimum wage for the 1. time in 1—DECADE, demanding it 1. include SMALL—BUSINESS—TAX—RELIEF.
20070124             Senate Panel Votes Against Bush on IRAQ : THE—DEMOCRATIC—CONTROLLED Senate Foreign Relations COMMITTEE—DISMISSED—PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLANS to increase troops strength in IRAQ on —WEDNESDAY as ``not in the national interest,'' 1—UNUSUAL wartime REPUDIATION—OF—THE—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF.
20070124             JAPAN MINISTER: IRAQ war 1—MISTAKE : JAPAN—DEFENCE—MINISTER has called THE—USA—WAR—ON—IRAQ a "mistake" and said he never supported it.
20070124             War pimp alert: USA seeks change in IRAN ties with IRAQ—AMBASSADOR : THE—USA will present EVIDENCE—OF—IRAN—AGENTS' hostile activities in IRAQ soon and hopes arrests of Iranians will push TEHRAN to change its diplomatic ties with IRAQ, THE—USA—AMBASSADOR said on —WEDNESDAY.
20070124             War pimp alert: ISRAEL faces nuclear Holocaust warns Gingrich: Gingrich, who addressed the conference via satellite from THE—USA, said he thought ISRAEL—EXISTENCE was under threat again for the 1. time in 40—YEARS.
20070124             Manufacturing consent for war :
20070124             USA warns IRAN to back down : "THE—MIDDLE—EAST isn't 1—REGION to be dominated by IRAN. THE—GULF isn't 1—BODY—OF—WATER to be controlled by IRAN. That's why we've seen THE—USA—STATION 2—CARRIER battle groups in the region," Burns said in 1—ADDRESS to THE—DUBAI—BASED Gulf Research Center, 1—INFLUENTIAL—THINK—TANK.
20070124             BELARUS, IRAN sign memorandum of understanding on defense : 1—MEMORANDUM of understanding on defense cooperation was signed between BELARUS and IRAN —DURING 1—VISIT by THE—EX—SOVIET nation's defense MINISTER—TO—THE—ISLAMIC—REPUBLIC, the Belarusian ministry's press service said —WEDNESDAY.
20070124             RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER bristles at USA—MISSILE—DEFENSE—PLANS : RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—ON—WEDNESDAY harshly criticized USA—PLANS to deploy missile defense sites in CENTRAL—EUROPE, saying that MOSCOW doesn't trust USA—CLAIMS that they are intended to counter missile threats posed by IRAN and NORTH—KOREA.
20070124             Big Oil, Big Brother Win Big in THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION - There was that tongue again.
20070124             —WHEN THE—PRESIDENT lies he's got this weird nervous tick: He sticks the tip of his tongue out between his lips.
20070124             But it wasn't all RAT—LICKING lies.
20070124             Your Local Police Force Has Been Militarized
20070124             —LAST—YEAR did you read in your newspaper or hear on TV news of 110—HOSTAGE or terrorist events EACH—DAY?
20070124             Hey, Gang of 500 - FOX—NEWS is Not 1—REAL—NEWS—OUTLET
20070124             End Corporate Control Over Our MEDIA—BY SENATOR—BERNIE—SANDERS:
20070124             Audio and transcript - Chalmers Johnson: "THE—LAST—DAYS—OF—THE—AMERICAN—REPUBLIC.
20070124             " Video Interview and Transcript - That's 1—ASTONISHING figure.
20070124             Its also amazing to see that perhaps, 20,000 insurgents in IRAQ have fought to 1—STANDSTILL 130,000—OF—THE—MOST—HIGHLY trained, heavily equipped troops on earth.
20070124             THE—DEMOCRATIC—CONTROLLED Senate Foreign Relations COMMITTEE—DISMISSED—BUSH—PLANS to increase troops strength in IRAQ on —WEDNESDAY as "not in the national interest," 1—UNUSUAL wartime REPUDIATION—OF—THE—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF.
20070124             At the Same Point in His Presidency, BILL—CLINTON—SPOKE—OF—1—STATE—OF—THE—UNION that Actually WAS Strong -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20070124             Libby Trial Update: ARI—FLEISCHER—PLEADED—THE 5. and Then Got Immunity from Prosecution in Exchange for Cooperating with FITZGERALD—PROBE 1/25
20070124             He rips Bush 1—NEW 1: "THE—PRESIDENT took us into this war recklessly," the Democrats' chosen messenger, SENATOR—JIM—WEBB—OF—VIRGINIA, said in response to BUSH—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS —TUESDAY—EVENING.
20070124             "We are —NOW, as 1—NATION, held hostage to the predictable ?
20070124             and predicted ? disarray that has followed".
20070124             They violate the 1. Amendment by opening mail, caging demonstrators and banning books like "AMERICAN—DECEIVED" from Amazon.
20070124             Last link (unless Google Books caves to the gov't and drops the title): AMERICAN—DECEIVED (book)#—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS :
20070124             1—NATION, under Choice Point GREG—PALAST has 1—IMPORTANT—RESPONSE to THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH: 1., there was the announcement the regime will, "give employers the tools to verify the legal status of their workers".
20070124             The biggest purveyor of such hit lists is Choice Point, INCORPORATED — those characters who, —BEFORE 20000000             —THE election, helped Jeb Bush purge innocent voters as "felons" from FLORIDA voter rolls.
20070124             Vergewaltigungsvorwürfe: Israels PRÄSIDENT pokert mit Rückzug auf Raten
20070124             Katastrophenschutz in NEW—YORK: Warten auf die Apokalypse
20070124             Bestechungsskandal: STAATSANWALT ermittelt in GEZ—AFFÄRE gegen Versicherer
20070124             "HE COMES FROM ODESSA. AND THIS MEANS..".
20070124             - MIKHAIL GOLD -... as among those greeting the crew were ODESSA—HEADS—GENERAL von Allen and SS sturmbannfuehrer FRIEDRICH—SCHWEND (1—NAZI treasurer in Latin AMERICA).
20070124             IWG—RECORDS—OF—THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY (RG 263 -Finally, Barbie (like Mengele), had SOME—CONTACT in SOUTH—AMERICA with Friedrich (Federico) Schwend.
20070124             —SPECIALIZED, Schwend had, —WWII—DURING in.
20070124             Agiliteiros_com Nosso objetivo é ajudar donos de cães barulhentos a melhorar a situação por meio de gerenciamento do problema, compreendendo por que o cão está fazendo...
20070124             Bordellskandal bei GEZ: STAATSANWALT ermittelt auch gegen Versicherer
20070124             Drohende Anklage: Israels PRÄSIDENT—KATSAV lässt Amt nach Vergewaltigungsvorwürfen ruhen
20070124             Bestechungsverdacht: Ermittler durchsuchen Wohnung von AMB—GENERALI- CHEF
20070124             CHINA: Schreiender Junge erschreckt Hühner buchstäblich zu Tode - Fall Kurnaz: Verwirrung um USA—ANGEBOT
20070124             The —SUNDAY Times (UK) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search The —SUNDAY Times
20070124             The current front page layout of The —SUNDAY TIMES—TYPE—WEEKLY—NEWSPAPER
20070124             All the papers lead with THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, where PRESIDENT—BUSH urged bipartisan support for, what THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—CALLS, "1—MODEST—AGENDA" on domestic issues and asked lawmakers to give his new plan for IRAQ 1—CHANCE to work.
20070124             USA—TODAY says Bush spent "less than half " of his speech talking about domestic policy issues, mainly education, energy, tax breaks (or increases) for health insurance + immigration.
20070124             All the papers note the changes on Capitol Hill were evident last night from THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—ADDRESS—WHEN THE—PRESIDENT—CONGRATULATED—THE—DEMOCRATS and noted he had the "high privilege and distinct honor... as the 1. PRESIDENT to begin THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—MESSAGE with these words: 'Madam Speaker.'"
20070124             —OPPOSED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST—NOTES that as, to RONALD—REAGAN and BILL—CLINTON, both of whom admitted mistakes —WHEN they faced 1—CONGRESS where their parties had lost in midterm elections, Bush "appeared unchastened last night and took no responsibility for his party's defeat or errors in office".
20070124             —LIMITED, As THE—NYT notes, lthe address "was, in ambition and political punch at home".
20070124             —AFTER MONTHS—OF—SPECULATION, MISTER—S—CLINTON—FORMAL—STEP into 20080000             —THE Presidential race has drastically and —IMMEDIATELY changed the political lives of all the candidates seeking to extract cash from NEW—YORK and other DONOR—HEAVY locales.
20070124             ISRAEL to Indict PRESIDENT—ON—SEX—CHARGES—MOSHE Katsav will be indicted on charges of rape and other sexual offenses, in the most serious criminal case involving 1—SENIOR—ISRAEL—OFFICIAL.
20070124             Nearly EVERY—SESSION—OF—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT—SINCE November has been adjourned because of low attendance
20070124             Special prosecutor fires off LIBBY—CIA trial OPENING—USATODAY_com
20070124             "This is not 1—CASE about bad memory, this is not 1—CASE about forgetfulness," Fitzgerald said.
20070124             - BG—UNCLAIMED TERRITORY—BY GLENN—GREENWALD: Investigating, rather than reciting, Bush claims re: IRAN
20070124             ARI—FLEISCHER—IMMUNITY—DEALS—IN the eye of the tiger
20070124             ARI—CASE, he left THE—WH —BEFORE he took the 5., but the question remains: Was 1—OF—THE—REASONS he left because he knew he was going to have to take the 5. and in doing so,place THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION in 1—UNTENABLE—POLITICAL—POSITION?
20070124             And guess what else? Legal papers filed in the case seemingly indicate that at least 1—OTHER—PREVIOUS or current administration official like Ari... Source:
20070124             UK—2. biggest —EVENING paper has full page on '20010911              was 1—INSIDE—JOB'
20070124             I'm going to make that my signature. He has a... Source:
20070124             " BREAKING: Libby Destroyed Evidence —PRIOR—TO Testifying, Cheney Deeply INVOLVED—BG
20070124             "If we don't come to grips with THE—DEAD—END—OF—THE—NUCLEAR—DOUBLE—STANDARD," reports ALEXANDER—ZAITCHIK for AlterNet, "and begin soon the brave and historic grapple with the nuclear genie, we race toward 1—CLIMAX as awful as it is certain. The writing -- and the clock -- is on the wall".
20070124             WASHINGTON—HUMAN—CAUSED global warming is HERE—VISIBLE in the air, water and melting ICE—AND is destined to get much worse in the future, 1—AUTHORITATIVE global scientific report will warn —WHEN it's released next —MONTH.
20070124             "The smoking gun is definitely lying on the table...," said top USA—CLIMATE—SCIENTIST—JERRY—MAHLMAN, who reviewed all 1,600 pages of the 1. segmenta 4—PART—REPORT.
20070124             "THE—73—YEAR—OLD—COLOMBIA—ARTIST spent 14—MONTHS painting 1—SERIES—OF—80—DRAWINGS and paintings that depict pain, degradation and torture -- all in the style of his more popular work," reports THE—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE.
20070124             Bush Declared —SUNDAY "Sanctity Of Human Life" —DAY - "I swear, I'm not making this up," says our own BOB—GEIGER.
20070124             "IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI had 1—SURPRISE for PRESIDENT—BUSH—WHEN they sat down with their aides in THE—4—SEASONS—HOTEL in AMMAN, JORDAN," reports THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20070124             "Firing up 1—POWERPOINT presentation, Maliki and his national security adviser proposed that USA—TROOPS withdraw to the outskirts of BAGHDAD and let Iraqis take over security in THE—STRIFE—TORN capital".
20070124             "At most, the Bush plan might induce SOME—OF—THOSE [without insurance to buy it], —WHILE in the process -- whaddya know -- giving MANY—OTHER—HIGH—INCOME—INDIVIDUALS yet another tax break," writes PAUL—KRUGMAN—OF—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20070124             "—WHILE proposing this HIGH—END—TAX—BREAK, MISTER—BUSH is also proposing 1—TAX—INCREASE -- not on the wealthy, but on workers who, he thinks, have too much health insurance".
20070124             IRAQ, USA Has Never Let Its Eye Stray From THE—PRIZE: Oil
20070124             Don't You Love THE—SMELL—OF—PROPAGANDA In THE—MORNING?
20070124             Minimum Wage Front And Center In Senate
20070124             What Our Actions Teach Our CHILDREN—WHEN adults say do as I say, not as I do.
20070124             THE—BACKDOOR—DRAFT—OUR son in AFGHANISTAN worries that he may be sent to IRAQ next -- —AFTER already serving 1—TOUR there.
20070124             Quaking Bunny In THE—NEWS—EVEN nice people say, "1—EYE for 1—EYE".
20070124             Yet Another Generation Grows Up In THE—SHADOW—OF—1—MUSHROOM—CLOUD
20070124             Considering THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—1.—STRIKE nuclear policy coupled with its reckless disregard for the global consequences of its ideological juggernaut, USA—CHILDREN are no less likely to grow up in the shadow of 1—MUSHROOM cloud than were their parents and grandparents.
20070124             Pillow talk showing Bush is 1—PUPPET for the warmongers selling us all down the river.
20070124             EARLY—CIA—INVOLVEMENT In Darfur Has Gone Unreported
20070124             —WHILE there is great sorrow and indignation over the suffering and LOSS—OF—LIFE in THE—SUDAN, early USA—INVOLVEMENT in the war goes unmentioned.
20070124             BUSH By THE—NUMBERS
20070124             WHO WILL—SAVE—USA—FROM—WAR—WITH—IRAN?
20070124             THE—APPEAL—FOR Redress From THE—WAR—IN—IRAQ
20070124             MEMBERS—OF—THE—ARMED—FORCES should be aware that they have 1—LEGITIMATE—RIGHT through the Appeal for Redress mechanism to register their opposition to the war in IRAQ, as well as the right in general to criticize the war, so long as they follow military protocol.
20070124             5—FORMER—CIA—DIRECTORS are identified as directly involved in election engineering,overtly or covertly: JOHN—DEUTCH, R. JameWoolsey, BOBBY—RAY—INMAN,ROBERT—GATES,and GEORGE—HW—BUSH.Investigative journalist,Lynn Landes,reports that SAIC, a "behemoth military defense contractor with 1—SHADOWY, if not tarnished reputation,"which maintains strong business ties to the military and intelligence communities.
20070124             Congress Should Order Bush Not To Increase Troop Levels In IRAQ, Not Merely Send Him 1—POWERLESS, NON—BINDING Message
20070124             In the new bill, "THE—SAFE and Orderly Withdrawal Act," THE—USA would begin the safe and orderly withdrawal of all USA—TROOPS from IRAQ within 30—DAYS—OF—ENACTMENT to be completed within 180—DAYS.
20070124             IS AMERICAN—NOW Totally Immoral?
20070124             This isn't about 20010911              or protection from terrorist attacks.
20070124             NO—WAY IN -- NO WAY OUT...
20070124             Americans who cherish freedom would do well to stop stumbling —AROUND in the trees and forests of the illegal immigration debate and see that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is well on its way to closing the borders of the entire nation, not only to people trying to get in, but to citizens trying to get out.
20070124             THE—DUMP, 1—SOLDIER—CALLED—NAME + Butterfly Wings: Changing THE—COURSE
20070124             —FLAPPED, Had the butterfly not, its wings, THE—TRAJECTORY—OF—THE—SYSTEM might have been vastly different.
20070124             1—TIMELY—ANTI—WAR—EFFORT—SUPPORT—THE—OCCUPATION—PROJECT—HELP—IRAQ—VETERANS and their famliies find 1—PLACE to stay in DC —WHILE challenging the war.
20070124             1—DOZEN—INDEPENDENTS and minor party legislators defeated the combined forces of the Democrat and Republican parties to gain public office
20070124             OBAMA: THE—DEMOCRATIC—MESSIAH?
20070124             Obama says "AMERICA is 1—LAND—OF—BIG dreamers and big hopes".
20070124             Then please tell us soon what are YOUR big dreams and big hopes hopes for AMERICA and be specific.
20070124             WHAT Did Bush Tell Pelosi And Reid?
20070124             —AS—IN the old Beatles song; "Happiness is 1—WARM—GUN", Bush "has his finger on your trigger, he knows nobody can do him no harm".
20070124             THE—CORPORATE—MEDIA And HUGO—CHAVEZ I certainly don't trust the corporate media as 1—OBJECTIVE—SOURCE, re: official USA—ENEMIES.
20070124             HOW We Can End THE—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ
20070124             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH deflects criticism of his war plans by claiming that his critics have no plans of their own.
20070124             Biotech Solutions To Factory Farming Not What Activists Had In MIND—NEW—ANIMAL—PRODUCTION—METHODS—LINE the pockets of private industry and do nothing to reduce suffering.
20070124             Hunger On 48. AVENUE—NEEDY need not apply to S—FRANCISCO -- or ANY—MAJOR—USA—CITY.
20070124             NOTICE To: My Surveillance Officer 1—LETTER to Big Brother.
20070124             Laying To Rest Fraudulent Fraud Rumors Damaging To Election Integrity Rumors still swirl —AROUND THE—INTERNET that the wrong winners were picked in both THE—FL 13's and NC 08's congressional races.
20070124             If I could give ANY—ADVICE to the public on what to believe about IRAN and its weapons programs, it would be to trust only what you hear coming from THE—UN and UN agencies like THE—IAEA.
20070124             —LABORED, Always Suited In Black Unlike Benito Juarez who, to protect THE—RIGHTS—OF—PEOPLE, ALBERTO—GONZALEZ labors instead to take away THE—RIGHTS—OF—OTHERS.
20070124             BUSH To Bull Past Skepticism And Opposition On IRAQ
20070124             How To Cope With THE—BUSH ites' "Who Lost IRAQ?" Game - Chickens are coming home to roost.
20070124             THE—IRAQ War Is Entirely My DOING—I'M still paying 1—MERE 15—CENTS per cup of gasoline.
20070124             Note also that the price quote for the Diebold AccuVote Scanner here is $4500, which is $2000—LESS than the quote for the same machine in Londonderry (NH) and Marlborough (MA).
20070124             Click.TV, 1—WEB—VIDEO—TECHNOLOGY—COMPANY, has synchronized our rapid response with the complete VIDEO—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—SPEECH.
20070124             He said that Bush "recklessly" took the country into war with IRAQ, ignored the advice of his top advisers + is —NOW holding the nation hostage in the war's "predictable — and predicted — disarray".
20070124             Like THEODORE—ROOSEVELT, Bush —NOW needs to take the "right kind of action" for "THE—BENEFIT—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE".
20070124             —CONCLUDED, Webb, if Bush chooses 1—NEW—DIRECTION, "we will join him. If he does not, we will be showing him the way".
20070124             He disregarded warnings from the national security adviser —DURING the 1. Gulf War, THE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—OF—THE—ARMY, 2—FORMER commanding GENERALS—OF—THE—CENTRAL—COMMAND, whose jurisdiction includes IRAQ, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—OPERATIONS on the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF + many, MANY—OTHERS with great integrity and long experience in national security affairs.
20070124             We are —NOW, as 1—NATION, held hostage to the predictable — and predicted — disarray that has followed.
20070124             —ON both of these vital issues, our economy and our national security, it falls upon THOSE—OF—USA in elected office to take action.
20070124             As I look at IRAQ, I recall the words of former general and SOON—TO—BE PRESIDENT—DWIGHT—EISENHOWER —DURING the dark DAYS—OF—THE—KOREAN—WAR, which had fallen into 1—BLOODY stalemate.
20070124             "—WHEN comes the end?" asked THE—GENERAL who had commanded our forces in EUROPE —WWII—DURING. And as soon as he became PRESIDENT, he brought the Korean War to 1—END.
20070124             Tonight we are calling on this PRESIDENT to take similar action, in both areas.
20070124             Thank you for listening. And God bless AMERICA.
20070124             Congressional fashion, fair and balanced.
20070124             "FOX NEWS—BRIAN—WILSON —JUST informed us that the
20070124             major color tonight among the lady's outfits this SOTU is purple ('I'm seeing 1—LOT—OF—PURPLE').
20070124             —CHIMED, Brit Hume then, in to say that Pelosi had intended to wear 1—DIFFERENT jacket (he asked her about this —EARLIER—TODAY), but then spilled chocolate on it, hence THE—SEA—FOAM green jacket.
20070124             No news on the fellas' outfits".
20070124             Bush said: "We hear the call to take on THE—CHALLENGES—OF—HUNGER, poverty + DISEASE—AND that is precisely what AMERICA is doing.... I ask that you fund the —MILLENNIUM Challenge Account, so that USA—AID—REACHES the people who need it, in nations where democracy is on the rise and corruption is in retreat".
20070124             FACT — —MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE PROGRAM WILL SOON BE BANKRUPT: "PRESIDENT—BUSH—SIGNATURE FOREIGN—ASSISTANCE—PROGRAM is likely to run OUT—OF—MONEY this —YEAR, leaving in the lurch several poor countries that have labored to meet its strict eligibility standards, according to aid officials.
20070124             SOTU: BUSH—AIDS—POLICY—IS 'Basically Unworkable'
20070124             Bush said: "We must continue to fight HIV/AIDS, especially on the continent of AFRICA — and because you funded our Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE receiving LIFE—SAVING drugs has grown from 50,000 to more than 800,000 in 3—SHORT—YEARS. I ask you to continue funding our efforts to fight HIV/AIDS".
20070124             FACT — BUSH POLICY HAS LED TO SHORTAGE—OF—CONDOMS: THE—UNITED—NATIONS and 1—NUMBER—OF advocacy groups for AIDS patients have charged that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY had led to 1—SHORTAGE—OF condoms in UGANDA, increasing THE—RISK—OF—INFECTION for MANY—PEOPLE, particularly oo women and adolescents". Jodi Jacobson, executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CENTER for Health and Gender Equity in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, said that "there has been 1—DANGEROUS and profound shift in USA donor policy from comprehensive prevention, education and provision of condoms to focus on abstinence only".
20070124             [NEW—YORK—TIMES, SOTU: Bush /Lieberman Terrorism Working Group Lacks Congressional Support
20070124             Bush said: "I propose to establish 1—SPECIAL—ADVISORY—COUNCIL on THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, made UP—OF—LEADERS in Congress from both political parties. We will share ideas for how to position AMERICA to meet EVERY—CHALLENGE that confronts us. And we will show our enemies abroad that we are united in THE—GOAL—OF—VICTORY".
20070124             SOTU: Bush Stands In Isolation On Escalation Plan
20070124             Top military leaders, including FORMER—GENERAL—COLIN—POWELL, the current Joint Chiefs + GENERAL—JOHN—ABIZAID, have expressed their opposition to putting more USA—TROOPS on the ground.
20070124             NEWSWEEK, 20070120             ; OFFICE—OF—SPEAKER—NANCY—PELOSI (D—CA);
20070124             SOTU: Escalation Has Been Tried And Failed
20070124             FACT — ESCALATION HAS BEEN 1—FAILURE: —DURING the last 6—MONTHS, THE—USA has increased — or "surged" — THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—TROOPS in BAGHDAD by 12,000, yet the violence and deaths of Americans and Iraqis has climbed alarmingly, averaging 960 1—WEEK—SINCE the latest troop increase.
20070124             —ANNOUNCED, This past —SUMMER, Bush, 1—MAJOR—EFFORT to secure BAGHDAD, stating at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE that THOUSANDS—OF—USA—LED coalition troops would be moved into the city.
20070124             —INTENSIFIED, Violence, —THROUGHOUT the country + USA—DEATHS in IRAQ spiked.
20070124             SOTU: BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Has Pushed Stability Over Democracy
20070124             Bush said: "Free people are not drawn to violent and malignant ideologies — and most will choose 1—BETTER—WAY—WHEN they are given 1—CHANCE. So we advance our own security interests by helping moderates, reformers + brave voices for democracy".
20070124             "It was clear that THE—USA—  facing chaos in IRAQ, rising IRAN—INFLUENCE and the destabilizing ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT — had decided that stability, not democracy, was its priority, EGYPT—POLITICAL—COMMENTATORS, political aides and human rights advocates said".
20070124             [NYTimes, SOTU: For The 1. Time, Bush Mentions Climate Change In THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION
20070124             THE—ENERGY—DEPARTMENT—LATEST—ANALYSIS—PROJECTS—AMERICA—CARBON dioxide emissions will increase by 1 3. 20050000—20300000    —FROM—TO.
20070124             [DOE; SustainableBusiness]
20070124             FACT — BUSH STILL DENIES FUNDAMENTAL CLIMATE SCIENCE: Last February, PRESIDENT—BUSH claimed there is still "1—DEBATE over whether [global warming] is MAN—MADE or naturally caused".
20070124             Most —RECENTLY, the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES has unequivocally stated that natural causes cannot explain the unprecedented warmth over the last 400—YEARS.
20070124             Rather, "human activities are responsible for much of the recent warming," the report states.
20070124             [ThinkProgress; National Academies Press]
20070124             FACT — BUSH PROMISED TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES —LAST—YEAR, DIDN'T DELIVER: At —LAST—YEAR—STATE—OF—THE—UNION, PRESIDENT—BUSH said the "best way to break this addiction [to oil] is through technology".
20070124             [STATE—OF—THE—UNION,20060131             ;
20070124             PRESIDENT—BUDGET, FY 20070000             ]
20070124             FACT — EMPHASIS ON TECHNOLOGY IS STANDARD RIGHT—WING TALKING POINT: Influential conservative political consultant and wordsmith FRANK—LUNTZ has advised politicians to point to THE—PROMISE—OF—TECHNOLOGY in order to delay implementation of mandatory cuts in global warming pollution.
20070124             [Luntz Environment Memo] - SOTU: USA Foreign Oil Dependence Has Increased Under Bush
20070124             Bush said: "For too long our nation has been dependent on foreign oil. And this dependence leaves us more vulnerable to hostile regimes + to terrorists who could cause huge DISRUPTIONS—OF—OIL—SHIPMENTS...raise THE—PRICE—OF—OIL...and do great harm to our economy".
20070124             FACT — DESPITE PAST RHETORIC, FOREIGN OIL DEPENDENCE HAS INCREASED: PRESIDENT—BUSH has pledged to reduce our energy dependence in EVERY—STATE—OF—THE—UNION he has delivered —SINCE taking office.
20070124             USA—DEPENDENCE on OPEC nations for oil imports "has risen to its highest level in 15—YEARS".
20070124             —BY focusing on expanding domestic exploration, he perpetuates our dependence on oil.
20070124             And in all we do, we must remember that the best health care decisions are made not by government and insurance companies, but by patients and their doctors".
20070124             FACT — HSAs DO NOT OFFER MEANINGFUL SAVINGS FOR AMERICANS: "LOW—AND MIDDLE—INCOME uninsured people will gain meager or no tax savings" from health savings accounts, according to 1—COMMONWEALTH—FUND—STUDY.
20070124             —UNINSURED, Roughly 50 % of, adults pay no federal income taxes, meaning that "tax incentives for HIGH—DEDUCTIBLE—HEALTH—PLANS would have little impact on uninsured adults".
20070124             [Commonwealth Fund, SOTU: Bush Health Care Plan WILL—CUT—FUNDING—FOR—HOSPITALS
20070124             I have asked THE—SECRETARY—OF—HEALTH and Human Services to work with Congress to take existing Federal funds and use them to create 'Affordable Choices' grants".
20070124             It will instead "redirect SOME—OF—THE $30—BILLION the government spends annually to care for people without health insurance who show up at hospitals and emergency rooms.
20070124             Bush said: "1., I propose 1—STANDARD—TAX—DEDUCTION for health insurance that will be like the standard tax deduction for dependents.... [F]or THE—MILLIONS—OF—OTHER—AMERICANS who have no health insurance at all, this deduction would help put 1—BASIC—PRIVATE—HEALTH—INSURANCE—PLAN within their reach. Changing the tax code is 1—VITAL and necessary step to making health care affordable for more Americans".
20070124             FACT — MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS—WILL—BE—UNABLE—TO—AFFORD—EXPENSIVE—INDIVIDUAL—PLANS: Karen Pollitz, 1—GEORGETOWN—UNIVERSITY—RESEARCHER who CO—AUTHORED a 20010000              study on the individual HEALTH—INSURANCE—MARKET for the Kaiser Family Foundation, found that people who aren't in perfect health are largely unable to buy individual health insurance.
20070124             In her study, Pollitz found that "roughly 90—PERCENT—OF—APPLICANTS in what's known as LESS—THAN—PERFECT—HEALTH were unable to buy individual policies at standard rates, —WHILE 37% were rejected outright".
20070124             —BASED, Individual health insurers may deny coverage to people, on their medial history, or put them in "1—HIGH—RISK—CATEGORY that it makes health coverage too expensive".
20070124             1—DER—ORGANISATOREN—DES—WATERGATE—EINBRUCHS, HOWARD—HUNT, ist am —DIENSTAG im Alter von 88—JAHREN gestorben.
20070124             Hunt war SOLDAT—WÄHREND—DES 2. Weltkriegs, MITARBEITER—DES—USA—GEHEIMDIENSTES—CIA, Organisator eines Staatsstreichs in GUATEMALA und der gescheiterten Invasion in der Schweinebucht auf Kuba, aber auch AUTOR—VON mehr als 80—BÜCHERN, bei denen es sich oft um Spionagegeschichten handelte.
20070124             Warum kennen Tiere keinen Herzinfarkt ? Mythos oder Wahrheit? Teil 2
20070124             DOCTOR—BILLA—HOFMANN—DAS CODEX—KOMITEE wurde 19620000              von der WHO und UN gegründet, um das Lebensmittelrecht und die Sicherheitsstandards in den Ländern einander anzugleichen, die GESUNDHEIT—DER—VERBRAUCHER zu schützen und für redliche Praktiken im internationalen Nahrungsmittelhandel zu sorgen.
20070124             In den Geltungsbereich fallen also Nahrungsergänzungsmittel aus Vitaminen und/oder.
20070124             Bush asks for 'a chance' on IRAQ—PRESIDENT—BUSH urges AMERICA to give his new IRAQ strategy "1—CHANCE to work" in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS.
20070124             ISRAEL—PRESIDENT 'will not quit' ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—KATSAV is not planning to step down, despite moves to charge him with rape, his lawyers say.
20070124             Watergate plotter Hunt dies at 88—HOWARD—HUNT, THE—CIA man who helped plan the Watergate BREAK—IN that led to NIXON—DOWNFALL, dies aged 88.
20070124             UK economy powers ahead THE—UK—ECONOMY grew at its fastest pace in 2—AND—A—HALF—YEARS, topping forecasts, official figures show.
20070124             —BLAMED, Drilling, for Java mud leak 1—MUD flow that has displaced THOUSANDS—OF—INDONESIANS was most probably caused by gas drilling, scientists say.
20070124             JAPAN schools to rethink beating JAPAN schools should rethink 1—BAN on corporal punishment, 1—GOVERNMENT—BACKED panel urges.
20070124             CHINA net use set to surpass USA—CHINA could have more INTERNET users than THE—USA—WITHIN 2—YEARS' time, the country's state media reports.
20070124             Morales reshapes BOLIVIA cabinet BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES replaces nearly HALF—OF—HIS—CABINET - 1—DAY—AFTER marking 1—YEAR in office.
20070124             Hopes revive for N KOREA talks NORTH—KOREA has shown 'flexibility' —DURING recent meetings on its nuclear ambitions, the South says.
20070124             Green agenda for global leaders Global warming and the 2. web revolution are uppermost as the World Economic Forum starts.
20070124             EU states 'KNEW—OF—CIA—FLIGHTS' 1—COMMITTEE—OF—MEPS approves 1—REPORT saying EU states knew of secret CIA flights over EUROPE.
20070124             —RAPPED, Tigers, over child soldiers Human Rights Watch calls on Tamil Tiger rebels and 1—BREAKAWAY faction in SRI—LANKA to stop recruiting children.
20070124             INDIA—ECONOMY 'to overtake UK' INDIA could overtake BRITAIN and have the world's 5. largest economy within 1—DECADE, 1—REPORT says.
20070124             INTERNET privacy advocates hail presidential contender Hillary Clinton for proposing drastic REFORMS—OF—USA—PRIVACY—LAWS.
20070124             Bush pushes energy regulations, ethanol PRESIDENT—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS—CALLS for renewable energy and higher fuel standards for cars.
20070124             But THE—IRAQ war was on everyone's mind.
20070124             Solution to energy conundrum may be CO2 Idea of turning the CO2 waste product from coal into 1—LIQUID or 1—SOLID and storing it underground gains 1—FOLLOWING.
20070124             Does Sprawl Make Us Fat?
20070124             "1—SCIENCE—NEWS—ARTICLE—TALKS about the relationship between city design and health. New CROSS—DISCIPLINARY—RESEARCH is exploring whether urban sprawl makes us soft, or whether people who don't like to exercise move to the sprawling suburbs, or SOME—COMBINATION—OF both".
20070124             "So far, the dozen strong studies that have probed the relationships among the urban environment, people's activity + obesity have all agreed, says Ewing. 'Sprawling places have heavier people... There is EVIDENCE—OF—1—ASSOCIATION between the built environment and obesity.'... However, UNIVERSITY—OF—TORONTO economist MATTHEW—TURNER charges that 'a LOT—OF—PEOPLE out there don't like urban sprawl + those people are trying to hijack the obesity epidemic to further THE—SMART—GROWTH—AGENDA [and] change how cities look.'... 'We're the only ones that have tried to distinguish between causation and sorting... and we find that it's sorting,' [says Turner]. 'The available facts do not support the conclusion that sprawling neighborhoods cause weight gain.'"
20070124             —FROM THE—BALTIMORE Chronicle and Sentinel commentary: "—WHILE GONZALES—STATEMENT has 1—MEASURE—OF quibbling precision to it, his logic is troubling because it would suggest that MANY—OTHER—FUNDAMENTAL—RIGHTS that Americans hold dear (such as free speech, FREEDOM—OF—RELIGION + the right to assemble peacefully) also don't exist because the Constitution often spells out those rights in the negative. It boggles the mind the lengths this administration will go to to systematically erode the rights and privileges we have all counted on and held up as the granite pillars of our society —SINCE our nation was founded".
20070124             THE—REPLACEMENT—FOR the Battery?
20070124             "Great article in Technology Review, bordering on 'too good to be true,' about 1—SMALL—COMPANY in TEXAS that is developing the replacement for the electrochemical battery. The device is 1—KIND—OF—HYBRID—BATTERY—ULTRACAPACITOR based on BARIUM—TITANATE powders. Quoting: 'The company boldly claims that its system... will dramatically outperform the best LITHIUM—ION batteries on the market in TERMS—OF—ENERGY—DENSITY, price, charge time + safety... The implications are enormous and, for many, unbelievable. Such 1—BREAKTHROUGH has the potential to radically transform 1—TRANSPORTATION—SECTOR already flirting with 1—ELECTRIC—RENAISSANCE.'"
20070124             —ON Track Innovations Downgrade
20070124             RATING—UPDATE: MEMPHIS (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten von MORGAN—KEEGAN nehmen für die Aktie von On Track Innovations (ISIN IL0010834682/WKN 924895) 1—DOWNGRADE—VON "outperform" auf "market perform" vor.
20070124             (20070124             /ac/a/u)
20070124             Culture WARS—BG Spotted from 1—POST at BreakForNews.
20070124             For those individuals and cultures that cannot join or compete with our information empire, there is only inevitable failure (of note, THE—INTERNET is to THE—TECHNO—CAPABLE disaffected what THE—UNITED—NATIONS is to marginal states: it offers THE—ILLUSION—OF—EMPOWERMENT and community).
20070124             The attempt of THE—IRAN—MULLAHS to secede from modernity has failed, although 1 turbaned corpse still stumbles about the neighborhood.
20070124             propaganda.html">AGIT—PROPAGANDA—BG If you've ever wondered how AGIT—PROPAGANDA—WORKS, you might take 1—LOOK at the latest case study from THE—REVEREND—SUN—MYUNG—MOON—MEDIA empire.
20070124             The surveys have all SORTS—OF—EYE—POPPING numbers:
20070124             According to THE—WASHINGTON—POST /ABC poll, 51—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS strongly DISAPPROVE—OF—BUSH—PERFORMANCE.
20070124             THE—WALL—STREET, Journal /NBC poll, 65—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS say they want USA—TROOPS out of IRAQ in the next —YEAR.
20070124             HUMAN—CAUSED global warming is here -- visible in the air, water and melting ice - + is destined to get much worse in the future, 1—AUTHORITATIVE global scientific report will warn next —WEEK.
20070124             —MOCKED, CAIRO—EGYPT (AP) - AL—QAIDA—DEPUTY—LEADER, PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send 21,000 more troops to IRAQ, challenging him to send "the entire army," according to 1—NEW—AL—QAIDA videotape released —MONDAY by 1—USA.
20070124             - Opposition Protesters Paralyze LEBANON
20070124             'In countries such as THE—USA, whose economies are commonly, though inaccurately, described as "capitalist" or "FREE—MARKET,"
20070124             war and preparation for war systematically corrupt both parties to THE—STATE—PRIVATE—TRANSACTIONS by which the government obtains the bulk of its military goods and services.
20070124             'Moreover, MILITARY—ECONOMIC—FASCISM, by empowering + enriching wealthy, intelligent + influential MEMBERS—OF—THE—PUBLIC, removes them from THE—RANKS—OF—POTENTIAL opponents + RESISTERS—OF—THE—STATE + thereby helps to perpetuate the state's existence and its intrinsic class EXPLOITATION—OF—PEOPLE outside the state.
20070124             'UK—POLICE colluded with paramilitaries behind at least 10—MURDERS in NORTH—IRELAND in the 1990s, 1—DAMNING report said, triggering outrage in DUBLIN and BELFAST and remorse in LONDON.'The report about Protestant militants threatens to cloud current efforts to restore SELF—RULE in THE—LONG—TROUBLED BRITISH—RUN—PROVINCE, in which Catholic LACK—OF—CONFIDENCE in policing is 1—KEY stumbling block.
20070124             'Psychologists and anthropologists have typically turned to faith healers, tribal cultures or New Age spiritualists to study THE—UNDERPINNINGS—OF—BELIEF in superstition or magical powers.
20070124             CHINA—NEW—CHIP—IN—SPACE—WAR—POKER
20070124             'In the more than half 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY I've been 1—REPORTER, there has never been as systematic 1—OPERATION to intimidate and then silence the press as is —NOW taking place under THE—BUSH—CHENEY -Gonzales administration.
20070124             Along with 1—SHARP—INCREASE in subpoenas for reporters' notes and telephone records, there are THREATS—OF—PROSECUTION under the Espionage Act of 19170000              for reporting such classified information as THE—PRESIDENT—SECRET—AUTHORIZATION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY AGENCY—WARRANTLESS—SECRET—AUTHORIZATION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY AGENCY—WARRANTLESS eavesdropping on us.
20070124             —CLAIMED, WSJ editorial falsely, warrantless wiretaps' legality "was not really in question"
20070124             FBI Faulted in Foley PROBE—BG Report finds officials took little action in response to complaints about FOLEY—CONDUCT with pages.... Source:
20070124             Neocons Baiting IRAN With 2. Strike Group
20070124             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—WAITING with anticipation for ANY—EXCUSE to pounce
20070124             AL—QAEDA Run PR For Bush —BEFORE Union Speech
20070124             "Progressives" Whine About Hillary Bashing
20070124             ONCE again boiling it down to arguments about gender and the false LEFT—RIGHT—PARADIGM
20070124             Racist MEXICO—GANGS "Ethnic Cleansing" Blacks In L.A.
20070124             LATINO thugs indiscriminately murder blacks REGARDLESS—OF—GANG—MEMBERSHIP, genocidal purge aligns with
20070124             —HELPED, CIA, Bush Senior in Oil VENTURE—SFUX Russ Baker & JONATHAN—Z—LARSEN -
20070124             Es werde Krieg? - Baldower im Münchner SEPARÉE—SFUX MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER?
20070124             Was das alljährlich stattfindende ?Weltwirtschaftsforum?
20070124             in Davos für Ökonomen ist, ist für Militärs aus aller Welt die ?Münchener Konferenz für Sicherheitspolitik (MUNICH Conference on Security Policy)?
20070124             Dabei werden.
20070124             Antidepressant bone risk link Over 50s who use 1—TYPE—OF antidepressants are at double the risk of bone fractures, 1—STUDY suggests.
20070124             Call for deadly TB isolation move SOUTH—AFRICA should forcibly isolate patients infected with 1—DEADLY strain of TB to stop the disease, doctors say.
20070124             —ASKED, Limit jail sentences, urges REID—COURTS are, to jail only the most dangerous and persistent criminals as prisons reach capacity.
20070124             Ford joins USA 'green' car trend Ford becomes the latest USA—CAR—MAKER to unveil 1—TEST—VEHICLE that runs on green alternative fuels.
20070124             —LINKED, Yorkshire clan, to AFRICAN—PEOPLE—OF—AFRICAN origin have lived in BRITAIN for centuries, according to genetic evidence.
20070124             Online fraud '—NOW major concern' Britons fear being RIPPED—OFF online more than gun crime or THE—THREAT—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE, 1—SURVEY suggests.
20070124             CIA trial under way in WASHINGTON THE—TRIAL—OF—EX—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—LEWIS—LIBBY opens and is set to reveal the Bush team's actions —BEFORE THE—IRAQ war.
20070124             ISRAEL—KATSAV faces rape charge ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—MOSHE—KATSAV is to be charged with rape and ABUSE—OF—POWER, the justice ministry announces.
20070124             6 jailed over SAUDI—ARABIA—PLAY—ATTACK 6—SAUDIS are reportedly jailed for 1—ATTACK on actors taking part in 1—PLAY—CRITICAL—OF hardline religious attitudes.
20070124             —MURDERED, EX—CHILE—LEADER 'was ' THE—FAMILY—OF—EX—CHILEAN—PRESIDENT—EDUARDO—FREI—MONTALVA say he was killed under the Pinochet regime.
20070124             COURT—BACKS—ISP—PRIVACY 1—NEW—JERSEY court throws out 1—SUBPOENA unmasking 1—CLUMSY hacker, ruling that residents have "informational privacy" rights.
20070124             Bush to Seek Gas Relief THE—PRESIDENT will ask Americans to cut their fuel consumption by 20 % —DURING the next 10—YEARS.
20070124             Military Builds Robotic Insects Defense scientists in several countries are developing tiny flying robots that can hit the enemy with ITSY—BITSY explosives.
20070124             Hacking the Human Life Span Resveratrol, 1—COMPOUND found in grape skin and red wine, is the latest tool in the kit for MANY—HIGHLY educated professionals who believe they can increase longevity by changing their body chemistry.
20070124             —DECIDED, Feds: Details of ISP snooping haven't been, DOJ attorney says there has been no "official" decision on what data providers might be required to retain or for how long.
20070124             Kill kitchen germs with your microwave Blog: Turns out that the microwave can clean your sink sponges —WHILE it nukes leftover pizza.Scientists have found that in —JUST 2.
20070124             Bionic Cat Eye Implants Aid Blindness RESEARCH—KDAWSON 83 -docinthemachine writes with news of felines getting human retinal implants.
20070124             The article makes clear that the implants don't allow the cats to see — what they get is IMPULSES—OF—LIGHT.
20070124             The article notes: "The chips, which provide their own energy, have shown encouraging results in clinical human trials, in SOME—CASES improving sight in people with retinitis pigmentosa or at least slowing the disease's development. Narfstrom said chips have been implanted in 30—PEOPLE".
20070124             Neural "Extension Cord" Developed
20070124             "Researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA have developed a 'neural extension cord' by growing neurons attached to 1—MICROCHIP. The cord is made by gradually moving 2—BATCHES—OF—NEURONS apart, as they naturally grow towards 1—ANOTHER. This biological 'data cable' could then interface with the brain once implanted, the researchers say".
20070124             "...in the long run, it may not be necessary to interface directly with nerves at all. 'In EUROPE most researchers in this field are using NON—INVASIVE EEG,' [1—OUTSIDE—RESEARCHER] explains... 'The signals are weaker so more complex processing is needed, but not having to perform surgery on the nervous system has MANY—ADVANTAGES,' [he] says".
20070124             EU Countries Call Out iTunes DRM
20070124             "EUROPE is upping the pressure on Apple to open up its restrictive DRM that ties iTunes to the iPod. NORWAY ruled —LAST—YEAR that THE—IPOD—ITUNES TIE—IN was unreasonable and gave Apple 1—DEADLINE to make 1—CHANGE to its policies, but was unsatisfied with the response they got. —NOW FRANCE and GERMANY have joined forces with NORWAY, making it 1—LOT—HARDER for Apple to —JUST walk away from those markets.  'FRANCE—CONSUMER—LOBBY—GROUP, UFC—QUE Choisir + GERMANY—VERBRAUCHERZENTRALE are —NOW PART—OF—THE—EUROPEAN effort to push Apple into 1—OPEN—DRM system, with more countries considering joining the group. However, the company has been under SOME—FIRE over THE—LAST—YEAR due to those restrictions, 1. with FRANCE and then DENMARK looking to open up restrictive DRM schemes (including, but not limited to iTunes)... NORWAY—CONSUMER—GROUPS were unimpressed by APPLE—RESPONSE. NORWAY has —NOW given Apple 1—NEW—DEADLINE—OF—SEPTEMBER of this —YEAR to change its policies + the pressure on Apple will likely grow in the months leading up to the deadline.'"
20070124             Bernie Sanders, 1—POPULIST—PROGRESSIVE who came up the ranks as 1—SOCIALIST, was elected USA—SENATOR—FROM—VERMONT with 65—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, proving if you do good by the people, the Republicans can't touch you with their slime.
20070124             Bernie Sanders Wins this —WEEK—BUZZFLASH "WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD".
20070124             Read More About the Lacerating "Truth to Power" Dem Response, by JIM—WEBB, to BUSH—FANTASYLAND—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SCRIPT 1/24
20070124             THE—STATE—OF—THE—MORON—ADDRESS 1/24
20070124             New attack on sweatshop exploitation by Democratic senators and GOP Lindsay Graham, who says he hopes bad bosses "get sued" 1/24
20070124             New Democratic star WEBB—BLUNT response to Bush 1/24
20070124             THE—MCGILL—DAILY—DIRECTOR—ALBERT—NERENBERG—THESIS is this: Americans are stupid and getting stupider.
20070124             Moreoever, stupidity is so hip + cool that smart public figures are.
20070124             Rapid City Journal Discussion Forums -> SIOUX—FALLS—FBI Tampers... 9) HERE—WHAT THE—FBI did to USA—SENATOR—CHARLES—GRASSLEY......
20070124             ARKTIS: Eisbären verlieren ihren natürlichen Kreißsaal
20070124             Süddeutschland: Schneechaos auf Autobahnen, 1000—FLUG—PASSAGIERE sitzen fest
20070124             Mikrofonfund im BUNDESTAG: Abgeordnete drängen auf Aufklärung
20070124             Britischer Zeitungsbericht: Nordkorea hilft IRAN bei Atomprogramm
20070124             Rede zur Lage der Nation: Bush bittet um 1—CHANCE für seine IRAK—STRATEGIE
20070124             THE—PRESIDENT'S—APPROVAL—RATINGS are at record lows.
20070124             Democrats control Congress + 20080000             —THE presidential race has already started, hastening BUSH—LAME—DUCK status.
20070124             And —TUESDAY he got a kick in the pants from the opening of the Scooter Libby trial.
20070124             He started strong by lauding NANCY Pelosi as the 1. woman speaker.
20070124             But he iced the cake by speaking of her father. This was reminiscent of
20070124             PETA Workers Charged With Killing Animals PETA admits to killing THOUSANDS—OF—ANIMALS—WHILE raising $25—MILLION 1—YEAR to "protect" animals.
20070124             N KOREA Helping IRAN With Nuclear Testing NORTH—KOREA is helping IRAN to prepare 1—UNDERGROUND—NUCLEAR—TEST—SIMILAR to THE—1—PYONGYANG carried out —LAST—YEAR.
20070124             Bradblog: FRANK—LUNTZ—IS 1—LIAR
20070124             Supposing you are playing 1—GAME—OF poker with 1—GUY you know always cheats to win the hand.
20070124             —WHENEVER you bring it up, the other players all accuse you of being 1—BAD—SPORT and unfairly attacking the character of the hustler.
20070124             BREAKING CIA LEAK CASE: Prosecutor Says Libby 'Destroyed' Cheney Note, V.P. 'Far More Involved In Leak Case Than Previou
20070124             "I will not be sacrificed so KARL—ROVE can be protected".
20070124             Blackwell may be mercifully OUT—OF—OFFICE—IN—THE—BUCKEYE—STATE,but it looks as if his former constituents will continue to pay for his atrocious tenure in the SoS OFFICE—FOR—SOME—TIME to come.That,in addition to the price they are already paying, along with THE—REST—OF—THE—COUNTRY,by suffering W who remains in office due,in no small part, to BLACKWELL—ABHORRENT MIS—ADMINISTRATION—OF—THE'04 Presidential Election.
20070124             Warned he was igniting 1—UNSUSTAINABLE asset bubble, Greenspan advised consumers to switch to adjustable mortgages right —BEFORE raising interest rates, reports CHRIS—MARTENSON for Atlantic Free Press.
20070124             And that's the least of it.
20070124             "SOME—DOCTORS and hospitals are teaming up with FINANCIAL—SERVICES—COMPANIES to market credit cards to patients, reducing healthcare providers' dependence on bill collection + causing more LOW—AND MIDDLE—INCOME—CONSUMERS to pay interest on their medical debts," reports Christopher for THE—BOSTON Globe.
20070124             Republicans Distance Themselves From Troop Surge "SENATOR—JOHN—W—WARNER (R—VIRGINIA)... endorsed 1—NEW—RESOLUTION opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—BUILDUP—OF—TROOPS in BAGHDAD, as even some of the most loyal Republicans scrambled to register their concerns and distance themselves from 1—UNPOPULAR policy," reports THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20070124             —NOW, "1—INFLUENTIAL—GROUP—OF—ORGANIZERS from labor and the liberal movement are banding together to hold Democrats in line on populist issues such as expanded health care, trade restrictions and worker protections".
20070124             "Defense Department officials have laid off MOST—OF—THEIR—CASE—WORKERS who help severely injured service members," reports Karen Jowers at Army Times.
20070124             —SERVED, They, as "advocates for wounded service members who have questions or issues related to benefits, financial resources... all FORMS—OF—SUPPORT—OTHER than medical care".
20070124             PRESIDENT—BUSH used the word IRAQ 37—TIMES in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION last night,
20070124             more than ANY—OTHER—YEAR.
20070124             (Compare word usage with THIS—INTERACTIVE graph.
20070124             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—NOTES the fine print: "Administration officials said that the goal is 20 % below projected annual gasoline usage, not off —TODAY—LEVELS," meaning "that carbon dioxide emissions from transportation fuels will drop only slightly from —TODAY—LEVELS;
20070124             other PARTS—OF—THE—ECONOMY produce the other 2—THIRDS—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES".
20070124             "Democrats took the 1. step toward 1—WARTIME REPUDIATION—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH on —WEDNESDAY, convening the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to approve nonbinding legislation saying 1—INCREASE in troops in IRAQ is 'not in the national interest.'" Senators are working to combine 2—BIPARTISAN ANTI—ESCALATION—MEASURES to ensure maximum support.
20070124             —JOINED, THE—HOUSE—YESTERDAY, the Senate and voted to strip pensions from lawmakers "CONVICTED—OF—CRIMES such as
20070124             bribery, fraud and perjury.
20070124             "Nearly EVERY—SESSION—SINCE November has been adjourned because as few as 65—MEMBERS made it to work," and officials fear "that members were losing confidence in the institution and in the country's fragile democracy".
20070124             —JUST—2—WEEKS—AFTER PRESIDENT—BUSH announced his escalation plan for IRAQ, sectarian " violence in IRAQ—CAPITAL has spiked in recent days, even as the 1. USA and IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—MILITARY—REINFORCEMENTS have deployed into the embattled city".
20070124             100—IRAQIS were reported killed or found dead and another 56 were wounded —YESTERDAY.
20070124             as HEAD—OF—THE—WORLD—BODY," "will pressure SUDAN—PRESIDENT—NEXT—WEEK to speed up the peace process in Darfur, which has been delayed by MONTHS—OF—WRANGLING over the makeup of 1—LARGER peacekeeping force".
20070124             " Pregnant polar bears in ALASKA, which spend MOST—OF—THEIR—LIVES on sea ice, are increasingly giving birth on land, according to researchers who say global warming is probably to blame.
20070124             Looking Forward: 1—MODEL—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS for 20090100
20070124             THE—PLAME—GATE—PLOT—THICKENS
20070124             " I think THE—PRESIDENT left 1—LOT—OF—CONSERVATIVES shaking their heads " by avoiding the issues atop their agenda, said BILL—LAUDERBACK, executive VICE—PRESIDENT—AT—THE—AMERICAN—CONSERVATIVE—UNION.
20070124             [WSJ, —FORCED, THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reports the administration has —NOW been, to defend itself against criticism from the right.
20070124             "—YESTERDAY—MORNING, the weekly meeting of conservatives that is convened by antitax activist Grover Norquist, 1—WHITE—HOUSE—ALLY, was marked by ' tense exchanges - ' with administration press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW".
20070124             alfatomega.com/20070124.html - USA warns IRAN to back down...
20070124             Regarding the economic imbalance in our country, I am REMINDED—OF—THE—SITUATION—PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT faced 19010101—20001231    —EARLY—DAYS—OF—THE—IN.
20070124             LIVERPOOL Echo EX—MI5 officer DAVID—SHAYLER, who will be in LIVERPOOL to...
20070124             —PLACED, Looks like 1—SERIES—OF—3—STRATEGICALLY, stories point towards... alfatomega.com/20070124.html
20070124             OSS_net, INCORPORATED Home Page... by FORMER—MI5 CHIEF—STELLA—RIMINGTON, who was PART—OF—THE—PROBLEM.
20070124             —PLACED, USA policymakers with well-, stories in the public press, the latest.
20070124             including the suspected mastermind, was known to MI5 and nothing was done.
20070124             Even though the placed stories were apparently factually correct...
20070124             DAVID—CLARK: Blair must stand up to Bush | Politics | THE—GUARDIAN Carefully placed stories suggesting IRAQ—COMPLICITY have been designed to clear the way for a...
20070124             Smith orders inquiry into MI5 + CIA torture claims...
20070124             Vote expected by END—OF—WEEK
20070124—19900000    —IN—THE, 'UK—POLICE colluded with paramilitaries behind at least 10—MURDERS in NORTH—IRELAND S,
20070124—20010000    —SINCE, FACT — BUSH—VOLUNTARY—APPROACH—HAS—FAILED—TO—CURB—EMISSIONS: Carbon dioxide emissions in THE—USA—HAVE increased by 354—MILLION—METRIC tons.
20070124—20010000    —YEAR, Yet his 20070000              budget actually proposed to spend less on energy efficiency, conservation + renewable energy resources in INFLATION—ADJUSTED dollars than was appropriated in fiscal — $1.176—BILLION in nominal dollars in both 20010000              and 20070000           .
20070124—20010911    —ON, 1—REVIEW—OF—1—OF—THE—MOST important books
20070124—20060000    —ON, SOTU: Bush Has Failed To Deliver Energy Promises
20070124—20060900    —IN, At the same time, THE—USA has become increasingly dependent on foreign oil, from 58—PERCENT—OF—OIL consumed in THE—USA 20000000              to 70 %.
20070124—20070118    —ON, Arlen Specter at 1—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE hearing.
20070124—20070118    —ON, "In yet another attempt to create legitimacy for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—MANY—QUESTIONABLE—LEGAL—PRACTICES, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES actually had the audacity to argue —BEFORE 1—CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE—THAT—THE—USA—CONSTITUTION doesn't explicitly bestow habeas corpus rights on USA—CITIZENS. In his view it merely says —WHEN THE—SO—CALLED—GREAT—WRIT can be suspended, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the rights are granted. THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL was being questioned by SENATOR—ARLEN—SPECTER at 1—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE hearing. THE—MSM are not covering this story but Colbert is (click on the 4. video down, 'Exact Words')".
20070125             (20070124             /ac/a/u) 20070125              EU states 'KNEW—OF—CIA—FLIGHTS'A COMMITTEE—OF—MEPS approves 1—REPORT saying EU states knew of secret CIA flights over EUROPE.
20070129             What will BECOME—OF—THE—CULTURE—OF—LIFE, THE—DEFENSE—OF—MARRIAGE and permanent FAMILY—FRIENDLY—TAX—POLICIES?" [FRC, 20070124             ]
20070129             "We're disappointed that he didn't mention cultural issues at all ," said Rich Lowry, EDITOR—OF—NATIONAL—REVIEW—MAGAZINE and 1—SUMMIT host.
20070129             "Everyone realizes that this is 1—PRODUCT—OF his diminished circumstances".
20080124             —BEKANNT, Die französische GROßBANK—SOCIÉTÉ—GÉNÉRALE gibt, dass sie einen Verlust 4,9 Mrd.
20080124             Euro nach nicht autorisierten Futuresgeschäften des Mitarbeiters Jérôme Kerviel zu verzeichnen habe.
20080124             Damit wird der bislang größte durch einen einzelnen Händler verursachte Schaden für 1—BANK veröffentlicht.
20080124             —REACHED, USA Democratic and Republican congressional leaders, 1—TENTATIVE deal on tax rebates of $300 to $1,200 per household and business tax cuts to jolt the slumping economy.
20080124             —VOTED, COLORADO—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 62-1 to censure REPRESENTATIVE—DOUGLAS—BRUCE, who kicked 1—NEWSPAPER reported taking his picture and refused to apologize.
20080124             DENNIS—KUCINICH (19460000              *), USA Congressmen for OHIO, announced that he is dropping his LONG—SHOT—BID for PRESIDENT.
20080124             SERGEI—TRETYAKOV, 51—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY who had never spoken out about his spying —BEFORE this —WEEK, granted his 1. news media interviews to publicize the book: "Comrade J.: THE—UNTOLD—SECRETS—OF—RUSSIA—MASTER—SPY in AMERICAN—AFTER THE—END—OF—THE—COLD—WAR," by FORMER—WASHINGTON—POST—JOURNALIST—PETE—EARLEY, which was published on this —DAY.
20080124             —DEVELOPED, Doctors said they have, 1—TECHNIQUE that could free MANY—PATIENTS from having to take ANTI—REJECTION—DRUGS for the rest of their lives.
20080124             —INVOLVED, The treatment, weakening the patient's immune system, then giving the recipient bone marrow from the person who donated the organ.
20080124             Researchers at the J. CRAIG—VENTER—INSTITUTE—OF—ROCKVILLE, Md., reported that they have built from scratch 1—SYNTHETIC chromosome containing all the genetic material needed to produce the bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium, the tiniest bacteria ever found.
20080124             —KILLED, CENTRAL—AFGHANISTAN, 9—AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMEN were, —DURING 1—ANTI—TALIBAN operation by USA—LED coalition troops in Ghazni.
20080124             —APPEARED, AFGHANISTAN—POLICE said the police, to have been killed by THE—USA—AIRSTRIKES, which also destroyed several houses.
20080124             —SWITCHED, Doctors said 1—AUSTRALIA—GIRL spontaneously, blood groups and adopted her donor's immune system —FOLLOWING 1—LIVER transplant in the 1. known CASE—OF—ITS—TYPE.
20080124             DEMI—LEE—BRENNAN was aged 9 and seriously ill with liver failure —WHEN she received the transplant.
20080124             —9—MONTHS—LATER it was discovered that she had changed blood types and her immune system had switched over to that of the donor —AFTER stem cells from the new liver migrated to her bone marrow.
20080124             She was —NOW 1—HEALTHY 15—YEAR—OLD.
20080124             BRAZIL, government officials held 1—TOP—LEVEL—EMERGENCY meeting to deal with the problem of Amazon deforestation.
20080124             —SHOWED, Satellite images, that as much as 2,700 square MILES—OF—LAND was cleared —DURING the last 5—MONTHS—OF—20070000           .
20080124             —BANNED, All logging was, in 36—MUNICIPALITIES and fines stiffened for illegal cutting.
20080124             —ARRESTED, BRITAIN, almost 2—DOZEN—ROMANIANS were, —AFTER police swooped on 1—CHILD—SLAVE—GANG.
20080124             —STAGED, CHINA, protesters, 1—RARE—PUBLIC—DEMONSTRATION in BEIJING over what they said were illegal property seizures and compensation packages that fell far SHORT—OF—THAT needed to buy new homes.
20080124             —LEAKED, Authorities said sulfuric acid had, into the water supply from 1—CHEMICAL—FACTORY in CENTRAL—CHINA, poisoning at least 26—VILLAGERS.
20080124             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE—BANK—SOCIETE—GENERALE (SocGen), a $3—BILLION WRITE—DOWN on its exposure to mortgage related investments.
20080124             —UNCOVERED, Societe Generale also said it has, a $7.14—BILLION fraud, 1—OF—HISTORY—BIGGEST, by futures trader JEROME—KERVIEL, 31—JAHRE—ALT.
20080124             —DISCOVERED, His scheme of fictitious transactions was, as stock markets began to stumble in recent days.
20080124             1—GERMANY—COURT—CONVICTED—REDOUANE—EL—HABHAB, 38—JAHRE—ALT, 1—GERMAN—OF—MOROCCO—HERITAGE, of helping AL—QAIDA in IRAQ and sentenced him to nearly 6—YEARS in prison.
20080124             —RECEIVED, IRAN, a 6. shipment of nuclear fuel from RUSSIA, destined for 1—POWER—PLANT being constructed in the southern port of BUSHEHR.
20080124             1—ROADSIDE bomb also struck 1—POLICE—PATROL in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killing 2—OFFICERS and injuring 2, along with 3—CIVILIANS.
20080124             —TARGETED, In KARBALA 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 1—SENIOR—AIDE—OF—IRAQ—SHIITE spiritual leader Grand Ayatollah ALI—AL—SISTANI.
20080124             —ESCAPED, The aide, ABDUL—MAHDI AL—KARBALAI, with 1—WOUND to the arm, but 2—OF—HIS bodyguards were killed and 2 were wounded.
20080124             1—TOP—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—OFFICIAL said that ISRAEL wants to relinquish all responsibility for THE—GAZA Strip, including THE—SUPPLY—OF—ELECTRICITY and water, —NOW that the territory's southern border with EGYPT has been opened.
20080124             —RESIGNED, ITALY, Premier Romano Prodi, —AFTER the Senate voted 161-156 to sink his 20—MONTH—OLD—CENTER—LEFT coalition in 1—FIERY session in which 1—SENATOR was spat on, fainted and was carried out on 1—STRETCHER.
20080124             JAPAN—NATIONAL—POLICE, facing allegations that officers regularly squeeze confessions from suspects with abuse, issued guidelines for the 1. time setting limits on how far they can go in questioning sessions.
20080124             —TALKED, KENYA, PRESIDENT—KIBAKI and Opposition leader Odinga, for the 1. time —SINCE the election, but THE—PRESIDENT angered the opposition by insisting —AFTER THE—HOUR—LONG meeting, mediated by FORMER—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN, that his position as HEAD—OF—STATE was not negotiable.
20080124             —BACKED, PAKISTAN—TROOPS, by tanks and gunships cleared militant hideouts near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER in 1—MAJOR—OFFENSIVE that left 10—SOLDIERS and 40—REBELS—DEAD.
20080124             2—PALESTINIANS infiltrated 1—RELIGIOUS seminary and attacked students in 1—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENT—BEFORE being shot dead.
20080124             RUSSIA—ELECTION—OFFICIALS said MIKHAIL—KASYANOV, the only liberal Kremlin critic in the presidential race, stands to be kept off the ballot because tens of THOUSANDS—OF—SIGNATURES on his nominating petitions were forgeries.
20080124             —WANTED, In MOSCOW Semyon Mogilevich, 1—BUSINESSMAN, by Interpol, was arrested on tax evasion charges.
20080124             —APPEARED, SRI—LANKA, 16—VICTIMS—OF—WHAT, to have been EXECUTION—STYLE—KILLINGS were found by villagers in 1—DISTRICT—206—KM (130—MILES) NORTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL—COLOMBO.
20080124             DAVOS—SWITZERLAND, FEARS—OF—WORLD—RECESSION briefly took 1—BACK—SEAT at the World Economic Forum, where leaders from AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN and IRAQ focused on how to establish security in their volatile regions.
20080124             —STRESSED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—KARZAI, how extremists used economic exploitation to recruit bombers.
20080124             —ACTED, SWITZERLAND, the country's supreme court said prosecutors, within the law —WHEN they froze funds belonging to THE—RUSSIA—CENTRAL—BANK at the behest of 1—SWITZERLAND—FIRM.
20080124             The funds were frozen over 1—LEGAL—DISPUTE with GENEVA—BASED trading firm Noga dating back to THE—END—OF—THE—SOVIET—ERA.
20080124             —RESIGNED, TAIWAN—PREMIER—CHANG—CHUN—HSIUNG and his cabinet, en masse, less than —2—WEEKS—AFTER the governing Democratic Progressive PARTY—CRUSHING defeat in parliamentary elections.
20080124             SOUTH—THAILAND, Muslim militants fatally shot 1—BUDDHIST—TEACHER as he pulled out of his driveway to head to work.
20080124             —AGREED, TURKEY—ISLAMIST—ROOTED ruling AK Party and 1—KEY—OPPOSITION—PARTY, to cooperate to lift 1—BAN on the wearing of the Islamic headscarf in universities, 1—MOVE—SURE to anger the secular elite.
20080124             —ARRESTED, ZIMBABWE—POLICE, Nicholas van Hoogstraten (63), 1—UK—BUSINESSMAN, —AFTER finding 1—LARGE—QUANTITY—OF—FOREIGN—CURRENCY and alleged pornographic material in his possession.
20080124             Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos: Experten verzweifeln an der MEGA—KRISE
20080124             Rekordquartal: Microsoft steigert Gewinn um fast 80 %
20080124             —TRIUMPHIERT, Regierungssturz in Italien: Prodi tritt ZURÜCK—BERLUSCONI
20080124             Myspace Layouts Symulatory jazdy samochodem bielizna Dobre strony noclegi...
20080124             In dieser Ära würden "die Menschen ihr Genom routinemäßig sequenzieren lassen, um ihre persönlichen Risiken für Krankheiten und MEDIKAMENTEN—REAKTIONEN vorherzusagen".
20080124             —BEGONNEN, Das Genomzeitalter hat.
20080124             G, A, C und T werden im Leben JEDES—EINZELNEN eine wachsende, schließlich überragende Rolle einnehmen.
20080124             —ERST in den reichen Ländern des Westens, später überall.
20080124             Denn Guanin, Adenin, Cytosin und Thymin sind die Hauptbestandteile der menschlichen DNA—UND im Augenblick wird über den Zusammenhang zwischen diesem Bauplan unseres Körpers und seinen Schwächen so viel herausgefunden wie nie zuvor.
20080124             So nahm die Knochenlänge UND—DICHTE der kleinen Zehen vor circa 26.000—JAHREN ab,
20080124             während die Stärke anderer Knochen gleich blieb.
20080124             —SCHON damals folgerte er daraus,
20080124             dass sich die Zehen beim Laufen in Schuhen nicht mehr so stark abrollten und die Knochen so schwächer wurden.
20080124             Kerviel nimmt —SEIT—HEUTE Nachmittag den Spitzenplatz in der Liste der "Größten Kapitalverluste aller Zeiten" ein.
20080124             Name: Jérôme Kerviel, —JAHR: 20080000             , Land:
20080124             Frankreich, Arbeitgeber: Société Générale, HÖHE—DES—VERLUSTS: 4, 9—MILLIARDEN Euro, wird fein säuberlich aufgelistet.
20080124             Regierungskrise: Italiens Premier Prodi fällt bei Vertrauensvotum durch
20080124             Das Team taufte das künstliche Genom "Mycoplasma genitalium JCVI-1.0". - J, C und V sind Venters Initialen.
20080124             Venters Kritiker werden entsetzt sein.
20080124             Center for BIO—EARTH Planetology wird die Institution heißen, die sich
20080124             Und natürlich Maruyama als Chefwissenschaftler.
20080124             —GEGANGEN, Investoren an der Börse war dies nicht weit genug.
20080124             —REAGIERT, Sie hatten mit Enttäuschung auf den Plan, und damit die Turbulenzen der vergangenen Tage an den internationalen Finanzmärkten ausgelöst.
20080124             Zur Finanzierung des großzügigen Steuergeschenks wird offenbar an anderen Enden gespart:
20080124             —BERICHTET, Die Nachrichtenagentur AP, unter Berufung auf Verhandlungskreise, die Präsidentin des Repräsentantenhauses, NANCY Pelosi, habe sich bereit erklärt, auf geplante Erhöhungen des Arbeitslosengeldes und der Lebensmittelhilfe für Bedürftige zu verzichten.
20080124             Gerke lacht, "Den Faktor Mensch gibt es auch in Deutschland".
20080124             Im Prinzip sei die Sicherheitsarchitektur in Ordnung.
20080124             Doch Karrierewünsche, Vorgesetzte und Jahresprämien seien auch hier 1—THEMA, "und wer sagt, dass unsere Banker weniger Foul spielen?"
20080124             ION—MARC Valahu von der AMAS—BANK—IN—DER—SCHWEIZ findet es "schwer zu verstehen, dass 1—HÄNDLER in der Lage gewesen sein soll, ein solches 'geheimes Geschäft' getätigt zu haben, ohne dass jemand davon gewusst hat".
20080124             Wenn der Verlust so groß sei, dass der Mann mit der Kündigung rechnen müsse, wachse die Versuchung, die Angelegenheit zu vertuschen.
20080124             Und verzweifelt auf Glück zu hoffen.
20080124             Welche Variante auch immer STIMMT—LETZTLICH zeigen die Spekulationen vor allem eines: den Wunsch, endlich Genaueres zu wissen über das, was da passiert ist.
20080124             Wie es passieren konnte. Und vor allem: —EXISTIERT, Wieso keine effektive Kontrolle.
20080124             BERLIN—GERÜCHTE, Gerüchte, Gerüchte.
20080124             Der 4,9—MILLIARDEN—EURO—CRASH bei der Société Générale beflügelt die Phantasie.
20080124             FRANKFURT, auf dem Börsenparkett, in PARIS, auch in Davos beim Weltwirtschaftsforum,
20080124             überall ist die Frage zu hören: Hat der Skandal um die französische Großbank indirekt die Börsenpanik am —MONTAG ausgelöst?
20080124             Einerseits könne die Société Générale nicht so tun, als ob es der Fehler eines einzelnen Mannes gewesen SEI—DIESE Vorstellung "wäre katastrophal".
20080124             Kerviel hebelte offenbar ALLE—KONTROLLMECHANISMEN aus, führte über 1—JAHR fiktive Geschäfte zu seinen Gunsten,
20080124             die dann am Wochenende AUFFLOGEN—ER bereicherte sich aber nicht direkt.
20080124             "Wir sind fast vom Stuhl gefallen", sagte ein führender Gewerkschafter nach einem Treffen mit der Bankleitung.
20080124             Der Aktienhändler habe "einfach gespielt" - aber "nicht zu seinen Gunsten".
20080124             —GEGEBEN, So etwas habe es noch nie.
20080124             "Man fragt sich, wie so etwas passieren kann, wo wir bisweilen wegen irgendwelcher Lappalien kontrolliert werden".
20080124             Im Osten des Kongos tobt Krieg und im Norden Ugandas, im SUDAN und in SOMALIA und in BURUNDI.
20080124             Ruanda erholt sich noch von den Schrecken des Genozids (19940000             , 800.000—TOTE).
20080124             Äthiopiens Soldaten kämpfen —DERZEIT in SOMALIA, aber auch zwischen Äthiopien und ERITREA kann es jederzeit wieder zu einem Waffengang kommen.
20080124             —GEFORDERT, Der letzte hatte rund 200.000—TOTE.
20080124             Kenia und Tansania bildeten bislang seltene Ausnahmen in diesem ostafrikanischen Horrorkabinett.
20080124             Bankbetrüger Kerviel: Der MILLIARDEN—AMOKLÄUFER
20080124             Société Générale: Wie die Katastrophe ihren Lauf nahm
20080124             GENTECHNIK—SENSATION: Forscher schaffen erstmals komplette künstliche DNA
20080124             —VERABSCHIEDET, Konjunkturspritze: Kongress, Bush s 150- MILLIARDEN—PAKET
20080124             —BEGINNT, Sensationelle Fortschritte: —JETZT, die GEN—REVOLUTION
20080124             —ENTSPANNT, USA—MÄRKTE: WALL—STREET, SICH—DOW Jones startet mit leichtem Plus
20080124             —VERBITTERT, MILLIARDEN—ERGEBNIS: NOKIA—REKORDGEWINN, Bochumer Mitarbeiter
20080124             —VERBUCHT, Lukrative Versicherungen: Allianz, Rekordgewinn
20080124             RUIN—RANKING: Börsenschwindler, Seiltänzer, Hochstapler
20080124             Bäcker unter Sparzwang: Kamps plant nach Berichten riesigen Stellenabbau
20080124             Spendenaffäre: Britischer Arbeitsminister gibt auf
20080124             Suchtstudie: Rauschtrinken bei Jugendlichen nimmt zu
20080124             Anschlagspläne in BARCELONA: Polizei fasst 10—TERRORVERDÄCHTIGE
20080124             Rekordbilanz: Nokia steigert Gewinn um 67 %
20080124             Rätselhafte Tektonik: Friedhof der Kontinente
20080124             Demokratische Meinungsfreiheit und philosophische Wahrheit stehen, wie er meint, zueinander im grundsätzlichen Widerspruch.
20080124             Wichtiger aber als die FREIHEIT—DER—MEINUNG,
20080124             so Badiou gegen RICHARD—RORTY, ist die Wahrheit der Revolution.
20080124             Klingt irgendwie nach Mao ? Ist auch so gemeint: "Man muss —ZUNÄCHST eine grundlegende Auswahl akzeptieren.
20080124             Hier ist es die Wahl zwischen 2—WEGEN, wie die chinesischen Revolutionäre gesagt haben:
20080124             dem revolutionären Weg oder dem konservativen Weg, Arbeiterklasse oder Bourgeoisie, kollektiver Handlung oder privatem Leben.
20080124             Und man muss die Konsequenzen dieser Wahl annehmen:
20080124             Opfer und erbitterter Kampf, keine FREIHEIT—DER—MEINUNGEN oder Lebensstile, sondern Disziplin und harte Arbeit, um die strategischen Mittel für den Sieg zu finden.
20080124             Und das Resultat ist kein demokratischer STAAT im landläufigen Sinne des Wortes, sondern 1—DIKTATUR des Proletariats, die dazu dient, die Feinde niederzuschlagen".
20080124             Frankfurter Rundschau, 20080124
20080124             Die Gründe für die Börsenkrise " Fehlspekulation " zu nennen, ist für - MANFRED—SCHNEIDER reine Augenwischerei.
20080124             "Wir haben es mit einem Euphemismus zu tun, der ein sprachmagischer Trick ist, um schmerzlichen Tatsachen den Stachel zu nehmen.
20080124             Beschönigungswörter wie Fehlspekulation erzielen den weiteren Effekt, dass sie die Verantwortung von Bankiers und Kapitalmanagern verschleiern".
20080124             Dieses System hat mit der Zunahme von "Beratern" Methode bekommen:
20080124             "Der Berater verfügt im Auge dessen, der ihn engagiert, über besondere Kompetenz und Autorität, aber er hat seine Ratschläge nicht zu verantworten.
20080124             Der Berater ist zumal das Symptom eines Umbaus der Verantwortung in neuerer Zeit.
20080124             Hinter der 'Fehlspekulation' verbirgt sich tatsächlich der Abbau von Autorität und Verantwortung.
20080124             Verantwortung besagt sonst, dass die Folgen und Wirkungen des Handelns und Entscheidens über die Sphäre der persönlichen sachlichen Zuständigkeit hinaus gesehen werden".
20080124             —VERSPÄTET, Zu der vom Kläger MOHAMAD—ABU D. als, kritisierten Benachrichtigung über die Überwachungsmaßnahme befanden die Richter,
20080124             der BND habe jahrelang zu Recht nichts mitgeteilt, weil ansonsten 1—GEFÄHRDUNG des Zwecks nicht habe ausgeschlossen werden können.
20080124             (Aktenzeichen: Bundesverwaltungsgericht 6 A 1.07)
20080124             Damit blieb die Klage eines islamistischen Terroristen MOHAMAD—ABU D. erfolglos,
20080124             der unmittelbar —NACH—DEN Terroranschlägen vom 20010911              in den USA ins Visier des Geheimdienstes geriet.
20080124             Den Titanlieferanten spült das Geschäft hohe Erträge in die Kassen.
20080124             Der amerikanische Hersteller RTI INTERNATIONAL Metals in Niles (OHIO) verzeichnete das 8. Quartal nacheinander mit Rekordgewinnen,
20080124             und ThyssenKrupp in ESSEN, das seinen Titanschwamm aus Kasachstan bezieht,
20080124             erweitert die Kapazitäten — nun auch noch mit einem Elektronenstrahlofen, dem Nonplusultra des Titanschmelzens.
20080124             örsenkrise: Opposition wirft Regierung Schönfärberei vor
20080124             Urteil: BND darf Telefonate von Terrorverdächtigen überwachen
20080124             GESCHÄFTSKLIMA—INDEX: Stimmung hellt sich überraschend auf
20080124             Trotz Schmiergeldaffäre: Siemens fährt Milliardengewinn ein
20080124             REKORD—BETRUG: Banker soll Milliarden verzockt haben
20080124             HAMBURG—ES ist nichts für schwache Nerven: Gestern noch ein dickes Minus, —HEUTE dann das Gegenteil: Direkt —NACH—DEM Handelsstart ist der Dax deutlich ins Plus geschossen.
20080124             Er stieg in den 1. 2—STUNDEN auf mehr als plus 5 %. inzwischen ist er fast um 6 % gestiegen.
20080124             Auch MDax und TecDax gewannen 4,5 % beziehungsweise 5,5 %.
20080124             Die Furcht vor einer Rezession, vor neuen Milliardenabschreibungen bei Banken und eine generelle Verunsicherung hatten gestern die Kurse an der WALL—STREET —ERST stundenlang sinken lassen.
20080124             Dann allerdings erholten sie sich:
20080124             BÖRSEN—TURBULENZEN: DAX—KURSE schießen in die Höhe - Weitere BILDERBERGER—LINKS:
20080124             Schröder und Merkel bei den Bilderbergern
20080124             Power players versuchen die Welt zu steuern
20080124             Im Verlauf DER—ANSONSTEN gar nicht so besonders ERHELLENDEN—DISKUSSION sprach HENRY—KISSINGER,
20080124             fast beiläufig, einen vielsagenden Satz aus, dessen Tragweite wohl der MEHRHEIT—DER—ANWESENDEN—ZUHÖRER nicht bewußt war:
20080124             "Die 4—BOTSCHAFTER (der Siegermächte des 2. Weltkrieges, Anm. d. Red.) brauchten über das BERLIN—ABKOMMEN nicht viel zu verhandeln.
20080124             Sie brauchten nur den Text zu unterzeichnen, den die Bilderberger ausgearbeitet hatten".
20080124             Wir jedenfalls wurden bei dieser Äußerung sofort hellhörig.
20080124             Die Frage, Doch —NACH—DEM ENDE—DER—VERANSTALTUNG hatten wir die Gelegenheit, mit EGON—BAHR und HENRY—KISSINGER noch ein persönliches Gespräch im kleinen Kreis zu führen.
20080124             Dabei stellten wir den beiden Herren diese Frage direkt — gespannt auf ihre Reaktionen.
20080124             Im Verlauf DER—ANSONSTEN gar nicht so besonders.
20080124             THE—NATION: Conspiracy Theorists Unite; 1—SECRET—CONFERENCE...''
20080124             GRUPO BILDERBERG | / | CAPITÃES DO MUNDO
20080124             All Bilderberg participants, their staff members and resort employees wear photo identification tags that look
20080124             Bilderberg todos los participantes, sus funcionarios y empleados recurso desgaste foto etiquetas de...
20080124             Maja BANCK—POLDERMAN Maja BANCK—POLDERMAN
20080124             Fossilised skull may end row over origin of 1.3bn Chinese
20080124             CHINA—ARCHAEOLOGISTS are hailing their biggest discovery in almost —80—YEARS—AFTER unearthing 1—SKULL that could provide 1—CLUE to the origins of a 5. of the world's population.
20080124             1—LETTER to 3—DEMOCRATS: it isn't about you -- from the Last Chance Democracy Cafe
20080124             Drumroll Please: Dick Morris is the BuzzFlash Media PUTZ—OF—THE—WEEK.
20080124             DENNIS—KUCINICH plans to introduce ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT against PRESIDENT—BUSH on 20080128               ? THE—DAY—OF—MISTER—BUSH ?s STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH.
20080124             If So, He May be Joining Grandpa FRED—THOMPSON at the Rest Home Soon.
20080124             If You Read This Article Closely from THE—WP, You See HARRY—REID is Claiming to be Against Telecom Immunity (Which Would Help Cheney and Bush Claim That They Did Not Illegally Violate FISA),
20080124             But Reid is Actually Using 1—PARLIAMENTARY—MANEUVER to Allow the Immunity to Pass.
20080124             He also Claims to be "Pleading" with THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20080124             We Loved the Big Dog —WHILE He Was PRESIDENT + —WHILE He Was the "Above the Fray" PRESIDENT—EMERITUS,
20080124             But Right —NOW He is 1—DESTRUCTIVE—FORCE to THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY and Raising Race and Gender (And Then Claiming Not to) and Beating Up on 1—DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATE for PRESIDENT—WHILE—HE—SPENT 7—YEARS—HARDLY Criticizing Bush at All.
20080124             Shameful, Indeed + Extremely Disappointing.
20080124             If Hillary Clinton is Proud of His Behavior, She Has SOME—REPENTING to Do Herself.
20080124             Hillary blames Bush for USA economic slump;
20080124             Glad someone said it 1/24 - [CTRL] [1a] THE—GREAT—HEROIN—COUP
20080124             Once again, it is virtually impossible to find ANY—EXTENSIVE—TREATMENT in THE—USA—PRESS—OF—THE—MYSTERIOUS—ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON, even though his arrest...
20080124             —OFFERED, This mirrors the speculation, years ago by 1—MAJOR—GERMANY—MAGAZINE about 1—RIGHT—WING CUBAN—USA—DRUG kingpin,
20080124             ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON,
20080124             Dass sie dies nicht tun, beweise die Theorie der Evolution des Flugs vom Boden, schreibt Dial im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20080124             Die Vorfahren der heutigen Vögel hätten nur den richtigen Winkel herausfinden müssen,
20080124             um auch mit Vorformen von Flügeln —SCHON aerodynamische Kräfte zu entfalten und so einen Vorteil in der natürlichen Auslese zu erringen, erklärt Dial.
20080124             —GEWESEN, Das Fliegenlernen sei demnach nichts anderes, als den richtigen Flügelwinkel beim Flattern zu finden.
20080124             Der vergangene —SOMMER sei mit Temperaturen von fast 50—GRAD Celsius der heißeste —SEIT langem gewesen, und —JETZT dieser kalte —WINTER mit Schnee und —BIS zu 16—GRAD unter 0, das gefällt ihm nicht.
20080124             Das Tape wurde nach USA—GEHEIMDIENSTANGABEN am —MITTWOCH ins INTERNET gestellt.
20080124             "Im Falle einer Zinssenkung würde bei den Bürgern nur die Botschaft hängen bleiben, dass sich die Zentralbank um angeschlagene Bankhäuser kümmert, aber nicht um ihr Interesse an stabilen Preisen", sagte Walter.
20080124             Dies wäre fatal, den Leitzins auf 0—ZURÜCKZUSCHRAUBEN.
20080124             Evolution: Wie die Vögel das Fliegen lernten
20080124             Appell an Regierung: Deutsche Bank fordert niedrigere Sozialabgaben
20080124             Neue Tonbandaufnahme: AL—QAIDA ruft zu weltweitem Dschihad auf
20080124             WALL—STREET- Drama: Asiens Börsen schießen wieder ins Plus
20080124             Schnee in Damaskus: Kinderjubel über Ausnahmezustand
20080124             Immer wenn ich von verdeckten Wohnungsdurchsuchungen spreche, kommen EINIGE—LEUTE und widersprechen vehement,
20080124             sowas gäbe es bei uns nicht, und sei auch nicht geplant.
20080124             Nun, das sieht der Verfassungsschutz anders.
20080124             Zur Diskussion stehen laut einem Arbeitspapier, das dem Südwestrundfunk (SWR) nach eigenen Angaben vorliegt,
20080124             eine gesetzliche Ausweispflicht für die Nutzer von Internetcafés,
20080124             HANDY—ORTUNGEN in Echtzeit, verdeckte DURCHSUCHUNG—VON—WOHNUNGEN und Erleichterungen beim Umgang mit GEHEIM—DOKUMENTEN.
20080124             Ich habe keine Ahnung, was der Teil mit den Geheimdokumenten sein soll
20080124             Wenn es um das Überwachen anderer geht, ist unsere Junta immer ganz vorne mit dabei,
20080124             aber wenn sie sich mal in die Karten gucken lassen sollen, gibt es ganz schnell gewichtige Gründe, warum das nicht geht.
20080124             Aktuell: BAYERN weigert sich, 1—ANFRAGE der Grünen zu beantworten,
20080124             wie VIELE—BÜRGER in BAYERN —BEREITS ausgeforscht werden, wie und warum.
20080124             Das ist nämlich alles streng geheim.
20080124             —SCHON klar.
20080124             Soros Sees END—OF—DOLLAR—BACKED Credit Expansion:
20080124             Billionaire investor GEORGE—SOROS said the fallout from THE—USA—SUBPRIME crisis will bring about the end of a 60-year DOLLAR—BASED credit boom.
20080124             CALIFORNIA defaults soar in 4Q:
20080124             The number of CALIFORNIA homeowners who fell behind on their mortgage payments surged in the 4. quarter of 20070000              to a 15-year high,
20080124             heightening the possibility of 1—JUMP in foreclosures, 1—REAL—ESTATE—RESEARCH—FIRM said —TUESDAY.
20080124             USA trying to block INDO—IRAN gas pipeline project: Foreign Secy:
20080124             THE—USA has been "trying to block" THE—INDO—IRAN gas pipeline via PAKISTAN,
20080124             as it did not want IRAN to expand its contacts in the region, FORMER—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—SALMAN—HAIDER said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20080124             Tens of Thousands Cross Downed GAZA Wall:
20080124             —DESTROYED, Masked gunmen, about 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—METAL—WALL separating THE—GAZA Strip from EGYPT in THE—TOWN—OF—RAFAH and tens of THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS poured across the border to buy supplies made scarce by 1—ISRAEL—BLOCKADE of the impoverished territory.
20080124             Web Site Assembles USA Prewar Claims:
20080124             Students of how THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION led the nation into THE—IRAQ war can —NOW go online to browse 1—COMPREHENSIVE—DATABASE—OF—TOP—OFFICIALS' statements —BEFORE the invasion,
20080124             connecting the dots between HUNDREDS—OF—CLAIMS, mostly discredited —SINCE then, linking Saddam Hussein to AL—QAEDA or warning that he possessed forbidden weapons.
20080124             —ORDERED, UK: Government, to disclose draft IRAQ dossier:
20080124             In 1—RULING on 1—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—REQUEST relating to what is alleged to be the 1. draft of the dossier published in
20080124             RUSSIA—FM urges timetable for foreign troop withdrawal from IRAQ:
20080124             —APPEALED, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEI—LAVROV —ON—WEDNESDAY, for 1—TIMETABLE for the pullout of foreign troops from IRAQ,
20080124             saying national unity was the key to settling conflicts in THE—WAR—TORN country.
20080124             —ISSUED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH and other top officials, almost 1000—FALSE—STATEMENTS about the national security threat from IRAQ —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE attacks,
20080124             according to 1—STUDY by 2—NOT—FOR—PROFIT—ORGANISATIONS.
20080124             —RECEIVED, The news that USA—CITIZEN—JOSE Padilla has, 1—PRISON—SENTENCE—OF—17—YEARS and 4—MONTHS should provoke outrage in THE—USA,
20080124             although it is unlikely that there will be much more than 1—WHIMPER of dissent.
20080124             6—OF—THE—9—ARE CO—SPONSORS—OF—H.R. 799, which contains 3—ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT.
20080124             Continue - Going Bankrupt-
20080124             —BY—CHALMERS JOHNSON—WHY the Debt Crisis Is —NOW the Greatest Threat to THE—USA—REPUBLIC.
20080124             That helps explain why problems in THE—USA—SUBPRIME mortgage market could have spread so quickly through the world's financial system.
20080124             —BLOCKED, THE—USA has, the release of 1—LANDMARK ASSESSMENT—OF—OIL and gas activity in THE—ARCTIC as it prepares to sell off exploration licences for the frozen Chukchi Sea off ALASKA,
20080124             1—OF—THE—LAST—INTACT habitats of the polar bear.
20080124             Continue - hatte die Société Générale einen Verlust von 4,9 Milliarden Euro eingeräumt,
20080124             die auf riskante Geschäfte des Mitarbeiters JEROME—KERVIEL zurückzuführen sind.
20080124             Folgen fortgesetzter Kriegspolitik
20080124             Rußland greift immer offensichtlicher auf alte Verhaltensweisen zurück
20080124             - in : her parents, Thomas and GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS.
20080124             ppears that Annette Apergis is the daughter of Thomas and GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS.
20080124             (20) otels and.
20080124             Molens SONDEL—MOLENS In HAARLEM—MENAHGA Pole Arns
20080124             • GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS—DAUGHTERS •Jamu Spa School •WILLOW—THEME •THE—WOLD—COM • SYDNEY J—HALL •Sparkedit Teleporter Tutorial •Minimizer Body Suit Shaper
20080124             Rice in Davos: Gesprächsangebot an IRAN
20080124             Sound system Scientists Say Nerves Use Sound, Not ELECTRICITY—GAZZARDA writes "THE—CBC is...
20080124             So nahm die Knochenlänge UND—DICHTE der kleinen Zehen vor circa 26.000—JAHREN ab, während die Stärke anderer Knochen gleich blieb.
20080124             —SCHON damals folgerte er daraus, dass sich die Zehen beim Laufen in Schuhen nicht mehr so stark abrollten und die Knochen so schwächer wurden.
20080124             Name: Jérôme Kerviel, —JAHR: 20080000             , Land: Frankreich, Arbeitgeber: Société Générale, HÖHE—DES—VERLUSTS: 4, 9—MILLIARDEN Euro, wird fein säuberlich aufgelistet.
20080124             Kerviel im INTERNET: FACEBOOK—USER fahnden nach MILLIARDEN—BETRÜGER
20080124             VIELE—KRITIKER mahnen aber, wenn überhaupt Lebewesen im Labor hergestellt sollten, müssten wenigstens Gesetze zur Kontrolle solcher Aktivitäten her.
20080124             DANIEL—GIBSON, der Nobelpreisträger HAMILTON Smith, Venter und eine ganze Reihe anderer Wissenschaftler haben das vollständige Genom eines Bakteriums im Labor hergestellt.
20080124             Zur Finanzierung des großzügigen Steuergeschenks wird offenbar an anderen Enden gespart: Die Nachrichtenagentur AP berichtet unter Berufung auf Verhandlungskreise, die Präsidentin des Repräsentantenhauses, NANCY Pelosi, habe sich bereit erklärt, auf geplante Erhöhungen des Arbeitslosengeldes und der Lebensmittelhilfe für Bedürftige zu verzichten.
20080124             Doch Karrierewünsche, Vorgesetzte und Jahresprämien seien auch hier 1—THEMA, "und wer sagt, dass unsere Banker weniger Foul spielen?"
20080124             ION—MARC Valahu von der AMAS—BANK—IN—DER—SCHWEIZ findet es "schwer zu verstehen, dass 1—HÄNDLER in der Lage gewesen sein soll, ein solches 'geheimes Geschäft' getätigt zu haben, ohne dass jemand davon gewusst hat".
20080124             Welche Variante auch immer STIMMT—LETZTLICH zeigen die Spekulationen vor allem eines: den Wunsch, endlich Genaueres zu wissen über das, was da passiert ist.
20080124             Wie es passieren konnte.
20080124             —EXISTIERT, Und vor allem: Wieso keine effektive Kontrolle.
20080124             FRANKFURT, auf dem Börsenparkett, in PARIS, auch in Davos beim Weltwirtschaftsforum, überall ist die Frage zu hören: Hat der Skandal um die französische Großbank indirekt die Börsenpanik am —MONTAG ausgelöst?
20080124             Hat ein einzelner übergeschnappter Händler namens Jérôme Kerviel am Ende die USA—ZENTRALBANK Fed zur größten Zinssenkung —SEIT fast einem Vierteljahrhundert gezwungen?
20080124             Andererseits könne das Geldinstitut "auch nicht zugeben, dass sein gesamtes Kontrollverfahren 1—KATASTROPHE ist".
20080124             Kerviel hebelte offenbar ALLE—KONTROLLMECHANISMEN aus, führte über 1—JAHR fiktive Geschäfte zu seinen Gunsten, die dann am Wochenende AUFFLOGEN—ER bereicherte sich aber nicht direkt.
20080124             KOFI—ANNAN soll nun dafür sorgen, dass es so bleibt.
20080124             Was immer also zwischen Kenia und UGANDA ausgeheckt wird, es ist 1—SPIEL mit dem Feuer, und ganz Ostafrika ist —SEIT langem ein gigantisches Schlachtfeld.
20080124             Kursfeuerwerk an der Börse: Dax schließt fast 6 % im Plus
20080124             Angeschlagener Autobauer: Ford will erneut 13.000—ARBEITER loswerden
20080124             Altsteinzeit: Schuhträger gab es —SCHON vor 40.000—JAHREN
20080124             Panne an USA—FLUGHAFEN: Sicherheitsbeamte ließen scharfe Waffe passieren
20080124             Betrunkene USA—ASTRONAUTEN: Nasa bestätigt einen ALKOHOL—FALL
20080124             Umfrage: Deutsche Firmen setzen massiv auf CHINA
20080124             Ausbruch aus GAZA: Ägypter setzen Schlagstöcke gegen Palästinenser ein - Die Tageszeitung
20080124             —DOKUMENTIERT, Das Feuilleton, einen Vortrag, den der französische Philosoph Alain Badiou an der Berliner HUMBOLDT—UNIVERSITÄT gehalten hat.
20080124             Wichtiger aber als die FREIHEIT—DER—MEINUNG, so Badiou gegen RICHARD—RORTY, ist die Wahrheit der Revolution.
20080124             Klingt irgendwie nach Mao ? Ist auch so gemeint: "Man muss —ZUNÄCHST eine grundlegende Auswahl akzeptieren. Hier ist es die Wahl zwischen 2—WEGEN, wie die chinesischen Revolutionäre gesagt haben: dem revolutionären Weg oder dem konservativen Weg, Arbeiterklasse oder Bourgeoisie, kollektiver Handlung oder privatem Leben. Und man muss die Konsequenzen dieser Wahl annehmen: Opfer und erbitterter Kampf, keine FREIHEIT—DER—MEINUNGEN oder Lebensstile, sondern Disziplin und harte Arbeit, um die strategischen Mittel für den Sieg zu finden. Und das Resultat ist kein demokratischer STAAT im landläufigen Sinne des Wortes, sondern 1—DIKTATUR—DES—PROLETARIATS, die dazu dient, die Feinde niederzuschlagen".
20080124             MANFRED—SCHNEIDER reine Augenwischerei.
20080124             "Wir haben es mit einem Euphemismus zu tun, der ein sprachmagischer Trick ist, um schmerzlichen Tatsachen den Stachel zu nehmen. Beschönigungswörter wie Fehlspekulation erzielen den weiteren Effekt, dass sie die Verantwortung von Bankiers und Kapitalmanagern verschleiern".
20080124             Dieses System hat mit der Zunahme von "Beratern" Methode bekommen: "Der Berater verfügt im Auge dessen, der ihn engagiert, über besondere Kompetenz und Autorität, aber er hat seine Ratschläge nicht zu verantworten. Der Berater ist zumal das Symptom eines Umbaus der Verantwortung in neuerer Zeit. Hinter der 'Fehlspekulation' verbirgt sich tatsächlich der Abbau von Autorität und Verantwortung. Verantwortung besagt sonst, dass die Folgen und Wirkungen des Handelns und Entscheidens über die Sphäre der persönlichen sachlichen Zuständigkeit hinaus gesehen werden".
20080124             —VERSPÄTET, Zu der vom Kläger MOHAMAD—ABU—D als, kritisierten Benachrichtigung über die Überwachungsmaßnahme befanden die Richter, der BND habe jahrelang zu Recht nichts mitgeteilt, weil ansonsten 1—GEFÄHRDUNG—DES—ZWECKS nicht habe ausgeschlossen werden können.
20080124             Damit blieb die Klage eines islamistischen Terroristen MOHAMAD—ABU—D erfolglos, der unmittelbar —NACH—DEN Terroranschlägen vom 20010911              in den USA ins Visier des Geheimdienstes geriet.
20080124             Der 43-Jährige wurde zwischenzeitlich rechtskräftig zu 8—JAHREN Haft verurteilt und befindet sich in Köln im Gefängnis.
20080124             Der amerikanische Hersteller RTI INTERNATIONAL Metals in Niles (OHIO) verzeichnete das 8. Quartal nacheinander mit Rekordgewinnen, und ThyssenKrupp in ESSEN, das seinen Titanschwamm aus Kasachstan bezieht, erweitert die Kapazitäten — nun auch noch mit einem Elektronenstrahlofen, dem Nonplusultra des Titanschmelzens.
20080124             Umfassende Sparpläne: Ford will weitere 13.000—STELLEN abbauen
20080124             Ausbruch aus GAZA: Hunderttausende Palästinser kaufen Läden in Ägypten leer
20080124             Gestern hatte der Dax noch mit einem Minus von 4,8 % bei 6439—PUNKTEN geschlossen.
20080124             Zusätzlich entsenden die Mitgliedsstaaten nationale Vertreter in dieses Gremium, das insgesamt 31—MITGLIEDER umfaßt.
20080124             Im Verlauf DER—ANSONSTEN gar nicht so besonders ERHELLENDEN—DISKUSSION sprach HENRY—KISSINGER, fast beiläufig, einen vielsagenden Satz aus, dessen Tragweite wohl der MEHRHEIT—DER—ANWESENDEN—ZUHÖRER nicht bewußt war: "Die 4—BOTSCHAFTER (der Siegermächte des 2. Weltkrieges, Anm. d. Red.) brauchten über das BERLIN—ABKOMMEN nicht viel zu verhandeln. Sie brauchten nur den Text zu unterzeichnen, den die Bilderberger ausgearbeitet hatten".
20080124             Die Frage, wer die Bilderberger eigentlich sind, kam — natürlich — im weiteren Verlauf der Diskussion nicht mehr zur Sprache.
20080124             Die BILDERBERGER—HINTER den Kulissen der Macht Foto : FRANZ—BLUDORF.
20080124             Hinzu kommt als Executive SECRETARY—DIE—NIEDERLÄNDERIN—MAJA—BANCK—POLDERMAN...
20080124             ''They do not have to sign anything, but they understand that they do not talk,'' said Maja BANCK—POLDERMAN... PHOTO—OP: THE—MAN on the Street...
20080124             GRUPO BILDERBERG | / | CAPITÃES DO MUNDO All Bilderberg participants, their staff members and resort employees wear photo identification tags that look... Maja BANCK—POLDERMAN Maja BANCK—POLDERMAN...
20080124             "Morris fell out of favor with the Clintons —AFTER his TOE—SUCKING hooker incident (in which he let the prostitute listen in on his phone calls with PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON) -- and —SINCE then has attacked Hillary Clinton with 1—MISOGYNIST—FEROCITY that makes CHRIS—MATTHEWS come off as PHIL—DONAHUE".
20080124             It's —JUST 1—RECENT—POLL (And We Know How Unreliable They Have Been This —YEAR), But It Indicates RUDY—G is Down on the Ropes in FLORIDA.
20080124             If You Read This Article Closely from THE—WP, You See HARRY—REID is Claiming to be Against Telecom Immunity (Which Would Help Cheney and Bush Claim That They Did Not Illegally Violate FISA), But Reid is Actually Using 1—PARLIAMENTARY—MANEUVER to Allow the Immunity to Pass.
20080124             Excuse Us, Isn't REID—THE—MAJORITY—LEADER? Guess Not.
20080124             1/24 - AL—GORE: Gay Men and Women Ought to Have Marriage Rights
20080124             Headline: "BILL—CLINTON said —WEDNESDAY he expects blacks to vote for BARACK—OBAMA and women to vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton + the dynamic may cause his wife to lose THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA Democratic presidential primary —SATURDAY".
20080124             Obama is in the Lead, But Undecideds Put the —SATURDAY SOUTH—CAROLINA Primary Up in the Air 1/24
20080124             —BLAMED, Bush ++for+USA+economic+slump" target=_blank>Hillary blames Bush for USA economic slump;
20080124             Glad someone said it 1/24
20080124             —OFFERED, This mirrors the speculation, years ago by 1—MAJOR—GERMANY—MAGAZINE about 1—RIGHT—WING—CUBAN—USA—DRUG kingpin, ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON...
20080124             Nach früheren Theorien müssten die Tiere für JEDES—FLUGMANÖVER—START, Sinkflug oder Horizontalflug zum BEISPIEL—EINE andere Flügelhaltung einnehmen.
20080124             Die Vorfahren der heutigen Vögel hätten nur den richtigen Winkel herausfinden müssen, um auch mit Vorformen von Flügeln —SCHON aerodynamische Kräfte zu entfalten und so einen Vorteil in der natürlichen Auslese zu erringen, erklärt Dial.
20080124             Der vergangene —SOMMER sei mit Temperaturen von fast 50—GRAD Celsius der heißeste —SEIT langem gewesen, und —JETZT dieser kalte —WINTER mit Schnee und —BIS zu 16—GRAD unter 0, das gefällt ihm nicht.
20080124             Als es —ABENDS endlich mit Schneien aufhört, liegen fast 10—ZENTIMETER, und das gab es noch nie, da sind sich die Bewohner von Damaskus dann doch einig.
20080124             "Im Falle einer Zinssenkung würde bei den Bürgern nur die Botschaft hängen bleiben, dass sich die Zentralbank um angeschlagene Bankhäuser kümmert, aber nicht um ihr Interesse an stabilen Preisen", sagte Walter.
20080124             Hoffnung machte den Anlegern in JAPAN auch, dass EINIGE—ABGEORDNETE der regierenden Liberaldemokratischen Partei 1—NEUREGELUNG bei der Besteuerung von Kapitalerträgen ins Gespräch gebracht haben und die Notenbank zudem auffordern wollen, den Leitzins auf 0—ZURÜCKZUSCHRAUBEN.
20080124             REKORD—WIRTSCHAFT: CHINA wächst so schnell wie —SEIT Jahren nicht
20080124             Immer wenn ich von verdeckten Wohnungsdurchsuchungen spreche, kommen EINIGE—LEUTE und widersprechen vehement, sowas gäbe es bei uns nicht, und sei auch nicht geplant.
20080124             VERFASSUNGSSCHUTZ—EXPERTEN—VON—BUND und Ländern beraten —HEUTE über neue technische Möglichkeiten für die Behörden bei der TERRORISMUS—BEKÄMPFUNG.
20080124             Zur Diskussion stehen laut einem Arbeitspapier, das dem Südwestrundfunk (SWR) nach eigenen Angaben vorliegt, eine gesetzliche Ausweispflicht für die Nutzer von Internetcafés, HANDY—ORTUNGEN in Echtzeit, verdeckte DURCHSUCHUNG—VON—WOHNUNGEN und Erleichterungen beim Umgang mit GEHEIM—DOKUMENTEN.
20080124             Wenn es um das Überwachen anderer geht, ist unsere Junta immer ganz vorne mit dabei, aber wenn sie sich mal in die Karten gucken lassen sollen, gibt es ganz schnell gewichtige Gründe, warum das nicht geht.
20080124             Aktuell: BAYERN weigert sich, 1—ANFRAGE—DER—GRÜNEN zu beantworten, wie VIELE—BÜRGER in BAYERN —BEREITS ausgeforscht werden, wie und warum.
20080124             Soros Sees END—OF—DOLLAR—BACKED—CREDIT—EXPANSION: Billionaire investor GEORGE—SOROS said the fallout from THE—USA—SUBPRIME crisis will bring about the end of a 60-year DOLLAR—BASED credit boom.
20080124             CALIFORNIA defaults soar in 4Q: The number of CALIFORNIA homeowners who fell behind on their mortgage payments surged in the 4. quarter of 20070000              to a 15-year high, heightening the possibility of 1—JUMP in foreclosures, 1—REAL—ESTATE—RESEARCH—FIRM said —TUESDAY.
20080124             USA trying to block INDO—IRAN gas pipeline project: Foreign Secy : THE—USA has been "trying to block" THE—INDO—IRAN gas pipeline via PAKISTAN, as it did not want IRAN to expand its contacts in the region, FORMER—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—SALMAN—HAIDER said on —WEDNESDAY.
20080124             Tens of Thousands Cross Downed GAZA Wall : Masked gunmen destroyed about 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—METAL—WALL separating THE—GAZA Strip from EGYPT in THE—TOWN—OF—RAFAH and tens of THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS poured across the border to buy supplies made scarce by 1—ISRAEL—BLOCKADE of the impoverished territory.
20080124             Web Site Assembles USA Prewar Claims : Students of how THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION led the nation into THE—IRAQ war can —NOW go online to browse 1—COMPREHENSIVE—DATABASE—OF—TOP—OFFICIALS' statements —BEFORE the invasion, connecting the dots between HUNDREDS—OF—CLAIMS, mostly discredited —SINCE then, linking Saddam Hussein to AL—QAEDA or warning that he possessed forbidden weapons.
20080124             RUSSIA—FM urges timetable for foreign troop withdrawal from IRAQ : RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEI—LAVROV on —WEDNESDAY appealed for 1—TIMETABLE for the pullout of foreign troops from IRAQ, saying national unity was the key to settling conflicts in THE—WAR—TORN country.
20080124             —ISSUED, GEORGE—BUSH and WHITE—HOUSE, 935—FALSE—STATEMENTS : USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush and other top officials issued almost 1000—FALSE—STATEMENTS about the national security threat from IRAQ —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE attacks, according to 1—STUDY by 2—NOT—FOR—PROFIT—ORGANISATIONS.
20080124             Why Jose PADILLA—17—YEAR Prison Sentence Should Shock and Disgust all Americans
20080124             —RECEIVED, The news that USA—CITIZEN—JOSE Padilla has, 1—PRISON—SENTENCE—OF—17—YEARS and 4—MONTHS should provoke outrage in THE—USA, although it is unlikely that there will be much more than 1—WHIMPER of dissent.
20080124             1—STEP Closer to a Cheney Impeachment
20080124             Going BANKRUPT—BY Chalmers JOHNSON—WHY the Debt Crisis Is —NOW the Greatest Threat to THE—USA—REPUBLIC.
20080124             Worries That the Good Times Were Mostly 1—MIRAGE
20080124             The recent financial turmoil has MANY—CAUSES, but they are tied to 1—BASIC—FEAR that some of the economic successes of the last generation may yet turn out to be 1—MIRAGE.
20080124             USA—CENSORS—ARCTIC—SCIENTISTS' Findings as it Prepares for Oil and Gas Auction
20080124             —BLOCKED, THE—USA has, the release of 1—LANDMARK ASSESSMENT—OF—OIL and gas activity in THE—ARCTIC as it prepares to sell off exploration licences for the frozen Chukchi Sea off ALASKA, 1—OF—THE—LAST—INTACT habitats of the polar bear.
20080124             hatte die Société Générale einen Verlust von 4,9 Milliarden Euro eingeräumt, die auf riskante Geschäfte des Mitarbeiters JEROME—KERVIEL zurückzuführen sind.
20080124             —ASKED, His new fire commissioner, HOWARD—SAFIR, for $12—MILLION in...
20080124             But the federal 20010911              Commission concluded that the city's failure to...
20080124             -in : her parents, Thomas and GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS.
20080124052456       —APPELL an Regierung DEUTSCHE—BANK fordert niedrigere Sozialabgaben.htm
20080124—19450000    —NACH, ANTISEMITISMUS—DEBATTE: "Judenfeindlichkeit war in Polen weit verbreitet"
20080124—20020000    —CONVICTED—OF, THE—MULTI—MILLIONAIRE was, the manslaughter of 1—ASSOCIATE and was sentenced to 10—YEARS—IMPRISONMENT but the conviction was quashed THE—FOLLOWING—YEAR and he was freed.
20080124—20030000    —HELPED, Tretyakov said his agents, THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT steal nearly $500—MILLION from THE—UN—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM in IRAQ —BEFORE the fall of Saddam Hussein.
20080124—20050000    —BEREITS, hatte 1—UNTERSUCHUNG—VON—TRINKAUS ergeben, dass Menschen vor knapp 30.000—JAHREN Schuhe getragen haben.
20080124—20050505    ) — Bilderberger INTERNATIONAL World Business (Radiosendung vom
20080124—20080000    wird als das —JAHR in die Geschichte eingehen, in dem 4—BUCHSTABEN endgültig die Herrschaft über die Medizin übernahmen.
20080124—20080000    010236 | LA BILDERBERGERS | GRUPO BILDERBERG | / | MAESTROS...
20080124—20080128    —ON, DENNIS—KUCINICH plans to introduce ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT against PRESIDENT—BUSH ?
20080124—20080129    —ON, 1—ZIMBABWE court ordered his release.
20080124—20090000    —AB, Center for BIO—EARTH Planetology wird die Institution heißen, die sich ganz einem neuen BILD—DES—LEBENS im All widmen soll, mit über 200—FORSCHERN, einem Budget von über 110—MILLIONEN Euro —FÜR—9—JAHRE.
20080124—20100000    —IN, he authored "THE—SPIRAL: Memoirs of 1—TRADER," in which he presented himself as the victim of 1—IMMORAL financial system.
20080422             GENERAL—VON—ALLEN and SS sturmbannfuehrer FRIEDRICH—SCHWEND (a Nazi treasurer in... alfatomega.com/20070124.html.
20081109             alfatomega.com/20070124.HTML—ALS laut Modell zu erwarten waren.
20090124             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA took to the airwaves to promote his economic aid plan in WHAT'S—IT—MEAN—TO—ME terms: THOUSANDS—OF—BETTER—SCHOOLS, lower electricity bills, health coverage for millions who lose insurance.
20090124             —CROWNED, LAS—VEGAS, Miss INDIANA Katie Stam was, Miss AMERICA 20090000              by Miss AMERICA 20080000              Kirsten Haglund.
20090124             —KILLED, KANSAS, 2—PEOPLE were, and 7 wounded in 1—SHOOTING on the ninth —DAY of the wake at 1—HOUSE in WICHITA.
20090124             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, USA—LED coalition forces, 15—MILITANTS in 1—OVERNIGHT operation in Laghman province.
20090124             Local legislators put the number of dead at more than 20 and said they included women and children.
20090124             —ACCUSED—OF, BAHAMAS SENATOR—PLEASANT—BRIDGEWATER, trying to extort money from actor JOHN—TRAVOLTA —AFTER his son's death, resigned and vowed to prove her innocence.
20090124             † MARIANA—BRIDI, 20—JAHRE—ALT, BRAZIL—MODEL, from complications related to 1 generalized infection caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
20090124             The bacteria is known to be resistant to multiple KINDS—OF—ANTIBIOTICS.
20090124             —REDUCED, The infection, the flow of oxygen to her limbs, causing her feet to be amputated last —WEEK and her hands this —WEEK.
20090124             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, the death of a 31—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN from bird flu, its 4. human victim this —YEAR, sparking fears of 1—OUTBREAK —DURING the country's main festive season.
20090124             —SHOWED, EL—SALVADOR, final results, that the former leftist rebels won more seats than ANY—OTHER—PARTY in legislative elections but fell short of 1—MAJORITY.
20090124             —OUTRAGED, INDIA, 1—RIGHT—WING—HINDU nationalist group, by what they viewed as "obscene" behavior, stormed 1—FASHIONABLE—BAR in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—MANGALORE and the assaulted female patrons.
20090124             —CLAIMED, THE—SRI—RAM—SENA (Lord RAM—ARMY), responsibility for the attack.
20090124             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER struck 1—POLICE—PATROL in the former insurgent STRONGHOLD—OF—KARMAH—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 4—PEOPLE, including 1—SENIOR—OFFICER, and wounding 6—OTHERS.
20090124             —OPENED, Gunmen, fire on 1—CHECKPOINT—SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL manned by GOVERNMENT—BACKED Sunni fighters who have joined forces with the Americans against AL—QAIDA in IRAQ.
20090124             2—OF—THE—SO—CALLED—SONS—OF—IRAQ were killed in the attack in Jurf AL—SAKR and 2—OTHERS were wounded.
20090124             —KILLED, NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD 1—MAN and 1—WOMAN were, and 1—CHILD was wounded —DURING 1—USA—IRAQ—MILITARY—OPERATION in Hawija.
20090124             —OVERCROWDED, ITALY, some 600—MIGRANTS and refugees broke out of 1, immigration facility on the Sicilian ISLAND—OF—LAMPEDUSA to protest their treatment.
20090124             —RETURNED, The migrants, to the facility —AFTER several hours.
20090124             —URGED, PAKISTAN, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA to halt USA—MISSILE—STRIKES on AL—QAIDA strongholds near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, saying that civilians were killed the previous —DAY in the 1. attacks —SINCE OBAMA—INAUGURATION.
20090124             —TREATED, SINGAPORE, 1—COUPLE, open air diners to a 15-minute naked parade, triggering both embarrassment and applause for 1—SCENE almost unheard of in the conservative CITY—STATE.
20090124             The couple, 1—CAUCASIAN man and 1—ETHNIC—CHINA—WOMAN in their 20s, were arrested and released on bail.
20090124             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 17—PEOPLE were, in MOGADISHU by 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB targeting African Union peacekeepers.
20090124             —INCLUDED, The dead, 1—POLICE—OFFICER, who tried to stop the suicide bomber's car.
20090124             1—GUNFIGHT between peacekeepers and insurgents followed left 5—MORE—DEAD.
20090124             —ARRESTED, SOUTH—KOREA, Kang HO—SUN, 38—JAHRE—ALT was, at his workplace in ANSAN, 1—CITY about 20—MILES (30—KILOMETERS) SOUTH—OF—SEOUL, in connection with THE—KILLING—OF—1—STUDENT who disappeared last —MONTH.
20090124             Her body was found in 1—NEARBY—TOWN the next —DAY.
20090124             —CONFESSED, Kang —LATER, to kidnapping and killing the student and then admitted to slaying 6—OTHER—WOMEN 20061200—20081200    —BETWEEN.
20090124             1—STORM killed 11—PEOPLE in SPAIN, including 4—CHILDREN who were killed —WHEN 1—SPORTS—CENTER collapsed near BARCELONA, and 4 in FRANCE as high winds swept across SPAIN and SOUTH—FRANCE.
20090124             —BOMBED, SUDAN—GOVERNMENT—PLANES, 1—KEY—TOWN in SOUTH—DARFUR, 1—WEEK—AFTER it was seized by Darfuri JEM rebels.
20090124             —KILLED, The next —DAY peacekeepers said the bomb attack, and wounded civilians.
20090124             —REHABILITATED, BENEDICT—PAPA, 4—TRADITIONALIST—BISHOPS who lead THE—FAR—RIGHT—SOCIETY—OF—S—PIUS X (SSPX), which has about 600,000 members and rejects MODERNIZATIONS—OF—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—WORSHIP and doctrine.
20090124             1—OF—THE 4, BRITISH—BORN RICHARD—WILLIAMSON, has made statements denying the full extent of the Nazi Holocaust of European Jews, as accepted by mainstream historians.
20090124             The average drop in pollution seen across 51—METROPOLITAN areas between
20090124             1980000-2000000 appears to have added nearly 5—MORE—MONTHS to... Cleaner air equals longer lives: study
20090124             Cleaner air equals longer lives: study
20090124             because the air they breathe is getting cleaner, 1—NEW—STUDY suggests.
20090124             at 12:32 pm
20100124             THE—USA—SENT 3—DETAINEES held at THE—USA—MILITARY—PRISON at GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, to SLOVAKIA, the latest transfers as THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION tries to close the facility.
20100124             WAL—MART Stores of BENTONVILLE—ARKANSAS, said it will cut some 11,200 jobs at SAM—CLUB—WAREHOUSES as it turns THE—TASK—OF—IN—STORE—PRODUCT—DEMONSTRATIONS to 1—OUTSIDE marketing company, Shopper Events.
20100124             † DANIEL—KERRIGAN, 70—JAHRE—ALT, THE—FATHER—OF—FIGURE skater NANCY Kerrigan, —AFTER 1—DISTURBANCE at the family's MASSACHUSETTS home.
20100124             —CHARGED, Brother MARK—KERRIGAN, 45—JAHRE—ALT was, with assaulting THE—70—YEAR—OLD—FATHER.
20100124             —PLAYED, PERNELL—ROBERTS, the eldest Cartwright son  (19590000—19650000    ) in the "Bonanza" TV series.
20100124             —AFTER Bonanza he played the lead in the "Trapper JOHN—MD" TV series.
20100124             —CLAIMED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, responsibility for the failed attempt to bomb 1—DETROIT—BOUND airliner on Christmas in 1—NEW audio message threatening more attacks on THE—USA.
20100124             1—AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIAL said authorities have arrested the ringleader of 1—GROUP that staged 1—BRAZEN attack in KABUL and —NOW believe the assault was coordinated by AL—QAIDA.
20100124             3—USA—SERVICE—MEMBERS were killed in 2—BOMBINGS in the south.
20100124             1—EXPLOSION in THE—SOUTH—OF—HELMAND killed 1—UK—SOLDIER.
20100124             1—ROCKET—ATTACK struck THE—KANDAHAR Air Field, injuring 4—BULGARIANS and at least 2—ROMANIANS.
20100124             —EXCHANGED, Cambodian and THAILAND—TROOPS, fire near 1 disputed border temple, the latest in 1—STRING—OF—GUN—BATTLES between the countries —SINCE—LAST—YEAR.
20100124             INDIA, environment ministers from BRAZIL, SOUTH—AFRICA, INDIA and CHINA said that talks in NEW—DELHI had further cemented their alliance —FOLLOWING THE—COPENHAGEN climate change summit.
20100124             —PLEDGED, The group, known by the acronym BASIC, to strengthen its unified stance but would seek consensus with developed countries.
20100124             —ATTACKED, INDONESIA, gunmen, 1—CONVOY—NEAR the world's largest gold mine in Papua, wounding at least 7—PEOPLE including 1—FOREIGNER.
20100124             IRAN, 1—RUSSIAN—MADE—IRANIAN—TABAN—AIR—PLANE carrying 157—PASSENGERS and 13—CREW caught fire upon landing at NORTH—EAST—MASHHAD airport injuring at least 46—PEOPLE.
20100124             —DECLARED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU, that his country would retain PARTS—OF—THE—WEST—BANK forever, 1—STATEMENT that infuriated Palestinians and could complicate THE—YEAR—OLD—PEACE—MISSION—OF visiting USA—ENVOY—GEORGE—MITCHELL.
20100124             —ELECTED, JAPAN—VOTERS in Nago city on Okinawa island, 1—MAYOR who opposes plans for 1—CONTROVERSIAL—NEW—USA—AIR—BASE, complicating 1—ROW with WASHINGTON over relocating troops.
20100124             NORTH—MEXICO, 1—SHOOTOUT between troops and suspected drug traffickers killed 2—SOLDIERS and 4—GUNMEN in Nuevo LEON state.
20100124             VERACRUZ, state the mutilated body  of Nayeli Reyes, 1—FEDERAL—COURT—OFFICIAL, was discovered in the same residential neighborhood of Boca del Rio, Vera Cruz state, where she was abducted.
20100124             —CONDEMNED, NIGERIA, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH in JOS, clashes between Christians and Muslims there which are said to have claimed more than 450—LIVES.
20100124             Reverend PETER—IMASUEN, the Anglican BISHOP—OF—BENIN—CITY, was kidnapped in SOUTH—STATE—OF—EDO shortly —AFTER saying MASSACHUSETTS.
20100124             —THREATENED, NORTH—KOREA, SOUTH—KOREA with war —AFTER SEOUL warned it would launch 1—PRE—EMPTIVE strike if the North was preparing 1—NUCLEAR—ATTACK, the latest salvo in 1—BATTLE—OF—RHETORIC despite signs of improved cooperation across the militarized frontier.
20100124             PAKISTAN intelligence officials and 1—LOCAL—RESIDENT said 1—SUSPECTED—USA—DRONE had crashed in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20100124             —ACCUSED, The bodies of 7—MEN, by Taliban militants of spying for THE—USA, were found shot dead in the northwest tribal belt.
20100124             † 1—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIER was killed —WHEN Taliban militants fired 1—ROCKET at 1—CONVOY—NEAR—MALIK—DEENKHEL village in Khyber.
20100124             PERU, some 3,900 tourists were cut off in villages near Machu Picchu in the Andes mountains, —WHEN mudslides blocked the railway to THE—CITY—OF—CUZCO, which is the only way in or OUT—OF—THE—AREA.
20100124             Torrential rain, due to El Nino, in THE—CUSCO area left at least 26—PEOPLE—DEAD and destroyed the homes and livelihood of some 20,000.
20100124             SRI—LANKA, dissident cartoonist Prageeth Eknaligoda did not return home.
20100124             The cartoonist was never seen again.
20100124             VENEZUELA, 1—CABLE—TELEVISION—CHANNEL—CRITICAL—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ was yanked from the airwaves for defying new regulations requiring it to televise the socialist leader's speeches.
20100124—20100112    —FROM—THE, HAITI—COMMUNICATIONS—MINISTER said the confirmed death toll earthquake has topped 150,000 in THE—PORT—AU—PRINCE—METROPOLITAN—AREA—ALONE, with MANY—MORE thousands dead —AROUND the country or still buried under the rubble.
20100915—20170124    —ON, 1—KYRGYZSTAN court upheld his life sentence.
20101209—20110124    —RELEASED, He was.
20101215—20110124    —CHARGED, AUSTRALIA—AUTHORITIES, 3—INDONESIA—MEN with people smuggling.
20110124             Bei einem tschetschenischen Terroranschlag am Flughafen MOSKAU—DOMODEDOWO sterben durch einen Selbstmordattentäter 36—MENSCHEN, 152—WERDEN von der Explosion verletzt.
20110124             doch vom 6. —BIS ins 07010101—08001231     beherrschte es das größte Handelsimperium Asiens.
20110124             Human Rights Watch said democracies —AROUND the world are ignoring abuses by repressive regimes and opting for improved relations rather than condemning rights violations and curtailing aid.
20110124             —RULED, THE—CALIFORNIA SUPREME—COURT, that cities and counties do not have to consult with unions —BEFORE deciding to lay off workers to save money.
20110124             FLORIDA, 1—FIREFIGHT left 2—POLICE officers dead in S—PETERSBURG.
20110124             Suspect Hydra lacy JUNIOR (39) was found dead.
20110124             —OPENED, He had, fire from 1—ATTIC and killed officers TOM—BAITINGER, 48—JAHRE—ALT and JEFFREY—YASLOWITZ, 39—JAHRE—ALT.
20110124             FORMER—MINNESOTA GOVERNOR—JESSE—VENTURA sued THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY and the Transportation Security Administration, alleging FULL—BODY scans and PAT—DOWNS at airport checkpoints violate his right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures.
20110124             —PLEADED, CHIEF—MASTER—SERGEANT—WILLIAM—GURNEY, 1—SENIOR—OHIO—AIR—FORCE—BASE—OFFICIAL, guilty to sexual misconduct and adultery, blaming extramarital affairs he had with oo female subordinates and inappropriate sexual advances he made toward others on getting "caught up in 1—CYCLE—OF sin".
20110124             J.C. Penney Co. said it is closing SOME—STORES, outlets and call center locations and continuing to work on 1—EXIT from its catalog business in 1—EFFORT to streamline operations and boost profits.
20110124             ARGENTINA, 1—WOMAN, 30—JAHRE—ALT threw herself from the 23. story of 1—BUENOS—AIRES hotel —MONDAY and survived —AFTER landing on the roof of 1—TAXI.
20110124             Lara Giddings took over as premier AUSTRALIA—ISLAND—STATE—OF—TASMANIA.
20110124             —CAUSED, BRAZIL—AUTHORITIES said heavy overnight storms have, new flooding in SAO—PAULO, killing at least 1—MAN, toppling cars into buildings, downing power lines and halting traffic.
20110124             1—CHINA—NEWSPAPER said that transnational crime gangs are trafficking 1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—CHINA—WOMEN to SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, EUROPE and AFRICAN—WHERE they are forced into prostitution.
20110124             —BELIEVED, Officials, the attackers, who fled on foot, were RWANDAN—LED Hutu rebels who retaliated —AFTER rangers destroyed 2—OF—THEIR—CAMPS in the park in December.
20110124             —REMOVED, INDIA—SPORTS—MINISTRY, the top 2—ORGANIZERS—OF—LAST—YEAR'S tainted Commonwealth Games in NEW—DELHI to enable an "unhindered" police probe into alleged corruption.
20110124             † BHIMSEN—JOSHI, 88—JAHRE—ALT, singer of INDIA.
20110124             —HANGED, IRAN, Jafar Kazemi and MOHAMMAD—ALI—HAJAGHAEI, 2—MEMBERS—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—PEOPLE—MUJAHEDEEN convicted over 20090000             —THE—POST—ELECTION—TURMOIL, —AFTER 1—APPEALS—COURT upheld their death sentences.
20110124             IRAQ, 2—CAR—BOMBS struck Shiite pilgrims in KARBALA, killing at least 26—PEOPLE as crowds massed for religious rituals marking the end of a 40—DAY—MOURNING period for the Islamic sect's most beloved saint.
20110124             2—BOMBS in BAGHDAD killed 1—IRAQI—ARMY—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER and his driver and wounded 8—BYSTANDERS in separate strikes that hit 1—SHIITE and 1—SUNNI neighborhood.
20110124             —KILLED, Unknown gunmen, 2—MEMBERS—OF—1—GOVERNMENT—BACKED—SUNNI militia known as Awakening Councils, of Sahwa, as they were driving in their cars SOUTHWEST—OF—THE—CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20110124             1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded near Tikrit as Salahuddin provincial GOVERNOR—AHMED—ABDULLAH—AL—JUBOURI—MOTORCADE was driving by, wounding 5—OF—HIS bodyguards.
20110124             —CONFIRMED, ISRAEL—FOREIGN—MINISTER, that he has drawn up 1—PLAN for the creation of 1—INTERIM—PALESTINE—STATE with temporary borders in the absence of 1—FULL—PEACE—AGREEMENT.
20110124             —RECOGNIZED, IVORY—COAST, Alassane Outtara, the internationally, leader, ordered a 1—MONTH—BAN on cocoa exports in 1—TEST—OF his authority.
20110124             There was no guarantee that growers would comply.
20110124             —KILLED, MEXICO, 3—PEOPLE, 2—MEN and a 15—YEAR—OLD—BOY were, on 1—STREET in neighborhood of CIUDAD—JUAREZ where 7—PEOPLE were killed 1—DAY—EARLIER.
20110124             1—SERIES—OF—BANNERS appeared in the western states of Michoacan and Guerrero claiming La Familia drug cartel has decided to disband.
20110124             —CALLED, NIGERIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER, on THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL to authorize force in IVORY—COAST as WEST—AFRICAN nations seek to further pressure Laurent Gbagbo to quit power.
20110124             —SMASHED, PALESTINE—PROTESTERS, windows and sprayed graffiti outside the headquarters of THE—AL—JAZEERA TV channel in THE—WEST—BANK.
20110124             —AIRED, AL—JAZEERA the previous —EVENING had, what it said were leaked documents showing that PALESTINE—LEADERS agreed to deep concessions on 2—OF—THE—THORNIEST issues in negotiations with ISRAEL: JERUSALEM and THE—FATE—OF—PALESTINE—REFUGEES.
20110124             —JOINED, PERU, 1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—SOUTH—USA—COUNTRIES in recognizing 1—INDEPENDENT and sovereign PALESTINE—STATE.
20110124             The decision does not recognize PALESTINE—BORDERS PRE—DATING THE—6—DAY—WAR—OF—19670000           .
20110124             —RECOGNIZED, PERU also, ISRAEL—INDISPUTABLE—RIGHT to exist without ANY—THREATS to its people.
20110124             THE—PHILIPPINES, 1—GUNMAN fatally shot JERRY—ORTEGA, 1—RADIO broadcaster who had been critical of corrupt officials in THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES.
20110124             —CAPTURED, Police, the fleeing assailant with the help of passing firemen and bystanders.
20110124             —KILLED, RUSSIA, 37—PEOPLE were, and 180 injured in 1—SUICIDE bombing at MOSCOW—DOMODEDOVO airport.
20110124             1—AUTOPSY —LATER showed "1—HUGE—AMOUNT—OF—HIGHLY potent narcotic and psychotropic substances in PARTS—OF—THE—SUICIDE—BOMBER'S—BODY".
20110124             —DETAINED, Also, was Akhmed Aushev, 1—RESIDENT—OF—THE—SAME—VILLAGE, ALI—YURT, Ingushetia.
20110124             —SENTENCED, Akhmed Yevloyev was, to 10—YEARS in 1—PENAL colony.
20110124             THE—NEW—YORK—BASED Human Rights Watch said in its World Report 20110000              that SAUDI—ARABIA—GOVERNMENT is harassing and jailing activists, often without trial, for speaking out in favor of expanding religious tolerance and that new restrictions on electronic communication in the kingdom were severe.
20110124             —DECLARED, SOUTH—AFRICA—GOVERNMENT, 33—MUNICIPALITIES as disaster areas —FOLLOWING flooding that killed more than 100—PEOPLE over the last —MONTH and saturated THE—FARMS—OF—THE—MAJOR—FOOD—PRODUCER for the continent.
20110124             —RALLIED, TUNISIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, in the main government quarter in TUNIS calling for PRIME—MINISTER—MOHAMMED—GHANNOUCHI to resign —AFTER THE—FALL—OF—VETERAN—LEADER—ZINE El Abidine BEN—ALI.
20110124             —DEMANDED, Teachers went on strike, and police, the right to form 1—UNION, as TUNISIA struggled to stabilize itself —AFTER its PRESIDENT was overthrown.
20110124             Blutbad von TUCSON:
20110124             —BEKENNT, Attentäter, sich "nicht schuldig"
20110124             [l] Wie britische Undercovercops bei Indymedia zur Gewalt aufgerufen haben.
20110124             Und zwar bei genau den Demonstrationen,
20110124             deren Gewaltfreiheit sie sicherstellen sollten.
20110124             Und wisst ihr, woher man weiß, dass das Regierungsangestellte waren?
20110124             Weil sie von IPs aus dem britischen "Government Security Intranet" kamen.
20110124             —GEWESEN, Im Rückblick sei es 1—FEHLER,
20110124             auf autoritäre Regime zu setzen, sagt RAINER—STINNER,
20110124             außenpolitischer EXPERTE—DER—FDP im BUNDESTAG.
20110124             Man habe auf Stabilität gesetzt, die Menschenrechte aber zu kurz kommen lassen.
20110124             Auch CDU—AUßENEXPERTE RUPRECHT—POLENZ gesteht ein,
20110124             die Angst vor Islamisten habe zu einer falschen Politik geführt.
20110124             In der "Rheinischen Post" fordert er:
20110124             "Wir brauchen 1—STRATEGIE, die Freiheit und Rechtsstaatlichkeit fördert".[...]
20110124             Es ging um Wirtschaftsinteressen und Sicherheitspolitik, um Menschenrechte ging es nicht.
20110124             Bürgermeisterwahl: Gericht stoppt Kandidatur von Obamas EX—STABSCHEF
20110124             Schutz vor Falschberatung: Koalition beschließt Register für Bankberater
20110124             —KRITISIERT, Prostitutionsskandal: Katholische Kirche, Berlusconi
20110124             EURO—KRISE: Spanien zwingt Banken zur Kapitalerhöhung
20110124             SCHMIERGELD—AFFÄRE: Griechenland will Entschädigung von Siemens
20110124             Nun zwingt das weltweite Sterben der Pflanzenbestäuber die EU—KOMMISSION zum Handeln.
20110124             "Es ist ernst", sagt EU—AGRARKOMMISSAR JOHN—DALLI.
20110124             Laut Imkerbund hängen rund 85—PROZENT—DER—LANDWIRTSCHAFTLICHEN—ERTRÄGE im PFLANZEN—UND Obstbau in Deutschland von der Bestäubung der Honigbienen ab.
20110124             Das mache die Biene nach Rind und Schwein zum wichtigsten Nutztier.
20110124             "Der Gesundheitszustand der europäischen Bienen ist sehr,
20110124             sehr besorgniserregend", sagte Ungarns Landwirtschaftsminister Sandor Fazekas am —MONTAG bei einem Treffen mit seinen Amtskollegen in Brüssel.
20110124             Die Dokumente scheinen zu beweisen,
20110124             dass Kompromisse in den vergangenen 11—JAHREN vornehmlich von israelischer Seite blockiert wurden.
20110124             "Palästinenser waren ernsthaft an einer Lösung interessiert"
20110124             PR—ÜBUNG des Präsidenten: Professor Sarkozy erklärt die Welt
20110124             Geheime PALÄSTINA—PAPIERE: Enthüllungen schüren Wut auf Abbas
20110124             Russland: Dutzende Tote bei Selbstmordanschlag auf Moskauer Flughafen
20110124             Ziel der Berichte sei es, die RADIKAL—ISLAMISCHE Hamas auch im Westjordanland an die Macht zu bringen,
20110124             sagte der Generalsekretär der Palästinensischen Befreiungsorganisation (PLO),
20110124             Jassir Abed Rabbo, am —MONTAG vor Journalisten in Ramallah.
20110124             AL—DSCHASIRA hätte die Reportage nicht ohne Segen von höchster politischer Stelle veröffentlicht.
20110124             sagte er.
20110124             "Wenn die Autonomiebehörde schwach wird,
20110124             ist eine andere politische Fraktion bereit,
20110124             sie zu ersetzen", sagte er im Hinblick auf den Erzrivalen von Abbas' Fatah, die
20110124             An dem Protest beteiligten sich auch zahlreiche Menschen aus der verarmten Landbevölkerung,
20110124             die sich —ERST—AM—SONNTAG den Demonstrationen in TUNIS für mehr Demokratie angeschlossen hatten.[...]
20110124             "Frankreich hat das Ausmaß der Verzweiflung der Tunesier unterschätzt", sagte Sarkozy in PARIS.
20110124             —GEGEBEN, Es habe in Tunesien eine unerträgliche Korruption.
20110124             "Wenn man sich so nahe ist, hat man nicht immer den nötigen Abstand,
20110124             um die Gefühle des Anderen richtig zu verstehen", so der PRÄSIDENT weiter.
20110124             Auch der volkswirtschaftliche Schaden durch psychische Belastungen am Arbeitsplatz ist enorm.
20110124             Laut einer 20090000              veröffentlichten STUDIE—DER—BETRIEBSKRANKENKASSEN entstehen dadurch Kosten in Höhe von 6,3 Milliarden Euro.
20110124             Etwa 3—MILLIARDEN Euro werden für die Behandlung fällig,
20110124             den Schaden durch den Produktionsausfall beziffern Experten auf 3,3 Milliarden Euro.
20110124             "Wenn die Leute gleichgut abschneiden,
20110124             obwohl sie keine Landkarte der Welt zeichnen können,
20110124             dann muss die Repräsentation im Gehirn anders ablaufen", folgert Schill.
20110124             Wie, das müssen die Forscher noch weiter ergründen.
20110124             —ALARMIERT, Massensterben: Rätselhafter Bienentod, EU
20110124             BOTSCHAFT—PAPA: Benedikt preist soziale Netzwerke und warnt vor ihnen
20110124             NAHOST—PAPIERE: Palästinenser werfen AL—DSCHASIRA Sabotage vor
20110124             —UNTERDESSEN, Der britische "GUARDIAN" kündigte, weitere Enthüllungen an:
20110124             Das beispiellose Angebot der Palästinenser sei nur eines von mehreren Zugeständnissen,
20110124             die Schockwellen in der arabischen Welt auslösen würden, schreibt die Zeitung.
20110124             Abgesehen von den Menschenrechten sind die Probleme in Indien jedoch noch größer.
20110124             Dort leben laut Auswärtigem Amt fast 350—MILLIONEN Menschen unter der Armutsgrenze von einem Dollar pro —TAG.[...]
20110124             Die USA—INVESTMENTBANK Goldman Sachs sieht Indien —BEREITS 20300000              als drittgrößte Volkswirtschaft der WELT—HINTER CHINA und den USA,
20110124             aber deutlich vor Brasilien, vor JAPAN, vor Russland, vor Deutschland.
20110124             "Es hat sich die Überzeugung durchgesetzt,
20110124             dass die EU eine sehr deutliche Antwort auf die Schuldenkrise planen könnte",
20110124             sagte GARETH—BERRY, Devisenstratege der Schweizer GROßBANK—UBS, der "FT".
20110124             Massenleiden Burnout: Wie Firmen ihre Spitzenkräfte verbrennen
20110124             ANTI—REGIERUNGS—PROTESTE: Sarkozy räumt Fehleinschätzung der Lage in Tunesien ein
20110124             Trendwende am Devisenmarkt: Hedgefonds wetten auf steigenden Euro
20110124             H1N1-Virus: SCHWEINEGRIPPE—EPIDEMIE plagt Bulgarien
20110124             Brisante Geheimdokumente: NAHOST—ENTHÜLLUNGEN setzen Palästinenserchefs unter Druck
20110124             selbst historisch Interessierte wissen —HEUTE kaum,
20110124             dass die Quelle des Reichtums Chinas während der TANG—DYNASTIE,
20110124             nämlich der transkontinentale Handel mit Luxusgütern,
20110124             zu einem Gutteil von einem —HEUTE fast vergessenen Volk organisiert wurde:
20110124             den Sogdern.
20110124             Das ostiranische Volk hat zwar nie eine politische Einheit gezimmert, geschweige denn 1—REICH errichtet,
20110124             Archäologie: Ägypten fordert Nofretete offiziell zurück
20110124             Neue Straßenkämpfe: Tunesische Demonstranten attackieren Regierungsgebäude
20110124             [l] Nicht nur bei uns ist das schlimm mit der Polizei.
20110124             Nehmen wir mal diese Situation hier:
20110124             2—NORWEGISCHE Blogger äußern sich kritisch über eine rechtsextremistische Gruppe in Italien.
20110124             Die italienische Staatsanwaltschaft bittet die norwegische um Hilfe.
20110124             Die Blogger hosten ihre Email bei Autistici,
20110124             die kostenlos Blogspace, IRC und EMAIL—SERVICES für politisch interessierte und aktive Privatleute anbieten.
20110124             —BETREIBT, Autistici, auch noblogs org, die ihr vielleicht vom ANNALIST—BLOG kennt.
20110124             —GEBETEN, Nun, die norwegische Polizei wird also um Amtshilfe, und
20110124             beschlagnahmen erstmal die Festplatte mit den Userdaten von über 7000—USERN.
20110124             —PASSIERT, Wenn sowas im IRAN, oder in CHINA,
20110124             dann würden wir —JETZT markige Worte von der FRIEDRICH—NAUMANN—STIFTUNG und den anderen "liberalen" Handtrocknern hören.
20110124             Ich weiß gar nicht, was ich schlimmer finde.
20110124             Dass das auf Geheiß von Rechtsextremisten geschah, oder dass es überhaupt geschah.
20110124             Unglaublich.
20110124             Ich frage mich ja, was das tatsächlich für 1—AMTSAKT war.
20110124             ? Nimmt Norwegen überhaupt Teil am Europäischen Durchsuchungsbeschluss?
20110124             [l] Freispruch: Mann wollte der TSA nicht seinen Ausweis zeigen und hat dann mit seinem Handy die Szenerie gefilmt.
20110124             I think probably most significantly from the case we found via testimony from a (Transportation Security Administration) representative and from 1—ALBUQUERQUE police officer,
20110124             they both testified that, in no uncertain terms,
20110124             you do not have to show ID in order to fly,
20110124             and that you can use cameras in public AREAS—OF—THE—AIRPORT.
20110124             Es braucht halt immer einen Wadenbeißer,
20110124             der sich nicht einschüchtern lässt, damit es mit den Bürgerrechten nach vorne geht.
20110124             "Die deutsche Pharmaindustrie kann zeigen,
20110124             dass sie ethisch handelt, wenn sie sich hier beteiligt",
20110124             sagte der Vizepräsident der Bundesärztekammer,
20110124             FRANK—ULRICH—MONTGOMERY, der "Passauer Neuen Presse".
20110124             Damit folgen die deutschen Ärzte einem Appell von Bundesgesundheitsminister PHILIPP—RÖSLER (FDP).
20110124             Nach einem Bericht der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" hatte Rösler die Pharmafirmen in einem Brief gebeten,
20110124             Lieferanfragen aus den USA zu ignorieren:
20110124             "Soweit Ihre Firma THIOPENTAL—NATRIUM enthaltende Arzneimittel in Verkehr bringt,
20110124             möchte ich Sie eindringlich bitten, solchen Lieferungsersuchen nicht zu entsprechen.
20110124             Röslers Initiative sei eine tolle Idee,
20110124             erklärte —JETZT VIZE—ÄRZTEPRÄSIDENT MONTGOMERY.
20110124             notgedrungen - "Wir hatten uns ja daran gewöhnt, notgedrungen auf die autoritären arabischen Regime zu setzen,
20110124             weil wir in ihnen Bollwerke gegen das islamistische Chaos sahen.
20110124             Inzwischen glaube er aber, "dass es eher umgekehrt ist,
20110124             dass die autoritären Regierungen wie 1—ART—TREIBHAUS für Islamismus wirken", sagte Polenz.[...]
20110124             "Das Volk ist gekommen, um die Regierung zu stürzen",
20110124             riefen sie und forderten eine "saubere" Regierung ohne Vertreter des gestürzten Regimes.
20110124             Dabei wurden sie von Demonstranten aus anderen Landesteilen unterstützt.
20110124             VIELE—TEILNEHMER der dieser "Karawane der Befreiung" blieben nach französischen Medienberichten trotz geltender Ausgangssperre auch in der Nacht zum —MONTAG weiter auf den Straßen der HAUPTSTADT.
20110124             Sie wollten nicht abziehen, bevor die Übergangsregierung gestürzt sei,
20110124             und deshalb würden sie auch die Nacht vor dem Regierungssitz verbringen,
20110124             verkündeten die Demonstranten nach Berichten des Senders FRANCE Info.
20110124             aber [...]
20110124             —GEFLOHEN, Der PRÄSIDENT ist, aber der politische Umbruch geht vielen Tunesiern nicht weit genug:
20110124             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Und wie beurteilen Sie die deutsche Rolle in der EURO—KRISE?
20110124             —SOMMER: Ich sehe grundsätzlich als Problem,
20110124             dass sie genutzt wird, über den Druck der Krise noch mehr neoliberale Politik in EUROPA umzusetzen-
20110124             dazu trägt unsere Regierung maßgeblich bei.
20110124             Man muss nur schauen, was —JETZT von Griechenland an Reformen verlangt wird,
20110124             aber auch von Spanien oder PORTUGAL:
20110124             Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes, Personalabbau im öffentlichen Dienst.
20110124             Auch dagegen werden wir immer wieder unsere Stimme erheben.
20110124             EURO—RETTUNGSSCHIRM: Brüssel drängt Bundesregierung zum Handeln
20110124             Rekordsumme: Landesbank fordert 200—MILLIONEN—VON—EX—MANAGER
20110124             Einnahmeeinbruch: Deutsche zahlen drastisch weniger Kapitalsteuern
20110124             Antike Handelsmacht: Heimlicher Herrscher auf der Seidenstraße
20110124             Führende palästinensische Vertreter bestreiten die Berichte über die Zugeständnisse jedoch.
20110124             Der "GUARDIAN" nennt es "die größte Enthüllung vertraulicher Papiere in der GESCHICHTE—DES—NAHOST—KONFLIKTS
20110124             Entgegen seiner zurückhaltenden Art hatte Cavaco die POLITIK—DER—SOZIALISTISCHEN—MINDERHEITSREGIERUNG—VON—SÓCRATES mit ungewöhnlich scharfen Worten kritisiert.
20110124             Die Situation sei "explosiv", warnte er.
20110124             Tunesien: Wütende Landbevölkerung harrt vor Regierungssitz aus
20110124             TINNITUS—FORSCHUNG: Wie Ärzte gegen den Tonterror kämpfen
20110124             Das ostiranische Volk hat zwar nie eine politische Einheit gezimmert, geschweige denn 1—REICH errichtet, doch
20110124             07010101—08001231    —VOM—BIS—INS, beherrschte Das ostiranische Volk das größte Handelsimperium Asiens.
20110124             —BEKENNT, Blutbad von TUCSON: Attentäter, sich "nicht schuldig"
20110124             Und zwar bei genau den Demonstrationen, deren Gewaltfreiheit sie sicherstellen sollten.
20110124             Es ist nur die Frage, wie sehr man darauf pocht.
20110124             —GEWESEN, Im Rückblick sei es 1—FEHLER, auf autoritäre Regime zu setzen, sagt RAINER—STINNER, außenpolitischer EXPERTE—DER—FDP im BUNDESTAG.
20110124             Auch CDU—AUßENEXPERTE RUPRECHT—POLENZ gesteht ein, die Angst vor Islamisten habe zu einer falschen Politik geführt.
20110124             In der "Rheinischen Post" fordert er: "Wir brauchen 1—STRATEGIE, die Freiheit und Rechtsstaatlichkeit fördert".
20110124             Die französische Außenministerin wollte BEN—ALI noch wenige Tage vor seiner Flucht das "KNOW—HOW unserer Sicherheitskräfte zur Verfügung" STELLEN—ALS die Polizei —BEREITS mehrere Demonstranten erschossen hatten.
20110124             Jahrelang haben Frankreich und die Europäische Union den tunesischen Diktator Zine EL—ABIDINE BEN—ALI HOFIERT—UND damit ihr Ansehen beschädigt.
20110124             Nordafrika: TUNESIEN—REVOLUTION zwingt EUROPA zum Umdenken
20110124             Die Biene und andere Pflanzenbestäuber bringen der europäischen Landwirtschaft schätzungsweise jährlich rund 22—MILLIARDEN Euro ein.
20110124             "Der Gesundheitszustand der europäischen Bienen ist sehr, sehr besorgniserregend", sagte Ungarns Landwirtschaftsminister Sandor Fazekas am —MONTAG bei einem Treffen mit seinen Amtskollegen in Brüssel.
20110124             Die Dokumente scheinen zu beweisen, dass Kompromisse in den vergangenen 11—JAHREN vornehmlich von israelischer Seite blockiert wurden.
20110124             Soldaten in AFGHANISTAN: Tödlicher Spaß beim PISTOLEN—SPIEL
20110124             Verdächtiger Fluggast: Militärjets eskortieren Passagierflugzeug nach LONDON
20110124             Ziel der Berichte sei es, die RADIKAL—ISLAMISCHE Hamas auch im Westjordanland an die Macht zu bringen, sagte der Generalsekretär der Palästinensischen Befreiungsorganisation (PLO), Jassir Abed Rabbo, am —MONTAG vor Journalisten in Ramallah.
20110124             Ziel der "Kampagne" sei es, die Autonomiebehörde von PRÄSIDENT—MAHMUD—ABBAS in Verruf zu bringen und zu schwächen, sagte er.
20110124             Die Palästinenserbehörde wirft Katar —SCHON—SEIT längerem vor, die Hamas gezielt zu unterstützen.
20110124             An dem Protest beteiligten sich auch zahlreiche Menschen aus der verarmten Landbevölkerung, die sich —ERST—AM—SONNTAG den Demonstrationen in TUNIS für mehr Demokratie angeschlossen hatten.
20110124             Seine Ministerin ALLIOT—MARIE verteidigte der französische PRÄSIDENT.
20110124             Sie habe mit ihrem Angebot "noch mehr Dramen" verhindern wollen.
20110124             "Wenn man sich so nahe ist, hat man nicht immer den nötigen Abstand, um die Gefühle des Anderen richtig zu verstehen", so der PRÄSIDENT weiter.
20110124             —SEIT Beginn der neunziger Jahre hat sich demnach der Anteil der psychisch bedingten Ausfalltage verdreifacht.
20110124             Experten schätzen, dass etwa 9—MILLIONEN Menschen in Deutschland unter Burnout leiden.
20110124             Die Dunkelziffer ist auch aufgrund der schwierigen Diagnose hoch,
20110124             Etwa 3—MILLIARDEN Euro werden für die Behandlung fällig, den Schaden durch den Produktionsausfall beziffern Experten auf 3,3 Milliarden Euro.
20110124             "Wenn die Leute gleichgut abschneiden, obwohl sie keine Landkarte der Welt zeichnen können, dann muss die Repräsentation im Gehirn anders ablaufen", folgert Schill.
20110124             Expansion: Chinas Staatsbank ICBC drängt auf den USA—MARKT - Sinnkrise an der WALL—STREET: Geld!
20110124             Wir brauchen Geld!
20110124             ALASKA: Orcas töten massenweise Grauwalbabys
20110124             —UNTERDESSEN, Der britische "GUARDIAN" kündigte, weitere Enthüllungen an: Das beispiellose Angebot der Palästinenser sei nur eines von mehreren Zugeständnissen, die Schockwellen in der arabischen Welt auslösen würden, schreibt die Zeitung.
20110124             Abgesehen von den Menschenrechten
20110124             Die USA—INVESTMENTBANK Goldman Sachs sieht Indien —BEREITS 20300000              als drittgrößte Volkswirtschaft der WELT—HINTER CHINA und den USA, aber deutlich vor Brasilien, vor JAPAN, vor Russland, vor Deutschland.
20110124             "Es hat sich die Überzeugung durchgesetzt, dass die EU eine sehr deutliche Antwort auf die Schuldenkrise planen könnte", sagte GARETH—BERRY, Devisenstratege der Schweizer GROßBANK—UBS, der "FT".
20110124             selbst historisch Interessierte wissen —HEUTE kaum, dass die Quelle des Reichtums Chinas während der TANG—DYNASTIE, nämlich der transkontinentale Handel mit Luxusgütern, zu einem Gutteil von einem —HEUTE fast vergessenen Volk organisiert wurde: den Sogdern.
20110124             Die Anfänge dieser Erfolgsgeschichte reichen weit in die Geschichte ZURÜCK—UND in 1—REGION, die dem Volk fast alles bot.
20110124             Nehmen wir mal diese Situation hier: 2—NORWEGISCHE Blogger äußern sich kritisch über eine rechtsextremistische Gruppe in Italien.
20110124             Die Blogger hosten ihre Email bei Autistici, die kostenlos Blogspace, IRC und EMAIL—SERVICES für politisch interessierte und aktive Privatleute anbieten.
20110124             —GEBETEN, Nun, die norwegische Polizei wird also um Amtshilfe, und... beschlagnahmen erstmal die Festplatte mit den Userdaten von über 7000—USERN.
20110124             —PASSIERT, Wenn sowas im IRAN, oder in CHINA, dann würden wir —JETZT markige Worte von der FRIEDRICH—NAUMANN—STIFTUNG und den anderen "liberalen" Handtrocknern hören.
20110124             War das 1—RECHTSHILFEERSUCHEN oder ein
20110124             ein Europäischer Durchsuchungsbeschluss ?
20110124             Nimmt Norwegen überhaupt Teil am Europäischen Durchsuchungsbeschluss?
20110124             I think probably most significantly from the case we found via testimony from a (Transportation Security Administration) representative and from 1—ALBUQUERQUE police officer, they both testified that, in no uncertain terms, you do not have to show ID in order to fly, and that you can use cameras in public AREAS—OF—THE—AIRPORT.
20110124             Es braucht halt immer einen Wadenbeißer, der sich nicht einschüchtern lässt, damit es mit den Bürgerrechten nach vorne geht.
20110124             "Die deutsche Pharmaindustrie kann zeigen, dass sie ethisch handelt, wenn sie sich hier beteiligt", sagte der Vizepräsident der Bundesärztekammer, FRANK—ULRICH—MONTGOMERY, der "Passauer Neuen Presse".
20110124             Nach einem Bericht der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" hatte Rösler die Pharmafirmen in einem Brief gebeten, Lieferanfragen aus den USA zu ignorieren: "Soweit Ihre Firma THIOPENTAL—NATRIUM enthaltende Arzneimittel in Verkehr bringt, möchte ich Sie eindringlich bitten, solchen Lieferungsersuchen nicht zu entsprechen".
20110124             Röslers Initiative sei eine tolle Idee, erklärte —JETZT VIZE—ÄRZTEPRÄSIDENT MONTGOMERY.
20110124             Es gebe Beschlüsse der USA—MEDICAL Association ebenso wie deutscher Ärzte, nicht an Todesstrafen mitzuwirken.
20110124             "Wir hatten uns ja daran gewöhnt, notgedrungen auf die autoritären arabischen Regime zu setzen, weil wir in ihnen Bollwerke gegen das islamistische Chaos sahen".
20110124             Inzwischen glaube er aber, "dass es eher umgekehrt ist, dass die autoritären Regierungen wie 1—ART—TREIBHAUS für Islamismus wirken", sagte Polenz.
20110124             Je mehr Orte der Zug passierte, um so mehr Menschen schlossen sich ihm an.
20110124             "Das Volk ist gekommen, um die Regierung zu stürzen", riefen sie und forderten eine "saubere" Regierung ohne Vertreter des gestürzten Regimes.
20110124             Vor dem Amtssitz von Ministerpräsident MOHAMMED—GHANNOUCHI bauten sie nach Angaben eines Korrespondenten der Nachrichtenagentur AFP Zelte auf und rollten Schlafsäcke aus.
20110124             Sie wollten nicht abziehen, bevor die Übergangsregierung gestürzt sei, und deshalb würden sie auch die Nacht vor dem Regierungssitz verbringen, verkündeten die Demonstranten nach Berichten des Senders FRANCE Info.
20110124             —SOMMER: Ich sehe grundsätzlich als Problem, dass sie genutzt wird,
20110124             über den Druck der Krise noch mehr neoliberale Politik in EUROPA UMZUSETZEN—DAZU trägt unsere Regierung maßgeblich bei.
20110124             Man muss nur schauen, was —JETZT von Griechenland an Reformen verlangt wird, aber auch von Spanien oder PORTUGAL: Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes, Personalabbau im öffentlichen Dienst.
20110124             DGB—CHEF—SOMMER im Interview: "Die Krisenlasten tragen die kleinen Leute"
20110124             Das beispiellose Angebot der Palästinenser sei nur eines von mehreren Zugeständnissen, die Schockwellen in der arabischen Welt auslösen würden, schreibt die Zeitung.
20110124             Chefunterhändler Saeb Erekat nannte die Veröffentlichung in dem Fernsehsender AL—DSCHASIRA einen "Haufen Lügen".
20110124             Der Unterhändler betonte demnach, dass ISRAEL so das größte JERUSALEM in der Geschichte bekomme.
20110124             —BERICHTET, Der "GUARDIAN", sowohl die USA als auch ISRAEL hätten das Angebot aber als nicht ausreichend zurückgewiesen.
20110124             Der "GUARDIAN" nennt es "die größte Enthüllung vertraulicher Papiere in der Geschichte des NAHOST—KONFLIKTS ".
20110124             Protest gegen USA—TODESSTRAFE : Ärzte drängen Pharmafirmen zu GIFT—LIEFERBOYKOTT
20110124             Assistant SECRETARY—FOR—NEAR—EAST—AFFAIRS—JEFFREY—FELTMAN is on official travel to TUNISIA from 20110124—20110126    —DATE.
20110124             Assistant SECRETARY—FELTMAN—VISITS—TUNISIA, Shows Support for Free...
20110124             View Conflict in TUNISIA pictures on Yahoo!
20110124—20070600    —SEIT, "Wenn die Autonomiebehörde schwach wird, ist eine andere politische Fraktion bereit, sie zu ersetzen", sagte er im Hinblick auf den Erzrivalen von Abbas' Fatah, die allein im GAZA—STREIFEN herrschende Hamas.
20110124—20110121    —ON, 1—SUDAN—MAN, AL—AMIN MUSA—AL—AMIN, 25—JAHRE—ALT, who was hospitalized —AFTER setting himself on fire in 1—SUBURB—OF—KHARTOUM, † from his wounds.
20110124—20110206    —ON, unnamed officials in THE—NORTH—CAUCASUS region said they believed Magomed Yevloyev (20) of Ingushetia, was the suicide bomber.
20110124—20110209    —REPORTED, ITAR—TASS, that YEVLOYEV—BROTHER Akhmed (16) and sister Fatima (22) have been arrested.
20110124—20110328    —ON, Media reports said that Umarov might be among 17—MILITANTS killed in 1—SECURITY—RAID in THE—PROVINCE—OF—INGUSHETIA—WEST—OF—CHECHNYA.
20110124—20110329    —CHARGED, RUSSIA—INVESTIGATORS, Doku Umarov, 1—CHECHEN warlord, and another militant with organizing the airport bombing.
20110124—20131111    —ON, brothers Islam and Ilez Yandiyev and Bashir Khamkhoyev received life sentences in maximum security penal colonies on terrorism and other charges.
20110128—20110124    Assistant SECRETARY—FOR—NEAR—EAST—AFFAIRS—JEFFREY—FELTMAN is on official travel to TUNISIA from ;;01;;
20110128—20110124    View Conflict in TUNISIA pictures on —YAHOO!
20110128—20110124    See Conflict in TUNISIA photos and find more pictures in our photo galleries.
20110328             —DETAINED, Authorities also, 2—BROTHERS in the security raid on charges of helping stage 20110124             —THE Domodedovo airport bombing.
20120119—20120124    —ON, Abdelwahab Zaydoun (27), who held 1—MASTER—DEGREE in law, † of his burns.
20120119—20120124    —ACCUSED, PAKISTAN police, Islamist militants over the kidnapping.
20120124             —INCLUDED, His statements : "Tyranny is no match for liberty".
20120124             —BOWED, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, to political pressure and cracked the books on his personal finances, releasing USA—TAX—RETURNS showing he pays 1—LOWER—EFFECTIVE—TAX—RATE than MANY—TOP—WAGE—EARNERS.
20120124             2—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—USA—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS and 2—OTHERS were arrested in a $20—MILLION—BRIBERY and kickback case.
20120124             THE—2—ARMY—CORPS employees, Kerry F. Khan, 1—PROGRAM—MANAGER, and MICHAEL—A—ALEXANDER, 1—PROGRAM—DIRECTOR, received kickbacks in exchange for directing government contracts to 1—SUBCONTRACTOR specializing in software encryption devices and other information technology.
20120124             —VOTED, CALIFORNIA, the Mendocino County BOARD—OF—SUPERVISORS, to cancel its 2—YEAR—OLD—MEDICAL—MARIJUANA—PERMIT—PROGRAM —FOLLOWING threats from federal prosecutors.
20120124             CONNECTICUT, 4—POLICE—OFFICERS, including THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—LOCAL—POLICE—UNION, were arrested by THE—FBI on charges that they assaulted illegal immigrants and covered up abuses in 1—NEW—HAVEN suburb where 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION found life was made miserable for Hispanics.
20120124             —AWARDED, NEW—MEXICO, 1—FEDERAL—JURY, $22—MILLION to STEPHEN—SLEVIN, 58—JAHRE—ALT, who was kept in solitary confinement —FOR—2—YEARS and forced to pull his own tooth —AFTER being arrested for drunken driving in Dona Ana County.
20120124             AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said heavy snow and avalanches in AFGHANISTAN—FAR northeast have killed at least 46—PEOPLE—SINCE last —WEEK.
20120124             —CAUSED, Flooding in NORTH—EAST—AUSTRALIA, THOUSANDS—OF—HOMES to lose power and prompted authorities to start evacuations, —AROUND 1—YEAR—AFTER deadly floods devastated the region.
20120124             —INJURED, BAHRAIN, at least 41—POLICEMEN were, in clashes with demonstrators.
20120124             THE—CORYTON refinery in Essex, 1—OF—BRITAIN—LARGEST—OIL refineries halted sales, casting doubt over the future of 1,000 jobs and putting petrol supplies at risk.
20120124             Petroplus, its SWITZERLAND—OWNER, said it would file for insolvency.
20120124             —DEPORTED, CANADA, 1—RWANDA—MAN charged with crimes against humanity.
20120124             LEON—MUGESERA, who lost a 16-year battle to stay in CANADA, will face charges of inciting murder, extermination and genocide.
20120124             —KILLED, CHINA, 2—TIBETANS were reportedly, and several more were wounded —WHEN security forces opened fire on 1—CROWD—OF—PROTESTERS in Seda county in politically sensitive Ganzi prefecture in Sichuan province.
20120124             —DECREED, EGYPT—MILITARY—RULER, 1—PARTIAL lifting of the nation's hated emergency laws, saying the draconian laws will remain applicable to crimes committed by "thugs".
20120124             This would become effective 20120125             , the 1. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—START—OF—THE—POPULAR uprising that toppled longtime AUTHORITY—RULER—HOSNI Mubarak.
20120124             —MOVED, INDIA—CENTRAL—BANK, to release BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to commercial lenders in 1—POLICY—SHIFT designed to boost slackening growth in ASIA—3.—BIGGEST economy.
20120124             Nearly 700—INDIA—SEPARATIST—REBELS laid down their arms at 1—CEREMONY that the government hailed as 1—MAJOR—STEP towards bringing peace to the restive northeast region.
20120124             —EXPLODED, IRAQ, 1—SERIES—OF—CAR—BOMBS, in Shiite areas of BAGHDAD.
20120124             —KILLED, At least 19—PEOPLE were, and over 60 injured as insurgents targeted —DAY laborers, government workers and 1—POLICE—CAPTAIN.
20120124             —TURNED, MULLAH—NADHUM—AL—JUBOURI, THE—LEADER—OF—1—SUNNI militia that, against AL—QAIDA in IRAQ and sided with THE—USA—TROOPS, † in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in WEST—BAGHDAD.
20120124             —CARRIED, ISRAEL, out several airstrikes overnight in GAZA that THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said targeted 1—ARMS—FACTORY and 3—TUNNELS.
20120124             1—ROCKET fired from THE—GAZA Strip landed in SOUTH—ISRAEL, causing no damage or injuries.
20120124             —ARRESTED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, MP ABDUL—JABER—FUQAHA overnight from his home in Ramallah, the 5. Hamas official to be arrested by ISRAEL—FORCES in the past 5—DAYS.
20120124             —BURIED, KASHMIR, 1—HUGE—AVALANCHE, 7—INDIA—SOLDIERS—WHILE they were clearing snow from 1—ARMY—SUPPLY—ROAD in the mountains near THE—CEASE—FIRE—LINE.
20120124             —MOVED, Kosovo, 1—STEP—CLOSER to full CONTROL—OF—ITS—OWN—AFFAIRS, with 1—MULTINATIONAL organization announcing it will end its mandate this —YEAR pending continued progress on democratization and human rights.
20120124             —EXECUTED, MALI, some 82—SOLDIERS and civilians were summarily, —DURING 1—TUAREG offensive in THE—TOWN—OF—AGUELHOK.
20120124             MAURITANIA, representatives from Sahel states (MALI, MAURITANIA, NIGER, ALGERIA) and NIGERIA vowed to help EACH—OTHER fight terrorism from AL—QAEDA in the Islamic Maghreb and Islamist sect Boko Haram, which are said to have ties.
20120124             NEW—ZEALAND, 1—MASS—STRANDING of whales left 36—OF—THE—CREATURES—DEAD and threatened 40—MORE.
20120124             99—PILOT whales had stranded themselves 1—DAY—EARLIER on Farewell Spit on THE—SOUTH—ISLAND.
20120124             —KILLED, NIGERIA—SECURITY—FORCES, 1—MAN and his pregnant wife in 1—ASSAULT on 1—NEIGHBORHOOD in KANO.
20120124             —SURROUNDED, Suspected MEMBERS—OF—BOKO—HARAM, 1—POLICE—STATION in KANO, ordered civilians to get off the street, began chanting "God is great" and threw homemade bombs into the station —WHILE spraying it with assault rifles.
20120124             —FEARED, PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA, as many as 60—PEOPLE were, dead —AFTER 1—MASSIVE landslide wiped out 1—ENTIRE—VILLAGE in the rugged SOUTH—HIGHLANDS.
20120124             —SEIZED, THE—PHILIPPINES—CUSTOMS—AUTHORITIES, unclaimed items, which appeared to have been meant for cooking something illegal.
20120124             —WAITED, They had, 1—MONTH to see who would claim the suspicious shipment of "kitchen equipment" from TAIWAN.
20120124             1—CHINA—DRUG syndicate is suspected to have arranged the shipment to use the drumloads of chemicals, heating equipment and other items to produce large QUANTITIES—OF—METHAMPHETAMINE.
20120124             ROMANIA—PRIME—MINISTER—EMIL—BLOC used 1—NATIONAL—DAY—OF—UNITY—HOLIDAY to call for unity as THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS—ANGRY at the government's failure to reverse falling living standards turned their ire toward state media.
20120124             RUSSIA—ELECTIONS—COMMISSION said prominent opposition leader Grigory Yavlinsky will be disqualified from running for PRESIDENT—IN—MARCH, —AFTER finding that HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS of the signatures submitted on his nominating petition were invalid.
20120124             The move would prevent his liberal Yabloko party from fielding observers.
20120124             —FIELDED, His party had, THOUSANDS—OF—ELECTION—OBSERVERS in the December election who documented EVIDENCE—OF—FRAUD in favor of PUTIN—UNITED—RUSSIA party.
20120124             —DETAINED, SAUDI—ARABIA—POLICE, 9—MEN accused of instigating riots —EARLIER this —MONTH in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—QATIF.
20120124             —LAUNCHED, SENEGAL—PUBLIC—TRANSPORT—WORKERS, 1—FRESH—STRIKE to protest high fuel prices and police harassment, leaving many stranded on their way to work.
20120124             1 respected human rights group, the Humanitarian Law Center, accused SERBIA—NEW—ARMY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, GENERAL—LJUBISA—DIKOVIC, of war crimes against civilians in Kosovo —DURING the 19980000—19990000     war, but officials denied the claim.
20120124             —CLAIMED, Islamist militants, responsibility for the attack.
20120124             —CLAIMED, AL—SHABAB on its Twitter feed, that 33—ETHIOPIA—TROOPS were killed in the attack.
20120124             SYRIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER said that "half the universe" is conspiring against his country, as Gulf Arab nations withdrew from 1—MONITORING mission in Syria because the government has failed to stop 10—MONTHS—OF—VIOLENCE.
20120124             —OPENED, SYRIA—TROOPS, fire to disperse HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE in AL—BARRA village in the Jabal AL—ZAWIYA REGION—OF—NORTH—SYRIA who had gathered for the funeral of Radwan Rabih Hamadi, assassinated 1—DAY—EARLIER.
20120124             —EXPELLED, Sinduhije was, to UGANDA.
20120124             CENTRAL—THAILAND, fireworks set off —DURING 1—OFFICIAL—CHINESE—NEW—YEAR—CELEBRATION sparked 1—BLAZE that burned homes, killed 3—PEOPLE and injured others.
20120124             —ENDED, TUNISIA—POLICE, 1—WEEKS—LONG—SIT—IN by conservative Muslims at Manouba university that banned THE—FULL—FACE veil.
20120124             —WARNED, TURKEY, THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENT against signing 1—LAW that makes it 1—CRIME to deny that the killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks nearly 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY ago constituted genocide, saying such 1—MOVE would deal 1—HEAVY—BLOW to the relations between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20120124             —CLASHED, UGANDA—POLICE, with opposition supporters in KAMPALA —AFTER security forces tried to detain opposition leader Kizza Besigye —FOLLOWING 1—PROTEST—RALLY over rising living costs.
20120124             —EXACERBATED, UNICEF said 1—YEAR—OF—YEMEN—TURMOIL has, the number of malnourished children under the age of 5 to —AROUND 750,000.
20120124             —APPROVED, URUGUAY—PRESIDENT, a $513,000 payment to Macarena Gelman, who was illegally adopted —DURING the dictatorship —AFTER her mother was tortured and disappeared.
20120124             —DEPORTED, VENEZUELA, 3 suspected drug smugglers wanted in THE—USA, CANADA and COLOMBIA, touting the moves as proof THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ is making strides in fighting trafficking.
20120124             —JOINED, More teachers in ZIMBABWE, 1—NATIONAL—STRIKE in which government workers are seeking to double their salaries.
20120124             Their action on the strike's 2. —DAY, and the absence of more staff from government offices, began to disrupt routine services.
20120124—20050800    —ARRESTED, He was, —WHILE driving through THE—SOUTH—NEW—MEXICO county and ended up in solitary confinement because he was suffering from depression and someone checked 1—BOX on 1—FORM indicating he was suicidal.
20120124—20070000    —IN, It had bought the refinery from BP.
20120124—20070600    —CONVICTED, He released, and was never.
20120124—20100000    —IN, Romney and his wife Ann paid 1—EFFECTIVE—TAX—RATE—OF—13.9—PERCENT and expect to pay a 15.4—PERCENT effective tax rate —WHEN they file their returns for 20110000           .
20120124—20111009    —ON, 1—TWITTER message stated "THE—LIBYA—REVOLUTIONARIES have proven that Tyranny is no match for Liberty and Democracy".
20120213—20120124    —CONDEMNED, FRANCE, THE—EXTRA—JUDICIAL—KILLINGS—OF some 82—PEOPLE in the town, which THE—MALI—ARMY confirmed.
20120412—20060124    —ARRESTED, Hamadi was.
20121028—20120124    —ON, 1—SECURITY—OFFICIAL said AL—SHIHRI, AL—QAIDA—NUMBER 2 in YEMEN, had † from wounds suffered in the attack.
20130124             —INTRODUCED, SENATOR—DIANNE—FEINSTEIN, D—CALIFORNIA, legislation to reinstate 1—FEDERAL—BAN on assault weapons.
20130124             —CENTERED, The "Assault Weapons Ban of 2013", on banning MILITARY—STYLE—ASSAULT—WEAPONS and HIGH—CAPACITY—AMMUNITION feeding devices.
20130124             —SCORED, Toymaker Mattel INCORPORATED, 1—PARTIAL—VICTORY—WHEN 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT overturned a 20110000              jury verdict and $170—MILLION in damages for allegedly stealing trade secrets from the maker of Bratz dolls.
20130124             The court upheld 1—JUDGE—AWARD—OF $137.2—MILLION to BRATZ—MANUFACTURER, MGA Entertainment, for its defense against MATTEL—TRADE—SECRETS—CLAIM.
20130124             USA—HEALTH—OFFICIALS said the new SYDNEY strain of norovirus, 1—STOMACH bug, has been sweeping the globe is taking over in THE—USA.
20130124             —SINCE September more than 140—OUTBREAKS in THE—USA—HAVE been caused by the new strain.
20130124             AZERBAIJAN, HUNDREDS—OF—ANGRY—DEMONSTRATORS in Ismayilli, some 175—KM (110—MILES) from the capital, BAKU, surrounded 1—REGIONAL—GOVERNMENT building demanding THE—GOVERNOR—RESIGNATION—AFTER 1—NIGHT—OF rioting in which 1—HOTEL and several cars were torched.
20130124             —FIRED, BAHRAIN riot police, tear gas and stun grenades at several 100—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS whose chants included calls to reject proposed talks aimed at easing nearly 2—YEARS—OF—UNREST in the Gulf nation.
20130124             —SIGNED, BRITAIN's and IRELAND—ENERGY—MINISTERS, 1—MEMORANDUM of understanding in DUBLIN, agreeing to assess the costs and benefits of trading renewable energy, to look at potential projects and to consider sharing renewable energy statistics.
20130124             CANADA, Theresa Spence, 1—CHIEF from 1—REMOTE—ONTARIO reserve, agreed to end her hunger strike —AFTER talks with other native groups and opposition political parties.
20130124             —TRAVELED, Spence, to OTTAWA in December and set up camp on 1—SMALL—ISLAND in THE—OTTAWA River to raise awareness about living conditions for natives across CANADA.
20130124             —FIRED, EGYPT—RIOT—POLICE, tear gas and clashed with DOZENS—OF—PROTESTERS who were trying to tear down 1—CEMENT wall built to prevent demonstrators from reaching PARLIAMENT and the Cabinet building.
20130124             1—VIDEO was —POSTED online showing youths dressed in black marching in lines in the Mediterranean CITY—OF—ALEXANDRIA.
20130124             "We are the Black Bloc... seeking people's liberation, THE—FALL—OF—CORRUPTION and the toppling of the tyrant," proclaimed the video.
20130124             Frenchwoman FLORENCE Cassez (38), who spent 7—YEARS in prison in MEXICO on kidnapping charges, returned to 1—HERO—WELCOME in PARIS.
20130124             —ORDERED, She was, freed 1—DAY—EARLIER because of flaws in her trial.
20130124             —REFUSED, GREECE, strikers protesting pay cuts, to return to work, leaving ATHENS' subway system closed for an 8. —DAY, despite 1—COURT—DECISION declaring their protest illegal.
20130124             —SIGNED, GUYANA, 1—AGREEMENT with NY conservation group Panthera, which is trying to establish 1—JAGUAR corridor from NORTH—ARGENTINA to MEXICO..
20130124             JORDAN—ELECTION—COMMISSION said 1.3—MILLION—JORDANIANS, or 56.7—PERCENT of nearly 2.3—MILLION—PEOPLE who were registered to vote, had cast their ballots.
20130124             —SHOWED, MALI—REBEL—MOVEMENT, new signs of discord —IN—THE—WAKE—OF punishing FRANCE—AIR—STRIKES, with 1—WING of the Ansar Dine group —NOW pledging to negotiate 1—END to the country's crisis and possibly even fight against its FORMER—COMRADES—IN—ARMS.
20130124             —BASED, Islamic extremists, in THE—TOWN—OF—ANSONGO destroyed 1—BRIDGE—NEAR THE—NIGER border, marking the 1. use of explosives by the insurgents —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—FRENCH—LED military intervention exactly 2—WEEKS ago.
20130124             —WARNED, NORTH—KOREA—TOP governing body, that the regime will conduct its 3. nuclear test in DEFIANCE—OF—UN—PUNISHMENT, and made clear that its LONG—RANGE—ROCKETS are designed to carry not only satellites but also warheads aimed at striking THE—USA.
20130124             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—IRFAN—QADIR said PAKISTAN is holding 700, militants without charges under 1—CONTROVERSIAL—LAW that has been criticized by human rights organizations.
20130124             —GRADUATED, More than 3,000 PALESTINE—TEENAGERS, from the ruling Hamas militant group's 1. high school military training program in THE—GAZA Strip, displaying mock weapons, crawling COMMANDO—STYLE on the ground and taking up fighting positions for THOUSANDS—OF—CHEERING supporters.
20130124             —REPORTED, SOUTH—AFRICA, that some 15 1000—CROCODILES escaped the Rakwena Crocodile Farm on the Limpopo River border with BOTSWANA —WHEN the farm gates were opened —EARLIER this —WEEK to alleviate pressure from rising flood waters.
20130124             —BOMBED, SYRIA—WARPLANES, REBEL—HELD areas near DAMASCUS as PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—TROOPS battled opposition fighters for CONTROL—OF—1—STRATEGIC—ROAD that links the capital with the main airport.
20130124             Twin car bombs in THE—SYRIAN—CONTROLLED PART—OF—THE—GOLAN—HEIGHTS killed 8—PEOPLE in Quneitra, as thegovernment called on those who fled the country —DURING the civil war to return, including regime opponents.
20130124             —APPROVED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, THE—USE—OF—SURVEILLANCE—DRONES over EAST—CONGO to monitor roving militias.
20130124             —QUOTED, VIETNAM—LABORER newspaper, MINISTER—OF—PUBLIC—SECURITY—TRAN—DAI—QUANG as saying VIETNAM will produce its own drug for executing prisoners.
20130124             —STOPPED, Factories in THE—EU have, shipments BECAUSE—OF—OBJECTIONS there to the death penalty.
20130124             Auftritt vor BENGASI—AUSSCHUSS: Alles bereit für HILLARY—CLINTON 2016
20130124             KOALITION bricht auseinander: Slowenische Regierung vor dem Aus
20130124             Geplante Raketenstarts: NORD—KOREA droht USA mit neuen ATOM—WAFFEN—TESTS
20130124             —KRISE, JAPANisches HANDELS—DEFIZIT steigt auf Rekordwert
20130124             Boom am ARBEITS—MARKT: Rentenversicherung hortet MILLIARDEN
20130124             MALI: FRANKREICHs Verbündete sollen Gegner hingerichtet haben
20130124             Platin, Nickel und Co., USA—FIRMA will ROH—STOFFE im All abbauen
20130124             NASA—STUDIE, Magnetfelder heizen Sonnenatmosphäre auf Millionengrade
20130124             Sparkurs: COMMERZ—BANK will —BIS zu 6.000—STELLEN—STREICHEN
20130124             Vermögen: Wie sich DER—VATIKAN mit Mussolinis Millionen 1—IMMOBILIENIMPERIUM schuf
20130124             KURS—RUTSCH trotz Rekordergebnis: Der APPLE—ABSTURZ
20130124             —VERHAFTET, Bankbetrug übers INTERNET: FBI, Urheber des GOZ1—VIRUS
20130124             WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSFORUM in DAVOS: Russische Sberbank drängt nach DEUTSCHLAND
20130124             Verletzung von MENSCHEN—RECHTEN: Mutmaßliche RACHE—AKTE malischer Soldaten alarmieren PARIS
20130124             CAMERON in DAVOS: "GROß—BRITANNIEN wird dem EURO nie beitreten"
20130124             —VOM, Wolf zum Hund: Der bessere Futterverwerter setzte sich durch
20130124             Public Eye Awards: SCHMÄH—PREIS für GOLDMAN—SACHS und SHELL
20130124             Stiftung Warentest: Schlaumacher für Kinder wirken nicht
20130124             —BEANTWORTET, Transparency Report: GOOGLE, 42 % DER—DEUTSCHEN—BEHÖRDENANFRAGEN
20130124             SICHERHEITS—KONTROLLE, USA—FLUGHÄFEN verzichten auf Nacktscanner
20130124             ARBEIT—GEBER Kirche: "Christ sein ist auch 1—QUALIFIKATION"(KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 14:06)
20130124             CHINA in der ARKTIS: Schneedrache nimmt NORD—KURS
20130124             WARNUNG—DES—FOREIGN—OFFICE: Große GEFAHR—FÜR—BRITEN in Bengasi
20130124             [l] Riesige Ölvorkommen in AUSTRALIEN GEFUNDEN.
20130124             [l] Oh 1—DETAIL zu CAMERON und der EU ist auch noch ausgesprochen unterhaltsam:
20130124             THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION is making no attempt to hide its dismay over DAVID—CAMERON—SPEECH and the prospect of THE—UK exiting THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, 1—MOVE which WASHINGTON views as undermining prospects for 1—UNITED—MILITARY and FOREIGN—POLICY.
20130124             Das ist vorgeschoben.
20130124             [l] Ungeborene Kinder sind noch keine Menschen, daher haften wir nicht für ihren Tod.
20130124             [l] Was kommt raus, wenn in BAYERN die Frage untersucht wird, wieso bei den NSU—MORDEN die Ermittlungen scheiterten?
20130124             —VERSUCHT, Sein Vorgesetzter hätte zudem, Satellitenbilder des Tatorts beim BUNDES—NACHRICHTEN—DIENST zu erlangen.
20130124             Wir reden hier von AUFNAHMEN—VON—DEUTSCHLAND.
20130124             [l] —DEMNÄCHST auch in ihrem "RECHTS—STAAT": "NON—LETHAL DNA bullets —TAG CRIMINAL—SUSPECTS for —LATER identification".
20130124             WARNUNG—DES—AUSWÄRTIGES Amtes: ALLE—DEUTSCHEN sollen Bengasi sofort verlassen
20130124             "Nuklearer HOLOCAUST", USA—BANKER witzelten über Schrottpapiere
20130124             —VERURTEILT, TÜRKEI: EXIL—AUTORIN Selek zu lebenslanger Haft
20130124             Sparetat - Katholische Kliniken in KÖLN: Krankenkasse soll heimlichen PILLEN—TEST FINANZIERt haben
20130124             USA—STUDIEN: Rauchstopp vor dem Vierzigsten bringt 9—JAHRE mehr
20130124             SACHSENs VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ : Vernichten von RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS—AKTEN war rechtens
20130124             Navigation im Tierreich: Mistkäfer orientieren sich an der Milchstraße
20130124             Patt im PARLAMENT: Wähler strafen NETANJAHU ab
20130124             Unklare Rechtslage: UNO untersucht DROHNEN—ANGRIFFE
20130124             GRIECHENLAND: Regierung will streikende U—BAHN—FAHRER verhaften
20130124             BUNDESWEHR im Ausland: Regierung will zügig KAMPF—DROHNEN anschaffen
20130124             —MITTELMÄßIGE—QUARTAL—ZAHLEN: Microsofts Gewinn sinkt trotz Windows 8
20130124—20050000    —ARRESTED, She was, and convicted of helping her MEXICO—THEN—BOYFRIEND run 1—KIDNAPPING gang.
20130124—20080000    —IN—THE, DAVID—HEADLEY, 52—JAHRE—ALT was sentenced in 1—USA federal COURT—IN—CHICAGO to 35—YEARS in prison for his role Mumbai attack, that killed 166—PEOPLE in INDIA—FINANCIAL—CAPITAL.
20140108—20140124    —ON, Perkovic was flown to GERMANY.
20140122—20140124    —ON, the talks moved to GENEVA.
20140124             ARGENTINA said it is relaxing restrictions on THE—PURCHASE—OF—USA—DOLLARS —FOLLOWING 1—SHARP, sudden slide in the value of the local peso.
20140124             —SUSPENDED, Air CANADA, ticket sales in VENEZUELA, adding to 1—RISING NUMBER—OF—AIRLINES protesting 1—GOVERNMENT—DEVALUATION—OF—THE—LOCAL currency —JUST for travelers.
20140124             † CHINA—POLICE shot dead 6—PEOPLE —DURING a "terrorist" attack in the restive WEST—REGION—OF—XINJIANG and 6—MORE, —WHEN explosives they were carrying detonated.
20140124             —KILLED, CONGODRC, 1—EXPLOSION at 1—ARMS depot, over 20—PEOPLE—NEAR THE—DIAMOND—MINING hub of MBUJI—MAYI.
20140124             —ARRESTED, Leading CUBA—DISSIDENT—JOSE DANIEL—FERRER was, —AFTER meeting with European diplomats in HAVANA.
20140124             —PLANTED, EGYPT, 1—BOMB, on 1—ROAD hit 1—CONVOY—OF—SECURITY—FORCES on 1—BUSY—STREET in CAIRO, killing 1—PERSON in the 4. bombing in 1—DAY.
20140124             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER blew himself up in the parking LOT—OF—1—TOP—SECURITY compound in CENTRAL—CAIRO, killing at least 4—PEOPLE.
20140124             PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE spoke of "convergence" on INTERNATIONAL issues —AFTER talks with FRANCIS—PAPA amid 1—SWIRLING scandal over THE—FRANCE—LEADER—LOVE—LIFE and divisions in FRANCE over issues like abortion and euthanasia.
20140124             —NAMED, GABON—PRESIDENT—ALI—BONGO—ONDIMBA, 1—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER, DANIEL—ONA—ONDO, —FOLLOWING municipal and regional elections.
20140124             —CALLED, IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, for all "foreign elements" to leave Syria so its people can decide their future themselves.
20140124             IRAQ, violence in parts of Anbar province held by ANTI—GOVERNMENT—FIGHTERS killed 3—PEOPLE.
20140124             1—UN—REPORT said more than 140,000 Iraqis have fled parts of Anbar province over clashes between security forces and AL—QAIDA militants —SINCE its brutal 20060000—20080000     sectarian conflict.
20140124             ISRAEL—FORCES shot dead BILAL—SAMIR—OWEIDA, 20—JAHRE—ALT and wounded another man in THE—GAZA Strip.
20140124             —ENTERED, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY said 1—GROUP—OF—PALESTINIANS had, "1 prohibited area" in NORTH—GAZA where they damaged the security fence, hurled rocks and rolled burning tires at IDF (ISRAEL—DEFENSE—FORCES).
20140124             —PROPOSED, NORTH—KOREA, REUNIONS—OF—FAMILIES separated —SINCE the Korean War 6—DECADES ago, continuing its latest CAMPAIGN—OF—RECONCILIATION that included 1—CALL for SOUTH—KOREA and THE—USA to cancel joint military drills.
20140124             —ARRESTED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 4—POLICE—OFFICERS were, —AFTER the fatal shooting of 1—PROTESTER —DURING 1—DEMONSTRATION that turned violent on the outskirts of JOHANNESBURG.
20140124             † A 28—YEAR—OLD—MAN was shot and killed —EARLIER this —WEEK—AFTER protesters blocked roads with stones and burning tires in the Roodepoort area.
20140124             THE—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM said looters in SOUTH—SUDAN have stolen UN food aid that would have fed over 220,000—PEOPLE for 1—MONTH.
20140124             † 1—SYRIA—ACTIVIST—GROUP said 63—PEOPLE have —SINCE last June in the besieged Yarmouk PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP from 1—LACK—OF—FOOD and medicine.
20140124             —SCRAPPED, Direct talks in GENEVA were, between SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—GOVERNMENT and THE—WESTERN—BACKED opposition that wants to overthrow him.
20140124             Barrel bomb attacks on ALEPPO—OUTLYING industrial city and the Sheikh Najjar districts killed 10—PEOPLE,
20140124             —OPENED, THAILAND—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, the way to put off 1—GENERAL—ELECTION the government has set for February 2, piling pressure on PRIME—MINISTER—YINGLUCK—SHINAWATRA who looks increasingly cornered by legal challenges to her grip on power.
20140124             —REPORTED, His condition —AFTER surgery was, as stable.
20150102—20150124    —DECAPITATED, His, body was found.
20150124             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA and its coalition partners, another ROUND—OF—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic State militants in IRAQ and Syria, conducting 26—STRIKES in the last 24—HOURS.
20150124             —FILLED, S—FRANCISCO, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, Civic Center Plaza calling for 1—END to abortion in the annual WEST—COAST—MARCH for Life.
20150124             —KILLED, NEW—YORK—CITY, security guard JONATHON—WALKER, 34—JAHRE—ALT, his daughter (7), his girlfriend (31) and her mother (62) at 1—HOUSE in Queens —BEFORE killing himself 1—FEW miles away.
20150124             —ORDERED, EGYPT—JUDICIAL—SOURCES said 1—COURT has, 1—RETRIAL for 37—MUSLIM Brotherhood members sentenced to death and 115—OTHERS sentenced to life in 1—MASS—TRIAL last March.
20150124             Female protester Shaimaa EL—SABAGH was fatally shot by police in CAIRO.
20150124             —CONVICTED, Officer YASSIN—HATEM—SALAH—EDDIN, 25—JAHRE—ALT was —LATER, and sentenced to 15—YEARS in prison.
20150124             —ARRIVED, UN Security Council members, in HAITI for a 3—DAY—VISIT to urge the government to hold LONG—DELAYED elections in order to stem 1—MOUNTING political crisis.
20150124             INDIA—COMMUNIST—PARTIES held 1—PROTEST—MARCH and burned 1—EFFIGY—OF—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA on THE—EVE—OF—HIS—NEW—DELHI visit, voicing fears of 1—USA—DOMINATION in economic, nuclear and defense ties with INDIA.
20150124             —KILLED, IRAQ, 2—BOMBINGS, at least 13—PEOPLE in BAGHDAD.
20150124             —CRITICIZED, JAPAN strongly, 1—RECORDING purporting to announce the execution of 1—JAPAN—CITIZEN held by Islamic State militants and demanded the immediate release of another captive depicted as appearing on the image.
20150124             —APPEARED, The recording, to show captive Haruna Yukawa being killed.
20150124             THE—UNITED—NATIONS said LIBERIA was dealing with —JUST 5—REMAINING cases of Ebola, in the clearest sign yet that the country is nearing THE—END—OF—THE—OUTBREAK.
20150124             —KIDNAPPED, BAYDA—LIBYA, gunmen, HASSAN—AL—SAGHIR, the deputy foreign MINISTER—OF—THE internationally recognized government.
20150124             —SEIZED, Police in PUERTO—RICO, $23—MILLION worth of cocaine near 1—TINY—ISLAND off THE—USA—TERRITORY—SOUTH—COAST.
20150124             3—PEOPLE from THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC were arrested.
20150124             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, 4 suspected Islamist extremists who it said were prepared to launch attacks in SPAIN.
20150124             —KILLED, SYRIA, 1—REBEL mortar attack on DAMASCUS, at least 3—PEOPLE and wounded 11.
20150124             —STAGED, SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY, some 70,000 Kurds, 1—PROTEST in DIYARBAKIR against FRANCE—SATIRICAL—MAGAZINE—CHARLIE—HEBDO—CARTOON portrayal of the Prophet Mohammed.
20150124             —KILLED, EAST—UKRAINE, at least 30—PEOPLE were, by shelling in the port CITY—OF—MARIUPOL.
20150124             1—REBEL—LEADER said separatists were launching 1—OFFENSIVE on the city.
20150124             —MARCHED, YEMEN, tens of thousands, in protest against Shiite rebels who hold the capital, amid 1—POWER vacuum in 1—COUNTRY that is home to what WASHINGTON describes as AL—QAIDA—MOST dangerous offshoot.
20150124             ZAMBIA, opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema held 1—BRIEFING in which he described 20150120             —THE election as 1—SHAM.
20150124             —AM, auf 1—SPEZIELLEN Website veröffentlicht wird.
20150124             Verpfuschte HINRICHTUNGEN—IN—OKLAHOMA: Oberster GERICHT—HOF lässt Giftcocktails überprüfen
20150124             Schmuggel ins Gefängnis: Drogen per Drohne
20150124             Pannen beim Transportflieger A400M: VON—DER—LEYEN rechnet mit Airbus ab
20150124             —VERLIERT, Bilanz der LUFT—ANGRIFFE—AUF—TERROR—MILIZ—IS, im IRAK kaum an BODEN
20150124             Rückschlag für Dobrindt: Länder machen FRONT—GEGEN—PKW—MAUT
20150124             —ARM—TROTZ—ARBEIT: Mehr als 3.000.000 Erwerbstätige von Armut bedroht
20150124             —DISKUTIERT, Einladung nach DRESDEN: SPD—CHEF—GABRIEL, mit Anhängern von PEGIDA
20150124             BÖRSEnkolumne: Draghi, der Bankenretter
20150124             RUSSLANDs Raumfahrt: Mit neuem STAATS—KONZERN zurück zur Weltspitze - Innere Leere: Das Leben ist 1—WARTESAAL
20150124             UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, Hafenstadt Mariupol unter RAKETEN—BESCHUSS
20150124             REICHS—BÜRGER—BEWEGUNG: Waldorfschulen fürchten Unterwanderung durch Rechte
20150124             EZB—ANLEIHENKAUF: Draghis DOPPEL—FEHLER
20150124             NEW—YORK—TIMES : Chefredakteur verteidigt Haltung zu CHARLIE—HEBDO —KARIKATUREN
20150124             Kontrollen an USA—FLUGHÄFEN: Das Waffenarsenal der Passagiere
20150124             CHEMIE—WAFFEN—PRODUKTION in SYRIEN: Renommierte deutsche Firmen unter Verdacht
20150124             WAHL—IN—GRIECHENLAND: Die Strippenzieher von Syriza
20150124             KO—OPERATION mit DIKTATOR: BRITEN wollten REGIME—KRITIKER an GADDAFI ausliefern
20150124             Dialog als "Privatmann": GABRIEL stößt mit Besuch bei PEGIDA—DEBATTE auf Unverständnis
20150124             STEINMEIER zu PEITSCHEN—URTEIL—IN—SAUDI—ARABIEN: "Grausam, falsch, völlig unverhältnismäßig"
20150124             Baltikum: Russische Luftwaffe fliegt SCHEIN—ANGRIFFE—GEGEN—NATO—STAATEN
20150124             Massenmörder aus den Zwanzigern: Kopf von FRITZ—HAARMANN eingeäschert
20150124             EX—INNEN—MINISTER—SCHILY: "NATÜRLICH gibt es Probleme mit muslimischen Zuwanderern"
20150124             Bei Kontrollen an USA—FLUGHÄFEN werden Fluggäste von Kopf —BIS Fuß durchleuchtet.
20150124             Als die TSA den militärischen Trainingsbausatz entdeckte, musste die Gepäckaufbewahrung in HONOLULU geräumt werden.
20150124             1—INAKTIVER Sprengsatz, der ;;1000—IM, im Urlaubsparadies HAWAII am Flughafen auftauchte
20150124             "Die große MEHRHEIT—DER Reisenden hat keine bösen Absichten", versichert TSA—SPRECHER ROSS—FEINSTEIN mit Blick auf die Funde an den mehr als 5100—ÖFFENTLICHEN Airports.
20150124             2.212—WAFFEN entdeckten TSA—BEAMTE vergangenes —JAHR allein im Handgepäck von Fluggästen, das entspricht im Durchschnitt 6—WAFFEN am —TAG und 1—ANSTIEG—VON—22% im Vergleich zu 20130000           .
20150124             Andrej Kostin beim WELT—WIRTSCHAFTS—FORUM, Kommt 1—RUSSE nach DAVOS...
20150124             NORD—AFRIKA—REISE: STEINMEIER auf schwierigem Terrain
20150124             [l] Ausrede des Tages: Argentine PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—KIRCHNER says prosecutor murdered to implicate her GOVERNMENT—IN—1—COVER—UP.
20150124             [l] Frank hat bei Heise 1—KRYPTO—KRIEGE—KOMMENTAR geschrieben.
20150124             Wir reden hier vom KAMPF—UM—DIE letzten stehenden Trümmer unserer Demokratie, soviel sollte aber allen klar sein an der Stelle.
20150124             [l] RUSSLAND und CHINA machen 1—RATING—AGENTUR auf.
20150124             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—FRAU—MERKEL anlässlich des Wirtschaftsforums in DAVOS, wo sie auch TTIP zur Chefsache erklärte:
20150124             Zur digitalen Welt gehöre auch, dass es keine geheimen Winkel in der Welt gebe.
20150124             —NOCH—NICHT zynisch genug?
20150124             Zu der Forderung nach Transparenz sagte DIE—KANZLERIN, sie begrüße diese.
20150124             Prost!
20150124             [l] Die RUSSLAND—SANKTIONEN funktionieren!
20150124             [l] In NRW ist —JETZT Schluss mit UMWELT—SCHUTZ—GESETZEN, die DIE—WIRTSCHAFT behindern.
20150124             So müssten zum Beispiel Gesetze für neue UMWELT—STANDARDS in NRW darauf überprüft werden, welche KOSTEN—FÜR—DIE—INDUSTRIE entstehen.
20150124             Ja wo kämen wir da auch hin, wenn der erhalt 1—MENSCHLICHES Leben ermöglichenden UMWELT Priorität vor den Interessen der Industriebosse hätte!1!!
20150124             [l] Das VERWALTUNGS—GERICHT HAMBURG hat den Bau 1—FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIMS gestoppt.
20150124             Bei 1—UNTERBRINGUNG von Wohnungslosen und FLÜCHTLINGEn in der vorgesehenen Weise handele ES—SICH zudem nicht um 1—WOHNNUTZUNG im engeren Sinne, befanden DIE—RICHTER.
20150124             [l] DIE—GUTE—NACHRICHT: Komasaufen gerät unter Jugendlichen in PASSAU aus der Mode.
20150124             DIE—SCHLECHTE Nachricht: Komasaufen gerät aus der Mode — aus ANGST—VOR—CRYSTAL Meth.
20150124             [l] Endlich kümmert sich unsere Regierung mal um notleidende Firmen wie...
20150124             DIE—TELEMATIKINFRASTRUKTUR soll demnach "für weitere Anwendungen im GESUNDHEITS—WESEN und für weitere Leistungserbringer" geöffnet werden.
20150124             [l] SCHLAGZEILE—DES—TAGES: "MIT—ARBEITER [des OLG Naumburg] sollen über 1.000—KOPIEN angefertigt haben".
20150124             [l] Nehmen wir an, du M—AXT 1—FOTO, publizierst das im INTERNET, und "DIE—MEDIEN"übernehmen das dann und pappen ihren Namen drüber, ohne dich um die Rechte gebeten zu haben.
20150124             —UPDATE, Ich hoffe ja insgeheim auf den Twist, dass die offiziell 1—LIZENZDEAL—MIT—FACEBOOK haben.
20150124             Pegada in ERFURT: Hunderte DEMONSTRIEREN—GEGEN—"Amerikanisierung des Abendlandes"
20150124             ERFURT—IN ERFURT SIND—CA—1.000—MENSCHEN unter dem Motto "Patriotische EUROPÄER GEGEN—DIE—AMERIKANISIERUNG des Abendlandes"(Pegada) auf die Straße gegangen.
20150124             Auf Spruchbändern warnten sie vor DEN—USA als "TERRORmacht", 1—BRUCH mit RUSSLAND und 1 3. WELT—KRIEG.
20150124             es war der 1.Aufmarsch von PEGADA—ANHÄNGERN.
20150124             Auf dem Platz vor dem Hauptbahnhof trafen sie AUF—CA—600—GEGEN—DEMONSTRANTEN.
20150124             —NACH, hitzig geführten Debatten zwischen beiden Seiten kam es zu Gerangel.
20150124             Pfeifkonzerte unterbrachen immer wieder die Versuche von PEGADA—REDNERN, sich Gehör zu verschaffen.
20150124             Zudem zwangen Sitzblockaden von ANTIFA—GRUPPEN die PEGADA—ANHÄNGER, ihre URSPRÜNGLICH geplante Marschroute durch die Innenstadt zum Domplatz aufzugeben.
20150124             In weitem Bogen mussten sie mit POLIZEIeskorte zum Bahnhof zurückkehren, um dort ihre Kundgebung abzuhalten.
20150124             Auf ihrer FACEBOOK—SEITE schrieb die Gruppe nach der Demo: "Dieser —TAG in ERFURT war der Beginn von etwas unglaublich großem!"
20150124             —NACH, ANSICHT—VON—KIRCHEN, Parteien, GEWERKSCHAFTEN und antifaschistischen Gruppen steckt hinter Pegada 1 "kruder Zusammenschluss"von VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORETIKERN, Neonazis und gewaltbereiten Hooligans.
20150124             Pegada ist kein offizieller Ableger der Dresdner PEGIDA ("Patriotische EUROPÄER GEGEN—DIE—ISLAMISIERUNG des Abendlandes").
20150124             Der ähnliche Name sei aber bewusst gewählt worden.
20150124             Zerstörung in Mariupol: OSZE macht Separatisten für Raketenangriff verantwortlich
20150124—20160000    —OVERTURNED, EGYPT—HIGHEST—APPEALS—COURT, the conviction and ordered 1—NEW—TRIAL for Eddin.
20150125—20150124    —INAUGURATED, ZAMBIA, EDGAR—LUNGU was, as the country's new PRESIDENT —AFTER being declared the winner of ZAMBIA's 20150120              presidential election late.
20150310             They were PART—OF—1—LARGER—GROUP allegedly planning to carry out attacks in SPAIN and other European countries and connected to 20150124             —THE detention of 4—OTHER suspected members of the same cell.
20160124             —STAGED, THE—USA and its allies, 19—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ and Syria in the coalition's latest round of daily attacks on the militant group.
20160124             —KNOCKED, SOUTH—CENTRAL—ALASKA, 1—MAGNITUDE—6.8—EARTHQUAKE, items off shelves and walls in and jolted the nerves of residents in this EARTHQUAKE—PRONE region.
20160124             There were no immediate REPORTS—OF—INJURIES.
20160124             MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS began digging out from 1—MAMMOTH blizzard that 20160901             —NEW—SINGLE—DAY snowfall record in WASHINGTON and NEW—YORK City.
20160124             —BLAMED, At least 42—DEATHS were, on the weather.
20160124             † MARVIN—MINSKY, 88—JAHRE—ALT, a pioneer in artificial intelligence, in BOSTON.
20160124             —DETAINED, ALGERIA—AIRPORT and government officials said authorities have, over 200—MOROCCANS at ALGIERS airport and summoned THE—MOROCCO—ENVOY to explain an "unusual" increase in the number of Moroccans apparently trying to cross into LIBYA.
20160124             † UK—ADVENTURER—HENRY—WORSLEY, 55—JAHRE—ALT in 1—ATTEMPT to make history by crossing THE—ANTARCTIC—ALONE in 1—TRIP backed by members of the royal family.
20160124             —OPENED, EGYPT, gunmen on 1—MOTORCYCLE, fire on 1—CHECKPOINT, killing 2—POLICEMEN and 1—BYSTANDER near THE—TOWN—OF—FAKOUS in the Nile Delta PROVINCE—OF—SHARKIYA on the eve of the anniversary of 20110000             —THE uprising.
20160124             FRANCE—PRESIDENT—HOLLANDE began a 3—DAY—VISIT to INDIA.
20160124             —KILLED, GRENADA—GEORGIA tourist Jessica Colker (39) was, 1—MACHETE attack as she and her husband, BRIAN—MELITO, walked along 1—BEACH on THE—SOUTHEAST—OF—THE—ISLAND.
20160124             —TURNED, The next —DAY suspect DAVE—MARTIN—BENJAMIN, 27—JAHRE—ALT, himself over to police.
20160124             —RALLIED, HUNGARY, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, in BUDAPEST against government plans to bring in ANTI—TERROR—MEASURES including restrictions on THE—INTERNET and curfews.
20160124             IRAN said it will buy 114—AIRBUS planes to revitalize its ageing fleet, in the 1. major commercial deal announced —SINCE THE—LIFTING—OF—SANCTIONS under its nuclear agreement.
20160124             —KILLED, CENTRAL—LAOS, 2—CHINA—CITIZENS were, and 1 injured in 1 suspected bomb attack in Xaysomboun province.
20160124             —GATHERED, MOLDOVA, some 40,000—PEOPLE, in the capital to protest against the government and demand early elections in the impoverished EAST—EUROPEAN nation.
20160124             —BELIEVED, NIGERIA, gunmen, to be ethnic Fulani herders killed 1—POLICEMAN and 19—CIVILIANS and torched homes in NORTH—EAST—ADAMAWA state in 1—SPAT over grazing rights.
20160124             —RECAPTURED, SYRIA—PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, 1—KEY—REBEL—HELD town in coastal Latakia province, building on battlefield advances in the area —JUST 1—DAY ahead of planned peace talks in GENEVA between DAMASCUS and SYRIA—OPPOSITION.
20160124             —OPENED, YEMEN, assailants, fire on 1—POLICE—VEHICLE carrying COLONEL—TAHA—AL—SOBEIHI in ADEN—MANSURA district, killing him along with 1—BODYGUARD and 1—FEMALE bystander.
20160124             Unbearbeitete Asylanträge: FLÜCHTLINGsamt lässt Überstunden anordnen
20160124             "Dschungel"-—LAGER, FLÜCHTLINGE stürmen Fähre in Calais - Junge Migranten: Unter GENERAL—VERDACHT
20160124             DIE—"Quant 23"ist beim Wettbewerb "Yachten —DES—JAHRES"DIE—GEWINNERIN in der Kategorie "besondere Boote".
20160124             —SCHON—VOR—10—JAHREN experimentierten BootsBAUER mit dieser Technik, —JETZT wird sie populär.
20160124             Yachten —DES—JAHRES: Diese Flunder kann fliegen
20160124             "Das Erstaunliche an der 'Quant 23' ist, daß man keine besondere Eignung braucht.
20160124             man - JEDER—AMBITIONIERTE—SEGLER kann einfach fliegen gehen",
20160124             Trotz der hohen Anschaffungskosten halten viele —EXPERTEN das Foilen für das ZUKUNFTsthema im Segelsport.
20160124             "DIE—LEUTE sind bereit, wieder mehr Geld für neue Boote auszugeben",
20160124             DIE—LEUTE - Allgemein gilt FRANCISCO—MANUEL—DE—MELO als der bedeutendste portugiesische Barockdichter und als 1—DER wichtigsten SCHRIFTSTELLER des portugiesischen Barocks neben António Vieira.
20160124             Sein Werk verfasste er zweisprachig, er schrieb in Portugiesisch und Kastilisch.
20160124             FRANCISCO—MANUEL—DE—MELO entstammte 1—ADELS—FAMILIE.
20160124             Insgesamt war FRANCISCO—MANUEL—DE—MELO mehr als 5—JAHRE in des CHRISTUS—ORDEN Dienst für die spanische Armee tätig.
20160124             FRANCISCO—MANUEL—DE—MELO gilt als Initiator der "ACADEMIa dos Generosos", 1—DICHTERAKADEMIE zur Förderung des poetischen Nachwuchses.
20160124             —DOKUMENTIERT, FRANCISCO—MANUEL—DE—MELO Sein Werk ist relativ gut, doch wurden EINIGE—WERKE —ERST posthum veröffentlicht.
20160124             —ENTSTANDEN, Auch, Werke, die sich mit der GESCHICHTE auseinandersetzten und FRANCISCO—MANUEL—DE—MELO zum Chronisten machten.
20160124             FRANCISCO—MANUEL—DE—MELO war 1—DER bedeutendsten Autoren der portugiesischen Kultur—, LITERATurgeschichte.
20160124             Data de nascimento 16081123
20160124             Local de nascimento LISBOA[LISSABON], PORTUGAL
20160124             Nacionalidade PORTUGAL Português - Local de morte ALCÂNTARA—PORTUGAL - Ocupação ESCRITOR, político e MILITAR
20160124             Magnum opus Relógios falantes: apólogo dialogal
20160124             FRANCISCO—MANUEL—DE—MELO DEDICOU—SE à poesia, ao teatro, à história e à epistolografia.
20160124             FRANCISCO—MANUEL—DE—MELO foi ainda AUTOR—DE outras, publicadas postumamente.
20160124             num caso que acarreta muitas dúvidas e conjecturas.
20160124             1—RIVALIDADE—DO—REI—JOÃO—IV.
20160124             As Epanáforas DERAM—POETA FRANCISCO—MANUEL—DE—MELO lhe o epíteto de "Tácito português", pelo seu estilo sintético e conciso, também próprio de Cornélio Tácito, o HISTORIADOR romano.
20160124             desterrado - Antes de ascender a Reino independente, PORTUGAL foi 1—CONDADO, governado por Condes soberanos, mas VASSALOS—DO—REINO—DE—LEÃO.
20160124             —DE QUE HÁ REGISTO HISTÓRICO O 1.título de conde outorgado NO—REINO—DE—PORTUGAL foi criado PELO—REI—DOM—SANCHO—I.
20160124             —DE QUE HÁ REGISTO HISTÓRICO O 1.título de conde outorgado NO—REINO—DE—PORTUGAL foi a favor de D.
20160124             Com excepção daquele 1.título,
20160124             Meneses - Dom PEDRO—AFONSO—DE—PORTUGAL, 3.º CONDE—DE—BARCELOS (12870000              - LALIM,
20160124             INDONESIEN hat traurige Berühmtheit als DAS—LAND der rauchenden Kinder erlangt.
20160124             Dass Jungen wie Dihan rauchen wollen und seine Eltern nichts dabei finden, ihn rauchen zu lassen, liegt vor allem daran, daß nur wenige Indonesier den ZUSAMMENHANG—ZWISCHEN—TABAKKONSUM und Gesundheitsschäden kennen.
20160124             DIE—MACHT der TABAK—INDUSTRIE ist groß.
20160124             —DERZEIT, —STERBEN etwa 200.000—INDONESIER PRO—JAHR an den Folgen ihres Tabakkonsums.
20160124             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: Erneut Kinder bei LUFT—ANGRIFFEN getötet
20160124             GEWALT—GEGEN—BRITISCHE Abgeordnete: "...
20160124             NDR—BERICHT, Supermärkte verkaufen verschimmeltes Obst und Gemüse
20160124             —PASSIERT, Kontinent der Krisen: Was, wenn EUROPA scheitert
20160124             SYRIEN—KRIEG, SCHÄUBLE will RUSSLAND stärker einbinden
20160124             WAHL—SIEG: Konservativer Rebelo de Sousa wird neuer —PRÄSIDENT—PORTUGALS
20160124             De Sousa, 67, ist JOURNALIST—UND—JURA—PROFESSOR.
20160124             In dem ökonomisch nach wie vor angeschlagenen Land ist —SEIT 2—MONATEN 1.sozialistische MINDERHEITS—REGIERUNG im Amt, die die Sparvorgaben der EU umsetzen muss.
20160124             [l] Der Australische GENERALSTAATS—ANWALT hat Behörden aufgefordert, sich für ZUGRIFF—AUF—DIE abgeschnorchelten Metadaten des Landes zu bewerben.
20160124             THE—NATIONAL—MEASUREMENT—INSTITUTE wants warrantless access to Australians' metadata to help them hunt down supermarkets skimping on portions.
20160124             Äh... vielleicht war der 1.Teil Missverständnis?
20160124             —APPLIED, THE—NMI is 1—OF—61—AGENCIES that has, to THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, GEORGE—BRANDIS, to be classed as a "criminal LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCY" in order to gain warrantless access to telecommunications data.
20160124             Tja.
20160124             Dom PEDRO—AFONSO—DE—PORTUGAL, 3.º CONDE—DE—BARCELOS (12870000              - Lalim, 13540000             ) foi, segundo algumas fontes, o primeiro filho natural de D.
20160124—20160122    —ON, UK—ADVENTURER—HENRY—WORSLEY was —JUST 30—MILES (48km) from the finish —WHEN he called for help and was airlifted to 1—HOSPITAL in CHILE suffering from exhaustion and severe dehydration.
20160124—20180000    —VOR, [l] EL—SALVADOR bittet ihre Frauen, bitte nicht schwanger zu werden.
20160704             alfatomega.com/20110124.html
20170124             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—TRUMP, executive actions to accelerate the Keystone XL and DAKOTA—ACCESS—PIPELINE—PROJECTS and to decree that USA—STEEL should be used for pipelines built in THE—USA.
20170124             —INVITED, Trump, Keystone builder TransCanada to resubmit its application to THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT for 1—PRESIDENTIAL—PERMIT to construct and operate the pipeline.
20170124             FBI Director JAMES—COMEY said THE—PRESIDENT—TRUMP has asked him to stay on as HEAD—OF—THE—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCY.
20170124             1—UNKNOWN—AUTHOR—WROTE an FBI note about the bureau's investigation of National Security Adviser MICHAEL—FLYNN, questioning whether the goal was "Truth/Admission" or "to get him to lie".
20170124             This was the same —DAY—OF—FLYNN—WHITE—HOUSE—FBI interview.
20170124             MICHIGAN state environmental officials said FLINT—WATER—SYSTEM no longer has LEVELS—OF—LEAD exceeding the federal limit.
20170124             —ORDERED, AFGHANISTAN—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, the arrest of 9—EMPLOYEES—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—RASHID—DOSTUM in connection with allegations of kidnapping and torturing 1—FORMER—ALLY.
20170124             1—TOP—BANGLADESH official said his country has begun planting 1—MILLION—PALM—TREES nationwide to help prevent HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE being killed by lightning strikes EVERY—YEAR.
20170124             —RULED, THE—UK—SUPREME—COURT, that PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY must give PARLIAMENT 1—VOTE—BEFORE she can formally start BRITAIN—EXIT from the European Union, giving lawmakers who oppose her Brexit plans 1—SHOT at amending them.
20170124             1—ESTONIA—DEFENSE—OFFICIAL said his country is experimenting with THE—IDEA—OF—CYBERCONSCRIPTION, 1—MOVE that gives draftees with tech skills the chance to work shoring up their military's electronic infrastructure.
20170124             EU security commissioner SAYS—EUROPE—KING—OF—JULIAN faces 1—GROWING THREAT—OF—CYBER—ATTACKS from criminals and those plotting to destabilize the 28-nation bloc politically.
20170124             —PROMPTED, Heavy pollution enveloping much of EUROPE, emergency measures across the continent.
20170124             —REQUESTED, FRANCE—INTERIOR—MINISTER—BRUNO—LE—ROUX said that his government has, blocks for 834—WEBSITES and that 1,929 more be pulled from search engines' results as part of the fight against "child pornographic and terrorist content".
20170124             —VOTED, THE—BOARD—OF—STATE—RUN—ELECTRICITE—DE—FRANCE, to start the process of closing THE—2—REACTORS at THE—39—YEAR—OLD—FESSENHEIM plant, near THE—GERMANY—BORDER.
20170124             —REVOKED, GAMBIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY imposed last —WEEK by FORMER—PRESIDENT—YAHYA—JAMMEH shortly —BEFORE he fled into exile, as the tiny WEST—AFRICAN country slowly recovered from its political crisis.
20170124             —DROWNED, At least 15—HAITI—MIGRANTS, in the Turks & Caicos Islands —AFTER their small and crowded boat capsized near THE—UK—CARIBBEAN territory.
20170124             69—PEOPLE were on the boat.
20170124             —ARMORED, HONG—KONG said it would release THE—9—SINGAPOREAN, vehicles it seized in November on their way home from military exercises in TAIWAN, easing tensions between CHINA and SINGAPORE.
20170124             —ANNOUNCED, ISRAEL, plans for 2,500 more settlement homes in the occupied WEST—BANK, the 2. such declaration —SINCE USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP took office signaling he would be less critical of such projects than his predecessor.
20170124             1—JERUSALEM court reached 1—PLEA bargain with 1—FORMER—CHIEF—RABBI—OF—ISRAEL that will have him serve time for corruption.
20170124             Yona Metzger will serve 3.5—YEARS in prison and pay a $1.3—MILLION—FINE.
20170124             —INJURED, CENTRAL—ITALY, 1—HELICOPTER ferrying 1, skier off the slopes crashed into 1—MOUNTAINSIDE and killed all 6—PEOPLE aboard in the Abruzzo area.
20170124             —LAUNCHED, JAPAN successfully, its 1. military communications satellite.
20170124             —DESIGNED, THE—KIRAMEKI 2 is, to upgrade its network in THE—FACE—OF—CHINA—INCREASINGLY assertive maritime activity and NORTH—KOREA—MISSILE—THREAT.
20170124             —BACKED, KAZAKHSTAN, RUSSIA, TURKEY and IRAN, 1—SHAKY truce between SYRIA—WARRING parties and agreed to monitor its compliance.
20170124             —FACED, On the ground rebels, continued fighting on 2—FRONTS, which could undermine the deal.
20170124             —CALLED, MOZAMBIQUE, TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN, on leader Filipe Nyusi to take action against the exiled cleric he blames for —LAST—YEAR'S failed coup.
20170124             —TESTED, PAKISTAN successfully, 1—NEW—NUCLEAR—CAPABLE—SURFACE—TO—SURFACE—MISSILE that is able to deliver multiple warheads and evade radar detection.
20170124             THE—RUSSIA—MILITARY says its bombers have struck Islamic State positions in THE—PROVINCE—OF—DEIR—EL—ZOUR in the 3. such raid in 4—DAYS.
20170124             —BLAMED, The original infection was, on IRAN.
20170124             —KILLED, SOMALIA, at least 4—SOLDIERS were, and 5 wounded —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb that Islamist militant group al Shabaab said it planted exploded outside 1—MILITARY—CAMP in Afgoye near MOGADISHU.
20170124             —ERUPTED, NORTH—WEST—SYRIA, heavy fighting, between the jihadist group Jabhat Fateh AL—SHAM and Free SYRIA—ARMY—FACTIONS who were represented at THE—ASTANA talks.
20170124             THAILAND, Briton TONY—KENWAY was the victim of 1—GANGLAND—STYLE slaying in the resort TOWN—OF—PATTAYA.
20170124             TURKEY said it would not hand over AL—BAB to SYRIA—FORCES—AFTER driving out Islamic State.
20170124             THE—TURKISH—BACKED rebels are closer to doing so than THE—SYRIA—ARMY, having already reached the town's outskirts.
20170124             —GRANTED, UZBEKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT said it has, 1—MASS—AMNESTY to 39,748 convicted prisoners and detainees awaiting trial.
20170124             —PASSED, The amnesty was, by PARLIAMENT last October and entered force this —MONTH.
20170124             —DEMANDED, FRANCIS—PAPA, the obedience of the Grand Master of the Knights of MALTA and his resignation.
20170124             The next —DAY VATICAN said that it is taking over the embattled Knights of MALTA —AFTER its leader MATHEW—FESTING, 67—JAHRE—ALT defied FRANCIS—PAPA in 1—DISPUTE over condoms.
20170124—20120000    —WARNED, SAUDI—ARABIA, that the Shamoon computer virus, 1. reported, has returned with at least 1—MAJOR—PETROCHEMICAL—COMPANY apparently affected.
20170124—20160000    —ORDERED, He also said FRANCE—AUTHORITIES, the blockage or removal of more than 2,700 websites.
20170124—20200400    —IN—LATE, The note was only made public.
20170202             † CONGO DRC—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ETIENNE—TSHISEKEDI, 84—JAHRE—ALT in BRUSSELS, where he had been flown for medical treatment 20170124              —JUST as talks were scheduled to end the nation's MONTHS—LONG—POLITICAL—CRISIS.
20180124             —TIGHTENED, THE—USA, its economic crackdown on NORTH—KOREA over its nuclear arms program, imposing sanctions on 9—ENTITIES, 16—PEOPLE and 6—SHIPS it accused of helping PYONGYANG develop WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20180124             —URGED, USA—FUNDED Radio Free EUROPE/Radio LIBERTY—PAKISTAN to allow it to resume operations, saying officials closed its news BUREAU—IN—ISLAMABAD and accused its radio service of acting against PAKISTAN—INTERESTS.
20180124             † COLORADO, SHERIFF—DEPUTY—HEATH—GUMM, 32—JAHRE—ALT was shot and killed —AFTER responding to 1—CALL in 1—RESIDENTIAL—OF—DENVER.
20180124             1—MAN was soon arrested and police searched for 2—ADDITIONAL—SUSPECTS.
20180124             —SENTENCED, MICHIGAN, former sports DOCTOR—LARRY—NASSAR, 54—JAHRE—ALT was, to 40 to 175—YEARS in prison for molesting some of the nation's top gymnasts under the guise of medical treatment.
20180124             Nassar would 1. have to serve a 60-year federal sentence for child pornography crimes.
20180124             —STORMED, AFGHANISTAN, gunmen, 1—OFFICE—OF—THE—SAVE—THE—CHILDREN—AID—AGENCY in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—JALALABAD and battled security forces all —DAY with at least 5—PEOPLE killed and 24 wounded —BEFORE all the attackers were killed.
20180124             BRAZIL, 1—APPELLATE court unanimously upheld 1—GRAFT—CONVICTION against FORMER—PRESIDENT—LUIZ—INACIO—LULA da Silva and increased his prison sentence by more than 2—YEARS to 12—YEARS and 1—MONTH.
20180124             —REPORTED, LONDON—FINANCIAL—TIMES—NEWSPAPER, that women hired to entertain businessmen and politicians last —WEEK at THE—MEN—ONLY—PRESIDENTS—CLUB—CHARITY fundraising gala in LONDON were groped, propositioned and sexually harassed at the secretive event.
20180124             —BURNED, CYPRUS, some 350—KURDS, IMAGES—OF—THE—PRESIDENTS—OF—TURKEY and RUSSIA as they marched on THE—USA—AND—RUSSIA—EMBASSIES in NICOSIA to protest TURKEY's "invasion" of 1—KURDISH—ENCLAVE in NORTH—SYRIA.
20180124             The new CZECH—REPUBLIC—MINORITY—GOVERNMENT led by populist billionaire Andrej Babis resigned —AFTER it failed to win 1—MANDATORY—CONFIDENCE—VOTE in PARLIAMENT last —WEEK.
20180124             —ASKED, PRESIDENT—MILOS—ZEMAN —IMMEDIATELY, Babis to try to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT again.
20180124             —SLAPPED, THE—EU, a $1.23—BILLION fine on USA chipmaker Qualcomm for abusing its market dominance in the lucrative sector of components in smartphones and tablets for half 1—DECADE.
20180124             EU Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said that S—DIEGO—BASED—QUALCOMM "illegally shut out rivals from the market" for more than 5—YEARS by paying key customer Apple to not use chips made by QUALCOMM—RIVALS.
20180124             —DISRUPTED, FRANCE, 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—188—PRISONS were being, by work stoppages and pickets.
20180124             —NAMED, GERMANY, as Amaechi FRED—O, 27—JAHRE—ALT, 1—NIGERIA—MAN suspected of being 1—MEMBER—OF—BOKO—HARAM and killing people in NIGERIA —DURING attacks on schools and 1—VILLAGE, was arrested in Bavaria.
20180124             —STEPPED, INDIA, RIGHT—WING Hindu groups, up protests against the release of 1—CONTROVERSIAL—BOLLYWOOD film, as several states boosted police patrols 1—DAY—AFTER THE—SUPREME—COURT refused to allow bans on the movie.
20180124             IRAN—MEDIA said 1—FIRE broke out at 1—BITUMEN storage facility in the southern port CITY—OF—BANDAR—ABBAS, killing 3—WORKERS.
20180124             1 armed group loyal to LIBYA—NATIONAL—UNITY—GOVERNMENT said it had arrested 1—GANG accused of kidnapping and torturing SUDAN—MIGRANTS—NEAR THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—SIRTE.
20180124             † In SOUTH—MEXICO prosecutors in Guerrero state said that 1—YOUNG—NUTRITIONIST, 25—JAHRE—ALT—OF—STRANGULATION—BEFORE her body was hacked up and partly cooked.
20180124             Her EX—HUSBAND was still at large.
20180124             —RESIGNED, FORMER—NEW—MEXICO GOVERNOR—BILL—RICHARDSON, from 1—ADVISORY—PANEL on the massive Rohingya refugee crisis, calling it a "whitewash and 1—CHEERLEADING operation" for MYANMAR leader Aung S—SUU—KYI.
20180124             —FIRED, PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS said 2—MISSILES, from 1—USA—DRONE struck 1—HOME—NEAR the border with AFGHANISTAN, killing 2—MILITANTS from the Haqqani network of THE—AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN.
20180124             —IDENTIFIED, They were, as COMMANDER—AHSANULLAH and Nasir Mehsud.
20180124             —CONDEMNED, PAKISTAN, the strike.
20180124             —BELCHED, In THE—PHILIPPINES THE—MOUNT—MAYON volcano, RED—HOT lava and clouds of ash and debris at least 4—TIMES—TODAY, prompting the number of displaced villagers to swell to more than 74,000 and causing officials to brace for 1—HUMANITARIAN—EMERGENCY they fear could last for months.
20180124             —OVERTURNED, RUSSIA—SUPREME—COURT, 1—EARLIER—MOSCOW court's decision to send Khudoberdy Nurmatov back to UZBEKISTAN, which has shown little tolerance to dissent.
20180124             —STAGED, SLOVENIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PUBLIC—SECTOR—WORKERS in LJUBLJANA, a 1—DAY—STRIKE and protest demanding higher wages.
20180124             —DENIED, Syria, carrying out chemical weapons attacks against REBEL—HELD areas, denouncing recent accusations by THE—USA—AND—FRANCE as "lies".
20180124             1—USA—BACKED—SYRIA—FORCE caught UK—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP—FIGHTER—ALEXANDA Amon Kotey near Raqa as he attempted to flee from Syria to TURKEY.
20180124             —CAPTURED, El Shafee Elsheikh was also.
20180124             —DUBBED, Both were part of a 4—MEMBER IS kidnapping cell, "THE—BEATLES" that was notorious for videotaping beheadings.
20180124             The 4. man, Aine Davis, was imprisoned in TURKEY on terrorism charges.
20180124             2—ROCKETS fired from SYRIA—AFRIN region hit 1—MOSQUE and 1—HOME in THE—TURKEY—BORDER—TOWN—OF—KILIS.
20180124             At least 13—PEOPLE were hurt.
20180124             —VOWED, TURKEY—PRESIDENT, to expand its operation against Kurdish forces in NORTH—SYRIA toward THE—TOWN—OF—MANBIJ, which would bring TURKEY—TROOPS and their SYRIA—ALLIES—CLOSER to USA—FORCES supporting the Kurds against the Islamic State group.
20180124             —BANNED, UN sources said that YEMEN—HOUTHI rebels have, over 35—UN and INTERNATIONAL agencies and relief groups from working in the territory under their control, allegations denied by 1—REBEL—SPOKESMAN.
20180124             —DROWNED, At least 30—AFRICAN migrants, —WHEN their boat capsized off WAR—TORN YEMEN with REPORTS—OF—GUNFIRE being used against those on BOARD.
20180124             At least 152—SOMALIS and Ethiopians were aboard the overcrowded vessel.
20180124             ZIMBABWE—NEW—PRESIDENT—EMMERSON—MNANGAGWA said the country will hold transparent elections by July and he would respect the result if the opposition wins.
20180124             [l] Habt ihr mitgekriegt, dass
20180124             —GEWORDEN, Gut, da ist —JETZT nicht weiter draus, das war eher ein innenpolitisches SIGNAL—AN—DIE—NATIONALISTENN
20180124             [l] Camels banned from SAUDI—ARABIA—BEAUTY—CON—TEST over Botox.
20180124             [l] Es gibt —JETZT komplett durchsichtige Fingerabdrucksensoren.
20180124             NORD—SYRIEN: TÜRKEI—ARMEE meldet Erfolge bei AFRIN—OFFENSIVE
20180124             USA—NOTEN—BANK: SENAT bestätigt Powell als neuen FED—CHEF—
20180124             GESETZ—ENTWURF in UNGARN: Schikanen gegen FLÜCHTLINGS—HELFER
20180124             RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE: GroKo genehmigte mehr WAFFEN—LIEFERUNGEN als SCHWARZ—GELB
20180124             Einflussnahme: GOOGLE gibt ZUMEIST für Lobbyismus aus
20180124             OFFENSIVE—IN—SYRIEN: WAGENKNECHT fordert BUNDESWEHRabzug aus der TÜRKEI
20180124             NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER Pissarides: "TRUMP nimmt den Armen und gibt den Reichen"
20180124             "Langweilig, abstoßend, beleidigend": RUSSLAND verbietet STALIN—FILMSATIRE
20180124             Marktmissbrauch: EU verhängt MILLIARDEN—STRAFE gegen APPLE—ZULIEFERER Qualcomm
20180124             Vermeintliche Heilkraft: Positives Denken kann Krebs nicht besiegen
20180124             EU—GERICHT: "Fack ju Göhte"verstößt GEGEN—DIE—GUTEN Sitten
20180124             3D—VERFAHREN: MINI—PHARMA—FABRIK zum Ausdrucken
20180124             Wahrnehmung: Warum wir besser hören, was wir sehen
20180124             Emissionsrechte: DEUTSCHLAND muss für verfehlte EU—KLIMA—ZIELE zahlen
20180124             Appell des FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA ruft zum KAMPF—GEGEN—FAKE—NEWS auf
20180124             CHINA—FORSCHER klonen 1. Affen nach der "Dolly"-Methode
20180124             SOZIALE—MEDIEN und Demokratie: Besser mit dem Bösen rechnen
20180124             "Operation Olivenzweig": ERDOGAN—DROHT—MIT—AUSWEITUNG—VON—SYRIEN—OFFENSIVE
20180124             Jusos gegen GroKo: —DIE—SPD braucht dieses Jugendbeben
20180124             OFFENSIVE—IN—NORD—SYRIEN— USA—REGIERUNG mahnt ERDOGAN zur Zurückhaltung
20180124             [l] NSA deletes "honesty"and "openness"from core values.
20180124             Für mehr Ehrlichkeit in der Werbung!
20180124             [l] DAS—PENTAGON hat 1.metrische Tonne RUMSFELD—MEMOS veröffentlicht
20180124—20080000    —TORTURED, Nurmatov fled the country —AFTER he was allegedly, and coerced into collaborating with security agencies.
20180124—20110000    THROUGH, SOUTH—KOREA—BASED Hyundai said it is recalling nearly 88,000 cars in THE—USA—BECAUSE 1—ELECTRICAL—SHORT in the antilock brake system could cause engine compartment fires in certain 20060000              Sonatas and 20060000              Azeras.
20180124—20150000    —KILLED, Ringleader MOHAMMED—EMWAZI was, in 1—AIR—STRIKE in Syria.
20180124—20180112    —JAILED, The protests began —AFTER 1—AL—QAEDA convict, over killings in TUNISIA stabbed and injured 2—WARDENS with 1—PAIR of scissors in NORTH—FRANCE.
20180124—20180122    —ON, 21—PEOPLE were treated for respiratory problems —AFTER rockets were fired on the rebel BASTION—OF—EAST—GHOUTA outside DAMASCUS, which residents and medical sources said contained chlorine.
20180124—20180130    —FACED, Nassar, a 3. sentencing hearing —DURING which 1—JUDGE—SAID—THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE abused by Nassar had climbed to 265.
20180209—20180124    —ON, The environmental activist, 1—DUAL—NATIONAL—OF—CANADA and sociology professor at IRAN—IMAM—SADEGH—UNIVERSITY, had been arrested with at least 9—OTHER—STAFF—MEMBERS and executives of the Persian Wildlife Heritage Foundation.
20180823             alfatomega.com/20080124.html
20190124             —TARGETED, THE—USA, 2—IRAN—BACKED foreign fighter militias in Syria and 2—AIRLINES that help send weapons to Syria in fresh sanctions as WASHINGTON prepares for 1—MILITARY—WITHDRAWAL from THE—WAR—TORN country.
20190124             ARIZONA, law officers shot and killed CHRISTIAN—ALBARRAN, 26—JAHRE—ALT —DURING 1—TRAFFIC stop in Ehrenberg —FOLLOWING a 146-mile pursuit that began in CALIFORNIA.
20190124             —WANTED, He was, on warrants alleging domestic violence and identity theft.
20190124             —REGISTERED, CALIFORNIA, Carrie Markis (42), 1—RANCHO—CORDOVA, nurse, was arrested for selling more than 20,000 prescription opioid pills on the dark web.
20190124             MISSOURI, police Officer NATHANIEL—HENDREN shot and killed fellow Officer Katlyn Alix as the 2 engaged in 1—GAME—OF—RUSSIA—ROULETTE.
20190124             —OPENED, PENNSYLVANIA, JORDAN—WITMEN, fire at 1—HOTEL—BAR in STATE—COLLEGE killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 1—WOMAN.
20190124             He then broke into 1—HOME and fatally shot another man —BEFORE killing himself.
20190124             —SWELTERED, ADELAIDE, through the hottest —DAY ever recorded by 1—MAJOR—AUSTRALIA—CITY as the temperature peaked at 115.9—DEGREES F.
20190124             The active search for the plane carrying Argentine soccer player Emiliano Sala was called off with authorities saying the chances of survival are "extremely remote" —3—DAYS—AFTER it disappeared from radar over THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL.
20190124             —SKIPPED, BELGIUM, THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS, school for the 3. —WEEK in 1—ROW and more than 30,000 swamped the center of BRUSSELS to demand better PROTECTION—OF—THE—WORLD—CLIMATE.
20190124             —DETAINED, CHINA said it has, YANG—HENGJUN, 1—CHINESE—AUSTRALIA—WRITER, for allegedly "endangering CHINA—NATIONAL—SECURITY," 1—VAGUE—CHARGE frequently leveled at CRITICS—OF—THE—RULING Communist Party.
20190124             —REPORTED, It was, that CHINA—INTERNET—USERS have lost access to Microsoft Corp.'s Bing search engine, setting off grumbling about the ruling Communist PARTY—INCREASINGLY tight online censorship.
20190124             —RESUMED, THE—BING search engine, service to CHINA—USERS, —AFTER 1—DISRUPTION raised fears among social media users that it was the latest foreign website to be blocked by censors.
20190124             FELIX—TSHISEKEDI, 55—JAHRE—ALT was sworn in as CONGO—PRESIDENT.
20190124             —PLEDGED, He —IMMEDIATELY, tolerance and announced the imminent release of all political prisoners.
20190124             —ABOUT 3—DOZEN—CYPRIOTS who alleged they were tortured —WHILE in custody —DURING fighting against UK—COLONIAL—RULE—MORE than 60—YEARS ago said that they feel vindicated —AFTER THE—UK—GOVERNMENT agreed to pay them 1—MILLION—POUNDS ($1.3—MILLION).
20190124             —SUSPENDED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said that SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD had, special visas for European Union diplomats to DAMASCUS.
20190124             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said it was taking its legal procedure against HUNGARY to the next step —AFTER BUDAPEST criminalized support for migrants, moving the case closer to 1—POSSIBLE ruling by the European COURT—OF—JUSTICE.
20190124             —EXTRADITED, GERMANY, to SWEDEN JOHN—AUSONIUS, 65—JAHRE—ALT, the convicted killer known as the "the laser man" for using 1—PRECISION—SCOPE—RIFLE to target immigrants.
20190124             —KILLED, NORTH—INDIA, at least 6—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—BUILDING collapsed as workers were adding 1—ADDITIONAL—FLOOR to it in Haryana state.
20190124             —PREPARED, Scientists, to embark on 1 unprecedented, YEARS—LONG—MISSION to explore THE—INDIA—OCEAN and document changes taking place beneath the waves that could affect BILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in the surrounding region over the coming decades.
20190124             INDONESIA, Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama, THE—FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—JAKARTA, was freed —AFTER serving nearly 2—YEARS in prison for blasphemy.
20190124             INDONESIA—NATIONAL—DISASTER—AGENCY said floods and landslides in SOUTH—SULAWESI province hit by torrential rains this —WEEK have killed 30—PEOPLE and left more than 2—DOZEN missing.
20190124             —ARRESTED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said IRAN, more than 7,000—PEOPLE—LAST—YEAR, including DOZENS—OF—JOURNALISTS, and called this a "shameless CAMPAIGN—OF—REPRESSION".
20190124             —AGREED, ISRAEL, to allow the transfer of $15—MILLION in QATAR—AID to the Hamas militant group in THE—GAZA Strip.
20190124             But Hamas said it was rejecting THE—MUCH—NEEDED cash to protest ISRAEL—DELAYS on the delivery.
20190124             —CHARGED, ISRAEL—PROSECUTORS, 1—JEWISH 16—YEAR—OLD with manslaughter —AFTER he allegedly threw 1—STONE at 1—CAR last 20191012              in the occupied WEST—BANK and killed PALESTINE—WOMAN—AISHA Rabi (48).
20190124             —STAYED, KOSOVO, —AROUND 500,000 pupils and students, at home as 1—STRIKE by teachers demanding a 30—PERCENT pay rise entered its 2. —WEEK.
20190124             Doctors and miners have also taken strike action for higher wages, and other public sector workers are threatening to do so.
20190124             —ACCUSED—OF, MALAYSIA, Siti Aisyah, 1—INDONESIA—WOMAN jointly, killing the estranged HALF—BROTHER—OF—NORTH—KOREA—LEADER, won 1—APPEAL to obtain witness statements given to police as PART—OF—HER—DEFENSE.
20190124             PANAMA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—CARLOS—VARELA met with FRANCIS—PAPA at the presidential palace.
20190124             —INSISTED, THE—PAPA, that public officials live simply, honestly and transparently as he opened 1—VISIT to PANAMA and 1—REGION that has been rife with corruption scandals.
20190124             —ACCUSED, RUSSIA—WASHINGTON of stoking street protests in VENEZUELA and called NICOLAS—MADURO the legitimate PRESIDENT.
20190124             MOSCOW alongside CHINA has become 1—CREDITOR of last resort for CARACAS, lending it BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS as its economy implodes.
20190124             —DENIED, FORMER—SCOTTISH 1. MINISTER—ALEX—SALMOND, committing ANY—CRIME—AFTER he appeared in court, charged with multiple sex offences including attempted rape.
20190124             SRI—LANKA—RIGHTS—ACTIVISTS, lawmakers and relatives of slain and disappeared journalists held 1—VIGIL over their abductions and killings, demanding the government expedite investigations.
20190124             SUDAN, protests broke out in several cities and in MANY—AREAS—OF—THE—CAPITAL—KHARTOUM, the most widespread demonstrations in 1—WAVE—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—UNREST that began last —MONTH.
20190124             † The official death toll from the unrest stood at 26, —WHILE rights groups said more than 40—HAVE.
20190124             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—SYRIA, at least 3—CIVILIANS were, and scores injured from 1—STRING—OF—BOMBS hidden in motorbikes in towns controlled by TURKEY—BACKED rebels.
20190124             1—UKRAINE—COURT—SENTENCED—FORMER—PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YANUKOVICH in absentia to 13—YEARS in jail on treason charges, saying his conduct in office had opened the door to RUSSIA—ANNEXATION—OF—CRIMEA and conflict in EAST—UKRAINE.
20190124             AGNES—CALLAMARD, THE—UN—SPECIAL—RAPPORTEUR on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, said she will travel to TURKEY next —WEEK to head an "independent INTERNATIONAL inquiry" into THE—MURDER—OF—SAUDI—JOURNALIST—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI.
20190124             —KILLED, VENEZUELA, the National POLICE—SPECIAL—ACTION—FORCE (FAES), as many as 10—PEOPLE in Jose FELIX—RIBAS, 1—CARACAS slum, 1—DAY—AFTER residents had joined mass protests against PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO.
20190124             —ACCUSED—OF, ZIMBABWE—ARMY said soldiers, beating residents in townships —FOLLOWING protests over fuel price hikes were impostors who tarnished THE—NAME—OF—THE—MILITARY.
20190124             PRÄSIDENTEN—TREFFEN—IN—MOSKAU: RUSSLAND drängt TÜRKEI zu härterem Vorgehen in SYRIEN
20190124             —ZUKUNFT—DER—LUFTFAHRT: Boeing testet autonomes ELEKTRO—LUFTTAXI
20190124             Legendärer GEHEIM—BUND: DIE—ASSASSINEN—MIT Mord zum Seelenheil (SPIEGEL+, 01:28)
20190124             ALEXANDER—GERST über seine härteste Zeit im All: "Ich hatte Angst, aus Versehen etwas kaputt zu machen" (SPIEGEL+, 01:30)
20190124             ARZNEI—FORSCHUNG an DER—BERLIN—CHARITÉ: Das Schmerzmittel der ZUKUNFT (SPIEGEL+, 01:33)
20190124             Probleme in EUROPA und CHINA: Ford meldet QUARTALS—VERLUST—VON—116.000.000—DOLLAR
20190124             SICHERHEITS—PERSONAL an Flughäfen: Ver.di verkündet Einigung im TARIF—STREIT
20190124             Kurioser Meeresbewohner: Forscher finden 100.000.000—JAHRE—ALT Schleimaal
20190124             Schule in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN: Jugendliche verprügeln 17-Jährigen mit Schlagstöcken
20190124             Schleimaale sehen aus wie Würste mit Saugmaul und gelten als lebendes Abbild des —VORFAHREN von Mensch, Vogel, Fisch.
20190124             Zugegeben, Schleimaale sind nicht die schönsten Tiere.
20190124             Tagsüber verharren sie meist eingegraben im Meeresboden und kommen nur nachts hervor.
20190124             Diese Lebensweise ist so erfolgreich, daß sich die Tiere —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—JAHRMILLIONEN kaum verändert haben.
20190124             Ammoniten, DINOSAURIER, Riesenfaultiere: Die Schleimaale haben alle überlebt.
20190124             Und genau das macht die Tiere so interessant für Zoologen, denn sie gelten als der Ursprung der Wirbeltiere.
20190124             Schleimaale besitzen zwar —BEREITS 1—SKELETTÄHNLICHEN Aufbau, dieser beschränkt sich aber auf nur wenige knorpelige Strukturen.
20190124             Forscher streiten —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN leidenschaftlich darüber, welcher Platz den Schleimaalen im Stammbaum der Tiere gebührt.
20190124             DIE—ANDEREN argumentieren, Schleimaale seien so seltsam, daß sie 1.eigene Abzweigung im Stammbaum der Tiere bekommen müssten.
20190124             Neunaugen gehören ebenfalls zu den ursprünglichen Wirbeltieren und haben keinen Kiefer.
20190124             Der gemeinsame Vorfahre der Wirbeltiere hätte demnach eher wie 1—FISCH ausgesehen.
20190124             —NUN, haben Forscher der UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO ein 100.000.000—JAHRE—ALTES Fossil entdeckt, das diese Frage klären könnte,
20190124             Der Fund ist extrem selten.
20190124             Bei dem nun untersuchten Exemplar fanden sich sogar Rückstände der Schleimschicht.
20190124             "Wir haben nun 1—FOSSIL, das den ursprünglichen Bauplan für Schleimaale um 100.000.000—JAHRE zurückdatiert",
20190124             —NUN, gebe es auch den fossilen Beweis, daß der Aufbau der Tiere —SCHON vor MILLIONEN—VON—JAHREN eher dem der blutsaugenden Neunaugen ähnelte.
20190124             DIE—FORSCHER gehen deshalb davon aus, daß die Rundmäuler ihren AAL—ÄHNLICHEN Körperbau und ihre ungewöhnliche Ernährungsweise —ERST entwickelten, als sie sich —SCHON vom Stammbaum der Wirbeltiere getrennt hatten
20190124             Damit wäre unser UR—UR—UR?AHNE kein schleimiges Urtier, sondern 1—FISCH.
20190124             AFD—TALK bei "Maischberger": "SYSTEMatisches Ausschütten von Hass und HETZE"
20190124             —STREIT—MIT—PELOSI: DONALD—TRUMP verschiebt Rede zur Lage der Nation
20190124             Siorapaluk in GRÖNLAND: Minus 30—GRAD, keine DUSCHE—UND das ESSEN jagen Sie selbst
20190124             [l] Es gibt endlich 1.heiße Spur, wo Alzheimer herkommt.
20190124             DATEN—SCHUTZ—GRUND—VERORDNUNG: GOOGLE geht gegen französische MILLIONEN—STRAFE in Berufung
20190124             NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER Shiller über DONALD—TRUMP: "Gebt ihm seine Mauer"
20190124             BREXIT—CHEFUNTERHÄNDLER: Barnier drängt GROßBRITANNIEN zu Entscheidungen
20190124             —GESPERRT, Zensur: SUCH—MASCHINE Bing in CHINA
20190124             Fast 50—GRAD—CELSIUS in AUSTRALIEN: Fledermäuse fallen von Bäumen, Busse stecken im Pflaster fest
20190124             BRIEF—AN—DONALD—TRUMP, USA—WIRTSCHAFTSVERBÄNDE fordern Abschaffung der Stahlzölle
20190124             UKRAINE, EX—PRÄSIDENT—JANUKOWYTSCH wegen Hochverrats zu HAFT—STRAFE verurteilt
20190124             Werk in Rüsselsheim: Opel will offenbar PRODUKTION deutlich drosseln
20190124             Schulstreik in BELGIEN: 32.000—JUGENDLICHE demonstrieren in BRÜSSEL für DAS—KLIMA (Leben und Lernen, 12:41)
20190124             Zahlungen ins Ausland: EU—KOMMISSION geht gegen ÖSTERREICHs neue Kindergeldregeln vor
20190124             Im Süden AUSTRALIENs werden bei 1—HITZE—WELLE aktuell neue Rekordtemperaturen gemessen.
20190124             Es wurde erwartet, daß im Tagesverlauf sogar die 50—GRAD—MARKE geknackt wird.
20190124             ADELAIDE, selbst stiegen die Temperaturen auf 47,7 GRAD—EIN neuer Rekord;
20190124             der alte hatte - Hitzerekorde wurden in mehr als 10—STÄDTEN im Süden des Landes gebrochen.
20190124             —HILFSBED, DIE—BEHÖRDEN riefen DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG dazu auf, sich um ürftige und ältere Menschen zu kümmern.
20190124             Im Zoo von ADELAIDE wurden Pandabären und Wallabys mit Eis sowie Schildkröten mit kaltem Wasser abgekühlt.
20190124             Teilweise musste der öffentliche NAH—VERKEHR eingeschränkt werden, weil Busse nicht fahren konnten.
20190124             Im Westen AUSTRALIENs sind nach MEDIEN—BERICHTEN im vergangenen —MONAT mehr als 2500—WILD lebende Kamele erschossen worden, die Zäune zu privatem Grasland durchbrochen hatten, um an Wasser zu gelangen.
20190124             —SCHON—KURZ—NACH dem Urknall bildeten sich gigantische schwarze Löcher.
20190124             Quasare bestehen wahrscheinlich aus einem schwarzen Loch, das von 1—SCHEIBE aus leuchtendem Material umgeben ist.
20190124             Einige der schwarzen Löcher sind mit—JAHREN extrem ALT—NUR wenig jünger als das Universum selbst.
20190124             eigentlich dürfte es so alte schwarze Löcher gar nicht geben.
20190124             DIE—NUN entdeckten schwarzen Löcher bildeten sich jedoch kurz —NACH—DEM Universum selbst,
20190124             "In dieser —STUDIE haben wir 1—VÖLLIG neuen Mechanismus entdeckt, der die Bildung von massiven schwarzen Löchern auslöst".
20190124             DIE—ANTWORT liege in den Gaswolken, die zur Bildung von Galaxien führen, sogenannten Halos.
20190124             formte dunkle Materie HALO—ÄHNLICHE Formationen, die extrem schnell wuchsen.
20190124             DIE—ENTSTEHUNG von Sternen war unter diesen Bedingungen unmöglich.
20190124             Für schwarze Löcher waren sie dagegen ideal.
20190124             wegen des enormen Wachstums entstanden instabile Gasgebilde, die schließlich wegen ihrer eigenen Schwerkraft kollabierten.
20190124             Für DIE—STUDIE nutzten DIE—FORSCHER 1.Simulation des frühen Universums, das der SUPER—COMPUTER "BLUE—WATERS" errechnet hatte.
20190124             In dem riesigen Datensatz entdeckten DIE—FORSCHER 10—HALOS, in denen sich eigentlich Sterne hätten bilden müssen.
20190124             —BIS auf Gaswolken schienen sie jedoch leer zu sein.
20190124             In 1—WEITEREN Simulation mit Hilfe eines Supercomputers spulten DIE—FORSCHER DIE—ZEIT —BIS kurz —NACH—DEM Urknall zurück.
20190124             "Als wir uns das näher anschauten, stellten wir fest, daß diese Gebiete 1.Periode extrem schnellen Wachstums durchlebten",
20190124             DIE—FORSCHER wollen nun herausfinden, wie sich diese gigantischen Massefresser weiterentwickeln.
20190124             RATS—SITZUNG, EZB belässt LEIT—ZINS bei 0,0 %
20190124             Lehrergeständnis: 1—PAAR STÖRENFRIEDE—UND die Mitschüler weinen (Leben und Lernen, 14:12)
20190124             —FORCIERT, STAATS—KRISE, BUNDES—REGIERUNG, "freie und glaubwürdige Wahlen" in VENEZUELA
20190124             Betroffene des USA—SHUTDOWNS: "Man kann uns doch nicht einfach als Geiseln nehmen"
20190124             Frauentag wird Feiertag in BERLIN
20190124             PROZESS—GEGEN—HECKLER-&-KOCH—MITARBEITER: Lange Freiheitsstrafen für Waffenschieber gefordert
20190124             Politische Borniertheit: Alles NAZIs außer mir
20190124             Medizinische Forschung: CHINA soll 1. genveränderte Affen geklont haben
20190124             —VERURTEILT, KÖLNer CHINArestaurant: Kollegen ZERSTÜCKELT—GERICHT, Koch zu fast 6—JAHREN Haft
20190124             —NEUE—RIESIGE Datenleaks: Ist Ihre Adresse auch dabei?
20190124             Ausgrabungen in Ägypten: 5.000—JAHRE—ALTE Gräber im NIL—DELTA entdeckt
20190124             Teile eines Raketensystems: BUNDES—REGIERUNG genehmigt WAFFEN—EXPORT nach KATAR
20190124             KONGO: Tshisekedi als —PRÄSIDENT vereidigt
20190124             "DOOMSDAY—CLOCK": ATOM—FORSCHER stoppen Uhr für den WELT—UNTERGANG
20190124             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, 1—LAND, 2—PRÄSIDENTEN
20190124             Verbotene rockerähnliche Gruppierung: GEFÄNGNIS—STRAFEN für Mitglieder der "Osmanen"-Gang
20190124             Privatisierung der LANDES—BANK, Berater kassierten mehr als 300.000.000—EURO beim Verkauf der HSH Nordbank
20190124             Wegen BREXIT: Jaguar Land Rover kündigt einwöchigen PRODUKTIONsstopp an
20190124             —GETÖTET, PROZESS—GEGEN—EX—MAFIABOSS: Söhne von "EL—CHAPO" sollen Journalisten, haben
20190124             FEIN—STAUB und Stickoxide: UMWELT—MEDIZINERIN gegen LUNGENARZT—SCHÜTZEN DIE—GRENZWERTE unsere Gesundheit?
20190124             TV—COMEDIENNE Giulia BECKER: "Zuschauer fressen am liebsten, was sie kennen"
20190124             SCHOTTLAND: EX—REGIERUNGS—CHEF—SALMOND wegen versuchter Vergewaltigung angeklagt
20190124             Verkehrsgerichtstag: UN—FÄLLE mit selbstfahrenden AUTOS—MÜSSEN Programmierer ins Gefängnis?
20190124             DONALD—TRUMP—EX—ANWALT: Dann eben per VORLADUNG—COHEN muss vor dem USA—SENAT aussagen
20190124             Ausländische Interventionen, TERROR—MILIZ IS: Wie es im SYRIENkonflikt weitergeht
20190124             Keine Mehrheiten für Lösung, USA—SENAT kann Patt im SHUTDOWN—STREIT nicht überwinden
20190124             DSGVO—GELD—STRAFEN: "Fehler werden —JETZT teuer" - Schonfrist abgelaufen
20190124             Brink: DIE—DATEN—SCHUTZ—GRUND—VERORDNUNG ist ein durchschlagender Erfolg.
20190124             Grund dafür sind vor allem die enormen Bußgelddrohungen.
20190124             Brink: Knuddels wurde gehackt, was jedem Unternehmen passieren KANN—DAS alleine hätte noch nicht zu einem Bußgeld geführt.
20190124             It's time to rewrite the anatomy books: 1—NEW—KIND—OF—BLOOD—VESSEL has been discovered in our bones.
20190124             These previously unknown vessels cross from the bones' surface to their internal cavity and may shed light on bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, and conditions involving the immune system.
20190124             "It's totally crazy there are still things to find out about human anatomy — we have discovered blood vessels in 1—NEW—PLACE that we didn't know about —BEFORE,"
20190124             The newly found capillaries cover the whole bone, making up MOST—OF—ITS—BLOOD—SUPPLY.
20190124             Marrow inside bones is where immune cells are made,
20190124             —BLESSED, Observers of —MONDAY—LUNAR eclipse were, with the 1.known sighting of 1—METEORITE impact —DURING such 1—EVENT.
20190124             Jose MARIA Madiedo at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—HUELVA in SPAIN has confirmed that the impact is genuine.
20190124             —DARKENED, The combination of 1, surface and 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE watching made it much more likely that THE—FLASH—OF—IMPACT was seen
20190124             FEIN—STAUB und STICK—OXIDE: UMWELT—MEDIZINERIN gegen Lungenarzt — Schützen DIE—GRENZ—WERTE unsere Gesundheit?
20190124             [l] CHROME plant, ALLE—AD—BLOCKER kaputtzumachen.
20190124             Frühes UNIVERSUM: Forscher lösen Rätsel um älteste massive schwarze Löcher
20190124             FRAUEN—TAG wird FEIER—TAG in BERLIN
20190124             FRANKREICH, soll GOOGLE 50.000.000—EURO Strafe zahlen, weil DER—KONZERN gegen DIE—EU—DATEN—SCHUTZ—GRUND—VERORDNUNG (DSGVO) verstoßen haben soll.
20190124—20150000    —IN, EUROPE—TOP—RIGHTS—COURT—ORDERED—ITALY to pay THOUSANDS—OF—EUROS in damages to Amanda Knox, THE—USA—STUDENT acquitted of the gruesome KILLING—OF—HER—UK—HOUSEMATE —AFTER spending years behind bars.
20190124—20190404    —ARRESTED, Her PARTNER—ANDREA—JORDAN was.
20200124             THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION said that CALIFORNIA cannot require health insurers to cover abortions and threatened to cut SOME—FEDERAL healthcare funds unless it pulls that requirement.
20200124             —ISSUED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH and Human Services (HHS), 1—NOTICE that the state is violating 1—FEDERAL—LAW called the Weldon Amendment.
20200124             —BECAME, PRESIDENT—TRUMP, the 1. PRESIDENT to attend the annual March for Life in WASHINGTON, DC, where he delivered 1—SPEECH aimed at shoring up his support among evangelical voters.
20200124             —DIAGNOSED, THE—PENTAGON said that 34—USA—TROOPS were, with traumatic brain injuries suffered in this —MONTH—IRAN—MISSILE—STRIKE on 1—IRAQ—AIR—BASE, and that HALF—OF—THE—TROOPS have returned to their military duties.
20200124             1—ATTORNEY said that Lev Parnas, 1—ASSOCIATE—OF—RUDY—GIULIANI, has provided congressional investigators with 1—RECORDING—OF—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP saying he wanted to get RID—OF—THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to UKRAINE, whose ouster emerged as 1—ISSUE in THE—PRESIDENT—IMPEACHMENT.
20200124             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE overseeing the bankruptcy CASE—OF—PURDUE—PHARMA set a 20200630              deadline to file 1—CLAIM against the company.
20200124             That includes governments, entities such as hospitals and, for the 1. time, individuals who have personal injury claims.
20200124             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a 2. USA—CASE—OF—THE—NEW—CORONAVIRUS from CHINA in 1—CHICAGO woman, and said as many as 63—POTENTIAL—CASES were being investigated as the sometimes deadly illness continues to spread —AROUND the globe.
20200124             JEFF—CARPOFF (49) and Paulette Carpoff (46), THE—HUSBAND—AND—WIFE—OWNERS—OF—DC Solar, pleaded guilty to involvement in 1 estimated $912—MILLION—PONZI scheme.
20200124             1—SNOW plow struck and killed 2—PEDESTRIANS in KANSAS —AFTER 1—WINTER—STORM coated parts of the Midwest with snow.
20200124             —SUPPORTED, FORMER—CALIFORNIA—CONGRESSMAN—PETE—STARK also, LGBTQ rights and was the 1. openly atheist MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS.
20200124             —HELPED, Wes Wilson (82), 1—SAN—FRANCISCO artist who, define the visual style of the psychedelic rock era, † at his home in MISSOURI.
20200124             BOSTON, JOHN—KAPOOR, 76—JAHRE—ALT, FOUNDER—OF—ARIZONA—BASED—INSYS—THERAPEUTICS, was ordered to spend 5½ years in prison for orchestrating 1—BRIBERY and kickback scheme that helpd fuel the opioids crisis.
20200124             NEW—YORK, City IVAN—REYES—ARZATE, 1—FORMER—MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE—COMMANDER, was arrested for allegedly accepting HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS in bribes from MEXICO—DRUG—CARTELS to help them send cocaine into THE—USA, in 1—CASE linked to imprisoned drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.
20200124             † In TEXAS 2—PEOPLE—AFTER 1—MASSIVE—EXPLOSION leveled 1—WAREHOUSE at Watson Grinding and Manufacturing in HOUSTON, damaging nearby buildings and homes and rousing frightened people from their sleep miles away.
20200124             —SUSPENDED, BOLIVIA, diplomatic relations with CUBA.
20200124             —ACCUSED, The next —DAY THE—HAVANA, BOLIVIA—INTERIM—GOVERNMENT—OF having sought to sabotage bilateral ties —EVER—SINCE it took power —LAST—YEAR, partly under pressure from THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION.
20200124             LONDON—METROPOLITAN—POLICE said they will use facial recognition cameras to scan the faces of passersby to see if they are criminals, in 1—MOVE that critics slammed as 1—MASSIVE—EXPANSION—OF—SURVEILLANCE.
20200124             BULGARIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—EKATERINA—ZAHARIEVA said SOFIA was likely to expel 2—RUSSIA—DIPLOMATS who prosecutors suspect were involved in spying.
20200124             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, that it is swiftly building a 1,000-bed hospital dedicated to patients infected with 1—NEW—VIRUS that has killed 26—PEOPLE, sickened hundreds and prompted unprecedented LOCKDOWNS—OF—CITIES —DURING the country's most important holiday.
20200124             More airports began to screen passengers arriving from CHINA amid growing concerns over the outbreak of 1—NEW—VIRUS there that has already killed more than 2—DOZEN—PEOPLE and sickened hundreds.
20200124             —KILLED, GERMANY, 6—PEOPLE were, and several were injured in 1—SHOOTING in THE—SOUTH—WEST—TOWN—OF—ROT am See.
20200124             —ARRESTED, Police, 1—GERMANY—NATIONAL, 26—JAHRE—ALT and believed the shooting was 1—RESULT—OF—1—FAMILY—DISPUTE.
20200124             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQIS, at 2—CENTRAL—BAGHDAD intersections —AFTER 1—PROMINENT—CLERIC called for a "million strong" protest against THE—USA—MILITARY—PRESENCE, —FOLLOWING the recent USA KILLING—OF—1—IRAN—GENERAL and 1—IRAQ—MILITIA—CHIEF.
20200124             KENYA, GRIFFIN—INSURANCE, the country's 1. DIGITAL—ONLY—CAR—INSURANCE—COMPANY, released its flagship mobile application.
20200124             —FOUNDED, The company was, and run by Jihan Abass (26), 1—FORMER—SUGAR—TRADER and 1—OF—1—HANDFUL—OF—WOMEN in the business.
20200124             1—OFFICIAL in KATHMANDU said 1—NEPALI student home from CHINA tested positive for the new coronavirus, making it the 1. confirmed case in the Himalayan nation.
20200124             —SIGNED, SUDAN and 1—MAJOR—REBEL—GROUP, 1—PRELIMINARY—DEAL on political and security arrangements, paving the way for eventual reconciliation through ongoing talks.
20200124             —SIGNED, The deal, in neighboring SOUTH—SUDAN grants special status to 2—REGIONS, SOUTH—KORDOFAN and BLUE—NILE, which are under THE—CONTROL—OF—THE—REBELS.
20200124             † In Syria 1—USA—SOLDIER—WHILE conducting ROUTINE—CLEARING operations in Deir ez Zor province.
20200124             EAST—TURKEY, 1—MAGNITUDE 6.8—EARTHQUAKE struck ELAZIG province late —TODAY.
20200124             18—PEOPLE were killed in ELAZIG and 4 in neighboring MALATYA.
20200124             —INJURED, The death toll soon rose to 41—PEOPLE with hundreds.
20200124             UN deputy CHIEF—AMINA—MOHAMMED said there is an "alarming" crisis in education, pointing to THE—258—MILLION—CHILDREN under the age of 17—WHO are not going to school — and only 49—PERCENT completing secondary education.
20200124             —ESCAPED, VENEZUELA, 1—WOMAN, 49—JAHRE—ALT reportedly, —AFTER—31—YEARS—OF—CAPTIVITY—WHEN captor Matias Salazar (56) left 1—SET—OF—KEYS behind.
20200124             She sought help at 1—BRANCH—OF—1—STATE—RUN—WOMEN'S advocacy agency.
20200124             —ARRESTED, Salazar was —LATER, in THE—CITY—OF—MARACAY.
20200124             —FREITAG, ERDOGAN und die EUROPÄER: Der Scheinriese
20200124             Altes Ägypten: Forscher rekonstruieren Stimme von 3.000—JAHRE—ALTER Mumie
20200124             Forscher haben die Stimme einer 3.000—JAHRE—ALT ägyptischen Mumie in die Gegenwart geholt.
20200124             rekonstruierte es den Stimmapparat des Mumifizierten im 3D-Drucker.
20200124             Mithilfe eines elektronischen Kehlkopfs sowie eines Lautsprechers konnten DIE—FORSCHER so einen Stimmlaut erzeugen, der einen Eindruck davon geben soll, wie sich der Mann einst angehört haben könnte.
20200124             Nesyamun lebte unter PHARAO—RAMSES XI, der um den Beginn des 10010101—11001231    —CENTURY vor Christus regierte.
20200124             Seine Mumie liegt im Stadtmuseum im britischen LEEDS und wird dort erforscht.
20200124             —GEWESEN, DIE—STIMME Nesyamuns sei für seine Arbeit essenziell, schreiben DIE—FORSCHER.
20200124             "In unserer Audiodatei hört man Nesyamun so, wie er in seiner aktuellen Position im Sarkophag geklungen haben könnte",
20200124             Altes Ägypten Forscher rekonstruieren Stimme von 3.000—JAHRE—ALTER MUMIE—DER SPIEGEL—WISSENSCHAFT
20200124             "Doomsday Clock": ATOM—FORSCHER stellen Uhr für den Weltuntergang auf 100—SEKUNDEN vor 12
20200124             EX—SPD—CHEF: Sigmar Gabriel wird Aufsichtsrat der DEUTSCHEN Bank
20200124             "Deal des Jahrhunderts": DONALD—TRUMP will NAHOST—FRIEDENSPLAN vorlegen
20200124             —GEWORDEN, Handwerk: "Ich bin nicht Bäcker, um Bons zu drucken" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—JÖRG—DIEHL und MICHAEL Fröhlingsdorf
20200124             —STREIT unter Nachbarn: BUNDES—GERICHTS—HOF erteilt Wegerecht aus Gewohnheit 1—ABSAGE
20200124             Forschungsministerin Karliczek im Interview: "Wasserstoff ist das Öl von —MORGEN"
20200124             3—JAHRE TRUMP: So mau ist die beste Bilanz aller Zeiten 1—KOLUMNE—VON—THOMAS—FRICKE
20200124             1—AMTLICH registrierte ARBEITS—LOSIGKEIT auf Rekordtief?
20200124             Ebenso.
20200124             Wobei das in den USA mehr als bei uns auch daran liegt, daß sich weniger Leute als früher am Arbeitsmarkt melden.
20200124             Teils aus Verzweiflung.
20200124             Der Anteil erwachsener Männer, die arbeitsbereit sind, liegt mit weniger als 90 % in den USA —HEUTE viel tiefer als noch —ANFANG der SIEBZIGER—JAHRE (mit 96—PROZENT).
20200124             Amerikas Wirtschaft hat —SEIT der Wahl TRUMP—KEINE Marktanteile WELT—WEIT gewonnen, sondern weiter VERLOREN—VON—10,8 auf zuletzt 10,2 Prozent.
20200124             —NACH, Schätzungen der OECD werden DIE—USA—AUSFUHREN dieses —JAHR ZUM 4. MAL in Folge langsamer zulegen als die durchschnittliche NACH—FRAGE auf den Absatzmärkten.
20200124             Der Anteil der Gesamtnachfrage, der durch Einkäufe aus der Ferne gedeckt wurde, lag in den USA 20160000              bei 15,2 % - —JETZT sind es 15,6.
20200124             —SEIT—2016—IST der Anteil der Industriejobs an der Beschäftigung in den USA nicht wieder gestiegen, sondern weiter gesunken.
20200124             —SEIT, die Konjunktur 20190000              zu schwächeln begann, sinkt nicht nur die QUOTE—ES werden auch real Arbeitsplätze wieder abgebaut.
20200124             —WÄHREND, alles in allem Ende des —JAHRES gut 2,1—MILLIONEN mehr Leute landesweit beschäftigt waren als 1—JAHR zuvor, gab es in der USA—AUTOINDUSTRIE fast 20.000—WENIGER Jobs.
20200124             Im Bergbau gingen binnen eines —JAHRES 21.000—STELLEN verloren.
20200124             —PROTEGIERT, Selbst in der ÖL—UND Gasindustrie, die DONALD—TRUMP so, hat, wurden zuletzt wieder Arbeitsplätze abgebaut (minus 24.000), wie das BUREAU—OF—LABOR—STATISTICS meldet.
20200124             DIE—USA—FIRMEN brauchten die Steuergeschenke im Grunde nicht, sagt Nobelpreisträger JOSEPH—STIGLITZ.
20200124             Die hatten ohnehin historisch viel Geld, das sie trotzdem nicht investierten.
20200124             Gemessen am BIP liegen die Investitionen —HEUTE niedriger als noch in den NEUNZIGER—JAHREN—NICHT höher.
20200124             —GEHORTET, WIRKLICHKEIT, haben VIELE—UNTERNEHMEN—DAS—GELD, und davon eigene Aktien GEKAUFT—MANGELS Zuversicht in künftige reale Absatzmöglichkeiten.
20200124             Das Staatsdefizit schnellte vergangenes —JAHR auf 7—PROZENT—DES—BIP—HOCH—DAS ist mehr als doppelt so viel wie in EUROPA mal als Höchstwert festgelegt wurde.
20200124             Und das zur konjunkturellen Bestzeit, wo es einfach wäre, Überschüsse zu machen.
20200124             DIE—GESAMTSCHULDENQUOTE liegt für DIE—USA —JETZT deutlich über 100—PROZENT—DES—BIP.
20200124             liegt es —JETZT stattdessen in den Aktiendepots ohnehin —SCHON betuchter Leute.
20200124             3—JAHRE DONALD—TRUMP Was hinter der besten Bilanz aller Zeiten STECKT—DER SPIEGEL—WIRTSCHAFT
20200124             Wegen CORONA—VIRUS, CHINA schließt TEILE—DER—CHINESISCHEN—MAUER
20200124             Tödlicher UN—FALL—IN—GROßBRITANNIEN: USA lehnen Auslieferung von Diplomatengattin ab
20200124             Fri - [l] Was passiert, wenn ein fieses Maskulistenmagazin wie Quilette ein paar Männer den Datingmarkt aus Sicht für Frauen mansplainen lässt?
20200124             Es kommt ein hochinteressanter und alarmierender Artikel raus, dessen Lektüre sich auf jeden Fall lohnt.
20200124             [l] In BRANDENBURG sind die Straftaten in videoüberwachten Bereichen weiter ge...stiegen.
20200124             —GESTIEGEN, Ja.
20200124             Hätte uns doch nur jemand gewarnt, daß Videoüberwachung Geldverschwendung und unzulässige GRUND—RECHTSVERLETZUNG ist! (Achtung: Quelle ist die B.Z., eines der übelsten Wurstblätter der REPUBLIK)
20200124             [l] Habt ihr euch auch solche Sorgen um Sigmar Gabriel gemacht?
20200124             Was soll —JETZT aus dem werden, wo die SPD ihren Absturz unter 5% fast vollendet hat?
20200124             Keine Sorge.
20200124             Sigmar Gabriel wird —JETZT Aufsichtsrat der DEUTSCHEN Bank.
20200124             —GEHÖRT, Da wächst zusammen, was zerschlagen !
20200124             Hier ist CHINAs RE—AKTION darauf.
20200124             —ON THE—EVE—OF—THE—LUNAR—NEW—YEAR, transportation was shut down —FRIDAY in at least 10—CITIES with 1—TOTAL—OF about 33—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20200124             Das ist ja schonmal heftig, aber fast noch krasser fand ich das hier:
20200124             —PREFABRICATED, The facility will be 1, structure on a 25,000- SQUARE—METER (270,000—SQUARE—FOOT) lot, slated for completion 20200203           .
20200124             Wir bauen mal eben 1—KRANKENHAUS für 10000000              Betten.
20200124             Fertig ist es am 03 ;;02;;.
20200124             [l] Intel hat 20190000              einen neuen Umsatzrekord aufgestellt.
20200124             Auch in den CPU—SPARTEN. Nein, wirklich.
20200124             Da verlierste doch den Glauben an die Menschheit.
20200124             [l] Old and busted: Antibiotikaresistente Keime.
20200124             New hotness: Desinfektionsmittelresistente Keime.
20200124             Antimicrobial solutions wäre sowas wie Sagrotan bei uns.
20200124             [l] Der ZUSTAND—DER—SOFTWARE in medizinischen Geräten ist legendär schlecht, das habe ich ja hier —SCHON häufiger angemerkt.
20200124             GESICHTS—ERKENNUNG—SOFTWARE: Twitter verlangt von Clearview FOTO—LÖSCHUNGEN
20200124             Bevölkerung: Ausländerzahl steigt auf Rekordhoch
20200124             WTO—BLOCKADE, Zwischenlösung für Welthandelsorganisation GEFUNDEN—OHNE DIE—USA
20200124             Schutz vor KLIMA—WANDEL, "Undenkbar, daß DEUTSCHLAND Menschen auf eine sinkende Insel zurückschickt" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—STEFFEN—LÜDKE
20200124             USA—EX—CHEF—VON—OPIOID—HERSTELLER muss ins Gefängnis
20200124             CHINAs Medien und das CORONA—VIRUS, Die GRENZEN—DER—ZENSUR—AUS—PEKING berichten GEORG—FAHRION, Wu Dandan und BERNHARD Zand
20200124             Frankreich: Regierung beschließt RENTEN—REFORM—ZEHNTAUSENDE demonstrieren
20200124             Business organizations, ranging from THE—USA—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE to tech trade groups, rallied, hiring attorneys to jump into the fray on MICROSOFT—SIDE in court and making their case to IRS leadership and lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
20200124             Soon, MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS, both REPUBLICANs and Democrats, were decrying the IRS' tactics and introducing legislation to stop THE—IRS from ever taking similar steps again.
20200124             —LAST—YEAR, the company's allies succeeded in changing the law, removing or limiting tools THE—IRS team had used against the company.
20200124             THE—IRS, —MEANWHILE, has become notably less bold.
20200124             DRAINED—OF—RESOURCES by YEARS—OF—PUNISHING budget cuts, THE—AGENCY has largely retreated from challenging the largest corporations.
20200124             —DECLINED, THE—IRS, to comment for this article.
20200124             ALLE—PRIVATEN—BAHNFAHRTEN in Uniform sind für die Soldatinnen und Soldaten kostenfrei.
20200124             Dabei ist es ganz egal, ob vom Dienstort nach Hause oder rein privat gereist wird — und das in allen zugelassenen Uniformen.
20200124             Warum würde man so 1—REGELUNG überhaupt machen?
20200124             Na, äh, das ist 1—WERBEMASSNAHME!
20200124             "Es wird keine Nachteile für unsere Soldatinnen und Soldaten geben", sagt STAATS—SEKRETÄR GERD—HOOFE.
20200124             Die kostenfreie Bahnfahrt gilt zwar als geldwerter Vorteil, die Steuern dafür werden aber pauschal vom VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM entrichtet.
20200124             1—NETWORK—OF—LIES on FACEBOOK: How To Fake Friends and Influence People By Maik Baumgärtner und ROMAN—HÖFNER
20200124             Tierhaltung: Supermärkte verkaufen zu fast 90 % Billigfleisch
20200124             Treffen MERKEL—ERDOGAN: "Ich glaube, wir missverstehen uns ein bisschen"
20200124             Internationaler —TAG—DER—BILDUNG: WELT—WEIT fehlen knapp 70—MILLIONEN Lehrer
20200124             1—DAMPER on the New —YEAR: Fresh Viral Threat Emerges in CHINA By GEORG—FAHRION, Veronika Hackenbroch, Wu Dandan und BERNHARD Zand
20200124             VERBRAUCHER—SCHUTZ, Handyverträge sollen nur noch 1—JAHR laufen dürfen
20200124             Letzte Formalien erfüllt: JOHNSON und EU—SPITZEN unterzeichnen BREXIT—VERTRAG
20200124             BORDEAUX und PARIS: Frankreich bestätigt 3—FÄLLE—DIE 1. in EUROPA
20200124             "March for Life": DONALD—TRUMP demonstriert mit Abtreibungsgegnern
20200124             Stärke 6,5: Tote nach Erdbeben im Osten der TÜRKEI
20200124             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON? AMAZON—MITARBEITER lädt KUNDEN—CREDENTIALS bei Github hoch?
20200124             Komm, lass uns in die Cloud ziehen. Da sind unsere Daten sicher!
20200124             [l] Frauen auf der Pille schneiden bei Tests der Kognition schlechter ab.
20200124             Die haben wohl weniger Durchhaltevermögen, weil sie nicht wie Männer oder Frauen ohne Pille einen STRESSHORMON—CORTISOL—SPIKE kriegen.
20200124             INTERNATIONALER—TAG—DER—BILDUNG: WELT—WEIT fehlen knapp 70—MILLIONEN Lehrer
20200124             [l] Ihr werdet vielleicht mitgekriegt haben, daß in CHINA gerade eine mysteriöse VIRUS—ERKRANKUNG ausgebrochen ist, bei der der Übertragungsweg noch nicht bekannt ist.
20200124             —EVE—OF—ON—THE, the Lunar New —YEAR, transportation was shut down —FRIDAY in at least 10—CITIES with 1—TOTAL—OF about 33—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20200124             "To address the insufficiency of existing medical resources," WUHAN authorities said in 1—FRIDAY notice, THE—CITY is constructing 1—HOSPITAL modeled —AFTER the Xiaotangshan SARS hospital in BEIJING.
20200124             FRANKREICH—REGIERUNG beschließt RENTEN—REFORM — Zehntausende demonstrieren
20200124             DOOMSDAY—CLOCK: ATOM—FORSCHER stellen Uhr für der WELT—UNTERGANG auf 100—SEKUNDEN vor 12
20200124             [l] Old and busted: ANTI—BIOTIKA—RESISTENTE—KEIME.
20200124             New hotness: DESINFEKTIONS—MITTEL—RESISTENTE—KEIME.
20200124             Hartmann, by the way, recommends dusting with 1—DAMP cloth instead of using ANTI—MICROBIAL solutions, which can make bacteria more resistant to antibiotics.
20200124             ANTI—MICROBIAL solutions wäre sowas wie SAGROTAN bei uns.
20200124             —AKTUELL, GE Healthcare. Ist ja auch klar.
20200124             Die optimieren ja nicht für die GESUNDHEIT—DER—PATIENTEN sondern ihrer BANK—KONTEN.
20200124             NETZ—WERK aus Lügen: So werden Sie auf FACEBOOK—VON—FAKE—PROFILEN manipuliert
20200124             In 1—INSTANCE, MICROSOFT had told investors its revenues would grow 10% to 12% but told THE—IRS the figure was 4%.
20200124             —UNDERSTATED, In another, THE—IRS found MICROSOFT had, revenues by $15—BILLION.
20200124             Ziel des kostenfreien Bahnfahrens ist es, DIE—SICHTBARKEIT von Soldatinnen und Soldaten der Bundeswehr in der Öffentlichkeit zu erhöhen.
20200124             Sie sollen besser als TEIL—DER—GESELLSCHAFT erkennbar sein.
20200124             Es soll sich wieder normal anfühlen, daß Soldaten durchs Land fahren.
20200124             Als Vorbereitung für Bundeswehreinsätze im Inneren, würde ich mal vermuten.
20200124             1—NET—WORK—OF—LIES on FACEBOOK: How To Fake Friends and Influence People
20200124             Tierhaltung: Supermärkte verkaufen zu fast 90 % BILLIG—FLEISCH
20200124—19850000    —CREATED, FORMER—CALIFORNIA—CONGRESSMAN—PETE—STARK, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), passed by Congress.
20200124—20160000    —JAILED, AHMAD—KHAN—RAHAMI (Rahimi), 1—AFGHAN—BORN—USA—SUSPECT, for 20160000              bombings in NEW—YORK and NEW—JERSEY, was sentenced to 1—ADDITIONAL—LIFE—TERM for 1—SHOOTOUT with police in Linden, NJ, as he attempted to avoid arrest.
20200124—20200203    —AM, Fertig ist es.
20200420             —INFECTED, Clinical FEATURES—OF—PATIENTS, with 20190000              novel CORONA—VIRUS in WUHAN, CHINA—THE—LANCET, 20200124
20200420—20200124    —INFECTED, Clinical FEATURES—OF—PATIENTS, with 20190000              novel coronavirus in WUHAN, CHINA—THE—LANCET.
20200504             —BISLANG, waren die 1. positiven Tests in FRANKREICH auf den 20190124             —DATIERT worden.
20210104—20210124    —BIS, Österreich verlängert Shutdown
20210111—20210124    —AM, Der 72-Jährige strebt bei der Wahl eine 2. Amtszeit an.
20210124             —DEPORTED, INDONESIA, SERGEI—KOSENKO, 1—RUSSIA—SOCIAL—MEDIA—CELEBRITY, —AFTER he held a 20210111              party at 1—LUXURY—HOTEL on Bali attended by more than 50—PEOPLE despite coronavirus restrictions.
20210124             1—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL said PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN will ban travel by noncitizens into THE—USA—FROM—SOUTH—AFRICA as of 20210130              BECAUSE—OF—CONCERN about 1—CORONAVIRUS variant spreading in that country.
20210124             —REPORTED, It was, that FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION in its final —WEEK in office, eased sanctions against ISRAEL—MINING magnate DAN—GERTLER that were imposed for alleged corruption in CONGO.
20210124             —ANNOUNCED, The license was not, publicly.
20210124             —URGED, ANTI—GRAFT campaigners, PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN—TREASURY to revoke the license.
20210124             CALIFORNIA to date had 3,144,592 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 36,844 deaths.
20210124             THE—SF Bay Area had 357,949 cases and 3,818 deaths.
20210124             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 25,109,148 with the death toll at 418,982.
20210124             —VOTED, THE—CHICAGO Teachers Union said that its members have, to defy 1—ORDER to return to classrooms —BEFORE they are vaccinated.
20210124             INDIANA, 5—PEOPLE and 1—UNBORN child were shot and killed in INDIANAPOLIS.
20210124             1—JUVENILE suspect was arrested THE—FOLLOWING—DAY.
20210124             —CHARGED, RAYMOND—RONALD—LEE—CHILDS—III, 17—JAHRE—ALT was soon, as 1—ADULT with 6—COUNTS—OF—MURDER.
20210124             —DAMAGED, Protesters 20210901             —LARGE—FIRE, buildings and marched with signs late —TODAY in response to 1—POLICE—CAR driving through 1—CROWD in TACOMA—WASHINGTON, THE—DAY—BEFORE, leaving at least 2—PEOPLE injured.
20210124             —RECORDED, AUSTRALIA, no new local coronavirus cases, maintaining 1—RECENT—RUN—OF—SUCCESS in keeping the virus at bay, but nevertheless is keen to press on with its vaccination campaign from next —MONTH.
20210124             BRITAIN said it is expanding 1—CORONAVIRUS—VACCINATION—PROGRAM that has seen almost 6—MILLION—PEOPLE get the 1. of 2—DOSES, even as the country's death toll in the pandemic approached 100,000.
20210124             —TRAPPED, CHINA, rescuers brought 11—WORKERS, —FOR—2—WEEKS to safety.
20210124             —CONTINUED, Rescue operations, for 10—OTHER miners, whose fates are unknown, inside the Hushan gold mine in Shandong province.
20210124             —LAUNCHED, EGYPT, 1—VACCINATION—CAMPAIGN against the coronavirus, with the 1. SHOTS—OF—CHINA—STATE—OWNED pharmaceutical giant SINOPHARM—VACCINE given to healthcare workers in THE—SUEZ Canal CITY—OF—ISMAILIA.
20210124             Kaja Kallas (43), THE—CHAIR—OF—ESTONIA—CENTER—RIGHT—REFORM—PARTY, was tasked with forming 1—CABINET in the next 14—DAYS, which would make her the country's 1. female PRIME—MINISTER.
20210124             —REPORTED, It was, that GERMANY has asked TAIWAN to persuade TAIWAN—MANUFACTURERS to help ease 1—SHORTAGE—OF semiconductor chips in the auto sector which is hampering its fledgling economic recovery from THE—COVID—19—PANDEMIC.
20210124             —SEIZED, INDONESIA—AUTHORITIES said that they have, 1—IRAN—TANKER and PANAMA—TANKER suspected of carrying out the illegal TRANSFER—OF—OIL in their country's waters.
20210124             36—IRANIAN and 25—CHINA—CREW members were detained.
20210124             ISRAEL—LABOR—PARTY chose Merav Michaeli (54), 1—VETERAN—LAWMAKER and former journalist, as its new leader AHEAD—OF—MARCH—ELECTIONS.
20210124             —OPENED, ISRAEL said it has, its embassy in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, —FOLLOWING through on —LAST—YEAR—USA—BROKERED agreement to establish full diplomatic ties with the Gulf country.
20210124             —APPROVED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—CABINET, the establishment of 1—EMBASSY in Tel Aviv.
20210124             —REPORTED, ITALY, 299—CORONAVIRUS—RELATED deaths, down from 488 THE—DAY—BEFORE, —WHILE the daily TALLY—OF—NEW—INFECTIONS fell to 11,629 from 13,331.
20210124             —REAPPOINTED, KUWAIT—EMIR, Sheikh Sabah AL—KHALID AL—SABAH as PRIME—MINISTER—AFTER the cabinet resigned last —WEEK in 1—STANDOFF with PARLIAMENT over its vote to question the premier on issues including his CHOICE—OF—MINISTERS.
20210124             —REPORTED, It was, that MEXICO—ANTITRUST watchdog has fined 7—BANKS 1—TOTAL—OF $1.5—MILLION, only 4—PERCENT—OF—POTENTIAL—PENALTIES, —AFTER finding EVIDENCE—OF—PRICE—RIGGING in the peso bond market early last —DECADE.
20210124             —FLOODED, Cyclone Eloise left parts of CENTRAL—MOZAMBIQUE, —AFTER it struck near the port CITY—OF—BEIRA.
20210124             4—PEOPLE were reported killed as the cyclone headed towards ZIMBABWE and NORTH—SOUTH—AFRICA.
20210124             —RAISED, The death toll was —LATER, to 21.
20210124             THE—NETHERLANDS, rioters set fires in THE—CENTER—OF—THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—EINDHOVEN and pelted police with rocks at 1 banned demonstration against coronavirus lockdown measures, —WHILE officers responded with tear gas and water cannons, arresting at least 30—PEOPLE.
20210124             —HEADED, Portuguese, to the polls to vote for the largely ceremonial POST—OF—PRESIDENT even as coronavirus cases reach record levels.
20210124             —SHOWED, Polls, that incumbent, PRESIDENT—MARCELO—REBELO—DE—SOUSA—OF—THE—CENTER—RIGHT—SOCIAL—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, is likely to win with ease.
20210124             The spokesman for RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN says THE—USA—EMBASSY—STATEMENTS about the nationwide protests, in which more than 3,500—PEOPLE reportedly were arrested, interfere in the country's domestic affairs and encourage Russians to break the law.
20210124             SERBIA—PRESIDENT—ALEKSANDAR—VUCIC said the 1. CASE—OF—1—NEW—VARIANT—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS has been detected in Serbia in 1—WOMAN who arrived from LONDON, but that no new lockdown is planned.
20210124             TAIWAN said it will more than double THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who have to quarantine at home to more than 5,000 as it seeks to contain 1—RARE—DOMESTIC—CLUSTER—OF—COVID—19 connected to 1—HOSPITAL.
20210124             —TREATED, TAIWAN only has 95—ACTIVE—CASES being, in hospital.
20210124             —LAUNCHED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, "Reset Earth," 1 animated film and game aimed at engaging Gen Z teenagers on the importance of protecting the ozone layer.
20210124             —RESUMED, YEMEN—WARRING sides, UN—BACKED negotiations in AMMAN—JORDAN, over 1—PRISONER swap.
20210124             —SONNTAG, 20210124
20210124             Einsatz ab kommender Woche: Spahn kauft ANTIKÖRPER—MEDIKAMENT für Deutschland
20210124             Coronavirus: ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT meldet mehr als 12.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20210124             Neuer USA—PRÄSIDENT und britischer Regierungschef: Biden spricht mit Johnson über mögliches Handelsabkommen
20210124             Erdogan nimmt Messengerdienst ins Visier: Türkische "Whatsappokalypse" Von ANNA—SOPHIE Schneider
20210124             Zugriff in AMSTERDAM: Mutmaßlicher CHEF—VON größtem asiatischen Drogenkartell festgenommen
20210124             Spannung in der Südchinesischen See: USA fordern von CHINA Stopp der Einschüchterung Taiwans
20210124             Sat 20210123
20210124             [l] Ich habe diese Tage interessiert Berichte über die QANON—LEUTE und ihre Familien gelesen, —JETZT wo der TRUMP—SPUK vorbei ist.
20210124             Zum Beispiel bei Politico oder Daily Dot.
20210124             Ich frage mich, wie ähnlich das zu so Weltuntergangssekten ist, wenn dann der angesagte —TAG ohne Weltuntergang verstreicht.
20210124             Sun 20210124
20210124             [l] Tilo Jung hat mal die Merkel gefragt, was sie von "No Covid" hält und wieso es Geld für Wirtschaftsförderung gibt aber nicht für kostenlose Masken für Hartzer, Studenten und Soloselbständige.
20210124             [l] Oh hups, da hat doch tatsächlich jemand vergessen, dieses peinliche Dokument als vertraulich zu markieren.
20210124             Über die grenzüberschreitenden Überwachungspläne der EU.
20210124             Grenzüberschreitende Überwachung wieder auf der EU—AGENDA
20210124             Ein irrtümlich nicht als "vertraulich" eingestuftes Strategiepapier der EU—RATSPRÄSIDENTSCHAFT gibt Einblick in die großen Differenzen zwischen Ministerrat und Parlament zum Thema.
20210124             Neben der Verordnung zum Schutz der Privatsphäre (E—PRIVACY) steht noch ein 2., schwerer Brocken im Digitalbereich auf der Agenda der portugiesischen Ratspräsidentschaft.
20210124             Die steckengebliebene Richtlinie zum grenzüberschreitenden Datenzugriff für Strafverfolger (E—EVIDENCE) soll demnächst in TRILOG—VERHANDLUNGEN mit dem EU—PARLAMENT finalisiert werden.
20210124             Das hatte den Entwurf von Kommission und Rat im Dezember abgelehnt.
20210124             Das Parlament besteht darauf, dass bei grenzüberschreitenden Überwachungsanordnungen die lokalen Justizbehörden über deren Rechtmäßigkeit entscheiden.
20210124             Kommission und Rat wollten diese Überprüfung, und damit die Haftung, direkt den betroffenen Providern, Telekoms und Netzplattformen zuschieben.
20210124             Die britische Bürgerrechtsorganisation Statewatch hat das Originaldokument jedoch gesichert.
20210124             Das Ziel des Vorhabens war von —ANFANG an die Beschleunigung von grenzüberschreitenden Ermittlungen, genauer gesagt der schnellere Zugriff nationaler Strafverfolger auf Kommunikationen in Sozialen Netzwerken.
20210124             In der Praxis läuft das alles auf 1—LEX—FACEBOOK hinaus.
20210124             Die deutschen Gesundheitsämter haben dem ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI) 12.257—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN binnen eines Tages gemeldet.
20210124             Außerdem wurden 349—NEUE Todesfälle innerhalb von 24—STUNDEN verzeichnet,
20210124             —AM Wochenende fallen die Zahlen in der Regel niedriger aus, da nicht ALLE—GESUNDHEITSÄMTER ihre Zahlen an das RKI melden und auch weniger Tests vorgenommen und ausgewertet werden.
20210124             Die Zahl der binnen 7—TAGEN gemeldeten Neuinfektionen pro 100.000—EINWOHNER (7—TAGE—INZIDENZ) lag laut RKI am Sonntagmorgen bei 111,1.
20210124             Der bundesweite 7—TAGE—R—WERT lag laut RKI—LAGEBERICHT vom Samstagabend bei 1,01 (Vortag: 0,97)
20210124             1. inländischer CORONA—FALL in Neuseeland —SEIT—2—MONATEN registriert
20210124             wurde das Coronavirus bei einer 56-Jährigen festgestellt, die vor knapp einem —MONAT—VON—1—EUROPAREISE nach Neuseeland zurückgekehrt war.
20210124             2—CORONA—TESTS an der Frau während ihrer Isolation seien negativ ausgefallen.
20210124             Die Frau habe —BEREITS Tage vor dem positiven CORONA—TEST Symptome gehabt, teilten die Behörden weiter mit.
20210124             Nach ihrer Entlassung aus dem QUARANTÄNE—HOTEL seien sie und ihr Mann zudem für mehrere Tage durch die nördlich von AUCKLAND gelegene Region Northland gereist und hätten rund 30—VERSCHIEDENE Orte besucht.
20210124             Die Bundespolizei am größten deutschen Flughafen FRANKFURT intensiviert —SEIT—MITTERNACHT die Kontrollen bei Flügen aus Hochrisikogebieten der CORONA—PANDEMIE.
20210124             Bundesgesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN (CDU) hat vor Schuldzuweisungen bei der Aufarbeitung der CORONA—PANDEMIE gewarnt.
20210124             "Wir sollten aufpassen, dass 20210000              nicht das —JAHR—DER—SCHULDZUWEISUNG wird.
20210124             Über Fehler und Versäumnisse reden ist wichtig.
20210124             Aber ohne dass es unerbittlich wird.
20210124             Ohne dass es nur noch darum geht, Schuld auf andere abzuladen", sagte Spahn der "Bild am —SONNTAG".
20210124             VIELE—ÄMTER in Deutschland setzen für ihre Beschäftigten kein Homeoffice um.
20210124             Nach überraschenden AUSSAGEN—DES—BRITISCHEN—PREMIERMINISTERS über eine mögliche höhere Sterblichkeit mit einer CORONAVIRUS—VARIANTE rudert die Regierung nun etwas zurück.
20210124             Es sei "nicht wirklich sicher, wie tödlich" die Mutation B.1.1.7—IST, sagte Gesundheitsminister MATT—HANCOCK
20210124             Carteiros de Monchique passam a ter de ir a Portimão para depois voltarem...a Monchique
20210124             Ainda assim, o Balcão de Monchique dos CTT não será encerrado e continuará a funcionar normalmente.
20210124             Essa foi a garantia deixada por Gilda Carrasco, diretora de área dos CTT, numa reunião com RUI—ANDRÉ, presidente da Câmara de Monchique.
20210124             Ainda assim, o autarca reconhece que haverá "um transtorno maior para o dia a dia de trabalho dos carteiros, com deslocações que poderiam ser evitadas".
20210124             O presidente da Câmara de Monchique também depreendeu que "o objetivo é agenciar estes serviços no futuro, o que, na prática, pode ser negativo", apesar de o mais importante é que sejam "garantidas as funções dos CTT", com o seu "importante trabalho de proximidade, que têm junto da nossa população mais rural".
20210124             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Ausschreitungen in WASHINGTON: Website, Porträts von 6000—ANGEBLICHEN KAPITOL—STÜRMERN
20210124             Dem Aufruf, den Behörden Informationen über die gewalttätigen Ausschreitungen bereitzustellen, sind offenbar Zigtausende gefolgt.
20210124             —BISHER sind beim FBI mehr als 140.000—VIDEOS und Fotos mit Hinweisen eingegangen.
20210124             1—STUDENT aus dem Großraum WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA geht nun noch einen Schritt weiter.
20210124             Er hat die 827—VIDEOS ausgewertet, die während der Ausschreitungen im Kapitol und im Umfeld aufgenommen und auf das von Rechten genutzte soziale Netzwerk Parler hochgeladen wurden.
20210124             Das Ergebnis ist 1—WEBSITE, auf der 6000—PORTRÄTFOTOS von all jenen Personen gezeigt werden, die auf irgendeine Weise in jenen Videos vorkommen.
20210124             Möglich wurde das, weil Aktivisten nach eigenen Angaben den kompletten Datenbestand von Parler heruntergeladen hatten, bevor das Netzwerk offline ging.
20210124             —GESICHERT, Zudem war das System offenbar so schlecht, dass es für die Aktivisten kein Problem darstellte, sogar von den Usern gelöschte PARLER—BEITRÄGE zu sichern.
20210124             Gesichtserkennung für jedermann
20210124             Die einzelnen Gesichter habe er mithilfe frei verfügbarer Gesichtserkennungssoftware und OPEN—SOURCE—ALGORITHMEN für maschinelles Lernen automatisiert aus dem Videomaterial extrahiert,
20210124             —BERICHTET, Auf seinem TWITER—ACCOUNT, der anonyme Aktivist von Versuchen, die Website mit einer sogenannten Überlastungsattacke (DDoS) aus dem Netz zu werfen.
20210124             Ebenso leichtfertig wie mit den Angriffen auf seine Website geht der anonyme Aktivist auch mit den Persönlichkeitsrechten der gezeigten Menschen um.
20210124             Die Vorsortierung der Bilder und das Ausfiltern von Dubletten hat er der Software überlassen.
20210124             1—SICHTUNG, inwiefern sich die gezeigten Personen tatsächlich an den gewalttätigen Protesten beteiligt haben, erfolgte offensichtlich nicht.
20210124             Diese Aufgabe sollen nun die Nutzer der Seite übernehmen.
20210124             EVAN—GREER von der Bürgerrechtsorganisation Fight for the Future warnt gegenüber "Wired" vor dieser Vorgehensweise und vor den Gefahren, die der EINSATZ—VON—GESICHTSERKENNUNGSTECHNOLOGIEN nach Ansicht seiner Organisation generell birgt:
20210124             "Unabhängig davon, ob sie von einer Einzelperson oder von der Regierung eingesetzt wird, hat diese Technologie tiefgreifende Auswirkungen auf die Menschenrechte und die Meinungsfreiheit".
20210124             Italien: Regierungskrise in Zeitlupe
20210124             CORONA—PARTY bei Osnabrück: Feiernde greifen Polizisten an
20210124             Seltene Aufnahmen in Nationalpark: Vom Aussterben bedrohtes SIAM—KROKODIL in THAILAND gesichtet
20210124             CORONA—PANDEMIE: Diese Länder lassen Geimpfte einreisen
20210124             Proteste in Russland: Kreml spielt Teilnehmerzahl bei NAWALNY—DEMONSTRATIONEN herunter
20210124             Wegen neuer CORONA—EINREISEREGELN: Fruchthandelsverband warnt vor leeren Regalen
20210124             Verschwörungstheoretiker nach Trump: Filmriss im QANON—UNIVERSUM
20210124             CORONA—AUSBRUCH in HAMBURG: Airbus muss 500—MENSCHEN in Quarantäne schicken
20210124             Trotz Widerstand aus LONDON: Schottlands Regierungschefin verspricht neue Abstimmung über Unabhängigkeit
20210124             BRASILIEN, wächst die Wut: "Bolsonaro raus!" 1—VIDEO—VON—ANDREAS—EVELT
20210124             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON? Berliner Krankenhaus wegen MUTIERTES—COVID—BEFALL komplett in Quarantäne.
20210124             Besonders krass daran:
20210124             Verfügt worden sei hier eine sogenannte Pendelquarantäne: Die Beschäftigten dürften nur zwischen ihrem Zuhause und der Klinik unterwegs sein.
20210124             [l] - Rate mal, wen die in ISRAEL gerade impfen!
20210124             Kommst du NIE drauf! Minderjährige.
20210124             Damit sie die Schulen wieder öffnen können.
20210124             So sieht das aus, wenn die Politik denkfähig ist, 1—ZIEL identifiziert, und dann ihre Politik so gestaltet, dass das Ziel erreicht werden kann.
20210124             O Algarve regista 424—NOVAS infeções com COVID—19—E mais 8—VÍTIMAS mortais,
20210124             Novo máximo de óbitos no país, Algarve com menos infeções e mortes que ontem
20210124             Covid-19: Novo máximo diário de óbitos no Alentejo
20210124             77—ANSTECKUNGEN mit SÜDAFRIKA—VIRUS—MUTATION in Großbritannien
20210124             In den USA haben sich —SEIT Beginn der CORONA—PANDEMIE vor einem —JAHR fast 25—MILLIONEN Menschen mit dem SARS—COV—2—VIRUS angesteckt.
20210124             Die Zahl der —BISHER registrierten Toten im Zusammenhang mit dem Virus stieg auf knapp 417.500,
20210124             Südafrikanische CORONA—VARIANTE erstmals in STUTTGART nachgewiesen
20210124             Entdeckt worden sei die Mutation bei einem Ehepaar, das —ANFANG Januar aus Südafrika nach STUTTGART zurückgekehrt sei,
20210124             CORONA—TESTS vor der Abreise aus Südafrika und unmittelbar nach der Einreise nach Deutschland seien —ZUNÄCHST zwar negativ ausgefallen.
20210124             Mit einer Hundestaffel und einem Hubschrauber ist die Polizei in LONDON gegen eine illegale Party mit 300—GÄSTEN vorgegangen.
20210124             Die Beamten seien bei der Feier auf Widerstand gestoßen und hätten 1—TÜR aufbrechen müssen,
20210124             —GEFLOHEN, Dutzende Gäste seien über Zäune.
20210124             "Die Beamten waren wieder einmal gezwungen, ihre eigene Gesundheit zu gefährden, um es mit einer großen Gruppe unglaublich egoistischer Menschen aufzunehmen, die auf engstem Raum zusammengepfercht waren",
20210124             —BEFÜRCHTET, Die Bundesregierung, massive Störversuche während der CORONA—IMPFKAMPAGNE.
20210124             Es bestehe eine "abstrakte Gefährdung" für Firmensitze von Pharmaunternehmen, aber auch für Impfzentren, IMPFSTOFF—TRANSPORTE und Lagerstätten, heißt es in einer Antwort des Bundesinnenministeriums auf 1—ANFRAGE der Grünen,
20210124             Im Inland gehe diese Gefährdung "von Impfgegnern, CORONA—SKEPTIKERN und Verschwörungstheoretikern" aus.
20210124             Hinzu komme das Risiko von SPIONAGE—UND Sabotageversuchen ausländischer Geheimdienste.
20210124             Zwar lägen der Bundesregierung "keine konkreten gefährdungsrelevanten Erkenntnisse" vor.
20210124             Dennoch müsse sie von einer Gefahr von Sabotage —BIS hin zu "physischen Übergriffen" auf Personal und Impfempfänger ausgehen.
20210124             "Wir erwarten, dass die von den Pharmaunternehmen bestätigten Verträge eingehalten werden", sagte Michel am —SONNTAG dem französischen Sender EUROPE 1.
20210124             Um die Einhaltung der Verträge zu gewährleisten, könne die EU auch "juristische Mittel" nutzen.
20210124             So habe Pfizer anfangs Verzögerungen von Impfstofflieferungen von mehreren Wochen angekündigt.
20210124             —GEHAUEN, Nachdem man mit der Faust auf den Tisch, habe, sei es dann aber nur noch um 1—WOCHE gegangen.
20210124             "Antigentests zur Eigenanwendung mittels Antigenbestimmung werden von der Abgabebeschränkung ausgenommen", heißt es in einem Entwurf zur Änderung der MEDIZINPRODUKTE—ABGABEVERORDNUNG,
20210124             "Tests zur Eigenanwendung durch Laien werden perspektiv eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Eindämmung der Pandemie spielen".
20210124             Nach der Verschärfung der Testpflicht für tschechische Berufspendler, die in Deutschland arbeiten, haben sich vor den Teststationen teils lange Schlangen gebildet.
20210124             Die deutsche Polizei berichtete am Nachmittag von etwa 500—MENSCHEN auf deutscher Seite, die wegen eines CORONA—TESTS im BEREICH—DES—ÜBERGANGS—SCHIRNDING im Landkreis Wunsiedel unterwegs waren.
20210124             bei Temperaturen unter 0—GRAD betrage die Wartezeit 2—BIS 3—STUNDEN.
20210124             Die coronabedingte Ausgangssperre hat in den Niederlanden zu Protesten und Krawallen geführt.
20210124             In der Kleinstadt Urk nördlich von AMSTERDAM hatten Dutzende Menschen am späten Samstagabend gegen die Sperrstunde protestiert,
20210124             Sie hätten Steine und Feuerwerkskörper auf Polizisten geworfen und Polizeiautos demoliert.
20210124             Jugendliche steckten nach Polizeiangaben 1—CORONA—TESTZENTRUM des Gesundheitsamtes in Brand.
20210124             Landesweit hat die Polizei nach eigenen Angaben in der 1. Nacht der Sperrstunde mehr als 3600—GELDSTRAFEN verhängt und 25—PERSONEN festgenommen.
20210124             DGB will klare Regeln für Arbeitszeit im Homeoffice
20210124             "Wir erleben aktuell, dass Arbeitszeiten im Homeoffice in der Regel überhaupt nicht erfasst werden", sagte der DGB—VORSITZENDE REINER—HOFFMANN
20210124             Dabei leisteten die Beschäftigten in Deutschland —HEUTE—SCHON jährlich 1—MILLIARDE—ÜBERSTUNDEN, die nicht bezahlt würden.
20210124             "Das ist Lohndiebstahl.
20210124             Und der wird verstärkt, wenn es keine vernünftigen Regeln für die digitale Arbeitswelt gibt".
20210124             Hunderte ultraorthoxe Israelis haben sich Konfrontationen mit Polizisten geliefert, die CORONA—REGELN durchsetzen wollte.
20210124             Die Polizisten waren von den frühen Morgenstunden an im Einsatz, um die regelwidrige Öffnung strengreligiöser Bildungseinrichtungen zu verhindern.
20210124             Ein einflussreicher Rabbiner hatte zuvor dazu aufgerufen, die Schulen im ultraorthodoxen Sektor trotz eines allgemeinen Verbots zu öffnen.
20210124             In der Hafenstadt Aschdod sowie in JERUSALEM kam es zu teilweise heftigen Konfrontationen mit der Polizei.
20210124             Im strengreligiösen Viertel Mea Schearim in JERUSALEM wurden Sicherheitskräfte als "Nazis" beschimpft.
20210124             Auch in Bnei Brak bei Tel Aviv blockierten strengreligiöse Einwohner Straßen und bewarfen Polizisten mit Steinen.
20210124             Nach Polizeiangaben wurden bei Zusammenstößen mehrere Polizisten verletzt und mindestens 15—DEMONSTRANTEN festgenommen.
20210124             —VERBIETET, Schweden, vorübergehend Einreisen aus dem Nachbarland Norwegen, nachdem es Infektionsfälle mit der britischen Variante des CORONA—VIRUS in der Region um die HAUPTSTADT—OSLO gegeben hat.
20210124             Rund 15000000              Ärzte, Pflegekräfte, Verwalter und Techniker des HUMBOLDT—KLINIKUMS im Bezirk Reinickendorf stehen unter Quarantäne, nachdem dort mehrere Fälle der sogenannte britischen Virusvariante aufgetreten waren.
20210124             Die verschärften Coronamaßnahmen mit einer Ausgangssperre haben in den Niederlanden zu Protesten und Krawallen geführt.
20210124             AMSTERDAM, und EINDHOVEN beendete die Polizei am —SONNTAG mit Wasserwerfern eine zuvor verbotene Demonstration.
20210124             Hunderte Demonstranten hatten nach Polizeiangaben in beiden Städten gegen die CORONA—MAßNAHMEN protestiert und die Polizei mit Feuerwerkskörpern und Steinen angegriffen.
20210124             LK Aurich Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 58—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 30,6 Fälle gesamt 1.847—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 973,7 Todesfälle gesamt 24—EINWOHNERZAHL 189.694—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210124             LK BERNKASTEL—WITTLICH Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 54—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,0 Fälle gesamt 1.835—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.631,4 Todesfälle gesamt 50—EINWOHNERZAHL 112.483—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210124             LK BITBURG—PRÜM Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 38—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,4 Fälle gesamt 2.016—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.035,2 Todesfälle gesamt 18—EINWOHNERZAHL 99.058—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210124             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 285—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 107,7 Fälle gesamt 8.068—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.048,7 Todesfälle gesamt 199—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638
20210124             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 158—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 81,6 Fälle gesamt 4.498—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.322,7 Todesfälle gesamt 150—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210124             LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 24—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 24,3 Fälle gesamt 920—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 932,1 Todesfälle gesamt 27—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.704—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210124             LK Heidenheim Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 66—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,7 Fälle gesamt 3.040—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.289,6 Todesfälle gesamt 121—EINWOHNERZAHL 132.777—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210124             LK Hohenlohekreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 49—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,5 Fälle gesamt 2.660—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.361,2 Todesfälle gesamt 91—EINWOHNERZAHL 112.655—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210124             LK Landsberg a.LECH—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE 60—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,9 Fälle gesamt 2.666—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.216,1 Todesfälle gesamt 35—EINWOHNERZAHL 120.302—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210124             LK LÜCHOW—DANNENBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 21—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,4 Fälle gesamt 442—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 913,0 Todesfälle gesamt 12—EINWOHNERZAHL 48.412—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210124             LK Lüneburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 66—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,8 Fälle gesamt 1.655—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 898,8 Todesfälle gesamt 35—EINWOHNERZAHL 184.139—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210124             LK Ostallgäu Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 67—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,5 Fälle gesamt 3.611—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.557,7 Todesfälle gesamt 92—EINWOHNERZAHL 141.182—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210124             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 50—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,9 Fälle gesamt 720—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 559,5 Todesfälle gesamt 18—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210124             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 371—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 78,8 Fälle gesamt 10.473—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.225,4 Todesfälle gesamt 257—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615
20210124             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 260—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 91,8 Fälle gesamt 6.447—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.275,9 Todesfälle gesamt 96—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271
20210124             LK Rotenburg (Wümme) Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 64—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 39,1 Fälle gesamt 2.178—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.329,8 Todesfälle gesamt 63—EINWOHNERZAHL 163.782—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210124             LK SIEGEN—WITTGENSTEIN Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 278—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 100,4 Fälle gesamt 5.873—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.120,6 Todesfälle gesamt 84—EINWOHNERZAHL 276.944
20210124             LK TRIER—SAARBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 69—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,2 Fälle gesamt 2.714—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.816,6 Todesfälle gesamt 74—EINWOHNERZAHL 149.398—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210124             LK Tübingen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 104—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,5 Fälle gesamt 5.714—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.498,7 Todesfälle gesamt 145—EINWOHNERZAHL 228.678—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210124             LK Verden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 58—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,3 Fälle gesamt 2.465—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.797,5 Todesfälle gesamt 34—EINWOHNERZAHL 137.133—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210124             LK Vulkaneifel Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 28—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,2 Fälle gesamt 1.176—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.939,1 Todesfälle gesamt 40—EINWOHNERZAHL 60.646—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210124             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 434—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 135,2 Fälle gesamt 14.019—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.365,6 Todesfälle gesamt 276—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210124             SK Emden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 18—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,1 Fälle gesamt 493—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 987,7 Todesfälle gesamt 6—EINWOHNERZAHL 49.913—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210124             SK HEIDELBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 80—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,5 Fälle gesamt 3.532—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.187,2 Todesfälle gesamt 46—EINWOHNERZAHL 161.485—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210124             SK Kempten Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 33—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,7 Fälle gesamt 1.456—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.105,5 Todesfälle gesamt 29—EINWOHNERZAHL 69.151—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210124             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.005—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 92,4 Fälle gesamt 29.726—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.732,5 Todesfälle gesamt 409—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863
20210124             SK Münster Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 125—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 39,6 Fälle gesamt 5.045—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.600,1 Todesfälle gesamt 88—EINWOHNERZAHL 315.293—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210124             SK OLDENBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 73—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,2 Fälle gesamt 2.225—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.316,0 Todesfälle gesamt 33—EINWOHNERZAHL 169.077—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210124             SK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 78—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 37,3 Fälle gesamt 1.208—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 577,5 Todesfälle gesamt 11—EINWOHNERZAHL 209.191—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210124             SK Trier Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 49—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,9 Fälle gesamt 1.640—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.470,5 Todesfälle gesamt 19—EINWOHNERZAHL 111.528—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210124             MARCELO—REBELO—DE—SOUSA foi o candidato mais votado em Monchique, tendo obtido 68,17% dos votos, seguido por Ana Gomes, com 10,88%, nas Eleições Presidenciais deste —DOMINGO.
20210124             André Ventura foi o 3º mais votado naquele concelho serrano (8,33%).
20210124             SEGUEM—SE Marisa Matias (4,88%), João Ferreira (3,27%), Vitorino Silva (3,04%) e TIAGO—MAYAN—GONÇALVES (3,04%).
20210124             A abstenção atingiu 49,19% no concelho de Monchique.
20210124             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 1783 (+30) Óbitos - 15 (+1) Recuperados - 10880000              (+2) Casos ativos - 680 (+27)
20210124             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 46 (=) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 28 (=) Casos ativos - 14 (=)
20210124             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 55 (+1) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 32 (+1) Casos ativos - 22 (=)
20210124             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 244 (+34) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 94 (=) Casos ativos - 150 (+32)
20210124             Faro Casos confirmados - 2279 (+58) Óbitos - 16 (+3) Recuperados - 13130000              (+62) Casos ativos - 950 (+55)
20210124             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 462 (+6) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 314 (+1) Casos ativos - 142 (+7)
20210124             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 1059 (+20) Óbitos - 15 (+1) Recuperados - 770 (+1) Casos ativos - 274 (+18)
20210124             Loulé Casos confirmados - 2710 (+80) Óbitos - 28 (+2) Recuperados - 15810000              (+5) Casos ativos - 11010000              (+73)
20210124             Monchique Casos confirmados - 52 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 49 (=) Casos ativos - 2 (=)
20210124             Olhão Casos confirmados - 1184 (+36) Óbitos - 5 (+1) Recuperados - 691 (+1) Casos ativos - 488 (+34)
20210124             Portimão Casos confirmados - 1539 (+27) Óbitos - 19 (=) Recuperados - 11470000              (=) Casos ativos - 373 (+26)
20210124             Silves Casos confirmados - 897 (+28) Óbitos - 7 (=) Recuperados - 520 (=) Casos ativos - 370 (+28)
20210124             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 294 (+17) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 203 (+1) Casos Ativos - 81 (+16)
20210124             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1280 (+17) Óbitos - 21 (=) Recuperados - 733 (+3) Casos ativos - 526 (+14)
20210124             VRSA Casos confirmados - 777 (+54) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 410 (+2) Casos ativos - 355 (+52)
20210124             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 112 (=) Óbitos - 5 (=) Recuperados - 89 (+1) Casos ativos - 19 (-1)
20210124             Global Cases 99.053.788 Global Deaths 2.125.917
20210124             [l] Na sowas! Kaum eignet sich 1—MAR—A—LAGO—MITGLIEDSCHIAFT nicht mehr als Korruptionsvehikel, um gute Laune bei der Junta zu erschmieren, kündigen die Mitglieder reihenweise ihre Mitgliedschaft.
20210124             [l] Kurze Durchsage der Bundesregierung zum elektronischen Anwaltspostfach:
20210124             Anwaltspostfach beA: Bundesregierung findet Entschlüsselungsrisiko "akzeptabel"
20210124             Die verstehen gar nicht, wo das Problem ist!
20210124             Ich glaube das übrigens wirklich, dass die nicht verstehen, was das Problem ist.
20210124             Selten habe ich so viel Realitätsabstand in Sachen Nibelungentreue und Vertrauen in das System erlebt wie bei Politikern und Juristen (und Politiker sind auch noch eh oft Juristen).
20210124             In deren Weltbild ist das eine völlig absurde Vorstellung, dass der STAAT illegitim seine Bürger belauschen würde.
20210124             Das ist sozusagen per Definition legitim.
20210124             —BELAUSCHT, Wenn jemand, wird mit unseren Generalschnüffelbefugnissen, dann hatte der ds bestimmt verdient!1!!
20210124             Ich vermute ja, dass Politiker auch echt selten Steuerprüfungen oder so kriegen.
20210124             Das ist schlicht nicht TEIL—VON—DEREN—REALITÄT, dass das System ungerecht sein könnte.
20210124             Krieg in Äthiopien: "Hunderttausende könnten verhungern" 1—ANALYSE—VON—FRITZ—SCHAAP
20210124             Historische Annäherung: ISRAEL öffnet Botschaft in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten
20210124             Bilanz einer Amtszeit: Trump machte als PRÄSIDENT 30.573—FALSCHE oder irreführende Aussagen
20210124             ISRAEL will Flughafen wegen hoher CORONA—ZAHLEN schließen
20210124             Die israelische Regierung war wegen laxer Kontrollen am Flughafen scharf kritisiert worden.
20210124             Großbritannien meldet einen neuen Tagesrekord von 491.970—IMPFUNGEN.
20210124             Insgesamt haben damit mehr als 6,3 Millionen Briten die 1. Impfung erhalten bei einer Bevölkerung von knapp 67—MILLIONEN.
20210124             Als eines der 1. Länder in AFRIKA hat Ägypten am —SONNTAG mit den Impfungen gegen das Coronavirus begonnen.
20210124             Die hochansteckende Mutation des CORONA—VIRUS ist in Flensburg nachgewiesen worden.
20210124             Um wie VIELE—FÄLLE es sich genau handelt, konnte 1—STADTSPRECHER am —SONNTAG nicht sagen.
20210124             —ANFANG dieser Woche war von rund 30—VERDACHTSFÄLLEN mit der Variante aus Großbritannien berichtet worden.
20210124             Nach ANGABEN—DES—SPRECHERS trat 1—TEIL—DER—FÄLLE in der Belegschaft eines Betriebes unter Leiharbeitern auf.
20210124             Es gebe aber auch davon EINIGE—UNABHÄNGIGE—FÄLLE in der Stadt im Norden SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINS.
20210124             Menschen, die per Flugzeug oder Schiff aus anderen EU—LÄNDERN nach Frankreich einreisen wollen, brauchen nun einen negativen PCR—TEST.
20210124             Das Ergebnis darf nicht älter als 72—STUNDEN sein.
20210124             500—POLIZEIKRÄFTE im Einsatz: "Querdenken"-Demo in München überschreitet erlaubte Teilnehmerzahl
20210124             Mit absoluter Mehrheit: Portugals PRÄSIDENT—IM—AMT bestätigt
20210124             Bei der Präsidentschaftswahl in PORTUGAL ist der konservative Amtsinhaber MARCELO—REBELO—DE—SOUSA nach Auszählung von 98—PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN mit 61,6 Prozent wiedergewählt worden.
20210124             Die sozialistische Kandidatin Ana Gomes erhielt demnach 12,2 Prozent,
20210124             der Rechtspopulist André Ventura kam auf 11,9 Prozent.
20210124             Der Sieg des 72-Jährigen, der früher TV—JOURNALIST—UND—JURA—PROFESSOR war, hatte sich in Medienprognosen —BEREITS angedeutet.
20210124             hatte sich - Der Sieg
20210124             Die Abstimmung wurde von der dramatischen Zuspitzung der Coronakrise im EU—LAND überschattet.
20210124             Die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN je 100.000—EINWOHNER binnen 7—TAGEN lag zuletzt bei etwa 750.
20210124             Nach ANGABEN—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—OXFORD weist PORTUGAL damit den höchsten 7—TAGE—INZIDENZWERT weltweit auf.
20210124             Hintergrund der hohen Infektionszahlen ist offenbar die britische CORONA—MUTATION B 1.1.7.
20210124             In 1—VON—DER—WOCHENZEITUNG "Expresso" in Auftrag gegebenen Umfrage hatten sich 57—PROZENT für 1—VERLEGUNG ausgesprochen.
20210124             Zwischen 45—UND 50—PROZENT aller Wahlberechtigten gingen demnach an die Urnen.
20210124             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, ungefähr den Werten der Präsidentenwahlen der Jahre 20110000—20160000    —UND.
20210124             Rebelo de Sousa gilt als volksnah und arbeitete in der Vergangenheit ohne größere Konflikte mit der linken REGIERUNG—VON—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—ANTÓNIO—COSTA zusammen.
20210124             Das Staatsoberhaupt hat in PORTUGAL relativ viel Macht.
20210124             Der PRÄSIDENT kann sowohl sein Veto gegen Gesetze einlegen als auch das Parlament auflösen und Neuwahlen ausrufen.
20210124—20210113    —AM—FÜR—2—WOCHEN, Nach ihrer Einreise, sei sie in 1—QUARANTÄNE—HOTEL isoliert worden, das sie verlassen habe.