Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 12. December ?

Ereignisse an einem 12. December

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10981212             1. CRUSADERS,
10981212             —CAPTURED, plundered MARA—SYRIA.
12331212             AnaUctee PAGINA—T. ci V HISTOIRE—ECCLESIA—DE—LA—BELGIQUE—BAND—X—PAGINA—447, eeoundwm autographum IN—ARCHIVIO Statut NAMURcenti.
12331212             Non absque dolore.
12331212             ad debitam satisfactionem per CENSURAS—ECCLESIASTICAS compellant.
12331212             per [KÖLN]COLONIENSEM—PROVINCIAM constitutis mandatur, ut omnes, qui ABBATISSAe et sororibus VALLIS—S—GEORGII—CISTERCIENSIS—ORDINIS—LEODINENSIS—DIOECESIS in ipsarum bonis vel personis injuriam affecerint,
13251212             —AM, werden bezahlt für 1—EQUUS—PILI—ALBI PRO—PAPA aus ARAGÓN 300—PFUND—TURNOSE, das sind über 320—FLORENI
13291212             —PROVIDERUNT DOMINI—ANTHIANI—PISANI—POPULI partitu INDE—FACTO inter eos ad DENARIOS—ALBOS et giallos quod
13591212             Procura fatta dal MONASTERO di Ser MARIA—DE—ALFIOLO in persona di Ser PIETRO—DI—CECCOLO di Federico e di Ser GIOVANNI—DI—PETRUCCOLO di Merico per dichiarare IL—DEBITO—DI 1.200—FLORENI—DE—ORO a favore di MATTEO—DI—GIOVANNELLO e di Agnolello di Filippuccio (IVI—FOLIA—156).
13601212             —RETOUR—DE—JEAN—LE—BON en FRANCE
13671212             —ROMAE—APUD—S—PETRUM.
13711212             Eidem WIBRANDO—ABBATI—MONASTERII—VALLIS—S—MARIAE conceditur potestas^ CANONICOs dictorum MONASTERIORUM qui apostatae devenerint^ ad reditum compellendi.
13711212             WIBRANDO—ABBATI—MONASTERII—VALLIS—S—MARIAE—AD—TRIENNIUM indulgetur^ quod CANONICOs in suo et in Vinea DOMINI—MONASTERIIS^ qui in PERSONAS—ECCLESIASTICAS manm injecerint a censuris absolvere valeat.
14301212             —DATUM, Die 1. URKUNDE endet:
14301212             —DATUM, Die 2. URKUNDE beginnt: Ich HERMAN—REMPLIJN, SCHEFFEN—ZO—TZULPGE[ZÜLPICH], und
14741212             —CROWNED, ISABELLA—QUEEN—OF—CASTILIA—AND—ARAGON, herself.
15021212             "Pagato a mestro litti per so conto bl. 12 " (IVI—FOLIA—107'')).
15021212             —ALLI, M. ANTONIO—DAL—MONTE, nostro governatore, dimandò 40—OSTAGGI acciò andassero a CESENA.
15311212             —APPEARED, Legend held that 1—DARK—SKINNED—VIRGIN—MARY, to 1—PEASANT outside MEXICO—CITY and left 1—IMPRINT on his CACTUS—FIBER poncho.
15311212             —BECAME, The poncho, 1—ICON for THE—VIRGIN—OF—GUADALUPE.
15311212—16660000    —DATED—TO, THE—VATICAN—MAIN—SOURCE was 1—RELIGIOUS—WORK, that.
15431212             —CONFERMATION.
15431212             Havendo i magnifici et clarissimi MESSER—ZOAN—FRANCESCO—SAGREDO,
15431212             —GENEHMIGEN. DIE—PROVEDITORI—ALLE—BIAVE, den vorstehenden Beschluss (NUMMER—77), empfehlen DIE—SCHULDIGEN jedoch der Gnade der Innung.
15561212             (CODEX—CICOGNA—3100—FOLIA—36'—40'.)
15591212             † LE—PRÉSIDENT—DE—LA—COUR—ANTOINE—MINARD, qui juge ANNE—DU—BOURG, est assassiné par 1—CALVINISTE.
15701212             der NEIDHART—ERBEN—GESAMMT—VERMÖGEN,
15701212             494.335—FLORENI der NEIDHART—ERBEN—GESAMMT—VERMÖGEN sich auf bezifferte,
15701212             494.335—FLORENI der NEIDHART—ERBEN—GESAMMT—VERMÖGEN bestand fast nur aus uneinbringlichen Ausständen 48)
15831212             ALESSANDRO—DI—MEDICI, THE—NOMINATION to THE—SACRED—COLLEGE, completely took by surprise;
15831212             —WELCOMED, ALESSANDRO—DI—MEDICI, THE—NOMINATION to THE—SACRED—COLLEGE chiefly because it freed him from the almost insupportable burden of the Embassy, which he had borne for 15—YEARS.
16041212             —EDIT—DE—LA—PAULETTE.
16041212             —CRÉATION—DE la"Paulette": les charges publiques vénales peuvent devenir héréditaires
16041212             —ÉDIT—DE—LA—PAULETTE qui autorise l'hérédité des offices moyennant le paiement de 1—TAXE.
16041212             —DÉCLARATION—ROYALE qui rend héréditaires les offices de juridiction et de finance moyennant une nouvelle taxe.
16041212             —IM, échange d'un IMPÔT—ANNUEL les OFFIZIERs de justice et de finances acquièrent LE—DROIT—DE—TRANSMETTRE leurs charges à leurs HÉRITIERs.
16041212             La perception de cet impôt étant confiée au financier Paulet
16651212             —NOMINATION—DE—COLBERT au contrôle GÉNÉRAL—DES—FINANCES
16651212             —ENDE,
16711212             DEN Nachts hat er vom FÜRST MORITZ—VON—NASSAU (KUR—FÜRSTL..STATT—HALTER in CLEVE)
16821212             Man wird hoffentlich gebührende Rücksicht darauf nehmea, daß man das Eisen schmieden muss, so lange es warm ist.
16821212             Er hat —SEIT seiner Rückkehr von DRESDEN hierher —SCHON mehrere MALE an den Prinzen, Dijkvelt und Pesters geschrieben,
16821212             Er wird Alles tun, dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG seine wahren Interessen begreiflich zu machen, was erleichtert ist durch den verbindlichen Brief des Prinzen,
16821212             da die Dinge, die hier —JETZT vorgehen, ausserordentlich wichtig sind.
16821212             durch den FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG über den wahren Wert der —BISHERIGEN BERICHTE—ÜBER—DEN—STAAT aufgeklärt worden,
16821212             und mit dem DERSELBE daher sehr zufrieden ist^).
16851212             * LODOVICO—GIUSTINI, composer.
16891212             SAVO—MILLINII[SAVO—MELLINI],Opted for the title of S—PETRO—IN—VINCOLI.
16951212             IN THE—CONSISTORY OF KARDINALate.
16951212             TADDEO—LUIGI—DAL—VERME Created KARDINAL priest ,;
16951212             with dispensation for having 1—UNCLE in THE—SACRED—COLLEGE—OF—KARDINALS;
17201212             —FUITE—DE—JOHN—LAW—OF—LAURISTON à l'étranger.
17271212             * in VENEDIG. LAUT ELZE,
17451212             —BECAME, JOHN—JAY, 1—DIPLOMAT and GOVERNOR—OF—NY, served as the 1. SUPREME—COURT—HEAD—JUSTICE, and negotiated treaties for THE—USA
17501212             —AM, GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—TIEPOLO—IN—WÜRZBURG an der Kavalierstafel speisen durfte, was 1—BESONDERE Ehre war.
17531212             —DELIVERED, GEORGE—WASHINGTON, the adjutant of VIRGINIA, 1—ULTIMATUM to THE—FRANCE—FORCES at Fort Le Boeuf, SOUTH—OF—LAKE—ERIE, reiterating BRITAIN—CLAIM to the entire OHIO river valley.
17531212             WASHINGTON (22) was sent by GOVERNOR—ROBERT—DINWIDDIE to warn THE—FRANCE—SOLDIERS that they were trespassing on ENGLAND—TERRITORY.
17690000—18491212    * † MARC—BRUNEL, the initiating ENGINEER—OF—ENGLAND—THAMES—TUNNEL.
17701212             [DISPENS—VOM—AUFGEBOT] u. DvgZ,
17701212             —ACQUITTED, THE—UK—SOLDIERS—RESPONSIBLE for the "BOSTON Massacre" were, on murder charges.
17771212             † REVEREND—BENJAMIN—RUSSEN, WAS—HANGED, at TYBURN—ENGLAND, for rape.
17871212             2. state to ratify THE—USA—CONSTITUTION, PENNSYLVANIA.
17921212             1. lesson in music composition  LUDWIG—VAN—BEETHOVEN (22),—RECEIVED, from FRANZ—JOSEPH—HAYDN, VIENNA,
17991212             —2—DAYS—BEFORE his death, GEORGE—WASHINGTON composed his last letter, to ALEXANDER—HAMILTON, his AIDE—DE—CAMP —DURING the Revolution and —LATER his SECRETARY—OF—THE—TREASURY.
17991212             In the letter GEORGE—WASHINGTON urged HAMILTON to work for the establishment of 1—NATIONALLY military academy.
17991212             GEORGE—WASHINGTON, wrote that letter at THE—END—OF—1—LONG, cold —DAY—OF—SNOW, sleet and rain that he had spent OUT—OF—DOORS.
17991212             GEORGE—WASHINGTON, remained outside for more than 5—HOURS, according to his SECRETARY—TOBIAS—LEAR, did not change out of his wet clothes or dry his hair —WHEN he returned home.
18211212—18800000    * † GUSTAVE—FLAUBERT, FRANCE—NOVELIST.
18211212—18800000    "Our IGNORANCE—OF—HISTORY causes us to slander our own times".
18211212—18800508    —SEE
18221212             —OFFICIALLY—RECOGNIZED, MEXICO was, as 1—INDEPENDENT nation by USA.
18331212—19020000    * † MATTHIAS—HOHNER, GERMANY—MANUFACTURER (harmonica).
18440000—19131212    * † ETHIOPIA—EMPEROR—MENELIK—II.
18471212             —ENDE, "GLEICHZEITIG war GARN—GUT secunda mule twist NUMMER—40 -gefallen auf 7 3/4—D.;
18481212             Neuer BUNDES—GENOSSE der KONTRE—REVOLUTION
18481212             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—166—KÖLN.
18621212             THE—UNION lost its 1. ship to 1—TORPEDO, THE—USS—CAIRO, in THE—YAZOO—RIVER.
18631212             Orders were given in RICHMOND that no more supplies from THE—UNION should be received by FEDERAL—PRISONERS.
18631212—19440000    * † EDVARD—MUNCH, NORWAY—ARTIST (The Scream).
18681212             —HOODED, INDIANA, 56, men entered New ALBANY jail.
18681212             † FRANK—RENO, was the 1. to be dragged from his cell to be lynched.
18681212             † † FRANK—RENO WAS—FOLLOWED, by his 2—BROTHERS, WILLIAM and SIMEON.
18681212             † Another gang member, CHARLIE—ANDERSON, was also hanged in the prison.
18681212—18680522    —SEE
18701212             —BECAME, JOSEPH—H—RAINEY, the 1. black lawmaker sworn into THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
18701212             —FILLED, JOSEPH—H—RAINEY, 1—REPUBLICAN from SOUTH—CAROLINA, the seat made vacant by the expulsion of REPRESENTATIVE—BENJAMIN—F—WHITTEMORE.
18701212             —SERVED, JOSEPH—H—RAINEY, —FOR—10—YEARS.
18820412             40.
1882041212810000     —OR—BEVORE, ? []-[—BEFORE 13340000             ].ataloque du Musée du feu m. RANGHIASCI—BRANCALEONI dont la venie aura lieu à GUBBIO le ; ;PERUGIA,1882, di pajjg.
18891212             † ROBERT—BROWNING, 77—JAHRE—ALT, ENGLAND—POET (Ring & Book).
18910000—19711212    * † DAVID—SARNOFF, USA—TV pioneer (RCA).
18931212             * EDWARD—G—ROBINSON, actor famous for gangster roles.
18971212             * LILLIAN—SMITH, Southern writer, CIVIL—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST.
18971212             D—EBUT ,"The Katzenjammer Kids," the pioneering comic strip created by RUDOLPH—DIRKS, in THE—NEW—YORK—JOURNAL.
18991115—18991212    —REACHED, He escaped prison in PRETORIA and —AFTER SOME—DAYS, THE—ENGLAND—COLONY in DURBAN, NATAL.
18991212             —PATENTED, GEORGE—F—BRYANT—OF—BOSTON, the wooden golf tee.
19011212             —RECEIVED, ITALY—SCIENTIST and engineer Guglielmo Marconi, the 1. LONG—DISTANCE—RADIO—TRANSMISSION in S—JOHN'S, Newfoundland, 2,232 miles.
19011212             —TRANSMITTED, Electrical engineer JOHN—AMBROSE—FLEMING, the Morse code signal for "s" from across the Atlantic Ocean in ENGLAND and Marconi heard it--3—SHORT clicks--through 1—RADIO—SPEAKER.
19011212             —1—FEW—YEARS—AFTER the successful transmission with Fleming, Marconi opened the 1. commercial wireless telegraph service.
19011212—18950000    —AROUND, Marconi had begun experimenting with radiotelegraphy, and he realized that messages could be transmitted over much greater distances by using grounded antennae on the radio transmitter and receiver.
19030000—19681212    * † Tallulah Bankhead, USA—ACTRESS, : "The only thing I regret about my past is the length of it. If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner".
19081212—19740000    * † LUIS—PERAZA, VENEZUELA—DRAMATIST.
19091212—20030000    * † MILDRED—LINTON in OTTUMWA—IOWA.
19091212—20030000    —BECAME, MILDRED—LINTON, 1—FILM—STAR in the 1930s under the name Karen Morley.
19111212             NORTH—INDIA, BRITAIN—KING—GEORGE V stood —BEFORE some 562—PRINCES as well as maharajahs, soldiers and bureaucrats, and made 1—SURPRISE—ANNOUNCEMENT that would change the fate of DELHI, 1—ANCIENT fading city with 1—POPULATION—OF—410,000. THE—KING—SAID—DELHI would be the new CAPITAL—OF—INDIA.
19121212             * HENRY—ARMSTRONG, USA—BOXER.
19131212             —CROWNED, —THEREFORE, LIJ—IYASU was never, EMPEROR—OF—ETHIOPIA.
19131212—19090500    —DESIGNATED, LIJ—IYASU had been, successor of ETHIOPIA—EMPEROR—MENELIK—II, by EMPRESS—TAYTU—HOWEVER, 1—PROBLEM occurred: the imperial Abyssinian RULES—OF—SUCCESSION dictated, that only 1—CHRISTIAN could rule ETHIOPIA as EMPEROR, and LIJ—IYASU had taken THE—MUSLIM—FAITH.
19131212—19110000    —ANNOUNCED, Authorities in FLORENCE—ITALY, that the Mona Lisa, stolen from the Louvre Museum in PARIS, had been recovered.
19131212—19160000    —SUCCEEDED, Empress Zewditu I—OF—ETHIOPIA, Menelik II, she was his oldest daughter.
19151212             * FRANK—SINATRA, actor and singer, in Hoboken NEW—JERSEY.
19151212—19860000    —IN, Kitty Kelly wrote FRANK—SINATRA his biography "His Way".
19151212—19980514    * † FRANK—SINATRA.
19160000—20081212    * † VAN Johnson, HOLLYWOOD film star, in NYACK—NEW—YORK.
19161212             BERLIN, erklärt sich 1—VERTRETERVERSAMMLUNG sämtlicher Gewerkschaften DEUTSCHLANDs, der Angestellten—, kaufmännischen Organisationen zur MIT—ARBEIT an dem NEUEN—KRIEGSHILFSDIENST—GESETZ bereit.
19161212             Damit werden DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN zum 1. Mal von der Regierung als VERTRETER—DER Arbeitnehmer anerkannt.
19161212             Auf dieser Tagung spricht auch DER—STAATS—SEKRETÄR—DES—INNERN.
19161212             sie nach der Ablehnung des deutschen FRIEDENS—ANGEBOTS vom
19161212             —NOCH, fester hinter der Regierung stehen und ALLE—KRÄFTE "in dem KAMPF—UM—DIE EXISTENZ—DES—LANDES" einsetzen werden.
19161212             Worst train disaster ever took place in MODANE—FRANCE, 543—FRANCE—SOLDIERS were killed.
19161212—19161230    —AM, abgelehnt In 1—GEMEINSAMEN Antwortnote der ENTENTE—MÄCHTE wird der Vorschlag des KAISER—WILHELM—II.
19161212—19161230    DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—ARBEITS—GEMEINSCHAFT fordert die Bekanntgabe DER—DEUTSCHEN—FRIEDENSBEDINGUNGEN und protestiert dagegen, daß das FRIEDENS—ANGEBOT ohne Mitwirkung der Volksvertretung abgegeben wurde.
19161212—19161230    Diese Absicht auch ferner zu vereiteln, liegt im Interesse des ganzen Volkes".
19161212—19161230    DER—VORWÄRTS schreibt dazu "das DEUTSCHE—VOLK wird sich nicht darüber täuschen lassen, daß hinter der Ablehnung des Friedensvorschlages die Hoffnung steht, DEUTSCHLAND dennoch schließlich niederwerfen zu können.
19170000—20031212    * † Fadwa Toukan, PALESTINE—POET, in NABLUS at age 86.
19171201—19171212    —SEE
19171212             —PARTEI—VORSTAND und GESCHÄFTSFÜHRENDER—AUSSCHUSS—DER—LANDES—ORGANISATION DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE PREUßENs fordern erneut die völlige Beseitigung des HERREN—HAUSES, allgemeines, gleiches, geheimes und direktes WAHL—RECHT für alle über, 20—JAHRE—ALT Staatsangehörigen ohne UNTERSCHIED—DES—GESCHLECHTS, NeueinTEILUNG der WAHL—KREISE, Einführung der Verhältniswahl und Erweiterung der Rechte der Volksvertretung statt ihrer Beschneidung.
19171212             —FOUNDED, Father EDWARD—J—FLANAGAN, 31—JAHRE—ALT, Boys Town outside OMAHA, Neb.
19171212             1—HALF—DOZEN—BOYS entered to seek 1—BETTER—LIFE.
19171212             —DERAILED, MODANE—FRANCE, 1—TROOP—TRAIN, near the entrance of MOUNT—CENIS tunnel and 543—PEOPLE were killed.
19171212—19171201    —SEE
19181212             In dem Gesetz des Rates der VOLKS—BEAUFTRAGTEN über die Bildung 1—FREIWILLIGEN Volkswehr wird "langer einwandfreier Frontdienst" als Aufnahmebedingung verlangt.
19221212             —FOUNDED, JOHN—WANAMAKER (19380000              *), USA merchant who, 1—CHAIN—OF—STORES in PHILADELPHIA, †.
19221212             JOHN—WANAMAKER, introduced department stores and price tags to THE—USA and became the 1. modern advertiser —WHEN he bought ads in newspapers to promote his stores.
19241212             * EDWARD—I—KOCH, MAYOR—OF—NEW—YORK—CITY, 19770000—19890000    , JUDGE—ON—TV—PEOPLE—COURT, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19250000—19611212    * † Frantz Fanon, MARTINIQUE—BORN writer, psychiatrist, and revolutionary, in WASHINGTON, DC.
19251212             —OPENED, ARTHUR—HEINMAN, the 1. motel, the "Motel Inn," in S—LUIS—OBISPO, CALIFORNIA.
19271212             * ROBERT—NORTON—NOYCE, CO—INVENTOR of the integrated circuit.
19281212             * HELEN—FRANKENTHALER, abstract painter.
19291212             * JOHN—OSBOURNE, playwright and film producer (Look —BACK—IN Anger).
19300000—19771212    * † DOCTOR—GRETHE—RASK, from DENMARK, of Pneumocystis carinii.
19301212             —REVOLUTION began in SPAIN as rebels took 1—BORDER—TOWN.
19301212             Last ALLIED—TROOPS left THE—SAAR—GERMANY.
19310000—20071212    * † Ike Turner, R&B pioneer and former husband of Tina Turner, due to 1—COCAINE overdose at his home outside S—DIEGO.
19311212             Under pressure from the Communists in Canton, CHIANG—KAI—SHEK resigned as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—NANKING—GOVERNMENT but
19311212             —REMAINED, CHIANG—KAI—SHEK—HEAD—OF—THE—NATIONALIST—GOVERNMENT that held nominal rule over MOST—OF—CHINA.
19330000—20191212    * † DANNY—AIELLO, USA—FILM and stage actor, in NEW—JERSEY.
19361212             † CHANG—HSUEH—LIANG (20010000             , age 101), 1—NORTHERN—MILITARY—COMMANDER (aka Zhang Xueliang), kidnapped CHIANG—KAI—SHEK to force him into 1—ALLIANCE to repel JAPAN—FORCES.
19361212             —AFTER—2—WEEKS—ENDED, The XI'1—INCIDENT—COUP,.
19361212             The incident led the Nationalists and THE—COMMUNISTS to make peace so that the 2 could form 1 united front against the increasing threat posed by JAPAN.
19361212             —LATER, Chang was  COURT—MARTIALED and sentenced to prison.
19361212—19490000    —IN, CHINA—GENERALISSIMO—CHIANG—KAI—SHEK, was taken to TAIWAN and kept under house arrest.
19371212             —BATTLE—FOR—NANKING in
19371212             —SINO—JAPAN—WAR.
19371212             —LATER, —APOLOGIZED, JAPAN and paid $2.2—MILLION—DOLLARS in reparations.
19391212             † DOUGLAS—FAIRBANKS, 56—JAHRE—ALT, actor (Zorro, 3—MUSKETEERS, ROBIN—HOOD).
19411212             —SEARCHED, GERMANY—OCCUPYING army, house to house in PARIS looking for Jews.
19421212—19421207    —5—TAGE—DANACH, "Man soll dem DEUTSCHEN—VOLKE ruhig auch einmal den Ernst der Lage klarmachen".
19431212             —LAUNCHED, THE—GERMANY—ARMY—OPERATION—WINTER—TEMPEST, the relief of the 6. Army trapped in STALINGRAD.
19431212             The attempt to relieve STALINGRAD fell short due to stubborn SOVIET—RESISTANCE and THE—GERMANS' indecision within the besieged city.
19441212             —AM, beklagte REICHS—FILM—INTENDANT—HANS—HINKEL:
19441212             —AM, Wie populär die offiziell als Informationsveranstaltung getarnten Vorführungen von in DEUTSCHLAND verbotenen Filmen waren,
19441212             Auf der langen Ausleihliste des Reichsfilmarchivs befanden sich "Meuterei auf der Bounty".
19441212             Auf der langen Ausleihliste des Reichsfilmarchivs befanden sich "Merrily We Live"und
19441212             Auf der langen Ausleihliste des Reichsfilmarchivs befanden sich zahlreiche USA—PRODUKTIONEN, darunter
19441212             Auf der langen Ausleihliste des Reichsfilmarchivs befanden sich "Dr.
19441212             —AM, Der Konsum verbotener Filme komme allmählich 1 "Genießen verbotener Früchte"gleich.
19441212             —VOM, und
19461212             —INTRODUCED, Tide laundry detergent was.
19461212             1—UNITED—NATIONS committee voted to accept a 6—BLOCK tract of Manhattan real estate offered as 1—GIFT by JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER—JUNIOR to be the site of UNITED—NATIONS headquarters.
19471212             The United Mine Workers union withdrew from THE—USA—FEDERATION—OF—LA—BOR.
19481212             CHARLES—TEMPLETON—CROCKER (18840000              *), MULTI—MILLIONAIRE grandson of THE—CENTRAL—PACIFIC (and SOUTH—PACIFIC) railroad magnate and banker, CHARLES—CROCKER (18220000—18880000    ), †.
19481212             —SURROUNDED, UK—SOLDIERS, the Sungai Rimoh rubber estate in Batang Kali, shot 24—MALAYSIA—RUBBER—PLANTATION—WORKERS and set the village on fire.
19481212—19330000    —IN, He authored "The Cruise of the Zaca".
19481212—19700000    —DROPPED, BRITAIN—INCOMING Conservative administration, 1—POLICE—INVESTIGATION, claiming 1—LACK—OF—EVIDENCE.
19481212—20120000    —IN, relatives of killed workers lost their High Court battle for 1—FULL—INQUIRY by THE—UK—GOVERNMENT.
19490000—20201212    * † Ann Reinking, Broadway star and TONY—AWARD winning choreographer, in SEATTLE.
19491212             Saab, 1—SWEDEN—AIRCRAFT—MAKER, began FULL—SCALE—PRODUCTION—OF—THE—SAAB 92—AUTOMOBILE based on the prototype Saab 92001.
19531212             —REACHED, Chuck Yeager, Mach 2.43 in Bell X-1A rocket plane.
19551212             1. prototype of hovercraft patented by UK—ENGINEER—CHRISTOPHER—COCKERELL.
19561212             —PROTESTED, HUNGARY, 1—GENERAL—STRIKE, the Kadar Regime and THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY adopted 1—RESOLUTION that condemned Soviet repression in HUNGARY, called on THE—USSR to withdraw its forces, and urged HUNGARY—INDEPENDENCE.
19611212             His work foretold of 3. World liberation struggles.
19611212             His book "WRETCHED—OF—THE—EARTH" (19610000             ) celebrated ANTI—COLONIAL revolutionaries.
19611212—20080000    —AUTHORED, JOHN—EDGAR—WIDEMAN, his novel "Fanon" based on FANON—LIFE.
19631212             —RETURNED, FRANK—SINATRA—JUNIOR, —AFTER being kidnapped.
19631212             —GAINED, KENYA, independence from BRITAIN and THE—KENYA—AFRICAN National Union Party (KANU) began ruling.
19631212             —RELATED, The Kikuyu and closely, MERU and EMBU groups comprised some 28—PERCENT—OF—KENYA—PEOPLE.
19631212             KENYA—POPULATION at this time was under 8—MILLION.
19631212             —COMMEMORATED, This was —LATER, as Jamhuri —DAY.
19631212—19780000    —UNTIL, Jomo Kenyatta, 1—KIKUYU, was the 1. PRESIDENT and served.
19641212             —BECAME, KENYA formally, 1—REPUBLIC.
19641212             Its population at this time was about 8—MILLION.
19641212             3—BUDDHIST leaders began a hunger strike to protest the government in Saigon.
19671212             —ENDED, THE—USA, the airlift of 6,500—MEN in VIETNAM.
19681212—20000000    —CREATED, Tovah Feldshuh, "Tallulah Hallelujah," a 1—WOMAN show in salute to Bankhead.
19711212             —TRANSFORMED, He was 1—RUSSIA—IMMIGRANT who, NBC from 1—RADIO to 1—TV—NETWORK.
19721202—18791212    —ON, He at Wyk on FOEHR—GERMANY.
19751212             NEW—ZEALAND, ROBERT—MULDOON (19210000—19920000    ) began serving as PRIME—MINISTER and continued to 19840726       .
19751212             —PLEADED, Sara Jane Moore, guilty to 1—CHARGE—OF trying to kill PRESIDENT—FORD in S—FRANCISCO the previous September.
19751212             SOUTH—DAKOTA—ANNA—MAE—PICTOU—AQUASH, (19450000              *) was shot to death.
19751212             —SUSPECTED, AMERI—CAN INDIA—MOVEMENT (AIM) members, her of being an FBI informant.
19751212             —THREATENED, His interventionist policies, to send the country to the financial wall.
19751212—19760224    —ON, Her body was found, on Pine Ridge INDIA—RESERVATION.
19751212—20030000    —CONVICTED, ARLO—LOOKING—CLOUD, 50—JAHRE—ALT was, in the murder.
19751212—20030000    —IN, JOHN—GRAHAM, 1—CANADIAN, and Fritz ARLO—LOOKING—CLOUD, 1—USA—CITIZEN, were indicted in THE—USA—FOR—AQUASH—MURDER.
19751212—20070000    —IN, 1—CANADA—COURT ruled that Graham should be extradited to THE—USA to face trial.
19751212—20110000    —SENTENCED, Graham was, to serve life in prison.
19761212             —PLAYED, QB JOE—NAMATH, his last game as 1—NY—JET.
19761212—20040000    —AUTHORED, MARK—KRIEGEL, "Namath: 1—BIOGRAPHY".
19771212             DOCTOR—GRETHE—RASK had done research in AFRICA.
19771212             1—COLLEAGUE saw the wasting, and did 1—AUTOPSY, where P. carinii was found.
19771212             —BELIEVED, She is, to be 1—OF—THE 1. documented cases of probable AIDS infection.
19771212—19761200    —HOSPITALIZED, Her symptoms had been manifesting and she was, in AFRICA.
19771212—19771100    —IN, —AFTER 1—BRIEF—RECOVERY, she decided it was time to go home to die.
19791212             In response to THE—IRAN hostage crisis, the Carter administration ordered the removal of most IRAN—DIPLOMATS in THE—USA.
19791212             Clara Haili (19010000              *), Hawaiian singer (aka Hilo Hattie), hula dancer, actress and comedian, †.
19791212             She had become famous in the late 1930s for her song "—WHEN Hilo Hattie Did the Hula Hop".
19791212             SOUTH—KOREA, Chun Doo Hwan led a military coup.
19801212             THE—USA—ENACTED—THE—BAYH—DOLE—ACT.
19801212             It allowed RECIPIENTS—OF—GOVERNMENT—GRANTS to retain title to their inventions.
19801212             The act made it easier for universities to commercialize their research and helped create the biotechnology industry.
19801212             —AMENDED, It also, USA—COPYRIGHT law to include computer programs.
19801212             Hambrecht & Quist took Apple Corp. public with 4.6—MILLION—SHARES at $22—PER share, which closed at $29—PER share.
19811212             "Waiting For 1—GIRL—LIKE—YOU" by Foreigner hit #1 on the pop singles chart and stayed there —FOR—3—WEEKS.
19811212—19811213    —ARRESTED, POLAND—LABOR—LEADER—LECH Walesa was.
19811212—19811213    Women kept the organization going as most MALE leaders were arrested.
19811212—19821231    —IMPOSED, POLAND, GENERAL—JARUZELSKI, martial law, effective at MID—NIGHT, restricting civil rights and suspending operation of the independent trade union Solidarity in 1—CRACKDOWN on the Solidarity labor movement.
19811212—19830000    —ENDED, Martial law formally.
19811212—20050000    —AUTHORED, Shana Penn, "SOLIDARITY—SECRET: The Women Who Defeated Communism in POLAND.
19821212             —ROBBED—OF, The Sentry Armored Car Company in NEW—YORK—CITY was, $11.4—MILLION from its headquarters.
19821212             It was the biggest cash theft in USA—HISTORY.
19831212             —ENTERED, SYRIA—FORCES had, LEBANON with the agreement of THE—USA and ISRAEL + were scheduled to complete a 6—YEAR stay —LATER in the
19831212             —ALLOWED, AUSTRALIA—LABOR—GOVERNMENT under BOB—HAWKE, its dollar to float.
19831212             1—TRUCK—BOMB exploded at THE—USA—EMBASSY in KUWAIT.
19831212             —BACKED, Shiite Muslims, by IRAN drove BOMB—LADEN trucks into 6—TARGETS.
19831212             The most deadly of these struck THE—USA—EMBASSY, killing 5—PERSONS and wounding 62. Other trucks destroyed THE—FRANCE—EMBASSY and several KUWAIT—INSTALLATIONS
19851212             THE—GRAMM—RUDMAN—HOLLINGS—ACT, officially the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 19850000             , provided for automatic spending cuts to take effect if THE—PRESIDENT—AND—CONGRESS failed to reach established targets.
19851212             248—USA—SOLDIERS and 8—CREW members were killed —WHEN 1—ARROW—AIR charter crashed —AFTER takeoff from Gander, Newfoundland.
19860700             THE—AREA—OF—SYRIA—AIR—DEFENSE—FORCES" —DURING the (unprovoked and unexpected) ISRAEL—ATTACK on SYRIA—FORCES in LEBANON is given by Aviation —WEEK & Space Technology, 19831212        .
19861212             —CRASHED, RUSSIA—TUPOLEV—134, in EAST—BERLIN and 70—OF 82—PEOPLE were killed.
19871212             R3773 Perle to Resign, Brokaw (30:50 NBC)...
19871212             ENGLAND—SPEAKING community on THE—FRANCE—RIVIERAFRANCE riviera... NEO—CON RICHARD—PERLE Rivieraforum_com has uncovered that o­ne... alleged meetings with arms dealer ADNAN—KHASOGGI in MARSEILLE Bizarre!...
19871212             alleged meetings with arms dealer ADNAN—KHASOGGI in MARSEILLE Bizarre!...
19871212             ENGLAND—SPEAKING community on THE—FRANCE—RIVIERAFRANCE riviera...
19871212             NEO—CON RICHARD—PERLE - R3773 Perle to Resign, Brokaw (30:50 NBC)...
19871212             —URGED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—GEORGE—P—SHULTZ, —DURING 1—VISIT to DENMARK, USA AL—LIES to increase spending on conventional forces, —FOLLOWING the signing of 1—SUPERPOWER—INTER—MEDIATE—RANGE—MISSILE—BAN—TREATY.
19871212             † CLIFTON—CHENIER, Zydeco accordionist.
19871212—19980000    —PUBLISHED, MICHAEL—TISSERAND, "The Kingdom of Zydeco" and Rick Olivier and BEN—SANDMEL published the photo documentary "Zydeco!"
19881212             —KILLED, In the Clapham rail disaster 35—PEOPLE were, in 1—TRIPLE train collision —DURING—MORNING RUSH—HOUR in SOUTH—LONDON.
19891212             —SENTENCED, NEW—YORK, hotel QUEEN—LEONA—HELMSLEY was, to 4—YEARS in prison for tax evasion.
19891212             —SERVED, Helmsley, 18—MONTHS behind bars, plus 1—MONTH at 1—HALFWAY house and 2—MONTHS—OF—HOUSE—ARREST.
19891212             —REMOVED, Amid INTERNATIONAL criticism, BRITAIN forcibly, 51—VIETNAM—FROM HONG—KONG and returned them to their homeland.
19901212             GUARDIAN, British "GLADIO " visit to ITALY GLADIO "counterparts in UK BRITAIN, where the plan was given the name OPERATION STAY BEHIND, visited ITALY...
19901212             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, that he and Soviet PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV would hold 1—SUMMIT the —FOLLOWING February in MOSCOW.
19901212             —RESIGNED, Lauro Cavazos, as USA—SECRETARY—OF—EDUCATION.
19901212—19740000    —OPERATION—GLADIO-
19901212—19740000    Operation Gladio-
19911212             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—YELTSIN won landslide approval in THE—RUSSIA—LEGISLATURE for his new commonwealth, —WHILE Soviet PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV edged closer to resigning, saying, "The main work of my life is done".
19921212             —TAPPED, PRESIDENT—ELECT Clinton, THOMAS—F "Mack" McLarty to be his CHIEF—OF—STAFF and Democratic national chairman Ron Brown to be commerce SECRETARY.
19921212             —KILLED, At least 2,200—PEOPLE were, in 1—EARTHQUAKE that struck the Flores Island REGION—OF—INDONESIA.
19931212             —FAILED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—YITZHAK—RABIN and PLO CHIEF—YASSER—ARAFAT, to RE—SOLVE disputes over 1—PLAN to start withdrawing ISRAEL—TROOPS from THE—GAZA Strip and Jericho —BEFORE 1—DEADLINE.
19931212             —GAINED, RUSSIA—PARLIAMENTARY, elections, ultranationalist parties, strong SUP—PORT, causing concern among foreign governments.
19931212             —ADOPTED, RUSSIA, 1—NEW—DEMOCRATIC—CONSTITUTION and began the war with Chechnya.
19931212             The preamble began with the words We the multinational PEOPLE—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION.
19931212—19970000    —UNTIL, The constitution permitted land sales but no laws to implement sales were enacted.
19940511—19931212    —SENTENCED, SOUTH—AFRICA, the Rand SUPREME—COURT, to death 6—WHITE rightwing extremists for the murder of 4—BLACKS, including an 11—YEAR—OLD—CHILD, at 1—ROADBLOCK near Randfontein.
19941212             —STOPPED, IBM, shipments of personal computers with Intel's flawed Pentium chip, saying the processor's problems were worse than —EARLIER believed.
19951212             —BY only 3—VOTES, THE—USA—SENATE killed 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT giving Congress authority to outlaw flag burning and other FORMS—OF—DESECRATION against Old Glory.
19951212             WILLIE—BROWN beat incumbent mayor FRANK—JORDON to become the 1. AFRICAN—USA—MAYOR—OF—S—FRANCISCO.
19951212             —ELECTED, CALIFORNIA Assembly Speaker WILLIE—BROWN was, mayor of S—FRANCISCO in 1—VICTORY over FRANK—JORDAN 57 to 43%.
19951212             2—FRANCE—AIRMEN shot down over Bosnia arrived home —AFTER nearly 4—MONTHS as captives of THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS.
19961212             —RECEIVED, Jonas Mekas, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—ANTHOLOGY—FILM—ARCHIVES, 1—SPECIAL—CITATION from THE—NEW—YORK Film Critics' Circle for his longtime contributions of independent film.
19961212             —RESIGNED, HOLLYWOOD power broker MICHAEL—OVITZ, as Walt Disney COMPANY—NUMBER 2—EXECUTIVE.
19961212             —ANNOUNCED, Scientists, that the Jovian moon, Ganymede, possesses 1—STRONG—MAGNETIC—FIELD due to 1—MOLTEN core.
19961212             Its outer layer solid ice was said to measure some 500—MILES—THICKNESS.
19961212             INDONESIA, Muchtar Pakpahan, leader of the independent labor union, went on trial with MEMBERS—OF—THE—LEFTIST—POLITICAL—PARTY in connection with the July riots.
19961212             1—ACCORD to abolish tariffs on high tech goods was reached in SINGAPORE at THE—WTO meeting.
19961212             The Information Technology Agreement to abolish import duties on HIGH—TECH—EQUIPMENT would be in effect 19970701—20000101    —FROM—TO.
19961212             IRAQ, Uday Hussein, eldest SON—OF—SADAM, was wounded in 1—CAR—AMBUSH by assailants with machine guns and grenades.
19961212             —CLAIMED, THE—MOHAMMED—MADHLUM—DULAIMI—GROUP, responsibility.
19971212             —NEGOTIATED, SFX Entertainment, THE—PURCHASE—OF—BILL—GRAHAM—PRESENTS for $65—MILLION.
19971212             —KILLED, ORLANDO—FLORIDA, JOHN—ARMSTRONG was, by police —AFTER a 4—DAY—HOSTAGE—CRISES —DURING which he held 2—CHILDREN captive.
19971212             He killed 1—MAN —JUST—BEFORE taking THE—2—CHILDREN hostage.
19971212             —SIGNED, Negotiators in GENEVA for the World Trade Organization (WTO), 1—AC—CORD to open up the banking and insurance sectors of some 70—MEMBER—COUNTRIES to foreign competition.
19971212             —ANNOUNCED, THE—IMF, that it would ask members to boost its capital base by $160—BILLION.
19971212             SEPT. a $90—BILLION increase was approved.
19971212             —CHARTERED, THE—CAYMAN—ISLANDS told THE—NORWAY—CRUISE—LINE that 1, 910-passenger ship of gay people would not be allowed to dock.
19971212             —CLAIMED, JAPAN—TRAIN builders (Maglev), world speed record at 332—MPH.
19971212             Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, THE—INTERNATIONAL—TERRORIST known as "CARLOS—THE—JACKAL," went on trial in PARIS on charges of killing 2—FRANCE—INVESTIGATORS and 1—LEBANON—NATIONAL.
19971212             —CONVICTED, He was, and began serving 1—LIFE—PRISON—SENTENCE.
19971212             —ANNOUNCED, PERU, archeologists, the finding of a 2. mummy of 1—YOUNG—INCA sacrificed over 500—YEARS ago near the summit of MOUNT—AMPATO, not far from PERU—2. city AREQUIPA.
19971212             SOUTH—KOREA, Dongsuh Securities, the country's 4. largest brokerage firm, went bankrupt.
19971212             KOREA—STOCK index fell to its lowest level in 10—YEARS.
19971212             The central bank said it would pump $6.5—BILLION in emergency loans into domestic financial institutions to resuscitate the financial system.
19971212             17 ... 18, MARK—VALENTINE as GENERAL—PARTNER—OF—BIG—DOG—PARTNERS exercises...
19971212—19890000    —RELEASED, He had been, from prison in March —AFTER serving less than a 3. of a 12-year sentence for robbery.
19981212             —APPROVED, The House Judiciary Committee, a 4. and final ARTICLE—OF—IMPEACHMENT against PRESIDENT—CLINTON as he flew for a 3—DAY—VISIT to THE—MIDDLE—EAST aimed at rescuing the Wye River peace accords.
19981212             OSSEO—MICHIGAN, 1—FIREWORKS explosion at THE—INDEPENDENCE—PROFESSIONAL—FIRE—WORKS building killed at least 7—PEOPLE.
19981212             † FLORIDA GOVERNOR—LAWTON—CHILES, in TALLAHASSEE at age 68. He had acquired wealth as 1—OF—THE—ORIGINAL—INVESTORS in Red Lobster restaurants.
19981212             † MO—UDALL, FORMER—STATE—REPRESENTATIVE—FROM—ARIZONA, at age 76. MO—UDALL had served in the House 19610000—19910000    —FROM—TO.
19981212             AFGHANISTAN, a 5.4—EARTHQUAKE hit KABUL and killed at least 5—PEOPLE.
19981212             MARC—HODLER (19190000—20060000    ), SWITZERLAND—LAWYER and INTERNATIONAL Olympics Committee official, unleashed 1—SERIES—OF—CORRUPTION—ALLEGATIONS that included systemic buying and SELLING—OF—VOTES in Olympic bidding, particularly for 20020000             —THE—WINTER—GAMES in SALT—LAKE—CITY.
19990215—19990826    —CONVICTED, Stayner was, and was sentenced to death 19991212       .
19990530—19991212    —ON, CHILE, Ricardo LAGOS won the presidential primary to represent the center left governing coalition against JOAQUIN—LAVIN.
19990807—19991212    —ON, he was charged with "the purchase and illegal PROVISION—OF—INTELLIGENCE to foreigners".
19991212             † JOSEPH—HELLER, AUTHOR—OF "Catch-22," at age 76 in EAST—HAMPTON, NEW—YORK.
19991212             —TITLED, JOSEPH—HELLER'S 19980000              memoir was, "—NOW and Then: From Coney Island to Here".
19991212             —INCLUDED, Other novels, "God Knows" (19840000             ) and "Closing Time" (19940000             ).
19991212             JOSEPH—HELLER—FINAL—WORK was "PORTRAIT—OF—1—ARTIST as 1—OLD—MAN".
19991212             —ENACTED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—OLYMPIC—COMMITTEE, sweeping reforms that included 1—BAN on visits by members to bid cities.
19991212             —REGISTERED, The Erika, 1—MALTESE, oil tanker, broke in 2—DURING 1—STORM off THE—COAST—OF—BREST, FRANCE, with 8—MILLION gallons of diesel oil.
19991212             —TOWED, Half the ship was, to deeper waters and 3—MILLION gallons were spilled.
19991212             CHILE, Ricardo LAGOS and JOAQUIN—LAVIN stood at 1—VIRTUAL tie in presidential elections.
19991212             1—RUNOFF was set for 19990116        .
19991212             He cited internal and foreign threats.
19991212             PARLIAMENT had been due to enact new constitutional amendments that would have taken away THE—PRESIDENT—SAY in the appointment of provincial governors.
19991212—20080000    —IN, 1—FRANCE—COURT—FOUND—TOTAL—SA GUILTY—OF—MARITIME pollution and fined it the maximum penalty of $560,000. It also ordered Total and 3—OTHER—DEFENDANTS to pay total damages of $285—MILLION.
19991212—20110000    —AUTHORED, Tracy Dougherty, "—JUST 1—CATCH: 1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—JOSEPH—HELLER".
1—KOLUMNE—VON—NIKOLAUS—BLOME202011021212 Politik
20001212             THE—NRA Wants the World to Continue Being 1—BAZAAR for Guns.
20001212             Sign 1—STATEMENT—OPPOSING—THEM.
20001212             Dual bombing in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD kills 57
20001212             —DECLARED, Pelosi, -- as she had —THROUGHOUT her party's successful November election campaign -- that "my highest priority, —IMMEDIATELY, is to stop the war in IRAQ.''
20001212             BuzzFlash is Winner of 1. Place in the Project Censored Awards 2—OUT of the Last 3—YEARS!
20001212             ELIZABETH Holtzman Calls for Americans to Put Impeachment Where It Belongs -- Back On the Table.
20001212             Torture, Impeachment and 1—VIETNAM—VETERAN—TEARS - 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION from Dave Lindorff, CO—AUTHOR—OF "The Case for Impeachment"
20001212             Why Isn't There 1—OUTCRY for BUSH—RESIGNATION.
20001212             Not Only is He 1—LIAR, Failure and 1—BREAKER—OF—LAWS, He is 1—EMBARRASSMENT to THE—USA: Dual bombing in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD kills 57
20001212             Dave Zirin: Soccer on CHILE—KILLING field 12/12
20001212             NUCNEWS—IS INDONESIA, which the World Bank lists as the most crooked state on earth...
20001212             THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION—ALPHA and its gleaming new solar wings...
20001212             NucNews- - WASHINGTON Group includes the former companies of Westinghouse Government and Environmental Services, Morrison Knudsen + Raytheon Engineers +...
20001212             6—PELOSI declared -- as she had —THROUGHOUT her party's successful ;;11;;
20001212             election campaign -- that "my highest priority,
20001212             Amazon com Won't Make the World 1—BETTER—PLACE; BuzzFlash Will.
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20001212             Failure and 1—BREAKER—OF—LAWS, He is 1—EMBARRASSMENT to THE—USA: Morrison Knudsen + RAYTHEON Engineers +
20001212             WASHINGTON Group includes the former companies of Westinghouse Government and Environmental Services,
20001212             Why Isn't There 1—OUTCRY for BUSH—RESIGNATION. Not Only is He 1—LIAR,
20001212             —IMMEDIATELY, is to stop the war in IRAQ.''
20001212             —JAHR, and THE—SUPREME—COURT—COUP -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
20001212             PRESIDENT—CLINTON spoke at THE—NORTH—IRELAND—BORDER—TOWN—OF—DUNDALK and urged the protection of 19980000             —THE Good —FRIDAY peace agreement.
20001212             1—DIVIDED—USA—SUPREME—COURT reversed 1—STATE—COURT—DECISION for recounts in FLORIDA's contested election, effectively transforming GEORGE—W—BUSH into THE—PRESIDENT—ELECT.
20001212             —AGREED, The high court, 7-to-2, to reverse THE—FLORIDA court's ORDER—OF—1—STATE recount and voted 5—TO—4—THAT there was no acceptable procedure by which 1—TIMELY new recount could take place.
20001212             1—LATER REVIEW—OF—THE—BALLOTS suggested that GEORGE—W bush would have won anyway.
20001212             —GROUNDED, The Marine Corps, all 8—OF—ITS—HIGH—TECH V—22—OSPREY TILT—ROTOR AIR—CRAFT —FOLLOWING 1—FIERY crash in NORTH—CAROLINA that killed 4—MARINES.
20001212             —ANNOUNCED, GENERAL—MOTORS, under new CEO—RICK—WAGONER, 1—RESTRUCTURE and planned phase out of the Oldsmobile vehicle division —FOLLOWING 1—LONG slide in sales.
20001212             —SIGNED, ETHIOPIA and ERITREA, 1—PEACE—PACT in ALGIERS.
20001212             A 4,200 UN peacekeeping force was set to patrol the border.
20001212             —SIGNED, PRIME—MINISTER—ZENAWI and PRESIDENT—AFWERKI, the accord, which established 1—COMMISSION to mark the 620-mile border, exchange prisoners, returned displaced people and hear claims for war damages.
20001212             —REPORTED, It was, that Islamic militants in INDONESIA had damaged HUNDREDS—OF—NIGHT—SPOTS, mostly —AROUND greater JAKARTA.
20001212             —CLAIMED, The Islamic DEFENDER—FRONT (FPI) and Front Hizbullah, responsibility.
20001212             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, Valdimir Gusinsky, 1—RUSSIA—MEDIA magnate, on 1—RUSSIA—WARRANT for misrepresenting assets for loans.
20001212—20001208    —FROM, Spend $100.00 or More on Holiday Gifts 20001213              THROUGH and Receive 1—FREE—BUZZFLASH—FLOPPY—HAT! -- And, Remember, Free Shipping in THE—USA on ANY—ORDER.
20001212—20010200    00. saß er in Untersuchungshaft, da er Zahlungen des WAFFENHÄNDLER s PIERRE FALCONE entgegengenommen haben soll...
20001212—20010200    saß er in Untersuchungshaft, da er Zahlungen des Waffenhändler s PIERRE—FALCONE entgegengenommen haben soll...
20010608—20011212    —SENTENCED, Gerardo Hernandez (36) was, to life in prison for conspiracy in the deaths of 4—AVIATORS shot down by CUBA 19960000             —IN.
20010911             Demolition ? debris TRACKING—JOINING the do... DAVID—KELLY
20011212             USA federal agents began 1—CRACKDOWN on student visa violations and arrested 10—FOREIGNERS in S—DIEGO.
20011212             —ARRESTED, LOS—ANGELES, police, IRVING DAVID—RUBIN, 56—JAHRE—ALT and EARL—LESLIE—KRUGEL, 59—JAHRE—ALT, leaders of the Jewish Defense League, for plotting to blow up 1—LOCAL—MOSQUE.
20011212             —18—MONTHS—LATER, as he was on THE—VERGE—OF—TRIAL for credit card fraud and other charges, PRESIDENT—BUSH declared him 1—ENEMY combatant and moved him into military detention.
20011212             DAVID—CRISWELL, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—HOUSTON—SPACE—SYSTEMS—OPERATIONS, proposed a "Lunar Solar Power System" to collect solar energy on the moon, convert it to microwaves, and beam it to Earth for electrical power.
20011212             A $200—MILLION—USA—AIR—FORCE B—1—BOMBER crashed into THE—INDIA Ocean near DIEGO—GARCIA—ISLAND.
20011212             —RESCUED, THE—4—CREWMEN were.
20011212             AFGHANISTAN, al Qaeda fighters at Tora Bora were given 1—NEW ultimatum to surrender and turn over their leaders.
20011212             LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—ABDULLAH—HENDROPRIYONO, THE—INDONESIA intelligence CHIEF, said that 1—NETWORK—OF al Qaeda training camps were located on Sulawesi Island.
20011212             —DETONATED, PALESTINE—MILITANTS, bombs beneath 1—ISRAEL—BUS in THE—WEST—BANK and gunned down passengers as they fled.
20011212             10—PEOPLE were killed.
20011212             —KILLED, Police, 1—OF 3—MILITANTS.
20011212             —BOWED, Yasser Arafat, to LONG—STANDING ISRAEL—DEMANDS by ordering closed the offices of the militant Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
20011212             2—HAMAS suicide bombers sd'd near 1—ISRAEL—SETTLEMENT in THE—GAZA Strip and injured 4—OTHERS.
20011212—19960000    —RECEIVED, Gerardo Hernandez, THE—LEADER—OF—1—CUBA—SPY ring, 1—LIFE—SENTENCE in federal COURT—IN—MIAMI for his role in THE—INFILTRATION—OF—USA—MILITARY—BASES and the deaths of 4—CUBAN—AMERICANS.
20011212—20010910    —ENTERED, He had reportedly, THE—USA—LEGALLY with his wife and 5—CHILDREN to pursue POST—GRADUATE studies at BRADLEY—UNIV.
20011212—20080000    —AGREED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, to decide whether THE—PRESIDENT may order that people seized in THE—USA—BE held indefinitely and without criminal charges.
20021212             DOW AND BHOPAL 1—MESSAGE from Greenpeace web EDITOR—TOM—DOWDALL - 120403antiwarblogg
20021212             I have —JUST returned from 3—WEEKS in INDIA working with the survivors of the
20021212             SEC INFO—SKY—WAY—AIRCRAFT—INC—SB—2 -On-
20021212             ), Revista española de derecho.
20021212             novecento (S. - - NICO—THE 1. Muslim ever elected to Congress, elect KEITH—ELLISON (D- MN ),
20021212             Anticipate signing 1—MEMORANDUM—OF—UNDERSTANDING and Teaming Agreement with EVOX, INCORPORATED, marketer of 1—LOCKHEED—MARTIN developed STEALTHWARE TECHNOLOGY which...
20021212             Gambino ).
20021212             — Impugnabilità in sede di conflitto di. JOHN—DEUSS. JOHN—DINAN.
20021212             signing 1—MEMORANDUM—OF—UNDERSTANDING and Teaming Agreement with EVOX, INCORPORATED, data to prevent intercept through 1—VIRTUALLY featureless waveform.
20021212             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—SERIES—OF—REGULATORY—CHANGES to allow religious SOCIAL—SERVICE—ORGANIZATIONS to receive more government grants and contracts.
20021212             —NAMED, Bush, STEPHEN—FRIEDMAN, FORMER—CHAIRMAN—OF—GOLDMAN—SACHS, as his CHIEF economic advisor.
20021212             —REBUKED, PRESIDENT—BUSH publicly, Senate Republican leader TRENT—LOTT for his statement that appeared to embrace HALF—CENTURY—OLD—SEGREGATIONIST—POLITICS, calling it "offensive" and "wrong".
20021212             he was sentenced to 3—YEARS' probation.
20021212             Dee Brown (94), AUTHOR—OF "Bury My heart at Wounded Knee: 1—INDIAN—HISTORY—OF—THE—AMERICAN—WEST" (19700000             ), † in LITTLE—ROCK, ARKANSAS.
20021212             † BRAD—DEXTER, 85—JAHRE—ALT, film actor.
20021212             —INCLUDED, BRAD—DEXTER—FILMS, "The Magnificent 7" and "Run Silent, Run Deep".
20021212             —EXPLODED, WEST—ALGERIA, 1—BOMB, at 1—OUTDOOR—MARKET, killing 4—PEOPLE and wounding 16.
20021212             —DISMISSED, AUSTRALIA—HIGHEST—COURT, 1—OF—THE—NATION—LONGEST running tribal land claims.
20021212             —OCCUPIED, The area is —NOW, by farmers.
20021212             BRAZIL, PRESIDENT.-elect Lula da Silva nominated Henrique Meirelles, 1—FORMER—EXECUTIVE for FleetBoston, as CENTRAL—BANK—GOVERNOR.
20021212             —ARMED, ISRAEL—TROOPS—NEAR—HEBRON shot and killed 2, Palestinians in separate incidents.
20021212             —AGREED, Opec, to cut oil production by as much as 7%, well ahead of 1—SEASONAL—DECLINE.
20021212             SEC INFO—SKY—WAY—AIRCRAFT—INC—SB—2 -On... signing 1—MEMORANDUM—OF—UNDERSTANDING and Teaming Agreement with EVOX, INCORPORATED,
20021212             data to prevent intercept through a virtually featureless waveform.
20021212             ), Revista española de derecho. novecento (S. Gambino ).
20021212             — Impugnabilità in sede di conflitto di.
20021212—19940000    —IN, The Yorta tribe began the battle for 1—SPECIAL—PROPERTY—RIGHT known as native title in 800—SQUARE—MILES—OF—LAND—AROUND THE—MURRAY—RIVER in EAST—AUSTRALIA.
20021212—19940000    —IN, NORTH—KOREA said it was —IMMEDIATELY activating the nuclear reactor at Yongbyon that was shut down, due to SUSPENSION—OF—FUEL—DELIVERIES.
20031212             —OVERCHARGED, HALLIBURTON was found to have, the army by $61—MILLION for gasoline delivered to the citizens of IRAQ.
20031212             PRESIDENT—BUSH said that Halliburton, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—FORMER—COMPANY, should repay the government if it overcharged for gasoline delivered in IRAQ under 1—PREWAR contract.
20031212             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, legislation calling for economic penalties against Syria for not doing enough to fight terrorism.
20031212             —PROTESTED, CALIFORNIA, Hispanics, the repeal of 1—LAW allowing illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses, taking to the streets in 1—STATEWIDE BOYCOTT—OF—SCHOOLS and businesses.
20031212             —REPORTED, It was, that researchers had found 1—GENE in worms that was responsible for drunkenness.
20031212             FORMER—AZERBAIJAN—PRESIDENT—GEIDAR—ALIEV (Heydar Aliyev, b.1923), 1—FORMER—KGB general and Communist Party CHIEF who brought stability to 1—NATION plagued by insurgencies, † at THE—CLEVELAND Clinic.
20031212             LONDON—ENGLAND, Mick Jagger (19430000              *) of the Rolling Stones was knighted.
20031212             PAUL—MARTIN was sworn in as CANADA—21. PRIME—MINISTER with 1—VOW to make drastic changes in the way the country is run.
20031212             —ARRIVED, CHINA—PREMIER—WEN—JIABAO, in MEXICO in 1—BID to extend 1—STRING—OF—RE—CENT diplomatic and economic successes in NORTH—AMERICA.
20031212             —DETONATED, Insurgents, 1—BOMB alongside A—USA—MILITARY—CONVOY—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD on —FRIDAY, killing 1—SOLDIER and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20031212             Several people fell ill across ITALY —AFTER drinking apparently tainted bottled mineral water, the latest in 1—SCARE that has prompted prosecutors to launch investigations across the nation.
20031212             1—UN—CONFERENCE on climate control closed in MILAN—ITALY.
20031212             —PLANNED, MANY—COUNTRIES, to go ahead with their KYOTO Protocol commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
20031212             —REPULSED, IVORY—COAST—STATE—SECURITY—FORCES, 1—ASSAULT—NEAR the state television station —AFTER a 2—HOUR—BATTLE that left 18—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20031212             —PLEDGED, JAPAN, $3—BILLION in new aid to SOUTH—EAST—ASIA and promised to work with the region to bolster security ties, liberalize trade and create 1—BROAD "economic partnership.
20031212             3—HOLLAND—PROTESTANT—CHURCHES formally agreed to put aside their ideological differences and merge, the culmination of 1—PROCESS that began more than 40—YEARS ago.
20031212             † Keiko the killer whale (27), whose early life inspired the film "Free Willy," in NORWAY of apparent pneumonia.
20031212             SOUTH—KOREA, Park JIE—WON, 1—CONFIDANT—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—KIM—DAE—JUNG, was convicted and sentenced to 12—YEARS in jail for taking $12.5—MILLION in bribes from 1—MAJOR conglomerate and illegally remitting money to NORTH—KOREA ahead of a 20000000              INTER—KOREAN summit.
20031212—20020000    —SHIPPED, CHINA, $6.3—BILLION in goods to MEXICO, undercutting MANY—LOCAL—GOODS.
20040215—20011212    —CITED, In addition to the Buzz Flash quote, above ,
20040215—20011212    —CITED, In addition to the Buzz Flash quote, above, 1—BUZZ—FLASH reader sent in 1—BRIEF quote, "1—RIGHT—WING—JIHAD" at
20040400—20041212    —ON, and 13.
20040900             " GAO questions nuclear industry's security efforts," Eye On Wackenhut -- Wackenhut in the...
20041012—20041212    —DETERMINED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, that the potential CONFLICTS—OF—INTEREST were so great that it published 1—EDITORIAL calling on Baker to resign his posts at the Carlyle Group and Baker Botts to preserve THE—INTEGRITY—OF—THE—ENVOY—POSITION.
20041027             Das war, wie der "New Yorker" in einer Analyse nachzeichnete, die direkte Folge der 3 "schwarzen Dienstage" in der jüngsten USA—GESCHICHTE: der 20001107             , als die MEHRHEIT—DER—WÄHLER—AL—GORE zum Präsidenten wählte, der 20001212             , als die MEHRHEIT—DES—SUPREME—COURTS—BUSH [BGW968] zum Präsidenten machte und der 20010911             , "der schwärzeste —DIENSTAG von allen".
20041027             als die MEHRHEIT—DER—WÄHLER—AL—GORE zum Präsidenten wählte, der 20001212             , als die MEHRHEIT—DES—SUPREME—COURTS—BUSH [BGW968] zum Präsidenten machte und der 11.
20041027             der 20001212             , als die MEHRHEIT—DES—SUPREME—COURTS—BUSH [BGW968] zum Präsidenten machte und der 20010911             ,
20041104             20041212 20041201              GAO questions nuclear industry's security efforts -
20041118—20041212    DC: Counterinaugural planning
20041128             1—RUN off was scheduled for 20041212              —WHEN neither ruling SOCIALIST—NASTASE nor BUCHAREST Mayor Basescu received 50%.
20041200             SWITZERLAND... Export/Imports : MILIPOL 91 - Exhibited via ITB—COMERCIO Internacional LDA—PORTUGAL based company.
20041212             Der Spiegel schildert sehr eindrucksvoll in einem Zweiteiler den Überwachungs- + Repressionsstaat jenseits des Atlantiks.Spiegel 20030306              :
20041212             Please have no faith in anything you read here.
20041212             —PROVIDED, The —FOLLOWING references are, to start you on that ROAD—OR as 1—AID to sleep, whichever you prefer.
20041212             (DS) Dom Stasi - And though Einstein, Albert had already proven that everything + anything can rightfully be considered THE—CENTER—OF—THE—UNIVERSE, I'm speaking less prosaically.
20041212             For 1—YOUNG—MAN in the —MORNING of his career, or 1—OLD—MAN at its dusk, + —TODAY I can speak with knowledge of both circumstances, Project Apollo was that something we would remember the rest of our days.
20041212             Anyone who had the great good fortune and talent to be 1—PART—OF—IT, would be changed for the experience + changed for the better.
20041212             Such harmless vanity is simply human nature.
20041212             The Mind Of The Bible Believer ; by Cohen, Edmund Prometheus Books, 2003
20041212             1—ANATOMY—OF—AMERICAN—NATIONALISM, by Anatol Lieven;
20041212             OXFORD UNIVERSITY—PRESS, 20040000        .
20041212             Omigod! Vote fraud! Recount lockdown in OHIO :
20041212             —EXPRESSED, JOHN—CONYERS has, his concern with BLACKWELL—SHODDY attempt to shut down the recount in Greene County.
20041212             Blackwell, you will recall, operates under the novel theory that voting records are not public.
20041212             ANY—ATTEMPT to conduct 1—RECOUNT without data is 1—BIT—LIKE trying to make 1—OMELETTE without eggs, 1—PAN, or 1—SOURCE—OF—HEAT.
20041212             Was BLACKWELL—DECISION was 1—STALLING tactic?
20041212             We —NOW have - 1—BETTER—DESCRIPTION—OF—THE—SITUATION at THE—BOARD—OF—ELECTIONS building, which was left wide open —THROUGHOUT the night.
20041212             More from Greene COUNTY—OHIO : Post 177—OF
20041212             this thread on the Democratic Underground mentions 1—BIZARRE—SITUATION involving Greene COUNTY—PRECINCT 440, which serves 1—LARGELY black community.
20041212             —PUBLISHED, THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, a
20041212             surprisingly fair article about the continuing controversy over vote fraud allegations.
20041212             1—DEMOCRAT close to the Kerry [KFJ966] campaign, speaking on CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY, said Kerry [KFJ966] had received plenty of "do not make this concession" advice from party members.
20041212             "THE—EVERY—VOTE—COUNTS—COMMUNITY is very strong inside THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY + 1 does not want to discourage them".
20041212             BOB—PARRY—CONSORTIUM—NEWS has - 1—NEW—POST—MORTEM on the elections;
20041212             even if you've read MANY—OTHERS, you should check out this 1.
20041212             1—ZOGBY poll —RECENTLY addressed the question of whether "problems" with vote counting affected the outcome.
20041212             42.5% replied that these concerns were either "very valid" or "somewhat valid".
20041212             That's 1—HIGH—NUMBER, considering the dismissive coverage in the mainstream media + even in the progressive news organs.
20041212             LET—KEEP up the fight!
20041212             1—NOTE about THE—OHIO provisionals : 68—PERCENT—OF—THE—PROVISIONAL—BALLOTS in Cuyahoga county were counted.
20041212             (The number was substantially higher in previous elections.)
20041212             Of the discarded provisionals, the vast majority were tossed because the county could find no registration record on file.
20041212             Question: Why would anyone wait in line for hours to vote -- yet not register?
20041212             1—NOTE about THE—OHIO recount : What, exactly, is being recounted?
20041212             I have yet to find 1—SPECIFIC—ANSWER to that poser.
20041212             —OCCURRED, If vote fraud, via the computers that did the final tabulations, how will 1—RECOUNT help?
20041212             Seems to me that instead of poring over the registration log books, computer specialists should pore over the code.
20041212             —CONSIDERED, Ah -- but the software is, of course, 1—PRIVATE—MATTER.
20041212             Trade secret, don't you know.
20041212             —ERST im Oktober hat 1—USA—FORSCHERTEAM diese THEORIE—MIT Computersimulationen untermauert.
20041212             "Das neue HUBBLE—FOTO ermöglicht uns den —BISHER besten Blick auf 1—SCHEIBE um einen Stern, der so groß ist wie unsere Sonne", sagte DAVID—ARDILA von der Johns Hopkins UNIVERSITY—IN—BALTIMORE.
20041212             "Es zeigt 1—DER—MÖGLICHEN—VERGANGENHEITEN unseres Sonnensystems".
20041212             Das SPITZER—TELESKOP hat diesen "missing link" der Planetenentstehung nun beobachtet.
20041212             Das um die Erde kreisende Superauge spürte gleich 6—VERSCHIEDENE Staubringe auf, die sich jeweils um einen Stern ähnlich unserer Sonne drehen.
20041212             Von diesen Sternen wussten Astronomen —BEREITS, dass sie von Planeten umkreist werden.
20041212             "Junge Sterne besitzen große MENGEN—DES—BAUMATERIALS für Planeten", sagte CHARLES—BEICHMANN vom Jet Propulsion Laboratory der Nasa.
20041212             "Älteren Sternen bleibt nur übrig gebliebener Schutt".
20041212             Die Beobachtung passe zur bisherigen Theorie der Entstehung von Planeten.
20041212             Die 6—VOM SPITZER—TELESKOP beobachteten Solarsysteme sind 50—BIS 160—LICHTJAHRE von der Erde entfernt.
20041212             Havarierter Frachter: ALASKA fürchtet riesige ÖL—KATASTROPHE - (Panorama, 16:16)
20041212             Psychologische Kriegsführung: Wie die Briten Hitler mit Horoskopen bekämpften
20041212             18:1 - 7. Doppelstaat USA?
20041212             Hat Fraenkels DOPPELSTAAT—THEORIE, die er bzgl. des "III. Reiches" entwickelt hatte, 1—ENTSPRECHUNG in der Staatlichkeit der USA ?
20041212             Wenn man sich anschaut, in welchem Maße die Repression gegen Unerwünschtes oder auch nur Verdächtiges fortschreitet, möchte man —SCHON mal darüber nachdenken, ob die als Rechtsstaat gegründeten USA nicht —BEREITS einen Normenstaat und einen Maßnahmenstaat zerfallen sind.
20041212             —GESCHILDERT, Im letzten Teil wird unter anderem, wie auch Tierschützer zu Terroristen abgestempelt werden können und ihnen dann im extremen Fall die Todesstrafe droht.
20041212             Ernst FRAENKEL—DER DOPPELSTAAT—, Kultur und...
20041212             Ernst Fraenkel s " Doppelstaat " ist 1—KLASSIKER, 1—STANDARDWERK über die Politik...
20041212    Rezensionen Bücher: Der Doppelstaat... STAAT zerfiel, wie Fraenkel in Der Doppelstaat anhand akribisch...
20041212             148_151_Doppelstaat, Fraenkel, ERNST—USA 19400000              Teil I, Kapitel III: Der Normenstaat.Der Doppelstaat.
20041212             Die politische Ordnung der Volksgemeinschaft. Ernst Fraenkel s '.
20041212             Fraenkels DOPPELSTAAT—THEORIE behält diese Widersprüche im Blick.
20041212             Fraenkel meinte mit dem Begriff " Doppelstaat " das "Nebeneinander eines seine eigenen... ganz deutlich im Bann des Staates als Normenstaat, dem die Polizei...
20041212             Ernst Fraenkel : Der Doppelstaat — Rezension... STAAT zerfiel, wie Fraenkel in Der Doppelstaat anhand akribisch...
20041212             **Ernst Fraenkel ** Infomationen zu Ernst Fraenkel - Dennoch wurden dt.
20041212             —ENTEIGNET, Juden.
20041212             Ernst Fraenkel hat in seinem grundlegendem Werk "Der Doppelstaat " zwischen MAßNAHMEN—UND Normenstaat unterschieden.
20041212             Das Parlament, NUMBER 27 20010000             , 20010629              - Als es keine...
20041212             Er begriff den NS—STAAT als " Doppelstaat ", in dem 2—SYSTEME... das durch keinerlei rechtliche Garantien eingeschränkt ist";
20041212             und der " Normenstaat " als das...
20041212             Für Rüthers ist sie ein "Maßnahmestaat" im Politischen, " Normenstaat " im übrigen, ein " Doppelstaat " wie für Ernst Fraenkel der NS—STAAT...
20041212             Doppelstaat " (Ernst Fraenkel ) - ???
20041212             Normenstaat " und ???Maßnahmenstaat"...
20041212             Das Parlament, NUMBER 27 20010000             , 20010629              - Als es keine... Er begriff den NS—STAAT als " Doppelstaat ", in dem 2—SYSTEME... das durch keinerlei rechtliche Garantien eingeschränkt ist"; und der " Normenstaat " als das...
20041212             Nationalsozialismus Der Typus der 1. deutschen Diktatur Teil 1 ... —... Recht und Justiz im 3. Reich 1. Normenstaat und Maßnahmenstaat nach Ernst Fraenkel —> Konkurrenz/Kooperation von Maßnahmen und Normen im Doppelstaat...
20041212             Buchempfehlungen Faschismus: Der NATIONALSOZIALISMUS—BUCHLADEN... Die Begriffe Doppelstaat, Normenstaat und Maßnahmenstaat gingen in die wissenschaftliche Literatur ein + das Bundessozialgericht übernahm sie in einem...
20041212             MICHAEL—WILDT—PDF... Fraenkel meinte mit dem Begriff " Doppelstaat " das "Nebeneinander eines seine eigenen Gesetze im... noch ganz deutlich im Bann des Staates als Normenstaat, dem die...
20041212             Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration... Bündnis ANDERERSEITS—ERINNERT an die Entwicklung zum " Doppelstaat "... Beginn der 3ßiger JAHRE—IN einen "Maßnahmenstaat" und einen " Normenstaat "...
20041212             [DOC]PROFESSOR—DOCTOR—KLAUS—SCHÖNHOVEN—MICROSOFT—WORD 20000000              —... IV. Der NS—STAAT und seine Organisationen.
20041212             Die MITGLIEDER—DER—NSDAP; Der ?
20041212             Doppelstaat ?: Normenstaat und Maßnahmenstaat; Staatsorgane und Gesetzgebung.
20041212             Der Doppelstaat.
20041212             BÜCHER > Bücher: preissuche bei Bild.T-Online... STAAT zerfiel, wie Fraenkel in Der Doppelstaat anhand akribisch... des im NS—SYSTEM aufgegebenen Rechtsstaatsprinzips trat der " Normenstaat ", dessen Aufgabe es war... _/
20041212             Lexikonia.DE—INFORMATIONEN zu Ernst Fraenkel... The Dual State", deutsch "Der Doppelstaat ", in dem er das politische System des NS—STAATES analysierte. Dieser war danach gleichzeitig " Normenstaat ", der das...
20041212             NG: E. Fraenkel: Gesammelte... Der Doppelstaat war die 1. bedeutende, empirisch fundierte Analyse des politischen...Fraenkel darin 2—FORMEN—VON—HERRSCHAFT: den ???
20041212             Normenstaat ", in dem... 20041210              20041212
20041212             H-Soz-u-Kult/Rezensionen/Rez. NG: E. Fraenkel: Gesammelte.
20041212             ZG: W. Gruner: Zwangsarbeit und Verfolgung... [2] Diese Interpretation folgt dem " Doppelstaat "-Modell Ernst Fraenkel s, der die Konkurrenz zwischen " Normenstaat " und "Maßnahmenstaat" betont.
20041212             Der Doppelstaat war die 1. bedeutende, empirisch fundierte Analyse des politischen...Fraenkel darin 2—FORMEN—VON—HERRSCHAFT: den ???
20041212             NG: E. Fraenkel: Gesammelte.
20041212             Normenstaat ", in dem... hsozkult.geschichte.
20041212             Verkauf Versand Online SHOP—DER Doppelstaat.
20041212             STAAT zerfiel, wie Fraenkel in Der Doppelstaat anhand akribisch... des im NS—SYSTEM aufgegebenen Rechtsstaatsprinzips trat der " Normenstaat ", dessen Aufgabe es war...  - 30k
20041212             Der DOPPELSTAAT—ERNST Fraenkel... STAAT zerfiel, wie Fraenkel in Der Doppelstaat anhand akribisch... des im NS—SYSTEM aufgegebenen Rechtsstaatsprinzips trat der " Normenstaat ", dessen Aufgabe es war...
20041212             Ernst Fraenkel — NET—LEXIKON... The Dual State", deutsch "Der Doppelstaat ", in dem er das politische System des NS—STAATES analysierte. Dieser war danach gleichzeitig " Normenstaat ", der das...
20041212             Jungle World 51/2000... Bündnis ANDERERSEITS—ERINNERT an die Entwicklung zum " Doppelstaat "... Beginn der 3ßiger JAHRE—IN einen "Maßnahmenstaat" und einen " Normenstaat "...
20041212             Historikerkommission (Hg.): Ela Hornung, Ernst Langthaler, Sabine...Page 1. Historikerkommission (Hg.): Ela Hornung, Ernst Langthaler, Sabine Schweitzer: (Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für KRIEGSFOLGEN—FORSCHUNG)...
20041212             Justiz zu Hitlers Zeiten + Referate Hausaufgaben Facharbeiten...
20041212             Das 3. Reich wurde später auch als Doppelstaat bezeichnet.
20041212             FTA—MAIL 20030307             ... Hat Fraenkels DOPPELSTAAT—THEORIE, die er bzgl... —SCHON mal darüber nachdenken, ob die als Rechtsstaat gegründeten USA nicht —BEREITS einen Normenstaat und einen..
20041212             Die Entstehung des NS—REPRESSIONSSYSTEMS... Maßnahmenstaat gegen Normenstaat... Man kann LETZTERE—NACH der Theorie Ernst Fraenkel s vom nationalsozialistischen DOPPELSTAAT—AUCH als Vertreter des...
20041212             Die Entstehung des NS—REPRESSIONSSYSTEMS —... Maßnahmenstaat gegen Normenstaat... Man kann Letztere — nach der Theorie Ernst Fraenkel s vom nationalsozialistischen Doppelstaat — auch als Vertreter des...
20041212             Das Soziale im Nationalsozialismus... zur SS, deshalb auch der Ausdruck SS—STAAT (Kogon) - + zur Ministerialbürokratie: einen ???
20041212             Doppelstaat von Maßnahmestaat und Normenstaat ' (Fraenkel 19840000             ...
20041212             Gründung der Partei: Microsoft Word 20000000              —... Spielwiese für Nationalsozialisten; ?
20041212             und ? Normenstaat ? nebeneinender;
20041212             3 ... - Ernst FRAENKEL—DER Doppelstaat — [ Klappentext ] Ernst Fraenkel s " Doppelstaat " ist ein... das nationalsozialistische Herrschaftssystem in 2—GROßE Bereiche zerfällt: den Normenstaat und den...
20041212             HAMBURG B Jüdische Rechtsanwälte : 19330000—19450000     04-1-342 ...Der kalkulierbare Normenstaat mußte Stück für Stück einem willkürlichen Verordnungsstaat weichen, der es IM—MERHIN auf...Der Doppelstaat : Recht und...
20041212             BGH: Der Bundesgerichtshof... KURZUM—ES entstand neben dem Normenstaat der Maßnahmenstaat im Sinne... Im nationalsozialistischen Doppelstaat von staatlicher und parteimäßiger Organisation...
20041212             (GES,S) HUBERT—ROTTLEUTHNER über die Verfassung des 3...
20041212             das national sozialistische Herrschaftsgefüge als " Doppelstaat ", das heißt als 1—GEBILDE, das zerfällt in einen (herkömmlichen) Normenstaat und in...
20041212             4—HISTORISCHES Modell betrieblicher Konflikthandhabung in der DDR... Mollnau, in: Bender/Falk (19990000             ), S. 61 214—VON einem Doppelstaat kann nach Fraenkel dann... Der andere TEIL—DES—DOPPELSTAAT es wird als " Normenstaat " bezeichnet...
20041212             GH The Idea of the "3. Reich" in THE—GERMANY—LEGAL..... the National Socialist takeover, quite rightly uses the term Doppelstaat ("Dual State... To insure the normal FUNCTIONING—OF—THE—ECONOMY 1—NORMENSTAAT is in...
20041212             Die Verfassungssituation im "3. Reich" Zerstörung der...... das NATIONAL—SOZIALISTISCHE Herrschaftsgefüge als " Doppelstaat ", das heißt als 1—GEBILDE, das zerfällt in einen (herkömmlichen) Normenstaat und in...
20041212             SACHEN... Machtverhältnisse in ???Der Doppelstaat ", Köln 19740000        .
20041212    Der Diktaturenvergleich.
20041212             Theorien und Konzepte... Neben diesem, Normenstaat " entstand durch die ständige Verschärfung des Rechts eine politische Waffe, die... Fraenkel, Ernst: Der Doppelstaat, FRANKFURT/M. 19740000        .
20041212             KONRAD—ADENAUER—STIFTUNG... Schmitt) bedeutete die Perversion vom VERFASSUNGS—ZUM totalitären ???
20041212             Doppelstaat ", wie ihn... List: Denn es gab nun neben dem Normenstaat einen Maßnahmenstaat...
20041212             Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft der UNIVERSITÄT—BIELEFELD...
20041212             [46]... [46] Fraenkel, Der Doppelstaat, passim...
20041212             @HU1 = Nationalsozialismus und Stalinismus als totalitäre Systeme... etwa den Politologen Ernst Fraenkel von einem Übergang vom " Normenstaat " zum "Maßnahmenstaat" (vgl... Fraenkel, Ernst (19740000             ): Der Doppelstaat, FRANKFURT/M..
20041212             The Dual STATE—AND—FASCISM... of the prerogative state (Massnahmenstaat) and the normative state ( Normenstaat ).
20041212             NEW—YORK: Octagon, 19410000             , 19690000             );
20041212             GERMANY—EDITION, Der Doppelstaat (FRANKFURT am.
20041212             This is so depressing -- another story about 2—USA—SOLDIERS—KILLING unarmed Iraqis, for no reason:
20041212             —DETAINED, Soldiers, the family — 1—FATHER, mother, daughter, son and baby — in the courtyard —WHILE they searched the home.
20041212             Soldiers found 1—REVOLVER and 1—AK 47—RIFLE.
20041212             BECAUSE—OF—THE—LACK—OF—SECURITY in IRAQ, it is not uncommon for IRAQ—FAMILIES to keep guns in their homes.
20041212             The law permits EACH—HOUSEHOLD to have 1—WEAPON for protection.
20041212             —AFTER the weapons were found, Williams, who was the squad leader, and May motioned for the father to follow them inside, soldiers testified.
20041212             Once inside, Williams and May stood in front of the Iraqi.
20041212             "You know what you have to do," Williams told May, according to military attorneys' ACCOUNT—OF—THE—INCIDENT.
20041212             "Can I shoot him?" May asked Williams.
20041212             "Shoot him," Williams replied, according to military attorneys.
20041212             —FIRED, 20040502             —SHOTS.
20041212             "I shot him in the head twice, took 1—PICTURE—OF him + walked outside," May told 1—MILITARY—INVESTIGATOR, Special Agent JAMES—SUPRYNOWICZ, in 1—SWORN statement several weeks —LATER.
20041212             It was read in COURT—MONDAY.
20041212             —AFTER the shooting, May bragged about the incident to fellow soldiers, prosecutors alleged.
20041212             "Spc. May was pretty hyped up," testified Spc.
20041212             JOSHUA—R—SICKELS, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE battalion.
20041212             "He was excited. He said he'd never shot someone that close up —BEFORE".
20041212             —DEFINED, Yet the Union has never, what it means by European".
20041212             Update: Reader HS writes, "For 1—CLUE, check out the Eurovision Song Contest, which includes entries from CYPRUS, TURKEY, MALTA, ISRAEL + RUSSIA".
20041212             To my question about Eurobonds, reader AH writes, "All the Eurozone countries issue their own debt as fiscal policy is 1—NATIONAL—RESPONSIBILITY (so long as THE—MAASTRICHT and Stability &
20041212             —OBSERVED, Growth Pact criteria are ).
20041212             —ISSUED, There is also EURO—DENOMINATED supranational paper, by organisations like the European Investment Bank.
20041212             The benchmark eurozone government security is THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT—BUND.
20041212             The long (20340700             ) bund is currently yielding 4.31%, the
20041212             coupon being naturally paid in €. - - The Financial Times puts out 1—TABLE
20041212             of benchmark govt bonds at 2300—DAILY—HERE is THE—CURRENT 1 [.pdf linked].
20041212             AN—ISRAEL—NEWSPAPER is citing IRAN—SOURCES to say PAKISTAN is helping SAUDI—ARABIA build 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON:
20041212             Update : Reader DL writes with the original link to the Arnaud de Borchgrave UPI piece Ha'aretz reported on, here.
20041212             —FROM THE—WASHINGTON—POST :
20041212             1—SENIOR—CIA—OPERATIVE who handled sensitive informants in IRAQ asserts that CIA managers asked him to falsify his reporting on WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION and retaliated against him —AFTER he refused.
20041212             —BLACKED, THE—SUBJECT—OF—THAT reporting has been, out by THE—CIA, and the word "IRAQ" does not appear in the heavily redacted version of the legal complaint, but the remaining language and context make clear that the officer's work related to prewar intelligence on IRAQ's alleged WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20041212             In the lawsuit, the officer asserts that CIA managers retaliated against him for refusing their demands by beginning 1—COUNTERINTELLIGENCE—INVESTIGATION—OF—ALLEGATIONS that he had sex with 1—FEMALE asset + by initiating 1—INSPECTOR—GENERAL'S—INVESTIGATION into allegations that he stole money meant to be used to pay human assets.
20041212             Must read. Thanks to ERIC—UMANSKY.
20041212             1—PRETTY startling story from the Forward —TODAY about the investigation of Aipac:
20041212             —HEADED, Fears that the case was, to court increased this —WEEK, with SOME—JEWISH—ACTIVISTS assuming that THE—ISSUING—OF—SUBPOENAS meant that the grand jury had been asked to issue indictments...
20041212             Subpoenas are not necessarily 1—INDICATION that indictments are imminent, but they can be indications that "the case is at 1—RATHER advanced stage," said Rita Simon, 1—PROFESSOR at USA—UNIVERSITY—SCHOOL—OF—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS + SCHOOL—OF—LAW and 1—EXPERT on the jury system.
20041212             "This indicates, obviously, that the jury is not dropping the case".
20041212             —ALMOST all federal criminal cases referred by prosecutors to 1—GRAND—JURY for indictment end in charges being filed.
20041212             SOME—INTERESTING details about THE—CASE—OF—THE—EX—CIA—OPERATIVE suing THE—CIA for alleged retribution for his refusal to falsify IRAQ WMD intelligence, from his lawsuit [via STEVE—AFTERGOOD]:
20041212             KEVIN—DRUM HAS—SOME—ADVICE for anyone with 1—SKELETON or 2 -- or who knows, 1—SHEAF of classified documents, maybe -- to keep in the closet:
20041212             —ACCEPTED, Apparently nanny problems are —NOW so common and well, that they've become 1—STANDARD excuse to cover up more serious offenses.
20041212             Heck, it almost makes you 1—MARTYR, —SINCE the chattering classes unanimously agree that nanny issues are trivial — it's —JUST so hard to find good help these days — and are used mostly as political payback anyway.
20041212             Remember that the next time you think the cops are closing in on you for selling secrets to the Russians or something.
20041212             —JUST confess to 1—NANNY problem!
20041212             Everyone will believe you, the cops will suddenly understand why you've been acting shifty + you might even get SOME—SYMPATHY in the bargain.
20041212             It's perfect!
20041212             SOME—OF—YOU may remember SHAW—NAME from the al Qaqaa missing high explosives case —JUST—PRIOR—TO the elections.
20041212             —PORTRAYED, Shaw, himself as 1—WHISTLE—BLOWER who was being unfairly asked to resign for having highlighted problems with the cellular phone licensing process.
20041212             In 1—LETTER to Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD, Shaw expanded on the accusations made in his previous report,
20041212             charging that Defense UNDERSECRETARY—DOUGLAS—J—FEITH, his former law PARTNER—L—MARC—ZELL + AHMAD—CHALABI, LEADER—OF—THE—IRAQI—NATIONAL—CONGRESS—PARTY, were also involved in the conspiracy.
20041212             —CHARGED, He also, that LAWRENCE—DIRITA, THE—PENTAGON—TOP—SPOKESMAN, was organizing a "smear campaign" against him, according to 1—E—MAIL obtained by The Times.
20041212             —FORCED, He threatened DiRita that, if, to step down, he would unleash "IRAN Contra II," 1—REFERENCE to the scandal that roiled the Reagan administration.
20041212             15:4 Sequoia is the corporate parent of 1—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRM,MADISON—DEARBORN,which is PARTNER—IN—THE—CARLYLE—GROUP.
20041212             (Also see here.)
20041212             —MEANWHILE ,
20041212             —REFERRED, SAIC is, to a "shadowy defense contractor".
20041212             SAIC - SAIC have gotten into the vote count game through spinoffs by SAIC top brass,
20041212             SAIC top brass including Carlyle Group honcho Carlucci, Frank +
20041212             SAIC top brass including EX—CIA—CHIEF—GATES, Robert.
20041212             SAIC s HISTORY—OF—FRAUD—CHARGES + security "lapses" haven't PREVENTED—SAIC
20041212             —FROM becoming 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—PENTAGON + CIA contractors +
20041212             SAIC will doubtless encounter few obstacles in its entrance into USA—VOTE counting business.
20041212             The mad rush to install these unverifiable computers is driven by the Help AMERICAN—VOTE—ACT, signed by Bush !
20041212             THE—CHIEF lobbying group pushing for the act (—WHILE we dumb asses sat out here + thought, 'That sounds like 1—GOOD—IDEA!') was 1—CONSORTIUM—OF—ARMS—DEALERS including Northrup Grumman + Lockheed Martin.
20041212             —WHEN you hear people saying, 'take 1—DEEP—BREATH, we will pull through this', 'we need to work harder', 'we need to ORGANIZE'—NO.
20041212             We will not. It's over.
20041212             Unless electronic vote tabulation is history + these companies are driven OUT—OF—BUSINESS, it's their country.
20041212             Not ours.
20041212             Return of THE—BULGE! Well, the bulge itself is not back -- truth be told, few have looked for it.
20041212             But SETH—IZEN, 1—OF—THE—FOREMOST—BULGE—SPOTTERS in THE—RUN—UP to the election, draws our attention to this
20041212             ABC News report on THE—PRESIDENT—HEALTH.
20041212             Wheels fall off USA—WAR—DOCTRINE—FEATURESWORLD—WWW.theage_com... Once viewed as 1—HAWK among the Democrats, —WHEN he worked in JIMMY—CARTER—WHITE—HOUSE, Brzezinski has become 1—VOCAL CRITIC—OF—THE—BUSH doctrine...
20041212             With THE—MIDDLE—EAST and the Muslim world in chaos, could the Brzezinski doctrine —NOW be implemented in full force?
20041212             With.
20041212             Der Satellit soll in den nächsten 5—JAHREN in die Erdumlaufbahn geschossen werden und wäre das teuerste Einzelvorhaben in dem neuen Geheimdienstbudget.
20041212             Kritiker merken an, dass der Satellit seine Photos ohnehin nur bei Tageslicht und klarem Wetter schießen kann, die Tarnung also wenig zusätzlichenn Nutzen bringt.
20041212             Die Abneigung der Senatoren wird noch verständlicher, wenn man das Schicksal seiner Vorgänger berücksichtigt:
20041212             —GESTIEGEN, Kosten auf 9,5 Milliarden
20041212             Nun enthüllt die USA—ZEITUNG "WASHINGTON—POST", um was es bei dem umstrittenen Programm geht und wieviel es den amerikanischen Steuerzahler kosten wird: Die USA—REGIERUNG plant den Bau eines TARNKAPPEN—SATELLITEN.
20041212             Er soll mit empfindlicher Spähtechnologie ausgerüstet sein, aber selbst für hoch entwickelte Gegner unerkennbar um die Erde kreisen.
20041212             Sinn der Übung: Die Tarnung soll verhindern, dass Amerikas Feinde ihre Raketen, Truppen oder andere erkennbare Militärmaterialien immer dann verschieben, wenn gerade kein WELTRAUM—BEOBACHTER über ihr Terrain hinwegschwebt.
20041212             In der Tat beobachten genau aus diesem Grund etliche Geheimdienste den Weltraum und berechnen die Umlaufzeiten von Spähsatelliten.
20041212             Rund 95 % aller SPIONAGE—KÖRPER werde auf diese Weise enttarnt, schätzen Experten.
20041212             In den letzten Monaten ist das Programm indes auf immer heftigeren Widerstand gestoßen.
20041212             Laut "WASHINGTON—POST" hat sich das Projekt, das unter der Regie des Rüstungskonzerns Lockheed Martin entwickelt werden soll, von 5—MILLIARDEN $ auf 9,5 Milliarden $ verteuert.
20041212             HUNDERTE—VON—MILLIONEN seien —BEREITS für Planungen und Tests draufgegangen.
20041212             "Mit diesem Geld könnte man einen komplett neuen CIA aufbauen", zitiert das USA—BLATT einen Regierungsoffiziellen.
20041212             ETA—STRATEGIE für Spanien: Die "Enkel des Zorns" schwören blutige Rache
20041212             "Lightning Freedom": USA—ARMEE beginnt Winteroffensive
20041212             ABHÖR—AFFÄRE: USA—REGIERUNG wollte AL—BARADEI mittels Lauschangriff aus dem Amt drängen
20041212             Theorie bestätigt: Planeten entstehen aus Staubscheiben
20041212             USA—GEHEIMPROGRAMM: Mistys 3. Himmelfahrt
20041212             24 12 9 3 - Democrat + considers his party label "like 1—BIRTHMARK.".
20041212             the high NUMBER—OF—SECURITY—RELATED employee allegations... never used his office for personal gain, calls.
20041212             "1—PROJECT—LIKE—MEDSPIRATION is 1—KEY—CONTRIBUTION to this endeavour.
20041212             "With the capabilities offered by spaceborne SST sensors, by satellite altimeters and by the 1,500—PROFILING floats measuring temperature and salinity in the deep ocean — and all this data being fed in NEAR—REAL—TIME to global ocean models, this vision is becoming 1—REALITY".
20041212             —PRODUCED, ENERGY—ROCKY—FLATS—ENVIRONMENTAL—TECHNOLOGY—SITE, which, plutonium + uranium components used in USA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS.
20041212             —AFTER Wackenhut took over.
20041212             "It seems if you overuse computers + trade them for...
20041212             In 1—MEMORABLE—LINE contrasting his —LATER endorsements, Miller, Zell said, "Not ALL—OF—USA can be born rich, handsome + lucky + that's why we have 1—DEMOCRATIC...
20041212             Pauline Kersten Netherland Thammasat UNIVERSITY—DUTCH... 29/12/25475137.
20041212             except as 1—IDEA about "cleansing" 1—CORRUPT world through religious violence... historical financial ties to both Adolf Hitler + Saddam Hussein...
20041212             Sequoia is the corporate parent of 1—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRM, MADISON—DEARBORN,which is PARTNER—IN—THE—CARLYLE—GROUP.".
20041212             "UNLESS + —UNTIL you check the facts for yourself, that's all they are, SOME—STRANGER—WRITTEN words.
20041212             the National Socialist takeover, quite rightly uses the term DOPPELSTAAT ("Dual State
20041212             of THE—EX—CIA—OPERATIVE suing THE—CIA for alleged retribution for his refusal to falsify IRAQ WMD intelligence, from his lawsuit
20041212             Wie die Briten Hitler mit Horoskopen bekämpften - Vote fraud!
20041212             The operative, who remains under cover, asserts in 1—LAWSUIT made public —YESTERDAY that 1—CO—WORKER warned him
20041212             Special Agent JAMES—SUPRYNOWICZ, in a sworn statement several weeks —LATER.
20041212             SOME—INTERESTING details about the case
20041212             Recount lockdown in OHIO : PLEASE HAVE NO FAITH IN ANYTHING YOU READ HERE.
20041212             —FIRED, May, 2—SHOTS.
20041212    Der Diktaturenvergleich. Theorien und Konzepte.
20041212             —FROM THE—WASHINGTON—POST: Die Entstehung des NS—REPRESSIONSSYSTEMS...
20041212             Die Begriffe DOPPELSTAAT, NORMENSTAAT und Maßnahmenstaat gingen in die wissenschaftliche Literatur ein + das Bundessozialgericht übernahm sie in einem...
20041212             Der kalkulierbare NORMENSTAAT mußte Stück für Stück einem willkürlichen Verordnungsstaat weichen,
20041212             Der DOPPELSTAAT war die 1. bedeutende, empirisch fundierte Analyse des politischen
20041212             Das "3. Reich" wurde später auch als DOPPELSTAAT bezeichnet.
20041212             Einerseits als Maßnahmestaat und andererseits als NORMENSTAAT.
20041212             Buchempfehlungen Faschismus: Der Nationalsozialismus — Buchladen...
20041212             (Panorama, 16:16) Psychologische Kriegsführung:
20041212             a aeronave Cessna 421A YV -314-P se despenhou em Camarate na noite de
20041212             Updated White Paper, "Homeland In security: How The Wackenhut Corporation Is...
20041212             —UPDATED, Our, White Paper, " Homeland Insecurity: How the...
20041212             Normenstaat ", in dem... 20041210              20041217              The request specifically goes to 20041210             —THE testimony regarding machine tampering in Hocking County.
20041212             ZG: W. Gruner: Zwangsarbeit und... [2] Diese Interpretation folgt dem " Doppelstaat "-Modell Ernst Fraenkel s, der die Konkurrenz zwischen " Normenstaat " und "Maßnahmenstaat" betont... 20041211              20050116              Art Crimes: Graffiti Shows and Events: History 20030000             ... hosted by Defex Clothing —THURSDAY 20051211             —10—PM. music by —JUST 1 + Parish.
20041212             (DS) Dom Stasi - For a young man in the —MORNING of his career, or an old man at its dusk,
20041212             + —TODAY I can speak with knowledge of both circumstances, Project Apollo was that something we would remember the rest of our days.
20041212             Physics aside, Apollo simply wasFOR 1—TIME THE—CENTER—OF—THE—UNIVERSE—OF—MEN.
20041212             THE—MIND—OF—THE—BIBLE—BELIEVER ;
20041212             by COHEN, Edmund Prometheus Books, 20030000              20041212             1—ANATOMY—OF—AMERICAN—NATIONALISM, by Anatol Lieven;
20041212             OXFORD UNIVERSITY—PRESS, 20040000            . - Omigod!
20041212             We —NOW have 1—BETTER—DESCRIPTION
20041212             of the situation at THE—BOARD—OF—ELECTIONS building, which was left wide open —THROUGHOUT the night.
20041212             More from Greene COUNTY—OHIO : Post 177—OF—THIS thread
20041212             —ON the Democratic Underground mentions 1—BIZARRE—SITUATION involving Greene COUNTY—PRECINCT 440,
20041212             which serves 1—LARGELY black community.
20041212             —REGISTERED, Over 3000—AFRICAN—USA—VOTERS are (or should be), here -- yet KERRY [KFJ966] received but 58—VOTES!
20041212             —PUBLISHED, THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 1—SURPRISINGLY fair article
20041212             —ABOUT the continuing controversy over vote fraud allegations.
20041212             1—DEMOCRAT close to THE—KERRY [KFJ966] campaign, speaking on CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY,
20041212             said KERRY [KFJ966] had received plenty of "do not make this concession" advice from party members.
20041212             "It's not —JUST THE—INTERNET—CONSPIRACY—COMMUNITY," said THE—KERRY [KFJ966] ally.
20041212             BOB—PARRY—CONSORTIUM—NEWS has a new POST—MORTEM
20041212             —ON the elections; even if you've read MANY—OTHERS, you should check out this 1.
20041212             —ERST im ;;10;; hat 1—USA—FORSCHERTEAM diese Theorie mit Computersimulationen untermauert.
20041212             "Das neue HUBBLE—FOTO ermöglicht uns den —BISHER besten Blick auf 1—SCHEIBE um einen Stern,
20041212             der so groß ist wie unsere Sonne", sagte DAVID—ARDILA von der Johns Hopkins UNIVERSITY—IN—BALTIMORE.
20041212             7. DOPPELSTAAT USA?
20041212             Hat Fraenkels DOPPELSTAAT—THEORIE, die er bzgl. des "III. REICHES" entwickelt hatte,
20041212             1—ENTSPRECHUNG in der Staatlichkeit der USA ?
20041212             Wenn man sich anschaut, in welchem Maße die Repression gegen Unerwünschtes oder auch nur Verdächtiges fortschreitet,
20041212             möchte man —SCHON mal darüber nachdenken, ob die als Rechtsstaat gegründeten USA nicht —BEREITS einen NORMENSTAAT und einen Maßnahmenstaat zerfallen sind.
20041212             ERNST FRAENKEL s " DOPPELSTAAT " ist 1—KLASSIKER, 1—STANDARDWERK über die Politik...
20041212             Herrschaftssystem in 2—GROßE Bereiche zerfällt: den NORMENSTAAT + den...
20041212    Bücher: Der Doppelstaat...
20041212    Rezensionen Bücher: Der Doppelstaat...
20041212             148_151_Doppelstaat, Fraenkel, ERNST—USA 19400000              20041212             Teil I, Kapitel III: Der NORMENSTAAT.Der DOPPELSTAAT.
20041212             Die analytische Aufforderung, in Fraenkels Terminologie, MAßNAHMEN—UND NORMENSTAAT...
20041212             ganz deutlich im Bann des Staates als NORMENSTAAT, dem die Polizei...
20041212             Ernst Fraenkel : Der Doppelstaat — Rezension...
20041212             des im NS—SYSTEM aufgegebenen Rechtsstaatsprinzips trat der " NORMENSTAAT ", dessen Aufgabe es war..
20041212             Dennoch wurden dt.
20041212             ERNST FRAENKEL hat in seinem grundlegendem Werk "Der DOPPELSTAAT " zwischen MAßNAHMEN—UND NORMENSTAAT unterschieden.
20041212             Er begriff den NS—STAAT als " DOPPELSTAAT ", in dem 2—SYSTEME
20041212             das durch keinerlei rechtliche Garantien eingeschränkt ist"; und der " NORMENSTAAT " als das...
20041212             Das Parlament, NUMBER 17 20020000             , 20020426             —VON—SCHREIBE—ZU...
20041212             Für Rüthers ist sie ein "Maßnahmestaat" im Politischen, " NORMENSTAAT " im übrigen, ein " DOPPELSTAAT " wie für ERNST FRAENKEL der NS—STAAT...
20041212             Prof Dr - 17: Zur Herrschaftsstruktur des NS—REGIMES—JANUSKOPF des NS—REGIMES, ???
20041212             DOPPELSTAAT " (ERNST FRAENKEL ) - ???
20041212             NORMENSTAAT " und ???Maßnahmenstaat"...
20041212             Nationalsozialismus Der Typus der 1. deutschen Diktatur Teil 1 ...
20041212             Recht und Justiz im 3. Reich 1. NORMENSTAAT und Maßnahmenstaat nach ERNST FRAENKEL —> Konkurrenz/Kooperation von Maßnahmen und Normen im DOPPELSTAAT...
20041212             Buchempfehlungen Faschismus: Der NATIONALSOZIALISMUS—BUCHLADEN...
20041212             MICHAEL—WILDT - Fraenkel meinte mit dem Begriff " DOPPELSTAAT " das "Nebeneinander eines seine eigenen Gesetze im
20041212             noch ganz deutlich im Bann des Staates als NORMENSTAAT, dem die...
20041212             Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration...
20041212             Bündnis ANDERERSEITS—ERINNERT an die Entwicklung zum " DOPPELSTAAT "
20041212             Beginn der 3ßiger JAHRE—IN einen "Maßnahmenstaat" und einen " NORMENSTAAT "...
20041212             Microsoft Word 20000000              —...
20041212             IV. Der NS—STAAT und seine Organisationen.
20041212             DOPPELSTAAT ?: NORMENSTAAT und Maßnahmenstaat;
20041212             Staatsorgane und Gesetzgebung... - Der Doppelstaat.
20041212             BÜCHER > Bücher: preissuche bei Bild.T-Online.
20041212             STAAT zerfiel, wie Fraenkel in Der DOPPELSTAAT anhand akribisch
20041212             Lexikonia.DE—INFORMATIONEN zu Ernst Fraenkel...
20041212             The Dual State", deutsch "Der DOPPELSTAAT ", in dem er das politische System des NS—STAATES analysierte.
20041212             Dieser war danach gleichzeitig " NORMENSTAAT ", der das... - H-Soz-u-Kult/Rezensionen/Rez.
20041212             ZG: W. Gruner: Zwangsarbeit und. H-Soz-u-Kult/Rezensionen/Rez.
20041212             .Fraenkel darin 2—FORMEN—VON—HERRSCHAFT: den ??? NORMENSTAAT ", in dem...
20041212             [2] Diese Interpretation folgt dem " DOPPELSTAAT "-Modell ERNST FRAENKEL s, der dieKonkurrenz zwischen " NORMENSTAAT " und "Maßnahmenstaat" betont...
20041212             Fraenkel darin 2—FORMEN—VON—HERRSCHAFT: den ??? NORMENSTAAT ", in dem - H-Soz-u-Kult/Rez.
20041212             ZG: W. Gruner: Zwangsarbeit und Verfolgung.
20041212             .Fraenkel darin 2—FORMEN—VON—HERRSCHAFT:
20041212             des im NS—SYSTEM aufgegebenen Rechtsstaatsprinzips trat der " NORMENSTAAT ",
20041212             dessen Aufgabe es war - Der DOPPELSTAAT—ERNST Fraenkel...
20041212             Ernst Fraenkel — NET—LEXIKON... - Jungle World 51/2000...
20041212             Historikerkommission (Hg.): Ela Hornung, Ernst Langthaler, Sabine...-
20041212             Page 1. Historikerkommission (Hg.): Ela Hornung, Ernst Langthaler, Sabine Schweitzer: (Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für KRIEGSFOLGEN—FORSCHUNG)...
20041212             Justiz zu Hitlers Zeiten + Referate Hausaufgaben Facharbeiten... - FTA—MAIL 7. 20030300             ...
20041212             Hat Fraenkels DOPPELSTAAT—THEORIE, die er bzgl... —SCHON mal darüber nachdenken, ob die als Rechtsstaat gegründeten USA nicht —BEREITS einen NORMENSTAAT und einen..
20041212             Maßnahmenstaat gegen NORMENSTAAT... Man kann LETZTERE—NACH der Theorie ERNST FRAENKEL s vom nationalsozialistischen DOPPELSTAAT—AUCH als Vertreter des...
20041212             Die Entstehung des NS—REPRESSIONSSYSTEMS — - Das Soziale im Nationalsozialismus...
20041212             zur SS, deshalb auch der Ausdruck SS—STAAT (Kogon) - + zur Ministerialbürokratie:
20041212             einen ??? DOPPELSTAAT von Maßnahmestaat und NORMENSTAAT ' (Fraenkel 19840000             ...
20041212             Gründung der Partei: Spielwiese für Nationalsozialisten; ?
20041212             DOPPELSTAAT ?, da WR—VERFASSUNG nie außer Kraft gesetzt wurde; ?Maßnahmenstaat?
20041212             und ? NORMENSTAAT ? nebeneinender;
20041212             3 ... - Ernst FRAENKEL—DER Doppelstaat —
20041212             [ Klappentext ] ERNST FRAENKEL s " DOPPELSTAAT " ist ein
20041212             das nationalsozialistische Herrschaftssystem in 2—GROßE Bereiche zerfällt: den NORMENSTAAT und den...
20041212             HAMBURG B Jüdische Rechtsanwälte : 19330000—19450000    —JAHR—BIS 04-1-342 ...-
20041212             der es IM—MERHIN auf -.Der DOPPELSTAAT : Recht und... - BGH: Der Bundesgerichtshof...
20041212             KURZUM—ES entstand neben dem NORMENSTAAT der Maßnahmenstaat im Sinne
20041212             Im nationalsozialistischen DOPPELSTAAT von staatlicher und parteimäßiger Organisation...
20041212             4—HISTORISCHES Modell betrieblicher Konflikthandhabung in der DDR...
20041212             Mollnau, in: Bender/Falk (19990000             ), S. 61 214—VON einem DOPPELSTAAT kann nach Fraenkel dann
20041212             Der andere TEIL—DES—DOPPELSTAAT es wird als " NORMENSTAAT " bezeichnet...
20041212             Joachim Fischer- - legitimierte ???Maßnahmenstaat" war im Verhältnis zum ???
20041212             NORMENSTAAT " im Bedarfsfall zur
20041212             GH The Idea of the "3. Reich" in THE—GERMANY—LEGAL.....
20041212             To insure the normal FUNCTIONING—OF—THE—ECONOMY 1—NORMENSTAAT is in...
20041212             Die Verfassungssituation im "3. Reich" Zerstörung der...-
20041212             das NATIONAL—SOZIALISTISCHE Herrschaftsgefüge als " DOPPELSTAAT ", das heißt als 1—GEBILDE, das zerfällt in einen (herkömmlichen) NORMENSTAAT und in...
20041212             SACHEN... - Machtverhältnisse in ???Der DOPPELSTAAT ", Köln 19740000        .
20041212             —AM Beispiel des 3. Reichs stellt er dar, wie der subsidiäre NORMENSTAAT (= Rechtsstaat) neben...
20041212             Neben diesem, NORMENSTAAT " entstand durch die ständige Verschärfung des Rechts eine politische Waffe,
20041212             Fraenkel, Ernst: Der DOPPELSTAAT, FRANKFURT/M. 19740000             ...
20041212             KONRAD—ADENAUER—STIFTUNG...
20041212             Schmitt) bedeutete die Perversion vom VERFASSUNGS—ZUM totalitären ???
20041212             DOPPELSTAAT ", wie ihn
20041212             Denn es gab nun neben dem NORMENSTAAT einen Maßnahmenstaat...
20041212             —BESTIMMT, Dieser Bereich sei weiterhin durch rechtliche Normen, worden, weshalb ihn Fraenkel " NORMENSTAAT " nannte.
20041212             Der DOPPELSTAAT, passim
20041212             @HU1 = Nationalsozialismus und Stalinismus als totalitäre Systeme...
20041212             etwa den Politologen ERNST FRAENKEL von einem Übergang vom " NORMENSTAAT " zum "Maßnahmenstaat" (vgl
20041212             Fraenkel, Ernst (19740000             ): Der DOPPELSTAAT, FRANKFURT/M...
20041212             The Dual STATE—AND—FASCISM...
20041212             of the prerogative state (Massnahmenstaat) and the normative state ( NORMENSTAAT ).
20041212             GERMANY—EDITION, Der DOPPELSTAAT (FRANKFURT am...
20041212             This is so depressing -- another story about 2—USA—SOLDIERS killing unarmed Iraqis,
20041212             "I shot him in the head twice, took 1—PICTURE—OF him + walked outside," May told 1—MILITARY—INVESTIGATOR,
20041212             JOSHUA—R—SICKELS, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE battalion. "He was excited.
20041212             He said he'd never shot someone that close up —BEFORE".
20041212             of benchmark govt bonds at 2300—DAILY—HERE is the current 1 - an ISRAEL—NEWSPAPER
20041212             is citing IRAN—SOURCES to say PAKISTAN is helping SAUDI—ARABIA build 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON:
20041212             THE—IRAN—REPORTS about nuclear dealings between PAKISTAN and SAUDI—ARABIA is apparently motivated by IRAN—INTEREST in pointing out that other countries in the region are involved in military nuclear development + that they are not coming under INTERNATIONAL criticism because they are friends of THE—USA
20041212             Update : Reader DL writes with the original link to the Arnaud de Borchgrave UPI piece
20041212             —BLACKED, THE—SUBJECT—OF—THAT reporting has been, out by THE—CIA, and the word "IRAQ" does not appear in the heavily redacted version of the legal complaint,
20041212             but the remaining language and context make clear that the officer's work related to prewar intelligence on IRAQ's alleged WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20041212             Must read.
20041212             1—PRETTY startling story from the Forward
20041212             Subpoenas are not necessarily 1—INDICATION that indictments are imminent,
20041212             but they can be indications that "the case is at 1—RATHER advanced stage," said Rita Simon,
20041212             1—PROFESSOR at USA—UNIVERSITY—SCHOOL—OF—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS + SCHOOL—OF—LAW and 1—EXPERT on the jury system.
20041212             KEVIN—DRUM has SOME—ADVICE
20041212             for anyone with 1—SKELETON or 2 -- or who knows,
20041212             1—SHEAF of classified documents, maybe -- to keep in the closet:
20041212             —COMMENTED, SHAW had, on the record in 1—BILL—GERTZ—WASHINGTON—TIMES—ARTICLE that the Russians were likely involved in the removal of the explosives.
20041212             But SHAW seems to believe he's 1—VICTIM—OF revenge for investigating 1—IRAQ cell phone deal allegedly benefiting FRIENDS—OF—THE—OFFICE—OF—DOUG—FEITH:
20041212             In a letter to Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD,
20041212             —EXPANDED, SHAW, on the accusations made in his previous report, charging that Defense UNDERSECRETARY—DOUGLAS—J—FEITH, his former law PARTNER—L—MARC—ZELL + AHMAD—CHALABI,
20041212             —INVOLVED, LEADER—OF—THE—IRAQI—NATIONAL—CONGRESS—PARTY, were also, in the conspiracy.
20041212             15:4 Sequoia is the corporate parent of 1—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRM, MADISON—DEARBORN,
20041212             which is PARTNER—IN—THE—CARLYLE—GROUP.
20041212             —MEANWHILE, SAIC is referred to a "shadowy defense contractor".
20041212             SAIC have gotten into the vote count game directly +
20041212             SAIC top brass including Admiral Owens, Bill former military aide to Cheney, Dick +
20041212             SAIC top brass including Carlyle Group
20041212             THE—CHIEF lobbying group pushing for the act (—WHILE we dumb asses sat out here + thought,
20041212             'That sounds like 1—GOOD—IDEA!') was 1—CONSORTIUM—OF—ARMS—DEALERS including Northrup Grumman
20041212             But SETH—IZEN, 1—OF—THE—FOREMOST—BULGE—SPOTTERS in THE—RUN—UP to the election,
20041212             draws our attention to this ABC News report
20041212             The End Days -- Catholic Prophecy and Doctrine: Mystery of...
20041212             The Trilateral Commission: The roots of the Trilateral Commission (TC) stem from 1—BOOK—BETWEEN 2—AGES—WRITTEN—BY—ZBIGNIEW—BRZEZINSKI
20041212             Are we witnessing the Brzezinski doctrine in action —TODAY?...
20041212             pop stars like Eurovision winner Ruslana wearing the - USAID funding of UKRAINE elections
20041212             Wheels fall off USA—WAR DOCTRINE—FEATURESWORLD—WWW.theage com...
20041212             —VIEWED, Once, as 1—HAWK among the Democrats, —WHEN he worked in JIMMY—CARTER—WHITE—HOUSE, Brzezinski has become 1—VOCAL CRITIC—OF—THE—BUSH doctrine...
20041212             Power Play and the New World Chaos- - rickety.
20041212             Es wäre der 3. Weltraumkörper, der unter dem Programm mit dem Namen "Misty" entwickelt werden würde.
20041212             Kritiker merken an, dass der Satellit seine Photos ohnehin nur bei Tageslicht und klarem Wetter schießen kann,
20041212             die Tarnung also wenig zusätzlichenn Nutzen bringt.
20041212             Die Abneigung der Senatoren wird noch verständlicher,
20041212             wenn man das Schicksal seiner Vorgänger berücksichtigt:
20041212             Nun enthüllt die USA—ZEITUNG "WASHINGTON—POST", um was es bei dem umstrittenen Programm geht und wieviel es den amerikanischen Steuerzahler kosten wird:
20041212             Die USA—REGIERUNG plant den Bau eines TARNKAPPEN—SATELLITEN.
20041212             Sinn der Übung: Die Tarnung soll verhindern, dass Amerikas Feinde ihre Raketen, Truppen oder andere erkennbare Militärmaterialien immer dann verschieben,
20041212             wenn gerade kein WELTRAUM—BEOBACHTER über ihr Terrain hinwegschwebt.
20041212             IN DEN LETZTEN MONATEN ist das Programm indes auf immer heftigeren Widerstand gestoßen.
20041212             Laut "WASHINGTON—POST" hat sich das Projekt, das unter der Regie des Rüstungskonzerns LOCKHEED Martin entwickelt werden soll,
20041212             von 5—MILLIARDEN $ auf 9,5 Milliarden $ verteuert.
20041212             "The time is coming for operational monitoring + forecasting of 3—DIMENSIONAL global ocean structure,"
20041212             "With the capabilities offered by spaceborne SST sensors, by satellite altimeters and by the 1,500 profiling floats measuring temperature and salinity in the deep ocean — and all this data being fed in NEAR—REAL—TIME to global ocean models,
20041212             this vision is becoming 1—REALITY".
20041212             —AFTER WACKENHUT took over
20041212             —REPORTED, Ha'aretz, on, here. Thanks to ERIC—UMANSKY.
20041212             for no reason: honcho CARLUCCI, Frank + - of Aipac:
20041212             —ON THE—PRESIDENT—HEALTH.
20041212             —TODAY about the investigation - top brass,
20041212             —DISCOVERED, Researchers said they may have, what causes psoriasis, 1—COMMON and irritating skin ailment.
20041212             † 1—USA—SOLDIER—OF wounds sustained —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb hit his patrol in BAGHDAD.
20041212             † 8—USA—MARINES with the 1. Marine Expeditionary Force, —WHILE conducting "security and stabilization operations" in FALLUJAH and Ramadi in Anbar province.
20041212             —INCLUDED, The principals, 6—STATE governors.
20041212             —DROPPED, CHINA, geographic restrictions against foreign insurers.
20041212             —TRAPPED, SOUTH—CHINA, 1—FLOOD at 1—MINE, 36—WORKERS in Guizhou province.
20041212             —FIRED, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY, 3—TANK shells at the Khan Younis refugee camp in THE—SOUTH—GAZA Strip on —SUNDAY, wounding 7—SCHOOLCHILDREN.
20041212             —DETONATED, Palestinians, 1—MASSIVE—BOMB under 1—ISRAEL—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT killing at least 5—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20041212             —RIPPED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES 1—POWERFUL—EXPLOSION, through 1—OUTDOOR—MARKET packed with Christmas shoppers, killing at least 15—PEOPLE and injuring 58—OTHERS.
20041212             —RETURNED, Romanians, to the polls for 1—PRESIDENTIAL—RUNOFF between PRIME—MINISTER—ADRIAN—NASTASE and BUCHAREST Mayor Traian Basescu.
20041212             Reformist opposition candidate Traian Basescu won ROMANIA—PRESIDENTIAL—RUNOFF election.
20041212             —GATHERED, RUSSIA, HUNDREDS—OF—KREMLIN, on Constitution —DAY to denounce 1—RE—TREAT from democracy as PRESIDENT—PUTIN signed 1—BILL eliminating gubernatorial elections.
20041212             —CALLED, Wackenhut set up 1—BOGUS environmental organization, "Ecolit," offering to...
20041212             —UPDATED, Our, White Paper, " Homeland Insecurity: How the Wackenhut Corporation is... LDA—PORTUGAL based company......
20041212             frisst Obst und Fliegen
20041212—19300000    —AM.. FRANKFURT 11—ERNST FRAENKEL, Der DOPPELSTAAT (engl...
20041212—19300000    —AM, Normenstaat " im Bedarfsfall zur... FRANKFURT 11—ERNST Fraenkel, Der Doppelstaat (engl...
20041212—19700000    —IN, The End Days -- Catholic Prophecy and Doctrine: Mystery of... The Trilateral Commission: The roots of the Trilateral Commission (TC) stem from 1—BOOK—BETWEEN 2—AGES—WRITTEN—BY—ZBIGNIEW—BRZEZINSKI —WHILE he was a...
20041212—20010000    —IN, The operative, who remains under cover, asserts in 1—LAWSUIT made public —YESTERDAY that 1—CO—WORKER warned him "that CIA management planned to 'get him' for his role in reporting intelligence contrary to official CIA dogma".
20041217             20041212 20041128              " Little Big Companies : How did corporations like Halliburton get millions in government contra cts designated for small minority businesses...
20050130             Operation GLADIO—GUARDIAN, 19901212197400       00—DATE—BRITISH "Gladio " visit to ITALY Gladio "counterparts in UK BRITAIN, where the plan was given the name Operation Stay Behind, visited ITALY...
20050130             ---- DAVID—KAY, the former top USA weapons inspector in IRAQ,
20050301             CANNONFIRE: 20041212              — 20041218             .. Curtis affidavit also refers to 1—MATTER related only tangentially to the vote fraud accusation: 1—TAIWAN national named HENRY—NEE, aka Hai Lin Nee, worked for...
20050410             GARY—WEBB, ¡Presente! By LUIS—GOMEZ, —POSTED on Sun 20041212             —103803—PM—EST.
20050415             except as 1—IDEA about "cleansing" 1—CORRUPT world through religious violence... historical financial ties to both Adolf Hitler + Saddam Hussein...
20051212             —ÜBERLEBT, Erdbeben in PAKISTAN: Frau, 2—MONATE unter Trümmern
20051212             Hinrichtung von STANLEY—WILLIAMS: Terminator kennt keine Gnade
20051212             Grüne und die CIA: Kontrollierte Empörung
20051212             Rede zur IRAK—WAHL: Bush spricht von 30.000—GETÖTETEN Irakern
20051212             Brennendes Treibstofflager: Gigantische Rauchwolke zieht nach Frankreich
20051212             GUINNESS—BUCH: Modelleisenbahner stellen neuen Rekord auf
20051212             Satellitenbild: LONDON unter schwarzem Qualm
20051212             E.on Ruhrgas: "Schröders Verbindungen helfen natürlich"
20051212             Undiplomatische E-Mail: Britischer BOTSCHAFTER ätzt gegen Polen
20051212             Todesurteil: Tookie hofft auf den Terminator
20051212             Angetrieben wird der zellulare Motor mit Calcium.
20051212             Die Forscher konnten nun auch ein bestimmtes Protein in den starken Protozoen nachweisen, das für die Kontraktion entscheidend zu sein scheint:
20051212             Wenn das sogenannte Centrin mit einem zusätzlichen Stoff abgeschaltet wurde, konnte sich die Feder nicht mehr zusammenziehen.
20051212             Das Centrin scheint also die Basis für die Kraft der Vorticella zu SEIN—ANDERS als das bei anderen bekannten Zellmotoren der Fall ist.
20051212             "Wenn es darum geht, Nanomotoren zu bauen, ist das hier ein großartiger Mechanismus für Bewegung", sagte FRANCE.
20051212             "Statt Elektrizität braucht diese Methode nur 1—VERÄNDERUNG in der chemischen Zusammensetzung der Umwelt. Eine einfache Veränderung der Calciumkonzentration treibt diese Feder an".
20051212             Beim Jahrestreffen der USA—SOCIETY for Cell Biology in S—FRANCISCO haben Danielle FRANCE und ihre Kooperationspartner, unter anderem vom MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY, gestern ihre Ergebnisse präsentiert.
20051212             Sie erlaubten, so FRANCE, vor allem 2—SCHLÜSSE: Man wisse nun "wie 1—ZELLE es schafft, so eine gewaltige Kraft zu erzeugen" + außerdem habe man Hinweise, "wie Ingenieure diese Mechanismen für Geräte in NANO—GRÖßENORDNUNG rekonstruieren könnten".
20051212             Nanotechnologie: Der stärkste MINI—MOTOR der Welt
20051212             Britisches Flammenmeer: Total weist Spekulationen über Leck zurück
20051212             Deftige Kritik: CSU—POLITIKER nennt Schröders Job "Schweigegeld für Völkermord"
20051212             —IRRITIERT, PIPELINE—POSTEN: SPD, über Schröders neuen Job
20051212             Folter im Irak: "Sie hatten keine Fingernägel mehr"
20051212             Bundesweite Aktion: Tausende TELEKOM—BESCHÄFTIGTE protestieren gegen JOB—ABBAU
20051212             Razzia: Pariser Polizei nimmt über 20—TERRORVERDÄCHTIGE fest
20051212             Kinetische Fotografie: Hoffen auf den großen Wurf
20051212             INTERNET—BOTSCHAFT: AL—QAIDA nennt irakische Parlamentswahlen "gottlos"
20051212             Nobelpreisträger Stiglitz zu WTO—GIPFEL: "Die USA und EUROPA tragen gleichermaßen Schuld"
20051212             Hongkonger Gipfel: Letzte Chance für die Welthandelsrunde
20051212             Russischer PIPELINE—POSTEN: Wulff will Schröders Gehalt erfahren
20051212             —BEREITET, USA—ÖLBRANCHE: Conoco, Milliardenkauf vor
20051212             Präsidentschaftswahlen in CHILE: Bachelet liegt deutlich vorn
20051212             Kampf gegen Arbeitslosigkeit: Regierung will polnische Saisonarbeit begrenzen
20051212             Athen: Anschlag im Zentrum verlief glimpflich
20051212             Die Feuerwehr bezeichnete den Brand als einen der größten in EUROPA in Friedenszeiten.
20051212             Man ging davon aus, dass es mindestens noch einen —TAG dauern wird, —BIS das Feuer gelöscht ist.
20051212             Die Lage sei aber unter Kontrolle, sagte FEUERWEHR—CHEF—ROY—WILSHER.
20051212             Die durch die riesige nach Südosten ziehende Rauchwolke drohende unmittelbare Gesundheitsgefahr sei relativ gering, versicherten Mediziner.
20051212             Sollte es allerdings regnen, würden riesige MENGEN—VON—SCHADSTOFFEN in den Boden gelangen.
20051212             —BEGINNT, Flammenhölle bei LONDON: Feuerwehr, mit Löscharbeiten
20051212             PRINTER—FRIENDLY Version - Project Home - Searchable Database
20051212             Privatizing Combat, the New World ORDER—MARKETING the New 'DOGS—OF—WAR'
20051212             Greasing THE—SKIDS—OF—CORRUPTION - The Curious BONDS—OF—OIL—DIPLOMACY - Conflict Diamonds are Forever
20051212             The Adventure Capitalist - The Influence Peddlers
20051212             THE—FIELD—MARSHAL - Drugs, Diamonds and Deadly Cargoes
20051212             THE—MERCHANT—OF—DEATH - Supporting Documents - Information Resources
20051212             "Turns out we were all wrong probably and that is the most disturbing thing," Kay said —DURING his testimony.
20051212             Media Metropolis at Peterson Trial Bush Homeland Security Nominee Kerik Withdraws PERSON—OF—THE—WEEK: Complete Coverage
20051212             FRAUD LITIGATION IMMINENT! Controversial, Partisan HEAD—OF—VOTING—MACHINE—COMPANY—STEPS—DOWN for 'Personal Reasons'
20051212             NEW—YORK—TIMES
20051212             —SURPRISED, KARL—ROVE—LAWYER was, to hear that MISTER—ROVE had probably been 1—SOURCE for Time magazine 's
20051212             NPR
20051212             —AGREED, THE—SUPREME—COURT has, to review the constitutionality of 1—MAP for TEXAS congressional districts that opponents say was improperly manipulated.
20051212             —ENGINEERED, The map, by REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY (R-TX ), helped Republican s increase their hold on THE—TEXAS delega
20051212             SUPREME—COURT—TO—REVIEW—TEXAS—REDISTRICTING (AP ) - Yahoo News — Politics
20051212             AP—THE—SUPREME—COURT—SAID—MONDAY it would consider the constitutionality of 1—TEXAS congressional map engineered by REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY that helped Republican s gain seats in Congress.
20051212             TEXAS GOP Wonders About DELAY—FUTURE (AP )
20051212             "Americas Settled by 2—GROUPS—OF—EARLY—HUMANS, Study Says"
20051212             Die Forscher konnten nun auch ein bestimmtes Protein in den starken Protozoen nachweisen,
20051212             das für die Kontraktion entscheidend zu sein scheint:
20051212             "Statt Elektrizität braucht diese Methode nur 1—VERÄNDERUNG in der chemischen Zusammensetzung der Umwelt.
20051212             Eine einfache Veränderung der Calciumkonzentration treibt diese Feder an".
20051212             Beim Jahrestreffen der USA—SOCIETY for Cell Biology in S—FRANCISCO haben Danielle FRANCE und ihre Kooperationspartner,
20051212             unter anderem vom MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY, gestern ihre Ergebnisse präsentiert.
20051212             Sie erlaubten, so FRANCE, vor allem 2—SCHLÜSSE: Man wisse nun "wie 1—ZELLE es schafft,
20051212             so eine gewaltige Kraft zu erzeugen" + außerdem habe man Hinweise, "wie Ingenieure diese Mechanismen für Geräte in NANO—GRÖßENORDNUNG rekonstruieren könnten".
20051212             Fall Masri: UNIONS—FRAKTIONSVIZE sieht Koalition vor 1. Belastungsprobe
20051212             Die durch die riesige nach Südosten ziehende Rauchwolke drohende unmittelbare Gesundheitsgefahr sei relativ gering,
20051212             versicherten Mediziner.
20051212             Making 1—KILLING: THE—BUSINESS—OF—WAR - Marketing the New 'DOGS—OF—WAR'
20051212             Greasing THE—SKIDS—OF—CORRUPTION - The Curious BONDS—OF—OIL—DIPLOMACY
20051212             testified —BEFORE the Senate this —WEEK, telling the country he found no WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION in IRAQ —AFTER—8—MONTHS—OF looking.
20051212             Simply put, according to KAY—USA intelligence got it wrong.
20051212             ENFORCEMENT SEC NEWS DIGEST Issue 20050000              -237...
20051212             TRAVIS—E—CORRELL, individually and d/b/a Horizon Establishment, GREGORY—THOMPSON, Dwight J. Johnson, HARRY—ROBINSON "Robbie" Gowdey, individually + d/b/a...
20051212             J. JOHNSON—OF—GARLAND, TEXAS, HARRY—ROBINSON " Robbie" Gowdey of
20051212             " Robbie" Gowdey, individually and d/b/1—ATLAS and Jericho Productions,
20051212             Council for National Policy Joint Projects, Media, Organizations -A-D
20051212             ROBIN—DAYNE - "THE—TRADER—COACH" Featured on CNBC - ROBBIE—GOWDEY.
20051212             PRESIDENT—OF—PAIN—TECH & CO—OWNER the Nutritional Co.
20051212             "To Your Health. Arne Belsby Currency Trader.
20051212             "Kingfish" S&P Trader. DOCTOR—HERB—ROSS.
20051212             Where is IGI—HEAD—COCKROACH—PAUL—MYER?
20051212             My source went on to say, MISTER—HARRY—ROBINSON " Robbie" Gowdey, (FRISCO—TEXAS) who appears in the headline of THE—SEC main release, was touted as the biggest...
20051212             Health with 2—FRIENDS, Dwight JOHNSON—OF—GARLAND and ROBBIE—GOWDEY—OF—FRISCO.
20051212             Would THE—ROBBIE—GOWDEY referred to in this article be the same 1 ... - TRAVIS—E—CORRELL, et al.: Lit.
20051212             Rel.
20051212             Ein breiter gesellschaftlicher Konsens von Wirtschaftskammer, Arbeiterkammer,
20051212             Datenschützern —BIS zur INTERNET Service Provider Association AUSTRIA (Links zu den
20051212             PRESIDENT—BUSH for the 1. time put 1—NUMBER on the death toll of IRAQ—CIVILIANS saying some 30,000 had † —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—WAR with USA—TROOPS—LOOSES at about 2,140.
20051212             —PLEADED, DONALD—KEYSER, 1—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL, guilty to removing top secret government documents —WHILE conducting a "personal relationship" with 1—TAIWAN—SPY, Isabelle Cheng, 19920000—20040000    —FROM—TO.
20051212             —RAIDED, USA federal agents, 13—S—DIEGO—AREA—MARIJUANA dispensaries.
20051212             —REFUSED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER, to block the imminent execution of STANLEY—TOOKIE—WILLIAMS, rejecting the notion that the founder of the murderous Crips gang had atoned for his crimes and found redemption on death row.
20051212             ConocoPhillips, the 3. biggest USA—OIL—COMPANY, said it will acquire BURLINGTON Resources in 1—DEAL worth $35.6—BILLION.
20051212             PepsiCo overtook COCA—COLA in market capitalization for the 1. time.
20051212             —SMASHED, Young people riding in vehicles, cars and store windows in suburban SYDNEY, 1—DAY—AFTER THOUSANDS—OF—DRUNKEN white youths attacked people they believed were of Arab descent at 1—BEACH in the same area in 1—OF—AUSTRALIA—WORST outbursts of racial violence.
20051212             —ABOUT 50—CARS had swept into the area, disgorging MEN—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN—APPEARANCE who began trashing EVERY—CAR in sight with baseball bats.
20051212             —ABOUT 2,000 RIGHT—WING paramilitary fighters (AUC), including 1—WARLORD considered 1—MAJOR—DRUG—TRAFFICKER by THE—USA, turned in weapons and helicopter gunships in 1—OF—COLOMBIA—LARGEST—DISARMAMENT ceremonies in years.
20051212             —ARMED, FRANCE—COUNTERTERRORISM—AGENTS, SOME—HEAVILY, and wearing black hoods, raided homes and INTERNET cafes in 1—SWEEP against 1—SUSPECTED—ISLAMIC—NETWORK, arresting more than 20—SUSPECTS.
20051212             HAITI, protesters angry over THE—TREATMENT—OF—HAITI—MIGRANTS in neighboring DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC clashed with police —DURING 1—VISIT by THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—PRESIDENT, and at least 3—PEOPLE were wounded by gunshots.
20051212             —GATHERED, Trade ministers, in HONG—KONG to work on 1—DEAL to open markets and boost the global economy, with THE—EU quickly under fire for its refusal to cut farm subsidies further.
20051212             IRAQ, patients, soldiers and prisoners began voting in parliamentary elections, 1—FEW days AHEAD—OF—THE—GENERAL—POPULATION, —WHILE insurgent violence killed at least 12—PEOPLE and wounded more than 2—DOZEN.
20051212             JAPAN gave the final GO—AHEAD to resume IMPORTS—OF—SOME—USA beef —AFTER a 2—YEAR—BAN due to fears of mad cow disease, averting 1—POTENTIAL—TRADE—WAR between the close political allies.
20051212             KASHMIR, INDIA—TROOPS shot dead 3—ISLAMIC militants, —WHILE suspected rebels shot dead a shopkeeper in REVOLT—HIT Kashmir.
20051212             † LEBANON, Gibran Tueni (48), general manager and CHIEF—COLUMNIST—OF—THE—AN—NAHAR newspaper, —WHEN 1—CAR—BOMB struck his motorcade in BEIRUT—SUBURB of Mkalles.
20051212             —KILLED, The bombing, 2—OTHER—PEOPLE and wounded 30—MORE.
20051212             —KILLED, Tueni was, 1—DAY—AFTER returning from FRANCE, where he had been staying periodically for FEAR—OF—ASSASSINATION.
20051212             —ASSASSINATED, He was, at 1—TIME—WHEN several ANTI—SYRIA—LEBANON—POLITICIANS and journalists were targeted —FOLLOWING THE—KILLING—OF—EX—PREMIER—RAFIQ—HARIRI.
20051212             He was THE—SON—OF—FORMER—AMBASSADOR—GHASSAN Tueni.
20051212             SWEDEN—HOME—APPLIANCE—MAKER AB Electrolux said it will close its plant in NUREMBERG—GERMANY, by the end of 20070000             , transferring production to POLAND and ITALY and eliminating 1,750 jobs.
20051212             —ORDERED, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—TURKMENISTAN, CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—UNIVERSITY to be named —AFTER his book "Rukhnama," which is held as 1 sacred text in this EX—SOVIET—REPUBLIC.
20051212             J. JOHNSON—OF—GARLAND, TEXAS, HARRY—ROBINSON " Robbie" Gowdey of... " Robbie" Gowdey, individually and d/b/1—ATLAS and Jericho Productions...
20051212             PRESIDENT—OF—PAIN—TECH & CO—OWNER the Nutritional Co. "To Your Health. Arne Belsby Currency Trader. "Kingfish" S&P Trader.
20051212             —REFERRED, Would THE—ROBBIE—GOWDEY, to in this article be the same 1. - TRAVIS—E—CORRELL, et al.: Lit.
20051212             NUMBER 19492/ - TEXAS, HARRY—ROBINSON "Robbie" Gowdey of FRISCO—TEXAS, individually and d/b/1—ATLAS and Jericho Productions, GRANT—CARDNO—OF—NORFOLK—ISLAND...
20051212             OMEGA—NEWS: Ein breiter gesellschaftlicher Konsens von Wirtschaftskammer, Arbeiterkammer, Datenschützern —BIS zur INTERNET Service Provider Association AUSTRIA (Links zu den...
20051212—20040000    —IN, The Organization for Economic CO—OPERATION and Development (OECD) said CHINA surpassed THE—USA as the world's top exporter of laptop computers, mobile phones and other information and communications technology devices.
20051212—20050313    Privatizing Combat, the New World Order
20051212—20051211    Windrichtung: Rauchwolke treibt Richtung Ärmelkanal
20060619             According to 20041212             , COLUMBUS Dispatch,
20060619—20040000    —IN, According to 20041212             , COLUMBUS Dispatch, precincts that had gone 70% or more for AL—GORE in election 20000000              were allocated 17—FEWER machines, —WHILE strong GOP precincts received 8—ADDITIONAL—MACHINES.
20061205   , para mim tanto faz
20061212             —AFTER its military phase.
20061212             [WSJ, 20030311             ]
20061212             Dans cette enquête, le nomù de Lucio Gelli (patron de la loge P2 ) sera souvent cité.
20061212             le nom de Lucio Gelli (patron de la loge P2 ) sera souvent cité.
20061212             "THE—THREAT—OF—ENVIRONMENTAL—CRISIS will be the 'INTERNATIONAL disaster key' that will unlock the New World Order".
20061212             — MIKHAIL—GORBACHEV
20061212             the secretive Pinay Circle engineered successful covert actions against such liberal Western leaders as HAROLD—WILSON in THE—UK and JIMMY—CARTER in THE—USA.
20061212             extrémistes en rapport avec le SAC en FRANCE ou la Loge P2 en Italie.
20061212             1—CROSS—SECTIONAL cluster sample survey, which appeared in THE—UK—MEDICAL journal The Lancet.
20061212             Warmer Nordpol: Totalverlust des arktischen Meereises lässt sich noch vermeiden
20061212             TURKI—UNCLE and predecessor as SAUDI—ARABIA—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF.
20061212             —INVOLVED, FAISAL—ISLAMIC—BANK is directly, in running accounts for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and his associates + has been named by LUXEMBOURG—BANKING authorities in this regard.
20061212             The briefing was to discuss 20061000             —THE study Mortality —AFTER 20030000             —THE invasion of IRAQ:
20061212             —INSISTED, THE—PRINCE has always vehemently, that he had cut Osama loose SOME—YEARS—BEFORE.
20061212             THE—FAISAL—ISLAMIC—BANK—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA is THE—HEAD—BANK—OF—1—NUMBER—OF affiliated Islamic banks under the name across the Islamic world from EGYPT to PAKISTAN to the Emirates and MALAYSIA.
20061212             —BELONGED, PRINCE—TURKI, to 1—MYSTERIOUS—POWER—GROUP called The Safari Club, founded — according to 1—ACCOUNT — —BY—THEN—DCI GEORGE—HW—BUSH and Sheikh Kamal Adham,
20061212             Olive oil may be the best cancer preventive The authors drew this conclusion based on the outcomes of volunteers from DENMARK,
20061212             Les commémorations de 19440000              : 50—ANS de mensonges impérialistes (1e partie) | Courant Communiste INTERNATIONAL
20061212             —ENTMACHTET, Konflikt mit Gasprom: Russische Regierung, Shell
20061212             † It further estimated that about 600,000—OF—THESE had, from violence.
20061212             Genitalverstümmelung: 19.000—BESCHNITTENE Frauen in Deutschland
20061212             Et ceux de la Loge P2 — JULIEN—ORIGAS et l'Ordre Rénové du Temple — Au coeur de...
20061212             Courant Communiste INTERNATIONAL.
20061212             Prolétaires de tous les pays, unissez
20061212             As SOME—OF—YOU will recall, he quit his job as SAUDI—ARABIA—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF—JUST—BEFORE the attack on the World Trade Center.
20061212             1—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE—GROUP that is often named in 1—BREATH with the Pinay Circle is the Safari Club.
20061212             650,000 IRAQ—DEAD given voice in Congress:
20061212             20050317 Dans cette enquête, le nomù de Lucio Gelli (patron de la loge P2 ) sera souvent cité.
20061212             — Open to Escalation: "If you could get 1—POLITICAL—DEAL by saturating IRAQ with USA—TROOPS, then it might make sense to do it even if you do fall to much lower levels afterward. But I haven't heard anybody put forth 1—ARGUMENT about what these troops are going to do —WHILE they're there that will bring that about".
20061212             [SF Chron,
20061212             — Opposed To Escalation: "There is not 1—MILITARY—VICTORY. That is not in the cards.... More Americans are not going to solve this problem. In fact, they're going to make it worse".
20061212             [MTP, Democratic congressional LEADERS—ANNOUNCED —YESTERDAY
20061212             they plan to " place 1—MORATORIUM on all earmarks —UNTIL lobbying changes are enacted".
20061212             —RETIRED, PRESIDENT—BUSH met —YESTERDAY with 3, generals and 2—ACADEMICS who
20061212             disagreed with THE—IRAQ Study GROUP—PLAN
20061212             "to reduce the number of USA combat troops in IRAQ and to reach out for help to IRAN and Syria".
20061212             It is another sign " THE—PRESIDENT is gathering support for 1—NEW—PLAN that
20061212             ignores several of the bipartisan committee's recommendations.
20061212             —RECOMMENDED, THE—GROUP—OF—EXPERTS "also, THE—PRESIDENT—MAKE—SOME—CHANGES in his national security team," which is "'
20061212             likely to fuel Pentagon rumors
20061212             ' that Marine GENERAL—PETER—PACE will be removed as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF".
20061212             "The founding pastor of a 2. COLORADO church has resigned over gay sex allegations," THE—AP reports, "—JUST weeks —AFTER the evangelical community was shaken by the
20061212             scandal surrounding megachurch leader Ted Haggard," 1—LONG—TIME opponent of gay marriage.
20061212             Bienvenido 1—MIAMI, REPRESENTATIVE—TANCREDO.
20061212             "—AFTER drawing criticism from FLORIDA lawmakers for calling MIAMI a 3.—WORLD country, REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—TANCREDO (R-CO) will visit the city —THURSDAY to speak on 'The Need for Assimilation,'" The Hill reports.
20061212             —AGREED, Tancredo, to visit MIAMI only if the trip included " - 1—STAY at a 5—STAR beachfront resort.
20061212             —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—HOUSE—ETHICS—COMMITTEE—REPORT that found the Foley scandal represented a "present danger to House pages and to THE—INTEGRITY—OF—THE—INSTITUTION—OF—THE—HOUSE," incoming Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D-CA) said —YESTERDAY that she will introduce legislation to increase OVERSIGHT—OF—THE—PAGE—PROGRAM.
20061212             —PLEDGED, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, another $83.5—MILLION to fight malaria.
20061212             "All totaled," the Gates Foundation "the Microsoft Corp. chairman and world's richest man + his wife, Melinda, has
20061212             donated $765—MILLION to fight malaria, which kills 1—PERSON every 30—SECONDS".
20061212             In 1—RECENT—INTERVIEW, REPRESENTATIVE—SILVESTRE—REYES (D-TX), the incoming House intelligence committee chairman, could not identify the Muslim roots of Hezbollah and al Qaeda.
20061212             Asked by 1—REPORTER whether al Qaeda was Sunni or Shiite, Reyes replied incorrectly, "Predominantly — probably Shiite".
20061212             Other members on the committee and several top counterterrorism officials also failed the quiz.
20061212             "Ice is melting so fast in THE—ARCTIC that THE—NORTH—POLE will be in the open sea in 30—YEARS," 1—TEAM—OF—NASA—FUNDED scientists found.
20061212             "Researchers assessing THE—IMPACT—OF—CARBON—EMISSIONS
20061212             —ON the world's climate have calculated that late —SUMMER in THE—ARCTIC will be ICE—FREE 20400000             —BY or —EARLIER—WELL within 1—LIFETIME".
20061212             USA—TODAY—REPORTS on a - Gallup poll
20061212             that finds a "record high 62—PERCENT of Americans say the war in IRAQ isn't 'worth it,' and 1—RECORD—LOW 16—PERCENT say THE—USA is winning".
20061212             20061213 21%. - - - JUDD—PERCENTAGE—OF—AMERICANS who APPROVE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—HANDLING—OF—THE—IRAQ war, 1—ALL—TIME—LOW and an 8-point drop from —JUST 1—MONTH ago, according to 1—NEW—CBS poll.
20061212             Ausfuhr von belasteten Abfällen
20061212             BANGLADESH, gibt es weder 1—WISSEN über chemische Rückstände noch gibt es die Möglichkeit, gegeeignete Laboranalysen...
20061212             LicioGelli The courtroom drawings of DAVID—WASSERMAN for WORLD—WIDE—TELEVISION and press.
20061212             loge P2, patron de la "Banco. Ambrosiano", escroc.
20061212             Licio Gelli. Ordre du Temple Solaire.
20061212             Enquête sur les extrémistes de l'Occulte II. extrémistes en rapport avec le SAC en FRANCE ou la Loge P2 en Italie.
20061212             (((i))) nice.INDYMEDIA—INDYMEDIA NICE... essentiel de la stratégie de la tension, et connue sous le nom de loge P2.
20061212             rediff_com USA—EDITION: Moon wants to revive THE—INDIA—JOINT—FAMILY " Reverend Moon teaches us to live together, not to divorce... In 1—RECENT—MESSAGE, read out at 1—NEW—DELHI meeting by David, Moon said: "The time has come...
20061212             [This message contained attachments] _ - Message: 2—DATE: Tue,
20061212             —BEDAUERT, Radioaktive Spuren: Kowtun, POLONIUM—AUFREGUNG in Deutschland
20061212             Prozess um VW—GESETZ: Betriebsrat prophezeit Zerschlagung des Konzerns
20061212             —VERZICHTET, USA—NOTENBANK—SITZUNG: Fed, auf Zinserhöhung
20061212             —VERHAFTET, Schmiergeldaffäre: EX—SIEMENS—KONZERNVORSTAND Ganswindt
20061212             —BRÜSKIERT, Trauerfeier für EX—DIKTATOR: Pinochets Familie, Chiles Regierung
20061212             Großer Prüfbericht: HARTZ—REFORMEN teils wirkungslos
20061212             100—MILLION—YEAR—OLD discovery pushes bees' evolutionary history back 35—MILLION years
20061212             1—BEE in amber changes everything.
20061212             Olive oil may be the best cancer preventive
20061212             —BASED, The authors drew this conclusion, on the outcomes of volunteers from DENMARK, FINLAND, GERMANY, ITALY + SPAIN, who consumed 25—MILLILITERS (1—LITTLE—LESS than 1—QUARTER—CUP) of olive oil EVERY—DAY—FOR—3—WEEKS.
20061212             The mysterious PRINCE—TURKI—AL—FAISAL
20061212             —RESIGNED, This is not the 1. time he has suddenly, 1—IMPORTANT—POST.
20061212             The banking environment is 1—COMMUNICATION—BASED environment, where rumors about companies spread quickly + die quickly.
20061212             Banking people are up to their necks in rumors.
20061212             Given the environment, they have to take rumors with 1—GRAIN of salt —UNTIL they have hopped on the phone + spoken with 6—COLLEAGUES who can help them evaluate the purported facts.
20061212             THE—PRINCE was 1—CONTROVERSIAL—CHOICE as ambassador, to say the least.
20061212             (To read the rest, click "Permalink" below)
20061212             —BELONGED, PRINCE—TURKI, to 1—MYSTERIOUS—POWER—GROUP called The Safari Club, founded -- according to 1—ACCOUNT -- —BY—THEN—DCI GEORGE—HW—BUSH and Sheikh Kamal Adham, TURKI—UNCLE and predecessor as SAUDI—ARABIA—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF.
20061212             —LOOKED, We have, at this group
20061212             —BEFORE.
20061212             It could not do anything... In order to compensate for that, 1—GROUP—OF—COUNTRIES got together in the hope of fighting Communism and established what was called the Safari Club.
20061212             —INCLUDED, The Safari CLUB—FRANCE, EGYPT, SAUDI—ARABIA, MOROCCO and IRAN.
20061212             This quote appears in JOSEPH—TRENTO—PRELUDE to Terror.
20061212             TRENTO adds that the Safari Club, through PAKISTAN, ran THE—ANTI—SOVIET—EFFORT in AFGHANISTAN -- which is to say, it created OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—NETWORK.
20061212             —FUNDED, The Club also, A.Q. KAHN—NUCLEAR hijinks in PAKISTAN.
20061212             Note that PRINCE—TURKI made reference to FRANCE.
20061212             This page - has 1—INTERESTING squib connecting the Safari Club with 1—GROUP called the Pinay Circle, also called Le Cercle Violet, 1. exposed in the pages of ROBIN—RAMSEY—PERIODICAL—LOBSTER.
20061212             SOME—PEOPLE—CLAIM this group was the precursor to the Pinay Circle, but this cannot be true.
20061212             Marenches was HEAD—OF—THE—FRANCE—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE—SDECE 19700000—19810000    —FROM—TO.
20061212             —SEEMED, The Safari Club, to have had largely the same role as the Pinay Circle (keeping the communists at bay at all costs) and among its members were the Shah of IRAN, Saddam Hoessein of IRAQ, Anwar Sadat of EGYPT, Ashraf MARWAN—OF—THE—EGYPT—INTELLIGENCE + Kamal Adham of THE—BCCI scandal).
20061212             —KICKED, —AFTER the Shah was, out of IRAN documents surfaced revealing THE—EXISTENCE—OF—THE—CLUB.
20061212             We thus have 2—CREATION myths for this group.
20061212             —MENTIONED, Incidentally, the Kermit Roosevelt, here is TEDDY—GRANDSON, Kermit "Kim" Roosevelt, JUNIOR (Perhaps this connection explains KARL—ROVE—TR fixation?)
20061212             SOME—OBSERVERS believe that, —BACK—IN the 1970s and '80s, the secretive Pinay Circle engineered successful covert actions against such liberal Western leaders as HAROLD—WILSON in THE—UK and JIMMY—CARTER in THE—USA.
20061212             —CONFESSED, De Marenches, the late HEAD—OF—FRANCE—INTELLIGENCE, his participation in the "October Surprise" which unseated JIMMY—CARTER.
20061212             Yikes.
20061212             I've wandered, haven't I? Back to PRINCE—TURKI.
20061212             Not long —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks, 1—FEW published reports accused him of materially aiding OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—TERROR—NETWORK.
20061212             However, this long and fascinating essay by PAUL—W—RASCHE argues that Turki still maintained 1—RELATIONSHIP with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and the Taliban: THE—FAISAL—ISLAMIC—BANK—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA is THE—HEAD—BANK—OF—1—NUMBER—OF affiliated Islamic banks under the name across the Islamic world from EGYPT to PAKISTAN to the Emirates and MALAYSIA.
20061212             —MAINTAINED, And: TURKI—AL—FAISAL himself, ongoing ties with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN even —AFTER the latter fled SAUDI—ARABIA in the mid-1990's —AFTER imprisonment by ORDER—OF—THE—KING.
20061212             —PERSUADED, It was TURKI—AL—FAISAL also who, KING—FAHD to grant diplomatic recognition to the Taliban.
20061212             Incidentally, the Rasche piece goes on to describe cooperation between ISRAEL and AL—QAEDA (!) in the "blood diamond" trade.
20061212             You might want to read this section as preparation for the new film Blood Diamond, which, I am told, is quite good.
20061212             Yes, I know. I've wandered again.
20061212             Alas, 1—POST—OF this sort is necessarily more of 1—BRAIN dump than 1 structured essay.
20061212             —STILL, if you root and snort through the debris, you might find 1—FEW data shards which will help you formulate your own thoughts regarding THE—PRINCE—STRANGE—DECISION.
20061212             1—POSSIBILITY: THE—PRINCE—FEARS that 1—DEMOCRATIC—CONGRESS will investigate SOME—OF—THE—CONNECTIONS mentioned here.
20061212             This theory presumes that the clueless House intel COMMITTEE—HEAD—SILVESTRE—REYES can extract his cranium from his anus long enough to learn how the world actually operates.
20061212             Another possibility: Big Wedding II is a-comin' + THE—PRINCE is getting out —WHILE the getting's good.
20061212             I prefer the 1. scenario.
20061212             Bilderberg 20060000              Meeting
20061212             —HOSTED, UPDATED: Bilderberg 20060000              was, by Brook Street Resort 1—FEW miles from OTTAWA—CANADA, between the 8. - 20060611            .
20061212             QUOTE—OF—THE—WEEK
20061212             Forscher von 4—USA—UNIVERSITÄTEN haben mit modernen Klimamodellen errechnet, welchen Schaden der Rauch aus brennenden Städten, die Verschmutzung der Atmosphäre und der radioaktive Fallout eines solchen begrenzten Atomkriegs hätten.
20061212             Die Wissenschaftler haben einen Schlagabtausch vorausgesetzt, bei dem insgesamt 100—ATOMWAFFEN mit einer Sprengkraft von 15—KILOTONNEN TNT—WAS in etwa der HIROSHIMA—BOMBE ENTSPRICHT—ZUM Einsatz kommen.
20061212             Das Team um OWEN—TOON von der UNIVERSITY—OF—COLORADO in Boulder hat —ZUNÄCHST den Schaden der nuklearen Detonationen in den Städten und die anschließende Freisetzung von Schmutzpartikeln in die Atmosphäre berechnet.
20061212             Demnach würden 5—MILLIONEN Tonnen Dreck in die Luft gelangen,
20061212             schreiben Toon und seine Kollegen im Fachblatt "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions".
20061212             Verheerende KLIMA—ANOMALIEN
20061212             Wissenschaftler um ALAN—ROBOCK von der Rutgers UNIVERSITY—IN—NEW—JERSEY
20061212             haben anschließend mit diesen Daten ihre Klimarechner gefüttert.
20061212             "In großen Teilen Nordamerikas und Eurasiens würde die Temperatur um mehrere Grad fallen", sagt Robock.
20061212             In den betroffenen Regionen liege auch der größte TEIL—DER—GETREIDEANBAUFLÄCHEN.
20061212             Robock: "Selbst in Weltgegenden, die weitab vom Ort des Atomkriegs liegen, gäbe es große klimatische Folgen".
20061212             Tatsächlich scheint Resveratrol auf einen wichtigen Regelkreis zu wirken.
20061212             Diese Substanz sei "das 1. Beispiel für einen Wirkstoff, der offenbar den gesamten Alterungsprozess beeinflussen kann", sagt Felipe Sierra vom National Institute on Aging im amerikanischen Bethesda.
20061212             Die Grundlage dafür wurde —ANFANG der neunziger Jahre in Guarentes Labor am MIT geschaffen.
20061212             Dort studierten die Forscher Hefezellen, die besonders lange lebten: aufgrund einer genetischen Veränderung, wie sich herausstellte.
20061212             Der Australier Sinclair stieß 19950000              zu Guarentes Forschungsgruppe und entdeckte alsbald, was dieses ominöse Gen macht:
20061212             Es stellt 1—ENZYM her, welches das Erbgut schützt und auf diese Weise die Hefezellen länger leben lässt.
20061212             Guarente wiederum erkannte, dass dieses Enzym direkt an den Stoffwechsel gekoppelt ist:
20061212             ZEITEN, von Nahrungsmangel schaltet der Organismus das SCHUTZ—ENZYM AN—UND lebt dadurch länger.
20061212             —VERLÄNGERT, Fasten, das LEBEN—DAS haben Forscher zuvor —SCHON an Hefezellen, Spinnen, Fliegen, Fischen, Mäusen und Ratten gesehen.
20061212             Sie nennen diese Diät "kalorische Restriktion" und haben es auf eine grobe Formel gebracht:
20061212             Wer 30—BIS 50 % weniger frisst, der lebt 30—BIS 50 % länger.
20061212             Und wichtiger noch: Krankheiten wie Diabetes Typ 2, Krebs, Schlaganfall und Demenz treten unter fastenden Tieren viel seltener oder später AUF—DAS Altwerden geschieht häufig bei bester Gesundheit.
20061212             Die kalorische Restriktion schaltet offenbar einen uralten Überlebensmechanismus an;
20061212             betroffene Organismen lassen es ruhiger angehen.
20061212             Die Körpertemperatur von Rhesusaffen etwa sinkt um 0,5 Grad Celsius;
20061212             die verbleibenden Kräfte werden darauf verwendet, Schäden in den Zellen zu reparieren
20061212             HOLOCAUST—LEUGNER—KONFERENZ: Ahmadinedschad fordert "Abschaffung" Israels
20061212             —VERSUCHT, ATOMWAFFEN—ANDEUTUNG: Olmert, politischen Sprengsatz zu entschärfen
20061212             —DEFINIERT, Fernsehrichtlinie: EU, das Fernsehen neu
20061212             Verbotsdebatte: NIEDERSACHSEN will —BIS zu 2—JAHRE Haft für KILLERSPIEL—VERKÄUFER
20061212             WEBCAM—ALARM: Mann in Deutschland stoppt Einbrecher in Brasilien
20061212             Energieprojekt Sachalin II: Russland erwägt 30- MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR—KLAGE gegen Shell
20061212             DEUTSCH—IRANISCHER Handel: Gute Geschäfte mit den Mullahs
20061212             Russland: Polizei durchsucht Büros von PUTIN—GEGNER Kasparow
20061212             ISRAEL und die Bombe: Atomspion Vanunu begrüßt ENDE—DER—HEUCHELEI
20061212             COMPUTER—SIMULATION: Atomkrieg in ASIEN würde globale Klimakatastrophe auslösen
20061212             Länger leben: Forscher entwickeln JUNGBRUNNEN—PILLE
20061212             Phantom von Dimona: Wie sich ISRAEL die Bombe verschaffte
20061212             Seltene Transplantation: Kolumbianerin ist 1. Frau mit 2—FREMDEN Händen
20061212             EU—KAMPF um Wettbewerb: Razzia bei deutschen Stromkonzernen
20061212             —GEFUNDEN, SIEMENS—AFFÄRE: Dubiose Zahlungen über 420—MILLIONEN Euro
20061212             Verdacht auf Insiderhandel: Razzia im EADS—HAUPTQUARTIER
20061212             —VERRIET, Olmerts ATOM—ANDEUTUNG: Der Mann, der die Bombe
20061212             Sexuelle Belästigung: Weltweite Empörung über Vorwürfe gegen Vierjährigen
20061212             Erfolgreiche Klage: EU muss iranische Volksmudschahidin von Terrorliste streichen
20061212             Vermeintlicher Gigant: Riesenstern als Duo enttarnt
20061212             Einstiegsangebot: Scheichs wollen Hamburger Hafen kaufen
20061212             Konjunktur 20070000             : Boom, Boom, Deutschland
20061212             Versteigerung der WIMAX—LIZENZEN: Hoffnung für die Surflücke
20061212             "FREEDOM—OF—THE—SEAS": Virus wütet erneut auf größtem Kreuzfahrtschiff der Welt
20061212             Fall Litwinenko: Der Todesbote in der Haseldorfer Marsch
20061212             USA—GEHÄLTER: 2,7 Millionen Dollar für die UNI—PRÄSIDENTIN
20061212             GÄHN—MOLEKÜL: Spucke soll Müdigkeit verraten
20061212             Automatischer Aktienhandel: Deep Fritz für die Börse?
20061212             NAHOST—KONFLIKT: Olmerts ATOMWAFFEN—ANSPIELUNGEN sorgen für Empörung in ISRAEL
20061212             OLMERT—BESUCH: Merkel soll auf Schmusekurs verzichten
20061212             Stromkosten: Klimaschutz lässt Preise klettern
20061212             Schmiergeldfall: Siemens muss Bilanz revidieren
20061212             POLONIUM—VERDACHT: Entwarnung in HAMBURG
20061212             Medienwelt in Russland: "Manchmal tödlich" - Social Security Communes
20061212             In 1—MORE—RURAL and small town AMERICA, people often retired upon 1—PAID—OFF family homestead.
20061212             This meant 1—HOME without mortgage debt, room to grow 1—GARDEN—OF—HEALTHY—FOOD + 1—PLACE where many could look forward to support from 1—COMMUNITY.
20061212             —PROVIDED, In effect, this healthy societal setup, 1—ALMOST—CASH—LESS, WAGE—LESS—EXISTENCE and secure retirement.
20061212             For THE—WAGE—SLAVE—MAJORITY—OF—TODAY this is 1—BYGONE world
20061212             Economic Apartheid Kills To be successful in overturning our elitist plutocratic system we should add economic apartheid to our semantic arsenal.
20061212             EVERY—DAY, according to UNICEF, 30,000 children die due to poverty ?
20061212             that's over 10—MILLION—CHILDREN killed by poverty EVERY—YEAR!
20061212             Global economic apartheid is killing people.
20061212             As compulsive consumers, Americans are spending their way deeper into economic apartheid.
20061212             CIA is undermining UK—WAR—EFFORT, say military CHIEFS—BG -
20061212             Personal carbon loyalty cards could be introduced 'within 5—YEARS' | the Daily MAIL—BG -
20061212             Explosive stuff - debris TRACKING—JOINING the do... DAVID—KELLY Doubts Regarding DOCTOR—DAVID—KELLY'S 'Suicide' Renowned cancer scientist was paid by Monsanto —FOR—20—YEARS If Americans Knew.
20061212             Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land How 1—CELEBRITY pollster created Cameron... Source:
20061212             Annan to blast USA in FAREWELL—USATODAY_COM—BG -
20061212             1—REALISTIC—AMERICA is the silver lining of this great IRAQ—DARKNESS—OPINION SIMON—JENKINS—TIMES—ONLINE—BG—THE—PROPOSAL that AMERICAN—WITHDRAW its troops over the next 18—MONTHS and confine them largely to SELF—DEFENCE describes what is already happening.
20061212             FRANCE deploys UAVs to stop IAF flights | JERUSALEM POST—BG -
20061212             Why the hell did you do it, GEORGE and Tony?
20061212             - BG—CHANNEL 4—JOURNALIST + presenter, JON—SNOW, blogs from IRAQ:
20061212             1—EXCERPT: The Americans still run the country in its fundamentals but are losing the security war and have lost the hearts and minds.
20061212             I can't speak for the situation down south with THE—BRITS—HAVEN'T been there.
20061212             But where once this was —JUST plain dangerous for foreigners in general and hacks in particular, it's —NOW desperately dangerous for all.
20061212             And it feels desperately on the edge of something enormous and truly ghastly.
20061212             (FY 20010000              Intelligence Authorization Act, Section 703).
20061212             —6—YEARS—LATER, it has still done no such thing.
20061212             In its 1. practical test, MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS asked THE—BOARD to review the classification of 2—RECENT—REPORTS on PRE—WAR—IRAQ intelligence to determine if MORE—OF—THE—TEXT could be disclosed.
20061212             —CONCLUDED, But THE—BOARD, that it could not proceed without WHITE—HOUSE—APPROVAL, which was not forthcoming... [*] Congress —AFTER all was 1—THING created —BEFORE 20010911             , back —WHEN democracy was thought to be 1—GOOD—IDEA.
20061212             —NOW everyone knows better.... Source:
20061212             (old news) NEW—YORK picks SAIC to secure WTC site | 911—BLOGGER_COM—BG -
20061212             Apocalypto: The Most Powerful Film Of All Time
20061212             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—APOCALYPTO: The Most Powerful Film Of All Time GIBSON—MASTERPIECE 1—ALLEGORICAL warning against unrestrained TYRANNY—OF—GOVERNMENT, human sacrifice and
20061212             BRITAIN stops "WAR—ON—TERROR" talk.
20061212             - FAIZ—THE—GUARDIAN reports, "Cabinet ministers have been told by the Foreign Office to drop the phrase 'WAR—ON—TERROR' and other terms seen as liable to anger UK—MUSLIMS and increase tensions more broadly in the Islamic world".
20061212             —EXPECTED, House SPEAKER—DESIGNATE NANCY Pelosi (D-CA)- NICO—IS ", to stand by her decision to permanently remove " REPRESENTATIVE—WILLIAM—JEFFERSON (D-LA) from the powerful Ways and Means Committee, National Journal reports.
20061212             Jefferson is currently under FBI investigation for bribery.
20061212             Snow Dismisses GORDON—SMITH—CRITICISMS—OF—IRAQ—POLICY, Says SENATOR—IS—JUST—BEING 'Emotional'
20061212             Last —WEEK, SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R-OR) — who originally supported the war in IRAQ — delivered 1—SCATHING INDICTMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—POLICY in IRAQ, stating it "may even be criminal".
20061212             —YESTERDAY on ABC This —WEEK he called it a "dereliction" and "deeply immoral".
20061212             The administration isn't taking him very seriously.
20061212             —DISMISSED, —TODAY, WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW, the comments, stating that "politics are emotional".
20061212             —QUESTIONED, —WHEN the reporter, whether Snow was "saying Republican SENATOR—SMITH is not in FAVOR—OF—DEMOCRACY," Snow replied, "I don't know".
20061212             QUESTION: You're —JUST going to blow it off.
20061212             SNOW: What would you like me to say?
20061212             Should I.. - QUESTION: Don't you think you should answer for that?
20061212             You're saying — you said from this podium over and over that the strategy is victory, right?
20061212             SNOW: And it continues to be.
20061212             QUESTION: And you have 1—REPUBLICAN SENATOR saying there is no clear strategy, that you don't have 1—STRATEGY.
20061212             SNOW: Well, let's let SENATOR—SMITH hear what THE—PRESIDENT has to say.
20061212             We understand that this is 1—TIME where politics are emotional —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—ELECTION.
20061212             And you know what? SENATOR—SMITH is entitled to his opinion.
20061212             But I'm not sure exactly what you would like...
20061212             QUESTION: How about answering the central thrust about the strategy, not about...
20061212             SNOW: OK, the strategy's pretty simple.
20061212             If you take 1—LOOK, for instance — if you take 1—LOOK at THE—BAKER—HAMILTON commission report, what do they talk about?
20061212             They talk about building greater capability on THE—PART—OF—THE—IRAQIS, so that you can have 1—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT that governs itself, sustains itself, defends itself, is 1—ALLY in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, is 1—DEMOCRACY.
20061212             I don't think it's immoral to be 1—DEMOCRACY.
20061212             I don't think it's immoral to have state that is able to stand up and defend itself against ACTS—OF—TERROR.
20061212             I don't think it's immoral to defend THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE against ACTS—OF—TERRORISM aimed at Muslims.
20061212             QUESTION: And THE—SENATOR—NOT saying that's immoral.
20061212             HE—SAYING that THE—USA—  he's saying, of course... - SNOW: That's THE—USA—POLICY.
20061212             You know what? I'll tell you what.
20061212             QUESTION: It's 1—REPUBLICAN SENATOR saying it, not me.
20061212             And he's not — of course he's in FAVOR—OF—DEMOCRACY.
20061212             SNOW: I understand that. Then tell me exactly.
20061212             QUESTION: Are you saying Republican SENATOR—SMITH is not in FAVOR—OF—DEMOCRACY?
20061212             SNOW: Well, I don't know.
20061212             "I'll be dead —WHEN they get it right".- Nico - — PRESIDENT—BUSH, on how his legacy will be viewed, according to a "recent visitor" to THE—WHITE—HOUSE who says Bush is "still resolutely defiant, convinced history will ultimately vindicate him".
20061212             Frist Ducks Responsibility For Unfinished Spending Bills, Blames 'Systemic Flaws In AMERICA—PROCESSES'
20061212             —BLASTED, THE—USA—TODAY, the 109. Congress in 1—EDITORIAL—TODAY, accusing lawmakers of "lowering the achievement bar".
20061212             —COMPLAINED, The paper, "Congress even punted its most basic job: approving all 11—ANNUAL spending bills that keep the government's lights on".
20061212             —RESPONDED, Outgoing Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST (R-TN), by
20061212             blaming THE—SENATE—INACTION on the appropriations process :
20061212             SOME—PROBLEMS—CONGRESS—FACES stem from systemic flaws in AMERICA—PROCESSES.
20061212             No matter who has been in charge, all appropriations bills have passed on time on only 3—OCCASIONS in the past 30—YEARS.
20061212             Improving things will require 1—STRONG—MUTUAL—COMMITMENT on THE—PART—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE and the leadership in both HOUSES—OF—CONGRESS to reform the spending process, fix entitlements, tackle earmarks and eliminate the deficit.
20061212             —STARTED, The fiscal —YEAR, months ago and the Senate only approved 2—SPENDING bills this —YEAR, leaving "almost a
20061212             HALF—TRILLION dollars of spending bills" for incoming lawmakers.
20061212             Conservative MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE are not buying FRIST—EXCUSES:
20061212             "The Senate, quite honestly, has not done its work. This is not 1—ANOMALY. It has become the norm in Congress + I'm appalled by that".
20061212             "THERE—SO much to do and we're punting. It's irresponsible. THERE—NO excuse for it".
20061212             "I think it's shameful.... The Senate got into 1—TRAP—OF—INACTIVITY".
20061212             no spending mess to clean up
20061212             - all appropriations bills had been enacted by the Democrats —BEFORE the end of the fiscal —YEAR".
20061212             Denying IRAQ—REFUGEES.
20061212             "HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQIS who have fled their homeland are likely to seek refugee status in THE—USA, humanitarian groups said, putting intense pressure on THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to reexamine 1—POLICY that authorizes only 500—IRAQIS to be resettled here next —YEAR".
20061212             BUSH—FORMER—REFUGEE—AFFAIRS—OFFICIAL said that "for political reasons the administration will discourage" THE—RESETTLEMENT—OF—IRAQ—REFUGEES in THE—USA "
20061212             because of the psychological message it would send, that it is 1—LOSING cause.
20061212             —ON—SUNDAY, THE—LONDON Telegraph previewed 1—NEW—REPORT from THE—UN—INTERGOVERNMENTAL Panel on Climate Change, which is viewed as 1—AUTHORITATIVE source of global warming science.
20061212             According to the Telegraph, the report concludes "
20061212             there can be little doubt that humans are responsible for warming the planet.
20061212             " Moreover, carbon dioxide emissions are accelerating and THE—IPCC predicts "that temperatures will rise by up to 4.5—C —DURING the next 100—YEARS, bringing more frequent heat waves and storms".
20061212             The new estimate was "1—REFINEMENT due to better data on how climate works rather than 1—REDUCTION in the risk posed by global warming".
20061212             SENATOR—JAMES—INHOFE (R-OK), outgoing CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—ENVIRONMENT & Public Works Committee, said the report is evidence that
20061212             global warming was all hype : We are all skeptics —NOW.
20061212             It appears that THE—UN is —NOW acknowledging what 1—INCREASING NUMBER—OF—SCIENTISTS who study the climate have come to realize: Predictions of manmade catastrophic global warming are simply unsustainable.
20061212             INHOFE—CORE—CLAIM is that global warming is "
20061212             the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on THE—USA—PEOPLE " and humans are not responsible for climate change.
20061212             The new IPCC report does not support INHOFE—POSITION, it undermines it.
20061212             It's ironic that Inhofe is —NOW citing THE—IPCC as 1—AUTHORITY.
20061212             —PREVIEWED, The speech is, by Annan in 1—WASHINGTON—POST—OP—ED.
20061212             Conservative bloggers have already begun their attacks in response: CAPTAIN—QUARTERS :
20061212             —SCREED, THERE—PLENTY more laughs in ANNAN—GOODBYE.
20061212             Good riddance to you and your wagging finger, KOFI—ANNAN.
20061212             You will not be missed.
20061212             —HATRED—OF, The right wing's, Annan has been fueled in part by the fact that he was 1—LOUD and public dissenter in THE—LEAD—UP to THE—IRAQ war and has never embraced THE—USA—INVOLVEMENT in IRAQ.
20061212             HERE—1—SAMPLING of what Annan said —BEFORE THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION launched the war:
20061212             —ARRIVED, Has that moment [for war] ?
20061212             That is the decision that THE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—COUNCIL—NOW face.
20061212             —INDEED, It is 1—GRAVE—DECISION.
20061212             If they fail to agree on 1—COMMON—POSITION + SOME—OF—THEM then take action without the council's authority, THE—LEGITIMACY—OF—THAT action will be widely questioned + it will not gain the political support needed to ensure its LONG—TERM—SUCCESS, —AFTER its military phase.
20061212             In 1—NEW documentary, REPRESENTATIVE—ILEANA—ROS—LEHTINEN (R-FL) — who was "—RECENTLY tapped to become the top Republican on the House INTERNATIONAL Relations Committee" — talks casually on video "about how proud she is to represent Cuban 'freedom fighters' living in exile in MIAMI and on the island".
20061212             She then says, "I welcome the opportunity of having anyone assassinate Fidel Castro and ANY—LEADER who is oppressing the people".
20061212             —LAST—YEAR, RIGHT—WING evangelist Pat Robertson was widely criticized for calling for THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—VENEZUELAN—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ.
20061212             —CALLED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, ROBERTSON—REMARKS "inappropriate," and FORMER—SENATE—MAJORITY—LEADER—BOB—DOLE (R-KS) labeled them "stupid" and "ludicrous".Robertson —LATER apologized.
20061212             "Is it right to call for assassination? No," he said.
20061212             ROS—LEHTINEN, "who has never hid her loathing for Castro, says the clip was spliced together," THE—MIAMI Herald reports.
20061212             "1—SPOKESMAN for ROS—LEHTINEN said she's never called for anyone's assassination, but ROS—LEHTINEN said she can't rule out that she ever mentioned Castro and 1—POTENTIAL—ASSASSINATION. 'If someone were to do it, I wouldn't be crying,' she said".
20061212             Rick SANTORUM—PLAN—FOR—IRAN: With Our Help, Bus Drivers Could Topple The Government
20061212             This —MORNING on MISS—NBC, outgoing SENATOR—RICK—SANTORUM (R-PA) unveiled his plan to "confront" IRAN.
20061212             —SUPPORTED, Santorum said that THE—USA should have, 1—BUS—DRIVER—STRIKE that occurred 1—FEW weeks ago.
20061212             According to Santorum, "We should have quietly gone in there and given them 1—WHOLE—BOAT—LOAD—OF—MONEY so they could sustain the strike and continue to cause unrest within IRAN to try to topple the government".
20061212             IMUS: What do we do, then, —WHEN you say confront them — IRAN?
20061212             SANTORUM: Well, I've (inaudible) forward 1—WHOLE bunch of different thing.
20061212             For example, there was 1—BUS—DRIVER—STRIKE 1—FEW weeks ago in IRAN.
20061212             We did nothing to support it; we should have.
20061212             We should have quietly gone in there and given them 1—WHOLE—BOAT—LOAD—OF—MONEY so they could sustain the strike and continue to cause unrest within IRAN to try to topple the government.
20061212             And we did nothing to support that strike.
20061212             —CRUSHED, And as 1—RESULT, they, the strike and another labor movement, WHICH—OF—COURSE, as you know, like in POLAND and other countries, was the key to THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT because it's 1—ORGANIZATION that is based in democracy to try to topple these TYPES—OF—REGIMES that we see in IRAN and we didn't do anything.
20061212             That's 1—EXAMPLE.
20061212             But there are 1—HOST—OF—EXAMPLES—OF what we could be doing to be much more engaged and involved in IRAN, but THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT — 1—LOT—OF—FOLKS don't want us to do it because we don't want to antagonize IRAN.
20061212             —WHILE IRAN is killing our people in IRAQ right —NOW, I —JUST think it's foolish.
20061212             IMUS: We're talking with SENATOR—RICK—SANTORUM. The Highjacking of 1—NATION
20061212             - sfux Part 2: THE—AUCTIONING—OF—FORMER—STATESMEN & Dime 12—GENERALS
20061212             Sibel EDMONDS—IT used to be THE—3—BRANCHES—CONGRESS, the executive + THE—COURTS—THAT we considered the...
20061212             Tests for dissolving heart stent 1—NEW—TYPE—OF—HEART "stent" has been developed to unblock diseased arteries and then dissolve without 1—TRACE.
20061212             Annan chides USA in final speech UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN urges THE—USA to work with other nations rather than acting unilaterally.
20061212             IRAN defends Holocaust talks IRAN says 1—CONFERENCE being held to question whether the Holocaust took place is 1—EXAMPLE—OF—FREE—SPEECH.
20061212             —DISGUISED, BAGHDAD robbers grab $1m Gunmen, as army soldiers ambush 1—SECURITY—VEHICLE and seize $1m in cash, as violence continues in IRAQ.
20061212             Height loss link to heart disese Men who lose 3cm or MORE—OF—HEIGHT as they age have 1 increased RISK—OF—HEART—ATTACK and death, 1—STUDY finds.
20061212             DUBAI firm sells USA ports to AIG DUBAI Ports World agrees to sell its 6—USA—PORTS to an USA—FIRM —AFTER politicians voiced fears over security.
20061212             Shell deal over RUSSIA—OIL—FIELD—SHELL and RUSSIA—GAZPROM reach 1—DEAL over THE—MULTI—BILLION dollar SAKHALIN—2—OIL and gas project, reports say.
20061212             E-Gold Gets Tough on Crime Weary of being called 1—HAVEN for money launderers and crooks, the PayPal competitor gets cozy with law enforcement and locks down suspicious accounts.
20061212             If you've sent $17,000 to THE—UKRAINE "for beer," you may be banned.
20061212             New Google VICE—PRESIDENT—BUSTED—MITNICK 1—TIME—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR—KENT Walker will HEAD—GOOGLE—LEGAL—TEAM, about 1—DECADE—AFTER he oversaw the search for hacker KEVIN—MITNICK.
20061212             In 27B Stroke 6.
20061212             Magic Mushrooms Might Cure OCD Scientists think psilocybin might give relief to obsessive Bree VAN de Kamp types.
20061212             "1—CONTROVERSIAL—THEORY that proposes that our SENSE—OF—SMELL is based not on the shape of the molecules that enter our nose but on their vibrations was given 1—BOOST—RECENTLY—WHEN UNIVERSITY—COLLEGE—LONDON researchers determined that the quantum physics involved makes sense. The theory, proposed in the mid-1990s by biophysicist LUCA—TURIN, suggests that electron tunneling initiates the smell signal being sent to the brain. It could explain why similarly shaped molecules can have very different smells + molecules with very different structures can smell similar".
20061212             —FORMED, Turin has —NOW, 1—COMPANY to design odorants using his theory + claims 1—ADVANTAGE over the competition of 2—ORDERS—OF—MAGNITUDE in rate of discovery.
20061212             The article concludes, "At the very least, he is putting his money where his nose is".
20061212             Predicting Space Weather
20061212             "—RECENTLY, 1—NEW discovery has been made explaining how & predicting —WHEN space weather occurs. Hopefully this will allow us to predict —WHEN and where these extreme forces of magnetic flux occur so that we can prepare to repair satellites or shut them down for safety reasons. Recent activities on the sun have surprised scientists including the explosive "solar tsunami" that happened last —WEEK. From the article, "The new study shows that THE—NORTH—LIGHTS, also called aurora + other space weather near Earth are driven by the rate at which the Earth's and SUN—MAGNETIC—FIELDS connect, or merge + not —JUST by the solar wind's electric field.
20061212             The merging occurs way out in space, at 1—SPOT between the Earth and Sun, roughly 40,000 miles above our planet's surface.
20061212             —DEVELOPED, Researchers have —NOW, 1—FORMULA that describes the merging rate of the magnetic field lines and accurately predicts 10—DIFFERENT—TYPES—OF—NEAR—EARTH—SPACE—WEATHER—ACTIVITY, such as the aurora and magnetic disturbances"".
20061212             Disk Drives Face Challenge From Chips
20061212             "Researchers are reporting significant progress in perfecting 1—DIFFERENT—WAY to store data in semiconductors, which could replace 1—WIDELY used TYPE—OF—MEMORY—CHIP and possibly become 1—CREDIBLE competitor to disk drives. The researchers, in 1—PAPER being delivered at 1—TECHNICAL—CONFERENCE in S—FRANCISCO, say they used 1—NOVEL—COMBINATION—OF—MATERIALS to create prototype PHASE—CHANGE components that are more than 500—TIMES as fast as flash chips, —WHILE requiring less than half of the electrical power to record data".
20061212             KOFI—ANNAN: Scharfer Abschiedsgruß an GEORGE—W—BUSH - Ambassadors to Honor Female WWII.
20061212             Spy - EGYPT—ARCHAEOLOGISTS unearth ancient doctor
20061212             —LIVED, Named Qar, the physician, under the 6. dynasty in ancient EGYPT, between
20061212             _2350000000           .000._2180—BC.
20061212             Neanderthal cannibalism a mystery
20061212             Was it ritual, or were they —JUST starving?
20061212             —ANNOUNCED, Archeologists in Burnt City, unprecedented DISCOVERY—OF—1—ARTIFICIAL eyeball, dated to 4800—YEARS ago, in this historic site.
20061212             Via Daily Grail.
20061212             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20061212             —BUGGED, Diana was, by SECRET—SERVICE in USA.
20061212             USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES were bugging PRINCESS—DIANA—TELEPHONE over her relationship with 1—USA billionaire.
20061212             Computer Provides More Questions Than Answers The Antikythera MECHANISM—STILL 1—PUZZLER.
20061212             Via the Anomalist.
20061212             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX at 5:05 PM
20061212             Top 10—SCAMS—OF—20060000              From ConsumerAffairs_com.
20061212             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX at 3:06 PM
20061212             oo to the Octopus
20061212             Rigorous Intuition on PRINCESS—DIANA, Dodi Fayed, ADNAN—KHASHOGGI, mysterious deaths, THE—SECRET—SERVICE—WHEW, —JUST go read it.
20061212             Enough with THE—IRAQ Report.
20061212             —WHEN do we Get Recommendations from a "Bush Study Group" on How to Survive the Next 2—YEARS? -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20061212             Defending the Indefensible: Torture and THE—USA—EMPIRE -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION from DENNIS—LOO and PETER—PHILLIPS, editors of "Impeach THE—PRESIDENT: the Case Against Bush and Cheney"
20061212             Out With "Freedom," In With "Stability" - Frameshop by JEFFREY—FELDMAN
20061212             How Long WILL—THE—RIGHT—LET—USA—LOVE—OBAMA?
20061212             —CONVICTED—OF, Peace mom Cindy Sheehan, trespassing in NEW—YORK, sentence to "conditional discharge," which means they could face SOME—FORM—OF—PENALTY if they are arrested in the next 6—MONTHS + ordered them to pay $95 12/12
20061212             Run, Kucinich, Run! -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
20061212             Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Book (Hardcover) -- At 1—SPECIAL—HOLIDAY—PRICE!
20061212             GREG—PALAST: Tinker Bell, Pinochet and The Fairy Tale Miracle of CHILE 12/12
20061212             CHINA, RUSSIA Express Support for European Draft on IRAN Curbs : CHINA and RUSSIA expressed support for new European proposals to impose sanctions on IRAN, clearing the way for UNITED—NATIONS action aimed at forcing 1—HALT to the Islamic republic's uranium enrichment activities.
20061212             CIA won't play, but Google will:
20061212             Search engine delivers suspicious Iranians
20061212             Kremlin wants to quiz exiles : RUSSIA—PROSECUTORS investigating the poisoning of ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO, the former spy, want to travel to LONDON to question 1—BILLIONAIRE—RUSSIA—EXILE and 1—CHECHEN associate.
20061212             UK Christmas terror attack likely says Reid : The terrorist threat facing THE—UK is "very high indeed", UK Home SECRETARY—JOHN—REID said —TODAY.
20061212             Video: Pinochet to receive military funeral : Police in SANTIAGO have used water cannon and tear gas to stop protesters and those celebrating PINOCHET—DEATH from getting too close to the presidential palace.
20061212             Inquiry Sought Over Evangelical Video: 1—MILITARY—WATCHDOG—GROUP is asking the Defense Department to investigate whether 7—ARMY and AIR—FORCE—OFFICERS violated regulations by appearing in uniform in 1—PROMOTIONAL video for 1—EVANGELICAL—CHRISTIAN organization.
20061212             USA made Hezbollah stronger, analysts say:
20061212             Tutu: ISRAEL—REFUSED—VISAS to FACT—FINDING Mission to GAZA Strip:
20061212             "We find THE—LACK—OF—CO—OPERATION by THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT—VERY distressing," Tutu told reporters —AFTER UN officials said ISRAEL had blocked his UN FACT—FINDING mission from entering the Palestine AUTHORITY—CONTROLLED GAZA Strip
20061212             He does not say explicitly that peace must be imposed on ISRAEL, but that is the obvious implication.
20061212             ISRAEL already looks to be intent on scuppering THE—IRAQ Study Group plan for MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE
20061212             Tough times in birthplace of Jesus as Christmas nears:
20061212             ISRAEL—SEPARATION—BARRIER—RUINS—JOY—OF Christmas for WEST—BANK—TOWN—OF—BETHLEHEM, reduces tourists
20061212             IRAQ—PRESIDENT—CALLS—USA—SECURITY Training 1—FAILURE : PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI said —SUNDAY that THE—USA—PROGRAM to train IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES had been 1 repeated failure and he denounced 1—PLAN to increase THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—ADVISERS working with THE—IRAQ—ARMY, saying it would subvert the country's sovereignty.
20061212             BRITAIN stops talk of 'WAR—ON—TERROR ': 1—FOREIGN—OFFICE—SPOKESMAN said the government wanted to 'avoid reinforcing and giving succour to the terrorists' narrative by using language that, taken OUT—OF—CONTEXT, could be COUNTER—PRODUCTIVE'.
20061212             The same message has been sent to UK—DIPLOMATS and official spokespeople —AROUND the world.
20061212             650,000 IRAQ—DEAD given voice in Congress: The briefing was to discuss 20061000             —THE study Mortality —AFTER 20030000             —THE invasion of IRAQ: 1—CROSS—SECTIONAL cluster sample survey, which appeared in THE—UK—MEDICAL journal The Lancet.
20061212             —ESTIMATED, This study, that 655,000 more Iraqis had † ("excess deaths") —SINCE the invasion than would have † if the prewar RATE—OF—DEATH (mortality) had continued.
20061212             —ESTIMATED, It further, that about 600,000—OF—THESE had † from violence.
20061212             Prominent SAUDI—ARABIA—MUSLIM clerics urge Muslims to support IRAQ—SUNNIS against Shiites : Over 30—PROMINENT—ISLAMIC—CLERICS from SAUDI—ARABIA on —MONDAY called on Sunni Muslims —AROUND THE—MIDDLE—EAST to support their brethren in IRAQ against Shiites and praised the insurgency.
20061212             Revolution in the air as LEBANON—RIFT widens
20061212             W ith Fouad SINIORA—CABINET hiding in the Grand Serail behind acres of razor wire and THOUSANDS—OF—TROOPS
20061212             - 1—VERITABLE "green zone" in the heart of BEIRUT—THE largely Shia Muslim opposition, assisted by their Christian allies, brought up to 2—MILLION—SUPPORTERS into THE—CENTRE—OF—THE—CITY—YESTERDAY to declare the forthcoming creation of a 2. LEBANON—ADMINISTRATION.
20061212             Neither forgiveness nor oblivion
20061212             -CHILE: THE—DEATH—OF—1—MURDERER—BY Tito Tricot
20061212             —DICTATED, The dictator.
20061212             —WORSHIPED, That's why businessmen, him, because they rejoiced themselves buying CHILE at 1—CHEAP—PRICE.
20061212             —LOVED, That's why he was, by large state owners who recovered their land handed over to poor peasants through the agrarian reform.
20061212             —VENERATED, That's why he was, by bankers that sold out the country with the dictatorship's support.
20061212             Tinker Bell, Pinochet And The Fairy Tale Miracle Of CHILE
20061212             —ORGANIZED, The militarily, PRACTICE—OF—TORTURE, the sexual abuse + all other ABUSES—OF—MEN and women, clandestine incarcerations and forced disappearances, are not new in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE 3. World + of Latin AMERICA in particular.
20061212             History will not treat us KINDLY—BY Tim ANDERSEN—WE will be remembered as the Americans who insulated themselves from reality and remained SELF—ABSORBED, concerned with their own personal comfort and privilege —WHILE our government wrecked havoc on the world and destroyed our own culture.
20061212             The Americans don't see how unwelcome they are, or that IRAQ is —NOW beyond REPAIR—BY PATRICK—COCKBURN:
20061212             MANIPULATION—OF—FACTS was often very crude.
20061212             As 1—EXAMPLE—OF—THE—SYSTEMATIC—DISTORTION, THE—IRAQ Study Group revealed
20061212             last —WEEK that
20061212             —ON 1—DAY last - Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community
20061212             No, his enemies are ' opinion leaders ' here in THE—USA.
20061212             concluded that public opinion shifted —AFTER opinion leaders signaled.
20061212             The Moderate Voice - - FORMER—GOP WHITE—HOUSE Press Secretaries + PROPAGANDA...
20061212             WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARIES + PR EXPERTS—BLAST—CHENEY Shooting Handling...
20061212             PR experts elsewhere are also shaking their heads in dismay...
20061212             Corporate PR experts see people as "1—HERD waiting to be laid"
20061212             THE—BUSINESS—PROPAGANDISTS—CORPORATE PR experts see people AS—1—HERD waiting to be... as in the books WRITTEN—BY—FORMER—PR whiz...
20061212             the new context of PR + conalition government, the electoral tactics have not...
20061212             Experts call for new Holyrood vote system (
20061212             Updates on the aggression against LEBANON Stop the War Coalition (UK) - Urgence Liban (BELGIUM) - Tadamon (MONTREAL—CANADA) - Paz Ahora (SPAIN) - Plataforma Aturem la Guerra (Catalonia)...
20061212             The meeting will discuss 5.
20061212             Mind is Moving " Google Search: Union Bank, Thyssen, Prescott Bush - another stupid blog.
20061212             Topica Email List Directory The order seizing THE—BUSH—THYSSEN bank was curiously quiet and modest about THE—IDENTITY—OF—THE—PERPETRATORS who had been nailed.
20061212             [CTRL] Harriman Bush stock bank paid hitler [CTRL] Harriman Bush stock bank paid hitler.
20061212             ThePiedPiper Wed,
20061212             —HELPED, How BUSH—GRANDFATHER, HITLER—RISE to power | Special... The most tantalising PART—OF—THE—STORY remains shrouded in mystery: the connection, if any, between Prescott Bush, Thyssen, Consolidated Silesian Steel...
20061212             1—CONTRA FUND—RAISER, Jose ORLANDO—BOLANOS, boasted that the Argentine government was supporting his ANTI—SANDINISTA activities, according to a
20061212             -13Dec.2006 summit in CEBU... - GILC News and Press Releases
20061212             —CALLED, Instead, EFA, on THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT to amend current laws "to... If they are enacted it will be 1—DEVASTATING blow for FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH and...
20061212             Security Scrapbook - 20011100              - Espionage and Eavesdropping News... —WHEN balancing free speech against privacy + confidentiality concerns.
20061212             surveillance powers under ANTI—TERRORISM—LAWS. The guidelines, which run.
20061212             THE—WAR—ON—SHAMPOO "More propaganda than plot".
20061212             —SPONSORED, Liquid bomb scare was 1—HOME—OFFICE, HOAX—BY CRAIG—MURRAY
20061212             BANGLADESH, gibt es weder 1—WISSEN über chemische Rückstände noch gibt es die Möglichkeit,
20061212             gegeeignete Laboranalysen
20061212             Enquête sur les extrémistes de l'Occulte II.
20061212             en Italie (c'est l'origine de la loge P2 en totale complicité avec la Mafia)
20061212             rediff com USA—EDITION: Moon wants to revive THE—INDIA—JOINT family " Reverend Moon teaches us to live together,
20061212             not to divorce, In 1—RECENT—MESSAGE, read out at 1—NEW—DELHI meeting by David, Moon said: "The time has come...
20061212             100—MILLION—YEAR—OLD discovery pushes bees' evolutionary history back 35—MILLION years A bee in amber changes everything.
20061212             10—MEANS the Bush Family can BREATHE—1—LITTLE—BIT easier, knowing that criminal proceedings against CHILE—NOTORIOUS—DICTATOR can no longer implicate his longtime friend and protector, FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH.
20061212             FINLAND, GERMANY, ITALY + SPAIN, who consumed 25—MILLILITERS (1—LITTLE—LESS than 1—QUARTER—CUP) of olive oil EVERY—DAY—FOR—3—WEEKS.
20061212             The mysterious PRINCE—TURKI—AL—FAISAL—THIS is not the 1. time he has suddenly resigned 1—IMPORTANT—POST.
20061212             —LOOKED, We have, at this group —BEFORE.
20061212             —ADMITTED, In 1—PUBLIC—SPEECH, THE—PRINCE, that this "club" was 1—OFF—THE—RESERVATION—COVERT action ring,
20061212             unaccountable to ANY—DEMOCRATIC government:
20061212             (At least, that's where I 1. learned about Pinay.)
20061212             —CREATED, As far as we know, the Safari Club was
20061212             However, this long and fascinating essay
20061212             —BY—PAUL W. Rasche argues that Turki still maintained 1—RELATIONSHIP with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and the Taliban:
20061212             UPDATED: Bilderberg 20060000              20061212             1—FEW miles from OTTAWA—CANADA, between the 8. - 11. of ;;06;;.
20061212             Forscher von 4—USA—UNIVERSITÄTEN haben mit modernen Klimamodellen errechnet,
20061212             welchen Schaden der Rauch aus brennenden Städten, die Verschmutzung der Atmosphäre und der radioaktive Fallout eines solchen begrenzten Atomkriegs hätten.
20061212             Demnach würden 5—MILLIONEN Tonnen Dreck in die Luft gelangen, schreiben Toon und seine Kollegen im Fachblatt "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions".
20061212             Wissenschaftler um ALAN—ROBOCK von der Rutgers UNIVERSITY—IN—NEW—JERSEY haben anschließend mit diesen Daten ihre Klimarechner gefüttert.
20061212             Das Ergebnis erinnere an die Berechnungen zum nuklearen —WINTER aus den achtziger und neunziger Jahren.
20061212             Robock: Diese Substanz sei "das 1. Beispiel für einen Wirkstoff, der offenbar den gesamten Alterungsprozess beeinflussen kann",
20061212             sagt Felipe Sierra vom National Institute on Aging im amerikanischen Bethesda.
20061212             Und wichtiger noch:
20061212             For THE—WAGE—SLAVE—MAJORITY—OF—TODAY this is 1—BYGONE world - Economic Apartheid Kills
20061212             To be successful in overturning our elitist plutocratic system we should add economic apartheid to our semantic arsenal.
20061212             CIA is undermining UK—WAR—EFFORT, say military chiefs-
20061212             PICTURES, LONDON explosions: Your photos ~~~ LINKS UPDATED "I was aboard the lower DECK—OF—THE—BUS that was blown up on ;;07;;
20061212             7. - I rang the emergency hotline to report THE—2—DARK—CARS I saw holding the bus up and diverting it towards Tavistock Square.
20061212             7/7, 21/7 The 4. BOMB—AMAZING new pics !!
20061212             Doubts Regarding DOCTOR—DAVID—KELLY'S 'Suicide' Renowned cancer scientist was paid by Monsanto —FOR—20—YEARS If Americans Knew.
20061212             1—REALISTIC—AMERICA is the silver lining of this great IRAQ—DARKNESS—OPINION SIMON—JENKINS—TIMES—ONLINE
20061212             BG—THE—PROPOSAL that AMERICAN—WITHDRAW its troops over the next 18—MONTHS and confine them largely to SELF—DEFENCE describes what is already happening.
20061212             BG—CHANNEL 4—JOURNALIST + presenter, JON—SNOW, blogs from IRAQ:
20061212             —ESTABLISHED, FAS: The Public Interest Declassification BOARD was, by Congress
20061212             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—APOCALYPTO: The Most Powerful Film Of All Time GIBSON—MASTERPIECE 1—ALLEGORICAL warning against unrestrained TYRANNY—OF—GOVERNMENT, human sacrifice and
20061212             FAIZ—THE—GUARDIAN reports, "Cabinet ministers have been told by the Foreign Office to drop the phrase
20061212             'WAR—ON—TERROR' and other terms seen as liable to anger UK—MUSLIMS and increase tensions more broadly in the Islamic world".
20061212             House SPEAKER—DESIGNATE NANCY Pelosi (D-CA)-
20061212             —EXPECTED, NICO—IS ", to stand by her decision to permanently remove
20061212             " REPRESENTATIVE—WILLIAM—JEFFERSON (D-LA) from the powerful Ways and Means Committee, National Journal reports.
20061212             Last —WEEK, SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R-OR) — who originally supported the war in IRAQ
20061212             — delivered 1—SCATHING INDICTMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—POLICY in IRAQ, stating it "may even be criminal.
20061212             —TODAY, WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW dismissed the comments, stating that "politics are emotional".
20061212             —WHEN the reporter questioned whether Snow was "saying Republican SENATOR—SMITH is not in FAVOR—OF—DEMOCRACY," Snow replied, "I don't know".
20061212             1—REPUBLICAN SENATOR is saying that PRESIDENT—POLICY may be criminal and it's immoral and you're —JUST saying.
20061212             They talk about building greater capability on THE—PART—OF—THE—IRAQIS,
20061212             so that you can have 1—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT that governs itself, sustains itself, defends itself, is 1—ALLY in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, is 1—DEMOCRACY.
20061212             You're engaging in 1—ARGUMENT + you're trying to fill in the gaps.
20061212             "I'll be dead —WHEN they get it right".-
20061212             PRESIDENT—BUSH, on how his legacy will be viewed,
20061212             according to a "recent visitor" to THE—WHITE—HOUSE who says BUSH is "still resolutely defiant, convinced history will ultimately vindicate him".
20061212             Frist Ducks Responsibility For Unfinished Spending Bills,
20061212             Blames 'Systemic Flaws In AMERICA—PROCESSES'-
20061212             —COMPLAINED, The paper,
20061212             "Congress even punted its most basic job:
20061212             approving all 11—ANNUAL spending bills that keep the government's lights on".
20061212             —RESPONDED, Outgoing Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST (R-TN), by blaming THE—SENATE—INACTION on the appropriations process:
20061212             Improving things will require 1—STRONG—MUTUAL—COMMITMENT on THE—PART—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE and the leadership in both HOUSES—OF—CONGRESS to reform the spending process,
20061212             fix entitlements, tackle earmarks and eliminate the deficit.
20061212             —WHILE it's true that it is 1—DIFFICULT—TASK to pass all 11—APPROPRIATIONS—BILLS exactly on time, the 109. Congress' lowered the bar and set 1—RECORD for its dismal performance.
20061212             —STARTED, The fiscal —YEAR, months ago and the Senate only approved 2—SPENDING bills this —YEAR, leaving "almost 1—HALF—TRILLION dollars
20061212             of spending bills" for incoming lawmakers.
20061212             Conservative MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE are not buying FRIST—EXCUSES: - REPRESENTATIVE—PHIL—GINGREY (R-GA):
20061212             "The Senate, quite honestly, has not done its work.
20061212             This is not 1—ANOMALY.
20061212             —APPALLED, It has become the norm in Congress + I'm, by that".
20061212             - REPRESENTATIVE—JO—ANN—EMERSON (R-MO):
20061212             - REPRESENTATIVE—JACK—KINGSTON (R-GA):
20061212             Congress did not always operate this way.
20061212             all appropriations bills had been enacted by the Democrats —BEFORE the end of the fiscal —YEAR".
20061212             "HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQIS who have fled their homeland are likely to seek refugee status in THE—USA,
20061212             humanitarian groups said, putting intense pressure on THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to reexamine 1—POLICY that authorizes only 500—IRAQIS to be resettled here next —YEAR". BUSH—FORMER—REFUGEE—AFFAIRS—OFFICIAL said that "for political reasons the administration will discourage" THE—RESETTLEMENT—OF—IRAQ—REFUGEES in THE—USA "because of the psychological message it would send, that it is 1—LOSING cause.
20061212             Inhofe Distorts New UN Report On Climate Change: 'We Are All Skeptics —NOW'-
20061212             —ON—SUNDAY, THE—LONDON Telegraph previewed 1—NEW—REPORT from THE—UN—INTERGOVERNMENTAL Panel on Climate Change,
20061212             which is viewed as 1—AUTHORITATIVE source of global warming science.
20061212             According to the Telegraph, the report concludes "there can be little doubt that humans are responsible for warming the planet.
20061212             " Moreover, carbon dioxide emissions are accelerating and THE—IPCC predicts "that temperatures will rise by up to 4.5—C —DURING the next 100—YEARS,
20061212             bringing more frequent heat waves and storms".
20061212             —LOWERED, THE—IPCC also " predictions of how much sea levels will rise in comparison with its last report
20061212             SENATOR—JAMES—INHOFE (R-OK), outgoing CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—ENVIRONMENT & Public Works Committee,
20061212             said the report is evidence that global warming was all hype: We are all skeptics —NOW.
20061212             It appears that THE—UN is —NOW acknowledging what 1—INCREASING NUMBER—OF—SCIENTISTS who study the climate have come to realize:
20061212             Predictions of manmade catastrophic global warming are simply unsustainable.
20061212             INHOFE—CORE—CLAIM is that global warming is "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on THE—USA—PEOPLE
20061212             " and humans are not responsible for climate change.
20061212             In speech on the Senate floor
20061212             MO, —TODAY that offers "1—BLISTERING criticism
20061212             CAPTAIN—QUARTERS:
20061212             —WANTED, We, to hold Saddam accountable —FOR—12—YEARS—OF—INTRANSIGENCE in relation to 16—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTIONS — and Annan opposed the effort.
20061212             Michelle Malkin: Good riddance to you and your wagging finger, KOFI—ANNAN.
20061212             If they fail to agree on 1—COMMON—POSITION + SOME—OF—THEM then take action without the council's authority,
20061212             THE—LEGITIMACY—OF—THAT action will be widely questioned + it will not gain the political support needed to ensure its LONG—TERM—SUCCESS,
20061212             "Anything seen as 1—FLIMSY, hasty excuse to go to war will create difficulties in the council," he said.
20061212             " THE—USA does seem to have 1—LOWER threshold than the others may have " for what constitutes 1—BREACH,
20061212             he said.
20061212             "The key is that whatever we do must have broad support from allies and the public".
20061212             If there is 1—DECISION to go to war against IRAQ,
20061212             he said, "the reasons must be seen as reasonable, credible and not contrived".
20061212             [WASHINGTON—POST, 20021114             ]
20061212             In 1—ACCOUNTABLE—WORLD, PRESIDENT—BUSH would be hanging 1—MEDAL —AROUND the neck of KOFI—ANNAN, not GEORGE—TENET.
20061212             In a new documentary,
20061212             She then says, "I welcome the opportunity of having anyone assassinate Fidel Castro
20061212             and ANY—LEADER who is oppressing the people".
20061212             —CALLED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, ROBERTSON—REMARKS "inappropriate,
20061212             " and FORMER—SENATE—MAJORITY—LEADER—BOB—DOLE (R-KS) labeled them "stupid" and "ludicrous".
20061212             —APOLOGIZED, Robertson —LATER.
20061212             "Is it right to call for assassination?
20061212             No, "1—SPOKESMAN for ROS—LEHTINEN said she's never called for anyone's assassination,
20061212             but ROS—LEHTINEN said she can't rule out that she ever mentioned Castro and 1—POTENTIAL—ASSASSINATION.
20061212             'If someone were to do it, I wouldn't be crying,' she said".
20061212             Rick SANTORUM—PLAN—FOR—IRAN: With Our Help,
20061212             Bus Drivers Could Topple The Government-
20061212             —CRUSHED, And as 1—RESULT, they, the strike and another labor movement,
20061212             WHICH—OF—COURSE, as you know, like in POLAND and other countries, was the key to THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT because it's 1—ORGANIZATION that is based in democracy to try to topple these TYPES—OF—REGIMES that we see in IRAN and we didn't do anything.
20061212             But there are 1—HOST—OF—EXAMPLES—OF what we could be doing to be much more engaged and involved in IRAN,
20061212             but THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT — 1—LOT—OF—FOLKS don't want us to do it because we don't want to antagonize IRAN.
20061212             IMUS: We're talking with SENATOR—RICK—SANTORUM.
20061212             —BY—THE—WAY, I was —JUST thinking as you were talking — because I wasn't listening...
20061212             In a farewell speech
20061212             —ON USA soil —TODAY, retiring UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN "plans to deliver 1—TOUGH—CRITIQUE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—POLICIES ," accusing the administration of "dominating other nations through force,
20061212             committing what he termed human rights abuses and taking military action without broad INTERNATIONAL support".
20061212             Outgoing Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD made 1—SURPRISE—TRIP to IRAQ —YESTERDAY "to thank USA—TROOPS for their service.
20061212             " On "ALL—OF—HIS 14—PREVIOUS trips to IRAQ
20061212             .Rumsfeld has taken reporters who cover him regularly at the Pentagon".
20061212             But on this trip, FOX—NEWS host SEAN—HANNITY was the only MEMBER—OF—THE—MEDIA allowed to accompany Rumsfeld.
20061212             Administration officials say their preliminary review of THE—IRAQ Study Group report "has concluded that MANY—OF—ITS—KEY—PROPOSALS are impractical or unrealistic
20061212             + 1—SMALL—GROUP inside the National Security Council is —NOW racing to come up with alternatives to the panel's ideas".
20061212             Outgoing UNITED—NATIONS ambassador JOHN—BOLTON will return to the conservative USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE to speak, consult and "replenish the coffers
20061212             "Major partners in IRAQ—GOVERNING coalition are in BEHIND—THE—SCENES—TALKS to oust PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI amid discontent over his failure
20061212             to quell raging violence, according to lawmakers involved".
20061212             " Poverty, violence and discrimination assault women worldwide and undermine their children's futures,
20061212             —BY—UNICEF.
20061212             More than 1—OUT of every 4—BIRTHS to 1—ADOLESCENT mother occurs in the least developed countries and between 15 and 71—PERCENT—OF—WOMEN have "experienced physical or sexual assault
20061212             "IRAQ is failing to spend BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—OIL—REVENUES that have been set aside to rebuild its damaged roads,
20061212             schools and power stations and to repair refineries and pipelines". IRAQ—MINISTRIES "are spending as little as 15—PERCENT—OF—20060000             —THE capital budgets
20061212             FORMER—SENATOR—RICK—SANTORUM (R-PA), "a Republican whose ONCE—STEADY rise in politics ended with a resounding defeat" in ;;11;;
20061212             to BOB—CASEY, "refused to be photographed with MISTER—CASEY
20061212             [—AFTER their meeting —FRIDAY] + brushed past reporters in his closing days in the Capitol".
20061212             The Highjacking of 1—NATION
20061212             sfux Part 2: THE—AUCTIONING—OF—FORMER—STATESMEN & Dime 12—GENERALS
20061212             Tests for dissolving heart stent
20061212             1—NEW—TYPE—OF—HEART "stent" has been developed to unblock diseased arteries and then dissolve without 1—TRACE.
20061212             Annan chides USA in final speech
20061212             UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN urges THE—USA to work with other nations rather than acting unilaterally.
20061212             IRAN defends Holocaust talks
20061212             IRAN says 1—CONFERENCE being held to question whether the Holocaust took place is 1—EXAMPLE—OF—FREE—SPEECH.
20061212             BAGHDAD robbers grab $1m
20061212             —DISGUISED, Gunmen, as army soldiers ambush 1—SECURITY—VEHICLE and seize $1m in cash, as violence continues in IRAQ.
20061212             Height loss link to heart disese
20061212             Men who lose 3cm or MORE—OF—HEIGHT as they age have 1 increased RISK—OF—HEART—ATTACK and death, 1—STUDY finds.
20061212             DUBAI firm sells USA ports to AIG
20061212             DUBAI Ports World agrees to sell its 6—USA—PORTS to 1—USA—FIRM—AFTER politicians voiced fears over security.
20061212             OHIO Democrat seeks presidency
20061212             USA—ANTI—WAR—CONGRESSMAN—DENNIS—KUCINICH announces 1—BID to run for THE—WHITE—HOUSE
20061212             Shell deal over RUSSIA—OIL—FIELD
20061212             Shell and RUSSIA—GAZPROM reach 1—DEAL over THE—MULTI—BILLION dollar SAKHALIN—2—OIL and gas project, reports say.
20061212             E-Gold Gets Tough on Crime
20061212             —CALLED, Weary of being, 1—HAVEN for money launderers and crooks, the PayPal competitor gets cozy with law enforcement and locks down suspicious accounts.
20061212             New Google VICE—PRESIDENT—BUSTED—MITNICK
20061212             1—TIME—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR—KENT Walker will HEAD—GOOGLE—LEGAL—TEAM, about 1—DECADE—AFTER he oversaw the search for hacker KEVIN—MITNICK.
20061212             In 27B Stroke 6. - Magic Mushrooms Might Cure OCD
20061212             Scientists think psilocybin might give relief to obsessive Bree VAN de Kamp types.
20061212             In Bodyhack.
20061212             "1—CONTROVERSIAL—THEORY that proposes that our SENSE—OF—SMELL is based not on the shape of the molecules that enter our nose but on their vibrations was given 1—BOOST—RECENTLY—WHEN UNIVERSITY—COLLEGE—LONDON researchers determined that the quantum physics involved makes sense.
20061212             —PROPOSED, The theory, in the mid-1990s by biophysicist LUCA—TURIN, suggests that electron tunneling initiates the smell signal being sent to the brain.
20061212             —SHAPED, It could explain why similarly, molecules can have very different smells + molecules with very different structures can smell similar.
20061212             "—RECENTLY, 1—NEW discovery has been made explaining how & predicting —WHEN space weather occurs.
20061212             Hopefully this will allow us to predict —WHEN and where these extreme forces of magnetic flux occur so that we can prepare to repair satellites or shut them down for safety reasons.
20061212             —SURPRISED, Recent activities on the sun have, scientists including the explosive "solar tsunami" that happened last —WEEK.
20061212             —FROM the article, "The new study shows that THE—NORTH—LIGHTS, also called aurora + other space weather near Earth are driven by the rate at which the Earth's and SUN—MAGNETIC—FIELDS connect,
20061212             or merge + not —JUST by the solar wind's electric field.
20061212             —DEVELOPED, Researchers have —NOW, 1—FORMULA that describes the merging rate of the magnetic field lines and accurately predicts 10—DIFFERENT—TYPES—OF—NEAR—EARTH—SPACE—WEATHER—ACTIVITY,
20061212             such as the aurora and magnetic disturbances"."
20061212             "Researchers are reporting significant progress in perfecting 1—DIFFERENT—WAY to store data in semiconductors,
20061212             which could replace 1—WIDELY used TYPE—OF—MEMORY—CHIP and possibly become 1—CREDIBLE competitor to disk drives.
20061212             —DELIVERED, The researchers, in 1—PAPER being, at 1—TECHNICAL—CONFERENCE in S—FRANCISCO,
20061212             say they used 1—NOVEL—COMBINATION—OF—MATERIALS to create prototype PHASE—CHANGE components that are more than 500—TIMES as fast as flash chips,
20061212             —WHILE requiring less than half of the electrical power to record data".
20061212             KOFI—ANNAN: Scharfer Abschiedsgruß an GEORGE—W—BUSH
20061212             —LIVED, EGYPT—ARCHAEOLOGISTS unearth ancient doctor Named Qar, the physician, under the 6. dynasty in ancient EGYPT, between
20061212             _23500000—23000000    .000._2180—BC.
20061212             Neanderthal cannibalism 1—MYSTERY—WAS it ritual, or were they —JUST starving?
20061212             3. —MILLENNIUM BC Artificial Eyeball Discovered in Burnt City
20061212             —BUGGED, Diana was, by SECRET—SERVICE in USA USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES were bugging PRINCESS—DIANA—TELEPHONE over her relationship with 1—USA billionaire.
20061212             -- And, Remember, Free Shipping in THE—USA on ANY—ORDER.
20061212             Defending the Indefensible: Torture and THE—USA—EMPIRE -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION from DENNIS—LOO and PETER—PHILLIPS,
20061212             —EDITORS of "Impeach THE—PRESIDENT: the Case Against Bush and Cheney"
20061212             CHINA, RUSSIA Express Support for European Draft on IRAN Curbs:
20061212             —EXPRESSED, CHINA and RUSSIA, support for new European proposals to impose sanctions on IRAN,
20061212             clearing the way for UNITED—NATIONS action aimed at forcing 1—HALT to the Islamic republic's uranium enrichment activities.
20061212             Kremlin wants to quiz exiles:
20061212             RUSSIA—PROSECUTORS investigating the poisoning of ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO,
20061212             the former spy, want to travel to LONDON to question 1—BILLIONAIRE—RUSSIA—EXILE and 1—CHECHEN associate.
20061212             UK Christmas terror attack likely says Reid:
20061212             —INDEED, The terrorist threat facing THE—UK is "very high ", UK Home SECRETARY—JOHN—REID said —TODAY.
20061212             Video: Pinochet to receive military funeral:
20061212             Police in SANTIAGO have used water cannon and tear gas to stop protesters and those celebrating PINOCHET—DEATH from getting too close to the presidential palace.
20061212             Inquiry Sought Over Evangelical Video:
20061212             URI—AVNERY'S: BAKER—CAKE:
20061212             Baker says simply: In order to stop the war in IRAQ and start 1—RECONCILIATION with the Arab world, THE—USA must bring about THE—END—OF—THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT.
20061212             A rogue 51. state:
20061212             IRAQ—PRESIDENT—CALLS—USA Security Training 1—FAILURE:
20061212             PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI said —SUNDAY that THE—USA—PROGRAM to train IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES had been 1 repeated failure and he denounced 1—PLAN to increase THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—ADVISERS working with THE—IRAQ—ARMY,
20061212             saying it would subvert the country's sovereignty.
20061212             'IRAQ "insurgent" attacks to rise:
20061212             1—UK—MILITARY—COMMANDER has warned that "insurgent" attacks on MULTI—NATIONAL—TROOPS in IRAQ would rise ahead of the planned security handover to local forces in the Basra area next —YEAR.
20061212             BRITAIN stops talk of 'WAR—ON—TERROR':
20061212             1—FOREIGN—OFFICE—SPOKESMAN said the government wanted to 'avoid reinforcing and giving succour to the terrorists' narrative by using language that,
20061212             taken OUT—OF—CONTEXT, could be COUNTER—PRODUCTIVE'.
20061212             Prominent SAUDI—ARABIA—MUSLIM clerics urge Muslims to support IRAQ—SUNNIS against Shiites:
20061212             Over 30—PROMINENT—ISLAMIC—CLERICS from SAUDI—ARABIA —ON—MONDAY called on Sunni Muslims —AROUND THE—MIDDLE—EAST to support their brethren in IRAQ against Shiites and praised the insurgency.
20061212             - 1—VERITABLE "green zone" in the heart of BEIRUT—THE largely Shia Muslim opposition,
20061212             assisted by their Christian allies, brought up to 2—MILLION—SUPPORTERS into THE—CENTRE—OF—THE—CITY—YESTERDAY to declare the forthcoming creation of a 2. LEBANON—ADMINISTRATION.
20061212             Continue - CHILE: THE—DEATH—OF—1—MURDERER—BY—TITO—TRICOT
20061212             Continue
20061212             —ORGANIZED, The militarily, PRACTICE—OF—TORTURE, the sexual abuse + all other ABUSES—OF—MEN and women,
20061212             clandestine incarcerations and forced disappearances, are not new in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE 3. World + of Latin AMERICA in particular.
20061212             It has been instead an historical constant of colonial, neocolonial and neoliberal domination.
20061212             Continue - History will not treat us kindly-
20061212             —BY—TIM ANDERSEN—WE will be remembered as the Americans who insulated themselves from reality and remained SELF—ABSORBED,
20061212             concerned with their own personal comfort and privilege —WHILE our government wrecked havoc on the world and destroyed our own culture.
20061212             Continue - The Americans don't see how unwelcome they are, or that IRAQ is —NOW beyond repair-
20061212             —ON 1—DAY last - No, his enemies are ' opinion leaders ' here in THE—USA.
20061212             FORMER—GOP WHITE—HOUSE Press Secretaries + PROPAGANDA...
20061212             WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARIES + PR Experts - Blast Cheney Shooting Handling...
20061212             THE—BUSINESS—PROPAGANDISTS—CORPORATE PR experts see people AS—1—HERD waiting to be
20061212             as in the books WRITTEN—BY—FORMER—PR whiz...
20061212             Updates on the aggression against LEBANON
20061212             Stop the War Coalition (UK) - Urgence Liban (BELGIUM) - Tadamon (MONTREAL—CANADA) - Paz Ahora (SPAIN) - Plataforma Aturem la Guerra (Catalonia)...
20061212             LEBANON com NEWSWIRE—LOCAL—NEWS 19980827             0000—DATE 20061212             THE—5—NATION CEASE—FIRE monitoring group is expected to meet next —MONDAY at THE—UNIFIL—HEADQUARTERS in Naqoura.
20061212             The meeting will discuss 5. - another stupid blog. Topica Email List Directory
20061212             The order seizing THE—BUSH—THYSSEN bank was curiously quiet and modest about THE—IDENTITY—OF—THE—PERPETRATORS who had been nailed.
20061212             [CTRL] Harriman Bush stock bank paid hitler
20061212             [CTRL] HARRIMAN BUSH stock bank paid hitler. ThePiedPiper Wed,
20061212             —HELPED, How BUSH—GRANDFATHER, HITLER—RISE to power | Special...
20061212             —SHROUDED, The most tantalising PART—OF—THE—STORY remains, in mystery: the connection, if any, between Prescott BUSH, Thyssen, Consolidated Silesian Steel...
20061212             —CALLED, Instead, EFA, on THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT to amend current laws "to
20061212             If they are enacted it will be 1—DEVASTATING blow for FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH and...
20061212             Security Scrapbook - 20011100             —ESPIONAGE and Eavesdropping News...
20061212             —WHEN balancing free speech against privacy + confidentiality concerns.
20061212             THE—WAR—ON—SHAMPOO "More PROPAGANDA than plot".
20061212             Liquid bomb scare was 1—HOME—OFFICE—SPONSORED—HOAX—BY—CRAIG—MURRAY
20061212             —AFTER—6—YEARS—OF—PUBLIC—SERVICE". examples
20061212             —FROM 1—INTIMATE—PARTNER". of rage from the right.
20061212             propaganda - they received for the rebuilding".
20061212             was hosted by Brook Street Resort
20061212             1—USA—IMMIGRATION—SWEEP—OF—6—SWIFT—MEAT—PLANTS resulted in nearly 1,300 arrests of illegal immigrants.
20061212             —CULMINATED, The action, a 10-month investigation targeting the use of stolen social security numbers.
20061212             —DEFEATED, TEXAS, FORMER—CONGRESSMAN—CIRO Rodriguez, 7—TERM—REPUBLICAN HENRY—BONILLA in 1—RUNOFF—ELECTION, adding another Democrat to Congress.
20061212             Online political groups, the Campaign to Defend the Constitution and THE—CHRISTIAN—ALLIANCE for Progress, demanded that WAL—MART dump Left Behind: Eternal Forces, 1—NEW—COMPUTER—GAME in which players must either kill or convert NON—CHRISTIANS.
20061212             —LAUNCHED, The Nasdaq Stock Market INCORPORATED formally, its hostile $5.3—BILLION takeover bid for THE—LONDON Stock Exchange Group PLC, which promptly reiterated that the offer is too low and urged its shareholders to take no action on it.
20061212             —PLAYED, PETER—BOYLE, 71—JAHRE—ALT, the actor who, the hilariously grouchy father on "EVERY—BODY—LOVES—RAYMOND," †.
20061212             His films "Joe" (19700000             ), "Young Frankenstein" (19740000             ) and "Taxi Driver" (19760000             ).
20061212             1—NEW—ENVIRONMENTAL—REPORT said fertilizer and sediment runoff from sugarcane, banana and pineapple plantations are threatening tourism by damaging 1—CORAL reef stretching along the Caribbean coasts of MEXICO, BELIZE, GUATEMALA and HONDURAS.
20061212             AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up at THE—GOVERNOR—COMPOUND in SOUTH—HELMAND province, killing 8—PEOPLE, including 6—POLICEMEN and 2—CIVILIANS.
20061212             EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 4 "MILITARY—AGED males" and 1—GIRL, 13—JAHRE—ALT were killed in 1—RAID by Afghan and USA—LED coalition forces.
20061212             8 suspected Taliban militants were killed and 1—POLICEMAN wounded in 1—JOINT—OPERATION by THE—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE and army in WEST—FARAH province.
20061212             —JAILED, BELARUS, ALEXANDER—KOZULIN, 1, former opposition presidential candidate, ended 1—HUNGER—STRIKE—AFTER refusing food —FOR—54—DAYS.
20061212             —LOCKED, SOUTH—EAST—BRAZIL, 1—COUPLE and their 5—YEAR—OLD—SON were tied up, in their car and burned to death —DURING 1—ROBBERY.
20061212             —DISCOVERED, UK—DETECTIVES hunting 1—SERIAL killer who preys on prostitutes, 2—MORE—BODIES in IPSWICH, bringing the total NUMBER—OF—VICTIMS to 5.
20061212             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—PRESS, that Liu Zhihua (57), 1—FORMER—BEIJING vice mayor in charge of 20080000              Olympic construction projects, was ousted from the ruling Communist Party for graft and faces judicial prosecution.
20061212             —PLEDGED, CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRESIDENT—VACLAV—KLAUS, to forge closer ties with PRAGUE—BIGGEST African trade partner as he became the 1. leader from THE—EAST—EUROPEAN nation to visit SOUTH—AFRICA.
20061212             ERITREA said it aims to become the 1. country in the world to turn its entire coast into 1—ENVIRONMENTALLY protected zone to ensure balanced and sustainable development.
20061212             1—UN—BACKED commission, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMISSION—AGAINST—IMPUNITY in GUATEMALA (CICIG), was established to investigate rampant organized crime in GUATEMALA, which authorities said has become 1—KEY—POINT—OF—TRANSIT for smugglers bringing drugs into THE—USA.
20061212             A 2—DAY—CONFERENCE questioning the existence of the Nazi Holocaust ended in TEHRAN.
20061212             IRAQ, 2—CAR—BOMBS targeting —DAY laborers looking for work exploded within SECONDS—OF—EACH—OTHER on 1—MAIN—SQUARE in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killing at least 63—PEOPLE and wounding scores.
20061212             1—TELEVISION—CAMERAMAN working for The Associated Press was shot to death by insurgents —WHILE covering clashes in MOSUL.
20061212             —STEPPED, MALAYSIA—TWELFTH KING, Tuanku SYED—SIRAJUDDIN, 63—JAHRE—ALT, down from his post —AFTER a 5—YEAR—REIGN to make way for the next monarch in 1—SEND—OFF steeped in color and tradition.
20061212             —LAUNCHED, MEXICO—NEW—PRESIDENT, his 1. major offensive against drug gangs, sending more than 6,500 federal forces to Michoacan, his VIOLENCE—PLAGUED home state, to crack down on turf wars that have left hundreds dead in 1—WAVE—OF—EXECUTION—STYLE—KILLINGS and beheadings.
20061212             THE—BODY—OF—LUIS—FELIPE—ZAVALA, cousin of MEXICO—1. lady Margarita Zavala, was found in his minivan in THE—CITY—OF—NAUCALPAN in MEXICO State.
20061212             —FIRED, Hamas gunmen, on demonstrators from the rival Fatah movement, wounding 4—PEOPLE and intensifying fears of 1—NEW—WAVE—OF—PALESTINE—INFIGHTING.
20061212             —PARTICIPATED, RWANDA, 1—EX—INTERAHAMWE member said that he had, in TRANS—PORTING weapons from 1—FRANCE—MILITARY—PLANE in THE—FORMER—ZAIRE, —NOW Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO, to THE—NORTH—RWANDA PROVINCE—OF—GISENYI —DURING 19940000             —THE genocide.
20061212             —RAPED, Witness #4 told 1—RWANDA—COMMISSION that FRANCE—TROOPS, women fleeing militia gangs —DURING the African country's 19940000              genocide.
20061212             —CLOSED, RUSSIA—GAZPROM, in on HALF—OF—ROYAL—DUTCH—SHELL'S $22—BILLION SAKHALIN—2—ENERGY—PROJECT—WHILE Shell denied it had buckled under Kremlin pressure and warned MOSCOW the world was watching.
20061212             SOMALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ALI—MOHAMED—GEDI said THOUSANDS—OF—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS have SUR—ROUNDED Baidoa, the only town the internationally recognized government controls, as 1—TOP—ISLAMIC—OFFICIAL promised to attack within 1—WEEK unless ETHIOPIA—TROOPS leave.
20061212             —OPENED, SOUTH—KOREA, the world's largest GARBAGE—FUELLED power plant and expects to reduce its imports of heavy oil by 500,000 barrels 1—YEAR as 1—RESULT.
20061212             SOUTH—KOREA currently relies heavily on nuclear power plants which supply 40—PERCENT—OF—DEMAND.
20061212             —ARRESTED, HUNDREDS—OF—SPAIN—POLICE and security officials, at least 11 suspected Islamic militants in PRE—DAWN raids in Ceuta, 1—TINY—SPAIN—ENCLAVE on MOROCCO—COAST.
20061212             —BEHEADED, S—VINCENT—SEAN—SAMUEL, Stacy Wilson, a 21—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN, in front of horrified onlookers at 1—BUS—TERMINAL in KINGSTOWN.
20061212             THE—UN—INQUIRY into THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—FORMER—LEBANESE—PRIME—MINISTER—RAFIK—HARIRI said it has —NOW identified suspects and witnesses and found possible links to 14—OTHER—MURDERS or attempted murders in LEBANON in the last 2—YEARS.
2006121220061212     REPRESENTATIVE—PHIL—GINGREY (R-GA):
2006121220061212     REPRESENTATIVE—JO—ANN—EMERSON (R-MO):
20061212—19690000    —IN, † ALAN—SHUGART, disk drive pioneer, in MONTEREY—CALIFORNIA Shugart led 1—TEAM—OF—IBM engineers that developed the floppy disk and went on to found Shugart Associates.
20061212—19700000    —IN—THE, SOME—OBSERVERS believe that, back S and '80s,
20061212—19760000    —ADMITTED, In 1—PUBLIC—SPEECH, THE—PRINCE, that this "club" was 1—OFF—THE—RESERVATION—COVERT action ring, unaccountable to ANY—DEMOCRATIC—GOVERNMENT:, —AFTER the Watergate matters took place here, your intelligence community was literally tied up by Congress.
20061212—19760000    —CREATED, As far as we know, the Safari Club was, in PARIS by Pinay Circle members Alexandre de Marenches and Kermit Roosevelt.
20061212—19790000    —IN, he CO—FOUNDED Seagate Technology.
20061212—19920000    —SINCE, ETHIOPIA—FORMER—DICTATOR—MENGISTU Haile Mariam, in exile in ZIMBABWE, was convicted of genocide and other charges in 1—RARE—CASE—OF—1—AFRICAN strongman being held to account by his own country.
20061212—19940000    —IN, —WHEN Republicans swept back to power in the House —AFTER—4—DECADES," GovExec_com reported, "there was
20061212—20000000    —ESTABLISHED, FAS: The Public Interest Declassification BOARD was, by Congress "to promote the fullest possible public access to 1—THOROUGH, accurate + reliable documentary record of significant USA national security decisions".
20061212—20010000    —LOWERED, THE—IPCC also " predictions of how much sea levels will rise in comparison with its last report ".
20061212—20030000    —CLAIMED, In speech on the Senate floor, Inhofe, that "THE—IPCC process resembled 1—SOVIET—STYLE—TRIAL, in which the facts are predetermined + ideological purity trumps technical and scientific rigor".
20061212—20060707    —ON, PICTURES, LONDON explosions: Your photos ~~~ LINKS UPDATED "I was aboard the lower DECK—OF—THE—BUS that was blown up. I rang the emergency hotline to report THE—2—DARK—CARS I saw holding the bus up and diverting it towards Tavistock Square".
20061212—20061208    —FROM, Spend $100.00 or More on Holiday Gifts 20061213              THROUGH and Receive 1—FREE—BUZZFLASH—FLOPPY—HAT! -- And, Remember, Free Shipping in THE—USA on ANY—ORDER.
20061212—20061210    —ON, GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET—DEATH—MEANS the Bush Family can BREATHE—1—LITTLE—BIT easier, knowing that criminal proceedings against CHILE—NOTORIOUS—DICTATOR can no longer implicate his longtime friend and protector, FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH.
20061212—20080000    —IN, OHIO Democrat seeks presidency USA—ANTI—WAR congressman DENNIS—KUCINICH announces a bid to run for THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20061213             said the study group seemed to put 1—HIGHER—PRIORITY on getting out of IRAQ than on stabilizing it".
20061213             [McClatchy, 20061212             ]
20061213             — No Public Position On ISG Report: "Retired GENERAL—WAYNE—DOWNING...doesn't appear to have taken 1—PUBLIC—POSITION on the report".
20061216             The date was 20021212           . - The date was 20021212            .
20061216             —EXPECTED, Kissinger, no doubt, them to be putty in his hands.
20061216             —AFTER all, he is the fabled,
20061218—20061212    —ON, They told the Home Office that they would only continue if the government were prepared to meet the costs;
20070204             20070204 20041212 Anyone who had the great good fortune and talent to be 1—PART—OF—IT, would be changed...
20070212             Katherine + MARK VALENTINE, TTEES for THE—VALENTINE Family Trust U/D/T 97171212             ...
20070212             SEC INFO—GOOGLE Inc- 424B7- On Katherine + MARK—VALENTINE, TTEES for the Valentine Family Trust U/D/T 97171212             ...
20070714—20071212    —ON, 1—PANEL—OF—JUDGES sentenced 2—EMIRATI men to 15—YEARS in prison each in connection with 1—KIDNAPPING and sexual attack on THE—FRENCH—SWITZERLAND—BOY.
20071127—20071212    —AGREED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—OLMERT and PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—ABBAS, to launch formal talks and committed to negotiating 1—PEACE—TREATY by the end of 20080000      .
20071212             CO2-Ausstoß: Bush preist USA als KLIMASCHUTZ—VORBILD (20070208              )
20071212             USA—VORSTOß: Bush startet Offensive gegen Merkels KLIMA—PLÄNE (20070531              )
20071212             "den Zugang der Medien zu Klimawissenschaftlern der Regierung kontrolliert"
20071212             "Wir müssen handeln"
20071212             "Ohne Strom funktioniert unsere Gesellschaft nicht. Die Energiebranche ist der wichtigste Wirtschaftszweig der Welt".
20071212             "Es ist sehr schwer in diesen Tagen, vernünftig über den Klimawandel zu diskutieren", sagt Marburger, "mit Wissenschaftlern geht das immer noch am besten".
20071212             "1—NACHFOLGEABKOMMEN für das KYOTO—PROTOKOLL oder den Verrat an unserem Planeten und unseren Kindern".
20071212             "Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar".
20071212             "Die Wissenschaft hat 1—MENGE—GLAUBWÜRDIGKEIT in dieser Diskussion verloren".
20071212             "Die Kosten sind sehr hoch. Wir können nicht ignorieren, dass es einen ökonomischen Wettbewerb gibt".
20071212             Man könne nicht einfach Kraftwerke abschalten.
20071212             "Aussagen vor dem Kongress über die Ursachen und Auswirkungen der globalen Erwärmung zensiert",
20071212             wollen wir gemeinsam unsere Werte als Kern europäischer Identität zum Ausdruck bringen.
20071212             und "wissenschaftliche Bundesberichte nachbearbeitet, um unvertretbare Unsicherheit in die Diskussion über den Klimawandel zu bringen und die Bedrohung für Umwelt und Wirtschaft kleinzureden".
20071212             to the various websites you visit —WHILE...
20071212             researchers using the quotation exception, teachers using education exceptions,
20071212             or artists using their rights to parody or pastiche, would have to beg for 1—LICENSE or find their conversations banned from the Net.
20071212             die den USA—BÜRGERN Klimaschutz als Bedrohung für die USA—WIRTSCHAFT verleiden sollten.
20071212             —AM heutigen —MITTWOCH wurde 1—BERICHT eines Komitees des USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUSES veröffentlicht.
20071212             Wissenschaftler, die Verbindungen zwischen HURRIKAN—HÄUFIGKEIT und dem Klimawandel sehen, von der Presse fernzuhalten.
20071212             Wissenschaftler massiv gegängelt
20071212             Wie in vielen nationalen Verfassungen und im Grundgesetz lautet Artikel 1:
20071212             —POINTED, We, out that SOME—OF—THE—GROUPS—HARDEST hit by blanket filtering measures INTERNET would be artists and teachers themselves.
20071212             Vertreter des Weißen Hauses und andere politische Beamte hätten beispielsweise
20071212             Umfrage: 70 % für Begrenzung von Managergehältern
20071212             So habe Karl nicht mehr sagen dürfen, dass "der moderne Klimawandel von menschlichen Einflüssen dominiert ist",
20071212             Pöttering stellte die historische Bedeutung des Dokuments heraus:
20071212             PRE—EMPTIVE blocking and filtering by machines could make no evaluation of whether the transmitted content is permitted by the limitations and exceptions carved out for those groups in copyright law.
20071212             Nach aktuellen NASA—SATELLITENDATEN hat das Eis damit gerade einmal die HÄLFTE—DER—AUSDEHNUNG—DES—JAHRES 20040000              20071212             Nach 16-monatiger Recherche kamen die Autoren zu dem Schluss, dass
20071212             In einem EPA—BERICHT über die ENTWICKLUNG—DER—LUFTQUALITÄT ließ das Weiße Haus den Abschnitt über den Klimawandel selbst komplett streichen.
20071212             Gesundheit und Erderwärmung: Weißes Haus schwächt KLIMAWANDEL—BERICHT ab (20071024              )
20071212             Geschichtslücken der Pressesprecherin des Weißen Hauses - EFF: Patriot ACT II Analysis
20071212             Die PRO—EUROPÄISCHE Mehrheit hielt mit stehenden Ovationen dagegen.
20071212             Die in dem Bericht dokumentierten E-Mails und Memos reflektieren ein in seiner Schamlosigkeit teilweise verblüffendes Ausmaß an politischer Einflussnahme und bewusster Verzerrung.
20071212             Die FLÄCHE—DES—ARKTISCHEN—MEEREISES war in diesem —JAHR fast 1—VIERTEL kleiner als jemals beobachtet.
20071212             Der DIREKTOR—DES—OFFICE—OF—SCIENCE and Technology Policy im Weißen Haus will —ERST mal gut Wetter machen.
20071212             Den Briten gingen die Arbeitnehmerrechte wie das Recht auf kollektive Verträge und Streiks zu weit.
20071212             Das CEQ erscheint in dem Bericht als umweltpolitische Propagandazentrale der Regierung BUSH.
20071212             —VEREINFACHT, Dann beklagt er, dass die Dinge in den Medien, dargestellt, Theorien als Fakten und Meinungen als Wissenschaft verkauft würden.
20071212             Außerdem schmolzen Milliarden Tonnen zusätzlich von Grönlands Inlandeis ab.
20071212             Auf der anderen Seite wurden aus zweifelhafter Quelle stammende Zahlen und Studien in den Vordergrund gerückt,
20071212             ALLE—VORWÜRFE, Schäuble wolle einen totalen Überwachungsstaat, "sind purer Unfug", sagte Schily.
20071212             —RECORDED, ALL—OF—YOUR activities on the web are generally, from the Google search where you locate information,
20071212             ACTS—OF—RESISTANCE are moral acts.
20071212             They begin because PEOPLE—OF—CONSCIENCE can no longer tolerate abuse and despotism.
20071212             Klimakonferenz: Die größten Sünder schalten auf stur (20071211              )
20071212             KORALLEN—ZERSTÖRUNG: Aus Fischern werden WASSER—BAUERN (20071211              )
20071212             RISIKO—INDEX 20080000             : DEUTSCHLAND—MUSTERSCHÜLER und Klimaopfer (20071211              )
20071212             UNO—STUDIE: Industriestaaten vor gigantischen Klimakosten (20071211              )
20071212             WHITE—HOUSE, Press Spinning IRAN—CENTRIFUGES
20071212             Those who know about the centrifuges used to refine uranium tell me they must spin at 1—ALMOST unrivaled VELOCITY—ALMOST unrivaled,
20071212             because BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—STATEMENTS are being spun at equivalent speed by WHITE—HOUSE and corporate media spiders.
20071212             Without Spinmeister KARL—ROVE and former spokesman TONY—SNOW, it is amateur —HOUR at THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20071212             Continue - Bombed If You Do, Bombed If You Don't -
20071212             —GREETED, The latest National Intelligence Estimate has been, by 1—MIXTURE—OF—RELIEF and alarm.
20071212             It is with much alarm, however, that we see the administration continue to ratchet up the war rhetoric as if nothing has changed.
20071212             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT has taken up the issue whether the executive branch can detain people indefinitely merely by declaring them to be suspected terrorists or illegal enemy combatants.
20071212             Continue - Dershowitz on Waterboarding -
20071212             1—ARTICLE by Dershowitz appeared on OP—ED PAGE—OF—THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL on Novemeber 7, 20070000             , titled "Democrats and Waterboarding".
20071212             —SPIRITED, In that article Dershowitz makes 1, defense of waterboarding,
20071212             going so far as to say that (he believes) the Democrats "will lose the presidential race if it defines itself as soft on terror".
20071212             Continue - Vanunu's 'Secret' —WHEN Governments Substitute Paranoia For Law.
20071212             The world must look and see what KIND—OF—DEMOCRACY—ISRAEL is —WHEN 1—SPEAKS out the truth.
20071212             ISRAEL is not 1—DEMOCRACY unless you are 1—JEW".
20071212             Continue - 1—OPEN—LETTER to the Antiwar Left
20071212             Why we shouldn't ignore Ron PAUL—CANDIDACY... -By JOSHUA—FRANK
20071212             This is not about REPRESENTATIVE—PAUL as 1—INDIVIDUAL per se, but about his grassroots —FOLLOWING.
20071212             HE—EXCITING MANY—NEWCOMERS to the movement and that must be welcomed.
20071212             1—DOESN'T not have to be 1—MEMBER—OF—THE left to oppose empire.
20071212             Continue - The Terror Within-
20071212             —BY—ANGIE RIEDEL—THERE is more terror here at home than there is anywhere else in the industrial SO—CALLED civilized world.Continue
20071212             —CARRIED, They are, out not because they are effective but because they are right.
20071212             I read with great interest your letter to FARC leader MANUEL—MARULANDA.
20071212             I share with you 1—HUMANITARIAN impulse to end the imprisonment of political prisoners in COLOMBIA.
20071212             —PRINCIPLED, However let us be clear, and realistic about this: The freedom of the political PRISONERS—OF—THE—FARC is dependent on 1—QUID pro quo — THE—LIBERATION—OF—THE—RESISTANCE—FIGHTERS—OF—THE—FARC in THE—DUNGEONS—OF—THE—COLOMBIA—STATE.
20071212             Continue - Tired of Promises
20071212             They left VICENZA —JUST—AFTER midnight and drove through the night to arrive in ROME —ON—SUNDAY—MORNING;
20071212             6—BUSES carrying the women and men of the Presidio Permanente No Dal Molin,
20071212             the movement against the new USA military base in this NORTH—ITALY—CITY.
20071212             —OFFERED, Biden, the strongest statement:
20071212             At 1—CAMPAIGN stop at JAMESON—PUB in Waterloo —ON—MONDAY, Biden said THE—CIA may have violated federal law,
20071212             and 1—INVESTIGATION could result in CHARGES—OF—OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE.
20071212             —FAILED, He said THE—CIA, to produce tapes for 20010911             —THE Commission, which had requested all materials regarding interrogation.
20071212             Both men show political courage.
20071212             —HAPPENED, Recall what, to FRANK—CHURCH.
20071212             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was under court order not to discard EVIDENCE—OF—DETAINEE—TORTURE and abuse months —BEFORE THE—CIA destroyed videotapes that revealed SOME—OF—ITS—HARSHEST—INTERROGATION—TACTICS.
20071212             It?s not nice to fool Mother Justice -- from the Last Chance Democracy Cafe
20071212             THE—USA—BAR—ASSOCIATION gives out its LAWYER—OF—THE—YEAR—AWARD, but it claims its 'winner' doesn't go to 1—GOOD—LAWYER, but to 1 with LOTS—OF—NEWS—COVERAGE.
20071212             With that in mind, the winner is -- Alberto Gonzales.
20071212             —DISCREDITED, Why even give 1—AWARD—LIKE that if 1—HEAVILY,
20071212             should be barred lawyer gets a 'LAWYER—OF—THE—YEAR' award.
20071212             ANTI—BUSH from THE—MSM, hopefully —JUST the beginning 12/13
20071212             Froomkin: WHITE—HOUSE—STONEWALLS on Its Involvement in DESTRUCTION—OF—TORTURE—TAPES.
20071212             Perino Issues 1—BUSH—DOESN'T "Recollect" Being Involved Statement,
20071212             Which is Often Used —WHEN 1—REPUBLICAN—WAS—INVOLVED—BUT—FALLS—BACK on the Reagan "Hazy Memory" Excuse.
20071212             MICHAEL—WINSHIP: Mitt Transit Gloria Mundi -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
20071212             No gains for Democrats in special Congressional elections;
20071212             Republicans Retain 2—VACANT—HOUSE—SEATS: OHIO (5.) and VIRGINIA (1.) 12/13
20071212             "Bei diesem Schmelztempo könnte der Arktische Ozean am ENDE—DES—SOMMERS 20120000              so gut wie eisfrei sein,
20071212             viel schneller als in früheren Voraussagen".
20071212             Eines scheint jedoch klar: Die bisherigen Klimamodelle, die auch vom UNO—WELTKLIMARAT herangezogen wurden,
20071212             sind wohl zu konservativ: "Die vom IPCC verwendeten Modelle haben eine solch krasse Entwicklung,
20071212             wie wir sie in den vergangenen Jahren gesehen haben, nicht vorhergesagt",
20071212             sagt Ursula Schauer vom ALFRED—WEGENER—INSTITUT für POLAR—UND Meeresforschung in BREMERHAVEN im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20071212             Nach aktuellen NASA—SATELLITENDATEN hat das Eis damit gerade einmal die HÄLFTE—DER—AUSDEHNUNG—DES—JAHRES 20040000        .
20071212             "50—JAHRE, nachdem die Gründerväter Europas aus Ruinen des zerstörten Kontinents die Europäische Gemeinschaft ins Leben riefen,
20071212             STRAßBURG—DIE Präsidenten der 3—WICHTIGSTEN Institutionen der EU haben am —MITTWOCH im Europäischen Parlament die GRUNDRECHTE—CHARTA verkündet.
20071212             Für den Rest der Menschheit ist zu hoffen, dass sich das auf Bali ÄNDERT—UND es nicht bei den Lippenbekenntnissen bleibt, die USA—VERTRETER dort —DERZEIT abgeben.
20071212             und dass "es sehr wahrscheinlich ist (über 95 % Wahrscheinlichkeit),
20071212             dass der Mensch zum Großteil für die vielen beobachteten Veränderungen des Klimas verantwortlich ist".
20071212             1—BEHÖRDENSPRECHER habe vor dem COGR etwa ausgesagt, es habe den "konsisten10 Ansatz" gegeben,
20071212             Der Bericht - (PDF—DOKUMENT) ist das Ergebnis von 16—MONATEN Recherche und der Durchsicht von 27.000—DOKUMENTEN—DARUNTER zahlreiche E-Mails,
20071212             die zwischen Vertretern von Umweltbehörden, Wissenschaftlern und dem "Council on Environmental Quality" (CEQ) des Weißen Hauses HIN—UND hergegangen waren.
20071212             Der Bericht des "COMMITTEE—ON—OVERSIGHT and Government Reform" (COGR) lässt an Deutlichkeit nichts zu wünschen übrig:
20071212             "Die Regierung BUSH hat systematische Anstrengungen unternommen,
20071212             um die Erforschung des Klimawandels zu manipulieren und Politiker und die Öffentlichkeit hinsichtlich der Gefahren der globalen Erwärmung in die Irre zu führen".
20071212             Die Schlussfolgerung des BKA: "Eigene polizeiliche Informationserhebungen" seien "erforderlich".
20071212             Es bestehe zudem die "Notwendigkeit einer Anpassung der polizeilichen Maßnahmen an das täterseitig gezeigte Verhalten".
20071212             Im Klartext heißt das: Eigentlich brauchen wir die Nachrichtendienste nur, weil wir nicht deren SCHNÜFFEL—BEFUGNISSE haben.
20071212             Es wäre besser, wenn auch wir konspirativ arbeiten dürften.
20071212             Was aus dem Dokument weniger deutlich hervorgeht: Dass die "Operation Alberich" eigentlich geradezu mustergültig ABLIEF—UND zwar,
20071212             nach allem was man weiß, auch im Zusammenspiel von Polizeien und Diensten.
20071212             Im —HERBST 20060000              erhielten deutsche Nachrichtendienstler 1. Hinweise aus den USA,
20071212             dass 1—ISLAMISTEN—ZELLE über Anschläge in Deutschland nachdenken würde.
20071212             Die Geheimen sahen sich die Sache AN—UND als die Verdachtsmomente handfester wurden, übernahm das BKA im 1. Quartal 20070000              die Federführung.
20071212             Straßenrambos contra Wichtigtuer
20071212             EU—KLIMASCHUTZ: Autoherstellern drohen Milliardenstrafen
20071212             Hypothekenkrise: Notenbanken pumpen erneut Milliarden in den Geldmarkt
20071212             LUFTFAHRT—PREMIERE: 1. Passagierjet landet in der ANTARKTIS
20071212             IKB—BANK: EX—VORSTÄNDE erhalten Prämie trotz Krise
20071212             Studie: Jeder 2. hält Deutschland für 1—WELTMACHT
20071212             —ALARMIERT, Arktisches Eis: Rekordschmelze, Forscher
20071212             Terrorbekämpfung: Verfassungsschützer empört über BKA—VORWÜRFE
20071212             LANDESBANKEN—FUSION: WestLB prüft Zusammenschluss mit Helaba
20071212             Zu VIELE—FREMDWÖRTER: Keiner versteht die "Tagesschau" - Tarifrunde 20080000             :
20071212             Gewerkschaften verlangen —BIS zu 8 % mehr Lohn
20071212             UNO—KONFERENZ: Ausgerechnet Bush s Klimalügner verhandelt auf Bali
20071212             Experimentelle Archäologie: Bier aus der Bronzezeit
20071212             AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ: Union und SPD über Ohrfeige aus den USA vergrätzt
20071212             Europäisches Parlament: Tumulte bei Unterzeichnung von EU—GRUNDRECHTE—CHARTA
20071212             Strafmaßnahme: Russland schließt Büros des UK—COUNCIL
20071212             Managergehälter in vielen Ländern im Visier der Politik
20071212             CHECK—IN: Fluggast leert Wodkaflasche aus GEIZ—LEBENSGEFAHR
20071212             —ARGUED, Ron Suskind has, that Zubaydah was 1—MINOR—PLAYER, 1—LOGISTICAL "go to" guy, not 1—HIGH—LEVEL—PLANNER.
20071212             According to Suskind, Zubaydah is also loonier than Daffy Duck.
20071212             —PAINTED, BUSH, 1—VERY—DIFFERENT—PICTURE, of course.
20071212             Perhaps the tapes would prove that the Suskind version is closer to the truth.
20071212             THE—IDEA—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—PARTICIPATION in the torture sessions is very intriguing.
20071212             Let me mention another possibility: ISRAEL—PARTICIPATION.
20071212             —HELPED, Is it really so unthinkable to suspect that they, in the interrogation of Zubaydah
20071212             The most notorious of these "jewels" was THE—AGENCY—MKULTRA program.
20071212             CUTTING—EDGE research project.
20071212             That statement was 1—LIE. Those documents still exist.
20071212             So do the "nonexistent" interrogation tapes. Bank on it.
20071212             Added note: HERE—1—INTERESTING response from "canuckjournalist," 1—OF—LARISA—READERS:
20071212             I did research for Gerald Posner 1—COUPLE—OF—YEARS ago;
20071212             my best guess is that if he didn't see those tapes,
20071212             he had viva voce evidence from 1—EYEWITNESS who did.
20071212             As 1—OLD—INTELLIGENCE—REPORTER [CBC and Globe and Mail, TORONTO], my best theory here is that it's the Saudis who're being protected here.
20071212             It's not beyond THE—REALM—OF—POSSIBILITY---it's even likely---that SAUDI—ARABIA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICERS were in on the Zubaydeh torture sessions.
20071212             Those faces or accents would give the game away and reveal THE—DEPTH—OF—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—COMPLICITY with the Saudis,
20071212             eg, the Jedda 'visa express'/20010911              attack team misidentification;
20071212             the serial murder/SUICIDES—OF—THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCES...and that doesn't begin to address Pakistani/ISI complicity.
20071212             makes much the same point.
20071212             This PDF - According to JON—PONDER on BradBlog,
20071212             1—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR—REPORTS the continued existence of either the same tapes or similar ones.
20071212             wrote that his office viewed 2—VIDEOTAPES—OF—CIA—INTERROGATIONS—OF—AL—QAIDA suspects as —RECENTLY as
20071212             As you know, CIA Deputy DIRECTOR—OF—OPERATIONS—JOSE—RODRIGUEZ reportedly made the decision to destroy TAPES—OF—PRISONER—INTERROGATION,
20071212             allegedly to protect THE—IDENTITIES—OF—THE—INTERROGATORS.
20071212             This action, we are told, ran contrary to the wishes of PORTER—GOSS, who then ran the Agency.
20071212             The —DAY the Presidency Was Stolen from AL—GORE and THE—USA—PEOPLE:
20071212             "8—O'CLOCK Ferry to the Windward Side": THOM—HARTMANN—INDEPENDENT—THINKER—BOOK—OF—THE—MONTH—REVIEW for BuzzFlash com
20071212             He's a 60—YEAR—OLD—NEW—ENGLANDER Currently Walking from Frigid BOSTON to WASHINGTON,
20071212             DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, to Ask NANCY Pelosi to Impeach Bush and Cheney.
20071212             (Remember, BuzzFlash Readers Nominate the Weekly WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD—WINNERS.)
20071212             BuzzFlash Premium Get THOM—HARTMANN'S ;;12;; Independent THINK—OF—THE—MONTH—BOOK:
20071212             —DELIVERED, The Senate majority leader, HARRY—REID—OF—NEVADA, 1—BLISTERING indictment —TODAY—OF—THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY?s decision to destroy video footage of harsh interrogations of AL—QAEDA detainees,
20071212             —JUST hours —BEFORE the C.I.A. director was due —BEFORE a Senate panel to explain the episode.
20071212             Gebete gehören zum Kernbereich des Privaten, die Fahnder mussten ihre Abhörgeräte ausstellen.
20071212             Na klaaaaaaar, lieber Märchenonkel.
20071212             —GELAUFEN, So wird das, sein. einschlaf
20071212             Wie knuffig.
20071212             Von mir aus können die sich gerne 1—GUMMIZELLE teilen.
20071212             Ich sage ja immer: vor dem Unterdrückungsstaat schützt uns vor allem die Inkompetenz seiner Schergen.
20071212             WIE nahe ich da dran war, kann man hier nachlesen:
20071212             Doch in Wirklichkeit hat die Polizei die Gefahr durch die Terrorzelle vom Sauerland nur mit Ach und Krach gebannt.
20071212             In einer vertraulichen Manöverkritik offenbaren die beteiligten Polizisten von Bund und Ländern geradezu unfassbare Mängel:
20071212             Einmal dauerte es ganze 6—WOCHEN, —BIS der Mitschnitt eines vierstündigen Telefongesprächs der Terrorverdächtigen technisch so weit bearbeitet war,
20071212             dass die Fahnder damit arbeiten konnten.
20071212             This —WEEK, EFF EUROPE sent 1—LETTER
20071212             —UNLICENSED, IFPI says that all "" files should be blocked: in other words,
20071212             Building such filtering and censorship tools is not —JUST bad for creators and education, though;
20071212             it's bad for society.
20071212             —CENTRALIZED, ANY—COUNTRY that has 1, system in place to pry into all its citizen's private communications,
20071212             and then PRE—EMPTIVELY sever those which it deems "unsuitable", creates both 1—VERY disturbing precedent,
20071212             and 1—DANGEROUSLY powerful tool vulnerable to misuse.
20071212             Perhaps the music industry's European lobbyists have lost sight of the serious collateral damage their proposals would cause,
20071212             but European citizens and their elected POLICY—MAKERS should not.
20071212             die Klimaforschung zu manipulieren + sowohl Abgeordnete als auch die Öffentlichkeit über die Gefahren der globalen Erwärmung in die Irre zu führen".
20071212             Man brauche eine "klare Agenda" —BIS 20090000        .
20071212             Konkrete Ziele aber seien —ERST "irgendwann auf diesem Weg" zu erwarten.
20071212             Wie ernst ist es den USA mit der neuen KLIMASCHUTZ—RHETORIK?
20071212             Bei genauerem Hinsehen aber wird klar, dass sich Connaughton und Dobriansky nicht allzu weit vorgewagt haben.
20071212             Denn offen blieb, wer die "nationalen Verpflichtungen" definiert.
20071212             UNO—KONFERENZ auf Bali: USA überraschen mit KLIMA—OFFENSIVE
20071212             Unterstützung für seine Kritik bekam Gates von MIKE—MULLEN, dem Vorsitzenden des Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF,
20071212             dem Gremium der Oberbefehlshaber der verschiedenen USA—STREITKRÄFTE.
20071212             "In AFGHANISTAN tun wir, was wir können.
20071212             Im Irak tun wir, was wir tun müssen", sagte Mullen.
20071212             ZUM THEMA AUF SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Verhandlungen auf Bali: Ban warnt vor Scheitern der Klimakonferenz (20071212              )
20071212             Und dann erklärt Marburger, warum seiner Meinung nach auch die USA ihren CO2-Ausstoß nicht drastisch reduzieren können:
20071212             Man könne nicht einfach Kraftwerke abschalten. "Wir müssen handeln"
20071212             "Der Mensch ist für diese Veränderungen verantwortlich, und nicht etwa natürliche Schwankungen", sagt Santers Kollege Tim Barnett von der UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in S—DIEGO.
20071212             BEN—SANTER vom LAWRENCE—LIVERMORE—NATIONAL—LABORATORY in Kalifornien hat kein Verständnis für Marburgers Argumentation: "Das ist absurd.
20071212             Man kann sich nicht immer hinter den Unsicherheiten der Wissenschaft verstecken", sagt er im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20071212             "Glücklicherweise ist er nicht mehr lange im Amt".
20071212             Immer wieder schütteln Zuhörer im Saal den Kopf, mancher kann sich das Lachen kaum verkneifen über das,
20071212             was der Mann hier verkündet, der BUSH s Wissenschaftsexperte ist.
20071212             1—REDNER auf dem Forschertreffen präsentierte eine etwas andere Sichtweise:
20071212             Die Weltvorräte des gefrorenen Gases sind enorm: In FORM—VON—METHANHYDRAT,
20071212             so die Schätzung der Geologen, ist vermutlich deutlich mehr Kohlenwasserstoff gebunden als in allen noch vorhandenen Vorkommen von Kohle,
20071212             Gas und Erdöl zusammen.
20071212             "Die Menge ist einfach zu groß, als dass man sie links liegenlassen könnte",
20071212             sagt Gerhard Bohrmann vom Bremer Forschungszentrum Ozeanränder und ein führender Wissenschaftler auf diesem Feld.
20071212             —ENDE 20070000              wird das Milliardenvolk die USA in ihrer Rolle als TREIBHAUSGAS—PRODUZENT Nummer 1—BEERBEN.
20071212             Brennendes Eis: Chinas gefährliche Energiereserve vom Meeresgrund
20071212             Neue Saurierart: Fleischfressender Koloss entdeckt
20071212             AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ: Gates feuert Breitseite gegen Deutschland
20071212             MILLIONEN—DEBATTE: BASF—BETRIEBSRAT findet hohe Managergehälter in Ordnung
20071212             Perus EX—PRÄSIDENT—VOR—GERICHT: Fujimori zu 6—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20071212             Die Brandrodung riesiger REGENWALD—FLÄCHEN insbesondere auf der Insel Sumatra hat Indonesien nach Berechnungen von Umweltorganisationen unter die größten KOHLENDIOXID—VERURSACHER der Welt katapultiert.
20071212             Wird der lokale Raubbau an der Natur nicht begrenzt, dürften alle noch so ambitionierten KLIMA—ABKOMMEN wenig ausrichten.
20071212             Doch auf Bali vermischen sich, wie in vielen Entwicklungsländern,
20071212             mehrere Faktoren zu einer brisanten Melange:
20071212             Fehlendes Umweltbewusstsein, teils religiös bedingt, und Armut führen zu rücksichtsloser Ausbeutung der Natur.
20071212             Der Klimawandel verschärft die Folgen nun zusätzlich.
20071212             Müllbeseitigung per PLASTIK—FEUERCHEN - Nutzloses Wissen?
20071212             Hausarbeit zu Thema. Änderungen der Klimaregionen in der
20071212             Die regionale Klimaprognose des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums...
20071212             Klimaprognose 20500000              20071212             Hinzu kommt, dass sie bei ihrer Rückkehr im Frühjahr nicht mehr genügend Nahrung finden... Heft ;;01;; ' 08.
20071212             108 - klein. komplett online.
20071212             Laut der Klimaprognose des Weltklimarates (IPCC) wäre damit —BIS 2100—MIT...
20071212             1—GERICHT in Pulawy beschloss im Frühjahr, dass das Kloster —BIS zum 10.
20071212             UN—KLIMAPROGNOSE : "Verheerende. Auswirkungen" auf Flora und Fauna - USF—BEITRAG 41-42\374-
20071212             —GEGENÜBERGESTELLT, TABELLE, 1—SIND Eigenschaften der beiden Modelltypen.
20071212             Wettermodell. Zirkulationsmodell. Ziel. Wettervorhersage.
20071212             Klimaprognose. Zeitskala.
20071212             Schwarzmalerei mit Grund- - KLIMAPROGNOSE. Reto Knutti, 34, stammt aus.
20071212             Saanen. Er ist —SEIT
20071212             —DENIED, THE—EU Commission and Council, the referendum as part
20071212             —AM, wurde er als unabhängiger Kandidat mit 63,3—PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN zum BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—ANTANANARIVO gewählt.
20071212             Schily lobt Schäuble: Zuerich, Müller, W. A:
20071212             —VETOED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, a 2. bill that would have expanded GOVERNMENT—PROVIDED health insurance for children.
20071212             —GATHERED, Republican presidential rivals, in JOHNSTON—IOWA, called for deep cuts in federal spending in 1—DEBATE remarkably free of acrimony.
20071212             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA, that it has sent 15—PRISONERS from THE—GUANTANAMO Bay prison back to their home nations.
20071212             3—UK—OIL—EXECUTIVES pleaded guilty in 1—HOUSTON COURT—TO—PRICE—FIXING.
20071212             —ACCUSED—OF, They were, conspiring 19990000—20070000    —FROM—TO to fix THE—PRICES—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—WORTH—OF—MARINE hoses used to transfer oil between tankers and storage facilities.
20071212             —PERMITTED, They were, to return to BRITAIN and to plead guilty to charges there.
20071212             IGOR—OLENICOFF, 65—JAHRE—ALT, CALIFORNIA billionaire real estate developer, pleaded guilty to lying on his tax returns and paid $52—MILLION in back taxes, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—INDIVIDUAL—TAX—CASES in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA history.
20071212             —ARRESTED, Police in NORTH—CALIFORNIA, Art Cheney, 1—WINERY tour guide dubbed "The Highway 101—BANDIT," —FOLLOWING his robbery of 1—BANK—IN—FAIRFIELD.
20071212             —ROBBED, He had, at least 17—BANKS, including at least 8 in the Bay Area, most of which were on the Highway 101—CORRIDOR.
20071212             He presided over 19510000             —THE recording of "Rocket 88," frequently cited as the 1. rock 'n' roll record.
20071212             —BACKED, AFGHANISTAN—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS, by NATO—AIR—POWER killed more than 50—TALIBAN fighters —DURING a 2—DAY—BATTLE with militants who tried to attack Sangin near MUSA—QALA, where they were routed from this —WEEK.
20071212             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB exploded near 1—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—CONVOY in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—KANDAHAR, killing 1—PERSON.
20071212             1—NEW—REPORT said THE—TRAFFICKING—OF—BULGARIA—WOMEN as sex slaves brings in about 1.8—BILLION euros ($2.6—BILLION) 1—YEAR for the gangs behind it, making it the country's most profitable criminal activity.
20071212             —LAUNCHED, CHINA, 1—NATIONWIDE recall system that shifts responsibility to companies to recall harmful drugs.
20071212             EAST—CHINA, 1—FIRE tore through 1—APARTMENT building, killing at least 21—PEOPLE and injuring 2—OTHERS.
20071212             COLOMBIA, 3—YOUNG—HIGHWAY bandits set fire to 1—BUS —DURING 1 botched robbery near BOGOTA, burning to death 10—PEOPLE including 2—ASSAILANTS and the bus driver.
20071212             —ARRESTED, The 3. assailant (23) was.
20071212             —SOAKED, Tropical Storm Olga, portions of the Caribbean, triggering floods and landslides that killed at least 38—PEOPLE in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC, HAITI and PUERTO—RICO.
20071212             The European CENTRAL—BANK said it would take joint action with THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE and other institutions to offer SHORT—TERM funding to the money markets to help ease 1—GLOBAL—CREDIT squeeze.
20071212             THE—ECB said it would provide as much as $20—BILLION to European banks, in part to fill their demand for dwindling dollars.
20071212             Ashraf Juma Hajuj, THE—PALESTINIAN—BORN doctor held with 5—BULGARIA—NURSES in 1—LIBYA—PRISON for over 8—YEARS, filed suit in PARIS against LIBYA—LEADER—MOAMER Kadhafi for torture.
20071212             —MAINTAINED, THE—6—MEDICS, who always, their innocence, said they were subjected to torture, including beatings, electric shocks, food and sleep deprivation, and even sexual abuse, in order to confess to their alleged crime.
20071212             —JAMMED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, CENTRAL—ATHENS and THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—THESSALONIKI as 1—GENERAL—STRIKE to protest government plans to reform the country's DEBT—RIDDEN pension system brought GREECE to 1—STANDSTILL.
20071212             —ANNOUNCED, INDIA, major plans to increase its nuclear capabilities, saying it was close to testing 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—CAPABLE—OF hitting targets up to 6,000 kilometers (3,800 miles) away.
20071212             —COMPLETED, INDONESIA, new AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—KEVIN—RUDD, ratification of THE—KYOTO Protocol as he pressed for all nations, rich and poor, to commit to fighting global warming.
20071212             3—CAR—BOMBS exploded in quick succession in the market DISTRICT—OF—AMARAH, 1—SOUTHERN—IRAQ—CITY, killing at least 25—PEOPLE with 150 wounded.
20071212             The city is the provincial CAPITAL—OF—MAYSAN province, which borders IRAN.
20071212             —PARKED, In EAST—BAGHDAD 1, car bomb apparently targeting 1—PASSING police patrol killed 5—CIVILIANS.
20071212             13—PEOPLE were wounded in the late —AFTER—NOON explosion in Ghadeer.
20071212             —DOMINATED, In the Kurdish, TOWN—OF—KHANAQIN, 90—MILES—NORTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD, 1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 4—CIVILIANS and wounded 12. 1—MASS—GRAVE holding 16—BODIES, all but 4—OF—THEM decapitated, was found in 1—PALM grove in 1—FORMER—AL—QAIDA in IRAQ stronghold outside Muqdadiyah.
20071212             —KILLED, USA—SOLDIERS, 2 suspected insurgents and destroyed 1—WEAPONS cache in the village of Bawi, on the outskirts of SALMAN—PAK.
20071212             THE—RENEWAL—OF—PEACE—TALKS between ISRAEL and the Palestinians got off to 1—ROCKY start, with the Palestinians criticizing ISRAEL for 1—CONSTRUCTION—PROJECT planned in disputed EAST—JERUSALEM, and ISRAEL complaining about continued rocket fire from THE—GAZA Strip.
20071212             —REPORTED, It was, that ITALY—GOVERNMENT has decided to appoint 1—SPECIAL—COM—MISSIONER to try to curb price rises —AFTER inflation hit a 3—AND—A—HALF—YEAR peak in November, but economists see the move as little more than 1—PUBLICITY stunt.
20071212             —AGREED, ITALY—TRUCK—DRIVERS, to call off 1—PROTEST that has blocked highways and borders —FOR—3—DAYS, causing shortages of gasoline, medicine and perishable foods across ITALY.
20071212             1—CAR—BOMB—ATTACK killed 1—OF—LEBANON—TOP—GENERALS and at least 2—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20071212             BRIGADIER—GENERAL—FRANCOIS—HAJJ, 55—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TOP—MARONITE—CATHOLIC in the command, was considered 1—LEADING candidate to succeed THE—HEAD—OF—THE—MILITARY, GENERAL—MICHEL—SULEIMAN, if Suleiman is elected PRESIDENT.
20071212             —REPORTED, It was, that WILLIAM—KAMKWAMBA, 20—JAHRE—ALT—OF—MASITALA—MALAWI, had built 3—WINDMILLS using BLUE—GUM trees and bicycle parts —AFTER seeing 1—PICTURE in 1—OLD—TEXT—BOOK.
20071212             THE—FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—NIGERIA—OIL—RICH—DELTA—STATE, JAMES—IBORI, was arrested on corruption and MONEY—LAUNDERING charges.
20071212             His state salary was less than $25,000 per —YEAR.
20071212             —ORDERED, 20070801             —IN—COURT—IN—LONDON, 1—FREEZE on $35—MILLION—OF his worldwide assets.
20071212             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—TROOPS, 20—MILITANTS in 1—ONGOING offensive against supporters of 1—PRO—TALIBAN cleric in the restive northwestern valley of Swat.
20071212             Residents said troops shot dead 1—PERSON and wounded 2—OTHERS for violating curfew restrictions in THE—TOWN—OF—FIZAGHAT.
20071212             —GAWKED, PALESTINE—PEDESTRIANS, at the unusual sight of female police officers directing traffic in Ramallah, the 1. BATCH—OF—WOMEN to venture into 1—JOB traditionally reserved for men in THE—WEST—BANK.
20071212             —LAUNCHED, USA federal agents and local police, raids in several Puerto Rican cities with arrest warrants for 121—DRUG—SUSPECTS.
20071212             —ORDERED, RUSSIA, 1—UK—CULTURAL—ORGANIZATION to suspend ALL—OF—ITS—OPERATIONS outside MOSCOW at the beginning of 20080000             , the latest move in 1—LONG—RUNNING dispute.
20071212             —SERVED, Veteran diplomat Yuli Vorontsov (78), who, THE—SOVIET—UNION and RUSSIA as ambassador to AFGHANISTAN (19880000—19990000    ) and THE—USA (19940000—20000000    ) in 1—CAREER spanning the Cold War and the Gulf War, † in MOSCOW.
20071212             —FREED, Pirates, 1—JAPAN—CHEMICAL—TANKER loaded with highly explosive benzene off THE—COAST—OF—SOMALIA, —6—WEEKS—AFTER seizing the vessel and its crew.
20071212             —CLONED, Officials said SOUTH—KOREA—SCIENTISTS have, cats by manipulating 1—FLUORESCENT protein gene, 1—PROCEDURE which could help develop treatments for human genetic DIS—EASES.
20071212             —RESOLVED, North and SOUTH—SUDAN—LEADERS said they had, almost all their differences and that the former rebel SUDAN PEOPLE—LIBERATION—MOVEMENT would soon rejoin the unity cabinet.
20071212             —SMASHED, THAILAND, through the 100-gold barrier at THE—SEA—GAMES as they continued their relentless PURSUIT—OF—TOP—SPOT on the medals table.
20071212             Those who know about the centrifuges used to refine uranium tell me they must spin at 1—ALMOST unrivaled VELOCITY—ALMOST unrivaled, because BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—STATEMENTS are being spun at equivalent speed by WHITE—HOUSE and corporate media spiders.
20071212             —INDEED, As I have been saying all along, IRAN, poses no quantifiable imminent nuclear threat to us or her neighbors.
20071212             WILL—LIBERTY—SUCCUMB to Federalist Society Ideology?
20071212             —SPIRITED, In that article Dershowitz makes 1, defense of waterboarding, going so far as to say that (he believes) the Democrats "will lose the presidential race if it defines itself as soft on terror".
20071212             Vanunu's 'Secret'
20071212             —WHEN Governments Substitute Paranoia For Law.
20071212             1—OPEN—LETTER to the Antiwar Left
20071212             We certainly don't share the same views with all who have latched on to his campaign, but on the issue of THE—IRAQ war we are in total agreement.
20071212             The Terror WITHIN—BY Angie RIEDEL—THERE is more terror here at home than there is anywhere else in the industrial SO—CALLED civilized world.
20071212             Why We Resist - ACTS—OF—RESISTANCE are moral acts.
20071212             Drag Uribe To the Negotiating Table
20071212             - Open Letter To PRESIDENT—SARKOZY—BY JAMES—PETRAS
20071212             VICENZA—ITALY Demands Action Against New USA—MILITARY BASE—BY Stephanie Westbrook
20071212             6—BUSES carrying the women and men of the Presidio Permanente No Dal Molin, the movement against the new USA—MILITARY—BASE in this NORTH—ITALY—CITY.
20071212             Richardson and Biden: On the Democratic side, BILL—RICHARDSON and JOE—BIDEN say that they will investigate THE—CIA—TORTURE—TAPE—SCANDAL.
20071212             At 1—CAMPAIGN stop at JAMESON—PUB in Waterloo on —MONDAY, Biden said THE—CIA may have violated federal law, and 1—INVESTIGATION could result in CHARGES—OF—OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE.
20071212             DAN—FROOMKIN: The Stonewall Continues 12/13
20071212             —DISCREDITED, Why even give 1—AWARD—LIKE that if 1—HEAVILY, should be barred lawyer gets a 'LAWYER—OF—THE—YEAR' award.
20071212             Bush League Justice; 1—LOOK inside 'Live with DAN—ABRAMS' newest series;
20071212             Don't cry for me, GEORGE—BUSH, Senior -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
20071212             Perino Issues 1—BUSH—DOESN'T "Recollect" Being Involved Statement, Which is Often Used —WHEN 1—REPUBLICAN—WAS—INVOLVED—BUT—FALLS—BACK on the Reagan "Hazy Memory" Excuse.
20071212             "Grönland hat über das vergangene —JAHR doppelt so viel Eis verloren wie es in den Alpen gibt", sagt KONRAD—STEFFEN.
20071212             "Bei diesem Schmelztempo könnte der Arktische Ozean am ENDE—DES—SOMMERS 20120000              so gut wie eisfrei sein, viel schneller als in früheren Voraussagen".
20071212             Eines scheint jedoch klar: Die bisherigen Klimamodelle, die auch vom UNO—WELTKLIMARAT herangezogen wurden, sind wohl zu konservativ: "Die vom IPCC verwendeten Modelle haben eine solch krasse Entwicklung, wie wir sie in den vergangenen Jahren gesehen haben, nicht vorhergesagt", sagt Ursula Schauer vom ALFRED—WEGENER—INSTITUT für POLAR—UND Meeresforschung in BREMERHAVEN im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20071212             Einen —TAG nach der Ankündigung ihres USA—KOLLEGEN BEN—BERNANKE, die Leitzinsen zu senken, stellten sie den Finanzmärkten insgesamt mehr als 80—MILLIARDEN Dollar zur Verfügung.
20071212             Pöttering stellte die historische Bedeutung des Dokuments heraus: "50—JAHRE, nachdem die Gründerväter Europas aus Ruinen des zerstörten Kontinents die Europäische Gemeinschaft ins Leben riefen, wollen wir gemeinsam unsere Werte als Kern europäischer Identität zum Ausdruck bringen".
20071212             Wie in vielen nationalen Verfassungen und im Grundgesetz lautet Artikel 1: "Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar".
20071212             Die Proklamation war als feierlicher Auftakt zur Unterzeichnung des Reformvertrags von Lissabon in der portugiesischen HAUPTSTADT am morgigen —DONNERSTAG gedacht.
20071212             Doch die Reden von Parlamentspräsident HANS—GERT Pötterin, KOMMISSIONS—CHEF—JOSÉ MANUEL—BARROSO und dem portugiesischen Ratspräsidenten JOSé Sócrates wurden in Straßburg von Pfiffen und Buhrufen von etwa 100—EUROPASKEPTISCHEN Abgeordneten gestört.
20071212             Für den Rest der Menschheit ist zu hoffen, dass sich das auf Bali ÄNDERT—UND es nicht bei den
20071212             Lippenbekenntnissen bleibt, die USA—VERTRETER dort —DERZEIT abgeben.
20071212             Auf der anderen Seite wurden aus zweifelhafter Quelle stammende Zahlen und Studien in den Vordergrund gerückt, die den USA—BÜRGERN Klimaschutz als Bedrohung für die USA—WIRTSCHAFT verleiden sollten.
20071212             So habe Karl nicht mehr sagen dürfen, dass "der moderne Klimawandel von menschlichen Einflüssen dominiert ist", und dass "es sehr wahrscheinlich ist (über 95 % Wahrscheinlichkeit), dass der Mensch zum Großteil für die vielen beobachteten Veränderungen des Klimas verantwortlich ist".
20071212             1—BEHÖRDENSPRECHER habe vor dem COGR etwa ausgesagt, es habe den "konsisten10 Ansatz" gegeben, Wissenschaftler, die Verbindungen zwischen HURRIKAN—HÄUFIGKEIT und dem Klimawandel sehen, von der Presse fernzuhalten.
20071212             DER—BERICHT (PDF—DOKUMENT) ist das Ergebnis von 16—MONATEN Recherche und der Durchsicht von 27.000—DOKUMENTEN—DARUNTER zahlreiche E-Mails, die zwischen Vertretern von Umweltbehörden, Wissenschaftlern und dem "Council on Environmental Quality" (CEQ) des Weißen Hauses HIN—UND hergegangen waren.
20071212             Der Bericht des "COMMITTEE—ON—OVERSIGHT and Government Reform" (COGR) lässt an Deutlichkeit nichts zu wünschen übrig: "Die Regierung Bush hat systematische Anstrengungen unternommen, um die Erforschung des Klimawandels zu manipulieren und Politiker und die Öffentlichkeit hinsichtlich der Gefahren der globalen Erwärmung in die Irre zu führen".
20071212             "Die Dienste sind —SCHON länger sauer, der MINISTER steht klar auf Seiten der Polizei", heißt es in einer Bundesbehörde, die mit Sicherheitsfragen zu tun hat.
20071212             Schäuble neige der Polizei zu, weil sie exekutive Befugnisse HABE—DAS halte der MINISTER für das schärfere Schwert in der Terrorbekämpfung.
20071212             Was aus dem Dokument weniger deutlich hervorgeht: Dass die "Operation Alberich" eigentlich geradezu mustergültig ABLIEF—UND zwar, nach allem was man weiß, auch im Zusammenspiel von Polizeien und Diensten.
20071212             Im —HERBST 20060000              erhielten deutsche Nachrichtendienstler 1. Hinweise aus den USA, dass 1—ISLAMISTEN—ZELLE über Anschläge in Deutschland nachdenken würde.
20071212             Zu VIELE—FREMDWÖRTER: Keiner versteht die "Tagesschau"
20071212             Tarifrunde 20080000             : Gewerkschaften verlangen —BIS zu 8 % mehr Lohn
20071212             We've heard odd reports of Israeli "experts" showing up at ABU—GHRAIB.
20071212             Zubaydah ?
20071212             Larry Johnson compares the alleged DESTRUCTION—OF—THESE torture tapes to the "family jewels" -- 1—CATCH—ALL—TERM for HIGH—LEVEL—CIA misdeeds uncovered in the 1970s.
20071212             RICHARD—HELMS told both Congress and THE—CIA—INSPECTOR—GENERAL that he ordered THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—ALL the voluminous documentation created by this MASSIVELY—FUNDED, CUTTING—EDGE—RESEARCH—PROJECT.
20071212             my best guess is that if he didn't see those tapes, he had viva voce evidence from 1—EYEWITNESS who did.
20071212             Those faces or accents would give the game away and reveal THE—DEPTH—OF—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—COMPLICITY with the Saudis, eg, the Jedda 'visa express'/20010911              attack team misidentification;
20071212             Larisa makes much the same point.
20071212             This PDF gives you the actual letter from USA Rosenberg.
20071212             According to JON—PONDER on BradBlog, 1—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR—REPORTS the continued existence of either the same tapes or similar ones.
20071212             As you know, CIA Deputy DIRECTOR—OF—OPERATIONS—JOSE—RODRIGUEZ reportedly made the decision to destroy TAPES—OF—PRISONER—INTERROGATION, allegedly to protect THE—IDENTITIES—OF—THE—INTERROGATORS.
20071212             The —DAY the Presidency Was Stolen from AL—GORE and THE—USA—PEOPLE: 20001212             , and THE—SUPREME—COURT—COUP -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20071212             He's a 60—YEAR—OLD—NEW—ENGLANDER Currently Walking from Frigid BOSTON to WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, to Ask NANCY Pelosi to Impeach Bush and Cheney.
20071212             Ominous ARCTIC melt worries experts
20071212             —DELIVERED, The Senate majority leader, HARRY—REID—OF—NEVADA, 1—BLISTERING indictment —TODAY—OF—THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY?s decision to destroy video footage of harsh interrogations of AL—QAEDA detainees, —JUST hours —BEFORE the C.I.A. director was due —BEFORE 1—SENATE—PANEL to explain the episode.
20071212             BuzzFlash Premium Honor AL—GORE on THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—DAY—THE—PRESIDENCY—WAS—STOLEN—FROM—HIM and THE—USA—PEOPLE, 20071212              20071212             Während die Bombenbauer in ihrer Wohnung darüber sprachen, wie sie ihre Bombe anfertigen wollten, begann einer der 3—VERDÄCHTIGEN plötzlich zu beten.
20071212             —GELAUFEN, So wird das, sein.
20071212             *einschlaf* - Schily lobt Schäuble: ALLE—VORWÜRFE, Schäuble wolle einen totalen Überwachungsstaat, "sind purer Unfug", sagte Schily.
20071212             Einmal dauerte es ganze 6—WOCHEN, —BIS der Mitschnitt eines vierstündigen Telefongesprächs der Terrorverdächtigen technisch so weit bearbeitet war, dass die Fahnder damit arbeiten konnten.
20071212             EFF: Patriot ACT II Analysis ALL—OF—YOUR activities on the web are generally recorded, from the Google search where you locate information, to the various websites you visit —WHILE...
20071212             —THIS—WEEK, EFF EUROPE sent a letter to THE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—CULTURE and Education Committee, whose original report THE—ITRE Commitee was amending.
20071212             —UNLICENSED, IFPI says that all "" files should be blocked: in other words, researchers using the quotation exception, teachers using education exceptions, or artists using their rights to parody or pastiche, would have to beg for 1—LICENSE or find their conversations banned from the Net.
20071212             —CENTRALIZED, ANY—COUNTRY that has 1, system in place to pry into all its citizen's private communications, and then PRE—EMPTIVELY sever those which it deems "unsuitable", creates both 1—VERY disturbing precedent, and 1—DANGEROUSLY powerful tool vulnerable to misuse.
20071212             Perhaps the music industry's European lobbyists have lost sight of the serious collateral damage their proposals would cause, but European citizens and their elected POLICY—MAKERS should not.
20071212             "Am ENDE—DER—BALI—KONFERENZ würde es —SCHON als Erfolg gelten, wenn man sich auf einen Zeitplan für die nächsten 2—JAHRE —BIS zur KOPENHAGEN—KONFERENZ und auf eine grobe Stoßrichtung einigen könnte.
20071212             "Es kann nur 2—WEGE geben", sagte UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR Ban Ki Moon.
20071212             Unterstützung für seine Kritik bekam Gates von MIKE—MULLEN, dem Vorsitzenden des Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF, dem Gremium der Oberbefehlshaber der verschiedenen USA—STREITKRÄFTE.
20071212             Der Admiral sagte, das USA—MILITÄR müsse sich auf den IRAK—KRIEG konzentrieren und könne in AFGHANISTAN deshalb nur begrenzt eingesetzt werden.
20071212             "In AFGHANISTAN tun wir, was wir können. Im Irak tun wir, was wir tun müssen", sagte Mullen.
20071212             ZUM THEMA AUF SPIEGEL—ONLINE:
20071212             Verhandlungen auf Bali: Ban warnt vor Scheitern der Klimakonferenz (20071212              )
20071212             Konferenz auf Bali: USA wollen mit CHINA und Indien Klimaschutz blockieren (20071203              )
20071212             Man kann sich nicht immer hinter den Unsicherheiten der Wissenschaft verstecken", sagt er im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE. "Glücklicherweise ist er nicht mehr lange im Amt".
20071212             Immer wieder schütteln Zuhörer im Saal den Kopf, mancher kann sich das Lachen kaum verkneifen über das, was der Mann hier verkündet, der Bush s Wissenschaftsexperte ist.
20071212             1—REDNER auf dem Forschertreffen präsentierte eine etwas andere Sichtweise: Der WISSENSCHAFTS—BERATER—VON—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20071212             Die Weltvorräte des gefrorenen Gases sind enorm: In FORM—VON—METHANHYDRAT, so die Schätzung der Geologen, ist vermutlich deutlich mehr Kohlenwasserstoff gebunden als in allen noch vorhandenen Vorkommen von Kohle, Gas und Erdöl zusammen.
20071212             "Die Menge ist einfach zu groß, als dass man sie links liegenlassen könnte", sagt Gerhard Bohrmann vom Bremer Forschungszentrum Ozeanränder und ein führender Wissenschaftler auf diesem Feld.
20071212             CHINA werde nicht den Fehler wiederholen, "—ERST zu verschmutzen und dann zu sanieren".
20071212             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Blöder werden ist jederzeit drin"
20071212             Kreditkrise: Finanzaufsicht droht mit Schließung der SACHSEN LB
20071212             Schwaches Wirtschaftswachstum: Ölpreis fällt unter 90—DOLLAR
20071212             —ENTSCHEIDET, Ob die Riffe im Korallendreieck zu retten sind, sich nicht nur auf der —DERZEIT stattfindenden Klimakonferenz auf Bali und durch das Verhalten der Industriestaaten.
20071212             Doch auf Bali vermischen sich, wie in vielen Entwicklungsländern, mehrere Faktoren zu einer brisanten Melange:
20071212             A CIA Drug Op in Sleepy S—PETE
20071212             --Mad Cow —MORNING News (As more details emerge regarding these 2—CIA—LINKED cocaine planes, the true nature of the "drug war" is beginning to unravel.
20071212             Comparing HOPSICKER—ABOVE—RESEARCH WITH—BILL—CONROY—LATEST—WORK - certainly paints 1—INTERESTING picture.
20071212             —CONSIDERED, It is clear that controlling the drug trade is, far more important to USA 'interests' than eliminating it.
20071212             --DB ) - CIA, FBI Protect Drug Traffickers
20071212             OHIO SECRETARY—OF—STATE confirms 20040000              election could have been stolen
20071212             Feds indict friend of GOVERNOR --THE—CHICAGO Tribune (Also see "MOBSTER—PAL gives to pols " --DB )
20071212             Liquid explosive suspect escapes from prison van --The Herald Sun (If you thought this story couldn't get ANY—MORE—BIZARRE, think again.
20071212             --DB ) - Mistrial Declared in Terrorism Case;
20071212             Role of FBI Informant Questioned - Fake Terrorist Calls for Violence
20071212             propaganda _team" target=_blank>Military Propaganda Team Exposed Online --Wikileaks
20071212             Bush_Administration_sought_1216.html" target=_blank>BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Sought Massive Spy Program "2—WEEKS" —AFTER Taking Office --Raw Story
20071212             Justice Dept: Back Off on CIA Tapes
20071212             We're On The Brink Of 1—BALKAN—BLOODBATH
20071212             --GEORGE—GALLOWAY for The Daily RECORD—HANDOVER in Basra as killings go on
20071212             USA paid $32M for IRAQ—BASE that wasn't built
20071212             Report Says That the Rich Are Getting Richer Faster, Much Faster
20071212             TURKEY bombs Kurdish rebels in NORTH—IRAQ - --Reuters (Funny how things work out.
20071212             Weapons we sell to TURKEY are being used to target the Kurdish rebels we have secretly armed in IRAQ.
20071212             Who benefits from that? --DB )
20071212             —INVESTIGATED, UK—TROOPS, over smuggling stolen guns to THE—UK
20071212             SOMALIA descends into AFRICA—WORST—CRISIS
20071212             RUSSIA—GENERAL: Pentagon seeking confrontation
20071212             --The Associated Press ("'We plan and, depending on the situation, will take appropriate and asymmetric measures aimed at preventing the deterioration of our defense capability,' Baluyevsky was quoted as saying by Interfax. There was no explanation of what he meant by asymmetric ".)
20071212             New Document Reveals MILITARY—MYSTERY—POWERS
20071212             Food prices rising at highest rate —FOR—14—YEARS
20071212             Top 11—WARMEST Years On Record Have All Been In Last 13—YEARS
20071212             Pure theatre on show as Bali climate talks stumble towards deal - ARCTIC summers ICE—FREE 'by 2013'
20071212             Plan for "clean coal" is 1—ECOLOGICAL nightmare
20071212             MULTI—NATIONAL—CORPORATIONS 'Gaining Total Control Over Farming' - Hausarbeit zu Thema.
20071212             Änderungen der Klimaregionen in der... Die regionale Klimaprognose des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums.
20071212             Schriftenreihe - Klimaprognose 20500000             .........17. 2.1. Einleitung.
20071212             Publications... Zuerich, Müller, W. A:
20071212             Von der Wettervorhersage zur saisonalen Klimaprognose... Variabilität und dekadische Trends der Phänologie im Frühjahr.
20071212             NABU | NABU—MAGAZIN "Naturschutz —HEUTE" | Heft 2/07: Gewinner und...
20071212             Hinzu kommt, dass sie bei ihrer Rückkehr im Frühjahr nicht mehr genügend Nahrung finden... Heft Januar ' 08.
20071212             —DENIED, THE—EU Commission and Council, the referendum as part...
20071212   0071212   The Israelis have this very beautiful article about freedom and liberty but they want to destroy anyone who criticizes them for revealing the truth to the world.
20071212—19660000    —PRODUCED, Phil Spector, "River Deep – Mountain High" with Ike and Tina.
20071212—19700000    —IN—THE, compares the alleged DESTRUCTION—OF—THESE torture tapes to the "family jewels" -- 1—CATCH—ALL—TERM for HIGH—LEVEL—CIA misdeeds uncovered S.
20071212—19760000    —IN, The pair split.
20071212—19890000    —IN, Ike went to prison on drug charges and
20071212—19910000    —IN, was still there —WHEN he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
20071212—20010911    —AFTER, the 'escape flights' to RIYADH ;
20071212—20020503    EFFector, Vol. 15, NUMBER 12,
20071212—20030000    -MINDESTENS—SEIT, DIE Regierung Bush "systematisch versucht hat, die Klimaforschung zu manipulieren + sowohl Abgeordnete als auch die Öffentlichkeit über die Gefahren der globalen Erwärmung in die Irre zu führen".
20071212—20070000    —CAUSED, Red Cross says global warming, record disasters
20071212—20071214    SOUTH—AFRICA, 49—PATIENTS, all with multidrug resistant (MDR) and extremely drug resistant (XDR) TB, escaped through holes they had cut through the perimeter fences of Jose Pearson Hospital in PORT—ELIZABETH.
20071212—20080000    —SENTENCED, Cheney (65) was, to 90—MONTHS in prison and ordered to pay back the $50,760 that he stole.
20071212—20090000    —TRIMMED, UN judges, the sentence from 33 to 29—YEARS but upheld his convictions for leading troops who terrorized SARAJEVO with 1—DEADLY—RAIN—OF shells and sniper bullets.
20071212—20090000    —BIS, Man brauche eine "klare Agenda".
20071212—20200000    —BIS, Die von der EU gewünschte Festlegung auf 1—SENKUNG—DES—TREIBHAUSGAS—AUSSTOßES um 25—BIS 40 % gegenüber 19900000              sei möglicherweise —DERZEIT "zu ambitioniert".
20071212—20500000    —BY, Acidic seas may kill 98—PERCENT—OF—WORLD—REEFS
20071214—20071212    —ON, released in good condition —AFTER being treated with the antiviral drug Tamiflu.
20080405             alsharq.blogspot_com/ 20041212              20080405             SWITZERLAND... Export/Imports : MILIPOL 91 - Exhibited via ITB—COMERCIO Internacional...
20080519             1—NEWLY released audiotape by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—OF a 20061212              Luncheon taped Rumsfeld telling 1—GROUP—OF—MILITARY—ANALYSTS that THE—USA—PUBLIC—NEEDS another 20010911             —ATTACK to wake up.
20081212             THE—WHITE—HOUSE and the Treasury said they were considering diverting money from THE—WALL—STREET rescue fund to stave off bankruptcy filings among the carmakers.
20081212             GENERAL—MOTORS—CORP. said it will temporarily close 20—FACTORIES across NORTH—AMERICA and make sweeping cuts to its vehicle production as it tries to adjust to dramatically weaker automobile demand.
20081212             —ISSUED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, 1—REGULATION exempting farms from reporting releases of hazardous air pollution from animal waste to federal, state and local authorities.
20081212             —APPROVED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE also, 1—COAL mining rule that makes it easier for SOME—FIRMS to dump rock and sludge near rivers.
20081212             —ARRESTED, JOSHUA—FATHER, BRUCE—TURNIDGE, 57—JAHRE—ALT, was also soon, and charged with the bombing.
20081212             † Cardinal Avery Dulles in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20081212             —INCLUDED, His more than 20—BOOKS, "MODELS—OF—THE—CHURCH" (19740000             ).
20081212             His BOY—NEXT—DOOR—WHOLESOMENESS made him 1—POPULAR—HOLLYWOOD star in the '40s and '50s with such films as "30—SECONDS over TOKYO," "1—GUY—NAMED—JOE" and "THE—CAINE—MUTINY".
20081212             —FIRED, CENTRAL—AFGHANISTAN, NATO—TROOPS, on 1—CIVIL—BUS that refused warnings to stop, killing 4—PASSENGERS in Wardak province.
20081212             1—COURT—IN—AUSTRALIA approved the use of Facebook, 1—POPULAR—SOCIAL networking Web site, to notify 1—COUPLE that they lost their home —AFTER defaulting on 1—LOAN.
20081212             —CHARGED, BELGIUM—AUTHORITIES, 6 suspected AL—QAIDA—LINKED extremists with membership in 1—TERRORIST—GROUP.
20081212             —INAUGURATED, CHILE, admirers of former dictator Augusto Pinochet, 1—MUSEUM in his honor, 1—MOVE they hope will burnish the image of 1—MAN reviled by MUCH—OF—THE—WORLD.
20081212             —EXTRADITED, COLOMBIA, DIEGO—MONTOYA, 1—OF—ITS most notorious drug trafficking suspects, to THE—USA to stand trial.
20081212             COLOMBIA—AUTHORITIES said he sent TONS—OF—COCAINE to THE—USA and is responsible for at least 1,500 killings in a 2—DECADE—CAREER.
20081212             Tassos Papadopoulos (19340000              *), CYPRUS' hardline FORMER—PRESIDENT (20030000—20080000    ), † of lung cancer in NICOSIA.
20081212             —USHERED, He had, the divided island into the European Union (20040000             ) —AFTER rallying GREECE—CYPRIOTS to reject 1—UN—PEACE—DEAL.
20081212             This was ECUADOR—3. default in 3—DECADES.
20081212             —PASSED, ESTONIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—LAW making it the 1. country to allow cellphone voting.
20081212             —AGREED, European Union leaders, to give concessions to IRELAND so it will hold 1—NEW—REFERENDUM on the EU's stalled LISBON reform treaty, which aims to make the 27-nation bloc 1—STRONGER—PLAYER on the world stage.
20081212             —HURLED, GREECE—YOUTHS, rocks and Molotov cocktails at riot police in ATHENS, who responded with stun grenades and tear gas.
20081212             —REBUFFED, Despite 7—STRAIGHT—DAYS—OF—UNREST, GREECE—PRIME—MINISTER, calls to resign and hold early elections.
20081212             GUATEMALA, 1—MOB in S—PEDRO—SOLOM beat and then shot to death 5—MEN suspected of kidnapping a 15—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20081212             —VOWED, NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—UMARU—YAR'ADUA, to speed up electoral reforms —AFTER overcoming 1—LEGAL—CHALLENGE to his election and receiving 1—REPORT on problems with the country's electoral laws.
20081212             —RULED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, 4-3 to dismiss 1—SUIT by opposition leaders, but conceded that widespread irregularities had occurred in his 20060000              election.
20081212             PAKISTAN stage overnight raids, shut offices and arrested SCORES—OF—ACTIVISTS—OF—JAMAAT—UD—DAWA (JuD), 1—ISLAMIC—CHARITY associated with Lashkar-e-Taiba, as INTERNATIONAL pressure mounted for firm action against militants blamed for the Mumbai attacks.
20081212             Maulana MASOOD—AZHAR, HEAD—OF—THE—JAISH e-Mohammad group, blamed with Lashkar-e-Taiba for a 20010000              attack on INDIA—PARLIAMENT, was also detained.
20081212             —PROPOSED, THE—CHIEF—PALESTINE—NEGOTIATORS said ISRAEL, to annex 6.8—PERCENT—OF—THE—WEST—BANK and to take in 1—FEW 1000—REFUGEES under 1—PEACE—DEAL, but it has not revealed its position on the most contentious issue, the future of JERUSALEM.
20081212             POLAND, negotiators at 1—UN—CLIMATE—CONFERENCE broke through red tape and freed up MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to help poor countries adapt to increasingly severe droughts, floods and other effects of global warming.
20081212             SIR—DAVID—BARCLAY and his twin brother, SIR—FREDERICK—BARCLAY, abruptly closed their businesses on the Channel ISLAND—OF—SARK and shut off THE—FLOW—OF—INVESTMENT—AFTER their candidates for the island's 1. elected PARLIAMENT were largely rejected by voters.
20081212             —BACKED, Only 2—OF—THE—9—CANDIDATES, by the brothers won seats in the legislature.
20081212             9—OF—THE—12—CANDIDATES they had denounced as "dangerous to SARK—FUTURE" were elected.
20081212             SRI—LANKA, clashes with troops left 10—REBELS—DEAD—NEAR—THEIR de facto northern capital.
20081212             —SOARED, THE—NUMBER—OF—CHINA—VISITORS quickly.
20081212             —INDICTED, TAIWAN—PROSECUTORS, FORMER—PRESIDENT—CHEN—SHUI—BIAN on graft charges, 1—STUNNING blow for 1—MAN who rode to power 8 1/2—YEARS ago on promises to reform the island's corrupt political culture.
20081212             —AGREED, THAILAND, 1—COMMERCIAL fishing commission, to cut the catches of bigeye tuna in parts of the Pacific Ocean, 1—SMALL—STEP in 1—EFFORT to save 1 threatened species that is 1—FAVORITE among sushi lovers.
20081212             —LAMBASTED, Environmentalists, the Western and CENTRAL—PACIFIC—FISHERIES COMMISSION—DECISION to reduce catches by only 10—PERCENT in each of the next 3—YEARS.
20081212             —WANTED, They, 1—IMMEDIATE 30—PERCENT reduction that scientists advising the body had recommended.
20081212             1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—PANEL said that RWANDA and CONGO are fighting 1—PROXY war by aiding EACH—OTHER—ENEMIES, 1—CONCLUSION that could lead to additional UN sanctions over the conflict in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN region.
20081212             1—UN—REPORT cited 1—ADVISOR to RWANDA—PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME and 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—CONGO—OPPOSITION, both wealthy businessmen, as key financial BACKERS—OF—REBELS in EAST—DR CONGO.
20081212             —RAISED, THE—VATICAN, its opposition to embryonic stem cell research, THE—MORNING—AFTER pill, in vitro fertilization and human cloning to 1—NEW—LEVEL in 1—MAJOR—NEW—DOCUMENT on BIO—ETHICS.
20081212             —INTRODUCED, ZIMBABWE—CENTRAL—BANK, a 500—MILLION—DOLLAR—NOTE, as the African country struggles to cope with the world's highest inflation and crippling currency shortages.
20081212—19460000    —IN, Dulles, THE—SON—OF—FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES, joined the Jesuits —AFTER he was discharged from the Navy.
20081212—20010000    —INVOLVED, They including 1—WOMAN whose husband was, in THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—AFGHANISTAN—THAT killed ANTI—TALIBAN warlord AHMED—SHAH—MASSOUD, shortly —BEFORE 20080911             —THE attacks.
20081212—20081127    —BECAME, SWITZERLAND, the 25. MEMBER—OF—THE—PASSPORT—FREE—ZONE—OF—THE—SCHENGEN countries, —AFTER interior and justice ministers of THE—27—EU member states formally approved the accession of this NON—EU country.
20081212—20081214    —ARRESTED, Police, JOSHUA—A—TURNIDGE, 32—JAHRE—ALT, 1—STEELWORKER, in SALEM.
20081212—20081215    —ON, ECUADOR—PRESIDENT—RAFAEL—CORREA said his nation will skip a $30.6—MILLION—PAYMENT to bondholders due.
20081212—20100000    —CONVICTED, BRUCE—TURNIDGE and his son were, on 18—COUNTS related to the bank bombing.
20090121             Archives. DAVID Iglesias. | PBS
20090121200807       01—TAVIS Smiley.
20091212             —SINGLED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, out financial institutions for causing much of the economic tailspin and criticized their opposition to tighter federal oversight of their industry.
20091212             —CLEARED, THE—DEMOCRATIC—CONTROLLED USA—SENATE, away 1—REPUBLICAN filibuster of 1—HUGE—END—OF—YEAR spending bill that rewards most federal agencies with generous budget boosts.
20091212             —BECAME, HOUSTON, the largest USA—CITY to elect 1—OPENLY gay mayor, with voters handing 1—SOLID—VICTORY to City Controller Annise Parker (53) —AFTER 1—HOTLY contested runoff.
20091212             ALABAMA running back MARK—INGRAM won this —YEAR—HEISMAN trophy.
20091212             —ARRESTED, BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA, police, 8—PEOPLE—AFTER 1—CROWD—OF—ANGRY—PROTESTERS broke windows and threw burning torches at the campus residence of UC CHANCELLOR—ROBERT—BIRGENEAU in protest over fee hikes and budget cuts.
20091212             —DISABLED, NEW—YORK, state truck driver THOMAS—WALLACE hit 1, car killing Julie Stratton (33).
20091212             —DISABLED, The car was, —AFTER hitting 1—DEER.
20091212             His laptop computer was streaming pornography —WHEN his rig hit the disabled car.
20091212             Abkhazia held elections.
20091212             —INDICATED, Preliminary results, that PRESIDENT—SERGEI—BAGAPSH defeated 4—OTHER—CANDIDATES.
20091212             —REGISTERED, About 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—130,000, voters took part in the vote.
20091212             The province is also home to some 40,000 ethnic Georgians who are not eligible to vote because they don't hold Abkhazian passports.
20091212             1 estimated 200,000 ethnic Georgians fled Abkhazia in the 1990s.
20091212             3—TALIBAN fighters were killed —WHEN 1—ROAD—SIDE—BOMB they were planting exploded in Helmand province.
20091212             4—AFGHANISTAN—PRIVATE—SECURITY—GUARDS were killed —WHEN their car hit 1—ROADSIDE bomb elsewhere in Helmand.
20091212             CHINA, Liu Aibing (34) went on 1—RAMPAGE with his shotgun killing 12—PEOPLE including his father.
20091212             —APPREHENDED, He was, the next —DAY in Gaoming town in Hunan province's Anhua county.
20091212             —INJURED, Liu also seriously, 2—OTHER—PEOPLE and 20090906             —HOMES on fire.
20091212             He was said to have had 1—LONG—HISTORY—OF—MENTAL—ILLNESS.
20091212             —REPORTED, It was, that CUBA has detained 1—USA—GOVERNMENT—CONTRACTOR and accused him of distributing cell phones, laptops and other communications equipment to political opposition groups on the island.
20091212             DENMARK, violence broke out in COPENHAGEN as tens of thousands took to the streets to demand tough measures on climate change, with demonstrators —AROUND the world rallying for action INSTEAD—OF—WORDS.
20091212             HONDURAS, 1—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN says HONDURAS will grant ousted PRESIDENT—ZELAYA safe passage to ANY—COUNTRY that offers him asylum outside CENTRAL—AMERICA.
20091212             —SUFFERED, HONG—KONG, 5—WOMEN and 1—MAN, burns in the incident in Causeway Bay, 1—OF—1—SPATE—OF—ACID—ATTACKS in the city.
20091212             1—WOMAN—FACE and chest were badly injured, with burns covering nearly 20—PERCENT of her body.
20091212             —RESIGNED, INDIA, 20—STATE—MINISTERS, amid mounting street demonstrations and violence to protest INDIA—DECISION to carve 1—NEW—STATE—OUT—OF—SOUTH—ANDHRA—PRADESH state.
20091212             IRAN said it is ready to exchange the bulk of its stockpile of enriched uranium for nuclear fuel rods, as proposed by THE—UN, but according to its own mechanisms and timetable.
20091212             IRAN also said it needs up to 15—NUCLEAR—PLANTS to generate electricity.
20091212             —RALLIED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—HARD—LINE—CLERICS, in cities across the country to denounce student protesters who burned PHOTOS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—SUPREME—LEADER in 1—TABOO—SHATTERING act —EARLIER in the —WEEK.
20091212             IRAQ sold RUSSIA—FIRM—LUKOIL rights to THE—WEST—QURNA—2—OIL—FIELD, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—BIGGEST untapped oil fields, on the 2. —DAY—OF—1—AUCTION.
20091212             Lukoil will work with junior PARTNER—STATOILHYDRO—OF—NORWAY.
20091212             † In ITALY at least 5—SPERM whales —AFTER 1—POD—OF—9 beached on the southern coast.
20091212             —CALLED, Experts, it 1—RARE and puzzling mass beaching for such 1—LARGE—SPECIES.
20091212             Officials were considering euthanizing the last 2—WHALES still trapped in high waves.
20091212             KENYA, 12—PLAYERS—OF—THE—ERITREA—NATIONAL—FOOTBALL—SQUAD failed to show up at the airport to return home.
20091212             —REPORTED, They were —LATER, to have disappeared in NAIROBI with the intention of seeking asylum.
20091212             —BELIEVED, Insurgent leaders are, to have fled there to escape 1—GOVERNMENT onslaught against the Taliban in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20091212             —MENTIONED, Interior MINISTER—REHMAN—MALIK, NORTH—WAZIRISTAN as another potential front, though military officials have been loathe to say whether they would want to extend the fight there.
20091212             —ISSUED, AL—QAIDA, 1—NEW—ENGLISH—LANGUAGE—VIDEO denying it was behind 1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS in PAKISTAN that have killed HUNDREDS—OF—CIVILIANS, calling such attacks UN—ISLAMIC.
20091212             1—PALESTINE—MAN made homeless by last —WINTER—GAZA war was the 1. to receive 1—UN—FUNDED mud brick home, with UN aid officials saying they're reverting to ancient building techniques because ISRAEL won't allow concrete and other construction materials into blockaded GAZA.
20091212             1—PALESTINE—FARMER was killed —WHEN he was caught in the crossfire of 1—SHOOTOUT between militants and ISRAEL—SOLDIERS in THE—HAMAS—RUN—GAZA Strip.
20091212             RWANDA held elections.
20091212             SAUDI—ARABIA—NEWSPAPERS said SAUDI—ARABIA—GROUND—FORCES and Apache attack helicopters had battled Huthi fighters —FOR—2—DAYS at THE—AL—JABRI post on THE—YEMEN—BORDER in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—YEMEN, and repulsed attempted Huthi incursions.
20091212             —DENIED, SAUDI—ARABIA—MILITARY, 1—CLAIM by YEMEN—HUTHI rebels that they seized 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—BORDER—POST.
20091212             —KICKED, SOUTH—AFRICAN—DRUMS, and traditional dancers, off the Miss World pageant in JOHANNESBURG.
20091212             The glitzy night began in THE—SHADOW—OF—REPORTS that 1—CONTESTANT was linked to 1—RELIGIOUS—CULT.
20091212             —NAMED, Kaiane Aldorino from GIBRALTAR was, the new Miss World.
20091212             —DETAINED, THAILAND, 4—KAZAKHS and 1—BELARUSIAN were, and their NEW—ZEALAND registered aircraft impounded —AFTER it landed in THE—THAILAND—CAPITAL—WITH—TONS—OF—WAR weaponry on BOARD that originated in NORTH—KOREA.
20091212             The Ilyushin 76—TRANSPORT from KAZAKHSTAN was allegedly traveling from NORTH—KOREA to SRI—LANKA —WHEN it asked to land in BANGKOK to refuel.
20091212             According to 1—FLIGHT—PLAN seen by arms trafficking researchers, the aircraft was chartered by HONG—KONG—BASED—UNION—TOP—MANAGEMENT—LTD. to fly oil industry spare parts from PYONGYANG to TEHRAN—IRAN, with several other stops, including BANGKOK, COLOMBO in SRI—LANKA, AZERBAIJAN and UKRAINE.
20091212             1—NEW—ZEALAND shell company, SP Trading Ltd., had leased the airplane.
20091212             —BATTLED, TURKEY, angry Kurds, TURKEY—POLICE with rocks and firebombs to PRO—TEST 1—DECISION by the country's top court to shut down 1—PRO—KURDISH—POLITICAL—PARTY on CHARGES—OF—TIES to militants.
20091212             ZIMBABWE PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE was RE—ELECTED as ZANU—PF leader for the next 5—YEARS, urging supporters to work for THE—SURVIVAL—OF—THE—PARTY.
20091212             Mugabe said the unity government is SHORT—LIVED and he plans to regain his hold over the country.
20091212             or 21., 20120000              END—OF—THE—WORLD as we know it predictions;
20091212—19940000    —SINCE, PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME was reelected with 1—CRUSHING majority to HEAD—THE—RWANDAN—PATRIOTIC—FRONT—PARTY that has been in power.
20091212—20030000    —ANNOUNCED, Human Rights Watch, 1—REPORT saying LIBYA continues to subject political dissidents to arbitrary detention and unfair trials despite limited improvements in FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION—SINCE the country began to shed its pariah status.
20091212—20090114    —ON, police charged a 23—YEAR—OLD man over the acid attack.
20091212—20100901    —SENTENCED, Wallace was, to 3—9—YEARS in prison —AFTER pleading guilty to 2. degree murder.
20100211—20101212    —DROPPED, THAILAND—PROSECUTORS said they have, charges against THE—5—MAN—CREW—OF—1—AIRCRAFT accused of smuggling weapons from NORTH—KOREA, saying the men, arrested, might be guilty but would be deported to preserve good relations with their home countries.
20101212             Novos POSTS—PSICOSABER O estudo feito por Sara Mednick, da Universidade da Califórnia em S—DIEGO.....
20101212             Quem diria.
20101212             Pois é. - - Não dormiu... | Facebook Vai SENTIR—SE melhor quase imediatamente, diz a Dr.ª Sara Mednick.
20101212             O Cérebro Nosso de Cada DIA—DESCOBERTAS recentes da neurociência...
20101212             Fase do sono estimula criatividade e solução de problemas
20101212             Benefícios vão de bom humor a redução do risco de diabetes
20101212             Remédio santo Vai SENTIR—SE melhor quase imediatamente, diz a Dr.ª Sara Mednick, investigadora na área das perturbações do sono na Universidade da CALIFORNIA.
20101212             Combater o stress - É uma pena que o stress torne mais difícil
20101212             Pesquisas indicam diversas boas razões para tirar uma soneca | O..
20101212             Sono criativo: Pesquisa comprova que o sono serve como estímulo à...
20101212             Saudelicioso - Minhas Coisas e Outras POESIAS—UOL Blog
20101212             "Parece haver uma relação causal entre o sono afetado e algumas desordens e sintomatologias psiquiátricas que temos
20101212             Quase tão bom quanto uma noite de sono — Instituto Ciência Hoje 20030627              A novidade vem da equipe do neurocientista ROBERT—STICKGOLD, da Universidade Harvard (EUA).
20101212             Em estudo publicado em julho de 20020000              na revista...
20101212             Pensamentos e NEGÓCIOS—FEVEREIRO de 20040000              20101212             As pesquisas foram conduzidas pelo DOCTOR—ROBERT—STICKGOLD.
20101212             Confirmando a história anterior, a emoção tranqüila abre as janelas da memória. www.nossosaopaulo
20101212             Má qualidade do sono afeta rendimento de vestibulandos " AEQUALIS...
20101212             Nada como dormir muito para manter a LUCIDEZ—SAÚDE em Movimento Pesquisadores da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Harvard, dirigidos pelo psiquiatra ROBERT—STICKGOLD, descobriram também que as pessoas que dormem...
20101212             DISTÚRBIO DO SONO PODE PROVOCAR DOENÇA MENTAL—GRUPOFARMA... jamais perguntar se seria possível existir uma relação causal no sentido oposto", diz ROBERT—STICKGOLD, pesquisador do sono da Universidade Harvard.
20101212             Sonhar ajuda a fixar o aprendizado
20101212             Insónia a b Jacobs, Gregg; EDWARD—F—RITMO—SCHOTT, ROBERT—STICKGOLD, MICHAEL—W—OTTO (27—DE setembro de 20040000             ).
20101212             Terapia de comportamento e farmacoterapia.
20101212             Góes & Periolo... déficit de atenção e hiperatividade, segundo o americano ROBERT—STICKGOLD, professor de psiquiatria de Harvard.
20101212             Em estudo apresentado, neste mês. - 1—IMPORTÂNCIA do sono para aprender
20101212             Mistérios do cérebro: dormir consolida 1—APRENDIZAGEM...
20101212             Falta de sono pode causar problemas psiquiátricos, diz... - Blog Supermercados Monte Serrat
20101212             Baseado em testes feitos em algumas pessoas o DOCTOR—ROBERT—STICKGOLD, explica que os resultados obtidos são muito satisfatórios quando essas...
20101212             Sindivesc ROBERT—STICKGOLD, neurocientista cognitivo de Harvard, que não participou do estudo, observou que os pesquisadores não reproduziram frases literais para...
20101212             ter tido uma brilhante idéia enquanto dormia" ( ROBERT—STICKGOLD ).
20101212             • Muitas foram as soluções arquitetadas durante a noite por sábios da história.
20101212             Doce lar: Os sonhos - Ciência estuda como 'encomendar sonhos'
20101212             As Condições FÍSICAS—CONCURSOS JURÍDICOS—SALA de estudo Segundo o neurologista ROBERT—STICKGOLD, da Universidade de Harvard, os dados acumulados durante o dia são armazenados durante o repouso.
20101212             Diagnóstico FUNCIONAL—DORMIR, sonhar e aprender
20101212             Instituto Clarear | Blog | Sons durante sono ajudam aprendizado de...
20101212             Amnésicos sonham com Tetris, mas não lembram que jogaram "Sem hipocampo, os amnésicos não têm nada a transferir", diz ROBERT—STICKGOLD, da Escola Médica de Harvard (EUA), um dos autores do estudo.
20101212             DORMIR PARA APRENDER ALLAN—HOBSON e seu colega ROBERT—STICKGOLD, e pela equipe do alemão JAN—BORN.
20101212             Stickgold e Hobson pediram para alguns dos voluntários não dormirem na.
20101212             Jornal da EDUCAÇÃO—FALTA de sono prejudica a aprendizagem - Sonhos construtores
20101212             Tirar uma soneca e sonhar durante o dia ajuda cérebro a fixar...
20101212             Sobre estudo e descanso para armazenar as informações aprendidas...
20101212             CIÊNCIA: Sons durante o sono podem ajudar a consolidar memória...
20101212             MANEIRA—PESQUISA que os sonhos são a maneira de o cérebro processar, integrar e realmente compreender novas informações", disse ROBERT—STICKGOLD, um dos autores do estudo.
20101212             As novas descobertas sobre o SONO— - SONO—WIKIPÉDIA, a enciclopédia livre
20101212             Foi o que concluiu um dos neurocientistas mais respeitados do mundo, ROBERT—STICKGOLD, de Harvard.
20101212             A base para isso foi uma experiência simples...
20101212             Sono construtor... esse estudo mostrou que os sonhos são a maneira de o cérebro processar, integrar e realmente compreender novas informações", disse ROBERT—STICKGOLD...
20101212             NOTÍCIAS—SONHOS mostram que o cérebro está trabalhando duro na...
20101212             Die Postfinance in der Schweiz könnte —JETZT Ärger kriegen.
20101212             —KOMMUNIZIERT, Dass sie so offen, haben, dass sie Julians Konto zugemacht haben, hat eventuell das Postgeheimnis verletzt.
20101212             Das wird —JETZT jedenfalls gerade untersucht.
20101212             TEDXRIVERCITY—ROBERT—STICKGOLD—SLEEP, Memory and Dreams: Fitting the Pieces Together
20101212             The Nap Manifesto)
20101212             Für die Schlafforscherin ist 1—SCHLÄFCHEN von unschätzbarem Wert, weil es
20101212             die Aufmerksamkeit um —BIS zu 100—PROZENT erhöht;
20101212             die motorische Koordination und die Genauigkeit stärkt;
20101212             —VERBESSERT, Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit und Entscheidungsfreude ;
20101212             das Risiko für Herzinfarkte und Schlaganfälle reduziert;
20101212             ein jugendliches Aussehen bewahren hilft;
20101212             das Abnehmen fördert, da Ausgeschlafene weniger Heißhunger auf Süßigkeiten oder fettigen Knabberkram verspüren;
20101212             allgemein die Stimmung hebt, da beim Schlafen der Botenstoff Serotonin im Gehirn freigesetzt wird;
20101212             —REDUZIERT, Stress ebenso, wie die Abhängigkeit von Drogen oder Alkohol, die häufig als Mittel gegen Erschöpfung eingesetzt werden;
20101212             —VERBESSERT, Gedächtnisleistung und Kreativität ; für einen besseren Nachtschlaf sorgt;
20101212             und ÜBERDIES—IN den USA ein unschlagbares ARGUMENT—ZU einem besseren SEX—LEBEN führt.
20101212             All diese Effekte seien nicht nur wissenschaftlich bewiesen, schreibt Mednick, sondern auch noch "kostenlos, ohne Schadstoffe und ohne gefährliche Nebenwirkungen" zu haben.
20101212             rechnet den amerikanischen Unternehmen vor, dass übermüdete Angestellte für Unfälle und Produktionsausfälle im Wert von jährlich 150—MILLIARDEN Dollar verantwortlich seien und dass,
20101212             so gesehen, kaum etwas lukrativer sei als gesunder Schlaf.
20101212             In ihrem Buch Take a nap.
20101212             Change your life preist sie das Nickerchen gar als lebensverändernde Kraft.
20101212             propagiert Lin Yutang.
20101212             "Denn dort, befreit von Telefonanrufen, wohlmeinenden Besuchern und den üblichen Trivialitäten des täglichen Lebens,
20101212             sieht er das Leben gleichsam in einem Spiegel oder auf einer Perlleinwand, und 1—GLORIENSCHEIN poetischer Ideen fällt auf die Welt der Wirklichkeit und durchdringt sie mit magischer Schönheit".
20101212             DISTÚRBIO DO SONO PODE PROVOCAR DOENÇA MENTAL — Grupofarma...
20101212             O estudo feito por Sara Mednick, da Universidade da Califórnia em S—DIEGO.....
20101212             Talvez seja essa a razão por que inconscientemente damos aos nossos cães
20101212             Soneca após o almoço pode mudar sua vida | O Buteco da Net
20101212             Vai SENTIR—SE melhor quase imediatamente, diz a Dr.ª Sara Mednick...
20101212             Quase tão bom quanto uma noite de sono — Instituto Ciência Hoje
20101212             As pesquisas foram conduzidas pelo DOCTOR—ROBERT—STICKGOLD.
20101212             Nada como dormir muito para manter a LUCIDEZ—SAÚDE em Movimento
20101212             Pesquisadores da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Harvard, dirigidos pelo psiquiatra ROBERT—STICKGOLD, descobriram também que as pessoas que dormem...
20101212             jamais perguntar se seria possível existir uma relação causal no sentido oposto", diz ROBERT—STICKGOLD, pesquisador do sono da Universidade Harvard.
20101212             déficit de atenção e hiperatividade, segundo o americano ROBERT—STICKGOLD, professor de psiquiatria de Harvard.
20101212             Falta de sono pode causar problemas psiquiátricos, diz...
20101212             Baseado em testes feitos em algumas pessoas o DOCTOR—ROBERT—STICKGOLD, explica...
20101212             As Condições FÍSICAS—CONCURSOS JURÍDICOS—SALA de estudo
20101212             Segundo o neurologista ROBERT—STICKGOLD, da Universidade de Harvard, os dados acumulados durante o dia são armazenados durante o repouso.
20101212             Amnésicos sonham com Tetris, mas não lembram que jogaram
20101212             "Sem hipocampo, os amnésicos não têm nada a transferir", diz ROBERT—STICKGOLD, da Escola Médica de Harvard (EUA), um dos autores do estudo.
20101212             DORMIR PARA APRENDER
20101212             ALLAN—HOBSON e seu colega ROBERT—STICKGOLD, e pela equipe do alemão JAN—BORN.
20101212             CIÊNCIA: Sons durante o sono podem ajudar a consolidar memória... - MANEIRA—PESQUISA
20101212             que os sonhos são a maneira de o cérebro processar, integrar e realmente compreender novas informações",
20101212             disse ROBERT—STICKGOLD, um dos autores do estudo.
20101212             Bingham, Roger; Terrence Sejnowski, JERRY—SIEGEL, MARK—ERIC—DYKEN,
20101212             ROBERT—STICKGOLD
20101212             A base para isso foi uma experiência simples, Sono construtor...
20101212             Memory and Dreams: Fitting the Pieces Together
20101212             —REDUZIERT, Stress ebenso, wie die Abhängigkeit von Drogen oder Alkohol,
20101212             die häufig als Mittel gegen Erschöpfung eingesetzt werden;
20101212             In ihrem Buch Take a nap. propagiert Lin Yutang.
20101212             sieht er das Leben gleichsam in einem Spiegel oder auf einer Perlleinwand,
20101212             und 1—GLORIENSCHEIN poetischer Ideen fällt auf die Welt der Wirklichkeit und durchdringt sie mit magischer Schönheit".
20101212             —REPORTED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST, that 8—OUT—OF—THE—12—TOP—USA—GUN—DEALERS whose products fuel MEXICO—DRUG—VIOLENCE are located in THE—STATE—OF—TEXAS.
20101212             3—OTHERS were in ARIZONA, and 1 was in CALIFORNIA.
20101212             There are 3,800 gun retailers in TEXAS, 300 in HOUSTON alone.
20101212             1—STORM that spanned parts of 8—STATES continued to dump heavy snow in the upper Midwest, collapsing the Metrodome in MINNEAPOLIS and forcing numerous road closures.
20101212             LONG—BEACH, CALIFORNIA, police officers shot Doug Zerby (35) over 12—TIMES as he manipulated 1—PISTOL—GRIP—WATER nozzle.
20101212             —SPURRED, The shooting, street protests.
20101212             —FILED, His family, 1—FEDERAL—CIVIL—RIGHTS and wrongful death lawsuit against the city.
20101212             —ARRESTED, Several suspects were, for the suicide attack that killed 6—USA—TROOPS—WHEN 1—EXPLOSIVES—PACKED minibus blew up at the entrance of 1—JOINT—NATO—AFGHANISTAN—BASE.
20101212             —UNVEILED, AUSTRALIA, tough changes to finance laws, banning unpopular mortgage fees and cracking down on price collusion between major banks in 1—BID to boost competition in the sector.
20101212             Garment workers demanding the implementation of 1—NEW—MINIMUM—WAGE clashed with police at 1—INDUSTRIAL—ZONE in the southeast, leaving up to 3—PEOPLE—DEAD and 100—HURT.
20101212             —PROTESTED, HUNDREDS—OF—EGYPT—ACTIVISTS and MEMBERS—OF—OPPOSITION—GROUPS, against what they said were violations —DURING 1—PARLIAMENTARY—VOTE that handed the ruling party 1—HUGE—VICTORY last —MONTH.
20101212             IRAN, Mashallah Shamsolvaezin, 1—PROMINENT—REFORMIST—JOURNALIST—AND—HEAD—OF—THE—JOURNALISTS' Association of IRAN, said he has been sentenced to 16—MONTHS in jail on charges of insulting PRESIDENT—AHMADINEJAD and undermining the Islamic regime.
20101212             Shamsolvaezin went on trial in October and has 20—DAYS to appeal.
20101212             SAJJAD—QADERZADEH, THE—SON—OF—1—WOMAN whose death sentence by stoning caused world outrage, was released —AFTER paying a $40,000 bail.
20101212             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew up his car outside government offices in Ramadi, killing at least 13—PEOPLE, including women and elderly people waiting to collect welfare checks.
20101212             6—POLICE—OFFICERS were among the dead.
20101212             —DETONATED, Near Baquba 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, his EXPLOSIVES—LADEN vest near 1—ASHURA procession, killing 3—PEOPLE.
20101212             —PUMMELED, Heavy rain and fierce winds, countries across THE—MIDDLE—EAST, killing 1—WOMAN in LEBANON, sinking 1—SHIP off ISRAEL—COAST and prompting EGYPT to close its largest Mediterranean port.
20101212             —KILLED, At least 3—PEOPLE, in EGYPT as GALE—FORCE—WINDS and torrential rain pounded the coastline.
20101212             1—FOUNDATION—RUN by LIBYA—LEADER—MOAMER KADHAFI—SON, Seif AL—ISLAM, released 1 mixed annual report on human rights in LIBYA, noting progress on SOME—ISSUES and failures in others.
20101212             —ARRESTED, MEXICO—POLICE, ENRIQUE—LOPEZ of the notorious Sinaloa drug trafficking operation based in THE—NORTH—MEXICO TOWN—OF—CHIHUAHUA.
20101212             His brother, Ever Horacio Lopez, was shot and killed in the standoff with police.
20101212             The men were lieutenants of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, said to be MEXICO—MOST wanted man, who is believed to have escaped.
20101212             NIGERIA—MILITARY said it had taken control of 8—CAMPS belonging to Ateke Tom, 1—MILITANT—LEADER in SOUTH—RIVERS—STATE.
20101212             —ACCUSED—OF, In THE—SOUTH—EAST—OBIOMA Nwankwo, 1—GANG—LEADER, kidnapping children from 1—SCHOOL—BUS, was killed.
20101212             † 1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER of alleged gang members also. 6—OTHERS were arrested.
20101212             —FREED, The operation, 1—FAMILY—OF—5.
20101212             —LAUNCHED, Lawyers for 1—SUDAN—CAMPAIGN—GROUP, 1—LEGAL—BID to halt SUDAN—REFERENDUM on southern independence, accusing organizers of mishandling the process, 1—MOVE which could derail 20100109             —THE vote.
20101212—20010000    —PLUNGED, BANGLADESH—DHAKA—STOCK—EXCHANGE, 3.32%, its biggest 1—DAY—FALL—SINCE the index was introduced.
20101212—20030627    A novidade vem da equipe do neurocientista ROBERT—STICKGOLD, da Universidade Harvard (EUA).
20101212—20080000    —VOTED, Kosovars, in the 1. general poll —SINCE the country's DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE from Serbia, 1—CRITICAL—ELECTION already marred by ethnic tension that MANY—FEAR will split the world's newest country.
20101212—20100000    " Blog Supermercados Monte Serrat
20101212—20110000    —ACTED, Prosecutors said police, lawfully in killing Zerby, who was drunk —AT—THE—TIME.
201102021212         —AM GMT:
201102041212         USA—JOURNALIST—LAUREN E Bohn
20110212             Whut?! Obama hat ANGELA—MERKEL und GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH die Presidential MEDAL—OF—FREEDOM verliehen.
20110212             —VERHINDERT, MERKEL war leider, und konnte den Orden nicht selber
20110212120438       Daimler macht 7.300.000.000—EURO Gewinn (Wirtschaft, 11:51)
20110212125356       [l] ACH NEE.
20110215121230       Wer wirklich wichtig ist, macht sich RAR—UND wird noch wichtiger.
201102251212         Die Versorgung mit Lebensmitteln wird in LIBY en immer schwieriger:
201103021212         —UHR, Der türkische Ministerpräsident RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN hat vor einem militärischen Eingreifen der Nato in LIBY en und auch vor Sanktionen gegen das Regime des LIBY schen Staatschefs Muammar AL—GADDAFI gewarnt.
20111110—20111212    —ON, Norris Terrell (20), the alleged shooter, was —LATER arrested in LEXINGTON—KENTUCKY ISAAC—MCDANIELS, 31—JAHRE—ALT was arrested and charged with being 1—ACCESSORY to FOSTER—MURDER.
20111209             —ARRESTED, He was, at his own apartment 20111212              —AFTER—3—DAYS on the run from police —FOLLOWING THE—DISCOVERY—OF—HIS alleged theft.
20111209—20111212    —ON, Music executive JOHN—ATTERBERRY, 40—JAHRE—ALT † from wounds suffered in BREHM—SHOOTING.
20111212             OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, some 3,000 Occupy protesters shut down the Port of OAKLAND for the —EVENING shift.
20111212             —APPROVED, THE—ILLINOIS House, 1—PACKAGE—OF—TAX—RELIEF for families and businesses, including big names like Sears and THE—CHICAGO Mercantile Exchange, that threatened to leave the state.
20111212             —PHASED, —WHEN fully, in the cuts will cost state government some $320—MILLION per —YEAR.
20111212             —EARED, UTAH, some 4000—5000—MIGRATORY birds, grebes, were killed or injured —AFTER apparently mistaking 1—WAL—MART parking lot, football fields and other SNOW—COVERED AREAS—OF—SOUTH—UTAH for BODIES—OF—WATER and plummeting to the ground in what 1—STATE wildlife expert called the worst mass bird crash she'd ever seen.
20111212             1—HIGH—PROFILE—CRASH in ARKANSAS in January killed about 4,500 birds, mainly RED—WINGED blackbirds.
20111212             —CRASHED, WASHINGTON, state 2—RECONNAISSANCE—HELICOPTERS, —DURING training near TACOMA killing all 4—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20111212             Senior AUSTRALIA—NAVAL—OFFICER—LIEUTENANT—COMMANDER—JOHN—ALAN—JONES, 58—JAHRE—ALT was convicted by 1—COURT martial of repeatedly spanking 1—JUNIOR—FEMALE sailor to test her discipline and obedience.
20111212             —BECAME, CANADA, the 1. country to declare it was formally exiting THE—KYOTO protocol, 1—REVERSAL that will save it BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in fines.
20111212             —EXECUTED, CHINA, Janice Linden (35), 1—SOUTH—AFRICA—WOMAN, by lethal injection for drug smuggling —AFTER rejecting LAST—MINUTE—PLEAS for clemency from her government.
20111212             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL says CHINA executes more people EVERY—YEAR than THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD combined.
20111212             —SLIPPED, EAST—CHINA, 1—SCHOOL—BUS taking primary students home, off 1—COUNTRY—ROAD into 1—IRRIGATION ditch, killing 15—CHILDREN in Jiangsu province.
20111212             1—CHINA—CAPTAIN stabbed 2—SOUTH—KOREA—COAST—GUARD—OFFICERS, killing 1, —AFTER his fishing boat was stopped for illegally fishing in SOUTH—KOREA—WATERS.
20111212             —EXTRADITED, COLOMBIA, Ramon Quintero, 1—TOP—NORTE del Valle cartel trafficker, to THE—USA.
20111212             —ACCUSED—OF, His organization was, exporting more than 50—METRIC—TONS—OF—COCAINE 1—YEAR to THE—USA—AND—EUROPE.
20111212             INTERNATIONAL Criminal Court (ICC) member states, meeting at The Hague, unanimously elected Fatou Bensouda of GAMBIA as the new CHIEF prosecutor for the main genocide and war crimes tribunal.
20111212             The world court (ICC) said it was referring MALAWI to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL over its refusal to arrest SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, wanted by the court for genocide, —DURING his October visit for 1—MEETING of the Common Market for Eastern and SOUTH—AFRICA (COMESA).
20111212             THE—HEAD—OF—IRAN—PARLIAMENTARY—NATIONAL—SECURITY—COMMITTEE—SAID—IRAN will REVERSE—ENGINEER THE—USA—DRONE it has in its possession, and is in the "final stages" of unlocking the aircraft's software secrets.
20111212             The Efrat settlement mayor said ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT has approved 40—NEW—HOUSES to replace trailers at THE—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENT, drawing criticism from Palestinians.
20111212             The trailers at the site, known as Givat Hadagan, were put up without authorization.
20111212             DOZENS—OF—JEWISH settlers broke into 1—ARMY—BASE in THE—WEST—BANK and lit fires, damaged vehicles and threw stones at 1—SENIOR—OFFICER, —JUST hours —AFTER another group took over 1 abandoned building in 1 closed military zone on the border with JORDAN.
20111212             The settlers were reportedly protesting the planned evacuations of unauthorized settlement outposts.
20111212             —KILLED, MEXICO, 2—STUDENTS were, —DURING 1—CLASH with state and federal police at 1—VIOLENT—PROTEST that blocked 1—MAJOR—HIGHWAY in Guerrero state.
20111212             —HIJACKED, Protesting students had, buses and set fire to 1—GASOLINE station —BEFORE federal police fired tear gas at the protesters and then shots rang out.
20111212             Some 300—STUDENTS from the Ayotzinapa teachers college staged the protest seeking to persuade the state government "to meet their educational demands.
20111212             —CAPTURED, MEXICO—MARINES, RAUL—LUCIO—HERNANDEZ—LECHUGA, 1—FOUNDING member of the brutal Zetas drug cartel, in THE—CITY—OF—CORDOBA, VERACRUZ state.
20111212             —REINSTATED, Veteran PNG leader SIR—MICHAEL—SOMARE, 75—JAHRE—ALT was, as PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA—PRIME—MINISTER—WHEN—THE—SUPREME—COURT ruled the election of PETER—O'NEILL was unconstitutional.
20111212             —IMPEACHED, In THE—PHILIPPINES THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, CHIEF—JUSTICE—RENATO—CORONA over charges his 15-member court had made 1—SERIES—OF—RULINGS that hindered government moves to prosecute EX—LEADER—GLORIA Arroyo.
20111212             The proceedings will move to the Senate, where 1—TRIAL will determine if CORONA must step down.
20111212             MIKHAIL—PROKHOROV, 46—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—RUSSIA—RICHEST—TYCOONS and THE—OWNER—OF—THE—NEW—JERSEY Nets basketball team, said he will run against PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN in the March presidential election.
20111212             —ESTIMATED, Prokhorov made his fortune, by Forbes at $18—BILLION, in metals and banking.
20111212             —EXECUTED, SAUDI—ARABIA—AUTHORITIES, 1—WOMAN convicted of practicing magic and sorcery.
20111212             —ARRESTED, Religious police, who, the woman, said she had tricked people into thinking she could treat illnesses, charging them $800—PER session.
20111212             —CLOSED, Syrians, their businesses and kept children home from school in several PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY in 1—SHOW—OF—CIVIL—DISOBEDIENCE against the regime as 1—NEW and fierce round of clashes between troops and army defectors spread.
20111212             —VOTED, Syrians, in municipal elections even as violence raged in SOME—PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY where security forces were pressing 1—DEADLY—CRACKDOWN against dissent.
20111212             —INTERCEPTED, Border guards, 15—GUNMEN trying to infiltrate from TURKEY.
20111212             2 were reported killed in the ensuing firefight and others were injured.
20111212             —WOUNDED, SOUTH—YEMEN, 1—PROTESTER was, in ADEN —WHEN police dispersed HUNDREDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS demanding 1—SECESSION—OF—SOUTHERN regions.
20111212             1—SECURITY—OFFICIAL said 12 alleged AL—QAEDA militants plus 2—OTHER—INMATES have tunneled their way to freedom from 1—PRISON in ADEN.
20111212             —LINKED, AL—QAEDA, gunman fired on 1—MILITARY—VEHICLE killing 3—SOLDIERS and wounding 11—OTHERS—NEAR THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—ZINJIBAR.
20111212—20080000    —CONVICTED—OF, She was, trying to sneak 3—KG (6.6—POUNDS) of methamphetamine into the country in her luggage through THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—GUANGZHOU.
20111212—20090400    —ARRESTED, The woman was, and —LATER convicted in 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—COURT.
20111212—20120000    —AGREED, CANADA had, under THE—KYOTO Protocol to reduce CO2 emissions to 6.0—PERCENT below 19900000              levels, but its emissions of the gasses blamed for damaging EARTH—FRAGILE—CLIMATE—SYSTEM have instead increased sharply.
20120108             —CHARGED, ISRAEL, 5 alleged Jewish extremists over a 20121212              raid on 1—ARMY—BASE, accusing them of gathering intelligence on THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY and planning 1—RIOT.
20120316—20121212    —ON, 1—JUDGE sentenced him to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
20120913—20121212    —ON, 1—CAIRO court convicted and sentenced Saber to 3—YEARS in prison for blasphemy and contempt of religion.
20121212             † Der indische Musiker Ravi Shankar, 92—JAHRE—ALT, in KALIFORNIEN.
20121212             VERDACHT—AUF—BETRUG mit CO2-Zertifikaten: RAZZIA—IN—DER Zentrale der DEUTSCHE—BANK
20121212             MANCHE—EXPERTEN gehen davon aus, daß die X-37B modernste SPIONAGEtechnik an Bord hat.
20121212             —GESTORBEN, HIPPIE—IKONE: Indische SITAR—LEGENDE Ravi Shankar
20121212             Gutachten: Regierung versagt beim Schutz von Sinti und ROMA
20121212             Gipfel DER—FINANZ—MINISTER: EUROPA soll zur BANKEN—RETTUNGSUNION werden
20121212             Besonders in CHINA sei die Reiselust stark angestiegen: von 58.000.000 Chinesen, die 20100000              verreisten, auf 72.000.000 -J—IN—DIESEM.
20121212             "es gibt 1—UNAUFHALTSAMEN Zuwachs an Menschen, die um DIE—WELT reisen wollen".
20121212             1—ZÜNDER sei jedoch nicht GEFUNDEN worden.
20121212             1—UNBEMANNTES MINI—RAUMFLUGZEUG—VON dem niemand in der Öffentlichkeit weiß, welchem Zweck es dient.
20121212             1.TWEET—PAPA: "Gerne verbinde ich mich mit euch über Twitter"
20121212             Anderes wusste der RICHBOD—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—TRIER zu erzählen:
20121212             Anleihekauf: USA—NOTEN—BANK startet neues KONJUNKTUR—PROGRAMM
20121212             —ÜBERLIEFERT, Aus den spärlichen Berichten, die, sind, lässt sich einigermaßen sicher das Folgende rekonstruieren:
20121212             BESUCH—IN—ÜBERGANGSWOHNHEIM: BUNDES—PRÄSIDENT—GAUCK setzt Signal in Asyldebatte
20121212             —GEBORGEN, BUNDES—TAG: ATOM—MÜLL soll zügig aus Asse, werden
20121212             Bombenfund in BONN: POLIZEI lässt Festgenommene wieder frei
20121212             Chance auf Kompromiss: DEUTSCHLAND und FRANKREICH einigen sich bei BANKEN—AUFSICHT
20121212             DAS—PROJEKT war 19990000              ZUNÄCHST von der NASA gestartet worden, —SPÄTER, übernahmen DIE—STREIT—KRÄFTE DIE—ENTWICKLUNG.
20121212             DIE—INDISCHE BOTSCHAFTERin IN—DEN—USA, Nirupama Rao, twitterte —AM—MITTWOCH, sie trauere "um 1—MUSIKALISCHES Genie und 1—LIEBENSWÜRDIGE Seele".
20121212             DIE—X—37B ist zum 3.Mal ins All aufgebrochen.
20121212             Den Status dürfte die "MARCO—POLO"-BALD—SCHON—WIEDER verlieren:
20121212             Der Hersteller des Raumschiffs, 1—KONSORTIUM der RÜSTUNGS—KONZERNE Boeing und LOCKHEED—MARTIN, erklärte lediglich, es würden "Experimente im All"durchgeführt.
20121212             3. Test, USA—MILITÄR lässt geheimes MINI—SHUTTLE fliegen
20121212             GENERAL—BUNDES—ANWALT zu Bombenfund: —BISHER, keine ausreichenden ANHALTS—PUNKTE für TERROR—HINTERGRUND
20121212             GRENZE—ZU—SYRIEN: DEUTSCHE "Patriot"-SYSTEMe sollen türkische Großstadt schützen
20121212             GROß—BRITANNIEN: Regierung will HOMO—EHE erlauben
20121212             Gefährlicher Trend: IndustrieFINANZIERte Studien liefern verzerrte Ergebnisse
20121212             Hatte LEO—III—PAPA den FRANKEN—KÖNIG—KARL—DER—GROßE vielleicht gar mit der Krönung überrumpelt, den hohen Feiertag schnöde für eigene Zwecke missbraucht?
20121212             Internationale SYRIEN—KONFERENZ: Planspiele für DIE—ZEIT nach ASSAD
20121212             KARL—DER—GROßE: Geheimnis 1—KAISER—KRÖNUNG
20121212             KAUF—KRAFT—BROGNOSE: DEUTSCHE haben kommendes —JAHR 550—EURO mehr für den Konsum
20121212             Kreative Buchführung: NPD droht FINANZ—KOLLAPS
20121212             MILLIARDEN—DEAL: Bund verkauft Immobiliengesellschaft an Finanzinvestor
20121212             MICHIGAN has become THE—LA—TEST—STATE...
20121212             MURDOCH—ZEITUNG: "Times"—CHEF—REDAKTEUR Harding tritt zurück
20121212             NORD—KOREA—RAKETEN—TEST: Gefahr aus FERN—OST
20121212             NORD—KOREAS Satellitenstart: USA und UNO verurteilen "hochprovokativen"RAKETEN—TEST
20121212             Neuer FINANZ—BERICHT, Mehr Geld für Bildung als je zuvor
20121212             PREMIERe vorm BUCKINGHAM Palace: Turban statt Bärenfellmütze
20121212             RAKETEN—TEST: SICHERHEITS—RAT ächtet NORD—KOREA
20121212             Raketenstart: NORD—KOREA schießt Satelliten in Erdumlaufbahn
20121212             SPIONAGE—VERDACHT gegen Apothekerlobby: GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—BAHR ist "stinksauer"
20121212             —SCHOCKIERT, Shankar "Ich war, DIE—LEUTE so auffällig gekleidet zu sehen.
20121212             Sie unterschätzen den Quellenwert der zeitnahen Annalistik.
20121212             TECHNOLOGIE—TEST: NORD—KOREA startet Langstreckenrakete
20121212             Tourismusboom: 20120000              reisten WELT—WEIT 1-MILLIARDE Menschen
20121212             UM—FRAGE unter Investoren
20121212             —OPERIERT, VENEZUELA: CHÁVEZ wieder wegen Krebs
20121212             Werbung für Elbvertiefung: Weltgrößtes Containerschiff läuft HAMBURG an
20121212             Why AMERICA—UNIONS are losing power
20121212             es ist —BEREITS der 3. Test 1—DERARTIGEN Maschine,
20121212             Ärger mit der Justiz: Die dunkle Seite der DEUTSCHE—BANK
20121212             —AM, ) in KIEW an DIE—MACHT hievten, die —SEITHER die "NATIONAL—SICHERHEIT"verantwortet WÄHREND PUTIN wg.
20121212             —GEBUNDEN, SOTSCH1—OLYMPIADE die Hände, waren.... "wir"schwächeln nicht rum, wir betreiben gegen unsere eigene Interessen 1—BESCHISSENE Politik!!!
20121212             —DERZEIT, das größte Containerschiff der Welt.
20121212             —DER—ANGEL—SACHSE ALKUIN—EHEDEM 1—RATGEBER des KARL bei Hof, nun ABT VONS—MARTIN in TOURS—KLAGTE bitter, wie wenig er erfahre.
20121212             —GLEICHZEITIG, wird das Verreisen immer billiger.
20121212             —KAMPF—GEGEN—ASSAD: USA erkennen SYRIEN—OPPOSITION an
20121212             —KONFERENZ—IN—MARRAKESCH: 130—LÄNDER erkennen SYRIEN—OPPOSITION an
20121212             —NEUE—MILLIARDENLÜCKE: GRIECHENLAND braucht Geld zum Schuldenrückkauf
20121212             CALIFORNIA, Darcey Greenfield, 1—FORMER—LOS—ANGELES police officer, was arrested on charges of bilking people out of at least $3—MILLION in 1—REAL—ESTATE—INVESTMENT—SCHEME.
20121212             —ACCUSED, ARGENTINA, the acquittal of 13—PEOPLE, in the disappearance of 1—YOUNG—WOMAN who was allegedly kidnapped and forced into prostitution for "VIP clients" spread shock and outrage across the country, prompting street protests and calls by political leaders to impeach THE—3—JUDGES who delivered the verdict.
20121212             —SENTENCED, Royal Navy Petty Officer EDWARD—DEVENNEY was, to 8—YEARS in prisons for passing nuclear submarine secrets to UK—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS impersonating RUSSIA—SPIES.
20121212             1—REBEL—GROUP that signed 1—PEACE—ACCORD with THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC announced that it has taken 3—TOWNS in the country's north, in 1—MOVE that is intended to force the state to review THE—6—YEAR—OLD—ACCORD.
20121212             He outraged officials by —IMMEDIATELY dropping OUT—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—AGENCY that oversees the country's officially sanctioned church.
20121212             —URGED, EGYPT—OPPOSITION—ALLIANCE, supporters to vote "No" in the referendum on 1 disputed constitution rather than boycotting, hours —AFTER the Islamist government forged ahead by —STARTING overseas voting in diplomatic missions for expatriates.
20121212             —CALLED, Fabius, the "FRIENDS—OF—THE—SYRIA—PEOPLE" conference meeting in MARRAKECH—MOROCCO, "extraordinary progress".
20121212             —FIRED, USA and NATO said PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—FORCES had, Scud missiles at rebel areas.
20121212             —PASSED, GERMANY—LAWMAKERS in THE—BUNDESTAG, legislation ensuring parents the right to have their boys circumcised.
20121212             The upper house, Bundesrat, was expected to also pass it.
20121212             —RELEASED, GUATEMALA, JOHN—MCAFEE from 1—DETENTION—CENTER and put him on 1—PLAN for MIAMI.
20121212             Authorities in BELIZE had sought McAfee for questioning about the November SLAYING—OF—NEIGHBOR—GREGORY—FAULL.
20121212             HONDURAS PRESIDENT—PORFIRIO—LOBO—NATIONAL—PARTY overwhelmingly and, MANY—SAY illegally, approved the the dismissal of 4—JUDGES who had rejected THE—PRESIDENT—PLAN to weed out corrupt police.
20121212             —ISSUED, IRAN—DEPUTY judiciary CHIEF—SAID—THE—ISLAMIC—REPUBLIC has, indictments against 18 unnamed current and FORMER—USA—OFFICIALS on CHARGES—OF—INVOLVEMENT in "crimes against IRAN".
20121212             His remarks did not indicate that ANY—OF—THE—MEN were present in IRAN.
20121212             —TRIED, IRAQ, 1—SUSPECTED—AL—QAIDA detainee, to blow himself up inside 1—PRISON—CELL in BAGHDAD, wounding himself and 6—OTHERS.
20121212             ISRAEL—PARAMILITARY—BORDER—POLICE—FORCE in HEBRON shot and killed MOHAMMED—SULEIMA, 17—JAHRE—ALT —AFTER he brandished 1—GUN that —LATER turned out to be fake.
20121212             JAPAN—HONDA—MOTOR—CO said it will recall 871,000 vehicles that could roll away —AFTER the ignition key has been removed, including 807,000 in THE—USA.
20121212             —NAMED, KUWAIT—RULER, 1—NEW—CABINET that makes no major changes in membership and reinstates the finance MINISTER who resigned —EARLIER this —YEAR under pressure from opposition lawmakers.
20121212             AMSTERDAM Mayor Eberhard van der Laan said he would formally ban students from smoking marijuana at school, making THE—HOLLAND—CAPITAL—THE 1. city in THE—NETHERLANDS to do so.
20121212             —VOTED, NORTH—IRELAND, protests began —WHEN THE—BELFAST city council, to limit THE—NUMBER—OF—DAYS the union flag is flown over city hall to about 20 1—YEAR.
20121212             —LAUNCHED, NORTH—KOREA, its Unha rocket, named —AFTER the Korean word for "galaxy".
20121212             —BLASTED, The 3-stage rocket, off from the Sohae launch pad in TONGCHANG—RI, NORTH—WEST—OF—PYONGYANG, and put 1—SATELLITE into orbit.
20121212             —VOWED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, to strengthen the country's economy and its military might and rejected what he described as foreign lecturing about democracy and attempts at foreign interference in the nation's internal affairs.
20121212             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—AUTHORITIES said they have, 1—PANAMA—WOMAN arriving at BARCELONA airport from BOGOTA—COLOMBIA, with 1.38—KG (3—POUNDS) of cocaine concealed in breast implants.
20121212—19950700    —IN—THE, 1—UN—WAR—CRIMES—COURT—AT—THE—HAGUE convicted GENERAL—ZDRAVKO—TOLIMIR, 1—BOSNIAN—SERBIA—COMMANDER, of genocide for playing 1—KEY—ROLE, massacre at Srebrenica.
20121212—20121211    —SCHEDULED, The full referendum was —INITIALLY, to take place 20121215             —ON, but in 1—LAST—MINUTE—DECREE—MORSI ordered the voting stretched into another round
20121212—20121222    —ON.
20121214—20050000    —ARRESTED, Miskovic was, 20121212              along with his son Marko and 8—OTHERS in connection with the privatization of several SERBIA—ROAD—CONSTRUCTION—COMPANIES.
20121218—20121212    —REPORTED, Astronomers, that NORTH—KOREA—NEW—SATELLITE, launched, is most likely dead.
20130707—20131212    —PLEADED, JORDAN, guilty to pushing her husband.
20131209—20131212    —ON, doctors pronounced her brain dead.
20131212             WHO—STATISTIK: WELT—WEIT mehr Krebserkrankungen
20131212             RUMÄNIEN: STAATS—SENDER empört mit ANTI—SEMITISCHEM Weihnachtslied
20131212             REDE—AN—DIE—NATION: PUTIN scheitert im KAMPF—GEGEN—BÜROKRATEN
20131212             ORBÁN—PLAN: UNGARN—REGIERUNG will PARLAMENT entmachten
20131212             ISRAEL: SCHWARZE Abgeordnete darf kein Blut spenden
20131212             FRIEDRICH will wissen, wer nicht die CDU/CSU wählt, und die werden dann zu laten10 TERRORISTEN erklärt
20131212             DIE—SPEICHERUNG soll auf maximal 1—JAHR begrenzt werden.
20131212             DER—STAAT—SCHREIBT—TELEKOM—FIRMEN vor, daß sie die Nutzungsgewohnheiten ihrer Nutzer protokollieren, diese DATEN für 1—MINDESTZEIT—RAUMSPEICHERN und den BEHÖRDEN—IN—BESTIMMTEN Fällen übergeben.
20131212             Aus solchen Metadaten lassen sich sehr persönliche Informationen gewinnen: Wenn man weiß, wer wie oft wie lange mit wem in Kontakt ist, entdeckt man Informanten, LIEBES—AFFÄREN und verborgene Freundschaften.
20131212             "DER—DEUTSCHE—BUNDES—TAG unterstützt die Zielsetzung des Aufrufes von 562—NAMHAFTEN SCHRIFTSTELLERinnen und SCHRIFTSTELLERn zur Verteidigung der Demokratie und zum Schutz DER—MENSCHEN vor Ausspähung und ÜBERWACHUNG", heißt es in dem zweieinhalbseitigen Antrag samt Begründung, DER—SPIEGEL—ONLINE vorliegt.
20131212             "DIE—HOFFNUNG ist, daß 1—GROßE Zeugeneinvernahme stattfindet, und DIE—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT objektiv ermittelt", so Mollath.
20131212             "In den kommenden —JAHREN werden wir viele solcher zivilgesellschaftlicher Initiativen brauchen", sagt FRAKTION—CHEFIN GÖRING—ECKARDT.
20131212             "Wir bringen den Aufruf als Antrag in den BUNDES—TAG ein, damit dem Appell auf nationaler wie auf europäischer Ebene auch politische MAßNAHMEn folgen".es sei "gut, daß der WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—DIE—DATEN—SAMMEL—WUT und Schnüffelei —JETZT wächst und dass er INTERNATIONAL vernetzt ist".
20131212             "Wir haben nun 1—KLAREN Auftrag, schriftliche Fragen an SNOWDEN zu senden, und ich hoffe, daß er diese —SCHON—MITTE ;;01;;per Videobotschaft beantworten kann", sagte JAN—PHILIPP—ALBRECHT, der als grüner EUROPA—ABGEORDNETER DIE—NSA—UNTERSUCHUNG im EU—PARLAMENT koordiniert.
20131212             "Wir können —JETZT in Ruhe abwarten und versuchen, unsere Forderungen in BRÜSSEL und BERLIN durchzusetzen", sagte Sippel.
20131212             "Wir werden DIE—EU—DIE—RICHTLINIE über den Abruf und die Nutzung von TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—VERBINDUNGSDATEN umsetzen.
20131212             1—SPRECHER—DES—INNEN—MINISTERIUMS sagte: "Auch im KOALITIONS—VERTRAG steht, daß man die VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG sehr restriktiv umsetzen möchte und für 1—VERKÜRZUNG der Speicherfrist eintreten will.
20131212             1—CUSTOMS—OFFICER at AUCKLAND INTERNATIONAL Airport took law graduate SAM—BLACKMAN—2—SMARTPHONES, iPad, 1—EXTERNAL—HARD—DRIVE and LAPTOP—AND demanded his passwords.
20131212             AUSTRALIEN: OBERSTES—GERICHT kippt HOMO—EHE
20131212             —ENTSCHEIDET, Als nächstes, DER—EUROPA—GERICHT—HOF—HOF, der sich bei seinen Urteilen oft auf die Gutachten seiner GENERAL—ANWÄLTE verlässt.
20131212             Anbieter von VOIP—TELEFONIE und
20131212             Auch Bundesdatenschützer PETER SCHAAR dämpft die Erwartungen des INNEN—MINISTERIUMS auf 1—SCHNELLE Umsetzung: "DIE—SCHNELLE Wiedereinführung der VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG auf Basis 1—OFFENSICHTLICH europarechtswidrigen DIE—RICHTLINIE darf nunmehr nicht mehr ernsthaft in Erwägung gezogen werden".
20131212             Auch der CSU—INNEN—EXPERTE HANS—PETER—UHL sagte: "Der GENERAL—ANWALT hat nein zur jetzigen Fassung der EU—DIE—RICHTLINIE gesagt.
20131212             Aus solchen Metadaten lassen sich sehr persönliche Informationen gewinnen:
20131212             Außerdem könne so 1—EINLADUNG negative Auswirkungen auf das TRANS—ATLANTISCHE Verhältnis haben, etwa auf das geplante FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN—ZWISCHEN—DER EU und DEN—USA.
20131212             BERLIN, es sind prominente Namen: 562—SCHRIFTSTELLER, darunter die NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER J.M.
20131212             Bei 2—ZUSAMMENGEKLEBTEN Stücken Kalbsleber sei die Verbindung auch beim Ziehen und Verdrehen bestehen geblieben, berichten —FORSCHER um Ludwik Leibler von der École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles in Parisim FACH—MAGAZIN "Nature".
20131212             Beschwerde bei der EU—KOMMISSION: DEUTSCHLANDs BANKEN torpedieren TRANS—AKTION—STEUERN
20131212             Betreiber von E—MAIL—DIENSTEN.
20131212             Birgit Sippel, innenpolitische Sprecherin DER—SPD—EUROPA—ABGEORDNETEN, sagte: "DEUTSCHLAND ist in 1—GLÜCKLICHEN Situation".Man müsse wohl nicht mehr damit rechnen, von der EU verklagt zu werden.
20131212             Britische EU—SIMULATION: "Wie DAS—RÖMER—REICH in seinen letzten Tagen"
20131212             —VERBANNT, BROWSER—ERWEITERUNGEN: Google, TORRENT—APPS aus Chrome Web Store
20131212             CDU, CSU und SPD wollen in DEUTSCHLAND die VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG einführen, so steht es im Entwurf des KOALITIONsvertrags:
20131212             CHRIST—DEMOKRAT Voss schlägt vor, der EU—INNEN—AUSSCHUSS solle eher nach RUSSLAND fliegen, um mit SNOWDEN persönlich zu sprechen.
20131212             DER—USA—AMERIKANER soll eigentlich am kommenden —MITTWOCH schriftlich eingereichte FRAGEN—VON—EU—PARLAMENTARIERN per Videobotschaft beantworten, die in 1—SITZUNG des Innen—, Justizausschusses gezeigt werden soll.
20131212             DER—WHISTLE—BLOWER kann jedoch frühestens
20131212             DIE—AMTIERENDE JUSTIZ—MINISTERIN—SABINE—LEUTHEUSSER—SCHNARRENBERGER (FDP) forderte hingegen: "DIE—EU—KOMMISSION sollte die VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNGSDIE—RICHTLINIE aufheben".Der scheidende BUNDES—DATEN—SCHUTZ—BEAUFTRAGTE PETER SCHAAR sagte: "DIE—SCHNELLE Wiedereinführung der VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG auf Basis 1—OFFENSICHTLICH europarechtswidrigen DIE—RICHTLINIE darf nunmehr nicht mehr ernsthaft in Erwägung gezogen werden".
20131212             —GEFORDERT, DIE—ANKLAGE hatte 20—JAHRE Knast, das ist in dem Fall die Höchststrafe.
20131212             DIE—DIE—RICHTLINIE soll vorschreiben, daß bei VORRATSDATEN—HERAUSGABE 1—RICHTER oder 1—ANDERE unabhängige Stelle in jedem Fall einzeln festlegt, welche DATEN herausgegeben werden.
20131212             DIE—EU—VORGABE soll den STAATEN vorschreiben, daß Behörden die erlangten Vorratsdaten nach 1—BESTIMMTEN Zeit löschen und die Betroffenen über den Eingriff in ihre GRUND—RECHTE informieren müssen.
20131212             DIE—GRÜNEN nehmen diesen Appell in ihrem Antrag auf.
20131212             DIE—HAFTKRAFT entsteht durch feinsten Quarzsand in Korngrößen von 5—BIS 50—NANOMETERN, also Millionstel Millimeter.
20131212             DIE—VORSITZENDE—DER—DATEN—SCHUTZ—KONFERENZ—VON—BUND und Ländern, Imke —SOMMER, sagt: "es trifft sich gut, daß Union und SPD im KOALITIONS—VERTRAG ihre Entscheidung für die Einführung der VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG mit der Umsetzung der EU—DIE—RICHTLINIE BE—GRÜNDEN.
20131212             Das Gutachten des EU—GENERAL—ANWALTS am EuGH wertet DIE—SPEICHERUNG von Telefon—, INTERNET—VERBINDUNGSDATEN gemäß der EU—DIE—RICHTLINIE
20131212             Das sagte er zu MARCO—MILLE, dem (deutschen) —CHEF—DES—LUXEMBURGISCHEN GEHEIM—DIENSTES SRE
20131212             Der GRÜNEN—BUNDES—TAG—ABGEORDNETE KONSTANTIN—VON Notz forderte, DIE—GROßE—KOALITION müsse ihre Pläne sofort auf Eis legen.
20131212             Der geplante VIDEO—AUFTRITT—VON—NSA—WHISTLE—BLOWER—EDWARD—SNOWDEN vor dem EUROPA—PARLAMENT kann nun doch stattfinden.
20131212             Diese SPEICHER—PFLICHT gilt für:
20131212             Doch nun steht SNOWDENs Auftritt in Frage, da EUROPAs Konservative, die im EU—PARLAMENT die größte FRAKTION stellen, auf 1—ABSTIMMUNG darüber AM—DONNERSTAG unter den FRAKTIONS—VORSITZENDEN bestehen.
20131212             Dreckluft: CHINA lässt Piloten für SMOG—LANDUNGEN ausbilden
20131212             EKLAT bei MANDELA—TRAUERFEIER: Kunst der lautlosen Sprache
20131212             EUROPA, der vom Durchmesser her mit dem Erdenmond vergleichbar ist,
20131212             EX—DEUTSCHE—BANK—CHEF—ACKERMANN, VERFASSUNGS—RICHTER lassen abblitzen
20131212             Entscheidend sei, daß die Partikelgröße vergleichbar mit der Maschengröße der verwobenen langkettigen Moleküle in den zu verklebenden Stoffen sei.
20131212             Französisches Café erzieht Gäste: Wer sparen will, muss freundlich sein
20131212             GREENPEACE—TEST: OUTDOOR—KLEIDUNG dünstet Chemikalien aus
20131212             Gesetzesinitiative: EUROPA—PARLAMENT fordert Girokonto für alle
20131212             Grundsätzlich hält GENERAL—ANWALT PEDRO—CRUZ—VILLALÓN 1—VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG für "völlig legitim", nur die Umsetzung in der EU—DIE—RICHTLINIE nicht.
20131212             Gutachten des EU—GENERAL—ANWALTS: Bremse für die VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG
20131212             Haftung im Ernstfall: EU EINIG—ÜBER—REIHENFOLGE bei Bankenpleiten
20131212             INTERNET—PROVIDER, Mobilfunk—, Festnetzfirmen,
20131212             In beiden Fällen, bei Enceladus und —JETZT auch bei EUROPA, sprühen die Fontänen nicht gleichmäßig.
20131212             In dem SCHRIFTSTELLER—AUFRUF, der auch von den BESTSELLER—AUTOREN Umberto Eco, T.
20131212             KAI—UWE Steffens vom Arbeitskreis VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG, der gegen DIE—DATEN—SAMMLUNG kämpft, sagte, die Wiedereinführung dürfe keine Option mehr sein.
20131212             Kann sich ja jeder selber überlegen, wie die Gerichtsverhandlung gelaufen wäre, wenn der Angeklagte stattdessen 1—MEXIKANISCHER Einwanderer gewesen wäre.
20131212             MARKEN—SCHUTZ, ONLINE—HÄNDLER wegen NERD—BEGRIFF abgemahnt
20131212             METHODE—DER—ERZIEHUNGN von AUSTRALIENs PREMIER: "1—KLAPS ist manchmal das Beste"
20131212             —ENTZAUBERT, Mythos : Musik von Mozart macht doch nicht klüger
20131212             NANO—PARTIKEL, Quarzsand macht Kleber zu Superkleber
20131212             Neu im Kino: Furchtbare Drachen, furchtlose ELBEn und ehrführchtige Schwestern
20131212             ONLINE—ANGEBOT: ""führt Bezahlschranke 1
20131212             Ordnungsamt im Harz: Dutzende Urnen in leerstehendem Haus entdeckt
20131212             Ozean unter dem Eis: Jupitermond EUROPA schießt Wasserfontänen ins All
20131212             PUTIN—SEITENHIEB auf USA: "Wir wollen KEINE— SUPER—MACHT sein"
20131212             PLACEBO—WIRKUNG: So unterstützen positive Gedanken den Körper
20131212             Politiker und Medien: "Sie sind 1—ERBÄRMLICHER JOURNALIST"
20131212             Primärüberschuss: GRIECHENLAND macht Plus von 2,7—MILLIARDEN—EURO
20131212             RAUM—STATION: KÜHL—SYSTEM auf der ISS ausgefallen
20131212             SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN, Linke, Grüne und Liberale im EU—PARLAMENT unterstützen weitgehend den geplanten SNOWDEN—AUFTRITT.
20131212             STABSchrecken: Reibende Ferse, klebriger Zeh
20131212             SYRIEN—REBELLEN entführen gezielt ausländische Reporter
20131212             Schließlich steckt DIE—EU—DATEN—SCHUTZVERORDNUNG in den Verhandlungen zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten fest;
20131212             Stresstest: SLOWENIEN muss BANKEN mit MILLIARDEN stützen
20131212             —GEHABT, TRAUER—FEIER—FÜR—MANDELA: NONSENS—DOLMETSCHER will Halluzinationen, haben
20131212             Tatsächlich ließ Mollath im GESPRÄCH—MIT—DEM Bayerischen Rundfunk —BEREITS durchblicken, daß er kein INTERESSE—AN—1—UNTERSUCHUNG durch Nedopil hat.
20131212             THAILAND: EX—REGIERUNGS—CHEF—ABHISIT wegen Mordes vor Gericht
20131212             UMFRAGE—MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN—IST bei der Rente ahnungslos
20131212             UNO—HILFSFLÜGE: FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—SYRIEN in schwerer Bedrängnis
20131212             Um 1—GROßE Haftkraft zu erreichen, genügt es, den neuen Klebstoff in winzigen Mengen als Lösung aufzutragen.
20131212             Umstrittene DIE—RICHTLINIE: EU—GUTACHTER hält VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG für rechtswidrig
20131212             Umstrittene Vergünstigung: NASA—BENZIN für die GOOGLE—BOSSE
20131212             Unter den angekündigten USA—BESUCHERN: MIKE—ROGERS, konservativer VORSITZENDER—DES—GEHEIM—DIENST—AUSSCHUSSES im REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS und 1—HARDLINER in Sachen Abhörprogramme.
20131212             Unverhältnismäßig lang sei die Speicherdauer von —BIS zu 2—JAHREN.
20131212             VIDEO—AUFTRITT im EU—PARLAMENT: SNOWDEN darf nun doch reden
20131212             VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG, INNEN—MINISTERIUM sieht sich durch EU—GENERAL—ANWALT bestätigt
20131212             Vielleicht sollten sich die Herren Teschke und Uhl die —ERKLÄRUNG—VON, GENERAL—ANWALT CRUZ—VILLALÓN noch einmal gründlich durchlesen.
20131212             Was ist die VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG?
20131212             Wenn man weiß, wer wie oft wie lange mit wem in Kontakt ist, entdeckt MAN Informanten,
20131212             Wenn man weiß, wer wie oft wie lange mit wem in Kontakt ist, entdeckt MAN LIEBES—AFFÄREN und
20131212             Wenn man weiß, wer wie oft wie lange mit wem in Kontakt ist, entdeckt MAN verborgene Freundschaften.
20131212             Wiederaufnahmeverfahren: Mollath will sich offenbar nicht erneut untersuchen lassen
20131212             [l] Auch nach NEUSEELAND kann man nicht mehr fliegen ?
20131212             [l] Die laut Gerüchteküche nächste BUNDES—DATEN—SCHUTZ—BEAUFTRAGTE hat —BISHER, JEDES—EINZELNE—MAL auf der falschen Seite der Barrikaden gekämpft.
20131212             [l] Guter Hinweis: DIE—DEUTSCHEN Zeitungen haben ALLE—1—AUSGESPROCHEN peinliche Anzahl an WEB—TRACKERN am STARTIKEL—GANZ furchtbar, nicht nur im Kontext der SNOWDEN—ENTHÜLLUNGEN.
20131212             [l] Sohn reicher Eltern fährt in Ft Worth (TEXAS) betrunken und mit Valium im Blut 4—MENSCHEN tot.
20131212             es soll exakt festgelegt werden, in welchen Fällen Behörden Zugriff auf die Vorratsdaten haben dürfen.
20131212             ich will übrigens auch nicht, daß DIE—USA—AMIS wissen, daß ich nix zu verbergen habe !!
20131212             was geht die das an ??
20131212             wer DAS—INTERNET nutzt, wer E-Mails oder Faxe verschickt hat.
20131212             wer mit wem, wie lange und von wo aus gemailt oder telefoniert (Handy/Festnetz) hat,
20131212             ÖSTERREICH: SPÖ und ÖVP einigen sich auf GROßE—KOALITION
20131212             —BISLANG haben EUROPAs Konservative auch noch keine Fragen an SNOWDEN VORBEREITET—IM—GEGENSATZ zu Abgeordneten anderer FRAKTIONen, die mehr als 20—ZUSAMMENGETRAGEN haben.
20131212             —KAMPF—GEGEN—GELD—WÄSCHE: EUROPArat lobt Fortschritte des VATIKANs
20131212             —PROTESTE—IN—KIEW—UKRAINE kündigt Unterzeichnung von EU—ABKOMMEN an
20131212             —UNABHÄNGIGKEITS—REFERENDUM—SPANIEN will Volksentscheid in KATALONIEN unterbinden
20131212             "Ich ficke wo, wen, und wann ich will, hast du mich verstanden.
20131212             —ANNOUNCED, The Obama adminsitration, 1 expanded LIST—OF—IRAN—COMPANIES and individuals that it said it would target to block their trading activities —AROUND the world due to sanctions violations.
20131212             —CHARGED, USA—AUTHORITIES said 3—CHINA—NATIONALS have been, in 2—SEPARATE—CASES—OF trying to steal SEED—TECHNOLOGY, trade secrets under development in THE—USA.
20131212             USA federal bus regulators said they have shut down over 50—MOTOR—COACH—COMPANIES in 1—NATIONWIDE crackdown on unsafe outfits.
20131212             NEW—YORK—CITY, Devyani Khobragade, INDIA—DEPUTY consul general, was arrested and strip searched for allegedly underpaying her nanny and committing visa fraud to get her into THE—USA.
20131212             —EXTENDED, World stock markets, losses —AFTER 1—APPARENT—BUDGET—DEAL in THE—USA—CONGRESS reinforced expectations the Federal Reserve will cut its monetary stimulus as early as next —WEEK.
20131212             —EXPLODED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—LARGE—BOMB accidentally, inside 1—WEAPONS depot in downtown KABUL, but no 1 was hurt.
20131212             AUSTRALIA—TOP—COURT struck down gay marriage in the nation's capital, ruling that PARLIAMENT must decide on SAME—SEX—UNIONS.
20131212             —CLEARED, BANGLADESH—SUPREME—COURT, the way for the execution of ABDUL—QUADER—MOLLA, 1—OPPOSITION—LEADER CONVICTED—OF—WAR—CRIMES, rejecting 1—LAST—MINUTE—APPEAL in 1—CASE that threatens to spark fresh violence ahead of national elections next —MONTH.
20131212             ABDUL—QUADER—MOLLA was sent to the gallows at 1—PRISON in DHAKA late —TODAY.
20131212             —RECOMMENDED, BRITAIN—INDEPENDENT—PARLIAMENTARY—STANDARDS—AUTHORITY (IPSA), the body which sets MPs' pay, an 11—PERCENT pay rise despite 1—PUBLIC—OUTCRY and PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON plus other top politicians rejecting the plan.
20131212             —KILLED, In THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC 27—MUSLIMS were, by SO—CALLED SELF—DEFENSE—MILITIAS, known as ANTI—BALAKA, in the western village of Bohong.
20131212             —KILLED, Fighting and sectarian violence has, 450—PEOPLE in BANGUI and 160—ELSEWHERE in the country in the past —WEEK alone.
20131212             —SIGNED, CONGO and THE—SO—CALLED—M23 rebels, 1—PEACE—AGREEMENT that will see the insurgent group demobilize its fighters and transform itself into 1—POLITICAL—PARTY.
20131212             —SLAMMED, INDIA—RULING party, THE—SUPREME—COURT for reinstating 1—BAN on gay sex, taking 1—UNEXPECTEDLY bold stance AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS in the religiously conservative nation.
20131212             1—SENIOR—IRAN—NUCLEAR—NEGOTIATOR said new sanctions by THE—USA—ON—IRAN—COMPANIES and individuals violate the spirit of 1—DEAL made between TEHRAN and the West over its nuclear program.
20131212             —SIGNED, IRAQ, a $1.1—BILLION deal to buy 24—MULTI—ROLE—LIGHT—FIGHTERS from SOUTH—KOREA.
20131212             KOREA Aerospace Industries (KAI) said it would deliver the T-50IQ, 1—VARIANT of its T—50—SUPERSONIC—AIRCRAFT, to BAGHDAD 20150000—20160000    —BETWEEN.
20131212             —DUBBED, ITALY, grass roots protests, the Pitchfork Protests continued for a 4. —DAY in cities and towns reflecting the pain of 1—CONTINUING recession.
20131212             NORTH—KOREA, Jang Song Thaek (67), THE—UNCLE—OF—LEADER—KIM Jong Un, was tried for treason by 1—SPECIAL—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL and executed.
20131212             —ACCUSED, State media, Jang of destroying the economy for his personal benefit and blamed him for masterminding 20090000             —THE currency revaluation that sparked rare protests in NORTH—KOREA.
20131212             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN used his STATE—OF—THE—NATION address to defend conservative values, referring obliquely to his government's ANTI—GAY—STANCE as he chided the West for treating "good and evil" equally.
20131212             Putin also made 1—NEW—ATTEMPT to woo UKRAINE —AFTER THE—EU and USA stepped up efforts to pull Kiev out of its FORMER—SOVIET—MASTER—ORBIT.
20131212             —ANNOUNCED, He also, 1—SET—OF—INITIATIVES to crack down on RUSSIA—COMPANIES who register and pay taxes in offshore jurisdictions.
20131212             SAUDI—ARABIA—GRAND—MUFTI, the highest religious authority in the birthplace of Islam, condemned suicide bombings as grave crimes, reiterating his stance in unusually strong language in THE—SAUDI—OWNED AL—HAYAT newspaper.
20131212             —INVITED, SYRIA—WESTERN—BACKED opposition said it had, Islamist fighters to secure its depots on THE—TURKEY—FRONTIER—AFTER 1—ATTACK by al Qaeda militants.
20131212             —KILLED, Islamist rebels, at least 15—CIVILIANS from the minority Alawite and Druze sects in THE—CENTRAL—SYRIA—CITY—OF—ADRA over the last 48—HOURS.
20131212             THAILAND, protesters cut off electricity to THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICE compound and demanded that police abandon the premises, piling fresh pressure on THAILAND—GOVERNMENT in 1—POLITICAL—CRISIS that has dragged on for weeks.
20131212             FRANCIS—PAPA said in the 1. peace message of his pontificate that huge salaries and bonuses are symptoms of 1—ECONOMY based on greed and inequality and called again for nations to narrow the wealth gap.
20131212             —KILLED, YEMEN, 1—DRONE—STRIKE on 1—WEDDING convoy in Radda, 17—PEOPLE, mostly civilians.
20131212             2—OF—THE—DEAD, Saleh AL—TAYS and ABDULLAH—AL—TAYS, had figured in the past on YEMEN—GOVERNMENT—LISTS—OF wanted AL—QAEDA suspects.
20131212—19380000    —VOTED, MEXICO—CONGRESS overwhelmingly, to open up the country's oil and gas sector to private investment in the biggest OVERHAUL—OF—THE—INDUSTRY—SINCE it was nationalized.
20131212—20140220    —ON, 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH report listed the names and ages of 12—MEN who witnesses said were killed by 4—HELLFIRE missiles.
20131212—20140900    —BY, USAID acting Mission Director CHRISTOPHER—CUSHING said 1—DECISION to leave ECUADOR comes as 1—RESULT—OF—ECUADOR—DECISION to prohibit APPROVAL—OF—NEW—USAID assistance programs.
20131212—20141109    —ON, SPAIN, separatist parties in THE—NORTH—EAST—CATALONIA region agreed the wording of 1—INDEPENDENCE—REFERENDUM, but THE—SPAIN—GOVERNMENT said the vote was illegal and would not happen.
20131212—20300000    —NACH, DIE—ESA—SONDE "Juice"soll mehrmals am Mond EUROPA vorbeifliegen.
20141212             "DER—MENSCH"
20141212             —PROTEST—MÄRSCHE: DE—MAIZIÈRE zeigt Verständnis für PEGIDA—DEMONSTRANTEN
20141212             [l] Kennt ihr den Unterschied zwischen POLIZEI—GEWALT und CIA—FOLTER?
20141212             [l] Habt ihr euch gewundert, wieso DER—CIA—FOLTER—REPORT nicht auch DIE—BRITEN auf DIE—ANKLAGEBANK gezogen hat?
20141212             Man würde denken, wenn DIE—BRITEN —SCHON 1—STRATEGISCHEN Wasserschaden zuhause brauchen, daß dann in den USA—DOKUMENTEN das 1—ODER andere Skelett im Keller zu finden sein müsste, oder?
20141212             Wie USA—FORSCHER—DER—CIA halfen: DIE—FOLTER—PSYCHOLOGEN
20141212             Wenn sich gut 70 % des von der werktätigen und eigentumslosen Bevölkerungsmehrheit erwirtschafteten Reichtums in den Händen von 5—BIS 7—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG befinden, dann kommt es, wenn nicht —HEUTE, dann —MORGEN, zur sozialen REVOLUTION.
20141212             So auch in DEUTSCHLAND und REST—EU.
20141212             Da hilft auch kein BND—BFV—BKA—ÜBERWACHUNGS—STAAT und keine GROKO—BUNDES—REGIERUNG—DER—BDI—BDA—FINANZ—, Monopolbourgeoisie.
20141212             Selbst die fortgesetzte GEHIRN—WÄSCHE,
20141212             PEGIDA—FAKTENCHECK: Die ANGST—BÜRGER - IDIOTEN—THEORIE: Irren ist männlich
20141212             DATEN—SCHUTZ—VORSCHRIFT: Google zieht Entwickler aus RUSSLAND ab
20141212             "Braune Rattenfänger"—ZITAT: MORDDROHUNGEN—GEGEN—LINKEN—POLITIKERIN Petra Pau
20141212             "DAS—SYSTEM ist wieder hergestellt und wir sind dabei, wieder zum Normalbetrieb zurückzukehren",
20141212             "DER—MENSCH" - "DER—MENSCH"ist, —SEIT ARISTOTELES erkannt, 1—GESELLSCHAFTS—WESEN.
20141212             "Das dringende Problem dieses Landes sind fehlende Jobs.
20141212             "Tätigkeit"in der Natur ist Stoffwechsel - (Not to worry.
20141212             REPUBLICAN Jim Inhofe, who will probably HEAD—THE—SENATE—ENVIRONMENT and Public Works Committee, says that GLOBAL—WARMING is actually good for human beings.
20141212             —AT—LEAST he's not denying that it's real!)
20141212             1 "großer"Idiot kann demnach sich allein als auf die Körpergrösse sich beziehend verstanden werden.
20141212             1 -WEIBLICHE—IDIOTIN kann nur als auf ihr Verhältnis zur GESELLSCHAFT verstanden werden.
20141212             14—NOMINIERUNGEN gingen an Männer und Frauen GLEICHZEITIG—MEIST Paare, denen sexuelle Abenteuerlust zum Verhängnis geworden war.
20141212             332—DER beschriebenen Fälle waren unabhängig begutachtet und bestätigt worden.
20141212             1—SPOKESMAN for DAVID—CAMERON acknowledged THE—UK had been granted deletions in ADVANCE—OF—THE—PUBLICATION, contrasting with —EARLIER assertions by No 10. DOWNING—STREET said ANY—REDACTIONS were only requested on "NATIONAL—SECURITY" grounds and contained nothing to suggest UK agencies had participated in torture or rendition.
20141212             AUSSCHREITUNGEN—BEI—EM—QUALI: Uefa bestraft Kroatien und ITALIEN
20141212             ALIBABA—GRÜNDER: JACK—MA steigt zum reichsten Mann ASIENs auf
20141212             Alle wissen es, nur sagt man es meistens nicht so deutlich, - es ist irgendwie peinlich.
20141212             Allerdings, innerhalb seines idiotischerweise begrenzten Rahmens, wurde zu seiner Zeit unter "Idiotis"jeder verstanden, der, obwohl zur "GESELLSCHAFT"seiner Natur nach gehörend, an der "Demokratie"sich aktiv NICHT beteiligte.
20141212             ArbeitsMARKT: So wenig Auszubildende wie —SEIT—25—JAHREN nicht
20141212             Auch Unterschiede im Alkoholkonsum zwischen Männern und Frauen seien nicht berücksichtigt —, Alkohol spiele sicherlich 1—NICHT unwesentliche Rolle in vielen der Ereignisse, die mit 1—DARWIN Award endeten.
20141212             Auktion: Unbekannter Käufer zahlt 1,15.000.000 für Marmorkopf
20141212             BRAND—ANSCHLAG—AUF—FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIM: Das Entsetzen von Vorra
20141212             BUNDESBUNDES—PRÄSIDENT—ZU—FLÜCHTLINGEN: Gauck wünscht sich weniger Beachtung für PEGIDA
20141212             —GEWONNEN, BUNDESWEHR und BWI/HERKULES: Zusammenfassung der, Rahmenverträge
20141212             BUNDES—AGENTUR—FÜR—ARBEIT (BA): RAHMEN—VERTRAG SYSTEMentwicklung (SE)
20141212             BUNDES—VERWALTUNGS—AMT: Fachverfahren Elektronisches Personal-, Organisations—, STELLEN—MANAGEMENT DER—BUNDESVERWALTUNG (EPOS)
20141212             Bei BUSH kommt —JETZT kein Gegenwind mehr, spätestens —SEIT den CIA—FOLTER—GESCHICHTEN, und
20141212             Britische Wissenschaftler
20141212             Britische Wissenschaftler haben errechnet, daß der überwiegende TEIL—DER—DARWIN—AWARD—TRÄGER männlich ist.
20141212             CIA—FOLTER—METHODEN: TRITTIN will Mittäter in EUROPA juristisch belangen
20141212             CIA—REPORT: Britischer GEHEIM—DIENST ließ Passagen im FOLTER—BERICHT schwärzen
20141212             CSC freut sich über neue Verträge (!) mit BUNDES—BEHÖRDEN (!!).
20141212             —GELESEN, Ja, richtig !
20141212             CSC freut sich, "weitere Rahmenverträge" mit 6—BUNDESDEUTSCHE—BEHÖRDEN abgeschlossen zu haben.
20141212             Dazu zählen: CSC, die die IT bei der NSA machen,
20141212             CUVRY—BRACHE in BERLIN: Das ENDE—DER—KULT—GRAFFITI in Kreuzberg
20141212             —VERLAGERT, Cityline: LUFTHANSA, Flieger auf Regionaltochter - DAS—PROBLEM ist INTERNATIONAL;
20141212             DEFLATION: PREISE—IN—SPANIEN fallen immer stärker
20141212             DER—BEAMTENBUND ist die DACH—ORGANISATION, in der die GdL ist.
20141212             MONEY—QUOTE: DER—UNTERSCHIED sei statistisch hoch signifikant, schreiben DIE—FORSCHER.
20141212             DIE—ALLSEITS beschworene und behauptete Demokratie soll den Anschein erwecken, es sei eben nicht so.
20141212             Der Plebs habe etwas zu kamellen.
20141212             DIE—MUTTER aller Demokratien, das alte GRIECHENLAND hatte da —SCHON eindeutige Defizite: Nur die Freien, der Adel und die Wohlhabenden durften wählen.
20141212             Frauen und SKLAVEN hatten KEIN WAHL—RECHT. es hat sich also in mehr als 2.000—JAHREN nichts verändert.
20141212             Wenn die ökonomische MACHT der da oben nicht mehr ausreicht, wird mithilfe willfähriger Büttel ( Beamte ) und krimineller Konstrukte ( Abgaben, Gebühren, Solis, STEUERN und Zwangsgeldern dem Plebs die ökonomische GRUND—LAGE zum Überleben entzogen.
20141212             Das führt zwangsläufig zum —BÜRGER—KRIEG.
20141212             DIE—ANALYSE ist substanziel 1—METHODE.
20141212             DIE—AUTOREN schränken ein, daß andere Faktoren möglicherweise DAS—ERGEBNIS beeinflussten.
20141212             DIE—COMPUTERPANNE, DIE—FREITAG—AM—ABEND, den FLUG—VERKEHR im LUFT—RAUM über LONDON erheblich gestört hatte, wurde behoben.
20141212             —GELIEHEN, DIE—DER—CIA für ihre FOLTERflüge Flugzeuge, haben,
20141212             —GEMACHT, DIE—DIE IT beim KLIMA—GIPFEL, haben,
20141212             DIE—FIRMA CSC kriegt —JETZT von unseren BUNDES—BEHÖRDEN NEUE Aufträge.
20141212             DIE—GRÖßTEN Gewerkschaftsbündnisse CGIL und UIL erklärten, daß 50—PROZENT—DER—BAHN—, Flugverbindungen und 70—PROZENT—DER—VERBINDUNGEN im NAH—VERKEHR betroffen gewesen seien.
20141212             —GELEGEN, DIE—STREIK—BETEILIGUNG in der Industrie habe bei insgesamt 70 %.
20141212             DIE—UNGESCHÜTZTESTEN ARBEITS—VERHÄLTNISSE machen die Leidenschaft vieler ITALIENer aus, denn die Schwarzarbeit, die "SCHATTENwirtschaft"kennt keine Kündigungsfristen und macht nach wie vor 1—BEDEUTENDEN TEIL—DER—ITALIENISCHEN—VOLKS—WIRTSCHAFT aus.
20141212             Diese Kombination - 1—PRAKTISCH unkündbares Arbeitsverhältnis mit 1—GEWISSEN Einkommen im Rücken, und der möglichst STEUER—FREIE ZWEITJOB—IST die bei weitem beliebteste Arbeitsexistenz in ITALIEN.
20141212             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER um Isaacs hatten sich alle für den Darwin Award Nominierten
20141212             Dafür spricht meine Statistik über Kommentare bei SpOn.
20141212             DANIEL—DUBBE: Salonfaschismus und andere Altersschwächen
20141212             Das Gewicht Tausender Hochhäuser beschleunigt den Niedergang von SHANGHAI;
20141212             der weiche MarschBODEN unter der Stadt sackt zusammen.
20141212             U—BAHN—TRASSEN verformen sich, Gebäude zeigen Risse.
20141212             Dabei soll der im;;04;;verkündete "NO—SPY—ERLASS" zur Anwendung kommen: CSC verspricht, keine DATEN—AN—DIE—NSA zu geben.
20141212             Daß dies hier nicht durchgeht, ist mir —SCHON—JETZT klar.
20141212             Der BODEN unter GRONINGEN in den NIEDERLANDEn wird durch Gasförderung ausgehöhlt.
20141212             Der BODEN gibt nach, —SEIT den SIEBZIGER—JAHREN um —BIS zu 30—ZENTI—METER.
20141212             Der Fehler war nach 1.Erkenntnisse von 1—STROM—AUSFALL im LUFTFAHRT—KONTROLLZENTRUM Swanwick ausgelöst worden, wie DIE—BETREIBER—FIRMA NATS mitteilte.
20141212             Passagiere berichteten von langen Wartezeiten.
20141212             Der Klopper: Derweil betonen die HERAUSGEBER—DES "UK—MEDICAL Journal", die ARTIKEL der WEIHNACHTS—AUSGABE seien zwar skurril und witzig, aber dennoch durch den üblichen PEER—REVIEW—PROZESS GEGANGEN—ALSO von Fachkollegen beurteilt.
20141212             Dies scheint —HEUTE der Normalzustand.
20141212             Diese besage, daß DER—GRUND für die erhöhte Risikobereitschaft von Männern, ihre höhere Sterblichkeit bei Unfällen sowie ihre häufigere Einlieferung in Notaufnahmen ist, daß sie schlicht Idioten sind und Idioten eben idiotische Sachen machen.
20141212             Dieser Preis WIRD—MEIST POSTHUM—AN Menschen vergeben, die sich auf besonders dumme Weise versehentlich selbst eliminiert haben.
20141212             Dort sollen sie übrigens SOFTWARE entwickeln.
20141212             Dream City (19730000             ) - IMDb
20141212             Drogenalarm im BUCKINGHAM—PALAST: Fliegenpilz im Garten der QUEEN gefunden
20141212             EUROPA und DIE—UKRAINE—KRISE, MOSKAU verstehen, KIEW verraten
20141212             Er "ehrt diejenigen, die den menschlichen Genpool verbessern, indem sie sich selbst daraus entfernen", heißt es auf der Webseite.
20141212             FLÜCHTLINGE im NORD—IRAK: ENTWICKLUNGS—MINISTER—MÜLLER fürchtet Tausende Wintertote
20141212             Film: "Traumstadt" von JOHANNes Schaaf: Braves Spektakel...
20141212             GELE—AKTE Filme: Sony greift angeblich DOWNLOAD—SEITEN mit HACKER—METHODEN an
20141212             GENERAL—STREIK: Gefechte zwischen Demonstranten und POLIZISTEN in MAILAND
20141212             GRIECHENLAND: Unbekannte feuern auf israelische Botschaft in ATHEN
20141212             GROß—EINSATZ—IN—OREGON: Schießerei vor USA—HIGHSCHOOL in PORTLAND
20141212             Gefahren aus dem Labor: Die Angst vorm Missbrauch der Biologie
20141212             HAKENKREUZ—SCHMIEREREIEN am Tatort: Unbekannte legen Feuer in FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKÜNFTEN
20141212             Heiligtümer im IRAK: IS—TERRORISTEN greifen Pilgerstadt SAMARRA an - Hornsaurier: Der URZEIT—PUNK
20141212             INTERNETausbau: GABRIEL will BREITBAND—BLAMAGE beenden
20141212             ISLAM—GEGNER und rechte Szene: PEGIDA ist die neue Abkürzung für "AUS—LÄNDER raus"
20141212             ITALIEN steckt in der schwersten Rezession der NACH—KRIEG—ZEIT und hat mit 1—ARBEITS—LOSIGKEIT von mehr als 13 % zu KÄMPFEN—BEI den Jugendlichen liegt sie sogar bei über 43 %.
20141212             Ich bin kein Gewalttätiger.
20141212             Aber es wird das letzte —JAHRHUNDERT sein, wo DIE—BÜRGER—IN—SCHEIN—DEMOKRATIEN leben müssen.
20141212             Der Politsumpf wird noch —J—IN—DIESEM,100.
20141212             Ihre Ergebnisse deckten sich mit der "THEORIE von den männlichen Idioten".
20141212             Ihre —STUDIE stütze die "THEORIE von den männlichen Idioten", schreiben DIE—FORSCHER um JOHN Dudley Isaacs, DIREKTOR—DES—INSTITUTE—OF—CELLULAR—MEDICINE in NEWCASTLE (GROß—BRITANNIEN) im angesehenen "UK—MEDICAL Journal".
20141212             Immobilien: FRANZOSEN pumpen 860.000.000—EURO in HAMBURGer HafenCity
20141212             ROM, brach der öffentliche NAH—VERKEHR zusammen, U-Bahn und Busse wurden bestreikt und mehrere Demonstrationen schlängelten sich durch DIE—STADT.
20141212             Insofern erweist selbst ARISTOTELES sich selbst als ausserhalb dessen stehend, was wirklich GESELLSCHAFT IST.
20141212             ISMAIL—KADARES "DIE—PYRAMIDE": Menschliche Hybris und totalitäre MACHT
20141212             Jedwede Analyse im Resultat ist 1—SYNTHESE.
20141212             KONJUNKTUR—SORGEN, DAX erleidet größtes Wochenminus —SEIT 3—JAHREN
20141212             KANZLERIN—BEIM—CSU—PARTEI—TAG: Liebe Angelika, äh Angelia, äh ANGELA—MERKEL
20141212             Kommentar zum CSU—PARTEI—TAG: Münchner Lach—, Schießgesellschaft
20141212             Kunstmuseum in USBEKISTAN: MIT—ARBEITER verhökern Originale und stellen Kopien aus
20141212             Kurz, 1—IDIOT ist IM—GEGENSATZ zum "zoon politicon"
20141212             Landeskriminalamt BAYERN: RAHMEN—VERTRAG neues polizeiliches VORGANGSBEARBEITUNGS—SYSTEM (IGVPFE)
20141212             Lange Staus im NORDEN: Schiff rammt Autobahnbrücke in HAMBURG
20141212             MARYLAND, MEXIKO—STADT: 1—STADT sackt weg - Methode ist substanziell 1—PRAXIS
20141212             MICHIGAN, Morpeth/HAMBURG—MÄNNER sind Idioten und machen idiotische Sachen.
20141212             Mwahahaha, sehr schön!
20141212             NEW—ORLEANS, SHANGHAI, ATHEN—VIELE—METROPOLEN sinken langsam ab.
20141212             Netzpolitik_org hat 1—PAAR Emails zugespielt gekriegt, in denen CSC ihren MitARBEITern gegenüber mit den neuen Aufträgen prahlt.
20141212             Hier ist die Liste: Nun, die Erklärung ist ganz einfach.
20141212             DIE—USA—AMIS haben auf Bitten der BRITEN diese Stellen aus dem Report rauszensiert.
20141212             Sehr geil ist auch das Statement der CAMERON—JUNTA dazu:
20141212             Oder DER—TERRORIST, der 1—BRIEF—BOMBE mit zu geringem PORTO verschickte und den Brief nach der Rücksendung öffnete.
20141212             Orkan "Xynthia": Französischer BÜRGER—MEISTER muss nach FLUT—KATASTROPHE ins Gefängnis
20141212             Praxis ist der allgemeinste Begriff für die menschliche Tätigkeit
20141212             ROM—MIT 1—GENERAL—STREIK haben DIE—ITALIENERIHRER WUT—ÜBER—DIE Reformen der Regierung Luft gemacht und das öffentliche Leben teilweise lahmgelegt.
20141212             Betroffen von dem achtstündigen ARBEITS—KAMPF waren sowohl der Nahverkehr, Bahn—, Flugverbindungen als auch Schulen und Krankenhäuser.
20141212             Regierungsgebäude in BOSTON: —ARBEITER bergen Zeitkapsel 17000101—17991231    —AUS—DEM,
20141212             Reichtum: So leben DEUTSCHLANDs Multimillionäre
20141212             Russ sagte, künftige Streiks würden nicht an Geld scheitern.
20141212             SKLAVEN, Frauen, Kinder hatte ARISTOTELES nicht dabei im Sinn.
20141212             STAATS—PRÄSIDENT—GIORGIO—NAPOLITANO sprach von großen Spannungen zwischen der Regierung und den Gewerkschaften, die nicht gut für DAS—LAND seien.
20141212             —STOFF—WECHSEL ist DIE—NATUR der "NATUR"
20141212             —SATZ von der ENERGIE—ERHALTUNG empirisch bewiesen in jedweder Praxis (funktioniert)
20141212             Schuld an der Entwicklung ist die Entnahme von Grundwasser, der BODEN wird regelrecht ausgehöhlt.
20141212             Schuld ist - Schuld ist die Förderung von Grundwasser.
20141212             Schönen —TAG auch noch
20141212             Sein Name bezieht sich auf CHARLES—DARWIN, den VATER—DER—EVOLUTIONS—THEORIE.
20141212             Sie kämpfen um ihr täglich Brot. Ähnlich wie IN—DER—UKRAINE.
20141212             Nur in EUROPA selbst, mag man es nicht, wenn gestreikt wird.
20141212             —DANN, werden die Streikenden, DIE—DEMONSTRANTEN zusammengedroschen.
20141212             Wenn es um ihre eigenen Pfründe geht, dann kennen die Herrschenden keinen Spaß.
20141212             Und auch 1—PAPA wird dann ganz still und leise.
20141212             Aber da wo er hätte den Mund aufmachen müssen, hat er —SCHON immer geschwiegen.
20141212             Was für 1—VERLOGENHEIT unserer christlichen verbrähmten Politiker EU auf—, abwärts.
20141212             Als —NACH—DEM FALL—DES—SOZIALISTISCHEN—MACHTBLOCKES die ewig Gestrigen noch gejubelt hatten und ihr GESELLSCHAFTS—SYSTEM in ihrer ganzen Arroganz und ihrem Hochmut noch für einzigartig hielten, wurden —BEREITS die Weichen für die komplette Übernahme der GESELLSCHAFT durch DAS—KAPITALGESTELLT.
20141212             Viele, DIE—DAMALS, noch gejubelt hatten, —HEUTE—BEREITS um ihr Leben strampeln.
20141212             Und das Beste daran, man wählt auch noch die weiter, welche genau dafür verantwortlich sind, die unser Land beding
20141212             Sie schieden aus der Untersuchung aus.
20141212             Sorry, aber da kann mir keiner was von Naivität erklären.
20141212             Das ist Vorsatz.
20141212             Das ist keine Regierung, das ist 1—JUNTA.
20141212             Spätestens bei DER—BUNDESWEHR ist dann hoffentlich jedem klar, was das bedeutet.
20141212             TARIF—STREIT, Beamtenbund droht Bahn mit "schlimmstem ARBEITS—KAMPF"
20141212             —OUTRAGED, THE—WORLD—SOCIALIST—WEB—SITE was appropriately :
20141212             TEILE—DES—SÜDENS und Westens der riesigen Metropole sacken um zweieinhalb Zentimeter PRO—MONAT ein.
20141212             TRANSPORT—APP: Chinesischer IT—RIESE Baidu steigt bei Uber 1
20141212             Trotz WAFFEN—RUHE: UKRAINE verdoppelt MILITÄR—ETAT
20141212             Tschechisches MUNITIONS—LAGER außer Kontrolle: ALLE—PAAR—TAGE 1—EXPLOSION
20141212             Tätigkeit ist Natur der Natur Gattung "Mensch"
20141212             USA Comcast Cable (68.50.98#nodate?#.189) - USA Wideopenwest (
20141212             UN—WETTER: Orkantief "Billie"fegt über den Nordosten DEUTSCHLANDs
20141212             USA—DEBATTE um sexuellen Missbrauch: Die VERTRAUENS—FRAGE
20141212             Um —BIS zu 12—ZENTI—METER PRO—JAHR senke sich der BODEN in Städten CHINAs.
20141212             Ursache sei die Wasserförderung.
20141212             Zahlreiche Gebäude werden von tiefen Rissen durchzogen.
20141212             Umdenken und anders handeln
20141212             VERFASSUNGS—SCHÜTZER über ISLAMISMUS: "Wir müssen mit Einzeltätern rechnen, die Schrecklichstes tun"
20141212             VOR—ALLEM die Förderung von Erdgas, Öl und Grundwasser lasse ganze Regionen einsacken:
20141212             Wann wird sich ITALIEN befreien, sie kämpfen für Freiheit und Würde.
20141212             —GEDACHT, Wer das —BISHER, nur im Stillen, hat, darf sich —JETZT wissenschaftlicher Unterstützung erfreuen.
20141212             Wir brauchen 1—POLITIK, DIE—ARBEITSPLÄTZE schafft, aber nicht solche ohne Rechte", sagte DIE—CHEFIN des größten Gewerkschaftbunds CGIL, Susanna Camusso.
20141212             —GEHÖRT, Zu den Nominierten, zum Beispiel 1—DIEB, der 1—STAHLSEIL aus 1—AUFZUGSSCHACHT stehlen wollte.
20141212             Zu viel Windenergie: Stromnetzbetreiber rüsten sich für den Sturm
20141212             Zum Beispiel bei den 3—MÄNNERN, die in 1—VARIATION des russischen Roulettes abwechselnd Schnaps tranken und dann auf 1—LANDMINE herumtrampelten.
20141212             [l] Ich nenne hier häufiger Regierungen "Junta", und kriege dafür dann auch gelegentlich Gegenwind.
20141212             Bei BUSH kommt —JETZT kein Gegenwind mehr, spätestens —SEIT den CIA—FOLTER—GESCHICHTEN, und —HEUTE gibt es 1—MELDUNG, bei der hoffentlich auch der Gegenwind bezüglich unserer Junta aufhören wird: CSC freut sich über neue Verträge (!) mit BUNDES—BEHÖRDEN (!!).
20141212             —GELESEN, Ja, richtig ! CSC, die die IT bei der NSA machen, die die IT beim KLIMA—GIPFEL gemacht haben, den DIE—NSA dann massiv unterwandert und zum Scheitern gebracht hat, die DER—CIA für ihre FOLTERflüge Flugzeuge geliehen haben, DIE FIRMA CSC kriegt —JETZT von unseren BUNDES—BEHÖRDEN NEUE Aufträge.
20141212             [l] NACHDEM die Verräterpartei mit der TARIFRECHT—REFORM DIE—ARBEITERRECHTE geschwächt hat, und damit ihrem ehemaligen Klientel in den Rücken gedolcht hat, passiert genau das, was —EXPERTEN—SCHON angekündigt hatten: Für die kleineren Gewerkschaften geht es —JETZT um alles oder nichts.
20141212             Weitermachen und Koexistenz ist keine Option mehr.
20141212             Ergebnis: DER—BEAMTENBUND sagt an, daß die Bahn —JETZT der GdL 1 "Angebot ohne VOR—BEDINGUNGEN"vorzulegen, sonst gäbe es die Mutter aller Streiks.
20141212             Wörtlich sagte er, der drohende Streik würde DIE—BISHERIGEN Ausstände wie Kinderkram aussehen lassen.
20141212             [l] SPANIEN schafft die Demonstrationsfreiheit ab.
20141212             auch "falsche"Analyse führt zu Synthese"
20141212             den DIE—NSA dann massiv unterwandert und zum Scheitern gebracht hat,
20141212             es gibt keinen! Sind beides bloß bedauerliche Einzelfälle
20141212             es sei denkbar, daß Frauen einfach häufiger Männer nominierten als andersherum oder absurde TODES—FÄLLE bei Männern aus irgendeinem Grund berichtenswerter scheinen als bei Frauen.
20141212             es sei verwirrend, daß Männer bereit sind, derart unnötige Risiken auf sich zu NEHMEN—ALS Mutprobe, um ihr Ansehen zu verbessern oder einfach, um anzugeben, schreiben DIE—FORSCHER.
20141212             es seien mithin echte wissenschaftliche Arbeiten.
20141212             idiotische Sachen - jede(r), der/die kopfkrank UND gesellschaftskrank ist.
20141212             trockengelegt.
20141212             DAS—INTERNET und die verbesserten Bildungs—, Aufklärungszugänge durch demselben Medium werden nur der Beschleuniger sein hin zu besseren Demokratien.
20141212             DIE—NATUR wird 1—WEG finden.
20141212             ÖL—PREIS unter 60—DOLLAR: Billig in die Weihnachtsferien
20141212             —AM, übernommen.
20141212             —ANSCHLAG—VERDACHT, Hacker sollen türkische ÖL—PIPELINE zur Explosion gebracht haben
20141212             —HEUTE würde man 1—SOLCHEN bezeichnen als PRIVATmann oder Individuum.
20141212             —KRISE zwischen RUSSLAND und NATO: Das rote Telefon steht still
20141212             —NACH, SPERRUNG—DES—LUFT—RAUMS über LONDON : Luftkontrollzentrum hat Panne behoben
20141212             —NACHDEM, DAS—BUNDESKABINETT AM—DONNERSTAG DAS—GESETZ zur Tarifeinheit beschlossen hat, fühlen sich kleine, aber mächtige Berufsgewerkschaften in ihrer Existenz bedroht.
20141212             Sie befürchten, künftig keine Tarifverträge mehr aushandeln und erstreiken zu dürfen.
20141212             "Das schweißt ALLE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN im Beamtenbund zusammen", sagt Russ, "da wackelt keiner 1—MILLIMETER".
20141212             —PROTESTE—GEGEN—MACHT—MISSBRAUCH: Studenten werden WELT—WEIT laut
20141212             —RESPONDING to THE—UN—EMMERSON, here is the article's list of senior officials who not only should, but by law are required to face trial: GW BUSH, CHENEY, GEORGE—TENET, Brennan, JOHN Yoo, JAY—BYBEE, Jessen and Mitchell, Condoleeza Rice, Jose Rodriguez.
20141212             Plus OBAMA, Holder, and others from the current administration as accessories.
20141212             —SEIT, —JAHR—ZEHNT en wertete die Lira ab, beispielsweise GEGEN—DIE—DAMALIGE DM
20141212             —STREIT—AUF—UNO—KLIMATAGUNG: Erlöser, Geister und Verräter
20141212             —UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, WAFFEN—RUHE wird laut POROSCHENKO 1.eingehalten
20141212             —UNTER—DEM, Motto "Così non va!"("So geht es nicht") protestieren DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN vor allem gegen DIE—ARBEITSMARKT—REFORMEN von Renzis —MITTE—LINKS—REGIERUNG.
20141212             —VON, den verbleibenden 318—FÄLLEN betrafen 282—MÄNNER und nur 36—FRAUEN.
20141212             —ZUVOR, hatte DIE—EUROPÄISCHE LUFT—RAUMAUFSICHT Eurocontrol erklärt, der LUFT—RAUM über LONDON sei wegen technischen Problemen —BIS 20—UHR MEZ gesperrt.
20141212             —HEUTE gibt es 1—MELDUNG, bei der hoffentlich auch der Gegenwind bezüglich unserer Junta aufhören wird:
20141212             Dilemma ist und bleibt die GELDVER—TEILUNG—VON—UNTEN nach oben und gleichzeitig die Zentrierung dieses Kapitals in nur wenigen Händen....irgendwann ist DAS—GELD für die Massen zu Ende...und dann gibts Aufstände....und das zu RECHT!!!
20141212             —AGREED, USA—POLITICIANS, to supply weapons to UKRAINE—TROOPS.
20141212             1—MAJOR—STORM that pummeled NORTH—CALIFORNIA and the Pacific Northwest with heavy rain and high winds and killed 2—PEOPLE moved south overnight, prompting evacuation orders in areas prone to floods and mud flows.
20141212             NEW—JERSEY, Derish Wolff (79), THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—AND—CEO—OF—THE—MORRISTOWN—BASED—LOUIS—BERGER—GROUP, 1—ENGINEERING consulting firm, pleaded guilty to leading 1—CONSPIRACY that reaped TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS by overcharging THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for reconstruction projects overseas, including in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20141212             —DETONATED, AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, hitting 1—CONVOY—OF—FOREIGN—TROOPS and killing 2—USA—SOLDIERS.
20141212             BRITAIN, 1—SYSTEM—FAILURE affecting air traffic control workstations was to blame for disruption to THOUSANDS—OF—PASSENGERS coming in and out of BRITAIN—BIGGEST airports.
20141212             —OPENED, CHINA, 1—KEY—SECTION—OF—1—MASSIVE and ambitious plan to transport water from wetter central and SOUTH—PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY up to its arid north, including BEIJING.
20141212             HAITI—PRESIDENT—MICHEL—MARTELLY said that he accepted all the findings of 1—REPORT this —WEEK from 1—GOVERNMENT—APPOINTED commission, including its recommendation that THE—PRIME—MINISTER resign.
20141212             —AGREED, IRAN said it had, to extend temporary visas for 450,000 AFGHANISTAN—REFUGEES—FOR—6—MONTHS, lifting 1—THREAT to send them back home to 1—COUNTRY facing attacks by resurgent militants.
20141212             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—PERSON was, by rocket fire in Kerbala where huge crowds of Shi'ite pilgrims have gathered for religious ceremonies.
20141212             —KILLED, Mortar fire targeting 1—SHIITE mosque, 8—WORSHIPPERS in Muqdadiyah.
20141212             Islamic State group militants shot down 1—IRAQ—MILITARY—HELICOPTER, killing THE—2—PILOTS—ONBOARD and raising fresh concerns about the extremists' ability to attack aircraft amid ongoing USA—LED coalition airstrikes.
20141212             —MARCHED, Striking ITALY—UNION—WORKERS, through more than 50—ITALY—CITIES to protest government economic reforms that they say erode their rights.
20141212             —DEMONSTRATED, ISRAEL, some 100—PALESTINIANS, outside the Ofer military prison near Ramallah.
20141212             Troops shot live bullets at their legs, wounding 10. In HEBRON youths clashed with soldiers and were also shot in the legs.
20141212             1—PALESTINIAN described as mentally unstable threw acid at 1—FAMILY—OF—ISRAELIS who gave him 1—RIDE in THE—WEST—BANK—BEFORE being shot and wounded.
20141212             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—WOMAN arrested for attending 1—SOCCER game at JIDDAH—NEW AL—JAWHARA stadium.
20141212             SIERRA—LEONE said it was banning ANY—PUBLIC—CHRISTMAS celebrations as the spiraling caseload of Ebola infections continues to spread alarm.
20141212             1—SRI—LANKA—AIR—FORCE—PLANE crashed outside the island's capital, killing 4 and injuring 1.
20141212             INTERNATIONAL Criminal COURT—PROSECUTOR—FATOU—BENSOUDA told THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL that she has suspended investigations into alleged war crimes in SUDAN—DARFUR, criticizing THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL for inaction over THE—CONFLICT—HIT region.
20141212             —IMPROVISED, SYRIA—REBELS using, mortar bombs made of cooking gas canisters killed 311—CIVILIANS between July and December this —YEAR according to THE—BRITAIN—BASED SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights.
20141212             —BEHEADED, SYRIA, the Islamic State group's police force, 4—MEN in THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—HOMS for blasphemy.
20141212             —CARRIED, THE—USA and its allies, out 7—AIRSTRIKES on Islamic State targets in Syria and 20 in IRAQ in the past 3—DAYS.
20141212             —SIGNALED, TURKEY—PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN, 1—FRESH—CAMPAIGN against SUPPORTERS—OF—USA—BASED Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen.
20141212—19731123    —DER TRAUM— 1—SCHÖNES Filmthema.
20141212—19731123    "Traumstadt" von JOHANNes Schaaf, —NACH—DES Zeichners ALFRED—KUBIN einzigem ROMAn "Die andere Seite".
20141212—19940000    —SEIT, Der Darwin Award wird
20141212—20141212    Der Mann der von Natur aus 1—IDIOT ist
20141212—20141212    INTELLIGENZ—TRÖPFIGKEIT
20141212—20141212    der größere Idiot
20141212—20141212    die Folgerungen der Analyse sind "idiotisch"
20141212—20141212    e vor den Leib haltend, der linke Arm herabhängend.
20141212—20141214    —FROM, EU governments agreed to ban THE—EXPORT—OF—JET—FUEL to Syria, saying it was being used by THE—SYRIA—AIR—FORCE for indiscriminate attacks against civilians.
20151212             —KRAWALLE—IN—LEIPZIG: Mehrere Verletzte bei Demos gegen rechts
20151212             Weihnachtsmärkte: Wetter und TERROR—ANGST vertreiben Besucher - SAUDI—ARABIEN: Frauen dürfen 1. wählen
20151212             SATELLITENBILD—DER—WOCHE: Zerfließende EIS—RIESEN
20151212             RECHTS—EXTREMISTEN in LEIPZIG: POLIZEI stoppt GEGEN—DEMONSTRANTEN mit Tränengas
20151212             RECHTS—EXTREMISTEN in LEIPZIG: POLIZEI setzt Wasserwerfer gegen GEGEN—DEMONSTRANTEN ein
20151212             —YEARNED, Political PHILOSOPHer LEO—STRAUSS had, for the glorious GERMANY—CONSERVATIVE—REVOLUTION but was despondent —WHEN it took the form of THE—NAZI 3. Reich, from which he was excluded because he was Jewish regardless of his fascist ideology.
20151212             PROFESSOR—ALAN—GILBERT—OF—DENVER—UNIVERSITY has written: "As 1—JEW, Strauss was forbidden from —FOLLOWING Schmitt and [GERMANY—PHILOSOPHER—MARTIN] Heidegger into THE—NAZI—PARTY.
20151212             —GEWINNT, DEUTSCHLAND, 1.Querfront an Zulauf, die wenig mehr eint als die ANGST—VOR—VERÄNDERUNG und das Misstrauen gegen Eliten.
20151212             Gescheitert ist hingegen der verzweifelte KAMPF—DER—INDIGENEN Völker.
20151212             —ATTACKIERT, GEWALT—IN—SACHSEN: LINKEN—BÜRO, — mehrere Brände in LEIPZIG gelegt
20151212             Der AUTOR—WOLFGANG—STORZ spricht von 1—QUERFRONT, 1—BEGRIFF, der auf die WEIMARER—REPUBLIK zurückgeht.
20151212             —VERLIERT, Demokratieverachtung: Wie DEUTSCHLAND seine politische —MITTE
20151212             DIE—OTTO—BRENNER—STIFTUNG der Gewerkschaft IG Metall hat vor einigen Wochen 1.—STUDIE über den neuen POPULISMUS in DEUTSCHLAND veröffentlicht
20151212             DIE—NEUEN Wutbürger kommen aus allen Teilen der GESELLSCHAFT.
20151212             DER—KLIMA—VERTRAG gilt ab dem nächsten —JAHRZEHNT.
20151212             Auch USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA meldete sich kurz nach der Entscheidung via Twitter zu Wort, allerdings mit 1—GEWALTIGEN Portion Eigenlob: "Das ist der Wahnsinn", schrieb der Stab des Präsidenten, fast JEDES—LAND auf der Welt habe sich zu dem Klimaabkommen bekannt — "dank Amerikas Führung".
20151212             Allerdings nur, wenn mindestens 55—STAATEN verbindlich zustimmen, die mindestens 55—PROZENT—DES—GLOBALEN—TREIBHAUSGASAUSSTOßES ausmachen.
20151212             Alle 5—JAHRE sollen DIE—STAATEN neue Ziele für die Eindämmung ihrer TREIBHAUS—GASE—MISSIONEN verkünden
20151212             —ZUGESTIMMT, Alle 196—STAATEN haben dem Abkommen.
20151212             "DIE—GRENZEN zwischen traditionell linken und rechten Haltungen verwischen", heißt es in der Studie.
20151212             "Durchbruch".
20151212             "Eine sehr weiche Formulierung, hier ist kein großer Fortschritt gelungen", sagt Reimund Schwarze vom HELMHOLTZ—ZENTRUM für UMWELTforschung UFZ.
20151212             "In PARIS hat es —SEIT—JAHRHUNDERTEN VIELE—REVOLUTIONEN gegeben.
20151212             "Politisch verorten sich die Akteure überwiegend jenseits klassischer RECHTS—LINKS—SCHEMATA".
20151212             "Wenn wir die Verhandlungen —JETZT abbrechen, wird nichts besser", warnte er.
20151212             1. hätten sich arme und reiche STAATEN gemeinsam darauf verständigt, gegen steigende EMISSIONEN und damit die gefährliche ERD—ERWÄRMUNG vorzugehen.
20151212             1—RECENT—FEDERAL—TRIAL in OHIO offers new details about how THE—FBI uses informants in Muslim communities to gather intelligence on domestic terrorist threats.
20151212             ALSO—SEE here.
20151212             ALLE—DEMONSTRATIONEN für zugesicherte Rechte im KLIMA—VERTRAG haben wenig genützt.
20151212             And here is a 20150000              story in Counterpunch: "How FBI Informants Do Their Dirty Work"
20151212             —GEHÖRT, Apropos "—MITTE": "Die Mittelschicht, IN—DEN—USA —SEIT dem Frühjahr dieses —JAHRES zu den Minderheiten.
20151212             Auch dort waren ganz ähnliche Faktoren in der GESELLSCHAFT am "Werke"und bei den Wahlen wurde den NATIONALISTISCH—KLERIKAL—KONSERVATIV—ANARCHISTISCHEN Parteien die absolute Mehrhait verliehen.
20151212             Außerdem sind Befürchtungen, 1—HEIKLEN juristischen Präzedenzfall zu schaffen, damit obsolet.
20151212             Bei 1—ANTI—FLÜCHTLINGSDEMO mit etwa 10.000—TEILNEHMERN in DRESDEN wurde für ANGELA—MERKEL 1—HOLZGALGEN herumgetragen,
20151212             Billige Energie: Alle reden übers KLIMA—WIR bauen Ölheizungen ein
20151212             —VERANKERT, DAS—PRINZIP des Fortschritts wurde, heißt ES—DIE Abgasziele sollen also möglichst verschärft werden
20151212             DER—KLIMA—VERTRAG nennt diverse MAßNAHMEn, bei denen vom KLIMA—WANDEL betroffene Länder Unterstützung erfahren sollen.
20151212             DER—SPD—PARTEI—VORSTAND DER—LINKEN hat sich nun von solchen Gedankenspielen distanziert.
20151212             DIE—ANMERKUNG war insbesondere INDIEN wichtig, das mit billigem Kohlestrom Hunderte Millionen Bewohner aus der Armut führen möchte.
20151212             DIE—BEIDEN PARTEI—VORSITZENDEN DER—LINKEN, Katja Kipping und Bernd Riexinger, hatten —BEREITS—VOR—EINIGER—ZEIT für 1—ANDEREN Weg geworben.
20151212             DIE—STAATEN erkennen die Bedeutung von Verlusten und Schäden an, die durch den KLIMA—WANDEL entstanden sind.
20151212             DIE—STAATEN sollen MAßNAHMEn treffen, um Risiken abzufedern, die bei 2—GRAD Erwärmung zu erwarten sind.
20151212             DIE—VEREINBARUNG sei nicht nur im amerikanischen Interesse, sondern im Interesse JEDES—LANDES auf der Erde.
20151212             DIE—WELTGEMEINSCHAFT möchte die Erwärmung deutlich unter 2—GRAD im Vergleich zum
20151212             DIE—WORTE—VON—FRANKREICH—AUßEN—MINISTER—LAURENT—FABIUS gingen im Jubel der Delegierten aus 196—LÄNDERN fast unter: Das ABKOMMEN—VON—PARIS habe historische Dimension, sagte Fabius, der den KLIMA—GIPFEL—PARIS leitete.
20151212             Der Höhepunkt der CO2—EMISSIONEN soll so schnell wie möglich erreicht werden, heißt es im VERTRAG.
20151212             Der Treibhausgasausstoß stehe im Kontext der ARMUTS—BEKÄMPFUNG, heißt es im VERTRAG.
20151212             Der WELT—KLIMA—VERTRAG soll dafür sorgen, dass DIE—MENSCHHEIT die von Wissenschaftlern diagnostizierte ERD—ERWÄRMUNG begrenzt.
20151212             Diese STAATEN, allen voran DIE—USA, haben aber 1—FÜR sie entscheidenden Satz in den VERTRAG verhandelt: Rechtliche Ansprüche sollen deshalb nicht erwachsen können.
20151212             Dieses —BEREITS—VOR—6—JAHREN beschlossene Vorhaben wurde in letzter —MINUTE aus dem rechtlich bindenden TEIL—DES—KLIMA—VERTRAG in den unverbindlicheren 2. TEIL—DES—GIPFELBESCHLUSSES verschoben.
20151212             Durch diesen Trick, muss DAS—THEMA nicht vom KONGRESS—DER—USA abgesegnet werden.
20151212             Einzig NICARAGUA beschwerte sich: Dessen Chefverhandler PAUL—OQUIST sagte, DIE—REICHEN Nationen müssten weit mehr tun, um die TreibhausEMISSIONEN zu vermindern und "Mutter Erde"zu schützen.
20151212             Elsässer selbst war früher beim Kommunistischen Bund und schrieb für linke Blätter wie "Junge Welt"oder den "—FREITAG".
20151212             Entführung im LIBANON: GADDAFI—SOHN HANNIBAL wieder frei
20151212             Erinnert an neueste Geschehnisse in POLEN!
20151212             Es fängt ja —SCHON gut an, dass DIE—LINKEN und DIE—RECHTEN im 3. Reich gemeinsame Sache gemacht haben.
20151212             Es rächt sich, dass VIELE—LINKE (oder sich so nennende) keine solide linke politische Bildung haben, sondern scheinbar immer (nur) WOHLFÜHL—LINKE waren, die zu keinen eigenen echten materiellen Opfern für die Sache und andere Menschen bereit waren.
20151212             Es sollen Anstrengungen unternommen werden, die Erhöhung der bodennahen Temperatur auf 1,5 Grad zu begrenzen.
20151212             FLUGHAFEN—PRIVATISIERUNG: Griechische Gewerkschaften mobilisieren gegen "deutsche Eroberer"
20151212             FLÜCHTLINGskontingente: LINKE—VORSTAND stellt sich gegen WAGENKNECHT und Lafontaine
20151212             FRANKREICHs MARINE—LE—PEN hat den Aufstieg ihres RECHTS—POPULISTISCHEN FRONT—NATIONAL damit erklärt, dass es ihr gelungen sei, ihre Truppe als Biedermänner darzustellen und in der —MITTE der GESELLSCHAFT zu verankern.
20151212             Freude hingegen bei einigen SÜD—AMERIKANERN: Der Schutz von "Mutter Erde"wird ausdrücklich gewürdigt, in der PRÄAMBEL des WELT—KLIMA—VERTRAGS.
20151212             Für ALLE—LÄNDER sollen gleiche Standards gelten bei DER—BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG über ihren Treibhausgasausstoß.
20151212             —GENORMT, Gentechnik: Wunderbar
20151212             He wrote to 1—GERMAN—JEWISH—FRIEND, KARL Loewith: "the fact that the new RIGHT—WING GERMANY does not tolerate us says nothing against THE—PRINCIPLES—OF—THE—RIGHT.
20151212             —PUBLISHED, Here is a 20140000              story, by Care2: "FBI Targeted Mentally Disabled Muslim USA—CITIZENS"
20151212             Here's a 20090000              story by CNN: "FBI planting spies in USA—MOSQUES, Muslim groups say".
20151212             I can find no independent evidence linking Farook and Malik to Tablighi Jamaat or DEOBANdi
20151212             If you do 1—SEARCH on the terms "Farook""Malik"and "Tablighi Jamaat,"ALL—OF—THE—RESULTS go to stories about Phil Haney.
20151212             —BEACHTET, Ihre Bedürfnisse werden lediglich "", selbst für UNO—SPRACHE 1.ÄUß—ERST unverbindliche Formulierung.
20151212             In beiden Fällen schien sich vor Ort niemand darüber aufzuregen.
20151212             In der 2. HÄLFTE—DES—JAHRHUNDERTS soll 1—GLEICHGEWICHT erreicht werden zwischen dem Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen und deren ABSORPTION—BEISPIELSWEISE durch Meere und Wälder, oder durch technische Mittel wie CO2—VERKLAPPUNG.
20151212             —NAMED, In 1—INSTANCE 1—MAN, Rezwan Ferdaus was targeted by an FBI—AGENT who infiltrated his local mosque.
20151212             Interessant ist, welch breites Bündnis von ganz rot —BIS sehr braun zur Teilnahme aufruft.
20151212             It is 1—ASTONISHING admission that goes to THE—HEART—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—SURVEILLANCE—OF—MUSLIM communities in AMERICA in —THE—YEARS—AFTER—20010911             .—WHILE police and FBI leaders have insisted they are acting to defend AMERICAN—FROM 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK, CIVIL—LIBERTIES—GROUPS have insisted they have repeatedly gone too far and treated 1—ENTIRE—RELIGIOUS—GROUP as suspicious.
20151212             Jürgen Elsässer, der bei der Demo an diesem Wochenende vor dem KANZLER—AMT als Redner eingeplant ist, drückt so aus: "Antifa, PEGIDA, Mahnwache, Linke, Rechte, marschiert zusammen.
20151212             KAMPF—GEGEN—ERD—ERWÄRMUNG: DIE—WELT einigt sich auf historischen KLIMA—VERTRAG
20151212             KAMPF—GEGEN—IS: DEUTSCHE Tornados sind DEN—USA zu wenig
20151212             Klingt für mich ein bisschen nach diesem Gesetz, das die HOCH—WASSERHÖHE eines Flusses beschränkt.
20151212             Kontrollen in der Luftfahrt: Airlines wollen Drogentest im Cockpit
20151212             Linda Sarsour, THE—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—ARAB USA—ASSOCIATION—OF—NEW—YORK, 1—SOCIAL—SERVICES—AGENCY, told THE—GUARDIAN she almost has a "radar for informants"sent to infiltrate her BROOKLYN community.
20151212             Lob kam auch aus der Wissenschaft: "Wenn dies umgesetzt wird, bedeutet das 1.Senkung der TREIBHAUS—GASE—MISSIONEN auf 0 in wenigen Jahrzehnten", erklärte der Leiter des POTSDAM—INSTITUT—FÜR—KLIMAFOLGENFORSCHUNG (PIK), Hans Joachim Schellnhuber.
20151212             Mag sein.
20151212             —ANGENOMMEN, Mit dem Pakt, der —AM—ABEND nach zähen Verhandlungen, wurde, soll die globale Erwärmung auf deutlich weniger als 2—GRAD gemessen an der vorindustriellen Zeit begrenzt werden.
20151212             Müde Delegierte beim KLIMA—GIPFEL: Noch 5—MINUTEN, bitte...
20151212             Ohne das 1,5—GRAD—ZIEL wollten Inselstaaten den KLIMA—VERTRAG nicht unterzeichnen.
20151212             PHILIP Haney is spewing propaganda.
20151212             PHILIP HANEY—CLAIM is as absurd as his hair.
20151212             POLEN: Zehntausende DEMONSTRIEREN—GEGEN—PRÄSIDENT—DUDA
20151212             RECHTS—EXTREME Gewalt: DE—MAIZIÈRE spricht von "Schande für DEUTSCHLAND"
20151212             REGIONALWAHL—IN—FRANKREICH: SARKOZY bockt, LE—PEN frohlockt
20151212             —GESCHRIEBEN, Reaktionen: "Wir haben —HEUTE ALLE—ZUSAMMEN—GESCHICHTE "
20151212             Regelmäßige Postflüge: USA und KUBA schicken sich wieder Briefe und Pakete
20151212             SPD—PARTEI—TAG—IN—BERLIN: "Wir müssen aufhören mit der Misstrauenskultur"
20151212             SPD—PARTEI—TAG—IN—BERLIN: SPD—SPITZE setzt sich mit TTIP—KURS durch
20151212             Schärfere Formulierungen, wie Dekarbonisierung oder NullEMISSIONEN oder auch nur Emissionsneutralität wurden insbesondere von den ERD—ÖLSTAATEN, INDIEN und einigen wenigen anderen verhindert.
20151212             Selbsternannte ABENDLAND—PATRIOTEN schreiten —SEIT an —SEIT mit PUTIN—FANS, Neonazis mit Anhängern der LINKS—PARTEI, ISRAEL—GEGNER mit ISLAM—HASSERN.
20151212             She pushed 1—FEW paranoia buttons.
20151212             —OBSESSED, So why is Haney, by that particular group —WHEN there are so MANY—GREATER—DANGERS IN—THE—WORLD?
20151212             Strauss was in agreement politically with Schmitt, and they were close friends.
20151212             Strauss was intelligent enough —WHEN he arrived IN—THE—USA—TO disguise and channel his fascist thought by going back to LIKE—MINDED "ancient" PHILOSOPHers and thereby presenting fascism as PART—OF—OUR "western heritage," —JUST as the current NEO—CON classicist VICTOR DAVIS—HANSON does.
20151212             Stärkstes Plus —SEIT—MONATEN: CHINA—WIRTSCHAFT zeigt leichte Erholung
20151212             —QUASHED, THE—REASON THE—INVESTIGATION was ?
20151212             Tabligh Jamaat is 1—EVANGELICAL—MUSLIM—ORGANIZATION -- primarily centered in PAKISTAN and INDIA -- which eschews violence and advocates proselytization.
20151212             The groups claim THE—FBI has sent undercover agents posing as worshippers into mosques, pressured Muslims to become informants, labeled civil rights advocates as criminals and spread misinformation.
20151212             —TRIED, THE—NUMBER—OF—ORGANIZATIONS that Malik, 29, to contact and how she sought to reach them was unclear, but the groups almost certainly included AL—QAEDA—SYRIA—BASED official affiliate, the Nusrah Front, THE—GOVERNMENTT sources said.
20151212             —REFERRED, This new class of FBI informants, nefariously, to as 'mosque crawlers', began frequenting Muslim institutions and neighborhoods across THE—COUNTRY.
20151212             This piece by TODD—E - Trotz KURS—RUTSCH: DIE—DEUTSCHEN kaufen endlich Aktien
20151212             UNO—KONFERENZ—IN—PARIS: "Unsere Kinder würden uns nicht vergeben"
20151212             —BESCHWERT, UNO—SICHERHEITS—RAT: IRAK, sich über türkische Truppenpräsenz
20151212             USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—JOHN—KERRY lobte hingegen seinen Amtskollegen: "Laurent, du hast 1—HERVORRAGENDEN Job gemacht!", sagte er an Konferenzleiter Fabius gewandt.
20151212             Umfragehoch: AFD—VIZE—GAULAND sieht FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE als "Geschenk"
20151212             Unter anderem sind das neue ARTEN—DER—ENERGIEVERSORGUNG und Frühwarnsysteme für Naturereignisse.
20151212             VIELE—TÄTER kommen aus der Mittelschicht, so wie Kim.
20151212             —WHILE THE—FBI has long relied on confidential informants to alert them to criminal activity, for terrorism cases informants insert themselves into Muslim mosques, businesses and community gatherings and can cajole people toward 1—PLOT "who perhaps would never have participated in 1—TERRORIST—ACT on their own initiative", the study found.
20151212             Wissenschaftler geben den alten Industriestaaten die Hauptverantwortung für die Erwärmung.
20151212             [l] In PARIS kam es zu 1—ABKOMMEN gegen den KLIMA—WANDEL mit fast 200—TEILNEHMERSTAATEN.
20151212             [l] Wenig überraschend fällt die Verräterpartei in Sachen TTIP mal wieder um und rammt UNS—ALLEN 1—STUMPFEN Dolch mit Anlauf in den Rücken.
20151212             bei 1—ANTI—TTIP—DEMO mit etwa 200.000—LEUTEN in BERLIN war es 1.PAPP—GUILLOTINE.
20151212             capricorn 1218—HEUTE - chrimirk 1117—HEUTE
20151212             1—GRAD ist allerdings —BEREITS erreicht.
20151212             es ist bedrohlich, wie schnell die Bewegung an Unterstützung gewinnt, wie sich große Teile DER—BÜRGERLICHEN —MITTE radikalisieren, wie DIE—DEMOKRATIEVERACHTUNG wächst und die Sitten verrohen.
20151212             prefec2 1140—HEUTE - waren die kommunistischen Querfrontler schuld.
20151212             ÖSTERREICHs neuer GRENZ—ZAUN : Mut zur Lücke
20151212             überwinden DIE—VEREINTEN—NATIONEN[UN] 1. ihre scharfe Trennung in Entwickelte STAATEN und ENTWICKLUNGS—LÄNDER—AUCH SCHWELLEN—LÄNDER werden zur Mithilfe ermuntert, wenn auch nur ganz zARTIKEL
20151212             —AM, Aufstieg der NAZIs
20151212             —AM—SAMSTAG—ABEND begrüßte auch BUNDES—KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL DIE—EINIGUNG als ein "Zeichen der Hoffnung".
20151212             —DURING 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—FOX—NEWS' Megyn KELLY —ON—THURSDAY, PHILIP Haney said that
20151212             —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—40—JAHREN ist die Konzentration der Einkommen IN—DEN—USA stark gestiegen, sowohl die Oberschicht als auch die Unterschicht sind gewachsen, WÄHREND die Mittelschicht dabei ausgehöhlt wurde.
20151212             —IN—RECENT—MONTHS, THE—AP has revealed secret programs THE—NYPD built with help from THE—CIA to monitor Muslims at the places where they eat, shop and worship.
20151212             —JETZT ist er Chefredakteur von "Compact", Auflage angeblich 70.000, 1—MAGAZIN, in dem —MONAT für —MONAT gegen FLÜCHTLINGE gehetzt wird.
20151212             —KLIMA—GIPFEL—VERTRAG: Freut EUCH—ABER nicht zu früh
20151212             —LAUT—BUNDES—INNEN—MINISTERIUM hat es —J—IN—DIESEM, —BEREITS 817—STRAFTATEN gegen Asylunterkünfte gegeben, darunter 68—BRAND—ANSCHLÄGE.
20151212             —MEANWHILE, on the domestic terrorism front...
20151212             The Golden STATE—WARRIORS lost to THE—MILWAUKEE Bucks 108—95—ENDING a 24-game winning streak for the Warriors.
20151212             —KILLED, WEST—ARGENTINA, at least 2—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—HELICOPTER being used by film crew with THE—USA—TELEVISION—CHANNEL—MTV crashed into 1—LAKE.
20151212             —SCATTERED, BURUNDI residents awoke to find at least 39—DEAD—BODIES, in THE—STREETS—OF—BUJUMBURA, 1—DAY—AFTER coordinated armed assaults on 3—MILITARY—INSTALLATIONS.
20151212             87—PEOPLE were killed in 1—ESCALATION—OF—THE—VIOLENCE surrounding the disputed 3. TERM—OF—PRESIDENT—PIERRE—NKURUNZIZA.
20151212             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that the government will loosen SOME—RESTRICTIONS on the free MOVEMENT—OF—WORKERS within the country, long stymied by registration papers that limit access to critical social services.
20151212             —CONVICTED, EGYPT, 1—CAIRO court, 2—OFFICERS for the torture and murder of 1 detained lawyer in 1—EASTERN—CAIRO slum.
20151212             National security officers OMAR—MAHMOUD and MOHAMED—EL—ANWAR were sentenced in absentia to 5—YEARS in prison each for beating lawyer KARIM—HAMDI to death last February.
20151212             —PRESENTED, FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—LAURENT—FABIUS, 1—LANDMARK global climate accord.
20151212             The 31-page draft text creates 1—SYSTEM for ensuring countries make good on voluntary domestic efforts to curb emissions, and provides billions more dollars to help poor nations cope with the transition to 1—GREENER—ECONOMY.
20151212             —STARTED, GERMANY, riots, this —EVENING started —AFTER HUNDREDS—OF—LEFTWING activists demonstrated against 1—RALLY by FAR—RIGHT—PROTESTERS in LEIPZIG —EARLIER in the —DAY.
20151212             69—OFFICERS have been injured and some 50—POLICE—CARS were damaged.
20151212             GERMANY, IVORY—COAST footballer STEVE—GOHOURI, 34—JAHRE—ALT went missing.
20151212             His body found in the Rhine river on New —YEAR—EVE in THE—CITY—OF—KREFELD.
20151212             Gohouri was playing this season for German 4.—TIER side TSV Steinbach.
20151212             —SIGNED, INDIA and JAPAN, agreements in NEW—DELHI that could pave the way for TOKYO to supply NEW—DELHI with military aircraft and HIGH—SPEED—TRAINS, as PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE promised to fully support INDIA—EFFORTS to become 1—ECONOMIC powerhouse.
20151212             —KILLED, IRAQ, at least 6—BORDER—GUARDS were, —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER drove 1—TRUCK packed with explosives into 1—OUTPOST near the border with SAUDI—ARABIA in 1—ATTACK claimed by Islamic State.
20151212             MOZAMBIQUE said THE—USA will grant it $1.2—BILLION in aid to fund projects in healthcare, food production and education under a 5—YEAR—AGREEMENT signed this —WEEK.
20151212             NORTH—NIGERIA, soldiers besieging the home of IBRAHEEM—ZAKZAKY, THE—LEADER—OF—1—SHIITE movement accused of trying to assassinate NIGERIA—ARMY—CHIEF, shot and killed at least 20—PEOPLE in ZARIA.
20151212             The 1. HIGH—LEVEL—TALKS between North and SOUTH—KOREA —SINCE 1—AUGUST agreement to end 1 armed confrontation across their border ended in KAESONG inconclusively.
20151212             —ANGERED, POLAND, tens of thousands, by 1—ONGOING constitutional conflict, marched in WARSAW.
20151212             —ARGUED, They, that PRESIDENT—ANDRZEJ—DUDA is breaking the constitution with the steps he is taking concerning THE—APPOINTMENT—OF—NEW—JUDGES to the Constitutional Tribunal, the top law arbiter.
20151212             RUSSIA, 1—FIRE swept through 1—HOME for people with mental illnesses, killing 23—PATIENTS and injuring another 23, MANY—OF—WHOM were on medication or otherwise unable to walk in Alferovka, 1—VILLAGE in THE—VORONEZH region.
20151212             —VOTED, SAUDI—ARABIA—WOMEN, for the 1. time, in 1—TENTATIVE step towards easing sex discrimination in THE—ULTRA—CONSERVATIVE—ISLAMIC—KINGDOM.
20151212             —ALLOWED, Women were also, for the 1. time to stand as candidates in the polls for municipal councils, the country's only elected public chambers.
20151212             —VOTED, SAUDI—ARABIA—ARABIANS, 17—WOMEN into public office in municipal elections.
20151212             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, HECTOR—ALBEIDIS—ARBOLEDA—BUITRAGO, 1 suspected former combatant in THE—COLOMBIA—REBEL—FORCE—FARC, who they say carried out more than 500 forced abortions on female guerrillas.
20151212             —EXPLODED, SYRIA, 1—POWERFUL—CAR—BOMB, near 1—HOSPITAL in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—HOMS, killing 16—PEOPLE and wounding dozens.
20151212             Most residents belong to the same Alawite sect as PRESIDENT—ASSAD.
20151212             —KILLED, SOUTH—YEMEN, 9—REBELS and 4—PRO—GOVERNMENT—FIGHTERS were, in clashes late —TODAY.
20151212             YEMEN—OFFICIALS said a 7—DAY—CEASEFIRE will start 20151214             , THE—DAY—BEFORE planned UN—SPONSORED peace talks in SWITZERLAND.
20151212—20080000    —FROM, See, for example, this NEWSWEEK story, headlined "TERROR Watch: FBI—AGENTS—INFILTRATE Muslim Groups".
20151212—20120000    —FROM, HERE—1—GUARDIAN story about an FBI infiltrator named CRAIG—MONTEILH.
20151212—20120000    —FROM, HERE—1—AP story : "NYPD monitored Muslim students all over Northeast".
20151212—20140000    —FROM, Here is 1—GUARDIAN story : "Government agents 'directly involved' in most HIGH—PROFILE—USA—TERROR—PLOTS"
20151212—20200000    —AB, 100—MILLIARDEN $ PRO—JAHR sollen die alten Industriestaaten zur Verfügung stellen, um vom KLIMA—WANDEL bedrohte Regionen abzusichern und ihre Energieversorgung umzustellen.
20151212—20200000    —ENDE, läuft das KYOTO—PROTOKOLL aus, ein unvollkommener Versuch eines WELT—KLIMA—VERTRAGS, dem die wichtigsten STAATEN nie beigetreten sind.
20151213—20160801    —ON, 1—COMMISSION—OF—INQUIRY said that 348—PEOPLE were killed in ZARIA in 3—DAYS—OF—CLASHES, 20151212—20141212    , between NIGERIA—TROOPS and ZAKZAKY—IRANIAN—INSPIRED—ISLAMIC—MOVEMENT.
20151223             —FIRED, Human Rights Watch said NIGERIA—SOLDIERS, on unarmed Islamic Shiite children with no provocation in 20151212—20151214     raids in ZARIA that killed HUNDREDS—OF—THE—MINORITY—GROUP.
20160411             NIGERIA—KADUNA STATE—GOVERNMENT—SECRETARY—BALARABE—LAWAL told 1—COMMISSION—OF—INQUIRY that DOZENS—OF—SOLDIERS and state officials transported 347—BODIES from 1—MORTUARY and 1—ARMY—BASE to 1—BUSH—SITE where they were buried —AFTER the 20161212—20141212     military raids on Shiite compounds in NORTH—ZARIA town.
20161205—20161212    —ANNOUNCED, NEW—ZEALAND PM john Key, that he will submit his resignation —FOLLOWING 8—YEARS as leader.
20161212             OPEC—DEAL: Der verzweifelte Pakt des Ölkartells
20161212             Aber so leicht ist 1.Lüge IN DIESEN ZEITEN nicht mehr als solche zu entlarven.
20161212             "Ich glaube, daß RUSSLAND in unsere Wahlen eingegriffen hat —, ich will, daß PUTIN dafür persönlich 1—PREIS zahlt", sagt LINDSEY—GRAHAM, 1—DER führenden republikanischen SENAToren.
20161212             "PUTIN ist 1—GANGSTER, 1—TYRANN und 1—MÖRDER, und jeder, der ihn anders beschreibt, lügt", sagt MCCAIN.
20161212             100—BOLÍVARES—SCHEIN: VENEZUELA zieht meistverbreitete Banknote aus dem Verkehr
20161212             62,4—MILLIARDEN—EURO: DEUTSCHE Firmen forschen so intensiv wie noch nie
20161212             7—KG Gewichtsverlust: Rentiere specken unfreiwillig ab
20161212             ALEPPO: ASSAD—TRUPPEN nehmen weiteren Stadtteil ein
20161212             ALEPPO: REBELLEN ziehen aus 6—WEITEREN Vierteln ab
20161212             ANGELA—MERKEL selbst mahnte öffentlich, daß CYBER—ANGRIFFE und "hybride Auseinandersetzungen", geführt von RUSSLAND, längst zum Alltag gehörten und auch im WAHL—KAMPF 1.Rolle spielen könnten.
20161212             —BELASTET, Angebliche Hilfe aus MOSKAU: Der RUSSLAND—KRIMI, DONALD—TRUMP
20161212             Angebliche russische PROPAGANDA—AKTIONEN: Lügen, Gerüchte, Vorwürfe
20161212             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG Massenschlägereien in FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKUNFT—MEHRERE Verletzte
20161212             BEITRITTS—STREIT, TÜRKEI—FRAGE spaltet DIE—EU
20161212             DAS—PROBLEM für DONALD—TRUMP ist, daß viele in seiner Partei die Schilderung DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE nicht nur für plausibel, sondern sogar für sehr wahrscheinlich halten.
20161212             DAS—PROBLEM: Die Beweislage ist ÄUß—ERST dünn.
20161212             DIE—CYBER—ATTACKEN sind das eine,des DONALD—TRUMPSEHR russlandfreundliche Personalien das andere.
20161212             DIE—HIESIGEN SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN WARNEN ausdrücklich vor russischen Versuchen, DIE—BUNDES—TAG—WAHL im kommenden —JAHR zu beeinflussen.
20161212             DIE—KLUFT, die sich
20161212             DIE—KLUFT, die sich in Sachen RUSSLAND zwischen dem gewählten Präsidenten und seinen Leuten auftut, droht das ohnehin nicht sehr stabile Band zwischen ihnen zu beschädigen.
20161212             DIE—VERWALTUNG des Landgerichts (LG) HAMBURG sieht sich nicht dazu veranlasst, rechtsverbindlich zu erklären, daß die Inhalte auf der eigenen Seite ALLE—DEN—VORGABEN—DES—URHEBER—RECHTS entsprechen.
20161212             DONALD—TRUMP dürfte darauf hoffen, daß nie wirklich bewiesen werden kann, wie sehr DER—KREML auf ihn setzte.
20161212             DONALD—TRUMP—GEGEN—DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE—ES ist ein bemerkenswerter Kampf, der sich in diesen Tagen IN—DEN—USA auftut.
20161212             Dazu kommt in DEUTSCHLAND, daß DIE—DIENSTE —BISHER, personell nicht entsprechend aufgestellt sind, um sich gegen CYBER—ANGRIFFE zu wehren und
20161212             Designierter BERLINer STAATS—SEKRETÄR Holm: Der Problempolitiker
20161212             Doch darf man annehmen, daß OBAMA, der um die Errungenschaften seiner AMTS—ZEIT fürchten muss, 1—INTERESSE daran hat, die russische Hilfe zu 1—ART dunklen Wolke über DER—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT seines Nachfolgers zu machen
20161212             —ERST ernannte er mit MICHAEL FLYNN—1—MANN mit Kontakten nach MOSKAU zum SICHERHEITS—BERATER.
20161212             Förderfonds: BILL—GATES und Co.
20161212             Förderkürzungen: ÖL—PREISE steigen auf höchsten Stand —SEIT—SOMMER 2015
20161212             Für OBAMA ist DAS—THEMA —SCHON—JETZT unangenehm.
20161212             Fürchtet euch nicht, in HAMBURG arbeiten echte SPEZIAL—EXPERTEN!
20161212             Historisches PALMYRA in SYRIEN: ENDLOSCHLACHT—UM—DIE Ruinenstadt
20161212             IN—DEN—USA machen gerade geheimdienstliche Erkenntnisse die Runde, wonach russische Hacker sogar bei den PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHLEN mitgemischt haben sollen, um DONALD—TRUMP in das WEIßEHAUS zu verhelfen.
20161212             —EVAKUIERT, KÖLN: FLIEGER—BOMBE GEFUNDEN—TAUSENDE müssen, werden: Blindgänger in der INNENSTADT—TAUSENDE müssen Häuser verlassen
20161212             Laxe Kontrolle: Bundesrechnungshof nennt INTERNET STEUER—OASE - NATÜRLICH nicht!
20161212             Neu ist auch die Behauptung, neben den Rechnern der DEMOKRATEN seien auch die Server der Republikanischen Partei angezapft worden.
20161212             PARLAMENTS—WAHL—IN—MAZEDONIEN: 2—KANDIDATEN erklären sich zum Sieger
20161212             Russische Hacker: Politiker WARNEN—VOR—MANIPULATION DER—BUNDES—TAG—WAHL
20161212             —GEFÄHRDET, Treibhausgas: Methanausstoß, KLIMA—ZIELE
20161212             TÜRKEI: Wirtschaft erleidet Wachstumsknick
20161212             USA—GESETZESVOR—SCHLAG, Politiker wollen Waffen in Sportstadien erlauben
20161212             Um dafür mehr Personal zu bekommen, hilft es, DAS—PROBLEM möglichst groß zu machen.
20161212             —BEGINNT, Umstrittene Entschädigung: PROZESS—GEGEN—IWF—CHEFIN—LAGARDE
20161212             Und darauf, daß sich möglicherweise gerade MOSKAU diese neuen Möglichkeiten zunutze machen könnte.
20161212             Und vor allem, welche Reaktionsmöglichkeiten es gibt, wenn man dafür Informationen verwendet, die —ZUNÄCHST durch HACKER—ANGRIFFE erbeutet wurden.
20161212             VERBRAUCHER—SCHUTZ, 6.500—MENSCHEN beschweren sich wegen PAKET—DIENSTEN
20161212             Wechsel an der Regierungsspitze: BILL—ENGLAND—IST neuer PREMIER NEUSEELANDs
20161212             WELTKRIEGS—ALTLAST: FLIEGER—BOMBE in KÖLN entschärft
20161212             —DISKUTIERT, Wie viel davon öffentlich, werden wird, ist unklar.
20161212             [l] Konnte das LG HAMBURG überhaupt noch tiefer ins Klo greifen?
20161212             [l] OXFORD und CAMBRIDGE führen "gender neutral pronouns"ein: "ze"statt "he"oder "she".
20161212             angebliche CYBER—ANGRIFFE und PROPAGANDA—ATTACKEN—AUS—MOSKAU: GEHEIM—DIENSTE haben ein hohes Interesse daran, Gegner zu definieren.
20161212             auftut, droht - entwickeln kann
20161212             welche MACHT die Lüge - zurückzuschlagen.
20161212             Über 1.ANALYSE—VON—METADATEN waren IT—FORENSIKER im Frühsommer auf Spuren zweier in der SICHERHEITS—SZENE gut bekannter russischer HACKER—GRUPPEN gestoßen: Cozy Bear und Fancy Bear.
20161212             —, BUNDES—KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL wurde darauf aufmerksam, welche MACHT die Lüge IN DIESEN ZEITEN über DAS—INTERNET entwickeln kann.
20161212             —ANFANG, 20170000              sollen —EXPERTEN DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE vorstellen, was gegen Formen moderner PROPAGANDA unternommen werden kann.
20161212             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MONTAG, Glückliche TAGE für WLADIMIR—PUTIN
20161212             —NACH, Anschlägen: TÜRKEI—REGIERUNG verhaftet landesweit HDP—POLITIKER
20161212             —NACH, DONALD—TRUMP—WAHL: DEUTSCHE Parteien mit Mitgliederzuwachs
20161212             —SEIT, —FREITAG niemand der Darstellung widersprochen hat, DIE—DIENSTE seien allesamt der Meinung, RUSSLAND habe mit CYBER—ATTACKEN nicht nur Unordnung im WAHL—KAMPF stiften, sondern ausdrücklich DONALD—TRUMP helfen wollen.
20161212             —SEIT, bekannt ist, daß er darüber nachdenkt, den PUTIN—FREUND REX—TILLERSON zum AUßEN—MINISTER zu machen, fragen sich manche, was eigentlich in DONALD—TRUMP gefahren ist.
20161212             —SEIT, öffentlich wurde, daß DIE—CIA sich sicher ist, RUSSLAND habe DONALD—TRUMP in das WEIßEHAUS verholfen, behandelt DER—MILLIARDÄR DIE—NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE wie Feinde.
20161212             —VON, MOSKAU GE—STEUERTE Aktivitäten.
20161212             —SANCTIONED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, 2—SENIOR—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO officials for human rights violations and targeting the opposition, 1—WEEK—BEFORE THE—PRESIDENT—MANDATE is set to end.
20161212             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—TREASURY, it was targeting Deputy PRIME—MINISTER—EVARISTE—BOSHAB, also the nation's interior and security MINISTER, and Kalev Mutondo, head of the national intelligence agency.
20161212             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT upheld the broad reach of 1—FEDERAL—LAW prohibiting bank fraud, 1—RULING that gives the government more leeway to prosecute financial crimes.
20161212             The unanimous came in THE—CASE—OF—1—CALIFORNIA man who illegally siphoned about $307,000 out of 1—TAIWAN—BUSINESSMAN—BANK—OF—AMERICAN—BANK—ACCOUNT.
20161212             CASTRO, VALLEY—CALIFORNIA ANDREA—S—JOHN, 59—JAHRE—ALT was stabbed to death and her home set on fire —FOLLOWING 1—ROBBERY.
20161212             —CANCELED, FlightAware said 190—USA—FLIGHTS were, —TODAY—AFTER 1,800 were grounded 1—DAY—EARLIER, mostly at CHICAGO—2—MAIN—AIRPORTS.
20161212             —TURNED, NEW—JERSEY, Adele Dunlap, the oldest person in AMERICA, 114.
20161212             —INTRODUCED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—20160501             —OFFICIAL—DEFINITION for ANTI—SEMITISM in hopes of curbing attacks against Jewish people.
20161212             The definition states that "ANTI—SEMITISM is 1—CERTAIN—PERCEPTION—OF—JEWS, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical MANIFESTATIONS—OF—ANTI—SEMITISM are directed toward Jewish or NON—JEWISH—INDIVIDUALS and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities".
20161212             —JAILED, BRITAIN, MOHAMMED—ALI—AHMED, 27—JAHRE—ALT and ZAKARIA—BOUFASSIL, 26—JAHRE—ALT for up to 8—YEARS for giving money to BRUSSELS and PARIS terror attacks suspect MOHAMED—ABRINI —WHEN he visited BRITAIN —LAST—YEAR.
20161212             —DISMANTLED, British and GREECE—AUTHORITIES said they have, 1—INTERNATIONAL ring suspected of smuggling HUNDREDS—OF—MIGRANTS to BRITAIN and other European countries using falsified travel documents.
20161212             24—SUSPECTS were arrested last —WEEK in THE—ATHENS area, and another 9 in GLASGOW, NORTHAMPTON and MANCHESTER in BRITAIN.
20161212             1—LONDON JUDGE—SENTENCED—STEFANO—BRIZZI, 1—CRYSTAL meth addict, to life in prison with at least 24—YEARS to serve for killing police officer GORDON—SEMPLE, 59—JAHRE—ALT —DURING 1—BONDAGE—SEX—SESSION and then attempting to cook and eat his body parts.
20161212             —EXPRESSED, CHINA, "serious concern" —AFTER USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT DONALD—TRUMP said THE—USA—DID not necessarily have to stick to its LONG—HELD stance that TAIWAN is part of "1—CHINA", calling it the basis for relations.
20161212             CONGODRC, the Union for Peace in CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC (UPC) rebels killed at least 32—CIVILIANS in THE—TOWN—OF—BAKALA, where they had been fighting the Popular Front for THE—RENAISSANCE—OF—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC (FPRC).
20161212             —REPORTED, It was, that Google is installing multiple servers in CUBA that will host MUCH—OF—THE—COMPANY—MOST popular content.
20161212             —IMPOSED, The European Union, sanctions on 7—CONGO—OFFICIALS it says illegally suppressed ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS in September, —WHEN DOZENS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS were killed.
20161212             —HUNTED, FRANCE—POLICE, for 4—MEN suspected of stealing gold dust worth 1 estimated 1.5—MILLION—EUROS from 1 armored truck —BEFORE setting cars ablaze near 1—MAJOR—HIGHWAY and fleeing.
20161212             HONG—KONG—INDEPENDENT—COMMISSION—AGAINST—CORRUPTION (ICAC) said 29—CURRENT and former staff of 5—FINANCIAL—FIRMS, including 4—BANKS, have been arrested for alleged bribery related to the disclosure of confidential customer information.
20161212             1—CYCLONE barreled into THE—SOUTH—EAST—COAST—OF—INDIA, killing at least 4—PEOPLE and bringing down trees and power lines as authorities moved TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE from LOW—LYING areas.
20161212             ITALY—ENERGY—COMPANY—ENI said it would sell a 30—PERCENT stake in 1—OFFSHORE—EGYPT—GAS—FIELD to Rosneft.
20161212             THE—RUSSIA—COMPANY will pay $1.125—BILLION for the holding in the Shorouk concession, which contains the giant Zohr gas field, and $450—MILLION to cover past expenditures on the project.
20161212             —APPROVED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND, 2—LOANS totaling $658.9—MILLION for THE—IVORY—COAST, —WHILE welcoming recent economic and financial reforms made by the country.
20161212             —STEPPED, NEW—ZEALAND, PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—KEY, down.
20161212             —LOWERED, Key, 1—FORMER—CURRENCY—TRADER, had, income tax rates, trimmed the national debt to 25—PERCENT—OF—GDP and partially privatized 1—BATCH—OF—STATE utilities.
20161212             The conservative CAUCUS—OF—PARLIAMENT chose BILL—ENGLISH, 54—JAHRE—ALT as the next PRIME—MINISTER.
20161212             PAKISTAN, THOUSANDS—OF—SUNNI—MUSLIMS marking the Prophet MUHAMMAD—BIRTHDAY attacked 1—MOSQUE outside ISLAMABAD belonging to the Ahmadi religious minority, wounding several people.
20161212             —BOASTED, PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE—OF—THE—PHILIPPINES, about having personally killed criminal suspects —WHEN he was mayor of DAVAO City.
20161212             —DETERMINED, THE—PHILIPPINES—VICE—PRESIDENT—LENI—ROBREDO said she was, to lead 1—CAMPAIGN against PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE—DEADLY—WAR—ON—DRUGS and did not believe his assurances there was no plot to oust her.
20161212             —VOWED, THE—QATAR—GOVERNMENT, that labor law reforms to make it easier for migrant workers to change jobs and leave the country would bring "tangible benefits" and urged patience from critics who say the proposed changes are inadequate.
20161212             —ARRESTED, Police in THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—CAPITAL said they had, 1—WOMAN for taking off her veil in public and posting pictures of her daring action on Twitter.
20161212             —IDENTIFIED, Several websites, her as Malak AL—SHEHRI, who triggered 1—HUGE—BACKLASH on social media —AFTER posing without the hijab in 1—MAIN—RIYADH street last —MONTH.
20161212             1—SYRIA—MILITARY—OFFICIAL in ALEPPO said the "operation in eastern neighborhoods is entering its final phase", as fierce clashes were reported in the few districts still under rebel control.
20161212             —SUSPECTED, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said there had been 1, gas attack in Islamic STATE—HELD TERRITORY—NEAR—PALMYRA, amid heavy aerial bombardment of the same area which together killed at least 53—PEOPLE.
20161212             —DETAINED, TURKEY, over 200—PEOPLE including DOZENS—OF—OFFICIALS from PRO—KURDISH—PARTIES and struck Kurdish militants in IRAQ in response to this weekend's twin bombings claimed by 1—RADICAL—KURD separatist group.
20161212             —RUSHED, Venezuelans, to spend their 100-bolivar notes —AFTER PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO—ANNOUNCEMENT they will be taken OUT—OF—CIRCULATION to stop the contraband smuggling "mafias" along THE—COLOMBIA—BORDER that he says hoard cash outside the country.
20161212             1 estimated 3. of Venezuelans have no bank account and keep their savings in THE—SOON—TO—BE—WORTHLESS—BILLS.
20161212—20160401    —ON, Semple was last seen and his dissolving body was found in 1—ACID—BATH.
20161212—20160502    —CONFESSED, Luckie Dacany (36) of STOCKTON, to her killing —WHILE under custody for stealing 1—VEHICLE and alleged child molestation.
20171128—20171212    —ON, KENYA—PRESIDENT—UHURU—KENYATTA was sworn in for a 2. term, shortly —BEFORE riot police teargassed THE—CONVOY—OF—OPPOSITION—LEADER—RAILA Odinga, who promised supporters he would be sworn in himself.
20171212             BERICHT—ÜBER—BREXIT—DEAL nicht korrekt: BUNDES—REGIERUNG ermahnt THERESA—MAY
20171212             Bedeutsame Bäume : Uralte Mitbewohner
20171212             Belästigungsvorwürfe: 1—ALTES Problem holt DONALD—TRUMP ein
20171212             DONALD—TRUMP scheitert vor Gericht: Transgender dürfen im USA—MILITÄR dienen
20171212             DONALD—TRUMP—WELT—RAUMPLÄNE: Zum Mond.
20171212             Experteninterview zur SPIONAGE im KALTER—KRIEG: "DER—BND hat ALLE—GRÖßEREN—KRISEN verschlafen"
20171212             Finanzermittlungen: Tausende GELD—WÄSCHE—MELDUNGEN stauen sich beim ZOLL
20171212             GIPFEL—PARIS: MACRONs KLIMA—SHOW
20171212             Marienwallfahrt in MEXIKO: Millionen singen Jungfrau 1—STÄNDCHEN
20171212             Misshandlungen und Ausbeutung: AMNESTY gibt EU Mitschuld an Lage in LIBYEN
20171212             SPIONAGEvorwürfe: CHINA—STAATS—MEDIEN drohen DEUTSCHLAND
20171212             USA—DESERTEUR lebte 40—JAHRE in NORD—KOREA: Der Mann, der kein SOLDAT mehr sein wollte
20171212             —ANSCHLAG—IN—NEW—YORK: Attentäter wollte offenbar USA—ANGRIFFE—AUF—IS rächen
20171212             —ANTI—SEMITISCHE Demonstrationen: ZENTRAL—RAT—DER—JUDEN fordert GESETZES—ÄNDERUNG
20171212             —NACH, ANSCHLAG—IN—NEW—YORK: DONALD—TRUMP fordert strengere Einwanderungsgesetze
20171212             —STREIT—UM—KLIMA—VERTRAG: MACRON wirft USA aggressiven Alleingang vor
20171212             —ELECTED, ALABAMA voters, Democrat Doug Jones in 1—NARROW—VICTORY over JUDGE—ROY—MOORE in 1—SPECIAL—ELECTION for 1—USA—SENATE seat.
20171212             The election cut the Republican margin in THE—USA—SENATE to 51-49
20171212             CALIFORNIA, THE—THOMAS—FIRE grew by about 2,500 acres overnight.
20171212             —BURNED, It has, 234,200 acres in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, about 100—MILES northwest of downtown LOS—ANGELES, and has destroyed almost 900—STRUCTURES including more than 690—HOMES.
20171212             —JOINED, CALIFORNIA and WASHINGTON state, 5—NATIONS (CANADA—MEXICO, COSTA—RICA, COLOMBIA and CHILE) on the Pacific COAST—OF—THE—AMERICAS to agree to step up the use of 1—PRICE on carbon dioxide emissions as 1—CENTRAL—ECONOMIC—POLICY to slow climate change.
20171212             —BECAME, Supervisor LONDON Breed (43), the acting mayor.
20171212             —RELEASED, The annual ARCTIC Report Card, —TODAY warned that 1—INCREASINGLY warm ARCTIC, where temperatures rise twice as fast as THE—REST—OF—THE—PLANET and ice melts at 1—ALARMING pace is the "new normal".
20171212             —ROCKED, EAST—AUSTRIA, 1—LARGE—EXPLOSION, the Baumgarten facility, 1—OF—EUROPE—MAIN—GAS—PIPELINE—HUBS, leaving 1—PERSON—DEAD and stoking concerns about the continent's —WINTER supplies.
20171212             1—BOTSWANA transgender woman won 1—LEGAL—BATTLE against the government to be recognized as female in 1—LANDMARK victory for the rights of the lesbian, gay and transgender community.
20171212             The conservative SOUTH—AFRICA—NATION—OF—2—MILLION—PEOPLE has been reluctant to fully acknowledge the rights of THE—LGBT community.
20171212             —LAUNCHED, BRAZIL—MINISTRY—OF—AGRICULTURE, 1—PROGRAM to ensure farmers comply with ANTI—CORRUPTION, environmental and child labor laws, —AFTER 1—HIGHLY publicized meatpacking scandal raised doubts about the country's food products.
20171212             —SHOWED, Official data, that UK—INFLATION has hit its highest level in almost 6—YEARS, forcing BANK—OF—ENGLAND—GOVERNOR—MARK—CARNEY to explain the rise in 1—EXCEPTIONAL—LETTER.
20171212             —CLIMBED, The Consumer Price Index, to 3.1—PERCENT on a 12-month basis in November compared to 3.0—PERCENT in October, overshooting THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND—2.0-percent target rate by more than 1—PERCENTAGE—POINT.
20171212             —ADDED, HARRY—POTTER creator J.K. Rowling, another magic moment to her LIST—OF—ACHIEVEMENTS as PRINCE—WILLIAM made her 1—ROYAL—COMPANION—OF—HONOR.
20171212             —LIMITED, The title is, to 65—PEOPLE "of distinction".
20171212             EGYPT, prominent activist and opposition figure Islam Marei was sentenced to 3—YEARS over his CRITICISM—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—DECISION to transfer control over 2 Red Sea islands to SAUDI—ARABIA.
20171212             —SUSPENDED, The European Union said it has, funding for CAMBODIA's 20180000              general election because the vote cannot be credible —AFTER the dissolution of the main opposition party.
20171212             —GATHERED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON told DOZENS—OF—WORLD—LEADERS and company bosses, at 1—CLIMATE—SUMMIT in PARIS that "we are losing the battle" against climate change.
20171212             —VOWED, Major banks and companies, to accelerate the move away from EARTH—WARMING fossil fuels as world leaders met in PARIS seeking to unlock new cash for the global economy's shift to greener energy.
20171212             —REPORTED, It was, that the owner of Westfield shopping centers is being bought by FRANCE—PROPERTY—INVESTOR—UNIBAIL—RODAMCO for $15.7—BILLION.
20171212             —STARTED, Westfield, which, off in SYDNEY in the 1950s, is known for its 35—UPSCALE shopping centers in major metropolitan areas, particularly in THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN.
20171212             —ANNOUNCED, GERMANY—KBA automotive watchdog, 1—RECALL—OF—VOLKSWAGEN—FLAGSHIP—EUROPEAN SPORT—UTILITY—VEHICLES (SUV) with 3-litre diesel engines —AFTER detecting 2—ILLICIT emissions control devices in the models.
20171212             —CONSIDERED, ISRAEL—RABBI—AARON—YEHUDA—LEIB—SHTEINMAN, (19130000              *), the leading spiritual authority for ULTRA—ORTHODOX—JUDAISM, †.
20171212             —ATTENDED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS, his funeral ceremonies.
20171212             —DISMISSED, NIGERIA—COURT—OF—APPEAL, 15—CHARGES against Senate PRESIDENT—BUKOLA—SARAKI related to alleged false DECLARATIONS—OF—ASSETS, but it upheld 3—OTHER—CHARGES against him.
20171212             1—NIGERIA—OFFICIAL said 2—TEENAGE—GIRL—SUICIDE—BOMBERS attacked THE—TOWN—OF—GWOZA, Borno state.
20171212             1—GIRL was shot dead and the other detonated herself killing 4—OTHERS.
20171212             2—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PALESTINIAN—ISLAMIC—JIHAD militant group were killed in 1—EXPLOSION in THE—GAZA Strip.
20171212             —MISHANDLED, The group said the men had, explosives.
20171212             —HEADED, Puntland army COLONEL—OSMAN—ABSHIR—OMAR, who also, the region's bomb disposal unit, was killed —AFTER 1—ROADSIDE bomb he was defusing exploded.
20171212             —SUSPENDED, RUSSIA, its diplomatic presence in YEMEN and all its staff left the country due to the situation in THE—CAPITAL—SANAA.
20171212             † THE—RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY has said 41—OF—ITS—TROOPS have, in Syria.
20171212             THE—S—PETERSBURG—BASED website Fontanka has said 73—PRIVATE—CONTRACTORS have been killed fighting in Syria.
20171212             —DETAINED, SAUDI—ARABIA, Sabih AL—MASRI, JORDAN—MOST influential businessman and THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—ITS—LARGEST—LENDER—ARAB Bank, for questioning —AFTER 1—BUSINESS—TRIP to RIYADH.
20171212             —LAUNCHED, SINGAPORE, 1—ELECTRIC—CAR—SHARING service, the latest transport innovation aimed at encouraging people away from owning vehicles and keeping gridlock at bay in THE—SPACE—STARVED CITY—STATE.
20171212             SOMALIA, 1—USA—DRONE—STRIKE hit 1—VEHICLE carrying explosives some 40—MILES—SOUTH—WEST—OF—MOGADISHU.
20171212             1—SOUTH—SUDAN lawmaker said more than 170—PEOPLE have been killed in fighting between rival cattle herders in CENTRAL—SOUTH—SUDAN in the past —WEEK.
20171212             —KILLED, YEMEN—SECURITY—FORCES, at least 3 suspected militants in 1—RAID—EARLY—TODAY in the southern port CITY—OF—ADEN.
20171212             1—GUNMEN shot and killed 1—MUSLIM cleric in front of his home in ADEN, the 7. KILLING—OF—1—CLERIC in the past 3—MONTHS.
20171212—20110000    —SINCE, S—FRANCISCO—MAYOR—EDWIN—MAH—LEE (19520000              *), in office, † of 1—HEART attack early —TODAY.
20171212—20180000    —SPRING—OF, GERMANY—LAWMAKERS extended the military's participation in missions against the Islamic State group and in AFGHANISTAN, MALI and IRAQ —UNTIL the.
20171212—20180226    —VOM—BIS—ZUM, Sind sie ja auch tatsächlich.
20180213—20181212    —IMPRISONED, MYANMAR's, journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, arrested, won 1—MAJOR—PRESS—FREEDOM—AWARD.
20180429             —DURING that hearing, Moe Yan Naing told the court he had been under arrest —SINCE the night of 20181212             , the date the Reuters reporters were arrested.
20180605—20181212    —ON, MYANMAR, defense lawyers said that documents MYANMAR police say they found on the mobile phones of 2—REUTERS reporters, arrested and accused of possessing state secrets, were not confidential, because the information was publicly available —BEFORE they were arrested.
20181204—20181212    —ON, Police took CHRISTIAN—LUCAS—KELLING into custody —AFTER finding him in PFLUGERVILLE—TEXAS.
20181212             —STUDIE—ZU—WETTEREXTREMEN: Fluten in Nordeuropa, Dürren in AFRIKA
20181212             in PARIS: Dort erzielten mehrere von Marx verfasste Dokumente unerwartet hohe Erlöse.
20181212             [l] DONALD—TRUMP hat jemanden zum KLIMA—GIPFEL geschickt, der da Kohle als Energieträger beworben hat.
20181212             VENEZUELA—PRÄSIDENT—MADURO fürchtet USA—MORDKOMPLOTT gegen sich
20181212             DER—KLIMA—WANDEL führe zu mehr extremen Niederschlägen in EUROPA, DEN—USA und RUSSLAND, heißt es darin.
20181212             "Das bedeutet, daß etwa jeder 3. rekordtrockene —MONAT in diesen Regionen ohne langfristigen KLIMA—WANDEL nicht stattgefunden hätte",
20181212             "Der Skywalker Gibbon ist 1.der 25—BEDROHTESTEN AFFEN—ARTEN—DER—WELT"
20181212             ++ Liveblog zum ANSCHLAG—IN—STRAßBURG ++: FRANKREICHs Behörden gehen von islamistischem Anschlag aus
20181212             400—ÜBER—STUNDEN im —JAHR: UNGARNs OPPOSITION PROTEST—GEGEN—NEUES "Sklavengesetz" (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 16:08)
20181212             Aus den Schreiben 18720000             —VON, geht etwa hervor, daß Marx das 1—KAPITEL seines Hauptwerks "DAS—KAPITAL" selbst ins Französische übersetzte.
20181212             BREXIT: THERESA—MAY lehnt Rücktritt ab
20181212             BREXIT: THERESA—MAY muss sich Misstrauensabstimmung stellen
20181212             Bilanz 20170000             : Arbeitnehmer haben 668.000.000 Arbeitstage gefehlt (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 14:14)
20181212             Chrissy Teigen über britische —POLITIK,"Mein GEHIRN kann es nicht begreifen"
20181212             DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG will trotz des Lieferstopps für Rüstungsgüter nach SAUDI—ARABIEN andere europäische Nationen nicht am Export von Waffensystemen hindern, an deren Entwicklung DEUTSCHLAND beteiligt ist.
20181212             DIE—FRANZOSEN hatten sich —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—4—WOCHEN daran gewöhnt, den —TAG mit dem Rummel der "Gelbwesten" zu beginnen.
20181212             DIE—UNTERSUCHUNG ist den Angaben zufolge die 1., die systematisch die Veränderungen der monatlichen REKORD—NIEDERSCHLAGSEREIGNISSE analysiert und quantifiziert, basierend auf DATEN—VON—WELT—WEIT—CA—50.000—WETTERSTATIONEN
20181212             DONALD—TRUMP über USA—NOTEN—BANK: ZINS—ERHÖHUNG "wäre töricht"
20181212             —VERURTEILT, DONALD—TRUMP—EX—ANWALT : "Individuum-1" im Visier
20181212             Dabei schien es diese Woche so, als würden sich DIE—FRANZOSEN nach der Fernsehansprache des Präsidenten —AM—MONTAG in 2—LAGER spalten: 50 % für MACRON, 50 % für die "Gelbwesten" - so ungefähr gaben es DIE—UMFRAGEN her.
20181212             Das ATTENTAT—VON—STRAßBURG nimmt der andauernden REVOLTE—DER—"Gelbwesten" ihre —BISHER, durchaus vorhandene Leichtigkeit und trägt dem Präsidenten wieder seine klassische Rolle zu: Garant der Sicherheit aller FRANZOSEN.
20181212             Das liegt auch an der Rolle DER—POLIZEI.
20181212             Der ORIGINAL—VERTRAG für die französische Ausgabe des "Kapitals" ging den Angaben zufolge für fast 122.000—EURO an 1—BIETER, diese Summe ist fast fünfmal so hoch wie der Schätzwert.
20181212             Die Bewegung, die DRACULA—AMEISEN mit ihrem Schnappkiefer ausführen können, ist 5000-mal rascher als 1—WIMPERNSCHLAG und tausendmal schneller als 1—FINGERSCHNIPPEN.
20181212             Doch es gibt auch Leute, die auf Marx' Ideen und Schriften —BIS—HEUTE Wert legen.
20181212             Er fließt durch 6—LÄNDER: CHINA, MYANMAR, THAILAND, Laos, Kambodscha und VIETNAM.
20181212             Ermittlungen des GENERAL—BUNDES—ANWALTS: "SCHATTEN—ARMEE" soll Liste mit Gegnern erstellt haben
20181212             Es sind also die gleichen POLIZISTEN, die sich —ERST um den PRO—TEST und dann um den Attentäter kümmern müssen.
20181212             HAUSHALTS—STREIT—ITALIEN kommt EU MINI—SCHRITT entgegen
20181212             HUAWEI—MANAGERIN: Meng kommt gegen Kaution frei
20181212             Hohe Gebote für Originaldokumente: Kasse machen mit KARL—MARX
20181212             In dem Dokument legte Marx mit seinem Verleger Maurice Lachâtre fest, daß die Ausgabe zu einem Preis veröffentlicht werden sollte, "der das Werk für die kleinsten Geldbörsen verfügbar macht".
20181212             In der Zeit sei etwa in den OST—REGIONEN und zentralen REGIONEN—DER—USA—DIE—ZAHL—DER—REKORDNASSEN—MONATE um mehr als 25 % angestiegen,
20181212             Innenstadt von STRAßBURG: Schütze tötet mehrere MENSCHEN—REGIERUNG ruft höchste TERROR—WARN—STUFE aus
20181212             KARL—MARX ist —BEREITS—SEIT—MEHR—ALS—135—JAHREN TOT—UND doch —BIS—HEUTE 1.Figur, die polarisiert: E
20181212             Lazio, Lebensraumzerstörung, riesige Wasserkraftanlagen und Wilderei machen nach WWF—ANGABEN nicht nur den Affen das Leben schwer, sondern bedrohen den gesamten Naturraum.
20181212             LUKE—SKYWALKER—GIBBON: 157—NEUE Arten im Mekong entdeckt
20181212             MACRON und der ANSCHLAG—VON—STRAßBURG: Die —STUNDE des Präsidenten
20181212             MEXIKO: Tote und Verletzte bei Explosion
20181212             MUTMAßLICHER—SCHÜTZE—VON—STRAßBURG: Chérif C.
20181212             Mit 1—LÄNGE von mehr als 4300—KILOMETERN ist der Mekong nicht nur 1.der größten Flusslandschaften der Erde, sondern auch Heimat für VIELE—SELTENE—TIER—UND—PFLANZEN—ARTEN.
20181212             Nun, äh, brauchen wir ja auch nicht.
20181212             PARKPLATZ—AFFÄRE: Stormy Daniels muss DONALD—TRUMP Anwaltsgebühren erstatten
20181212             RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE: Flynns Anwälte fordern Haftverschonung
20181212             Rekord im Tierreich: DRACULA—AMEISEN—NIEMAND schnappt schneller
20181212             RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE: DEUTSCHLAND liefert über Umwege weiter nach SAUDI—ARABIEN
20181212             Rätselhaftes Loch: Raumfahrer beenden heiklen AUßEN—EINSATZ an der ISS
20181212             SEEHOFERs Gesetzesinitiative: ASYL—BEWERBER sollen —BIS zur Abschiebung in Gewahrsam
20181212             STRAßBURG —NACH—DEM AN—SCHLAG, "Vereint GEGEN—DIE—BARBAREI"
20181212             So zynisch das klingen mag, dem Präsidenten im ÉLYSÉE—PALAST kommt es nicht ungelegen, daß DIE—DEMONSTRANTEN nun weniger Aufmerksamkeit bekommen.
20181212             —PASSIERT, Spektakuläres Experiment: Das, wenn Lava auf Wasser trifft
20181212             Tatsächlich kann man —JETZT nur auf MACRONs Seite sein.
20181212             The 1. person to use the term "DEEP—STATE" in 1—USA—CONTEXT was THE—LEFT—WING professor PETER DALE—SCOTT.
20181212             Trockenrekorde gab es hingegen in der SAHEL—ZONE und südlich der SAHARA, wo die Trockenextreme um —BIS zu 50 % zunahmen.
20181212             Trotz aller GEWALT—BEI—DEN Demonstrationen der letzten Wochen, niemand hätte Angst gehabt, am nächsten —MORGEN auf die Straße zu gehen.
20181212             Trotz aller Wildheit ihrer Aktionen kam —BISHER, kein Demonstrant durch DIE—POLIZEI ernsthaft zu Schaden.
20181212             Und diese Angst bleibt nicht auf die Orte der Attentate beschränkt, sie überträgt sich aufs ganze Land, beschwert es, verändert es.
20181212             Unter den Neuentdeckungen 20170000              sind insgesamt 3—SÄUGETIERE, 23—FISCHE, 14—AMPHIBIEN, 26—REPTILIEN und 91—PFLANZEN.
20181212             Unterrichtsbeginn: Schüler profitieren von späterer ANFANGSzeit (Leben und Lernen, 20:40)
20181212             VERTRAG: DEUTSCHLAND sichert sich LITHIUM—VORKOMMEN
20181212             Wir verdienen ja auch über Bande, und dann ist auch noch jemand anderes der Buhmann.
20181212             YANDEX—HIGHLY specific blurring reveals the location of several sensitive facilities, TURKEY—MILITARY—BASES, ISRAEL—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES, and ISRAEL—PATRIOT missile batteries.
20181212             [l] DIE—RUSSEN haben ja —SCHON immer 1—SEHR eigenen Humor gehabt.
20181212             [l] Fühlt ihr euch auch so von illegalen Einreisern umzingelt?
20181212             [l] Sagten wir, wir liefern keine Rüstungsgüter mehr an SAUDI—ARABIEN?
20181212             [l] Sich mit Händen hinter dem Kopf in "ich werde gerade vom UNRECHTS—STAAT verhaftet" hinknien ist —JETZT PROTEST—SYMBOL—DER—JUGENDLICHEN in FRANKREICH.
20181212             erzielten alleine 2—BRIEFE mehr als 120.000—EURO—DAS entspricht etwa dem Vierfachen des Schätzwerts.
20181212             —ABSTIMMUNG der Tories: May übersteht Misstrauensvotum
20181212             —ANGRIFF nahe Weihnachtsmarkt: 350—EINSATZKRÄFTE suchen nach mutmaßlichem Täter von STRAßBURG
20181212             —ANSCHLAG—IN—STRAßBURG: POLIZEI fahndet öffentlich nach Chérif Chekatt
20181212             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MITTWOCH, "Gelbwesten" verlieren an Zustimmung
20181212             —KURZ—VOR, Misstrauensvotum: May kündigt Rücktritt 20220000             —BIS an
20181212             —MACHT—KAMPF—BEI—DEN Tories: Mays bitterer Sieg
20181212             —PROTEST—BEWEGUNG in FRANKREICH: Was man über die "Gelbwesten" wissen sollte
20181212             —DEVOTED, MICHAEL—COHEN, 52—JAHRE—ALT, DONALD—TRUMP—FORMER, lawyer and fizer, was sentenced to 3—YEARS in prison, for lying about business deals related to dt, for lying about business deals related to DONALD—TRUMP.
20181212             —REPORTED, THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, that 1 revised plan would play down CHINA—BID to dominate manufacturing, and allow more outside competition.
20181212             Suspect DANIEL—TREVINO was found dead hours —LATER—OF—1—SELF—INFLICTED gunshot wound.
20181212             —ABANDONED, AFGHANISTAN—PROVINCIAL—OFFICIALS said government forces have, the Shebkoh DISTRICT—OF—FARAH province, leaving the area to Taliban insurgents —AFTER the government failed to resupply DOZENS—OF—TROOPS stationed there.
20181212             † In ANTARCTICA 2—TECHNICIANS performing maintenance at THE—USA—RESEARCH—MCMURDO—STATION—WHILE working on 1—BUILDING that houses 1—GENERATOR for 1—NEARBY—RADIO transmitter.
20181212             —NEEDED, ARGENTINA—FOREIGN—MINISTER said his CRISIS—RIDDEN country desperately, INTERNATIONAL investment, as he began a 2—DAY—VISIT to 1—OF—THE—WORLD—RICHEST nations, QATAR.
20181212             —FORCED, UK—CONSERVATIVE—LAWMAKERS, 1—NO—CONFIDENCE—VOTE in PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY, throwing UK politics deeper into crisis and Brexit further into doubt.
20181212             May won the vote —AFTER promising lawmakers privately that she would quit —BEFORE BRITAIN—NEXT—NATIONAL—ELECTION, which is scheduled for 20220000        .
20181212             —CONFIRMED, CHINA—POLICE, they have arrested AWARD—WINNING photographer Lu Guang, who went missing in November —WHILE travelling in Xinjiang.
20181212             —FIRED, CONGODRC, police, teargas and live bullets for a 2. —DAY to disperse SUPPORTERS—OF—OPPOSITION—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—MARTIN—FAYULU, killing 3—PEOPLE in THE—TOWN—OF—KALEMIE in THE—SOUTH—EAST—KATANGA region.
20181212             —RELEASED, EGYPT, blogger and JOURNALIST—WAEL—ABBAS, known for standing up against police violence, —AFTER nearly 7—MONTHS in detention.
20181212             Abbas has been posting about police violence, torture and corruption on social media for more than 1—DECADE.
20181212             EGYPT, Coptic father Imad Kamal Sadeq (49) and his son, David (21), were killed at 1—CONSTRUCTION—SITE by 1—SECURITY—POLICE—OFFICER in Minya province.
20181212             8—EUROPEAN Union nations (BELGIUM, FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, NETHERLANDS, POLAND, SWEDEN and THE—UK) underlined their commitment to THE—IRAN nuclear deal —WHILE urging TEHRAN to stop its "destabilizing regional activities" especially THE—LAUNCH—OF—BALLISTIC—MISSILES.
20181212             —JAILED, FRANCE, 1—COUSIN of, UKRAINE—FILMMAKER Oleg Sentsov accepted the European PARLIAMENT—SAKHAROV human rights prize on his behalf, saying the director remained committed to winning the release of all "political prisoners" in RUSSIA.
20181212             1—TOP—FRANCE—APPEALS—COURT overturned the suspended prison terms handed to activists Cedric Herrou and PIERRE—ALAIN Mannoni for helping migrants who entered the country illegally.
20181212             The Cour de Cassation, FRANCE—COURT—OF—FINAL—APPEAL, sent the case back to THE—LYON appeals' court, which is expected to void the case.
20181212             —ARRESTED, FRANCE, PATRICE—EDOUARD Ngaissona, 1—MEMBER—OF—AFRICA—TOP footballing body, on war crimes charges in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC.
20181212             —GRIPPED, HUNGARY, rare scenes of chaos, THE—PARLIAMENT as it passed 1—CONTROVERSIAL—JUDICIAL—REFORM, as well as labor legislation that critics call a "slave law".
20181212             —PASSED, HUNGARY, 1—LAW to set up courts overseen directly by the justice MINISTER, 1—MOVE—CRITICS said would allow political interference in judicial matters and further undermine THE—RULE—OF—LAW.
20181212             INDIA, Isha Ambani, the Ivy LEAGUE—EDUCATED DAUGHTER—OF—INDUSTRIALIST—MUKESH Ambani, thought to be INDIA—RICHEST—MAN, oo Anand Piramal, whose father is industrialist AJAY—PIRAMAL, thought to be worth $10—BILLION.
20181212             BAGHDAD, Nobel laureate and former jihadist captive Nadia Murad (25) called on IRAQ to create 1—SPECIAL—TEAM to investigate THE—FATE—OF—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—HER—YAZIDI minority kidnapped by the Islamic State group.
20181212             ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—GIUSEPPE—CONTE told the European Commission he was lowering next —YEAR—TARGET to 2.04—PERCENT of gross domestic product from 2.4—PERCENT to avoid disciplinary action by BRUSSELS.
20181212             NORTH—EAST—MALI, several dozen civilians were shot dead by gunmen who raided 1—AREA—NEAR the border with NIGER.
20181212             —KILLED, Jihadists on motorcycles, at least 42—PEOPLE in 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS on their nomadic camps over the last 24—HOURS in THE—EAST—MENAKA region.
20181212             —SIGNED, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—ANDRES—MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR, 1—INITIATIVE that would cancel the controversial education reforms of his predecessor.
20181212             MYANMAR, several dozen journalists and activists held 1—RALLY in YANGON to mark THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—ARREST—OF—2—REPORTERS for the Reuters news agency who are among 1—GROUP—OF—JOURNALISTS being honored by Time magazine as its "PERSON—OF—THE—YEAR".
20181212             1—SUSPECT, 23—JAHRE—ALT was arrested the same —DAY.
20181212             —SIGNED, NIGERIA—OPPOSITION—CANDIDATE—ATIKU Abubakar, 1—ELECTION—PEACE—ACCORD, 1—DAY—AFTER his absence from the official signing ceremony raised concerns about the conduct of the February 20190000              vote.
20181212             —CROSSED, DOZENS—OF—NORTH and SOUTH—KOREA—SOLDIERS, over the world's most heavily armed border as they inspected the sites of their rival's FRONT—LINE—GUARD—POSTS to verify they'd been removed.
20181212             † HUNDREDS—OF—GAZANS attended the funeral of AHMED—ABU—ABED, a 4—YEAR—OLD—BOY who —AFTER being hit by ISRAEL—SHRAPNEL at 1—BORDER—PROTEST last —WEEK.
20181212             —APPROVED, THE—PHILIPPINES—CONGRESS, 1—REQUEST by THE—PRESIDENT to extend martial law in the country's volatile south by 1—YEAR due to continuing threats by Islamic STATE—GROUP—LINKED militants and communist insurgents.
20181212             —PROTESTED, ROMANIA, DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE, against poor air quality in BUCHAREST, which —RECENTLY was ranked 1—OF—EUROPE—MOST TRAFFIC—CONGESTED cities.
20181212             SAUDI—ARABIA, representatives from EGYPT, DJIBOUTI, SOMALIA, SUDAN, YEMEN and JORDAN gathered in RIYADH to discuss 1—ALLIANCE—OF—THE—6—COUNTRIES bordering the Red Sea and the Gulf of ADEN.
20181212             —REACHED, No final agreement was.
20181212             —SIGNED, SLOVAKIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—PETER—GAJDOS, the contract to buy 14—F—16—MILITARY—JETS from Lockheed Martin as it seeks to replace SOVIET—ERA—JETS.
20181212             SRI—LANKA—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—RANIL—WICKREMESINGHE won 1—CONFIDENCE vote in PARLIAMENT receiving 117—VOTES in favor in the 225-member legislative body.
20181212             His October sacking by PRESIDENT—MAITHRIPALA—SIRISENA precipitated 1—POLITICAL—CRISIS.
20181212             SWEDEN said it was freezing its support to UNAIDS —UNTIL executive director Michel Sidibe is removed.
20181212             1—EXPERT—REPORT has blasted the agency's leadership for systematically failing to address bullying, abuse and sexual harassment.
20181212             —ARRESTED, THAILAND, 1—LOCAL—POLICEMAN was, for allegedly shooting and killing MALIK—DJAMEL, 1—FRANCE—MAN, at 1—SHOPPING plaza in BANGKOK.
20181212             Police said Senior Sgt.-MAJOR—KANTAPONG Huadsri had confessed to killing the man over 1—ARGUMENT involving 1—WOMAN, but that the dispute was not 1—LOVE triangle.
20181212             —REMOVED, THE—VATICAN said FRANCIS—PAPA has, from his GROUP—OF—CLOSE—ADVISERS 2—CARDINALS hit by sexual abuse scandals, including his economy MINISTER, AUSTRALIA—GEORGE—PELL, 77—JAHRE—ALT.
20181212             —REMOVED, The other member, from the so called C-9 is FRANCISCO—JAVIER—ERRÁZURIZ, 85—JAHRE—ALT—OF—CHILE.
20181212             —AGREED, Sources said YEMEN—WARRING parties, to reopen SANAA airport in THE—HOUTHI—HELD capital, as Western nations pressed THE—2—SIDES to accept CONFIDENCE—BUILDING steps —BEFORE THE—END—OF—UN—LED peace talks in SWEDEN.
20181212—20160000    —SINCE, In THE—NETHERLANDS Sarah Papenheim (21), 1—NATIVE—OF—MINNESOTA, was fatally stabbed at her home in 1—APARTMENT building near Erasmus University, where she had been studying.
20181212—20181013    —SINCE, IRAN, social media activist Vahid Sayyadi Nasiri, on hunger strike to protest THE—DENIAL—OF—HIS—RIGHT to counsel and inhumane prison conditions, † at the Shahid Beheshti Hospital in QOM.
20181212—20181209    —KILLED, ISRAEL—FORCES—LATE—TODAY, Salah Barghouti, 1—PALESTINE—SUSPECT wanted in THE—DRIVE—BY shooting at 1—WEST—BANK—BUS stop.
20191029—20191212    —BACKED, THE—UK—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS, 1—EARLY—NATIONAL—VOTE authorizing 1—ELECTION.
20191206—20191212    —BANNED, Social news and aggregation firm Reddit INCORPORATED, 61—ACCOUNTS under its policies against "vote manipulation" AHEAD—OF—BRITAIN—GENERAL—ELECTION.
20191212             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said on THE—USA was "very close" to nailing down 1—TRADE—DEAL with CHINA.
20191212             —VOTED, THE—USA—SENATE, unanimously on 1—RESOLUTION that recognizes as genocide the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY ago.
20191212             —SUMMONED, THE—FOLLOWING—DAY—TURKEY, the ambassador from THE—USA to protest the approval.
20191212             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE, charges against 10—FORMER—NFL players over 1 alleged scheme to defraud MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from the league's health care benefits program.
20191212             —ANNOUNCED, Officials with Homeland Security Investigations, the seizure of $250—MILLION from convicted EX—VENEZUELA—NATIONAL treasurer Alejandro Andrade, who is serving a 10-year prison sentence for his central role in a $1—BILLION MONEY—LAUNDERING scheme that allowed him to hide 1—FORTUNE in overseas banks as well as luxury real estate in SOUTH—FLORIDA.
20191212             THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION gave THE—GO—AHEAD to new OIL—DRILLING leases on federal land in 8—CALIFORNIA counties, mostly in THE—BAKERSFIELD area.
20191212             —DISPLAYED, S—FRANCISCO police, some $2.5—MILLION in stolen property —FOLLOWING their recovery —AFTER 30—SEARCH—WARRANTS were served this —WEEK.
20191212             —SIGNED, KENTUCKY GOVERNOR—MATT—BEVIN (R), 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER to restore voting rights to more than 400,000 nonviolent offenders who completed their sentences.
20191212             —ISSUED, Over the last few weeks THE—GOVERNOR has, 428—PARDONS, with his list including 1—WOMAN who threw her newborn in the trash, 1 convicted child rapist, and 1—MAN who murdered his parents —WHEN he was 1—TEENAGER.
20191212             —DEFEATED, Bevin was, last —MONTH by Democrat ANDY—BESHEAR.
20191212             LOUISIANA sued THE—STATE—OF—CALIFORNIA over its decision to ban the import and SALE—OF—ALLIGATOR—PRODUCTS, saying the ban will hurt 1—IMPORTANT—LOUISIANA industry and ultimately could hurt the state's wetlands.
20191212             —BANNED, CALIFORNIA, alligator skins and meats in the 1970s but repeatedly issued exceptions that allowed sales.
20191212             —INCLUDED, His films : "Bang the Drum Slowly" (19730000             ),"The Front" (19760000             ), "Fort Apache: The Bronx" (19810000             ), "The Purple Rose of CAIRO" (19840000             ), "Once Upon 1—TIME in AMERICA" (19840000             ), "Moonstruck" (19870000             ), "Radio Days" (19870000             ), "Do the Right Thing" (19890000             ).
20191212             —SLAMMED, New USA—ENERGY—SECRETARY—DAN—BROUILLETTE, NEW—YORK state regulators for blocking pipelines that would bring natural gas from Appalachia to New ENGLAND, but did not specify whether THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION could do anything to push the projects forward.
20191212             TEXAS, Heidi Broussard and her baby, Margot Carey, went missing in AUSTIN.
20191212             The infant daughter was found safe.
20191212             —ARRESTED, BROUSSARD—CLOSE—FRIEND—MAGEN Fieramusca was soon, and charged with 2—COUNTS—OF kidnapping and 1—COUNT—OF tampering with 1—CORPSE.
20191212             1—UTAH judge ruled that people born in THE—TERRITORY—OF—AMERICAN—SAMOA should be recognized as USA—CITIZENS.
20191212             CVS Health Corp said it will make it easier for patients with advanced cancer enrolled in SOME—AETNA insurance plans to receive broad genetic gene sequencing tests that can help identify the best drug or treatment for them.
20191212             ALGERIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE took to the streets in ALGIERS and other cities chanting "No vote!
20191212             We want freedom!" as authorities held 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION that protesters view as 1—CHARADE to keep the ruling elite in power.
20191212             All 5—CANDIDATES that won approval to stand are former senior officials.
20191212             Argentine Foreign MINISTER—FELIPE—SOLA said BOLIVIA—EX—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES has arrived in ARGENTINA where he will be granted refugee status.
20191212             —VOTED, BRITAIN, in 1—DEEPLY divisive election that posed 1—HISTORIC—CHOICE between 1—IMMINENT split from THE—EU or another referendum that could scrap the entire Brexit process.
20191212             PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON—CONSERVATIVE—PARTY won 1—RESOUNDING victory that all but seals 1—DIVORCE from THE—EU bloc.
20191212             THE—SCOTLAND—NATIONAL—PARTY took back MOST—OF—THE—DISTRICTS it lost 2—YEARS ago.
20191212             Such 1—DRAMATIC—OUTCOME, winning 48—OF—THE—59—SEATS—AVAILABLE in SCOTLAND, will galvanize the party in its PURSUIT—OF—THE—INDEPENDENCE—REFERENDUM—LEADER—NICOLA Sturgeon.
20191212             —ISSUED, COSTA—RICA—PRESIDENT—CARLOS—ALVARADO, 1—TECHNICAL—DECREE that will allow for therapeutic abortions in THE—CENTRAL—USA—NATION, despite opposition from religious and conservative political groups.
20191212             The European PARLIAMENT told EU leaders that MALTA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOSEPH—MUSCAT should resign —IMMEDIATELY to avoid risks of political interference with the investigation into THE—MURDER—OF—JOURNALIST—DAPHNE—CARUANA—GALIZIA.
20191212             —PUSHED, GERMANY, back on PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—MOVES to impose sanctions on the controversial NORD—STREAM 2—NATURAL—GAS pipeline, with ANGELA—MERKEL—TOP—DIPLOMAT rejecting outside meddling.
20191212             —TORCHED, INDIA, violent mobs in THE—NORTH—EAST—STATE—OF—ASSAM, buildings and clashed with police, leaving 2—DEAD and 11 with bullet wounds, as protests grew over 1—NEW—CITIZENSHIP—LAW for NON—MUSLIM minorities from SOME—NEIGHBORING countries.
20191212             Protesters in Assam, which shares 1—BORDER with BANGLADESH, say the measure would open the region to 1—FLOOD—OF—FOREIGN—MIGRANTS.
20191212             —RIOTED, Tens of thousands, in 3—NORTHEASTERN states.
20191212             Authorities in Assam state shut down THE—INTERNET and imposed 1—CURFEW.
20191212             —BANNED, Neighboring Meghalaya state, GROUPS—OF—MORE than 4—PEOPLE from assembling.
20191212             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—ANGRY—MOB, a 16—YEAR—OLD and strung up the corpse by its feet from 1—TRAFFIC—POLE—AFTER the teen shot and killed 6—PEOPLE, including 4—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS.
20191212             —ARRESTED, ITALY—POLICE said they had, 13—PEOPLE and dismantled 1—INTERNATIONAL—CRIME—GANG that smuggled small GROUPS—OF—MIGRANTS from GREECE to ITALY aboard yachts.
20191212             —PASSED, LATVIA—PARLIAMENT, legislation to take control over the Baltic country's 2—BIGGEST ports in 1—EFFORT to keep them open —AFTER USA—SANCTIONS against 1—LATVIA—OLIGARCH threatened operations.
20191212             LIBYA—AUTHORITIES RE—OPENED the capital's main airport, —AFTER closing it nearly 3—MONTHS ago amid heavy fighting between rival militias.
20191212             "THE—0—HOUR has ticked," Hifter said in 1 televised speech.
20191212             At The Hague lawyers seeking to halt what they allege is ongoing genocide in MYANMAR slammed leader Aung S—SUU—KYI—DEFENSE—OF—HER—COUNTRY'S armed forces, saying that the Nobel Peace Prize winner and FORMER—PRO—DEMOCRACY—ICON chose to ignore "unspeakable" crimes targeting Muslim civilians.
20191212             —CLAIMED, The Islamic State group, responsibility for 1—ATTACK on 1—MILITARY—CAMP in NIGER that killed at least 71—SOLDIERS—EARLIER this —WEEK.
20191212             —RENEWED, NORTH—KOREA said THE—USA had nothing to offer it in possible, talks aimed at getting PYONGYANG to give up its nuclear and missile programs —AFTER WASHINGTON said it was ready to take "concrete steps" towards securing 1—DEAL.
20191212             —EXPELLED, RUSSIA, 2—GERMANY—DIPLOMATS in what it called 1—STANDARD—DIPLOMATIC—RESPONSE to 1—SIMILAR—MOVE by GERMANY last —WEEK and said it hoped 1—DISPUTE over THE—KILLING—OF—1—GEORGIA—CITIZEN in BERLIN would not damage ties further.
20191212             1—FIRE on RUSSIA Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier broke out —DURING welding work at 1—SHIPYARD in THE—ARCTIC port of MURMANSK and spread quickly through the carrier's internal compartments.
20191212             2—CREW members were killed and 11—OTHERS injured.
20191212             SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—FIRE broke out at 1—PRISON in RIYADH.
20191212             3—INMATES were killed and 21—OTHERS injured 21.
20191212             SPAIN—CAROLINA Schmidt, THE—CHILE—PRESIDENT—OF—UN—CLIMATE—TALKS in MADRID, told governments there could be no excuses for not reaching 1—AGREEMENT as the talks entered their final stretch.
20191212             SYRIA—OFFICIALS and experts said more than 1,000 ancient relics and mosaics were saved from Islamic State group militants —WHEN staff at THE—MUSEUM—OF—THE—CITY—OF—RAQQA managed to hide them underground and in storehouses.
20191212             HUNDREDS—OF—OTHER—PIECES that were hidden in RAQQA—BRANCH—OF—THE—CENTRAL—BANK were discovered and stolen by militants.
20191212             TURKEY sent its accord with LIBYA on 1—MARITIME boundary between THE—2—COUNTRIES to THE—UNITED—NATIONS for approval, despite objections from GREECE that the agreement violates INTERNATIONAL law.
20191212             —EXTENDED, UKRAINE—LAWMAKERS, 1—LAW offering special status to SEPARATIST—CONTROLLED regions in EAST—UKRAINE in accordance with agreements brokered by FRANCE and GERMANY.
20191212             —WARNED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, that famine threatens the lives of up to 5.5—MILLION—PEOPLE in SOUTH—SUDAN, where droughts and flooding have destroyed crops and livestock, compounding "intense political instability".
20191212—20190101    —ON, The most recent exemption expires of next —YEAR, and this time CALIFORNIA—LEGISLATURE did not pass another exemption.
20191212—20191216    Geminid meteor shower
20191212—20191219    —ON, her body was found in the trunk of 1—VEHICLE at 1—HOME in THE—HOUSTON area.
20200404             —MONTAG, 20161212              202005121200         —DATA—NACHMITTAG
20201210—20201212    —ON, 1—USA sailor (20) reportedly fell overboard from THE—USS—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT off THE—COAST—OF—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA. search and rescue efforts for as Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Apprentice ETHAN—GOOLSBY—OF—SAN—ANTONIO were called off.
20201212             —SAMSTAG, 20201212
20201212             Juristische Niederlage für Trump und seine Mitstreiter: SUPREME—COURT—WEIST—WAHLKLAGE—VON—TEXAS zurück
20201212             Coronavirus in Deutschland: ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT meldet mehr als 28.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20201212             Coronavirus: Impfstoff von Biontech und Pfizer erhält Notfallzulassung in den USA
20201212             Hooligans bei Demos gegen die CORONA—POLITIK: Die hässliche Speerspitze
20201212             Sachsens Ministerpräsident Kretschmer über Widerstand gegen den Lockdown: "Diese Leute müssen —JETZT zur Seite treten" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—FLORIAN—GATHMANN und Steffen —WINTER
20201212             Vom Silicon Valley: Oracle verlegt Zentrale nach TEXAS
20201212             DRESDEN und FRANKFURT: Gerichte bestätigen Verbote der "Querdenken"-Demos gegen CORONA—POLITIK
20201212             "Verbrechen gegen die Sicherheit": Iranischer Blogger Ruhollah Zam hingerichtet
20201212             Umfrage: Für Mittelständler ist die Bürokratie ein größeres Problem als die Coronakrise
20201212             CORONA—HILFEN: Deutschlands fatale Schuldenpanik
20201212             Todesstrafe: TRUMP—REGIERUNG lässt 2. Häftling in 2—TAGEN hinrichten
20201212             CORONA—PANDEMIE: Kretschmann stimmt Bürger auf harten Shutdown ab kommender Woche ein
20201212             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN: Behörden melden 65—CORONA—INFIZIERTE nach Gottesdienst in Freikirche
20201212             Fri 20201211              - [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20201212             —INTUBIERT, QUERDENKEN—DEMO—ORGANISATOR aus LEIPZIG mir Covid auf der Intensivstation.
20201212             Ach komm, Fefe, das ist bestimmt 1—CRISIS—ACTOR!
20201212             [l] Lacher des Tages: Laschet plädiert —JETZT plötzlich für einen Lockdown.
20201212             Ja, äh, warte, warum denn —ERST—JETZT?
20201212             Das war doch die ganze Zeit —SCHON klar, dass das —ERST mit Wintereinbruch richtig übel wird?
20201212             "Natürlich haben VIELE—WISSENSCHAFTLER immer mal wieder etwas gesagt, aber ich kenne keinen, der uns —VOR—8—WOCHEN gesagt hätte, macht —JETZT einen totalen Lockdown",
20201212             sagte der CDU—POLITIKER in 1—INTERVIEW—VON—RTL und ntv.
20201212             Oh ach soooo!
20201212             Der Laschet ist bloß falsch beraten worden! Ja gut. Beraterfehler.
20201212             Da kann man nichts machen. Sat 20201212
20201212             [l] Ich hatte hier ja vor einer Weile angesprochen, dass in ENGLAND wöchentlich ein zufälliges Sample der Bevölkerung getestet wird, um ein unverzerrtes Lagebild zu kriegen.
20201212             Ich fragte damals, ob wir das nicht auch so machen können.
20201212             der aktuelle DROSTEN—PODCAST nimmt dazu Stellung (auf Seite 12—RECHTE Spalte).
20201212             Ich zitiere mal: Ja, das ist ein richtiger und sinnvoller Gedanke.
20201212             Die Autoren wollen einfach klinische Studien haben, klinische Beobachtungsstudien, die die Verzerrungen nicht drin haben, die also dagegen arbeiten, die richtig kontrolliert sind und richtig quantitativ austariert sind.
20201212             —ORGANISIERT, So etwas ist in ENGLAND beispielsweise, worden.
20201212             Und —JETZT zur Lage in Deutschland:
20201212             ENGLAND, wird systematisch wissenschaftliche Kooperation zwischen dem öffentlichen GESUNDHEITS—DIENST und der akademischen Wissenschaft, damit meine ich —JETZT nicht das Gesundheitsamt oder im übertragenen Sinne auch das RKI, also die behördliche Seite, sondern Universitäten, akademische Forschung, das wird in ENGLAND —SEIT einigen Jahren systematisch.
20201212             Das machen wir in Deutschland nicht.
20201212             Da müssen wir unbedingt hinkommen.
20201212             Aber nicht mehr während der jetzigen Pandemie.
20201212             Es bringt niemandem etwas, sich darüber aufzuregen und allen Leuten irgendwelche Vorwürfe zu machen, ohne das Problem mit LÖSUNGS—VORSCHLAG zu versehen.
20201212             Der Lösungsvorschlag ist: Wir müssen anerkennen, in ENGLAND wird das viel besser gemacht.
20201212             Für die jetzige Pandemie werden wir uns da nicht mehr aus dem Sumpf ziehen.
20201212             Das ist doch mal 1—ANSAGE!
20201212             Drosten meint dann so, die Gesellschaft sei in ENGLAND ähnlich genug, dass man sich hier an den ERGEBNISSE—VON—DEREN—STUDIEN orientieren könne.
20201212             [l] Gestern so: Der arme Laschet wurde falsch beraten!
20201212             —HEUTE so: Hey, Fefe, wer saß eigentlich in Laschets Beratergremium drin?
20201212             Nun, seht selbst.
20201212             Wohlgemerkt: Den Beraterstab hat Laschet selbst ausgewählt.
20201212             —GEFUNDEN, Habt ihr den einen Virologen ?
20201212             Ja? Oh, was sagt ihr?
20201212             Der 1—VIROLOGE ist auch noch dieser Streeck? Hey, also, äh, hmm.
20201212             Das ist ja UN—ER—KLÄR—LICH, wie dieses hochkarätige Beratergremium den Laschet falsch beraten konnte!
20201212             Versteht ihr das? Ein Mysterium!
20201212             Werden wir wohl nie rausfinden.
20201212             —FRIDAY, 20201211              - Is this it?
20201212             Is it finally over? (Added note)
20201212             —TOSSED, THE—SUPREME—COURT—JUST, out THE—TEXAS lawsuit.
20201212             —UNSIGNED, The court, in 1—BRIEF, order, said TEXAS lacked standing to pursue the case,
20201212             saying it "has not demonstrated 1—JUDICIALLY cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections".
20201212             DAVID—CORN—COMMENT: BYE—BYE, TEXAS.
20201212             But remember: Trump, 18—STATES & 100+ House GOPers —JUST tried to overturn 1—ELECTION without citing ANY—EVIDENCE—OF—FRAUD or actual illegality.
20201212             —WANTED, And Alito/Thomas, to hear the case.
20201212             This suit was baseless but extremely dangerous.
20201212             —SIGNED, REPRESENTATIVE—BILL—PASCRELL—OF—NEW—JERSEY argues that THE—126—REPUBLICAN House Members who, onto this audacious ploy should not be seated in Congress.
20201212             He believes that the 14. Amendment applies:
20201212             "or hold ANY—OFFICE, civil or military, under THE—USA, or under ANY—STATE,
20201212             "who, having previously taken 1—OATH, as 1—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS, or as 1—OFFICER—OF—THE—USA,
20201212             "or as 1—MEMBER—OF—ANY—STATE—LEGISLATURE,
20201212             "or as 1—EXECUTIVE or judicial OFFICER—OF—ANY—STATE,
20201212             "to support the Constitution of THE—USA,
20201212             "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same,
20201212             "or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof". I agree with Pascrell.
20201212             Those 126—HOUSE—MEMBERS are to the right of THE—3—JUDGES that Trump picked for THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20201212             There is TALK—OF—SECESSION.
20201212             If that talk morphs into 1—MOVEMENT (note this) -- if there is ANY—SORT—OF revolt against THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION -- then anyone in Congress who offers 1—SENTENCE, 1—WORD, 1—SINGLE phoneme of "aid or comfort" to the insurrectionists must be kicked out.
20201212             Österreich streicht Lockerungen über die Feiertage teilweise
20201212             Impfstoff von Pfizer und Biontech erhält Notfallzulassung in den USA
20201212             Während Merkel sich dafür aussprach, Schulen und Geschäfte —BEREITS vor Heiligabend zu schließen, hatte es aus den Ländern gegen schärfere CORONA—REGELN zuletzt noch Widerstand gegeben.
20201212             Studie: Masken reduzieren CORONA—INFEKTIONSRISIKO um 45—PROZENT - "Das sind 55—STATT 100—NEUINFEKTIONEN",
20201212             in der Fachzeitschrift "PNAS" veröffentlichten Studie,
20201212             "Oder noch anschaulicher: Statt 20 000—NEUINFEKTIONEN am —TAG hätten wir ohne Masken rund 38 000".
20201212             Sein Fazit: "JEDER—SOLLTE—MASKEN tragen, um sich und andere vor Infektionen zu schützen".
20201212             Wälde hatte mit 3—ANDEREN Wirtschaftswissenschaftlern den Sonderweg Jena untersucht und mit Daten aus ähnlichen deutschen Städten verglichen.
20201212             Die Wissenschaftler verglichen Jena mit Städten wie Trier, DARMSTADT, Cloppenburg und ROSTOCK.
20201212             Dort waren Infektionsgeschehen, Bevölkerungsdichte, Durchschnittsalter, Seniorenanteil sowie die Ausstattung mit Ärzten und Apotheken ähnlich wie in Jena.
20201212             "Wir haben geschaut, was in Jena und in den Vergleichsregionen 3—WOCHEN nach der Einführung der Maskenpflicht passiert".
20201212             Verhaltensänderungen durch Signaleffekte".
20201212             Ein solcher Signaleffekt wäre etwa, dass sich Menschen in Gegenwart von Masken generell vorsichtiger verhalten.
20201212             Thüringens Innenminister befürchtete Angriffe auf Impfzentren
20201212             "Auch die Impfzentren wird man schützen müssen.
20201212             Das ist 1—GEBOT—DER—STUNDE aufgrund der aufgeheizten Atmosphäre und radikalen Äußerungen von Impfgegnern".
20201212             Maier fügte hinzu: "Ich sehe da 1—GEFAHR.
20201212             Denn die Impfgegner haben auf den Demonstrationen ja deutlich gemacht, wie radikal sie sind, und das mit gewissen Symbolen wie dem Judenstern gezeigt.
20201212             Unter ihnen hat eine gewisse Radikalisierung stattgefunden".
20201212             Ihn wundere überdies, wie gering die Impfbereitschaft in der Bevölkerung sei.
20201212             "Daran merken Extremisten, dass hier 1—ANKNÜPFUNGSPOTENZIAL besteht.
20201212             Deshalb muss man das sehr ernst nehmen".
20201212             Proband erkrankt: PERU stoppt Tests mit chinesischem Impfstoff
20201212             Sinopharm ausgesetzt, nachdem bei einem Probanden neurologische Probleme festgestellt wurden.
20201212             Rekord bei Neuansteckungen in Südkorea: Polizei und Milität sollen Infektionsketten nachverfolgen
20201212             Die Zeichen stehen auf Lockdown: "Wir müssen in den nächsten Tagen sehr weitreichende, sehr einschneidende Maßnahmen treffen", kündigte Bundesfinanzminister OLAF—SCHOLZ bei einer ONLINE—VERANSTALTUNG der SPD an.
20201212             Das Virus breite sich wieder stärker aus, Das Virus - sich
20201212             deswegen müssten weitreichende Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Bürger ergriffen werden.
20201212             Kirchenvertreter halten Gesangsverbot bei Gottesdiensten für angemessen
20201212             Nach DEMO—VERBOT: "Querdenken"-Initiator legt Verfassungsbeschwerde ein
20201212             Sondagem: Mais de um terço não vai VACINAR—SE contra a Covid-19
20201212             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 739 (+4) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 590 (=) Casos ativos - 143 (+4)
20201212             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 23 (=) Óbitos - 3 (=) Recuperados - 18 (=) Casos ativos - 2 (=)
20201212             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 24 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 13 (=) Casos ativos - 10 (=)
20201212             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 65 (=) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 49 (=) Casos ativos - 16 (=)
20201212             Faro Casos confirmados - 809 (+27) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 556 (=) Casos ativos - 249 (+27)
20201212             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 254 (+1) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 118 (=) Casos ativos - 134 (+1)
20201212             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 567 (+5) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 391 (=) Casos ativos - 172 (+5)
20201212             Loulé Casos confirmados - 931 (+15) Óbitos - 13 (=) Recuperados - 583 (=) Casos ativos - 335 (+15)
20201212             Monchique Casos confirmados - 42 (+2) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 35 (+11) Casos ativos - 7 (-9)
20201212             Olhão Casos confirmados - 338 (+6) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 266 (=) Casos ativos - 71 (+6)
20201212             Portimão Casos confirmados - 962 (+10) Óbitos - 9 (=) Recuperados - 582 (=) Casos ativos - 371 (+10)
20201212             Silves Casos confirmados - 342 (+1) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 235 (=) Casos ativos - 106 (+1)
20201212             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 110 (+1) Óbitos - 8 (=) Recuperados - 80 (=) Casos Ativos - 22 (+1)
20201212             Tavira Casos confirmados - 303 (+3) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 279 (=) Casos ativos - 20 (+3)
20201212             VRSA Casos confirmados - 248 (+4) Óbitos - 6 (+1) Recuperados - 213 (=) Casos ativos - 29 (+3)
20201212             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 81 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 49 (=) Casos ativos - 31 (=)
20201212             Global Cases 71.226.341 Global Deaths 1.597.843
20201212             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 281—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 145,1 Todesfälle letzte 7—TAGE 4—FÄLLE gesamt 2.902—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.498,5 Todesfälle gesamt 61—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND—NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20201212             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 542—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 204,8 Todesfälle letzte 7—TAGE 2—FÄLLE gesamt 5.671—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.142,9 Todesfälle gesamt 106—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638
20201212             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 600—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 127,5 Todesfälle letzte 7—TAGE 5—FÄLLE gesamt 7.345—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.560,7 Todesfälle gesamt 134—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615
20201212             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.314—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 120,8 Todesfälle letzte 7—TAGE 1—FÄLLE gesamt 21.645—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.989,7 Todesfälle gesamt 265—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863
20201212             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 328—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 115,8 Todesfälle letzte 7—TAGE 0—FÄLLE gesamt 4.038—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.425,5 Todesfälle gesamt 34—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271
20201212             LK Nordfriesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 38—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 22,9 Todesfälle letzte 7—TAGE 0—FÄLLE gesamt 724—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 436,3 Todesfälle gesamt 4—EINWOHNERZAHL 165.951—BUNDESLAND—SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20201212             LK SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 43—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 21,4 Todesfälle letzte 7—TAGE 0—FÄLLE gesamt 572—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 284,4 Todesfälle gesamt 7—EINWOHNERZAHL 201.156
20201212             LK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 52—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 24,1 Todesfälle letzte 7—TAGE 1—FÄLLE gesamt 636—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 294,7 Todesfälle gesamt 9—EINWOHNERZAHL 215.794
20201212             LK Bautzen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.613—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 538,1 Todesfälle letzte 7—TAGE 5—FÄLLE gesamt 9.109—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.038,8 Todesfälle gesamt 130—EINWOHNERZAHL 299.758—BUNDESLAND—SACHSEN
20201212             LK Regen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 443—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 572,3 Todesfälle letzte 7—TAGE 1—FÄLLE gesamt 2.010—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.596,6 Todesfälle gesamt 28—EINWOHNERZAHL 77.410—BUNDESLAND—BAYERN
20201212             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 767—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 238,8 Todesfälle letzte 7—TAGE 2—FÄLLE gesamt 10.349—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.222,8 Todesfälle gesamt 119—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND—BERLIN
20201212             Annäherung zwischen Marokko und ISRAEL: Trumps WÜSTEN—DEAL 1—ANALYSE—VON—DOMINIK—PETERS
20201212             Österreich: Dutzende Sturmgewehre, 100.000—SCHUSS Munition — Polizei findet Waffenlager von Rechtsextremen
20201212             5—JAHRE Weltklimaabkommen von PARIS: Das ist —ERST der —ANFANG
20201212             5—JAHRE Pariser Klimaabkommen: Die dringendste AUFGABE—DER—WELT 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—ANTÓNIO—GUTERRES, UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR
20201212             Trotz hoher Infektionszahlen: Frankfurts OB lockt zum Adventsshopping in die City — und erntet Kritik
20201212             Milliardenübernahme geplant: Impfstoffentwickler AstraZeneca will Biotechunternehmen Alexion kaufen
20201212             CORONA—POLITIK: Todesfalle Glühweinstand
20201212             Streit über CORONA—POLITIK: "Querdenker" und Gegendemonstranten versammeln sich trotz Verbot
20201212             Soyeon SCHRÖDER—KIM: "Wir sollten den Datenschutz in der Krise begrenzen" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—TIMO—LEHMANN
20201212             IT—SICHERHEITSGESETZ 2.0: Das soll im HUAWEI—GESETZ stehen
20201212             Österreicher heben rechtsextremes Netzwerk mit Verbindungen zu Deutschland aus
20201212             Dutzende Schusswaffen, Drogen und Sprengstoff wurden bei Hausdurchsuchungen in Österreich sichergestellt.
20201212             Die Waffen waren laut Innenminister Nehammer für die rechtsextreme Szene in Deutschland bestimmt, um eine rechtsradikale Miliz aufzubauen.
20201212             Ah, 1—NAZINETZWERK mit Schusswaffen!
20201212             Also so einen klaren FALL—VON—BEDAUERLICHEM—EINZELFALL hatten wir ja —SCHON lange nicht mehr!
20201212             Schnell, holt die Einzelfallbeauftragte!
20201212             Seid ihr auch so froh, dass wir hier kein Naziproblem haben?
20201212             Update: 2—HINWEISE gingen zu dieser Meldung noch ein.
20201212             Erstens: Wir müssen uns endlich mehr um den Linksextremismus kümmern.
20201212             Zweitens: 1—GLÜCK, dass das keine Terroristen waren!1!!
20201212             Trotz steigender CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN und zahlreicher angekündigter Demonstrationen in der Frankfurter Innenstadt hat Oberbürgermeister PETER—FELDMANN für diesen —SAMSTAG mit preiswerten ÖPNV—TICKETS zum Weihnachtsshoppen GELOCKT—UND dafür Kritik eingesteckt.
20201212             So schrieb etwa die Frankfurter Virologin SANDRA—CIESEK auf Twitter: "Ist —HEUTE der 20200401             !???".
20201212             Eine große Demo gegen die CORONA—MAßNAHMEN wurde zwar verboten, zahlreiche Gegendemonstranten wollten aber trotzdem auf die Straße gehen.
20201212             —AM—MONTAG beginnt CORONA—IMPFKAMPAGNE in den USA
20201212             Vor den erneuten Beratungen von Bund und Ländern in der CORONA—PANDEMIE setzt sich die Linke für einen "solidarischen Lockdown" ein.
20201212             "Der schnellste Weg, die hohe gesundheitliche Gefährdung —JETZT zu senken, führt über einen energischen Lockdown.
20201212             Aber dieser Lockdown muss genauso sozial sein", Estland erreicht neue Rekordzahlen
20201212             Italien löst Großbritannien als Land mit den meisten CORONA—TOTEN in EUROPA ab
20201212             —BESUCHT, CORONA und Weihnachten: Jesus hätte Oma nicht
20201212             —VERSPRICHT, Digitaler UNO—KLIMAGIPFEL: Merkel, 500—MILLIONEN für ärmere Länder
20201212             Diplomatie: ISRAEL nimmt Beziehungen zu BHUTAN auf
20201212             1—TAG vor Fristende: Noch kein Durchbruch bei BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN
20201212             1. Trump supporters have taken to chanting "Destroy THE—GOP!" They don't care about party or principle;
20201212             they are thoroughly bewitched by 1—CULT—OF—PERSONALITY.
20201212             We should encourage this divisive attitude for —NOW, though perhaps not —AFTER THE—GEORGIA runoff elections.
20201212             2. There are conflicting accounts as to whether Proud Boy leader ENRIQUE—TARRIO met with Trump or simply took 1—PUBLIC—TOUR—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20201212             Either way, he represents 1—FASCIST—MOVEMENT—OF growing importance.
20201212             3. Trump still won't concede, and plans to mount 1—AD campaign to convince the public that the election was stolen.
20201212             His fraudulent arguments will serve only to drive his part of the electorate toward violence, nihilism, and Nazism.
20201212             —CONCLUDED, VENEZUELA—OPPOSITION, led by JUAN—GUAIDO, a "popular consultation" to repudiate PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO—GOVERNMENT—AFTER boycotting a 20201206              congressional vote.
20201212             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—PRESIDENT—TRUMP—SUPPORTERS, in WASHINGTON and several state capitals to protest what they contended, against all evidence, was 1—STOLEN election.
20201212             4—PEOPLE were stabbed in DC, and the police declared 1—RIOT in OLYMPIA—WASHINGTON, where 1—PERSON was shot.
20201212             —TARGETED, Vandalism, 2—HISTORIC—BLACK—CHURCHES —DURING clashes between SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—TRUMP and counter protesters.
20201212             —PLEDGED, USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT JOE—BIDEN, to rejoin THE—PARIS climate accord on the 1. —DAY—OF—HIS—PRESIDENCY, as world leaders staged 1—VIRTUAL gathering to celebrate the 5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—PACT aimed at curbing global warming.
20201212             The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said it had approved the use of THE—PFIZER—BIONTECH COVID—19—VACCINE by pilots and air traffic controllers.
20201212             —REPORTED, It was, that Oracle Corp., based in Redwood CITY—CALIFORNIA, is moving its headquarters to AUSTIN—TEXAS.
20201212             CALIFORNIA to date had 1,486,873 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 20,857 deaths.
20201212             THE—SF Bay Area had 187,086 cases and 2,102 deaths.
20201212             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 16,045,596 with the death toll at 297,789.
20201212             She was known as the star of such musicals as: "Sweet Charity" and "CHICAGO".
20201212             1—VIRGIN—GALACTIC—TEST—FLIGHT ended prematurely as the spacecraft's rocket motor failed to ignite and it then glided down safely to its landing site in SOUTH—NEW—MEXICO.
20201212             Vanderbilt kicker Sarah Fuller made history again, —WHEN she knocked through 1—EXTRA—POINT —DURING the Commodores' SEC matchup with IN—STATE—RIVAL—TENNESSEE.
20201212             —BECAME, Last —MONTH, Fuller, the 1. woman to play in 1—POWER 5—GAME —WHEN she took the 2. half kick off against MISSOURI.
20201212             † CHARLEY—PRIDE, described as "the 1. Black superstar in country music," due to complications from COVID-19 in DALLAS—TEXAS.
20201212             —ALLEGED, AFGHANISTAN, 1, airstrike late —TODAY killed —AROUND 12—CIVILIANS in SOUTH—KANDAHAR province.
20201212             —INSISTED, The government —LATER, that 7—CIVILIANS were killed —WHEN the Taliban detonated 1—BOMB in the area.
20201212             —DAMAGED, ALBANIA, demonstrators in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—SHKODRA, THE—LEFT—WING governing Socialist PARTY—OFFICES and injured 1—POLICE—OFFICER, as PART—OF—ONGOING protests this —WEEK—AFTER 1—FATAL shooting by police enforcing 1—CORONAVIRUS curfew.
20201212             —SEIZED, AUSTRIA—OFFICIALS said authorities in recent days have, 1—LARGE—CACHE—OF—WEAPONS and ammunition that were intended to be sold to FAR—RIGHT—EXTREMISTS in GERMANY.
20201212             —INCLUDED, The seizure, 70—AUTOMATIC and SEMI—AUTOMATIC firearms, more than 100,000 ROUNDS—OF—AMMUNITION and explosives.
20201212             —UNVEILED, THE—BRAZIL—GOVERNMENT, its LONG—AWAITED national vaccination plan against COVID-19 with 1—INITIAL—GOAL—OF vaccinating 51—MILLION—PEOPLE, or about 1FOURTH—OF—THE—POPULATION, in the 1. half of 20210000        .
20201212             —AGREED, BRITAIN—ASTRAZENECA said it has, to buy USA drugmaker Alexion Pharmaceuticals for $39—BILLION in its largest ever deal, diversifying away from its FAST—GROWING cancer business in 1—BET on RARE—DISEASE and immunology drugs.
20201212             John le Carré (89), THE—BEST—SELLING UK—AUTHOR—OF—COLD—WAR spy thrillers, including "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy," † in CORNWALL—ENGLAND.
20201212             —DESCRIBED, GRAHAM—GREENE, le CARRÉ—BEST—SELLING novel "The Spy Who Came in From the Cold" (19630000             ), "the best spy story I have ever read.
20201212             The verdict can be appealed —BEFORE 1—HIGHER—COURT.
20201212             FRANCE, police in PARIS took 142—PEOPLE into custody at what quickly became 1—TENSE and sometimes ILL—TEMPERED protest against proposed security laws, with officers wading into the crowds of several 10000000              to haul away suspected TROUBLE—MAKERS.
20201212             —ARRESTED, INDONESIA—POLICE said they have, Aris Sumarsono, aka Zulkarnaen, on Sumatra island.
20201212             INDONESIA said USA—AUTOMAKER—TESLA will send delegations to INDONESIA next —MONTH to discuss potential investment in 1—SUPPLY—CHAIN for its electric vehicles.
20201212             —REPORTED, ITALY, 649—NEW—CORONAVIRUS—RELATED deaths compared with 761 THE—DAY—BEFORE.
20201212             The daily TALLY—OF—NEW—INFECTIONS was 19,903, up from 18,727.
20201212             JAPAN saw more than 3,000 new infections of the novel coronavirus for the 1. time in 1—DAY, as THE—NUMBER—OF—CASES continues to rise in the —WINTER.
20201212             MEXICO—CITY—GOVERNMENT said shops in THE—CENTER—OF—THE—CAPITAL and other busy areas would temporarily have to close at 5—P.m. to reduce THE—RISK—OF—CORONAVIRUS—INFECTION as authorities BATTLE—1—SURGE in cases.
20201212             1—RUSSIA—NUCLEAR—SUBMARINE successfully TEST—FIRED 4—INTERCONTINENTAL ballistic missiles in 1—SHOW—OF—READINESS—OF—MOSCOW—NUCLEAR—FORCES amid tension with THE—USA.
20201212             —REPORTED, SOUTH—KOREA, 1—RECORD—950—DAILY—CORONAVIRUS—CASES, exceeding the late February peak of 909, with THE—PRESIDENT calling the country's 3. wave of COVID-19 an "emergency".
20201212             —ISSUED, SOUTH—KOREA—AGRICULTURE—MINISTRY, 1—TEMPORARY nationwide standstill order for poultry farms and related transport in 1—BID to contain 1—WIDER spread of the highly pathogenic H5N8 bird flu.
20201212             UNITED—NATIONS' Climate Ambition Summit was held on the 5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—PARIS climate.
20201212             At the virtual gathering UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANTONIO—GUTERRES said world leaders should declare states of "climate emergency" in their countries to spur action to avoid catastrophic global warming.
20201212             The opposition said —JUST under 6.5—MILLION—PEOPLE participated.
20201212             The Maduro government has said 5.2—MILLION—VENEZUELANS voted in the election.
20201212             The bodies of 11—MIGRANTS, traveling by boat from VENEZUELA to TRINIDAD—AND—TOBAGO, were found at sea.
20201212             9—MORE—BODIES were found the next —DAY.
20201212—19880000    —SHARED, JACK—STEINBERGER, 99—JAHRE—ALT, who, 1—NOBEL—PRIZE in Physics for expanding understanding of the ghostly neutrino, † at his home in GENEVA.
20201212—20030000    —SINCE, He is believed to be the military LEADER—OF—THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED—JEMAAH—ISLAMIYAH network and has eluded capture.
20201212—20050000    —FROM, CHINA pledged to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by "at least" 65—PER cent levels 20300000             —BY, raising the target slightly from the country's previous goal of "up to" 65—PER cent.
20201212—20080000    —SCHON, Der echte Querdenker ist gestorben!!1!
20201212—20080000    —ERUPTED, SOUTH—KOREA, protests, as sex offender Cho DOO—SOON, 69—JAHRE—ALT was released from prison at THE—END—OF—HIS—SENTENCE for raping and seriously injuring 1—YOUNG—GIRL, 1—CRIME which caused revulsion across the country.
20201212—20161100    —IN, 1—EGYPT—COURT sentenced 9—POLICE—OFFICERS to 3—YEARS in prison —AFTER their conviction for beating to death street vendor Magdy Maken (53), at 1—CAIRO police station.
20201212—20170000    —EXECUTED, IRAN, Ruhollah Zam (47), 1—ONCE—EXILED journalist, over his online work that helped inspire nationwide economic protests, —JUST months —AFTER he returned to TEHRAN under mysterious circumstances.
20201212—20200406    —AM, In der thüringischen Stadt wurden SCHUTZMASKEN—BEGLEITET von einer ÖFFENTLICHKEITSKAMPAGNE—BEREITS eingeführt, rund —3—WOCHEN—FRÜHER als in den meisten anderen deutschen Kreisen und Städten.
20201212—20500000    —URGED, FRANCIS—PAPA, countries to work towards net 0—CARBON—EMISSIONS and committed VATICAN—CITY—THE—WORLD'S—SMALLEST—STATE—TO reaching the target.
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20201214             LK Bautzen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.923—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 641,5 Todesfälle letzte 7—TAGE 8—FÄLLE gesamt 9.744—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.250,6 Todesfälle gesamt 142—EINWOHNERZAHL 299.758—BUNDESLAND—SACHSEN
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