Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 13. November ?

Ereignisse an einem 13. November

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03541113             * AUGUSTIN oder (wohl nicht authentisch) AURELIUS—AUGUSTINUS, in TAGASTE, auch: Thagaste, in Numidien, —HEUTE Souk—Ahras—ALGERIEN;
03541113             AUGUSTIN[AUGUSTINUS—VON—HIPPO] war —ZUNÄCHST Rhetor in Thagaste, KARTHAGO, ROM und MAILAND
03541113             AUGUSTINUS—VON—HIPPO war 1—KIRCHEN—LEHRER an der Schwelle zwischen Antike und Frühmittelalter
03541113             AUGUSTINUS—VON—HIPPO war 1 wichtiger Philosoph an der Schwelle zwischen Antike und Frühmittelalter
07991113             JANAAB—PAKAL—III. besteigt als letzter bekannter Herrscher (Ajaw) den Thron der MAYA—STADT—PALENQUE.
08381113             † PIPPIN—I—KÖNIG—VON—AQUITANIEN
08671113             † NICHOLAS—PAPA—I—the—Great[NIKOLAUS—I—DER—GROßE—PAPA], at age 67. He served from 858-867.
09331113             † Abtei—SAINT—BERTIN—Laienabt—ADALOLF—GRAF—VON—BOULOGNE und
10021113             —SOGLEICH, SWEIN rüstete sich, um Rache zu nehmen.
10021113             und MIT JEDEM —JAHR die Verwirrung wurde größer,
10021113             —AM, ließ ANGEL—SACHSEN—KÖNIG—AETHELRED[ETHELRED] ALLE—IN—ENGLAND wohnenden DÄNEN ermorden.
10021113             —JETZT, DIE—WIKINGER EROBERUNGS—ZÜGE wurden.
10021113             —DEM S—BRICE—DAY, dem Gedenktag des heiliger—BISCHOF—Brictius — sämtliche Dänen zu ermorden, derer man habhaft werden konnte.
10021113             Wie groß die Wut und ANGST—DER—ENGLÄNDER gegenüber den Skandinaviern gewesen sein muss, wird an den Geschehnissen in der Stadt—OXFORD deutlich.
10021113             Stadt—OXFORD, hatten sich VIELE—ANSÄSSIGE—DÄNEN an den einzigen Ort geflüchtet, an dem sie sich sicher wähnten: DIE—KIRCHE.
10021113             Der AETHELRED—II—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND gibt den Befehl, ALLE—DÄNEN im KÖNIGREICH—ENGLAND zu töten, um 1—ANGEBLICHEN Volksaufstand zu verhindern.
10021113             † † ? S—BRICE'S—DAY—MASSAKER.
10091113             † DEDO—I—VON—WETTIN—GRAF im nördlichen HASSEGAU
10451113             —AFTER, DIETRICH.
10451113             —AFTER, HERMANN.
10451113             —URKUNDE—VOM, BY, "Heinricus...Bawariorum dux...per manum Wolframmi advocati sui" sold property "predia Chregelingen et Rintbach dicta [GAU]IN—PAGO—TVUERGOWE in comitatu Hecelonis comitis sita" to Bamberg, provided it would revert if "ipse vel fratres eius Heremannus aut Dietericus vel aliorum fratrum suorum" returned the price,
10721113             —VOR, ADALBERO (bur S—SAUVEUR—METZ).
11001113             † GUIDO—I—GRAF—VON—PONTHIEU
11521113             † WILLIAM—DE—STE—BARBE—BISCHOF—VON—DURHAM, anglonormannischer Geistlicher und
11811113             —NACH, HOF—BEZEUGT
11971113             † HOMOBONUS—VON—CREMONA, frommer Kaufmann, Heiliger
12041113             † MOSES—MAIMONIDES, [KAIRO]CAIRO
12301113             † STIFT—MARIENGAARDE—ABT—SIARD, großen  und Heiliger der katholischen Kirche
12391113             Nahe GAZA tappt 1—KLEINES Kreuzfahrerheer unter AMALRICH—VII—VON—MONTFORT und HEINRICH—II—VON—BAR in 1—FALLE—DES—AYYUBIDENHEERES und verliert die folgende Schlacht.
12391113             † HEINRICH—II—GRAF—VON—BAR und HERR—VON—LIGNY
12441113             Durch 1—VON ERZ—BISCHOF—SIEGFRIED—III—VON—EPPSTEIN verliehenes Stadtprivileg wird MAINZ zur FREIE—STADT.
12781113             † BARNIM—I—HERZOG—VON—POMMERN
13121113             * EDWARD—III—KING—OF—ENGLAND (13270000—13770000    ).
13121113             —LATER, —RAPED, EDWARD—III, the countess—of—Salisbury.
13121113             * EDUARD—III—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND
13191113             † ERIK—VI—MENVED—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK
13491113             † † ? † ? —MASSACRE—OF—JEWS—IN—GERMANY.
13631113             HERZOG—ALBRECHT—VON—BAYERN, REGENT—VON—HOLLAND etc. gebietet seinen ZÖLLNERn die Beachtung der den DEUTSCHE—KAUF—LEUTEN bewilligten ZOLL—FREIHEITEN.
13631113             AELBRECHT BI—GODS—GHENADEN etc. ontbieden u allen onsen toelnaren VAN Hollant ende VAN Zeelant ende anders, daer onse tollen legghen,
13631113             Jussu DOMINI—DUCIS—ALBERTI.
13631113             Per DOMINUM—DE—EGMOND, G. de Malestfede] et H[ENRICUM] DE Bersale MILITES.
13631113             S[ignavit] ALBERTUS—DE—MERTEN Tfheodericusj Yopponis. presbiter.
13631113             dair se onse brieve of hebben3, gheliic datte plackart hout, daer onse zeghel opghedruct is ENDE—DESE tieghenwordigho brieve doirsteken is.
13631113             dat ghi die coeplude VAN Almangien laet liden met al liaren goede vorbi onse tollen ende recht, als wi hem gheoerloft hebben,
13631113             —GHEGHEVEN—SMANEN—DAGHES—NA—SINTE—MERTIINS—DACH—INT—JAER—ONS—HEREN 13630000             .
13631113             —IN—OERKUUDE desen brieve bezeghelt met onsen zeghele.
13691113             † THOMAS—DE—BEAUCHAMP—EARL—OF—WARWICK, 11., ENGLISCHER—ADELIGER und Heerführer im Hundertjährigen Krieg
13940000—14601113    * † PRINCE—HENRY—THE—NAVIGATOR, PORTUGAL—PRINCE and patron of explorers.
14401113             † ADELHEID—VON—HANAU, TOCHTER—DES—GRAF—VON—HANAU und Nonne
14401113             † JOAN—BEAUFORT, Countess of Westmorland, EHEFRAU—VON—RALPH—NEVILLE, 1. EARL—OF—WESTMORLAND
14411206—14491113    —VOM, JAKOB—VON—BREITBACH erscheint als HOSPITALS—MEISTER
14501113             —ZUM, in den KRIMINAL—AKTEN vorkomme"
14501113             —ZUM, wie denn ausser den im Prozesse gegen JACOPO—FOSCARI genannten Kaspar und PETER auch noch 1 3. DEUTSCHER—DIENER, Namens JOHANNes,
14531113             * CHRISTOPH—I—MARK—GRAF—VON—BADEN
14581113             OS—MOUROS—DE—FEZ cercam ALCÃÇER—CEGUER.
14601113             † INFANTE—DOM—HENRIQUE.
14741113             —SHATTERED, In THE—SWISS—BURGUNDIAN Wars, SWITZERLAND—INFANTRY, the army of CHARLES—THE—BOLD at HERICOURT near BELFORT, countering his march to Lorraine.
14741113             —SCHLACHT—BEI—HÉRICOURT, der - 1. Schlacht der BURGUNDER—KRIEGE,
14741113             —SIEGEN DIE—EIDGENOSSEN über den burgundischen HERZOG—KARL—DER—KÜHNE und sein Heer.
14751113             —BURGUNDERKRIEGE
14751113             —BESIEGEN  vernichtend. die verbündeten Eidgenossen und Oberwalliser das auf der Seite Burgunds kämpfende HERZOGTUM—SAVOYEN in der
14751113             —SCHLACHT—AUF—DER—PLANTA
14751113             —IN—DER—FOLGE, erobern die verbündeten Eidgenossen und Oberwalliser fast das gesamte Unterwallis —BIS S—MAURICE.
14861113             * ECK, and was —THEREFORE only 1—FEW—YEARS younger than LUTHER.
14861113             * MARTIN—LUTHER—GEGNER—JOHANNES—ECK, deutscher katholischer Theologe und
14931113             —SIGHTED, COLUMBUS, Saba, NORTH—LEEWARD—Islands (Netherland Antilles).
14931113             * WILHELM—IV—HERZOG—VON—BAYERN
14931113             CHRISTOPH—KOLUMBUS, 2. Reise, die ANTILLENINSEL—SABA. entdeckt
15021113             Il la COMPAGNIA—DE—VENTURIERI corse sino a S—GREGORIO e guastò per la canea 15—MOLINI.
15041113             * PHILIPP—I—LAND—GRAF—VON—HESSEN
15161113             † — JOHANN—TRITHEMIUS, ABT—ZU—WÜRZBURG, vorher in Spanheim
15331113             * AGATHE—GRÄFIN—VON—TÜBINGEN
15491113             † PAUL—FAGIUS, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Reformator und Hebraist
15491113             † SEBASTIAN—VON—WEITMÜHL, Adeliger und Kriegsherr in NORD—BÖHMEN
15531113             —ACCUSED—OF, ENGLAND—LADY—JANE—GREY and THE—BISHOP—CRANMER were, high treason.
15551113             HOPERTT—VON—EUßKIRCHEN, SCHULTHEIß, MICHAELI—LEUPGEN, Goebell Morenhoeven, WILHELM—HUESCH und Lewen von Loißhem, SCHÖFFEN—DES—HOHEN Gerichts
15641113             —KONZIL—VON—TRIENT, erarbeiteten PIUS—IV—PAPA—BULLA—INIUNCTUM—NOBIS, regelt, verpflichtend, das Glaubensbekenntnis PROFESSIO—FIDEI—TRIDENTINAE.
15641113             das Glaubensbekenntnis PROFESSIO—FIDEI—TRIDENTINAE enthält unter anderem das NICÄNO—KONSTANTINOPOLITANUM.
15721113             * DANIEL—HEIDER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Rechtshistoriker
15851113             † LAURENTIUS—LINDEMANN, DEUTSCHER—RECHTSWISSENSCHAFTLER und sächsischer Staatsmann
15971113             * JOHANN—GEORG—DORSCHE, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16071113             † PAUL—BUCHNER, Tischler, Schraubenmacher und Baumeister aus Nürnberg
16181113             * GOTTFRIED—MEISNER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
16181113             —BIS—HEUTE, 1—REFORMIERTE—KIRCHE—SYNODE—VON—DORDRECHT Beschlüsse wirken.
16261113             FERDINAND—II.
16261113             —VERGLEICHE—SIEGBURG—URKUNDE—957—VON
16311113             —SPÄTESTENS—AM, JEDE—REALISTISCHE—CHANCE auf 1—FRIEDLICHE Einigung wurde zunichte gemacht,
16311113             —KURZ—DARAUF, kam es in der Grenzregion zu offenen Auseinandersetzungen, Plünderungen,
16311113             —KURZ—DARAUF, GUSTAV—ADOLF—FÜHLTE sich durch des JOHANN—GEORG—BISCHOF—VON—BAMBERG falsche Friedensversprechungen belogen
16311113             und 800—SOLDATEN in FORCH—HEIM stationiert wurden.
16461113             —VOM, mitgeteilt, welcher die pommersche Sache betreffe, und daß
16461122—16461113    —DATUM, die HERREN dem Prinzen der GESANDTEN—IN—MÜNSTER—BRIEF
16511113             * FRANZ—ADOLPH—WILHELM—GRAF—VON—RIETBERG, DOM—HERR in Köln, PADERBORN und Straßburg
16631113             ARMANO—RAIDIDEL—da—VIENNA[WIEN] aus 24;
16631113             † DOMENICO—GUARGENA, sizilianischer Kapuziner und Maler
16721113             SCHWERIN ist bei dem KUR—FÜRST—VON—DER—PFALZ in HEIDELBERG gewesen
16721113             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16721113             —DATUM—RÜSSELSHEIM
16871113             † Nell [Eleanor] Gwyn (37), mistress of CHARLES—II—OF—ENGLAND.
16891113             Margarita, CON—SORTE del s. Daniel Baldauf
16891113             —WÄHREND, der 1—AM verstorbenen BALLEN—BINDER—WITWE Baldauf sich darin vorfindet,
16971113             [oo eingetragen in STOLBERG 16971022             ]
16991113             * JOHANN—ZACH, böhmischer KOMPONIST—UND—KAPELLMEISTER (Taufdatum)
17001113             † —EVERHARD, aus JÜLICH (Putzlohn), PRIOR—IN—KLOSTER—STEINFELD, REICHSTEIN, Meer
17151113             —BATTLE—OF—SHERIFFMUIR, was inconclusive with both sides claiming victory.
17151113             —HALTED, However in strategic terms Argyll had, the Jacobite advance.
17151113             * 1. promovierte DEUTSCHE—ÄRZTIN, DOROTHEA—CHRISTIANE—ERXLEBEN,
17151113             * ISIDORUS—KEPPLER, DEUTSCHER—RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Theologieprofessor
17181113—17920000    * † JOHN—MONTAGU, 4. EARL—OF—SANDWICH and purported inventor of the sandwich.
17181113—20120000    —STAGED, THE—TOWN—OF—SANDWICH, 1—DRAMATIC—RE—ENACTMENT—OF—THE—MOMENT —WHEN THE—EARL was said to have invented the sandwich, to mark the 250. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—BREAD—BASED snack.
17201113             † JOHANN—KASPAR—HERWARTHEL, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT und Baumeister
17251113             * CHRISTINA—GARTZEN [Eltern] 1, 2, 3—WURDE am in WOLLERSHEIM geboren.
17421113             —GEGRÜNDET, Als COLLEGIUM—ANTIQUITATUM wird die heutige Königlich DÄNISCHE—AKADEMIE der Wissenschaften.
17431113             † ANNA—CATHARINA—VOM—BÜCHEL, DEUTSCHE—ZIONITIN und Prophetin
17561113             † JOHANN—MICHAEL—DOSER, DEUTSCHER—KÜNSTLER, Holzschnitzer und Bildhauer
17621113             CHRISTOPH—HÜRCKENS[HÜRTGEN], geb.
17621113             SCHEVENHÜTTE[17280213             ?], wohnt in Niel oo Pingen, ELISABETH aus Niel Dv 1.Proklamation u. LEDIGEN—EID für den Mann
17621113             Hürckens [HÜRTGEN], Christoph, geb.SCHEVENHÜTTE[17280213             ?], wohnt in Niel oo Pingen, ELISABETH aus Niel Dv 1.Proklamation u. Ledigeneid für den Mann
17661113             † NIKOLAUS—FRIEDRICH—STÖHR, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und lutherischer Theologe
17701113             † GEORGE—GRENVILLE, —58—JAHRE—ALT, UNITED—KINGDOM—PREMIER (17630000—17650000    ), Stamp Act.
17751113             This was part of a 2—PRONGED attack on CANADA, with the goal of capturing QUEBEC entrusted to BENEDICT—ARNOLD, who was leading a 1,100 man force through 1—HURRICANE ravaged MAINE wilderness.
17751113             * FRIEDRICH—KARL—LUDWIG—TEXTOR, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Mundartschriftsteller
17781113             † FRIEDRICH—PFAUZ, PROTESTANT, im 64. J.
17791113             † THOMAS—CHIPPENDALE, —61—JAHRE—ALT, ENGLAND—FURNITURE maker.
17801113             * RANJIT—SINGH, 1. Herrscher des geeinigten Punjab
17891113             BENJAMIN—FRANKLIN wrote 1—LETTER to 1—FRIEND in which he said, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes".
17920000—18681113    —INCLUDED, His work, 39—OPERAS as well as sacred music, chamber music, songs, and SOME—INSTRUMENTAL and piano pieces.
17920000—18681113    His opera "La Donna del Lago" (18190000             ) was based on THE—WALTER—SCOTT romance "THE—LADY—OF—THE—LAKE".
17921113             La discussion reprend à LA—CONVENTION.
17921113             S—JUST jeune député, —25—JAHRE—ALT
17921113             * EDWARD—JOHN—TRELAWNEY, traveler and author (Adventure of 1—YOUNGER—SON), friend of Byron and Shelley, was born in ENGLAND.
18011113             * LOUIS—FRANÇOIS—ANTOINE—CURTAT, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher, Hochschullehrer und Politiker
18011113             * MATHIAS—MACK, DEUTSCHER—APOTHEKER und Entdecker des Latschenkiefernöls
18051113             —OCCUPATION—DE—VIENNE par LES—FRANÇAIS (NAPOLEÓN s'installe à SCHÖNBRUNN)
18051113             3. Koalitionskrieg
18051113             NAPOLÉON—TRUPPEN einziehen kampflos in WIEN, wo sie von der Bevölkerung neugierig empfangen werden.
18061113             —DISCOVERED, The 14,110-foot PIKE—PEAK was, but not climbed, by LIEUTENANT—ZEBULON—MONTGOMERY—PIKE —DURING 1—EXPEDITION to locate the source of THE—MISSISSIPPI.
18061113             —MAPPED, Explorations by LIEUTENANT—ZEBULON—PIKE and KIT—CARSON, out MUCH—OF—THE—STATE.
18061113—18061115    —SEE
18061113—18310000    —IN, she organized 1—REBEL detachment in Dusetos with her cousin CESAR—PLIATERIS (18100000—18690000    ) and both took 1—ACTIVE—PART in the uprising.
18061113—18311223    —SEE
18061115—18061113    —SEE
18091113             * JOHN—AB—DAHLGREN, USA—UNION Lt Adm and inventor (Civil war Dahlgren cannon).
18141113             * JOSEPH—HOOKER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—GENERAL—DER—UNION im Sezessionskrieg
18141113             * PAUL—AEBY, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER
18141113—18790000    * † JOSEPH—HOOKER, MAJOR—GENERAL (Union volunteers).
18171113             * LOUIS—LEFÉBURE—WÉLY, FRANZÖSISCHER—ORGANIST und Komponist
18291113             SAM—PATCH (~23), stunt diver, dove 125—FEET from 1—PLATFORM at the Genesee Falls —ON—FRIDAY the 13. in ROCHESTER—NEW—YORK.
18291113             His body was found the —FOLLOWING March in the Genesee River ice.
18291113—20030000    —AUTHORED, PAUL—E—JOHNSON, "SAM—PATCH, the Famous Jumper".
18301113             —PUBLISHED, OLIVER—WENDELL—HOLMES, "Old Ironsides".
18331113             * EDWIN—THOMAS—BOOTH, actor (Hamlet).
18341113             * ALBERT—VON—OPPENHEIM, DEUTSCHER—BANKIERS und Kunstmäzen
18341113             † FRIEDRICH—ADOLF—EBERT, DEUTSCHER—BIBLIOTHEKAR und Bibliograph
18351113—18450000    —PROCLAIMED, Texans officially, INDEPENDENCE from MEXICO, and called itself the Lone Star Republic, —AFTER its flag, —UNTIL its admission to the Union.
18351113—20010000    —AUTHORED, Randy Roberts and JAMES—S—OLSON, "1—LINE in the Sand," 1—NARRATIVE—OF—THE—TEXAS drive for INDEPENDENCE.
18361113             * JAROS?AW—D?BROWSKI, polnischer revolutionärer Demokrat, Oberbefehlshaber der PARISER—KOMMUNE
18381113             * JOSEPH—F—SMITH, 6. PRESIDENT—OF—MORMON church.
18421113             * MARIE—KARCHOW—LINDNER, DEUTSCHE—SCHAUSPIELERIN, Journalistin und Mäzenin
18431113             —ERUPTED, MOUNT—RAINIER in WASHINGTON State.
18431113             An der Grand Opéra PARIS erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Dom Sébastien von GAETANO—DONIZETTI.
18481113             * ALBERT—I—FÜRST—VON—MONACO
18491113             —APPROVED, Voters, THE—CALIFORNIA state constitution 12,061 to 811. The original Constitution was drafted and signed on 19—HAND—WRITTEN pages of 1—ANIMAL—SKIN document.
18491113             At the constitutional convention 48—DELEGATES met in S—JOSE.
18491113             —CRITICIZED, This was, by the state's 1. daily newspaper, the Alta CALIFORNIA, as 1—LOCATION among the coyotes.
18491113             —ESTABLISHED, The "Legislature of a 1000—DRINKS", 1—CODE—OF—LAWS and 1—JUDICIAL—SYSTEM, elected 2—SENATORS and voted to relocate to VALLEJO.
18491113             —ABOLISHED, The constitution, slavery but barred blacks from voting, holding public office and testifying in court against whites.
18491113             —ELECTED, JOHN—BIDWELL was, to THE—STATE—SENATE.
18491113             † WILLIAM—ETTY, BRITISCHER—MALER
18501113—18940000    * † ROBERT—LEWIS—STEVENSON, novelist, in SCOTLAND.
18501113—19960000    —IN, R.C. Terry edited and published "ROBERT—LOUIS—STEVENSON: Interviews and Recollections".
18511113             —OPENED, THE—LONDON—TO—PARIS telegraph.
18511113             Die Familie Denny, die so genannte DENNY—PARTY, landet am ALKI—POINT, wird als Geburtsstunde von SEATTLE angesehen.
18521113             † KAROL—BO?OZ—ANTONIEWICZ, POLNISCHER—THEOLOGE und Missionar
18541113             * GEORGE—WHITFIELD—CHADWICK, composer, in LOWELL—MASSACHUSETTS.
18541113             The "New Era" ship sank off NEW—JERSEY coast.
18541113             THE—NEW—ERA, 1—EMIGRANT ship of 1328—TONS, was —RECENTLY built in BATH—MAINE, and this was her 1. voyage.
18541113             There were 425 on BOARD, nearly all German.
18541113             40 were lost on the trip from cholera.
18541113             There were 385—PASSENGERS and crew —WHEN the ship struck.
18541113             163 were saved.
18541113             —CONSISTED—OF, The cargo, 500—TONS—OF—CHALK, dry goods and hardware.
18541113             —INSURED, The ship was, for $60,000 in PHILADELPHIA, $60,000 in BOSTON, $25,000 in Bath and $6,000 in NEW—YORK.
18541113—18540928    —ON, She sailed and was nearly —2—MONTHS on the way.
18551113             ÖSTERREICH—KAISER—FRANZ—JOSEPH—I. gibt den Abschluss 1—KONKORDATS mit dem Heiligen Stuhl bekannt, das der Kirche mehr Rechte einräumt.
18561113—19410000    * † LOUIS—BRANDEIS.
18561113—19410000    —BECAME, LOUIS—BRANDEIS, the 1. Jewish member to sit on THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT.
18571113—18571130    DAS—GESETZLICHE Maximum war
18571113—18571130    —TÄGLICH—IM—DURCHSCHNITT über dies Maximum hinaus zirkulierten.
18571113—18571130    (B. A. 1858
18601113             —CALLED, SOUTH—CAROLINA—LEGISLATURE, 1—SPECIAL—CONVENTION to discuss secession from the Union.
18621113             LEWIS—CARROLL wrote in his diary, "Began writing THE—FAIRY—TALE—OF—ALICE—I hope to finish it by Christmas".
18651113             —ERNEUT, KARL—MARX wird, —DIESMAL von Mitgliedern des ALLGEMEINER—DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER—VEREIN[ADAV] in BERLIN, aufgefordert, nach DEUTSCHLAND zu kommen, um des [ADAV]ALLGEMEINER—DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER—VEREIN—LEITUNG zu übernehmen.
18691113             * HELENE—STÖCKER, DEUTSCHE—FRAUENRECHTLERIN, Sexualreformerin, Pazifistin und Publizistin
18721113             —BEKANNT, Die Ostsee wird, soweit, von der —BISHER schwersten Ostseesturmflut heimgesucht.
18721113             —AM—MORGEN, Meterhohe Wellen überraschen die schlafenden Küstenbewohner.
18721113             † † † 271—MENSCHEN verlieren ihr Leben, über 15.000—WERDEN obdachlos.
18741113             * W. DITTMANN—IN—EUTIN geboren.
18741113             * WILHELM—DITTMANN, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdR, Volksbeauftragter während —DER—NOVEMBER—REVOLUTION
18751113             † CARL—ZU—SOLMS—BRAUNFELS, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER und Siedlungsgründer
18801113             * EDITHA—KLIPSTEIN, DEUTSCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN und Journalistin
18830000—18831113    * † J. MARION—SIMS, USA—PHYSICIAN and 1—PIONEER in the field of surgery, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18831113             He known as the "FATHER—OF—MODERN gynecology" for work to develop 1—SURGICAL—TECHNIQUE for the repair of vesicovaginal fistula, 1—SEVERE—COMPLICATION of obstructed childbirth.
18831113             —ENSLAVED, Sims used, black women, unanesthetized, as experimental subjects in the development of this surgical breakthrough.
18831113—20180000    —IN, 1—STATUE—OF—SIMS in CENTRAL—PARK was removed and relocated to BROOKLYN—GREENWOOD—CEMETERY.
18841113             * ERNST—ADAM, DEUTSCHER—PRIESTER und Geistlicher Rat
18851113             Der SERBISCHE—KÖNIG—MILAN—OBRENOVI?, erklärt BULGARIEN wegen dessen Vereinigung mit Ostrumelien den Krieg.
18851113             Der SERBISCHE—KÖNIG—MILAN—OBRENOVI?, kann sich auf die Duldung des Waffengangs durch ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN verlassen.
18861113             * MARY—WIGMAN, DEUTSCHE—TÄNZERIN, Choreografin und Tanzpädagogin
18861113             HEINRICH—HERTZ gelingt in 1—EXPERIMENT in KARLSRUHE die Übertragung elektromagnetischer Wellen von 1—SENDER zu 1—EMPFÄNGER.
18871113             Über 20.000—ARBEITER folgen in CHICAGO dem Trauerzug für die 4—2—TAGE—ZUVOR hingerichteten Teilnehmer 1—STREIKS, die 1—GERICHT für den HAYMARKET—RIOT verantwortlich gemacht hat.
18900000—19731113    * † ELSA—SCHIAPARELLI, ITALY—FASHION designer, in FRANCE.
18911113             ROM, beschließt die 3. Interparlamentarische Union die Einrichtung 1—STÄNDIGEN Internationalen Friedensbüros mit Sitz in BERN.
18911113—19100000    1—STÄNDIGEN Internationalen Friedensbüros mit Sitz in BERN erhält den Friedensnobelpreis.
18921113             * KARL—JAKOB—HIRSCH, DEUTSCHER—KÜNSTLER und Schriftsteller
18931113             QUEEN—LILI'UOKALANI met with ALBERT—WILLIS, the new USA—MINISTER—TO—HAWAII, and refused pardon for the Provisional Government.
18941113             * ARTHUR—NEBE, DEUTSCHER—SS—GENERAL, Einsatzgruppenkommandeur, CHEF—DES—REICHSKRIMINALPOLIZEIAMTES, Kriegsverbrecher
18941113             —AM HOFTHEATER—KARLSRUHE findet die Uraufführung der Oper Ingwelde von MAX—VON—SCHILLINGS statt.
18941113             Die Genealogische Gesellschaft von UTAH in SALT—LAKE—CITY wird von Angehörigen der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen —DER—LETZTEN—TAGE gegründet.
18951113             1. shipment of canned pineapple from HAWAII.
18971113             The 1. metal dirigible was flown from Tempelhof Field in BERLIN.
18990000—19701113    * † BESSIE—BRADDOCK, UNITED—KINGDOM—LABOUR politician.
18990000—19701113    BESSIE—BRADDOCK was known as 1—ARDENT socialist and fiery campaigner, nicknamed 'Battling Bessie', her special interests included maternity, child welfare and youth crime.
18991113             Die christliche Missionsgesellschaft LIEBENZELLER—MISSION wird als DEUTSCHER—ZWEIG der CHINA—INLAND—MISSION gegründet.
19020000—19741113    * † VITTORIO—DE—SICA, ITALY—FILM actor and director, in FRANCE.
19030611—19621113    —RULED, Municipal JUDGE—LELAND—LAZARUS, Section 538—UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
19041113—19440720    * PETER—GRAF—YORCK—VON—WARTENBURG, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Widerstandskämpfer des
19061113             Auf der Kohleninsel in München wird der Grundstein für das DEUTSCHE—MUSEUM gelegt.
19071113             —HOVERED, The copter, 1—FOOT off the ground —FOR—20—SECONDS 19050412             —SEE.
19071113             —PILOTED, The 1. helicopter was, by FRANCE—ENGINEER PAUL—CORNU (18810000—19440000    ).
19071113             Dem Franzosen PAUL—CORNU glückt mit seinem "fliegenden Fahrrad" der weltweit 1. Flug 1—HUBSCHRAUBERS in 1—HÖHE—VON—30—CM über dem Boden und —20—SEKUNDEN Flugdauer.
19081113             —INTERRUPTED, SF, the corruption trial of Abe Reuf was, by the shooting of Assistant DISTRICT—ATTORNEY—FRANCIS—J—HENEY by MORRIS—HAAS, 1—EX—CONVICT whom Heney had offended in 1—FORMER—GRAFT trial.
19081113             —EXPECTED, Heney was, to survive.
19081113             —COMMITTED, Haas, suicide —2—DAYS—LATER.
19091004—19091113    DIE—BERG—ARBEITER In MANSFELD beschließen zu STREIKen, —
19091004—19091113    —ORGANISIERT, DIE—BERG—ARBEITER In MANSFELD zum Teil in "gelben Gewerkschaften", sind und
19091004—19091113    DIE—BERG—ARBEITER In MANSFELD, —NACHDEM zahlreiche —ARBEITER wegen ihrer Zugehörigkeit zum SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN BERG—ARBEITER—VERBAND fristlos entlassen worden waren.
19091004—19091113    DIE—BERG—ARBEITER In MANSFELD, deren WAHL—KREIS durch 1—VERTRETER—DER Reichspartei im REICHS—TAG vertreten wird —
19091004—19091113    DIE—BERG—ARBEITER In MANSFELD, deren WAHL—KREIS durch 1—VERTRETER—DER Reichspartei im REICHS—TAG vertreten wird
19091004—19091113    DIE—BERG—ARBEITER In MANSFELD beschließen zu STREIKen,
19091113             * EUGENE—IONESCO, ROMANIAN—BORN dramatist.
19091113             —INCLUDED, EUGENE—IONESCO—WORK, "THE—BALD—SOPRANO" and "Rhinoceros".
19091113             —KILLED, PENNSYLVANIA, the Cherry Mine disaster, 259—MEN and boys.
19091113—19091126    —SEE
19091113—20020000    —AUTHORED, Karen Tintori, "Trapped: 19090000             —THE—CHERRY—MINE—DISASTER".
19091126—19940000    [see 19091113             and 19121126             ]
19111113             —NACH—DEM Rücktritt von ARTHUR—BALFOUR, Beim CARLTON—CLUB—TREFFEN der BRITISCHEN—CONSERVATIVE—PARTY wird DER—KOMPROMISSKANDIDAT—ANDREW—BONAR—LAW zum neuen Vorsitzenden der konservativen Parteifraktion im HOUSE—OF—COMMONS gewählt.
19121126             [see 19121113             and 19091126             ]
19141113             —INVENTED, The brassiere, by Caresse Crosby, was patented by MARY—PHELPS—JACOB.
19150000—19861113    * † RUDOLF—SCHOCK, GERMANY—OPERA and operetta singer.
19181113             —AUFFORDERT DIE—USPD DIE—INTERNATIONALE ,um zu verhindern, daß der Keim für NEUE—KRIEGE gelegt werde.
19181113             —AUFFORDERT DIE—USPD DIE—INTERNATIONALE ,um zu verhindern, daß DIE—DEUTSCHE—REVOLUTION ersticke und
19181113             zur Befestigung DER—SOZIALISTISCHEN REPUBLIK "Blut und Leben" zu lassen.
19181113             sich die MILITÄR—VERTRETER im ARBEITER—RAT und SOLDATEN—RAT in BERLIN einstimmig bereiterklärt hätten,
19181113             das DEUTSCHE—VOLK nicht völlig zum HUNGER—TODE verurteilt werde.und
19181113             das DEUTSCHE—VOLK nicht völlig zu politischer Ohnmacht verurteilt werde.
19181113             bei ihren Regierungen darauf hinzuwirken, daß
19181113             auf des VOLLZUGS—RAT—ANORDNUNG zur Verteidigung der REVOLUTION—ERRUNGENSCHAFTEN und
19181113             DIE—USPD fordert DIE—INTERNATIONALE auf, zu verhindern, daß DIE—DEUTSCHE—REVOLUTION ersticke und der Keim für NEUE—KRIEGE gelegt werde.
19181113             DIE—USPD fordert DIE—INTERNATIONALE auf, den KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—GEWALT—POLITIK in den Ländern der ENTENTE zu führen, um
19181113             DER—VOLLZUGS—RAT ordnet an, daß die Bildung 1—ROTEN Garde vorläufig einzustellen sei, da
19181113             —APPELLIERT, DER—VOLLZUGS—RAT, an die Völker FRANKREICHs,
19181113             —APPELLIERT, DER—VOLLZUGS—RAT, an DAS—VOLK Amerikas,
19181113             —APPELLIERT, DER—USPD—VOLLZUGS—RAT, an die Völker FRANKREICHs, ITALIENs, GROß—BRITANNIENS und Amerikas, bei ihren Regierungen darauf hinzuwirken, daß das DEUTSCHE—VOLK nicht völlig zum HUNGER—TODE und zu politischer Ohnmacht verurteilt werde.
19181113             —ANNULLED, SOVIET—RUSSIA, THE—BREST—LITOVSK peace treaty.
19181113             KARL—IV—KÖNIG—VON—UNGARN entsagt auf SCHLOSS—ECKARTSAU auch der Ausübung von Staatsgeschäften in UNGARN, —NACHDEM er —2—TAGE—ZUVOR als Kaiser 1—DERARTIGE Erklärung für die ÖSTERREICHISCHE—REICHSHÄLFTE abgegeben hat.
19181113             Nach des FRIEDEN—VON—BREST—LITOWSK—AUFHEBUNG, startet RUSSLAND 1—MILITÄRISCHE Aktion zur Rückeroberung des Baltikums, die in den ESTNISCHEN—FREIHEITSKRIEG mündet.
19181113             —VERZICHTET, Sachsens KÖNIG—FRIEDRICH—AUGUST—III., auf Thron und Thronfolge.
19211113             "SHEIK," starring RUDOLPH—VALENTINO, was released.
19221113             Black Renaissance began in HARLEM—NEW—YORK.
19221113             —PREMIERED, GEORGE—COHAN—MUSICAL "Little Nellie Kelly,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19240000—20051113    * † DOROTHY—LAW—NOLTE, AUTHOR—OF—1—FAMOUS parenting poem, in CALIFORNIA.
19250000—20121113    * † JACK—GILBERT, USA—LYRICAL poet, in BERKELEY.
19251113             1. SURREALISMUS—AUSSTELLUNG wird in PARIS mit Werken von PABLO—PICASSO, Man Ray, HANS—ARP, PAUL—KLEE, MAX—ERNST, Giorgio de Chirico, André Masson, JOAN—MIRÓ und PIERRE—ROY eröffnet.
19271112—19271113    —SEE
19271113             —OPENED, THE—HOLLAND—TUNNEL, to the public, linking NEW—YORK City and NEW—JERSEY beneath the Hudson River.
19271113—19271112    —SEE
19281113             Der REGISSEUR—MAX—REINHARDT gründet in Schönbrunn 1—SCHAUSPIELSCHULE, das MAX—REINHARDT—SEMINAR.
19300101—20121113    —SINCE—THE—THE fundamental GOP policy is THAT—OF—THE—USA—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE, it is the mission of THE—GOP to make GOVERNMENT so inefficient, so inept, so slow and ineffectual that people will refuse to turn to GOVERNMENT for help, and will spurn big GOVERNMENT at EVERY—TURN.
19311113             Die Oper Friedemann Bach von PAUL—GRAENER wird in Schwerin uraufgeführt.
19330000—19731113    * † BRIAN—STANLEY—JOHNSON, UNITED—KINGDOM—AVANT—GARDE novelist, by suicide.
19331113             The 1. modern SIT—DOWN strike began with Hormel meat packers in AUSTIN—MINNESOTA.
19351113             ANTI—UNITED—KINGDOM—RIOTS took place in EGYPT.
19361113             WIEN, wird unter dem Titel Liebe, Pflicht und Hoffnung Ödön von Horváths Schauspiel Glaube Liebe Hoffnung uraufgeführt.
19371113             —FORMED, NBC, the 1. FULL—SIZED symphony orchestra exclusively for radio broadcasting for ARTURO—TOSCANINI.
19371113             —CONVICTED, EDWARD—WUTKE, —36—JAHRE—ALT, 1, murderer serving a —27—YEAR sentence at Alcatraz prison, became the 1. suicide in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—ROCK.
19371113             He slashed his jugular vein with 1—TINY pencil sharpener blade attached to the handle of 1—SAFETY razor.
19381113             * JEAN—SEBERG, actress (Breathless, Paint Your Wagon), in MARSHALLTOWN—IOWA.
19401113             —ANIMATED, THE—WALT—DISNEY, movie "Fantasia" had its world premiere in NEW—YORK.
19401113             —RULED, USA—SUPREME—COURT, in Hansberry v. Lee that AFRICA—AMERICANS cannot be barred from white neighborhoods.
19401113             Der gut zweistündige Zeichentrickfilm Fantasia von WALT—DISNEY hat am Broadway in NEW—YORK—CITY Premiere.
19411113             1—GERMANY—U—BOAT, the U-81 torpedoed GREAT—BRITAIN—PREMIER—AIRCRAFT carrier, THE—HMS—ARK—ROYAL.
19411113             The ship sank THE—NEXT—DAY.
19420000—20161113    * † LEON—RUSSELL, rock 'n' roll producer, songwriter and performer, in NASHVILLE—TENNESSEE.
19421113             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT, 1—MEASURE lowering the minimum draft age from 21 to 18.
19421113             —ASSASSINATED, THE—ADMIRAL was, soon —AFTER.
19421113             —ON the 2. —DAY—OF—THE—4—DAY—BATTLE—BETWEEN—JAPANESE and USA naval forces off Guadalcanal ISLAND in THE—SOLOMON—ISLAND chain Rear ADMIRAL—DANIEL—CALLAGHAN, aboard the heavy cruiser S—FRANCISCO and CAPTAIN—CASSIN—YOUNG, the ship's commanding officer, were among 107—MEN killed.
19421113             —KILLED, ADMIRAL—NORMAN—SCOTT of the cruiser ATLANTA was also, by mistaken fire from THE—S—FRANCISCO.
19421113             The battle was 1—TACTICAL—DEFEAT for THE—USA—NAVY, but 1—STRATEGIC—VICTORY in saving GUADALCANAL—HENDERSON—FIELD.
19421113             1—USA—FLEET defeated 1—JAPAN—NAVAL—FORCE in 1—CLASH off Guadalcanal.
19421113             THE—5—SULLIVAN brothers, onboard USS Juneau, were all killed in the action.
19421113             687—MEN aboard the Juneau were killed —AFTER the ship was torpedoed and sank.
19421113—19421115    —BIS—ZUM, andauernde
19421113—19421115    —SEESCHLACHT—VON—GUADALCANAL während des —WWII beginnt.
19431113             Der 25—JÄHRIGE LEONARD—BERNSTEIN leitet als Ersatz für den erkrankten BRUNO—WALTER 1—KONZERT—DER—NEW—YORKER—PHILHARMONIKER und beginnt damit seine Weltkarriere.
19431113             BERLIN, wird die Operette KÖNIGIN—1—NACHT—VON—WILL—MEISEL mit dem Libretto von —JUST Scheu und ERNST—NEBHUT uraufgeführt.
19451113             —GEWÄHLT, CHARLES—DE—GAULLE wird durch die FRANZÖSISCHE—NATIONALVERSAMMLUNG zum Ministerpräsidenten der 4. FRANZÖSISCHEN—REPUBLIK.
19451113             Die REPUBLIK—INDONESIEN erhält mit Sukarno ihren 1. Präsidenten.
19451113             Mit dem Bayerischen —TAG in Bamberg erscheint letztmals im besetzten DEUTSCHLAND 1—USA—AMERIKANISCHE—ARMEEGRUPPENZEITUNG.
19461113             —PRODUCED, The 1. artificial snow was, from 1—NATURAL—CLOUD at MOUNT—GREYLOCK, MASSACHUSETTS.
19491113             * WHOOPI—GOLDBERG, [Caryn Johnson], actress (Color Purple, Burglar, Ghost), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19501113             † Der VENEZOLA—PRÄSIDENT—CARLOS—DELGADO—CHALBAUD, der zugleich der regierenden Militärjunta angehört, wird entführt und ermordet.
19501113             1. DOPPEL—LP der Welt, BENNY—GOODMANS—FAMOUS—CARNEGIE—HALL—CONCERT erscheint.
19511113             Der Igel als Bräutigam, 1—OPER für große und kleine Leute in 5—BILDERN—VON—CESAR—BRESGEN, wird in Nürnberg uraufgeführt.
19511113             Das Libretto stammt von LUDWIG—STRECKER—DEM—JÜNGEREN nach Motiven des Märchens Hans mein Igel der Brüder Grimm.
19511113             —NUN, BEAUJOLAIS—WINZER dürfen ihren Wein —SCHON ab dem 3. —DONNERSTAG—IM—NOVEMBER vermarkten.
19521113             False fingernails were 1. sold.
19521113             HARVARD—PAUL—ZOLL was the 1. to use electric shock to treat cardiac arrest.
19521113             † MARGARET—WISE—BROWN (19520000             †), author of "Goodnight Moon," 1—CHILDREN—BEDTIME story, suddenly in FRANCE from 1—EMBOLISM —FOLLOWING surgery for 1—OVARIAN cyst.
19521113—19920000    —AUTHORED, LEONARD—MARCUS, her biography "Awakened by the Moon".
19531113             BRAUNSCHWEIG, wird das Musikalische Lustspiel 1—ENGEL namens Schmitt von —JUST Scheu uraufgeführt.
19561113             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT struck down THE—ALABAMA bus segregation law.
19561113             THE—SUPREME—COURT struck down laws calling for racial segregation on public buses.
19561113             Nach Klage der Bürgerrechtsbewegung im Zusammenhang mit dem BUSBOYKOTT—VON—MONTGOMERY erklärt der Oberste Gerichtshof der USA Gesetze, mit denen 1—RASSENTRENNUNG in öffentlichen Nahverkehrsmitteln angeordnet wird, für verfassungswidrig.
19601113             oo Sammy DAVIS—JUNIOR, SWEDEN—ACTRESS May Britt.
19601113             —KILLED, Fire in movie theater, 152—CHILDREN in AMUDE—SPAIN.
19601113             1. DEUTSCHE—KERNKRAFTWERK, das Versuchsatomkraftwerk Kahl, KARLSTEIN—AM—MAIN aufnimmt den Betrieb.
19601113             † † † In der STADT—AMUDE im SYRISCHEN—TEIL Kurdistans kommen 152—KINDER beim Brand 1—KINOS ums Leben.
19611113             In der DDR wird im Rahmen der Entstalinisierung im Anschluss an den XXII. Parteitag der KPdSU Stalinstadt mit Fürstenberg (Oder) (samt Schönfließ) zu Eisenhüttenstadt zusammengeschlossen.
19631113             Das Theaterstück Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest, das auf KEN—KESEYS gleichnamigen Roman basiert, wird in NEW—YORK am Broadway uraufgeführt.
19641113             PAUL—VI—PAPA gave 1—TIARA to the poor.
19651113             Director KENNETH—TYNAN said "Fuck" on BBC.
19651113             —OPENED, S—FRANCISCO—NEW—PLAYBOY Club, at 736—MONTGOMERY—ST.
19651113             —BURNED, The ship "Yarmouth Castle", and sank off BAHAMAS, killing 89.
19651113             Der AMERIKANISCHE—PASSAGIERDAMPFER—YARMOUTH—CASTLE geht mitten —IN—DER—NACHT vor NASSAU (BAHAMAS) in Flammen auf und sinkt, 90—PASSAGIERE und Besatzungsmitglieder sterben.
19651113             Das Unglück führt zu neuen Regelungen zur Sicherheit auf See im Rahmen der INTERNATIONAL Convention for THE—SAFETY—OF—LIFE at Sea.
19680717—19681113    —ON, THE—USA—PREMIERE was.
19691113             Speaking in DES—MOINES, IOWA, VICE—PRESIDENT—SPIRO—T—AGNEW accused network television news DEPARTMENTS—OF—BIAS and distortion, and urged viewers to lodge complaints.
19701112             A 240—KPH cyclone hit EAST—PAKISTAN (BANGLADESH) 19701113             —SEE.
19701113             —KILLED, THE—BHOLA—CYCLONE, 1 estimated 300,000 in EAST—PAKISTAN (BANGLADESH).
19701113             —OCCURRED, The highest LOSS—OF—LIFE and destruction, on the low lying islands of the Ganges Delta SOUTH—OF—DHAKA.
19701113             In particular THE—ISLAND and DISTRICT—OF—BHOLA, where casualties may have exceeded 100,000 alone, with the towns of Charfasson and Tazumuddin being devastated.
19701113             —AFFECTED, THE—CITY—OF—CHITTAGONG was also badly.
19701113             The official death toll was put at 150,000, with 100,000—PEOPLE missing.
19701113             However MANY—ESTIMATES put the true figure as high as 500,000.
19701113             1—ZYKLON trifft in der Region BHOLA—PAKISTAN, auf Land und tötet – vor allem durch die damit verbundene Flutwelle – über 500.000—MENSCHEN.
19711113             THE—USA—SPACE probe Mariner 9—WENT into orbit —AROUND Mars.
19711113             —CIRCLED, NASA—MARINER 9, Mars and revealed dried BEDS—OF—RIVERS that flowed BILLIONS—OF—YEARS ago.
19721113             Der ORKAN—QUIMBURGA zieht mit Windgeschwindigkeiten von mehr als 200—KM/h über BELGIEN, die NIEDERLANDE und in Norddeutschland.
19721113             ORKAN—QUIMBURGA fordert mindestens 73—TODESOPFER und richtet Schäden in Milliardenhöhe an.
19731113             † BRUNO—MADERNA, —53—JAHRE—ALT, ITALIAN—BORN composer and conductor (Satyricon), in GERMANY.
19731113             Das Musical Gigi von FREDERICK—LOEWE und ALAN—JAY—LERNER wird im Uris Theatre in NEW—YORK City uraufgeführt.
19731113             Die Kidnapper verlangen von WIENERWALD—GASTRONOM—FRIEDRICH—JAHN 3—MILLIONEN MARK—LÖSEGELD.
19741113             Karen Silkwood, 1—TECHNICIAN and union activist at THE—KERR—MCGEE—CIMARRON plutonium plant near CRESCENT—OKLAHOMA, was killed in 1—CAR crash —WHILE on her way to meet 1—REPORTER.
19741113             AMITYVILLE, NY, 6—MEMBERS—OF—THE—DEFEO family were shot and killed in their home.
19741113             RONALD—DEFEO—JUNIOR, the oldest son, was CONVICTED—OF—THE—MURDERS.
19741113             —1—YEAR—LATER GEORGE—LUTZ (19470000—20060000    ) and his family moved into the Long ISLAND house at 112—OCEAN Ave. and stayed —FOR—28—DAYS—BEFORE being driven out by the alleged spirits of the DeFeos.
19741113             —ADDRESSED, Yasser Arafat, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY on behalf of Palestine.
19741113             Das DEUTSCHE—FERNSEHEN zeigt Loriots Telecabinet.
19741113             Der DER PALÄSTINENSCHE—PLO—CHEF—JASSIR—ARAFAT, ausspricht sich vor den Vereinten Nationen gegen den Zionismus.
19741113—19770000    —CHANNELED, Holzer and medium Ethel JOHNSON—MYERS allegedly, the spirit of 1—SHINNECOCK—INDIA—CHIEF, who said the house stood on 1—ANCIENT—INDIA—BURIAL ground.
19741113—19790000    —IN, the book was turned into 1—MOVIE,
19741113—19790000    —IN, AUSTRIAN—BORN paranormal investigator HANS—HOLZER (20090000             † age 89) authored "Murder in Amityville," which formed the basis for 19820000             —THE film "Amityville II: THE—POSSESSION".
19741113—20050000    —IN, which was remade.
19761113             WOLF—BIERMANN übt bei 1—KONZERTAUFTRITT in Köln offen Kritik an der DDR.
19761113             —3—TAGE—SPÄTER, Der WOLF—BIERMANN—AUFTRITT dient als Begründung für seine Ausbürgerung.
19771113             —APPEARED, The comic strip "Li'l Abner", in newspapers for the last time as creator AL—CAPP (19090000—19790000    ) retired.
19771113             —STARTED, He had, the strip 19340000             .
19791113             —ANNOUNCED, FORMER—CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—RONALD—REAGAN, in NEW—YORK his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination.
19791113             Nach 1—11—MONATE und —12—TAGE währenden Streik erscheint die BRITISCHE—TAGESZEITUNG THE—TIMES wieder.
19801113             —KILLED, LEE—TAYLOR, —46—JAHRE—ALT—OF—BELLFLOWER—CALIFORNIA, was, —WHEN his ROCKET—POWERED boat broke up —DURING 1—TEST run on Lake Tahoe.
19801113             —DECRIMINALIZED, BRITAIN—SEXUAL—OFFENSES—ACT, which partially, sexual behavior between consenting males over 21, was extended to SCOTLAND in the Criminal Justice (SCOTLAND) Act 19800000             .
19801113             It took effect on 1—FEBRUARY 19810000             .
19801113             1—MILITARY—COUP led by Joao Bernardo Viera deposed PRESIDENT—LUIS—CABRAL—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—OF—GUINEA—BISSAU.
19811113             Auf Grund 1—WETTE bei Wetten, dass..?
19811113             gründet der Schauspieler KARLHEINZ—BÖHM die Hilfsorganisation Menschen für Menschen.
19820326             —DEDICATED, It was, 19821113             .
19820326             —WAS—DEDICATED, It, 19821113             .
19821113             Lin was 1—ARCHITECTURE student at Yale University —WHEN she submitted her proposal for the memorial, to be built in WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA—CONSTITUTION—GARDENS as 1—TRIBUTE to those who served in THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
19821113             In her proposal, shown above, Lin described "1—LONG, polished, black stone wall, emerging from and receding into the earth," which would include the names of all the military personnel who had † or remained missing.
19821113             According to Lin, "these names, seemingly infinite in number, [would] convey THE—SENSE—OF—OVERWHELMING numbers, —WHILE unifying these individuals into 1—WHOLE.
19821113             —ENDED, THE—VIKING 1—MARS Lander, communications.
19821113             —TRANSMITTED, THE—2—VIKING Landers, over 14000000             images.
19821113             MANY—OF—THESE images are also available from NSSDC online and as photographic products.
19821113             Der Funkkontakt zum Lander der NASA—RAUMSONDE—VIKING—1, abBRICHT, nach 1—MISSGLÜCKTEN Aufspielen 1—NEUEN Software, endgültig.
19841113             S—FRANCISCO, THE—BODY—OF—MASATAKA—KOBAYASHI, CHEF—AND—CO—OWNER—OF—THE—MASA—RESTAURANT on Bush Street, was found dead at his Knob Hill apartment.
19841113—19830000    —BECAME, His restaurant, 1—IMMEDIATE—SENSATION —WHEN it opened.
19851113             † Some 23,000 residents of ARMERO—COLOMBIA, —WHEN 1—MUDSLIDE, triggered by the Nevado del Ruiz volcano, buried the city under 30—FEET of mud.
19851113             —VERWÜSTET, Beim Ausbruch des VULKAN—NEVADO—DEL—RUIZ, 1—LAHAR die KOLUMBIANISCHE—STADT—ARMERO und kostet mindestens 20.000—MENSCHEN das Leben.
19861113             —ACKNOWLEDGED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN publicly, that THE—USA had sent "defensive weapons and spare parts" to IRAN in 1—ATTEMPT to improve relations, but denied the shipments were PART—OF—1—DEAL aimed at freeing hostages in LEBANON.
19871113             —UNVEILED, NICARAGUA—PRESIDENT—DANIEL—ORTEGA, an 11-point proposal in WASHINGTON for 1—CEASE—FIRE that called for the Contra rebels to lay down their weapons and accept 1—AMNESTY.
19880910             - "Global Surveyor": Kontakt zu MARS—SONDE abgerissen
19880911             —NACHDEM die ursprünglich geplante Uraufführung 18691113             —AM nicht stattgefunden hat, wird die wiederentdeckte Messa per Rossini, 1—GEMEINSCHAFTSKOMPOSITION mehrerer ITALIENISCHER—KOMPONISTEN zum 1. Todestag Gioachino Rossinis, von der Gächinger Kantorei unter der Leitung von HELMUTH—RILLING beim Europäischen Musikfest STUTTGART uraufgeführt.
19881113             —RECEIVED, FORMER—CZECHOSLOVAKIA leader ALEXANDER—DUBCEK, an honorary degree in ITALY, the 1. time he was allowed outside his country in —18—YEARS.
19881113             † ANTAL—DORATI, —82—JAHRE—ALT, HUNGARIAN—USA conductor and composer.
19891113             Die DDR—VOLKSKAMMER wählt 1. in geheimer Abstimmung, GÜNTHER—MALEUDA zu ihrem Präsidenten und HANS—MODROW zum Ministerpräsidenten.
19891113             —BERÜHMT, Bei ERICH—MIELKE—RECHTFERTIGUNGSREDE fallen die, gewordenen Worte Ich liebe... ich liebe doch alle... ALLE—MENSCHEN.
19891113—19770000    —SINCE, — an AESP member.
19891113—19891116    —THE omnipotent State which exerts 1—IDEOLOGICAL—DOMINATION over its essential bodies such as THE—JUDICIARY.
19891113—19891116    —HAVING analysed different EXAMPLES—OF—DISINFORMATION from the most varied fields,
19891113—19891116    —ANALYSIS—OF—DISINFORMATION which presents capitalism, and not SOCIALISM, as 1—CORRUPTING force and
19891113—19891116    —AN ANALYSIS—OF—THE—MAJOR—FEARS which reject the very IDEA—OF—PROGRESS and cultural disinformation
19891113—19891116    —AN ANALYSIS—OF—THE—MAJOR—FEARS which contributes to the corruption of our society leading to THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—PILLARS—OF—THE—STATE;
19891113—19891116    —1—PRESENTATION—OF—COUNTRIES generally targeted by SOVIET—DISINFORMATION,
19891113—19891116    —GORBACHEVISM. analysed from inside by true dissidents,
19891113—19891116    —DAY 3— Daily Disinformation:
19891113—19891116    —BARELY—4—DAYS—AFTER THE—FALL—OF—THE, WALL.
19891113—19891116    —FROM THEm THE—IED held its "1. INTERNATIONAL Assizes on Disinformation" in NICE
19891113—19891116    —ACCORDING to the programme, the seminar was devoted to:
19891113—19891116    —ATTENDED—BY numerous FRANCE—ACADEMICS and journalists,
19891113—19891116    who spoke on "THE—MYTH—OF—GORBACHEVISM: the difference between promises and reality. Does THE—WEST want to be disinformed?".
19891113—19891116    Of the 3 61—SPEAKERS at these IED Assizes,
19891113—19891116    HORCHEM.
19891113—19891116    —PRODUCED, HORCHEM had —JUST, the 1. contribution to THE—61'S ANTI—GORBACHEV campaign.
19891113—19891116    FORMER—FRANCE—MINISTER and editorial writer for the lED's weekly bulletin Disinformation Hebdo, JACQUES—MEDECM
19891113—19891116    —ANALYSIS—OF—DISINFORMATION which wants social progress to be linked to Statism and 1—GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—LEFT:
19891113—19891116    —1—STUDY—OF—ALL those who contribute, voluntarily or otherwise, to this disinformation by acting as its channels IN—THE—WEST;
19891113—19891116    —DAY 4— 1—INSIDER—VIEW—OF—THE—FRANCE—PRESS:
19891113—19891116    Alongside them as speakers sat THE—61—TRIO—OF—CROZIER, an "expert on INTERNATIONAL relations'"
19891113—19891116    —DAY 2—THE—ROLE—OF—THE—STATE:
19891113—19891116    —THE seminar was introduced by THE—IED top BRASS—IED—PRESIDENT—DANIEL—TRINQUET and
19891113—19891116    —UNDERSTANDING the mechanisms which make such 1—PHENOMENON—POSSIBLE so as to act more efficiently at 1—LATER stage"
19901113             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—A—BAKER—III told reporters in HAMILTON—BERMUDA, the Persian Gulf crisis threatened world recession and THE—LOSS—OF—USA—JOBS.
19901113             —DEMANDED, MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS, 1—LARGER—ROLE in USA Gulf policy —FOLLOWING PRESIDENT—BUSH—DECISION to send more USA—TROOPS to the region.
19901113             Der AMOKLAUF—VON—ARAMOANA—NEUSEELAND entwickelt sich aus 1—STREIT zweier Nachbarn.
19901113             Der Täter erschießt anschließend 13—MENSCHEN und stirbt selbst —AM—NÄCHSTEN—MORGEN nach 1—NEUERLICHEN Schusswechsel mit Polizisten an seinen erlittenen Verletzungen.
19901113             1. Webseite veröffentlicht, —1—TAG—NACH TIM—BERNERS—LEE und ROBERT—CAILLIAUS—KONZEPT für 1—WELTWEITES HYPERTEXT—PROJEKT wird
19901113151700       —JAHR GMT (though THE—URI changed.)' 1—LOT has happened in —16—YEARS and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager".
19911113             —APPROVED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 1—SENATE—PASSED BILL—GUARANTEEING—MANY—WORKERS up to —12—WEEKS of unpaid leave for family emergencies.
19921113             Riddick Bowe won the undisputed heavyweight boxing title in LAS—VEGAS with 1—UNANIMOUS—DECISION over Evander Holyfield.
19931113             PRESIDENT—CLINTON used his weekly radio address to make yet another pitch for THE—NORTH—USA—FREE—TRADE Agreement, then flew to MEMPHIS—TENNESSEE, where he delivered 1—ANTI—CRIME speech to black ministers at the Temple CHURCH—OF—GOD in Christ.
19931113             —ATTEMPTED, PERU, military officers, another coup against PRESIDENT—FUJIMORI.
19941113             PRESIDENT—CLINTON, visiting THE—PHILIPPINES, sought to assure world leaders that his party's severe losses in midterm elections wouldn't undercut his foreign policy.
19941113             † SF police officer JAMES—GUELFF was shot and killed by VIC—LEE—BOUTWELL, who was then killed by other officers.
19941113             —TRIED, ROBERT—PINCKNEY, who, to stop the gunman, was beaten up by the police, who mistook him for 1—CAP killer.
19941113             1—HEAVILY armed gunman traded fire with S—FRANCISCO police, hitting 2—POLICE officers, 1—PARAMEDIC and another person —BEFORE being killed.
19941113             —VOTED, SWEDEN, to join THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
19941113             Die SCHWEDEN entscheiden sich in 1—LANDESWEITEN Referendum mit 52 % für den Beitritt zur EU.
19941113—19980000    —IN, 1—COMPENSATIVE settlement was reached.
19951113             —BRACED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, for imminent partial shutdown as PRESIDENT—CLINTON vetoed 1—BUDGET bill and prepared to reject another in 1—FISCAL standoff with Republicans.
19951113             1—CAR bomb killed 7—PEOPLE, including 5—AMERICANS, and injured about 60 at 1—MILITARY training facility in RIYADH—SAUDI—ARABIA.
19961113             1—ALL—WHITE—JURY in PITTSBURGH acquitted 1—SUBURBAN police officer, JOHN—VOJTAS, in THE—DEATH—OF—BLACK—MOTORIST JONNY—GAMMAGE in 1—VERDICT that angered black activists.
19961113             SERGEANT—LOREN—B—TAYLOR, 1—DRILL SERGEANT who'd had sex with 3—WOMEN recruits at Fort LEONARD—WOOD, MONTANA, was given —5—MONTHS in prison and 1—BAD—CONDUCT discharge in the 1. sentencing of the burgeoning Army sex scandal.
19961113             1—GRAND—JURY in S—PETERSBURG, FLORIDA, declined to indict 1—WHITE—POLICEMAN, JIM—KNIGHT, who had shot black motorist TyRon Lewis to death the previous —MONTH;
19961113             the decision prompted angry mobs to return to the streets.
19961113             ALGERIA, militants slit the throats of 12—PEOPLE outside BLIDA, 30—MILES—SOUTH—OF—ALGIERS.
19961113             10—OF—THE—VICTIMS were of the same family.
19971113             "LION—KING," opened at New AMSTERDAM Theater, NEW—YORK—CITY.
19971113             —BASED, It was, on the Disney film.
19971113             —VISITED, Hillary Clinton, in BUKHARA—UZBEKISTAN.
19971113             —VOTED, USA—CONGRESS, against 1—PLAN to authorize payments to THE—UN that was linked to 1—ABORTION policy.
19971113             TEXAS, Coy Wesbrook (19580000—20160000    ) went on 1—SHOOTING rampage killing 5—PEOPLE, including his EX—WIFE.
19971113             † In COSTA—RICA MAX—DALTON, —78—JAHRE—ALT, 1—AMERICA—BORN rancher, was killed in 1—CONFRONTATION with squatters on his 10-acre ranch in Golfito.
19971113             —CONFISCATED, Squatters in the region have "" the holdings of more than 2—DOZEN Americans in the region.
19971113             —AMENDED, GERMANY, PARLIAMENT, 19500000             —THE—FEDERAL—BENEFITS—LAW to exclude VETERANS—OF—DISABILITY rights if they violated "PRINCIPLES—OF—HUMANITY—OF—THE—LAW" —DURING the 3. Reich.
19971113             —EXPELLED, IRAQ, 6—AMERICANS on 1—UN weapons inspection team.
19971113             —DECIDED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, to withdraw all weapons inspectors from IRAQ —AFTER SADDAM—HUSSEIN ordered Americans on THE—UNITED—NATIONS—TEAM out.
19971113—19660000    —ORDERED, BRAZIL, 1—JUDGE, 153—POLICE officers and 9—SENIOR—OFFICIALS to stand trial for the killing of 19—LANDLESS peasants.
19971113—20160000    —EXECUTED, Wesbrook was.
19981113             —AGREED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, without admitting guilt, to pay Paula Jones $850,000 to settle her sexual harassment suit.
19981113             —ENDED, This, THE—4—YEAR legal battle over her sexual harassment lawsuit that spurred impeachment proceedings against him.
19981113             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON and THE—IMF, a $41.5—BILLION loan package for BRAZIL.
19981113             CALIFORNIA, Cyndi Vanderheiden (19730000             *) was last seen at 1—BAR in LINDEN—CALIFORNIA.
19981113             Her car was found THE—NEXT—DAY but her body was not found.
19981113             1—JURY —LATER determined that she was raped and killed by Loren HERZOG—AND—WESLEY—SHERMANTINE, —LATER dubbed the "Speed Freak Killers".
19981113             —LASTED, Their murder spree, —FOR—15—YEARS.
19981113             —AGREED, CAMBODIA, the warring political parties, to form 1—COALITION government led by Hun SENATOR—OPPOSITION leader PRINCE—NORODOM—RANARIDDH will become PRESIDENT—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY.
19981113             —COLLIDED, Near HONG—KONG 2—OIL tankers, and left a 6-mile oil slick near the Pearl River delta that threatened the local rare pink dolphins.
19981113             —CONTINUED, INDONESIA, student protests, and 12—PEOPLE were reported killed.
19981113             —MEANWHILE the legislative assembly approved new elections for —NEXT—YEAR and 1—INVESTIGATION into past corruption.
19981113             1—HALF—DOZEN were killed and scores wounded in what soon came to be called Black —FRIDAY.
19981113             —LEVELED, IRAN, 1—VILLAGE was, in Fars province and 5—PEOPLE were killed —AFTER 5—STRONG—EARTHQUAKES hit the area.
19981113             Der DEUTSCHE—BUNDESTAG beschließt den Bundeswehreinsatz zur NATO—LUFTÜBERWACHUNG im KOSOVO—KRIEG.
19981113—19990000    —ACCEPTED, Jones, to receive $200,000 with the rest going for lawyer fees.
19981113—20000101    —APPROVED, In THE—NETHERLANDS the cabinet, 1—PLAN to let homosexuals adopt HOLLAND—CHILDREN.
19981113—20100000    —SENTENCED, Shermantine and HERZOG were —LATER, to death, but HERZOG was freed.
19981120             —MARCHED, INDONESIA, THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS, and demanded THE—RESIGNATIONS—OF—PRESIDENT—HABIBIE and military CHIEF—WIRANTO —FOLLOWING doctor's confirmation that protestors were killed with live ammunition on 19981113—19981114.
19991107             This was the 5. recent attack and was thought to be linked to 1—UPCOMING 19991113             visit by PRESIDENT—CLINTON.
19991113             —RECOVERED, THE—NAVY, the cockpit voice recorder from EgyptAir Flight 990, which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean 19991031             with the loss of all 217—PEOPLE aboard.
19991113             —BECAME, LENNOX—LEWIS, the undisputed heavyweight CHAMPION—OF—THE—WORLD, winning 1—UNANIMOUS—DECISION over Evander Holyfield in LAS—VEGAS.
19991113             † DONALD—MILLS, last surviving member of the singing Mills Brothers, in LOS—ANGELES at age 84.
19991113             —CAUSED, Heavy rains in SOUTH—EAST—FRANCE, mudslides that left at least 22—PEOPLE dead in the Tarn Aude, EAST—PYRANEES and Herault regions.
19991113             —PROTESTED, ATHENS—GREECE, thousands, 1—UPCOMING visit by PRESIDENT—CLINTON whose planned visit was shortened to —1—DAY.
19991113             —SIGNED, PERU and CHILE, 1—AGREEMENT to end a —120—YEAR territorial dispute.
19991113             —GRANTED, PERU was, the exclusive use of 1—PIER in THE—CHILE—PORT—OF—ARICA.
20001113             Pushes for further Declassification
20001113             National Security Archive calls Release 1—VICTORY for Openness; More Declassified Documents on CHILE:
20001113             Electronic Briefing Books - CHILE Documentation Project
20001113             16,000 SECRET USA—DOCUMENTS DECLASSIFIED
20001113             Electronic Briefing Books - Jump to the Documents - More Declassified Documents on CHILE:
20001113             National Security Archive calls Release 1—VICTORY for Openness;
20001113             News and Highlights - Note: THE—FOLLOWING documents are in PDF format.
20001113             PRESS RELEASE CHILE: 16,000 SECRET USA—DOCUMENTS DECLASSIFIED - Pushes for further Declassification
20001113             Return to National Security Archive Main Page
20001113             —INDUCTED, JOE—MULLEN and DENIS—SAVARD were among those, into the Hockey Hall of Fame.
20001113             The vote count in FLORIDA was set to conclude though absentee ballots remained.
20001113             —FAILED, Lawyers for GEORGE—W—BUSH, to win 1—COURT order barring manual RECOUNTS—OF—BALLOTS in FLORIDA.
20001113             —ANNOUNCED, FLORIDA SECRETARY—OF—STATE—KATHERINE—HARRIS, she would end the recounting at 5—P.m. THE—NEXT—DAY—PROMPTING 1—IMMEDIATE—APPEAL by lawyers for AL—GORE.
20001113             —DECLARED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, the wild Atlantic salmon 1 endangered species.
20001113             2—USA—F 16—MILITARY—JETS collided over waters OFF—OF—NORTH—JAPAN.
20001113             1—PILOT was rescued and the other was missing.
20001113             —DEMONSTRATED, INDIA, about 1000—PEOPLE, in NEW—DELHI against the building of some 3,000 dams across the Narmada Valley and 3—INDIA—STATES.
20001113             —ATTACKED, PALESTINE—GUNMEN, inside Israeli controlled AREAS—OF—THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA and killed 4—ISRAELIS.
20001113             —KILLED, Elsewhere 4—PALESTINIANS were also, over the —DAY.
20001113             —CALLED, Fatah, for the expulsion of Israelis from GAZA and THE—WEST—BANK.
20001113             —APPROVED, In THE—PHILIPPINES—THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 1—IMPEACHMENT trial to address corruption charges against PRESIDENT—ESTRADA.
20001113—19980000    —JAHR/20010911              CHILE and THE—USA: Declassified Documents Related to the Military Coup 19730911             —OF,
20001113—19980000    —JAHR/20010911              On 25. ANNIVERSARY—OF—CHILEAN—COUP, Documents Detail Abuses by CHILE—MILITARY—USA—ROLE in CHILE
20001113—19980911    CHILE and THE—USA: Declassified Documents Related to the Military Coup of 19730911             20001113—19980911    On 25. ANNIVERSARY—OF—CHILEAN—COUP, Documents Detail Abuses by CHILE—MILITARY—USA—ROLE in CHILE
20001113—19990000    —JAHR/06/30—CIA, STATE, NSC Documents Declassified on CHILE: Administration Release Applauded;
20001113—19990630    Concern Expressed on WITHHELDUSA—RECORDS
20001113—20000000    —JAHR/03/23—CIA Intelligence Report tied Pinochet to Letelier assassination
20001113—20000000    —JAHR/08/17—HISTORY Held Hostage: THE—CIA—REFUSAL to declassify the covert record on CHILE
20001113—20000000    —JAHR/09/19—CIA Acknowledges Ties to PINOCHET—REPRESSION: CHILE—SECRET Police CHIEF was a CIA Asset
20001113—20000323    CIA Intelligence Report tied Pinochet to Letelier assassination
20001113—20000817    —HISTORY Held Hostage: THE—CIA—REFUSAL to declassify the covert record on CHILE
20010911             —POSTED 20051110             —ON—0233—PM |Permalink 20051113             200109111000         BUSH contacts DONALD—RUMSFELD,
200109111348         1—FEW reporters are allowed to remain on THE—AIR—FORCE—1—PLANE, sans cell phones.
200109111348         AIR—FORCE—1 ditching MOST—OF—THE—PRESS—CORPS.
200109111348         AIR—FORCE—1 takes off AGAIN,
20011113             PRESIDENT—BUSH and RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN met at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, where they pledged to slash Cold WAR—ERA nuclear arsenals by 2—THIRDS but remained at odds over USA—PLANS to develop 1—MISSILE defense shield.
20011113             —ELECTED, BISHOP—WILTON—GREGORY was, the 1. black PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA—CONFERENCE of Catholic Bishops.
20011113             USA—WARPLANES hit Taliban convoys leaving KABUL.
20011113             —BOMBED, THE—AL—JAZEERA—OFFICE—IN—KABUL was.
20011113             —REJOICED, KABUL residents, at the departure of the Taliban.
20011113             —RETREATED, THE—NORTHERN—ALLIANCE, at Kunduz —WHEN 1 suspected surrender turned into 1—ATTACK.
20011113             —VANISHED, Some $5.3—MILLION, from THE—CENTRAL—BANK—MILLE in KABUL.
20011113             8—FOREIGN—AID workers, 2—AMERICANS, 2—AUSTRALIANS and 4—GERMANS, held captive in AFGHANISTAN —FOR—3—MONTHS were freed from 1—PRISON by ANTI—TALIBAN fighters.
20011113             1—ANTHRAX tainted letter was received by 1—PEDIATRICIAN in SANTIAGO.
20011113             —POSTMARKED, It was, from SWITZERLAND and marked for return to FLORIDA.
20011113             —MAILED, It was actually, from NY through 1—NY—BASED SUBSIDIARY—OF—THE—SWITZERLAND—POST office.
20011113             —BELIEVED, The letter was —LATER, to have been contaminated in 1—LAB.
20011113             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, 11—PEOPLE with suspected links to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20011113             —KRIEG—IN—AFGHANISTAN:
20011113             —OPERATION—ENDURING—FREEDOM
20020922—20021113    —ON, NEPAL, Maoist rebels fighting the constitutional monarchy have called for a —3—DAY countrywide strike aimed at disrupting general elections slated to begin.
20021113             AFRICA—NEWS Analysis: 20070000             0120070408             —APRIL
20021113             —APPROVED, USA—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—BISHOPS overwhelmingly, 1—COMPROMISE sex abuse policy —AFTER THE—VATICAN demanded they make changes to balance fairness to priests with compassion for victims.
20021113             † IRV—RUBIN, —57—JAHRE—ALT, Jewish Defense League leader, —9—DAYS—AFTER what FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES said was 1—SUICIDE attempt in jail.
20021113             —FEARED, Some 200—PEOPLE were, dead —AFTER 19—BOATS disappeared in 1—STORM off BANGLADESH.
20021113             —CONFIRMED, Delegates to CHINA—COMMUNIST—PARTY—CONGRESS, that Jiang Zemin would step down as party CHIEF and make way for 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—LEADERS —THIS—WEEK.
20021113             Claiming IRAQ was seeking the "PATH—OF—PEACE," SADDAM—HUSSEIN—GOVERNMENT agreed to the return of INTERNATIONAL weapons inspectors.
20021113             —LINKED, THE—PHILIPPINES—MUSLIM gunmen, to the al Qaeda network have demanded 1—RANSOM—OF—16—MILLION pesos ($300,000) for their 7—INDONESIAN and THE—PHILIPPINES—HOSTAGES kidnapped in June and —AUGUST.
20021113             THE—BAHAMIAN—REGISTERED Prestige, with 85,000 TONS—OF—OIL, sprang 1—LEAK —DURING 1—STORM off THE—COAST—OF—SPAIN.
20021113             —LEAKED, Some 3,300 tons, and began reaching THE—COAST—OF—SPAIN —AFTER 1—FEW days.
20021113             —ATTACKED, Rebels in NORTH—UGANDA, 3—VILLAGES, hacking and clubbing 9—PEOPLE to death.
20021113             —VOTED, A—UNITED—NATIONS—BODY, to restrict THE—INTERNATIONAL—TRADE of bigleaf mahogany, sea horses and 26—SPECIES—OF—SEA turtles, but failed to pass legislation to protect 2—SPECIES of threatened sharks.
20021113             —HAVARIERT, Vor der galicischen Küste, DER—ÖLTANKER—PRESTIGE.
20021113             Aus 1—ÖLTANKER—PRESTIGE—LECK austritt Öl.
20021113             —6—TAGE—SPÄTER, verursacht, Dies, 1—ÖLPEST, von der große TEILE—DER—SPANISCHEN—ATLANTIKKÜSTE betroffen sind.
20031113             —ON KSM—INDEPENDENCE, see Intelligence report, interrogation of KSM, 20040109             .
20031113             Even —AFTER he began working with Bin Ladin... letter, 20040625             , pp...
20031113             PRIME—MINISTER—ZORAN—ZIVKOVIC to agree, under pressure from political defectors and Milosevic supporters, to 20030901             —NEW—PARLIAMENTARY—VOTE for 20031228             , —1—YEAR ahead of schedule.
20031113             PRESIDENT—BUSH said THE—USA—WANTS—IRAQIS to take more responsibility for governing their troubled country and said coalition forces are determined to prevail over terrorists.
20031113             —REPORTED, THE—USA—ENERGY—DEPT, that DOCTOR—CRAIG—VENTER and colleagues had assembled 1—BACTERIOPHAGE containing 5,386 DNA base pairs.
20031113             —REFUSED, ALABAMA CHIEF—JUSTICE—ROY—MOORE, who had, to remove his granite 10—COMMANDMENTS monument from the state courthouse, was thrown off the bench by 1—JUDICIAL—ETHICS—PANEL for having "placed himself above the law".
20031113             ERIC—GAGNE—OF—THE—LOS—ANGELES Dodgers won the National League Cy Young Award.
20031113             —SHOWED, Baseball officials said 5—PERCENT—OF—ANONYMOUS—SAMPLES, steroids present, triggering mandatory tests —NEXT—YEAR.
20031113             Dana Stubblefield, SF 49er defensive lineman, made false statements to 1—IRS agent —JUST days —BEFORE drug tests showed he had taken steroids.
20031113             —PROSECUTED, He was the 1. football player, in THE—BALCO steroid scandal.
20031113             —REPORTED, Cocaine was, to generate as much as $500—MILLION of BOLIVIA's $8.5—BILLION economic output.
20031113             —ALLOWED, Nearly 30,000 acres of coca production was, for domestic use.
20031113             —PROTESTED, HAITI, HUNDREDS—OF—GOVERNMENT opponents, in PORT—AU—PRINCE, calling for THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE because of deepening poverty and insecurity in the Caribbean country.
20031113             † Mitoyo Kawate, a —114—YEAR—OLD—JAPAN—WOMAN who —JUST weeks ago assumed THE—TITLE—OF—THE—WORLD—OLDEST person.
20031113             The oldest person is —NOW CHARLOTTE Benkner, of NORTH—LIMA, OHIO, born 18891116             .
20031113             Palestinian and ISRAEL—OFFICIALS said they expect their leaders to meet for peace talks, possibly within —10—DAYS.
20031113             —APOLOGIZED, Svetozar Marovic, SERBIA—MONTENEGRO—PRESIDENT, in SARAJEVO for the pain his country inflicted upon Bosnia —DURING the 19920000—19950000     war.
20031113             —DISSOLVED, Serbia, its PARLIAMENT and announced early elections, signaling THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT —3—YEARS—AFTER the ouster of Slobodan Milosevic.
20031113             —TRIGGERED, CENTRAL—VIETNAM, Tropical Storm Nepartak, floods and landslides that killed at least 49—PEOPLE.
20031113—20080000    —IN, he pleaded guilty to lying about his USE—OF—PERFORMANCE—ENHANCING drugs.
20040000             Does it Matter?: 20041107             — 20041113             ... 1—POSTER named ' TruthIsAll ' on the DemocraticUnderground_com forums laid out the questionable RESULTS—OF—TUESDAY—ELECTION in succinct fashion: 'To...
20040000             —THE election marks the rise of 1—QUASI—CLERICAL—PARTY for the 1. time in THE—USA.
20040109             WASHINGTON Office.
20041020             GENESISINTERMEDIA INC (Form: 8-K, Received: 20011011131556       )
20041023             STEFAN—WRAY: TEXAS Plan to Grab Los Alamos Takes HOLD—BUSH [BGHW948] Senior is 1—TOP—OFFICIAL in 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST private investment funds in THE—USA, Carlyle, 1—GROUP /20041023.html
20041100—20041113   %5B%5D
20041109             Bush Threatens to Nuke20041113-101804-4752r.htm" TARGET="_blank">
20041112             MISS—NBC—VIDEO and Complete Transcript, 20041113             20041112             Portraying THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE as "Terrorists": Who is ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI?
20041112             Jassir Arafat: Der Traum ist aus...
20041112             CAROLYN—BAKER, 20041112             200411120000 Kathy Dopp, 20041112             200411120000 MICHAEL—KEEFER, 20041112             200411120000 MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY, 20041113             200411121144         —AM Press Release: $1.7b for 26—MILLION—PEOPLE struggling to survive UNITED—NATIONS UN Seeks $1.7—BILLION To Help People Caught In World's 'Forgotten Crises' In 2005THE—UNITED—NATIONS —TODAY launched a $1.7—BILLION appeal to provide 1—RANGE—OF—RELIEF—SERVICES to some 26—MILLION—PEOPLE struggling to survive THE—RAVAGES—OF—WAR and other emergencies, mainly in AFRICA.
20041112             CAROLYN—BAKER, 20041112             20041112             Kathy Dopp, 20041112             20041112             MICHAEL—KEEFER, 20041112             20041112             MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY, 20041113             200411121144         —AM Press Release: $1.7b for 26—MILLION—PEOPLE struggling to survive UNITED—NATIONS UN Seeks $1.7—BILLION To Help People Caught In World's 'Forgotten Crises' In 2005THE—UNITED—NATIONS —TODAY launched a $1.7—BILLION appeal to provide 1—RANGE—OF—RELIEF—SERVICES to some 26—MILLION—PEOPLE struggling to survive THE—RAVAGES—OF—WAR and other emergencies, mainly in AFRICA.
20041112—20041113    —DATE 20041112—20041102    —CONVICTED, Walters was 1—OF 7—MEN —LATER, for belonging to 1—TERRORIST—GROUP associated with MOHAMMED—BOUYERI, who killed filmmaker THEO—VAN—GOGH.
20041113             13. 20030200             - Tech Update provides FLORIDA decision makers... PDF—.. aerospace propulsion group from being bought by USA—BASED Carlyle Group investment... UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA has been synonymous with the Los Alamos and Lawrence...
20041113             Special `Conspiracy Theory' Edition, 20030223             .
20041113             MilitarySpot_com! Military Magazine Article Feed... Asiaweek 20000609             Carlyle Thayer, It's Not 1—ARMS—RACE—YET—THE—SECURITY... 20040100             JIM—WILSON, Stopping Rogue Nukes Scientists at Los Alamos have devised...
20041113             Government Executive Magazine - 19980801             Land of the Giants.
20041113             Panasas secures $32—MILLION in new financing - 20020916             ...
20041113             Panasas lands $25—MILLION in funding - 20011001             - PITTSBURGH...
20041113             10, NUMBER 2,496W - 20041018             .
20041113             10, NUMBER 2,496W - 20041018             ... Even the Livermore, Los Alamos + Sandia nuclear weapons laboratories pitched in by.
20041113             She tipped me off that the news media is in a "LOCK—DOWN" and that there is to be no TV coverage of the real problems with voting 20041102             —ONND.
20041113             —SEIT der ERMORDUNG—DES—FILM—REGISSEURS + Islamkritikers THEO—VAN—GOGH 20041102             —AM durch einen mutmaßlichen islamischen Extremisten
20041113             "Es ist vorbei", riefen sie den Deutschen zu.
20041113             In der Delegation befanden sich auch der SPD—GENERALSEKRETÄR KLAUS—UWE—BENNETER und der 82-jährige,
20041113             "Hope springs eternal in the human breast".
20041113             Call me 1—CONSPIRACY theorist if you must.
20041113             "I have concluded that there has not been adequate national debate over THE—NATURE—OF—THE—THREAT posed by OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and the forces he leads and inspires + the nature and DIMENSIONS—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE reform needed to address that threat," Scheuer said —YESTERDAY.
20041113             "I think it's understandable that SOME—PEOPLE may be sick and tired of this or pretty darned mad".
20041113             "I've testified —BEFORE 20010911             —THE commission and THE—SHELBY—GOSS [congressional] commissions.
20041113             "It sounds like 1—PARANOID fantasy, but I think the data suggest that even if Bush won,
20041113             "SOME—PEOPLE will say he is crazy to publicly say these things," says CHARLES—BATTAGLIA,
20041113             "The bombs being dropped on FALLUJAH don't contain explosives, depleted uranium or anything HARMFUL—THEY contain laughing GAS—THAT would,
20041113             "THE—KIND—OF—THING that has to happen is 1—FULL—SCALE investigation," said TROY—DUSTER,
20041113             "You can't be 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—CIA and read that as anything but the status and POWER—OF—THE—AGENCY is going to decline," says JIM—WALSH,
20041113             "but 1 would normally expect that THE—GAP—OF—1.5—MILLION VOTES—TO be far smaller than it was.
20041113             '—AT—THIS—TIME we are not charging PRESIDENT—BUSH with anything.'"
20041113             (Recall how big tobacco could always find 1—DOCTOR willing to tout its party line?) This study
20041113             11 + for incorrect estimates about WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION in IRAQ,
20041113             2. By allowing Nader, the Greens and the Libertarians to mount 1—CHALLENGE on behalf of Kerry,
20041113             2. - She said similar "LOCK—DOWN orders" had come down —LAST—YEAR—AFTER the invasion of IRAQ,
20041113             A $100,000 reward has been offered to anyone willing to rat out
20041113             1—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL editorial went so far as to call the agency's leaks and criticisms an "insurgency".
20041113             1—FAMOUS—AMERICA—STATESMAN once wrote that 1—CONVENTIONAL—ARMY loses if it does not win whereas the guerrilla wins if he does not lose.
20041113             1—FATHER—ANGER: 'I would kill GEOFF—HOON' :
20041113             1—HIGH—RANKING Democrat, mindful of balancing respect for the complainers and 1—DESIRE to move on,
20041113             1—LIST of unlikely events : —YESTERDAY, we quoted 1—LIST of all THE—HARD—TO—BELIEVE events that 1 must accept in order to accept the results of this vote.
20041113             1—STUDY—OF—16—STATES by 1—FORMER—MIT mathematics professor places the likelihood at 1 in 50,000.
20041113             A 1000—FALLUJAHS: 1—YOUNG—MAN returns form IRAQ missing both legs.
20041113             —AFTER discharge from the Army he ends up having to live in his CAR—WHERE is the "honor our veterans" for this young man?
20041113             According to Freeman, the odds against the statistical anomalies in —JUST 3—STATES -- FLORIDA,
20041113             —AFTER the revelations about prisoner abuse and flimsy terrorism cases,
20041113             —CALLED, Aid agencies, on USA—FORCES and THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT to allow them to deliver food,
20041113             ALBERTO—GONZALES enjoys 1—REPUTATION for covering GEORGE—W—BUSH—BACK.
20041113             Als sie schließlich am Ort der Zeremonie eintrafen, schlossen die Sicherheitskräfte gerade das Tor.
20041113             Also, being a 'civilian' is 1—RELATIVE thing in 1—COUNTRY occupied by Americans.
20041113             AMERICA—RESISTANCE:
20041113             —NOTED, Amherst, that in FLORIDA the vote to raise the minimum wage was approved by 72%,
20041113             1—EVEN more surprising figure: Bush earned 20,000 more votes statewide than the sum TOTAL—OF—THE—STATE'S registered Republicans.
20041113             1—INTERESTING discussion of NC election laws (which require 1—PAPER ballot, apparently) can be found here.
20041113             And he further wrote that the war in IRAQ was "1—AVARICIOUS, premeditated,
20041113             And if you thought everyone at MISS—NBC would function well on this issue,
20041113             And never, they say, has the agency so publicly crossed the line to involve itself in policy debate.
20041113             And our side ultimately has no choice but to scream:
20041113             —CONDUCTED, And the early Election —DAY polls, for 1—CONSORTIUM—OF—TELEVISION networks and THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS,
20041113             And they reply, "Well, you see, exit polls aren't always accurate..".
20041113             And they reply: "Exit polls aren't accurate".
20041113             —PREPARED, And they reply: "Well, we've, this chart showing that the poll results were within THE—MARGIN—OF—ERROR..".
20041113             And we say: "Look, bub, you didn't hear me.
20041113             No matter how tiny or large THE—MARGIN—OF—ERROR is,
20041113             And we say: "The errors should skew in both directions".
20041113             —TRAPPED, And we suddenly realize that we are, in 1—MONTY—PYTHON routine.
20041113             Another look at Coyote.
20041113             Previously, we took 1—LOOK at PETER—COYOTE—LIST
20041113             ARAFAT—TRAUERFEIER: Joschka Fischer wie lästiger Demonstrant behandelt
20041113             As battles go, FALLUJAH has been 1—BIG—DISAPPOINTMENT to THE—USA—MILITARY,
20041113             As if the exit poll conundrum (see below) wasn't enough -- we —NOW have another mystery
20041113             —CENSURED, As the agency has been, for its failures leading up to the ;;09;;.
20041113             Attorneys say they are not trying to challenge the election but are only carrying out KERRY—PROMISE to make sure that all the votes in OHIO are counted.
20041113             —BEFORE you scurry thither, consider once more the "red/blue" dichotomy which currently confounds us.
20041113             I've suggested that we replace
20041113             BERLIN: Weltgrößte öffentliche Wasserstofftankstelle eröffnet
20041113             —GEFORDERT, Bestechungsprozess: —8—JAHRE Haft für Berlusconi
20041113             Bottom line: In 1—HEAVILY—DEMOCRATIC—COUNTY, those precincts with the most impressive turnout registered the fewest Kerry votes.
20041113             Boy, those "Dixiecrats" turn up in the damnedest places, don't they?
20041113             BRAD—FRIEDMAN, 1—CALIFORNIA writer, claims that his site
20041113             But he apparently went beyond what THE—CIA thought he would + agency officials squelched his speaking engagements.
20041113             —RELEASED, But his 2., BEST—SELLING book, this past ;;07;;, "Imperial Hubris," was nothing less than 1—INDICTMENT—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20041113             But the agency is likely to lose MUCH—OF—THE—POWER and prestige it has garnered over the past —50—YEARS.
20041113             —RANKLED, But the interviews in particular have, government officials.
20041113             CIA agent publicly chides WHITE—HOUSE for terror war:
20041113             Center for Constitutional Rights Opposes Nomination of ALBERTO—GONZALES to ATTORNEY—GENERAL—POST:
20041113             —VOTED, Click here to join the over 466137 who have already, in the referendum to Impeach Bush
20041113             Cook: USA—ASSAULT—ON—FALLUJAH will be strategic failure:
20041113             Cuyahoga county: —YESTERDAY, in THE—SPIRIT—OF—GENEROSITY, we gave you not 1—BUT 2 "logical" explanations for the weird MORE—VOTES—THAN—VOTERS situation.
20041113             DO YOU UNDERSTAND -- FINALLY -- YOU THICK DOLT?!?!?!"
20041113             Dabei wurde der FRANZÖSISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER MICHEL—BARNIER heftig gegen Journalisten geschubst.
20041113             Dann wurde gedrängelt und geschubst.
20041113             —AM Ende verpassten die Europäer die Trauerfeier für Jassir Arafat.
20041113             Die Leibwächter der verschiedenen europäischen Delegationen lieferten sich Rangeleien mit den Sicherheitskräften und untereinander,
20041113             Die angereisten Ehrengäste wurden von den ÄGYPTISCHEN—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTEN herumgeschoben wie lästige Demonstranten.
20041113             Do we have ANY—READERS in CLEVELAND who could explain this oddity?
20041113             —DURING 1—SINGLE—48—HOUR period, he says, he saw as many as 30—CIVILIANS killed by USA—GUNFIRE at highway checkpoints.
20041113             Ecclesiastical organisation has become the sinew and MUSCLE—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY,
20041113             —ERST musste er wie zahlreiche andere Ehrengäste im Flugzeug Warteschleifen drehen.
20041113             Even more significantly, Dopp had 1. run the analysis —WHILE filtering out smaller (rural) counties,
20041113             Exit polling data in these areas show significantly higher support for Kerry than actual results (potentially outside THE—MARGIN—OF—ERROR).
20041113             Exit polls aren't accurate. And that parrot isn't dead.
20041113             It's —JUST pining for the fjords.
20041113             Falluja a 'Big Disaster,' Aid NEEDED—RED—CRESCENT:
20041113             FALLUJA—DEFIANCE—OF—1—NEW empire: FALLUJAH—EMPTY promise:
20041113             Far from facing off in 1—DECISIVE—BATTLE against the resistance fighters,
20041113             —GELASSEN, Fischer blieb dennoch.
20041113             "Das ist eine große Herausforderung,
20041113             FLORIDA, again: Let us return to the "blue dog" counties that voted for W even though the vast MAJORITY—OF—VOTERS in those areas are registered as Democrats.
20041113             FORMER—UNITED—KINGDOM—FM says USA—MILITARY—OPERATION in FALLUJAH will increase resistance,
20041113             Freeman have lent their names to the proposition that something funny happened on election night.
20041113             —FROM 1—STATISTICAL—PERSPECTIVE, this may be INDICATIVE—OF—VOTE rigging,
20041113             —LIKED, Gee -- why do you think Indians, Thune so much more than they liked either Daschle or Kerry?
20041113             Curious... - GEOFF—HOON, —YESTERDAY because he was a "2—FACED lying git".
20041113             —DISSED, Getting, -- justifiably -- by 1—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLIC!
20041113             Only 1—BUSH could bring us to such 1—PRETTY pass... - GOD—HOLY—WARRIORS:
20041113             Group Cites Gonzales Memo Calling GENEVA Conventions "Quaint" and "Obsolete"
20041113             He criticized the administration for not —IMMEDIATELY responding against OSAMA—BIN—LADEN —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE attacks.
20041113             —PUBLISHED, He has, 2—BOOKS in the past 2-1/—2—YEARS, "Through Our Enemies Eyes," and "Imperial Hubris," under "Anonymous.
20041113             He hopes to produce "1—MORE—SUBSTANTIVE—DEBATE".
20041113             Hmm...lawyers cost money, as perhaps you have heard.
20041113             Would the Dems have sent expensive talent on a "FACT—FINDING mission" unless they too noted the distinct ODOR—OF—FISH in the air?
20041113             How do people feel about THE—IRAQ—TROOPS? THERE—1—CERTAIN rage.
20041113             It's difficult to sympathize with 1—FELLOW—COUNTRYMAN —WHILE he's killing 1—OF—HIS—OWN.
20041113             However, on Air AMERICA —TODAY, Randi Rhodes -- who, unlike Manjoo or myself,
20041113             HUNDREDS—OF—USA—SOLDIERS in IRAQ hit by parasite that causes chronic sores
20041113             I admonish 1 and all not to castigate the more "mainstream" Dems (Franken,
20041113             I argued that her figures divert us from the more important issue of the exceptionally vulnerable central tabulator.
20041113             I can't help but note that nearly EVERY—PROBLEM that has come to our attention has inflated BUSH—NUMBERS.
20041113             I expect to see Falluja as THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—END—OF—THE—INVOLVEMENT in IRAQ—OF—USA and UK forces.
20041113             I had conceded to the conventional wisdom that party disloyalty represents 1—LONGSTANDING "Dixiecrat" shift,
20041113             I must confess that I was particularly struck by the results in SOUTH—DAKOTA,
20041113             I've never been crazy about the Greens (although I did once have 1—CRUSH on PETRA—KELLY),
20041113             IAN—FLEMING once said: "Twice is coincidence; 3—TIMES is enemy action.
20041113             If that is true, then we would expect to see fewer blue dogs -- yet they seem to have registered 1—INCREASE.
20041113             Immerhin gelang es Fischer noch, in einem nahegelegenen Hotel ein kurzes Gespräch mit Solana,
20041113             IRAQ, it's hard to tell who's ahead:
20041113             In it, we learn that the Green/Libertarian recount effort will wisely seek to have Blackwell recused, given his partisanship.
20041113             —DECRIED, In that response, I, the continued attention paid to Kathy DOPP—CHART showing odd results in FLORIDA's "Dixiecrat" counties.
20041113             INDIANA, PENNSYLVANIA, NORTH—CAROLINA (which may have to offer 1—REVOTE) and elsewhere.
20041113             IRAQ seeks to curb press freedoms:
20041113             —WARNED, IRAQ—MEDIA regulator has, news organisations to stick to the government line on THE—USA—LED attack in Falluja or face legal action.
20041113             Is Kerry secretly on BOARD? 1—ADDENDUM to the piece below on NYT and MISS—NBC disinformation:
20041113             It is Bush and Blair, not THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE, who fear free elections
20041113             It is exercises in futility, akin to squeezing jello.
20041113             The more you try to get 1—GRASP on the problem,
20041113             It's not yet clear to what extent REFORMS—SUCH as appointing an über director with supervisory and budgetary control over the entire intelligence community,
20041113             It's the people stupid!: - It's unknown how THE—CIA will handle the criticisms.
20041113             SOME—SAY it will likely try to work out 1—ARRANGEMENT that would require him to curtail his critiques.
20041113             JACK—DALTON: Another Veterans —DAY:
20041113             Javier Solana, steckte im Gedränge fest.
20041113             JOHN—WALKER—LINDH : Trial By Fury:
20041113             Joschka Fischer wie lästiger Demonstrant behandelt
20041113             —JUST—WHEN Professor FREEMAN—STUDY
20041113             KAIRO—NACH Angaben westlicher Diplomaten konnte kein einziger europäischer Gast an der zentralen Trauerfeier auf dem Flughafen in Kairo teilnehmen,
20041113             KERRY—ATTORNEYS are heading toward OHIO.
20041113             Korruption: Milliardenschäden im Gesundheitssystem
20041113             Kos, Atrios, YOU—KNOW—THE—REST) for their discomfort with vote fraud allegations.
20041113             Kurds come under attack as rebels rampage in city:
20041113             Let LOVE—OF—PEOPLE triumph over LOVE—OF—PROFIT.
20041113             Let the peace movement be reborn, let peace and love once more supercede war and violence.
20041113             —GREED, Let us retire, and love for the Almighty Dollar, embracing instead THE—PRINCIPLES—OF—HUMANITY, equality and justice.
20041113             Mainstream writers repeatedly assure us that Democratic bigwigs see no EVIDENCE—OF—VOTE fraud.
20041113             But this piece
20041113             —TIRED, Make those, old jokes about black helicopters if you must.
20041113             But how dare anyone accuse me ,
20041113             Maureen Dowd: 1—MOVEABLE—FEAST—OF—TERRORISM:
20041113             MIKE—SCHEUER, a —22—YEAR veteran who works in THE—CIA—COUNTERTERRORIST—CENTER and is 1—FORMER—HEAD—OF—ITS—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN unit,
20041113             Most Brits think war is wrong:
20041113             Most of the missives have been anonymous leaks.
20041113             MISTER—SCHEUER, who says he will leave his job —TODAY—AFTER holding "cordial" talks with his superiors —ON—WEDNESDAY,
20041113             My source said they've also been forbidden to talk about it even on their own time... Bev Harris said much the same thing!
20041113             —NACHDEM zum vorgesehenen Beginn der Zeremonie noch VIELE—GÄSTE fehlten,
20041113             Nahost: Bush will PALÄSTINENSISCHEN—STAAT unterstützen
20041113             Needless to say, this piece makes no reference to the 50,000 "accidentally lost" absentee ballots in Broward county, FLORIDA.
20041113             Never —BEFORE, say government officials and outside experts, have relations between THE—CIA and the administration been so contentious.
20041113             No matter what we say, they will repeat the same line over and over.
20041113             NORTH—CAROLINA.
20041113             —TROUBLED, As you know, this, state may have to conduct 1—REVOTE.
20041113             —NOW let us note something he says in his preamble:
20041113             —NOW that's THE—KIND—OF—ANALYSIS you should throw in the face of anyone who tries to insult you by calling you 1—CONSPIRACY theorist.
20041113             —NOW, Congress is debating the recommendations of 20010911             —THE commission.
20041113             OHIO, and PENNSYLVANIA -- occurring within the same election are 250—MILLION to 1.
20041113             At least 5,500 residents of S—CROIX, THE—LARGEST—OF—THE—USA—VIRGIN—ISLANDS, have signed 1—PETITION asking Congress to make THE—ISLAND its own USA—TERRITORY.
20041113             —CREATED, HARRY—LAMPERT, —88—JAHRE—ALT, the illustrator who, THE—DC—COMICS superhero 'THE—FLASH' (19400000             ) and —LATER became known for his instructional books on bridge, †.
20041113             Olbermann also has SOME—CHOICE words - Olbermann.
20041113             He has 1—GREAT—NEW—VIDEO report, which you can see here.
20041113             † RUSSELL—JONES, better know as rapper O.D.B. (old dirty bastard), at age 35—INSIDE 1—NEW—YORK—CITY recording studio.
20041113             —ON—FRIDAY I received 1—PHONE call from 1—GOOD—FRIEND who works at CBS--I've known her —FOR—YEARS and she is 1—PRODUCER for SOME—OF—THE—NEWS—PROGRAMS,
20041113             Severe storms sank 1—SHIP and drove 2—AGROUND near ALGIERS port, killing 3—SEAMEN.
20041113             —REMAINED, About 20—SAILORS, missing.
20041113             —ARRESTED, AUSTRALIA—POLICE, 2—MEN and seized 3—MILLION ecstasy tablets that the pair is accused of importing from POLAND hidden inside 1—BAKERY oven.
20041113             1—READER argues that the Dixiecrats have been dying off + that the new generation either votes Democratic or registers Republican.
20041113             The mayor's —1—YEAR term consists mainly of acting as 1—AMBASSADOR for EUROPE—DOMINANT—FINANCIAL—CENTRE.
20041113             —BASED, Others offer similar insights, on other data.
20041113             —RELEASED, EGYPT, 200—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS to mark Eid AL—FITR, THE—END—OF—RAMADEAN fests.
20041113             Others say the agency may sue to 20040901             —EXAMPLE.
20041113             For —NOW, the agency refuses to comment.
20041113             —REPORTED, EGYPT newspapers, that some 700—MEMBERS—OF—THE—AL—GAMA'A—AL—ISLAMIYA had been released from prison in recent days.
20041113             Our PRESIDENT should consider the possibility that he should go shopping for 1—HALF—DECENT—INTERNATIONAL—LAWYER.
20041113             Our Vanished Values:
20041113             THE—ISLAMIST group fought the government in the 1990s but has —SINCE renounced violence.
20041113             Our own PALESTINE—DE Gaulle:
20041113             —KILLED, NEW—DELHI, INDIA, 1—STAMPEDE at the main railway station, at least 5—PEOPLE and injured 7.
20041113             —LAUNCHED, USA—TROOPS, 1—MAJOR—ATTACK against insurgent holdouts in SOUTH—FALLUJAH.
20041113             People generally call them "DOGS—OF—OCCUPATION"
20041113             Pepe Escobar : Collective punishment, regrettable necessity:
20041113             —DIVERTED, THE—USA—ARMY, 1—INFANTRY battalion from FALLUJAH and sent them back to MOSUL —AFTER 1—UPRISING there by insurgents.
20041113             Perhaps. I hope so.
20041113             Better still, though, would be 1—CONFESSION prompted by conscience.
20041113             —RECORDED—OF, Video was, 1—USA—MARINE shooting 1—UNARMED—IRAQ—PRISONER in 1—MOSQUE.
20041113             Petitions.
20041113             If you want to express support for efforts to investigate this mess, try here
20041113             —DEMOLISHED, PAKISTAN said its army has, several terrorist hideouts and killed 30 to 40—MILITANTS in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN in 1—EFFORT to capture foreign fighters and PAKISTAN—MILITANT—LEADER ABDULLAH—MEHSUD.
20041113             A —61—YEAR—OLD—GERMANY—ENGINEER, Gotthard L., was arrested in SWITZERLAND on 1—INTERNATIONAL—WARRANT on suspicion that he helped LIBYA—PAST—EFFORTS to build 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB.
20041113             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—GENOCIDE is going to need 1.
20041113             † In THAILAND—MUSLIM—MAJORITY south a —60—YEAR—OLD—BUDDHIST man was killed and at least 13—PEOPLE injured in THE—2—LATEST 2—BOMB blasts.
20041113             Professor JOHN—CLEESE on the elections: Academics and experts such as Dr.
20041113             Public distaste with THE—IRAQ war in BRITAIN has hit its WORST—EVER level,
20041113             5—BOMBS hit in the last —24—HOURS.
20041113             Published: Author: JOHN—BERTHOUD—POST—DATE:
20041113             1—ZIMBABWE newspaper reported that the annual RATE—OF—INFLATION —LAST—MONTH dropped to 209%, edging closer to —1—YEAR—END target of 150% from 1—PEAK—OF—622.8% in Jan.
20041113             RAMSEY—CLARK: "Bush can run, but he cannot hide from the Constitution":
20041113             Red state, blue state: Slave state, free STATE—IF you came here looking for my usual ROUND—UP—OF—INFO regarding vote theft, scroll down or go here.
20041113             Reid refuses to note ANY—NUMBER—OF—OTHER oddities in OHIO, FLORIDA,
20041113             Reid refuses to see THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—PATTERN.
20041113             Riverbend: IRAQ—GIRL Blog: RULE—OF—IRAQ—ASSASSINS—MUST—END..: Satan hides in a hospital:
20041113             —DECIDED, Scheuer also, without agency approval, that he would grant interviews about the Atlantic Monthly article.
20041113             —PERMITTED, Scheuer was again, to talk "anonymously" with the media —AFTER his latest book.
20041113             SCOTT—RITTER : Squeezing jello in IRAQ:
20041113             —GEWESEN, Sein Besuch sei nicht vergeblich : "Ich denke, die Geste war ganz entscheidend".
20041113             Shame of HUE and Falluja:
20041113             SIDNEY—BLUMENTHAL: The religious right is exerting its power:
20041113             —EXHAUSTED, So I've, all the internal mechanisms available to 1—AGENCY officer
20041113             So much for the exit polls.
20041113             We see no discussion of the historical reliability of exit polls (as opposed to predictive polls),
20041113             So wurde Außenminister Joschka Fischer noch nie im Ausland empfangen:
20041113             Sociology: 1—NEW—BOSTON—GLOBE story discusses vote fraud allegations in the usual condescending "INTERNET—DRIVEN conspiracy theory" terms,
20041113             SOME—NOW would debunk the debunkers; see here.
20041113             SPEAKING—OF—NORTH—CAROLINA -- it seems another 1—OF—THOSE computer "accidents" put 22,000 votes
20041113             Spotlight on ENRON—LAW firm:
20041113             —UNABASHED, Such, glee is disrespectful and dangerous
20041113             Take another look at those Dixiecrats Salon may or may not publish my response to Farhad MANJOO—SKEPTICAL—NEW—PIECE on voter fraud.
20041113             Terror in OHIO: Olbermann gives us startling news
20041113             That basically sums up SCHEUER—TAKE on events within the intelligence community and the administration's policies.
20041113             —EXPANDED, That list comes to us via actor PETER—COYOTE + 1, VERSION—OF—HIS missive can be found here.
20041113             THE—ATLANTIC—ARTICLE excerpts 1—LETTER that Scheuer sent to the Senate Intelligence Committee —IN—EARLY ;;09;;.
20041113             —NOTED, THE—BELARUS representative, that THE—USA—ITSELF has criticized early voting and electronic voting in other countries because THE—LACK—OF—SECURITY could lead to "manipulating voters' votes.
20041113             THE—GREEN recount in OHIO.
20041113             KEITH—OLBERMANN is still doing the nation's best reporting
20041113             THE—SENATE, too? This fine piece - THE—TIMES piece
20041113             —CLASSIFIED, The agency had to clear the books for, information and potential MENTIONS—OF—SOURCES and methods,
20041113             The agency was already in tumult.
20041113             —IN—THE—WAKE—OF numerous investigations and FAULT—FINDING charges,
20041113             —DUBBED, The assault, Operation Phantom Fury, perversely started on Laylat E—QADR,
20041113             The circular firing squad never did ANY—CAUSE ANY—GOOD.
20041113             The father of 2—BLACK—WATCH soldiers serving at Camp Dogwood in IRAQ threatened to kill the defence SECRETARY,
20041113             The 1. book was 1—IN—DEPTH look at OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and his AL—QAEDA network + was very well received by experts on terrorism as well as policymakers.
20041113             —REINED, The interviews he did —BEFORE being, in, however, have continued to appear,
20041113             THE—PRESIDENT is putting his own counsel, ALBERTO—GONZALES, who wrote the famous memo defending torture,
20041113             The professor in question, incidentally, is DOCTOR—DAVID—ANICK.
20041113             The same article includes this arrogant paragraph:
20041113             They describe this effort, which began —THIS—WEEK, as a "FACT—FINDING mission.
20041113             They say: "Exit polls can have errors".
20041113             —PREDICTED, They're doing it again, people -- —JUST as I. - The routine never stops.
20041113             —DESTROYED, This is the election in which AMERICA—CHRISTIANITY, itself.
20041113             This passage has particular impact:
20041113             THOM—HARTMANN takes that argument further here.
20041113             —THROUGHOUT his political career, Yasser Arafat was the object of relentless CAMPAIGNS—OF—CHARACTER ASSASINATION—NOT because of what he was,
20041113             Time to repeat our mantra: Errors are not important.
20041113             THE—PATTERN—OF—ERROR is important.
20041113             —TODAY the church is no longer 1—RELIGION but 1—TACKY political lobby
20041113             Turns out the "alert" came as news to THE—FBI!
20041113             This whole business is fishier than Aquaman...
20041113             2—POINTS: 1. Democratic lawyers are crawling all over OHIO as you read these words;
20041113             they would not do so if they trusted the results.
20041113             USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—JAMES—ROBERTSON, a 19940000             CLINTON—APPOINTEE,
20041113             USA to defend use of GUANTANAMO war tribunals:
20041113             UK: The special relationship has become 1—NATIONAL—DELUSION: UPDATE: THE—LIBERTARIANS
20041113             USA—TROOPS were drawn into 1—NEW—OFFENSIVE in THE—NORTH—IRAQ—CITY—OF—MOSUL —YESTERDAY to tackle 1—TIDE—OF—INSURGENCY unchecked by the military ASSAULT—ON—FALLUJA.
20041113             Verrechnet: AKW Biblis setzt zu viel Radioaktivität frei
20041113             Vor dem Tor des Militärflughafens herrschte zeitweise völliges Chaos.
20041113             Vote notes 1., grateful as I am for the kind words SOME—OF—YOU have sent me,
20041113             —REDUCED, Voting irregularities are, once more, to the blue dog counties in FLORIDA and the infamous 4000-vote discrepancy in that 1—OHIO precinct.
20041113             Voting locations that used electronic or other types of voting machines that did not issue 1—PAPER receipt or offer auditability correlate geographically with areas that had discrepancies in BUSH—FAVOR between exit poll numbers and actual results.
20041113             We also learn that the optical scanner results in NEW—HAMPSHIRE (which Kerry narrowly won) may show some of the same anomalies (Dem counties switching parties) the Dopp report allegedly demonstrated in FLORIDA.
20041113             We nearly all —NOW see HUE as THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—END—OF—USA—INVOLVEMENT in VIETNAM.
20041113             We're way past 3—HERE, folks.
20041113             —WHEN I finally hit the hay on election night, that race was still too close to call -- but —SINCE the outstanding precincts were primarily located on INDIA—RESERVATIONS,
20041113             —WHENEVER 1—NEO—COLONIAL—POWER—OR 1—PUPPET politician like interim IRAQ—PREMIER—IYAD ALLAWI—ORDERS the widespread BOMBING—OF—CIVIL—AREAS,
20041113             Where is the moral "VOICE—OF—AMERICA" that should cry against these atrocities?
20041113             —WHILE Christian leaders moralise about gay marriage and lobbying for the "right to life",
20041113             Who Are The "Barbarians"?:
20041113             Who the hell are these "voting experts," and what data makes them offer such 1—QUESTIONABLE—PRONOUNCEMENT?
20041113             Why were the exit polls wrong?
20041113             THE—SEATTLE—TIMES - Why would women be oversampled in battleground states
20041113             Wie viele andere kam Fischer auch in diese Veranstaltung nicht hinein.
20041113             Wikipedia has put together 1—INCREDIBLY good piece
20041113             Wischnewski, der im Rollstuhl sitzt, wurde massiv von Sicherheitsbeamten abgeschirmt,
20041113             You can read much more on the Cuyahoga mystery at Democratic Underground.
20041113             You knew that the other side would have to find 1—ACADEMIC or 2 to shore up their part in the debate.
20041113             You're only 1—CIVIL—IF you're on their side.
20041113             —ZUNÄCHST konnten VIELE—FLUGZEUGE, darunter auch das des DEUTSCHEN—AUSSENMINISTERS,
20041113             1—DASCHLE win seemed 1—FAIR—PREDICTION.
20041113             —NOW we learn that not only did Thune receive 1—FINAL surge,
20041113             1—VOTE fraud conspiracy.
20041113             I've felt for 1—LONG—TIME that the issue might explode the moment 1—PERSON on the inside "turns" -- but will money fetch us SOME—HONESTY?
20041113             agency members have circulated information defending their intelligence reporting and criticizing THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION for going to war in IRAQ and diverting attention from OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20041113             agency officials say.
20041113             —PERMITTED, The agency also, Scheuer to grant media interviews about the subjects of his books.
20041113             although I still have niggling doubts -- the "blue dogs" seem bluer than usual this time.
20041113             In this light, Daily Kos readers - although Kerry got 48%.
20041113             "The correlation between voting for the minimum wage increase and voting for Kerry isn't likely to be perfect," he noted,
20041113             although he must —NOW operate sub rosa for tactical reasons: "...he is like THE—DA who says,
20041113             1—EXPERT on security at Harvard UNIVERSITY—JOHN—F—KENNEDY—SCHOOL—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20041113             and depriving women of their choice, mass graves of innocent IRAQ—WOMEN and children are planned.
20041113             and still found that the only variable that accounted for 1—SWING toward Republican voting was the use of OPTICAL—SCAN machines,
20041113             —AS—IN FALLUJAH, the rationale invoked is "regrettable necessity".
20041113             —MENTIONED, What is never, is the real objective: collective punishment.
20041113             asserting that it "does not meet PRESENT—DAY requirements, is archaic,
20041113             because the likelihood of this happening by chance is extremely low.
20041113             both in our own past elections and in other countries.
20041113             We see no MENTION—OF—THE—FACT that GEORGIA (THE—1—STALIN came from, but Cobb's is 1—WORTHY—EFFORT.
20041113             If you want to know more, check out his site:
20041113             but I think to the average American, this is important".
20041113             but because of what he represented: THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE, whose mere existence was 1—MONUMENTAL nuisance for those who coveted Palestine.
20041113             but couldn't prevent him from exercising his 1. Amendment right,
20041113             but not by the severed limbs and DESTRUCTION—OF—1—POOR and impoverished people in 1—ILLEGAL and immoral attack on 1—COUNTRY that was never 1—THREAT to the fiercest military machine in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—PLANET—EARTH.
20041113             Why wouldn't pollsters weight their results accordingly?
20041113             but not in, say, ILLINOIS or CALIFORNIA?
20041113             Why would women be oversampled in this election,
20041113             but that the senate race attracted more voters than did the presidential contest !
20041113             but the overall TONE—OF—THE—PIECE seems more sympathetic than 1—MIGHT at 1. expect.
20041113             I was struck by this paragraph: but this is far worse--far scarier.
20041113             She said THE—MAJORITY—OF—THEIR—JOURNALISTS at CBS and elsewhere in NEW—YORK—CITY are pretty horrified--every 1 is worried about their jobs and retribution DAN—RATHER style or worse.
20041113             —BY Chip Reid, follows THE—NYT down the deception trail.
20041113             —BY KYLE—JORDAN argues the Senate vote might well have been hacked as well.
20041113             castigates bloggers as poor investigators, yet ignores DOCTOR—FREEMAN—WORK,
20041113             continued to be offered as evidence that the Bush team somehow cheated.
20041113             decrease support for coalition troops.
20041113             does not guarantee the holding of genuinely democratic elections".
20041113             einem ARAFAT—BRUDER und dem UNO—BEAUFTRAGTEN für den NAHOST—FRIEDENSPROZESS, TERJE—ROED—LARSEN, zu führen.
20041113             essential in GEORGE—BUSH—RE—ELECTION.
20041113             —RESIGNED, FORMER—CIA director GEORGE—TENET, this past —SUMMER, as did JAMES—PAVITT,
20041113             former staff director for the Senate Intelligence Committee.
20041113             "But others will say he's acting on the courage of his convictions".
20041113             found that the tribunal system was being conducted unlawfully, outside THE—GUIDELINES—OF—USA—MILITARY—LAW and THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS.
20041113             —FROM 1—CAL—TECH/M.I.T. project attempts to demonstrate that the exit polls fell within THE—MARGIN—OF—ERROR.
20041113             —FROM the Moderate Independent argues that Kerry takes the problem seriously,
20041113             gives new weight to the argument in FAVOR—OF—VOTE fraud, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES and other major media outlets cover the story in 1—DEMEANING and unfair fashion.
20041113             gives us 1—DISTURBING comparison.
20041113             Did the civil war ever truly end?
20041113             has been granting interviews to MEMBERS—OF—THE—MEDIA —FOR—DAYS—AND will appear —SUNDAY night on CBS's "—60—MINUTES".
20041113             has been under 1—DOS attack —SINCE he devoted his attentions to this story.
20041113             have been at the core of our failure against OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20041113             have offered SOME—INTERESTING comments.
20041113             There are still 24—COUNTIES outside the Dixiecrat panhandle area with substantial CROSS—PARTY voting, always favoring Bush.
20041113             he didn't win by THE—KIND—OF—MARGINS that are out there.
20041113             We have 1—CRISIS HERE—OF—POTENTIAL—LEGITIMACY with all the stuff going on the Web + the way to deal with this is to do the research.
20041113    - in charge of our civil liberties.
20041113             Torture Guy, who blithely threw off —75—YEARS—OF—INTERNATIONAL—LAW and set the stage for the grotesque abuses at ABU—GHRAIB and dubious detentions at Guantánamo
20041113             including in VANITY—FAIR (;;11;;) and THE—ATLANTIC—MONTHLY (;;12;;). - - into the Bush column.
20041113             Although this error seems to have 1—REASONABLE—EXPLANATION,
20041113             is criticizing THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION for going to war in IRAQ and for the way it has conducted THE—WAR—ON—TERROR in general.
20041113             And he's doing it very publicly.
20041113             is it time to reconsider the fate of JOHN—WALKER—LINDH?
20041113             it seems the more Americans squeeze Falluja, the more the violence explodes elsewhere.
20041113             lives in FLORIDA -- discounted THE—OFT—HEARD theory that "blue dog" Democrats in those small counties are so numerous as to justify the massive PARTY—SWITCHING in FAVOR—OF—BUSH.
20041113             medicine and water to Falluja —ON—FRIDAY and said —4—DAYS—OF—INTENSE fighting had turned the city into a "big disaster".
20041113             nicht landen, weil der Andrang auf dem Flughafen zu groß war.
20041113             Nach vielen Warteschleifen mussten Fischer und seine Delegation noch eine weitere Dreiviertelstunde in der Maschine ausharren.
20041113             not THE—1—JIMMY—CARTER came from) experienced the ouster of its PRESIDENT —WHEN the populace became furious over the disparity between exit polls and final results.
20041113             of course, explain [Pentagon CHIEF—DONALD] RUMSFELD's misplaced optimism about not killing civilians in FALLUJAH.
20041113             of oddball circumstances that brought us to this strange electoral place.
20041113             offers a good overview of foreign reactions to our miserable election.
20041113             —ON the "terror" alert that supposedly kept onlookers distant from whatever was going on in the election administration halls of WARREN county.
20041113             —ON the strange election of 20040000             .
20041113             Of particular importance is the discrepancies map:
20041113             —ON the vote.
20041113             —TODAY he discusses the Green party candidate, DAVID—COBB, 1—WELL known 1 in particular.
20041113             opines: "MANY—VOTING experts say the theory that the exit polls were correct is deeply flawed because the polls oversampled women.
20041113             or creating 1—NATIONAL—COUNTERTERRORISM CENTER—WILL be implemented.
20041113             prepare for the shock of cold water on your face.
20041113             NBC—LATEST, regarding 1—CLASSIC—ANN—COULTER—MIS—QUOTE.
20041113             —NACH—2—STUNDEN auf ägyptischem Boden flog er zurück nach BERLIN.
20041113             summed up the conspiracy theorists with 1—LINE from ALEXANDER—PAPA:
20041113             supportive of this idea.) But —NOW we have another view of THE—SPLIT -- slave and free.
20041113             This map - the Democrats demonstrate 1—STRATEGIC—WISDOM I thought they had lost.
20041113             the Pessimist KING, of being hopeful ?
20041113             In 1—EARLIER—AGE, such 1—INSULT might prompt 1—DUEL...
20041113             THE—COLOR—CODING with the terms "Leech state" and "Producer state".
20041113             (THE—DAILY—HOWLER offers data
20041113             the error should skew in both directions".
20041113             the man who ran the agency's —DAY—TO—DAY counterterrorism operations.
20041113             the more it slips through your fingers.
20041113             the most important and holy NIGHT—OF—THE—YEAR for the Islamic world.
20041113             thus saving Bush from having to disclose a 19760000             arrest for drunk driving.
20041113             um ihre jeweiligen Schützlinge heil durch das Chaos zu steuern.
20041113             um keinen Schaden zu nehmen.
20041113             Auch der außenpolitische Beauftrage der Europäischen Union,
20041113             unprovoked war against 1—FOE who posed no immediate threat but whose defeat did offer economic advantages".
20041113             unwieldy, frequently complicated and bureaucratic in nature and, in the final analysis,
20041113             vor der die Ägypter standen und hier ist niemandem 1—VORWURF zu machen",
20041113             weil offenbar Gäste aus islamischen Ländern von den Organisatoren bevorzugt eingelassen wurden.
20041113             where Thune beat Senate Majority leader Daschle by the tiniest MARGIN—OF—ANY—SENATE race.
20041113             whereas counties with TOUCH—SCREEN machines generally didn't SWING—REGARDLESS—OF—SIZE.
20041113             which had wanted to draw THE—IRAQ—INSURGENTS into 1—CATACLYSMIC—MISTAKE
20041113             which proved largely inaccurate in showing MISTER—KERRY leading in FLORIDA and OHIO,
20041113             which we must —NOW consider the key PIECE—OF—RESEARCH.
20041113             How deceptive is writer TOM—ZELLER—JUNIOR?
20041113             HERE—1—EXAMPLE: who could pull the plug ANY—TIME by selling their massive RESERVES—OF—USA—DOLLARS.
20041113             who seeks 1—RECOUNT in OHIO, 1—WELCOME—TASK that requires some $110,000.
20041113             with fewer than a 3. of people thinking it is the right thing.
20041113             wurde eilig eine 2. Zeremonie organisiert, ebenfalls in der Nähe des Flughafens Kairo.
20041113             "Good Americans" are repulsed by 1—COUPLE of gays holding hands in public,
20041113             "We're committing genocide in IRAQ":
20041113230910       —BY out damned spot 7—COMMENTS
20041113—19840000    —IN, but not or 19880000             ?
20041113—19960000    —IN, for example, Gonzales, as BUSH—GENERAL—COUNSEL, managed to get THE—THEN—TEXAS GOVERNOR excused from jury duty,
20041113—19960000    —SINCE, In it, he enumerates 10—INSTANCES, in which "the decisions of senior intelligence community bureaucrats
20041113—20010911    —AFTER, "I've presented this information to 2—INVESTIGATOR GENERAL studies —BEFORE 20010911             and to 2—IG [Inspector GENERAL] studies inside our building ," Scheuer said in 1—TELEPHONE interview.
20041113—20010911    —SINCE, MANY—RESPECTS, his MINI—REVOLT is —JUST the most visible sign of 1—TENSION that has existed between THE—WHITE—HOUSE and THE—CIA almost
20041113—20030300    —ENTERED, MASSEY—IRAQ as part of the initial USA—INVASION.
20041113—20041020    —IDENTIFIED, The boy, who was not, was shocked with 50,000 volts at Kelsey Pharr Elementary School.
20041113—20041021    —ON, the Permanent REPRESENTATIVE—OF—BELARUS to THE—OSCE issued 1—HARSH—STATEMENT about THE—USA—ELECTORAL—SYSTEM, asserting that it "does not meet PRESENT—DAY—REQUIREMENTS, is archaic, unwieldy, frequently complicated and bureaucratic in nature and, in the final analysis, does not guarantee the holding of genuinely democratic elections".
20041113—20041102    —IN—THE, We have SOME—POSITIVE—DEVELOPMENTS regarding the growing EVIDENCE—OF—VOTER—FRAUD—ELECTIONS.
20041114             Published: 20041112             Author: AP Post Date: 20041113220752        by Gumby the Terrible 7—COMMENTS—BROOKVILLE—INDIANA (AP) -- 1—HAND—RECOUNT—OF—BALLOTS cast using optical scanning technology gave 1—DEMOCRAT enough extra votes to bump 1—REPUBLICAN from victory in 1—COUNTY—COMMISSIONER'S—RACE.
20041116             —DURING THE—WEEK—OF—07—20041113             , at Boulder High School (COLORADO), 1—IMPROMPTU BAND—OF—STUDENTS and 1—TEACHER was rehearsing BOB—DYLAN—VIETNAM—ERA—PROTEST—SONG "MASTERS—OF—WAR" for 1—TALENT show scheduled for 20041112             .
20041207             FOIA Log FY03 20020000             2520021113             DECEMBER.
20050113             [DOC]RAMON SAIZARBITORIA... 20031113             Abuztuaren 1a da eta, kasualitatea!, atzo... esanda: Talleres Iruña SA eta M.
20050315             THE—NATION, 19761113             - PARAGUAY: Terror and Profit by Lernoux, Penny... national identity in the face of BRAZIL—ECONOMIC and cultural invasion.
20050412             Does it Matter?: 20041107             — 20041113             ...
20050417             WASHINGTON, 20021113             — Arcadi Gaydamak claims to be among THE—5—RICHEST—MEN in ISRAEL, which would put him in the billionaire category.
20050628             THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND: 20041107             — 20041113             20050628             THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND: 20041107             — 20041113             20050628             THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND: 20041107             — 20041113             20050704—20051107    —CIRCULATED, IRAN, letters at THE—UN protesting the violation of its territory and airspace.
20050628             THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND: 20041107             — 20041113             20050628             THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND: 20041107             — 20041113             20050704—20051107    —CIRCULATED, IRAN, letters at THE—UN protesting the violation of its territory and airspace.
20051113             | Tue, 20051101184031        -0300 | Source:
20051113             Terror laws 'like police state'| Tue, 20051101184031        -0300 | Source:
20051113             Information Clearing House News Links 16-20060120             20051113             | Tue, 20051101184031        -0300 | Source:
20051113             Tue, 20051108
20051113             Tue, 20051108             200511130000 | Tue, 20051108
20051113             Tue, 20051108
20051113             —CONFESSED, AL—RISHAWI, on television to trying to blow herself up with her husband in 1—OF—THE 3 20051109             suicide attacks in AMMAN.
20051113             —REBUKED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, in JERUSALEM, strongly, IRAN—LEADERSHIP, saying "no civilized nation" can call for the annihilation of another, 1—REFERENCE to IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD—REMARK that ISRAEL should be "wiped off the map".
20051113             —PICKED, Time magazine, SOUTH—KOREA—SNUPPY, the 1. cloned dog, as the most amazing invention of 20050000             .
20051113             —DISCREDITED, In Dec DOCTOR—HWANG—WOO—SUK—STEM cell work was, and doubt was cast on the cloning of Snuppy.
20051113             —REPORTED, It was, that within days —AFTER Hurricane Katrina hit, Lily DUKE managed to do what other relief agencies couldn't: get food and water to her neighbors in NEW—ORLEANS.
20051113             —SINCE then she's expanded her network, distributing medicine, packaged lunches and BAGS—OF—ICE to as many as 20,000—PEOPLE —1—DAY.
20051113             —AGREED, Koch Industries, 1—PRIVATE conglomerate in KANSAS, to buy GEORGIA—PACIFIC for $13.2—BILLION, making it AMERICA—BIGGEST privately owned company.
20051113             —KILLED, LITITZ—PENNSYLVANIA, DAVID—G—LUDWIG, —18—JAHRE—ALT, —14—YEAR—OLD—KARA BETH—BORDEN—PARENTS, Michael F. and Cathryn LEE—BORDEN, —AFTER they and their daughter argued about her curfew.
20051113             † Vine Deloria JUNIOR (72), USA—INDIA—HISTORIAN and activist.
20051113             —AROUND 20,000 opposition supporters demonstrated on the outskirts of the Azeri CAPITAL—BAKU to demand that the government resign if it refuses to RE—RUN parliamentary elections held —1—WEEK—AGO.
20051113             BANGLADESH, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH told the closing session of the 13. SOUTH—ASIA—ASSOCIATION for Regional Cooperation summit that AFGHANISTAN is to join SAARC.
20051113             BELGIUM said it registered its worst night in —1—WEEK—OF—ATTACKS on vehicles apparently inspired by FRANCE—EVENTS, with 29—CARS, trucks and buses torched —AROUND the country.
20051113             BELIZE, JULIA—ARMSTRONG—MINARD, —20—JAHRE—ALT, daughter of the late LAWRENCE—MINARD, 1—FORMER managing EDITOR—OF—FORBES magazine and founding EDITOR—OF—FORBES—GLOBAL—MAGAZINE, was found dead in the Mayan TOWN—OF—INDIAN—CREEK.
20051113             —ARRIVED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO has, in SPAIN for the final leg of 1—EUROPEAN trip dominated by trade, but was again set to be dogged by protests over his country's human rights record.
20051113             CHINA—NORTHEAST, 1—SERIES—OF—EXPLOSIONS at 1—CHEMICAL—PLANT in JILIN, Xinhua, killed 5—PEOPLE, left dozens hospitalized and forced more than 10,000 others to flee their homes fearing contamination and more blasts.
20051113             —LEAKED, Benzene, into the Songhua River and forced officials to close the water supply to HARBIN.
20051113             NEWS—OF—THE—LEAK was kept secret —FOR—DAYS.
20051113             FRANCE, police took 212—PEOPLE into custody overnight.
20051113             —PELTED, Rioters, police with stones in the historic heart of LYON, and youths rammed 1—BURNING car into 1—CENTER for retirees in SOUTH—FRANCE in a 17. night of urban violence.
20051113             —ESTIMATED, THE—FRANCE—INSURANCE industry, damages so far at $235—MILLION including $23—MILLION for damage to cars.
20051113             —ISSUED, Some 1,100 IRAQ—LAWYERS, 1—STATEMENT on withdrawing from SADDAM—HUSSEIN—DEFENSE team, citing insufficient protection —FOLLOWING the slayings of 2—PEERS representing CO—DEFENDANTS of the ousted IRAQ—LEADER.
20051113             —DEMANDED, Sunni Arab leaders, that USA and IRAQ—TROOPS suspend military operations in heavily Sunni areas, accusing THE—SHIITE—LED government of trying to divide the nation AHEAD—OF—NEXT—MONTH—LEGISLATIVE—ELECTIONS.
20051113             DUBLIN—IRELAND, 2—MEN wearing bulletproof vests were shot to death at POINT—BLANK—RANGE in what police said was the latest bloodshed in a —5—YEAR turf war between DRUG—DEALING gangs.
20051113             —RAISED, The attack, to 18 THE—NUMBER—OF—GUN killings within IRELAND—CRIMINAL underworld —THIS—YEAR.
20051113             —ARRESTED, JORDAN—SECURITY forces, Sajida Ubarak Atrous AL—RISHAWI, —35—JAHRE—ALT, 1—IRAQ—WOMAN, whose husband is suspected of blowing up 1—OF 3—AMMAN hotels.
20051113             —FOLLOWED, This, 1—TIP off by 1—AL—QAIDA claim that 1—HUSBAND—AND—WIFE team participated in the attacks that killed 57—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20051113             Her husband was ALI—HUSSEIN—ALI—SHAMARI.
20051113             —IDENTIFIED, THE—2—OTHER—BOMBERS were, as Rawad Jassem MOHAMMED—ABED, —23—JAHRE—ALT and Safaa MOHAMMED—ALI, —23—JAHRE—ALT.
20051113             The bombers were from FALLUJAH.
20051113             —PLUNGED, NORTH—EAST—PAKISTAN, 1—BUS with 50—PEOPLE on BOARD, into 1—RIVER gorge in THE—QUAKE—STRICKEN area.
20051113             —WORRIED, PRINCE—SAUD—AL—FAISAL, SAUDI—ARABIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER, said he is less, that USA—POLICIES in IRAQ will bring on 1—CIVIL—WAR there, and pledged anew to contribute $1—BILLION for rebuilding that WAR—RAVAGED country's shattered infrastructure.
20051113             "I Was Tortured":
20051113             "Ich will den Veranstaltern mehr Flexibilität geben", so Reding.
20051113             "If you think about the nature of 1—POLICE state, it is police officers exercising the executive POWER—OF—THE—STATE without their actions being subjected to review through the legal system," MISTER—VON—DOUSSA told ABC radio.
20051113             "Ja zum Frieden, aber ohne Gleichheit und Gerechtigkeit wird es in den Vierteln keinen Frieden geben",
20051113             "Jeder kann ja wegzappen, wenn es ihm zu dumm wird", so die EU—KOMMISSARIN
20051113             "Nein zu den andauernden Stigmatisierungen, Beleidigungen, täglichen Benachteiligungen" denen Ausländer mit FRANZÖSISCHER—STAATSBÜRGERSCHAFT ausgesetzt seien.
20051113             "They're sticking with this 1—HYPOTHESIS. Its almost like they have blinders on — and its got to be fires and damage," says Jones.
20051113             "We need to consider all options for the collapse of these buildings.
20051113             "bedeutet einen massiven Eingriff nicht nur in den KÖRPER—DES—EMPFÄNGERS,
20051113             "dass ein einzelner STAAT das INTERNET kontrollieren kann".
20051113             1,100 Lawyers Leave SADDAM—DEFENSE—TEAM:
20051113             29—ZERSTÖRTE Fahrzeuge meldeten die Behörden.
20051113             Nach einem Gerangel zwischen Jugendlichen und Polizisten wurden am Samstagabend in Brüssel 50—PERSONEN festgenommen.
20051113             53—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN hat nach einer Umfrage für die Zeitung "Journal du —DIMANCHE"Vertrauen in Sarkozy, 47—PROZENT nicht.
20051113             1—NATIONWIDE hunt for THE—ACCOMPLICES—OF—SUICIDE bombers who blew up 3—HOTELS in AMMAN,
20051113             1—FORMER—TOP offiCIA l in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is suggesting that 1—WHITE—HOUSE memo outlining the need for HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—TROOPS for THE—IRAQ invasion was kept from THE—PRESIDENT.
20051113             —ABOUT 200—PROTESTERS marched through this ATLANTA suburb —SATURDAY,
20051113             Activist says leaders without family in IRAQ lack personal stake:-
20051113             AL—QAIDA: QUEEN gilt als Feindin des Islam
20051113             Anschläge in AMMAN: Attentäterin gesteht im Fernsehen
20051113             Armistice —DAY 2 0 0 5: ASERBAIDSCHAN: 20.000—MENSCHEN demonstrieren für Neuwahlen
20051113             Atomprogramm: Gestohlener Laptop soll IRAN belasten
20051113             BND—AFFÄRE: Grüne wollen parlamentarisches Nachspiel - BLAIR—FACES—NEW—INQUIRY into IRAQ War:
20051113             Bodo Hoffmeisters Handbewegung ist ruhig und schnell.
20051113             Unmittelbar vor dem rechten Ohr,
20051113             —AGREED, BRITAIN—SUNDAY Times newspaper has, to pay damages to Kojo Annan,
20051113             —REPORTED, UNITED—KINGDOM—PAPERS, that all talk of impeaching TONY—BLAIR had been pushed to 1—SIDE.
20051113             UNITED—KINGDOM—TROOPS could leave IRAQ by THE—END—OF—NEXT—YEAR, the country's PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI has predicted.
20051113             Bush apparently thinks he is the reincarnation of 1—ABSOLUTE monarch.
20051113             But EACH—OF—YOU has eyes to see, ears to hear + 1—VOICE to oppose this crime against humanity".
20051113             But —NOW they're revving up plans again.
20051113             But THE—SCALE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—DEFEAT on its ANTI—TERROR legislation —LAST—WEEK — where 49—LABOUR MPs rebelled — has galvanised the momentum for proceedings to be invoked.
20051113             CIA allegedly hid EVIDENCE—OF—IRAQ—DETAINEE—TORTURE and MURDER—REPORT-
20051113             Criminal Probe Set For NEW—ORLEANS Levees
20051113             CUBA, the right to challenge their detention in FEDERAL—COURTS.
20051113             Dabei ist die Blutversorgung des neuen Gesichtes ein geringes Problem.
20051113             —VERRINGERT, Das, die Befürchtungen, dass später die Angehörigen des Spenders ihrem toten Verwandten ins Gesicht sehen.
20051113             Democrats Provided Edge on Detainee Vote-
20051113             —VOTED, Democrats who had, previously to prohibit abusive TREATMENT—OF—DETAINEES in AMERICA—CUSTODY provided THE—MARGIN—OF—VICTORY—ON—THURSDAY for 1—REPUBLICAN—BACKED measure that would deny prisoners at Guantánamo Bay,
20051113             Denn die Gefahr ist für ihn, dass eine ethische Diskussion losgetreten werden könnte über das Wiedererkennen des SPENDERS—DENN das muss —NACH—DEM DEUTSCHEN—TRANSPLANTATIONSGESETZ ausgeschlossen werden.
20051113             Der PRÄSIDENT—DER—EU—KOMMISSION, JOSÉ—MANUEL—BARROSO, schlug —AM—SONNTAG 1—FINANZHILFE—VON—50—MILLIONEN Euro für die von den Unruhen erschütterten Städte vor.
20051113             Deshalb forderten "die 25—EU—NATIONEN einstimmig ein neues Kooperationsmodell für das INTERNET,
20051113             Die Gefahr, dass das Gesicht auf dem neuen Kopf wie das des toten Spenders aussieht,
20051113             Die USA hatten im Vorfeld des Gipfels mehrfach bekräftigt, sie würden von ihrer historischen Führungsrolle nicht abrücken,
20051113             —UNRUHEN, Die, seien ein europäisches Problem, sagte Barroso.
20051113             Für längerfristige Arbeitsbeschaffungsprogramme und Integrationsprojekte könnten —BIS zu 1—MILLIARDE—EURO bereitgestellt werden.
20051113             —DURING the last few months, I have spoken with 3—GOOD—FRIENDS who are CIA operations officers,
20051113             EU—KOMMISSARIN wettert gegen Icann
20051113             Einer Umfrage zufolge traut jedoch 1—MEHRHEIT—DER—FRANZOSEN dem umstrittenen Hardliner am ehesten 1—LÖSUNG—DER—PROBLEME in den sozial hoch explosiven Vorstädten zu.
20051113             Entreprise des P&T
20051113             EspeCIA lly intriguing to Jones was the destruction of 7—WORLD Trade Center,
20051113             Even as he spoke, the administration's flagrant EMBRACE—OF—TORTURE was as hard to escape as publicity for Anderson Cooper.
20051113             EX—ISRAEL—COUNTER—TERROR Officia l Confirms PRE—BOMB Warning
20051113             EX—POWELL Aide Suggests PRE—WAR Memo Was Kept From Bush:
20051113             Finanzsorgen: Bundesbank und Steinbrück zanken ums Gold
20051113             1. Periodical Report Human Rights in IRAQ:
20051113             Forscherpech: JAPANISCHER—HÜPFROBOTER im All verschollen
20051113             FRANCE bans weekend gatherings, due to riots
20051113             FRANK—RICH : 'We Do Not Torture' and Other Funny Stories:
20051113             Frist Blair, then Bush? —JUST 1—FEW days ago,
20051113             GOP voters turning on Bush for his 'move to the left'
20051113             Gefallener REPORTER—STAR Miller: "1—KRIEG, den ich nie geführt habe" - Grand Daddy Neocon Shoots Messenger:
20051113             HAMBURG—ES dürfe nicht sein, so die EU—KOMMISSARIN im SPIEGEL—INTERVIEW,
20051113             He is not saying this is 1—PROVEN theory, but rather 1—HYPOTHESIS.
20051113             He wants 1—FRESH—NEW—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION.
20051113             Hegemonialfrage - Hegemonialfrage: EU—KOMMISSARIN wettert gegen Icann - Here, W is unpopular.
20051113             Elsewhere, he is radioactive.
20051113             How Much More WILL—THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE—ENDURE? How To Resist Propaganda
20051113             Hunderte Menschen gingen jeweils in PARIS, TOULOUSE + anderen Städten auf die Straße.
20051113             I assume that mostly refers to my exposing the lies used by PRESIDENT—BUSH to justify the invasion of IRAQ.
20051113             I had found it necessary to assume the burden of attacking THE—SAVAGERY—OF—WEST—CIVILIZATION at what I perceived to be its roots in the savage Bronze Age literature of JUDAEO—CHRISTIAN mythology and ethos as expressed in the Bible,
20051113             I'm 1—FORMER—CIA officer and 1—FORMER—COUNTERTERRORISM offiCIA l. - IBM Calls For Global Identity System
20051113             Icann treffe indes ALLE—WESENTLICHEN—ENTSCHEIDUNGEN unter Aufsicht des USA—HANDELSMINISTERIUMS - auch jene,
20051113             If Blair wants to save himself, he should follow BERLUSCONI—EXAMPLE and place as much distance as possible between himself and Dubya.
20051113             And he had better do it quick.
20051113             If it weren't tragic it would be 1—NEW—YORKER cartoon.
20051113             If you don't see the reality of your choice, please contact 1—SALES assoCIA te.
20051113             ENGLAND, the power to arrest people and to hold them indefinitely without charges was taken away from kings centuries ago.
20051113             WHO—BLOWING—UP—IRAQ?:
20051113             In den Niederlanden zündeten Jugendliche in ROTTERDAM 4—WAGEN an und schleuderten einen Brandsatz auf 1—HAUS in einem Arbeiterviertel.
20051113             In mehreren Städten gab es —AM—SAMSTAG außerdem Demonstrationen gegen die Unruhen,
20051113             In mid-;;07;;, senior AMERICA—INTELLIGENCE offiCIA ls called THE—LEADERS—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—INSPECTION agency to the top of 1—SKYSCRAPER overlooking the Danube in VIENNA and unveiled the contents of what they said was 1—STOLEN—IRAN—LAPTOP computer.
20051113             —BEGINNT, In wenigen —TAGEN, in TUNIS der WELT—INFORMATIONSGIPFEL.
20051113             Vorweg hat die für Medien zuständige EU—KOMMISSARIN Viviane Reding scharfe Kritik an der USA—DOMINANZ bei der Aufsicht über das INTERNET geübt.
20051113             Indeed, we are 1—ENIGMA unto ourselves. To others we appear foolish,
20051113             —EMPFANGEN, Innenminister Sarkozy wurde mit Buhrufen und Beleidigungen,
20051113             Iron Fisted AMERICA - - Is AMERICA above THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS?:
20051113             —PENNED, Jones is a —20—YEAR physics professor at BYU, who's, 1—ACADEMIC—PAPER raising another hypothesis — explosives may have been PRE—POSITIONED in the buildings.
20051113             JORDAN—GENERAL—INTELLIGENCE—DIRECTORATE has become THE—CIA—MOST important and effective COUNTER—TERRORISM ally in THE—MIDDLE—EAST,
20051113             —SEDUCED, JORDAN—SOLDIERS, by AL—QAEDA 'aided' suicide attacks:
20051113             Krawalle in FRANKREICH: Gewalt greift auf Zentrum Lyons über
20051113             Leftists hate AMERICA: Let me try to explain why.
20051113             Let the chips fall where they may".
20051113             Libby May Have Tried to Mask CHENEY—ROLE:
20051113             LITERATEN—STREIT: "Bereit zum Gespräch. Aber worüber?"
20051113             MPs organising the campaign to impeach TONY—BLAIR believe they have enough support to force 1—HIGHLY damaging Commons investigation into THE—PRIME—MINISTER—PRE—WAR conduct.
20051113             Marchers Protest Inmate Death, Urge End to Use of Stun Guns:
20051113             MARTIAL—LAW: McCain urges more USA—FORCES for IRAQ:
20051113             Methodist Bishops Repent IRAQ War 'Complicity':
20051113             MIKE—WHITNEY : THE—SENATE agrees to Imprisonment without Charges:
20051113             Mouloud Aounit, vor den Kundgebungsteilnehmern in der Innenstadt von PARIS.
20051113             —NACH—DEM Richtlinienentwurf IST—ERSTMALS für VIELE—EU—STAATEN - auch Werbung in Nachrichten und Kindersendungen erlaubt,
20051113             Nach einem Treffen mit dem FRANZÖSISCHEN—PREMIERMINISTER—DOMINIQUE—DE—VILLEPIN sagte Barroso in PARIS,
20051113             —PLANTED, New evidence that bombs are being, by UNITED—KINGDOM—COMMANDOS
20051113             95—BISHOPS from PRESIDENT—BUSH—CHURCH said —THURSDAY they repent their "complicity" in the "unjust and immoral" invasion and occupation of IRAQ.
20051113             —CHARGED, NONE—OF—THE—GUANTANAMO inmates have ever been, with 1—CRIME.
20051113             NORMAN—PODHORETZ, the grand daddy of the Straussian neocons, expends 1—FEW 1000—WORDS in 1—ATTEMPT to convince us GEORGE—BUSH didn't lie —WHEN he told us Saddam had 1—WMD program and was in cahoots with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20051113             —ON—FRIDAY I was fired as 1—COLUMNIST by THE—PUBLISHER—OF—THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES,
20051113             Organisers say they are expecting 200—CROSS—PARTY signatures, including those of former government ministers,
20051113             Paper admits LIBEL—OF—ANNAN—SON:
20051113             Peace activist Cindy Sheehan told UNIVERSITY—OF—MASSACHUSETTS students in 1—VETERAN'S—DAY speech —FRIDAY that government offiCIA ls who don't have family serving in THE—IRAQ war "have nothing at stake".
20051113             Pflanzenschutzmittel: GIFT—ANSCHLAG auf BODENSEE—WASSERVERSORGUNG
20051113             RATZI—PAPA praises Intelligent Design crazies - Power Über Alles-
20051113             —TOPPLED, Professor thinks bombs, not planes, WTC:
20051113             Report: JORDAN—SPY agency replaces Mossad as key CIA ally:
20051113             —CALLED, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN has, on THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to send more troops to IRAQ,
20051113             Siemens: Üppige Dividende, dümpelnder Aktienkurs
20051113             So hält TIM—BREDEHORN—VON—DER—DEUTSCHEN—STIFTUNG für Organspende (DSO),
20051113             Some 1,100 IRAQ—LAWYERS have withdrawn from SADDAM—HUSSEIN—DEFENSE team,
20051113             Speaking on the Veterans —DAY weekend, THE—FORMER—USA—MILITARY—COMMANDER—IN—THE—MIDDLE—EAST said "PRESIDENT—BUSH has consistently refused to provide enough" money for veterans' health care.
20051113             —BLOCKED, STEPHEN—HADLEY, had, the memo
20051113             Süddeutschland und SCHWEIZ: Erdbeben beunruhigte Tausende Menschen
20051113             —GESEHEN, Technisch, da sind sich die meisten Gesichtschirurgen einig, Terror laws 'like police state'
20051113             The 'Universal Fascism' Behind the Cheney Cabal
20051113             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION wants the power to detain indefinitely anyone it declares to be 1—ENEMY combatant or 1—TERRORIST without presenting the detainee in court with charges.
20051113             THE—MONITORING—NETWORK for Human Rights (MHRI), which consists of more than 20—IRAQ—ORGANIZATIONS for Human Rights,
20051113             THE—SENATE vote ensures that they never will.
20051113             The debate over 1—ANTI—TORTURE bill is 1—SAD—MOMENT for 1—COUNTRY that once stood for human rights.
20051113             —OVERLOOKED, The fact that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, numerous warning signs in THE—RUN—UP to 20010911             —THE attacks is 1—OLD—STORY that is being used in 1—NEW—WAY in the Zacarias Moussaoui case.
20051113             It could save his life.
20051113             —STALLED, The impeachment process effectively, —LAST—YEAR—WHEN—JUST 23—MPS signed 1—COMMONS motion.
20051113             The physics of 20010911             — including how fast and symmetrically 1—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER buildings fell — prove that offiCIA l EXPLANATIONS—OF—THE—COLLAPSES are wrong,
20051113             THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—UNITED—STATES, in the final stop of his forlorn Latin AMERICA tour —LAST—WEEK,
20051113             —ALLIED, THE—SIZE—OF—THE—LABOUR revolt, to unified opposition benches,
20051113             The trial of I Lewis "Scooter" Libby will also be the trial of Dick Cheney.
20051113             THE—VICE—PRESIDENT is shown by the indictment to be aware of and interested in Plame and her CIA status long —BEFORE her cover was blown.
20051113             They all agree that torturing detainees will not help us.
20051113             In fact,
20051113             —REPORTED, Time, adding that documents it —RECENTLY obtained included photographs of his battered body,
20051113             To critics, the timing suggests 1—ATTEMPT to obscure CHENEY—ROLE + possibly his legal culpability.
20051113             UK troops out of IRAQ '—NEXT—YEAR':
20051113             USA: USA—SICHERHEITSBERATER schließt Folter nicht aus
20051113             Umstrittener Eingriff: 1. Gesichtsverpflanzung steht bevor
20051113             Und für die Mimik sind von den 26—GESICHTSMUSKELN nur 11—UNBEDINGT notwendig.
20051113             Understanding the collective AMERICA—PSYCHE is no easy task.
20051113             To those living in other lands we Americans are 1—ENIGMA.
20051113             Unheeded warnings —BEFORE 20010911             could turn case in MOUSSAOUI—FAVOUR:
20051113             War pimp alert: USA builds CASE—OF—IRAN bomb on laptop clues:
20051113             We may have that reality in our stockroom.
20051113             —TAILORED, Or we can order 1—CUSTOM reality, to your specifications.
20051113             Welcome to Hoaxworld.
20051113             We have 1—WIDE—VARIETY—OF—REALITIES on display.
20051113             Weltgrößtes REGENWALD—SCHUTZGEBIET: Der Wächter des Dschungels
20051113             Wenig später wäre das Skalpell am Ausgangspunkt, dem rechten Ohr,
20051113             Wilkerson, 1—RETIRED—USA—ARMY COLONEL, said he believed that THEN—NATIONAL—SECURITY advisor Condoleezza Rice or her deputy,
20051113             Während die Gewalt in FRANKREICH abebbt, brannten in BELGIEN —IN—DER—NACHT zum —SONNTAG so VIELE—AUTOS wie nie zuvor:
20051113             Zudem soll jedenfalls —BISHER nur die Haut mit möglichst wenig alten Spendermuskeln transplantiert werden.
20051113             1—STANDING once held by the Mossad, THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES reported in its —FRIDAY editions.
20051113             aber auch gegen den Ausnahmezustand.
20051113             —WORKED, ALL—OF—WHOM have, on terrorism at the highest levels.
20051113             als er sich in PARIS auf den CHAMPS—ELYSÉES zeigte.
20051113             Er wollte sich dort von den Sicherheitsvorkehrungen der Polizei überzeugen.
20051113             bei dem ALLE—INTERESSIERTEN—LÄNDER an einem Tisch sitzen und die Kernfragen des Netzes gemeinsam beraten",
20051113             citing insufficient protection —FOLLOWING the slayings of 2—PEERS representing CO—DEFENDANTS of the ousted IRAQ—LEADER.
20051113             damaged and ablaze from tower debris but never hit by 1—PLANE.
20051113             die EUROPA, ASIEN und AFRIKA beträfen, so Reding.
20051113             Das Netz gehöre aber "allen Gesellschaften und allen Menschen".
20051113             die Mittel sollten in 1—PROGRAMM zur gezielten Unterstützung von problematischen Wohnvierteln fließen.
20051113             die auftreten können, können wir im Moment nicht übersehen".
20051113             Und dann sorgt sich TIM—BREDEHORN um die Organspende generell bei dieser Sache.
20051113             diese sei "nicht verhandelbar".
20051113             DIM—WITTED, cowardly and morally bankrupt.
20051113             To allow the rise of 1—FASCIST regime to take power is compelling evidence for those views.
20051113             im Prinzip aber machbar.
20051113             Denn sind —ERST einmal die Oberhaut mit der Unterhaut sowie Muskeln und Gewebe vom Spender abgetrennt,
20051113             im gegenwärtigen Stadium nichts davon.
20051113             "1—GESICHTSTRANSPLANTATION," erklärt der Mediziner,
20051113             is said to have changed the climate inside the Commons.
20051113             ist die Verpflanzung eines gesamten Gesichtes zwar langwierig und aufwendig,
20051113             ist wegen des anderen Knochenbaus beim Gesichtsempfänger kaum gegeben.
20051113             jeweils einmal pro —20—MINUTEN Sendezeit.
20051113             Mit Zuschauerprotesten gegen die weitgehende Werbefreigabe aus Brüssel rechnet Reding nicht:
20051113             kann sofort mit der mühevollen Feinarbeit begonnen werden, alles neu zu verknüpfen und anzuschließen.
20051113             killing 57—PEOPLE, has led to the arrest of at least 10—MEMBERS—OF—THE—JORDANIAN armed forces,
20051113             made this report about the crimes and continuous violations of human rights in IRAQ.
20051113             plus Nase, Mund, Lippen, Augenbrauen und Augenlidern, vom Kopf eines Toten zu lösen und danach auf einen Empfängerkopf zu transplantieren.
20051113             rief der VORSITZENDE—DER—ORGANISATION—MISTER—AP, die gegen Rassismus kämpft,
20051113             sagt der große und hagere Gesichtschirurg vom Berliner BENJAMIN—FRANKLIN—KLINIKUM,
20051113             says a Brigham Young University physics professor.
20051113             so Reding, die die EU—KOMMISSION in TUNIS als Verhandlungsführerin vertreten wird.
20051113             sondern auch des Verstorbenen.
20051113             Die ethischen, psychologischen und medizinischen Probleme,
20051113             THE—SON—OF—THE—UN—SECRETARY general, —AFTER backing down in 1—LIBEL case.
20051113             they believe that it will hurt us in MANY—WAYS.
20051113             to force the Commons to set up 1—PRIVY—COUNCIL investigation that would examine in detail the case for impeachment against Blair.
20051113             told the world, "We do not torture".
20051113             triggering worries that AL—QAEDA has infiltrated the Arab army most closely allied to the West.
20051113             † urging police to stop using stun guns like THE—1—THAT shocked 1—INMATE who —LATER.
20051113             warning that the stakes for THE—USA—ARE higher than they were in VIETNAM.
20051113             where I have worked —FOR—30—YEARS. THE—PUBLISHER, JEFF—JOHNSON,
20051113             which had been kept on ice to keep it from decomposing, apparently to conceal the circumstances of his death.
20051113             —OFFERED, Continue - who has, not 1—WORD—OF—EXPLANATION to me, has privately told people that he hated EVERY—WORD that I wrote.
20051113             wieder angekommen.
20051113             Das in etwa wäre der Schnitt, um ein gesamtes Gesicht, würde der Schnitt beginnen.
20051113             Dann unter dem Kinn hindurch, hoch zum linken Ohr und dem Haaransatz.
20051113             "MANY—OF—OUR fellow Americans wear 1—BLINDFOLD hiding from the truth of what our government is doing.
20051113             "Notice how it's straight down," Jones says referring to the fall of 1—OF—THE—BUILDINGS.
20051113             —NACH—DEM CHEMIEUNFALL—VON—JILIN muss DIE—STADT—JILIN teilweise evakuiert werden.
20051113             Der SONGHUA—JIANG—FLUSS der die Region mit Trinkwasser versorgt, wird mit Benzol und Nitrobenzol verseucht.
20051113—20010911    —SINCE, Jones said that models conducted in tests have not been able to duplicate what happened to the buildings.
20051113—20051029    —IN—THE, INDIA—POLICE claimed 1—BREAKTHROUGH triple bombings in NEW—DELHI —AFTER arresting 1—ALLEGED—KASHMIRI conspirator, and said they have valuable information that could lead to the capture of 4—OTHERS, including the bombers.
20051113—20051114    —ARRESTED, David and Kara were, in INDIANA —FOLLOWING 1—POLICE chase and crash.
20051113—20051117    —CHARGED, Police, Agripo Ical (19) with killing Minard.
20051113—20060614    —AGREED, Ludwig, to 1—PLEA—DEAL and was sentenced to 2—TERMS—OF—LIFE—IMPRISONMENT without chance of parole.
20051122             CHINA—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—HARBIN said its water system will be shut down —FOR—4—DAYS to check for contamination from a 20051113             chemical plant explosion, setting off panic buying of bottled water among its 3—MILLION—RESIDENTS.
20051124             1—CHEMICAL—PLANT—EXPLOSION 20051113             in the nearby CITY—OF—JILIN spewed toxic benzene into the Songhua River.
20051129             —ARRESTED, She was, soon —AFTER her 20051108             wedding to the boy whose child she carried.
20051130             —CAUSED, DALIANHE—CHINA, shut down its water system as 1—TOXIC slick, by 20051113             —THE chemical plant explosion at JILIN arrived on the Songhua River.
20051203             2 [1]ROCKEFELLER, WILLIAM—AVERY "Doc", quack b: 18101113             GRANGER—NY d: 19060511             FREEPORT—IL #: RFLR103
20051207             20060824091603—GMT, —THURSDAY A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, 20060824093018?????????—GMT, —THURSDAY Diplomatic efforts are being stepped up in EUROPE 20061114             the least —RECENTLY modified web page we know of, last changed Tue, 19901113151700?????????—JAHR GMT (though THE—URI changed.)' 1—LOT has happened in —16—YEARS and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager". 20061207             Chunks Crying All the Way to the Bank- 20061207             20051207—20050000????Manchmal gingen sie zusammen zum EINKAUFEN—ALLES unter den Augen DEUTSCHLAND—GEHEIMDIENSTLEUTE. 20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537?????????—JAHR—GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553?????????—JAHR 20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446?????????—JAHR 20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20051207             20060824091603         —GMT, —THURSDAY A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, 20060824093018         —GMT, —THURSDAY Diplomatic efforts are being stepped up in EUROPE 20061114             the least —RECENTLY modified web page we know of, last changed Tue, 19901113151700          GMT (though THE—URI changed.)' 1—LOT has happened in —16—YEARS and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager". 20061207             Chunks Crying All the Way to the Bank- 20061207             20051207             (Bloomberg) Investment bankers in EUROPE may lose 1—CHUNK—OF—THIS—YEAR—RECORD bonuses because the dollar's drop against European currencies will erode payouts that can account for as much as 90—PERCENT—OF—ANNUAL—COMPENSATION. 20061207             "All big USA—HOUSES usually pay bonuses in dollars + if you're in THE—UK or EUROPE it means you'll be hit quite badly at the moment," said JAMES—HEATH, 20061207             1—LONDON—BASED headhunter at Greenwich Partners, 1—FINANCIAL—RECRUITMENT—COMPANY.
20051207             20060824091603         —GMT, —THURSDAY A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, 20060824093018         —GMT, —THURSDAY Diplomatic efforts are being stepped up in EUROPE 20061114             the least —RECENTLY modified web page we know of, last changed Tue, 19901113151700          GMT (though THE—URI changed.)' 1—LOT has happened in —16—YEARS and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager".
20051207             20061207             European staff who didn't link their bonuses to —THIS—YEAR—AVERAGE—EXCHANGE rates have to contend with the dollar's 11—PERC... Source: 20061207             LITWINENKO—MORD: 7—HOTELANGESTELLTE in LONDON mit Polonium verstrahlt 20061207             ÄGYPTEN: Muftis ächten Genitalverstümmelung bei Frauen 20061207             Polizeiskandal: Mobbing bei New Yorks ANTI—TERROR—KÄMPFERN 20061207             Web 3.0: Der böse Traum vom 2—KLASSEN—INTERNET 20061207             LEIBNIZ—PREIS 20070000             : 10—FORSCHER ausgezeichnet 20061207             Währungspolitik: Wirtschaft und Gewerkschaften kritisieren Zinsanhebung 20061207             Porsche: Familien wollen Exklusivrecht auf Stammaktien aufgeben 20061207             Analysten über die Antriebe der Zukunft: Bye, bye Benzin?
20060316             —DURING THE—WEEK—OF—07—20061113             , at Boulder High School (COLORADO),
20060512             20061113             sie haben nur ihr Ziel vor Augen und werden versuchen, ihre Mission schnellstmöglich erfolgreich zu erfüllen,
20060808             —FILED, THE—FOLLOWING links point to PDF DOCUMENTS—OF—THE—LETTERS, with THE—UNITED—NATIONS: 20060104             , February 3, 20060000             , February 6, 20060000             , 20060303             , 20060404             , 20060504             , 20060530             + 20060605             .
20060824091603       —GMT, —THURSDAY A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, 20060824093018       —GMT, —THURSDAY Diplomatic efforts are being stepped up in EUROPE 20061114             the least —RECENTLY modified web page we know of, last changed Tue, 19901113151700?????????—JAHR GMT (though THE—URI changed.)' 1—LOT has happened in —16—YEARS and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager". 20061207             Chunks Crying All the Way to the Bank- 20061207             20051207—20050000????Manchmal gingen sie zusammen zum EINKAUFEN—ALLES unter den Augen DEUTSCHLAND—GEHEIMDIENSTLEUTE. 20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537?????????—JAHR—GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553?????????—JAHR 20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446?????????—JAHR 20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
200611081113         —PM—ET: Race to watch — AZ—SEN NBC News projects that ARIZONA Republican JON—KYL
200611081113         —PM—ET, Race to watch — AZ—SEN NBC News projects that ARIZONA Republican JON—KYL will be RE—ELECTED
20061112             The new agreement was to be signed 20061113             on THE—INDONESIA—RESORT—ISLAND—OF—LOMBOK.
20061112—20061113    For example, Liel says in ISRAEL, advocating 1—SECULAR—STATE with both Jewish and PALESTINE—CITIZENS is 1—ACCEPTABLE,
20061113             JOHN—LOFTUS, —NOW honorary PRESIDENT—OF—THE—FLORIDA—HOLOCAUST—MUSEUM... the " Bush Nazi past" in its 20030305             edition.
20061113             saying, 'Wake THE—F—K up. Wake up.
20061113             Wake up.'" Fri. 20060512             20061113             — "The terrorists know that this is 1—VERY—CRITICAL—TIME ".
20061113             - - [20040604             ]
20061113             (He forgives GWB.)—POSTED—BY: greenmamba at 20050803             —0352—PM.
20061113             MCCAIN: I agree it's 1—CRITICAL—TIME, yes. [20060820             ]
20061113             CHASE—MANHATTAN—BANK—RIGHT—WING—RELATIONSHIP—ALSO see PHILADELPHIA Inquirer article by DAVID—LEE—PRESTON, "Fired Bush Backer 1—OF—SEVERAL with Possible Nazi Links," 19880910             ...
20061113             FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR JOHN—LOFTUS confirms THE—BUSH—NAZI scandalCopyright 20061031             .
20061113             BUSH—NAZI Dealings Continued —UNTIL 1951", NEW—HAMPSHIRE Gazette, 20031107             .
20061113             PRESIDENT—BUSH met with the bipartisan IRAQ Study Group and promised to work with the incoming Democratic majority toward "common objectives".
20061113             —RENEWED, At the same time, Bush, his opposition to ANY—TIMETABLE for withdrawing USA—TROOPS.
20061113             Bush also led 1—CEREMONIAL groundbreaking on the National Mall for 1—MEMORIAL dedicated to civil rights leader MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR.
20061113             —ARRESTED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION said immigrants, in THE—USA—MAY be held indefinitely on SUSPICION—OF—TERRORISM and may not challenge their imprisonment in CIVIL—COURTS.
20061113             —AIMED, THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE—USA—PACIFIC—FLEET began 1—VISIT to CHINA in 1—TRIP, at strengthening ties between THE—2—NAVIES and gaining insight into THE—ASIA—POWER—MILITARY buildup.
20061113             —CLASHED, BANGLADESH, BATON—WIELDING police, with THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS who threw stones and smashed vehicles —DURING protests demanding electoral reform.
20061113             —DECLARED, CHAD, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in 3—EASTERN regions where ethnic clashes have left as many as 200—PEOPLE dead and raised fears that SUDAN—DARFUR conflict is spilling across the border.
20061113             FRANCE said it will aid THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—ARMY with logistics and aerial reconnaissance in its fight against rebels in THE—NORTHEAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20061113             Sectarian violence across IRAQ left 43—PEOPLE dead.
20061113             1—BOMB tore through in 1—MINIBUS in 1—LARGELY—SHIITE—BAGHDAD neighborhood, killing at least 20—PEOPLE and wounding 18. Gunmen killed at least 10—PEOPLE, including 1—TELEVISION cameraman, 1—CITY councilman and 1—SUNNI SHEIK, in executions and assassinations —AROUND IRAQ.
20061113             —RAIDED, USA—FORCES, the homes of followers of radical ANTI—USA—SHIITE cleric Muqtada AL—SADR.
20061113             Police put the death toll at 5, though 1—AIDE to the cleric said 9—PEOPLE were killed.
20061113             1—LONDON—BASED Arabic newspaper said AL—QAIDA has purportedly issued 1—STATEMENT threatening to topple LEBANON's "corrupt" WESTERN—BACKED government.
20061113             —SIGNED, THE—USA, a 461—MILLION dollar aid "compact" with MALI to finance 1—GIANT—IRRIGATION project and expand THE—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT in THE—POVERTY—STRICKEN AFRICA—NATION.
20061113             —TROUBLED, NIGERIA, JOSHUA—DARIYE, —49—JAHRE—ALT, the beleaguered GOVERNOR—OF, Plateau State, was impeached by state legislators —AFTER being ACCUSED—OF—CORRUPTION.
20061113             NIGERIA—ANTI—GRAFT commission, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), issued 1—STATEMENT saying it was seeking both Dariye and Ayodele Fayose (46), the impeached FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—SOUTH—WEST—EKITI State.
20061113             THE—EFCC said —RECENTLY that it was investigating 31—STATE governors out of 1—TOTAL—OF—36 for corruption.
20061113             —KILLED, NORWAY—GOVERNMENT and industry officials said NORWAY—HUNTERS, 546—MINKE whales —THIS—YEAR, falling far short of their commercial whaling quota because bad weather spoiled MUCH—OF—THE—SEASON.
20061113             Lawmakers from 1—ISLAMIC—COALITION ruling PAKISTAN—DEEPLY conservative northwest approved 1—LAW to set up 1—TALIBAN—STYLE department to suppress vice.
20061113             1—SENIOR—HAMAS official confirmed that the militant PALESTINE—GROUP and the Fatah faction have agreed on naming MOHAMMED—SHABIR to head the next PALESTINE—UNITY government.
20061113             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA UP, to 20—PEOPLE were, near CAPE—TOWN —WHEN 1—TRAIN smashed into 1—TRUCK carrying farm workers.
20061113             —KILLED, EAST—SRI—LANKA, 4—TAMIL Tiger rebels were, in 1—FIREFIGHT.
20061113             UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN said that ANY—EFFORT to stop growing violence between Islamic and Western societies must include 1—END to THE—ARAB—ISRAEL—CONFLICT.
20061113             —PLEDGED, THE—UN said it has, about $77—MILLION in personnel and equipment to help the overwhelmed AFRICA—UNION force in Darfur as SUDAN blocks the world body from sending its own peacekeepers to THE—WAR—TORN region.
20061113             —DEPORTED, VIETNAM, Nguyen Thuong "Cuc" Foshee (58), 1—USA—WOMAN who was convicted —LAST—WEEK on terrorism charges for plotting to seize radio airwaves to call for 1—UPRISING against the communist government.
20061113             —REMOVED, THE—USA, VIETNAM from 1—BLACKLIST—OF—COUNTRIES that suppress religion.
20061113             " Gadfly " is 1—TERM for people who upset the status quo by posing upsetting or novel questions,
20061113             "...and in closing, PAKISTAN must be destroyed!" FRANK—MORSE, 1—REPUBLICAN SENATOR—IN—THE—OREGON legislature,
20061113             "A —17—YEAR—OLD from SINGAPORE is is facing —3—YEARS' jailTIME for accessing his neighbor's wireless network.
20061113             "1—SEARCH on YouTube for the terms 'police brutality' found more than 500—VIDEOS,
20061113             "Das sind ja eigentlich gar keine Schwellenländer mehr, sondern —SCHON Industriestaaten",
20061113             "Diese Welt kann es sich nicht leisten, kein internationales Klimaschutzregime zu haben".
20061113             "Fired BUSH Backer 1—OF—SEVERAL with Possible NAZI Links".
20061113             "If the letter is sufficiently threatening," says Crawford, "THE—THREATEN—EE could bring his or her own lawsuit seeking 1—DECLARATION that what they —POSTED wasn't unlawful.
20061113             "Inherit the Wind" (DVD): —WHEN History Reflects the Present -- And the Present Reflects History
20061113             "It seemed natural that adults might want the service, too," he says.
20061113             "Schmidt also said his company was working on how to allow users to maintain basic CONTROL—OF—THEIR—PERSONAL—DATA.
20061113             "THE—AP is reporting that Randy Wooten, mayoral candidate for Waldenburg ARKANSAS (1—TOWN—OF—80—PEOPLE) discovered that the electronic voting system hadn't registered THE—1—VOTE he knew had been cast for him
20061113             "THE—BUSH—FAMILY fortune came from the 3. Reich".- JOHN—LOFTUS, "THE—SECRET—WAR—AGAINST—THE—JEWS;...
20061113             "THE—DISCOVERY—OF—THE—BUSH—NAZI documents raises new questions
20061113             "We all make honest mistakes + there's no reason THE—INTERNET should make those mistakes eternally hurtful to ourselves and others".
20061113             "We are not too keen on the idea of squelching genuinely newsworthy speech," he says.
20061113             "—WHILE FEDERAL—LAW regulates THE—DISPOSAL—OF—ELECTRONICS by businesses and government agencies,
20061113             'It's our understanding from talking with THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—OFFICE that 1—COURT order would have to be obtained in order to open the machine and check the totals,' Payne said.
20061113             'Taleban law' passed in PAKISTAN
20061113             'The votes were cast on 1—ELECTRONIC voting machine, but paper ballots were available.'"
20061113             (CNSNews com)— Secret audiotapes of SADDAM—HUSSEIN discussing ways to attack AMERICA with WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION will be the subject of 1—ABC "Nightline" program
20061113             2—MACMIND—CONSERVATIVE—COMMENTARY and Common Sense
20061113             ?? "Whatever your OPINION—OF—THE—OUTCOME, all Americans can take pride in the example our democracy sets for the world by holding elections even in 1—TIME—OF—WAR ".
20061113             (my emphasis) Has he fired his minders, too??
20061113             1—HOUSE—OF—LORDS committee calls for changes to EU auditing procedures, 1—JEWISH—PERSPTECTIVE on GW Bush
20061113             1—KOREAN team develops 1—BATTERY MADE—OF—PAPER -- it's NON—POLLUTING, 1—LETTER from JOHN—BUCHANAN...
20061113             1—RAND study found renewables could easily account for 25—PERCENT—OF—THE—USA—ENERGY use
20061113             1—SNEAK—PEEK at 1—FRACTURED—WEB
20061113             1—USA—CITIZEN —RECENTLY jailed on terrorism charges is deported from VIETNAM —AFTER being released early.
20061113             1—BOOK by JOHN—LOFTUS and MARK—AARONS,
20061113             1—GROUP called 'Cop Watch LA' placed the video online to draw attention to the actions by officers.
20061113             1—GROUP identifying itself as ?AL—QAEDA—LEBANON?
20061113             issued 1—STATEMENT—SUNDAY threatening ?to destroy the corrupt cabinet that takes orders from THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION.?
20061113             1—GROUP—OF—WORLD figures calls for urgent efforts to heal the growing divide between Muslim and Western societies.
20061113             A kidney cancer vaccine shows promise —AFTER completely eradicating 1—PATIENT—TUMOUR.
20061113             1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE thought, A, that that was too late to realize that + B,
20061113             1—PRESIDENTIAL—VISIT to Auschwitz THE—HOLOCAUST and the Bush...
20061113             A row over managing a fund to help poor nations adapt to climate change threatens UN talks in NAIROBI.
20061113             1—SEARCH—OF—GOOGLE—VIDEO site also yielded HUNDREDS—OF—VIDEOS.
20061113             In response to the surge in amateur videos,
20061113             Afghana com :: View TOPIC—BUSH "God told me to invade IRAQ and...
20061113             AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ: Merkel lehnt Mandatsänderung ab
20061113             —AFTER launching the site, Fertik quickly realized that ReputationDefender would appeal to 1—BROADER—MARKET than —JUST minors and students.
20061113             —AFTER months of studied ambiguity, PRESIDENT—BUSH finally admitted that IRAQ had "nothing
20061113             —AFTER the 2. World War,
20061113             AL—QAEDA—LEBANON? group says it will destroy the government-
20061113             ALBA—DIE begehrten Knollen haben nach ANGABEN—DES—VERANSTALTERS 1—GEWICHT—VON—1,5 Kilogramm.
20061113             Also see PHILADELPHIA Inquirer article by DAVID—LEE—PRESTON, "Fired BUSH Backer 1—OF—SEVERAL with Possible NAZI Links," 19880910             ...
20061113             AMANDA—ABOUT THE—IRAQ war, FORMER—RUMSFELD friend and Defense Policy BOARD—MEMBER—KEN—ADELMAN
20061113             Amazon com: THE—SECRET—WAR—AGAINST—THE—JEWS: How WEST—ESPIONAGE...
20061113             —ISSUED, Americans United for SEPARATION—OF—CHURCH and State, 1—REPORT outlining 1—HOST of alleged CHURCH—STATE violations at THE—AIR—FORCE Academy,
20061113             Ampelfreie Städte: Unsicher ist sicher
20061113             1—INTERNET search of the simple words " BUSH " and " NAZI " entered together
20061113             1—ISRAEL—GENERAL who commanded forces in the war against LEBANON—HEZBOLLAH guerrillas offers to resign.
20061113             —DRUMMED, And as my high school teachers, into my head, the best literature reveals that humans are complex".
20061113             And by not seeing the war, our government had no comprehensive strategy to fight it.
20061113             And finally: PRESIDENT—BUSH likes WILL—FERRELL—BUSH
20061113             And that's what he did right at the end.
20061113             And the police force keeps THE—LEVEL—OF—CRIME below the level at which the government can function.
20061113             And to say otherwise I don't think would be 1—ACCURATE—DEPICTION—OF—EVENTS + this is 1—VERY—CRITICAL—TIME ".
20061113             [20061019             ]
20061113             And —WHEN Democrats made their point about having 1—PRICE control system where the government dictated prices,
20061113             ANDY—GOODALL, -VENEZUELA Solidarity Campaign
20061113             ANTIKEN—RÜCKGABE: ITALIEN droht mit Embargo gegen GETTY—MUSEUM
20061113             Arab foreign ministers say they will break 1—WESTERN—LED ban on aid to THE—HAMAS—LED PALESTINE—GOVERNMENT.
20061113             Arabs 'to break Hamas aid freeze'
20061113             Are liberal blogs- - Ars Electronica Festival Programm —5—DAY Preview
20061113             Arzneimittelmissbrauch: 1—MILLION—DEUTSCHE sind süchtig nach Beruhigungsmitteln
20061113             As prophesy, not so much. Commentary by Clive Thompson.
20061113             —SENTENCED, At Nuremberg, Flick was, to —7—YEARS for SILESIAN—ROLE in building up THE—NAZI war machine.
20061113             ATOMMÜLL—TRANSPORT: Polizei räumt Weg für Castor frei
20061113             Auch Linkspartei hilft, Streik abzuwürgen-
20061113             Audio, ALEX—JONES—JOHN—LOFTUS - BUSH ties to Nazism.mp3,
20061113             AUTHOR—OF—BUSH—NAZI—LINK Confirmed —NOW living under —24—HOUR police protection —AFTER
20061113             BARTLETT: The marketplace is working.
20061113             We're more than happy to have that debate with Republicans,
20061113             BARTLETT: Well, we had this debate —DURING the prescription drug debate —WHEN the medicare reforms went in place —2—YEARS—AGO.
20061113             BUSH—NAZI—TIES.
20061113             —WHEN GEORGE—W—BUSH started his trip to EUROPE and the Middle - BUSH—NAZI dealings on WALL—STREET,
20061113             BUSH Revives Espionage Act BUSH—WAR on the disloyal press climaxes in 1—TRIAL on classified information.
20061113             —ADMITTED, BUSH, that he had talked to RUMSFELD about resigning and was actively searching for his replacement
20061113             BUSH—CRIME—FAMILY, total BUSH awareness, BUSH NAZI connections,
20061113             —FUNDED, BUSH—FAMILY, Hitler
20061113             BUSH—NAZI—CONNECTION01 - BUSH—NAZI—DEALINGS Continued —UNTIL
20061113             BUSH—NAZI—DEALINGS Continued —UNTIL 1951", NEW—HAMPSHIRE Gazette,
20061113             BUSH—NAZI—DEALINGS Continued 19510000             —UNTIL—FEDERAL—DOCUMENTS—THE—NEW
20061113             BUSH—NAZI—LINK CONFIRMED meg Documents in National Archives Prove...
20061113             Bahn frei für neue Chiffren, Zeichen und Verhaltensweisen, um die Identifikation schnell und eindeutig zu ermöglichen.
20061113             Bartlett said that prices have "come down" and drugs are already cheap enough.
20061113             Bartlett: Medicare Doesn't Need To Negotiate Lower Prices Because Drugs Are Already Cheap Enough-
20061113             Big Wedding: Chapter 9 - BILL—MOYERS and SCOTT—FOGDALL, -TomPaine - Blair in IRAQ talks with USA—PANEL
20061113             Bolivarian REPUBLIC—OF—VENEZUELA—BLOWOUT!
20061113             Chávez Holds Huge Lead in VENEZUELA Reelection Bid
20061113             —PALLED, Both BUSH—GRANDFATHER'S, —AROUND with sympathizers to THE—NAZI cause,
20061113             —EXPRESSED, Both McCain and Lieberman, support for sending more troops to IRAQ.
20061113             Bush " target=nw>PRESCOTT—BUSH—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia - Bush calls RUMSFELD—REPLACEMENT-
20061113             —QUESTIONED, But he also, WEINSTEIN—DECISION to launch 1—NEW advocacy group.
20061113             But knowing Zeus' plan, Hera sent 1—TINY gadfly to tickle + torment the cow... + some would believe that,
20061113             But so MANY—ONLINE services offer diverse features -- where should you park your links?
20061113             —BY SCOTT—GILBERTSON.
20061113             But, again, most people will —JUST buckle rather than fight back".
20061113             But...hippies? Commies? Do they really run the joint, as popular imagination would have it?
20061113             In 1—WORD: No.
20061113             BuzzFlash PRE—HOLIDAY Campaign for Support: Our Goal is $10,000
20061113             CNS News Service website: Call to bridge WEST—MUSLIM divide - Cash row looms at climate talks
20061113             Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)
20061113             CHASE—MANHATTAN—BANK—RIGHT—WING Relationship - Chavez opens air base for Shakira
20061113             —DESCRIBED, CHINA is, as THE—PIONEER—OF—INTERNET censors, dedicating more resources than ANY—OTHER—COUNTRY to restrict online freedoms.
20061113             CHINA mit seiner entfesselten Wirtschaft und Energienachfrage.
20061113             Chinas fatale Aufholdjagd - Clamor Magazine :: issue 14 :: feature
20061113             Conspiracy PLANET—BUSH—CRIME—FAMILY - Treason: BUSH—WALKER- - Contact lost with Mars spacecraft
20061113             Currently, Google stores consumer data on HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ITS—OWN—COMPUTERS in order to provide additional services to individual users.
20061113             DODONA: Human Biodiversity Discussion FORUM—WHO believes "Black...
20061113             Daddy alert!Permalink - Das Treffen fand zwar hinter verschlossenen Türen statt.
20061113             —VERRIET, Doch soviel, KING,
20061113             Days —BEFORE the election, PRESIDENT—BUSH told reporters that SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD and VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY would "remain with him —UNTIL THE—END—OF—HIS—PRESIDENCY,
20061113             Dazu zähle, dass sie "pietätvoll mit dem Thema Tod umgehen".
20061113             Definition of gadfly in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of gadfly.
20061113             What does gadfly mean? gadfly synonyms, gadfly antonyms.
20061113             —PHASED, Democratic leaders in the Senate said —YESTERDAY that 1, REDEPLOYMENT—OF—TROOPS within 4 to —6—MONTHS "would be their top priority
20061113             Democrats, whoever wants to talk about it. The proof is in the pudding.
20061113             Den GERMANWATCH—ZAHLEN zufolge sind Chinas TREIBHAUSGAS—EMISSIONEN im Energiebereich zwischen 19980000             und 20040000             um 56 % gestiegen.
20061113             Der Erlös aus der Auktion soll einer wohltätigen Vereinigung zur Krebsforschung zugute Kommen.
20061113             Der GRAU—INDEX lautet 9K37 BUK.
20061113             DEUTSCHE—TELEKOM chooses THE—HEAD—OF—ITS—MOBILE—ARM as its new CHIEF —AFTER its former boss steps down suddenly.
20061113             Diabetes 'threat' to indigenous
20061113             Diabetes could threaten the existence of indigenous peoples —AROUND the world, experts have warned.
20061113             Did THE—BUSH—FAMILY Help the Nazis? - Associated Content
20061113             —GESCHLOSSEN, Die BOSCH—SIEMENS—HAUSGERÄTE (BSH) in BERLIN soll, bzw. verlegt werden.
20061113             Dagegen begannen.
20061113             Die Staatsanwaltschaft Zweibrücken hat der Bundeswehrführung aber im Fall von 3—FALLSCHIRMJÄGERN —BEREITS mitgeteilt,
20061113             Diese Zahlen veröffentlichte das von Wissenschaftlern getragene WELT—KOHLENSTOFFPROJEKT ("World Carbon Project") —JETZT in Peking.
20061113             —DETAILED, Don't expect, high resolution photography from days gone by,
20061113             —DURING 20040000             —THE election, SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY (D—MA) likened the war against terrorists to fighting crime,
20061113             ECO—FRIENDLY Paper Battery
20061113             1—DER—TREIBENDEN—KRÄFTE hinter dem "sehr besorgniserregenden" Trend:
20061113             Enabling community communication platforms and applications ( Encompas ) Intelligent cities for the next generation (ICING)...
20061113             —RUINED, Enemy Act, the sort of action that could have, BUSH—POLITICAL—DREAMS.
20061113             Energie: RUSSLAND droht GAS—ENGPASS
20061113             ENGLISCH—DEUTSCH—ÜBERSETZUNGEN für das Wort " gadfly ": blutsaugende Fliege...
20061113             Enviros berate Bush apologist for inaccurate L.A. Time s OP—ED | By...
20061113             Erwärmung: Klimabombe aus den BOOM—LÄNDERN
20061113             Es werde erwartet, dass DEUTSCHE—SOLDATEN sich "gerade im Ausland untadelig zu verhalten haben".
20061113             Example: Here in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, there's crime, but there's 1—POLICE force.
20061113             Excerpt: THE—BUSH—FAMILY ties to THE—NAZI party are well known.
20061113             In their - Excuse me?
20061113             FTR-273 "B" as in "Bush ," "B" as in "Bormann" (2—30—MINUTE...
20061113             Fertik and others, including FORMER—JUSTICE DEPARTMENT—NAZI war crimes prosecutor JOHN—LOFTUS ,
20061113             Fertik says that ReputationDefender is sensitive to 1. Amendment issues,
20061113             Fidel Castros Tod steht —SCHON fest- - Firefighter cancer risk 'higher'
20061113             Firefighters have 1—HIGHER—RISK of certain cancers than people working in MANY—OTHER—FIELDS, scientists say.
20061113             1. of all, a WORD—OF—CAUTION is in order.
20061113             Fixing the Straight Dope: Were BUSH—GREAT—GRANDFATHER and...
20061113             Flash floods near MOMBASA in KENYA leave 21—DEAD and thousands homeless, with bridges washed away.
20061113             For more than —40—YEARS, the eccentric corporate gadfly has tormented CEOs at annual shareholders meetings,
20061113             For THE—BUSH—FAMILY, it is 1—LINGERING nightmare.
20061113             For their NAZI clients... JOHN—LOFTUS, is 1—FORMER—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE—NAZI—WAR—CRIMES prosecutor...
20061113             For their NAZI clients, THE—HOLLAND—CONNECTION was THE—MOTHER—OF—ALL—MONEY...
20061113             FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR—JOHN—LOFTUS confirms THE—BUSH—NAZI scandalCopyright ;;10;;
20061113             31. - Former investigator JOHN—LOFTUS has said that "As 1—FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR...
20061113             Führungswechsel: TELEKOM—AKTIE schießt nach RICKE—ABLÖSUNG nach oben
20061113             Gadfly (social) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
20061113             Gadfly is 1—BIG fan of tough love + this may be the 1. in 1—SERIES.
20061113             Gadfly to Golden Girdle of Ares * People, Places, & Things * Greek...
20061113             Gastarbeiter in DUBAI: Luxuswelt aus Sklavenhand
20061113             GENERAL mischief hits THE—BUSH camp; he goes 1—WAY, advisers another
20061113             GEORGE—W—BUSH is Becoming More Like Hitler Everyday
20061113             GeorgeWalkerBush NET—THE—DUTCH—CONNECTION
20061113             GIANLUCA—BIFOLCHI
20061113             —DETAILED, Globetrotting researchers are building the 1., ALMANAC—OF—GOVERNMENT INTERNET censorship —AROUND the world.
20061113             Glorious and nearly GORE—LESS, the new Christian strategy game works as entertainment.
20061113             Going Into Godmode in Left Behind
20061113             —CHARGED, HARRIMAN, BUSH + Walker were never.
20061113             HEAD—OF—FLORIDA Holocaust Museum links BUSH—FAMILY to Nazis.
20061113             HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH (father of the current PRESIDENT), according to JOHN—LOFTUS...
20061113             —PLANNED, Half 12—FUND—RAISING events are, in the coming months for cities —AROUND the country,
20061113             He concluded, "the proof is in the pudding".
20061113             He laid out his case for, for why he did it + there's no question that would've injected politics.
20061113             Hera used the Gadfly to punish Io for something that she had neither caused or...
20061113             Here are the facts
20061113             —FRUSTRATED, HE—SAYING that he was, that, you know, that we have to adapt.
20061113             —COMPLAINED, His neighbor, and —NOW the unfortunate Tan JIA—LUO is facing charges under the computer misuse act and is scheduled to appear in COURT—ON—WEDNESDAY".
20061113             —FLOODED, History books are, with how whites changed the world and "civilized" nonwhites,
20061113             Hmmmm.... In Gear Factor. Hospital death sparks CHINA riot
20061113             However, —ON—WEDNESDAY he told Cybercast News Service, "SADDAM—TAPES confirm he had active CW [chemical weapons] and BW [biological weapons] programs that were hidden from THE—UN".
20061113             I am the gadfly of the Athenian people, given to them by God + they will never have
20061113             I am, —AFTER all, the Socratic Gadfly + have 1—NAME + reputation to uphold.
20061113             I believe that WWI. was really stretched out over —25—YEARS + encompas also WWII.
20061113             I believe that there are 1—LOT—OF—THINGS that we can do to salvage this,
20061113             I have built my site to encompas all the aspects of healing process + links to help others through mailing lists guidance counseling + intervention...
20061113             I know we're never going to end prostitution.
20061113             I suppose 1—LINK to Earth4 would have been good.
20061113             I've been —FOLLOWING progressive web sites fairly closely -- some would even say that I run 1 -- and neither abortion nor gun control has topped the agenda.
20061113             Ihren Ruf verbreitete die BUNDESWEHR—FÜHRUNG —BEREITS auf dem Papier und in digitalen Meldungen,
20061113             In ;;07;;, S—MARTIN'S—PRESS will publish WEINSTEIN—MEMOIR, "With God on Our Side:
20061113             CONTEXT,: With friends like this
20061113             In addition to BUSH + ROLAND—HARRIMAN, 3—NAZI executives were named
20061113             In 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—FORWARD, ADL National Director ABRAHAM—FOXMAN praised Weinstein as "courageous" and credited him with drawing attention to THE—CHURCH—STATE issues in the military.
20061113             In contrast, THE—AMERICA—JEWISH—COMMITTEE, THE—AMERICA—JEWISH—CONGRESS and the Religious Action CENTER—OF—REFORM Judaism endorsed them.
20061113             In der EU ist es so, dass DEUTSCHLAND und GROSSBRITANNIEN ihre CO2-Emissionen um zweistellige %werte reduzieren müssen,
20061113             In enem beispiellosen EINSATZ—VON—POLITPROMINENZ mit Champagner und allem drum und dran gelang es noch einmal,
20061113             —SCREENED, In our antiseptic age of...
20061113             —ENDORSED, Incoming House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA) has, REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—MURTHA (D—PA) as the next House Majority Leader,
20061113             —DISPUTED, INDIA bullish on, glacier
20061113             INDIA—ARMY rules out 1—COMPROMISE with PAKISTAN over the disputed Siachen glacier.
20061113             INDONESIEN: 2—WEITERE Menschen an Vogelgrippe erkrankt - Information about gadfly in the...
20061113             Insgesamt kamen in den vorangegangenen Aktionen 18—ALBA—TRÜFFEL unter den HAMMER—ZU einem Gesamtpreis von 259.500—EURO.
20061113             INTERNATIONAL FINANCIERS—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20061113             —ADVANCED, Investigative JOURNALIST—JOHN—LOFTUS has, the view that history will...
20061113             Investigator JOHN—LOFTUS has said, "As 1—FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR... "
20061113             —GESICHERT, Inzwischen gilt als, dass ohne die USA, aber auch ohne drastische Klimaschutzmaßnahmen in Ländern mit aufstrebenden Ökonomien eine katastrophale Erderwärmung nicht mehr aufzuhalten ist.
20061113             —URGED, IRAN and Syria, to help IRAQ - IRAN key as Olmert meets Bush
20061113             IRAN/PERSIA—AMERICA Moves Toward War with IRAN
20061113             IRAQ war architect DOUGLAS—FEITH (aka: "the dumbest [expletive] guy on the planet
20061113             ISRAEL general quits over LEBANON
20061113             It isn't threatening people's lives EVERY—DAY + fundamentally, it's something that you continue to fight,
20061113             It touches on 1—NEW—INITIATIVE in upstate NEW—YORK to deal with THE—PROBLEM—OF—E—WASTE.
20061113             It wouldn't happen if he would stop religiously placing both Kenneth...
20061113             It's been working. It's been benefitting AMERICA—SENIORS.
20061113             JOHN—LOFTUS and MARK—AARONS don't —JUST open 1—CAN—OF—WORMS in this disturbing book
20061113             JOHN—LOFTUS national radio CIA intelligence spy holocaust BUSH secret summit war projects speech.
20061113             JOHN—LOFTUS on THE—BUSH—NAZI scandal. (He forgives GWB.)
20061113             JUSTICE DEPARTMENT—NAZI war crimes prosecutor JOHN—LOFTUS, a Constitutional attorney in...
20061113             Jailtime For Leeching Wireless?-
20061113             JOHN—PILGER : LET—NOW charge the accomplices
20061113             JOHN—LOFTUS com - Joint Chiefs Chairman: Administration Is Pursuing Same Terrorism Policy Bush Trashed 00.000.20 04-
20061113             —KILLED, JUDD—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE, in IRAQ —TODAY,
20061113             JUDD—PRESIDENT—BUSH—JOB approval rating, according to 1—NEW—NEWSWEEK poll.
20061113             JUDD—SENDING the same message as terrorists? FOX—NEWS wants to know.
20061113             Kampf gegen Taliban: Terroralarm in PAKISTAN, schwere Kämpfe in AFGHANISTAN
20061113             Kenyans drown —AFTER flash floods
20061113             —ATTACKED, Kerry was mercilessly, for his suggestion that we attempt to reduce terrorism to level where it is a "nuisance".
20061113             PRESIDENT—BUSH said: Klassenbewusst auf Schiene- - Kommando ?Spezialkräfte? ?
20061113             das ?A—TEAM?
20061113             der Bundeswehr- - Kommunen: Freiburger Oberbürgermeister sieht seine Stadt vor Bankrott
20061113             Kranker KUBANISCHER—STAATSCHEF: USA—OFFIZIELLE sagen baldigen Tod Castros voraus
20061113             KURT—NIMMO, —URUKNET—ARTICLES by ROBERT—FISK—ROBERT—FISK: We've all been veiled from the truth
20061113             KYOTO Nations Explore Baby Steps
20061113             LEGACY—OF—1—NAZI—ASSHOLE—NAMED—BUSH—PART 3 ...
20061113             —SUCCEED, LIEBERMAN: I think we have to be open to that as 1—WAY to, to achieve 1—FREE and independent IRAQ,
20061113             LIEBERMAN: The fact is that this was not 1—MAJOR—REALIGNMENT election in my opinion.
20061113             LOFTUS explores BUSH—NAZI scandal (—POSTED 20031211             )...
20061113             LOFTUS has been TIGHT—LIPPED about the tapes, telling the Sun only that he received them from a "FORMER—AMERICA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE analyst".
20061113             Last —SPRING, with WEINSTEIN—PRODDING, 1—WASHINGTON—BASED advocacy group,
20061113             Laut "Bild"-Zeitung teilen die beiden anderen ermittelnden Staatsanwaltschaften in KIEL und München diese Auffassung.
20061113             Leahy aims at restoring habeas corpus. Go Patrick! 11/13
20061113             LEBANON—PRESIDENT—EMILE—LAHOUD says the government has lost its legitimacy —AFTER 1—SERIES—OF—RESIGNATIONS.
20061113             LEBANON cabinet 'not legitimate' - LEE—SALISBURY, —AXIS—OF—LOGIC - Legacy of 1—NAZI—ASSHOLE—NAMED—BUSH
20061113             Less than —1—YEAR—AGO you were saying this: "Overall, I think —1—YEAR from —NOW" — that's —NOW — "we will have 1—FAIR—AMOUNT—OF—PROGRESS in IRAQ if we stay the course".
20061113             Letters from FRANCE—AL—QAEDA to the Rescue
20061113             LIB—RULE The hard copy VERSION—OF—THIS—LOS—ANGELES—TIME s story
20061113             Lieberman refuses to close door on switching parties 11/13
20061113             Lieberman: 'This Was Not 1—MAJOR—REALIGNMENT—ELECTION'
20061113             —WORRIED, Look, Republicans were, that THE—PRESIDENT was talking about the war at all within the last couple WEEKS—OF—THE—CAMPAIGN.
20061113             MCCAIN: If you talk to most military experts, we're in 1—CRITICAL and crucial TIME.
20061113             MCCAIN: It's proven not to be correct.
20061113             —FUNDED, MI6, THE—VATICAN—NAZI—SMUGGLING...-
20061113             MISTER—GREGORY: Right, well, he deliberately misled those reporters + he said he did it because he didn't want to inject politics in the campaign.
20061113             MISTER—GREGORY: Well, I—LOOK, you know, you like to get 1—STRAIGHT—ANSWER OUT—OF—THE—PRESIDENT.
20061113             MISTER—RUSSERT: Does that hurt his credibility with you and the press corps?
20061113             MAN—VOTE for Himself Missing in E—VOTE Count-
20061113             MARTIN—PRESS - McCAIN: The question is, is what's the solution?
20061113             And I believe that 1—WITHDRAWAL or 1—DATE for withdrawal will lead to chaos in the region + most military expercent think the same thing.
20061113             McCain Claims IRAQ WILL—BE—WON—OR—LOST—IN 'Next Several Months,' Admits Previous Prediction Was Wrong-
20061113             McCain and Lieberman Express Support For Sending More Troops to IRAQ-
20061113             —MEANWHILE, ROBERT—NOVAK predicts THE—GOP will "reelect some or all" of its current leadership,
20061113             Misshandelte Heimkinder: Opfer bekommen Anhörung im BUNDESTAG
20061113             Moderne Lebensart: Folgen der Fettsucht bedrohen Urvölker
20061113             Moochers don't have the right to carp about their benefactors.
20061113             My southern friends, it's TIME you understood that you owe your pork to SOME—HARD—WORKING Californians.
20061113             NAZI War Crimes Prosecutor JOHN—LOFTUS who is —TODAY THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—FLORIDA—HOLOCAUST—MUSEUM "THE—BUSH—FAMILY fortune came from the 3. Reich...
20061113             NAZI War Crimes prosecutor JOHN—LOFTUS, who is —TODAY THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—FLORIDA—HOLOCAUST—MUSEUM,
20061113             —INVITED, NBC—MEET—THE—PRESS, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) and SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN (I—CT) to discuss the issue.
20061113             Nach einer Veröffentlichung der angesehenen Pekinger UNIVERSITÄT—TSINGHUA war Chinas CO2-Ausstoß aus der Verbrennung fossiler Energieträger,
20061113             Nahost: Hamas zu Friedenskonferenz mit ISRAEL bereit
20061113             NASA—MARS—GLOBAL—SURVEYOR spacecraft has been OUT—OF—CONTACT with Earth for more than —1—WEEK.
20061113             Nazi, GOP, business, Bush Knots - Nazi Links?
20061113             Neuen Hochrechnungen der Internationalen Energieagentur (IEA) zufolge könnte das bevölkerungsreichste Land der Erde binnen —10—JAHREN die USA als größten TREIBHAUSGAS—PRODUZENTEN überholen.
20061113             NEW—YORK Post Declares "Rove Genius No More" - New top man at DEUTSCHE—TELEKOM
20061113             Nieman Watchdog > Ask This > Watchdogs, meet 1—GADFLY - Nightmare in Beit Hanoun
20061113             Noch lebt er, der KUBANISCHE—STAATSCHEF—FIDEL—CASTRO, doch für die USA—REGIERUNG steht sein Tod —SCHON fest.
20061113             Note: This article's author, JOHN—LOFTUS, is 1—FORMER—USA—DEPARTMENT of
20061113             Novak said sticking with the same leadership team was "1—ACT of supreme irrationality.
20061113             —NOW you can travel —BACK—IN TIME — for example, I am looking at the globe of 17900000             .
20061113             Numerator: GEHEIMCODE—SUCHE in Bachs Sonaten
20061113             —NUN, da er inzwischen wieder fidel und angeblich nahezu der alte war,
20061113             —ON—TUESDAY, Democrats picked up 6—SEATS in the Senate and at least 29—SEATS in the House,
20061113             —ON—TUESDAY, THE—LOS—ANGELES TIME s published 1—EDITORIAL by the widely known environmental gadfly GREGG—EASTERBROOK - 1—SENIOR—EDITOR—AT—THE—NEW—REPUBLIC...
20061113             —CONJURED, Once again, the mainstream media has, up a "boogeyman" IMAGE—OF—LIBERALISM which buttresses dangerous and misleading stereotypes.
20061113             1—MAN—WAR—AGAINST an Evangelical Coup in AMERICA—MILITARY".
20061113             1—SUCH individual is JOHN—LOFTUS—THIS is a man whose extreme +
20061113             Only 8—PERCENT - Ooh,the long knives of THE—GOP are out —NOW!
20061113             "Bush faces GOP ire over RUMSFELD timing.
20061113             OPEN—SOURCE project treads on Google Maps turf
20061113             Opposition to THE—IRAQ war was the dominant factor in —THIS—WEEK—ELECTION.
20061113             Our goal is to defeat terror + with GEORGE—BUSH as PRESIDENT, that's exactly what we will do.
20061113             PACE: Winning to me is simply having each of the nations that we're trying to help have 1—SECURE—ENVIRONMENT inside of which their government and their people can function.
20061113             PRESCOTT—BUSH—TIES to NAZI—GERMANY.
20061113             Click to rate content - PRESCOTT—BUSH—HITLER—ANGEL—THE—NAZI—BANKER in AMERICA...
20061113             PRESCOTT—BUSH and his FATHER—IN—LAW...
20061113             —CONTINUED, PRESCOTT—BUSH, with business as usual, aiding THE—NAZI invasion of...
20061113             —CONTINUED, PRESCOTT—BUSH, with business as usual, aiding THE—NAZI invasion of EUROPE and supplying
20061113             PRESCOTT—BUSH on learning that the Union Bank had ties with NAZI—GERMANY had his...
20061113             PRESIDENT—BUSH is proud that THE—USA—ELECTIONS-
20061113             PRESIDENT—BUSH will not relent in his defense of JOHN—BOLTON, his nominee for UNITED—NATIONS ambassador.
20061113             PAKISTAN—NORTH—WEST—FRONTIER Province passes 1—BILL setting up 1—DEPARTMENT to enforce Islamic morality.
20061113             Paperclip + PRESCOTT—BUSH—ROLE in that dark operation".
20061113             Fertik and others, PARANOISE—LINKS
20061113             —EVAKUIERT, PARIS: Wolkenkratzer nach Bombendrohung
20061113             Pazifik: CHINESISCHES—U- Boot steuert USA—FLUGZEUGTRÄGER an - Pelosi backs Murtha for majority leader
20061113             Photos document the worldwide protests and continuing struggles.
20061113             Not surprisingly,
20061113             Police clash with protesters outside 1—HOSPITAL in CHINA —AFTER 1—BOY dies from mistakenly drinking pesticide.
20061113             Politically + somewhat socially and philosophically...
20061113             Politik und IG METALL—FUNKTIONÄRE hintertreiben Streik bei BSH in BERLIN KARL—WEISS
20061113             —FILLETED, Poor TED—KENNEDY has been strung +, like 1—AZTECA goat via Epicurean Gadfly.
20061113             —POSTED—BY: greenmamba at 20050803             0000—DATE 03:52 PM...
20061113             PreacherTom writes "REPORTS—OF—INTERNET censorship are nothing new and are quite expected from countries whose leadership depends on controlling the popular worldview.
20061113             Pressekrise: Krieg um USA—ZEITUNGSIKONEN
20061113             ROBERT—FISK, —THE—INDEPENDENT (ENGLAND) -
20061113             RUMSFELD has been "in deep denial — deep, deep denial"-
20061113             RUMSFELD: Not 1—FAILURE, —JUST misunderstood.-
20061113             RUSSERT: But SENATOR, people are going to make 1—JUDGMENT about your judgment.
20061113             RUSSERT: Should we send more troops?
20061113             RUSSERT: That's proven not to be correct.
20061113             Raabe wurde deshalb —HEUTE gefragt, wie es sein könne, dass dasselbe Vergehen im
20061113             Rain capture answer to water woe
20061113             Rainwater harvesting could prove 1—CHEAP, easy solution to AFRICA—WATER woes, according to 1—UN report.
20061113             Ratline.
20061113             All top WWII CROATIA—NAZIS found refuge in the West.
20061113             Rechtsextremismus: NPD—ABGEORDNETER wegen Volksverhetzung angezeigt
20061113             Regierungsexperte Schafhausen will sich gar keine andere Entwicklung ausmalen:
20061113             Religion/World View AMERICA—CHURCH/state 'roll in the hay' backfires
20061113             Remembering the 1. Fight Against Fascism
20061113             Reporters Without Borders, 1—PARIS group that does advocacy work for press freedom,
20061113             Researchers at Carnegie Mellon UNIVERSITY—IN—PITTSBURGH say that dumps —AROUND the nation's major cities,
20061113             Rockgod about Google EARTH—LATEST—EXPANSION.
20061113             "Google skipped right past the 3. dimension and landed directly in the 4. (TIME ) by offering historical maps on Google Earth.
20061113             S KOREA 'spurns ship search plan' - SA-11 GADFLY—WIKIPEDIA
20061113             SA-11 Gadfly 1—MITTELSTRECKEN—FLUGABWEHRRAKETE mit Feststoffantrieb + radargestützter Zielerfassung.
20061113             SADDAM—SPEAKS on Nightline
20061113             Salvance writes "GOOGLE—CEO—ERIC—SCHMIDT envisions —1—DAY —WHEN all cell phones are free if the user agrees to watch targeted ads.
20061113             Say WHA'?? dr. elsewhere here Ok.
20061113             We all know the guy is —JUST 1—COMPLETE dolt who has no earthly clue about THE—USA—CONSTITITUTION, but did BUSH really say THIS
20061113             Scientists in THE—USA—USE 1—INJECTION of bone marrow stem cells to treat diabetes in mice.
20061113             Scientists say it'll take much tougher caps to avert catastrophic weather changes.
20061113             Scrawled on the cell wall -- Unknown News
20061113             See Gadfly by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking).
20061113             Seitensprünge: Immunsystem kann Frauen untreu machen
20061113             SENATOR—RUSS—FEINGOLD (D—WI) will not run for PRESIDENT.-
20061113             —WEIGHED, Several Jewish defense organizations have, in on the situation at THE—AIR—FORCE Academy,
20061113             Simply put, 1—GADFLY is 1—HORSEFLY.
20061113             Anyone familiar with this insect would be aware of its irritating buzz + sharp bite.
20061113             —SINCE only THE—NAZI partners in THE—BUSH—HARRIMAN interests were permanently deprived of their frozen stock,
20061113             —SINCE then, Weinstein has turned his campaign into 1—NONPROFIT organization,
20061113             —HATRED, SIR—ELTON—JOHN accuses religion of turning " towards gay people" and says he favours 1—COMPLETE—BAN.
20061113             —ORGANISED, SIR—ELTON: Ban, religion
20061113             So I think people see it different ways. Social Bookmarking Showdown
20061113             SocraticGadfly - SocraticGadfly: Somehow I doubt it.
20061113             Saddam talking about attacking AMERICA?
20061113             Gee that would be too much like he had + got rid of WMD —BEFORE the war,
20061113             Sonnige Aussichten: Frühlingsgefühle im goldenen —HERBST
20061113             SOUTH—KOREA will not join 1—USA—LED initiative to stop and search NORTH—KOREA ships at sea, officials say.
20061113             Special thanks to JOHN—LOFTUS, Emmy winning journalist,
20061113             Spidermen [Archive] - AppleInsider... - Stem cell cure hope for diabetes
20061113             Strategiewechsel: Vodafone entdeckt das Festnetz
20061113             StreamVideo, ALEX—JONES—BUSH NAZI Crime Family History.wmv, 15.293.656,
20061113             TIME com: IPSWICH Gadfly -- - Taking 1—CRACK at Recycling E—WASTE-
20061113             Talks —NEXT—WEEK in NAIROBI look for agreement between 189—COUNTRIES to extend THE—KYOTO pact on global warming and decisions on how to move forward.
20061113             Terrorist Threats and the Right Answer
20061113             That would have been 1—GESTURE—OF—SUPPORT.
20061113             That's really what winning in THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM is.
20061113             —DISAPPOINTED, THE—AIR—FORCE veteran said he was particularly, that THE—ADL has so far declined to join his lawsuit or to file 1—FRIEND—OF—THE—COURT brief + complained about what he characterized as the group's tepid response to THE—GOP—BACKED amendment.
20061113             —KILLED, THE—BUSH—BANK—HELPED—THE—THYSSEN s make THE—NAZI steel that, Allied...
20061113             THE—CHURCH and the Jews — 1—HISTORY" and presented by OSCAR—NOMINATED director Oren Jacoby,
20061113             THE—COLLECTED—IDIOCY of "Dumbass": HE—NOT —JUST Another American;
20061113             THE—DUTCH—CONNECTION : How THE—BUSH—FAMILY made its fortune from...
20061113             THE—EPICUREAN—GADFLY: Cigarettes and Politics Toward 1—FREE—SOCIETY
20061113             THE—LAST—DAYS—OF—SOCRATES - THE—MACHINE gave him 0—VOTES.
20061113             That would be 1—ERROR rate of 3%,
20061113             —REPORTED, THE—NEW—YORK—SUN, that the tapes have been authenticated + currently are being reviewed by THE—USA—HOUSE Permanent SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE.
20061113             THE—NEW—YORK—TIME s reports, "For big drug companies, the new Medicare prescription benefit is proving to be 1—FINANCIAL windfall larger than even the most optimistic WALL—STREET analysts had predicted.
20061113             THE—RETHUGLICANS want to play NAZI—BALL? Hit them with these FACTS.
20061113             THE—ROYAL—COURT is in revolt! 11/13
20061113             —POSITIONED, THE—TOWN—OF—NORTH—HEMPSTEAD has, helpers at the dump the last 4—WEEKENDS,
20061113             THE—USA and UK indicate they are ready to work with Syria and IRAN to help end the violence in IRAQ.
20061113             THE—WASHINGTON gadfly.
20061113             —BY MICHAEL—POSNER—FROM—MONDAY—GLOBE and Mail.
20061113             —MONDAY, THE—WHITE—HOUSE will consider talking to IRAN and Syria about IRAQ—FUTURE, its CHIEF—OF staff says.
20061113             The ability to save and share links to your favorite web destinations is revitalizing the lowly browser bookmark.
20061113             The company is looking to allow consumers to export their Web search history or E—MAIL archives and move them to other sites, if they so choose".
20061113             —ANNOUNCED, THE—DAY—AFTER the election, BUSH, that RUMSFELD was being replaced.
20061113             The early results aren't pretty. By MARK—ANDERSON.
20061113             The headline reads "Liberal groups expect postelection results," and THE—SUB—HEAD (as seen on newsracks) reads: "Abortion, gun control".
20061113             The interesting thing about it, we —NOW have SOME—EXPERIENCE.
20061113             All the estimates saying that prices wouldn't come down were proven wrong.
20061113             —PICTURED, The officers, in the video are —NOW being defended by police defense attorney JOHN—BARNETT,
20061113             The panel's chairman, REPRESENTATIVE—PETER—HOEKSTRA (R—MICHIGAN), declined to give the Sun DETAILS—OF—THE—CONTENT or CONTEXT—OF—THE—RECORDINGS,
20061113             THE—PRIME—MINISTER is to give evidence to 1—USA—TASK force looking at policy in IRAQ, sparking 1—ROW.
20061113             The secret techniques used to launder money, guns + smuggle NAZI "Freedom Fighters" in the 1940s and 19500000             S were adopted by Reagan/BUSH—ADMINISTRATION as
20061113             —CALLED, The tapes are being, the "smoking gun" of WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION (WMD) in IRAQ.
20061113             The typewritten statement by the previously unknown group was sent to THE—CHRISTIAN—VOICE—OF—LEBANON radio station
20061113             The writers interview 1—JOHN—LOFTUS, —NOW writing 1—BOOK about THE—BUSH—FAMILY—NAZI ties + here's 1—OF—SEVERAL money quotes.
20061113             There never can be 1—TIME —WHEN terrorism is —JUST 1—NUISANCE.
20061113             Our goal is not to reduce terror to SOME—ACCEPTABLE—LEVEL.
20061113             —TAPED, These " messages from THE—USA—DEFENSE Department" featured 1—REPLICA—OF—THE—TWIN towers in the background.
20061113             HERE—1—SCREEN shot:
20061113             Think about that next TIME you carp about NANCY Pelosi's alleged "S—FRANCISCO values.
20061113             —RELIED, This column, heavily on the writings of JOHN—LOFTUS, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—FLORIDA...
20061113             This was the voters in CONNECTICUT and elsewhere saying we are disappointed with the the Republicans.
20061113             —THIS—WEEK we also discussed the Reporters Without Borders' 13—ENEMIES—OF—THE—INTERNET list.
20061113             —TODAY on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, WHITE—HOUSE counselor DAN—BARTLETT said THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT does not need to negotiate lower prices for seniors.
20061113             —TODAY on Meet the Press, SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN (I—CT) said this was "not 1—MAJOR—REALIGNMENT election" and "both major political parties...[are] in 1—KIND—OF—PROBATION".
20061113             —TODAY on NBC—MEET—THE—PRESS, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) again claimed this is a "critical TIME " in IRAQ and that "we're either going to lose this thing or win this thing within the next several months".
20061113             —TODAY, the administration released veterans —DAY messages from troops in IRAQ.
20061113             Top 10—LIST of Worldwide INTERNET Censors-
20061113             Total Bush Awareness News and BUSH—CRIME—FAMILY history, awareness...
20061113             2—NEW—ENERGY studies "are likely to hasten efforts to increase production incentives —NEXT—YEAR" for renewable fuels.
20061113             UK Lords: EU auditors too harsh - USA 'open to IRAN talks on IRAQ'
20061113             —DEPORTED, USA—CITIZEN, from VIETNAM
20061113             USA—POLITIK im IRAK: Demokraten drängen auf Truppenabbau
20061113             USA—NANCY Pelosi Gives the Neocons 1—GET—OUT—OF—JAIL—CARD
20061113             USA—HELL AWAITS—AMERICA: Mass Manipulation, Blissful Psychosis + 7—EASY Ways to Achieve Damnation
20061113             USATODAY COM—'QUEEN—OF the corporate jungle' stalks annual meetings
20061113             Umwelt: Gabriel will Industrie zu mehr Klimaschutz zwingen
20061113             Underground SATELLITE—PUBLIC domain Underground Anarchistic...
20061113             Unzählige Geschäftemacher bedienen bei gehobenen Preisen ihre Klienten bei ihrer vielfältigen Distanzarbeit....
20061113             Vaccine 'tackles kidney cancer'
20061113             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ opens a military airbase to allow pop star Shakira to perform a concert.
20061113             Veterans —DAY Messages from Troops In IRAQ, Filmed By Defense DEPARTMENT, Feature REPLICA—OF—TWIN Towers-
20061113             —ADDED, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY : Violence in IRAQ claims at least 159
20061113             Virtuelles Instrument: Hemd lässt Luftgitarre kreischen
20061113             Volunteers with GPS devices aim to map the planet and loosen THE—GRIP—OF—GOVERNMENT on geographic data.
20061113             Vor ziemlich genau einem —JAHR wurde ihm von der CIA eine ?fortschreitende neurologische Erkrankung des Gehirns und zentralen Nervensystems?
20061113             angedichtet.
20061113             WALLACE: Is he willing to allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices?
20061113             WALLACE: You're saying you don't need to have Medicare negotiate lower prices. it's already happened.
20061113             WWII.
20061113             BUSH—FAMILY Nazi Connections Mean Exactly What —60—YEARS—LATER.
20061113             WASHINGTON—DAS militärische U—BOOT vom Typ Song habe sich am
20061113             —AIRED, Watch 2—OF—THE—MESSAGES, as, on CNN, here.
20061113             We want our country to make things again.
20061113             We want punishment for officials who lie us into war.
20061113             We want 1—END to massive borrowing from Asians and Arabs.
20061113             We want THE—ABORTION—OF—FASCISM in its fetal stage.
20061113             We seek THE—RETURN—OF—SEARCH warrants, We want to give the Democrats 1—CHANCE.
20061113             But I believe that THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE are considering both major political parties to be in 1—KIND—OF—PROBATION because their understandably angry that WASHINGTON is dominated too much by partisan political games and not enough by problem solving and patriotism.
20061113             We've been fighting for BUSH control.
20061113             Web Results 51 - 150—OF—ABOUT 44,100 for JOHN—LOFTUS—BUSH—NAZI.
20061113             ( 0.—76—SECONDS)
20061113             —WEDNESDAY night, a FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR told Cybercast News Service.
20061113             —EXPRESSED, Weinstein, frustration with THE—ADL and the other Jewish organizations,
20061113             Weinstein said that what he really would like is to see more cooperation from Jewish organizations.
20061113             —WORKED, Weinstein, 1—LAWYER who, for THE—REAGAN—WHITE—HOUSE and once served as ROSS—PEROT—GENERAL—COUNSEL,
20061113             Welcome to THE—HEMPFARM!
20061113             WELTWIRTSCHAFTSFORUM—STUDIE: Schützenhilfe für die TÜRKEI
20061113             Wenn das stimmt, wäre das eine echte Überraschung.
20061113             We're either going to lose this thing or win this thing within the next several months.
20061113             We're never going to end illegal gambling. But we're going to reduce it,
20061113             —WHEN ANY—ISLAM islamo islamist NAZI muslim terrorist attacks 1—AMERICAN,
20061113             —WHILE he provides no specific plans for Google to give away phones,
20061113             WHITE—HOUSE aides JOSH—BOLTEN and DAN—BARTLETT said they will not back down from pursuing Senate approval,
20061113             —CHARGED, Why isn't GEORGE—BUSH—SNR being ?
20061113             00.000.19 92, 1—CONGRESSIONAL inquiry found that BUSH as PRESIDENT had ordered 1—COVER—UP to conceal his secret support for Saddam and the illegal arms shipments being sent to IRAQ via 3. countries.
20061113             WILL—DURST: S—FRANCISCO—VALUES
20061113             WILLIAM—R—POLK, -History News Network (GEORGE—MASON—UNIVERSITY)
20061113             WOLF—BIERMANN: "Das Schlimmste war die Entmündigung"
20061113             —YESTERDAY, NBC—DAVID—GREGORY acknowledged that BUSH "deliberately misled those reporters".
20061113             —ASKED, Russert, whether that "hurt his credibility with you and the press corps".
20061113             —EXPRESSED, Gregory, doubt,
20061113             You have to wonder WHY—HOW he COULD—WAS there 1—WAY to,
20061113             You might also want to contact JOHN—LOFTUS at LOFTUS Home@cs com.
20061113             Youtube Video Prompts FBI Probe of LAPD-
20061113             —HOSTED, Zonk 106 - to mention 1—NEW—YORK—TIME s article being, at News com.
20061113             "THE—AP has 1—STORY—OF—1—YOUTUBE video showing police brutality that has sparked an FBI probe of THE—LAPD.
20061113             Zwar steht auf "Störung der Totenruhe" nach Paragraf 168—DES Strafgesetzbuchs 1—HAFTSTRAFE—VON—BIS zu —3—JAHREN.
20061113             Zwischen 20000000             und 20050000             sind die globalen KOHLENDIOXID—EMISSIONEN um 3,2 % GESTIEGEN—UND damit viermal so stark wie in den —10—JAHREN—ZUVOR.
20061113             [T]hat very attitude is what blinded AMERICA to the war being waged against us.
20061113             [IMC—WINNIPEG] - 1—FORMER—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT prosecutor whose latest series of...
20061113             1—FORMER—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT prosecutor whose latest series of...-
20061113             1—FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY who prosecuted NAZI war criminals in the '70s...
20061113             1—RISING WAVE—OF—VIOLENCE that has resulted in more than 3,700 deaths 00.000.20 06 ," according to 1—NEW—REPORT.
20061113             1—SMALL DOSE—OF—REALITY
20061113             —ABOUT the Medicare prescription drug plan: according to THE—FEDERAL—AGENCY.
20061113             EVERY—OLD—COMPUTER monitor contains about 4—POUNDS—OF—LEAD + other parts are filled with heavy metals like mercury,
20061113             —AFTER getting 1—TIP from Syria that we were coming — another fact THE—MSM glossed over/OK, ignored.
20061113             arsenic, cadmium and chromium.
20061113             They have toxins that hover in the air —AFTER incineration or leach into the water supply —WHEN buried in landfills.
20061113             article - as major arms sales to the most unstable regions-
20061113             as well as REPRESENTATIVE—STEVE—ISRAEL, 1—NEW—YORK—DEMOCRAT who has led the fight to get Congress to intervene in THE—AIR—FORCE Academy controversy.
20061113             as well as THE—WASHINGTON public relations firm Rabinowitz/Dorf Communications.
20061113             assisting people with 1—FLOOD of old monitors, keyboards, laptops,
20061113             author of "THE—SECRET—WAR—AGAINT—THE—JEWS")... - because he cast it himself.
20061113             bei den fotografierten Schädeln handele es sich nicht um Leichen im Sinne des Gesetzes,
20061113             believe PRESCOTT—BUSH + THE—HARRIMAN s should have been...
20061113             between Murtha and her current deputy, MARYLAND—STENY—H—HOYER".
20061113             House Democrats meet —THURSDAY to choose the Majority Leader.
20061113             blogHi! " Search for —TAG:
20061113             both of which have extensive material on THE—BUSH—ROCKEFELLER - NAZI connection.
20061113             but it's still interesting to see old maps overlaid on the satellite IMAGERY—OF—TODAY.
20061113             but it's not threatening the fabric of your life ".
20061113             but they all require the presence of additional troops.
20061113             but they have not agreed on 1—COMMON—MESSAGE or strategy.
20061113             —WHEN interim guidelines on religious speech at the academy were released by THE—AIR—FORCE in ;;02;;,
20061113             but they're 1—NUISANCE," Kerry said. "As 1—FORMER—LAW—ENFORCEMENT person,
20061113             —BY Attorney JOHN—LOFTUS—FOR—THE—BUSH—FAMILY, it is 1—LINGERING nightmare.
20061113             —BY JOHN—LOFTUS.
20061113             For THE—BUSH—FAMILY, it is 1—LINGERING nightmare. For their NAZI clients,
20061113             comparing them to Neville Chamberlain — THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER who,
20061113             counting the actual votes cast — 18 and 18 for 1—TOTAL—OF—36". "Poinsett County Election Commissioner Junaway Payne said the issue had been discussed but no action taken yet.
20061113             dass man rasch zu wirklichen Emissionsreduktionen kommen müsse.
20061113             den Streik von Arbeitern abzuwürgen.
20061113             Die Linkspartei war mit von der Partie.
20061113             despite the fact that BUSH lacks THE—60—VOTES necessary to force 1—SENATE vote.
20061113             encompassment - explained that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is currently pursuing the same strategy
20061113             extending 1—JOB guarantee to 2—OF—THE—MOST—VILIFIED MEMBERS—OF—HIS—ADMINISTRATION".
20061113             finance director for Hillary Clinton's 20000000             Senate run,
20061113             GADFLY—DEFINITION of gadfly by the Free Online Dictionary...
20061113             gibt es rechtzeitig zum Jahresende eine neue Krankheit...
20061113             given to THE—STATE—BY—GOD; + the state is 1—GREAT... - globeandmail com : Register
20061113             gradeone - have investigated the links between THE—BUSH es + the Nazis is JOHN—LOFTUS...
20061113             he shouldn't have been injecting that in the last COUPLE—OF—WEEKS.
20061113             however, appears determined to perpetuate the myth.
20061113             hung in the locker room by the football coach, that read, "I am 1—MEMBER—OF—TEAM—JESUS—CHRIST".
20061113             ihre modernen, mit Schalldämpfern... - in THE—SECRET—WAR—AGAINST—THE—JEWS.
20061113             including Christian proselytizing by professors —DURING class TIME ;
20061113             THE—DENIAL—OF—RELIGIOUS—DISPENSATIONS to Jews and to other —SATURDAY Sabbath observers + 1—BANNER,
20061113             including JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH) as Minority Leader and ROY—BLUNT (R—MO) as Minority Whip.
20061113             including NEW—YORK, hold more than 60—MILLION computers.
20061113             including FORMER—JUSTICE DEPARTMENT—NAZI war crimes prosecutor JOHN—LOFTUS...
20061113             including 1 in WASHINGTON on ;;06;;
20061113             5—THAT will feature BUSH—ADMINISTRATION nemesis and former ambassador JOSEPH—WILSON,
20061113             including ones that claim to show police violence in THE—USA and as far away as EGYPT and HUNGARY.
20061113             including the - is quoted as saying: "THE—BUSH—FAMILY...
20061113             is slated for 1—RELEASE late —THIS—YEAR and features interviews with Weinstein and his family.
20061113             it does not affect individual consumers, who account for more than half THE—E—WASTE produced annually,
20061113             like 1—FASCINATING character in 1—WORK of epic literature.
20061113             —ENGAGED, MANY—ALREADY, in CONFLICT—GREW to the highest level in —8—YEARS".
20061113             noch bevor sie überhaupt losziehen konnten: Demnach kommen sie oft —NACHTS und bahnen sich lautlos ihren Weg durch widrigstes Gelände,
20061113             odge WÖRTERBUCH—GADFLY Übersetzung DEUTSCH—ENGLISCH
20061113             of Americans support sending more troops to IRAQ.
20061113             —REPRESENTED, The other 92—PERCENT were not, —THIS—WEEK on Meet the Press.
20061113             of Justice prosecutor JOHN—LOFTUS, of gadfly,
20061113             —ON THE—EVE—OF—WORLD—WAR—II, unsuccessfully attempted to appease HITLER by accepting GERMANY—CONTROL over Czechoslovakia.
20061113             1—OF—THE—BUSH—CONNECTED companies that played 1—KEY—ROLE in NAZI...
20061113             or attempt to stimulate innovation by proving 1—IRRITANT.
20061113             organized crime, to 1—LEVEL where it isn't on the rise.
20061113             outsourced the writing of 1—RECENT—SPEECH to 1—FIRM in INDIA.
20061113             PORTLAND imc - 20030000             .10.25 - BUSH—NAZI—LINK AUTHOR—DEATH—THREATS
20061113             puts 1—NUMBER to the trend with 1—LIST—OF—THE—COUNTRIES that it says go the furthest to censor THE—INTERNET.
20061113             sagt Franzjosef Schafhausen, Koordinator des Klimaschutzprogramms der Bundesregierung,
20061113             said that "thousands" of people have contacted his new organization —SINCE its Web site launched in ;;02;; + that he plans to increasingly focus on religious coercion in all BRANCHES—OF—THE—MILITARY.
20061113             saying only that they were provided to his COMMITTEE—BY—FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR—JOHN—LOFTUS.
20061113             saying that BUSH "laid out his case for why he did I think people see it different ways".
20061113             Watch it: Full transcript below: saying they give 1—POOR—IMPRESSION.
20061113             saying, 'Wake THE—F—K up. Wake up. Wake up.'" Fri.
20061113             small dead animals: LEON—DEWINTER—AND—PAUL—AUSBORN
20061113             so there is 1—LINE that the company will not cross —WHEN asking websites to remove material its clients consider damaging.
20061113             —INSTALLED, SOME—LAW enforcement agencies have, cameras in squad cars to protect officers against false allegations".
20061113             sondern um "wahllos angehäufte anonyme Knochenteile".
20061113             Daher könne man auch keine Ermittlungen wegen "Störung der Totenruhe" einleiten.
20061113             suggesting that both could never be fully defeated but their impact on our lives could be drastically reduced:
20061113             taking CONTROL—OF—BOTH chambers for the 1. TIME in —12—YEARS.
20061113             Not 1—SINGLE—DEMOCRATIC incumbent lost.
20061113             that Kerry advocated 00.000.20 04. Watch it: (HT: DefenseTech)
20061113             that would have authorized PRESIDENT—BUSH—WARRANTLESS—DOMESTIC—SURVEILLANCE legislation.
20061113             the " BUSH NAZI past" in its 20060305             ,
20061113             —CRITICIZED, THE—ANTI—DEFAMATION League and Weinstein, them as being watered down in response to complaints from religious conservatives.
20061113             THE—HOLLAND—CONNECTION was THE—MOTHER—OF—ALL money laundering...
20061113             THE—GENEVA—CONVENTION, habeus corpus + privacy rights.
20061113             We want 1—END to torture.
20061113             the Military Religious Freedom Foundation + so far has spent "well into THE—6—FIGURES" assembling 1—PROFESSIONAL—TEAM that includes DAVID—ROSEN,
20061113             the article highlights why this should be 1—GROWING concern —AROUND the country.
20061113             the drug industry is counting on PRESIDENT—BUSH to veto it.
20061113             the implication is that he expects such moves in the future given GOOGLE—CURRENT—PILOT successes with delivering text ads on phones.
20061113             they turned down the estimates they were making were far higher in costs for THE—AMERICA—SENIORS than what is actually happening —TODAY out in AMERICA.
20061113             this upon 1—GREAT + noble horse which was somewhat sluggish because of its size + needed to be stirred up by 1—KIND of gadfly.
20061113             to become the oldest living PRESIDENT—IN—USA—HISTORY.
20061113             to get —AROUND that question in SOME—FASHION so he didn't have to give that ammunition to people who thought the policy was 1—FAILURE.
20061113             to this —DAY, Io is still being chased —AROUND by... - trains steel + glass) included WWI.
20061113             um sich vom Rest der Gesellschaft und der wachsenden Unterschichte abzusetzen.
20061113             village voice > news > Mondo WASHINGTON by JAMES—RIDGEWAY
20061113             village voice > news > Paranoid Nation by GARY—INDIANA
20061113             whats the matter with having 1—SCHOLASTICS that encompas the
20061113             —WHEN the new Congress convenes in ;;01;;, even —BEFORE 1—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—CONDUCT—OF—THE—WAR".
20061113             where she dresses them down for excessive pay
20061113             which negotiates prices with drug makers.
20061113             which would be 1—EXTRAORDINARY—ACCOMPLISHMENT.
20061113             who defended the officers in THE—'RODNEY—KING' trial of 19910000             .
20061113             who is currently suing THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT over the alleged abuses suffered by his sons.
20061113             with IRAN, IRAQ and GAZA on the agenda.
20061113             won't catch on fire and is very thin.
20061113             It's suitable they say for "ANTI—AGING" devices.
20061113             word processors + even 1—PONG game or 2. Besides the obvious benefit of getting this junk out of our homes,
20061113             während Länder wie PORTUGAL, SPANIEN und GRIECHENLAND die ihren noch kräftig steigern dürfen.
20061113             zurück in BIRMINGHAM, dann doch: Es habe "zum erstenmal einen vollständigen Konsens" darüber gegeben,
20061113             - Siege Heil: THE—BUSH—ROVE—SCHWARZENEGGER NAZI Nexus + the
20061113             Ängstlich zelebrieren Gewinner der Oberschichte Produkte und Rituale, über Länder wie INDIEN und CHINA.
20061113             — Medicare pays substantially more for drugs that the Veterans Administration,
20061113             — Q: You agree this is 1—CRITICAL—MOMENT in IRAQ?
20061113             — —SINCE the program does not require ANY—DISCOUNT over list prices,
20061113             — Taxpayers "could save as much as $190—BILLION over the next —10—YEARS " if Medicare negotiated prices with drug makers.
20061113             — but the warm feelings aren't mutual.
20061113             —TURNED, Ferrell says he has twice, down invitations from BUSH to perform.
20061113             — "I think that, 1. of all, things are very serious there.
20061113             — "The terrorists know that this is 1—VERY—CRITICAL—TIME ". - - [20040604             ]
20061113             " Insurgent activity in AFGHANISTAN has risen fourfold —THIS—YEAR + militants —NOW launch more than 600—ATTACKS —1—MONTH,
20061113             ") pens 1—OP—ED defending DONALD—RUMSFELD: "RUMSFELD is 1—BUNDLE of paradoxes,
20061113             "Doorknob bless you," genial host Socratic Gadfly says.socratic
20061113             "I want them to join the fight," he said.
20061113             "I'm sitting here as your fellow Jew with the gun smoke on my face,
20061113             "In both cases, I especially did not want to do the inevitable photo op afterwards where we are all holding hands.
20061113             "I've been told by people, 'Stop it, Mikey, you're going to make them mad,'" said Weinstein,
20061113             "MEMBERS—OF—BOTH parties in Congress have all but written off
20061113             "Overall, I think —1—YEAR from —NOW, we will have 1—FAIR—AMOUNT—OF—PROGRESS [in IRAQ] if we stay the course".
20061113             —ADMITTED, McCain, he has "proven not to be correct".
20061113             "THE—BUSH—FAMILY fortune came from the 3. Reich".
20061113             "THE—USA—LAST—YEAR provided nearly HALF—OF—THE—WEAPONS sold to militaries in the developing world,
20061113             "Their view is: 'You're so combative. You're so militant. You're waging war.'"
20061113             "We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the focus of our lives,
20061113             "drug makers are being paid as much as 20—PERCENT more for the same drugs that they had already been providing to recipients under the Medicaid program [for the indigent]".
20061113             "stepping into 1—CONTENTIOUS intraparty fight
20061113             "If Congress passes 1—BILL—ALLOWING—MEDICARE to negotiate lower prices,
20061113             "—TODAY also wasn't the 1. TIME McCain has claimed we're at a "critical TIME ' in IRAQ:
20061113             "to do with the attack on the World Trade Center. THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT,
20061113   0061113   —FUNDED, THE—BUSH—FAMILY—SCANDAL is that they, HITLER + profited from the...
20061113—20010911    —ON, GW Bush Conspiracy Theories
20061113—20020000    —SCHON, vor allem der Kohle, mit über 3,5 Milliarden Tonnen so hoch wie die von RUSSLAND, JAPAN und DEUTSCHLAND zusammen.
20061113—20030000    —JAHR SOME—OF—OUR most famous AMERICA—FAMILIES,
20061113—20030000    —JAHR edition.
20061113—20030000    —REPORTED, The item
20061113—20030323    —ON, 0000—DATE, McCain predicted, "I believe that this conflict is still going to be relatively short.
20061113—20051208    —NOTED, Host TIM—RUSSERT, that, McCain had said,
20061113—20051208    —NOTED, Host TIM—RUSSERT, that, McCain had said, "Overall, I think —1—YEAR from —NOW, we will have 1—FAIR—AMOUNT—OF—PROGRESS [in IRAQ] if we stay the course".
20061113—20060605    —PLANNED, Half 12—FUND—RAISING—EVENTS are, in the coming months for cities —AROUND the country, including 1 in WASHINGTON that will feature BUSH—ADMINISTRATION nemesis and former ambassador JOSEPH—WILSON, as well as REPRESENTATIVE—STEVE—ISRAEL, 1—NEW—YORK Democrat who has led the fight to get Congress to intervene in THE—AIR—FORCE—ACADEMY controversy.
20061113—20120000    —BIS, Unterm Strich soll dennoch 1—MINUS—VON—8 % HERAUSKOMMEN—WAS allerdings schwierig werden dürfte.
20061113—20250000    —BY, —WHILE 1—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES study predicted "wood chips may become 1—PLENTIFUL—SOURCE of ethanol and electricity for industrial nations".
20061114             the least —RECENTLY modified web page we know of, last changed Tue, 19901113151700              GMT (though THE—URI changed.)' 1—LOT has happened in —16—YEARS and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager".
20061115—20061113    —AM, Zur Eröffnung der Klimakonferenz der UNO, hat Generalsekretär KOFI—ANNAN einen Artikel in wichtigen Zeitungen auf der ganzen Welt veröffentlicht, in dem er eindeutig wird: ?
20061207             Goldman Sachs Group INCORPORATED, MORGAN—STANLEY, Merrill Lynch & Co., Lehman Brothers Holdings INCORPORATED 20061207             and Bear Stearns Cos. plan to pay 1—RECORD $36—BILLION in bonuses —THIS—YEAR, according to company reports and analyst estimates.
20070518             —INCLUDED, According to the Times, police documents, a 20031113             , digest indicating that posts on RALL—SITE were being watched.
20070616             ---- -It was founded on-
20071113             —CAUSED, Massive deforestation, by the Maya building great cities and ceremonial complexes as well as a 01010101—02001231     drought shrank the habitat for animals like deer, jaguars and wild boars, said Emery.
20071113             —VIOLATED, IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN, —JUST war theory, says Williams : On THE—EVE—OF—REMEMBRANCE—SUNDAY, 20071111             , Archbishop of Canterbury DOCTOR—ROWAN—WILLIAMS described THE—WESTERN—BACKED wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN as 1—TRAGIC—MESS which failed to conform to the principles of '—JUST war' theory and brought great suffering.
20071113             CC Sabathia won THE—AL—CY—YOUNG—AWARD to become the 1. CLEVELAND pitcher in —35—YEARS to earn the honor.
20071113             —DECIDED, Officials said NEW—YORK GOVERNOR—ELIOT—SPITZER has, to abandon 1—PLAN to issue driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
20071113             —VOTED, THE—SF—BOARD—OF—SUPERVISORS, to issue municipal identification cards to city residents, regardless of their legal status.
20071113             —VOTED, They also, to double THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY available to candidates running for supervisor.
20071113             It earned historical notations by becoming THE—STRIP—1. theme casino and hosting Elvis PRESLEY—DEBUT in the city.
20071113             —OWNED, PHIL—RUFFIN sold the 34.5-acre site to Elad, by ISRAEL—BILLIONAIRE—YITZHAK—TSHUVA, for $1.24—BILLION in May.
20071113             —CLASHED, Afghan and USA—LED coalition forces, with militants in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN and called in airstrikes that killed DOZENS—OF—INSURGENTS.
20071113             BRITAIN—GOVERNMENT said 1—OUTBREAK—OF—BIRD flu in EAST—ENGLAND is the deadly H5N1 STRAIN—OF—THE—DISEASE.
20071113             A 2—MILE protection zone and a 6—MILE surveillance zone were created —AROUND the infected farm in Suffolk.
20071113             THE—BRITISH—VIRGIN—ISLANDS told THE—USA—THERE is overwhelming evidence that LEONID—REIMAN, RUSSIA—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—MINISTER owns much of RUSSIA—TELECOM industry through 1—OFFSHORE fund.
20071113             THOUSANDS—OF—REFUGEES fled camps in EAST—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO—VIOLENT—NORTH—KIVU province —AFTER the army said TUTSI—DOMINATED insurgents attacked its positions nearby.
20071113             Voting began in DENMARK—NATIONAL—ELECTION, with polls showing that THE—CENTER—RIGHT—GOVERNMENT needs 1—NEW—ALLY to stay in power despite 1—STRONG—ECONOMY and low unemployment.
20071113             Danes RE—ELECTED the governing coalition to a 3. term, endorsing its economic and tough immigration policies.
20071113             Fogh RASMUSSEN—BLUE—BLOCK won 90—SEATS, —JUST enough for 1—MAJORITY.
20071113             FRANCE—RAIL workers went on a —9—DAY strike over PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY—BID to strip away labor protections.
20071113             Diplomats said IRAN has met 1—KEY—DEMAND—OF—THE—UN nuclear agency, handing over LONG—SOUGHT blueprints showing how to mold uranium metal into THE—SHAPE—OF—WARHEADS.
20071113             —KILLED, IRAQ, at least 9—IRAQIS were, including 1—POLICEMAN and his —13—YEAR—OLD—SON in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting.
20071113             —BECAME, Shimon Peres, the 1. ISRAEL—PRESIDENT to address THE—PARLIAMENT—OF—1—MUSLIM government —WHEN he spoke to TURKEY—DEPUTIES.
20071113             —UNVEILED, Researchers in KENYA, a 10—MILLION—YEAR—OLD jaw bone they believe belonged to 1—NEW—SPECIES of great ape that could be the last common ancestor of gorillas, chimpanzees and humans.
20071113             —UNEARTHED, The fossils were, in volcanic mud flow deposits in THE—NORTH—NAKALI REGION—OF—KENYA.
20071113             —CALLED, Opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, on PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF to resign and ruled out serving under him in 1—FUTURE—GOVERNMENT —AFTER she was placed under house arrest for the 2. time in —5—DAYS.
20071113             —FOILED, BHUTTO—PLAN for a "long march" from LAHORE to ISLAMABAD was, by her house arrest.
20071113             1—BOMB exploded at 1—ENTRANCE—OF—THE—PHILIPPINES—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, killing REPRESENTATIVE—WAHAB—AKBAR, his driver and 1—STAFF person.
20071113             Journalists said THE—SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT has shut down 3—INDEPENDENT—RADIO stations in —2—DAYS, as troops backed by ETHIOPIA—SOLDIERS continued to BATTLE—ISLAMIC—INSURGENTS in THE—SHRAPNEL—STREWN STREETS—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20071113             2—CARTOONISTS who depicted SPAIN—CROWN—PRINCE having sex with his wife were convicted of insulting the heir to the throne and were fined $4,370 each.
20071113             6—BREAKAWAY factions from 1—OF—DARFUR—BIGGEST rebel groups and 2—OTHER—INSURGENT forces said they had united under 1—BANNER, in 1—RARE but tentative SHOW—OF—UNITY in the troubled region.
20071113             —ATTACKED, TURKEY—HELICOPTER gunships, abandoned villages inside IRAQ, the 1. such airstrike —SINCE border tensions have escalated in recent months.
20071113             —KILLED, Kurdish guerrillas, 4—TURKEY—SOLDIERS in 1—CLASH in SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY.
20071113             UZBEKISTAN, THE—BODY—OF—FITRAT—SALAKHIDDINOV, —40—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PRISONER convicted of Islamic extremism, was delivered to his family with SIGNS—OF—TORTURE.
20071113             "Dadurch ist es der WestLB, trotz ihrer im Übrigen planmäßigen Ertragsentwicklung im operativen Geschäft,
20071113             "1—SERIENMÖRDER hat in EUROPA viel mehr Rechte".
20071113             Der Europarat wird den Bericht auf seiner Sitzung vom
20071113             —BY—ALISON Fitzgerald, Bloomberg com
20071113             46—AIRPASS is 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—AIR—CESS and is run by Viktor B. and a...
20071113             4um: Cheney to address secret group
20071113             50—PERCENT—OF—PROFITS mlm companies, robbie gowdey hyip...
20071113             54—ZITIERT in der WILLIAMS—BIOGRAFIE—VON—TIMOTHY—B—TYSON, Radio Free Dixon...
20071113             1—DISCOURSE on AMERICA—BLACK—BUDGET (with CHRIS—SANDERS). ariwatch com/Links.htm
20071113             ANGOLA UNRAVELS - ARI—WATCH—LINKS
20071113             —OPERATED, AFRICA, Air Cess, through 1—JOINT—VENTURE company called AirPass in
20071113             AIDS—WARNUNG in CHINA: Haargummis aus benutzten Kondomen hergestellt - ALAN—GOTTLIEB.
20071113             Antisemitismus "Made in IRAN": Die internationale Dimension des Al...-
20071113             Atomstreit: Brown droht IRAN mit Sanktionen im Ölgeschäft - Best E Forex Gold Hyip
20071113             Bezos: Bright, - Bright, ROBBIE—GOWDEY, HOWARD—A—BALL, NELSON—BUNKER—HUNT.
20071113             JOSEPH—COORS, CNP Database
20071113             Catherine : about THE—SO—CALLED ' Black Budget '.. slush funds for...
20071113             CATHERINE—AUSTIN—FITTS 1—FORMER—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATOR who fought government corruption from...
20071113             Cybercast News Service (CNS) is 1—SUBSIDIARY of the conservative news monitoring group,
20071113             Cybercast News SERVICE—SOURCEWATCH
20071113             Cybercast News SERVICE—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20071113             Das Listing ist gleichbedeutend mit der Beschlagnahmung von Vermögenswerten und der Einschränkung der Bewegungsfreiheit.
20071113             —STARTED, Dennis: CATHERINE—AUSTIN—FITTS, out as 1—STAUNCH—REPUBLICAN..
20071113             Der Europaratsausschuss für Rechtsfragen genehmigte den Entwurf Martys —AM—MONTAG in PARIS.
20071113             Der Kampf gegen den Terrorismus sei nur dann wirksam, wenn er auch glaubwürdig sei.
20071113             Die Gewinnwarnung ergebe sich aus "erheblichen Kursverlusten von strukturierten Wertpapieren" —DER—LETZTEN—WOCHEN.
20071113             Die USA auf dem Weg in 1—DIKTATUR? [Archiv] - Seite 14 ...
20071113             Die USA auf dem Weg in 1—DIKTATUR? [Archiv] - Seite 6 ...
20071113             Die WestLB kann sie ABER—NICHT zuletzt wegen der Leistungsfähigkeit ihrer BESCHÄFTIGTEN—SCHULTERN".
20071113             Die andere Front: Pressepolitik in den USA—KRIEGEN des 20 ...
20071113             Diese Schwarzen Listen verletzten die demokratischen Grundrechte,
20071113             DÜSSELDORF—DIE USA—HYPOTHEKENKRISE und Fehlspekulationen drücken die drittgrößte DEUTSCHE—LANDESBANK WestLB tief in die Verlustzone.
20071113             EV Hill JIMMY—HILL
20071113             1—CHINESISCHER—REGIERUNGSVERTRETER wies darauf hin, dass Kondome nicht recycelt werden dürften.
20071113             Es komme vor, dass Personen allein auf Grund eines vagen Verdachts auf die Listen gesetzt würden und kein Rechtsmittel hätten,
20071113             Fehlspekulation: Gewinnwarnung bei der WestLB
20071113             Flashpoints Radio, by DENNIS—BERNSTEIN with Noelle Hanrahan, Your...
20071113             —PUNISHED, FraudWatchers ORG—GOOD deed goes
20071113             —FROM PIETERSBURG, AirPass, against UN regulations, transported fuel tanks,
20071113             Genussgetränk: Kakaodröhnung —SCHON vor 3000—JAHREN
20071113             Greenpeace Investigations - H - M - ANTHONY—HARRIGAN—PRESTON—HAWKINS...
20071113             HARRY—ROBINSON "Robbie" GOWDEY—TRAVIS—E—CORRELL
20071113             HARRY—ROBINSON " Robbie" Gowdey, age 53, resides in FRISCO—TEXAS, Hays Financial Consulting, LLC
20071113             Headwaters Forums -> Theonomic Reconstructionism
20071113             High Investment Private Program Yield... - Human Rights Watch | ANGOLA EXPLICADA
20071113             —WELCOMED, Ian, investment advisor CATHERINE—AUSTIN—FITTS for 1—WIDE—RANGING conversation that included 1—DISCUSSION of aliens, the black budget...
20071113             Krise in PAKISTAN: Briten drohen Musharraf mit Ausschluss aus Commonwealth
20071113             MORE ON: ENRON—HERBERT S. "Pug" Winokur, JUNIOR
20071113             Nach einer REIHE—VON—SKANDALEN mit potenziell gesundheitsgefährdenden Produkten aus CHINA hatten die Behörden —IN—DIESEM—SOMMER eine großangelegte Kampagne für schärfere Kontrollen gestartet.
20071113             Nötig sei vor allem eine unabhängige Instanz, die den Terrorverdacht gegen natürliche und juristische Personen prüfe,
20071113             O relatório fornecia o nome de duas companhias que operavam ilegalmente com base em PIETERSBURG - a Air Pass e a Air Cess.
20071113             Open Letter from RogerART - Opening Inner Space
20071113             Os aviões das duas companhias... - Ostend Airport / Arms' smuggling
20071113             PARIS—DER für Menschenrechtsfragen zuständige Ausschuss des Europarats bezeichnete die LISTEN—DER—TERRORVERDÄCHTIGEN—VON—UNO und EU als vollkommen willkürlich.
20071113             PETER—B—GEMMA. GEORGE—F—GILDER.
20071113             DOCTOR—DUANE—GISH. RONALD—P—GODWIN.
20071113             PETER—FISHER, Commerce SECRETARY—DON—EVANS and WHITE—HOUSE Budget Director...
20071113             PIETERSBURG, Preface THE—SMALL—ARMS—PLAGUE
20071113             —TURNED, Resource Library —WHEN I, 58, 2—OF—MY best friends...- - REVEREND—EV—HILL
20071113             She leaves the world of global politics, black budget operations and economic warfare for another
20071113             Shell Oil Sum Total %age of Chem Security Lobbyists
20071113             Solari Action Network :: View TOPIC—ANY—CONNECTION to SIR—GEORGE...
20071113             SOUTH—AFRICA—AIRLINK—WHAT are their future plans? - Page 4
20071113             Subject: HARRY—ROBINSON " Robbie" GOWDEY—TRAVIS—E—CORRELL—POSTED—BY:
20071113             THE—CIA "spent $10—MILLION in black budget funds to steal the elections.
20071113             THE—CYBERCAST—NEWS—SERVICE (also CNSNews com) is 1—CONSERVATIVE—NEWS—WEBSITE operated by the Media Research Center.
20071113             —NAMED, The report, 2—COMPANIES operating illegally OUT—OF—PIETERSBURG—AIR Pass and Air Cess.
20071113             —REGISTERED, THE—2—COMPANIES' planes were not, in SOUTH—AFRICA...
20071113             TRAVIS—E—CORRELL, individually and doing business as Horizon Establishment;
20071113             GREGORY—THOMPSON; Dwight J. Johnson; HARRY—ROBINSON " Robbie" Gowdey...
20071113             Vor fast —80—JAHREN schrieb RICHTER—LOUIS—BRANDEIS "Diejenigen, welche unsere
20071113             WESTLB—CHEF—ALEXANDER—STUHLMANN erklärte: "Die Situation ist für uns,
20071113             —WHEN ideas compete in the market for acceptance, full and free
20071113             Wir bei Amazon nutzen den COMMUNITY—GEDANKEN ja —SCHON lange.
20071113             Zudem gibt es keine Verfahren für eine Überprüfung von einmal auf die Listen gesetzten Personen,
20071113             themes/abramoff_http 20071113             aber ist wohl die Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC)... 20071113   
20071113             and Lanseria, provided favourable flight conditions for...
20071113             and is doing business as Atlas and Jericho Productions in connection with the World Bank...
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20071113             bevor diese auf die Schwarzen Listen gesetzt würden.
20071113             companies operating from 1—LARGE—NORTHERN—AIRPORT near PIETERSBURG.
20071113             der FBI—DIREKTOR Hoover den Auftrag zu der Aktion gegeben hatte.
20071113             forex gold. robbie gowdey hyip.
20071113             forum.politik.DE—FORUM für Information, Diskussion +...
20071113             heißt es in dem Bericht des vom Europarat eingesetzten SCHWEIZER—ERMITTLERS Dick Marty.
20071113             hieß es in einer Pressemitteilung der Bank.
20071113             mit zynischer Herablassung " Free Speech Zones" genannt, ausgesperrt...
20071113             most related links: ness partner, ROBBIE—GOWDEY.
20071113             —ADDED, We, MANY—NATURAL nutri-. ents that had good promise in recent research to potentially pro-. long life and health.
20071113             —NUN nicht mehr möglich, die —BIS vor kurzem noch gültige Prognose eines positiven Konzernergebnisses vor Steuern aufrecht zu halten",
20071113             selbst war, served in
20071113             services performed for HUD," says HAMILTON—PRESIDENT—CATHERINE—AUSTIN...
20071113             short term high yield investment, online investment advice, trading online investing,
20071113             the Media Research Center (MRC). - - Originally calling itself the.
20071113             towing trucks, food and mining equipment to UNITA—HELD areas of ANGOLA.
20071113             um sich dagegen zu wehren, sagte Marty und fügte hinzu:
20071113             was found based at THE—PIETERSBURG and Lanseria airports in SOUTH—AFRICA.
20071113             we have been told there is 1—INVESTIGATION or 1—PIECE of the
20071113             who allegedly still owns property in Sandton and Morningside) previously traded as AirPass on 1—SWAZI—AOC out of PIETERSBURG supplying UNITA (amongst...
20071113             wie der Bericht weiter kritisiert.
20071113             wie für die anderen Marktteilnehmer, —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—WOCHEN nicht leichter geworden.
20071113             with electronic money, full article about best hyip programs.
20071113             to attack IRAN —AT—THIS—TIME".
20071113             THE—MONEY—BOARD—RESEARCH—WHIZ —POSTED At: (20051216             —518)...
20071113—19420000    —OPENED, LAS—VEGAS, the New Frontier casino, was imploded to make way for a $5—BILLION megaresort.
20071113—19970000    —IN, Ruffin had bought the Frontier for $165—MILLION and quickly settled 1—NEARLY 6 1/—2-YEAR strike by 550—HOTEL workers, 1—OF—THE—LONGEST—JOB actions in USA—HISTORY.
20071113—20050000    —IN, 1—KENYAN and JAPAN—TEAM found the fragment, dating back to between 9.8 and 9.88—MILLION years, along with 11—TEETH.
20080106             Memo from WILLIAM—J—DONOVAN to the Present regarding Japanese and GERMANY—MATTERS, 19411113             , 4—PP.
20080106             —FORCED, Donovan wrote "JAPAN is —THEREFORE, to strike —NOW, whether she wishes to or not".
20080922—20101113    —RELEASED, Farahi was.
20081113             'ISRAEL—WAR—ON—IRAN on the radar': 1—SENIOR—EUROPEAN—UNION—DIPLOMAT says the perfect time for ISRAEL to strike IRAN—NUCLEAR—INSTALLATIONS 'is between —NOW and 20080120             '.
20081113             BUSH—WAR in GEORGIA: -20081108             "ICH" - WASHINGTON—BLOODY—FINGERPRINTS are all over THE—INVASION—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA.
20081113             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT said the number of newly LAID—OFF individuals seeking unemployment benefits has jumped to a —7—YEAR high.
20081113             —SCHEDULED, THE—USA—MINT was, to issue THE—VAN—BUREN dollar coin, the 8. of its presidential dollar series.
20081113             —SLAPPED, USA—FEDERAL—HEALTH officials, 1—SWEEPING detention order on dozens of imported foods from CHINA, from snacks and drinks to chocolates and candies.
20081113             —NEEDED, The agency said the action was, as 1—PRECAUTION to keep out foods contaminated with the industrial chemical melamine, which can cause serious kidney problems.
20081113             —ARRESTED, Police in RICHMOND—CALIFORNIA, 18—PEOPLE in connection with 1—CRACKDOWN on the Deep Central (Deep C) gang.
20081113             —SERVED, Officials, 43—ARREST warrants in RICHMOND as well as other Bay Area and SACRAMENTO counties wrapping up 1—YEARLONG investigation by CALIFORNIA drug agents.
20081113             AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE car bomber struck 1—USA—PATROL, killing 8—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS and 1—USA—SOLDIER and wounding 74—CIVILIANS in Nangarhar province.
20081113             —FAILED, CHILE, authorities said public health services, to tell 512—PEOPLE that they tested positive for HIV.
20081113             PRIVATE—SECTOR health services also fell down, failing to inform 1 estimated 1,700—PEOPLE that tests show them carrying THE—AIDS virus.
20081113             —SIGNED, CHINA, 1—AGREEMENT in GENEVA to loosen controls on financial news providers in 1—OUT—OF—COURT—SETTLEMENT—OF—1—DISPUTE with THE—USA, THE—EU and CANADA.
20081113             —PROPOSED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, plans to toughen up rules covering taxes on foreign accounts in 1—EFFORT to stop tax evasion which has been endemic in SOME—EU nations.
20081113             —STARTED, The 38. Chess Olympiad, in DRESDEN—GERMANY.
20081113             —REFERRED, It included 146—TEAMS in the open division, often, to as the men's division although it includes 1—FEW women.
20081113             —INCLUDED, The separate women's division, 111—TEAMS.
20081113             † 1—USA—SOLDIER—OF—1—NONCOMBAT cause in WEST—IRAQ.
20081113             1—CIVIL—CARGO aircraft crashed in the desert SOUTH—OF—FALLUJAH.
20081113             —OUSTED, MAURITANIA, the military junta that, PRESIDENT—SIDI—OULD—CHEIKH—ABDALLAHI released him in response to INTERNATIONAL pressure.
20081113             † In MEXICO Armando Rodriguez, 1—CRIME reporter in the border CITY—OF—JUAREZ, was killed, adding to DOZENS—OF—JOURNALIST deaths in 1—COUNTRY where newspapers are so fearful, MANY—REFUSE to cover drug violence.
20081113             —ANNOUNCED, PAKISTAN, that CHINA had offered it a $500—MILLION aid package.
20081113             —KIDNAPPED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, gunmen, Hashmatullah Atharzadeh, 1—IRAN—DIPLOMAT, and killed his local guard.
20081113             PESHAWAR—POLICE CHIEF—SULEMAN—SHAH said the spate of killings and abductions was in reaction to the military operations against insurgents in the adjoining tribal belt.
20081113             —HANDED, MYANMAR courts, down sentences of between 6 and —8—YEARS for 4—BUDDHIST monks and 2 to —16—YEARS for MEMBERS—OF—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE winner Aung S—SUU—KYI—PARTY for involvement in —LAST—YEAR—MASSIVE—PROTESTS against the military junta.
20081113             14—MORE—ACTIVISTS from THE—NLD were sentenced THE—NEXT—DAY at different courts in YANGON for between 2 to —16—YEARS, all in relation to —LAST—YEAR—PROTESTS.
20081113             —FIRED, GAZA militants, 1—NEW—BARRAGE—OF—ROCKETS and mortars at ISRAEL—BORDER areas, prompting ISRAEL to bar planned food and fuel shipments to PALESTINE—CIVILIANS hurt by the unraveling of a —5—MONTH—OLD—TRUCE.
20081113             —HURLED, THAILAND, assailants, explosives at vendors protesting 1—RENT increase by new managers of 1—GOVERNMENT—OWNED market in BANGKOK, wounding 13—PEOPLE.
20081113             —PLEDGED, VIETNAM—PREMIER, to probe 1—CORRUPTION case in which JAPAN—BUSINESSMEN have admitted bribing 1—VIETNAM—OFFICIAL in the latest scandal involving 1—FOREIGN—AID—FUNDED road project.
20081113—20000000    —SINCE, With his death, 24—JOURNALISTS have been killed in MEXICO at least 7—OF—THEM in direct reprisal for their reports on crime, and
20081113—20050000    —SINCE, 7—OTHERS have disappeared.
20081113—20081201    —ON, MEXICO—CITY Health SECRETARY—ARMANDO—AHUED said that the government will start handing out doses of 1 or 2—VIAGRA, Levitra or Cialis pills.
20081113—20100300    —IN—LATE, IRAN—INTELLIGENCE agents freed Atharzadeh.
20081202—20081113    —SENTENCED, Alamo was, to —175—YEARS in prison.
20081205—20081113    —ON, Migrants had set off in SEARCH—OF—JOBS in PUERTO—RICO.
20090728             JOSE—IBARRA, 1—FEDERAL—AGENT who had been investigating 20081113             —THE, KILLING—OF—MEXICAN—JOURNALIST—ARMANDO—RODRIGUEZ, was shot dead at his home in the northern border CITY—OF—CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20090805—20091113    —ON, he was sentenced to —13—YEARS in prison.
20091015—20091113    —ON, parents Richard and Mayumi Heene pleaded guilty to charges related to the hoax.
20091113             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA met with JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—YUKIO—HATOYAMA on his 1. major trip to ASIA.
20091113             He emphasized cooperation and opened with 1—WARNING to NORTH—KOREA that there will be tough, unified action by THE—USA and its ASIA—PARTNERS if the Koreans fail to abandon their nuclear weapons programs.
20091113             —AGREED, Obama and Hatoyama, to joint efforts to realize 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—FREE—WORLD.
20091113             BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA, Zoelina Williams (23) was found beaten and fatally shot at Aquatic Park.
20091113             Her son Jashon (—17—MONTHS) was missing.
20091113             —CONVICTED, CURTIS—MARTIN—III, —38—JAHRE—ALT, 1, killer, was arrested —LATER the same —DAY.
20091113             —BECAME, OHIO, the 1. USA—STATE to adopt 1—PROCEDURE for lethal injections that uses —JUST 1—DRUG, thiopental sodium.
20091113             —OPENED, THE—UNITED—STATES' 1. marijuana cafe, in PORTLAND—OREGON, posing 1—EARLY—TEST—OF—THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION—MOVE to relax policing of medical USE—OF—THE—DRUG.
20091113             NASA said a "significant amount" of frozen water has been found on the moon heralding 1—GIANT leap forward in space exploration and boosting hopes of 1—PERMANENT lunar base.
20091113             —SERVED, The folksy cattle rancher, more time as GOVERNOR than anyone else and became 1—INSTITUTION in state politics.
20091113             —SERVED, KING was 1—DEMOCRAT who, 3—TERMS that spanned —3—DECADES.
20091113             He was in office in 19710000—19740000    , 19790000—19820000     and 19910000—19940000.
20091113             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, NATO—LED troops mistakenly, 1—FEMALE CIVIL—DURING 1—OPERATION against militants in EAST—ZABUL province.
20091113             —KILLED, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said security forces had, up to 20—ISLAMIST rebels in 1—HELICOPTER attack near THE—CAPITAL—GROZNY.
20091113             CHINA—CIVIL—AFFAIRS—MINISTRY said unusually early snow storms in NORTH—CENTRAL—CHINA have claimed 40—LIVES, caused THOUSANDS—OF—BUILDINGS to collapse and destroyed almost 500,000 acres (200,000 hectares) of —WINTER crops.
20091113             DAGESTAN, EAST—OF—CHECHNYA, 1—BOMB blast at 1—VILLAGE cemetery killed 3—CIVILIANS, the widow, sister and DAUGHTER—OF—1—POLICE officer who was among THE—VICTIMS—OF—NEARLY daily attacks on law enforcement authorities in the province.
20091113             —SEIZED, THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT said its navy has, 3—BOATS—OF—SOMALIA—COAST and detained 12 suspected pirates, —WHILE seizing 1—ARSENAL including assault rifles and rocket launchers.
20091113             —SUSPECTED, INGUSHETIA, WEST—OF—CHECHNYA, 3, militants who opened fire at 1—POLICE checkpoint were shot and killed.
20091113             INDIA officials said all elephants living in INDIA—ZOOS and circuses will be moved to wildlife parks and game sanctuaries where the animals can graze more freely.
20091113             MEXICO, a —7—YEAR—OLD—BOY, 3—WOMEN and 1—UNIVERSITY professor were among 15—PEOPLE killed in 6—SEPARATE—INCIDENTS in the border CITY—OF—CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20091113             —DETAINED, MOROCCO—AUTHORITIES, 1—WESTERN—SAHARA activist close to the Polisario Front rebels, Aminatou Haidar, in the disputed territory's main city.
20091113             —ARRESTED, Haidar, the winner of several human rights awards, was, on her arrival in LAAYOUNE from SPAIN—CANARY—ISLANDS.
20091113             Immigration officials —IMMEDIATELY sent her back to SPAIN—CANARY—ISLANDS —AFTER confiscating her passport.
20091113             —SENTENCED, MOROCCO, journalists Rachid Nini and Said Laajal were, to —3—MONTHS and —2—MONTHS in prison for publishing "false information" about 1—DRUG trafficking ring.
20091113             —ANNOUNCED, THE—HOLLAND—GOVERNMENT, to bring THE—POLLUTER—PAYS principle into the home garage.
20091113             As of 20120000             rather than 1—ANNUAL—ROAD tax for their cars, drivers will pay 1—FEW cents for EVERY—KILOMETER on the road, in 1—PLAN aimed at breaking chronic traffic jams and cutting carbon emissions.
20091113             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—EARLY —MORNING attack, 10—PEOPLE and devastated MUCH—OF—THE—NORTH—WEST—HEADQUARTERS—OF—PAKISTAN—SPY agency in PESHAWAR city.
20091113             —ABOUT an —HOUR—LATER, a 2. suicide car bomber attacked 1—POLICE station farther south, killing 6—PEOPLE.
20091113             —REPORTED, The military, the loss of 12—SOLDIERS over the last —24—HOURS, 1—OF—ITS—LARGEST—SINGLE—DAY losses —SINCE the campaign in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN began.
20091113             —FIRED, Attackers, rockets at 1—GROUP—OF—TANKERS near THE—SOUTH—WEST—CITY—OF—QUETTA that were delivering fuel to USA and NATO—TROOPS.
20091113             † 1—DRIVER was killed and 5—TANKERS were torched.
20091113             —SIGNED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—GLORIA—MACAPAGAL, 1—BILL criminalizing all FORMS—OF—TORTURE and prohibiting state authorities from using secret detention centers.
20091113             PUERTO—RICO, the dismembered BODY—OF—COLLEGE student JORGE—STEVEN—LOPEZ—MERCADO, —19—JAHRE—ALT was discovered along 1—ROAD in the interior TOWN—OF—CAYEY.
20091113             Lopez was widely known as 1—VOLUNTEER for organizations advocating HIV prevention and gay rights.
20091113             —ARRESTED, Suspect JUAN—MARTINEZ—MATOS, —26—JAHRE—ALT, was soon, and allegedly confessed to killing Lopez and mutilating his body.
20091113             —CHARGED, He was, with 1.—DEGREE murder and weapons violations and jailed on $4—MILLION bond.
20091113             —RIPPED, RUSSIA, huge explosions and fire, through 1—NAVAL—MUNITIONS facility in THE—ULYANOVSK province —FOR—HOURS, killing 2—FIREFIGHTERS and prompting the evacuation of THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS—NEARBY.
20091113             11—CIVILIANS and military personnel were unaccounted for.
20091113             —ARRESTED, RUSSIA, prosecutors said police have, 3—HOMELESS—PEOPLE suspected of eating a —25—YEAR—OLD—MAN they had butchered and selling other BITS—OF—THE—CORPSE to 1—LOCAL kebab house.
20091113             Parts of 1—HUMAN—BODY had been found near 1—BUS stop in THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—RUSSIA—CITY—OF—PERM, 1,150 km (720—MILES) EAST—OF—MOSCOW.
20091113             1—SOMALIA—MAN was arrested by AFRICA—UNION peacekeeping troops —BEFORE 1—DAALLO—AIRLINES flight took off from MOGADISHU.
20091113             —SCHEDULED, It was, to travel from MOGADISHU to THE—NORTH—SOMALIA—CITY—OF—HARGEISA, then to DJIBOUTI and DUBAI.
20091113             —POWDERED, The man was carrying, chemicals, liquid and 1—SYRINGE that could have caused 1—EXPLOSION.
20091113             The case bore chilling similarities to 1—LATER 20091225             terrorist plot to blow up 1—DETROIT—BOUND airliner.
20091113             SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA said police do not have a "license to kill," —1—DAY—AFTER his deputy police MINISTER urged officers to "shoot the bastards" in fighting criminals.
20091113             —ANNOUNCED, TURKEY—GOVERNMENT, new measures aimed at reconciling with minority Kurds and ending a —25—YEAR—OLD—INSURGENCY, but there was no mention of the sweeping amnesty sought by Kurdish rebels.
20091113             —CLASHED, UGANDA—ARMY, with tribesmen who were stealing cattle in the volatile northeastern region.
20091113             —KILLED, The army, 34—TRIBESMEN in the clashes.
20091113             1—UN official said 1—AGREEMENT has been reached for sweeping ANTI—CORRUPTION reviews on how countries account for their public assets.
20091113             The pact came —AFTER talks in QATAR—CAPITAL, DOHA, between THE—UNITED—NATIONS, World Bank and watchdog groups.
20091113—20080000    —IN, named "Triha" —AFTER its alleged boss, who was PART—OF—1—GROUP—OF—15—DRUG barons arrested in 1—CRACKDOWN across MOROCCO.
20091113—20090508    —COMPLETED, UNITED—KINGDOM—ADVENTURERS Mick Dawson and CHRIS—MARTIN, a —189—DAY record voyage, begun, rowing their 23-foot, Kevlar boat across the Pacific from CHOSHI—JAPAN, to S—FRANCISCO.
20091113—20090817    —CONCERNED, Their newspaper report, the dismantling of 1—MAJOR—DRUG smuggling ring,
20091113—20091113    —ON, 2—SOLDIERS were wounded and 15—COWS were killed in 2—CLASHES and 20091117             .
20091113—20091115    —ON, JASHON—BODY was found in the waters of BERKELEY Marina.
20091113—20091115    —ON, She used her SPAIN—RESIDENCY—PERMIT to RE—ENTER the country and began 1—HUNGER—STRIKE in LAAYOUNE at midnight.
20091113—20091205    —RELEASED, Both journalists were.
20091113—20120000    —SENTENCED, Martin was, to life in prison.
20091114             —INTERCEPTED, THE—COLOMBIA—NAVY, the men 20091113             in El Aceitico along the border.
20091114—20091113    —ARRESTED, He was, and charged with kidnapping.
20091123             —KILLED, RUSSIA, 8—MILITARY—PERSONNEL were, —WHEN 1—TRUCKLOAD—OF—AMMUNITION exploded as they cleaned up —AFTER the huge 20091113             conflagration at 1—MUNITIONS depot in ULYANOVSK.
20091205—20081113    Defendant: THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS, Lisa DiPinto,
20091205—20081113    Defendant: THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS,
20100330—20081113    —ON, Heshmatollah Attarzadeh and his PAKISTAN—BODYGUARD were driving over 1—NARROW—BRIDGE in PESHAWAR —WHEN 2—GUNMEN blocked their way with 1—CAR and opened fire.
20101102—20101113    —VETOED, Mayor Newsom, the measure.
20101109—20101113    —ON, 4—MEN were charged with "criminal association linked to 1—TERRORIST—ENTERPRISE".
20101113             The truck drivers quickly fled and the insurgents 20100912             tankers ablaze 1—BOMB hidden in 1—MOTORBIKE also exploded on 1—BUSY—STREET in the Imam Sahib DISTRICT—OF—THE—NORTHERN—PROVINCE—OF—KUNDUZ, killing 10—PEOPLE.
20101113             —PROTESTED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—NAOTO—KAN strongly, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—MEDVEDEV'S 20101101             visit to the disputed ISLAND—OF—KUNASHIRI and said in 1—MEETING on the sidelines of 1—PACIFIC—RIM leaders' conference that THE—2—NATIONS must build mutual trust.
20101113             USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA used 1—PACIFIC—RIM summit to press CHINA on its FLOOD—OF—EXPORTS aided by 1—CHEAP yuan, but PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO said BEIJING would make reforms at its own pace.
20101113             TEXAS, Manny Pacquiao, boxer and THE—PHILIPPINES—CONGRESSMAN, cemented his claim to being the best fighter in the world by dominating the bigger but slower ANTONIO—MARGARITO—OF—MEXICO.
20101113             —EARNED, Pacquiao, 1 guaranteed $15—MILLION.
20101113             —TRIED, CALIFORNIA, 1—GOLD—HONDA—ACCORD, to pass 1—GROUP—OF—MOTORCYCLES and caused 1—DODGE car to lose control on 2—LANE Route 98, 1—DESERT highway near Ocotillo, triggering 1—CRASH that killed 5—PEOPLE and injured 6—OTHERS.
20101113             Authorities were looking for THE—DRIVER—OF—THE—ACCORD.
20101113             —ARRESTED, The driver of the dodge was, on SUSPICION—OF—DRIVING under the influence.
20101113             ERIE, PENNSILVANIA, 1—APPARENT—SUICIDE—MURDER by 1—FATHER, —29—JAHRE—ALT left the mother and 2—DAUGHTERS dead.
20101113             —TRIED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—GROUP—OF—WOULD—BE—SUICIDE bombers, to storm 1—MAJOR—NATO—BASE on the edge of JALALABAD city, but were repelled —BEFORE they could enter.
20101113             6—INSURGENTS were killed, including 2—WHO were wearing BOMB—LADEN suicide vests.
20101113             Insurgents in the same area set fire to 1—NATO—FUEL convoy.
20101113             —KILLED, Insurgents, 3—COALITION service members in 1—ATTACK in the south.
20101113             —KILLED, BANGLADESH, at least 3—PEOPLE were, and 5, including 1—LAWMAKER—OF—THE—RULING party, injured in 1—SUICIDE bomb attack near Khustia.
20101113             Police in DHAKA swung batons to disperse HUNDREDS—OF—ACTIVISTS protesting 1—GOVERNMENT bid to evict opposition leader Khaleda Zia from THE—MILITARY—OWNED house she has lived in for nearly —30—YEARS.
20101113             BELIZE, 1—SMALL—PLANE made 1—BOLD midnight landing on 1—HIGHWAY to drop off cocaine.
20101113             —SEIZED, Authorities, 2—TONS—OF—COCAINE and also detained 5—OFFICERS thought to have cordoned off 1—SECTION—OF—THE—ROAD so THE—TWIN—ENGINE Beechcraft could land.
20101113             Authorities found 80—BALES of cocaine in 1—VILLAGE near the highway.
20101113             —BOASTED—OF, COSTA—RICA, a "diplomatic victory" in its border spat with NICARAGUA —AFTER THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—USA—STATES approved 1—RESOLUTION calling for REMOVAL—OF—SOLDIERS and security forces from 1 disputed area along THE—S—JUAN—RIVER.
20101113             —KILLED, GERMANY, 1—FIRE at THE—KARLSRUHE zoo, 26—ANIMALS including Shetland ponies, goats, sheep and 1—LLAMA.
20101113             —DETAINED, IRAN—AUTHORITIES, lawyers Maryam Kianersi, Maryam Karbasi and SARA—SABAGHIAN on their return home from TURKEY.
20101113             All 3—ARE women and were among signatories of 1—OPEN—LETTER —IN—SEPTEMBER that called for the release of prominent human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh.
20101113             2—OTHER—LAWYERS related to the 3 were also detained.
20101113             IRAQ, THE—SUNNI—BACKED Iraqiya political bloc said it will join efforts to produce 1—NATIONAL—UNITY government, backing away from 1—THREAT to boycott PARLIAMENT.
20101113             —APPROVED, Lawmakers, 1—AGREEMENT to bring ALL—OF—IRAQ—FEUDING political blocs into 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT.
20101113             JAPAN, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS waving JAPAN—FLAGS and shouting ANTI—CHINA slogans marched against CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO—VISIT for 1—ECONOMIC—SUMMIT that comes as 1—TERRITORIAL—DISPUTE strains ties between THE—ASIA—GIANTS.
20101113             —ATTENDED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, THE—2—DAY—APEC summit in YOKOHAMA.
20101113             —FREED, MYANMAR—MILITARY—GOVERNMENT, its archrival, democracy leader Aung S—SUU—KYI, —65—JAHRE—ALT, —AFTER her latest TERM—OF—DETENTION expired.
20101113             —STREAMED, Several 1000—JUBILANT supporters, to her residence.
20101113             † 1—NIGERIA—SOLDIER was killed and another wounded in 1 suspected attack by 1—RADICAL—MUSLIM sect in NORTH—EAST—BORNO state.
20101113             —FIRED, The assailants, 1—KALASHNIKOV rifle at the soldiers from 1—MOTORBIKE.
20101113             Gunmen burst into 1—BURIAL vigil outside the oil CITY—OF—PORT—HARCOURT, firing shots and kidnapping 4—PEOPLE.
20101113             PAKISTAN, 1—SUSPECTED—USA—MISSILE strike hit 1—TALIBAN stronghold in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, killing 5 alleged militants as they traveled in 1—VEHICLE.
20101113             —BELIEVED, At least 3—OF—THE—DEAD were, to be foreigners.
20101113             THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE protesting THE—KILLING—OF—1—TRIBAL elder by unknown gunmen in Chaman DISTRICT—OF—SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN attacked 1—NATO—SUPPLY convoy, setting 4—OIL tankers on fire.
20101113             —KILLED, Security forces, 6—MILITANTS in clashes in the Swat Valley —AFTER militants attacked 1—SECURITY checkpoint near Shakar Dara.
20101113             SOUTH—AFRICA ANNI—DEWANI, (28), 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—TOURIST, was found dead —AFTER being abducted by armed men in CAPE—TOWN —JUST days —AFTER she and her new UNITED—KINGDOM—HUSBAND, Shrien Dewani, arrived for 1—HOLIDAY.
20101113             WEST—SAHARA, 1—STATEMENT from the prosecution services in the territory's main TOWN—OF—LAAYOUNE said 67—PEOPLE ACCUSED—OF—CRIMES against the security forces and DESTRUCTION—OF—PUBLIC and private property had been arrested, 7—OF—WHOM had been cleared.
20101113             SAUDI—ARABIA—1.—METRO transit system, officially THE—AL—MASHAAER—AL—MUQADDASSAH—METRO, opened in MECCA.
20101113             SUDAN—PRESIDENT—AL—BASHIR left KHARTOUM for the annual hajj in MECCA, despite 1—OUTSTANDING arrest warrant issued for AL—BASHIR by THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT for alleged war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur.
20101113             VENEZUELA, THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ filled 1—DOWNTOWN—CARACAS avenue to demonstrate their backing for the socialist leader's crackdown on allegedly crooked REAL—ESTATE and construction companies.
20101113             —ORDERED, Chavez, the expropriation of 6—RESIDENTIAL complexes and "the temporary occupation" of 8 gated communities in CARACAS and other cities more than —1—WEEK—AGO, arguing that real estate and construction companies were unjustly boosting prices.
20101113—20030000    —SINCE, CUBA, the 1. of 13—REMAINING CUBA—DISSIDENTS jailed was released from prison and returned to his home in the capital, 1—STRONG—SIGNAL the government intends to release ALL—OF—THE—MEN despite their refusal to go into exile.
20101113—20080922    —SEIZED, He was, by gunmen, in THE—PAKISTAN—CITY—OF—PESHAWAR.
20101113—20101118    —BY, 2—SUSPECTS, both 26, were arrested.
20101113—20101119    —RELEASED, Kianersi and Rosa Gharachorlu were.
20101113—20101120    —ON, A 3. suspect (31) was arrested.
20101113—20101207    —ON, 1—COURT heard allegations that her husband had connived with 1—TAXI driver to stage 1—ROBBERY and have his wife shot dead.
201102111130         Spontaner Jubel auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ: Die Menschen haben erfahren, dass auch vor dem nahe gelegenen Staatsfernsehen und vor dem Präsidentenpalast Tausende Menschen demonstrieren.
201102111130         Spontaner Jubel auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ: Die Menschen haben erfahren,
201102111305         Auch vor Husni Mubaraks Präsidentenpalast Stadtteil Heliopolis gibt es —JETZT immer massiveren Protest.
201102111312         SPIEGEL—ONLINE—REPORTER Hasnain Kazim: "MANCHE—DEMONSTRANTEN rechnen mit Gewalt, sollten tatsächlich Hunderttausende zum Palast strömen. 'Das wäre für die Regierung 1—VORWAND, gewaltsam gegen uns vorgehen zu lassen', sagt einer. Das Gebäude wird von der Präsidentengarde gesichert".
201102111312         SPIEGEL—ONLINE—REPORTER Hasnain Kazim: "MANCHE—DEMONSTRANTEN rechnen mit Gewalt, sollten tatsächlich Hunderttausende zum Palast strömen.
201102111316         —AM—DONNERSTAG war Husni Mubarak noch im Staatsfernsehen zu SEHEN—UND der 82-Jährige enttäuschte Millionen Ägypter, weil er sich weiter an seine Macht klammert.
201102111316         —AM—DONNERSTAG war Husni Mubarak noch im Staatsfernsehen zu SEHEN—UND der 82-Jährige enttäuschte Millionen Ägypter,
201102111319         MOHAMED—ELBARADEI ruft die Demonstranten per Twitter zum Durchhalten auf: "Die ganze Nation ist auf den Straßen. Der einzige Ausweg für das Regime ist, endlich zu gehen. Die Macht des Volkes kann nicht unterdrückt werden. Wir werden SIEGEN".
201102111319         MOHAMED—ELBARADEI ruft die Demonstranten per Twitter zum Durchhalten auf:
201102111342         Der FRÜHERE—ISRAELISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—BEN—ELIESER berichtet von einem Telefonat mit Mubarak vor dessen TV—ANSPRACHE.
201102111354         SPIEGEL—ONLINE—REPORTER Hasnain Kazim: In den Teehäusern um den TAHRIR—PLATZ läuft überall der FERNSEHER—ZU sehen sind nur internationale Sender, nicht das ÄGYPTISCHE—STAATSFERNSEHEN.
201102111354         SPIEGEL—ONLINE—REPORTER Hasnain Kazim: In den Teehäusern um den TAHRIR—PLATZ läuft überall der FERNSEHER—ZU sehen sind nur internationale Sender,
201102111358         SUEZ, haben tausende Demonstranten —NACH—DEN Freitagsgebeten einen Ring um die Regierungsgebäude geschlossen, meldet in seinem LIVE—BLOG.
20110528             —FREED, THE—3—AID workers were, 20111113             —ON—AFTER OMAN and YEMEN—TRIBESMEN negotiated their release.
20110712—20111113    —ESCAPED, Jakaria (19).
20111113             PORTLAND—OREGON, several 100—PROTESTERS, SOME—WEARING goggles and gas masks, marched past authorities in 1—DOWNTOWN street, hours —AFTER riot police forced Occupy PORTLAND demonstrators out of 1—PAIR—OF—WEEKS—OLD—ENCAMPMENTS in nearby parks.
20111113             —ORDERED, Mayor SAM—ADAMS had, that the camp shut down, citing unhealthy conditions and the encampment's ATTRACTION—OF—DRUG users and thieves.
20111113             —BACKED, BRAZIL, More than 3,000 police and soldiers, by armored personnel carriers raced into RIO—BIGGEST slum —BEFORE dawn, quickly gaining CONTROL—OF—THE—ROCINHA shantytown ruled —FOR—DECADES by 1—HEAVILY armed drug gang.
20111113             THE—CITY—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO has more than 1,000 shantytowns where about 1—3. of its 6—MILLION people live.
20111113             —LAUNCHED, Emirates Airlines, THE—DUBAI—AIRSHOW with 1—RECORD $18-billion order for 50—BOEING 777s, giving THE—USA—COMPANY 1—FLYING start on its European rival Airbus at the prestigious event.
20111113             Officials said he was THE—LEADER—OF—1—AL—QAIDA—INSPIRED group in the Sinai peninsula that was behind attacks on police and on 1—GAS pipeline that transports fuel to ISRAEL and JORDAN.
20111113             EQUATORIAL—GUINEA—MAIN—OPPOSITION withdrew its agents from polling stations to protest against irregularities as the country voted in 1—REFERENDUM on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20111113             —CREATED, The referendum also, 1—NEW—VICE—PRESIDENT position, 1—JOB MANY—BELIEVE is earmarked for OBIANG—SON.
20111113             97—PERCENT—OF—PEOPLE voted in FAVOR—OF—MEASURES that limit presidents to 2—TERMS in office.
20111113             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—POLICE, 1—NEW—SUSPECT, Holger G. (37), —FOLLOWING THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—EXTREMIST group, labeled the National Socialist Underground, believed to have killed 10—PEOPLE in what the country's top security official called "1—NEW—FORM of far right terrorism".
20111113             Prosecutors suspect the "Zwickau cell," which was discovered only —LAST—WEEK, of having murdered 8—PEOPLE—OF—TURKEY—ORIGIN, 1—GREECE—NATIONAL and 1—GERMANY—POLICEWOMAN over the past —DECADE.
20111113             —BOOSTED, KUWAIT said it has, its oil output to above 3—MILLION barrels per —DAY.
20111113             —WARNED, The oil MINISTER, that ANY—CUT in crude production would send world prices soaring.
20111113             —CLASHED, LIBYA, rival militias, on the outskirts of TRIPOLI for a 4. —DAY, the most sustained violence —SINCE the capture and KILLING—OF—MOAMMAR—GADHAFI —LAST—MONTH.
20111113             The fighting has left at least 4—PEOPLE dead —SINCE late —LAST—WEEK.
20111113             1—LOCAL—COMMANDER—OF fighters from TRIPOLI, said gunmen from Zawiya and Warshefana were fighting for CONTROL—OF—1—CAMP midway between THE—CAPITAL—OF—TRIPOLI and Zawiya.
20111113             1—MALAWI high court official said some 14—LOCAL—SEX workers arrested by police and forced to undergo HIV tests —2—YEARS—AGO have sued the government for "unfair action and violating their privacy".
20111113             —CHARGED, The sex workers were, for trading in sex —WHILE having 1—SEXUALLY transmitted disease.
20111113             —FINED, They were, $7 (K1,200) and set free.
20111113             —ABOUT 14—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—13—MILLION citizens are infected with HIV.
20111113             MEXICO—MICHOACAN state held elections for GOVERNOR.
20111113             The former ruling party won the race —AFTER 1—CAMPAIGN marred by DRUG—CARTEL threats and violence, defeating PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON—SISTER and building momentum for its drive to take back the presidency —NEXT—YEAR.
20111113             FAUSTO—VALLEJO—FIGUEROA of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) won 35% over Luisa MARIA—CALDERON (PAN) at 33%.
20111113             MEXICO—SOLDIERS searching vehicles for hidden drugs found 140—CENTRAL—AMERICANS crammed into 1—TRACTOR—TRAILER rig in Chiapas.
20111113             Police found the bodies of 6—BRICKLAYERS who were working on 1—NEW elementary school in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—CHIHUAHUA.
20111113             2—OF—THEM were mutilated.
20111113             —ARRESTED, MEXICO—OFFICIALS, JUAN—GABRIEL—OROZCO—FAVELA, 1—DRUG dealer who controlled smuggling routes and ran 1—CAMPAIGN—OF—MURDER and intimidation for the Knights Templar drug cartel.
20111113             MEXICO, norteno singer DIEGO—RIVAS was shot dead in CULIACAN, Sinaloa state, joining 1—LIST of murdered musicians famous for chronicling the cartel lifestyle in folk songs.
20111113             —REPORTED, ANGLO—HOLLAND—OIL giant Shell, 1—FRESH spill from 1—KEY—DELIVERY pipeline in SOUTH—NIGERIA, but said it has contained the leak.
20111113             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB blast, 6—PEOPLE in remote Mastak town.
20111113             2—MEMBERS—OF—1—ANTI—TALIBAN militia are among those killed.
20111113             QATAR, energy MINISTERS—OF—THE—GAS—EXPORTING—COUNTRIES—FORUM (GECF) met to prepare for a 1. summit of the 12-member group which is to discuss prices and coordination.
20111113             —WELCOMED, The meeting, OMAN as the newest MEMBER—OF—THE—FORUM.
20111113             KAZAKHSTAN, NORWAY and THE—NETHERLANDS were observers.
20111113             —POPULATED, SOMALIA, explosions in Afgoye, 1—HEAVILY, corridor along 1—MAIN—ROAD leading OUT—OF—THE—SOMALIA—CAPITAL, came —DURING 1—MEETING—OF—ISLAMIST insurgent leaders as THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED AL—SHABAB militia fought to defend itself on 2—FRONTS.
20111113             —BELIEVED, None of the militant leaders were, to have been killed and no 1 claimed responsibility for the attacks.
20111113             —FAVORED, Among those, to succeed him is Anatoly Bibilov, who heads SOUTH—OSSETIA—EMERGENCIES services and has the support of RUSSIA—DOMINANT—PRO—KREMLIN party.
20111113             Anatoly Bibilov and former education MINISTER—ALLA—DZHIOYEVA EACH—WON about 25—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE forcing 1—RUNOFF in —2—WEEKS.
20111113             —POURED, SYRIA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—GOVERNMENT supporters, into the streets to protest 1—ARAB—LEAGUE vote to suspend the country's membership, as TURKEY sent planes to evacuate diplomatic staff and their families —AFTER —1—NIGHT—OF—ATTACKS on embassies.
20111113             —KILLED, Activists reporting at least 11—PEOPLE, in shootings by security forces in several PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20111113             The death toll from THAILAND—WORST—FLOODS in HALF—1—CENTURY reached 536, and authorities told more residents of BANGKOK to evacuate their neighborhoods.
20111113             —BOMBED, TURKEY—WARPLANES, the Qandil border area in IRAQ—KURDISTAN for about an —HOUR.
20111113             —KILLED, YEMEN—GOVERNMENT forces and allied tribesmen, 10—MILITANTS in attacks —AROUND the country, as visiting UN envoy JAMAL—BENOMAR met with embattled PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH to push for 1—SOLUTION to the country's political crisis.
20111113—20010000    —SINCE, SOUTH—OSSETIA has been led by EDUARD—KOKOITI, who has served 2—TERMS as PRESIDENT and is —NOW stepping down.
20111113—20160000    —APPROVED, If, the constitution would be amended to impose presidential term limits, but the text does not make clear whether Obiang will have to step down —WHEN his term ends.
20111113—20300000    —UNTIL, The new constitution did not make clear whether Obiang could stay in power.
20121111—20121113    —ON, police officers found 4—OF—THE—MISSING 5—PIECES—OF—ART in 1—PRIVATE cemetery in PORT—ELIZABETH, HUNDREDS—OF—MILES away from where they had been stolen.
20121113             DIE—CIA hatte dem WEIßES—HAUS nach der Attacke20010911—AMtagelang gesagt, —DER—ANGRIFF, - bei dem unter anderem DER—USA—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—LIBYEN getötet WURDE—SEI aus 1—SPONTANEN PROTEST—AKTION gegen 1—ISLAMFEINDLICHES Video erwachsen.
20121113             THE—CAREER—OF—GENERAL—JOHN—ALLEN, the top USA—COMMANDER—IN—AFGHANISTAN, was put in jeopardy due to the investigation of THE—DAVID—PETRAEUS sex scandal.
20121113             —ALLEGED, THE—PENTAGON said that Allen is under investigation for, "inappropriate communications" with JILL—KELLEY, the woman who is said to have received threatening emails from Petraeus' paramour.
20121113             —DEMOTED, THE—PENTAGON said Defense SECRETARY—LEON—PANETTA has, GENERAL—WILLIAM "Kip" Ward, THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—USA—AFRICA—COMMAND, who was accused of spending THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS on lavish travel and other unauthorized expenses.
20121113             —NAMED, Motor Trend magazine, Tesla Model S its 20130000             CAR—OF—THE—YEAR, the 1. time 1—NON—GASOLINE powered vehicle received the honor.
20121113             —FIRED, AFGHANISTAN, at least 4—ROCKETS were, into KABUL, killing 1—MAN and injuring 3—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20121113             —PLEADED, UNITED—KINGDOM—PETTY—OFFICER EDWARD—DEVENNEY, —30—JAHRE—ALT, from NORTH—IRELAND, guilty at the Old Bailey to 1—CHARGE—OF—MISCONDUCT in public office, relating to the alleged theft of passwords and computer programmes used to encrypt secret information.
20121113             —ARRESTED, PETER—BALL, —80—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—CHURCH—OF—ENGLAND BISHOP was, in WEST—ENGLAND on suspicion of sexually assaulting boys as young as 12 in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
20121113             † In EAST—CHINA Yao Defen (39), the world's tallest woman at 7—FEET and 7—INCHES, at her home in Anhui province.
20121113             His manipulation of the de Vedrines family has led to comparisons to THE—RUSSIA—MYSTIC—RASPUTIN—LEGENDARY influence over THE—TSAR.
20121113             —BECAME, FRANCE, the 1. Western country to formally recognize SYRIA—NEWLY formed opposition coalition as the sole legitimate REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—SYRIA—PEOPLE.
20121113             INDONESIA—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT—SAID—PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S 20010000             OIL—AND—GAS law were unconstitutional.
20121113             THE—COURT—DISSOLVED—BPMGAS, the state regulator.
20121113             1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE and 1—GAZA rocket were fired —TODAY.
20121113             † 1—GAZA militant, of wounds sustained in 1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE from —2—DAYS—EARLIER.
20121113             JORDAN, tensions rose late in THE—DAY—AFTER the government announced it was raising prices for cooking and heating gas by 54% to reduce 1—MASSIVE—BUDGET deficit and secure a $2—BILLION loan from THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND.
20121113             —ARRESTED, SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE, 1—MAN, —25—JAHRE—ALT at O.R. Tambo INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT who had swallowed 220 polished diamonds in 1—ATTEMPT to smuggle them OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20121113             —AUCTIONED, SWITZERLAND, Christie's, off the Archduke JOSEPH—DIAMOND for nearly $21.5—MILLION, 1—WORLD auction record price per carat for 1—COLORLESS diamond.
20121113             —REPORTED, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION, that 1—YELLOW fever outbreak in SUDAN—DARFUR region has killed 107—PEOPLE in the last —6—WEEKS, warning that the disease could spread all over the country.
20121113             —BOMBED, SYRIA—AIR—FORCE, 1—REBEL—HELD region near the border with TURKEY for a 2. —DAY, killing at least 1—PERSON and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20121113             THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES (UAR) set stricter INTERNET monitoring and enforcement codes giving authorities wider leeway to crack down on Web activists for offenses such as mocking the country's rules or calling for demonstrations.
20121113             —VOTED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, overwhelmingly to condemn THE—USA—COMMERCIAL, economic and financial embargo against CUBA for the 21. —YEAR in 1—ROW.
20121113             The final tally was 188-3, with ISRAEL and PALAU joining THE—USA.
20121113             "It doesn't seem really that bad".
20121113             "MILITARy justice considers conduct such as 1—EXTRAMARITAL affair to be possible grounds for court martial".
20121113             "Normale Atome sind den strikten Regeln der Quantenmechanik unterworfen", sagt Pine.
20121113             "Patente auf MENSCHEN—AFFEN sind ethisch nicht zu verantworten", sagt RUTH—TIPPE—VON—DER—INITIATIVE "Keine Patente auf Leben!".
20121113             "There is 1—LOT more that is going to come out,"
20121113             "There is 1—LOT more that is going to come out," said Krantz, claiming he was not allowed to elaborate.
20121113             "They weren't seeing this as THE—CRIME—OF—THE—CENTURY," THE—SOURCE says.
20121113             "This is about something else entirely, and THE—TRUTH will come out," BROADWELL—DAD, PAUL—KRANTZ, told THE—DAILY—NEWS outside his home in BISMARK, N.D.
20121113             "—WHEN you get involved in 1—CYBERCASE like this, you have to look at everything," the official said, suggesting that MISS Kelley may not have considered that possibility —WHEN she filed the complaint.
20121113             (in der Tat kann Ehebruch 1—VERGEHEN im MILITÄRSTRAF—RECHT der USA darstellen).
20121113             09—AFTER OBAMA win, surge in petitions to secede
20121113             1 MITGLIED—DES—STABS—VON—USA—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—LEON—PANETTA sagte jedoch laut "NEW—YORK—TIMES", daß "mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit"Verbindungen zwischen beiden Ermittlungssträngen bestehen.
20121113             1—ANDERER Vertreter des USA—MILITÄRS sagte der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—AFP, daß —SCHON der Umfang des E—MAIL—VERKEHRS zwischen Allen und Kelley womöglich 1—VERSTOSS—GEGEN—ARMEERICHTLINIEN dargestellt habe
20121113             1—FRÜHERER—PETRAEUS—SPRECHER, STEVE—BOYLAN, SAGTE—UNTERDESSEN dem SENDER—ABC News, die betrogene Ehefrau Holly sei "ZUR—ZEIT nicht gerade erfreut".
20121113             1—SCHWACHE Region ist für Vodafone auch der HeimatMARKT in GROß—BRITANNIEN.
20121113             101.DATEN—SCHUTZ? 11.CIA—GEFÄNGNIS—IN—LYBIEN?
20121113             @wmthebeast The left wing media?
20121113             Which media is that? How does 1—SOCIAL butterfly in FLORIDA get instant access to THE—FBI ?
20121113             How does an FBI—AGENT go to ERIC—CANTOR to leak this stuff?
20121113             How does THE—FBI monitor THE—EMAILS—OF—THE—CIA head —FOR—MONTHS and THE—CIA dont know about it?
20121113             As MANY—HAVE said, this is not what it seems.
20121113             1—SENIOR—LAW enforcement official in WASHINGTON said —ON—TUESDAY that FBI investigators looking into MISSIS KELLEY—COMPLAINT about anonymous E—MAILS she had received examined ALL—OF—HER—E—MAILS as 1—ROUTINE step.
20121113             AFGHANISTAN: DE—MAIZIÈRE sieht WAFFEN—RIEFERUNGEN skeptisch
20121113             ALS—SOLCHE hatte sie Zugang unter anderem zur MACDILL—AIR—FORCE—BASIS, wo sich 1—DER wichtigsten Kommandozentralen des USA—MILITÄRS befindet.
20121113             Aber hier geht es doch eh um etwas anderes: um moderne, öffentliche VierTEILUNG.
20121113             AFFEN—PATENT: Tierschützer legen Einspruch 1
20121113             Allerdings wird insgesamt über DAS—PROBLEM, daß MEXIKO 1—NARKO—STAAT geworden ist, viel zu wenig berichtet.
20121113             Als 1.Tier wurde in EUROPA DANN—VOR—20—JAHREN die HARVARD—KREBSMAUS patentiert.
20121113             Als gäbe es nicht —SCHON genug Facetten in diesem Fall, gerät —NUN auch noch DIE—BUNDES—BEHÖRDE FBI in die Kritik.
20121113             Als in AFGHANISTAN vom Hubschrauber aus zum Spaß Zivilisten ermordet wurden und DIE—GANZE—WELT zugucken konnte, kam von der Regierung kaum 1—WORT.
20121113             Altersversorgung: EU—BEAMTE bekommen im Schnitt 4300—EURO Pension
20121113             Amerikas SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN werden von 1—WEITEREN SKANDAL erschüttert.
20121113             —AN—DIESEM—MITTWOCH wollen die Gegner gegen das 1.neue AFFEN—PATENT EP1456346 Einspruch einreichen.
20121113             Antrag in KARLSRUHE: NPD lässt ihre VERFASSUNGS—TREUE gerichtlich prüfen
20121113             Arabische Liga und GOLF—STAATEN: OPPOSITION als rechtmäßiger Vertreter SYRIENs anerkannt
20121113             —RAISED, Arm, in 1—NAZI—STYLE salute, THE—LEADER—OF—GREECE—FASTEST—RISING political party surveyed HUNDREDS—OF—YOUNG—MEN in black T—SHIRTS as they exploded into cheers.
20121113             Auf den VERBINDUNGEN—VON—BRÜSSEL mit PARIS und AMSTERDAM sollten die Züge aber grundsätzlich verkehren.
20121113             Auktionshaus Christie's: Berühmter Diamant für 21.500.000-DOLLAR versteigert
20121113             Aus PROTEST—GEGEN—DIE—FOLGEN der Patentpraxis für Land-, ERNÄHRUNGS—WIRTSCHAFT wollen am ;;1130;;
20121113             Aus dem Umfeld Panettas heißt es, bei dem schriftlichen Austausch handele ES—SICH um 20.000—BIS 30.000-SEITEn, Hauptsächlich E—MAILS.
20121113             Austragung in 13—LÄNDERN: EM—REVOLUTION für 20200000             wird konkreter
20121113             —DEMANDED, BARACK—OBAMA, higher taxes on the rich as 1—CONDITION—OF—ANY—BUDGET agreement with REPUBLICANs but left the door open for negotiation on the details as THE—USA—PRESIDENT fired the opening salvo in the fiscal battle that will dominate the aftermath of his RE—ELECTION.
20121113             BROADWELL—ADDRESS was publically available on YOUTUBE—UNTIL this weekend;
20121113             BUNDES—POLIZEI und JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM kommen —IN—DEN—FOLGENDEN—TAGEN zu dem Schluss, daß nicht genug belastendes Material vorliegt, um in dem Fall jemanden juristisch zu belangen.
20121113             Bahnreisende sollten BELGIEN—AM—MITTWOCH meiden.
20121113             BALKAN—STAATEN: Kommunen kritisieren ASYL—BEWERBERSTROM
20121113             Bei 1—E—MAIL—ÜBERWACHUNG fanden DIE—ERMITTLER anonyme Nachrichten und stießen auf 1—TOTEN Briefkasten - 1—TECHNIK, die auch QAIDA—TERRORISTEN verwenden.
20121113             Bei den ganzen LÜGEN—GESCHICHTEN, die wir —SEIT—DEM 20010911             , ins Hirn reingeblasen bekommen,ist diese BETT—GESCHICHTE einfach nur noch Langweilig....
20121113             Bei der Häufigkeit, mit der schädliche Mutationen im menschlichen Genom auftauchen, sei es daher wahrscheinlich, daß wir ALLE—IM—VERGLEICH zu UNSEREN—VORFAHREN—VON—VOR—3.—000—JAHREN 2—BIS 6—NEUE ERB—GUTVERÄNDERUNGEN besitzen, die sich negativ auf den Intellekt auswirken können.
20121113             Beide sind verwickelt in 1—SKANDAL auf höchster Ebene DER—USA—SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN.
20121113             Betraeus! THE—GENERAL—AFFAIR
20121113             Bigotte Irrationalität - Blutgerinnsel: HILLARY—CLINTON ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert
20121113             Boxenluder ?
20121113             Irgendwie erinnert das an die ,Affäre" STRAUSS—KHAN.
20121113             Ist —SCHON süß, anhaltende MENSCHEN—RECHT—VERLETZUNGEN: Mord und FOLTER, GEHEIM—GEFÄNGNISSE, capture or kill, "Kollateralschäden"ohne Ende, alles kein Problem, aber 1—ANZÜGLICHE Mail und die Jungs sind raus...
20121113             JUDEN—VERFOLGUNG: RUMÄNIENs vergessener HOLOCAUST
20121113             Ja, faszinierend! Das sind knapp 30-SEITEn PRO—TAG, ca.
20121113             Jaaaa ne, JILL—KELLEY
20121113             Kelley galt als Auslöser der PETRAEUS—AFFÄRE.
20121113             KELLEY—TWIN sister, Natalie Khawam, is 1—LAWYER who represents whistleblowers, but there was no indication —SUNDAY that she was representing her sister.
20121113             Klar! Man wirft ihnen für —6—JAHRE in die geschlossene ABTEILUNG 1—NERVENHEILANSTALT.
20121113             Konjunkturausblick 20130000             : Alles halb so wild für DEUTSCHLAND
20121113             Kreuzverhör im Élysée : HOLLANDE kämpft
20121113             Leiharbeit: DUMPING—LÖHNE für Schreibkräfte im BUNDES—TAG
20121113             Leiste sich dagegen —HEUTE 1—WALL—STREET—BANKER 1—FALSCHES Urteil, so bekomme er 1—DENNOCH dicken Bonus und sei 1—ATTRAKTIVER Partner, schreibt der Entwicklungsbiologie, der offensichtlich Freude daran hat, seine These mit plakativen Beispielen zu unterfüttern.
20121113             Lernt man auf der JOURNALISTEN—SCHULE nicht mehr, daß man auch selber recherchieren kann?
20121113             Lieber Spiegel, warum '—LAUT—ANGABEN, der "WASHINGTON—POST"'?
20121113             Wie armselig ist das denn?
20121113             Liest sich natürlich nicht so spektakulär, ist somit für DEUTSCHLANDs grösstes ONLINE—BOULEVARDMAGAZIN eher störend.
20121113             MATERIAL—FORSCHUNG, Chemischer Modellbau in XXS
20121113             MEDIEN—BERICHT, BERLIN ließ offenbar erneut RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS—AKTEN schreddern
20121113             Make War Not Love - Mal wieder herrlich falsch übersetzt bzw.
20121113             Manager STEVEN—SINOFSKY: Der rätselhafte Abgang des WINDOWS—CHEFS
20121113             Mir scheint, hier wird 1—PERSONAL—WECHSEL größeren Ausmasses vorgenommen.
20121113             Mit Hilfe anonymer E—MAIL—ACCOUNTS und nicht abgeschickter, sondern nur im ENTWÜRFE—ORDNER gespeicherter Nachrichten sollen auch AL—QAIDA—TERRORISTEN wie 20010911             —CHEFPLANER Khaled Sheikh MOHAMMED mit ihren GEFOLGS—LEUTEN kommuniziert haben.
20121113             Mäuse, Bakterien, Kühe: DIE—ZAHL—DER—PATENTE auf Tiere und auch Pflanzen steigt.
20121113             NATÜRLICH kann man sich auch durch total überwachte MAIL—SYSTEME 1—SICHEREN VERBINDUNGS—WEG schaffen.
20121113             —BEKENNT, NORD—IRLAND—KONFLIKT, Neue IRA, sich zu erstem Mord
20121113             Neujahr 20130000             : Tausende strömen zum BRANDENBURGER—TOR
20121113             Nicht die Geliebte macht erpressbar, sondern DAS—VERBOT.
20121113             OK, das kann dann geringfügig peinlich werden, wenn das hier passiert:
20121113             Ob dieses nuttigen Verhaltens, das wir Männer ja nur zu gut kennen, haben DIE—USA —NUN 2—IHRER angeblich besten MILITÄR—FÜHRER verloren.
20121113             Offenbar - Offensichtlich! Ha, BANKEN und illegale TRANS—AKTIONEN, UN—DENK—BAR!
20121113             PETRAEUS seems to have been the 1.guy in memory not to lie about sex.
20121113             PETRAEUS—AFFÄRE: Die verräterische Spur der LIEBES—MAILS
20121113             PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA hat sich —BISHER, nicht zu DER—NEUEN Entwicklung in dem SKANDAL geäußert.
20121113             —WORRIED, Perhaps MUELLER was, that if it leaked out somehow he might be accused of being like THE—FBI—1.director, J.
20121113             —ÜBERRASCHT, REGIERUNGS—SPRECHER Carney sagte —AM—DIENSTAG, OBAMA sei ""gewesen, als er von der außerehelichen Beziehung der EX—CIA—CHEFS mit seiner —20—JAHRE JÜNGEREn Biografin BROADWELL erfahren habe.
20121113             —CONFIRMED, REPUBLICAN DAVE—REICHERT (R—WASHINGTON), —SUNDAY he 1.LEARNED—OF—THE—AFFAIR several months ago from 1—FRIEND who knows Kelley.
20121113             Reichert told House Majority Leader ERIC—CANTOR (R—VIRGINIA), who put Kelley in touch with FBI Director ROBERT—MUELLER.
20121113             Religionsgemeinschaften: HAMBURG unterzeichnet STAATSVERTRAG—MIT—MUSLIMEN und Aleviten
20121113             Rüstungsexportbericht 20110000             : DEUTSCHLAND rüstet arabische Länder auf
20121113             SKANDAL—UM—PETRAEUS und Allen: Der Fall der 2—GENERÄLE
20121113             SOZIAL—LEISTUNGEN: NRW—GRÜNE wollen Strafen gegen HARTZ—IV—BEZIEHER abschaffen
20121113             SPÄH—AKTION in THÜRINGEN: POLIZEI forscht 50—POLITIKER aus
20121113             STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT und FBI—AGENTEN informieren —NUN das JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM.
20121113             STEILE—THESE: DIE—MENSCHEN werden dümmer
20121113             Satellitenbilder: NORD—KOREA testet Triebwerke für Langstreckenrakete
20121113             Schließlich ist Vererbung bei weitem nicht alles, wenn es um INTELLIGENZ geht.
20121113             Several top LAW—MAKERS are demanding more information about what THE—FBI, THE—CIA and PRESIDENT—OBAMA KNEW—AND —WHEN they knew it.
20121113             Shooter "Black Ops 2": Kopfschüsse als LIVE—ÜBERTRAGUNG
20121113             Sie haben —NUN 1—VERDACHT und beantragen bei 1—GERICHT 1—DURCHSUCHUNGSBESCHLUSS, um sich in Broadwells sämtliche E—MAIL—KONTEN einzuklinken.
20121113             Sie informieren den GEHEIM—DIENST—KOORDINATOR—JAMES—CLAPPER über das, was sie über BROADWELL und PETRAEUS herausgefunden haben.
20121113             Sie können das alleine —SCHON daran sehen das durchaus DIE—MATHEMATIKER oder COMPUTERFACH—LEUTE, DIE—PHYSIKER und und und mit Methoden arbeiten die dem normalen BÜRGER gut —100—JAHRE voraus sind, oder können sie etwa etwas mit Gruppentheorie oder Operational Research, Chaostheorie etc.
20121113             So war PETRAEUS nach MEDIEN—BERICHTEN entsetzt, als er von DROH—E—MAILS seiner Geliebten an 1—VERMEINTLICHE Nebenbuhlerin erfuhr.
20121113             Something is NOT right —WHEN THE—WORLD—ELITE force had to shoot 1—OLD—MAN with his pyjamas in front of his 2—WIVES, UNARMED.
20121113             Soviel zur INTELLIGENZ—VON—USA—AMERIKANERN allgemein und auch DER—CIA im besonderen (Zentrale INTELLIGENZ Agentur)
20121113             SPEISEPLAN—DER—FRÜH-, Vormenschen.
20121113             —VERSCHWENDET, Staatsausgaben: BUNDESWEHR, Millionen
20121113             Streiktag in EUROPA: ALLE—THALYS—VERBINDUNGEN nach BELGIEN fallen aus
20121113             THE—WASHINGTON—POST CIA—DIRECTOR—PETRAEUS quits over extramarital affair;
20121113             led MILITARY effort in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN
20121113             TREIB—HAUS—GAS: WELT—WEITER CO2-Ausstoß erreicht 20110000             REKORD—HOCH
20121113             Teures GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM, Privatversicherten droht Beitragsschock
20121113             —DETERMINED, THE—AGENTS—SOON, that the emails were coming from PAULA—BROADWELL.
20121113             —DESCRIBED, The base, is MacDill AIR—FORCE—BASE in FLORIDA, where Kelley serves as 1—UNPAID "social liaison".
20121113             The official would not describe the content of THE—E—MAILS between GENERAL Allen and MISS Kelley or say specifically why FBI officials decided to pass them on to THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT.
20121113             The scandal is spreading beyond the participants into the political arena.
20121113             The squad was not even sure the case was worth pursuing, THE—SOURCE says.
20121113             This bit IS—OF—INTEREST:
20121113             Tochterfirmen: E.on und RWE sollen GAS—PREISE in GROß—BRITANNIEN manipuliert haben
20121113             TROIKA—FORDERUNG: GRIECHISCHE—BÜRGER—MEISTER rebellieren gegen Entlassungslisten
20121113             UMWELTkatastrophe: "Prestige"-Kapitän weist Vorwürfe zurück
20121113             Um das herauszufinden, schauen sie sich die IP—ADRESSEN an, von der die E—MAILS verschickt wurden.
20121113             Under MILITARY law, adultery can be 1—CRIME.
20121113             Ungeklärte Todesursache: Ermittler öffnen Arafats Grab
20121113             Unklar ist, wann diese Bilder bei Kelley eingegangen sind.
20121113             Unter anderem engagierte sich Kelley laut USA—MEDIEN für die Belange von Veteranen.
20121113             VERDACHT—AUF—STEUER—HINTERZIEHUNG: RAZZIA—BEI—MODE—MILLIONÄR Eickhoff - Verstehe das wer will...
20121113             Vor mehr als 3.000.—000—JAHREN ernährten sich HOMININEN bevorzugt von Gräsern.
20121113             WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE, Vodafone schreibt MILLIARDEN in SÜD—EUROPA ab
20121113             Wahlschlappen in Großstädt Neujahrsansprache: MERKEL schwört DEUTSCHE auf harte Zeiten 1
20121113             Wahlschlappen in Großstädten: CDU—ABGEORDNETE fordern ANNÄHERUNG—AN—GRÜNE
20121113             Wahrscheinlichkeit: gering, Originalität: mittel
20121113             Wahrscheinlichkeit: sehr gering, Originalität: sehr hoch
20121113             Wahrscheinlichkeit: sehr hoch, Originalität: sehr gering
20121113             Warum muß hier (offenbar) ungeprüft etwas von der WP übernommen werden?
20121113             Ungeprüft eben deshalb, weil es von der WP übernommen wurde,
20121113             Was DIE—TALIBAN —JETZT wohl wieder denken? Was für 1—BIGOTTES Land!
20121113             Wechsel im TOP—MANAGEMENT: Microsoft trennt sich von "Mr.
20121113             Wenn PAULA—BROADWELL—BEHAUPTUNG über 1—CIA—GEFÄNGNIS—IN—LYBIEN stimmen sollte, hat sie Praesident OBAMA schlimmen Schaden zugefuegt.
20121113             —TIPPED, What, it may have been KELLEY—FRIENDSHIP with the agent.
20121113             † Who cares about Americans all the same thinking their Ambassador was killed doing SOME—GOOD—IN—THE—WORLD.
20121113             Wie es unter Berufung auf ANGABEN—VON—PETRAEUS nahestehenden Personen weiter hieß, beendete der pensionierte 4—STERNE—GENERAL DIE—AFFÄRE VOR—CA—4—MONATEN—DAS sei etwa DIE—ZEIT, zu der er sich wegen der E—MAILS mit BROADWELL auseinandergesetzt habe.
20121113             Wobei man anmerken muss, daß dieses verschrumpelte Männchen Patreus mit seinen —60—JAHREN und seinem gut genährten "Muttchen"Holly wohl 1—NUR zu williges Opfer war.
20121113             Woher DIE—ERMITTLER die IP—ADRESSEN bekommen, ob sie in der E—MAIL selbst stehen oder von 1—UNTERNEHMEN wie zum Beispiel Google angefordert werden, ist —BISHER, nicht bekannt.
20121113             —ZUNÄCHST muss man wissen, daß Ehebruch in DER—USA—ARMEE 1—VERGEHEN darstellt, das hart bestraft werden kann.
20121113             —ZUNÄCHST war spekuliert worden, PETRAEUS könne wegen möglicher CIA—FEHLEINSCHÄTZUNGEN—VOR—UND—NACH dem TERROR—ANSCHLAG—AUF—DAS—USA—KONSULAT in der libyschen Hafenstadt Bengasi zurückgetreten sein.
20121113             ZAHNSCHMELZ—ANALYSE: FRÜH—MENSCHEN ernährten sich von Gräsern
20121113             Zu preußens Zeiten war den Offizieren die Heirat nicht erlaubt, nach 1—GELIEBTEN fragte niemand.
20121113             —BEDEUTET, Zwar, 1—PATENT keine Genehmigung für den Tierversuch.
20121113             Zweierlei Maß?
20121113             [l] APPLE—SERVICE—RESERVIERUNGEN in der Genius Bar gibt es —JETZT nur noch, wenn man verspricht, sein Telefon vorher gebootet zu haben.
20121113             [l] Also mit DER Meldung hat eigentlich niemand mehr gerechnet, denn eigentlich heißt es, DIE—USA hätten mit ihrem Öl —SCHON in den 70ies gepeakt.
20121113             [l] Auch im BERLINer "VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ"wurden rechtswidrig Akten geshreddert.
20121113             [l] Die FRANKFURTER—RUNDSCHAU musste Insolvenz anmelden.
20121113             [l] Die NAZI—FRONTBERICHTE aus GRIECHENLAND werden immer ekeliger.
20121113             [l] Die NPD möchte gerne vom VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT ihre VERFASSUNGS—TREUE bestätigt bekommen.
20121113             [l] Die PETRAEUS—GESCHICHTE wackelt auch gleich am Stuhl 1 2. GENERALs.
20121113             [l] Endlich: Ordentliche Gesichtserkennung fürs Marketing.
20121113             [l] JOHN—MCAFEE hat Wires angerufen, um denen zu sagen, daß er unschuldig ist.
20121113             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE des BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT: [l] STEVEN—SINOFSKY verlässt Microsoft.
20121113             [l] Was tut man in DEUTSCHLAND mit 1—WHISTLE—BLOWER, der der HYPO—VEREINSBANK vorwirft, illegale Finanztransaktionen zu tätigen?
20121113             [l] Wenn eure Bank euch "mTAN"andrehen will, sagt nein.
20121113             1—KNOWLEDGEABLE—SOURCE tells THE—DAILY—BEAST. alpha tiere im einsatz
20121113             alpha tiere sind normalerweise BREITBAND—IM—EINSATZ und dazu gehoert auch der drang seine sperma moeglichst breit zu verwedeln...
20121113             anstatt es selbst zu ÜBERPRÜFEN—DENN dann hätte man ja geschrieben "es ist so und so"
20121113             außerdem - das ist doch lächerlich.
20121113             dass man um 17500000             jeden X—BELIEBIGEN KÖNIGSBERGer auf der Strasse um 1—KURZE Kritik der reinen VERNUNFT oder 1—KLEINE Metaphysik der Sitten bitten konnte.
20121113             es beginnt —IM—MAI: JILL—KELLEY, 1—LANG—JÄHRIGE—FREUNDIN—DER—FAMILIE—VON—CIA—CHEF—DAVID—PETRAEUS, erhält anonyme Drohungen per E—MAIL.
20121113             es ist DAVID—PETRAEUS, DER—CHEF—DER—CIA.
20121113             es ist doch wohl allgemein bekannt,
20121113             es wird wohl noch lange dauern, —BIS die kompletten Zusammenhänge dieser Affäre aufgeschlüsselt sind.
20121113             in WASHINGTON strickt —NUN fiebernd an 1—ENDLÖSUNG für den "SKANDAL".
20121113             in diesem zusammenhang wäre auch mal zu untersuchen, welche genetischen auswirkungen das JAHRHUNDERTLANGe abschlachten der potentesten und jüngsten auf den schlachtfeldern gehabt hat.
20121113             jimmyk ? —3—DAYS—AGO
20121113             kommen Prüfer jedoch zu dem Schluss, daß sich "ALLE—NACHPRÜFBAREN—BEHAUPTUNGEN—MOLLATHS als zutreffend herausstellten"
20121113             logscher Kurzschluss
20121113             optional - schließlich ist DAS—LANDESSITTE in den jeweils besuchten Ländern
20121113             und auch die RHETORIK drumherum erinnert an DEUTSCHLAND—VOR—80—JAHREN.
20121113             und dass "bewusst und gravierend gegen DAS—GELD—WÄSCHEGESETZ verstoßen wurde".
20121113             und ich —FRAGE mich, wie naiv Forumsteilnehmer sein können?
20121113             Glauben Sie wirklich, daß der MAIL—VERKEHR hoher MILITÄRs nicht ÜBERWACHT wird?
20121113             —VERMUTET, Was, denken Sie, der ABSCHIRM—DIENST hinter verschlüsselten Mails?
20121113             und "ein bißchen PGP"? Selbst wenn der ABSCHIRM—DIENST nichts selber ausrichten kann, dann sitzen da —AM—NÄCHSTEN—TAG DIE—LEUTE vom Hersteller...
20121113             und lernet man auf der Uni nicht mehr, daß man immer zur Urpsrungsquelle gehen soll, anstatt DAS—ZITAT 1—ZITATS 1.
20121113             und so kompliziert ist es —JETZT wirklich nicht, das nachzuprüfen.
20121113             verwickelt: Der PETRAEUS—SKANDAL erschüttert immer stärker das sicherheitspolitische establishment der USA.
20121113             Überschrift: "DIE—MENSCHEN werden dümmer".
20121113             —ACCORDING—TO—THE—SOURCE, who WAS—UNTIL -RECENTLY at THE—HIGHEST—LEVELS—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY and prefers not to be identified by name
20121113             —ACCORDING—TO—LAST—MONTH—ADDRESS in DENVER, BROADWELL also said 1—GROUP—OF—DELTA—FORCE operators, "the most talented guys we have IN—THE—MILITARY," could have been dispatched to provide reinforcement for the Americans in BENGHAZI but were not.
20121113             —AFFÄRE PETRAEUS: Böse Verführerin, armer Sünder?
20121113             —AFFÄRE des CIA—CHEFS: FBI durchsucht Haus der EX—GELIEBTEN—VON—PETRAEUS
20121113             —AM, —ANFANG standen ölfressende Bakterien: Das 1.Patent auf Leben wurde 19800000             IN—DEN—USA erteilt.
20121113             —AM, im Auditorium des Forschungszentrums Cern in GENF feierten: ZUM 1.MAL konnte der Zerfall von BS—MESONEN in jeweils 2—MYONEN registriert werden.
20121113             —AT—MOST the messages were harassing.
20121113             —BEREITS vor dieser Untersuchung war bekannt, daß PARANTHROPUS boisei, 1—JÜNGERER Verwandter des modernen Menschen, VOR—CA—1.500.—000—JAHREN 1—ÄHNLICHEN Speiseplan hatte.
20121113             —BY, that point, FBI headquarters almost certainly had been notified.
20121113             —DERZEIT, soll sich der GENERAL IN—DEN—USA aufhalten.
20121113             —DASS DAS—FBI die EMAIL—KONTEN des GEHEIM—DIENST—CHEFS ausspioniert ist 1—DING der Unmöglichkeit, dafür hat DIE—CIA eigentlich ihre eigenen SICHERHEITS—DIENSTE - es steht aber in der Tradition des 1.FBI—CHEFS J.EDGAR—HOOVER, der über sämtliche Amtsträger Dossiers anlegen lies um sie unter Druck setzen zu können.
20121113             —FÜR 1—STATEMENT, daß die BESATZUNGS—POLITIK ISRAEL—DIE—KONFLIKTE im NAHER—OSTEN ständig anheizt, wurde PETRAEUS von der ISRAEL—LOBBY scharf kritisiert.
20121113             —GEISEL—NAHME in BRASILIEN: Diebe sprengen JUWELEN—FABRIK
20121113             —IM, Augenblick, würde mich mehr interessieren ob DIE—CIA tatsächlich ihre Gefangenen auch auf Botschaftsgelände hält, wie von PAULA—BROADWELL kolportiert.
20121113             —IM, Prinzip ist es 1—ALTE SPIONAGE—TECHNIK, 1—TOTER Briefkasten, ins INTERNET übersetzt.
20121113             —IM, konkreten Fall hatten DIE—ERMITTLER wohl —BEREITS 1—DURCHSUCHUNGSBESCHLUSS für den toten Briefkasten, den anonymen E—MAIL—ACCOUNT—VON—PAULA—BROADWELL.
20121113             —J—ZU—DEM DER—BUNDES—TAGS—WAHL: Wählen Sie Gerechtigkeit!
20121113             —JETZT, legen chemische Analysen nahe, daß sich zumindest EINIGE—MITGLIEDER—DES—MENSCHLICHEN—STAMMBAUMS —BEREITS vor 3.000.—000—JAHREN überwiegend von Pflanzen ernährten.
20121113             —KAMPF—GEGEN—RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS: "Wir haben die Gefahr gemeinsam unterschätzt"
20121113             —KRISE bei SPANISCHER—QUALITÄTSZEITUNG: "El País"entlässt 1.MIT—ARBEITER
20121113             —LAUT, Panetta soll ALLEN—WÄHREND—DER—UNTERSUCHUNG seinen Posten in AFGHANISTAN behalten.
20121113             —LAUT, WALL—STREET—JOURNAL hatte der Ermittler den Fall, DER—DAMALS, noch als vergleichsweise harmlose Belästigung eingeschätzt wurde, an 1—EINHEIT für ONLINE—ERMITTLUNGEN übergeben.
20121113             —LAUT—1—BERICHT—DER-"WASHINGTON—POST"wies 1—CIA—VERTRETER Broadwells Darstellung allerdings scharf zurück.
20121113             —LAUT—ANGABEN der "WASHINGTON—POST"vom —MONTAG forderte er BROADWELL auf, DIE—INZWISCHEN, als PETRAEUS—FAMILIENFREUNDIN JILL—KELLEY identifizierte Frau in Ruhe zu lassen.
20121113             —LONDON, In Zeiten DER—KRISE sparen DIE—MENSCHEN in SÜD—EUROPA offenbar auch am Telefonieren.
20121113             —NACH, mehreren —WOCHEN, so berichtet es DAS—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, stoßen DIE—ERMITTLER schließlich auf PAULA—BROADWELL, die PETRAEUS—BIOGRAFIN.
20121113             —NACH, mir vorliegenden Infolationen aus gewöhnlich gut unterrichteter Quelle ist es denkbar, daß nicht Frau BROADWELL 1—FEINDLICHE Agentin ist (oder war), sondern dass vielleicht eher die Ehefrau für den IRANISCHEN—GEHEIM—DIENST zum SICHERHEITS—RISIKO wurde.
20121113             (Weil möglicherweise aus Unstimmigkeiten in den übermittelten angeblichen Geheimnissen 1—UNANGEMESSENE Beziehung zur Freundin der Familie, der ISRAELISCHEN—AGENTIN Jilly Kell, abgeleitet werden konnte.) Ich glaube, die Sache ist NOCH NICHT ausgestanden.
20121113             —NACH—DEM, geschassten CIA—CHEF—PETRAEUS wird —JETZT auch gegen AFGHANISTAN—KOMMANDEUR JOHN—ALLEN ermittelt.
20121113             —NEUEN—KONZEPT zur Endlagersuche: Greenpeace will Gorleben entsorgen
20121113             —NEUE—KOMPLIKATIONEN: CHÁVEZ Gesundheitszustand "heikel"
20121113             —NOCH befehligt JOHN—ALLEN—DIE—USA—STREIT—KRÄFTE in AFGHANISTAN, doch seine Karriere ist ins Stocken geraten.
20121113             —NUN, folgt die nächste Wendung in der Affäre: Kelley pflegte offenbar 1—ÄUSS—ERST regen E—MAIL—KONTAKT zu GENERAL Allen, Befehlshaber DER—STREIT—KRÄFTE in AFGHANISTAN und damit der Nachfolger von PETRAEUS.
20121113             —NUN, mal was ganz anderes
20121113             —ON, —LATE—SUNDAY, GREG—MILLER—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—POST wrote on Twitter that the "CIA adamant that BROADWELL claims about agency holding prisoners at BENGHAZI are not true".
20121113             —ON—SUNDAY, 1—SPOKESPERSON for THE—CIA told THE—DAILY—BEAST that THE—AGENCY "has not had detention authority —SINCE ;;01;;
20121113             —PETRAEUS—WAR diese —WOCHE als Zeuge für den Ausschuss geladen, der den STURM—AUF—DAS—USA—KONSULAT in Bengahzi (LIBYEN) und die ERMORDUNG—DES—BOTSCHAFTERS untersucht.
20121113             —PROTEST—GEGEN—DEN—ERFUNDENEN Schimpansen
20121113             —SEITDEM hat das Europäische Patentamt (Epa) in MÜNCHEN —BEREITS—CA—1.000—PATENTE auf Tiere und 20000000             auf Pflanzen erteilt, meist geht es um gentechnische Veränderungen.
20121113             —SPÄTER, habe DER—FBI—MANN—AUS Sorge, der Fall könne totgeschwiegen werden - 1 MITGLIED—DES—USA—KONGRESSES informiert.
20121113             —STREIT—UM—ETAT 20130000             : —VERHANDLUNGEN über EU—HAUSHALT geplatzt
20121113             —TAGUNG, Auf der, INTERNETplattform YouTube KURSIERTE—AM—MONTAG 1—VIDEO—VON—1—REDE, die sie Ende ;;10;;
20121113             an der UNIVERSITÄT—DENVER gehalten hatte.
20121113             —UNTIL then, and EVEN—TODAY, THE—CIA denies BROADWELL—CLAIMS that THE—CIA was holding anyone prisoner at what has long been described as 1—CONSULATE building in BENGHAZI.
20121113             —UPDATE, und in AUSTRALIEN darf man DER—POLIZEI —JETZT "Fuck Off"sagen.
20121113             —WHEN THE—FBI friend showed the emails to THE—CYBER—SQUAD in THE—TAMPA field office, her fellow agents noted that the absence of ANY—OVERT threats.
20121113             —ZEITUNGS—KRISE, FRANKFURTER—RUNDSCHAU meldet Insolvenz an
20121113—19810000    —IN, A 2. man, 1—RETIRED—ANGLICAN priest aged 67, was detained in Sussex on suspicion of separate offences against 2—TEENAGE—BOYS and 19830000             .
20121113—20090000    —ARRESTED, FRANCE, THIERRY—TILLY, —48—JAHRE—ALT, in SWITZERLAND, was sentenced to —8—YEARS in prison.
20121228—20121127    —RAPED, The woman was, 20121113             and reported the attack to police.
20131113             —DESIGNATED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT said it has, 2—NIGERIA—MILITANT—GROUPS, Boko Haram and Ansaru, as foreign terrorist organizations to help USA and other law enforcement agencies investigate and prosecute suspects associated with THE—2—EXTREMIST networks.
20131113             —KILLED, CALIFORNIA, 4—MARINES were, at Camp Pendleton —DURING 1—TRAINING exercise.
20131113             1—GRENADE was —LATER believed to have set off 1—EXPLOSION of unexploded rounds in 1—DEMOLITION pit.
20131113             —BECAME, NYSE Euronext, PART—OF—INTERCONTINENTAL—EXCHANGE (ICE), a —13—YEAR—OLD outfit based in ATLANTA—GEORGIA.
20131113             —SIGNED, HAWAII—GOVERNOR—NEIL—ABERCROMBIE, 1—BILL—LEGALYZING—SAME—SEX marriage —1—DAY—AFTER THE—STATE—SENATE approved the bill with a 19—TO—4—VOTE.
20131113             1 prized 19630000             ANDY—WARHOL painting, titled "Silver Car Crash (Double Disaster)," sold for $105—MILLION at 1—ACUTION in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20131113             This was 1—NEW—RECORD for 1—WARHOL painting.
20131113             Fugitive ECO—ACTIVIST PAUL—WATSON, —62—JAHRE—ALT said in FRANCE that green warriors were being classed as "terrorists" and accused JAPAN of coercing other countries into making demands for his arrest.
20131113             Watson said he was in talks to seek refuge in FRANCE, the only country apart from THE—USA—WHERE he said he expects 1—FAIR—TRIAL.
20131113             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, roadside bombings in the restive south and west, 3—BOYS.
20131113             THE—AFROBAROMETER survey, 1—POLL—OF—AFRICANS in 34—COUNTRIES across the continent, found that nearly 1—3. of people have been forced to pay bribes including for medical treatment.
20131113             —FARED, SIERRA—LEONE, the worst overall —WHEN it came to bribes, with 63—PERCENT of respondents saying they'd paid up at least once in the previous —YEAR.
20131113             MOROCCO and GUINEA came next, each with 57—PERCENT.
20131113             —ANNOUNCED, FORMER—AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—KEVIN—RUDD, 1—END to his chequered political career, quitting politics —2—MONTHS—AFTER being ousted from OFFICE—BY—TONY—ABBOTT.
20131113             —SHUTTERED, BANGLADESH, violent protests, some 250—GARMENT factories near THE—CAPITAL—DHAKA, as THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS demanded higher wages.
20131113             —OUSTED, BRAZIL, the remains of Joao Goulart, as PRESIDENT ahead of the 19640000—19850000     military dictatorship, were exhumed to determine if he was poisoned.
20131113             THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND said BRITAIN—ECONOMIC—RECOVERY "has finally taken hold," as it upgraded its growth forecasts despite headwinds from the eurozone debt crisis.
20131113             —KIDNAPPED, Gunmen in CAMEROON, GEORGES—VANDENBEUSCH, 1—FRANCE—PRIEST working in the lawless northern region.
20131113             —ACCUSED, Morsi, the military CHIEF who deposed him of treason.
20131113             1—POLICE armored personnel carrier ran over 1—PRO—MURSI student who was protesting outside 1—STATE—RUN UNIVERSITY—IN—THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—ASSIUT.
20131113             1—COURT sentenced 12—SUPPORTERS of deposed Islamist PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—MORSI to —17—YEARS in prison for taking part in 1—VIOLENT—STUDENT—LED protest.
20131113             —KILLED, IRAQ, at least 27—PEOPLE were, in bomb attacks targeting IRAQ—POLICE and pilgrims.
20131113             —ASSASSINATED, Gunmen in FALLUJAH, the city's mayor.
20131113             —PLEDGED, JAPAN—FINANCE MINISTER, to crack down on lenders that fail to sever links with organized crime as lawmakers grilled him over mob loans by banks and other financial institutions.
20131113             —DISCOVERED, KUWAIT said it has, its 1. CASE—OF—THE—MERS—CORONA€"VIRUS for 1—CITIZEN who is in "critical condition".
20131113             —LATER in the —DAY KUWAIT reported its 2. case for 1—MAN who —JUST returned from abroad.
20131113             —RESIGNED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS said his peace negotiators had, over THE—LACK—OF—PROGRESS in USA—BROKERED statehood talks clouded by ISRAEL—SETTLEMENT building.
20131113             —ARRESTED, THE—GAZA—BASED PALESTINE—CENTER for Human Rights said Hamas has, and tortured DOZENS—OF—PALESTINIANS in THE—GAZA—STRIP over the past few weeks on political grounds.
20131113             1—OF the blockaded enclave's largest waste water treatment plants stopped for LACK—OF—FUEL.
20131113             RUSSIA, protesters threw firecrackers at THE—POLAND—EMBASSY in MOSCOW in response to 1—SIMILAR—ATTACK on THE—RUSSIA—MISSION in WARSAW, further straining ties between countries with 1—HISTORY of troubled relations.
20131113             SAUDI—ARABIA, ETHIOPIA—AMBASSADOR in RIYADH said some 23,000 Ethiopians have handed themselves in —SINCE SAUDI—ARABIA—AUTHORITIES clamped down on illegal foreign workers —10—DAYS—AGO.
20131113             —REPORTED, SRI—LANKA, UNITED—KINGDOM—TELEVISION journalists, who have, on war crimes allegations in SRI—LANKA, were stopped from reaching THE—NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY by some 100—PRO—GOVERNMENT demonstrators who blocked their train.
20131113             SWITZERLAND, 1—ENORMOUS diamond known as "THE—PINK—STAR" sold for more than $83—MILLION at auction in GENEVA.
20131113             SOTHEBY—SAID the sale is the highest price ever paid for 1—GEMSTONE at auction.
20131113             —CAPTURED, SYRIA, forces loyal to PRESIDENT—ASSAD, 1—SUBURB—OF—DAMASCUS, PART—OF—1—BROADER—ADVANCE that has brought him major gains SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL —BEFORE proposed INTERNATIONAL peace talks.
20131113             1—MORTAR round slammed into 1—MAINLY—CHRISTIAN sector of DAMASCUS killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 7. Activists said Kurdish militias have seized another 7—VILLAGES in the northeast.
20131113             —LIFTED, TURKEY—PARLIAMENT, 1—BAN on women lawmakers wearing trousers in the assembly, in 1—FURTHER—LIBERALIZATION—OF—DRESS rules —FOLLOWING 1—LANDMARK decision to allow female deputies to wear the Islamic headscarf.
20131113             More than 1—HALF—OF—THE—EDITORIAL staff at THE—UKRAINE—EDITION of Forbes quit to protest what they say is censorship imposed by the new management.
20131113             —RESIGNED, They, —AFTER the new CHIEF editor rejected 1—PREVIOUSLY approved project to investigate 1—TOP—GOVERNMENT official, 1. Deputy PRIME—MINISTER—SERHIY—ARBUZOV, 1—ALLY—OF—THE—PRESIDENT.
20131113             —REACHED, THE—UN said opium poppy cultivation in AFGHANISTAN has, 1—RECORD high as farmers seek to "insure" themselves AHEAD—OF—NATO—FORCES' withdrawal —NEXT—YEAR.
20131113             THE—WHO said some 21—NATIONS in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and nearby regions have jointly made THE—ERADICATION—OF—POLIO 1—EMERGENCY priority and recognized that PAKISTAN is 1—KEY—PART—OF—THE—PROBLEM.
20131113             —ARRESTED, ZAMBIA—ANTI—GRAFT police said they had, 1—REGIONAL—POLICE CHIEF who is suspected of receiving illicit gifts from 1—GEMSTONE mining company.
20131113             —ACCUSED—OF, Copperbelt Province police boss MARY—TEMBO, —53—JAHRE—ALT was, receiving 1—TOYOTA—COROLL from Grizzly Mining Limited and registering it in her name —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20131113             —BEFINDET, Das 297—METER hohe Bürogebäude, sich an der SÜD—OST—ECKE des GROUND—0, des Areals des WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—KOMPLEXES in LOWER—MANHATTAN.
20131113—20130702    —ON, Deposed EGYPT—PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—MURSI said, in 1—LETER read by his lawyer, that he was kidnapped by the Republican Guard, THE—DAY—BEFORE the army announced his removal, and was —LATER held at 1—NAVAL—BASE—FOR—4—MONTHS.
20131113—20131109    —SINCE, 1—SUDAN—MAN was killed in a 2. flare of clashes between SAUDI—ARABIA—RIOT—POLICE, citizens and foreign workers in RIYADH.
20131113—20131231    —RELEASED, Vandenbeusch was.
20140705—20141113    —ON, 1—SECURITY—SOURCE in LIBYA said Vallisa was freed by 1 armed militia —AFTER they obtained 1—RANSOM—OF—AROUND 1—MILLION—EUROS ($1.25—MILLION).
20141113             —OPINIONATED, ALEXANDER—GROTHENDIECK was 1, and reclusive giant of 19010101—20001231     mathematics who shunned accolades and supported pacifist and environmental causes.
20141113             —DURING its —100—YEAR existence, the Askariya Mosque, housing 12000000             —THE—YEAR shrine, was never attacked.
20141113             THE—SUNNI population of Sammara took particular pride in its care, 1—SYMBOL—OF—SHIA—SUNNI brotherhood.
20141113             Sammara is THE—SITE—OF—THE—DISAPPEARANCE—OF—THE 12. and last Imam -- MOHAMMED—AL—MAHDI, 1—DESCENDANT of the Prophet MOHAMMED.
20141113             It is said he will return to restore justice to THE—WORLD.
20141113             —INDICTED, Massey Energy CEO—DON—BLANKENSHIP was, for conspiring to violate health and safety standards in relation to 20100405             —THE, WEST—VIRGINIA mine explosion that left 29—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20141113             USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA met with democracy heroine Aung S—SUU—KYI and other MYANMAR lawmakers as he sought to turn —AROUND THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NATION'S "backsliding" on much celebrated political reforms.
20141113             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNTABILITY—OFFICE said federally run schools for USA—INDIA—CHILDREN have misspent MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20141113             THE—BUREAU—OF—INDIAN—EDUCATION fun by the Interior DEPARTMENT overseas some 180—SCHOOLS for about 41,000 students.
20141113             S—FRANCISCO, drug dealer and informant CESAR—HERNANDEZ told 1—COURT—THAT—SF police officers paid him cash and drugs as long as he cooperated with them.
20141113             —ON trial were officers EDMOND—ROBLES and Sgt IAN—FURMINGER.
20141113             —PLEADED, Officer Reynaldo Vargas, guilty —LAST—MONTH to felony charges and agreed to testify against his former colleagues.
20141113             —EXECUTED, FLORIDA, Chadwick Banks (43) for killing his sleeping wife and raping his young stepdaughter —22—YEARS—EARLIER.
20141113             —ANNOUNCED, Berkshire Hathaway, 1—DEAL to acquire the Duracell battery unit of PG&E in exchange for stock that has appreciated allowing the company to avoid capital gains.
20141113             AUSTRALIA, more than 400—PROTESTERS stuck their heads in the sand on Bondi Beach, mocking the government's reluctance to put climate change on the agenda of 1—G20 summit this weekend.
20141113             1—BANGLADESH tribunal sentenced fugitive opposition leader M.A. Zahid Hossain Khokon to death for his role in killing people and other crimes —DURING the nation's 19710000             INDEPENDENCE war.
20141113             —BELIEVED, Khokon was, to be living in SWEDEN.
20141113             —ARRESTED, Bosnia police, 11—PEOPLE on suspicion of fighting alongside Islamist militants in Syria and IRAQ.
20141113             —ARRESTED, BRAZIL—POLICE in RIO—DE—JANEIRO, Phillip JOHN—SMITH, —40—JAHRE—ALT, 1 convicted pedophile and murderer from NEW—ZEALAND, —AFTER —1—WEEK on the run from NEW—ZEALAND.
20141113             He remained in BRAZIL—CUSTODY pending his return to NEW—ZEALAND.
20141113             1—UNITED—KINGDOM—WOMAN, Amal EL—WAHABI, —28—JAHRE—ALT, who tried to send 20,000 euros ($25,000) to her husband fighting with Islamic State (IS) group in Syria, was jailed —FOR—28—MONTHS and —7—DAYS.
20141113             † KAKHA—BENDUKIDZE, —58—JAHRE—ALT, THE—AUTHOR—OF—LIBERAL—REFORMS that overhauled GEORGIA—POST—SOVIET—ECONOMY, in LONDON where he was recovering from heart surgery.
20141113             —APPOINTED, In May he was, adviser to UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO who is pushing for liberal reforms.
20141113             —ARRESTED, COLOMBIA police, PERU—NUMBER 1—FUGITIVE.
20141113             —ACCUSED—OF, Businessman Rodolfo Orellana was, amassing 1—FORTUNE through money laundering of over $200—MILLION.
20141113             EGYPT, Islamic militants set up roadblocks and killed 5—POLICEMEN and soldiers the restive NORTH—SINAI—PENINSULA, where authorities have declared 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY —FOLLOWING 1—MAJOR—ATTACK that killed 31—TROOPS —LAST—MONTH.
20141113             —BARRICADED, FRANCE, HUNDREDS—OF—STUDENTS, school entrances across PARIS and demonstrated in protests against alleged police brutality, —JUST as 1—MAJOR—UNION—OF—POLICE officers staged its own rally to demand more personnel and equipment.
20141113             1—GERMANY—COURT convicted 4—MEN of being members of or supporting al Qaeda and planning 1—POTENTIALLY lethal attack on GERMANY—SOIL, handing them jail sentences of up to —9—YEARS.
20141113             —SEIZED, GERMANY—POLICE said authorities have, 2.9—TONS—OF—1—CHEMICAL used to produce crystal meth in 1—OPERATION that brought 15—ARRESTS in GERMANY and THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC.
20141113             INDIA won USA—SUPPORT for its food stockpiling scheme, rescuing the World Trade Organization from paralysis and giving new PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI 1—VICTORY without major concessions.
20141113             —REDUCED, ITALY, 1—MILAN appeals court, the sentences of 3—FORMER—AIDES to Silvio Berlusconi for their roles in procuring prostitutes for THE—EX—PREMIER—INFAMOUS "bunga bunga" parties.
20141113             —IMPOSED, LIBERIA—PRESIDENT—ELLEN—JOHNSON—SIRLEAF said she is lifting 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY, to control 1—EBOLA outbreak that has ravaged the country but added that the move does not mean the outbreak is over.
20141113             Researchers said 1—DINOSAUR tooth found in MALAYSIA is at least 140—MILLION years old and belongs to 1—NEW—SPECIES within the "BIRD—HIPPED" Ornithischian order.
20141113             —URGED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, MAURITANIA to end "harassment, intimidation and repression" of ANTI—SLAVERY activists, —FOLLOWING 1—NUMBER—OF—HIGH—PROFILE arrests.
20141113             —ARRESTED, MOROCCO—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said police have, 4—FRANCE—NATIONALS in THE—CITY—OF—MARRAKESH and WEST—SAHARA—LAAYOUNE, who it said were linked to terrorist groups.
20141113             —PROPOSED, Speaking in MYANMAR CHINA—PRIME—MINISTER—LI—KEQIANG, 1—FRIENDSHIP TREATY—WITH—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—COUNTRIES (ASEAN) and offered $20—BILLION in loans but held firm on the line that BEIJING will only settle SOUTH—CHINA Sea disputes directly with other claimants.
20141113             —KILLED, NIGERIA, 3—SERVICEMEN were, in 1—MILITARY—HELICOPTER crash in the restive northeast.
20141113             —INVOLVED, The aircraft, was 1—GROUND attack helicopter on 1 armed patrol in Adamawa state.
20141113             —SEIZED, Islamic extremists, Chibok, forcing THOUSANDS—OF—RESIDENTS to flee from the northeast town from which the insurgents kidnapped nearly 300—SCHOOLGIRLS —IN—APRIL.
20141113             —DETAINED, PORTUGAL, police, 11—PEOPLE, including THE—HEAD—OF—THE—BORDER agency.
20141113             —SUSPECTED, Police, that SOME—PROPERTIES bought to obtain 1—GOLDEN visa may have gone for less than the required ?500,000 minimum.
20141113             —TARGETED, SYRIA, 1—USA—STRIKE, the Khorasan group near THE—TOWN—OF—HAREM, Idlib province.
20141113             THE—USA says the group is 1—SPECIAL—CELL within AL—QAIDA—SYRIA—BRANCH — known as the Nusra Front.
20141113             1—WEBSITE affiliated with the Islamic State group said IS leader ABU—BAKR—AL—BAGHDADI has ordered the terror organization to start minting gold, silver and copper coins for its own currency, the Islamic dinar.
20141113             TURKEY said it will issue work permits for SOME—OF—THE 1.5—MILLION SYRIA—WAR refugees it is hosting, dismissing fears it would harm local workers.
20141113             UKRAINE—REPRESENTATIVE—TO—THE—OSCE security and rights body told 1—AUSTRIA—NEWSPAPER it was —NOW hardly possible to speak of 1—CEASEFIRE, citing 2,400 alleged BREACHES—OF—THE—TRUCE by rebels.
20141113             —KILLED, He said 4—UKRAINE—SERVICEMEN had been, in the past —24—HOURS.
20141113             —ENDORSED, YEMEN—HOUTHIS, 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT in SANAA to replace THE—1—THEY had forced to step down.
20141113             —COMPLAINED, They had, —FOR—YEARS—OF—DISCRIMINATION against their northern homeland.
20141113             Heavy Huthi shelling of 1—NORTHERN—DISTRICT—OF—THE—CENTRAL—TOWN—OF—RADA killed 5—WOMEN —LATE—TODAY and displaced thousands.
20141113             30—HUTHIS were also killed in the fighting —AROUND Rada.
20141113             "ISIS and the Real Reason Why Young Muslim Men Join the Jihad"
20141113             "Müssen wir uns Sorgen machen?", war —AM—DONNERSTAG in AUSTRALISCHEN—MEDIEN die FRAGE—DES—TAGES.
20141113             "Porndroid": TROJANER—APP erpresst ANDROID—NUTZER mit KINDER—PORNOS
20141113             "ROSETTA"legt 10—DEN vergangenen —10—JAHREN—CA—6.500.000.000—KMIM All zurück.
20141113             $43—MILLION from USA sent to THE—TALIBAN.
20141113             adeln unsere Medien dieses PSEUDO—RELIGIÖSE Mordgesindel mit dem Begriff "GOTTES—KRIEGER"?
20141113             Weder sind sie "Krieger"noch agieren sie im Sinne Gottes.
20141113             Der Begriff ist so perfide wie "Ehrenmord"
20141113             building 1—NEW—SYRIA—ARMY is best not done in SYRIA itself.
20141113             —AT—LEAST not at 1.
20141113             THE—PROGRAM would need the time and sanctuary to perform the necessary training, reORGANIZATION, sorting and socialization into 1—NEW—SYRIA—ARMY without the distractions and pressures of SYRIA itself.
20141113             THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—OFFER to provide facilities to train 10.000—SYRIA—OPPOSITION fighters is 1—OF—REASONABLE—POSSIBILITY, although 1—OF—SYRIA—NEIGHBORS would probably be preferable.
20141113             JORDAN—ALREADY serves as training ground for AMERICA—CURRENT training —PROGRAM and it would be 1—IDEAL locale to build 1—REAL—SYRIA—ARMY.
20141113             HOWEVER—TURKEY could also conceivably serve that purpose if the Turks were willing.
20141113             —1—TAG nach der spektakulären Landung mit 1—MINI—LABOR auf 1—KOMETEN haben Kontrolleure AM—DONNERSTAGMORGEN wieder Kontakt zu dem Landegerät "PHILAE"bekommen.
20141113             Außerdem scheint die Position des ROBOTER—GERÄTES trotz der PROBLEME—BEI—DER Landung recht stabil zu sein.
20141113             Das teilte DIE—EUROPÄISCHE WELT—RAUM—ORGANISATION esa in DARMSTADT mit.
20141113             —GEKLAPPT, Dreimal habe "PHILAE"zur Landung angesetzt, dann habe es.
20141113             20000-SEITEn eMails! Donnerwetter!
20141113             Ich dachte, OBER—BEFEHLS—HABER wäre 1—VOLLZEITJOB.
20141113             1—SHORT time —LATER, on
20141113             AUSTRALIENs VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—MARK—BINSKIN sagte der Zeitung auf die Frage, warum RUSSLAND seine Schiffe um die halbe Welt schicke:
20141113             Abbott hatte PUTIN MITVERANTWORTLICH—FÜR—DEN Absturz des Flugzeugs MH17 über DER—OST—UKRAINE gemacht und ihm 1—ENTSCHULDIGUNG nahegelegt.
20141113             ABU—BAKR—AL—BAGHDADI & BIN—LADEN legends 'made in USA'
20141113             Among those signing their name to this plan found within Brookings' "Which Path to PERSIA?"report, was KENNETH—POLLACK.
20141113             —NOW, in efforts to overthrow THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—SYRIA, also 1 stated and integral PART—OF—UNDERMINING, isolating, and destroying IRAN, Pollack has revealed another ELEMENT—OF—THE—PLAN—TO create 1—FULL—SCALE proxy MILITARY force outside of SYRIA, then subsequently invading and occupying SYRIA with it.
20141113             And yet THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE are still being told that BAGHDADi is their worst enemy.
20141113             Auch das AUSTRALISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM teilte mit, die Bewegung DER—KRIEG—SCHIFFE stehe "völlig im Einklang mit den Vorschriften DER—INTERNATIONALEN Gesetze, wonach sich MILITÄRschiffe in internationalen Gewässern frei bewegen können".
20141113             Auch zum ENDE—DES—VERFAHRENS beklagen die beteiligten RECHTS—ANWÄLTE NOCH—IMMER den aus ihrer Sicht nicht hinreichend aufgeklärten Einfluss von NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTEN auf den Prozess.
20141113             BRISBANE—MUSKELSPIELE vor dem G20—GIPFEL: In 1—NEUEN MACHT—DEMONSTRATION hat RUSSLAND 4—KRIEG—SCHIFFE seiner Pazifikflotte vor die Küste AUSTRALIENs verlegt.
20141113             DIE—AUSTRALISCHE—MARINE beobachte das Manöver und habe 2—FREGATTEN und 1—FLUGZEUG geschickt, teilte DAS—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM in CANBERRA mit.
20141113             —ADMITTED, Clearly, not only is this ALREADY being done as, by Pollack himself, it is being done on 1—SCALE—ALREADY eclipsing Pollack's alleged PLAN—THE only difference is it is being done through THE—USE—OF—SECTARIAN EXTREMISTS—NOT the imaginary, nonexistent secular professionals Pollack uses as 1—MARKETING gimmick to sell this scheme.
20141113             —TOURED, Construction MINISTER—JASSEM—MOHAMMED—JAAFAR, who, Sammara and inspected the damage incurred to the shrine, said the placing of explosives inside the dome was meticulous and must have taken at least —12—HOURS".Holes were dug into the mausoleum's 4—MAIN pillars and packed with explosives," he told THE—MEDIA, adding that work on EACH—PILLAR must have taken at least —4—HOURS.
20141113             —REDUCED, The normal security detail of 35—MEN had been, to 5, THE—5—GUARDS were taken hostage —DURING—THE—12—HOURS, and nobody noticed anything.
20141113             DAS—VERFAHREN sorgte aber auch deshalb für Aufmerksamkeit in SICHERHEITS—KREISEN, weil es auf Hinweise der NSA zurückgeht.
20141113             —ALARMIERT, DIE—AUSTRALIER sind.
20141113             DIE—BUNDES—ANWALTSCHAFT hält dem entgegen, daß hinreichend Beweise rechtsstaatlich einwandfrei und ohne Zutun von Diensten zusammengetragen worden seien.
20141113             Diese Frage soll MEDIEN—BERICHTEN zufolge zu heftigen MEINUNGS—VERSCHIEDENHEITEN in der REGIERUNGS—KOALITION geführt haben.
20141113             DIE—SCHIFFE befänden sich in internationalen Gewässern.
20141113             "Sie dürfen das", so Binskin.
20141113             Dass TERRORISTEN so dumm sein sollen, ihre Anschläge am Telefon zu besprechen ist schwer glaubhaft.
20141113             —BERICHTET, Der "SYDNEY —MORNING Herald" - Fotostrecke: Flammen im Plenarsaal
20141113             GESETZ—GEGEN—ABSCHIEBUNG: OBAMA will offenbar Millionen Immigranten gesetzlich schützen
20141113             HOGESA—KUNDGEBUNG: Gericht erlaubt ANTI—SALAFISTEN—DEMO in HANNOVER
20141113             Hoping to find answers and interview residents of Sammara, THE—AL—ARABIYA news network dispatched 3—OF—ITS—JOURNALISTS, including FORMER—ALJAZEERA reporter Atwar Bahjat, herself 1—NATIVE—OF—THE—ANCIENT—CITY.
20141113             Sources in IRAQ say she was interviewing residents —WHEN 1—TRUCK FULL—OF—UNKNOWN armed men abducted her as she screamed for help.
20141113             —MIXED, Bahjat, 30, of, SUNNI—SHIA heritage, was found executed outside SAMARRA, along with her cameraman and sound technician.
20141113             Her field equipment and video were missing. Hölle auf Erden
20141113             —EXPANDED, IRAN as well has, its influence and become 1—KEY—ALLY—OF—THE—OPPOSITION in BAHRAIN, and YEMEN, become closer than ever with SYRIA (actually having troops there could never have happened w/o this war) and has even become 1—ALLY with the Kurds in IRAQ and SYRIA
20141113             ISIS is AMERICA—DREAM—REBEL—ARMY
20141113             ISS—ASTRONAUT—ALEXANDER—GERST: Und —JETZT zum Mars
20141113             IS—ABLEGER in der arabischen Welt: BAGHDADis Brüder
20141113             If not for the fine WORK—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—POST, I might have maintained the impression that THE—SYRIA—CIVIL—WAR was instigated by us, and that we (or our allies) created ISIS as PART—OF—1—PROXY army against BASHAR—AL—ASSAD—NOW—I know better!
20141113             If you really want to venture into this TERRITORY—AND it's very, very embarrassing territory, believe ME—YOU should read 1—AMAZING book called MALE Fantasies.
20141113             Der —32—JAHRE—ALTE soll Chlorephedrin extra im Ausland produziert haben lassen.
20141113             Er soll die Vernichtung der Substanz vorgetäuscht haben, um sie dann illegal für die DROGEN—HERSTELLUNG zu verkaufen.
20141113             In den 1.—STUNDEN nach der Landung hätten —BEREITS wichtige DATEN gesammelt werden können, sagte Ferri.
20141113             —GELUNGEN, Neben Fotos sei es etwa, das TOMOGRAPHIE—PROJEKT "Consert"zu starten.
20141113             Dabei durchleuchten "PHILAE"und "ROSETTA"den KOMETEN in Teamarbeit".
20141113             In der Regel reagierte die Post auf solche von den Hackern offengelegten SICHERHEITS—MÄNGEL, indem sie sie ignorierte.
20141113             Doch der Fund der HASPA—ZUGANGS—DATEN 19840000             wendete das Blatt: Durch 1 "elektronischen Bankraub"konnte man DIE—SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN—VON—BTX medienwirksam präsentieren und die Post zu 1—RE—AKTION zwingen.
20141113             Und so wandten sich HOLLAND und Wernéry mit den Erkenntnissen aus ihrem Hack an das "—HEUTE—JOURNAL"des ZDF.
20141113             Der DIREKTOR—DER—SPARKASSE, obwohl sichtlich erstaunt, lobte in dem Beitrag sogar die "Tüchtigkeit"der Hacker.
20141113             DIE—GINGEN —DARAUFHIN mit ihrer Entdeckung durch DIE—MEDIEN und machten den CCC deutschlandweit bekannt.
20141113             LUXEMBURGer STEUERrabatte: SCHÄUBLE verteidigt JUNCKER
20141113             —GEKIPPT, Landung auf KOMET—TSCHURI: "PHILAE"liegt, zwischen Felsblöcken
20141113             MINI—LABOR "PHILAE": esa hat wieder Kontakt zum KOMETEN—LANDER
20141113             Missy Ryan, former jorno at CNN, was 1—OF—THE—RIXOS—HOTEL—USA jornos in TRIPOLI —DURING Qadhafi times —DURING—THE—LYBIAN war together with Jomana and MATTHEW—CHANCE.
20141113             As it was shown, there are not jornos in reality but undercover CIA agents.
20141113             —PROHIBITED, Qadhafi, them to go —AROUND so that they didn't give ANY—INFOS.
20141113             —TASKED, They were, with the ops to kill dissident jornos namely THIERRY—MEYSSAN, Lizzie Phelan, and another 1—FROM Global Research as well as 1—BLACK—SENATOR who saw that initial beheadings in LIBYA were done by Danish and FRANCE—OFFICERS as Libyans didn't want to perform it.
20141113             So I have quite 1—LOT—OF—DOUBTS about what Missy Ryan writes.
20141113             —JUST CIA propaganda inflitrating newspapers.
20141113             1—MISSY Ryan at THE—WASHINGTON—POST wants her readers to swallow this nonsense:
20141113             Onlinehandel: Kaum 1—INTERESSIERT sich fürs Kleingedruckte
20141113             Pausch, der "die gebotene Trennung zwischen geheimdienstlichen und polizeilichen Ermittlungen"aufgeweicht sieht.
20141113             Politische KRISE—IN—ITALIEN—BERLUSCONI und Renzi einigen sich auf WAHL—RECHT—REFORM
20141113             Prozess um Tonbänder: Kohls Anwalt nennt Schwan "Verräter" - Psychiatrien in MEXIKO: In der Hölle
20141113             RUSSIA and presumably (BEHIND—THE—SCENES) CHINA have made clear where they stand and are actively involved.
20141113             —THREATENED, Their standing up of SYRIA —WHILE THE—USA and UK, to bomb was 1 watershed moment in POST—COLD—WAR history.
20141113             RUSSLAND vor dem G20—GIPFEL: Das Schauspiel vom bescheidenen PUTIN - Reacting to this attack, on 22 and
20141113             ROBERT—SCHEER - SAUDI—ARABIA has sent convicts to fight in SYRIA as 1—ALTERNATIVE to prison
20141113             —DAMAGED, SYRIA has certainly been, severely, but THE—GOVERNMENTT there has actually managed to establish 1—DEMOCRATIC—LEGITIMACY it never had, and has formed 1—STRONG—NATIONAL—ALLIANCE of all the groups in THE—COUNTRY—IT is quite strong and getting stronger.
20141113             Sagrotan vs. Bakterien: Die sagenhafte 99,99-%-Garantie
20141113             Sensordaten hätten gezeigt, daß "PHILAE"nicht einmal, sondern dreimal hintereinander aufgesetzt HABE—UM 16.33, 17.26—UND 1733—UHR DEUTSCHER—ZEIT.
20141113             —NUN, ist 1—WEITERER Beweis dafür eingetroffen, daß "PHILAE"sicher steht: DIE—SONDE hat die 1.Bilddaten zur Erde gefunkt.
20141113             Should INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES be able to sweep our email, read our texts, track our PHONE—CALLS, locate us by GPS?
20141113             MUCH—OF—THE—CONVERSATION swirls —AROUND the possibility that agencies like THE—NSA or THE—FBI will use such information not to serve NATIONAL—SECURITY but to carry out personal and political vendettas.
20141113             —CONJURED, KING—EXPERIENCE reminds us that these are far from idle fears, in the fevered minds of civil libertarians.
20141113             —BASED, They are, in the hard FACTS—OF—HISTORY.
20141113             —PRIVATISIERT, Staatliche Fluggesellschaft: PORTUGAL, GROßTEIL—VON—TAP
20141113             STEFFEN—WERNÉRY fand dabei heraus, daß man Seiten durch 1—ÜBERLAUF an Zeichen "crashen"konnte.
20141113             DIE—INFORMATIONEN für den Aufbau 1—SEITE bestanden aus DECODER—INFORMATIONEN, deren Obergrenzen bei 16260000             Zeichen lag.
20141113             Der Fehler im EDITIER—SYSTEM bestand —NUN darin, daß dieses auf die Eingabe der Höchstzahl von Zeichen nicht mit 1—AUFBAU der Seite reagierte, sondern scheinbar wirre DATEN auf dem Bildschirm sichtbar machte.
20141113             In diesen DATEN entdeckten HOLLAND und Wernéry 1—NUTZERKENNUNG sowie 1—PASSWORT—DIE BTX—ZUGANGS—DATEN—DER—HAMBURGER—SPARKASSE (Haspa).
20141113             Stichelnde EX—PRÄSIDENTEN: BUSH und CLINTON im TWITTER—CLINCH
20141113             TERRORISMUS: Hohe Haftstrafen in PROZESS—GEGEN—QAIDA—ANHÄNGER
20141113             —PUBLISHED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES has, 1 unredacted version of the famous "suicide letter" from THE—FBI to DOCTOR—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING, JUNIOR.
20141113             —DISCOVERED, The letter, —RECENTLY, by historian and professor BEVERLY—GAGE, is 1—DISTURBING document.
20141113             But it's also something that everyone IN—THE—USA should read, because it demonstrates exactly what lengths THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY is willing to go TO—AND what happens —WHEN they take THE—FRUITS—OF—THE—SURVEILLANCE they've done and unleash it on 1—TARGET.
20141113             THE—USA says it held BAGHDADi in the "terrorist training wing" of Camp Bucca for less than —1—YEAR.
20141113             But both American and IRAQ—WITNESSES say it was MORE—THAN—5—YEARS.
20141113             ANY—CASE, it would appear that THE—SELF—STYLED caliph was groomed for his future role —WHILE in USA custody.
20141113             Teures Wohneigentum: IMMOBILIEN—PREISE in Großstädten steigen rasant - Thanks for the link.
20141113             Interesting bit about AL—NUSRAH destroying THE—ARMENIA—CHURCH where the major archives of THE—ARMENIA—GENOCIDE were stored.
20141113             That certainly would not be OUT—OF—CHARACTER for 1—GROUP that has been protected by ISRAEL and supplied by TURKEY.
20141113             —CALLED, The 1.plan had, for putting USA—OFFICIALS in charge of IRAQ under THE—NAME—OF—THE—OFFICE—OF—RECONSTRUCTION and Humanitarian Assistance in IRAQ led by FORMER—USA—GENERAL—JAY—GARNER.
20141113             THE—PALESTINIANS have never had more INTERNATIONAL support as they have —RECENTLY—LARGELY due to ISRAELis violence and illegal settlement building
20141113             The anonymous letter was THE—RESULT—OF—THE—FBI—COMPREHENSIVE—SURVEILLANCE and harassment strategy against DOCTOR—KING, which included bugging his hotel rooms, photographic surveillance, and physical OBSERVATION—OF—KING—MOVEMENTS by FBI—AGENTS.
20141113             —ATTEMPTED, THE—AGENCY also, to break up his marriage by sending selectively edited "personal moments he shared with friends and women" to his oo.
20141113             The author is 1—ANNOYING—GERMANY—ACADEMIC, and the writing is tedious as Hell, but the idea is amazing: 1—LOOK at the fantasies about women that motivated the young men who joined the Freikorps, the volunteer MILITARY FORCES—OF—WEIMAR—ERA GERMANY.
20141113             THE—BOOK argues, in its slow, earnest GERMANY—WAY, that these fantasies are ordinary, but very creepy, MALE ideas leading direct from DUMB—ASS dreams about girls, to the fatal decision to march off with the Freikorps.
20141113             And if you were to look for a 21. VERSION—OF—THE—FREIKORPS...Ladies and gents, may I present ISLAMIC—STATE?"
20141113             The entire letter could have been taken from 1—PAGE—OF—GCHQ—JOINT—THREAT—RESEARCH and INTELLIGENCE Group (JTRIG)—THOUGH perhaps as 1—EMAIL or SERIES—OF—TWEETS.
20141113             The legend of "Caliph" ABU—BAKR—AL—BAGHDADI, like that of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, is highly suspicious.
20141113             —DISRUPTED, All of which was, by mass demonstrations encouraged by Grand Ayatollah AL—SISTANI who promoted democracy in IRAQ -- which hadn't been 1—USA objective.
20141113             The term caliphate has been used for IRAQ —BEFORE, about the time of the "redirection"of USA—GOVERNMENT—POLICY and even —BEFORE.
20141113             THERE—1—LESSON to learn here: history must play 1—CENTRAL—ROLE in the debate —AROUND spying —TODAY.
20141113             As Professor Gage states:
20141113             USA—POLITIK,REPUBLIKANER wählen McConnell zum starken Mann im SENAT
20141113             —VERWEIGERT, Untersuchung des GAZA—KRIEGS: ISRAEL, UNO—TEAM die Einreise
20141113             Verschollene Studenten in MEXIKO: Sie sind es leid
20141113             Verschwundene Studenten in MEXIKO—DEMONSTRANTEN zünden PARLAMENT an
20141113             Versteckte Schnitzereien: Hexenschutz für den KÖNIG
20141113             WEST—AFRIKA: Tests mit EBOLA—MEDIKAMENTEN beginnen ;;1200—IM, Warum...
20141113             —WHILE THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION is expanding its effort against THE—ISLAMIC—STATE, it has resisted calls from SOME—OF—ITS—MIDDLE—EASTERN—ALLIES to more directly pressure SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD, whose long civil —KONFLIKT has created the conditions that gave birth to THE—ISLAMIC—STATE and other EXTREMIST groups.
20141113             —GEKOMMEN, Woher der 1.Tipp auf die Zelle, sei, sei damit für DAS—VERFAHREN unerheblich, heißt es.
20141113             YEMEN is OUT—OF—CONTROL.
20141113             Shia socialists are AGAIN making their power felt and control THE—COUNTRY nearly.
20141113             This is not what THE—USA wants to see there at all.
20141113             You know if you think about it normally 1—THINKS—OF—1—WAR or 1—KONFLIKT of big armies and navies and AIR—FORCES competing against EACH—OTHER.
20141113             That's been the history.
20141113             But that is something that is not taking place —TODAY.
20141113             Instead we're up against NETWORKS—OF—PEOPLE who OPE—RATE —IN—THE—SHADOWS, who don't have nations to defend, who don't have bureaucracies to manage, people who are determined to reestablish 1—CALIPHATE in this world and to take out MODERATE GOVERNMENTs and to change the lives of free people.
20141113             [CCC]CHAOS—COMPUTER—CLUB 19840000             : Der legendäre KLACK—KLACK—HACK
20141113             [l] Ah! Das MIT—DER—NSA—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEITEN—NARRATIV nimmt Formen an.
20141113             [l] Der Wunschzettel des BND zur INTERNETspionage ist geleakt.
20141113             Größte Überraschung ist, daß sie 1—GEMEINS             Wichtige Vorarbeiten für den Beweis stammen vom INDISCHEN—MATHEGENIE Ramanujan (18870000—19200000    ).
20141113             [l] Kennt ihr eigentlich den "SELBSTMORD—BRIEF"des FBI an DOCTOR—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING?
20141113             Na dann los. Aber setzt euch vorher hin.
20141113             es sei nicht das 1.Mal, daß RUSSLAND bei GIPFELTREFFEN—MIT—SEINER Marine präsent sei.
20141113             Auch zum APEC—GIPFEL 20090000             in SINGAPUR und bei 1—BESUCH des damaligen RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENTEN Dmitrij Medwedew 20100000             in S—FRANCISCO habe die RUSSISCHE—MARINE KRIEG—SCHIFFE entsandt.
20141113             Ärger um Zitate: HELMUT—KOHL siegt vor Gericht gegen seinen Ghostwriter
20141113             Überträger gefährlicher Krankheiten: Wie Moskitos Geschmack am Menschen fanden
20141113             —AFTER 1—CONSIDERABLE preamble assuring readers that the aim of creating a "better SYRIA—OPPOSITION army"would exclude sectarian extremists and result —IN—THE—SAME "success"THE—USA had in training THE—IRAQ—ARMY, THE—DOCUMENT explains:
20141113             —AFTER his release, BAGHDADi and his ISIL commanders received further training, as well as weapons and funds, at 1—SECRET—CIA base in JORDAN.
20141113             —WORKED, THE—USA, through its regional proxies to create 1—FORMIDABLE—ISIL army aimed at overthrowing SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD—IT seems likely that THE—USA and its proxies also provided THE—INTELLIGENCE that allowed ISIL to overrun THE—IRAQ—ARMY — which THE—USA had intentionally disarmed — and seize OIL—RICH—PARTS—OF—IRAQ.
20141113             —AM, If "JOURNALIST"Missy RYAN—DIDN'T write this nonsense she would become 1—EX—JOURNALIST and they'd get somebody else to do it.
20141113             She knows that.
20141113             Every "JOURNALIST"at the WaPo and NYT knows that.
20141113             —AM, in SAINT—GIRONS südlich von BORDEAUX gestorben ist.
20141113             —ANTI—TERROR—SONDERGERICHT: PAKISTAN erlässt Haftbefehl gegen OPPOSITIONS—FÜHRER Khan
20141113             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "AUFSTAND—GEGEN—DAS Bündnis von KAPITAL, Gier und Politik"
20141113             —IN—THE—REPORT titled, "Building 1—BETTER—SYRIA—OPPOSITION Army: How and Why,"Pollack cites THE—SO—CALLED "ISLAMIC—STATE"or "ISIS"as the ultimate impetus for expanded USA—INTERVENTION.
20141113             However, upon looking at POLLACK—PROPOSAL, it merely looks as if THE—USA is using ISIS as 1—PRETEXT to more overtly intervene in order to overthrow THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—SYRIA—NOT in fact neutralize ISIS.
20141113             —NACHT—IN—DER—VOM, 16. auf den
20141113             —STREIT—IN—DORTMUND: Politiker fordern Frauenquote für Fußgängerampeln
20141113             —STUDIE—ZU—DEUTSCHEN—GROSSSTÄDTEN: Debatte um MIET—PREIS—BREMSE treibt Mieten in die Höhe
20141113             —URTEIL—IN—DEN—USA: Oberster GERICHT—HOF legalisiert HOMO—EHE in 2—WEITEREN Bundestaaten
20141113             —WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—ISLAMISTEN in NIGERIA: Dorfbewohner locken BOKO—HARAM—KÄMPFER in Hinterhalt
20141113             "We will —NOW have to depend on our older leaders like Wilkins, 1—MAN—OF—CHARACTER and thank God we have others like him. But you are done".
20141113             This line is key, because PART—OF—THE—FBI—STRATEGY was to try to fracture movements and pit leaders against 1—ANOTHER.
20141113—19660000    —IN, he was awarded the Fields Medal, but refused to travel to MOSCOW to accept it for political reasons.
20141113—19810900    —SEIT, Der CCC allerdings, der
20141113—20060222    —ON, The decisive USA DIVIDE—AND—CONQUER move was THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—SHIITE—AL—ASKARI shrine in (Sunni) SAMARRA which caused substantial violence.
20141113—20090000    —RETIRED, Bendukidze had, from public service to invest in education and found the Free UNIVERSITY—IN—TBILISI which went on to become the country's leading institution.
20141113—20100000    —SINCE, THE—USA—HAS been arming THE—TERRORISTS ever, —WHEN violence, shootings, and indiscriminate killings erupted in SYRIA (reported as "peaceful protests" in Western media).
20141113—20141116    —ON, interior MINISTER—MIGUEL—MACEDO resigned.
20141113—20150000    —ANFANG, DIE—REGIERUNG—VON—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—PEDRO—PASSOS—COELHO hatte —SCHON vor —MONATEN angekündigt, daß sie die umstrittene Privatisierung —VOR—NOCH —JAHRESENDE lancieren und abgewickelt haben wollte. es war jedoch nicht bekannt, welcher Anteil in private Hände gegeben werden sollte.
20141118—20141113    —SINCE, She and her sister had been missing, —WHEN they were seen leaving 1—PARTY in Santa Barbara.
20150111130703       —SUNDAY, DanielWickham93 DANIEL—WICKHAM@DanielWickham93 Wickham@DanielWickham93
20151113             RUSSIA said its AIR—FORCE flew 107—SORTIES and hit 289—TERRORIST—TARGETS in Syria on 20151111—20121111.
20151113             —DESIGNATED, THE—UNITED—STATES said it had, TURKEY—PRISONER Maghomed Maghomedzakirovich Abdurakhmanov (41) 1—TERRORIST, triggering sanctions and penalties.
20151113             —SENTENCED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES had —RECENTLY, him to prison for belonging to 1—TERRORIST organization.
20151113             —BLACKLISTED, THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT said it has, NORTH—KOREA—AMBASSADOR to MYANMAR for alleged involvement in illegal weapons trade.
20151113             —TARGETED, THE—UNITED—STATES and its allies, Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ with 20—AIR strikes, and also hit the militant group with 7—AIR strikes in Syria.
20151113             —REPORTED, THE—USA—POSTAL—SERVICE, a $5.1—BILLION loss for THE—JUST—COMPLETED 20150000             fiscal cycle, 1—SLIGHT—IMPROVEMENT over —LAST—YEAR.
20151113             —RECOMMENDED, USA presidential candidate BEN—CARSON, praying for rival DONALD—TRUMP —AFTER THE—REAL—ESTATE mogul and television personality, in a —95—MINUTE rant in IOWA, likened him to 1—CHILD molester.
20151113             —SENTENCED, MICHIGAN woman Lois Janish of FLINT (75) was, to at least —9—YEARS in prison for 19980000             —THE—DEATH—OF—HER granddaughter, whose remains have never been found.
20151113             —DISAPPEARED, Coral Hall (14), 19980000             —IN—AFTER using 1—PAY phone near 1—FLINT tavern.
20151113             1—NEW lung cancer pill from AstraZeneca, designed for patients whose disease has worsened —AFTER treatment with other therapies, won early USA—APPROVAL, in 1—BOOST for THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—DRUGMAKER.
20151113             —ANNOUNCED, AUSTRIA, it would erect a 3.7-km (2.3-mile) metal fence along its border with SLOVENIA, in 1—NEW—BLOW to the EU's cherished OPEN—BORDER Schengen accord.
20151113             1—UNITED—KINGDOM—JUDGE—SENTENCED—NATHAN—MATTHEWS to at least —33—YEARS in prison for murdering and dismembering BECKY—WATTS, —16—JAHRE—ALT, his teenage stepsister.
20151113             His girlfriend, Shauna Hoare, was sentenced to —17—YEARS in prison for her role in the killing.
20151113             1—CAMBODIA—COURT issued 1—ARREST warrant for opposition leader SAM—RAINSY in connection with 1—OLD—DEFAMATION case as tension rises between SAM—RAINSY and PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN.
20151113             —KILLED, CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—,1—OFFICIALS said at least 22—PEOPLE were, in 1—STRING—OF—RAIDS on villages —THIS—WEEK.
20151113             —UNLEASHED, CHINA, 1—TORRENT of mud and rocks, by heavy rains buried nearly 30—HOMES in 1—VILLAGE in Zhejiang province.
20151113             4—PEOPLE were confirmed dead soon —AFTER the landslide.
20151113             The death toll from 1—LANDSLIDE soon rose to 21—PEOPLE with 16—OTHERS still missing.
20151113             COLOMBIA said it plans to legalize medical marijuana in 1—FURTHER—SHIFT in drug policy —AFTER suspending aerial fumigation of illicit crops.
20151113             Current law allows possession of up to 20—GRAMS—OF—MARIJUANA or 20—MARIJUANA plants for personal use.
20151113             —ATTACKED, FRANCE, 8—GUNMEN and bombers, restaurants, the Bataclan theater and 1—SPORTS stadium in PARIS, killing 129—PEOPLE in what 1—SHAKEN—PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE called 1 unprecedented terrorist attack.
20151113             † 7—GUNMEN, ALL—OF—WHOM were wearing suicide vests packed with explosives, in the multiple assaults.
20151113             —NAMED, The 1. to be identified was, as Ismael OMAR—MOSTEFAI, a —29—YEAR—OLD who lived in THE—CITY—OF—CHARTRES, SOUTH—WEST—OF—PARIS.
20151113             2—OTHERS were —LATER named as SAMY—AMIMOUR, —28—JAHRE—ALT and Brahim Abdeslam.
20151113             —IDENTIFIED, Foued MOHAMED—AGGAD, —23—JAHRE—ALT was —LATER, as 1—OF 3—ISLAMIST gunmen who killed 90—PEOPLE at the Bataclan.
20151113             —VOICED, FRANCE—JIHADIST FABIAN—CLAIN —LATER, 1—RECORDING claiming the attacks.
20151113             —IMPOSED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT—AT—THE—HAGUE cut a —12—YEAR prison term, on CONGO—MILITIA leader Germain Katanga for 1—BRUTAL attack on 1—VILLAGE, saying he would be freed in January —AFTER he had voiced regret for his actions.
20151113             1—INDIA—MAN threw acid at a —23—YEAR—OLD—BULGARIA—WOMAN—AFTER she reportedly spurned his marriage offer in VARANASI.
20151113             1—INDONESIA—COURT late sentenced HONG—KONG drug lord Wong CHI—PING to death for smuggling 860—KG (1,900 pounds) of crystal methamphetamine into INDONESIA —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20151113             —ADVANCED, IRAQ—MILITARY said its forces had, on 3—FRONTS to begin clearing Islamic State militants from THE—WEST—CITY—OF—RAMADI.
20151113             1—SUICIDE bomber struck 1—BAGHDAD memorial service for 1—SHIITE militia fighter killed in BATTLE—AGAINST—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE group, killing 26—PEOPLE.
20151113             —BACKED, IRAQ, Kurdish peshmerga forces, by USA—AIR strikes seized THE—IRAQ—TOWN—OF—SINJAR from Islamic State.
20151113             —TARGETED, LIBYA, 1—USA—AIR strike, ABU—NABIL—AL—ANBARI, aka Wisam al Zubaidi, 1—LEADR of the local Islamic State affiliate.
20151113             —KILLED, Pentagon officials believe that Anbari was, in the strike.
20151113             —ARRESTED, MALI—ARMY, Alaye Bocari, 1—LEADING financial backer of 1—ISLAMIST militant group responsible for 1—EXPANSION of deadly attacks in the country.
20151113             —AUTHORIZED, NORWAY said its police, who had been, to carry firearms for the past —YEAR due to 1 heightened THREAT—OF—ISLAMIST attacks, will be unarmed again —NOW that the threat level has been lowered.
20151113             1—PALESTINE—GUNMAN killed 1—ISRAEL father and his son near the Jewish settlement of Otneil in THE—SOUTH—WEST—BANK.
20151113             —INVOLVED, In HEBRON ISRAEL—TROOPS shot dead 1—PALESTINIAN, in STONE—THROWING clashes.
20151113             † A 2. Palestinian was killed in clashes near Ramallah.
20151113             —DESIGNATED, POLAND—PRESIDENT—ANDRZEJ—DUDA officially, Beata Szydlo from THE—RIGHT—WING Law and Justice Party as the new PRIME—MINISTER.
20151113             —BANNED, RUSSIA said it has, incoming flights by EGYPT—STATE—OWNED airline effective as of 20151114             .
20151113             SOUTH—AFRICA—STUDENT, protesters won the right to be taught in English at Stellenbosch University, the intellectual home of Afrikaners —DURING apartheid.
20151113             SOUTH—KOREA, 8—MEN took the government to court —AFTER spending  years as slaves on salt farms on rural islands off the southwest coast.
20151113             —ENSLAVED, Some were, for as many as —20—YEARS.
20151113             SURINAME, Romano Meriba (31), 1—FOSTER SON—OF—PRESIDENT—DESI—BOUTERSE, was arrested for his alleged ties to 1—GANG involved in 1 botched armed robbery that resulted in 2—PEOPLE being killed and 5 wounded.
20151113             —BEHEADED, TUNISIA, Islamist militants, 1—TEENAGER in THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—SIDI—BOUZID and sent his head to his family —AFTER accusing him of spying for the military.
20151113             —KILLED, TURKEY—OFFICIALS said 14—PEOPLE have been, in clashes between Kurdish rebels and security forces days —BEFORE 1—G 20—SUMMIT in TURKEY.
20151113             1—UKRAINE—HELICOPTER crashed in EAST—SLOVAKIA, killing 6—PEOPLE.
20151113             —EXPLODED, YEMEN, 1—BOMB, —DURING midday prayers at 1—MOSQUE frequented by Houthi supporters in THE—NORTH—WEST—MAHWIT region, killing several worshippers and wounding others in Shibam.
20151113             "Aber —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN über Ressourcen und SPAR—MAßNAHMEN werden immer von Managern getroffen, die keine medizinische Ausbildung haben".
20151113             "Es gibt VIELE—POLITISCHE—DISKUSSIONEN über die NOTAUFNAHMEN—SCHLIEßLICH kosten sie den STEUER—ZAHLER auch viel Geld",
20151113             "Im Wesentlichen handelt ES—SICH um das urtümlichste Gestein, das wir jemals auf der ERD—OBERFLÄCHE gefunden haben, und daher
20151113             "Mit der Zeit hat sich dieser wasserreiche Staub zusammengeballt, um unseren Planeten zu bilden",
20151113             "Obwohl ein guter TEIL—DES—WASSERS durch VERDUNSTUNG auf der Oberfläche verlorengegangen sein dürfte, hat genug überdauert, um das Wasser der Welt zu bilden".
20151113             "Operation Flutwelle II": USA verstärken ANGRIFFE—AUF—ÖLFELDER des IS
20151113             "SYSTEMische Mängel": BAMF—MIT—ARBEITER kritisieren eigene Behörde
20151113             1—VERSCHLAFENES Provinzkrankenhaus ist das Royal Gwent Hospital im WALISISCHEN—NEWPORT nicht.
20151113             Aber alleine für diesen brutalen Tiefschlag und das hier hat sich das —SCHON gelohnt, finde ich.
20151113             Aber unsere heutige IT—LANDSCHAFT hat in Teilen noch LEGACY—CHARAKTER, d.h.
20151113             Auf der renommierten "Forbes"-LISTE—DER—REICHSTEN—MENSCHEN—DER—WELT rangiert Lau auf Platz 114
20151113             Aufgrund von SPAR—MAßNAHMEN der konservativen Regierung haben sich die Wartezeiten noch verlänger
20151113             Aufklärung des ABGAS—SKANDALS: Fondsgesellschaft fordert Rücktritt von VW—CHEF—MÜLLER
20151113             Ausgestattet ist es mit 2—SOGENANNTEN Mantelpropellern —, nicht mit Strahltriebwerken, wie DER—NAME "Jetpack"nahelegen könnte.
20151113             —GESTOPPT, Autonomes Fahren: Zu LANGSAM—GOOGLE—AUTO—VON—DER—POLIZEI
20151113             BKA—ANALYSE: FLÜCHTLINGE genauso kriminell wie DEUTSCHE
20151113             BND—SPIONAGE—IN—FRANKREICH: Eine très peinliche Affäre
20151113             Beim Sex als Mann ausgegeben: Britin muss —8—JAHRE in Haft
20151113             DIE—ANALYSE zeigt, dass dieses "Urwasser"vergleichsweise wenig Deuterium enthält.
20151113             DIE—EDELSTEINE benannte Lau nach seiner siebenjährigen Tochter Josephine: "Sweet Josephine"und "BLUE—MOON—OF—JOSEPHINE"
20151113             DIE—ERGEBNISSE legten sehr nahe, dass das irdische Wasser nicht —ERST auf die abgekühlte, fertige Erde geregnet sei,
20151113             —GEKLÄRT, DIE—HERKUNFT dieses Wassers ist noch nicht abschließend.
20151113             DIE—NUN von Hallis und ihren Kollegen präsentierten Ergebnisse deuten ebenfalls in diese Richtung.
20151113             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER um Hallis hatten Basalt von der KANADISCHEN—BAFFIN—INSEL in der ARKTIS analysiert.
20151113             Darüber hinaus machte er sein Vermögen mit Aktiengeschäften und Firmendeals.
20151113             Das Gerät mit 1—LISTEN—PREIS—VON—250.000—DOLLAR erlaubt Flüge von gut 1—HALBEN —STUNDE in —BIS zu 1000—METERN Höhe
20151113             Das Gestein war 19850000             gesammelt worden, und seine Herkunft wurde minutiös rekonstruiert,
20151113             Das Szenario dieser Übung entsprach wiederum REIN ZUFÄLLIG exakt den Ereignissen, die dann —AM—SELBEN—TAGZUR bitteren Realität wurden!
20151113             Das WARHOL—GEMÄLDE des CHINESISCHEN—DIKTATORS Mao Zedong soll Lau für 17.400.000—DOLLAR ersteigert haben.
20151113             Das höchste Gebäude von DUBAI ist auch das höchste Gebäude der Welt.
20151113             Das könnte 1—INDIZ dafür sein, dass es im inneren SONNEN—SYSTEM —SCHON—VON—ANFANG an viel Wasser gab und nicht nur in den eisigen Außenbezirken, wie oft vermute
20151113             —GEWERTET, Das war als Indiz gegen DIE—THESE, worden, dass KOMETEN dieser Familie das Wasser auf DIE—ERDE gebracht haben.
20151113             —AUSGERUFEN, Das wurde natürlich, von 1—FIESEN Konservativen und sofort befördert von den fiesen BETONKOPF—KONSERVEN von Breitbart.
20151113             Der Mann, der —IN—DIESER—WOCHE 2—UNGEWÖHNLICHE Rekorde brach, wollte ursprünglich anonym bleiben.
20151113             Der Pilot kann etwa 120—KILOGRAMM Ausrüstung mitnehmen.
20151113             Der Preis —DAMALS, war vergleichsweise niedrig: 9,5.000.000 USA—$.
20151113             Der geringe Deuteriumgehalt deute darauf hin, dass sich unser Planet einst aus wassergetränkten Staubkörnchen des solaren Urnebels zusammengeballt hat,
20151113             Deuterium ist 1.schwere Wasserstoffvariante, die zusätzlich zu 1—PROTON auch noch 1—NEUTRON im ATOM—KERN enthält.
20151113             DOROTHEA—CHRISTIANE—ERXLEBEN: Google feiert die 1.promovierte DEUTSCHE—ÄRZTIN
20151113             EX—GCHQ CHIEF: Bulk access to INTERNET comms not same as MASS—SURVEILLANCE
20151113             Er hält die Mehrheit an dem Immobilienunternehmen CHINA—ESTATES Holding.
20151113             Er musste sie —BISHER, nur deshalb nicht antreten, weil Macao mit HONGKONG kein AUSLIEFERUNGS—ABKOMMEN hat.
20151113             FACEBOOK: Zuckerberg wirbt mit NORD—KOREA—VIDEO für 360—GRAD—CLIPS
20151113             FLÜCHTLINGE an GRENZE—ZU—RUSSLAND: NORWEGEN macht Eisroute dicht
20151113             FLÜCHTLINGE aus SLOWENIEN—ÖSTERREICH setzt auf Patrouillen —, 1—INSTANT—ZAUN
20151113             FLÜCHTLINGS—TALK bei Maybrit Illner: "DIE—REGIERUNG zerlegt sich gerade"
20151113             FREI—HANDELS—ABKOMMEN: Abgeordnete sollen Zugang zu TTIP—DOKUMENTEN erhalten
20151113             Frühere Messungen der Raumsonde "Dawn"am Asteroiden Vesta hatten wiederum gezeigt, dass es dort ein ähnliches Verhältnis von normalem zu schwerem Wasserstoff gibt wie auf der Erde
20151113             Fusionsreaktor "Iter": Neue Verzögerungen, höhere Kosten
20151113             Förderprogramm: Regierung will Kauf von E—AUTOS mit 5000—EURO prämieren
20151113             GEHEIM—DIENST—REFORM: Union und SPD einigen sich auf strengere KONTROLLE—DES—BND
20151113             Gemeinsame Währung: Die wahre —KRISE
20151113             Gesteinsanalysen: Erde verdankt ihr Wasser nassem Staub
20151113             Haushalt 20160000             : SCHÄUBLE plant mit "Schwarzer 0"trotz FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE
20151113             Hinweise auf den Ursprung des Wassers kann die ANALYSE—VON—MÖGLICHST urtümlichem Wasser aus der FRÜH—ZEIT der Erde liefern
20151113             —GEBILDET, In dem Basalt haben sich winzige Glasblasen, in denen Wasser aus der Entstehungszeit der Erde eingeschlossen ist.
20151113             Integration von FLÜCHTLINGEn: CDU—ABGEORDNETE mahnt Bekenntnis zu DEUTSCHEN—GRUNDWERTEN an
20151113             Konjunktur: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT wuchs —SOMMER—IM, nur um 0,3 %
20151113             Konkret hatten die Messungen gezeigt, dass Deuterium auf dem KOMETEN dreimal häufiger vorkommt als in den Weltmeeren.
20151113             LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—SOUTH—CHINA—MORNING—POST ist er mit gleich 2—FRAUEN liiert.
20151113             Lau studierte in den Siebzigerjahren in KANADA.
20151113             Lobbyisten: Große MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN—WÜNSCHT mehr Transparenz
20151113             MERKEL über DIE—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, "DIE—BUNDES—KANZLERIN hat die Lage im Griff"
20151113             Malewitschs "Schwarzes Quadrat": DIE—BILDER hinter dem Bild
20151113             Man solle mehr ENTSCHEIDUNGSGEWALT—IN—DIE Hände des medizinischen Personals legen, meint der Fotograf.
20151113             Nach Medienberichten sammelt Lau nicht nur Schmuck, sondern auch Weine und Kunst.
20151113             OFFENSIVE—GEGEN—IS: Kurden rücken in Sindschar ein
20151113             Ohne Pistole auf Streife: NORWEGISCHE—POLIZISTEN müssen auf Dienstwaffe verzichten
20151113             Oktoberzahlen: VW verkauft 5,3 % weniger Autos als —VOR—1—JAHR
20151113             PARLAMENTS—WAHL—IN—BURMA: Suu Kyi holt absolute Mehrheit
20151113             PATRICK—PELLOUX spoke in 1—RADIO—INTERVIEW —AFTER the attacs of 1—FURTUNATE CO—INCIDENCE, in that tose ANTI—TERROR exercise having taken place on THE—SAME—DAY, because of which THEY were prepared.
20151113             PATRICK—PELLOUX sprach in 1—RADIOINTERVIEW —NACH—DEN ANSCHLÄGEN—VON—1 "GLÜCKLICHEN ZUFALL", dass diese ANTI—TERROR—ÜBUNGEN am gleichen —TAG stattfanden, denn so waren sie vorbereitet.
20151113             PATRICK—PELLOUX war REIN ZUFÄLLIG auch
20151113             PATRICK—PELLOUX, der auch bei den Anschlägen auf CHARLIE—HEBDO als "1. Responder"zur Stelle war,
20151113             PATRICK—PELLOUX, purely coincidentally also was the 1.Responder
20151113             PATRICK—PELLOUX, who also was 1.responder —AT—THE—TIME of the attacs on CHARLIE—HEBDO
20151113             —PROGRAMMED, RESEARCHERS IN—THE—UK have successfully, 1—GRID of miniature ultrasonic speakers that can move objects —AROUND in the air with —JUST WAVES—OF—HIGH—INTENSITY sound.
20151113             Reformen: EU will Blockadehaltung von STEUER—OASEN brechen
20151113             Staatliche Kaufprämien für E—AUTOS: "Dem Klima bringt die Förderung wenig"
20151113             —GESEHEN, Technisch, ist der "MARTIN—JETPACK"1—ULTRALEICHTFLUGZEUG.
20151113             The average AMERICA—USES 1,800 GALLONS—OF—WATER —1—YEAR, or about 5—GALLONS—OF—WATER —1—DAY, 1—AVERAGE that is more than twice ANY—OTHER—GROUP on earth.
20151113             The scientists used 1—ARRAY—OF—64—MINIATURE loudspeakers to generate HIGH—PITCH and HIGH—INTENSITY sound waves what they call an 'acoustic hologram' to test the design on small, PEA—SIZED objects.
20151113             They were able to control these small objects from 30-40cm away by controlling THE—OUTPUT—OF—THE—SPEAKERS.
20151113             Umfrage: DEUTSCHE würden auch bei LOTTO—GEWINN weiterarbeiten - Unbescholten ist sein Ruf nicht:
20151113             —GEGANGEN, Und im Übrigen wäre er ja noch weiter, und hätte einfach von allen Leuten die Logs des Webservers abgegriffen.
20151113             Unter anderem zeigen die Helium-, Neon—, Bleizusammensetzungen, dass dieses Gestein —SEIT Jahrmilliarden relativ unverändert geblieben ist.
20151113             Untersuchungen der Raumsonde "ROSETTA"hatten —BEREITS gezeigt, dass sich das Wasser auf dem KOMETEN 67P/TSCHURJUMOW—GERASSIMENKO deutlich vom Wasser irdischer Ozeane unterscheidet.
20151113             Wasser bedeckt 66—PROZENT—DER—ERD—OBERFLÄCHE.
20151113             [l] Amüsantes Statement von der Bahn:
20151113             [l] Der ;;1110;; war "National Offend A College Student —DAY".
20151113             [l] —JETZT ist Glyphosat doch nicht krebserregend, findet jedenfalls DIE—EU—LEBENS—MITTEL—BEHÖRDE EFSA.
20151113             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—EX—GCHQ—DIREKTOR Hannigan:
20151113             ALLE—SECHSEINHALB—MINUTEN wird in der Notaufnahme ein neuer Patient eingeliefert.
20151113             coincidentally, THE—SCENARIO—OF—THAT exercise EXACTLY corresponded to THE—EVENTS becoming real on THE—SAME—DAY.
20151113             gibt uns das Wasser darin unschätzbar wertvolle Einblicke in die frühe GESCHICHTE—DER—ERDE und die Herkunft ihres Wassers",
20151113             seien die Wassermoleküle wahrscheinlich von dem Staub getragen worden, der vor der ENTSTEHUNG der Planeten in 1—SCHEIBE um die Sonne kreiste.
20151113             —AKTUELLES Vermögen: etwa 10—MILLIARDEN USA—$.
20151113             —AM, der 1.Responder.
20151113             —AM, purely coincidentally, what took place was 1—ANTI terror exercise by THE—FRANCE—SECURITY services.
20151113             —AM—DIENSTAG versteigerte das Auktionshaus CHRISTIE—DEN größten rosafarbenen Diamanten im CUSHION—SCHLIFF, der je unter den Hammer KAM—FÜR 28.600.000 USA—$, umgerechnet etwa 26.600.000—EURO.
20151113             —ANSCHLÄGE des, in PARIS,
20151113             —BEREITS,
20151113             —EINSATZ—IN—SYRIEN: CAMERON nennt ANGRIFF—AUF—"DSCHIHADi John"Selbstverteidigung
20151113             —EINSATZ—IN—SYRIEN: USA fliegen LUFT—ANGRIFF gegen IS—MÖRDER "DSCHIHADi John"
20151113             —IM—VORIGEN—JAHR wurde er in der FRÜHEREN—PORTUGIESISCHEN—KOLONIE—MACAO wegen BESTECHUNG zu 1—MEHR als fünfjährigen HAFT—STRAFE verurteilt.
20151113             —IN—DEN—TAGEN—NACH—DEM, DIE—LEUTE hatten sie in PARIS und —HEUTE wieder in STRAßBURG, wo alle aufgerufen sind, besser zu Hause zu bleiben.
20151113             —STREIT—UNTER—FLÜCHTLINGEN: Tumulte bei ESSENS—AUSGABE in Meßstetten
20151113             —VOM,in PARIS benutzt wurde.
20151113             —VORSTOß: Standesbeamte wollen auch Scheidungen vornehmen
20151113             —WENIG—SPÄTER, wechselte der blaue Diamant "BLUE—MOON"den BESITZER—FÜR 48.400.000 USA—$.
20151113             † ? † Bei islamistisch motivierten Terroranschlägen in PARIS sterben 130—MENSCHEN, 683—WERDEN verletzt.
20151113             Die Angriffsserie richtet sich gegen 1—FUSSBALLSPIEL im STADE—DE—FRANCE, gegen 1—ROCKKONZERT im BATACLAN—THEATER sowie gegen zahlreiche Bars, Cafés und Restaurants.
20151113             ACTION—ADVENTURE—VIDEOSPIEL—RISE—OF—THE—TOMB—RAIDER, die 11. Veröffentlichung der Videospielreihe.
20151113—19780000    Mafioso VINCENT—ASARO: Freispruch in Prozess um LUFTHANSA—RAUB VON (Panorama, 08:51)
20151113—20151120    —SUCCUMBED, The death toll rose to 130 as 1—OF—THE wounded, to injuries.
20151115             7—PEOPLE were detained in BELGIUM in connection with 20151113             —THE deadly attacks in PARIS as the city entered —3—DAYS—OF—MOURNING for THE—129—PEOPLE killed in the worst violence in FRANCE in decades.
20151115—20151113    —IN—THE, ISRAEL—SHIN—BET security service said 1—PALESTINE—SUSPECT has been arrested DRIVE—BY shooting that killed 2—ISRAELIS.
20151116             —IDENTIFIED, Investigators, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 1—BELGIUM—NATIONAL living in Syria, as the possible mastermind behind 20151113             —THE attacks in PARIS.
20151117             —NAMED, FRANCE—POLICE, 2—OF 20151113             —THE—FRANCE—ATTACKERS as Ismael OMAR—MOSTEFAI, 29, from Chartres, SOUTH—WEST—OF—PARIS, and SAMY—AMIMOUR, 28, from THE—PARIS suburb of Drancy.
20151117             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—POLICE, 2—MORE—PEOPLE in connection with 20151113             —THE—PARIS attacks, bringing to 7 the total NUMBER—OF—ARRESTS linked to the deadly events.
20151117—20151031    —STAGED, FRANCE and RUSSIA, air strikes on Islamic State targets in NORTH—SYRIA, punishing the group for 20151113             —THE attacks in PARIS and against 1—RUSSIA—AIRLINER that together killed 353—PEOPLE.
20151117—20151113    —ON, Dong Guangping, and said they were most likely sent to CHINA.
20151121             1—TURKEY—OFFICIAL said 1—BELGIUM—MAN—OF—MOROCCO—ORIGIN has been arrested on SUSPICION—OF—INVOLVEMENT in Islamic State's 20151113             attacks in PARIS that killed 130—PEOPLE.
20151127             1—BELGIUM—JUDGE charged a 6. suspect, arrested —1—DAY—EARLIER, with terrorism offences in connection with 20151113             —THE—PARIS attacks.
20151222             —DETAINED, BELGIUM police, a 9. man, identified as Abdoullah C. (30), in connection with 20151113             —THE attacks in PARIS.
20151224             He had "direct" ties to the alleged mastermind of 20151113             —THE—PARIS attacks.
20151226             —FACILITATED, ABDUL—QADER—HAKIM, who, the militants' external operations and had links to 20151113             —THE—PARIS attack network, was killed in MOSUL by 1—USA—LED coalition air strike.
20160115             —ARRESTED, MOROCCO—POLICE, Gele Attar, 1—BELGIUM—MAN—OF—MOROCCO—DESCENT, who had 1—DIRECT—RELATIONSHIP to the terrorists who carried out 20161113             —THE attacks in PARIS that killed 130—PEOPLE.
20160315—20161113    —IN—THE, Belgian and FRANCE—POLICE—OFFICERS arrived to search 1—FLAT in 1—BRUSSELS suburb in 1—RAID targeting suspects PARIS attacks.
20160408             BELGIUM, 20161113             —THE—PARIS attacks suspect MOHAMED—ABRINI, —31—JAHRE—ALT was arrested in BRUSSELS along with 5—OTHER—SUSPECTS in raids linked to 20160322             —THE—BRUSSELS airport and METRO bombings.
20160408—20161113    —ARRESTED, THE—PARIS—ATTACKS—SUSPECT—MOHAMED—ABRINI (31) was in BRUSSELS—BELGIUM along with 5—OTHER—SUSPECTS in raids linked to 20160322             —THE—BRUSSELS airport and METRO bombings.
20161106—20161113    —ON, 1—RUN—OFF will take place.
20161113             PRESIDENT—ELECT DONALD—TRUMP chose Reince Priebus, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE, as his CHIEF—OF staff and STEPHEN—BANNON, 1—RIGHT—WING media mogul, as CHIEF strategist and councilor.
20161113             † In ALASKA DAVID—GRUNWALD, —16—JAHRE—ALT was killed near the Knik River.
20161113             4—TEENS were —LATER convicted in the murder.
20161113             —INSTIGATED, DOMINIC—JOHNSON, —16—JAHRE—ALT had, 1—BRUTAL beating of Grunwald —BEFORE the murder and —19—DAYS—LATER led authorities to the area where they laid the teen's body.
20161113             —ARRESTED, Hours —LATER Machado was, —WHEN he tried to steal 1—WOMAN—PURSE in Lindsay.
20161113             BULGARIA held elections.
20161113             —FAVORED, PRIME—MINISTER—BOIKO—BORISOV quit —FOLLOWING the victory of Rumen Radev, who, improved ties with RUSSIA and had THE—BACKING—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—SOCIALISTS.
20161113             † In COLOMBIA 2—FIGHTERS of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of COLOMBIA (FARC) in 1—CLASH with the army.
20161113             Rebels —LATER cast doubt on whether fighting had taken place.
20161113             MOLDOVA held presidential elections.
20161113             IGOR—DODON, 1—PRO—RUSSIA—POLITICIAN, won 52.2—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, —WHILE Maia Sandu won 47.8%.
20161113             —KILLED, NORTH—SYRIA, at least 11—CHILDREN were among 23—PEOPLE, as PRO—GOVERNMENT forces kept up their campaign against opposition areas.
20161113             "Es ist nicht an der Zeit, den Wert der Partnerschaft zwischen EUROPA und DEN—USA IN—FRAGE zu stellen", schrieb Stoltenberg.
20161113             1—EINSENDER kommentiert:
20161113             1—ALTE Lebensweisheit lautet: Man kann nicht gleichzeitig lachen und Angst haben.
20161113             1—DRAMATISCHER Befund gerade IN DIESEN ZEITEN.
20161113             ?At campuses from elite Yale to CONNECTICUT to IOWA and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach.
20161113             ?Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions.
20161113             Administrators were quick to reassure students that universities offer myriad counseling options.
20161113             Als ihn Redakteure der WASHINGTON—POSTIM;;03;;
20161113             auf DAS—THEMA ansprachen, hatte er erklärt, er sei "kein großer Gläubiger", was den menschengemachten KLIMA—WANDEL angehe.
20161113             An den Fakten, daß die weißen Frauen DONALD—TRUMP gewählt haben, geht aber kein Weg vorbei.
20161113             Andere folgen stattdessen dem Skript der sie mit Abermillionen fördernden Ölbranche, demzufolge man nur genügend Zweifel säen muss, um den wissenschaftlichen Konsens in Verruf zu bringen.
20161113             Auch der FRANZÖSISCHE—AUSSEN—MINISTER—JEAN—MARC—AYRAULT wird —LAUT—ANGABEN, aus PARIS aus Termingründen nicht an dem SONDER—TREFFEN teilnehmen.
20161113             Cornell University, 1—IVY—LEAGUE school, held 1—CAMPUS—WIDE "CRY—IN," with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.
20161113             DAS—USA—MILITÄR etwa dürfte mit Hinblick auf DIE—NATO weniger nonchalant agieren wollen, als DONALD—TRUMP das versprochen hat, und auch seine isolationistischen WIRTSCHAFTS—PLÄNE werden hoffentlich am Widerstand der eigenen Partei scheitern.
20161113             DAS—VIDEO war der Startschuss für 1.weltweite WEB—BEWEGUNG.
20161113             DIE—1.Signale lassen wenig hoffen.
20161113             —GEFÜHRT, DIE—ART, wie DIE—DEBATTE dort, wird, taugt als Lehrbuchbeispiel dafür, wie postfaktische —POLITIK funktioniert.
20161113             DIE—GESCHICHTE—DER—USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT ist reich an Aberglauben.
20161113             DIE—HISTORISCHE LEISTUNG—CHINA und DIE—USA zu einen, DIE—WELTGRÖßTEN TREIBHAUSGAS—EMITTEN10, können DONALD—TRUMP und seine postfaktischen PARTEI—GENOSSEN zunichte machen.
20161113             DIE—REGIERUNG in LONDON sehe keine NOTWENDIGKEIT für ein solches Treffen, erklärte das BRITISCHE—AUSSEN—MINISTERIUM
20161113             —DIE—TAGE scrollte 1.Grafik an mir vorbei, welche Bevölkerungsschichten DONALD—TRUMP gewählt haben.
20161113             DIE—WARNUNGEN des NATO—GENERAL—SEKRETÄRS zeigen, wie groß die Sorge in europäischen HAUPT—STÄDTEN —NACH—DEM WAHL—SIEGDES DONALD—TRUMPSIND.
20161113             DONALD—TRUMP ist —NUN mal gewählt und wird
20161113             DONALD—TRUMP kann aber vieles andere manipulieren. DONALD—TRUMP.
20161113             Dabei sind MITTLERWEILE sogar 75 % DER—USA—BÜRGER überzeugt, daß die globale Erwärmung real ist, auch die MEHRHEIT—DER Wähler der REPUBLIKANER.
20161113             Das COMMITTEE—TO—PROTECT—JOURNALISTS (CPJ), das sich sonst um Reporter in Kriegsgebieten und DIKTATURen kümmert, erkannte das —SCHON früh: In 1—RESOLUTION erklärte es DONALD—TRUMP zur "beispiellosen GEFAHR—FÜR—DIE Rechte von Journalisten und die Fähigkeit, für PRESSE—FREIHEIT in aller Welt zu kämpfen".
20161113             Das ist aber nicht DER—GRUND, warum ich dir schreibe.
20161113             Der Widerstand der AMERIKANISCHEN—RECHTEN gegen wissenschaftliche Fakten ist nicht auf den KLIMA—WANDEL beschränkt, aber dort ist er besonders eklatant.
20161113             Der BRITISCHE—AUSSEN—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON wird derweil nicht zum für Sonntagabend geplanten SONDER—TREFFEN der EU—AUßEN—MINISTER über die Konsequenzen aus dem DONALD—TRUMP—WAHL—SIEG nach BRÜSSEL reisen.
20161113             Der damalige Kandidat —, —NUNMEHR, designierte PRÄSIDENT—DER—USA—BELIEß es nicht bei Worten: —NACHDEM ihn KELLY in der Debatte scharf ins Kreuzverhör genommen hatte, machte er sich gnadenlos über sie her —, stachelte seine Fans so an, daß KELLY MORD—DROHUNGEN bekam.
20161113             Der versuchte, DIE—DEBATTE—ÜBER—DAS—THEMA einmal damit zu beenden, daß er 1—SCHNEEBALL auf den Boden des SENATplenarsaales warf.
20161113             Eigenen Angaben zufolge ist er Presbyterianer, also Protestant, glaubt aber nicht an Beichte und Vergebung.
20161113             Epizentrum bei CHRISTCHURCH: —SCHWERES—ERDBEBEN—IN—NEUSEELAND
20161113             —BESUCHT, Er hatte DONALD—TRUMP im WAHL—KAMPF—IN—DEN—USA, und ihn unterstützt.
20161113             Es gibt unter republikanischen Abgeordneten und SENAToren viele, die den menschengemachten KLIMA—WANDEL aktiv und explizit leugnen, allen voran SENATOR—JIM—INHOFE aus OKLAHOMA
20161113             Folgen DER—USA—WAHL: Das Schlimmste an DONALD—TRUMP
20161113             FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT fürchtete sich vor der Zahl 13—UND hasste —FREITAG, den 13.
20161113             Globale Sicherheit: NATO mahnt DONALD—TRUMP zur Bündnistreue
20161113             —PASSIERT, Hat sich eigentlich mal jemand überlegt, was, wenn der DONALD—TRUMP —JETZT voll auf den HATESPEECH—ZUG aufspringt?
20161113             Ich bin —DERZEIT, in SÜD—KOREA und es ist schlimmer, als es DIE—MEDIEN darstellen.
20161113             Ich habe vor dem Szenario die ganze Zeit gewarnt, daß jemand eure HATESPEECH—GESETZESVORSCHLÄGE gegen euch anwenden wird.
20161113             Ich meine das —JETZT im ERDOGAN—SINNE, nicht im STALIN—SINNE.
20161113             Im WAHL—KAMPF beschimpfte DONALD—TRUMP—DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, NBC und andere als "verlogene"Helfer 1 "korrupten Elite".
20161113             In 1—DER TV—DEBATTEN gegen HILLARY—CLINTON bestritt DONALD—TRUMP dann, das je gesagt zu haben, was dem alten Tweet zu enormer Popularität verhalf, DONALD—TRUMP aber offenbar rein gar nicht schadete.
20161113             SACHEN, KLIMA—WANDEL aber ist sich der pathologische Lügner DONALD—TRUMP mit den habituellen Lügnern und Leugnern unter den REPUBLIKANERn einig.
20161113             In den Gebieten, aus denen DER—IS vertrieben wurde, brechen —LAUT—ANGABEN, DER—MENSCHEN—RECHTS—ORGANISATION HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH jedoch oftmals ethnische —KONFLIKTE auf.
20161113             In ihrer Autobiografie "Settle for More", die AM—DIENSTAGERSCHEINT, enthüllt KELLY 1. die Hintergründe ihrer Fehde mit DONALD—TRUMP.
20161113             In vielen anderen Bereichen dagegen kann man hoffen, daß die verrückten Ideen des PRESIDENT—ELECT im Kontakt mit der politischen Realität zerschellen werden.
20161113             JIMMY—CARTER reichte vor seiner Zeit als —PRÄSIDENT einmal 1—OFFIZIELLEN BERICHT—ÜBER—DIE Sichtung eines unbekannten Flugobjektes ein
20161113             JOHN—QUINCY—ADAMS (—PRÄSIDENT—VON—1825—1829) hielt die THEORIE, daß DIE—ERDE innen hohl sein könnte, für ausreichend plausibel, um 1.Expedition ins Erdinnere zu GENEHMIGEN—DIE aber nie zustande kam.
20161113             KOLUMBIEN und FARC—REBELLEN: FRIEDENS—VERTRAG, 2. Versuch
20161113             MANN ist dem übel mitgespielt worden in dem WAHL—KAMPF.
20161113             NIGEL—FARAGE hat ALS 1.BRITISCHER—POLITIKER den künftigen USA—PRÄSIDENTEN DONALD—TRUMP nach dessen WAHL—SIEG getroffen.
20161113             Oder vielleicht wendet sich FACEBOOK ja auch überhaupt keinem Problem zu, und hat auch noch nie, sondern tut, was sie immer getan haben, nämlich beschwichtigt Politiker und kümmert sich weiter um ihr Geschäftsmodell, nämlich das EINSAMMELN—VON—MENSCHEN als VERHANDLUNGS—MASSE gegenüber FACEBOOKs Werbepartnern.
20161113             Oh, das wäre ja noch krasser, wenn die Vorlesungen nicht wegen der traumatisierten Studenten sondern wegen der traumatisierten Professoren abgesagt hätten.
20161113             PLAY—DOH ist so Kinderknetmasse, falls ihr das nicht kennt.
20161113             PRESSE—FREIHEIT unter DONALD—TRUMP: Pöbeln, klagen, drangsalieren
20161113             POLNISCHER—BAUER gegen KAISER—REICH: Wie 1—ZIRKUSWAGEN—DIE—PREUßEN zur Weißglut trieb
20161113             Reince Priebus: REPUBLIKANER—BOSS soll STABS—CHEF—IM WEIßES—HAUS werden
20161113             SOZIALE—MEDIEN: DONALD—TRUMP will sich AUF—TWITTER mäßigen
20161113             STEIGENDE—ZINSEN, schwacher Export: Darum wird DONALD—TRUMP—WIRTSCHAFTSPLAN scheitern
20161113             Sehr konsistent dagegen ist DONALD—TRUMP—HALTUNG zum Thema KLIMA—WANDEL—DEN hält er im besten Fall für 1.Glaubensfrage.
20161113             Stoltenberg erinnerte außerdem daran, daß der einzige Bündnisfall der GESCHICHTE nach 1—ANGRIFF—AUF—DIE—USA ausgerufen WURDE—NACH den TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN
20161113             TV—INTERVIEW: DONALD—TRUMP will 2—BIS 3.000.000—MIGRANTEN abschieben
20161113             —REMINDED, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—KANSAS, its STRESSED—OUT kids that therapy dogs, 1—REGULAR—CAMPUS feature, were available.
20161113             —OFFERED, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN, its traumatized students coloring books and PLAY—DOH to calm them.
20161113             Touristenboom und Einwohnerschwund: "VENEDIG wird 1.Geisterstadt"
20161113             USA—WAHL bei "—SATURDAY—NIGHT—LIVE": CLINTON singt COHEN
20161113             Und RONALD—REAGAN und seine oo NANCY ließen sich WÄHREND ihrer Zeit im WEIßES—HAUS kontinuierlich von 1—ASTROLOGIN beraten.
20161113             Und die hat —JETZT ihre Kandidatur als Bezirksstadtrat zurückgezogen, weil die Schmutzkampagne der CDU IMMER—NOCH läuft.
20161113             Und ich finde das auch überhaupt nicht anstößig. Verteidiger wie in Jurist.
20161113             Vielleicht können die Generäle DONALD—TRUMP ja auch da umstimmen.
20161113             Vogelgrippe in DEUTSCHLAND: Wie tötet man 30.000—HÜHNER?
20161113             Warnhinweis des BND: IS tarnt KÄMPFER als FLÜCHTLINGE
20161113             Was DONALD—TRUMP glaubt oder nicht glaubt, ist nicht ganz klar
20161113             Was wenn der DONALD—TRUMP das —JETZT auch macht.
20161113             Wer kritisch über ihn schrieb, dem drohte er mit Klagen oder verweigerte ihm den Zugang.
20161113             Wieder und wieder hat er das betont, gern mit dem auch unter Komikern beliebten Argument, draußen sei es doch gerade sehr kalt.
20161113             —BEOBACHTET, Wieso, DER—VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ eigentlich DIE—ROTE—HILFE und nicht die CDU?
20161113             Wow.
20161113             [l] An einigen USA—UNIS müssen von der DONALD—TRUMP wahl traumatisierte Schneefl Studenten nicht an Prüfungen teilnehmen.
20161113             [l] Der DONALD—TRUMP hat ja —IN—DEN—WOCHEN und —MONATEN vor der Wahl 1.sehr dünne Haut gezeigt, wenn es um KRITIK—AN—SEINER Person geht.
20161113             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN, FACEBOOK will mehr gegen Falschmeldungen unternehmen.
20161113             [l] In SÜD—KOREA waren —GESTERN angeblich 1.000.000—MENSCHEN gegen den Präsidenten auf der Straße.
20161113             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20161113             [l] Wie ermittelt DAS—BKA eigentlich GEGEN—DIE—PKK?
20161113             —BEREITS, in seiner 1.Rede forderte PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—DIE—USA—BÜRGER dazu auf, alles zu tun, damit der kommende —PRÄSIDENT—ERFOLG haben könne, DAS—LAND zu führen und wieder zu vereinen.
20161113             —JETZT, sind es noch ein paar mehr.
20161113             —KAMPF—GEGEN—IS—IRAK—ARMEE befreit Antikenstadt Nimrud
20161113             —KAMPF—GEGEN—RADIKALISIERUNG in Gefängnissen: Gefährder hinter Gittern
20161113             —KRISEN—WÄHRUNG: DEUTSCHE horten Gold für 333.000.000.000—EURO
20161113             —NACH—DEM Sieg von DONALD—TRUMP bei DER—PRÄSIDENT—WAHL hat NATO—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR—JENS—STOLTENBERG—DIE—USA zur Bündnistreue ermahnt.
20161113             —NOCH, perfider: die "Schere im Kopf".
20161113             —SCHON, WARNEN Brancheninsider, daß DONALD—TRUMP als —PRÄSIDENT "eine schwere Bedrohung"darstelle, so Medienreporter MICHAEL—CALDERONE ("HUFFINGTON—POST").
20161113             —SCHON—VOR den Wahlen am vergangenen —DIENSTAG saßen über 180—REPUBLIKANER im USA—KONGRESS, die den menschengemachten KLIMA—WANDEL leugnen.
20161113             —UPDATE, Oh krass, DIE—NEW—YORK—POST hat auch ein paar Szenen gesammelt (das ist ein konservatives Schmierblatt).
20161113             —WÄHREND, OBAMA seinem Nachfolger Erfolg wünschte, bekreuzigte sich JOE—BIDEN in aller Öffentlichkeit und erntete VIELE—LACHER für diese ironische Geste.
20161113             "Ich mache das so: Ich rufe die Seite hezenparastin com [1—WEBPRÄSENZ der kurdischen Guerilla] auf.
20161113             EGYPT, Magdy Maken (53), 1—FISH cart vendor, was arrested —LATE—TODAY—AFTER 1—ALTERCATION with 1—POLICEMAN.
20161113             —AFTER beating him in the street the Coptic Christian was taken to 1—POLICE station in CAIRO—MIDDLE—CLASS—NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—EL—AMERIYAH.
20161113             Hours —LATER, his lifeless body was brought to 1—NEARBY—HOSPITAL with "torture marks".
20161113             —CHARGED, 20161210             —IN—POLICEMEN were, with torturing Magdy Makain.
20161113—20210000    —SENTENCED, Johnson was, to serve 1—TOTAL—OF—99—YEARS in prison.
20161204             —INVOLVED, SALAH—EDDINE Gourmat and Sammy Djedou -- were, in facilitating 20151113             —THE—PARIS attacks, in which 130—PEOPLE †.
20171113             SPAIN—DEFENSE and foreign ministers said they had evidence that STATE—AND—PRIVATE—SECTOR—RUSSIA—GROUPS, as well as groups in VENEZUELA, used Twitter, Facebook and other INTERNET sites to massively publicize the separatist cause and swing public opinion behind it in THE—RUN—UP to 20171001             —THE referendum.
20171113             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he had a "great relationship" with his THE—PHILIPPINES—COUNTERPART, RODRIGO—DUTERTE, —WHILE 1—WHITE—HOUSE official said human rights got only 1—BRIEF—MENTION —WHEN THE—2—MET on the sidelines of 1—ASIA—SUMMIT.
20171113             —APPROVED, USA—REGULATORS, the 1. drug with 1—SENSOR that can track whether patients have taken their medicine.
20171113             —DEVELOPED, Abilify MyCite was, by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. and the sensor was created by Proteus Digital Health.
20171113             —TRIED, Scientists for the 1. time, editing 1—GENE inside 1—PATIENT—BODY in 1—ATTEMPT to permanently change their DNA to cure 1—DISEASE.
20171113             PENNSYLVANIA, Yinyan Wang (25), 1—CHINA—CITIZEN, was arrested on visa and passport fraud charges.
20171113             She had reportedly taken THE—GRE graduate school entry exam for other people.
20171113             TEXAS, MATT—ELLIS, —20—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TEXAS—STATE—UNIV. fraternity pledge, was found unresponsive at 1—OFF—CAMPUS apartment —AFTER attending 1—INITIATION ritual with Phi Kappa Psi fraternity members.
20171113             —SIGNED, WISCONSIN GOVERNOR—SCOTT—WALKER, off on 1—BILL that eliminates the state's minimum age for hunting.
20171113             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, Taliban insurgents using NIGHT—VISION goggles, 8—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE officers —EARLY—TODAY near THE—WEST—CITY—OF—FARAH.
20171113             —AGREED, BRITISH—OWNED multinational chemical firm INEOS said it has, to buy SWITZERLAND—SOCCER club LAUSANNE—SPORT.
20171113             —LAUNCHED, EU countries officially, 1—NEW—ERA in defense cooperation with 1—PROGRAM of joint military investment and project development aimed at helping THE—EU confront its security challenges.
20171113             23—OF—THE—EU—28—MEMBER nations signed up to the process, known as permanent structured cooperation, or PESCO.
20171113             Those who didn't sign up can join —LATER.
20171113             —BANNED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, arms sales to VENEZUELA and set up 1—SYSTEM to slap asset freezes and travel restrictions on VENEZUELA—OFFICIALS as it sought to ramp up pressure on PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO.
20171113             —AGREED, European and AFRICA—MINISTERS, to try to improve conditions for migrants in LIBYA and seek paths such as scholarships for Africans to reach EUROPE legally, to cut the death toll from smuggling across THE—SAHARA and Mediterranean.
20171113             —ANNOUNCED, GEORGIA—PRIME—MINISTER—GIORGI—KVIRIKASHVILI, 1—CABINET reshuffle and merger of several ministries in 1—BID to reduce red tape and the cost of running the government.
20171113             —PUBLISHED, GERMANY—POLICE, videos showing 3—FORMER—MEMBERS—OF—THE—RED—ARMY—FACTION (RAF) militant group taking part in a 20160000             armed robbery in NORTH—GERMANY, and called for public help to track them down.
20171113             GREECE, hundreds of 4—WHEEL motorbike owners, most from GREECE—HOLIDAY resorts, blocked traffic outside the country's Transport Ministry in ATHENS to protest 1—PROPOSED—ATV vehicle ban.
20171113             —RELEASED, MYANMAR—ARMY, 1—REPORT denying all allegations of rape and killings by security forces, having days —EARLIER replaced the general in CHARGE—OF—THE—OPERATION that drove more than 600,000 Rohingya Muslims to flee to BANGLADESH.
20171113             —TRAVELED, In THE—NETHERLANDS—LAURA—HANSEN (22), who had, to Syria and IRAQ to support her family —WHILE her husband fought with the Islamic State group, was convicted of supporting terrorist acts and sentenced to —2—YEARS' imprisonment.
20171113             —SUSPENDED, Judges, —13—MONTHS—OF—HANSEN—SENTENCE, meaning she won't have to go to prison —FOLLOWING the conviction —SINCE she spent —1—YEAR in pretrial detention.
20171113             —CROSSED, THE—PAKISTAN—MILITARY said militants have, into PAKISTAN from AFGHANISTAN and killed 1—PAKISTAN—ARMY officer and 1—SOLDIER.
20171113             —AGREED, THE—PHILIPPINES—LEADERS—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—COUNTRIES, (ASEAN) and CHINA, to begin negotiations on a "CODE—OF—CONDUCT" aimed at controlling aggressive actions in the disputed SOUTH—CHINA Sea.
20171113             —ASKED, PUERTO—RICO, THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT for $94.4—BILLION in aid as it recovers from Hurricane Maria.
20171113             —OPENED, ROMANIA—ANTI—CORRUPTION prosecutors, 1—INVESTIGATION into THE—LEADER—OF—THE—RULING—SOCIAL—DEMOCRAT—PARTY, Liviu Dragnea, on suspicion of forming a "criminal group" to siphon off cash from state projects, SOME—OF—THEM—EU—FUNDED.
20171113             —HOSTED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, TURKEY—COUNTERPART RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN for talks focusing on the situation in Syria.
20171113             —RESUMED, SAUDI—ARABIA—OIL giant Aramco said it had, operations at its BAHRAIN pipeline, days —AFTER it was shut down over 1—FIRE which MANAMA called a "terrorist" act.
20171113             —VOTED, People in SOMALIA—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—REGION—OF—SOMALILAND, to elect their 5. PRESIDENT as the ruling party faces 1—STRONG—CHALLENGE from opposition candidates.
20171113             This election was the 1. in AFRICA to use IRIS—SCAN biometric technology to prevent anyone from voting more than once.
20171113             —RECOGNIZED, No country has so far, it as 1—INDEPENDENT—STATE.
20171113             NORTH—SYRIA, 1—AIRSTRIKE on 1—MARKET in THE—REBEL—HELD TOWN—OF—ATAREB killed at least 61—PEOPLE.
20171113             —OPENED, VENEZUELA, talks with creditors to renegotiate 1—CRIPPLING debt that has left citizens sifting through garbage for food, as THE—ONCE—PROSPEROUS—OPEC nation seeks to avert 1—DEFAULT that would plunge its economy into deeper crisis.
20171113             1—SENIOR—YEMEN—SECURITY official said 1—GROUP—OF—133—DETAINEES was transferred to THE—NEWLY—RENOVATED CENTRAL—PRISON in MUKALLA from the Riyan airport.
20171113             The airport was 1—OF 18—SECRET—PRISONS that 1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS investigation revealed as run by THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES or its allies.
20171113             Yemenis from all WALKS—OF—LIFE took to the streets to protest 1—SAUDI—LED blockade that has left thousands struggling to survive.
20171113             —CALLED, ZIMBABWE—TOP—MILITARY—GENERAL, for 1—IMMEDIATE—END to purges against former liberation war fighters in PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE—RULING party, —AFTER Emmerson Mnangagwa was stripped of his VICE—PRESIDENT—POST.
20171113             ASEAN—GIPFEL—MANILA: DONALD—TRUMP hat Probleme beim Händeschütteln
20171113             Abrams ist 1—PRODUKT der berüchtigten INTERNET Research Agency.
20171113             Also wenn junge, wenig gebildete SCHICHT—ARBEITER in RUSSLAND so 1—TROLL in 1—FREMDSPRACHE in 1—ANDEREN KULTUR—ZONE abziehen können, dann sollten wir uns echt Sorgen um unsere Konkurrenzfähigkeit auf dem Weltmarkt machen.
20171113             BREXIT—BESUCH—IN—LONDON: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT schlägt bei May Alarm
20171113             BRITISCHER—AUSSEN—MINISTER—JOHNSON entschuldigt sich für diplomatischen Fehltritt
20171113             CO2—KLAGE—GEGEN—RWE: 1. Gerichtserfolg für PERUANISCHEN—BAUERN
20171113             DONALD—TRUMP bei Duterte: Hat jemand MENSCHEN—RECHTE gesagt?
20171113             Das braucht ja auch 1.besondere Art von "Patriotismus", seine CYBER—FIRMA dann —NACH—DEN CIA—FOLTERFLÜGEN zu benennen.
20171113             FRANKREICH: GEHEIM—DIENST rechnet nicht mit massiver Rückkehr von IS—KÄMPFERN
20171113             Globales Klima: CO2—AUSSTOß legt 20170000             wieder zu
20171113             IFO—STUDIE, Stimmung in der WELT—WIRTSCHAFT auf höchstem Stand
20171113             JEMEN: Von DER—TERROR—HOCHBURG zur Boomtown
20171113             KONJUNKTUR—PROGNOSE: IWF rechnet mit langlebigem Aufschwung in EUROPA
20171113             Mangelnder UMWELT—SCHUTZ, 15.000—FORSCHER unterschreiben "WARNUNG—AN—DIE—MENSCHHEIT"
20171113             RUSSISCH—TÜRKISCHER—SYRIEN—GIPFEL: FRIEDE—ZU—PUTINS Bedingungen - Studie: Stadtbäume wachsen schneller
20171113             Umfrage: 66 % DER—DEUTSCHEN—SIND gegen CANNABIS—LEGALISIERUNG
20171113             [l] DIE—AUFKLÄRUNG der SHADOWBROKERS—LEAKS bei der NSA kommt anscheinend nicht voran.
20171113             [l] DIE—SÜDDEUTSCHE über Jenna Abrams, 1—TROLLACCOUNT—DER—RUSSEN.
20171113             —AMNESTY—BERICHT, ASSAD—REGIME und OPPOSITIONS—GRUPPEN sollen gezielt Zivilisten getötet haben
20171113             —KRISE—DES—WIR: Können wir überhaupt noch MITEINANDER—STREITEN?
20171113             —NACH, Überfallserie: POLIZEI fahndet mit Tatvideos nach EX—RAF—TERRORISTEN
20171113             "They had operational insight that even MOST—OF—MY fellow operators at T.A.O.
20171113—20020000    —APPROVED, THE—ABILIFY pill was 1., by the Food and Drug Administration to treat schizophrenia, and
20171113—20120000    —IN, the sensor technology was approved for marketing.
20171113—20150000    —SINCE, Atareb has been subject to Russian and SYRIA—GOVERNMENT airstrikes.
20171117             1—THE—PHILIPPINES—COURT—CONVICTED—IKRAM—INDAMA for the daring 20071113             , motorcycle bombing that killed REPRESENTATIVE—WAHAB—AKBAR, 1—MUSLIM—REBEL—TURNED—CONGRESSMAN, and 3—OTHER—PEOPLE and wounded 10, including 2—LEGISLATORS.
20171228—20181113    —PLEADED, Barriss, guilty to making the hoax call —FOLLOWING 1—DISPUTE between 2—ONLINE gamers over a $1.50—BET in 1—CALL—OF—DUTY—WWII video game.
20181030—20181113    —ON, 1—RUNOFF between the top 2 will be held.
20181113             —1— D, The remains, from the 03010101—04001231     BC to late Roman times.
20181113             —STRIPPED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, Acosta of his pass —FOLLOWING PRESIDENT—TRUMP'S 20181108             contentious new conference.
20181113             —BLACKLISTED, THE—TREASURY, Shibl Muhsin 'UBAYD—AL—ZAYDI, YUSUF—HASHIM, ADNAN—HUSSEIN—KAWTHARANI, and Muhammad 'ABD—AL—HADI—FARHAT under its Specially Designated Global Terrorists program.
20181113             —DEMNDED, CNN, the reinstatement OF—OF—CORRESPONDENT JIM—ACOSTA—WHITE—HOUSE credentials because their revocation violates THE—RIGHT—OF—FREEDOM—OF—THE—PRESS.
20181113             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, several VICTIMS—OF—THE—CAMP—FIRE in Butte County filed suit against PG&E and its parent company.
20181113             —ROARED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, the Woolsey Fire, to life again.
20181113             435—BUILDINGS have been burned over 146—SQUARE—MILES.
20181113             —CONTAINED, It was 35—PERCENT.
20181113             —ANNOUNCED, Amazon, NEW—YORK—CITY and ARLINGTON—VIRGINIA, as joint winners for a 2. company headquarters.
20181113             —OFFERED, NEW—YORK—CITY had, more than $1.5—BILLION in tax credits and other incentives.
20181113             —OFFERED, ARLINGTON, $573—MILLION.
20181113             CHRISTIE—SOLD the "Pink Legacy" diamond at auction for more than $50—MILLION to renowned jeweler HARRY—WINSTON.
20181113             —DETAINED, BAHRAIN—PUBLIC—PROSECUTOR, and charged ALI—RASHED—AL—ASHEERI, 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT with THE—NOW—BANNED AL—WEFAQ opposition group, for 1—TWEET saying he would boycott elections —THIS—MONTH, with 1—RIGHTS—GROUP identifying him as 1—FORMER—LAWMAKER.
20181113             1—CAMBODIA—COURT charged 18—PEOPLE, including 11—PREGNANT—WOMEN, with violating laws against surrogate births.
20181113             CHINA, students and alumni of several CHINA—UNIVERSITIES sounded the alarm over the apparent detention of more than 12—YOUNG—LABOR activists who have been missing —SINCE the weekend.
20181113             —INVOLVED, They were, in 1—COALITION, led by young Marxist activists, that was founded this —SUMMER to show solidarity with factory workers at Jasic Technology, 1—WELDING equipment manufacturer in SOUTH—CHINA.
20181113             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—HIGHEST—LEGAL—AUTHORITY upheld 1—BAN for the operations of THE—RIDE—SHARING service Uber in BRNO, the 2.—LARGEST city in the country.
20181113             The ban doesn't apply in the capital, PRAGUE, where Uber faces similar accusations in 1—SEPARATE—CASE.
20181113             —ARRESTED, ETHIOPIA, Kinfe Dagnew, THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—1—MILITARY—RUN industrial conglomerate, and flew him in handcuffs to the capital.
20181113             —COMPLAINED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, that ROMANIA has gone back on court reforms, urging BUCHAREST to revive efforts —IMMEDIATELY to fight corruption and ensure judicial INDEPENDENCE.
20181113             —CLOSED, FRANCE—AUTHORITIES said they have, 1—INVESTIGATION into the disappearance and subsequent detention in CHINA of Meng Hongwei, THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—INTERPOL, and found no evidence to support his wife's claim that she got 1—THREATENING call in CHINA—AFTER he was picked up.
20181113             —CALLED, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL, for 1—INTEGRATED—EU military, recalling the lessons of the 1. World War and the divisions that led to the conflict.
20181113             GERMANY—AUTHORITIES said they suspect 1—MALE—NURSE of killing 6—ELDERLY—PATIENTS, and attempting to kill at least 3—MORE, —AFTER he admitted to injecting them with diabetes medication.
20181113             —ARRESTED, Suspect GRZEGORZ—STANISLAW—WOLSZTAJN, —36—JAHRE—ALT, last February, denied intending to kill them.
20181113             —LOCATED, GREECE—CULTURE ministry said archaeologists have, the 1. tangible remains of the lost ancient CITY—OF—TENEA that, according to tradition, was 1. settled by Trojan war captives —AFTER THE—GREECE—SACK of Troy.
20181113             ITALY—LEADERS sought to affirm their commitment to 1—FREE—PRESS —AFTER journalists protested against insults from prominent figures in the governing 5-Star Movement.
20181113             —WARNED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND, THE—ITALY—GOVERNMENT that its plan to sharply increase spending carries "substantial" risks and would leave the country vulnerable to market turmoil.
20181113             —BLAMED, LEBANON—PM—DESIGNATE SAAD—AL—HARIRI, THE—IRAN—BACKED Hezbollah for what he called a "big obstacle" in efforts to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT, indicating there could be no solution if it did not back down.
20181113             —CRITICIZED, MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MAHATHIR—MOHAMED sharply, MYANMAR leader Aung S—SUU—KYI for her handling of 1—ETHNIC—CRISIS that led to mass killings and the exodus of more than 700,000 Rohingya Muslims from her country.
20181113             —ARRIVED, MEXICO, 1—GROUP—OF—357—MIGRANTS, in the border CITY—OF—TIJUANA aboard 9—BUSES and —IMMEDIATELY went to 1—STRETCH—OF—BORDER fence to celebrate.
20181113             —AFTER their visit to the border, most were taken to shelters in groups of 30 or 40.
20181113             7—PALESTINIANS were killed in GAZA over the course of SOME— —24—HOURS as ISRAEL—STRIKES targeted militants and flattened buildings —WHILE sending fireballs and PLUMES—OF—SMOKE into the sky.
20181113             —AROUND 460—ROCKETS and mortar rounds were fired from THE—GAZA—STRIP, wounding 27—PEOPLE, including 3—SEVERELY.
20181113             —DISMISSED, ROMANIA—PRIME—MINISTER—VIORICA—DANCILA, suggestions that the country is not prepared to take over the rotating PRESIDENCY—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION —NEXT—YEAR, despite criticism from THE—EU that the country is backsliding on democratic reforms.
20181113             —PREVENTED, RUSSIA—OPPOSITION leader ALEXEI—NAVALNY said he was, from flying out of MOSCOW for 1—EUROPEAN court ruling on whether his recent detentions have been politically motivated.
20181113             —FINED, The independent RUSSIA—NEW—TIMES magazine, 22—MILLION rubles —LAST—MONTH for failing to notify authorities on time of receiving foreign funding, said it has raised over $370,000 in —4—DAYS to pay the fine.
20181113             —VIEWED, Critics and media experts have, the fine as retribution by the government for the New Times' critical reporting.
20181113             SINGAPORE, the annual GATHERING—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—LEADERS (ASEAN) began with 1—WARNING from the host, SINGAPORE PRIME—MINISTER—LEE—HSIEN—LOONG, about threats against INTERNATIONAL rules that underpin world stability and economic growth.
20181113             —SUSPENDED, SRI—LANKA—SUPREME—COURT, THE—PRESIDENT—ORDER to dissolve PARLIAMENT and hold new elections, opening the way for lawmakers to vote on whether to accept his —EARLIER OUSTER—OF—THE—PRIME—MINISTER.
20181113             —RELATED, TURKEY—PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said recordings, to THE—KILLING—OF—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI, which TURKEY has shared with Western allies, are "appalling" and shocked 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—INTELLIGENCE officer who listened to them.
20181113             —PULLED, TURKEY, out of ITALIAN—SPONSORED LIBYA crisis talks in  PALERMO saying it had been "excluded", dealing 1—FRESH—BLOW to the latest INTERNATIONAL bid to stabilize THE—CHAOS—STRICKEN country.
20181113             Angry Ukrainians took to the streets and blocked roads as HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS remain without heating at 1—TIME —WHEN temperatures are plunging because of 1—DISPUTE between the national gas company and regional utility providers.
20181113             —CALLED, UN human rights boss MICHELLE—BACHELET, on BANGLADESH to halt plans to repatriate 2,200 Rohingya refugees to MYANMAR, warning that their lives would be at "serious risk".
20181113             —NAMED, FRANCIS—PAPA, Archbishop CHARLES—SCICLUNA as 1—DEPUTY, or adjunct SECRETARY, at the Congregation for THE—DOCTRINE—OF—THE—FAITH, THE—VATICAN office that processes sex abuse cases globally.
20181113             YEMEN—OFFICIALS said 1—INFORMAL—AGREEMENT to reduce hostilities between SAUDI—LED coalition forces and rebels in and —AROUND the Red Sea port CITY—OF—HODEIDA has taken hold.
20181113             —KILLED, YEMEN, 1—AIRSTRIKE by THE—SAUDI—LED coalition, at least 7—CIVILIANS—LATE—TODAY in THE—REBEL—HELD port CITY—OF—HODEIDA.
20181113             "Digitaler Gesellschaftsvertrag": KANZLER—AMT will offenbar Initiative für freies Web unterstützen
20181113             "Wir sehen keinen TEIL—DES—AMEISENSTAMMBAUMES mit Arten, die auf Pflanzen für Nahrung oder LEBENS—RAUMANGEWIESEN sind, der schneller wächst oder sich schneller auffächert als TEILE—DES—STAMMBAUMES ohne solche Arten",
20181113             1—WIEDERENTDECKTE Filmszene aus dem KÖLN —DES—JAHRES 18960000             erfreut DIE—HISTORIKER.
20181113             Aber der HÖHE—PUNKT der Meldung ist, wie sich völlig unironisch das zuständige KOMMITTEE nennt:
20181113             Aufnahmen aus der TÜRKEI: Hinweise auf Verwicklung des KRON—PRINZEN in FALL—KHASHOGGI
20181113             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Ausstiegsgespräche mit LONDON: EU, BREXIT—NOTFALLPLAN—FALLS DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN scheitern
20181113             BREMEN ganz vorn: Zahl überschuldeter Haushalte steigt unaufhörlich
20181113             BUNDESSTAAT—NEW—YORK: VERDÄCHTIGE soll beschlagnahmtes iPhone aus der Ferne gelöscht haben
20181113             Bedrohte Arten: CHINA will HANDEL—MIT—TIGER—UND Nashornteilen doch nicht lockern
20181113             CO2—GRENZWERTE: LKW—HERSTELLER wettern gegen EU—PLÄNE
20181113             DIE—ANALYSE zeigte, daß —ZUNÄCHST räuberische, am Boden lebende Ameisen begannen, in die Höhe zu klettern und Pflanzen als LEBENS—RAUMZU erobern.
20181113             DIE—BEGANN —VOR—66.000.—000—JAHREN, als die DINO—SAURIER ausstarben, und dauert —BIS—HEUTE an.
20181113             DIE—FORSCHER haben sich DIE—ENTWICKLUNGSGESCHICHTE von mehr als 17300000             Ameisenarten und mehr als 10.000—PFLANZENGATTUNGEN genau angeschaut.
20181113             DIE—IN einem FRANZÖSISCHEN—ARCHIV aufgetauchte Rolle enthalte die 1. Sequenz DER—FILMGESCHICHTE, die aus 3—KAMERAPERSPEKTIVEN gedreht worden sei,
20181113             —ENTSTANDEN, DIE—MEISTEN dieser Anpassungen seien jedoch später, in der Erdneuzeit,
20181113             DIE—PFLANZEN die speziellen Merkmale, von denen Ameisen profitieren, —ERST später entwickelten
20181113             DIE—SZENE ist in seiner neuen Dokumentation "Filmreise in das alte KÖLN 2" zu sehen.
20181113             —ATTACKIERT, DONALD—TRUMP, MACRON: "Make FRANCE great again!"
20181113             Das geschah in der Unterkreide, dem Abschnitt der ERD—GESCHICHTE, der vor 145.000.—000—JAHREN begann und vor gut 100.000.—000—JAHREN endete.
20181113             EVOLUTION der Symbiose: Hilfst du mir, so helf ich dir
20181113             Entzogene Akkreditierung: CNN verklagt DONALD—TRUMP wegen JOURNALISTEN—RAUSWURF
20181113             Findet jedenfalls die ETSI und nennt ihre kaputtgemachte VERSION—VON—TLS 1.3 "eTLS".
20181113             Flugzeugabsturz in INDONESIEN: Boeing verschwieg Piloten problematische SOFTWARE
20181113             Fristende der EU—KOMMISSION: IWF stuft ITALIENISCHE—HAUSHALTS—PLÄNE als Risiko ein
20181113             Historiker CHRISTOPHER—CLARK: Wo ist das Versprechen auf ein besseres Leben für uns und unsere Kinder geblieben?
20181113             Historisches Bewegtbild: —122—JAHRE—ALTE Filmszene aus KÖLN aufgetaucht
20181113             Hohe ENERGIE—PREISE: Inflation erreicht ZEHNJAHRES—HOCH
20181113             ITALIEN—SALVINI lässt Migrantencamp in ROM räumen
20181113             —ENTSTANDEN, In seinem Auftrag, 18960000             die 1. KÖLNer Filmszenen, die gleichzeitig zu den 1. DEUTSCHLANDs gehören.
20181113             IRLAND: Pilotin sichtet UFOS—BEHÖRDE ermittelt - Kannste dir gar nicht ausdenken sowas.
20181113             KÖLN hatte in den ANFANGS—TAGEN des Films 1.führende Rolle, die wesentlich auf den SCHOKOLADEN—FABRIKANTEN[KAPITALISTEN] LUDWIG—STOLLWERCK (18570000—19220000    ) zurückgeht.
20181113             —VERBANNT, LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG: PARIS, alte Diesel aus der gesamten Stadt
20181113             MICHELLE—OBAMAS—MEMOIREN: "Eine überwältigende WELLE—VON—LUST, Dankbarkeit, Erfüllung"
20181113             MILLIARDENschaden: MALAYSIA geht gegen GOLDMAN—SACHS VOR—AKTIE stürzt ab
20181113             Murnau in BAYERN: Frau erfindet VERGEWALTIGUNG—GERICHT verhängt GELD—STRAFE
20181113             Nektardrüsen tauchten demnach in der späteren KREIDE—ZEIT auf, vor allem aber in der darauffolgenden Erdneuzeit.
20181113             Rede im EU—PARLAMENT: MERKELs Wortnebel umhüllt EUROPA
20181113             Rede in STRAßBURG: MERKEL wirbt für europäische Armee
20181113             Schlechte Hopfenernte: DÜRRE—SOMMER könnte BIER—PREISE steigen lassen
20181113             —ENTSTANDEN, Spezielle Verstecke für AMEISEN—DOMATIA -, zuletzt.
20181113             Später, gegen ENDE—DER—OBERKREIDE, verlegten EINIGE—ARTEN ihren LEBENS—MITTEL—PUNKT ganz auf Pflanzen und legten dort auch ihre Nester an.
20181113             Stollwerck hoffte, Kurzfilme in Süßigkeitenautomaten zu zeigen und dadurch mehr Schokolade zu verkaufen.
20181113             Stollwerck sorgte auch dafür, daß die FRANZÖSISCHEN—FILMPIONIERE, die Gebrüder Lumière,
20181113             THE—INTERNET supplies these kids with endless red pills.
20181113             USA—DROHUNG wegen OST—SEE—PIPELINE: "DER—PRÄSIDENT hat viele, VIELE—INSTRUMENTE zur Verfügung..".
20181113             —GEWINNT, USA—MIDTERMS: Demokratin Sinema, umkämpften SENATssitz in ARIZONA
20181113             WEIßES—HAUS: MELANIA—TRUMP fordert Entlassung hochrangiger Regierungsmitarbeiterin
20181113             Waffenbau in ORD—KOREA—KIMS geheime Raketenschmieden
20181113             ZINSEN—FÜR—STEUERBETRÜGER: DEUTSCHLAND ließ sich MILLIARDENsumme entgehen
20181113             Zur 1—VERSTÄRKTEN Artbildung unter den Ameisen habe die Nutzung von Pflanzen nicht oder nur vorübergehend geführt,
20181113             [l] Apokalyptische Fotoserie aus Malibu in Flammen.
20181113             [l] Die Lage für Ideen außerhalb der engen GRENZEN—DER—AKTUELLEN—DOGMATIK in der Wissenschaft ist so übel, daß —JETZT 1—JOURNAL—PUBLIKATIONEN kontroverser Ideen unter Pseudonym ermöglichen soll.
20181113             [l] Fandet ihr TLS auch viel zu sicher?
20181113             —AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL: S—SUU—KYI nicht mehr "Botschafterin des Gewissens"
20181113             —DANN, fingen EINIGE—ARTEN an, Pflanzen auch als Nahrungsquelle zu nutzen.
20181113             —ESKALATION in NAH—OST: Hunderte Raketen auf ISRAEL—ABGEFEUERT—LUFT—WAFFE bombardiert GAZA—STREIFEN
20181113             —ETF—ANLAGEN: FINANZ—TEST bewertet nachhaltige INDEX—FONDS als gut
20181113             —ETSI Technical COMMITTEE—CYBER—HAS —RECENTLY released 1—MIDDLEBOX—SECURITY—PROTOCOL specification
20181113             —HANDELS—STREIT: WASHINGTON erhöht DRUCK—AUF—DIE—EU
20181113             —JAHRES—TAG—DER—POGROMNACHT: MITGLIEDER—DER—JUNGEN—UNION singen Wehrmachtslied
20181113             —NACH, EU—KRITIK: ITALIEN weicht nicht von Schuldenplänen ab
20181113             —NEUE—HAUPT—QUARTIERE: AMAZON bekommt 2—MILLIARDEN $ Subventionen
20181113—20181201    —EXPECTED, Bills for hot water and heating were, to increase by another 15%.
20190329             —WAS—CONVICTED, FRANCE, Jawad Bendaoud, on appeal of hiding Islamic STATE—JIHADIST—ABDELHAMID—ABAAOUD and his accomplice Chakib Akrouh, who holed up —AFTER 20151113             —THE, attacks in BENDAOUD—APARTMENT in THE—PARIS suburb of SAINT—DENIS.
20191113             —STREIT—UM—"Ultima Thule": Nasa benennt Himmelskörper wegen NAZI—KONTROVERSE um
20191113             —KLIMA—PAKET, FDP prüft Klage gegen CO2-Preis
20191113             —ERMITTLUNGEN—IN—BAYERN: Neuntklässler verbreiten rechtsextreme HETZE im Klassenchat (Leben und Lernen, 17:52)
20191113             NUTZER—TRACKING: Gesundheitswebseiten teilen Daten mit TECH—KONZERNEN
20191113             —PRESENTED, Senior Democratic and Republican lawmakers, dueling narratives as 1—USA congressional impeachment inquiry that threatens DONALD—TRUMP—TUMULTUOUS—PRESIDENCY entered 1—CRUCIAL—NEW—PHASE with the 1. public hearing.
20191113             —UNSEALED, USA—FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES, 1—INDICTMENT alleging that 14—MEMBERS—OF—1—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—ORGANIZATION have been ripping off Apple to the tune of $6—MILLION.
20191113             1—ORGANIZATION, led by 3—BROTHERS, was accused of importing over 10,000 counterfeit iPhones and iPads from CHINA and then going to Apple stores in states across the country and CANADA in order to exchange them for the real thing.
20191113             —REPORTED, It was, that NEW—YORK—INSURANCE regulator has formally notified 1—GROUP—OF—OPIOID manufacturers and distributors that it will launch 1—CIVIL—ENFORCEMENT action against them for contributing towards 1—RISE in health insurance premiums in the state.
20191113             BOSTON, IGOR—DVORSKIY, 1—FORMER—COLLEGE entrance exam administrator, pleaded guilty to participating in 1—VAST—COLLEGE admissions cheating and fraud scheme.
20191113             —SENTENCED, Real estate company executive TOBY—MACFARLANE was, to —6—MONTHS in prison for conspiring to bribe UNIVERSITY—OF—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA employees to secure the admission of his children as fake athletic recruits.
20191113             —TARGETED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—CAR bombing in KABUL, 1—PRIVATE—SECURITY convoy.
20191113             12—PEOPLE were reported killed including children.
20191113             —PLEDGED, BOLIVIA—NEW—INTERIM—PRESIDENT, to hold 1—NEW—ELECTION as soon as possible and condemned "revenge" acts by disgruntled supporters of fallen leader Evo Morales who resigned —AFTER protests over 1 disputed vote.
20191113             LEADERS—OF—THE—BRICS—GROUP—OF—EMERGING economies (CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA, BRAZIL and SOUTH—AFRICA) criticized what they view as politically motivated protectionism at 1—TIME—OF—1—GLOBAL—SLOWDOWN and said their countries are doing their best to counter the trend.
20191113             BRAZIL, SUPPORTERS—OF—VENEZUELA—OPPOSITION leader JUAN—GUAIDO entered the country's embassy in BRASILIA, 1—MOVE coinciding with the arrival of Russian and CHINA—LEADERS for 1—INTERNATIONAL—SUMMIT (BRICS).
20191113             BRITAIN—COMMUNICATION—WORKERS—UNION said that postal company Royal Mail had won 1—HIGH—COURT injunction to block potential strikes by the union.
20191113             —LAUNCHED, CHINA—E—COMMERCE giant Alibaba Group, the share sale for its HONG—KONG listing, braving unrest in the global financial hub to try to raise up to $13.4—BILLION to fund its expansion plans.
20191113             —REPORTED, It was, that PRAGUE—CHARLES—UNIVERSITY has closed its CZECH—CHINA—CENTER, —AFTER local MEDIA—REPORTS that SOME—OF—ITS—STAFF had failed to declare payments from THE—CHINA—EMBASSY intended to support its programs.
20191113             —ARRESTED, EGYPT—AUTHORITIES, Radwa Mohamed, 1—WOMAN who voiced harsh CRITICISM—OF—PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH EL—SISSI and his wife in 1—SERIES—OF—ONLINE videos.
20191113             —ACCUSED—OF, She was, spreading false news.
20191113             EGYPT, 1—PIPELINE for oil products caught fire —WHEN thieves tried to tap into it to siphon off gasoline in the Nile Delta PROVINCE—OF—BEHEIRA.
20191113             —KILLED, At least 7—PEOPLE were.
20191113             THE—GERMANY—PARLIAMENT—LEGAL—AFFAIRS COMMITTEE—OUSTED—STEPHAN—BRANDNER, its chairman and 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—FAR—RIGHT—ALTERNATIVE for GERMANY party, amid anger over 1—STRING of inflammatory comments he had made.
20191113             —CENSURED, INDIA—TOP—COURT, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT for its inaction in fighting pollution, as poisonous smog choked THE—STREETS—OF—THE—CAPITAL—NEW—DELHI forcing schools to shut and HALF—OF—VEHICLES to be banned from the streets.
20191113             —SWELLED, IRAQ, ANTI—GOVERNMENT rallies, in BAGHDAD and in the south as the government faced new pressure from the street, WASHINGTON and THE—UNITED—NATIONS to respond seriously to WEEKS—OF—DEMONSTRATIONS.
20191113             —TRAVELLED, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—IRAQI—KURDISTAN, to BAGHDAD for talks with senior officials —JUST hours ahead of 1—SPECIAL—PARLIAMENT session to discuss weeks of deadly ANTI—GOVERNMENT demonstrations.
20191113             Nechirvan Barzani met with PRIME—MINISTER—ADEL—ABDEL—MAHDI in BAGHDAD.
20191113             —POUNDED, ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKES, Islamic Jihad targets in GAZA and militants resumed rocket fire toward ISRAEL—AFTER 1—BRIEF overnight lull, as the death toll rose to 23—PALESTINIANS, including a —7—YEAR—OLD—BOY and 2—OTHER—MINORS, in the heaviest round of fighting in months.
20191113             ITALY, the worst flooding in Venice in more than —50—YEARS prompted calls to better protect the historic city from rising sea levels as officials calculated HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—EUROS in damage.
20191113             —BLOCKED, LEBANON, protesters, major highways with burning tires and other debris, saying they will remain in the streets despite THE—PRESIDENT—APPEAL for them to leave.
20191113             —RESIGNED, NAMIBIA—JUSTICE and fisheries ministers, over bribery claims involving ICELAND—FISHING firm Samherji.
20191113             —LASHED, NORTH—KOREA—SUPREME—DECISION—MAKING body, out at planned USA—SOUTH—KOREA—MILITARY—DRILLS and warned that THE—USA will face a "bigger threat and harsh suffering" if it ignores NORTH—KOREA—LEADER KIM—JONG—UN—END—OF—YEAR deadline to salvage nuclear talks.
20191113             —CALLED, PAKISTAN, ANTI—GOVERNMENT protesters, off a —2—WEEK SIT—IN on the capital's main highway, but began what they called a "Plan B" aimed at crippling the country's roads and ousting PRIME—MINISTER—IMRAN—KHAN.
20191113             —WORKED, PAKISTAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST IDRIS—KHATTAK, who, for both AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL and Human Rights Watch, went missing along with his driver.
20191113             —LATER, his driver told his family that Khattak was taken by unidentified men from his car —WHILE they were traveling in the country's volatile northwest.
20191113             1—ATTACK on THE—SAUDI—YEMEN border by YEMEN—REBELS killed 6—MEMBERS—OF—1—SUDAN—PARAMILITARY force that's been fighting in YEMEN.
20191113             —COLLIDED, WEST—SLOVAKIA, 1—LORRY carrying gravel, with 1—PASSENGER bus, killing 12—PEOPLE, the country's deadliest road accident in —1—DECADE.
20191113             SOUTH—AFRICA—AIRWAYS (SAA) said it might never recover if 1—STRIKE by labor unions goes ahead —THIS—WEEK, underscoring how close THE—STATE—OWNED company is to collapse.
20191113             —APPROVED, SWITZERLAND, 1—CHANGE to its environmental legislation allowing companies to take part in THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—EMISSIONS trading system.
20191113             —VOTED, UKRAINE—LAWMAKERS, to remove 1—BAN on THE—SALE—OF—FARMLAND for the 1. time in nearly —2—DECADES, 1—MOVE supported by the country's foreign backers that risks 1—POLITICAL—BACKLASH.
20191113             THE—UN refugee agency said nations in Latin AMERICA and the Caribbean will need $1.35—BILLION to respond to the massive exodus of Venezuelans.
20191113             1 estimated 4.6—MILLION Venezuelans have —NOW fled their CRISIS—TORN country.
20191113             —KILLED, YEMEN, a missile attack, 5—SOLDIERS in Sahn AL—GIN—DISTRICT—IN—NORTH—EAST—MARIB province.
20191113             1—WICHTIGE Figur ist auch RICK—MULVANEY, TRUMP—AMTIERENDER STABSchef.
20191113             Abschiebungen aus der TÜRKEI: IS—VERDÄCHTIGE bleiben in DEUTSCHLAND vorerst frei
20191113             Agrarexporte: UKRAINISCHE—OLIGARCHEN sparen Milliardensumme durch Steuertrick
20191113             Aufwachsen in der Nazizeit: Konnten sich Kinder der Hitlerjugend entziehen? (SPIEGEL+, 20:30)
20191113             BUNDESTAGS—AUSSCHUSS, Koalitionäre stimmen für Deckelung von Managergehältern
20191113             Befragung der HANS—BÖCKLER—STIFTUNG: Nur gut 50—PROZENT—DER—ARBEITNEHMER bekommt Weihnachtsgeld
20191113             Boliviens EX—PRÄSIDENT—MORALES'—WEG ins Asyl: Odyssee über den Wolken
20191113             Boliviens Interimspräsidentin Jeanine Áñez: Das Gegenteil von Morales
20191113             DIE—LETZTEN unabhängigen Forscher (zumindest anderen Firmen gegenüber) sind die in Google Project 0.
20191113             DIE—STRATEGIE der Republikaner ist unklarer, sie wechselte zuletzt oft.
20191113             Digitale Grenzkontrolle, USA—GERICHT schränkt Durchsuchung elektronischer Geräte an Grenze ein
20191113             Drogenfund: 730—KILO—REINES HEROIN in UNGARN entdeckt
20191113             —KRITISIERT, EU—RATS—PRÄSIDENT—VOR—ABSCHIED: Tusk, Macron für Annäherung an RUSSLAND
20191113             1. öffentliche IMPEACHMENT—ANHÖRUNGEN: 3—ZEUGEN—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP
20191113             FACEBOOK Pay: FACEBOOK führt seinen BEZAHL—DIENST ein
20191113             FEUERKRISE—IN—AUSTRALIEN: Buschfeuer werden wohl monatelang lodern
20191113             Geplante 1000—METER—REGEL: WINDKRAFT—INDUSTRIE und Gewerkschaft schreiben Brandbrief an DIE—REGIERUNG
20191113             Gewalttätige Ausschreitungen: HONG—KONG schließt aus SICHERHEITSgründen ALLE—SCHULEN (Leben und Lernen, 17:42)
20191113             Globale Bevölkerungsentwicklung: Ist die Welt bald zu voll?
20191113             GROKO—KOMPROMISS: Rentenversicherung WARNT—VOR—PROBLEMEN bei Grundrente
20191113             Hochwasser: Ist Venedig noch zu retten?
20191113             Härtere Strafen: ANTISEMITISMUS—BEAUFTRAGTER fordert "konsequentes Handeln" gegen Judenhass
20191113             ITALIEN: Rechtsextremisten sollen ANSCHLAG—AUF—MOSCHEE geplant haben
20191113             —GEZWUNGEN, Katastrophale Überschwemmungen: "Venedig wurde in die Knie "
20191113             —ÜBERSCHWEMMT, Land unter in Lagunenstadt: Rekordhochwasser, Venedig
20191113             Nachfolge von Evo Morales: Jeanine Añez erklärt sich zur Interimspräsidentin Boliviens
20191113             —GEWESEN, Nicht auszudenken, wenn das 1—TERRORIST, wäre!
20191113             PUSH—BACKS in die TÜRKEI: GRIECHENLAND soll 60.000—MIGRANTEN illegal abgeschoben haben
20191113             SEK—EINSATZ in MAGDEBURG: POLIZEI stellt SOVIET—RAKETE in Wohnung sicher
20191113             STURZ—DER—REGIERUNG in MOLDAU: Ende eines Reformsommers
20191113             UMWELT—SCHUTZ, NIEDERLANDE beschließen Tempo 100—AUF Autobahnen
20191113             Um kurz vor —MITTERNACHT stieg das WASSER—ANGETRIEBEN durch starken WIND—AUF 187—CM über dem MEERES—SPIEGEL.
20191113             Umstrittene Gaspipeline: BUNDESTAG schafft Planungssicherheit für NORD—STREAM—2
20191113             [l] Aus der beliebten Serie: 1—GLÜCK, daß das bloß 1—WAFFENNARR war: POLIZEI findet bei Hausdurchsuchung SOVIET—LUFT—LUFT?RAKETE, Minen, Granaten.
20191113             —AM, —MITTWOCH werde der Notstand ausgerufen, kündigte Brugnaro in einem Video auf FACEBOOK an.
20191113             —BISLANG, sind DIE—USA—AMERIKANER in dieser Frage gespalten.
20191113             —ESKALATION in Nahost: Hunderte Raketen auf ISRAEL, Tote im Gazastreifen
20191113             —KLIMAAKTIVISTIN Greta THUNBERG: "TRUMP hat womöglich geholfen" (Leben und Lernen, 02:16)
20191113             —KLIMA—PAKET der Bundesregierung: Flixbus will gegen Mehrwertsteuersenkung für ZUG—VERKEHR klagen
20191113             —UNRUHEN, nach MORALES—RÜCKTRITT: Rufe nach "Bürgerkrieg" in BOLIVIEN—USA ziehen Personal ab
20191113—20191115    —ON, Unions representing —AROUND 3,000—OF—SAA—5,000-strong workforce said that cabin crew and other workers at SAA would go on strike over the airline's refusal to give in to salary hikes and its plan to cut more than 900—JOBS.
20191117—20191113    —ON, Vazha Gaprindashvili, PRESIDENT—OF—GEORGIA—ASSOCIATION—OF—ORTHOPEDIST and Traumatologists, was taken to SOUTH—OSSETIA—REGIONAL—CENTER—TSKHINVALI and given —2—MONTHS—OF—PRETRIAL custody by the separatists.
20201020             Die Maßnahme soll —BIS zum 20201113             dauern.
20201113             THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE said it is funding more than 600—STAFFERS in GEORGIA with 1—INVESTMENT—OF at least $20—MILLION ahead of 20200105             —THE runoffs for the seats held by GOP Sens.
20201113             20201113201117
20201113             —FREITAG, 20201113             Fri 20201113             20201113             [l] Ich weiß, ich weiß.
20201113             - Im Moment wollen alle bloß den Abgang von dem Trump feiern.
20201113             Niemand hat gerade Bock, von den Skeletten in Bidens Keller zu hören.
20201113             Sorry, aber da müsst ihr —JETZT durch.
20201113             Das wird euch die nächsten 4-8 —JAHRE betreffen.
20201113             Hier wirft jemand einen Blick auf die UNTERDRÜCKUNGSSTAAT—ZUSTÄNDIGEN in Bidens Transition Team.
20201113             Was für Leute Biden —JETZT um sich schaart ist wahrscheinlich ein guter Prädiktor dafür, wen er —IM—JANUAR zu den Chefs der Unterdrückungsbehörden machen wird.
20201113             Die Liste ist genau so, wie die Zyniker unter euch sich das —SCHON gedacht haben werden.
20201113             Täter von illegalen oder zumindest unethischen USA—OPERATIONEN überall auf der Welt, vom IRAK —BIS VENEZUELA.
20201113             Die üblichen Verdächtigen.
20201113             —BIS hin zu Verbindungen zu Madeleine "ach die paar Hunderttausend tote Kinder!1!!" Albright.
20201113             Auch EUROPA ist mit jemandem vom GERMANY—MARSHALL—FUND beteiligt.
20201113             Und natürlich AIPAC. Klar.
20201113             Ein veritables Gruselkabinett.
20201113             (via) - [l] In Belmarsh Prison hat 1—GEFANGENER—SELBSTMORD begangen.
20201113             Belmarsh, Belmarsh, da sitzt doch JULIAN—ASSANGE ein?
20201113             Und ohne den hätten wir davon wohl auch nichts erfahren.
20201113             —BETREIBT, Selbst im Abschiebefolterknast, JULIAN—ASSANGE noch mehr Journalismus als das —HEUTE Journal.
20201113             Der Mann war ein schwuler Brasilianer, der aus naheliegenden BOLSONARO—GRÜNDEN lieber nicht nach BRASILIEN zurückkehren wollte.
20201113             Er lebte —SEIT—20—JAHREN in UK.
20201113             [l] Telepolis irritiert mal wieder mit menschenverachtendem Gedankengut in der Schlagzeile.
20201113             Der Inhalt ist nicht besser.
20201113             Auf der anderen Seite steht da über den Autor:
20201113             Wolfram Meyerhöfer war —13—JAHRE Professor für Mathematikdidaktik, zuletzt an der UNIVERSITÄT—PADERBORN.
20201113             —SEIT kurzem ist er Lehrer im Schulzentrum am Stern in POTSDAM.
20201113             —GEWESEN, Das wird wohl nicht seine 1. Entgleisung, sein, wenn er so krass degradiert wurde.
20201113             Angesichts der auf offensichtlich suspekten Annahmenden fußenden Proleten-"Mathematik" in dem Artikel bleibt nur die Hoffnung, dass er —JETZT Sportlehrer ist, nicht Mathe.
20201113             Ich sage nur: Wenn —NUN aber 7—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG—SARS—COV—2—POSITIV sind, dann müssen auch ungefähr 7—PROZENT—DER—TOTEN—SARS—COV—2—POSITIV sein.
20201113             fremdschäm - Im letzten Absatz packt er dann noch VULGÄR—VERSCHWÖRUNGSRHETORIK aus und rundet damit den schlechten Eindruck ab.
20201113             In letzter Zeit häufen sich die FÄLLE—DER—SCHLECHTEN—ARTIKEL bei Telepolis.
20201113             Was ist denn da los? Ist die Chefredaktion in der COVID—QUARANTÄNE und der Azubi hat übernommen?
20201113             Update: Ich hab ja hier auch einen Bildungsauftrag, daher fürs Archiv: Die Annahme, dass die Prozentzahlen übereinstimmen müssen, stimmt unter genau einer Bedingung: Wenn COVID—INZIDENZ und Versterben nicht korrelieren.
20201113             Hier wird also die eigentlich zu beweisende Hypothese mit einem Taschenspielertrick als Annahme reingeschmuggelt.
20201113             Das nennt man Zirkelschluss, und man kennt es sonst eher von Fundichristen, die einen "Beweis für die Existenz Gottes" "erbringen".
20201113             [l] Kurze Durchsage von Österreichs Bundeskanzler Kurz:
20201113             "Wenn geistig abnormer Rechtsbrecher lebenslang weggesperrt werden kann, wenn er 1—GEFAHR darstellt, kann auch 1—TERRORIST lebenslang weggesperrt werden".
20201113             Ab —JETZT sperren wir einfach alle geistig abnormen Gefährder lebenslang ein.
20201113             Fangen wir am besten mit Herrn Kurz an.
20201113             Potenzielle terroristische Rückfalltäter sollen "lebenslang weggesperrt werden", kündigte Bundeskanzler SEBASTIAN—KURZ (ÖVP) an, Freigelassene will man elektronisch überwachen.
20201113             Der "politische Islam" wird strafrechtlich verboten.
20201113             Wohlgemerkt: Nicht der Islamismus. Der Islam.
20201113             —NUN erinnert ihr euch vielleicht, dass der Kurz gerade in einer Koalition mit den Grünen regiert.
20201113             Die Grünen sind doch Schützer der Grundrechte.
20201113             Dafür haben die Österreicher sie da ja hingewählt, damit sie verhindern, dass der Kurz freidreht.
20201113             Stellt sich raus:
20201113             In der Regierung, und damit nicht nur in der ÖVP, sondern auch bei den besonders grundrechtssensiblen Grünen, hält man das mit der europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention für vereinbar.
20201113             Oh. Ach?
20201113             Wartet, wartet, das dicke Ende kommt noch.
20201113             Beispiele gebe es in DEUTSCHLAND oder FRANKREICH, erklärte die grüne Justizministerin Alma Zadic.
20201113             Jawohl, meine Damen und Herren!
20201113             Die BAYERN zählen ja im Ausland immer noch als TEIL—VON—DEUTSCHLAND, dementsprechend fällt deren Verhalten auf den Rest von uns zurück.
20201113             Stellt sich nur noch die Frage, wie sie sich die Bekämpfung des politischen Islam in der Praxis vorstellen.
20201113             —NUN... - Extremistische Vereine und Kultusstätten will man bei Terrorismuspropaganda leichter schließen können, es soll dafür 1—IMAMEVERZEICHNIS geben.
20201113             1—IMAMEVERZEICHNIS, meine Damen und Herren! Hach. EUROPA.
20201113             Hort der Zivilisation und der Menschenrechte.
20201113             Wo man 1—GEFÄHRDER lebenslang wegsperrt, 1—IMAMEVERZEICHNIS führt, und auf Telepolis argumentiert, man solle COVID—TOTE einfach wegignorieren.
20201113             Seid ihr auch so froh, dass wir hier die Guten sind?
20201113             Update: —JETZT weist mich gerade jemand darauf hin, dass "politischer Islam" anscheinend sowas wie 1—SYNONYM für Islamismus sein soll.
20201113             Jedenfalls laut Wikipedia. Das war mir neu.
20201113             —GETAPPT, Da bin ich offensichtlich in 1—NEUSPRECHFALLE.
20201113             Wenn "politischer Islam" gleich Islamismus ist, ist dann "politisches Christentum" auch gleich Kreuzritterei?
20201113             Dann sollten wir mal schleunigst CDU und CSU verbieten.
20201113             Update: Oh, wird sogar noch besser (letzter Absatz):
20201113             Für Irritation in der MUSLIME—VERTRETUNG sorgt —DERZEIT auch das von der Regierung als ANTI—TERROR—MAßNAHME angedachte IMAME—REGISTER.
20201113             Ein solches gibt es nämlich —SCHON innerhalb der IGGÖ.
20201113             Wie es dort heißt, dürften die Behörden —BIS zuletzt nicht einmal um Einblick angesucht haben.
20201113             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON? Auf dem Wahlzettel tauchen FAKE—KANDIDATEN mit gleichem Namen wie DEMOCRATS—KANDIDATEN auf?
20201113             —GEMACHT, Die haben keinerlei Wahlwerbung, haben keine Wahlversprechen veröffentlicht, sind nirgendwo aufgetreten.
20201113             1—SCHELM, wer da an Wahlbetrug denkt!
20201113             Das war in FLORIDA. An wen ging FLORIDA noch gleich?
20201113             Oh ja richtig.
20201113             That 3. party candidate is ALEXIS—RODRIGUEZ, who has the same last name as the Democratic incumbent SENATOR—JOSE—JAVIER—RODRIGUEZ.
20201113             THE—REPUBLICAN challenger is Ileana Garcia.
20201113             —FALSIFIED, ALEXIS—RODRIGUEZ, his address on his campaign filing form last June.
20201113             The couple who —NOW live at the Palmetto Bay address say they have been repeatedly harassed —SINCE then by people looking for Rodriguez, who hadn't lived there in —5—YEARS.
20201113             Bestimmt alles bloß ein bedauerliches Missverständnis.
20201113             Clerical Error! Oh nee warte.
20201113             Softwarefehler! Kann man nichts machen.
20201113             [l] Benutzt hier jemand APPLE—GERÄTE?
20201113             Und kann —HEUTE keine Apps starten, die nicht von Apple kommen?
20201113             Deren OCSP—SERVER ist offenbar down und JEDER—APP—LAUNCH führt zu einem NACH—HAUSE—TELEFONIEREN zu Apple zu diesem Server, der nicht antwortet.
20201113             [l] Gute Nachrichten! Um den Klimawandel müssen wir uns keine Sorgen mehr machen.
20201113             Der ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten, selbst wenn wir —JETZT ALLE—EMISSIONEN stoppen würden.
20201113             Dabei hat das Immunsystem des Planeten —BIS zuletzt alles versucht, um sich gegen das Geschwür Homo Sapiens zu wehren.
20201113             Aber wir hatten einfach zu wenig COVID—LEUGNER.
20201113             Ist —SCHON irgendwie ironisch.
20201113             Zu viel Gehirn, um komplett an Covid zu verrecken.
20201113             Zu wenig Gehirn, um rechtzeitig die Emissionen zu senken.
20201113             Aber, da bin ich mir sicher, noch genug Hirn, um mir —JETZT hirnrissige Ausflüchte zu mailen.
20201113             Da haben wir als Spezies echt genau den Sweet Spot erwischt.
20201113             Genug Hirn um alles kaputtzumachen.
20201113             Genug Hirn um zu erkennen, dass wir uns gerade selbst kaputtmachen.
20201113             Aber nicht genug Hirn, um was dagegen zu tun.
20201113             Warum auch. Wir hatten wichtigere Probleme.
20201113             Gendersternchen. Bankenbailouts. Urheberrechtsreformen.
20201113             Justizreformen, damit wir Menschen lebenslang wegsperren können, ohne dass sie etwas angestellt haben.
20201113             [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage? Ich würde aktuell von Reisen nach BERLIN abraten.
20201113             Hier mal kurz 1—GESCHICHTE aus meiner Familie.
20201113             [l] Gute Nachrichten! Die Frauen sind endlich vom Joch des Patriarchats befreit!
20201113             Almdudlerin Diversity Edition 20201113             Almdudlerin für gendergerechte Erfrischung
20201113             Phew! War aber auch Zeit, dass das Problem mal jemand löst.
20201113             —JETZT können wir uns ja endlich der RETTUNG—DES—PLANETEN widmen!
20201113             Oh, warte.
20201113             Dieses ganze unehrliche NEUSPRECH—GEWIESEL geht mir gewaltig auf den Sack.
20201113             Zu dieser Durchseuchung von Schulen und damit den Eltern kann man nur sagen: Die Schwurbler haben wahrscheinlich halb Recht.
20201113             —DEZIMIERT, Damit wird die Bevölkerung sanft.
20201113             Nicht mit der Impfung, gleich mit dem Virus selbst.
20201113             Sanft, weil es —ERST die nächste Generation betrifft.
20201113             Wie das?
20201113             Na, laut den Untersuchungen der Chinesen können die so durchseuchten Eltern weitere Kinder knicken, das wird wahrscheinlich nichts mehr mit nur noch ~10M Spermien/ml.
20201113             Und ob die so infizierten Kinder vor der Pubertät sich von ihrem Hodencovid erholen (oder —ERST gar keine bekommen), erfahren wir —ERST in 5-10 —JAHREN.
20201113             Bei Mumps nach der Pubertät wissen wir auch, dass es gelegentlich zu Unfruchtbarkeit führt (weil in den 20—30—PROZENT—DER—FÄLLEN, in denen 1—HODEN betroffen ist, der andere meist heil bleibt), weshalb da ja auch die Impfung empfohlen ist.
20201113             Bei Covid19 ist das dagegen der Normalfall.
20201113             Ja, das Absinken der Fruchtbarkeit war völlig unabhängig von der Schwere der Lungenentzündung:
20201113             Asymptomatisch haben die Chinesen nicht untersucht.
20201113             Ansonsten, zur Einschätzung der globalen Tragödie: 10000 Tote pro —TAG (da sind wir —JETZT) sind übrigens mehr, als —WWI—IM so im Schnitt gestorben sind.
20201113             Aber noch deutlich weniger, als nach dessen Ende an der SPANISCHEN—GRIPPE gestorben sind.
20201113             Es wäre alles viel einfacher, wenn das Virus bei jedem Toten laut und deutlich "allahu akbar" schreien würde.
20201113             Dann wäre beim 1. Toten sofort der weltweite Notstand ausgerufen worden, und weit wäre das Virus dann nicht gekommen...
20201113             Aber solange vor allem Kinder in Brennpunktschulen (Studie aus ÖSTERREICH) angesteckt werden, glaube ich, finden unsere Autoritäten das gar nicht mal schlecht.
20201113             —VERSCHIEBT, Auch, sich die INZIDENZ—RATE durch die Schulöffnung hin zu Kindern.
20201113             [l] Nach der CRYPTO—WARS—MELDUNG gab es einen Aufschrei und damit hätte alles erledigt sein können.
20201113             War es aber nicht.
20201113             Trotz massiver Proteste aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik halten die EU—INNENMINISTER an dem Plan fest, die Beihilfe von Dienstanbietern wie Apple, Facebook, Google, Threema, Signal oder WhatsApp zum Entschlüsseln zu fordern.
20201113             Aber natürlich verlieren sie keine Zeit und lügen euch nochmal direkt ins Gesicht:
20201113             "Die Vertrauenswürdigkeit der auf der Verschlüsselungstechnologie basierenden Produkte und Dienstleistungen muss gewahrt bleiben", haben die Ressortchefs zwar noch hinzugefügt.
20201113             Das ist selbstredend Bullshit.
20201113             Und zwar völlig offensichtlicher Bullshit.
20201113             Dass die sich überhaupt trauen, sich so zum Stück Brot zu machen!
20201113             Wer wählt eigentlich diese Terroristen immer wieder ins Amt?
20201113             [l] Wisst ihr noch, als Microsoft in ihr Startmenü Werbung gepackt hat?
20201113             Wie sich da alle aufgeregt haben?
20201113             Oder als Ubuntu Werbung einblendete?
20201113             Der Himmel fiel uns auf den Kopf!
20201113             Oder als Mozilla auf ihre NEUES—TAB—SEITE Werbung gepackt hat?
20201113             1—AUFSCHREI! Apple so: Hold my Chai Latte!
20201113             Seid ihr eigentlich auch so froh, das Apple die Guten sind?
20201113             Nicht auszudenken, wenn die die Bösen wären!
20201113             Meine Güte, all die Daten, die ihr denen gegeben habt!
20201113             [l] Hier ist noch einer für Freunde des überspezifischen Dementis.
20201113             Es gab da doch diese PREPPER—VERSCHWÖRUNG im Militär, um einen Typen, der sich Hannibal nannte.
20201113             Ihr erinnert euch.
20201113             Die hatten 1—ABTEILUNG namens "Nordkreuz", die vom Verfassungsschutz als rechtsextrem eingeschätzt wurde.
20201113             Jedenfalls stand —JETZT plötzlich der Verdacht im Raum, der Innenminister von MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN, ein gewisser Herr Caffier, habe sich bei den NORDKREUZ—FASCHOS 1—SCHUSSWAFFE gekauft.
20201113             Was macht man in solchen Fällen?
20201113             Man fragt den Betroffen auf einer PRESSEKONFERENZ. Das lief wie folgt ab:
20201113             Der CDU—POLITIKER und Jäger wich auf einer Presskonferenz der Frage aus, ob er 1—WAFFE bei einer Person mit möglicher Nähe zur Gruppe "Nordkreuz" gekauft habe.
20201113             Er betonte, das falle in seinen "Privatbereich", dazu könne man ihn gerne privat anfragen.
20201113             Allerdings bleibe privat auch in Zukunft privat.
20201113             Das ist ja schonmal großartig.
20201113             Lange nicht mehr fühlte ich so spontan so 1—VERTRAUENSBASIS entstehen wie hier!
20201113             —GEMACHT, Ich hab mich ja jahrelang über die Amis lustig, die einen bei der Einreise per Ankreuzformular fragten, ob man vorhabe, den USA—PRÄSIDENTEN zu ermorden.
20201113             —GELACHT, Womöglich habe ich da zu früh, und es ging gar nicht darum, wer da "ja" ankreuzt, sondern wer zu lange braucht, um "nein" anzukreuzen, oder gar im Halbdelirium herumfaselnd der Frage auszuweichen versucht.
20201113             Das war noch nicht das überspezifische Dementi. Das kommt —JETZT:
20201113             Der "OSTSEE—ZEITUNG" sagte der 65-jährige Caffier, er habe weder eine dienstliche Waffe erhalten, noch habe er eine dienstliche Schießausbildung erhalten.
20201113             Der Rest gehe die Öffentlichkeit nichts an.
20201113             LOOOOOOL - Hey, warte mal, welche Partei hat diesen Gefährder da hingeschickt?
20201113             Oh ja, natürlich. Die CDU. Wer sonst.
20201113             [l] In letzter Zeit könnte man als Beobachter den Eindruck bekommen, dass das mit der IT Security so gut wie gelöst ist.
20201113             Man hört die ganze Zeit von Herstellern und wie sie ihre Sicherheitslücken fixen.
20201113             Wer nicht genau hinguckt, der könnte glauben, dass die Lücken alle von den Guten gefunden und gemeldet werden.
20201113             Das stimmt aber nicht.
20201113             Erstens gab es gerade 1—FLUT aus Fixes für in der freien Wildbahn beobachteten Sicherheitslücken.
20201113             —BEKANNT, Dass diese Lücken, wurden, liegt daran, dass Google Project 0—DIE gefunden hat, und die haben so einen Ehrenkodex und melden auch Lücken in GOOGLE—PRODUKTEN öffentlich.
20201113             Das war der Preis dafür, dass Google da so ziemlich die Besten der Besten gekriegt hat.
20201113             Die hatten keinen Bock, sich als Waffe gegen 3. missbrauchen zu lassen.
20201113             [l] Hattet ihr eigentlich mitgekriegt, dass das Programm bei Apple, dass ALLE—PROGRAMME, die ihr aufruft, an Apple und damit die NSA verrät, den Namen "trustd" trägt?
20201113             Genau mein Humor!
20201113             Nach Leipziger Demo: SPD und Grüne kritisieren Innenminister Wöller scharf
20201113             Ölkrise 19730000             : Als DEUTSCHLAND der Sprit ausging
20201113             Appell ans Weiße Haus: TOP—REPUBLIKANER fordern GEHEIMDIENST—BRIEFINGS für Biden
20201113             Trumps Behauptungen: USA—WAHLBEAUFTRAGTE sehen keine Belege für Betrug
20201113             —BESCHREIBT, Neues Buch: Obama, Trump als "völlig hemmungslos"
20201113             Mutmaßliche Rechtsterroristen der "Gruppe S.": "Bock auf 1—MASSAKER" Von SVEN—RÖBEL, Fidelius Schmid und WOLF—WIEDMANN—SCHMIDT
20201113             Medienberichte: JOHNSON—VERTRAUTER—CUMMINGS will BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG verlassen
20201113             Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung: AOK warnt vor VERDOPPELUNG—DER—ZUSATZBEITRÄGE
20201113             Pannenflughafen: Finanzierungslücke des BER könnte auf 660—MILLIONEN Euro steigen
20201113             Lehrerverband beklagt CORONA—VORGEHEN der Länder: "Empfehlungen des RKI in die Tonne getreten"
20201113             Erholung im Welthandel: HAPAG—LLOYD meldet überraschend hohen Gewinn
20201113             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERNS Innenminister: Caffier weicht Frage zu Waffenkauf aus
20201113             Dänemarks Pelzindustrie in der Coronakrise: Das Land der toten Nerze Von ALEXANDER—PREKER und NINA—GOLOMBEK
20201113             SPD: CHEF—DER—KRIPO—GEWERKSCHAFT will in den BUNDESTAG
20201113             Kämpfe in ÄTHIOPIEN: AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL spricht von "Massaker" mit Dutzenden Toten
20201113             Kaum noch Pleiten: ZAHL—DER—INSOLVENZEN fällt um 35—PROZENT
20201113             Gesundheitsminister Spahn: Im Notfall sollen auch CORONA—POSITIVE weiterarbeiten
20201113             Mangelhafter CORONA—SCHUTZ: Entlassener Arbeiter verklagt Amazon
20201113             Streit um APP—VERBOT: TikTok darf in den USA vorerst weitermachen
20201113             —GEWONNEN, Parler: In diesem Netzwerk hat Trump die Wahl angeblich
20201113             Eurozone: Handelsbilanzüberschuss wieder auf Vorkrisenniveau
20201113             EU—BILDUNGSBERICHT: Digitale Ausstattung an DEUTSCHEN—SCHULEN unter EU—DURCHSCHNITT
20201113             Hamburgs Verfassungsschutzchef über "Querdenker": "Wir schauen uns sehr genau an, ob hier eine extremistische Bewegung?entsteht" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—JÖRG—DIEHL und WOLF—WIEDMANN—SCHMIDT
20201113             Betreiber fordern Rettungsschirm: "Kulturgut Kino" in Gefahr
20201113             Ansprache des FACEBOOK—CHEFS: Zuckerberg sieht für BANNON—SPERRE keinen ausreichenden Grund
20201113             Medienbericht: USA—AUßENMINISTER Pompeo will offenbar ISRAELISCHE—SIEDLUNG besuchen
20201113             5—FEHLER, 1—LICHTBLICK: Die Versäumnisse der DEUTSCHEN—CORONA—POLITIK und ihre Folgen
20201113             —GRATULIERT, Diplomatie: CHINA, Biden zum Wahlsieg
20201113             Zwischenfall in der Beringsee: USA—KÜSTENWACHE wirft russischem Militär Provokation vor
20201113             Neue Studie: Dieselaffäre kostet DEUTSCHLAND rund 20—MILLIARDEN Euro
20201113             —VERÄRGERT, Alexej Nawalnys Vergiftung: Bundesregierung, über RUSSISCHE—SANKTIONSDROHUNG
20201113             "Querdenker"-Kundgebung: Berliner Staatsanwältin demonstriert mit CORONA—LEUGNERN
20201113             —DEMENTIERT, IMPFSTOFF—ENTWICKLER: Biontech, Hackerangriff mit Ransomware
20201113             TRUMP—FANS im Netz: "MISTER—PRESIDENT, die Kavallerie ist unterwegs" 1—ANALYSE—VON—AYLA—KIRAN und Janita Hämäläinen (Video)
20201113             Innenminister Caffier über Waffenkauf: "Ich bin Jäger, da gehören Kurzwaffen zur normalen Ausrüstung" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—GUNTHER—LATSCH
20201113             Sportschütze Frank T.: Der Waffenhändler des Innenministers Von MATTHIAS—GEBAUER und MARC—RÖHLIG
20201113             —ÜBERSCHREITET, Rasantes Wachstum der CORONA—INFEKTIONEN: EUROPA, 10—MILLIONEN—MARKE
20201113             Rechte Randparteien: Die kleinen Populisten
20201113             Repräsentativer Gurgeltest: Studie deckt CORONA—DUNKELZIFFER an Schulen in ÖSTERREICH auf
20201113             EU—INNENMINISTERKONFERENZ: Der Schengenraum soll sicherer werden
20201113             FRÜHERER—AKW—STANDORT: RWE baut in Biblis neues Gaskraftwerk
20201113             Rüstungsprojekt der Bundeswehr: Coronakrise bremst EURODROHNEN—VERTRAG—VON—MARKUS—BECKER, Brüssel
20201113             USA: Warum Reiche —JETZT links — und Verlierer weiter Trump wählen
20201113             Die Lage —AM—ABEND: Wo sich die Verschwörungsideologen sammeln Von OLIVER—TRENKAMP, Blattmacher in der Chefredaktion
20201113             Nach Waffenruhe: ARMENIEN fordert Klärung des Status von Bergkarabach
20201113             Medienberichte: Johnsons Berater DOMINIC—CUMMINGS gibt Posten mit sofortiger Wirkung auf
20201113             Verschlüsselung: EU—MINISTER—VERLANGEN—HINTERTÜR zu Handys Von MARKUS—BECKER, Brüssel
20201113             Krebs war sowohl von Demokraten als auch von Republikanern für seinen Umgang mit der USA—WAHL gelobt worden, die im Allgemeinen reibungslos verlief, trotz anhaltender Befürchtungen, dass ausländische Hacker versuchen könnten, die Wahl zu beeinflussen.
20201113             Den Zorn von Trump und seinem Team zog sich Krebs den Quellen zufolge für 1—VON—DER—CISA betriebene Website mit dem Titel "Rumor Control" auf sich, die Fehlinformationen über die Wahl aufdeckt.
20201113             MITARBEITER—DES—WEISSEN—HAUSES sollen darauf gedrängt haben, Inhalte der Seite zu bearbeiten oder zu löschen, die falsche Behauptungen rund um die Wahl entlarven, etwa, dass Demokraten hinter einem massenhaften Wahlbetrugsplan stehen, wie es auch Trump —SEIT—TAGEN behauptet.
20201113             USA—CYBERSICHERHEITSCHEF rechnet offenbar mit Entlassung
20201113             Trotz des Sieges des Demokraten JOE—BIDEN bei der USA—PRÄSIDENTENWAHL hat Amtsinhaber DONALD—TRUMP seine Hoffnung auf einen Verbleib im Weißen Haus noch nicht aufgegeben.
20201113             "Natürlich glaubt er, dass er noch 1—CHANCE hat", sagte Kayleigh McEnany, die sowohl im Namen des Weißen Hauses als auch für Trumps Wahlkampfteam spricht, im Sender FOX—NEWS.
20201113             Der frühere USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA hat Republikanern, die trotz seiner Wahlniederlage weiter zu Amtsinhaber DONALD—TRUMP halten, schwere Vorwürfe gemacht.
20201113             Mehr als Trumps haltlose Wahlbetrugsbehauptungen beunruhige ihn die Tatsache, dass andere Republikaner dabei wider besseres Wissen mitzögen, sagte Obama in vorab veröffentlichten Auszügen eines Interviews, das der Sender CBS News —AM—SONNTAG in voller Länge ausstrahlen will.
20201113             "Es ist ein weiterer Schritt, nicht nur der neuen BIDEN—REGIERUNG, sondern auch der Demokratie insgesamt ihre Legitimation abzusprechen.
20201113             Und das ist ein gefährlicher Pfad".
20201113             —NACHDEM ihn die Nachrichtenagentur AP und der TV—SENDER FOX—NEWS —BEREITS vergangene —WOCHE in der Wahlnacht zum Gewinner in ARIZONA erklärt hatten, zogen am Donnerstagabend (Ortszeit) auch die Sender NBC News und CNN nach.
20201113             Mehrere USA—BEHÖRDEN: Es gab keine Wahlmanipulation durch Computer
20201113             "Es gibt keine Belege dafür, dass 1—ABSTIMMUNGSSYSTEM—STIMMEN gelöscht oder verändert hätte — oder auf irgendwelche Weise kompromittiert worden wäre",
20201113             unter anderem von Vertretern der Cybersicherheitsagentur des Heimatschutzministeriums sowie der Vereinigungen der Wahlleiter der Bundesstaaten herausgegeben wurde.
20201113             CHINA hat dem Demokraten JOE—BIDEN und seiner künftigen Stellvertreterin Kamala Harris zum Sieg bei der Präsidentschaftswahl in den USA gratuliert.
20201113             "Wir respektieren die Wahl der Menschen in AMERIKA und übermitteln Herrn Biden und Frau Harris unsere Glückwünsche", sagte Wang Wenbin, 1—SPRECHER—DES—PEKINGER—AUSSENMINISTERIUMS, —AM—FREITAG.
20201113             Man verstehe, dass das ERGEBNIS—DER—USA—WAHLEN gemäß der USA—GESETZE und der dortigen Verfahren festgelegt werde, sagte der Sprecher weiter.
20201113             PENNSYLVANIA: Trumps Team mit kleinem Erfolg vor Gericht — keine Gefahr für Biden
20201113             1—USA—RICHTERIN hat entschieden, dass in PENNSYLVANIA Briefwahlstimmen nicht zählen dürfen, für die Wähler innerhalb von —6—TAGEN nach der Wahl keinen gültigen Ausweis vorgelegt haben.
20201113             Die Verfügung betrifft eine noch unbekannte ANZAHL—VON—STIMMZETTELN, die möglicherweise noch gar nicht erfasst wurden.
20201113             Tote Wähler in GEORGIA? Verantwortliche widerlegen Betrugsvorwurf
20201113             Brasiliens Vizepräsident: Bidens Sieg "immer unumkehrbarer"
20201113             —BEGINNT, GEORGIA, mit Neuauszählung
20201113             Die Republikanische Partei will unbedingt verhindern, dass die Demokraten 2—WEITERE Sitze im für Gesetzesvorhaben wichtigen Senat erlangen.
20201113             Dann nämlich hätten beide Parteien je 50—SITZE und bei Pattsituationen würde die designierte Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris entscheiden.
20201113             Unbelegte Betrugsvorwürfe: Trumps Handelsberater geht von 2. TRUMP—AMTSZEIT aus
20201113             Die Demokraten im USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS haben dem gewählten USA—PRÄSIDENTEN JOE—BIDEN ihre entschiedene Unterstützung zugesagt.
20201113             Bei allen Meinungsverschiedenheiten in den eigenen Reihen werde die Partei im Eintreten für die Interessen der arbeitenden Bevölkerung einen Konsens finden.
20201113             "JOE—BIDEN stiftet Einheit, er ist entschlossen, die Leute zusammenzubringen", sagte die VORSITZENDE—DES—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUSES, NANCY Pelosi —AM—FREITAG in WASHINGTON.
20201113             Die Anwaltskanzlei PORTER—WRIGHT—MORRIS & Arthur, die die Wahlkampagne von DONALD—TRUMP bei der Anfechtung von USA—WAHLERGEBNISSEN in PENNSYLVANIA vertritt, zieht sich aus mindestens einem der Fälle zurück.
20201113             1—GERICHT im USA—BUNDESSTAAT MICHIGAN hat einen Antrag von Unterstützern DONALD—TRUMPS abgelehnt, die Zertifizierung des Präsidentschaftswahlergebnisses im Bezirk WAYNE—COUNTY mit Verweis auf angebliche Unregelmäßigkeiten und Manipulationen zu blockieren.
20201113             ISRAEL sichert sich 8—MILLIONEN Dosen des Impfstoffs von Pfizer und Biontech.
20201113             Damit könne fast die HÄLFTE—DER—ISRAELIS geimpft werden,
20201113             Pfizer verhandelt mit BRASILIEN über Impfstofflieferung —ANFANG 2021
20201113             20201113195105 - ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND auf neuem Rekordhoch
20201113             wurden 23.542—NEUE Ansteckungsfälle innerhalb eines Tages erfasst.
20201113             Der bisherige Höchstwert hatte bei 23.399—NEUINFEKTIONEN gelegen und war am vergangenen —SAMSTAG vom RKI gezählt worden.
20201113             TSCHECHIEN, flacht sich die Kurve bei den Neuinfektionen weiter ab.
20201113             Das Land mit seinen knapp 11—MILLIONEN Einwohnern weist die höchste PRO—KOPF—INFEKTIONSRATE in EUROPA auf.
20201113             Bundesgesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN (CDU) will noch keine Prognose dazu abgeben, ob die für —NOVEMBER verhängten härteren CORONA—AUFLAGEN —IM—DEZEMBER tatsächlich gelockert werden können.
20201113             "Eigentlich ist es zu früh, das —JETZT—SCHON zu bewerten"
20201113             Ob der derzeitige TEIL—LOCKDOWN einen Unterschied mache, werde sich —ERST "—IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—TAGEN" zeigen,
20201113             Spahn betonte, auch bei einer guten ENTWICKLUNG—DER—NEUINFEKTIONSZAHLEN könne —IM—DEZEMBER nicht alles wieder so sein wie früher.
20201113             Höchstwert in den USA: Mehr als 150.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN an einem —TAG
20201113             Der Verfassungsschutz sollte sich aus Sicht von Bayerns Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER (CSU) intensiver mit den "Querdenker"-Demonstranten beschäftigen.
20201113             "Wir haben in DEUTSCHLAND anfangs die Reichsbürger unterschätzt und dann erlebt, wie aus einer völlig absurden Idee eine ernsthafte Gefahr für den STAAT und das Leben entstehen kann",
20201113             "Ich habe ein ungutes Gefühl, dass sich bei einem TEIL—DER—QUERDENKER—ÄHNLICHES anbahnt".
20201113             Sogenannte Reichsbürger sprechen dem Grundgesetz und den DEUTSCHEN—BEHÖRDEN die Legitimität ab.
20201113             Teilweise gelten sie als gewaltbereit.
20201113             Für den Regierungschef entwickelt sich die Bewegung um die Gegner der CORONA—MAßNAHMEN "zunehmend sektenartig", mit einer "Abschottung von Argumenten" und einer "Radikalisierung in Blasen".
20201113             "Jeder sollte genau hinschauen, mit wem man demonstriert", warnte Söder.
20201113             "Es entwickelt sich ein wachsendes Konglomerat von Rechtsextremen, Reichsbürgern, Antisemiten und absurden Verschwörungstheoretikern, die der Politik sogar Satanismus vorwerfen".
20201113             Angesicht drastisch steigender Infektionszahlen gilt in der USA—METROPOLE NEW—YORK ab sofort 1—SPERRSTUNDE für Bars und Restaurants.
20201113             ALLE—EINRICHTUNGEN, die 1—LIZENZ zum Verkauf von Alkohol haben, müssen ab Freitagabend —BEREITS um 22—UHR schließen,
20201113             Zudem sind Zusammenkünfte mit mehr als 10—PERSONEN verboten.
20201113             us Sorge vor Verzögerungen durch BREXIT—STAUS will GROSSBRITANNIEN den möglichen Impfstoff notfalls einfliegen lassen.
20201113             "Wir haben einen Plan für den Impfstoff, der in BELGIEN produziert wird",
20201113             Zum Jahreswechsel, wenn die BREXIT—ÜBERGANGSPHASE endet, werden an den BRITISCHEN—GRENZEN lange Staus erwartet.
20201113             "Wenn nötig, können wir den Impfstoff einfliegen lassen, um diese Probleme zu vermeiden", sagte Hancock.
20201113             Wirtschaftsminister Alok Sharma war zuvor —AM—DONNERSTAG auf einer PRESSEKONFERENZ—FRAGEN ausgewichen, ob die erwarteten Staus an den Grenzen für Verzögerungen beim Impfstoff sorgen könnten.
20201113             Der Sea Dream Yacht Club hat 1—KREUZFAHRT in der Karibik gestoppt, —NACHDEM mehrere Passagiere positiv getestet wurden.
20201113             Frankreichs Ministerpräsident JEAN—CASTEX will die —IM—MÄRZ geplanten Regionalwahlen wegen der Pandemie um —3—MONATE verschieben.
20201113             Keine Lockerung zu erwarten — Schulen sollen offen bleiben
20201113             Europas führende Intensivmediziner warnen vor dem EINSATZ—DES—MITTELS—REMDESIVIR—DES—USA—BIOTECHKONZERNS Gilead.
20201113             Es sollte nicht routinemäßig bei COVID—19—PATIENTEN angewendet werden,
20201113             Die ERGEBNISSE—DER—WHO—STUDIE stehen in Kontrast zu einer USA—STUDIE, wonach Remdesivir positive Wirkung hatte.
20201113             Berlins Regierender BÜRGERMEISTER—MICHAEL—MÜLLER (SPD) hält die geltenden Einschränkungen für "bitter und schmerzhaft", aber weiterhin für "nötig".
20201113             "Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt können wir zwar vorsichtig optimistisch sein", sagte Müller der "Rheinischen Post" zur aktuellen Lage.
20201113             "Aber es gibt keine Entwarnung".
20201113             Bundesregierung stuft SCHWEDEN und KANADA als Risikogebiete ein
20201113             Die 2. Welle droht DEUTSCHLAND schlimmer zu treffen als die 1.
20201113             Woran liegt das und was können Bund und Länder —JETZT noch tun, um die Situation zu retten?
20201113             Nur eine knappe MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN geht laut einer Umfrage davon aus, dass der Shutdown —IM—NOVEMBER den Anstieg der Infektionszahlen wirksam begrenzt.
20201113             55—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN glauben daran, 43—PROZENT nicht,
20201113             Die —DERZEIT geltenden Einschränkungen finden 58—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN gerade richtig, 26—PROZENT sind für noch weitergehende Maßnahmen, 14—PROZENT halten sie für übertrieben.
20201113             Nur 10—PROZENT der 13470000             Befragten gaben an, von der Krise persönlich überhaupt nicht belastet zu sein.
20201113             Die Finanzminister der G20-Staaten haben sich auf 1. Schritte zu Schuldenerleichterungen für arme Länder in der Coronakrise verständigt.
20201113             Bundesfinanzminister OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) erklärte, dies sei ein "starkes Signal internationaler Solidarität".
20201113             Damit sei die Grundlage für "weitreichende Schuldenerleichterungen" geschaffen.
20201113             Der Beschluss fiel bei einem virtuellen Treffen der Finanzminister der G20, eines Kreises von INDUSTRIE—UND Schwellenländern.
20201113             Freie Musikszene statt Sinfonieorchester — mit einem ungewöhnlichen Schritt öffnet sich das Konzerthaus BERLIN für Musiker und Ensembles mit weniger etabliertem Hintergrund.
20201113             Unter dem Motto "Freie Räume für Freie Szene" stellt der klassizistische Prachtbau auf dem Gendarmenmarkt im Herzen Berlins seine freien Bühnen für VOKAL—UND Instrumentalensembles aus klassischer und zeitgenössischer Musik, Jazz und Weltmusik mietfrei zur Verfügung.
20201113             Die Lücken im Spielplan gehen auf Konzertabsagen in Folge der Pandemie zurück, hieß es.
20201113             Die ZAHL—DER—STERBEFÄLLE in DEUTSCHLAND liegt laut Statistischem Bundesamt weiterhin im Rahmen der üblichen Schwankung.
20201113             Zwischen 1. und 20201018             sind nach vorläufigen Ergebnissen mindestens 44.179—MENSCHEN gestorben.
20201113             Das Netzwerk zur Beobachtung von Sterblichkeitsentwicklungen in EUROPA meldete für Kalenderwoche 42—EINE geringe Übersterblichkeit für ENGLAND, FRANKREICH, ITALIEN, PORTUGAL und SLOWENIEN und eine mäßige Übersterblichkeit für die NIEDERLANDE und SPANIEN.
20201113             WHO: Situation in TUNESIEN "sehr besorgniserregend"
20201113             DEUTSCHLAND, das mehr als siebenmal so VIELE—EINWOHNER hat, wurden im gleichen Zeitraum zwischen 18.500—UND 23.500—NEUINFEKTIONEN innerhalb eines Tages gemeldet.
20201113             —GETESTET, TUNESIEN, wird allerdings deutlich weniger.
20201113             Auch Tschechien verlangt Test von Einreisenden aus DEUTSCHLAND
20201113             SPANIEN—EINREISE ohne PCR—TEST kann —BIS zu 6000—EURO kosten
20201113             Wer ab dem 20201123             aus DEUTSCHLAND oder einem anderen Risikogebiet in SPANIEN einreist und keinen negativen PCR—TEST vorlegen kann, riskiert eine schmerzhafte Geldstrafe.
20201113             —GEAHNDET, Verstöße könnten mit —BIS zu 6000—EURO, werden
20201113             Nach Massentests: SLOWAKEI öffnet wieder Kirchen, Kinos und Theater
20201113             "Soeben wurden meine Vorschläge angenommen", verkündete der POPULISTISCH—KONSERVATIVE Ministerpräsident IGOR—MATOVIC auf Facebook.
20201113             Demnach dürfen ab der kommenden —WOCHE wieder Kirchen, Kinos und Theater öffnen, aber nur für 50—PROZENT ihrer Besucherkapazitäten.
20201113             —KRITISIERT, Zuvor hatten Medien und Opposition, dass die Regierung mit großem Aufwand INTERNATIONAL beispiellose Massentests durchgeführt, aber die im Gegenzug versprochenen Einschränkungen des täglichen Lebens nicht zurückgenommen habe.
20201113             20201113201117 - FRANKREICH, wird aktuell jeder 4. Todesfall mit COVID—19 in Verbindung gebracht.
20201113             An Schulen gibt es laut einer ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—STUDIE zwar verhältnismäßig wenige CORONA—FÄLLE, aber 1—PROBLEM: ALLE—INFIZIERTEN zeigten zum Testzeitpunkt keinerlei Symptome.
20201113             Die Stadtverwaltung in Warschau hat 2—LINIENBUSSE der örtlichen Verkehrsbetriebe für den Transport von COVID—19—PATIENTEN ausgerüstet.
20201113             Die mit Sauerstoffflaschen ausgerüsteten Busse sollen die Kranken in das Notlazarett bringen, das im Nationalstadion auf dem rechten Weichselufer errichtet wurde,
20201113             Die Bundesregierung will Soloselbstständigen etwa aus dem KUNST—UND Kulturbereich in der CORONA—KRISE verstärkt helfen.
20201113             Unter anderem sei eine einmalige Betriebskostenpauschale von —BIS zu 5000—EURO geplant,
20201113             Das SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINISCHE Oberverwaltungsgericht hat die Maskenpflicht für Grundschüler für rechtmäßig erklärt,
20201113             ITALIEN weitet angesichts neuer Rekordanstiege bei den Fallzahlen den Lockdown auf weitere Regionen aus.
20201113             Mehr als 900—TOTE in —24—STUNDEN in FRANKREICH
20201113             —NACH—DEN Wahlkampfreisen von PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP sind laut USA—MEDIEN Dutzende SECRET—SERVICE—MITARBEITER mit dem CORONA€"VIRUS infiziert oder in Quarantäne.
20201113             Die Ausbreitung werde zumindest teilweise auf die SERIE—VON—AUFTRITTEN zurückgeführt, für die Trump vor der Präsidentenwahl quer durchs Land reiste,
20201113             SCHWEDEN auch in 2. Welle ohne Lockdown
20201113             20201113201609—ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—565—(+8)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—411—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—149—(+5)
20201113             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(=)—RECUPERADOS—10—(=)
20201113             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—14—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—10—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—3—(=)
20201113             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—490—(+21)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—266—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—223—(+20)
20201113             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—390—(+3)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—299—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—91—(+3)
20201113             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—607—(=)—ÓBITOS—10—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—126—(=)—RECUPERADOS—471—(=)
20201113             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—17—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—17—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20201113             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—201—(+7)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—117—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—83—(+7)
20201113             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—569—(+21)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—215—(+21)—RECUPERADOS—349—(=)
20201113             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—190—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—135—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—55—(-1)
20201113             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—230—(+2)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—64—(+2)—RECUPERADOS—163—(=)
20201113             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—203—(+4)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—52—(+3)—RECUPERADOS—147—(+1)
20201113             256_DGS_boletim_20201113              20201113             20201113201947
20201113             GLOBAL—CASES—53.126.651—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.312.339
20201113             20201113202411 - Aktualisierung13.11.2020, 00:00 Uhr
20201113             BERLIN Neukölln Bezirk Fälle6.608—FÄLLE/100.000—EW2.057,8 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW259,7 Todesfälle59 Einwohnerzahl321.123
20201113             BUNDESLAND BERLIN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW190,84
20201113             BUNDESLAND BRANDENBURG Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW62,65
20201113             BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW43,84
20201113             BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW95,04
20201113             BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW164,90
20201113             BUNDESLAND SACHSEN—ANHALT Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW57,68
20201113             BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW53,24
20201113             COTTBUS Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle399 Fälle/100.000—EW400,3 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW15,0 Todesfälle8 Einwohnerzahl99.678
20201113             DESSAU—ROßLAU Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle204 Fälle/100.000—EW254,7 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW21,2 Todesfälle4 Einwohnerzahl80.103
20201113             Düren Kreis Fälle3.294—FÄLLE/100.000—EW1.244,7 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW254,3 Todesfälle57 Einwohnerzahl264.638
20201113             Euskirchen Kreis Fälle1.730—FÄLLE/100.000—EW893,3 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW142,0 Todesfälle36 Einwohnerzahl193.656
20201113             Friesland Landkreis Fälle231 Fälle/100.000—EW234,0 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW24,3 Todesfälle3 Einwohnerzahl98.704
20201113             Goslar Landkreis Fälle538 Fälle/100.000—EW394,7 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW23,5 Todesfälle27 Einwohnerzahl136.292
20201113             Holzminden Landkreis Fälle200 Fälle/100.000—EW283,9 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW22,7 Todesfälle7 Einwohnerzahl70.458
20201113             Köln Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle14.932—FÄLLE/100.000—EW1.372,6 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW183,8 Todesfälle185 Einwohnerzahl1.087.863
20201113             Mecklenburgische Seenplatte Landkreis Fälle587 Fälle/100.000—EW227,5 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW24,0 Todesfälle7 Einwohnerzahl258.074
20201113             Plön Kreis Fälle271 Fälle/100.000—EW210,6 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW22,5 Todesfälle8 Einwohnerzahl128.686
20201113             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Kreis Fälle4.558—FÄLLE/100.000—EW968,5 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW146,2 Todesfälle94 Einwohnerzahl470.615
20201113             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Kreis Fälle2.548—FÄLLE/100.000—EW899,5 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW162,4 Todesfälle27 Einwohnerzahl283.271
20201113             TELTOW—FLÄMING Landkreis Fälle710 Fälle/100.000—EW417,7 Fälle letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW24,1 Todesfälle14 Einwohnerzahl169.997
20201113             Sorry, but Trump would not attempt to remake the military at this late STAGE—OF—THE—GAME unless there was 1—PLAN for him to continue past 20200120             .
20201113             Don't listen to those who minimize or rationalize. There is 1—SCHEME.
20201113             We can make life miserable for the law firms.
20201113             PORTER—WRIGHT —NOW refuses to represent Trump ANY—LONGER
20201113             —DEVELOPED, It appears that PORTER—WRIGHT, 1—CONSCIENCE.
20201113             The looming END—OF—DEMOCRACY can have that effect on people -- even on lawyers.
20201113             The other Trump election law firm, Jones —DAY, is BEST—KNOWN for representing McDonalds.
20201113             I bet that if fewer than a 100—PEOPLE wrote to McDonalds and asked them to hire new representation, Jones —DAY would soon follow the example of PORTER—WRIGHT.
20201113             Go ahead: Send McDonalds 1—MESSAGE.
20201113             THE—COMPLAINT phone number is 1 (800) 244-6227. The phone number for the corporate office is (630) 623-3000.
20201113             THE—CEO—OF—MCDONALDS, CHRIS—KEMPCZINSKI, probably doesn't want you to know his email address, and normally I wouldn't tell you.
20201113             But these are desperate times:
20201113             Tell 'em you prefer to eat burgers made by people who don't do business with sleazy shysters trying to end democracy.
20201113             —LIKED, Tell 'em you always, Whoppers better anyways.
20201113             Jones —DAY is already feeling the heat.
20201113             The firm insists that its client is not Trump but THE—PENNSYLVANIA—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20201113             —FRIED, French, PoTAYto, french fried PoTAHto.
20201113             Nach Freispruch vor Gericht: Trapero wieder zum katalanischen Polizeichef ernannt
20201113             Medienbericht: Dutzende Personenschützer von DONALD—TRUMP mit Virus infiziert oder in Quarantäne
20201113             +++ Livestream +++: Statement von USA—PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP
20201113             "Querdenken"-Demo in REGENSBURG: Gericht lehnt Eilantrag gegen Auflagen ab
20201113             THE—UNITED—STATES broke another daily record —AFTER reporting more than 181,000 CORONA€"VIRUS infections, bringing THE—7—DAY average to 140,000 cases.
20201113             CALIFORNIA to date had 1,015,765 CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS and 18,218 deaths.
20201113             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 129,018 cases and 1,876 deaths.
20201113             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 10,736,082 with the death toll at 244,304.
20201113             CONNECTICUT, 1—APPARENT steam explosion in 1—MAINTENANCE building at 1—VETERANS—AFFAIRS hospital in WEST—HAVEN killed 1—VA employee and 1—CONTRACTOR and left a 3. person missing.
20201113             —ANNOUNCED, THE—MIAMI—MARLINS, KIM—NG has been hired as the team's general manager, making her the 1. female Major League Baseball GENERAL—MOTORS.
20201113             COCOA—FLORIDA, 2—BLACK—TEENAGERS, ANGELO—CROOMS, —16—JAHRE—ALT and Sincere Pierce (18), were fatally shot in 1—MOVING car —DURING 1—ENCOUNTER with law enforcement.
20201113             Kelly Loeffler and DAVID—PERDUE.
20201113             —BECAME, NORTH—DAKOTA, the 35. USA—STATE to require face coverings be worn in public, as governors across the country grapple with 1—SURGE in CORONA€"VIRUS infections that threatens to swamp their healthcare systems.
20201113             —UNDERSTAFFED, NORTH—DAKOTA has critically, hospitals and the highest per capita rates for new CORONA€"VIRUS cases and deaths in THE—USA.
20201113             GOVERNOR—DOUG—BURGUM put in place 1—MASK mandate and new limits on indoor dining.
20201113             —ORDERED, The governors of OREGON and NEW—MEXICO, NEAR—LOCKDOWNS in the most aggressive response yet to the latest WAVE—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS infections shattering records across THE—USA, even as MANY—OF—THEIR counterparts in other states show little appetite for reimposing THE—HARD—LINE restrictions of last —SPRING.
20201113             1—FEDERAL—COURT—JUDGE—FOR—THE 2. time in —2—YEARS blocked drilling on more than 300,000 acres in WYOMING because the government failed to adequately consider its impact on climate change.
20201113             —BACKED, Microsoft said hacker groups, by RUSSIA and NORTH—KOREA have targeted 7—COMPANIES in THE—USA, CANADA, FRANCE, INDIA, and SOUTH—KOREA.
20201113             It blocked the "majority" of the attacks, but Microsoft acknowledged that some were successful.
20201113             —ISSUED, ARGENTINA—PRESIDENT—ALBERTO—FERNANDEZ, 1—DECREE authorizing people to grow marijuana at home and allowing pharmacies to sell CANNABIS—DERIVED oils, creams and other products.
20201113             The decree also orders insurance systems to cover such medications for patients who obtain 1—PRESCRIPTION.
20201113             —RALLIED, BELARUS, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, —FOLLOWING the death of a —31—YEAR—OLD—OPPOSITION supporter who † in 1—HOSPITAL —AFTER he was reportedly beaten by security forces.
20201113             —CONDEMNED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, the continued violent crackdown that Belarusian authorities have waged on peaceful protesters.
20201113             —REPORTED, It was, that NIGEL FARAGE—NEW—POLITICAL—PARTY already has more than 3,000 applicants to stand as candidates in MAY—LOCAL—ELECTIONS, in 1—MOVE which will alarm Conservatives.
20201113             —RENAMED, Reform UK, from the Brexit Party, was setup —11—DAYS—AGO.
20201113             —REPORTED, BRITAIN, 27,301 new COVID—19—CASES, 1—SLIGHT—FALL from the previous —DAY—ALL—TIME high but the 2.—HIGHEST daily figure recorded.
20201113             † PETER—SUTCLIFFE, —74—JAHRE—ALT, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—SERIAL killer known as the "Yorkshire Ripper," at 1—HOSPITAL in Yorkshire.
20201113             PETER—SUTCLIFFE was serving concurrent life sentences for killing 13—WOMEN in Yorkshire and NORTH—WEST—ENGLAND 19750000—19800000    —BETWEEN.
20201113             —BECAME, CHINA, 1—OF—THE—LAST—MAJOR—COUNTRIES to congratulate USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT JOE—BIDEN, who is expected to make few changes to USA—POLICY in conflicts with BEIJING over trade, technology and security.
20201113             —DETECTED, THE—CHINA—CITY—OF—WUHAN said it had, the novel CORONA€"VIRUS on the packaging of 1—BATCH—OF—BRAZIL—BEEF, as it ramped up testing of frozen foods —THIS—WEEK as PART—OF—1—NATIONWIDE campaign.
20201113             —FIRED, Forces in ETHIOPIA—NORTH—TIGRAY region, rockets —LATE—TODAY towards the cities of BAHIR—DAR and GONDAR, in Amhara state.
20201113             1—GREECE—AGRICULTURE ministry official said the new CORONA€"VIRUS has been found in mink at 2—FARMS in NORTH—GREECE.
20201113             1—CULL of the 2,500 mink at 1—FARM was due to begin shortly.
20201113             —KILLED, Unknown gunmen, 3—IRAN—BORDER guards near the country's northwestern border with TURKEY.
20201113             —SIGNED, PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU said ISRAEL has, 1—DEAL with Pfizer Inc to receive 8—MILLION doses of the drugmaker's potential COVID—19—VACCINE, enough to cover close to HALF—OF—ISRAEL—POPULATION.
20201113             —REGISTERED, ITALY, 1—RECORD 40,902 new CORONA€"VIRUS infections over the past —24—HOURS.
20201113             —REPORTED, The health ministry also, 550—COVID—RELATED deaths.
20201113             † 44,139—PEOPLE have —NOW, in ITALY BECAUSE—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20201113             —RECORDED, LEBANON, 21—CORONA€"VIRUS deaths over —24—HOURS, making it 1—OF—THE—HIGHEST—DAILY—DEATH tolls for the country.
20201113             —INTRODUCED, MONTENEGRO, a —2—WEEK overnight lockdown to rein in a major spike in CORONA€"VIRUS infections.
20201113             —LAUNCHED, THE—MOROCCO—MILITARY, 1—OPERATION in 1—UN—PATROLLED border zone in the disputed WEST—SAHARA to clear 1—KEY—ROAD it said had been blockaded —FOR—WEEKS by SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—PRO—INDEPENDENCE Polisario Front.
20201113             —PUSHED, Confirmed CORONA€"VIRUS cases in PORTUGAL, past the 200,000 mark as THE—NUMBER—OF—NEW—DAILY—INFECTIONS reached 1—RECORD high, putting increasing pressure on 1—ALREADY fragile health system.
20201113             —RECORDED, PORTUGAL has, 204,664 cases and 3,250 deaths.
20201113             —REPORTED, RUSSIA, 1—RECORD 21,983 new CORONA€"VIRUS infections as MOSCOW prepared to close restaurants and bars overnight in 1—EFFORT to contain THE—COVID—19—PANDEMIC.
20201113             SOUTH—KOREA began fining people who fail to wear masks in public as it reported 191—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS cases, with daily infections continuing to creep higher.
20201113             —REPORTED, SOUTH—KOREA, 205—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS cases as of midnight.
20201113             The total NUMBER—OF—INFECTIONS —NOW stood at 28,338 with 492—DEATHS.
20201113             —REGISTERED, UKRAINE, 1—RECORD 11,787 new CORONA€"VIRUS cases in the last —24—HOURS. new cases TOOK the total confirmed infections to 512,652, with 9,317 deaths.
20201113             —DEFAULTED, ZAMBIA, on its debt.
20201113             ZAMBIA said it will not pay 1—OVERDUE—EUROBOND coupon —BEFORE a —30—DAY—GRACE period expires —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—DAY.
20201113             —BECAME, ZAMBIA, the 6. government to default on its bonds —THIS—YEAR.
20201113             20201113201117 - 00817    —ET—LE, MARSEILLE, Accords passés ENTRE LE—CHAPITRE—DE—LA—CATHÉDRALE—ET les frères de la Péintenco de J.-C.
20201113—16000000    —BIS, Das nordafrikanische Land mit seinen rund 11,5 Millionen Einwohnern hatte in den vergangenen —3—TAGEN laut WHO jeweils rund 14000000             Neuinfektionen pro —TAG registriert.
20201113—19800000    —SEIT, Unterhaltungskonzern: Disney steuert auf 1. Jahresverlust zu
20201113—20160000    —BIS, Die Zahlen lägen "knapp über dem Durchschnitt —DER—JAHRE 2019", wie das Amt berichtete, genau genommen um 0,7 Prozent.
20201113—20160000    —IN, The results bring BIDEN—TOTAL—ELECTORAL—COLLEGE win to 1—MARGIN—OF—306—232, the exact number Trump won.
20201113—20200105    —AM, Ob es dazu kommt, wird die Stichwahl über 2—SENATOREN in GEORGIA zeigen.
20201113—20200807    —ENTERED, The beef had, the country at QINGDAO port and
20201113—20200817    —ON, it reached WUHAN, where it remained in 1—COLD—STORAGE—FACILITY—UNTIL—RECENTLY.
20201113—20210400    —BIS, Milliardenhilfen vom Bund für die Nahverkehrsunternehmen reichen nach Einschätzung des Branchenverbands VDV noch und damit länger als erwartet.
20201113—20300000    —BIS, Streit über Treibhausgasausstoß : Umweltminister fordern schärferes EU—KLIMAZIEL
20211113             —COMPROMISED, THE—FBI and security specialists said hackers, 1—FEDERAL—BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION email system and sent TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—MESSAGES warning of 1—POSSIBLE cyberattack.
20211113             —REACHED, Total USA COVID—19—CASES, over 47,017,389 with the death toll at 762,681.
20211113             † ED—BULLINS, —86—JAHRE—ALT, among the most significant Black playwrights of the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY, at his home in ROXBURY—MASSACHUSETTS.
20211113             ED—BULLINS was 1—LEADING voice in the Black Arts Movement of the 1960s and '70s and produced nearly 100—PLAYS that reflected the Black urban experience.
20211113             † In MICHIGAN 4—OF 5—PEOPLE on 1—COMMUTER plane —WHEN it crashed on Beaver ISLAND, WEST—OF—MACKINAW City.
20211113             —KILLED, At least 6—PEOPLE were.
20211113             —REPORTED, It was, that BORIS—JOHNSON—CONSERVATIVES have lost their lead in 2—OPINION polls —AFTER 1—GROWING parliamentary standards scandal prompted almost 2—THIRDS of respondents in 1—SURVEY to say THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER—PARTY was disreputable.
20211113             —DECLINED, BRITAIN—ECONOMIST—MAGAZINE said that HONG—KONG, to renew the visa of 1—ITS—JOURNALISTS, urging the city to maintain foreign media access as concerns grow about media freedoms in the global financial hub.
20211113             —RECORDED, THE—UK, 157—DEATHS from COVID—19 and 1—FURTHER 38,351 cases.
20211113             —KILLED, ECUADOR, at least 68—PRISONERS were, and more than 2—DOZEN injured in overnight violence at the Penitenciaria del Litoral prison, in what officials characterize as fights among rival gangs.
20211113             HONDURAS' outgoing Prs.
20211113             —VISITED, JUAN—ORLANDO—HERNANDEZ, TAIWAN and said he hoped his country would continue its friendship, as TAIPEI sought to maintain relations with THE—CENTRAL—USA—COUNTRY amid 1—DIPLOMATIC—TUG—OF—WAR with BEIJING.
20211113             —ASKED, THE—CHIEF—JUSTICE—OF—INDIA, the central government to come up with 1—EMERGENCY plan to tackle NEW—DELHI—TOXIC—AIR quality and dangerous smog conditions, calling the situation "very serious".
20211113             1—PROVOCATIVE exhibit by dissident CHINA—ARTIST Badiucao opened in the industrial NORTH—ITALY—CITY—OF—BRESCIA despite pressure from THE—CHINA—EMBASSY in ROME to cancel it.
20211113             —KILLED, Police in INDIA—WESTERN—STATE—OF—MAHARASHTRA, at least 26—MAOIST militants, including 1—TOP—LEADER, in 1—AMBUSH operation in dense forest.
20211113             —KILLED, THE—NAXALS, including 6—WOMEN were, in Gadchiroli district along with Milind Teltumbde, 1—CENTRAL—COMMITTEE member.
20211113             5—SOLDIERS and 2—CIVILIANS were killed in 1—AMBUSH by suspected rebels in Manipur state.
20211113             KUWAIT—STATE news agency (KUNA) said EMIR—SHEIKH—NAWAF—AL—AHMAD—AL—SABAH has issued 2—DECREES for amnesty, pardoning and reducing sentences imposed on 35—PEOPLE.
20211113             1—NIGERIA—ARMY general and 3—SOLDIERS were killed —DURING 1—ATTACK by Islamic STATE—WEST—AFRICA—PROVINCE (ISWAP) militants in THE—NORTHEAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20211113             —KILLED, NORTH—PAKISTAN, 2—POLICEMEN were, and 6 injured, including 1—YOUNG—GIRL, by 1 improvised explosive device in attacks near AFGHANISTAN as local Taliban militants agreed —1—MONTH—CEASEFIRE —AFTER talks with the government.
20211113             POLAND, 1—GROUP—OF—ABOUT 50—MIGRANTS broke through defenses on the border and entered the country near the village of Starzyna.
20211113             —UNIFORMED, ALL—OF—THE—PEOPLE were caught by Polish, services and brought back to the border.
20211113             † RUSSIA—NATIONAL—CORONA€"VIRUS task force said that 1—RECORD 1,241—PEOPLE from the virus over the past —DAY.
20211113             Negotiators took THE—2—WEEK UN climate talks in SCOTLAND into 1—EXTRA—DAY, wrestling with 1—FRESH—DRAFT—OF—1—AGREEMENT intended to give the world 1—REALISTIC shot at avoiding the worst effects of global warming.
20211113             Diplomats from nearly 200—COUNTRIES struck 1—MAJOR—AGREEMENT aimed at intensifying global efforts to fight climate change by calling on governments to return —NEXT—YEAR with stronger plans to curb their PLANET—WARMING emissions and urging wealthy nations to "at least double" funding to protect poor nations from the hazards of 1—HOTTER—PLANET.
20211113             —FIRED, SUDAN—SECURITY forces, tear gas to disperse crowds in THE—CAPITAL—KHARTOUM as protesters gathered for nationwide mass rallies against 1—MILITARY takeover —LAST—MONTH.
20211113             5—DEMONSTRATORS were killed in PRO—DEMOCRACY protests.
20211113             2—MORE—SUDAN—PROTESTERS † days —LATER in the hospital from wounds —AFTER being shot —DURING mass protests raising the total death toll to 7.
20211113             —SUSPENDED, SYRIA—PRIVATE—CHAM Wings Airlines, flights between DAMASCUS and THE—BELARUS—CAPITAL—OF—MINSK because of the "critical circumstances" along THE—BELARUS—POLAND border where THOUSANDS—OF—MIGRANTS have been trying to cross into THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20211113             —CLASHED, YEMEN—WARRING sides, south of the Red Sea port CITY—OF—HODEIDAH —LATE—TODAY, —AFTER IRANIAN—BACKED Houthi fighters moved into territory ceded by forces allied to 1—SAUDI—LED coalition.
20211113             —SAMSTAG, 20211113             20211113             Vorurteile gegen Menschen unter 30: "Es ist heutzutage sehr schwer, jung zu sein"
20211113             Migranten aus BELARUS: Biden nennt Lage an POLNISCHER—GRENZE "sehr besorgniserregend"
20211113             Sat 20211113             20211113             [l] Hey, Atze, wieso ist denn der digitale Impfausweis so viel teurer geworden?
20211113             Von 2,7 Millionen ging es rauf auf 15,4 Millionen.
20211113             —BEREITET, Es, mir eine diebische Freude, euch die Auflösung mitzuteilen:
20211113             1—PREISTREIBER: "Agile Softwareentwicklung".
20211113             Oh, ach? Ach was! Agile macht Software teuer? Na sowas!
20211113             Hätte uns das doch nur vorher jemand gesagt!
20211113             Da hätte man ja eigentlich auch drauf kommen können, dass erstmal einen kaputten Prototypen zu bauen und dann immer weiter an dem herumzubasteln teurer ist, als gleich von —ANFANG an 1—SOFTWARESTRUKTUR zu bauen, die ALLE—GEWÜNSCHTEN—FEATURES sinnvoll abbilden kann.
20211113             Aber ich lasse hier natürlich gezielt Details aus.
20211113             Das lag nicht nur an dem Agile.
20211113             Es geht hier um das Ding mit den 5—BLOCKCHAINS.
20211113             Wo IBM, Bechtle, Ubirch und GovDigital dran herumgefummelt haben.
20211113             Bei so einem Dream Team braucht man dann auch kein Agile mehr, um die Kosten explodieren zu lassen.
20211113             Auch völlig überraschend für Agile: Wenn man da eh agil rangeht, dann muss man ja auch am —ANFANG nicht die Details alle —SCHON geklärt haben!
20211113             1!!
20211113             Dann pfuscht man erstmal los, hauptsache sind Blockchains drin, und —ERST im Laufe des Projekts realisiert man dann, dass man den Scheiß ja auch an existierende Systeme in Praxen und Apotheken anbinden muss.
20211113             —VERGESSEN, Oh, haben wir !
20211113             Ja, gut, kann man machen, aber wird dann halt teuer.
20211113             Ja komm, ey, das wusste man doch vorher nicht!!1! [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20211113             So schlimm: RKI—CHEF—PROF.
20211113             Wieler in der Bundespressekonferenz.
20211113             Ach naja, denkt ihr euch —JETZT vielleicht, der schiebt halt Panik, weil das sein Job ist.
20211113             —GESCHOBEN, Der hat ja auch —BISHER die ganze Zeit Panik.
20211113             Ja, äh, stimmt. Die Wissenschaft hat gewarnt.
20211113             Und ihre Warnungen sind weitestgehend eingetreten.
20211113             Aber glaubt nicht mir, glaubt den Münchener Kliniken, die —JETZT auf Twitter öffentlich CHEMIE—UND BIOLOGIE—STUDENTEN suchen, die im Zentrallabor aushelfen.
20211113             Sie suchen natürlich auch Medizinstudenten, klar.
20211113             Aber nicht fürs Zentrallabor sondern für die Stationen.
20211113             Überlegt euch mal, wie krass da die Hütte brennen muss, wenn die auf Twitter nach NATURWISSENSCHAFTS—STUDENTEN suchen.
20211113             Lage in den Kliniken in OST—UND Süddeutschland spitzt sich offenbar zu - spitzt sich - offenbar
20211113             BAYERN, und BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG würden —BEREITS "täglich Verlegungen zwischen Krankenhäusern zum Ausgleich und zum Erhalt der Funktionsfähigkeit durchgeführt"
20211113             Auch in HESSEN werde es immer schwieriger, Patienten auf den Intensivstationen unterzubringen
20211113             Als alarmierend gilt auch die Situation im Osten, vor allem in Thüringen und SACHSEN
20211113             "Die Lage der Krankenhäuser in diesen beiden Ländern wird insbesondere in Thüringen als dramatisch eingestuft",
20211113             —ERWOGEN, So sei in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG —BEREITS, worden, Patienten über 700—KILOMETER nach SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN zu verlegen.
20211113             Im Kampf gegen die AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA€"VIRUS sind von —HEUTE an wieder kostenlose Schnelltests für alle möglich.
20211113             —REAKTIVIERT, Der Bund, das —ERST vor einem —MONAT stark eingeschränkte Angebot der sogenannten Bürgertests,
20211113             In diesem Punkt sind sich die NOCH—GROKO—POLITIKER Bärbel Bas und HELGE—BRAUN einig: Die SPD—POLITIKERIN und der CDU—MANN warnen vor einer Impfpflicht.
20211113             "Bei einer Impfpflicht für bestimmte Berufsgruppen könnte sich die Impfgegnerschaft verschärfen",
20211113             "Sicher könnte man mit einer Impfpflicht die Impfquote erhöhen.
20211113             Auf der anderen Seite läuft man Gefahr, die Gesellschaft weiter zu spalten".
20211113             "ALLE—BÜRGERINNEN und Bürger sollten für sich entscheiden, ob sie —IN—DIESEM—WINTER an Weihnachtsfeiern oder an Karnevalssitzungen teilnehmen wollen",
20211113             sagte die SPD—POLITIKERIN
20211113             —IM—OKTOBER hatte sich Gesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN noch für 1—ENDE—DER—EPIDEMISCHEN—LAGE ausgesprochen.
20211113             Die Bundestagsfraktion des CDU—POLITIKERS plant angesichts der sich verschärfenden CORONA—LAGE laut einem Medienbericht —NUN aber genau das Gegenteil
20211113             Lehrerverband warnt vor erneuten Schulschließungen
20211113             Tausende Australier protestieren gegen Impfpflicht
20211113             Landesweit sind 83—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN ab dem Alter von —16—JAHREN vollständig gegen das CORONA€"VIRUS geimpft.
20211113             Vereinzelt habe es NAZI—VORWÜRFE gegen die örtlichen Behörden und Gewaltaufrufe gegen Politiker gegeben.
20211113             Dramatische Lage in SACHSEN, Thüringen und BAYERN: Manche leugnen ihre CORONA—ERKRANKUNG —BIS zum TOD—VON—STEFFEN—WINTER und JAN—FRIEDMANN
20211113             DEUTSCHLAND nähert sich Marke von 100.000—TOTEN - RKI meldet 45.081—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20211113             Der Anstieg der bundesweiten —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ bei den CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN setzt sich fort.
20211113             Der Wert schnellte auf 277,4,
20211113             Streit um POLNISCHEN—GRENZZAUN: Europas Eiserner Vorhang
20211113             Bericht zu CORONA—KAPAZITÄTEN der Kliniken: "Im Süden sind sie praktisch aufgebraucht"
20211113             CORONA€"VIRUS: Was bringen Antikörpertests vor Boosterimpfungen?
20211113             Globale Zusammenarbeit: Warum wir 1—WELTKLIMAPARLAMENT brauchen
20211113             CORONA—HOSPITALISIERUNGSINDEX: Merkel verlangt schnelle Festlegung eines Schwellenwerts
20211113             Pandemiebekämpfung: Bundeswehr will 12.000—SOLDATEN wegen CORONA—NOTLAGE mobilisieren
20211113             In angespannter Coronalage: Ver.
20211113             di will Warnstreiks 1—UNIKLINIKEN ausweiten
20211113             USA impfen Kinder unter 12: "Ich vertraue der Wissenschaft"
20211113             FDP—VIZE—KUBICKI: "Wir dürfen Ungeimpfte nicht schlechter stellen"
20211113             Klimagipfel geht in die Verlängerung: Aufruf zu Kohleausstieg hält sich abgeschwächt im Entwurf
20211113             Migrationskonflikt zwischen EU und BELARUS: Putin warnt Lukaschenko vor GAS—STOPP
20211113             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN: Sozialdemokraten und Linke stimmen Koalitionsvertrag zu
20211113             Maßnahmen gegen das CORONA€"VIRUS: NIEDERLANDE gehen in den "Lockdown light" — Randale in Den Haag
20211113             4. Coronawelle: Ich kann kaum noch
20211113             Há 157—NOVOS casos de COVID—19 no Algarve
20211113             RUSSLAND meldet neue Rekordzahl an CORONA—TOTEN
20211113             Bei gewaltsamen Protesten gegen die Verschärfung von CORONA—MAßNAHMEN sind in den Niederlanden mindestens 5—MENSCHEN festgenommen worden.
20211113             Ihnen wird vorgeworfen, bei einer Kundgebung in Den Haag Einsatzkräfte mit Steinen und Feuerwerkskörpern beworfen sowie sich Anweisungen der Polizei widersetzt zu haben,
20211113             Künftig dürfen an der UNIVERSITÄT—ERLANGEN—NÜRNBERG nur noch genesene und geimpfte Studierende in den Hörsaal.
20211113             "Studierende mit einem Non-2G-Status können nicht an Präsenzveranstaltungen teilnehmen, den Inhalten allerdings online folgen",
20211113             —GEMELDET, Ab Ende —NOVEMBER soll tagesaktuell ermittelt und, werden, wie VIELE—CORONA—INTENSIVPATIENTEN vollständig gegen das Virus geimpft sind.
20211113             Bei vielen Intensivpatienten werde der Impfstatus —DERZEIT nicht erfasst, weil einzelne Schritte in der bisherigen Meldekette nicht funktionierten, sagte Dahmen.
20211113             "Bislang fehlen schlicht Daten".
20211113             Um den Datenschutz zu wahren, sollen keine personenbezogenen Daten verwendet, sondern lediglich die ANZAHL—DER—GEIMPFTEN und Ungeimpften auf den CORONA—INTENSIVSTATIONEN gemeldet werden.
20211113             GROSSBRITANNIEN entgeht laut Experten vermutlich —WINTER—LOCKDOWN
20211113             Die anhaltend hohen Fallzahlen —SEIT—ANFANG—JULI mit täglich zwischen 30.000—UND 50.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN hätten die Immunität gestärkt, sagte der Epidemiologe NEIL—FERGUSON—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—IMPERIAL—COLLEGE in LONDON der BBC.
20211113             —GEHABT, Das habe zwar offensichtliche Nachteile.
20211113             —NUN gebe es aber positive Effekte im Vergleich zu Ländern wie DEUTSCHLAND, wo die Zahlen viel niedriger waren, —JETZT aber massiv steigen.
20211113             Lockdown für Ungeimpfte in ÖSTERREICH möglicherweise —SCHON ab —SONNTAG—MITTERNACHT
20211113             Die Maßnahmen seien nötig zur "Verhinderung eines Zusammenbruchs der medizinischen Versorgung".
20211113             —NACH—DEM Entwurf dürfen Menschen, die nicht geimpft oder genesen sind, ihre Wohnungen im ganzen Land nur noch in Ausnahmefällen verlassen.
20211113             Dazu gehören notwendige Besorgungen, den Weg zur Arbeit, Ausgänge zur körperlichen und psychischen Erholung und zur "Befriedigung religiöser Grundbedürfnisse".
20211113             Demonstrationen gegen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN in ITALIEN
20211113             In der norditalienischen Metropole Mailand versammelten sich —AM—SAMSTAG der Nachrichtenagentur Ansa zufolge etwa 4000—MENSCHEN am Friedensbogen Arco della Pace.
20211113             Vor Ort sprach auch der als Impfgegner bekannte ROBERT—KENNEDY—JUNIOR
20211113             Dem rasanten Anstieg bei den CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN folgt mancherorts in DEUTSCHLAND ein großer Andrang bei den Impfangeboten.
20211113             BORIS—JOHNSONS—PARTEI unter Korruptionsverdacht: Ist das Filz oder kann das weg?
20211113             Gesundheitsgefahr von Windkraftanlagen?: Der Mythos vom schädlichen Infraschall
20211113             Irrsinn Homöopathie: Schöner querdenken mit der AOK
20211113             EU—KOMMISSAR Timmermans auf dem Klimagipfel: "Ich flehe euch an, nehmt diesen Text an"
20211113             —GERATEN, BERLIN und NIEDERSACHSEN: CORONA—KONTROLLEN, außer Kontrolle
20211113             621_DGS_boletim_20211113              20211113             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 134,2 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211113             Continente: 133,3 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211113             R(t) Nacional: 1,15 Continente: 1,15
20211113             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—2.318—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—213,9—FÄLLE—GESAMT—72.284—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—6.671,4—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—783—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211113             Total Cases 252.817.483  Total Deaths 5.093.497  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 7.438.672.566
20211113             Wegen Flüchtlingskrise: SYRISCHE—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT stellt Flüge nach MINSK ein
20211113             Die SYRISCHE—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT Cham Wings fliegt ab sofort die belarussische HAUPTSTADT—MINSK nicht länger an.
20211113             Sie könne bei den Passagieren "nicht zwischen Reisenden und Migranten unterscheiden".
20211113             Die private SYRISCHE—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT Cham Wings stellt ihre Flüge nach BELARUS wegen der aktuellen Flüchtlingskrise an der POLNISCH—BELARUSSISCHEN Grenze ein.
20211113             Die Verbindung nach MINSK werde ab sofort eingestellt, weil die Airline bei den Passagieren "nicht zwischen Reisenden und Migranten unterscheiden" könne, teilte die Fluggesellschaft mit.
20211113             Die EU beschuldigt den belarussischen Machthaber ALEXANDER—LUKASCHENKO, als Vergeltung für EU—SANKTIONEN Menschen aus Ländern wie SYRIEN und dem IRAK gezielt ins Land zu locken und dann an die GRENZEN—DER—EU—STAATEN LETTLAND, LITAUEN und POLEN zu schleusen.
20211113             "Wegen der schwierigen Lage an der Grenze zwischen BELARUS und POLEN und weil die meisten der Reisenden auf unseren Flügen nach MINSK SYRISCHE—STAATSBÜRGER sind, haben wir entschieden unsere Flüge nach MINSK einzustellen",
20211113             sagte Cham Wings.
20211113             Tausende Menschen vor allem aus dem Nahen Osten sitzen —DERZEIT bei Temperaturen um den Gefrierpunkt im Grenzgebiet zwischen BELARUS und POLEN fest.
20211113             Nach Sanktionsdrohungen der EU hatte zuvor —SCHON die TÜRKEI entschieden, Staatsbürger mehrerer arabischer Länder nicht mehr von ihrem Staatsgebiet aus nach BELARUS fliegen zu lassen.
20211113             Die Fluggesellschaft TURKEY—AIRLINES bietet eine der am häufigsten genutzten internationalen Verbindungen nach MINSK an.
20211113             Kindersterblichkeit in KENIA: "Ich lasse nicht zu, dass auch meine Träume sterben"
20211113             Gipfel in GLASGOW: Staaten einigen sich auf Klimapakt — Text —IN—LETZTER—MINUTE abgeschwächt
20211113             Klimapakt von GLASGOW: Umweltministerin Schulze nennt Beschlüsse "historisch"
20211113             So wollen die Staaten die Klimakrise lösen: Die GRAD—WANDERUNG—VON—GLASGOW
20211113             So lief der Schlussspurt beim Klimagipfel ab: Wer drängelte, wer bremste, wer sich durchsetzte
20211113             So geht es —NACH—DEM Klimagipfel weiter: Wer sich —JETZT besonders anstrengen muss
20211113             ECUADOR: Wieder Kämpfe im Gefängnis — Dutzende Tote
20211113             "Minimaler EINSATZ—VON—GEWALT": Mehrere Tote bei Massenprotesten im SUDAN
20211113             Etwa in BAYERN mussten Impfwillige —AM—SAMSTAG aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage mit langen Wartezeiten rechnen.
20211113             AUGSBURG, appellierte die Stadt —BEREITS—AM Samstagvormittag an die Bürgerinnen und Bürger, das Impfzentrum ohne Termin nicht mehr aufzusuchen.
20211113             Die Kapazitäten seien ausgeschöpft.
20211113             Nach Angaben einer Sprecherin war dort nicht nur der Impfstoff knapp, auch personell stieß das Impfzentrum an Grenzen.
20211113             Auch in München hatten Impfzentrum und Impfstationen mit dem großen Andrang zu kämpfen.
20211113             Das Gesundheitsreferat der Landeshauptstadt appellierte deswegen an die Bürger, Impftermine zu vereinbaren.
20211113             Der saarländische Innenminister KLAUS—BOUILLON ist positiv auf das CORONA€"VIRUS getestet worden — trotz BOOSTER—IMPFUNG.
202203081113         UKRAINE—AUTHORITIES refuse to "evacuate" Ukrainians to RUSSIA, insist on alternative routes
202203081113         ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih pays 2.2—BILLION to THE—STATE—BUDGET—OF—UKRAINE.
202203111113         Roskomnadzor demands Meta give prompt response to question on new content moderation rules re RUSSIA—SERVICEMEN
202203111113         Energoatom abandons RUSSIA—NUCLEAR fuel
202203111135         Kremlin calls growing Russophobia in Western countries dangerous
202203111304         Constitutional referendum in BELARUS important for forming stable situation there, SOURCE  Putin
202203111307         Kremlin insists on resolving PROBLEMS—OF—NATO—INFRASTRUCTURE—ADVANCEMENT toward RUSSIA—BORDERS, UKRAINE—ACTIONS in Donbas
202203111345         Duma urges UN to probe bio labs in UKRAINE
202203211134         JULIUS—BAER curtailing activities in RUSSIA
202203231113         RUSSIA talking with ASIA about additional SUPPLIES—OF—ENERGY resources, volumes would come from other directions
202203311135         RUSSIA—TOURISTS spent over $300—BLN abroad over past —20—YEARS, SOURCE  Deputy PRIME—MINISTER—CHERNYSHENKO
202203311138         RUSSIA has —AROUND 2—MLN TONNES—OF—SUGAR, enough —UNTIL new harvest, SOURCE  deputy PM
202204011134         Gazprom bookings for transit via UKRAINE remain at peak on Fri, gas being delivered for export as scheduled
202204111356         2200—MEN tried to escape the war, SOME—ARE dead —NOW—STATE—BORDER—GUARD—SERVICE—OF—UKRAINE
202204211139         —VERSPRICHT, DÄNEMARK, der UKRAINE mehr Waffen
202206201113         BELARUS claims it's ready to resume cooperation for arms control
20221113             —SONNTAG, 20221113             20221113             Kann es im UKRAINE—KRIEG noch einen Sieger geben?
20221113             | 1—FRAGE noch... mit OBERST—MARKUS—REISNER
20221113             Midterms in den USA: 50—ZU 49— Demokraten gewinnen den Senat
20221113             USA—KONGRESSWAHLEN: Team Normal besiegt Team Crazy
20221113             Streit über Migrationspolitik: CHEF—DER—USA—GRENZSCHUTZBEHÖRDE tritt zurück
20221113             Persönliches Treffen auf Bali: JOE—BIDEN will mit Xi Jinping "rote Linien" ausloten
20221113             Klimaproteste in Museen: Buschmann prüft Strafrahmen für Angriffe auf Kunstwerke
20221113             "Hauptträger der Unterdrückung": Nouripour will Irans Revolutionsgarden auf die Terrorliste der EU setzen
20221113             "Provokativ, einmischend und undiplomatisch": IRAN kritisiert Scholz und warnt BERLIN
20221113             Globale —KONFLIKTE: Die Welt steht vor einem Scherbenhaufen
20221113             Befragung über Folgen der Inflation: Deutsche gehen wegen Preissteigerungen seltener als früher ins Restaurant
20221113             Sat 20221112             20221113             [l] Aus der beliebten Abteilung "Das ist ja unglaublich, Bob",
20221113             —HEUTE: Mysteriöser Geldabfluss über 600—MILLIONEN Dollar bei FTX.
20221113             —BESTIMMT, Das war, 1—HACK. 1—HACK war das!
20221113             Gehackt von kriminellen Hackern, sage ich euch.
20221113             Von Hackern! Ach was sage ich Hacker. Das waren RUSSISCHE—HACKER!
20221113             FTX selbst war nämlich grundsolide, müsst ihr wissen.
20221113             Völlig undenkbar, dass sich da jemand auf Kosten der Einlagen der Kunden bereichert hat.
20221113             —BESTIMMT, Das hat, eine immense kriminelle Energie gebraucht.
20221113             Also, äh, von diesen russischem GEHEIMDIENST—HACKERN.
20221113             Wissenschon.
20221113             BEIJING, 20221112             . - - /TASS/.
20221113             —LAUNCHED, CHINA—MANNED—SPACE—AGENCY, Tianzhou 5, 1 unmanned cargo spacecraft, to the national orbital station —ON—SATURDAY.
20221113             —AIRED, The launch, by CHINA National Television, took place at 10:03 BEIJING time (05:03 MOSCOW time) from the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center in HAINAN—CHINA.
20221113             Tianzhou 5 will deliver food, equipment and belongings of the Shenzhou 15—SPACECRAFT—CREW which is scheduled to travel to the orbital station in —LATE—NOVEMBER.
20221113             According to the agency, THE—CZ—7 Y6 carrier rocket has successfully placed the cargo spacecraft into orbit.
20221113             MOSCOW, 20221113             . - - /TASS/.
20221113             —SPECIALIZED, Tendencies to politicize the work of the G20, councils, particularly THE—COUNCIL—OF—MINISTERS—OF—HEALTH, are unacceptable, as they put the responsibilities of developing the global health architecture in jeopardy, RUSSIA—MINISTER—OF—HEALTH—MIKHAIL—MURASHKO said.
20221113             "I would like to point out that we are witnessing unfavorable tendencies toward THE—POLITICIZATION—OF—THE—WORK of the G20 specialized councils, particularly THE—COUNCIL—OF—MINISTERS—OF—HEALTH, which is unacceptable and invalidates the agreements reached.
20221113             If the trend of political problems dominating industry issues continues, we risk failing to achieve our goals of strengthening global health architecture and achieving the highest level of global health," Murashko was quoted by THE—MINISTRY—OF—HEALTH.
20221113             —STATED, Murashko also, that RUSSIA "strongly opposes" the criticism directed at RUSSIA—SPECIAL—MILITARY—OPERATION by the G20 countries".
20221113             WASHINGTON, 20221113             .
20221113             /TASS/. - - USA—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, who spoke —ON—SUNDAY at THE—EAST—ASIA Summit in PHNOM—PENH, touched on his country's confrontation with CHINA as well as security issues in THE—CONTEXT—OF—THE—SITUATION with TAIWAN and RUSSIA—SPECIAL—MILITARY—OPERATION in UKRAINE, THE—WHITE—HOUSE press service reported.
20221113             "PRESIDENT—BIDEN  commented on USA—PRC (USA—CHINA - TASS) relations, underscoring that THE—USA will compete vigorously with THE—PRC and speak out regarding THE—PRC—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES, —WHILE keeping LINES—OF—COMMUNICATION open and ensuring competition does not veer into conflict.
20221113             He reaffirmed the importance of maintaining peace and stability across THE—TAIWAN—STRAIT," the statement said.
20221113             —CONDEMNED, According to THE—WHITE—HOUSE, THE—USA—LEADER also, "threats posed by the Democratic PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—OF—KOREA" and RUSSIA—ACTIONS in UKRAINE.
20221113             PHNOM—PENH, 20221113             . - - /TASS/.
20221113             —STOPPED, NATO has, claiming its defensive essence and —NOW hopes to play 1—LEADING role in THE—ASIA—PACIFIC region, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV told reporters —ON—SUNDAY—FOLLOWING his participation in THE—EAST—ASIA Summit.
20221113             "NATO—NO longer says that it is 1—PURELY defensive alliance.
20221113             It was 1—DEFENSIVE—ALLIANCE —WHEN THE—SOVIET—UNION and THE—WARSAW—PACT existed.
20221113             —MOVED, They have, their LINE—OF—DEFENSE —SINCE then, —WHEN there is no longer THE—WARSAW—PACT or THE—SOVIET—UNION.
20221113             It is unclear from whom they were defending themselves.
20221113             —MOVED, They have, this LINE—OF—DEFENSE closer to our borders several times, and —NOW they announced at THE—MADRID summit this —SUMMER that they have global responsibility and that THE—SECURITY—OF—EURO—ATLANTIC and THE—INDO—PACIFIC region are indivisible," the top diplomat said.-
20221113             "That is, in fact, they are —NOW claiming that they will play 1—LEADING role here (in THE—ASIA—PASIFIC—REGION—TASS) and are already shifting THE—SO—CALLED—DEFENSE line to THE—SOUTH—CHINA Sea," Lavrov added.
20221113             THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER drew attention to 1—TENDENCY to militarize the region by matching the efforts of local USA—ALLIES, AUSTRALIA, NEW—ZEALAND and JAPAN, with 1—EXPANDING—NATO—PRESENCE.
20221113             —OUTLINED, According to him, THE—RUSSIA—SIDE frankly, its assessments at THE—EAST—ASIA Summit summit, and approaches similar to THE—RUSSIA—ONES were voiced by BEIJING as well.
20221113             "However, unfortunately, this will hardly make THE—USA and its allies take into account THE—INTERESTS—OF—MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRIES that are here," Lavrov continued, "But we will continue to convey our position.
20221113             It is met with understanding within ASEAN, although there is no consensus in ASEAN as well on how to proceed in the security sphere in this region.
20221113             So if the goal is to sow doubt in ASEAN and try to undermine their monolithic position, then the Americans have achieved their goal".
20221113             —NOTED, THE—RUSSIA—TOP—DIPLOMAT, the position of most ASEAN countries, which, according to him, were focused on defending their own interests and not subordinating ASEAN—ACTIONS to THE—INTERESTS—OF—EXTRA—REGIONAL—PLAYERS".
20221113             Our partners highly estimate the position of RUSSIA, THE—POSITION—OF—CHINA, which are in favor of preserving the central role of ASEAN," Lavrov summarized.
20221113             Vor dem G20-Gipfel in INDONESIEN hat der BRITISCHE—PREMIERMINISTER—RISHI—SUNAK den RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN scharf angegriffen".
20221113             —ZERSTÖRT, Putins Krieg hat weltweit für Verwüstung gesorgt, Leben, und die internationale Wirtschaft in Turbulenzen gestürzt",
20221113             Das Gipfeltreffen auf der Insel Bali werde kein "business as usual" sein, sagte Sunak weiter".
20221113             Wir werden Putins Regime zur Rede stellen und dessen völlige Verachtung für internationale Zusammenarbeit und den Respekt für Foren wie die G20 offenlegen".
20221113             Im Gegensatz zu RUSSLAND würden GROSSBRITANNIEN und seine Verbündeten zusammenarbeiten, um Fortschritte bei der Lösung wirtschaftlicher Probleme zu erzielen und die Lage der eigenen Bevölkerungen zu verbessern.
20221113             Die Umweltschäden in der UKRAINE sind nach mehr als —8—MONATEN Krieg nach Einschätzung von Experten verheerend.
20221113             Durch RUSSISCHE—ANGRIFFE auf Treibstofflager sind Gifte in die Luft und ins Grundwasser gelangt.
20221113             Das Ausmaß ist so groß, dass in vielen REGIONEN—DES—LANDES die Artenvielfalt und die Klimastabilität gefährdet sind.
20221113             Zugleich drohen gravierende Folgen für die GESUNDHEIT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG.
20221113             mehr als 280.000—HEKTAR Wald sind zerstört.
20221113             "Diese vom Krieg verursachte Umweltbelastung wird nicht verschwinden.Unsere Nachkommen werden sich damit auseinandersetzen müssen, Wälder zu pflanzen oder die verseuchten Flüsse zu reinigen",
20221113             Angesichts der Gefahr von Stromausfällen wegen der RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFE auf Energieanlagen bereitet die UKRAINISCHE—ZENTRALBANK das Bankensystem auf einen Betrieb unter Notfallbedingungen vor".
20221113             Es ist vorgesehen, die Arbeitsfähigkeit von 14—SYSTEMRELEVANTEN Banken des Landes zu gewährleisten.
20221113             Der RUSSISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Sergej Lawrow hat westlichen Staaten vorgeworfen, eine gemeinsame Abschlusserklärung des ASEAN—GIPFELS verhindert zu haben.
20221113             Diese sei an Streitigkeiten um den Wortlaut zur Situation in der UKRAINE gescheitert, so Lawrow".
20221113             —HEUTE wurden keine kollektiven —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN getroffen, weil die USA und ihre westlichen Verbündeten auf einer absolut inakzeptablen Sprache in Bezug auf die Lage in und um die UKRAINE bestanden haben".
20221113             Lawrow beschuldigte die USA und der NATO zudem, 1—VORMACHTSTELLUNG in der ASIEN—PAZIFIK—REGION einnehmen zu wollen, indem sie diese militarisierten".
20221113             Die USA und ihre Verbündeten sowie die NATO versuchen —JETZT, diese Region zu schlucken",
20221113             sagte Lawrow nach ANGABEN—DER—STAATLICHEN—RUSSISCHEN—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—TASS am Rande des Gipfels der südostasiatischen Staatengemeinschaft ASEAN.
20221113             Ziel sei die Militarisierung der Region, "mit dem offensichtlichen Fokus darauf, CHINA und die RUSSISCHEN—INTERESSEN in der Region einzugrenzen",
20221113             betonte er in Kambodschas HAUPTSTADT—PHNOM—PENH.
20221113             Der geplante verpflichtende Militärunterricht an RUSSISCHEN—SCHULEN ist nach BRITISCHER—EINSCHÄTZUNG Teil eines größeren Projekts.
20221113             Der RUSSISCHEN—BEVÖLKERUNG solle 1—IDEOLOGIE—DES—PATRIOTISMUS und des Vertrauens in öffentliche Institutionen eingeflößt werden,
20221113             Ähnliche Programme mit Vorbereitungen für einen chemischen oder nuklearen Angriff, 1. Hilfe und Schießtraining hatte es auch in der Sowjetunion gegeben, sie waren 19930000             eingestellt worden.
20221113             Ärger bei UNO—KLIMAKONFERENZ: Beschattungsverdacht — DEUTSCHLAND beschwert sich bei ÄGYPTEN
20221113             —AM LANDTAG in ERFURT: 1500—MENSCHEN protestieren gegen rechte Kundgebung
20221113             Kampf gegen Kriminalität: NANCY Faeser will Bargeldzahlungen nur noch —BIS 10.000—EURO zulassen
20221113             Weitere verbale Panne: USA—PRÄSIDENT—BIDEN verwechselt KAMBODSCHA und KOLUMBIEN
20221113             Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ hat VIETNAM aufgefordert, sich eindeutig gegen den RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEG gegen die UKRAINE zu stellen.
20221113             Er wünsche sich eine "klare Positionierung" der Regierung in HANOI in dieser Frage, sagte Scholz nach einem Gespräch mit Ministerpräsident Pham Minh Chinh".
20221113             Es handelt sich bei dem RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEG um einen Bruch des Völkerrechts mit gefährlicher Präzedenzwirkung",
20221113             so Scholz.
20221113             VIETNAM hat den RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEG gegen die UKRAINE anders als die große MEHRHEIT—DER—UN—MITGLIEDER —BISHER nicht verurteilt, sondern sich in Abstimmungen dazu in der Generalversammlung wie auch CHINA und INDIEN enthalten.
20221113             RUSSLAND ist der wichtigste Waffenlieferant Vietnams.
20221113             Beide Länder kooperieren auch bei der Erschließung von GAS—UND Ölfeldern vor der VIETNAMESISCHEN—KÜSTE.
20221113             Außerdem gibt es in VIETNAM mehr als 150—INVESTITIONSPROJEKTE mit Beteiligung RUSSISCHER—UNTERNEHMEN.
20221113             —BEGINNT, Vor dem G20-Gipfel, der —AM—DIENSTAG auf Bali, hat sich die atomkritische Ärzteorganisation IPPNW in einem öffentlichen Appell an Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) gewandt.
20221113             Dieser solle sich auf dem Gipfel für einen Waffenstillstand einsetzen, teilte der ehemalige IPPNW—GESCHÄFTSFÜHRER ROLF—BADER mit.
20221113             Es gehe darum, "nicht den Krieg, sondern den Frieden in der UKRAINE" zu gewinnen.
20221113             Die Ärztinnen und Ärzte fordern den Bundeskanzler auf, "sich mit ganzer Kraft dafür einzusetzen, dass während des Gipfels über 1—FRIEDENSLÖSUNG beraten wird".
20221113             Zudem sollten USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN und der RUSSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN aufgefordert werden, sich zu einem intensiven Gespräch zu treffen.
20221113             —PLÄDIERT, Die IPPNW, an Scholz, sich "mit ganzer Kraft" auf dem G20-Gipfel für Friedensverhandlungen im SCHWEIZERISCHEN—GENF einzusetzen.
20221113             ALLE—VERHANDLUNGSKANÄLE über die Vereinten Nationen, die OSZE und die blockfreien Staaten müssten genutzt werden.
20221113             Menschenrechte auf der COP27: Folgt auf die Klimakonferenz die Rache des Regimes?
20221113             Großbritanniens Verteidigungsminister: "RUSSLAND gibt noch lange nicht auf"
20221113             Scholz und Habeck in Südostasien: Die ANTI—CHINA—TOURNEE
20221113             Forscher über radikale Protestkultur: "Die größte Gefahr kommt von rechts"
20221113             Explosion in ISTANBUL: PRÄSIDENT—ERDOGAN spricht von "hinterhältigem Anschlag"
20221113             Sun 20221113
20221113             [l] Zum stundenlang gesperrten SCHWEIZER—LUFTRAUM hat die REPUBLIK —JETZT ein paar Ermittlungsakten befreit.
20221113             Money Quote: 1—NETZWERK­computer war defekt und leitete den Daten­verkehr nicht weiter.
20221113             Der Netzwerk­computer musste, anders als —BISHER dargestellt, nicht ersetzt, sondern bloss neu gestartet werden.
20221113             1—SOFTWARE—UPDATE des Herstellers wäre —BEREITS vorgelegen, war aber noch nicht aufgespielt worden.
20221113             —TAXIERT, Warnungen des Systems waren —2—TAGE—ZUVOR als Fehl­alarm, worden.
20221113             Der LETTISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—EGILS—LEVITS spricht sich für die Errichtung eines internationalen Sondertribunals aus, um den RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFF auf die UKRAINE völkerrechtlich zu untersuchen".
20221113             Juristisch ist dies möglich, man braucht nur den politischen Willen dazu",
20221113             Es sei eine "Lücke des Völkerrechts",
20221113             dass bislang kein internationales Gericht zuständig sei, um einen völkerrechtswidrigen Angriff auf einen souveränen STAAT zu untersuchen.
20221113             Der kremlnahe Ideologe ALEXANDER—DUGIN hat PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN —NACH—DEM RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPENABZUG aus Cherson seine weitere Loyalität zugesichert.
20221113             Berichte des Westens, wonach "sich RUSSISCHE—PATRIOTEN und ich selbst —SEIT der Kapitulation von Cherson von Putin abwenden und angeblich seinen Rücktritt fordern",
20221113             seien "Falschmeldungen", erklärte Dugin im Onlinedienst Telegram.
20221113             —BEDAUERT, Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ, die —ENTSCHEIDUNG des RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN, nicht am G20-Gipfel auf der INDONESISCHEN—INSEL Bali teilzunehmen".
20221113             —GEWESEN, Es wäre gut, wenn PRÄSIDENT—PUTIN sich zum G20-Gipfel begeben hätte",
20221113             BRUSSELS, 20221113             .
20221113             /TASS/. - - INDONESIA—PRESIDENT—JOKO—WIDODO calls on Western leaders to tone down their rhetoric in respect of RUSSIA at the Group of 20—SUMMIT in Bali, the Politico newspaper said —ON—SUNDAY, citing its sources.
20221113             According to the Politico, INDONESIA—OFFICIALS, including PRESIDENT—WIDODO, are pressing Western colleagues to be more flexible and look at 1—POSSIBILITY of using less tough rhetoric concerning MOSCOW.
20221113             —REPRESENTED, It is done to make RUSSIA, which is, at the summit by Foreign MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV, agree the summit's final resolution, it said, adding that Widodo would see it as his personal success if the resolution is passed.
20221113             THE—POLITICO notes that SAUDI—ARABIA, INDIA, BRAZIL, and CHINA are don't want to condemn RUSSIA in the final declaration.
20221113             The G20 summit will be held in Bali on 20221115—20161115  .
20221113             RUSSIA will be represented by Foreign MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV.
20221113—19450000    Mit Verweis auf die AMERIKANISCHEN—ATOMBOMBENABWÜRFE über HIROSHIMA und NAGASAKI, die unmittelbar weit über 100.000—MENSCHENLEBEN gekostet hätten, mahnt die DEUTSCHE—SEKTION der IPPNW mit Sitz in BERLIN einen Strategiewechsel des Westens an: "Diplomatie und Deeskalation sind der einzige Weg, einen drohenden Atomkrieg zwischen RUSSLAND, den USA und der NATO zu verhindern".
20221113—20140000    —AIMED, The operation was, to protect people who did not recognize THE—ANTI—CONSTITUTIONAL—COUP in Kiev and have been subjected to military aggression over the past —8—YEARS," he said.
20221113—20230900    —AB, Das RUSSISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM unterstütze das Training, das mindestens —140—STUNDEN im akademischen —JAHR umfassen soll.
20321113             —AM, wieder 1.solche Gelegenheit.