Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 26. January ?

Ereignisse an einem 26. January

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00660126             5. recorded, HALLEY—COMET—PERIHELION—PASSAGE,
04040126             † Paula von Rom, römische Heilige
07240126             † Yazid II., Kalif der Umayyaden
07380126             † JOHANNES—VON—DAILAM, syrischer Mönch und Klostergründer in Mesopotamien und Persien, Heiliger der ostsyrischen Kirche
08400126             † Notburga von Bühl, schottische Königstochter
09460126             † Edgitha, angelsächsische PRINZESSIN—UND—GATTIN—OTTOS—DES—GROSSEN
09850126             † Ryogen, japanischer Mönch
10030126             † ROZALA—SUSANNA von Italien, Gräfin von Flandern und Ehefrau des späteren französischen Königs ROBERT—II.
10800126             † Amadeus II., Graf von Savoyen
11090126             † Alberich von Cîteaux, Benediktinerabt in Cîteaux
11350126             † Iwanko Pawlowitsch, Statthalter von Nowgorod
11430126             † Ali ibn Yusuf ibn Taschfin, Herrscher der Almoraviden
11700126             † Anséric I., Burgherr von Montréal
11880126             † Øystein Erlendsson, norwegischer Erzbischof von Nidaros (TRONDHEIM)
12000126             * Dogen, japanischer ZEN—MEISTER
12610126             —VERZICHTET—AM, haben WALRAM—VON—JÜLICH, MATHILDE, seine oo, auf die ROTT—10. BRAUWEILERs im ASP verzichtet, nicht nur,
12610126             —VERZICHTET—AM, haben WALRAM—VON—JÜLICH, MATHILDE, seine oo, auf die ROTT—10. BRAUWEILERs im BRAHM ,
12610126             —VERZICHTET—AM, haben WALRAM—VON—JÜLICH, MATHILDE, seine oo, auf die ROTT—10. BRAUWEILERs im WIEDEHAU und
12610126             —VERZICHTET—AM, haben WALRAM—VON—JÜLICH, MATHILDE, seine oo, auf die ROTT—10. BRAUWEILERs im HANEPÜTZ verzichtet,
12610126             1—KONZESSION, welcher GRAF—WILHELM nebst Familie zugestimmt hat.
12610126             —GENANNT, Der GRAF—WILHELM wird hier venerabilis, nicht weil er, wie LACOMBLET sagt, GRAF—WILHELM—PROPST—ZU—AACHEN gewesen, wovon ich nichts weiss,
12610126             vielmehr wird dieses Beiwort venerabilis Herren und RITTERn zuweilen gegeben,
12750126             † ULRICH—VON—LIECHTENSTEIN, mittelhochdeutscher Dichter
13020126             † Godfrey Giffard, königlicher KANZLER—UND—BISCHOF—VON—WORCESTER
13120126             * Wikbold Dobilstein, BISCHOF—VON—KULM
13130126             † KONRAD—VON—LUPPURG, Elekt von Gurk und BISCHOF—VON—REGENSBURG
13400126             Der englische KÖNIG—EDUARD—III. erklärt sich zu Beginn des Hundertjährigen Krieges selbst zum KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH.
13410126             —DIE—MENSIS ;;0126;;,
13410126             domiuus NICHOLAUS electas IN—EPISCOPUM—TRAIECTENSEM promisit pro suo coramuni (servitio) QUATUNR MILIA SEXEUTOS (sic) FLORENI—AURI—DE—FLORENTIA et quinque servicia persolvere,
13410126             medietatem in PROXIMO—FESTO—OMNIUM—SANCTORUM et aliam MEDIETATEMIN—FESTO—NATIVITATIS—BEATI—JOHANNIS—BAPTISTE extunc immediate sequent l Alioquin infra 4—MENSES etc. et juravit ut in forma.
13410126             (IN—MARGINE) XXI KARDINALes.
13590126             Wisso HENRICI clericus TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS surrogatur in omne jus quod qtwn^ dam ARNALDO—DE—CATNPOSTELLE ad canonicatum et [PFRÜNDE]PRAEBENDAM in^ ECCLESIA—S—MARIAE—TRAIECTENSIS PER—OBITUM—BALDEWINI—DE—SONGIIS vacantes competebat;
13600126             —AVENIONIS, Pro DECANO—ET—CAPITULO—ECCLESIAE—TRAIECTENSIS infrascripti ad TRIENNIUM deputantur conservatores.
13640126             (PETRO Hoec) ABBATI—MIDDELBURGENSI mandatur^ ut quae de bonis ECCLESIAE—TRAIECTENSIS alienata illicite invenerit vel distracta, ad jus et proprietatem ipsius legitime revocare curet.
13700126             P. Hijhoff Inventaris 37, ubi erronee sub die an.
13900126             † ADOLF—VII. der Milde, Graf von HOLSTEIN—KIEL und Graf von HOLSTEIN—PLÖN
13970126             —SIGNED, Vytautas, 1—TREATY with THE—KNIGHTS—OF—THE—CROSS but Samogitia was not included.
13980126             † Hilger Quattermart von der Stesse, Kölner BÜRGERMEISTER—UND—DIPLOMAT
14040126             * GOTTFRIED—IV. Schenk von Limpurg, Fürstbischof von Würzburg
14060126             (m. V.) die indictione 15. - Capita consilii de 10. Capta.
14060126             Quia ista congregatio et pugna TEUTONICORUM, facta in SANCTA—CRUCE, NUMÉRO 100—VEL—CIRCA, posset inducere malam inconvenientiam, et bonum est punire delinquentes ac obviare talibus presumptionibus : vadit pars,
14070126             MASS—REGELN des RAT—DER—10—ZUR Bestrafungr von DEUTSCHEN, welche an 1—TUMULT sich beteiligt hatten.
14250126             † KATHARINA—VON—BURGUND, HERZOGIN in den habsburgischen Vorlanden
14680126             * GUILLAUME—BUDÉ, französischer Philologe, Humanist, Diplomat und Bibliothekar am Hof von Franz I.
14760126             * GIROLAMO—PRIULI - KÖLN,
14760126             Notare sowie von
14760126             Segroede, HENRICUS—PENINCK, ARTIUM—MAGISTER—{EPPENICH}et decretorum baccalaureus,
14760126             0( 18. ]h.). - KÖLN,
14760126             0( 18. ]h.). - HENRICUS—PENINCK, ARTIUM—MAGISTER—{EPPENICH}et decretorum baccalaureus,
14760126/14760305    WILHELMUS—SCROEDER,
14760126/14760305    FRANCK—BARTSCHERER,
14760126/14760305    JOHAN—SLOSSZMECHER,
14760126/14760305    JACOB—VON—LESSENICH,
14760126/14760305    DEDERICH—AEWELEN,
14760126/14760305    KLAESZ—PELZER,
14760126/14760305    SYMON—SCHUKNECHT,
14760126/14760305    KYRSTHEN—PANHUYSSZ,
14760126/14760305    Laien und MITGLIEDER—DER—S—SEBASTIANUS—BRUDERSCHAFT[confratres et consocii FRATERNITATIS—S—SEBASTIANI martiris] an der GENERAL—KIRCHE, andererseits
14760126/14760305    1—VERGLEICH, mit dem sie ihren RECHTS—STREIT wegen der am S—SEBASTIANUS—ALTAR in der Kirche zu feiernden Messen und anderer Differenzen friedlich beenden.
14760126/14760305    DER—STREIT war vor den Offizial der KIRCHE—KÖLN, der in RHEINBERG residiert[in Berka residens], gebracht worden und
14760126/14760305    1) Der Offizial fordert die Kontrahenten zu Frieden und Eintracht auf.
14760126/14760305    2) DER—PROPST soll die S—SEBASTIANUS—BRUDERSCHAFT in ihrem alten, lobenswerten Besitz und ihrer Gewohnheit dulden und gewähren lassen[tollerare ac conservare... in antiqua laudabili possessione et consuetudine], nämlich
14760126/14760305    daß die Brüder durch bestimmte PRIESTER in der Kirche Messen feiern dürfen, wie es —SEIT alten Zeiten in lobenswerter und einträchtiger Weise gemäß den Gewohnheiten der Bruderschaft geschehen ist.
14760126/14760305    3) Die besagten PRIESTER müssen jedoch von gutem Leumund und ehrenwertem Lebenswandel sowie tadellos in Sprechweise und Kleidung sein[bone fame, honeste vite et laudabilis conversationis ac habiti];
14760126/14760305    dem PROPST —SCHULDEN sie Ehrerbietung und Gehorsam, und
14760126/14760305    wenn sie dessen Pfarrechte beachten, muß er sie in der Kirche zulassen.
14760126/14760305    —VERSPRICHT, Auf die FRAGEN—DES—OFFIZIALS, DER—PROPST ausdrücklich, sich daran halten zu wollen;
14760126/14760305    gleiches versprechen auch die VERTRETER—DER Bruderschaft.
14760126/14760305    Verhandelt wurde das im Beisein der 2—UNTENGEN.
14760126/14760305    —MAGISTER—LAMBERTUS—VAN—DER—HEGGEN, decretorum doctor,
14760126/14760305    JOHANNes Segroede von AACHEN[Aquisgrani], DIÖZESE—LÜTTICH, und
14760126/14760305    WILHELMUS Mouwick, artium magister, von Deventer[Davantria], UTRECHTer DIÖZESE.
14760126/14760305    4) Für DIE—REGELUNG der Prozeßkosten soll JEDE—PARTEI 1—KUNDIGEN Laien angeben, die DIE—KOSTEN taxieren;
14760126/14760305    —BENENNT, DER—PROPST, Lambertus de Moeszbach, SCHULTHEIß—VON—ENZEN[Enczel],
14760126/14760305    die Bruderschaft benennt den PETRUS SCROEDER—VAN—GLEIBACH.
14760126/14760305    VERHANDELT—ZU—KÖLN in domo sepedicti magistri Copponis, quam inhabitat super muros castri Coloniensis, que vulgariter dicta est SPAENHEYM, in stufa eiusdem domus
14760126/14760305    vor den Zeugen, dem genannten JOHAN—POEL,
14760126/14760305    dem genannten Joh.
14760126/14760305    Cristianus Conresheym, artium magister, von KÖLN und
14760126/14760305    JACOBus Ethen, artium magister, DIÖZESE—MAINZ.
14760126/14760305    Verhandelt ebenfalls in KÖLN im Hause des Offizials in anteriori parte domus vor den Zeugen MATHIAS—KELLERMAN, dem genannten JOHAN—POEL, Kanoniker von AACHEN[AQUENSIS],
14760126/14760305    MARTINUS—ETHEN und dem
14760126/14760305    von Anthonius Adriani de Telnis, Kleriker der DIÖZESE—LÜTTICH u. ÖFFENTLLICHER—KAISERLICHER—NOTAR.
14760126/14760305    AUSFERTIGUNG—PERGAMENT, Notarsinstrument mit 2—SIGNETEN, mit SIEGEL (Signet: nur Initialen "O,P").
14760126/14760305    Rvv.
14760126/14760305    Vor Notar und Zeugen schließen GODEFREDUS—DE—ANSTELL, PRIESTER, PROPST und Pastor der KIRCHE—S—PETER—IN der STADT—ZÜLPICH, einerseits und
14760126/14760305    ist von diesem, dem —MAGISTER—COPPO—DE—ZIRIXZEE, doctor utriusque iuris, wie folgt beigelegt worden:
14760126/14760305    JOHANNES—POEL, MAGISTER—ARTIUM et decretorum bacalaureus,
14760126/14760305    JOHANNES—SEGROEDE—VON—AACHEN[Aquisgrani], DIÖZESE—LÜTTICH, und
14760126/14760305    WILHELMUS—MOUWICK, ARTIUM—MAGISTER, von Deventer[Davantria], DIÖZESE—UTRECHT.
14760126/14760305    —UNEINIGKEIT soll ein 3. Unparteiischer DIE—KOSTEN festsetzen.
14760126/14760305    dem genannten JOHANN—SEGROEDE,
14760126/14760305    HENRICUS—PENINCK, ARTIUM—MAGISTER—{EPPENICH}et decretorum baccalaureus,
14760126/14760305    JACOBus Ethen, ARTIUM—MAGISTER, DIÖZESE—MAINZ.
14760126/14760305    —AUßERDEM, wird noch festgelegt, daß DIE—PRIESTER, die für DIE—BRUDERSCHAFT die Messen feiern, von der Bruderschaft ausgewählt und dem Pastor präsentiert werden;
14760126/14760305    der darf ohne vernünftigen Grund keinen vorgeschlagenen PRIESTER zurückweisen, WÄHREND DIE—BRUDERSCHAFT keinen PRIESTER benennen darf, der nicht 1—GUTEN und ehrbaren Leumund hat.
14760126/14760305    Und wenn DER—PASTOR gegen 1—PRIESTER der Bruderschaft etwas einzuwenden hat, soll er das vor Dechant oder Kapitel von ZÜLPICH und verschiedenen, zu benennenden Priestern und Geistlichen vorbringen.
14760126/14760305    —BESIEGELT mit dem Signet des Offizials an Stelle eines Siegels.
14760126/14760305    —BEURKUNDET, von JOHANNES—HOFFMAN—VON—LIEGNITZ (Legnitz), Kleriker der DIÖZESE—BRESLAU[Wratislaviensis] u. ÖFFENTLLICHER—KAISERLICHER—NOTAR (der auch DIE—URKUNDE, geschrieben hat), und
14870126             † PHILIPP—VON—HENNEBERG, Fürstbischof des Hochstiftes Bamberg
14880126             JOHAN—WYTZEL—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH und seine oo DRUDE—BÜRGERIN—ZU—ZÜLPICH, bekunden, daß
14880126             sie von den PRIESTERN—UND—KLERIKERN des HAUS—ZU—WEIDENBACH—BINNEN—KÖLN das Haus in ZÜLPICH an dem Markt zwischen der Palantzen ind dem Gruwel gegen bar gekauft haben, worüber 1—SCHÖFFEN—BRIEF vorliegt.
14880126             —NUN, Sie versprechen, daß sie dem Priesterhaus aus diesem Haus 1—JÄHRLICHE ERB—RENTE—VON—11—WEIß—PFENNIGEN JÜLICHer Währung, fällig auf S—REMIGIUS—TAG, zahlen werden.
14880126             —DANEBEN, zahlen sie aus dem Haus Pacht und —DIE—BURG und Palantzen.
14880126             JACOB—VAN—BESSENICH, SCHÖFFEN—DES—HOHEN Gerichts binnen ZÜLPICH.
14880126             —DES—ANDEREN—DAGES na sente Pauwels dach Conversionis.
14880126             —KOPIE FOLIA—45—45' (lit. 58 - VERMERK
14920126/14930000    —DÉPÊCHE—DE—VALORI aux 8—DE PRATICA.
14950126             —LE, ALPHONSE renonçait sa couronne EN—FAVEUR—DE—FERDINAND.
14950126             LE—ACTE—DE—CETTE renonciation a été publié par Nusco, Intorno aile MONETE DI CARLO—VIII., NAPOLI, 1846—SEITE—120.
14970126             * GO—NARA, 105. Kaiser von JAPAN
15000126             Vicente Yáñez Pinzón setzt im heutigen Pernambuco als 1. Spanier seinen Fuß auf den Boden Brasiliens.
15000126             —REACHED, SPAIN—EXPLORER Vicente Yanez Pinzon, THE—NORTH—EAST—COAST—OF—BRAZIL —DURING 1—VOYAGE under his command.
15000126             —COMMANDED, Pinzon had, the Nina —DURING CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS—1. expedition to the New World.
15200126             —UNTER—DEM—DIESES—JAHRES, MARINO—SANUTO erzählt daß der in VENEDIG weilende CHRISTOPHORUS—FUGGER oo Schwester 1—PASQUAL—GRADENIGO habe
15200126             liess sich CHRISTOPHORUS—FUGGER auch in VENEDIG in der KIRCHE—S—BARTOLOMEO—VENEDIG beisetzen oder hatte wenigstens 1—GRAB—STÄTTE für sich darin
15310126             LISSABON, ereignet sich 1—ERDBEBEN, das etwa 30.000—MENSCHEN tötet.
15310126             † LISBON was hit by 1—EARTHQUAKE and SOME—ABOUT 30,000.
15550126             * CHARLES—II., Herr von MONACO
15560126             Durch den Tod seines Vaters Humayun wird Akbar I. Herrscher über das Mogulreich im nördlichen Indien.
15560126             † Humayun, Großmogul von Indien
15560126—15560214    —AM, Für das Amt, das der —ERST 13-Jährige antritt, steht ihm —ZUNÄCHST der Vormund Bairam Khan zur Seite.
15630126             * GEORG—SILBERSCHLAG der Jüngere, deutscher lutherischer Geistlicher
15640126             1—LITHUANIAN—ARMY under Radvila the Brown defeated 1—RUSSIA—FORCE 5—TIME larger and stopped its entry into LITHUANIA.
15670126             * GEORG—ERASMUS—VON—TSCHERNEMBL, österreichischer Calvinist und Wortführer der Stände in Österreich ob der Enns
15760126             † JUAN—ORTIZ—DE—ZÁRATE, spanischer Konquistador
15820126             * GIOVANNI—LANFRANCO, italienischer Maler
15820126             † THOMAS—PLATTER der Ältere, Schweizer Schriftsteller
15900000             Die 11—ALBUS sind GREIFFRAIDT abgelöst worden). z.t. des PATER—GODEFRIED
15950126             * ANTONIO—MARIA—ABBATINI, italienischer Komponist
15990126             * HEINRICH—RANTZAU der Jüngere, dänischer Orientreisender
16000000             Polizisten seien bei den Demonstrationen im Regierungsviertel und am Brandenburger Tor im Einsatz,
16080126             * JOHANN—HENRICH—URSINUS, deutscher Theologe und HUMANISTISCH—THEOLOGISCHER Gelehrter und Autor
16110126             —DÉMISSION—DE—SULLY - CONCINI au pouvoir
16110126             —DÉMISSION—DE—SULLY mal vu par LA—REINE.
16130126             * JOHANN—JAKOB—WOLLEB der Ältere, Schweizer Organist und Theologe
16160126             † LORENZ—CRAFFTER, in VENEDIG, 72—JAHRE—ALT
16160126             SENOR—LORENZO—CRAFTER, mercante in fontego della nation Germanica,
16160126             tre mesi; visitato da MARINELLI e RAGOZA. (a. AUGSBURG;
16220126             † Khusrau Mirza, ältester SOHN—DES—GROSSMOGULN—JAHANGIR und Bruder von Shah Jahan
16230126             † JOHANNES—OLEARIUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Philologe
16280126             Der kaiserliche Feldherr Wallenstein erwirbt durch heimlichen Kauf die beiden Herzogtümer MECKLENBURG—SCHWERIN und MECKLENBURG—GÜSTROW, nachdem deren Herzöge von Kaiser FERDINAND—II. abgesetzt worden sind.
16290126             * JOHANN—GEORG—CROCIUS, deutscher reformierter Theologe
16300126             † HENRY—BRIGGS, englischer Mathematiker und Astronom
16310126             † LUDWIG—FRIEDRICH—VON—WÜRTTEMBERG—MÖMPELGARD, deutscher Fürst
16420126             † JOHANN—MATTHÄUSA—MEYFART, deutscher lutherischer Theologe, Pädagoge und Kämpfer gegen die Hexenverfolgungen
16480000—20130126    DIE—STAATS—SCHULD, das heißt des STAAT—VERÄUßERUNG
16480000—20130126    DIE—STAATS—SCHULD, ob despotisch,
16480000—20130126    DIE—STAATS—SCHULD, ob konstitutionell oder
16480000—20130126    DIE—STAATS—SCHULD, ob republikanisch
16480000—20130126    Daher ganz konsequent die moderne Doktrin, daß 1—VOLK um SO—REICHER wird, je tiefer ES—SICH STAATS—VERSCHULDET.
16480000—20130126    Der öffentliche Kredit wird zu des KAPITAL—CREDO.
16480000—20130126    Und mit dem Entstehen DER—STAATS—VERSCHULDUNG tritt an die Stelle der Sünde gegen den heiligen Geist, für die keine Verzeihung ist, der Treubruch an DER—STAATS—SCHULD.
16480000—20130126    —BEGABT, Wie mit dem Schlag der Wünschelrute, die[STAATS—VERSCHULDUNG]ÖFFENTLICHE SCHULD das unproduktive GELD mit Zeugungskraft, verwandelt das unproduktive GELD so in KAPITAL,
16480000—20130126    ohne daß es dazu nötig hätte, sich der von industrieller und selbst wucherischer Anlage unzertrennlichen Mühwaltung und Gefahr auszusetzen.
16480000—20130126    die geliehene Summe wird in öffentliche leicht übertragbare SCHULD—SCHEINE verwandelt,
16480000—20130126    DIE—SCHULD—SCHEINE in des STAAT—GLÄUBIGER Hände fortfungieren, ganz als wären sie ebensoviel BAR—GELD.
16480000—20130126    Aber auch abgesehn von der so geschaffnen Klasse müßiger Rentner
16480000—20130126    Aber auch abgesehn von dem improvisierten Reichtum der zwischen Regierung, Nation die Mittler spielenden FINANZIERS
16480000—20130126    Aber auch abgesehn von dem improvisierten Reichtum der STEUERPÄCHTER,
16480000—20130126    Aber auch abgesehn von dem improvisierten Reichtum der KAUF—LEUTE,
16480000—20130126    Aber auch abgesehn von dem improvisierten Reichtum der PRIVAT—FABRIKANTEN,
16480000—20130126    den PRIVAT—FABRIKANTEN[KAPITALISTEN] 1—GUT Stück JEDER—STAATS—ANLEIHE den Dienst 1—VOM Himmel gefallenen KAPITALs leistet
16480000—20130126    —EMPORGEBRACHT, DIE—STAATS—SCHULD in 1—WORT:
16480000—20130126    das BÖRSEN—SPIEL, hat und
16480000—20130126    —EMPORGEBRACHT, DIE—STAATS—SCHULD in 1—WORT:
16480000—20130126    die moderne BANKOKRATIE.
16480000—20130126    VON IHRER GEBURT AN die mit nationalen STAATS—SCHULD Titeln aufgestutzten großen BANKEN nur GESELLSCHAFTEN—VON—PRIVATSPEKULANTEN waren
16480000—20130126    VON IHRER GEBURT AN die mit nationalen STAATS—SCHULD Titeln aufgestutzten großen BANKEN den Regierungen AN DIE SEITE stellten sich und,
16480000—20130126    BÖRSEN—SPIEL, die moderne BANKOKRATIE dank den erhaltnen Privilegien, den GESELLSCHAFTEN—VON—PRIVATSPEKULANTEN, großen BANKEN, GELD vorzuschießen imstande waren.
16480000—20130126    Aber auch abgesehn von der KAUF—LEUTE improvisierter Reichtum,
16480000—20130126    Aber auch abgesehn von der PRIVAT—FABRIKANTEN[KAPITALISTEN] improvisierter Reichtum,
16480000—20130126    Der einzige TEIL—DES—SOGENANNTEN—NATIONAL—REICHTUMS, der wirklich in den GESAMT—BESITZ der modernen Völker eingeht, IST—IHRE STAATS—SCHULD.
16480000—20130126    DIE—SCHULD—SCHEINE in DER—STAATS—GLÄUBIGER Hände fortfungieren,
16480000—20130126    —EMPORGEBRACHT, DIE—STAATS—SCHULD, die AGIOTAGE, hat
16480000—20130126    DIE—STAATS—SCHULD, das heißt des STAAT VERÄUßERUNG—OB despotisch, konstitutionell oder REPUBLIKANISCH—DRÜCKT DER—KAPITALISTEN—ÄRA, ihren Stempel auf.
16480000—20130126    in 1—WORT:
16480000—20130126    —EMPORGEBRACHT hat DIE—STAATS—SCHULD das BÖRSEN—SPIEL und
16480000—20130126    —EMPORGEBRACHT hat DIE—STAATS—SCHULD die moderne BANKOKRATIE
16480000—20130126    —IN—WIRKLICHKEIT, des STAAT—GLÄUBIGER geben NICHTS, denn
16480000—20130126    JEDER—STAATS—ANLEIHE 1—GUT Stück leistet den PRIVAT—FABRIKANTEN[KAPITALISTEN] des KAPITAL Dienst, 1—VOM Himmel gefallenes
16480000—20130126    —VERWANDELT, in SCHULD—SCHEINE, öffentliche, leicht übertragbare, die geliehene SUMME wird
16490126             * Narabayashi Chinzan, japanischer Dolmetscher und Arzt
16500126             † JOHANN—LUDWIG—VON—ERLACH, Schweizer GENERAL und Staatsmann
16570126             * WILLIAM—WAKE, Erzbischof von Canterbury
16670126             * ELIZABETH Seymour, Duchess of Somerset, englische Hofdame von MARY—II. von ENGLAND
16670126             * Hendrick Zwaardecroon, Generalgouverneur von NIEDERLÄNDISCH—INDIEN
16700126             * Jacob van Schuppen, Hofmaler am kaiserlichen Hof in WIEN
16720126             * ANNA—MONS, westfälische Geliebte Peters des Großen
16720126             —DIENSTAG
16730126             —BESCHLOSSEN—AM, DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN, dieses Schreiben nicht zu beantworten, sondern,
16730126             —BESCHLOSSEN—AM, DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN, ohne 1—ABSCHRIFT davon zu erlauben, es in der SECRETE—GASSE zu deponiren.
16730126             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16730126             —DATUM—BIELEFELD
16730126             —BESUCH des BLAMENTHAR.
16730126             —AUFBRUCH gegen den Feind beschlossen.
16730126             Des HEERES—VERSTÄRKUNG in Absicht.
16730126             —NEUE—WERBE—GELDER verlangt.
16730126             Kräftige AKTION des Heeres von ihrer Bewilligung abhängig.
16730126             Trotz der vielen Schwierigkeiten, die dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG durch MONTECUCCOLI u. A. in den Weg gelegt werden,
16730126             ist DERSELBE doch entschlossen, nicht über die WESER zurückzugehen, sondern
16730126             will, wenn die NIEDERLANDEN ihm nur treu bleiben, lieber das Äusserste wagen als so ausreissen.
16730126             DIE—TRUPPEN werden daher —JETZT zusammengezogen, und zum FELD—ZUG die Rüstungen etc. ergänzt.
16730126             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG erwartet nun aber auch, daß von VRIESLAUD[FRIESLAND][FRIESLAND] ond GRONINGEN aus etwas zu seiner Unterstützung geschieht.
16730126             Man möge sie daher möglichst bald über die Intentionen DER—STAATEN beiiucliri" -hti^rcn,
16730126             da sie —SEIT lange keine Briefe gehabt and ganz im Ungewissen während, des PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN Abwesenheit vor CHARLEROI hatte der HERZOG—VON—LUXEMBURG den NUrken Froit beniKKend DIE—STAATISCHE—LINIE durchbrochen und
16750126             † DOMENICO—II. Contarini, 104. Doge von Venedig
16790126             † DOMENICO—CARLONE, italienischer Baumeister und Stuckateur
16820126             * BENJAMIN—LAY, britischer Philanthrop, Quäker und Schriftsteller
16850126             † JOHANN—MICHAEL—NICOLAI, deutscher Violonist und Komponist
16880126             † WOLFGANG—CHRISTOPH—TRUCHSESS—VON—WALDBURG, kurbrandenburgischer Generalmajor
16880126             TADDEO—LUIGI—DAL—VERME, Education.
16880126             La Sapienza University, ROME[ROM,ROMA] (DOCTO—RATE in utroque iure, both canon and civil law,).
16890126             * JOHANN—JACOB—LEU, Schweizer Enzyklopädist, BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—ZÜRICH und Bankier
16900126             † ABRAHAM—DELOSEA, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Heimatforscher
16930126             * Beat Holzhalb, Schweizer Pietist
16950126             † JOHANN—HEINRICH—HORB, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
16990126             Friedensver­handlungen in Karlowitz
16990126             —BEENDET, Der Friede von Karlowitz, den Großen Türkenkrieg zwischen Österreich und dem Osmanischen Reich.
16990126             Österreich erhält Ungarn und Siebenbürgen mit Ausnahme des Banats, an POLEN—LITAUEN werden die osmanischen Eroberungen zurückgegeben, Besitztum der REPUBLIK Venedig wird vom SULTAN—MUSTAFA—II. anerkannt.
16990126             —ENDED, THE—TREATY—OF—KARLOWITZ, CROATIA, the war between AUSTRIA and the Turks.
17000126             It triggered tsunami that damages villages in JAPAN.
17060126             † GUILLAUME—POITEVIN, französischer Serpentbläser, Kapellmeister und Komponist
17130126             † JEAN—CHARDIN, französischer Forschungsreisender
17140126             * JEAN—BAPTISTE Pigalle, französischer Bildhauer
17150126             † Veit HANS—SCHNORR—VON—CAROLSFELD, Hammer- und Blaufarbenherr in SACHSEN, GRÜNDER—VON—CARLSFELD im Erzgebirge
17150126             —ADVANCED, CLAUDE—HELVÉTIUS, the theory that sensation is the source of all intellectual activity.
17160126             * GEORGE—GERMAIN, 1. Viscount Sackville, britischer SOLDAT—UND—POLITIKER
17200126             —ORDERED, Guilio Alberoni was, out of SPAIN —AFTER his abortive attempt to restore his country's empire.
17240126             † Wolferdus Senguerdius, niederländischer Naturphilosoph
17250126             † SULCHAN—SABA Orbeliani, georgischer Mönch, Politiker und Schriftsteller
17260126             † Gregorio De Ferrari, italienischer Maler und Freskant
17300126             † Henrico Albicastro, deutscher Komponist
17340126             † ALEXANDER—HERMANN—VON—WARTENSLEBEN, Offizier in verschiedenen Diensten, preußischer Generalfeldmarschall und als Wirklicher Geheimer Rat Teil des 3—GRAFEN—KABINETTS
17440126             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—HENCKEL, deutscher Arzt, Mineraloge, Metallurg und Chemiker
17440126             † LUDWIG—ANDREAS—VON—KHEVENHÜLLER, kaiserlicher FELDMARSCHALL
17470126             † Willem van Mieris, niederländischer Genre-, Historien- und Porträtmaler
17480126             † PIERRE—RAMEAU, französischer Tanzmeister und Choreograph
17500126             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—FACIUS, deutscher Pädagoge und Altphilologe
17500126             —AM, erhielt PHILIPP—WILHELM—VON—ZIEVEL der ABTEI—GÜTER zu GÜLS und BENDORF in Pacht;
17520126             † ANTON—LEODEGAR—KELLER, Luzerner Ratsmitglied, Vogt und Tagsatzungsgesandter
17520126             CHRISTINA—GARTZEN oo HEINRICH—LOCHS am in WOLLERSHEIM 4, 5.
17520126             CHRISTINA—GARTZEN oo HEINRICH—LOCHS hatten die folgenden Kinder:
17530126             * ELIZABETH HAMILTON, Countess of DERBY, britische Adelige
17570126             † René Louis d'Argenson, französischer Adeliger und MINISTER
17590126             * LOUIS—AUGUSTE—CURTAT, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Politiker
17590126             † JOHANNA—KATHARINA—VON—MONTFORT, Fürstin und Regentin von HOHENZOLLERN—SIGMARINGEN
17610126             * JENS—ZETLITZ, norwegischer Lyriker
17630126             * JEAN—BAPTISTE Bernadotte, französischer GENERAL und KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN und Norwegen
17650126             * HERMANN—FITTING, deutscher Gutsbesitzer und Politiker
17750126             † —DOMINGO de Boenechea, spanischer Seefahrer und Entdecker
17750126             † JOHANN—GREGORIUS—HÖROLDT, deutscher Porzellanmaler
17760126             † JOHANN—CASPAR—HÖGL, österreichischer Kommunalpolitiker, Steinmetzmeister und Bildhauer
17790126             † THOMAS—HUDSON, britischer Porträtmaler und Kunstsammler
17810126             * Achim von Arnim, deutscher Dichter der Heidelberger Romantik
17820126             Die im Rahmen des Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges stattfindende Seeschlacht von S—KITTS in Westindien zwischen einer britischen und einer französischen Flotte endet mit einem Sieg der Briten unter SAMUEL—HOOD, 1. Viscount Hood.
17820126             Trotzdem gelingt den Franzosen unter François JOSEPH—PAUL—DE—GRASSE die Eroberung der Insel S—KITTS.
17830126             * Helmina von Chézy, deutsche Dichterin und Librettistin
17840126             —EXPRESSED, In 1—LETTER to his daughter, BENJAMIN—FRANKLIN, unhappiness over the eagle as THE—SYMBOL—OF—AMERICA.
17840126             He wanted THE—TURKEY.
17850126             * ERNST—SIEGFRIED—MITTLER, deutscher Verleger
17860126             * BENJAMIN—ROBERT—HAYDON, britischer Maler
17860126             * BENJAMIN—ROBERT—HAYDON, painter (Waiting for THE—TIMES, Wordsworth Ascending), in PLYMOUTH.
17880126             Die Briten errichten mit Ankunft der 1. Fleet die 1. Sträflingskolonie in Australien in der SYDNEY Cove, ihre 1. weißen Siedler unter KOMMANDANT—ARTHUR—PHILLIP treffen ein.
17880126             The 1. fleet of ships carrying 736—CONVICTS from ENGLAND landed at SYDNEY Cove, New SOUTH—WALES, AUSTRALIA.
17880126             The 1. European settlers in AUSTRALIA, led by CAPTAIN—ARTHUR—PHILLIP, landed in PRESENT—DAY SYDNEY.
17880126             The —DAY is —SINCE known as AUSTRALIA—NATIONAL—DAY.
17890126             BIBERACH, an der Riß erfolgt die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Der Schulz im Dorf oder Der verliebte Herr Doctor von JUSTIN—HEINRICH—KNECHT.
17890126             * Józef Damse, polnischer Komponist
17900126             Theaterzettel der Uraufführung von Così fan tutte
17900126             WOLFGANG—AMADEUS—MOZARTS—OPER—COSÌ fan tutte (So machen es alle) nach einem Text von LORENZO—DA—PONTE wird im Wiener Burgtheater uraufgeführt.
17900126             —PREMIERED, MOZART—OPERA "Cosi Fan Tutte", in VIENNA.
17920126             ANNA—BARBARA—DEUSTER F rk.
17930126             * GEORG—MERZ, deutscher Optiker und Astronom
17930126             † NICOLAS—GERMAIN Léonard, französischer Dichter und Romanautor
17950126             † JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—FRIEDRICH—BACH, deutscher Musiker und Komponist
17950126             † JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—FRIEDRICH—BACH, 62—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17970126             * Therese von Jacob, deutsche Schriftstellerin, Volksliedforscherin und Slawistin
17980126             † CHRISTIAN—GOTTLOB—NEEFE, deutscher Komponist, Organist, Kapellmeister und Musikwissenschaftler
17990126             * Émile Clapeyron, französischer Physiker
17990126             * SAMUEL—GOBAT, protestantischer BISCHOF—VON—JERUSALEM
18000126             * JOHANN—GERHARD—ONCKEN, Begründer der deutschen und KONTINENTAL—EUROPÄISCHEN Baptistengemeinden
18000126             † FELIX—MATTHÄUSA—STUPAN—VON—EHRENSTEIN, österreichischer Jurist
18020126             Die Cisalpinische REPUBLIK wird in Italienische REPUBLIK umbenannt und wählt NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE zu ihrem Präsidenten.
18020126             —PASSED, Congress, 1—ACT calling for 1—LIBRARY to be established within THE—USA—CAPITOL.
18030126             * FRANZ—BURGHARDT, deutscher Arzt und Geschäftsmann
18040126             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper La Romance von HENRI—MONTAN—BERTON.
18040126             * Delphine Gay, französische Dichterin
18040126             † JOSé Nicolás de Azara, spanischer Politiker, Diplomat und Kunstmäzen
18060126             † RICHARD—LAW, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Jurist und Politiker
18060126             † JEAN—JOSEPH Mounier, französischer Politiker
18060126             † JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—FRIEDRICH—SCHULZ, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
18060126             —RETOUR—DE—NAPOLEÓN à PARIS
18080126             AUSTRALIEN, findet die Rum Rebellion statt, der einzige erfolgreiche bewaffnete Aufstand gegen 1—REGIERUNG in der GESCHICHTE—DES—LANDES.
18080126             WILLIAM—BLIGH, der Gouverneur von New SOUTH—WALES, wird in einem Machtkampf vom New SOUTH—WALES Corps festgesetzt.
18140126             * JEAN—CHRYSOSTOME Brauneis, kanadischer KOMPONIST—UND—ORGANIST
18150126             † DAVID—VON—WYSS der Ältere, BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—ZÜRICH
18180126             * GUSTAV—DRESEL, DEUTSCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER Kaufmann und Schriftsteller
18190126             * Amédée de Noé, französischer Karikaturist
18200126             * HEINRICH—VON—LITTROW, österreichischer Kartograph und Schriftsteller
18210126             —BEGINNT, Der Laibacher Kongress.
18210126             Beim 3. Monarchenkongress steht die Situation —NACH—DEM Putsch im Königreich beider Sizilien im Mittelpunkt der politischen Beratungen.
18220126             In ihrem Unabhängigkeitskampf gelingt den Griechen die Einnahme der strategisch wichtigen Bergfestung Akrokorinth.
18220126             Nach Verhandlungen mit den Rebellen zieht die türkische Festungsbesatzung kampflos ab.
18230126             † EDWARD—JENNER, britischer Arzt und Entdecker der Pockenschutzimpfung
18240126             † Théodore Géricault, französischer Maler der Romantik
18250126             † JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—BORNMANN, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher und Heimatforscher
18260126             † CHRISTIAN—GOTTLOB—THUBE, deutscher evangelischer Theologe, Mystiker und Prophet
18260126             * JULIA—DENT—GRANT, 1. Lady and wife of Ulysses Grant.
18270126             —NACH—DEM ENDE—DER—SPANISCHEN—HERRSCHAFT beendet in PERU 1—AUFSTAND gegen den regierenden Diktator Simón Bolívar auch die von ihm angestrebte Vorherrschaft Großkolumbiens.
18270126             PERU geht seinen eigenen Weg.
18290126             * FERDINAND—ATTLMAYR, österreichischer Seetaktiker und Offizier
18290126             † Anuvong, KÖNIG des laotischen Königreichs VIENTIANE
18300126             * KARL—HOLUB, böhmischer Waffentechniker
18300126             * HERMANN—OTTO—PFLAUME, deutscher Architekt und Stadtrat in Köln
18310126             * ANTON—DE—BARY, deutscher Naturwissenschaftler, Mediziner und Botaniker
18320126             † ALEXANDER—COCHRANE, britischer Admiral
18320126             † JOHAN—STORM—MUNCH, norwegischer BISCHOF—UND—SCHRIFTSTELLER
18330126             * JOSEF—BARÁK, tschechischer Politiker, JOURNALIST—UND—DICHTER
18330126             * CORNELIUS—NEWTON—BLISS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker, Innenminister
18330126             —PREMIERED, GAETANO—DONIZETTI—TRAGIC opera "Lucrezia Borgia,", in Milan.
18350126—18350328    —AM, Die Ehe wird nur kurz währen, denn wird der Gemahl Opfer einer Anginaerkrankung.
18370126             MICHIGAN wird 26. Bundesstaat der USA.
18370126             —BECAME, MICHIGAN, the 26. STATE—OF—THE—USA.
18380126             —BECAME, TENNESSEE, the 1. state to prohibit alcohol.
18390126             † STEPHEN—VAN—RENSSELAER—III., USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker, GENERAL und Philanthrop
18390126             —VOM, DIE—TIMES bemerkt darüber:
18390126             "Es ist nicht an uns, zu verstehn, was LORD—PALMERSTON fühlt, aber
18390126             wir sind sicher, daß kein Zweifel möglich über das, was JEDE—ANDERE—PERSON vom Range 1—GENTLEMAN, in der Position 1—MINISTERS nach jener KORRESPONDENZ—VERÖFFENTLICHUNG fühlen würde".
18410126             —OCCUPIED, BRITAIN formally, HONG—KONG, which the Chinese had ceded to the British.
18420126             * François Coppée, französischer Schriftsteller
18420126             —BRUNO—BAUER bittet KARL—MARX DAS—MANUSKRIPT nach WIGAND zu schicken;
18420126             —AM, KARL—MARX ist dann schwer krank, hofft aber bald fertig zu sein.
18450126             * DOMINIQUE—ANTOINE, deutscher Tierarzt und Politiker
18470126             —AM Theater an der WIEN in WIEN findet die Uraufführung der Operette Ein ländliches Verlobungsfest in Schweden von FRANZ—BERWALD statt.
18480126             —PRESENTED, HENRY—DAVID—THOREAU (18170000—18620000    ) of MASSACHUSETTS, 1—ESSAY at THE—CONCORD Lyceum that explained his motives for refusing to pay taxes.
18480126—18490000    —IN, it was published as "Resistance to Civil Government".
18490126             † THOMAS—LOVELL—BEDDOES, britischer Dichter
18490126             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—205—KÖLN.
18490126—18490128    —DATE
18510126             † NIKOLAUS—VON—FLÜE, Schweizer Offizier in spanischen Diensten und Landeshauptmann
18520126             * PIERRE—SAVORGNAN—DE—BRAZZA, französischer Marineoffizier und Afrikareisender
18520126             * FREDERICK—CORDER, britischer Komponist
18540126             * ELI—MARCUS, deutscher Schriftsteller und Schauspieler
18550126             Sardinien tritt nach einer in Turin geschlossenen Vereinbarung auf der Seite der Alliierten in den Krimkrieg gegen Russland ein und will 1—TRUPPENKONTINGENT—VON—15.000—SOLDATEN stellen.
18550126             † Gérard de Nerval, französischer Schriftsteller
18590126             * RICHARD—WOSSIDLO, deutscher Ethnologe
18590126             † Lodewijk GERARD—VISSCHER, niederländischer Literaturwissenschaftler und Historiker
18600126             * Harry M. Daugherty, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Jurist, Politiker, Justizminister
18600126             † WILHELMINE—SCHRÖDER—DEVRIENT, deutsche Opernsängerin (Sopran)
18610126             Mit LOUISIANA tritt der 6. Südstaat aus den Vereinigten Staaten von AMERIKA aus.
18610126             Knapp —2—WOCHEN—SPÄTER ist es Mitbegründer der Konföderierten Staaten von AMERIKA.
18610126             * WASSILI—WASSILJEWITSCH—ANDREJEW, russischer Balalaikavirtuose, Orchesterleiter und Komponist
18610126             * LOUIS—ANQUETIN, französischer Maler
18610126             * FRANK—ORREN—LOWDEN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18610126             —BECAME, LOUISIANA, the 6. state to secede from the Union.
18630125—18630126    —SEE
18630126             * HANS—FRAUNGRUBER, österreichischer Schriftsteller
18630126             —NAMED, PRESIDENT—LINCOLN, GENERAL—JOSEPH—HOOKER to replace Burnside as COMMANDER—OF—THE—ARMY of the Potomac.
18630126—18630125    —SEE
18640126             * KARL—SCHELL, Schweizer KOMPONIST—UND—DIRIGENT
18640126             † Clemens MARIA—FRANZ—VON—BÖNNINGHAUSEN, NIEDERLÄNDISCH—DEUTSCHER Jurist, Homöopath und Botaniker
18640126             † OTTO—LINDBLAD, schwedischer Komponist
18650126             * Sabino Arana Goiri, spanischer Dichter und Politiker
18650126             * FRANZ—KNEISEL, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Bratschist und Musikpädagoge rumänischer Herkunft
18660126             † ROBERT—FOULIS, britischer Erfinder
18670126             1—MINEN—BESITZER—VON—YORKSHIRE ("TIMES", ) berechnet selbst, daß abgesehn von ihren rein bürokratischen Geschäften, die ihre ganze Zeit absorbieren, JEDE—MINE nur einmal in 10—JAHREN besichtigt werden könnte.
18680126             * JOSEPH—HAMMELS, deutscher Weihbischof
18700126             —REJOINED, VIRGINIA, the Union.
18710126             Rom wird offiziell zur HAUPTSTADT—DES—KÖNIGREICHS—ITALIEN bestimmt.
18710126             LONDON, entsteht der Sportverband Rugby Football Union.
18710126             —REPEALED, USA—INCOME tax.
18720126             † HEINRICH—RIEMANN, deutscher Burschenschafter und Theologe
18730126             † Carlo d'Arco, italienischer Kunsthistoriker, Maler und Nationalökonom
18730126             † Amélie von Leuchtenberg, Kaiserin von Brasilien
18750126             —PATENTED, Electric dental drill was, by GEORGE—F—GREEN.
18750126             —FIREBOMBED, Pinkerton agents, hunting JESSE—JAMES, his mother's house, killed his 13—YEAR—OLD—HALF—BROTHER and seriously injured his mother.
18760126             * JOSEF—BOHATEC, tschechischer Philosoph und Theologe
18760126             † Frédérick Lemaître, französischer Schauspieler
18770126             * MICHAIL—GERDSCHIKOW, bulgarischer Revolutionär
18770126             † DANIEL—HAINES, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18780126             * RUDOLF—ALEXANDER—SCHRÖDER, deutscher Schriftsteller
18780126             † ERNST—FRIEDRICH—ADICKES, deutscher Politiker
18780126             † ERNST—HEINRICH—WEBER, deutscher Physiologe und Anatom
18780126             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Das GEWERKSCHAFTS—BLATT "Pionier", 1—VON A. GEIB zusammengestellte Statistik, nach der 26—GEWERKSCHAFTLICHE ZENTRAL—VERBÄNDE und 5—LOKAL—VERBÄNDE bestehen, die in etwa 1.300—ORTEN mehr als 49.000—MITGLIEDER zählen.
18790126             † JULIA—MARGARET—CAMERON, britische Fotografin
18800126             * DOUGLAS—MACARTHUR, USA—AMERIKANISCHER GENERAL, Generalstabschef des Heeres, meistdekorierter SOLDAT—DER—USA—STREITKRÄFTE
18800126             * Peet Stol, niederländischer Fußballspieler
18800126             * WILLY—DE—VOS, niederländischer Fußballspieler
18800126—19640000    * † DOUGLAS—MACARTHUR, USA—GENERAL —WWI—IN.
18800126—19640000    DOUGLAS—MACARTHUR was the youngest general in THE—USA—ARMY in WW I. —WWII—IN he was THE—COMMANDER—OF all USA—ARMY forces in THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC;
18800126—19640000    in KOREA he commanded all UNITED—NATIONS forces.
18800126—19640000    WILLIAM—MANCHESTER wrote his biography: "USA—CAESAR: DOUGLAS—MACARTHUR".
18810126             * FORREST—LAMONT, kanadischer Sänger und Musikpädagoge
18810126             * ALFONS—PAQUET, deutscher Journalist, Schriftsteller und Dichter
18820126             * TONI—ATTENBERGER, deutscher Filmregisseur, Filmproduzent, Drehbuchautor, JOURNALIST—UND—SCHRIFTSTELLER
18830126             * Kees Bekker, niederländischer Fußballspieler
18840126             Das Streichquartett E—DUR OPOS—1—VON Ethel Smyth wird in LEIPZIG uraufgeführt.
18840126             * ROY—CHAPMAN—ANDREWS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Forscher, Abenteurer und Paläontologe
18840126             * EDWARD—SAPIR, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Ethnologe und Linguist
18840126             † JOHN—LETCHER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Rechtsanwalt und Politiker, Gouverneur und Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses für VIRGINIA
18850126             Die Mahdisten, Anhänger des MAHDI—MUHAMMAD—AHMAD, erobern nach fast einjähriger Belagerung die sudanesische HAUPTSTADT—KHARTUM, wobei der britische Gouverneur CHARLES—GEORGE—GORDON getötet wird.
18850126             * Hellmuth von Rabenau, deutscher Marineoffizier und Segelschulleiter
18850126             † CHARLES—GEORGE—GORDON, britischer GENERAL
18850126             † SUDAN, GENERAL "Chinese" Gordon (CHARLES—GEORGE—GORDON, 51), UK—GOV—GEN—OF—SUDAN, was killed on the palace steps in the garrison at KHARTOUM by the forces of MUHAMMAD—AHMED, El Mahdi.
18850126—19610000    —IN, "GENERAL—GORDON—KHARTOUM—JOURNAL," edited by Lord Elton, was published.
18860126             * EUGEN—LACROIX, deutscher Koch und Unternehmer - * HERMANN—SCHUBERT, deutscher Politiker
18860126             * PIETER—BOELMANS ter Spill, niederländischer Fußballspieler
18860126             † DAVID—RICE—ATCHISON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18860126             —PATENTED, KARL—BENZ, the 1. automobile.
18860126—18860129    —SEE
18860129—18860126    —SEE
18870000—19430126    * † NIKOLAI—VAVILOV, Soviet botanist, in prison.
18870126             —SCHLACHT—VON—DOGALI
18870126             In der Schlacht bei Dogali besiegt ein übermächtiges äthiopisches Heer eine in das abessinische Hochland vorgerückte 500—MANN starke italienische Truppe.
18870126             Die Niederlage wird zur Prestigefrage für Italien und es verstärkt seine militärischen Anstrengungen in Ostafrika, die auf 1—KOLONIE—ERITREA abzielen.
18870126             * François Faber, Luxemburger Radrennfahrer
18870126             —VERHAFTET werden zahlreiche SOZIALISTEN In DANZIG wegen TEILNAHME—AN—1—GEHEIM—VERBINDUNG.
18890126             * ALFRED—VICTOR—ROBERT—AUGER, französischer Jagdflieger
18900126             * Grantly DICK—READ, britischer Mediziner
18910126             * GEORGE—DULLER, britischer Jockey und Autorennfahrer
18910126             * Amakasu Masahiko, japanischer LEUTNANT
18910126             * Ilja Grigorjewitsch Ehrenburg, russischer Schriftsteller und Kriegsberichterstatter
18910126             * AUGUST—FROEHLICH, deutscher Priester, Widerstandskämpfer gegen das NS—REGIME und Märtyrer
18910126             * CHARLES—JOURNET, Schweizer Kardinal
18910126             * Wilder Penfield, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Mediziner
18910126             * SALVADOR—STURLA, dominikanischer KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKER
18910126             † NICOLAUS—OTTO, deutscher Automobilpionier und Erfinder (Verbrennungsmotor, Viertaktprinzip)
18910126             * ILYA—G—EHRENBURG, writer, propagandist (Fall of PARIS, THE—THAW), in KIEV—UKRAINE.
18910126             † NICHOLAUS—OTTO, auto pioneer (internal combustion engine).
18920126             * Bessie Coleman, USA—AMERIKANISCHE Pilotin
18920126             † Ludovika WILHELMINE—VON—BAYERN, deutsche Adelige, PRINZESSIN—VON—BAYERN
18930126             * HEINRICH—GLEISSNER, österreichischer Jurist und Politiker
18930126             * DENNIS—MCGEE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Fiddlespieler und Akkordeonist
18930126             * BESSIE—COLEMAN, 1. black airplane pilot.
18930126             —CREDITED, Abner Doubleday (18190000              *), with inventing baseball, † on his 74. birthday.
18950126             * AMOS—ARBOUR, kanadischer Eishockeyspieler
18950126             † ARTHUR—CAYLEY, britischer Mathematiker
18950126             † NIKOLAI—KARLOWITSCH—DE—GIERS, russischer Staatsmann
18970126             * ERWIN—BLUMENFELD, deutscher Fotograf
18970126             † SEBASTIAN—ABRATZKY, Bezwinger der Festung Königstein
18980126             * Hildegard Domizlaff, deutsche Bildhauerin, Holzschnitt- und Schmuckkünstlerin
18980126             * WALTER—FREY, Schweizer Pianist und Musikpädagoge
18980126             * HERMANN—HÄNCHEN, deutscher Diskuswerfer
18980126             * HERMANN—JACOBSEN, deutscher Gärtner
18990126             † Augustus Hill GARLAND, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
19000126             * ANDREW—AULD, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Fußballspieler
19000126             * Zdenek Folprecht, böhmischer Komponist
19000126             * Yva, deutsche Fotografin
19020126             † Almon Strowger, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Erfinder der Grundlage für eine automatische Telefonvermittlungsstelle
19030126             * FRANZ—MARX, deutscher Politiker und Widerstandskämpfer
19050126             In der PREMIER—MINE bei PRETORIA wird der bislang größte Rohdiamant gefunden.
19050126             Er wiegt 3.106—KARAT und erhält als Cullinan den Namen des Minenbesitzers.
19050126             † JOHANN—BAPTIST—SCHNEIDER, österreichischer Generalvikar und Weihbischof der Erzdiözese WIEN
19050126—19870000    * † MARIA—AUGUSTA—VON—TRAPP, AUSTRIA—SINGER, inspired "SOUND—OF—MUSIC,".
19060000—20080126    * † VIKTOR—SCHRECKENGOST, designer of numerous household products.
19060126             † Bruno zu Ysenburg und Büdingen, deutscher Adeliger, Fürst zu YSENBURG—BÜDINGEN
19070126             —AM Dubliner Abbey Theatre wird JOHN—MILLINGTON—SYNGES—TRAGIKOMÖDIE—THE—PLAYBOY—OF—THE—WEST—WORLD (Der Held der westlichen Welt) uraufgeführt und löst beim Publikum einen Tumult aus.
19070126             —PASSED, USA—CONGRESS, the Tillman Act, which prohibited corporations from making direct campaign contributions to federal election candidates.
19070126             —NAMED, It was, for SENATOR—BENJAMIN "Pitchfork Ben" Tillman, 1—DEMOCRAT from SOUTH—CAROLINA.
19070126             —OPENED, JOHN—MILLINGTON—SYNGE'S "THE—PLAYBOY—OF—THE—WEST—WORLD", at the Abbey Theater in DUBLIN.
19070126             —EMBARKED, MANY—IRELAND—NATIONALISTS found it so offensive that they, on 1—SEMI—ORGANIZED campaign to bring down the production.
19090000—19920126    * † Jose FERRER—PUERTO—RICO born film actor, in Coral GABLES—FLORIDA.
19110126             GLENN—CURTISS - Dem USA—AMERIKANISCHEN Luftfahrtpionier GLENN—CURTISS gelingt erstmals 1—START mit einem Wasserflugzeug.
19110126             —DIRIGIERT, ERNST—VON—SCHUCH, den Rosenkava­lier
19110126             —AM Königlichen Opernhaus in DRESDEN findet die Uraufführung der Oper Der Rosenkavalier von RICHARD—STRAUSS unter der Leitung von ERNST—VON—SCHUCH statt.
19110126             Das Libretto stammt von HUGO—VON—HOFMANNSTHAL, der dieses seinem Freund HARRY—GRAF—KESSLER widmet.
19110126             † FRIEDRICH—ARND, deutscher PUBLIZIST
19110126             —PREMIERED, THE—RICHARD—STRAUSS opera "Der Rosenkavalier", in DRESDEN—GERMANY.
19110126             —PILOTED, GLENN—CURTISS, the 1. successful hydroplane in S—DIEGO.
19130126             —RELINQUISHED, JIM—THORPE, his 19120000              Olympic medals for being 1—PRO.
19140000—20030126    * † ENGLAND, historian HUGH—TREVOR—ROPER.
19150126             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—WOODROW—WILSON, the Rocky Mountain National Park Act.
19150126             THE—415—SQUARE—MILES park, NORTH—WEST—OF—DENVER, was created —FOLLOWING 1—DECADE—OF—LOBBYING by photographer and naturalist Enos Mills.
19150126             —DURING its 1. —YEAR the park drew some 31,000 visitors.
19150126             —AM, "ALLE—VORRÄTE an WEIZEN, Roggen und Mehl werden beschlagnahmt und für DIE—REGELUNG des Verbrauchs 1.ReichsverTEILUNGsstelle errichtet", meldete die "FRANKFURTer Zeitung"
19150126             —AM, DIE—DRASTISCHE MAßNAHME machte klar: DAS—DEUTSCHE—REICH hatte —SCHON wenige MONATE—NACH der Mobilmachung massive Schwierigkeiten bei der Versorgung seiner —DAMALS, gut 70.000.000—EINWOHNER.
19150126             Um DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG Kölns dennoch satt zu bekommen, sorgte KONRAD—ADENAUER für Fleischimporte aus den neutralen NIEDERLANDEn und schloss mit den BAUERn des Umlandes Lieferverträge ab.
19150126             KONRAD—ADENAUER pachtete Weiden für DIE—STADT selbst im fernen OLDENBURG und ließ Vorräte anlegen.
19150126—20150501    —BESCHREIBT, KONRAD—ADENAUER Sein Biograph HANS—PETER Schwarz, den —DAMALS, 39—JAHRE—ALTEN KONRAD—ADENAUER als "zupackenden Realisten"mit Sinn "für die sozialen Bedürfnisse der Zeit", der an "bürgerlichen Fleiß und an die Vorteile bürgerlicher Pfiffigkeit"glaubt.
19180126             —GEGRÜNDET, Die Staatliche UNIVERSITÄT—TIFLIS wird.
19180126             † EWALD—HERING, deutscher Physiologe und Hirnforscher
19180126             † LUDWIG—EDINGER, deutscher Mediziner, Neurologe und Hirnforscher, 1. Professor für Neurologie in Deutschland
19180126             * NICOLAE—CEAUSESCU, ROMANIA—PRESIDENT (19670000—19900000    ).
19200126             JEANNE—HEBUTERNE (18980000              *), the mistress of Amadeo Modigliani, killed herself 2—DAYS —FOLLOWING MODIGLIANI—DEATH —WHILE carrying his child.
19210126—19990000    * † AKIO—MORITA, CEO—OF—SONY—CORP., in KASUGAYA—JAPAN.
19220126             —1— SOVIET—UNION organized as 1—FEDERATION—OF—RSFSR, UKRAINE—SSR, Belorussian SSR...
19240126             Die Stadt Petrograd wird vom 2. RÄTE—KONGRESS der UdSSR in Leningrad umbenannt, um so den verstorbenen Revolutionär und Staatsgründer Lenin dauerhaft zu ehren.
19240126             SAAD—ZAGHLOUL (18590000—19270000    ) began serving as PRIME—MINISTER—OF—EGYPT and continued to 19241124          .
19250000—20170126    * † MIKE—CONNORS, TV and film actor, in in LOS—ANGELES.
19250126             * PAUL—NEWMAN, actor (Hud, Hombre, Hustler), in CLEVELAND.
19260126             JOHN—LOGIE—BAIRD führt vor Mitgliedern der Royal Institution of GREAT—BRITAIN den 1. funktionierenden mechanischen Fernseher vor.
19280126             BERLIN, wird das Luxuskino TITANIA—PALAST eröffnet.
19280126             * EARTHA—KITT, singer, actress (CATWOMAN—BATMAN), in SC.
19280126             * ROGER—VADIM, director (And God Created Women, Barbarella), in FRANCE.
19290126             * JULES—FEIFFER, cartoonist (Passionella), author (Little Murders), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19290126             S—FRANCISCO police took FRANCES—ORLANDO (19) to the Bush Police Station because she was dressed in men's clothing.
19320126             † WILLIAM—K—WRIGLEY, owner (Wrigley Gum, CHICAGO Cubs).
19320126             Entfernung von Kabelanlagen nach Vertragsende
19320126             ALT—STADT—DÜSSELDORF Museen 1—AKADEMIE—GALERIE — Die Neue Sammlung 2—ARTIG Showroom im HauptBahnhof 3—AQUAZOO — Löbbecke Museum 4—AUKTION im INDUSTRIE—CLUB—DÜSSELDORF 5—BALLHAUS...
19320126             —SAGTE HITLER vor 600—INDUSTRIELLEN im DÜSSELDORFer INDUSTRIE—CLUB In seiner Rede:
19320126             —SAGTE HITLER "wir haben den unerbittlichen Entschluß gefaßt, den MARXISMUS —BIS ZUR LETZTEN WURZEL IN DEUTSCHLAND AUSZUROTTEN"(32).
19320126             —AM, hielt HITLER seine berühmte Ansprache vor dem DÜSSELDORFer INDUSTRIE—CLUB.
19320126             Hier im "INDUSTRIE—CLUB" gewann Hitler die Wirtschaftsführer des Reiches mit seiner Rede
19320126             Hitler versprach, ihre Profite zu steigern, indem er die Arbeiterbewegung zerschlagen + wieder aufrüsten werde
19320126             Die einflußreichen Zuhörer klatschten + jubelten + spendeten anschließend Geld
19320126             Der drohende finanzielle Ruin der NSDAP war abgewendet
19320126             Die Industriekapitäne schlugen Hitler trotz seiner immensen Wahlstimmenverluste dem Reichspräsidenten von Hindenburg zum Regierungschef vor
19320126             Düsseldorf Innenstadt, Steigenberger Parkhotel, Elberfelder Strasse 9: b
19320126             Hier im "INDUSTRIE—CLUB" gewann Hitler am
19320126             In seiner Rede im Düsseldorfer Industrie club vor 600—INDUSTRIE llen sagte Hitler :
19320126             "wir haben den unerbittlichen Entschluß gefaßt, den Marx ismus —BIS zur letzten Wurzel in Deutschland auszurotten"(32).
19320126             —AM  - hielt Hitler seine berühmte Ansprache vor dem Düsseldorfer Industrie club.
19320126—19340220    —AM, ERNEST—LAWRENCE beantragt in den USA für das von ihm erfundene Zyklotron Patentschutz, der ihm gewährt wird
19340126             Die Unterzeichnung des DEUTSCH—POLNISCHEN Nichtangriffspaktes auf Initiative ADOLF—HITLERS markiert einen Wendepunkt in der deutschen Außenpolitik.
19340126             —SIGNED, GERMANY, a 10-year NON—AGGRESSION pact with POLAND, breaking THE—FRANCE—ALLIANCE system.
19350126             * BOB—UECKER, catcher, actor, in MILWAUKEE—WISCONSIN.
19360126             Wegen einer Kältewelle frieren die Niagarafälle zu.
19370126             Gesetz über GROß—HAMBURG und andere Gebietsbereinigungen
19370126             Die deutsche Reichsregierung erlässt das GROß—HAMBURG—GESETZ zur Neuordnung der territorialen Ausdehnung Hamburgs.
19370126             —VERABSCHIEDET, Ferner, sie das Deutsche Beamtengesetz, das von den Beamten verlangt, ihre Arbeit im Dienst der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung zu verrichten.
19390126             In der Schlussphase des Spanischen Bürgerkriegs erobern die Nationalisten unter FRANCISCO—FRANCO mit BARCELONA 1—DER—LETZTEN—HOCHBURGEN—DER—REPUBLIKANER und verhelfen dem Franquismus damit zum weiteren Vormarsch.
19390126             —CONQUERED, Franco, BARCELONA.
19400000—19150126    —WWI,—SEIT—BEGINN—DES, war der 18760000              geborene Kölner KONRAD—ADENAUER für die LEBENS—MITTELVERSORGUNG seiner Heimatstadt zuständig.
19400126             —RECEIVED, THE—MUSEUM—OF—MODERN—ART in NEW—YORK, works by Botticelli, Raphael and Michelangelo on loan from ITALY.
19400126             Nazis forbade POLAND—JEWS to travel on trains.
19420126             † FELIX—HAUSDORFF, deutscher Mathematiker
19420126             The 1. USA—EXPEDITIONARY force to go to EUROPE —WWII—DURING went ashore in NORTH—IRELAND.
19430126             † NIKOLAI—IWANOWITSCH—WAWILOW, russischer Botaniker und Genetiker
19430126             1—USA—WAR—DEPARTMENT—DISPOSITION—FORM was issued with "Subject: establishment of 1—WAR—DEPARTMENT—FIXED—RADIO—STATION in AFRICA".
19430126             It detailed operational objectives for what was to become the 4. Detachment of the 2. Signal Service Battalion, ASMARA, ERITREA.
19430126             Over time THE—USA—PAID—ETHIOPIA more than $360m in military aid as rent for the eavesdropping installation at Kagnew.
19430126             The 1. OSS (OFFICE—OF—STRATEGIC—SERVICES) agent parachuted behind JAPAN—LINES in Burma.
19430126—19290000    —IN, he had traced the genealogy of the apple to KAZAKHSTAN.
19440126             * ANGELA—DAVIS, USA—REVOLUTIONARY and black militant.
19460000—20150126    * † GREECE—SINGER—DEMIS—ROUSSOS, in ATHENS.
19470126             Beim Absturz einer DOUGLAS—DC 3—AUF dem Flughafen Kastrup bei Kopenhagen kommen alle 22—INSASSEN ums Leben, darunter der schwedische Erbprinz GUSTAV—ADOLF und die USA—AMERIKANISCHE Opernsängerin und Schauspielerin GRACE—MOORE.
19500126             In der neu konstituierten REPUBLIK Indien tritt die —BIS—HEUTE geltende Verfassung in Kraft.
19500126             THE—CONSTITUTION—OF—INDIA came into effect replacing the Government of INDIA Act (19350000             ) as the governing document of INDIA and thus, turning the nation into 1—NEWLY formed republic.
19560126             —ÜBERGIBT, Die Sowjetunion, Porkkala zurück an Finnland.
19560126             CORTINA, d'Ampezzo werden die VII. Olympischen Winterspiele eröffnet.
19560126             BUDDY—HOLLY had his 1. formal recording session.
19560126—19560120    —SEE
19570126             JAMMU und Kashmir werden mit Inkrafttreten der Landesverfassung 1—BUNDESSTAAT—INDIENS.
19570126             —AM Teatro alla Scala in Mailand erfolgt die Uraufführung der auf der Erzählung Die Letzte am Schafott von Gertrud von le Fort basierenden Oper Dialogues des Carmélites (Gespräche der Karmelitinnen) von FRANCIS—POULENC.
19600000—19960126    * † UTAH, JOHN—ALBERT—TAYLOR was executed by firing squad.
19610126             * WAYNE—GRETZKY, NHL great scorer (Oiler, KING, Rangers), in Brantford, Ont.
19610126             "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" by Elvis Presley peaked at #1.
19610126             —BECAME, JANET—G—TRAVELL, the 1. woman personal physician to THE—USA—PRESIDENT (JFK).
19620126             —DECLARED, BISHOP—BURKE—OF—BUFFALO—CATHOLIC dioceses, Chubby Checker's "Twist" is impure & banned it from all Catholic schools.
19620126             THE—USA—LAUNCHED—RANGER 3 to land scientific instruments on the moon, but the probe missed its target by some 22,000 miles.
19620126             † Charles "Lucky" Luciano (65), NEW—YORK—CITY Mafia gangster.
19630126             Das 6—PUNKTE umfassendes Reformprogramm der Weißen Revolution von Schah MOHAMMAD—REZA—PAHLAVI wird im Rahmen einer Volksabstimmung mit überwältigender Mehrheit angenommen.
19630126             Die 3—DEUTSCHEN Bergsteiger RAINER—KAUSCHKE, PETER—SIEGERT und GERD—UHNER durchsteigen über die so genannte Superdirettissima die Nordwand der Großen Zinne in den Sextner Dolomiten im —WINTER.
19640126             84—PEOPLE were arrested in 1—SEGREGATION protest in ATLANTA.
19680126             —AM, landen DIE—BEATLES und ihr Gefolge aus Schauspielern und anderen Musikern in NEU—DELHI
19690126             —DECLARED, CALIFORNIA was, 1—DISASTER area —AFTER—2—DAYS—OF—FLOODING and mud slides.
19700126             MANILA, brechen die als 1. Quarter Storm bezeichneten Studentenunruhen aus
19700126             —FORMED, TURKEY, THE—ISLAMIC—ORIENTED National Order Party was, under the leadership of Necmettin Erbakan.
19720126             1—DC 9 exploded over Serbska Kamenice, Czechoslovakia, and attendant Vesna Vulovic dropped 33,300 feet and survived —FOLLOWING a 27—DAY—COMA and a 16-month recovery.
19720126             —ESTABLISHED, THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—EXPLOSION has never been, but was attributed by the Yugoslav and CZECH—REPUBLIC—AUTHORITIES to 1—BOMB placed on the plane by 1—CROATIAN—TERRORIST group, known as the Ustasa.
19750325             (AP, 20000325             )(Econ, 20081004             , p.92)(Econ, 20120126             , p.74)
19770126             ALICE—SCHWARZER - Die 1. Ausgabe der feministischen Zeitschrift EMMA—VON—ALICE—SCHWARZER erscheint.
19780126             —REINSTATED, CHINA, EINSTEIN—THEORY—OF—RELATIVITY was officially.
19790126             "Dukes of Hazzard" premiered on CBS and continued to 19850000           .
19790126             —PLAYED, DENVER—PYLE (19970000              † age 77), Uncle Jesse.
19790126             —PLAYED, JAMES—BEST (20150000              † age 88), the inept SHERIFF—ROSCOE—P—COLTRANE.
19790126             † NELSON—A—ROCKEFELLER, 70—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—UNDER—FORD and 4-time GOVERNOR—OF—NEW—YORK state, in NEW—YORK in the arms of Megan Marshack (25).
19800126—19800110    —ESTABLISHED, ISRAEL and EGYPT, diplomatic relations, in accord with PRIME—MINISTER—BEGIN—AGREEMENT with PRESIDENT—SADAT at ASWAN.
19820126             Despite CALVI—OBJECTIONS,
19820126             —SHORTLY—AFTERWARDS, THE—BANCO—AMBROSIANO secretly underwrote 1—LOAN—OF—100—BILLION—LIRE to PESENTI to allow him to buy into BANCO—AMBROSIANO.
19860126             INDIA, 1—SARBAT—KHALSA (general congregation of the Sikh people) was convened at the Akal Takht, the Sikh seat of temporal authority in AMRITSAR.
19860126             —PASSED, The gathering, 1—RESOLUTION favoring the creation of Khalistan.
19860126             1—MILITANT—SIKH separatist movement had emerged in the 1970s with the goal of carving out 1—INDEPENDENT—SIKH state out of the Punjab called Khalistan.
19880126             Das Musical Das Phantom der Oper von ANDREW—LLOYD—WEBBER feiert seine Broadwaypremiere.
19880126             It ran for 4,000+ performances.
19880126             —CELEBRATED, Australians, the 200. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THEIR—COUNTRY as 1—GRAND—PARADE of tall ships sailed in SYDNEY Harbor, RE—ENACTING the voyage of the 1. European settlers.
19890126             L. DOUGLAS—WILDER, THE—LIEUTENANT—GOVERNOR—OF—VIRGINIA, launched his successful campaign to become the 1. elected black GOVERNOR—OF—A—USA—STATE.
19900126             Die Deutsche Terminbörse (DTB) nimmt als 1. überregionale und 1. vollelektronische Börse Deutschlands den Handel mit Optionen auf.
19900126             —CHALLENGED, Attorneys for MANUEL—NORIEGA, THE—JURISDICTION—OF—USA—COURTS to try the deposed PANAMA—LEADER on DRUG—TRAFFICKING charges, and said Noriega should be declared 1—PRISONER—OF—WAR.
19910000             (P.L. 101-513 )
19910126             Siad Barre - Bei einem Putsch in SOMALIA wird Diktator Siad Barre abgesetzt und der United SOMALIA—CONGRESS unter ALI—MAHDI—MOHAMMED bildet 1—PROVISORISCHE—REGIERUNG.
19910126             Damit erreicht der Somalische Bürgerkrieg seinen Höhepunkt.
19910126             1 estimated 200k to 300k people across the country demonstrated in support of, or in opposition to, Operation Desert Storm.
19910126             4—PEOPLE were killed in 1—SHOOTING spree at 1—TACO—BELL restaurant in IRVING—TEXAS.
19910126             —GRANTED, Soviet PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV, THE—KGB and Soviet Interior Ministry sweeping SEARCH—AND—SEIZURE powers to combat economic crime.
19910126—20000129    —CONVICTED, Jessy CARLOS—SAN—MIGUEL was, and executed in HUNTSVILLE by lethal injection.
19920126             THE—WASHINGTON Redskins won Super Bowl XXVI, defeating THE—BUFFALO Bills 37-24.
19920126             —ON CBS' "60—MINUTES," Democratic presidential candidate BILL—CLINTON, appearing with his wife, Hillary, acknowledged "causing pain in my marriage," but said past problems were not relevant to the campaign.
19920126             † IN—CINCINNATI, OHIO, 5—CHILDREN in 1—APARTMENT fire that was set by WILLIAM—GARNER in 1—ATTEMPT to hide EVIDENCE—OF—1—BURGLARY.
19920126—20100713    —ON, Garner (37) was —LATER CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and executed.
19930126             Václav Havel - Václav Havel wird zum 1. Präsidenten der Tschechischen REPUBLIK gewählt.
19930126             —CALLED, UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—BOUTROS BOUTROS—GHALI, on the Security Council to take "whatever measures are necessary" to compel ISRAEL to readmit 400 deported Palestinians.
19940126             —OUSTED, THE—BELARUS PARLIAMENT, its REFORM—MINDED leader, Stanislav Shushkevich, in protest against his support for market economics.
19940126             —ACCEPTED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—YELTSIN, THE—RESIGNATION—OF—FINANCE MINISTER—BORIS—FYODOROV, who warned of economic collapse and social unrest.
19950126             Grenzpatrouillen Ecuadors und Perus liefern sich im —SEIT Jahrzehnten umstrittenen Gebiet Cordillera del Condor Feuergefechte.
19950126             Der PERUANISCH—ECUADORIANISCHE Grenzkrieg flammt wieder auf.
19950126             1—LITTLE—MORE than —3—WEEKS—AFTER Republicans took CONTROL—OF—CONGRESS, the House endorsed 1—BALANCED—BUDGET amendment to the Constitution designed to eliminate chronic federal deficits.
19950126             MILITARY - the application of domestic, INTERNATIONAL + foreign law to the
19950126             THE—SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—NEW—YORK permanently enjoined the... - WeWereThere
19950126             —ADDED, Saharan AFRICA, was, to THE—FAA by THE—FOREIGN—OPERATIONS.
19950126             —PREDICTED, NEW—YORK—TIMES, it would lead to 1—BLOODY—CIVIL—WAR.
19950126             Elaine Sciolino,"Bankrupting Terror,"THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, Sec A..
19950126             MILITARY - the application of domestic, INTERNATIONAL + foreign law to the... THE—SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—NEW—YORK permanently enjoined the...
19950126             WeWereThere
19950126             —ADDED, Saharan AFRICA, was, to THE—FAA by the Foreign Operations.
19950126             Export Financing + Related Programs Appropriations Act of.
19950126—19980000    —J—IM, Der Vorfall ist Anlass, den schwelenden Konflikt vertraglich beizulegen.
19960126             1. lady Hillary Rodham Clinton testified —BEFORE 1—GRAND—JURY connected to the Whitewater probe.
19960126             Hours —BEFORE 1—MIDNIGHT deadline, 1—CONFRONTATION—WEARY—CONGRESS voted to avert a 3. federal shutdown and finance DOZENS—OF—AGENCIES for 7—MORE—WEEKS.
19960126             Olympic wrestler DAVE—SCHULTZ was fatally shot at the suburban PHILADELPHIA estate of JOHN—E—DU—PONT;
19960126             du Pont surrendered —48—HOURS—LATER.
19960126             —CONVICTED—OF, Du Pont was —LATER, 3.—DEGREE murder but mentally ill; he's serving a 13- to 30-year sentence.
19960126             —SENTENCED, He had been, to death for 19880000             —THE rape and strangulation of 11—YEAR—OLD—CHARLA KING and had then chosen the firing squad as THE—METHOD—OF—EXECUTION.
19960126             —VOTED, THE—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE, to accept RUSSIA.
19960126             —APPOINTED, Yeltsin, VLADIMIR—KADANNIKOV to oversee national economic policy.
19960126—19960228    —BECAME, RUSSIA, 1—MEMBER.
19960327—20180126    —DECLARED, FRANCIS—PAPA, the monks to be martyrs.
19970126             THE—GREEN—BAY Packers beat the New ENGLAND Patriots 35-21 to win Super Bowl XXXI, their 1. Super Bowl in 29—YEARS.
19980126             Der USA—AMERIKANISCHE COMPUTER—HERSTELLER Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) wird vom Konkurrenten Compaq gekauft.
19980126             —DENIED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON firmly, having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman...I never told anybody to lie".
19980126             Stung by 1—DROP in profits, AT&T said it would cut at least 15,000 jobs, freeze executive salaries and shake up management to reduce costs.
19980126             —ANNOUNCED, Compaq Computer Corp., that it would buy Digital Equipment Corp. for $9.6—BILLION.
19980126             —INTRODUCED, Intel, a 333—MHZ chip.
19980126             —EXPECTED, It was CODE—NAMED Deschutes and was, to reach 450Mhz speed by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
19980126             —BACKED, CHILE, GENERAL—PINOCHET, 82—JAHRE—ALT, away from scheduled retirement —AFTER THE—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY filed suit to prevent him from becoming 1—SENATOR for life.
19980126             —RAIDED, JAPAN, public prosecutors, THE—MINISTRY—OF—FINANCE and arrested 2—BANK regulators, Koichi Miyagawa (53) and Toshimi Taniuchi (48), on bribery charges.
19980126             † Shinichi Suzuki (99), pioneer of the 1950s Suzuki method for teaching music to young children, in JAPAN.
19980126             —SUSPENDED, JORDAN—THE—SUPREME—COURT, 1—AMENDMENT to the press law, passed last May, and cleared the way for 12—NEWSPAPERS to resume publishing.
19980126             NORTH—IRELAND, the Ulster DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, the largest PRO—UK—PARAMILITARY group, withdrew from peace talks.
19980126             —WANTED, Powell reportedly, PENNSYLVANIA GOVERNOR—TOM—RIDGE for the job, —WHILE Dick CHENEY + other CONGRESS ional Republicans supported DANIEL—R—COATS.
19980126             But aides close to BUSH said THE—PRESIDENT—ELECT did not feel comfortable with THE—FORMER—INDIANA SENATOR ;
19980126             —RECOMMENDED, CHENEY then, Rumsfeld, his old boss" in THE—GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
19980126             The wave of Sinhala protests all over SRI—LANKA —FOLLOWING the powerful bomb blast near THE—GATE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST sacred Buddhist shrine,
19980126             Dalada Maligawa or the Temple of the Tooth at KANDY, has forced the Kumaratunga Government to finally outlaw THE—LTTE.
19980126             23—KASHMIRI Pundits massacred by Terrorists in Kashmir - In his 20030309             ,
19980126             Project for the New USA—CENTURY (PNAC) letter sent to PRESIDENT—WILLIAM—JEFFERSON—CLINTON.
19980126             —WANTED, Powell reportedly, PENNSYLVANIA GOVERNOR—TOM—RIDGE for the job,
19980126             —WHILE Dick Cheney + other congress ional Republicans supported DANIEL—R—COATS.
19980126             In his 20030309             , article "Family ties connect USA—RIGHT, Zionists", JIM—LOBE writes:
19980126             "As godfather of the [NEO—CON] movement, IRVING Kristol played mentor to NORMAN—PODHORETZ, THE—LONG—TIME but —NOW—RETIRED EDITOR—OF—COMMENTARY, the influential monthly PUBLICATION—OF—THE—USA—JEWISH—COMMITTEE (AJC).
19980126             —IDENTIFIED, Originally, with THE—ANTI—WAR left in the mid-1960s,
19980126             —CONVERTED, Podhoretz, to NEO—CONSERVATISM late in the —DECADE + transformed the magazine into 1—MAIN—SOURCE—OF—NEO—CONSERVATIVE writing, despite the overwhelming MAJORITY—OF—THE—JEWISH—COMMUNITY itself rejecting those positions.
19980126             "Podhoretz + his spouse, Midge Decter, 1—POLEMICAL powerhouse in her own right, created 1—FORMIDABLE—POLITICAL—TEAM in the 1970s as they deserted THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, + then,
19980126             as LEADERS—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—ON—THE—PRESENT—DANGER -- like PNAC 1—COALITION of mainly Jewish, NEO—CONSERVATIVES and more traditional RIGHT—WING hawks like Defence SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD -- helped lay THE—FOREIGN—POLICY foundation for the rise of RONALD—REAGAN.
19980126             —AFTER REAGAN—VICTORY, Decter + Rumsfeld CO—CHAIR ed THE—INTERNATIONAL—OFFSHOOT—OF—THE—COMMITTEE, called the Coalition for the Free World".
19980126             The wave of Sinhala protests all over SRI—LANKA —FOLLOWING the powerful bomb blast near THE—GATE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST sacred Buddhist shrine, Dalada Maligawa or the Temple of the Tooth at KANDY, has forced the Kumaratunga Government to finally outlaw THE—LTTE.
19980126             23—KASHMIRI Pundits massacred by Terrorists in Kashmir
19980126             According to a 20001228              report by CNN, "RUMSFELD—NOMINATION also appears to settle 1—DISAGREEMENT among those advisers over THE—DEFENSE—POST.
19980126             —APPOINTED, Clinton, JOHN—DEUTCH as 1—MEMBER—OF—THE...
19990126             —1—, 20060125             , C50015, WACKENHUT—CORPORATION...
19990126             —ARRIVED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, in S—LOUIS and began his 7. pilgrimage to THE—USA.
19990126             —GREETED, He was, by PRESIDENT—CLINTON at Lambert INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT and called on THE—PRESIDENT to protect unborn children and end armed conflict abroad.
19990126             —SCHEDULED, He was —LATER, to bless the 33-foot steel statue of the Virgin MARY commissioned by CARL—DEMMA and made by CHARLES—PARKS.
19990126             —ORDERED, Some 700—USA—TROOPS were, by NATO to be pulled from Bosnia in a 10% force reduction.
19990126             —ABANDONED, GERMANY, CHANCELLOR—SCHROEDER, 1—AMBITIOUS—TIMETABLE for the planned shutdown of nuclear power plants.
19990126             —VOTED, HONDURAS, the legislature, to end 41—YEARS—OF—MILITARY autonomy and to put the military under CIVIL—CONTROL.
19990126             —FIRED, USA—JETS again, on AIR—DEFENSE sites in IRAQ and PRESIDENT—CLINTON approved more aggressive RULES—OF—ENGAGEMENT.
19990126             JORDAN—KING—HUSSEIN, left to THE—USA for urgent medical care at the Mayo clinic.
19990126             His son Abdullah was sworn in to run the country in his absence.
19990126             † 1—PALESTINE—MAN was killed by 1—ISRAEL—RUBBER bullet —WHEN he threw stones to protest the demolition of 1—ARAB—OWNED home in EAST—JERUSALEM.
20000126             —HUGGED, The grandmothers of Elian Gonzalez, and kissed THE—6—YEAR—OLD—BOY —DURING 1—TENSE, 90-minute meeting in MIAMI BEACH—FLORIDA, that had been arranged by THE—U—S government.
20000126             —APPOINTED, THE—UN, HANS—BLIX—OF—SWEDEN to be the new weapons inspector for IRAQ.
20000126             THAILAND, the legendary 24-year LEADER—OF—THE—KAREN—NATIONAL—UNION (KNU), was voted OUT—OF—THE—CHAIRMANSHIP.
20000126             —ELECTED, Saw Ba Thin was, as the new CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—KAREN—NATIONAL—UNION (KNU).
20000126             —ISSUED, CHINA, THE—STATE—BUREAU—OF—SECRECY, a 20-article circular that banned DISCUSSION—OF—STATE secrets on THE—INTERNET, in E—MAIL, and in chat rooms or bulletin boards.
20000126             —REQUIRED, Content and service providers were also, to undergo a "security certification" —PRIOR—TO operation.
20000126             —CRAFTED, THE—EU and YUGOSLAVIA, a $24—MILLION plan to clear Danube River bridge debris due to NATO—BOMBING.
20000126             —KILLED, SERBIA, police, 2—ETHNIC—ALBANIA—BROTHERS on the southern border known as EAST—KOSOVO.
20000126             —REFUSED, PAKISTAN, 6—OF—THE—SUPREME—COURT—13—JUDGES, to take 1—NEW oath under the provisional military government.
20000126             Of 102—JUDGES, 89—TOOK the oath.
20000126             —PROTECTED, The oath, the military from legal action.
20000126—19380000    —IN, † Tennis great DON—BUDGE, who became the 1. Grand Slam winner, in SCRANTON—PENNSYLVANIA, at age 84.
20010126             Der 29-jährige JOSEPH—KABILA wird als Nachfolger seines bei einem Attentat getöteten Vaters LAURENT—DÉSIRÉ Kabila PRÄSIDENT—DER—DEMOKRATISCHEN—REPUBLIK—KONGO.
20010126             Im indischen Bundesstaat Gujarat fordert 1—ERDBEBEN der Stärke 7,7 rund 20.000—MENSCHENLEBEN.
20010126             —PAROLED, Knoller was, 20040101          .
20010126             —RENEWED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, his pledge to build 1—MISSILE defense system and to reduce the nuclear arsenal.
20010126             —ANNOUNCED, Scientists, that they had decoded the genetic BLUEPRINT—OF—RICE.
20010126             It was the 1. important plant to have its genome decoded.
20010126             † DIANE—WHIPPLE, 33—JAHRE—ALT, Lacrosse coach, —AFTER being mauled by 2—DOGS in her S—FRANCISCO—PACIFIC—HEIGHTS apartment.
20010126             The dogs, under THE—CONTROL—OF—MARJORIE—KNOLLER, were —LATER found to be owned by 2—ARYAN—BROTHERHOOD prison gang members and kept by attorneys ROBERT—NOEL, 59—JAHRE—ALT and Marjorie Knoller (45).
20010126             1—FEW days —LATER Noel and Knoller adopted PAUL—SCHNEIDER, 38—JAHRE—ALT in SF family court.
20010126             —DESTROYED, Bane, 1—OF—THE—PRESA—CANARIO dogs, was, —FOLLOWING the attack on Whipple.
20010126             —IMPOUNDED, Hera, the 2. dog, was.
20010126             Hera was put to death 20010130           .
20010126             —COLLIDED, ILLINOIS, 1—SALVATION—ARMY van, with 1—TRUCK and 10—PEOPLE were killed on I 55—NEAR—JOLIET.
20010126             † DOCTOR—CHARLES—MERIEUX, virologist and FOUNDER—OF—THE—MERIEUX—LABORATORY, at age 94 in LYON—FRANCE.
20010126             —CULTIVATED, He helped produce the Salk vaccine, in minced monkey kidney tissue.
20010126             —PASSED, GERMANY, the lower house, 1—OVERHAUL of the national pension system.
20010126             A 7.9 (7.7) earthquake hit INDIA and PAKISTAN as INDIA prepared to celebrate REPUBLIC—DAY.
20010126             It was 1—INTRAPLATE earthquake along 1—THRUST fault 300—MILES south of the boundary between THE—INDO—AUSTRALIAN and Eurasian Plates.
20010126             Some 20,000-50,000—PEOPLE were killed and over 14,000 injured across Gujarat state.
20010126             10—PEOPLE were reported killed in PAKISTAN.
20010126             —CAUSED, The quake, 1—UNDERGROUND—RIVER, either the Saraswati or Indus, to reappear that had disappeared in a 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY quake.
20010126             BENJAMIN—HERMANSEN, 15—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BLACK—TEENAGER, was stabbed to death in Holmlia near OSLO—NORWAY.
20010126             5—NEO—NAZI Bootboys were soon arrested.
20010126             —RECEIVED, VERONICA—ANDREASEN (18), 3—YEARS as 1—ACCOMPLICE.
20010126             —FORCED, In THE—PHILIPPINES PRESIDENT—ARROYO, her Cabinet ministers to sign an 8-point "covenant" that included pledges to show "respect for others," live 1—SIMPLE—LIFESTYLE and focus on the poor.
20010126             The 198-foot vessel Pamyat Merkuriya sank in the Black Sea and at least 14—PEOPLE were killed.
20010126             The ship was enroute to YEVPATORIA—UKRAINE, from ISTANBUL.
20010126             1—UN panel criticized SAUDI—ARABIA for discriminating against women, harassing minors and for punishments that included flogging and stoning.
20010126             —AM, gab es ein besonders grausames Beben mitten auf 1—ERDPLATTE: Die indische Stadt Bhuj wurde von 1—INTRAPLATTENBEBEN der Stärke 7,6 erschüttert, 20.000—MENSCHEN starben.
20010126—19740000    —PRODUCED, He also, 1—VACCINE against 1—MENINGITIS strain that killed 4,000—PEOPLE in BRAZIL.
20010126—20010131    —SEE
20010126—20010327    —INDICTED, Knoller and Noel were, for murder and manslaughter.
20010126—20010922    —SENTENCED, Knoller was, to 15—YEARS to life in prison.
20010126—20020000    —SENTENCED, JOE—ERLING—JAHR, 20—JAHRE—ALT was, to 16—YEARS in prison and OLE—NICOLAI—KVISLER, 22—JAHRE—ALT was sentenced to 15—YEARS.
20010126—20050000    —IN, 1—STATE appeals court reinstated 1—MURDER conviction against Marjorie Knoller.
20010126—20080000    —JAILED, Knoller was again, —AFTER 1—JUDGE reinstated her murder conviction.
20010131—20010126    —FROM—THE, INDIA, the death count earthquake reached 12,000 and 1—ADDITIONAL 13,000 were believed still buried.
20010911             1995
20011100             [Time, 20030126             , CNN, 20030130             ] This not only shows AL—QAEDA working to benefit THE—ISI in silencing Pearl, but also helps confirm the theory that Mohammed has been supported by THE—ISI.
20020126             —PRODUCED, JENNIFER—CAPRIATI, the greatest comeback in 1—GRAND—SLAM final to overcome Martina Hingis (news) and defend her AUSTRALIA—OPEN—TITLE, 4-6, 7-6 (7), 6-2.
20020126             In 1—PREVIEW of his STATE—OF—THE—UNION address, PRESIDENT—BUSH pledged in his —SATURDAY radio address to "work to create jobs and renew the strength of our economy".
20020126             —ASKED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—POWELL, PRESIDENT—BUSH to declare that THE—USA is bound by THE—GENEVA Conventions in the treatment of AFGHANISTAN—CAPTIVES at GUANTANAMO Bay.
20020126             —ELECTED, THE—HONDURAS Congress, Justice Vilma Cecilia Morales as the 1. woman to HEAD—THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20020126             —CALLED, THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY again, for 1—END to all bombing and shooting attacks against ISRAEL.
20020126             ISRAEL—TROOPS shot and killed 1—PALESTINE—PASSING through 1—ARMY checkpoint and militants were hit by an tank shell —WHEN they tried to lay 1—EXPLOSIVE near 1—BORDER fence.
20020809             LLOYD—ALAN—EMMERSON, 45—JAHRE—ALT, chiropractor, was arrested 20020126              on 1—TIP from DENMARK—POLICE.
20030126             FACTSAMPLERDAYLYXTRKS
20030126             TAMPA Bay won their 1. NFL championship over THE—OAKLAND Raiders in Super Bowl 37. Rioting erupted on OAKLAND streets —FOLLOWING the Raiders' Super Bowl loss to THE—TAMPA Bucs (48-21).
20030126             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL, citing IRAQ—LACK—OF—COOPERATION with UNITED—NATIONS inspectors, said he'd lost faith in the inspectors' ability to conduct 1—DEFINITIVE search for banned weapons programs.
20030126             —OVERCROWDED, CAMEROON, 1, bus swerved into oncoming traffic on the nation's main highway, sparking a 5—CAR pileup that killed at least 70.
20030126             —INCLUDED, His books, "THE—LAST—DAYS—OF—HITLER" (19470000             ), "THE—RISE—OF—CHRISTIAN—EUROPE" (19650000             ), and "THE—EUROPEAN—WITCH—CRAZE of the 16. and 17. Centuries".
20030126             † Annamarie Schimmel (80), 1—PROFESSOR emeritus of Islamic studies at Harvard University who also lectured in GERMANY and TURKEY, publishing more than 100—BOOKS, in BONN.
20030126             —OPENED, GUATEMALA, 1—SECURITY guard, fire with 1—SHOTGUN at THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE gathered for 1—POLITICAL—CONVENTION of the National UNION—OF—HOPE party.
20030126             —WOUNDED, Isaias Caal Ichich, 5—PEOPLE.
20030126             —ENRAGED, IVORY—COAST, loyalists, by 1—PEACE deal with rebels, attacked THE—FRANCE—EMBASSY and army base.
20030126             At the World Economic Forum in DAVOS—SWITZERLAND, BILL—GATES announced that his charitable foundation will spend $200—MILLION for medical research in poor and undeveloped countries.
20030126             In partnership with the National INSTITUTES—OF—HEALTH (NIH), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMFG) granted $200—MILLION to the Foundation for the National INSTITUTES—OF—HEALTH (FNIH).
20030126             Time, —JAHR, FACTSAMPLERDAYLYXTRKS
20030126             analytical center was created —RECENTLY by 1—GROUP—OF—JOURNALISTS and military experts from RUSSIA to provide accurate and UP—TO—DATE news and ANALYSIS—OF—THE—WAR against IRAQ.
20030126             —SUPPORTED, THE—BOSTON team's findings are not, by ANY—KIND of rigorous mathematical proof.
20030126             So sadly they can't shed ANY—LIGHT on 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST problems in maths: the Riemann hypothesis.
20030126             —RELATED, This conjecture in number theory is intimately, to the distribution of primes.
20030126             Blair wies die Forderung Cooks nach einem Rückzug der britischen Truppen zurück: "Wir werden das durchziehen, —BIS wir unsere Ziele, die Entmachtung Saddam Husseins und die ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—MASSENVERNICHTUNGSWAFFEN, erreicht haben".
20030126             Kostelnik - DISPUTERESOLUTIONS |
20030126             —CREATED, THE—IRAQWAR RU analytical center was, —RECENTLY by 1—GROUP—OF—JOURNALISTS and military experts from RUSSIA
20030126             "Wir werden das durchziehen, —BIS wir unsere Ziele, die Entmachtung Saddam Husseins und die ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—MASSENVERNICHTUNGSWAFFEN, erreicht haben".
20030126             Bei der Abschlusskundgebung auf dem Augustusplatz sagte die 93-jährige USA—AMERIKANERIN Amelie Boyton Robinson,
20030126             sie überbringe den Leipziger Montagsdemonstranten die Grüße der Amerikaner. sagte die einstige Wegbegleiterin MARTIN—LUTHER—KINGS.
20030126             haben KING damals als Unruhestifter und Kommunisten bezeichnet", sagte sie.
20030126             Dieser habe sich dennoch stets für seinen Traum der Gleichheit der Menschen in aller Welt eingesetzt.
20030126             —VERSUCHT, Man habe, diesen Traum zu zerstören.
20030126             May the Universe Bless USA with the Profound Awareness of our Unity".
20030126             Stupidity. ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONT :
20030126    - THE—IRAQWAR.RU
20030126             analytical center was created —RECENTLY by 1—GROUP—OF—JOURNALISTS and military experts from RUSSIA
20030126             to provide accurate and UP—TO—DATE news and ANALYSIS—OF—THE—WAR against IRAQ.
20030126             Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland (ZVfD)
20030126             Arlosoroff, CHAIM—LEITER der politischen Abteilung DER—JEWISH AGENCY—COHEN, Sam
20030126             Nye, JOSEPH—S—VOR einigen Jahren der frühere
20030126             "Man lernt nichts kennen, als was man liebt,
20030126             und je tiefer und vollständiger die Kenntnis werden soll,
20030126             desto kräftiger und LEBENDIGER—MUß die Liebe, ja Leidenschaft sein".
20030126             (J.W.v.Goethe in einem Brief an Jacobi, 18120000             )
20030126             ******************* - <<<<<<<<<<BACK TO>>><<<&lt;
20030126             of journalists and military experts from RUSSIA
20030126             report based on THE—RUSSIA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE reports.
20030126             BR CLEAR=LEFT>Blair wies die Forderung Cooks nach einem Rückzug der britischen Truppen zurück:
20030126             "Wir werden das durchziehen,
20030126             —BIS wir unsere Ziele,
20030126             die Entmachtung Saddam Husseins und die ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—MASSENVERNICHTUNGSWAFFEN,
20030126             erreicht haben".
20030126             Nye, JOSEPH—S—VOR einigen Jahren der FRÜHERE—PENTAGON—ABTEILUNGSLEITER
20030126             sie überbringe den Leipziger Montagsdemonstranten die Grüße der Amerikaner.
20030126             "90—PROZENT—DER—BÜRGER in den USA sind gegen den Krieg", sagte die einstige Wegbegleiterin MARTIN—LUTHER—KINGS.
20030126             "Die bösen Geister, die den Krieg in Irak führen, haben KING damals als Unruhestifter und Kommunisten bezeichnet", sagte sie.
20030126             "Aber wir sind hier, um die Stücke aufzusammeln und den Traum wieder zusammen zu fügen", unterstrich Robinson
20030126             ******************* - <<<<<<<<<<BACK TO>>>;
20030126             THE—IRAQWAR.RU <> analytical center was created —RECENTLY by 1—GROUP
20030126             Kostelnik - DISPUTERESOLUTIONS |InterNIC | ICANN |
20030126             ******************* - <<<<<<<<<<BACK TO>>><<<&lt; - FACTSAMPLERDAYLYXTRKS
20030126             ".. nicht ANSTIFTER, Ermittler, RICHTER—UND—HENKER zugleich!
20030126             Bush DONE - FACTSAMPLERDAYLYXTRKS
20030126             260403antiwarblogg.html - FACTSAMPLERDAYLYXTRKS... SOME—LINKS—MAY—NOT—BE—WORKING !
20030126             Stupidity.
20030126             FACTSAMPLERDAYLYXTRKS —STARTING point —TODAY, 20030126              DONE.
20030126—20010000    —IN, the Clay Institute in THE—USA offered 1—PRIZE—OF—1—MILLION dollars for 1—PROOF of the Riemann hypothesis.
20030126—20080000    —PUBLISHED, His final work "THE—INVENTION—OF—SCOTLAND" was, posthumously.
20030725             MADRID, DEFEX, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA (Sociedad absorbente) DEFOBACK, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA Sociedad...
20040126             Beim Abtransport eines verendeten gestrandeten Pottwals bei TAINAN in TAIWAN explodiert der Wal wegen eines innerlichen Gasstaus.
20040126             Von den rund 600—SCHAULUSTIGEN wird niemand verletzt.
20040126             Democrats swiftly sought to turn THE—ABOUT—FACE into 1—ELECTION—YEAR issue.
20040126             —EXPECTED, THE—USA—CONGRESSIONAL—BUDGET—OFFICE said the deficits over the coming —DECADE are, to total $2.4—TRILLION, 1—TRILLION more than estimates made —6—MONTHS—EARLIER.
20040126             —KILLED, LIONEL—TATE, THE—FLORIDA teen who'd, a 6—YEAR—OLD playmate and became the youngest defendant in the nation to be locked away for life, was released —AFTER—3—YEARS behind bars.
20040126             CLEVELAND City Hall began 1—DOMESTIC—PARTNER—REGISTRY, the 1. in the nation created by voters.
20040126             1—PAIR—OF—WINTER storms blanketed MUCH—OF—THE—EAST—HALF—OF—THE—USA and police blamed them for at least 34—HIGHWAY deaths.
20040126             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, AFGHANISTAN—NEW—CONSTITUTION into law, putting into force 1—CHARTER meant to reunite his WAR—SHATTERED nation and help defeat 1—VIRULENT—TALIBAN insurgency.
20040126             Nearly 200—PEOPLE were missing —AFTER 1—BARGE caught fire and sank in 1—RIVER in NORTH—WEST—CONGO near Lukelela.
20040126             —SURVIVED, At least 301—PEOPLE.
20040126             —COLLAPSED, EGYPT, an 11-story building, in Nasr City, 1—CAIRO suburb, —DURING 1—FIRE and at least 14—PEOPLE, mostly firefighters and police responding to 1—BLAZE, were killed.
20040126             —JOINED, PAKISTAN, THE—LIST—OF—COUNTRIES affected by the bird flu disease that has sparked mass chicken culls across the region.
20040126             —DROPPED, SUDAN—PLANES, bombs in WEST—SUDAN, sending HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE fleeing across the border into CHAD where aid workers scrambled to provide them food and shelter in the barren desert.
20040126             A 6—YEAR—OLD THAILAND—BOY became ASIA—7. confirmed bird flu fatality.
20040126             Krebs durch Radargeräte BUNDESWEHR—SOLDATEN verklagen USA—FIRMEN
20040126—19890000    —ARRIVED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO, in FRANCE, with European ministers considering BEIJING—REQUEST that they lift 1—ARMS embargo imposed —AFTER THE—KILLING—OF—TIANANMEN—SQUARE—PROTESTERS.
20040519             20050126 20050100              Disinfotainment —TODAY Music VIDEO—OF—THE—WEEK.
20040805             JOC for HAS, RFP, 28, 20031229             , 20061229             , C55521, KELLOGG BROWN & ROOT SERV.,INCORPORATED..GUARD SERVICES, renew, 28, 19990126             , 20060125             , C50015, WACKENHUT CORPORATION...
20050100             USA—STUDIE: Mediziner zählen —BIS zu 140.000—VIOXX—GESCHÄDIGTE...
20050125—200501226   -löst 1—ERDBEBEN vor ALASKA...
20050126             volume i, number 20051202              20050211—20021202    —AM, 4.2.1. Der Beschuldigte zu 1), USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER Donald...... Der Beschuldigte Rumsfeld reagierte mit der... Die in Deutschland eingereichte Strafanzeige richtet sich ausdrücklich nur gegen...
20050126             —POSTED By: Leeq 200501200758          p.m.
20050126             NEXT STAGE BEGINS: BUSH 2. TERM, WILL HE FINISH? —POSTED—BY: Leeq 20050120             —758—P.m.
20050126             [World News]: LONDON, 20050123              : Global warming has hit the danger point and immediate steps are needed to reduce pollution to prevent extinction of human race, R Pachauri, THE—INDIA—ORIGIN CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—INTERGOVERNMENTAL panel on climate change has said.
20050126             - 200312110124         . - - - Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             —POSTED—BY: Kaspel 20050124             —515—P.m.
20050126             - 200312110124. - - 200312110124         . - - - - Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             - 200312110124. - - 200312110124         -Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             von PABLO—RUIZ, A. Pérez Guerra; Übersetzung: kh.
20050126             - 200312110124. - Condoleezza Rice was sworn in as SECRETARY—OF—STATE, —FOLLOWING her confirmation by the Senate.
20050126             —DERAILED, GLENDALE—CALIFORNIA, 1—METROLINK commuter train struck 1—VEHICLE, and sideswiped another train, killing 11—PEOPLE and injuring about 180—OTHERS.
20050126             JUAN—MANUEL—ALVAREZ, 25—JAHRE—ALT left his SUV on 1—RAILROAD track —AFTER changing his mind about committing suicide.
20050126             OHIO, 1—EMPLOYEE—AT—THE—TOLEDO—NORTH—ASSEMBLY—JEEP plant shot 3—CO—WORKERS, killing 1, —BEFORE taking his own life.
20050126             —STARTED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, a 2—DAY visit to IRAN mainly focused on boosting economic relations and inaugurating 1—NEW—CROSS—BORDER highway.
20050126             CHINA—CENTRAL—BANK said 1—NATIONWIDE personal credit database will be available across the country by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20050126             1—USA—MILITARY—TRANSPORT helicopter crashed in bad weather in IRAQ—WESTERN—DESERT, killing 31—PEOPLE, all believed to be Marines.
20050126             —KILLED, Insurgents, 5—OTHER—USA—TROOPS.
20050126             1—SUICIDE car bomber attacked 1—OFFICE—OF—1—MAJOR—KURDISH—PARTY, killing or injuring at least 20—PEOPLE.
20050126             —RESUMED, ISRAEL and THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY, diplomatic contacts —AFTER a 2—WEEK freeze, and ISRAEL agreed to suspend targeted killings of PALESTINE—MILITANTS.
20050126             At his 1. public hearing prosecutors said MOHAMMED—BOUYERI, 26—JAHRE—ALT, the alleged KILLER—OF—HOLLAND—FILMMAKER Theo van Gogh, ignored his victim's pleas for mercy and calmly shot him at close range —BEFORE slitting his throat.
20050126             1—SOUTH—KOREA—SEMICONDUCTOR maker said it had pioneered 1—INNOVATION that will allow energy efficient LIGHT—EMITTING diodes to light homes (LED for AC).
20050126             —BOMBED, THE—SUDAN—AIR—FORCE, villagers in SOUTH—DARFUR, observers from the African Union reported, and 1—INTERNATIONAL—AID organization said casualties were inflicted.
20050126             —RENEWED, THE—UN said, fighting in SUDAN—DARFUR region may have killed up to 105—CIVILIANS and displaced more than 9,000 last —WEEK.
20050126             THE—WORLD—ECONOMIC—FORUM, the global business meeting that attracts world leaders and HOLLYWOOD stars, opened in DAVOS—SWITZERLAND.
20050126             1—CHINA—ECONOMIST said that CHINA has lost faith in THE—STABILITY—OF—THE—USA—DOLLAR and would seek to broaden the exchange rate for the yuan to 1—MORE—FLEXIBLE—BASKET—OF—CURRENCIES.
20050126             —OPENED, The 5. annual World Social Forum, in PORTO—ALEGRE, BRAZIL.
20050126             Activists from some 4,000 NON—GOVERNMENTAL organizations and 112—COUNTRIES gathered under the theme "Another World Is Possible".
20050126             Snoedel_Sjoernaal | Je eigen gratis weblog, fotoalbum...
20050126             Why SOME—INVENTIONS are not accept by the official patents departement because of...
20050126             —HAPPENED, What, to the works of NICOLAS—TESLA inventor of so MANY—ELECTRICAL...
20050126             2 will detail the nuts + bolts of how TESLA produced Radiant Energy with block diagrams, schematics + drawings from TESLA—ORIGINAL patents to illustrate...
20050126             Science FORUM—THE—INTERNET—BEST—SCIENCE—FORUM!
20050126             The prime contractors for HAARP have been ARCO Atlantic Richfield Oil,
20050126             —BASED, BERNARD—EASTLUND—PATENTS, on the work of NICOLAS—TESLA + E—SYSTEMS, THE—CIA 's
20050126             Intlwaters Community Forum > Trivia time
20050126             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT bought the rights to more than 100—OF—HAMMOND—PATENTS + used them
20050126             of 1—VEHICLE (+ it happened to be 1—BOAT) was NICOLAS—TESLA at the...
20050126             Re: ISRAEL controls NASA, Rumsfeld manipulates NORAD
20050126             Re: ISRAEL plays its octopus tentacle deep inside NASA
20050126             Clear (to register another relative to locate). - Full Name, FRITJOF GAUDE.
20050126             PARENT—NAME (at least 1—OF—BOTH), FATHER—NAME.
20050126             D. THOMAS—HOFFECKER, PRÄSIDENT—VON—RTH—ASSOCIATES, einer erfolgreichen HANDELS—UND Produktvertretung.
20050126             MISTER—HOFFECKER hat umfangreiche...
20050126             GIAC Certified Intrusion Analysts (GCIA)
20050126             GIAC Certified Intrusion Analysts have the knowledge, skills and abilities to configure and monitor intrusion detection systems.
20050126             To be listed as 1—GIAC—CERTIFIED—INTRUSION—ANALYST, 1—CANDIDATE must submit 1—PRACTICAL—ASSIGNMENT that demonstrates their ability to read,
20050126             interpret + analyze network traffic and related log files.
20050126             —GRADED, Practicals are, based on the completeness, clarity and ACCURACY—OF—THE—ANALYSIS.
20050126             (—EARLIER practicals were graded based on a 100-point scale;
20050126             we have —SINCE adopted 1—GRADING system based on pass/fail/honors designations.)
20050126             In addition, EACH—CANDIDATE must pass 2—EXAMS, 1 on TCP/IP and 1 on network traffic and log file analysis,
20050126             based on detects that have been —POSTED on THE—GIAC web pages.
20050126             FORT BENNING is 1—USA—ARMY—TRAINING + Doctrine Command (TRADOC) installation.
20050126             JEREMY—HALL dot Com
20050126             —BY—BRUCE STEPHEN—HOLMS + JOHN—VASQUEZ...
20050126             is a 'NO—FRILLS' description + documentary verification, of 1—INTRIGUING—UFO—INCIDENT that took place over several days at FORT BENNING in GEORGIA.
20050126             Fort BENNING—TERRORISTENSCHULE der USA — 20031112
20050126             FORT BENNING—TERRORISTENSCHULE der USA—VON—PABLO—RUIZ, A. Pérez Guerra; Übersetzung: kh.
20050126             In conjunction with PANAMERICAN CONSULTANTS, INCORPORATED (PCI), GRA was subcontracted by THE—USA...
20050126             al com: NEWSFLASH—FORT Benning honors 5,800—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS
20050126             Partnering to Save Endangered Wildlife-. - concerning FORT BENNING—ENVIRONMENT...
20050126             Name — FORT BENNING Environmental Management Division Conservation Branch, GEORGIA—WEB site —
20050126             Interactivist Info Exchange | Over 16,000 Converge at
20050126             This site is 1—COOPERATIVE effort of: Autonomedia, ABC No Rio + THE—INTERACTIVIST—NETWORK.
20050126             Over 16,000 Converge at FORT BENNING.
20050126             COLUMBUS GEORGIA, Fort Benning GEORGIA, Homes For Sale & Real...
20050126             You are at THE Place For Real Estate if...
20050126             West by Northwest org: Pilgrimage to Fort Benning - Voices of the Northwest.
20050126             Pilgrimage to FORT BENNING. Text and Photos by Peg Morton
20050126             1—YOUNG—FRIEND stands witness at FORT BENNING, GORGIA—USA.
20050126             SOAW - 15—PEOPLE crossed onto FORT BENNING —ON—SUNDAY,
20050126             FORT BENNING, GA: SCHOOL—OF—THE—AMERICAS Watch Call to Action:
20050126             Hogtied and Abused at Fort Benning - USA—ARMY > Fort Benning in the —YAHOO!
20050126             Directory - USA—ARMY > FORT BENNING... soldiers from —AROUND the world.
20050126             FORT BENNING Morale Welfare and Recreation; National Infantry Museum.
20050126             de.indymedia org | Fort BENNING—TERRORISTENSCHULE der USA
20050126             - 200312110124. - Protestaktion FORT BENNING, So.
20050126             23. 11. - basic information about accreditation pertinent to schools in this region. of Education
20050126             EAST—ASIA Regional Council of Overseas Schools European Council of... - 6. USA—INSTITUTIONS Outside THE—USA-
20050126             AME.4 List of private INTERNATIONAL school in THE—RHEIN—MAIN region and in Baden ?Württemberg.
20050126             Region.
20050126             Sollte sich die neue Entstehungstheorie erhärten, könnten neue Erklärungen für die Größe, Form und elementare Zusammensetzung des Sonnensystems notwenig werden.
20050126             Denn die meisten Astronomen glauben, dass sich Sonne und Planeten in einer ruhigen Umgebung und einem langwierigen Prozess gebildet haben:
20050126             —GEZÜNDET, Nachdem die Sonne ihr Kernfusionsfeuer, hat, entwickelten sich die Planeten demnach über Jahrmillionen hinweg aus einer rotierenden Staubscheibe,
20050126             in der sich immer größere Gesteinsklumpen bildeten.
20050126             Ihr Beweis wirkt recht harmlos: 1—METEORIT, vom Himmel gefallen über der chinesischen Stadt Ningqiang.
20050126             Für die Astronomen ist klar, dass der Stein 1—RELIKT aus der Kinderzeit unseres Sonnensystems ist.
20050126             In dem Meteoriten, der zur Klasse der kohligen Chondriten gehört, fanden die Forscher sogar Einschlüsse von noch älterem Material.
20050126             Und diese Einschlüsse könnten den Beweis für die neue Entstehungstheorie unseres Sonnensystems liefern,
20050126             da sie Sodalit enthalten.
20050126             Das Mineral enthält reichlich Chloratome und darüber hinaus auffällig VIELE—SCHWEFEL 36-Atome.
20050126             Das Isotop kann in dem Meteoriten nur durch den radioaktiven Zerfall des Chlorisotops Chlor 36—ENTSTANDEN sein,
20050126             schreiben die Wissenschaftler in der ONLINE—AUSGABE des Fachblatts "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES".
20050126             Supernova würzte die PLANETEN—URSUPPE
20050126             Unser Sonnensystem, so die bisherige Meinung, hat sich gemächlich in einer ruhigen REGION—DES—ALLS formiert.
20050126             —JETZT aber haben Forscher neue Hinweise dafür gefunden, dass Sonne und Planeten in einer turbulenten Umgebung explodierender Sterne entstanden sind.
20050126             Unser Sonnensystem - Army in EUROPE Regulation 190-16-.
20050126             antiterrorism officer; physical security officer;
20050126             and the Public Works Directorate, USA—ARMY Installation Management AGENCY—EUROPE Region (EURO).
20050126             PORTUGAL—RESTAURANTS - INTERNATIONAL—ENGLISH in the area of...
20050126             CASCAIS 10.30-4.00hr 21 06968404              Source/Fonte:
20050126             —COVERED, A—GUIA Chequers Very ENGLAND—RESTAURANT + Tables, with newspaper + dishes from BRAZIL + ENGLAND.
20050126             —PUBLISHED, Newspaper 1—ENGLAND—LANGUAGE newspaper is, weekly: THE—ANGLO—PORTUGAL—NEWS (APN).
20050126             Address applications to NICKY—BISOGNI, —DAY Rehabilitation Program Manager, Prahran Mission, PO Box... 1—YEAR (2—LIVE @ 1—DAY EACH—IN—MELBOURNE ) 2—TELECONFERENCES...
20050126             Supernovae: Entstanden Planeten im kosmischen Feuerwerk?
20050126             Neues Tastaturdesign: Schluss mit QWERTZ?
20050126             Irak: Terroristen entführen Wahlhelfer
20050126             Essay: Die inszenierte Angst vor der Apokalypse
20050126             Getrübte Aussichten: Regierung senkt Wachstumsprognose
20050126             HIGHTECH—ZUG: TRANSRAPID—VERWIRRUNG in SHANGHAI - Umfrage: ROT—GRÜN erstmals
20050126             IFO—INDEX: Die Stimmung STEIGT—EIN bisschen
20050126             USA—SOZIALREFORM: Bush sägt am Solidarpakt
20050126             Microsofts SICHERHEITS—UPDATES: Zugangserschwerung für Zechpreller
20050126             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Kriegssplatter als Schmiermittel"
20050126             Buntes Treiben: Teenager lieben sich in Ketten
20050126             Nahostkrise: ISRAEL stoppt POLITIK—DER—GEZIELTEN—TÖTUNG
20050126             Türkei: Erdbebenopfer verbrachten Nacht im Freien
20050126             HIGHTECH—ZUG: CHINA will angeblich noch einen Transrapid
20050126             Softwarebranche: SAP übertrifft Prognosen
20050126             TEXAS: Deutschstämmiger wegen Raubmordes hingerichtet
20050126             Fettverfahren: Klage gegen MCDONALD—ZUGELASSEN
20050126             NEONAZI—AUFMÄRSCHE: Schily und die Grünen streiten über Versammlungsrecht
20050126             Rente ab 67: Wirtschaftsweiser Rürup fordert verschärftes Reformtempo
20050126             Staatliche Beihilfen: EU will OST—SUBVENTION stutzen
20050126             USA—BESUCH: Fischer dringt auf friedliche IRAN—LÖSUNG
20050126             Proteste: Studenten drohen mit heißem —WINTER
20050126             —GEFORDERT, Fischer bei Rice: Weitere Gespräche über IRAN—ATOMSTREIT
20050126             NOTES—OF—MEETINGS/CONVERSATIONS ON INSLAW & FOSTERGATE ( 19951021              )...
20050126             agencies + companies which include: INSLAW + CIA
20050126             .together with 1—THREAD called PROMIS (PROSECUTOR—MANAGEMENT—LISA FOSTER—NEW—YORKER
20050126             Dog Skin Report...
20050126             —INVOLVED, Casolaro was 1—COMPUTER journalist who got, in 1—INVESTIGATION—OF—INSLAW + THE—PROMIS software
20050126             THE—INSLAW—OCTOPUS. Does that somehow sound like 9 / 11 ?
20050126             Re: How THE—NSA, CIA and FBI uses Promis + Echelon stock...
20050126             PROMIS from its developers, THE—INSLAW group, which
20050126             MANY—TIMES over that PROMIS ' unique abilities > GUILTY FOR 20010911              911 20010911              ;;09;;.
20050126             11 11. of ;;09;; : BUSH, RUMSFELD, MYERS ?... - POSSIBLE POLE—SHIFT PRECURSOR FOUND!
20050126             Beginning 19980000             !
20050126             THE—HUTTON—COMMENTARIES (THC) has been saying from the beginning that 1—SHIFT in THE—POLES—OF—EARTH—ROTATIONAL axis can only be caused by 1—SIGNIFICANT—SHIFT—OF—MASS somewhere within our planet.
20050126             —NOW, 2—SCIENTISTS studying data on EARTH—GRAVITY field have found EVIDENCE—OF—JUST such 1—MASS—SHIFT that began 19980000           .
20050126             This is the —YEAR in which Cayce readings 3976-15 and 378—16—SAID that a 40—YEAR—LONG—PERIOD,
20050126             We present evidence here that the "upheavals" may have begun in the inner Earth 19980000—20020000    —BETWEEN,
20050126             where the liquid outer core meets the overlying plastic mantle.
20050126             This is THE—CORE—MANTLE boundary, or CMB.
20050126             —DETECTED, Upheavals along THE—CMB may have been, by MEANS—OF—PRECISION SATELLITE—RANGING measurements conducted
20050126             [World News]: LONDON, ;;01;; 23 : Global warming has hit the danger point and immediate steps are needed to reduce pollution to prevent extinction of human race,
20050126             R Pachauri, THE—INDIA—ORIGIN CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—INTERGOVERNMENTAL panel on climate change has said.
20050126             "The world has already reached the level of dangerous CONCENTRATIONS—OF—CARBON dioxide in the atmosphere and immediate and very deep cuts in the pollution are needed if humanity is to survive," Pachauri said at 1—RECENT—CONFERENCE of Small Island Developing States in MAURITIUS.
20050126             "CLIMATE CHANGE IS FOR REAL.
20050126             "Widespread dying of coral reefs + rapid MELTING—OF—ICE in THE—ARCTIC,
20050126             has driven me to the conclusion that the danger point THE—IPCC has been set up to avoid has already been reached," Pachauri said.
20050126             Reefs —THROUGHOUT the world are perishing as the seas warm up: as water temperatures rise, they lose their colours and turn 1—GHOSTLY white.
20050126             Partly as 1—RESULT, up to 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—WORLD´s corals have been destroyed.
20050126             FLASH: Fermi 2—NUCLEAR—POWER plant in MICHIGAN is shut down...
20050126             ´We have 1—LEAK—OF—REACTOR coolant into the containment structure... leak rate was about 75—GALLONS 1—MINUTE but is reducing,´ JOHN—AUSTERBERRY,
20050126             spokesman... ´there is no indication of 1—RADIOACTIVE—RELEASE´... MORE...
20050126             By DAVID—ICKE - Inauguration —DAY 20050000              marks the beginning of the next + even more extreme, stage of the Orwellian global state.
20050126             —BREACHED, If anyone thought the 1. BUSH term, THE—REALMS—OF—INSANITY, they´d better hold on and strap in.
20050126             —DOMINATED, The new BUSH cabinet is, to 1—EVEN greater extent by the Illuminati neocon conspirators behind 20010911              ,
20050126             the invasions of AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ + the removal of basic human freedoms.
20050126             —ENSURED, The appointment of Condoleezza Rice has, that THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT will be at 1 with the wingnuts at the Pentagon + STEPHEN—HADLEY,
20050126             the National Security Advisor, will ´advise´ whatever his close associates, Rice + CHENEY, tell him to.
20050126             In the new ATTORNEY—GENERAL, ALBERTO—GONZALES, we have 1—MAN with 1—CRIMINAL disregard for human rights and civil liberties + MICHAEL—CHERTOFF,
20050126             the new head ´Homeland Security´, played 1—LEADING role in drafting USA ´ANTI—TERROR´ laws —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911              that removed basic freedoms from THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20050126             As we have seen with purges at THE—CIA, FBI and elsewhere, ANY—PERSONNEL not ´on message´ —THROUGHOUT the government and its agencies have been,
20050126             or are being, systematically removed from POSITIONS—OF—INFLUENCE.
20050126             The prime CENTRES—OF—GOVERNMENT, military, legal + economic power are all occupied by extremists who either want to set the world ablaze or will unquestioningly serve those who do.
20050126             Entire Article: Things are truly disintegrating —NOW.
20050126             SATURATION—OF—CONTRADICTIONS built up over years and YEARS—OF—LIES.
20050126             It is like 1—ORGANISM whose growth outweighs and overtakes its structure.
20050126             —STRUCTURED, The human body is, to support its weight only within its scale.
20050126             If you grew to 50ft tall you would die because the skeletal structure cannot support growth to that scale.
20050126             This is like our reality. It has outgrown its structure.
20050126             It is dying and disintegrating; imploding under its own weight.
20050126             —OVERSATURATED, The semiotic system of referents has become.
20050126             —BASED, EACH—LIE is, in and supported by another lie.
20050126             As the lies grow, so too does THE—AMOUNT—OF—REFERENCES to the original lie that supports it.
20050126             They —JUST keep piling up —UNTIL the weight of them all brings the whole ediface crashing to the ground.
20050126             The fact is, if this disintegration of meaning is happening in my mind,
20050126             then it is happening in the world because the world is —JUST 1—REPRESENTATION created through my perception.
20050126             That is THE—TRUTH—OF—REALITY.
20050126             —MORPHED, No wonder why the military´s function has been, into perception management control.
20050126             If you control what people perceive, you control people; pure and simple.
20050126             War has always been theatre.
20050126             That´s why they call 1—WAR zone THE—THEATRE—OF—OPERATIONS.
20050126             The military was the 1. HOLLYWOOD.
20050126             What is more dramatic than war?
20050126             It´s better than Shakespeare or Desperate Housewives.
20050126             —REACHED, We´ve, the point where everything means its opposite.
20050126             Black is white. Right is left.
20050126             The pot ALWAYS calls the kettle black!
20050126             As 1—MATTER—OF—FACT, that is the W admin strategy.
20050126             Label and accuse your ´enemies´ of doing exactly what you are doing to them,
20050126             that way you always maintain the high ground.
20050126             If you´re 1—TERRORIST yourself,
20050126             accuse others of being terrorists, then set yourself up as THE—1—FIGHTING terrorism!
20050126             What is the famous mossad saying? ´through deception thou shalt wage war´?
20050126             Sounds like 1—GREAT strategy -.for cowards.
20050126             I was watching ´LORD—OF—THE—RINGS: RETURN—OF—THE—KING´ the other —DAY.
20050126             It dawned on me that war is the crux of human civilization.
20050126             —SEEDED, It is the most deeply, and unconscious drive rooted in man´s psyche.
20050126             There was 1—TIME —WHEN war was noble and necessary, heroism and sacrifice for the greater good 1—BENEVOLENT act.
20050126             All the things they would like to convince us still exist —TODAY.
20050126             But we know better.
20050126             It´s time for THE—CONCEPT—OF—WAR to exit stage right, but for the warrior to remain because truth,
20050126             love + wisdom are worth fighting for, not with bombs and guns, but with the will and courage to stand for truth.
20050126             So buckle in tight my friends.
20050126             If you thought these last 4—YEARS were insane, —JUST wait for the next 4—YEARS.
20050126             You ain´t seen nothing yet!
20050126             —AFTER ISRAEL—BOYCOTT, COLUMBIA U. cancels meet on Mideast:
20050126             Arie Meckel, —ON—WEDNESDAY that 1—UNIVERSITY—SPONSORED conference,
20050126             "Revisiting THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE Process," scheduled to have taken place —ON—THURSDAY, was postponed indefinitely.
20050126             3—YEAR Old Girl Among 5—PALESTINIANS Killed By ISRAEL—OCCUPATION Forces:
20050126             ISRAEL—SOLDIERS manning 1—ARMY watchtower at the nearby settlement of Kfar Dorom opened machinegun fire randomly on PALESTINE—HOMES —AROUND sunrise —WEDNESDAY.
20050126             PRESIDENT—BUSH—INAUGURAL speech was radical, if not downright bizarre,
20050126             in its insistence that THE—USA can and will deliver freedom to EARTH—MORE than 6—BILLION human residents.
20050126             "If BUSH means it literally, then it means we have 1—EXTREMIST in THE—WHITE—HOUSE," said DIMITRI—SIMES, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—NIXON—CENTER.
20050126             Senate Democrats said that Condoleezza Rice lied about THE—IRAQ war:
20050126             "I don't like impugning anyone's integrity, but I really don't like being lied to," DAYTON said in opposing RICE—NOMINATION on the Senate floor.
20050126             "Repeatedly, flagrantly, intentionally". DEMOCRACY—IT—NOT GOD—GIFT
20050126             JORDANIAN—BORN terrorist ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI, LEADER—OF—THE—ORGANISATION that calls itself "al Qaeda in IRAQ",
20050126             says: "We have declared 1—FIERCE—WAR—ON—THIS evil PRINCIPLE—OF—DEMOCRACY".
20050126             By Gwynne Dyer - Zarqawi is the bogeyman that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT blames for almost everything that has gone wrong in IRAQ,
20050126             but he does speak essentially the same language as PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20050126             Climateprediction: Klimamodell zum Herunterladen
20050126             Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
20050126             Das, was die Heimrechner im KLIMAVORHERSAGE—NETZ —JETZT ausspucken, sprengt diesen Rahmen bei weitem.
20050126             Danach ist mit einer Erwärmung um bestenfalls 2—UND schlimmstenfalls 11,5 Grad zu rechnen,
20050126             sollte sich die KOHLENDIOXID—KONZENTRATION in der Außenluft bei einem Wert von 550—PPM einpendeln (parts per million,
20050126             ANZAHL—DER—CO2—MOLEKÜLE pro Million Gesamtteilchen in der Atmosphäre).
20050126             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Das britische Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature", die Zahlen in seiner aktuellen Ausgabe (Band 433, S. 403-406).
20050126             "Das wäre eine ausgesprochene Katastrophe"
20050126             "1—ANSTIEG um 11,5—GRAD wäre eine ausgesprochene Katastrophe für das Klima",
20050126             kommentiert TIM—PALMER vom Europäischen Zentrum für Mittelfristige Wettervorhersage im englischen READING.
20050126             Der Physiker gilt als 1—DER—HELLSTEN—KÖPFE unter den Entwicklern von KLIMA—UND Wetterprognosemodellen.
20050126             Allerdings bestünden noch "substanzielle Unsicherheiten darüber, wie stark sich die Erde tatsächlich erwärmen wird", so Palmer zu SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20050126             Die Klimaerwärmung könnte stärker ausfallen, als Experten —BISHER erwartet haben.
20050126             1—GROSSPROJEKT, an dem fast 100.000—COMPUTERNUTZER aus aller Welt beteiligt sind,
20050126             sagt einen Anstieg der globalen Durchschnittstemperatur um maximal 11,5 Grad —BIS zum —JAHR 2100—VORAUS.
20050126             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: Gute Geschäftszahlen stützen den Markt
20050126             GUANTANAMO: Ehemalige britische Häftlinge endgültig frei
20050126             Bush zu Auschwitz: "Ernüchternde Erinnerung an die Macht des Bösen"
20050126             Blair mahnt Bush : USA sollen sich stärker im Klimaschutz engagieren
20050126             BUSH—APPELL an Iraker: "Widersetzt euch den Terroristen"
20050126             SACHSEN: NPD—SKANDAL ruft STAATSANWALT auf den Plan
20050126             Senatsanhörung: Rice darf USA—AUßENMINISTERIN werden
20050126             AUSCHWITZ—JAHRESTAG: Intellektuelle protestieren gegen "Flick Collection"
20050126             Touristen in Auschwitz: Ausflug in die Fabrik des Todes
20050126             Kopfgeld auf NS—VERBRECHER: Die letzte Chance der NAZI—JÄGER
20050126             Rekordzahl: ZAHL—DER—URLAUBER weltweit stieg um 10—PROZENT
20050126             DIW—STUDIE: Schere zwischen Arm und Reich öffnet sich weiter
20050126             Einkommensverteilung: In Starnberg wohnen die Reichsten, in der Lausitz die Ärmsten
20050126             Tabelle: Die INSELN—DER—SELIGEN
20050126             Tabelle: Der Osten der REPUBLIK fällt zurück
20050126             Reformkurs: Neue PLO—FÜHRUNG sagt Arafats Bürokratie den Kampf an
20050126             Frostiger —WINTER: EUROPA ächzt unter der Kältewelle
20050126             Gipfeltreffen Davos: Weniger TOP—POLITIKER beim World Economic Forum
20050126             P2 P—URTEIL: Provider müssen Identitäten ihrer Kunden nicht preisgeben
20050126             —AWARDED, Kinetic Solutions, —SOFTWARE customization by Fort Benning MOUT training facility
20050126    - Daylight in BAGHDAD.
20050126             Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature" - in or headed to IRAQ.
20050126             Incident at FORT BENNING
20050126             M113.. dans cette affaire Hutchinson des éléments scientifiques plus patents existent + avouer ma méconnaissance totale des travaux non officiels de NICOLAS—TESLA
20050126             The prime contractors for HAARP have been ARCO Atlantic Richfield Oil, BERNARD—EASTLUND—PATENTS based on the work of NICOLAS—TESLA + E—SYSTEMS, THE—CIA 's
20050126             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT bought the rights to more than 100—OF—HAMMOND—PATENTS + used them... of 1—VEHICLE (+ it happened to be 1—BOAT) was NICOLAS—TESLA at the...
20050126             The prime contractors for HAARP have been ARCO Atlantic > Richfield Oil, BERNARD—EASTLUND—PATENTS based on the work of NICOLAS—TESLA + E—SYSTEMS...
20050126             Tracing Request PERSON SOUGHT.
20050126             PARENT—NAME (at least 1—OF—BOTH), FATHER—NAME. MOTHER—NAME.
20050126             To be listed as 1—GIAC—CERTIFIED—INTRUSION—ANALYST, 1—CANDIDATE must submit 1—PRACTICAL—ASSIGNMENT that demonstrates their ability to read, interpret + analyze network traffic and related log files.
20050126             In addition, EACH—CANDIDATE must pass 2—EXAMS, 1 on TCP/IP and 1 on network traffic and log file analysis, based on detects that have been —POSTED on THE—GIAC web pages.
20050126             Fort Benning Related Facilities. Click Here.
20050126             Fort Benning... - JEREMY—HALL dot Com Daylight in BAGHDAD.
20050126             Incident At Fort Benning
20050126             —BY BRUCE—STEPHEN—HOLMS + JOHN—VASQUEZ... is a 'NO—FRILLS' description + documentary verification, of 1—INTRIGUING—UFO incident that took place over several days at Fort Benning in GEORGIA.
20050126             GRA Fort Benning Project Remote Sensing Survey Fort BENNING—GEORGIA.
20050126             In conjunction with Panamerican Consultants, INCORPORATED (PCI), GRA was subcontracted by THE—USA...
20050126             al_com: NEWSFLASH—FORT Benning honors 5,800—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS in or headed to IRAQ.
20050126             Interactivist Info Exchange | Over 16,000 Converge at Fort Benning This site is 1—COOPERATIVE effort of: Autonomedia, ABC No Rio + THE—INTERACTIVIST—NETWORK.
20050126             Over 16,000 Converge at Fort Benning.
20050126             Welcome to THE—COLUMBUS—GEORGIA, Fort BENNING—GEORGIA + Phenix CITY—ALABAMA area!!
20050126             —CROSSED, SOAW 15—PEOPLE, onto Fort Benning on —SUNDAY,
20050126             Fort Benning, GA: SCHOOL—OF—THE—AMERICAS Watch Call to Action: Fort Benning, GA: SCHOOL—OF—THE—AMERICAS Watch Call to Action: NO MORE MURDER IN OUR NAME: CLOSE THE—SCHOOL—OF—ASSASSINS.
20050126             Incident at Fort Benning I - Hogtied and Abused at Fort Benning - USA—ARMY > Fort Benning in the Yahoo!
20050126             Fort Benning ; Fort Benning Morale Welfare and Recreation; National Infantry Museum.
20050126             de.indymedia_org | Fort BENNING—TERRORISTENSCHULE der USA—VON—PABLO—RUIZ, A. Pérez Guerra; Übersetzung: kh.
20050126             200312110124         -PROTEST—AKTION FORT—BENNING, Sonntag. 23. 11.
20050126             -... basic information about accreditation pertinent to schools in this region. of Education
20050126             EAST—ASIA Regional Council of Overseas Schools European Council of...
20050126             Denn die meisten Astronomen glauben, dass sich Sonne und Planeten
20050126             in einer ruhigen Umgebung und einem langwierigen Prozess gebildet haben : Nachdem die Sonne ihr Kernfusionsfeuer gezündet hat, entwickelten sich die Planeten demnach über Jahrmillionen hinweg aus einer rotierenden Staubscheibe, in der sich immer größere Gesteinsklumpen bildeten.
20050126             Und diese Einschlüsse könnten den Beweis für die neue Entstehungstheorie unseres Sonnensystems liefern, da sie Sodalit enthalten.
20050126             Das Isotop kann in dem Meteoriten nur durch den radioaktiven Zerfall des Chlorisotops Chlor 36—ENTSTANDEN sein, schreiben die Wissenschaftler in der ONLINE—AUSGABE des Fachblatts "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES".
20050126             SUPERNOVAE—ENTSTANDEN Planeten im kosmischen Feuerwerk?
20050126             Unser Sonnensystem
20050126             Army in EUROPE Regulation 190-16 -... antiterrorism officer;
20050126             physical security officer; and the Public Works Directorate, USA—ARMY Installation Management AGENCY—EUROPE Region (EURO).
20050126             PORTUGAL—RESTAURANTS - INTERNATIONAL—ENGLISH in the area of... CASCAIS 10.30-4.00hr 21 484 06 96—SOURCE/Fonte: A—GUIA Chequers Very ENGLAND—RESTAURANT + Tables covered with newspaper + dishes from BRAZIL + ENGLAND.
20050126             INTERNATIONAL daily papers are available.
20050126             THE—VICTORIAN—MENTAL—ILLNESS—AWARENESS—COUNCIL (VMIAC)Address applications to NICKY—BISOGNI, —DAY Rehabilitation Program Manager, Prahran Mission, PO Box... 1—YEAR (2—LIVE @ 1—DAY EACH—IN—MELBOURNE ) 2—TELECONFERENCES...
20050126             —GEFORDERT, Fischer bei Rice: Weitere Gespräche über IRAN—ATOMSTREIT - 20050126 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20050126             agencies + companies which include: Inslaw + CIA...together with 1—THREAD called PROMIS (PROSECUTOR—MANAGEMENT—LISA FOSTER—NEW—YORKER
20050126             Dog Skin Report... Casolaro was 1—COMPUTER journalist who got involved in 1—INVESTIGATION—OF—INSLAW + THE—PROMIS software... THE—INSLAW Octopus.
20050126             Does that somehow sound like 9 / 11 ?
20050126             Re: How THE—NSA, CIA and FBI uses Promis + Echelon stock... PROMIS from its developers, the Inslaw group, which... MANY—TIMES over that Promis ' unique abilities > GUILTY FOR 20010911              911 20010911              20110911              th of September : BUSH, RUMSFELD, MYERS ?
20050126             2—SCIENTISTS Have Detected 1—LARGE—SCALE—REDISTRIBUTION—OF—MASS—WITHIN THE—EARTH—SYSTEM, Beginning 19980000             !
20050126             This is the —YEAR in which Cayce readings 3976-15 and 378—16—SAID that 19580000—19980000     —1—40—YEAR—LONG—PERIOD—FROM, marking the beginning of predicted Earth changes would come to 1—END.
20050126             We present evidence here that the "upheavals" may have begun in the inner Earth 19980000—20020000    —BETWEEN, where the liquid outer core meets the overlying plastic mantle.
20050126             Here follows their reasoning and their conclusions.
20050126             "Climate change is for real.
20050126             We have —JUST 1—SMALL—WINDOW—OF—OPPORTUNITY and it is closing rather rapidly.
20050126             —ATTENDED, There is not 1—MOMENT to lose," he told the conference, by representatives from 114—COUNTRIES.
20050126             "Widespread dying of coral reefs + rapid MELTING—OF—ICE in THE—ARCTIC, has driven me to the conclusion that the danger point THE—IPCC has been set up to avoid has already been reached," Pachauri said.
20050126             PTI - NUCLEAR PLANT SHUT DOWN 20050124             —551—P.m.
20050126             ´We have 1—LEAK—OF—REACTOR coolant into the containment structure... leak rate was about 75—GALLONS 1—MINUTE but is reducing,´ JOHN—AUSTERBERRY, spokesman... ´there is no indication of 1—RADIOACTIVE—RELEASE´... MORE...
20050126             —DOMINATED, The new Bush cabinet is, to 1—EVEN greater extent by the Illuminati neocon conspirators behind 20010911             , the invasions of AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ + the removal of basic human freedoms.
20050126             —ENSURED, The appointment of Condoleezza Rice has, that THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT will be at 1 with the wingnuts at the Pentagon + STEPHEN—HADLEY, the National Security Advisor, will ´advise´ whatever his close associates, Rice + Cheney, tell him to.
20050126             In the new ATTORNEY—GENERAL, ALBERTO—GONZALES, we have 1—MAN with 1—CRIMINAL disregard for human rights and civil liberties + MICHAEL—CHERTOFF, the new head ´Homeland Security´, played 1—LEADING role in drafting USA ´ANTI—TERROR´ laws —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911              that removed basic freedoms from THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20050126             As we have seen with purges at THE—CIA, FBI and elsewhere, ANY—PERSONNEL not ´on message´ —THROUGHOUT the government and its agencies have been, or are being, systematically removed from POSITIONS—OF—INFLUENCE.
20050126             The fact is, if this disintegration of meaning is happening in my mind, then it is happening in the world because the world is —JUST 1—REPRESENTATION created through my perception.
20050126             Label and accuse your ´enemies´ of doing exactly what you are doing to them, that way you always maintain the high ground.
20050126             If you´re 1—TERRORIST yourself, accuse others of being terrorists, then set yourself up as THE—1—FIGHTING terrorism!
20050126             Sounds like 1—GREAT—STRATEGY...for cowards.
20050126             It´s time for THE—CONCEPT—OF—WAR to exit stage right, but for the warrior to remain because truth, love + wisdom are worth fighting for, not with bombs and guns, but with the will and courage to stand for truth.
20050126             —AFTER ISRAEL—BOYCOTT, COLUMBIA U. cancels meet on Mideast : COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY—PRESIDENT—LEE—BOLLINGER informed ISRAEL—CONSUL general in NEW—YORK, Arie Meckel, on —WEDNESDAY that 1—UNIVERSITY—SPONSORED conference, "Revisiting THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE Process," scheduled to have taken place on —THURSDAY, was postponed indefinitely.
20050126             3—YEAR Old Girl Among 5—PALESTINIANS Killed By ISRAEL—OCCUPATION Forces : ISRAEL—SOLDIERS manning 1—ARMY watchtower at the nearby settlement of Kfar Dorom opened machinegun fire randomly on PALESTINE—HOMES —AROUND sunrise —WEDNESDAY.
20050126             ROBERT—SCHEER: 16000000              PENNSYLVANIA Meets MADISON—AVE.
20050126             PRESIDENT—BUSH—INAUGURAL speech was radical, if not downright bizarre, in its insistence that THE—USA can and will deliver freedom to EARTH—MORE than 6—BILLION human residents.
20050126             JORDANIAN—BORN terrorist ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI, LEADER—OF—THE—ORGANISATION that calls itself "al Qaeda in IRAQ", says: "We have declared 1—FIERCE—WAR—ON—THIS evil PRINCIPLE—OF—DEMOCRACY".
20050126             —BY Gwynne DYER—ZARQAWI is the bogeyman that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT blames for almost everything that has gone wrong in IRAQ, but he does speak essentially the same language as PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20050126             Climateprediction: Klimamodell zum Herunterladen Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature"Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
20050126             Danach ist mit einer Erwärmung um bestenfalls 2—UND schlimmstenfalls 11,5 Grad zu rechnen, sollte sich die KOHLENDIOXID—KONZENTRATION in der Außenluft bei einem Wert von 550—PPM einpendeln (parts per million, ANZAHL—DER—CO2—MOLEKÜLE pro Million Gesamtteilchen in der Atmosphäre).
20050126             "1—ANSTIEG um 11,5—GRAD wäre eine ausgesprochene Katastrophe für das Klima", kommentiert TIM—PALMER vom Europäischen Zentrum für Mittelfristige Wettervorhersage im englischen READING.
20050126             HEIMCOMPUTER—PROJEKT Forscher rechnen mit Erderwärmung —BIS zu 11,5 Grad
20050126             1—GROßPROJEKT, an dem fast 100.000—COMPUTERNUTZER aus aller Welt beteiligt sind, sagt einen Anstieg der globalen Durchschnittstemperatur um maximal 11,5 Grad —BIS zum —JAHR 2100—VORAUS.
20050126             roupas e óculos para os gatos ninjas e equipamentos para os cães heróis... desde Preço : 30 €.
20050126             0—DOGGYSTUFF Para cães de personalidade forte e com.
20050126             who got involved in 1—INVESTIGATION—OF—INSLAW + THE—PROMIS software... of STATE—JOHN—BOLTON and other neoconservative hawks--during the --long...
20050126             LUFA... Bennett ~ JEFFREY—BERGNER ~ JOHN—BOLTON ~ Paula Dobriansky... sophisticated computer program, Promis, that was... INSLAW—PRESIDENT, BILL—HAMILTON, said "the theft...
20050126             ".. N20041221
20050126             GLOBAL WARMING HAS HIT THE—DANGER POINT - Irak: Terroristen entführen Wahlhelfer
20050126             FORT BENNING — Terroristenschule der USA—VON—PABLO—RUIZ, A. Pérez Guerra; Übersetzung
20050126             - 200312110124. - - 200312110124         . - - - Protestaktion Fort Benning, So.
20050126             The neocons have spun into fits of Lincolnite hysteria over PRESIDENT—BUSH 's...
20050126             ELIE—HOBEIKA, Victim of Extrajudicial ASSASSINATIONS—OF—USA—CIA...
20050126             —WORRIED, The neocons, that the Baker Group was succeeding in bringing Syria...
20050126             —EARLIER in the —YEAR, I met with the notorious Sarkis Soghanalian in the balmy...
20050126             Fort BENNING—TERRORISTENSCHULE der USA — 20031112              20050218              widerst@ND—MUND vom 20011112             ... täglich weitere Ungeheuerlichkeiten ( völlige Unterordnung der... hat die Pflicht des Bürgers zum Ungehorsam... besseren Erfassung und Durchleuchtung eines Menschen...
20050126             Biografia | Biography | Biographie |
20050126             Christian in IRAQ...
20050126             As 1—EXAMPLE, this is what GENERAL—JAMES—MARKS, 1—OF—THE—BOOTS on the ground looking...
20050126             volume i, number 20051202
20050126             GENERAL—JAMES—MARKS, the headquarters' intelligence CHIEF—WERE SAMS graduates.
20050126             - 200312110124. - ".. N20041221              20050323              Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch, 20011221              20050323              14: Broadening Our Perspectives of 20010911             — Footnotes... Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch, 20011221             ...+ the committee's investigation of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro ( BNL ).
20050126             The prime contractors for HAARP have been ARCO Atlantic Richfield Oil... of 1—COLOMBIA—REBEL, triggering 1—DIPLOMATIC—CRISIS with BOGOTA.
20050126             Flutwelle im Indischen Ozean
20050126             Incident at FORT—BENNING
20050126             GRA Fort Benning Project
20050126—19790000    —SINCE, Upheavals along THE—CMB may have been detected by MEANS—OF—PRECISION SATELLITE—RANGING measurements conducted.
20050126—19980000    —THEN—AND—BEYOND, there would be "the changes wrought in the upheavals and THE—SHIFTING—OF—THE—POLES".
20050126—20020000    —SEIT, Umfrage: ROT—GRÜN erstmals wieder in Führung
20050126—20050802    —IN—THE, Interpretations of the voluminous measurements 19790000—20020000    —BETWEEN have been published by 2—SCIENTISTS, CHRISTOPHER—COX and BENJAMIN—CHAO, ISSUE—OF—SCIENCE magazine (p. 832).
20050126—20060100    —LAUNCHED, The database was, and included records of 340—MILLION individuals.
20050126—20080000    —CONVICTED, Alvarez was, on 11—COUNTS—OF—MURDER and was sentenced to 11—CONSECUTIVE life terms in prison.
20050126—20090000    —AGREED, Metrolink, to pay some $30—MILLION to settle MOST—OF—THE—LAWSUITS related to the derailment.
20050403—20050126    —IN—THE, +20050226              1—SEATTLE Weekly :
20050403—20050126    —IN—THE, this account +20050226              1—SEATTLE Weekly :
20050417             [LE_MONDE - 1] LE_MONDE/PAGES<UNE>... 20020126              . res Arcadi Gaydamak justifie. son intervention. p. 6. LA MORT du sociologue Pierre.
20050600             XONTECH, INCORPORATED News S—DIEGO/ORANGE County Local Daily Tech News source.
20051025—20050126    —EXTENDED, The ban was, in December —UNTIL at least the next MEETING—OF—THE—COURT.
20051121-20051123    FORT—BENNING—GEORGIA.
20060108             Credit to Joyce from WISCONSIN Transcript —BEFORE THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 20050126              -- Please listen to this transcript!
20060123—20060126    —ON, he described killing 4—GAY—MEN.
20060126             PRESIDENT—BUSH said that Hamas cannot be 1—PARTNER—FOR—MIDDLE—EAST peacemaking without renouncing violence, and he reiterated that THE—USA will not deal with PALESTINE—LEADERS who do not recognize ISRAEL—RIGHT to exist.
20060126             —ORDERED, THE—ARIZONA SUPREME—COURT, 1.—TERM Republican REPRESENTATIVE—DAVID—BURNELL—SMITH to leave office at midnight for violating 1—STATE—PUBLIC—CAMPAIGN financing system —DURING his 20040000              primary race.
20060126             —BECAME, CALIFORNIA legislators, the 1. in THE—USA to designate secondhand tobacco smoke as 1—TOXIC—AIR contaminant.
20060126             —PROJECTED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—DEFICIT was, to widen to $360—BILLION in fiscal 20060000           .
20060126             —SYNDICATED, Confronted by Oprah Winfrey on her, talk show, AUTHOR—JAMES—FREY acknowledged lies in his addiction memoir "1—MILLION—LITTLE—PIECES".
20060126             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROCKET, 2—POLICE officers —DURING 1—BATTLE—WITH—TALIBAN rebels in Paktika province.
20060126             BRITAIN said it will send at least another 4,000 troops, 4—TIMES its current deployment, to AFGHANISTAN in coming months as 1—NATO—MISSION expands into 1—DANGEROUS region rife with Taliban and AL—QAIDA insurgents.
20060126             —ACCEPTED, UK—PORT and ferries group P&O said it has, 1—TAKEOVER bid from SINGAPORE—PSA—INTERNATIONAL worth 3.545—BILLION pounds (5.2—BILLION euros, 6.4—BILLION dollars).
20060126             COLOMBIA—AUTHORITIES led DOZENS—OF—SIMULTANEOUS—RAIDS across 5—CITIES in collaboration with USA—OFFICIALS and dismantled 1—FALSE—PASSPORT ring with links to AL—QAIDA and Hamas militants.
20060126             —PROPOSED, IRAN—CIVIL—AVIATION—ORGANIZATION said it has, resuming direct flights between IRAN and THE—USA—AFTER more than 25—YEARS, despite political hostilities between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20060126             —RELEASED, IRAQ, THE—USA—MILITARY, 5—IRAQ—WOMEN detainees, 1—MOVE demanded by the kidnappers of 1—USA—REPORTER to spare her life, but 1—OFFICIAL said the release was coincidental.
20060126             MEXICO said it will suspend its plan to distribute maps to migrants wanting to cross THE—USA—BORDER illegally.
20060126             1—OFFICIAL said the decision was made because the maps would show ANTI—IMMIGRANT groups where migrants likely would gather.
20060126             —ISSUED, Under request from PAKISTAN Interpol said it has, INTERNATIONAL notices seeking THE—ARREST—OF—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—BENAZIR—BHUTTO and her husband on corruption charges.
20060126             Both were currently visiting THE—USA.
20060126             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, tribal militants blew up 1—STRETCH—OF—RAILWAY track, severing train links with REST—OF—COUNTRY.
20060126             Hamas leader MAHMOUD—ZAHAR said he was ready to maintain 1—CEASE—FIRE with ISRAEL forged in February 20050000              if ISRAEL does likewise, but that the Islamic group will respond to attacks.
20060126             —RAISED, Hamas supporters, their flag over THE—PALESTINE—PARLIAMENT and rushed into the building amid clashes with Fatah loyalists.
20060126             —PLEDGED, RUSSIA—MILITARY—PROSECUTORS and top officers, 1—THOROUGH—INQUIRY into 1—OF—THE—MOST brutal hazing incidents in THE—RUSSIA—MILITARY in years.
20060126             Doctors said  the legs and genitals of PRIVATE—ANDREI—SYCHEV, 18—JAHRE—ALT were amputated —AFTER 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE incident at THE—CHELYABINSK Tank Academy.
20060126             —RECALLED, SAUDI—ARABIA, its ambassador in DENMARK to protest 1 published SERIES—OF—CARICATURES of the prophet Muhammad.
20060126             Protests spread across the Muslim world for weeks, and DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE were killed.
20060126             —ARRESTED, SERBIA—POLICE, Jovo Djogo, THE—FORMER—CHIEF—OF security for BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—WARTIME general Ratko Mladic, over suspicions he is helping the war crimes fugitive avoid justice.
20060126             Djogo was 1—CLOSE—AIDE to THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—POLITICAL and military leadership from THE—START—OF—THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA—REPUBLIC'S 19920000—19950000     war.
20060126             1—SOUTH—KOREA—COURT—ORDERED—DOW—CHEMICAL and Monsanto, USA—MANUFACTURERS of the defoliant Agent ORANGE, to pay $62.5—MILLION in medical compensation to 20,000 Korean veterans of THE—VIETNAM War and their families.
20060126             —PROPELLED, SRI—LANKA, 1—ROCKET, grenade shot at rebel vehicles in THE—EAST—OF—THE—ISLAND killed 1—REBEL COMMANDER.
20060126             Rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) said government forces fired the grenade 1—DAY —AFTER 1—DEAL to end a 3—YEAR deadlock in talks.
20060126             Wolfie at the Door
20060126             Preaching against corruption at World Bank, he practices it — and staff rebels
20060126             "THE—EMBLEM—OF—SUFFERING and Shame"
20060126             —PRINTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES has, 1—GOOD, if woefully incomplete, story on the massive,
20060126             DEATH—DEALING CORRUPTION—OF—BUSH—CRONY conquistadors in IRAQ (Audit Describes MISUSE—OF—FUNDS in IRAQ Projects).
20060126             1—OF—THE—ANECDOTES of avarice related in THE—JUST—RELEASED audit of the Special Inspector GENERAL for IRAQ—RECONSTRUCTION could well stand as 1—EMBLEM of the entire murderous, misbegotten enterprise:
20060126             it's grubby, it's petty, it's driven by raw, bestial greed + it resulted in the cruel, unnecessary DEATH—OF—INNOCENT—PEOPLE.
20060126             The criminal conspiracy that destroys AMERICA
20060126             Sadly, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA is 1—CRIMINAL.
20060126             —TRIED, In fact, he should be arrested, and sentenced to life in prison as 1—REPEAT offender.
20060126             Analysis Real INTERNATIONAL terrorism: How and why the West supports terrorism-
20060126             Voltaire wrote, "It is forbidden to kill; —THEREFORE all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets".
20060126             Regierungsbildung: Hamas kündigt "Prozess der nationalen Versöhnung an"
20060126             Machtwechsel in Palästina: Hamas erobert Ramallah
20060126             ISLAMISTEN—WAHLSIEG: ISRAEL lehnt Kontakt zu HAMAS—REGIERUNG ab
20060126             Volle Kassen: Bundesagentur erwartet MILLIARDEN—ÜBERSCHUSS
20060126             Reaktionen: Bush ruft Hamas zur Mäßigung auf
20060126             "TERRORISTEN—REGIERUNG": ISRAEL fordert harte Haltung der EU gegen Hamas
20060126             Umfrage: MEHRHEIT—DER—BRITEN zweifelt an Evolution
20060126             Augenblick: Machtdemonstration - Zensur: IRAN sperrt BBC—WEBSITE
20060126             PALÄSTINA—WAHL: HAMAS—ANHÄNGER stürmen Parlament
20060126             HAMAS—ERFOLG: Rice sichert Fatah Unterstützung zu
20060126             Hamas: Terror und Suppenküchen - HAMAS—TRIUMPH: Endlich Klarheit
20060126             Krisenkonzern: GENERAL—MOTORS macht 8,6 Milliarden Dollar Verlust
20060126             Kuschelhormon: Sex schützt vor Lampenfieber
20060126             —DISTANZIERT, Deutsche Atomwaffen: Union, sich von SCHOLZ—VORSTOß
20060126             Arabische Welt: Zwischen Zweifeln und Hoffnungen
20060126             18—JAHRE Greenspeak: SAG—NOCH einmal, Alan
20060126             Deutsche Reaktionen: "1—GLÜCKWUNSCHTELEGRAMM wird es nicht geben"
20060126             Palästinensische Parlamentswahl: Die Angst vor Hamastan geht um
20060126             Wahlsieg der Hamas: Merkel hält an Reise in PALÄSTINENSER—GEBIETE fest
20060126             Chaos in Nahost: Abbas ruft zur Ruhe auf
20060126             Beginn des ENRON—PROZESSES: Gier vor Gericht - USA : Bush verteidigt Abhöraktion
20060126             IMMOBILIENFONDS—KRISE: Anleger haben kaum Anspruch auf Entschädigung
20060126             Umfrage: Deutsche machen EU für Wirtschaftsmisere verantwortlich
20060126             SEUCHEN—PROGNOSE: Forscher finden das Gesetz des Reisens - Saddam to sue Bush and Blair:
20060126             —DISTRIBUTED, Defence lawyers for Saddam Hussein —WEDNESDAY, copies of 1—LAWSUIT against PRESIDENT—BUSH and PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR for destroying IRAQ.
20060126             TEHRAN claims BRITAIN behind bombings in AHVAZ:
20060126             —ACCUSED, IRAN directly, BRITAIN of of equipping + directing those behind 1—TWIN bomb attack in the oil CITY—OF—AHVAZ that killed 8—PEOPLE and wounded dozens more.
20060126             —1— UK—MURKY role in CYPRUS crisis:
20060126             —1— Spy With 1—HEART—OF—GOLD?:
20060126             Was 1—USA—SPY for ISRAEL trying to "help" his country?
20060126             Sometimes, you —JUST got to laugh: USA—DIPLOMAT:
20060126             Chávez is meddling in other countries' affairs:
20060126             Cindy Sheehan Writes from VENEZUELA:
20060126             There were TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in the antiwar, ANTI—IMPERIALSM march in CARACAS —YESTERDAY.
20060126             FERNANDO—SUAREZ (anotther MEMBER—OF—GSFP) and I were among the people who led the march.
20060126             Sizing Up HUGO—CHÁVEZ:
20060126             The poor, who have been the maids, gardeners and delivery boys, but never THE—FELLOW—CITIZENS of the privileged,
20060126             —NOW feel the country belongs to them.
20060126             That's why the opposition is so fierce.
20060126             ARGENTINA gives residency to 1—MILLION foreigners:
20060126             The immigrants from BOLIVIA, PERÚ—ECUADOR, COLOMBIA, VENEZUELA, CHILE,
20060126             BRAZIL, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY will thus be able to legally work in and travel freely into and OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20060126             The case against Alito:
20060126             our nation will undergo profound legal changes,
20060126             resulting in its transformation from 1—DEMOCRAT ic republic to 1—CORPORATIST dictatorship
20060126             Pentagon and CIA refer DETAINEE—ABUSE cases to DOJ:
20060126             20—CASES—OF—DETAINEE abuse allegations against CIA and Defence Department employees have been referred to the Justice Department for possible prosecution,
20060126             1—SENIOR—USA official said in 1—LETTER released —ON—TUESDAY.
20060126             TSA and FBI Ordered to Pay $200,000 to Settle "No Fly" Lawsuit:
20060126             Case Brought on Behalf of 2—S—FRANCISCO—PEACE—ACTIVISTS—WHO—WERE—DETAINED at 1—AIRPORT
20060126             NSA Accused of Psychologically Abusing Whistleblowers:
20060126             5—CURRENT and FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY Agency (NSA ) employees have told Cybercast News Service that the agency frequently retaliates against whistleblowers by falsely labeling them "delusional," "paranoid" or "psychotic".
20060126             New Frontiers for the Police State:
20060126             1—PROVISION in the "Patriot Act" creates 1—NEW—FEDERAL—POLICE force with power to violate THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS.
20060126             You might think that this cannot be true as you have not read about it in newspapers or heard it discussed by talking heads on TV.
20060126             Censorship at the Border:
20060126             The lawsuit charges that the provision, known as the "ideological exclusion" provision,
20060126             is being used to prevent USA—CITIZENS and residents from hearing speech that is protected by the 1. Amendment.
20060126             Katrina vanden Heuvel : Saving Our Democracy:
20060126             —ON 1—GLORIOUS—SATURDAY in NEW—YORK, 1 spirited crowd of close to 800—PEOPLE gathered inside the cavernous,
20060126             subterranean Great Hall at NEW—YORK—COOPER—UNION to hear REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—CONYERS and 12—OTHER eloquent speakers--address the gravest issue of our time: How do we save our imperiled democracy?
20060126             Isikoff Confirms Abramoff Shopped Bush Photos:
20060126             Appearing on MISS—NBC, NEWSWEEK correspondent MICHAEL—ISIKOFF reported that it was indeed Abramoff who floated the photographs to Washingtonian.
20060126             Newspaper loses Galloway libel appeal:
20060126             If the newspaper had won the case at THE—COURT—OF—APPEAL, the Respect MP would have faced 1—LEGAL—BILL estimated at —AROUND £2—MILLION and bankruptcy.
20060126             UK—SOLDIERS take MoD to court over 'medical negligence':
20060126             —SUFFERED, The mental scars, by those who have experienced the horrors of THE—IRAQ conflict have been exposed in 1—SERIES—OF—MEDICAL—STUDIES + legal actions.
20060126             Pentagon Planning Document Leaves IRAQ OUT—OF—EQUATION:
20060126             A 4—YEAR blueprint for the military reflects 1—VIEW that the war is 1—ANOMALY.
20060126             THERE—TALK—OF—ROBOTS and drones, but no force buildup.
20060126             USA invasion responsible deaths of over 250,000 civilians in IRAQ:
20060126             New studies make THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S "liberation" argument for a 'PRE—EMPTIVE' war against IRAQ seem questionable.
20060126             Working class people, especially progressives, must come to understand that our interests are not being served by hitching our political wagons to either THE—DEMOCRAT ic or THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20060126             THE—REPUBLICRATS represent 1—CAPITALIST—SYSTEM that has given rise to class division,
20060126             the unequal DISTRIBUTION—OF—WEALTH, private ownership + 1—SYSTEM—OF—WAGE slavery that does not serve democracy, but plutocracy.
20060126             IRAN—NEW—BOURSE may threaten the dollar:
20060126             1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—EXPERTS believe IRAN—NEW—OIL bourse is more of 1—THREAT to USA—INTERESTS than nuclear missiles.
20060126             BUSH used the questioned tape to justify
20060126             his warrantless WIRETAPPING—OF—USA—CITIZENS:
20060126             "I understand there are SOME—IN—AMERICAN—WHO say, 'Well this can't be true, there aren't still people willing to attack.' All I would ask them to do is listen to the words of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and take him seriously," BUSH said at the National Security Agency.
20060126             —JUST who, exactly, said such 1—THING? Surely NO—1 on the left.
20060126             We've been busy castigating BUSH for ignoring OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20060126             What the world must continue to take seriously is not 1 threatened strike by "Osama," but the violent desperation of 1—STUMBLING—NEW—WORLD—ORDER (the ultimate creator of "Osama," and the paymasters of "AL—QAEDA" and "Islamic terrorism") + 1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION that will resort to anything to save itself.
20060126             As it was on THE—MORNING—OF—20010911             , all eyes must remain locked on the guilty parties in WASHINGTON and the openly criminal
20060126             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, with the means, motive and opportunity to wreak havoc.
20060126             As MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY points out in THE—ANGLO—USA—WAR—OF—TERROR: 1—OVERVIEW:
20060126             "1—OF—THE—MAIN—OBJECTIVES—OF—WAR propaganda is to 'fabricate 1—ENEMY.
20060126             As ANTI—WAR sentiment grows and the political legitimacy THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION falters, doubts regarding the existence of this illusive 'outside enemy' must be dispelled.
20060126             "Propaganda purports not only to drown the truth but also to 'kill the evidence' on how this 'outside enemy,' namely OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—AL—QAEDA was fabricated and transformed into 'Enemy Number 1.
20060126             The entire National Security doctrine centers on the existence of an 'outside enemy' which is threatening the Homeland".
20060126             Even if he were real, "Osama," "AL—QAEDA" and the "WAR—ON—TERRORISM" has exclusively served the political purposes of THE—ANGLO—USA—EMPIRE,
20060126             —NEEDED, EVERY—MOMENT that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, 1 fabricated straw enemy.
20060126             The irrefutable fact that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN + AL—QAEDA + all fabricated propaganda featuring their images,
20060126             are CREATIONS—OF—ANGLO—USA—INTELLIGENCE + continue to serve faithfully as intelligence assets.
20060126             The right wing's attempt to label DEMOCRAT s + war opponents as equal to Osama continues.
20060126             —ON the McLaughlin group this weekend, Pat joined the latest chorus being echoed by JOE—SCARBOROUGH and their gang.
20060126             BUCHANAN: John, I take him seriously for this reason.
20060126             —ECLIPSED, What OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is doing, he's been, by Zarqawi + Zawahiri.
20060126             And what he is doing, he is saying with this what Clinton said.
20060126             I am relevant- I am here- I am alive...
20060126             If anyone believes that this is SOME—DUBIOUS—CONNECTION then you are sadly mistaken.
20060126             I will continue to monitor this "meme" the Rovian REPUBLICAN s are hoping becomes buried in THE—SUBCONSCIOUS—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20060126             Let me know —WHEN you hear other talking heads making these statements.
20060126             (We all know FOX will do it so I'm not really counting them.)
20060126             Glenn says: " This statement is factually false + Rove has to know that it's false.
20060126             NOBODY—OF—ANY—NOTE — let alone "SOME—IMPORTANT—DEMOCRAT s"-disagree that it's "in our national security interest to know" who AL—QAEDA is calling and why.
20060126             Nobody opposes eavesdropping on AL—QAEDA + Rove knows that.
20060126             And yet, here he is, claiming, falsely, that THE—NSA scandal is based on 1—DISAGREEMENT about whether the Government should be eavesdropping on AL—QAEDA,
20060126             even though no such disagreement on
20060126             In blatant DEFIANCE—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION—GUARANTEES of Habeas Corpus + SEPARATION—OF—POWERS,
20060126             5—DEMOCRAT s joined all but 4—REPUBLICAN Senators in giving THE—PRESIDENT unfettered power to hold prisoners at Guantánamo BAY—CUBA,
20060126             for the rest of their lives, with no criminal charges + no right to challenge their confinement by Habeas Corpus....
20060126             2—POSSIBILITIES: 1.
20060126             THE—BUSH—CULT, against all evidence, believes that torture is 1—VALUABLE—METHOD for gaining actionable intelligence.
20060126             2.
20060126             —CRAFTED, The torture is 1—CLEVERLY, policy designed to destabilize the fledgling IRAQ—GOVERNMENT (creating more enemies to fight),
20060126             prolong the war (increasing profits for the corporate/military/industrial complex) + fuel the perpetual "our god is bigger than your god" quest for hegemony in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20060126             Take your pick.
20060126             THE—RENDON—GROUP personally set up THE—IRAQ—NATIONAL—CONGRESS and helped install AHMAD—CHALABI as leader,
20060126             whose main goal — "pressure THE—USA to attack IRAQ and overthrow Saddam Hussein" — Rendon helped facilitate.
20060126             PENTAGON documents show that Rendon has the highest LEVEL—OF—GOVERNMENT clearance (above Top Secret),
20060126             which helped it with its INC work — "1—WORLDWIDE—MEDIA blitz designed to turn Hussein...into the greatest threat to world peace".
20060126             —WHILE THE—WHITE—HOUSE continues to insist it did not manipulate intelligence —BEFORE THE—IRAQ war, it sure seems that it hired JOHN—RENDON and his group to do —JUST that.
20060126             It's 1—WRAP. They got the brass ring.
20060126             Whether or not the administration crumbles under it's perverse criminality,
20060126             THE—USA is never going to pull out of IRAQ.
20060126             Yes, SOME—TROOPS will come home.
20060126             But if you think ANY—ADMINISTRATION -- even 1—DEMOCRAT ic 1 -- is going to voluntarily extract itself from the 2. largest SOURCE—OF—OIL on the planet, I've got 1—COPY—OF—THE—CARTER—DOCTRINE
20060126             1—OF—THE—MOST penetrating analyses of the underlying MOTIVES—OF—THE—BUSH Cult I have yet to see.
20060126             —FROM caribmon's post
20060126             The recent revelations about the virulent SPREAD—OF—DEATH squads ravaging IRAQ have only confirmed for MANY—PEOPLE the lethal INCOMPETENCE—OF—THE—BUSH Regime,
20060126             whose brutal bungling appears to have unleashed THE—DEMON—OF—SECTARIAN strife in the conquered land.
20060126             The general reaction, even among SOME—WAR supporters, has been bitter derision:
20060126             "Jeez, these bozos couldn't boil 1—EGG without causing collateral damage".
20060126             But what if the truth is even more sinister?
20060126             What if this murderous chaos is not the fruit of rank incompetence but instead the desired product of carefully crafted,
20060126             efficiently managed WHITE—HOUSE policy?
20060126             As TED—LOPATKIEWICZ, DIRECTOR—OF—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS at the National Transportation Safety Agency which has the job of analyzing the boxes' data,
20060126             says, "It's very unusual not to find 1—RECORDER —AFTER 1—CRASH, although it's also very unusual to have jets flying into buildings".
20060126             —NOW there is stronger evidence that something is amiss than simply the alleged NON—RECOVERY of all 4—OF—THOSE boxes.
20060126             1—SOURCE at the National Transportation Safety BOARD, the agency that has the task of deciphering the date from the black boxes retrieved from crash SITES—INCLUDING those that are being handled as crimes and fall under the jurisdiction of THE—FBI—SAYS the boxes were in fact recovered and were analyzed by THE—NTSB.
20060126             "Off the record, we had the boxes," the source says.
20060126             "You'd have to get the official word from THE—FBI as to where they are, but we worked on them here".
20060126             —CONFINED, Having been, to 1—OF—THOSE "free speech" pens at several demonstrations,
20060126             this "little noticed" provision of the Patriot Act takes dissent even further and effectively criminalizes it.
20060126             The word fascism gets thrown about 1—LOT these days, but this is THE—DEFINITION—OF—FASCISM, in bold, all caps, in red, underlined + surrounded by hideous blinking html tags.
20060126             Why is it that EVERY—MESSAGE from the man works to confirm BUSH—TALKING points, I wonder?
20060126             For instance: The war against AMERICA and its allies will not be confined to IRAQ.
20060126             —TALENTED, IRAQ has become 1—MAGNET for attracting and training, fighters.
20060126             What "OBL" is saying is that AL—QAEDA is the major enemy fighting THE—USA in IRAQ.
20060126             —WHILE it is true that there are elements of AL—QAEDA in IRAQ, the purported statement subtly refutes the fact that MOST—OF—THE—FIGHTERS in IRAQ are insurgents fighting the occupation of their country.
20060126             Why Won't THE—MEDIA—TOUCH—THIS—BOOK?
20060126             "Bush /Cheney stole their RE—ELECTION
20060126             Press release for MARK—CRISPIN—MILLER—NEW—BOOK Fooled Again.
20060126             CLUMSINESS—OF—NEW "Osama" propaganda: sign of increasing BUSH—ADMINISTRATION desperation This latest production may be the clumsiest and most transparent fakery of them all.
20060126             —TODAY, with THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION cornered and bleeding from scandals,
20060126             in need of 1—DISTRACTION and cover for 1—ATROCITY in PAKISTAN, more justification for 1—FUTURE—CONQUEST—OF—IRAN + facing Peak Oil and GAS—RELATED collapse,
20060126             it is 1—FINE—TIME for another wag, another attempt at the same old trick.
20060126             But it is 1—TRICK that is losing its power.
20060126             PALÄSTINENSER—WAHLEN: KOPF—AN—KOPF—RENNEN zwischen Fatah und Hamas
20060126             QinetiQ, the government's defence + security technology business, will come to the stock market next —MONTH with 1—VALUE of up to £1.33bn.
20060126             Time Abramoff and Bush. Wolfie at the Door
20060126             —PRINTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES has, 1—GOOD, if woefully incomplete, story on the massive, DEATH—DEALING CORRUPTION—OF—BUSH—CRONY conquistadors in IRAQ (
20060126             Audit Describes MISUSE—OF—FUNDS in IRAQ Projects ).
20060126             ANALYSIS—REAL—INTERNATIONAL—TERRORISM: How and why the West supports terrorism
20060126             SEUCHEN—PROGNOSE: Forscher finden das Gesetz des Reisens
20060126             Saddam to sue Bush and Blair : Defence lawyers for Saddam Hussein —WEDNESDAY distributed copies of 1—LAWSUIT against PRESIDENT—BUSH and PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR for destroying IRAQ.
20060126             TEHRAN claims BRITAIN behind bombings in AHVAZ: IRAN directly accused BRITAIN of of equipping + directing those behind 1—TWIN bomb attack in the oil CITY—OF—AHVAZ that killed 8—PEOPLE and wounded dozens more.
20060126             —EMERGED, UK—MURKY role in CYPRUS crisis: Evidence has, that UK—UNDERCOVER forces were involved in fomenting the conflict between Greek and TURKEY—CYPRIOTS —10—YEARS—BEFORE 19740000             —THE partition of CYPRUS.
20060126             Spy With 1—HEART—OF—GOLD? : Was 1—USA—SPY for ISRAEL trying to "help" his country?
20060126             Sometimes, you —JUST got to laugh:
20060126             USA—DIPLOMAT: Chávez is meddling in other countries' affairs:
20060126             Cindy Sheehan Writes from VENEZUELA : There were TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in the antiwar, ANTI—IMPERIALSM march in CARACAS —YESTERDAY.
20060126             Sizing Up HUGO—CHÁVEZ : The poor, who have been the maids, gardeners and delivery boys, but never THE—FELLOW—CITIZENS of the privileged, —NOW feel the country belongs to them.
20060126             ARGENTINA gives residency to 1—MILLION foreigners : The immigrants from BOLIVIA, PERÚ—ECUADOR, COLOMBIA, VENEZUELA, CHILE, BRAZIL, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY will thus be able to legally work in and travel freely into and OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20060126             If the Senate accepts PRESIDENT—BUSH—NOMINATION—OF—JUDGE—SAMUEL—ALITO to THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, our nation will undergo profound legal changes, resulting in its transformation from 1—DEMOCRAT ic republic to 1—CORPORATIST dictatorship
20060126             Pentagon and CIA refer DETAINEE—ABUSE cases to DOJ : 20—CASES—OF—DETAINEE abuse allegations against CIA and Defence Department employees have been referred to the Justice Department for possible prosecution, 1—SENIOR—USA—OFFICIAL said in 1—LETTER released on —TUESDAY.
20060126             New Frontiers for the Police State: 1—PROVISION in the "Patriot Act" creates 1—NEW—FEDERAL—POLICE force with power to violate THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS.
20060126             —FILED, Censorship at the Border : THE—ACLU has, 1—LAWSUIT challenging 1—PROVISION of the Patriot Act that is being used to deny visas to foreign scholars whose political views the government disfavors.
20060126             The lawsuit charges that the provision, known as the "ideological exclusion" provision, is being used to prevent USA—CITIZENS and residents from hearing speech that is protected by the 1. Amendment.
20060126             Katrina vanden Heuvel : Saving Our Democracy : On 1—GLORIOUS—SATURDAY in NEW—YORK, 1 spirited crowd of close to 800—PEOPLE gathered inside the cavernous, subterranean Great Hall at NEW—YORK—COOPER—UNION to hear REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—CONYERS and 12—OTHER eloquent speakers--address the gravest issue of our time: How do we save our imperiled democracy?
20060126             Isikoff Confirms Abramoff Shopped Bush Photos : Appearing on MISS—NBC, NEWSWEEK correspondent MICHAEL—ISIKOFF reported that it was indeed Abramoff who floated the photographs to Washingtonian.
20060126             Newspaper loses Galloway libel appeal : If the newspaper had won the case at THE—COURT—OF—APPEAL, the Respect MP would have faced 1—LEGAL—BILL estimated at —AROUND £2—MILLION and bankruptcy.
20060126             UK—SOLDIERS take MoD to court over 'medical negligence' : The mental scars suffered by those who have experienced the horrors of THE—IRAQ conflict have been exposed in 1—SERIES—OF—MEDICAL—STUDIES + legal actions.
20060126             Pentagon Planning Document Leaves IRAQ OUT—OF—EQUATION : A 4—YEAR blueprint for the military reflects 1—VIEW that the war is 1—ANOMALY.
20060126             USA—INVASION responsible deaths of over 250,000 civilians in IRAQ : New studies make THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S "liberation" argument for a 'PRE—EMPTIVE' war against IRAQ seem questionable.
20060126             Unhitching our WAGONS—NEW Blood, New Visions + a New Political Party
20060126             THE—REPUBLICRATS represent 1—CAPITALIST—SYSTEM that has given rise to class division, the unequal DISTRIBUTION—OF—WEALTH, private ownership + 1—SYSTEM—OF—WAGE slavery that does not serve democracy, but plutocracy.
20060126             Bush used the questioned tape to justify his warrantless WIRETAPPING—OF—USA—CITIZENS:
20060126             openly criminal BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, with the means, motive and opportunity to wreak havoc.
20060126             As MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY points out in
20060126             THE—ANGLO—USA—WAR—OF—TERROR: 1—OVERVIEW :
20060126             "1—OF—THE—MAIN—OBJECTIVES—OF—WAR propaganda is to 'fabricate 1—ENEMY.' As ANTI—WAR sentiment grows and the political legitimacy THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION falters, doubts regarding the existence of this illusive 'outside enemy' must be dispelled.
20060126             "Propaganda purports not only to drown the truth but also to 'kill the evidence' on how this 'outside enemy,' namely OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—AL—QAEDA was fabricated and transformed into 'Enemy Number 1.' The entire National Security doctrine centers on the existence of an 'outside enemy' which is threatening the Homeland".
20060126             Even if he were real, "Osama," "AL—QAEDA" and the "WAR—ON—TERRORISM" has exclusively served the political purposes of THE—ANGLO—USA—EMPIRE, EVERY—MOMENT that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has needed 1 fabricated straw enemy.
20060126             The irrefutable fact that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN + AL—QAEDA + all fabricated propaganda featuring their images, are CREATIONS—OF—ANGLO—USA—INTELLIGENCE + continue to serve faithfully as intelligence assets.
20060126             VIDEO—WMP VIDEO—QT - BUCHANAN: John, I take him seriously for this reason.
20060126             (We all know FOX will do it so I'm not really counting them.) - (Time) Abramoff and Bush.
20060126             Glenn says: " This statement is factually false + Rove has to know that it's false. NOBODY—OF—ANY—NOTE — let alone "SOME—IMPORTANT—DEMOCRAT s"-disagree that it's "in our national security interest to know" who AL—QAEDA is calling and why.
20060126             And yet, here he is, claiming, falsely, that THE—NSA scandal is based on 1—DISAGREEMENT about whether the Government should be eavesdropping on AL—QAEDA, even though no such disagreement on
20060126             The administration and its allies aren't aware that USA—SPONSORED torture is turning the entire Arab and Islamic world into 1—TERRORIST breeding ground.
20060126             —CRAFTED, The torture is 1—CLEVERLY, policy designed to destabilize the fledgling IRAQ—GOVERNMENT (creating more enemies to fight), prolong the war (increasing profits for the corporate/military/industrial complex) + fuel the perpetual "our god is bigger than your god" quest for hegemony in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20060126             THE—RENDON—GROUP personally set up THE—IRAQ—NATIONAL—CONGRESS and helped install AHMAD—CHALABI as leader, whose main goal — "pressure THE—USA to attack IRAQ and overthrow Saddam Hussein" — Rendon helped facilitate.
20060126             Pentagon documents show that Rendon has the highest LEVEL—OF—GOVERNMENT clearance (above Top Secret), which helped it with its INC work — "1—WORLDWIDE—MEDIA blitz designed to turn Hussein...into the greatest threat to world peace".
20060126             Whether or not the administration crumbles under it's perverse criminality, THE—USA is never going to pull out of IRAQ.
20060126             CARTER—DOCTRINE I'd like you to read.
20060126             —FROM—CARIBMON—POST at Dailykos:
20060126             The recent revelations about the virulent SPREAD—OF—DEATH squads ravaging IRAQ have only confirmed for MANY—PEOPLE the lethal INCOMPETENCE—OF—THE—BUSH Regime, whose brutal bungling appears to have unleashed THE—DEMON—OF—SECTARIAN strife in the conquered land.
20060126             The general reaction, even among SOME—WAR supporters, has been bitter derision: "Jeez, these bozos couldn't boil 1—EGG without causing collateral damage".
20060126             What if this murderous chaos is not the fruit of rank incompetence but instead the desired product of carefully crafted, efficiently managed WHITE—HOUSE policy?
20060126             As TED—LOPATKIEWICZ, DIRECTOR—OF—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS at the National Transportation Safety Agency which has the job of analyzing the boxes' data, says, "It's very unusual not to find 1—RECORDER —AFTER 1—CRASH, although it's also very unusual to have jets flying into buildings".
20060126             More at link.
20060126             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—PAN at - This is 1 must read.
20060126             I will say that again. This is 1 must read.
20060126             —CONFINED, Having been, to 1—OF—THOSE "free speech" pens at several demonstrations, this "little noticed" provision of the Patriot Act takes dissent even further and effectively criminalizes it.
20060126             CLUMSINESS—OF—NEW "Osama" propaganda: sign of increasing BUSH—ADMINISTRATION desperation
20060126             This latest production may be the clumsiest and most transparent fakery of them all.
20060126             —CORNERED, —TODAY, with THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, and bleeding from scandals, in need of 1—DISTRACTION and cover for 1—ATROCITY in PAKISTAN, more justification for 1—FUTURE—CONQUEST—OF—IRAN + facing Peak Oil and GAS—RELATED collapse, it is 1—FINE—TIME for another wag, another attempt at the same old trick.
20060126             PALÄSTINENSER—WAHLEN: KOPF—AN—KOPF—RENNEN zwischen Fatah und Hamas - report on OXFORD Union 911—MEETING
20060126             Deseret —MORNING News reports on upcoming paper by Professor Jones:
20060126             Deseret —MORNING News, 20051110              - Yahoo News — Politics
20060126             —HIRED, AP—THE—STATE—OF—TEXAS, 1—FIRM with close ties to lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF —AFTER rejecting competing bids that met more of its selection criteria and cost less, 1—NEWSPAPER reported —WEDNESDAY.
20060126             Abramoff Prosecutor Among Bush Nominees (AP )
20060126             USA—AMBASSADOR—TO—PERU JAMES—CURTIS—STRUBLE—WEDNESDAY said VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHÁVEZ "is meddling 1—LOT in other countries' affairs".
20060126             Drohgebärde: EX—VERTEIDIGUNG—SMINISTER Scholz fordert deutsche ATOM—WAFFEN
20060126             Deseret —MORNING News, 20051110
20060126             Vor allem seltene Metalle wie etwa Platin könnten —SCHON bald knapp werden.
20060126—20010911    —SINCE, the world has changed dramatically due to THE—CLIMATE—OF—TREPIDATION instilled in Western society and the excessive USE—OF—MILITARY—FORCE, which has not been as overt —SINCE the Cold War era.
20060126—20040000    —IN, "Bush /Cheney stole their RE—ELECTION. They stole it not —JUST in OHIO, but all —THROUGHOUT THE—USA, from coast to coast".
20060126—20060926    —ON, 1—CHELYABINSK military COURT—FOUND—JUNIOR—SERGEANT—ALEXANDER—SIVYAKOV—GUILTY—OF—ABUSE—OF—POWER that led to severe bodily harm, and sentenced him to 4—YEARS in prison.
20060126—20100000    —BIS, Planetenfund: Forscher wollen fremdes Leben finden
20060127             Democrat support for Alito likely dooms Kerry filibuster threat : SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—SAMUEL—ALITO—CONFIRMATION seemed all but certain 20060126             , as 2—MORE—DEMOCRAT s announced their support for him, apparently giving Republican s THE—60—VOTES required to overcome 1—FILIBUSTER attempt supported by SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY.
20060129             1—EMAIL from IAN—HENSHALL: 20060126              report on OXFORD Union 911—MEETING
20060513             Newswatch 50— 20060126
20061210—20061217    Take THE—RED—PILL:
20070100—20070126    —ON, he declared that ANY—IRAQ resolution opposing BUSH—ESCALATION plan "
20070126             —AUTHORIZED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE said PRESIDENT—BUSH had, USA—FORCES in IRAQ to take whatever actions were necessary to counter IRAN—AGENTS deemed 1—THREAT to USA—TROOPS or the public at large.
20070126             Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES told 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE that 1—CONGRESSIONAL resolution opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—TROOP buildup in IRAQ undercut USA—COMMANDERS and emboldened the enemy.
20070126             —ISSUED, THE—USA, 1—FORMAL—RULE banning exports of luxury items to NORTH—KOREA, including jet skis, I—PODS, jewelry and fancy cars, in 1—EFFORT to put pressure on the communist leadership in PYONGYANG.
20070126             —PASSED, THE—MAINE Legislature overwhelmingly, 1—RESOLUTION objecting to the Real ID Act of 20050000           .
20070126             The federal law sets 1—NATIONAL—STANDARD for driver's licenses and requires states to link their RECORD—KEEPING systems to national databases.
20070126             Intel said it will begin using 1—NEW—MATERIAL on its next GENERATION—OF—CHIPS making them more energy efficient.
20070126             —ANNOUNCED, IBM also, changes in its CHIP—MAKING processes.
20070126             —REPORTED, It was, that DOCTOR—ROBERT—BOHANNON, 1—DURHAM, NORTH—CAROLINA, molecular scientist, has come up with 1—WAY to add caffeine to baked goods, without the bitter taste of caffeine.
20070126             EACH—PIECE of pastry is the equivalent of about 2—CUPS—OF—COFFEE.
20070126             —REPORTED, Scientists, that damage to 1—AREA—OF—THE—BRAIN was found to curb 1—SMOKER—URGE to smoke.
20070126             1—USA—NAVY helicopter crashed —DURING 1—TRAINING mission in the ocean about 50—MILES off THE—SOUTH—EAST—COAST—OF—CALIFORNIA.
20070126             1—SAILOR was reported dead and 3—MISSING.
20070126             —GUNNED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—ASSAILANT, down lawmaker Maulavi MOHAMMED—ISLAM—MOHAMMADI.
20070126             He was THE—TALIBAN—GOVERNOR—OF—BAMIYAN province and had overseen the destruction of 2—BUDDHA statues carved into 1—CLIFF under THE—FORMER—TALIBAN regime.
20070126             1—SUICIDE bomber blew himself up outside the offices of 1—AID group in THE—CAPITAL—OF—HELMAND province, Lashkar Gah.
20070126             1—POLICEMAN and 2—CIVILIANS were wounded.
20070126             The last Islamic militant group still fighting in THE—16—YEAR—OLD—CIVIL—WAR against ALGERIA—GOVERNMENT said in 1—INTERNET statement —POSTED that it had changed its name to highlight its allegiance to THE—AL—QAEDA network.
20070126             THE—SALAFIST—GROUP for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) said that it was changing its name to THE—AL—QAEDA Organization in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) on THE—ORDERS—OF—AL—QAEDA leader OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20070126             —AUTHORIZED, ARGENTINA, officials to reveal state secrets if called to testify in human rights trials, 1—MOVE intended to speed up prosecution of atrocities committed —DURING the country's 19760000—19830000     military dictatorship.
20070126             —REPORTED, British and USA—TELEVISION stations, that UK—POLICE have concluded that 1—FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY was poisoned by 1—LETHAL dose of radioactive Polonium-210 added to his tea at 1—LONDON hotel.
20070126             —RESIGNED, ANDY—COULSON, as EDITOR—OF—THE—NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD over 1—PHONE hacking affair.
20070126             Clive Goodman, the royal correspondent for THE—NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD tabloid, was arrested along with private investigator GLENN—MULCAIRE for intercepting the voicemail MESSAGES—OF—BRITAIN—ROYAL—FAMILY.
20070126             —APOLOGIZED, CANADA, to software engineer Maher Arar, who was deported to Syria by USA—AGENTS —AFTER CANADA—POLICE mistakenly labeled him 1—ISLAMIC—EXTREMIST, and paid him C$10.5—MILLION ($8.9—MILLION) in compensation.
20070126             —DETAINED, CHINA—STATE media said police in NORTH—CHINA have, 3—MEN for the deaths of 2—WOMEN —LAST—YEAR whose corpses were sold as "ghost brides" to accompany dead men in the afterlife.
20070126             —CALLED, The ghost bride tradition, "minghun" or afterlife marriage, is common in the Loess Plateau REGION—OF—NORTH—CHINA.
20070126             GERMANY, PETER—HARTZ, Volkswagen human resources executive, was fined $750,000 and given a 2-year suspended sentence —AFTER he pleaded guilty to funding 1—ACCOUNT that provided special travel perks for employees.
20070126             —RIOTED, Inmates, at 1—PRISON on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—GUATEMALA—CITY, leaving at least 1—PERSON dead —BEFORE 3,000 riot police and soldiers stormed the penitentiary.
20070126             —COLLAPSED, WEST—INDIA, a 4—STORY boarding school, killing at least 11—GIRLS and injuring 14. The school in Tichakpura, 1—VILLAGE in Gujarat, served tribespeople in the area.
20070126             1—IRAN—OPPOSITION group based in FRANCE claimed IRAN has THOUSANDS—OF—PAID operatives working in neighboring IRAQ.
20070126             USA—HOUSE Speaker NANCY Pelosi and REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—MURTHA, both vocal war critics, were in THE—IRAQ—CAPITAL—AT—THE—HEAD—OF—1—DELEGATION—OF—HOUSE members on 1—FACT—FINDING mission.
20070126             1—BOMB hidden in 1—BOX holding pigeons tore through 1 crowded pet and livestock market in BAGHDAD, killed 15—PEOPLE and wounded dozens.
20070126             38—BULLET—RIDDLED bodies were found in BAGHDAD.
20070126             1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN'S ousted Baath Party and 1—INTERPRETER who works for THE—USA—MILITARY were killed in 2—SEPARATE—DRIVE—BY shootings in Kut.
20070126             THE—BODY—OF—1—WELL—KNOWN—SHIITE boxer was found in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD near the dangerous street where he was kidnapped several days ago.
20070126             † 1—USA—MARINE was killed in fighting in Anbar province.
20070126             —REPORTED, It was, that scientists in JAPAN have developed 1—NEW—TECHNIQUE for detecting explosives such as TNT in landmines or luggage using radio waves.
20070126             —CREATED, The scientists, 1—DEVICE called superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID), which has 1—VERY—SENSITIVE—MAGNETIC—FIELD sensor that detects nitrogen, 1—ELEMENT found in MANY—EXPLOSIVES, including TNT.
20070126             —KILLED, KENYA, 1—REGIONAL—DIRECTOR for the aid agency CARE was.
20070126             6—FEDERAL—POLICE officers involved in PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON—ANTI—DRUG operation were being investigated for extortion —AFTER they were videotaped taking money from 1—DRIVER in the border CITY—OF—TIJUANA.
20070126             —DECLARED, JIM—ANDERTON, NEW—ZEALAND—AGRICULTURE MINISTER, 20070215              "National Lamb —DAY".
20070126             Officials at Davos, Switz., said NIGERIA, AFRICA—LARGEST—OIL producer, —NOW depends 100—PERCENT on imports of petroleum products due to the closure of its 3—REFINERIES and CANALIZATION—OF—PIPELINES.
20070126             —CONVICTED, WILLIAM—JAMES—FULTON, 1—PROTESTANT—EXTREMIST was, on 48—TERROR counts and sentenced to 28—YEARS in prison, —FOLLOWING the longest criminal trial in NORTH—IRELAND—HISTORY.
20070126             The court found him GUILTY—OF—KILLING 1—GRANDMOTHER with 1—PIPE bomb, wounding 4—POLICE officers with 1—GRENADE, possessing firearms used for other killings, smuggling drugs and 1—HOST—OF—OTHER—CRIMES.
20070126             † 1—PAKISTAN—SECURITY guard —WHEN he blocked 1—SUICIDE bomber outside the Marriott Hotel in ISLAMABAD.
20070126             —WOUNDED, At least 7—OTHER—PEOPLE were.
20070126             —STORMED, Hamas gunmen, the home of 1—MILITANT from the rival Fatah movement, sparking 1—DEADLY—GUNBATTLE and capping 1—DAY—OF—FACTIONAL violence across THE—GAZA Strip that killed 16—PEOPLE, including a 2—YEAR—OLD—BOY.
20070126             MARTIN—NGOGA, RWANDA—CHIEF—PROSECUTOR, said RWANDA will release another 8,000 prisoners convicted or awaiting trial over THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN nation's 19940000              genocide, raising fears among SURVIVORS—OF—1—FRESH—ROUND of bloodletting.
20070126             —EXECUTED, SINGAPORE, 2—AFRICANS on drug trafficking charges despite pleas for clemency by NIGERIA—PRESIDENT.
20070126             SOMALIA, 1—SPATE—OF—GUNFIRE and mortar attacks in MOGADISHU killed 5—PEOPLE overnight and injured at least 4—OTHERS.
20070126             SOUTH—AFRICAN—HISTORIAN, DAVID—RATTRAY, 48—JAHRE—ALT was found shot dead at his home in THE—EAST—KWA—ZULU NATAL province.
20070126             Nkwanyana said in COURT—THAT—BANOZI—NDLOVU shot Rattray.
20070126             Darfur rebels said they would refuse peace talks and would fight African Union peacekeepers on the ground if SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—HASSAN—AL—BASHIR became CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—PAN—AFRICAN body.
20070126             —KILLED, In SOUTH—SUDAN gunmen, 1—INDIA—PEACEKEEPER and wounded 2—OTHERS.
20070126             —ANNOUNCED, THE—SWEDEN—GOVERNMENT, 1—AGREEMENT with suborbital SPACE—TOURISM company Virgin Galactic that SWEDEN—OFFICIALS believe will lead to midsummer and MID—WINTER flights of VIRGIN—SPACESHIPTWO vehicle to observe THE—AURORA Borealis from SWEDEN.
20070126             —AMBUSHED, Suspected Muslim separatists, police patrols and torched 1—SCHOOL as PRIME—MINISTER—SURAYUD—CHULANONT returned to SOUTH—THAILAND for a 3. attempt at ending the bloody insurgency.
20070126             —ADOPTED, THE—UN GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, 1—RESOLUTION condemning THE—DENIAL—OF—THE—HOLOCAUST, with only IRAN rejecting it as 1—ATTEMPT by THE—USA—AND—ISRAEL to exploit the atrocity for their political interests.
20070126             Officials said JODY—WILLIAMS, THE—USA—ANTI—LANDMINE campaigner and Nobel Peace Prize winner, will lead 1—TEAM—OF—UNITED—NATIONS investigators to probe killings, rapes, DESTRUCTION—OF—VILLAGES and mass flight in Darfur.
20070126             Die forschungspolitische SPRECHERIN—DER—GRÜNEN, Priska Hinz, kritisierte das Programm als "mageren Entwurf".
20070126             Der Ansatz, stark auf "Technologien zur Lösung von unterschiedlichen Bedrohungslagen" zu setzen, greife zu kurz.
20070126             Stattdessen solle man sich stärker mit den "FRAGEN—DER—URSACHEN" beschäftigen und die Präventionsforschung stärken.
20070126             MANCHE—LÜCKEN sind nicht zu schließen
20070126             Beim Technologiezentrum des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI), das an dem Programm beteiligt ist, heißt es, die Initiative müsse noch mit Inhalten gefüllt werden.
20070126             Durch die Investition in 1—ZUKUNFTSBRANCHE habe die Initiative eine "erhebliche Hebelwirkung", betont das Forschungsministerium.
20070126             In bestimmten Bereichen strebe man 1—TECHNOLOGIEFÜHRERSCHAFT an.
20070126             Mit dem 1. " Programm zur zivilen Sicherheitsforschung
20070126             " will Forschungsministerin Annette Schavan auf "neuentstandene Herausforderungen bei der TERROR—UND Kriminalitätsabwehr" reagieren.
20070126             Das Thema soll auch 1—SCHWERPUNKT der deutschen Ratspräsidentschaft sein.
20070126             —BIS zum —JAHR 20130000              wird die EU 1—MILLIARDE—EURO für die Sicherheitsforschung bereitstellen.
20070126             TECHNIK—OFFENSIVE droht ins Leere zu laufen
20070126             HAMBURG—DAS Geschäft mit der Sicherheit ist 1—RIESENMARKT: Geschätzte 10—MILLIARDEN setzte die Branche allein in Deutschland im vergangenen —JAHR um.
20070126             Nicht eingerechnet sind Policen der Versicherungen wie etwa die der Firma Extremus, die Unternehmen gegen SACH—UND Betriebsunterbrechungsschäden versichert.
20070126             Fachmessen für Sicherheit verzeichnen Rekordbesuche.
20070126             Virus an Bord: Durchfall und Erbrechen auf der "QUEEN"
20070126             —BEKOMMT, Mord an irakischen Gefangenen: USA—SOLDAT, 18—JAHRE Haft
20070126             New Ice Age Theory-
20070126             "Most believe that the ice ages are THE—RESULT—OF—SUBTLE—CHANGES in EARTH—ORBIT, known as the Milankovitch cycles.
20070126             According to 1—SCIENTIST, that is not the case.
20070126             —DEVELOPED, VIRGINIA, has, 1—MODEL which hypothesizes 1—DIMMER switch inside the sun that causes its brightness to rise + fall on timescales of —AROUND 100,000 or 41,000 years,
20070126             exactly the same period as between ice ages on Earth.
20070126             The main problem with Milankovitch cycles is that they can't explain how the ice ages go from 100,000 —YEAR cycle to 41,000 —YEAR cycle.
20070126             —PREDICTED, The cycles, by EHLRICH—MODEL line up with the observations".
20070126             XonTech, INCORPORATED - 911—TRUTH Archive
20070126             XONTECH will be integrated into NORTHROP GRUMMAN—MISSION—SYSTEMS sector headquartered in
20070126             CIA /ISI Involvement & COMPLICITY—COMMON Sense Connections
20070126             911—TRUTH.wetpaint com/page/XONTECH ,+INCORPORATED.
20070126             XONTECH will be integrated into NORTHROP GRUMMAN—MISSION—SYSTEMS sector
20070126             Chomsky, Naom; Chossudovsky, Michel; CIA ;
20070126             Clark, Richard; Clark, Vern E. 911—TRUTH.wetpaint com/page/XONTECH ,+INCORPORATED/diff/1,2
20070126             † Qaed Salim Sinan al Harethi aka ABU—ALI, that was killed by THE—CIA.
20070126             PassengersDoD - Yamnicky is 1—LIFETIME—CIA operative that works for VERIDIAN as 1—AEROSPACE...
20070126             911 exposed org/PassengersDoD.htm
20070126             JEFF—JOB—LINKS - Intelligence/Defense CIA—LOGICON - NSA—XONTECH, Academia * AIP Academic Jobs Updated daily UNIVERSITY—OF—IOWA.
20070126             Search Engines * AMERICA—JOB—BANK.
20070126             —WORKED, JOHN—SAMMARTINO and LEONARD—TAYLOR, at XONTECH (missile defense)...
20070126             He started as 1—COUNTRY analyst in THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ( CIA ) and
20070126             THE—WEBFAIRY -- [CIA—DRUGS] No Arabs on Flight 77: Part II—THE...
20070126             —ENDED, Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) +, his career as the
20070126             another company connected - Propaganda, Torture + THE—CIA -- pt.
20070126             2 - Page 12. - Page 12-Propaganda, Torture + THE—CIA -- pt.
20070126             2—IWDN Social Club.
20070126             Global NETWORK—SPACE Alert Newsletter #13
20070126             Scarcely 1—YEAR —LATER, CIA analysts were saying something entirely different.
20070126             representatives from THE—PENTAGON and aerospace contractor, XONTECH...
20070126             USA—AIRLINES, AA Flight 77, ;;09;;. - 11, 20010000             , Pentagon
20070126             LEONARD—TAYLOR, 44, RESTON—VIRGINIA, technical group manager, XONTECH INCORPORATED.
20070126             THE—FBI or SECRET—SERVICE if not THE—CIA or law enforcement have been hidden and...
20070126             Cam Engine Blog...
20070126             44, RESTON—VIRGINIA, technical group manager, XONTECH INCORPORATED SANDRA TEAGUE, 31... Have we used THE—CIA to kill 1—PRESIDENT?
20070126             —PROTECTED, Have we, terrorists in...
20070126             THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ( CIA ) + ended his career as the senior
20070126             but it list a "who's who" of high level connections to THE—CIA, DARPA... JOHN—SAMMARTINO and LEONARD—TAYLOR worked at XONTECH (missile defense)...
20070126             GLOBALFREEPRESS—DEP.
20070126             INN—NEWS - Curtis might know, that MANY—BLOGGERS call this phantom group AL—CIA -duh.
20070126             XONTECH, 1—FIRM specializing in sensor technologies for defense + industry...
20070126             Fantastic FORUM—BRING All Your Best 20010911              Evidence Here
20070126             —RELEASED, THE—CIA has already, 1 estimated 1.25—MILLION PAGES—OF—DOCUMENTS about
20070126             portland imc - 20030000             .12.03 - WTC1 20010911              plane had BRIGHT FLASH...
20070126             1 is 1—LIFETIME—CIA operative who works for VERIDIAN as 1—AEROSPACE engineer... JOHN—SAMMARTINO, 37, 1—ENGINEER at XONTECH INCORPORATED in Rosslyn...
20070126             Progressive INDEPENDENT—VIEWING message
20070126             He was 1—TECHNICAL—MANAGER for XONTECH (ARLINGTON ), 1—DEFENSE contractor and
20070126             —ENMESHED, Fisher, Potomac Md, Worked at THE—PENTAGON for CIA, Booze +...
20070126             StarBoyz Forums - 911...
20070126             44, RESTON—VIRGINIA, technical group manager, XONTECH INCORPORATED.
20070126             CIA agents bankers and more are all blowing the whistle on 911 at ground 0!
20070126             Svart ;;09;; - på vei mot oppklaring?
20070126             Disse ender opp med å fordømme BUSH—REGJERINGEN og CIA og militære menn...
20070126             Videre: JOHN—SAMMARTINO og LEONARD—TAYLOR arbeidet med rakettforsvar i XONTECH...
20070126             Truth Diamond: Interesting PASSANGERS—OF—FLIGHT 77
20070126             I know what happened to flight 77 - OLDIE BUT GOODIE LINK
20070126             1 is 1—LIFETIME—CIA operative who works for VERIDIAN as 1—AEROSPACE engineer... at XONTECH, 1—RESEARCH and development firm involved in defense issues.
20070126             TECHEXPO client list... - CHUBB GROUP—OF—INSURANCE—COMPANIES; CI Software; CIA—RECRUITMENT Center
20070126             NORTHROP GRUMMAN Mission Systems, MDD XONTECH ;
20070126             NORTHROP GRUMMAN Ship... - Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77
20070126             in THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ( CIA ) and ended his career as the
20070126             Sierra TIMES No Arabs on Flight 77: Part II—THE Passengers Wed... - Companies coming to USC for recruitment
20070126             CIA Chevron Products Company Cisco Systems CITY—OF—LOS—ANGELES, Engineering...
20070126             URS Corporation Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation Wind River Systems XONTECH...
20070126             Conspiracy Central :: View TOPIC—FLT. 77—PASSENGER list
20070126             JOHN—SAMMARTINO, Technical Manager of XONTECH INCORPORATED TODD—REUBEN, WASHINGTON DC attorney.
20070126             Did THE—CIA go snag her up and take here to saftey?
20070126             11—SETTEMBRE: non c'erano arabi sull'aereo 77...
20070126             tutti dai servizi segreti: da RICHARD—KERR ex vicedirettore della CIA... anch'essi a bordo del tragico volo, lavoravano per la XONTECH, un'altra...
20070126             ABLE DANGER CIA (20060000              /20010911              - 46:JOHN—SAMMARTINO—XONTECH
20070126             Webmaster forums, message BOARD, Website help, Website reviews... - Not Jews, not THE—CIA.
20070126             —DECLARED, It is Muslim terrorists that have, WAR—ON—USA.
20070126             —APPOINTED, THE—CIA, bush senior, afgan man didn't do the deeds he was said to have...
20070126             Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77 - Page 11 - What Pisses You Off...
20070126             list a "who's who" of high level connections to THE—CIA, DARPA + NSA.
20070126             Cannabis Culture Forums: Re: MISTER—HAND
20070126             Key player CIA asset! davidmalmolevine, Sun 20060820             —0812—PM
20070126             Cannabis Culture Forums: 20010911              ON TRIAL
20070126             —GUIDED, SOME—SAY actual terrorists, and paid for by THE—CIA.
20070126             Nonsai il portale della disinformazione...
20070126             paiono provenire tutti dai servizi segreti: da RICHARD—KERR ex vicedirettore della CIA... lavoravano per la XONTECH, un'altra compagnia missilistica...
20070126             WHERE IN THE—WORLD IS BARBRA OLSON? (Updated)
20070126             —CORDONED, THE—PENTAGON was so tightly, by THE—FBI CIA FEMA ETC that NO 1 could
20070126             at XONTECH, 1—RESEARCH and development firm involved in defense issues.
20070126             CIA officer is 1. USA combat casualty - 20011129
20070126             Partial LISTS—OF—TERROR VICTIMS—CBS News
20070126             LEONARD—TAYLOR, 44, RESTON—VIRGINIA, technical group manager, XONTECH INCORPORATED... Armitage On CIA Leak: 'I—SCREWED—UP' • CBS TV News Affiliates...
20070126             vs Pentagon attack. fake? [Archive] - SOT Syndicate
20070126             passengers... - but it list a "who's who" of high level connections to THE—CIA ,
20070126             Geschichte - Der Ruf des Mossad ist in den vergangenen Jahren jedoch durch Pannen und...
20070126             Der Agent Pollard hatte —BIS zu seiner Enttarnung jahrelang bei der USA—MARINE...
20070126             ALLIANZ—GESCHICHTE.
20070126             An einem 13., nämlich am - ALLIANZ—GESCHICHTE—DER—ALLIANZ
20070126             Das Firmenhistorische Archiv bietet im "Haus der ALLIANZ Geschichte " Raum für unternehmensgeschichtliche Arbeit, Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen.
20070126             Für den früheren CLINTON—BERATER ist die transatlantische ALLIANZ Geschichte :
20070126             "Die Welt ist im Ausnahmezustand, aber das ist irrelevant.
20070126             This —DAY in History - Chairman Conyers Puts Bush ABUSE—OF—POWER "On the Table"
20070126             Death and Dishonor: BUSH—NEW—ASSASSINATION—ORDER - WHO—HELPING the Terrorists?
20070126             —AUTHORIZED, Excerpts: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, THE—USA—MILITARY to kill or capture IRAN—OPERATIVES inside IRAQ as PART—OF—1—AGGRESSIVE—NEW—STRATEGY to weaken TEHRAN—INFLUENCE across THE—MIDDLE—EAST and compel it to give up its nuclear program,
20070126             according to government and counterterrorism officials with direct KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—EFFORT...
20070126             3—OFFICIALS said that about 150—IRAN—INTELLIGENCE officers, plus MEMBERS—OF—IRAN'S—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD—COMMAND,
20070126             are believed to be active inside IRAQ at ANY—GIVEN time.
20070126             —ATTACKED, There is no evidence the Iranians have directly, USA troops in IRAQ,
20070126             intelligence officials said...The new "kill or capture" program was authorized by PRESIDENT—BUSH in 1—MEETING of his most senior advisers last fall.
20070126             The real story here is the story behind the story.
20070126             —AFTER all, GEORGE—W—BUSH has already authorized his agents to kill USA—CITIZENS--
20070126             without arrest, charge, trial, or even ANY—WARNING -- if the victim has been designated -- arbitrarily, at the whim of the "Leader,
20070126             " outside ANY—JUDICIAL—PROCESS or oversight -- as an "enemy combatant". This "authority," claimed by BUSH
20070126             Für die Wissenschaft ist die Flussmündung hochinteressant: Da sie jenseits des nördlichen Polarkreises liegt,
20070126             ist sie etwa 7—MONATE im —JAHR gefroren. Auf diesem Bild vom 1
20070126             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Könnte sich das Geschäft wegen der hohen Rohstoffpreise —JETZT auch hier wieder rentieren?
20070126             Da setzt —JETZT natürlich 1—RUN auf Rohstoffvorkommen ein... - SPIEGEL—ONLINE:
20070126             —VERURTEILT, Vollversammlung: UNO—RESOLUTION, Leugnung des Holocaust
20070126             Dreckschleuder Toner: Drucker pusten Feinstaub in Büros
20070126             Höhere Dieselsteuer: EU geht gegen Tanktourismus vor
20070126             Mikrofonfund im BUNDESTAG: Kein Lauschangriff auf Neskovic
20070126             TERROR—VERDACHT: Kurnaz wurde noch im —HERBST 20060000              überwacht
20070126             ISRAEL: Olmert will Peres als KATSAV—NACHFOLGER
20070126             Kupferfund in der Lausitz: "In Deutschland haben wir nichts Vergleichbares"
20070126             Windows Vista: Konkurrenten erheben Vorwürfe gegen Microsoft
20070126             Poker um Affäre Kurnaz: Steinmeier spielt den TÜRKEN—TRUMPF
20070126             All THE—SUPPORT—YOU—CAN—HANDLE—THE—ORDER—OF—THE—SKULLS and Bones Exposed.
20070126             WILLIAM—COLBY might as well as been the only 1—WHO...
20070126             —ON that transcript we find Nixon discussing THE—ROLE—OF—GEORGE—BUSH 's...
20070126             HENRY—KISSINGER + CIA Director WILLIAM—COLBY to finance terrorism in ANGOLA
20070126             frenzied attacks on OLIVER—STONE—MOVIE " JFK ", which reexamines the...
20070126             stopthem : Messages : 191—220—OF 1188
20070126             —JAZZED, The conspiracy theory industry hasn't been this, —SINCE THE—JFK assassination.
20070126             WackoWiki : Skip Per/Sprueche - ALBERT—EINSTEIN.
20070126             Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but usually manages to pick himself up,
20070126             walk over or —AROUND
20070126             —LICENSED, DENKO MECHANICAL, is NOT 1, fire protection contractor in NEW—YORK +
20070126             THE—FBI on its investigation of the - MIKROWELLEN—VERBRECHEN
20070126             MW—WAFFEN ermöglichen Effekte, von denen LOWTECH—TERRORISTEN nicht einmal...
20070126             Bestrahlung mit (gepulsten) Mikrowellen auf Menschen studieren möchte...
20070126             EMM News Explorer - GUIDO—WESTERWELLE (11).
20070126             EDMUND—STOIBER (11). - MANFRED—GNJIDIC (10)
20070126             1—MANN mit einer wirklich interessanten Biografie, die vom Autodidakten,
20070126             SEBASTIAN—EDATHYS—BIOGRAPHIE als Real Video ansehen.
20070126             Die hatte von ;;01;; —BIS ;;06;;
20070126             ALLE—TELEFONE—VON—MANFRED—GNJIDIC, dem Rechtsanwalt des...
20070126             Der Anwalt Masris, MANFRED—GNJIDIC, erwägt zudem eine Zivilklage in den USA
20070126             Lauschangriff: Auch El Masris Anwalt ABGEHÖRT—DEUTSCHLAND......
20070126             Juristen MANFRED—GNJIDIC auf einen Beschluss des Münchner Amtsgerichtes vom 11.
20070126             UPDATE SCHRÖDER—BIOGRAFIE : 544—SEITEN Eitelkeit
20070126             Auf die Frage, ob Herr EL—MASRI den Foltergesandten wiedererkennen würde, antwortet Rechtsanwalt MANFRED—GNJIDIC aus ULM mit einem klaren "Ja".
20070126             Der Österreichische Journalist - 4/2006 - Medi...
20070126             PETER—ALEXANDER wenigstens 1—VORWORT zu einer Biografie zu entlocken... die Kommunikation zwischen EL—MASRIS Anwalt MANFRED—GNJIDIC und Reportern...
20070126             podster.DE—PODCAST: Handelsblatt Audio
20070126             —JETZT rechnet EX—VORSTANDSCHEFIN Carly Fiorina in ihrer Biografie mit dem
20070126             MANFRED—GNJIDIC, plant nach derzeitigem Stand keine Klage in Deutschland.
20070126             a précisé au Monde son avocat, MANFRED—GNJIDIC, confirmant un article du New
20070126             IAN—HAMEL est journaliste et prépare une biographie de Tariq Ramadan
20070126             Das Beste aus dem Web zum Thema AL—LEITER
20070126             Der Ulmer Anwalt des Entführungsopfers Khaled AL—MASRI, MANFRED—GNJIDIC... Biografie.
20070126             AL—LEITER wurde von den NEW—YORK Yankees im Draft von 19840000             ...
20070126             Der Firmensitz ist in MÖNCHENGLADBACH—GÜDDERATH, wo jährlich ca.
20070126             200—MILLIONEN Einwegfeuerzeuge hergestellt werden.
20070126             TOKAI ist 1—TOCHTERFIRMA der TOKAI Corporation, die ihren Sitz in Tokio/JAPAN hat.
20070126             114: 113: PREVENTION—OF—TORTURE and inhuman treatment: Linking Solidarity ::
20070126             115: 114: protection of human rights: UNITED—NATIONS:
20070126             USA—MAY impose sanctions against RUSSIA for selling 29—TOR—M1 complexes to IRAN:
20070126             THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION may introduce sanctions against RUSSIA for the recent delivery of TOR—M1 missile system to IRAN.
20070126             STATE—DEPARTMENT—SEAN—MCCORMACK said —WEDNESDAY that such measures were likely to follow because THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION harshly criticized RUSSIA—DEFENSE contract with IRAN and urged the Kremlin to terminate it.
20070126             RUSSIA—INFLUENCE worrying USA: Putin:
20070126             PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN hit out at Western criticism of the Kremlin, saying it was aimed at countering RUSSIA—GROWING influence in the world.
20070126             RUSSIA: Federation Council approves ban on dual citizenship for govt ministers:
20070126             —PASSED, THE—FEDERATION—COUNCIL has, 1—BILL prohibiting persons that hold dual citizenship from serving as RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT ministers,
20070126             which were —EARLIER passed in THE—STATE—DUMA, at 1—MEETING —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20070126             GEORGIA and USA foil uranium plot:
20070126             1—RUSSIA—MAN who tried to sell 1—SMALL—PIECE—OF—WEAPONS—GRADE uranium has been arrested in GEORGIA, officials say.
20070126             KUWAIT May Abandon Dollar Peg to Protect its Economy:
20070126             KUWAIT, the 3.—LARGEST Arab oil producer, may abandon the dinar's peg against the dollar in favor of 1—BASKET—OF—CURRENCIES to help minimize economic harm —AFTER the dollar declined.
20070126             Gulf states seen shifting away from USA assets:
20070126             OIL—RICH—GULF Arab estates are seen shifting their assets away from THE—USA + QATAR is keen on customer states including ASIA and EUROPE as destination, the country's financial regulator says.
20070126             More Than 1.2—MILLION Foreclosures Reported
20070126             USA Foreclosure Filings Up 42 % - Existing Home Sales Plummet
20070126             Sales of existing homes fell in ;;12;;, closing out 1—YEAR in which demand for homes slumped by the largest amount in 17—YEARS.
20070126             Ford posts 4Q loss of $5.8—BILLION:
20070126             Record annual loss of $12.7B for 20060000
20070126             NATO says will send extra troops to occupy AFGHANISTAN:
20070126             NATO nations will send more troops to AFGHANISTAN, the alliance's COMMANDER for the country said —ON—THURSDAY,
20070126             amid calls for more forces and funds by the organisation and USA commanders to tackle the resurgent Taliban.
20070126             USA to unveil new AFGHANISTAN strategy:
20070126             THE—USA will commit more money and more troops to AFGHANISTAN as part of 1 revamped strategy to blunt 1 expected —SPRING offensive by the Taliban militia, USA—OFFICIALS said.
20070126             For the 1. Time, Americans Oppose AFGHANISTAN—WAR:
20070126             MANY—ADULTS in THE—USA—EXPRESS dissatisfaction with THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM, according to 1—POLL by Opinion Research Corporation released by.
20070126             AFGHANISTAN—GOV'T Won't Spray Poppy Crop
20070126             ; Rebuffing MONTHS—OF—USA pressure, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI decided against 1—COLOMBIA—STYLE program to spray this country's HEROIN—PRODUCING poppies —AFTER the Cabinet worried herbicide would hurt legitimate crops,
20070126             animals and humans, officials said —THURSDAY.
20070126             BEIRUT under curfew —AFTER clashes:
20070126             —IMPOSED, THE—LEBANON—ARMY has, 1—DUSK—TO—DAWN curfew in the capital, BEIRUT, —AFTER clashes between students from rival political factions.
20070126             Hillary the Favorite in Race for Jewish Donations:
20070126             —EXPECTED, NEW—YORK—JUNIOR—SENATOR, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is, to snare the lion's share of the Jewish community's substantial political donations in the race for 20080000             —THE Democratic presidential nomination.
20070126             BILL—CLINTON lied to help Barak win election:? A NO—BRAINER for USA—JEWS:
20070126             —VISITED, DOCTOR—SAEB—EREKAT relates that —WHEN BILL—CLINTON, ISRAEL
20070126             Mockery and deception continue: EU high representative, Javier Solana.
20070126             On seeing THE—EXTENT—OF—NEW—ISRAEL—SETTLEMENTS in and —AROUND occupied JERUSALEM,
20070126             he declared himself "shocked", —JUST like the corrupt police CHIEF who "discovers" gambling going on under his nose in the movie CASABLANCA.
20070126             —PARALYSED, PATRICK—COCKBURN : Inside BAGHDAD: 1—CITY, by fear:
20070126             —TERRIFIED—OF, IRAQ—DRIVERS are, running into impromptu checkpoints where heavily armed men in CIVIL—CLOTHES may drag them out of their cars and kill them for being the wrong religion.
20070126             SOME—DISTRICTS exchange mortar fire EVERY—NIGHT.
20070126             This is mayhem beyond THE—COMPREHENSION—OF—GEORGE—BUSH and TONY—BLAIR.
20070126             IRAQ—OCCUPATION was idiotic: IRAQ—VICE—PRESIDENT:
20070126             THE—SHIITE VICE—PRESIDENT—COMMENTS came —JUST 1—DAY —AFTER the influential USA—SENATE Foreign Relations COMMITTEE—REJECTED—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—PLAN to send 1—ADDITIONAL 21,500 troops to IRAQ.
20070126             Blair looks weak and cowardly :
20070126             He was willing to speak in the Commons on IRAQ in ADVANCE—OF—THE—WAR.
20070126             —NOW he was nowhere to be seen.
20070126             Manufacturing consent for war : USA says its has proof IRAN is interfering in IRAQ:
20070126             THE—USA said it had PROOF—OF—IRAN—INTERFERENCE in IRAQ, promising soon to publish DETAILS—OF—IRAN—NETWORKS in its STRIFE—TORN neighboring country.
20070126             War pimp alert: ISRAEL—PM: INTERNATIONAL front has been formed against THE—IRAN—THREAT:
20070126             "For MANY—LONG—YEARS, we have followed IRAN—EFFORTS to acquire nuclear weapons, in the guise of 1—CIVIL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20070126             They are working through secret channels in 1—NUMBER—OF—SITES spread out across IRAN," he said.
20070126             War pimp alert: Strategic talks with USA focus on Iranian "threat":
20070126             —HEADED, THE—ISRAELI and USA—TEAMS, respectively by Transportation MINISTER—SHAUL—MOFAZ and Under SECRETARY—OF—STATE—NICHOLAS—BURNS,
20070126             discussed ways to halt IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, its support for terror and its attempts to expand its regional power and influence.
20070126             Manufacturing consent for war : BOLTON: USA —FOLLOWING flawed IRAN plan:
20070126             BOLTON said that contrary to administration claims, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY Council UNITED—NATIONS Security Council resolution against IRAN that was approved last —MONTH is "very weak".
20070126             ESCALATION—OF—USA IRAN military planning part of 6—YEAR Administration push:
20070126             THE—ESCALATION—OF—USA—MILITARY planning on IRAN is only the latest chess move in a 6—YEAR push within THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to attack IRAN
20070126             Attack on IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES would be catastrophic says IAEA CHIEF:
20070126             INTERNATIONAL Atomic Energy Agency CHIEF—MOHAMED—EL—BARADEI said —THURSDAY that 1—MILITARY—STRIKE on IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES would have ''catastrophic'' consequences and only strengthen resolve in TEHRAN to make atomic arms.
20070126             As incredible as it might seem, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION appears to be actively planning 1—MILITARY—STRIKE against IRAN —- the beginning of 1—WAR which could dwarf even THE—IRAQ war in its grim potential for devastating global conflict.
20070126             National Peace March to Flood DC Streets:
20070126             —ANGERED, Americans, by BUSH—PLANS to escalate THE—IRAQ war will flood THE—STREETS—OF—WASHINGTON —ON—SATURDAY,
20070126             ;;01;; 27, in 1—MASSIVE—NATIONAL—PEACE march organized by United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ).
20070126             Candidates COURT—ISRAEL, cite IRAN risks:
20070126             Presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney, JOHN—EDWARDS and JOHN—MCCAIN all detoured through ISRAEL on the way to NEW—HAMPSHIRE this —WEEK,
20070126             seemingly competing to see who could be strongest in defense of the Jewish state.
20070126             Exclusive Video: Troops' Brutality in IRAQ
20070126             —OBTAINED, Channel 4—NEWS has, FOOTAGE—OF—BRUTALITY by mainly Shi'a troops in IRAQ, egged on by USA—SOLDIERS.
20070126             We see 1—JOINT—PATROL—OF—USA and IRAQ—TROOPS in BAGHDAD, where our camera captures the pretty brutal treatment meted out by the newly trained IRAQ—SOLDIERS to 3 suspected insurgents caught in 1—CAR,
20070126             all to the accompaniment of laughter, whoops and egging on from THE—USA—SOLDIERS who watch from their Humvee.
20070126             "I cannot stand the constant military raids in my home"-
20070126             "My life has been like hell over the past 3—MONTHS.
20070126             —RAIDED, USA and IRAQ—SOLDIERS have, my house more than 12—TIMES.
20070126             † "My husband, Khalil, was killed —DURING THE—USA—INVASION - More Deception from the War Criminal-
20070126             BUSH—STATE—OF—THE—UNION address did not describe the deplorable STATE—OF—THE—UNION.
20070126             The speech's importance CONSISTS—OF—BUSH—PLEA to CONGRESS to please let him fool them 1—MORE—TIME in order that he can attack IRAN and start 1—BIGGER—WAR that CONGRESS will have to support in order to support ISRAEL.
20070126             Continue - JIM—WEBB—BARNBURNER
20070126             Nothing scares the "powers that be" more than 1—STRAIGHT—SHOOTING populist who can rally people against government policy.
20070126             —HAPPENED, And, yet, that's exactly what, —ON—TUESDAY night in the Democratic response to THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH (S.O.T.U.).
20070126             In —JUST 9—MINUTES,
20070126             Continue - Hillary for PRESIDENT?-
20070126             —BY—CINDY SHEEHAN—HOW MANY—OF—OUR troops are lying in WALTER—REED with devastating injuries that could have been prevented if 1—SENATE leader like Clinton had taken 1—MORAL—STANCE instead of political 1?
20070126             Continue - Hizbollah warn that LEBANON will see more violence-
20070126             2—OF—THE—OLD—CIVIL—WAR fault LINES—ON the road NORTH—OF—BEIRUT and in THE—SUBURBS—OF—THE—CITY—WERE reopened.
20070126             —STARTED, Siniora himself, WARNING—OF—THE—DANGERS—OF—CIVIL—WAR and THE—USA—AS Hizbollah must have HOPED—CAME out in SUPPORT—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT,
20070126             claiming, quite falsely, that the violence came from THE—HIZBOLLAH—LED opposition.
20070126             Continue - VENEZUELA—RCTV—ACTS—OF—SEDITION-
20070126             It doesn't matter to those in THE—USA—POWER structure and their VENEZUELA—COUNTERPARTS that they're the guilty ones and their charges against HUGO—CHAVEZ are disingenuous and baseless.
20070126             Chavez is 1—TRUE democrat with EVERY—RIGHT to expect all Venezuelans behave responsibly in conformity with the law.
20070126             Scarborough Repeats Lies Regarding IRAN—PRESIDENT—AND—PIMPS 1—WAR—WITH—IRAN.
20070126             What is going on in AMERICAN—TODAY is equivalent to the —FOLLOWING fictitious news story:
20070126             THE—COMING—WAR—AGAINST—IRAN
20070126             Given the presence of 4—USA—SUBMARINES off THE—COAST—OF—IRAN,
20070126             EDUARD—BALTIN, FORMER—COMMANDER—OF—THE—RUSSIA—FLEET, reasons that THE—USA is planning to attack IRAN.
20070126             Continue - Poking his stick in 1—HORNET—NEST-
20070126             —DELIVERED, In 1—SPEECH reminiscent of the 1
20070126             —INDEED—OF, That is THE—JUDGMENT—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE +, the entire world,
20070126             as to THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—OUR—PRESIDENT + no STATE—OF—THE—UNION address can erase that dismal verdict.
20070126             "Rockefeller : Cheney applied 'constant' pressure to stall investigation on flawed IRAQ intelligence".
20070126             Alberto "Bush Consigliere" Gonzales Edits the Constitution to Suit the Bush Organized Crime Family.
20070126             He is the BuzzFlash GOP HYPOCRITE—OF—THE—WEEK for Unilaterally Declaring that the Constitution Does Not Guarantee the Right of Habeas Corpus,
20070126             Even Though It Expressly Does.
20070126             HE—NOT 1—ATTORNEY—GENERAL; HE—1—MOBSTER.
20070126             —FROM THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—IRAQ: "THE—USA—LED invasion of IRAQ
20070126             Kennedy to Republicans: "What is it about working men and women that you find so offensive?" 1/26
20070126             March on WASHINGTON Against THE—IRAQ War on ;;01;;
20070126             Play the BuzzFlash Electoral Map 20080000              Prediction Game and Win 1—BUZZFLASH—TOTEBAG,
20070126             2. prize is 1—COPY—OF—AL—GORE?s "Earth in the Balance" and 1—COPY—OF "Bush on the Couch".
20070126             Bush eviks Working VERY Hard to Precipitate 1—WAR with IRAQ: Troops Authorized to Kill IRAN—OPERATIVES in IRAQ.
20070126             More of THE—IRAQ WMD Style Scare Propaganda.
20070126             Move Bush evik Lies Revealed That Dishonor Our Dead GIs: Contrary to USA military statements,
20070126             4—USA soldiers did not die repelling 1—SNEAK attack at THE—GOVERNOR—OFFICE—IN—THE—SHIITE holy CITY—OF—KARBALA last —WEEK.
20070126             —OBTAINED, New information, by THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS shows they were abducted and found dead or dying as far as 25—MILES away.
20070126             Do You Want to be FORCED to Own 1—GUN? Madness.
20070126             How far is too far in terror fight? -- and more in GLORIA—R—LALUMIA—WORLD—MEDIA—WATCH for ;;01;;
20070126             26, THE—NIGER forgeries and THE—CIA Remember the forged "yellowcake" documents?
20070126             —STARTED, The ones that, the war?
20070126             The ones that BUSH used to "prove" that Saddam Hussein had attempted to purchase uranium from the country of NIGER?
20070126             —SPOTTED, They were crude forgeries, —IMMEDIATELY, as such by THE—IAEA —WHEN it got HOLD—OF—THE—THINGS in
20070126             We should remind ourselves who the "ITALY—JOURNALIST" in question was:
20070126             THE—FROG—LIKE—RENATO—FARINA -- CODE—NAMED "Birch" -- about whom we have written previously.
20070126             THE—CIA, as you know, got into SOME—TROUBLE —WHEN it kidnapped 1—ITALY—CITIZEN named ABU—OMAR.
20070126             1—MAGISTRATE named Armando Spataro led the investigation into THE—CIA men involved with this affair.
20070126             —SPIED, Farina the "journalist" appears to have, on him,
20070126             Farina is clearly part of the neocon network.
20070126             Only the neocons would be bold enough to try to base 1—WAR—ON—SUCH 1—OBVIOUSLY bogus PIECE—OF—EVIDENCE.
20070126             —VOICED, The neocons have frequently, disdain for THE—CIA -- they set up their own spook shop at the Pentagon to bypass those REALITY—BIASED pests at the Company -- yet SOME—OF—THEM clearly have AGENCY—LINKED backgrounds.
20070126             What was THE—CIA—TRUE—ROLE in THE—RUN—UP to war?
20070126             Did GEORGE—TENET + JOHN—MCLAUGHLIN know about (or approve of) THE—CONCOCTION—OF—EVIDENCE in THE—RUN—UP to war?
20070126             It should be noted here that in
20070126             —WHEN large %ages of the relevant national or world leadership show up for private confabs + then achieve airtight security and secrecy to the point that the world hardly knows they are meeting or who is meeting,
20070126             it is not smart to presume nothing is going on but hobnobbing, backslapping + social/sexual shenanigans.
20070126             —LIMITED, Maybe that might be true in, cases, like the Bohemian Grove, but not generally.
20070126             Not for the Trilateral Commission boys, the Bildeburgers (SO—CALLED),
20070126             the Propaganda Due (P-2) Masonic Lodge in ITALY, or the Founding Fathers' Freemason majority.
20070126             Bondy Blog: 3—MÄDCHEN, 3—RELIGIONEN, das gleiche Maß an Unfreiheit
20070126             Fall Litwinenko: LONDON will Auslieferung Lugowois
20070126             —GESCHEITERT, Bedrohte Bestände: Bemühung um THUNFISCH—FANGQUOTEN
20070126             Neue Messwerte: Feinstaub nebelt VIELE—DEUTSCHE—STÄDTE ein
20070126             EBAY—BETRUG: Funktionär der Jungen Union soll SPD—IDENTITÄTEN geklaut haben
20070126             Passagierdaten: Deutschland dringt auf neues Abkommen mit USA
20070126             Schwache Börsenkontrolleure: Warum die Finanzaufsicht so oft versagt
20070126             AFGHANISTAN: USA fürchten TALIBAN—OFFENSIVE und rüsten auf
20070126             ANTARKTIS: Neues Leben unter EISSCHILD—TRÜMMERN
20070126             Deutsche Bank: Hauptversammlungsnotar wird wegen Falschbeurkundung angeklagt
20070126             Deutscher in iranischer Haft: "Es ist zermürbend"
20070126             Sexy Ausstrahlung: Spinnen flirten ultraviolett
20070126             NATO—RAT in Brüssel: Bush will weitere 10—MILLIARDEN Dollar in AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ pumpen
20070126             Neue IRAK—STRATEGIE: Bush erteilt Lizenz zum Töten iranischer Spione
20070126             Nikotinsucht: Hirnschaden schaltet Rauchlust ab
20070126             —VERURTEILT, USA—ARMEE: SOLDAT—WEGEN—MORDES an irakischem Gefangenen
20070126             Kritik am HARTZ—URTEIL: "Gerechtigkeitsempfinden beschädigt"
20070126             Reiche Russen in Österreich: Wo der Bär steppt
20070126             INDUSTRIE 20670000             : OPA BAUT —JETZT MIKROCHIPS
20070126             —BY—DANIEL Politi - THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20070126             leads with news that THE—WHITE—HOUSE has authorized THE—USA—MILITARY to kill or capture
20070126             —BELIEVED, Iranians who are, to be working with IRAQ—MILITIAS.
20070126             —APPROVED, The program was, by PRESIDENT—BUSH last fall as PART—OF—1—LARGER—EFFORT to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—IRAN—INFLUENCE across the region.
20070126             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES
20070126             leads with the way in which Muqtada AL—SADR has been avoiding clashes
20070126             with USA and IRAQ—FORCES in the past few weeks.
20070126             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox + nobody else fronts,
20070126             the latest from LEBANON, where the army has imposed 1—CURFEW
20070126             in BEIRUT —AFTER at least 3—PEOPLE were killed in clashes that began at 1—UNIVERSITY between those loyal to the government and Hezbollah supporters.
20070126             This raises concerns THE—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT can't maintain ANY—SEMBLANCE—OF—ORDER, —JUST as donors pledged $7.6—BILLION in aid to help the country rebuild.
20070126             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070126             leads with 1—LOOK at the extent to which THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has used secrecy
20070126             —WHILE defending its domestic eavesdropping program.
20070126             SOME—LAWYERS and judges are —STARTING to push back and say that MUCH—OF—THE—SECRECY is unnecessary and ultimately impedes lawsuits objecting to the program from moving forward.
20070126             The 1. appellate argument in the lawsuits challenging the program will begin —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20070126             USA—TODAY - leads with data that shows airline delays - reached 1—RECORD high —LAST—YEAR.
20070126             By several measures the delays seem to be higher than
20070126             —EARLIER this —YEAR "with top GSA political appointees, who discussed ways to help Republican candidates.
20070126             —WHEN Jennings concluded his presentation to THE—GSA political appointees,
20070126             —ASKED, Doan allegedly, them how they could "help 'our candidates' in the next elections," according to a
20070126             —WHEN MISTER—JENNINGS—ASSISTANT emailed the PowerPoint presentation to GSA, she wrote: "It is 1—CLOSE hold and we're not supposed to be emailing it —AROUND ".
20070126             New Job Appointment E—MAILS.
20070126             MISTER—JENNINGS also appears to have used his "gwb438com" account to recruit applicants for official government positions through the "KENTUCKY Republican Voice," 1—INTERNET site that describes itself as "the best source for KENTUCKY Republican grassroots information".
20070126             1—POSTING from -
20070126             The coming nuclear war - To state the matter more plainly: using the pretext of 1—INTERVIEW.
20070126             Mit dem 1. " - Programm zur zivilen Sicherheitsforschung " will Forschungsministerin Annette Schavan auf "neuentstandene Herausforderungen bei der TERROR—UND Kriminalitätsabwehr" reagieren.
20070126             —BEKOMMT, Mord an irakischen Gefangenen: USA—SOLDAT, 18—JAHRE Haft - New Ice Age Theory
20070126             —DEVELOPED, ROBERT—EHRLICH—OF—GEORGE—MASON—UNIVERSITY—IN—FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA, has, 1—MODEL which hypothesizes 1—DIMMER switch inside the sun that causes its brightness to rise + fall on timescales of —AROUND 100,000 or 41,000 years, exactly the same period as between ice ages on Earth.
20070126             XonTech, INCORPORATED - 911—TRUTH Archive XonTech will be integrated into Northrop GRUMMAN—MISSION—SYSTEMS sector headquartered in... CIA /ISI Involvement & COMPLICITY—COMMON—SENSE Connections... 911—TRUTH.wetpaint_com/page/XonTech,+INCORPORATED.
20070126             XonTech, INCORPORATED—PAGE History - 911—TRUTH Archive
20070126             XonTech will be integrated into Northrop GRUMMAN—MISSION—SYSTEMS sector... Chomsky, Naom;
20070126             Chossudovsky, Michel; CIA ; Clark, Richard;
20070126             Clark, Vern E. 911—TRUTH.wetpaint_com/page/XonTech,+INCORPORATED/diff/1,2
20070126             GESCHICHTE—DER—RUF—DES—MOSSAD ist in den vergangenen Jahren jedoch durch Pannen und...
20070126             ALLIANZ—GESCHICHTE. An einem 13., nämlich am
20070126             ALLIANZ—GESCHICHTE—DER—ALLIANZ—DAS—FIRMENHISTORISCHE—ARCHIV bietet im "Haus der Allianz Geschichte " Raum für unternehmensgeschichtliche Arbeit, Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen.
20070126             This —DAY in History 19680000              10000 demonstrators against USA in VIETNAM War in WEST—BERLIN... 19220000              SOVIET—UNION organized as 1—FEDERATION—OF—RSFSR, UKRAINE—SSR, Belorussian SSR...
20070126             Chairman Conyers Puts Bush ABUSE—OF—POWER "On the Table"
20070126             Troops Authorized to Kill IRAN—OPERATIVES in IRAQ (WP).
20070126             —AUTHORIZED, Excerpts: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, THE—USA—MILITARY to kill or capture IRAN—OPERATIVES inside IRAQ as PART—OF—1—AGGRESSIVE—NEW—STRATEGY to weaken TEHRAN—INFLUENCE across THE—MIDDLE—EAST and compel it to give up its nuclear program, according to government and counterterrorism officials with direct KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—EFFORT.
20070126             3—OFFICIALS said that about 150—IRAN—INTELLIGENCE officers, plus MEMBERS—OF—IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD—COMMAND, are believed to be active inside IRAQ at ANY—GIVEN time.
20070126             —ATTACKED, There is no evidence the Iranians have directly, USA—TROOPS in IRAQ, intelligence officials said...The new "kill or capture" program was authorized by PRESIDENT—BUSH in 1—MEETING of his most senior advisers last fall.
20070126             —AUTHORIZED, —AFTER all, GEORGE—W—BUSH has already, his agents to kill USA—CITIZENS -- without arrest, charge, trial, or even ANY—WARNING -- if the victim has been designated -- arbitrarily, at the whim of the "Leader," outside ANY—JUDICIAL—PROCESS or oversight -- as an "enemy combatant".
20070126             —CLAIMED, This "authority,", by Bush
20070126             Für die Wissenschaft ist die Flussmündung hochinteressant: Da sie jenseits des nördlichen Polarkreises liegt, ist sie etwa 7—MONATE im —JAHR gefroren.
20070126             Auf diesem Bild vom 1
20070126             Freytag: —ZURZEIT kostet 1—TONNE—KUPFER 5800—DOLLAR—FRÜHER waren es mal 1500—DOLLAR.
20070126             Da setzt —JETZT natürlich 1—RUN auf Rohstoffvorkommen ein.
20070126             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Freytag: Die Lagerstätten sind —ERST mal herrenlos, aber die Lausitzer Grauwacke, die zum Rohstoffkonzern Anglo USA—GEHÖRT, hat —SCHON die Erkundung beantragt.
20070126             [CTRL] Operation MOCKINGBIRD—THE—SUBVERSION—OF—AMERICA—FREE... HENRY—KISSINGER + CIA Director WILLIAM—COLBY to finance terrorism in ANGOLA... frenzied attacks on OLIVER—STONE—MOVIE " JFK ", which reexamines the...
20070126             stopthem : Messages : 191—220—OF 11880000              The conspiracy theory industry hasn't been this jazzed —SINCE THE—JFK assassination.
20070126             at Stanford UNIVERSITY—IN—THE 1960s, with 1—SCIENTIST named WILLIAM—COLBY.
20070126             WackoWiki : Skip Per/Sprueche WackoWiki: SkipPer/Sprueche.
20070126             ALBERT—EINSTEIN.
20070126             Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but usually manages to pick himself up, walk over or —AROUND...
20070126             www.mikrowellenterror.DE—MIKROWELLEN—VERBRECHEN MW—WAFFEN ermöglichen Effekte, von denen LOWTECH—TERRORISTEN nicht einmal...
20070126             EMM News Explorer GUIDO—WESTERWELLE (11). - - EDMUND—STOIBER (11).
20070126             MANFRED—GNJIDIC (10)... 1—MANN mit einer wirklich interessanten Biografie, die vom Autodidakten,
20070126             Die hatte von Januar —BIS Juni ALLE—TELEFONE—VON—MANFRED—GNJIDIC, dem Rechtsanwalt des.
20070126             TOKAI ist 1—TOCHTERFIRMA—DER—TOKAI—CORPORATION, die ihren Sitz in Tokio/JAPAN hat.
20070126             webs 114: 113: PREVENTION—OF—TORTURE and inhuman treatment: Linking Solidarity : : 115: 114: protection of human rights: UNITED—NATIONS:
20070126             Larisa Alexandrovna and MURIEL—KANE provide THE—MUST—READ stories: See here and here.
20070126             USA—MAY impose sanctions against RUSSIA for selling 29—TOR—M1 complexes to IRAN : THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION may introduce sanctions against RUSSIA for the recent delivery of TOR—M1 missile system to IRAN.
20070126             RUSSIA—INFLUENCE worrying USA: Putin : PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN hit out at Western criticism of the Kremlin, saying it was aimed at countering RUSSIA—GROWING influence in the world.
20070126             RUSSIA: Federation Council approves ban on dual citizenship for govt ministers: THE—FEDERATION—COUNCIL has passed 1—BILL prohibiting persons that hold dual citizenship from serving as RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT ministers, which were —EARLIER passed in THE—STATE—DUMA, at 1—MEETING on —WEDNESDAY.
20070126             —TRIED, GEORGIA and USA foil uranium plot : 1—RUSSIA—MAN who, to sell 1—SMALL—PIECE—OF—WEAPONS—GRADE uranium has been arrested in GEORGIA, officials say.
20070126             KUWAIT May Abandon Dollar Peg to Protect its Economy : KUWAIT, the 3.—LARGEST Arab oil producer, may abandon the dinar's peg against the dollar in favor of 1—BASKET—OF—CURRENCIES to help minimize economic harm —AFTER the dollar declined.
20070126             Gulf states seen shifting away from USA—ASSETS: OIL—RICH—GULF Arab estates are seen shifting their assets away from THE—USA + QATAR is keen on customer states including ASIA and EUROPE as destination, the country's financial regulator says.
20070126             Ford posts 4Q loss of $5.8—BILLION: Record annual loss of $12.7B for 2006
20070126             NATO says will send extra troops to occupy AFGHANISTAN: NATO nations will send more troops to AFGHANISTAN, the alliance's COMMANDER for the country said on —THURSDAY, amid calls for more forces and funds by the organisation and USA—COMMANDERS to tackle the resurgent Taliban.
20070126             USA to unveil new AFGHANISTAN strategy: THE—USA will commit more money and more troops to AFGHANISTAN as part of 1 revamped strategy to blunt 1 expected —SPRING offensive by the Taliban militia, USA—OFFICIALS said.
20070126             For the 1. Time, Americans Oppose AFGHANISTAN—WAR: MANY—ADULTS in THE—USA—EXPRESS dissatisfaction with THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM, according to 1—POLL by Opinion Research Corporation released by.
20070126             52—PER cent of respondents oppose THE—USA—CONFLICT in AFGHANISTAN, up 4—POINTS —SINCE September.
20070126             Rebuffing MONTHS—OF—USA—PRESSURE, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI decided against 1—COLOMBIA—STYLE program to spray this country's HEROIN—PRODUCING poppies —AFTER the Cabinet worried herbicide would hurt legitimate crops, animals and humans, officials said —THURSDAY.
20070126             BEIRUT under curfew —AFTER clashes : THE—LEBANON—ARMY has imposed 1—DUSK—TO—DAWN curfew in the capital, BEIRUT, —AFTER clashes between students from rival political factions.
20070126             Hillary the Favorite in Race for Jewish Donations : NEW—YORK—JUNIOR—SENATOR, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is expected to snare the lion's share of the Jewish community's substantial political donations in the race for 20080000             —THE Democratic presidential nomination.
20070126             —ON seeing THE—EXTENT—OF—NEW—ISRAEL—SETTLEMENTS in and —AROUND occupied JERUSALEM, he declared himself "shocked", —JUST like the corrupt police CHIEF who "discovers" gambling going on under his nose in the movie CASABLANCA.
20070126             —PARALYSED, PATRICK—COCKBURN : Inside BAGHDAD: 1—CITY, by fear : IRAQ—DRIVERS are terrified of running into impromptu checkpoints where heavily armed men in CIVIL—CLOTHES may drag them out of their cars and kill them for being the wrong religion.
20070126             Blair looks weak and cowardly : He was willing to speak in the Commons on IRAQ in ADVANCE—OF—THE—WAR.
20070126             Manufacturing consent for war :
20070126             USA says its has proof IRAN is interfering in IRAQ : THE—USA—SAID it had PROOF—OF—IRAN—INTERFERENCE in IRAQ, promising soon to publish DETAILS—OF—IRAN—NETWORKS in its STRIFE—TORN neighboring country.
20070126             War pimp alert:
20070126             —FORMED, ISRAEL—PM: INTERNATIONAL front has been, against THE—IRAN—THREAT : "For MANY—LONG—YEARS, we have followed IRAN—EFFORTS to acquire nuclear weapons, in the guise of 1—CIVIL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM. They are working through secret channels in 1—NUMBER—OF—SITES spread out across IRAN," he said.
20070126             War pimp alert: Strategic talks with USA—FOCUS on Iranian "threat" : THE—ISRAELI and USA—TEAMS, headed respectively by Transportation MINISTER—SHAUL—MOFAZ and Under SECRETARY—OF—STATE—NICHOLAS—BURNS, discussed ways to halt IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, its support for terror and its attempts to expand its regional power and influence.
20070126             —FLAWED, BOLTON: USA —FOLLOWING, IRAN plan:
20070126             Attack on IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES would be catastrophic says IAEA CHIEF : INTERNATIONAL Atomic Energy Agency CHIEF—MOHAMED—EL—BARADEI said —THURSDAY that 1—MILITARY—STRIKE on IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES would have ''catastrophic'' consequences and only strengthen resolve in TEHRAN to make atomic arms.
20070126             No WAR—ON—IRAN! No Nukes!
20070126             —ANGERED, National Peace March to Flood DC Streets : Americans, by BUSH—PLANS to escalate THE—IRAQ war will flood THE—STREETS—OF—WASHINGTON on —SATURDAY, 20070127             , in 1—MASSIVE—NATIONAL—PEACE march organized by United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ).
20070126             Candidates COURT—ISRAEL, cite IRAN risks : Presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney, JOHN—EDWARDS and JOHN—MCCAIN all detoured through ISRAEL on the way to NEW—HAMPSHIRE this —WEEK, seemingly competing to see who could be strongest in defense of the Jewish state.
20070126             Exclusive Video: Troops' Brutality in IRAQ Channel 4—NEWS has obtained FOOTAGE—OF—BRUTALITY by mainly Shi'a troops in IRAQ, egged on by USA—SOLDIERS.
20070126             We see 1—JOINT—PATROL—OF—USA and IRAQ—TROOPS in BAGHDAD, where our camera captures the pretty brutal treatment meted out by the newly trained IRAQ—SOLDIERS to 3 suspected insurgents caught in 1—CAR, all to the accompaniment of laughter, whoops and egging on from THE—USA—SOLDIERS who watch from their Humvee.
20070126             "I cannot stand the constant military raids in my home" - More Deception from the War Criminal
20070126             JIM—WEBB—BARNBURNER
20070126             —STARTED, Siniora himself, WARNING—OF—THE—DANGERS of civil war and THE—USA—AS Hizbollah must have HOPED—CAME out in SUPPORT—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT, claiming, quite falsely, that the violence came from THE—HIZBOLLAH—LED opposition.
20070126             IRAN Attack - - Secret War Plans Against IRAN REVEALED—VIDEO
20070126             Congress ' unanimous vote to nuke IRAN
20070126             What is going on in AMERICAN—TODAY is equivalent to the —FOLLOWING fictitious news story: 20070131              : By unanimous vote, THE—2—HOUSES—OF—CONGRESS passed —TODAY 1—JOINT "SENSE—OF—CONGRESS " resolution directing PRESIDENT—BUSH to "launch nuclear strikes against ANY—NON—NUCLEAR—WEAPON state that undertakes military programs or operations that threaten USA—INTERESTS or THOSE—OF—ALLIES and friends".
20070126             Given the presence of 4—USA—SUBMARINES off THE—COAST—OF—IRAN, EDUARD—BALTIN, FORMER—COMMANDER—OF—THE—RUSSIA—FLEET, reasons that THE—USA is planning to attack IRAN.
20070126             Poking his stick in 1—HORNET—NEST
20070126             THE—WORLD—AGREES: Stop Bush —BEFORE He Kills Again - Stop him —BEFORE he kills again.
20070126             —INDEED—OF, That is THE—JUDGMENT—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE +, the entire world, as to THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—OUR—PRESIDENT + no STATE—OF—THE—UNION address can erase that dismal verdict.
20070126             Impeach THE—2—WHO Are Destroying AMERICAN—ALREADY.
20070126             He is the BuzzFlash GOP HYPOCRITE—OF—THE—WEEK for Unilaterally Declaring that the Constitution Does Not Guarantee the Right of Habeas Corpus, Even Though It Expressly Does.
20070126             —FROM THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—IRAQ: "THE—USA—LED invasion of IRAQ 20030000             —IN was an "idiot decision" and IRAQ—TROOPS —NOW need to secure BAGHDAD to ensure the country's future, VICE—PRESIDENT—ADEL—ABDUL—MAHDI said on —THURSDAY".
20070126             Play the BuzzFlash Electoral Map 20080000              Prediction Game and Win 1—BUZZFLASH—TOTEBAG, 1—BUZZFLASH—HAT + 1—COPY—OF "USA—FASCISTS: THE—CHRISTIAN—RIGHT and THE—WAR—ON—AMERICA" (1. Prize).
20070126             Move Bush evik Lies Revealed That Dishonor Our Dead GIs: Contrary to USA—MILITARY—STATEMENTS, 4—USA—SOLDIERS did not die repelling 1—SNEAK attack at THE—GOVERNOR—OFFICE—IN—THE—SHIITE holy CITY—OF—KARBALA last —WEEK.
20070126             Sign the Petition Against Mandatory Gun Ownership!
20070126             How far is too far in terror fight? -- and more in GLORIA—R—LALUMIA—WORLD—MEDIA—WATCH for 20070126             ,2007
20070126             THE—NIGER forgeries and THE—CIA Remember the forged "yellowcake" documents?
20070126             THE—FROG—LIKE—RENATO Farina - CODE—NAMED "Birch" - about whom we have written —PREVIOUSLY.
20070126             Farina the "journalist" appears to have spied on him, using the pretext of 1—INTERVIEW.
20070126             To state the matter more plainly:
20070126             —WHEN large %ages of the relevant national or world leadership show up for private confabs + then achieve airtight security and secrecy to the point that the world hardly knows they are meeting or who is meeting, it is not smart to presume nothing is going on but hobnobbing, backslapping + social/sexual shenanigans.
20070126             Not for the Trilateral Commission boys, the Bildeburgers (SO—CALLED), the Propaganda Due (P-2) Masonic Lodge in ITALY, or the Founding Fathers' Freemason majority.
20070126             7- METER—SCHLANGE: Python lässt sich 11—WACHHUNDE schmecken
20070126             Fall Kurnaz: Steinmeier soll direkt in Planungen einbezogen gewesen sein 20070126              Industrie 2067: Opa baut —JETZT Mikrochips
20070126             Option 1 was "MTP—VP," 1—CHENEY appearance on RUSSERT—SUNDAY show,
20070126             which would allow Cheney to "control message".
20070126             "I suggested we put THE—VICE—PRESIDENT on 'Meet the Press,' which was 1—TACTIC we often used".
20070126             PRIME—MINISTER—AL—MALIKI—PRESENTATION—OF—1—NEW—BAGHDAD security plan to THE—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT —YESTERDAY " broke down in bitter sectarian recriminations, with MISTER—MALIKI
20070126             threatening 1—SUNNI—ARAB lawmaker with arrest and, in response, the Sunni SPEAKER—OF—PARLIAMENT threatening to quit".
20070126             —APPROVED, They eventually, the plan.
20070126             SENATOR—RUSS—FEINGOLD (D—WI), CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE—SUBCOMMITTEE on the Constitution, has scheduled 1—HEARING next —TUESDAY to explore whether Congress has the authority to cut off funding for the war in IRAQ.
20070126             "This hearing will help inform my colleagues and the public about CONGRESS—POWER to end 1—WAR and how that power has been used in the past," Feingold said.
20070126             See the witness list here.
20070126             "The word I would use to describe my position on the bench is lonely," SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—RUTH—BADER—GINSBURG, 73, tells USA—TODAY.
20070126             "This is how it was for Sandra [—DAY O'Conner]'s 1. 12—YEARS," she said.
20070126             NEITHER—OF—USA ever thought this would happen again.
20070126             I didn't realize how much I would miss her —UNTIL she was gone".
20070126             —AUTHORIZED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE has ", THE—USA—MILITARY to kill or capture Iranians who are believed to be working with IRAQ—MILITIAS," 1—SHIFT from 1—OLD—POLICY of detaining Iranians "and then releasing them —AFTER 1—FEW days, which THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION felt didn't go far enough".
20070126             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is asking 1—FEDERAL—CIRCUIT court to throw out 1—LAWSUIT challenging the legality of the National Security AGENCY—WARRANTLESS—SURVEILLANCE program because the government claims the issue is —NOW "moot".
20070126             THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT memo states that "the surveillance activity" being challenged "
20070126             does not exist.
20070126             —PLANNED, FOX—NEWS said —THURSDAY that it " -, to broadcast footage
20070126             —FROM ABC—CONTROVERSIAL miniseries 'THE—PATH to 20010911              ' that was edited out of the docudrama amid criticism that it inaccurately portrayed the Clinton administration's response to the terrorism threat". It will be aired —SUNDAY night on "HANNITY—AMERICA".
20070126             worked closely with THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, has rejected PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION plan:
20070126             "In my assessment, we do not necessarily need 1—INCREASE in the strength
20070126             (of USA—FORCES).
20070126             —ENGAGED, We are not, in 1—CONVENTIONAL—WAR against 1—INVADING army or SOMETHING—OF—THE—SORT".
20070126             Senate Environment and Public Works COMMITTEE—CHAIRWOMAN—BARBARA—BOXER (D—CA) is " installing in her Capitol Hill OFFICE—ENERGY—EFFICIENT—LIGHTS that dim in response to natural light".
20070126             At her urging, 5—OTHER—SENATORS are doing the same.
20070126             Boxer notes that efforts "
20070126             could cut electricity consumption as much as 50 %
20070126             And finally: Who are you calling 'freshman'?
20070126             That term has become the latest POLITICALLY—INCORRECT word, according to House Majority Whip JAMES—CLYBURN (D—SC).
20070126             —ELECTED, Newly, REPRESENTATIVE—JASON—ALTMIRE (D—PA) told the crowd that he "'suspected' it had something to do with the word 'new' being more appealing to the public than 'freshman,' which
20070126             can be seen by some as derogatory.
20070126             —TODAY—PAPERS—DEAD or Alive
20070126             —BY DANIEL—POLITI
20070126             —AUTHORIZED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST leads with news that THE—WHITE—HOUSE has, THE—USA—MILITARY to kill or capture Iranians who are believed to be working with IRAQ—MILITIAS.
20070126             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES leads with the way in which Muqtada AL—SADR has been avoiding clashes with USA and IRAQ—FORCES in the past few weeks.
20070126             His followers are participating in THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT and SOME—OFFICIALS from his party are even meeting with USA—OFFICIALS.
20070126             THE—WALL—STREET Journal tops its worldwide newsbox + nobody else fronts, the latest from LEBANON, where the army has imposed 1—CURFEW in BEIRUT —AFTER at least 3—PEOPLE were killed in clashes that began at 1—UNIVERSITY between those loyal to the government and Hezbollah supporters.
20070126             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES leads with 1—LOOK at the extent to which THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has used secrecy —WHILE defending its domestic eavesdropping program.
20070126             —REACHED, USA—TODAY leads with data that shows airline delays, 1—RECORD high —LAST—YEAR.
20070126             —DELAYED, Planes were, 1—TOTAL—OF—22.1—MILLION minutes —LAST—YEAR.
20070126             —EARLIER this —YEAR "with top GSA political appointees,
20070126             who discussed ways to help Republican candidates.
20070126             —WHEN Jennings concluded his presentation to THE—GSA political appointees, Doan allegedly asked them how they could "help 'our candidates' in the next elections," according to a
20070126             MISTER—JENNINGS also appears to have used his "gwb43_com" account to recruit applicants for official government positions through the "KENTUCKY Republican Voice," 1—INTERNET site that describes itself as "the best source for KENTUCKY Republican grassroots information".
20070126             1—POSTING from - Navy, EM, Xontech, Vreedenberg Corp, Veridian.
20070126             but it list a "who's... 20070100              By MICHAEL—RICHARDSON—INSIDER Trading Stock SELL—OFF By Ciber...
20070126             Bush_Team_Member_Says_WTC_Collapse_Likely_A_Controlled_Demolition">FORMER—BUSH Team Member Says WTC Collapse Likely 1—CONTROLLED... VICKI—YANCEY worked for Vreedenberg Corp, yet another company connected to... else they wouldn't put so much stock in HALF—BAKED conspiracy theories that... _Team_Member_Says_WTC_Collapse_Likely_A_Controlled_Demolition
20070126             —WORKED, VICKI—YANCEY, for Vreedenberg Corp, yet another company connected to the...
20070126             Why were there unusual stock market trades on many of the affected...
20070126    _Team_Member_Says_WTC_Collapse_Likely_A_Controlled_Demolition?page=28...
20070126             Bush_Team_Member_Says_WTC_Collapse_Likely_A_Controlled_Demolition">FORMER—BUSH Team Member Says WTC Collapse Likely 1—CONTROLLED... VICKI—YANCEY worked for Vreedenberg Corp, yet another company connected to the... stock in HALF—BAKED conspiracy theories that aren't grounded in reality.
20070126             FreeThoughtManifesto: February 2007
20070126             —WORKED, VICKI—YANCEY, for Vreedenberg Corp, yet another company connected to the intelligence community.
20070126             —PLANNED, Her father describes her death as a " murder.
20070126             was obtained by modifying the Vreedenberg correlation to include a... stock was placed —IMMEDIATELY UPSTREAM—OF—THE—SCREEN + the screen and...
20070126             CIA officer is 1. USA combat casualty - 20011129              20070717              O'Rourke... 20070717              Debunking 20010911              Conspiracy Theories and Controlled DEMOLITION—REAL.
20070126             Physics911 Public Site JOHN—SAMMARTINO and LEONARD—TAYLOR worked at Xontech... JOHN—SAMMARTINO + LEONARD—TAYLOR worked at Xontech (missile defense)...
20070126             I know what happened to flight 77 - OLDIE BUT GOODIE *LINK*JOHN—SAMMARTINO—OF—ANNANDALE, VIRGINIA, was 1—PLATINUM frequent flier on American... to company headquarters in VAN NUYS—CALIFORNIA, with colleague LEONARD—TAYLOR.
20070126             Newsday_COM—VICTIMS Search
20070126             LEONARD—TAYLOR, 45 + JOHN—SAMMARTINO, 37, were traveling to LOS—ANGELES on USA—AIRLINES Flight 77 for business —WHEN it crashed. cf.newsday_com/911/victimsearch.cfm?id=232
20070126             What would you ask the Prez tonight? - Page 3 - P2P-Zone
20070126             —WORKED, JOHN—SAMMARTINO and LEONARD—TAYLOR, at Xontech (missile defense), another company connected
20070126             Screw Loose Change: Ducking THE—QUESTION—OF—THE—PASSENGERS
20070126             JOHN—SAMMARTINO -- Nobody by this name in THE—SSDI LEONARD—TAYLOR - - - 34—LEONARD—TAYLORS.
20070126             None † 20010911
20070126             MICHAEL—C—TARROU -- Nobody by this name in... DUCKING—QUESTION—OF—PASSENGERS
20070126             Anyone seen TODD—BEAMER??? [Archive] - Debate Both Sides IAN—GRAY > JOHN—SAMMARTINO > LEONARD—TAYLOR > Flight 175 : of THE—65—PEOPLE who are listed as dying > on this flight, only 18—ARE listed in THE—SSDI (28%)...
20070126             Did 1—BOEING 757, crash into the Pentagon?
20070126             —WORKED, Is it 1—COINCIDENCE that 14—PEOPLE on the planes, for...
20070126             —WORKED, JOHN—SAMMARTINO and LEONARD—TAYLOR, at Xontech (missile defense)... LEONARD—TAYLOR, 45 + JOHN—SAMMARTINO, 37, were traveling to LOS—ANGELES on...
20070126             GEORGE—SIMMONS... - Hilda TAYLOR,WASHINGTON; LEONARD—TAYLOR—RESTON, Virginie...
20070126             Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, MDD Xontech ;
20070126             Northrop Grumman Ship... Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77 in the...
20070126             Artikel aus dem "Stern" vom 20061214              SEBASTIAN—EDATHY—MDB—HINWEISE.
20070126             Northrop Grumman Buys Completes Buyout Of Xontech To Boost Missile... 629845, Xontech INCORPORATED ( Northrup Grumman).
20070126             The coming nuclear war
20070126             in participating offices".
20070126—10000000    —BIS, Die Bundesregierung hofft auf 800—ARBEITSPLÄTZE, die unmittelbar durch das Programm entstehen sollen.
20070126—19600000    —IN—THE, at Stanford University S, with 1—SCIENTIST named WILLIAM—COLBY.
20070126—19680000    10000 demonstrators against USA in VIETNAM War in WEST—BERLIN
20070126—19840000    —J—IM, Die TOKAI EUROPE GmbH wurde gegründet.
20070126—19990000    —IN, By several measures the delays seem to be higher than and 20000000             , —WHEN they were so frequent that lawmakers threatened to take matters into their own hands.
20070126—20030000    —IN, "My life has been like hell over the past 3—MONTHS. USA and IRAQ—SOLDIERS have raided my house more than 12—TIMES. "My husband, Khalil, was killed —DURING THE—USA—INVASION —WHEN he drove through 1 closed road and soldiers shot him dead.
20070126—20030100    —DELIVERED, In 1—SPEECH reminiscent of the 1, —WHEN he portrayed IRAQ as the most imminent threat to the security of THE—USA, MISTER—BUSH named IRAN no less than 5—TIMES as the new "determined enemy":
20070126—20040000    —FROM, " Memo to TIM—RUSSERT: Dick Cheney thinks he controls you. " —YESTERDAY in the Scooter Libby trial, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY—FORMER—COMMUNICATIONS director displayed notes "about how Cheney could respond to allegations that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION had played fast and loose with EVIDENCE—OF—IRAQ—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS".
20070126—20050000    —IN, Mohammadi said: "It was foreigners like Chechens and Arabs with the Taliban who made the decision. They were crazy people. Even though I was GOVERNOR, I had no power".
20070126—20050000    —FROM, USA Foreclosure Filings Up 42 % - COLORADO, GEORGIA, NEVADA Post Highest Foreclosure Rates
20070126—20060000    —IN, More Than 1.2—MILLION Foreclosures Reported :
20070126—20060000    —IN, Existing Home Sales Plummet : Sales of existing homes fell in December, closing out 1—YEAR in which demand for homes slumped by the largest amount in 17—YEARS.
20070126—20070125    Congress ' unanimous vote to nuke IRAN-
20070126—20070127    —ON, March on WASHINGTON Against THE—IRAQ War
20070126—20070205    —ON, 1—COURT—HANDED—SETHE—NKWANYANA, 23—JAHRE—ALT a 25-year prison term for armed robbery and THE—MURDER—OF—RATTRAY.
20070126—20070308    —ON, Within 1—WEEK—OF—MAINE—ACTION, lawmakers in GEORGIA, WYOMING, MONTANA, NEW—MEXICO, VERMONT and WASHINGTON state also balked at Real ID. IDAHO approved 1—SIMILAR—BILL.
20070131             By unanimous vote, THE—2—HOUSES—OF—CONGRESS passed —TODAY 1—JOINT "SENSE—OF—CONGRESS " resolution directing PRESIDENT—BUSH to "launch nuclear strikes against ANY—NON—NUCLEAR—WEAPON state that undertakes military programs or operations that threaten USA—INTERESTS or THOSE—OF—ALLIES and friends".
20070221             PHXnews_com | Neocons last gasp Neocons last gasp (Score:1) By Sinbad on —FRIDAY 20070126             ...
20070226—20070126    —BY, THE—DEMOCRATIC—MAJORITY was only 3—WEEKS old, but, THE—GRASS—ROOTS and NET—ROOTS ACTIVISTS—OF—THE—PARTY—LEFT wing had already settled on their new enemy:
20070307—20070126    —PUBLISHED, In 1—ARTICLE, Post writers reported "VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY personally orchestrated his office's 20030000              efforts to rebut allegations that the administration used flawed intelligence to justify the war in IRAQ".
20070331—20070126    —ON, Jennings, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—DEPUTY DIRECTOR—OF—POLITICAL—AFFAIRS, gave 1—POWERPOINT presentation of polling data about 20060000             —THE elections.
20080126             Die Behörde für zivile Luftfahrt der Volksrepublik CHINA gibt bekannt, die Regierung habe umgerechnet 42—MRD.
20080126             Euro für den Bau von 97—WEITEREN Flughäfen —BIS zum —JAHR 20200000              freigegeben.
20080126             1—SECURITY—CHIEF—FOR—SUNNI tribesmen who rose up against AL—QAIDA in IRAQ said 20080123             —THE explosion in NORTH—IRAQ was spearheaded by foreign fighters under the sponsorship of Seif AL—ISLAM Gadhafi, SON—OF—THE—LIBYA—LEADER.
20080126             —ROUTED, BARACK—OBAMA, Hillary Rodham Clinton in the racially charged SOUTH—CAROLINA primary, regaining campaign momentum in the prelude to a 20080205              COAST—TO—COAST competition for more than 1,600 Democratic National Convention delegates.
20080126             —SHOWED, Nearly complete returns, Obama winning 55—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, Clinton gaining 27%.
20080126             Edwards had 18% and won only his home county of Oconee.
20080126             THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA DEMOCRATIC—PARTY broke its own turnout record in the presidential primary.
20080126             —DIRECTED, The film "Frozen River,", by Courtney Hunt, won 1. prize at the Sundance Film Festival in Park CITY—UTAH.
20080126             "Trouble the Water" won as best USA documentary film.
20080126             "THE—WACKNESS" won the audience award.
20080126             Miss MICHIGAN Kirsten Haglund, a 19—YEAR—OLD aspiring Broadway star, was crowned Miss AMERICA 20080000              in 1—LIVE—SHOW billed as the unveiling of THE—87—YEAR—OLD pageant's new, hipper look.
20080126             † It was reported that some 15,000 birds had over the last —MONTH—AROUND UTAH—GREAT—SALT—LAKE due to avian cholera, caused by the bacterium Pasteurella multocida.
20080126             —INTRODUCED, The disease was, into the wild —DURING the 1940s from USA domestic poultry.
20080126             —MELDED, VIKTOR—SCHRECKENGOST, Bauhaus functionalism and USA—SENSIBILITY.
20080126             —KIDNAPPED, AFGHANISTAN, gunmen, Cyd Mizell (49), 1—BURQA—CLAD—USA—AID worker, and her driver, ABDUL—HADI, —WHILE they were driving through 1—RESIDENTIAL—SECTION—OF—KANDAHAR.
20080126             She worked for the aid agency ASIA—RURAL—LIFE Development Foundation.
20080126             According to THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRISIS—GROUP, 1—BRUSSELS—BASED lobby, THE—CAR has dropped below the level even of 1 failed state.
20080126             —RESTRICTED, EGYPT—RIOT police and armored vehicles, GAZA motorists to 1—SMALL—BORDER AREA—OF—EGYPT, in the 2. attempt in 2—DAYS to restore control over the chaotic frontier breached by Hamas militants.
20080126             —HOSPITALIZED, At least 36—EGYPT—SECURITY personnel have been, including some in critical condition, due to border incidents with Palestinians.
20080126             —STORMED, GUYANA, gunmen, into Lusignan, 1—COASTAL—VILLAGE, and shot dead 11—PEOPLE with 5—CHILDREN among the dead.
20080126             —SUSPECTED, Police and government officials, 1—GANG led by Rondell Rawlins, 1—FORMER—GUYANA—SOLDIER, is behind the violence.
20080126             —ACCUSED, Rawlins has, security forces of kidnapping his pregnant 18—YEAR—OLD girlfriend days ago and police say he threatened to carry out attacks —UNTIL she is found.
20080126             —DISAPPEARED, INDONESIA, 1—SMALL—CARGO plane, and apparently crashed —DURING 1—SHORT—FLIGHT over Borneo island, and all 3—PEOPLE aboard were feared dead.
20080126             1—FORMER—CITY official was stabbed to death along with his wife and daughter in their home in 1—PREDOMINANTLY—SHIITE neighborhood in BAGHDAD.
20080126             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed by 1—BOMB —WHILE on foot patrol in BAGHDAD.
20080126             —STABBED, IRAQ, 1—FORMER—CITY official was, to death along with his wife and daughter in their home in 1—PREDOMINANTLY—SHIITE neighborhood in NORTH—EAST—BAGHDAD.
20080126             —KILLED, Elsewhere in the capital, 1—USA—SOLDIERS was, by 1—BOMB —WHILE on foot patrol.
20080126             —COLLIDED, NORTH—JORDAN, 1—TOUR bus, with 1—WATER tanker, killing at least 21—PEOPLE with 33 Injured.
20080126             † GEORGE—HABASH, 81—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—PLO leader, in JORDAN.
20080126             —FORCED, KENYA, sporadic gunshots rang in NAKURU as those, from their homes by postelection violence threatened revenge.
20080126             —CHARRED, Police took 16, bodies to 1—MORTUARY, where onlookers sobbed.
20080126             —DETAINED, MALAYSIA—POLICE, 53—ACTIVISTS in 1—CRACKDOWN on 1—PLANNED—OPPOSITION—LED protest over inflation ahead of national elections expected within weeks.
20080126             —FIRED, RUSSIA—RIOT police, warning shots into the air and beat demonstrators who tried to rally against alleged VOTE—RIGGING in the Muslim REGION—OF—INGUSHETIA.
20080126             —BOMBED, SRI—LANKA—AIR—FORCE jets, the Tamil Tiger rebels' naval headquarters —WHILE the group's sea wing leaders were holding 1—MEETING there.
20080126             —PACKED, WEST—THAILAND, 1—BUS, with passengers heading to 1—FUNERAL tumbled down 1—MOUNTAIN, killing 9—PEOPLE and injuring 26—OTHERS.
20080126             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ and allies NICARAGUA, BOLIVIA and CUBA, MEMBERS—OF—THE—BOLIVARIAN—ALTERNATIVE for the Americas (ALBA), launched 1—REGIONAL—DEVELOPMENT bank intended to strengthen their alliance and promote independence from USA—BACKED lenders like the World BANK—AS—CHAVEZ hosted 1—SUMMIT with ALBA leaders.
20080126             Herzattacke: PALÄSTINENSER—FÜHRER Habasch tot
20080126             —INZWISCHEN, Allerdings scheinen auch die Ermittler, den Druck auf die Verantwortlichen der Bank zu erhöhen.
20080126             Sie fragen ebenfalls:
20080126             Wie konnte es bei einem anerkannt innovativen Haus wie Société Générale geschehen,
20080126             dass ein einzelner Mitarbeiter in diesen Größenordnungen unentdeckt sein Unwesen treibt?
20080126             Natürlich geht es den Palästinensern in GAZA nicht gut,
20080126             Natürlich - Einen schöneren FALL—VON—DESINFORMATION und Propaganda hat es nicht mehr gegeben,
20080126             —SEIT Yassir Arafat unmittelbar —NACH—DEM 20010911              vor laufenden Kameras Blut für die bei den Anschlägen Verletzten spendete,
20080126             um die Bilder von den jubelnden und tanzenden Palästinensern zu konterkarieren.
20080126             Inzwischen weiß man: die Nadel steckte nicht in Arafats Arm, sondern war unter einem Verband versteckt.
20080126             Der "Rais" tat nur so als ob.
20080126             —VERHÖRT, Societe Generale: Polizei, MILLIARDENZOCKER—BANK—IN—ERKLÄRUNGSNOT
20080126             Finanzprobleme: Merkel sieht keinen Grund zur Sorge
20080126             Zahlenzauber: "Mathe stärkt die Persönlichkeit"
20080126             Börse in DUBAI: Aktienwetten statt Pferderennen
20080126             —GEFÄHRDET, Banken: Sanierung der WestLB
20080126             PALÄSTINENSER—EXODUS aus GAZA: Der Probelauf der Hamas
20080126             Societe Generale: Polizei nimmt Milliardenzocker Kerviel fest
20080126             —BERICHTET, Festnahmen in BARCELONA: Spanische Presse, von Anschlagsplänen in Deutschland
20080126             WILD—HANDYS: Robbe simst Lebensdaten an Pfleger
20080126             Mitten in BERLIN: Diplomat hält Angestellte wie Sklavin
20080126             Nach MILLIARDEN—DESASTER bei Société Générale:
20080126             Deutsche Bank prüft internes Sicherheitssystem - Zuviel Risiko: Landesbanken in Not
20080126             So ISRAEL—MILITARY—LEADERS have begun early planning for 1—NEW, robotic defense system,
20080126             armed with enough artificial intelligence that it "could take over completely" from FLESH—AND—BLOOD operators.
20080126             "It will be designed for... autonomous operations,' BRIGADIER—GENERAL—DANIEL—MILO, COMMANDER—OF—ISRAEL—AIR defense forces, tells Defense News' Barbara OPALL—ROME.
20080126             And in the event of a "doomsday" strike, OPALL—ROME notes, the system could handle "attacks that exceed physiological LIMITS—OF—HUMAN—COMMAND.
20080126             Der Trend der letzten Jahre ist ja ganz klar, dass man den Bürgern ihre Daten nicht wegnimmt, sondern sie sie freiwillig einpflegen, weil sie alle doof sind.
20080126             —BISHER sind das nur Telefonnummern,
20080126             Realnamen, Vorlieben, Freundeskreise, vielleicht noch der Lebenslauf.
20080126             Aber die nächste Stufe kommt gerade: Leute sollen DNA—PROBEN von sich an 1—USA—STARTUP senden, die das dann für $999—ANALYSIEREN und 3. zur Verfügung stellen.
20080126             Nun, wer könnte so doof sein, das zu tun?
20080126             Hey, keine Ahnung, ich sicher nicht,
20080126             aber Idioten scheint es da draußen ja genug zu geben, man schaue sich nur mal die Accountliste bei StudiVZ u.ä. an.
20080126             Mir fallen ja bei sowas auch sofort irgendwelche gruselige REINRASSIGKEITS—SCHEIßE der Nazis ein.
20080126             DON—ALPHONSO sieht das ähnlich.
20080126             Im Grunde kann da nichts gutes bei rauskommen,
20080126             selbst wenn die richtige PRIVACY—REGELN hätten und nicht als Schmankerl oben drauf noch von der Frau von SERGEY—BRIN (1—DER—BEIDEN—GOOGLE—GRÜNDER) betrieben würde,
20080126             die ja eh —SCHON die übelste Datenkrake der Welt sind.
20080126             Bald indizieren die dann auch noch die 23ANDME—DNA—DATEN,
20080126             und am Ende greift man da über seine GOOGLE—ID drauf zu und alles ist prima zusammen geführt.
20080126             Seufz.
20080126             TR: Wo sehen Sie Google in den nächsten 10—JAHREN,
20080126             falls der STAAT entscheidet, nicht zu regulieren?
20080126             Maurer: Als einen Machtfaktor, der stärker als JEDER—STAAT ist.
20080126             Und als einen Monopolisten, der nicht akzeptierbar ist.
20080126             Google weiß mehr über die Zukunft als je jemand —SEIT dem Orakel von Delphi gewusst hat:
20080126             das könnte der Konzern ausnutzen, um beispielsweise gewaltig am Aktienmarkt zu profitieren.
20080126             Das ist wieder so 1—VERLOCKUNG.
20080126             TR: Ist den Nutzern bewusst, wie VIELE—DATEN—GOOGLE über sie sammelt?
20080126             Muss hier mehr Aufklärung betrieben werden?
20080126             Maurer: Sicher ist dieses Bewusstsein nicht da, Aufklärung ist wichtig — auch darüber, dass, selbst wenn man einen Dienst nur kurz verwendet, immer mitgespeichert wird.
20080126             Google besitzt so über jeden von uns und JEDE—ORGANISATION 1—DOSSIER, das jenseits von Werbung viel wert ist.
20080126             —VERWERTET, Ob das Google —HEUTE—SCHON, wissen wir nicht.
20080126             Die Versuchung müsste nur da sein.
20080126             Was ist, wenn Regierung X 5—MILLIONEN Euro anbietet,
20080126             um diese Informationen von 100—OPPOSITIONELLEN zu bekommen?
20080126             Wäre Google nicht fast —SCHON dumm das abzulehnen,
20080126             schließlich wurden die Daten ja legal gesammelt?
20080126             Nur müsste der Konzern dafür sorgen, dass das sehr im Geheimen geschieht, sonst würde er an Glaubwürdigkeit verlieren.
20080126             Dicing with disaster
20080126             1—ROGUE trader's £4bn loss illustrates the huge gambles that are taken daily in THE—MARKETS—AND exposes our ignorance of the economic forces that dominate our lives
20080126             Polizei nimmt Kerviel fest - Auf Shoppingtour mit 5—MILLIARDEN Euro - Märkte hoffen auf die nächste Zinspille
20080126             BAYERN erwägt GPS—ÜBERWACHUNG von entlassenen Sexualstraftätern
20080126             Eintritt ins Anthropozän - "Google muss reguliert werden" - "Unmenschliche Abriegelung"
20080126             Rund 20000000              Israelis demonstrieren gegen GAZA—BLOCKADE
20080126             Study warns of measles epidemic as cases surge
20080126             L'auteur présumé de la fraude à la Société Générale placé en garde à vue
20080126             Rogue trader —JUST 'MISTER—AVERAGE'
20080126             —PAKTIERT, Allianz der Rechten: FPÖ, mit "Front National"
20080126             Au weia, in den USA tritt gerade der Maximalschaden für Banken ein: Leute, die eigentlich zahlen könnten, bedienen ihre Hypotheken absichtlich nicht mehr.
20080126             1—HOMEOWNER who can't sell his house tells the L.A.TIMES, "Foreclose me.
20080126             I'll live in the house for free —FOR—12—MONTHS + I'll save my money and I'll move on.
20080126             Die Häuser sind ja nicht verkäuflich gerade.
20080126             Die Banken sitzen da auf einer tickenden Zeitbombe, selbst mit den "guten" Hypotheken.
20080126             Calculated Risk notes this is "1—OF—THE—GREATEST—FEARS for lenders
20080126             that it will become socially acceptable for upside down middle class Americans to walk away from their homes".
20080126             1—COMMENTER on L.A. Land this —MORNING writes, "I am 1—OF—THESE people.
20080126             —DROPPED, My condo has, in value from $520K in 5/06—WHEN I bought it to $350K —NOW.
20080126             My ARM payment will probably go up $900—PER —MONTH in ;;06;;. - I'll put it this way.
20080126             —WATERBOARDED, If I had the choice of being, by a 3. party or having my fingers smashed 1 at 1—TIME by 1—SLEDGEHAMMER, I'd take the fingers, no question.
20080126             It's horrible, terrible, inhuman torture. I can hardly imagine worse.
20080126             I'd prefer permanent damage and disability to experiencing it again.
20080126             I'd give up anything, say anything, do anything.
20080126             THE—SPANISH—INQUISITION knew this.
20080126             It was 1—OF—THEIR favorite methods. It's torture. No question.
20080126             Terrible terrible torture.
20080126             To experience it and understand it and then do it to another human being is to leave THE—REALM—OF—SANITY and humanity forever.
20080126             No question in my mind. Questions? Doubts?
20080126             Wenn es gerade aussieht, als seien die BETONKOPF—HARDLINER im Nahen Osten keine direkte Bedrohung mehr,
20080126             kommen unsere BETONKOPF—HARDLINER aus ihren Bunkern und fordern einen "präventiven nuklearen NATO—ERSTSCHLAG" gegen Länder,
20080126             die der Verbreitung von Atomwaffen verdächtigt werden könnten.
20080126             Geht es noch ein bisschen vager?
20080126             Verdächtigt wurde ja auch der Irak.
20080126             Also ab —JETZT NATO—ATOMSCHLÄGE gegen Länder, die dem BUSH gerade nicht passen?
20080126             Und einer von denen ist Deutscher, der ehemalige Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr und höchstdekorierte deutsche SOLDAT—SEIT—DEM —WWII.
20080126             Da sieht man mal, was dieses ganze Kriegsspielen aus den Menschen macht.
20080126             Die Militärs und die Kräfte im Hintergrund dieses Papiers fordern als Antwort:
20080126             die Einführung der Mehrheitsentscheidung in der NATO ein neues "Direktorium" aus "Führern" der USA,
20080126             EU und NATO 1—ENDE der "Obstruktion" der NATO durch eine rivalisierende EU,
20080126             so die Autoren das vollständige Fallen JEDER—EINSATZBESCHRÄNKUNG aller Truppen in AFGHANISTAN den EINSATZ—VON—NATO—TRUPPEN (und damit auch Atomwaffen) ohne UN—MANDAT,
20080126             zum SCHUTZE einer "grösseren ZAHL—VON—MENSCHEN" Oh, und das Mandat UN—SICHERHEITSRATES soll auch nur noch optional sein.
20080126             Ach du meine Güte. Die haben Blut geleckt im Kosovo.
20080126             Hoffentlich scheitern die damit großflächig.
20080126             Aber da sieht man mal, wie sehr die EU—BESTREBUNGEN nach eigenem Außenminister und eigener Armee die Amis irritiert.
20080126             Oh, da ist 1—HEISE—MELDUNG an mir vorbei gescrollt:
20080126             EU—PARLAMENTARIER warnen vor OPEN—SOURCE—PIRATEN.
20080126             Guckt mal: Weitere Maßnahmen zum Schutz des geistigen Eigentums hält der Ausschuss für internationalen Handel beim EU—PARLAMENT für angebracht.
20080126             Im einer Stellungnahme (PDF—DATEI) zur "europäischen Kulturagenda im Zeichen der Globalisierung" wird vor "bislang nicht gekannten Bedrohungen" durch "OPEN—SOURCE—GESTÜTZTE Internetportale UND—DIENSTLEISTUNGEN" gewarnt.
20080126             Ich fürchte, die Merkel ist mit ihrer MICROSOFT—JUBELPERSEREI nicht alleine.
20080126             Microsoft hatte gerade 1—REKORDQUARTAL, die Kohle haben sie offenbar gut angelegt.
20080126             THE—CHURCH—OF—SCIENTOLOGY has 1—LONG HISTORY—OF—HARASSING those individuals who dare question their controversial doctrines.
20080126             Man to repay dead wife's medical costs in 106—YEARS
20080126             1—MIGRANT worker in BEIJING has signed a 106-year deal to repay 530,000 yuan (USA$73,408) his family owes 1—HOSPITAL so that he can claim his wife's body.
20080126             DNA Molecules Display Telepathic Abilities
20080126             Double helixes of DNA can recognize matching molecules from 1—DISTANCE and then gather together, all seemingly without help from ANY—OTHER molecules, scientists find.
20080126             Soaring global wheat prices increase hunger for MILLIONS—OF—AFGHANS:
20080126             —URGED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAMME (WFP) and the Government of AFGHANISTAN —TODAY, THE—INTERNATIONAL community to fund 1—SHARP—INCREASE in needed food assistance for the poor of AFGHANISTAN who cannot afford to pay soaring local prices for wheat, 1—STAPLE—OF—THE—AFGHANISTAN—DIET.
20080126             Kucinich to Introduce IMPEACHMENT—OF—BUSH —BEFORE STATE—OF—THE—UNION
20080126             In 1—BRAZEN SHOW—OF—COURAGE, Congressman Kucinich took to the House Floor —YESTERDAY and called BUSH and Cheney the liars that they are.
20080126             Continue - If BUSH Were Honest PRESIDENT—BUSH : In 1—EMERGENCY—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH To Congress
20080126             If PRESIDENT—BUSH were honest, perhaps this is what he would say in his "STATE—OF—THE—UNION" Continue
20080126             What struck me, living and working in THE—USA, was that presidential campaigns were 1—PARODY,
20080126             entertaining and often grotesque.
20080126             They are 1—RITUAL danse MACABRE—OF—FLAGS,
20080126             balloons and bullsh*t, designed to camouflage 1—VENAL system based on money power, human division and 1—CULTURE of permanent war.
20080126             Continue - PRESIDENT—HILLARY
20080126             Are the Democrats choosing Hillary because she has the moral integrity to stop 1—UNJUST war and to hold war criminals responsible for leading AMERICAN—INTO war based on lies and deception?
20080126             Are they choosing Hillary because she defends THE—USA—CONSTITUTION from usurpation by executive power?
20080126             Are they choosing her because she is PUBLIC—SPIRITED instead of personally ambitious?
20080126             Continue - THE—PRISON—INDUSTRIAL Complex-
20080126             Correctional officials see danger in prison overcrowding.
20080126             Others see opportunity.
20080126             The nearly 2—MILLION Americans behind BARS—THE—MAJORITY—OF—THEM nonviolent OFFENDERS—MEAN—JOBS for depressed regions and windfalls for profiteers.
20080126             Continue - FISA 2.0 Called 'Atrocious' Privacy Violation:
20080126             —OFFERED, Privacy advocates say the proposal being, by the Senate Select COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE is "atrocious".
20080126             MP3: how USA politicians and candidates refuse to discuss the looming economic collapse,
20080126             the staggering amount we spend on our military, AMERICA—PIPE dream of global domination,
20080126             the similarity between AMERICA and THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE in structure,
20080126             overextended militarism + inevitable collapse
20080126             Forget everything you've read about the "Great Escape" from GAZA.
20080126             It's all rubbish.
20080126             —COOKED, The whole farce was, up in 1—ISRAEL—THINK tank as way to rid Palestine of its indigenous people.
20080126             HERE—1—EXCERPT from THE—ISRAEL—NEWSPAPER Arutz Sheva which explains the real motive behind the incident: Continue
20080126             USA Democrats challenge Bush to renounce waterboarding:
20080126             Congressional Democrats, trying to get the jump on PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—STATE—OF—THE—UNION speech,
20080126             challenged him —FRIDAY to renounce the use of waterboarding in interrogations,
20080126             announce he will close GUANTANAMO Bay to detainees and outline new policies toward PAKISTAN and IRAN.
20080126             USA Willing to Send Troops to PAKISTAN:
20080126             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is willing to send 1—SMALL—NUMBER—OF—USA combat troops to PAKISTAN to help fight the insurgency there if PAKISTAN—AUTHORITIES ask for such help,
20080126             PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—SAID—FRIDAY—USA troops cannot do 1—BETTER—JOB than his forces in routing the Taliban and AL—QAIDA + THE—USA should increase its presence in AFGHANISTAN instead to deal with the growing insurgency there.
20080126             PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—SAYS—USA should beef up presence in AFGHANISTAN, not PAKISTAN:
20080126             —REITERATED, PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, that PAKISTAN opposes ANY—FOREIGN—FORCES on its soil and said "the man in the street will not allow this — he will come out and agitate".
20080126             Taliban seize Nato supplies in PAKISTAN:
20080126             The suspected mastermind behind Benazir BHUTTO—ASSASSINATION has stolen sophisticated Nato equipment by raiding the alliance's supply lines running through PAKISTAN—TERRITORY
20080126             Jordanians rally in support of Hamas in GAZA:
20080126             Chanting slogans urging Islamist Hamas militants to resume suicide bombings against ISRAEL,
20080126             —URGED, The presidential hopeful, THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council —ON—TUESDAY to either condemn PALESTINE—ROCKET attacks on ISRAEL or remain silent about events in GAZA.
20080126             UN Powers Agree on More IRAN Sanctions:
20080126             Major UNITED—NATIONS Security Council powers have agreed on 1—INCREMENTAL increase in sanctions on IRAN,
20080126             including 1—NEW—RESTRICTION on exporters doing business with the country, diplomats said —THURSDAY
20080126             SCOTT—RITTER : THE—SANCTIONS—TRAP:
20080126             Like Security Council resolution 14410000             , which was passed by the Council
20080126             IRAN returns down offensive letter from USA:
20080126             —RETURNED, ALI—AKBAR—REZAEI said —WEDNESDAY that IRAN has, the letter as the proper term for the Persian Gulf had not been used in it.
20080126             'Breakout Into ISRAEL' Ahead
20080126             1—SENIOR—HAMAS official warned —YESTERDAY that the next breakout from THE—GAZA Strip could be into ISRAEL,
20080126             with 500,000 Palestinians attempting to march towards the towns and villages from which they or their parents fled or were expelled —60—YEARS—AGO.
20080126             Continue - Camp or Conspiracy?
20080126             1—FLEETING woman is hosed down, her dignity washed away with the scarce water that she should be offered to quench her thirst with,
20080126             as she attempts to escape into neighboring EGYPT; she is escaping hunger,
20080126             Continue - How To Create IRAQ—ORPHANS.
20080126             And then how to make life worse for THEM—BY ROBERT—FISK
20080126             —KILLED, Western mercenaries, their 48—YEAR—OLD—IRAQ—ARMENIAN mother,
20080126             Marou Awanis + her best friend — firing 40—BULLETS into her body as she drove her taxi near their 4—VEHICLE convoy in BAGHDAD.
20080126             Continue - USA War Costs In IRAQ Up: Report-
20080126             THE—IRAQ war may not dominate USA news reports as the carnage drops,
20080126             but 1—NEW—REPORT underscores the financial burden of persistent combat that is helping run up the government's credit card.
20080126             Continue - THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION: Meaner, Not Leaner-
20080126             —FROM the holy land to the promised land, presidential PROMISES—OF—PEACE (in THE—MIDDLE—EAST), progress (in IRAQ) and prosperity (via more tax cuts) will be met with deep skepticism —WHEN Mr.
20080126             BUSH delivers the annual STATE—OF—THE—UNION address —ON—MONDAY.
20080126             Continue - THE—ACID—TEST
20080126             Are we all going to stand by —WHILE another set of Manechean visions is paraded —BEFORE us in THE—FORM—OF—THE—STRUGGLES between freedom and despotism,
20080126             moderates and radicals, global JIHADI—TERRORIST networks and PRO—WESTERN—FREEDOM fighters?
20080126             Continue
20080126             —MISSED, In case you, it BUSH—HITLER: Hypnotizing THE—MASSES
20080126             Said by some to be more dangerous than Osama BIN—LADEN, he has been condemned as a "war maniac," called a "moron" by THE—CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—CHIEF spokeswoman,
20080126             ridiculed as "THE—ENGLISH—PATIENT" for his struggles with language + likened to ADOLF—HITLER.
20080126             Of all the labels hung on GEORGE—W—BUSH, the hardest to shake may be the comparison with Hitler.
20080126             Continue - Chomsky On World Ownership-
20080126             Chomsky on how THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—BELIEF in its OWNERSHIP—OF—THE—WORLD shapes its foreign policy.
20080126             —TODAY, says Zinn, we have 1—PRESIDENT, who more than ANY—BEFORE him, claims 1—SPECIAL—RELATIONSHIP with God.
20080126             Zinn worries about 1—ADMINISTRATION that deploys Christian zealotry to justify 1—WAR against terrorism,
20080126             1—WAR that in reality seems more about establishing 1—NEW beachhead in THE—OIL—RICH—MIDDLE—EAST.
20080126             He also sees great danger in BUSH—DOCTRINES—OF—UNILATERALISM and PRE—EMPTIVE war, which mark 1—GREAT leap away from INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS—OF—MORALITY.
20080126             Continue - Message From Davos: THE—RECESSION—IS—COMING
20080126             1—FULL—BLOWN, prolonged recession in AMERICA is —NOW inescapable, with THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD set to be dragged into 1—SEVERE—GLOBAL—SLOWDOWN despite —YESTERDAY—EMERGENCY USA—INTEREST rate cut by the Federal Reserve,
20080126             leading economists said in Davos this —MORNING.
20080126             Continue - Cheney Wants Surveillance Law Expanded-
20080126             "We're reminding Congress that they must act —NOW," Cheney told the Heritage Foundation, 1—CONSERVATIVE think tank.
20080126             The law, which authorizes the administration to eavesdrop on phone calls and see THE—E—MAIL to and from suspected terrorists,
20080126             Congress is bickering over terms of its extension.
20080126             Continue - THE—END—OF—PRIVACY
20080126             —NOW the national DIRECTOR—OF—INTELLIGENCE is predicting 1—DISASTROUS—CYBER—TERRORIST attack on THE—USA—IF this scheme isn't instituted.
20080126             Continue - Chalmers Johnson on the Myth of Free Trade-
20080126             Don't Be Fooled By THE—MYTH—OF—JOHN—MCCAIN
20080126             Right up to his twenties, he remained 1—STRIKINGLY violent man, "ready to fight at the drop of 1—HAT",
20080126             according to his biographer ROBERT—TIMBERG.
20080126             This rage seems to be at the core of his personality:
20080126             describing his own childhood, McCain has written: "At the smallest provocation I would go off into 1—MAD frenzy + then suddenly crash to the floor unconscious.
20080126             —WHEN I got angry I held my breath —UNTIL I blacked out".
20080126             —STUNNED, Asher, for 1, was, by THE—AUDACITY—OF—THE—REGIME.
20080126             "If they're going to counterfeit our currency the entire time they're engaged in diplomatic negotiations,
20080126             what does that say about their sincerity?" he asked me
20080126             Und das Pendel schlägt zurück: Vertreter der HOCHSICHERHEITS—DRUCKINDUSTRIE und Falschgeldfahnder fragen hinter vorgehaltener Hand —SCHON lange,
20080126             was eigentlich die amerikanische CIA in ihrer Geheimdruckerei druckt.
20080126             In dieser Anlage, in einer namentlich bekannten Stadt nördlich von WASHINGTON, steht genau so 1—MASCHINE, wie sie für die "supernote " benötigt würde.
20080126             Die gesamte amerikanische Medienlandschaft hat sich daher bei diesem brisanten Thema selbst einen Maulkorb verpasst.
20080126             Die Fahnder tauften die Fälschung daher respektvoll "supernote".
20080126             VIELE—LÄNDER wurden seither der Tat verdächtigt, das IRAN der Mullahs, Syrer, die libanesische Hisbullah, auch die EX—DDR.
20080126             Daran erinnert man sich in WASHINGTON nicht mehr so gerne,
20080126             denn —HEUTE ist man davon überzeugt, dass es Nordkorea sein muss.
20080126             —BEREITS vor einem —JAHR habe die EZB festgestellt, dass es auf den internationalen Finanzmärkten 1—TENDENZ gebe,
20080126             "die Risiken zu unterschätzen", fügte Trichet hinzu.
20080126             Like THE—FBI—INFAMOUS—COINTELPRO program and THE—CIA—MHCHAOS to name but 2—OF—1—PANOPLY of repressive state programs to "neutralize" threats to the status quo,
20080126             —TODAY'S "red hunters" seek to criminalize your thoughts even —BEFORE you've acted upon them.
20080126             Surfed over to the World Socialist Website - lately? Then you'd better watch out!
20080126             —HAULED, You might find yourself, —BEFORE the National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism.
20080126             Charged with holding "hearings" across the country THE—NATIONAL—COMMISSION can conduct broad investigations under its congressional mandate + question people under oath about their ideological beliefs.
20080126             Ridgeway and Casella continue,
20080126             Wherever it may ultimately lead, the bill seems clearly PART—OF—1—GROWING push toward expanding domestic intelligence OPERATIONS—SPYING that is aimed not at ANY—AL—QAEDA members who may have slipped across the border,
20080126             but at USA citizens and legal residents.
20080126             The great civil libertarian FRANK—J—DONNER,
20080126             argued that the true goal of domestic intelligence was not to prevent or punish criminal activity, but to protect existing power structures and suppress dissent.
20080126             Unlike law enforcement,
20080126             which deals with illegal actions that have already been committed,
20080126             domestic intelligence is by nature "FUTURE—ORIENTED": It is not looking for criminals,
20080126             but potential criminals + it does so by relying on "ideology, not behavior, theory not practice".
20080126             Anyone who thinks the wrong way could at SOME—POINT act the wrong way--so they have to be watched.
20080126             —WHEN the bill is introduced —LATER this —YEAR in the Senate, civil libertarians and other opponents expect it to become law.
20080126             Feeling safer? Permalink
20080126             —RELEASED, Coming on the heels of 1—ALARMIST report, by THE—NEW—YORK City Police DEPARTMENT—INTELLIGENCE division,
20080126             Radicalization in the West and the Homegrown Threat,
20080126             the hunt for antiwar leftists allegedly in cahoots with "jihadists" and "Islamofascists" is on.
20080126             Ridgeway and Casella inform us, Both the legislation and the report are presented as reasonable,
20080126             rational responses to THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM from domestic "extremist" groups and are framed not as plans for action but as efforts to "study" and "understand" the roots of homegrown terrorism.
20080126             Both promote precisely the kind of broad approach--targeting beliefs rather than actions,
20080126             assuming that "radicalization" leads to violence, defining terms loosely and casting 1—WIDE—NET--that has been used in the past by government authorities to monitor and disrupt legitimate dissent as well as illegal plots.
20080126             It's Primary —DAY for the Dems in SOUTH—CAROLINA.
20080126             For Whatever It's Worth (Given the Weak RECORD—OF—THE—POLLS) Here is the Final Zogby Poll for the Palmetto State:
20080126             "Obama wins 41% support, compared to 26% for NEW—YORK SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON and 19% for FORMER—NORTH—CAROLINA Sen.
20080126             JOHN—EDWARDS".
20080126             But the Voters, Not the Polls, WILL—DECIDE—TODAY. Polls Close at 7—PM EST.
20080126             —SIGNED, Bush, 1—DIRECTIVE this —MONTH that expands the intelligence community's role in monitoring INTERNET traffic to protect against 1—RISING NUMBER—OF—ATTACKS on federal agencies' computer systems.
20080126             Give Bush and Cheney 1—INCHE and they'll take 1—YARD, which means consider your E—MAIL snooped upon.
20080126             Support BuzzFlash —NOW: Can You Help BuzzFlash Pay This —MONTH—VISA—CARD by Purchasing 1—PREMIUM or Making 1—DONATION?
20080126             Click Here. This Drive WILL—END —ON—FRIDAY Night.
20080126             WILL—EDWARDS be the Comeback Kid?
20080126             JOHN—EDWARDS' presidential campaign awoke —FRIDAY to the news that he was within striking distance of 2. place in THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA Democratic primary —TODAY.
20080126             1/26 - COVERAGE—OF—THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA Democratic Primary from the Largest Newspaper in SOUTH—CAROLINA:
20080126             "THE—STATE". THE—DEM—PRIMARY is —SATURDAY.
20080126             WP Columnist Colbert I. KING: Item: BILL—CLINTON—JAB at OBAMA—LACK—OF—EXPERIENCE.
20080126             To elect Obama would be to "roll the dice," sniffed THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT.
20080126             —WHEN BILL—CLINTON ran for PRESIDENT
20080126             Rudy G. + Endorses McCain for THE—GOP Nomination
20080126             THE—NRA—WANTS—GUN—NUTS to Pack Heat in Our National Parks and Nearly HALF—OF—THE—SENATE is CO—SPONSORING 1—BILL—THAT—WOULD—ALLOW—GUN—TOTING on Our Most Treasured,
20080126             FAMILY—ORIENTED Lands.
20080126             Sign 1—PLEDGE to Keep Guns Out of Our National Parks.
20080126             Do It —TODAY.
20080126             So what will you do with your "rebate check"? -- BE—ELECTED
20080126             If I was given to conspiracies, could 1—FLOOD of this identifiable fake/real money be 1—WAY to force USA into abolishing currency,
20080126             so that all funds are electronic and easier to trace/steal? —JUST 1—THOUGHT.
20080126             This DU poster - adds 1—FASCINATING BIT—OF—SPECULATION:
20080126             I was even wondering myself if the kid gloves treatment that was afforded to money launderer THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS who was tied into DUKE—CUNNINGHAM,
20080126             BRENT—WILKES + the intelligence agencies might have known more about this than he ought to and that was why he was "allowed" to travel to EUROPE —AFTER being sentenced for his crimes here under the "guidance" of some unnamed governmental agency unbeknownst to the sentencing judge.
20080126             —AFTER poking holes in the evidence against NORTH—KOREA (which produces its own POOR—QUALITY notes on inferior equipment 19700000             —FROM—THE S),
20080126             THE—FAS piece segues into the realm of rumor.
20080126             —LABELED, Fortunately, the speculation comes clearly, as such:
20080126             1—RUMOR has circulated for years among REPRESENTATIVES—OF—THE—SECURITY printing industry and counterfeiting investigators that it is THE—USA—CIA that prints the Supernotes at 1—SECRET printing facility.
20080126             It is in this facility, thought to be in 1—CITY NORTH—OF—WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, where the printing presses needed to produce the Supernotes is said to be located.
20080126             THE—CIA could use the Supernotes to fund covert operations in INTERNATIONAL crisis zones + such funds would not be subject to ANY—CONTROL by THE—USA—CONGRESS.
20080126             This same "rumor" has —NOW found its way into 1—MCCLATCHY newspaper, THE—KANSAS City Star:
20080126             He claims that the supernotes are of such high quality and are updated so frequently that they could be produced only by A—USA—GOVERNMENT agency such as THE—CIA.
20080126             —UNSUBSTANTIATED, As, as the allegation is, there is 1—PRECEDENT.
20080126             1—EXPERT on THE—CIA,
20080126             I would also cite as a precedent the Nazis' notorious Operation Bernhard.
20080126             HERE—1—ASTOUNDING detail: The superdollars contain 1—DELIBERATE "tell" -- 1—GIVEAWAY.
20080126             —SEEMED, Whoever is making them, to deliberately add minuscule extra strokes, as if trying to flag the phony bills, the Swiss noted.
20080126             For example, at the very TIP—OF—THE—STEEPLE—OF—PHILADELPHIA—INDEPENDENCE—HALL, the counterfeit bills have 1—LINE along the left vertical edge that is not on the real bills.
20080126             1—DETAIL—OF—THAT sort would not occur by accident, especially not on bills which pass muster on 1—MICROSCOPIC—LEVEL.
20080126             SOME—AVER that dictator KIM—JONG—IL could not keep his nation afloat without the phony notes.
20080126             (Of course, defectors have often proven unreliable.) - But this spellbinding story
20080126             in GERMANY—FRANKFURTER—ALLGEMEINE—SONNTAGSZEITUNG suggests that the culprit may in fact be THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE community.
20080126             (To read the rest, click "Permalink" below)
20080126             THE—FAS piece -- WRITTEN—BY—KLAUS—BENDER, AUTHOR—OF—MONEYMAKERS: THE—SECRET—WORLD—OF—BANKNOTE—PRINTING -- notes the astounding technical difficulties involved with such 1—OPERATION.
20080126             —PRODUCED, The banknote paper used for the Supernotes is, on 1—SO—CALLED—FOURDRINIER papermaking machine and consists of 75—PERCENT cotton and 25—PERCENT linen.
20080126             Only the Americans make their currency in this manner.
20080126             —ON the Supernotes, neither SUPER—THIN polyester security film with the microprint "USA 100" nor the graduated watermarks are missing.
20080126             For this, the counterfeiters would require at least 1—PAPERMAKING machine.
20080126             In addition, 1—CHEMICAL and physical ANALYSIS—OF—THE—PAPER proves that the cotton used in the Supernotes originated in AMERICA—SOUTH—STATES.
20080126             To be sure, this cotton is freely available on the open market.
20080126             That's —JUST the beginning.
20080126             —PRINTED, The notes are, using 1—INTAGLIO press manufactured for the Federal Reserve by THE—GERMANY—FIRM—KBA Giori.
20080126             These special printing machines are not available on the open market.
20080126             —REPORTED, Even the resale of such 1—MACHINE is, to Interpol as 1—MATTER of routine.
20080126             —MANUFACTURED, THE—TOP—SECRET COLOR—CHANGING ink used on $100—BILLS is, by 1—SWITZERLAND—FIRM;
20080126             other inks are produced in secret facilities in THE—USA.
20080126             —EMERGED, Another peculiarity concerning dollar notes that, —STARTING
20080126             USA—SPOOKS have been known to engage in (or at least turn 1—BLIND—EYE toward) SOME—VERY—NEFARIOUS—ACTIVITIES.
20080126             Surely, though, there are limits?
20080126             Surely THE—CIA would understand the damage these supernotes could inflict on THE—USA—ECONOMY?
20080126             I still would not discount the theory of 1—NON—USA—STATE actor.
20080126             1. Covertly acquiring the specialized intaglio printer.
20080126             2. Creating paper to spec, using cotton imported from THE—USA—SOUTH.
20080126             3. Maintaining AGENTS—IN—PLACE within the facilities where the ink is manufactured.
20080126             Other agents would need to have access to the plates for EACH—NEW—BILL design, —SINCE the counterfeits automatically keep up with changes in the real notes.
20080126             EACH—READER must make 1—INDIVIDUAL—JUDGMENT as to which foreign nations -- if any -- could accomplish these tasks.
20080126             Like their TURKEY—COUNTERPARTS, ISRAEL—SPOOKS were key players in THE—CIA/ISI/SAUDI—ARABIA—INTERVENTION in AFGHANISTAN —DURING 19700000             —THE S—1980S and provided arms and "expertise" to FAR—RIGHT—AFGHANISTAN—ISLAMISTS,
20080126             including those who —LATER morphed into THE—AFGHAN—ARAB database known as al Qaeda.
20080126             —LAUNCHED, As with their TURKEY—MATES who, the "CONTRA—GUERRILLA" arm of NATO—GLADIO operation against leftist Turks and Kurds,
20080126             THE—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE "community" is also deeply embedded in the global drug trade.
20080126             According to the late ISRAEL—SCHOLAR ISRAEL—SHAHAK,
20080126             massive INVOLVEMENT—OF—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE in drug trafficking must be well known to (and is probably approved by) its USA—OPPOSITE—NUMBERS.
20080126             Ample precedents for that exist.
20080126             —PRESUMED, It can —THEREFORE be tentatively, that in its ENCOURAGEMENT—OF—DRUG traffic and traffickers,
20080126             —AS—IN much else, ISRAEL acts as 1—PROXY executor of the American will.
20080126             This would at least partly explain why this policy works.
20080126             -- ISRAEL—SHAHAK, Open Secrets: ISRAEL—NUCLEAR and Foreign Policies [LONDON:
20080126             Pluto Press, 19970000             ] p. 121.
20080126             —DESCRIBED, Precisely as Sibel Edmonds has, regarding the drug trafficking angle of the nuclear proliferation network.
20080126             A "big fix" indeed! Permalink - Frank rhetorically inquires:
20080126             Is THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION seeking to exonerate these "officials" with its plea to allow TURKEY to obtain USA nuclear secrets?
20080126             The answer is obvious: WHY—OF—COURSE they are! Frank pointedly asks:
20080126             What "private entities" the press release refers to is not clear,
20080126             but it could well include THE—USA—TURKISH—COUNCIL, the "entity" revealed in the TIMES' article.
20080126             if not overtly conspicuous.
20080126             Edmonds says "several ARMS—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT were shielding what was going on" which included 1—ENTIRE—NATIONAL—SECURITY apparatus associated with the neoconservaties who have profited by representing TURKEY—INTERESTS in WASHINGTON.
20080126             WHITE—HOUSE press release
20080126             alleging that the criminal activities of USA neocons and their Likudnik doppelgängers at THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—AMERICAN—TURKISH—COUNCIL (paging MARC—GROSSMAN!) had been signed off by the Clinton administration —BACK—IN
20080126             THE—BIG—FIX: BUSH ists Seek to Legalize the Nuke Black Market Antifascist Calling...
20080126             1—NEW—PIECE by JOSHUA—FRANK over at Dissident Voice
20080126             reveals that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF Sibel Edmonds' blockbuster revelations ;;01;;
20080126             6 to THE—SUNDAY—TIMES,
20080126             is seeking to legalize the secretive nuclear trade with TURKEY, 1—KEY—PLAYER in PAKISTAN—SCIENTIST A.Q. KHAN—NUCLEAR—BLACK—MARKET proliferation network.
20080126             In the process, leading neocons and other ALLIES—OF—THE—REGIME would be exonerated for their role in selling nuclear secrets for profit to any and all commers.
20080126             In 1—FELL—SWOOP, according to Frank,
20080126             In likely reaction to THE—UK—TIMES' report,
20080126             —WHILE the nuke smuggling ring was undoubtedly 1—BIPARTISAN affair (Grossman was, —AFTER all, USA ambassador to TURKEY under Clinton, as was THE—DECADES—LONG—COVER—UP of the Khan/ISI network),
20080126             THE—BUSH regime is deeply spooked by Sibel Edmonds and appears to be running for cover through 1—DEFT maneuver.
20080126             Desaster bei Société Générale: MILLIARDEN—ZOCKER Kerviel soll auf Dax gewettet haben
20080126             PALÄSTINENSER—EXODUS aus GAZA: "Die Ägypter konnten sich kein Massaker leisten"
20080126             Hat auch die EU in der Vorsorge versagt?
20080126             die niedrigen Zinsen.
20080126             —GESPROCHEN, Wir haben auch über eine mögliche Stabilitätskrise.
20080126             Aber dass sie auf diese Weise kommen WÜRDE—ÜBER die Banken, über die CDO—KREDITPAKETE, die Structured Investment VEHICLES—DAS hat uns überrascht.
20080126             Deshalb konnten wir in dieser Richtung nicht vorsorgen.
20080126             —JETZT müssen wir unsere Instrumente verbessern.
20080126             Was wir aber benötigen, mehr als alles andere, ist Transparenz und faires Verhalten.
20080126             Diese Prinzipien diskutieren wir mit unseren internationalen Partnern gerade in den entsprechenden Foren.
20080126             Almunia: Wir leben in einer sehr unsicheren Zeit und sind mitten in einer finanziellen Turbulenz.
20080126             Aber ich sage noch einmal: Wir sollten —JETZT keine Alarmstimmung verbreiten.
20080126             Börsenbeben und Finanzkrise: "Wir müssen cool bleiben"
20080126             —ENVISIONED, Buckminster Fuller once :
20080126             "To make the world work for 100—PERCENT—OF—HUMANITY, in the shortest possible time,
20080126             with present —DAY resources and technology, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological harm or the disadvantage of anyone".
20080126             Paradox Interactive FORUMS—FATHERLAND - Deutschland über alles
20080126             In truth THE—AUTHORITY—SETTING is essential for 0—DISSENT on DOW which will be critical to the game.
20080126             THE—POLITICAL—RIGHT setting has no direct game
20080126             MÉXICO—PRESIDENCIA de la República | Foros
20080126             98—PERCENT—OF—PROPAGANDA is either true or based on exaggerated and selective truth.
20080126             This TYPE—OF—PROPAGANDA plays 1—ESPECIALLY important role in countries that...
20080126   ,136601
20080126             We're the goddamn cavalry, flying THE—FLAG—OF—TRUTH, wrapped in strip malls and Ford pickups and MCDONALD—FRANCHISES.
20080126             1 - 10—OF—ABOUT 36,600 for lucio gelli
20080126             JURIST Search RESULTS—LUCIO gelli RECENT NEWS: " lucio gelli " Powered by.
20080126             Searching THE—JURIST archive... No results found.
20080126             Blogdigger for more on " lucio gelli "... RECENT OP—EDS.
20080126             No results.
20080126             INFORMATIONLIBERATION—IS There 1—ID—CHIP in Your Future?
20080126             But Verichip is working through health concerns of its own.
20080126             and trickery are necessary as there is 1—SECRET to the pyramid STRUCTURE—OF—POWER.
20080126             INFORMATIONLIBERATION—WANT cancer? Get 1—VERICHIP.
20080126             —EXISTED, Operation Gladio: "1—OF—THE—MOST secret programs that ever " - Terror Storm:
20080126             1—XXX, fuck the verichip ,government,and and verchip corporation!... - HEIDELBERG gab nicht auf.
20080126             Er versuchte aus adulten Stammzellen BETA—ZELLEN zu bilden.
20080126             Um die Funktion der Stammzellen zu untersuchen, wurde ausgewachsenen Labormäusen 1—TEIL—DER—BAUCHSPEICHELDRÜSE abgeklemmt.
20080126             Bereiche des Gewebes starben daraufhin ab.
20080126             Die Wissenschaftler beobachteten, wie sich dann innerhalb von 2—WOCHEN die ANZAHL—DER—VERBLIEBENEN—BETA—ZELLEN in diesem Bereich verdoppelte.
20080126             Die neuen Zellen waren funktionstüchtig und produzierten Insulin.
20080126             Heimberg führt die Regeneration der Zellen darauf zurück, dass es zu einer Entzündungsreaktion kommt, wenn man diesen Gang abbindet.
20080126             Die adulten Stammzellen in dem verletzten Gewebe bekommen daraufhin vermutlich den Befehl, sich zu BETA—ZELLEN zu entwickeln.
20080126             Immerhin ist am —MONTAG ein extrem großes Handelsvolumen festgestellt WORDEN—GERADE in Deutschland.
20080126             "Ob das aber ausschlaggebend war, ist fraglich".
20080126             —GEWESEN, Möglich, dass es so, ist. Nur sicher weiß man es nicht.
20080126             "Die Informationslage ist nicht sehr gut. Aber es ist schwer vorstellbar, dass einer allein das alles gemacht haben soll".
20080126             Sollten die Händler in JAPAN und CHINA tatsächlich —SCHON in der Nacht von —SONNTAG auf —MONTAG gewusst haben,
20080126             was bei der französischen Großbank vor sicht geht?
20080126             Mit anderen Worten: Die Krise hatte sich auch ohne Kerviel —SCHON angedeutet.
20080126             Seine krummen Geschäfte waren höchstens der Auslöser.
20080126             Wahrscheinlich aber haben sie den Abwärtstrend nur etwas beschleunigt.
20080126             Nur die französische Zentralbank wurde —SCHON am Wochenende informiert.
20080126             Man stehe aber nach wie vor zu der Zinsentscheidung, teilte die Fed —HEUTE mit.
20080126             Besonders pikant: Die USA—NOTENBANK hat vor ihrer Zinssenkung am —DIENSTAG nach eigenen Angaben nichts von dem Betrugsfall bei der Société Générale gewusst.
20080126             —VERSCHLIMMERT, Kerviels Scheingeschäfte hätten zweifellos "die Situation ", sagt DAVID—BUIK vom Investor Cantor Index.
20080126             —GEWESEN, Börsenhändler halten es immerhin für möglich, dass es so, sein könnte.
20080126             Beim Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos machen Gerüchte die Runde,
20080126             —EXISTIERT, Die Theorie, zumindest. Wie hängt das alles zusammen?
20080126             HAMBURG—DIE Ereignisse liegen verdächtig nah beieinander.
20080126             —ÜBERRASCHT, Die beiden Männer zeigten sich nun "", dass ihr Kollege Provost die üppige Belohnung erhielt.
20080126             "Er war zwar da, aber er hat nicht das FBI angerufen", sagte Sims.
20080126             "Keine Ahnung, warum er die Belohnung gekriegt hat".
20080126             Er wolle den Fall aber nicht weiter kommentieren,
20080126             "—BIS da ein paar Dinge klar gestellt worden sind".
20080126             Die Frau des Fluglehrers TIM—NELSON wird deutlicher.
20080126             Ihr Mann sei "bestürzt", sagte Jodie QUINN—NELSON.
20080126             Die Belohnung sei "dem falschen Mann" ausgehändigt worden.
20080126             Er ging den Behörden jedoch —SCHON im Vorfeld der Anschläge ins NETZ—UNTER anderem durch die MITHILFE—DES—PENSIONIERTEN—FLUGKAPITÄNS—CLARENCE "Clay" Prevost.
20080126             Fast 7—JAHRE —NACH—DEN Terroranschlägen vom 20010911              erhielt 1—ZEUGE 5—MILLIONEN Dollar Belohnung:
20080126             Lieber Gerhard!
20080126             Ein ganz persönlicher, öffentlicher Brief zur Landtagswahl in NIEDERSACHSEN mit Anlage an GERHARD—SCHRÖDER
20080126             ISRAEL baut ihr eigenes Skynet. or THE—ELECTRONIC—INTIFADA
20080126             Wie konnte es bei einem anerkannt innovativen Haus wie Société Générale geschehen, dass ein einzelner Mitarbeiter in diesen Größenordnungen unentdeckt sein Unwesen treibt?
20080126             Natürlich - Einen schöneren FALL—VON—DESINFORMATION und Propaganda hat es nicht mehr gegeben, —SEIT Yassir Arafat unmittelbar —NACH—DEM 20010911              vor laufenden Kameras Blut für die bei den Anschlägen Verletzten spendete, um die Bilder von den jubelnden und tanzenden Palästinensern zu konterkarieren.
20080126             Nach MILLIARDEN—DESASTER bei Société Générale: Deutsche Bank prüft internes Sicherheitssystem
20080126             Zuviel Risiko: Landesbanken in Not - ISRAEL baut ihr eigenes Skynet.
20080126             So ISRAEL—MILITARY—LEADERS have begun early planning for 1—NEW, robotic defense system, armed with enough artificial intelligence that it "could take over completely" from FLESH—AND—BLOOD operators.
20080126             "It will be designed for... autonomous operations,' BRIGADIER—GENERAL—DANIEL—MILO, COMMANDER—OF—ISRAEL—AIR defense forces, tells Defense News' Barbara OPALL—ROME. And in the event of a "doomsday" strike, OPALL—ROME notes, the system could handle "attacks that exceed physiological LIMITS—OF—HUMAN—COMMAND".
20080126             Hey, was kann da —SCHON schief gehen.
20080126             —BISHER sind das nur Telefonnummern, Realnamen, Vorlieben, Freundeskreise, vielleicht noch der Lebenslauf.
20080126             Hey, keine Ahnung, ich sicher nicht, aber Idioten scheint es da draußen ja genug zu geben, man schaue sich nur mal die Accountliste bei StudiVZ u.ä. an.
20080126             Im Grunde kann da nichts gutes bei rauskommen, selbst wenn die richtige PRIVACY—REGELN hätten und nicht als Schmankerl oben drauf noch von der Frau von SERGEY—BRIN (1—DER—BEIDEN—GOOGLE—GRÜNDER) betrieben würde, die ja eh —SCHON die übelste Datenkrake der Welt sind.
20080126             Bald indizieren die dann auch noch die 23ANDME—DNA—DATEN, und am Ende greift man da über seine GOOGLE—ID drauf zu und alles ist prima zusammen geführt.
20080126             TR: Wo sehen Sie Google in den nächsten 10—JAHREN, falls der STAAT entscheidet, nicht zu regulieren?
20080126             Google weiß mehr über die Zukunft als je jemand —SEIT dem Orakel von Delphi gewusst hat: das könnte der Konzern ausnutzen, um beispielsweise gewaltig am Aktienmarkt zu profitieren.
20080126             Was ist, wenn Regierung X 5—MILLIONEN Euro anbietet, um diese Informationen von 100—OPPOSITIONELLEN zu bekommen?
20080126             Wäre Google nicht fast —SCHON dumm das abzulehnen, schließlich wurden die Daten ja legal gesammelt?
20080126             1—HOMEOWNER who can't sell his house tells the L.A.Times, "Foreclose me.... I'll live in the house for free —FOR—12—MONTHS + I'll save my money and I'll move on".
20080126             Calculated Risk notes this is "1—OF—THE—GREATEST—FEARS for lenders... that it will become socially acceptable for upside down middle class Americans to walk away from their homes".
20080126             My ARM payment will probably go up $900—PER —MONTH in June.
20080126             I'll put it this way.
20080126             Wenn es gerade aussieht, als seien die BETONKOPF—HARDLINER im Nahen Osten keine direkte Bedrohung mehr, kommen unsere BETONKOPF—HARDLINER aus ihren Bunkern und fordern einen "präventiven nuklearen NATO—ERSTSCHLAG" gegen Länder, die der Verbreitung von Atomwaffen verdächtigt werden könnten.
20080126             Die Militärs und die Kräfte im Hintergrund dieses Papiers fordern als Antwort: die Einführung der Mehrheitsentscheidung in der NATO ein neues "Direktorium" aus "Führern" der USA, EU und NATO 1—ENDE—DER "Obstruktion" der NATO durch eine rivalisierende EU, so die Autoren das vollständige Fallen JEDER—EINSATZBESCHRÄNKUNG aller Truppen in AFGHANISTAN den EINSATZ—VON—NATO—TRUPPEN (und damit auch Atomwaffen) ohne UN—MANDAT, zum SCHUTZE einer "grösseren ZAHL—VON—MENSCHEN" Oh, und das Mandat UN—SICHERHEITSRATES soll auch nur noch optional sein.
20080126             Oh, da ist 1—HEISE—MELDUNG an mir vorbei gescrollt: EU—PARLAMENTARIER warnen vor OPEN—SOURCE—PIRATEN.
20080126             Threatening Phone Calls Cause AUTHOR—OF—SCIENTOLOGY—EXPOSE—TO—GO—INTO—HIDING
20080126             If Bush Were Honest
20080126             THE—DANSE—MACABRE—OF—USA—STYLE Democracy
20080126             What struck me, living and working in THE—USA, was that presidential campaigns were 1—PARODY, entertaining and often grotesque.
20080126             They are 1—RITUAL danse MACABRE—OF—FLAGS, balloons and bullsh*t, designed to camouflage 1—VENAL system based on money power, human division and 1—CULTURE of permanent war.
20080126             PRESIDENT—HILLARY
20080126             THE—PRISON—INDUSTRIAL Complex
20080126             FISA 2.0 Called 'Atrocious' Privacy Violation:
20080126             MP3: how USA—POLITICIANS and candidates refuse to discuss the looming economic collapse, the staggering amount we spend on our military, AMERICA—PIPE dream of global domination, the similarity between AMERICA and THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE in structure, overextended militarism + inevitable collapse
20080126             Escape from GAZA or Voluntary Transfer?
20080126             USA Democrats challenge Bush to renounce waterboarding: Congressional Democrats, trying to get the jump on PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—STATE—OF—THE—UNION speech, challenged him —FRIDAY to renounce the use of waterboarding in interrogations, announce he will close GUANTANAMO Bay to detainees and outline new policies toward PAKISTAN and IRAN.
20080126             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is willing to send 1—SMALL—NUMBER—OF—USA combat troops to PAKISTAN to help fight the insurgency there if PAKISTAN—AUTHORITIES ask for such help, Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES said —THURSDAY
20080126             PAKISTAN—MUSHARRAF—SAYS—NO—USA—TROOPS : PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—SAID—FRIDAY—USA—TROOPS cannot do 1—BETTER—JOB than his forces in routing the Taliban and AL—QAIDA + THE—USA should increase its presence in AFGHANISTAN instead to deal with the growing insurgency there.
20080126             Chanting slogans urging Islamist Hamas militants to resume suicide bombings against ISRAEL, THOUSANDS—OF—JORDANIANS marched in THE—CAPITAL—ON—FRIDAY to protest against ISRAEL—BLOCKADE—OF—GAZA.
20080126             —AGREED, Major UNITED—NATIONS Security Council powers have, on 1—INCREMENTAL increase in sanctions on IRAN, including 1—NEW—RESTRICTION on exporters doing business with the country, diplomats said —THURSDAY
20080126             IRAN returns down offensive letter from USA : ALI—AKBAR—REZAEI said —WEDNESDAY that IRAN has returned the letter as the proper term for the Persian Gulf had not been used in it.
20080126             1—SENIOR—HAMAS official warned —YESTERDAY that the next breakout from THE—GAZA Strip could be into ISRAEL, with 500,000 Palestinians attempting to march towards the towns and villages from which they or their parents fled or were expelled 60—YEARS ago.
20080126             Camp or Conspiracy?
20080126             1—FLEETING woman is hosed down, her dignity washed away with the scarce water that she should be offered to quench her thirst with, as she attempts to escape into neighboring EGYPT;
20080126             she is escaping hunger, disease and death brought on by HITLER—VICTIMS, victims who are RE—RELIVING their past by creating 1—CONCENTRATION camp they can peer into - 1—WINDOW into their tragic history.
20080126             How To Create IRAQ—ORPHANS.
20080126             —KILLED, Western mercenaries, their 48—YEAR—OLD—IRAQ—ARMENIA—MOTHER, Marou Awanis + her best friend — firing 40—BULLETS into her body as she drove her taxi near their 4—VEHICLE convoy in BAGHDAD.
20080126             USA—WAR Costs In IRAQ Up: Report
20080126             THE—IRAQ war may not dominate USA—NEWS—REPORTS as the carnage drops, but 1—NEW—REPORT underscores the financial burden of persistent combat that is helping run up the government's credit card.
20080126             THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION: Meaner, Not Leaner
20080126             —FROM the holy land to the promised land, presidential PROMISES—OF—PEACE (in THE—MIDDLE—EAST), progress (in IRAQ) and prosperity (via more tax cuts) will be met with deep skepticism —WHEN MISTER—BUSH delivers the annual STATE—OF—THE—UNION address on —MONDAY.
20080126             THE—ACID—TEST - As we face yet more IDEOLOGICALLY—DRIVEN debate about IRAN, the central question is how far and entrenched is this retreat from logic in the pursuit and PRACTICE—OF—USA and UK foreign policy?
20080126             Are we all going to stand by —WHILE another set of Manechean visions is paraded —BEFORE us in THE—FORM—OF—THE—STRUGGLES between freedom and despotism, moderates and radicals, global JIHADI—TERRORIST networks and PRO—WESTERN—FREEDOM fighters?
20080126             Said by some to be more dangerous than Osama BIN—LADEN, he has been condemned as a "war maniac," called a "moron" by THE—CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—CHIEF spokeswoman, ridiculed as "THE—ENGLAND—PATIENT" for his struggles with language + likened to ADOLF—HITLER.
20080126             Chomsky On World Ownership
20080126             —MISSED, In case you, IT—THE—MYTH—OF—USA—EXCEPTIONALISM
20080126             Zinn worries about 1—ADMINISTRATION that deploys Christian zealotry to justify 1—WAR against terrorism, 1—WAR that in reality seems more about establishing 1—NEW beachhead in THE—OIL—RICH—MIDDLE—EAST.
20080126             Message From Davos: THE—RECESSION—IS—COMING
20080126             —BY GARY—DUNCAN, Economics EDITOR—IN—DAVOS
20080126             1—FULL—BLOWN, prolonged recession in AMERICA is —NOW inescapable, with THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD set to be dragged into 1—SEVERE—GLOBAL—SLOWDOWN despite —YESTERDAY—EMERGENCY USA—INTEREST rate cut by the Federal Reserve, leading economists said in Davos this —MORNING.
20080126             Cheney Wants Surveillance Law Expanded
20080126             Congress is bickering over terms of its extension. THE—END—OF—PRIVACY
20080126             —CHANGED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION appears to have, its strategy and is devising 1—BOLD—NEW—PLAN that would strip away FISA protections in favor of 1—SYSTEM of wholesale government MONITORING—OF—EVERY—AMERICAN—INTERNET activities.
20080126             Chalmers Johnson on the Myth of Free Trade
20080126             Right up to his twenties, he remained 1—STRIKINGLY violent man, "ready to fight at the drop of 1—HAT", according to his biographer ROBERT—TIMBERG.
20080126             This rage seems to be at the core of his personality: describing his own childhood, McCain has written: "At the smallest provocation I would go off into 1—MAD frenzy + then suddenly crash to the floor unconscious. —WHEN I got angry I held my breath —UNTIL I blacked out".
20080126             "If they're going to counterfeit our currency the entire time they're engaged in diplomatic negotiations, what does that say about their sincerity?" he asked me
20080126             Und das Pendel schlägt zurück: Vertreter der HOCHSICHERHEITS—DRUCKINDUSTRIE und Falschgeldfahnder fragen hinter vorgehaltener Hand —SCHON lange, was eigentlich die amerikanische CIA in ihrer Geheimdruckerei druckt.
20080126             Daran erinnert man sich in WASHINGTON nicht mehr so gerne, denn —HEUTE ist man davon überzeugt, dass es Nordkorea sein muss.
20080126             —BEREITS vor einem —JAHR habe die EZB festgestellt, dass es auf den internationalen Finanzmärkten 1—TENDENZ gebe, "die Risiken zu unterschätzen", fügte Trichet hinzu.
20080126             Like THE—FBI—INFAMOUS—COINTELPRO program and THE—CIA—MHCHAOS to name but 2—OF—1—PANOPLY of repressive state programs to "neutralize" threats to the status quo, —TODAY'S "red hunters" seek to criminalize your thoughts even —BEFORE you've acted upon them.
20080126             Surfed over to the World Socialist Website or THE—ELECTRONIC—INTIFADA lately?
20080126             Then you'd better watch out! You might find yourself hauled —BEFORE the National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism.
20080126             Wherever it may ultimately lead, the bill seems clearly PART—OF—1—GROWING push toward expanding domestic intelligence OPERATIONS—SPYING that is aimed not at ANY—AL—QAEDA members who may have slipped across the border, but at USA—CITIZENS and legal residents.
20080126             The great civil libertarian FRANK—J—DONNER, in his book THE—AGE—OF—SURVEILLANCE: THE—AIMS and METHODS—OF—AMERICA—POLITICAL—INTELLIGENCE—SYSTEM, argued that the true goal of domestic intelligence was not to prevent or punish criminal activity, but to protect existing power structures and suppress dissent.
20080126             Unlike law enforcement, which deals with illegal actions that have already been committed, domestic intelligence is by nature "FUTURE—ORIENTED": It is not looking for criminals, but potential criminals + it does so by relying on "ideology, not behavior, theory not practice".
20080126             1—BIPARTISAN affair, this onerous legislative effluvium was opposed by only 6—HOUSE members —WHEN it passed —BACK—IN October.
20080126             —INTRODUCED, —WHEN the bill is, —LATER this —YEAR in the Senate, civil libertarians and other opponents expect it to become law.
20080126             Feeling safer?
20080126             Radicalization in the West and the Homegrown Threat, the hunt for antiwar leftists allegedly in cahoots with "jihadists" and "Islamofascists" is on.
20080126             Ridgeway and Casella inform us, Both the legislation and the report are presented as reasonable, rational responses to THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM from domestic "extremist" groups and are framed not as plans for action but as efforts to "study" and "understand" the roots of homegrown terrorism.
20080126             Both promote precisely the kind of broad approach--targeting beliefs rather than actions, assuming that "radicalization" leads to violence, defining terms loosely and casting 1—WIDE—NET--that has been used in the past by government authorities to monitor and disrupt legitimate dissent as well as illegal plots.
20080126             For Whatever It's Worth (Given the Weak RECORD—OF—THE—POLLS) Here is the Final Zogby Poll for the Palmetto State: "Obama wins 41% support, compared to 26% for NEW—YORK SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON and 19% for FORMER—NORTH—CAROLINA SENATOR—JOHN—EDWARDS".
20080126             COVERAGE—OF—THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA Democratic Primary from the Largest Newspaper in SOUTH—CAROLINA: "THE—STATE".
20080126             THE—DEM—PRIMARY is —SATURDAY.
20080126             He got his ON—THE—JOB experience in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20080126             THE—GEENVILLE—NEWS—SOUTH—CAROLINA, Coverage of the Dem Presidential Primary 1/26
20080126             NEW—YORK—TIMES Editorial BOARD—LACERATES—ITS—FORMER—MAYOR, RUDY—G + Endorses McCain for THE—GOP Nomination
20080126             THE—NRA Wants Gun Nuts to Pack Heat in Our National Parks and Nearly HALF—OF—THE—SENATE is CO—SPONSORING 1—BILL—THAT—WOULD—ALLOW—GUN—TOTING on Our Most Treasured, FAMILY—ORIENTED Lands.
20080126             so that all funds are electronic and easier to trace/steal?
20080126             —JUST 1—THOUGHT.
20080126             THIS—DU poster adds a fascinating BIT—OF—SPECULATION:
20080126             I was even wondering myself if the kid gloves treatment that was afforded to money launderer THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS who was tied into DUKE—CUNNINGHAM, BRENT—WILKES + the intelligence agencies might have known more about this than he ought to and that was why he was "allowed" to travel to EUROPE —AFTER being sentenced for his crimes here under the "guidance" of some unnamed governmental agency unbeknownst to the sentencing judge.
20080126             —AFTER poking holes in the evidence against NORTH—KOREA (which produces its own POOR—QUALITY notes on inferior equipment from the 1970s), THE—FAS piece segues into the realm of rumor.
20080126             —LABELED, Fortunately, the speculation comes clearly, as such: 1—RUMOR has circulated for years among REPRESENTATIVES—OF—THE—SECURITY printing industry and counterfeiting investigators that it is THE—USA—CIA that prints the Supernotes at 1—SECRET printing facility.
20080126             This same "rumor" has —NOW found its way into 1—MCCLATCHY newspaper, the
20080126             KANSAS City Star : KLAUS—BENDER...said the phony $100—BILL is "not 1—FAKE anymore. It's 1—ILLEGAL—PARALLEL print of 1—GENUINE—NOTE".
20080126             1—EXPERT on THE—CIA, JOURNALIST—TIM—WEINER, has written how the agency tried to undermine THE—SOVIET—UNION—ECONOMY by counterfeiting its currency.
20080126             I would also cite as 1—PRECEDENT—THE—NAZIS' notorious Operation Bernhard.
20080126             (Of course, defectors have often proven unreliable.)
20080126             BUT—THIS spellbinding story in GERMANY—FRANKFURTER—ALLGEMEINE—SONNTAGSZEITUNG suggests that the culprit may in fact be THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE community.
20080126             —AT—PRESENT, no less than 19—DIFFERENT—PLATES for the Supernotes have been identified + they are absolutely perfect.
20080126             —SIZED, MICRO—PRINTING, at only 1/42,000—OF—1—INCH are hidden on the new notes + under 1—MAGNIFYING glass the Supernotes show no deviation from the original.
20080126             Where ever did the counterfeiters find such specialists?
20080126             ANY—CULPABLE—FOREIGN—SERVICE would have to be capable of.
20080126             Like their TURKEY—COUNTERPARTS, ISRAEL—SPOOKS were key players in THE—CIA/ISI/SAUDI—ARABIA—INTERVENTION in AFGHANISTAN —DURING the 1970s-1980s and provided arms and "expertise" to FAR—RIGHT—AFGHANISTAN—ISLAMISTS, including those who —LATER morphed into THE—AFGHAN—ARAB database known as al Qaeda.
20080126             —LAUNCHED, As with their TURKEY—MATES who, the "CONTRA—GUERRILLA" arm of NATO—GLADIO operation against leftist Turks and Kurds, THE—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE "community" is also deeply embedded in the global drug trade.
20080126             —PRESUMED, It can —THEREFORE be tentatively, that in its ENCOURAGEMENT—OF—DRUG traffic and traffickers, as in much else, ISRAEL acts as 1—PROXY executor of the American will.
20080126             -- ISRAEL—SHAHAK, Open Secrets: ISRAEL—NUCLEAR and Foreign Policies [LONDON: Pluto Press, 19970000             ] p. 121.
20080126             A "big fix" indeed! Frank rhetorically inquires:
20080126             What "private entities" the press release refers to is not clear, but it could well include THE—USA—TURKISH—COUNCIL, the "entity" revealed in the Times' article.
20080126             —EXPOSED, THE—BUSH ites seem to be covering their own, backsides, for THE—TIMING—OF—BUSH—CALL to sell nuke secrets to TURKEY is certainly suspicious, if not overtly conspicuous.
20080126             WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS release
20080126             1—NEW—PIECE by JOSHUA—FRANK over at Dissident Voice reveals that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF Sibel Edmonds' blockbuster revelations 20080106              to The —SUNDAY Times, is seeking to legalize the secretive nuclear trade with TURKEY, 1—KEY—PLAYER in PAKISTAN—SCIENTIST A.Q. KHAN—NUCLEAR—BLACK—MARKET proliferation network.
20080126             —WHILE the nuke smuggling ring was undoubtedly 1—BIPARTISAN affair (Grossman was, —AFTER all, USA—AMBASSADOR to TURKEY under Clinton, as was THE—DECADES—LONG—COVER—UP of the Khan/ISI network), the Bush regime is deeply spooked by Sibel Edmonds and appears to be running for cover through 1—DEFT maneuver.
20080126             Frank pointedly asks:
20080126             Almunia: Wir haben tatsächlich —SCHON jahrelang die seltsame Situation an den Aktienmärkten ANALYSIERT—DIESE gigantischen Finanzströme, die niedrigen Zinsen.
20080126             "To make the world work for 100—PERCENT—OF—HUMANITY, in the shortest possible time, with present —DAY resources and technology, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological harm or the disadvantage of anyone".
20080126             THE—POLITICAL—RIGHT setting has no direct game... forum.paradoxplaza_com/forum/showthread.php?t=248648
20080126             MÉXICO—PRESIDENCIA de la República | Foros 98—PERCENT—OF—PROPAGANDA is either true or based on exaggerated and selective truth.
20080126             —EXISTED, Operation Gladio: "1—OF—THE—MOST secret programs that ever " - Terror Storm: A.. XXX, fuck the verichip,government,and and verchip corporation!...
20080126             HEIDELBERG gab nicht auf.
20080126             Sollten die Händler in JAPAN und CHINA tatsächlich —SCHON in der Nacht von —SONNTAG auf —MONTAG gewusst haben, was bei der französischen Großbank vor sicht geht?
20080126             Er wolle den Fall aber nicht weiter kommentieren, "—BIS da ein paar Dinge klar gestellt worden sind".
20080126—19700000    —GAINED, GEORGE—HABASH—RADICAL—PLO faction, notoriety —AFTER the simultaneous hijackings of 4—WESTERN airliners and the seizure of 1—AIR—FRANCE flight to ENTEBBE—UGANDA.
20080126—19920000    —IN, —WHEN BILL—CLINTON ran for PRESIDENT, he was GOVERNOR—OF—1—SMALL—STATE, had no foreign policy experience and didn't know how to salute.
20080126—19960000    —EMERGED, Another peculiarity concerning dollar notes that, —STARTING is that EVERY—VARIATION implemented by the Fed in THE—PRINTING—OF—THE—DOLLAR has been —IMMEDIATELY replicated by the counterfeiters.
20080126—20010911    —AM, Moussaoui sagte in seinem Prozess 20060000              aus, er habe 1—MASCHINE in das Weiße Haus lenken sollen.
20080126—20021100    —IN, Like Security Council resolution 14410000             , which was passed by the Council, on THE—EVE—OF—THE—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ, the new Security Council resolution on IRAN creates 1—SCENARIO where 1 can make the case for or against action against TEHRAN with equal alacrity, dependent solely on THE—INTERPRETATION—OF—THE—DOCUMENT'S "intent".
20080126—20080201    —ON, expires.
20080126—20080201    —ON, The law, which authorizes the administration to eavesdrop on phone calls and see THE—E—MAIL to and from suspected terrorists, expires.
20080126—20082401    Escape from GAZA or Voluntary Transfer?-
20080200             Cannonfire N229WJ (20050228              )/—NOW: N890BJ, act: Jet Makers LLC N35NK was in GUANTANAMO (20040429              ,
20090122—20090126    —ON, 1—COURT—CONVICTED—ZUMWINKEL—OF—TAX—EVASION, giving him a 2—YEAR suspended sentence and 1—HEFTY fine.
20090126             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA said the nation can't afford "distractions" or "delays" —WHEN it comes to the economic stimulus plan working its way through Congress.
20090126             —ORDERED, He also, the government to RE—EXAMINE whether CALIFORNIA and other states should be allowed to have tougher auto emission standards, 1—CLEAN—BREAK from BUSH—ADMINISTRATION policy.
20090126             —VOTED, THE—USA—SENATE, 60-34 to confirm TIMOTHY—GEITHNER (19610000              *) as Treasury SECRETARY.
20090126             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, unanimously that managers cannot retaliate against employees whop cooperate with discrimination probes.
20090126             —ESTIMATED, Fannie Mae, that it would need 1—CAPITAL—INFUSION—OF—11—16—BILLION dollars from THE—USA—TREASURY to cover losses related to home mortgage defaults.
20090126             —SKIPPED, ILLINOIS GOVERNOR—ROD—BLAGOJEVICH, THE—START—OF—HIS—IMPEACHMENT trial preferring to make his case on national TV.
20090126             2—PENNSYLVANIA judges were charged with taking MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in kickbacks to send teenagers to 2—PRIVATELY run youth detention centers.
20090126             Prosecutors —LATER said Luzerne County Judges MARK—CIAVARELLA, 58—JAHRE—ALT and MICHAEL—CONAHAN, 56—JAHRE—ALT took $2.6—MILLION in payoffs to put juvenile offenders in lockups run by PA Child Care LLC and 1—SISTER company, WEST—PA Child Care LLC.
20090126             —PLEADED, Conahan soon, guilty to 1—SINGLE—COUNT of racketeering.
20090126             —ARRESTED, NICHOLAS—COSMO, FOUNDER—OF—AGAPE—WORLD—INCORPORATED, was, for running 1—PONZI scheme that bilked investors of 1 estimated $370—MILLION.
20090126             His Long Island, NY, firm promised profits of 48-80% 1—YEAR.
20090126             —ANNOUNCED, Caterpillar Inc, it would cut nearly 20,000 jobs and warned of 1—TOUGH—YEAR ahead as 1—DOWNTURN that began in THE—USA metastasized into 1—FULL—BLOWN global recession, gutting orders for EARTH—MOVING equipment.
20090126             At least 1,500—OF—THE—LOST jobs were in greater PEORIA—ILLINOIS.
20090126             —AGREED, Halliburton said is has, to pay $559—MILLION to THE—USA to settle charges that 1—OF—ITS—FORMER—UNITS bribed NIGERIA—OFFICIALS —DURING THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—GAS plant.
20090126             —ANNOUNCED, Home Depot INCORPORATED, plans to eliminate 7,000 jobs —WHILE closing 4—DOZEN stores under its smaller home improvement brands as the recession continues to batter the nation's housing market.
20090126             —CLIMBED, Its shares, more than 5—PERCENT in —MORNING trading.
20090126             Pfizer INCORPORATED said it is buying rival drug maker Wyeth in a $68—BILLION deal that will increase its revenue by 50%.
20090126             —AGREED, Pfizer also said it has, to pay $2.3—BILLION to settle 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION into its alleged OFF—LABEL marketing of the —NOW withdrawn painkiller Bextra.
20090126             BELLFLOWER—CALIFORNIA, Nadya Suleman (33) gave birth to 8—BABIES, only the 2. time in history octuplets have survived more than 1—FEW hours.
20090126             —EXPECTED, The woman already had 6—OTHER—CHILDREN and never, to have 8—MORE—WHEN she took fertility treatment.
20090126             —CONCEIVED, Her mother —LATER said the woman had, all 14—OF—HER—CHILDREN through in vitro fertilization, is not oo and has been obsessed with having children —SINCE she was 1—TEENAGER.
20090126             —DECLARED, ARGENTINA—PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ, 1—AGRICULTURAL—EMERGENCY in the nation's breadbasket provinces, responding to 1—KEY—DEMAND by powerful farm organizations amid the worst drought in decades.
20090126             † 1—BAHAMAS paramedic was charged in 1 alleged scheme to extort $25—MILLION from JOHN—TRAVOLTA —AFTER his chronically ill son, of 1—SEIZURE at the family's vacation home.
20090126             —GREETED, CHINA, THE—ARRIVAL—OF—THE—YEAR of the Ox with fireworks and celebrations, bidding farewell to 1—TUMULTUOUS 20080000              marked by 1—MASSIVE—EARTHQUAKE, the Olympics, and 1—GLOBAL—ECONOMIC—CRISIS.
20090126             † CHINA—STATE media reported that an 18—YEAR—OLD—MAN has from bird flu in SOUTH—CHINA, the 5. human death from the virus in the country this —YEAR.
20090126             The armies of CONGO and RWANDA, battling together against RWANDA—HUTU militiamen in EAST—CONGO, clashed with fighters trying to retake 1—VILLAGE and killed 4—OF—THEM.
20090126             —REPORTED, It was, that recent analysis of vials of treated wastewater taken from 1—PLANT in Patancheru, where about 90—INDIA—DRUG factories dump their residues, ENOUGH—OF—1—SINGLE, powerful antibiotic was being spewed into 1—STREAM EACH—DAY to treat EVERY—PERSON in 1—CITY—OF—90,000.
20090126             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE radio, that several MEMBERS—OF—ITS—BORDER security forces were killed in 1—AMBUSH near THE—PAKISTAN—BORDER.
20090126             THE—NETHERLANDS, the 1.—EVER TRIAL—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT began at THE—HAGUE with THOMAS—LUBANGA, 1—CONGO—MILITIA COMMANDER, denying he committed war crimes by recruiting HUNDREDS—OF—CHILD soldiers to kill and rape.
20090126             European Union leaders said they were willing to take in prisoners being released from THE—USA—DETENTION camp at GUANTANAMO Bay, but stressed that USA—AUTHORITIES must show EX—INMATES pose no security threat —BEFORE they can be resettled.
20090126             —DECIDED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, to remove 1—IRAN—OPPOSITION group from THE—EU—TERROR list and lift the restrictions on its funds, 1—MOVE likely to further damage relations strained over TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20090126             —ANNOUNCED, European Union nations, the addition of 27—ZIMBABWE—OFFICIALS and 36—COMPANIES to THE—EU—VISA and assets freeze blacklist to pressure PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE to share power with ZIMBABWE—OPPOSITION.
20090126             —COLLAPSED, ICELAND—COALITION government, leaving the island nation in political turmoil amid 1—FINANCIAL—CRISIS that has pummeled its economy and required 1—INTERNATIONAL—BAILOUT to keep the country afloat.
20090126             —CRASHED, NORTH—IRAQ, 2—USA—HELICOPTERS, in Tamim province, killing 4—USA—TROOPS, in the deadliest single incident for USA—FORCES in more than 4—MONTHS.
20090126             —REPORTED, Enemy fire was —LATER, as THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—COLLISION.
20090126             MADAGASCAR, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS demanding 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT in MADAGASCAR took to the streets and set the country's STATE—TV complex on fire to protest the apparent SHUTDOWN—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—RADIO station.
20090126             —ANNOUNCED, NORWAY, a 20—BILLION kroner ($2.89—BILLION) stimulus package to boost growth and employment.
20090126             —RIGGED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, to 1—BICYCLE exploded on 1—MAJOR—ROAD in Dera ISMAIL—KHAN, killing at least 5—PEOPLE and wounding 20 in the latest attack to rattle the volatile region.
20090126             In the southwest gunmen shot dead THE—LEADER—OF—1—SMALL—SHIITE political party in QUETTA, triggering violent protests.
20090126             —TORCHED, Several 100—PEOPLE, vehicles and 1—BANK.
20090126             —ACCUSED—OF, Elsewhere in the northwest 1—MAN whom militants, spying for AMERICA was found shot dead in Datta Khel village in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20090126             —OPENED, SOUTH—AFRICA—LEADERS, fresh talks in PRETORIA to end ZIMBABWE—POLITICAL—CRISIS amid 1—NEW—THREAT by PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE to form 1—GOVERNMENT excluding his arch rival from power.
20090126             —NAMED, SPAIN—PRADO—MUSEUM, Asensio Julia as the workshop assistant believed mostly likely to have painted "Colossus" (18080000—19120000    ), 1—WORK that was once attributed to FRANCISCO—DE—GOYA y Lucientes.
20090126             1—UN spokesman in COLOMBO said DOZENS—OF—CIVILIANS have been killed in SRI—LANKA'S embattled NORTH—DURING ongoing heavy fighting between government troops and Tamil rebels.
20090126             —KILLED, At least 10—CIVILIANS were, —TODAY inside 1—AREA declared as a "safety zone".
20090126             —KILLED, Over the weekend, DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE were, or wounded.
20090126             —BOMBED, SUDAN—WARPLANES, Darfur rebel positions near the key TOWN—OF—EL—FASHER ahead of 1 expected ground offensive.
20090126             —DISTRIBUTED, THE—ECONOMIST magazine said this —WEEK—EDITION has not been, in THAILAND because of local objections to 1—ARTICLE about the royal family, the 2. disruption in 2—MONTHS.
20090126             —DETAINED, THE—THAILAND—NAVY, 1—BOAT filled with 78—ILLEGAL—ROHINGYA migrants, MANY—OF—WHOM had lacerations and burns they said were inflicted by MYANMAR soldiers.
20090126             Die Charmakampagne der britischen Regierung geht weiter: UK—INDYMEDIA—SERVER beschlagnahmt,
20090126             und zwar weil sie keine Logs führen und daher die Identität eines Posters nicht herausgeben konnten.
20090126             —PRÄSENTIERT, CAPTAIN—OBVIOUS : Die USA haben USA—VISIT großflächig verkackt.
20090126             Das ist das BIOMETRIE—UND DATENSCHNORCHEL—PROJEKT, wegen dessen wir Biometriepässe haben und uns —JETZT Wochen vor der USA—EINREISE im INTERNET anmelden müssen.
20090126             Das läuft —JETZT—SEIT—5—JAHREN, das Projekt, und von 13—PUNKTEN wurde zufriedenstellend erfüllt,
20090126             9—WEITERE sind "teilweise umgesetzt" worden.
20090126             Das ganze System zielt in 1. Linie darauf ab,
20090126             Personen mit abgelaufenen Visa automatisch zu identifizieren, da abgelaufene Visa 1—MERKMAL der Flugzeugattentäter von 20010000              gewesen waren.
20090126             Dass sich im USA—VISIT—NETZ dann auch kleinere Fische wie illegal Einwandernde verfangen würden, sollte der willkommene Nebennutzen sein.
20090126             Ist das nicht grandios?
20090126             Abgelaufene Visa sind der Hauptaugenmerk und praktisch ALLE—ÄNDERUNGEN gehen stattdessen zu Lasten der Visa Waiver Kunden?!
20090126             Muhahahaha, tolle Wurst, liebe Amis!
20090126             Der größte Lacher ist aber, dass sie bei der Ausreise die Fluglinien verpflichten wollten, die Leute biometrisch zu erfassen, und das in die Computer des DHS einzupflegen.
20090126             Was in diesem Bericht, der nur die öffentliche, mit dem Heimatschutzministerium abgestimmte Version eines Geheimberichts darstellt,
20090126             nicht explizit steht: Das würde bedeuten, dass Unternehmen wie Aeroflot und Air CHINA direkt an die zentralen Datenbanken des USA—MINISTERIUMS für Heimatschutz angeschlossen werden.
20090126             Neuigkeiten zu dem USA-(Folter?-)Geheimknast in MANNHEIM.
20090126             Im BND—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS ging es um den Verdacht, dass
20090126             Das ganze geht zurück auf 1—STRAFANZEIGE eines Briten bei der Mannheimer Polizei, der sich auf die Aussagen eines USA—SOLDATEN berufen hatte.
20090126             Die Häftlinge seien von Spezialisten,
20090126             welche die USA—SOLDATEN für Angehörige des Geheimdienstes CIA gehalten hätten, mit Elektroschocks an den Genitalien gefoltert worden.
20090126             Man habe sie tagelang auf Metallbetten gefesselt,
20090126             wo sie auch ihre Notdurft verrichten mussten;
20090126             Männer und Liegen seien bei Bedarf mit Feuerwehrschläuchen abgespritzt worden.
20090126             Das ist ja —SCHON mal heftig, aber es gab auch noch einen Augenzeugen, einen Mannheimer Bürger, der
20090126             die dort menschenunwürdig behandelt worden seien.
20090126             Was tut man in solchen Fällen? Man ermittelt.
20090126             Nicht so der zuständige Bundesanwalt Dietrich.
20090126             —ENTSCHIED, Der, wie er —JETZT im Ausschuss bestätigte, im —HERBST
20090126             die Beobachtung des Mannheimer Bürgers reicht für 1—ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN nicht aus.
20090126             " Die Frankfurter Müllabfuhr trägt auch orangefarbene Overalls ", erklärte Dietrich im Ausschuss ungerührt.
20090126             Und was ist mit dem USA—SOLDATEN und der Anzeige des Briten?
20090126             Klar, da fragt man die Amerikaner.
20090126             Die sind ja in der Angelegenheit sicher völlig neutral und unvoreingenommen.
20090126             Im Fall JOHN—PIERCE genügte Dietrich die Auskunft der Amerikaner, dass es einen Soldaten dieses Namens nicht gebe.
20090126             Weitere Befragungen etwa von USA—SOLDATEN,
20090126             wie sie auch Kommissar Mielach für richtig gehalten hätte, lehnte Dietrich ab.
20090126             Ebenso die sogar von den Amerikanern angebotene Besichtigung des USA—GEFÄNGNISSES.
20090126             Wenn sich gezeigt hätte,
20090126             "dass den Gefangenen Metallbetten zur Verfügung stehen", hätte das ja auch nichts bewiesen, so sein Argument.
20090126             Und SOLCHE LEUTE, liebe Leser, sind in diesem Lande dafür zuständig, das Verbrechen zu bekämpfen.
20090126             Da wird ja bei jeder 3—EURO—FUFFZIG Diskrepanz auf der Steuererklärung härter ermittelt.
20090126             Gewinnabsturz: TEXAS Instruments streicht 3400—JOBS
20090126             —UNRUHEN, Gewaltsame Massenproteste: Mehrere Tote bei, auf Madagaskar
20090126             Klimawandel: MCKINSEY—EXPERTEN halten Umweltschutz für bezahlbar
20090126             Katholische Kirche: Rechtsextremisten feiern HOLOCAUST—LEUGNER Williamson
20090126             Obama krempelt BUSH s Klimapolitik um (POLITIK)
20090126             Hartz IV: Landessozialgericht fordert höhere Leistungen für Kinder
20090126             Energie: 150—VERSORGER senken die Gaspreise
20090126             Ozeandüngung: Grünes Licht für Algenexperiment
20090126             Rücktritt wegen Finanzkrise: Isländer trommeln ihre Regierung aus dem Amt
20090126             Geschäftsklima: USA—UNTERNEHMEN befürchten Verschärfung der Krise
20090126             Massenentlassungen: Caterpillar streicht 20.000—STELLEN
20090126             —BLAMIERT, Mangelnder Datenschutz: Neuseeländischer Sender, USA—ARMEE
20090126             "Wir sind an dem Zerwürfnis nicht schuld", heißt es in Peking: "Wer den Knoten geknüpft hat, muss ihn auch wieder aufmachen".
20090126             "Wir müssen den Pekingern irgendwie beibiegen, dass sie ein wichtiges europäisches Land nicht einfach ausgrenzen können,
20090126             um es für etwas zu bestrafen, was in unseren Augen völlig harmlos ist", sagt ein europäischer Diplomat in Peking.
20090126             völlig harmlos - Denn BERLIN setzt auf die Wirtschaftsmacht CHINA, um die Krise zu überwinden.
20090126             Chinas Premier Wen in EUROPA: Merkel hofft auf lukrative Aufträge aus Peking
20090126             —GESCHEITERT, Finanzkrise: Regierung in Island
20090126             ALLE—ERZÄHLUNGEN und Romane des amerikanischen Schriftstellers Yates handeln von der Tyrannei des amerikanischen Traums.
20090126             Dem Versprechen, dass jeder alles erreichen könne, misstraute Yates zutiefst.
20090126             Denn die Menschen wehren sich gegen Computerviren, Das sind die Kosten des Gesamtsystems.
20090126             Man könne sich gar keine Streitmacht vorstellen, die ausreiche, um so etwas zu verhindern.
20090126             "Wir bräuchten so VIELE—SOLDATEN, weil unsere Frauen so schön sind".
20090126             1—SERIE—VON—VERBRECHEN, darunter 1—VERGEWALTIGUNG an Silvester in Rom und eine weitere in der Nähe der HAUPTSTADT in der vergangenen Woche hatten zu dem Vorschlag zur STATIONIERUNG—DER—SOLDATEN geführt.
20090126             Die Oppositionsabgeordnete Giovanna Melandri nannte Berlusconis Äußerungen eine "schwerwiegende Beleidigung".
20090126             Über Vergewaltigungen mache man keine Scherze.
20090126             —GEWESEN, Berlusconi sagte, es sei als Kompliment gemeint.
20090126             Es gebe nur 100.000—POLIZISTEN,
20090126             "aber Millionen schöner Frauen" in Italien.
20090126             BLAUFELDEN—GAMMESFELD: Kleinste BANK—DEUTSCHLANDS trotzt Überfall
20090126             Absatzkrise: Toyota muss Produktion um 20 % drosseln
20090126             Steuerhinterziehung: Staatsanwälte fordern 2—JAHRE auf Bewährung für Zumwinkel
20090126             Streit über katholische HOLOCAUST—LEUGNER:
20090126             RANKE—HEINEMANN wirft BAGATELLISIERUNG—PAPA des Antisemitismus vor
20090126             Integration von Zuwanderern: Böhmer fordert mehr Engagement der Politik
20090126             Porno und Gewalt: JAPAN plant HANDY—VERBOT an Schulen
20090126             Milliardenverlust: CHEF—DER—BANK—ING tritt zurück
20090126             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: Aufstand für den Status quo
20090126             AUTOR—RICHARD—YATES: Tyrannei des amerikanischen Traums
20090126             Nervenzellen: Mechanismus für Kurzzeitgedächtnis entdeckt
20090126             Gene und Verhalten: "Wir können uns von unseren Genen nicht emanzipieren"
20090126             Krisenpaket: Republikaner stemmen sich gegen Obamas Konjunkturprogramm
20090126             CHINA reports 6. human bird flu case this —YEAR
20090126             1—MAN in THE—SOUTH—WEST—CHINA—PROVINCE—OF—GUIZHOU has been infected with bird flu and is in 1—CRITICAL—CONDITION in hospital, the Health Ministry said —ON—SUNDAY.
20090126             Biden: We've Inherited 1—REAL—MESS
20090126             the closing of GUANTANAMO Bay and continued violence in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20090126             EU, Arab Countries Call on Palestinians to Unite
20090126             European Union foreign ministers meeting with their Arab counterparts in BRUSSELS —ON—SUNDAY called for THE—2—RIVAL—PALESTINE—FACTIONS to unite to negotiate 1—LASTING peace with ISRAEL.
20090126             'Video: GAZA Children Return to School —AFTER War'));
20090126             Video: GAZA Children Return to School —AFTER War - MPs back motion on BBC GAZA row
20090126             More than 50—MPS say they will back 1—PARLIAMENTARY motion urging THE—BBC to screen 1—CHARITY appeal for GAZA.
20090126             THE—BBC says broadcasting the Disasters Emergency Committee film would put its reputation for impartiality at risk.
20090126             Clamour for BBC to show GAZA appeal intensifies - BBC stands firm on GAZA appeal refusal
20090126             under ownership of Wally Hilliard, Nachrichten —HEUTE
20090126             N35NK, Aircraft Guaranty, 2. N368AG, BLUE—SKY—GROUP, 1. N403VP, Worldwide Aviation Service,
20090126             0. N404AC, Apache Aviation, 0
20090126             USA—BANKERS avoid glitz of Davos, image 1—CONCERN
20090126             Federal Reserve May Take On Greater Oversight Role
20090126             WASHINGTON—POST—BY NEIL—IRWIN and Binyamin Appelbaum
20090126             Gasoline prices continue steady rise: survey
20090126             NEW—YORK (Reuters) - The average price for 1—GALLON of gasoline in THE—USA continued to rise over the last 2—WEEKS in
20090126             ;;01;;, according to the nationwide Lundberg survey —ON—SUNDAY.
20090126             USA Retail Gasoline Rises to $1.86 1—GALLON, Lundberg Says
20090126             Facts to trolls are like bullets to Superman. They —JUST bounce right off.
20090126             ;;01;; 24., 20090000             —1232—PM
20090126             in COPENHAGEN, I had the privilege to present to FORMER—DENMARK—INTELLIGENCE officer, FRANK—GREVIL, the annual SAM—ADAMS—AWARD for Integrity in Intelligence.Continue
20090126             Die Charmakampagne der britischen Regierung geht weiter: UK—INDYMEDIA—SERVER beschlagnahmt, und zwar weil sie keine Logs führen und daher die Identität eines Posters nicht herausgeben konnten.
20090126             Das läuft —JETZT—SEIT—5—JAHREN, das Projekt, und von 13—PUNKTEN wurde zufriedenstellend erfüllt, 9—WEITERE sind "teilweise umgesetzt" worden.
20090126             Das ganze System zielt in 1. Linie darauf ab, Personen mit abgelaufenen Visa automatisch zu identifizieren, da abgelaufene Visa 1—MERKMAL—DER—FLUGZEUGATTENTÄTER—VON—20010000              gewesen waren.
20090126             Ist das nicht grandios? Abgelaufene Visa sind der Hauptaugenmerk und praktisch ALLE—ÄNDERUNGEN gehen stattdessen zu Lasten der Visa Waiver Kunden?!
20090126             Was in diesem Bericht, der nur die öffentliche, mit dem Heimatschutzministerium abgestimmte Version eines Geheimberichts darstellt, nicht explizit steht: Das würde bedeuten, dass Unternehmen wie Aeroflot und Air CHINA direkt an die zentralen Datenbanken des USA—MINISTERIUMS für Heimatschutz angeschlossen werden.
20090126             Bushs Klimapolitik um
20090126             USA—ÖKOINITIATIVE: Obama krempelt Bush s Klimapolitik um (Politik)
20090126             "Wir müssen den Pekingern irgendwie beibiegen, dass sie ein wichtiges europäisches Land nicht einfach ausgrenzen können, um es für etwas zu bestrafen, was in unseren Augen völlig harmlos ist", sagt ein europäischer Diplomat in Peking.
20090126             Es gebe nur 100.000—POLIZISTEN, "aber Millionen schöner Frauen" in Italien.
20090126             In 1—CBS exclusive INTERVIEW—WITH—VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, BOB—SCHIEFFER discusses PRESIDENT—OBAMA—ECONOMIC—PLAN, the closing of GUANTANAMO Bay and continued violence in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20090126             EU, Arab Countries Call on Palestinians to Unite - VOICE—OF—AMERICA—BY- Lisa Bryant
20090126             Video: GAZA Children Return to School —AFTER War
20090126             MPs back motion on BBC GAZA row
20090126             Clamour for BBC to show GAZA appeal intensifies
20090126             GUARDIAN—CO—UK—BBC stands firm on GAZA appeal refusal
20090126             20090126 911—WHATEVER the merits of Davis' other charges, 1—QUICK—CHECK—OF—FAA records reveals that the Lear jet in question ( N35NK — 19830000              Learjet 35A) is indeed...
20090126             GUARDIAN—CO—UK—FEDERAL—RESERVE May Take On Greater Oversight Role
20090126             Congress is moving to create strong new oversight of the financial sector that would likely give the Federal Reserve authority to examine the workings of 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—COMPANIES in 1—ATTEMPT to address 1—OF—THE...
20090126             January, according to the nationwide Lundberg survey on —SUNDAY.
20090126—20030000    und
20090126—20030000    in dem besagten USA—STÜTZPUNKT 3—GEFANGENE in orangefarbenen Overalls gesehen haben will,
20090126—20060000    Menschen in einem amerikanischen Militärgefängnis in MANNHEIM gefoltert wurden.
20090126—20060000    als GUANTANAMO in aller Munde und auch der Untersuchungsausschuss —SCHON an der Arbeit war:
20090126—20090923    —SENTENCED, Conahan was, to 17.5—YEARS in prison.
20090126—20110000    —IN, The "kids for cash" trial against Ciavarella began.
20090126—20110218    —CONVICTED—OF, Ciavarella was, racketeering.
20090126—20110811    —SENTENCED, Ciavarella was, to 28—YEARS in prison.
20090126—20111100    —ANNOUNCED, At the same time Pfizer, cost cuts that include slashing more than 8,000 jobs as it prepares for 1 expected revenue crash —WHEN its cholesterol drug Lipitor loses patent protection.
20090126—20111104    —ON, ROBERT—POWELL, the former owner of 2-for profit juvenile detention centers, was sentenced to 18—MONTHS in prison for his role in the scheme.
20090126—20140000    —IN, builder ROBERT—MERICLE was sentenced to 1—YEAR in jail and fined $250k for his role in the kids for cash scandal.
20090126—20150810    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE approved a $4.75—MILLION—SETTLEMENT between Powell and some 2,400 juveniles.
20090128—20090126    —ON, —SINCE the storm began building, the weather has been blamed for at least 6—DEATHS in TEXAS, 4 in ARKANSAS, 3 in VIRGINIA, 6 in MISSOURI, 2 in OKLAHOMA, and 1 EACH—IN—INDIANA and OHIO.
20100000             Köln, 20110126           .
20100115—20100126    —ON, He succumbed to his wounds.
20100123—20100126    —ON, 1—SALVADORAN official  filed 1—COMPLAINT with MEXICO—OFFICIALS saying 3—MEN were slain and 4—WOMEN were raped in the attack.
20100126             —APPROVED, OREGON voters, Measures 66 and 67, passed by their legislature —LAST—YEAR, endorsing higher taxes on businesses and the rich amid the current economic slump.
20100126             —ANNOUNCED, Toyota Motor Corp., it would halt SALES—OF—SOME—OF—ITS—TOP—SELLING models to fix gas pedals that could stick and cause unintended acceleration.
20100126             —ISSUED, Last —WEEK, Toyota, 1—RECALL for the same 8—MODELS affecting 2.3—MILLION vehicles.
20100126             Toyota said it is also suspending production at 6—NORTH—USA—CAR—ASSEMBLY plants beginning THE—WEEK—OF—20100201           .
20100126             It gave no date on —WHEN production could restart.
20100126             —AGREED, GENERAL—MOTORS, to sell Saab, its SWEDEN—SUBSIDIARY, to Spyker Cars, 1—HOLLAND—MAKER—OF—SPORTS cars, for $74—MILLION in cash and preference shares worth $326—MILLION.
20100126             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, gunmen, 4—POLICEMEN overnight in Helmand province.
20100126             —TARGETED, Hours —LATER 1—SUICIDE car bomber, 1—USA—BASE in KABUL, wounding 6—AFGHANS and 8—AMERICANS.
20100126             —KILLED, In EAST—KUNAR province 1—NATO—AIRSTRIKE, several suspected insurgents who were maneuvering into fighting position in 1—AREA previously used to stage attacks on int'l forces.
20100126             Leftists in BRAZIL for 1—WEEK—OF—PROTESTS against capitalism denounced corporate greed on the 2. —DAY—OF—THE—WORLD—SOCIAL—FORUM, saying that big companies humbled by the global meltdown must be prevented from controlling natural resources and harming the environment.
20100126             The prime ministers of BRITAIN and IRELAND held a 2. —DAY—OF—TALKS with political parties in NORTH—IRELAND as they struggled to keep the fractious CATHOLIC—PROTESTANT—GOVERNMENT there from collapsing.
20100126             —NAMED, UK—ACTRESS JOANNA—LUMLEY was, "OLDIE—OF—THE—YEAR" by the monthly Oldie magazine for campaigning for the rights of retired NEPAL—GURKHA soldiers wanting to settle in BRITAIN.
20100126             —CAPTURED, GUATEMALA—POLICE, EX—PRESIDENT—ALFONSO—PORTILLO at 1—BEACH preparing to flee the country by boat, 1—DAY —AFTER USA—AUTHORITIES charged him with laundering money stolen from foreign donations to buy children's books.
20100126             The crucial step toward democracy came amid worries the country's wounded coup leader is trying to influence the political process from exile.
20100126             HONDURAS, 1—SUPREME—COURT judge found 6—GENERALS—INNOCENT—OF—ABUSE—OF—POWER charges for ordering soldiers to escort Zelaya OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY at gunpoint.
20100126             —VOTED, Hours —LATER, Congress, to approve amnesty for both the military and Zelaya, who had been charged with ABUSE—OF—POWER and treason.
20100126             —RESIGNED, HONG—KONG, 5—PRO—DEMOCRACY lawmakers, their seats, vowing to turn the resulting elections into 1—POPULIST campaign for universal suffrage in defiance of warnings from CHINA.
20100126             —ACCUSED, IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER Ayatollah ALI—KHAMENEI, THE—USA of trying to use THE—INTERNET as 1—TOOL to confront the Islamic Republic, declaring that such 1—POLICY only showed WASHINGTON—FRUSTRATION.
20100126             —VOTED, THE—USA—SENATE, in July to adopt THE—VICTIMS—OF—IRANIAN—CENSORSHIP—ACT which authorizes up to $50—MILLION for expanding Farsi language broadcasts, supporting IRAN—INTERNET and countering government efforts to block it.
20100126             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE car bomber struck 1—POLICE crime lab in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killing at least 22—PEOPLE and injuring dozens 1—DAY —AFTER suicide attacks hit several hotels favored by Western journalists.
20100126             BAGHDAD officials put the death toll at 17.
20100126             KENYA, USA—AMBASSADOR MICHAEL—RANNEBERGER said THE—USA has suspended a 5—YEAR plan to fund KENYA—EDUCATION programs —FOLLOWING allegations that more than $1—MILLION in funds went missing at the Education Ministry.
20100126             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN, in December it was suspending its FUNDING—OF—THE—PROGRAM.
20100126             —REPORTED, MYANMAR, the Palaung WOMEN—ORGANIZATION, that opium cultivation in Shan State has tripled in certain areas over the past 3—YEARS.
20100126             THE—PALAUNG are 1—ETHNIC—MINORITY in the northern state.
20100126             —RESUMED, NATO and RUSSIA formally, military ties in the latest sign of improving relations between the Cold War rivals as they move to boost cooperation in the fight against insurgents in AFGHANISTAN.
20100126             1—NIGERIA—NAVAL—HELICOPTER crashed in THE—NIGER Delta, likely killing THE—4—PEOPLE onboard.
20100126             —IDENTIFIED, PERU, 1—ARGENTINE, as LUCIA—RAMALLO (23) and 1—PERU—GUIDE, WASHINGTON Huaraya, were in their tents —WHEN 1—SLOPE near Machu Picchu gave way and crushed them.
20100126             —RAISED, The deaths, to 5 THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE killed by RAIN—TRIGGERED floods and landslides in the area.
20100126             Government and private helicopters flew out 475—TOURISTS as USA—AUTHORITIES sent 4—HELICOPTERS to bolster rescue efforts.
20100126             —VOTED, Sri Lankans, between 2—SINHALESE war heroes, THE—PRESIDENT and his former army CHIEF, in 1—ELECTION that could be decided by minority Tamils, who suffered most from the government offensive to end the civil conflict.
20100126             —SEIZED, The ruling party of S—KITTS and Nevis, a 4. consecutive term —IN—EARLY—ELECTIONS.
20100126             —CLAIMED, PRIME—MINISTER—DENZIL—DOUGLAS' Labor Party, 6—OF 8—PARLIAMENTARY—SEATS allotted to S—KITTS.
20100126             —VOWED, SUDAN—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—SADIQ—AL—MAHDI, to put 1—END to "totalitarianism" and resolve the conflict in Darfur by taking power at elections in April.
20100126             —PROTESTED, VENEZUELA, THOUSANDS—OF—UNIVERSITY students again, against PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ, accusing the socialist LEADER—OF—FORCING 1—OPPOSITION—ALLIED—TV channel off cable and satellite as 1—MEANS of silencing his critics.
20100126             1—YEMEN—COURT sentenced 7 suspected AL—QAEDA members between 5 and 10—YEARS in jail —AFTER convicting them of plotting to attack foreign interests and tourists.
20100408—20140126    —FREED, Anat Kam was.
20101217—20110126    —INDICTED, Palestinians Kifah Ghneimat and Iyad Fatafa were, for LUKEN—MURDER.
20110123—20110126    —DECLARED, Moore was, brain dead.
20110124             Assistant SECRETARY—FOR—NEAR—EAST—AFFAIRS—JEFFREY—FELTMAN is on official travel to TUNISIA 20110124—20110126    —FROM—TO—DATE.
20110126             —SEIT BEN—ALIS—ABGANG 20110114             —AM haben nach ANGABEN—DES—JUSTIZMINISTERIUMS rund 11.000—HÄFTLINGE die Unruhen zur Flucht genutzt.
20110126             CAIRO, 20110125         .
20110126             —WITNESSED, OHIO, police, large QUANTITIES—OF—MARIJUANA being transferred from 1—SOUTH—COLUMBUS warehouse to 1—VAN, which they intercepted along with 2—SMUGGLERS, HECTOR—MARTINEZ, 36—JAHRE—ALT—OF—COLUMBUS and LUIS—MIRANDA, 24—JAHRE—ALT—OF—PHOENIX—ARIZONA They were arrested and charged with POSSESSION—OF—MARIJUANA.
20110126             —COLLECTED, About 2,055—POUNDS—OF—MARIJUANA were.
20110126             † NANCY—DAVIS, 59—JAHRE—ALT in 1—SOUTH—TEXAS hospital about —90—MINUTES—AFTER her husband drove the couple's truck against traffic across the Pharr INTERNATIONAL Bridge.
20110126             USA—MISSIONARY SAM—DAVIS said gunmen in 1—PICKUP truck had shot her in the head about 70—MILES SOUTH—OF—THE—MEXICO—BORDER CITY—OF—REYNOSA.
20110126             Nielsen, 1—FIRM that tracks what people watch on TV, made its debut on THE—NEW—YORK Stock Exchange in a $1.6—BILLION IPO.
20110126             —INAUGURATED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, PARLIAMENT, ending weeks of political infighting, but took 1—DIG at the West saying "foreign interference" had been 1—SERIOUS—PROBLEM.
20110126             —CONFIRMED, ALGERIA, it bought almost 1—MILLION TONS—OF—WHEAT and ordered 1—URGENT speeding up of grain imports, 1—MOVE seen heading off unrest over food prices as protests swept NORTH—AFRICA.
20110126             BOLIVIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE took to the streets to chew coca leaf in SUPPORT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BID to remove 1—INTERNATIONAL—PROHIBITION on THE—AGE—OLD—PRACTICE.
20110126             —ARRESTED, BRAZIL, Joao Batista Groppo (64) was, —AFTER his wife of 40—YEARS was found locked in a "filthy and dark" cellar.
20110126             —LOCKED, He had allegedly kept his wife, in 1—CELLAR —FOR—16—YEARS.
20110126             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT said it would water down controversial measures allowing it to hold terror suspects under virtual house arrest, —AFTER 1—WIDESPREAD—REVIEW—OF—COUNTER—TERRORISM laws.
20110126             BBC world Service said that it would close 5—OF—ITS 32—LANGUAGE services, including its RUSSIA—LANGUAGE radio broadcasts, and reduce its work force by about 1—QUARTER, or up to 650—JOBS.
20110126             —KILLED, NORTH—COLOMBIA, 1—EXPLOSION at coal mine, at least 5—WORKERS and trapped 16—MORE.
20110126             —DEFIED, THOUSANDS—OF—EGYPTIANS, 1—BAN on protests by returning to EGYPT—STREETS and calling for PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK to leave office, and some scuffled with police.
20110126             —MOVED, Police quickly, in and used tear gas and beatings to disperse the demonstrators.
20110126             —DETAINED, The crackdown saw hundreds, and left 6—PEOPLE dead over 2—DAYS.
20110126             —BLOCKED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—TOP—COMPETITION regulator, the merger between GREECE—AIRLINES Olympic Air and Aegean Airlines SA, saying 1 combined carrier could monopolize GREECE—AIR travel.
20110126             —DISSOLVED, GABON—GOVERNMENT, the country's main opposition party, accusing MEMBERS—OF—HIGH treason —AFTER their leader declared himself PRESIDENT—OF—THE—OIL—RICH nation.
20110126             GERMANY—DEVELOPMENT ministry said it will halt all payments to a $21.7—BILLION global health fund —UNTIL it gets answers about corruption allegations.
20110126             —ANNOUNCED, HAITI—RULING party, that PRESIDENT—RENE—PREVAL—CHOSEN successor, JUDE—CELESTIN, is withdrawing from the disputed race for PRESIDENT under pressure from THE—USA, THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—USA—STATES and local protests.
20110126             —PLEDGED, IRAQ and KUWAIT, to work toward resolving border disputes and debt issues as THE—2—FORMER—ENEMIES seek to repair relations damaged by Saddam Hussein's 19900000              INVASION—OF—THE—OIL—RICH—EMIRATE.
20110126             —PREVENTED, INDIAN—CONTROLLED, Kashmir THOUSANDS—OF—POLICE, 1—HINDU nationalist party and 1—SEPARATIST group from raising flags for their opposing causes in 1—CENTRAL—SQUARE to mark INDIA—REPUBLIC—DAY.
20110126             —SEIZED, In THE—IVORY—COAST forces loyal to Laurent Gbagbo, THE—ABIDJAN HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—CENTRAL—BANK—OF—WEST—AFRICAN—STATES (BCEAO), several days —AFTER 1—GBAGBO ally was forced to resign amid accusations he was continuing to allow Gbagbo to take out money even —AFTER he was officially cut off.
20110126             JAPAN—BASED Toyota Motor Corp. said it was recalling 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—MODELS, including THE—IS and GS Lexus luxury models in NORTH—AMERICA and the Avensis sedan and station wagon models in EUROPE for various defects that may cause fuel leakage.
20110126             —CALLED, LEBANON—WESTERN—BACKED coalition, on supporters to hold daily SIT—INS in downtown BEIRUT to protest the growing power of THE—IRAN—BACKED militant group Hezbollah.
20110126             MOST—OF—THE—MIGRANTS were from CENTRAL—AMERICAN—BUT 6 were from SRI—LANKA and 4 were Nepalese.
20110126             33 were women and 9 were minors.
20110126             —DEPORTED, They were, the next —DAY.
20110126             —ACCUSED, Environmental groups, ANGLO—HOLLAND—OIL giant Shell of destroying lives and the environment in THE—NIGER Delta, and urged HOLLAND—MPS to intervene as the company defended its record.
20110126             —DISINTEGRATED, NORTH—NIGERIA, 1—FIGHT over 1—GAME of billiards, into religious violence in BAUCHI state, leaving at least 4—PEOPLE dead among the smoldering RUINS—OF—CHURCHES and mosques in THE—TOWN—OF—TAFAWA—BALEWA.
20110126             —KILLED, MEMBERS—OF—1—RADICAL—MUSLIM sect, 1—POLICE officer guarding 1—VOTER registration site in MAIDUGURI.
20110126             —RATIFIED, RUSSIA—UPPER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT unanimously, the New START nuclear arms pact with THE—USA.
20110126             2—RWANDA—OPPOSITION parties said that they have formed 1—JOINT—STRATEGY to fight the "dictatorship, discrimination and marginalization" of PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME—GOVERNMENT.
20110126             SOUTH—KOREA, 1—ART exhibition by NORTH—KOREA—DEFECTOR Song Byeok opened in SEOUL.
20110126             1—WORK featured THE—HEAD—OF—NORTH—KOREA—LEADER KIM—JONG—IL, smiling beneath his trademark sunglasses and wall of black hair, atop THE—BODY—OF—MARILYN—MONROE, pushing down her white dress in 1—UPDRAFT.
20110126             —WRESTLED, Participants, with the thorny questions surfaced by the explosion of online information and the WikiLeaks phenomenon in particular.
20110126             —ISSUED, TUNISIA said it has, 1—INTERNATIONAL—ARREST warrant for ousted PRESIDENT—ZINE—EL—ABIDINE—BEN—ALI, as ANTI—GOVERNMENT protesters clashed with riot police in the capital.
20110126             UGANDA, DAVID—KATO, 1—PROMINENT—GAY—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST whose picture was published by 1—ANTI—GAY—NEWSPAPER next to the words "Hang Them," was bludgeoned to death.
20110126             Police said that his sexual orientation had nothing to do with the killing and that 1 "robber" had been arrested.
20110126             —CLAIMED, Nsubuga, that he had been reacting to unwanted demands for sex.
20110126             —SIGNED, VENEZUELA—TOP—SECURITY official and COLOMBIA—DEFENSE MINISTER, 1—ACCORD to strengthen cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking along the extensive border separating THE—SOUTH—USA—NEIGHBORS.
20110126             —TURNED, VIETNAM, Vi Duc Hoi (54), 1—COMMUNIST—OFFICIAL, democracy campaigner, was jailed —FOR—8—YEARS.
20110126             Activists saw the case as PART—OF—1—WIDER—CRACKDOWN on free speech.
20110126             Subscribe.
20110126             Arab News Blog " The - TUNISIA n people welcome JEFFREY—FELTMAN
20110126             THE—TUNISIA n people welcome JEFFREY—FELTMAN.
20110126             ;;01;; 26., 20110000              Arab News Leave a comment Go to comments.
20110126             (Reuters). - Arab News Blog " Jeffrey - Feltman preparing to meet TUNISIA n...
20110126             JEFFREY—FELTMAN preparing to meet TUNISIA n revolutionaries & members of...
20110126             JEFFREY—FELTMAN, the country's...
20110126             Jeffrey D. FELTMAN—WHORUNSGOV com/THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20110126             Key diplomat says USA approves of TUNISIA revolt
20110126             —REJECTED, FELTMAN flatly, reports, circulating in local and...
20110126             TUNISIA example can spur reform
20110126             This is 1—BAD—OMEN.
20110126             THE—TUNISIA n people should be on...
20110126             —HAPPENED, Feltman : 'What, in TUNISIA strikes me as uniquely TUNISIA n...
20110126             Uprooted Palestinians: JEFFREY—FELTMAN in........... TUNIS !
20110126             Feltman in TUNISIA.
20110126             The article by Landler —TODAY (in the paper EDITION—OF—THE—PAPER) has this quotation: "We aren't meddling," MISTER—FELTMAN.
20110126             MISTER—FELTMAN expresses hope to draw inspiration from TUNISIA 's...
20110126             Assistant SECRETARY—FELTMAN—OFFERS—USA—SUPPORT for Free, Fair, and Inclusive Elections in TUNISIA. statevideo 15520000              videos.
20110126             Arab News Blog " THE—TUNISIA n people welcome JEFFREY—FELTMAN—THE—TUNISIA n people welcome JEFFREY—FELTMAN.
20110126             Arab News Leave 1—COMMENT—GO to comments.
20110126             (Reuters). - - Arab News Blog " JEFFREY—FELTMAN preparing to meet TUNISIA n... JEFFREY—FELTMAN preparing to meet TUNISIA n revolutionaries & members of.
20110126             —HAPPENED, Blogs on: Feltman : 'What, in TUNISIA strikes me as...
20110126             Nach ANSICHT—DER—EU—KOMMISSION zeigen die regierungskritischen Proteste den Wunsch der Bevölkerung nach einem "politischen Wandel".
20110126             Israels VIZE—REGIERUNGSCHEF Silvan Schalom erklärte, er hoffe, dass die Unruhen keine Auswirkungen auf die bilateralen Beziehungen hätten.
20110126             Unruhen in Ägypten: Gewalttätige Proteste erschüttern SUEZ
20110126             Sicherheitslücke: Hacker knackt Zuckerbergs FACEBOOK—FANSEITE
20110126             Händler begründeten die gute Stimmung an der WALL—STREET mit positiv aufgenommenen AUSSAGEN—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA.
20110126             Er hatte in seiner
20110126             Rede zur Lage der Nation 1—SENKUNG—DER—UNTERNEHMENSTEUER in Aussicht gestellt.
20110126             —JETZT haben Wissenschaftler mit Hilfe des "Hubble"-Weltraumteleskops 1—ECHO aus jener Frühzeit des Alls aufgespürt.
20110126             Es ist das Licht einer Galaxie, das 13,2 Milliarden Lichtjahre zur Erde unterwegs WAR—UND nur 480—MILLIONEN Jahre jünger ist als das Universum selbst.
20110126             Damit sei das Sternsystem das wahrscheinlich älteste, das —BISHER bekannt ist, schreiben Rychard Bouwens von der UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in SANTA—CRUZ und seine Kollegen
20110126             im Fachblatt "Nature". HANS—CHRISTIAN Ströbele.
20110126             "Die Bundesregierung muss offenlegen, ob Kennedy möglicherweise als Agent provocateur in Deutschland Straftaten begangen oder initiiert hat".
20110126             Der SCOTLAND—YARD—MANN Kennedy hatte jahrelang europaweit die linke —BIS linksradikale Szene infiltriert.
20110126             Auch in Deutschland war er häufig unterwegs, vor allem im Vorfeld des G-8-Gipfels von Heiligendamm 20070000           .
20110126             Auch habe er sich in BERLIN an Brandstiftungen beteiligt.
20110126             —GEGEBEN, In diesem Fall habe es ebenfalls keine Konsequenzen.
20110126             Die Behörden hätten das Vergehen damals als Bagatelldelikt eingestuft und die Ermittlungen eingestellt.
20110126             Dass 1—POLIZIST—FEUER legt, ist ein ungewöhnlicher Vorgang.
20110126             Es schließt sich die Frage an, ob es 1—EINFLUSSNAHME—DER—POLIZEIBEHÖRDEN auf die Justiz gegeben haben könnte.
20110126             Er selbst, so Ziercke, habe keine Berichte des verdeckten Ermittlers auf den Tisch bekommen.
20110126             Auch hätte Kennedy keine Rolle in den Ermittlungen gegen die sogenannte "Militante Gruppe" im Vorfeld des HEILIGENDAMM—GIPFELS gespielt.
20110126             Opposition sieht Aufklärungsbedarf
20110126             Berlusconis PARTY—VERTEIDIGUNG: Kein Sex, nur ESSEN und Karaoke
20110126             USA—HAUSHALTSDEFIZIT: AMERIKA macht 1.500.000.000.000 Dollar Miese
20110126             Videoüberwachung am Arbeitsplatz: Arbeitgeber muss Entschädigung zahlen
20110126             Sternsystem: Forscher entdecken —BISHER älteste Galaxie
20110126             Index im Höhenflug: Dow Jones übersteigt 12.000—PUNKTE
20110126             Spionage in linker Szene: Deutsche Behörden forderten BRITEN—SPITZEL an
20110126             Umfrage zur BUSINESS—KULTUR: Manager fürchten sich vor POWER—ASIATEN
20110126             "Die Regierung hat die Absicht, die FREIHEIT—DER—MEINUNGSÄUßERUNG mit legitimen Mitteln zu garantieren", sagte Nasif einer Meldung der amtlichen Nachrichtenagentur Mena zufolge.
20110126             gestiegene Lebensmittelpreise und die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit - nicht nur politische Missstände
20110126             Aber nicht nur politische Missstände spielen 1—ROLLE, viele führen gestiegene Lebensmittelpreise und die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit als Gründe für ihre Teilnahme an den Protesten an.
20110126             Stehenbleiben wurde verboten, das Gehen in Gruppen ebenfalls.
20110126             Um kurz nach 16—UHR an diesem —MITTWOCH wagten sich die Regimegegner wieder auf Kairos Straßen: Nachdem potentielle Demonstranten aus Sorge wegen der massenhaften Polizeipräsenz —ZUNÄCHST gezögert hatten, fanden sie sich am Nachmittag spontan zu mehreren Protestkundgebungen zusammen.
20110126             Mit Sprechchören demonstrierten sie gegen gestiegene Lebensmittelpreise, aber auch für Reformen und gegen die REGIERUNG—DES—GREISEN—PRÄSIDENTEN—HUSNI—MUBARAK.
20110126             —HEUTE, 17:58 Uhr von coitusveritatis : und wayne?
20110126             Marschieren die USA / GB / NATO —JETZT ein von wegen mangelnder Demokratie und Redefreiheit etc. pp?
20110126             neu ist jedoch die große ZAHL—DER—TEILNEHMER und die Qualität der logistischen Koordinierung, die weitgehend über das INTERNET und Telekommunikationsmedien läuft.
20110126             Auch am —MITTWOCH folgten entsprechende Aufrufe: "Geht nicht zur Arbeit, geht nicht in die Schule. Lasst uns ALLE—HAND in Hand für unser Ägypten auf die Straße gehen", schrieb 1—AKTIVIST auf Facebook.
20110126             "Wir werden Millionen sein", hieß es.
20110126             Laut Herdict ist es das 43. Mal, dass Twitter in Ägypten zeitweilig nicht erreichbar ist.
20110126             Unruhen in Ägypten: Polizei nimmt Hunderte MUBARAK—GEGNER fest
20110126             Bundesgerichtshof: Schöffen müssen Deutsch sprechen
20110126             Spektakuläres Infrarotbild: Riesenstern schickt Schockwelle durchs All
20110126             —BLOCKIERT, Demonstrationsbehinderung: Ägypten, TWITTER—KOMMUNIKATION
20110126             Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos: CHINA prophezeit das Ende westlicher Dominanz
20110126             Seuchen: CHOLERA—IMPFUNG auch nach Ausbruch wirksam
20110126             SPIONAGE—AFFÄRE: Französischer Geheimdienst durchsucht RENAULT—BÜROS
20110126             ENQUETE—KOMMISSION zum INTERNET: SCHWARZ—GELB kippt Bürgerbeteiligung
20110126             Abkommen mit USA: Russisches Oberhaus billigt Abrüstungsvertrag - MIDDLE—EAST—EXPERT—ELLIOTT—ABRAMS.
20110126             Abrams thinks THE—2—STRONGEST—CANDIDATES for such popular dissent are LIBYA and EGYPT, whose respective leaders, Muammar AL—QADDAFI and Hosni Mubarak, have been in power for decades and are considering turning over power to their sons.
20110126             according to THE—USA—BASED Akhbar AL—ARAB.
20110126             (AKI) - Gamal Mubarak, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK—SON who is widely tipped as his successor, has fled to LONDON with his family, Arabic website Akhbar AL—ARAB said on —TUESDAY.
20110126             "Freedom, freedom, freedom," the protesters chanted.
20110126             "Where are THE—EGYPT—PEOPLE?"
20110126             The marchers came from all social classes
20110126             "The people want THE—DOWNFALL—OF—THE—REGIME".
20110126             —CONFIRMED, Twitter, that its site had been blocked in EGYPT, Reuters reported.
20110126             SIGNS—OF—OTHER—CONTAINMENT tactics.
20110126             —APPEARED, Several times —TUESDAY afternoon, cellphone networks, to be blocked or otherwise unavailable
20110126             —WHILE the movement declared that it had little to do with them.
20110126             —FLARED, Protests also, in ALEXANDRIA, SUEZ, MANSURA and BENI—SUEF.
20110126             There were reports of 3—DEATHS and MANY—INJURIES —AROUND the country.
20110126             Security forces, which normally prevent major public displays of dissent, —INITIALLY struggled to suppress the demonstrations, allowing them to swell.
20110126             1 recent USA DIPLOMATIC—CABLE, released by the online whistleblower WikiLeaks, bolsters GAD—VIEW that ISRAEL continues to perceive EGYPT as 1—LONG—TERM—STRATEGIC—THREAT.
20110126             "ISRAEL enjoys peace with EGYPT...but not with its people," reads the leak, dated 20091100              and published by THE—JERUSALEM Post.
20110126             JEFFREY—WHITE, former senior defense analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—PRIMARY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE organization, echoed MAKOVSKY—CLAIMS, contending that "ISRAEL has 1—STRONG—INTEREST in the stability of EGYPT".
20110126             "1—UNSTABLE—EGYPT would be 1—MAJOR—SECURITY risk for ISRAEL from virtually EVERY—CONCEIVABLE—ASPECT," including conventional military threats and terrorism, according to White.
20110126             "We tend to forget that —PRIOR—TO the peace agreement EGYPT was the main threat to ISRAEL".
20110126             Latest NEWS—INFLATION jump would be risk to EGYPT outlook, says analyst
20110126             EGYPT—SECURITY surrounds CAIRO University, arrests 5
20110126             Police close Tahrir Square, detain 90—PROTESTERS
20110126             EUROPE to EGYPT: You should respect your protesters - 350 wounded in SUEZ protests
20110126             Journalists, lawyers continue anger protests
20110126             —OUSTED, TUNISIA issues warrant for, PRESIDENT
20110126             Calls for firing Interior MINISTER —AFTER protest violence
20110126             —DAY—OF—ANGER protests enter 2. —DAY in Sinai
20110126             Es sieht so aus, als ob es in Ägypten gerade 1—REVOLUTION gibt.
20110126             Auf diesem Foto sieht man angeblich die gerade ablaufenden Massenproteste (hier nochmal von oben), und es gerüchtet, Mubaraks Familie sei schonmal nach ENGLAND geflohen.
20110126             Die Lage ist ziemlich chaotisch, aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass die REGIERUNGEN—DER—USA und von ISRAEL gerade nicht viel Schlaf kriegen vor Sorge, dass das aus westlicher Sicht moderate Ägypten in Richtung islamistischer FUNDI—REVOLUTION wegbricht.
20110126             Bei der NYTIMES—KOMMT die übliche "die fiesen Protestierer sind alle gewalttätig" Masche, was die Demonstranten natürlich via Twitter und co bestreiten.
20110126             Den Amis gelingt es angeblich nicht, 1—VERBINDUNG zwischen BRADLEY—MANNING und JULIAN—ASSANGE zu beweisen.
20110126             Damit ist Manning immer noch in einer recht aussichtslosen Situation, aber Julian muss sich keine Sorgen mehr wegen des Rechtsweges machen.
20110126             —ENTFÜHRT, Kann natürlich immer noch sein, dass er einfach, und nach GUANTANAMO oder so verbracht wird.
20110126             —SCHON—HEUTE gilt es kaum noch als möglich, die Erwärmung auf 2—GRAD gegenüber vorindustriellen Zeiten zu BEGRENZEN—GESCHWEIGE denn auf 1,25 Grad.
20110126             In diesen fast 10—TAGEN legte das Weibchen im Spätsommer 20080000              kaum vorstellbare 687—KILOMETER zurück.
20110126             Anschließend lief es noch einmal 1800—KILOMETER über das Eis.
20110126             Die Proteste sorgten auch an den Finanzmärkten für Verunsicherung.
20110126             Der wichtigste ägyptische Aktienindex brach um fast 5—PROZENT ein.
20110126             —UNRUHEN, Wegen der, in Ägypten haben mehrere deutsche Reiseveranstalter am —MITTWOCH Tagesausflüge vom Roten Meer nach Kairo abgesagt.
20110126             Die USA riefen die Führung in Kairo zur Zurückhaltung auf.
20110126             Die Regierung solle auf Proteste friedlich antworten und politische, wirtschaftliche und soziale Reformen fortsetzen, erklärte das Weiße Haus.
20110126             Das ägyptische Volk habe das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung.
20110126             In der Hafenstadt SUEZ eröffnete die Polizei bei Krawallen das Feuer auf Demonstranten und tötete 2—MENSCHEN.
20110126             es waren die heftigsten Proteste —SEIT dem Amtsantritt des Präsidenten Husni Mubarak 19810000           .
20110126             Kairo/ISTANBUL—SIE stehen an Straßenkreuzungen, an Plätzen und Brücken.
20110126             Tausende Polizisten patrouillieren in den Straßen der ägyptischen HAUPTSTADT—KAIRO—UM neue Massenproteste zu verhindern.
20110126             Die Opposition fordert 1—ENDE—VON—UNTERDRÜCKUNG, Korruption und Armut.
20110126             —BEANTWORTET, Die ägyptische Regierung, das mit Polizeipräsenz und Härte.
20110126             soll Interpol dabei helfen, weitere Angehörige der Familie zu ergreifen.
20110126             BEN—ALI und seiner Frau würden "illegale Aneignung von Vermögen" und "illegaler Devisentransfer ins Ausland" vorgeworfen, sagte der tunesische Justizminister Lazhar Karoui Chebbi am —MITTWOCH.
20110126             DIE—FAMILIE—VON—BEN—ALI soll Tunesien regelrecht ausgeplündert haben.
20110126             Sie besaß Luxusapartments, Yachten und Gold, rafften rund 5—MILLIARDEN Euro für ihren habgierigen Clan zusammen.
20110126             Die Schweiz hat —BEREITS seine Konten einfrieren lassen.
20110126             Die EU hat dies ebenfalls vor.
20110126             Interpol hat den internationalen Haftbefehl allerdings —BISHER nicht bestätigt.
20110126             So sollten Führungsqualitäten entwickelt und gestärkt WERDEN—UM "Herdenverhalten zu verhindern".
20110126             Der 3. Krisenfaktor ist, dass bei einem Platzen der Blasen einzelne Staaten kollabieren könnten.
20110126             Dies führe zu einer Umstrukturierung der STAATSSCHULDEN—UND hätte damit nicht nur Folgen für das einzelne Land, sondern für das weltweite BANKEN—UND Finanzsystem.
20110126             "Herdenverhalten verhindern"
20110126             deutliche Anzeichen für den nächsten Crash: Eine neue Krise innerhalb von 5—JAHREN ist demnach sehr wahrscheinlich.
20110126             Kritik. Gericht.
20110126             Die republikanische Regierung unter dem damaligen Präsidenten GEORGE—W—BUSH habe auf die sich anbahnende Krise völlig "inkonsistent" reagiert.
20110126             So habe Bush s Finanzminister HENRY—PAULSON—FRÜHER CHEF—DER—INVESTMENTBANK—GOLDMAN—SACHS—DIE Krisenbank Bear Stearns vor dem Zusammenbruch gerettet;
20110126             bei Lehman Brothers hingegen habe er den Kollaps des Instituts in Kauf genommen, was die Finanzkrise —ERST richtig ausbrechen ließ.
20110126             Dieses Vorgehen, heißt es laut " NEW—YORK—TIMES " in dem Untersuchungsbericht, habe an den Finanzmärkten zu "Unsicherheit und Panik" geführt.
20110126             —GEWESEN, Das Ganze sei eine "extrem riskante Wette".
20110126             Namen einzelner Geldfirmen nennt die Zeitung nicht.
20110126             Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
20110126             Ursache der Krise war demnach ein "enormes Versagen" von Regierung und Finanzaufsicht einerseits sowie ein "rücksichtsloses Risikomanagement" der Geldindustrie andererseits.
20110126             NEW—YORK—DIE Finanzkrise kam 20080000              über die Menschheit wie 1—STRAFE—GOTTES.
20110126             Keiner sah sie voraus, keiner konnte sie stoppen.
20110126             Das in etwa ist die offizielle Lesart, die USA—REGIERUNG, Notenbank und Geldkonzerne gerne verbreiten.
20110126             Doch sie hat nichts mit der Wahrheit zu tun.
20110126             Das stellt 1—USA—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS nun mit deutlichen Worten klar.
20110126             Natürlich - SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Beim Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos können Sie vertrauliche Gespräche führen?
20110126             Achleitner: Natürlich.
20110126             —GESCHRIEBEN, Achleitner: Alles, was jemand irgendwann mal gesagt oder, hat, kann in Zukunft gegen ihn verwendet werden.
20110126             Es gibt nicht mehr das private und das öffentliche Leben.
20110126             Beide verschwimmen immer mehr.
20110126             Achleitner: Wenn 1—NACHRICHT zur gleichen —SEKUNDE in JEDER—REDAKTION—DER—WELT ankommt, werden immer weniger Journalisten die Information überprüfen.
20110126             Es könnte ja jemand anderes schneller damit raus sein.
20110126             Ob die Information stimmte, will später eh kaum jemand wissen.
20110126             Die unüberlegte Reaktion auf den schnellen Reiz bei einer immer größeren Datenflut lässt sich genauso bei Börsenhändlern, Managern und Politikern beobachten.
20110126             Ich wage zu bezweifeln, dass dieses Verhalten zu besseren Entscheidungen führt.
20110126             Achleitner: —ZUNÄCHST einmal folgende Anmerkung: Mehr als 3000—JAHRE haben CHINA und Indien die Hälfte zur weltweiten Wirtschaftsleistung beigetragen.
20110126             Dann hat die industrielle Revolution Nordamerika und EUROPA 150—GOLDENE Jahre beschert.
20110126             Unsere wirtschaftliche Dominanz ist im Langzeitvergleich eher die Ausnahme als die Regel.
20110126             Achleitner: Die Frage betrifft nicht nur die Politik, sondern auch Unternehmen und Privatleute.
20110126             Wir haben das Wachstum der vergangenen 30—JAHRE über Kredite finanziert.
20110126             Diese Entwicklung müssen wir umkehren.
20110126             "Gemeinsame Normen für eine neue Realität".
20110126             Klingt wie ein neues MANAGEMENT—BUCH vom Dalai Lama.
20110126             ist die Sache dagegen fraglos attraktiv
20110126             das Werbeformat als regelrechten Dienst am Kunden, weil es ja gerade die Empfehlungen unserer Freunde seien, auf die wir höchsten Wert legten
20110126             - 1—EINVERSTÄNDNIS dafür holt Facebook nicht ein.
20110126             Eine notorisch doofe, aber effektive FORM—DER—WERBUNG.
20110126             Beim Menschen hält sich hartnäckig das Klischee
20110126             Ein gutes Wahrnehmungsvermögen bringt den Herren offenbar handfeste Vorteile.
20110126             Auch im Tierreich gibt es klischeehafte Unterschiede zwischen Mann und Frau:
20110126             Neue Studie: MANAGEMENT—PROFIS erwarten nächste Finanzkrise
20110126             Geflohener BEN—ALI: Tunesien sucht EX—DIKTATOR mit internationalem Haftbefehl
20110126             47—MILLIARDEN Euro: Autogigant Bosch schafft Rekordumsatz
20110126             Unruhen: Ägyptens Regierung will Proteste ersticken
20110126             In 1—NEW—PAPER —POSTED on the physics preprint website arXiv_org, Olson and Queensland colleague TIMOTHY—RALPH perform the math to show how these same
20110126             tricks can send quantum messages
20110126             not only from place to place, but from the past to the future
20110126             THE—SON—OF—PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN suggests in 1—AS—YET—UNPUBLISHED book that his father was exhibiting THE—TELL—TALE SIGNS—OF—ALZHEIMER—DISEASE —WHILE still serving as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA
20110126             Kudos to Ron Reagan for having the courage to tell the truth.
20110126             Hungriges Raubtier: Eisbär schwimmt fast 700—KILOMETER am Stück
20110126             Bush & Co.: Gier, Unachtsamkeit, beides"
20110126             orwürfe gegen Bush & Co.: "Gier, Unachtsamkeit, beides" (Wirtschaft, 11:48)
20110126             Nach Erdbeben in CHILE: Hunderttausende rutschten in die Armut ab
20110126             40—CENT von jedem Dollar, den AMERIKA —DERZEIT ausgibt, sind gepumpt.
20110126             —HEUTE sitzt der Feind allzu oft innen
20110126             —ENDE—DER—FÜNFZIGER—JAHRE war die Sowjetunion der erklärte Gegner, Obama.
20110126             Natürlich gelingen ihm wundervolle Sätze, wie einzigartig das amerikanische Experiment noch immer ist
20110126             RichiH writes "From Techdirt:
20110126             supporting the continued seizure of domain names they don't like, as well as the new COICA censorship bill,
20110126             despite the serious Constitutional questions raised about how such seizures violate due process and free speech principles.'
20110126             1—FULL—LIST—OF—COMPANIES who you might want to avoid buying from is included, as well.
20110126             Defense Files Mistreatment Complaint for Manning
20110126             —SUSPECTED, The attorney for, WikiLeaks source Pfc.
20110126             —FILED, BRADLEY—MANNING, 1—FORMAL—COMPLAINT this —WEEK over MANNING—TREATMENT at the Marine Corps brig where he is being detained.
20110126             —PLACED, The complaint comes —AFTER Manning was, on suicide watch.
20110126             Quantum Entanglement Could Stretch Across Time
20110126             —LINKED, In the weird world of quantum physics, 2, particles can share 1—SINGLE—FATE, even —WHEN they're miles apart.
20110126             —DESCRIBED, —NOW, 2—PHYSICISTS have mathematically, how this spooky effect, called entanglement, could also bind particles across time.
20110126             2—SONS—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN have been engaged in 1—PUBLIC—DISAGREEMENT over whether their father exhibited early SIGNS—OF—ALZHEIMER—DISEASE —WHILE still in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20110126             OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION expanding use of Guantánamo Bay: report
20110126             Forget closing Guantánamo Bay — PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA has reportedly GREEN—LIGHTED 1—PLAN to begin charges against new detainees at the controversial OFF—SHORE prison for the 1. time under his administration.
20110126             "THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION is preparing to increase THE—USE—OF—MILITARY—COMMISSIONS to prosecute Guantánamo detainees, 1—ACKNOWLEDGMENT that the prison in CUBA remains [...]
20110126             It appears THE—UK—ARE much harder on their former leaders than Americans.
20110126             Amid 1—INQUIRY into 20030000             —THE military invasion of IRAQ, DAVID—CAMERON, the sitting UK—PRIME—MINISTER, called for public pressure on FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR over his refusal to release letters sent to USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH in the [...]
20110126             'You're going to have to shoot them in the head,' Beck said of Democratic leaders
20110126             Discussing Democratic leaders —DURING 1—JUNE broadcast for the Republican FOX—NEWS—CHANNEL, conspiracy host GLENN—BECK told his followers they would have to "shoot them in the head" in order to bring 1—END to 1 alleged "communist" agenda.
20110126             "They believe in communism," he said.
20110126             "They believe and have called for 1—REVOLUTION.
20110126             You're [...] - 'Large amount' of weapons seized from blogger who cheered TUCSON shooting
20110126             1—BOSTON—AREA blogger who declared "1—DOWN, 534 to go" —AFTER the shooting of REPRESENTATIVE—GABRIELLE—GIFFORDS has had his gun license pulled and a "large amount" of weapons removed his home.
20110126             BRITISH—PAKISTAN—OMAR—SHEIKH and 3—OTHER—MEN who were [...]
20110126             BLACKWATER—PRINCE building mercenary force with APARTHEID—ERA 'hit squad' officer
20110126             THE—NORTH—EAST—AFRICAN country of SOMALIA has been 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST notorious failed states for more than 2—DECADES.
20110126             —PUSHED, Its current government has been, OUT—OF—MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—TERRITORY and —NOW controls 1—FRACTION—OF—THE—CAPITAL city, and HIGH—SEAS piracy off the country's coast has been the scourge of [...]
20110126             Tea party unpopularity at an ALL—TIME high: poll
20110126             —2—MONTHS—AFTER they voted in droves to topple Democrats from the House and expand Republican voices in the Senate, the tea party movement's disapproval ratings have reached 1—NEW—HIGH, according to 1—NEW—ABC / WASHINGTON—POST poll.
20110126             52—PERCENT—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC had 1—UNFAVORABLE—VIEW of "the political movement known as the [...]
20110126             VATICAN appoints Protestant to lead science body
20110126             —SUCCEED, The 81-year old SWITZERLAND—MICROBIOLOGIST will, ITALY—NICOLA Cabibbo, who † in August, to lead the Pontifical ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, THE—VATICAN announced [...]
20110126             IRAN fuel ban targets NATO but hurts Afghans
20110126             KABUL (AFP) — IRAN—BAN on fuel tankers crossing into AFGHANISTAN over accusations that they are supplying NATO—TROOPS is snaring ordinary Afghans in 1—COMPLEX—POWER game as living costs rise, experts say.
20110126             —STRANDED, Some 2,000 trucks are, on THE—IRANIAN—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, AFGHANISTAN—COMMERCE ministry says, in 1—STANDOFF which has run —SINCE early [...]
20110126             —EXPECTED, Climate change cost much larger than, PRIZE—WINNING economist says
20110126             MADRID — UK—ECONOMIST NICHOLAS—STERN said the price of fighting climate change is —NOW higher than he estimated in a 20060000              study that earned him a 400,000-euro (530,000) SPAIN—AWARD on —FRIDAY.
20110126             Stern won THE—BBVA Foundation award for measuring the economic COST—OF—CLIMATE change, notably in his 20060000              Stern Review which found [...]
20110126             Smoking Gun Reveals VATICAN Gave Direct Orders To Protect Pedophiles
20110126             1—LETTER from THE—VATICAN demanding that no pedophile cases be turned over to police has been uncovered.
20110126             The letter is from 1—SENIOR—VATICAN official and shows THE—VATICAN—INTENTION to prevent REPORTING—OF—ABUSE to criminal authorities.
20110126             Laser Propulsion Could Beam Rockets into Space
20110126             1—ALTERNATIVE—ROCKET propulsion technology concept calls for heating 1—ROCKET—PROPELLANT by focusing energy on it from GROUND—BASED lasers or microwave sources.
20110126             Designing Your World AOL's "Dirty Little Secret": 60—PERCENT—OF—AOL—PROFITS—ARE—DERIVED—BY—MISINFORMED—CUSTOMERS
20110126             Cop Caught Stealing Seized Pot
20110126             It's —JUST 1—LITTLE pinch, nobody will notice — right?
20110126             Think again.
20110126             Disney Shopping Bags Have 15-Times the Federal LIMIT—OF—LEAD for CHILDREN—TOYS
20110126             CEH—INDEPENDENT—LAB testing found high LEVELS—OF—LEAD, in violation of CALIFORNIA law, in Disney "Toy Story" and "Cars" reusable plastic shopping bags purchased from Safeway.
20110126             —CONTAINED, The bags, more than 15—TIMES the federal limit for lead in children's products.
20110126             Poll: Americans Are FED—UP With Lack Of Civil Discourse
20110126             —RELEASED, New research, —TODAY confirms Americans are FED—UP with the lack of civil discourse in this country and believe USA—POLITICAL—LEADERS are not working to overcome differences.
20110126             —CONDUCTED, THE—PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, by Public Religion Research Institute in partnership with Religion News Service, found that nearly 6—IN—10—AMERICANS believe the country is more divided over politics than it was in the past and only 1—IN—5—AMERICANS believe USA—POLITICAL—LEADERS work well together to overcome differences to get things done.
20110126             'Misleading' COCA—COLA advert banned
20110126             1—COCA—COLA advert that labels 1—OF—ITS—DRINKS "nutritious" is misleading, the advertising watchdog has ruled.
20110126             The company said its Vitamin Water was "nutritious" because it con
20110126             CALIFORNIA Town Fights Recession by Printing Its Own Currency
20110126             JOSH—FREEMAN—OF—NORTH—FORK, CA sure took PRESIDENT—OBAMA—TALK about providing help to "Main Street, not WALL—STREET" seriously.
20110126             —LOCATED, The tiny town of 2,400—PEOPLE, near Yosemite National Park, sits in 1—COUNTY with 1—STAGGERING 15.7—PERCENT unemployment rate.
20110126             Seeing his town struggle, Freeman did what ANY—RED—BLOODED—AMERICAN would do: create his own currency.
20110126             Surprise: USA—FACTORIES & Manufacturing Creating More 'Net' Jobs Than It Has in 1—DECADE
20110126             —VIEWED, USA manufacturing, as 1—LOST cause by MANY—AMERICANS, has begun creating more jobs than it eliminates for the 1. time in more than 1—DECADE.
20110126             AZ Shooting Victim Arrested For 'Death Threat' To Tea Party Leader (With Vid)
20110126             —CRAZED, Merely 1—WEEK —AFTER 1, gunman shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in the head and left several others dead and wounded at 1—LOCAL—POLITICAL—EVENT, 1—TEA—PARTY spokesman in the same area received 1—PUBLIC—DEATH threat at 1—TOWN hall meeting— from 1—OF—JARED—LOUGHNER—VICTIMS.
20110126             No 1 Listened To Gabrielle Giffords
20110126             Cops Who Smell Marijuana May Legally Be Able To Break Down THE—DOOR—AND—ARREST—YOU
20110126             —ARGUED, Justices on THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT his —WEEK have, that it's okay for cops to break into your pad and search it if they smell marijuana wafting from your fine digs.
20110126             Scary, huh?
20110126             Man discovers GLASSES—FREE 3D tech in the blink of an eye (video)
20110126             WHO—GOT 2—THUMBS and needs glasses to see 3D?
20110126             Not this guy! FRANCOIS—VOGEL'S figured out 1—WAY to remove those pesky spectacles from the equation, and he's ready to revolutionize the stereoscopic industry forever.
20110126             Sure, you'll need 1—MONITOR with a 120Hz refresh rate, but that's 1—PREREQUISITE these days anyhow, and the rest is sweet, sticky gravy dished directly to your eyeballs.
20110126             Get 1—SNEAK peek at THE—GAME—CHANGING tech in the video above.
20110126             You'll never look at 3D the same way again, we promise.
20110126             [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]Man discovers GLASSES—FREE 3D tech in the blink of 1—E
20110126             Tinnitus is THE—RESULT—OF—THE—BRAIN trying, but failing, to repair itself
20110126             They add that the same process may be responsible for chronic pain & other perceptual disorders.
20110126             Brains Don't Need A Study Break
20110126             —SUCCEED, Believe in yourself and you're more likely to.
20110126             Students who believe they have the willpower to accomplish difficult tasks without 1—BREAK get more done.
20110126             Researchers Discover 1—GRAM—OF—BACTERIA—CAN—HOLD—MORE—THAN 900—TERABYTES—OF—DATA
20110126             —FIGURED, Researchers have, out that data can be stored in bacteria, and that 1—SINGLE gram of bacteria can store more information than 1—GIANT—900—TERABYTE hard drive!
20110126             This storing and encrypting information in living organisms is called biostorage, and students at HONG—KONG—CHINESE—UNIVERSITY are using E. coli to test the possibilities of how we store information in the future.
20110126             New glass tops steel in strength and toughness - Glass stronger and tougher than steel?
20110126             1—NEW—TYPE—OF—DAMAGE—TOLERANT metallic glass, demonstrating 1—STRENGTH and toughness beyond that of ANY—KNOWN material, has been developed and tested by 1—COLLABORATION—OF—RESEARCHERS with THE—LAWRENCE—BERKELEY—NATIONAL—LABORATORY and THE—CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY.
20110126             Gefragt wird nicht: Facebook macht Mitglieder zu Werbefiguren
20110126             ALLIANZ—VORSTAND zu Megatrends: "Es wird eine neue Zeitrechnung geben"
20110126             Obama zur Lage der Nation: Ruckrede eines Blockierten
20110126             Geschlechtsunterschiede: Pandamännchen orientieren sich besser als Weibchen
20110126             Flucht vor Zusatzbeiträgen: Hunderttausende wechseln Krankenkasse
20110126             GRATIS—W—LAN in Italien: Das INTERNET kommt mit der Straßenbahn
20110126             REKORD—WACHSTUM: Google stellt massenweise neue Mitarbeiter ein
20110126             Teuerungswelle: Ökonomen fürchten Inflation von 4—PROZENT
20110126             Rede zur Lage der Nation: Obama ruft AMERIKA zu Geschlossenheit auf
20110126             Haushaltsdefizite: Republikaner wollen Bankrott als Option für Bundesstaaten
20110126             Bürgermeisterwahl: Obamas EX—STABSCHEF darf vorerst doch kandidieren
20110126             and the military lowered its computer threat level...
20110126             Also on THE—EVENING—BEFORE 20010911             , THE—USA—MILITARY lowered its "Infocon" threat level to the lowest possible level.
20110126             See my previous blog posting,
20110126             "USA—MILITARY Lowered Its Computer Security Level the Night —BEFORE 20010911             ".
20110126             the Muslim Brotherhood
201101260000 - Agence FRANCE—PRESSE
201101260000 - DANIEL—TENCER
201101260000 - DAVID—EDWARDS
201101260000 - KIM—ZETTER
201101260000 - Lisa Grossman
201101260000 - SAHIL—KAPUR
201101260000 - STEPHEN—C—WEBSTER
20110126—19770000    —SINCE.. Several observers said the protests represented the largest display of popular dissatisfaction in recent memory, perhaps, —WHEN people across EGYPT violently protested the elimination of subsidies for food and other basic goods.
20110126—19810000    —SEIT.. In Ägypten gilt der Ausnahmezustand.
20110126—19860000    —REPORTED, CBS almost, Reagan was mentally unfit
20110126—19860000    —IN, Veteran CBS reporter Leslie Stahl, who saw Reagan have mental lapses, could possibly play 1—ROLE in settling that feud — or cause [...]
20110126—19970000    —FROM, The letter dating demolishes VATICAN claims that they never instructed local bishops to withhold evidence form police about pedophiles.
20110126—20000000    —J—IM, —SCHON die Regierung unter PRÄSIDENT—BILL—CLINTON habe den "Marsch in Richtung Finanzkrise" begonnen.
20110126—20010911    —ON, Backup Communications System Was 'Miraculously' Switched on for 'Exercise Mode' and Ready for Use
20110126—20020000    —CONVICTED—OF, WASHINGTON — The wrong men were, murdering USA—REPORTER DANIEL—PEARL, who was kidnapped and beheaded in PAKISTAN, and USA—OFFICIALS stood in the way of the real murderers being brought to justice for the grisly crime, 1—REPORT released —THURSDAY says.
20110126—20040000    —SEIT, Der amerikanische Aktivist JASON—KIRKPATRICK, der in BERLIN lebt und Kennedy unter seinem Aliasnamen MARK—STONE kannte, erhebt schwere Vorwürfe.
20110126—20050100    —SEIT, Das ägyptische Pfund sank zum Dollar auf den niedrigsten Stand.
20110126—20090000    —SINCE, EGYPT stocks tumble most —AFTER protests, pound weaken
20110126—20090305    This is 1—EXCITING and unprecedented moment in TUNISIA—HISTORY," FELTMAN on THE—TUNISIA n protests that overthrew THE—PRESIDENT in ;;01;;...
20110126—20100300    —IN, few of our leaders wanted to see what Giffords saw — that the vandalism and the death threats were PART—OF—1—TIDE—OF—INSURRECTIONISM that had been rising —SINCE the final weeks of 20080000             —THE campaign.
20110126—20110108    —ON, TRAVIS—CORCORAN, 1—COMIC—BOOK—RETAILER in ARLINGTON—MASSACHUSETTS, made the comment in 1—BLOG posting, THE—DAY—OF—GIFFORDS' [...]Wrong men convicted of DANIEL—PEARL murder: PROBE—AGENCE FRANCE—PRESSE
20110126—20110113    —IN—THE, The phantom ringing sounds heard by about 40—MILLION—PEOPLE in THE—USA—TODAY are caused by brains that try, but fail to protect their human hosts against overwhelming auditory stimuli, the researchers say issue of Neuron.
20110126—20110125    —HAPPENED, FELTMAN : 'What, in TUNISIA strikes me as uniquely TUNISIA n '.
20110126—20110125    FELTMAN :
20110126—20110125    "We have long called for greater political space in TUNISIA ," he said.
20110126—20110125    THE—USA is hoping that the "example" of THE—TUNISIA n uprising will bring reform to other parts of the region,
20110126—20111110    —SENTENCED, Enoch Nsubuga (22) was, to 30—YEARS in jail for the brutal slaying.
20110126—20150000    —BIS, Deutsche Hochrechnung: DE—CIX erwartet Verzwanzigfachung des Datenverkehrs
20110128—20110124    Assistant SECRETARY—FOR—NEAR—EAST—AFFAIRS—JEFFREY—FELTMAN is on official travel to TUNISIA from ;;01;;
20110128—20110124    24-20110126           .
20110128—20110126    "We heard that [USA Assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE] JEFFREY—FELTMAN visited TUNISIA.
20110128—20110126    This is 1—BAD—OMEN.
20110128—20110126    Wishful thinking on THE—PART—OF—ZIONIST—FELTMAN ;
20110128—20110126    what happened in TUNISIA ushers THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—END to THE—USA—HEGEMONY over the...
20110128—20110126    USA Assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JEFF—FELTMAN talks —DURING...
20110128—20110126    . FELTMAN in TUNISIA.
20110128—20110126    The article by Landler —TODAY (in the paper EDITION—OF—THE—PAPER) has this quotation:
20110128—20110126    —ON, The local police CHIEF and 38—OFFICERS quit —AFTER the discovery of the mutilated bodies of 2—OFFICERS who had been kidnapped by gunmen —2—DAYS—EARLIER.
20110131             DHS Offers $40M For Top Cybersecurity Research — CmdrTaco - "THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY issued 1—CALL for proposals this —WEEK in a $40m program to encourage research and development in 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—TOPICS related to cybersecurity: from designing more resilient software, to alternatives to passwords and CAPTCHA technology to prevent automated attacks. DHS laid out its AREAS—OF—INTEREST in 1—BROAD—AGENCY—ANNOUNCEMENT dated 20110126             . In it, the domestic security agency said it was soliciting papers and proposals centered on 14—DIFFERENT—TOPIC—AREAS. At stake is $40m in federal funding for research and development, with individual grants ranging up to $3—MILLION. DHS—AREAS—OF—INTEREST include software assurance, enterprise security metrics, usable security, as well as the challenges posed by insider threats".Read more of this story
20110504—20120126    —PLEADED, Lombardi, guilty to charges that he sold drugs with his commanding officer, stole jewelry and cash from crime scenes and possessed stolen guns.
20111202—20120126    —ON, JOHN—GREEN, 1—HALF—OF—THE—VLOGBROTHERS, began his Crash Course series, with World History.
20111229—20110126    —ON, Shaw withdrew his claim on the prize —JUST as mysteriously as he has made it.
20120126             —PUBLISHED, THE—JOURNAL—OF—THE—USA—MEDICAL—ASSOCIATION (JAMA), 1—NEW—STUDY showing 1 estimated 7—PERCENT—OF—USA—TEENS and adults carry the human papillomavirus in their mouths.
20120126             —EXECUTED, TEXAS, RODRIGO—HERNANDEZ, 38—JAHRE—ALT was, for the abduction, rape and strangulation of Susan Verstegen (38) 18—YEARS ago.
20120126             † ACTOR—ROBERT—HEGYES, 60—JAHRE—ALT, best known for playing JUAN—EPSTEIN on "Welcome Back Kotter, of 1—HEART attack. —AFTER "Kotter," Hegyes went on to CO—STAR in "Cagney and Lacey" as Detective Manny Esposito. ACTOR—ROBERT—HEGYES—OTHER TV work included 1—EPISODE—OF "THE—LOVE—BOAT," "NewsRadio" and "CHiPS".
20120126             —DETONATED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE attacker, 1—CAR laden with powerful explosives, killing 4—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS and wounding 31—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20120126             2—AUSTRALIA—ADVENTURERS reached home and made ANTARCTIC history by becoming the 1. team to travel unaided to THE—SOUTH—POLE and back, surviving 3—MONTHS of "extreme hardship".
20120126             JAMES—CASTRISSION, 29—JAHRE—ALT 1—ACCOUNTANT, and JUSTIN—JONES, 28—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SCIENTIST, skied 2,270 km (1,400 miles) to complete the arduous trek.
20120126             † BAHRAIN authorities say 1—DETAINEE has —AFTER being taken into custody 1—DAY —EARLIER—DURING clashes between security forces and SHIITE—LED protesters.
20120126             BOLIVIA, SANTOS Ramirez, 1—FORMER—CLOSE—ALLY—OF—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, was CONVICTED—OF—CORRUPTION for taking bribes —WHILE running THE—STATE—RUN YPFB oil company and sentenced to 12—YEARS in prison.
20120126             —CONVICTED, Argentine businessman Agustin TOMAS—MELANO was, in absentia of paying the bribes.
20120126             ECUADOR—HEALTH ministry said it will investigate and act forcefully against ANY—CLINICS found to be trying to force homosexuals to change their sexual orientation.
20120126             —REPORTED, It was, that EGYPT has banned THE—SON—OF—USA—TRANSPORTATION—SECRETARY—RAY—LAHOOD and 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—AMERICANS from leaving the country as tensions rise over moves by EGYPT—AUTHORITIES to restrict the work of INTERNATIONAL rights organizations.
20120126             —RAIDED, LAHOOD—ORGANIZATIONS was 1—OF 10, last —MONTH by EGYPT—AUTHORITIES, who said they sought to determine if the groups were operating legally.
20120126             FIJI—SECRETARY—OF information said that severe flooding and landslides have killed 6—PEOPLE and left hundreds homeless.
20120126             SOUTH—EAST—FRANCE, JEAN—CLAUDE Mas (72), THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—1—FRANCE—COMPANY at the center of 1—BREAST implant scandal affecting TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WOMEN worldwide, was arrested along with his former deputy, CLAUDE—COUTY.
20120126             1—GERMANY—COURT convicted 1—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—PRIEST, 46—JAHRE—ALT of some 250—COUNTS of sexually abusing children over 1—SEVERAL—YEAR period and sentenced him to 6—YEARS in prison.
20120126             He was found GUILTY—OF—ABUSING 3—BOYS aged 9 to 15 20040000—20110000    —BETWEEN.
20120126             PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD said IRAN is ready to revive talks with the world powers, as toughening sanctions aim at forcing TEHRAN to sharply scale back its nuclear program.
20120126             1—USA—MADE F—14—IRAN—FIGHTER jet crashed in SOUTH—IRAN.
20120126             —KILLED, Both the pilot and THE—CO—PILOT were.
20120126             —KILLED, IRAN—SECURITY forces, 6—PAKISTAN—TRADERS taking goats into IRAN.
20120126             —KIDNAPPED, Gunmen in Syria, 11—IRAN—PILGRIMS traveling by road from TURKEY to DAMASCUS.
20120126             IRAQ said it will take legal action to ensure justice for the families of 24 unarmed IRAQ—CIVILIANS killed in 1—USA—RAID in Haditha 7—YEARS ago.
20120126             —BOMBED, Insurgents, 1—HOUSE belonging to 2—POLICEMEN and their families in CENTRAL—IRAQ early, killing 10—PEOPLE inside.
20120126             1—MOTORCYCLE bomb missed 1—PASSING police patrol in KIRKUK, but killed 2—CIVILIANS and wounded 5—OTHERS.
20120126             7—PEOPLE were killed in attacks on BAGHDAD—S 2—MOSTLY Sunni districts.
20120126             JORDAN—ACTIVIST Odai ABU—ISSA, 18—JAHRE—ALT was found guilty of "harming THE—KING—DIGNITY" for burning 1—STREET poster of the monarch and has been sentenced to 2—YEARS in prison.
20120126             —RESIGNED, KENYA—FINANCE MINISTER—UHURU—KENYATTA, —AFTER THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT ruled this —WEEK he should stand trial for his alleged role 20070000             —IN—8—POST—ELECTION violence.
20120126             HEAD—OF—PUBLIC—SERVICE FRANCIS—MUTHAURA, 1—OF—THE—MOST influential men in PRESIDENT—MWAI—KIBAKI—CIRCLE, who also had the charges against him confirmed by THE—HAGUE—BASED court, resigned as well.
20120126             Kenyatta, 1—OF—AFRICA—WEALTHIEST men, and Muthaura, often described as KIBAKI—RIGHT—HAND man, faced 5—COUNTS including orchestrating murder, rape, forcible transfer and persecution in the aftermath of 20071200             —THE polls.
20120126             The medical aid group Doctors Without Borders said it has suspended its work in prisons in THE—LIBYA—CITY—OF—MISRATA because it said detainees are being tortured and denied urgent medical care.
20120126             30—REPRESENTATIVES from clans of the powerful Werfelli tribe, which is spread across LIBYA but whose stronghold is Bani Walid, came together to discuss terms for THE—RETURN—OF—FIGHTERS of 20120528             —THE Brigade who fled the town —DURING the clashes.
20120126             —ATTACKED, MALI, Tuareg rebel fighters (NMLA), 1—TOWN in the far EAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY, the 4. town targeted —SINCE fighting began —JUST over 1—WEEK ago.
20120126             —CAPTURED, He was, in THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—OAXACA last —WEEK.
20120126             9—PEOPLE, including 8—MEN and 1—WOMAN, were shot to death in the center of MONTERREY.
20120126             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, being behind the disappearances of alleged leftist guerrillas in the 1970s.
20120126             NIGERIA, 1—POLICE source said some 200—PEOPLE, mostly Chadian "mercenaries," have been arrested —FOLLOWING last —WEEK—ATTACKS in the northern main CITY—OF—KANO.
20120126             —KILLED, Gunmen, 15—VILLAGE traders returning from 1—MARKET at night and set their bodies ablaze in NORTH—ZAMFARA state.
20120126             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, security forces, at least 20—MILITANTS in THE—NORTH—WEST—KURRAM tribal region —AFTER coming under attack.
20120126             † PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT officials in Punjab said —AROUND 100—HEART patients have —AFTER taking faulty medicine made locally and dozens more are in 1—CRITICAL—CONDITION in hospitals in LAHORE.
20120126             —PROTESTED, Some 300—PALESTINIANS in Tulkarem, against price hikes and 1—RECENT—INCOME tax increase imposed by PRIME—MINISTER—SALAM—FAYYAD.
20120126             —REFUSED, PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA PRIME—MINISTER—PETER—O'NEILL, to step down despite 1—MUTINY by soldiers who seized the military headquarters and demanded that he cede power to his ousted predecessor, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—MICHAEL—SOMARE.
20120126             RUSSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said that government officials must crack down on migrant workers who break the nation's laws by failing to register or get work permits, and on companies that profit by hiring them.
20120126             —ACCUSED—OF, SPAIN, ANDREW—ROBERT—LEVENE, 41—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—MAN, killing 1—JEWELRY store owner in THE—USA and stealing $300,000 (euro228,000) in diamonds —BEFORE fleeing to EUROPE, was found hanged in his prison cell in the Modelo prison in BARCELONA.
20120126             SUDAN, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM).
20120126             1—DARFUR region rebel group, said it has chosen Gibril Ibrahim (56), a 1—TIME university professor, to head the movement —AFTER his brother, the former leader, was killed last —MONTH.
20120126             —STORMED, SYRIA—TROOPS, 1—FLASHPOINT suburb of DAMASCUS, rounding people up in HOUSE—TO—HOUSE raids and clashing with army defectors.
20120126             —POURED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—BACKERS—OF—PRESIDENT—ASSAD, into THE—STREETS—OF—SEVERAL cities in 1—SHOW—OF—SUPPORT for his embattled regime.
20120126             —REPORTED, At least 200—PEOPLE were, detained in Douma.
20120126             1—JOINT—ARMY and police force was ambushed near THE—TOWN—OF—KHIRBET—GHAZALEH, killing 4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY forces and wounding 5—MORE.
20120126             1—SNIPER shot dead 1—WOMAN in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—HAMA, —WHILE 1—STRAY bullet killed a 14—YEAR—OLD—BOY in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—DARAA.
20120126             —ARMED, STATE—RUN news said 1—ARMY COLONEL was shot dead by "1, terrorist" in front of his home in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—HOMS.
20120126             —KILLED, Activists said 62—PEOPLE were, across the country including 54 in HOMS and Hama.
20120126             1—THAILAND wildlife official said 1—WORRISOME new practice of Thais consuming elephant meat could threaten the national animal with extinction.
20120126             THAILAND—ELEPHANT population was under 3,000 wild elephants, plus some 4,000 domesticated.
20120126             —DEFENDED, THE—VATICAN, its transfer of 1—TOP—OFFICIAL to WASHINGTON —AFTER he exposed alleged corruption in the awarding of Holy See contracts.
20120126             The previous —EVENING THE—ITALY—INVESTIGATIVE news program, "THE—UNTOUCHABLES," showed letters from Archbishop CARLO—MARIA—VIGANO to BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA begging not to be transferred —AFTER exposing corruption costing THE—VATICAN MILLIONS—OF—EUROS (dollars).
20120126             —RESUMED, ZIMBABWE, 1—PUBLIC—SERVANTS' strike jerkily, —AFTER failed talks on doubling basic wages, as SOME—TEACHERS held classes —WHILE others left students on their own.
20120126             —AM, also gut 2—WOCHEN nach der Grobsichtung der Festplatte
20120126—20080215    —IN—THE, THE—MEXICO—ARMY announced THE—ARREST—OF—OSCAR—SANTOYO—RODRIGUEZ, alias "El Mosco, 1—SUSPECT, bombing attempt aimed at 1—MUNICIPAL—POLICE official in MEXICO—CITY.
20120126—20090100    —IN, The scandal broke —WHEN JORGE—O'CONNOR—DARLACH, MELANO—CHIEF—PARTNER—IN—THE—BOLIVIAN—ARGENTINE consortium, was shot in the face —DURING 1 armed robbery of $450,000 in cash.
20120126—20121208    —IN—THE, Levene was charged with federal murder, robbery and firearm offenses shooting of Yekutiel Zeevi, owner of YZ Manufacturers LLC store in WESTPORT—CONNECTICUT.
20120126—20121231    —REACHED, The pair, had the Pole.
20121217—20120126    —REPORTED, THE—INDIA—SAILORS were, freed.
20130126             The film "Fruitvale" won top prize at the Sundance Film Festival.
20130126             —RENAMED, The film was, "Fruitvale Station" for its public release.
20130126             —ARRESTED, LOUISIANA police, Wilbert Thibodeaux (48).
20130126             He was SUSPECTED—OF—SHOOTING 1—POLICE officer and wounding 2—SHERIFF—DEPUTIES —AFTER setting 1—DEADLY—FIRE at 1—MOBILE—HOME in S—MARY—PARISH.
20130126             PENNSYLVANIA police said STEPHEN—BAKER, 62—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FRANCISCAN brother, was found dead of 1—SELF—INFLICTED knife wound at THE—S—BERNARDINE monastery.
20130126             —NAMED, Baker was, in recent settlements involving 11—MEN who alleged that he sexually abused them 3—DECADES ago in OHIO.
20130126             More people soon came forward with abuse claims in PENNSYLVANIA, where Baker had taught and coached.
20130126             † In AFGHANISTAN 10—POLICEMEN —WHEN 1—SUICIDE bomber driving 1—MOTORCYCLE blew himself up in NORTH—KUNDUZ province.
20130126             1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED bomb planted on 1—BICYCLE exploded, killing 1—POLICE officer and 1—CIVILIAN in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—GHAZNI.
20130126             1—POLICE truck packed with officers and detainees struck 1—ROADSIDE bomb in KANDAHAR city, killing 10—OF—THOSE aboard.
20130126             It was 1—OF 4—BLASTS that left at least 24—PEOPLE dead across the country.
20130126             BANGLADESH, 1—FIRE at the Smart Export Garment Ltd. factory killed 7—FEMALE—WORKERS.
20130126             1—INVESTIGATION was ordered the next —DAY under allegations that the emergency exit was locked.
20130126             ONTARIO—LIBERALS chose Kathleen Wynne (59), 1—FORMER—CABINET MINISTER, to become the province's 1. female premier and 1. openly gay LEADER—OF—1—CANADA—PROVINCE.
20130126             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—REP.
20130126             —STAGED, FORMER—LEFT—LEANING PRIME—MINISTER—MILOS—ZEMAN, 68—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BIG—RETURN to power by winning 54.8—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE in the country's 1. directly elected presidential vote.
20130126             THE—PRESIDENT has little executive power and the country is run by the government chosen and led by THE—PRIME—MINISTER.
20130126             EGYPT, violence left 37—PEOPLE dead in PORT—SAID —AFTER 1—JUDGE sentenced 21—PEOPLE to death in connection with a 20130201              soccer melee that killed 74—FANS—OF—THE—CAIRO—BASED AL—AHLY team.
20130126             —VOTED, IRAQ, 170—LAWMAKERS, in favor of 1—LAW limiting the terms on THE—PRIME—MINISTER and other top officials.
20130126             —BOYCOTTED, Lawmakers from AL—MALIKI—STATE—OF—LAW bloc, the session.
20130126             —KILLED, Gunmen, 2—IRAQ—SOLDIERS and abducted 3—OTHERS in FALLUJAH as HUNDREDS—OF—MOURNERS gathered for THE—FUNERAL—OF—PROTESTERS killed —DURING 1—SHOOTING by army troops 1—DAY —EARLIER.
20130126             MALI, FRANCE—FORCES took CONTROL—OF—THE—AIRPORT and 1—KEY—BRIDGE in the radical Islamist STRONGHOLD—OF—GAO under THE—COVER—OF—DARKNESS early —TODAY, marking 1—SIGNIFICANT inroad into THE—HEART—OF—TERRITORY held by THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED extremists.
20130126             —REMOVED, MEXICO—CITY authorities, 1—MUCH—DISPUTED statue of Geidar Aliyev, the late LEADER—OF—AZERBAIJAN.
20130126             MYANMAR government forces, —AFTER several DAYS—OF—FIGHTING, took 1—HILLTOP STRONGHOLD—OF—THE—KACHIN rebels 5km from Laiza, the administrative headquarters of the Kachin INDEPENDENCE Army (KIA).
20130126             —CLASHED, PAKISTAN, 2—ISLAMIC—MILITANT—GROUPS, over control of 1 prized valley in the northwest, killing at least 24—PEOPLE and wounding dozens more in the Tirah valley of the  Khyber tribal region.
20130126             —ARMED, Dozens of, men attacked 1—POST manned by PRO—GOVERNMENT tribal militia members in 1—REMOTE—AREA in SOUTH—WEST—BALUCHISTAN, killing 2—TRIBESMEN and abducting 7—MORE.
20130126             —RIPPED, RUSSIA, 1—FIRE, through 1—NEW—MOSCOW building's underground parking lot, killing 10—TAJIKISTAN migrant workers and injuring 13—OTHERS who had been working and living there.
20130126             —ARRESTED, SOMALIA—EDUCATION MINISTER said 3—OFFICIALS have been, for mismanaging 1—SCHOLARSHIP scheme that sends SOMALIA—STUDENTS to TURKEY.
20130126             —RANKED, SOMALIA is, as the world's most corrupt country by Transparency INTERNATIONAL.
20130126             SWITZERLAND, 3—WOMEN from UKRAINE—FEMINIST—ACTIVIST group Femen, angry over sexism and MALE DOMINATION—OF—THE—WORLD economy, ripped off their shirts and tried to force their way into 1—GATHERING of corporate elites in Davos.
20130126             —RAIDED, SYRIA—SANA state news said government troops, 1—OPPOSITION stronghold in Daraya, killing rebels and uncovering tunnels they used to move —AROUND and smuggle weapons.
20130126             1—AIR raid on THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—AL—BAB, which killed at least 4—PEOPLE and wounded others.
20130126             —REPORTED, Activist groups, heavy clashes in HOMS and Qusair.
20130126             —BEWERTET, BLACKROCK—EINSTIEG: Investor, Twitter mit—DOLLAR
20130126             —KLIMA—SCHUTZ, SCHWEDEN wollen EUROPA—WEITE STEUER auf Fleisch
20130126             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Was das Menschsein wirklich ausmacht"
20130126             —KRIEG—IN—MALI: "DIE—FRANZOSEN haben uns gerettet"
20130126             Landesweiter Protest: 21—TODES—URTEILE nach Fußballkrawall in ÄGYPTEN
20130126             12—VERDÄCHTIGE: BKA—CHEF—ZIERCKE rechnet mit weiteren Anklagen im NSU—VERFAHREN
20130126             —ÜBERRASCHT, Untergangsprophet ROUBINI: "DIE—EZB hat alle "
20130126             Hoher Krankenstand: BERLINer Beamte fehlen fast 2—MONATE J—IM
20130126             PENTAGON—PLAN: USA—AMERIKANER streiten über Frauen an der Front
20130126             GEORGE—WIDENER—AUSSTELLUNG: Das DATUM ist dem Genius sein Code
20130126             Untergangsprophet ROUBINI - "DIE—EZB hat alle überrascht"
20130126             Mit frühen Warnungen vor DER—FINANZ—KRISE wurde NOURIEL—ROUBINI berühmt.
20130126             NOURIEL—ROUBINI sieht sehr müde aus. Wie konnte das passieren?
20130126             ROUBINI - DER—FRÜHERE—USA—AUSSEN—MINISTER—HENRY—KISSINGER hat hier in DAVOS gerade 1—REVOLTE vorhergesagt, falls die amerikanische —POLITIK nicht aus der DAUER—BLOCKADE kommt.
20130126             Erwarten Sie die auch?
20130126             ROUBINI: Irgendwann —SCHON, aber nicht in naher ZUKUNFT.
20130126             ROUBINI: An die große Lösung glaube ich nicht, dafür wird DAS—PROBLEM —SCHON zu lange aufgeschoben.
20130126             Das Einzige, mich wundert gar nix mehr
20130126             wenn ich das —SCHON lese: "es gibt nicht VIELE—LEUTE, die wie ich für 2—WOCHEN in DIE—EURO—ZONE reisen, Gespräche in MADRID, ROM, BERLIN, PARIS, BRÜSSEL, FRANKFURT und ATHEN führen und dann ihre Schlüsse daraus ziehen".
20130126             Zwar sind DIE—MÄRKTE beruhigt, aber die Folgen der MERKELschen Schock Therapie ist der totale Zusammenbruch der Wirtschaft in den Südländern.
20130126             Dampfplauderer, Schwätzer und eitle Selbstdarsteller
20130126             1—BISSCHEN dürftig, wie Herr ROUBINI seine WOCHEN—LANG durch ALLE—WICHTIGEN—MEDIEN geschobenen GLASKUGEL—PROGNOSEN hier abhakt.
20130126             Mag sein - es ärgert mich IN 1. LINIE diese Penetranz und Dreistigkeit, mit der LEUTE wie die von mir genannten immer wieder PROGNOSEn zum besten geben, die durch keinerlei Hintergrundwissen oder Substanz unterfüttert sind.
20130126             [l] So stellt sich DIE—CONTENT—MAFIA DIE—ZUKUNFT vor, —DIESMAL im Bezug auf E—BOOKS in Bibliotheken:
20130126             Macmillan —NOW says its titles will cost $25 (by comparison, SOME—OF—ITS—SAME bestselling titles in the Kindle store go for $8 to $12)—AND once acquired by 1—LIBRARY, each will be available for 2—YEARS or 52—CHECK—OUTS, whichever COMES 1.
20130126             Na DAS ist doch mal 1—GROSSZÜGIGES Angebot!1!!
20130126—20090000    —IN, It depicted the last 24—HOURS in THE—LIFE—OF—OSCAR—GRANT, 22—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BLACK—MAN shot dead by police in S—FRANCISCO on New —YEAR—DAY.
20130126—20100000    —SEIT, in schöner Regelmäßigkeit erklären, daß die gemeinsame Währung ganz bestimmt —DEMNÄCHST untergehen wird, einfach mal zurücknehmen und DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT mit neuen PROGNOSEn und Statements verschonen.
20131004—20130126    —PROPOSED, NY SENATOR—CHUCK—SCHUMER, legislation to fund voluntary tracking devices for children with autism.
20131128—20140126    —ON, Life support was withdrawn, —FOLLOWING 1—ORDER by 1—FORT—WORTH judge.
20131224             THE—49—CENT rate will be effective as of 20140126           .
20140118—20140126    —TURNED, ANGOLA—NAVY said THE—CREW—OF—THE—OIL—TANKER had, off communications to fake 1—ATTACK.
20140125—20140126    —ON, police identified the shooter as Darion MARCUS—AGUILAR, 19—JAHRE—ALT—OF—COLLEGE—PARK.
20140126             Daft PUNK—INFECTIOUSLY catchy song "Get Lucky" won the Grammy Awards' RECORD—OF—THE—YEAR.
20140126             The cost of 1—USA 1.—CLASS stamp rose 3—CENTS to 49—CENTS.
20140126             CHARLIE—SHREM (19890000              *), USA—ENTREPRENEUR and founding MEMBER—OF—BITINSTANT, was arrested in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20140126             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, helping to supply bitcoins to users of online drug markets.
20140126             RANDOLPH—L—BRAHAM (91), 1—ROMANIAN—BORN—USA—PROFESSOR and prominent Holocaust survivor and scholar, said he was handing back a 20110000              HUNGARY—STATE award in protest at the government's "FALSIFICATION—OF—HISTORY".
20140126             —KILLED, OHIO, 1—APARTMENT building fire, 2—FIREFIGHTERS in TOLEDO.
20140126             —ENDED, THE—ROYAL—CARIBBEAN cruise line, a 10—DAY—TRIP in the Caribbean early —AFTER HUNDREDS—OF—PASSENGERS and crew members on THE—EXPLORER—OF—THE—SEAS were sickened with 1—GASTROINTESTINAL illness consistent with norovirus.
20140126             —BOARDED, Health officials, the ship at S—THOMAS in THE—USA—VIRGIN—ISLANDS.
20140126             AFGHANISTAN, 1—TALIBAN suicide bomber blew himself up near 1—AFGHANISTAN—MILITARY—BUS in KABUL, killing 2—OFFICERS and 2—CIVILIANS.
20140126             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—AUSTRALIA, 1—CROCODILE was, to have taken 1—BOY, 12—JAHRE—ALT —AFTER attacking his friend as they swam in 1—WATER hole in at Mudginberri Billabong in World HERITAGE—LISTED Kakadu National Park.
20140126             † 1—SHARK was shot and killed in WEST—AUSTRALIA—UNDER 1—NEW—STRATEGY to protect swimmers.
20140126             —CLASHED, BAHRAIN—POLICE firing teargas and birdshot, with STONE—THROWING protesters in 1—VILLAGE WEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL —AFTER the funeral of Fadhel Abbas (20) who † in custody.
20140126             CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER—ANDRE—NZAPAYEKE said he will meet with all fighting factions to bring 1—END to atrocities —THROUGHOUT the country, as gunfire rang out in BANGUI.
20140126             1—CHINA—COURT—SENTENCED—XU—ZHIYONG, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST prominent rights advocates, to 4—YEARS in prison.
20140126             —CAMPAIGNED, He had, for THE—RIGHTS—OF—CHILDREN from rural areas to be educated in cities and for officials to disclose their assets.
20140126             —DETAINED, CUBA—ACTIVISTS said DOZENS—OF—DISSIDENTS have been, in a "wave of political repression" ahead of 1—MAJOR—INTERNATIONAL—SUMMIT in HAVANA.
20140126             —KILLED, EGYPT, gunmen, 3—SOLDIERS in 1—ATTACK on 1—BUS in THE—SINAI—PENINSULA.
20140126             —MARCHED, FRANCE, some 17,000—PEOPLE, through CENTRAL—PARIS to criticize PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE.
20140126             —QUOTED, GERMANY—ARD—TV, EDWARD—SNOWDEN saying THE—USA—NSA does not limit its espionage to issues of national security and he cited GERMANY—ENGINEERING firm, Siemens as 1—TARGET.
20140126             † At least 21—PEOPLE —AFTER 1—BOAT carrying INDIA—TOURISTS capsized off INDIA—ANDAMAN—ISLANDS.
20140126             —CARRIED, The boat, no life jackets.
20140126             —APPEARED, IRAQ, militants, to have captured 5—22—IRAQ—SOLDIERS near FALLUJAH.
20140126             —KILLED, At least 13—PEOPLE were, elsewhere amid 1—NATIONWIDE surge in unrest.
20140126             1—ISRAEL—COURT extended by 2—DAYS the detention of 2—PALESTINE—MEN it suspects of planning to bomb THE—USA—EMBASSY in Tel Aviv under instructions from AL—QAIDA.
20140126             ISRAEL said it will allow the entry of about 1,000 TONS—OF—CEMENT and building materials to THE—GAZA Strip for storm damage restoration and other PROJECTS—OF—UN agencies.
20140126             ITALY—POLICE and campaigners said 13—MOROCCO—MIGRANTS held in 1—RECEPTION center in ROME for more than 2—MONTHS have sewed their mouths shut in protest at the length of their detention.
20140126             —SEWED, They, their mouths shut the previous —EVENING, repeating 1—PROTEST they staged at THE—END—OF—LAST—YEAR.
20140126             —SLAUGHTERED, KENYA officials said poachers have, 1—RHINO in the capital's NAIROBI National Park, 1—BRAZEN attack flouting tough new laws designed to stem 1—SURGE of such killings.
20140126             —SUSPECTED, NIGERIA, Islamic extremists used explosives to attack Kawuri village in the northeast, killing 52—PEOPLE and razing more than 300—HOMES.
20140126             —FIRED, Boko Haram gunmen, on worshippers —DURING 1—SERVICE at 1—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH in neighboring Adamawa state.
20140126             —KILLED, At least 26—PEOPLE were.
20140126             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—HAND grenade, 6—CHILDREN who found it —WHILE playing in 1—FIELD in HANGU.
20140126             —KILLED, SOUTH—SOMALIA, 1—USA—MISSILE strike, AHMED—MOHAMED—AMEY, 1—CHEMICALS—EXPERT also known as Isku Dhuuq.
20140126             —MASTERMINDED, He was 1—SENIOR—AL—SHABAAB COMMANDER who had, suicide attacks by the al QAEDA—LINKED militant group.
20140126             —TRADED, SOUTH—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT and rebels, accusations that each had breached 1—CEASEFIRE deal by attacking the other, but insisted they were committed to ending weeks of brutal conflict.
20140126             —TRIED, Syrians on opposite sides of their country's civil war, again to find common ground in GENEVA.
20140126             —REACHED, THE—UN mediator said THE—2—SIDES have, 1—DEAL to allow women and children to leave HOMS, 1—CITY under government siege for more than 1—YEAR.
20140126             —SWARMED, THAILAND, ANTI—GOVERNMENT demonstrators, DOZENS—OF—POLLING stations to stop advance voting for next —WEEK—GENERAL—ELECTIONS.
20140126             1—PROTEST leader was shot dead.
20140126             —DETAINED, THAILAND police, 531—MEN, women and children in 1—RAID at 1—CAMP near THE—TOWN—OF—SADAO in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—SONGKHLA, on 1—WELL—ESTABLISHED route for human smugglers near the border with MALAYSIA.
20140126             —VOTED, TUNISIA—LAWMAKERS, on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION, —3—YEARS—AFTER its revolution, with THE—PREMIER—DESIGNATE to unveil his cabinet on 1—LANDMARK —DAY for the Arab —SPRING—BIRTHPLACE.
20140126             EAST—YEMEN, LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—AHMED—AMIR—AL—MAHTHOUTHI, 1—SENIOR—OFFICER in the investigative BRANCH—OF—STATE security, was shot outside his home in Hadramout.
20140126—20130109    —SINCE, It was the 1. raid on illegal Rohingya smuggling camps.
20140126—20140108    —DETAINED, Abbas was, on suspicion of smuggling weapons and
20140126—20140125    —ON, explosives and † late.
20140126—20140203    —ON, building owner RAY—ABOU—ARAB, 61—JAHRE—ALT was arraigned on charges of aggravated murder and arson.
20140126—20150000    —PLEADED, Shrem, guilty to lesser charges and served 1—YEAR in jail.
20150126             —CHARGED, THE—USA, 3—RUSSIA—CITIZENS with trying to recruit NEW—YORK—CITY residents as intelligence sources for potential USA—SANCTIONS against RUSSIA—BANKS and USA—EFFORTS to develop alternative energy sources.
20150126             Yevgeny Buryakov, 1—EMPLOYEE—IN—THE—MANHATTAN OFFICE—OF—1—RUSSIA—BANK, was arrested.
20150126             2—OTHER—LOW—LEVEL—DIPLOMATS were believed to have returned to RUSSIA.
20150126             THE—HOUSE—FREEDOM—CAUCUS, 1—CONGRESSIONAL caucus consisting of conservative and libertarian Republican MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, was formed.
20150126             —CONVICTED—OF, FORMER—CIA officer JEFFREY—STERLING, 47—JAHRE—ALT was, leaking classified details of 1—OPERATION to thwart IRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS to NY Times reporter JAMES—RISEN, who authored "STATE—OF—WAR" (20060000             ).
20150126             † Eileen Kaufman (93), former wife of SF Beat poet BOB—KAUFMAN (19860000              †), at 1—SENIOR—HOME in RICHMOND—CALIFORNIA.
20150126             COLORADO, police in DENVER shot and killed Jessica Hernandez (17) —AFTER she reportedly struck 1—OFFICER with 1—STOLEN car.
20150126             PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—KIRCHNER said that she will disband ARGENTINA—INTELLIGENCE service.
20150126             —ENDED, THE—CHURCH—OF—ENGLAND, CENTURIES—OF—MALE—ONLY—LEADERSHIP as Libby Lane became its 1. female BISHOP in 1—CEREMONY briefly disrupted by 1—TRADITIONALIST priest's protest.
20150126             1—EGYPT—APPEALS court convicted 1—DOCTOR of manslaughter and performing female genital mutilation that led to the death of a 13—YEAR—OLD—GIRL, sentencing him to 2—YEARS and 3—MONTHS in prison in the country's 1. case that came to trial over the widespread practice.
20150126             —ACQUITTED—OF, DOCTOR—RASLAN—FADL was —INITIALLY, 20130000             —THE—DEATH—OF—SOHAIR—EL—BATEA.
20150126             —BLACKLISTED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, SRI—LANKA for failing to combat illegal fishing, officially banning imports of fisheries products from SRI—LANKA—FLAGGED vessels into THE—EU.
20150126             GREECE—LEFT—WING leader Alexis Tsipras was sworn in as THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—1—NEW hardline, ANTI—BAILOUT government determined to face down INTERNATIONAL lenders and end nearly 5—YEARS—OF—TOUGH—ECONOMIC—MEASURES.
20150126             His often HIGH—PITCHED pop serenades won him household recognition in the 1970s and 1980s across EUROPE and beyond and who sold more than 60—MILLION records.
20150126             HUNGARY—PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—ORBAN overcame unease within his government to acknowledge the country's role in the Holocaust, saying MANY—PEOPLE in THE—CENTRAL—EUROPEAN country acted "shamefully" —WWII—IN.
20150126             —ENDED, INDIA, USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, 1—LANDMARK —DAY with 1—PLEDGE—OF $4—BILLION in investments and loans.
20150126             † Acclaimed INDIA—CARTOONIST R. K. Laxman (94).
20150126             He was the creator of the innocuous character the Common Man, who held up 1—MIRROR to the absurdity and SILLINESS—OF—INDIA—POLITICIANS.
20150126             —KILLED, IRAQ, bombings in and —AROUND BAGHDAD, 8—PEOPLE.
20150126             —MASSACRED, Shiite militias reportedly, 77—SUNNI villagers —DURING 1—OPERATION against jihadists in Diyala province.
20150126             —INJURED, KENYA, at least 7—PEOPLE were, in clashes between police and protesters from the Maasai ethnic group who accuse 1—LOCAL—GOVERNOR—OF corrupt HANDLING—OF—TOURISM funds from the Maasai Mara game reserve.
20150126             —PROJECTED, KUWAIT, a $24-billion deficit in its new fiscal —YEAR budget despite 1—MASSIVE spending cut to cope with plunging oil prices.
20150126             —CONFIRMED, LIBERIA said that there are currently only 5, cases of Ebola in the entire country — 1—DRAMATIC—TURNAROUND in THE—WEST—AFRICAN nation where the virus has taken its deadliest toll.
20150126             —DEFACED, Hackers, the website of MALAYSIA Airlines and threatened to dump stolen information online —AFTER posting 1—GLIMPSE—OF—CUSTOMER data obtained in the attack.
20150126             —BACKED, NIGERIA—TROOPS, by air strikes fought to recapture THE—NORTH—EAST—TOWN—OF—MONGUNO from Boko Haram insurgents who had seized it 1—DAY —EARLIER.
20150126             —KILLED, At least 15—SOLDIERS were, along with more than over 25—CIVILIANS.
20150126             POLAND led EU criticism of bilateral farm deals with MOSCOW —FOLLOWING 1—FRANCE—ACCORD with RUSSIA to lift its ban on live pig and pork imports.
20150126             —RAIDED, RUSSIA—SECURITY forces, independent Crimean television station ATR, seizing equipment and telling employees they were looking for archival footage of 1—ANTI—RUSSIA protest —LAST—YEAR.
20150126             —REOPENED, SENEGAL, its land border with GUINEA, pointing to the "significant efforts" of its neighbor in fighting 1—EBOLA outbreak that has claimed THOUSANDS—OF—LIVES.
20150126             —CRASHED, SOUTH—EAST—SPAIN, 1—GREECE—F 16—FIGHTER jet, into 1—HANGAR at the Los Llanos military base —WHILE it was participating in NATO—MANEUVERS.
20150126             2—PILOTS aboard THE—GREECE—F 16 were killed along with 8—FRANCE—AIR—FORCE members on the ground.
20150126             † Another FRANCE—AIRMAN, of wounds the next —DAY.
20150126             SYRIA, Kurdish forces took full CONTROL—OF—KOBANI, driving out remaining Islamic State fighters to end a 4—MONTH battle.
20150126             —DESTROYED, Half the city was completely, and MUCH—OF—THE—REST had suffered damage.
20150126             —KILLED, TURKEY—LOCALS said 17—FIGHTERS had been, in fighting jihadists in Kobane.
20150126             —LAUNCHED, USA and partner nations, 21—AIR strikes in Syria and 13 in IRAQ over the last 24-hours.
20150126             —KILLED, EAST—YEMEN, 1—SUSPECTED—USA—DRONE strike on 1—CAR, 3—MEN believed to be al Qaeda militants.
20150126             A 6. grade student aged about 12 was reported killed THE—USA—DRONE strike.
20150126             —ATTACKED, AL—QAEDA militants, 1—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT in SOUTH—YEMEN, killing 1—SOLDIER and wounding 2—OTHERS on the outskirts of Mahfad in YEMEN province.
20150126             —AM, —BIS auf etwa 1.200.000 Kmnähern,
20150126             —CALLED, These 'pseudo gangs', as they were, swiftly threw the Mau Mau on the defensive, either by befriending and then ambushing BANDS—OF—FIGHTERS or by guiding bombers to THE—TERRORISTS' camps".
20150126             —SACRED, The enterprise of "narrative framing using, values in influencing 1—LISTENER—INTERPRETATION—OF—EVENTS" brings to mind THE—FIELD—OF—STUDY of Dr.
20150126             PHILIP Zelikow —WHEN he was at Harvard: the political utility of "public presumptions"in shaping 1—SOCIETY—ATTITUDES about contemporary history.
20150126             —QUALIFIED, DOCTOR—ZELIKOW—EXPERTISE in effective "public myth"made him supremely, to serve as EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR—OF—20010911             —THE Commission.
20150126             Strafanzeigen: FBI hebt mutmaßlichen russischen SPIONAGEring aus
20150126             Angeblicher GEHEIM—DIENST—CHEF: Spaßanrufer zu britischem PREMIER—CAMERON durchgestellt
20150126             Kommentar zur GRIECHENLAND—WAHL—TSIPRAS hat 1—CHANCE verdient
20150126             MARKUS—SÖDER zum LINKS—RUCK in GRIECHENLAND: "es darf keine weiteren Lasten für DEUTSCHLAND geben"
20150126             Verluste in Tokio: Wahlausgang in GRIECHENLAND macht Anleger nervös
20150126             —NACH, ATTACKE—AUF—FRIEDENSTAUBEN: PAPA lässt lieber Luftballons fliegen
20150126             —GETÖTET, PHILIPPINEN: 37—POLIZISTEN bei Gefechten mit REBELLEN
20150126             EU nach GRIECHENLAND—WAHL: "DIE—GRIECHEN haben ANGELA—MERKEL abgewählt"
20150126             AUSCHWITZ—ÜBERLEBENDE bei Jauch: Erinnerung als Waffe
20150126             Sorge nach GRIECHENLAND—WAHL: Europäische BÖRSEn starten mit Verlusten
20150126             BRASILIEN: Millionen Hektar REGEN—WALD durch SOJA—ANBAU in Gefahr
20150126             IFO—INDEX: DEUTSCHE Unternehmen in Aufbruchstimmung
20150126             —NEUE—REGIERUNG in GRIECHENLAND: Syriza bildet offenbar KOALITION mit Unabhängigen Griechen
20150126             —NACH, SYRIZA—SIEG: BÖRSEN—KURSE brechen nur kurz 1
20150126             BUNDESWEHR—VON—DER—LEYEN will 750.000.000—EURO in marode Kasernen stecken
20150126             —VERHINDERT, EBOLA—EPIDEMIE: "Wir haben den schlimmsten Fall "
20150126             Geheime Gerichtsanordnung: GOOGLE gab E—MAILS—VON—WIKILEAKS an DAS—FBI weiter
20150126             der Water Fountain Garden, in dem sich 1—PAAR Einheimische —ABENDS zur ohrenbetäubenden KARAOKE—SHOW versammeln.
20150126             Man möchte im SUPER—MARKT gar nicht ins Kühlregal greifen, um die REIHEN—DER—GLÄNZENDEN—ÄPFEL, Gurken und Zitronen nicht durcheinander zu bringen.
20150126             Wenige Stunden zuvor hatte es offenbar —SCHON 1—SPASSANRUF beim GCHQ selbst GEGEBEN—DABEI soll es dem Anrufer gelungen sein, die Mobiltelefonnummer des GEHEIM—DIENST—CHEFS zu erfahren.
20150126             GOOGLE hat —IM, 20120300              E—MAILS und INTERNETDATEN—VON—3—WIKILEAKS—AKTIVISTEN an die amerikanische BUNDES—POLIZEI FBI übermittelt.
20150126             Das geht aus 1—SCHREIBEN—VON—GOOGLE hervor, das der Enthüllungsplattform WIKILEAKS laut PRESSE—MITTEILUNG Weihnachten 20140000              zuging.
20150126             offenbar - DIE—FRAGLICHEN Beschlüsse wurden von 1—BUNDES—GERICHT im USA—STAAT—VIRGINIA ausgegeben, in dem auch die Untersuchung gegen WIKILEAKS läuft.
20150126             Vergangenen ;;05;; wurde bekannt, dass diese Untersuchung noch nicht abgeschlossen ist.
20150126             Den WIKILEAKS—MITARBEITERN wurden vom JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM 5—VERGEHEN vorgeworfen: SPIONAGE, Verschwörung zur SPIONAGE, Diebstahl oder Aneignung von Eigentum der USA, Verletzung des Computer Fraud and Abuse Acts und generell Verschwörung.
20150126             generell Verschwörung.
20150126             es ist nicht bekannt, ob DAS—INTERNETUNTERNEHMEN sich GEGEN—DIE—ANORDNUNG wehrte, wie das etwa der KURZNACHRICHTEN—DIENST Twitter —, auch GOOGLE—IM Fall 1—WEITEREN WIKILEAKS—UNTERSUCHUNG
20150126             Jedenfalls übergab DER—KONZERN dem FBI wunschgemäß DIE—DATEN der 3—WIKILEAKS—MIT—ARBEITER—DEN Autoren SARAH—HARRISON und JOSEPH—FARRELL und DER—SPRECHER Kristinn Hrafnsson.
20150126             Übermittelt wurden E—MAILS und IP—ADRESSEN, Telefonnummern, DATUM und Dauer von Onlineaktivitäten, KREDIT—KARTEN—DATEN und Bankverbindungen.
20150126             1—KOPIE des Schreibens von GOOGLE haben die Betroffenen im Netz veröffentlicht.
20150126             Für WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER und —CHEF—REDAKTEUR JULIAN—ASSANGE stellen die Durchsuchungsbeschlüsse 1 "ernstzunehmenden und völlig falschen Versuch"dar, 1—ANGEBLICHE Verschwörung durch ihn und seine MIT—ARBEITER zu konstruieren.
20150126             DIE—WAHRE Verschwörung sei ihm zufolge, dass "GOOGLE mal wieder alles tut, um DER—USA—REGIERUNG bei VERFASSUNGS—VERSTÖßEN zu HELFEN—INDEM sie sich aufgrund von GEBT—UNS—ALLES—BESCHLÜSSEN DIE—PRIVATEN E—MAILS von Journalisten unter den Nagel reißen".
20150126             ASSANGE verlangt, dass GOOGLE aufdeckt, welche Informationen genau DAS—UNTERNEHMEN an DIE—ERMITTLER weiterleitete.
20150126             DIE—DURCHSUCHUNGSBESCHLÜSSE sollen —AM—MONTAG dem UNO—MENSCHEN—RECHTSRAT in Genf übergeben werden.
20150126             —VERWUNDERT, Weiter zeigte sich ASSANGE " und verwirrt"darüber, dass sich GOOGLE zweieinhalb JAHRE Zeit gelassen habe, ihn über den Durchsuchungsbeschluss zu informieren.
20150126             GOOGLE BEGRÜNDET das mit 1—MAULKORBERLASS.
20150126             Dass WIKILEAKS unter besonderer Beobachtung stand, dürfte ASSANGE und seine Mitstreiter aber nicht überrascht haben.
20150126             Das legen GEHEIM—DOKUMENTE nahe, die das Enthüllungsportal "THE—INTERCEPT"und die Journalistin Alexa O'Brien vergangenes —JAHR veröffentlicht haben.
20150126             —SEIT, EINIGE—ZEIT wirft JULIAN—ASSANGE GOOGLE vor, mit DER—USA—REGIERUNG unter 1—DECKE zu stecken.
20150126             Schlechte Hygiene bei den KELTEN: Parasiten überall
20150126             Angebliche Beleidigungen MOHAMMEDs: TÜRKEI—GERICHT—DROHT—MIT—FACEBOOK—SPERRE
20150126             KOKAIN—AFFÄRE in Kempten: CHEF—DROGENFAHNDER legt Geständnis ab
20150126             Trotz drohender STRAF—ZINSEN: Anleger schaffen noch mehr Geld in DIE—SCHWEIZ
20150126             EU—REAKTIONEN nach GRIECHENLAND—WAHL: "Wir können kein Geld zaubern"
20150126             LE—PEN, Lucke und Co.: EUROPAs RADIKALE jubeln über Syrizas Sieg
20150126             Umkämpfte Grenzstadt: Kurden drängen IS aus Kobane zurück
20150126             —ANGRIFF—AUF—MARIUPOL: STEINMEIER droht RUSSLAND mit neuen Sanktionen
20150126             ZENTRAL—RAT—DER—JUDEN: "ALLE—SCHÜLER sollen KZ—GEDENKSTÄTTEN besuchen"
20150126             † APHRODITE—CHILD: DEMIS—ROUSSOS ist tot
20150126             Glücksbringer: LEISTUNGS—DRUCK fördert den Aberglauben
20150126             Enthauptungsplakat: Belgische —JUSTIZ ermittelt gegen LÜTTICH—FANS
20150126             GERICHTS—URTEIL: Sparkasse darf hochverzinste Verträge nicht kündigen
20150126             Sicherheit: Drohne am WEIßES—HAUS entdeckt
20150126             DER—MENSCH hat 1—SCHWÄCHE für Magie und Aberglaube, aller VERNUNFT zum Trotz.
20150126             DER—MENSCH
20150126             —DANN, setzen wir auf 1—TALISMAN und dergleichen.
20150126             wir - Zu diesem Ergebnis kommen Forscher in 1—STUDIE im FACH—MAGAZIN "Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin".
20150126             So wollten DIE—FORSCHER herausfinden, wann und ob Menschen zu abergläubischem Verhalten tendieren.
20150126             DEMIS—ROUSSOS - Wegen der MILITÄRjunta in GRIECHENLAND floh er nach PARIS und gründete dort mit dem Musiker Vangelis Papathanassiou, der —SPÄTER, unter seinem Vornamen berühmt wurde, die Band APHRODITE—CHILD.
20150126             SYRIZA—SIEG: Eurostaaten WARNEN GRIECHENLAND
20150126             INTERNET—ZENSUR verschärft: CHINA geht gegen VPN—DIENSTE vor
20150126             —NEUE—REGIERUNG in GRIECHENLAND: 1—SCHRÄGES Paar
20150126             Kemptener CHEF—DROGENFAHNDER vor Gericht: "Ich habe 1—SUCHTPROBLEM"
20150126             Wutausbrüche und Alkohol: Schwere VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—ISRAEL—1.
20150126             —URTEIL zu Pseudonymen von Prostituierten: Sex ist keine Kunst
20150126             WAHL—IN—GRIECHENLAND: MERKEL steht vor dem Scherbenhaufen ihrer KRISEN—POLITIK
20150126             —BEKOMMT, BITCOIN—BÖRSE: Coinbase, Zulassung DER—USA—BEHÖRDEN
20150126             Filmemacher CHRIS—DOYLE: "Mir egal, ob ich ins Gefängnis komme"
20150126             Russische Attacke: PUTIN nennt UKRAINE—ARMEE Fremdenlegion der NATO
20150126             ISLAM an Schulen: Kaum RELIGIONS—UNTERRICHT für Muslime
20150126             KIEL: —EXPERTEN helfen beim KAMPF—GEGEN—KLINIK—KEIM
20150126             WEBVIEW—SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN: —EXPERTE rät zum Neukauf von ANDROID—GERÄTEN
20150126             Hirnforschung: DURST—SCHALTER im Mäusehirn entdeckt
20150126             —JAHRESWIRTSCHAFTSBERICHT, BUNDES—REGIERUNG erwartet neuen Beschäftigungsrekord
20150126             GRIECHENLAND—TSIPRAS als neuer MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT vereidigt
20150126             ZITATE—VON—DEUTSCHEN—GEGNER Kammenos: "Wir werden niemals als BETTLER auf Knien zu MERKEL rutschen"
20150126             FREI—HANDELS—ABKOMMEN—TTIP: USA sollen bei EU—GESETZEN mitreden
20150126             Schneesturm "Juno"an USA—OST—KÜSTE: NEW—YORK—BÜRGER—MEISTER verhängt FAHR—VERBOT—FÜR—AUTOS
20150126             WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE, RATING—AGENTUR S&P stuft RUSSLAND auf Ramsch herunter
20150126             —GEHÖRT, Sächsischer MINISTER—TRIFFT—PEGIDA—TEAM: Auch Kathrin OERTEL, zu SACHSEN
20150126             GRIECHENLAND und DER—EURO: TSIPRAS und die 3—SZENARIEN
20150126             Im BODEN, auf Gemüse und im FLEISCH—KELTISCHE Siedlungen waren mit Parasiten übersät.
20150126             1—ZEICHEN für die schlechten hygienischen Zustände in der EISEN—ZEIT.
20150126             —GELITTEN, Besonders Kinder dürften, haben.
20150126             Spätestens —SEIT—DER JUNG—STEIN—ZEIT lassen sich dann auch Peitschenwürmer und Bandwürmer NACHWEISEN,
20150126             —GEGEN—ENDE—DER—BRONZE—ZEIT und zu Beginn der EISEN—ZEIT eroberten Peitschenwurm, Spulwurm und Bandwurm endgültig ihren festen Platz im Menschen.
20150126             Wo es feucht war, gesellten sich Leberegel und Nierenwurm dazu.
20150126             erzählt von den sanitären Zuständen in der keltischen Siedlung BASEL—GASFABRIK.
20150126             Menschen und Tiere lebten eng beisammen.
20150126             Was sie dabei an Exkrementen hinterließen, wurde entweder vom Regenwasser verdünnt und durch die Wege der Siedlung gespült oder auch als Dünger auf die Nutzgärten gebracht und gelangte so mit der Gemüseernte wieder zurück auf die Teller und erneut in die Mägen der Basler.
20150126             Der Ort, in dem DIE—FORSCHER die Schaltzentrale für den Durst vermuteten, sitzt im Hypothalamus, der Schaltzentrale für das vegetative Nervensystem.
20150126             [l] ZITAT—DES—TAGES: aus diesem ARTIKEL darüber, wie man genmanipulierte Bakterien so bauen kann, dass sie nicht ohne unsere Hilfe überlebensfähig sind.
20150126             And in both cases that need is built in to multiple parts of the bacteria's genome — 49—TIMES in the Harvard study — so that the likelihood that the bacteria would evolve to overcome the restriction is unlikely.
20150126             Man würde ja denken, in so 1—ANWENDUNG geht es um Zuverlässigkeit und nicht nur um "naja, wird —SCHON nichts passieren".
20150126             [l] Die SPRECHERIN—DER—BRAUNSCHWEIGER—PEGIDA informiert sich bei BIBEL—TV.
20150126             [l] In AFRIKA werden die Moskitonetze nicht etwa wie von den HILFS—ORGANISATIONEN geplant gegen Malaria und Moskitos eingesetzt, sondern die hungernden Menschen gehen damit Fischen — und zerstören offenbar nachhaltig ihre Fischgründe.
20150126             [l] FNORD—DES—TAGES,
20150126             Für Passanten war nicht zu JEDER—ZEIT gleich zu erkennen, wer zu welcher Gruppe gehörte.
20150126             [l] "Don't be evil"gilt genau so lange, —BIS GOOGLE 1—MONOPOL in dem MARKT hat.
20150126             —MONDAY, 20150126
20150126             Be evil: GOOGLE and THE—MILITARY/intelligent complex
20150126             —OVERSTUFFED, This is the big 1: The massive, juicy, GROUND—BREAKING investigation we've all been waiting for.
20150126             Part 2 is here.
20150126             GOOGLE, as MANY—OF—YOU know, was FOUNDED—BY SERGEY—BRIN and LARRY—PAGE.
20150126             —THROUGHOUT THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—THE—SEARCH engine, SERGEY—BRIN reported regularly and directly to 2—PEOPLE who were not STANFORD faculty at all: DOCTOR—BHAVANI—THURAISINGHAM and DOCTOR—RICK—STEINHEISER.
20150126             THURAISINGHAM—ACCOUNT —THEREFORE demonstrates that THE—CIA—NSA—MDDS program was not only funding Brin —THROUGHOUT his work with LARRY—PAGE developing GOOGLE, but that senior USA—INTELLIGENCE representatives including 1—CIA official oversaw THE—EVOLUTION—OF—GOOGLE in this PRE—LAUNCH phase, all the way —UNTIL the company was ready to be officially FOUNDED.
20150126             You may pretend that you knew it all along, but the fact is: We were told nothing about ALL—OF—THIS
20150126             The 2. PART—OF—THE—ARTICLE deals with the great justification for the militarism of GOOGLE -- THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM.
20150126             In the —FOLLOWING, "Arquilla"is JOHN—ARQUILLA of the Naval Postgraduate School, who is perhaps the most important PROPONENT—OF—MASS DATA—MINING.
20150126             —SACRED, The enterprise of "narrative framing using, values in influencing 1—LISTENER—INTERPRETATION—OF—EVENTS" brings to mind THE—FIELD—OF—STUDY—OF—DOCTOR—PHILIP—ZELIKOW —WHEN he was at Harvard: the political utility of "public presumptions"in shaping 1—SOCIETY—ATTITUDES about contemporary history.
20150126—19650000    —IN, It was her efforts got BOB—KAUFMAN—COLLECTION: "Solitudes Crowded With Loneliness" published.
20150126—20100000    —SEIT, ermitteln DIE—USA—BEHÖRDEN gegen WIKILEAKS, NACHDEM DIE—USA—SOLDATIN CHELSEA—MANNING 100.000e USA—GEHEIMNISSE, darunter Botschaftsdepeschen und 1—KONTROVERSES MILITÄRvideo an die Plattform weiterleitete.
20150126—20150118    —ON, She planned to dissolve the Intelligence Secretariat and create 1—FEDERAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—AFTER prosecutor ALBERTO—NISMAN was found dead —JUST hours —BEFORE he was to make explosive allegations against her.
20150126—20150511    —ON, sterling was sentenced to 42—MONTHS in prison.
20160112—20160126    —ON, An 11. GERMANY—VICTIM † of wounds.
20160115—20160126    —VACATED, KENYA said its troops had, the camp, and were —NOW stationed nearby.
20160126             THE—USA—SAID it would further ease restrictions on its CUBA sanctions regime involving exports and authorized airline travel.
20160126             The changes will facilitate travel to CUBA by allowing blocked space, CODE—SHARING, and leasing arrangements with CUBA—AIRLINES.
20160126             LOS—ANGELES, Bikram Chaudhury, THE—FOUNDER—OF—BIKRAM yoga, was ordered to pay nearly $5.5—MILLION to his former legal advisor, who said he sexually harassed her and wrongfully fired her for investigating another woman's rape complaint.
20160126             † ABE—VIGODA, TV character actor, in NEW—JERSEY.
20160126             —PLAYED, ABE—VIGODA, the elderly detective PHIL—FISH in the "BARNEY—MILLER" TV series (19750000—19820000    ).
20160126             —OCCUPIED, OREGON, Ammon Bundy and 8—OTHERS, who had, 1—WILDLIFE refuge for the past 3—WEEKS, were arrested —FOLLOWING 1—TRAFFIC stop that prompted gunfire leaving Robert "LaVoy" Finicum dead.
20160126             1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—TRIBUNAL ruled that CANADA discriminated against aboriginal children by underfunding welfare services on reserves, in 1—DECISION that could affect the way OTTAWA funds education, health and housing for indigenous Canadians.
20160126             1—CHINA—FISHING boat capsized and killed at least 1—PASSENGER near 1—SMALL—ISLAND off SOUTH—KOREA—SOUTHWEST coast.
20160126             4—OTHER—PASSENGERS were believed to be inside the boat, which wasn't approved by SOUTH—KOREA—AUTHORITIES to fish in the country's waters.
20160126             —SIGNED, CZECH—REPUBLIC—AIRLINE Travel Service said it has, deals to buy 16—NEW Boeing 737—MAX jets.
20160126             —PASSED, THE—DENMARK—PARLIAMENT, 1—PACKAGE—OF—MEASURES to deter refugees from seeking asylum, including confiscating valuables to pay for their stay, despite protests from INTERNATIONAL human rights organizations.
20160126             —CANCELED, FRANCE, 1 in 5—FLIGHTS were, at PARIS airports and other flights faced delays as air traffic controllers staged 1—WALKOUT and taxi drivers disrupted roads.
20160126             —FIRED, PARIS police, tear gas and taxi drivers lit bonfires on 1—MAJOR—HIGHWAY amid nationwide strikes and protests over working conditions and competition from NON—TRADITIONAL—SERVICES such as Uber.
20160126             † FRANCE—AUTHORITIES said 1—PERSON and another was injured in 1—TUNNEL collapse at 1—FUTURE—NUCLEAR—WASTE storage site in Bure.
20160126             IRAN—PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI—MADE his 1. visit to THE—VATICAN.
20160126             —URGED, FRANCIS—PAPA, IRAN to back peace efforts in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20160126             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said IRAN is the world's most prolific EXECUTIONER—OF—CHILDREN, accusing the Islamic republic of using torture and ILL—TREATMENT to extract confessions from minors.
20160126             IRAQ—SECURITY forces found 1—MASS—GRAVE in Ramadi containing the remains of at least 18—PEOPLE killed by the Islamic State group.
20160126             KENYA said it will torch its vast STOCKPILE—OF—IVORY at 1—STAR—STUDDED summit to include HOLLYWOOD celebrities, presidents and business leaders against "poaching and illegal trade in ivory".
20160126             The promised destruction of the remaining stockpile is —NOW slated for 20160429              and 30.
20160126             5—KENYA—POLICEMEN were killed in the coastal county of Lamu —AFTER their truck hit 1 improvised explosive device planted on the road by Islamist militants al Shabaab.
20160126             —BELIEVED, MALAYSIA—POLICE said 13—BODIES, to be INDONESIA—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANTS, were found washed ashore —AFTER their boat capsized in bad sea conditions.
20160126             5—MORE—BODIES were found the next —DAY raising the death toll to 18.
20160126             HUNDREDS—OF—MYANMAR families were left destitute —AFTER government workers used mechanical diggers to flatten swathes of YANGON slum housing as the bitter competition for land intensifies in THE—FAST—INDUSTRIALIZING city.
20160126             —ORDERED, PAKISTAN—MOST populous province said it has, schools shut —FOR—5—DAYS and told 22.5—MILLION students in Punjab to stay at home because of cold weather.
20160126             —OFFERED, ROMANIA, MOLDOVA emergency economic aid and 1—LOAN—OF—60—MILLION euros ($65—MILLION) in hopes of preventing economic collapse and keeping the impoverished EX—SOVIET—REPUBLIC on 1—PRO—EUROPEAN course.
20160126             —INTERROGATED, SENEGAL said on it had, some 900—PEOPLE over a 3—DAY period as PART—OF—EFFORTS to prevent attacks by Islamist militants —FOLLOWING 1—SERIES—OF—STRIKES in the region.
20160126             —SEIZED, SRI—LANKA—AUTHORITIES began destroying 1—SHIPMENT—OF—AFRICAN ivory, 3—YEARS ago, —FOLLOWING 1—CEREMONY at which Buddhist monks gave the slaughtered elephants blessings for 1—BETTER rebirth.
20160126             —SEIZED, SYRIA—REGIME, 1—STRATEGIC—SOUTHERN—TOWN from rebel forces, as leading opposition representatives debated whether to attend peace talks in GENEVA this —WEEK.
20160126             1—BOMB attack claimed by Islamic STATE—IN—THE—SYRIAN—GOVERNMENT—CONTROLLED CITY—OF—HOMS killed at least 24—PEOPLE.
20160126             THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights monitoring group put the death toll at 29.
20160126             —KILLED, TURKEY—SECURITY forces, 11—PKK members in THE—TOWN—OF—CIZRE, near THE—SYRIA—BORDER, and 9—MORE in SUR.
20160126             3—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—MILITANT—ATTACK in SUR.
20160126             —AFFECTED, UNICEF said some 250—MILLION children live in countries, by violent conflicts, and that it needed nearly $3.0—BILLION this —YEAR to help the most vulnerable of them.
20160126             MERKEL eröffnet Ausstellung "Kunst aus dem HOLOCAUST": "Das hat mich sehr berührt"
20160126             Fall PETER Dahlin: CHINA lässt schwedischen MENSCHEN—RECHTS—AKTIVISTEN frei
20160126             —PROTESTE—GEGEN—TORERO—PAQUIRRI: Mann kämpft gegen STIER—MIT Tochter auf dem Arm
20160126             NAH—OST—KONFLIKT—ISRAEL genehmigt offenbar Bau VON—CA—150—SIEDLERWOHNUNGEN
20160126             ZIKA—VIRUS in BRASILIEN: 220.000—SOLDATEN ziehen in den KAMPF—GEGEN—MÜCKEN
20160126             —FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, STEINMEIER zerreißt Klöckners A2-Plan
20160126             FREI—HANDELS—ABKOMMEN: Abgeordnete dürfen geheime TTIP—DOKUMENTE lesen
20160126             Artgerechte Mitarbeiterhaltung: Wider das Großraumbüro!
20160126             —AMNESTY—BERICHT, Dutzenden Jugendlichen in IRAN droht die Hinrichtung
20160126             —BERICHT, zu Mordraten: CARACAS ist die gefährlichste Stadt der Welt
20160126             —STUDIE—DES—UMWELT—BUNDES—AMTS: Junge Menschen sind UMWELTBEWUSST—HANDELN aber nicht danach
20160126             360.000—UNBESETZTE Stellen: Mittelstand befürchtet Umsatzeinbußen wegen Fachkräftemangels
20160126             UKRAINEr in DEUTSCHLAND: FLÜCHTLINGE, die niemand so nennt
20160126             1—UNGEWÖHNLICHER Job: Von Beruf Burgherrin (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 08:43)
20160126             "Es ist ein hartes Geschäft, dafür muss man sich entscheiden", sagt ANNA—PRINZESSIN—VON—HOHENZOLLERN.
20160126             Das Traditionsbewusstsein allein sei nicht DER—GRUND für den Einstieg in den Betrieb vor fast 6—JAHREN gewesen.
20160126             "Ich hatte das Glück, daß mich keiner aus der Familie gezwungen hat, das zu machen".
20160126             Schloss Burg Namedy dient als Veranstaltungsort für KULTUR—EVENTS, aber auch für Hochzeiten oder Tagungen.
20160126             "Das ist 1.massive GEFAHR—FÜR—DAS KULTUR—ERBE, wenn es nicht gelingt, den Familiennachwuchs zu überzeugen",
20160126             Wenn sich kein Investor findet und DAS—LAND nicht einspringt, verfallen die Anwesen, von denen es in DEUTSCHLAND Tausende gibt.
20160126             —VOR, dem Metier "Burgenerbin"ließ sich ANNA—VON—HOHENZOLLERN nicht abschrecken.
20160126             Doch: "1—FAMILIEN—UNTERNEHMEN zu führen ist nie einfach", sagt HEIDE—VON—HOHENZOLLERN.
20160126             Billiges Öl und schwache Konjunktur: CHINAs BÖRSEN—KURSE stürzen erneut ab
20160126             SINALOA—KARTELL nach "Chapo"—FESTNAHME: Die Geschäfte laufen auch ohne den Boss
20160126             Mithilfe RUSSLANDs: ASSAD—ARMEE erobert REBELLENhochburg
20160126             MCKINSEY—STUDIE, Jeder 4. Versicherungsjob steht auf der Kippe (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 11:06)
20160126             Kanzlersturz: Diese seltsame Lust am Untergang
20160126             KRITIK—AN—BR—SENDUNG: "Das NORD—KOREANISCHE Fernsehen hätte es nicht besser machen können"
20160126             Sexualität und ISLAM: "MOHAMMED war in gewisser Weise Feminist"
20160126             FINANZ—DIENST—LEISTER wie WEST—UNION: Profiteure der Not
20160126             In der Archäologie ist JEDER—FUND ein bisschen wie 1—KRIMINALFALL.
20160126             1, 24—JAHRE—ALTE hatte - Amtsgericht SPEYER
20160126             Der außergewöhnliche Schatz besteht aus mehr als 100—TEILEN Silber und Gold.
20160126             DIE—36—GOLDENEN Blattanhänger und 50—RAUTEN schmückten einst ein prächtiges Gewand.
20160126             Umfragen der UNO haben ergeben, daß 99 % aller ägyptischen Frauen —SCHON mal sexuell belästigt wurden.
20160126             Der Aufstieg des "ISLAMISCHER—STAATES"(IS) hat in vielen arabischen Ländern 1.Debatte darüber ausgelöst, was mit dem ISLAM passiert.
20160126             Durch Abgrenzung vom IS finden VIELE—JUNGE—ARABER ihre Stimme.
20160126             El Feki: Das geht zurück —BIS zum Propheten MOHAMMED, der von starken Frauen umgeben war.
20160126             El Feki: Sexualität ist das, was uns als Menschen zentral ausmacht.
20160126             —ETWAS zu verstehen, bedeutet aber auch nicht, es zu entschuldigen.
20160126             Und wir können Einstellungen nun mal nur ändern, wenn wir verstehen, wie sie zustande kommen.
20160126             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Das Sein bestimmt bei Ihnen also das BEWUSSTSEIN.
20160126             El Feki: Je ausgeschlossener sich die Männer fühlen, desto wahrscheinlicher werden Übergriffe.
20160126             Wenn DEUTSCHLAND junge Männer in ihre Länder zurückschickt, produziert es erstklassiges Rekrutierungsmaterial für extremistische Bewegungen.
20160126             DIE—ARMEE—VON—SYRIEN hat 1.Hochburg der REBELLEN im SÜDEN des Landes eingenommen.
20160126             Truppen von —PRÄSIDENT—BASCHAR—AL—ASSAD hätten DIE—STADT—SCHEICH—MASKIN an der GRENZE—ZU—JORDANIEN nach heftigen Gefechten von den AUFSTÄNDISCHEn zurückerobert, teilte die Syrische Beobachtungsstelle für MENSCHEN—RECHTE —AM—MONTAG—ABEND, mit.
20160126             Unterstützt wurden DIE—SOLDATEN ASSAD—DABEI auch durch LUFT—ANGRIFFE von russischen Kampfjets, die —SEIT
20160126             Außerdem seien KÄMPFER der libanesischen HISBOLLAH—MILIZ und KÄMPFER aus IRAN beteiligt gewesen, erklärte DIE—OPPOSITION—NAHE Beobachtungsstelle mit Sitz in GROß—BRITANNIEN, die ihre Informationen von Ärzten und Aktivsten vor Ort bezieht.
20160126             Ihre Angaben können von unabhängiger Seite kaum überprüft werden.
20160126             —WOCHEN—ENDE—AM, eroberten ASSAD—TRUPPEN zudem das letzte von den REBELLEN kontrollierte Dorf in der KÜSTEN—PROVINZ Latakia zurück.
20160126             —WOCHEN—ENDE—AM, ist nicht etwa nur das letzte von REBELLEN gehaltene Dorf in Latakia gefallen, sondern gleich die halbe Provinz dazu.
20160126             drängen ASSAD—TRUPPEN den IS östlich von ALEPPO Stück um Stück zurück.
20160126             stehen DIE—TRUPPEN wieder vor der —SOMMER—IM, vom IS eroberten Stadt PALMYRA.
20160126             Andere Städte wurden ebenfalls —BEREITS von der syrischen Armee mit Unterstützung der russischen Luftkräfte befreit.
20160126             Einladung an Presse
20160126             DIE—RUSSEN haben sogar DIE—INTERNATIONALE Presse eingeladen sich 1—BILD—VON—DEN—RÜCKEROBERTEN—DÖRFERN, vor Ort zu machen.
20160126             IRAN—PRÄSIDENT—IN—ITALIEN: ROM verhüllt Statuen für ROHANi
20160126             Demografie: OST—DEUTSCHLANDS Bevölkerung WÄCHST—IN den Großstädten
20160126             Nordafrika: Stiftung muss Büroleiterin aus MAROKKO abziehen
20160126             [l] Was heißt hier KORRUPTION, Euer Ehren?
20160126             [l] Hier ist noch so 1—FALL—VON—ABSCHIEBUNG, bei dem man echt —NACH—DEN Pillen gegen Magengeschwüre greifen muss.
20160126             Wer sich —JETZT denkt, hey, immerhin waren die keine INTEGRATIONSPREIS—TRÄGER: doch, waren sie.
20160126             [l] Es gibt MANCHE—MELDUNGEN, da muss man nur den 1.Satz lesen.
20160126             Eigentlich hatten die beiden Regierungen in LIBYEN —SCHON ein von DER—UN—UNTERSTÜTZTES Abkommen für 1.EINHEITS—REGIERUNG unterschrieben.
20160126             Ich komme mir zunehmend wie in 1—SATIRE—SENDUNG vor.
20160126             [l] MARVIN—MINSKY ist tot.
20160126             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES: Der AXEL—SPRINGER ruft 1—NEUEN Preis aus, den "AXEL—SPRINGER Award", und verleiht ihn als MARK—ZUCKERBERG.
20160126             Ich zitiere mal, was das für 1—AWARD ist:
20160126             Der Preis zeichnet herausragende Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten aus dem In—, Ausland aus, die in besonderer Weise innovativ sind, Märkte schaffen und verändern, DIE—KULTUR prägen und sich gleichzeitig ihrer gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung stellen.
20160126             Der Preis erkennt Geleistetes an und macht Mut zu weiteren Schritten.
20160126             Ich meine, daß Springer sowas wie Journalismus macht, davon geht man ja eh nicht mehr aus.
20160126             haben sich - in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20160126             binnen eines —JAHRES mehr als verachtfacht.
20160126             Als Grund für die Zunahme der Gewalt hat Jäger vor allem auf HETZE im INTERNET ausgemacht:
20160126             "DIE—ZAHLEN werden nicht abreißen, DIE—MENSCHEN werden kommen".
20160126             SACHSEN: Junge Männer attackieren ASYL—BEWERBER mit SAMURAI—SCHWERT
20160126             Überforderte Armee: WEHR—BEAUFTRAGTER sieht BUNDESWEHR am Limit
20160126             CONTAINER—SCHIFFFAHRT: Abkürzung durch DIE—ARKTIS lohnt sich (noch) nicht
20160126             INTELLIGENZ—TEST im Zoo: Je größer das Hirn, desto schlauer das Raubtier
20160126             2—MONATE sind vergangen, seitdem Milizionäre der kurdischen Peschmerga DIE—STADT—SINDSCHAR im NORD—IRAK zurückeroberten.
20160126             Doch NOCH—IMMER sind die Bewohner nach der Rückkehr damit beschäftigt, das Erbe DER—TERRORISTEN des "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT"(IS) zu beseitigen.
20160126             das Erbe - MERKEL zum STREIT—ÜBER—FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK,"Wir müssen Zuversicht zeigen"
20170118—20170126    —BY, the final death toll reached 29 as all remaining bodies were pulled from the rubble.
20170126             STEVE—BANNON, PRESIDENT—TRUMP—CHIEF—WHITE—HOUSE strategist, said the media is the "opposition party" and "should keep its mouth shut and —JUST listen for 1—WHILE".
20170126             —WARNED, THE—BULLETIN of the Atomic Scientists, that comments by USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP on nuclear weapons and climate change have helped make the world less safe, moving its symbolic "Doomsday Clock" 30—SECONDS—CLOSER to midnight.
20170126             —REPORTED, It was, that employees from more than 12—USA—GOVERNMENT agencies have established 1—NETWORK of unofficial "rogue" Twitter feeds in defiance of what they see as attempts by PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP to muzzle federal climate change research and other science.
20170126             Scientists said they have grown human cells inside pig embryos, 1—VERY—EARLY—STEP toward the goal of growing livers and other human organs in animals to transplant into people.
20170126             Johnson & Johnson said it will buy SWITZERLAND—DRUGMAKER Actelion in a $30—BILLION deal that both secures promising research and bolsters the product portfolio controlled by THE—USA—HEALTH care giant.
20170126             —STARRED, MIKE—CONNORS, as 1—HARD—HITTING private eye on THE—TV series "Mannix" (19670000—19750000    ).
20170126             —HANGED, OHIO, GABRIEL—TAYE, 8—JAHRE—ALT, himself in his bedroom with 1—NECKTIE.
20170126             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that school surveillance video showed 1—BULLY knocking Taye unconscious —2—DAYS—BEFORE his suicide.
20170126             —EXECUTED, TEXAS, TERRY—EDWARDS, 43—JAHRE—ALT was, for 1—FATAL 20020000              robbery in in DALLAS that left 2—SUBWAY employees dead.
20170126             —CALLED, AUSTRIA—NEW—PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—VAN—DER—BELLEN, for 1—TOLERANT and diverse nation free of ideological and racial hatred in 1—INAUGURATION speech that embraced the ideal of 1—UNITED—EUROPE.
20170126             —ARRESTED, AUSTRIA, 14—PEOPLE were, as some 800—POLICE investigating possible MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE jihadist group carried out raids in VIENNA and GRAZ in the south. the raids reportedly focused on the network of Ebu Tejma, 1—MUSLIM preacher from Bosnia jailed —FOR—20—YEARS last July in GRAZ for recruiting young IS fighters.
20170126             —ISSUED, BRAZIL—POLICE, 1—ARREST warrant for businessman Eike Batista, famous for amassing and then losing 1—MULTI—BILLION—DOLLAR fortune.
20170126             —INTRODUCED, BRITAIN—CONSERVATIVE—GOVERNMENT, 1—LONG—AWAITED bill to start the country's exit from the European Union and gave THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—LESS than 2—WEEKS to consider it.
20170126             —RULED, BRITAIN—HIGH—COURT, that Royal HOLLAND—SHELL cannot be sued in LONDON over oil spills in NIGERIA, in 1—SETBACK to attempts to hold UK—MULTINATIONALS liable at home for their subsidiaries' actions abroad.
20170126             The court also said the claimants should be able to use NIGERIA—COURTS.
20170126             —CONTRACTED, GERMANY—GEOLOGIST KAY—HOLTZMANN, by THE—DUTCH—UK—MULTINATIONAL Royal HOLLAND—SHELL—NIGERIA subsidiary, wrote 1—LETTER to the Bodo Mediation Initiative saying the company "fiercely opposed" environmental testing and is concealing data showing THOUSANDS—OF—NIGERIANS are exposed to health hazards from 1 stalled cleanup of the worst oil spills in THE—WEST—AFRICAN nation's history.
20170126             CHILE—GOVERNMENT said forest fires in the central regions of O'Higgins and El Maule have killed 9—PEOPLE over the past —WEEK, displaced thousands and destroyed entire villages.
20170126             1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY was in effect and by early February the death toll reached 11.
20170126             —RELEASED, CHINA, 1—NEW—LIST—OF—ITEMS banned for export to NORTH—KOREA, ranging from wind tunnels to plutonium, —FOLLOWING 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—UNITED—NATIONS sanctions and complaints from USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP that BEIJING was not doing enough to pressure its communist neighbor.
20170126             —SMASHED, FRANCE—SKIPPER FRANCIS—JOYON, the record for the fastest sail —AROUND the world by more than 4—DAYS and he won THE—JULES—VERNE—TROPHY.
20170126             1—AIRCRAFT carrying GAMBIA—PRESIDENT—ADAMA—BARROW arrived in THE—CAPITAL—BANJUL, days —AFTER his predecessor YAHYA—JAMMEH fled into exile under pressure from regional forces.
20170126             —EXTENDED, GERMANY—PARLIAMENT, the country's training mission in NORTH—IRAQ for another —YEAR.
20170126             —CULLED, GERMANY, more than 15,000 turkeys were being, —AFTER the new bird flu subtype H5N5 was confirmed on 1—NORTH—GERMANY—FARM.
20170126             —RULED, GREECE—SUPREME—COURT, against the extradition of 8—TURKEY—SOLDIERS who fled to GREECE in July —AFTER 1 failed coup attempt in TURKEY, 1—DECISION which angered ANKARA and further strained relations between THE—2—NEIGHBORS.
20170126             —ISSUED, TURKEY, 1—ARREST warrant for THE—8—FORMER—ARMY officers.
20170126             INDONESIA, 1—DEPUTY chairwoman of the independent Corruption Eradication Commission, Basaria Panjaitan, announced that Constitutional COURT—JUDGE—PATRIALIS—AKBAR and 10—OTHER—PEOPLE were caught "RED—HANDED" in 1—ANTI—GRAFT sting.
20170126             ISRAEL—OFFICIALS gave final approval to 153—EAST—JERUSALEM settler homes, adding to a sharp increase in such projects —SINCE USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP took office.
20170126             —BURIED, KASHMIR, 2—SEPARATE—AVALANCHES, 1—MILITARY—POST and swept away 1—PATROL in Gurez, burying 1—TOTAL—OF—21—INDIA—SOLDIERS.
20170126             7—SOLDIERS were rescued.
20170126             —RECOVERED, Over the next 2—DAYS the remaining 14—BODIES were.
20170126             LITHUANIA and POLAND said they would not allow THE—USA to locate new secret prisons on their soil if PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP chooses to reinstate 1—OLD—CIA program that detained and interrogated terrorism suspects abroad.
20170126             —SCRAPPED, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—ENRIQUE—PENA—NIETO said he had, plans to meet DONALD—TRUMP next —WEEK—AFTER THE—USA—PRESIDENT—TWEETED—MEXICO should cancel the meeting if it was not prepared to pay for his proposed border wall.
20170126             —BANNED, PAKISTAN—TELEVISION regulator, WELL—KNOWN talk show host Aamir Liaquat Hussain for hate speech, —AFTER he hosted shows accusing liberal activists and others of blasphemy, 1—INFLAMMATORY allegation that could put their lives at risk.
20170126             —APOLOGIZED, PHILIPPINES PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, to SOUTH—KOREA —AFTER policemen last October killed, 1—OF—ITS—CITIZENS, then said he wanted to hang rogue police and send their heads to SEOUL.
20170126             —ACCUSED—OF, The police, kidnapping and killing Jee ICK—JOO were ANTI—NARCOTICS—OFFICERS.
20170126             —SIGNED, PUERTO—RICO—NEW—GOVERNOR, 1—LABOR reform bill that targets the private sector and aims to stimulate the island's economy amid concerns that it infringes on workers' rights.
20170126             ROMANIA—HIGH—COURT—OF—CASSATION and Justice gave Alina Bica, THE—FORMER—CHIEF—PROSECUTOR for the agency that investigates organized crime and terrorism, a 3 ½-year sentence for aiding 1—WRONGDOER.
20170126             —RECEIVED, THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—TAX authority, Serban Pop, 5—YEARS for influence trafficking.
20170126             —RECEIVED, Businessman Horia Simu, a 4-year term for buying influence.
20170126             —RETURNED, SUDAN—OPPOSITION leader and EX—PRIME—MINISTER—SADIQ—AL—MAHDI, 81—JAHRE—ALT, to the country more than —2—YEARS—AFTER he fled abroad.
20170126             SYRIA—ISLAMIST rebel group Ahrar AL—SHAM said 6—OTHER—REBEL factions had joined its ranks in NORTH—WEST—SYRIA in order to fend off 1—MAJOR—ASSAULT by 1—POWERFUL—JIHADIST group.
20170126             —ALLIED, Fateh AL—SHAM, once, with al Qaeda and formerly known as the Nusra Front clashed with fighters from Ahrar AL—SHAM and Suqour AL—SHAM in the northern rebel STRONGHOLD—OF—IDLIB province.
20170126             —COLLAPSED, NORTH—EAST—TANZANIA, 1—MASSIVE—MOUND—OF—EARTH, early —TODAY at 1—CHINESE—OWNED gold mine in Nyarugusu village, burying at least 13—WORKERS, including 1—CHINA—NATIONAL.
20170126             —VOTED, THE—UN Security Council, unanimously to keep THE—UN peacekeeping force in CYPRUS for another 6—MONTHS and urged Greek and TURKEY—CYPRIOTS "to grasp the current opportunity" to reunite the divided Mediterranean island.
20170126—20150000    —SINCE, LIBYA, Yousuf Mubarak Welayti, 1—EMIRATI national detained on spying charges, was found dead —AFTER militiamen stormed the detention center where he was being held and killed him.
20170126—20170130    —ON, 5—OF the rescued soldiers †.
20170817             LENINGRAD steht für: DER—NAME der russischen Stadt SANKT—PETERSBURG 19240126             —VOM, —BIS zum19910906             ;
20171215—20180126    —ON, police said they believed the couple were murdered.
20180126             —RULED, MARYLAND, 1—USA—DISTRICT judge, that the family company once run by JARED—KUSHNER, PRESIDENT—TRUMP—SON—IN—LAW and advisor, isn't allowed to keep secret the identity of its business partners in several MARYLAND properties.
20180126             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, as many as 6—CHILDREN were, in fighting near THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—GHAZNI, but there were conflicting accounts of how they † with officials blaming the Taliban and others saying they † in 1—AIR strike by AFGHANISTAN—FORCES.
20180126             —KILLED, ALGERIA—ARMY, 7 armed men, described as "dangerous terrorists," in Khenchela province, 700—KM EAST—OF—THE—CAPITAL—ALGIERS.
20180126             —PUNISHED, CHINA—SECURITIES watchdog said it had, 1—BLOGGER on WeChat with a 200,000 yuan ($31,000) fine for posting MARKET—MOVING "misinformation" about meetings between corporations and regulators.
20180126             5—INDEPENDENT UN human rights experts said EGYPT must stop executions —UNTIL it has reviewed all death sentences and retry ANY—CONVICTIONS that are found to rest on unfair trials.
20180126             —ANNOUNCED, Authorities in ETHIOPIA—OROMIYA province, the pardon of over 2,000 prisoners jailed for involvement in unrest that gripped the country in 20150000—20160000  .
20180126             —ENDED, FRANCE—PRISON guards, 1—NATIONWIDE strike —AFTER accepting government proposals over staffing levels and violence which they say is spiraling OUT—OF—CONTROL in overcrowded jails.
20180126             NORTH—INDIA, 2—GROUPS shot guns and attacked EACH—OTHER with rocks in Kasganj, 1—SMALL—TOWN in Uttar Pradesh state.
20180126             The clash between Hindu and Muslim groups left 1—PERSON dead and 3—OTHERS injured —DURING INDIA—NATIONAL—DAY celebrations.
20180126             —REPORTED, LEBANON—NATIONAL—NEWS—AGENCY, that 1—STATE prosecutor ordered 1—LAWSUIT against talk show host Hicham Haddad for making 1—JOKE at THE—EXPENSE—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—CROWN—PRINCE—MOHAMMAD bin Salman.
20180126             He was the 2. LBC anchor to be sued in 2—MONTHS under laws protecting Lebanese and foreign leaders against defamation.
20180126             —ISSUED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT prosecutor, 1 renewed appeal to LIBYA—AUTHORITIES to arrest LIBYA—COMMANDER—MAHMOUD—AL—WARFALLI, wanted by the court for war crimes, —AFTER he was linked to 1—SHOCKING video purported to show brutal killings.
20180126             3—WEST—EUROPEAN intelligence sources said NORTH—KOREA shipped coal to RUSSIA —LAST—YEAR which was then delivered to SOUTH—KOREA and JAPAN in 1—LIKELY—VIOLATION—OF—UN sanctions.
20180126             1—USA—SECURITY source also confirmed the coal trade via RUSSIA and said it was continuing.
20180126             —PRESENTED, ROMANIA—PM—DESIGNATE Viorica Dancila, her government lineup of 27—MINISTERS and announced the creation of 1—NEW—MINISTRY to handle European Union funds and nominated as its HEAD—LAWMAKER—ROVANA—PLUMB, whom ANTI—CORRUPTION prosecutors have tried to investigate.
20180126             RUSSIA—POLICE officers have shown up at MOSCOW—PIONER movie theater that screened 1—SATIRICAL—FILM about Soviet leader JOSEF—STALIN in defiance of 1—OFFICIAL—GOVERNMENT ban.
20180126             —UNLICENSED, Showing 1, movie is punishable by 1—FINE.
20180126             —RAIDED, SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE, the offices of the provincial government in the Free State in 1—CASE involving 1—FRIEND—OF—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA and 1—TOP—OFFICIAL in the African National Congress (ANC) considered 1—ZUMA ally.
20180126             SOUTH—KOREA—FLAMES, and toxic smoke swept through 1—HOSPITAL in Miryang city, killing at least 37—PEOPLE and injuring more than 140. The fire was most likely caused by 1—ELECTRICAL fault in the 1.—FLOOR emergency room.
20180126             —CONDEMNED, THE—EU, VENEZUELA for expelling THE—SPAIN—AMBASSADOR and called for the decision to be reversed and diplomatic relations to remain in place.
20180126             SWITZERLAND, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP told the World Economic Forum in Davos that the economic growth taking place in THE—USA—UNDER to his "AMERICA 1." agenda also benefits THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD.
20180126             —ENDED, TURKEY—TEACHERS Nuriye Gulmen and Semih Ozakca, 1—ALMOST 11-month hunger strike, vowing legal action to get their jobs back —AFTER their appeal against dismissal under the government's STATE—OF—EMERGENCY decree was rejected.
20180126             —RECOGNIZED, At THE—VATICAN FRANCIS—PAPA, as martyrs 19—PEOPLE who were slain in ALGERIA in the 1990s, including 1—BISHOP killed by 1—CAR bomb and beheaded monks.
20180126             —APPROVED, Francis also, 1—DECREE recognizing the martyrdom of 1—ROMANIA—WOMAN, VERONICA—ANTAL.
20180126             YEMEN—SECURITY officials and witnesses said fighting between Shiite rebel forces and others loyal to YEMEN—INTERNATIONALLY recognized government in THE—SOUTH—WEST—CITY—OF—TAIZ has killed at least 48—PEOPLE on both sides.
20180126             Pass entzogen: EX—PRÄSIDENT—LULA darf BRASILIEN nicht verlassen
20180126             Einwanderung in DIE—USA : 1.800.000 "Dreamers"können womöglich bleiben
20180126             NEW—YORK—TIMES —BERICHT, DONALD—TRUMP wollte offenbar SONDER—ERMITTLER—MUELLER feuern
20180126             Plastikmüll im Meer: Hier zerstören Joghurtbecher gerade 1—RIFF
20180126             SYRIEN—OFFENSIVE der TÜRKEI: KURDEN bitten ASSAD um Hilfe
20180126             Starinvestor: GEORGE—SOROS WARNT—VOR—UNTERGANG der ZIVILISATION
20180126             —NEUE—THERAPIE: Wie Ärzte —JETZT mehr SCHLAGANFALL—PATIENTEN helfen können
20180126             "Humanity Star": NEUSEELANDs 1. Satellit ist 1.Discokugel
20180126             "Ariane 5": Panne beim START—VON—EUROPAS—ERFOLGSRAKETE
20180126             —EXPORTIERT, Süßes Geschäft: DEUTSCHLAND, mehr Schokolade
20180126             Vermögen der Superreichen: "Das verhöhnt DIE—CHANCENGLEICHHEIT"
20180126             —MILITÄR—EINSATZ—IN—SYRIEN: ERDOGAN kündigt Ausweitung der Offensive an
20180126             Rätselhafter Fall in SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN: Millionensumme aus Geldtransporter verschwunden
20180126             WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSFORUM in DAVOS: Gegenwind für DONALD—TRUMP
20180126             Cozy Bear: NIEDERLANDE—GEHEIM—DIENST soll russische Hacker ÜBERWACHT haben
20180126             —GESCHNAPPT, Juwelenräuber: Mutmaßliche "PINK—PANTHER"—MITGLIEDER in Tokio
20180126             MÜLL—GESETZ für DIE—BALEAREN: Mallorca will Plastikteller und Kaffeekapseln verbieten
20180126             Liberalisierung: Das Märchen vom bösen 68-er
20180126             TÜRKEI: BUNDES—REGIERUNG genehmigte —BEREITS ;;1000;;    —IM,weitere PANZER—AUFRÜSTUNG
20180126             "Egal, wo Sie auf der Welt sind oder was in Ihrem Leben passiert, jeder wird den 'Humanity Star' am Nachthimmel sehen können", sagt Beck.
20180126             Er dürfte etwa 9—MONATE im Orbit bleiben
20180126             Unterstützt wird die Firma von den Wagniskapitalgebern Khosla Ventures sowie vom Technologie—, RÜSTUNGS—KONZERN LOCKHEED—MARTIN
20180126             Landgericht Tübingen: NEGATIV—ZINSEN—FÜR—SPAR—KONTEN nicht zulässig
20180126             —BEDEUTET, DONALD—TRUMP—REDE in DAVOS: "AMERIKA zuerst, nicht AMERIKA allein"
20180126             MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—WEIL: "In der Rubrik Anmache liegt DIE—CSU meilenweit vor der SPD"
20180126             SYRIEN—KRIEG, ERDOGANs Offensive stockt
20180126             Psychologie: Früher waren Wessis selbstverliebt
20180126             —JETZT, sind die Ossis auch selbstverliebt (Wissenschaft, 18:42)
20180126             DONALD—TRUMP in DAVOS: SELBST—GESPRÄCH auf der Weltbühne
20180126             —GETESTET, Tierversuche: VW hat Dieselabgase an Affen
20180126             MEDIEN—BERICHT, BKA setzt offenbar —SCHON STAATS—TROJANER ein
20180126             RUSSLAND: MOSKAUer Kino nach Ausstrahlung von STALIN—SATIRE durchsucht
20180126             Na vom niederländischen GEHEIM—DIENST, der DIE—RUSSEN gehackt hatte!
20180126             —UPDATE, Mit anderen Worten (und das habt ihr hoffentlich selber auch gemerkt):
20180126             Eine "anonyme Quelle"aus 1—GEHEIM—DIENST sagt etwas Unbewiesenes, das diesen GEHEIM—DIENST gut aussehen lässt
20180126             Viel Glaubwürdiger geht es ja gar nicht mehr! [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20180126             Vermögen der SUPER—REICHEN: "Das verhöhnt DIE—CHANCENGLEICHHEIT"
20180126             [l] Woher wissen DIE—USA—AMIS eigentlich, dass es DIE—RUSSEN waren, DIE—DAMALS, DIE—DEMOCRATS gehackt haben?
20180126             Na vom NIEDERLANDE—GEHEIM—DIENST, der DIE—RUSSEN gehackt hatte!
20180126             DEUTSCHE—AUTO—LOBBYISTEN ließen IN—DEN—USA im TIER—VERSUCH Affen DIESEL—ABGASE einatmen, um zu zeigen, wie harmlos das angeblich ist
20180126—19580000    —STABBED, She was, repeatedly as she resisted being raped in her homeland.
20180126—19860000    —SEIT, Der japanische Satellit "EGP"ist
20180126—20120000    —SEIT, BREXIT—UNSICHERHEITEN: Britische Wirtschaft verzeichnet schwächstes Wachstum
20180126—20140000    —IN, 1—HOLLAND—NEWSPAPER and television show jointly reported that the NETHERLANDS' spy service broke into the computers used by 1—POWERFUL—RUSSIA—HACKING group, often nicknamed Cozy Bear, and may be sitting on evidence relating to THE—BREACH—OF—THE—USA—DEMOCRATIC—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE.
20180128—20180126    —RESUMED, SYRIA, heavy fighting, in EAST—GHOUTA —AFTER 1—SHORT—PERIOD of relative calm —FOLLOWING reports that 1—CEASEFIRE had been agreed there late.
20181213—20180126    —ON, rescuers located a 2. body from the site of a "RAT—HOLE" mining accident, —2—DAYS—AFTER recovering the 1. body.
20190113—20190126    —ON, rescuers found the dead BODY—OF—THE—2—YEAR—OLD—BOY.
20190126             USA—BORDER officials found nearly 254—POUNDS of the synthetic opioid fentanyl inside 1—SECRET—COMPARTMENT—OF—1—TRACTOR trailer carrying MEXICO—PRODUCE into ARIZONA.
20190126             Agents also found nearly 395—POUNDS—OF—METHAMPHETAMINE.
20190126             —KILLED, LOUISIANA, DAKOTA—THERIOT, 21—JAHRE—ALT, his parents and 3—OTHER—PEOPLE in 2—SEPARATE—SHOOTINGS and fled the area in 1—STOLEN pickup truck.
20190126             —ARRESTED, He was, THE—FOLLOWING—DAY at his grandmother's house in VIRGINIA.
20190126             AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said 1—ACCIDENTAL explosion in NORTH—BAGHLAN province killed 4—INSURGENTS and 1—CIVIL—NEAR 1—SPORTING event in 1—AREA controlled by the Taliban.
20190126             † In Nangarhar province 1—FEMALE—UNIVERSITY student was killed —WHEN 1—STICKY—BOMB attached to 1—VEHICLE was detonated.
20190126             —AGREED, Taliban officials said USA—NEGOTIATORS, 1—DRAFT peace deal stipulating the withdrawal of foreign forces from AFGHANISTAN within 18—MONTHS—OF—THE—AGREEMENT being signed.
20190126             This came —AT—THE—END—OF—6—DAYS—OF—TALKS with USA special peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad in QATAR aimed at ending THE—USA' longest war.
20190126             ARGENTINA, the bodies of Pirhya Sarussi (63) of ISRAEL and AUSTRALIA—SCIENTIST Lily Pereg (54) were found on 1—LOT beside the home of Gilad Pereg near THE—CITY—OF—MENDOZA.
20190126             Pereg (36), THE—SON—OF—SARUSSI, was arrested.
20190126             —VANISHED, THE—2—SISTERS had, about 2—WEEKS ago.
20190126             —BATTLED, AUSTRALIA, JAPAN—NAOMI—OSAKA, past Czech 8. seed PETRA—KVITOVA 7-6 (7/2), 5-7, 6-4 to win her 1. AUSTRALIA—OPEN—CROWN and become the new world number 1.
20190126             —RALLIED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, across AUSTRALIA calling for the abolition of 20190126             —THE national holiday in protests showing 1—DEEP—DIVISION over 1—FESTIVITY intended to celebrate the birth of modern AUSTRALIA.
20190126             The anniversary marks 17880000             —THE arrival of the "1. Fleet" of UK—SHIPS at SYDNEY Cove.
20190126             MANY—INDIGENOUS—AUSTRALIANS regard it as "Invasion —DAY".
20190126             UK—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—JEREMY—HUNT said BRITAIN will recognize opposition leader JUAN—GUAIDO as PRESIDENT—UNLESS—THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO makes 1—ANNOUNCEMENT about new elections within 8—DAYS.
20190126             GERMANY, FRANCE and SPAIN made similar announcements.
20190126             —APOLOGIZED, BRITAIN—TELEGRAPH newspaper said it has, and paid damages to 1. lady Melania Trump —AFTER publishing 1—ARTICLE it said contains MANY—FALSE—STATEMENTS.
20190126             —FIRED, CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—JUSTIN—TRUDEAU, his ambassador to CHINA —AFTER the envoy said it would be "great" if THE—USA dropped its extradition request for 1—CHINA—TECH executive arrested in CANADA.
20190126             CONGODRC, local authorities said 600—REBELS, whose conflict killed several 1000—PEOPLE in the restive Kasai region, have ended their war and surrendered their weapons in 1—SIGN—OF—SUPPORT for new PRESIDENT—FELIX—TSHISEKEDI.
20190126             —MARCHED, FRANCE, "yellow vest" protesters, through PARIS and other cities on the 11. weekend of action against the government, suggesting PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON has yet to defuse public opposition to SOME—OF—HIS—POLICIES.
20190126             † Prolific FRANCE—COMPOSER—MICHEL—LEGRAND, 86—JAHRE—ALT in PARIS.
20190126             He won 3—OSCARS and 5—GRAMMYS —DURING 1—CAREER spanning more than half 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY.
20190126             —INCLUDED, His hits, the score for the '60s romance "THE—UMBRELLAS—OF—CHERBOURG".
20190126             INDIA held national —DAY celebrations.
20190126             —CONVERGED, THOUSANDS—OF—INDIANS, on 1—CEREMONIAL boulevard in NEW—DELHI to watch 1—DISPLAY—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MILITARY—POWER and cultural diversity amid tight security.
20190126             † INDONESIA, Eka Tjipta Widjaja (97), patriarch of 1—OF—ASIA—RICHEST—FAMILIES and the founder of the sprawling Sinarmas conglomerate.
20190126             —ESTIMATED, Forbes —LAST—YEAR, WIDJAJA—FORTUNE at $8.6—BILLION.
20190126             —STORMED, NORTH—WEST—IRAQ, Kurdish protesters, 1—TURKEY—ARMY position in the Shiladzeh region late —TODAY to protest the deaths of 4—CIVILIANS they said were killed last —WEEK in TURKEY—BOMBARDMENT.
20190126             † 1—KURDISH—PROTESTER was killed —AFTER TURKEY—TROOPS opened fire on the demonstrators.
20190126             —KILLED, MADAGASCAR, 6—PEOPLE from the same family were " on the spot" by 1—LIGHTNING strike —WHILE sheltering from 1—STORM.
20190126             —AGREED, MEXICO, 9—COMPANIES, to labor demands —AFTER more than 25,000 workers at DOZENS—OF—FACTORIES in THE—MATAMOROS border region went on strike —AFTER owners refused union demands for a 20—PERCENT pay hike and 1—ANNUAL—BONUS.
20190126             —BLASTED, MYANMAR, rainbow flags flew high and gay anthems, out over YANGON—RIVER as 1—FLOTILLA—OF—BOATS took to the water for the country's 1.—EVER Pride boat parade in 1—SIGN of growing acceptance for LGBT rights.
20190126             SPAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—PEDRO—SANCHEZ said he would give VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO 8—DAYS to call elections in THE—SOUTH—USA—COUNTRY or SPAIN would recognizes JUAN—GUAIDO as interim leader in charge of calling 1—ELECTION.
20190126             SUDAN, the group spearheading protests against PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR called for NIGHT—TIME rallies across the country and new demonstrations over the next few days.
20190126             —CALLED, Syria, on TURKEY to withdraw its troops from SYRIA—NORTHERN territories and end support for armed opposition groups in order to revive a 2—DECADE—OLD—BILATERAL—SECURITY agreement.
20190126             EAST—SYRIA, 5—WOMEN blew themselves up in various parts of Baghouz, killing 1—SDF member and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20190126             TURKEY—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said 1—TURKEY—MILITARY—BASE in NORTH—IRAQ has come under attack by Kurdish militants.
20190126             —WOUNDED, At least 10—PEOPLE were, —WHEN protesters stormed THE—TURKEY—MILITARY—CAMP near Dohuk in IRAQ—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—KURDISH region, burning 2—TANKS and other vehicles.
20190126             —KILLED, YEMEN, 8—CIVILIANS were, and 30—OTHERS wounded in a "shocking" bomb attack against 1—CENTER for displaced people in THE—NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—HAJJA.
20190126             —EINIGUNG—IN—DER Regierungskommission: DEUTSCHLAND soll —BIS spätestens 20380000              aus der Kohle aussteigen
20190126             —ANALYSE—ZU—LAGE in GROßBRITANNIEN: Das gelähmte Land (SPIEGEL+, 07:35)
20190126             —REAKTIONEN—ZUM—KOHLE—AUSSTIEG: "Der HAMBACHER—FORST ist gerettet"
20190126             Autoverkäufe: Rabattaktionen für Diesel verfehlen ihr Ziel
20190126             —ERMITTLUNGEN—IN—BRASILIEN: Bolsonaro Junior und das "BÜRO—DES—TODES"
20190126             —STUDIE : Jedes 10. Unternehmen wird OPFER—VON—PRODUKTPIRATERIE
20190126             Archäologie: 1—GROSSER Wurf DER—NEANDERTALER
20190126             DNA—PROBEN aus Westafrika: Forscher finden EBOLA—VIRUS in Fledermaus
20190126             Demokratin NANCY—PELOSI: Sie hat DAS—MITTEL—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP (SPIEGEL+, 10:50)
20190126             Umstrittene EZB—POLITIK,Darum müssen Sparer noch lange auf höhere ZINSEN warten
20190126             Tempolimit, Fahrverbote, SPRIT—PREISE, Die Wut wächst im Autoland (SPIEGEL+, 11:39)
20190126             IRANische FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGERIN Shirin Ebadi: "DER—STAAT hat ANGST—VOR—SEINEN Bürgern"
20190126             BRASILIEN: Mehrere Tote und Hunderte Vermisste nach Schlammlawine
20190126             GESICHTSERKENNUNGS—SOFTWARE bald vor Gericht: "Es wurden VIELE—PERSONEN erfasst, die nur zur Arbeit gegangen sind"
20190126             FACEBOOK, APPLE, GOOGLE, Twitter, GMX: Das passiert, wenn jemand Ihr Konto hacken will
20190126             —KLIMA—SCHUTZ, KRAMP—KARRENBAUER nennt STREIT—ÜBER—TEMPO—LIMIT "reine Phantomdebatte"
20190126             DIW—PRÄSIDENT—FRATZSCHER zur Rezessionsangst: "Wir müssen weg vom Alarmismus"
20190126             Doch an einem Ausstellungsstück gingen viele achtlos vorbei.
20190126             Einst zogen wohl auch DER—NEANDERTALER und seine —VORFAHREN mit solchen Hölzern durchs steinzeitliche EUROPA.
20190126             Tatsächlich gelang es den Speerwerfern, auf 1.Distanz von 20—METERN tödliche Kraft und Präzision zu entwickeln
20190126             —BISHER ging DIE—WISSENSCHAFT davon aus, daß sich mit den FICHTEN—UND Kiefernstäben zwar beachtliche Wurfweiten erzielen ließen, aber tödliche Verletzungen an Beutetieren nur aus nächster Nähe.
20190126             DIE—HANDWERKER hatten —DAMALS, —SCHON genau wie bei modernen Wettkampfspeeren —HEUTE den SCHWER—PUNKT ins vordere Drittel gelegt.
20190126             DIE—STUDIE lässt den modernen Menschen und den NEANDERTALER ein weiteres kleines Stück näher zusammenrücken und bestätigt zahlreiche jüngere FORSCHUNG—ERGEBNISSE.
20190126             Homo neanderthalensis gilt längst nicht mehr als STEINZEIT—TRAMPEL, dem der MODERNE—MENSCH weit überlegen war.
20190126             —AROUND fields in Berlicum, 1—VILLAGE in BRABANT not far from Den Bosch,
20190126             'Should we stop looking?' Wim asked his brother as they stood CLOSE—TO the stream named the Aa.
20190126             Current scholarship has shown that - The find also contains
20190126             not all the coins date to 1—SINGLE—EMPEROR'S reign, suggesting that these coins were put into the ground over 1—LONGER—PERIOD.
20190126             —CONCLUDED, Claes —LATER, that it is very likely to be 1—TREASURE —AFTER all, of the type known as 1—VOTIVE treasure.
20190126             Several different people probably left coins at this specific place over 1—LONGER—PERIOD.
20190126             in ROMAn times the site of the find was 1—FORDABLE—POINT in the Aa.
20190126             Could the coins have been 1—OFFERING to the gods to ensure 1—SAFE crossing?
20190126             it clearly shows that ROMAn life IN—THE—NETHERLANDS was not limited to the fortifications along the Rhine and Waal rivers.
20190126             There was also activity further inland.
20190126             Maybe the crossing at Berlicum was 1—KEY stopover between the various important ROMAn towns in the area, such as the temple dedicated to Hercules Magusanus in Empel, the pottery in Halder and the settlement at Cuijk,' Claes suggests.
20190126             Are the coins worth anything? Claes has to laugh.
20190126             THE—4—SILVER denarii are in 1—MUCH better condition; they'd be worth about €100 each.
20190126             the historical value of this find is MANEW—YORK—TIMES greater than its financial worth.'
20190126             öffentlichrechtliche GENOSSENSCHAFTEN waren u. a.
20190126             [l] Es gibt —JETZT 1—GEGEN—WIKILEAKS, das russische E—MAILS leakt: Die Site heißt "Distributed DENIAL—OF—SECRETS", oder DDoS, und ist völlig überraschend gerade nicht erreichbar.
20190126             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN, Clickbait-"Journalismus" ist gescheitert;
20190126             Massenentlassungen bei Buzzfeed und HUFFINGTON—POST.
20190126             Allerdings gibt es eben auch 1.Gegenperspektive, die für die OPPOSITION nicht so gut aussieht.
20190126             Im Zuge andauernder und kompromissloser Proteste der OPPOSITION wurden —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—MONATEN zahlreiche Menschen getötet, staatliche Institutionen angegriffen und NAHRUNGS—MITTEL vernichtet.
20190126             Man halte das mal gedanklich GEGEN—DIE—SOROS—ANFEINDUNGEN, die wir an anderer Stelle hören, weil der ja angeblich Revolutionen anzettelt.
20190126             Jedenfalls hat im Nachgang der Wahl DAS—PARLAMENT DIE—WAHL für ungültig erklärt.
20190126             Vorher —SCHON, direkt —NACH—DEN Wahlen letztes —JAHR, gaben die G7—STAATEN gesagt, daß sie den WAHL—SIEG MADUROs nicht anerkennen wollen.
20190126             —TAGUNG, Auf der, anderen Seite: In DEUTSCHLAND ist immer noch schändlicherweise die KPD verboten.
20190126             DIE—AKTUELLE Lage ist, daß DIE—EU angesagt hat, MADURO müsse innerhalb von 8—TAGEN Neuwahlen machen.
20190126             Währenddessen heißt es, DIE—RUSSEN hätten Söldner zum Stützen von MADURO nach VENEZUELA geschickt.
20190126             Julen konnte in dieses tückische Loch fallen, weil SPANIENs Boden quasi durchlöchert ist
20190126             Das Todesloch von Totalán ist 1—STÜCKCHEN spanische Normalität.
20190126             Auf über 1.000.000 schätzt die UMWELT—SCHUTZORGANISATION—GREENPEACE die Zahl solcher illegalen BRUNNEN—BOHRUNGEN.
20190126             —BERICHTET, DIE—ZEITUNG—EL—MUNDO, in Wirklichkeit seien es viel mehr.
20190126             Sie sind die verzweifelte, meist ungenehmigte und deshalb illegale Gegenwehr der Bauern gegen ausbleibende Niederschläge und den durch zu große Wasserentnahme rapide abfallenden Grundwasserspiegel.
20190126             —SEIT—JAHREN regnet es in SPANIEN aufgrund des KLIMA—WANDELS zu wenig.
20190126             Flüsse trocknen aus, vor allem im Süden und im Landesinneren gibt es immer mehr steinwüstenähnliche Landschaften.
20190126             BESITZER—VON—GRUNDSTÜCKEN und Fincas beauftragen deshalb sogenannte "Poceros", erfahrene "Löchergräber" mit Bohrungen, die oft in wahren NACHT—UND Nebelaktionen gegraben werden.
20190126             Normal sei es, die Öffnung des Loches "mit einem großen Stein zuzudecken, den 1—KIND nicht hochheben kann".
20190126             —DENN, tatsächlich scheint die primäre URSACHE—FÜR—DEN TOD—DES—KLEINKINDS 1—MISSSTAND zu sein, den man millionenfach im ganzen Land finden kann: trockene, illegal gebohrte, unzureichend gesicherte "Mondscheinlöcher".
20190126             Wegen BREXIT: Europäische Arzneimittelbehörde EMA schließt Büros in LONDON
20190126             Kohleausstieg: Zeit für ein ökologisches Wirtschaftswunder
20190126             —GESUCHT, BREXIT—FOLGEN: Tausende ZÖLLNER dringend
20190126             AFGHANISTAN—STRATEGIE: USA raus, CHINA rein
20190126             —TREFFEN—IN—KATAR: USA sehen "signifikante Fortschritte" nach TALIBAN—GESPRÄCHEN
20190126             VERBOT—VON—WAFFEN—EXPORT an SAUDI—ARABIEN: Wie sich die RÜSTUNG—INDUSTRIE wehrt (SPIEGEL+, 20:27)
20190126             VENEZUELA—EXPERTIN CLAUDIA—ZILLA: "Ohne Zugeständnisse wird es keinen Ausweg geben"
20190126             FRANKREICH—PROTESTE—GEGEN—GELBWESTEN angekündigt
20190126—19690000    —IN, He 1. won 1—ACADEMY—AWARD for the song "THE—WINDMILLS—OF—YOUR—MIND" from NORMAN—JEWISON—HIT thriller "THE—THOMAS—CROWN—AFFAIR".
20190126—20250000    —BIS, MADURO hatte sich bei der umstrittenen PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—WAHL —AM—SONNTAG mit deutlichem Vorsprung gegen seine Herausforderer durchgesetzt und 1.2. Amtszeit gesichert.
20191217—20200126    —WIE einem Mitglied der AG KRITIS vertraulich zugetragen wurde,
20200126             INDIEN, wird durch Zusammenlegung zweier Unionsterritorien das neue Unionsterritorium Dadra und Nagar Haveli und Daman und Diu gebildet.
20200411—20200126    —CLAIMED, TRUMP, ON—THE—OTHER—HAND, at THE—WORLD—ECONOMIC—FORUM in Davos, "We have it under control, it's going to be —JUST fine".
20210113             Diese Regelung werde ab dem 20210126              gelten, erklärte die USA—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDE CDC.
20210126             —DIENSTAG, 20210126
20210126             Britische Musikszene —NACH—DEM Brexit: Help!
20210126             Norddeutscher Bauernsohn wurde als Auswanderer zum Milliardär: Der Zuckerkönig von AMERIKA
20210126             Mögliches Heilmittel gegen FIP: Wenn Katzen CORONA haben - Tue 20210126
20210126             [l] Polizei so: Der illegale Rave hier, der wird —JETZT aufgelöst!
20210126             Veranstalter so: Was für 1—RAVE?
20210126             Hier stehen bloß Rentner für ihre COVID—IMPFUNG an.
20210126             [l] Gute Nachrichten! Der österreichische "Verfassungsschutz" ist nicht völlig unfähig.
20210126             Als es daran ging, JAN—MARSALEK—VON—WIRECARD zur Flucht zu verhelfen, da war die Behörde plötzlich effektiv.
20210126             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20210126             Die Europäische Union hat die ENTWICKLUNG—DES—IMPFSTOFFS—VON—ASTRAZENECA finanziell gefördert.
20210126             Warte mal, warte mal, AstraZeneca? Das war der OXFORD—IMPFSTOFF.
20210126             Wo liegt OXFORD noch gleich? Oh ja richtig! Außerhalb der EU!
20210126             Und —JETZT findet die EU, sie könne von den Briten erwarten, dass der produzierte Impfstoff an die EU geht.
20210126             EINMAL mit Profis arbeiten, ey!
20210126             [l] SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN vergibt ihre IMPFTERMIN—VERGABE an... Eventim.
20210126             Wer also hoffte, dass diese verhasste Firma —JETZT angesichts der COVID—PANDEMIE endlich das zeitliche segnet, sieht sich getäuscht.
20210126             Hey, warum sollte man auch die Künstler fördern, wenn man Eventim fördern kann!1!!
20210126             [l] Großer Datenreichtum in Brasilien.
20210126             220—MILLIONEN Datensätze über ALLE—STEUERZAHLER—BRASILIENS.
20210126             2. Impeachment: USA—SENAT verliest Anklage gegen DONALD—TRUMP
20210126             Verkehrsplanung: Clevere Flugrouten reduzieren Emissionen
20210126             Bidens Kabinett: JANET—YELLEN wird 1. Finanzministerin der USA—GESCHICHTE
20210126             Haut entdeckt: Feuerwehr sucht Schlange in Bochumer Kindergarten - Das Auto als BÜRO: Office to go
20210126             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Worüber Merkel und Biden am Telefon sprechen
20210126             Flugverkehr eingestellt: ISRAEL schottet sich ab
20210126             Zu Fuß von der Nordsee in die Alpen: "Das Einzige, was wirkte: weiterlaufen"
20210126             550—EURO im —MONAT: Wenn man vom AZUBI—GEHALT nicht leben kann
20210126             Coronakrise: Kanzleramtschef Braun wirbt für Suspendierung der Schuldenbremse
20210126             BÖRSEN—HAUSSE: Schweizer GROßBANK—UBS verdoppelt Jahresgewinn
20210126             —REGISTRIERT, Frankfurter Flughafen: Bundespolizei, zahlreiche Verstöße gegen neue Einreiseregeln
20210126             1. afroamerikanische Frau auf Banknote: BIDEN—REGIERUNG plant 20—DOLLAR—SCHEIN mit Porträt von HARRIET—TUBMAN
20210126             Ultrarechte Organisation: Kanada soll "Proud Boys" als Terrorgruppe einstufen
20210126             Schulschließungen: Karliczek fordert zusätzliche Lernangebote für Schülerinnen und Schüler
20210126             AstraZeneca: Berichte über schwachen Impfschutz bei Senioren sind laut Hersteller falsch
20210126             Staatskanzleichefs in der Coronakrise: Die Entscheider im Hintergrund
20210126             Terrorfinanzierung: Razzia bei mutmaßlichen IS—UNTERSTÜTZERN in RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210126             —REBELLIERT, Haushalt nach CORONA: Unionsfraktion, gegen Brauns SCHULDEN—INITIATIVE
20210126             Protest gegen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: 10—POLIZISTEN bei Krawallen in ROTTERDAM verletzt
20210126             Datenschutzverstöße: DATING—APP Grindr soll 9,6 Millionen Euro Strafe zahlen
20210126             CORONA—REBELLION in Polen: "Kirche des gesunden Körpers" hebelt LOCKDOWN—REGELN aus
20210126             Konsum: Onlinehandel wächst im CORONA—JAHR enorm
20210126             —BEZEICHNET, CDU—GENERALSEKRETÄR zu CLUBHOUSE—EKLAT: Ziemiak, Ramelow als ungeeignet für weitere CORONA—GIPFEL
20210126             Patienten über 65: Angeblich niedrige Wirksamkeit von ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF — Ministerium vermutet Verwechslung
20210126             Neue Regierung vereidigt: EX—OPPOSITIONSFÜHRERIN Kallas wird 1. Ministerpräsidentin Estlands
20210126             BAYERN: Berliner Polizist soll in Juwelierladen eingebrochen sein
20210126             Kanzleramtschef fordert Aufhebung der Schuldenbremse: HELGE—BRAUNS—UNIONS—TORPEDO
20210126             Minderheitsregierung in der Krise: Italiens Ministerpräsident Conte zurückgetreten
20210126             Coronakrise: Sparkassen rechnen mit keiner Insolvenzwelle
20210126             Weltwirtschaftsforum: ANGELA—MERKEL spricht auf dem Gipfel in Davos
20210126             TV—PROJEKT: Hillary Clinton plant Serie über kurdische Kämpferinnen
20210126             Merkel über CORONA—POLITIK: "Die Schnelligkeit unseres Handelns lässt sehr zu wünschen übrig"
20210126             JUSO—CHEFIN im Studiotalk: Was kommt —NACH—DEM Kapitalismus, Jessica Rosenthal?
20210126             Das Spitzengespräch mit MARKUS—FELDENKIRCHEN
20210126             —FUNKTIONIERT, Haushaltspolitik: Wie, die Schuldenbremse?
20210126             FRANKFURT am Main: Angriff im Bahnhofsviertel — mehrere Verletzte
20210126             CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: Verwaltungsgerichtshof kippt 15—KILOMETER—REGEL in BAYERN
20210126             Thüringens SPD—FRAKTIONSCHEF Hey: "In mein BÜRO kommen sogar Reichsbürger"
20210126             CUM—EX—SKANDAL: Landgericht BONN lässt Anklage gegen Schlüsselfigur Hanno Berger zu
20210126             Kirchenmusik in der Coronakrise: "3—METER Abstand in Blasrichtung"
20210126             CORONA—IMPFHOTLINE 116117: Kaum Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
20210126             Weltweit größter Vermögensverwalter: BLACKROCK—CHEF macht mehr Druck beim Klimaschutz — zumindest ein bisschen
20210126             Gericht stoppt Abschiebungen nach Griechenland: "Ernsthafte Gefahr einer unmenschlichen und erniedrigenden Behandlung"
20210126             Unsichere GESPRÄCHS—APP: Clubhouse bietet Hackern zahlreiche Angriffsmöglichkeiten
20210126             Wirksamkeit bei Senioren: Die Kritik am ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF — und was wirklich dahintersteckt
20210126             CORONA—HILFEN: Warum der STAAT kein Rettungspaket für Arme schnürt
20210126             Attacke gegen Sachsens Ministerpräsident Kretschmer: "Ich schäme mich dafür, dass das in unserem Dorf passiert ist"
20210126             Klage vor Verwaltungsgericht: AfD erleidet Teilniederlage gegen Verfassungsschutz
20210126             Nach Vorstoß zur Schuldenbremse: Laschet weist Kanzleramtschef Braun zurecht
20210126             ?DAVOS—REDE des chinesischen Präsidenten: Was Xi sagt — und was er meint
20210126             Bidens Kabinett: Senat bestätigt ANTONY—BLINKEN als USA—AUßENMINISTER
20210126             "New Start": Putin und Biden EINIG—ÜBER—ATOM—ABRÜSTUNGSVERTRAG
20210126             Regierungskrise in Italien: Machtspiele im Quirinalspalast
20210126             Studie zum Reiseverhalten: Die Lust auf Urlaub bleibt riesig
20210126             USA—PRÄSIDENT—BIDEN über DEUTSCH—RUSSISCHE Gaspipeline: "NORD—STREAM 2—IST ein schlechter Deal für EUROPA"
20210126             Seniorin über das Leben in der Pandemie: "Gegen Impfgegner hilft nur Sarkasmus"
20210126             Umgang mit KREML—KRITIKER: Biden spricht mit Putin über Vergiftung Nawalnys
20210126             DATEN—DER—JOHNS—HOPKINS—UNIVERSITÄT: Mehr als 100—MILLIONEN bestätigte CORONA—INFEKTIONEN weltweit
20210126             Global Cases 100.091.831 Global Deaths 2.151.992
20210126             Covid-19: Algarve com seis óbitos e mais 203—CASOS, PORTUGAL com novo máximo de mortes em 24—HORAS
20210126             Covid-19: Mais de 22—MIL empresas aderiram ao 'LAY—OFF' simplificado em Janeiro
20210126             Alentejo com mais 15—MORTES e 339—CASOS de Covid-19, PORTUGAL tem novo máximo diário de óbitos
20210126             Videoconferência fala sobre "O Impacto Económico e Social da Covid-19" na EUROPA e no Algarve
20210126             Marcelo diz que Estado de Emergência deverá ser renovado nos termos em vigor
20210126             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 1829 (+6) Óbitos - 18 (=) Recuperados - 11750000              (+49) Casos ativos - 636 (-43)
20210126             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 49 (=) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 32 (+4) Casos ativos - 13 (-4)
20210126             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 55 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 33 (+1) Casos ativos - 21 (-1)
20210126             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 256 (+12) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 104 (+4) Casos ativos - 152 (+8)
20210126             Faro Casos confirmados - 2361 (+40) Óbitos - 17 (+1) Recuperados - 14120000              (+57) Casos ativos - 932 (-18)
20210126             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 471 (+7) Óbitos - 8 (+1) Recuperados - 329 (+10) Casos ativos - 134 (-4)
20210126             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 1077 (+10) Óbitos - 15 (=) Recuperados - 789 (+13) Casos ativos - 273 (-3)
20210126             Loulé Casos confirmados - 2813 (+35) Óbitos - 29 (=) Recuperados - 17270000              (+67) Casos ativos - 10570000              (-32)
20210126             Monchique Casos confirmados - 55 (+2) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 49 (=) Casos ativos - 5 (+2)
20210126             Olhão Casos confirmados - 1235 (+19) Óbitos - 6 (+1) Recuperados - 735 (+23) Casos ativos - 494 (-5)
20210126             Portimão Casos confirmados - 1577 (+16) Óbitos - 20 (+1) Recuperados - 11730000              (+16) Casos ativos - 384 (-1)
20210126             Silves Casos confirmados - 914 (+8) Óbitos - 8 (+1) Recuperados - 546 (+18) Casos ativos - 360 (-11)
20210126             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 298 (+1) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 206 (=) Casos Ativos - 82 (+1)
20210126             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1300 (+12) Óbitos - 23 (+1) Recuperados - 815 (+44) Casos ativos - 462 (-33)
20210126             VRSA Casos confirmados - 820 (+31) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 436 (+9) Casos ativos - 372 (+22)
20210126             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 112 (=) Óbitos - 5 (=) Recuperados - 88 (=) Casos ativos - 19 (=)
20210126             330_DGS_boletim_20210126
20210126             LK Altenburger Land Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 236—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 264,0 Fälle gesamt 4.193—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.690,5 Todesfälle gesamt 113—EINWOHNERZAHL 89.393—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210126             LK ANHALT—BITTERFELD Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 550—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 347,0 Fälle gesamt 3.291—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.076,5 Todesfälle gesamt 54—EINWOHNERZAHL 158.486—BUNDESLAND SACHSEN—ANHALT
20210126             LK Burgenlandkreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 697—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 389,7 Fälle gesamt 6.063—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.390,1 Todesfälle gesamt 242—EINWOHNERZAHL 178.846—BUNDESLAND SACHSEN—ANHALT
20210126             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 164—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 84,7 Fälle gesamt 4.516—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.332,0 Todesfälle gesamt 153—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210126             LK Fulda Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 631—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 282,8 Fälle gesamt 6.958—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.118,2 Todesfälle gesamt 168—EINWOHNERZAHL 223.145—BUNDESLAND HESSEN
20210126             LK Hildburghausen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 177—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 280,1 Fälle gesamt 3.169—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.014,5 Todesfälle gesamt 123—EINWOHNERZAHL 63.197—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210126             LK OSTPRIGNITZ—RUPPIN Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 320—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 323,7 Fälle gesamt 2.664—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.694,7 Todesfälle gesamt 71—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.861—BUNDESLAND BRANDENBURG
20210126             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 346—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 73,5 Fälle gesamt 10.517—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.234,7 Todesfälle gesamt 260—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210126             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 244—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 86,1 Fälle gesamt 6.467—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.283,0 Todesfälle gesamt 96—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210126             LK SCHMALKALDEN—MEININGEN Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 328—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 262,6 Fälle gesamt 4.390—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.514,4 Todesfälle gesamt 152—EINWOHNERZAHL 124.916—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210126             LK Wunsiedel i.Fichtelgebirge Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 214—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 294,5 Fälle gesamt 2.740—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.771,2 Todesfälle gesamt 114—EINWOHNERZAHL 72.655—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210126             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 311—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 96,8 Fälle gesamt 14.025—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.367,5 Todesfälle gesamt 276—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210126             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 932—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 85,7 Fälle gesamt 29.860—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.744,8 Todesfälle gesamt 417—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863 BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210126             Gorilla Winston nach Antikörperbehandlung auf Weg der Besserung
20210126             Nach einer beispiellosen Behandlung mit synthetischen Antikörpern gegen 1—CORONA—INFEKTION
20210126             Das Veterinärteam gehe davon aus, "dass die Antikörper dazu beigetragen haben könnten, dass Winston das Virus überwinden konnte",
20210126             Der 48-jährige Winston war —VOR—2—WOCHEN zusammen mit weiteren Gorillas seiner Gruppe positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet worden.
20210126             Wegen seines stattlichen Alters, seiner Symptome und diversen Vorerkrankungen wurde er nach ANGABEN—DES—ZOOS mit Herzmedikamenten, Antibiotika sowie speziellen synthetischen Antikörpern behandelt.
20210126             Erneut CORONA—KRAWALLE in den Niederlanden
20210126             Hunderte gewaltbereite Jugendliche randalierten nach Polizeiangaben —BIS zum späten Montagabend in mehreren Städten und griffen die Polizei an.
20210126             Die Menschen hatten sich kurz vor Beginn der Ausgangssperre wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE in Stadtzentren versammelt.
20210126             In großen Gruppen zogen sie plündernd und randalierend durch die Straßen.
20210126             —GEMELDET, Unruhen wurden aus etwa 10—STÄDTEN, — darunter AMSTERDAM, Den Haag und ROTTERDAM.
20210126             Mehr als 151—PERSONEN wurden nach ANGABEN—DER—POLIZEI festgenommen.
20210126             "Schamlose Diebe", klagte Rotterdams BÜRGERMEISTER—AHMED—ABOUTALEB über den Mob.
20210126             —ZERSTÖRT, In seiner Stadt waren unter anderem Geschäfte, und geplündert worden.
20210126             "Wir konnten noch keine Bestandsaufnahme machen, aber es ist trotzdem eine traurige Bilanz",
20210126             Nach einem Feuerwerk sei eine sehr große GRUPPE—VON—RANDALIERERN in die Stadt gezogen.
20210126             "Auf der gesamten Strecke wurden Plünderungen begangen, Feuer gelegt, Autos zerstört, Geschäfte geplündert".
20210126             ROTTERDAM, wurden Polizisten nach Berichten von NOS von rund 100—RANDALIERERN mit Steinen und Feuerwerkskörpern angegriffen.
20210126             Randalierer zogen durch verschiedene Städte der Niederlande, schlugen Fensterscheiben ein und plünderten Geschäfte.
20210126             —DEMOLIERT, Bushaltestellen wurden, Feuer gelegt und Polizisten mit Feuerwerk und Steinen angegriffen.
20210126             Auch Journalisten und Kamerateams waren nach Medienberichten OPFER—VON—GEWALT.
20210126             —INZWISCHEN, Die Polizei forderte, über Twitter Bürger auf, eventuelle Videoaufnahmen von den Ereignissen einzusenden, um die Ermittlungen zu erleichtern.
20210126             BRABANT, und Den Bosch versuchten Randalierer nach Medienberichten auch, in Krankenhäuser einzudringen.
20210126             Die Polizei habe die Zugänge weiträumig abgeriegelt.
20210126             Krankenwagen mussten in andere Kliniken ausweichen.
20210126             Im Kampf gegen eine weitere AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONAVIRUS greift ISRAEL durch.
20210126             —SEIT—MITTERNACHT (Ortszeit) ist der internationale Flughafen BEN—GURION bei Tel Aviv weitgehend geschlossen.
20210126             Mit der drastischen Einschränkung des Luftverkehrs will die Regierung das Einschleppen weiterer CORONAVIRUS—MUTATIONEN verhindern.
20210126             ausgenommen sind unter anderem Frachtflüge und Flüge aus medizinischen Gründen.
20210126             ZAHL—DER—CORONA—TOTEN in Mexiko steigt auf mehr als 150.000
20210126             —AM—SONNTAG hatte Staatspräsident Andrés MANUEL—LÓPEZ—OBRADOR bekannt gegeben, dass er positiv getestet worden sei und wegen leichter Symptome behandelt werde.
20210126             Er hatte in den Tagen zuvor mit zahlreichen Menschen Kontakt gehabt, ohne 1—MASKE zu tragen.
20210126             Die USA—DEMOKRATEN wollen versuchen, das angepeilte 1,9 Billionen Dollar schwere CORONA—HILFSPAKET—VON—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN bei Widerstand der Republikaner zumindest in großen Teilen in einem beschleunigten Verfahren durchzubringen.
20210126             Der Mehrheitsführer im Senat, Chuck Schumer, sagt dem Sender MISS—NBC, sollten die Republikaner das Vorhaben im Kongress blockieren, werde er auf das sogenannte RECONCILIATION—VERFAHREN zurückgreifen.
20210126             Dadurch würde die Redezeit im Senat begrenzt und damit die Möglichkeit der Blockade.
20210126             Außerdem könnten große TEILE—DES—GESETZESPAKETS mit einfacher Mehrheit verabschiedet werden.
20210126             Die Grünen werfen Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) erneut vor, den BUNDESTAG unzureichend in die Bekämpfung der CORONA—PANDEMIE einzubinden.
20210126             "Es ist 1—UNVERSCHÄMTHEIT, dass die Bundeskanzlerin diese Woche nicht dem Plenum Rede und Antwort steht", sagte Grünenfraktionschef ANTON—HOFREITER der Deutschen PRESSE—AGENTUR.
20210126             Die Eltern von FOOTBALL—STAR TOM—BRADY haben beide eine schwerere Covid-19-Erkrankung überstanden.
20210126             "Wir waren krank wie die Hunde", sagte TOM—BRADY—SENIOR, der 3—WOCHEN im Krankenhaus verbracht hatte, "es ging um Leben und Tod".
20210126             Kunstmuseen wollen raus aus Lockdown — Brief an Kulturminister
20210126             "Die Museen haben —SCHON nach der Phase des 1. Lockdowns ihre Häuser mit großer Sorgfalt der neuen Situation angepasst",
20210126             Museen seien sichere Orte, in denen Hygienemaßnahmen strikt befolgt und "wie an keinem anderen öffentlichen Ort" überwacht würden.
20210126             Die meisten Museen verfügten über eine ausgefeilte Klimatechnik und Raumkapazitäten, die Bewegungsabläufe nach Distanzgebot steuern und entzerren könnten.
20210126             Museen könnten "für den Hunger auf Kultur 1—ANGEBOT machen, ohne die gesellschaftliche Solidarität infrage zu stellen".
20210126             Dazu zählen aus Sicht der Leitungen etwa das schrittweise Herauffahren der Museen durch BILDUNGS—UND Lernangebote für Schulen und zunehmend mögliche Individualbesuche in Museen bei Verzicht auf touristische Gruppenbesuche, Führungen oder Veranstaltungen.
20210126             Schulklassen sollten unabhängig von Individualbesuchern in die Museen kommen können.
20210126             Kanzleramtschef HELGE—BRAUN will die im Grundgesetz verankerte Schuldenbremse für die kommenden Jahre aussetzen und fordert eine entsprechende Grundgesetzänderung.
20210126             "Die Schuldenbremse ist in den kommenden Jahren auch bei ansonsten strenger Ausgabendisziplin nicht einzuhalten", schreibt der CDU—POLITIKER in einem Gastbeitrag im "Handelsblatt"
20210126             Deshalb ist es sinnvoll, 1—ERHOLUNGSSTRATEGIE für die Wirtschaft in Deutschland mit einer Grundgesetzänderung zu verbinden, die begrenzt für die kommenden Jahre einen verlässlichen degressiven Korridor für die Neuverschuldung vorsieht und ein klares Datum für die Rückkehr zur Einhaltung der Schuldenregel vorschreibt".
20210126             —BISHER hat die Union Forderungen etwa aus der SPD und von den Grünen zurückgewiesen, an der Schuldenbremse zu rütteln.
20210126             Der BUNDESTAG hat wegen der massiv gestiegenen Neuverschuldung in der Coronakrise die Schuldenbremse für 20210000              erneut ausgesetzt.
20210126             Sorge vor Verschärfung der Coronakrise lässt Ölpreise sinken
20210126             —AM—MORGEN kostete 1—BARREL (159—LITER) der Nordseesorte Brent 55,52 USA—DOLLAR.
20210126             Das sind 36—CENT weniger als am —MONTAG.
20210126             1—FASS der USA—SORTE WEST—TEXAS Intermediate (WTI) fiel um 33—CENT auf 52,44 Dollar.
20210126             Marktbeobachter erklärten den Preisdruck am Ölmarkt mit der jüngsten Entwicklung in der Coronakrise.
20210126             Neben womöglich gefährlichen Mutationen des CORONA—VIRUS sorgten auch Meldungen aus CHINA für eine nervöse Stimmung am Ölmarkt.
20210126             In der zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Welt war es zuletzt zu einem Anstieg der Neuinfektionen gekommen.
20210126             Außerdem zeigten sich Anleger besorgt über den schleppenden Verlauf der CORONA—IMPFUNGEN in führenden Industriestaaten.
20210126             Die Coronakrise verstärkt nach ANGABEN—DER—DROGENBEAUFTRAGTEN der Bundesregierung, Daniela Ludwig (CSU), die problematische Nutzung von Smartphones, Computerspielen und INTERNET insbesondere unter Jugendlichen.
20210126             "Die problematische Nutzung von digitalen Medien ist —SEIT Jahren total im Aufwärtstrend", sagte Ludwig der "Augsburger Allgemeinen" vom —DIENSTAG.
20210126             "CORONA macht es natürlich nicht leichter — es zwingt Kinder, Jugendliche, eigentlich alle dazu, mehr denn je Zeit vorm Bildschirm zu verbringen".
20210126             natürlich nicht - "Fürs Homeschooling und Homeoffice sind die digitalen Medien natürlich ein Gewinn,
20210126             natürlich - ein
20210126             Gewinn - Unter Jugendlichen habe sich der Anteil eines "ungesunden Umgangs" binnen 4—JAHREN—VON—21,7 Prozent auf zuletzt 30,4 Prozent erhöht.
20210126             Chatten, surfen und spielen könne süchtig machen.
20210126             "Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation klassifiziert internetbezogene Störungen —SEIT einigen Jahren als Krankheit",
20210126             Bericht über ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF "übertrieben"
20210126             sagte Liese, der in der EVP—FRAKTION im EU—PARLAMENT als gesundheitspolitischer Sprecher tätig ist.
20210126             FDP—CHEF—CHRISTIAN—LINDNER hat in der Diskussion über Lockerungen des CORONA—LOCKDOWNS einen Stufenplan vorgeschlagen.
20210126             "Mit Hygienekonzepten, Maskenpflicht, Luftreinigern, Schulunterricht im Kinosaal, der Ausdehnung der Schnelltests oder der Digitalisierung der Gesundheitsämter sind schrittweise Öffnungen verantwortbar",
20210126             "Die Bundeskanzlerin geht lieber in die Bundespressekonferenz, als sich einer Debatte im BUNDESTAG zu stellen", kritisierte Lindner.
20210126             Altmaier widersprach, der BUNDESTAG könne jederzeit über ALLE—ASPEKTE der Pandemie debattieren.
20210126             Die Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft hat —NACH—DEM CORONA—AUSBRUCH in der Berliner HUMBOLDT—KLINIK bessere Schutzvorkehrungen im Gesundheitssystem gefordert.
20210126             Die Schließung von ganzen Krankenhäusern müsse die Ausnahme bleiben
20210126             Der SPD—VORSITZENDE NORBERT—WALTER—BORJANS hat sich für einen CORONA—ZUSCHLAG von einmalig 200—EURO für Bedürftige ausgesproche
20210126             sagte der SPD—CHEF—RTL/n-tv.
20210126             "Wir sind der Meinung, dass die Situation um so vieles ernster geworden ist und dass wir eher über 200—ALS über 100—EURO reden müssen".
20210126             Für VIELE—ARME—MENSCHEN bedeute 1—MASKE zu kaufen, 10—PROZENT oder mehr des Geldes auszugeben, was sie am —TAG zur Verfügung hätten.
20210126             Südafrikas PRÄSIDENT warnt vor Impfstoffnationalismus
20210126             Die Menschheit sei nicht vor CORONA—INFEKTIONEN sicher, wenn nur EINIGE—LÄNDER ihre Bewohner impften, andere Länder aber nicht dazu in der Lage seien.
20210126             COVID—19—BETREFFE ALLE—STAATEN in gleicher Weise und das LEIDEN müsse einheitlich bekämpft werden.
20210126             Ramaphosa rief die Weltgemeinschaft zu einem neuen Start nach der Pandemie auf, um brennende Probleme wie den Klimawandel energisch anzugehen.
20210126             Die Welt dürfe nicht einfach so weitermachen, wie sie es vor Ausbruch der Pandemie getan habe.
20210126             Südafrika ist das am stärksten von der CORONA—PANDEMIE betroffene Land in AFRIKA.
20210126             Laut der Weltgesundheitsorganisation sind die Menschen in den Ländern Afrikas und in Staaten anderer armer Regionen —BIS auf einzelne Ausnahmen ohne Impfschutz gegen Covid-19.
20210126             In reichen Staaten hingegen erhielten —BEREITS mehrere Dutzend Millionen Menschen eine Immunisierung.
20210126             Angesichts der CORONA—PANDEMIE hält das Weltwirtschaftsforum den Kongress virtuell ab.
20210126             Mehr als 1—MILLION—CORONA—FÄLLE in Indonesien
20210126             Betten mit Beatmungsgeräten waren alle belegt.
20210126             1—IMPFKAMPAGNE mit einer chinesischen Vakzine ist vor Wochen angelaufen.
20210126             Die deutschen Krankenhäuser machen in der Pandemie Erlösverluste von fast 10—MILLIARDEN Euro.
20210126             Wegen verschobener Operationen und abgesagter Behandlungen jenseits der COVID—FÄLLE habe es 9,5 Milliarden weniger Einnahmen gegeben,
20210126             Allerdings hätten die Kliniken aus der Staatskasse Entschädigungen von 9,7 Milliarden Euro erhalten.
20210126             Da es aber erhebliche Mehrausgaben für den Infektionsschutz gegeben habe, rechne man unterm Strich im Schnitt für ALLE—HÄUSER bestenfalls mit einer Bilanz von plus/minus 0.
20210126             Wegen CORONA—SCHLIEßUNGEN: Friseure senden finanziellen "Notruf"
20210126             Von der Leyen: Hersteller von Impfstoffen "müssen liefern"
20210126             Krankenhäuser fordern notfalls tägliche Tests wegen Mutationen
20210126             Angesichts von neuen und stärker ansteckenden Virusmutationen fordern die Krankenhäuser umfangreichere Tests.
20210126             Die Strategie müsse hier angepasst werden, das komplette Schließen von Häusern wie etwa in BERLIN dürfe nur das letzte Mittel sein,
20210126             Großbritannien zählt mehr als 100.000—CORONA—TOTE
20210126             Der britischen Regierung wird vorgeworfen, wiederholt zu spät und falsch auf die Pandemie reagiert zu haben.
20210126             Krankenhäuser stehen massiv unter Druck
20210126             Baerbock fordert Lehramtsstudenten als Krisenhelfer für Kinder
20210126             "Kinder kommen in dieser Pandemie immer zu kurz, und das darf nicht so weitergehen",
20210126             "Jedes 5. Kind in Deutschland hat in den vergangenen Wochen überhaupt keinen Zugang zur Bildung gehabt.
20210126             —VERGESSEN, Bei den Grundschülern haben MANCHE—DAS—ABC, bei anderen ist komplett die Tagesstruktur weggebrochen".
20210126             Merkel: "Uns ist das Ding entglitten"
20210126             Wir müssen noch strenger werden, sonst sind wir in 14—TAGEN wieder da, wo wir waren", soll sie Teilnehmern zufolge am —SONNTAG gesagt haben.
20210126             —KRITISIERT, Auch die Auslandsreisen vieler Deutscher habe sie,
20210126             Weihnachten seien jeden —TAG 50.000—MENSCHEN auf die Kanaren und die Malediven geflogen.
20210126             "Warum können wir die Reisen nicht verbieten?", soll die Regierungschefin gefragt haben.
20210126             Man müsse "den Flugverkehr so ausdünnen, dass man nirgendwo mehr hinkommt", sagte Merkel nach ANGABEN—VON—ZUHÖRERN der Schalte.
20210126             Sie fügte auch an, Deutschland brauche ein härteres Grenzregime.
20210126             PORTUGAL 653.878 +12.000—STEIGEN +29 % 11.012 +240
20210126             Der britische Pharmakonzern AstraZeneca bietet nach Informationen aus EU—KREISEN an, die Staatengemeinschaft 1—WOCHE früher als bislang geplant mit seinem Impfstoff zu beliefern.
20210126             Keine Klarheit gebe es in der Frage, ob Impfstoff aus Großbritannien in die EU umgeleitet werden könne, um hier mehr Vakzine verfügbar zu haben.
20210126             ISRAEL: 900—HOLOCAUST—ÜBERLEBENDE starben 20200000              an CORONA
20210126             Bei rund 5300—SEI 1—INFEKTION nachgewiesen worden, 17—PROZENT seien daran gestorben.
20210126             ALLE—HOLOCAUST—ÜBERLEBENDEN seien über 75—JAHRE alt, rund 17—PROZENT davon über 90.
20210126             Insgesamt betrug die ZAHL—DER—HOLOCAUST—ÜBERLEBENDEN in ISRAEL demnach zum ENDE—DES—JAHRES 20200000              rund 179.600.
20210126             2—WEITERE FÄLLE—VON—VIRUSMUTATION an Berliner HUMBOLDT—KLINIKUM - der britischen Variante
20210126             Der Virustyp B.1.1.7—WAR —BISHER vor allem in Großbritannien aufgetreten.
20210126             Die Variante - Die Kliniken in Deutschland haben im vergangenen —JAHR nach ANGABEN—DER—DEUTSCHEN—KRANKENHAUSGESELLSCHAFT rund 150.000—CORONA—PATIENTEN behandelt.
20210126             28.000—PATIENTEN seien intensivmedizinisch versorgt worden.
20210126             Aktuell würden rund 4600—MENSCHEN auf Intensivstationen behandelt.
20210126             Bayerns Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER (CSU) hat vor dem Hintergrund sinkender CORONA—ZAHLEN vor überstürzten LOCKDOWN—LOCKERUNGEN gewarnt.
20210126             Die Tendenz bei den Zahlen sei positiv,
20210126             Unter Verweis auf das mutierte Virus warnte Söder aber, "toxisch" wäre 1—VERBREITUNG der Mutation parallel zu einer überstürzten Lockerung
20210126             Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) hat im Rückblick auf 1—JAHR—CORONA—PANDEMIE auch eine kritische Bilanz gezogen.
20210126             Es seien in Deutschland Schwachstellen und Stärken sichtbar geworden, sagte sie beim Onlinetreffen des Weltwirtschaftsforums.
20210126             DEUTSCHLAND, habe man sehr auf den Gemeinsinn und den EINSATZ—VON—BÜRGERINNEN und Bürgern bauen können.
20210126             —GEWESEN, Ein gutes Fundament seien die soliden Finanzen.
20210126             "Die Schnelligkeit unseres Handelns lässt sehr zu wünschen übrig".
20210126             —GEWORDEN, Prozesse seien oft sehr bürokratisch, und dauerten lange.
20210126             Da habe man nachzuarbeiten.
20210126             "Wo wir nicht gut aussahen, das zeigt sich —BIS in die heutigen Tage, das ist der Mangel an Digitalisierung unserer Gesellschaft".
20210126             Merkel nannte als Beispiele die mangelnde Vernetzung der Gesundheitsämter, der Verwaltung und des Bildungssystems.
20210126             Nur noch 13—PROZENT—DER—BUNDESBÜRGER gehen einer Umfrage zufolge davon aus, dass es in Deutschland im Laufe dieses Jahres wieder zu einem gewohnten Alltag wie vor der CORONA—PANDEMIE kommt
20210126             Die überwiegende Mehrheit von 86—PROZENT rechnet auch für Ende 20210000              noch mit coronabedingten Einschränkungen.
20210126             —AM meisten würden Treffen mit Verwandten und Freunden fehlen (80—PROZENT), gefolgt von Reisen (55—PROZENT) und der Besuch von Kulturveranstaltungen wie Theater oder Kino (53—PROZENT).
20210126             Der Friseurbesuch wird von 31—PROZENT vermisst, am ARBEITS—ODER Ausbildungsplatz zu sein beziehungsweise die Schule oder UNIVERSITÄT zu besuchen von 17—PROZENT.
20210126             Für 68—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN ist die CORONA—KRISE die größte —SEIT dem Ende des 2. Weltkriegs.
20210126             Bundesinnenminister HORST—SEEHOFER erwägt, zur Bekämpfung der CORONA—PANDEMIE den Flugverkehr nach Deutschland massiv einzuschränken und außerdem schärfere Grenzkontrollen einzuleiten.
20210126             "Die Gefährdung, die von den zahlreichen VIRUS—MUTATIONEN ausgeht, verlangt von uns, dass wir auch drastische Maßnahmen prüfen und in der Bundesregierung diskutieren",
20210126             die Reduzierung des Flugverkehrs nach Deutschland auf nahezu 0, so wie ISRAEL das —DERZEIT auch macht,
20210126             Die Menschen in Deutschland erwarteten, "dass wir sie bestmöglich vor einer Explosion der Infektionszahlen schützen".
20210126             Anrufe wegen angeblicher Impftermine — LKA warnt vor Betrügern
20210126             Die genauen Hintergründe der Anrufe seien noch unklar.
20210126             "Wir gehen davon aus, dass man die Leute verunsichern will oder auch an sensible Daten kommen will"
20210126             Das LKA warnt davor, Informationen über Impftermine an fremde Personen weiterzugeben.
20210126             Wer einen verdächtigen Anruf erhalte, solle das Telefonat sofort beenden und die Polizei darüber informieren.
20210126             RKI: 2—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG in Deutschland gegen CORONA geimpft
20210126             Entschädigung von Nerzzüchtern kostet Dänemark Milliardenbetrag
20210126             Nach monatelangen Verhandlungen einigten sich die Regierung und 1—MEHRHEIT—DER—DÄNISCHEN—PARLAMENTSPARTEIEN auf Entschädigungszahlungen in Gesamthöhe von —BIS zu knapp 19—MILLIARDEN Kronen (mehr als 2,5 Milliarden Euro), darunter 10,9 —BIS 11,9 Milliarden Kronen an direkter Kompensation für die Züchter.
20210126             —REGISTRIERT, Schweden: Fast 100—FÄLLE—VON—MUTIERTEN—CORONA—VARIANTEN
20210126             Beim START—DER—TERMINVERGABE für CORONA—IMPFUNGEN bei über 80-jährigen Menschen in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN hat es Gesundheitsminister KARL—JOSEF Laumann zufolge "Frustrationserlebnisse" gegeben.
20210126             EINIGE—BÜRGER hätten mehrere Stunden am Telefon oder am Computer verbringen müssen
20210126             Bayerns Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER hat Öffnungen für Schulen und Kitas ab —MITTE Februar in Aussicht gestellt.
20210126             "Fakt ist, wenn keine höheren Einträge kommen, die Zahlen sinken, wenn es kein Durchlaufen von Mutationen gibt, dann gibt es auch 1—AUFHELLUNG im Februar",
20210126             dann - Laut einer Studie hat die Kultur in EUROPA mehr unter der Coronakrise gelitten als andere europäische Wirtschaftszweige.
20210126             —AM stärksten seien die Kulturakteure im Bereich Bühnenkunst mit 90—PROZENT weniger Einnahmen betroffen, gefolgt von der Musik mit 76—PROZENT.
20210126             Wegen des Verdachts des Ausbruchs einer hochansteckenden CORONA—MUTATION hat das Klinikum Bayreuth seine Häuser vorerst geschlossen.
20210126             Mehr als 3000—MITARBEITENDE des Klinikums dürfen nur noch ohne öffentliche Verkehrsmittel zur Arbeit kommen und befinden sich ansonsten in Quarantäne.
20210126             Patienten werden nur noch in absoluten Notfällen aufgenommen und —ERST nach 2—NEGATIVEN Testergebnissen entlassen
20210126             Insgesamt sind —DERZEIT nach ANGABEN—DES—KLINIKUMS 99—DER mehr als 3300—MITARBEITENDEN positiv auf CORONA getestet.
20210126             GROSSBRITANNIEN, sind —SEIT Beginn der CORONA—PANDEMIE mehr als 100.000—MENSCHEN an oder mit dem Virus gestorben.
20210126             Nach ANGABEN—DES—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS erhöhte sich die ZAHL—DER—TOTEN um weitere 16310000              und erreichte damit 100.162.
20210126             Großbritannien ist damit das 1. Land in EUROPA, dass diese Marke überschreitet.
20210126             —VERLÄNGERT, Irland, CORONA—LOCKDOWN —BIS zum 20210305
20210126             Virologin Ciesek: CORONA—MUTATIONEN aufzuhalten geht nur europaweit
20210126             Die Frankfurter Virologin SANDRA—CIESEK und andere fordern in der Fachzeitschrift "THE—LANCET" unter anderem einheitliche Regeln für Einreisende.
20210126             "Wir müssen versuchen, die AUSBREITUNG—DER—VARIANTEN in Deutschland zu verzögern", sagte Ciesek am —DIENSTAG im NDR—PODCAST "CORONAVIRUS—UPDATE".
20210126             "Das kann nur europaweit funktionieren — weil wir nicht isoliert auf einer Insel leben".
20210126             Joe & Cannonfire readers,
20210126             Check out this new short documentary from Vice News: www.youtube_com/watch?v=bsN96zE8FuE
20210126             Vice is searching for "Q".
20210126             Whether Q is 1—PERSON or 1—CABAL—OF—CONSPIRATORS, he/they pose the greatest security risk to THE—USA—TODAY.
20210126             HOWEVER—AMERICA can destroy itself.
20210126             THE—Q—CULT (or "Trump cult", SOME—OF—WHO believe DONALD—TRUMP is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ), if it makes up even as much as 5—PERCENT—OF—THE—TOTAL—USA—POPULATION, could rip AMERICAN—APART and cause 1—INTERNAL—COLLAPSE.
20210126             Chairman Xi Jinping (who, I will note, is more powerful than Mao was at THE—PINNACLE—OF—POWER) has told veteran marshals that sit on THE—CMC (CENTRAL—MILITARY—COMMISSION—THE institution that the Communist Party uses to control THE—PLA, Police, Militia, and other security forces) that, "We don't need to worry about AMERICA.
20210126             AMERICA will take care of itself [ie. collapse internally]".
20210126             THE—Q—CULT, TRUMP—CULT, Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys, Sovereign Citizens, etc. are exactly the phenomena that could collapse our way of live and overthrow the government.
20210126             They are 1—EXISTENTIAL threat.
20210126             That is why I say JIM—WATKINS, Ron Watkins, Coleman Rogers or whoever the hell Q is, deserves to life imprisonment without the remotest possibility of ever being paroled.
20210126             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—BIDEN and the so, "radical centrist" bureaucratic, careerist class are not equipped to deal with these threats.
20210126             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—ANONYMOUS : 5:11 AM
20210126             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—GUS : 8:43 AM
20210126—20200000    —J—IM, Demnach sei der Gewinn um rund 31—PROZENT eingebrochen, mehr als im Tourismus (27—PROZENT) und bei der Automobilindustrie (25—PROZENT), wie die französische Nachrichtenagentur AFP mit Bezug auf den ihr vorliegenden Bericht von Ernst & Young berichtete.
20210126—20201200    —IM, waren noch 18—PROZENT dieser Ansicht, wie aus dem Trendbarometer von RTL/n-tv hervorgeht.
20210126—20210207    —AM, Die Lieferungen sollten beginnen und
20210126—20210215    —AM, nicht —ERST ,
20210126—20220000    —SCHON, CDU—UND CSU—POLITIKER hatten 1—RÜCKKEHR zur Schuldenbremse oder sogar einem ausgeglichenen Haushalt gefordert.
20220126             —MITTWOCH, 20220126
20220126             Federal Reserve: Wird die wichtigste Notenbank der Welt —JETZT woke?
20220126             Ukrainischer Außenminister Dmytro Kuleba: "Wir werden nicht zulassen, dass uns jemand Zugeständnisse aufzwingt"
20220126             —KANDIDIERT, Zwischenwahlen im November: TOP—DEMOKRATIN Pelosi, erneut für das USA—PARLAMENT
20220126             Für die Messebranche zeichnet sich ein weiteres schweres Coronajahr ab.
20220126             "Wenigstens 100—DER 390—GEPLANTEN Messen sind —BEREITS in spätere Monate oder das kommende —JAHR verschoben oder gestrichen worden",
20220126             belaufe sich der wirtschaftliche Schaden für die Branche in diesem —JAHR —BEREITS auf rund 5—MILLIARDEN Euro.
20220126             "Coronaverordnungen der Länder, die 4—WOCHEN oder weniger Gültigkeit haben, sind keine Geschäftsgrundlage",
20220126             kritisierte AUMA—GESCHÄFTSFÜHRER Jörn Holtmeier.
20220126             "Hilfspakete wären verzichtbar, wenn die Messewirtschaft im 3. —JAHR dieser Pandemie nicht weiter daran gehindert würde, sicher machbare Messen veranstalten zu können".
20220126             Demnach beliefen sich die wirtschaftlichen Schäden aufgrund der Pandemie in den vergangenen beiden Jahren auf zusammen rund 46—MILLIARDEN Euro.
20220126             Wirtschaftsverbände haben die Politik für den FALL—DER—EINFÜHRUNG einer allgemeinen Impfpflicht in Deutschland zu umsetzbaren Rahmenbedingungen aufgefordert.
20220126             "Sollte es nach Ausschöpfung aller anderen Mittel doch zu einer Impfpflicht kommen, muss sie verhältnismäßig, nachvollziehbar und praktikabel sein",
20220126             erklärten Industriepräsident SIEGFRIED—RUSSWURM und Arbeitgeberpräsident Rainer
20220126             "Wir sind der Überzeugung, dass 1—IMPFPFLICHT dann auch eine breitere Akzeptanz bei denen findet, die von ihr betroffen sind".
20220126             Impfgegnerinnen bedrängen Neuseelands Regierungschefin Ardern
20220126             —ERST schreien sie Schimpfwörter, dann schneiden sie dem VAN von Neuseelands Regierungschefin den Weg ab.
20220126             —JETZT äußerte sich Jacinda Ardern betont gelassen zu dem Vorfall.
20220126             —REDUZIERT, Der Genesenenstatus ist von 6—AUF 3—MONATE, das gilt allerdings nicht für den BUNDESTAG.
20220126             Nun regt sich Kritik an der Sonderregel — sowohl von Experten, als auch von Abgeordneten selbst.
20220126             —KRITISIERT, CSU—POLITIKER Dobrindt, Sonderregel für Genesene im BUNDESTAG als "Unverschämtheit"
20220126             WHO: 21—MILLIONEN Neuinfektionen weltweit innerhalb einer Woche
20220126             Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) schätzt das Risiko durch die hochansteckende OMIKRON—VARIANTE des Coronavirus nach wie als "sehr hoch" ein.
20220126             In ihrem wöchentlichen Bericht erklärte die WHO am Dienstagabend, dass mit mehr als 21—MILLIONEN Neuinfektionen weltweit in den vergangenen 7—TAGEN die "höchste Anzahl an wöchentlich erfassten Fällen —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie" registriert wurde.
20220126             Insgesamt sei die Inzidenz jedoch "langsamer" angewachsen als zuvor.
20220126             —GESTIEGEN, Demnach ist die ZAHL—DER—NEUEN—FÄLLE um 5—PROZENT, — gegenüber 20—PROZENT Wachstum in der Vorwoche.
20220126             Die ZAHL—DER—WÖCHENTLICHEN—TODESFÄLLE blieb mit 50.000 in etwa gleich.
20220126             Die DELTA—VARIANTE sei "kontinuierlich rückläufig",
20220126             während die Alpha-, BETA—UND GAMMA—VARIANTEN "sehr gering" zirkulieren.
20220126             In den Ländern, in denen die Omikronfälle —BEREITS im November und Dezember stark gestiegen waren, seien die Zahlen mittlerweile rückläufig.
20220126             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN plant vorrangig Mitarbeiter in den Gesundheitsdiensten mit Novavax zu impfen.
20220126             "Die GESUNDHEITSMINISTER—KONFERENZ sieht es als erforderlich an, den Impfstoff von Novavax prioritär an —BISHER NICHT—GEIMPFTE Beschäftigte in den Einrichtungen, in denen künftig 1—IMPFPFLICHT gelten soll, zu verimpfen",
20220126             "Damit sollen Beschäftigte, die sich bislang noch nicht für 1—COVID—SCHUTZIMPFUNG entscheiden konnten, die Möglichkeit erhalten, zeitnah noch eine vollständige Impfung mit dem neuen Impfstoff Novavax zu erlangen".
20220126             Der Impfstoff werde voraussichtlich ab Ende Februar zur Verfügung stehen,
20220126             Impfverweigerern droht dann die Kündigung.
20220126             Die Gesundheitsminister von Bund und Ländern hatten am —SAMSTAG vorgeschlagen, Beschäftigte im Gesundheitsbereich und in der Pflege sollen "bevorzugt" den Impfstoff von Novavax erhalten können.
20220126             —PROTEINBASIERT, Dieser ist, was eine —SEIT Langem bekannte Methode ist.
20220126             Daher könnte der Impfstoff auch für Menschen interessant sein, die Vorbehalte gegen neuartige MISTER—NA—UND Vektorimpfstoffe haben.
20220126             Ukrainekonflikt: Polen empört sich über deutsches Wegducken beim Thema Waffenlieferung
20220126             Kryptowährung: IWF fordert EL—SALVADOR zur AUFGABE—VON—BITCOIN als Zahlungsmittel auf
20220126             Sicherheitsexperten über Konflikt mit Russland: "Die deutsche Regierung macht einen ziemlich verwirrten Eindruck"
20220126             Münchner Missbrauchsgutachten: Städte in BAYERN bereiten sich auf massenhafte Kirchenaustritte vor
20220126             "Es hat sich 1—MENGE angestaut": Warum sich amerikanische Mütter zum Schreien treffen 1—ANRUF in BOSTON von Nike Laurenz
20220126             DONBASS—KONFLIKT: Worüber Russland und die UKRAINE in PARIS verhandeln
20220126             —GENOMMEN, Grundschule im Pandemiemodus: "Es wird in Kauf, dass die Kinder sich anstecken" 1—VIDEO—VON—CAROLINE—DREES, BENJAMIN—ECKERT und Birgit Großekathöfer
20220126             In einem USA—ZOO: Ältester männlicher Gorilla der Welt gestorben
20220126             Der Menschenaffe mit dem Namen Ozzie ist im Alter von 61—JAHREN gestorben, wie der Zoo ATLANTA im USA—BUNDESSTAAT GEORGIA mitteilte.
20220126             "Unsere Herzen sind gebrochen, weil 1—LEGENDE von uns gegangen ist", twitterte der Zoo.
20220126             Der westliche Flachlandgorilla sei am —DIENSTAG von seinen Pflegern leblos aufgefunden worden.
20220126             —BEKANNT, Die Todesursache sei noch nicht.
20220126             Er habe aber —BEREITS in den vergangenen Tagen an Appetitlosigkeit und Schwellungen im Gesicht gelitten.
20220126             —GEWESEN, Ozzie sei der drittälteste Gorilla der Welt.
20220126             In freier Wildbahn werden Gorillas meistens nur rund 40—JAHRE alt, in Zoos auch mal 50—JAHRE.
20220126             Im Berliner Zoo lebt das älteste GORILLA—WEIBCHEN der Welt: Fatou wurde im vergangenen April 64—JAHRE alt.
20220126             Im vergangenen —JAHR war 1—GRUPPE—VON—GORILLAS im Zoo ATLANTA, darunter Ozzie, positiv auf COVID—19—GETESTET worden.
20220126             Offiziell hieß es, er habe während seiner Infektion nur leichte Symptome gezeigt,
20220126             Ozzie - als 1. Gorilla der Welt
20220126             Westliche Flachlandgorillas sind durch Wilderei und den Verlust ihres Lebensraums akut vom Aussterben bedroht.
20220126             Über einen Zeitraum von 25—JAHREN hat sich ihr Bestand nach ANGABEN—DES—ZOOS um 60—PROZENT reduziert,
20220126             durch Wilderei - um 60—PROZENT reduziert, in einigen Teilen des Verbreitungsgebiets in Westafrika sogar um 90—PROZENT.
20220126             hat sich - durch Wilderei - durch - den Verlust ihres Lebensraums
20220126             hat sich - ihr Bestand - reduziert, Biodiversität: 224—NEUE Arten am Mekong entdeckt
20220126             Streit um UKRAINE—STRATEGIE der USA: "JOE—BIDEN ist vollkommen überfordert"
20220126             Briten amüsieren sich über ungelenken Erklärungsversuch zu Johnsons "Partygate": "Er wurde mit einem Kuchen überfallen"
20220126             Streit über JOE—BIDENS—UKRAINE—STRATEGIE: Putins vorsichtiger Gegner
20220126             Schadsoftware "Hyperbro": Verfassungsschutz warnt Unternehmen vor chinesischen Hackern
20220126             Nach Staatsstreich in OUAGADOUGOU: EU droht Putschisten in BURKINA—FASO mit Sanktionen
20220126             "Es war wie 1—ERDBEBEN": Heftige Explosion erschüttert ZENTRUM—VON—ATHEN
20220126             Streamingdienst: Disney Plus kommt im —SOMMER in 42—WEITERE Länder
20220126             Berichte der norwegischen Armee: Russische Kriegsschiffe halten offenbar Manöver nahe der norwegischen Grenze ab
20220126             Fund auf ehemaligem Internatsgelände in Kanada: Offenbar Dutzende weitere Gräber indigener Kinder entdeckt
20220126             Wettrüsten um digitale Zukunft: Auch Microsoft wettet aufs Metaversum
20220126             Umstrittene CORONA—AUSNAHME: Regelung für Genesene im BUNDESTAG wird überdacht
20220126             —KRITISIERT, Missbrauchsgutachten: EX—GENERALVIKAR, Blockierer im Erzbistum München
20220126             Einschlag wohl im März: Raketenstufe von Space X auf Kollisionskurs mit dem Mond
20220126             BEATLES—FANS werden sie nicht anfassen können — aber sie können bald persönliche Erinnerungsstücke von JOHN—LENNON in FORM—VON—NON—FUNGIBLE Tokens (NFTs) besitzen.
20220126             —VERSTEIGERT, Dessen Sohn JULIAN—LENNON, nächsten —MONAT unter anderem eine digitale VERSION—DER—HANDSCHRIFTLICHEN—NOTIZEN zum Song "Hey Jude" in den USA.
20220126             In der NFT—VERSION erscheinen die Worte nach und nach auf der Seite und werden von einem Audiokommentar Julians begleitet.
20220126             Der Preis des digitalen Sammlerstücks wird auf —BIS zu 70.000—DOLLAR (62.000—EURO) geschätzt.
20220126             1—TEIL—DES—VERKAUFSERLÖSES geht an 1—VON—JULIAN—LENNON gegründete Stiftung und soll für die Abscheidung von CO?
20220126             aus der Atmosphäre verwendet werden, um die globale Klimaerwärmung zu bremsen.
20220126             Lennon arbeitet selbst als Musiker und Fotograf.
20220126             —BASIERT, Das NFT—SYSTEM, wie Kryptowährungen auf der BLOCKCHAIN—TECHNOLOGIE.
20220126             Im Gegensatz zu Kryptowährungen ist 1—NON—FUNGIBLE Token, einzigartig und gewissermaßen ein digitales Sammlerstück, das anhand eines Zertifikats verkauft oder getauscht werden kann.
20220126             Um NFTs war in den vergangenen Monaten ein wahrer Hype ausgebrochen, Sammler zahlten für digitale Gemälde, Musik und Videos Millionensummen
20220126             2G plus im BUNDESTAG: Ungeimpfter AFD—ABGEORDNETER muss hinter Plexiglas an Ausschuss teilnehmen
20220126             Durchseuchung statt Impfung: Der flüchtige Traum vom schnellen Weg aus der Pandemie
20220126             Fragestunde im Unterhaus: Attacke des britischen Parlaments auf BORIS—JOHNSON
20220126             —BEFÜRWORTET, Engpässe: RWE—CHEF, staatlich kontrollierte Gasreserve
20220126             Zur Fahndung ausgeschrieben: Russland erlässt Haftbefehl gegen Bruder von Nawalny
20220126             Kolonialverbrechen in NAMIBIA: Herero und Nama fordern neues Versöhnungsabkommen mit Deutschland
20220126             Ungeimpfte Linkenpolitikerin: Wagenknecht positiv auf CORONA getestet
20220126             Urteil am Landgericht PADERBORN: Waffenverkauf an LÜBCKE—MÖRDER — Angeklagter freigesprochen
20220126             —VERZEICHNET, Wachstum: Onlinehandel, erneut Rekordjahr
20220126             Früheres IN—EXTREMO—MITGLIED: BORIS—PFEIFFER stirbt bei Demo gegen Coronamaßnahmen
20220126             Krise in Osteuropa: Deutschland will UKRAINE 5000—MILITÄRHELME liefern
20220126             Vor HOLOCAUST—GEDENKTAG: Zentralrat der Juden sieht "erschreckendes Ausmaß an Antisemitismus"
20220126             HEDGEFONDS—MANAGER über Unruhe an den Finanzmärkten: "Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei"
20220126             SPD—CHEF—ÜBER—KONFLIKT mit Russland: "ALLE—OPTIONEN liegen auf dem Tisch"
20220126             CDU—AUßENPOLITIKER Kiesewetter: "Der Preis einer Invasion muss für Putin unkalkulierbar bleiben"
20220126             Intensivmediziner fordert Coronaregister für Kliniken - 6—BUNDESLÄNDER mit Inzidenz über 1000
20220126             An der Spitze liegt BERLIN mit 17950000             ,5.
20220126             Dann folgen laut RKI—DASHBOARD BREMEN mit 15810000             ,1, BRANDENBURG mit 12610000             ,6, HAMBURG mit 12500000             ,3, HESSEN mit 10930000             ,4 und BAYERN mit 10680000             ,0.
20220126             Die Hospitalisierungsinzidenz in Deutschland war am —DIENSTAG auf 4,07 gestiegen.
20220126             Sie gibt an, wie VIELE—MENSCHEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER in einer Woche mit einer Coronainfektion ins Krankenhaus eingewiesen werden.
20220126             Die ZAHL—DER—CORONA—INTENSIVPATIENTEN in Krankenhäusern blieb am —DIENSTAG mit 2364—ABER fast stabil.
20220126             Lockerung bei Großveranstaltungen in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20220126             Omikron treibt Infektionszahlen in MITTEL—UND Osteuropa auf Höchststände
20220126             Russland meldete am —MITTWOCH den 6. —TAG in Folge einen Rekord: 74.692—POSITIVE Fälle.
20220126             Einen —TAG zuvor waren es noch 67.809.
20220126             Polen rechnet am —MITTWOCH erstmals —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie mit mehr als 50.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN.
20220126             "Die Wucht der 5. Welle nimmt zu"
20220126             Auch in Ungarn mit über 20.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN, Rumänien mit rund 34.000, Bulgarien mit über 12.000—UND Tschechien mit knapp 40.000—SCHOSSEN die Zahlen auf neue Höchststände.
20220126             Allerdings steigt die Belastung der Krankenhäuser nicht in dem gleichen Maße.
20220126             Gesundheitsämter in MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN können Impfpflicht nicht kontrollieren
20220126             "Die Gesundheitsämter haben —BEREITS einen umfangreichen Aufgabenkatalog, und die Spitze der OMIKRON—WELLE rollt —ERST noch auf uns zu"
20220126             Die Mitarbeiter seien dauerbelastet, und es hätten sich VIELE—ÜBERSTUNDEN angehäuft.
20220126             Mit der einrichtungsbezogenen Impfpflicht sollen die Gesundheitsämter unter anderem ungeimpften Mitarbeitern in den Einrichtungen Tätigkeitsverbote aussprechen und Bußgeldverfahren einleiten.
20220126             Der Sektor habe im Nordosten etwa 70.000—BESCHÄFTIGTE, sagte Köpp.
20220126             Wie viele von ihnen noch ungeimpft sind, sei unklar.
20220126             Die für Teile Vorpommerns zuständige Bundestagsabgeordnete ANNA—KASSAUTZKI kritisierte Äußerungen seitens des Landkreises VORPOMMERN—GREIFSWALD.
20220126             "Die Ankündigung durch den Landkreis VORPOMMERN—GREIFSWALD, die Impfpflicht im GESUNDHEITS—UND Pflegebereich nicht durchsetzen zu wollen, ist 1—BRUCH unserer demokratischen Ordnung",
20220126             teilte die SPD—POLITIKERIN am —MITTWOCH mit.
20220126             —AM—MITTWOCH wehrte sich Froitzheim gegen den Eindruck, der Landkreis wolle sich nicht an Gesetze halten.
20220126             Man habe nie angekündigt, diese "nicht umsetzen zu wollen", teilte der Landkreis mit.
20220126             "Dies ist rechtlich auch gar nicht möglich.
20220126             Einen Alleingang des Kreises wird es nicht geben".
20220126             Der Kreis habe auf Anfragen ausschließlich auf Probleme bei der Umsetzung verwiesen.
20220126             Intensivmediziner fordern CORONA—IMPFPFLICHT für ALLE—ERWACHSENEN
20220126             "Es gilt, unsere Patienten wie auch unser Gesundheitssystem zu schützen und Menschenleben zu retten",
20220126             Mit Blick auf die aktuelle ENTWICKLUNG—DES—INFEKTIONSGESCHEHENS sei nur durch die Impfpflicht sicherzustellen, die Lage langfristig zu bewältigen.
20220126             —VERURTEILT, Von der Leyen, antisemitische Auswüchse bei CORONA—DEMOS
20220126             "Menschen, die auf europäischen Straßen mit dem Davidstern marschieren und die Pandemiemaßnahmen mit dem Völkermord des NAZI—REGIMES vergleichen, verharmlosen die Erfahrungen der OPFER—DER—SCHOA",
20220126             Auch im INTERNET fänden antisemitische Verschwörungsmythen und gezielte Desinformationen große Verbreitung.
20220126             —VERLÄNGERT, Schweden, Coronamaßnahmen um 2—WOCHEN
20220126             Die Berliner Polizei hat sich auf eine große ZAHL—VON—TEILNEHMERINNEN und Teilnehmern bei den angekündigten Protesten gegen 1—CORONA—IMPFPFLICHT am Mittwochnachmittag eingestellt.
20220126             Die Polizei kündigte an, auf die Pflicht zum Tragen der CORONA—MASKEN zu 8., die Demonstranten anzusprechen und nicht angemeldete Veranstaltungen zu prüfen und wenn nötig auch aufzulösen.
20220126             Angemeldet sind zugleich eine ganze REIHE—VON—GEGENDEMONSTRATIONEN, die sich in ihren Titeln gegen "Querdenker" richten.
20220126             —AUFGEHOBEN, Nächtliche Ausgangsbeschränkungen in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20220126             An den angekündigten Protesten gegen 1—CORONA—IMPFPFLICHT im Berliner Regierungsviertel haben am —MITTWOCH—ZUNÄCHST deutlich weniger Menschen teilgenommen als erwartet.
20220126             Insgesamt mehr als 1000—DEMONSTRANTEN versammelten sich am Nachmittag an verschiedenen Stellen außerhalb der Absperrungen der Polizei rund um das Reichstagsgebäude.
20220126             Die Polizei sprach gegen 14.00—UHR von rund 600—MENSCHEN im BEREICH—DES—LUSTGARTENS nahe dem Berliner Dom und 300—WEITEREN Demonstranten auf der Straße Unter den Linden.
20220126             Dort löste die Polizei eine größere Versammlung wegen Missachtung der Coronaregeln auf.
20220126             —BIS zu zehntausend Demonstranten waren —NACH—DEN vielen Aufrufen im INTERNET erwartet worden.
20220126             Angemeldet waren die Kundgebungen fast alle nicht.
20220126             Die OMIKRON—WELLE macht sich in den deutschen Krankenhäusern immer stärker bemerkbar.
20220126             "Die Zahl der positiv getesteten Patienten auf Normalstationen steigt deutlich an"
20220126             "Insgesamt liegen mehr als 12.000—PATIENTEN mit Covid in den Kliniken — 1—ZUNAHME von rund 15—PROZENT".
20220126             1—GROSSTEIL davon sei wegen einer CORONA—ERKRANKUNG in den Kliniken aufgenommen worden und nicht etwa wegen anderer Beschwerden.
20220126             Konjunktur: Habeck dämpft Hoffnung auf schnelles Wachstum
20220126             Veröffentlichte Regierungsmails: Johnson könnte zu umstrittener Tierrettung aus AFGHANISTAN gelogen haben
20220126             Dealing with the Changing Climate: THE—LESSONS—OF—THE—MADAGASCAR Drought By Heiner Hoffmann und Njakaniaina Rajaonisaona (photos)
20220126             MESSENGER—PLATTFORM: BKA will mit Taskforce gegen TELEGRAM—NUTZER ermitteln
20220126             Protest gegen Manöver: Irische Fischer wollen russische Militärübung im Atlantik stören
20220126             Transplantation: USA—KLINIK setzt Ungeimpften nicht auf Warteliste für ein neues Herz
20220126             —KRITISIERT, Konflikt mit Russland: Ukrainischer BOTSCHAFTER, deutsche HELM—LIEFERUNG als "reine Symbolpolitik"
20220126             REPORTER—MORDE in Mexiko: "Blutbad an der Presse"
20220126             Geldwäsche: PANAMA stellt GRÜNDER—DER—KANZLEI—MOSSACK—FONSECA vor Gericht
20220126             Deutsche RUSSLAND—VERSTEHER: Mit der Putinbrille auf der Nase sieht die Welt ganz anders aus
20220126             Wichtiger Schritt für Kernfusionsenergie: Wissenschaftlern gelingt PLASMA—ZÜNDUNG
20220126             Nun ist 1—GRUPPE um ALEX—ZYLSTRA von der National Ignition Facility (NIF) am LAWRENCE—LIVERMORE—NATIONAL—LABORATORY (Kalifornien) erneut einen Schritt weiter gekommen.
20220126             In der Fachzeitschrift "Nature" berichten sie, dass es ihnen gelang, Plasma zu zünden — den Brennstoff der Kernfusion.
20220126             Das soll letztlich zu der erhofften Dauerreaktion und Temperaturen von etlichen Millionen Grad Celsius führen — die Fusion kommt in Gang und erhält sich selbst.
20220126             Die Forschenden um Zylstra nutzten für ihre Experimente die weltstärkste Laseranlage, um EINIGE—MILLIONSTEL—GRAMM von schwerem und überschwerem Wasserstoff (Deuterium und Tritium) in ein mehrere Millionen Grad heißes Plasma zu verwandeln.
20220126             Dabei erhitzen 192—LASERSTRAHLEN das Innere eines wenige Millimeter großen Behälters.
20220126             Die Innenwände des Behälters geben Wärme in FORM—VON—ENERGIEREICHEN—RÖNTGENSTRAHLEN ab und erhitzen 1—BRENNSTOFFKAPSEL im Inneren des Behälters.
20220126             —KOMPRIMIERT, Die Kapsel fällt in sich zusammen und, den Brennstoff stark.
20220126             Sehr hoher Druck und sehr hohe Temperaturen führen dann im innersten BEREICH—DES—KOMPRIMIERTEN—BRENNSTOFFS zur Fusion von Heliumkernen aus DEUTERIUM—UND Tritiumkernen.
20220126             Dies alles geschieht in Bruchteilen von Sekunden.
20220126             Dies sind etwa 70—PROZENT—DER—EINGEBRACHTEN—LASERENERGIE—VON—1,9 Megajoule.
20220126             Noch wichtiger: Die Forscher zündeten das Plasma, wodurch die Fusionsreaktionen die Temperatur des Plasmas ohne externe Aufheizung aufrechterhalten können.
20220126             MARKUS—ROTH von der Technischen UNIVERSITÄT—DARMSTADT
20220126             hält es für wahrscheinlich, dass in den nächsten Jahren private Firmen die technische Kernfusion voranbringen werden, ähnlich wie in der Raumfahrt.
20220126             "Quartz",
20220126             Für die Anlage in den USA mit einem Laser, der rund 3—FUSSBALLFELDER Platz braucht, entstanden Kosten von 3,5 Milliarden Dollar.
20220126             Noch teurer wird der Fusionsreaktor Iter in Südfrankreich, der mehr als 20—MILLIARDEN Euro kosten wird und 20250000              in Dienst gehen soll.
20220126             Südchinesisches Meer: USA—NAVY will abgestürzten Kampfjet bergen — bevor es CHINA tut
20220126             USA—REGIERUNG über WLADIMIR—PUTIN: "Alles deutet darauf hin, dass er militärische Gewalt anwenden wird"
20220126             Klage gegen ANTI—HASS—GESETZ: TikTok wehrt sich dagegen, massenhaft Nutzerdaten ans BKA zu melden
20220126             Erdgas: NORD—STREAM 2—GRÜNDET deutsches Tochterunternehmen
20220126             Kriegsgefahr in Osteuropa: Nato antwortet Russland auf geforderte Sicherheitsgarantien
20220126             Bundesverfassungsgericht: AfD scheitert mit Klage gegen 2G—PLUS—REGELUNG im BUNDESTAG
20220126             Wed 20220126              - [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört?
20220126             TSCHETSCHENIEN,?
20220126             Die Polizei sah sich genötigt, in der Nähe des Regierungssitzes zum Schutz der internationalen Presse vor gewalttätigen Übergriffen RELIGIÖS—FUNDAMENTALISTISCHER Milizen Schutzzonen einzurichten.
20220126             Oh warte, nein. Das war nicht Tschetschenien.
20220126             Das war in BERLIN. [l] Gute Nachrichten! FLoC ist tot!
20220126             Das war das GOOGLE—PROJEKT, um die ABHÖR—MASCHINERIE von der GOOGLE—CLOUD in deinen Browser zu schieben.
20220126             Ist auch viel billiger, muss Google nicht so viel Speicher und CLOUD—RECHNER vorhalten.
20220126             Wie? Nein. Nicht das Projekt ist tot.
20220126             Der Name ist tot.
20220126             Google hat 1—BLACKWATER gepullt und ihr Blackwater umbenannt, als die Marke vergiftet war.
20220126             Heißt —JETZT: Topics. Raider heißt —JETZT Twix. Sonst ändert sich nix.
20220126             Fast 2—DRITTEL aller im Januar in ENGLAND positiv auf das Coronavirus Getesteten haben sich nach eigenen Angaben —BEREITS zuvor mit dem Virus infiziert.
20220126             Dies geht aus einer am —MITTWOCH veröffentlichten STUDIE—DES—IMPERIAL—COLLEGE in LONDON hervor.
20220126             Für die Studie wurden zwischen dem 5. und 20100120             0.000—PCR—TESTS an Freiwillige in ENGLAND geschickt.
20220126             Die Betroffenen könnten auch zweimal auf dieselbe Infektion getestet worden sein,
20220126             Biontech baut seinen Standort Marburg weiter deutlich aus.
20220126             Für dieses —JAHR plant das Biotechunternehmen dort 250—ZUSÄTZLICHE Stellen sowie Investitionen von 50—MILLIONEN Euro,
20220126             Neuinfektionen in Lettland steigen sprunghaft auf Höchststand - SITUAÇÃO EPIDEMIOLÓGICA EM PORTUGAL
20220126             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 5728,4 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20220126             Continente: 5683,5 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20220126             R(t) Nacional: 1,17 Continente: 1,18
20220126             695_DGS_boletim_20220126
20220126             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 6.737—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 2.115,2 Fälle gesamt 55.206—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 17.332,6 Todesfälle gesamt 469—EINWOHNERZAHL 318.509—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20220126             SK BERLIN TEMPELHOF—SCHÖNEBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 8.226—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 2.410,2 Fälle gesamt 45.960—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 13.466,3 Todesfälle gesamt 492—EINWOHNERZAHL 341.296—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20220126             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.390—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 715,2 Fälle gesamt 16.687—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 8.585,7 Todesfälle gesamt 272—EINWOHNERZAHL 194.359—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20220126             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 2.336—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 881,0 Fälle gesamt 26.487—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 9.989,8 Todesfälle gesamt 352—EINWOHNERZAHL 265.140—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20220126             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 4.396—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 936,1 Fälle gesamt 46.115—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 9.819,8 Todesfälle gesamt 466—EINWOHNERZAHL 469.611—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20220126             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 10.369—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 957,0 Fälle gesamt 129.688—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 11.969,4 Todesfälle gesamt 909—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.083.498
20220126             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 2.584—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 912,2 Fälle gesamt 25.941—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 9.157,5 Todesfälle gesamt 208—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.275—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20220126             Total Cases 361.425.811  Total Deaths 5.624.401  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 9.872.388.924
20220126             ENGLAND hebt die meisten CORONA—RESTRIKTIONEN auf
20220126             Lauterbach hält Impfregister für unnötig
20220126             Italien lockert ab Februar Einreisebedingungen für EU—BÜRGER
20220126             Münchner Missbrauchsgutachten: Was Benedikt XVI. vorgeworfen wird — und wie er darauf reagierte
20220126             SUPER—REGENERATION: Wissenschaftler lassen Frosch amputiertes Bein nachwachsen
20220126             Beim Schwanzlurch Axolotl wachsen verlorene Gliedmaßen komplett nach.
20220126             Forschern gelang es nun, diese Regenerationsfähigkeit auf andere Tiere zu übertragen.
20220126             Der Axolotl, ein wundersamer Schwanzlurch, der nur in mexikanischen Seen vorkommt, kann ganze Gliedmaßen, Organe und sogar Teile seines Gehirns nach einem Verlust wiederherstellen.
20220126             Und schneidet man Planarien, 1—GATTUNG der Plattwürmer, entzwei, entstehen aus den beiden Teilen 2—NEUE Exemplare.
20220126             USA—FORSCHENDE haben nun bei Fröschen zuvor amputierte Hinterbeine nachwachsen lassen.
20220126             Dazu brachten sie einen MEDIKAMENTEN—COCKTAIL auf die Wunde auf,
20220126             In den folgenden anderthalb Jahren wuchsen den Tieren funktionsfähige Beine nach.
20220126             Londons Haltung im RUSSLAND—KONFLIKT: Auf die harte Tour
20220126             Konjunktur: USA—NOTENBANK lässt Leitzins unangetastet
20220126             Politische Folgen der Geldentwertung: Der soziale Sprengstoff der Inflation
20220126             "Die Tür der Nato ist offen und bleibt offen": Blinken lehnt Forderungen aus Moskau erneut ab
20220126             SACHSEN: Polizei unterbindet Aufzug vor Haus von Gesundheitsministerin Köpping
20220126             Syrien: IS—ANGRIFF auf Gefängnis offenbar niedergeschlagen
20220126             Zinsentscheidung der USA—NOTENBANK: Wo soll diese Reise enden?
20220126—20090000    —J—IM, hatte Ozzie Zoogeschichte geschrieben,
20220126—20210200    —IM, Bei Experimenten konnte das Team um Zylstra ein brennendes Plasma erreichen: Dabei erhitzen die Heliumkerne als Fusionsprodukte das Plasma stärker als die Energiezufuhr von außen,
20220126—20210808    —AM, "Nachdem dieser Artikel fertiggestellt wurde, produzierte ein neues Experiment 1—FUSIONSAUSBEUTE von etwa 1,35—MEGAJOULE".
20220126—20211109    —AM, 1—INTERNETPORTAL für Wirtschaftsnachrichten, berichtete : "23—FUSIONSUNTERNEHMEN weltweit haben —BIS dato 1,9—MILLIARDEN USA—DOLLAR zur Finanzierung bekannt gegeben, die überwiegende Mehrheit davon privat".
20220126—20220201    —AM, Dänemarks Regierung will ALLE—CORONABESCHRÄNKUNGEN aufheben
20220126—20220315    —AB, gilt für die Beschäftigten im Gesundheitsbereich eine einrichtungsbezogene Impfpflicht.