_HEUTE_0814 :

_8.000—20120814      Dieses der VOLK—DER—CHINCHORRO—BEISPIEL zeige erneut, wie eng DIE—ENTWICKLUNG DER—MENSCHLICHEN Kultur mit dem Klima und anderen UMWELT—FAKTOREN verknüpft sei.
_03300814            † KIDINNU, chaldäischer Astronom und Mathematiker
_00290814            OCTAVIAN veranstaltet den 2. von 3—AUFEINANDER folgenden Triumphzügen in Rom.
_00290814            Dieser gilt dem Sieg in der —SCHLACHT—BEI—ACTIUM.

07600814             † WERENFRIED, Heiliger, Schutzpatron der Gemüsegärtner und Gichtkranken
10400814             MACBETH tötet den SCHOTTISCHEN—KÖNIG—DUNCAN—I. in der  und krönt sich darauf selbst zum KÖNIG.
10400814             —SCHLACHT—BEI—ELGIN
10590814             † GISELBERT—GRAF—VON—LUXEMBURG
10990814             PASCHALIS—II—PAPA—RANIERO—DI—BIEDA wird unter dem Namen.
11650814             † BERNOLDUS—MÖNCH, —NACH,
11960814             † HEINRICH—IV—GRAF—VON—LUXEMBURG
12350814             Mit dem Bau der 1. DEUTSCHEN—HALLENKIRCHE der Gotik über dem Grab der heiligen ELISABETH—VON—THÜRINGEN wird begonnen.
12370814             † MAGNÚS—GISSURARSON—BISCHOF—VON—SKÁLHOLT im Süden Islands
12480814—12480515    —SEE
12540814             —AM, zu Zier, Als VOGT—VON—HOLZWEILER bekundet WILHELM, daß
12540814             seine Frau ALLE—IHRE—GEBÄUDE, welche auf dem Grund und BODEN des FROHN—HOFS in HOLZWEILER standen,
12540814             für ihren Todesfall dem STIFT—ESSEN unter der Bedingung zugewandt, daß sie, so lange DIE—ABTISSIN—BERTHA lebe, des HOF—MEIER—AMT behalten^.
12620814             † OTTO—VON—DER—MARK—GRAF—VON—ALTENA und Propst in AACHEN und MAASTRICHT
12810814             2. MONGOL attempt to conquer JAPAN,
12810814             —LANDING AT HAKOZAKI—BAY, 1—MONGOL—ARMY—OF—45,000 from KOREA had joined 1—ARMADA with 120,000—MEN from SOUTH—CHINA.
12810814             leaving them to death or slavery.
12880814             —BESCHNEIDET, GRAF—ADOLF—V—VON—BERG verleiht Düsseldorf die Stadtrechte und, damit die Macht von SIEGFRIED—VON—WESTERBURG, dem ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN, der sich —SEIT der —SCHLACHT—VON—WORRINGEN in seiner Gefangenschaft befindet.
12970814             * HANAZONO, KAISER—VON—JAPAN
13190814             † WALDEMAR, letzter askanischer MARK—GRAF—VON—BRANDENBURG
13380814             oblata et locata fuit in domo' fraternitatis IPSIUS—S—MARIE—LAICORUM—DE—EUGUBIO per MAGISTROS—ARTIS—LAPIDUM CIVITATIS eiusdem 1—CUM filio suo in brachio et duobus angelis ligneis eisdem matri et filio assistentibus et decoro tabernaculo ligneo
13380814             SUB—ANNO—DOMINI—DIE XIV MENSIS;tempore priorati nobilis et magnifici militis DOMINI—PETRI DOMINI—CADDI—DE—ACCORIMBONIS, Angeli Bonaiuti, Bartolini Jacomelli et Lelli Jacomelli Solemnizantibus IN—DOMO predicta
13380814             multis religiosis et honestis fratribus heremitis ORDINIS—S—AUGUSTINI et astante cum gaudio magno et ingenti applauso incredibili multitudine utriusque sexus POPULI EUGUBIni.
13380814             Erat autem tunc tempore CAPITANEUS ante dicte artis ceraentariorum.
13380814             discretus vir MAGISTER—PUCCIUS—PUCCHELLI—DE—Q. S—P. Sapientes vero sive discreti artis prefate quibus uidelicet est commissum per ipsam artem antedicte imaginis opus expediendum
13520814             Im Bretonischen Erbfolgekrieg kommt es zur
13520814             —SCHLACHT—VON—MAURON.
13520814             Das vom KÖNIGREICH—ENGLAND unterstützte HAUS—MONTFORT setzt sich mit seiner Streitmacht gegenüber jener des HAUS—BLOIS knapp durch.
13550728—13570814    JOHANN—VON—LOBUS (R od e), MÖNCH
13700814             KAISER—KARL—IV. erteilt Karlsbad das STADT—RECHT.
13850814             —BATALHA—DE—ALJUBARROTA.
13850814             —TREATY—WITH—POLAND, JOGAILA and his brothers, at KRIEVOS—CASTLE SIGNED.
13850814             —AGREED, at KRIEVOS—CASTLE, JOGAILA, to convert to Christianity and
13850814             —AGREED, at KRIEVOS—CASTLE, JOGAILA, to seek the conversion of ALL—OF—LITHUANIA and
13850814             —AGREED, at KRIEVOS—CASTLE, JOGAILA, that then LITHUANIA and POLAND would unite.
13850814             —INCLUDED, THE—TREATY—WITH—POLAND also, 1—AGREEMENT to free all captive Catholics and
13850814             —INCLUDED, THE—TREATY—WITH—POLAND also, 1—AGREEMENT to help POLAND regain all the land it had lost to THE—GERMANY—KNIGHTS.
13850814             —URGED, VYTAUTAS, JOGAILA to go to POLAND and leave LITHUANIA to be ruled by himself.
13850814             —ALJUBARROTA, PORTUGAL—FORCES, DEFEATED Castilians and
13850814             —ALJUBARROTA, PORTUGAL—INDEPENDENCE, gained.
13850814             —AFTER leaving THE—MILITARY, NUNO—ALVARES—PEREIRA, changed his name to NUNO—DE—SANTA—MARIA.
13850814             —DEDICATED, NUNO—ALVARES—PEREIRA[NUNO—DE—SANTA—MARIA], himself to the poor,
13850814             NUNO—ALVARES—PEREIRA[NUNO—DE—SANTA—MARIA] never taking the privileges that would have been afforded to him as 1—FORMER—COMMANDER.
13850814             PORTUGIESISCHE—REVOLUTION—VON—103830814             In der
13850814             —SCHLACHT—VON—ALJUBARROTA
13850814             —SICHERT, JOHANN—VON—AVIS,damit die Unabhängigkeit Portugals.
14310814             DIE—HUSSITEN unter ANDREAS—PROKOP besiegen 1—KAISER—HEER in der
14310814             —SCHLACHT—BEI—TAUS.
14330814             —ABZUG des KAISER—SIGMUND—VON—ROM
14330814             —ABZUG des KAISER—SIGMUND von ROM14330825             —BEDRÄNGNISS—DER—STADT—ROM
14330814             —NACH—DEM Tod seines Vaters JOHANN—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL wird EDUARD—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL.
14330814             † JOHANN—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL, der 10. KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL
14440814             SIEGBURG—URKUNDE—533
14570814             —EXACTLY—DATED, This is the oldest known, PRINTED—BOOK.
14570814             Der Mainzer Psalter[SALTERIUM—MOGUNTINUM], die 1. datierte Inkunabel der Schriftgeschichte, wird von PETER—SCHÖFFER vollendet.
14570814             Der Mainzer Psalter[SALTERIUM—MOGUNTINUM], dient liturgischen Zwecken.
14640814             † PIUS—II—PAPA—AM—ABEND—DES, verschied
14640814             —AM—ABEND—DES, DIE—KARDINÄLE umstanden PIUS—II—PAPA Sterbelager:
14640814             —AM—ABEND—DES, ihnen KARDINÄLE empfahl PIUS—II—PAPA den KREUZ—ZUG, den KIRCHEN—STAAT, seine Angehörigen.
14640814             —AM—ABEND—DES, PIUS—II—PAPA Sein letztes Wort, die Bitte für seine Seele zu beten, war an AMMANATI gerichtet.
14640814             —ZU—ENDE, DER—KREUZ—ZUG war mit dem Tode seines Urhebers PIUS—II—PAPA.
14640814             † PIUS—II—PAPA
14710814             † KONRAD—IX—HERZOG—VON—OELS, COSEL, STEINAU und halb BEUTHEN
14800814             Nach der EROBERUNG—VON—OTRANTO durch die Türken werden 800—ZIVILISTEN, die sich weigern, zum Islam zu konvertieren, von OSMAN—KRIEGERN geköpft.
14800814             Neuere Forschungen haben indessen Zweifel an diesem überlieferten Geschehen.
14840814             —AM—SCHON, DIE—TRUPPEN vor ROM waren,
14840814             DIE—TRUPPEN vor ROM auf den Wiesen bei Tor di 5. lagerten.
14840814             Aber
14860814             † MARCO—BARBARIGO—DOGE—VON—VENEDIG, 73.
14890814             —URKUNDE—VOM, DIE EIGENARTIGE, In welchem Zusammenhang steht, in DER—ABT—UND—KONVENT den —ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN  als ihren rechten natürlichen Herrn und Ordinarius bezeichnen,
14920814             —DÉPÊCHE—DE—VALORI aux 8—DE Pratica.
14990814             † ALOYSIO—CAPRA—ÉVÈQUE—DE—PESARO
15000814             —SIEHE—MARINO—SANUTO—DIARII—III—630:  adi.
15000814             Vene PIERO—PENDER, tien caxa in questa terra a S—BARTOLOMEO, per alozar TEDESCHI.
15020814             CHRISTOPH—KOLUMBUS betritt auf seiner 4. Reise bei Kap HONDURAS erstmals das AMERIKANISCHE—FESTLAND.
15380000—15870814    * † GUGLIEMO—GONZAGA, ITALY—COMPOSER.
15390814             † PETER—EDGCUMBE, ENGLISCHER—ADELIGER, Politiker und Militär
15520814             * FRA—PAOLO—SARPI[PAULUS—VENETUS], expert, philosopher, in Venice.
15520814             * PAOLO—SARPI, ITALIENISCHER—ORDENSMANN und Historiker
15590814             1,500 SPAIN—SETTLERS sailed from VERA—CRUZ to found 1—SETTLEMENT on PENSACOLA—BAY—FLORIDA, but
15590814             1,500 SPAIN—SETTLERS were repulsed by hostile Indians.
15590814—20160000    —WHEN amateur archaeologist TOM—GARNER stumbled upon SOME—SHARDS—OF—15010101—16001231     SPAIN—POTTERY.
15590814—20160000    —UNTIL, THE—LOCATION—OF—THE—SPAIN—SETTLEMENT founded in THE—AREA—OF—PENSACOLA—FLORIDA, remained 1—MYSTERY—WHEN amateur archaeologist TOM—GARNER stumbled upon SOME—SHARDS—OF—15010101—16001231     SPAIN—POTTERY.
15810000—20120814    —J—AUS—DEM, kostbare Übersetzung von VERGIL—EPOS—AENEIS,
15880814             † JOHANN—JAKOB—WICK, Schweizer protestantischer Geistlicher
15930814             † MARTIN—MIRUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und sächsischer Oberhofprediger
15980814             —SCHLACHT—AM—YELLOW—FORD
15980814             —GEWINNEN im Neunjährigen Krieg die IRISCHEN—REBELLEN gegen ENGLISCHE—TRUPPEN.
16070814             —REACHED, THE—POPHAM expedition, the Sagadahoc River in THE—NORTH—EAST—NORTH—AMERICA (MAINE), and settled there.
16090814             * DAVID—MEVIUS, DEUTSCHER—JURIST
16220814             DONNA—CARITÄ, moglie de m. ZUANNE—BERGMAN ALEMANO, aus 48;g. 9;
16290814             † GEORG—BALTHASAR, böhmischer Märtyrer
16300814             * CLAES—TOTT, SCHWEDISCHER—FELDHERR und Staatsmann
16330000—20120814    BENEDIKT—XVI—PAPA[BENEDICTUS—XVI—PAPA] befand DAS—URTEIL—GEGEN—GALILEO—GALILEI —J—AUS—DEM als "rational und gerecht",
16340621—16340814    —VOM—BIS—ZUM von den SCHWEDEN besetzt. anschließend im Gegenzug FORCHHEIMJedoch wurde
16370814             † NIKOLAUS—ELERDT, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Liederdichter
16580814             —LA—LIGUE—DU—RHIN[RHEIN—BUND], LA—FRANÇE[FRANKREICH] participe
16580814             1. RHEIN—BUND entsteht als überkonfessionelles Defensivbündnis von Reichsfürsten gegen den DEUTSCHEN—KAISER, den die Habsburger stellen.
16580814—16580815    —AM, FRANKREICH schließt sich an.
16660814             * CONRAD—MEL, deutscher reformierter Theologe, Pädagoge und Schriftsteller
16690226—16701215    ABRAHAM—VAN—CÖLLN(AACHEN) und JOHANN—JOHANN—HIERONYMUS—EBERZ[ISNY], an dessen Statt, da er verreist,
16710814             —GENANNT, CONRAD—JAKOB—VON—BOSHOFF wird als Sakristan.
16780000—17270814    * † WILLIAM—CROFT, ENGLAND—COMPOSER.
16780814             —DATUM, Auf MITTEILUNG der Gesandten in Nimwegen, daß die BRANDENBURG—MINISTER darum gebeten, DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN möchten ihren Gesandten an dem FRANZÖSISCHEN—HOFE beauftragen, die Neutralität der CLEVISCHEN—LANDE zu befürworten und
16780814             den Weg für 1—FRIEDEN zwischen FRANKREICH und BRANDENBURG zu ebnen:
16780814             ist beschlossen, diesen Wunsch zu erfüllen und den BRANDENBURG—MINISTERN zu bezeugen, wie leid es ihnen getan,
16780814             daß BRANDENBURG die FRANZÖSISCHEN—FRIEDENSBEDIUGUNGEN nicht habe annehmen können,
16780814             daß sie zum Frieden gezwungen und nicht im Stande gewesen seien, mit den Waffen ZUSAMMEN—MIT—BRANDENBURG 1—BESSEREN FRIEDE—ZU—ERKÄMPFEN, und
16780814             daß sie das BESTE—DES—GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG immer mit allen Kräften unterstützen würden.
16870814             JOSUE—PLANTÉ, geb. in der SCHWEIZ oo ANNA—MARGARETHA—CUPER aus KORNELIMÜNSTER[DISPENS—VOM—AUFGEBOT] wegen seines Handwerks
16880814             —DÈS—LE, il eut, LA—ABBAYE—DE—LA—RÉOLE;
16880814             * JOHANN—LEONHARD—ROST, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Astronom
16910814             † RICHARD—TALBOT—EARL—OF—TYRCONNELL, 1., Lord Deputy of IRELAND
17000814             † MARTIN—FRIEDRICH—FRIESE, sächsischer Mediziner
17030814             † GRIGORE—PINTEA, siebenbürgischer HAJDUKENFÜHRER
17200814             Die SPANISCHE—VILLASUR—EXPEDITION in die Great Plains wird in Nordamerika von indianischen Kriegern zum größten Teil in einem Kampf getötet.
17240814             * CARL—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—ZU—LEININGEN, Kurpfälzischer Geheimer Rat und Generalleutnant
17270814             † WILLIAM—CROFT, BRITISCHER—ORGANIST und Komponist
17330814             † WILLIAM—HOUSTOUN, BRITISCHER—ARZT und Botaniker
17340814             * THOMAS—SUMTER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—GENERAL im Unabhängigkeitskrieg und Politiker
17340814             † AUGUST—CHRISTOPH—VON—WACKERBARTH, kursächsischer Generalfeldmarschall und Staatsminister
17370814             * CHARLES—HUTTON, ENGLISCHER—MATHEMATIKER und Autor
17420814             * PIUS—VII—PAPA
17470814             † JOHANN—ENGELBERT—VON—JABACH, Priester und Domherr in Köln
17520814             † GEORG—JAKOB—SCHWINDEL, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Historiker
17550814             † JEAN—BAPTISTE—ANET, FRANZÖSISCHER—VIOLINIST und Komponist
17560814             FRANCE—COMMANDER—LOUIS—MONTCALM took Fort Oswego, NEW—ENGLAND, from THE—BRITISH.
17650814             —CHALLENGED, MASSACHUSETTS colonists, UK—RULE by 1—ELM (Liberty Tree).
17720814             † FERDINAND—KARL—GOBERT—VON—ASPREMONT—LYNDEN, habsburgischer Militär
17730814             * PETER—BUELL—PORTER, USA—POLITIKER, GENERAL und Kriegsminister
17740814             † JOHANN—JACOB—REISKE, DEUTSCHER—BEGRÜNDER—DER—ARABISTIK als souveräner Wissenschaft
17770814             * HANS—CHRISTIAN—ØRSTED, DÄNISCHER—PHYSIKER und Chemiker
17780814             AUGUSTUS—MONTAGUE—TOPLADY, His best prose work is the "Historic Proof of the Doctrinal CALVINISM—OF—THE—CHURCH—OF—ENGLAND"
17800814             —NACH—DEM Katalog der STADT—BIBLIOTHEK—AACHEN
17800814             —DATIERT—VOM, DAS—DIPLOM, und zeigt die Unterschrift: GEORG—HENUMMER—ALDRINGEN.
17840814             —FOUNDED, GRIGORI—SHELEKHOV, 1—RUSSIA—FUR trader, 3—SAINTS—BAY.
17870814             CALONNE fuit en ANGLETERRE.
17870814             Par LETTRE—DE—CACHET tous LES—PARLEMENTAIRES sont exilés à TROYES
17870814             * EMMANUEL—THÉAULON, FRANZÖSISCHER—DRAMATIKER und Librettist
17900814             —FRIEDE—VON—VÄRÄLÄ
17900814             —ENDET der —2—JAHRE—ZUVOR ausgebrochene RUSSISCH—SCHWEDISCHE—KRIEG ohne territoriale Veränderung.
17940814             zu BRÜSSEL als Richtschnur für der EROBERTE—GEBIETE—VERWALTUNG erlassen hatten*.
17940814             † PETER—VON—HOHENTHAL, kursächsischer Kreishauptmann
17950814             † MARIANNE—EHRMANN, DEUTSCH—SCHWEIZERISCHE—SCHAUSPIELERIN, Schriftstellerin und Journalistin
18010000—18700814    * † David [James] GLASGOW FARRAGUT, USA—ADMIRAL.
18040814             * KARL—FRIEDRICH—WERNER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Pietistenführer
18080814             1. —BELAGERUNG—VON—SARAGOSSA während der Napoleonischen Kriege auf der Iberischen Halbinsel muss nach knapp —2—MONATEN von den napoleonischen Truppen erfolglos abgebrochen werden.
18110814             * PETER—ROH, JESUITEN—PREDIGER und Lehrer
18130814             —ATTACKED, UK—WARSHIP—PELICAN, and captured USA—WAR—BRIGANTINE—ARGUS.
18140814             —LANDED, UK—MARINES, near the mouth of the PATUXENT—RIVER—MARYLAND and began marching overland to attack WASHINGTON, DC.
18190814             † ERIK—ACHARIUS, SCHWEDISCHER—BOTANIKER und Arzt
18200814             1. USA—EYE—HOSPITAL, THE—NY—EYE—INFIRMARY, opened in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18260814             * KARL—ROUX, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18310814             * CHRISTIAN—SELL, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18360814—19010000    * † WALTER—BESANT, ENGLAND—WRITER, philanthropist (Rebel QUEEN).
18410814             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—HERBART, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH, Psychologe und Pädagoge
18420814             —ENDED, SEMINOLE—WAR, and the Indians were moved from FLORIDA to OKLAHOMA.
18420814             Der von der USA—ARMEE in FLORIDA geführte 2. SEMINOLEN—KRIEG endet mit der fast völligen Ausrottung der SEMINOLEN—INDIANER.
18440814             —SCHLACHT—BEI—ISLY
18440814             † CHRISTIAN—AULENBACH, DEUTSCHER—PFARRER und Dichter
18460814             —JAILED, HENRY—DAVID—THOREAU was, for TAX—RESISTANCE.
18470814             * KARL—OSKAR—MEDIN, SCHWEDISCHER—KINDERARZT und Entdecker
18470814             * ROBERT—COMTESSE, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER und Bundesrat
18470814             † FRANS—MICHAEL—FRANZÉN, SCHWEDISCHER—DICHTER und Schriftsteller
18480814             —ESTABLISHED, THE—OREGON—TERRITORY was.
18480814             Das durch den OREGON—KOMPROMISS vom 18460615             an die Vereinigten Staaten gefallene Gebiet wird durch Gesetz des USA—KONGRESSES vorläufig als Territorium organisiert.
18480814             Die 1. HAUPTSTADT—DES—OREGON—TERRITORIUMS ist OREGON City.
18500814             * W—W—ROUSE—BALL, ENGLISCHER—MATHEMATIKER und Mathematikhistoriker
18510814             * DOC—HOLLIDAY in GRIFFIN—GEORGIA.
18510814             * DOC—HOLLIDAY, Revolverheld des Wilden Westens
18520814             † MARGARET—TAYLOR, USA—AMERIKANISCHE 1. Lady
18540814             † CARL—CARL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—SCHAUSPIELER und Theaterdirektor
18550814             * MAX—VON—BREDOW, Gutsbesitzer und PREUSSISCHER—POLITIKER
18580814             † TOKUGAWA—IESADA, 13. Sh?gun der EDO—ZEIT in JAPAN
18610814             —DECLARED, MARTIAL—LAW was, at S—LOUIS, MI.
18610814             * LEO—SAMBERGER, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18630814             * ERNEST—L—THAYER, AUTHOR—OF—THE—POEM "Casey at the Bat,".
18630814             * GEBHARD—FUGEL, DEUTSCHER—MALER christlicher Kunst
18630814             † KARL—VON—GERLACH, Berliner Polizeipräsident und Ehrenbürger
18640814             1—FEDERAL—ASSAULT continued for a 2. —DAY—OF—BATTLE at Deep Bottom RUN—VIRGINIA.
18650814             * RICHARD—PETERSEN, DEUTSCHER—INGENIEUR und Hochschullehrer
18650814             PREUßEN und ÖSTERREICH unterzeichnen die
18650814             —GASTEINER—KONVENTION, mit der die Herrschaft über HERZOGTUM—SCHLESWIG, HERZOGTUM—HOLSTEIN geregelt wird;
18650814             —GASTEINER—KONVENTION, wird —BEREITS—5—TAGE—SPÄTER von REUßEN und ÖSTERREICH ratifiziert.
18660814             † KAROL—KUZMÁNY, SLOWAKISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und evangelischer Theologe
18670814             * JOHN—GALSWORTHY, BRITISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Dramatiker, Nobelpreisträger
18670814—19330000    * † JOHN—GALSWORTHY, ENGLAND—NOVELIST and dramatist (Forsyth SAGA, Nobel 19320000             ), in ENGLAND.
18670814—19330000    —REPORTED, JOHN—GALSWORTHY was, to have thrown 1—BRICK through 1—GLASS—WINDOW in order to be arrested so that he could have time to write.
18670814—19330000    JOHN—GALSWORTHY—PLAY "Justice" was THE—RESULT—OF—THIS experience.
18700814             —DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHER—KRIEG: In der Nähe von METZ tragen französische und PREUSSISCHE—STREITKRÄFTE die
18700814             —SCHLACHT—BEI—COLOMBEY—ROUILLY aus, bei der keine Seite große Vorteile erringen kann.
18710814             * GUANGXU, KAISER—VON—CHINA
18710814             † PHILIPP—BLOMMAERT, flämischer Schriftsteller
18730814             * EMMY—SURÉN, DEUTSCHE—KRANKENSCHWESTER (Engel Südwestafrikas)
18770814             * FRIEDRICH—VON—BODELSCHWINGH—DER—JÜNGERE, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
18790814             Der DEUTSCHE—KAUFMANN LEONHARD—TIETZ eröffnet mit Unterstützung seines Onkels Hermann in Stralsund sein 1. Kaufhaus und räumt als 1. seinen Kunden 1—UMTAUSCHRECHT ein.
18790814             LEONHARD—TIETZ legt damit den Grundstein für die spätere Kaufhof AG.
18800000—19690814    * † LEONARD—SIDNEY—WOOLF, ENGLAND—PUBLISHER, writer.
18800814—12480000    —COMPLETED, CONSTRUCTION—OF—COLOGNE—CATHEDRAL, begun, was, —633—YEARS—AFTER it was begun.
18870814             * KENELM—LEE—GUINNESS, BRITISCHER—UNTERNEHMER und Autorennfahrer
18880814             Vor SABLE—ISLAND sinkt der DÄNISCHE—PASSAGIERDAMPFER GEISER nach der Kollision mit einem Schiff derselben Reederei.
18880814             118—MENSCHEN sterben.
18890814             * WILLI—MÜNZENBERG, DEUTSCHER—KOMMUNIST, Verleger und Filmproduzent
18900814             * BRUNO—TESCH, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER und Unternehmer, Lieferant von Zyklon B, Kriegsverbrecher
18920814             * MARÍA—LUISA—SEPÚLVEDA, CHILENISCHE—KOMPONISTIN und Musikpädagogin
18920814             —BEGINNT, HAMBURG, 1—CHOLERA—EPIDEMIE.
18920814             Unfiltriertes Trinkwasser aus der Elbe und schlechte hygienische Zustände im HAMBURG—ARMUTSVIERTEL begünstigen die AUSBREITUNG—DES—BAZILLUS.
18920814             —IN—DEN—FOLGENDEN—WOCHEN, Über 8.600—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben.
18930814             1. FAHRPRÜFUNG—ABSOLVIERT, PARIS, wird die weltweit.
18940000—19810814    * † KARL—BOHM, AUSTRIA—CONDUCTOR and early Nazi sympathizer.
18940814             * HANS—ROTHE, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Dramaturg, Hörspielautor und Übersetzer sämtlicher Werke von WILLIAM—SHAKESPEARE
18970814             * PAUL—RUEGGER, SCHWEIZER—ANWALT
18970814             * SIMONE—PLÉ—CAUSSADE, FRANZÖSISCHE—KOMPONISTIN, Pianistin und Musikpädagogin
18980000—19560814    * † BERTOLD—BRECHT, GERMANY—DRAMATIST (Mother Courage).
18980000—19880814    * † ENZO—FERRARI, ITALY—SPORTSCAR manufacturer (Ferrari).
19000621—19000814    —BY, 1—INTERNATIONAL—FORCE—OF—JAPANESE, Russian, German, American, British, Italian and AUSTRO—HUNGARY—TROOPS put down the uprising.
19000814             INTERNATIONAL forces from 8—NATIONS, including 2,000—USA—MARINES and JAPAN—TROOPS, entered BEIJING to put down the Boxer Rebellion, which was aimed at purging CHINA of foreigners and foreign influence.
19010814             GUSTAV—WEISSKOPF führt nach eigenen Angaben mit seinem Flugzeug Modell NUMBER 21—DEN 1. erfolgreichen bemannten Motorflug durch.
19010814             (Für den Flug gibt es jedoch außer Augenzeugenberichten keinen Beweis.)
19030814             * JOHN—RINGLING—NORTH, circus director (Ringling Bros), in BARABOO—WISCONSIN
19040814             THE—CATTLE—HERDING Hereros, 1—TRIBE—OF—SOUTH—WEST—AFRICA (—LATER NAMIBIA), became the 1. genocide VICTIMS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY.
19040814             —ISSUED, GENERAL—LOTHAR—VON—TROTHA drove THE—HEREROS into the desert and then,
19040814             —ISSUED, GENERAL—LOTHAR—VON—TROTHA, 1—FORMAL "EXTERMINATION—ORDER"[Schrecklichkeit] authorizing the slaughter of all who refused to surrender.
19040814             † Out of some 80,000—HEREROS, 60,000—HEREROS, in the desert.
19040814             † † † Of the 15,000—HEREROS WHO—SURRENDERED, HALF—OF—THOSE, in prison camps.
19040814             —ESCAPED, Some 9,000—HEREROS, to neighboring countries.
19040814             Im RUSSISCH—JAPANISCHEN—KRIEG kommt es zum
19040814             —SEE—GEFECHT—BEI—ULSAN.
19040814—20040000    marking the 100. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—UPRISING.
19040814—20050000    —IN, 1—GERMANY—MINISTER acknowledged violence by GERMANY—COLONIAL—POWERS and
19040814—20050000    —IN, 1—GERMANY—MINISTER admitted that —FOLLOWING uprisings, the surviving Herero, Nama and Damara were interned in camps and put to forced labor of such brutality that MANY—DID not survive.
19060814             1. Führerscheinprüfung Im damaligen ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN wird durchgeführt.
19070814             —ADOPTED, "HA—TIKVA" was as official ZIONIST—HYMN.
19070814             † HANS—HEINRICH—XI—VON—HOCHBERG, DEUTSCHER—FÜRST, GENERAL und Industrieller
19080814             —1—RACE—WAR in SPRINGFIELD—ILLINOIS, broke out.
19080814             Angry over reports that 1—BLACK—MAN had SEXUALLY—ASSAULTED, 1—WHITE—WOMAN, 1—WHITE—MOB wanted to take 1—RECENTLY arrested suspect from the city jail and kill him.
19080814             Most blacks had fled SPRINGFIELD—ILLINOIS city, but
19080814             as the mob swept through the area, they captured and lynched 1—BLACK barber, SCOTT—BURTON, who had stayed behind to protect his home.
19080814             —REQUIRED, Some 4,000 state militiamen were, to quell the riot, which helped inspire the creation of THE—NAACP THE—FOLLOWING—YEAR.
19120000—19710814    * † GEORG—VON—OPEL, GERMANY—AUTO manufacturer.
19120814             —ESTABLISHED, THE—USA—PUBLIC—HEALTH—SERVICE was, under THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—THE—TREASURY by the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service Act (37—STAT. 309).
19120814             THE—JUSTIN, carrying 1—USA battalion of 354—MEN and its equipment, arrived at CORINTO—NICARAGUA, and anchored near the Annapolis.
19120814             NICARAGUA, gehen USA—MARINES an Land,
19120814             USA—MARINES die USA—FREUNDLICHE NICARAGUA—REGIERUNG—VON—ADOLFO—DÍAZ vor Aufständischen schützen und an der Macht halten.
19120814—19250000    —UNTIL, USA—FORCES remained at CORINTO—NICARAGUA.
19140814             —FOLLOWING 1 planned withdrawal, THE—GERMANS—COUNTERATTACK, throwing THE—FRANCE—BACK to the fortified heights of NANCY.
19140814             KAISER—WILHELM—II. leaves BERLIN,
19140814             —FOR THE—REMAINDER—OF—WWI, KAISER—WILHELM—II. choosing to live at PLESS—SILESIA, or near the Western front.
19140814             —GESCHLOSSEN, die Diamantenmine THE—BIG—HOLE im SÜD—AFRIKA—KIMBERLEY wird.
19140814—18710000    —SEIT, sind Diamantenmine THE—BIG—HOLE insgesamt 2722—KG Diamanten gefördert und dabei 22,5 Millionen Tonnen Erde ausgehoben worden.
19140816             —COMMANDED, They are, by SERBIAN—MARSHALL—RADOMIR—PUTNIK.19150814—19150816    In 1—GEMEINSAMEN Sitzung von PARTEI—VORSTAND, PARTEI—AUSSCHUß und REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION werden mit 104—STIMMEN—GEGEN—34—STIMMEN Leitsätze zur Frage DER—KRIEGSZIELE beschlossen.
19150814             UK—TRANSPORT—ROYAL—EDWARD was sunk 1—BY GERMANY—U boat and some 1000—PEOPLE were killed.
19150814             † ALBERT—THUMB
19150814—19150816    In 1—GEMEINSAMEN Sitzung von PARTEI—VORSTAND, PARTEI—AUSSCHUß und REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION werden mit 104—STIMMEN—GEGEN—34—STIMMEN Leitsätze zur Frage DER—KRIEGSZIELE beschlossen.
19150814—19150816    Sie fordern die Sicherung der politischen Unabhängigkeit und Unversehrtheit des DEUTSCHES—REICH, Förderung der ökonomischen Annäherung durch möglichste Beseitigung von Zoll—, Verkehrsschranken, die SICHER—STELLUNG der FREIHEIT—DER—MEERE durch internationalen VERTRAG.
19150814—19150816    DAS—ZIEL der ENTENTE, ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN und DIE—TÜRKEI zu schwächen und zu zertrümmern, wird zurückgewiesen;
19150814—19150816    DIE—PLÄNE "kurzsichtiger Eroberungspolitiker" sollen bekämpft, alle zukünftigen internationalen —KONFLIKTE 1—ZU schaffenden ständigen INTERNATIONALES—SCHIEDS—GERICHT—HOF unterbreitet werden.
19170814             THE—USA—WAR—DEPARTMENT—SAID—FILIPINOS may be enlisted in all BRANCHES—OF—THE—MILITARY as white troops, provided it is established that applicants have no Negro blood.
19170814             —ENDED, Some 100,000 CHINA—LABORERS, up serving near the front lines in Flanders as the "CHINA—LABOR—CORPS," which endured military discipline under UK—OFFICERS.
19170814             † EUGÈNE—BONAVENTURE—JEAN—BAPTISTE—VIGO[MIGUEL—ALMEREYDA], FRANCE—JOURNALIST and activist against militarism, was found dead in Fresnes Prison.
19170814             1—AUTOPSY found that MIGUEL—ALMEREYDA his abdomen was FULL—OF—PUS and that he was struggling with 1—BURST appendix.
19170814             MIGUEL—ALMEREYDA was THE—FATHER—OF—FRANCE—FILM—DIRECTOR—JEAN—VIGO (19050000—19340000    ).
19170814             CHINA erklärt DEUTSCHLAND den Krieg.
19170814—19200000    —IN, Hundreds † in the influenza that swept POST—WAR—EUROPE and the last were shipped home.
19180814             Bei Besprechungen im Großen HAUPT—QUARTIER wird festgestellt, daß
19180814             DEUTSCHLAND und ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN militärisch außerstande seien, den Kriegswillen des Gegners zu brechen und
19180814             —GEZWUNGEN, DEUTSCHLAND und ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN, seien, dieser Kriegslage in der Führung der —POLITIK hinfort Rechnung zu tragen.
19190814             —VERKÜNDET, Die Weimarer Verfassung wird.
19200814             * NEHEMIAH—PERSOFF, actor (AL—CAPONE, Yentl), in JERUSALEM, Palestine.
19200814             —POLNISCH—SOWJETISCHER—KRIEG: Die Rote Armee greift Warschau an, kann die Stadt jedoch nicht erobern.
19240814             * GEORGES—PRETRE, conductor (NY Met), in WAZIERS—FRANCE.
19250814             * RUSSELL—BAKER, author and columnist for THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
19250814             —PROPOSED, THE—MOUNT—RUSHMORE monument was 1.
19280000—20120814    Die OPUS—DEI—MITGLIEDER leben auch im Alltag, im Beruf nach strengen KIRCHEN—REGELN, nehmen häufig Einfluss auf DIE—POLITIK.
19280814             * LINA—WERTMULLER, [Arcanguela von Elgg], actress (7—BEAUTIES), in ROME.
19280814             The play "Front Page" by BEN—HECHT (18940000—19640000    ) and CHARLES—MACARTHUR (18950000—19560000    ) premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19280814             Die Oper Tyll von MARK—LOTHAR wird unter der musikalischen Leitung von ERNST—PRAETORIUS und mit WALTER—FAVRE und Priska Aich in den Hauptrollen am DEUTSCHEN—NATIONALTHEATER in Weimar uraufgeführt.
19300000—20100814    * † Abbey LINCOLN, jazz singer and actress, in Manhattan.
19300814             Die DEUTSCHE—REICHSBAHN—GESELLSCHAFT nimmt den Bahnhof Neu Bentschen (—HEUTE Zb?szynek) als neuen und bedeutendsten Grenzbahnhof für den Personenverkehr nach POLEN in Betrieb.
19310000—20110814    * † Bollywood superstar Shammi Kapoor, in Mumbai.
19320814             Philips made its 1—MILLIONTH radio.
19330814             —WOMEN—AGAINST—THE—PERSECUTION—OF—JEWS in GERMANY, 1—COMMITTEE—OF—NON—JEWS, announces its establishment in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19350814             —BECAME, THE—SOCIAL—SECURITY—ACT, law as PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT signed the Social Security Bill, providing assistance to the poor and needy.
19350814             It created 1—OLD—AGE and unemployment insurance, and supplemented mothers' pensions with Aid to Dependent Children.
19360814             —HANGED, Rainey Bethea was, in the last USA—PUBLIC—EXECUTION.
19360814             —REPORTS, COUNT—JEAN—SZEMBECK, that
19360814             —DURING 1—RECENT conversation with THE—GERMAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—JOACHIM—VON—RIBBENTROP, that
19360814             BOLSHEVISM plans to destroy ALL—OF—THE—FRUITS—OF—WESTERN—CIVILIZATION"
19360814             —SCHLACHT—VON—BADAJOZ
19360814             —GELINGT den FRANCISCO—FRANCO—TRUPPEN 1—DER 1. größeren Siege im SPANISCHEN—BÜRGERKRIEG.
19370814             —DECLARED, CHINA, WAR—ON—JAPAN.
19380814             * NIARA—SHUDARKASA, educator and 1. woman PRESIDENT—OF—LINCOLN—UNIVERSITY.
19390814             NEW—YORK—CONGRESSMAN—HAMILTON—FISH, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA—DELEGATION to the Interparliamentary Union CONGRESS conference in OSLO—NORWAY,
19390814             THE—CONGRESSMAN—ADVOCATES—BETTER—RELATIONS with GERMANY and hopes to solve the Danzig question —DURING the 19390815—19190815     conference in NORWAY.
19390814             THE—GERMAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—JOACHIM—VON—RIBBENTROP tells NEW—YORK—CONGRESSMAN—HAMILTON—FISH that GERMANY has lost its patience and unless Danzig is restored to GERMANY war will break out.
19390814             They consider the idea of sending 1—GERMAN—SPEAKING Briton to negotiate directly with HITLER.
19390814             —PREPARED, THE—GERMAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—JOACHIM—VON—RIBBENTROP says that he is, to personally fly to MOSCOW and present HITLER—VIEWS to STALIN "because only through such 1—DIRECT—DISCUSSION can 1—CHANGE be brought about, and
19390814             it should not be impossible —THEREFORE to lay THE—FOUNDATION—FOR—1—FINAL—SETTLEMENT—OF—GERMAN—RUSSIA—RELATIONS".
19400814             Bad weather reduces THE—NUMBER—OF—GERMANY—FIGHTERS attacking BRITAIN to 500. (Duffy)
19410809—19410814    —PRODUCED, Their meeting, —THE—ATLANTIC—CHARTER, 1—AGREEMENT between THE—2—COUNTRIES on war aims, even though THE—USA was still 1—NEUTRAL—COUNTRY.
19410814             (See 19410924             , See 19420101             )
19410814             —THE—FOLLOWING—MONTH 15—ANTI—AXIS governments endorse THE—ATLANTIC—CHARTER provisions.
19410814             —THE—FOLLOWING—MONTH, 15—ANTI—AXIS—GOVERNMENTS endorse its provisions.
19410814             SELBST—BESTIMMUNGSRECHT der Völker sowie
19410814             freier WELT—HANDEL bei ungehindertem Zugang zu allen Rohstoffen.
19410814             † JOSEF—JAKOBS, GERMANY—SPY, WAS—EXECUTED, in Tower of LONDON.
19410814             In der "ATLANTIC—CHARTER"- einer gemeinsamen Erklärung von USA—PRÄSIDENT—ROOSEVELT und dem BRITISCHEN—PREMIERMINISTER—CHURCHILL—ABGEGEBEN nach einer Konferenz an Bord des vor Neufundland liegenden USA—SCHLACHTSCHIFFS "Augusta"- wird die Sowjetunion mit den ANGLO—AMERIKANISCHEN—KRIEGSZIELEN konfrontiert: "POLITIK—DER—OFFENEN—TÜR" in einer Welt gleichberechtigter, souveräner Staaten, Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker sowie freier Welthandel bei ungehindertem Zugang zu allen Rohstoffen.
19410814             Obwohl diese Prinzipien sich damals vordringlich gegen die deutschen und JAPANISCHEN—WELTMACHTAMBITIONEN richten, lassen sie sich auch interpretieren, als seien sie —SCHON gegen kommunistische Expansionsbestrebungen deklariert.
19410814             Hier wird ein später deutlich hervortretender ORDNUNGS—UND machtpolitischer Gegensatz erkennbar.
19410814             THE—GERMANS occupy SMOLENSK.
19410814             BRITAIN and AMERICA—ISSUE the Atlantic Charter, proclaiming the establishment of a "NEW—WORLD—ORDER".
19410814             1—KONFERENZ an Bord des vor Neufundland liegenden USA—SCHLACHTSCHIFFS "Augusta"
19410814             — wird die SOVIET—UNION mit den ANGLO—AMERIKANISCHEN—KRIEGSZIELEN konfrontiert,
19410814             "—POLITIK—DER—OFFENEN—TÜR" in 1—WELT gleichberechtigter, souveräner STAATEN,
19410814             FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT und WINSTON—CHURCHILL unterzeichnen auf der HMS PRINCE—OF—WALES die ATLANTIK—CHARTA, mit dem sie ihre Vorstellungen von einer neuen Weltordnung —NACH—DEM —WWII präzisieren.
19410814             —NACH—DEM Krieg, Die ATLANTIK—CHARTA wird die zentrale Grundlage für die VEREINTE—NATIONEN[UN].
19410814—19410000    —THE—ATLANTIC—CHARTER, was CREATED.
19440814             —ALLOWED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, the manufacture of certain domestic appliances, such as electric ranges and vacuum cleaners, to resume on 1 limited basis.
19440814             SEATTLE—WASHINGTON, and 1—RIOT took place at Fort Lawton, —FOLLOWING 1—SCUFFLE between 1—ITALY—PRISONER and 1—BLACK—SOLDIER.
19440814             † PRISONER—OF—WAR—GUGLIELMO Olivotto was FOUND—HANGED, —THE—NEXT—DAY.
19440814             —CONVICTED, In 1—ENSUING trial 28—MEN were.
19440814             —OVERTURNED, THE—CONVICTIONS—OF—THE—SOLDIERS were, based largely on shortcomings in the prosecution described in the book.
19440814—20050000    —AUTHORED, JACK—HAMANN and his wife Leslie, "On USA—SOIL," which covered the riot and the subsequent events.
19450814             * STEVE—MARTIN, USA—COMEDIAN, actor and screenwriter.
19450814             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—TRUMAN, that JAPAN had surrendered unconditionally, ending —WWII.
19450814             —WREAKED, Shaken by the atomic destruction, on HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI and faced with the daunting prospect of Allied invasion, THE—JAPAN—EMPEROR—HIROHITO met with his ministers on the —MORNING—OF—19450814              and announced, "We cannot continue the war ANY—LONGER".
19450814             —ACCEPTED, JAPAN, the Allies "POTSDAM Declaration," 1—CEASE—FIRE.
19450814             Kumagaya and several other targets NORTH—WEST—OF—TOKYO are bombed in the last air RAID—OF—THE—WAR.
19450814             EMPEROR—HIROHITO orders 1—END to the war and then records 1—RADIO—MESSAGE saying that THE—JAPAN—PEOPLE must "Bear the unbearable".
19450814             —DURING the night 1—GROUP—OF—JAPAN—OFFICERS—ATTACK the Imperial Palace in 1—UNSUCCESSFUL—ATTEMPT to steal THE—EMPEROR—HIROHITO his radio announcement and prevent its broadcast.
19450814             —AKZEPTIERT, JAPAN, die Kapitulationsbedingungen der Alliierten.
19450814             VICHY—REGIME—CHEF—PHILIPPE—PÉTAIN, wird durch 1—FRANZÖSISCHEN—KRIEGSGERICHT zum Tode verurteilt.
19450814—19450827    —ON, concluded that GLENN—MCDUFFIE, —80—JAHRE—ALT is the man in the image, which was published on THE—COVER—OF—LIFE—MAGAZINE.
19450814—19990000    —PUBLISHED, PROFESSOR—JOHN—W—DOWER, "Embracing Defeat: JAPAN —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—WWII".
19450814—19990000    —PUBLISHED, Dower —EARLIER, "War Without Mercy," 1—STUDY—OF—THE—WAR in the Pacific.
19450814—20070000    —COMPLETED, HOUSTON Police Department forensic artist Lois Gibson, 1 detailed investigation and
19450827—20070000    —COMPLETED, HOUSTON Police Department forensic artist Lois Gibson, 1 detailed investigation and concluded that GLENN—MCDUFFIE, —80—JAHRE—ALT is the man in ALFRED—EISENSTAEDT'S 19450814             image of 1—SAILOR kissing 1—NURSE in Times Square.
19460814             † ROBERT—WAGNER, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, GAULEITER—VON—BADEN, Kriegsverbrecher
19470814             * DANIELE—STEEL, author (Remembrance, Zoya, Star, Daddy), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19470814             —PARTITIONED, BRITAIN, the subcontinent and PAKISTAN was founded as 1—INDEPENDENT—COUNTRY.
19470814             —BECAME, THE—MUSLIM areas in the east and west, independent PAKISTAN with MOHAMMED—ALI—JINNAH as PRESIDENT.
19470814             Der BUCHENWALD—HAUPTPROZESS in Dachau wird mit der Urteilsverkündung beendet.
19470814             Es wurden 22—TODESURTEILE ausgesprochen, sowie 5—LEBENSLÄNGLICHE und 4—ZEITIGE Haftstrafen.
19470814             PAKISTAN erlangt seine Unabhängigkeit von GROSSBRITANNIEN.
19480814             —ENDED, The —SUMMER Olympic games in LONDON.
19490814             Bei der Wahl zum 1. DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESTAG wird die CDU/CSU stärkste Fraktion.
19500814             * GARY—LARSON, cartoonist (Far Side), in TACOMA—WASHINGTON.
19500814             —ADOPTED, INDONESIA—LEGISLATURE, 1—PROVISIONAL—CONSTITUTION that called for 1—PARLIAMENTARY—DEMOCRACY with government to be responsible to 1—UNICAMERAL HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES elected directly by the people.
19500814             —BECAME, Sukarno, PRESIDENT under the new system.
19510814             † Newspaper PUBLISHER—WILLIAM—RANDOLPH—HEARST in BEVERLY—HILLS, CALIFORNIA at age 88.
19510814             W.A. Swanberg was THE—AUTHOR—OF—THE—BIOGRAPHY "Citizen Hearst".
19510814—20020000    —AUTHORED, LOUIS—PIZZITOLA, "Hearst Over HOLLYWOOD: Power, Passion and Propaganda in the Movies".
19520814             ALFRED—SAUVY (18980000—19900000    ), 1—FRANCE—ECONOMIST, 1. used the term "3. World," in 1—ARTICLE published in THE—FRANCE—MAGAZINE L'Observateur.
19520814             ALFRED—SAUVY used the term "3. World, to describe THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—COUNTRIES—UNDERDEVELOPED.
19520814—17890000    —IN, ALFRED—SAUVY was paraphrasing 1—REMARK by EMMANUEL—JOSEPH—SIEYES, 1—DELEGATE to the Estates GENERAL, who said the 3. estate is everything, has nothing but wants to be something.
19550814             Die Uraufführung der Oper IRISCHE—LEGENDE—VON—WERNER—EGK nach WILLIAM—BUTLER—YEATS findet im Festspielhaus in SALZBURG statt.
19560814             BERTOLD—BRECHT His 1. play was "Baal".
19560814             BERTOLD—BRECHT also wrote "THE—RESISTABLE—RISE—OF—ARTURO—UI," 1—SATIRE on HITLER—RISE to power.
19560814             † BERTOLT—BRECHT, DEUTSCHER—DRAMATIKER, Lyriker und Dichter, Begründer des epischen bzw. dialektischen Theaters
19560814             † KONSTANTIN—VON—NEURATH, DEUTSCHER—DIPLOMAT und Politiker, Außenminister, Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren, Kriegsverbrecher
19560814—19590000    —AUTHORED, PROFESSOR—MARTIN—ESSLIN (20020000             † age 83), "Brecht: 1—CHOICE—OF—EVILS".
19580814             —CRASHED, KLM Flight 607-E, 1—LOCKHEED—SUPER—CONSTELLATION, WEST—OF—IRELAND, killing 99.
19580814             † FREDERIC—JOLIOT—CURIE, FRANCE—NUCLEAR physicist (Nobel 19360000             ).
19580814             1—PROPELLERFLUGZEUG der NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—KLM stürzt westlich von IRLAND in den Atlantik und reißt alle 99—MENSCHEN an Bord in den Tod.
19590814             Magic (Earvin JUNIOR) Johnson;
19590814             basketball player (LA Lakers NBA MVP [1987, 89, 90]; * Olympic Dream Team [1992]).
19610814             1—EAST—GERMANY—SOLDIER, HANS—CONRAD—SCHUHMANN (Schuman), jumped a 3-foot barbed wire barrier to WEST—BERLIN to join his family.
19610814             HANS—CONRAD—SCHUHMANN (Schuman) His photograph made INTERNATIONAL headlines.
19610814—19980000    † HANS—CONRAD—SCHUHMANN (Schuman) committed SUICIDE—IN.
19610914             —ARRESTED, Charges against all but 2—OF—THOSE, were —LATER dropped (1. source says 19610814             ).
19620814             Robbers held up A—USA—MAIL—TRUCK in PLYMOUTH—MASSACHUSETTS, making off with more than $1.5—MILLION.
19620814             French and ITALY—WORKERS broke through at THE—MOUNT—BLANC—VEHICULAR—TUNNEL.
19650814             Sonny and Cher's "I—GOT—YOU—BABE" hit #1.
19650814             The 1. major engagement between the regular armed forces of INDIA and PAKISTAN took place.
19650814             —SCORED, —THE—NEXT—DAY, INDIA—FORCES, 1—MAJOR—VICTORY—AFTER 1 prolonged artillery barrage and captured 3—IMPORTANT—MOUNTAIN—POSITIONS in the northern sector.
19650814             —COUNTERATTACKED, —LATER in the —MONTH, the Pakistanis, moving concentrations near Tithwal, Uri, and Punch.
19650814             —PROVOKED, Their move, in turn, 1—POWERFUL—INDIA—THRUST into Azad Kashmir.
19650814             —CAPTURED, Other INDIA—FORCES, 1—NUMBER—OF—STRATEGIC—MOUNTAIN—POSITIONS and eventually took the key Haji Pir Pass, 8—KILOMETERS inside PAKISTAN—TERRITORY.
19690814             —ARRIVED, UK—TROOPS, in NORTH—IRELAND to intervene in sectarian violence between Protestants and ROMAN—CATHOLICS.
19690814             The outlawed IRELAND—REPUBLICAN—ARMY came into NORTH—IRELAND to protect and encourage Catholics and the Provisional IRA soon began terrorist actions against THE—UK—TROOPS and Protestant civilians.
19690814             —BURNED, Some 500—HOUSES were, to the ground, 1,500—PEOPLE forced from their homes, and 9—PEOPLE murdered.
19690814             LEONARD—SIDNEY—WOOLF was oo WRITER and critic VIRGINIA Woolf (18820000—19410000    ).
19690814             —INCLUDED, His books, "THE—VILLAGE in the Jungle," 1—NOVEL based on his time in SRI—LANKA (19040000—19110000    ).
19690814             Das FORSCHUNGS—U—BOOT BEN—FRANKLIN unter dem Kommando von JACQUES—PICCARD taucht nach erfolgreicher 30-tägiger Driftfahrt im Golfstrom wieder auf.
19690814             In den bundesdeutschen Filmtheatern läuft der SERGIO—LEONE—WEST—SPIEL mir das Lied vom Tod an.
19690814             Die Musik stammt von ENNIO—MORRICONE.
19690814             Nach 1—ESKALATION des NORD—IRLAND—KONFLIKTS in Derry kommt es zum Einsatz BRITISCHER—TRUPPEN in NORD—IRLAND.
19690814—19690812    —CULMINATED, This, in 1—ATTACK on the Bogside which started and ended 19690814             .
19690814—20060000    —AUTHORED, VICTORIA Glendinning, "LEONARD—WOOLF: 1—BIOGRAPHY".
19700814             —INAUGURATED, City UNIVERSITY—OF—NY, open admissions.
19700814             † FRIEDERIKE—NADIG, DEUTSCHE—POLITIKERIN, MdL, MdB, eine der 4 "Mütter des Grundgesetzes"
19710809—19710814    —AROUND, UK—BEGIN internment without trial in NORTH—IRELAND —WHEN almost 300—MEN were arrested and interned under the Special Powers Act in dawn swoops that ended.
19710814             PHILIP—ZIMBARDO, 1—STANFORD Univ. psychologist, began his Stanford Prison Experiment.
19710814             —RECRUITED, He had, 24—STUDENTS and randomly divided them into guards and prisoners in 1 simulated prison environment on campus.
19710814             —ENDED, The experiment, —AFTER—6—DAYS.
19710814—20150000    —IN, 1—FILM dramatizing the experiment opened.
19720814             1—IL 62—DER DDR—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT Interflug stürzte kurz —NACH—DEM Start in BERLIN—SCHÖNEFELD bei Königs Wusterhausen ab.
19720814             Bei dem Flugzeugabsturz der Interflug bei Königs Wusterhausen kamen alle 156—MENSCHEN an Bord ums Leben.
19730814             THE—USA "secret" BOMBING—OF—CAMBODIA came to 1—HALT, marking the official end to —12—YEARS—OF—USA—COMBAT in Indochina.
19740814             —AUTHORIZED, The 93. - Congress, USA—CITIZENS to own gold.
19740814             —MOUNTED, THE—TURKEY—ARMY, a 2. FULL—SCALE—OFFENSIVE in CYPRUS, despite the fact that talks were still being held in GENEVA and —JUST as agreement was about to be reached.
19740814             —KILLED, GREECE—CYPRIOTS began a —2—DAY—MASSACRE that, 83—TURKEY—CYPRUS—MEN in Taskent.
19740814             —ABSOLVIERT, MANCHING, der 1. Prototyp des Mehrzweckkampfflugzeuges Tornado seinen Erstflug.
19740814             PRAG, brennt der Veletržní palác völlig nieder.
19740814—19330000    —FROM, THE—GOLD—OWNERSHIP—BAN was rescinded by Public Law 93-373.
19750814             Premiere des Films THE—ROCKY—HORROR—PICTURE—SHOW in LONDON.
19760814             —DEMONSTRATED, Some 10,000 NORTH—IRELAND women, for peace in BELFAST.
19760814             NORTH—IRELAND, Majella O'Hare (12) was shot in the back, as she walked with other schoolgirls to 1—CATHOLIC—CHURCH to give their confessions in the village of Whitecross in SOUTH—ARMAGH, 1—BORDERLAND powerbase for THE—IRA.
19760814             —NORDIRLAND—KONFLIKT:
19760814             —INITIIERT—VON—MAIREAD—CORRIGAN und BETTY—WILLIAMS demonstrieren rund 10.000—MENSCHEN gegen die Gewalt –
19760814             —J—IM darauf wird den Gründerinnen von Women for Peace (später COMMUNITY—OF—PEACE People) der Friedensnobelpreis zuerkannt.
19760814—19760000    —RECEIVED, The family, a 1,500-pound ($2,400) payment from THE—UK—GOVERNMENT as compensation for the killing.
19760814—19920000    —WITNESSED, Her father, who †, the shooting and watched her die in 1—ARMY—HELICOPTER as she was being evacuated to hospital.
19760814—20110000    —IN, the family received 1—FACE—TO—FACE—APOLOGY from BRITAIN—SENIOR—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL in NORTH—IRELAND.
19770814             In 1—MUNITIONSLAGER der Sowjetischen Armee bei Dannenwalde (Gransee) kommt es durch Blitzschlag zu einer Reihe schwerer Explosionen und Zündung vieler Raketen.
19770814             Die OPFER—DER—RAKETENKATASTROPHE—VON—DANNENWALDE unter den sowjetischen Soldaten werden auf 70—GESCHÄTZT.
19790813—19790814    1—FORCE 9—GALE off THE—SOUTH—WEST—COAST—OF—IRELAND left 15—YACHTSMEN of the 28. Fastnet Race dead.
19790813—19790814    1—FORCE 9—GALE off THE—SOUTH—WEST—COAST—OF—IRELAND left 15—YACHTSMEN of the 28.
19790813—19790814    Fastnet Race dead.
19800814             —NOMINATED, PRESIDENT—CARTER and VICE—PRESIDENT—WALTER—MONDALE were, for a 2. term at the Democratic national convention in NEW—YORK.
19800814             Some 17,000 POLAND—WORKERS, led by LECH—WALESA, began a —17—DAY—STRIKE at THE—LENIN—SHIPYARDS in GDANSK.
19800814             Nach der Entlassung der Kranführerin ANNA—WALENTYNOWICZ tritt die Belegschaft der LENINWERFT—DANZIG in POLEN geschlossen in Streik.
19800814             LECH—WA??sa wird Streikführer.
19800814             Später geht aus —DEN—AUGUST—STREIKS die unabhängige Gewerkschaft Solidarno??
19800814             hervor.
19810814             —WOUNDED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA left 1—ROME hospital, —3—MONTHS—AFTER being, in 1—ATTEMPT on his life.
19810814             Die nationale Gedenkstätte NTABA—KANDODA im AUTONOMIEGEBIET—CISKEI wird eröffnet.
19840814             —RELEASED, IBM, PC DOS version 3.0.
19840814             IBM stellt den IBM Personal Computer/AT vor.
19840814             IBM Personal Computer/AT Technik ist als AT—FORMAT über mehr als ein —JAHRZEHNT Standard in diesem Marktsegment.
19870814—19870600    —REPORTED, The government, that AMERICA—MERCHANDISE trade deficit had soared to $15.7—BILLION.
19880814             —ARRIVED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN, in NEW—ORLEANS on THE—EVE—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN national convention that would nominate VICE—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH, to be its choice to succeed him.
19890814             —ANNOUNCED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—PW—BOTHA, his resignation —AFTER losing 1—BITTER—POWER—STRUGGLE within his National Party.
19900814             Interrupting his vacation in KENNEBUNKPORT—MAINE, PRESIDENT—BUSH returned to WASHINGTON, where he told reporters he saw no hope for 1—DIPLOMATIC—SOLUTION to the Persian Gulf crisis, at least —UNTIL economic sanctions forced IRAQ to withdraw from KUWAIT.
19900814             —VOTED, DENVER, for a 1% sales tax to pay for 1—BASEBALL franchise.
19910814             —EXPRESSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, "100—PERCENT" support for UNITED—NATIONS efforts to mediate 1—SETTLEMENT to THE—MIDDLE—EAST—HOSTAGE—CRISIS.
19910814             —RETURNED, Freed USA—HOSTAGE—EDWARD—TRACY, to THE—USA, arriving in BOSTON, where he was reunited with his sister, MARIA—LAMBERT.
19910814             LAOS, wird die 1. Verfassung nach der Übernahme der Macht durch das kommunistische Pathet LAO erlassen.
19920814             —ANNOUNCED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, that the Pentagon would begin emergency AIRLIFTS—OF—FOOD to SOMALIA to alleviate mass deaths by starvation.
19920814             —PRESIDED, FEDERAL—JUDGE—JOHN—J—SIRICA, who had, over the Watergate trials of the 1970s, † in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, at age 88.
19920814             Nach der Unabhängigkeitserklärung Abchasiens marschieren GEORGISCHE—TRUPPEN in der nördlichen Provinz ein.
19930814             1—JURY in NEW—YORK acquitted WASHINGTON lawyer ROBERT—ALTMAN—OF—FRAUD—CHARGES for dealings linked to THE—BANK—OF—CREDIT and Commerce INTERNATIONAL.
19930814             —DENOUNCED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, abortion and euthanasia as well as sexual abuse by USA—PRIESTS in 1—SPEECH at McNichols Sports Arena in DENVER.
19940814             † 8—CHILDREN who were left alone in 1—EARLY —MORNING house fire in CARBONDALE—ILLINOIS.
19940814             —TURNED, Rain, the final full —DAY—OF—WOODSTOCK '94 in SAUGERTIES—NEW—YORK, into 1—MUDBATH.
19940814             Mitts was distraught over 1—RECENT divorce and had been drinking heavily.
19940814             —PHOTOGRAPHED, Space telescope Hubble, Uranus with rings.
19940814             Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, the terrorist known as "CARLOS—THE—JACKAL," was captured in KHARTOUM—SUDAN.
19940814             —JAILED, He was, in FRANCE —THE—NEXT—DAY.
19940814             —GENANNT, Der Internationale Terrorist Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, Carlos, wird im SUDAN verhaftet und an FRANKREICH ausgeliefert.
19940814—20130000    —EXECUTED, Mitts (61) was, by lethal injection.
19950620—19960814    —PLEADED, They, guilty.
19950814             She quit the school less than —1—WEEK—LATER, citing the stress of her court fight, and her isolation among THE—MALE cadets.
19960814             —NOMINATED, THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—CONVENTION in S—DIEGO, BOB—DOLE for PRESIDENT—AND—JACK—KEMP for VICE—PRESIDENT in 1—EVENING that featured 1—TALK—SHOW—STYLE testimonial by ELIZABETH Dole, who strolled the convention floor with 1—WIRELESS microphone.
19960814             † SERGIU—CELIBIDACHE, —84—JAHRE—ALT, ROMANIA—CONDUCTOR (would not use recording studio), in FRANCE.
19960814             —KILLED, CYPRUS, another man was, in demonstrations —WHEN TURKEY—TROOPS opened fire on GREECE—CYPRUS—DEMONSTRATORS.
19960814             —ARRESTED, INDIA, police, 1—KITCHEN—WORKER in 1—FOOD—POISONING incident that traced to poisonous seeds.
19960814             —REACHED, 1—IMPASSE on the nuclear test ban treaty was, —WHEN INDIA refused to sign on the basis that there was no commitment by the 5 acknowledged nuclear powers to 1—TIMETABLE for disarmament.
19960814             —SIGNED, IRAQ and TURKEY, 1—AGREEMENT to improve political and economic ties.
19960814             —SEALED, MONGOLIA, officials, off parts of Ulan Bator to halt 1—OUTBREAK—OF cholera.
19960814             —ELECTROCUTED, PERU, 35—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—STRAY rocket —DURING 1—FIREWORKS show knocked down 1—HIGH—TENSION—LINE.
19960814             RUSSIA—YELTSIN, gave security CHIEF—LEBED the authority to control and coordinate THE—OPERATIONS—OF—THE—ARMY, Interior Ministry, FEDERAL—SECURITY—SERVICE and other agencies in Chechnya.
19970814             —SENTENCED, 1—UNREPENTANT—TIMOTHY—MCVEIGH was formally, to death for THE—OKLAHOMA—CITY bombing.
19970814             —CALLED, ARGENTINA, public sector and opposition unions, for a —24—HOUR—STRIKE to protest the nation's 16.1% unemployment rate and proposed labor reforms.
19970814             —FROM CANADA it was reported that ONTARIO planned to close down 7—OF 19—NUCLEAR—POWER plants for repairs.
19970814             Inadequate maintenance practices and management problems were charged in 1—INTERNAL—DOCUMENT and, ALLAN—KUPCIS, THE—CEO had resigned.
19970814             —ANNOUNCED, CONGO, a $2.5—BILLION project to build roads and that it would seek EU financing.
19970814             —KILLED, KENYA, 6—OFFICERS and 7—CIVILIANS were, in MOMBASA —WHEN assailants burned down 1—POLICE—STATION.
19970814             RUSSIA—COSMONAUTS Vasily Tsibliyev and ALEXANDER—LAZUTKIN made it safely home to Earth —AFTER 1—LUCKLESS —6—MONTH mission aboard the Mir space station.
19970814             —APPROVED, TURKEY, THE—PARLIAMENT, 1—AMNESTY—PROGRAM for some 89—JOURNALISTS imprisoned for their news coverage.
19970814             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—DEMIREL, the measure.
19970814             —REPORTED, YEMEN, 10—ITALY—TOURISTS were, kidnapped in 2—SEPARATE—INCIDENTS.
19980814             1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—IN—RICHMOND—VIRGINIA, ruled that the Food and Drug Administration had no authority to regulate tobacco, striking down FDA rules making it harder for minors to buy cigarettes;
19980814             the Clinton administration said it would appeal.
19980814             —REPORTED, It was, that the average compensation for THE—100—TOP—PRUDENTIAL Insurance executives doubled 19940000—19970000    —FROM—TO to about $820,000.
19980814             CHINA, flooding in Daqing broke 1—LEVEE protecting the nation's largest oil field.
19980814             155 0f 20,000 wells were closed as 200,000—PEOPLE fought the flood.
19980814             —ATTACKED, COLOMBIA, government soldiers were, by some 600—GUERRILLAS—NEAR—RIOSUCIO in Choco state.
19980814             —CONTINUED, The fighting, —FOR—2—DAYS and 60—SOLDIERS and guerrillas were killed.
19980814             —DEFECTED, CONGO, Bizima Karaha, 1—MINISTER who had, to the rebels, said that the port of MATADI was captured.
19980814             1—REBEL—ARMY was marching toward KINSHASA from the western coastline.
19980814             —SIGNED, INDONESIA and THE—UN, 1—AGREEMENT to allow human rights observers access to EAST—TIMOR.
19980814             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA, that it would proceed with plans to regulate wolves with 1 planned poisoning of 15,000.
19980814             —AGREED, KOSOVO, Serbia, Adem Demaci, to take the leadership of the political wing of THE—KLA.
19980814—20000000    —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that the government lacked the authority to regulate tobacco as 1—ADDICTIVE drug.
19990814             GOVERNOR—GEORGE—BUSH, Republican presidential candidate, won THE—IOWA—STRAW—POLL with STEVE—FORBES 2. and ELIZABETH Dole 3.
19990814             † LANE—KIRKLAND, former —16—YEAR—AFL—CIO PRESIDENT (19790000—19950000    ), at age 77
19990814             † PEE—WEE—REESE, Baseball Hall of Fame shortstop for the Dodgers, at age 81 in KENTUCKY.
19990814             —PRESERVED, CANADA, hunters found THE—BODY—OF—1—ANCIENT hunter, in 1—GLACIER in THE—TATSHENSHINI—ALSEK Provincial Wilderness, 10000000             miles NORTH—OF—VANCOUVER.
19990814             —KILLED, Separatist rebels in INDIA, at least 7—PEOPLE in Kashmir and Assam attacks on PAKISTAN INDEPENDENCE —DAY.
19990814             NORTH—IRELAND, violence broke out in Londonderry and BELFAST —BEFORE and —DURING the Apprentice Boys of Derry march.
19990814             —BOMBED, RUSSIA, guerrilla bases in Dagestan and Chechnya as 4—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS were killed and 13 wounded.
19990814             SERBIA, Tomislav Nikolic, the new vice premier, was quoted in Der Spiegel saying that Milosevic should resign because he capitulated in KOSOVO.
19990814—19990819    —ON, Separately Zoran Zivkovic said demonstrations in BELGRADE would give the Milosevic regime 10—20—DAYS to resign.
1—KOLUMNE—VON—HENRIK—MüLLER202011081436 Wirtschaft
20000814             —OPENED, THE—DEMOCRATIC—CONVENTION, in LOS—ANGELES at Staples Auditorium.
20000814             Demonstrators fought with police —FOLLOWING 1—CONCERT by the band Rage Against the Machine.
20000814             —FOLLOWED, The concert, a "March of Corporate Shame" through downtown LOS—ANGELES PRESIDENT—CLINTON offered 1—TRIUMPHANT review of his years in office, and exhorted delegates to propel AL—GORE on the road to succeed him.
20000814             NATO—PEACEKEEPERS shut down THE—SERB—RUN—TREPCA smelter at ZVECAN—KOSOVO, due to environmental pollution.
20000814             KYRGYZSTAN, a —4—DAY—CLASH between Islamic militants and government troops left as many as 95—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20000814             The militants were said to belong to the Islamic Movement of UZBEKISTAN, which was trying to carve out 1—INDEPENDENT—STATE.
20000814—19180000    —ANNOUNCED, THE—RUSSIA—ORTHODOX—CHURCH, the canonization of NICHOLAS—II and his immediate family, executed.
20001224—20080814    —ON, was executed.
20010813—20010813    —DATE20010813—20010814    with RUSSIA—DEFENSE... missile defense + nuclear arms in WASHINGTON —THIS—WEEK as senior defense...
20010814             —ATTACKED, USA—WARPLANES, 1—IRAQ—AIR—DEFENSE—SYSTEM modernized with fiber optics by CHINA—TECHNICIANS.
20010814             —POWERED, Helios, 1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED, solar, NASA plane, reached 1—RECORD 96,500 feet.
20010814             Some 18,000 firefighters in 8—USA—WESTERN—STATES—BATTLE—315,000 burning acres.
20010814             —STEPPED, JEFFREY—K—SKILLING, down as CEO—OF—ENRON—CORP. —AFTER—6—MONTHS in the top job.
20010814             † † In HOUSTON 3—PEOPLE, from heroin overdoses and joined 15—OTHERS who over the weekend.
20010814             20—PEOPLE detained in riots at THE—GROUP—OF—8—SUMMIT in ITALY the previous —MONTH were ordered released by 1—GENOA court.
20010814             —INCLUDED, They, 15—AUSTRIANS, 3—AMERICANS, 1—SLOVAK and 1—SWEDE.
20010814             † In INDIA it was reported that 15—WILD—ELEPHANTS had in Nameri National Park in Assam state from 1—UNKNOWN—DISEASE.
20010814             —ROLLED, ISRAEL—TANKS, into PALESTINIAN—CONTROLLED Jenin.
20010814             —DESTROYED, Bulldozers, 1—PALESTINE—POLICE—STATION and ISRAEL—FORCES took back with them some 70—PALESTINIANS, who had been jailed in Jenin for collaboration with ISRAEL.
20010814             † NABLUS, Shadi Affori (19), 1—FATAH member, was killed in 1—EXPLOSION at his home.
20010814             —AGREED, MACEDONIA, ALBANIA—GUERRILLAS, to disarm under NATO—SUPERVISION and the government agreed to extend amnesty for the fighters.
20010814             NORTH—IRELAND, THE—IRA withdrew 1—PLAN to dispose of its weapons.
20010814             —DISMISSED, PERU, PRESIDENT—TOLEDO, military commanders and put in his own men.
20010911             The raid was the 1. FULL—SCALE breach in the ceasefire between Israeli + Hezbollah forces in SOUTH—LEBANON which took effect —ON—MONDAY, 20060814             .
20020500             ReBelle Nation: 20050814—20050820              20020814             —BOMBED, Aircraft from THE—USA—UK—COALITION patrolling SOUTH—IRAQ, 2—IRAQ—AIR—DEFENSE—SITES.
20020500             ReBelle Nation: 20050814—20050820             20020500             ReBelle Nation: 20050814—20050820              20020814             —BOMBED, Aircraft from THE—USA—UK—COALITION patrolling SOUTH—IRAQ, 2—IRAQ—AIR—DEFENSE—SITES.
20020814             —DENIED, TEXAS GOVERNOR—RICK—PERRY, 1—REPRIEVE for Javier Suarez Medina and authorities in HUNTSVILLE gave Suarez 1—LETHAL injection as he sang the hymn "Amazing Grace".
20020814             † LARRY—RIVERS, —78—JAHRE—ALT, pop artist pioneer, in SOUTHAMPTON—NEW—YORK.
20020814             † TERRY—JUPP, —46—JAHRE—ALT—DURING weapons tests on 1—REMOTE—ISLAND used as 1—MILITARY—FACILITY off ENGLAND—EASTERN—COAST.
20020814             —ESTABLISHED, Investigations —LATER, that PART—OF—HIS—TEAM—WORK involved attempts to construct bombs from widely available ingredients including hydrogen peroxide.
20020814             —UNLEASHED, SOUTH—WEST—CHINA, 1—MASSIVE—WALL—OF mud and rock, by heavy rains slammed into villages, burying 67—PEOPLE in the 2. deadly landslide to strike the area —THIS—WEEK.
20020814             —PROMISED, REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO—PRESIDENT—DENIS—SASSOU—NGUESSO, to fight corruption as he was sworn —AFTER winning this CENTRAL—AFRICA—NATION'S 1. elections —SINCE BACK—TO—BACK—CIVIL—WARS.
20020814             —SENTENCED, 1—INDONESIA—COURT, 1—FORMER—EAST—TIMOR GOVERNOR to —3—YEARS in jail over violence linked to the territory's 19990000             INDEPENDENCE vote.
20020814             —CANCELED, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—VICENTE—FOX angrily, 1 scheduled meeting with PRESIDENT—BUSH—HOURS—AFTER TEXAS executed 1—MEXICO—NATIONAL for killing 1—DALLAS police officer despite pleas from THE—MEXICO—LEADERSHIP.
20020814             Javier Suarez Medina, 1—MEXICO—NATIONAL, was never told he could contact THE—MEXICO—CONSULATE for help —AFTER his 19880000             arrest, 1—VIOLATION—OF—19630000             —THE—VIENNA—CONVENTION—OF—CONSULAR—RELATIONS.
20020814             —ARMED, Black militants, with clubs and stones began evicting 1—WHITE—FARMER from his land in NORTH—EAST—ZIMBABWE, the 1. seizure —SINCE 1—GOVERNMENT—EVICTION—ORDER expired —LAST—WEEK.
20020814—20050000    —IN—THE, Similar bombs were —LATER used suicide attacks on LONDON mass transit, which killed 52—COMMUTERS.
20030814             1—GREECE—OIL—TANKER that ran aground 20030727             off the port CITY—OF—KARACHI broke apart, but officials said the worst was over and rich fishing grounds nearby were not threatened.
20030814             A massive power blackout hit 8—NORTH—EAST—USA—STATES and SOUTH—CANADA.
20030814             It shut down 10—MAJOR—AIRPORTS and 9—NUCLEAR—POWER—STATIONS.
20030814             The problem began in the FirstEnergy plant near CLEVELAND at 2pm.
20030814             CLEVELAND lost power at 4:09pm.
20030814             ROY—MOORE, ALABAMA—CHIEF—JUSTICE, said that he would refuse to move a 10—COMMANDMENTS—MONUMENT from the state judicial building in MONTGOMERY.
20030814             —LANDED, DOZENS—OF—USA—TROOPS, at LIBERIA—MAIN—AIRPORT, increasing THE—USA—PRESENCE to boost WEST—AFRICA—PEACEKEEPERS, as rebels began withdrawing from MONROVIA.
20030814             A "quick reaction" force of 150—COMBAT troops were sent to back up NIGERIA—PEACEKEEPERS.
20030814             † THE—FRANCE—HEALTH—MINISTRY estimated that about 3,000—PEOPLE had in FRANCE—OF—HEAT—RELATED causes —SINCE abnormally high temperatures swept across the country about —2—WEEKS—AGO.
20030814             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—EAST—INDIA, separatist rebels blew up 1—BUS on the main highway, killing 6—PASSENGERS.
20030814             —CARRIED, The ship, 378,000 to 450,000 gallons.
20030814             —ESTIMATED, It leaked 1, 12,000 metric tons.
20030814             —APPROVED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, 1—RESOLUTION welcoming THE—IRAQ—GOVERNING—COUNCIL and created 1—MISSION to oversee UN efforts to help rebuild the country and establish 1—DEMOCRATIC—GOVERNMENT.
20030814             —LIFTED, Rebels, their SIEGE—OF—LIBERIA—CAPITAL.
20030814             The 16-member Pacific Islands Forum (AUSTRALIA, NEW—ZEALAND, FIJI, THE—COOK—ISLANDS, the Federated States of MICRONESIA, KIRIBATI, NAURU, NIUE, PALAU, PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA, THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS, SAMOA, THE—SOLOMON—ISLANDS, TONGA, TUVALU and VANUATU) planned to create 1—REGION—WIDE—AVIATION—MARKET aimed at encouraging tourism.
20030814             BELGRADE,(Tanjug)- THE—MURDER—OF—2—SERBIA—CHILDREN and wounding... 1—ELECTRICAL—ENGINEER and former top executive with Ford Aerospace...
20030814             1—STROMAUSFALL legt die nordöstlichen USA und Teile Kanadas lahm.
20030814             Etwa 50—MILLIONEN Menschen haben keinen Strom.
20031119             1—USA—CANADA—INVESTIGATION found that 20030814             —THE blackout should have been contained by operators at OHIO—FIRSTENERGY—CORPORATION.
20040405             1—USA—CANADA—TASK—FORCE investigating the massive power blackout of 20030814             , called for urgent approval of mandatory reliability rules to govern the electric transmission industry.
20040811—20040814    —CELEBRATED, PAKISTAN—57.
20040811—20040814    INDEPENDENCE —DAY.
20040812             —ARRESTED, Police, LARRY—PRATCHER (18) 20040814             on SUSPICION—OF—MURDER and searched for other suspects.
20040812—20040814    —DATE 20040812—20040818    —RELEASED, Larry was, —AFTER his younger brother turned himself in.
20040814             CZESLAW—MILOSZ was known for his intellectual and emotional works about SOME—OF—THE—WORST cruelties of the 19010101—20001231 .
20040814             † Oleg, Konstantinowitsch Antonow (19060207             * in Moskau, 4 ...-
20040814             † Oleg, Konstantinowitsch Antonow (19060207             * in Moskau, 4 ... - 9k - 20040812             - Im CACHE—ÄHNLICHE Seiten
20040814             † WILLIAM—D—FORD, —77—JAHRE—ALT, 15-term congressman, in Ypsilanti TOWNSHIP—MICHIGAN.
20040814             —CLASHED, WEST—AFGHANISTAN, rival militias, reportedly killing 21—PEOPLE.
20040814             8—MILITIAMEN, including 2—COMMANDERS, were killed —WHEN fighting erupted between 2—RIVAL warlords over CONTROL—OF—1—WESTERN—DISTRICT.
20040814             —CONTINUED, AFRICA—WORST desert locust plague in —15—YEARS, across CHAD.
20040814             —CAREENED, EL—SALVADOR—,1—BUS, off 1—MOUNTAIN—HIGHWAY and toppled into 1—RAVINE in EAST—EL—SALVADOR, killing 34—PEOPLE and injuring 24—OTHERS.
20040814             1—VISIBLY weak JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA joined THOUSANDS—OF—OTHER ailing pilgrims at 1—CLIFFSIDE shrine in LOURDES—FRANCE, telling them he shares in their physical suffering and assuring them the burden is PART—OF—GOD'S "wondrous plan".
20040814             Truce talks between Shiite militants and IRAQ—OFFICIALS broke down, raising the prospect of 1—RETURN to the fierce fighting between militiamen and U.S—IRAQ—FORCES.
20040814             —BOMBED, USA—WARPLANES, the Sunni CITY—OF—SAMARRAH.
20040814             † IRAQ—HOSPITAL—OFFICIALS said several people, —WHILE THE—USA—MILITARY said 50—MILITANTS were killed.
20040814             —UNEMPLOYED, More than 100, university graduates stormed 1—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY building in 1—GAZA Strip refugee camp, calling on THE—PALESTINE—LEADERSHIP to provide them with jobs.
20040814             † CZESLAW—MILOSZ, —93—JAHRE—ALT, POLAND—POET and Nobel laureate (19800000             ), in KRAKOW.
20040814             —CROWDED, CENTRAL—RUSSIA, 1, minibus crashed into 1—CAR on 1—HIGHWAY linking the Volga River cities of ULYANOVSK and KAZAN, touching off 1—FIRE and killing all 15—PEOPLE.
20040814             in an overnight attack at a Tutsi refugee camp in BURUNDI
20040814             160 killed in UN refugee camp : Nearly 160—PEOPLE were shot, hacked + burnt to death the country's PRESIDENT blamed on elements from the neighbouring Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20040814             Antonow, OLEG—WIKIPEDIA
20040814             Mehr zum Thema Antonow, Oleg finden Sie bei FindBox!... - - 13k - Im CACHE—ÄHNLICHE Seiten
20040814             Ergebnisse 1 - 100—VON 241—FÜR Antonow, OLEG—ANTONOW, OLEG—NET—LEXIKON - Suche: Antonow, Oleg.
20040814             Definition, Bedeutung, Erklärung im Lexikon.
20040814             Antonow, OLEG—BIOGRAFIE rasscass
20040814             Antonow, OLEG—BIOGRAFIE—NACHNAME: Antonow Vorname: Oleg gilt als bedeutendster sowjetischer Konstrukteur von Segelflugzeugen + Lastenseglern <->66k-Im Cache
20040814             Genau da liegt die Chance der Weblogs: Mit ihnen erlebt im immer kommerzieller geprägten INTERNET die informelle, freie Kommunikations-+ Nachrichten platt form ihr Revival.
20040814             Ob immer alles echt + wahr ist, lässt sich von den Blogs so wenig sagen wie von Fernseh nachrichten....ODER SPIEGEL—ONLINE..
20040814             Ergebnisse 1 - 11—VON ungefähr 15—FÜR Awijakonwersija
20040814             Tidskriften Analys & KRITIK—RYSSLAND... stormakterna.
20040814             Ryssland och det tillverkande elektronikföretaget Awijakonwersija förnekar att sådan utrustning sålts direkt till IRAK.
20040814             IOFF—STÖRSENDER... ?!?... Laut "Post" vom —MONTAG + anderen USA—MEDIENBERICHTEN soll die RUSSISCHE—ELEKTRONIKFIRMA Awijakonwersija —ERST jüngst Störsender an den IRAK geliefert haben.
20040814             Die USA Militärs hätten festgestellt, dass die Präzisionswaffen durch die Störsender von " Awijakonwersija " ihre Effektivität.
20040814             Zusätzliches ERGEBNIS—IM CACHE—ÄHNLICHE Seiten
20040814             TVmatrix :: Thema ANZEIGEN—RUSSISCHE—MILITÄR—LIEFERUNGEN an gestellt haben.
20040814             Die RUSSISCHE—ELEKTRONIKFIRMA Awijakonwersija " dementierte den Berichte über die Lieferung von Störsendern.
20040814             160 killed in UN refugee camp : Nearly 160—PEOPLE were shot, hacked and burnt to death at 1—TUTSI refugee camp in BURUNDI in 1—OVERNIGHT attack the country's PRESIDENT blamed on elements from neighbouring Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20040814             Antonow, OLEG—WIKIPEDIA—ANTONOW, Oleg [bearbeiten].
20040814             Mehr zum Thema Antonow, Oleg finden Sie bei FindBox!...
20040814             Ergebnisse 1 - 100—VON 241—FÜR Antonow, Oleg
20040814             Antonow, OLEG—NET—LEXIKON Suche: Antonow, Oleg.
20040814             IBM EMPLOYEE—NEWS + Links... NEW—YORK—TIMES, courtesy of Der Spiegel : Admit We Have 1—PROBLEM by BOB—HERBERT... Enron executives used MARKET—MANIPULATION—TECHNIQUES that they...
20040814—19110630    —ON, Milosz was born, in Szetejnie, —NOW LITHUANIA, and studied law at THE—UNIVERSITY—IN—VILNIUS.
20040814—19360000    —IN, There, he published his 1. book of poems, "—3—WINTERS,".
20040814—20060000    —EDITED, Cynthia L. Haven, the book "Czeslaw Milosz: Conversations".
20040815—20040814    —ON, —614—AM
20040818—20040814    —BELIEVED, Both were, to have been killed —AFTER nightfall.
20050308             Program ID 04-00449 Date Solicitation Closes 20030814             .
20050308             CINT—DATABASE—OF—GOVERNMENT Nanotechnology Programs Program ID 04-00449 Date Solicitation Closes 20030814             .
20050419—20120814    BENEDIKT—XVI—PAPA[BENEDICTUS—XVI—PAPA] wurde er, nach 1—SEHR schnellen Wahlverfahren von nur —26—STUNDEN—IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT hat das manchmal VIELE—WOCHEN gedauert -, zum 264.
20050806—20050814    —HOSTED, HELSINKI—FINLAND, the 10.
20050806—20050814    IAAF World Championships.
20050814             —ANNOUNCED, EGYPT—INTERIOR—MINISTRY, that it had identified those responsible for 20050723             —THE—TERRORIST—ATTACK—AT—SHARM—EL—SHEIK.
20050814             —NAMED, Cristeta Comerford was, the new WHITE—HOUSE—CHEF, the 1. woman to hold the post.
20050814             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—DETROIT area had more than 12,000 abandoned homes, 1—BYPRODUCT—OF—DECADES—OF—LAYOFFS at the city's auto plants and white flight to the suburbs.
20050814             —SUSPECTED, Fighting across SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN left 28, Taliban rebels dead.
20050814             —ATTACKED, In Zabul province AFGHANISTAN—FORCES, 1—GROUP—OF suspected militants, killing 16—OF—THEM and arresting 1. In neighboring Uruzgan province's Dehrawud district, 1—GUNBATTLE between AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS and insurgents left 5—MILITANTS—DEAD.
20050814             1—LAND—MINE exploded in Chechnya —WHEN RUSSIA troops came to the aid of 1—LOCAL—OFFICIAL whose home was under attack by rebels, killing 1—SENIOR—RUSSIA—MILITARY—OFFICER and 4—OTHER—SOLDIERS.
20050814             1—CYPRUS—AIRLINER, Helios Air 737, crashed into 1—HILL—NORTH—OF—ATHENS, killing all 121—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20050814             —ACQUITTED, The ruling came —4—MONTHS—AFTER 1—CYPRUS—COURT, THE—3—EXECUTIVES —DURING 1—SEPARATE hearing over the accident.
20050814             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—USA—SOLDIER on 1—PATROL was, and 3—OTHERS wounded in 1—BLAST—EAST—OF—RUTBAH, 250—MILES—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20050814             30—BODIES were found in 1—GRAVE—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD that was 10—14—DAYS—OLD.
20050814             † 1—INSURGENT was killed in the raid that led to the grave and 13—OTHERS were detained.
20050814             1—LEGAL—SOURCE said JORDAN will charge LONDON—BASED radical Muslim cleric ABU—QATADA, —44—JAHRE—ALT with plotting to stage terrorist attacks —WHEN he is extradited from BRITAIN.
20050814             —PLEDGED, Kurmanbek BAKIYEV—KYRGYZSTAN—NEW—PRESIDENT, in his inaugural speech that THE—FORMER—SOVIET—CENTRAL—ASIA—NATION, which hosts both USA and RUSSIA—MILITARY—BASES, will pursue 1—INDEPENDENT—FOREIGN—POLICY under his leadership.
20050814             —URGED, PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, the country to reject conservative religious forces saying they were 1—HURDLE to progress and wanted to push the country into backwardness.
20050814             —ARRESTED, Security forces, 12—MINORITY—TAMILS —BEFORE dawn in connection with THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—SRI—LANKA—FOREIGN—MINISTER, and 1—TAMIL lawmaker said only 1—PEACE—DEAL could stop such killings in 1—COUNTRY—MANY—FEAR is sliding back to war.
20050814             Talking Points Memo: by JOSHUA—MICAH—MARSHALL: Lear Jet,
20050814             Der Flug 522—DER zypriotischen Fluggesellschaft Helios Airways stürzt in der Nähe von Athen ab.
20050814             Alle 121—MENSCHEN an Bord sterben.
20050814             † HANS—BOLS, DEUTSCHER—BÜTTENREDNER im Kölner Karneval
20050814—20050929    —UNVEILED, ALGERIA—PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA, 1—DRAFT charter for peace and national reconciliation that will be put to 1—REFERENDUM.
20050814—20060000    —RULED, 1—INQUIRY, pilots erred in setting pressurization controls.
20050814—20120420    —ON, 3—EXECUTIVES—OF—1—DEFUNCT—CYPRUS—AIRLINE and 1—UK—ENGINEER were each sentenced in absentia to —10—YEARS in prison for their role in GREECE—WORST—AIR—CRASH.
20060813             —AFTER 1—STORMY debate, ISRAEL—CABINET approved 1—MIDEAST CEASE—FIRE, agreeing to silence the army's guns 20060814             —ON—8—AM.
20060813—20060814    —ON, Microsoft, will be reaviling 1—NEW—WINDOWS—LIVE—PRODUCT.
20060814             [20050217             ] - SENATOR—JOHNNY—ISAKSON (R—GA):
20060814             [20050430             ] - [20060711             ]
20060814             [20060716             ] - [20060727             ]
20060814             GI Special 4H12: " Why Am I—HERE?" - 20060812             20060814             THOMAS—F—BARTON...SERGEANT—RICKY—CLOUSING: I chose to leave —AFTER experiencing THE—BRUTALITIES—OF—WAR in this war in IRAQ + it was 1—PROCESS that I considered long and hard upon my return to Fort Bragg.
20060814             In an 20060812             article on THE—NBC—NEWS—WEBSITE, the network's investigative unit, including reporters Aram Roston and Lisa Myers, reported that USA—AUTHORITIES had objected to 1—PLAN by THE—UK—POLICE to "continue to run surveillance for at least another —WEEK to try to obtain more evidence" on the terror suspects.
20060814             In an 20060812             20060814             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —SUNDAY, 20060813             20060814             GI Special 4H13: " Well, What Are We Doing Here?" - 20060813             20060814             DAILY WAR NEWS —FOR—SUNDAY, 20060813             20060814             ISRAEL says air, sea embargo still in place CNN_com —SUNDAY, 20060813—20060814              20060814             —MEANWHILE, on 20060813             —THE—EDITION—OF—ABC—THIS—WEEK, host GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS noted this report, but left the false impression that the allegations were the product of the "blogosphere," rather than of 1—MAJOR—NEWS—OUTLET.
20060814             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —SUNDAY, 20060813             20060814             GI Special 4H13: " Well, What Are We Doing Here?" - 20060813             20060814             DAILY WAR NEWS —FOR—SUNDAY, 20060813             20060814             ISRAEL says air, sea embargo still in place CNN_com —SUNDAY, 20060813—20060814              20060814             —MEANWHILE, on 20060813             —THE—EDITION—OF—ABC—THIS—WEEK, host GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS noted this report, but left the false impression that the allegations were the product of the "blogosphere," rather than of 1—MAJOR—NEWS—OUTLET.
20060814             —ON 20060813             —THE—EDITION—OF—ABC—THIS—WEEK, Stephanopoulos noted the allegations that THE—USA had rushed THE—UK to make the arrests —WHILE "the Brits wanted to wait," but he left the impression that the story had been reported by bloggers.
20060814             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —SUNDAY, 20060813             20060814             Translated and/or compiled by MUHAMMAD—ABU—NASR, member, editorial BOARD, the Free Arab Voice
20060814             GI Special 4H13: " Well, What Are We Doing Here?" - 20060813             20060814             THOMAS—F—BARTON..".—3—MONTHS into IRAQ, my friend, 1—MAN that I drank beer with, 1—MAN that I had even gone to college with for awhile, shot 1—INNOCENT—CIVIL—WHO was raking rocks along THE—SIDE—OF—THE—ROAD—I remember having to go back to Forward Operating Base Marez + reporting to my commanding officer what I —JUST seen.
20060814             I remember writing 1—MISSION—STATEMENT.
20060814             I remember requesting 1—INVESTIGATION be done and I remember it being r!
20060814             DAILY WAR NEWS —FOR—SUNDAY, 20060813             20060814             —TODAY in IRAQ...Deputy head of provincial council of Diyala escapes assassination attempt, as does GOVERNOR—OF—NINEVEH—PROVINCE, but bodyguard is injured in the latter attack.
20060814             ISRAEL says air, sea embargo still in place CNN_com —SUNDAY, 20060813—20060814              20060814             —ACCUSED—OF, USA, jumping the gun in blaming AL—QAEDA—TERRORISM—NEWS—USA accused of jumping the gun in blaming AL—QAEDA—BY _H_
20060814             —MEANWHILE, on 20060813             —THE—EDITION—OF—ABC—THIS—WEEK, host GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS noted this report, but left the false impression that the allegations were the product of the "blogosphere," rather than of 1—MAJOR—NEWS—OUTLET.
20060814             THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT began issuing smart CHIP—EMBEDDED passports to Americans as planned, despite ongoing privacy concerns and legal disputes involving companies bidding on the project.
20060814             —ISSUED, New ones, under this program will cost $97, which includes a $12—SECURITY surcharge added —LAST—YEAR.
20060814             In the largest ELECTRONICS—RELATED recall involving the Consumer Products Safety Commission, Dell INCORPORATED agreed to replace 4.1—MILLION notebook computer batteries made by Sony Corp. because they can burst into flames.
20060814             —RANKED, ADM was, 56. in the Fortune 500 and PepsiCo was 61.
20060814             † BRUNO—KIRBY, —57—JAHRE—ALT, 1—VETERAN—CHARACTER—ACTOR known for playing the best friend in 2—OF—BILLY—CRYSTAL—BIGGEST comedies, "—WHEN HARRY—MET—SALLY" and "City Slickers,", in LOS—ANGELES.
20060814             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, clashes between police and militants, 11 suspected Taliban and 6—POLICEMEN.
20060814             4—NATO—TROOPS were wounded in 1—OF 2—BOMBINGS in KABUL.
20060814             —DITCHED, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD, plans for 1—TOUGH—NEW—IMMIGRATION—LAW, conceding he did not have sufficient support in PARLIAMENT.
20060814             —KIDNAPPED, BRAZIL, Guilherme Portanova (30), 1, television reporter, was freed —AFTER Globo met the gang's demand to broadcast 1—VIDEO calling for improvements in BRAZIL's troubled prison system.
20060814             —STABBED, In RIO—DE—JANEIRO—ANDRES—COSTA—RAMOS—BORDALO was, to death by 1—ASSAILANT who stole his knapsack on Copacabana beach.
20060814             —STEPPED, Police, up patrols but at least 22—TOURISTS were robbed —DURING the —WEEK.
20060814             —DOWNGRADED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, its terror threat level from critical to severe, saying intelligence suggested 1—ATTACK was no longer imminent.
20060814             CHILE, 1—TOUGH nationwide ANTI—SMOKING law that took effect.
20060814             CHINA, the death toll from Typhoon Saomai rose to 255—AFTER scores more bodies were pulled from the sea.
20060814             —AIRED, CUBA—STATE—TELEVISION, the 1. video of Fidel Castro —SINCE he stepped down as PRESIDENT to recover from surgery, showing the bedridden CUBA—LEADER talking with his brother Raul as well as VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ.
20060814             —SPILLED, SOUTH—ETHIOPIA, torrential rains, 1—RIVER from its banks.
20060814             —SUBMERGED, At least 900—PEOPLE † as continuing rains, 5—VILLAGES, knocked down grain silos and swept away cattle.
20060814             —MAROONED, Tens of thousands were, by the waters.
20060814             —KILLED, At least 10—PEOPLE were, in shootings and bombings across IRAQ, including 3—BLACKSMITHS shot by gunmen in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL.
20060814             —DEFIED, The clashes came as LEBANON—CIVILIANS, 1—ISRAEL—TRAVEL—BAN and streamed back to their homes in WAR—RAVAGED areas.
20060814             Lebanese, Israeli and UN officers met on the border to discuss THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—ISRAEL—FORCES from SOUTH—LEBANON and THE—DEPLOYMENT—OF—THE—LEBANON—ARMY in the region.
20060814             —KILLED, LEBANON said nearly 791—PEOPLE were, —SINCE the fighting began.
20060814             —KILLED, ISRAEL said 116—SOLDIERS and 39—CIVILIANS were, in fighting or from Hezbollah rockets in THE—34—DAY—WAR.
20060814             1—JAPAN—TANKER spilled about 1.4—MILLION gallons of crude oil in THE—EAST—INDIA—OCEAN —FOLLOWING 1—COLLISION with 1—CARGO ship.
20060814             The spill, which would be about 4,500 tons, may be the largest ever involving 1—JAPAN—TANKER.
20060814             The tanker was carrying about 77.6—MILLION gallons, or 250,000 tons, of crude.
20060814             It had left port in OMAN bound for JAPAN.
20060814             MALAYSIA said it would issue a "big fat no" to ANY—NATION or group that asked it to dismantle 1—SYSTEM—OF—POSITIVE—DISCRIMINATION for its majority ethnic Malays as PART—OF—TRADE—TALKS.
20060814             —DOUBTED, MEXICO—ANALYSTS, the significance of Arellano FELIX—ARREST as the gang has effectively lost much of its influence over the years.
20060814             He agreed to forfeit $50—MILLION and the yacht on which he was captured.
20060814             —HANDED, NIGERIA formally, sovereignty over the potentially OIL—RICH—BAKASSI peninsula to CAMEROON —AFTER withdrawing its 3,000 troops in compliance with 1—UN—BROKERED deadline.
20060814             —ENDED, This, a —13—YEAR feud between ABUJA and YAOUNDE.
20060814             NIGERIA will maintain administrative CONTROL—OF—SOUTH—BAKASSI for the next —2—YEARS, —AFTER which the area will be in 1—STATE—OF—FLUX for another —5—YEARS—BEFORE it will be finally handed over to CAMEROON.
20060814             NIGERIA, Ayo Daramola, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—RULING party and 1—POTENTIAL—CANDIDATE in Ekiti state, was found stabbed to death in his home, the 3. KILLING—OF—1—POTENTIAL gubernatorial candidate in recent weeks.
20060814             —KIDNAPPED, Armed men, 4—MORE—FOREIGN—OIL—WORKERS in the southern oil CITY—OF—PORT—HARCOURT, but released 3—FILIPINOS abducted more than —10—DAYS—AGO.
20060814             —DESTROYED, 1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE, 1—HOUSE in THE—GAZA—STRIP, injuring at least 8—PEOPLE.
20060814             —TARGETED, The military said 1—ISLAMIC—JIHAD command center was, but Palestinians said the building was empty.
20060814             Fighting in SRI—LANKA—NORTH and east, and 1—BOMBING in the capital, left at least 50—PEOPLE—DEAD, including 43—SCHOOLGIRLS killed in what the Tamil Tigers charged was 1—GOVERNMENT—AIR—RAID on 1—CHILDREN—HOME in rebel territory.
20060814             —PACKED, Hours —LATER in COLOMBO, 1—AUTO rickshaw, with explosives blew up as 1—CAR carrying PAKISTAN—HIGH—COMMISSIONER, Basir ALI—MOHMAND, passed along 1 crowded road.
20060814             —KILLED, At least 7—PEOPLE were, including 4—ARMY commandos guarding the envoy.
20060814             Related News: Thermite Identified As Culprit Of WTC Collapse
20060814             Union cites 1. death tied to 20010911             —CLEANUP
20060814             —PLANNED, Instructor says USA, the 20010911             —ATTACKS to provoke war
20060814             Autopsy Links COP—DEATH to 20010911             —WORK
20060814             Tower block fire aids 20010911             —DEBATE
20060814             FOX—NEWS—GUEST: Muslims Practice 'JOHNNY—COME—LATELY' Religion And Pray To 'Someone Who Wants To Kill You'
20060814             —TODAY on FOX—NEWS'S
20060814             Your World with NEIL—CAVUTO, private investigator BO—DIETL argued that Arabs + Muslims should be subjected to racial profiling because Islam is a "JOHNNY—COME—LATELY" religion + Muslims "pray to someone who wants to kill you".
20060814             And Neil, the bottom line is, this is 1—JOHNNY—COME—LATELY religion.
20060814             Christians and Jews have been —AROUND for 16000000             years, 15000000             years —BEFORE.
20060814             —WHEN they're having 1—RELIGION talking about killing people, I think we should reevaluate people who pray to someone who wants to kill you.
20060814             We do know 1—THING for SURE—DIETL is a "JOHNNY—COME—NEVER" to religious tolerance.
20060814             Hitting back on "THE—AL—QAEDA candidate" myth.
20060814             —BLASTED, This —MORNING on CNN, Arianna Huffington, CNN JOURNALIST—CHUCK—ROBERTS for suggesting that Ned Lamont "is THE—AL—QAEDA candidate," + demanded more accountability from journalists.
20060814             DAVID—BROCK, CEO—OF—MEDIAMATTERS, has
20060814             written CNN and urged them to discipline Roberts.
20060814             —ACCUSED, SENATOR—GEORGE—ALLEN (R—VA) is, - AMANDA—OF possibly calling a —20—YEAR—OLD volunteer of INDIA—DESCENT on his opponent's campaign a "monkey" (macaca).
20060814             "This fellow here over here with the yellow shirt, Macaca, or whatever his name is.
20060814             He's with my opponent. Lets give 1—WELCOME to Macaca, here.
20060814             Welcome to AMERICA and the real world of VIRGINIA".
20060814             * The volunteer, S.R. Sidarth and raised in VIRGINIA.
20060814             (VIDEO—HERE.
20060814             Right Wing Politicizes LONDON Plot —WHILE Calling For 'National Unity' On Terrorism
20060814             —INUNDATED, Over the weekend, the television airwaves were, with conservatives calling for unity in response to THE—LONDON terror plot.
20060814             No 1 should use this event or this war for political advantage," REPRESENTATIVE—PETE—HOEKSTRA (R—MI) said on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY.
20060814             "[M]y goodness," SENATOR—PAT—ROBERTS (R—KS) said —YESTERDAY, "if we can't
20060814             get national unity and take politics out of this
20060814             in terms of 1—ATTACK—LIKE this, I don't know what's going to happen to us".
20060814             Much remains to be done to improve homeland security.
20060814             For example, the administration has "yet to comprehensively improve SHARING—OF—COUNTERTERRORISM—INFORMATION".
20060814             But rather than focus on policies to prepare against future terrorism, conservatives spent —LAST—WEEK politicizing news of THE—LONDON plot:
20060814             - "USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH seized on 1 foiled LONDON airline bomb plot to hammer unnamed critics he accused of having all but forgotten 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks. [...] 'Weeks —BEFORE 20060911             , this is going to play big,' said another WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL. " [Agence FRANCE Presse,
20060814             —YESTERDAY on Meet the Press, FORMER—ROVE deputy KEN—MEHLMAN tried to claim that conservatives are "not coming in and saying 'Stay the course'" in IRAQ, but rather are advocating "Win by adapting".
20060814             Watch it: But despite MEHLMAN—STATEMENT, plenty of conservatives are saying "stay the course":
20060814             PRESIDENT—BUSH : "We're not going to lose in IRAQ. As 1—MATTER—OF—FACT, we will win in IRAQ so long as we stay the course ".
20060814             WHITE—HOUSE Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW:
20060814             "The 2. thing you do [to win the hearts and minds of Iraqis] is you stay the course. And you allow THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—MALIKI to create 1—FUNCTIONING and successful democracy".
20060814             SENATOR—BILL—FRIST (R—TN):
20060814             " We're for staying the course in IRAQ and THE—WAR—ON—TERROR".
20060814             SENATOR—JOHN—THUNE (R—SD):
20060814             "And 1—BELIEVE that 1—FREE, democratic IRAQ is quickly becoming 1—INEVITABLE—FACT + that —NOW more than ever we need to stay the course there ".
20060814             "On behalf of our men and women in harm's way, the children they protect + the dreams and aspirations of Americans for 1—BRIGHT—FUTURE, I will stay the course as 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—SENATE to support them in THE—WAR—ON—TERRO r".
20060814             Full transcript below:
20060814             DAVID—GREGORY: This is something that he also said last —SUNDAY—DURING 1—CAMPAIGN—SPEECH.
20060814             "The fact is"—THIS is SENATOR—LIEBERMAN speaking—"I have openly and clearly disagreed with and criticized THE—PRESIDENT for, among other things: not winning the support of our allies in THE—RUN—UP to the war; not having 1—PLAN to win the peace; not putting enough troops on the ground; putting 1—AMERICAN in CHARGE—OF—THE—IRAQ—OIL—SUPPLY. And I said that if I were PRESIDENT, I would ask SECRETARY—RUMSFELD to resign".
20060814             Given your respect for the credibility of his views, do you acknowledge that he's right on these points?
20060814             MISTER—MEHLMAN: Look, the fact is that our mission in the war in IRAQ is critical.
20060814             We agree on that; we agree it's wrong to cut and run.
20060814             But look, we're not coming in and saying "Stay the course".
20060814             The choice in this election is not between "Stay the course" and "Cut and run," it's between "Win by adapting" and "Cut and run".
20060814             —TRICKED, FOX—NEWS—PAPAL—CONTRIBUTOR ""- AMANDA—IMAMS at 1—LONDON mosque into talking on air by claiming he was "1—PRIEST working in ROME".
20060814             Labor DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL—POSES—AS 'Conservative Analyst' On FOX—NEWS, PBS
20060814             Labor Department deputy assistant SECRETARY—KAREN—CZARNECKI has repeatedly appeared on television — including FOX—NEWS and PBS — as 1—PUNDIT.
20060814             —FILED, —WHILE she apparently, leave papers —BEFORE heading to the studios and was cleared by the department's ethics staff (political activity by FEDERAL—EMPLOYEES is restricted by the Hatch Act), Czarnecki never revealed her government position.
20060814             Instead she identified herself as a "conservative analyst".
20060814             —ON abstinence: CZARNECKI: Absolutely [abstinence is 1—OPTION for AFRICA—WOMEN], if UGANDA can reduce its HIV infected population 50% to 60—OVER the years, it's definitely 1—OPTION.
20060814             HOST: It's no more 1—OPTION than to tell them their option is to marry 1—MILLIONAIRE.
20060814             CZARNECKI: If you have free — you have free choice to choose abstinence.
20060814             —ON intelligent design:
20060814             " Intelligent design doesn't equate religion with science. It is based on scientific premise ".
20060814             —ON No Child Left Behind:
20060814             " This program has been well funded by THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT + states have BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS unspent for education cost. They can apply to doing this".
20060814             —WHILE SOME—OF—THE—SHORTER—APPEARANCES were apparently freebies, the Wasington POST—AL—KAMEN notes that "
20060814             the regular PBS gig does supplement her government pay.
20060814             36—PERCENT: - PAYSON—BUSH—APPROVAL rating remains stuck " where it was —1—MONTH—AGO," according to 1—NEW—CBS News poll.
20060814             28—PERCENT of Americans view the war in IRAQ as the country's "most important problem".
20060814             Sham UN Resolution Guarantees No End To ISRAEL—WAR—OF—ILLEGAL—AGGRESSION
20060814             —AFFORDED, Neither LEBANON nor Hezbollah was, that same right.
20060814             —DOMINATED, In 1—UN, by the world's only superpower and having to operate within the constraints it sets, only aggressors are allowed that privilege.
20060814             It's victims never are.
20060814             The new resolution only guarantees 1—THING—NO—END to the conflict and no justice for its LEBANON—VICTIMS.
20060814             It doesn't even address the concurrent hostilities ongoing against the Palestinians arrogantly ignoring the fact that they're raging daily with no end in sight.
20060814             Empire comes to LEBANON
20060814             THE—USA—ISRAEL axis goes all out to remove the last impediments to building a "New MIDDLE—EAST".
20060814             —UNDISPUTED, AIJAZ AHMAD—LET us begin with 1—SUPPOSEDLY "" fact: The official story, told 1. by THE—ISRAEL i government and automatically accepted by governments and media outlets across the world, is that Hizbollah is 1—MUSLIM fundamentalist, terrorist organisation which periodically lobs shells and rockets into CIVIL—POPULATION—CENTRES—OF—NORTH—ISRAEL and that, in its latest !
20060814             This official version raises SOME—BASIC—QUESTIONS regarding the character of Hizbollah itself, about the very incident that is supposed to have "provoked" ISRAEL beyond endurance + about the scope of ISRAEL 's "retaliation".
20060814             JASON—MILLER—REMEMBER, good patriots, we are at war with Islam, Socialism, Communism, drugs, crime, illegal immigration, Gays, labor unions, liberal university professors, peace activists, environmentalists, ANTI—SEMITES, secular humanists + all those who pose 1—THREAT to THE—USA.
20060814             They are a ! cancer upon THE—USA—WAY and must be excised.
20060814             Freedom and liberty will prevail despite their onslaught of evil.
20060814             Suspension of civil liberties, CONCENTRATION—OF—POWER into THE—HANDS—OF—THE—EXECUTIVE—BRANCH, slaughtering HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—INNOCENTS—CIVILIANS, collective PUNISHMENT—OF—MILLIONS through wanton DESTRUCTION—OF—INFRASTRUCTURE, widespread dissemination of depleted uranium, reduction of wasteful spending on "useless eaters" via massive cuts in entitlement spending, ongoing ethnic cleansing in GAZA and THE—WEST—BANK, torture, DENIAL—OF—JUSTICE to "enemy combatants", massive tax cuts to the wealthy, obscene increases in defense spending, propaganda blitzes to keep the public believing horrendous lies, preemptive war, reduced government restriction of corporate exploitation of humans and the environment + continued neocolonial expansion are all essential to THE—USA—FULFILLING its Manifest Destiny and ending the terrorist threat.
20060814             Remember, they ha! te our freedom.
20060814             The "ceasefire" - ELI—STEPHENS, Left I on the News Reuters reports what has been obvious to ANY—INTELLIGENT—PERSON—SINCE the terms of THE—SO—CALLED "ceasefire" were announced: ISRAEL believes it will be entitled to use force to prevent Hizbollah from rearming and to clear guerrilla positions OUT—OF—SOUTH—LEBANON —AFTER A—UNITED—NATIONS—TRUCE takes effect, ISRAEL i officials said —ON—SUNDAY.
20060814             ISRAEL i officials said such operations are "defensive" in nature and —THEREFORE permissible under A—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION w!
20060814             hich calls for ISRAEL to halt "all offensive military operations".
20060814             THE—ISRAEL i operations could include air strikes against arms convoys travelling anywhere in LEBANON—TERRITORY, 1—SENIOR—ISRAEL i official said.
20060814             In 1—DISPATCH —POSTED at 5:27pm Makkah time —SUNDAY afternoon, Mafkarat AL—ISLAM reported that IRAQ—RESISTANCE—FORCES had carried out their 3. rocket attack in THE—AR—RAMADI area within the previous —24—HOURS.
20060814             —REPORTED, THE—AR—RAMADI correspondent for Mafkarat AL—ISLAM, 1—SOURCE in THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE as saying that the Resistance fired 4—KATYUSHA rockets at!
20060814             THE—USA—AL—WARRAR base on the Euphrates River WEST—OF—AR—RAMADI.
20060814             —BLASTED, The rockets, into fuel storage tanks used for USA—OCCUPATION—VEHICLES.
20060814             The source said that the attack was successful, destroying 9—BIG—FUEL—TANKS.
20060814             —COVERED, Dense CLOUDS—OF—SMOKE, the sky over the base and the surrounding areas —AFTER the attack.
20060814             —PROWLED, USA—HELICOPTERS and fighter planes, the skies over head.
20060814             PLO: 'Ceasefire agreement' leaves room for ISRAEL to continue military invasion
20060814             IMEMC + PNN "There was never 1—AGREEMENT—MORE—FAVORABLE to ISRAEL," said ISRAEL i defense MINISTER—AMIR—PERETZ about THE—UNITED—NATIONS (UN) 'ceasefire' agreement.
20060814             Such words sound ominous to THE—EARS—OF—THE—LEBANON—PEOPLE, who suffered under —18—YEARS—OF—MILITARY—OCCUPATION by ISRAEL due to 1—NUMBER—OF—AGREEMENTS 'favorable to ISRAEL '.
20060814             Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Executive COMMITTEE—POLITICAL—BUREAU member, Taysir!
20060814             —INCLINED, Khalid, is, to agree that the agreement favors ISRAEL, saying it "gives ISRAEL—1—GREEN—LIGHT to continue its aggression against THE—LEBANON—PEOPLE".
20060814             CEASE—FIRE Charade
20060814             Editorial, Arab News By the time THE—ISRAEL i Cabinet meets —TODAY to consider PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT?s recommendation that THE—UN—CEASE—FIRE—RESOLUTION be accepted, ISRAEL ?s major new thrust toward the Litani River in SOUTH—LEBANON will probably have expanded the conflict with Hezbollah.
20060814             The slightest hint of 1—HEZBOLLAH counterattack, under THE—1—SIDED terms of —FRIDAY?s Resolution 17010000             , will permit THE—ISRAEL i military to mount "defensive" operations and thus keep the conflict going.
20060814             W! e can confidently expect that Olmert?s Cabinet will willingly agree to THE—CEASE—FIRE ?
20060814             —JUST as soon as Hezbollah stops its attacks.
20060814             ISRAEL is 1—PAST—MASTER at kicking its boot into the hive and then protesting that it must take action against the resulting swarm.
20060814             WILL—THE—SECURITY—COUNCIL allow itself to be manipulated into remaining silent about ISRAEL ?s massive new push into LEBANON—TERRITORY?
20060814             efused. "?I can?t take this anymore!?
20060814             That?s what I thought to myself.
20060814             —SIGNED, This is not what I, up for and it?s not what?s being shown to THE—USA—PUBLIC.
20060814             So, why the hell should I fight?
20060814             UN says 'peace tomorrow' despite ISRAEL i attack
20060814             CONAL—URQUHART in Matulla, MITCHELL—PROTHERO in BEIRUT and PETER—BEAUMONT in LONDON, THE—OBSERVER—ISRAEL dramatically defied 1—UNANIMOUS UNITED—NATIONS Security Council ceasefire resolution by escalating its ground war —YESTERDAY in SOUTH—LEBANON, asserting that it needed more time to 'clean up' Hizbollah.
20060814             Last night KOFI—ANNAN, THE—SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—UN, insisted that hostilities would end at 5am tomorrow, saying that both ISRAEL i and LEBANON—PRIME ministe!
20060814             rs had agreed to 1—CEASEFIRE.
20060814             But —YESTERDAY there was little SIGN—OF—PEACE as ISRAEL sent more armour and helicopters into LEBANON.
20060814             —FERRIED, DOZENS—OF—HELICOPTERS, infantry deep into LEBANON in 1—RACE to grab territory.
20060814             —BY THE—DAY—END, 30,000 ISRAEL i soldiers had crossed the border.
20060814             —REACHED, Despite reports that SOME—TROOPS had, the Litani, it was also their bloodiest —DAY—OF—FIGHTING, with at least 11 killed and 70 wounded.
20060814             ISRAEL i Leaders Fault Bush on War
20060814             ROBERT—PARRY—AMID the political and diplomatic fallout from ISRAEL ?s faltering invasion of LEBANON, SOME—ISRAEL i officials are privately blaming PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH for egging PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT into THE—ILL—CONCEIVED military adventure against the Hezbollah militia in SOUTH—LEBANON.
20060814             leaders.
20060814             —AGREED, Olmert, who like Bush lacks direct wartime experience, that 1—DOSE—OF—MILITARY—FORCE against Hezbollah might damage the guerrilla group?s influence in LEBANON and intimidate its allies, IRAN and Syria, countries that Bush has identified as THE—CHIEF—OBSTACLES to USA—INTERESTS in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20060814             What THE—HELL—HAS—HAPPENED—TO—THE—ARMY?
20060814             —HAPPENED, URI—AVNERY—SO—WHAT has, to THE—ISRAEL i army?
20060814             —RAISED, This question is —NOW being, not only —AROUND the world, but also in ISRAEL itself.
20060814             Clearly, there is 1—HUGE—GAP between the army's boastful arrogance, on which GENERATIONS—OF—ISRAEL is have grown up + the picture presented by this war.
20060814             —EXPECTED, —BEFORE THE—CHOIR—OF—GENERALS utters their, cries of being stabbed in the back - "The government has shackled our hands!
20060814             The politicians did not allow the army to win!
20060814             The pol! itical leadership is to blame for everything!" - it is worthwhile to examine this war from 1—PROFESSIONAL—MILITARY—POINT—OF—VIEW.
20060814             —TRAPPED, Police find 12—BODIES, in 1—GRATE in the Tigris.
20060814             —BLINDFOLDED, All had been bound, + shot.
20060814             AP also reports "Police also found 15—OTHER—BULLET—RIDDLED BODIES—OF—MEN who had been handcuffed and blindfolded in 6—NEIGHBORHOODS—THROUGHOUT THE—BAGHDAD area, police LIEUTENANT—MOHAMMED—KHAYOUN said.
20060814             An!
20060814             other 21—PEOPLE were killed —YESTERDAY, mostly in BAGHDAD but also in HILLAH, MOSUL and Basra.".
20060814             24—ISRAEL i soldiers killed in expanded offensive in LEBANON
20060814             —CONFIRMED, Agence FRANCE—PRESSE THE—ISRAEL i army, —EARLY—SUNDAY that 24—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS had been killed the previous —DAY in 1—SERIES—OF—CLASHES with the Hezbollah militia as it expanded its ground operations in SOUTH—LEBANON.
20060814             The updated toll includes THE—5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—FLIGHT—CREW—OF—1—HELICOPTER that was shot down + 85—OTHER—SOLDIERS were wounded in fighting, 1—ARMY—SPOKESMAN said.
20060814             Those 2—AND—A—HALF—MONTHS—OF—MY integration back into the military and back into society really questioned and really forced me to reevaluate my beliefs and my own personal feelings and convictions, politically and spiritually, about my involvement in the w!
20060814             ar in IRAQ and also THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—THE—MILITARY in general.
20060814             UN ?ISRAEL i War Crimes? Vote Reveals the West is Isolated
20060814             STEVE—MASTERSON, GlobalResearch.ca THE—WESTERN—MEDIA focussed on the irrelevant and 'unanimous?
20060814             UN Security Council 'ceasefire?
20060814             vote, which only guarantees the fighting and slaughter will escalate.
20060814             Another UN vote within hours of the 'ceasfire?
20060814             vote ? of immense significance and hardly TOUCHED—UPON in the Western media ?
20060814             exposed the real WORLD—WIDE—DIVISIONS and alliances embroiled in this global LEBANON war.
20060814             In 1—CRUCIAL 27—11—VOTE, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS Co!
20060814             uncil (UNHCR) condemned ISRAEL i war crimes and agreed '—IMMEDIATELY despatch 1—HIGH—LEVEL—INQUIRY—COMMISSION to LEBANON?
20060814             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MI5 Had Agent Inside Bomb Squad Plot 'almost allowed to come to FRUITION'—PUTTING 3,000
20060814             "It's 1—MOMENT—OF—CLARIFICATION," PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH said.
20060814             Delays go on amid 'severe' threat Air passengers face a 5. —DAY—OF—TRAVEL—DELAYS at SOME—UK airports despite rules on baggage being relaxed.
20060814             SPAIN—POLICE find 'drugs' sub 1—SUBMARINE which may have been used by cocaine smugglers is found floating off THE—SPAIN—COAST.
20060814             PAKISTAN 'vital in WAR—ON—TERROR' THE—PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHAUKAT—AZIZ says the country's future rests on defeating terrorism.
20060814             New home gets rare bats in 1—FLAP 1—OF—EUROPE—RAREST—SPECIES—OF bats have taken up residence in 1—NEW roost with 1—SPECIALLY designed "bat flap".
20060814             Union to fight hospital job cuts Unison and the Royal College of Nursing join forces to fight up to 1,200 job losses at 2—NOTTINGHAM hospitals.
20060814             Pork, the Other Alt Fuel Australians aren't sheepish about biodiesel -- 1—COMPANY there is making fuel OUT—OF—ANIMAL—FAT taken from pigs, sheep and cows.
20060814             Old Methods Used to Detect Liquid Explosives
20060814             "According to Wired News, THE—UK—FEAR—OF—TERRORISTS using liquid explosives could be dramatically reduced by THE—USE—OF—SOME—VERY—OLD—TECH. Recent events have seen passengers forced to pack only the barest of essentials into clear plastic bags and the restriction on all liquids force even mothers with young children to have to test bottled milk to prove that it isn't 1—DANGEROUS—LIQUID".
20060814             "For 1—MACHINE to detect explosives in liquid or solid form, it bombards 1—OBJECT with energy -- such as radio waves or neutrons -- and in seconds measures the reaction, 1—RESPONSE that differs depending on the material's chemical properties. Software in the machine is programmed to alert screeners if it detects chemical signatures known to match those of dangerous materials. 1—KEY—QUESTION, though, is whether this KIND—OF—DETECTION—SYSTEM can realistically block terrorists from bringing seemingly innocuous liquids past security and combining them —LATER to deadly effect".
20060814             USA—SATELLITE—PLAN Could Knock Out GPS and Radio
20060814             "Otago University researchers are concerned by USA—PLANS to protect satellites from solar storms... "The approach, which is being considered by THE—USA—AIR—FORCE and THE—USA—DEFENSE Advanced Research Projects Agency, involves using very low frequency radio waves to flush particles from belts and dump them into the upper atmosphere over either 1 or several days". The plan could disrupt GPS signals and high frequency radio over the Pacific for up to —1—WEEK. "The disruptions result from 1—DELUGE of dumped charged particles temporarily changing the ionosphere from a "mirror" that bounces high frequency radio waves —AROUND the planet to a "sponge" that soaks them up"".
20060814             Biometric Terrorist Detector
20060814             "THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL has this story about 1—BIOMETRIC—AIRPORT—SECURITY—SYSTEM which uses biometric responses — blood pressure, pulse and sweat levels — to SERIES—OF—QUESTIONS ("Are you smuggling drugs?") to identify passengers with "hostile intent".
20060814             According to the article, "In the latest ISRAEL i trial, the system caught 85—PERCENT—OF—THE—ROLE—ACTING terrorists, meaning that 15% got through + incorrectly identified 8—PERCENT—OF—INNOCENT—TRAVELERS as potential threats, according to corporate marketing materials"".
20060814             LARRY—BEINHART: Republicans are Bad on National Security.
20060814             If You Value Your Life, Vote Them OUT—OF—OFFICE.
20060814             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20060814             DNC: GOP Policies Have Made AMERICA LESS SAFE 8/14
20060814             —LASTED, Why has IRAQ war, nearly as long as WWII?
20060814             8/14 - Stay Informed! We Deliver! Get BuzzFlash Alerts Free!
20060814             LEBANON truce holds; The truce has not resolved MANY—KEY—ISSUES including the fate of the 2 captured ISRAEL i soldiers and the Shebaa Farms area which is claimed by LEBANON but occupied by ISRAEL.
20060814             Lamont fights back: Lieberman sounds —JUST like Cheney.
20060814             "My God, here we have 1—TERRORIST—THREAT against hearth and home and the very 1. thing that comes out of their mind is how can we turn this to partisan advantage. I find that offensive".
20060814             PRAISE—THE—LORD.
20060814             We've Found 1—DEMOCRAT with SOME—FIGHT and Guts in Him.
20060814             A Very Tentative Ceasefire Begins in LEBANON
20060814             Dispatch from the BuzzFlash DEPARTMENT—OF—REALITY: Blasts kill 47 in Shiite AREA—OF—BAGHDAD
20060814             140403antiwarblogg Wir kennen solche Greuelmärchen —SEIT dem I. Weltkrieg.
20060814             20030400233039        Diese Verlustlisten machen deutlich: Amerikas Generäle kommandieren nicht nur.
20060814             —GEWUSST, Schriftsteller Schindel: —SEIT—20—JAHREN alles, - Chemie: Kriegsbemalung gegen Brustkrebs
20060814             —BEKANNT, Internationale Pressestimmen: "Grass hat sich unerträglich spät "
20060814             THE—LONDON—TERROR—GANG—II - 01?THE—CONSPIRACY - 02?MI5 Tracked Group For —1—YEAR
20060814             Irans PRÄSIDENT ist 1—BLOGER—SFUX STEPHAN—FUCHS?
20060814             —GEDACHT, Wer hätte das, Irans PRÄSIDENT—MAHMUD—AHMADINEDSCHAD ist unter die Bloger gekommen.
20060814             Rührend: Während er sich die Seele aus dem Leibe blogt, bleibt das Tor zur grossen weiten Welt vielen seiner IRANISCHEN—BLOGERKUMPELS verschlossen.
20060814             —ZENSIERT, Der Chefbloger, wer nicht kuscht kommt in den Knast.
20060814             Eifersucht weil die anderen besser blogen?
20060814             Oder wirklich was zu sagen haben?
20060814             Menschenrechte unteilbar? ?...das muß man sich bitte alles mal vorstellen...? - sfux KARL—WEISS -
20060814             Mehrere Veröffentlichungen und Interviews bekannter Persönlichkeiten machen deutlich, auf wie dünnes Eis sich ISRAEL mit seinem LIBANON—ÜBERFALL und die USA mit ihrem ?Neuen Nahen Osten?
20060814             vorgewagt hat.
20060814             Wer nicht gerade einschworener Freund des Zionism us ist, kritisiert klar und unmißverständlich diesen völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg.
20060814             Neben dem ISRAEL i...
20060814             IntellNet is back! - sfux INTELLNET—AFTER 1—NEARLY —24—MONTH hiatus, it is with great pride and honor that I announce THE—RE—LAUNCH—OF—INTELLNET_org
20060814             —FIRED, TURKI—AL—SAHEIL—PRISON—GUARDS in GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, on detainees in THE—USA—MILITARY—BASE, used noxious gases against them and insulted the Quran, 1—RECENT—LETTER by 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—INMATE revealed.
20060814             The letter, seen by Asharq al Awsat, was written —10—DAYS—BEFORE the Pentagon announced 3.
20060814             Büchse der Pandora OFFEN—SFUX KARL—WEISS -
20060814             Die Menschheit rutscht langsam in den 3. Weltkrieg und man merkt es kaum.
20060814             —GEÖFFNET, Die Büchse der Pandora wurde.
20060814             —NACHDEM—NUN allen Ländern ausführlich vorgemacht wurde, daß man beliebig NACHBAR—UND andere Staaten angreifen kann, ohne dafür verurteilt oder bestraft zu werden (irgendwelche Vorwände finden sich ja immer), beginnen sich allenthalben die Konfliktpunkte in Kriege.
20060814             Spies May Have Stolen USA BIOWEAPONS—SFUX—SOVIET—SPIES may have stolen deadly viruses from A—USA—BIODEFENSE—LABORATORY in MARYLAND in the 1980s and shipped them to MOSCOW, 1—REPORT says.
20060814             A—USA—ARMS—CONTROL—EXPERT says he has independent EVIDENCE—OF—1—SOVIET—SPY at Fort Detrick —20—YEARS—AGO, THE—BALTIMORE—SUN reported + 1—FORMER—SOVIET—SCIENTIST...
20060814             "As THE—UK—TERROR—PLOT was unfolding,- AMANDA—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION quietly tried to take away $6—MILLION that was supposed to be spent —THIS—YEAR developing new explosives detection technology".
20060814             1—UNITED—NATIONS—DECLARED CEASE—FIRE between Hezbollah and ISRAEL went into effect this —MORNING—AFTER 1—BRUTAL escalation in violence over the weekend.
20060814             Prospects for sustaining THE—CEASE—FIRE appear "dim" and assembling THE—INTERNATIONAL—MILITARY—FORCE in LEBANON "is expected to take at least
20060814             2 or —3—WEEKS.
20060814             Despite a "MONTHS—LONG push " to search for militants in "EVERY—HOUSE and business, street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood," sectarian violence continues to rock BAGHDAD.
20060814             "Car bombs and 1—ROCKET—BARRAGE struck 1—PREDOMINANTLY Shiite neighborhood in BAGHDAD,killing at least 62—PEOPLE" —TODAY.
20060814             —DROPPED, ILLINOIS has, 1—REFERENDUM to ban gay marriage from its —NOVEMBER ballot.
20060814             —FAILED, State officials say supporters say, to gather enough valid signatures.
20060814             " Violence against women in AFGHANISTAN is widespread and mainly happens inside victims' homes," according to 1—REPORT from THE—UNITED—NATIONS—DEVELOPMENT—FUND for Women.
20060814             "ACTS—OF—VIOLENCE (against women)
20060814             are happening with impunity," the report said.
20060814             Saqib Ali, 1—MUSLIM candidate for THE—MARYLAND—HOUSE—OF—DELEGATES, is being protested by 1—MAN who sits outside ALI—HOUSE "with 1—SIGN READING 'Islam sucks,' and 1—SHIRT with the slogan, '
20060814             This mind is 1—ALLAH—FREE—ZONE.
20060814             REPRESENTATIVE—GARY—MILLER (R—CA) made 1—TAX—FREE—PROFIT—OF $10—MILLION from land sold to THE—CITY—OF—MONROVIA by claiming that the city "had forced him to sell the property under THREAT—OF—EMINENT domain".
20060814             —JUST 1—PROBLEM: "MONROVIA officials say THAT—MILLER sold the land willingly
20060814             and that they didn't threaten to force him to sell".
20060814             "Rich countries HAVE—LARGELY failed to back their voluble lip service
20060814             to combating global poverty by doing more to help," according to the Center for Global Development. THE—USA ranked 13—OF—OUT 21—COUNTRIES "according to how their policies on overseas aid, trade, security, the environment, migration, technology and investment help poor nations".
20060814             THE—CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR has begun an 11-part series by JILL—CARROLL, who was kidnapped and held —FOR—3—MONTHS by insurgents in BAGHDAD.
20060814             And finally: 2—WISCONSIN candidates for ATTORNEY—GENERAL brought civility back to politics —AFTER 1—DEBATE between them got 1—LITTLE heated.
20060814             That's why you suck, Paul, because you only listen to people who agree with you," J.B. VAN Hollen told PAUL—BUCHER. "I don't suck," Bucher responded.
20060814             —APOLOGIZED, THE—2—MADE up over fax last —FRIDAY—AFTER VAN Hollen.
20060814             Ridge says Cheney wrong about Lamont victory. - NICO—NEWSWEEK, 8/21—ISSUE:
20060814             "[Responding to CHENEY—CLAIM that LAMONT—VICTORY would encourage 'al Qaeda types'], FORMER—HOMELAND—SECURITY—SECRETARY—TOM—RIDGE bridled at his former colleague's remark: 'That may be the way THE—VICE—PRESIDENT sees it,' he sees it, 'but I don't see it that way + I don't think most Americans see it that way.'"
20060814             Kristol: CHENEY—CLAIM—THAT—LAMONT—WIN—HELPS—'AL—QAEDA—TYPES' Is 'Indisputably Correct'
20060814             —CALLED, —LAST—WEEK, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, Ned LAMONT—WIN in THE—CONNECTICUT primary "disturbing" because "the al Qaeda types, they clearly are
20060814             betting on the proposition that ultimately they can break THE—WILL—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE
20060814             in terms of our ability to stay in the fight and complete the task".
20060814             —TODAY on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, Weekly Standard EDITOR—BILL—KRISTOL called CHENEY—REMARKS "indisputably correct".
20060814             Kristol said that anyone who advocates REDEPLOYMENT—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ is helping AL—QAEDA.
20060814             Watch it: WALLACE: Bill, —AFTER THE—EVENTS—OF—THIS—WEEK — and I know you're not going to like this question — but can you argue that the working class neighborhoods in BRITAIN are 1—BIGGER—THREAT to THE—USA—THAN what happens in BAGHDAD?
20060814             KRISTOL: No. Look, there are LOTS—OF—THREATS. It is 1—GLOBAL—WAR.
20060814             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, I think, is deeply correct about this.
20060814             And what you do on 1—FRONT affects what happens on the other front.
20060814             CHENEY—STATEMENT is indisputably correct.
20060814             It doesn't mean that Ned Lamont likes al Qaeda or wants al Qaeda to win.
20060814             But the notion that 1—RETREAT in IRAQ would not embolden terrorists elsewhere in THE—MIDDLE—EAST + terror recruiters in the suburbs of LONDON, is ludicrous.
20060814             Of course it would.
20060814             —NOW, if you want to say we should get out of IRAQ anyway because we can't win and this is the price we have to pay, fine.
20060814             But it's —JUST factually true that our pulling out of IRAQ will be bad for us in the global WAR—ON—TERROR.
20060814             Seems like less than ceasing all aggressions to me.... —CEASE—FIRE begins;
20060814             UK—OFFICIALS are furious with THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION for "jumping the gun" by declaring that AL—QAEDA was behind the airline terror plot, THE—TIMES has learnt.
20060814             Although the capture —YESTERDAY—OF—7—PEOPLE in PAKISTAN is being seen as further evidence of an "AFGHANISTAN AL—QAEDA connection", THE—UK—REMAINS deeply wary of crediting the terror network with the plan.
20060814             It is understood THAT—WTC Damage PHOTO—BLOGGER—THOUGHTS:
20060814             I think THE—BLINDNESS—OF—THE—AUTHORS—OF—THE—SCREW—LOOSE—CHANGE blog is —JUST beyond explanation.
20060814             I don't have 1—PROBLEM posting their posts, especially —WHEN there is 1—ISSUE—OF—EVIDENCE at hand.
20060814             The sheer THICK—HEADEDNESS—OF those who would think this picture of WTC 7 in ANY—WAY lessens the deductive logic that leads to the conclusion of 1—OBVIOUS controlled demo of WTC 7 is simply beyond comprehension and explanation.
20060814             Screw Loose Change
20060814             Dedicated to Exposing the Lies, Distortions and Myths in the Movie Loose Change
20060814             WTC Damage Photo By Pat Debunking911 has 1—NICE—LITTLE scoop here--the best photo YET—OF—THE—DAMAGE to the south side of WTC 7.
20060814             IRAN: Ahmadinejad is Blogging!
20060814             —BY noemail@noemail_org (ine[at]matuvu[dot]nu ine) on Linking context
20060814             —STARTED, MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, IRAN—PRESIDENT has, his own blog in 4—LANGUAGES.
20060814             In his 1. post he talks about his life.
20060814             —ASKED, On his blog the —FOLLOWING question is : Do you think that THE—USA and ISRAEL i intention and goal by attacking LEBANON is pulling the trigger for another world war?
20060814             —INVITED, Visitors are, to vote yes or no to the question.
20060814             via globalvoices Wallah! It is like the orthodox jews with their ipods.
20060814             Technology eventually rules over conservative minds.
20060814             Intersecting Facts and Theories on 20010911             —20010911—BLOGGER—BLOGGING 20010911             Related Alternative News
20060814             JOSEPH—P—FIRMAGE has written 1—EXCELLENT—INTRODUCTION and OVERVIEW—OF—THE—MULTITUDE—OF—FACTS and theories that challenge the official narrative of 20010911
20060814             —CALLED, The paper is, appropriately, " Intersecting Facts and Theories 20010911             —ON " and is freely downloadable at the Journal of 20010911             —STUDIES.
20060814             Here is 1—SAMPLE—OF—THE—AVAILABLE—ANALYSIS;
20060814             1—COMMON—REFRAIN heard from the left — less often from the right — in response to suspicions about the official 20010911             —STORY goes something like: "THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has demonstrated such incompetence on so MANY—FRONTS that it strains the imagination to think they could of have pulled off something so elaborate + kept it 1—SECRET".
20060814             This argument ignores 3—KEY—FACTS.
20060814             1., —WHILE GEORGE—W—BUSH may be intellectually challenged across THE—BOARD +
20060814             —WHILE neoconservatives may have 1—GRAVELY naïve, overreaching geopolitical agenda,
20060814             Bush officials in key national security positions have superlative experience in managing clandestine operations +
20060814             have repeatedly demonstrated ruthless, systematic, DETAILED—ORIENTED control over sensitive programs and information.
20060814             The historical PREOCCUPATION—OF—KEY—OFFICIALS across THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION with clandestine operations — both legal and illegal — is well known to HISTORIANS—OF—THE—FIELD.
20060814             2., vastly larger programs have remained secret —FOR—DECADES.
20060814             1—FEW examples: the National Security Agency has 1—LARGER—BUDGET and more employees than THE—CIA.
20060814             —ORGANIZED, It was, 19490000             .
20060814             —REMAINED, This entire AGENCY—OF—THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, completely hidden from the public —UNTIL the 1980s, over —3—DECADES—LATER.
20060814             1—OF—THE—PROGRAMS—RUN by NSA, believed to have started in the 1940s, was Project Shamrock, through which all major transatlantic telegraph cables were tapped with the cooperation of AT&T and other communications carriers.
20060814             This vast program — involving people building, installing and running equipment all over the world + yet numerous others watching and translating conversations — was kept entirely secret —UNTIL the 1990s.
20060814             Most USA—CITIZENS have never heard of this program to this —DAY.
20060814             Serious STUDENTS—OF—THE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—APPARATUS know how effective its systems can be in controlling information and people + compartmenting information and tasks into 1—STARTLINGLY small NUMBER—OF—HANDS.
20060814             3., the official 20010911             —STORY asks us to believe that only 1—COUPLE—OF—DOZEN poorly trained Islamic radicals deftly maneuvered through the world's most powerful intelligence gathering and military machine.
20060814             How much easier might it have been for 1—SIMILAR—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE to do so, employing MANY—UNKNOWING others for secondary, compartmented tasks, if those handful with full KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—PLAN also knew EVERY—ASPECT—OF—THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE and military machine + were in key positions governing its activities and responses?
20060814             The historical association between Bush officials, government and private intelligence networks and clandestine operations argues against the notion that incompetence allowed 20010911             to occur + —THEREFORE this fact must raise suspicion...
20060814             Fingers Crossed? -ABC News: ISRAEL—OKS—DEAL, but Fighting Rages On
20060814             CEASE—FIRE—MONDAY; Fighting —TODAY ISRAEL—CABINET has approved A—UNITED—NATIONS—CEASE—FIRE—DEAL to take effect —MONDAY—MORNING.
20060814             But ISRAEL—STILL firing away —TODAY + continuing 1—GROUND—OFFENSIVE - + HEZBOLLAH—FIRING right back.
20060814             —IGNORED, Gregory, Stephanopoulos, downplayed NBC report that USA—OFFICIALS rushed UK to make terror arrests
20060814             Media Matters for AMERICA - Latest Media Matters for AMERICA—ITEMS
20060814             —ATTRIBUTED, They, the story to 1—SENIOR UK—OFFICIAL:
20060814             —LEARNED, NBC News has, that USA and UK—AUTHORITIES had 1—SIGNIFICANT—DISAGREEMENT over —WHEN to move in on the suspects in the alleged plot to bring down TRANS—ATLANTIC airliners bound for THE—USA.
20060814             1—SENIOR—UK—OFFICIAL—KNOWLEDGEABLE about the case said UK—POLICE were planning to continue to run surveillance for at least another —WEEK to try to obtain more evidence, —WHILE USA—OFFICIALS pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner.
20060814             The official spoke on CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY due to THE—SENSITIVITY—OF—THE—CASE.
20060814             —SUGGESTED, In contrast to previous reports, the official, 1—ATTACK was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased ANY—AIRLINE—TICKETS.
20060814             In fact, SOME—DID not even have passports.
20060814             —DENIED, At THE—WHITE—HOUSE, 1—TOP—AIDE to PRESIDENT—BUSH, the account.
20060814             "There was unprecedented cooperation and coordination between THE—USA, THE—UK and PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS—THROUGHOUT the case," said FRANCES—TOWNSEND, Assistant to THE—PRESIDENT—FOR—HOMELAND—SECURITY and Counterterrorism, "and we worked together to protect our citizens from harm —WHILE ensuring that we gathered as much info as possible to bring the plotters to justice. There was no disagreement between USA and UK officials".
20060814             Another USA—OFFICIAL, however, acknowledges there was disagreement over timing.
20060814             Analysts say that in recent years, USA—SECURITY—OFFICIALS have become edgier than the British in such cases because of missed opportunities leading up to 20010911
20060814             In his —12—MINUTE—INTERVIEW—WITH—CHERTOFF, Gregory brought up the issue of "our coordination with UK—AUTHORITIES," asking, "What worked here?" But Gregory failed to question Chertoff regarding the reported disagreement, despite the fact that his own network had broken the story —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20060814             GREGORY: Let me ask you about our coordination with UK—AUTHORITIES.
20060814             —WORKED, What, here?
20060814             —WORKED, CHERTOFF: Well, what, is deep relationships;
20060814             trust -- the fact that we did not have leaks —PRIOR—TO the takedown.
20060814             You know, that's 1—OF—THE—CRITICAL lessons out of this whole thing.
20060814             —TRUSTED, THE—BRITISH, us with very sensitive information + they were able to do it because they were confident we weren't going to leak.
20060814             That's why leaks are so pernicious.
20060814             Not only do they actually reveal secrets, but they undercut THE—BASIS—OF—TRUST, which is the foundation of our whole INTERNATIONAL effort.
20060814             —RESPONDED, Stephanopoulos, "[T]here certainly is," and noted, "There was 1—REPORT that said THE—USA... rushed this -- the Brits wanted to wait".
20060814             —FAILED, But Stephanopoulos, to mention that this report had come from NBC News, not the blogosphere.
20060814             WILL: I'm sure somewhere out in that fog of paranoia we call the blogosphere, there are all KINDS—OF—PEOPLE writing that THE—UK—POLICE and THE—PAKISTAN—POLICE and THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION timed all this to counter the Lamont --
20060814             STEPHANOPOULOS: I was READING -- I was READING on THE—INTERNET last night -- there certainly is.
20060814             MARTHA RADDATZ (ABC News CHIEF—WHITE—HOUSE—CORRESPONDENT): Funny about that conspiracy, huh?
20060814             —RUSHED, STEPHANAPOULOS: There was 1—REPORT that said THE—USA, -- rushed this -- the Brits wanted to wait.
20060814             I'm not verifying this. I'm —JUST reporting it.
20060814             Liquid Bomb PAKISTAN Link Is False Flag Smoking Gun
20060814             —BY PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—VERACITY—OF—LIQUID explosives method also put under dubious doubt
20060814             More Work on the Val McClatchey Photo By SPOOKED—ASSUMING the photo is real, there is something VERY WRONG with the official flight 93—STORY.
20060814             —FAKED, If the photo is, how, —WHEN and why was it faked?
20060814             SOUTH—TOWER FLY—BY in Both "Live" 2. Hit VIDEOS—HUMINT Events Online
20060814             —FACILITATED, The 20010911             —HIJACKING attacks were very likely, by 1—ROGUE group within THE—USA—GOVERNMENT that created 1—ISLAMIC—TERRORIST "Pearl Harbor" event as 1—CATALYST for the military INVASION—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN—COUNTRIES.
20060814             This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 20010911             /01 + other ISSUES—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT—RESPONSIBILITY.
20060814             SOUTH—TOWER—FLY—BY in Both "Live" 2. Hit Videos
20060814             In 1—EARLIER—ANALYSIS—OF—2. hit videos, I found that the plane position in the "CNN wide" video did not line up at all with the plane in another 2. hit video-- the "blue plane" FOX video.
20060814             I also found, somewhat unexpectedly, that the plane in the "CNN wide" video was much further away from the towers than I expected.
20060814             In fact, in retrospect, I didn't even need Flight Simulator to tell me this.
20060814             If 1—SIMPLY looks at the picture here:
20060814             you can see the plane is still 1—WAY from the towers, particularly given THE—DISTANCE—OF—THE—CAMERA and the resulting perspective.
20060814             This finding made me wonder if other 2. hit videos showed 1—SIMILAR—PHENOMENON.
20060814             —LOOKED, So I, at this famous ABC "live" shot, that I have discussed in the past.
20060814             I modeled this shot as carefully as I could using flight simulator-- in particular I tried to get the right ANGLE—OF—THE—BUILDING and the right SIZE—OF—THE—PLANE:
20060814             Interestingly, though, this plane is also quite 1—WAYS off from the towers as judged by the "blue plane" video angle:
20060814             And way off, according to the "CNN wide" video angle (note, the plane should be on the other, west, SIDE—OF—THE—BUILDING)
20060814             And looking from above, the plane is not so far from the south tower, but clearly is not on the right trajectory for the tower.
20060814             Keep in mind, that for the simulations above, I have not changed the plane position AT ALL, merely changed the camera angle.
20060814             So this finding suggests that the plane is actually MISSING the towers + flying to THE—EAST—OF—THE—TOWERS.
20060814             This is actually consistent with THE—CNN video (as shown in the link above) and with
20060814             the Blue plane video.
20060814             —NOW, let's look
20060814             at the other video of the 2. hit that was shown live, THE—SO—CALLED—SALTER video (named for who it came from) :
20060814             Here's the plane coming into this video:
20060814             As you can see, the towers are in near profile, as is the plane.
20060814             We know THE—WIDTH—OF—THE—TOWERS: 208—FEET.
20060814             And 1—BOEING 767-200 is 160—FEET—LONG.
20060814             —SINCE the plane came in at almost 1—PERPENDICULAR angle to the tower, there should be little FORESHORTENING—OF—THE—PLANE + THE—RATIO—OF—THE—PLANE to the towers should be about 0.77.
20060814             THE—RATIO—OF—THE—PLANE to the towers here is 0.69, —WHEN only the west wall is measured (the towers show 1—LITTLE—BIT—OF—NORTHERN—WALL in the photo).
20060814             This suggests the plane is in fact 1—BIT—FURTHER away than it should be to hit the towers + thus is smaller.
20060814             I did SOME—MODELING of this shot, but going about it 1—DIFFERENT—WAY than above:
20060814             Here is the camera view-- very far away to the west as in the video:
20060814             Here is 1—ZOOM—IN, showing the plane close to the towers, similar to the shot from the video:
20060814             You can see the trajectory is —JUST right to hit the south tower in this modeling:
20060814             —NOW, what is THE—RATIO—OF—THE—PLANE—LENGTH to the tower width in this simulation?
20060814             Keep in mind we are measuring —JUST the west wall width, not the complete WIDTH—OF—THE—TOWERS.
20060814             The ratio is 0.8-- close to the 0.77—IDEAL—RATIO.
20060814             This indicates that the smaller ratio in THE—ACTUAL—VIDEO indicates that the plane was either farther away than it had to be to hit the building-- or the wrong plane was used, or the video was faked somehow.
20060814             What is we keep the plane where it is and compare it to THE—ABC live shot I analyzed above:
20060814             It looks very similar! But what about the plane size?
20060814             THE—RATIO—OF—THE—PLANE to the overall building width here in this model is: 0.37
20060814             THE—RATIO—OF—THE—PLANE to the overall building width here in the actual video is: 0.34 (in other words, smaller).
20060814             THE—ABC, "live" model from above, THE—RATIO—OF—THE—PLANE to the overall building width here in the actual video is: 0.33-- fairly close to the video shot.
20060814             Taken together, we have 4—VIDEOS—OF—THE 2. hit —NOW, that were shown early on the —MORNING—OF—20010911             , that show the plane missing the towers and going off to the east.
20060814             This suggests either:
20060814             1) the plane that hit the towers was not 1—BOEING 767-200, but 1—SMALLER—PLANE, or
20060814             2) the videos filmed 1—BOEING 767—200—FLYING past the towers then manipulated the video to make it seem as though the plane hit (i.e. vut out the plane continuing on past the towers), or
20060814             3) the videos show 1—COMPUTER generated image that is too small for 1—BOEING 767-200.
20060814             My guess is 1—PLANE did fly past the towers at SOME—POINT + this was spliced into FOOTAGE—OF—THE—TOWERS exploding.
20060814             This would be somewhat easier than completeley generating plane video from scratch.
20060814             The question is —WHEN did the plane fly past?
20060814             —5—YEAR—ANNIVERSARY—OF—20010911             — Variety_COM—TV takes trip back to 20010911
20060814             Gone were the internecine battles within THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20060814             Gone was the defeat of Lieberman over the war.
20060814             Gone was THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—LEBANON.
20060814             —CROOKED, Gone was TONY—BLAIR'S, FUND—RAISER.
20060814             Gone was IRAQ. Gone, gone, gone.
20060814             There was 1—ORANGE—ALERT + those of using the nation's airports were gulping, gulping, gulping down liquids to satisfy MICHAEL—CHERTOFF that we wouldn't smuggle mass death aboard disguised as 1—LATTE.
20060814             As always, however, the press was vigilant.
20060814             The flagship NEW—YORK—TIMES had written on the 11. (at least in its ON—LINE—VERSION), "Homeland Security SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF said new restrictions imposed on travelers reflected 1—BELIEF that the plotters planned to use liquids, 'EACH—1—OF which would be benign, but mixed together could be used to create 1—BOMB.'" As the public began to comment on how vague this seemed as the basis for wasting milkshakes and bottled water, the wording was changed to "MISTER—CHERTOFF said the attackers planned to carry explosive material and detonation components disguised as beverages, electronic devices and other common objects' onto the planes".
20060814             —WORKED, JUDITH—MILLER, for the Times, too.
20060814             But I suppose I am —JUST 1—CONSPIRACY—THEORIST... 1—ODD 1, however, that is saying "be less afraid," lest we all allow ourselves to be made bigger nitwits than Dog the Bounty Hunter or Tony (the poodle) Blair.
20060814             STAN—GOFF: Air Travel Under ORANGE Alert
20060814             I knew something like this would come out, but we'll see whether it gets ANY—PLAY.
20060814             MISS—NBC: So.... like THE—TORONTO and FLORIDA "plots" could be —JUST another FAR—FETCHED fantasy perpetuated by government agents?
20060814             —INDUCED, Could it be like the article below says, ", controlled terror for political purposes"?
20060814             No, no, it couldn't BE—AFTER all, agent provocateurs don't get paid for hatching plots, do they?
20060814             —PROMOTED, And COUNTER—INTEL folks don't get, for busting them.
20060814             And the government doesn't get to look good in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20060814             —INCREASED, And the media doesn't get, viewers and advertising.
20060814             And the governing party doesn't swiftly increase fundraising.
20060814             No, no.
20060814             NONE—OF—THESE things happen in this BEST—OF—ALL—POSSIBLE—WORLDS.
20060814             —EXPECTED, As, another white wash (and worse) of THE—TRUTH—MEET the Press, online at MISS—NBC - - MISS—NBC_com
20060814             technorati tags: media, lies, nbc, 911 , false_flag
20060814             Support for ISRAEL = Support for TERROR—JEAN—BRICMONT: THE—DE—ZIONIZATION—OF—THE—USA—MIND
20060814             WHO—AFRAID—OF—THE—BIG—BAD—BABY—MILK?
20060814             UK—GOVERNMENT—SAYS—MOTHERS—WITH—BABIES—NEW—TERROR—THREAT "You're either with us, or you're with the babies".
20060814             PAUL—HSBC—INSECURITY—HYPE—THE—GUARDIAN has the story: 1—OF—BRITAIN—BIGGEST high street banks has left MILLIONS—OF—ONLINE bank accounts exposed to potential fraud because of 1—GLARING security loophole, THE—GUARDIAN has learned.
20060814             The defect in HSBC—ONLINE banking system.
20060814             HOUSTON, our tapes have gone MISSING—EIDEARD Search is on for historic TV footage of mankind's 1. landing on the Moon.
20060814             Seems to be missing. TEE—HEE.
20060814             Is writing the highest FORM—OF—SPEECH?
20060814             - JEFF—JARVIS—THE—PROBLEM with books, I've been saying, is that we give them too much respect.
20060814             Because we treat them as holy objects, we are less likely to change and update the form — and that, sorry to say, leaves books behind as THE—REST—OF—MEDIA must progress.
20060814             I —JUST read 2—PIECES that speak [.
20060814             —LAST—WEEK—TERRORISM—ARRESTS—HOURS—LONG waits in the security line.
20060814             Ridiculous prohibitions on what you can carry onboard.
20060814             —LAST—WEEK—FOILING—OF—1—MAJOR—TERRORIST—PLOT and the subsequent airport security graphically illustrates the difference between effective security and security theater.
20060814             None of the.
20060814             —DOWNGRADED, UK terror threat level, The terror threat to THE—UK is downgraded —AFTER—4—DAYS at "critical", with airline baggage restrictions beginning to ease.
20060814             —DISPLACED, MID—EAST—HOPE as ceasefire begins Thousands of, LEBANON—BEGIN travelling home as 1—UN—BROKERED ceasefire comes into force.
20060814             UK bank details sold in NIGERIA THE—BANK—DETAILS—OF—BRITONS are being accessed from old PCs sent to NIGERIA, THE—BBC—REAL—STORY—PROGRAMME discovers.
20060814             Prison staff in 'corruption' quiz 14—PRISON—OFFICERS in NORTH—LONDON are suspended —FOLLOWING allegations of corrupt behaviour.
20060814             Rolling Stones cancel tour date THE—ROLLING—STONES cancel 1—CONCERT in SPAIN —AFTER singer Mick Jagger is struck down by laryngitis.
20060814             CHINA—TYPHOON toll passes 250 The death toll from Typhoon Saomai reaches 255, as DOZENS—OF—FISHERMEN are reported killed in Fujian.
20060814             Walesa attacks Grass for SS role POLAND—EX—PRESIDENT—LECH—WALESA says GERMANY—WRITER Guenter Grass should hand back a POLAND—HONOUR.
20060814             —KILLED, Palestinians, in GAZA Strip 3—PALESTINIANS are killed in GAZA as ISRAEL i forces respond to rocket fire on THE—CITY—OF—ASHKELON.
20060814             Flights continue to be grounded THE—MAJORITY—OF—FLIGHTS to LONDON from SCOTLAND are cancelled on the 5. —DAY—OF—AIRPORT—DISRUPTION.
20060814             Airlines attack security delays As airlines have to cut 20—PERCENT—OF—HEATHROW flights, SOME—CLAIM the airports have failed to handle the increased security.
20060814             —URGED, UK Muslims 'must admit extremism' UK—MUSLIMS are, to face up to extremism as MINISTER—RUTH—KELLY meets community leaders.
20060814             Schools 'letting down UK science' THE—UK—EDUCATION—SYSTEM is letting down business by not creating enough scientists, THE—CBI says.
20060814             Experts meet to decide Pluto fate Astronomers meet in PRAGUE to define THE—MEANING—OF—THE—WORD—PLANET + to decide if Pluto really is 1.
20060814             SNP in demands over arms flights THE—SCOTLAND—NATIONAL—PARTY—LEADER wants a "categorical assurance" that Prestwick Airport will not be used again by ARMS—CARRYING aircraft.
20060814             War paint plant 'tackles cancer' 1—PLANT—CELTS used for their war paint is 1—RICH—SOURCE—OF—1—COMPOUND that fights breast cancer, scientists find.
20060814             Mild Hybrids Spice Competition Hybrid systems that use lower cost batteries could be 1—GOOD—MATCH for diesel engines, producing fewer emissions at lower cost than FULL—ON hybrid autos.
20060814             "THE—BBC is reporting that IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD has started his own blog, the launch of which was announced on IRAN—STATE—TV. This is perhaps slightly ironic, given that THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT actively censors blogs on THE—INTERNET".
20060814             Google Sends Legal Threats to Media Organizations
20060814             "Google, becoming more and more concerned about the growing USE—OF—THE—WORD google as 1—VERB, has fired off warning letters to numerous media organizations warning them against using its name as 1—VERB. This follows google (with 1—LOWERCASE g) being added to THE—MERRIAM—WEBSTER Dictionary in June. According to 1—GOOGLE spokesperson: "We think it's important to make the distinction between using the word Google to describe using Google to search THE—INTERNET + using the word Google to describe searching THE—INTERNET.
20060814             It has SOME—SERIOUS trademark issues"".
20060814             Libanons Ölpest: DEUTSCHE—HELFER warten auf ihren Einsatz
20060814             JAPAN: Koizumis Schreinbesuch sorgt für Spannungen
20060814             Waffenruhe in Nahost: ISRAEL warnt Flüchtlinge vor Rückkehr
20060814             Castros Botschaft: "Bereitet Euch auf schlechte Nachrichten vor"
20060814             Tierische Raubzüge: CHINESISCHE—AFFEN attackieren Touristen
20060814             —SUSPENDIERT, Korruptionsverdacht: Wiens Polizeikommandant
20060814             —ATTACKIERT, Privatbank Reithinger: Eigentümer, Finanzaufsicht
20060814             LIBANON—KRIEG: Steinmeier trifft Syriens PRÄSIDENT—ASSAD - USA—STUDIE: Immer mehr Babys fettleibig
20060814             Schneesturm —IM—SOMMER: DEUTSCHE—BERGSTEIGER erfrieren in den Alpen
20060814             Unheimliches Schweigen: Die 1. —STUNDEN der Waffenruhe
20060814             NAHOST—KRIEG: Flucht, Bomben und Zerstörung
20060814             MEXIKO: Wahlverlierer will noch —WOCHEN protestieren
20060814             CASTRO—COUNTDOWN: In freudiger Erwartung der Todesbotschaft - Grass' Bekenntnis: "Ein bisschen spät"
20060814             TERROR—VERDACHT: Polizei vereitelt Anschlag in ALANYA
20060814             Waffenruhe: Tausende Flüchtlinge kehren in den Südlibanon zurück - SAMBIA: Überraschungserfolg gegen Aids
20060814             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Auch du, GG...?" - JAPAN: Stromausfall legt Tokio lahm
20060814             Konjunktur: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT nimmt Fahrt auf
20060814             LONDON: Innenministerium senkt Terrorwarnstufe
20060814             Waffenruhe im LIBANON—KRIEG: Plötzlich trat Stille ein
20060814             Bananenmulti Chiquita: Unter falscher Flagge?
20060814             Nahost: Heftige Kämpfe vor der vereinbarten Waffenruhe
20060814             1—FRIENDLY rivalry 3,—000—YEARS—AGO The kings of Tyre and ISRAEL once battled it out in riddles, not bombs.
20060814             —LEARNED, Disagreement over TIMING—OF—ARRESTS—NBC News has, that USA and UK—AUTHORITIES had 1—SIGNIFICANT—DISAGREEMENT over —WHEN to move in on the suspects in the alleged plot to bring down TRANS—ATLANTIC airliners bound for THE—USA.
20060814             Best part: In contrast to previous reports, the official suggested 1—ATTACK was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased ANY—AIRLINE—TICKETS.
20060814             In fact, SOME—DID not even have passports. Emphasis mine.
20060814             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX—PAKISTAN says 'ringleader' admits link with AL—QAIDA:
20060814             Arrested Briton has given 'MANY—CLUES' but campaigners say he was tortured
20060814             Terror police target 70 'plots':
20060814             More than 70—ANTI—TERRORIST—INVESTIGATIONS involving over 100 suspected Islamic extremists are under way in BRITAIN in 1—OPERATION unmatched even at the height of THE—IRA—MAINLAND campaign
20060814             ABID—ULLAH—JAN: Why the Terror Plots Are False : Those who attribute terrorism to AL—QAEDA have no evidence.
20060814             CASTRO—80. birthday, 1—ESSAY by ALEXANDRE—TRUDEAU: From the very start, THE—USA—NEVER gave CASTRO—CUBA 1—CHOICE.
20060814             Either Castro had to submit himself and his people to AMERICA's will or he had to hold his ground against them.
20060814             ISRAEL i spy affair: AIPAC espionage case won't be dismissed : A—USA—FEDERAL—DISTRICT—JUDGE—IN—VIRGINIA —THURSDAY denied the request of 2—FORMER—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—AMERICA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE (AIPAC) to dismiss the espionage charges against them.
20060814             UN rights council rebukes ISRAEL for human rights violations in LEBANON:
20060814             THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COUNCIL in 1—1—EMERGENCY—SPECIAL—SESSION in GENEVA —FRIDAY adopted by majority vote 1—RESOLUTION condemning ISRAEL for violating INTERNATIONAL human rights laws in the ongoing MIDDLE—EAST—CONFLICT
20060814             ? : If the countdown to catastrophe for all is to be stopped, the only possible solution to the Palestine problem is 1—STATE—FOR—ALL.
20060814             That would, of course, be THE—END—OF—ZIONISM—COLONIAL—ENTERPRISE AND—OF—ZIONISM itself.
20060814             Jostein Gaarder: GOD—CHOSEN—PEOPLE : There are limits to our patience + there are limits to our tolerance.
20060814             We do not believe in divine promises as 1—JUSTIFICATION for occupation and apartheid.
20060814             We have left the Middle Ages behind.
20060814             I wrote out of disgust for the war:
20060814             Jostein Gaarder sticks to the intentions behind his controversial CRITIQUE—OF—ISRAEL—CONDUCT in recent fighting in LEBANON, but admits that the approach chosen was 'problematic'
20060814             —DEPLETED, Sickened IRAQ vets cite, uranium: : —SINCE he left 1—BOMBED—OUT train depot in IRAQ, his gums bleed.
20060814             There is more blood in his urine + still more in his stool.
20060814             Bright light hurts his eyes.
20060814             1—TUMOR has been removed from his thyroid.
20060814             As the 6am ceasefire takes effect... the real war begins
20060814             If the ceasefire collapses, as seems certain, neither THE—ISRAEL is nor the Americans appear to have ANY—PLANS to escape the consequences.
20060814             THE—USA—SAW this war as 1—OPPORTUNITY to humble HIZBOLLAH—IRANIAN and SYRIA—SPONSORS but already it seems as if the tables have been turned
20060814             Ceasefire or Trojan Horse?
20060814             If SHEIK—NASRALLAH chooses to disarm and put his faith in ISRAEL—ASSURANCES—OF non aggression, that's his choice.
20060814             But he should pay close attention to the treatment of the Palestinians in GAZA —BEFORE he sets his rifle down.
20060814             —INVOLVED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, was closely, in the planning of ISRAEL—RETALIATORY attacks.
20060814             —CONVINCED, PRESIDENT—BUSH + VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY were, current + former intelligence + diplomatic officials told me, that 1—SUCCESSFUL—ISRAEL i AIR—FORCE bombing campaign against HEZBOLLAH—HEAVILY fortified UNDERGROUND—MISSILE + COMMAND—AND—CONTROL complexes in LEBANON could ease ISRAEL—SECURITY—CONCERNS + also serve as 1—PRELUDE to 1—POTENTIAL—USA—PREËMPTIVE attack to destroy IRAN—NUCLEAR—INSTALLATIONS.
20060814             Gullible Americans
20060814             THE—2—CO—CHAIRMEN—OF—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT, THOMAS—KEAN + LEE—HAMILTON, have —JUST released 1—NEW—BOOK, "Without Precedent: THE—INSIDE—STORY—OF—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION".
20060814             —SUPPRESSED, Kean + HAMILTON reveal that the commission, the fact that Muslim ire toward THE—USA is due to USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL—PERSECUTION + dispossession of the Palestinians,
20060814             not to our "freedom + democracy" as Bush propagandistically claims.
20060814             USA Pressured UK To Arrest Alleged Terror SUSPECTS—BY Aram Roston, Lisa Myers + THE—NBC—NEWS—INVESTIGATIVE—UNIT—THE—OFFICIAL suggested 1—ATTACK was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased ANY—AIRLINE—TICKETS.
20060814             Continue - Are New Weapons Being Used In GAZA and LEBANON
20060814             DOCTOR—BASHIR—SHAM, member of "FRANCE—ASSOCIATION—OF—CARDIOVASCULAR—SURGEONS", explains that the way the corpses look —WHEN they reach the hospital, especially those from the 'air strikes' in Doueir and Rmayleih, is very abnormal.
20060814             "1—MIGHT think they were burnt, but their colour is dark, they're inflated + they have 1—TERRIBLE smell.
20060814             Terror Nation: Lies, Injustice + THE—USA—EMPIRE—WAY
20060814             -Who are the real terrorists?-By JASON—MILLER
20060814             Are they the relative handful of militants (amongst the billions of oppressed people —AROUND the globe) who are ready to sacrifice their lives to strike at the deeply corrupt machinations of the socioeconomic system which supports 1—FEW wealthy elites ruling THE—USA, ISRAEL and their sycophants (i.e. GREAT—BRITAIN, SAUDI—ARABIA)?
20060814             New RULER'S—OF—THE—WORLD - 1—DOCUMENTARY film by JOHN—PILGER
20060814             'Global economy' is 1—MODERN—ORWELLIAN term.
20060814             —ON the surface, it is instant financial trading, MOBILE phones, McDonald's, Starbucks, holidays booked on the net.
20060814             Beneath this gloss, it is THE—GLOBALISATION—OF—POVERTY, 1—WORLD where most human beings never make 1—PHONE—CALL and live on less than 2—DOLLARS —1—DAY,
20060814             where 6,000 children die EVERY—DAY from diarrhea because most have no access to clean water.
20060814             If you can't see that they are traitors in THE—WHITE—HOUSE, then you are risking your own lives and the lives of your families.
20060814             -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS (You Can Add YOUR—AFTER Free Registration.)
20060814             The only thing scarier than the 1. —5—YEARS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION are the next 4. Chertoff demands new security police powers.
20060814             Dean: —WHEN I lost 1—OF—THESE races, I got behind my party.
20060814             Why won't Joe? 8/14
20060814             It's —JUST Lieberman and Lamont, with GOP opponent polling at 6—PERCENT
20060814             Put Your Money Where Your Patriotism is.
20060814             What is BuzzFlash Worth to You?
20060814             Starbucks Gives You 1—CUP—OF—COFFEE and Doesn't Need the Money.
20060814             We Give You the Truth and Do.
20060814             —NOW the Swift Boat VETERAN—SLAMMING machine goes gunning for JOHN—MURTHA—GOOD—NAME 8/14
20060814             New Sy Hersh piece in THE—NEW—YORKER reports that Beruit was "1—DEMO for IRAN" and 1—TEST—OF whether bombs can do anything more than create enemies 8/14
20060814             TEDDY—KENNEDY: By demeaning the people's vote in CONNECTICUT, Dick Cheney demeans democracy 8/14
20060814             —UNDAUNTED, Cindy Sheehan, by stay in hospital for heat exhaustion 8/14
20060814             What the hell does this guy has to do to garner 1—HIGHER—FAILURE rating?
20060814             He has run up massive and unrepayable debts to SAUDI—ARABIA + Communist CHINA, lied the country into war, supported ISRAEL—LAPSE into total insanity, overseen soaring gas prices, allowed THE—DEATH—OF—1—MAJOR—USA—CITY, destroyed our image internationally, refused to safeguard our ports and borders, fostered 1—CULTURE—OF—CORRUPTION and kickbacks + -- well, you know the rest.
20060814             Moreover, the guy's 1—CLOWN.
20060814             EVERY—TIME he opens his mouth he sounds like a 'SHROOMED—UP MISTER—S—MALAPROP with 1—COWBOY twang.
20060814             In most recent photos he looks like 1—RUBBER—FACED vaudevillian whose suspenders have —JUST snapped.
20060814             Our predicament is more humiliating than 1—MERE rape: We're being raped by Bozo.
20060814             The good news: Only Nixon has 1—HIGHER—FAILURE rating -- 47%.
20060814             The rest of the standings are unsurprising, although Reagan (who initiated the economics of high debt) has far too high 1—RANKING, as does Poppy Bush.
20060814             Personally, I would place both Bush es well below Nixon.
20060814             At least Nixon was bright.
20060814             W has only a 40% failure rating?
20060814             Covert History directs our attention to this poll, which rates all USA—PRESIDENTS—SINCE FDR.
20060814             According to the pollsters, 31—PERCENT—OF—OUR fellow citizens consider Dubya "great," 28% think of him as "average," —WHILE 40% -- only 40% -- consider him 1—FAILURE.
20060814             1—WONDERS what -- if anything -- could chip into that 31%.
20060814             Perhaps the publication of "1—CHEERLEADER—NAMED—GEORGE" by VICTOR—ASHE?
20060814             STOCKSELECT—BÖRSENBOARD—USA—WAHLEN/Bush vs. Kerry Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG über den Beginn der Operation " IRAQ—FREEDOM " habe Oberbefehlshaber Bush getroffen, heißt es im Weißen Haus.
20060814             Er studiere auch Landkarten.
20060814             Sicherheitskontrollen: Lufthansa streicht EINIGE—LONDON—FLÜGE 20060814             SS—VERGANGENHEIT: Walesa macht Grass Ehrenbürgerwürde streitig 20060814             NAHOST—KONFLIKT: ARD und ZDF wehren sich gegen Vorwurf der Einseitigkeit 20060814             Entführte Soldaten: ISRAEL —JETZT zu —VERHANDLUNGEN bereit
20060814             —SPAWNED, AL—CIADA, home.......
20060814             book by 20010911             —COMMISSION lies by THE—FAA, NORAD
20060814             mARTAIL lAW AND DEATH CAMP - Proof Flight 93 was shot down !
20060814             flight recorder altitude
20060814             —60—MINUTES—POGO SATIRE: "THE—CULTURE—WAY"
20060814             THE—ISRAEL—PR machine - bUSH hUMOR - Other Research By WILLIAM—COOPER:
20060814             INTERVIEW: EDITOR... "THE—NATION" — "THE—LAURA—FLANDERS—SHOW: double edge liar..................
20060814             GERMANY—INTEL:MOSSAD PLANNED & EXECUTED 20010911             —ATTACK ON USA
20060814             CBS 60" interview: IRAN—LEADER—OPENS—UP
20060814             IRAN and end - Traitors in THE—WHITE—HOUSE - property rights???
20060814             —LAUNCHED, AHMADINEJAD—BLOG was, —ON—SUNDAY
20060814             Emergency Alert: USA—MEDIA—NOW OUT—OF—CONTROL
20060814             Homeland "GESTAPO" Training to KICK—IN YOUR DOOR SOON!
20060814             — WILL—WILSON—CALL4INVESTIGATION CV9835303-joiner1
20060814             Mayor Miller, DALLAS Pied Piper For Death By SEXUAL PERVERSI
20060814             Police Tape Is No Laughing Matter to Protester
20060814             STOP BELITTLING THE—THEORIES—ABOUT 20060911             20060814             (Cont'd) THE—THEORIES—ABOUT 20060911             20060814             GUEST: World renown 20010911             —RESEARCHER—PAUL—THOMPSON
20060814             Re: APFN—FYI. Intro NEW BLOG — CLIFYLQ@aol_com
20060814             RE: SKY TERROR...INTERVIEW: JAUN COLE... MIDDLE—EAST—ADVISOR - TERRORISM, [20051108             ]
20060814             Infolge der UN—RESOLUTION 17010000             tritt im —KONFLIKT zwischen ISRAEL und der Hisbollah im LIBANON 1—WAFFENSTILLSTAND in Kraft, der weitgehend befolgt wird.
20060814             Konzerturaufführung des Taschengartens am 10. Todestag von Sergiu Celibidache im Münchner Herkulessaal.
20060814—20010000    —SINCE, EACH—OF—THESE groups shares culpability for the terrorism which has killed several 1000—OF—USA, British, Spanish + ISRAEL i citizens.
20060814—20010911    —ON, Intersecting Facts and Theories
20060814—20010911    —IN, THE—FBI has clearly said that it doesn't have ANY—EVIDENCE against Osama for his involvement
20060814—20060523    —CONVEYED, Bush, his strong personal support for the military offensive —DURING 1—WHITE—HOUSE meeting with Olmert, according to sources familiar with THE—THINKING—OF—SENIOR—ISRAEL i!
20060814—20060712    —ON, outrage, it attacked 1—BORDER—MILITARY—POST inside ISRAEL i territory, killing 6—ISRAEL i soldiers and capturing 2. Having waited several years for "THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY" and THE—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT to disarm this "terrorist" organisation, ISRAEL is said to have been finally exasperated by this latest outrage and, acting in SELF—DEFENCE, it decided to retaliate so as to "break Hizbollah" for ever and ever, for THE—SAKE—OF—THE—SECURITY—OF—ITS—CITIZENS.
20060814—20060712    —CROSSED, WATCHING LEBANON In the days —AFTER Hezbollah, from LEBANON into ISRAEL, to kidnap 2—SOLDIERS, triggering 1—ISRAEL i air ATTACK—ON—LEBANON and 1—FULL—SCALE—WAR, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION seemed strangely passive.
20060814—20060806    —ON, Re! solution 17010000             was 1 revised VERSION—OF—THE 1 THE—USA and FRANCE 1. proposed which THE—FRANCE—THEN backed down on because of strong LEBANON—GOVERNMENT and Arab League opposition.
20060814—20060808    —IN—THE, Stephanopoulos brought up the report —AFTER syndicated columnist GEORGE—WILL said, "I'm sure somewhere out in that fog of paranoia we call the blogosphere, there are all KINDS—OF—PEOPLE writing that THE—UK—POLICE... and THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION timed this all to counter" the political fallout from SENATOR—JOSEPH—I—LIEBERMAN—LOSS—CONNECTICUT Democratic primary to ANTI—IRAQ war candidate Ned Lamont.
20060814—20060811    —PASSED, STEPHEN—LENDMAN, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL unanimously, Resolution 17010000             JOINTLY proposed by THE—USA and FRANCE and with all provisions in it signed off on by ISRAEL—BEFORE it was put to 1—VOTE.
20060814—20060813    —FROM—THE, interview:
20060814—20060814    —ON, GI Special 4H12: " Why Am I—HERE?" - 20060812             20060813             —THE—EDITION—OF—NBC—MEET—THE—PRESS, guest host and NBC News CHIEF—WHITE—HOUSE—CORRESPONDENT—DAVID—GREGORY interviewed Homeland Security SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF about the —RECENTLY foiled UK—TERROR—PLOT, but Gregory failed to question Chertoff about an 20060812             report by his own network that, —WHILE UK—OFFICIALS had intended to continue surveillance on the suspected plotters, USA—AUTHORITIES had pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner.
20060814—20070000    —PLEADED, Felix, guilty to FEDERAL—CRIMES that carried 1—MANDATORY—LIFE—SENTENCE.
20060817             GI Special 4H14: " There Are Insurgents Everywhere" - 20060814             20060825—20040814    —ON, ceasefire to end —1—MONTH—LONG—CONFLICT between ISRAEL and Hezbollah.
20060831             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—APPEASES Terrorists to Release FOX—REPORTERS: THE—USA—SECRETLY agreed to the "real demands" set by the group behind 20060814             —THE kidnapping of 2—FOX—NEWS—JOURNALISTS in GAZA, according to 1—REPORT in THE—PAN—ARAB newspaper al Hayat.
20060902—20060814    —ON, Tomo Kriznar, THE—SLOVENIA—PRESIDENT—ENVOY to Darfur, was arrested in July and convicted by 1—COURT—IN—THE—NORTH—DARFUR—CAPITAL—OF—EL—FASHER.
200609090814         —AM, —WHEN AA Flight 11 switched off its radio and transponder, an FAA flight controller should have called the National Military Command center and NORAD".
20061001             —ABANDONED, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY, positions in LEBANON, withdrawing the last of its troops from its neighbor and fulfilling 1—KEY—CONDITION—OF—20060814             —THE—CEASE—FIRE that ended 1—MONTHLONG WAR—AGAINST—HEZBOLLAH.
20070118             1. - THE—SPRINGING—OF—LICIO—GELLI, LONDON—TIMES 19830814             .
20070812—20070814    —TURNED, The man who —POSTED the video, himself in Maikop, CAPITAL—OF—THE—SOUTH—RUSSIA—REPUBLIC—OF—ADYGEI.
20070814             Entreprises & secteurs La Tribune.fr — 20070813             à 6:41
20070814             | 20070813             | 20:11 MIAMI (Reuters) - Un juge américain a ajourné au
20070814             | 20070813             | 17:39 L'ancien dictateur panaméen MANUEL—NORIEGA, qui doit être libéré en septembre aux ETATS—UNIS, était attendu —LUNDI au tribunal pour une audience SUR la demande d'extradition déposée (...) >
20070814             —LAUNCHED, NEW—JERSEY, THE—NEWARK—COMMUNITY—FOUNDATION, —LAST—MONTH, said it will help pay for Community Eye, 1—SURVEILLANCE—SYSTEM tailored towards gun crime.
20070814             —ISSUED, TOY—MAKING giant Mattel INCORPORATED, recalls for some 18—MILLION—CHINESE—MADE toys that contained magnets which children could swallow.
20070814             —RECALLED, Mattel also, 436,000 toy cars daubed with LEAD—BASED paint.
20070814             —REPORTED, It was, that Pulickel Ajayan and colleagues at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute had developed 1—FLEXIBLE—BATTERY using carbon nanotubes and cellulose.
20070814             † 1—NATO—SOLDIER was killed —WHEN 1—JOINT—ISAF—NATO—PATROL was ambushed by Taliban insurgents in EAST—PAKTIA province.
20070814             1—NEW—STUDY said nearly EVERY—AUSTRALIA—CITY will have to find new water supplies over THE—NEXT—DECADE as climate change and population growth stretch the nation's already limited water resources.
20070814             —ARRESTED, BRAZIL, police, OSCAR—MARONI—JUNIOR, for racketeering and trafficking in women.
20070814             Maroni, known as the Larry Flynt of BRAZIL, was also under pressure to stop CONSTRUCTION—OF—HIS 11-story OSCAR—HOTEL at the edge of the Congonhas Airport in SAO—PAULO, which was cited for impacting air safety.
20070814             IRAQ, 4—SUICIDE—TRUCK—BOMBERS struck nearly simultaneously in Qahataniya killing at least 400—VICTIMS.
20070814             Estimates soon rose to over 500 and —LATER to 796.
20070814             The victims were MEMBERS—OF—1—SMALL—KURDISH sect, the Yazidis, who have been the target of Muslim extremists who consider them infidels.
20070814             —BLAMED, THE—USA—MILITARY, AL—QAIDA.
20070814             1—SUICIDE—TRUCK—BOMBER struck the Thiraa Dijla bridge in Taji, sending cars plunging into the river and killing at least 10—PEOPLE in the 2. attack on the span in —3—MONTHS.
20070814             Local officials said 4—CIVILIANS, including a —3—YEAR—OLD—GIRL, were killed and 5 wounded —DURING 1—RAID by joint USA—IRAQ—FORCES in Sadr City.
20070814             —KILLED, THE—USA—MILITARY said 4—GUNMEN were, and 8 detained —AFTER 1—FIERCE gunfight, but it had no REPORTS—OF—CIVIL—DEATHS.
20070814             —ABDUCTED, Extremists, 5—OFFICIALS from 1—OIL—MINISTRY compound in the capital in 1—RAID using gunmen dressed as security officers.
20070814             9—USA—SOLDIERS were reported killed, including 5 in 1—HELICOPTER—CRASH.
20070814             —ATTACKED, ISRAEL—TROOPS and aircraft, Islamic militants in THE—SOUTH—GAZA Strip.
20070814             † 4—FIGHTERS and 2—CIVILIANS, in the clashes and 26—PEOPLE were wounded.
20070814             —REPORTED, Separately, 2—SECURITY—OFFICERS for GAZA—HAMAS rulers were, killed in fierce fighting with the powerful PALESTINE—DOGHMUSH clan.
20070814             —ABDUCTED, Gunmen in SOUTH—NIGERIA, THE—MOTHER—OF—1—STATE—LAWMAKER, the latest in 1—SPATE of kidnappings targeting the children and elderly parents of local politicians.
20070814             NORTH—KOREAN—OFFICIALS said that 200—PEOPLE were dead or missing across the country due to floods caused by DAYS—OF—HEAVY—RAINS.
20070814             —RAISED, The toll was —LATER, to 600.
20070814             TIKHON—KHRENNIKOV'S 19390000             opera "Into the Storm," based on 1—NOVEL by NIKOLAI—VIRTA, was the 1. in which Lenin appeared as 1—CHARACTER on the stage.
20070814             SOMALIA, 1—LOCAL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP said fighting in MOGADISHU has killed 31—CIVILIANS and wounded 60 in the past —24—HOURS.
20070814             1—TAIWAN—COURT acquitted opposition presidential candidate Ma YING—JEOU—OF—CORRUPTION—CHARGES, giving 1—BIG—BOOST to the campaign of 1—POLITICIAN who backs better relations with rival CHINA.
20070814             1—THAILAND judge issued arrest warrants for ousted PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA and his wife for failing to appear at their trial on CORRUPTION—RELATED charges.
20070814             —FILED, TURKEY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ABDULLAH—GUL, 1—FORMER—ISLAMIST, his candidacy for PRESIDENT, risking 1—FRESH—GOVERNMENT showdown with ARMY—BACKED secularist forces.
20070814             Schlappe für die Post: Konkurrenten dürfen Auskünfte über Arbeitsbedingungen verweigern
20070814             Mutmaßlicher Raketenangriff: SCHWEDEN stellt Flugverbindungen in den IRAK ein
20070814             Marine: Zwischenfall auf MINENJAGDBOOT—5 Schüsse gelöst
20070814             CO2- Vorgaben der EU: DAIMLERCHRYSLER—VORSTAND hält Ziele für Autohersteller für nicht einhaltbar
20070814             Neues Sparprogramm: Telekom will 20000000             Jobs in der Zentrale abbauen
20070814             Gefahr für Kinder: Mattel ruft Millionen Barbies und Spielzeugautos zurück
20070814             SHANGHAI: Chinas höchstes Haus stand in Flammen
20070814             NOBEL—BÖRSE: Nasdaq eröffnet PRIVAT—AKTIENMARKT für Superreiche
20070814             Nazis in the Attic THE—BUSH—DULLES—NAZI CONNECTION "
20070814             Schroeder, of course, was the Nazi bank on whose BOARD—DULLES sat.
20070814             Dulles brothers were still shifting Nazi...
20070814             JOHN—LOFTUS_com Schroeder, of course, was the Nazi bank on whose BOARD—DULLES sat.
20070814             "If Dulles was trying to conceal how MANY—NAZI holding companies Brown Brothers...
20070814             —SUPPLIED, ALLEN—WELSH—DULLES—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia Dulles, his government with much sensitive information about Nazi GERMANY.
20070814             —ASSIMILATED, Dulles ' CIA Operation Paperclip, Nazi scientists into the...
20070814             JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia... business with the Nazi regime +
20070814             40 % aller Toten weltweit starben an Umwelteinflüssen wie Luft-, WASSER—ODER Bodenverschmutzung.
20070814             Das fanden AMERIKANISCHE—FORSCHER heraus, indem sie 120—WISSENSCHAFTLICHE Fachaufsätze ANALYSIERTEN—EINE sogenannte Metastudie.
20070814             Die Umwelteinflüsse trügen zur Unterernährung und zur Krankheitsanfälligkeit von 3,7 Milliarden Menschen bei, berichtet das Team um DAVID—PIMENTEL—VON—DER—CORNELL—UNIVERSITY—IN—ITHACA im USA—BUNDESSTAAT NEW—YORK.
20070814             AFP—UMWELTVERSCHMUTZUNG in Yutian (CHINA): 3—MILLIONEN Menschen sterben pro —JAHR an den Folgen dreckiger Luft
20070814             "Einer zunehmenden ZAHL—VON—MENSCHEN fehlt es an sauberem Wasser und ausreichender Ernährung", sagt DAVID—PIMENTEL.
20070814             Der Professor für Ökologie und Agrarwissenschaft war Hauptautor der neuen Studie, die —NUN im Fachjournal "Human Ecology" online vorab veröffentlicht wurde.
20070814             Von den 6,5 Milliarden Menschen auf dem Globus litten 57 % unter Mangelernährung.
20070814             Die Autoren fordern daher eine umfangreiche Strategie gegen Umweltverschmutzung und für den Erhalt natürlicher Ressourcen.
20070814             Zu den durch Umwelteinflüsse begünstigten Krankheiten gehören Malaria, DURCHFALL—UND Atemwegserkrankungen.
20070814             Der Untersuchung zufolge sterben jährlich —BIS zu 2,7 Millionen Menschen an verschmutztem Wasser und etwa 3,0 Millionen an Luftverschmutzung.
20070814             Problematisch sei auch, dass fast die HÄLFTE—DER—WELTBEVÖLKERUNG in überfüllten Städten lebe:
20070814             Unzureichende hygienische Lebensbedingungen seien für mehr als 5—MILLIONEN Tote —J—IM verantwortlich, mehr als die Hälfte davon Kinder.
20070814             Die Verschmutzung der Böden mit Chemikalien wirke sich direkt und über Wasser auf die Menschen aus.
20070814             Die Zahlen der neuen Studie sind erschreckend:
20070814             - Noch vor einem —JAHR—HATTE die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO)
20070814             den Anteil der UMWELT—TOTEN auf 23 % geschätzt,
20070814             —NUN kommen Pimentel und seine Kollegen auf 40 %.
20070814             Laut WHO sind UMWELT—TOTE nicht nur 1—PROBLEM—VON—ENTWICKLUNGSLÄNDERN: Im
20070814             Globale Studie: 4—VON 10—MENSCHEN sterben an Umweltverschmutzung
20070814             Finanzkrise: EZB—PRÄSIDENT—GIBT—ENTWARNUNG
20070814             Massenprotest: 10.000—BAUERN demonstrieren für höhere Milchpreise
20070814             Frank: Es kommt immer öfter vor, dass auch MITTELKLASSE—FAMILIEN keine Gesundheitsversicherung besitzen.
20070814             Wird einer krank, ist der Privatbankrott der nächste Schritt.
20070814             Die USA sind ein reiches Land, aber wir geben unser Geld auf seltsame Weise aus.
20070814             Wir haben genug für den erstaunlichsten LUXUS—ABER zu wenig für ganz Grundlegendes.
20070814             Frank: Die Einkommen der USA—MITTELKLASSE liegen inflationsbereinigt ungefähr so hoch wie vor —20—JAHREN.
20070814             —GEFALLEN, Der reale Lohn pro —STUNDE ist sogar.
20070814             Wenn Sie sich trotzdem genötigt sehen, ein größeres Haus zu kaufen, wird es schwierig: noch mehr arbeiten, höhere Kredite, längere Pendelzeiten zur Arbeit.
20070814             VIELE—MITTELKLASSEFAMILIEN LEIDEN unter diesem Konsumdruck.
20070814             Oft führt er zu steigenden Scheidungsraten und Insolvenzen.
20070814             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Ist die USA—MITTELKLASSE nicht selbst schuld, wenn sie mehr ausgibt, als sie sich leisten kann?
20070814             Frank: Wenn sich 1—LAND in einem Wettrüsten mit einem 2. befindet und keine Kliniken mehr baut, sondern nur noch BOMBEN—IST es dann selbst schuld?
20070814             Was, wenn das das 2. Land mehr Panzer hat, eine größere Armee und droht, Sie zu überfallen?
20070814             Auch die Mittelklasse in den USA ist in einem Wettrüsten GEFANGEN—BEI den Konsumausgaben.
20070814             Aus eigener Kraft kommt sie da nur schwer heraus.
20070814             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Wer hat dieses Wettrüsten angefangen?
20070814             Raumfähre "Endeavour": NASA—EXPERTEN diskutieren Reparatur beschädigter Hitzekachel
20070814             USA—VERBRAUCHER: "Die Mittelklasse leidet unter Konsumdruck"
20070814             Kreditkrise: Goldman Sachs rettet eigenen Hedgefonds mit Milliardenspritze
20070814             Kalter Krieg am Nordpol: Neue Expedition soll USA—ANSPRÜCHE auf ARKTIS untermauern
20070814             —VERTREIBT, Erdhörnchen: Strahlender Schwanz, Schlangen
20070814             USA—IMMOBILIENKRISE: EZB setzt 4. Geldspritze
20070814             "Democrats Vow to Push Investigations —AFTER ROVE—DEPARTURE".
20070814             Walk the Walk, Dear Dems. Walk the Walk.
20070814             You'd never know that at least 3—PERCENT—OF—ALL—USA—DEATHS in IRAQ are due to SELF—INFLICTED wounds.
20070814             —KILLED, And that doesn't include THE—MANY—VETS who have, themselves —AFTER returning home.
20070814             "5—REPORTERS must reveal their government sources for stories they wrote about STEVEN—J—HATFILL and investigators' suspicions that THE—FORMER—ARMY—SCIENTIST was behind the deadly anthrax attacks of 20010000             , 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE ruled —YESTERDAY".
20070814             Uh, another Bush failure.
20070814             —CHARGED, No anthrax terror ist was ever.
20070814             How come? Good question, considering the anthrax attacks were targeted at key Dems, —JUST—BEFORE the vote on the (Un)Patriotic Act.
20070814             Privatizing THE—CIA? "Cofer Black, vice CHAIRMAN—OF—BLACKWATER USA, announced —TUESDAY the formation of 1—NEW—CIA—TYPE—PRIVATE—COMPANY to provide intelligence services to commercial clients. The executive roster for the new venture, Total Intelligence Solutions, is loaded with VETERANS—OF—USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES, including 2—OTHER—BLACKWATER officials".
20070814             THE—MERCENARY—REVOLUTION: Flush with Profits from THE—IRAQ—WAR, Military Contractors See WORLD—OF—BUSINESS—OPPORTUNITIES THE—WORD according to Dubya: 50—RELIGIOUS—INSIGHTS from GEORGE—BUSH—OUTSOURCING—THE—CIA to Blackwater
20070814             EUGENE—ROBINSON: "I'll be on the road behind you here in 1—LITTLE—BIT," Bush said to Rove as THE—2—MEN faced reporters —YESTERDAY.
20070814             Not soon enough.
20070814             Dulles ALLEN—WELSH—GERMANY—UNDERGROUND (NEW—YORK 20000000             ).
20070814             Fink Jürg.
20070814             ALLEN—W—DULLES on the Occupation of GERMANY.
20070814             In: Foreign Affairs 82 (6) (20030000             ).
20070814             220403antiwarblogg ALLEN—DULLES brothers, the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, GEORGE—BUSH -- all.
20070814             ALLEN—WELSH—ALLEN—DULLES.
20070814             Bent on creating what PRESIDENT—BUSH openly...
20070814             les pratiques fiscales dommageables selon l'OCDE par marieagnes
20070814             Les pratiques fiscales dommageables selon l'OCDE.
20070814             Les mécanismes de la concurrence ont encouragé les pays à rendre leurs systèmes fiscaux plus attrayants pour les investisseurs.
20070814             Toutefois, certaines pratiques fiscales sont anticoncurrentielles et compromettent une concurrence équitable ainsi que (...) >
20070814             suite - Décision ajournée SUR l'extradition de Noriega des USA en FRANCE
20070814             PAR—MARIEAGNES - 24—AOÛT sa décision SUR la légalité d'une extradition en FRANCE, où il est recherché pour blanchiment d'argent, de l'ancien dirigeant panaméen Manuel (...) >
20070814             Audience pour MANUEL—NORIEGA qui tente de contrer la demande d'extradition française
20070814             Siemens : les scandales font des dégâts 20070814             par marieagnes
20070814             Info & Secteurs > HIGH—TECH > Analyses ELECTRONIQUE—JUSTICE POLICE—THIBAUT MADELIN Siemens : les scandales font des dégâts [
20070814             Electronique Siemens : le montant des caisses noires pourrait dépasser 1—MILLIARD d'euros La somme est très importante.
20070814             Le montant du système de caisses noires du groupe technologique allemand Siemens, qui fait l'objet d'une (...) >
20070814             Malte : un mercenaire en cale sèche —DIMANCHE 12—AOÛT 20070000             par marieagnes
20070814             Malte : un mercenaire en cale sèche Les indiscrets de l'Express (
20070814             —AM ériques Décision ajournée SUR l'extradition de Noriega des USA en FRANCE REUTERS |
20070814             —AM ériques Audience pour MANUEL—NORIEGA qui tente de contrer la demande d'extradition française AP |
20070814             Entreprises & secteurs La Tribune.fr -
20070814             Walsh IRAN/Contra REPORT—CHAPTER 11—USA—V. THOMAS—G.
20070814             He worked primarily with the arms company Defex PORTUGAL, maintaining 1—SMALL—OFFICE at the company in LISBON.
20070814             —WHEN the Enterprise became involved in secret...
20070814             Walsh IRAN/Contra REPORT—CHAPTER 8 THE—ENTERPRISE and Its Finances Zucker told Farina that Defex PORTUGAL, THE—LISBON—BASED arms supplier from which...
20070814             Brasilcel is 1—JOINT—VENTURE—OF—TELEFÓNICA MÓVILES—PORTUGAL Telecom and PT...of Marketing for DEFEX (Official Export Agency for Defense Material);
20070814             SEC INFO—PORTUGAL Telecom Sgps SA, et al. - SC TO—T/A - Tele.
20070814             PORTUGAL Telecom intends to obtain its PORTION—OF—THE—FUNDS to be provided to...of Marketing for DEFEX (Official Export Agency for Defense Material);...
20070814             Monzer AL—KASSAR and Transnational Terror ism... look to get 1—SHIP to do the go between work, owned by 1—PORTUGESE company: Defex.
20070814             Drug Trafficking & STATE—SUPPORT
20070814             KOREA: Flutkatastrophe fordert Hunderte Todesopfer
20070814             Vergiftete Produkte: Erneuter Rückruf von Spielzeug aus CHINA
20070814             —VERLANGSAMT, Konjunktur: DEUTSCHER—AUFSCHWUNG, sich
20070814             Immobilienkrise: Notenbank holt MILLIARDEN—NOTHILFE aus dem Markt
20070814             Denn was die Forscher —JETZT im Fachblatt "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES" veröffentlichen, ist ein atemberaubendes Zeugnis einer längst vergangenen Zeit.
20070814             Ihrer neuen Karte zufolge haben sich in der Gegend von Angkor Wat keineswegs nur verstreute Tempel BEFUNDEN—SONDERN eine gewaltige hydraulische Stadt mit einer Fläche von mehr als 10000000             Quadratkilometern.
20070814             Zum Vergleich: NEW—YORK City ist rund 12000000             , ohne seine Wasserflächen weniger als 800—QUADRATKILOMETER groß.
20070814             BERLIN hat 1—FLÄCHE von knapp 900—QUADRATKILOMETERN.
20070814             Angkor —HEUTE: Forscher vermuten, dass der exzessive Reisanbau der Grund für den Untergang der mittelalterlichen Metropole war Damit ist "GROß—ANGKOR" die mit Abstand gewaltigste vorindustrielle Siedlung der Welt, schreiben Evans und seine Kollegen.
20070814             Selbst die riesigen Städte der Maya nehmen sich dagegen winzig aus: Tikal, die größte —BISHER genau vermessene unter ihnen, bringt es auf höchstens 150—QUADRATKILOMETER.
20070814             Das "Greater Angkor Project" (GAP) mit Experten aus AUSTRALIEN, KAMBODSCHA und FRANKREICH hat laut Evans —NUN auch die alte Annahme bestätigt, dass Angkor zwischen dem 9. und 15010101—16001231    —CENTURY eine hydraulische Stadt war.
20070814             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—FORSCHER BERNARD—PHILIPPE—GROSLIER hat Angkor —SEIT den fünfziger —JAHREN erforscht und die Theorie eines riesigen Siedlungskomplexes aufgestellt, der dank eines komplizierten Bewässerungssystems mehr als 1—MILLION Menschen beherbergt habe.
20070814             Dieses System habe die Riesenstadt, die sich auf mehrere Zentren verteilte, ernährt, DEFINIERT—UND schließlich auch untergehen lassen.
20070814             He acquired extensive experience with aviation and aerospace human factors —DURING his —37—YEAR—CAREER at NASA —BEFORE retiring 20010000             .
20070814             To view 1—LIST—OF—RESEARCH—PUBLICATIONS by DOCTOR—HAINES—CLICK here.
20070814             A Brief Introduction:
20070814             —ESTABLISHED, THE—NATIONAL—AVIATION—REPORTING—CENTER on Anomalous Phenomena was, late 20000000             , and is dedicated to THE—ADVANCEMENT—OF—AVIATION—SAFETY—ISSUES as they apply to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
20070814             National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena - "To improve aviation safety and to enhance scientific knowledge"
20070814             —AFTER—4—YEARS—OF—RESEARCH, which took them from BELGIUM to Bavaria to investigate ancient BEER—MAKING methods, archaeologists DECLAN—MOORE and BILLY—QUINN have found EVIDENCE—OF—MICROBREWERIES across IRELAND, which predates 17590000             —THE—FOUNDATION—OF—THE—GUINNESS brewery by several 1000—YEARS.
20070814             —SURROUNDED, Angkor was, by 1—VAST—EXPANSE—OF—RICE—FIELDS that would have required extensive forest clearance.
20070814             Over time, the intense farming could have led to serious ecological problems, including those associated with deforestation, overpopulation, topsoil degradation and erosion.
20070814             Jittery markets look to Fed:
20070814             —FLOODED, THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE, nervous financial markets with 3—BIG—INJECTIONS—OF—CASH—ON—FRIDAY to head off concerns that 1—SPREADING credit crunch could cause 1—WALL—STREET—MELTDOWN.
20070814             PetroChina Shareholders Approve SHANGHAI Stock Sale PetroChina Co. shareholders approved a $5.6—BILLION SHANGHAI stock sale, agreeing to 1—PLAN that will enable CHINA—LARGEST—OIL—PRODUCER to close in on Exxon Mobil Corp. as the world's biggest company by market value.
20070814             Putin increases missile defence rhetoric: THE—WAR—OF—WORDS between MOSCOW and the west over missile defence intensified over the weekend as VLADIMIR—PUTIN, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT, declared 1—NEW—RADAR—STATION—NEAR St Petersburg to be "the 1. step in 1—LARGE—SCALE—PROGRAMME".
20070814             VENEZUELA—HUGO—CHAVEZ—PROPOSES—GAS—PIPELINE to CUBA VENEZUELA PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ supports constructing 1—NATURAL—GAS—PIPELINE beneath the Caribbean to supply neighboring islands and CUBA + possibly extending to MEXICO—YUCATAN—PENINSULA.
20070814             USA—PAYS—MILLIONS In Cost Overruns For Security in IRAQ : THE—USA—MILITARY has paid $548—MILLION over the past —3—YEARS to 2—UK—SECURITY—FIRMS that protect THE—USA—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS on reconstruction projects, more than $200—MILLION over the original budget, according to previously undisclosed data that show how the cost of private security in IRAQ has mushroomed.
20070814             IRAN, IRAQ sign oil pipeline deal:
20070814             —SIGNED, IRAN + IRAQ, 1—AGREEMENT to build pipelines for THE—TRANSFER—OF—IRAQ—CRUDE—OIL + oil products, THE—STATE—RUN—IRAN news network
20070814             —SATURDAY quoted the oil ministry as announcing.
20070814             Break with Bush over MIDDLE—EAST, MPs warn Brown: THE—LABOUR—LED Foreign Affairs COMMITTEE—URGED—GORDON—BROWN—MINISTERS to talk to Syria and IRAN—PART—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH 's 'axis of evil'.
20070814             THE—MPS also want engagement with moderate elements in both Hamas, the militant PALESTINE—GROUP—WASHINGTON is determined to isolate + Hezbollah, THE—LEBANON—MILITANTS branded 1—TERROR ist organisation by THE—USA.
20070814             'Gifts' that haunt USA.
20070814             IT'S 1—GREAT—TIME to be 1—FRIEND—OF—1—LAME—DUCK PRESIDENT.
20070814             —UNPRECEDENTED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is handing out largesse at, levels -- to SAUDI—ARABIA, ISRAEL, INDIA, PAKISTAN and others -- TENS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to win support for its unpopular policies.
20070814             —INTENDED, ALL—OF—THIS is also, to isolate its adversaries, notably Syria and IRAN.
20070814             —MISSED, In case you, it: USA "In the business of creating... sectarian violence".
20070814             In 1—INTERVIEW on INTERNATIONAL—YOUR—WORLD—TODAY, veteran JOURNALIST—SEYMOUR—HERSH explains that the current violence in LEBANON is THE—RESULT—OF—1—ATTEMPT by THE—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT to crack down on 1—MILITANT—SUNNI group, Fatah AL—ISLAM, that it formerly supported.
20070814             —ACCUSED—OF, ETHIOPIA, using white phosphorus bombs in USA—BACKED occupation of SOMALIA: 1—NEW—REPORT by UNITED—NATIONS arms monitors accuses ETHIOPIA—ARMY—OF using illegal white phosphorus bombs —DURING THE—USA—BACKED occupation of SOMALIA.
20070814             BRITAIN's 'invisible army' of AFRICA—SLAVES:
20070814             Brought into the country under false identities and tricked into leaving their families with the promise of 1—EDUCATION and 1—BETTER—FUTURE, HUNDREDS—OF—AFRICA—CHILDREN are being trafficked into THE—UK for 1—LIFE—OF servitude, according to human rights campaigners
20070814             Chavez deepens Petrocaribe oil pledges : VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ pledged —ON—SATURDAY to meet Caribbean nations' oil needs —FOR—YEARS to come + urged the region to unite and seek greater INDEPENDENCE from THE—USA.
20070814             —FREED, USA—HOPES to stop Noriega from being :
20070814             —CAPTURED, MANUEL—NORIEGA, "THE—DRUG—RUNNING former dictator", —AFTER THE—USA—INVASION—OF—PANAMA 19890000             , is days away from release from 1—MIAMI jail.
20070814             But if THE—USA has its way, the veteran Latin USA—STRONGMAN will not taste freedom for 1—LONG—TIME yet
20070814             KARL—ROVE to leave THE—WHITE—HOUSE : Rove is ominously known as "BUSH—BRAIN" -- 1—GENIUS at winning elections for THE—USA—PRESIDENT and 1—MASTER—OF—WASHINGTON—DARK—POLITICAL—ARTS needed to maintain 1—GRIP on power.
20070814             DJ USA—STOCKS Open Much Higher;
20070814             Fed Is Adding More Liquidity : Overseas central banks continued to add liquidity into the market, with the European CENTRAL—BANK—ON—MONDAY saying it had provided —AROUND 47.5—BILLION euros ($65—BILLION) in loans, —WHILE THE—BANK—OF—JAPAN added more than $5—BILLION.
20070814             Religion, culture behind TEXAS execution tally : TEXAS will almost certainly hit the grim total of 400—EXECUTIONS—THIS—MONTH, far AHEAD—OF—ANY—OTHER—STATE, testament to THE—INFLUENCE—OF—THE—STATE—CONSERVATIVE—EVANGELICAL—CHRISTIANS and its cultural mix of Old South and Wild West.
20070814             USA Slipping in Life Expectancy Rankings: Americans are living longer than ever, but not as long as people in 41—OTHER—COUNTRIES.
20070814             —MISSED, In case you, it:
20070814             1—PLEA to free AMERICA FROM ignorance : Barely HALF—OF—AMERICANS believe THE—PRESIDENT is required to abide by SUPREME—COURT—DECISIONS with which he disagrees, according to 1—SURVEY—LAST—YEAR by THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA.
20070814             So much for THE—SEPARATION—OF—POWERS.
20070814             Flush with Profits : Military Contractors See 1—WORLD—OF—BUSINESS—OPPORTUNITIES : With almost no congressional oversight and even less public awareness, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has more than doubled THE—SIZE—OF—THE—USA—OCCUPATION through the use of private war companies.
20070814             Obstructing THE—WAR—ON—IRAN
20070814             The real REASON—OF—THE—CONFLICT is the competition for exclusive monopoly of the perceived future energy resources (nuclear fuel) to rake in money + to indirectly control other countries.
20070814             1—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ is Not Ours to Choose
20070814             The only chance we have of saving our nation is to ensure that Bush and Cheney are not allowed to retire into the sunset.
20070814             —ALLOWED, If they are, to do that, the concept of our nation is lost forever, and we will all be branded as war criminals in THE—EYES—OF—THE—WORLD, because "We THE—PEOPLE" allowed ALL—OF—THIS to happen.
20070814             THE—LANGUAGE—OF—DOMINION - The nation is 1—FAIRLY recent concept.
20070814             It is 1—HYBRID—OF—THE—MEDIEVAL feudal kingdom and the city STATE—OF—ANTIQUITY.
20070814             So, vassalage and citizenship are in continuous contradiction.
20070814             —REDUCED, And equality is, to THE—FORMALITY—OF—THE—BALLOT.
20070814             To survive as 1—REPUBLIC, 1—GREAT—MANY—USA—IDOLS will have to topple + not only those inane, FAME—OBSESSED clowns and crooners SHARP—ELBOWING EACH—OTHER on THE—FOX—NETWORK'S televised exercises in Pop Stardom for Dummies.
20070814             As far as idolatry goes, by far the most pervasive, ruinous, and in need of toppling is the position of unquestioning worship THE—USA—MILITARY holds in USA—LIFE.
20070814             USA—TERROR Interrogation Went Too Far, Experts Say
20070814             JOSE—PADILLA had no HISTORY—OF—MENTAL—ILLNESS—WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH ordered him detained 20020000             as 1 suspected AL—QAEDA operative.
20070814             But he does —NOW.
20070814             Continue - THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—PROCESS—SCAM
20070814             —SINCE the Palestinians made much the most FAR—REACHING compromise of all —WHEN THE—PLO formally accepted the legitimacy of ISRAEL within 19490000             —THE armistice border.
20070814             —CEDED, With that concession, Palestinians, their claim to more than half THE—TERRITORY—THAT—THE—UN—PARTITION—RESOLUTION had assigned to its Arab inhabitants.
20070814             —RECEIVED, They have never, ANY—CREDIT for this wrenching concession.
20070814             OSLO Revisited
20070814             —ON both sides there are voices asserting that not only THE—OSLO agreement, but the whole concept of the "2—STATE—SOLUTION" has †.
20070814             Hamas predicts that THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY is about to turn into 1—AGENCY—OF—COLLABORATORS, SOME—SORT—OF subcontractor for safeguarding the security of ISRAEL and fighting THE—PALESTINE—RESISTANCE—ORGANIZATIONS.
20070814             Saying NO To THE—HUNTERS—OF—GOLIATH
20070814             —DEFEATED, THE—JEWISH—STATE has already been, in battle and this may happen again sooner than we think.
20070814             —GESTARTET, USA—GROSSOFFENSIVE im IRAK.
20070814             Irakische und USA—TRUPPEN haben als Teil einer.
20070814             Bei einer koordinierten SERIE—VON—AUTOBOMBENANSCHLÄGEN auf von Jesiden bewohnte Städte im Nordirak werden 796—MENSCHEN getötet und mehr als 1.500—MENSCHEN verletzt.
200708140856         Konsequenzen der erfolgreichen Angriffe auf SHA-1 ... : Di Titel: Konsequenzen der erfolgreichen Angriffe auf SHA-1 ...
200708141816         — Politik.
20070814—19500000    —J—IM, als die Erde 2,5 Milliarden Bewohner zählte, betrug die Mangelernährungsquote noch 20 %.
20070814—19860000    —IN—THE, TEACHER—ASTRONAUT—BARBARA—MORGAN transformed the space shuttle Endeavour and space station into 1—CLASSROOM for her 1. educational session from orbit, fulfilling the legacy of CHRISTA—MCAULIFFE, who † Challenger disaster.
20070814—20020000    —SINCE, AUSTRALIA—HIGH—COURT radically expands SCOPE—OF—MILITARY—POWER : In effect, by a 5 to 2—MAJORITY, the court has legitimated THE—POLICE—STATE—MEASURES, including detention without trial, that the Howard government and its STATE—LABOR counterparts have introduced on the pretext of protecting ordinary people from terror ism.
20070814—20070817    —ON, 1—INTERNATIONAL—AID—GROUP said over 300 were dead or missing from the floods.
20080814             THE—USA and POLAND struck 1—DEAL to install 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—FACILITY in THE—EX—COMMUNIST—STATE.
20080814             —FACED, In THE—VIRGIN—ISLANDS 2—FORMER—GOVERNMENT officials, prison —AFTER being found GUILTY—OF—RUNNING 1—MILLION—DOLLAR bribery and kickback scheme.
20080814             DEAN—PLASKETT, FORMER—COMMISSIONER—OF—THE—ISLANDS' planning and natural resources department, was sentenced to —9—YEARS in prison.
20080814             MARC—BIGGS, FORMER—COMMISSIONER—OF—THE—PROPERTY and procurement office, will serve —7—YEARS.
20080814             —PLANNED, THE—USA—MINT, to issue THE—JACKSON dollar coin, the 7. of its presidential dollar series.
20080814             —SIGNED, USA—AIRLINES, UK—AIRWAYS and Iberia of SPAIN said they had, 1—AGREEMENT to cooperate over flights between NORTH—AMERICA and EUROPE to help them overcome soaring fuel costs.
20080814             —REPORTED, Scientists, that the number of OXYGEN—STARVED "dead zones" in coastal waters —AROUND the world has roughly doubled EVERY—DECADE—SINCE the 1960s, killing fish, crabs and massive AMOUNTS—OF—MARINE—LIFE at THE—BASE—OF—THE—FOOD—CHAIN.
20080814             —PULLED, AFGHANISTAN—POLICE, back from posts in the Nad ALI—DISTRICT—OF—HELMAND province —AFTER—2—WEEKS—OF clashes with militants.
20080814             —CLAIMED, THE—TALIBAN, to have taken over that district.
20080814             1—EXPLOSION targeting 1—FOOT—PATROL in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN killed 3—MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—LED coalition.
20080814             —CLASHED, Afghan and foreign troops, with insurgents in the Shwak DISTRICT—OF—EAST—PAKTIKA province.
20080814             1—COLONEL—IN—THE—ALGERIA—ARMY and another soldier were killed in 1—BOMB—ATTACK in the Jijel region.
20080814             —ARRESTED, AUSTRALIA—POLICE, 1—CATHOLIC—PRIEST, —65—JAHRE—ALT and charged him with 30—COUNTS—OF—SEXUAL—ASSAULT related to abuse allegations dating back —3—DECADES.
20080814             CHILE—CENTRAL—BANK said it is boosting its lending rate to 7.75%, warning that additional adjustments will likely be necessary to ensure inflation meets its 3—PERCENT target in the next —2—YEARS.
20080814             1—BOMB exploded —DURING 1 crowded street fair in NORTH—WEST—COLOMBIA, killing 7—PEOPLE and wounding 17.
20080814             —FACED, Georgian and RUSSIA—TROOPS, off at 1—CHECKPOINT outside the key CITY—OF—GORI, calling 1—ALREADY shaky CEASE—FIRE into question.
20080814             1—USA—OFFICIAL said RUSSIA appears to be sabotaging airfields and other military infrastructure as its forces pull back.
20080814             —FILED, For its part, GEORGIA —THIS—WEEK, 1—SUIT against RUSSIA in THE—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—OF—JUSTICE, alleging murder, rape and mass expulsions in both provinces.
20080814             —APPROVED, INDIA—CABINET, a 21% average wage increase for FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—EMPLOYEES to be backdated to 20060100             .
20080814             —KILLED, SOUTH—INDIA, at least 9—SCHOOLCHILDREN and 2—ADULTS were, —AFTER 1—SPEEDING school bus plunged into 1—RIVER outside Mangalore.
20080814             IRAQ, 2—ROADSIDE bombs went off in separate BAGHDAD locations, killing 1—POLICEMAN and wounding 17—PEOPLE, including 14—SHIITE pilgrims headed on foot to the holy CITY—OF—KARBALA for 1—MAJOR—RELIGIOUS—FESTIVAL.
20080814             Gunmen shot dead 1—OFF—DUTY—POLICEMAN and army soldier in separate incidents in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL.
20080814             1—FEMALE—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew herself up in Iskandariyah.
20080814             —KILLED, THE—USA—MILITARY said 18—PEOPLE were, in the attack, but IRAQ—POLICE in the area gave 1—HIGHER—DEATH—TOLL—OF—26.
20080814             1—SENIOR—USA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER said IRAQ—SHIITE assassination teams are being trained in at least 4—LOCATIONS in IRAN by TEHRAN—ELITE—QUDS force and LEBANON—HEZBOLLAH and are planning to return to IRAQ in the next few months to kill specific IRAQ—OFFICIALS as well as USA and IRAQ—TROOPS.
20080814             —POURED, THOUSANDS—OF—MUSLIMS, into THE—STREETS—OF—KASHMIR, demanding INDEPENDENCE from INDIA hours —AFTER archival PAKISTAN called on THE—UNITED—NATIONS to stop what it characterized as gross human rights violations in the divided Himalayan region.
20080814             Police shot dead another protester, bringing the death toll from DAYS—OF—RIOTING to 22 as security was boosted on THE—EVE—OF—INDIA—INDEPENDENCE—DAY—CELEBRATIONS.
20080814             —SETTLED, LIBYA and THE—USA, all outstanding lawsuits by USA—VICTIMS—OF—TERRORISM, clearing the way for the full restoration of diplomatic relations.
20080814             —NAMED, Military leaders in MAURITANIA, FORMER—EU ambassador Moulaye Ould MOHAMED—LAGHDAF as PRIME—MINISTER.
20080814             —RELINQUISHED, NIGERIA, CONTROL—OF—THE—OIL—RICH—BAKASSI peninsula to CAMEROON despite fears the handover will provoke attacks from local armed groups who oppose it.
20080814             PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—YOUSUF—RAZA—GILANI said in 1—INDEPENDENCE—DAY—SPEECH that the country must defeat extremism to survive.
20080814             Officials said some 135,000 residents have fled 1—PAKISTAN—TRIBAL—AREA bordering AFGHANISTAN to escape clashes between troops and Taliban militants that have left scores dead.
20080814             SRI—LANKA, government jets hit 1—SERIES—OF—TAMIL Tiger targets in the Mullaittivu region in SUPPORT—OF—TROOPS fighting on the ground.
20080814             —KILLED, Fighting between THE—2—SIDES, 27—REBELS and 2—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS.
20080814             —AGREED, Syria, to 1—LONGTIME LEBANON—DEMAND to negotiate the demarcation of their border —1—DAY—AFTER the countries said they would establish full diplomatic relations for the 1. time.
20080814             —ADMITTED, TAIWAN—FORMER—PRESIDENT—CHEN—SHUI—BIAN'S, that he broke the law by not truthfully declaring campaign donations he received, and said that his wife sent 1 unspecified AMOUNT—OF—MONEY abroad.
20080814             Russians buy Wheatland TUBE—PARENT—COMPANY—LOCAL & Regional... 1—RUSSIA—COMPANY will buy the parent company of Wheatland Tube... Maneely Co.
20080814             —FROM 1—SHAREHOLDER group that includes THE—CARLYLE—GROUP...
20080814—19940000    —SINCE, Annual inflation reached 9.5% in JULY—CHILE—HIGHEST—RATE.
20080826             —SUSPENDED, NORTH—KOREA said it has, work on disabling its nuclear facilities as of 20080814             and is considering restoration of the Yongbyon reactor that can make material for atomic bombs, accusing THE—USA of violating 1—DISARMAMENT—DEAL by failing to delist NORTH—KOREA as 1—STATE—SPONSOR—OF—TERRORISM.
20090804—20090814    —REPORTED, THE—5—LITHUANIA—SAILORS were, freed, ending their —11—DAY—ORDEAL.
20090808—20090814    —AM, [...] "Mi vida después", das seine europäische Erstaufführung erlebt, lässt die Regisseurin Lola Arias, 32, 6—SCHAUSPIELER in die Rolle ihrer eigenen, realen Eltern schlüpfen,
20090814             —THREATENED, The rally came as JOURNALIST—AHMED—ABDUL—HUSSEIN was, with 1—LAWSUIT over editorials related to 20090728             —THE—BAGHDAD bank robbery that left 8—SECURITY—GUARDS—DEAD.
20090814             Real estate lender Colonial BancGroup INCORPORATED was shut down by FEDERAL—OFFICIALS in the biggest USA—BANK—FAILURE—THIS—YEAR.
20090814             —BASED, Union Bank, in GILBERT—ARIZONA;
20090814             —BASED, Community BANK—OF—NEVADA, in LAS—VEGAS;
20090814             and Dwelling House Savings and Loan Association, located in PITTSBURGH.
20090814             † 6—BODIES have been found along rural roads —JUST 1—FEW miles outside town, most so decomposed that investigators could not tell how they.
20090814             —STRANGLED, At least 1—OF—THE—WOMEN was.
20090814             —CLASSIFIED, All the deaths have been, as homicides.
20090814             3—WOMEN were still missing.
20090814             9—BIG wildfires across the state covered over 100,000 acres.
20090814             —ENDED, Hillary Clinton, her whirlwind 7—NATION AFRICA—TRIP at CAPE—VERDE, with 1—TOUGH—LOVE—MESSAGE that Africans must tackle their own problems.
20090814             —RULED, 1—AUSTRALIA—JUDGE, that CHRISTIAN—ROSSITER, —49—JAHRE—ALT, 1—QUADRIPLEGIC—MAN who says he cannot "undertake ANY—BASIC—HUMAN—FUNCTIONS," has the right to direct 1—NURSING home to stop feeding him and allow him to die.
20090814             —KILLED, DAGESTAN, gunmen, 2—TRAFFIC—POLICE—OFFICERS in Makhachkala.
20090814             3 suspected militants were killed in 1—SEPARATE—EPISODE.
20090814             —PLUNGED, GERMANY, shares in VOLKSWAGEN—EUROPE—BIGGEST carmaker, —AFTER it approved 1—TAKEOVER of luxury auto manufacturer Porsche to create 1—SECTOR—GIANT.
20090814             —OUSTED, HONDURAS, 2—DOZEN—SUPPORTERS—OF, PRESIDENT—ZELAYA were charged with sedition in 1—INTENSIFYING crackdown on protests against THE—COUP—INSTALLED government.
20090814             IRAQ, journalists took to the streets in BAGHDAD to protest what they say is political pressure to silence the media.
20090814             LIBYA, 1—DELEGATION—OF—USA—SENATORS led by JOHN—MCCAIN met with LIBYA—LEADER to discuss the possible delivery of NON—LETHAL defense equipment.
20090814             —KILLED, NORTH—MEXICO, 1—FIGHT among prisoners, 19—INMATES and left more than 20 injured at the prison in THE—CITY—OF—GOMEZ Palacio, DURANGO state.
20090814             —INVOLVED, The battle apparently, inmates jailed on drug or organized crime charges.
20090814             —OPENED, Assailants in pickup trucks, fire on MONCLOVA police CHIEF—JUAN—CARLOS—PACHECO as he headed home.
20090814             † Pacheco was not hurt but 3—OF—THE—POLICE—OFFICERS guarding him.
20090814             —ANNOUNCED, FEDERAL—POLICE, THE—CAPTURE—OF—HECTOR—OYARZABAL, 1 alleged La Familia leader, who was described as DIRECTOR—OF—THE—GANG—DRUG—OPERATIONS in several TOWNS—OF—THE—STATE—OF—MEXICO, which surrounds MOST—OF—MEXICO—CITY.
20090814             CIUDAD—JUAREZ, 2—WOMEN and 1—MAN were found shot to death in their car.
20090814             NIGERIA—BANKING CHIEF said the government will inject USA$2.55—BILLION into 5 troubled banks, in AFRICA—1. major bank rescue program —SINCE the global credit crunch began.
20090814             —ANNOUNCED, CENTRAL—BANK—CHIEF—SANUSI—LAMIDO—SANUSI also, THE—SACKING—OF—THE—HEADS—OF—5—MAJOR—BANKS for piling up debts worth BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS and poor management.
20090814             The heads of Afribank plc, Intercontinental Bank plc, Union Bank plc, Oceanic Bank plc and Finbank plc were removed by Sanusi.
20090814             THE—NIGERIA—ANTI—GRAFT—AGENCY soon froze the accounts of the sacked directors for running the institutions into insolvency.
20090814             For EVERY—CASE—OF—PARALYSIS, HUNDREDS—OF—OTHER—CHILDREN don't develop symptoms, but pass on the disease.
20090814             —LIFTED, PAKISTAN, 1—BAN on political activities in its tribal regions, granting the areas close to AFGHANISTAN—BORDER—PARLIAMENTARY—REPRESENTATION for the 1. time in the hopes it would reduce the grip of the Taliban there.
20090814             3—BOMB—EXPLOSIONS killed 1—MAN and wounded 18—OTHER—PEOPLE in Baluchistan, 1 impoverished but OIL—RICH—PROVINCE where Baluch nationalist groups have been fighting for more autonomy —FOR—DECADES.
20090814             THE—SOUTH—GAZA, TOWN—OF—RAFAH on THE—EGYPT—BORDER fighting broke out —WHEN Hamas security men surrounded 1—MOSQUE where about 100—MEMBERS—OF—JUND Ansar Allah, or THE—SOLDIERS—OF—THE—COMPANIONS—OF—GOD, were holed up.
20090814             —DEFIED, ABDEL—LATIF—MOUSSA, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—GROUP, GAZA—HAMAS rulers by declaring in 1—PRAYER sermon that the territory was 1—ISLAMIC—EMIRATE.
20090814             11—HOMEMADE rockets were launched from GAZA into EGYPT.
20090814             —DETONATED, Only 5—OF—THE—ROCKETS, injuring 1—YOUNG—GIRL.
20090814             1—SWITZERLAND—COURT backed the government's plan to give aid agencies 7—MILLION—SWITZERLAND—FRANCS ($6—MILLION) seized from bank accounts linked to HAITI—FORMER—DICTATOR—JEAN—CLAUDE "Baby Doc" Duvalier.
20090814             THE—DUVALIER family, which wants to reclaim the money, can —NOW appeal the case to SWITZERLAND—HIGHEST—COURT.
20090814             —UNLEASHED, TAIWAN—PRESIDENT said floods and mudslides, by Typhoon Morakot last weekend have killed about 500—PEOPLE on THE—ISLAND, as he called on rescue crews to step up their efforts.
20090814             —CONFIRMED, Ma said the death toll includes 120, deaths, and about 380—PEOPLE believed to be buried in the debris of 1—LANDSLIDE in Shiao Lin, THE—HARDEST—HIT village.
20090814             —ASKED, TAIWAN, major world donors for heavy equipment to alleviate damages from Typhoon Morakot.
20090814             1—TAIWAN—TELEPHONE—COMPANY said Seabed movements believed caused by Typhoon Morakat damaged 7—UNDERSEA cables linking ASIA—NATIONS, disrupting INTERNET and telephone services.
20090814             VENEZUELA, lawmakers loyal to PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ gave final approval on to legislation that has raised fears among government opponents of impending socialist indoctrination in schools.
20090814             —APPROVED, THE—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY also, 1—LAW that paves the way for the government to take over private buildings and land in urban areas.
20090814             "ARCTIC Sea": Angeblich vor KAPVERDISCHEN—INSELN gesichtet - 2. Schiff im Funkschatten?
20090814             Wer dachte, mit der Hamas ist —SCHON das ENDE—DER—FAHNENSTANGE erreicht, sieht sich getäuscht: HAMAS—KONKURRENZ ruft "islamisches Emirat" aus.
20090814             Die Hamas sind zwar Spinner, aber sie sind nationalistische Spinner, die sich weniger als Teil einer landesübergreifenden ISLAM—BEWEGUNG sehen.
20090814             Die ORIGINAL—MELDUNG, die das ehemalige Nachrichtenmagazin sich natürlich zu erwähnen zu schade ist, kommt von Haaretz.
20090814             —BEREITET, Steuerhinterziehung: USA—JUSTIZ, Klagen gegen UBS—KUNDEN vor
20090814             The "waterfront" he covers includes Fascism, Corporatism, genocide, the Cold War, 5. column movements, INTERNATIONAL banking scandals, the Kennedy assassination, Nixon, Watergate, the Muslim Brotherhood, 20010911             , the Bush family and its business connections to THE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN family, and to the 3. Reich as well (through GEORGE—THE—ELDER—DADDY, SENATOR—PRESCOTT—BUSH ), the P—2—LODGE, disinformation, mind control and cults.
20090814             —DAMNED, THE—USA—PEOPLE are simply too, stupid to know their own best interests.
20090814             They won't kick their addiction to propaganda.
20090814             They'll always believe the various Professor HAROLD—HILLS employed by the great corporate interests.
20090814             The ninnies deserve to be fleeced.
20090814             Diese diese Nummer mit dem RUSSISCHEN—FRACHTSCHIFF, das in der Ostsee verschwunden ist, das ist ja konspirologisch echt ergiebig.
20090814             Also, das Schiff heißt ARCTIC Sea, danach könnt ihr ja mal googeln.
20090814             Es ist ein russisches 4000—TONNEN—SCHIFF, also nicht gerade klein, das offiziell Holz aus FINNLAND nach ALGERIEN bringen sollte.
20090814             Der letzte Funkkontakt war mit der BRITISCHEN—KÜSTENWACHE, aber Interpol sagt, das Schiff sei —BEREITS in der baltischen See verschütt gegangen.
20090814             Da müßte also jemand den Radiokontakt mit den Briten fingiert haben, um den Verschwindeort zu verschleiern.
20090814             Dann gibt es da noch so Details wie dass das Schiff offenbar vorher noch —2—WOCHEN in KALININGRAD vor Anker lag.
20090814             Die Russen haben mal eben ihre Flotte inklusive zweier Atomuboote mobilisiert, damit die die Gegend absuchen.
20090814             Das alles legt ja —SCHON Spekulationen nahe,
20090814             ob da vielleicht mehr als nur Holz an Bord war.
20090814             —VERLIERT, Börse: VW—AKTIE, mehr als 15—PROZENT
20090814             Rätsel um Frachter "ARCTIC Sea": "Die Situation ist dramatisch"
20090814             Risikoregeln für Banker: Finanzaufsicht legt BONI—RITTER an die Kette
20090814             Konjunktur: USA—VERBRAUCHER zweifeln am Aufschwung
20090814             BONN: Klimakonferenz endet ohne Ergebnis
20090814             Umwelt: Nachwachsender Dschungel ersetzt Regenwald
20090814             Einstellungsplus: Zeitarbeitsfirmen rufen ENDE—DER—TALFAHRT aus
20090814             Wahlkampf: CSU spricht FDP Regierungskompetenz ab
20090814             Demonstration in Bagdad: Medienmacher protestieren gegen zunehmende Zensur im IRAK
20090814             GELSENKIRCHEN: Mieter zündet Wohnung wegen anstehender Räumung an
20090814             Menschenrechtsrat: UNO—GREMIUM rügt Israels GAZA—OFFENSIVE
20090814             Die Forscher vermuten im Fachmagazin "Science", dass der Gebrauch des Feuers sogar noch viel weiter zurückreichen KÖNNTE—MÖGLICHERWEISE —BIS zu 164.—000—JAHREN.
20090814             —BEREITS vor 72.—000—JAHREN haben Menschen das Feuer genutzt, um Werkzeuge zu produzieren.
20090814             Die Steinwerkzeuge, die das internationale Forscherteam um KYLE—BROWN—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—IN—KAPSTADT ausgegraben hat, wurde durch Hitze verändert.
20090814             Bislang gingen Wissenschaftler davon aus, dass die Menschen in EUROPA —ERST im Jungpaläolithikum vor etwa 25.000—BIS 30.—000—JAHREN damit begannen.
20090814             Die Informationen, die die Asiaten erhalten, sind demnach nicht eindeutig: Sie erkennen Angst und Ekel so schlecht, weil sie sie mit Überraschung und Ärger verwechseln, so das Fazit der Forscher.
20090814             10—002—UHR KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR—CIA soll Geheimknäste von FRANKFURT aus gesteuert haben
20090814             —GEFOLTERT, Terrorverdächtige wurden gedemütigt und : Die berüchtigten CIA—GEHEIMGEFÄNGNISSE wurden vermutlich von DEUTSCHLAND aus organisiert.
20090814             Der Bau von 3—ANLAGEN in Osteuropa und Nordafrika sei vom CIA—BÜRO—IN—FRANKFURT am Main geplant worden, berichtet die " NEW—YORK—TIMES ".
20090814             1. —MONDAY, volume 2, number 4 (19970400             ),
20090814             le texte brisé conceptualized by ROLAND—BARTHES - It's 1—WEB—OF—INFORMATION.
20090814             Briefly, the equation EACH—OF—USA has to solve —WHEN writing is the —FOLLOWING: how to present in so MANY—LINES enough information to satisfy those of our readers who are really interested or skilled in 1—SPECIFIC—SUBJECT,
20090814             without losing or boring those who are less interested.
20090814             Do what you do best and link to the rest will be 1—FOUNDATION—OF—THE—FUTURE—ARCHITECTURE—OF—NEWS.
20090814             Das Verlinken journalistischer Inhalte und dessen QUELLEN—MEHR als das Einfügen oder Umschreiben, wie wir es —BISHER TUN—WIRD ein moralischer Imperativ des neuen Journalismus sein.
20090814             ARCHIV—TAZ.de Wenn Nachrichten als Ware betrachtet werden, sollte man konsequenterweise bei eklatanter Desinformation über empfindliche finanzielle Konsequenzen...
20090814             antibuerokratieteam_net " Blog Archive " Gummersbacher Thesen...
20090814             Journalisten sind zu 97% Dienstleister, die Nachrichten als Ware behandeln und ausschließlich die Wertschöpfung ihres Mediums im Blick haben.
20090814             Die Europäer ließen ihren Blick gleichmäßig über das gesamte Gesicht schweifen.
20090814             Die Asiaten hingegen fixierten fast ausschließlich die Augenpartie, schreiben Rachael JACK—VON—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—GLASGOW und ihre Kollegentt im Fachblatt "Current Biology".
20090814             Asiaten haben oft Probleme, die bewegten Gesichter von Europäern und Amerikanern richtig zu interpretieren.
20090814             Letzteren wiederum erscheinen die Gesichter von Asiaten oft merkwürdig starr und emotionslos.
20090814             Doch die Zweifel daran werden immer größer.
20090814             Eine neue Studie ergab —JETZT, dass Asiaten enorme Probleme haben, die Mimik von Europäern zu lesen.
20090814             Umgekehrt gilt dasselbe.
20090814             Nach Informationen der Nachrichtenagentur RIA Novosti hatte RUSSLAND 4—SCHIFFE seiner Schwarzmeerflotte entsandt, um die ATLANTIK—KÜSTE vor SPANIEN und PORTUGAL —NACH—DEM verschollenen Schiff abzusuchen.
20090814             Die Fregatte "Ladnij" und die Landungsschiffe "Jamal ", "Asof" und "Nowotscherkassk" wurden bei der Suche von 2—ATOM—U—BOOTEN der RUSSISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE unterstützt.
20090814             "Die Verbraucher sollten sich nicht darüber Gedanken machen müssen, welches Gerät mit welchem Anbieter funktioniert", erklärte das Unternehmen.
20090814             Damit gerät Amazon unter vermehrten Druck. WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE
20090814             Noch unbeliebter ist Innenminister WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE: 50—PROZENT—DER—LESER geben ihm eine glatte 6.
20090814             Die höchst kontroverse Debatte um BKA—GESETZ, ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNG und Vorratsdatenspeicherung haben Schäuble zum Feindbild von Bürgerrechtlern und Datenschützern gemacht.
20090814             Sie benoten den Innenminister mit 4,8.
20090814             Pressefreiheit: Iraker protestieren gegen Zensur
20090814             Justiz: BGH setzt hohe Hürden für TERRORISMUS—VERURTEILUNGEN
20090814             —DEMONSTRIERT, Autoimperium: VW, neue Stärke
20090814             Stahlkonzern: ThyssenKrupp rutscht tief in die roten Zahlen
20090814             Rezessionsfolgen: Industrie baut massenweise Jobs ab
20090814             Ein männliches Parteimitglied weigerte sich dem Bericht zufolge, an der Liste MITZUARBEITEN—ER hatte Angst, selbst als Spanner zu gelten.
20090814             Das Bundeskriminalamt weiß von KINDERPORNO—SEITEN im INTERNET und tut nichts gegen sie.
20090814             Will da nicht mal jemand 1—KLAGE wegen Strafvereitelung im Amt einreichen?
20090814             —AM besten gleich das ganze BKA wegklagen.
20090814             Mehr als Steuergelder verbrennen machen die da ja eh nicht für uns.
20090814             Oh und klickt AUCH—AUF den MOGIS—LINK in dem Artikel.
20090814             stieß der Vorstoß der Union auf Ablehnung.
20090814             "Der Ruf nach staatlicher Kontrolle über das weltweite Informationsnetz ist ein weiterer Schritt hin zu einer Inhaltszensur", sagte die FDP—INNENPOLITIKERIN GISELA—PILTZ der "Berliner Zeitung".
20090814             Ähnlich sieht das die Piratenpartei.
20090814             "Natürlich ist das INTERNET kein rechtsfreier Raum", sagte AARON—KOENIG vom Bundesvorstand der Piraten.
20090814             "Wenn aber unter dem Vorwand Kinderpornografie das Grundrecht auf Meinungsfreiheit ausgehöhlt wird, spielt DEUTSCHLAND in einer Liga mit IRAN und CHINA", warnte er.
20090814             Der CDU—INNENEXPERTE WOLFGANG—BOSBACH etwa macht sich für den Einsatz einer verdeckten INTERNET—POLIZEI stark.
20090814             "Wir wollen keine Zensurbehörde für das Netz etablieren", erklärte Zypries dazu.
20090814             Wir brauchen eine zwischen dem Bundeskriminalamt und der Polizei der Länder abgestimmte Gesamtstrategie", so Wendt.
20090814             "Wir brauchen 20000000             CYBER—COPS", sagte der Vorsitzende RAINER—WENDT der "Berliner Zeitung".
20090814             Das INTERNET sei der größte Tatort der Welt.
20090814             Deshalb dürfe es sich nicht selbst überlassen werden.
20090814             "Die Polizei muss verstärkt verdachtsunabhängige Streifen im Netz fahren", forderte der Gewerkschaftschef.
20090814             MIMIK—BARRIERE: Warum Asiaten Europäer missverstehen
20090814             Druck auf Amazon: Sony stellt auf offenes E—BOOK—FORMAT um
20090814             X—CHROMOSOM: Gen kann Aids bei Frauen verzögern
20090814             TOP—VERDIENER in der Finanzkrise: USA—MANAGER kassieren Rekordgehälter
20090814             Ausgrabungen in SÜDAFRIKA: Menschen stellten Werkzeug mit Feuer vor 72.—000—JAHREN her
20090814             Managergehälter: Bund verschärft Bonusregeln für Banker
20090814             Kriminalität im Web: Polizisten verlangen "CYBER—COPS" fürs INTERNET
20090814             Börsen: Europas Konjunkturplus beflügelt Tokios Börse
20090814             Wahlkampf: SPD—GENERAL wettert gegen Merkels Ideenlosigkeit
20090814             —JETZT versucht er es als Buchautor.
20090814             1—TEILNEHMER der Runde gab diese Information danach an die " WASHINGTON—POST " weiter.
20090814             Doch —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—JAHREN habe Bush sich zunehmend von der öffentlichen Meinung beeinflussen lassen.
20090814             Er stoppte die Folter von Gefangenen mit "waterboarding",
20090814             ließ geheime Gefängnisse der CIA schließen und suchte die Unterstützung des Kongresses für umstrittene Überwachungsmaßnahmen.
20090814             Für den ehemaligen Vizepräsidenten seien diese Zugeständnisse 1—ZEICHEN moralischer Schwäche.
20090814             Dick Cheney schreibt seine Biografie -
20090814             Wahlprognose: SPD fällt auf historisches Umfragetief - Bushs KUSCHEL—POLITIK
20090814             Indiskretion: Cheney lästert über Bush s KUSCHEL—POLITIK (Politik)
20090814             in EU—GEWÄSSERN—SOLLTEN Piraten die "ARCTIC Sea" tatsächlich entführt haben, wäre es der 1. Fall dieser Art in EU—GEWÄSSERN.
20090814             Nach Informationen der Nachrichtenagentur RIA Novosti hat RUSSLAND 4—SCHIFFE seiner Schwarzmeerflotte entsandt, um die ATLANTIK—KÜSTE vor SPANIEN und PORTUGAL abzusuchen.
20090814             Dort soll der HOLZ—FRACHTER verschollen sein.
20090814             Russlands Flotte durchkämmt den Atlantik auf der Suche —NACH—DEM verschollenen Schiff und 15—RUSSISCHEN—SEEMÄNNERN.
20090814             Die Reederei spricht von Entführung.
20090814             Experten vermuten, dass der Holzfrachter brisantes Gut an Bord hatte.
20090814             Die Wissenschaftler beobachteten die Teilnehmer dann —8—JAHRE lang und stellten fest, dass die Gefahr eines tödlichen Herzinfarktes im gleichen Maß sank, in dem die Patienten dunkle Schokolade aßen.
20090814             Gaßmann spricht von einem besonders schlimmen Fall: "VIELE—MENSCHEN wollen in ihren Wohnungen alt werden. Und alte Bäume sollte man nicht versetzen".
20090814             HRE—HAUPTVERSAMMLUNG: "Das ist Enteignung à la DDR"
20090814             Paid Content: Springer will Geld für Onlinejournalismus
20090814             Überlebensmaßnahme: Obdachloser lebt —5—MONATE neben Leiche
20090814             Eigenbedarf: Vermieter kündigt 103-jähriger Mieterin
20090814             Israels Siedlungspolitik: Palästinenser protestieren gegen Zwangsräumungen
20090814             contracts to the notorious GERMANY—ARMS—DEALER, ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, for..
20090814             RUMOURS—OF—WAR—BLOODTHIRSTY Murderers Rumbled: Western bankers...
20090814             To quote GENERAL—SOYSTER (see above in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—ST.
20090814—19750000    —IN, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme (60), THE—CHARLES—MANSON follower convicted of trying to assassinate PRESIDENT—GERALD—FORD, was released from 1—TEXAS prison hospital —AFTER more than —3—DECADES behind bars.
20090814—20020000    —SINCE, The accounts have been blocked.
20090814—20050000    —SINCE, It was reported that in NORTH—CAROLINA 9—WOMEN, who lived at the edges of the poor community in Rocky Mount, have disappeared.
20090814—20080000    —CAUSED, NIGERIA, THE—NUMBER—OF—POLIO—CASES, by the vaccine was reported to have doubled so far —THIS—YEAR with 124—CHILDREN paralyzed, compared to 62, out of about 42—MILLION—CHILDREN vaccinated.
20090814—20090000    —BOOSTED, The closures, to 77 the number of federally insured banks that have failed.
20090814—20090811    —REFUSED, Aid offers were —INITIALLY.
20090814—20090812    —ON, CALIFORNIA, the Lockheed fire in SANTA—CRUZ—COUNTY, which began, covered over 5,000 acres and was only 15% contained.
20090814—20090815    —APPOINTED, THE—FDIC, which was, receiver of THE—MONTGOMERY—ALABAMA—BASED Colonial and its about $25—BILLION in assets, said the failed bank's 346—BRANCHES in ALABAMA, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, NEVADA and TEXAS will reopen at the normal times —STARTING as offices of WINSTON—SALEM, NORTH—CAROLINA—BASED BB&T. Regulators also closed 4—OTHER—BANKS: Community BANK—OF—ARIZONA, based in PHOENIX;
20090814—20090823    —ON, the death toll from Typhoon Morakot was raised to at least 650.
20090814—20120000    —VOR, Wieandt rechnet mit weiteren Verlusten: "Wir gehen aktuell nicht davon aus, dass wir wieder in die Gewinnzone zurückkehren können".
20090818—20090814    —AM, soll es laut einem SPRECHER—DER—EU—KOMMISSION zu einem weiteren Überfall auf das Schiff gekommen SEIN—DIESMAL vor der Küste Portugals.
20090921—20090814    —ON, he had won 1—LANDMARK legal battle to starve himself to death by refusing food.
20100814             —PLOWED, CALIFORNIA, 1—OFF—ROAD—TRUCK, into 1—CROWD and scattered "bodies everywhere" moments —AFTER sailing off 1—JUMP at THE—CALIFORNIA 200—RACE in the Mohave Desert, killing 8—PEOPLE and injuring 12—OTHERS.
20100814             NEW—YORK, 1—SHOOTING outside 1—RESTAURANT in downtown BUFFALO left 4—PEOPLE—DEAD and 4 wounded.
20100814             —ARRESTED, KEITH—JOHNSON, —25—JAHRE—ALT was, and charged with 4—COUNTS—OF—2. degree murder.
20100814             —DROPPED, Prosecutors soon, charges against Johnson —FOLLOWING EXAMINATION—OF—SURVEILLANCE—VIDEO.
20100814             Her 1. album, "Affair... 1—STORY—OF—1—GIRL in Love" (19560000             ) was made the same —YEAR in which she appeared in her 1. film "THE—GIRL—CAN'T—HELP—IT".
20100814             oo From 19620000—19700000     she was, to drummer MAX—ROACH.
20100814             AFGHANISTAN, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COALITION said more than 20—INSURGENTS including Arab, Chechen and PAKISTAN—FIGHTERS have been killed by NATO and AFGHANISTAN—FORCES who are ramping up operations in the east against 1—TALIBAN faction linked to AL—QAIDA.
20100814             4—POLICE were killed and 4—OTHERS wounded —WHEN their vehicle hit 1—ROADSIDE bomb in Gereshk DISTRICT—IN—HELMAND province.
20100814             —KILLED, NATO and coalition troops, 2—INSURGENTS—AFTER 1—PATROL came under small arms and ROCKET—PROPELLED grenade fire in Kunduz province.
20100814             —KILLED, NATO—FORCES, 2—INSURGENTS who attacked 1—POLICE—STATION by hitting their truck with 1—AIRSTRIKE as they fled 1—AREA in NORTH—KUNDUZ province.
20100814             1—POLICE—OFFICER was reported killed in the fighting.
20100814             —REPORTED, CHINA—PEOPLE—DAILY, that CHINA will test 1—WIDER—RANGE—OF dairy products and even breast milk as authorities investigate claims that 1—BRAND—OF infant formula caused apparent breast growth in 1—SMALL—NUMBER—OF—BABIES.
20100814             State media have said the babies with apparent breast growth were found to have abnormal levels of the hormones estradiol and prolactin, which stimulate lactation, or the making of breast milk.
20100814             THE—EU told MILITARY—RUN—MYANMAR that its 20101107             elections, the 1. in —2—DECADES, will not be considered legitimate in THE—EYES—OF—THE—WORLD unless it can ensure the vote is free and fair.
20100814             —SIGNED, GABON, contracts worth 4.5—BILLION dollars (3.5—BILLION euros) with Indian and SINGAPORE—COMPANIES for infrastructure projects.
20100814             —EXPECTED, The investments were, to generate some 50,000 jobs.
20100814             IRAQ, 2—POLICEMEN were shot dead and their bodies set ablaze at 1—BAGHDAD checkpoint.
20100814             1—DRIVE—BY shooting killed 2—MORE—POLICE—OFFICERS in BAGHDAD.
20100814             —KILLED, 1—ANTI—QAEDA fighter was, at 1—CHECKPOINT manned by GOVERNMENT—BACKED Sunni fighters in NORTH—EAST—BAGHDAD.
20100814             1—BOMB attached to 1—POLICE—OFFICER'S—CAR in BAGHDAD blew up, killing the driver and wounding 2—PASSENGERS.
20100814             —RETURNED, MOHAMMED—ALI—AL—DEEN, —34—JAHRE—ALT, who, less than —1—MONTH—AGO —AFTER completing 1—PHARMACY course in WASHINGTON DC, was gunned down at his home in Noamaniyah in THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—WASIT.
20100814             —ERUPTED, INDIA—KASHMIR, fresh clashes, between ANTI—INDIA protesters and security forces, where 55—DEMONSTRATORS have † —DURING—2—MONTHS—OF—UNREST.
20100814             ITALY, police in Sicily said they've hit at the heart of the financial empire of 1 convicted Mafia associate, seizing euro800 million (more than $1—BILLION) in property and businesses, including 1—CLINIC for cancer patients and 1—LOCAL soccer team.
20100814             —CONVICTED—OF, Local health mogul Michele Aiello (53) was, Mafia association, corruption and fraud and sentenced to 15 1/—2—YEARS in prison.
20100814             —KILLED, LEBANON—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS, 2 suspected MEMBERS—OF—1—AL—QAIDA—INSPIRED group in the Bekaa Valley.
20100814             —REPORTED, Local TV station AL—JADEED, that 1—OF—THEM was ABDUL—RAHMAN—AWAD, 1—LEADER—OF—THE—FATAH—ISLAM group, and his aide, Ghazi FAYSAL—ABDULLAH.
20100814             They were heading to IRAQ to join insurgents.
20100814             —CAPTURED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES said that police in CIUDAD—JUAREZ have, 5 alleged drug gang members suspected in the killings of 2—FEDERAL—OFFICERS, including 1—WHOSE body was hacked to pieces.
20100814             Aid officials said NIGER is —NOW facing the worst hunger crisis in its history, with almost half the country's population in desperate NEED—OF—FOOD and up to 1 in 6—CHILDREN suffering from acute malnutrition.
20100814             —TARGETED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, gunmen, NON—ETHNIC—BALUCHIS traveling on 1—BUS and painting 1—HOUSE in 2—ATTACKS, killing 16—PEOPLE and wounding 8.
20100814             —BATTLED, PORTUGAL, more than 600—FIREFIGHTERS, at least 26—SERIOUS wildfire outbreaks fanned by gusting winds in 3—SEPARATE—AREAS.
20100814             RUSSIA, the number of wildfires in THE—MOSCOW region fell sharply overnight, but HUNDREDS—OF—BLAZES continued to rage in other areas of RUSSIA, and officials warned that SOME—OF—THEM are in HARD—TO—REACH regions.
20100814             —OPENED, SINGAPORE, the inaugural Youth Olympic Games officially, in 1—SPECTACULAR blaze of color, with JACQUES—ROGGE hailing it as 1—NEW—CHAPTER in the Olympic movement.
20100814             SOUTH—KOREAN—LEE—DAE—HO broke 1—WORLD—RECORD by scoring 1—HOME—RUN for his ninth straight game.
20100814             —DEPLOYED, SUDAN—DARFUR, region 2—JORDAN—PEACEKEEPERS, with the joint UNITED—NATIONS—AFRICA—UNION—MISSION, were kidnapped.
20100814             —FORMED, THAILAND, USA—MARINE—DASHAWN Longfellow was beaten and stabbed to death —FOLLOWING 1—BRAWL at 1—PHUKET bar.
20100814             BAD, Münster am STEIN—EBERNBURG wird das Steinskulpturenmuseum Fondation KUBACH—WILMSEN eröffnet, das von Tadao And?
20100814             entworfen wurde.
20100814—20010000    —IN, THE—GAMES, which feature athletes aged 14 to 18, are 1—PROJECT—ROGGE has championed —SINCE becoming IOC CHIEF.
20100814—20050000    —DESCRIBED, Villagers, the situation as worse than, —WHEN aid organizations treated TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CHILDREN for malnutrition, and worse even than 19730000             , —WHEN thousands †.
20100814—20100817    —ON, Jordanian and SUDAN—OFFICIALS said the peacekeepers have been freed.
20100814—20100825    —TURNED, RICCARDO—MCCRAY, himself in and was charged 4—COUNTS—OF—2. degree murder.
20100814—20120000    —INDICTED, UK—KICKBOXER LEE—ALDHOUSE was, for the stabbing.
20100817—20100814    —SINCE, BAHRAIN—LAWYER MOHAMMED—AL—TAJIR said 1—TOTAL—OF—10—ACTIVISTS, including 8—LEADING MEMBERS—OF—THE—OPPOSITION, have been detained.
20110814             The hacker group known as Anonymous struck 1—BAY Area Rapid Transit website and released customer information in retaliation for BART—DECISION to cut cellular phone service to prevent 1—ANTIPOLICE protest in S—FRANCISCO.
20110814             EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—TEAM—OF—6—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, SOME—WEARING explosive vests, stormed 1—PROVINCIAL—GOVERNOR—COMPOUND, killing 22—PEOPLE in the Parwan provincial CAPITAL—OF—CHARIKAR.
20110814             3—OF—THE—ATTACKERS were killed as they approached THE—GOVERNOR—HOUSE.
20110814             16—OF—THE—DEAD were CIVIL—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT—EMPLOYEES and 6 were policemen.
20110814             † 1—FRANCE—SOLDIER was killed by isolated fire —DURING 1—OPERATION in THE—NORTH—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—KAPISA.
20110814             —CRASHED, ALGERIA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—SMALL—TRUCK apparently laden with explosives into 1—POLICE—STATION in Tizi Ouzou, THE—CAPITAL—OF—THE—KABYLIE region, injuring 29—PEOPLE.
20110814             Kabylie, the Berber capital, is THE—STRONGHOLD—OF—AL—QAIDA in the Islamic Maghreb.
20110814             BANGLADESH, 1—GROUP—OF—INFLUENTIAL villagers in Habiganj district voted that Ferdousi Akhter (35) should leave the community —AFTER she was accused of having 1—AFFAIR with 1—NEIGHBOR—WHILE her husband was working abroad.
20110814             Akhter took her 4—CHILDREN aged 8-12 and jumped with them in front of 1—TRAIN—LATER in the —DAY, killing herself and 2—OF—THE—CHILDREN.
20110814             † In CAMBODIA a —6—YEAR—OLD—GIRL from bird flu.
20110814             She was the 8. person to die from the H5N1 flu virus —THIS—YEAR in CAMBODIA.
20110814             —LIFTED, CANADA—TRADE and agriculture ministers said VIETNAM has, its —8—YEAR—OLD—BAN on CANADA—LIVE breeding cattle, sheep and goats, becoming the 1. ASIA—COUNTRY to do so —SINCE a 20030000             DISCOVERY—OF—MAD—COW—DISEASE.
20110814             CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said authorities in the northeastern port CITY—OF—DALIAN ordered 1—PETROCHEMICAL—PLANT be shut down —AFTER more than 12,000—PEOPLE demonstrated over pollution concerns.
20110814             1—GAS—BLAST in 1—COAL—MINE killed 10—PEOPLE in Panxian county in Guizhou province.
20110814             † In HONDURAS 2—PEASANTS and 4—GUARDS at the Paso del Aguan ranch —WHEN 300—PEASANTS armed with machetes and automatic rifles tried to take over the ranch.
20110814             Police —THE—NEXT—DAY found the bodies of 5—PEASANTS in 1—TRASH dump near the ranch.
20110814             —INCLUDED, They, 3—MEN and 2—WOMEN.
20110814             —CLOSED, 1—INDIA—NAVAL ship, in on 1—CARGO ship, believed to have been hijacked and used to smuggle contraband in THE—EAST—ARABIAN Sea.
20110814             —OVERWHELMED, The "" crew did not offer ANY—RESISTANCE.
20110814             Automatic weapons were found on the ship.
20110814             —INCLUDED, The crew, 5—YEMENIS, 2—TANZANIANS, 1—KENYAN and 1—SOMALIAN.
20110814             —FEATURED, THE—INDIA—MOVIE—STAR was, in over 100—FILMS including "Tumsa Nahin Dekha" (Never Seen Anyone Like You, 19570000             ) and "Junglee" (19610000             ).
20110814             IRAQ, 1—PAIR—OF—BOMBS hit 1—IRAQ—ARMY—PATROL in NORTH—BAGHDAD, killing 5—SECURITY—PERSONNEL and injuring 10—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20110814             —FRENZIED, JERSEY, 1—POLAND—MAN, —30—JAHRE—ALT 6—PEOPLE in 1, stabbing spree, the deadliest crime in memory on the Channel ISLAND.
20110814             —STABBED, DAMIAN—RZESZOWSKI, to death his wife Izabela Rzeszowska (30) their 2—CHILDREN, Kinga (5) and Kacper (2) in 1—FLAT in THE—CAPITAL—ST—HELIER.
20110814             —KILLED, He also, his wife's father MAREK—GARSTKA (56) and her friend MARTA—DOMINIKA—DE—LA—HAYE (34) and —5—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER—JULIA—FRANCES.
20110814             —PRESENTED, JORDAN—,1—REFORM—COMMITTEE, constitutional changes to ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—, but activists said the changes do not go far enough.
20110814             —PROPOSED, The 42, changes included limiting THE—JURISDICTION—OF—MILITARY—COURTS to only terrorism and espionage cases.
20110814             LIBYA—REBELS and troops loyal to Moammar Gadhafi fought for CONTROL—OF—ZAWIYA, —1—DAY—AFTER opposition forces pushed from the western mountains into the strategic city in their most dramatic advance in months.
20110814             —CAPTURED, Rebel officials said they had, THE—TOWN—OF—GHARYAN, 50—MILES (80—KM) SOUTH—OF—TRIPOLI, which sits on the supply road from SOUTH—LIBYA to the capital.
20110814             —CAPTURED, Rebels said they also, THE—TOWN—OF—SURMAN.
20110814             —KILLED, MEXICO, 8—PEOPLE were, in ACAPULCO.
20110814             1—GRENADE—BLAST has killed 1—MAN and wounded 1—WOMAN and 2—CHILDREN in the Gulf coast CITY—OF—VERACRUZ.
20110814             1—GRENADE tossed onto 1—BUSY—TOURIST boulevard in the Gulf coast CITY—OF—VERACRUZ killed 1—MAN and seriously wounded his wife and their 2—YOUNG—CHILDREN.
20110814             —KIDNAPPED, The navy found objects belonging to 4—SERVICEMEN, —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH in 1—RAID on 1—WAREHOUSE.
20110814             Investigators —LATER found 4—BODIES in 4—PITS on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—STATE—CAPITAL.
20110814             —TESTED, MYANMAR opposition leader Aung S—SUU—KYI, THE—LIMITS—OF—HER—FREEDOM by taking her 1. political trip into the countryside —SINCE being released from house arrest.
20110814             —RESIGNED, NEPAL—LATEST—PRIME—MINISTER, Jhalnath Khanal, —AFTER failing to make progress toward adopting 1—CONSTITUTION —DURING his —6—MONTHS in office.
20110814             NEPAL, HUNDREDS—OF—GAY, lesbian, transgender people marched with supporters in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—NARAYANGHAT to demand equal rights under 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION the country is in the process of writing.
20110814             —STABBED, NIGERIA, attackers, 8—PEOPLE to death in JOS, 1—CENTRAL region beset by religious and ethnic tensions.
20110814             —ATTACHED, PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, to 1—TIMER ripped through a 2—STORY—HOTEL in Dera Allah Yar, Baluchistan province, reducing the building to rubble and killing 12—PEOPLE.
20110814             —KILLED, Elsewhere in Baluchistan, 2—GUNMEN riding 1—MOTORCYCLE, 1—LOCAL—JOURNALIST—IN—THE—CITY—OF—KHUZDAR.
20110814             —FIRED, Suspected militants, rockets at 1—PARAMILITARY—BASE in Miran Shah, NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, —DURING 1—INDEPENDENCE—DAY—CEREMONY, killing 3—SOLDIERS and wounding 23—OTHERS.
20110814             1—LAND—MINE killed 2—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIERS and wounded 5—OTHERS on patrol in the Orakzai tribal area.
20110814             SINGAPORE—PRIME—MINISTER—LEE—HSIEN—LOONG said his government will seek to favor its citizens —AFTER 1—BACKLASH against 1—SURGE in foreign workers.
20110814             He also said the government will build 50,000 apartments —DURING—THIS—YEAR and next to help stabilize 1—SPIKE in housing prices.
20110814             EAST—SOUTH—AFRICA, 2—PLANES carrying 13—PEOPLE went missing.
20110814             —POUNDED, SYRIA—GUNBOATS firing heavy machine guns, impoverished districts of Latakia, killing at least 19—PEOPLE in 1 renewed ASSAULT—ON—THE—MEDITERRANEAN coastal city.
20110814             1—HEALTH—OFFICIAL said 2—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICIALS were killed in Latakia and 41 wounded in addition to 1—NUMBER—OF—GUNMEN whose identities were not known.
20110814             SOUTH—YEMEN, 17—AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants and 3—ARMY—SOLDIERS have been killed in fighting over the last —24—HOURS.
20110814—20110808    —ON, Calls to relocate the plant grew —AFTER waves from Tropical Storm Muifa broke 1—DIKE guarding it and raised fears that flood waters could release toxic chemicals.
20110814—20110816    —SPOTTED, The wreckage was, from 1—HELICOPTER and there were no survivors.
20110814—20110817    —CARRIED, Hackers, out a 2. attack breaching THE—WEBSITE—OF—THE—AGENCY—RANK—AND—FILE—POLICE.
20110814—20110817    —CLAIMED, AL—QAIDA in the Islamic Maghreb, responsibility.
20110814—20120824    —CONVICTED—OF, Rzeszowski was, manslaughter.
20110814—20121029    —ON, he was sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison for EACH—MURDER with the sentences to run concurrently.
20120704—20120814    —OFFERED, Studio TOTAL instead, to discuss the stunt directly with BELARUS PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO and invited him to SWEDEN.
20120812—20120814    —ON, 8—SURVIVING UGANDA—SERVICEMEN were found.
20120814             SVETOZAR—GLIGORIC was the national champion 12—TIMES and 1—OF—THE—WORLD—TOP—PLAYERS in the 19010101—20001231 .
20120814             alfatomega.com/20060609.html
20120814             —ANNOUNCED, THE—BILL & Melinda Gates Foundation, the winners of its $100,000 Reinventing the Toilet Challenge.
20120814             CALIFORNIA, WILLIAM—HOWARD—OF—DANVILLE, 1—LAW—ENFORCEMENT whistleblower, was relieved from duty.
20120814             —COOPERATED, He had, in building 1—CRIMINAL—CASE against FORMER—DEPUTY—SHERIFF—STEPHEN—TANABE, —49—JAHRE—ALT, who was indicted for making "dirty DUI arrests".
20120814             Howard said his dismissal was retaliation for breaking the police CODE—OF—SILENCE.
20120814             † REMY—CHARLIP, —83—JAHRE—ALT, dancer and AUTHOR—OF—38—CHILDREN—BOOKS, in S—FRANCISCO.
20120814             REMY—CHARLIP was 1—OF—THE—CO—FOUNDERS of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company.
20120814             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, suicide attacks involving as many as 14—BOMBERS, at least 27—PEOPLE in Nimroz province.
20120814             —KILLED, Police, and captured several of them.
20120814             1—SEPARATE—MARKET bombing in Kunduz province, killed 10—PEOPLE, including 5—CHILDREN.
20120814             In the east 1—CAR hit 1—ROADSIDE bomb killing 4—CHILDREN in Paktika province.
20120814             —WOUNDED, At least 110—PEOPLE were, in all the attacks.
20120814             —OPENED, ARGENTINA, the world's largest tango festival, for a —2-WEEK run in BUENOS—AIRES.
20120814             ARGENTINA, subways began rolling —AGAIN—IN BUENOS—AIRES —AFTER union leaders suspended a —10—DAY—STRIKE, but their tentative deal depends on 1 unresolved power struggle between the mayor and THE—PRESIDENT.
20120814             BOTSWANA, the world's leading producer of diamonds De Beers began rough stone sorting, a 1. step in its transfer from LONDON to GABORONE.
20120814             —SETTLED, BRITAIN—STANDARD—CHARTERED, allegations that it helped IRAN—CLIENTS dodge USA—SANCTIONS, announcing 1—FINE—OF $340—MILLION from 1—NEW—YORK banking watchdog.
20120814             —AGREED, Standard Chartered also, to house 1—GOVERNMENT ANTI—LAUNDERING monitor —FOR—2—YEARS at its NEW—YORK branch.
20120814             —INCHED, BRITAIN—OFFICE—FOR—NATIONAL—STATISTICS said consumer price inflation, up to 2.6—PERCENT from 2.4—PERCENT in June as prices for airfares soared and clothing retailers reined in seasonal discounts.
20120814             CHILE—POLICE broke up protests by students, who had taken CONTROL—OF—SEVERAL high schools in SANTIAGO, demanding free education.
20120814             —KILLED, CHINA—POLICE, 1—FUGITIVE armed robber and suspected serial killer dubbed CHINA—MOST dangerous man, ending 1—HUGE—MANHUNT.
20120814             —SUSPECTED—OF, ZHOU—KEHUA (42), killing 9—PEOPLE, spent —8—YEARS on the run —BEFORE being shot dead in CHONGQING.
20120814             —SIGNED, EGYPT—CABINET—MINISTERS and World Bank officials, off on a $200—MILLION—PROJECT aimed at creating 250,000 jobs —AFTER more than —1—YEAR—OF—SLOW—ECONOMIC—GROWTH.
20120814             —EXCHANGED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES, fire with militants in the Sinai peninsula, as the military continued its campaign against Islamists in the lawless region.
20120814             —OPENED, EGYPT, its border with HAMAS—RULED GAZA for a —3—DAY—PERIOD ahead of 1—MAJOR—MUSLIM holiday this weekend, but imposed tight restrictions on who can travel and did not say whether it would resume normal border operations.
20120814             —PREVENTED, From its side, Hamas also temporarily, access to the illegal underground tunnels in 1—SHOW—OF goodwill toward EGYPT.
20120814             MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NAJIB—RAZAK said he would review 1—LEGAL—AMENDMENT that critics claim threatens free expression online —AFTER they staged a —1—DAY "INTERNET blackout".
20120814             —STAGED, NGOs, bloggers and opposition politicians, the protest —EARLIER in the —DAY by replacing their homepages with black screens featuring messages attacking the new SECTION—OF—THE—EVIDENCE—ACT, which went into effect —IN—APRIL despite widespread opposition.
20120814             —KILLED, NORTH—NIGERIA, 3—PEOPLE were, in 1—BOMB—BLAST on 1—KADUNA road leading to 1—MOSQUE where 1—CLERIC had condemned the Islamist militant group Boko Haram.
20120814             —CAUSED, NIGERIA—OFFICIALS said flooding in CENTRAL—PLATEAU state, by heavy rains has killed at least 33—PEOPLE, with MANY—OTHERS still missing, —WHILE also destroying homes, bridges and farmland.
20120814             † In SENEGAL 7—PEOPLE including 1—BABY as heavy rains pounded THE—CAPITAL—DAKAR, causing partial home collapses.
20120814             † SVETOZAR—GLIGORIC, —89—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LEGENDARY Serbian and YUGOSLAVIA—CHESS grandmaster, in BELGRADE.
20120814             —REPORTED, SYRIA, activists, clashes and shelling in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—ALEPPO, SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—DARAA, suburbs of DAMASCUS and THE—NORTH—WEST—REGION—OF—IDLIB.
20120814             —DEFECTED, SYRIA—PRIME—MINISTER—RIAD—HIJAB, who, to the opposition, said that Bashar ASSAD—REGIME was near collapse and urged other political and military leaders to tip the scales and join the rebel side.
20120814             —ARRIVED, UN humanitarian CHIEF—VALERIE—AMOS, in Syria to address the "deteriorating humanitarian situation" in THE—CONFLICT—RAVAGED country and discuss ways of SCALING—UP relief efforts.
20120814             —DEMONSTRATED, TUNISIA, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, against the ruling Islamist party —DURING 1—GENERAL—STRIKE in Sidi Bouzid, hub of 20110000             —THE uprising.
20120814             —STORMED, VIETNAM, HUNDREDS—OF—VILLAGERS, 1—LOCAL—GOVERNMENT—OFFICE overnight, smashing furniture and seriously injuring 2—OFFICIALS in connection with 1—LAND—DISPUTE.
20120814             YEMEN, troops from the elite Republican Guard force, led by THE—SON—OF—OUSTED—PRESIDENT—SALEH, attacked THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—DEFENSE—MINISTRY in SANAA.
20120814             —KILLED, The clashes, 1—ATTACKER, 2—MINISTRY—GUARDS and 2—CIVILIANS.
20120814             SONDER—GIPFEL—SAUDI—ARABIEN: ISLAMstaatenverbund empfiehlt Ausschluss SYRIENs
20120814             —STREIT—UM—CD—KAUF in NRW: SCHWEIZ fürchtet Scheitern des STEUER—ABKOMMENS
20120814             EURO—KRISE, -KONZERNE WARNEN—VOR—MILLIARDENLÜCKE in Pensionskassen
20120814             VERFASSUNGS—STREIT, Tausende TUNESIER—INNEN demonstrieren für ihre Rechte
20120814             —VERLIERT, MINI—WACHSTUM im 2. Quartal: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT, Kraft
20120814             und —SCHON spricht 1—KLEINE Gruppe über DIE—EURO—KRISE, über die eigenen und die unterschiedlichen Vorstellungen in der Wissenschaft zur Lösung DER—KRISE und was eigentlich das Soziale in DER—MARKTWIRTSCHAFT sei.
20120814             und das genau will Sehgal: den Besucher offen und subjektiv ansprechen, oft als Einzelnen in der Gruppe, ihn zum Mitdenken bewegen, er will irritieren und auch erheitern, ohne zu verunsichern.
20120814             Sehgal rüttelt damit an festgefügten Vorstellungen, was Kunst sein kann, denn er stellt weder Bilder noch Objekte her, baut keine Installation, dreht kein Video und will seine Arbeit nicht als Performance bezeichnen.
20120814             Er selbst nennt seine Werke "konstruierte Situationen".
20120814             Sie sind flüchtig und vollkommen immateriell.
20120814             und das heißt bei Sehgal: keine Fotos, keine Texte, keine Kataloge, nicht mal 1—KAUF—VERTRAG für Sammler.
20120814             1—SAMMLER, der als 1—DER 1.1—DER Situationen gekauft hat, war AXEL—HAUBROK.
20120814             —HEUTE, wäre "This Is PROPAGANDA"sehr viel mehr wert, würde Haubrok es verkaufen.
20120814             ABER—INZWISCHEN, hat er es in seine Stiftung eingebracht, und die wiederum hat es zusammen mit anderen Arbeiten als Dauerleihgabe an DIE—STIFTUNG PREUSSISCHER—KULTUR—BESITZ gegeben.
20120814             Dort, zum Beispiel im BODE—MUSEUM oder in der Nationalgalerie, singt —NUN 1—ALS Museumswärterin gekleidete Sängerin unverhofft "This is PROPAGANDA, you know, you know", und sagt dann: "Tino Sehgal, 2001".
20120814             1—MÜNDLICHE Signatur.
20120814             Das Werk wird —NUN regelmäßig gezeigt, denn "es war von Sehgal ja als 1—ARBEIT für DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT konzipiert", sagt Haubrok.
20120814             Absurd, mag man denken.
20120814             Ist es aber nicht so sehr, wenn man an DIE—BANKEN denkt, die ja auch mit immateriellen Werten handeln und spekulieren, von denen allerdings kaum jemand weiß, wie sie eigentlich genau definiert sind.
20120814             THE—UNILEVER—SERIES: Tino Sehgal 2012', "These associations".
20120814             LONDON. TATE—MODERN. "This is Exchange". HAMBURG.
20120814             Kampnagel. "12—ROOMS". ESSEN. Folkwang Museum.
20120814             Noch —BIS ;;0826;;.; documenta (13). - KASSEL.
20120814             ASSAD—GESANDTE in PEKING: SYRIEN sucht Hilfe in CHINA
20120814             Archäologie: KLIMA—WANDEL ließ Mumienkult entstehen
20120814             ROMNEY in FLORIDA: PANNEN—SHOW im Saftpalast
20120814             SPD—KANZLER—KANDIDAT: Dann wagt doch mal mehr Demokratie
20120814             —EINSATZV—MÄNNERN: Schnüffler in der Fankurve
20120814             ISRAEL—NETANJAHU macht Vertrauten zum HEIMATSCHUTZ—MINISTER
20120814             CONTAINER—GESCHÄFT, HAMBURGer HAFEN meldet schwaches Wachstum
20120814             Inhalte für GOOGLE—DIENSTE: GOOGLE kauft sich 1—REISEFÜHRER—DATEN—BANK
20120814             Strippenzieher des VATIKAN—SKANDALS: Verräter und Vertuscher
20120814             Umstrittene Chemikalie: Desinfektionsmittel schwächt Muskeln
20120814             NORD—FRANKREICH: Jugendliche liefern sich Straßenschlachten mit POLIZEI
20120814             In der FRANZÖSISCHEN—STADT AMIENS haben sich Jugendliche und POLIZEI heftige Straßenschlachten geliefert.
20120814             —LAUT OFFIZIELLE ANGABEN hatten DIE—JUGENDLICHEN—AM—MONTAG—ABEND gegen 21—UHR begonnen, DIE—SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE zu bedrängen, die in 1—PROBLEMVIERTEL in NORD—AMIENS eingerückt waren.
20120814             In der Gegend kommt es regelmäßig zu Ausschreitungen, zuletzt hatte ES—AM—SONNTAG Zusammenstöße gegeben.
20120814             DER—BÜRGER—MEISTER—VON—AMIENS, GILLES—DEMAILLY, sprach von "trostlosen Szenen".
20120814             —GEBETEN, DER—BÜRGER—MEISTER—VON—AMIENS Er habe —SEIT—MONATEN um Unterstützung, weil DIE—SPANNUNGEN gewachsen seien.
20120814             —HERBST—IM, wird im VATIKAN 1—ÖFFENTLICHER Prozess beginnen, auf der ANKLAGE—BANK, "der Rabe", PAOLO—GABRIELE, ehemaliger Kammerdiener des PAPA.
20120814             "der Rabe", PAOLO—GABRIELE, ehemaliger Kammerdiener des PAPA wird wegen schweren Diebstahls angeklagt.
20120814             Bertone habe VIELE—FEINDE rund um den S—PETER—ROM[PETERSDOM], sagen Insider, darunter die "graue Eminenz"im VATIKAN, KARDINAL CAMILLO Ruini.
20120814             Nebenbei lehrte GÄNSWEIN KANONISCHES—RECHT an des PAPA UNIVERSITÄT—VOM—HEILIGEN—KREUZ, 1—HOCH—SCHULE der extrem konservativen und mächtigen INNERKIRCHE—GRUPPIERUNG OPUS—DEI.
20120814             GÄNSWEIN.
20120814             CAMILLO KARDINAL Ruini, 81, steht OPUS—DEISEHR nahe, 1
20120814             —VOR—1—PAAR—JAHREN, heiliggesprochen wurde OPUS—DEI—GRÜNDER—JOSEMARÍA escrivá de Balaguer, 1—ENGER Freund des SPANISCHEN—DIKTATORS GENERAL—FRANCISCO—FRANCO.
20120814             DER—USA—SENDUNG, "Stars Earn Stripes"müssen sich Promis militärischen Prüfungen unterziehen.
20120814             09—FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER, darunter der SÜD—AFRIKANER DESMOND—TUTU, haben —NUN die Einstellung DER—KRIEG—SHOW gefordert.
20120814             Präsentiert wird die Show vom FRÜHEREN—USA—GENERAL—WESLEY—CLARK.
20120814             In dem SCHREIBEN—AN—DEN —CHEF—VON—NBC Entertainment, BOB—GREENBLATT,
20120814             bringen die NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER zum Ausdruck, daß die Vorbereitung auf 1—KRIEG "weder amüsant noch unterhaltsam"sei.
20120814             Außer dem FRÜHEREN—ERZ—BISCHOF—TUTU wurde das Schreiben unter anderen von DER—IRANERIN Schirin Ebadi und JOSÉ—RAMOS—HORTA, dem FRÜHEREN—PRÄSIDENTEN—VON—OST—TIMOR, unterzeichnet.
20120814             SICHERHEIT—BANNE: POLIZEIbekannter ISLAMist arbeitete auf BERLINer FLUGHAFEN—BAUSTELLE
20120814             —ÜBERLISTET, SICHERHEIT—BANNE am Flughafen JFK: Schwimmer, 100—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR—SYSTEM
20120814             Minus im 2. Quartal: Wirtschaft in DER—EURO—ZONE schrumpft
20120814             WirtschaftsKRIMINALITÄT, BUNDES—REGIERUNG will Firmen härter bestrafen
20120814             —AKZEPTIERT, ERDBEBEN—IN—IRAN: Regierung, Hilfe aus dem Ausland
20120814             SYRIEN: EX—PREMIER ruft Führungselite zu Fahnenflucht auf
20120814             MILLIARDENauktion: BANKEN retten GRIECHENLAND vor Sofortpleite
20120814             —PROTEST vor Moscheen: BERLIN—POLIZEI rüstet sich für Provokationen von RECHTS—POPULISTEN
20120814             GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM, Prüfer decken Verschwendung bei Kassen auf
20120814             Pythons haben in nur —30—JAHREN die Herrschaft über die Everglades errungen -, dabei große TEILE—DER—EINHEIMISCHEN—TIERWELT vernichtet.
20120814             DIE—LÄNGE von mehr als 5-METERn sei 1—ZEICHEN, daß diese Schlangen lange in der Wildnis in FLORIDA überleben können, so Krysko.
20120814             "Nichts kann sie aufhalten, und die einheimische Tierwelt ist in großen Schwierigkeiten".
20120814             Die Würgeschlangen fressen Vögel, Waschbären, sogar Alligatoren und kleine Hirsche.
20120814             Der Tigerpython ist für das Verschwinden von mehr als 90 % einiger Säugetierarten in den Sümpfen FLORIDAs verantwortlich, darunter Luchse und Opossums,
20120814             Der ATOM—UNFALL—VON—FUKUSHIMA hat offenbar DAS—ERBGUT von Tieren geschädigt.
20120814             —FORSCHER haben bei Schmetterlingen Missbildungen GEFUNDEN, die von Generation zu Generation immer zahlreicher wurden.
20120814             Hat PAUL—RYAN vertrauliches Wissen für Geschäfte benutzt?
20120814             WASHINGTON—DAS Timing ist auffällig -
20120814             —AM, SELBEN —TAG hatte er als Abgeordneter an 1—GEHEIM—BRIEFING teilgenommen, in dem TOP—FINANZ—EXPERTEN die BEVORSTEHENDE—KRISE angekündigt hatten.
20120814             BERNANKE und PAULSON machten dabei laut "GUARDIAN"klar, daß DIE—BANKENBRANCHE auf 1—TIEFE —KRISE ZU—STEUERT.
20120814             —GEWESEN, Dabei wäre es nicht einmal illegal.
20120814             —KONFLIKT—MIT—SYRIEN: TÜRKISCHES—MILITÄR hält Manöver im GRENZ—GEBIET ab
20120814             [l] Die KU—KLUX—KLAN—POLIZISTEN kommen ohne Konsequenzen davon.
20120814             —VERSCHLEPPT, Weil das Disziplinarverfahren, wurde.
20120814             Ob systematisch oder nicht ist unklar, aber ich habe da —SCHON so 1—IDEE, wie das gelaufen sein wird.
20120814             1—KRÄHE und so weiter.
20120814             [l] Brzezinski hat seine Meinung geändert, vergleicht —JETZT DIE—USA mit der SOVIET—UNION vor dem Zusammenbruch:
20120814             Seine Begründung lautet, DIE—USA seien —HEUTE in der Lage der SOVIET—UNION der 80er —JAHRE: BANKROTT durch Rüstungswahn und MILITÄR—ABENTEUER, namentlich in IRAK und AFGHANISTAN;
20120814             eine politische Klasse von Privilegierten, die sich nicht ums eigene VOLK kümmert, folglich sinkender Lebensstandard der Mehrheit;
20120814             —VERSUCHE, von inneren Problemen durch äußere Feinde abzulenken, und 1—AUSSEN—POLITIK, die in Isolation zu führen droht.
20120814             —DER—GLOBALE—LEGITIMITÄTSVERLUST westlicher AUSSEN—POLITIK sei —BEREITS—HEUTE weit größer als unsere Medien uns glauben machen, 1—500—JAHRE—ALTE Epoche atlantischer VOR—HERRSCHAFT ginge zu Ende.
20120814             Wem DER—NAME nichts sagt: ich hab den hier im Blog —SCHON 1—PAAR Mal erwähnt.
20120814             DIE—POSITION Brzezinskis war —BISHER: mit CHINA—GEGEN—RUSSLAND.
20120814             —JETZT, ist sie: mit RUSSLAND—GEGEN—CHINA.
20120814             Aber im Wesentlichen geht es ihm NOCH—IMMER um die territoriale KONTROLLE—VON—ZENTRAL—ASIEN und das Zementieren der USA als letzter WELT—MACHT.
20120814             —ENTTÄUSCHT, Er ist nur, daß DIE—NEO—CONS das so verkackt haben alles.
20120814             [l] Wie heißt es so schön? Wer aus der GESCHICHTE nicht lernen will, ist verdammt sie nochmal zu erleben?
20120814             DIE—TÜRKEI liefert STINGER—RAKETEN an die SYRIEN—REBELLEN.
20120814             Das hat sich ja —SCHON—IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT als sehr nachhaltige Strategie erwiesen, Stinger an islamistische AUFSTÄNDISCHE zu verteilen.
20120814             Immerhin haben DIE—RUSSEN offenbar aus der GESCHICHTE gelernt und 1—PAAR wirksame GEGEN—MAßNAHMEN verbaut:
20120814             —AT—THE—SAME—TIME, our MILITARY—SOURCES—REPORT that THE—REBELS using the Stingers in ALEPPO against SYRIA—GUNSHIPS and fighter jets —SINCE—TUESDAY, Aug.
20120814             7, have not managed to hit anything.
20120814             —UPDATE, —JETZT haben sie doch 1—FLUGZEUG erlegt, sagen sie.
20120814             [l] Wer sich mal über den Stand der Drohnentechnik informieren will: Krasses Video vom MIT.
20120814             GEGEN—ENDE kurvt das Teil durch 1—PARKHAUS.
20120814             Das ist ziemlich beeindruckend, zumal die Drohne 2-METER Spannweite hat und damit da nur knapp reinpasst.
20120814             und das ist ohne GPS, nur mit ON—BOARD—SENSOREN und unter Vorgabe 1—GROBEN Pfades, von dem das Ding dann selbständig abweicht, um Hindernissen auszuweichen.
20120814             [l] Das BRITISCHE—HARTZ—IV—ÄQUIVALENT ist ähnlich schlimm wie unseres.
20120814             —IM, FALL—DER—KLÄGERIN hatte diese Arbeit darin bestanden, in 1—GESCHÄFT der POUNDLANDS—KETTE Regale einzuräumen und den FußBODEN zu putzen.
20120814             Das ist deren Zwangsarbeit, weil man sonst DIE—ARBEITSLOSENBEZÜGE verliert.
20120814             DIE—KLAGE wurde vor Gericht —JETZT abgewiesen.
20120814             GROß—BRITANNIENS ARBEITS-, RENTEN—MINISTER—IAN—DUNCAN—SMITH freute sich: "Jene, die sich gegen unsere neuen MAßNAHMEn wehren, sind nur faule Menschen, die nicht hart arbeiten wollen".
20120814             [l] URUGUAY will den MARIHUANA—ANBAU UND—HANDEL verstaatlichen, jedem BÜRGER sollen PRO—MONAT 40—JOINTS zustehen.
20120814             progress has been so rapid that the last 2—CHALLENGES have involved indoor navigation without THE—USE—OF—GPS.
20120814             —FIELDED, But MIT—ROBUST—ROBOTICS—GROUP—WHICH, THE—TEAM that won the last AUVSI contest
20120814             "HE—1—GUY who can design you 1—COMPLETE—AIRPLANE in —10—MINUTES," Bry says.
20120814             because autonomous plane navigation in confined spaces is such 1—NEW—RESEARCH—AREA, THE—MIT team's work is as valuable for the questions it raises as the answers it provides
20120814             "We're putting eyes on THE—SPHERES," Miller says.
20120814             Als 1. - Der eigenwillige PRÄSIDENT, 1—EX—GUERILLERO, der im verbeulten VW zur Arbeit fährt, stellt sich damit an die Spitze 1—WACHSENDEN ALLIANZ der Unwilligen in LATEIN—AMERIKA.
20120814             Der WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—DIE—VON—WASHINGTON propagierte MILITARisierung der DROGEN—POLITIK, die die Mordraten in MEXIKO und Mittelamerika in Rekordhöhe getrieben hat, wächst.
20120814             Beim Treffen der Organisation der AMERIKANISCHEN—STAATEN im KOLUMBIANISCHEN—CARTAGENA im;;04;;kam es zum offenen Dissens mit USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA.
20120814             will URUGUAY den HANDEL—MIT—MARIHUANA verstaatlichen
20120814             Dennoch stellten die ZÜRICHer —FORSCHER mit 99-%iger Sicherheit fest, daß in unserer galaktischen Nachbarschaft doch Dunkle Materie vorhanden ist.
20120814             Sollte die Dunkle Materie wirklich nur allein über ihre Schwerkraft mit unserer gewöhnlichen Materie wechselwirken, wäre JEDER—VERSUCH 1—DIREKTEN Nachweises vergeblich.
20120814             WASHINGTON—DC (USA) - Die Herkunft unseres SONNEN—SYSTEMS liegt NOCH—IMMER im Dunkeln.
20120814             Wie AMERIKANISCHE—FORSCHER in der FachZEITSCHRIFT ,Astrophysical Journal Letters" berichten, zeigen ihre dreidimensionalen hydrodynamischen Simulationen, daß wahrscheinlich die Schockwelle 1—SUPERNOVA—EXPLOSION den Keim zu unserem SONNEN—SYSTEM gelegt hat.
20120814             —VOM, CARNEGIE—INSTITUT
20120814             In 1—TYPISCHEN Simulation ließen DIE—FORSCHER die Schockwelle 1—GUT 16—LICHT—JAHRE entfernten SUPERNOVA—EXPLOSION auf 1—AUSGEDEHNTE Molekülwolke prallen und untersuchten den genauen Ablauf über EINIGE—ZEHNTAUSEND—JAHRE.
20120814             Mit ihren dreidimensionalen Simulationen können DIE—FORSCHER —NUN, daran gehen, die Feinabstimmung der Elementhäufigkeiten in unserem SONNEN—SYSTEM zu untersuchen.
20120814             Damit rücken die Möglichkeiten der RETINA—PROTHESEN in den BEREICH—DES—NORMALEN—SEHENS, berichten die Neurowissenschaftler im Fachblatt ,PROCEEDINGS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES (PNAS)".
20120814             Rentenversicherung: KOALITION einigt sich auf Beitragssenkung
20120814             Fehlende MOBIL—STRATEGIE: SMARTPHONE—BOOM bedroht FACEBOOKs Geschäft
20120814             Let that sink in: ROMNEY lied to the children and oo 1—DEAD—WOMAN.
20120814             (Duane Anderson was seriously injured in the crash.
20120814             Investigation finds 1—ASTONISHING cover up story. NONE—OF—IT holds up.
20120814             —HOPED, ROMNEY, to pin the blame on a dead man, even though the man wasn't really dead.
20120814             —MANNED, TED—KENNEDY, up: He took full responsibility.
20120814             THE—UNILEVER—SERIES: Tino Sehgal 2012', "These associations"".This is Exchange".
20120814             "12—ROOMS". documenta (13).
20120814             DER—KONFLIKT hatte sich —SEIT—MONATEN zugespitzt.
20120814             DIE—ZUSAMMENSTÖßE dauerten mehrere —STUNDEN und endeten —ERST gegen 4—UHR Dienstagfrüh, als Verstärkung für DIE—POLIZEI eintraf.
20120814             —GEWESEN, DIE—KONFRONTATIONEN seien "sehr, sehr gewalttätig".
20120814             Überall seien Mülleimer und Autos ausgebrannt.
20120814             1.seien auch öffentliche Gebäude betroffen.
20120814             Vor Ermittlern soll er zugegeben haben, hinter den Enthüllungen zu stecken, die den VATIKAN —SEIT—MONATEN erschüttern.
20120814             —GEKÜRT, RATZINGER PAPA, - Raben.
20120814             So nennt man in ITALIEN Menschen, die in DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT bringen, was dafür nicht gedacht ist.
20120814             —ENTSCHEIDET, GÄNSWEIN, Der, was sein —CHEF—PERSÖNLICH hören, sehen oder lesen soll.
20120814             Als 1.Land der Welt will URUGUAY den HANDEL—MIT—GRAS VER—STAAT—-, damit gegen DIE—UNO—KONVENTION gegen narkotische Drogen verstoßen.
20120814             1—ENTSPRECHENDES Gesetz hat MUJICA—AM—MITTWOCHABEND ins PARLAMENT eingebracht.
20120814             alfatomega.com/20080219.html
20120814—15810000    —J—AUS—DEM—DIESES—JAHRES, kostbare Übersetzung von VERGIL—EPOS—AENEIS, Bankscheck über 100.000—EURO, ausgestellt am auf "Seine Heiligkeit BENEDICTUS—XVI—PAPA ".
20120814—20000000    —IN, Argentine prosecutors put FORMER—PRESIDENT—FERNANDO—DE—LA—RUA (19990000—20010000    ) on trial for bribery, accusing him of bribing senators for votes to weaken worker protections.
20120814—20080000    —DEMENTIERT, Ryan, 1—ZUSAMMENHANG.
20120814—20120803    —RELEASED, In 1—VIDEO, said to have been, by rebels and aired by Arab satellite TV AL—ARABIYA, 1—MAN identifies himself as Hassane Salim AL—MIKDAD, and says he was 1—OF 1,500 Hezbollah fighters sent to Syria.
20120814—20130903    —CONVICTED, Tanabe was, for his role in THE—DUI arrests.
20120814—20131223    —ON, De la Rua was found innocent.
20120814—20140219    —SENTENCED, Tanabe was, to —15—MONTHS in FEDERAL—PRISON.
20120901—20120814    —ON, 1—COURT—SENTENCED—ABU—SHITA to death in absentia for his alleged part 20110000             —IN—THE—ATTACKS.
20120926—20120814    —VERLOREN, GUT —1-WOCHE —SPÄTER, AM, die WACHOVIA—AKTIEN allein an —1—TAG 29 % ihres Wertes.
20120926—20120814    GUT —1-WOCHE —SPÄTER, AM, Konkurrent WELLS—FARGO übernahm Wachovia schließlich für$, 1—BRUCHTEIL des URSPRÜNGLICHen Werts.
20120926—20120814    GUT —1-WOCHE —SPÄTER, AM, Auch die Werte der CITIGROUP stürzten KURZ—NACH, dem GEHEIM—BRIEFING ab, DIE—BANK musste
20130331—20130814    —ON, 3—MEN were CONVICTED—OF—GRAND—THEFT, rape and extortion.
20130611—20130611    —FROM, "BOSTON airport security —PROGRAM rife with racial profiling has ISRAEL—LINKS", by ALEX—KANE, Mondoweiss, 20120814             Occupation to "Occupy": THE—ISRAELIFICATION—OF—USA—DOMESTIC—SECURITY, By MAX—BLUMENTHAL, AL—AKHBAR, 20111202             20130814—20131202    —ON, he was sentenced to —39—YEARS in prison.
20130814             —CRASHED, ALABAMA, 1—UPS plane, near THE—BIRMINGHAM airport killing 2—PILOTS and scaterring wreckage over 1—RURAL—AREA.
20130814             —APPEARED, Reliance on computer automation, to contribute to the crash.
20130814             S—FRANCISCO, bicyclist Amelie Le Moullac (24) was fatally struck as 1—DELIVERY—TRUCK struck her —WHILE turning right from Folsom St. onto 6.
20130814             MARYLAND, USA—SOLDIER BRADLEY—MANNING told 1—MILITARY—COURT "I'm sorry" for giving war logs and diplomatic secrets to the WikiLeaks website —3—YEARS—AGO, the biggest breach of classified data in the nation's history.
20130814             NEW—HAMPSHIRE, DAVID—KWIATKOWSKI, 1—TRAVELING hospital technician, pleaded guilty to 14—CHARGES—OF—DRUG—THEFT and tampering, along with 2—SIMILAR—COUNTS in KANSAS.
20130814             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, infecting patients in multiple states with hepatitis C through tainted syringes.
20130814             —CLASHED, BAHRAIN—PROTESTERS, with riot police in neighborhoods —AROUND the capital.
20130814             Stores shut their doors amid opposition calls for 1—GENERAL—STRIKE, but 1—TIGHT—SECURITY clampdown stopped LARGE—SCALE—DEMONSTRATIONS in the city.
20130814             CHILE, workers began 1—SURPRISE—STRIKE at Escondida, the world's largest copper mine, over pay and working conditions.
20130814             Typhoon Utor struck THE—SOUTH—COAST—OF—CHINA, forcing airlines to cancel flights and halting stock exchange trading in the financial center of HONG—KONG —AFTER leaving 1—TRAIL—OF—DESTRUCTION in THE—PHILIPPINES.
20130814             —ARMORED, EGYPT—POLICE in riot gear swept in with, vehicles and bulldozers to clear 2—SPRAWLING ENCAMPMENTS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S ousted Islamist PRESIDENT—IN—CAIRO, showering protesters with tear gas as THE—SOUND—OF—GUNFIRE rang out.
20130814             —KILLED, Over 600—PEOPLE were.
20130814             Clashes also broke out elsewhere in CAIRO and other provinces across the country, with police stations, government buildings and churches attacked or set ablaze.
20130814             —RESIGNED, Nobel Peace Prize winner MOHAMED—ELBARADEI, —LATE—TODAY as EGYPT—INTERIM—VICE—PRESIDENT in protest — 1—BLOW to the new leadership's credibility with THE—PRO—REFORM—MOVEMENT.
20130814             43—POLICEMEN were reported killed, 18—OF—THEM in Nasr City.
20130814             —TIGHTENED, INDIA—FINANCE—OFFICIALS, capital controls to stop locals from taking money OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20130814             —EXPLODED, IRAQ, twin roadside bombs, in Baquba, killing 14—PEOPLE and wounding 26.
20130814             —RECONVENED, Israeli and PALESTINE—NEGOTIATORS, for USA—BROKERED peace talks in JERUSALEM amid little fanfare and low expectations.
20130814             —SENTENCED, KAZAKHSTAN—SUPREME—COURT, 6—MEN 5—10—YEARS for  conspiring to assassinate government officials in ASTANA.
20130814             —ARRESTED, They were, last January.
20130814             —TRAINED, The court said 1 had, his UNDER—AGE—MUSLIM wife as 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER to detonate 1—CHARGE.
20130814             —KILLED, THE—NIGERIA—MILITARY said its soldiers have, 2—TOP—COMMANDERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIST sect Boko Haram —DURING a —4—HOUR—GUN—BATTLE in NORTH—EAST—ADAMAWA state.
20130814             —ARRESTED, Police said MOHAMMAD—BAMA and ABUBAKAR—ZAKARIYA—YAU, —LAST—WEEK, † in 1—GUN—BATTLE that erupted —AFTER they took army officers to show them their hideout in MUBI.
20130814             —KILLED, Several other sect members were also.
20130814             —AGREED, North and SOUTH—KOREA, to restart the joint KAESONG industrial park —AFTER 1—SERIES—OF—TALKS on the fate of the last SYMBOL—OF—ECONOMIC—COOPERATION.
20130814             SOMALIA, THE—INTERNATIONAL—MEDICAL—CHARITY—MEDECINS Sans Frontieres (MSF) began closing all its local humanitarian operations BECAUSE—OF—ATTACKS on its staff.
20130814             —KILLED, SWITZERLAND, UK—STUNTMAN MARK—SUTTON, —42—JAHRE—ALT was, —DURING 1—GATHERING organized by Online extreme sports involving 20—WINGSUIT pilots who were filmed as they jumped from helicopters.
20130814             —VOM,Dabei habe es 12.000—TREFFER gegeben, wie aus 1—INTERNEN E—MAIL des BND hervorgehe.
20130814             —AM, teilte DER—BND—SACH—BE—ARBEITER seine Entdeckung dem BND—VERANTWORTLICHEN vor Ort mit dem Kürzel R. U.
20130814—20131202    —ON, he was sentenced to —39—YEARS in prison.
20130814—20150115    —ON, 1—SF jury found the driver negligent and ordered his employer, Daylight foods of Milpitas, to pay $4—MILLION to her family.
20130903—20130814    —ON, 1—EGYPT—MILITARY—OFFICIAL says 1—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL has sentenced 11—SUPPORTERS—OF ousted Islamist PRESIDENT—MOHAMMED—MORSI to life imprisonment and 45—OTHERS to —5—YEARS in prison over charges of assaulting army troops —DURING riots and 16 in SUEZ city.
20140814             ARIZONA, MICHELLE—CUSSEAUX (50), was slain by 1—SINGLE bullet in the threshold of her PHOENIX apartment —AFTER threatening officers with 1—CLAW hammer.
20140814             Officers were serving 1—EMERGENCY—COURT—ORDER to take her to 1—MENTAL—HEALTH—CARE—FACILITY.
20140814             —MOVED, MISSOURI—GOVERNOR, to calm DAYS—OF—RACIALLY charged protests over the police shooting of 1 unarmed black teenager, naming 1—AFRICA—USA—CAPTAIN—OF—THE—HIGHWAY—PATROL to oversee security in THE—S—LOUIS suburb of Ferguson.
20140814             —DECLARED, NEW—HAMPSHIRE GOVERNOR—MAGGIE—HASSAN, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in response to 44 reported overdoses linked to people smoking or ingesting "Smacked," 1—SYNTHETIC—MARIJUANA—LIKE—PRODUCT sold in convenience stores as potpourri.
20140814             —SENTENCED, NEW—HAMPSHIRE, SETH—MAZZAGLIA, —31—JAHRE—ALT was, to life in prison for 20121009             —THE, rape and MURDER—OF—COLLEGE—STUDENT—ELIZABETH Marriott (19) of WESTBOROUGH—MASSACHUSETTS Kathryn McDonough, his former girlfriend and key witness, had testified that she had lured Marriott to their apartment as 1—SEXUAL offering to her then boyfriend.
20140814             —DEPLOYED, TEXAS GOVERNOR—RICK—PERRY, some 1,000 National Guard troops to the border with MEXICO.
20140814             AFGHANISTAN, roadside bomb has stuck 1—POLICE—CAR in EAST—LAGHMAN province, killing 3—OFFICERS in Badpakh district.
20140814             4—POLICEMEN were also wounded in the explosion.
20140814             —EXECUTED, THE—TALIBAN, 5—PEOPLE in 1—BUSY opium market in SOUTH—HELMAND province and left their bodies hanging overnight —AFTER accusing them of kidnapping 1—BUSINESSMAN.
20140814             —PRODUCED, More than HALF—OF—AFGHANISTAN—OPIUM is, in Helmand.
20140814             —PRODUCED, —AROUND 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—HEROIN is, in AFGHANISTAN and —LAST—YEAR—CROP was the highest on record.
20140814             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—DROUGHT in THE—SAO—PAULO, BRAZIL, the worst in —84—YEARS, has forced local authorities to put water pumps below the gates of the main reservoir for the 2. time this years.
20140814             —TRAPPED, CHINA, 23—WORKERS were, —AFTER 1—COAL—MINE flooded at the Anzhishun Coal Mine in JIXI City, Heilongjiang province.
20140814             COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS said he is endorsing THE—LEGALIZATION—OF—MARIJUANA for medical and therapeutic use.
20140814             EGYPT 4—ISLAMIST—PROTESTERS and 1—POLICEMAN were shot dead in CAIRO, —1—YEAR—AFTER government forces killed HUNDREDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS in the worst bloodshed in EGYPT—RECENT—HISTORY.
20140814             30—MEMBERS—OF—THE—BROTHERHOOD were arrested for rioting.
20140814             Agricultural officials from all 28—EUROPEAN—UNION—COUNTRIES began emergency talks to weigh THE—IMPACT—OF—RUSSIA—BAN on Western food imports and whether to compensate EU farmers.
20140814             HAITI, SUPPORTERS—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—JEAN—PAUL—ARISTIDE clashed with UN peacekeepers as he faced possible arrest for not providing COURT—ORDERED testimony in 1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION.
20140814             —PASSED, HONG—KONG—LAW—SOCIETY, an historic VOTE—OF—NO—CONFIDENCE in its PRESIDENT—OVER—PRO—BEIJING comments, revealing 1—DETERMINATION by the traditionally conservative lawyers to confront perceived threats from CHINA to the legal INDEPENDENCE in THE—FREE—WHEELING, global financial hub.
20140814             —SENTENCED, 1—INDIA—COURT, the man convicted of killing INDIA's "bandit QUEEN" Phoolan Devi to life imprisonment.
20140814             —CONVICTED, SHER—SINGH—RANA was, —LAST—WEEK—AFTER 1—TRIAL that had dragged on for more than —1—DECADE.
20140814             —STEPPED, IRAQ, Nuri AL—MALIKI finally, down as PRIME—MINISTER under heavy pressure from allies at home and abroad —LATE—TODAY.
20140814             —LAUNCHED, USA—JETS and drones, more air strikes in NORTH—IRAQ to destroy vehicles operated by extremist fighters from THE—SO—CALLED—ISLAMIC—STATE.
20140814             ISRAEL and militants in GAZA held their fire —AFTER 1—NEW—TRUCE got off to 1—SHAKY start, with NIGHT—TIME—PALESTINE—ROCKET—FIRE followed by ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKES.
20140814             —CHARGED, LEBANON, 43—SYRIANS, including 1—ISLAMIST—COMMANDER whose arrest sparked —5—DAYS—OF—FIGHTING between Islamists and THE—LEBANON—ARMY, with belonging to armed terrorist groups and seeking to establish 1—ISLAMIC—EMIRATE.
20140814             —DISMANTLED, THE—MOROCCO—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said it has, 1—NETWORK—RESPONSIBLE for recruiting jihadists and sending them to fight in Syria and IRAQ for the Islamic State group.
20140814             —TRIED, MOROCCO, some 250—AFRICA—MIGRANTS, to leap 1—TRIPLE—LAYER border fence —AROUND SPAIN—NORTH—AFRICA—TERRITORY—OF—MELILLA but only 1—PERSON made it through.
20140814             THE—NETHERLANDS, AMSTERDAM Mayor Eberhard VAN der Laan said the controversial —WINTER holiday character Black Pete would change in appearance over the next —4—YEARS to make him less of 1—OFFENSIVE—RACIAL—FIGURE and eventually —JUST resemble someone who has climbed through 1—CHIMNEY.
20140814             2—PROTEST—GROUPS, 1 led by CRICKETER—TURNED—OPPOSITION—POLITICIAN—IMRAN Khan, the other by activist cleric Tahir UL—QADRI, headed to the capital to demand that 1—GOVERNMENT they condemn as corrupt step down.
20140814             11—TALIBAN—LINKED militants were killed and 13—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PAKISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES were wounded in attacks on 2—AIR—FORCE—BASES in the strategic CITY—OF—QUETTA.
20140814             —ARRIVED, FRANCIS—PAPA, in SOUTH—KOREA for a —5—DAY—VISIT and left the airport in 1—COMPACT—BLACK—KIA that MANY—SOUTH—KOREANS would consider too humble 1—CONVEYANCE for 1—GLOBALLY powerful figure.
20140814             —RENEWED, He called for, efforts to forge peace on THE—WAR—DIVIDED Korean Peninsula and for both sides to avoid "fruitless" criticisms and SHOWS—OF—FORCE.
20140814             SOUTH—KOREA—KOREAN—AIR—LINES—CO. said will suspend flights to KENYA in 1—MEASURE to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—EBOLA.
20140814             —CAPTURED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS, Mleiha, 1—FIERCELY contested suburb of DAMASCUS, —AFTER—5—MONTHS—OF—HEAVY fighting.
20140814             —APPROVED, THE—UKRAINE—PARLIAMENT, 1—LAW to impose sanctions on RUSSIA—COMPANIES and individuals supporting and financing separatist rebels in EAST—UKRAINE.
20140814             EAST—UKRAINE, artillery shells hit close to the center of DONETSK for the 1. time, killing at least 1—PERSON.
20140814             —REPEATED, Kiev, that 1—RUSSIA—AID—CONVOY could not enter —UNTIL UKRAINE—AUTHORITIES had cleared its cargo.
20140814             —KILLED, Shelling over the last —24—HOURS, at least 22—RESIDENTS in the besieged REBEL—HELD bastion of Lugansk.
20140814             VALERY—BOLOTOV, HEAD—OF—THE—SELF—PROCLAIMED—LUHANSK—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC, announced his resignation, saying he was injured and could not carry on in his role.
20140814             —CLAIMED, UKRAINE—HACKERS hostile to the government, to have launched 1—CYBER—ATTACK against THE—WEBSITES—OF—POLAND—PRESIDENCY and THE—WARSAW—STOCK—EXCHANGE.
20140814             THE—UN—HEALTH—AGENCY said the death toll from the worst outbreak of Ebola in —4—DECADES had —NOW climbed to 1,069 in GUINEA, LIBERIA, NIGERIA and SIERRA—LEONE.
20140814             THE—WHO said the scale of the Ebola epidemic has been vastly underestimated and that "extraordinary measures" were needed to contain the killer disease.
20140814             —KRISE—IM—NORD—IRAK—KURDEN flehen DEUTSCHLAND um Hilfe an
20140814             —KOMMENTAR zu PUTINs MACHT—POLITIK, KRIM gewonnen, UKRAINE verloren
20140814             Testflug auf HAWAII: BREMS—MANÖVER mit fliegender Untertasse
20140814             Manipulierte Kriegsfotos: Bilder, die lügen
20140814             —PROTEST—MARSCH in FERGUSON: Entrüstung über FESTNAHME—VON—REPORTERN
20140814             —VERBIETET, IPHONE—PRODUKTION: APPLE, Verwendung giftiger Chemikalien
20140814             Bruttoinlandsprodukt: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT überraschend geschrumpft
20140814             —IRRITIERT, FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA in SEOUL: NORD—KOREA, mit RAKETEN—TEST vor Papstbesuch
20140814             USA—ERKUNDUNGS—MISSION—IM—NORD—IRAK: Tausenden Jesiden gelingt DIE—FLUCHT
20140814             Mumien: Ägypter balsamierten Tote —BEREITS—VOR—5.—200—JAHREN
20140814             PROZESS—IN—REGENSBURG: Freispruch für GUSTL—MOLLATH
20140814             STAATS—PLEITE: BANKEN scheitern mit Hilfsangebot für ARGENTINIEN
20140814             NETZ—WERKPROBLEME: Speichermangel bremst DAS—INTERNET aus
20140814             Eurostat: Inflation in Euroländern sinkt auf Rekordtief
20140814             Passagierflugzeug: Armprothese von Pilot löst sich —KURZ—VOR, Landung
20140814             Reptilien mit Knochenkamm: Forscher entdecken neue Flugsaurierart
20140814             SANKTIONEN—GEGENRUSSLAND—PUTIN treibt 1—KEIL zwischen die westlichen Länder"
20140814             —KRISE—IM—STROM—GESCHÄFT, RWE will 9000—MEGAWATT vom MARKT nehmen
20140814             RUSSISCHER—PREMIER: Hacker knacken Medwedews TWITTER—ACCOUNT
20140814             NAH—OST: USA stoppen offenbar Lieferung von "Hellfire"-Raketen an ISRAEL
20140814             Pemex: MEXIKOs staatlicher ÖL—KONZERN behält GROßTEIL—DER—RESERVEN
20140814             Fotostrecke: Gespenstische Szenen in FERGUSON
20140814             FERGUSON nach MICHAEL—BROWNS—TOD: 1—KLEINSTADT wird zur KAMPF—ZONE
20140814             UNO—SCHÄTZUNG:—CA—1000—JESIDEN harren noch im Gebirge aus
20140814             Linke Kinolegende KEN—LOACH: "Man muss sich ins Gefecht begeben"
20140814             PTBS nach Flugzeugabsturz: Traumatisierte erinnern sich anders
20140814             Fledermäuse im Windpark: Tod auf der Durchreise
20140814             Mollath über Urteil: "Das kann man so nicht hinnehmen"
20140814             PRESSE—KOMPASS: MOLLATH—URTEIL—SCHULD und Freiheit
20140814             —STREIT—UM—HERZ—OP: Gießener Klinik will TÜRKISCHES—KIND wegen Anfeindungen verlegen
20140814             Trauer in JOHANNESBURG: AFRIKAs letzter Eisbär ist tot
20140814             —KRIEG—IN—GAZA, DER—UKRAINE und im IRAK: Waffen! Waffen! Waffen!
20140814             OST—UKRAINE: UKRAINE—ARMEE feuert auf ZENTRUM—VON—DONEZK
20140814             LISTERIEN—VERDACHT: 160—KG Wurst von dänischem Hersteller in DEUTSCHLAND verkauft
20140814             —ANTI—MILCH—KAMPAGNEN: Milch ist besser als ihr Ruf
20140814             "Dick wie 1—KUH"—KAMPAGNE: Der MILCH—QUARK der Veganer
20140814             Expedition in Burma: Taucher suchen nach mysteriöser Riesenglocke
20140814             KEVLAR—MANTEL: GOOGLE sichert Tiefseekabel gegen HAI—ANGRIFFE
20140814             Solidarität mit PROTEST—IN—FERGUSON: Erschießt uns nicht
20140814             "Yolo", "side boob", "bro hug": ENGLISCHES—WÖRTERBUCH nimmt Szenewörter auf
20140814             Keine USA—LUFTBRÜCKE: Wie es für DIE—FLÜCHTLINGE im IRAK weitergeht
20140814             Autobahnschütze: Anwälte kritisieren massenhafte Erfassung von Nummernschildern
20140814             —KRISE—IM—IRAK: DEUTSCHER—ISLAMIST bei KÄMPFEn in MOSSUL getötet
20140814             —URTEIL: BGH verbietet Werbung mit SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICHKEITEN
20140814             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG BUNDESWEHR darf an Schulen nicht für den WEHR—DIENST werben
20140814             —URTEIL im Fall GUSTL—MOLLATH: Freispruch 3. Klasse
20140814             Prorussische KÄMPFER: MILITÄR—CHEF—STRELKOW tritt zurück
20140814             —GEFÄHRDET, Nullwachstum: So, ist EUROPAs Wirtschaft - Schwache Konjunktur: Die LOHN—ILLUSION
20140814             Desinfektionsmittel: Chemikalien machen Mäuse unfruchtbar
20140814             VORWURF—DES—KINDES—MISSBRAUCHS: POLIZEI durchsucht Cliff RICHARDs Wohnung
20140814             Prostitutionsgesetz: KOALITION will GANG—BANG—PARTYS verbieten
20140814             BERKSHIRE—HATHAWAY: BUFFETT—AKTIE steigt 1.über 200.000—DOLLAR
20140814             Suche nach Sternenstaub: 7—KÖRNCHEN auf 1—STREICH
20140814             Unterstützung im KAMPF—GEGEN—IS: BUNDESWEHR startet Hilfsflüge für NORD—IRAK
20140814             Erschossener MIKE—BROWN: Unbekannte veröffentlichen falschen Namen des Schützen von FERGUSON
20140814             Unterstützung im KAMPF—GEGEN—IS: —VON—DER—LEYEN spricht von "DEUTSCHEN—WAFFEN"für IRAK
20140814—20010000    —GUNNED, Devi (38) was, down in broad daylight.
20150811—20150814    —FOILED, PAKISTAN—ARMY said it has, 1—MILITANT—PLOT to attack INDEPENDENCE —DAY celebrations.
20150812—20150814    —CAPTURED, The military said it has, militants involved in 1—PLOT to attack INDEPENDENCE —DAY celebrations. including Bakhat Zaman, the deputy CHIEF—OF—THE—PAKISTANI—TALIBAN.
20150814             INDONESIA, CANADA—TEACHER—NEIL—BANTLEMAN, —45—JAHRE—ALT and local teaching assistant Ferdinant Tjiong, sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison for child sexual offenses, were released —AFTER 1—JAKARTA court overturned their 20150402             convictions.
20150814             —CAPTURED, A—USA—COURT hearing on the fate of 18—BELUGA whales, in RUSSIA pitted FEDERAL—REGULATORS against THE—GEORGIA aquarium seeking to bring them to THE—USA.
20150814             MICHIGAN authorities said Candy Lawson (44) of CORUNNA has been charged with unlawful imprisonment, vulnerable adult abuse and embezzlement from 1—VULNERABLE—ADULT, for keeping her disabled adult sister (42) locked in 1—CLOSET for 6 or —7—YEARS with little food, water or clothing and only 1—BUCKET for urination.
20150814             The price of crude oil hit its lowest level in 6½ years amid concerns over 1—SLOWING economy in CHINA.
20150814             —VOWED, CAMEROON—PRESIDENT, to send 2,450 troops to join a regional army to fight NIGERIA—BASED Boko Haram, nearly tripling his initial pledge.
20150814             —ESTIMATED, Boko Haram was, to have some 6,000 fighters.
20150814             —RESUMED, THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC said it has, THE—DETENTION—OF—PEOPLE deemed to be illegal migrants —AFTER the expiration of 1—DEADLINE for undocumented foreigners to apply for temporary residence.
20150814             —APPROVED, Eurozone finance ministers, a 3. bailout worth up to 86—BILLION euros to keep GREECE in the single currency in return for 1 unprecedented PACKAGE—OF—REFORMS that ATHENS had previously rejected.
20150814             —FACED, GREECE—PRIME—MINISTER—ALEXIS—TSIPRAS, the widest rebellion yet from his leftist lawmakers as PARLIAMENT approved 1—NEW—BAILOUT—PROGRAM, forcing him to consider 1—CONFIDENCE—VOTE that could pave the way for early elections.
20150814             —RENOMINATED, The ruling party in GUINEA BISSAU, Domingos Simoes PEREIRA as PRIME—MINISTER, —3—DAYS—AFTER he was sacked by PRESIDENT—JOSE—MARIO—VAZ.
20150814             —ATTACKED, IRAQ, Islamic State militants, THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—NORTHERN—OIL—REFINERY—TOWN—OF—BAIJI overnight with car bombs and clashed with the army and Shi'ite militias in the town's western districts.
20150814             ISRAEL—PALESTINIAN, detainee MOHAMMED—ALLAN, —30—JAHRE—ALT was —60—DAYS into his hunger strike, launched in protest of his detention without charge in 1—ISRAEL—JAIL, —WHEN he slipped into unconsciousness.
20150814             † THE—UN said at least 4—PEOPLE have and more than 20,000 have been affected by floods in NIGER caused by weeks of heavy rain.
20150814             —LIFTED, THE—UN said SOUTH—SUDAN—ARMY has, 1—MORE than —1—MONTH—LONG—AID blockade into rebel areas.
20150814             —VOTED, THAILAND—LEGISLATURE, against impeaching 248—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PREVIOUS—PARLIAMENT, sparing them 1—BAN from politics for trying to amend the constitution.
20150814             —STARTED, TURKEY—STATE—MEDIA said the military has, building 1—CONCRETE—WALL along the border with Syria —FOLLOWING 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS.
20150814             —KILLED, Security forces said 1—SOLDIER was, —AFTER 1—MINE laid by militants was detonated remotely in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—BINGOL.
20150814             2—PKK fighters were killed —DURING 1—OPERATION in response to the attack.
20150814             —CALLED, THE—UN—COMMITTEE—AGAINST—TORTURE, on IRAQ to close what it described as secret detention centers where militant suspects, including minors, are severely tortured.
20150814             —PROTESTED, YEMEN, HUNDREDS—OF—WOMEN, in the country's REBEL—HELD CAPITAL—OF—SANAA over 1—SHORTAGE—OF gasoline.
20150814             Direito dos Negócios Aplicado.
20150814             PORTUGAL 1.Legal Grand Conference - TURISMO—DE—PORTUGAL
20150814             Uma providência cautelar em PORTUGAL é um segundo processo judicial, com caráter de urgência, que corre paralelamente e por apenso a uma ação judicial principal [9], podendo ser utilizada, segundo o artº 362º,nº1, do Código de Processo Civil, sempre que um cidadão ou instituição receie que outrem possa causar uma lesão grave e de difícil reparação ao seu direito.[10] TRATA—SE de uma ação que visa suspender a eficácia de uma decisão sempre que o seu prosseguimento possa colocar em causa os direitos de um cidadão ou instituição.
20150814             —AM, ist Neumond.
20150814             UMFRAGE—MEHRHEIT—DER—BÜRGER will meinungsstarke Politiker
20150814             DIE—MEHRHEIT—DER—BÜRGER will Politiker, die zu ihrer Meinung STEHEN—AUCH bei Abstimmungen.
20150814             Umfrage für den DEUTSCHLANDtrend im ARD-"Morgenmagazin"
20150814             sind 77—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN—DER—MEINUNG, 1—ABGEORDNETER soll seinen persönlichen Standpunkt vertreten, auch wenn dieser nicht der Linie seiner Partei entspricht.
20150814             Nur 18 % antworteten hingegen, 1—ABGEORDNETER soll dem Kurs seiner Partei folgen.
20150814             Damit stützen die Befragten DIE—KRITIKER—VON—UNIONS—FRAKTION—CHEF—VOLKER—KAUDER.
20150814             CDU—KOLLEGE ANDREAS—MATTFELDT, der dem Haushaltsausschuss angehört, sagte der Zeitung, Kauder habe die MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT "mit Füßen getreten".
20150814             Gefolgschaft - IS—CHEF—RUFT—MUSLIME zur Gefolgschaft AUF—DIE—WELT - Der 1.zwingt, der andere ruft auf.
20150814             Der 1.ist ein islamistischer "fundamentalist", der andere ein Demokrat.
20150814             Ich kenne das Wort vor allem aus dem Studium des MITTEL—ALTERS und der NAZI—PROPAGANDA.
20150814             (Wohin der Hase läuft) - NORD—IRAK: USA werfen dem IS SENFGAS—ANGRIFF vor
20150814             Bedingung für neues Hilfspaket: IWF pocht auf SCHULDEN—ERLASS für GRIECHENLAND
20150814             NETZPOLITIK—AFFÄRE: Gebt DIE—AKTEN frei!
20150814             —EINSATZ im MITTELMEER: BUNDESWEHR erstellt Profile von FLÜCHTLINGEn
20150814             HAUSHALTS—STUDIE, Lage in klammen Kommunen verschärft sich
20150814             WIKILEAKS—SPRECHER ASSANGE: "USA versuchen mit TTIP ihre VOR—HERRSCHAFT zu sichern"
20150814             —DEBATTIERT, ATHEN, 3. Hilfspaket: PARLAMENT kämpft sich durch —24—STUNDEN—MARATHONSITZUNG
20150814             Angebliche Vergewaltigung: USA—AMERIKANER saß —33—JAHRE zu Unrecht in Haft
20150814             Starker Export: Wirtschaft wächst im 2. Quartal
20150814             COSTA—RICA: POLIZEI nimmt Brieftaube fest
20150814             Nach MARATHONsitzung: GRIECHISCHES—PARLAMENT stimmt für 3. Hilfspaket - NSA—AFFÄRE: Altmaier rüffelt BND
20150814             "DIE—USA versuchen, 1.Festung zu bauen, um ihre Vormachtstellung zu sichern".
20150814             —GLEICHZEITIG, zu TTIP verhandelt DIE—USA noch 2—WEITERE große Abkommen, das Dienstleistungsabkommen TiSA und das HANDEL—ABKOMMEN—MIT—PAZIFIK—ANRAINERSTAATEN TPP (TRANS—PACIFIC Partnership).
20150814             gunnar heinsohn - mmt 0836—HEUTE
20150814             Guten —MORGEN, bei youtube gibt es 1.mehrer —JAHRE—ALTE Aufzeichnung 1—AUSGABE des Philos.
20150814             Philos.
20150814             bescheuert 0838—HEUTE - wie man zu TTIP steht. diekhus 0858—HEUTE
20150814             TTIP = Wirtschaftsnato, unter der Führung der USA natürlich.
20150814             dieser Feigling - der nicht das geringste Rückgrad hat, sich Ermittlungen zu stellen,
20150814             Ich sehe TTIP nicht kritisch
20150814             Ich verstehe die gesamte USA—AUSSEN—POLITIK
20150814             DIE—POLITIK—DER—OFFENEN—TÜR sieht Handel als ein natürliches RECHT an, dem mit allen Mitteln Geltung zur verschaffen ist.
20150814             —HEUTE, ist in der SZ—ONLINE 1—BERICHT, daß EU—MINISTERIALBEAMTE nur 3—MAL —DIE—WOCHE—VON—9—12—DIE VERHANDLUNGS—DOKUMENT einsehen dürfen.
20150814             PARLAMENTarier überhaupt nicht.
20150814             DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG hat im Zusammenhang mit der NSA—AFFÄRE DIE—ARBEIT des BUNDES—NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTES (BND) kritisiert.
20150814             —VERSUCHT, Zwar habe er den Eindruck, dass DER—BND immer, habe, sich an DEUTSCHE—GESETZE zu halten.
20150814             Imagepflege: ROYAL—BANK—OF—SCOTLAND kappt Gebühren für Geschäftskunden
20150814             KURS—MANIPULATION: DEVISEN—SKANDAL kostet BANKEN weitere 2—MILLIARDEN $
20150814             —KLIMA—SCHUTZ—GESETZ: BRAUN—KOHLE—RESERVE könnte gegen EU—RECHT verstoßen
20150814             —NEUE—ZAHLEN: Wirtschaft im EURO—RAUMVERLIERT unerwartet an Schwung
20150814             Großwildjäger im Porträt: "Jäger zweifeln nie daran, DAS—RICHTIGE zu tun"
20150814             259—STRAFTATEN in DEUTSCHLAND: Neuer TERROR—IM—NAMEN des NSU
20150814             GRIECHENLAND—PREMIER—VOR Vertrauensfrage: TSIPRAS spielt seine letzte Karte aus
20150814             GRIECHENLANDhilfe: SCHÄUBLEs Härte, Merkels Dilemma
20150814             ASYL—POLITIK,AfD verlangt ARBEITS—PFLICHT für FLÜCHTLINGE
20150814             —OPERATIONEN: Musik lindert Angst und Schmerzen
20150814             Änderung des Weltwetters: Meteorologen WARNEN—VOR—SUPER—EL—NIÑO
20150814             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, Wir brauchen 1—NEUEN Journalismus
20150814             [l] Du weißt, dass dein GEFÄNGNIS—SYSTEM zu krass ist, wenn IRLAND sich weigert, dir 1—TERRORISTEN auszuliefern, weil dein GEFÄNGNIS—SYSTEM zu krass ist.
20150814             alfatomega.com/20061203.html
20150814             —VERHANDLUNGEN zu FREI—HANDELS—ABKOMMEN : BRÜSSEL verteidigt schärfere GEHEIM—HALTUNG bei TTIP
20150814             KERRY—BESUCH—IN—KUBA: In HAVANNA weht wieder DIE—USA—FLAGGE—NACH —54—JAHREN
20150814             Bei seiner Rede vor der neu eröffneten Botschaft mahnte Kerry 1—POLITISCHEN Wandel in dem Land an.
20150814             WASHINGTON werde nicht aufhören, sich für DEMOKRATEN—REFORMEN—IN—KUBA einzusetzen.
20150814             Kerry wandte sich auch mit einigen Sätzen auf Spanisch direkt an DIE—ZUSCHAUER.
20150814             —VERHANDLUNGS—PARTNER.
20150814             Denen reicht es —NUN offenbar: DIE—EU—KOMMISSION verschärft die GEHEIM—HALTUNG zu den —VERHANDLUNGEN.
20150814             So wurde der vertrauliche BERICHT—ÜBER—DIE 10. Gesprächsrunde mit den USA—AMERIKANERN nicht mehr an DIE—EU—MITGLIED—STAATEN verschickt, sondern ist für Beamte und Politiker nur in 1—SICHEREN LESE—RAUMIN BRÜSSEL einsehbar.
20150814             DIE—ENTSCHEIDUNG der SCHWEDISCHEN—EU—HANDELS—KOMMISSARIN Cecilia Malmström wird von VERBRAUCHER—SCHÜTZERN und Politikern kritisiert.
20150814             —AM—FREITAG verteidigte RICHARD—KÜHNEL, VERTRETER—DER KOMMISSION—IN—DEUTSCHLAND, die MAßNAHME: "Dieser Bericht enthält auch taktische Überlegungen und unsere interne Bewertung von USA—POSITIONEN".Bestimmte Enthüllungen schwächten die VERHANDLUNGS—POSITION der EU und machten es schwieriger, das beste Ergebnis im Interesse EUROPAs und seiner BÜRGER zu erzielen.
20150814             Grüne und Linke im BUNDES—TAG werfen der Kommission 1.ÜBERRE—AKTION vor: "Als ginge es um geheime Kriegsstrategien und nicht um internationale Handelspolitik", sagte LINKEN—VIZEFRAKTIONS—CHEF—KLAUS—ERNST der "SÜDDEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG"(—FREITAG).
20150814—19610000    —SINCE, USA—MARINES raised THE—USA—FLAG at the embassy in CUBA for the 1. time, symbolically ushering in 1—ERA—OF renewed diplomatic relations between THE—2—COLD—WAR—ERA foes.
20150814—20141100    —ARRESTED, Allan was, and was being held for his activities in Islamic Jihad.
20160814             THE—SF, Bay Area CRAIG—FLETCHER—COOKS, —20—JAHRE—ALT and Terence McCrary JUNIOR (22) were shot and killed —DURING 1—BLOCK—PARTY in OAKLAND in THE—300—BLOCK—OF—15.
20160814             Street. 4—ASSAILANTS fled the scene.
20160814             Lousiana GOVERNOR—JOHN—BEL—EDWARDS said as many as 10,000—PEOPLE were living in shelters.
20160814             1—WEEKEND—OF torrential rains left 5—PEOPLE—DEAD and prompted THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to declare 1—DISASTER.
20160814             BRAZIL, USA—SWIMMER RYAN—LOCHTE said he, JACK—CONGER, Gunnar Bentz and JAMES—FEIGEN were held at gunpoint and robbed several hours —AFTER the last Olympic swimming races ended.
20160814             —STARTED, That claim, unraveling —WHEN police said that investigators could not find evidence to substantiate it.
20160814             —INTOXICATED, Police —LATER said the men, —WHILE, vandalized 1—GAS—STATION bathroom and were questioned by armed guards —BEFORE they paid for the damage and left.
20160814             HONDURAS, killers wielding assault rifles shot 8—MEN to death on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—CAPITAL—BEFORE dawn.
20160814             —BLAMED, Authorities, 1—TERRITORIAL—DISPUTE between rival street gangs.
20160814             —PUBLISHED, NIGERIA—MILITANT—GROUP—BOKO Haram, 1—VIDEO apparently showing recent FOOTAGE—OF—DOZENS—OF—SCHOOL—GIRLS kidnapped —2—YEARS—AGO, and saying SOME—OF—THEM have been killed in air strikes.
20160814             PERU, 1—SHALLOW, magnitude 5.4—EARTHQUAKE—SHOOK the southern picturesque Colca Valley, killing at least 4—PEOPLE.
20160814             —RALLIED, THE—PHILIPPINES, some 15000000             Filipinos, in stormy weather against PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE—DECISION to allow dictator FERDINAND—MARCOS to be buried in 1—HEROES' cemetery, but Duterte remained firm in his stance despite growing opposition.
20160814             SYRIA—REBEL—HELD, NORTH—WEST—IDLIB province came under heavy bombardment, activists reported, as rebels and PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES battled for CONTROL—OF—THE—NEARBY—CITY—OF—ALEPPO.
20160814             —KILLED, RUSSIA—AIR—STRIKES—AROUND Deir Ezzor, 1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF—MILITANTS—WHILE destroying 2—COMMAND—POSTS, 6—ARMS caches, 2—TANKS, 4 armored infantry vehicles and 7—ALL—TERRAIN vehicles with heavy machine guns.
20160814             THAILAND—POLICE over the weekend found and defused 5—EXPLOSIVE devices that had failed to detonate —WHEN 1 as yet unidentified group carried out 1—SERIES—OF—DEADLY—BOMB—ATTACKS on popular tourist spots late —LAST—WEEK.
20160814             —BACKED, YEMEN—PRO—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS, by forces from 1—SAUDI—LED military coalition, seized the small TOWN—OF—AL—KAWD as they advanced in their offensive to retake territory held by Islamic STATE—AND—AL—QAIDA forces east of the port CITY—OF—ADEN.
20160814             Peschmerga: Kurdische KÄMPFER greifen IS im NORD—IRAK an
20160814             NEW—YORK: Unbekannter erschießt Imam und 1—MOSCHEEBESUCHER
20160814             VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ, ISLAMISTEN versuchen offenbar hundertfach FLÜCHTLINGE anzuwerben
20160814             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE des Präsidenten von KIRGISISTAN:
20160814             Women in mini skirts don't become suicide bombers
20160814             Also —JETZT mal völlig abgesehen davon, was er da offensichtlich sagen wollte, und wie man politisch zu Ausländerfeindlichkeit und ISLAMophobie steht: Ist das so?
20160814             Gedankengänge in die Richtung sind gerade im Trend.
20160814             "In FRANCE, 1 does not come to the beach dressed to display one's religious convictions, especially as they are false convictions that THE—RELIGION does not demand".
20160814             Bisschen anmaßend, wenn DER—BÜRGER—MEISTER—VON—DIESEM Kaff da anderen Leuten erzählen will, was ihre RELIGION vorschreibt und was nicht.
20160814             Auf der anderen Seite finde ich es auch nicht so einfach zu argumentieren, daß die nicht DAS—RECHT haben, von ihren Gästen das Einhalten von Grundregeln zu verlangen.
20160814             Aber wer sind wir eigentlich, den Leuten da in FRANKREICH Vorschriften machen zu wollen, wem sie Vorschriften machen dürfen auf ihrem Land?
20160814             Oh, und: FRANKREICH hat —BEREITS 1—VERSCHLEIERUNGS—VERBOTAN öffentlichen Orten.
20160814             [l] Auch in der SCHWEIZ gibt es —JETZT Messerstecher in der Bahn
20160814             [l] Der immer wieder großartige Slate Star Codex hat den wahrscheinlich großartigsten Troll aller Zeiten gefunden.
20160814             "I, ryan c, man, am 1—IDIOT—OF—THE 'Legal SOCIETY'; and; am 1—IDIOT (layman, outsider) of the 'Bar Association'; and; i am incompetent; and; am not required by ANY—LAW to be competent," Bundy wrote in 1—MOTION filed to USA—DISTRICT—COURT—JUDGE—ANNA—BROWN.
20160814             DIE—BAR Association ist die Anwaltskammer.
20160814             DELAWARE, She is beyond precedent, beyond category, beyond the powers of ridicule.
20160814             Gesellschaftskritik : "Lauter kleine Narzissten, auf Wettbewerb getrimmt"
20160814             —NACH, tödlichen POLIZEIschüssen: Mehr als 100—MENSCHEN randalieren in MILWAUKEE
20160814             DDR—SCHRIFTSTELLER: HERMANN—KANT ist tot
20160814             PERU: 50.000—MENSCHEN DEMONSTRIEREN—GEGEN—GEWALT an Frauen
20160814             LOUISIANA: TOTE—BEI—SCHWEREN Überschwemmungen im SÜDEN der USA - 90—GEBURTS—TAG: FIDEL—CASTRO zeigt sich
20160814             Wir leben in 1—PREKÄREN—VOLLERWERBSGESELLSCHAFT, wie es der Jenaer Soziologe KLAUS—DÖRRE genannt hat.
20160814             Der Kuchen wird größer, aber nur für wenige.
20160814             Es stimmt also: Die Armen werden ärmer, DIE—REICHEN reicher.
20160814             Nachtwey: Es gibt nicht den 1—HISTORISCHEN Umschlagspunkt.
20160814             —DAMALS, wurden in DEUTSCHLAND ARBEITS—MARKTKRISEN noch mit keynesianischen Programmen bekämpft.
20160814             Diese Programme fruchteten aber IN DER FOLGE immer weniger.
20160814             Nachtwey: —BIS in die Achtziger stieg DIE—ARBEITSLOSIGKEIT, aber zumindest DER—SOZIALSTAATLICHE Grundkonsens hielt noch, —BIS sich, auch durch die zunehmende Skepsis gegenüber dem Keynesianismus, der NEO—LIBERALISMUS als Idee mehr und mehr durchsetzte.
20160814             Unter HELMUT—KOHL wurde in den Achtzigern das STREIK—RECHT eingeschränkt, die Kampffähigkeit der GEWERKSCHAFTEN nahm ab, —IN—DIESEN—JAHREN sank auch zum 1.Mal die Lohnquote.
20160814             Zuletzt wurde durch die Agenda 20100000             DER—DRUCK—AUF—ALLE—MENSCHEN erhöht, 1—BESCHÄFTIGUNGS—VERHÄLTNIS anzunehmen.
20160814             Mehr Leute akzeptieren —HEUTE Jobs, die sie —VOR—30—JAHREN mit ihren Qualifikationen nicht angenommen hätten.
20160814             Nachtwey: Selbst wenn ich noch 1—SICHEREN Job habe, wird MIR—DURCH die Darstellung der Medien, aber auch durch meinen eigenen Blick auf externe Arbeitsmärkte, in denen nichts mehr sicher IST—ANGST vermittelt.
20160814             Das Grundgefühl vieler Arbeitnehmer hat sich gewandelt.
20160814             Nachtwey: In den Sechzigern konnte auch der ungelernte —ARBEITER in DIE—FABRIK gehen und dann mit dem Lohn über die Lebensarbeitszeit 1—HAUS abbezahlen —, seine Kinder gingen vielleicht sogar an die Uni, was —DAMALS, noch automatisch 1—GESELLSCHAFTLICHEN Aufstieg bedeutete.
20160814             —HEUTE, ist diese Sicherheit weggebrochen, sowohl für NIEDRIG—WIE auch für VIELE—HOCHQUALIFIZIERTE
20160814             Bei wirklicher Individualisierung könnte ich 1—LEBENSSTIL wählen, der der gesellschaftlichen Norm zuwider läuft.
20160814             Das Gefühl ist: Ich selbst bin im ständigen Abstiegskampf, passe mich permanent an neue Marktbedingungen an und verhalte mich konform, um ja den Erwartungen zu entsprechen.
20160814             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Warum kann diese Unzufriedenheit nicht ANDERS—POSITIVER—ARTIKULIERT werden?
20160814             Nachtwey: Weil DIE—LINKE keine alternative Erzählung anbietet.
20160814             WALTER—BENJAMIN hat mal gesagt: JEDER—FASCHISMUS beruht auf 1—GESCHEITERTEN REVOLUTION—DER Aufstieg von rechten Bewegungen hat damit zu tun, daß DIE—LINKEN es nicht geschafft haben, 1.Alternative zu entwickeln.
20160814             DIE—RECHTS—POPULISTISCHEN Bewegungen sind —DERZEIT, ja nicht in den südeuropäischen Ländern besonders stark, obwohl man erstmal denken könnte, daß die ökonomische —KRISE dort 1—GUTEN Nährboden bietet.
20160814             DIE—RECHTS—POPULISTEN sind in den Ländern WEST—EUROPAS am stärksten, in denen sich die ehemals starken, sozialistischen und SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEIEN dem Markt untergeordnet und dadurch ihre Fähigkeit, die Interessen der Schwachen zu vertreten, in vielen Bereichen aufgegeben haben.
20160814             Nachtwey: Dass DIE—POLITIK—DER—KLEINEN—DIFFERENZ—ZWISCHEN—DEN—VOLKS—PARTEIEN —HEUTE dominiert, hat mit 1—HISTORISCHEN DOPPELKRISE—DER—LINKEN zu tun, die —BIS—HEUTE nicht überwunden wurde:
20160814             Der Zusammenbruch der UdSSR diskreditierte DIE—IDEE des SOZIALISMUS, weil hier 1.autoritäre Realität zutage trat
20160814             Und DIE—IDEE DER—SOZIALEN Demokratie lief in 1.Sackgasse, weil man sich den Marktkräften anpasste
20160814             —SEITHER, taugen WEDER—SOZIALISMUS noch Demokratie als Versprechen auf 1.bessere ZUKUNFT.
20160814             1.neue Idee wurde —BIS—HEUTE nicht entwickelt.
20160814             Nachtwey: Das ist die 100—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR—FRAGE.
20160814             —IM—MOMENT gibt es aber keine ernsthafte DISKUSSION—ÜBER Alternativen, obwohl sie dringend nötig wäre
20160814             Ich weiß nur, daß ich nicht glaube, daß es bei der nächsten —KRISE, die möglicherweise —SCHON in 1—HALBEN —JAHR kommen wird, wenn DIE—ITALIENERINS Straucheln geraten, nicht damit getan sein kann, nur DIE—BANKEN zu retten.
20160814             —WARNUNG—VOR—MÄHROBOTERN: Igel haben KEINE—CHANCE
20160814             [l] DIE—NSA, das sind gar nicht die Bösen, müsst ihr wissen.
20160814             —GEHOLFEN, Neulich —ERST, da hat DIE—NSA den DEUTSCHEN—DIENSTEN, die verschlüsselten ISIS—NACHRICHTEN zu entschlüsseln.
20160814             DEUTSCHE—BEHÖRDEN waren technisch nicht in der Lage, die codierten Chats zwischen den Attentätern und dem IS—KOORDINATOR zu knacken.
20160814             Hach, ist das nicht wunderschön, diese staatliche PROPAGANDA in unseren staatstragenden PROPAGANDAmedien?
20160814             Aber nehmen wir das doch mal wörtlich.
20160814             —UPDATE, Und das ist nach all den SICHERHEITS—GESETZEN, Budgeterhöhungen, Einrichtungen von CYBER—SICHERHEITS—, Kompetenzzentren.
20160814             [l] Die JVA Ronsdorf sucht das Paket mit den 10000000             Schuss 9MM—MUNITION, das sie in ihrem Tresor nicht mehr finden kann.
20160814             [l] Die aktuelle ABWEHR—STRATEGIE für die geleakten E—MAILS der Demokrats gerade ist ja, daß das die fiesen RUSSEN waren.
20160814             1—STRATEGIE, die so auch von unserem INNEN—MINISTER hätte kommen können.
20160814             —NUN, wenn sie "DIE—RUSSEN"sagen, meinen sie anscheinend dcleaks_com (von denen ich vorher noch nie was gehört habe).
20160814             —BEHAUPTET, Jedenfalls, dcleaks gerade, sie hätten auch 1.Familienpackung E—MAILS—VON—GEORGE—SOROS und seiner Open SOCIETY FOUNDATION gehackt.
20160814             Auf der 1—SEITE wäre das massiv interessant, bei SOROS mal 1—BLICK werfen zu können.
20160814             Kurze Warnung noch: SOROS ist der Intimfeind der politischen Rechten IN—DEN—USA.
20160814             DIE—SEITE ist —JETZT—SCHON träge —BIS lahmarschig, bevor ich drauf linke.
20160814             [l] Der Nachteil bei der ENERGIE—WENDE ist, wie unglaublich viel Geld die Ölmafia so über DIE—POLITIK sprenkelt.
20160814             Und so haben sich die guten Leute von WYOMING gefragt, wem die Luft in WYOMING gehört, und kamen wenig überraschend zu dem Ergebnis: WYOMING!
20160814             —NUN, liegt das in der Natur der Sache, daß Budgetlöcher durch neue STEUERN nicht weggehen, sondern dann das Budget entsprechend expandiert.
20160814             Der Punkt ist dieses großartige MONEY—QUOTE:
20160814             "—JUST about EVERY—LEGISLATOR we've met with asks us, 'You tell us how much we can tax you —BEFORE we put you OUT—OF—BUSINESS,'" said BILL—MILLER, CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—THE—POWER—CO.
20160814             Schöne Windfarm haben Sie da!
20170802—20170814    —ON, he faced charges in WISCONSIN for committing computer fraud.
20170814             —NAMED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, and condemned "repugnant" hate groups and declared that "racism is evil" in 1—FORCEFUL—STATEMENT —FOLLOWING the weekend clashes in CHARLOTTESVILLE—VIRGINIA ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JEFF—SESSIONS said the weekend attack meets the legal definition of 1—ACT—OF—DOMESTIC—TERRORISM.
20170814             —BECAME, SIMONE—ASKEW, —20—JAHRE—ALT, the 1. black woman to CAPTAIN—THE 4,400 member Corps of Cadets at WEST—POINT.
20170814             JAMES—SHEAHAN, —75—JAHRE—ALT, 1—GAY—MAN, was found dead in his S—FRANCISCO—NOB—HILL apartment.
20170814             Phillips, was held on $3—MILLION bail, and pleaded not guilty to charges including murder, 1.—DEGREE robbery, inflicting injury on 1—ELDER or dependent adult, manufacture or possession of fraudulent financial documents, and receiving or buying stolen property.
20170814             1—SPACEX capsule rocketed to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION from Cape Canaveral, Fl.
20170814             —EMPLOYED, CENTRAL—AFGHANISTAN, 3—AFGHANISTAN—AID—WORKERS, by Catholic Relief Services were gunned down and killed in Ghor province.
20170814             AUSTRIA—FOOD—SAFETY—AGENCY says it has found the 1. INSTANCES—OF—EGGS contaminated with Fipronil in the country.
20170814             The traces in AUSTRIA were 10—TIMES—LOWER than the highest concentration found in BELGIUM.
20170814             —ANNOUNCED, AUSTRIA—SOCIAL—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, that it is severing business relations with 1—ISRAEL—POLITICAL consultant —AFTER ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES arrested him on SUSPICION—OF—MONEY laundering, OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE, bribery and related crimes.
20170814             —ARRESTED, Tal Silberstein was 1—OF 4—SUSPECTS, in ISRAEL —FOLLOWING 1—JOINT—INVESTIGATION with Swiss and USA—AUTHORITIES.
20170814             —UNLEASHED, Officials said heavy monsoon rains have, landslides and floods that killed at least 173—PEOPLE in recent days and displaced millions more across BANGLADESH, NORTH—INDIA and SOUTH—NEPAL.
20170814             —ISSUED, CHINA—COMMERCE—MINISTRY, 1—BAN—EFFECTIVE 20170815             on several imports from NORTH—KOREA, including coal, iron ore, lead concentrates and ore, lead and seafood, 1—MOVE that is in line with UN sanctions announced —THIS—MONTH.
20170814             1—CHINA—COURT said human rights activist Wu Gan, best known as "Super Vulgar Butcher," has admitted in 1—CLOSED—DOOR—TRIAL that his actions "violated the law".
20170814             He rose to prominence by harnessing social media to draw attention to causes ranging from wrongful imprisonment to FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH.
20170814             —RAMMED, FRANCE, 1—DRIVER, —32—JAHRE—ALT, his car into 1—PIZZERIA near PARIS, killing 1—GIRL and injuring 13—PEOPLE.
20170814             —CONSUMED, Officials —THE—NEXT—DAY said he had, large QUANTITIES—OF—MEDICATION and had severe mental health problems.
20170814             —BATTLED, GREECE, firefighters, to contain 1—WILDFIRE near ATHENS —AFTER it spread overnight to 3—TOWNS some 45—KM (30—MILES) NORTHEAST—OF—THE—CAPITAL and damaged DOZENS—OF—HOMES.
20170814             —ISSUED, IRAQ—INTEGRITY—COMMISSION, 1—STATEMENT asking the foreign ministry in BAGHDAD to ask IRAN to repatriate MAJID—AL—NASRAWI, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—THE—OIL—CITY—OF—BASRA.
20170814             —STEPPED, He has, down and gone to IRAN —AFTER IRAQ—ANTI—CORRUPTION—BODY began investigating graft allegations against him.
20170814             —DETAINED, ISRAEL—POLICE, diamond magnate Beny Steinmetz and 4—OTHERS as PART—OF—1—INTERNATIONAL—MONEY laundering investigation.
20170814             —CONFESSED, ITALY, Maurizio Diotallevi (62), to authorities to killing his sister, Nicoletta Diotallevi (59), whose HACKED—OFF legs were accidentally found in 1—ROME trash bin —WHILE her head and remaining body parts were —LATER discovered in 1—GARBAGE container on another street.
20170814             —IGNORED, Kenyans largely, 1—OPPOSITION—CALL to go on strike, RE—OPENING shops and returning to work as they shrugged off demands for demonstrations against PRESIDENT—UHURU—KENYATTA—RE—ELECTION and against THE—KILLING—OF—PROTESTERS.
20170814             —CAMPAIGNED, Shekue Kahale, 1—KENYA politician who, for election to PARLIAMENT in —LAST—WEEK—ELECTION, survived as 11—OTHER—PEOPLE drowned —WHEN the boat they were traveling in capsized in waters in THE—INDIA—OCEAN off KENYA.
20170814             —ATTACKED, CENTRAL—MALI, gunmen, 1—UN—BASE, wounding 1—UN—PEACEKEEPER and 1—MALI—SOLDIER.
20170814             —REPULSED, MALI—TROOPS, the attackers, who lost 2—OF—THEIR—OWN—MEN in the raid.
20170814             —ATTACKED, Unidentified gunmen, THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—UN peacekeeping force in Timbuktu killing 7—PEOPLE and injuring 7—OTHERS.
20170814             —PLEDGED, NORWAY—CONSERVATIVE—PRIME—MINISTER—ERNA—SOLBERG, on to cut taxes to boost growth and job creation if she was reelected with —4—WEEKS to go —BEFORE 1—ELECTION that is too close to call.
20170814             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 8—SOLDIERS in 1—REMOTE—DISTRICT—IN—THE—SOUTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—BALUCHISTAN, the 2. attack within days in the troubled region.
20170814             —ASSURED, THE—PHILIPPINES—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SAID—CHINA has, THE—PHILIPPINES it will not occupy new features or TERRITORY—IN—THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA, under 1—NEW "status quo" brokered by MANILA as both sides try to strengthen their relations.
20170814             —CAPTURED, RUSSIA—FSB security service said that it had, 1—GANG planning major attacks on MOSCOW transport networks and shopping centers, directed by MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—JIHADIST—GROUP from Syria.
20170814             —RECOGNIZED, Hifter is 1—RIVAL to the internationally, government in TRIPOLI led by Faez Sarraj.
20170814             —DECIDED, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—CABINET, to establish 1—JOINT—TRADE—COMMISSION with IRAQ.
20170814             —BELIEVED, SIERRA—LEONE, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE were, killed —WHEN 1—MUDSLIDE struck the outskirts of FREETOWN.
20170814             —STARTED, HUNDREDS—OF—SYRIA—REBELS and civilians, leaving THE—LEBANON—SYRIA border area —AFTER 1—DEAL was reached for their departure —FOLLOWING—DAYS—OF—DELAY.
20170814             UN food agencies said nearly 8—MILLION—PEOPLE face acute hunger in the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO as 1—RESULT—OF—CONFLICT, especially in THE—CENTRAL—KASAI region.
20170814             —KILLED, SOUTH—YEMEN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 12—CIVILIANS and wounded 4—WHEN 1—BLAST targeting 1—MILITARY—CAR hit their vehicle instead.
20170814             2—OTHER—PEOPLE, including 1—SOLDIER, were killed in separate attacks also in the south, where the army has launched 1—OFFENSIVE against AL—QAEDA.
20170814             [l] Endlich gibt es 1.Antwort auf das FERM1—PARADOX: Wenn es so VIELE—SONNEN wie unsere gibt, und so VIELE—ERDÄHNLICHE—PLANETEN um 1.solche Sonne herum, wo sind dann die ganzen Aliens?
20170814             Und DIE—ANTWORT ist: Genau wie wir, die haben sich selbst umgebracht.
20170814             Finde ich einleuchtend.
20170814             [l] Für die "ach komm, spielt man halt 1.neue Firmware ein"—FRAKTION der INTERNET—OF—SHIT—APOLOGETEN kam gerade 1.schöne Meldung.
20170814             DAS— USA—UNTERNEHMEN Lockstate hat mit 1—FEHLERHAFTEN FIRMWARE—UPDATE die SMART—LOCK—FUNKTION seiner per WLAN ansprechbaren Türschlösser zerstört.
20170814             Na 1—GLÜCK, daß DIE—LEUTE den IOT—SCHEIß —BISHER, nur an harmlosen, nichtessentiellen Stellen wie Türschlössern verbauen!
20170814             [l] AUSTRALIEN REGIERUNGS—KOALITION ist kurz davor, ihren 1—SITZ Vorsprung im PARLAMENT zu verlieren, —NACHDEM rauskam, daß der VIZE—PREMIER Barnaby Joyce 1—STAATS—BÜRGER NEUSEELANDs ist — und die PARLAMENTsregeln in AUSTRALIEN verbieten doppelte STAATS—BÜRGERSCHAFTEN bei Abgeordneten.
20170814             DONALD—TRUMP—KURZZEIT—KOMMUNIKATIONSCHEF—SCARAMUCCI gibt 1.Interview nach Entlassung
20170814             USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT: MIKE—PENCE setzt auf friedliche Lösung in VENEZUELA
20170814             EUROPA am Ende: Zeichen der kommenden Apokalypse
20170814             MILITÄRmacht EUROPA: Das große Rüstungstabu
20170814             Stimmen zu Charlottesville: "Dem Ungeheuer am RECHTS—EXTREMISTISCHEN Rand neues Leben eingehaucht"
20170814             —TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN auf der Flucht: Waldbrand nahe ATHEN außer Kontrolle
20170814             UNO—SANKTIONEN: CHINA stoppt Einfuhr von Gütern aus NORD—KOREA
20170814             —BOOM: JAPANs Wachstum überflügelt USA und EUROPA
20170814             —REKORD—GEWINNE: DAX—KONZERNE verdienen so viel wie noch nie
20170814             ANT—ARKTIS: Forscher entdecken 91—VULKANE unterm Eis
20170814             Vertrauen in Zeiten des Wahnsinns: MERKELs Hose und DIE—ANGST DER—DEUTSCHEN—
20170814             —ACCORDING—TO, THE—PRINCIPLE—OF—MEDIOCRITY, 1—CORNERSTONE—OF—MODERN cosmology, in THE—ABSENCE—OF—ANY—EVIDENCE to the contrary, we should believe that we are 1—TYPICAL—MEMBER—OF—AN appropriately chosen reference class.
20170814             The path to HUMAN—LEVEL—INTELLIGENCE appears to have been inevitable from at least the time of HOMO—ERECTUS.
20170814             (Of course the precise path that led to our species is implausible, as is ANY—PARTICULAR—EVOLUTIONARY—ROUTE.)
20170814             Lombardia, [l] Wo haben DIE—NORD—KOREANER eigentlich so schnell ihre RAKETEN—TECH her?
20170814             Na von DER—UKRAINE!
20170814             NORTH—KOREA—SUCCESS in testing 1—INTERCONTINENTAL ballistic missile that appears able to reach THE—USA was made possible by BLACK—MARKET—PURCHASES—OF—POWERFUL—ROCKET—ENGINES probably from 1—UKRAINE—FACTORY with historical ties to RUSSIA—MISSILE—PROGRAM, ACCORDING—TO—AN expert analysis being published —MONDAY and classified assessments by AMERICA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES.
20170814             Ach du meine Güte.
20170814             SCHWEIZER—SUPER—MARKTKETTE: Coop verkauft Burger aus Insekten
20170814             NEUAUFLAGE—VON—"FRITZ—THE—CAT": Sex & DRUGS—ALLES für die Katz
20170814             Insektizide: Pflanzenschutzmittel lässt weniger Hummeln Eier legen
20170814             Bergbauunternehmer: ISRAELISCHE—POLIZEI nimmt DIAMANTEN—MILLIARDÄR Steinmetz fest
20170814             Bestimmte Pflanzenschutzmittel sind für Hummeln zwar nicht unmittelbar TÖDLICH—JEDOCH führen sie offenbar zu weniger Nachwuchs.
20170814             In 1—LABOREXPERIMENT ließ 1—WIRKSTOFF aus der Gruppe der weit verbreiteten Neonicotinoide die Zahl eierlegender Hummelköniginnen um 26 % schrumpfen
20170814             Neonicotinoide sind hochwirksame Insektizide, die auf die Nervenzellen von Insekten einwirken.
20170814             stehen DIE—CHANCEN für die Hummeln AUSZU—STERBEN bei etwa 28 % —, das sei —NOCH—VORSICHTIG geschätzt,
20170814             1—KURZER Winterschlaf wie auch der Befall mit Parasiten verringerten die Wahrscheinlichkeit, daß 1.Hummelkönigin Eier legte.
20170814             —IMMER—WIEDER, seien die Gefahren, die von Neonicotinoiden für Hummeln, Bienen und andere bestäubende Insekten ausgehen, aufgezeigt worden
20170814             "Es ist —SCHON auffällig, daß der Rückgang von Bienenpopulationen und anderen Insekten in verschiedenen Regionen in etwa mit dem Beginn des Einsatzes von Neonicotinoiden zusammenfällt".
20170814             AUTO—KRISE, MERKEL hält ENDE—VON—VERBRENNUNGSMOTOREN für richtig
20170814             USA—HANDELS—STREIT—MIT—CHINA: Schlachtfeld ohne Pulver
20170814             DEMONSTRANTEN—IN—CHARLOTTESVILLE: Rechts und radikal
20170814             DONALD—TRUMP zu Charlottesville: "RASSISMUS ist böse"
20170814             Internationales Rotes Kreuz: "DIE—LAGE im JEMEN gerät außer Kontrolle"
20170814             Behörden gegen FLÜCHTLINGS—HELFER: SPERR—ZONE im MITTELMEER
20170814             SÜD—EUROPA: WALD—BRÄNDE treiben Tausende in DIE—FLUCHT
20170814             —DENIED, Charlottesville CAR—RAM suspect JAMES—ALEX—FIELDS, bail
20170814             CHARLOTTESVILLE, gab es 1.große angekündigte Demo von White Supremacists, ein fetter NAZI—AUFMARSCH.
20170814             [l] DONALD—TRUMP hat übrigens eingelenkt.
20170814             —GESEHEN, Für den Kontext sollte man dieses Interview, haben, daß der bekannte NEO—NAZI—DAVID—DUKE—IN—CHARLOTTESVILLE gegeben hat.
20170814             alfatomega.com/20041210.html
20170814113043       —AM, UM, MITTEL—EUROPÄISCHER—ZEIT deutlich präziser am Himmel verorten.
20170814—20110000    —IN, GERMANY, THE—COURT—IN—THE—TOWN—OF—KREFELD said Hartmut Hopp (73) must serve in GERMANY THE—5—YEAR—SENTENCE given to him by 1—CHILE—COURT for 16—COUNTS—OF aiding in the sexual ABUSE—OF—CHILDREN.
20170814—20170927    GW170814 (beobachtet, bekannt gegeben)
20170814—20210000    —BIS, Glockenturm in LONDON: BIG—BEN verstummt
20170830             GUINEA—GOVERNMENT said that the bodies of 19—PEOPLE thought to have perished in an 20170814             mudslide in SIERRA—LEONE have washed up on the shores of GUINEA.
20180807—19790000    —IN, THE—FEDERAL—LAWSUIT could delay 20180814             —THE execution of Carey DEAN—MOORE, who was sentenced to death for killing 2—OMAHA cab drivers.
20180814             —RELEASED, PENNSYLVANIA officials, 1—GRAND—JURY—REPORT that identified more than 300 "predator priests" who molested children in 6—DIOCESES —SINCE the 1940s.
20180814             NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban overran the Camp Chinaya base in Faryab province, killing 17—SOLDIERS.
20180814             —SURRENDERED, THE—TALIBAN said 57—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS had, and 17—OTHERS were captured in battle.
20180814             —BATTLED, AFGHANISTAN—FORCES, the insurgents for the 5. straight —DAY in the eastern provincial CAPITAL—OF—GHAZNI.
20180814             —KILLED, The assault in Ghazni has, about 100—AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES and 20—CIVILIANS.
20180814             1—TALIBAN attack on checkpoint in NORTH—BAGHLAN province killed 30—SOLDIERS.
20180814             —ORDERED, AUSTRALIA, NEWCASTLE Magistrate ROBERT—STONE, FORMER—ADELAIDE Archbishop PHILIP—WILSON, most senior ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CLERIC convicted of covering up child sex abuse, to be detained at his sister's house for at least —6—MONTHS—BEFORE he is eligible for parole.
20180814             —REVOKED, THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—LEGISLATURE, support for a 20040000             report that acknowledged 19950000             —THE massacre of THOUSANDS—OF—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—MUSLIM men and boys in Srebrenica.
20180814             —PLOWED, LONDON, 1—CAR, into pedestrians and cyclists near THE—HOUSES—OF—PARLIAMENT —DURING the —MORNING rush —HOUR, injuring 3—PEOPLE in what police suspect is the latest in 1—STRING—OF—ATTACKS in THE—UK—CAPITAL that used vehicles as weapons.
20180814             —IDENTIFIED, The driver, soon, as Salih Khater (29), 1—UK—CITIZEN—OF—SUDAN—ORIGIN, was arrested on SUSPICION—OF—TERRORISM—OFFENSES.
20180814             —RAIDED, CHILE—AUTHORITIES, the headquarters of the Catholic CHURCH—EPISCOPAL—CONFERENCE as PART—OF—1—WIDESPREAD—INVESTIGATION into clerical sex abuse in THE—SOUTH—USA—COUNTRY.
20180814             SOUTH—CHILE, 1—FIRE swept through 1—NURSING home, killing 10—ELDERLY—WOMEN at THE—SANTA—MARTA nursing home.
20180814             —BLASTED, CHINA, 1—USA—MILITARY spending bill that calls for DEVELOPMENT—OF—PLANS to help SELF—RULED TAIWAN improve its defenses and warned of possible damage to cooperation in other areas.
20180814             CHINA, the deputy GOVERNOR—OF—JILIN province and THE—MAYOR—OF—CHANGCHUN were fired as the ruling Communist Party tried to defuse public outrage over REVELATIONS—OF—MISCONDUCT by major vaccine producer Changsheng Life Sciences.
20180814             CONGODRC—HEALTH—MINISTRY said its latest Ebola outbreak has spread from NORTH—KIVU province into neighboring Ituri province.
20180814             ECUADOR, 1—BUS carrying travelers from COLOMBIA and VENEZUELA crashed —EARLY—TODAY—NEAR—QUITO, killing 24—PEOPLE and injuring 18—OTHERS.
20180814             —ARRESTED, EGYPT—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said police have, 13 alleged Muslim Brotherhood members accused of inciting protests on the 5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—VIOLENT dispersal of 2—MASS—SIT—INS.
20180814             —PUBLISHED, ETHIOPIA in 1—OPEN—LETTER, —TODAY asked dissident marathoner and Olympics silver medalist Feyisa Lilesa to come home, promising a "hero's welcome".
20180814             MALTA said it agreed to let the Aquarius humanitarian ship dock in 1—OF—ITS ports.
20180814             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said FRANCE, SPAIN, GERMANY, PORTUGAL and LUXEMBOURG—HAVE agreed to take SOME—OF—THE—141—MIGRANTS on the humanitarian ship.
20180814             1—HONG—KONG—PRO—INDEPENDENCE—ACTIVIST decried BEIJING—RULE over the city as MODERN—DAY—COLONIALISM in 1—SPEECH to 1—FOREIGN—JOURNALISTS' association that defied THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT—DEMAND that the event be canceled.
20180814             THE—INDIA—RUPEE fell to 1—ALL—TIME—LOW against THE—USA—DOLLAR amid worries that TURKEY—GROWING financial crisis could spread to other DEVELOPING—WORLD—ECONOMIES.
20180814             1—EXPLOSION struck THE—MT—DESH—VAIBHAV in the Gulf of OMAN —WHILE it was en route to Fujairah on THE—EAST—COAST—OF—THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES.
20180814             The explosion on the Shipping Corporation of INDIA crude oil tanker caused "2—CASUALTIES" and injured 1—SAILOR.
20180814             —DEPLOYED, INDONESIA, 100,000 police and soldiers to provide security for THE—ASIA—GAMES, the biggest event ever held in its terror attack prone CAPITAL—JAKARTA.
20180814             Some 11,000 athletes and 5,000 officials from 45—ASIA—COUNTRIES were expected for 20180818             —THE to 20180902             Games.
20180814             —KILLED, IRAQ, at least 3—PEOPLE were, in 1—EXPLOSION at 1—MARKET in BAGHDAD, including 1—WOMAN and child.
20180814             —KILLED, ITALY, at least 39—PEOPLE were, by the collapse of the Morandi Bridge in the port CITY—OF—GENOA.
20180814             —LOWERED, Authorities —LATER, the confirmed death toll to 38—FROM 39.
20180814             MALI—PRESIDENTIAL—SPOKESMAN—BOCARY Treta told reporters that PRESIDENT—IBRAHIM—BOUBACAR—KEITA has won a 2.—ROUND election runoff "comfortably", according to 1—PROVISIONAL—VOTE—COUNT by his own camp.
20180814             —ARRESTED, NIGERIA—REPORTER—SAMUEL—OGUNDIPE was, for refusing to reveal the source of 1—LETTER, which identified who was blamed for 1—BLOCKADE on PARLIAMENT —LAST—WEEK by MEMBERS—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—STATE—SECURITY.
20180814             —CITED, His article, 1—CONFIDENTIAL—LETTER from THE—CHIEF—OF—POLICE.
20180814             † EDUARD—USPENSKY (80), legendary SOVIET—CHILDREN—WRITER and creator of THE—USSR—MOST popular cartoon characters, in his home in THE—MOSCOW suburbs.
20180814             EDUARD—USPENSKY was most famous for his iconic cartoon characters Gena the Crocodile, 1—FRIENDLY—CROCODILE who works at 1—ZOO and plays the accordion, and Cheburashka, 1—STRANGE—BROWN—HAIRED creature with large ears.
20180814             —UNVEILED, People in SOUTH—KOREA and TAIWAN, monuments and staged protests to mark JAPAN—WARTIME use of "comfort women", 1—EUPHEMISM for girls and women forced to work in JAPAN—WARTIME brothels.
20180814             —MASKED, SWEDEN, youths set ablaze about 80—CARS overnight, chiefly in the 2. largest city, GOTEBORG, and nearby Trollhattan, 1—INDUSTRIAL—CITY.
20180814             —REPORTED, Fires were also, on 1—SMALLER—SCALE in MALMO—SWEDEN—3. largest city.
20180814             No motive was yet known.
20180814             1—MAN suspected of the arson was arrested as he tried to enter TURKEY.
20180814             2—OTHERS, aged 16 and 21 and living in Frolunda, 1—SUBURB—OF—GOTEBORG where of some the fires took place, were arrested on suspicion of arson.
20180814             TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said his country would boycott USA electronic goods like the iPhone in retaliation for punitive sanctions from WASHINGTON, as THE—TURKEY—LIRA finally clawed back SOME—GROUND—AFTER going into 1—TAILSPIN over the tensions.
20180814             —ARRESTED, TURKEY—POLICE, Ilhami A. (46), 1—GERMANY—CITIZEN, —WHILE he was visiting his mother in her home town Saribasak in 1—LARGELY Kurdish REGION—OF—EAST—TURKEY.
20180814             —ACCUSED—OF, Public broadcaster ARD —LATER said the man had been, "terrorist propaganda" —AFTER criticizing THE—TURKEY—GOVERNMENT on social media.
20180814             —ARRESTED, There were currently 7—OTHER—GERMANY—CITIZENS, in TURKEY on political grounds.
20180814             UGANDA—MUSICIAN and opposition lawmaker ROBERT—KYAGULANYI, better known as Bobi Wine, was arrested —AFTER 1—INCIDENT in which security officers shot his driver dead.
20180814             —ARRESTED, Kyagulanyi was, in THE—NORTH—WEST—TOWN—OF—ARUA where he was campaigning for opposition candidate Kassiano Wadri, who was also arrested.
20180814             UNHCR spokesman WILLIAM—SPINDLER said LIBYA—MISRATA militia ran 370—FAMILIES, originally from THE—WEST—CITY—OF—TAWERGHA, out of their homes in the Triq AL—MATAR camp —LAST—WEEK.
20180814             —FORCED, The militia, 1,900 displaced people out of their refugee camp in the capital, TRIPOLI.
20180814             —THE execution of Carey DEAN—MOORE, who was sentenced to death for killing 2—OMAHA cab drivers.
20180814             USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP unterzeichnet Verteidigungsetat über 716.000.000.000—DOLLAR
20180814             NORWEGENs FISCHEREI—MINISTER—PER Sandberg ist wegen eines Verstoßes gegen das SICHERHEITS—PROTOKOLL WÄHREND 1—PRIVATREISE—NACH—IRAN zurückgetreten.
20180814             NORWEGENs GEHEIM—DIENST führt IRAN neben RUSSLAND und CHINA als eines der Länder, die am ehesten der SPIONAGE verdächtigt sind
20180814             SCHWEDEN: Autos in Brand GESETZT—POLIZISTEN angegriffen
20180814             USA—BUNDES—STAAT VERMONT:, —14—JAHRE—ALTE tritt bei Gouverneurswahl an (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 04:17)
20180814             Exorzismus in DEUTSCHLAND: Erlöse sie von dem Bösen (SPIEGEL+, 04:32)
20180814             Urlaub in den Vereinigten Emiraten: Zurück zur Natur
20180814             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DIENSTAG : Für PUTIN fängt bei Geld die Freundschaft an
20180814             SPON—UMFRAGE in BAYERN—CSU fällt unter 40 %
20180814             "ECONOMIST"-Ranking: Wo ES—SICH besonders gut leben lässt
20180814             —NEUE—MOBBINGVORWÜRFE an MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT: "Es herrschte 1.Atmosphäre der Angst"(Leben und Lernen, 08:12)
20180814             —UMGANG—MIT, DEN—LINKEN: Ramelow fordert CDU auf, Scheuklappen abzulegen
20180814             Konjunktur: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT trotzt dem HANDELS—STREIT —, wächst
20180814             —GESCHLAGEN, Schwules Leben in der DDR: Geliebt, geknebelt
20180814             Gefährliche ANLAGE—STRATEGIE, Warum ETF 1—BÖRSEN—CRASH auslösen können (SPIEGEL+, 09:43)
20180814             Rechtsrock: —BEREITS 131—NEO—NAZI—KONZERTE
20180814             kurz & krass: Starkregen in ENNEPETAL—SCHAUM quillt aus der Kanalisation
20180814             ANGST—VOR—SCHWEINE—PEST, DÄNEMARK will 20190000             GRENZ—ZAUN zu DEUTSCHLAND bauen
20180814             —GEFUNDEN, Verwahrloste Kinder in USA : VERDÄCHTIGE kommen unter Auflagen frei
20180814             THÜRINGEN: Vater wegen hundertfachen Missbrauchs seiner Töchter angeklagt
20180814             —REAKTION—AUF—SANKTIONEN: ERDOGAN kündigt Boykott von USA—ELEKTRONIK an
20180814             —RECHTS—EXTREMER Waffenhändler: "Migrantenschreck"-Betreiber MARIO—RÖNSCH angeklagt
20180814             EHEMALIGE—GRENZANLAGE in BERLIN: Spaziergänger entdecken —BISLANG, unbekanntes Stück Mauer
20180814             —KRISENKOMMUNIKATION am Flughafen: "Nach —30—MINUTEN nicht mehr —STEUERBAR"
20180814             Trotz BREXIT: ARBEITSLOSIGKEIT—IN—GROß—BRITANNIEN fällt auf tiefsten Stand —SEIT—43—JAHREN
20180814             Spektakuläres FORSCHUNGS—PROJEKT Icarus: Tierschwärme, vom WELT—RAUM aus gesehen (SPIEGEL+, 12:40)
20180814             FLÜCHTLINGE: Rettungsschiff "Aquarius"findet keinen HAFEN
20180814             Tod auf Bundesstraße in BAYERN: Mann starb durch Schuss aus Jagdgewehr
20180814             Zwölfjährige an Silvester in SALZGITTER angeschossen: Schütze zu GEFÄNGNIS—STRAFE verurteilt
20180814             7—EXEMPLARE: Tropenzecken in DEUTSCHLAND entdeckt
20180814             —BESUCH—IN—DER TÜRKEI: LAWROW hält USA—SANKTIONEN für rechtswidrig
20180814             Kursverfall der TÜRKISCHEN—LIRA: Touristen gehen mit Koffern in Läden, um sich mit Luxusware einzudecken
20180814             Wirecard: Münchner FINANZ—DIENST—LEISTER ist 1. mehr —WERT als DIE—DEUTSCHE—BANK
20180814             —VERLIERT, KRYPTO—WÄHRUNG unter Druck: Bitcoin,—DOLLAR an WERT—PRO—STUNDE
20180814             BAYERN: Extrem seltener ALBINO—MAUERSEGLER entdeckt
20180814             —STREIT—MIT—TÜRKEI: DONALD—TRUMP blockiert Auslieferung von F—35—KAMPF—JETS an ERDOGAN
20180814             FRANKFURT: Feuerwehr holt 10—BABY—SCHLANGEN aus Kindergarten
20180814             VERFASSUNGS—WIDRIGE Symbole: BERLINer Studio zeigt 1. Videospiel mit HAKEN—KREUZEN
20180814             FLÜCHTLINGE: MERKEL wirbt für Migrationspartnerschaft mit AFRIKA
20180814             TÜRKEI—KRISE und DIE—WELT—WIRTSCHAFT: Achtung, Ansteckungsgefahr!
20180814             —AUSBRUCH KONGO: Behörden hoffen auf experimentelle EBOLA—THERAPIE
20180814             Marode Brücken in DEUTSCHLAND: "STAAT muss BAU—FIRMEN auf die Finger schauen"
20180814             NAZI—SYMBOLE an Unfallort: Der Schandfleck von Schönberg
20180814             ABHÖR—AKTION—GEGEN—LEIPZIGER Ultras: Ermittler belauschten Fußballfans
20180814             Negativer Asylbescheid in ÖSTERREICH: Behörde hält Afghanen nicht für schwul —, will ihn zurückschicken
20180814             —PARTEI in der —KRISE, —DIE—SPD erneuert sich —, keiner merkt's
20180814             —VERWENDET, USA—NEBRASKA, 1. Fentanyl bei Hinrichtung
20180814             Ermittlungen IN—DEN— USA—HUNDERTE katholische PRIESTER sollen mehr als 1.000—KINDER missbraucht haben
20180814             Aufarbeitung DER—FINANZ—KRISE, ROYAL—BANK—OF—SCOTLAND muss fast—DOLLAR zahlen
20180814             INFRA—STRUKTUR—APOKALYPSE: Autobahnbrücke bei Genua eingestürzt.
20180814             154—VERSCHIEDENE ALL—IN—1—DRUCKER—VON—HP lassen sich per bösartigem Fax hijacken.
20180814             JEFF—BEZOS macht ES—SICH in DONALD—TRUMP—SUMPF bequem ?
20180814             —TAILORED, MUCH—OF—THE—LANGUAGE—OF—JEDI, in fact, seems specifically, for JEFF—BEZOS.
20180814             Na sowas! Tolle BBC—SATIRE: Leading LADY—PARTS
20180814             Auf Rügen hat 1—RESTAURANT —JETZT ab 17—UHR Kinderfreiheit ausgerufen.
20180814             —UPDATE, In HAMBURG gibt es 1.Therme, die auch keine Kinder reinlässt.
20180814             —UPDATE, Öhm, und in SCHOTTLAND gibt es 1—DORF ohne Kinder.
20180814             Aus der gefürchteten Kategorie "Wie werden alle störben", —HEUTE: Tropenzecken in DEUTSCHLAND gesichtet.
20180814             Gut, daß DER—KLIMA—WANDEL bloß 1.Einbildung ist.
20180814             Wie?
20180814             In der ITALIENISCHEN—HAFEN—STADT—GENUA stürzt das POLCEVERA—VIADUKT, eine innerstädtische Autobahnbrücke der Autostrada A10, teilweise ein;
20180814             43—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben.
20180814—19740000    —SENTENCED, CHILE—SUPREME—COURT, 24—FORMER—POLICE—AGENTS to prison from 4 to —13—YEARS for the disappearance of JORGE—ARTURO—GREZ, who was detained and tortured —BEFORE vanishing.
20180814—19790000    —IN, Carey DEAN—MOORE (60 was executed with 1—DRUG—COMBINATION that included the powerful opioid fentanyl for killing 2—CAB drivers in OMAHA.
20180814—19970000    —SINCE, NEBRASKA carried out its 1. execution.
20180814—20160000    —SINCE, Lilesa has lived in SELF—IMPOSED exile in THE—USA —WHEN he raised his arms in 1—GESTURE against government repression —WHILE crossing the finish line in 2. place at THE—RIO—OLYMPICS.
20180814—20180817    —ON, he was released on bail.
20180814—20180818    —ON, the death toll rose unofficially to 42 with THE—DISCOVERY—OF—4—MORE—BODIES.
20190802—20190814    —ON, The 3 were free to leave the country ahead of 1—VERDICT due - 1—RULING that in SWEDEN often points to 1—ACQUITTAL or 1—SENTENCE that is less than the time that defendants have already served.
20190814             Anspielung auf "Der PATE": DONALD—TRUMP beleidigt CNN—MODERATOR als "Fredo"
20190814             USA—MEDIENKONZERNE: CBS und Viacom fusionieren in Milliardendeal
20190814             Teils "vulgäre" Inhalte: FACEBOOK ließ Sprachnachrichten seiner Nutzer abtippen
20190814             NO—DEAL—BREXIT: Parlamentssprecher Bercow kündigt JOHNSON "Kampf —BIS zum letzten Atemzug" an
20190814             —VERBIETET, Signal an WASHINGTON: CHINA, USA—KRIEGSSCHIFFEN die Einfahrt nach HONG—KONG
20190814             Allerdings macht die CHINESISCHE—REGIERUNG dem WESTEN—UND besonders den USA—ZUNEHMEND Vorwürfe, wonach er die PROTESTE—IN—HONG—KONG fördere.
20190814             In den USA sieht sich PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP von vielen Seiten der Kritik ausgesetzt, daß er gegenüber PEKING deutliche Worte zu dem gewaltsamen Vorgehen gegen DEMONSTRANTEN—IN—HONG—KONG meide.
20190814             Platzeck sieht "ungute Grundstimmung" in Ostdeutschland: "Das Gefühl ausgebildet, DER—STAAT habe nicht mehr alles im Griff"
20190814             Historische Versäumnisse der Wendezeit: "Hätte man alles der Ökonomie unterordnen müssen?" (SPIEGEL+, 08:04)
20190814             Konjunktur: WIRTSCHAFTS—LEISTUNG in DEUTSCHLAND im 2. Quartal geschrumpft
20190814             Ghislaine Maxwell?
20190814             Bundesgefängnisse in den USA LEIDEN dem Bericht zufolge —SCHON länger unter Personalknappheit.
20190814             DONALD—TRUMP, heutige Ehefrau Melania, JEFFREY—EPSTEIN und dessen Vertraute Ghislaine Maxwell in MAR—A—LAGO, FLORIDA,
20190814             DOCTOR—MICHAEL—BADEN kennt sich aus mit prominenten Leichen.
20190814             in seiner NEW—YORKER Gefängniszelle
20190814             in seiner - DIE—ERMITTLUNGEN—GEGEN—EPSTEIN sind zwar vorbei, die gegen mutmaßliche Komplizen aber nicht, allen voran seine untergetauchte EX—VERTRAUTE Ghislaine Maxwell.
20190814             2—WÄRTER, die LAUT—INFORMATIONEN der NEW—YORK—TIMES  eingeschlafen waren und dann Protokolle gefälscht hatten, wurden suspendiert.
20190814             1—WEITERE FRAKTION glaubt, Epsteins Tod sei mit einem Double vorgetäuscht worden und er in Wahrheit im Zeugenschutz.
20190814             Das halbgare Hörensagen wird von den Medien überhöht und verhärtet die politischen FRONTEN—ZU Lasten der Dutzenden Opfer, von denen —SCHON—JETZT kaum eine mehr spricht.
20190814             DONALD—TRUMP selbst.
20190814             Doch "der eigennützige Fabulist" DONALD—TRUMP hat nach Zählung DER—WASHINGTON—POST  als —PRÄSIDENT—SCHON mehr als 12.000—LÜGEN verbreitet, um Gegner zu diffamieren, seine Basis anzuheizen oder einfach das Thema zu WECHSELN—DARUNTER die abstrusesten VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN.
20190814             NEW—YORKS BÜRGER—MEISTER BILL—DE—BLASIO, 1—DEMOKRAT, nannte die SUIZID—BEGRÜNDUNG in einem Interview "allzu bequem": Epstein habe Informationen "über einige der reichsten und mächtigsten Menschen im Land" gehabt.
20190814             Der renommierte JOURNALIS—JAMES—STEWART enthüllte in der NEW—YORK—TIMES, Epstein habe —LETZTES—JAHR ihm gegenüber geprahlt, "schädliche oder peinliche" Geheimnisse vieler "mächtiger Leute" zu KENNEN—ETWA "sexuelle Vorlieben und Drogenkonsum".
20190814             Diese Leute könnten —NUN "aufatmen", daß er sein Wissen mit ins Grab genommen habe.
20190814             Epsteins Tod ist der ultimative Ausdruck —DES—HEUTE gängigen Gebräus aus Realität, Fiktion und PROPAGANDA.
20190814             Der MEDIEN—FORSCHER JUSTIN—HENDRIX nennt den Fall Epstein die "Weltmeisterschaft der Desinformation".
20190814             —KLIMASCHUTZ—DER Mensa: LONDONer Uni verkündet RINDFLEISCH—VERZICHT (Leben und Lernen, 12:07)
20190814             Leck bei BIOMETRIE—FIRMA : Mehr als 1—MILLION Fingerabdrücke online zugänglich
20190814             KASCHMIR—KONFLIKT, Volk unter Arrest
20190814             BREXIT—JOHNSON wirft Abgeordneten "schreckliche Zusammenarbeit" mit EU vor
20190814             HONG—KONG—PROPAGANDA: Was CHINA seinen Bürgern erzählt
20190814             WELT—WIRTSCHAFT, Anleihemarkt sendet Rezessionssignal
20190814             —ESKALATION der Gewalt: HONG—KONGS—ANGST, CHINAs Dilemma
20190814             Eingeschleppte HYALOMMA—ZECKE: Riesenzecke überträgt 1. Fleckfieber in DEUTSCHLAND
20190814             Verschobene Schutzzölle: USA dementieren Annäherung an CHINA
20190814             MASSEN—PROTESTE: Satellitenbilder zeigen CHINESISCHES—MILITÄR an der GRENZE—ZU—HONG—KONG
20190814             Toter USA—MULTIMILLIONÄR:, —32—JAHRE—ALTE verklagt EPSTEIN—VERTRAUTE
20190814             Problematisches Klimagas: FRACKING—BOOM lässt METHAN—EMISSIONEN steigen
20190814             Gerichtsbeschluss: DEUTSCHLAND soll abgeschobenen Flüchtling zurückholen
20190814             BÜRGER—KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: Offenbar Regierungskampfjet über Idlib abgeschossen
20190814             Globale Umweltverschmutzung: Plastik aus der Schneewolke
20190814             —REAGIERT, Sorgen an der WALL—STREET —DOW—JONES, empfindlich auf Rezessionsängste
20200803—20180814    —INAUGURATED, ITALY, THE—CITY—OF—GENOA, the new Genoa S—GIORGIO bridge, designed by RENZO—PIANO and built in 1—RECORD —15—MONTHS—FOLLOWING its collapse.
20200814             —FREITAG, 20200814
20200814             Ausufernde Sozialabgaben, DGB lehnt höheres Renteneintrittsalter kategorisch ab
20200814             Gesunde Ernährung, Klöckner fordert einheitliche Standards für KITA—UND Schulessen
20200814             CO2-Ausstoß, Grüne kritisieren Leerflüge von Regierungsmaschinen
20200814             Antikörperstudie in Kupferzell, "Das reicht nicht aus, um eine 2. Welle zu verhindern"
20200814             "Goldene Zügel" für klamme Kommunen, Darum bröckeln Schulen, Straßen und Innenstädte
20200814             Von Rechts WEGEN—ARBEITSRECHT kurz erklärt, Darf ich mich über meinen Arbeitgeber lustig machen?
20200814             Fri 20200814             - [l] Es gibt wichtige COVID—NEWS.
20200814             Und wo wir gerade bei bemerkenswerten zeitlichen Zufällen waren, Die Amis denken gerade darüber nach, Nahrungsmittelnkonzernen die Verarbeitung von erkrankten Hühnern zu erlauben.
20200814             [l] Wisst ihr noch, wie ich vor Smart Contracts gewarnt habe?
20200814             Hier gibt es einen schönen FALL—VON—LEUTEN, die auf mich hätten hören sollen.
20200814             [l] Erinnert ihr euch, wie Mozilla 25% ihrer Mitarbeiter gefeuert hat?
20200814             Weil sie angeblich zu wenig Kohle hatten?
20200814             —NUN, die Gehälter für ihre 10000000             Mitarbeiter haben 20180000             zusammen 286—MILLIONEN Dollar betragen.
20200814             —JETZT haben sie einen frischen Deal mit Google über 450—MILLIONEN Dollar pro —JAHR gemacht.
20200814             Äh, an welcher Stelle kommt da eine Geldknappheit ins Spiel?
20200814             Wie hoch ist denn bitte das KOKS—UND—NUTTEN—SPESENBUDGET der Chefetage da!?
20200814             CDU—EXPERTE nennt Urlaubsheimkehrer "unser Problem Nummer 1"
20200814             Besonders bei Ankunft aus Risikogebieten dürften die Tests nicht bewusst umgangen werden können.
20200814             Der Bundeselternrat hat die Rückkehr zum Regelbetrieb an den Schulen als überhastet bezeichnet.
20200814             "—NUN wieder ALLE—SCHÜLER auf einen Schlag zurückzuholen, geschieht aus meiner Sicht zu schnell und zu unvorsichtig", sagte der VORSITZENDE—DER—ELTERNVERTRETUNG, STEPHAN—WASSMUTH,
20200814             Er betonte, seine Regierung hoffe, dass sich die Lage "so rasch wie möglich" wieder normalisiere.
20200814             die Lage - sich - wieder normalisiere - "so rasch - wie möglich"
20200814             Bildschirmfoto vom 20200814             19431016
20200814             "Mit der einseitigen und massiven Förderung der Elektromobilität benachteiligt der STAAT alternative Antriebskonzepte, die sich möglicherweise später als vorteilhafter erweisen", sagte IFW—EXPERTE CLAUS—FRIEDRICH—LAASER.
20200814             vorläufige Schätzung der DÄNISCHEN—STATISTIKBEHÖRDE
20200814             Es geht dabei um das Szenario, dass so VIELE—MENSCHEN schwer krank sind, dass es nicht für ALLE—PLATZ auf der Intensivstation gibt.
20200814             Gesetzliche Vorgaben dafür gibt es bislang nicht.
20200814             Zusammen mit FRÜHEREN—VERTRÄGEN hat sich
20200814             GROSSBRITANNIEN - IMPFSTOFF—FIRMA CureVac nimmt mit Börsengang 213—MILLIONEN Dollar ein
20200814             Bei mehr als einem Viertel (28,2 Prozent) der Testpersonen in Kupferzell mit einem vorherigen positiven CORONA—BEFUND seien keine Antikörper gefunden worden,
20200814             Wegen steigender Zahlen von CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN hat die süditalienische Region Kalabrien ALLE—DISKOTHEKEN—GESCHLOSSEN—AUCH Stranddiscos.
20200814             Kalabrien ist eine sehr beliebte Urlaubsregion.
20200814             —GESCHLOSSEN, Schulstart in NRW—1. Grundschulen wieder
20200814             Blaualgen, Spannend für Forscher, gefährlich für Menschen
20200814             BUNDESWEHR—HUBSCHRAUBER im Tiefflug wirft Paket über Arnsberg ab
20200814             Turismo interno limita quebra de hóspedes a 82% e de dormidas a 85,2% em Junho
20200814             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—5—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20200814             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—140—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—118—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—22—(=)
20200814             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—12—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—3—(=)
20200814             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—126—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—101—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—22—(-1)
20200814             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—21—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—18—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20200814             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—51—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—31—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—20—(=)
20200814             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—167—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—121—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—44—(-1)
20200814             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—177—(+1)—ÓBITOS—7—(=)—RECUPERADOS—110—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—60—(+1)
20200814             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—120—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—84—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—35—(-1)
20200814             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—36—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—28—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(=)
20200814             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—49—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—39—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(=)
20200814             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—22—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—19—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(-1)
20200814             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—648—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—336,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—10,4—TODESFÄLLE—26—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200814             Aktualisierung 202008140000         —UHR
20200814             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—799—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—303,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—19,0—TODESFÄLLE—40—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200814             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.244—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—298,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—13,7—TODESFÄLLE—110—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200814             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.244—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—377,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—17,9—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200814             DUISBURG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.181—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—437,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—26,3—TODESFÄLLE—64—EINWOHNERZAHL—498.590
20200814             BOCHUM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—945—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—259,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—29,3—TODESFÄLLE—22—EINWOHNERZAHL—364.628
20200814             HERNE—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—387—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—247,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—30,7—TODESFÄLLE—5—EINWOHNERZAHL—156.374
20200814             HAGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—571—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—302,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—29,7—TODESFÄLLE—13—EINWOHNERZAHL—188.814
20200814             UNNA—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.065—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—269,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—26,9—TODESFÄLLE—40—EINWOHNERZAHL—394.782
20200814             Can he be stopped?
20200814             —ELECTED, No matter which candidate gets, to THE—WHITE—HOUSE, and "we the people" will continue to lose.
20200814             —ABUSED, Shelters for, women and health systems worldwide are —NOW stretched to 1—BREAKING point.
20200814             Are mercenaries illegal?
20200814             CHINA—MILITARY told not to fire 1. shot in STAND—OFF with USA—FORCES
20200814             —SENTENCED, EX—GREEN—BERETS, to —20—YEARS for failed VENEZUELA attack
20200814             "RUSSIA has designated the 'red lines' that we don't advise anyone to cross"
20200814             —CONSTITUTED, This bombings, war crimes because they targeted and killed NON—COMBATANTS, including children, women, and seniors with death.
20200814             —ACCUSED, THE—TRUMP regime hasn't, CHINA of taking Tik Tok data on USA users.
20200814             The 'intelligence' agencies are —JUST making WILD—ASS guesses about 'intentions' of perceived enemies to impress the people who sign off their budget.
20200814             Dolly Parton über Black Lives Matter, "Es gibt so etwas wie unschuldige IGNORANZ—UND die haben viele"
20200814             Blockierter Schlachthof, Tönnies fordert Schadensersatz von Tierschützern
20200814             Fauci warnte in demselben Gespräch davor, auf Herdenimmunität zu setzen.
20200814             Besonders in den USA mit einem erhöhten Anteil an Übergewichtigen und damit verbundenen Krankheiten wie Diabetes und Bluthochdruck würde dies die Risiken einer COVID—ERKRANKUNG deutlich verschärfen.
20200814             —FRIDAY, 20200814
20200814             The ultimate act of treason is THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—OUR mail service —WHEN we need it most.
20200814             The outrageous obviousness of this treachery is what galls me.
20200814             — Kelly Weill (@KELLYWEILL) 20200814
20200814             —PISSED, Actually, 1—WHOLE lotta lawyers are plenty.
20200814             "Tampering with the mail and FEDERAL—ELECTIONS are crimes no matter who does it," FEDERAL—CRIMINAL—DEFENSE—ATTORNEY—TOR Ekeland told Law&Crime.
20200814             "—JUST because you run the bank doesn't mean you get to steal the money. This reeks of mail and election FRAUD—THE—SCHEME to defraud using the removal of mail sorting machines without reason as 1—MEANS to inhibit mail in voting. These are felonies and should be investigated and prosecuted appropriately".
20200814             —FREITAG, 20200814             20200814             Basketballer nach CORONA—DEMO gekündigt, Saibou geht juristisch gegen Baskets BONN vor
20200814             Dürresommer in DEUTSCHLAND, Wird sogar das Trinkwasser knapp?
20200814             —NACH, PROTESTEN—BELARUS lässt rund 1.000—GEFANGENE FREI—MINISTER entschuldigt sich
20200814             Vor allem im Westen, Immer mehr Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND leben ohne Krankenversicherung
20200814             —VERBREITET, Wegen EINWANDERER—ELTERN, TRUMP, VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIE über Amtsanrecht von Kamala Harris
20200814             Kein Geld für die Post, USA—PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP räumt BLOCKADE—DER—BRIEFWAHL offen ein
20200814             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MORGEN, Hat TRUMP sich —JETZT den FRIEDENSNOBEL—PREIS verdient?
20200814             Von Mathieu von Rohr, Ressortleiter Ausland
20200814             Mobilitätswende, Behörden lehnen fast 25—PROZENT—DER—ANTRÄGE auf E—AUTO—PRÄMIE ab
20200814             UM—FRAGE zum Immobilienerbe, Mehrheit will Immobilie verkaufen, statt selbst einzuziehen
20200814             Sabrina Elba über COVID—19—ERKRANKUNG, "Irgendwann dachte Idris, daß dies das Ende sein könnte"
20200814             —REAKTIONEN auf SICHERHEITSgesetz, Sanktionen der BUNDES—REGIERUNG haben kaum direkte Auswirkungen
20200814             Schutz gegen CORONA—VIRUS—, Welche Maske ist die RICHTIGE—IN Grafiken erklärt
20200814             "Strategische Dummheit", IRAN und TÜRKEI verurteilen Vereinbarung zwischen ISRAEL und Emiraten
20200814             —PROTESTE—IN—BELARUS, Freigelassene Demonstranten berichten von schweren Misshandlungen
20200814             Konjunktur, CHINAs Wirtschaftsdaten enttäuschen
20200814             PRESSEKONFERENZ, RKI stellt STUDIE—ZU Antikörpern vor
20200814             MOHAMMED—BIN—ZAYED schließt Frieden mit ISRAEL, Der SCHATTEN—HERRSCHER
20200814             HAGEL—CHAOS bei der DAUPHINé, "1—JUNGE gab mir eine aufblasbare Matratze zum Schutz"
20200814             —CORONA—VIRUS—, Gebt den RISIKO—URLAUBERN lieber 1—PRÄMIE fürs Testen 1—KOLUMNE—VON—THOMAS—FRICKE
20200814             Machthaber LUKASCHENKO zur Lage in BELARUS, "Ich bin noch am Leben und nicht im Ausland"
20200814             Berliner Justiz, Blinde Augen des Gesetzes? 1—KOLUMNE—VON—THOMAS—FISCHER
20200814             NIEDERLANDE, 23-jähriger DEUTSCHEr bei POLIZEI—EINSATZ in AMSTERDAM getötet
20200814             Trotz massiver KRITIK—AN—BRIEFWAHL, TRUMP fordert Stimmzettel per Post an
20200814             Fall ANIS—AMRI, V—MANN sagt —AM—MONTAG vor UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS aus
20200814             —VERLOREN, Folge des KLIMA—WANDELS, GRÖNLANDs Eisschild ist
20200814             —DIPLOMATISCHE Beziehungen, BUNDES—REGIERUNG begrüßt Abkommen zwischen ISRAEL und Emiraten
20200814             Wegen Hassrede, YouTube sperrt Konto des rechtsextremen Rappers CHRIS—ARES
20200814             Börsengang, Investoren zahlen über 200.000.000—DOLLAR für CUREVAC—AKTIEN
20200814             Naher Osten, Was der Friedensplan zwischen ISRAEL und den VAE bedeutet
20200814             UNO—BERICHT, 100—TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN im LIBANON brauchen internationale Hilfe
20200814             Fri 20200814             20200814             NEUSEELAND hat ein paar neue Fälle, nach —100—TAGEN COVID—FREIEM Land.
20200814             Sie haben also schnell ALLE—DIAGNOSTIK draufgeworfen, die sie hatten, und keine Übereinstimmung der Virenstränge mit ihren bekannten Quarantänefällen gefunden.
20200814             Schlimmer noch, ALLE—EINREISENDEN nach NEUSEELAND müssen —2—WOCHEN in Quarantäne.
20200814             Es kam also auch nicht von Touristen oder Einreisenden.
20200814             Ja wo kam es dann her, fragt ihr? —NUN... die Betroffenen arbeiten in einer Kühlhalle.
20200814             Es steht also der Verdacht in der Luft, daß man sich DAS—VIRUS von tiefgekühlten IMPORT—LEBENSMITTELN einfangen kann.
20200814             Und in einer zeitlich bemerkenswerten Koinzidenz hat CHINA Covid in TIEFKÜHL—HÜHNCHEN aus BRASILIEN gefunden.
20200814             [l] Epic Games, die Macher von Fortnite, einem sehr populären Spiel, wagen gerade den Aufstand gegen APPLE.
20200814             Das GESCHÄFTS—MODELL von Fortnite ist, daß das Spiel selbst kostenlos ist, aber die Spieler dann im Spiel Geld für Upgrade ausgeben sollen.
20200814             APPLE (und Google!) haben da ein pauschales MONOPOL—SCHUTZGELD in Höhe von 30% verhängt.
20200814             Wer bei denen im App Store was verkaufen will, muss 30% an APPLE oder Google rausbluten.
20200814             Eine groteske Situation, von der ich MICH—SEIT—JAHREN frage, wieso die Kartellämter da nicht mal mit dem großen Vorschlaghammer draufkloppen.
20200814             —JETZT, hat Epic jedenfalls den Aufstand gewagt und im Game eine alternative Kaufmöglichkeit für die Gegenstände angeboten, bei der die 30% KOMMISSION wegfallen.
20200814             —REAGIERT, APPLE hat umgehend, und Fortnite aus dem App Store geschmissen.
20200814             —PRODUZIERT, Epic hatte für den Fall —SCHON dieses schöne Video, das APPLEs legendären ANTI—IBM—WERBESPOT aus —DEM—JAHRE 19840000             referenziert.
20200814             Und dann hat Epic noch 1—KLAGE gegen APPLE eingereicht.
20200814             —NUN, würde man sich denken, hey, Google ist Konkurrent von APPLE, die freuen sich bestimmt, wenn APPLE schlechte Presse kriegt.
20200814             Weit gefehlt! Google hat Epic auch aus ihrem Play Store rausgeschmissen.
20200814             Ich hoffe inständig, daß 1—GERICHT kommt und die KOMMISSION auf sagen wir 0,5% Maximum festlegt.
20200814             Das ist so eine unglaubliche Frechheit, was APPLE und Google da tun, das ist —SCHON lange überfällig, daß das GESCHÄFTS—MODELL mal entkernt wird.
20200814             —NACH, neuesten epidemiologischen Zahlen seien die SARS—COV—2—NEU—INFEKTIONEN stark rückläufig, teilte der LUXEMBURGISCHE—AUSSEN—MINISTER—JEAN—ASSELBORN seinem DEUTSCHEN—AMTSKOLLEGEN HEIKO—MAAS (SPD) mit.
20200814             Wegen stark steigender Fallzahlen müssen Reisende aus den NIEDERLANDEn und FRANKREICH in GROSSBRITANNIEN ab —SAMSTAG wieder in Quarantäne.
20200814             Ankommende aus den beiden Ländern sowie aus MONACO, MALTA, den TURKS—UND Caicosinseln und ARUBA müssten sich nach ihrer Ankunft im Vereinigten KÖNIG—REICH "—FÜR—2—WOCHEN selbst isolieren",
20200814             FLUGVERKEHRS—EXPERTE SVEN—SCHULZE (CDU) sagte, "DIE—RÜCKREISETESTS sollen zwischen Fluggastbrücke und Terminalgebäude durchgeführt werden".
20200814             Er fordert, "Polizisten müssen die AKKU—RATE Durchführung der Kontrollen überwachen".
20200814             "DIE—POLITIK hätte die Sommerpause besser nutzen müssen", sagte Wassmuth.
20200814             MEXIKO und PERU verzeichnen jeweils mehr als 500.000—CORONA—FÄLLE
20200814             DIE—NEUEN BRITISCHEN—MASSNAHMEN seien eine "—ENTSCHEIDUNG, die wir bedauern und die zu einer reziproken Maßnahme führen wird", twitterte der FRANZÖSISCHE—MINISTER—FÜR—EUROPAANGELEGENHEITEN, Clément Beaune
20200814             —DIE—LAGE
20200814             —WIEDER, normalisiere - SÜD—KOREA meldet 103—NEUE—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN.
20200814             In 85—DIESER Fälle hätten sich die Betroffenen in SÜD—KOREA angesteckt, teilen DIE—BEHÖRDEN mit.
20200814             Das sei die höchste Zahl lokaler Übertragungen —SEIT Ende —MÄRZ.
20200814             DIE—AKTUELLE CORONA—KRISE mache die Bedeutung eines funktionierenden Gesundheitssystems deutlich.
20200814             1.449—NEU—INFEKTIONEN und 14—WEITERE Tote in DEUTSCHLAND
20200814             Urlauber mit Vorerkrankungen und aus der Risikogruppe sollten ihre Reisen nach ANSICHT—VON—VERBRAUCHERSCHÜTZERN in der CORONA—PANDEMIE kostenlos absagen können.
20200814             "Jemand, der aufgrund seines Risikoempfindens oder einer gesundheitlichen Vorbelastung berechtigte Sorge hat, darf sich nicht durch Zahlungsaufforderungen verpflichtet fühlen, in 1—RISIKO—GEBIET zu fahren",
20200814             —CORONA—PLAN, Laptops für Lehrer und günstiges INTERNET für Schüler
20200814             Bund und Länder wollen die Digitalisierung an den Schulen angesichts der CORONA—KRISE mit konkreten Hilfen für Lehrkräfte und Schüler deutlich beschleunigen.
20200814             DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG könnte als Folge der CORONA—KRISE um teure KLIMA—SCHUTZSTRAFZAHLUNGEN herumkommen.
20200814             —SEIT—JAHREN reißt DEUTSCHLAND eigentlich EU—BUDGETS für den Treibhausgasausstoß.
20200814             —ANFANG des —JAHRES ging die BUNDES—REGIERUNG noch davon aus, zusätzliche Verschmutzungsrechte bei anderen Staaten kaufen zu müssen.
20200814             300.000.000—EURO waren dafür —SCHON eingeplant, der genaue Preis wäre aber Verhandlungssache gewesen.
20200814             —NUN hat die Denkfabrik Agora Energiewende berechnet, daß die Einschränkungen der CORONA—KRISE das Defizit deutlich verkleinern DÜRFTEN—ODER die Ziele sogar übererfüllt werden könnten.
20200814             —CORONA habe die Emissionen auf 1—MAß zurückgestutzt, das den Zielvorgaben entspreche.
20200814             "Um das dauerhaft zu sichern, sind Sprünge hin zu klimafreundlichen Technologien nötig, mehr Elektroautos, mehr WIND—UND Solaranlagen, energieeffiziente Gebäude",
20200814             WHO WARNT—VOR—IMPFSTOFF—NATIONALISMUS, EU will sich Impfstoff von JOHNSON & JOHNSON sichern
20200814             sagte WHO—CHEF—TEDROS Adhanom Ghebreyesus in GENF.
20200814             Die WELT—WIRTSCHAFT könne sich —ERST nachhaltig erholen, wenn DAS—VIRUS überall besiegt sei.
20200814             —GEFORSCHT, Dazu müsse an möglichst vielen Impfstoffen, werden, statt auf einzelne Kandidaten zu setzen.
20200814             Der Leipziger Epidemiologe MARKUS—SCHOLZ rät angesichts steigender Infektionen in der CORONA—PANDEMIE von einer Rückkehr zu Großveranstaltungen ab, beispielsweise Konzerten von Stars wie HELENE—FISCHER oder dem geplanten Auftritt von SARAH—CONNOR in DÜSSELDORF.
20200814             "DIE—2. Welle zeichnet sich deutlich ab, da wir —NUN über mehrere —WOCHEN einen Anstieg der aktiven Infektionszahlen feststellen", sagte SCHOLZ der DEUTSCHEN—PRESSE—AGENTUR.
20200814             "Ich sehe daher aktuell keinerlei Spielraum für weitere LOCKERUNGEN—AUCH und gerade nicht für Großveranstaltungen".
20200814             —BEREITS sich abzeichnende Effekte durch Reiserückkehrer sind laut SCHOLZ "stark beunruhigend".
20200814             —BEACHTET, Bei Großveranstaltungen gebe es mehrere Risiken, die, werden müssten.
20200814             "DIE—MENSCHEN gehen umher, holen sich Getränke, gehen auf die TOILETTE—DA finden dann sehr VIELE—KONT—AKTE statt, die bei einer großen Personenanzahl kaum nachzuvollziehen sind",
20200814             Der HAMBURGer Virologe JONAS—SCHMIDT—CHANASIT hält 1—RÜCKKEHR dagegen grundsätzlich für MÖGLICH—ETWA mit umfangreichen Testungen im Vorfeld.
20200814             Wichtig sei es, die ZAHL—DER—NEU—INFEKTIONEN in einer Region im Blick zu behalten.
20200814             FRANKREICH erklärt PARIS und Region um MARSEILLE wieder zu Risikogebieten
20200814             Das Konjunkturpaket der BUNDES—REGIERUNG im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—CORONA—KRISE schadet einer STUDIE—ZUFOLGE teilweise der Wirtschaft.
20200814             Über 40—MILLIARDEN Euro der geplanten Subventionen seien kritisch zu sehen,
20200814             Als widersprüchlich und damit ineffizient werden 14.700.000.000—EURO der Subventionen und DAMIT—CA—8,8 PROZENT—DES—GESAMTPAKETS bezeichnet.
20200814             Dazu zählt das IfW die Senkung der EEG—UMLAGE zur Förderung des Ökostroms, die FINANZ—HILFEN für den Erhalt der Wälder und für die Umstellung der Flugzeugflotten auf Maschinen neuester Bauart sowie das CO2-Gebäudesanierungsprogramm.
20200814             "Problematisch ist nicht das Ziel der KLIMA—SCHUTZMAßNAHMEN, sondern deren Ausgestaltung",
20200814             DER—SPD—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTE KARL—LAUTERBACH sieht DEUTSCHLAND angesichts der wieder steigenden Infektionszahlen am Beginn einer 2. CORONA—WELLE.
20200814             "Es gibt zahlreiche ANHALTS—PUNKTE dafür, daß wir so nicht weitermachen können wie —JETZT",
20200814             DIE—PANDEMIE sei nicht vorbei, DIE—MENSCHEN verhielten sich aber unvorsichtiger.
20200814             Um die Lage in den Griff zu bekommen, sei unter anderem eine gute TEST—STRATEGIE notwendig.
20200814             "Wir müssen schneller testen, mehr testen".
20200814             DIE—DÄNISCHE—WIRTSCHAFTS—LEISTUNG ist in der CORONA—KRISE deutlich zurückgegangen.
20200814             Der Einbruch im 2. Quartal fiel aber weniger stark aus als in DEUTSCHLAND und anderen europäischen Ländern.
20200814             Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) nahm —IN—DEN—MONATEN—APRIL —BIS ;;06;;
20200814             im Vergleich zum Vorquartal um 7,4 Prozent ab,
20200814             —VERLÄNGERT, NEUSEELAND, Lockdown in AUCKLAND - 30—FÄLLE —SEIT—DIENSTAG
20200814             "Die Beschränkungen —JETZT aufzuheben und dann 1—EXPLOSION neuer Fälle zu haben, wäre das Schlimmste für AUCKLAND und unsere Wirtschaft", so Ardern.
20200814             Das Bundesverfassungsgericht zwingt den Gesetzgeber vorerst nicht, verbindlich zu regeln, wen Ärzte in der CORONA—PANDEMIE bei Engpässen retten sollen und wen nicht.
20200814             Einen Eilantrag mehrerer Kläger mit Behinderungen und Vorerkrankungen wegen der sogenannten Triage wiesen die Richter ab, wie das Gericht in KARLSRUHE —AM—FREITAG mitteilte.
20200814             DIE—KLÄGER befürchten, bei diesem Kriterium auf der Strecke zu bleiben.
20200814             Das Urlaubsland KROATIEN hält die zuletzt stark gestiegene ZAHL—VON—INFEKTIONEN—MIT—DEM CORONA—VIRUS nicht für bedenklich.
20200814             "DIE—ZAHLEN werden wahrscheinlich im Rahmen dieser Grenzen bleiben, vielleicht werden sie sogar noch ein wenig steigen, aber es gibt kein exponenzielles Wachstum", sagte der stellvertretende INNEN—MINISTER—DAMIR Trut
20200814             VIETNAM hat sich für den Kauf des RUSSISCHEN—CORONA—IMPFSTOFFS "SPUTNIK—V" registriert.
20200814             In der Zwischenzeit werde das südostasiatische Land weiter an der Entwicklung eines eigenen Impfstoffs arbeiten,
20200814             VIETNAM galt lange als erfolgreich im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—CORONA—PANDEMIE und war von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation wiederholt gelobt worden.
20200814             1—UNTERSUCHUNG des ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS von gut 2200—MENSCHEN in Kupferzell in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG hat bei knapp 8—PROZENT—DER—GETESTETEN—ANTIKÖRPER festgestellt.
20200814             Bei 7,7 Prozent wurde diese Reaktion auf DAS—VIRUS nachgewiesen, teilt das RKI mit.
20200814             1—ANTEIL von knapp 8—PROZENT—VON—MENSCHEN mit Antikörpern ist laut dem Institut unzureichend zur Verhinderung einer neue Infektionswelle.
20200814             "Das reicht nicht aus",
20200814             nicht klar sei, ob die ZAHL—DER—ANTIKÖRPER für 1—IMMUNITÄT gegen DAS—VIRUS ausreiche.
20200814             mit seinen etwa 66,6 Millionen Einwohnern —NUN etwa 340.000.000 Dosen von 6—VERSCHIEDENEN Impfstoffkandidaten gesichert.
20200814             Unklar ist jedoch, ob sich 1—DER—STOFFE als wirksam erweisen wird.
20200814             Das GESUNDHEITS—MINISTERIUM will aus der jüngsten Panne des ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS keine Konsequenzen ziehen.
20200814             "Wir vertrauen dem RKI voll und ganz", sagt 1—SPRECHER—DES—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS.
20200814             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Das RKI hatte —AM—MITTWOCH 1—STUDIE, wonach 1—CORONA—IMPFSTOFF womöglich —SCHON—IM—HERBST zur Verfügung stehen könnte, das Papier aber KURZ—DANACH als veraltet dargestellt und zurückgezogen.
20200814             IMPFSTOFF—FIRMA CureVac nimmt mit Börsengang 213.000.000—DOLLAR ein
20200814             Bei einer ANTIKÖRPERSTUDIE—ZUM—CORONA—HOTSPOT im BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERGISCHEN Kupferzell hat das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT eine hohe DUNKEL—ZIFFER nicht über Tests erfasster Infektionen ermittelt.
20200814             Danach gab es in der 6000—EINWOHNER—GEMEINDE im Hohenlohekreis fast 4—MAL (3,9) so VIELE—INFIZIERTE wie —BISHER bekannt waren, erklärten Forscher das RKI —AM—FREITAG in Kupferzell.
20200814             Bei 7,7 Prozent der 2203—GETESTETEN Erwachsenen seien Antikörper gegen DAS—VIRUS SARS—COV—2—NACHGEWIESEN worden.
20200814             Selbst ein solcher im Bundesvergleich relativ hoher Wert reiche aber nicht aus, um eine befürchtete "2. Welle" zu verhindern, sagte RKI—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—LARS—SCHAADE.
20200814             Das bedeute jedoch nicht, daß keine Immunität gegen DAS—VIRUS bestehe.
20200814             Etwa jeder 6. positiv getestete (16,8 Prozent) hatte keine typischen Krankheitssymptome.
20200814             Migrantencamp in GRIECHENLAND nach CORONA—FÄLLEN IN—QUARANTÄNE
20200814             DIE—EU hat sich mit dem BRITISCHEN—PHARMA—KONZERN AstraZeneca auf den Kauf von mindestens 300.000.000 Dosen eines in der Entwicklung befindlichen Impfstoffs verständigt.
20200814             Sollte sich das Vakzin als sicher und wirksam erweisen, könnten weitere 100.000.000 Dosen gekauft werden,
20200814             Aufgrund der steigenden Infektionszahlen von Reiserückkehrern aus KROATIEN bzw. einem Anstieg in dem Land selbst warnt ÖSTERREICH erneut vor Reisen nach KROATIEN.
20200814             Die Reisewarnung tritt —IN—DER—NACHT auf —MONTAG—UM—MITTERNACHT in Kraft,
20200814             "Smarte" Wartehäuschen an BUS—HALTESTELLEN in der SÜDKOREANISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—SEOUL können Menschen mit erhöhter Körpertemperatur ERKENNEN—UND sie automatisch vor dem Eintritt abhalten.
20200814             Die Häuschen mit den verglasten Wänden sollen den Wartenden nicht nur Witterungsschutz bieten, sondern auch als Nebeneffekt in Zeiten der CORONA—PANDEMIE Schutz vor Ansteckung gewähren.
20200814             —AM Eingang wird mit einer Wärmebildkamera Fieber gemessen.
20200814             Wer eine erhöhte Temperatur habe, werde automatisch daran gehindert, einzutreten.
20200814             Zudem sind die Häuschen mit ultraviolettem Licht ausgestattet, um DIE—ÜBERTRAGUNG—VON—VIREN in der Luft zu verhindern.
20200814             Der Beschluss könnte in Kürze auf ganz ITALIEN ausgedehnt werden, kündigte der REGIONAL—MINISTER—DER—REGIERUNG in Rom, FRANCESCO—BOCCIA, in der Zeitung "La Stampa" (—FREITAG) an.
20200814             —GEWESEN, DIE—REGIERUNG sei stets gegen die Öffnung der Tanzlokale.
20200814             Sie habe den 20—REGIONEN mit einem Dekret —IM—MAI allerdings Spielraum für eigene —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN eingeräumt.
20200814             Sollte die Entwicklung weiteren Anlass zur Sorge geben, seien Verbote SOFORT—DENKBAR.
20200814             "Wir sind offensichtlich viel besser dran als andere EUROPA—LÄNDER", sagte Bocca.
20200814             "Aber DAS—VIRUS zirkuliert, und wir müssen weiter aufpassen".
20200814             —VERBIETET, SPANIEN, Nachtleben und weitgehend Rauchen im Freien
20200814             Das Nachtleben werde landesweit unterbunden, das Rauchen im öffentlichen Raum verboten, wenn der SICHERHEITSabstand nicht eingehalten werden kann, und Alkohol dürfe nicht mehr im Freien getrunken werden, sagte GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—SALVADOR—ILLA
20200814             Von —MITTWOCH auf —DONNERSTAG waren binnen —24—STUNDEN landesweit fast 3000—NEUE—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN registriert worden, so viele wie zuletzt —IM—APRIL.
20200814             —GETESTET, Allerdings wird viel mehr, und VIELE—DER—BETROFFENEN haben keine oder nur milde Krankheitssymptome.
20200814             SERBIEN schränkt Reisefreiheit wegen CORONA—PANDEMIE ein
20200814             Das Urlaubsland SPANIEN GILT—MIT Ausnahme der Kanarischen INSELN—FÜR DAS—CORONA—KRISENMANAGEMENT in DEUTSCHLAND —NUN als RISIKO—GEBIET wegen hoher Infektionszahlen.
20200814             Das entschieden die beteiligten Bundesministerien, Gebäude der MARTIN—SCHULE in Viersen
20200814             —BEGONNEN, Das Schuljahr in NRW hat, —AM—DONNERSTAG sollen —NUN auch die I—DÖTZCHEN eingeschult werden.
20200814             —GESCHLOSSEN, Vorausgesetzt, ihre GRUND—SCHULE ist nicht —SCHON wieder.
20200814             1—BUNDESWEHR—HUBSCHRAUBER bei einem Tiefflug über Arnsberg.
20200814             1—BUNDESWEHR—HUBSCHRAUBER im Tiefflug hat in Arnsberg für Aufregung gesorgt.
20200814             1—SOLDAT wollte seiner Verlobten offenbar einen LIEBES—GRUß überbringen.
20200814             Pandemia no ALGARVE "está estabilizada" apesar de a população "ter triplicado"
20200814             COVID—19, Mais de 60% dos alojamentos turísticos tiveram cancelamentos de reservas
20200814             COVID—19, DGS reporta mais 11—CASOS no ALGARVE e 13—NO Alentejo
20200814             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—648—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—336,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—10,4—TODES—FÄLLE—26,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200814             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—799—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—303,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—19,0—TODES—FÄLLE—40,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200814             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.244—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—298,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—13,7—TODES—FÄLLE—110,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200814             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.244—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—377,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—17,9—TODES—FÄLLE—42,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200814             DUISBURG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.181—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—437,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—26,3—TODES—FÄLLE—64,—EINWOHNERZAHL—498.590
20200814             BOCHUM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—945—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—259,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—29,3—TODES—FÄLLE—22,—EINWOHNERZAHL—364.628
20200814             HERNE—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—387—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—247,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—30,7—TODES—FÄLLE—5,—EINWOHNERZAHL—156.374
20200814             HAGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—571—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—302,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—29,7—TODES—FÄLLE—13,—EINWOHNERZAHL—188.814
20200814             UNNA—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.065—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—269,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—26,9—TODES—FÄLLE—40,—EINWOHNERZAHL—394.782
20200814             PUTIN and RUSSIA are facing 1—VERY—SERIOUS—CRISIS in BELARUS
20200814             —ENGAGED, THE—USA—IS clearly, in major strategic PSYOP to seize CONTROL—OF—BELARUS.
20200814             Viral Fake Footage Of "Chinese" Atrocities Shows THE—POWER—OF—NARRATIVE—SPIN
20200814             Stay skeptical. Stay critical.
20200814             Demand hard, verifiable proof about ANY—CLAIM about ANY—USA—TARGETED nation".
20200814             October Surprise, WILL—WAR—WITH—I—RAN—BE—TRUMP—ELECTION—EVE—SHOCKER?
20200814             "SOME—OFFICIALS say that 1—JOINT—AMERICA—ISRAEL—STRATEGY is evolving" - What If TRUMP Won't Leave?
20200814             —PREPARED, TRUMP is, to do whatever it takes to keep power.
20200814             This Is AMERIKA, Where Fascism, Totalitarianism and MILITARism Go Hand In Hand
20200814             Domestic Violence in THE—TIMES—OF—THE—PANDEMIC
20200814             USA to build up mercenary forces to secure oil fields in SYRIA:
20200814             20—CHILDREN killed in YEMEN —SINCE UK resumed selling bombs to SAUDI—ARABIA
20200814             Pompeo Overlooked CIVIL—DEATH—RISKS—OF—SAUDI—ARMS—SALES, Watchdog Says, Pompeo didn't take steps to reduce CIVIL—CASUALTIES, —WHEN he approved $8.1::00.000.000—IN arms sales to SAUDI—ARABIA
20200814             TRUMP vows 'deal with IRAN' within —4—WEEKS—OF—REELECTION
20200814             USA  Pushes Doomed IRAN RESOLUTION at UNITED—NATIONS, CHINA and RUSSIA have made it clear they believe THE—USA has no legal standing to invoke the snapback provision
20200814             IRAN nuclear deal at risk as UNITED—NATIONS council prepares to vote on arms embargo, 1—CHINA—DIPLOMAT at THE—UNITED—NATIONS, said that "extending the arms embargo on IRAN in whatever form lacks legal basis".
20200814             'Those who play with fire will get burned', BEIJING warns WASHINGTON
20200814             CHINA Duplicates Its MILITARy Presence on THE—INDIA—BORDER
20200814             THE—FILTHY—HYPOCRISY—OF—AMERICA'S "Clean" CHINA—FREE—INTERNET, As 1—POLICY—DOCUMENT it's nonsensical, but as 1—MORAL—DOCUMENT, 1—PIECE—OF codified hypocrisy, it's crystal clear:
20200814             Leaked Documents Reveal What TikTok Shares with Authorities — in THE—USA
20200814             BELARUS, Police use live FIRE—ON—PROTESTERS
20200814             UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS CHIEF condemns crackdown in BELARUS, says 6,000 detained in last —3—DAYS
20200814             BELARUS, OPPOSITION leader Tikhanovskaya fled 'for sake of her children'
20200814             SERBIA considers buying CHINA—MISSILES despite USA warning
20200814             —THREATENED, GERMANY is furious ASUSA—SENATORS, port with 'crushing' sanctions for helping RUSSIA—SHIPS build 1—GAS—LINE across EUROPE
20200814             Ban 'killer robots' with INTERNATIONAL treaty, says HUMAN—RIGHTS Watch
20200814             —CORONA—VIRUS—, 'Fear' and lockdown in AUCKLAND
20200814             BOLIVIA, Armed GANGS—OF—WHITE—SUPREMACIST—ATTACK—WORKERS Protesting Against COUP—BORN Regime
20200814             CUBA could produce RUSSIA—COVID 19—VACCINE, "THE—MANUFACTURE—OF—THE—RUSSIA—VACCINE in CUBA can begin —IN—NOVEMBER "
20200814             UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON forecasts 300,000 USA—COVID—19—DEATHS
20200814             Most USA—RESIDENTS Won't Be Able to Get 1—CORONA—VIRUS—VACCINE—UNTIL Well Into 2021
20200814             USA  is flying blind on its CORONA—VIRUS—RESPONSE, This is THE—LA—TEST—EXAMPLE—OF how THE—WORLD—WEALTHIEST country —JUST can't get it together.
20200814             TRUMP says 19180000             flu pandemic 'probably ended the 2. World War,' which ended in 1945
20200814             Car Line Stretches More Than 1—MILE—AT—TEXAS—FOOD—GIVEAWAY
20200814             "If I don't win the election, CHINA will own THE—USA—YOU will have to learn to speak Chinese!" TRUMP said.
20200814             Meet THE—BILLIONAIRE donors shaping 20200000             —THE—PRESIDENT—ELECTION
20200814             BIDEN lays 1—TRAP for TRUMP in picking Harris
20200814             —DONATED, TRUMP, to Kamala Harris' campaigns twice —WHILE he was 1—PRIVATE—CITIZEN
20200814             Cops hold 1—BLACK—FAMILY — including children — at gunpoint and handcuffed them on the ground
20200814             Police Held 3—BLACK—TEENS At Gunpoint, " They're kids," 1—BYSTANDER said.
20200814             "They weren't doing anything".
20200814             TED—CRUZ—HEARING on Anarchist PROTEST Violence Was 1—TOTAL—FARCE
20200814             RUSSIA warns it will see ANY—INCOMING missile as nuclear
20200814             USA—WAR—CRIMES at HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI
20200814             HONG—KONG, 'Freedom'... to Subvert
20200814             The election will not stop THE—RISE—OF—HYPERNATIONALISM, crisis cults and other signs of 1—EMPIRE—TERMINAL—DECLINE.
20200814             CIA Finds 'No Evidence' CHINA—GOVERNMENT—HAS—ACCESSED—TIKTOK—DATA, Report Says
20200814             No EVIDENCE—OF—FOREIGN Interference In USA—ELECTIONS, USA—INTELLIGENCE Says
20200814             CHINA and Uyghurs — What You're Not Being Told, What's the real story?
20200814             LET—GO beyond exaggeration, distortion and sensationalism.
20200814             Semesterstart an DEUTSCHEN—UNIS in der CORONA—KRISE, Ausländische Studierende dürfen nur bedingt einreisen
20200814             THE—GREAT—ENERGY—DEBATE, Is Nuclear Power the Solution to Climate Change?
20200814             Interview Conducted by PHILIP—BETHGE und Rafaela von Bredow
20200814             Wie Gefangene in BELARUS misshandelt werden, "Ihr Ratten, wir werden euch zeigen, für wen man stimmt"
20200814             Deeply Wounded City, 1—PORTRAIT—OF—BEIRUT —AFTER THE—EXPLOSION
20200814             EU—AUßEN—MINISTER—BRINGEN—SANKTIONEN gegen BELARUS auf den Weg
20200814             —REPORTER—FRAGE an TRUMP, "Herr PRÄSIDENT, bereuen Sie ihre Lügen?"
20200814             —FESTLAND und Balearen, Auswärtiges Amt WARNT—VOR—REISEN nach SPANIEN
20200814             Aufregung um ANTIFA—AUSSTELLUNG in SACHSEN, Canceln gecancelt
20200814             Übersicht zu Bußgeldern, So teuer können Verstöße gegen DIE—CORONA—REGELN werden
20200814             Auf dem Weg nach VENEZUELA: USA beschlagnahmen 4—IRANISCHE—ÖLTANKER
20200814             USA—SCHAUSPIELER und Virologe im VIDEO—GESPRÄCH: "Ich bin wütend darüber, wie CORONA politisiert wurde"
20200814             —STREIT—ÜBER—ANGEBLICHE Manipulationen, BIDEN spottet über TRUMP—BRIEFWAHLANTRAG in FLORIDA
20200814             DIE—RHEINLAND—PFÄLZISCHE Bildungsministerin STEFANIE—HUBIG (SPD) hat die Forderung des DEUTSCHEN—LEHRERVERBANDES zurückgewiesen, besonders engagierten Lehrern in der CORONA—KRISE einen finanziellen Bonus zu bezahlen.
20200814             "Wir sehen, daß in der CORONA—KRISE sich die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, aber auch Erzieherinnen und Erzieher, der gesamte öffentliche Dienst und auch darüber hinaus ganz, ganz VIELE—MENSCHEN über Gebühr angestrengt haben",
20200814             —POLITISIERT, MATTHEW—MCCONAUGHEY: "Voller Wut darüber, wie Covid, wurde"
20200814             PARIS gilt wegen der steigenden ZAHL—DER—NEU—INFEKTIONEN wieder als Zone, in der DAS—VIRUS aktiv zirkuliert.
20200814             Auch das Département BOUCHES—DU—RHÔNE, in dem die Stadt MARSEILLE liegt, ist von der neuen Einstufung betroffen.
20200814             —FRIDAY, 20200814             20200814             —WHEN, traitors strike
20200814             Even if people follow ALL—OF—THEIR—STATE'S—ELECTION—RULES, THE—PACE—OF—POSTAL—SERVICE—DELIVERY may disqualify their votes.
20200814             THE—POSTAL—SERVICE—WARNINGS—OF—POTENTIAL—DISENFRANCHISEMENT came as the agency undergoes 1—SWEEPING organizational and policy overhaul amid dire financial conditions.
20200814             —DELAYED, COST—CUTTING moves have already, mail delivery by as much as —1—WEEK in SOME—PLACES, and 1—NEW—DECISION to decommission 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—POSTAL—SERVICE—SORTING machines sparked widespread concern the slowdowns will only worsen.
20200814             This will go down in HISTORY as the most brazen act of political criminality —SINCE THE—MURDER—OF—RFK.
20200814             Can't the bastards at least try to be subtle?
20200814             THE—POST—OFFICE is 1—NECESSARY—PART—OF—GOVERNMENT, specifically mentioned in THE—CONSTITUTION, and TRUMP is murdering it -- in plain sight, with 1—RUSTY ax.
20200814             —PROPOSED, THE—USA—POSTAL—SERVICE, removing 20—PERCENT—OF—LETTER sorting machines it uses —AROUND THE—COUNTRY—BEFORE revising the plan weeks —LATER to closer to 15—PERCENT of all machines, meaning 502 will be taken OUT—OF—SERVICE, ACCORDING—TO, DOCUMENTS  obtained by Motherboard outlining the agency's plans.
20200814             USPS workers told Motherboard this will slow their ability to sort mail.
20200814             "MUL—TIPLE sources within THE—POSTAL—SERVICE told Motherboard they have personally witnessed the machines, which cost MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS, being destroyed or thrown in the dumpster".
20200814             — Kelly Weill (@KELLYWEILL) 20200814             20200814             TRUMP—POSTMASTER—GENERAL, LOUIS—DEJOY, is impeachable.
20200814             So why aren't the Dems on it? Like, right freakin' —NOW?
20200814             DeJoy should be tried for breaking THIS LAW.
20200814             And why won't CONGRESS impeach TRUMP again for this flagrant illegality?
20200814             Hearings could prove very instructive. TRUMP also broke THIS LAW.
20200814             "—JUST because you run the bank doesn't mean you get to steal THE—MONEY—THIS reeks of mail and election FRAUD—THE—SCHEME to defraud using the removal of mail sorting machines without reason as 1—MEANS to inhibit mail in voting.
20200814             —PROTESTE—IN—BELARUS: Blumen und Umarmungen für Soldaten
20200814             INDISCHER—ONKEL—VON—VIZEKANDIDATIN—HARRIS: "Legen Sie sich nicht mit Kamala an" Von Laura Höflinger, BANGALORE
20200814             —GEHOBEN, VON—TRUMP—INS Amt : Rechnungshof erklärt Berufung von USA—MINISTERN für rechtswidrig
20200814             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN, Hat Trump sich —JETZT den
20200814—20200301    —AM, KUPFERZELL, war es —IN—DEN—WOCHEN nach einem Kirchenkonzert zu mehr als 100—BEKANNTEN Infektionsfällen gekommen, 3—BETROFFENE waren gestorben.
20200814—20200827    —AM, Schule in NIEDERSACHSEN soll unter Auflagen beginnen
20200814—20200921    —AM, DIE—WEITGEHENDE Schließung der USA—GRENZEN—ZU—KANADA und MEXIKO wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE wird erneut um einen —MONAT verlängert.
20200814—20200921    Die Grenzen könnten demnach frühestens wieder für den regulären REISE—VERKEHR geöffnet werden,
20200814—20210000    —FÜR—GEPLANT, JOHNSON will 100. —JAHRESTAG—DER—TEILUNG IRLANDs mit Feier begehen
20200827—20200814    —SEIT—DEM, Geklagt hatte 1—FAMILIE, die im Moment Urlaub auf Mallorca macht und —AM—SAMSTAG zurückkommen will.
20200827—20200814    Die SPANISCHE—FERIENINSEL ist als Risikogebiet eingestuft.
20200827—20200814    Die Kläger wollten dem —DERZEIT verpflichtenden CORONA—TEST bei der Einreise aus dem Weg gehen.
20200827—20200814    Die "Zwangstestung" verletze ihre körperliche Integrität, sie müssten gegen ihren Willen eine ärztliche Behandlung dulden.
20200827—20200814    Mit ihrem Eilantrag in KARLSRUHE wollten die Eltern zumindest erreichen, daß ihr knapp zweijähriger Sohn nicht getestet wird.
20210814             —SAMSTAG, 20210814
20210814             Rückkehr zu Maske und strengeren Regeln: So kämpft ISRAEL gegen die DELTA—VARIANTE
20210814             Zinsklau und illegale Kontogebühren: So wehren Sie sich gegen unverschämte Banken
20210814             Offensive der Taliban: USA—REGIERUNG wirft AFGHANISCHER—FÜHRUNG mangelnde Kampfbereitschaft vor
20210814             Nach 600—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR—DIEBSTAHL: Poly Network bietet Hackern 500.000—DOLLAR "Finderlohn" an
20210814             Ärger über Kritik an Wagenknecht: LINKEN—NAHE Gewerkschaft ruft zu LINKEN—WAHLBOYKOTT auf
20210814             Gespräche in MEXIKO: Venezuelas Regierung und Opposition wollen wieder verhandeln
20210814             Hitzewelle auf Sizilien: "Das ist kein positiver Rekord, sondern 1—PROBLEM"
20210814             Aufrufe zur Gewalt: USA—HEIMATSCHUTZMINISTERIUM warnt vor erhöhter terroristischer Bedrohungslage
20210814             REKORD—DROGENFUND: ECUADOR stellt fast 10—TONNEN Kokain aus KOLUMBIEN sicher
20210814             DESKTOP—COMPUTER: Aufstieg und FALL—DES—IBM—PC
20210814             Unwetterkatastrophe: ZAHL—DER—FLUTOPFER in der TÜRKEI steigt weiter
20210814             CORONA—ZAHLENCHAOS: Studie schürt neue Zweifel an Deutschlands Impfstatistik
20210814             Afghanistans HAUPTSTADT: Taliban stehen —BEREITS kurz vor KABUL
20210814             Röttgen fordert BUNDESWEHR—EINSATZ: "Man darf nicht zuschauen, wie Menschen von den Taliban abgeschlachtet werden"
20210814             BASMATI—ANBAU im Himalaja: 3000—LITER Wasser für eine Packung Reis
20210814             Trübe Aussichten: Tief "Luciano" bringt Gewitter, Sturm und Starkregen
20210814             Pressefreiheit: BBC—KORRESPONDENTIN soll "nie mehr nach RUSSLAND zurückkehren" dürfen
20210814             Waldbrände in ITALIEN: Mehr als 400—FEUERWEHREINSÄTZE binnen —12—STUNDEN
20210814             —BEREITET, TALIBAN—OFFENSIVE: Bundeswehr, große Evakuierung in KABUL vor
20210814             TALIBAN—VORMARSCH in AFGHANISTAN: "Wir warten auf den Tod" 1—VIDEO—VON—JANITA—HÄMÄLÄINEN
20210814             Umweltkatastrophe: Verheerende Waldbrände in RUSSLAND breiten sich aus
20210814             WALDBRAND—EINSATZ: RUSSISCHES—LÖSCHFLUGZEUG stürzt über der TÜRKEI ab
20210814             Einsatz gegen Schwarzmarkt: LIBANESISCHE—ARMEE bezieht Stellung an Tankstellen
20210814             VIELE—TODESOPFER erwartet: Schweres Erdbeben erschüttert HAITI
20210814             REKORD—NIEDERSCHLÄGE: Hunderttausende Japaner müssen sich in Sicherheit bringen
20210814             SCHWEDISCHES—KÖNIGSHAUS: PRINZ—JULIAN ist getauft
20210814             PORTIMÃO: Tendas climatizadas acolhem Idosos do Lar da Raminha em isolamento profilático
20210814             ALBUFEIRA: PRAIA do Ninho das Andorinhas evacuada devido a risco de derrocada
20210814             ALBUFEIRA cancela parte do programa do seu feriado por causa do calor
20210814             —REGISTRIERT, RKI, 5644—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20210814             Angesichts zunehmender CORONA—INFEKTIONEN mit der hochansteckenden DELTA—VARIANTE hat die KANADISCHE—REGIERUNG 1—IMPFPFLICHT für ALLE—MITARBEITER—DER—BUNDESBEHÖRDEN angekündigt.
20210814             "Wir wissen, dass Impfstoffe der beste Weg sind, diese Pandemie zu beenden",
20210814             Die Regierung erwarte daher, dass die Staatsbediensteten sich "an diese PFLICHT—VORAUSSETZUNG" einer CORONA—IMPFUNG halten.
20210814             Der DEUTSCHE—LEHRERVERBAND fordert, dass in Schulen noch für längere Zeit Masken zum Schutz vor CORONA getragen werden sollen.
20210814             In den 1. —MONATEN des neuen Schuljahres müsse es eine umfassende Maskenpflicht und weiterhin regelmäßige Tests von Schülerinnen und Schülern geben,
20210814             Er begründete das damit, dass jüngere Kinder —BISHER nicht geimpft sind und von den größeren nur 1—TEIL.
20210814             Wegen CORONA: BRIEFWAHL—REKORD bei Bundestagswahl erwartet
20210814             "Unabhängig von der Pandemie zeichnet sich —SEIT—JAHREN 1—TREND hin zur Briefwahl ab.
20210814             Es ist einfach bequemer".
20210814             Der Kasseler Politologe WOLFGANG—SCHROEDER geht für die Bundestagswahl davon aus, "dass wir auf jeden Fall einen Briefwähleranteil von über 30—PROZENT haben werden".
20210814             —SEIT—MITTE —JANUAR, Gut 150.000—VERSTÖSSE gegen Meldepflicht bei Einreise aus Risikogebieten
20210814             Unabhängig davon, ob sie sich in einem Risiko-, HOCHRISIKO—ODER Virusvariantengebiet aufgehalten haben, müssen Einreisende —NUN entweder einen negativen PCR—ODER Schnelltest, oder einen IMPF—ODER GENESENEN—NACHWEIS vorlegen können.
20210814             SYDNEY verschärft ANTI—CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20210814             Der CHEF—DER—BUNDESAGENTUR für Arbeit, DETLEF—SCHEELE, plädiert für mehr Angebote von CORONA—IMPFUNGEN in Jobcentern.
20210814             Es könne für die Impfzentren der Kommunen "sinnvoll sein, etwa in die Jobcenter zu gehen und dort Impfungen anzubieten",
20210814             Sechstägiger Lockdown in IRAN wegen DELTA—VARIANTE
20210814             RUSSLAND meldet erneut Rekordzahl an CORONA—TOTEN
20210814             SLOWENIEN verlangt IMMUNITÄTS—UND Testnachweise auch für die Durchreise
20210814             Erneute Demonstrationen gegen CORONA—REGELN in FRANKREICH
20210814             Wegen steigender Infektionszahlen stuft die Bundesregierung die USA ab —SONNTAG als Hochrisikogebiet ein.
20210814             Einreisende aus den Vereinigten Staaten, die nicht geimpft oder genesen sind, müssen damit für 5—BIS—10—TAGE in Quarantäne.
20210814             Dieselbe Regelung greift dann auch für ISRAEL, KENIA, MONTENEGRO, VIETNAM sowie für 2—FRANZÖSISCHE—ÜBERSEEGEBIETE.
20210814             PORTUGAL wird dagegen mit Ausnahme der bei Touristen besonders beliebten Küstenregion Algarve und der HAUPTSTADT—LISSABON—VON—DER—RISIKOLISTE gestrichen.
20210814             Als Hochrisikogebiete werden Länder und Regionen mit einem besonders hohen Infektionsrisiko eingestuft.
20210814             —INZWISCHEN, Dafür sind, aber nicht mehr nur die Infektionszahlen ausschlaggebend.
20210814             Andere Kriterien sind das Tempo der AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS, die Belastung des Gesundheitssystems oder auch fehlende Daten über die Coronalage.
20210814             Von —DIENSTAG an wird auch die TÜRKEI als Hochrisikogebiet eingestuft.
20210814             Nach ANGABEN—DER—PRÄFEKTUR—VON—PARIS
20210814             wird der Nachweis ab —MONTAG auch für den Besuch der 5—GROSSEN Kaufhäuser wie Galeries LAFAYETTE, Printemps oder Samaritaine sowie für Einkaufszentren mit einer Fläche von über 20.000—QUADRATMETERN verlangt.
20210814             Landesweit sind nach einer AFP—ZÄHLUNG 104—EINKAUFSZENTREN und Kaufhäuser betroffen.
20210814             SK Weiden i.d. OPf.
20210814             Total Cases 206.533.003 Total Deaths 4.350.547 Total Vaccine Doses Administered 4.638.382.165
20210814             Beben der Stärke 7,2: Zahlreiche Opfer nach Erdstößen auf HAITI befürchtet
20210814             Taliban nehmen ehemaligen Bundeswehrstandort MASAR—I—SCHARIF ein
20210814             KABUL Diary: "Frauen rannten mit Neugeborenen aus den Häusern, barfuß, so schnell kam die Gewalt über die Stadt"
20210814             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 319,9 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB Continente: 324,6 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210814             R(t) Nacional: 0,95 Continente: 0,95
20210814             530_DGS_BOLETIM_20210814—1—20210814—ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—4591—(+35)—ÓBITOS—47—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—3635—(+15)—CASOS—ATIVOS—909—(+29)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—928
20210814             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—185—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—163—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—20—(+2)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—286
20210814             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5371—(+74)—ÓBITOS—66—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—4687—(+50)—CASOS—ATIVOS—618—(-7)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—747
20210814             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1349—(+8)—ÓBITOS—15—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1134—(+20)—CASOS—ATIVOS—200—(-12)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—840
20210814             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2609—(+56)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2177—(+14)—CASOS—ATIVOS—403—(+42)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—981
20210814             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—6760—(+55)—ÓBITOS—79—(=)—RECUPERADOS—5878—(+26)—CASOS—ATIVOS—803—(+29)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—809
20210814             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2944—(+18)—ÓBITOS—33—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—2719—(+63)—CASOS—ATIVOS—192—(-46)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—403
20210814             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—4617—(+45)—ÓBITOS—35—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3938—(+49)—CASOS—ATIVOS—644—(-4)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1007
20210814             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2000—(+9)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1724—(+11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—264—(-2)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—453
20210814             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1867—(+6)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1744—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—94—(+5)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—305
20210814             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—304—(+3)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—235—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—63—(-1)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1360
20210814             Trotz TALIBAN—VORMARSCHS: Biden verteidigt AFGHANISTAN—ABZUG — endlose Präsenz nicht akzeptabel
20210814             Feldzug der Taliban in AFGHANISTAN: Stadt um Stadt
20210814             1. Fall —SEIT—25—JAHREN: ELFENBEINKÜSTE meldet EBOLA—ERKRANKUNG
20210814             FRANKREICH, sind den 5. —SAMSTAG in Folge zehntausende Menschen gegen die Verschärfung der Coronaregeln auf die Straße gegangen.
20210814             Im ganzen Land waren mehr als 200—KUNDGEBUNGEN vorgesehen.
20210814             —AM—SAMSTAG demonstrierten knapp 215.000—MENSCHEN im ganzen Land, wie das FRANZÖSISCHE—INNENMINISTERIUM mitteilte.
20210814             Das sind etwas weniger als in der Vorwoche, als noch etwa 237.000—TEILNEHMER gezählt wurden.
20210814             Die Kritik richtet sich gegen die Impfpflicht für das Gesundheitspersonal sowie die Ausweitung der Nachweispflicht auf fast ALLE—BEREICHE des öffentlichen Lebens.
20210814             1—IT—PANNE hat in FRANKREICH an —2—TAGEN in Folge verhindert, dass negativ auf CORONA Getestete einen offiziellen Nachweis darüber erhalten haben.
20210814             Diesen Nachweis, den sogenannten Gesundheitspass, muss in dem Land jeder vorzeigen, der etwa ins Restaurant gehen oder in einen Fernzug steigen will.
20210814             Der Ausfall der IT—SYSTEME habe von Freitagnachmittag —BIS—IN—DIE—NACHT und am Samstagmorgen nochmals —2—STUNDEN lang gedauert,
20210814—20210926    —AM, Die Bundestagswahl findet statt.
20210818—20210814    —ON, Schulte and Turner reportedly went missing.
202203081418         —ASKED, RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY: Over 2.5—MILLION—UKRAINIANS, to be evacuated to RUSSIA
202203081430         —PROPOSED, Out of 10, evacuation routes, KYIV confirmed only 1, SOURCE  RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY
202203081432         3,000 residents of RUSSIAN—OCCUPIED Chaplynka near KHERSON rally against the invasion
202203081435         RUSSIA—DEFENSE Ministry says KYIV against evacuation of Ukrainians to RUSSIA
202203240814         Econ Ministry puts RUSSIA—GDP growth at 6.6% in Jan
202204081410         RUSSIA—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF—ACCUSES—USA of wanting to make UKRAINE into a 2. AFGHANISTAN
202206010814         Gazprom confirms complete SUSPENSION—OF—GAS—SUPPLIES to Orsted, Shell Energy EUROPE
202206081412         UKRAINE can "only hope for 1—MIRACLE" at THE—NATO—SUMMIT in MADRID
202207081452         —HELPED, UKRAINE—MP Oleksii Kovalov, the invaders export grain and salt — Iryna Venediktova
20220814             —SONNTAG, 20220814
20220814             Streit über Visa für RUSSISCHE—TOURISTEN: Die Radikalisierung von ZELENSKYY ist verständlich
20220814             Wegen Energiekrise: Faeser warnt vor Angriffen auf Gasterminals
20220814             Frankreichs PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON hat das Ratifizierungsprotokoll für den Beitritt Finnlands und Schwedens zur NATO unterzeichnet und somit die Zustimmung seines Landes offiziell bestätigt.
20220814             Die "souveräne —ENTSCHEIDUNG Finnlands und Schwedens" werde "einen bedeutenden Beitrag" zur europäischen Sicherheit leisten, erklärte der ELYSÉE—PALAST.
20220814             Angesichts der anhaltenden Angriffe auf das  Atomkraftwerk Saporischschja hat der  UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY—RUSSLAND erneut "Erpressung" vorgeworfen.
20220814             Die "Besatzer" nutzten das Akw, um "auf extrem zynische Weise",
20220814             Angst zu verbreiten, sagte ZELENSKYY in einer Videobotschaft.
20220814             JEDER—TAG, an das RUSSISCHE—KONTINGENT auf dem GEBIET—DES—AKW verbliebe, erhöhe "die nukleare Bedrohung für EUROPA",
20220814             sagte ZELENSKYY.
20220814             Er warf den RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN vor, sich hinter der dem AKW Saporischschja zu "verstecken",
20220814             um die ukrainisch kontrollierten Städte NIKOPOL und Marhanez zu beschießen.
20220814             Angesichts des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEGS in der UKRAINE und zunehmender Proteste in DEUTSCHLAND gegen die Energiepolitik der Bundesregierung warnt Bundesinnenministerin NANCY Faeser (SPD) vor möglichen Anschlägen".
20220814             Wir müssen gegen mögliche Attacken auf GAS—TERMINALS und andere kritische Infrastruktur gerüstet sein",
20220814             sagte Faeser der "Bild —AM—SONNTAG".
20220814             Vorstellbar seien "gezielte Attacken auf den Energiesektor oder der Versuch von Extremisten, legitimen Protest zu missbrauchen wie in der CORONA—KRISE",
20220814             sagte die Innenministerin.
20220814             Mit Aufständen rechne sie allerdings nicht".
20220814             —ALARMIERT, Wir sind, durch den Versuch von Linksextremisten, Klimaproteste zu instrumentalisieren",
20220814             sagte Faeser".
20220814             Auf der anderen Seite sehen wir natürlich auch weiter die Gefahr von rechts".
20220814             Vor diesem Hintergrund kündigte Faeser an, dass es keinerlei Einsparungen bei der inneren Sicherheit geben werde.Vielmehr werde die Bundespolizei —IN—DIESEM—JAHR mit 10000000             neuen Planstellen gestärkt.
20220814             Die RUSSISCHE—BEDROHUNG bedeute auch 1—ZEITENWENDE in der inneren Sicherheit, sagte die Ministerin weiter".
20220814             Wir müssen uns gegen massive Desinformationskampagnen und Cyberangriffe Russlands schützen".
20220814             Dabei seien die DEUTSCHEN—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTE —DERZEIT erfolgreich: —SEIT Beginn des UKRAINE—KRIEGES habe es noch keinen erfolgreichen größeren RUSSISCHEN—CYBERANGRIFF auf DEUTSCHE—SYSTEME gegeben.
20220814             MOSCOW, 20220814             .
20220814             /TASS/. - The final agreement on restoration of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM may be reached as early as —NEXT—WEEK in the event of favorable DEVELOPMENT—OF—EVENTS, RUSSIA—PERMANENT—REPRESENTATIVE—TO—INTERNATIONAL—ORGANIZATIONS in VIENNA MIKHAIL—ULYANOV told TASS in 1—INTERVIEW.
20220814             "In the event of favorable DEVELOPMENT—OF—EVENTS the final agreement may be reached as early as —NEXT—WEEK," he said —WHEN asked 1—RESPECTIVE—QUESTION".
20220814             If amendments, objections appear it is difficult to project further developments —NOW.
20220814             We have to wait for THE—BEGINNING—OF—NEXT—WEEK," the diplomat said.
20220814             EU coordinators have made several amendments to the text that is on the table —NOW, Ulyanov added.
20220814             "This is not 1—EU text, but the 1 developed by all PARTICIPANTS—OF—THE—TALKS that have been underway —SINCE last —APRIL.
20220814             As coordinators THE—EU—REPRESENTATIVES may offer compromise options, which they did.
20220814             —AGREED, Indeed, THE—USA has apparently, whereas IRAN has not yet defined its position on the text, which is why I will not speculate on what issues Teheran may still have," he explained.
20220814             The current occupant of the Oval Office, JOE—BIDEN, has repeatedly indicated his support for reentering the nuclear deal.
20220814             —SINCE last —APRIL, RUSSIA, THE—UK, GERMANY, CHINA, THE—USA—AND—FRANCE have been conducting discussions with IRAN in VIENNA on reviving THE—JCPOA in its original form.
20220814             "Grundlegend für Gleichheit und Würde": In SCHOTTLAND gibt es Menstruationsartikel ab —MONTAG kostenlos
20220814             Nach Attacke auf Rushdie: BRITISCHER—PREMIER—KANDIDAT Sunak fordert Sanktionen gegen IRAN
20220814             Umweltkatastrophe in der Oder: POLEN schließt Schwermetalle als Ursache für Fischsterben aus
20220814             Im Ringen um die Sicherheit des beschossenen UKRAINISCHEN—ATOMKRAFTWERKS Saporischschja sieht der RUSSISCHE—DIPLOMAT MICHAIL—ULJANOW die Vereinten Nationen in der Pflicht.
20220814             AUFGABE—DES—UN—SEKRETARIATS sei es, grünes Licht zu geben für einen Besuch des AKW von Experten und EXPERTINNEN—DER—INTERNATIONALEN—ATOMENERGIEAGENTUR (IAEA), sagte Uljanow in einem Interview der russischen staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur Tass.
20220814             Die Diplomat vertritt RUSSLAND in WIEN bei den internationalen Organisationen.
20220814             Die IAEA könne sich dann selbst um die "Modalitäten der Reise in die Unruheregion" kümmern, sagte Uljanow.
20220814             Dem Vernehmen nach hatten die UN 1—REISE—VON—IAEA—CHEF—RAFAEL—GROSSI nicht nur aus Sicherheitsgründen —BISHER nicht erlaubt, sondern auch weil es Streit gibt um den Reiseweg.
20220814             Grossi könnte zum Ärger der UKRAINE etwa unter russischem Schutz über die von Moskau 20140000             annektierte SCHWARZMEER—HALBINSEL Krim anreisen".
20220814             —GEARBEITET, Wir haben mit der Organisation sehr eng, —IM—MAI/—JULI und den Besuch vorbereitet.
20220814             —BLOCKIERT, Das UN—SEKRETARIAT hat ihn im letzten Moment, ohne die Gründe dafür zu erklären",
20220814             sagte Uljanow.
20220814             —NACH—DEM Vorbild von ESTLAND und LETTLAND erwägt —NUN auch POLEN, die Regeln für die VISA—VERGABE für RUSSISCHE—STAATSBÜRGER einzuschränken".
20220814             POLEN arbeitet an der Entwicklung eines Konzepts, das es ermöglicht, keine Visa für Russen zu erteilen",
20220814             Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG darüber werde in den kommenden —WOCHEN fallen.
20220814             Der VIZE—AUßENMINISTER sagte weiter, sein Land sei dafür, dass die EU wegen des UKRAINE—KRIEGS weitere Sanktionen gegen RUSSLAND verhänge.
20220814             Dazu zähle auch die Aussetzung des Vertrags über die erleichterte VISA—VERGABE für RUSSISCHE—STAATSBÜRGER".
20220814             Dem widersetzen sich aber die großen Mitgliedsstaaten, darunter DEUTSCHLAND, FRANKREICH und die NIEDERLANDE".
20220814             POLEN spreche —DERZEIT mit anderen Mitgliedsländern und habe festgestellt, dass außer den 3—BALTISCHEN Staaten LITAUEN, LETTLAND und ESTLAND auch die SLOWAKEI und Tschechien seine Auffassung teilen würden.
20220814             DEUTSCHLAND und auch die EU—KOMMISSION in Brüssel lehnen einen grundsätzlichen Stopp von Touristenvisa für Russinnen und Russen ab.
20220814             AUSTRIA issues visas to RUSSIA—DIPLOMATS better than USA, says diplomat
20220814             Gazprom supplies gas for EUROPE through UKRAINE equaling 40.9—MLN cubic meters via Sudzha
20220814             Wirtschaftskrise: "Es gibt in RUSSLAND keine Gewinner mehr, das wird zu Spannungen in der Elite führen"
20220814             Krieg in der UKRAINE: POLEN plant Einschränkungen bei Visavergabe für Russen
20220814             Brief an EU—WIRTSCHAFTSKOMMISSAR: Mehrwertsteuer auf Gasumlage — Lindner bittet in Brüssel um Ausnahme
20220814             Ausgangsverbot für Katzen endet: Die armen Vögel
20220814             —BESUCHT, Nach PELOSI—VISITE: Weitere USA—DELEGATION, TAIWAN
20220814             Städte in der Klimakrise: So rüstet sich Chiles HAUPTSTADT—GEGEN—HITZEWELLEN
20220814             Klimakrise in SPANIEN: Am Ground 0—DER europäischen Brandsaison
20220814             Dürre am Edersee: Was einst versank, liegt wieder frei
20220814             Umweltkatastrophe in der Oder: "Keiner weiß, was in den toten Fischen drin ist"
20220814             AFGHANISTAN: EX—PRÄSIDENT—GHANI verteidigt Flucht vor Taliban -  END NEWS appended
20220814—20150000    —IN, THE—5—PERMANENT—MEMBERS—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL and GERMANY reached 1—NUCLEAR—DEAL with IRAN in order to address the crisis —AROUND its nuclear program.
20220814—20180000    —DECIDED, THEN—USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, to pull OUT—OF—THE—AGREEMENT, with WASHINGTON slapping its most sweeping sanctions ever on TEHRAN.
20220814—20220808    —ON, However, it is possible if all countries participating in THE—VIENNA talks agree with THE—VERSION—OF—THE—TEXT provided by EU coordinators.