_HEUTE_1024 :

00511024             * DOMITIAN in Rom
00511024             [DOMITIAN]TITUS—FLAVIUS—DOMITIANUS, der Vater nimmt seine Geliebte CAENIS ins Haus
00511024             — * DOMITIAN senatorische Ausbildung
00511024             * RÖMER—KAISER—DOMITIAN,
00691024             SCHLACHT—BEI—CREMONA und Niederlage der vitellianischen Truppen, ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—STADT—CREMONA
00691024             Während des Vierkaiserjahres schlagen die Legionen des FELDHERR—VESPASIAN des VITELLIUS—ARMEE  in der
00691024             —SCHLACHT—VON—BEDRIACUM und
00691024             —ENTSCHEIDEN den Bürgerkrieg um die Nachfolge Neros endgültig zugunsten der Flavier.
04391024—04391019    —SEE
09961024             † HUGH—CAPET—KING—OF—FRANCE (09870000—09961024    ), at 58.
09961024             † HUGO—CAPET—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH
10711024             —AUSGERUFEN, MICHAEL—VII—DUKAS—GENANN—PARAPINAKES, wird zum Kaiser des Byzantinischen Reiches.
11470628—11471024    —BEGINNEN—BIS zum dauernde, Kreuzfahrerflotte, die Belagerung der STADT—LISSABON, die sich in maurischen Händen befindet.
11471024             —KAPITULIERT, Die maurische STADT—LISSABON, nach viermonatiger Belagerung 1—KREUZFAHRERHEER, das die STADT—LISSABON plündert und
11471024—11471025    —AM—FOLGETAG, KÖNIG—ALFONSO—I—VON—PORTUGAL überlässt.
11681024             † WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—NEVERS
12601024             † SAIF—AD—DIN—QUTUZ (aka Koetoez), TURKEY—SULTAN—OF—EGYPT, was murdered.
12601024             Nach rund 65-jähriger Bauzeit erfolgt die Weihe der fertiggestellten hochgotischen Kathedrale von Chartres.
12671024             GRAF—RUDOLF—VON—HABSBURG schuldet dem WALTHER—VON—HALWIL 20—MARK—SILBERS "umb 1—ROS".
12671024             ODER - haben wir hier 1—MARK—SILBER = 4—GOLD—GULDEN zu setzen und demgemäß die Preisangaben zu beurteilen
12671024             ODER
12731024             haben wir hier 1—MARK—SILBER mit 4—GOLD—GULDEN gleichzusetzen, demgemäß die Preisangaben zu beurteilen:
12731024             Mit der Krönung und Salbung des HABSBURGER—RUDOLF—I. zum RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHEN—KÖNIG endet das Interregnum.
13071024             JACQUES—DE—MOLLAY reconnaît LA—PLUPART des faits qui lui sont reprochés.
13231024             —VOM, die BULLE[BULLA] JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA an die [FLORENZ]
13271024             † ASCHER—BEN—JECHIEL, Talmudist
13601024             —RATIFIÉ, à CALAIS
13601024             —ENDET die 1. Phase des Hundertjährigen Krieges.
13601024—13600508    —AM, Der ausgehandelte
13601024—13600508    —FRIEDE—VON—BRÉTIGNY zwischen JOHANN—II—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH und dem EDUARD—III—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND wird in Calais ratifiziert.
13631024             AVENIonie.
13631024             HUGONI—UUSTINC—CANONICO—TRAIECTENSIS j in utroque jure jam a decem annielicentiatOj intuitu JOHANNIS—DE—ARKEL—EPISCOPI—TRAIECTENSIS j
13691024             —VOM—AN—3—MONATE, —4—TAGE LUDWIG—GRAF—VON—LANDAU Dienst zu leisten mit 500—LANZEN, 50—BOGENSCHÜTZEN hat.
13691024             —PRO—MONAT BEWILLIGT 14—FLORENI für jeden Bogenschützen WERDEN
13691024             —PRO—MONAT BEWILLIGT 1.500—FLORENI für die CAPORALES, WERDEN
13691024             für des LUDWIG—GRAF—VON—LANDAU MARSCHALL—KONRAD '[v.j Botenstein 25—FLORENI (Canestrini p. 70).
13751024             † WALDEMAR—IV—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK
13971024             "WILHELM—VAN—GUILGE—HERTZOUGE—VAN—DEM Berge ind greue zo Rauensberg ind... GEIRHART, ADOLFf ind WILHELM—GEBROEDERE—VAN—DEM Berge ind grauen zu Rauensberg"
13971024             DUKE—OF—BERG.
13971024             —AGREED, to divide their territories, whereby the sons were granted "sloss Hoekeshoeuen... onsse stat Wipperfurde mit der VESTEN—VAN—STEYNBECH ind onsse stat Lenepe mit der VESTEN—VAN—BIRNFELT",
13971024             —URKUNDE, "WILHELM—VAN—GGUILGE—HERTZOUGE—VAN—DEM Berge ind greue zo Rauensberg ind...
13971024             —URKUNDE, "WILHELM—VAN—GGUILGE—HERTZOUGE—VAN—DEM Berge ind greue zo Rauensberg ind... GEIRHART, ADOLFf ind WILHELM—GEBROEDERE—VAN—DEM Berge ind grauen zu Rauensberg"agreed to divide their territories,
13971024             —URKUNDE, GEIRHART, ADOLFf ind WILHELM—VAN—GUILGE GEBROEDERE—VAN—DEM Berge ind grauen zu Rauensberg"
13971024             —URKUNDE, agreed to divide their territories,
13971024             —URKUNDE, whereby the sons were granted "sloss Hoekeshoeuen... onsse stat Wipperfurde mit der VESTEN—VAN—STEYNBECH ind onsse stat Lenepe mit der VESTEN—VAN—BIRNFELT",
14411024             † ADOLF—HERZOG—VON—BAYERN—MÜNCHEN
14571024             † MARGARETE—MARK—GRÄFIN—VON—BADEN
14581024             DOM—AFONSO—V entra vitorioso em Alcdcer Ceguer.
14891024             * RAYMUND—FUGGER, AUGSBURG—PATRIZIER, Reichsfürst und Kunstsammler
14921024             † JEWS—BURNED, for the supposed desecration of the host, in STERNBERG—MECKLENBURG.
15021024             —ADDI, Il signore si levò di letto, di dove non s' era più levato da poi che venne.
15211024             † ROBERT—FAYRFAX, composer, at 57.
15311024             —JOINED, Bavaria, despite being 1—CATHOLIC region, the League of Schmalkalden, 1—PROTESTANT—GROUP which opposed CHARLES—V.
15311024             —SCHLACHT—AMGUBEL, der letzten Schlacht im 2. Kappelerkrieg zwischen den katholischen und den reformierten Orten der Alten Eidgenossenschaft, besiegen die Katholiken die Übermacht der Protestanten auf Grund des Überraschungseffekts.
15361024             † ANNE—BOLEYN, aber im Kindbett.
15361024—15361012    —12—TAGE—SPÄTER,
15371024             † JANE—SEYMOUR, the 3. oo HENRY—VIII—KING—OF—ENGLAND, —12—DAYS—AFTER giving birth to PRINCE—EDWARD, —LATER EDWARD—VI—KING—OF—.
15441024             —FRIDAY, He was condemned to death and
15441024             —FRIDAY, MASTER—CLAUS—SCHAT defended him.
15441024             —FRIDAY, he expressed his willingness to recant AGAIN.
15441024             —FRIDAY, he was brought up —BEFORE—THE—VIERSCHARE and
15441024             —FRIDAY—THE—ON
15581024             * SZYMON—SZYMONOWIC, POLNISCHER—DICHTER und Dramatiker
15611024             * ANTHONY—BABINGTON, Hauptbeschuldigter der BABINGTON—VERSCHWÖRUNG
15791024             † ALBRECHT—V.—HERZOG—VON—BAYERN
15791024             † ANDREAS—I—IMHOFF, Nürnberger Patrizier, Kaufmann, Bankier und Politiker
15941024             † FRANÇOIS—D—O, Günstling des FRANZÖSISCHEN—KÖNIGS HEINRICH—III.
16011024             * ALVISE—CONTARINI, 106. DOGE—VON—VENEDIG
16011024             † TYCHO—BRAHE, DÄNISCHER—ASTRONOM
16041024             † ÄTHIOPISCHER—KAISER—ZA—DENGEL,
16051024             —NACH—DEM Tod seines Vaters AKBAR—I. besteigt SELIM als Jahangir den Thron im MOGUL—REICH.
16231024             † SEBASTIAN—VON—BERGEN, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Staatsmann
16321024             * Antoni VAN Leeuwenhoek, HOLLAND—NATURALIST.
16410820—16481024    —BIS—ZUM, so verzögerte sich die wirkliche Unterzeichnung des Westfälischen Friedens
16410820—16481024    —BIS—ZUM, des WESTFÄLISCHER—FRIEDEN wirkliche Unterzeichnung, so verzögerte sich.
16411024             * CHRISTIAN—RÖHRENSEE, DEUTSCHER—ETHIKER und Politikwissenschaftler
16480502—16491024    * † WILHELM—HEINRICH  Gemeinsamkeit DER—STAATISCHEN und KUR—FÜRSTLICHEN Interessen.
16480502—16491024    50—MET een Prinee, die deze STAEDT niet alleene wil, maer ooek sal :unstich wesen, om dat de Landen VAN S. C. D. met de vrije Nederlanden sulcx verknocht sijn, dat de beere KUR—FÜRST sonder notoire
16481024             —TRAITÉS—DE—WESTPHALIE, qui mettent
16481024             so verzögerte sich die wirkliche Unterzeichnung des Westfälischen Friedens —BIS zum,
16481024             wo endlich DIE—EROBERUNG der Kleinseite von Prag durch den SCHWEDISCHEN—GENERAL Königsmark den KAISER zum Abschluß bewog.
16481024             —ENDED, THE—PEACE—OF—WESTPHALIA, THE—GERMANY— 30—YEARS—WAR and effectively destroyed THE—HOLY—ROMAN—EMPIRE.
16481024             —ENDED, THE—TREATIES—OF—OSNABRUCK and Munster, that, THE—30—YEARS" War, divided Pomerania, 1—HISTORIC region that once stretched from Stralsund to the Vistula along the Baltic Sea in NORTH—CENTRAL—EUROPE, into 2—PARTS known as Hither Pomerania and Farther Pomerania.
16481024             Hither Pomerania, the area west of the Oder River, was granted to SWEDEN.
16481024             Farther Pomerania was east of the Oder and went to THE—STATE—OF—BRANDENBURG.
16481024             Farther Pomerania is —NOW PART—OF—POLAND.
16481024             THE—30—YEARS—WAR had spread from 1—END—OF—GERMANY to the other, and left the country 1—SCENE—OF—DESOLATION and disorder, wasted by fire, sword and plague.
16481024             —FOLLOWED, The war was, by great scarcity, due to the lack of laborers.
16481024             —ABOLISHED, The treaty, private armies and THE—NATION—STATE acquired 1—MONOPOLY on maintaining armies and fighting wars.
16481024             —WESTFÄLISCHER—FRIEDE zur Beendigung des 3ßigjährigen Krieges, im RATHAUS—MÜNSTER und im RATHAUS—OSNABRÜCK verhandelte wird unterzeichnet
16481024—19960000    —UNTIL, S—MARINO did not attend the conference or sign the treaty because it had not been involved in the fighting, however it was linked to states that were fighting and was —THEREFORE still at war with SWEDEN —WHEN 1—OFFICIAL—END was declared.
16531024             —AM, JOHANN—BOCK—VON—PATTERN als ABT—VOM—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN bestätigt,
16551024             † PIERRE—GASSENDI, FRANZÖSISCHER—PHILOSOPH, Theologe und Mathematiker, Astronom und Physiker
16651024             —BESCHLOSSEN, BLASPEIL, ROMSWINCKEL und COPES darauf, DIE—DEPUTIERTEN für DIE SACHEN—VON—BRANDENBURG zu ersuchen, die angefangenen KONFERENZen mit den brandenburgischen Ministern über die Erneuerung der ALLIANZ,
16651024             BLASPEIL, ROMSWINCKEL und COPES erscheinen in der Versammlung mit den gewöhnlichen Zeremonien und
16651024             BLASPEIL, ROMSWINCKEL und COPES mit dem was davon abhängt, in Übereinstimmung mit ihrer —RESOLUTION—VOM, 28. wiederaufzunehmen und darüber zu berichten.
16651024             BLASPEIL, ROMSWINCKEL und COPES werden vom Präsidenten wieder hiuausgeleitet und
16651024             —AUFGETRAGEN, DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN vor dem zu eiligen Horheirufcn franzi^itischcr llilfHtruppcn zu WARNEN;
16651024—16651005    —VOM, des KUR—FÜRST—SCHREIBEN vorlegen BLASPEIL, ROMSWINCKEL und COPES
16691024             * JOHANN—JOSEPH—SEYLER, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Theologe
16721024             SCHWERIN und MEINDERS sind verdächtig.
16721024             —GELASSEN, MARESCHAL—DE—TURENNE hat man in WEST—FALEN ungestört.
16721024             ALLE—FRIEDENS—VORSCHLÄGE sind Amüsements.
16721024             Auf DER—DEPUTIERTEN—BERICHT für die Sachen der TRIPLE—ALLIANZ über die Schreiben des AMERONGEN vom
16721024             DER—PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN an den FÜRST—VON—ANHALT.
16721024             DER—STAAT kann die französischen und ENGLISCHEN—BEDINGUNGEN nicht annehmen.
16721024             —VERHINDERT, DIE—UN—TÄTIGKEIT dieser Armee hat DIE—STAATISCHE, etwas zu unternehmen.
16721024             Der BRANDENBURG—TRUPPEN—MARSCH ist vertragswidrig.
16721024             —GETÄUSCHT, FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG wird von seinen Ministern, die den NIEDERLANDEN gar nicht helfen wollen.
16721024             Frieden will man nur in Gemeinschaft mit den ALLIIERTEN, hält jedoch die Bemühungen von MAINZ und NEUBURG für FRANZÖSISCHE—INTRIGUEN.
16721024             H'i i'iiiiz \<)n Unuiiuii an AMERONGEN.
16721024             Ick will seer geerne bekennen, dat ick de demarcbes VAN den Heer Cbeurfurst niet kan begrijpen;
16721024             Ihr HIN—UND Herziehen der Reise der Kinder ISRAEL zu VERGLEICHE n.
16721024             J'ay est^ fort aise d'apprendre par celle que vous avcz pris la
16721024             Missstimmung darüber bei den Regenten im Haag.
16721024             [Der Marsch der verbündeten Armee ist unbegreiflich.
16721024             empfangen und sich gefreut, daß seine Ansicht über die Dinge und die von ihm —BISHER getanen Schritte mit denen DER—STAATEN übereinstimmen,
16721024             empfangen,
16721024             —BITTET, ihren Marsch zu beschleunigen, und versichert, daß er das Seinige tun werde.
16721024             —DATUM
16721103—16721024    —EMPFANGEN, AMERONGEN Hat sein —SCHREIBEN—VOM, und
16721104—16721024    —EMPFANG des Schreibens vom
16741024             —AM, macht Ehrensten selbst den Staaten die Absicht SCHWEDENs bekannt, BRANDENBURG am KRIEG—GEGEN—FRANKREICH zu hindern,
16770216             —ARRESTED, EARL—OF—SHAFTESBURY was, and confined to THE—LONDON—TOWER.
16770216—16811024    —SEE
16791024             * JOHANN—ADOLPH—VON—AHLEFELDT, Gutsherr der Güter Buckhagen, Giffelfeldt, Raskenberg und Priesholz
16811024             —ACCUSED—OF, EARL—OF—SHAFTESBURY (16830000             †) was, high treason in LONDON.
16811024             THE—KING—DISSOLVED—PARLIAMENT and threw Shaftesbury into the Tower of LONDON and charged him with treason.
16811024             —ACQUITTED, Shaftesbury was, and went to HOLLAND with JOHN—LOCKE.
16851024             * CHARLES—ALSTON, SCHOTTISCHER—MEDIZINER und Botaniker
16891024             † STEPHAN—FARFLER, Uhrmacher, möglicherweise 1. Erbauer 1—ROLLSTUHLS
17001024             —NACH—DEM Totenbuch starb WALRAM—VON—HOEN als
17001024             † WALRAM—VON—HOEN—PROPST—VON—HIRZENACH, doch ist
17271024             * JOHANN—MARTIN—WILL, DEUTSCHER—KUPFERSTECHER, Künstler, Verleger und Herausgeber
17311024             † LUDWIG—CHRISTOF—SCHEFER, DEUTSCHER—PIETIST, reformierter Pfarrer und Inspektor in Berleburg
17331024             * GEORG—FRIEDRICH—SEILER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Hochschullehrer
17341024             * ANNA—GÖLDI, SCHWEIZER—MAGD, als letzte Hexe Europas hingerichtet
17491024             * JARED—INGERSOLL, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JURIST und Politiker
17531024             * MARIAN—DOBMAYER, DEUTSCHER—PRIESTER und Theologe
17551024             A UK—EXPEDITION against THE—FRANCE—HELD Fort Niagara in CANADA ended in failure.
17581024             † MICHAEL—DAVID, kurfürstlich hannoverscher und königlich britannischer HOF—AGENT und KAMMER—AGENT
17621024             * JOHANN—WILHELM—TOLBERG, westfälischer Mediziner
17671024             * JACQUES—LAFFITTE, FRANZÖSISCHER—BANKIER und Politiker
17711024             * JOHANNES—WEITZEL, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Verleger und Bibliothekar
17881024             SARAH—JOSEPHA—HALE, magazine editor and poet whose book Poems for Our Children included "MARY—HAD 1—LITTLE—LAMB" (the 1. words to be recorded in sound), was born.
17951024             RUSSIA, AUSTRIA and Prussia held 1—CONVENTION in Petersburg to finalize the 3. DIVISION—OF—THE—POLISH—LITHUANIA—REPUBLIC.
17951024             MOST—OF—LITHUANIA with VILNIUS went to RUSSIA, WARSAW and the left BANK—OF—THE—NEMUNAS—RIVER went to Prussia and Cracow went to AUSTRIA.
17951024             —FORCED, STANISLOVAS—AUGUSTAS—KING—OF—POLAND was, from his capital and moved to Grodno (Gardinas).
17951024—17950103    —AM, Preußen beitritt dem von RUSSLAND und ÖSTERREICH geschlossenen Vertrag zur
17951024—17950103    3. POLNISCHEN—TEILUNG.
17981024             * WILHELM—AMANDUS—AUBERLEN, württembergischer Lehrer, Musiker und Komponist
18081024             * ERNST—FRIEDRICH—RICHTER, composer.
18121024             —COMBAT—DE—MALO, JAROSLAVETZ
18121024             Der FRANZÖSISCHEN—GRANDE—ARMÉE gelingt im Russlandfeldzug 1—TAKTISCHER Sieg in der
18121024             —SCHLACHT—BEI—MALOJAROSLAWEZ.
18121024             —ANSCHLIEßEND, FRANZÖSISCHEN—GRANDE—ARMÉE zieht sich zurück, was zu 1—STRATEGISCHEN Erfolg der RUSSISCHEN—ARMEE führt.
18171024             —AKZEPTIERT, MAXIMILIAN—I—JOSEPH—KÖNIG—VON—BAYERN, das mit dem Heiligen Stuhl ausgehandelte und nachgebesserte Konkordat.
18171024             Konkordat regelt unter anderem Fragen aus der Säkularisation des Kirchenbesitzes und der Mediatisierung der Reichsstände.
18181024             —PERFORMED, FELIX—MENDELSSOHN, —9—JAHRE—ALT, his 1. public concert in BERLIN.
18241024             Auf Anregung von JOHANN—WOLFGANG—VON—GOETHE wird in FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN 1—PHYSIKALISCHER—VEREIN gegründet.
18271024             * ~ JAN—OLOF—MELLIN—JANSSON, M Mjallom, V. NORRLAND—SCHWEDEN
18281024             Im sächsischen Großenhain entsteht in der ehemaligen Lateinschule mit der Vaterländischen BÜRGER—BIBLIOTHEK die 1. DEUTSCHE—VOLKSBIBLIOTHEK auf Initiative von KARL—BENJAMIN—PREUSKER.
18281024             BÜRGER—BIBLIOTHEK will mit Büchern ALLE—BEVÖLKERUNGSSCHICHTEN ansprechen.
18311024             In der CASA—DEL—FAUNO[Haus des Fauns] in Pompeji wird das Mosaik zur "Alexanderschlacht" im Fußboden gefunden.
18361024             A. Phillips patented the match.
18381024             * ANNIE—TAYLOR, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—LEHRERIN, erfolgreiche Erstbefahrerin der Niagarafälle
18381024             * EMIL—FREY, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER
18381024             * JAMES—MAYBRICK, ENGLISCHER—BAUMWOLLHÄNDLER, angeblich identisch mit JACK—THE—RIPPER
18411024             † STAREZ—LEONID, RUSSISCHER—MÖNCH und Seelsorger
18421024             † BERNARDO—O—HIGGINS, CHILENISCHER—POLITIKER, 1. Staatsoberhaupt
18431024             † ROMAN—SO?TYK, POLNISCHER—GENERAL
18441024             —VERTRAG—VON—HUANGPU erzwingt die Duldung katholischer Missionstätigkeit im KAISERREICH—CHINA
18481024             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—124—KÖLN.
18481024             —BINNEN—18—STUNDEN Jeder, der noch 1—WAFFE trägt, verfalle der "standrechtlichen Behandlung".
18481024             —BINNEN—18—STUNDEN DIE—STADT—WIEN soll unterwerfen sich des WINDISCH—GRAETZ neue Forderungen.
18481024             —FORDERUNGEN, WINDISCH—GRAETZ neue, stellt :
18481024             —FORDERUNGEN, WINDISCH—GRAETZ neue, DIE—STADT—WIEN soll Geiseln ausliefern und
18481024             —AM, DIE—WIENER wissen, es wird Blut fließen, viel Blut.
18481024             —AM, DIE—WIENER heulen auf.
18511024             WILLIAM—LASSELL entdeckt die Uranusmonde Ariel und Umbriel.
18521024             † DANIEL—WEBSTER, —70—JAHRE—ALT, lawyer, speaker and SENATOR—FROM—MASSACHUSETTS.
18521024—19970000    —IN, ROBERT—V. Remini wrote his biography: "DANIEL—WEBSTER".
18571024             * ERICH—ARON, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Landgerichtsdirektor und Hochschullehrer
18571024             1. Fußballverein gegründet, ENGLISCHER—FC—SHEFFIELD wird weltweit.
18581024             Das Bethaus der Baptisten in Jever wird seiner Bestimmung übergeben.
18581024             Mitbeteiligt an den Einweihungsfeierlichkeiten sind JOHANN—GERHARD—ONCKEN und JULIUS—KÖBNER sowie der MISSIONAR—AUGUST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—HAESE.
18581024             Es handelt sich bei dem Das Bethaus der Baptisten in Jever um 1—DER—ÄLTESTEN—BAPTISTENKIRCHEN in Kontinentaleuropa.
18611022—18611024    —SEE
18611024             WEST—VIRGINIA voters chose to secede from VIRGINIA.
18611024             —COMPLETED, WEST—UNION, the 1. transcontinental telegraph line.
18611024             The 1. transcontinental telegraph message was sent as Justice STEPHEN—J—FIELD—OF—CALIFORNIA transmitted 1—TELEGRAM to PRESIDENT—LINCOLN.
18611024             —LINKED, Telegraph lines, THE—WEST—COAST to THE—REST—OF—THE—COUNTRY and made the Pony Express obsolete late in the —YEAR.
18611024—18611126    —ON, 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CONVENTION began and
18611024—18620411    —ON, finished its work on February 18, 18620000             , and the instrument for secession was ratified.
18621024             Durch 1—MILITÄRPUTSCH wird OTTO—I—KÖNIG—VON—GRIECHENLAND abgesetzt und außer Landes gezwungen.
18631024             —ARRIVED, GENERAL—ULYSSES—S—GRANT, in CHATTANOOGA—TENNESSEE to find the Union Army there starving.
18640000—19261024    * † CHARLIE—RUSSELL, Western artist, in Great FALLS—MONTANA.
18641023—18641024    2. VEREINS—TAG Auf ihm sind 47—VEREINE und 3—GAU—VERBÄNDE vertreten.
18641023—18641024    2. VEREINS—TAG F. A, Lange, DER—VERFASSER des Buches "GESCHICHTE—DES—MATERIALISMUS", gewählt.
18641023—18641024    2. VEREINS—TAG In den für die laufenden Geschäfte verantwortlichen Ausschuß werden neben —AUGUST—BEBEL,
18641023—18641024    2. VEREINS—TAG L. Sonnemann, der HERAUSGEBER—DER—FRANKFURTER—ZEITUNG, und
18641023—18641024    2. VEREINS—TAG DER—VEREINS—TAG diskutiert die Freizügigkeit, das GENOSSENSCHAFTS—WESEN, 1—ALTERS—, Lebensversicherung.
18641023—18641024    2. VEREINS—TAG—TAG M. Hirsch, der —SPÄTERE GRÜNDER—DER—GEWERKVEREINE,
18711024             ANTI—CHINA—RIOTING took place in LOS—ANGELES.
18711024             1—MOB in LOS—ANGELES hanged 16—CHINA—MEN and 1—WOMAN —AFTER 1—POLICEMAN was shot, but not killed.
18711024             † JULIUS—THEODOR—CHRISTIAN—RATZEBURG, DEUTSCHER—ZOOLOGE, Entomologe und Forstwissenschaftler
18731024             Der ÖSTERREICHISCHE—KAISER—FRANZ—JOSEPH—I. eröffnet in WIEN anlässlich der Weltausstellung die I. Wiener Hochquellenwasserleitung, die größte Wasserversorgungsanlage Europas.
18731024             Unter anderem wird auch der Hochstrahlbrunnen auf dem Schwarzenbergplatz in Betrieb genommen.
18741024             * ROBERT—ZIMMERMANN, SCHWEIZER—JESUIT, Hochschullehrer und Sprachwissenschaftler
18761024             Die Uraufführung der komischen Operette Der Seekadett von RICHARD—GENÉE findet am Theater an der WIEN in WIEN statt.
18791024             6000—PEOPLE attended EACH—NIGHT.
18791024             * FRIEDRICH—JÄHNE, DEUTSCHER—INGENIEUR und Unternehmer
18801024             —SOFORT werden 75—PERSONEN ausgewiesen, unter denen sich I. Auer, W. Blos und J. H. W. Dietz befinden.
18801024             Über HAMBURG und Umgebung wird der "kleine BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTAND" verhängt.
18831024             * PAUL—SCHEURICH, DEUTSCHER—MALER, Grafiker und Kleinplastiker
18841024             * HERTHA—KOENIG, DEUTSCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN und Lyrikerin
18851024             —PREMIERED, JOHANN—STRAUSS' operetta, "THE—GYPSY—BARON,", in VIENNA.
18851024             Im Theater an der WIEN wird die Operette Der Zigeunerbaron mit der Musik von JOHANN—STRAUSS und —NACH—DEM Libretto IGNAZ—SCHNITZERS uraufgeführt.
18861024             * GRIGORI—ORDSCHONIKIDSE, sowjetischer Politiker
18871024             * CURT—PROSKAUER, deutschamerikanischer Zahnarzt und Medizinhistoriker
18881024             1. Film ever, at ROUNDHAY—LEEDS— ENGLAND—UK, by LOUIS—LE—PRINCE
18881024             * MAREK—WEBER, DEUTSCHER—VIOLINIST und Orchesterleiter
18911024             * RAFAEL—L—TRUJILLO—MOLINA.
18931024             * KURT—HUBER, DEUTSCHER—MUSIKWISSENSCHAFTLER, Volksliedforscher und Psychologe, Mitglied der Widerstandsgruppe WEIßE—ROSE, NS—OPFER
18951024             * JOSEF—PELZ—VON—FELINAU, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Schauspieler, Drehbuch— und HÖRSPIEL—AUTOR
18961024             Die HAMBURGER—NACHRICHTEN berichten über den geheimen Rückversicherungsvertrag des Jahres 18870000             zwischen dem DEUTSCHEN—REICH und RUSSLAND.
18961024             —INZWISCHEN, Der, nicht mehr verlängerte Rückversicherungsvertrag löst dennoch INTERNATIONAL Verstimmungen aus.
18971024             —APPEARED, The 1. comic strip, in the —SUNDAY color SUPPLEMENT—OF—THE—NEW—YORK Journal called the 'Yellow Kid.' [see 18950500             ,1896]
19011024             † ANNA—EDSON—TAYLOR (19210000             , ), a —43—YEAR—OLD widow, was the 1. woman to go safely over Niagara Falls in 1—BARREL.
19011024             —OFFERED, She made the attempt for the cash award, which she put toward the loan on her TEXAS ranch.
19011024             † Taylor, in poverty.
19021024             GUATEMALA, ausbricht der Vulkan Santa María.
19021024             Der mehrtägige Ausbruch mit dem Vulkanexplosivitätsindex 6—IST der zweitschwerste Vulkanausbruch des 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY und zerstört die Stadt Quetzaltenango nahezu vollständig.
19040000—20061024    * † Enolia P. McMillan, the 1. female PRESIDENT—OF—THE—NAACP, in MARYLAND.
19041024—19610000    * † MOSS—HART, USA—PLAYWRIGHT, director and librettist.
19041024—19610000    MOSS—HART and GEORGE—S—KAUFMAN, wrote plays such as "You Can't Take it with You" and "THE—MAN who came to Dinner".
19041024—19610000    —TITLED, His autobiography was, "Enter Laughing".
19041024—19610000    "THE—SELF—HATRED that destroys is the waste of unfulfilled promise".
19080000—19741024    * † DAVID—OISTRACH, virtuoso RUSSIA—VIOLINIST, of a heart attack in AMSTERDAM.
19110000—19941024    * † JOHN—LAUTNER, USA—MODERNIST architect.
19111024             * CLARENCE—M—KELLEY, FBI head.
19111024             * SONNY—TERRY, blues performer.
19111024             ROBERT—SCOTT—EXPEDITION left Cape Evans for SOUTH—POLE.
19150000—20131024    * † S—FRANCISCO—FAITH—PETRIC, folk singer, at 1—HOSPICE house.
19151024             * TITO—GOBBI, great ITALY—BARITONE (Figaro, Rigoletto, Scarpia).
19160000—20051024    * † EDWARD—ROYBAL, FORMER—USA REPRESENTATIVE—FROM—LOS—ANGELES (19620000—19920000    ), in PASADENA.
19161024             —AWARDED, Industrialist HENRY—FORD, equal pay to women.
19161024             —HELPED, Ford, lead USA—WAR—PRODUCTION with the gigantic facility at Willow Run.
19161024             —SCHLACHT—UM—VERDUN heiß umkämpfte FORT—DOUAUMONT wird von den Franzosen zurückerobert.
19171024             —SCHLACHT—VON—KARFREIT, der 12. und letzten Isonzoschlacht —WWI—IM, gehen 1. die Mittelmächte in die Offensive.
19181024             —VOM, der SEE—KRIEGS—LEITUNG—FLOTTEN—BEFEHL.sah vor, DIE—DEUTSCHE—HOCHSEE—FLOTTE trotz der —BEREITS feststehenden Kriegsniederlage DEUTSCHLANDs in 1.letzte SCHLACHT—GEGEN—DIE BRITISCHE—ROYAL—NAVY zu entsenden.
19181024             —VOM, Unmittelbarer Auslöser war der SEE—KRIEGS—LEITUNG—FLOTTEN—BEFEHL.
19181024             —VOM, Die gegen diesen Plan gerichtete Meuterei einiger Schiffsbesatzungen und
19181024             —VOM, 1—REVOLUTION, die das ganze Reich erfasste.
19181024             —INNERHALB—WENIGER—TAGE entwickelte sich zu 1—REVOLUTION, der anschließende KIELER—MATROSEN—AUFSTAND
19181024             —REPORTED, S—FRANCISCO, 14070000             new cases of influenza and 82—DEATHS for the —DAY.
19181024             —PASSED, THE—BOARD—OF—SUPERVISORS, 1—EMERGENCY—ORDNANCE requiring all persons to wear gauze masks on the streets or where 2 or more people are together —UNTIL the danger is past.
19181024             † PRIVATE—MICHAEL—WALSH, 1—IRELAND—BORN USA—SOLDIER serving in THE—ARMY—29. Division, was killed in action in FRANCE.
19181024             Die DEUTSCHE—ADMIRALITÄT erteilt den Flottenbefehl, das Auslaufen der Hochseeflotte zu 1—ENTSCHEIDUNGSSCHLACHT mit der BRITISCHEN—GRAND Fleet im Ärmelkanal vorzubereiten.
19181024             Dies führt zu vereinzelten Meutereien, —5—TAGE—SPÄTER zum Kieler Matrosenaufstand und anschließend zur Novemberrevolution.
19181024             —SCHLACHT—VON—VITTORIO—VENETO.
19181024—19181103    —AM, —SCHLACHT—VON—VITTORIO—VENETO führt zum Waffenstillstand von Villa Giusti und zur
19181024—20180000    —PRESENTED, THE—VERMONT—BASED Purple Hearts Reunited, 1—PURPLE—HEART to WALSH—RELATIVES in IRELAND.
19190000—19961024    * † Hyman Minsky, USA—ECONOMIST.
19191024             2pp.
19191024             Auf dem Gasplatz Breloh bei Munster explodieren über 1—MILLION—KAMPFGASGRANATEN, die Gesamtopferzahl ist nicht bekannt.
19200000—20151024    * † Maureen O'Hara, IRISH—BORN film star, at her home in BOISE—IDAHO.
19201024             * KARDINAL—ROBERT—COFFY—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—MARSEILLE, französischer katholischer  und
19231024             * DENISE—LEVERTOV, ENGLAND—POET.
19241024             —AWARDED, Nobel prize for physiology and medicine was, to W. Einthoven.
19261024             —PRODUCED, CHARLIE—RUSSELL, some 4,000 WORKS—OF—ART including a 12—BY—25—FOOT "Lewis and CLARK—MEETING—INDIANS at Ross' Hole," which was hung in MONTANA—CAPITOL.
19270000—20111024    * † JOHN—MCCARTHY, computer science pioneer, at his home on the Stanford campus.
19270000—20171024    * † ROBERT—GUILLAUME, USA—STAGE and TV star, at home in LOS—ANGELES.
19271024             * RENATO—DE—GRANDIS, composer.
19280000—20171024    * † Fats Domino, rock'n'roll pioneer, in NEW—ORLEANS.
19291024             * GEORGE—HENRY—CRUMB, USA—COMPOSER.
19291024             RUDY—VALLEE—FLEISCHMANN—HOUR began broadcasting on NBC radio.
19291024             Black —THURSDAY, the 1. —DAY—OF—THE—STOCK—MARKET—CRASH, began the Great Depression.
19291024             Dow Jones was down 12.8%.
19291024             —COLLAPSED, Stock values, and 13—MILLION—SHARES changed hands as small investors frantically tried to sell off their holdings.
19291024             —CONFUSED, Thousands of, investors and brokers were ruined and banks, which had also invested heavily in the market, failed —WHEN they could not produce enough cash on demand for angry depositors.
19291024             —REPORTED, THE—3—CENT BROOKLYN—DAILY—EAGLE, the crash along with 1—STORY on the trial of 1—FORMER banking superintendent for taking a $10,000 bribe for not inspecting SOME—INSOLVENT banks.
19291024             —SCHWARZER—DONNERSTAG" endet die jahrelange Hausse der NEW—YORK—BÖRSE.
19291024             —BEGINNT, Die Weltwirtschaftskrise.
19291024             VIRGINIA Woolfs feministischer Essay Ein eigenes Zimmer erscheint.
19301024             Nach 1—PUTSCH durch die Große Koalition der Unzufriedenen wird GETÚLIO—DORNELLES—VARGAS—PRÄSIDENT—VON—BRASILIEN mit diktatorischen Vollmachten.
19301024             Der bisherige WASHINGTON—LUÍS—PEREIRA—DE—SOUSA—PRÄSIDENT—VON—BRASILIEN wird festgenommen und ins Exil geschickt.
19311024             Al (Alphonse) Capone, prohibition era CHICAGO gangster, was sentenced to —11—YEARS in prison for tax evasion.
19311024             THE—GEORGE—WASHINGTON—BRIDGE, connecting NEW—YORK and NEW—JERSEY, was officially dedicated.
19311024             It opened to traffic THE—NEXT—DAY.
19311024             AL—CAPONE wird wegen Steuerhinterziehung zu 50.000—DOLLAR Strafe und —11—JAHREN Gefängnis verurteilt.
19311024             Die GEORGE—WASHINGTON—BRÜCKE zwischen NEW—YORK—CITY und NEW—JERSEY wird eröffnet.
19311024—19620000    —IN, A 2. lower deck was added.
19330000—20081024    * † Milton Katselas, acting teacher and director, in LOS—ANGELES.
19341024             —CALLED, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Mahatma or "Great Soul," resigned from Congress in INDIA.
19351024             —INVADED, ITALY, ETHIOPIA.
19381024             —BECAME, THE—FAIR—LABOR—STANDARDS—ACT, law, establishing THE—40—HOUR work —WEEK effective 19401024             .
19381024             THE—ACT forbade child labor in factories.
19391024             —RECORDED, BENNY—GOODMAN and his orchestra, their signature theme, "LET—DANCE," for COLUMBIA Records in NEW—YORK.
19391024             —DEVELOPED, Nylon stockings, made from nylon, by DuPont Chemical, were sold publicly for the 1. time, in WILMINGTON—DELAWARE.
19391024             —REQUIRED, Nazis, Jews to wear star of David.
19391024             Das erfolgreichste USA—STARRLUFTSCHIFF, der in DEUTSCHLAND gebaute ZEPPELIN—LZ—126/ZR—3—USS—LOS—ANGELES, wird außer Dienst gestellt
19401024             * F—MURRAY—ABRAHAM, actor (Amadeus, Mad Man), in PITTSBURGH, PENNSILVANIA.
19401024             THE—40—HOUR work —WEEK went into effect in THE—USA—UNDER 19380000             —THE—FAIR—LABOR—STANDARDS—ACT.
19401024             Hitler met MARSHAL—PETAIN.
19401024             Protestant churches [in GERMANY?] protested against the dismissal of Jewish civil servants.
19421024             USA—GOVERNMENT—ORDERS the seizure of Nazi GERMANY—BANKING operations in NEW—YORK City which were conducted by Prescott Bush.
19421024             Under the Trading With the Enemy Act, the government takes over Union Banking Corporation, of which Bush is 1—DIRECTOR.
19421024             The 2. —DAY—OF—BATTLE—AT—EL—ALAMEIN (EGYPT).
19431024             ANTI—NAZI Clandestine Radio Soldatsender, Calais, began transmitting.
19431024             1. Sendung ausstrahlt, DER—SOLDATENSENDER—CALAIS.
19431024             Der BRITISCHE—PROPAGANDASENDER—SOLDATENSENDER—CALAIS will mit gezielt ins Programm eingestreuten Halbwahrheiten die Meinungsbildung der DEUTSCHEN—HÖRER beeinflussen.
19440000—19421024    —ON,
19441024             The aircraft carrier USS Princeton was sunk by 1—SINGLE—JAPAN—PLANE —DURING THE—BATTLE—OF—LEYTE—GULF.
19441024             —RESCUED, Survivors were, —4—DAYS—LATER.
19441024             1—USA—AIR—RAID on JAPAN—BATTLESHIPS and cruisers in Sibuya Sea sank the 65,000 ton Musashi battleship.
19441024             The ship lost about HALF—OF—ITS 2,400 crew members.
19441024             "ACE—OF—ACES" DAVID—MCCAMPBELL (19100000—19960000    ) and 1—OTHER—FIGHTER faced 60—PLANES approaching USA—FORCES.
19441024             —MANAGED, He shot down 9 "Zekes" and with his comrade, to scatter the remaining 51—PLANES at THE—BATTLE—OF—LEYTE—GULF.
19441024             USA—SUBMARINES sank THE—JAPAN—MERCHANT ship Arisan Maru.
19441024             —CARRIED, The ship, 1,800 USA—PRISONER—OF—WARS and 1,792—OF—THEM perished.
19441024—20150000    —IN, wreckage of the ship was discovered off THE—PHILIPPINES by 1—TEAM led by Microsoft CO—FOUNDER—PAUL—ALLEN.
19451024             * THE—UNITED—NATIONS with the ratification of its charter by the 1. 29—NATIONS at 1—SAN—FRANCISCO—CONFERENCE chaired by THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—ALGER—HISS.
19451024             † Vidkun Quisling (58), NORWAY—WARTIME MINISTER—PRESIDENT, was executed by firing squad for collaboration with the Nazis.
19451024             —COMMITTED, ROBERT—LEY, Nazi, suicide.
19451024             Gruendung der Vereinten Nationen (UNO)
19451024             "Uses which are likely to be the most important are by definition those which we do not recognize —AT—PRESENT because they are farthest removed from our present sphere".
19451024             —RECEIVED, Von Neumann, immediate support from the Army, the Navy, and THE—AIR—FORCE, but the main sponsor soon became THE—USA—ATOMIC—ENERGY—COMMISSION, or AEC.
19451024             —ON he wrote to LEWIS—STRAUSS.
19451024             † Der NORWEGISCHE—NAZI—FÜHRER—VIDKUN—QUISLING, wird in der Festung Akershus durch Erschießen hingerichtet.
19451024             —GEGRÜNDET, Die VEREINTE—NATIONEN werden, indem die Charta der VEREINTE—NATIONEN in Kraft tritt.
19461024             —AM, IN—CA—105—KM Höhe; die Kamera hatten USA—WISSENSCHAFTLER 1—UMGEBAUTEN A4 mitgegeben.
19471024             * KEVIN—KLINE, actor (SOPHIE—CHOICE, Big Chill), in S—LOUIS.
19471024             —BURNED, SERIES—OF—FOREST—FIRES, $30—MILLION—OF timber in the New ENGLAND States.
19481024             † FRANZ—LEHAR, AUSTRIAN—HUNGARY—COMPOSER (Wiener Frauen), at 78.
19481024             In der PIUS—XII—PAPA—ENZYKLIKA—IN—MULTIPLICIBUS—CURIS aufruft zum Gebet für den Frieden in PALÄSTINA.
19481024             PIUS—XII—PAPA—ENZYKLIKA—IN—MULTIPLICIBUS—CURIS fordert weiter internationale Garantien für den freien Zugang zu den Heiligen Stätten in JERUSALEM.
19501024             é 1—POLÍTICO português, filho de JOSÉ—PIRES—GONÇALVES—NOVO e de MARIA—EUNICE—FARIA—SOARES, é filiado ao PCP.1
19501024             Die Freiheitsglocke im Turm des Schöneberger Rathauses, 1—NACHBILDUNG—DER—LIBERTY—BELL, wird eingeweiht.
19501024             Frankreichs Ministerpräsident RENÉ—PLEVEN unterbreitet den PLEVEN—PLAN, der 1—EUROPÄISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSGEMEINSCHAFT vorsieht.
19511024             —PREMIERED, JAN—DE—HARTOG'S "4—POSTER,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19511024             DOCTOR—ALBERT—W—BELLAMY, CHIEF—OF—RADIOLOGICAL—SERVICES for THE—CALIFORNIA—STATE—CIVIL—DEFENSE, held 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE to assure state residents that there would be no ill effects from the atomic test explosions near LAS—VEGAS.
19521024             Republican presidential candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower declared in DETROIT, "I shall go to KOREA" as he promised to end the conflict if elected.
19521024             He made the visit over —1—MONTH—LATER.
19551024             —DEVELOPED, ALFRED—REGINALD—RADCLIFFE—BROWN, the theory of structural functionalism and coadaptation.
19551024             He carried out extensive fieldwork in the Andaman Islands, AUSTRALIA, and elsewhere.
19551024             —ON the basis of this research, he contributed extensively to the anthropological ideas on kinship, and criticized LÉVI—STRAUSS—ALLIANCE—THEORY.
19551024             —PRODUCED, He also, structural analyses of myths, including on THE—BASIS—OF—THE—CONCEPT—OF binary distinctions and dialectical opposition, 1—IDEA —LATER echoed by LÉVI—STRAUSS.
19561024             —INVADED, SOVIET—TROOPS, HUNGARY and Imre Nagy became PRIME—MINISTER—OF—HUNGARY.
19561024—19050000    —SEIT, Der Streik um die Lohnfortzahlung im Krankheitsfall beginnt in SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN, der mit —114—TAGEN Dauer der längste Streik in DEUTSCHLAND werden wird.
19571024             † CHRISTIAN—DIOR, —52—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—FASHION magnate and inventor of the postwar "New Look," in ITALY.
19571024             —SUCCEEDED, CHRISTIAN—DIOR was, by his favorite assistant, YVES—SAINT—LAURENT.
19601024             Bei der Erprobung 1—MILITÄRISCHEN Interkontinentalrakete vom Typ R-16 auf dem sowjetischen Raketenzentrum Baikonur kommt es zur NEDELIN—KATASTROPHE, bei der mindestens 126—MENSCHEN ums Leben kommen.
19621024             THE—USA—BLOCKADE—OF—CUBA —DURING the missile crisis officially began under 1—PROCLAMATION signed by PRESIDENT—KENNEDY.
19631024             GRUBENUNGLÜCK—VON—LENGEDE: In 1—STOLLEN der EISENERZGRUBE—LENGEDE—BROISTEDT im niedersächsischen Lengede bei Peine werden 129—BERGLEUTE in 60—M Tiefe verschüttet.
19641010—19641024    —ON, THE—SUMMER—OLYMPICS closing ceremonies were held.
19641024             —LIBERATED, BELGIUM—PARATROOPERS, 1,000 white hostages in Stanleyville (KISANGANI—CONGO).
19641024             —GAINED, ZAMBIA (N. Rhodesia), INDEPENDENCE from BRITAIN (National —DAY).
19641024             The country had fewer than 100—UNIVERSITY graduates.
19641024             Das BRITISCHE—PROTEKTORAT—NORDRHODESIEN wird als SAMBIA unabhängig.
19641024—19910000    —UNTIL, PRESIDENT—KENNETH—KAUNDA and his National INDEPENDENCE Party ran the country.
19651024             —IM—STADION—WUPPERTAL, gewinnt SOLINGEN 98 ("Oheios") mit 15:14 in der Verlängerung gegen GRÜN—WEIß Dankersen
19651024             SOLINGEN ist DEUTSCHER—MEISTER im Feldhandball;
19681024             At the National Air and Space Administration test pilot BILL—DANA was at THE—CONTROLS—OF—THE—NORTH—USA—X 15—ROCKET—PROPELLED research aircraft —WHEN it made the 199.--and what turned out to be the final--flight of the X—15—PROGRAM.
19681024             He was flying the X-15-1, which had been the 1. of 3—AIRCRAFT to participate in 1—SERIES—OF—TESTS that spanned —1—DECADE and resulted in major advances for AMERICA—SPACE—FLIGHT—PROGRAM.
19681024             THE—COURSE—OF—THAT, research, the X-15s spent —18—HOURS flying above Mach 1, —12—HOURS—ABOVE—MACH 2, nearly —9—HOURS—ABOVE—MACH 3, almost —6—HOURS—ABOVE—MACH 4, —1—HOUR—ABOVE—MACH 5 and 1—FEW short minutes above Mach 6.
19681024             —HAILED, THE—X 15 was, by the scientific community as the most successful research aircraft of all time.
19701024             —EXCEEDED, THE—X24A lifting body, Mach 1.
19701024             THE—X 24A was THE—MARTIN—CORPORATION—SUBSONIC—TEST—VERSION—OF—THE—USA—AIR—FORCE'S preferred manned lifting body configuration.
19701024             The lifting bodies were used to demonstrate THE—ABILITY—OF—PILOTS to maneuver and safely land wingless vehicles designed to fly back to Earth from space and be landed like 1—AIRPLANE at 1 predetermined site.
19701024             Ausschlaggebend für die Zustimmung der Christdemokraten zur Wahl SALVADOR—ALLENDE ist der CIA—GESTEUERTE Mordanschlag —2—TAGE—ZUVOR, bei dem ARMEECHEF—RENÉ—SCHNEIDER tödlich verwundet worden ist.
19701024—19700904    —AM, SALVADOR—ALLENDE, Kandidat der linksgerichteten UNIDAD—POPULAR, der bei der Präsidentschaftswahl die relative MEHRHEIT—DER—STIMMEN erhalten hat, wird vom Kongress zum Präsidenten Chiles gewählt.
19721024             —UNAUTHORIZED, HENRY—KISSINGER in secret, talks in PARIS proposed to end the war in VIETNAM by this date, but was urged by PRESIDENT—NIXON to stretch the timing 1—FEW months so as to insure RE—ELECTION in Nov.
19721024             —ALLOWED, The peace agreement, NORTH—VIETNAM to keep its army in the South.
19721024             † JACKIE—ROBINSON, 1. black baseball player (BROOKLYN—DODGERS), at 53—OF—COMPLICATIONS from diabetes.
19721024—19830000    —AUTHORED, PROFESSOR—JULES—TYGIEL (19490000—20070000    ), "BASEBALL—GREAT—EXPERIMENT: JACKIE—ROBINSON and His Legacy".
19721024—19950000    —IN, 1—DRAMA was made depicting these events based on the book by WALTER—ISAACSON: "Kissinger: 1—BIOGRAPHY".
19721024—19970000    —PUBLISHED, ARNOLD—RAMPERSAD, the biography "JACKIE—ROBINSON".
19731024             —ON THE—NJ—TURNPIKE heavy fog caused collisions killing 11—PEOPLE.
19731024             JOHN—LENNON sued THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to admit FBI was tapping his phone.
19731024             —JOM—KIPPUR—KRIEG, endet Mit dem Waffenstillstand zwischen ISRAEL und ÄGYPTEN.
19731024—19731026    —PASSED, THE—UNSC, Resolution 339, serving as 1 renewed call for all parties to adhere to the cease fire terms established in Resolution 338. Organized fighting on all fronts ended.
19741024             WIEN, findet die deutschsprachige Erstaufführung des Musicals Gigi von FREDERICK—LOEWE und ALAN—JAY—LERNER statt.
19751024             ISLAND, nehmen etwa 90—PROZENT—DER—WEIBLICHEN—EINWOHNER an 1—NATIONALEN Frauenstreik teil und legen das Land lahm.
19781024             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—CARTER, the Airline Deregulation Act.
19781024             The main PURPOSE—OF—THE—ACT was to remove government control from commercial aviation and expose the passenger airline industry to market forces.
19781024             ALFRED—KAHN (19170000—20100000    ) was THE—HEAD—OF—AMERICA—CIVIL—AERONAUTICS—BOARD and the driving force behind THE—DEREGULATION—OF—AIR—TRAVEL.
19781024             —ERUPTED, MOUNT—USU, 475—MILES—NORTH—OF—TOKYO.
19781024             —KILLED, Mud flows, 2—PEOPLE and 196—HOMES were destroyed.
19801024             —INDICTED, DAVID—H—BARNETT, FORMER—CIA—AGENT, was.
19801024             He pleaded guilty to spying for THE—SOVIET—UNION 19760000—19790000    —FROM—TO—WHILE based in INDONESIA.
19801024             He admitted to exposing the identities of 30—USA—AGENTS.
19801024             —RULED, THE—USA—COURT—OF—APPEALS in SF, that THE—USA—NAVY has the right to discharge personnel for homosexual conduct.
19801024             —DEPARTED, The merchant freighter SS Poet, PHILADELPHIA bound for PORT—SAID, EGYPT, with 1—CREW—OF—34 and 1—CARGO—OF grain;
19801024             it was never heard from again.
19801024             1. GOLF—KRIEG endet die über —1—MONAT währende
19810928             —DESIGNATED, USA—PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN, 19811024             , as UNITED—NATIONS —DAY.
19831024             —REPORTED, SEE WORLD—IN—ACTION, in LOBSTER—4
19841024             —INDICTED, NEW—YORK—CITY, 11—MEMBERS—OF—COLOMBO crime family were.
19871024             —ACCEPTED, NBC technicians, 1—PACT and ended a —118—DAY—STRIKE.
19871024—19571200    —EXPELLED, The union had been, from THE—AFL—CIO, because of racketeering by its executives, including union PRESIDENT—DAVE—BECK and VICE—PRESIDENT—JAMES—R—HOFFA.
19871024—19871025    SÜDDEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG
19871024—20050000    —DISAFFILIATED, However, the Teamsters, themselves from THE—AFL—CIO.
19881024             —RECEIVED, THE—CREW—OF—THE—USS—VINCENNES, 1—EMOTIONAL homecoming in S—DIEGO, nearly —4—MONTHS—AFTER the cruiser downed 1—IRAN—JETLINER in the Persian Gulf, killing all 290—PEOPLE aboard.
19890410—20061024    —CONVICTED—OF, Lundgren was, 5—COUNTS—OF—MURDER and executed at THE—SOUTH—OHIO Correctional Facility in LUCASVILLE—OHIO.
19891024             —SENTENCED, TV evangelist JIM—BAKKER was, to —45—YEARS in prison and fined HALF—A—MILLION dollars for fleecing his flock.
19891024             [see 19891203             ,6]
19901024             Humphrey the whale swam out the Golden Gate ending a —3—DAY—VISIT to SF Bay.
19901024             The existence of Gladio, a "STAY—BEHIND" espionage operation, was acknowledged by GIULIO—ANDREOTTI, HEAD—OF—THE—ITALY—GOVERNMENT.
19901024             —SPONSORED, It was, by THE—CIA and NATO to counter communist influence —WWII—AFTER in ITALY, as well as in other European countries.
19901024             PAKISTAN, Nawaz SHARIF—9—PARTY Democratic Alliance won a 2/3—MAJORITY in the National Assembly.
19901024             UNGARN, wird die Todesstrafe vom Verfassungsgerichtshof für verfassungswidrig erklärt.
19901024—19850000    —IN, He had become famous —AFTER a —3-WEEK tour of THE—SF—BAY and SACRAMENTO River.
19911024             PRESIDENT—BUSH used 1—SPEECH in WASHINGTON to blast Congress as a "privileged CLASS—OF—RULERS".
19911024             —STIPULATED, GENE—RODENBERRY, in his will that anybody included who challenged his will would be disinherited.
19911024             —CHALLENGED, GENE—RODENBERRY—DAUGHTER—DAWN, and lost the $500,000 left to her.
19921024             —BECAME, THE—TORONTO—BLUE—JAYS, the 1. NON—USA—TEAM to win the World Series as they defeated THE—ATLANTA—BRAVES, 4-3, in game 6.
19921024             —NORMALIZED, CHINA, relations with SOUTH—KOREA.
19931024             2—GEORGE—WASHINGTON—UNIVERSITY—RESEARCHERS who had cloned NON—VIABLE—HUMAN embryos told 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE that science was still far from duplicating human beings.
19931024             —URGED, But they, ethicists to prepare for the future.
19931024             Bei den Wahlen in LIECHTENSTEIN holt sich die Vaterländische Union ihre politische Vorrangstellung von der Fortschrittlichen Bürgerpartei zurück.
19941024             —ANNOUNCED, THE—CLINTON administration, that THE—USA—BUDGET—DEFICIT had fallen to $203—BILLION in THE—JUST—COMPLETED fiscal —YEAR.
19941024             † RAUL—JULIA, —54—JAHRE—ALT, actor (Addams Family), of stroke in MANHASSET—NEW—YORK.
19941024             —INCLUDED, LAUTNER—HOUSES, Chemosphere (19600000             ) at 7776—TORREYSON Dr., LA—CALIFORNIA.
19941024             —LOCATED, His Rawlins residence is, on Balboa ISLAND in NEWPORT BEACH—CALIFORNIA.
19951024             THE—CLEVELAND—INDIANS got their 1. victory in the World Series, defeating THE—ATLANTA—BRAVES 7-to-6 in game 3.
19951024             PRESIDENT—CLINTON and CHINA—PRESIDENT—JIANG—ZEMIN met in NEW—YORK, trying to stabilize relations shaken by disputes over human rights, trade and TAIWAN.
19951024             † HERMANN—LANGBEIN, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—HISTORIKER, Schriftsteller und Widerstandskämpfer
19961024             THE—NEW—YORK Yankees took the lead in the World Series, defeating THE—ATLANTA—BRAVES 1-0 in game 5.
19961024             —RAGED, Some 200—PEOPLE, over a 25—SQ. block area where at least 17—FIRES were set.
19961024             —LAUNCHED, NORFOLK Southern, a $9.1—BILLION offer for Conrail in opposition to the friendly bid by CSX.
19961024             —PLAYED, He argued that the financial system, 1—BOG role in exaggerating the economic cycle, 1—THAT was understated by conventional theory.
19961024             —ARGUED, He also, that long PERIODS—OF—STABILITY are ultimately destabilizing.
19961024             —INCLUDED, His books, "Can "It" Happen Again?
19961024             Essays on instability and finance" (19820000             ).
19961024             —ACKNOWLEDGED, CHINA, the Foreign Ministry, that SOME—SAMPLES—OF serum albumin were contaminated with THE—AIDS—VIRUS.
19961024             Authorities said that 4,305—PEOPLE in CHINA had HIV.
19961024             —ACKNOWLEDGED, They, that the number could be as high as 100,000.
19961024             —DESTROYED, CUBA, 1—UN—REPORT said Hurricane Lili, 5,460 homes and damaged over 78,000. THE—CLINTON administration waived 1—BAN on air service and approved 1—CHARTER flight for relief aid.
19961024             † ARTHUR—AXMANN, —83—JAHRE—ALT, HEAD—OF—HITLER—YOUTH (19400000—19450000    ).
19961024             —RELAXED, POLAND—LAWMAKERS, the controversial abortion law and allowed women to terminate pregnancies —UNTIL the 12. —WEEK for financial or emotional reasons.
19961024             —AGREED, Yeltsin of RUSSIA and Kuchma of THE—UKRAINE, to divide the Black Sea Fleet.
19961024             Der spätere FREISPRUCH—DES—WEIßER—POLIZIST wird zu schweren Rassenausschreitungen und Plünderungen führen.
19961024             † ARTHUR—AXMANN, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Parteifunktionär, Reichsjugendführer
19961024—19961120    —SIGNED, The law was.
19971024             MERTINS GERHARD—PARAPOLITICS/USA 19820331             (30).
19971024             The "Green and Blue" ballet by BILL—T—JONES had its USA premiere in BERKELEY—ZELLERBACH—HALL by THE—LYON—OPERA—BALLET—OF—FRANCE.
19971024             Setting the stage for 1—UPCOMING summit, PRESIDENT—CLINTON rejected calls for 1—CONFRONTATIONAL approach to CHINA, arguing that isolating the Chinese would be "potentially dangerous".
19971024             —SPARED, ARLINGTON—VIRGINIA, FORMER—NBC sportscaster Marv Albert was, 1—JAIL—SENTENCE —AFTER 1—GRUDGING courtroom apology to the woman he'd bitten —DURING 1—SEXUAL romp.
19971024             —SCHEDULED, THE—USA—LUNAR—PROSPECTOR was, to take off and circle the moon for —1—YEAR to look for minerals, ice, and to map the surface.
19971024             —KILLED, PHILADELPHIA, 1—FIREBOMB, 1—GRANDMOTHER, her daughter and 3—CHILDREN in 1 blighted neighborhood of crack houses.
19971024             1—UN—DIRECTOR said that the Taliban of AFGHANISTAN has agreed to enforce 1—BAN on poppy production.
19971024             —OPENED, BOLIVIA, the 1. MCDONALD—RESTAURANT, in LA—PAZ.
19971024             SERBIA, Zoran Todorovic (aka "Rifle Butt"), top manager of Beopetrol and general SECRETARY—OF—THE—YUGOSLAV—UNITED—LEFT party (JUL), was shot dead.
19971024             The announcement sent gold prices to a —12—YEAR low.
19971024             / Rüstungsindustrie als Wirtschaftsfaktor: Im...
19971024             Der Eigentümer des Frachters ist GERHARD—MERTINS, Firmenchef der bei BONN ansässigen "Merex"-Firmengruppe und Vertrauensmann des bundesdeutschen...
19971024             Merex COMPANY—COVERT Action Information Bulletin 19900000             -#35 (54).
19971024             MERTINS GERHARD—BROGAN,P. Zarca,A. Deadly Business.
19971024             Lee,M. - THE—BEAST.
19971024             El traficante de Colonia Dignidad
19971024—19971023    —DROPPED, THE—USA—STOCK—MARKET—DOW Jones average, 132.36—POINTS —FOLLOWING THE—187—POINT—DROP.
19980000             Talking Points Memo: by JOSHUA—MICAH—MARSHALL 20031024             10 ... over the transom this —EVENING about THE—ARREST—OF—ABDURAHMAN—M.—ALAMOUDI on various... tied to terrorist organizations and his ties to Grover Norquist.
19981024             Officials from THE—USA, CHINA and North and SOUTH—KOREA seeking 1—PERMANENT—PEACE for the divided Korean peninsula announced in GENEVA they had removed the last obstacles to FULL—BLOWN talks.
19981024             1—NATURAL—GAS well exploded in Bryceland, LOS—ANGELES, and killed 7—WORKERS.
19981024             erklärt sich zum PIUS—XIII—PAPA—LUCIAN—PULVERMACHER, ist Oberhaupt der True Catholic Church, 1—SEDISVAKANTISTISCHEN Religionsgruppe im Norden der USA.
19981024             Von Cape Canaveral wird die Raumsonde Deep Space 1ins All geschossen.
19981024—19981025    Weekend storms struck BRITAIN and at least 11—PEOPLE were killed.
19990800—20021024    —ON, SEC INFO—SKY—WAY—AIRCRAFT—INC—SB—2/A -
19991024             THE—NEW—YORK Yankees took game 2—OF—THE—WORLD—SERIES, defeating THE—ATLANTA—BRAVES, 7-to-2.
19991024             —ANNOUNCED, Pat Buchanan and DONALD—TRUMP, that they would seek the Reform Party nomination for PRESIDENT.
19991024             SENATOR—JOHN—CHAFEE was also 1—VETERAN—OF—THE—KOREAN—WAR and served as SECRETARY—OF—THE—NAVY.
19991024             —SCHEDULED, ARGENTINA, Elections were, with BUENOS—AIRES GOVERNOR—EDUARDO—DUHALDE as the candidate for the ruling Peronists.
19991024             FERNANDO—DE—LA—RUA, —62—JAHRE—ALT—OF—THE—CENTER—LEFT Alliance led with a 48% to 38% margin.
19991024             —KILLED, CHECHNYA, RUSSIA—ARTILLERY and jet bombers, at least 27—PEOPLE —DURING 1—DAWN attack at SERZHEN—YURT.
19991024             COLOMBIA, the government began formal negotiations with the Marxist FARC guerrilla group as millions marched to demand 1—END to civil war.
19991024             —KILLED, SIERRA—LEONE, some 100—SOLDIERS were, over the weekend as the Revolutionary United Front battled former junta soldiers between MAKENI and Lunsar.
19991024             —GAINED, SWITZERLAND—PARLIAMENTARY, elections the right wing PEOPLE—PARTY, 14—SEATS in THE—200—MEMBER—LOWER—HOUSE for 1—TOTAL—OF—44.
20001024             - Permission to reprint for NON—PROFIT—ONLY is hereby granted as long as proper sourcing appears.
20001024             —STATED, Army nurse MAJOR—LORIE Brown, for 1—INTERVIEW* that "This is important so that we're better prepared...This is to work out the bugs. Hopefully it will never happen, but this way we're prepared".
20001024             "We go over scenarios that are germane to the Pentagon," says JAKE—BURRELL—OF—THE—PENTAGON—EMERGENCY—MANAGEMENT Team.
20001024             "You play the way you practice.
20001024             We want people to go back to their organizations and look at their S.O.P. (standard operating procedure) and see how they responded to ANY—OF—THE—INCIDENTS.
20001024             WSJ Promotes 20010911             Govt Conspiracy Theory
20001024             THE—OFFICIAL—VERSION—OF—20010911              Is 1—HOAX
20001024             Serpico Denounces Bush Power Grab & Phony War - MISTER—CHENEY—COVER—STORY
20001024             —BY ILARION BYKOV & JARED—ISRAEL
20001024             there was 1—MOCK terrorist incident at the Pentagon METRO stop + 1—CONSTRUCTION—ACCIDENT to name —JUST SOME—OF—THE—SCENARIOS that were practiced to better prepare local agencies for real incidents.
20001024             —SIMULATED, Photo caption: 1—PLANE—CRASH is, inside the cardboard courtyard of 1—SURPRISINGLY—REALISTIC—LOOKING model Pentagon.
20001024             —DESIGNED, This "tabletop" exercise was, to help emergency relief personnel better prepare for disasters —WHEN they occur.
20001024             JOHN—PHILLIPS, LONDON—TIMES, "You play the way you practice.
20001024             —STATED, Army nurse MAJOR—LORIE Brown, for 1—INTERVIEW* that "This is important so that we're better prepared...This is to work out the bugs.
20001024             —PREPARED, Hopefully it will never happen, but this way we're ".
20001024             —ENDED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT, —2—DAYS—OF—HISTORIC—TALKS with NORTH—KOREA—KIM—JONG—IL, with the Communist leader indicating 1—WILLINGNESS to restrain his country's LONG—RANGE—MISSILE—PROGRAM.
20001024             —SIGNED, THE—USA, 1—FREE—TRADE—DEAL with JORDAN that included labor rights and environmental standards.
20001024             —LANDED, The space shuttle Discovery, at Edwards AIR—FORCE—BASE —FOLLOWING the 100. shuttle flight and work on THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20001024             † In Chechnya 13—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS from rebel mines and attacks and 24 were wounded.
20001024             COLOMBIA, political abductions rose to 5—OVER the last —3—DAYS.
20001024             —SUSPECTED, Rebel and right wing paramilitaries were, in THE—KIDNAPPING—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—LIBERAL—PARTY—MEMBERS.
20001024             —APPROVED, ITALY, THE—PARLIAMENT, 1—LAW to end THE—200—YEAR old draft in favor of 1—ALL volunteer military.
20001024             —PLANNED, The armed forces, reductions to 190,000 from 270,000 within —7—YEARS.
20001024             —DECLARED, In THE—IVORY—COAST—GENERAL—ROBERT—GUEI, himself the winner in presidential elections and dissolved the electoral commission that showed his main opponent in the lead.
20001024             —KILLED, Protests broke out, at least 2—PEOPLE were, and 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY was declared.
20001024             Chemical • Airbus DEUTSCHLAND • AKBANK • Alcanet INTERNATIONAL DEUTSCHLAND GmbH • Alfa Bank • ALLDATA SYSTEMS • Allianz • Allied IRELAND—BANK • Alte Leipziger...
20001024—20001024    —IN—THE, - FTW Halliburton CORPORATION—BROWN and Root is 1—OF—THE—MAJOR—COMPONENTS—OF—THE—BUSH—CHENEY DRUG EMPIRE [Lead story issue of "From THE—WILDERNESS"] by MICHAEL—C—RUPPERT © Copyright 20000000             , MICHAEL—C—RUPPERT and "From THE—WILDERNESS" Publications, P.O. Box 6061-350, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413, 818-788-8791,
20001024—20001024—20261024    20070713             20010713             GENESIS—INTERMEDIA—INCORPORATED (Form: S-3, Received: 20010925080506       ) THE—SHARES—OF—COMMON—STOCK—OF—GENESIS—INTERMEDIA—INCORPORATED covered by this...
20001024—20010911    —BEFORE—EXACTLY—11—MONTHS, there was 1—MOCK terrorist incident at the Pentagon METRO stop + 1—CONSTRUCTION—ACCIDENT to name —JUST SOME—OF—THE—SCENARIOS that were practiced to better prepare local agencies for real incidents.
20001024—20261024    20070713             20001024—20001024—20261024    20070713             20001024—20261024    20070713             20010407             —LAUNCHED, The $297—MILLION—MARS Odyssey was, on a —6—MONTH, 286—MILLION—MILE—JOURNEY to the Red Planet and was expected to arrive near Mars 20011024             .
20001024—20261024    20070713             20010407             —LAUNCHED, The $297—MILLION—MARS Odyssey was, on a —6—MONTH, 286—MILLION—MILE—JOURNEY to the Red Planet and was expected to arrive near Mars 20011024             .
20010407             —LAUNCHED, The $297—MILLION—MARS Odyssey was, on a —6—MONTH, 286—MILLION—MILE—JOURNEY to the Red Planet and was expected to arrive near Mars 20011024             .
20010906—20041024    —ENDED, Stoll, his adventure on THE—SOUTH—TIP—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA.
20011022—20011024    —ACKNOWLEDGED, PRESIDENT—OBASANJO —LATER, ordering the attacks and made 1—FORMAL—APOLOGY 20030101             .
20011022—20011024    —KILLED, EAST—NIGERIA, soldiers, up to 200—CIVILIANS and caused THOUSANDS—OF—VILLAGERS to flee into the bush.
20011022—20011024    The killings were apparently in revenge for 19—SOLDIERS killed in Benue state.
20011024             HARVARD—JANITORS/10_24_wp.html">Pay for custodians and security guards at Harvard University lags behind inflation in THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20011024             Rumsfeld Said AL—QAEDA—CAN—FUNCTION—WITHOUT—BIN—LADEN.
20011024             Rumsfeld: "He could walk in here tomorrow and AL—QAEDA would go on functioning".
20011024             [CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR,
20011024             —PASSED, THE—USA—HOUSE, a $100—BILLION economic stimulus package.
20011024             —ARRANGED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, to buy 100—MILLION—CIPRO tablets from Bayer for 95—CENTS each.
20011024             The tablets were for anthrax.
20011024             USA—POSTMASTER—GENERAL—JOHN—POTTER told Americans "There are no guaranties that mail is safe".
20011024             —WARNED, USA—POSTMASTER—GENERAL—JOHN—POTTER, people to wash their hands —AFTER handling mail.
20011024             O.J. Simpson was acquitted in MIAMI of grabbing another driver's glasses and scratching the man's face in 1—ROAD—RAGE argument that the former football star insisted was started by the other guy.
20011024             —COLLAPSED, NEW—YORK—CITY, 14-story scaffolding, in 1—COURTYARD behind 215—PARK—AVE S. and at least 5—PEOPLE were killed.
20011024             1—BLIZZARD hit NORTH—DAKOTA and MINNESOTA.
20011024             THE—10—INCHES—OF—SNOW broke a 19260000             Grand Forks record.
20011024             —KILLED, The blizzard, 6—PEOPLE in the Midwest with 4—DEAD in NORTH—DAKOTA car crashes.
20011024             —ATTACKED, AFGHANISTAN, USA—JETS, frontline Taliban positions for a 4. —DAY.
20011024             —ACCUSED, THE—PENTAGON, the Taliban REGIME—OF—PLANNING to poison relief food supplies and to blame THE—USA for resulting deaths.
20011024             Some 1.500—AFGHANISTAN—LEADERS met in PAKISTAN for a —2—DAY—ASSEMBLY for Peace and National Unity in AFGHANISTAN.
20011024             —PRESIDED, Pir Sayed AHMED—GAILANI, 1—RELIGIOUS—LEADER.
20011024             —REPORTED, It was, that ABDUL—HAQ, 1—PASHTUN opposition leader, had entered SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN with some 100—MEN to open 1—ETHNIC—PASHTUN front against the Taliban.
20011024             BRITAIN began tearing down 4—MILITARY—INSTALLATIONS in NORTH—IRELAND in response to THE—IRA—DECISION to disarm.
20011024             —CALLED, Chechen leader Akhmed Zakayev, Putin envoy VIKTOR—KAZANTSEV to meet in MOSCOW for talks.
20011024             —STORMED, ISRAEL—FORCES, into Beit Rama and killed at least 5—MORE—PALESTINIANS.
20011024             11—PALESTINIANS were arrested including 2—PALESTINIANS, who allegedly helped kill 1—ISRAELI—CABINET—MINISTER.
20011024             —DETAINED, Amid Farik Rizk was, in ITALY —AFTER being found stowed away in 1—CONTAINER ship bound for CANADA.
20011024             —EQUIPPED, Rizk was, with electronic gear and had security passes for airports in CANADA, THAILAND and EGYPT.
20011024             1—NATO—SPOKESMAN said peacekeepers in Bosnia had disrupted 1—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—TERRORIST—NETWORK.
20011024             Some 10,000 Pashtun tribesmen held the hills over the highway.
20011024             —COLLIDED, SWITZERLAND, 2—TRUCKS, in the 10.6—MILE—GOTTHARD tunnel and at least 10—PEOPLE were killed.
20011024             11 were —LATER confirmed dead with 30—PEOPLE missing.
20011024             —EXPECTED, The tunnel was, to stay closed —FOR—WEEKS.
20011024             1. Raumfahrzeug mit 1—IONENANTRIEB, ASA—RAUMSONDE—MARS—ODYSSEY, erreicht den Orbit des Planeten Mars.
20011024             Durch den Zusammenstoss 2—LASTWAGEN im GOTTHARD—STRASSENTUNNEL wird 1—BRAND ausgelöst, bei dem 11—MENSCHEN sterben.
20011024             Der GOTTHARD—STRASSENTUNNEL wird danach wegen Sanierungsarbeiten —FÜR—2—MONATE geschlossen bleiben.
20011024—20011107    —ARMED, PAKISTAN, some 4,000, men blocked and held the Karakoram Highway, the main road to CHINA, and demanded that Musharraf step down.
20011024—20100000    —EXECUTED, Perry (28) was.
20011100             [S—JOSE—MERCURY—NEWS, 20021024             ]As THE—GUARDIAN put it, "If GEORGE—BUSH'S 'WAR—ON—TERROR' were remotely rational, or even roughly reasoned, then its next target might be PAKISTAN, not IRAQ. It should be said that THE—USA is not justified in PRE—EMPTIVELY and unilaterally attacking either COUNTRY—OR ANY—OTHER sovereign state for that matter. But on THE—BASIS—OF—MISTER—BUSH—OWN 'axis of evil' criteria at least, PAKISTAN sits squarely in the theoretical firing line".
20021024             THE—HUMANE—SOCIETY—OF—THE—USA (HSUS) considers COLORADO's...
20021024             - COLORADO—WAYNE—ALLARD : NGO Hero or NGO Foe?
20021024             —CONVERTED, JOHN—ALLEN—MUHAMMAD, —41—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ARMY—VETERAN who —RECENTLY, to Islam, and JOHN—LEE—MALVO, —17—JAHRE—ALT were arrested near FREDERICK—MARYLAND, in connection with the sniper shootings that left 10—DEAD and 3 wounded.
20021024             —REPORTED, It was, that over 8,000 backyard poultry had been killed in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA to stop THE—SPREAD—OF—EXOTIC—NEWCASTLE disease.
20021024             —SURFACED, The deadly avian infection last, in CALIFORNIA the 1970s —WHEN some 12—MILLION—BIRDS were destroyed.
20021024             —KILLED, THE—NUMBER—OF—CHICKENS, reached 100,000.
20021024             —KILLED, ALGERIA, attackers, 21—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SAME—FAMILY, including a —3—MONTH—OLD—BABY, in 1—MASSACRE that bore the hallmarks of Islamic extremists.
20021024             —COLLIDED, SOUTH—AUSTRALIA, 1—TRAIN and 1—SCHOOL—BUS, killing 6—PEOPLE.
20021024             BAHRAIN held its 1. legislative elections in nearly —30—YEARS.
20021024             —SHOWED, Results, 1—MIX—OF—SECULARIST and Islamic candidates winning seats, with 2—WOMEN securing places in RUN—OFF polls.
20021024             BANGUI—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, rebels loyal to the deposed army CHIEF—OF—STAFF fought members of the presidential guard and LIBYA—TROOPS for CONTROL—OF—THE—AIRPORT.
20021024             IRAQ, officials told MANY—FOREIGN—JOURNALISTS to leave due to coverage of recent protests.
20021024             KENYA, WOULD—BE carjackers shot and killed   Esterlin Abdi Arush (45), 1—SOMALIA—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST, at THE—GATE—OF—THE—HOUSE where she was staying in NAIROBI.
20021024             —DECIDED, LIBYA has, to withdraw from the Arab League, Moammar GADHAFI—GOVERNMENT announced.
20021024             —APPROVED, NIGERIA—PARLIAMENT, changes to 1—OIL—REVENUE—SHARING law that gives state governments 1—SHARE—OF—REVENUES from offshore oil and gas production.
20021024             SEC INFO—SKY—WAY—AIRCRAFT—INC—SB—2/A —ON—IN
20021024             BAHRAIN, findet der 1. WAHL—GANG für die 1. Parlamentswahlen —SEIT—FAST—30—JAHREN statt.
20021024             Damit enden die Beltway Sniper Attacks.
20021024—20021020    —ON, Muhammad began to argue his own defense.
20021024—20021031    —AM, BAHRAIN, Der 2. WAHL—GANG erfolgt.
20021024—20030000    —IN, 1—JUDGE ruled that Malvo could be tried as 1—ADULT.
20021024—20040309    —SENTENCED, JOHN—ALLEN—MUHAMMAD was, to death.
20021024—20060000    —SENTENCED, Malvo was, to life in prison for 6—MURDERS in MARYLAND.
20030000             6 arrested in protest at SENATOR—WAYNE—ALLARD—OFFICE—WITHOUT getting 1—RESPONSE were arrested —MONDAY night, authorities said.
20030000—20021024    —ON, free speech zone at COLUMBIA Metropolitan Airport.
20031024             —SERVED, JOHN—LOFTUS, as 1—PROSECUTOR with the Justice... - sci.logic | Google Groups
20031024             —MURDERED, THE—NAZI—BUSH family got rich stealing the gold filings out of, victims teeth.
20031024             History News Network BUSH—NAZI story by john buchanan (20031117             —128—PM)... JOHN—LOFTUS on Rockefeller Equity in Thyssen Firms by JOHN—WILMERDING (20031118             ...
20031024             ALLEN—DULLES, the Nazis + THE—CIA
20031024             CALIFORNIA won its 1. ANTI—SPAM judgment —WHEN 1—COURT—FINED—PW—MARKETING—OF—LOS—ANGELES—COUNTY, $2—MILLION for sending out MILLIONS—OF—UNSOLICITED—E—MAILS telling people how to spam.
20031024             —RETIRED, UK—AIRWAYS, the Concorde.
20031024             3—CONCORDES swooped into Heathrow Airport, joining in 1—SPECTACULAR finale to the era of luxury supersonic jet travel.
20031024             —RECEIVED, IRAQ—POSTWAR reconstruction, 1—BOOST as nations from JAPAN to SAUDI—ARABIA pledged $13—BILLION in new aid on top of more than $20—BILLION from THE—USA.
20031024             But the figure fell well short of the estimated $56—BILLION needed to rebuild the country.
20031024             2—USA—SOLDIERS were killed and 4 were wounded in 1—MORTAR attack on their base NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20031024             —ARRESTED, ITALY, police, 7 alleged members of the radical Red Brigades suspected of 19990000             —THE—KILLING—OF—1—LABOR—MINISTRY consultant.
20031024             —STAYED, ITALY, MILLIONS—OF—WORKERS, home to protest government plans to reform the pension system.
20031024             MEXICO, Mariano Diaz Mendez, a Pentecostal pastor of INDIA—DESCENT, was shot twice inside the car in a roadside ditch in S—JUAN—CHAMULA, a majority Catholic township —JUST outside S—CRISTOBAL.
20031024             NIGERIA—HEALTH workers began 1—EMERGENCY drive to immunize some 15—MILLION children against polio.
20031024             Some 192—CASES were currently active.
20031024             PALESTINE—MILITANTS cut through 1—FENCE and crept up on the army base inside the Netzarim settlement in GAZA.
20031024             —ENTERED, The militants, the barracks and shot soldiers as they slept, killing 3—INCLUDING 2—WOMEN, and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20031024             SOUTH—RUSSIA, 1—TEAM—OF—MINE rescue workers dug ventilation tunnels and tried to reach 46—COAL miners trapped about 1—HALF—MILE—UNDERGROUND in 1—SHAFT.
20031024             —KILLED, VENEZUELA—TROOPS and police, 7—HEAVILY armed gunmen —DURING 1—RAID on 1—DRUG trafficking ring in NORTH—EAST—VENEZUELA, officials said —FRIDAY.
20031024             —MATCHED, Tiger Woods, THE—55—YEAR—OLD—STANDARD set by BYRON—NELSON by making the cut in his 113. consecutive PGA Tour event.
20031024             Die Concorde startet zu ihrem letzten kommerziellen Flug von NEW—YORK nach LONDON.
20031024             Durch Bundestagsbeschluss verstärkt DEUTSCHLAND sein Engagement in AFGHANISTAN.
20031024—19450000    —BECAME, Se Ri Pak, the 1. woman to make THE—2—ROUND cut in 1—MEN—GOLF—TOURNAMENT —SINCE BABE—ZAHARIAS.
20031024—20030000    —IM—HERBST, Das führt zur Einrichtung von 2—AUSSENSTELLEN der Botschaft KABUL in Kundus und HERAT.
20040000             Sodepac S.A. v. - Choyang Park, ___ NEW—YORKS.3d ___, NYLJ, 20021024             , p. 26, COLONEL—ISSUE—NUMBER 32—
20040825             Issue Number 32—BY DANIEL—HOPSICKER 20041024             Â€"world exclusive 1—LEARJET belonging to the true owner of the Venice flight school that trained both terrorist pilots who flew into the World Trade Cen...Title issue32
20041021             20010911             : NORAD, FAA, Pentagon MADE It Happen by AMERICAOVERTHROWN.COM
20041021             —DURING the dates of 20041024             thru the 26. of the 20000000             —YEAR, exactly —11—MONTHS—BEFORE 911, the Pentagon Emergency Management Team conducted 1—SERIES—OF—DRILLS called MASCAL which stands for Mass Casualty Exercise.
20041021             The 2. group is from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in EUROPE + was invited by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION_net: The report is at 20041024             Pyramidenspiel im Web: 4000—MENSCHEN geschröpft, 8—MILLIONEN Euro Schaden
20041021             What does Diebold have to hide?
20041021—20000000    —YEAR, 20041024             20041021             —DURING the dates of 20041024             thru the 26. of the, exactly —11—MONTHS—BEFORE 911, the Pentagon Emergency Management Team conducted 1—SERIES—OF—DRILLS called MASCAL which stands for Mass Casualty Exercise.
20041022             ECK Worldwide Seminar / "—YEAR—OF—THE—MISSIONARY" -: "ECKANKAR, RELIGION—OF—THE—LIGHT and SOUND—OF—GOD, began its annual New —YEAR celebration with THE—ECK—WORLDWIDE—SEMINAR in MINNEAPOLIS, MN [20041022—20041024 ].
20041022             ECK Worldwide Seminar / "—YEAR—OF—THE—MISSIONARY" -: "ECKANKAR, RELIGION—OF—THE—LIGHT and SOUND—OF—GOD, began its annual New —YEAR celebration with THE—ECK—WORLDWIDE—SEMINAR in MINNEAPOLIS, MN [20041022—20041024 ]. The theme for —THIS—YEAR is: THE—'—YEAR—OF—THE—MISSIONARY.' " [E.M.]
20041024             —DRAFTED, THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, 1—MEMO dated 20040319             , authorizing THE—CIA to take prisoners out of IRAQ for interrogation, according to the report.
20041024             THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS (AP) will be the sole source of raw vote totals for the major news broadcasters on Election Night.
20041024             [ Subject: Does Bush have to wear 1—ELECTRONIC—DEFIBRILLATOR —DURING times > [ From: "RICHARD—CLARK" <cardinolo@comcast_net> > [ Date: 20041023151138        -0500 > > Does Bush have 1—KIND—OF—HEART—DISEASE that requires him to wear an > electronic defibrillator —DURING TIMES—OF—STRESS?
20041024             world exclusive 1—LEARJET belonging to the true owner of the Venice flight school that trained both terrorist pilots who flew into the World Trade Cen...Title issue32
20041024             Pyramidenspiel im Web: 4000—MENSCHEN geschröpft, 8—MILLIONEN Euro Schaden
20041024             —GEWINNT, AFGHANISTAN: Karzai, Präsidentschaftswahl
20041024             USA—WAHLKAMPF: "WASHINGTON—POST" empfiehlt Kerry
20041024             Betrunkene Insekten: Alkohol wirft auch Bienen um
20041024             Schönstes DEUTSCHES—WORT: Die Begründung der Gewinnerin
20041024             Umstrittenes Gesetz: Israels Regierung billigt GAZA—RÄUMUNGSPLAN
20041024             Wettbewerb: "Habseligkeiten" ist schönstes DEUTSCHES—WORT
20041024             JAPAN: Schweres Beben hinterlässt Tod und Zerstörung
20041024             Junge Informatiker: Die beliebtesten Arbeitgeber
20041024             Debatte: 1—BUSH, der Berge versetzt - WestLB: Der "Rote PATE" Neuber ist tot
20041024             Beschützte REICHEN—GHETTOS: Leben als Angstpartie
20041024             CARLYLE / CHENEY / HALLIBURTON LINKS—GOOGLE Search: Caspian pipeline:
20041024             —APPEARED, Rubenstein, David, on the video praising Andersen for not collecting its fees right away —WHEN Rubenstein, David 1. started Rubenstein, David company, THE—CARLYLE—GROUP.
20041024             "They carried us for quite 1—WHILE," Rubenstein said.
20041024             Can 1—KERRY—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT bring 1—RICO suit against THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY?
20041024             You know about the scurrilous tactics of the Rovians this election.
20041024             You've heard, for example, of the illegal registration drives, which threw out Democratic registration forms.
20041024             —NOW we HAVE—FAKE "election officials" collecting absentee forms from voters in FLORIDA.
20041024             —HEADED, Democratic votes -, straight for the round file.
20041024             If, in spite of these horrors, Kerry manages to pull off 1—WIN, must we continue to operate under the delusion that these assaults on our democratic rights are isolated incidents?
20041024             —OCCURRED, They've, again and again and again, all over the country.
20041024             What we face here is nothing less than 1—CRIMINAL—CONSPIRACY.
20041024             Which means that the ringleaders -- 1—GROUP which may well include ED—GILLESPIE and KARL—ROVE -- can, should and must be prosecuted under THE—RICO statutes.
20041024             Kerry, as 1—FORMER—PROSECUTOR, knows how to break 1—CONSPIRACY—WIDE—OPEN:
20041024             Grab SOME—SMALL—FISH + pressure them —UNTIL they agree to testify against THE—HIGHER—UPS.
20041024             Can AP rig the vote?
20041024             —REFUSED, However, AP spokesmen JACK—STOKES + JOHN—JONES, to explain to this JOURNALIST—HOW—THE—AP will receive that information.
20041024             —REFUSED, They, to confirm or deny that THE—AP will receive direct feed from voting machines and central vote tabulating computers across the country.
20041024             But, circumstantial evidence suggests that is exactly what will happen.
20041024             And what can be downloaded can also be uploaded.
20041024             Computer experts say that signals can travel both to and from computerized voting machines through wireless technology, modems + even simple electricity.
20041024             —WARNED, Computer scientists have long, that computer voting is 1—INVITATION to vote fraud and system failure.
20041024             1—EXAMINATION—OF—DIEBOLD election software by several computer scientists, including DOCTOR—AVI—RUBIN and his staff, proved that secret backdoors can be built into computer programs that allow votes to be easily manipulated without detection.
20041024             1—SCENARIO: "Massaged" totals fed to AP will affect the vote on the west coast by giving iffy wins to such states as FLORIDA, WISCONSIN, OHIO and MINNESOTA.
20041024             —CORRECTED, Even if the data is, as the night progresses, depressed Democratic voters in NEVADA and OREGON may not see much point in going to the polls.
20041024             This could be 1—PARTICULAR—PROBLEM in OREGON, where 1—ANTI—GAY—MARRIAGE—BALLOT—PROPOSITION will fetch 1—HEAVY—JESUS—VOTER turnout.
20041024             October Surprises and IRAN -- it's 1—TRADITION—FORMER—REAGAN—NSC aide WAYNE—MADSEN reports that his sources tell him the October Surprise will be 1—STRIKE against IRAN.
20041024             Drudge is trying to convince his readers that ANTI—BUSH—WRITERS are all bloodthirsty bastards.
20041024             I should note that all 3 (yes, I said all 3 ) of the persons named WERE—OF—THE—RIGHT;
20041024             Hinckley was THE—SON—OF—1—BUSH—FAMILY—FRIEND.
20041024             The link went TO—THIS hilarious article by CHARLIE—BROOKER.
20041024             1—FEW excerpts:
20041024             —WIRED, Quite frankly, the man's either, or mad.
20041024             If it's the former, he should be flung OUT—OF—OFFICE: tarred, feathered + kicked in the nuts.
20041024             And if it's the latter, his behaviour goes beyond strange + heads toward terrifying.
20041024             He looks like he's listening to something we can't hear.
20041024             He blinks, he mumbles, he lets 1—SENTENCE trail off, starts 1—NEW 1, then reverts back to whatever he was saying in the 1. place.
20041024             EACH—TIME he recalls 1—STATISTIC (either from memory or the voice in his head), he flashes us 1—DUMB little smile, like 1—TODDLER proudly showing off its 1. bowel movement...
20041024             And then I start hunting —AROUND THE—INTERNET, looking to see what THE—USA—MEDIA—MADE—OF—THE—WHOLE "wire" debate.
20041024             And they —JUST let it die.
20041024             —MENTIONED, They, it in passing, called it 1—WACKO conspiracy theory and moved on.
20041024             Yet whether it turns out to be true or not, right —NOW it's certainly PLAUSIBLE—EVEN if you discount the bulge photos + simply watch THE—PRESIDENT—RIDICULOUS smirking face.
20041024             If you don't ask the questions, you'll never know the truth.
20041024             The silence is all the more troubling —SINCE in the past THE—USA—NEWS—MEDIA has had no problem at all covering other wacko conspiracy theories, ones with far less evidence to support them.
20041024             That last bit works as 1—NICE jab against DOUBLE—STANDARDIZED Drudge himself.
20041024             1—SUGGESTION, MISTER—BROOKER: Never joke about assassination.
20041024             We cannot fairly castigate ANN—COULTER for this sort of remark —WHILE at the same time exempting you.
20041024             These words get near the correct answer.
20041024             —ENTERED, THE—USA—FUNDAMENTALIST has, into 1—WORLD—OF—PERFECT paranoia;
20041024             ANY—DATA which does not fit into THE—FUNDAMENTALIST—APPROVED scenario is 1 viewed as 1—LIE told by a "liberal" media commandeered by Satan himself.
20041024             —WIELDED, Outsiders cannot even begin to CONCEIVE—OF—THE—INFLUENCE, by TIM—LAHAYE and his FEAR—MONGERING comrades.
20041024             I saw much the same thing happen in the 1970s.
20041024             HAL—LINDSEY—THE—LATE—GREAT—PLANET—EARTH swept the country by storm -- but it was 1—UNDERGROUND—STORM (if you'll forgive such 1 skewed metaphor).
20041024             The thing had nationwide impact precisely because intelligent people thought it UNWORTHY—OF—RESPONSE.
20041024             1—POSTER to Democrats.com noted this startling irregularity:
20041024             151. - "DAVID—ANDERSON was another PULL employee, —2—YEARS older than Bush, and he especially liked the fact that Bush had made arrangements to take SOME—OF—THE—PULL kids such as Jimmy up for their 1. airplane ride.
20041024             "The —DAY of the ride, Bush asked his —16—YEAR—OLD—BROTHER, Marvin, to come along. 1—OF—THE—PULL kids started popping off, making noise, once they were up in the air. Bush stalled the engine for a 2. + the passengers, scared to death, grew quiet".
20041024             —REFUSED, Is this why he has >, to take 1—PHYSICAL and share the results with the public, as > all presidential candidates have done —BEFORE him? > >> >> > And we have controversy over 1—WIRE in BUSH—JACKET at the debates: > >> > We also have 1—BOX on the presidents back: > >>>>(send 1—AUTOMATIC—LETTER to reporters at > this site)
20041024             Your Next PRESIDENT—MASTURBATED in 1—COFFIN!
20041024             —EXPOSED, ParaScope 1., THE—ORDER—OF—SKULL & Bones more than —8—YEARS—AGO.
20041024             And —WHILE you may laugh at the idea that 1—SECRET—SOCIETY has members in high places who run the world, keep in mind that your next PRESIDENT will be either JOHN—KERRY or GEORGE—BUSH, both MEMBERS—OF—SKULL & Bones + both of whom refused to even discuss their shadowy connections to the group, including —WHEN directly questioned about it by TIM—RUSSERT on "Meet the Press".
20041024             If they have nothing to hide, then why refuse to discuss Skull & Bones?
20041024             1—OF—THE purported initiation RITES—OF—THE—GROUP includes masturbating in 1—COFFIN, so it's no wonder neither candidate is anxious to dish on the group's more arcane rites.
20041024             But as you'll learn IN—KRIS—MILLEGAN—EXTENSIVE exposé,
20041024             there's more going on with Skull & Bones than college pranks and pratfalls
20041024             The exclusion of the alleged PRAGUE meeting from THE—CIA briefing was —JUST 1—OF 35—DIFFERENCES between that VERSION—OF—THE—PENTAGON analysis and the version presented to Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD and THE—WHITE—HOUSE, said the Levin report.
20041024             —MAINTAINED, THE—PENTAGON has, that FEITH—OPERATION was not 1—INTELLIGENCE outfit, but 1—POLICY—SHOP + that its work was appropriate.
20041024             In 1—STATEMENT—YESTERDAY, the Pentagon said bipartisan reports have noted relationships between AL—QAIDA and IRAQ —BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks.
20041024             The statement also said 1—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE—INVESTIGATION this —SUMMER found "no evidence that administration officials tried to coerce, influence or pressure intelligence analysts to change their judgments about IRAQ—WMD capabilities or links to terrorism".
20041024             —CHALLENGED, Democrats, however, have, that finding of THE—REPUBLICAN—LED panel.
20041024             —REQUESTED, But, LEVIN—REPORT says, crucial changes, by THE—CIA were not made, including alterations to information about the credibility of 1—SOURCE who provided raw intelligence on THE—IRAQ—AL—QAIDA link.
20041024             —WEAKENED, Levin suggests the changes would have, EVIDENCE—OF—1—LINK.
20041024             The report also cites instances —WHEN the Pentagon analysts failed to fully comply with CIA requests that exaggerated claims be deleted or corrected.
20041024             —WARNED, In 1—CASE, THE—CIA, FEITH—OFFICE against using 1—CLAIM that SADDAM—REGIME knew suspected terrorist ABU—MUSA b AL—ZARQAWI had entered IRAQ, saying the assertion was "unsupported".
20041024             Rather than remove THE—LONG—DISPUTED claim, the Pentagon intelligence unit left it unchanged and "cited 1—DIFFERENT—CIA—REPORT in support of (the) assertion," LEVIN—REPORT said.
20041024             —NACH—DEM Skandal von ABU—GHUREIB, der das Bild AMERIKAS—VOR allem in der arabischen WELT—WAHRSCHEINLICH auf —JAHRZEHNTE beschädigt hat, wäre der Rücktritt des verantwortlichen Verteidigungsministers DONALD—RUMSFELD zwingend gewesen.
20041024             Aber die Inhaber von Wahrheit und Gewissheit, die —DERZEIT das Weiße Haus besetzt halten, können sich eine derartige Geste der Selbstkritik offenbar nicht LEISTEN—DASS Rumsfeld, wie es kürzlich hieß, kein 2. Mal mitregiere, ist —BISHER nichts als 1—GERÜCHT.
20041024             In einem Pantheon, das von höheren Gewissheiten zusa mmengehalten wird, führt das Herausziehen eines einzigen Steins zum Einsturz des ganzen Gebäudes.
20041024             Das Unheimliche ist, dass die einfache Formel der REPUBLIKANER—REALITÄT zählt nichts, Entschlossenheit und "Charakter" ALLES—VON einer breiten AMERIKANISCHEN—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT beklatscht wird.
20041024             Die BUSH—LEUTE beschwören einen nostalgischen Traum von AMERIKA—EINEM AMERIKA, das selbst von den Völkern, über die es herfällt, geliebt wird, einem AMERIKA, das nie einen falschen Krieg geführt und niemals, weder in VIETNAM noch im IRAK, seinen "moralischen Kompass" verloren hat und folglich das Recht hat, jeden, der AMERIKA wegen seiner Irrtümer oder gar wegen Kriegsverbrechen kritisiert, als einen Terroristenhelfer zu denunzieren.
20041024             Hinter "unserem verharmlosenden Gerede über die Wirklichkeit des IRAK—KRIEGS", glaubt der JOURNALIST—PETER—BEINHART in der "New Republic", "steht eine frappierende Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber der Welt, die wir angeblich retten wollen. Es spielt keine Rolle, dass die Iraker uns nicht als Befreier sehen, solange wir uns als Befreier sehen. Es ist völlig gleichgültig, ob die Welt ihr Vertrauen in uns verliert, solange wir Vertrauen in uns selbst haben".
20041024             "Wir sind —JETZT 1—IMPERIUM", sagte 1—BUSH—BERATER zu dem Journalisten Ron Suskind von der "NEW—YORK—TIMES", "und wir schaffen uns unsere eigene Realität. Während Sie diese von uns geschaffene Realität studieren, schaffen wir —BEREITS neue Realitäten, die Sie wiederum studieren können. Wir sind die Akteure der Geschichte + Ihnen, Ihnen allen bleibt nichts, als die Realität zu studieren, die wir geschaffen haben!"
20041024             Da sie in Sachen öffentlicher Armut, Gesundheitsversorgung, Bildungspolitik, Wohlstandswachstum, Haushaltsdefizit, Staatsverschuldung nur negative Bilanzen vorweisen können, setzen sie auf eine einzige Karte: KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERRORISMUS.
20041024             "Noch nie ist ein regierender AMERIKANISCHER—PRÄSIDENT während eines Kriegs abgelöst worden" - so der heimliche Gospel der BUSH—KAMPAGNE.
20041024             —GENANNT, Folglich muss der Kampf gegen den Terrorismus "Krieg", werden + dieser "Krieg" muss täglich beschworen werden.
20041024             "Wir sind im Krieg", dröhnt es von den republikanischen Podien, "Wir sind im Krieg", bekommt man aber auch in moderaten Gesprächskreisen in WASHINGTON zu hören, wenn jemand die fortschreitende Aufhebung von Bürgerrechten in den USA beklagt.
20041024             Wer den Begriff "Krieg" unangemessen findet, wer ein anderes Wort benutzt, steht im Verdacht, kein Patriot zu sein.
20041024             —VERKÜNDET, Also muss der Krieg, am Leben erhalten und durch ständige Appelle zu erhöhter Wachsamkeit beschworen werden.
20041024             Eine entscheidende Rolle bei diesem kulturellen Rückwärtsgang spielt der Vormarsch der so genannten EVANGELICALS—ES handelt sich um religiöse Gruppen, die die absolute Autorität der Bibel für Glauben und Leben betonen.
20041024             Nach der jüngsten GALLUP—UMFRAGE bekennen sich 42—PROZENT—DER—AMERIKANER als Evangelicals oder als "wiedergeborene Christen".
20041024             Im AMERIKANISCHEN—KONGRESS soll sich der Anteil der Evangelicals von etwa 10—PROZENT in den siebziger —JAHREN auf —HEUTE 25—PROZENT erhöht haben.
20041024             Es habe ihn erstaunt, vermerkte WILLIAM—DE—ANTONIO, Verfasser einer Studie über das Verhältnis von Politik und Religion, in wie hohem Maße das religiöse Bekenntnis die ideologische Kluft zwischen Demokraten und Republikanern präge.
20041024             Die große —MITTE der Wählerschaft sei in wichtigen Fragen im Kongress gar nicht mehr repräsentiert.
20041024             So würden die meisten Amerikaner quer durch die Parteien 1—ABTREIBUNG unter bestimmten BEDINGUNGEN—LEBENSGEFAHR für die Mutter, Vergewaltigung, Deformierung des FÖTUS—BEFÜRWORTEN.
20041024             Im Kongress dagegen seien nur noch DAS—DEMOKRATISCHEN Wählern oft zu LIBERALE—PRO der Demokraten und das strikte, von den Evangelicals getragene Contra der Republikaner vertreten.
20041024             Kein Kandidat kann —HEUTE PRÄSIDENT—DER—VEREINIGTEN—STAATEN werden, wenn er nicht im Wahlkampf über sein Verhältnis zu Gott Auskunft gegeben hat.
20041024             Beide, der Katholik Kerry wie auch der "wiedergeborene Christ" Bush haben dies, wenn auch nicht mit derselben Inbrunst, getan.
20041024             Gefragt, ob er hin und wieder seinen Vater um Rat ersuche, sagte Bush, er rede viel mit dem "höheren Vater".
20041024             Das konservative Lager in den USA hat SICH—WIE in DEUTSCHLAND—ERST VIELE—JAHRE später davon erholt, dass es die Meinungsführerschaft an die 68er verloren hatte.
20041024             In den USA hat es —ERST mit dem Wahlsieg RONALD—REAGANS die Initiative zurückgewonnen.
20041024             VIELE—FREIRÄUME, die die Protestgeneration erstritten hatte, sind seither von den ROLLBACK—STRATEGEN der Republikaner zurückerobert oder eingeebnet worden.
20041024             Der vielleicht wichtigste Erfolg der Republikaner dabei ist die stille EROBERUNG—VON—SCHLÜSSELSTELLUNGEN in Nachrichtensendern und der gezielte Aufbau lokaler RADIO—UND TV—STATIONEN.
20041024             In den neunziger —JAHREN, —IN—DEN—JAHREN der Regierung BILL—CLINTON, entwickelte die von Newt Gingrich angeführte "moral majority" den ungebremsten und ressentimentgeladenen Hass auf das liberale AMERIKA, der auch diesen Wahlkampf bestimmt.
20041024             "Es ist verrückt", erklärt mir ein hoher demokratischer Beamter vom Heimatschutzministerium, "inzwischen bin ich 60, aber —JETZT kämpfen wir alle, vermeintlich längst erledigten Kämpfe von 68—NOCH EINMAL—UM Waffenkontrolle, um die Rechte der Schwulen und der Lesben, um das Recht auf Abtreibung, um die Ächtung der Folter und der Todesstrafe, um das Recht, nicht zu beten und —AM—SONNTAG nicht in die Kirche zu gehen!"
20041024             VIELE—AMERIKANER haben den damaligen Machtantritt als einen Putsch in Erinnerung.
20041024             JIMMY—CARTER hat kürzlich in einem dramatischen Appell in der "WASHINGTON—POST" gewarnt, die Probleme bei der Stimmenauszählung in FLORIDA würden sich "wahrscheinlich" wiederholen, weil die führenden Beamten aus Parteilichkeit dringend notwendige Reformen verhinderten.
20041024             —SCHON sei, wie —BEREITS in der Wahl 20000000             , der Versuch gemacht worden, Tausenden AFRO—AMERIKANISCHEN—VORBESTRAFTEN—DEREN Stimmen in der Regel den Demokraten zugute KOMMEN—DAS Stimmrecht vorzuenthalten.
20041024             hinzu kommen weitere Millionen, die ihr Wahlrecht nicht wahrnehmen, weil sie glauben, ausgeschlossen zu sein.
20041024             Die Wahlergebnisse werden Sieg und Niederlage in einem kulturellen Bürgerkrieg anzeigen, der mit der Bürgerrechtsbewegung und den VIETNAM—PROTESTEN offen ausbrach und seither unter der Oberfläche brodelt.
20041024             1—INDIZ für diese Zuspitzung sind die Gartenpartys an den warmen Herbstabenden in WASHINGTON.
20041024             In den CLINTON—JAHREN, aber auch noch vor der Wahl 20000000             traf man selbstverständlich bei einer Abendgesellschaft Gäste aus beiden Lagern.
20041024             Der Gastgeber der jüngsten Party, zu der ich eingeladen war, antwortete auf meine Frage: Natürlich habe er den einen oder anderen republikanischen Freund, aber er würde ihn —ZURZEIT lieber nicht zu einer Party EINLADEN—ER könne für den guten Ausgang nicht garantieren.
20041024             VIELE—IN—WASHINGTON reden von einer "globalen Wahl".
20041024             1—NIGERIANER sagte mir: "Es macht mich wahnsinnig, dass man nur zuschauen kann. Dabei ist diese Wahl für uns in AFRIKA—GENAU wie für euch in DEUTSCHLAND—VIEL wichtiger als die nächste Wahl zu Hause".
20041024             Das Seltsame ist, dass es der Mehrzahl der Amerikaner nicht viel anders geht als den Nigerianern oder Deutschen.
20041024             Denn die Wähler in den meisten Staaten, die —BEREITS fest in republikanischer oder demokratischer Hand SIND—STAATEN wie MASSACHUSETTS oder TEXAS—KÖNNEN zum Wahlausgang nicht mehr viel beitragen.
20041024             Die loyalen Wähler beider Parteien werden für ihre Loyalität dadurch "belohnt", dass sich niemand mehr um sie bemüht.
20041024             So blicken denn die Wähler von den KÜSTENSTAATEN—EBENSO wie die anders festgelegten Wähler aus den FLÄCHENSTAATEN—ERBITTERT auf die 10—SO genannten swing states, in denen 1—MINORITÄT—VON "Unentschlossenen" —IN—LETZTER—MINUTE über den Wahlausgang entscheidet.
20041024             Man muss, wenn man die Frontlinien in diesem kulturellen Bürgerkrieg nachzeichnen will, weit zurückgehen.
20041024             Nicht von ungefähr spielt die Frage, was beide PROTAGONISTEN—DER PRÄSIDENT—UND—DER—HERAUSFORDERER—IN —DEN—JAHREN des VIETNAM—KRIEGS taten, im Wahlkampf eine herausragende Rolle.
20041024             BUSH, und Kerry stehen sich 2—FAST gleichaltrige Vertreter der VIETNAM—KRIEGS—GENERATION gegenüber.
20041024             Beide YALE—STUDENTEN, beide Mitglieder ein und desselben elitären Clubs, beide Söhne aus hoch privilegierten Familien.
20041024             Dennoch verläuft ihre Geschichte denkbar unterschiedlich.
20041024             Der eine, Sohn eines späteren Präsidenten der USA, kann den VIETNAM—KRIEG dank der Beziehungen seines Vaters schwänzen: Er rückt auf der Warteliste der Kandidaten für die Nationalgarde um ein paar 100—PLÄTZE nach vorn.
20041024             Der andere, der sich ebenfalls hätte drücken können, meldet sich freiwillig zum Kriegsdienst, kommandiert "swift boats", wird mehrfach verwundet + als Kriegsheld ausgezeichnet.
20041024             auf der Erfindung eines CIA—MITARBEITERS beruhte.
20041024             Angeblich sollten die potenziellen Attentäter sogar —SCHON im Lande gewesen sein.
20041024             Zudem drängte das Pentagon nach Informationen des SPIEGEL vehement darauf,
20041024             Proper Names + NameBase in : <A">dass sich im Ausland stationierten USA—SOLDATEN in die Wahllisten aufnehmen ließen</A>.
20041024             DEUTSCHLAND, stationierten USA—SOLDATEN wurden spezielle Websites zur einfacheren Registrierung zur Verfügung gestellt.
20041024             Die Websites für die allgemeine Registrierung im Ausland lebender USA—BÜRGER waren dagegen über einen längeren Zeitpunkt blockiert.
20041024             Das Unternehmen Sproul & Associates gab seinen Wahlwerbern die Anweisung, nur Republikaner zu registrieren, erklärten ehemalige Mitarbeiter.
20041024             1—AUGENZEUGE sagte der Nachrichtenagentur AP, er habe gesehen, wie 1—ABTEILUNGSLEITER mehrere Registrierungskarten zerriss, die von Demokraten ausgefüllt worden waren.
20041024             Allein im STAAT—OREGON seien 3—ENTSPRECHENDE Beschwerden eingegangen, sagte der Leiter der örtlichen Wahlbehörde, BILL—BRADBURY.
20041024             Abgeordnete in PENNSYLVANIA beauftragten die Staatsanwaltschaft ebenfalls mit Ermittlungen.
20041024             Firmeninhaber NATHAN—SPROUL, der FRÜHERE—PARTEIVORSITZENDE—DER—REPUBLIKANER in ARIZONA, wies die Vorwürfe als "Erfindung der Demokraten" zurück.
20041024             1—BUSH s Republikanischer Partei nahe stehende Beratungsfirma soll Registrierungskarten von mutmaßlichen Wählern der Demokraten vernichtet haben.
20041024             Außerdem sollen die Angestellten angewiesen worden sein, möglichst nur konservative Wähler zu registrieren.
20041024             Der Herausforderer verspreche entschlossenes Handeln, kontrolliert dirch Aufgeschlossenheit und Klugheit, hieß es in der Sonntagsausgabe der "WASHINGTON—POST".
20041024             Diese Eigenschaften machten ihn zu einem besseren Kandidaten als Amtsinhaber GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20041024             Bislang haben in den USA 66—ZEITUNGEN 1—EMPFEHLUNG für Kerry abgegeben, darunter auch die "NEW—YORK—TIMES".
20041024             —DISCOVERED, The official also said no concrete plot has been, so far with specific MENTION—OF—TIME, place, method or identity of WOULD—BE attackers.
20041024             JAMES—CARAFANO, 1—HOMELAND—SECURITY—EXPERT with the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation, said there's little doubt that AL—QAIDA wants to send 1—MESSAGE with 1—ATTACK.
20041024             it would be more prestigious, the capability to do something —BEFORE the election + really undermine the confidence of THE—USA,'' he said.
20041024             Why we target Google - Clusty: more powerful than Google
20041024             Clues Reinforce ELECTION—TERROR Concerns - Report on CIA Action Concerns Senators
20041024             —SUNDAY 20041024             —346—PM
20041024             —EXPRESSED, WASHINGTON (AP) - Leading senators, concern —SUNDAY about 1—REPORT that THE—CIA has secretly moved as many as 12 unidentified prisoners out of IRAQ in the past —6—MONTHS, 1—POSSIBLE—VIOLATION—OF—INTERNATIONAL—TREATIES.
20041024             SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN said interrogations can help extract crucial information from detainees on plans for attacks against Americans.
20041024             But INTERNATIONAL law, including THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS, must be followed, he said.
20041024             ``These conventions and these rules are in place for 1—REASON because you get on 1—SLIPPERY slope and you don't know where to get off,'' McCain, R—ARIZONA, told ABC's ``—THIS—WEEK.''
20041024             ``The thing that separates us from the enemy is our respect for human rights,'' he said.
20041024             —CALLED, SENATOR—JOSEPH—BIDEN, D—DELAWARE, for new leadership at the Justice Department.
20041024             —REMOVED, The detainees were, without notification to THE—INTERNATIONAL—RED—CROSS, congressional oversight committees, the Defense DEPARTMENT—OR—CIA—INVESTIGATORS, THE—WASHINGTON—POST said in —SUNDAY editions, citing unidentified government officials.
20041024             Iraqis can be taken OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY for a ``brief but not indefinite period,'' and that ``illegal aliens'' can be removed permanently under ``local immigration law,'' the newspaper quoted the memo as saying.
20041024             The transfers could violate THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS, which do not allow ``individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory.''
20041024             WHITE—HOUSE—SPOKESMAN—SEAN—MCCORMICK said THE—USA—POLICY is to comply with THE—INTERNATIONAL—TREATY, which protects civilians —DURING war and occupation.
20041024             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION did not consider AL—QAIDA fighters in AFGHANISTAN to be ``protected persons'' under THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS.
20041024             Many were sent to GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, for interrogation.
20041024             BUSH—KERRY Election May End in Landslide - Edwards: I—WON'T Raise Retirement Age
20041024             Faults Found in USA—ELECTION Preparedness
20041024             the Palm Beach Post reported: "1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ON—MONDAY rejected USA—REPRESENTATIVE—ROBERT—WEXLER—CLAIM that paperless electronic voting violates the constitutional rights of Floridians...".
20041024             Bush GW Bush Went AWOL—GEORGE W Bush -- not a crackhead!...
20041024             Halliburton ? It is 1—LOT—LIKE the Enron Case, except USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY is involved...World /.
20041024             But Halliburton is not Enron ;. - CARLYLE—CHENEY—HALLIBURTON—LINKS
20041024             NON—AMERICANS dread BUSH—BY ERIC—MARGOLIS
20041024             "DAVID—ANDERSON was another PULL employee, —2—YEARS older than BUSH, and he especially liked the fact that BUSH had made arrangements to take SOME—OF—THE—PULL kids such as Jimmy up for their 1. airplane ride.
20041024             "Es ist verrückt", erklärt mir ein hoher demokratischer Beamter vom Heimatschutzministerium,
20041024             "I think they're probably less concerned with affecting THE—OUTCOME—OF—THE—ELECTION, whether BUSH or Kerry wins, but
20041024             "The —DAY of the ride, BUSH asked his —16—YEAR—OLD—BROTHER, Marvin, to come along.
20041024             1—OF—THE—PULL kids started popping off,
20041024             "Wir sind im Krieg", dröhnt es von den republikanischen Podien, "Wir sind im Krieg", bekommt man aber auch in moderaten Gesprächskreisen in WASHINGTON zu hören,
20041024             "Wir sind —JETZT 1—IMPERIUM", sagte 1—BUSH—BERATER zu dem Journalisten Ron Suskind von der "NEW—YORK—TIMES",
20041024             "inzwischen bin ich 60, aber —JETZT kämpfen wir alle, vermeintlich längst erledigten Kämpfe von 68—NOCH EINMAL—UM Waffenkontrolle,
20041024             "steht eine frappierende Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber der Welt, die wir angeblich retten wollen.
20041024             "und wir schaffen uns unsere eigene Realität. Während Sie diese von uns geschaffene Realität studieren,
20041024             (send 1—AUTOMATIC—LETTER to reporters at > this site)
20041024             > > And we have controversy over 1—WIRE in BUSH—JACKET at the debates:
20041024             > > We also have a box on the presidents back:
20041024             Aber die Inhaber von Wahrheit und Gewissheit, die —DERZEIT das Weiße Haus besetzt halten, können sich eine derartige Geste der Selbstkritik offenbar nicht LEISTEN—DASS Rumsfeld,
20041024             Allerdings hat sich das andere AMERIKA noch nie so radikal in Szene gesetzt wie —SEIT dem Regierungswechsel —J—IME 20000000             .
20041024             1—EXAMINATION—OF—DIEBOLD election software by several computer scientists, including DOCTOR—AVI—RUBIN and his staff,
20041024             Aside from that ILL—CONSIDERED jest in the final paragraph, yours was 1—TERRIFIC—ARTICLE 1—OF—THE—BEST to come out of the "promptergate" controversy.
20041024             BUSH hatte gemeinsam mit den Chefs des Geheimdienstes CIA und der Bundespolizei FBI am 15. ;;09;;
20041024             davor gewarnt, BILL—BRADBURY—ABGEORDNETE in PENNSYLVANIA beauftragten die Staatsanwaltschaft ebenfalls mit Ermittlungen.
20041024             Can AP rig the vote? This article,
20041024             Computer experts say that signals can travel both to and from computerized voting machines through wireless technology,
20041024             Das Unternehmen Sproul & Associates gab seinen Wahlwerbern die Anweisung, nur Republikaner zu registrieren,
20041024             Das andere AMERIKA, das GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH vertritt, hat es immer gegeben + es wurde —SEIT je von EUROPA gern übersehen.
20041024             Das in ARIZONA ansässige Unternehmen wurde —SEIT ;;07;;
20041024             vom REPUBLICAN National Committee (RNC) mit fast einer halben Million Dollar unterstützt.
20041024             Das konservative Lager in den USA hat SICH—WIE in DEUTSCHLAND—ERST VIELE—JAHRE später davon erholt,
20041024             Der eine, Sohn eines späteren Präsidenten der USA,
20041024             Der Gastgeber der jüngsten Party, zu der ich eingeladen war, antwortete auf meine Frage: Natürlich habe er den einen oder anderen republikanischen Freund,
20041024             Der Herausforderer verspreche entschlossenes Handeln, kontrolliert dirch Aufgeschlossenheit und Klugheit,
20041024             Der andere, der sich ebenfalls hätte drücken können, meldet sich freiwillig zum Kriegsdienst,
20041024             Die BUSH—LEUTE beschwören einen nostalgischen Traum von AMERIKA—EINEM AMERIKA, das selbst von den Völkern,
20041024             Die letzte Wahl wurde mit 537—STIMMEN in FLORIDA für BUSH entschieden.
20041024             JIMMY—CARTER hat kürzlich in einem dramatischen Appell in der "WASHINGTON—POST" gewarnt,
20041024             Diesmal stehen sich nicht nur 2—PARTEIEN gegenüber, sondern 2—UNTERSCHIEDLICHE ANSICHTEN—VON—DER—WELT,
20041024             EACH—TIME he recalls 1—STATISTIC (either from memory or the voice in his head), he flashes us 1—DUMB little smile,
20041024             Eine entscheidende Rolle bei diesem kulturellen Rückwärtsgang spielt der Vormarsch der so genannten EVANGELICALS—ES handelt sich um religiöse Gruppen,
20041024             Einstweilen spielen die Strategen von BUSH s Wahlkampagne ein gewagtes Spiel.
20041024             Da sie in Sachen öffentlicher Armut,
20041024             Es habe ihn erstaunt, vermerkte WILLIAM—DE—ANTONIO, Verfasser einer Studie über das Verhältnis von Politik und Religion,
20041024             Es ist völlig gleichgültig, ob die Welt ihr Vertrauen in uns verliert, solange wir Vertrauen in uns selbst haben".
20041024             Es passt zu BUSH s bunkerhaftem, verschlossenem Regierungsstil, dass er —BISHER niemanden aus der verschworenen Gemeinschaft der Realitätserschaffer im Weißen Haus fallen gelassen hat.
20041024             Es spielt keine Rolle, dass die Iraker uns nicht als Befreier sehen, solange wir uns als Befreier sehen.
20041024             Etwa 4,7—MILLIONEN AMERIKANISCHE—BÜRGER sind, oft wegen geringfügiger Vergehen, vom Wahlrecht ausgeschlossen;
20041024             hinzu kommen weitere Millionen,
20041024             Gesundheitsversorgung, Bildungspolitik, Wohlstandswachstum, Haushaltsdefizit, Staatsverschuldung nur negative Bilanzen vorweisen können,
20041024             Google Search: Caspian pipeline:
20041024             Here is 1—REMARKABLE—PASSAGE from BILL—MINUTAGLIO—1.—SON, GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH and THE—BUSH—FAMILY—DYNASTY, Random House, NY, 19990000             Pg.
20041024             151. - Hinter "unserem verharmlosenden Gerede über die Wirklichkeit des IRAK—KRIEGS", glaubt der JOURNALIST—PETER—BEINHART in der "New Republic",
20041024             —GESTELLT, Hinter BUSH haben sich bislang 57—ZEITUNGEN.
20041024             If BUSH wins, he'll have LaHaye to thank.
20041024             Ihnen allen bleibt nichts, als die Realität zu studieren, die wir geschaffen haben!"
20041024             —REFUSED, Is this why he has >, to take 1—PHYSICAL and share the results with the public, as > all PRESIDENT—CANDIDATES have done —BEFORE him?
20041024             JAMES—CARAFANO, 1—HOMELAND—SECURITY—EXPERT with the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation,
20041024             —NACH—DEM Skandal von ABU—GHUREIB, der das Bild AMERIKAS—VOR allem in der arabischen WELT—WAHRSCHEINLICH auf —JAHRZEHNTE beschädigt hat,
20041024             —NOW we have fake "election officials"
20041024             Odd, isn't it? THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT —JUST said that it endorses BUSH over Kerry !
20041024             1—SCENARIO: "Massaged" totals fed to AP will affect the vote on the west coast by giving iffy wins to such states as FLORIDA,
20041024             And —WHILE you may laugh at the idea that 1—SECRET—SOCIETY has members in high places who run the world,
20041024             Peinlich für BUSH dürfte auch 1—BERICHT—DER "WASHINGTON—POST" sein, dem zufolge die dramatische Warnung vor einen Terroranschlag kurz vor der Wahl am 2. ;;11;;
20041024             —WIRED, Perhaps he isn't. Perhaps he's —JUST gone gaga.
20041024             So blicken denn die Wähler von den KÜSTENSTAATEN—EBENSO wie die anders festgelegten Wähler aus den FLÄCHENSTAATEN—ERBITTERT auf die 10—SO genannten swing states,
20041024             So ist es bei der Registrierung von Wählern in den USA offenbar zu massiven Unregelmäßigkeiten
20041024             So würden die meisten Amerikaner quer durch die Parteien 1—ABTREIBUNG unter bestimmten BEDINGUNGEN—LEBENSGEFAHR für die Mutter,
20041024             —REMOVED, The detainees were, without notification to THE—INTERNATIONAL—RED—CROSS, congressional oversight committees,
20041024             The link went to this hilarious article
20041024             The silence is all the more troubling —SINCE in the past THE—USA—NEWS—MEDIA has had no problem at all covering other wacko conspiracy theories,
20041024             The statement also said 1—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE—INVESTIGATION this —SUMMER found "no evidence that ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS tried to coerce,
20041024             The transfers could violate THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS, which do not allow "individual or mass forcible transfers,
20041024             USA—WAHLKAMPF: Pleitenserie für BUSH
20041024             Umfragen zufolge stehen 69—PROZENT—DER—TRUPPENMITGLIEDER—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH positiv gegenüber.
20041024             Vergewaltigung, Deformierung des FÖTUS—BEFÜRWORTEN.
20041024             Im Kongress dagegen seien nur noch DAS—DEMOKRATISCHEN Wählern oft zu LIBERALE—PRO der Demokraten und das strikte,
20041024             1—NIGERIANER sagte mir: "Es macht mich wahnsinnig,
20041024             WASHINGTON—KURZ vor der USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHL am 2. ;;11;;
20041024             stellt sich eine weitere große USA—ZEITUNG hinter JOHN—KERRY.
20041024             Wer einen einzigen Zweifel zulässt, gibt —BEREITS das Ganze preis.
20041024             Which means that the ringleaders -- 1—GROUP which may well include ED—GILLESPIE and KARL—ROVE -- can,
20041024             WISCONSIN, OHIO and MINNESOTA.
20041024             [ Subject: Does BUSH have to wear 1—ELECTRONIC—DEFIBRILLATOR —DURING times > [ From: "RICHARD—CLARK" > [ Date:
20041024             aber er würde ihn —ZURZEIT lieber nicht zu einer Party EINLADEN—ER könne für den guten Ausgang nicht garantieren.
20041024             —AM Leben erhalten und durch ständige Appelle zu erhöhter Wachsamkeit beschworen werden.
20041024             as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory.''
20041024             —BEFORE the memo could be distributed widely to the Senate armed services panel.
20041024             —BY CHARLIE—BROOKER. 1—FEW excerpts:
20041024             —BY FORMER—BBC writer Lynn Landes, alleges that Associated Press has unprecedented authority over the election night vote totals:
20041024             collecting absentee forms from voters in FLORIDA.
20041024             Democratic VOTES—HEADED straight for the round file.
20041024             dass Terroristen einen verheerenden Anschlag planten, um den Ausgang der Wahl zu beeinflussen.
20041024             dass es die Meinungsführerschaft an die 68er verloren hatte.
20041024             dass man nur zuschauen kann.
20041024             Dabei ist diese Wahl für uns in AFRIKA—GENAU wie für euch in DEUTSCHLAND—VIEL wichtiger als die nächste Wahl zu Hause".
20041024             der mit der Bürgerrechtsbewegung und den VIETNAM—PROTESTEN offen ausbrach und seither unter der Oberfläche brodelt.
20041024             die Probleme bei der Stimmenauszählung in FLORIDA würden sich "wahrscheinlich" wiederholen,
20041024             die die absolute Autorität der Bibel für Glauben und Leben betonen.
20041024             die ihr Wahlrecht nicht wahrnehmen, weil sie glauben, ausgeschlossen zu sein.
20041024             erklärten ehemalige Mitarbeiter.
20041024             1—AUGENZEUGE sagte der Nachrichtenagentur AP, er habe gesehen,
20041024             für die amtliche Bestätigung des Wahlergebnisses zuständige Staatssekretärin Glenda Hood sei ebenso wie ihre Vorgängerin Katherine Harris eine treue Gefolgsfrau des Gouverneurs Jeb BUSH.
20041024             gekommen.
20041024             getan.
20041024             Nach eigenem Eingeständnis hat BUSH in der schweren —STUNDE der —ENTSCHEIDUNG vor dem Angriff gegen den IRAK das Zwiegespräch mit Gott GESUCHT—UND offensichtlich Rat erhalten.
20041024             hieß es in der Sonntagsausgabe der "WASHINGTON—POST".
20041024             in denen 1—MINORITÄT—VON "Unentschlossenen" —IN—LETZTER—MINUTE über den Wahlausgang entscheidet.
20041024             in wie hohem Maße das religiöse Bekenntnis die ideologische Kluft zwischen Demokraten und Republikanern präge.
20041024             including —WHEN directly questioned about it by TIM—RUSSERT on "Meet the Press".
20041024             If they have nothing to hide,
20041024             influence or pressure intelligence analysts to change their judgments about IRAQ—WMD capabilities or links to terrorism".
20041024             jeden, der AMERIKA wegen seiner Irrtümer oder gar wegen Kriegsverbrechen kritisiert, als einen Terroristenhelfer zu denunzieren.
20041024             kann den VIETNAM—KRIEG dank der Beziehungen seines Vaters schwänzen: Er rückt auf der Warteliste der Kandidaten für die Nationalgarde um ein paar 100—PLÄTZE nach vorn.
20041024             keep in mind that your next PRESIDENT will be either JOHN—KERRY or GEORGE—BUSH, both MEMBERS—OF—SKULL & Bones + both of whom refused to even discuss their shadowy connections to the group,
20041024             kommandiert "swift boats", wird mehrfach verwundet + als Kriegsheld ausgezeichnet.
20041024             like 1—TODDLER proudly showing off its 1. bowel movement...
20041024             making noise, once they were up in the air.
20041024             —STALLED, BUSH, the engine for a 2. + the passengers, scared to death, grew quiet".
20041024             modems + even simple electricity.
20041024             ones with far less evidence to support them.
20041024             proved that secret backdoors can be built into computer programs that allow votes to be easily manipulated without detection.
20041024             said there's little doubt that AL—QAIDA wants to send 1—MESSAGE with 1—ATTACK.
20041024             schaffen wir —BEREITS neue Realitäten, die Sie wiederum studieren können.
20041024             Wir sind die Akteure der Geschichte + Ihnen,
20041024             setzen sie auf eine einzige Karte: KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERRORISMUS.
20041024             should and must be prosecuted under THE—RICO statutes.
20041024             so it's no wonder neither candidate is anxious to dish on the group's more arcane rites.
20041024             the Defense DEPARTMENT—OR—CIA—INVESTIGATORS, THE—WASHINGTON—POST said in —SUNDAY editions, citing unidentified government officials.
20041024             then why refuse to discuss Skull & Bones?
20041024             1—OF—THE purported initiation RITES—OF—THE—GROUP includes masturbating in 1—COFFIN,
20041024             um das Recht, nicht zu beten und —AM—SONNTAG nicht in die Kirche zu gehen!"
20041024             um die Rechte der Schwulen und der Lesben, um das Recht auf Abtreibung, um die Ächtung der Folter und der Todesstrafe,
20041024             von den Evangelicals getragene Contra der Republikaner vertreten.
20041024             weder in VIETNAM noch im IRAK, seinen "moralischen Kompass" verloren hat und folglich das Recht hat,
20041024             weil die führenden Beamten aus Parteilichkeit dringend notwendige Reformen verhinderten.
20041024             Die neue, wenn jemand die fortschreitende Aufhebung von Bürgerrechten in den USA beklagt.
20041024             Wer den Begriff "Krieg" unangemessen findet,
20041024             wer ein anderes Wort benutzt, steht im Verdacht, kein Patriot zu sein.
20041024             —VERKÜNDET, Also muss der Krieg,
20041024             which protects civilians —DURING war and occupation.
20041024             wie 1—ABTEILUNGSLEITER mehrere Registrierungskarten zerriss, die von Demokraten ausgefüllt worden waren.
20041024             wie es kürzlich hieß, kein 2. Mal mitregiere, ist —BISHER nichts als 1—GERÜCHT.
20041024             In einem Pantheon,
20041024             wäre der Rücktritt des verantwortlichen Verteidigungsministers DONALD—RUMSFELD zwingend gewesen.
20041024             2—KULTUREN, 2—LEBENSEINSTELLUNGEN.
20041024             Die Wahlergebnisse werden Sieg und Niederlage in einem kulturellen Bürgerkrieg anzeigen,
20041024             über die es herfällt, geliebt wird, einem AMERIKA, das nie einen falschen Krieg geführt und niemals,
20041024             —OCTOBER—SUPRISES and IRAN -- it's 1—TRADITION—FORMER—REAGAN—NSC aide WAYNE—MADSEN reports that his sources tell him the ;;10;;
20041024             Surprise will be 1—STRIKE against IRAN.
20041024             THE—BOSTON—RED—SOX beat THE—S—LOUIS—CARDINALS 6-2 for a 2—0—WORLD—SERIES—LEAD.
20041024             ARIZONA—EMMITT—SMITH broke WALTER—PAYTON—NFL record for 100-yard games rushing with his 78.
20041024             1—PLANE owned by Hendrick Motorsports crashed in thick fog en route to 1—NASCAR race in MARTINSVILLE—VIRGINIA, killing all 10—PEOPLE aboard, including the son, brother and 2—NIECES—OF—OWNER—RICK—HENDRICK.
20041024             1—FIRE in TOLEDO—OHIO, killed 7—CHILDREN.
20041024             1—MEDICAL—AIR—AMBULANCE returning to ALBUQUERQUE crashed near S—DIEGO.
20041024             —KILLED, All 5—PEOPLE aboard were.
20041024             † Cardinal JAMES—A—HICKEY, —84—JAHRE—ALT, former archbishop of WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20041024             —LAUNCHED, BRAZIL, its 1. rocket into space.
20041024             CHINA, the Golden Resources Shopping Mall, the largest in the world, opened in the Haidan DISTRICT—OF—BEIJING.
20041024             —STOCKPILED, COLOMBIA blew up its remaining 6,800, land mines, winning the praise of JORDAN—VISITING QUEEN—NOOR who said the move took courage given that the nation is still fighting 1—INTERNAL—CONFLICT.
20041024             1—USA—MARINE—WARPLANE bombed suspected militants trying to rebuild 1—COMMAND—POST in the insurgent STRONGHOLD—OF—FALLUJAH, and witnesses said 6—PEOPLE were killed.
20041024             —APPROVED, THE—ISRAEL—CABINET, legislation to pay compensation to settlers uprooted by PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON—GAZA withdrawal plan.
20041024             —BOMBED, Militants, mourners arriving at 1—KASHMIR graveyard for the funeral of 1 murdered opposition party leader, killing 1 and wounding 6.
20041024             —TEAMED, LITHUANIA—TRADITIONAL—PARTIES, up in 1—BID to prevent 1—RUSSIAN—BORN tycoon from winning more support in a 2. round of parliamentary elections.
20041024             6—MEN on PITCAIRN ISLAND were CONVICTED—OF—CHARGES ranging from rape to indecent assault —FOLLOWING trials that exposed 1—CULTURE—OF—SEXUAL—ABUSE.
20041024             —RECEIVED, They, up to —6—YEARS with suspensions pending appeal.
20041024             1—SOYUZ capsule, carrying 2—RUSSIANS and 1—AMERICAN, landed in KAZAKHSTAN.
20041024             The crew had spent —6—MONTHS at THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20041024             ROBERT—TAFT in Profiles in Courage THE—DRAHEIM—REPORT—ANTI—FASCISM_org Why ANTI—FASCISM_org?
20041024             Because fascism kills people and fascists are active in... alfatomega.com/20041024.html -
20041024             Chairman and Executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—AMARILLO—NATIONAL—RESEARCH—CENTER (ANRC)..
200410242156         - Diesmal stehen sich nicht nur 2—PARTEIEN gegenüber, sondern 2—UNTERSCHIEDLICHE ANSICHTEN—VON—DER—WELT, 2—KULTUREN, 2—LEBENSEINSTELLUNGEN.
20041024—20030000    —REQUESTED, In his report, Levin said THE—CIA also, 1—NUMBER—OF—CORRECTIONS to 1—MEMO—WRITTEN—BY—FEITH and provided to SOME—SENATORS ,
20041024—20030000    —REQUESTED, In his report, Levin said THE—CIA also, 1—NUMBER—OF—CORRECTIONS to 1—MEMO—WRITTEN—BY—FEITH and provided to SOME—SENATORS, —BEFORE the memo could be distributed widely to the Senate armed services panel.
20041024—20040915    —AM, Bush hatte gemeinsam mit den Chefs des Geheimdienstes CIA und der Bundespolizei FBI davor gewarnt, dass Terroristen einen verheerenden Anschlag planten, um den Ausgang der Wahl zu beeinflussen.
20041024—20041010    —ON, THE—PRO—MOSCOW Labor Party, led by RUSSIAN—BORN businessman VIKTOR—USPASKICH, won 23—SEATS, more than ANY—OTHER—PARTY, in the 1. round of voting —AFTER pledging lower taxes and higher pay.
20041024—20041102    —AM, Peinlich für Bush dürfte auch 1—BERICHT—DER "WASHINGTON—POST" sein, dem zufolge die dramatische Warnung vor einen Terroranschlag kurz vor der Wahl
20041024—20041102    —AM, WASHINGTON—KURZ vor der USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHL stellt sich eine weitere große USA—ZEITUNG hinter JOHN—KERRY.
20041107             Der so genannte Sturm auf den Winterpalast in S—PETERSBURG, der 19170000             den Sieg der BOLSCHEWIKI über die bürgerliche Regierung besiegelte, fand —NACH—DEM damals in RUSSLAND gültigen Julianischen Kalender —IN—DER—NACHT vom 20041024—20041025     statt.
20050805—20041024    —DATE20050805—20050804    —ON, BLUEBEAR2 said —518—PM—PT...
20051022—20051024    —CRITICIZED, THE—UN, his —2—YEAR—JAIL—SENTENCE.
20051024             Scandals and Bad News Thread Scarlett Veteran Joined: 20050228             ... the job of founding 1—POLITICAL "worker... had within its MI5 intelligence agency 1—DEPARTMENT... up with... 20040130             Risky Options Intelligence... of the cumulative British... A 19430000             USA—WAR—DEPARTMENT—PROPOSED—THE 'Use of... the army would know about...
20051024             Nachricht aus der Newsgroup cl.menschenrechte.ASIEN—VON—GERHARD—LANGE c/o GIV vom 20050225             ... IRAQ—RESISTANCE Report for events of —THURSDAY, 20050224             ... caused by USA—INVOLVEMENT in their national affairs.
20051024             Nachricht aus der Newsgroup cl.menschenrechte.ASIEN—VON—GERHARD—LANGE c/o GIV vom 20050225
20051024             Scandals and Bad News Thread Scarlett Veteran Joined: 20050228             20051024             Scarlett (born 19480818             ) is HEAD—OF—THE—BRITISH—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE... MINISTER to set out the political context... House position that...... meeting involving British... THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT in... JOHN—SCARLETT summarised the intelligence and... So what makes these guys so...
20051024             Scarlett (born 19480818             ) is HEAD—OF—THE—UK—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE
20051024             22.20001002             5—WHAT really happened at TORA—BORA?
20051024             Nachricht aus der Newsgroup cl.menschenrechte.ASIEN—VON—GERHARD—LANGE c/o GIV vom 20050225             20051024             The marketing is over but the war goes on.
20051024             The press is baying and the law closes in.
20051024             —DEMORALIZED, THE—TEAM—OF—BUSH—LOYALISTS in THE—WHITE—HOUSE is, and braced for disaster.
20051024             The past is the present is the future With so much history in the making right —NOW, you may feel as though —NOW isn't the time to review scandals of yore.
20051024             —CONDEMNED, But those who do not study history are, to relive it.
20051024             Yes, that's 1—CLICHE; it's also true.
20051024             Case in point: GARY—BUELL—RECENT—LOOK back at the
20051024             Secret Army Organization, 1—MILITIA—LIKE provocateur group of the early '70s -- whose leaders were run by THE—FBI.
20051024             —REPRESENTED, THE—SAS, the plausibly deniable "action arm" of 1—EXTREMIST—GROUP within the government which felt that Nixon had sold out by pursuing detente.
20051024             I've discussed this group in past posts, which looked back at Hoover, Angleton + THE—MOORER—RADFORD affair.
20051024             —TARGETED, Another plot, 19720000             —THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—CONVENTION.
20051024             —IDENTIFIED, In this scenario, terrorists falsely, as VIETNAM Veterans Against the War personnel were to bomb and gun down delegates.
20051024             —HELPED, JOHN—KERRY, to lead THE—VVAW at that time.
20051024             —PISSED, He must have, off someone.
20051024             The ultimate goal: 1—FAR—RIGHT (to the right of Nixon) military takeover of THE—USA.
20051024             1—INFORMANT (whose reliability has been questioned) maintained that the plot included Watergate burglars JAMES—MCCORD and E. HOWARD—HUNT.
20051024             If that's true, we may better understand the arguments profferred by MANY—OBSERVERS that these 2—MEN intentionally "bungled" the Watergate burglary to embarrass Nixon.
20051024             Why is all this PAST—TENSE material still relevant?
20051024             1. Because the ideological HEIRS—OF—THAT—FAR—RIGHT—FACTION have achieved power in the present administration.
20051024             2. Because the public must understand that this strategy -- mass death engineered to seem the work of 1—OPPONENT -- has precedent.
20051024             The extreme right really will use such tactics to acquire and maintain power.
20051024             Permalink 20051024             Permalink
20051024             —WHEN did the levees go? It's STILL 1—MYSTERY!
20051024             As we deal with Wilma, let us not forget the lingering Katrina controversies.
20051024             4000—MARINES stood nearby + their COMMANDER, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—JAMES—MATTIS, ached to join the fight to get OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20051024             —DENIED, His request was.
20051024             Mattis, along with another officer with whom I spoke, was convinced that with these numbers he could have surrounded and sealed off OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—LAIR, as well as deployed troops to the most sensitive portions of the largely unpatrolled border with PAKISTAN.
20051024             —PROCEED, He argued strongly that he should be permitted to, to the Tora Bora caves.
20051024             —TURNED, The general was, down.
20051024             1—USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL told me that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION —LATER concluded that the refusal of Centcom to dispatch THE—MARINES—ALONG with their failure to commit USA—GROUND—FORCES to AFGHANISTAN GENERALLY—WAS the gravest ERROR—OF—THE—WAR.
20051024             It gets worse.
20051024             At this same time -- 20011100             -- the administration received word from MI6 that PAKISTAN—SCIENTISTS had sold nuclear secrets to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20051024             1 would think that the ultimate nightmare scenario -- 1—NUKE—EQUIPPED—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN -- would have made his capture the + I mean THE—NUMBER—1—PRIORITY.
20051024             This scandal could -- should -- be massive.
20051024             Permalink 20051024             20051024             Roughly 15000000—20000000 warriors accompanied OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in Tora Bora —UNTIL he made his escape, walking over SNOW—COVERED trails to 1—NEW hideout in 1—LAWLESS—AREA—OF—PAKISTAN.
20051024             —DISPUTED, The actual date of the escape remains : SOME—SOURCES—STATE 20011129             , —WHILE the most recent NYT account gives the date of 20051219             .
20051024             (I presume Berntsen will help us here.) - IRAQ took precedence.
20051024             —DISTRACTED, Franks was so, by this new undertaking that he could devote little time to the capture OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20051024             Or so runs the least embarrassing scenario.
20051024             —POSITED, SOME—HAVE, 1—MORE disturbing idea: 1—FACTION within this administration intentionally allowed OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to get away.
20051024             Berntsen says he had definitive intelligence that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was holed up at Tora Bora -- ?intelligence operatives had tracked him -- and could have been caught.
20051024             "He was there," Berntsen tells NEWSWEEK.
20051024             "OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was never within our grasp".
20051024             Berntsen says Franks is "1—GREAT—AMERICAN. But he was not on the ground out there. I was".
20051024             According to FORMER—CIA—MAN—LARRY—JOHNSON, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will have to withstand a
20051024             new controversy : Why did USA—FORCES fail to capture OSAMA—BIN—LADEN?
20051024             1—INTELLIGENCE—SOURCE, tasked with intercepting terrorist communications, gave JUDITH—MILLER word of 1—BIG upcoming strike against THE—USA.
20051024             The obvious question: Why brief her and not THE—PRESIDENT?
20051024             Does the report go far enough?
20051024             I've only skimmed, but so far, I would have to say no.
20051024             Carlson emphatically said that there is no evidence that the levees were deliberately blown in NEW—ORLEANS.
20051024             In fact (as Spike Lee, also on the panel, should have pointed out) we have
20051024             several named witnesses who claim that explosions did occur.
20051024             Others counter that these witnesses were mistaken.
20051024             —DISPUTED, We should recognize the difference between, evidence and no evidence.
20051024             3. - He averred that Congress bears much of the blame for THE—IRAQ war, —SINCE they voted for it.
20051024             —AUTHORIZED, In fact, Congress, war only if SADDAM—HUSSEIN refused inspections.
20051024             But weapons inspectors did enter the country + they did their work unhindered.
20051024             —UNAUTHORIZED, From the start, this war was, unconstitutional + illegal.
20051024             Data on FBI cite abuses in secret surveillance : THE—FBI has conducted clandestine surveillance on SOME—USA residents for as long as —18—MONTHS at 1—TIME without proper paperwork or oversight, according to classified documents scheduled to be released —TODAY.
20051024             The latest legislative threat to our freedoms is worthy of contempt
20051024             Keep terribly mum : Proposed legislation in AUSTRALIA would make it 1—CRIME for 1—PARENT to tell the other that their child had been detained under ANTI—TERROR—LAWS.
20051024             USA, BRITAIN Urge Action Against Syria: 1—SYRIA—OFFICIAL, deputy Foreign MINISTER—WALID—MOALLEM, said the pressure on Syria was BECAUSE—OF—AMERICA—AIM—OF dominating the region.
20051024             Diplomat: RUSSIA trying to save Syrians:
20051024             —WHILE the Americans are considering which steps to take against Syria in THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—SESSION —ON—TUESDAY in which THE—UNITED—NATIONS—REPORT on THE—MURDER—OF—HARIRI will be presented, 1—SENIOR—DIPLOMATIC—SOURCE in NEW—YORK tells Ynet that "the toughest nut to crack is RUSSIA, which is trying to save the Syrians"
20051024             Syria: THE—NEXT—IRAQ:
20051024             The news from Syria shows that the neoconservative plan for THE—MIDDLE—EAST is still in play
20051024             PALESTINE—OFFICIAL: Peace hope fading : THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY is steadily losing faith in THE—USA—BACKED peace plan for THE—RESOLUTION—OF—THE—PALESTINIAN—ISRAEL—CONFLICT.
20051024             EDITOR—ARREST on Blasphemy charges highlights difficulties facing journalists:
20051024             —CALLED, ALI—MOHAQIQ—NASAB ran the respected monthly magazine, "WOMEN—RIGHTS"
20051024             —DOUBLED, Malnutrition among IRAQ—CHILDREN has almost, —SINCE USA—INVASION : Children who are acutely malnourished are literally wasting away + for severe cases their condition can be fatal.
20051024             Acute malnutrition sets in very fast and is 1—STRONG—INDICATOR—OF—THE—OVERALL—HEALTH—OF—CHILDREN.
20051024             Prelude to 1—LEAK: Gang fight: How Cheney and his TIGHT—KNIT team launched THE—IRAQ war, chased their CRITICS—AND set the stage for 1—SPECIAL—PROSECUTOR—DRAMATIC—PROBE.
20051024             BOB—HERBERT : How Scary Is This?
20051024             THE—WHITE—HOUSE is sweating out the possibility that 1 or more top officials will soon be indicted on criminal charges.
20051024             But THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is immune to prosecution for its greatest OFFENSE—ITS colossal and profoundly tragic incompetence.
20051024             PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN: THE—GREATEST—SCANDAL : —TODAY, this town is salivating over the prospect that KARL—ROVE and "Scooter" Libby will be indicted for outing JOE—WILSON—WIFE as 1—CIA—OPERATIVE.
20051024             —30—MONTHS—AGO, MANY—OF—THOSE anxious to see THE—WHITE—HOUSE brought down were hauling its water.
20051024             —PLAYED, Consider the role, by our NEWSPAPER—OF—RECORD, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20051024             BRENT—SCOWCROFT "Breaks Ranks" with GEORGE—W—BUSH : In "Breaking Ranks: What Turned BRENT—SCOWCROFT—AGAINST—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION?", JEFFREY—GOLDBERG coaxes BRENT—SCOWCROFT to delineate his differences with the foreign policy PROCLIVITIES—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH, Condoleeza Rice, PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, RICHARD—CHENEY + others.
20051024             Gassing Iraqis: Karen Hughes Tells 1—BIG—LIE : Karen Hughes, BUSH—PROPAGANDA—MINISTER on call, is apparently 1—HABITUAL liar.
20051024             THE—TROOPS—DON'T—DEFEND—OUR—FREEDOMS : As 1—PRACTICAL—MATTER the troops serve not as 1—DEFENDER of our freedoms but instead simply as 1—LOYAL and obedient personal ARMY—OF—THE—PRESIDENT, ready and prepared to serve him and obey his commands.
20051024             Making a killing:
20051024             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT is hiring private security firms to stabilise IRAQ — and paying them 1—FORTUNE to do it.
20051024             —UNREGULATED, But MANY—OF—THEM are, and operate outside the law.
20051024             JON—SWAIN joins the hired guns on THE—STREETS—OF—BAGHDAD — and assesses the real cost of privatising war
20051024             This attitude is but 1—TERMINALLY lazy reflection.
20051024             Should the intelligent impulse to honest enquiry be nipped in the bud in ANY—FREE and democratic state then the concept of a "free world" becomes slightly more farcical.
20051024             USA—OPERATIVES Killed Detainees —DURING Interrogations in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ:
20051024             CIA, Navy Seals and Military Intelligence Personnel IMPLICATED—TORTURE in IRAQ:
20051024             Firsthand ACCOUNTS—OF—TORTURE—OF—IRAQ—DETAINEES by THE—USA—ARMY—82. AIRBORNE—DIVISION," 1—REPORT issued by Human Rights Watch
20051024             A STATE—OF—INEQUALITY
20051024             —BY Chuck Collins and Felice Yeskel
20051024             —INDUSTRIALIZED, THE—USA is —NOW the 3. most unequal, society —AFTER RUSSIA and MEXICO.
20051024             This is not 1—CLUB we want to be part of.
20051024             RUSSIA is 1—RECOVERING kleptocracy, with 1—POST—SOVIET—OLIGARCHY enriched by looting.
20051024             And MEXICO, despite joining THE—RICH—NATIONS CLUB—OF—THE—ORGANIZATION for Economic and Community Development, has some of the most glaring poverty in the hemisphere.
20051024             Intelligence: MI5 Archives Joint Intelligence Committee.
20051024             In his report, Lord Hutton said MISTER—SCARLETT... expert linked to British... works for THE—CANADA—DEPARTMENT—OF...
20051024             Scarlett (born 19480818             ) is HEAD—OF—THE—BRITISH—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE... MINISTER to set out the political context... House position that...... meeting involving British... THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT in... JOHN—SCARLETT summarised the intelligence and... So what makes these guys so...
20051024             IRAK/USA: Die Faelscher von LONDON // Freibrief fuer Killer in USA—UNIFORM // "BUSH—TERRORIST NUMBER 1" // Ritual +...
20051024             Contacts... are the major military Contractors that have raked in.
20051024             DEUTSCHE—TELEKOM: In Zukunft gilt wieder Wachstum vor Gewinn
20051024             —VERURTEILT, ALG—II—MISSBRAUCH: ENGELEN—KEFER, Generalverdacht gegen Arbeitslose
20051024             Perfil da Empresa Google [Voltar à página inicial do Google.]
20051024             Perfil da Empresa Início Tudo sobre o Google " Perfil da Empresa Centro de Imprensa R
20051024             azões para usar o Google Sobre o Google A missão da Google é oferecer a melhor experiência de pesquisa na INTERNET, ao tornar a informação mundial acessível e útil a nível universal.
20051024             Responsável pelo desenvolvimento do maior motor de busca do mundo, a Google oferece o caminho mais rápido e fácil para encontrar informação na web.
20051024             Com acesso a mais de 1,3 bilião de páginas, a Google proporciona resultados relevantes para usuários de todo o mundo, normalmente em menos de meio segundo.
20051024             Actualmente, a Google responde a mais de 100—MILHÕES de consultas por dia.
20051024             A Google foi fundada em 19980000             por LARRY—PAGE e SERGEY—BRIN, dois estudantes Doutorados da Universidade de Stanford.
20051024             MARVIN—MINSKY + STEWART—BRAND;the philosophers HUBERT—DREYFUS + JOHN—SEARLE;
20051024             poet SUSAN—GRIFFIN, + Vera JOHN—STEINER, AUTHOR—OF—NOTEBOOKS—OF—THE—MIND, share their thoughts on consciousness, thinking + learning with producer Adi Gevins.
20051024             Listen to Thinking About Thinking: Part II
20051024             "We don't know to this —DAY whether MISTER—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was at Tora Bora in 00.D
20051024             + Vera JOHN—STEINER, AUTHOR—OF—NOTEBOOKS—OF—THE—MIND, share their thoughts on consciousness,
20051024             24;;02;;2005 - 30;;01;;2004—RISKY Options Intelligence... of the cumulative British
20051024             A 19430000             USA—WAR DEPARTMENT—PROPOSED—THE 'Use of
20051024             1—SYRIA—OFFICIAL, deputy Foreign MINISTER—WALID—MOALLEM, said the pressure on Syria was BECAUSE—OF—AMERICA—AIM—OF dominating the region.
20051024             According to FORMER—CIA—MAN—LARRY—JOHNSON, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will have to withstand 1—NEW controversy:
20051024             And MEXICO, despite joining THE—RICH—NATIONS CLUB—OF—THE—ORGANIZATION for Economic and Community Development,
20051024             As 1—PRACTICAL—MATTER the troops serve not as 1—DEFENDER of our freedoms but instead simply as 1—LOYAL and obedient personal ARMY—OF—THE—PRESIDENT,
20051024             At the very same time, according to BOB—WOODWARD—PLAN—OF—ATTACK, THE—CHENEY administration (may we use that term?) tasked Franks with creating detailed plans for 1—INVASION—OF—IRAQ.
20051024             IRAQ took precedence. AUSTRALIA: HOW—THIS for sedition?:
20051024             BUSH at bay: BERNSTEN—KEY—POINT in the book is his testimony that he and other USA—COMMANDERS did know that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was among THE—HUNDREDS—OF—FLEEING—AL—QAEDA + Taliban members.
20051024             20051024             20051024             BOB—HERBERT : How Scary Is This?:
20051024             BRENT—SCOWCROFT "Breaks Ranks" with GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH:
20051024             CIA, Navy Seals and Military Intelligence Personnel Implicated
20051024             Case in point: GARY—BUELL—RECENT—LOOK back at the Secret Army Organization,
20051024             —MALNOURISHED, Children who are acutely, are literally wasting away + for severe cases their condition can be fatal.
20051024             Condoleeza Rice, PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, RICHARD—CHENEY + others.
20051024             Data on FBI cite abuses in secret surveillance: Does the report go far enough?
20051024             poet SUSAN—GRIFFIN,
20051024             —FROM the start, this war was unauthorized, unconstitutional + illegal.
20051024             Gassing Iraqis: Karen Hughes Tells 1—BIG—LIE:
20051024             —LAUNCHED, How CHENEY and his TIGHT—KNIT team, THE—IRAQ war, chased their CRITICS—AND set the stage for 1—SPECIAL—PROSECUTOR'S—DRAMATIC—PROBE.
20051024             In "Breaking Ranks: What Turned BRENT—SCOWCROFT—AGAINST—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION?", JEFFREY—GOLDBERG coaxes BRENT—SCOWCROFT to delineate his differences with the foreign policy PROCLIVITIES—OF—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH,
20051024             —DOUBLED, Malnutrition among IRAQ—CHILDREN has almost, —SINCE USA—INVASION:
20051024             In fact (as Spike Lee, also on the panel, should have pointed out) we have several named witnesses
20051024             In his report, Lord Hutton said MISTER—SCARLETT... expert linked to British
20051024             Intelligence: MI5 Archives
20051024             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —THURSDAY,
20051024             —SUMMARISED, JOHN—SCARLETT, the intelligence and
20051024             Judy knew -- but not W 20010700             :
20051024             Karen Hughes, BUSH—PROPAGANDA—MINISTER on call, is apparently 1—HABITUAL liar.
20051024             Keep terribly mum:
20051024             LEFT—WING bloggers have been making this argument —FOR—MONTHS -- years, actually -- —WHILE THE—MAIN—STREAM—MEDIA ostriches simply kept repeating SUCH—THINGS—CANNOT—BE.
20051024             Mattis, along with another officer with whom I spoke, was convinced that with these numbers he could have surrounded and sealed off OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—LAIR,
20051024             MINISTER to set out the political context... House position that...
20051024             Nachricht aus der Newsgroup cl.menschenrechte.ASIEN—VON—GERHARD—LANGE c/o GIV vom 20050225             20051024             Or so runs the least embarrassing scenario.
20051024             20051024             20051024             Others counter that these witnesses were mistaken.
20051024             PALESTINE—OFFICIAL: Peace hope fading:
20051024             PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN: THE—GREATEST—SCANDAL: Prelude to a Leak: Gang fight:
20051024             —ACCOMPANIED, Roughly 15000000—20000000     warriors, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in Tora Bora —UNTIL he made his escape,
20051024             Scandals and Bad News Thread Scarlett Veteran Joined: 20050228             20051024             Scarlett (born 19480818             ) is HEAD—OF—THE—UK—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE
20051024             So what makes these guys so...
20051024             So why didn't THE—ADMINISTRATION—CALL in the Marines?
20051024             —WIDENED, THE—CIA—LEAK—INQUIRY that threatens senior WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES has —NOW, to include THE—FORGERY—OF—DOCUMENTS on AFRICA—URANIUM that started the investigation, according to NAT0 intelligence sources.
20051024             —CONDUCTED, THE—FBI has, clandestine surveillance on SOME—USA residents for as long as —18—MONTHS at 1—TIME without proper paperwork or oversight,
20051024             THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY is steadily losing faith in THE—USA—BACKED peace plan for THE—RESOLUTION—OF—THE—PALESTINIAN—ISRAEL—CONFLICT.
20051024             —DISPUTED, The actual date of the escape remains : SOME—SOURCES—STATE 20012911             , —WHILE the most recent NYT account gives the date of ;;12;;
20051024             19. (I presume Berntsen will help us here.)
20051024             THE—ARREST—OF—THE—EDITOR—IN—CHIEF—OF—1—AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN'S—MAGAZINE is causing concern and fear among journalists in the country.
20051024             The marketing is over but the war goes on.
20051024             —OFFERED, THE—NON—PARTISAN Government Accounting Office, its report
20051024             —TODAY, this town is salivating over the prospect that KARL—ROVE and "Scooter" Libby will be indicted for outing JOE—WILSON—WIFE as 1—CIA—OPERATIVE.
20051024             Torture in IRAQ: USA—OPERATIVES Killed Detainees —DURING Interrogations in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ:
20051024             USA, BRITAIN Urge Action Against Syria:
20051024             Understand the past and you will better understand the future.
20051024             —WHILE the Americans are considering which steps to take against Syria in THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—SESSION —ON—TUESDAY in which THE—UNITED—NATIONS—REPORT on THE—MURDER—OF—HARIRI will be presented,
20051024             Why did USA—FORCES fail to capture OSAMA—BIN—LADEN?
20051024             1—MILITIA—LIKE provocateur group of the early '70s -- whose leaders were run by THE—FBI.
20051024             1—SENIOR—DIPLOMATIC—SOURCE in NEW—YORK tells Ynet that "the toughest nut to crack is RUSSIA, which is trying to save the Syrians"
20051024             according to Justice Department figures released —ON—SUNDAY.
20051024             according to classified documents scheduled to be released —TODAY.
20051024             against THE—USA—THE obvious question: Why brief her and not THE—PRESIDENT?
20051024             ao tornar a informação mundial acessível e útil a nível universal.
20051024             as well as deployed troops to the most sensitive portions of the largely unpatrolled border with PAKISTAN.
20051024             azões para usar o Google Sobre o Google A missão da Google é oferecer a melhor experiência de pesquisa na INTERNET,
20051024             caused by USA—INVOLVEMENT in their national affairs.
20051024             has some of the most glaring poverty in the hemisphere.
20051024             Continue - meeting involving British... THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT in
20051024             —ON electronic voting + found MANY—PROBLEMS -- the audit logs and the vote itself can be hacked.
20051024             ready and prepared to serve him and obey his commands.
20051024             stood nearby + their COMMANDER, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—JAMES—MATTIS, ached to join the fight to get OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20051024             —DENIED, His request was. the army would know about...
20051024             the job of founding 1—POLITICAL "worker... had within its MI5 intelligence agency 1—DEPARTMENT
20051024             thinking + learning with producer Adi Gevins.
20051024             walking over SNOW—COVERED trails to 1—NEW hideout in 1—LAWLESS—AREA—OF—PAKISTAN.
20051024             works for THE—CANADA—DEPARTMENT—OF...
20051024             THE—DJIA move up almost 170—POINTS.
20051024             1—ACLU ANALYSIS—OF—USA—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT—DATA said at least 21—PRISONERS under USA custody in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ † during or —AFTER interrogations.
20051024             Hurricane Wilma left at least 6—DEAD in FLORIDA and damages estimated to be as much as $6—10—BILLION, making it the 3. costliest in USA—HISTORY (behind Andrew and Katrina).
20051024             —DESTROYED, Some 27,700 dwellings were, or rendered temporarily unlivable.
20051024             —TRIGGERED, Her arrest, a —381—DAY BOYCOTT—OF—THE—BUS—SYSTEM organized by 1—THEN—LITTLE—KNOWN—BAPTIST—MINISTER, THE—REVEREND—KING, who —LATER earned the Nobel Peace Prize for his work.
20051024             —FIRED, AFGHANISTAN, rebels, rockets at 1—USA—LED coalition convoy 10—MILES—SOUTH—OF—KABUL.
20051024             —MISSED, The rockets, their target and instead hit 3—CIVIL—CARS, killing 6—AFGHANS.
20051024             † Abigail Brinkman (28), of COLUMBUS—INDIANA, and 3—COMPANIONS spent —3—DAYS floating in the stormy Caribbean off BELIZE —AFTER their weekend diving trip went awry.
20051024             Zhang Lijun, vice MINISTER—OF—CHINA—STATE—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—ADMINISTRATION (SEPA) said CHINA cannot withstand pollution levels expected to quadruple over the next —15—YEARS under current trends in energy and automobile use.
20051024             Alpha, the Atlantic season's RECORD—BREAKING 22. named storm, left at least 10—PEOPLE—DEAD in HAITI and THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—BEFORE moving north into the Atlantic Ocean.
20051024             1—OFFICIAL said more than 12—CLIMBERS from FRANCE and NEPAL were swept away in 1—AVALANCHE on 1—HIMALAYAN mountain and believed killed.
20051024             —REPORTED, The mountaineers were, missing —LAST—WEEK—AFTER heavy snowfall hit the Himalayas.
20051024             —FACED, GERMANY—2—MAIN—POLITICAL—PARTIES said the country, a $42—BILLION budget shortfall, signaling tough spending cuts or tax hikes under 1 planned coalition even as its economy struggles.
20051024             † JOSE—AZCONA—HOYO, —78—JAHRE—ALT, THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—HONDURAS (19860000—19900000    ), of 1—HEART—ATTACK.
20051024             Triple suicide bombings at the Palestine and Sheraton hotels in BAGHDAD killed as many as 17—PEOPLE.
20051024             —CLAIMED, THE—NEXT—DAY AL—QAIDA in IRAQ, responsibility.
20051024             1—USA—SOLDIER shot and killed 1—OF 3—SUICIDE bombers who attacked the Palestine Hotel complex —BEFORE he could reach his intended target and that probably saved lives in the building.
20051024             —RALLIED, HUNDREDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, in front of the Kyrgyz PARLIAMENT for a 3. —DAY to demand that THE—PM resign over THE—SLAYING—OF—1—LAWMAKER —DURING 1—PRISON uprising.
20051024             LUIS—VELASQUEZ, —51—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—PARISH—PRIEST was found shot to death in his car with his hands cuffed in the rough border CITY—OF—TIJUANA, in what police said appeared to be 1—ORGANIZED—CRIME killing.
20051024             —PLEDGED, NATO, to help UKRAINE push through military reforms seen as essential to prepare the country for membership in the Western alliance, 1—PROSPECT viewed with concern in RUSSIA.
20051024             —AGREED, SRI—LANKA—PRESIDENT and her main political rival, for the 1. time to forge 1—BIPARTISAN approach to THE—ISLAND—PEACE process aimed at ending DECADES—OF—ETHNIC bloodshed.
20051024             —AUCTIONED, UKRAINE, a 93% stake in Kryvorizhstal, its largest steel mill, to Mittal Steel, the world's biggest steelmaker, for $4.8—BILLION.
20051024             Sanjar Umarov, 1—UZBEKISTAN—OPPOSITION—LEADER, was arrested on embezzlement charges.
20051024             —LIFTED, VIETNAM, its 30% cap on foreign ownership of listed companies to 49%.
20051024             SOME—SOURCES state 20011129             ,
20051024             BILL—CONDIE, —EVENING Standard AUSTRIA—BANK—BAWAG, already under investigation for its role...
20051024             1—VISIT to Google on the occasion of the 60. ANNIVERSARY—OF—JOHN—VON—NEUMANN—PROPOSAL for 1—DIGITAL—COMPUTER—BY GEORGE—DYSON
20051024             TURING—CATHEDRAL
20051024—18790000    —SINCE, He was the 1. Hispanic to serve in Congress.
20051024—19550000    —GALVANIZED, Rosa Parks (92), who, the civil rights movement —WHEN she was jailed for refusing to give up her bus seat in MONTGOMERY—ALABAMA, † at her home in DETROIT.
20051024—20011200    —IN, "We don't know to this —DAY whether MISTER—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was at Tora Bora ," Franks wrote in an.
20051024—20040000    —ON, Asked to comment on BERNTSEN—REMARKS, National Security Council spokesman FREDERICK—JONES passed statements from FORMER—CENTCOM COMMANDER—GENERAL—TOMMY—FRANKS.
20051024—20040000    —IN, THE—USA—PRISON—POPULATION, already the largest in the world, grew by 1.9 %, leaving FEDERAL—JAILS at 40 % over capacity,
20051024—20040000    —CONTINUED, USA—PRISON—POPULATION, to grow :
20051024—20040000    —IN, already the largest in the world, grew by 1.9 %, leaving FEDERAL—JAILS at 40 % over capacity, according to Justice Department figures released —ON—SUNDAY.
20051024—20040130    Risky Options Intelligence... of the cumulative British
20051024—20051227    —ON, GARY—BERNTSEN, has finally got approval to publish his book, which will hit the streets...
20051024—20051227    —ON, THE—CIA—FIELD—COMMANDER for the agency's Jawbreaker team at Tora Bora, GARY—BERNTSEN, has finally got approval to publish his book, which will hit the streets...
20051025             POLIT—THRILLER: Schachpartie mit DOCTOR—EVIL (20051024             )
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in the last —2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in the last —2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in the last —2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in the last —2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in the last —2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20060316—20021024    —ON, at COLUMBIA Metropolitan Airport.
20060816             STRATCOM Global Strike nuclear exercise Global Lightning 07 scheduled 20061024—20061108    20060816             FEMA awards contracts to companies under scrutiny, including Bechtel & Fluor Lockheed wins DARPA contract with "nano air vehicles"
20060816             STRATCOM Global Strike nuclear exercise Global Lightning 07 scheduled 20061024—20061108     20060911             THE—PENTAGON—MASS—CASUALTY—EXERCISE, as the crash was called, was —JUST 1—OF—SEVERAL scenarios that emergency response teams were exposed to 20061024—20261024     in THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—SECRETARIES—OF—DEFENSE—CONFERENCE—ROOM".
20060816             STRATCOM Global Strike nuclear exercise Global Lightning 07 scheduled 20061024—20061108     20060816             STRATCOM Global Strike nuclear exercise Global Lightning 07 scheduled 20061024—20061108     20060911             THE—PENTAGON—MASS—CASUALTY—EXERCISE, as the crash was called, was —JUST 1—OF—SEVERAL scenarios that emergency response teams were exposed to 20061024—20261024     in THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—SECRETARIES—OF—DEFENSE—CONFERENCE—ROOM".
20061020             1—SOUTH—KOREA—NEWS—AGENCY reported that NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—IL said PYONGYANG didn't plan to carry out ANY—MORE—NUCLEAR—TESTS and expressed regret about the country's 1.—EVER atomic detonation —LAST—WEEK 20061024             —SEE.
20061024             2004080204_REPORT—ANOTHER rocket hit 1—OIL—REFINERY depot in THE—CITY—OF—ABADAN, about 30—MILES—EAST—OF—THE...
20061024             20030213             BLOGG—DEUTSCH—STELLTE das "Home Depot " in Fairfax City... der —BISHER umfassendste Überwachungsplan einer Regierung in der AMERIKANISCHEN—GESCHICHTE...
20061024             2004061924_Report In jüngerer Zeit hat sich in der Soziologie 1—DEBATTE (etwa bei BRUNO—LATOUR oder KARIN—KNORR—CETINA) entwickelt, die unter dem Begriff " Postsozialität "...
20061024             USA—UMFRAGE: Republikaner vor Desaster bei Kongresswahlen
20061024             UK: MoD bans TV news access to warzones:
20061024             200407300802_und_REPORT—USA—BASE in KIRKUK: IRAQ—RESISTANCE rocket blows up USA—AMMUNITION depot.
20061024             alfatomega.com/200407300802_und_Report.html
20061024             Liu Jianchao, CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN, said NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—IL did not apologize for his regime's nuclear test, as SOME—SOUTH—KOREA—MEDIA had reported 20061020             —SEE, but is willing to return to 6—PARTY—TALKS under certain conditions.
20061024             Administration Sends Troops Info on Foley Replacement, Doesn't Mention Other Candidates
20061024             —RECEIVED, —LAST—WEEK, USA—TROOPS, messages from THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—PENTAGON explaining how to vote in the congressional race in EX—REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY 's (R—FL) former district.
20061024             —PROVIDED, The emails, detailed instructions explaining how to vote for FOLEY—REPLACEMENT, JOE—NEGRON, but failed to even mention THE—2—OTHER—CANDIDATES in the race:
20061024             Pursuant to Section 100.111(4) of FLORIDA Statute, FOLEY—NAME will remain on the ballot for both absentee and regular ballots.
20061024             ANY—VOTES cast for Foley will count towards the total of the substitute candidate.
20061024             Voters from FLORIDA—16. Congressional District should be aware that ANY—VOTES cast for MARK—FOLEY will be counted toward THE—TOTAL—OF—JOE—NEGRON.
20061024             Additionally, voters who wish to cast 1—VOTE for JOE—NEGRON should cast their vote for MARK—FOLEY.
20061024             Read the full text of 1—OF—THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—EMAILS—HERE.
20061024             There is no mention in this EMAIL—OF—THE—OTHER—CANDIDATES in the race, Democrat TIM—MAHONEY and independent Emmie Ross.
20061024             As 1—RESULT, Mahoney had to issue 1—SEPARATE—MESSAGE to soldiers —YESTERDAY explaining that troops could also vote for him or Ross.
20061024             —INCLUDED, MAHONEY—LETTER also, instructions on how soldiers could vote for JOE—NEGRON.
20061024             "Either he didn't take his MEDICATION—NICO—OR he's acting".
20061024             Hastert testifies over page scandal.
20061024             Television cameras unexpectedly caught House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (R—IL) entering the ethics committee meeting to testify about THE—MARK—FOLEY page scandal.
20061024             It was not previously known that Hastert would be testifying.
20061024             —REPORTED, ABC, —YESTERDAY that the "investigation of how the Republican leadership handled the issue has
20061024             provoked turmoil and FINGER—POINTING - UPDATE: THE—AP has more.
20061024             O'Reilly: Taliban Resurgence In AFGHANISTAN Is A 'Myth'
20061024             At the worst, he said, the Taliban will be "annoying".
20061024             —WHEN his guest, Harvard UNIVERSITY—PROFESSOR—SARAH—SEWALL, pointed out that people on the ground disagree, O'Reilly dismissed her, stating, "I talked to everybody".
20061024             —STATED, SUPREME—NATO—COMMANDER—GENERAL—JAMES—JONES —RECENTLY, that AFGHANISTAN is close to becoming a "narco state,"whose $3—BILLION dollars in annual drug profits are financing the Taliban.
20061024             Council on Foreign Relations AFGHANISTAN expert DOCTOR—BARNETT—RUBIN said that AFGHANISTAN AFGHANISTAN is at a "tipping point"and that THE—AFGHANISTAN—PEOPLE believe "trends are going in THE—TALIBAN—FAVOR".
20061024             —WARNED, GENERAL—DAVID—RICHARDS, 1—UK—OFFICER who commands NATO—32,000—TROOPS, that unless coalition forces begin stepping up reconstruction efforts, 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY could decide to back the Taliban.
20061024             O'REILLY: But look, we were successful in AFGHANISTAN.
20061024             And nobody thought — - SEWALL: Well, the jury's still out on AFGHANISTAN.
20061024             O'REILLY: — overthrow the Taliban in that way. So we were successful.
20061024             SEWALL: Unfortunately, AFGHANISTAN—GOING backwards.
20061024             O'REILLY: That's 1—MYTH.
20061024             SEWALL: — which I think speaks — - O'REILLY: That's 1—MYTH.
20061024             SEWALL: — to PART—OF—THE—PROBLEM with THE—FOCUS—OF—EFFORT on IRAQ.
20061024             —RISKED, We, losing the progress that has been made in AFGHANISTAN.
20061024             O'REILLY: —NOW you're —JUST—THAT—NOT true.
20061024             THERE—ALWAYS going to be 1—TALIBAN insurrection. SEWALL: It is true.
20061024             O'REILLY: As long as they have MOUNTAIN—NOW it's not.
20061024             EVERY—MILITARY—ANALYST working for our team says MOST—OF—THAT—COUNTRY is pacified.
20061024             SEWALL: Maybe you should be talking to the people on the ground — - O'REILLY: I talked to everybody.
20061024             —CONCERNED, SEWALL: — because they're, about the situation.
20061024             O'REILLY: You're —JUST parroting the left wing line that AMERICA DOESN'T know what it's doing.
20061024             SEWALL: I'm parroting conversations with commanders who are in uniform serving in AFGHANISTAN.
20061024             O'REILLY: All right, so have I. Our information is that there's no danger at ALL—OF—THE—TALIBAN reclaiming that country, none.
20061024             They'll be annoying. There will be 1—GUERRILLA—WARFARE.
20061024             It will not happen. I believe that.
20061024             COHEN—WARNS—CONSERVATIVES—USING 'Purely Overt Racist Approach' To Attack REPRESENTATIVE—FORD
20061024             1—NEW—RIGHT—WING ad targeting AFRICA—USA REPRESENTATIVE—HAROLD—FORD (D—TN), who is running for Senate in TENNESSEE, features "1—SCANTILY clad white woman
20061024             winking and inviting [Ford] to 'call me.'
20061024             SOME—HISTORY ON—HARVEY—GANTT :
20061024             $6,300. - EVERY—ADDITIONAL 2. spent in IRAQ.
20061024             Acute Power Shortage In BAGHDAD Interrupts BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Press Conference
20061024             press conference was briefly interrupted. THE—TURKISHPRESS notes that "
20061024             the hall was plunged into darkness by 1—OF—BAGHDAD—REGULAR—POWER cuts, despite the fact the venue was in the capital's HEAVILY—FORTIFIED Green Zone, also home to THE—USA—EMBASSY".
20061024             HERE—1—SCREENSHOT from CNN:
20061024             —WHILE the power cut may have been 1—INCONVENIENCE for the media outlets and for Khalilzad — who "kept talking in obscurity for 3 or —4—MINUTES—UNTIL order was restored" — it's PART—OF—DAILY—LIFE for residents in BAGHDAD.
20061024             Residents —NOW receive 1—AVERAGE—OF—JUST
20061024             2.—4—HOURS per —DAY, compared to 16—24—HOURS—BEFORE THE—USA—INVASION.
20061024             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—HYPES 'Timeline' For IRAQ, Policy Stays THE—COURSE
20061024             wants 1—TIMELINE for withdrawing USA—TROOPS from IRAQ.
20061024             —STARTED, In response, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, throwing —AROUND terms like "timeline" and "timetable".
20061024             Watch SOME—EXCERPTS from —TODAY—PRESS conference with THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to IRAQ, Zalmay Khalilzad, and GENERAL—GEORGE—W—CASEY—JUNIOR:
20061024             —ACCOMPANIED, Unfortunately, this rhetoric is not, by ANY—CHANGE in strategy.
20061024             —AGREED, THE—IRAQIS have, to a 12—18—MONTH "timeline" to control violence in IRAQ.
20061024             —AGREED, But if they don't meet the benchmarks they've, to, there are no consequences.
20061024             —DISCONNECTED, The "timeline" is, from 1—DRAWDOWN—OF—USA—TROOPS.
20061024             —NOTED, Casey, "I said —1—YEAR or so ago that if the conditions on the ground continued the way they were going, that I thought we'd have fairly substantial reductions in coalition forces".
20061024             Casey made it clear that if the latest effort to get the Iraqis to assume more responsibility doesn't work out, he's ready to reinvent the wheel again.
20061024             This is the same approach THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has been pursuing for more than —3—YEARS.
20061024             Staying the course provides very little incentive for Iraqis to assume CONTROL—OF—THEIR—OWN—SECURITY—PROBLEMS.
20061024             KHALILZAD: Success in IRAQ is possible and can be achieved on 1—REALISTIC—TIMETABLE.
20061024             IRAQ—LEADERS must step up to achieve key political and security milestones on which they have agreed.
20061024             —AGREED, KHALILZAD: IRAQ—LEADERS have, to 1—TIMELINE for making the hard decision needed to resolve these issues.
20061024             53. AMERICA—RANKING on Reporters Without BORDERS—GLOBAL—PRESS—FREEDOM—INDEX, dropping from 17. place 20020000             .
20061024             "Relations between the media and THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION sharply deteriorated —AFTER THE—PRESIDENT used the pretext of 'national security' to regard as suspicious ANY—JOURNALIST who questioned his 'WAR—ON—TERRORISM.'"
20061024             "Several governments —AROUND the world have tried to rebut criticism of how they handle detainees by claiming they are
20061024             54—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS BELIEVE—THE—USA—ECONOMY is getting worse.
20061024             —DEGRADED, The natural world is being, "at 1—RATE unprecedented in human history," and if current consumption levels continue, "
20061024             "KIRK—FORDHAM, FOLEY—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, said HE—ALERTED Palmer several years ago
20061024             to his concerns about FOLEY—FRIENDSHIPS with pages".
20061024             "THE—FBI and Justice Department appear to be
20061024             expanding their probe into THE—JACK—ABRAMOFF lobbying scandal in hopes of nabbing another MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS and aides," USA—NEWS—REPORTS.
20061024             House INTERNATIONAL Relations Chairman HENRY—HYDE (R—IL) has written 1—LETTER to DONALD—RUMSFELD saying "that THE—USA—SUPPORTED poppy eradication program in AFGHANISTAN is 1—FAILURE," and that "record opium poppy harvests show efforts to target farmers
20061024             are not working.
20061024             " FORMER—ENRON CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—JEFFREY—SKILLING, who gained infamy as the man who orchestrated 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—CORPORATE—FRAUDS in history, has been sentenced to more than —24—YEARS in prison".
20061024             Skilling will also "fork over $45—MILLION in restitution should he lose his appeal".
20061024             And finally: WYOMING Libertarian congressional candidate THOMAS—RANKIN said REPRESENTATIVE—BARBARA—CUBIN (R—WY) threatened to slap him —AFTER 1 televised debate.
20061024             "Barbara walked over to me and said, 'If you weren't sitting in that chair,
20061024             I'd slap you across the face.' That's QUOTE—UNQUOTE," Rankin said.
20061024             Rankin has multiple sclerosis and uses 1—ELECTRIC wheelchair.
20061024             Gore Vidal Assured Military Would Prevent Staged Terror
20061024             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—LITERARY—GIANT says 20010911             allowed to happen, slams BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—COUP de 'TAT—OF—USA—FREEDOM
20061024             If Your Fingerprints Aren't Down You're Not Coming In
20061024             Will people start caring more about the
20061024             IRAQ 'success' possible, USA says USA—ENVOY—ZALMAY Khalilzad says success is possible in IRAQ in 1—REALISTIC—TIME—FRAME despite ongoing violence.
20061024             —PROBED, French, over RWANDA genocide FRANCE played an active role in RWANDA—GENOCIDE, a former senior RWANDA—DIPLOMAT tells a tribunal.
20061024             BUDAPEST police deny brutality BUDAPEST—POLICE—CHIEF—DEFENDS—THE—USE—OF—FORCE against protesters —DURING clashes in HUNGARY—CAPITAL.
20061024             USA—JAILS—EGYPT pair for slavery 1—CALIFORNIA court sends 1—EGYPT—COUPLE to prison for enslaving a —10—YEAR—OLD—GIRL as their servant in THE—USA.
20061024             NIGER orders expulsion of Arabs The government of NIGER tells 150,000 Arabs, originally from CHAD, to leave the country, without explaining why.
20061024             Ivorians to sue 'toxic ship' firm 1—LAWYER for VICTIMS—OF—TOXIC—WASTE dumped in IVORY—COAST says he will sue the firm that shipped the waste there.
20061024             North warns against Ortega vote EX—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—OLIVER—NORTH tells NICARAGUA not to return to the past by voting for DANIEL—ORTEGA.
20061024             BRAZIL—MINER buys CANADA rival BRAZIL—FIRM—CVRD becomes the world's 2.—BIGGEST miner —AFTER securing a $17bn takeover of CANADA—INCO.
20061024             —PLANNED, IRAN condemns USA Gulf exercises IRAN criticises, USA—EXERCISES in the Gulf, —WHILE Ayatollah ALI—KHAMENEI calls for Muslim unity.
20061024             MPs overturn extradition change MPs overturn 1—CHANGE made by the Lords that would have blocked "FAST—TRACK" extraditions to THE—USA.
20061024             Opec quota pledges lift oil price Oil prices rise back above $59 1—BARREL —AFTER THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES confirms it will join SAUDI—ARABIA and cut output.
20061024             —SWITCHED, Amazon river ' direction' The world's largest river, the Amazon, once flowed from the Atlantic Ocean to THE—PACIFIC—THE—OPPOSITE—OF—ITS—PRESENT—DIRECTION.
20061024             Google offers personal searches 1—TOOL that allows users to create 1 customised search engine is the latest offering from search giant Google.
20061024             Smart Sensors Find Floods UK—RESEARCHERS—USE—GRIDS—OF—SMALL—CPUS to help monitor flood waters and get local warnings out faster.
20061024             —BY BRENDAN—BORRELL.
20061024             Messenger Makes 1—PASS at Venus The space probe continues 1—COMPLEX—SERIES—OF—MANEUVERS to slip into orbit —AROUND Mercury, flying by the sultry planet for the 1. of 2—TIMES as PART—OF—ITS positioning.
20061024             JetBlue Experiment Goes Awry 1—CLINICAL—TRIAL on pilot fatigue puts passengers at risk and could land the airline in hot water.
20061024             BODYHACK. Google CO—OP Narrows Your Search
20061024             1—NEW—CUSTOMIZABLE—SEARCH—TOOL gives Googlers 1—WAY to restrict their web searches to certain sites —WHILE giving content publishers yet another outlet for serving TEXT—BASED ads
20061024             Taliban leader warns of fierce fighting to come:
20061024             —OBTAINED, Taliban video, by Reuters —THIS—MONTH shows fighters WELL—ARMED and equipped in the mountains of Uruzgan in the south.
20061024             Omar said PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI would face Islamic justice for cooperating with WASHINGTON
20061024             Taliban and NATO in talks to pull out of several areas:
20061024             Talks are underway between the Taliban and NATO—FORCES—THROUGH tribal ELDERS—OVER THE—PULLOUT—OF—TROOPS from 12—DISTRICTS along THE—PAKISTAN—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, providing the Taliban make concessions to THE—NATO—FORCES and agree not to attack their bases in those AFGHANISTAN—PROVINCES where the deal is signed
20061024             —UNPRECEDENTED, UK: MoD bans TV news access to warzones : In 1, move that risks ACCUSATIONS—OF—CENSORSHIP, the Government has withdrawn CO—OPERATION from ITV News in warzones —AFTER accusing it of inaccurate and intrusive reports about the fate of wounded soldiers.
20061024             IRAN condemns USA Gulf exercises : Reports say THE—USA is to hold naval exercises —AT—THE—END—OF—OCTOBER with BAHRAIN, KUWAIT, FRANCE and BRITAIN.
20061024             USA Wants UN To Ban Missile Sales To IRAN—DIPLOMATS : THE—USA, FRANCE and THE—UK—ARE pushing for UNITED—NATIONS Security Council bans on THE—SALE—OF—MISSILE and nuclear technology to IRAN and 1—END to most technical aid programs from THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY, diplomats said —TUESDAY.
20061024             SIMON—TISDALL: Time for Bush to talk to IRAN and Syria : Whatever else JAMES—BAKER may recommend in his MUCH—ANTICIPATED report on future USA—STRATEGY in IRAQ, it seems certain he will urge GEORGE—BUSH to open direct, HIGH—LEVEL—TALKS with IRAN and Syria.
20061024             Olmert pins hopes on Lieberman to stop IRAN: Lieberman as Deputy PRIME—MINISTER, will serve as PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT—RIGHT—HAND—MAN to liquidate IRAN—NUCLEAR—BOMB —BEFORE it is created.
20061024             Report: Illegal W. Bank construction up : ISRAEL reportedly has suppressed 1—GOVERNMENT—REPORT revealing LARGE—SCALE—ILLEGAL—SETTLEMENT—EXPANSION in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20061024             CHINA denies reports of NKorean apology for nuclear test : NORTH—KOREA is not planning a 2. nuclear test and is willing to return to 6—PARTY—TALKS under certain conditions, but warned that it would take action if it felt pressured, CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said —TUESDAY.
20061024             CHINA may back coup against Kim : THE—CHINA—ARE openly debating "regime change" in PYONGYANG —AFTER—LAST—WEEK—NUCLEAR—TEST by their confrontational neighbour.
20061024             'Coup Possible in PYONGYANG' : A ``BEIJING—FRIENDLY—PALACE—COUP'' may happen in NORTH—KOREA to drive out the North's ``dear leader'' KIM—JONG—IL, A—USA—WEEKLY—MAGAZINE reported in its latest issue.
20061024             —SHOCKED, EU, as Putin comes out fighting : MISTER—PUTIN—RESPONSE was sharp.
20061024             He told the Europeans RUSSIA would set its own terms on energy supplies + not sign the Energy Charter Treaty, as they asked.
20061024             Ortega leads NICARAGUA presidential election polls : DANIEL—ORTEGA, CANDIDATE—OF—THE—SANDINISTA—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—FRONT (FSLN), leads presidential polls in NICARAGUA with 34.2—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES, polling firm GCM said —ON—MONDAY.
20061024             North warns against Ortega vote : : "My hope is that the people of NICARAGUA are not going to return to that. That's not good for your country. That's not good for my country".
20061024             —VISITED, MISTER—NORTH, 1—MEMORIAL for fallen Contra rebels.
20061024             Blowout! Chávez Holds Huge Lead in VENEZUELA Reelection Bid:
20061024             —WAIVED, USA waives law for Chin refugees : THE—USA has, 1—SECURITY—REGULATION to let THOUSANDS—OF—REFUGEES from BURMA—CHIN state request asylum.
20061024             —PASSED, Strict laws, —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks prevent people who have provided "material support" to armed groups from resettling in THE—USA.
20061024             —PROVIDED, MANY—CHIN refugees had, such help to rebel groups such as THE—CHIN—NATIONAL—FRONT and CHIN—NATIONAL—ARMY.
20061024             AUSTRALIA: USA told Hicks delay 'not satisfactory': THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT is concerned DAVID—HICKS has been behind bars at GUANTANAMO Bay —FOR—5—YEARS without facing trial, FEDERAL—JUSTICE—MINISTER—CHRIS—ELLISON has said.
20061024             Judge strikes down PART—OF—CANADA—ANTI—TERRORISM—LAW: 1—JUDGE—TUESDAY struck down 1—PORTION—OF—CANADA—ANTI—TERRORISM—LAW, ruling that the clause dealing with THE—DEFINITION—OF—TERRORISM violates the country's BILL—OF—RIGHTS.
20061024             —BRANDED, FORMER—CIA—SPY, 1—TRAITOR wants to clear his name: He was hurtling into history as 1—OF—THIS nation's most infamous traitors —UNTIL—3—YEARS—AGO -- —WHEN 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE concluded he'd been buried with THE—HELP—OF—GOVERNMENT lies.
20061024             Stranger than fiction:
20061024             Drinkers to leave prints for pints : Drinkers could be asked to leave their fingerprints at the bar EVERY—TIME they buy 1—PINT in 1—PUB or club.
20061024             They may also need to show 1—PASSPORT or 1—DRIVING licence and theirdetails will be held on 1—DATABASE—AVAILABLE to police.
20061024             —PLANNED, SADDAM—HUSSEIN'S "guilty" conviction announcement, —FOR—2—DAYS—BEFORE elections : "In my experience, everything that comes out of BAGHDAD is very carefully prepared for USA—DOMESTIC—CONSUMPTION," he said.
20061024             USA blames IRAN, Syria for IRAQ violence: AMERICA—CIVILIAN and military leaders in IRAQ linked IRAN and Syria with al Qaeda —ON—TUESDAY as forces trying to tear the country apart and prevent THE—USA—FROM establishing 1—STABLE—DEMOCRACY.
20061024             IRAQ: THE—UK—PEOPLE have their say.
20061024             And It's bad news for Blair : Demands for 1—URGENT—COMMONS—DEBATE on pulling UK—TROOPS out of IRAQ were stepped up last night at WESTMINSTER —AFTER 1—OPINION poll found that 62—PER CENT—OF—VOTERS—SUPPORT 1—WITHDRAWAL —BEFORE the country has been made stable.
20061024             USA Planing Coup against Maliki Government : IRAQ—ARMY—OFFICERS are reportedly planning to stage 1—MILITARY—COUP with USA—HELP to oust THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI.
20061024             So much for 1—INDEPENDENT and democratic IRAQ!":
20061024             Bush tells Maliki government to tackle militias or face penalties : THE—WHITE—HOUSE confirmed —YESTERDAY that it had set "benchmarks and milestones" for THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT to disarm militias and take other concrete steps to stabilise the country.
20061024             Shiite leader calls for SOUTH—IRAQ autonomy: THE—LEADER—OF—IRAQ—LARGEST—SHIITE bloc has called for the country to be divided into FEDERAL—ZONES, to THE—DISMAY—OF—MINORITY—SUNNIS who fear losing out on IRAQ—VAST—OIL—WEALTH.
20061024             IRAQ war could be judged 1—DISASTER, Beckett admits : IRAQ could break up into different parts eventually, MARGARET—BECKETT, the Foreign SECRETARY, said —YESTERDAY as she acknowledged the limitations to what could be achieved by coalition forces.
20061024             Advertising Terrorism
20061024             Video and transcript
20061024             —CREATED, Vaccine, for deadly flu of 19180000             20061024             —REPORTED, Government scientists, —MONDAY they have created 1—VACCINE against the catastrophic "SPAIN—FLU" virus of 19180000—19190000, raising hopes that 1—REMEDY could be developed if 1—MODERN strain of avian flu turns equally deadly.
20061024             Hastert and Sibel This is turning into 1—OF—THOSE days —WHEN all my posts tell you to go read other bloggers.
20061024             —EDUCATED, But you cannot count yourself truly, about current affairs if you don't read lukery's latest on SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE—DENNIS—HASTERT.
20061024             Sibel is trying her damnedest to get the story out...
20061024             She currently has at least 2—VETERAN—FBI agents, with 1. hand information, who are willing to go on the record and confirm the entire story (Hastert, ATC, ATAA, Livingston Group...).
20061024             All we need is 1—REPORTER.
20061024             How can we force the media to pay attention to the true "Hastergate" story?
20061024             Lukery has 1—PLAN. Go here and scroll to the bottom.
20061024             THE—FBI has tapes indicating the bribing of Hastert + investigator DAVID—ROSE has spoken to those who know what is on those tapes.
20061024             —CLAIMED, In essence, 1, bribe episode involved 1—CONGRESSIONAL resolution recognizing the Aremenian genocide, 1—EVENT which the Turks hope to wipe from memory.
20061024             —ANNOUNCED, Hastert, his support for this measure 20000000             .
20061024             —PASSED, But what is significant, the resolution had, the Human Rights SUBCOMMITTEE—OF—THE—HOUSE.
20061024             It passed THE—INTERNATIONAL—RELATIONS—COMMITTEE, but on THE—EVE—OF—THE—HOUSE—VOTE, the full HOUSE—VOTE, DENNIS—HASTERT withdrew the resolution.
20061024             Well, whether or not these allegations have substance is not something that I am able to STATE—WITH—ANY—KNOWLEDGE, but it is said that in the wiretaps that were translated by Sibel Edmonds, reference was made to this very controversial QUESTION—OF—THE—HOUSE—VOTE.
20061024             1—OF—THE—TURKEY—TARGETS—OF these wiretaps claimed that the price for getting DENNIS—HASTERT to withdraw the resolution would be $500,000. —NOW, I do emphasize there's no evidence at all that he received such 1—PAYMENT, but that is what is said to have been recorded in 1—OF—THE—WIRETAPS.
20061024             —QUOTED, In 1—RECENT—INTERVIEW, by lukery, DANIEL—ELLSBERG said the —FOLLOWING: Sibel says that SUITCASES—OF—CASH have been delivered to THE—SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE, DENNIS—HASTERT, at his home, near CHICAGO, from TURKEY—SOURCES, knowing that 1—LOT—OF—THAT is drug money.
20061024             —NOW these are pretty inflammatory allegations, let's say + it's NOTE—WORTHY that they haven't even been picked up by the mainstream press.
20061024             Acute Power Shortage In BAGHDAD Interrupts BUSH—ADMINISTRATION "Smoke and Mirrors" Press Conference
20061024             Can You Eat Chocolate with 1—CLEAR—CONSCIENCE.
20061024             Yes, If It's Fair Trade. Support Justice and BuzzFlash.com.
20061024             UPDATE from Burt Hall: 1—MATTER—OF—SECURITY—REPUBLICANS vs. Democrats
20061024             Reframing: Words to Reclaim by GEORGE—LAKOFF and the Rockridge Institute
20061024             MICHAEL—WINSHIP: A Whip Hand to WASHINGTON Desk Jockeys - STEVEN—JONAS: So Whassup on IRAQ, Jim?
20061024             Dass WWF—DIREKTOR Leape die statistische und methaporische Botschaft der Umweltschützer ausgerechnet in Peking der Weltöffentlichkeit vorstellte, hat einen tieferen Sinn.
20061024             Denn der Verbrauch von fossilen Brennstoffen trage am meisten zur immer negativeren Bilanz bei, sagte er.
20061024             Daher sei es 1—SCHRITT in die richtige Richtung, wenn das bevölkerungsreiche CHINA sich verpflichte, seinen Energieverbrauch in den kommenden —5—JAHREN um 20 % zu reduzieren.
20061024             "Von den —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN der schnell wachsenden Entwicklungsländer wie CHINA oder INDIEN wird viel abhängen", sagt Leape.
20061024             "Der Kollaps großer Lebensräume ist wahrscheinlich", warnt der WWF.
20061024             Um den Beweis zu führen, dass genau dies stattfindet, veröffentlichte der WWF ein 2. ökostatistisches Werk: den "Living Planet Index".
20061024             Darin werden zahlreiche Tierbestände über —DIE—JAHRE vergleichen.
20061024             Und auch die Ergebnisse dieser Statistik klingen ernst.
20061024             Rund 30—PROZENT—DER—BEOBACHTETEN—POPULATIONEN höherer Tierarten seien in den vergangenen —33—JAHREN geschrumpft: 31—PROZENT—DER—AN—LAND lebenden Arten, 28—PROZENT—DER—SÜßWASSER— und 27—PROZENT—DER—MEERWASSERARTEN.
20061024             Für diese vergleichende Erhebung hat der WWF in Zusammenarbeit mit der Zoological Society LONDON und dem Umweltprogramm der Vereinten Nationen (Unep) 3600—POPULATIONEN—VON—13130000              Wirbeltierarten beobachtet.
20061024             —VERLOREN, In —33—JAHREN 30—PROZENT—DER—TIERARTEN
20061024             "—SEIT mehr als —20—JAHREN überschreiten wir die Fähigkeit der Erde, einen konsumgeprägten Lebensstil zu tragen, der nicht nachhaltig ist", sagte WWF—GENERALDIREKTOR JAMES—LEAPE.
20061024             Daran sei nicht bloß das Bevölkerungswachstum schuld.
20061024             Denn der Verbrauch wachse schneller als die Weltbevölkerung.
20061024             Der Mensch überfordere die Fähigkeit der Natur, sich zu regenerieren.
20061024             "Um zu erneuern, was die Menschen auf der Erde in —12—MONATEN an Ressourcen aufbrauchen und vernichten, braucht die Natur —15—MONATE. Wir leben also über unsere Maße, unser Planet kommt nicht hinterher", warnt der WWF.
20061024             Es ist ein simples Gedankenspiel: Rund 1—VIERTEL—DER—ERDOBERFLÄCHE ist produktive LAND—UND Meeresfläche, der Rest sind Wüsten, Gebirge, Gletscher und so fort.
20061024             Das nutzbare Viertel müssen die Menschen bewirtschaften, um von seinen Früchten zu leben.
20061024             Die so verfügbaren 11,2 Milliarden Hektar teilen die WWF—FORSCHER durch die Weltbevölkerung von aktuell 6,4 Milliarden Menschen.
20061024             "Unser Planet kommt nicht hinterher"
20061024             "Enduring Freedom": Merkel vor 2- FRONTEN—KAMPF um AFGHANISTAN
20061024             GAS—VERSORGUNG: RUSSLAND und UKRAINE legen Streit bei
20061024             Neue SERVICE—EINHEIT: Telekom schiebt 45.000—MITARBEITER ab
20061024             Google und Co.: Die teuersten Firmen der USA
20061024             Lebensraum Erde: Die Menschheit zertrampelt den Planeten
20061024             SPD—OBERSCHICHTDEBATTE: Die unbekannten oberen 280.000
20061024             Operation: Blasenstein ist so groß wie Pampelmuse
20061024             Großfusion: Unternehmen schmieden zweitgrößten Bergbaukonzern
20061024             Pressefreiheit: Wie die DEUTSCHE—POLITIK trickst, tarnt und täuscht
20061024             TV—REVOLUTION in FRANKREICH: Chirac kritisieren? Pas de problème!
20061024             Vermeintliche Horrormeldung: Zweifelhafte Studie zu Spermienschäden durch Handys
20061024             Rechtsextreme Gewalt: Zentralrat der Juden warnt vor Verhältnissen wie zur NAZI—ZEIT
20061024             Heißer —HERBST: 25—GRAD mitten —IM—OKTOBER
20061024             Jahrestag des Ungarnaufstands: Krawalle in BUDAPEST
20061024             DUSTIN—HOFFMAN: "Euthanasie ist in HOLLYWOOD legal" - "KEIN ÜBERLEBEN OHNE WELTETHOS"
20061024             sowie menschenwürdigen Sterbens und aktiver Sterbehilfe;
20061024             2. Wie: Die Wege — Revolution, Reform, Transformation...
20061024             Die Profitdominanz ist 1—HAUPTURSACHE für die Spaltung der Erde in Reiche und.
20061024             Arme.
20061024             Die USA vor allem erheben den Anspruch, nach eigenen Interessen die.
20061024             Sozialismus als Tagesaufgabe - 1—HAUPTURSACHE für die Spaltung der Erde in Reiche und Arme.
20061024             Die USA vor allem erheben den Anspruch, nach eigenen Interessen die Weltordnung zu...
20061024             Centisimus annus —
20061024             Der Zusammenbruch des Marxismus hatte natürlich Auswirkungen von großer Tragweite auf die Spaltung der Erde in voneinander abgeschlossene und miteinander...
20061024             THE—BIG—BROTHER—FILES #51: THE—MOTHER—OF—ALL—SMOKESCREENS... for 1—PEACE dividend, the defense budget was under 200—BILLION dollars.
20061024             at once to produce 1—COHESIVE and compelling story of how we got where we are in.
20061024             MEDIALENS—BUSH/Cheney, USA—WAR—DOCTRINE & Plans to Nuke IRAN... it has developed 1—COHESIVE multibillion dollar counterterrorism program "to go...
20061024             DEPARTMENT—SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTEN : Institut für Kriminologische...
20061024             Kriminologie / Postsozialität. Kriminalität und Armut; Jugendkriminalität ohne Jugend;
20061024             Kriminalität und Soziale Arbeit/ Rückzug des Sozialstaates.
20061024             DGS 20060000             / PLENUM 10: DIE TECHNISCHE NATUR DER GESELLSCHAFT...
20061024             Posthumane Sozialität statt Postsozialität INGO—SCHULZ—SCHAEFFER Download Abstract
20061024             Die 2—NATUREN sozialer Aktivität. - Netzwerktheoretische Betrachtungen...
20061024             DGS 20060000             / ABSTRACTS INGO—SCHULZ—SCHAEFFER.
20061024             Technik als soziale Institution und Technik als sozialer Akteur.
20061024             Focused Ethnography<1—HREF="#1"></a> 1. Introduction
20061024             " Postsozialität ", Alterität und Alienetät. In Michael.
20061024             Schetsche (Ed.), Der maximal Fremde.
20061024             Begegnungen mit dem Nichtmenschlichen + die Grenzen des.
20061024             GW 54 (20050000             ) 2—HUBERT—KNOBLAUCH/Bernt Schnettler: " Postsozialität ", Alterität und Alienität;
20061024             Joscha Bach: Gespräch mit einer Künstlichen Intelligenz — Voraussetzungen der...
20061024             Inhalt und Struktur des moralischen Urteilens Postsozialität und Piagets Stadium der moralischen Autonomie struktur-. analoge Stadien, die jedoch in ganz verschiedenen Altersphasen auftreten.
20061024             Da.
20061024             —GEGEBEN, Doch hat es eine solche Aufregung hier —BISHER selten.
20061024             Food and Agriculture Organization
20061024             —RECOMMENDED, Search for information about food and agriculture, by the Food and Agriculture organization of THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20061024             Try these queries: Rice, Avian Flu
20061024             Real Climate - RealClimate_org provides expert opinions on THE—SCIENCE—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20061024             —POLITICIZED, —SINCE this subject has become rather, THE—QUALITY—OF—INFORMATION—AVAILABLE on the web varies.
20061024             —CREATED, Using Google Custom Search Engine, they have, 1—SEARCHABLE—SUBSET—OF—THE—WEB that they believe provides the most reliable information.
20061024             Try these queries: Greenhouse gases, CO2 , global warming, ethanol
20061024             Was Google da jedoch —IN—DER—NACHT—VON—MONTAG auf —DIENSTAG angekündigt hat, geht darüber weit hinaus.
20061024             Die - "Custom Search Engine", die Google ab sofort an jeden Interessierten verteilt, ist 1—TOOLKIT, um eine maßgeschneiderte, auch optisch auf das Design der "gastgebenden" Webseite zugeschnittene GOOGLE—SUCHE zu ermöglichen.
20061024             Über die —SCHON—SEIT langem mögliche, auf nur 1—WEBSEITE eingrenzbare GOOGLE—SUCHE (quasi eine kostenlose ARCHIV—SUCHFUNKTION) hinaus, erlaubt Google —NUN den Vollzugriff auf seine Suchdatenbank
20061024             unter Einsatz festgelegter Suchfilter.
20061024             Umfrage: Amerikaner glauben nicht mehr an Sieg im IRAK
20061024             Bestätigung aus dem Präsidialamt: Köhler stoppt Privatisierung der Flugsicherung
20061024             BRITISCHE—STUDIE: Hunderte Patienten STARBEN—WEIL Krankenschwestern fehlten
20061024             Fernsehauftritt: Amerikaner findet seine Identität
20061024             Weltweites Ranking: Mehr Pressefreiheit in BOLIVIEN als in DEUTSCHLAND
20061024             Saftiger Überschuss: Arbeitsagentur peilt 12—MILLIARDEN an
20061024             Rekord: GOOGLE—MARKTWERT steigt über 150—MILLIARDEN Dollar
20061024             UNGARN: Dutzende Verletzte bei Straßenschlachten in BUDAPEST
20061024             Bernays, EDWARD—L IMPACT—PUBLIC relations in AMERICA-.html Bernays, EDWARD—L IMPACT—PUBLIC relations in AMERICA... How did EDWARD—L—BERNAYS impact public relations in AMERICA?
20061024             alfatomega.com/noname21.html
20061024             N KOREA food shortages 'CRITICAL'NORTH—KOREA—FOOD—SHORTAGES have worsened —SINCE its recent nuclear test led donors to withdraw aid, THE—UN says.
20061024             Stem Cell Therapy Causes TUMORS—KDAWSON 3 - SpaceAdmiral writes,
20061024             "Using human embryonic stem cells, researchers have cured 1—PARKINSON'S—LIKE—DISEASE in rats. Unfortunately, THE—PARKINSON—CURE causes brain tumors".
20061024             —FROM the 1. article: "...—10—WEEKS into the trial, [UNIVERSITY—OF—ROCHESTER researchers] discovered brain tumours had begun to grow in EVERY—ANIMAL treated... By definition, human embryonic stem cells have the almost mythical, immortal power to grow and divide indefinitely as they become the various tissues that make up the body. As 1—RESULT, scientists have always known that ANY—STEM cell therapy could result in 1 uncontrolled GROWTH—OF—CELLS that could give rise to cancer".
20061024             REPORT: Bush Officials Were 'Rooting' For NORTH—KOREA to Test Nuclear Weapon
20061024             —WANTED, Senior BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS, NORTH—KOREA to test 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON because it would prove their point that the regime must be overthrown.
20061024             Getting OUT—WHETHER you find the government oppressive, the economy on 1—DEVASTATING course, or if you simply want adventure, you're not alone.
20061024             Over 300,000 Americans emigrate EACH—YEAR.
20061024             Bush Signs the Reichstag Fire Decree: With 1—FLIP of the wrist, Bush signed into law THE—ANTI—HABEAS Corpus, PRO—TORTURE—LAW (cleverly repackaged as the Military Commissions Act of 20060000             ), signaling with it THE—END—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY.
20061024             Peace, Propaganda & THE—PROMISED—LAND: This video carefully analyzes and explains how--through THE—USE—OF—LANGUAGE, framing and context--THE—ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—OF—THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA remains hidden in the news media + ISRAEL—COLONIZATION—OF—THE occupied terrorities appears to be 1—DEFENSIVE—MOVE rather than 1—OFFENSIVE 1.
20061024             UK—DAILY 'THE—SUNDAY—EXPRESS' reports senior ISRAEL—AGENTS arrived in LONDON to view episode of BBC drama 'Spooks' where Mossad agents are depicted shooting bound prisoners in the back
20061024             8—MORE—DOCTORS suspected of illegal human experiments : 8—MORE—DOCTORS from the Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot and the Hartzfeld Geriatric Hospital in Gedera are SUSPECTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in experiments on human beings, CHIEF—SUPERINTENDENT—MEIR—COHEN, told the Knesset Labor and Welfare COMMITTEE—ON—MONDAY.
20061024             ". Our soldiers will be trained to face all the threats against ISRAEL, topped by THE—IRAN—THREAT. We have already begun the work".
20061024             IRAN won't retreat from atomic RIGHTS—PRESIDENT : IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD said —ON—MONDAY Western powers were wrong if they thought IRAN would retreat under political pressure from its nuclear plans, even as the country faces possible sanctions.
20061024             Military BUILD—UP in THE—EAST—MEDITERRANEAN and the Persian Gulf:
20061024             With all the hype about NORTH—KOREA, we're forgetting that the world is still staring down the barrels of THOUSANDS—OF—USA and RUSSIA—ICBMS
20061024             Extreme RIGHT—WINGER to join ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT : 1—FAR—RIGHT—POLITICIAN dubbed "the most dangerous politician in THE—HISTORY—OF—ISRAEL" because of his ANTI—ARAB and AUTHORITY—VIEWS last night looked set to join THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT.
20061024             —DOWNPLAYED, ISRAEL—DOWNPLAYS—RUSSIA'S—ON Hamas : ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ON—SUNDAY, THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—COMMENTS that it was "unrealistic" to demand that Hamas —IMMEDIATELY recognize ISRAEL and disarm, the Associated Press news agency reports.
20061024             There is never going to be 1—NATO—VICTORY in AFGHANISTAN: The military option is going nowhere.
20061024             The way forward is to emulate PAKISTAN by withdrawing troops and making deals
20061024             AFGHANISTAN—MILITANTS 'plan UK attacks' : AFGHANISTAN—MILITANTS are for the 1. time plotting to attack westerners in BRITAIN and the rest of EUROPE, 1—TALIBAN COMMANDER has claimed.
20061024             1.9—MLN USD for slush fund in AFGHANISTAN burned as plane on fire : The money, packed into 8—WHEEL—DRIVE—VEHICLES being carried on THE—UK—HERCULES C—130—PLANE, was reportedly intended to "buy off" local warlords against the Taliban.
20061024             THE—EXODUS: 1.6m Iraqis have fled their country —SINCE the war : IRAQ is in flight.
20061024             —LIVED, Everywhere inside + outside the country, Iraqis who once, in their own houses cower for safety 6 or 7 to 1—ROOM in hovels.
20061024             —WARNED, UK, against invasion : On THE—DAY—AFTER 20060911             —THE terrorist attacks, senior UK—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS told their USA—COUNTERPARTS that they would not support retaliatory action against IRAQ, 1—NEW—BOOK—CLAIMS.
20061024             Alleged corrupt arms deals cost IRAQ USA$800M : IRAQ—FORMER—FINANCE—MINISTER alleged in A—USA—TELEVISION—REPORT aired —SUNDAY that up to USA$800—MILLION meant to equip THE—IRAQ—ARMY had been stolen from the government by former officials through fraudulent arms deals.
20061024             —DONATED, MANY—MILITARY—FAMILIES rely on, goods : They were waiting —FOR—DAY—OLD—BREAD and frozen dinners packaged in slightly damaged boxes.
20061024             These families are among 1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—MILITARY households in S—DIEGO—COUNTY that regularly rely on donated food.
20061024             Halliburton's 3Q Income Rises 22 % : THE—HOUSTON—BASED oilfield services conglomerate —SUNDAY—POSTED $611—MILLION, or 58—CENTS per share, in net income for THE—JUNE—SEPTEMBER quarter, including a $4—MILLION—CHARGE from discontinued operations.
20061024             USA 'cannot stay course' in IRAQ : THE—USA is not winning in IRAQ and will not be able to stay the course in THE—LONG—TERM, 1—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT insider has said.
20061024             —BACKED, Ike Skelton, who, IRAQ war, —NOW wants USA to withdraw : The spiraling violence is "deeply disturbing," Skelton said in 1—CONFERENCE—CALL with reporters, —DURING which he called for THE—REDEPLOYMENT—OF—USA—TROOPS out of IRAQ.
20061024             IRAQ—FORCED To Drink Urine By UK—OCCUPATION—FORCES : 1—IRAQ—CIVILIAN detained by UK—TROOPS in IRAQ told 1—MILITARY—COURT—MONDAY that he was beaten and forced to drink urine by his captors.
20061024             BUSH—ABSOLUTE—POWER—GRAB—BY Carla Binion
20061024             THE—LIMITS—OF—LIBERTY: We're All Suspects —NOW - Identity cards.
20061024             NUMBER—PLATE—SURVEILLANCE. CCTV. Control orders.
20061024             THE—LIST—OF—WAYS in which the Government has sought to manipulate and define THE—LIMITS—OF—OUR liberty grows ever longer.
20061024             —10—YEARS—AGO, the novelist and polemicist HENRY—PORTER would have felt silly speaking out about human rights in BRITAIN.
20061024             But that was —BEFORE the most fundamental ASSAULT—ON—PERSONAL—FREEDOM ever undertaken.
20061024             —NOW, he argues, it's time we woke up to reality.
20061024             ALI—ABUNIMAH, reveals the bankruptcy of THE—2—STATE—APPROACH, takes on the objections and taboos that stand in the way of 1—BINATIONAL solution, and demonstrates that sharing the territory will bring benefits for all.
20061024             —KILLED, Leaset we forget the victims, —PRIOR—TO Bush Invasion of IRAQ
20061024             Paying THE—PRICE: Killing THE—CHILDREN—OF—IRAQ - - 1—DOCUMENTARY film by JOHN—PILGER
20061024             —ENFORCED, Sanctions, by THE—UN on IRAQ —SINCE the Gulf War have killed more people than THE—2—ATOMIC—BOMBS dropped on JAPAN 19450000             , including over half 1—MILLION—CHILDREN—MANY—OF—WHOM weren't even born —WHEN the Gulf War began.
20061024             As Crises e a Manobra de Crises A distinção entre janelas de oportunidade e vulnerabilidade decorre da assimetria entre ataque e defesa.
20061024             Essa assimetria, com nítida vantagem para a defesa.
20061024             Improve the World. Buy Fair Trade.
20061024             —SENTENCED, JEFF—SKILLING, to —24—YEARS in prison.
20061024             Are You Sick and Tired of NRA Types Urging Students to Protect Themselves from Guns and Bullets with Old Textbooks (For Real)?
20061024             Then Sign This Pledge.
20061024             "DUKE" Cunningham Corruption -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
20061024             Playing the Game of Fantasy ISLAND with USA—LIVES: " As THE—USA—DEATH—TOLL in IRAQ reached 86, the highest monthly total —THIS—YEAR, 1—SENIOR—WHITE—HOUSE—ADVISER—MONDAY rejected suggestions that USA—TROOPS were exacerbating problems in IRAQ and that 1—TIMETABLE should be set to withdraw forces from THE—WAR—TORN nation.".
20061024             The deaths brought THE—MONTH—TOTAL of lost USA—LIVES in IRAQ to at least 83. 10/23
20061024             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers
20061024             "—SEIT mehr als —20—JAHREN überschreiten wir die Fähigkeit der Erde, einen konsumgeprägten Lebensstil zu tragen,
20061024             "Skilling will also "fork over $45—MILLION in restitution
20061024             "The woman "speaks in 1 hushed, suggestive tone and says that she met Ford at 'the Playboy party.'"
20061024             "Using human embryonic stem cells, researchers have cured 1—PARKINSON'S—LIKE—DISEASE in rats.
20061024             "— Rush Limbaugh on MICHAEL—J—FOX, who appears "visibly racked by tremors" from PARKINSON—DISEASE in new television campaign ads about stem cell research.
20061024             (CROSSTALK) - - 1—HAUPTURSACHE für die Spaltung der Erde in Reiche und Arme.
20061024             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—UK—GOVERNMENT wants to control where citizens go to get drunk.
20061024             - USA—BASE in KIRKUK: IRAQ—RESISTANCE rocket blows up USA—AMMUNITION depot.
20061024             00.000.19 90, locked in 1—TIGHT—RACE with 1—AFRICA—AMERICA—DEMOCRAT, FORMER—CHARLOTTE mayor HARVEY—GANTT,
20061024             1.9—MLN USD for slush fund in AFGHANISTAN burned as plane on fire: 13;;02;;2003BLOGG—DEUTSCH-
20061024             19 %. - Number of Americans who believe THE—USA is winning the war in IRAQ, 1—ALL—TIME—LOW.
20061024             53. AMERICA—RANKING on Reporters Without BORDERS—GLOBAL—PRESS—FREEDOM—INDEX,
20061024             70—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY could decide to back the Taliban.
20061024             1—CALIFORNIA court sends 1—EGYPT—COUPLE to prison for enslaving a —10—JAHRE—ALT girl as their servant in THE—USA.
20061024             1—COUPLE—OF—POINTERS to Help You Enjoy
20061024             1—FAR—RIGHT—POLITICIAN dubbed "the most dangerous politician in THE—HISTORY—OF—ISRAEL" because of his ANTI—ARAB and AUTHORITY—VIEWS last night looked set to join THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT.
20061024             1—BEIJING—FRIENDLY—PALACE—COUP'' may happen in NORTH—KOREA to drive out THE—NORTH'SDEAR leader'' KIM—JONG—IL,
20061024             1—CLINICAL—TRIAL on pilot fatigue puts passengers at risk and could land the airline in hot water.
20061024             In Bodyhack.
20061024             A distinção entre janelas de oportunidade e vulnerabilidade decorre da assimetria entre ataque e defesa.
20061024             1—JUDGE—TUESDAY struck down 1—PORTION—OF—CANADA—ANTI—TERRORISM—LAW, ruling that the clause dealing with THE—DEFINITION—OF—TERRORISM violates the country's BILL—OF—RIGHTS.
20061024             1—LAWYER for VICTIMS—OF—TOXIC—WASTE dumped in IVORY—COAST says he will sue the firm that shipped the waste there.
20061024             1—NEW—RIGHT—WING ad targeting AFRICA—USA REPUBLICAN HAROLD—FORD (D—TN), who is running for Senate in TENNESSEE,
20061024             1—SENIOR—DIPLOMAT—FAMILIAR with UNITED—NATIONS nuclear inspections in IRAN said TEHRAN remained 1—LONG—WAY from "industrial scale" capacity that would signal its emergence as 1—NUCLEAR—POWER,
20061024             1—TOOL that allows users to create 1 customised search engine is the latest offering from search giant Google.
20061024             ACTIVE—DUTY Troops Launch Campaign to End USA—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ:
20061024             AFGHANISTAN—MILITANTS 'plan UK attacks':
20061024             AFGHANISTAN—MILITANTS are for the 1. time plotting to attack westerners in BRITAIN and the rest of EUROPE, 1—TALIBAN COMMANDER has claimed.
20061024             ALI—ABUNIMAH, reveals the bankruptcy of THE—2—STATE—APPROACH, takes on the objections and taboos that stand in the way of 1—BINATIONAL solution,
20061024             Lukery has 1—PLAN.
20061024             Go here - Alleged corrupt arms deals cost IRAQ USA$800M: Amanda - Amanda -
20061024             —SWITCHED, Amazon river ' direction'
20061024             —LINKED, AMERICA—CIVILIAN and military leaders in IRAQ, IRAN and Syria with al Qaeda —ON—TUESDAY as forces trying to tear the country apart and prevent THE—USA—FROM establishing 1—STABLE—DEMOCRACY.
20061024             Amount USA taxpayers will end up paying for EVERY—ADDITIONAL 2. spent in IRAQ.
20061024             1—IRAQ—CIVILIAN detained by UK—TROOPS in IRAQ told 1—MILITARY—COURT—MONDAY that he was beaten and forced to drink urine by his captors.
20061024             And I was watching the — THE—TENNESSEE race, specifically.
20061024             —HAPPENED, It reminded me of what, in NORTH—CAROLINA with HARVEY—GANTT, 1—PURELY overt racist approach.
20061024             —ASKED, And —WHEN the question is always, why — he would be the 1. AFRICA—USA —SINCE Reconstruction elected to the Senate,
20061024             Then Sign This Pledge. As Crises e 1—MANOBRA—DE—CRISES
20061024             As 1—RESULT, scientists have always known that ANY—STEM cell therapy could result in 1 uncontrolled GROWTH—OF—CELLS that could give rise to cancer".
20061024             AUSTRALIA: USA told Hicks delay 'not satisfactory':
20061024             BLITZER: So, you're 1—FORMER—REPUBLICAN SENATOR.
20061024             Is THE—RNC playing the racial card against HAROLD—FORD in TENNESSEE right —NOW?
20061024             BLITZER: You are talking about the new RNC ad which has this white woman talking about Playboy and the — THE—AFRICA—USA—CANDIDATE, HAROLD—FORD—JUNIOR, the Democratic candidate.
20061024             BUSH Will 'Cut and Run'; Abandons Phrase 'Stay the Course' on IRAQ 10/24
20061024             BUSH _Administration_Hypes_Timeline_For_Iraq_Policy_Stays_The_Course">Digg It!
20061024             BUSH _Administration_Press_Conference">Digg It!
20061024             Barnett Rubin said that AFGHANISTAN AFGHANISTAN is at a "tipping point"
20061024             Bernays, EDWARD—L—IMPACT—PUBLIC relations in AMERICA
20061024             —BISHER aber blockieren die USA den Deal oder verzögern ihn zumindest.
20061024             BRAZIL—FIRM—CVRD becomes the world's 2.—BIGGEST miner —AFTER securing a $17bn takeover of CANADA—INCO.
20061024             BRAZIL—MINER buys CANADA rival
20061024             UK—RESEARCHERS—USE—GRIDS—OF—SMALL—CPUS to help monitor flood waters and get local warnings out faster.
20061024             By BRENDAN—BORRELL. BUDAPEST police deny brutality
20061024             BUDAPEST—POLICE—CHIEF—DEFENDS—THE—USE—OF—FORCE against protesters —DURING clashes in HUNGARY—CAPITAL.
20061024             —NOW, he argues, it's time we woke up to reality. Continue
20061024             —EDUCATED, But you cannot count yourself truly, about current affairs if you don't read lukery's latest
20061024             —BY Carla Binion
20061024             COHEN: I think the REPUBLICANs have to be careful, also, in terms of not engaging in conduct.
20061024             COHEN: I think they are coming very close to it, if not doing it exactly.
20061024             And I think they ought to stop it.
20061024             COHEN: It's — to me, at least as I watch that, is 1—VERY—SERIOUS—APPEAL to 1—RACIST—SENTIMENT.
20061024             Yes, If It's Fair Trade. Support Justice and
20061024             Casey made it clear that if the latest effort to get the Iraqis to assume more responsibility doesn't work out,
20061024             —NOTED, Casey, "I said —1—YEAR or so ago that if the conditions on the ground continued the way they were going,
20061024             Cast Your Vote on the Most Important News at BuzzFlash, Where EVERY—VOTE is Counted.
20061024             Officially Launched on ;;10;; 23.
20061024             CHIEF—SUPERINTENDENT—MEIR—COHEN, told the Knesset Labor and Welfare COMMITTEE—ON—MONDAY.
20061024             CHINA denies reports of NKorean apology for nuclear test:
20061024             CHINA may back coup against Kim: DGS 20060000             / ABSTRACTS
20061024             Daher sei es 1—SCHRITT in die richtige Richtung, wenn das bevölkerungsreiche CHINA sich verpflichte,
20061024             Damit bedienen sich die Autoren bei einem der wohl bekanntesten BILDER—DER—ÖKOBEWEGUNG, den "Grenzen den Wachstums",
20061024             DANIEL—ORTEGA, CANDIDATE—OF—THE—SANDINISTA—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—FRONT (FSLN), leads presidential polls in NICARAGUA with 34.2—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES, polling firm GCM said —ON—MONDAY.
20061024             DENNIS—HASTERT, at his home, near CHICAGO, from TURKEY—SOURCES, knowing that 1—LOT—OF—THAT is drug money.
20061024             "Um zu erneuern, was die Menschen auf der Erde in —12—MONATEN an Ressourcen aufbrauchen und vernichten,
20061024             Die USA vor allem erheben den Anspruch, Die 2—NATUREN sozialer Aktivität.
20061024             —TALKED, Doesn't sound like O'Reilly, to everybody.
20061024             Drinkers could be asked to leave their fingerprints at the bar EVERY—TIME they buy 1—PINT in 1—PUB or club.
20061024             —SHOCKED, EU, as PUTIN comes out fighting:
20061024             8—MORE—DOCTORS from the Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot and the Hartzfeld Geriatric Hospital in Gedera are SUSPECTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in experiments on human beings,
20061024             8—MORE—DOCTORS suspected of illegal human experiments:
20061024             Electricity levels in the city are at 1—ALL—TIME—LOW.
20061024             Residents —NOW receive 1—AVERAGE—OF—JUST 2.—4—HOURS per —DAY,
20061024             Es ist ein simples Gedankenspiel: Rund 1—VIERTEL—DER—ERDOBERFLÄCHE ist produktive LAND—UND Meeresfläche,
20061024             EX—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—OLIVER—NORTH tells NICARAGUA not to return to the past by voting for DANIEL—ORTEGA.
20061024             Extreme RIGHT—WINGER to join ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT:
20061024             Fischer in PRINCETON: Professor Joschka erklärt die Welt - Focused Ethnography 1. Introduction
20061024             FOLEY—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, said he alerted Palmer several years ago
20061024             —BRANDED, FORMER—CIA—SPY, 1—TRAITOR wants to clear his name:
20061024             —PLAYED, FRANCE, an active role in RWANDA—GENOCIDE, a former senior RWANDA—DIPLOMAT tells a tribunal.
20061024             —PROBED, French, over RWANDA genocide - GW 54 (20050000             ) 2
20061024             Gespräch mit einer Künstlichen Intelligenz — Voraussetzungen der
20061024             Getting Out Whether you find the government oppressive, the economy on 1—DEVASTATING course,
20061024             Global ecosystems 'face collapse' - Google offers personal searches
20061024             —REPORTED, Government scientists, —MONDAY they have created 1—VACCINE against the catastrophic "SPAIN—FLU" virus of 19180000—19190000    ,
20061024             HALLIBURTON's 3Q Income Rises 22 %:
20061024             He was hurtling into history as 1—OF—THIS nation's most infamous traitors —UNTIL—3—YEARS—AGO -- —WHEN 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE concluded he'd been buried with THE—HELP—OF—GOVERNMENT lies.
20061024             Heißer —HERBST: 25—GRAD mitten im ;;10;;
20061024             How did EDWARD—L—BERNAYS impact public relations in AMERICA?
20061024             HUBERT—KNOBLAUCH/Bernt Schnettler: " Postsozialität ", Alterität und Alienität;
20061024             Joscha Bach: I think that they have 1—CANDIDATE + discuss the — the issues on the merits + not get into that kind of personal type of 1—ATTACK.
20061024             IRAQ could break up into different parts eventually, MARGARET—BECKETT, the Foreign SECRETARY,
20061024             Identity cards. NUMBER—PLATE—SURVEILLANCE. CCTV. Control orders.
20061024             —BACKED, Ike Skelton, who, IRAQ war, —NOW wants USA to withdraw:
20061024             —UNPRECEDENTED, In 1, move that risks ACCUSATIONS—OF—CENSORSHIP, the Government has withdrawn CO—OPERATION from ITV News in warzones —AFTER accusing it of inaccurate and intrusive reports about the fate of wounded soldiers.
20061024             —CLAIMED, In essence, 1, bribe episode involved 1—CONGRESSIONAL resolution recognizing the Aremenian genocide,
20061024             INGO—SCHULZ—SCHAEFFER.
20061024             Posthumane Sozialität statt Postsozialität Zur Veranstaltung
20061024             Inhalt und Struktur des moralischen Urteilens
20061024             IRAK—KRIEG: USA—TERRORBEKÄMPFER können Sunniten und Schiiten nicht unterscheiden
20061024             IRAN condemns USA Gulf exercises:
20061024             —PLANNED, IRAN criticises, USA—EXERCISES in the Gulf, —WHILE Ayatollah ALI—KHAMENEI calls for Muslim unity.
20061024             IRAN expands nuclear program:
20061024             IRAN won't retreat from atomic RIGHTS—PRESIDENT:
20061024             IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD said —ON—MONDAY Western powers were wrong if they thought IRAN would retreat under political pressure from its nuclear plans, even as the country faces possible sanctions.
20061024             IRAQ 'success' possible, USA says
20061024             IRAQ war could be judged 1—DISASTER, Beckett admits:
20061024             —ALLEGED, IRAQ—FORMER—FINANCE—MINISTER, in A—USA—TELEVISION—REPORT aired —SUNDAY that up to USA$800—MILLION meant to equip THE—IRAQ—ARMY had been stolen from the government by former officials through fraudulent arms deals.
20061024             IRAQ: THE—UK—PEOPLE have their say. And It's bad news for Blair:
20061024             IRAQ—FORCED To Drink Urine By UK—OCCUPATION—FORCES:
20061024             IRAQ—ARMY—OFFICERS are reportedly planning to stage 1—MILITARY—COUP with USA—HELP to oust THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI.
20061024             ISRAEL—DOWNPLAYS—RUSSIA'S—ON Hamas:
20061024             —SUPPRESSED, ISRAEL reportedly has, 1—GOVERNMENT—REPORT revealing LARGE—SCALE—ILLEGAL—SETTLEMENT—EXPANSION in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20061024             —REPORTED, ABC, —YESTERDAY that the "investigation of how THE—REPUBLICAN leadership handled the issue has provoked turmoil and FINGER—POINTING
20061024             Ivorians to sue 'toxic ship' firm
20061024             JEDER—MENSCH hat demzufolge im Schnitt 1,8 Hektar zur produktiven NUTZUNG—EIN Richtwert.
20061024             "THE—FORMER—CEO—ARROGANCE, belligerence and LACK—OF—CONTRITENESS under questioning made him 1—LIGHTNING rod for the rage generated by the collapse of Enron 00.000. 20 01".
20061024             10/24 - JetBlue Experiment Goes Awry
20061024             JIMMY—LOHMAN: REPUBLICAN I.Q. Test - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
20061024             Judge strikes down PART—OF—CANADA—ANTI—TERRORISM—LAW:
20061024             —KILLED, Leaset we forget the victims, —PRIOR—TO BUSH Invasion of IRAQ Paying THE—PRICE: Killing THE—CHILDREN—OF—IRAQ -
20061024             Lieberman as Deputy PRIME—MINISTER, will serve as PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT—RIGHT—HAND—MAN to liquidate IRAN—NUCLEAR—BOMB —BEFORE it is created.
20061024             MPs overturn 1—CHANGE made by the Lords that would have blocked "FAST—TRACK" extraditions to THE—USA.
20061024             MPs overturn extradition change
20061024             —DONATED, MANY—MILITARY—FAMILIES rely on, goods:
20061024             MEDIALENS—BUSH/CHENEY, USA—WAR Doctrine & Plans to Nuke IRAN
20061024             Messenger Makes 1—PASS at Venus - Mossad angry over UK—ESPIONAGE series?:
20061024             MISTER—PUTIN—RESPONSE was sharp.
20061024             My hope is that the people of NICARAGUA are not going to return to that.
20061024             That's not good for your country.
20061024             N KOREA food shortages 'critical' - Netzwerktheoretische Betrachtungen...
20061024             New book. Via Boing Boing.
20061024             NIGER orders expulsion of Arabs
20061024             NORTH—KOREA is not planning a 2. nuclear test and is willing to return to 6—PARTY—TALKS under certain conditions,
20061024             —WORSENED, NORTH—KOREA—FOOD—SHORTAGES have, —SINCE its recent nuclear test led donors to withdraw aid, THE—UN says.
20061024             North warns against Ortega vote - North warns against Ortega vote: : "
20061024             —NOW, I do emphasize there's no evidence at all that he received such 1—PAYMENT, but that is what is said to have been recorded in 1—OF—THE—WIRETAPS.
20061024             Oil prices rise back above $59 1—BARREL —AFTER THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES confirms it will join SAUDI—ARABIA and cut output.
20061024             Olmert pins hopes on Lieberman to stop IRAN:
20061024             Olmert: Our soldiers will be trained to face Iranian "threat:".
20061024             —ON  ;;09;; 29., MARK—FOLEY resigned from the United STATE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20061024             He also withdrew as THE—REPUBLICAN—CANDIDATE for THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES in FLORIDA—16. District.
20061024             —ON THE—DAY—AFTER the ;;09;; 11—TERRORIST—ATTACKS, senior UK—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS told their USA—COUNTERPARTS that they would not support retaliatory action against IRAQ, 1—NEW—BOOK—CLAIMS.
20061024             1—OF—THE—TURKEY—TARGETS—OF these wiretaps claimed that the price for getting DENNIS—HASTERT to withdraw the resolution would be $500,000.
20061024             Opec quota pledges lift oil price
20061024             Ortega leads NICARAGUA presidential election polls:
20061024             Our soldiers will be trained to face all the threats against ISRAEL, topped by THE—IRAN—THREAT.
20061024             We have already begun the work".
20061024             And nobody thought — - O'REILLY: I talked to everybody.
20061024             THERE—ALWAYS going to be 1—TALIBAN insurrection.
20061024             Peace, Propaganda & THE—PROMISED—LAND:
20061024             Playing the Game of Fantasy ISLAND with USA—LIVES: " As THE—USA—DEATH—TOLL in IRAQ reached 86,
20061024             Postsozialität und Piagets Stadium der moralischen Autonomie struktur-. analoge Stadien, die jedoch in ganz verschiedenen Altersphasen auftreten.
20061024             REPORT: BUSH Officials Were 'Rooting' For NORTH—KOREA to Test Nuclear Weapon Senior BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS wanted NORTH—KOREA to test 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON because it would prove their point that the regime must be overthrown.
20061024             REPUBLICAN Makes Childish Retaliation —AFTER Dems Release Report Showing GOP Knew about EX—REP.
20061024             RealClimate_org provides expert opinions on THE—SCIENCE—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20061024             —SINCE this subject has become rather politicized,
20061024             Report: Illegal W. Bank construction up:
20061024             Reports say THE—USA is to hold naval exercises —AT—THE—END—OF ;;10;;
20061024             with BAHRAIN, KUWAIT, FRANCE and BRITAIN.
20061024             Rund 30—PROZENT—DER—BEOBACHTETEN—POPULATIONEN höherer Tierarten seien in den vergangenen —33—JAHREN geschrumpft:
20061024             SEWALL: It is true.
20061024             SEWALL: Maybe you should be talking to the people on the ground —
20061024             SEWALL: Well, the jury's still out on AFGHANISTAN.
20061024             SEWALL: — which I think speaks —
20061024             —PLANNED, SADDAM—HUSSEIN'S "guilty" conviction announcement, —FOR—2—DAYS—BEFORE elections:
20061024             —ENFORCED, Sanctions, by THE—UN on IRAQ —SINCE the Gulf War have killed more people than THE—2—ATOMIC—BOMBS dropped on JAPAN 00.000.19 45,
20061024             Try these queries: Rice, Shiite leader calls for SOUTH—IRAQ autonomy:
20061024             SIMON—TISDALL: Time for BUSH to talk to IRAN and Syria: Smart Sensors Find Floods
20061024             So much for 1—INDEPENDENT and democratic IRAQ!": BUSH tells Maliki government to tackle militias or face penalties:
20061024             Sozialismus als Tagesaufgabe - Stem Cell Therapy Causes Tumors
20061024             Stranger than fiction: Drinkers to leave prints for pints:
20061024             Stranger than fiction: USA blames IRAN, Syria for IRAQ violence:
20061024             Support is more than double that of nearest CHALLENGER—USA Gov't held in very low esteem by Venezuelans
20061024             —STATED, SUPREME—NATO—COMMANDER—GENERAL—JAMES—JONES —RECENTLY, that AFGHANISTAN is close to becoming a "narco state,"
20061024             THE—CHINA—ARE openly debating "regime change" in PYONGYANG —AFTER—LAST—WEEK—NUCLEAR—TEST by their confrontational neighbour.
20061024             —CONCERNED, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT is, DAVID—HICKS has been behind bars at GUANTANAMO Bay —FOR—5—YEARS without facing trial, FEDERAL—JUSTICE—MINISTER—CHRIS—ELLISON has said.
20061024             THE—MILITARY option is going nowhere.
20061024             Talks are underway between the Taliban and NATO—FORCES—THROUGH tribal ELDERS—OVER THE—PULLOUT—OF—TROOPS from 12—DISTRICTS along THE—PAKISTAN—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER,
20061024             That plan was thrown out in "early ;;07;;". - That's not good for my country".
20061024             THE—USA—PUBLIC wants 1—TIMELINE for withdrawing USA—TROOPS
20061024             THE—EXODUS: 1.6m Iraqis have fled their country —SINCE the war:
20061024             THE—HOUSE ethics committee "spent more than —6—HOURS—MONDAY grilling" SCOTT—PALMER, "HASTERT—CHIEF—OF—STAFF for MORE—THAN—20—YEARS".
20061024             "KIRK—FORDHAM, THE—HOUSTON—BASED oilfield services conglomerate —SUNDAY—POSTED $611—MILLION, or 58—CENTS per share,
20061024             —PLUNGED, THE—TURKISHPRESS notes that "the hall was, into darkness
20061024             THE—USA, FRANCE and THE—UK—ARE pushing for UNITED—NATIONS Security Council bans on THE—SALE—OF—MISSILE and nuclear technology to IRAN and 1—END to most technical aid programs from THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY, diplomats said —TUESDAY.
20061024             —WAIVED, THE—USA has, 1—SECURITY—REGULATION to let THOUSANDS—OF—REFUGEES from BURMA—CHIN state request asylum.
20061024             THE—USA is not winning in IRAQ and will not be able to stay the course in THE—LONG—TERM, 1—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT insider has said.
20061024             —CONFIRMED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, —YESTERDAY that it had set "benchmarks and milestones" for THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT to disarm militias and take other concrete steps to stabilise the country.
20061024             —PROVIDED, The emails, detailed instructions explaining how to vote for FOLEY—REPLACEMENT, JOE—NEGRON,
20061024             The government of NIGER tells 150,000 Arabs, originally from CHAD, to leave the country, without explaining why.
20061024             —CALLED, THE—LEADER—OF—IRAQ—LARGEST—SHIITE bloc has, for the country to be divided into FEDERAL—ZONES,
20061024             —PACKED, The money, into 8—WHEEL—DRIVE—VEHICLES being carried on THE—UK—HERCULES C—130—PLANE,
20061024             —DEGRADED, The natural world is being, "at 1—RATE unprecedented in human history," and if current consumption levels continue, "2—PLANETS would be needed
20061024             The space probe continues 1—COMPLEX—SERIES—OF—MANEUVERS to slip into orbit —AROUND Mercury, flying by the sultry planet for the 1. of 2—TIMES as PART—OF—ITS positioning.
20061024             The spiraling violence is "deeply disturbing," Skelton said in 1—CONFERENCE—CALL with reporters,
20061024             The world's largest river, the Amazon, once flowed from the Atlantic Ocean to THE—PACIFIC—THE—OPPOSITE—OF—ITS—PRESENT—DIRECTION.
20061024             They were waiting —FOR—DAY—OLD—BREAD and frozen dinners packaged in slightly damaged boxes.
20061024             This —MORNING, COVERAGE—OF—USA—AMBASSADOR to IRAQ Zalmay Khalilzad and GENERAL—GEORGE—CASEY—BAGHDAD press conference
20061024             Try these queries: Greenhouse gases,
20061024             —WARNED, UK, against invasion: USA 'cannot stay course' in IRAQ :
20061024             USA Wants UN To Ban Missile Sales To IRAN—DIPLOMATS:
20061024             USA—ENVOY—ZALMAY Khalilzad says success is possible in IRAQ in 1—REALISTIC—TIME—FRAME despite ongoing violence.
20061024             USA—JAILS—EGYPT pair for slavery - USA waives law for Chin refugees:
20061024             USA—PLANING Coup against Maliki Government:
20061024             Um den Beweis zu führen, dass genau dies stattfindet, veröffentlichte der WWF ein 2. ökostatistisches Werk:
20061024             Unfortunately, THE—PARKINSON—CURE causes brain tumors". From the 1. article: "...—10—WEEKS into the trial,
20061024             —CREATED, Vaccine, for deadly flu of 1918
20061024             Die "Custom Search Engine",
20061024             Well, whether or not these allegations have substance is not something that I am able to STATE—WITH—ANY—KNOWLEDGE,
20061024             Whatever else JAMES—BAKER may recommend in his MUCH—ANTICIPATED report on future USA—STRATEGY in IRAQ,
20061024             —SIGNED, With 1—FLIP of the wrist, BUSH, into law THE—ANTI—HABEAS Corpus, PRO—TORTURE—LAW (cleverly repackaged as THE—MILITARY—COMMISSIONS—ACT—OF—20060000             ), signaling with it THE—END—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY.
20061024             —YESTERDAY on CNN, FORMER—REPUBLICAN SENATOR—AND—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—WILLIAM—COHEN called the ad a "very serious appeal to 1—RACIST—SENTIMENT" and said it reminded him "of what happened in NORTH—CAROLINA with HARVEY—GANTT, 1—PURELY overt racist approach".
20061024             —TRIED, —YESTERDAY on FOX—NEWS, host BILL—O'REILLY, to argue that AFGHANISTAN has been "successful" and that "there's no danger at ALL—OF—THE—TALIBAN reclaiming that country".
20061024             At the worst,
20061024             —ADOPTED, You have, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and Zawahiri as spokesmen for THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE!
20061024             [SENATOR—JESSE] Helms aired 1—FINAL—WEEK—TV ad that showed 1—PAIR—OF—WHITE—HANDS crumpling 1—REJECTION—LETTER,
20061024             [UNIVERSITY—OF—ROCHESTER researchers] discovered brain tumours had begun to grow in EVERY—ANIMAL treated... By definition,
20061024             1—UK—OFFICER who commands NATO—32,000—TROOPS, warned that unless coalition forces begin stepping up reconstruction efforts,
20061024             —REPORTED, A—USA—WEEKLY—MAGAZINE, in its latest issue.
20061024             alfatomega.com/index_05.html - alfatomega.com/noname21.html - also home to THE—USA—EMBASSY".
20061024             1—EVENT which the Turks hope to wipe from memory.
20061024             —ANNOUNCED, Hastert, his support for this measure 00.000.
20061024             and demonstrates that sharing the territory will bring benefits for all.
20061024             Continue - and that THE—AFGHANISTAN—PEOPLE believe "trends are going in THE—TALIBAN—FAVOR".
20061024             GENERAL—DAVID—RICHARDS, as NORTH—KOREA showed on ;;10;; 9—BY detonating 1—ATOMIC—DEVICE.
20061024             auch optisch auf das Design der "gastgebenden" Webseite zugeschnittene GOOGLE—SUCHE zu ermöglichen.
20061024             braucht die Natur —15—MONATE.
20061024             Wir leben also über unsere Maße, unser Planet kommt nicht hinterher", warnt der WWF.
20061024             but failed to even mention THE—2—OTHER—CANDIDATES in the race:
20061024             but it is said that in the wiretaps that were translated by Sibel Edmonds, reference was made to this very controversial QUESTION—OF—THE—HOUSE—VOTE.
20061024             but warned that it would take action if it felt pressured, CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said —TUESDAY.
20061024             —BY 1—OF—BAGHDAD—REGULAR—POWER cuts, despite the fact the venue was in the capital's HEAVILY—FORTIFIED Green Zone,
20061024             compared to 16—24—HOURS—BEFORE—THE—USA—INVASION. den "Living Planet Index".
20061024             der Rest sind Wüsten, Gebirge, Gletscher und so fort.
20061024             Das nutzbare Viertel müssen die Menschen bewirtschaften,
20061024             der nicht nachhaltig ist", sagte WWF—GENERALDIREKTOR JAMES—LEAPE—DARAN sei nicht bloß das Bevölkerungswachstum schuld.
20061024             die Google ab sofort an jeden Interessierten verteilt, ist 1—TOOLKIT, um eine maßgeschneiderte,
20061024             —DURING which he called for THE—REDEPLOYMENT—OF—USA—TROOPS out of IRAQ.
20061024             erlaubt Google —NUN den Vollzugriff auf seine Suchdatenbank
20061024             features "1—SCANTILY clad white woman winking and inviting [Ford] to 'call me.'
20061024             for a peace dividend,
20061024             —FROM IRAQ.
20061024             has been sentenced to MORE—THAN—24—YEARS in prison.
20061024             he said, the Taliban will be "annoying".
20061024             —WHEN his guest, Harvard UNIVERSITY—PROFESSOR—SARAH—SEWALL, he's ready to reinvent the wheel again.
20061024             human embryonic stem cells have the almost mythical, immortal power to grow and divide indefinitely as they become the various tissues that make up the body.
20061024             in net income for the ;;06;;-;;09;;
20061024             quarter, including a $4—MILLION—CHARGE from discontinued operations.
20061024             including over half 1—MILLION—CHILDREN—MANY—OF—WHOM weren't even born —WHEN the Gulf War began.
20061024             into THE—JACK—ABRAMOFF lobbying scandal in hopes of nabbing another MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS and aides," USA—NEWS—REPORTS.
20061024             it has developed 1—COHESIVE multibillion dollar counterterrorism program "to go...
20061024             it seems certain he will urge GEORGE—BUSH to open direct, HIGH—LEVEL—TALKS with IRAN and Syria.
20061024             nach eigenen Interessen die - none.
20061024             or if you simply want adventure, you're not alone.
20061024             pointed out that people on the ground disagree, O'Reilly dismissed her, stating, "I talked to everybody".
20061024             providing the Taliban make concessions to THE—NATO—FORCES and agree not to attack their bases in those AFGHANISTAN—PROVINCES where the deal is signed
20061024             quoted by lukery, DANIEL—ELLSBERG said the —FOLLOWING: Sibel says that SUITCASES—OF—CASH have been delivered to THE—SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE,
20061024             raising hopes that 1—REMEDY could be developed if 1—MODERN strain of avian flu turns equally deadly.
20061024             said —YESTERDAY as she acknowledged the limitations to what could be achieved by coalition forces.
20061024             seinen Energieverbrauch in den kommenden —5—JAHREN um 20 % zu reduzieren.
20061024             NORD—SÜD—SPALTUNG der Erde : Verelendung + Verschuldung der 3. + 4. Welt
20061024             that I thought we'd have fairly substantial reductions in coalition forces".
20061024             the defense budget was under 200—BILLION dollars.
20061024             the highest monthly total —THIS—YEAR, 1—SENIOR—WHITE—HOUSE—ADVISER—MONDAY rejected suggestions that USA—TROOPS were exacerbating problems in IRAQ and that 1—TIMETABLE should be set to withdraw forces from THE—WAR—TORN nation.".
20061024             10/24 - THE—QUALITY—OF—INFORMATION—AVAILABLE on the web varies.
20061024             to THE—DISMAY—OF—MINORITY—SUNNIS who fear losing out on IRAQ—VAST—OIL—WEALTH.
20061024             um von seinen Früchten zu leben.
20061024             was reportedly intended to "buy off" local warlords against the Taliban.
20061024             —WHILE 1—ANNOUNCER said, "You needed that job and you were the best qualified. But they had to give it to 1—MINORITY because of 1—RACIAL quota".
20061024             whose $3—BILLION dollars in annual drug profits are financing the Taliban.
20061024             Council on Foreign Relations AFGHANISTAN expert Dr.
20061024             you say, well, why is that the case?
20061024             So, why is the South different?
20061024             Why would they not elect someone...
20061024             Über die —SCHON—SEIT langem mögliche, auf nur 1—WEBSEITE eingrenzbare GOOGLE—SUCHE (quasi eine kostenlose ARCHIV—SUCHFUNKTION) hinaus,
20061024             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX - 'Coup Possible in PYONGYANG': ' That's QUOTE—UNQUOTE," Rankin said.
20061024             " FORMER—ENRON CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—JEFFREY—SKILLING, who gained infamy as the man who orchestrated 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—CORPORATE—FRAUDS in history,
20061024             "Barbara walked over to me and said, 'If you weren't sitting in that chair, I'd slap you across the face.
20061024             "Either he didn't take his medication
20061024             "In my experience, everything that comes out of BAGHDAD is very carefully prepared for USA—DOMESTIC—CONSUMPTION," he said.
20061024             "Several governments —AROUND the world have tried to rebut criticism of how they handle detainees by claiming they are only —FOLLOWING THE—USA—EXAMPLE
20061024             "THE—FBI and Justice Department appear to be expanding their probe
20061024             —GAINED, THE—S—LOUIS—CARDINALS, a 2—TO—1—WORLD—SERIES—EDGE as they defeated THE—DETROIT—TIGERS 5-0. —BEFORE Game 3—BEGAN, baseball players and owners finalized a —5—YEAR—COLLECTIVE bargaining agreement.
20061024             —EXECUTED, OHIO, JEFFREY—LUNDGREN, —56—JAHRE—ALT, 1—RELIGIOUS—CULT—LEADER, for 19890000             —THE—MURDER—OF—1—FAMILY—OF—5—FOLLOWERS who were taken 1 at 1—TIME to 1—BARN, bound and shot to death.
20061024             The youngest was 1—GIRL —JUST—7—YEARS—OLD.
20061024             —KILLED, NATO—SOLDIERS, 38—TALIBAN rebels in clashes in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN that also claimed 1—NUMBER—OF—CIVIL—LIVES.
20061024             —DESTROYED, Villagers said that —AROUND 20—HOUSES were, and 60—PEOPLE killed or wounded in the fighting —AROUND the Panjwayi area.
20061024             They said none of the dead were Taliban.
20061024             —ESTIMATED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS, up to 60—TALIBAN fighters and 85—CIVILIANS were killed in Panjwayi, 1—DISTRICT—IN—THE—FORMER—TALIBAN—STRONGHOLD—OF—KANDAHAR province.
20061024             † THE—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said 40—CIVILIANS and 20—TALIBAN militants were killed, —WHILE 1—KANDAHAR provincial council member, Bismallah Afghanmal, said up to 85—CIVILIANS.
20061024             The environmental group WWF said Australians soak up more scarce resources than almost ANY—OTHER nation and produce so much waste on average that their mark on the world's ecology exceeds CHINA.
20061024             —CHARGED, MOHAMMED—MOMIN—KHAWAJA, —27—JAHRE—ALT, the 1. person, under CANADA—ANTI—TERRORISM—ACT won 1—PARTIAL—VICTORY —WHEN 1—JUDGE struck down 1—KEY—PORTION—OF—THE—LAW, ruling that the clause dealing with THE—DEFINITION—OF—THE—LAW violates the country's BILL—OF—RIGHTS.
20061024             —JAILED, CONGODRC, more than 12—PEOPLE, for 20010000             —THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—CONGOLESE—PRESIDENT—LAURENT—KABILA vanished from 1—PRISON in THE—CAPITAL—KINSHASA.
20061024             ETHIOPIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MELES—ZENAWI said ETHIOPIA was "technically" at war with SOMALIA—ISLAMISTS because they had declared jihad on his nation.
20061024             —PROTESTED, GEORGIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said it had, to THE—UN about RUSSIA—CRACKDOWN on illegal GEORGIA—MIGRANTS, demanding 1—STOP to what it called "persecution on ethnic grounds".
20061024             —JAILED, INDONESIA, 2—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS, for the Bali bombings that killed 202—PEOPLE were freed.
20061024             —CONVICTED—OF, Mujarod bin Salim and Sirojul Munir had been, hiding 2—OF—THE—BOMB plotters.
20061024             9—OTHERS had their sentences reduced —45—DAYS to mark THE—END—OF—THE—ISLAMIC fasting —MONTH.
20061024             —PERSISTED, IRAQ, sectarian violence, in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—AMARAH, with at least 2—MORE—POLICEMEN shot to death.
20061024             —UNVEILED, USA—OFFICIALS, 1—TIMELINE for IRAQ—SHIITE—LED government to take specific steps to calm BAGHDAD and said more USA—TROOPS might be needed to quell the bloodshed.
20061024             —PARDONED, MOHAMED—VI—KING—OF—MOROCCO, 617—PRISONERS in honor of Eid AL—FITR, the holiday marking THE—END—OF—THE—MUSLIM holy —MONTH of Ramadan.
20061024             —KIDNAPPED, PALESTINE—GUNMEN, Emilio Morenatti (37), 1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS photographer in THE—GAZA—STRIP, grabbing him as he walked out of his apartment and whisking him away in their vehicle.
20061024             —FREED, Morenatti was, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20061024             —ALLOWED, Officials said RUSSIA has, DOZENS—OF—FOREIGN—NON—GOVERNMENTAL—ORGANIZATIONS (NGOs) to resume operations and was speeding up the registration process for others barred from working —LAST—WEEK.
20061024             NORTH—VIETNAM, 1—BOAT carrying traders with their chickens and pigs capsized in 1—RIVER with at least 20—PASSENGERS feared drowned.
20061024             "EVERY—ACT that denies or limits THE—FREEDOM—OF—THE—INDIVIDUAL in this country
2006102420061024     - Another rocket hit 1—OIL—REFINERY depot in THE—CITY—OF—ABADAN, about 30—MILES—EAST—OF—THE...
2006102420061024     Amount USA taxpayers will end up paying for
2006102420061024     THE—USA—PUBLIC
20061024—19700000    —SINCE, The new report by the World Wildlife Fund also found that the world's species have declined by 30 %.
20061024—19720000    —SCHON, die der Club of ROME beschworen hat: Solange unser Fußabdruck zu groß für die zur Verfügung stehende Fläche ist,
20061024—19720000    —SCHON, Damit bedienen sich die Autoren bei einem der wohl bekanntesten BILDER—DER—ÖKOBEWEGUNG, den "Grenzen den Wachstums", die der Club of ROME beschworen hat: Solange unser Fußabdruck zu groß für die zur Verfügung stehende Fläche ist, wird die Menscheit ihre Lebensgrundlage zertrampeln.
20061024—19900000    —ARGUED, Lundgren, at his trial that he was PROPHET—OF—GOD and —THEREFORE not DESERVING—OF—THE—DEATH—PENALTY.
20061024—20010000    —SCHON, ANTI—TERROR—KRIEG: BND wusste von CIA—GEFÄNGNISSEN
20061024—20030213    BLOGG—DEUTSCH-
20061024—20060101    —LIMITED, BRITAIN said Bulgarians and Romanians will have only, rights to work in BRITAIN for at least —1—YEAR—AFTER their countries join THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20061024—20060929    —RESIGNED, MARK—FOLEY, from the United STATE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20061024—20061009    —ON, IRAN expands nuclear program: 1—SENIOR—DIPLOMAT—FAMILIAR with UNITED—NATIONS nuclear inspections in IRAN said TEHRAN remained 1—LONG—WAY from "industrial scale" capacity that would signal its emergence as 1—NUCLEAR—POWER, as NORTH—KOREA showed by detonating 1—ATOMIC—DEVICE.
20061024—20061023    —ON, Officially Launched.
20061024—20500000    —BY, Global consumption levels could lead to 1—LARGE—SCALE—ECOSYSTEM—COLLAPSE, 1—REPORT warns.
20061024—20500000    —J—IM, Sollte sich der Trend fortsetzen, brauche die Menschheit 2—PLANETEN, um ihren Ressourcenverbrauch zu decken.
20061024—20500000    —BY, to meet global demand [Pendquote]]".
20061024—20500000    —J—IM, wird die Menscheit ihre Lebensgrundlage zertrampeln.
20061024—20500000    —BY, 2—PLANETS would be needed to meet global demand ".
20061024—20500000    —BY, Global ecosystems 'face collapse' Global consumption levels could lead to 1—LARGE—SCALE—ECOSYSTEM—COLLAPSE, 1—REPORT warns.
20061024—20500000    —J—IM, Und zwar so weit, dass die Erde allein nicht mehr genug hergibt für die Menschen.
20061031—20061024    —AM, wurde das DEUTSCHE—SPIONAGESCHIFF ?Alster A50?
20061108             [20061024             ]
20061206             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten von Prudential Financial stufen die Aktie der BANK—OF—NEW—YORK (ISIN US0640571024/ WKN 858206) von "neutral" auf "overweight" hoch.
20061218—19461024    —AM, das sagen die Protokolle, fand jener 1. Flug mit einer Filmkamera in der Spitze der V2 statt.
20070100             (—POSTED: 20051024             )... Antiwar Congresswoman back from IRAQ: WOOLSEY—IRAQ tour solidifies war stance.
200702041024         —A—M, Scooter Libby arrives and sits at his defense table, 10—FEET in front of me.
20070930—20071024    —ON, Police used 1—STOPLIGHT photograph from 1—NEARBY exit to identify the car and arrested Doyal "Ali" MALCOLM—WEBBER—OF—HAYWARD, —18—JAHRE—ALT for the shooting.
20071024             Centena e meia protestam contra REN - SILVES contra alta tensão
20071024             "Anders als bei FRÜHEREN—KATASTROPHEN haben wir hier dafür gesorgt, dass die Leute vor Ort,
20071024             "Local governments —NOW use imaginative strategies to maintain or increase revenue in THE—FACE—OF—PROPOSITION 13 and the state's attendant LOSS—OF—PROPERTY—TAX—REVENUE (which formerly went to cities and counties).
20071024             "Meine Frau hat mich —UM—MITTERNACHT geweckt, sie schrie, die Flammen kommen", sagte 1—MANN,
20071024             (That's a national average; in real life, Californians pay a far larger amount.)
20071024             1. Americans. in the Great. War.
20071024             A —30—MINUTES—DRIVE from the centre of KABUL + the Taliban is in the ascendant.
20071024             The insurgency is —NOW encroaching on the capital.
20071024             ANTI—BOLSHEVISM ; Strong show of local culture; Social Darwinism
20071024             —PAVED, ANTI—BOLSHEVISM thus proves to be 1—CRUCIAL—FACTOR which, the way to the Final Solution.
20071024             —FORCED, Alas, we are, to live according to the red state credo that militarism is the only proper expenditure of taxpayer dollars.
20071024             Als er auf einer anschließenden Podiumsdiskussion vom VIZE—CHEFREDAKTEUR der "Zeit", BERND—ULRICH,
20071024             1—ANTI—WAR—PROTESTER waved BLOOD—COLORED hands in USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—FACE at 1—CONGRESSIONAL hearing —ON—WEDNESDAY and shouted "war criminal!", but was pushed away and detained by police.
20071024             And he used exactly the same language, including specifically the key phrase "serious consequences".
20071024             And note the focus on the Quds unit of the Revolutionary Guard.
20071024             Continue - BUSH Regime Preaches Democracy, Proposes Tyranny
20071024             BUSH offers to bomb Kurds: BUSH war spending highest —SINCE WW II. Tools
20071024             BUSH wars to cost 40—TIMES—HIGHER than original estimates;
20071024             Bedrohung für Artenvielfalt: Globale Erwärmung könnte Massenaussterben auslösen
20071024             —AUFGEHOBEN, Bundesgerichtshof: Haftbefehl gegen angeblichen LINKS—TERRORISTEN
20071024             Burma: AUSTRALIEN sperrt Militärjunta die Konten
20071024             —INTERESTED, But was the gang behind the scam only, in cash,
20071024             CALIFORNIA—MUNICIPAL and county governments are BEREFT—OF—MANY—SERVICES owing to 1978's Proposition 13 (—WHEN CALIFORNIA was 1—VERY—VERY 'red' state).
20071024             CHINA ist auf dem Weg zum Mond: Vom Raumfahrtzentrum XICHANG in der südwestchinesischen Provinz Sichuan hob die Rakete "Langer Marsch 3A" mit der Sonde "Chang'e 1" ab.
20071024             Congress wants answers over $1bn war zone fees:
20071024             Das Massenaussterben ist —SCHON im Gange:
20071024             Das PKK—KALKÜL: Niederlage im FRIEDEN—SIEG im Krieg
20071024             Dennoch sind die Forscher pessimistisch:
20071024             Der PRÄSIDENT wolle die Lage vor Ort erkunden, Solidarität mit der Bevölkerung zeigen und dafür sorgen,
20071024             Die Forscher um PETER—MAYHEW betonen zwar, dass VIELE—DIE—ARTENVIELFALT bestimmende Mechanismen noch unbekannt seien.
20071024             Die fortschreitende Erderwärmung werde sich negativ auf die Artenvielfalt auswirken, schreiben die Forscher.
20071024             Die für die Zukunft vorausgesagten Temperaturen befänden sich BEREICH—DER—WERTE aus den wärmsten Phasen,
20071024             —DEVOTED, Do the math: If EACH—CALIFORNIAN annually, 1TENTH—OF—THAT—FIGURE to fighting fires and other natural disasters,
20071024             Doch dass es so schlimm kommen würde, ahnten allenfalls EINIGE—WENIGE—PESSIMISTEN.
20071024             Statt der vorausgesagten 4,5 Milliarden Dollar gingen fast 8—MILLIARDEN verloren.
20071024             Durch die Auftritte Schäubles und Zypries wird die Veranstaltung für einen kurzen Moment nicht nur zum Rückblick, sondern greift in die Tagespolitik hinein.
20071024             Ehud Barak, THE—ISRAEL—DEFENCE—MINISTER, is expected to approve —THIS—WEEK 1—GRADUAL—SEVERANCE—OF—THE—SUPPLY—OF—ELECTRICITY and fuel to THE—GAZA—STRIP, military officials have said.
20071024             1—ENDE—DES—INFERNOS war —ZUNÄCHST nicht in Sicht.
20071024             Noch immer liegen die Tagestemperaturen in der Region bei weit über 30—GRAD, —DEN—SOMMER über hatte es kaum geregnet.
20071024             1—ANWOHNERIN sagte: "Es ist verrückt, wir sind von beiden Seiten von Feuer umgeben".
20071024             Ferner sei es schwierig, aus der statistischen Analyse von Langzeittrends auf kurz bevorstehende Ereignisse zu schließen.
20071024             Flammenhölle in Kalifornien: Feuerwalze richtet Milliardenschaden an
20071024             For ALL—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—BLAH—BLAH talk about bringing democracy to the world, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has proved that it is no FRIEND—OF—LIBERTY at home.
20071024             Continue - For the young or forgetful, here's the history and consequences from Wikipedia:
20071024             FORMER—UNITED—NATIONS' CHIEF weapons inspector HANS—BLIX has CHALLENGEDUSA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—ASSERTION that IRAN poses 1—NUCLEAR—THREAT and the world should take PRE—EMPTIVE action.
20071024             —GESTARTET, Forschungssatellit: CHINESISCHE—MONDSONDE ist
20071024             Gabriels Gesetzentwurf: ÖKO—ENERGIE soll Pflicht für Bauherren werden
20071024             Gemäldeuntersuchung: Decke auf Knien der MONA—LISA entdeckt
20071024             Golf von MEXIKO: Ölplattformen stoßen zusammen
20071024             HANS—BLIX questions USA—FEARS over IRAN:
20071024             Hohe Temperaturen und Trockenheit sollten —BIS mindestens —MORGEN anhalten.
20071024             1—STRATEGY for ISRAEL in THE—19—EIGHTIES:
20071024             In fact, nearly 38—MILLION—PEOPLE—LIVE in CALIFORNIA.
20071024             The butcher's BILL—FOR—IRAQ comes to $8000 for EVERY—MAN, woman and child in AMERICA.
20071024             In the long run, this world will be unable to exist within its present framework in the areas —AROUND us without having to go through genuine revolutionary changes.
20071024             Initial Membership List of the Knights of MALTA -
20071024             INTERNATIONAL Association of Genocide Scholars
20071024             IRAK: Rice verschärft Regeln für private Sicherheitsdienste
20071024             —SIGNED, IRAN has, 1—DEAL with CHINA to purchase 24—J—10—FIGHTER—JETS 20080000—20100000    —BETWEEN,
20071024             IRAQ clamps down on security firms:
20071024             IRAQ was not only THE—CRADLE—OF—CIVILIZATION;
20071024             it was indeed the Pillar, the Column, THE—SPINAL—VERTEBRAE,
20071024             IRAQ—TALABANI denies agreeing to hand over Kurd rebels:
20071024             IRAQ—CABINET upholds Blackwater findings, presses for expulsion:
20071024             —DENIED, IRAQ—PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI —ON—WEDNESDAY, telling TURKEY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ALI—BABACAN that BAGHDAD might agree to hand over Kurdish rebel leaders hiding out in NORTH—IRAQ to ANKARA.
20071024             Is CHENEY threatening war against IRAN?
20071024             Yes, that's exactly what he is doing.
20071024             As GREG—DJEREJIAN reminds us, ISRAEL set to sever power to GAZA:
20071024             —DECLARED, ISRAEL—AMBASSADOR to THE—USA—SALLAI—MERIDOR, —MONDAY that ISRAEL should always be prepared "to preempt,
20071024             JUNIOR... Cartha DeLoach Giscard d'Estaing BILL—DONOVAN.".
20071024             KURDEN—KONFLIKT, Wieso BUSH plötzlich um die TÜRKEI buhlen muss
20071024             KUBA: BUSH sammelt Spenden für Castros Ablösung
20071024             —REPORTED, Local residents, spotting TURKEY—WAR—PLANES—DEEP inside IRAQ territory last night as ground troops conducted missions 6—MILES—SOUTH—OF—THE—TURKEY—IRAQ frontier.
20071024             Lufthansa: Aussichten auf das beste ERGEBNIS—DER—UNTERNEHMENSGESCHICHTE
20071024             MANCHE—BETROFFENE mussten ihre Häuser mitten —IN—DER—NACHT verlassen.
20071024             Manufacturing Consent For War With IRAN: IRAN "perhaps single greatest" security risk to USA: Rice:
20071024             Meridor: We must be ready to preempt threats:
20071024             Meteorologen erwarteten, dass die Winde sich —HEUTE leicht abschwächen werden, die Feuer aber weiterhin anfachen würden.
20071024             Microsoft POWERPOINT—USHISTC —23—SUMMER 20070000             a.ppt [READ—ONLY]
20071024             Most CALIFORNIA localities have —RECENTLY sought their voters' approval for special assessments that would levy new taxes earmarked for services that used to be paid for entirely or partially from property taxes:
20071024             My PowerPoint presentation (with sample images) will provide 1—OVERVIEW of the main...
20071024             —UNRUHEN, Nach : Reiseveranstalter fahren weiterhin nach Burma
20071024             National Socialism--among them racism, ANTI—SEMITISM + ANTI—BOLSHEVISM.
20071024             Students can create 1—POWERPOINT presentation depicting life in THE—DP
20071024             NEW—YORK—DIE Abschreibungen führten dazu, dass die Bank im 3. Quartal unter dem Strich einen Verlust von 2,3 Milliarden Dollar ausweisen musste.
20071024             Nie zuvor hat sich ein CHINESISCHES—RAUMSCHIFF so weit von der Erde entfernt, so dass der Flug vor allem als Test für Technik und Kommunikation dient.
20071024             Nobelpreisträger Phelps: Mehr Kreativität, weg mit der Arbeitslosenversicherung!
20071024             Nordirak: TÜRKISCHE—TRUPPEN beschießen PKK—STELLUNGEN
20071024             —CHANGED, Not much has, —SINCE SAMUEL—JOHNSON said;
20071024             "Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels".
20071024             —SACRIFICED, Our homes have been, and our wallets robbed to pay for 1—MISADVENTURE perpetrated by 1—PRESIDENT whom most Californians despise.
20071024             Over the past —4—YEARS, THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY—THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—PAYS to private security and law enforcement contractors has soared to nearly $4—BILLION —1—YEAR from $1—BILLION, ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS said —TUESDAY
20071024             PM tells LONDON Jews: RUSSIA won't supply nuclear fuel to IRAN :
20071024             —WARNED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH —LAST—WEEK, that 1—NUCLEAR—ARMED—IRAN evoked the threat of "World War III," and VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY —ON—SUNDAY spoke of "serious consequences" unless the Islamic republic comes to heel.
20071024             Precott BUSH, Problemfall Dreamliner: Boeing mit glänzendem Quartalsgewinn und schlechten Aussichten
20071024             Proposition 13—EXPLAINS the lack of funding.
20071024             What explains the lack of volunteer fire departments?#
20071024             Protester waves BLOOD—COLORED hands in RICE—FACE:
20071024             Reformstreit: Unionsfinanzpolitiker fordern ENDE—DER—ERBSCHAFTSTEUER
20071024             —BASED, Report: IRAN acquiring fighter jets that are, on ISRAEL—TECHNOLOGY:
20071024             RIKSCHA—REPORT: In Burma bleiben die Touristen AUS—DIE Geheimdienste freut's
20071024             RUSSIA confirms all commitments under BUSH ehr contract:
20071024             —DEVELOPED, The jets were, based on the technology of ISRAEL—LAVI fighter jet,
20071024             —SKYROCKETED, Sales tax rates have, from 5% (the typical PRE—PROP 13—LEVEL) to 8% and beyond".
20071024             Schwarzenegger erklärte, 3—FAKTOREN seien für die Katastrophe verantwortlich: "Sehr trockene Gebiete,
20071024             Showdown With IRAN: Video: "
20071024             Sie halten es für möglich, dass ein weiteres Massenaussterben bevorsteht.
20071024             So if THE—USA—MAKES such 1—MISTAKE, they should know that we will definitely respond.
20071024             And we don't make idle threats,"
20071024             Speaking to Jewish group in LONDON —ON—TUESDAY, PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT revealed that at his meeting —LAST—WEEK in MOSCOW with THE—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT,
20071024             Stahl), JOHN—PIERPONT—MORGAN (Finanzen) + JOHN—DAVISON—ROCKEFELLER (öl) kreierten...
20071024             STATE—OF—FLORIDA—RESOURCE—MANUAL on Holocaust Education Grades 7-8 - Studie: Arme Kinder, armes Leben
20071024             SUBPRIME—KRISE: Merrill Lynch muss 8—MILLIARDEN Dollar abschreiben
20071024             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is considering air strikes, including cruise missiles, against the Kurdish rebel group PKK in NORTH—IRAQ.
20071024             THE—USA—ADDICTION to privatising wars:: Taliban power grows in AFGHANISTAN:
20071024             That is not 1—CALIFORNIAN credo.
20071024             —FOISTED, It is, upon us by the inhabitants of the red states -- who,
20071024             —DECIDED, THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT has, to formally revoke the immunity from prosecution granted to private security companies operating in the country.
20071024             THE—MOSLEM—ARAB—WORLD is built like 1—TEMPORARY—HOUSE—OF—CARDS put together by foreigners (FRANCE and BRITAIN in THE—19—TWENTIES),
20071024             THE—PKK knows that its struggle is entering the endgame.
20071024             And that is why they want to do everything they can to prevent 1—SWIFT—DIPLOMATIC—SOLUTION.
20071024             THE—ROLL—OUT Presses On
20071024             —MANAGED, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT so badly, a $1.2—BILLION contract for IRAQ—POLICE training that it can't tell what it got for the money spent, 1—NEW—REPORT says.
20071024             The chaotic relationship between THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and private contractors in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN was —TODAY highlighted by 1—CONGRESSIONAL investigation into where more than $1bn allocated for police training has gone.
20071024             The government has upheld the findings of 1—OFFICIAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE alleged shooting death of 17—IRAQIS by employees of Blackwater USA and is pressing THE—USA—EMBASSY to expel the private security company from IRAQ, officials said —WEDNESDAY.
20071024             —INVADED, The troops, THE—IRAQ—TERRITORY by approximately 50—KM According to THE—TURKEY—MILITARY,
20071024             This does not apply to THE—FORMULATION—OF—THE—AIM,
20071024             Trotzdem war die Feuerwehr vielerorts dem Ausmaß der Katastrophe nicht gewachsen.
20071024             TURKEY ignores USA restraint request: TURKEY invades NORTH—IRAQ:
20071024             —CLAIMED, TURKEY—MILITARY, to have killed 32—MILITANTS as PKK Changes Battlefield Tactics to Force TURKEY into Negotiations:
20071024             TURKEY—TROOPS launch raids inside IRAQ:
20071024             Tüftelwettbewerb: Weltraumfahrstuhl aus KANADA scheitert knapp
20071024             USA—CITIZENS had best rethink the "WAR—ON—TERROR" —WHILE they still have the liberty to do so.
20071024             USA will cut off IRAN's 'malignant' actions: USA Suspends IRAQ Audit of DynCorp:
20071024             —VERSTEIGERT, USA: CHE—GUEVARAS—HAAR wird
20071024             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —ON—WEDNESDAY THE—USA would cut off IRAN's "malignant" activities in IRAQ and was working urgently to impose more punitive measures against TEHRAN.
20071024             Umfrage: SPD hat Vertrauen der kleinen Leute verspielt
20071024             Unter den Feuerwehrleuten waren auch etwa 2600 in der Brandbekämpfung geschulte Häftlinge.
20071024             Verantwortlich dafür seien Eingriffe des Menschen in die Natur, heißt es in einem Bericht der Vereinten Nationen,
20071024             Vom Geist der damaligen Zeit, so Dohnanyi warnend, "ist noch etwas übrig".
20071024             —VOR—2—JAHREN war BUSH für sein Krisenmanagement bei dem Desaster um Hurrikan "Katrina" in NEW—ORLEANS scharf kritisiert worden.
20071024             Waldbrände in Kalifornien: "Es sieht aus wie das ENDE—DER—WELT"
20071024             Waldbrände: Größte Massenflucht in Kaliforniens Geschichte - War Costs May Total $2.4—TRILLION:
20071024             We cannot pay for 1—PROPER—NUMBER—OF firefighters because our taxpayer dollars are going to IRAQ.
20071024             What Does THE—PKK—WANT?:
20071024             What does Streit say about ANTI—BOLSHEVISM + the "Final Solution"?
20071024             Click here to find out.
20071024             Whether THE—CONTROVERSIALUSA—PRIVATE—SECURITY—COMPANY—BLACKWATER leaves IRAQ or not, THE—USA is unlikely to shake its dependence on civilians fighting its wars anytime soon.
20071024             —HOOKED, The superpower is too, on hired help.
20071024             Wiederaufbaugelder: BUSH will internationalen Fonds für die Freiheit Kubas
20071024             You will not find 1—SINGLE—INSTANCE in which 1—COUNTRY has inflicted harm on us and we have left it without 1—RESPONSE.
20071024             Zukunftsängste: Deutschlands ärmste Kinder verlieren die Hoffnung
20071024             alfatomega.com/2005 0121.html - alfatomega.com/220403antiwarblogg.html
20071024             dass die Verwaltung in Kalifornien hinreichend von den Bundesbehörden unterstützt werde,
20071024             der STAAT und die Bundesbehörden ganz schnell handeln", sagte Schwarzenegger.
20071024             der sich mit seiner Familie ins QUALCOMM—SPORTSTADION in S—DIEGO rettete.
20071024             die in Zusammenhang mit vergangenen Massenaussterben gestanden hätten.
20071024             he learned that "RUSSIA has decided not to supply nuclear fuel to IRAN".
20071024             hypocritically, take more from THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT than they give, forcing the suckers in CALIFORNIA and other blue states to pony up the difference.
20071024             in THE—LEAD—UP to the war against IRAQ, CHENEY gave 1—NUMBER—OF—SPEECHES making clear the intention to resort to arms against SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20071024             nach seinen Motiven gefragt wird, sagt er mit einem fast unschuldigen Augenaufschlag: "Ich versuche eigentlich,
20071024             or did they have other
20071024             road and sewer maintenance, school funding, street lighting, police and firefighting units + penitentiary facilities.
20071024             sagte BUSH s Sprecherin Dana Perino.
20071024             Zuvor hatte die Regierung den Notstand über das Katastrophengebiet verhängt und Finanzhilfen freigegeben.
20071024             said Meridor, who called for 1 unified INTERNATIONAL as well as domestic USA—FRONT to counter the Islamic REPUBLIC—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS.
20071024             sehr heißes Wetter, und dann noch 1—MENGE—WIND".
20071024             the Backbone of the Arab world.
20071024             —NOW that it has crumbled, —NOW that it has broken up, the rest will follow...Continue
20071024             to deter and to defeat if we can" —WHEN speaking about the threats facing the country.
20071024             - CHIEF among those threats was IRAN,
20071024             up to 3,500 Kurdish rebels are deployed in the area.
20071024             we would have $30—BILLION more to spend on our needs.
20071024             who argued that the organization was too weak militarily, lacked 1—STATE sponsor and had only —AROUND 4,000 militants under arms
20071024             whose technology was sold to CHINA against THE—WISHES—OF—THE—USA.
20071024             without the wishes and DESIRES—OF—THE—INHABITANTS having been taken into account.
20071024             ø Nazism Review ø... - überhaupt nicht zu provozieren.
20071024             Ob mir das immer gelingt, ist eine andere Frage".
20071024             —BY—MIKE—WHITNEY
20071024             —BY—PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS
20071024             —BY—SCOTT—HORTON
20071024             —POSTED—BY—AITCHD
20071024             —POSTED—BY—LEE - "Come And See Our Overflowing Morgues"
20071024             "RUSSIA confirmed its commitment to all contractual obligations regarding BUSH ehr and it is determined to honor them.
20071024             —DENOUNCED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, CASTRO—REGIME and called on THE—CUBA—PEOPLE to shed his rule.
20071024             USA federal and local law enforcement officials, targeting 1—VIOLENT—MEXICO—HEROIN drug ring, raided numerous locations in OAKLAND and NORTH—CALIFORNIA arresting 30—PEOPLE and confiscating drugs, guns and cash.
20071024             —EXPANDED, Fires in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, destruction to 1,500 homes and charred over 500,000 acres.
20071024             —FORCED, Over half 1—MILLION—RESIDENTS were, to flee the area, the largest evacuation in state history.
20071024             BANK—OF—AMERICA, the nation's 2.—LARGEST bank, said that it is cutting 3,000 positions in its investment banking unit, —1—DAY—AFTER CROSS—TOWN—RIVAL—WACHOVIA Corp. —STARTING eliminating several 100—POSITIONS for the same reasons.
20071024             —REPORTED, Merril Lynch, its 1. quarterly loss in —6—YEARS due to writedowns of $8.4—BILLION related to mortgage loans in structured investment vehicles (SIVs).
20071024             —SECURED, Microsoft, 1—DEAL to buy 1.6—PERCENT—OF—FACEBOOK, 1—SOCIAL networking site, for $240—MILLION.
20071024             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said 5—MILITANTS were, in 2—CLASHES with AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS in the southern provinces of Zabul and Helmand.
20071024             USA—LED coalition and AFGHANISTAN—ATTACK on 1—GATHERING of another GROUP—OF—TALIBAN militants in the Daychopan DISTRICT—OF—ZABUL province killed 10—INSURGENTS.
20071024             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB went off near THE—CONVOY—OF—CARS carrying Arsallah Jamal, the provincial GOVERNOR—OF—KHOST, wounding 2—OF—HIS bodyguards and 2—CIVILIANS.
20071024             ANGLO—AUSTRALIA—MINING giant RIO—TINTO said all conditions on its $38.1—BILLION takeover of Alcan Inc had been satisfied and most shareholders had accepted its offer.
20071024             —SIGNED, BEIJING, COSTA—RICA—PRESIDENT—OSCAR—ARIAS, several accords with his CHINA—COUNTERPART, months —AFTER THE—CENTRAL—USA—NATION established diplomatic relations with THE—ASIA—GIANT.
20071024             —LAUNCHED, CHINA, its 1. lunar probe, Chang'e 1, 1—INITIAL—STEP in 1—AMBITIOUS—10—YEAR plan to send 1—ROVER to the moon and return it to Earth.
20071024             —AGREED, FRANCE—GOVERNMENT, to reward DRIVERS—OF—CARS that use little gasoline, drastically slow road construction and renovate all the country's public buildings to slash energy consumption.
20071024             1—FRANCE—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL said FRANCE will for the 1. time send DOZENS—OF—MILITARY trainers to the volatile SOUTH—OF—AFGHANISTAN.
20071024             —RENEWED, AL—SADR, his appeal to his followers to uphold THE—6—MONTH—CEASE—FIRE announced —IN—AUGUST and threatened to expel those who do not.
20071024             Nearly simultaneous bombs struck commuters in 1—PREDOMINANTLY—SHIITE area on the southeastern edge of BAGHDAD, killing at least 9—PEOPLE and wounding about 2—DOZEN.
20071024             —FORMULATED, Officials said ISRAEL—MILITARY—EXPERTS have, 1—PLAN to gradually cut off power to THE—GAZA—STRIP in response to ongoing rocket fire from THE—PALESTINE—AREA.
20071024             † SOUTH—KYRGYZSTAN, Alisher Saipov (26), 1—PROMINENT—INDEPENDENT—ETHNIC—UZBEKISTAN—JOURNALIST, was shot to death.
20071024             SOUTH—KYRGYZSTAN had close ties to the opposition to THE—AUTHORITY—REGIME in neighboring UZBEKISTAN.
20071024             —1—DAY—OF—GLOBAL—PROTESTS against MYANMAR—JUNTA began in BANGKOK as democracy leader and Nobel peace laureate Aung S—SUU—KYI marked 1—CUMULATIVE —12—YEARS in detention.
20071024             NIGERIA—TOP—CORRUPTION—INVESTIGATOR said that up to 6—FORMER governors will be charged by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR, 1—SIGN the country's new leadership is making good on pledges to stamp out graft in 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST corrupt nations.
20071024             —DEPLOYED, PAKISTAN—ARMY said that new troops have been, to Swat, 1—MOUNTAIN—VALLEY—POPULAR with tourists —UNTIL violence flared there this —SUMMER, to quell Maulana Fazlullah, who has called for TALIBAN—STYLE—RULE and holy war against PAKISTAN—AUTHORITIES.
20071024             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 5—CIVILIANS and wounded 16—WHEN it exploded near 1—MINIBUS FULL—OF—PASSENGERS in THE—WAR—RAVAGED MOGADISHU.
20071024             —ATTACKED, TURKEY—WARPLANES and helicopter gunships reportedly, positions of Kurdish rebels —JUST inside TURKEY along the border with IRAQ, as TURKEY—MILITARY stepped up its ANTI—REBEL—OPERATIONS.
20071024             —SUSPECTED—OF, SPAIN—POLICE broke up 1—ISLAMIC—CELL, using THE—INTERNET to recruit fighters for THE—IRAQ insurgency, arresting 6—PEOPLE in raids near THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—BURGOS.
20071024             —PLEDGED, ZIMBABWE—CENTRAL—BANK—CHIEF, that empty shop shelves would soon be replenished as he denounced the "anarchy" inspired by the government's order for retailers to slash their prices in half.
20071024             Taliban power grows in AFGHANISTAN : A —30—MINUTES—DRIVE from the centre of KABUL + the Taliban is in the ascendant.
20071024             IRAQ—CABINET upholds Blackwater findings, presses for expulsion: The government has upheld the findings of 1—OFFICIAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE alleged shooting death of 17—IRAQIS by employees of Blackwater USA and is pressing THE—USA—EMBASSY to expel the private security company from IRAQ, officials said —WEDNESDAY.
20071024             IRAQ clamps down on security firms : THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT has decided to formally revoke the immunity from prosecution granted to private security companies operating in the country.
20071024             Bush war spending highest —SINCE WW II. Tools
20071024             Bush wars to cost 40—TIMES—HIGHER than original estimates; $8,000 per man, woman child in USA
20071024             Congress wants answers over $1bn war zone fees : The chaotic relationship between THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and private contractors in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN was —TODAY highlighted by 1—CONGRESSIONAL investigation into where more than $1bn allocated for police training has gone.
20071024             USA Suspends IRAQ Audit of DynCorp : THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT so badly managed a $1.2—BILLION contract for IRAQ—POLICE training that it can't tell what it got for the money spent, 1—NEW—REPORT says.
20071024             THE—USA—ADDICTION to privatising wars: : Whether the controversial USA private security company Blackwater leaves IRAQ or not, THE—USA is unlikely to shake its dependence on civilians fighting its wars anytime soon.
20071024             Manufacturing Consent For War With IRAN:
20071024             IRAN "perhaps single greatest" security risk to USA: Rice : PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH —LAST—WEEK warned that 1—NUCLEAR—ARMED—IRAN evoked the threat of "World War III," and VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY —ON—SUNDAY spoke of "serious consequences" unless the Islamic republic comes to heel.
20071024             USA will cut off IRAN's 'malignant' actions : USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —ON—WEDNESDAY THE—USA would cut off IRAN's "malignant" activities in IRAQ and was working urgently to impose more punitive measures against TEHRAN.
20071024             HANS—BLIX questions USA—FEARS over IRAN: FORMER—UNITED—NATIONS' CHIEF weapons inspector HANS—BLIX has challenged USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—ASSERTION that IRAN poses 1—NUCLEAR—THREAT and the world should take PRE—EMPTIVE action.
20071024             Protester waves BLOOD—COLORED hands in RICE—FACE : 1—ANTI—WAR—PROTESTER waved BLOOD—COLORED hands in USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—FACE at 1—CONGRESSIONAL hearing —ON—WEDNESDAY and shouted "war criminal!", but was pushed away and detained by police.
20071024             "You will not find 1—SINGLE—INSTANCE in which 1—COUNTRY has inflicted harm on us and we have left it without 1—RESPONSE. So if THE—USA—MAKES such 1—MISTAKE, they should know that we will definitely respond. And we don't make idle threats,"
20071024             RUSSIA confirms all commitments under Bush ehr contract : "RUSSIA confirmed its commitment to all contractual obligations regarding Bush ehr and it is determined to honor them.
20071024             Naturally, there has to be the understanding that all those obligations are known to THE—IAEA and fully comply with THE—RULES—OF—THAT—ORGANIZATION.
20071024             Speaking to Jewish group in LONDON —ON—TUESDAY, PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT revealed that at his meeting —LAST—WEEK in MOSCOW with THE—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT, he learned that "RUSSIA has decided not to supply nuclear fuel to IRAN".
20071024             —BASED, Report: IRAN acquiring fighter jets that are, on ISRAEL—TECHNOLOGY : IRAN has signed 1—DEAL with CHINA to purchase 24—J—10—FIGHTER—JETS 20080000—20100000    —BETWEEN, RUSSIA—NEWS—AGENCY—NOVOSTI reported.
20071024             —DEVELOPED, The jets were, based on the technology of ISRAEL—LAVI fighter jet, whose technology was sold to CHINA against THE—WISHES—OF—THE—USA.
20071024             Meridor: We must be ready to preempt threats : ISRAEL—AMBASSADOR to THE—USA—SALLAI—MERIDOR declared —MONDAY that ISRAEL should always be prepared "to preempt, to deter and to defeat if we can" —WHEN speaking about the threats facing the country.
20071024             - CHIEF among those threats was IRAN, said Meridor, who called for 1 unified INTERNATIONAL as well as domestic USA—FRONT to counter the Islamic REPUBLIC—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS.
20071024             1—STRATEGY for ISRAEL in THE—19—EIGHTIES : In the long run, this world will be unable to exist within its present framework in the areas —AROUND us without having to go through genuine revolutionary changes.
20071024             THE—MOSLEM—ARAB—WORLD is built like 1—TEMPORARY—HOUSE—OF—CARDS put together by foreigners (FRANCE and BRITAIN in THE—19—TWENTIES), without the wishes and DESIRES—OF—THE—INHABITANTS having been taken into account.
20071024             ISRAEL set to sever power to GAZA : Ehud Barak, THE—ISRAEL—DEFENCE—MINISTER, is expected to approve —THIS—WEEK 1—GRADUAL—SEVERANCE—OF—THE—SUPPLY—OF—ELECTRICITY and fuel to THE—GAZA—STRIP, military officials have said.
20071024             it was indeed the Pillar, the Column, THE—SPINAL—VERTEBRAE, the Backbone of the Arab world.
20071024             —CRUMBLED, —NOW that it has, —NOW that it has broken up, the rest will follow.
20071024             As GREG—DJEREJIAN reminds us, in THE—LEAD—UP to the war against IRAQ, Cheney gave 1—NUMBER—OF—SPEECHES making clear the intention to resort to arms against SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20071024             Bush Regime Preaches Democracy, Proposes Tyranny
20071024             —INVADED, TURKEY invades NORTH—IRAQ: The troops, THE—IRAQ—TERRITORY by approximately 50—KM According to THE—TURKEY—MILITARY, up to 3,500 Kurdish rebels are deployed in the area.
20071024             —REPORTED, TURKEY—TROOPS—LAUNCH—RAIDS inside IRAQ : Local residents, spotting TURKEY—WAR—PLANES—DEEP inside IRAQ territory last night as ground troops conducted missions 6—MILES—SOUTH—OF—THE—TURKEY—IRAQ frontier.
20071024             TURKEY ignores USA restraint request : TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said he told DOCTOR—RICE by telephone —YESTERDAY that TURKEY expected "speedy steps from USA" in cracking down on Kurdish rebels and that she expressed sympathy and asked "for 1—FEW days" from him.
20071024             Bush offers to bomb Kurds : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is considering air strikes, including cruise missiles, against the Kurdish rebel group PKK in NORTH—IRAQ.
20071024             IRAQ—TALABANI denies agreeing to hand over Kurd rebels : IRAQ—PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI —ON—WEDNESDAY denied telling TURKEY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ALI—BABACAN that BAGHDAD might agree to hand over Kurdish rebel leaders hiding out in NORTH—IRAQ to ANKARA.
20071024             What Does THE—PKK—WANT?: THE—PKK knows that its struggle is entering the endgame.
20071024             #—POSTED—BY lee - ) and a pointed excerpt:
20071024             "Local governments —NOW use imaginative strategies to maintain or increase revenue in THE—FACE—OF—PROPOSITION 13 and the state's attendant LOSS—OF—PROPERTY—TAX—REVENUE (which formerly went to cities and counties). Most CALIFORNIA localities have —RECENTLY sought their voters' approval for special assessments that would levy new taxes earmarked for services that used to be paid for entirely or partially from property taxes: road and sewer maintenance, school funding, street lighting, police and firefighting units + penitentiary facilities. Sales tax rates have skyrocketed from 5% (the typical PRE—PROP 13—LEVEL) to 8% and beyond".
20071024             What explains the lack of volunteer fire departments? #—POSTED—BY—AITCHD
20071024             The butcher's BILL—FOR—IRAQ comes to
20071024             $8000 for EVERY—MAN, woman and child in AMERICA.
20071024             —DEVOTED, Do the math: If EACH—CALIFORNIAN annually, 1TENTH—OF—THAT—FIGURE to fighting fires and other natural disasters, we would have $30—BILLION more to spend on our needs.
20071024             —FOISTED, It is, upon us by the inhabitants of the red states -- who, hypocritically, take more from THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT than they give, forcing the suckers in CALIFORNIA and other blue states to pony up the difference.
20071024             220403antiwarblogg
20071024             Initial Membership List of the Knights of MALTA -... Precott Bush, JUNIOR... Cartha DeLoach Giscard d'Estaing BILL—DONOVAN.".
20071024             ø Nazism Review ø.../PowerPoints/Christian%20ANTI—SEMITISM%20(part%202). ppt Hitler + the Holocaust... ANTI—BOLSHEVISM ;
20071024             Strong show of local culture; Social Darwinism...
20071024             INTERNATIONAL Association of Genocide Scholars My PowerPoint presentation (with sample images) will provide 1—OVERVIEW of the main...
20071024             The book concentrates on THE—FUNCTION—OF—ANTI—BOLSHEVISM in Nazi...
20071024             Swanshurst School | History DEPARTMENT.
20071024             Attachments:, 16_595_STREIT'S_ESSAY.ppt.
20071024             Atlantic Free PRESS—HARD—TRUTHS for Hard Times - "USA...
20071024             The mission of AF Press is simple: to dig out NUGGETS—OF—TRUTH from the...
20071024             AF Press provides 1—NEW venue for disseminating hard news and insightful...
20071024             Das Katastrophengebiet erstreckte sich vom Norden von LOS—ANGELES —BIS südlich der Grenze zu MEXIKO.
20071024             Schwarzenegger erklärte, 3—FAKTOREN seien für die Katastrophe verantwortlich: "Sehr trockene Gebiete, sehr heißes Wetter, und dann noch 1—MENGE—WIND".
20071024             Allein im Bezirk S—DIEGO wurden mehr als eine halbe Million Menschen aufgefordert, Schutz in Notunterkünften zu suchen.
20071024             "Meine Frau hat mich —UM—MITTERNACHT geweckt, sie schrie, die Flammen kommen", sagte 1—MANN, der sich mit seiner Familie ins QUALCOMM—SPORTSTADION in S—DIEGO rettete.
20071024             Etwa 12.000—MENSCHEN strömten in das Rund, viele von ihnen mit Schutzmasken gegen den feinen Aschenstaub.
20071024             Dort bauten die Behörden 1—LAGER mit Matratzen, Decken und Lebensmitteln auf.
20071024             "Anders als bei FRÜHEREN—KATASTROPHEN haben wir hier dafür gesorgt, dass die Leute vor Ort, der STAAT und die Bundesbehörden ganz schnell handeln", sagte Schwarzenegger.
20071024             Der PRÄSIDENT wolle die Lage vor Ort erkunden, Solidarität mit der Bevölkerung zeigen und dafür sorgen, dass die Verwaltung in Kalifornien hinreichend von den Bundesbehörden unterstützt werde, sagte Bush s Sprecherin Dana Perino.
20071024             Als er auf einer anschließenden Podiumsdiskussion vom VIZE—CHEFREDAKTEUR der "Zeit", BERND—ULRICH, nach seinen Motiven gefragt wird, sagt er mit einem fast unschuldigen Augenaufschlag: "Ich versuche eigentlich, überhaupt nicht zu provozieren. Ob mir das immer gelingt, ist eine andere Frage".
20071024             —DERZEIT - - Biologen beobachten das größte Artensterben —SEIT 65—MILLIONEN —JAHREN.
20071024             Verantwortlich dafür seien Eingriffe des Menschen in die Natur, heißt es in einem
20071024             Bericht der Vereinten Nationen,
20071024             Waldbrände in Kalifornien: PRÄSIDENT—AUF—ANTI—KATRINA—MISSION
20071024             Mixed Zone: Tennisprofi bestätigt WETTMAFIA—EXISTENZ, Leipheimer zu ASTANA
20071024             Importe: CHINA wird Deutschlands drittwichtigster Lieferant
20071024             1. World Vision Kinderstudie wird herausgegeben.
20071024—19990000    —IN, PAKISTAN, 1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL said the senior detective leading the investigation into the suicide attack on Benazir Bhutto has withdrawn from the case —AFTER the opposition leader accused HIM—OF—INVOLVEMENT in the torture of her husband.
20071024—20040600    —IN, The decision to return to violence was taken despite the opposition of MANY—PKK field commanders,
20071024—20040600    —IN, The decision to return to violence was taken despite the opposition of MANY—PKK field commanders, who argued that the organization was too weak militarily, lacked 1—STATE sponsor and had only —AROUND 4,000 militants under arms
20071024—20071029    —ON, he was sentenced to life in 1—HARD—LABOR colony.
20071119—20071024    —AM, gab es die 1. Berichte über einen plötzlichen Anstieg der Helligkeit.
20071212             Gesundheit und Erderwärmung: Weißes Haus schwächt KLIMAWANDEL—BERICHT ab (20071024             )
20080825—20081024    —ON, she said that she will not cooperate with local police, alleging that they stood by idly —DURING the attack.
20081021—20081024    —AM, erreicht, waren 100.000—PFUND (112.000—EURO) eingegangen.
20081024             In 1—HOUSE—OVERSIGHT—COMMITTEE hearing —TODAY, FORMER—FED Chairman ALAN—GREENSPAN claimed the credit crisis is a "once in 1—CENTURY—CREDIT—TSUNAMI" that policy makers did not anticipate.
20081024             alfatomega.com/20080430.html
20081024             —HERBEIZITIERT, Immer wieder werden BGH—ENTSCHEIDUNGEN, die besagen, dass Berater die Pflicht haben, ihren Kunden Warnhinweise zu geben (zum Beispiel: BGH XI ZR 12/93—VOM 19930706             oder BGH XI ZR 159/99—VOM 20000509             ).
20081024             —FREITAG : Nach nervösem Auf und Ab —IN—DEN—TAGEN zuvor zeichnet sich erneut ein rabenschwarzer —FREITAG ab.
20081024             "Daran sollte sich manch' andere BANK—1—BEISPIEL nehmen", sagte der Geschäftsführer der DEUTSCHEN—SCHUTZVEREINIGUNG für Wertpapierbesitz (DSW),
20081024             "Das gibt dem Markt den Rest", sagte 1—STRATEGE.
20081024             "Die ehemals zu Traumkonditionen aufgenommenen YEN—KREDITE—DIE sogenannten CARRY—TRADES—WERDEN durch die massive Aufwertung der JAPANISCHEN—WÄHRUNG zu teuer. Sie werden —NUN kompromisslos zurückgefahren".
20081024             "Der Anleger fällt in die stabile Seitenlage und kann nur noch zuschauen".
20081024             Ein 2. Händler sagte,
20081024             "Der ganz große Knall ist bislang ausgebliebenen, —JETZT hat sich die Panik etwas gelegt",
20081024             "Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine erfolgreiche genetische Methode, um schnell und spezifisch bestimmte Erinnerungen auszulöschen,
20081024             "Ich bin aber ziemlich zuversichtlich, dass sich diese oder andere Pferdefüße in vielen Zertifikaten FINDEN—UND sich erfolgreich vor Gericht durchsetzen lassen", sagt der Anwalt.
20081024             "Wollen wir uns den Nachwuchs wirklich durch solche seltsamen Vorträge verwirren lassen?", empörte sie sich.
20081024             "for human rights protections and FREEDOM—OF—THOUGHT, THE—USA—HAS been ranked 36
20081024             "sie sind aber tatsächlich völlig redundant und belanglos", sagt KLAUS—KOCKS, der FRÜHERE—PR—CHEF—VON—VW.
20081024             "und was macht ihr? Ihr entwickelt Anwendungen für Facebook".
20081024             'Eternal Sunshine' drug selectively erases memories
20081024             - DAVE—DEMERJIAN—THE feds want to hold small aircraft to many of the same security rules the airlines have to follow.
20081024             109, 381. Inman, Terrance, 246. Inslaw, 3-5, 62, 63, 413, 414, 445 - AP Top News at 9:39 am EDT
20081024             Aber wie schafft man DAS—EINE gute Geschichte? According to conservatives,
20081024             —MIXED, Airline stocks were, —FRIDAY as 1—WAVE—OF selling hit the broader market and as data on INTERNATIONAL air travel showed an "alarmingly FAST—PACED" decline in passenger and cargo traffic.
20081024             —MIXED, Airlines are, amid wide market SELL—OFF
20081024             All dies sind Gewohnheiten und Bedingungen des Arbeitens, die sich nicht auf institutioneller Ebene "bereitstellen",
20081024             —ALMOST half the world's population, let's remember, live on less than $2.50—PER —DAY.
20081024             Millions die ANNUALLY—OF—HUNGER and starvation,
20081024             Als USA—PANZER beim 1. IRAK—KRIEG 19910000             auf KUWAIT—CITY zurollten, winkten ihnen Hunderte Kuwaiter mit kleinen AMERIKANISCHEN—FÄHNCHEN zu.
20081024             Als weiteren Grund für den Absturz nannten Händler, den sich immer weiter verteuernden Yen.
20081024             —AM Ende ist es ein kleines HEER—VON—TOMS, Davids, Richards und Bobs, die sich dem Tross anschließen,
20081024             An der WALL—STREET büßte der DOW—JONES—INDEX gut 24 % ein, er sank von rund 11.422—ZÄHLERN auf 8.691—PUNKTE.
20081024             Angesichts des Ausmaßes der Schocks sei jedoch auf absehbare Zeit nicht mit einer Rückkehr des Wachstums zu rechnen.
20081024             ANLEGER—SPRECHER nutzen die —ENTSCHEIDUNG der kleinen BANK—ALS—ANLASS für erneute Bänkerschelte:
20081024             As Center for USA—PROGRESS—SENIOR—FELLOWS—MICHAEL—S—BARR and GENE—SPERLING explain,
20081024             ASEM—GIPFEL in CHINA: Finanzmärkte hoffen auf das Reich der Mittel
20081024             ASEM—GIPFEL in CHINA: Merkel will Finanzchaos mit Krisenpaket bekämpfen
20081024             ASEM—GIPFEL: EU und ASIEN versprechen Reform des Finanzsystems
20081024             ASIA—STOCKS Plunge on Profit Declines; Kospi Sinks, Yen Jumps
20081024             Auch Verbraucherzentralen sind —DERZEIT sehr aktiv im Organisieren von Protesten.
20081024             Immer wieder halten sie Veranstaltungen ab,
20081024             Auch der Euro sackt zeitweilig im Vergleich zum Dollar auf den tiefsten Stand —SEIT—2—JAHREN.
20081024             Auch in anderen Instituten sind Hunderte, wenn nicht Tausende Kunden betroffen.
20081024             Mindestens 45.000—ANLEGER sollen insgesamt durch die LEHMAN—PLEITE geschädigt worden sein.
20081024             Auffällig an all den Deklarationen: Ihr überdimensionierter Duktus ähnelt feierlichen Erklärungen von Menschenrechten,
20081024             AUSTRALIA—INJUSTICE, COURT—JESTERS, and Constitutional Crisis
20081024             —RUINIERT, AUSTRALIEN: RIESEN—KROKODIL, Inseltourismus
20081024             —HALBIERT, Autobauer in der Krise: Peugeot, Gewinnprognose
20081024             Autokonzern: VW will —BIS Jahresende 750—LEIHARBEITER loswerden
20081024             Banken droht PR—DESASTER - Bartlett becoming business magnet
20081024             Bei all diesen Lektüren wahrte Schrödinger einen Grad der geistigen Freiheit, wie ihn sich Spezialisten kaum je gestatten.
20081024             Bei einer Tagung in BERLIN versammelte sich die Creme des Netzes.
20081024             Der Tenor: Keine Geschäftsmodelle,
20081024             Beispielhaft für die Kluft zwischen Fakten und Fiktion ist 1—DER—JÜNGSTEN—KAMPAGNEN des AMERIKANISCHEN—NETZWERKAUSRÜSTERS Cisco.
20081024             Bloody —FRIDAY on WALL—STREET
20081024             —CLEARED, Bloomberg, to run for a 3. term.
20081024             Brothers Harriman war die BANK—VON—GEORGE—BUSH s Vater Prescott BUSH.
20081024             Brustamputationen und Genitalien zu sehen bekommen.
20081024             Börsenbeben: Dax stürzt zeitweise 11 % ins Minus
20081024             Chefvolkswirte einiger DEUTSCHER—BANKEN sehen nach einem Bericht der "Bild"-Zeitung DEUTSCHLAND —SCHON—JETZT in einer Rezession.
20081024             Chertoff details USA 'NO—FLY list'
20081024             —SALARIED, Chrysler to cut big chunk of, workforce
20081024             Cisco sagt, man liefere nur Netzwerkausrüstung und nehme nicht an der Zensur teil.
20081024             —CHASTISED, COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA), Mica for trying to turn the financial crisis into 1—POLITICAL—ISSUE.
20081024             Dabei verhalte es sich mit der Wirtschaftsethik so wie mit dem Ungeheuer von Loch Ness,
20081024             Darüber hinaus verweisen die Experten darauf, dass die Risiken für die Prognose —DERZEIT ungewöhnlich hoch seien.
20081024             —GERIERT, Das Unternehmen, sich in Anzeigen als Wahrer der "Gedankenfreiheit".
20081024             Das allerdings würde bedeuten, dass nicht nur Käufer der LEHMAN—PLEITEZERTIFIKATE 1—CHANCE hätten,
20081024             Dass seine intellektuelle Aktualität nicht von den objektiven Errungenschaften und Kenntnissen abhängt,
20081024             Dear Chairman GREENSPAN: Remember that cheap money?
20081024             Defektes Weltraumteleskop: Neue Probleme bei "Hubble" aufgetaucht
20081024             Der Dax geht nach miserablen Vorgaben aus ASIEN in den freien Fall und verliert zeitweise über 11 %.
20081024             Der Nachwuchspreis trägt den Namen ALBERT—OECKLS—OECKL hat den Beruf des Imagekonstrukteurs von der Pike auf GELERNT—IN der Münchner Landesstelle des NS—PROPAGANDAMINISTERIUMS.
20081024             Der Optimismus ist aus dem Silicon Valley
20081024             Der Vorstandsvorsitzende und GRÜNDER—IST—RUPERT—MURDOCH
20081024             Despite purporting "to be 1—BEACON for THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD
20081024             Die "Präsentation des Grauens" ("Techcrunch")
20081024             Die Branche, findet Kocks, solle sich nicht als Wertewächter aufspielen.
20081024             Das sei ein "Exzess an Verlogenheit".
20081024             Die Börse in Moskau war im freien Fall.
20081024             Bei einem VERLUST—DES—MICEX—VON—14,2 % wurde der Handel —BIS—DIENSTAG ausgesetzt.
20081024             Die Drahtzieher hatten eben die Möglichkeit, ihre unsauberen Praktiken jahrelang ungestört auszuüben.
20081024             Die Funktionärsriege um Gaul will Merten offenbar mundtot machen.
20081024             Die Gegner der staatlichen Kontrolle argumentieren mit dem BANKEN— und Wirtschaftsguru ADAM—SMITH,
20081024             Die Marktteilnehmer agierten nicht rational, sondern in Panik, sagte 1—MARKTTEILNEHMER.
20081024             Die News Corporation (abgekürzt News Corp ) ist eines der weltgrößten Medienkonglomerate.
20081024             Die Postbank sieht dem Bericht zufolge 1—MINUS—VON—0,1 %.
20081024             —SCHON im 2. Quartal war das DEUTSCHE—BRUTTOINLANDSPRODUKT (BIP) um 0,5 % gesunken.
20081024             Die Sofortmaßnahmen der Regierungen sind jedenfalls keine Garantie dafür, dass unsolide Finanzmogule ein für ALLE—MAL ihre gefährlichen Experimente aufgeben.
20081024             —GESCHEHEN, Dafür muss mehr.
20081024             Diese spannungsvolle intellektuelle Grundgeste zeigt, dass Schrödingers Arbeit von 2—GANZ verschiedenen Leidenschaften angetrieben war,
20081024             Doch das waren und sind keine Schicksalsschläge, mit denen die Götter die Menschheit bestrafen,
20081024             Drama um Landesbank: Bayerische Sparkassen stärken Vorsitzenden Naser
20081024             Drohender Bankrott: ISLAND erhält 2—MILLIARDEN Dollar vom IWF
20081024             EU—KOMMISSIONSPLÄNE: Polizeigewerkschaften sehen keinen Bedarf für Nacktscanner
20081024             Ein weiterer Grund für die Kursstürze in ganz EUROPA ist nach ANGABEN—VON—HÄNDLERN die schlechte Ökonomie in GROSSBRITANNIEN.
20081024             1—PASSION für das nie versiegende Staunen zeichnet Schrödingers intellektuellen Stil aus.
20081024             Eine kollektive Entwürdigung ist weniger entwürdigend als die Bloßstellung einzelner Bevölkerungsgruppen.
20081024             Elektronikkonzern: Gewinn bei Samsung bricht um 44 % ein - Entlasst, wen ihr könnt.
20081024             Überlegt endlich, womit ihr Geld verdienen wollt.
20081024             Das Geld wird knapp, und so wird es lange bleiben.
20081024             Entwürdigung bleibt aber Entwürdigung. Auch im Namen der Sicherheit.
20081024             Er spricht von einer Lizenz zum Täuschen.
20081024             Die "Wellenmechanik", für die er
20081024             Es gibt haufenweise Anlegeranwälte, die bereit sind, Prozesse AUSZUFECHTEN—UND die wohl teils aus Profitgier falsche Hoffnungen wecken.
20081024             Es wisse doch jeder, mit wem er es zu tun habe.
20081024             Existing home sales jump, prices sink
20081024             FEDERAL—HOUSING data back up this conclusion — that "the private sector,
20081024             Feminismus in den USA: "Die Angst vor weiblicher Macht ist drastisch"
20081024             Finally, Home Sales Rise - Finanzkrise: Börse in Tokio stürzt auf Fünfjahrestief
20081024             Finanzkrise: Dax fällt zeitweise auf Dreijahrestief
20081024             Finanzkrise: Warum 1—KONJUNKTURPAKET nicht hilft
20081024             Finanzplatz SCHWEIZ: Die verunsicherte Wohlstandsinsel - Flight To THE—DOLLAR—AND—YEN
20081024             Flughafensicherheit: Bundesregierung lehnt Nacktscanner ab
20081024             FORBES—THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—PETROLEUM—EXPORTING Countries was never going to reverse the slide in oil prices in —JUST —1—DAY,
20081024             —SHOCKED, FORMER—FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—ALAN—GREENSPAN told Congress —ON—THURSDAY he is "" at the breakdown in USA—CREDIT—MARKETS and said he was "partially" wrong to resist REGULATION—OF—SOME—SECURITIES.
20081024             FREDDIE—MAC (FRE.P: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), the 2.—LARGEST USA—HOME funding company,
20081024             FREDDIE—MAC and Fannie MAE—AUDACITY to loan to LOW—INCOME—AMERICANS is to blame for the current financial crisis.
20081024             Fricker,M. Muolo,P. Inside Job. 19890000             (301)
20081024             OPEC cuts oil. By Money com staff LONDON ( Money.
20081024             Für KLAUS—MERTEN ist Mose "der Urvater der PR".
20081024             Er sei von Feinden umgeben und sich seines murrenden Volks nicht mehr sicher gewesen.
20081024             —FORMIERT, Für die Zeit der verhärteten Fronten jedenfalls, sich gerade geballter Widerstand:
20081024             —SHOCKED, GREENSPAN "" at credit system breakdown - GREENSPAN Concedes Error on Regulation
20081024             GREENSPAN Uses THE—BUSH—EXCUSE: Financial Crisis Was 'Broader Than Anything I—COULD—HAVE—IMAGINED'
20081024             GREENSPAN Was `Cheerleader for Imprudence,' JAMES—GRANT—SAYS
20081024             —CLAIMED, GREENSPAN, he was "shocked" because his model "was working exceptionally well" —FOR—40—YEARS,
20081024             —DISTANCED, GREENSPAN repeatedly, himself from the financial meltdown, however, saying he didn't foresee the crisis because of a "flaw in the model".
20081024             —EVOLVED, GREENSPAN: I also want to discuss how my thinking has, and what I have learned this past —YEAR.
20081024             GANZKÖRPER—SCANNER: Macht Nacktbilder von allen!
20081024             Geist und Materie: Warum Schrödinger —BIS—HEUTE aktuell ist
20081024             Geprellte Anleger: Sparkasse lehnt Vergleich im LEHMAN—PROZESS ab
20081024             Geräte, die Passagiere —BIS auf die Haut durchleuchten und so am Körper befestigten Plastiksprengstoff oder Keramikmesser sichtbar machen,
20081024             Gescheiterter Bildungsgipfel: Die vollkommene Verkrautung des Landes
20081024             Global Stocks Tumble on Earnings Concern; Treasuries, Yen Rally
20081024             HAMBURG—ALS Mose die Israeliten durch die Wüste führte und den ausgezehrten Menschen vom gelobten Land erzählte,
20081024             Hat es Schrödingers Denkstil ermöglicht, zu Problemschichten zu gelangen, die vorher noch nicht ins Bewusstsein geraten waren,
20081024             —TRIED, He also, to tie the crisis to SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL), holding up 1—CHART called "Follow the Money Trail".
20081024             He pointed that Obama has been the largest RECIPIENT—OF—DONATIONS from Freddie and Fannie.
20081024             (Actually, he's the 2. highest.)
20081024             —PLAYED, He noted that Freddie and Fannie "certainly, 1—ROLE" in the current situation, but then asked the witnesses,
20081024             Heidi GIULIANI—ALLES was du wissen musst.
20081024             123people.ch - Hersteller gegen Datenschützer: Verfassungsgericht verhandelt über Wahlcomputer
20081024             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "So kam, was kommen musste"
20081024             —ÜBERSICHT, Hier eine, der heftigsten Kursrückgänge der vergangenen —6—WOCHEN:
20081024             Hier muss McCain punkten, will er den STAAT gewinnen.
20081024             Hier sucht er nach seinen "Joes". 20081024             [...]
20081024             Hier sitzen ein paar der klügsten Menschen, die dieser Planet je hervorgebracht hat", sagte der Brite,
20081024             —INCLUDED, His associates, GEORGE—HEBERT,
20081024             Homeland Security SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF says reports that THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE are barred from flying are "1—MYTH".
20081024             However, we should recognize the losses we are incurring daily —BEFORE our eyes -- EVERY— 5—SECONDS 1—CHILD dies because of 1—LACK—OF—FOOD or water -- are 1—MATTER—OF—LIFE and death.
20081024             Husacks Sieg bei der Dresdner Bank sollte man allerdings nicht überbewerten.
20081024             Er gilt —ZUNÄCHST nur für das 1—ZERTIFIKAT.
20081024             I believe that was the right choice, and I want to thank Speaker Quinn for her leadership.
20081024             IATA Calls Airline Traffic Falls In Sep 'Alarming'
20081024             IMBURGIO SAL. IMBURGIO SAL.
20081024             Click on 1—NAME for 1—NEW—PROXIMITY—SEARCH: IMBURGIO SAL—MANTIUS,P. Shell Game.
20081024             19950000             (34 36).
20081024             IMBURGIO SAL—STICH,R. Drugging AMERICA: A Trojan Horse.
20081024             19990000             (209). - IORIZZO LAWRENCE S - Pizzo,S.
20081024             IMBURGIO SAL, 673—INTERLAKEN LANE, N BABYLON, NY, 11703. 34692202/28975771].
20081024             ICELAND close to $2B loan from IMF - ICELAND to Get $2—BILLION IMF Loan
20081024             ICELAND to receive $2—BILLION IMF loan
20081024             —REGIERT, Ich will nicht von einem Sozialisten, werden", sagt er.
20081024             —FORMIERT, Im Netz, sich ebenfalls Widerstand.
20081024             Im Zusammenhang mit der Finanzkrise sieht sich die Haspa inzwischen schweren Vorwürfen ausgesetzt.
20081024             Imburgio, Sal, 125. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 1, 73, 74, 85, 93, 104,
20081024             Immer mehr Republikaner setzen sich ab und kündigen an, für Obama zu STIMMEN—ZULETZT —JETZT BUSH s EX—SPRECHER SCOTT—MCCLELLAN—AUCH legt Obama bei Wählergruppen zu, die
20081024             —HERBEIZITIERT, Immer wieder werden BGH—ENTSCHEIDUNGEN, die besagen, dass Berater die Pflicht haben,
20081024             AMSTERDAM, LONDON, Zürich und an manchen Flughäfen in den USA sind —JETZT sogenannte Bodyscanner in Betrieb:
20081024             In 1—UPCOMING issue of the journal Geophysical Research Letters, NASA reports that "new research indicates 1—POWERFUL—GREENHOUSE—GAS might be at least 4—TIMES—MORE prevalent than has been thought".
20081024             The level of nitrogen trifluoride — which "is THOUSANDS—OF—TIMES—MORE—EFFECTIVE at warming THE—EARTH—ATMOSPHERE than 1—EQUAL—MASS—OF—CARBON dioxide" — has increased by 1—RATE—OF—11 % per —YEAR.
20081024             ISRAEL: Livni findet keine KOALITION—NEUWAHLEN wahrscheinlich
20081024             Joe ist zum SYMBOL—DES—KLEINEN—MANNES—GEWORDEN—UND zu McCains letzter Chance.
20081024             KEVIN—KATTKE and Sal Imburgio. According to OLIVER—NORTH in
20081024             Klimawandel, Umweltzerstörung, Korruption, Ungerechtigkeit.
20081024             "Wir sind noch lange nicht am Ziel" sagte O'Reilly.
20081024             Kombination von "Vielseitigkeit" und "Tiefe"
20081024             Kommentatoren auf dem linken Politblog "Daily Kos" bejubelten das als "die unglaublichste Gemeinschaftsaktion, die unsere Stadt je erlebt hat".
20081024             Konsumentenkrise: Banken zittern vor USA—KREDITKARTENSCHULDEN
20081024             Liebe START—UPS, die ihr Geld von uns BEKOMMT—SCHNALLT den Gürtel enger und zwar sofort.
20081024             Luftfahrtverband: ZAHL—DER—FLUGGÄSTE nimmt weltweit stark ab - Make the commitment" war die 2. Stufe
20081024             Make the connection" stand auf IHNEN—DIE spätere Zielgruppe sollte —ERST einmal lernen,
20081024             Manipuliertes Gedächtnis: Forscher löschen Erinnerungen aus Mäusehirnen
20081024             MARC—TÜNGLER, der Zeitung, mit Blick auf die Zertifikateregelung der PAX—BANK.
20081024             MARKETWATCH—BY CHRISTOPHER—HINTON, MarketWatch NEW—YORK -
20081024             Merkel: 4—PUNKTE für eine neue Finanzordnung
20081024             Merten ist emeritierter Professor für Kommunikationswissenschaften.
20081024             —PROMOVIERT, Er hat bei dem Soziologen Niklas Luhmann.
20081024             MICHAEL—J—SYLVESTER—BIOGRAPHY sylvester
20081024             Mose habe die Menschen mit einer Vision täuschen müssen, um selbst durchzukommen.
20081024             KRISEN—PR als Lebensversicherung sozusagen.
20081024             NASA: Dangerous greenhouse gas more common than previously thought.
20081024             NEW—YORK -(Dow Jones)- Exelon Corp.'s (EXC) 3.—QUARTER net income fell 10% amid higher operating and maintenance costs,
20081024             NEW—YORK, NY, 10021
20081024             Nach AUSSAGEN—VON—HÄNDLERN steigen vor allem USA—ANLEGER aus, um mit dem Geld Kredite zurückzuzahlen.
20081024             Nach Berechnungen der DekaBank ist die Wirtschaftsleistung im 3. Quartal um 0,2 % geschrumpft.
20081024             News Corporation — Wikipedia - NORTH—ANDOVER—LSB loses money in Q3
20081024             Nur wenige denken in DEUTSCHLAND so intensiv über Kommunikation nach wie er.
20081024             OPEC Cut Could Still Work
20081024             —SCHMIERT, Opec drosselt Förderung: Ölpreis, trotz Krisenintervention ab
20081024             Ostalgie: MANFRED—KRUG und "das Schöne" an der DDR
20081024             PNC Financial Services Group INCORPORATED will acquire National City Corp. in a $5.58—BILLION CASH—AND—STOCK—DEAL that makes the regional bank,
20081024             PNC to Acquire National City
20081024             PR—LEUTE seien "Wahrnehmungsmanager", sagt JOHN—RENDON—ER ist Spezialist für mediale Mobilmachung und gehört quasi zum Kriegsinventar der Amerikaner.
20081024             PAPILLOM—VIREN mit Gebärmutterhalskrebs in Verbindung zu bringen.
20081024             PETRA—SAMMER, Geschäftsführerin beim PR—MULTI Ketchum, rief deshalb zum "Widerstand" gegen Merten auf:
20081024             PLEITE—ZERTIFIKATE: LEHMAN—ANLEGER rüsten zum Kampf an allen Fronten
20081024             PRE—MARKET Trading Halted as Global Markets Slide
20081024             Preissturz am Energiemarkt: Opec kürzt Ölfördermenge um 1,5—MILLIONEN Barrel
20081024             Previously, "emissions of nitrogen trifluoride were thought to be so low the gas has not been considered 1—SIGNIFICANT—POTENTIAL—CONTRIBUTOR to global warming".
20081024             PRODUKTIONS—UND Gewinneinbrüche: Autobauer müssen um ihre Jobs bangen
20081024             Psychologie: Warme Hände sorgen für warmes Herz - Public Relations: Lizenz zum Täuschen
20081024             Rendon hatte sie an die verdutzten Kuwaiter verteilen lassen.
20081024             Die Bilder machten Geschichte.
20081024             —RELEASED, Reporters Without Borders —TODAY, its annual Press Freedom Index.
20081024             Resignation —AFTER COLOMBIA spying - REUTERS—BY MARK—FELSENTHAL—WASHINGTON
20081024             Rohstoffe: Ölpreis vor OPEC—SONDERTREFFEN bei 68—DOLLAR
20081024             —GELANDET, Rückkehr aus dem All: USA—WELTRAUMTOURIST Garriott sicher
20081024             SPIEGEL—ONLINE : Wer also sind die Schuldigen?
20081024             Sal Imburgio, the local building inspector, paid 1—VISIT, saw 1—POSITIVE—POLITICAL—CONNECTION with Sylvester and joined the group.
20081024             SARASOTA wurde zum "Epizentrum" ("Financial Times") des USA—IMMOBILIEN—CRASHS.
20081024             Schrödinger unterhielt HÖFLICH—KOLLEGIALE Beziehungen zu all den anderen Kapazitäten in jenem großen Zeitalter der Physik,
20081024             Schrödingers Frage —NACH—DEM Ort, wo der Geist auf die Materie trifft
20081024             Seine Verdienste seien "unbestritten", er habe sich nichts zu Schulden kommen lassen.
20081024             —SEIT McCain gemerkt hat, wie sehr sich seine Anhänger mit Joe und dessen Protest gegen die angeblichen Steuererhöhungen Obamas identifizieren, redet er von nichts anderem mehr.
20081024             Serageldin : Das beste wäre, ein neuer Geist der ehrlichen Finanzmakler würde die gefährliche Mentalität ersetzen,
20081024             Serageldin : 1—FUNKTION von elementarer Wichtigkeit ist die Aufsichtspflicht über das reibungslose,
20081024             Serageldin : Einigen, nicht den Entscheidungsträgern.
20081024             Wie auch immer: Ich halte es für geradezu irreführend,
20081024             Serageldin : Mit Namen und Titeln will ich nicht argumentieren, ich sage nur soviel: Die FEDERAL—RESERVE in der Ära GREENSPAN ist ihrem Auftrag nicht gerecht geworden.
20081024             Service: Fährt mein ICE ab —SAMSTAG noch?
20081024             Sharp decline in INTERNATIONAL air traffic in ;;09;;
20081024             Sie bietet vor allem ethisch orientierte FORMEN—DER—GELDANLAGE an.
20081024             —ERSCHIEN, So, kurz vor Einführung des Produkts der Eindruck einer vermeintlichen Bürgerbewegung,
20081024             Später war er in einer Wehrmachtseinheit für psychologische Kriegsführung.
20081024             Sicher, —NACH—DEM Krieg bekam Oeckl auch das BUNDESVERDIENSTKREUZ—ER habe geholfen,
20081024             —HEADED, Stocks, for 1—BLOODBATH
20081024             —PROGNOSTIZIERT, Studie: DEUTSCHE—BANK, schlimmste Rezession —SEIT den 3ßigern
20081024             THE—HEAD—OF—COLOMBIA—INTELLIGENCE—STEPS down, —AFTER admitting that OPPONENTS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT were monitored.
20081024             —ANNOUNCED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS that —AFTER Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, the final result,
20081024             TSA Rules Hassle Owners of Small Aircraft
20081024             Technologie und Hirnschmalz müssten endlich eingesetzt werden, um die größten PROBLEME—DER—MENSCHHEIT—ANZUGEHEN—HUNGER,
20081024             Tell someone" der finale 3. Schritt
20081024             —VOTED, THE—NEW—YORK City Council, —TODAY to extend term limits
20081024             —BOOSTED, The researchers, levels of 1—PROTEIN called A—CAMKII involved in memory storage and retrieval,
20081024             —CLIMBED, The yen, to a —13—YEAR high against the dollar as 1—WORLDWIDE rout in stocks encouraged investors to dump HIGHER—YIELDING assets and pay back LOW—COST—LOANS in JAPAN.
20081024             Theaterprofis Schmidt und Winkler: "Die Leute wollen Strumpfhosen statt Hinrichtungen"
20081024             Things got interesting.
20081024             Sal Imburgio, the local building inspector, paid 1—VISIT,
20081024             THOSE—OF—USA who work on both SIDES—OF—CITY—HALL must —NOW move forward with the important decisions that face us,
20081024             —TODAY in 1—HOUSE—OVERSIGHT—COMMITTEE hearing with FORMER—FED chairman ALAN—GREENSPAN, SEC chairman CHRISTOPHER—COX,
20081024             —TODAY, THE—MAJORITY—OF—THE—CITY—COUNCIL decided to give THE—PEOPLE—OF—NEW—YORK 1—FULLER—CHOICE 20091100             —IN—THE—ELECTION.
20081024             Tsien zufolge könnte diese Methode eines Tages beispielsweise bei Kriegsveteranen angewendet werden,
20081024             UPDATE 1—FREDDIE—MAC portfolio shrank 37.9 % in Sept
20081024             UPDATE 2—LIZ—CLAIBORNE slashes view for 4.—QUARTER, full —YEAR
20081024             UPDATE: Exelon 3Q Falls 10% As Uncollectible Accounts Rise
20081024             USA—ECONOMY: Home Resales ROSE—MORE—THAN—FORECAST in ;;09;;
20081024             —PLUMMETED, USA—STOCKS, in PRE—MARKET trading this —MORNING and PRE—TRADING on the Standard & POOR—500—INDEX fell by so much that PRE—MARKET trading was halted.
20081024             USA—AUTOHÄNDLER in Not: Dinosaurier zum halben Preis
20081024             —VERSPRICHT, USA—WAHLKAMPF: McCain, furiose Aufholjagd
20081024             USA—WAHLKAMPF: Obama liegt vorn, McCain spielt —NUN die Rolle, die er am besten KANN—DEN Underdog.
20081024             USA—RANKS 36. on press freedom list.
20081024             Und der Ethikrat sei nicht viel mehr als "ein eitles PR—INSTRUMENT der Branche".
20081024             —BEANSPRUCHT, Kocks, für PR—LEUTE das Recht zu lügen.
20081024             —GESTRITTEN, Und so wird —DERZEIT munter übers Grundsätzliche.
20081024             Verdächtiges Paket: Polizei räumt Terminal in Londoner Flughafen
20081024             Vor allem Russlands größte Bank, die staatliche Sberbank, und der Energiekonzern Gasprom erlitten schwere Verluste.
20081024             Vor ein paar —WOCHEN gelangte eine für interne Zwecke gedachte Bildschirmpräsentation der berühmten SILICON—VALLEY—WAGNISKAPITALFIRMA Sequoia in die Öffentlichkeit.
20081024             WALL—STREET is joining world stock markets in 1—PRECIPITOUS plunge, with the Dow Jones industrials dropping MORE—THAN—400—POINTS in the opening minutes of trading.
20081024             WALL—STREET: Experten rechnen mit 250.000—ENTLASSUNGEN
20081024             WALTER—MOORE in dem 19940000             erschienenen Buch "A Life of ERWIN—SCHRÖDINGER".
20081024             Warnende Worte an Jungunternehmer, mit dem Tenor:
20081024             We have 1—LOT—OF—WORK to do together to get NEW—YORK through these tough times.
20081024             Web 2.0—EXPO BERLIN: Es fehlt an Ideen, nicht an Geld - WEBLOG—DON´t trust MAIN—STREAM—MEDIA
20081024             Wertlose LEHMAN—ZERTIFIKATE: Katholische PAX—BANK—ZAHLT—ANLEGER aus
20081024             Widerstand aus EU—PARLAMENT und BUNDESTAG
20081024             Wir brauchen —NÄCHSTE—WOCHE noch mehr Leute.
20081024             Wir müssen SIEGEN!" Die Menge antwortet ihm mit frenetischen Sprechchören und winken dazu mit ROT—WEIß—BLAUEN CHEERLEADER—POMPOMS: "USA!
20081024             USA!" - Wir müssen mehr über Obamas zweifelhafte Bekanntschaften wissen".
20081024             Währungsschwäche: Euro taumelt auf 2—JAHRES—TIEF
20081024             Yen Rises to —13—YEAR High Versus Dollar as Carry Trade Unwinds
20081024             Yen soars to new highs on risk aversion - YouTube.
20081024             Nur neben 4 % aller Videos könnte der Gigant Werbung schalten, sagte PATRICK—WEIL—DER—REST—DER—INHALTE geklaut sei.
20081024             ZERTIFIKATE—BÜRGERWEHR auch ganz klassische PROTEST—PR: —AM—DONNERSTAG fand die 1. ANTI—ABZOCKER—DEMONSTRATION in der Kölner Innenstadt statt.
20081024             Weitere Demos sollen folgen.
20081024             Zu viele, um die Situation mit der Strategie, manche heimlich einzuschüchtern und andere still und leise auszuzahlen, zu bereinigen.
20081024             [AUSTRALIA—BANKS fraudulently marketed unhedged Foreign Currency Loans to over 3500—5000—SMALL—BUSINESSMEN and farmers,
20081024             1—MASSIVE—FRAUD and banking malpractice breaching the Trade Practices Act.
20081024             Not only did the borrowers lose because of the falling exchange rates,
20081024             adding that the crisis is "broader than anything I could have imagined":
20081024             also das, was Metalldetektoren verborgen bleibt.
20081024             Künftig werden die Kontrolleure täglich Speckröllchen,
20081024             and applied 1—WITHHOLDING tax which they pocketed.
20081024             and FORMER—TREASURY—SECRETARY—JOHN—SNOW, REPUBLICAN—JOHN—MICA (R—FL) revived that argument.
20081024             and more than 1—BILLION do not have access to fresh water.
20081024             and that event precipitated the formation of the Freeport Sports Club...
20081024             auf denen Kunden erfahren, was sie tun können, um Schadenersatz zu ERHALTEN—UND bekommen guten Zulauf.
20081024             begann mit dem Bild eines Grabsteins mit der Aufschrift "Ruht in Frieden, schöne Zeiten" und endete mit den Worten "Get real or go home" ("seht den Tatsachen ins Auge,
20081024             das im immer komplizierter werdenden Zahnradwerk der Geldwirtschaft eben mal vorkommt...
20081024             das negative Image von PR zu beseitigen und sie zu einer "unentbehrlichen Mittlerfunktion" gemacht, würdigte HELMUT—KOHL.
20081024             dass sich gerade diese Errungenschaften als erstaunlich resistent gegenüber dem Geltungsverfall des naturwissenschaftlichen Wissens erwiesen haben.
20081024             der —SCHON vor über zweihundert —JAHREN die Vorzüge der freien Wirtschaft gepriesen hatte.
20081024             die Mythenbildung um "JOE—DEM—KLEMPNER".
20081024             Das ist der längst legendäre Handwerker, dessen Kritik an Obama sich hier in SARASOTA auf einem Plakat niederschlägt: "Kein Sozialismus".
20081024             die nach ihrer Heimkehr unter traumatischen Erinnerungen zu LEIDEN hätten.
20081024             die unter der Ära RONALD—REAGAN und MARGARET—THATCHER um sich griff.
20081024             die wir Schrödingers Arbeit verdanken, gilt selbst dann noch, wenn man in Rechnung stellt,
20081024             1—BÜNDEL—VON—SPEKULATIONEN, Begriffen und Metaphern aus seinen
20081024             especially not —DURING—FRIDAY—PAN—EUROPEAN stock SELL—OFF.
20081024             etwa jene an alte und neue ÄNGSTE—UND zwar, ohne die Hirnzellen zu schädigen", erläuterten die Forscher.
20081024             gesetzmäßige und normengerechte Funktionieren der Banken.
20081024             ihm fehle mittlerweile die Fantasie, wie weit es noch nach unten gehen könnte.
20081024             "Aktuell gilt am Markt das Motto: Alles muss raus!"
20081024             ihren Kunden Warnhinweise zu geben (zum Beispiel: BGH XI ZR 12/93—VOM 6.;;07;;
20081024             19930000             oder BGH XI ZR 159/99—VOM 9. ;;05;; 20000000             ).
20081024             included GEORGE—HEBERT, KEVIN—KATTKE + Sal Imburgio.
20081024             including 1—INCREASE in uncollectible accounts at the power company's Commonwealth Edison unit as economic downturn hit utility...
20081024             issue of the journal Science.
20081024             —CONDUCTED, This study was, in the Yasuni forest dynamics plot of the Pontificia Universidad Cat¨(R)lica del ECUADOR,
20081024             —JUST as mice recalled the pain of receiving 1—LIGHT—SHOCK.
20081024             This had the effect of dispelling the memory.
20081024             kein KAPITAL—UND keine Ahnung, was man mit der eigenen Intelligenz anstellen soll.
20081024             konzentriert sich McCain —NUN auf den "I-4-Korridor" - jene Vorstadttrasse, die dank ihrer Wechselwähler bei Politikern besonders umworben ist.
20081024             muss die Inszenierung, die erzählte Geschichte stimmen.
20081024             not the government or GOVERNMENT—BACKED companies, was behind the soaring subprime lending at THE—CORE—OF—THE—CRISIS".
20081024             oder geht nach Hause"). "Sequoia ist in Panik geraten", kommentierte Varsavsky in BERLIN.
20081024             of 'The city's for sale!' and 'Shame on you!'"
20081024             offenbar doch noch nicht ganz verschwunden.
20081024             Zumindest nicht unter denen, die noch Geld haben.
20081024             ohne sich je an die BEGRENZT—GRUPPENINTERNE Zirkulation des von ihm produzierten Wissens binden zu lassen.
20081024             —ON—FRIDAY said its mortgage investment portfolio shrank by 1 annualized 37.9 % rate in ;;09;;.
20081024             out of 173—COUNTRIES — 1—SPOT also shared by Bosnia and Herzegovina.
20081024             —RANKED, ICELAND, number 1 in press freedom,
20081024             pages searched: 5. These names share the indicated NUMBER—OF—PAGES with the
20081024             particularly finding ways to soften the fallout from the economic downturn and balancing our budget as revenues decline.
20081024             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX 20081024             20081024             sagt Niklas Luhmann.
20081024             "Es wird viel über sie geredet, obwohl niemand so genau weiß, ob es sie überhaupt gibt".
20081024             sagte 1—HÄNDLER.
20081024             "Ich trau dem Braten trotzdem nicht", ergänzte er.
20081024             so that Mayor MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG can run for a 3. term —NEXT—YEAR.
20081024             The council's vote of 29 to 22—UNDOES the result of 2—VOTER—REFERENDUMS that had imposed 1—LIMIT—OF—8—YEAR—TERMS for THE—MAYOR—OFFICE.
20081024             HERE—BLOOMBERG—STATEMENT on the vote:
20081024             sondern logisch nachvollziehbare Auswirkungen fragwürdiger Machenschaften einer kleinen GRUPPE—VON—BANKERN.
20081024             sondern nur immer wieder individuell erobern und durch eminente Leistungen konsolidieren lassen.
20081024             than THE—USA—THE—REPORT singled out "wars carried out in the name of the fight against terrorism" as 1—CAUSE for the steep decline in press freedoms —AROUND the world.
20081024             the balcony in the Council chamber "erupted in shouts
20081024             the banks switched accounts at will, stripped assets, took exorbitant commissions regardless of the huge losses,
20081024             the most diverse tropical forest site associated with the Center for Tropical Forest Science/Smithsonian Institution Global Earth Observatory network (CTFS/SIGEO).
20081024             THING—FRANKFURT : Beitrag: Heimatkunde
20081024             um in SARASOTA auf der Tribüne hinterm Rednerpult winken zu dürfen.
20081024             um sich verzocktes Geld zurück aufs Konto zu klagen.
20081024             Fraglich, ob Richter es so weit kommen lassen, wenn es hart auf hart geht.
20081024             und ATLANTIK—BRÜCKE—SPEZI WALTHER—LEISLER—KIEP in den Aufsichtsrat
20081024             und die sich andererseits, sobald sie einmal identifiziert sind, JEDER—FOLGENDEN—GENERATION—VON—FORSCHERN und Denkern aufs Neue stellen?
20081024             von 6232—PUNKTEN auf 4519—PUNKTE, den neuerlichen Crash —AM—FREITAG noch nicht einmal eingerechnet.
20081024             von RODNEY—STICH - 20070000             - True Crime - 664—SEITEN
20081024             von der Leidenschaft, etwas erklären, und der Leidenschaft, etwas offenbaren zu wollen.
20081024             vor Gericht Geldverluste einzuklagen.
20081024             Die Methode WÄRE—HAT der Anwalt RECHT—EINE universelle Strategie,
20081024             weiße Männer). - Und die "NEW—YORK—TIMES ", die wohl einflussreichste Zeitung der Welt, spricht Obama offiziell ihre Wahlempfehlung aus.
20081024             wenn nicht gar unmoralisch, der Weltbevölkerung vorzugaukeln, dass diese erdumspannende Finanzkrise 1—ZUFALLSEREIGNIS war,
20081024             which had been crippled by bad REAL—ESTATE—LOANS, the latest bank in the credit crisis to fall into...
20081024             wird sichtbar, wie wenig PR mit Transparenz zu tun hat und wie viel mehr mit Manipulation.
20081024             with GHANA, SLOVENIA, TRINIDAD—AND—TOBAGO, Surinam, and JAMAICA also ranking higher
20081024             wo Milch und Honig FLIEßEN—HAT er da gelogen?
20081024             Ähnlich schlimm wirkte sich auch der AL—MANACH—BÖRSENKRACH in KUWAIT aus, von dem sich das Erdölemirat —BIS—HEUTE noch nicht ganz erholt hat.
20081024             Ökonom Serageldin: "Wir brauchen einen neuen Geist der ehrlichen Finanzmakler"
20081024             "Do ANY—OF—YOU believe that they were the cause of this financial crisis?" All 3—MEN said no.
20081024             —AGREED, PNC Financial Services Group Inc, to purchase ailing OHIO—BASED National City Corp in 1—GOVERNMENT—SUPPORTED $5.6—BILLION deal that will create THE—NUMBER 5—USA—BANK by deposits.
20081024             CHICAGO, the mother and brother of actress and singer JENNIFER—HUDSON were found shot to death on the city's SOUTH—SIDE.
20081024             HUDSON—NEPHEW, JULIAN—KING, —7—JAHRE—ALT, was missing.
20081024             † 3—CHEERLEADERS were killed and a 4., THE—NEXT—DAY.
20081024             † 1—PASSENGER in the car also was killed.
20081024             —INCLUDED, His direction work, both the theater (19690000             ) and film (19720000             ) version of "Butterflies Are Free".
20081024             —CALLED, Asian and European leaders, meeting in BEIJING, for 1 coordinated response to the global financial meltdown and prepared to endorse 1—CRITICAL—ROLE for THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND in aiding THE—HARDEST—HIT countries.
20081024             —FIRED, COLOMBIA—ARMY—CHIEF, 3—COLONELS in the case of 11—MEN who disappeared from SOACHA, 1—POOR—DISTRICT—JUST—SOUTH—OF—BOGOTA.
20081024             They were found dead —IN—AUGUST and —SEPTEMBER, months —AFTER their abduction in 1—WAR—ZONEHUNDREDS—OF—MILES away.
20081024             —APPEARED, The young men, to have been kidnapped and murdered to inflate the body count of dead guerrillas.
20081024             THE—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM said fighting in EAST—CONGO has driven some 200,000 from their homes —DURING the last —8—WEEKS, exacerbating 1—ALREADY dire humanitarian crisis.
20081024             Officials in HONDURAS said at least 29—PEOPLE are dead and 14—OTHERS are missing because of heavy rains that began —2—WEEKS—AGO.
20081024             —COLLAPSED, ICELAND, where the financial system has all but, reached 1—DEAL with THE—IMF for $2—BILLION to help fix its broken banking system, restart currency trading and soften the blow from the global downturn.
20081024             —AGREED, TOKYO and BEIJING, to establish 1—HOTLINE between their leaders to build mutual trust, as PRIME—MINISTER—TARO—ASO held his 1. meeting as JAPAN—LEADER with his CHINA—COUNTERPARTS.
20081024             1—SOYUZ capsule carrying 1—AMERICAN and 2—RUSSIANS touched down on target in KAZAKHSTAN —AFTER 1—DESCENT from THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION, safely delivering the 1. 2—MEN to follow their fathers into space.
20081024             CENTRAL—MEXICO, 2—HUMAN—HEADS were found with threatening messages.
20081024             2—ADULTS were killed —WHEN assailants riddled their pickup truck with bullets on 1—TIJUANA street.
20081024             A —1—YEAR—OLD—GIRL riding with them was hit by multiple rounds from 1—ASSAULT—RIFLE and was hospitalized in critical condition.
20081024             Police also found 9—PEOPLE shot to death in Playas de Rosarito, —JUST SOUTH—OF—TIJUANA.
20081024             OPEC said at 1—EMERGENCY meeting that it will slash oil production by 1.5—MILLION barrels to stem the "dramatic collapse" of oil prices, but crude prices plunged 7—PERCENT anyway as financial markets spiraled downward across the globe.
20081024             —CRASHED, PARAGUAY, 1—SMALL—PLANE, shortly —AFTER takeoff in ASUNCION, killing all 5—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20081024             —BELONGED, The plane, to the private hospital Asismed and was used to transport patients.
20081024             Hospital PRESIDENT—MIGUEL—FIGUEREDO said the pilot had said he would be conducting 1—TEST—FLIGHT, and did not tell officials he would have passengers.
20081024             —TRIGGERED, In THE—PHILIPPINES communist rebels, 1—LAND—MINE and opened fire on 1—THE—PHILIPPINES—ARMY—UNIT in 1—AMBUSH that killed 6—SOLDIERS on Mindanao ISLAND.
20081024             —TRIGGERED, The rebels manually, THE—USA—MADE claymore mine as the soldiers hiked past on 1—NARROW—MOUNTAIN trail and then opened fire.
20081024             —BOOSTED, The researchers, levels of 1—PROTEIN called A—CAMKII involved in memory storage and retrieval, —JUST as mice recalled the pain of receiving 1—LIGHT—SHOCK.
20081024             Millions die ANNUALLY—OF—HUNGER and starvation, and more than 1—BILLION do not have access to fresh water.
20081024             WASHINGTON—POST—BY Renae Merle
20081024             Der Vorstandsvorsitzende und GRÜNDER—IST—RUPERT—MURDOCH. de.wikipedia_org/wiki/News_Corporation
20081024             Fahrplanchaos: ICE—CHECK legt wichtige Bahnstrecken lahm
20081024             Wahlkampfunterbrechung auf HAWAII: Obama in großer Sorge um seine Großmutter
20081024             Autobauer in der Krise: Chrysler streicht 5000—STELLEN - Die Börse in Moskau war im freien Fall.
20081024             Das lasse sich auch am Verfall des Euros ablesen, der zeitweise erstmals —SEIT—2—JAHREN wieder unter 1,25 Dollar notierte.
20081024             "Der ganz große Knall ist bislang ausgebliebenen, —JETZT hat sich die Panik etwas gelegt", sagte 1—HÄNDLER.
20081024             Händlern zufolge hat die Angst vor einer globalen Rezession die weltweiten Aktienmärkte in 1—ABWÄRTSSPIRALE getrieben.
20081024             Achskontrollen: Bahn legt ICE—FLOTTE teilweise still
20081024             Rezessionsangst an der USA—BÖRSE: Dow Jones bricht drastisch ein
20081024             Pleitebank: IKB erwägt Milliardenhilfe vom STAAT
20081024             —BY JULIE—HAVIV—NEW—YORK,(Reuters) -
20081024             FREDDIE—MAC (FRE.P: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), the 2.—LARGEST USA—HOME funding company, —ON—FRIDAY said its mortgage investment portfolio shrank by 1 annualized 37.9 % rate —IN—SEPTEMBER.
20081024             MONEY—COM—SHARP decline in INTERNATIONAL air traffic —IN—SEPTEMBER
20081024             Serageldin : Das beste wäre, ein neuer Geist der ehrlichen Finanzmakler würde die gefährliche Mentalität ersetzen, die unter der Ära RONALD—REAGAN und MARGARET—THATCHER um sich griff.
20081024             das brisante Gemisch blähte sich wie 1—RIESENBALLON auf und explodierte mit einem großen Knall.
20081024             Die Gegner der staatlichen Kontrolle argumentieren mit dem BANKEN—UND Wirtschaftsguru ADAM—SMITH, der —SCHON vor über zweihundert —JAHREN die Vorzüge der freien Wirtschaft gepriesen hatte.
20081024             Serageldin : 1—FUNKTION von elementarer Wichtigkeit ist die Aufsichtspflicht über das reibungslose, gesetzmäßige und normengerechte Funktionieren der Banken.
20081024             Es geht nicht an, dass 1—HANDVOLL money maker das Recht demokratischer Entscheidungsfreiheit pervertieren und Hunderte Millionen Menschen ins Elend stürzen.
20081024             Doch das waren und sind keine Schicksalsschläge, mit denen die Götter die Menschheit bestrafen, sondern logisch nachvollziehbare Auswirkungen fragwürdiger Machenschaften einer kleinen GRUPPE—VON—BANKERN.
20081024             SPIEGEL—ONLINE : Herr Professor, Sie werfen den internationalen Finanzmagnaten sträfliche Nachlässigkeit vor...
20081024             Wie auch immer: Ich halte es für geradezu irreführend, wenn nicht gar unmoralisch, der Weltbevölkerung vorzugaukeln, dass diese erdumspannende Finanzkrise 1—ZUFALLSEREIGNIS war, das im immer komplizierter werdenden Zahnradwerk der Geldwirtschaft eben mal vorkommt.
20081024             MONEY—COM - - NEW—YORK -(Dow Jones)- Exelon Corp.'s (EXC) 3.—QUARTER net income fell 10% amid higher operating and maintenance costs, including 1—INCREASE in uncollectible accounts at the power company's Commonwealth Edison unit as economic downturn hit utility...
20081024             UPDATE 2—LIZ—CLAIBORNE slashes view for 4.-quarter, full —YEAR REUTERS—BY Martinne Geller NEW—YORK,
20081024             LIZ—CLAIBORNE—INC (LIZ.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) slashed its outlook for the holiday shopping season as consumers cut spending sharply —AFTER 1—GLOBAL—FINANCIAL—CRISIS erupted —IN—SEPTEMBER...
20081024             BLOOMBERG—BY Ye Xie and AGNES—LOVASZ
20081024             —REACHED, ICELAND, 1—DEAL for a $2—BILLION loan from THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND and said it hoped to secure additional support from other countries as it hurries to rescue 1—FINANCIAL—SYSTEM brought down by the credit...
20081024             WALL—STREET—HEADS for big decline as recession fears stir panic...
20081024             Home resales in THE—USA—ROSE—MORE than forecast —IN—SEPTEMBER, aided by FORECLOSURE—DRIVEN declines in prices that indicated the market was stabilizing —BEFORE the latest slump in financial markets.
20081024             MONEY—COM—FINALLY, Home Sales Rise - WEBLOG—DON´t trust mainstream media
20081024             1—USA—PHYSICS—THEORIST has arrived at 1—CONCLUSION that time is what existed...
20081024             PNC Financial Services Group INCORPORATED will acquire National City Corp. in a $5.58—BILLION CASH—AND—STOCK—DEAL that makes the regional bank, which had been crippled by bad REAL—ESTATE—LOANS, the latest bank in the credit crisis to fall into...
20081024             BIZJOURNALS—COM - - Greenspan Concedes Error on Regulation
20081024             AIG Taps $90.3—BILLION From Fed Reserve Credit Line (Update1)
20081024             Stärkere IWF—ROLLE: Der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF) soll eine gewichtigere Rolle bekommen und "Wächter" der Stabilität werden.
20081024             FORBES—THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—PETROLEUM—EXPORTING Countries was never going to reverse the slide in oil prices in —JUST —1—DAY, especially not —DURING—FRIDAY—PAN—EUROPEAN stock SELL—OFF.
20081024             FUTURES MOVERS OPEC to cut production by 1.5—MILLION barrels —1—DAY
20081024             MONEY—COM - - Futures point to sharply lower open for WALL—STREET as global markets swoon on recession fears;
20081024             WALL—STREET—BRACES For Carnage —FRIDAY—MORNING —AFTER Overseas Bloodbath
20081024             Dow Jones Industrial average futures fall 550—POINTS
20081024             PR—LEUTE seien "Wahrnehmungsmanager", sagt JOHN—RENDON.
20081024             —GEHÖRT, Er ist Spezialist für mediale Mobilmachung und, quasi zum Kriegsinventar der Amerikaner.
20081024             Tatsächlich ist es vor allem CISCO—TECHNIK, mit der die Zensoren der CHINESISCHEN—STAATSSICHERHEIT in den vergangenen —JAHREN Jagd auf Menschenrechtler machten, monieren Kritiker.
20081024             Dabei verhalte es sich mit der Wirtschaftsethik so wie mit dem Ungeheuer von Loch Ness, sagt Niklas Luhmann.
20081024             Die Berliner Rapperin Sookee schrieb sogar 1—LIED für die Impfung.
20081024             "Tell someone" der finale 3. Schritt - "Make the commitment" war die 2. Stufe
20081024             "Make the connection" stand auf IHNEN—DIE spätere Zielgruppe sollte —ERST einmal lernen, PAPILLOM—VIREN mit Gebärmutterhalskrebs in Verbindung zu bringen.
20081024             Merck, schreibt die "NEW—YORK—TIMES ", habe sowohl die Krankheitsgefahr als auch die Präventionsfähigkeit des Impfstoffs "grandios übertrieben".
20081024             Der Nachwuchspreis trägt den Namen ALBERT—OECKLS.
20081024             Oeckl hat den Beruf des Imagekonstrukteurs von der Pike auf GELERNT—IN der Münchner Landesstelle des NS—PROPAGANDAMINISTERIUMS.
20081024             Sicher, —NACH—DEM Krieg bekam Oeckl auch das BUNDESVERDIENSTKREUZ—ER habe geholfen, das negative Image von PR zu beseitigen und sie zu einer "unentbehrlichen Mittlerfunktion" gemacht, würdigte HELMUT—KOHL.
20081024             HORST—AVENARIUS, 78, Vorgänger von Gaul nicht nur bei BMW, sondern auch beim DRPR und quasi der Ethikwächter der Branche, hält Oeckl immer noch für 1—VORBILD.
20081024             Auffällig an all den Deklarationen: Ihr überdimensionierter Duktus ähnelt feierlichen Erklärungen von Menschenrechten, "sie sind aber tatsächlich völlig redundant und belanglos", sagt KLAUS—KOCKS, der FRÜHERE—PR—CHEF—VON—VW.
20081024             "Unter solchen Vorzeichen" könne nicht für den PR—BERUF ausgebildet werden, schimpfte Gaul.
20081024             "Unser Berufsethos verbietet Täuschung ausdrücklich".
20081024             PETRA—SAMMER, Geschäftsführerin beim PR—MULTI Ketchum, rief deshalb zum "Widerstand" gegen Merten auf: "Wollen wir uns den Nachwuchs wirklich durch solche seltsamen Vorträge verwirren lassen?", empörte sie sich.
20081024             Dabei war das letzte große Täuschungsmanöver ihrer eigenen Agentur gerade —3—JAHRE her:
20081024             In den USA bezahlte Ketchum einen bekannten TV—MODERATOR dafür, in seinen Sendungen Werbung für eine umstrittene Schulreform des Präsidenten zu machen.
20081024             HAMBURG—ALS Mose die Israeliten durch die Wüste führte und den ausgezehrten Menschen vom gelobten Land erzählte, wo Milch und Honig FLIEßEN—HAT er da gelogen?
20081024             "Er hat nur das weitergegeben, was ihm Gott gesagt hat, seiner Zielgruppe angepasst", sagt RICHARD—GAUL.
20081024             "Er hat nicht gesagt, dass es —JAHRE dauern wird und 2—DRITTEL nicht überleben, aber gelogen hat er nicht".
20081024             Rabenschwarze Handelstage: Die stärksten Börsenbeben —SEIT der LEHMAN—PLEITE
20081024             MICHAEL—J—SYLVESTER—BIOGRAPHY sylvester.html Biography of... included GEORGE—HEBERT, KEVIN—KATTKE + Sal Imburgio.
20081024             Sal Imburgio IMBURGIO SAL.
20081024             Click on 1—NAME for 1—NEW—PROXIMITY—SEARCH:
20081024             IORIZZO LAWRENCE S - Pizzo,S. Fricker,M. Muolo,P. Inside Job.
20081024             MICHAEL—J—SYLVESTER—BIOGRAPHY sylvester.html Sal Imburgio, the local building inspector, paid 1—VISIT, saw 1—POSITIVE—POLITICAL—CONNECTION with Sylvester and joined the group.
20081024             IMC, OF WNYC PRESS ACCREDITATION 22—E 71ST STREET—NEW—YORK, NY, 10021.
20081024             THE—GUNRUNNER from MACY'S—USA—NEWS and World Report
20081024             TABLE—OF—CONTENTS Imburgio, Sal, 125. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 1, 73, 74, 85, 93, 104, 109, 381. Inman, Terrance, 246. Inslaw, 3-5, 62, 63, 413, 414, 445 ... 20081024             Heidi GIULIANI—ALLES was du wissen musst.
20081024             123people.ch MICHAEL—J—SYLVESTER—BIOGRAPHY sylvester.html
20081024             —INCLUDED, His associates, GEORGE—HEBERT, KEVIN—KATTKE and Sal Imburgio.... QUELLE—WORLD—WAR 3—REPORT #74 ...
20081024             Scandals / Iraqgate...
20081024             Immer mehr Republikaner setzen sich ab und kündigen an, für Obama zu STIMMEN—ZULETZT —JETZT Bush s EX—SPRECHER SCOTT—MCCLELLAN.
20081024             Auch legt Obama bei Wählergruppen zu, die
20081024             —AM Ende ist es ein kleines HEER—VON—TOMS, Davids, Richards und Bobs, die sich dem Tross anschließen, um in SARASOTA auf der Tribüne hinterm Rednerpult winken zu dürfen.
20081024             Hier sucht er nach seinen "Joes".
20081024             "Wir brauchen —NÄCHSTE—WOCHE noch mehr Leute. Wir müssen SIEGEN!" Die Menge antwortet ihm mit frenetischen Sprechchören und winken dazu mit ROT—WEIß—BLAUEN CHEERLEADER—POMPOMS: "USA!
20081024             USA!" - Und: "Wir werden auch viel beten".
20081024             "Ich will nicht von einem Sozialisten regiert werden", sagt er.
20081024             —GEWORDEN, Joe ist zum SYMBOL—DES—KLEINEN—MANNES, - und zu McCains letzter Chance.
20081024             Trauerfeier: Jung würdigt Verdienste "gefallener" Soldaten in AFGHANISTAN
20081024             Wie ist es möglich, fragt er, dass die anscheinend unendliche VIELFALT—DER—REPRÄSENTATIONEN und Deutungen immer wieder auf den Fluchtpunkt eines einzigen Phänomens kontrahiert werden kann?
20081024             Diese spannungsvolle intellektuelle Grundgeste zeigt, dass Schrödingers Arbeit von 2—GANZ verschiedenen Leidenschaften angetrieben war, von der Leidenschaft, etwas erklären, und der Leidenschaft, etwas offenbaren zu wollen.
20081024             All dies sind Gewohnheiten und Bedingungen des Arbeitens, die sich nicht auf institutioneller Ebene "bereitstellen", sondern nur immer wieder individuell erobern und durch eminente Leistungen konsolidieren lassen.
20081024             Schrödinger unterhielt HÖFLICH—KOLLEGIALE Beziehungen zu all den anderen Kapazitäten in jenem großen Zeitalter der Physik, ohne sich je an die BEGRENZT—GRUPPENINTERNE Zirkulation des von ihm produzierten Wissens binden zu lassen.
20081024             Hat es Schrödingers Denkstil ermöglicht, zu Problemschichten zu gelangen, die vorher noch nicht ins Bewusstsein geraten waren, und die sich andererseits, sobald sie einmal identifiziert sind, JEDER—FOLGENDEN—GENERATION—VON—FORSCHERN und Denkern aufs Neue stellen?
20081024             Dass seine intellektuelle Aktualität nicht von den objektiven Errungenschaften und Kenntnissen abhängt, die wir Schrödingers Arbeit verdanken, gilt selbst dann noch, wenn man in Rechnung stellt, dass sich gerade diese Errungenschaften als erstaunlich resistent gegenüber dem Geltungsverfall des naturwissenschaftlichen Wissens erwiesen haben.
20081024             Technologie und Hirnschmalz müssten endlich eingesetzt werden, um die größten PROBLEME—DER—MENSCHHEIT ANZUGEHEN—HUNGER, Klimawandel, Umweltzerstörung, Korruption, Ungerechtigkeit.
20081024             DER—OPTIMISMUS ist aus dem Silicon Valley offenbar doch noch nicht ganz verschwunden.
20081024             "Hier sitzen ein paar der klügsten Menschen, die dieser Planet je hervorgebracht hat", sagte der Brite, "und was macht ihr?
20081024             Ihr entwickelt Anwendungen für Facebook".
20081024             Das sei etwa so, als lasse man das Team, das die APOLLO—MISSION zum Mond ermöglicht habe, ein neues Disneyland entwerfen.
20081024             —BEKOMMT, Liebe START—UPS, die ihr Geld von uns, - schnallt den Gürtel enger und zwar sofort.
20081024             Entlasst, wen ihr könnt.
20081024             Die - "Präsentation des Grauens" ("Techcrunch") begann mit dem Bild eines Grabsteins mit der Aufschrift "Ruht in Frieden, schöne Zeiten" und endete mit den Worten "Get real or go home" ("seht den Tatsachen ins Auge, oder geht nach Hause").
20081024             "Sequoia ist in Panik geraten", kommentierte Varsavsky in BERLIN.
20081024             Der Tenor: Keine Geschäftsmodelle, kein KAPITAL—UND keine Ahnung, was man mit der eigenen Intelligenz anstellen soll.
20081024             So fielen die Titel der BRITISCHEN—BANK—HSBC um mehr als 11 %, und die Aktien des SPANISCHEN—INSTITUTS SANTANDER verloren mehr als 13 %.
20081024             Das Minus beläuft sich zusammengerechnet auf knapp 500—MILLIARDEN EURO—ALSO in etwa dem Volumen des Rettungspaketes der Bundesregierung für die angeschlagene Finanzbranche.
20081024             "Das ist keine Panik mehr, das ist —SCHON 1—KAPITULATION", kommentierte 1—MARKTEXPERTE die neuen Verluste.
20081024             Ein 2. Händler sagte, ihm fehle mittlerweile die Fantasie, wie weit es noch nach unten gehen könnte.
20081024             Die PAX—BANK wird von der katholischen Kirche und dem katholischen Sozialverband Caritas getragen.
20081024             ANLEGER—SPRECHER nutzen die —ENTSCHEIDUNG der kleinen BANK—ALS—ANLASS für erneute Bänkerschelte: "Daran sollte sich manch' andere BANK—1—BEISPIEL nehmen", sagte der Geschäftsführer der DEUTSCHEN—SCHUTZVEREINIGUNG für Wertpapierbesitz (DSW), MARC—TÜNGLER, der Zeitung, mit Blick auf die Zertifikateregelung der PAX—BANK.
20081024             Immer wieder halten sie Veranstaltungen ab, auf denen Kunden erfahren, was sie tun können, um Schadenersatz zu ERHALTEN—UND bekommen guten Zulauf.
20081024             Gruppentherapien und ONLINE—PROTEST
20081024             —FORMIERT, Für die Zeit der verhärteten Fronten jedenfalls, sich gerade geballter Widerstand: Es gibt haufenweise Anlegeranwälte, die bereit sind, Prozesse AUSZUFECHTEN—UND die wohl teils aus Profitgier falsche Hoffnungen wecken.
20081024             Vorstandssprecher HARALD—VOGELSANG sagte, dass schätzungsweise 3700—KUNDEN von der LEHMAN—PLEITE betroffen seien.
20081024             Das allerdings würde bedeuten, dass nicht nur Käufer der LEHMAN—PLEITEZERTIFIKATE 1—CHANCE hätten, vor Gericht Geldverluste einzuklagen.
20081024             Die Methode WÄRE—HAT der Anwalt RECHT—EINE universelle Strategie, um sich verzocktes Geld zurück aufs Konto zu klagen.
20081024             AMSTERDAM, LONDON, Zürich und an manchen Flughäfen in den USA sind —JETZT sogenannte Bodyscanner in Betrieb: Geräte, die Passagiere —BIS auf die Haut durchleuchten und so am Körper befestigten Plastiksprengstoff oder Keramikmesser sichtbar machen, also das, was Metalldetektoren verborgen bleibt.
20081024             Künftig werden die Kontrolleure täglich Speckröllchen, Brustamputationen und Genitalien zu sehen bekommen.
20081024             "Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine erfolgreiche genetische Methode, um schnell und spezifisch bestimmte Erinnerungen auszulöschen, etwa jene an alte und neue ÄNGSTE—UND zwar, ohne die Hirnzellen zu schädigen", erläuterten die Forscher.
20081024             Tsien zufolge könnte diese Methode eines Tages beispielsweise bei Kriegsveteranen angewendet werden, die nach ihrer Heimkehr unter traumatischen Erinnerungen zu LEIDEN hätten.
20081024             Allerdings sei es noch viel zu früh, um auf 1—WUNDERMITTEL zu hoffen: "Wir sind bislang kaum am Fuße eines sehr hohen Berges angekommen", erklärte Tsien.
20081024             Der Zusammenhang zwischen körperlicher und psychologischer Wärme könnte beispielsweise im Verkauf genutzt werden, um 1—VERTRAUENSBASIS herzustellen.
20081024             Machtpoker bei BayernLB: Sparkassen bringen CSU—SPITZE in die Bredouille
20081024             —SHOCKED, Greenspan "" at credit system breakdown
20081024             [AUSTRALIA—BANKS fraudulently marketed unhedged Foreign Currency Loans to over 3500—5000—SMALL—BUSINESSMEN and farmers, 1—MASSIVE—FRAUD and banking malpractice breaching the Trade Practices Act.
20081024             Not only did the borrowers lose because of the falling exchange rates, the banks switched accounts at will, stripped assets, took exorbitant commissions regardless of the huge losses, and applied 1—WITHHOLDING tax which they pocketed.
20081024             THE—NEW—YORK City Council
20081024             voted —TODAY to extend term limits so that Mayor MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG can run for a 3. term —NEXT—YEAR.
20081024             THOSE—OF—USA who work on both SIDES—OF—CITY—HALL must —NOW move forward with the important decisions that face us, particularly finding ways to soften the fallout from the economic downturn and balancing our budget as revenues decline.
20081024             —ANNOUNCED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS that —AFTER Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, the final result, the balcony in the Council chamber " erupted in shouts
20081024             of 'The city's for sale!' and 'Shame on you!'" - USA ranks 36. on press freedom list.
20081024             Despite purporting "to be 1—BEACON for THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD " for human rights protections and FREEDOM—OF—THOUGHT, THE—USA has been ranked 36—OUT—OF—173—COUNTRIES — 1—SPOT also shared by Bosnia and Herzegovina.
20081024             —RANKED, ICELAND, number 1 in press freedom, with GHANA, SLOVENIA, TRINIDAD—AND—TOBAGO, Surinam, and JAMAICA also ranking higher than THE—USA—THE—REPORT singled out "wars carried out in the name of the fight against terrorism" as 1—CAUSE for the steep decline in press freedoms —AROUND the world.
20081024             —CLAIMED, Greenspan, he was "shocked" because his model "was working exceptionally well" —FOR—40—YEARS, adding that the crisis is "broader than anything I could have imagined":
20081024             The level of nitrogen trifluoride — which "is THOUSANDS—OF—TIMES—MORE—EFFECTIVE at warming THE—EARTH—ATMOSPHERE than 1—EQUAL—MASS—OF—CARBON dioxide" — has
20081024             increased by 1—RATE—OF—11 % per —YEAR.
20081024             According to conservatives, FREDDIE—MAC and Fannie MAE—AUDACITY to loan to LOW—INCOME—AMERICANS is to blame for the current financial crisis.
20081024             —DURING the final presidential debate, for example, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) called the lending giants "the catalyst for this housing crisis".
20081024             —PLAYED, He noted that Freddie and Fannie "certainly, 1—ROLE" in the current situation, but then asked the witnesses, "Do ANY—OF—YOU believe that they were the cause of this financial crisis?" All 3—MEN said no.
20081024             Resignation —AFTER COLOMBIA spying THE—HEAD—OF—COLOMBIA—INTELLIGENCE—STEPS down, —AFTER admitting that OPPONENTS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT were monitored.
20081024             Chertoff details USA 'NO—FLY list' Homeland Security SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF says reports that THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE are barred from flying are "1—MYTH".
20081024             TSA Rules Hassle Owners of Small AIRCRAFT—DAVE—DEMERJIAN—THE feds want to hold small aircraft to many of the same security rules the airlines have to follow.
20081024             The people who own those planes say it'll be 1—COLOSSAL headache.
20081024             —CONDUCTED, This study was, in the Yasuni forest dynamics plot of the Pontificia Universidad Cat¨(R)lica del ECUADOR, the most diverse tropical forest site associated with the Center for Tropical Forest Science/Smithsonian Institution Global Earth Observatory network (CTFS/SIGEO).
20081024             USA—BEAUTY—CONTEST: Palins Stylistin verdient mehr als McCains Berater
20081024—20080913    —SEIT—DEM, dem letzten Handelstag vor der LEHMAN—PLEITE, hat der DEUTSCHE—AKTIENINDEX Dax über 27 % verloren,
20081024—20080913    —SEIT DEM—DEM letzten Handelstag vor der LEHMAN—PLEITE, hat der DEUTSCHE—AKTIENINDEX Dax über 27 % verloren, von 6232—PUNKTEN auf 4519—PUNKTE, den neuerlichen Crash —AM—FREITAG noch nicht einmal eingerechnet.
20081024—20081027    —ON, His body was found in an SUV.
20081024—20081029    —FIRED, PRESIDENT—ALVARO—URIBE—GOVERNMENT, 25—SOLDIERS, including 3—GENERALS and 4—COLONELS, over the killings of THE—11—CIVILIANS.
20081024—20081201    —ESTRANGED, WILLIAM—BALFOUR, JENNIFER—HUDSON'S, BROTHER—IN—LAW, was arrested at Stateville Correctional Center on 1—MURDER—WARRANT and released to detectives as he awaited formal charges in THE—DEATHS—OF—THE—RELATIVES—OF—THE—SINGER and OSCAR—WINNING actress.
20081024—20100000    —BIS, Die umfangreiche wirtschaftspolitische RE—AKTION dürfte die Weltwirtschaft stabilisieren, erwartet das Bankhaus.
20081024—20120511    —ON, Balfour was CONVICTED—OF—THE—3—MURDERS and faced mandatory life in prison.
20081024—20120511    —CONVICTED—OF, Balfour was, THE—3—MURDERS and faced mandatory life in prison.
200812210248         —GMT, JOSEPH—BIDEN, in allowing ICTS INTERNATIONAL to escape scrutiny and allowing his brother and his son to involve themselves with Paradigm hedge fund scum and penny stock operaters and pump and dump 'derivatives' scam artists is below contempt
20091018—20091024    —REPORTED, THE—IRELAND—TIMES—NEWSPAPER, that a 150,000-euro (225,000-dollar) ransom was paid to secure the release of 2—AID—WORKERS in THE—WEST—DARFUR region.
20091020—20091024    —ON, the electoral commission said the ruling party had won 1—MAJORITY—OF—VOTES in parliamentary elections.
20091024             —DEDICATED, City and state officials in LOS—ANGELES, the new 10-story, $437—MILLION—POLICE—HEADQUARTERS.
20091024             —WARNED, Taliban fighters, Afghans not to take part in THE—WAR—WRACKED country's upcoming presidential runoff, threatening to launch 1—FRESH—WAVE—OF—VIOLENCE on polling —DAY to stop them.
20091024             —KILLED, USA—TROOPS, 4—CIVILIANS—WHEN they fired on 1—VAN approaching their convoy on the main highway in SOUTH—KANDAHAR province.
20091024             1—BOMB killed 1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN.
20091024             —LEAKED, CHINA, 1—BELGIUM—CARGO—VESSEL, oil into waters at the Caofeidian port in NORTH—EAST—HEBEI province, —AFTER 1—CHINA—SHIP crashed into it at 1—REFUELING dock.
20091024             —COLLIDED, EGYPT, 2—PASSENGER—TRAINS, at high speed SOUTH—OF—CAIRO, killing 18—PEOPLE and wounding 39. 1—INITIAL—INQUIRY found that 1—SIGNALMAN had left work early and failed to warn DRIVERS—OF—DELAYS because of 1—WATER BUFFALO on the track.
20091024             —LATER analysis of 1—BLOOD—SAMPLE from the driver of the 1. train revealed the presence of traces of hashish.
20091024             —FINISHED, GERMANY, CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL, building 1—NEW—CENTER—RIGHT—GOVERNMENT and announced 1—OVERHAUL—OF—THE—HEALTH—CARE—SYSTEM, more help for families and annual tax cuts of up to euro24 billion.
20091024             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER wearing 1—EXPLOSIVE vest in Tikrit killed 2—PEOPLE outside the offices of 1—SUNNI political party called National Unity.
20091024             —CAPTURED, PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS, Kotkai, the strategically located hometown of Taliban CHIEF—HAKIMULLAH—MEHSUD —AFTER fierce fighting.
20091024             It was the army's 1. major prize as it pushes deeper into 1—MILITANT—STRONGHOLD along THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20091024             † The army said that 3—MORE—SOLDIERS had, putting the army's death toll at 23, and 21—MORE—MILITANTS had been killed, putting their overall death toll at 163. 1—SUSPECTED—USA—MISSILE killed 22—PEOPLE elsewhere in the northwest, but apparently missed 1—TOP—TALIBAN figure.
20091024             † 6—SOLDIERS, in 1—ARMY helicopter crash in the Bajur tribal region.
20091024             —LOCKED, RWANDA, 10—PEOPLE were, up in 1—UNDERGROUND—PASSAGE which was blocked by 1—BIG—AMOUNT—OF (fallen) residue in Nyakabingo.
20091024             7 were rescued by local people who dug another quick entrance.
20091024             3 remained inside.
20091024             —1—WEEK—EARLIER, 3—OTHER miners were crushed to death in 1—CASSITERITE and coltan mine in Rutongo, NORTH—RWANDA.
20091024             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—COURT convicted 1—FEMALE—JOURNALIST for her involvement in 1—TV—SHOW, in which 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—MAN, ABDUL—JAWAD, publicly talked about sex, and sentenced her to 60—LASHES.
20091024             —BELIEVED, Rozanna AL—YAMI, —22—JAHRE—ALT is, to be the 1. SAUDI—ARABIA—WOMAN—JOURNALIST to be given such 1—PUNISHMENT.
20091024             The same COURT—SENTENCED—ABDUL—JAWAD —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH to —5—YEARS in jail and 1,000 lashes.
20091024             3—OTHER—MEN who appeared on the show, "Bold Red Line," were also convicted of discussing sex publicly and sentenced to —2—YEARS—IMPRISONMENT and 300—LASHES each.
20091024             —WAIVED, ABDULLAH—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, the flogging sentence of the female journalist, the 2. such pardoning of such 1—HIGH—PROFILE—CASE by the monarch in recent years.
20091024             He ordered AL—YAMI—CASE and that of another journalist, 1—PREGNANT—WOMAN also ACCUSED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in the program, be referred to 1—COMMITTEE in the ministry.
20091024             —ANNOUNCED, TURKSON—APPOINTMENT to his new post was, —AT—THE—END—OF a —3—WEEK—VATICAN meeting on the role of the Catholic Church in AFRICA.
20091024             —ACCUSED, ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE, PRIME—MINISTER—MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI of failing to act in the national interest —AFTER withdrawing his support for the country's fragile unity government, state media reported.
20091024             —ÜBERWACHT, Schlagzeile des Tages: "Schäuble, —JETZT Banken".
20091024             Analyse des Koalitionsvertrags: So will SCHWARZ—GELB die REPUBLIK umbauen
20091024             Soldaten im Simulator: Krieg der Knöpfe
20091024             Krieg in Waziristan: Pakistans Armee erobert Heimatstadt von TALIBAN—FÜHRER
20091024             Strahlenmüll: Europäisches Atomrecht ermöglicht Exporte auf DEUTSCHE—DEPONIEN
20091024             Nähe zu Pharmaindustrie: PANDEMIE—BEAUFTRAGTER der Regierung hat umstrittenen Beraterjob
20091024             Zweifel an Kalkulation: HARTZ—IV—SÄTZE womöglich mit fehlerhaften Sozialdaten berechnet
20091024             BERLIN—SCHÖNEFELD: Zweifelhafte Personenkontrollen durch ISRAELISCHE—AGENTEN
20091024             Laufzeitverlängerung: Atombranche erwartet kein schnelles Gesetz - WAHL—SCHOCK: Eintrittswelle bei der SPD
20091024             Neue Regierung: Steinmeier nennt Koalitionsvertrag "grandiosen Fehlstart"
20091024             FRÜHERER—HAMBURGER—IMAM: Geläuterter Hassprediger ruft DEUTSCHE—ISLAMISTEN zu Gewaltverzicht auf
20091024             Neurodermitis: Die merkwürdige GESCHICHTE—DER—WUNDERSALBE
20091024             Zoff im USA—KONGRESS: Demokraten sperren Republikaner aus
20101009—20101024    —ON, Stepmother Eliza Baker told police that Zahra was dead and that her body had been dismembered.
20101024             —BECAME, Lady Gaga, the 1. singer to reach 1—BILLION hits on YouTube.
20101024             —SIGNALED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, his willingness to backtrack on 1—BLANKET ban on all private security firms, asking the foreign community for 1—LIST—OF—PROJECTS needing protection.
20101024             —KILLED, ISAF said 1—OF—ITS—SERVICE—MEMBERS was, by 1—HOMEMADE bomb in THE—SOUTH—OF—COUNTRY.
20101024             —ATTACKED, CONGODRC, militia, 1—UN—BASE—NEAR—VIRUNGA National Park.
20101024             Some 100—ATTACKERS were members of the shadowy —MAI—MAI militia.
20101024             —KILLED, Peacekeepers, 8—MILITIAMEN.
20101024             1—QUARTER—OF—FRANCE—PETROL stations were short on fuel as refinery strikes over pension reform continued to drain supply, and 1—OFFICIAL said several holiday spots were likely to be particularly HARD—HIT.
20101024             HAITI, 1—CHOLERA outbreak, that already left 250—PEOPLE—DEAD and more than 3,000 sickened, was at the doorstep of 1—ENORMOUS—POTENTIAL breeding ground: the squalid camps in PORT—AU—PRINCE where 1.3—MILLION—EARTHQUAKE survivors live.
20101024             —LASHED, Tropical Storm Richard, HONDURAS' Caribbean coast with heavy rain and wind and was expected to strengthen into 1—HURRICANE as it roared toward BELIZE and SOUTH—EAST—MEXICO.
20101024             —REPORTED, IRAN state radio, that the government has imposed new restrictions on 12—UNIVERSITY—SOCIAL—SCIENCES deemed to be based on Western schools of thought and —THEREFORE incompatible with Islamic teachings.
20101024             The list includes law, philosophy, management, psychology, political science and THE—2—SUBJECTS that appear to cause the most concern among IRAN—CONSERVATIVE—LEADERSHIP, women's studies and human rights.
20101024             —REPORTED, State radio also, that authorities have amputated the hand of 1 convicted thief in FRONT—OF—OTHER—PRISONERS.
20101024             —ORDERED, IRAQ—HIGHEST—COURT, PARLIAMENT back to work —AFTER a —7—MONTH—POLITICAL impasse that has blocked the formation of 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT.
20101024             —KILLED, THE—SUNNI—DOMINATED, NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL, 1—CAR—BOMB, 2—PASSERS—BY and wounded 19.
20101024             —ARMED, TIJUANA—MEXICO, 1—GANG—OF, men burst into the building of 1—DRUG rehab center and gunned down 13—RECOVERING addicts there.
20101024             —KILLED, Police said at least 10 were.
20101024             THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC—COAST, STATE—OF—GUERRERO, state police found the bound, executed bodies of 6—MEN on 1—HIGHWAY outside the resort CITY—OF—ACAPULCO.
20101024             3—PEOPLE were killed in the crossfire of 1—SHOOTOUT between gunmen, police and soldiers in NORTH—COAHUILA state.
20101024             —ERUPTED, SOUTH—EAST—NIGERIA, fighting, linked to 1—LAND—DISPUTE between the feuding Nsadop and Boje communities in Cross River state.
20101024             Fighting led to THE—BURNING—OF—DOZENS—OF—HOUSES and churches.
20101024             —AFTER—2—DAYS—OF—UNREST—POLICE recovered 13—BURNT corpses.
20101024             —FIRED, PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS allegedly, machine guns and rockets on 1—INDIA—MILITARY—POST killing 1—INDIA—SOLDIER in the Poonch sector of Kashmir.
20101024             —ELECTED, SLOVENIA, PETER—BOSSMAN, —54—JAHRE—ALT, 1—GHANA—BORN physician, as its 1. black mayor.
20101024             He is known as the "Obama of Piran," the town where he lives.
20101024             —SEIZED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, the Beluga Fortune, 1—GERMANY—FREIGHT ship, off THE—COAST—OF—KENYA, the 2. foreign vessel to be captured in the region in as MANY—DAYS.
20101024             —FREED, Rescue forces THE—NEXT—DAY, the ship, but the hijackers got away.
20101024             SUDAN, THE—DARFUR—BASED rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) said it was ready to start discussions with INTERNATIONAL mediators in QATAR, but was not yet prepared to RE—JOIN full peace negotiations.
20101024             —COLLIDED, NORTH—UGANDA, 1—BUS, with 1—TRUCK killing 21—PEOPLE.
20101024             OTTO—SCHAUDE wird ins Bischofsamt der EVANGELISCH—LUTHERISCHEN Kirche Ural, Sibirien und Ferner Osten eingeführt
201102041024         More from IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER, Ayotallah Khamenei;
20110211024          Der Oppositionelle und Friedensnobelpreisträger MOHAMED—ELBARADEI übt heftige Kritik am Duo Mubarak/Suleiman:
20110914             —RELEASED, The tanker and crew were, 20111024             —ON—AFTER the oil was unloaded.
20110914—20111024    —RELEASED, The tanker and crew were, —AFTER the oil was unloaded.
20111014—20111024    —ON, 15—MORE were released.
20111021—20111024    —ON, 1—USA—MAGISTRATE in DETROIT released Sharp on $10,000 bond and scheduled 1—NEXT hearing in the case —FOR—NOVEMBER.
20111024             —NAMED, IRELAND's U2 were, as the greatest rock BAND—OF—THE—PAST—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY by READERS—OF—MUSIC—MAGAZINE Q. CHART—TOPPING act Adele was 1—DOUBLE winner at the event, landing the prizes for best female and best track for her hit Rolling In THE—DEEP.
20111024             PAKISTAN, RAJA—KHAN, —34—JAHRE—ALT, 1—JOBLESS—FATHER—OF—20110902              himself alight in 1—SUICIDE—BID outside PARLIAMENT and was rushed to hospital with serious injuries.
20111024             * The girl, Anyeli Liseth Hernandez Rodriguez 20041001             , and disappeared 20061103             .
20111024             —OFFERED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, speaking in LAS—VEGAS, mortgage relief to HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—AMERICANS, his latest attempt to ease the economic and political fallout of 1—HOUSING crisis that has bedeviled him as he seeks a 2. term.
20111024             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE temporarily blocked FLORIDA—NEW—LAW that requires welfare applicants to pass 1—DRUG—TEST —BEFORE receiving benefits, saying it may violate THE—CONSTITUTION—BAN on unreasonable searches and seizures.
20111024             —COINED, JOHN—MCCARTHY, the term AI and organized the 1. conference on artificial intelligence —WHILE teaching at Dartmouth.
20111024             HUNDREDS—OF—AFGHANS took to the streets in KABUL, shouting "death to AMERICA" in 1—ANGRY—PROTEST urging the government not to sign 1—STRATEGIC—PARTNERSHIP with THE—USA.
20111024             —KILLED, THE—USA—COALITION said tens of THOUSANDS—OF—AFGHAN and NATO—TROOPS, or captured 200—INSURGENTS in EAST—AFGHANISTAN —DURING 2—OPERATIONS targeting the Haqqani network.
20111024             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT won 1—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—VOTE by 483—VOTES to 111—DUE to support from the Liberal Democrats as 79—TORY—MPS voted in favor of 1—REFERENDUM on BRITAIN—RELATIONSHIP with EUROPE.
20111024             —IGNORED, THE—TORY—EUROSCEPTIC wing, PRIME—MINISTER—CAMERON—PLEA that it was the wrong time for 1—REFERENDUM—BECAUSE—OF—THE—DEBT—CRISIS engulfing the eurozone.
20111024             † In DENMARK fashion icon Margit Brandt (66).
20111024             —MARKED, Her simple cuts and 1960s miniskirts, 1—OF—THE—1.—INTERNATIONAL breakthroughs for DENMARK—DESIGNS.
20111024             —LAUNCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—EGYPT—POLICE, 1—NATIONWIDE strike to demand better salaries and 1—PURGE of former regime officials from senior security posts.
20111024             1—FRANCE—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN said FRANCE would soon help supply KENYA—TROOPS fighting AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants.
20111024             1—GUATEMALA—COURT sentenced 2—WOMEN to 16 and —21—YEARS in prison for trafficking 1—STOLEN baby who was given for adoption to 1—USA—FAMILY.
20111024             —HANGED, IRAN, 1—MAN CONVICTED—OF—DRUG trafficking was, in Ardebil.
20111024             —CONVICTED—OF, Another, killing 1—POLICE—OFFICER was hanged in Jam.
20111024             The hanging brought to 233 THE—NUMBER—OF—EXECUTIONS in IRAN so far —THIS—YEAR, according to 1—AFP tally.
20111024             IRAQ, 2—SEPARATE attacks against traffic policemen left 5—PEOPLE dead in BAGHDAD.
20111024             ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—JORDAN swore in 1—NEW 30-strong cabinet led by PRIME—MINISTER—AWN—KHASAWNEH, 1—INTERNATIONAL—JUDGE tasked with bringing in political reform.
20111024             —KILLED, KENYA, 1—PERSON was, and 29 were wounded in 2—GRENADE—ATTACKS in NAIROBI.
20111024             —ARRESTED, Police THE—NEXT—DAY, 1—SUSPECT with 13—GRENADES and 6—GUNS.
20111024             —SUPPLIED, Oliacha had, the grenades to FELIX—OTUKO.
20111024             LIBYA—INTERIM—LEADER—MUSTAFA—ABDEL—JALIL set a —2—WEEK—TARGET for LIBYA to have 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT and said 1—COMMISSION—OF—INQUIRY is being formed to probe Moamer KADHAFI—KILLING.
20111024             —URGED, Human Right Watch, THE—NTC to probe the killing of 53—PEOPLE whose decaying bodies were found in Sirte, where THE—PRO—KADHAFI camp put up its final stand.
20111024             —DETAINED, MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE, 2—USA—MEN for attempting to fly out of MEXICO with $950,000 in undeclared cash in 1—SUITCASE.
20111024             NORTH—NIGERIA, gunmen shot dead 1—POLICEMAN at his home in 1—APPARENT targeted killing in DAMATURU, Yobe state.
20111024             PORTUGAL, 1—OVERNIGHT storm tore PART—OF—THE—ROOF off FARO airport in THE—SOUTH—ALGARVE region, injuring 5—PEOPLE and disrupting flights.
20111024             —SUSPENDED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA said the national police CHIEF has been, and 1—CABINET—MINISTER fired —AFTER the 2 were caught up in 1—POLICE—HEADQUARTERS leasing scandal.
20111024             —KILLED, SYRIA—SECURITY—FORCES, 4—PEOPLE in HOMS, —WHILE government troops clashed with gunmen believed to be defectors from the military.
20111024             —PULLED, THE—USA, its ambassador, ROBERT—FORD, out of Syria, saying threats against him make it no longer safe for him to remain.
20111024             —CALLED, THE—VATICAN, for 1—OVERHAUL—OF—THE—WORLD—FINANCIAL—SYSTEMS and again proposed the establishment of 1—SUPRANATIONAL authority to oversee the global economy in 1—REPORT issued by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
20111024             YEMEN, representatives from PRESIDENT—SALEH—RULING GENERAL—PEOPLE—CONGRESS met with Gulf and European diplomats in SANAA to discuss 1—FRAMEWORK for implementing THE—GCC initiative.
20111024             Representatives of Saleh said he would agree to the transition plan provided he remain in power —UNTIL early elections are held.
20111024             —REJECTED, The opposition, the latest proposals.
20111024—19580000    —IN, at MIT he invented the List Processing Language (LISP), still THE—LANGUAGE—OF—CHOICE for AI researchers.
20111024—20111026    —ON, suspect Elgiva Bwire Oliacha (28) said he is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED—SOMALIA—MILITANT—GROUP AL—SHABAB.
20111024—20111028    —SENTENCED, Oliacha was, to life in prison.
20111024—20130518    —ON, FELIX—OTUKO, SUSPECTED—OF—CARRYING out THE—2—GRENADE—ATTACKS, was killed in 1—STANDOFF with police.
20111024—20130518    —SUSPECTED—OF, FELIX—OTUKO, carrying out THE—2—GRENADE—ATTACKS, was killed in 1—STANDOFF with police.
20121024             —ARRESTED, FBI agents, NEW—YORK—CITY—POLICE—OFFICER—GILBERTO Valle, a —6-YEAR veteran, —AFTER they uncovered several of his plots to kidnap women, including 1—WHOM he threatened to cook and eat.
20121024             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, DOUGLAS—HARRIS, —30—JAHRE—ALT shot and killed 3—PEOPLE at 1—FIRE extinguisher business and 1—NEARBY—HOME in DOWNEY.
20121024             2—OTHERS were wounded.
20121024             —ARRESTED, Police in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, Akingide COLE—OF—PALMDALE for the theft of $1.6—MILLION in casino chips from the Venetian resort in LAS—VEGAS.
20121024             —RECOVERED, Detectives, $396,000 in chips.
20121024             —GUNNED, AFGHANISTAN, 2—UK—TROOPS and 1—AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMAN were, down in Helmand province.
20121024             —PLEDGED, THE—AFRICAN—UNION, to mobilize 1—AFRICA—MILITARY—FORCE to BATTLE—AL—QAIDA—AFFILIATED groups controlling NORTH—MALI.
20121024             —AGREED, Ministers meeting at THE—AU headquarters in ETHIOPIA, to write 1—FINAL—OPERATIONAL—PLAN for THE—AFRICA—LED force by THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH.
20121024             —APPROVED, CHINA, new nuclear power plants as PART—OF—PLANS to reduce reliance on oil and coal, ending the moratorium it imposed to review safety —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—JAPAN—FUKUSHIMA disaster —LAST—YEAR.
20121024             —DETONATED, EGYPT, KARIM—EL—AZIZI, —35—JAHRE—ALT, 1—EXPLOSIVE device —AFTER briefly exchanging gunfire with security forces that had surrounded his building in CAIRO—NORTHERN suburb of Nasr City.
20121024             —LINKED, THE—LIBYA—NATIONAL, to 20120911             —THE deadly attack on THE—USA—CONSULATE, had turned his rented apartment into 1—SMALL—WEAPONS cache —BEFORE he †.
20121024             —ARRESTED, Security forces, 4—OTHER—MEN in 1—NEARBY suburb describing them as PART—OF—1—TERRORIST—CELL.
20121024             —ARRESTED, FRANCE—POLICE, FORMER—SEATTLE real estate developer MICHAEL—MASTRO and his wife, Linda at their apartment in THE—TOWN—OF—DOUSSARD near Lake Annecy.
20121024             —1—DAY—LATER, USA—AUTHORITIES handed them a 43-count grand jury indictment on CHARGES—OF—MONEY laundering and bankruptcy fraud, including allegedly lying about the whereabouts of 2—HUGE diamonds valued together at $1.4—MILLION as PART—OF—1—BANKRUPTCY proceeding.
20121024             —OPENED, GERMANY, 1—LONG—AWAITED memorial to THE—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—GYPSIES, or ROMA, who were killed by the Nazis in what 1—SURVIVOR called "the forgotten Holocaust" — and pledged to fight the discrimination the minority still faces in EUROPE —TODAY.
20121024             —ARRESTED, IRAN—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF said up to 50—PEOPLE have been, in connection with the decline in the value of the national currency and the chaos that followed the slide.
20121024             IRAN—RIAL has lost nearly 40—PERCENT of its value against THE—USA—DOLLAR —THIS—MONTH.
20121024             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ—INSURGENTS, 1—NEW—WAVE—OF—ATTACKS in BAGHDAD and KIRKUK targeting security forces and 1—LOCAL—POLITICIAN, killing 4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES and 1—CHILD.
20121024             —CROSSED, Hurricane Sandy, over JAMAICA.
20121024             † 1—ELDERLY—MAN was killed by 1—BOULDER that crashed into his clapboard house.
20121024             —KILLED, Sandy, 51—PEOPLE in HAITI.
20121024             At least 65—PEOPLE were left dead as Sandy left the Caribbean.
20121024             —RELEASED, JORDAN, 18—ACTIVISTS, —AFTER 1—PARDON from THE—KING, arrested —DURING 1—PROTEST —LAST—MONTH—WHEN they allegedly chanted against the country's monarch.
20121024             2—OTHER—MEN detained with the group remained in custody because they were not PART—OF—THE—YOUTH—ACTIVIST—MOVEMENT.
20121024             —CAPTURED, LIBYA—PRO—GOVERNMENT—MILITIAMEN, the center of BEN—WALID, 1—CITY that was 1—OF—THE—LAST—STRONGHOLDS—OF—FORMER—DICTATOR—MOAMMAR GADHAFI—LOYALISTS, —FOLLOWING fierce clashes that left dozens dead and tens of thousands displaced.
20121024             MYANMAR, —3—DAYS—OF—CLASHES in MISTER—AUK—U, 1—TOURIST—CENTER in Rakhine state, turned the area into 1—WAR—ZONE.
20121024             —KILLED, Officials said at least 80—PEOPLE have been, and some 4,600 homes destroyed in the latest outbreak of ethnic violence in 4—RAKHINE state townships.
20121024             —FIRED, PAKISTAN, 1—USA—DRONE reportedly, 1—PAIR—OF—MISSILES at 1—MUD brick compound in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, killing grandmother Mamana Bibi (68) and wounding 2—MEN.
20121024             3—OF—HER grandchildren and others nearby were wounded.
20121024             —PUMMELED, GAZA militants, SOUTH—ISRAEL with over 60—ROCKETS and mortars.
20121024             2—FOREIGN—WORKERS in ISRAEL were critically wounded in the rocket fire, and 1—NUMBER—OF—MILITANTS were injured in THE—ISRAEL—AIR—ATTACKS.
20121024             —SENTENCED, SENEGAL, 1—JUDGE, 1—WELL—KNOWN—JOURNALIST to —4—YEARS in prison for ACTS—OF—HOMOSEXUALITY, illegal POSSESSION—OF—ARMS and battery.
20121024             The court said that Ndiaye used 1—KNIFE and stabbed his partner in the stomach.
20121024             MINISTER—OF—INFORMATION—AHMED—BELAL—OSMAN said 4—AIRCRAFT hit the Yarmouk Complex, setting off 1—HUGE—BLAST that rocked the capital —BEFORE dawn.
20121024             —BLAMED, ISRAEL was, for the attack.
20121024             SYRIA—WARPLANES struck Mar Shureen village near 1—STRATEGIC—REBEL—HELD town in the country's north, killing 5—MEMBERS—OF—1 extended family.
20121024             THE—UN—ARAB League envoy to Syria said the government in DAMASCUS and SOME—REBEL—LEADERS have agreed to 1—TEMPORARY—CEASE—FIRE —DURING a —4—DAY—MUSLIM holiday that starts 20121026             .
20121024             —NAMED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, 6—NEW cardinals, adding prelates from LEBANON, THE—PHILIPPINES, NIGERIA, COLOMBIA, INDIA and THE—USA to the ranks of senior churchmen who will elect his successor.
20121024             Das von Dani Karavan entworfene Denkmal für die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und ROMA Europas wird in BERLIN eingeweiht.
20121024—19990000    —ARRESTED, AHMED—RESSAM, 1—ALGERIAN, in WASHINGTON state —AFTER crossing the border from CANADA with explosives, was sentenced to —37—YEARS in prison for plotting to bomb LOS—ANGELES INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT.
20121024—20080000    —IN, USA—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS sued THE—BANK—OF—AMERICA for $1—BILLION alleging the bank, which acquired home mortgage lender Countrywide, defrauded GOVERNMENT—SPONSORED mortgage giants Fannie Mae and FREDDIE—MAC.
20121024—20121010    —ARRESTED, Jupiter Ndiaye was, —AFTER getting into 1—FIGHT with his MALE partner.
20121024—20121021    —ON, This latest violence between the Buddhist Rakhine and Muslim Rohingya communities broke out.
20130718             MARTINEZ—CALIFORNIA, Marcelles Peter (20) of Pinole and JOSE—MONTANO (22) of RICHMOND were found GUILTY—OF—NUUMEROUS felony charges 20091024             —IN—THE, gang rape of 1—GIRL, —16—JAHRE—ALT outside RICHMOND High School (see 20091023             ).
20131022—20121024    —CALLED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, on THE—USA to investigate reports of civilians killed and wounded by CIA drone strikes in PAKISTAN in 1—REPORT that provided new details about the alleged VICTIMS—OF—THE—ATTACKS, including a —68—YEAR—OLD grandmother hit, —WHILE farming with her grandchildren.
20131024             —ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: PAKISTAN hat USA—DROHNEN—ANGRIFFE offenbar über —JAHRE gebilligt
20131024             Weitere Stellungnahmen zu der ABHÖR—AFFÄRE lehnt DAS—WEIßE—HAUS ab.
20131024             EU—GIPFEL: HOLLANDE und MERKEL vereint im Zorn auf OBAMA
20131024             Der CDU—INNENPOLITIKER WOLFGANG—BOSBACH geht von "handfesten Belegen"und von 1 "seriösen Quelle"für DIE—VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—DIE—USA—DIENSTE aus.
20131024             "Diese Unverschämtheiten der USA müssen endlich unterbunden werden", forderte LINKE—FRAKTION—CHEF—GREGOR—GYSI gegenüber der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR dpa.
20131024             "1—ENTSCHULDIGUNG—DER—USA ist überfällig", sagte der geschäftsführend amtierende MINISTER—DER "LEIPZIGER—VOLKSZEITUNG".
20131024             "Freunde abzuhören und auszuschnüffeln ist weder im privaten noch im öffentlichen Bereich und auch nicht zwischen befreundeten STAATEN akzeptabel", sagte FRIEDRICH.
20131024             "Gli Stati Uniti non sanno avere alleati, per loro il mondo si divide tra nemici e vassalli", tuona da Parigi il presidente della commissione affari legislativi DELLA—ASSEMBLÉE—NATIONALE.
20131024             "—NUN muss Vertrauen wieder hergestellt werden", sagte DIE—KANZLERIN.
20131024             "Sollte dieser Vorwurf zutreffen, wäre das 1—GANZ schwerer Vertrauensbruch".
20131024             "Wer DIE—KANZLERIN abhört, der hört auch DIE—BÜRGER ab", erklärte Oppermann.
20131024             "Wer braucht Feinde, wenn er solche Verbündeten hat?", fragt die BRITISCHE—ZEITUNG.
20131024             "Wer einander vertraut, der hört sich nicht ab", sagte WESTERWELLE.
20131024             "es müssen —JETZT ALLE—KARTEN auf den Tisch", sagte WESTERWELLE —AM—DONNERSTAG in BERLIN nach 1—GESPRÄCH—MIT—DEM USA—BOTSCHAFTER—JOHN B.
20131024             .so als sei OBAMA nicht HERR—DER—DINGE.
20131024             —1—JAHR —SPÄTER, dominiert "Plebgate"NOCH—IMMER DIE—SCHLAGZEILEN, —INZWISCHEN, haben sich allerdings die Vorzeichen grundlegend geändert.
20131024             1—NEUE Dimension DER—GEHEIM—DIENST—AFFÄRE.
20131024             1—CANADIAN—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—GROUP —ON—TUESDAY sued THE—GOVERNMENTT—ELECTRONIC eavesdropping agency, claiming that its "broad and unchecked"surveillance is unconstitutional and 1—ILLEGAL—INVASÃON—OF—PRIVACY.
20131024             ARD, GERMANY'—PREMIER—STATE—TELEVISION—CHANNEL, said without naming its sources that the supposed monitoring had targeted MISS MERKEL—OFFICIAL cellphone, not her private 1.
20131024             Aber die CDU—CHEFIN muss sich genauso fragen lassen, ob sie die lange schwelende AFFÄRE—UM—DIE—WELTWEITEN Ausspähaktivitäten der USA nicht gnadenlos verharmlost, zumindest aber unterschätzt hat.
20131024             Aborigines: Kleine Feuer erhalten die Beute
20131024             Allerdings richtet sich der Unmut nicht nur gegen DIE—AMERIKANER.
20131024             Amid tensions with FRANCE because of NSA intelligence gathering techniques, GERMANY says USA might have targeted MERKEL—PHONE in 'serious BREACH—OF—TRUST' if true.
20131024             An sich seien das KANZLER—HANDY und DIE—DATEN—SCHUTZVERORDNUNG 2—PAAR Schuhe, verlautete —AM—DONNERSTAG weiterhin aus DEUTSCHEN—KREISEN.
20131024             Astronomen haben die
20131024             Auch GRÜNEN—FRAKTION—CHEF—ANTON—HOFREITER nannte es 1 "absolute Frechheit", wenn sich bewahrheiten sollte, daß DIE—USA eng befreundete STAATEN abhören.
20131024             Auch JOSÉ—MANUEL—BARROSO, EU—KOMMISSION—PRÄSIDENT, betonte: "PRIVAT—SPHÄRE ist 1—GRUND—RECHT".Das ist "der Anstoß", den wir für 1—DATEN—SCHUTZ—REFORM gebraucht haben, heißt es aus KOMMISSIONskreisen.
20131024             Auch in ITALIEN ist die Aufregung groß.
20131024             Auch seine Parteikollegin, LINKE—CHEFIN KATJA—KIPPING, forderte MERKEL auf, den BUNDES—TAG über die Hinweise auf 1—ÜBERWACHUNG ihres Handys zu informieren.
20131024             Außerdem ist es natürlich 1—WUNDERBARE Ironie, daß DIE— USA—AMIS ausgerechnet DIE—MERKEL—JUNTA, DIE—WELT—MEISTER des überspezifischen Dementis, wenn man mit der Hand in der Brieftasche von jemand anderem erwischt wird, mit 1—EBENSOLCHEN abzuspeisen versucht haben.
20131024             BERLIN, Auch die ITALIEN—REGIERUNG ist laut 1—BERICHT—DES—MAGAZINS "L'espresso"von USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTEN ausspioniert worden.
20131024             BETWEEN—THE—BEGINNING—OF;;12;;
20131024             and beginning of ;;01;;, 1.800.000 HOLLAND—PHONE—NUMBERS were tapped into by THE—NSA, recording information about number and possibly location, Tweakers said.
20131024             BOSTON bomb suspect wants access to records in triple slaying:
20131024             —SIGNALLED, But BERLIN promptly, that the rebuttal referred to the present and THE—FUTURE and did not deny that MERKEL—COMMUNICATIONS had been monitored IN—THE—PAST.
20131024             CIVIL—LIBERTIES—GROUP sues CANADA over spying:
20131024             C'est le deus ex machina (la crise SNOWDEN/NSA) qui décide [...]
20131024             DER—SPD—CHEF—IN SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN, Ralf Stegner, sagte dem "HANDELS—BLATT", 1—AUSSPÄHUNG von Handys "DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, aber auch anderer BÜRGER durch den AMERIKA—GEHEIM—DIENST wäre in JEDER—HINSICHT skandalös".
20131024             DER—SPD—INNEN—EXPERTE MICHAEL—HARTMANN sagte derselben Zeitung, vieles spreche dafür, daß DIE—DATEN—VON—MERKEL—HANDY ÜBERWACHT worden seien.
20131024             DIE—ANGELEGENHEIT müsse "sofort und umfassend aufgeklärt werden".
20131024             DIE—HANDY—AFFÄRE wirft die Frage auf: Wie soll man vertrauensvolle Gespräche führen, wenn 1—SEITE Angst haben muss, daß die andere 1—DER Partner überwachen lässt?
20131024             DIE—REGIERUNG—VON—BARACK—OBAMA könne angesichts der massiven Verletzung von Persönlichkeitsrechten nicht weiter schweigen und Aufklärung behindern, meint die SPANIEN—ZEITUNG "El País".
20131024             DIE—SITUATION ist für OBAMA PEINLICH—HALLO, nur peinlich?
20131024             —KOMMENTIERT, DIE—WUT in WESTMINSTER sei vollkommen gerechtfertigt, DER—GUARDIAN.
20131024             DIE—LINKSLIBERALE "Repubblica"geht im LEIT—ARTIKEL mit dem Titel "DIE—ARROGANZ Amerikas"mit DEN—USA hart ins Gericht.
20131024             Da ist von der Gegenwart und der ZUKUNFT die Rede.
20131024             Das Ausspähen unter Freunden sei gegenüber niemanden legitim.
20131024             Das GEHEIM tagende PKG ist für DIE—KONTROLLE—VON—GEHEIM—DIENST—AKTIVITÄTEN zuständig.
20131024             —GEWESEN, Das Telefonat müsse "entsetzlich ungemütlich" sein, bemerkt DIE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20131024             Der hat DIE—UNIVERSITÄT verklagt, weil er —JETZT Depressionen und Angstzustände hat.
20131024             Der —SKANDAL hat den Ruf der BRITISCHEN—POLIZEI erheblich beschädigt.
20131024             Deren Vorsitzender THOMAS—OPPERMANN (SPD) teilte —AM—DONNERSTAG in BERLIN mit, er habe kurzfristig für 14—UHR 1—SONDER—SITZUNG angesetzt.
20131024             Digitale Kommunikation gründe sich auf Vertrauen, dozierte SCHULZ in die Mikrofone.
20131024             Doch ZUGLEICH hält sich DER—SPD—FRAKTIONS—GESCHÄFTS—FÜHRER Oppermann, —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—MONATEN in Sachen NSA der schärfste KRITIKER—DER—REGIERUNG, mit direkten Angriffen gegen MERKEL, POFALLA und Co.
20131024             EU vs.
20131024             EUROPA ne découvre pas le scandale des ÉCOUTES—DE—LA—NSA.
20131024             EUROPA statt Atlantik - EU—TREFFEN—IN—BRÜSSEL: Der HANDY—GIPFEL
20131024             —BLAMED, Einstein letter, Jewish terrorists for risking 'catastrophe' in Palestine:
20131024             Er wolle vollständige Aufklärung, sagte Pofalla, der in der Regierung für DIE—NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE zuständig ist.
20131024             FRAU—MERKEL, treten Sie zurück!
20131024             Sie haben den falschen Leuten vertraut und sind 1—SICHERHEITS—RISIKO!
20131024             Gehen Sie aufrecht, WIE—DAMALS, WILLY—BRANDT.
20131024             FRIEDRICHs Äußerungen kommen zeitlich ÜBERRASCHEND—HAT sein Sprecher doch nur —1—TAG—ZUVOR DIE—ABHÖR—AFFÄRE AMERIKANISCHER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE auf DER—BUNDESPRESSE—KONFERENZ kleingeredet: "Ich glaube, es gab vor allen Dingen 1—MEDIALE Aufregung, die stattgefunden hat", sagte DER—SPRECHER.
20131024             Finanzlücke: EU—PARLAMENTARIER wenden Zahlungsunfähigkeit ab
20131024             For the 3. time in —1—WEEK, BARACK—OBAMA has found himself trying to placate THE—LEADERS—OF—CLOSELY allied nations who have discovered THE—EXTENT—OF—NSA—SURVEILLANCE in their countries.
20131024             FRANCE—PRESIDENT—HOLLANDE berates USA over spying claims:
20131024             Für —HEUTE wurde auch DAS—PARLAMENTARISCHEN KONTROLL—GREMIUM (PKG) des BUNDES—TAGS einberufen.
20131024             Für —DIE—SPD ist die Sache klar: "Wer DIE—KANZLERIN abhört, der hört auch DIE—BÜRGER ab", sagt THOMAS—OPPERMANN.
20131024             —ALLEGED, GERMANY complains to USA—ABOUT, monitoring of Mer...
20131024             —BECAME, GERMANY —ON—WEDNESDAY, the...
20131024             —TARGETED, GERMANY: USA—MAY have, MERKEL—CELLPHONE:
20131024             GROßE—KOALITION: Wirtschaftsflügel der Union probt die REVOLTE
20131024             GUANTANAMO: ARZT—BERICHT bestätigt Misshandlung von 20010911             —ANGEKLAGTEM
20131024             Genau wie andere führende SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN.
20131024             —ARRIVED, Gotterdammerung, has, for THE—USA, at last!
20131024             Gottt schütze...
20131024             HIV—INFIZIERTES Mädchen: Ärzte sprechen von "funktioneller Heilung"
20131024             Halloween IN—DEN—USA: Der absolute Horror?
20131024             HANDY—AFFÄRE: OBAMA, der eiskalte Freund
20131024             Hohn IM—NETZ: "Guten —MORGEN, FRAU—MERKEL!"
20131024             However, Carney did not specifically say that THE—USA had never monitored or obtained MERKEL—COMMUNICATIONS.
20131024             INNEN—MINISTER—ZU—SPÄHVERDACHT: FRIEDRICH fordert Entschuldigung von DEN—USA
20131024             Ich fordere Rücktritt von POFALLA und FRIEDRICH.
20131024             If all you care about is USA—PERSONS' privacy, then CONGRESS' decision
20131024             In 1—PHONE—CONVERSATION with USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, he said this was "unacceptable between friends and allies", demanding 1—EXPLANATION.
20131024             Internationale Reaktionen: "Wer braucht Feinde bei solchen Verbündeten"
20131024             —LEAKED, It is clear from THE—TROVE—OF—DOCUMENTS, by SNOWDEN that the only protection against NSA or GCHQ intrusion is membership of 5—EYES: THE—USA, UK, CANADA, AUSTRALIA and NEW—ZEALAND.
20131024             KANZLER—HANDY im USA—VISIER?: BUNDES—ANWALTSCHAFT schaltet sich in SPÄH—AFFÄRE 1
20131024             KOALITIONS—GESPRÄCHE, SPD will schärfere Regeln für RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE
20131024             Kauf der Hypo Group Alpe Adria: EX—CHEFS der BAYERNLB müssen wegen Untreue vor Gericht
20131024             Klar ist: OBAMA verspielt mehr und mehr Glaubwürdigkeit, sogar bei den Alliierten.
20131024             Kommentar: MERKEL—WUT, OBAMAs Versagen - Kompromatsammler
20131024             Kosmischer Rekord: Astronomen sichten —BISHER, fernste Galaxie
20131024             KREIDE—TERTIÄR—GRENZE: —FORSCHER enträtseln prähistorisches BIENEN—STERBEN
20131024             L'incidente con BERLINo giunge al termine di un crescendo di disastri.
20131024             Langsam wird klar, daß DIE—USA in den letzten Zügen sind und in ihrer Verzweiflung bald Amok laufen werden.
20131024             —GEGANGEN, MERKEL ist offenbar —BIS—AN—DIE—GRENZEN dessen, was DIPLOMAtisch unter Freunden noch geht: "Unmissverständlich missbilligt", "völlig inakzeptabel", "gravierender Vertrauensbruch".
20131024             MERKEL zur HANDY—AFFÄRE: "Ausspähen unter FREUNDEN—DAS geht gar nicht"
20131024             —SUSPECTED, MERKEL, who, ACCORDING—TO—REUTERS, THE—SURVEILLANCE —AFTER finding her MOBILE phone number written on 1—USA—DOCUMENT, is said to have called for USA—SURVEILLANCE to be placed on 1—NEW—LEGAL footing —DURING 1—PHONE—CALL to PRESIDENT—OBAMA.
20131024             —VERSUCHT, Man kann MARTIN—SCHULZ kaum vorhalten, nicht alles, zu haben.
20131024             MANCH—AUSSPRUCH der vergangenen —MONATE klingt —NUN reichlich absurd.
20131024             Manie: Verdoppeltes Gen bringt HIRN—CHEMIE durcheinander
20131024             Mitchell stand am Pranger: Das Wort "Pöbel"bestätigte sämtliche Vorurteile über die abgehobene TORY—ELITE in der DOWNING—STREET, die den Rest der Bevölkerung WIE—UNTERTANEN behandelt.
20131024             Mögliche ÜBERWACHUNG—VON—KANZLER—HANDY: "Das wäre 1—UNGEHEUERLICHER Vorgang"
20131024             Möglicher LAUSCH—ANGRIFF, Realitätsschock für MERKEL
20131024             NSA Programs Overseas Violate Americans' Privacy, Yet escape FISC, CONGRESSional Oversight:
20131024             NSA Tapped 1.800.000 HOLLAND—PHONE—NUMBERS in —1—MONTH, HOLLAND—MEDIA—REPORTS:
20131024             NSA is ALREADY 1—THREAT in the hands of OBAMA,
20131024             Na ich will nicht wissen, was DIE—NSA so alles aus dem KANZLERINNEN—HANDY (und die Handys der OPPOSITIONsführer und MINISTER selbstredend auch) gefischt hat.
20131024             New members do not seem to be welcome, and the lesson is that outside that tight circle, it does not matter how senior you are, and how close 1—FRIEND you think you are to WASHINGTON or LONDON, your communications could easily be being shared among THE—HANDFUL—OF—WHITE, ENGLISH—SPEAKING nations with membership privileges.
20131024             Nur KURZ—VOR, den Äußerungen MERKELs hatte der amtierende KANZLER—AMT—MINISTER—RONALD—POFALLA (CDU) angekündigt, alle mündlichen und schriftlichen AUSSAGEN—DER—NSA in DER—GEHEIM—DIENST—AFFÄRE erneut zu überprüfen.
20131024             Nur peinlich?
20131024             —INFIZIERT, OST—SEEHOTEL in Kühlungsborn: 300—MENSCHEN mit Noroviren
20131024             Oh, übrigens: Nicht das "besonders gesicherte"Diensthandy wurde wohl kompromittiert, sondern ihr Parteihandy.
20131024             —BEENDET, Oppermann "DIE—NSA—AFFÄRE ist nicht.
20131024             Oppermann "DIE—ÜBERWACHUNGS—TÄTIGKEIT der NSA ist völlig aus dem Ruder gelaufen und befindet sich offenbar jenseits aller demokratischen Kontrolle", fügte Oppermann hinzu.
20131024             Oppermann erklärte weiter, er sehe durch den aktuellen Vorgang eigene Befürchtungen wegen der Abhörpraktiken vor allem des USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTS NSA bestätigt.
20131024             Politiker aller Parteien zeigen sich entsetzt darüber, daß USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE das Handy der KANZLERIN—ÜBERWACHT haben könnten.
20131024             ROHANis Kurswechsel: 1—BISSCHEN —FRÜHLING in IRAN
20131024             Rücktritt - SICHERHEITS—HALBER gibt Carney DIE—ANTWORT nicht FREIHÄNDIG—SONDERN liest vom Blatt ab: OBAMA habe mit MERKEL wegen der Abhörvorwürfe telefoniert, und DER—PRÄSIDENT—HABE—DER—KANZLERIN versichert, daß DIE—USA ihre Kommunikation weder "überwachen"noch "überwachen werden".
20131024             SNOWDEN—ENTHÜLLUNG: Auch ITALIEN—REGIERUNG wurde offenbar ausgespäht
20131024             SPIONAGEaffaere - SPÄH—AFFÄRE: NSA überwachte Telefonate von 35—INTERNATIONALEN Spitzenpolitikern
20131024             SPÄH—VORWÜRFE: SPD stellt FREI—HANDEL gespräche mit USA in Frage
20131024             Scharfe Kritik kam auch von VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—THOMAS—DE—MAIZIÈRE (CDU).
20131024             Sehe ich ähnlich. Sieht... - Soweit ich mich erinnere...
20131024             Spähverdacht: Spitzenpolitiker im Visier DER— USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE
20131024             THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY—CLAIMS it's not SPYING—ON—CITIZENS—UNTIL someone actually looks at THE—DATA it collects.
20131024             THE—NSA memo seen by THE—GUARDIAN was written halfway THROUGHGGEORGE—WALKER—BUSH—2. term, —WHEN CONDOLEEZZA—RICE was SECRETARY—OF—STATE—AND—DONALD—RUMSFELD was in his final months as DEFENCE—SECRETARY.
20131024             —SUGGESTED, THE—SHARPNESS—OF—THE—GERMAN—COMPLAINT—DIRECT to 1—AMERICA—PRESIDENT strongly, that BERLIN had no doubt about the grounds for protest.
20131024             2—SENIOR—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS — from THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—COUNCIL — had arrived in BERLIN only hours —BEFORE—THE—GERMAN—GOVERNMENT disclosed —ON—WEDNESDAY that it had received unspecified information that MISS MERKEL—CELLPHONE was under surveillance.
20131024             URHEBER—RECHT: AMAZON haftet nicht für die Inhalte von E—BOOKS
20131024             USA unter Spähverdacht: OBAMA und das Handy der KANZLERIN
20131024             USA unter Spähverdacht: WESTERWELLE spricht von "sehr ernsten"Hinweisen
20131024             Umstellung auf Iban: EZB WARNT—VOR—PROBLEMEN bei neuen Kontonummern
20131024             Umstrittene HYPOTHEKEN—DEALS: Gericht spricht BANK—OF—AMERICA SCHULDIG
20131024             Unzaehlige Soziogramme liegen da in den NSA— Schublaben und werden gerade wieder neu ueberarbeitet.
20131024             VERSCHWÖRUNG—GEGEN—PROMI—POLITIKER: "Plebgate"stürzt BRITISCHE—POLIZEI in tiefe —KRISE
20131024             Verfasst wurde das Schreiben demnach von der NSA—ABTEILUNG Signals INTELLIGENCE Directorate.
20131024             Vermeintliches STURM—GEWEHR: POLIZISTEN erschießen —13—JAHRE—ALTE in KALIFORNIEN
20131024             Vermögensbarometer: DEUTSCHE stürzen sich auf Immobilien
20131024             —PLEDGED, WASHINGTON hastily, that THE—GERMAN—CHANCELLOR, ANGELA—MERKEL, LEADER—OF—EUROPE—MOST powerful economy, was not the target of current surveillance and would not be IN—THE—FUTURE, —WHILE conspicuously saying nothing about THE—PAST.
20131024             WILLY—BRANDT - WILLY—BRANDT wusste SEINERZEIT, was in 1—SOLCHEN Fall zu tun ist
20131024             What goes —AROUND, COMES —AROUND.
20131024             —VERLAUTET, Wie aus Regierungskreisen, konnte OBAMA den Verdacht "in keinster Weise" ausräumen.
20131024             With EACH—LEAK, USA—SOFT—POWER—HAEMORRHAGES, and hard power threatens to seep away with it.
20131024             ZWEIFEL—AN—DER Darstellung der Ordnungshüter waren aufgekommen, als
20131024             —VERSICHERT, Zudem habe Emerson ihm, DIE—DEUTSCHE—HALTUNG mit aller Deutlichkeit und hoher Dringlichkeit WASHINGTON zu übermitteln.
20131024             [l] BANK—OF—AMERICA WEGEN Hypothekenbetrugs für schuldig gesprochen.
20131024             [l] Bei dieser MERKEL—TELEFON—AFFÄRE finde ich ja persönlich am erheiternsten, daß DEUTSCHLAND —SEIT—MONATEN keine richtigen Antworten von den Amis kriegt.
20131024             [l] Erinnert ihr euch an den PFEFFERSPRAY—COP von der UC Davis?
20131024             [l] Mir tun ja gerade so 1—BISSCHEN die Hersteller des Kanzlerhandys leid.
20131024             der Horcher an der Wand...
20131024             es gab mal 1—KANZLER, der ist zurückgetreten
20131024             hört seine eigene Schand!
20131024             i can't wait to see THE—NSA in the hands of an TEA—PARTY—CANDIDATE, ist das Gebot —DER—STUNDE.
20131024             MTAN—VERFAHREN: Betrüger finden Angriffsweg beim Onlinebanking - sofortiger VERHANDLUNGS—STOPP
20131024             THE—LONG—THEORIZED material is the strongest material IN—THE—WORLD.
20131024             uns vor unseren Freunden. weil er sich ausspionieren ließ!
20131024             Unser WIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTER kaspert mit 1—I—PHONE durch DIE—WELT und läßt das Ausspähen vitaler Infromationen zu.
20131024             widespread USA—SURVEILLANCE—OF—GERMANY—COMMUNICATIONS, which struck 1—ESPECIALLY unsettling chord in 1—COUNTRY scarred by THE—SURVEILLANCE undertaken by NAZI and Communist GOVERNMENTs in its past.
20131024             you americans will love IT—AND those who don't will surely have lovely camps in THE—NORTH—OF—ALASKA where they can dig ditches the whole —DAY.
20131024             Ähnlich formulierte SOZIAL—DEMOKRAT SCHULZ, als er —WENIG—SPÄTER, hinter verschlossenen Türen zu den 28—STAATS—UND REGIERUNGS—CHEFS DER—EUROPÄISCHE—UNION sprach.
20131024             Überblick: Was in der NSA—AFFÄRE —BISHER, enthüllt wurde
20131024             Übrigens, Lacher am Rande: VS—NFD ist die niedrigste GEHEIM—HALTUNGSSTUFE.
20131024             —AM, geschickt haben soll.
20131024             —DENN, im Raum steht 1—SCHWERWIEGENDER—VERDACHT, der nicht nur die zwischenstaatlichen, sondern insbesondere die persönlichen Beziehungen zwischen MERKEL und OBAMA belasten könnte.
20131024             —JETZT, fordern auch EU—PARLAMENTARIER weitergehende Konsequenzen.
20131024             —JETZT, sei 1—KLARE und eindeutige Antwort EUROPAs auf DIE—ABHÖR—AFFÄRE—UM—DEN USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—NSA gefordert.
20131024             —NACH, OP—SENSATION: Patientin lebt —SEIT—5—JAHREN mit STAMMZELLEN—LUFTRÖHRE
20131024             —PARTEISPENDE: FDP erhielt 210.000—EURO—VON—BMW—EIGNERN
20131024             —PLEADED, OHIO, ALI—SALIM, —44—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—DOCTOR, guilty to 2—COUNTS—OF involuntary manslaughter 20120000             —IN—THE—DEATHS—OF—DEANNA Ballman (23) and her unborn child.
20131024             —INJECTED, He had, her with heroin.
20131024             TENNESSEE Nat'l. Guardsman Sgt.
20131024             1. Class AMOS—PATTON shot and wounded 3—FELLOW—GUARD—MEMBERS at 1—ARMORY in Millington —JUST—AFTER he was RELIEVED—OF—DUTY because of alleged misconduct.
20131024             —KILLED, WEST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 6—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS in HERAT province.
20131024             —KILLED, Soldiers, 10—TALIBAN fighters —DURING 1—OPERATION in Helmand province.
20131024             1—TRACTOR hit 1—ROAD—MINE in the Jani Khil DISTRICT—OF—PAKTIKA province, killing 1—PERSON and wounding 4.
20131024             AUSTRALIA, 1—PLANE dousing wildfires in bushland SOUTH—OF—AUSTRALIA—BIGGEST city, SYDNEY, crashed into 1—NATIONAL—PARK, killing the pilot and sparking 1—NEW—FIRE to add to 55—STILL burning across THE—STATE—OF—NEW—SOUTH—WALES.
20131024             1—AUSTRIA—STUDENT—GROUP fighting for online privacy in EUROPE got THE—GO—AHEAD for 1—LEGAL—CHALLENGE in IRELAND—HIGH—COURT over the transfer of personal data to 1—USA—SPY—AGENCY.
20131024             —SUSPECTED, EGYPT, Islamists militants killed 1—POLICEMAN in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in THE—SINAI—PENINSULA, where troops are battling to contain near daily violence.
20131024             EGYPT—CABINET said its nighttime curfew will be shortened to —4—HOURS, from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m., —6—DAYS —1—WEEK.
20131024             Merkel said she had made it clear to USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA that spying on allies is not acceptable.
20131024             —AGREED, GREENLAND—PARLIAMENT, to remove a —25—YEAR—OLD—BAN on uranium mining, paving the way for 1—INDUSTRIAL—BOOM that THE—ARCTIC—ISLAND—HOPES will help it gain INDEPENDENCE from former colonial master DENMARK.
20131024             —FIRED, Indian and PAKISTAN—TROOPS, machine guns and mortar shells over the border in Kashmir, wounding at least 12—PEOPLE — including children.
20131024             —REPORTED, INDIA, retail prices of onions were, to have quadrupled in —3—MONTHS—NOW costing over 100—RUPEES ($1.62) 1—KILO, which is what a 3. of the population live on per —DAY—AS 1—SUPPLY squeeze caused by wet weather has hampered harvests.
20131024             INDONESIA—POLICE probing THE—MURDER—OF—1—YOUNG—WOMAN at 1—LUXURY villa stumbled upon 1—SECRET—COLLECTION—OF—EXOTIC—ANIMALS, including 1—CROSS—BREED—OF—1—LION and tiger.
20131024             The woman (23) had allegedly had her throat slit by 1—MAINTENANCE—WORKER at the property SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL—JAKARTA —AFTER she refused his sexual advances.
20131024             —REPORTED, ITALY—WEEKLY L'Espresso, that USA and UK—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES have monitored ITALY—TELECOMS—NETWORKS, targeting the government and companies as well as suspected terrorist groups.
20131024             † ITALIAN—AUGUSTO—ODONE, —80—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—WORLD—BANK—ECONOMIST, in Acqui Terme. defied skeptical scientists to invent 1—TREATMENT (LORENZO—OIL) to try to save the life of his little boy (20080000             †), wasting away from 1—NEUROLOGICAL—DISEASE (ADL.
20131024             The film "LORENZO—OIL" (19920000             ) was based on ODONE—EFFORTS to save his son.
20131024             —THREATENED, KENYA—MEDIA said the police CHIEF has, journalists with arrest —AFTER they reported on looting and disarray among security forces —DURING the massacre in NAIROBI—WESTGATE shopping mall.
20131024             —KILLED, LEBANON—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said at least 6—PEOPLE have been, and 50 wounded in fighting in TRIPOLI over the past —4—DAYS.
20131024             1—LIBYA—COURT indicted —AROUND 30—MOAMER Kadhafi aides, including the slain dictator's son Seif AL—ISLAM, for 1—RAFT of alleged offences —DURING 20110000             —THE revolt.
20131024             † 1—LIBYA—AIR—FORCE—COLONEL was killed in BENGHAZI.
20131024             —BLOCKADED, HUNDREDS—OF—MALAYSIA—TRIBESPEOPLE, the construction site of 1—NEW—DAM which is set to force them from their homes in Sarawak on THE—ISLAND—OF—BORNEO.
20131024             —FACED, MALAYSIA—HELP—UNIVERSITY, public criticism for awarding an honorary doctorate degree in economics —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH to NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN.
20131024             —ENGAGED, MALI, THE—FRANCE—MILITARY said it has, with UN and MALI—FORCES in 1—MAJOR—OPERATION aimed at preventing 1—RESURGENCE—OF—ISLAMIST—REBELS in MALI.
20131024             —ADMITTED, MEXICO—OFFICIALS said JUAN—PABLO—VAZQUEZ, —20—JAHRE—ALT has, to killing 45—PEOPLE, and is being investigated for 34—MORE.
20131024             Vazquez was caught —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH in MONTERREY where he was allegedly selling drugs.
20131024             —ISSUED, MEXICO, 1—DECREE banning slot machines and limiting THE—ABILITY—OF—CASINO—PERMIT—HOLDERS to rent out or cede their permits to other operators.
20131024             —KILLED, NIGERIA—ARMY reportedly, suspected Boko Haram fighters in 1—RAID on insurgent camps in restive Borno state.
20131024             —CONTINUED, The attack, for a 2. —DAY and bodies in military uniform were soon brought to the morgue in DAMATURU.
20131024             At least 95—MILITANTS, 23—SOLDIERS and 8—POLICE—OFFICERS were killed.
20131024             —ORDERED, PORTUGAL—AUTHORITIES said prosecutors have, police to reopen their investigation into THE—6—YEAR—OLD—DISAPPEARANCE—OF—UK—GIRL—MADELEINE—MCCANN —AFTER 1—REVIEW—OF—THE—EVIDENCE found new leads.
20131024             —WARNED, SAUDI—ARABIA, it will take measures against activists who go ahead with 1 planned weekend campaign to defy 1—BAN on women drivers in the conservative Muslim kingdom.
20131024             SUDAN—JOURNALIST—FAISAL—MOHAMMED—SALIH (53 vowed to keep up efforts to report freely despite "difficult and harsh" conditions as he received THE—PETER—MACKLER—AWARD for Courageous and Ethical Journalism.
20131024             —SEIZED, SYRIA—FORCES, 1—SUBURB—OF—DAMASCUS from rebels fighting to overthrow PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD in 1—PUSH that has shored up government CONTROL—OF—THE—CAPITAL—OUTSKIRTS.
20131024             THE—BRITAIN—BASED SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said ASSAD—GOVERNMENT had freed 61—WOMEN over the past —2—DAYS.
20131024             † THAILAND—TOP Buddhist leader, SUPREME—PATRIARCH—SOMDET—PHRA—NYANASAMVARA (100).
20131024             —TORCHED, Protesters in TUNISIA, THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—RULING—ISLAMISTS in THE—TOWN—OF—KEF, where 1—POLICEMAN killed in fighting with suspected jihadists was to be buried.
201310241023220629   Rippers Unknown DENVER—COLORADO—UNITED—STATES LOCKHEED—MARTIN—CORPORATION ( Unknown (No referring link)
20131024—19600000    —IN, Carbyne has actually been —AROUND—SINCE 1—APPROXIMATION—OF—THE—MATERIAL was 1. synthesized IN—THE—USSR.
20131024—19620000    —IN, she became THE—HEADD—OF—THE—S—FRANCISCO—FOLK—CLUB and began hosting live jam sessions at her CLAYTON—STREET—HOME.
20131024—20110000    —IN, The surviving BOSTON MARATHON bombing suspect, who faces 1—POTENTIAL—DEATH—PENALTY, is fighting to get access to investigative records that implicate his dead brother in 1—TRIPLE slaying.
20131024—20120000    —ANNOUNCED, CALIFORNIA state investigators, 1—RECORD $1—MILLION—FINE against 2—ARIZONA nonprofits, the Center to Protect PATIENT—RIGHTS and Americans for Responsible Leadership, for attempting to secretly sway CALIFORNIA voters in support of Prop 32 and in opposition to prop 30.
20141015—20141024    —ON, Provisional results said Nyusi won with 57—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20141024             SACRAMENTO—CALIFORNIA, police officers DANNY—OLIVER, —47—JAHRE—ALT and MICHAEL—DAVID—DAVIS—JUNIOR were killed and 2—PEOPLE wounded —WHEN 1—MAN went on 1—SHOOTING spree.
20141024             —ARRESTED, MARCELO—MARQUEZ (34) was, by police in 1—HOME in Auburn.
20141024             —ARRESTED, His wife was also.
20141024             2—OTHER—GIRLS and 2—BOYS, both of whom were his cousins, were critically wounded.
20141024             1. —YEAR social studies teacher Megan Silberberger tried to stop him, at which point he shot and killed himself.
20141024             It was not clear if his death was 1—SUICIDE or accidental.
20141024             1—ARGENTINE court convicted and sentenced to life in prison 15—FORMER—MILITARY, police and CIVIL—OFFICIALS for abductions, torture and KILLINGS—OF—DOZENS—OF—DISSIDENTS —DURING the country's 19760000—19830000     dictatorship.
20141024             —APOLOGIZED, AUSTRIA—PRESIDENT—HEINZ—FISCHER, for his country's postwar treatment of deserters from HITLER—ARMY as traitors at the unveiling of 1—MEMORIAL honoring those who fled military duty rather than serve under the Nazi regime.
20141024             BOTSWANA held elections.
20141024             —RETIRED, PRESIDENT—IAN—KHAMA, 1, army general and THE—SON—OF—INDEPENDENCE—LEADER—SERETSE Khama, sought RE—ELECTION on 1—PLATFORM—OF—ECONOMIC—STABILITY and efforts to alleviate persistent poverty.
20141024             THE—BOTSWANA—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (BDP) lost its outright majority for the 1. time.
20141024             —REJECTED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON furiously, 1—SURPRISE—DEMAND from BRUSSELS for more than 2—BILLION euros in backdated charges, setting up 1—NEW showdown over BRITAIN—PLACE in THE—EU.
20141024             —KILLED, CAMEROON—TROOPS, 39—BOKO Haram fighters in clashes with the Islamists, who were carrying out 3—RAIDS in Glawi near the border with NIGERIA.
20141024             4—NIGERIA—REFUGEES were also killed.
20141024             —PLEDGED, CHINA—PRESIDENT, to provide $81—MILLION in aid to help fight Ebola in THE—3—WEST—AFRICA—COUNTRIES at THE—HEART—OF—THE—CRISIS.
20141024             21—ASIA—NATIONS signed on to 1—CHINA—DRIVEN initiative to create 1—NEW—DEVELOPMENT—BANK—FOR—ASIA that's aimed at boosting infrastructure investment of all kinds.
20141024             —COLLAPSED, NORTH—WEST—CHINA, 1—COAL—MINE shaft, —JUST—BEFORE midnight, killing 16—MINERS outside the Xinjiang regional CAPITAL—OF—URUMQI.
20141024             THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—REP. at least 4—PRISONERS were killed and 9—OTHERS wounded, including 2—GUARDS, —AFTER 1 attempted mass escape at the Najayo jail in S—CRISTOBAL.
20141024             —KILLED, EGYPT, 30—SOLDIERS were, in THE—SINAI—PENINSULA by 1—CAR—BOMB that targeted 2 armored vehicles stopped at 1—CHECKPOINT.
20141024             Gunmen also shot dead 1—OFFICER and wounded 2—SOLDIERS —ON—FRIDAY at another checkpoint SOUTH—OF—EL—ARISH
20141024             EU leaders overcame deep divisions to agree on cutting greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40—PERCENT compared to 19900000             levels.
20141024             —AGREED, They also, on 27-percent targets for renewable energy supply and efficiency gains.
20141024             ISRAEL—TROOPS shot dead Orwa Hammad (17), 1—PALESTINE—TEENAGER and USA—CITIZEN.
20141024             The army said the youth had been about to hurl 1—PETROL bomb at ISRAEL—MOTORISTS—NEAR THE—WEST—BANK—CITY—OF—RAMALLAH.
20141024             ITALY, striking workers took to the streets in cities across the country to protest against cuts to public services and labor reforms proposed by PRIME—MINISTER—MATTEO—RENZI.
20141024             MACEDONIA, about 30—PEOPLE wearing masks and throwing rocks and bottles attacked MEMBERS—OF—1—GAY—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST—GROUP in SKOPJE, wounding 2—OF—THEM.
20141024             † In MALI a —2—YEAR—OLD—GIRL—OF—EBOLA, the country's 1. case.
20141024             —VISITED, The girl and her grandmother had, Kissidougou, 1—TOWN in THE—SOUTH—PART—OF—GUINEA.
20141024             —TESTED, The child had, positive —2—DAYS—EARLIER.
20141024             —CROWDED, NEPAL, 1—BUS, with people heading home for 1—HINDU festival veered off 1—MOUNTAIN—HIGHWAY, killing 9—PEOPLE and injuring DOZENS—OF—OTHERS.
20141024             1—MULTINATIONAL force including troops from NIGERIA and NIGER wrested back CONTROL—OF—1—TOWN held by Boko Haram on THE—WEST—SHORES—OF—LAKE—CHAD.
20141024             —REPORTED, More than 20—INSURGENTS were, killed in fierce fighting at Abadam.
20141024             —KILLED, SOUTH—WEST—NIGERIA, gunmen, 1—GERMANY—NATIONAL and abducted another —AFTER opening fire on 2—VEHICLES—NEAR THE—TOWN—OF—SAGAMU, Ogun state.
20141024             † The man who, was 1—SUBCONTRACTOR, —WHILE the hostage was 1—STAFF—MEMBER—OF—THE—JULIUS—BERGER construction firm.
20141024             NIGERIA, gunmen on 1—SPEEDBOAT in THE—OIL—PRODUCING south killed 4—POLICEMEN and kidnapped 6—NIGERIA—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—AGIP energy firm in the Nembe Creek AREA—OF—BAYELSA state.
20141024             —BANNED, RUSSIA—AGRICULTURAL—SAFETY—AGENCY said some 600—TONS of, meat from EUROPE were discovered disguised as other items such as frozen mushrooms, juice, fruit jellies and chewing gum.
20141024             —FIRED, SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE, rubber bullets to disperse workers at 1—MINE operated by LONDON—LISTED DiamondCorp and said members of the hardline AMCU union were involved in the protest.
20141024             —CHARGED, Prosecutors in THAILAND, 2—PEOPLE with defaming the country's monarchy in 1—STAGE—PERFORMANCE at 1—UNIVERSITY —LAST—YEAR.
20141024             1—MALE—UNIVERSITY—STUDENT (23) and 1—WOMAN, —26—JAHRE—ALT were charged with lese majeste, which mandates 1—PRISON—TERM—OF up to —15—YEARS for anyone insulting THAILAND—MONARCHY.
20141024             —STORMED, TUNISIA—COUNTERTERRORISM—FORCES, 1—HOME in 1—TUNIS suburb —AFTER a —24—HOUR standoff, killing 6—PEOPLE and seriously wounding 1—CHILD.
20141024             TURKEY—PRESIDENT said that ANKARA would allow HUNDREDS—OF—SYRIA—REBELS to travel to the embattled border TOWN—OF—KOBANI in order to help Kurdish fighters there fend off 1—ISLAMIC—STATE onslaught.
20141024             —DURING 1—STATE—VISIT in ESTONIA, Erdogan said THE—WESTERN—BACKED Free SYRIA—ARMY would send 1,300 fighters to THE—SYRIA—TOWN.
20141024             1—SPOKESMAN for THE—WESTERN—BACKED SYRIA—OPPOSITION in exile, KENAN—MOHAMMED, said there were no plans to send fighters to Kobani.
20141024             TURKEY—SOLDIERS shot dead 3—PKK guerrillas —AFTER fighters from the outlawed group set fire to 2—VEHICLES and 1—POWER—PLANT in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—KARS and shot at soldiers who returned fire.
20141024             —DETAINED, VIETNAM banking sources and state media said police have, Ha VAN Tham, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BIGGEST tycoons.
20141024             —DETAINED, THE—FOUNDER—AND—CHAIRMAN—OF—CONGLOMERATE—OCEAN—GROUP was, on suspicion of financial irregularities.
20141024             —SURFACED, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said that 3—MORE—POLIO—CASES have, in PAKISTAN, bringing THE—NUMBER—OF—NEW—CASES to 220, 1—RECORD—FIGURE that authorities blame on attacks by insurgents targeting vaccination teams.
20141024             —ANNOUNCED, This was, as MANY—NATIONS observed World Polio —DAY.
20141024             YEMEN, clashes broke out this —EVENING—WHEN Huthi fighters trying to wrest CONTROL—OF—THE—MOUNTAINS —AROUND THE—CENTRAL—TOWN—OF—RADA, Baida province, met resistance from Sunni militias.
20141024             The fighting left dozens dead, —WHILE 1—SUSPECTED—USA—DRONE—STRIKE killed 10—JIHADISTS.
20141024             † In ZAMBIA at least 26—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM children, —WHEN 1—FERRY capsized on Lake Kariba.
20141024             ALAN—EUSTACE springt im Rahmen des Projekts "StratEx", bei 1—STRATOSPHÄRENSPRUNG, aus 41—KILOMETERN Höhe ab und bricht somit den —2—JAHRE—ZUVOR aufgestellten Höhenrekord von FELIX—BAUMGARTNER.
20141024—19970000    —MATCHED, Fingerprints of Marquez in 1—FEDERAL—DATABASE, the biometric records of 1—LUIS—ENRIQUE—MONROY—BRACAMONTES, deported from THE—USA and
20141024—20010000    —IN.
20141024—20130100    —IN, PHILIPPINES' Foreign SECRETARY—ALBERT del ROSARIO said THE—USA will pay THE—PHILIPPINES 87—MILLION pesos ($1.9—MILLION) for damage caused by THE—USS—GUARDIAN minesweeper that ran aground on 1 protected coral reef.
20141024—20141026    —ON, On Gia Sorviano (14) †.
20141024—20141031    —ON, Shaylee Chuckulnaskit (14) †.
20141024—20141107    —ON, ANDREW—FRYBERG †.
20141024—20180000    —IN, Bracamontes was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER.
20141024—20180215    —ON, Janelle Monroy was found GUILTY—OF—AIDING her husband as he killed THE—2—DEPUTIES.
20141026—20141024    —SINCE, The army moved tanks and commando forces into TRIPOLI —AFTER clashes killed at least 11—SOLDIERS, 8—CIVILIANS and 22—MILITANTS.
20141112—20141024    —SINCE, —1—DAY—EARLIER—MALI had reported no new cases.
20151024             —MASSED, IRAQ, huge crowds of BLACK—CLAD Shiite faithful, in KARBALA, crying and beating their chests to commemorate Ashura, the 06010101—07001231     killing of the prophet's grandson.
20151024             PEGIDA—PAROLEN: Die Schwelle ins Reich der Verblödung ist längst überschritten
20151024             —ARRESTED, MALDIVES VICE—PRESIDENT—AHMED—ADEEB was, in connection with 20150928             —THE explosion aboard THE—PRESIDENT—BOAT that authorities have called 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT.
20151024             Humanitarian organizations monitoring CIVIL—CASUALTIES in SOUTH—SUDAN said 80—CIVILIANS, including 57—CHILDREN, were killed in —JUST 1—COUNTY in WAR—TORN Unity state 20151004—20151022    —BETWEEN.
20151024             "Der Daumen ist in vielerlei Hinsicht merkwürdig", sagt AXEL—MEYER, der ebenfalls an der —STUDIE beteiligt war.
20151024             1—ZUFALL - Auf Kosten der STROM—KUNDEN: KOHLE—KRAFT—WERKE gehen für KLIMA—SCHUTZ vom Netz
20151024             —GESCHRIEBEN, BALKAN—STAATEN zu JUNCKERs FLÜCHTLINGS—PLAN: "Wer das, hat, versteht die Lage nicht"
20151024             DIE—MEISTEN Evolutionsbiologen führen DIE—ENTWICKLUNG DER—MENSCHLICHEN Hand und ihren Unterschied zu der von MENSCHEN—AFFEN auf 1—ZUFALL zurück, der den Menschen befähigte, Werkzeuge zu benutzen.
20151024             EUROPAzentrale von FACEBOOK: Das bisschen Hass
20151024             FLÜCHTLINGS—HILFE: Nahles rechnet mit vielen neuen Jobs
20151024             FLÜCHTLINGS—HILFE: THW beklagt rechte Pöbeleien gegen MIT—ARBEITER
20151024             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, SCHÄUBLE warnt vor ZERREIß—PROBE für CDU
20151024             GELD—SCHWEMME der NOTEN—BANK: Start frei für die —JAHRESENDRALLYE
20151024             Geklagt hatten Wikimedia, NACDL und das Who is Who DER—MENSCHEN—RECHTS—ORGANISATIONEN IN—DEN—USA.
20151024             Gewalt am Lageso: SICHERHEITS—LEUTE schlagen auf FLÜCHTLINGE ein
20151024             GHANA: Das bittere Geschäft mit dem Kakao - SYRIEN, tobt
20151024             —APPOINTED, Ironically, he was, by UK—HIGH—COMMISSIONER—SIR—HERBERT—SAMUEL, the 1.Jew to serve as 1—CABINET—MINISTER in 1—UK—GOVERNMENT.
20151024             KOSOVO: OPPOSITION legt PARLAMENT mit Tränengas lahm
20151024             Kerberos: Gestatten, das ist Plutos MINI—MOND
20151024             MILLIARDENSKANDAL—IN—REPUBLIK—MOLDAU: Geplünderter STAAT, wütendes Volk
20151024             MALEDIVEN: VIZE—PRÄSIDENT soll hinter ANSCHLAG—AUF—PRÄSIDENT stecken
20151024             NAH—OST: ISRAEL stimmt Videoüberwachung auf dem Tempelberg zu - NRW—INNEN—MINISTER—JÄGER: Transitzonen?
20151024             Offenbar hat es —HEUTE 1.PRESSEKONFERENZ—IN—DER—TÜRKEI gegeben, auf der 2—ABGEORDNETE des PARLAMENTes bestätigt haben, dass DER—EINSATZ—VON—GIFT—GAS in SYRIEN vor —INZWISCHEN—2—JAHREN vom TÜRKISCHEN—GEHEIM—DIENST organisiert worden ist.
20151024             Schräge Theorie: Die Hände sind zum Schlagen da
20151024             So habe man zu 1—ÄHNLICHEN Zeit von Menschen gemachte Werkzeuge gefunden, zu der auch die Hand entsprechend entwickelt war.
20151024             UNO—KLIMA—KONFERENZ: Weltgemeinschaft einigt sich auf ENTWURF—FÜR—KLIMA—VERTRAG
20151024             VW—ABGAS—SKANDAL, POLIZEI erwartet teilweisen Stillstand ihrer Flotte
20151024             WOLTERing hat - Zudem müsse man, so WOLTERing, davon ausgehen, dass DER—MENSCHLICHE Mittelhandknochen mit der Zeit deutlich stabiler geworden wäre, als er es —HEUTE ist, wenn wirklich ständige Prügeleien DIE—EVOLUTION VORAN—GETRIEBEN hätten.
20151024             [l] ANTI—TPP—ARGUMENTATION des Tages: KANADA fällt auf, dass sie dann Milch von hormonell behandelten Kühen ins Land lassen müssten.
20151024             [l] AXEL—SPRINGER hat es ernsthaft geschafft, vor dem LG HAMBURG 1.Einstweilige Verfügung gegen Adblock Plus zu erwirken.
20151024             [l] IN—DEN—USA wurde DIE—KLAGE—GEGEN—DIE—NSA abgewiesen.
20151024             rofis 1804—HEUTE
20151024             THE—USA—LED coalition fighting Islamic State militants in IRAQ and Syria carried out 22—AIR—STRIKES.
20151024             CONNECTICUT, Mozaffar Khazaee (61), 1—FORMER—PRATT & Whitney engineer, was sentenced to more than —8—YEARS in prison and ordered to pay a $50,000 fine for trying to send HUNDREDS—OF—SENSITIVE—USA—MILITARY—DOCUMENTS to IRAN as he tried to get teaching jobs at STATE—RUN—UNIVERSITIES there.
20151024             —INCLUDED, Her MANY—FILMS, "How Green Was My Valley" (19410000             ), "Miracle on 34. Street " (19470000             ), "THE—QUIET—MAN" (19520000             ) and "THE—PARENT—TRAP" (19610000             ).
20151024             —KILLED, OKLAHOMA, 4—PEOPLE were, and dozens more injured —AFTER Adacia Avery Chambers (25), SUSPECTED—OF—DRIVING under the influence, crashed into 1—CROWD attending 1—OKLAHOMA—STATE—UNIVERSITY homecoming parade in Stillwater.
20151024             AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES retook CONTROL—OF—THE—GHORMACH—DISTRICT—IN—THE—NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—FARYAB —AFTER it was overrun by the Taliban several days ago.
20151024             —UNIDENTIFIED, BANGLADESH, attackers hurled HOME—MADE bombs as THOUSANDS—OF—SHIITE—MUSLIMS gathered for 1—RELIGIOUS—PROCESSION in DHAKA —BEFORE dawn injuring more than 100—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20151024             2—PEOPLE were killed.
20151024             —ARRESTED, Authorities —IMMEDIATELY, 2—SUSPECTS and recovered 2 unexploded bombs.
20151024             EGYPT, gunmen in NORTH—SINAI shot dead Mostafa Abdel Rahman, 1—CANDIDATE for ultraconservative Salafist AL—NUR party which is seen as PRO—GOVERNMENT.
20151024             A 1. LIEUTENANT and 2—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—EXPLOSION which targeted 1—POLICE armored vehicle in THE—NORTH—SINAI—CITY—OF—EL—ARISH.
20151024             —ARRIVED, FRANCE—PILOTS—PASCAL Fauret and BRUNO—ODOS, in FRANCE —AFTER escaping from THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC, where they were convicted and sentenced to —20—YEARS in prison for bringing drugs into the country by private plane.
20151024             —DENIED, They, the charges.
20151024             2—OTHER—FRENCHMEN who were also convicted in connection with the same case remained in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC.
20151024             —REPORTED, It was, that GREECE —THIS—WEEK averaged 9,600 migrants arriving per —DAY.
20151024             INDONESIA—OFFICIALS said warships have been put on standby to evacuate people affected by acrid haze from forest fires which has killed at least 10 and caused respiratory illnesses in half 1—MILLION.
20151024             JORDAN—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—KERRY, and PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS met In AMMAN, and voiced hope they might find 1—WAY to ease THE—ISRAEL—PALESTINE—TENSIONS but offered no details.
20151024             Kerry will also met ABDULLAH—KING—OF—JORDAN, who is custodian of THE—AL—AQSA mosque compound in JERUSALEM—OLD—CITY.
20151024             —CROSSED, HUNDREDS—OF—S—KOREANS, the border to NORTH—KOREA for the last set of reunions —THIS—YEAR.
20151024             In the 1. round of reunions —EARLIER in the —WEEK, about 390—SOUTH—KOREANS traveled to the resort to meet with 180—NORTH—KOREA—RELATIVES.
20151024             —MARCHED, LEBANON, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—HEZBOLLAH supporters, through the Shi'ite southern suburbs of BEIRUT chanting "Death to the Saud family" as their leader railed against SUNNI—LED SAUDI—ARABIA in 1—SIGN—OF deepening hostility towards THE—USA—ALLIED kingdom.
20151024             LIBYA, the bodies of 27—PEOPLE, thought to be migrants, were discovered on beaches at Zliten.
20151024             Another 13 were found along the shores of TRIPOLI and the nearby TOWN—OF—KHOMS.
20151024             Adeeb will be charged with high treason.
20151024             3—SOLDIERS, including 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—ADEEB—SECURITY—DETAIL and 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ARMY—BOMB—SQUAD, were also arrested in connection with the blast.
20151024             —ARRESTED, Authorities also, 1—SRI—LANKA—MAN believed to be 1—SNIPER who was targeting PRESIDENT—YAMEEN—ABDUL—GAYOOM.
20151024             1—NIGERIA—COURT—NULLIFIED—THE—ELECTION—OF—THE—GOVERNOR—OF—THE—OIL—RICH—RIVERS—STATE on the grounds of irregularities and ordered 1—FRESH—VOTE within —90—DAYS.
20151024             NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 4—WOMEN—SUICIDE—BOMBERS blew themselves up, killing 1—OTHER—PERSON and wounding 10, —WHEN CIVIL—GUARDS prevented them from entering THE—CITY—OF—MAIDUGURI.
20151024             1—PALESTINIAN was shot dead —AFTER he tried to stab 1—ISRAEL—SECURITY—GUARD at the Jalameh border crossing.
20151024             —STAGGERED, SLOVENIA—OFFICIALS, to cope and tempers flared at 1 overcrowded refugee center as thousands more ASYLUM—SEEKERS poured into the tiny Alpine nation.
20151024             —ESTIMATED, SLOVENIA—POLICE, some 13,000—PEOPLE had entered the country in the last —24—HOURS.
20151024             —BACKED, SYRIA—TROOPS, by RUSSIA—AIR—STRIKES battled Islamic State group fighters in 1—BID to restore 1—KEY—SUPPLY—LINE to ALEPPO.
20151024             THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said at least 28 IS fighters and 21—TROOPS and militia have been killed in the battle for the road that leads to THE—GOVERNMENT—HELD sector of ALEPPO.
20151024             SYRIA, VADIM—KOSTENKO (19) 1—RUSSIA—SOLDIER, reportedly hanged himself at 1—BASE on THE—SYRIA—COAST—BECAUSE—OF—PROBLEMS in his personal life.
20151024             At his funeral his father said there were no signs on the body to support the official account.
20151024             —REPORTED, VENEZUELA media, that FRANKLIN—NIEVES, the state prosecutor who helped lead charges against opposition leader LEOPOLDO—LOPEZ, has fled the country and accused the socialist government of pressing him to use false evidence to unfairly condemn Lopez.
20151024—20150930    —ON, THE—RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said its planes had flown 934—SORTIES and destroyed 819—MILITANT—TARGETS in Syria —SINCE THE—START—OF—ITS—OPERATION there.
20161024             alfatomega.com/20070623.html - alfatomega.com/20080703.html
20161024             HIRN—FORSCHUNG, Warum Lügen mit der Zeit dreister werden
20161024             "Aber bei fortgesetztem Lügen schwindet diese Reaktion, und je stärker sie abnimmt, desto größer werden unsere Lügen.
20161024             "Heuchler, ekelhaft, ein Desaster": NEW—YORK—TIMES drucktdes DONALD—TRUMPGESAMMELTE—BELEIDIGUNGEN
20161024             "Tatort"-Faktencheck: So arbeiten DEUTSCHLANDs Profiler wirklich
20161024             "Turbogeschäfte": BUNDES—BANK—WILL—HOCHFREQUENZ—HANDEL bremsen
20161024             "Wenn wir zu unserem persönlichen Nutzen lügen, sorgt unsere Amygdala für ein negatives Gefühl, das das Ausmaß begrenzt, in dem wir zu lügen bereit sind",
20161024             Auf den Mann ist halt Verlass.
20161024             Aus der beliebten Kategorie "Nicht der Postillon", —HEUTE: Politiker WARNEN "GRUSEL—CLOWNS".
20161024             Bei eigennützigen Lügen sank die RE—AKTION der Amygdala mit der Zeit.
20161024             Bündnis im IRAK: Die brüchige ALLIANZ—VON—MOSSUL
20161024             CETA—VETO der Wallonie: "1—SCHRITT zur ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—EU"
20161024             Camp in Calais: "Dschungel"ZERSTÖRT—FLÜCHTLINGS—PROBLEM ungelöst
20161024             DATEN—SCHUTZ bei "Pokémon Go": Niantic will —BIS —JAHRESENDE nachbessern
20161024             DEUTSCHER—FLUGHAFENBETREIBER in GRIECHENLAND: "Sie sind Eroberer, keine Investoren"
20161024             DIE—RE—AKTION etwa des Belohnungszentrums Nucleus accumbens änderte sich dagegen im Lauf der Versuchsdurchgänge nicht.
20161024             DIE—WALLONIE sagt "Non"—, MANCHER—GEGNER—DES—HANDELS—ABKOMMENS—DER—EU mit KANADA stilisiert die südbelgische Region zu 1—ART—DORF der unbeugsamen GALLIER, die den heldenhaften KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS BRÜSSELer Imperium nicht nur für sich selbst, sondern stellvertretend für Hunderte Millionen anderer EU—BÜRGER führen.
20161024             DIE—KURDISCHE REGIONAL—REGIERUNG in Erbil und DIE—FÜHRUNG in BAGDAD haben per Abkommen festgehalten, daß die Peschmerga nicht in MOSSUL selbst einrücken.
20161024             DIE—SINKENDE Aktivität der Amygdala spiegele 1.geringere emotionale RE—AKTION wider,
20161024             Daher schreiben DIE—FORSCHER der Amygdala die Hauptrolle bei dem Phänomen zu.
20161024             Das kann in 1—PROZESS münden, bei der kleine Unwahrheiten zu immer größeren Lügen eskalieren".
20161024             Dass DIE—DEMOKRATISCH GEWÄHLTEN—REGIERUNGEN aller EU—STAATEN Ceta zugestimmt haben?
20161024             Der Eindruck, der —NUN zurückbleibt, ist nicht der eines EUROPAs, in dem auch Minderheiten gehört werden.
20161024             Der NRW—JUSTIZ—MINISTER drohte mit Haftstrafen, auch BAYERN—INNEN—MINISTER kündigte strafrechtliche Folgen an.
20161024             Diese Eskalation gelte vermutlich nicht nur für Lügen, sondern auch für andere Bereiche wie etwa Risikoverhalten oder Gewaltbereitschaft.
20161024             Doch WÄHREND dessen RE—AKTION mit der Zeit nachließ, wurden die Lügen zunehmend dreister.
20161024             Doch es ist wenig Heldenhaftes an dem, was die Wallonen tun, oder genauer: ihre SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE Führung.
20161024             Drohung mit STEUER—DUMPING: Nicht die feine ENGLISCHE—ART
20161024             Eigennützige Lügen lassen DAS—GEHIRN allmählich abstumpfen, und dies kann Menschen zu immer größeren Betrügereien verleiten.
20161024             Entwurf zum ARMUTS—BERICHT, 5—PROZENT—DER—KINDER in DEUTSCHLAND LEIDEN materielle Not
20161024             Erneute KANZLER—KANDIDATUR: In der CSU wächst UNTERSTÜTZUNG—FÜR—MERKEL
20161024             FLÜCHTLINGsgeschichte : "Ich bin deutscher als deutsch"
20161024             Für den wallonischen REGIERUNGS—CHEF—MAGNETTE ist Ceta 1.Chance, sein eigenes Profil und das seiner Partei zu schärfen.
20161024             GESETZ—ENTWURF: Regierung rüstet sich gegen IMMOBILIEN—BLASE
20161024             GRIECHISCHE—INSEL LESBOS: FLÜCHTLINGE zünden Gebäude von EU—ASYL—BEHÖRDE an
20161024             HARTZ—IV: Härtere STRAFE—FÜR—TRICKSER oder Trödler
20161024             Hotelkette: Chinesen steigen in großem Stil bei Hilton ein
20161024             In 1—STUDIE, bei der Teilnehmer durch Unwahrheiten Profite erzielen konnten, reagierte bei ihnen anfangs noch ein mahnendes Hirnareal auf die Unehrlichkeit.
20161024             DEUTSCHLAND, häufen sich Fälle sogenannter GRUSEL—CLOWNS, die ahnungslose Passanten erschrecken
20161024             Je stärker die Aktivität des Areals nachließ, desto dreister wurden die Lügen in den folgenden Versuchsdurchgängen.
20161024             Junge FLÜCHTLINGE: —6—JAHRE vom DEUTSCH—KURS —BIS zum Job (Leben und Lernen, 16:31)
20161024             Kleine Anfragen aus dem BUNDES—TAG: OPPOSITION nervt, Regierung bummelt
20161024             Konjunktur: Unternehmen erwarten kräftigen Aufwind für DIE—EURO—ZONE
20161024             KÖLNer SILVESTER—NACHT: Gutachter sieht keine Anzeichen für ORGANISIERTE—KRIMINALITÄT
20161024             KÜSTE—DER—USA: Es blubbert aus dem Meeresboden
20161024             Lager in Calais: FLÜCHTLINGE wehren sich gegen Räumung
20161024             —GEWINNT, MACHT—WECHSEL—IN—LITAUEN: Bund DER—BAUERN und Grünen, überraschend PARLAMENTS—WAHL
20161024             Man mag Ceta gut finden oder schlecht, aber der BETON—WIDERSTAND der Wallonie ist kein SIEG—DER—DEMOKRATIE.
20161024             Miley Cyrus im USA—WAHL—KAMPF: "Aufmachen!
20161024             Narzissmus und —POLITIK,HEULSUSEN—ALARM
20161024             Neuer BUNDES—PRÄSIDENT: LINKEN—CHEF—HÄLT STEINMEIER für "unwählbar"
20161024             —BEGONNEN, NordFRANKREICH: Räumung des FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGERS von Calais hat
20161024             Oftmals begännen grobe Betrügereien etwa in der Finanzwelt, in der —POLITIK oder auch in der Wissenschaft —ZUNÄCHST mit kleinen Schummeleien, die DANN—WIE bei 1—SCHNEEBALLEFFEKT—IMMER stärker eskalierten, schreibt DAS—TEAM.
20161024             Oh, warte, hier: Philosophin Ariadne von SCHIRACH: "JEDER—MENSCH ist irgendwie komisch"
20161024             Quiz zum Naturschutz: Wo Arten —STERBEN
20161024             Rheinland: MOLOTOW—ANSCHLAG—AUF—ISLAMISCHEN Kulturverein
20161024             Räumung in Calais: 12500000             SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE im "Dschungel"im —EINSATZ
20161024             STAATS—GEBIET—DER—TÜRKEI!
20161024             SYRIEN—FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—DER—TÜRKEI: MODE—KONZERNE lassen —15—JAHRE—ALTE schuften
20161024             Suizid eines FLÜCHTLINGs in Schmölln: POLIZEI sieht keine Anzeichen für "—SPRING doch"-Rufe
20161024             Suizid eines FLÜCHTLINGs in Schmölln: Ramelow zweifelt BERICHTE—ÜBER—"—SPRING doch"-Rufe an
20161024             Trotz Widerstands aus BELGIEN: EU glaubt weiter an CETA—EINIGUNG —BIS—DONNERSTAG
20161024             USA / EN—USA USA—BANCORP ( Label IP Address
20161024             VENEZUELA—PARLAMENT wirft MADUROs Regierung Putsch vor
20161024             Vorsprung in Umfragen: CLINTONs Team WARNT—VOR—SELBSTZUFRIEDENHEIT
20161024             Win7 1600x900 USA—FLAG—MINNEAPOLIS, ZU TODE ERSCHRECKT!
20161024             [l] 1—HILLARY—CLINTON—UNTERSTÜTZER hat knapp 1.halbe Million $ an den WAHL—KAMPF—DER—FRAU eines FBI—FUNKTIONÄRS gespendet, der dann später für die E—MAIL—ERMITTLUNGEN—GEGEN—HILLARY zuständig war.
20161024             [l] ACH DESHALB hilft DIE—TÜRKEI beim Rückerobern von MOSSUL!
20161024             [l] DIE—TÜRKEI hat angeblich im NORD—IRAK den PESCHMERGA—KURDEN beim Rückerobern von MOSSUL geholfen.
20161024             [l] Die Wallonie hat CETA verhindert.
20161024             [l] In englischspracigen Blogs gibt es die schöne MELDUNGS—KATEGORIE "Not THE—ONION"nach der bekannten SATIRE—SITE.
20161024             wurden solche eigennützigen Lügen der Teilnehmer mit jedem Durchgang dreister.
20161024             Ähnlich äußerte sich NRW—JUSTIZ—MINISTER—THOMAS—KUTSCHATY.
20161024             —ANTI—KRIEGS—AKTIVIST: TOM—HAYDEN ist tot
20161024             —GEGEN, den Willen des IRAK: TÜRKEI greift mit Artillerie in MOSSUL—OFFENSIVE ein
20161024             —NACH, Protesten: Erneut Frauen in ARGENTINIEN getötet
20161024             —NUN, müsste man annehmen, daß die Democrats irgendwie ahnten oder wussten, daß der befördert werden würde, und für die E—MAIL—SKANDALAUFKLÄRUNG zuständig werden würde.
20161024             —VOR, einigen —TAGEN—BEREITS hatte DER—CHEF—DER—DEUTSCHEN—POLIZEI—GEWERKSCHAFT vor zunehmenden Übergriffen durch gewalttätige Clowns gewarnt.
20161024             † S—FRANCISCO—MARCUS—POLK, (45), 1—HOMELESS—MAN, was shot and killed inside 1—GLENN—PARK—HOME on THE—100—BLOCK—OF—ADDISON—ST.
20161024             —CLAIMED, —AT—THE—TIME Epps had, the shooting was in SELF—DEFENSE.
20161024             ROBERT—THOMAS—VELLINE b.1943, known professionally as BOBBY—VEE, † from COMPLICATIONS—OF—ALZHEIMER—DISEASE in ROGERS—MINNESOTA.
20161024             He  was 1—USA—POP singer who was 1—TEEN idol in the early 1960s.
20161024             —REACHED, He had 38—HOT—100—CHART hits, 10—OF which, the Top 20 and 6—GOLD—SINGLES in his career.
20161024             1—LEAK prompted the Seaway Crude Pipeline Company LLC to shut 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—PIPELINE—SYSTEMS feeding crude from THE—USA—OIL—STORAGE—HUB in CUSHING—OKLAHOMA to Gulf coast refineries.
20161024             —CONTAINED, Enterprise said much of it was, in 1—RETENTION pond at ENBRIDGE—FACILITY.
20161024             —FIRED, In THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—UN—TROOPS, warning shots as angry protesters marched through BANGUI, demanding that "passive" UN peacekeepers be sent home for failing to do their job.
20161024             1—COALITION—OF—CIVIL—SOCIETY—GROUPS had called for a —1—DAY—STRIKE in THE—CITY—OF—1—MILLION to press demands for 1—PULLOUT—OF—THE—UN—12,000-strong MINUSCA force.
20161024             —PREFABRICATED, NORTH—WEST—CHINA, 1—POWERFUL—BLAST at 1, house killed at least 7—PEOPLE and injured 94 in THE—TOWN—OF—XINMIN, Shaanxi province.
20161024             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that HNA Group is snapping up a 25—PERCENT ownership stake of the Hilton hotel chain for about $6.5—BILLION, the latest attempt by 1—CHINA—INTEREST to acquire real estate in THE—USA.
20161024             —KILLED, EAST—INDIA, police, 24—REBELS in 1—SHOOT—OUT near the border of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh states, 1—OF—THE—HEAVIEST—CASUALTIES inflicted in recent years on the Maoists who are waging 1—LONG—RUNNING insurgency.
20161024             —ORCHESTRATED, INDIA, Ratan Tata, the firing of CYRUS—MISTRY from the Tata Holding Group holding company.
20161024             —CONTINUED, Mistry, to have support from some of the operating companies.
20161024             —OPENED, PAKISTAN, 2—GUNMEN on 1—MOTORCYCLE, fire killing officer Akbar Ali in the Charsadda DISTRICT—OF—KHAYBER—PAKHTUNKHWA province.
20161024             The attackers fled the scene.
20161024             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, militant fighters, 1—POLICE training college in QUETTA —LATE—TODAY in 1—RAID that killed 61—PEOPLE and wounded more than 100. PAKISTAN—AUTHORITIES blamed militant group, LASHKAR—E—JHANGVI (LeJ).
20161024             —CAPTURED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and their allies, strategic high ground in embattled ALEPPO as RUSSIA — 1—KEY—ALLY—OF—SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD — said it was not planning more "humanitarian pauses" in the fighting in the city's eastern, REBEL—HELD districts.
20161024             16—CIVILIANS, including 3—CHILDREN, were killed in heavy bombardment across REBEL—HELD Idlib province.
20161024             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—MADURO made 1—SURPRISE—VISIT to THE—PAPA, who has been trying to arrange 1—MEETING between the government and the opposition.
20161024—20190000    —IN, filmmaker KEVIN—EPPS was arrested and charged with murder.
20171024             NEANDERTALER nicht nur Verletzte pflegten, sondern sich auch um körperlich und geistig Behinderte in ihrer —MITTE kümmerten.
20171024             NEANDERTALER kümmerten sich eben um Kranke und körperlich Eingeschränkte — möglicherweise war das 1—TEIL ihrer Kultur, vom Mittleren Osten —BIS nach SPANIEN.
20171024             Lebenslange Fürsorge: NEANDERTALER waren Krankenpfleger
20171024             —CALLED, PORTUGAL, 1—WOMEN—RIGHTS—GROUP, 1—RALLY to protest against an 20171011             court ruling that upheld 1—LIGHT—SENTENCE for 1—WOMAN—ATTACKERS on the grounds they may have been driven to it by her adultery.
20171024             "Daher war der Transport von NOTRE—DAME—DE—MÉSAGE eventuell kosteneffektiv, trotz der im Verhältnis zu Malaucène fünfmal weiteren Strecke".
20171024             "Unsere —STUDIE enthüllt die weitreichende geografische VerTEILUNG und Dauerhaftigkeit der ALABASTER—INDUSTRIE in den FRANZÖSISCHEN—ALPEN, die mit derjenigen der ENGLISCHEN—MIDLANDS konkurrierte",
20171024             "—IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—10—JAHREN hat sich DIE—USA—DROGENSZENE verändert", schreibt DIE—BEHÖRDE.
20171024             1 2. wichtiges Zentrum für ALABASTER—ABBAU war schriftlichen Quellen zufolge Nordspanien mit den Steinbrüchen von Beuda oder Sarral.
20171024             —GEHÖRT, Alabaster, —SEIT dem Altertum zu den bevorzugten Materialien für religiöse Kunst.
20171024             Alabaster stammte aus der Region Volterra in der TOSKANA, wo das Material —SCHON in der Antike abgebaut wurde.
20171024             Als produktivstes ABBAU—GEBIET galten bislang die ENGLISCHEN—MIDLANDS, vor allem die Täler der Flüsse Dove und Trent.
20171024             Anhand von Gesteinsanalysen haben Forscher —NUN 1. die westeuropäischen Handelswege für das weiche, gipsähnliche Material über ein halbes —JAHRTAUSEND rekonstruiert.
20171024             Auch die Gemeinschaft von Sima de los Huesos betreute das Kind "Cranium 14"—BIS zu seinem TOD—NICHT der einzige Hinweis darauf, daß die archaische MENSCHEN—GRUPPE DER—NEANDERTALER offenbar bedingungslose Inklusion lebte.
20171024             Bagram statt KABUL: Manipuliertes Foto bei TILLERSON—VISITE in AFGHANISTAN
20171024             Besonders immer häufiger als Schmerzmittel verordnete Opioide haben laut dem Bericht 1—ANSTIEG der ZAHL—DER—ABHÄNGIGEN begünstigt.
20171024             CHINA und NORD—KOREA: Sanktionen wirken, ROHSTOFF—HANDEL bricht ein
20171024             CHINAs KP ändert Verfassung: XI—JINPING steht —JETZT auf 1—STUFE mit Mao
20171024             DIE—3—WELT—WEIT führenden WEINBAU—LÄNDER mussten wetterbedingt heftige Einbußen hinnehmen: In FRANKREICH mit seinen weltberühmten Weinregionen BORDEAUX, BURGUND und Champagne wird die geringste Erntemenge —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN erwartet.
20171024             Dabei zogen 110—OCHSEN die Karren mit den Blöcken vom ABBAU—GEBIET aus —ZUNÄCHST 16—KM zum schiffbaren TEIL—DES—FLUSSES—ISÈRE.
20171024             Das EINFLUSS—GEBIET habe das gesamte östliche FRANKREICH umfasst.
20171024             Das verblüffende an Shanidar ist jedoch, daß er —ERST im Alter von über —40—JAHREN starb.
20171024             Demnach gab es zudem
20171024             FACEBOOK translates 'good —MORNING' into 'attack them', leading to arrest
20171024             Fast ALLE—UNTERSUCHTEN—KUNSTWERKE vom späten 14.
20171024             —VERLIERT, Forschungsausgaben: VW, Spitzenplatz an AMAZON
20171024             GROß—BRITANNIEN: Politiker fordert die Namen von Dozenten, die sich mit BREXIT beschäftigen (Leben und Lernen, 21:44)
20171024             Glyphosat und Krebs: Vergiftete Debatte
20171024             Große STEUER—REFORM: Für DONALD—TRUMP geht es um alles oder nichts
20171024             Historische FRANKLIN—EXPEDITION: GROß—BRITANNIEN will legendäre ARKTIS—WRACKS an KANADA übergeben
20171024             EUROPA, zählen PORTUGAL, RUMÄNIEN, UNGARN und ÖSTERREICH zu den Gewinnern.
20171024             Is 1—EMP attack possible
20171024             Keine Einigung der EU—STAATEN : BRÜSSEL gibt Pläne für einfachere KFZ—ZULASSUNG auf
20171024             Konstituierende Sitzung: Das ist —DER—NEUE—BUNDES—TAG
20171024             PUTINs Herausforderin: Die wolkige Frau Sobtschak
20171024             Projekt "Neom": SAUDI—ARABIEN plant MEGA—CITY für 500.000.000.000—DOLLAR
20171024             REPUBLIKANER—VERSUS—
20171024             —ISOLIERT, SYRIEN und USA : NICARAGUA unterzeichnet Pariser Klimapakt
20171024             Schädelfund aus der Ausgrabungsstätte Sima de los Huesos in der nordspanischen Sierra de Atapuerca
20171024             Shanidar 1—HATTE kein leichtes Leben.
20171024             Steinbruch in FRANKREICH: Forscher entdecken Quelle der ALABASTER—KUNST
20171024             TEXAS city refuses to give people hurricane aid unless they pledge not to boycott ISRAEL
20171024             Umgang mit lautem Leben: "In Gedanken sollten ALLE—ZUM—SÜDPOL"
20171024             Umstrittene Energiegewinnung: ITALIEN will Kohleausstieg - Und wo?
20171024             UNESCO—BERICHT, 1—VIERTELMILLIARDE—KINDER und Jugendliche können nicht zur Schule (Leben und Lernen, 04:14)
20171024             Wegen Wetterkapriolen: Winzer beklagen schlechteste Weinernte
20171024             Wie aufwendig der Transport im späten Mittelalter war, zeigt ein von den Forschern zitiertes
20171024             Windlocks CHRONIK liegt in den Handschriften in mehreren Fassungen vor (a: 14380000             —BIS, b: 14390000             —BIS, c — nicht mehr von Windeck — 14420000             —BIS) und gilt als herausragendes historiographisches Werk seiner Zeit, in dem sich Königs—, Reichsgeschichte mit der individuellen Perspektive eines zeitgenössischen Beobachters verbinden.
20171024             Zur RÖMER—ZEIT waren demnach Transporte über Land etwa 7—BIS 9—MAL teurer als auf dem Wasserweg,
20171024             Zwar gab es auch in der PROVENCE 1—ALABASTER—STEINBRUCH bei dem Ort Malaucène.
20171024             [l] CHINA hat 1.REIS—SORTE gezüchtet, die in Salzwasser wachsen kann.
20171024             [l] GABY—WEBER hat 1—NEUEN Film veröffentlicht, —DIESMAL über die 3. Welt und den "globalen SÜDEN".
20171024             [l] SCHLAGZEILE—DES—TAGES: der vielgereiste EBERHARD—WINDECK (ca.
20171024             zeigt auch, mit welchem Aufwand die Blöcke vom 12.
20171024             —DARAUFHIN sei "West—, NordFRANKREICH mit verbotenen ENGLISCHEN—KUNSTWERKEN überflutet"worden,
20171024             —KLIMABILANZ des USA—RECHNUNGSHOFS: EXTREM—WETTER kostet USA 350.000.000.000—, das ist —ERST DER—ANFANG
20171024             —NACH, Druck von ERDOGAN: BÜRGER—MEISTER—VON—ANKARA tritt zurück
20171024             —NACH, Wetterkapriolen in EUROPA wird die WEIN—PRODUKTION —J—IN—DIESEM, wohl so schlecht ausfallen wie —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN nicht mehr.
20171024             —RADIKALE—RECHTE : —DER—ANGRIFF, hat begonnen
20171024             —VON, hier aus wurden das KÖNIG—REICH ARAGÓN, KATALONIEN, PORTUGAL, der südwestfranzösische MITTELMEER—RAUM und sogar das KÖNIG—REICH NEAPEL beliefert.
20171024             —VON—DA—AN, ging es per Schiff weiter, bevor die letzten 25—KM der Strecke wieder auf Karren zurückgelegt wurden.
20171024             —ENDED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—4—MONTH—WORLDWIDE—BAN on refugees, as his administration prepared to unveil tougher new screening procedures.
20171024             She had been missing —FOR—2—WEEKS.
20171024             1—AUTOPSY report —LATER said she was 1—VICTIM—OF homicide.
20171024             —CHARGED, WESLEY—MATHEWS, her father, was, with felony injury to 1—CHILD.
20171024             Sini Mathews, her mother, was charged with child abandonment.
20171024             Delphi Automotive said it would pay $450—MILLION for NuTonomy, 1—SMALL—BOSTON company that makes software for SELF—DRIVING cars.
20171024             —REPORTED, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), a 50—PERCENT increase in 3. quarter net earnings, with all markets contributing to growth even as sales were flat globally.
20171024             —INCLUDED, His hits, "blueberry Hill" (19560000             ).
20171024             —PLAYED, ROBERT—GUILLAUME, THE—SHARP—TONGUED butler in "Soap" (19770000—19790000    ) and "Benson" (19790000—19860000    ).
20171024             —TARGETED, AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban, military posts —LATE—TODAY in 2—WESTERN—PROVINCES and in the country's south, killing 13—SOLDIERS and setting off HOURS—LONG—GUNBATTLES with the military.
20171024             —AGREED, Government officials from BANGLADESH and MYANMAR, to halt the outflow of Rohingya Muslims to BANGLADESH and enable the refugees to return home.
20171024             —LIFTED, CHINA—RULING Communist Party formally, Xi JINPING—STATUS, setting the stage for THE—AUTHORITY—LEADER to tighten his grip over the country —WHILE pursuing 1—INCREASINGLY muscular foreign policy and military expansion.
20171024             The move to insert XI—NAME and dogma into the party's constitution alongside the party's founders came at the close of 1—TWICE—A—DECADE—CONGRESS that gathered the country's ruling elite alongside RANK—AND—FILE—PARTY—MEMBERS.
20171024             —PROPOSED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, to renew the license for the weedkiller glyphosate for 1—SHORTER than usual 5 to —7—YEARS, as THE—EU took into account fears it causes cancer.
20171024             FRANCE, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI met with PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON as part of a —3—DAY—VISIT focusing on economic cooperation and the fight against extremism.
20171024             —REPORTED, GERMANY—BROADCASTER ZDF, that employees of 1—SECURITY—COMPANY that runs several refugee camps in BERLIN were luring asylum seekers, SOME—OF—THEM minors, into prostitution.
20171024             —BANNED, INDIA—TOP—COURT, the use of petroleum coke, 1—DIRTIER—ALTERNATIVE to coal, in and —AROUND NEW—DELHI in 1—BID to clean the air in 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST polluted cities.
20171024             —ORDERED, The court also, 1—BAN on the sale and use of furnace oil, another dirty refinery BY—PRODUCT, in and —AROUND the capital and ordered implementation of strict emission norms by THE—END—OF—DECEMBER.
20171024             —ENDORSED, INDONESIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—PRESIDENTIAL—DECREE that gives officials sweeping powers to ban organizations deemed as threats to national unity.
20171024             —SIGNED, The decree was, in July by PRESIDENT—JOKO "Jokowi" Widodo.
20171024             INDONESIA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS said ASIA Pacific Resources INTERNATIONAL Ltd (—APRIL) can resume forestry operations at its pulp and paper subsidiary, amid 1—DISPUTE over environmental rules.
20171024             —DECIDED, PARLIAMENT in IRAQ—AUTONOMOUS—KURDISH region, to hold legislative elections in —8—MONTHS—AFTER they were delayed amid tensions with the central government in BAGHDAD over disputed territories.
20171024             RUSSIA cast 1—VETO at THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL preventing THE—RENEWAL—OF—THE—MANDATE to 1—MISSION that investigates the use of chemical weapons in Syria.
20171024             The mission's mandate is due to expire in MID—NOVEMBER.
20171024             —PLEDGED, Powerful CROWN—PRINCE—MOHAMMED bin Salman, a "moderate, open" SAUDI—ARABIA, breaking with ULTRA—CONSERVATIVE—CLERICS in favor of 1—IMAGE catering to foreign investors and SAUDI—ARABIA—YOUTH.
20171024             —OPENED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—MAJOR—INVESTMENT—CONFERENCE aimed at shining 1—SPOTLIGHT on the country's efforts to overhaul its economy and society —AFTER being jolted into action —FOLLOWING 1—PLUNGE in oil prices that threatened the kingdom's main SOURCE—OF—REVENUE and its LONG—TERM—STABILITY.
20171024             —EXPLODED, SOMALIA—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—REGION—OF—PUNTLAND, 1—WHEELBARROW, outside 1—POLICE—STATION in Bossaso, killing the lone man pushing it.
20171024             Cyber attacks hit UKRAINE—ODESSA airport and THE—METRO system in Kiev.
20171024             —TIGHTENED, THE—ODESSA airport said it had, security measures —AFTER being hit by 1—CYBER attack, —WHILE THE—METRO system in Kiev also reported 1—HACK on its payment system.
20171024—20140000    —IN, HONG—KONG—HIGHEST—COURT—FREED—PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS—JOSHUA—WONG and NATHAN—LAW on bail pending 1—APPEAL—OF—THEIR—PRISON—SENTENCES —AFTER they were convicted of sparking massive protests.
20171024—20150000    —IN—THE, attack, 1—OF—THE—MEN assaulted and held the victim —WHILE the other attacked her with 1—NAIL—SPIKED club.
20171024—20160000    —ADOPTED, TEXAS, THE—BODY—OF—SHERIN—MATHEWS, who was, from 1—ORPHANAGE in INDIA, was found in in 1—CULVERT in Richardson, 1—DALLAS suburb.
20171024—20170108    —IM—ZEIT—RAUM—BIS, habe es so VIELE—DROGENTOTE gegeben wie nie zuvor —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—AUFZEICHNUNGEN, wie aus 1—NUN veröffentlichten BERICHT—DER—DEA hervorgeht.
20171024—20171025    —REFUSED, BULGARIA—AIR—FORCE—PILOTS, to fly their SOVIET—BUILT MIG—29—JETS for planned training, blaming safety concerns and 1—LACK—OF—FLIGHT—PREPARATION.
20171024—20180000    —ANNOUNCED, ARIZONA—REPUBLICAN—USA—SENATOR—JEFF—FLAKE, that he will not seek RE—ELECTION, saying he "will no longer be complicit or silent" in THE—FACE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT'S "reckless, outrageous and undignified" behavior.
20171024—20220000    —BY, The shift came —1—DAY—BEFORE THE—EU—28—MEMBER—STATES—VOTE on whether to renew the glyphosate license in EUROPE and —JUST hours —AFTER the European PARLIAMENT approved 1—NON—BINDING resolution calling for the chemical be banned.
20171024—20220000    —BIS, Glyphosat: EU—KOMMISSION strebt Zulassung oder 20240000             an
20171024—20340000    —UNTIL, BURUNDI—CABINET backed 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CHANGE that would allow its PRESIDENT to stay in office, widening 1—POLITICAL—RIFT that has driven the country progressively deeper into crisis.
20171027             They were amongst 1—GROUP—OF—13—PEOPLE, including 1—UGANDAN and Tanzanians, who were arrested 20171024             at the Peacock hotel in DAR—ES—SALAAM.
20180924—20181024    —ON, their bound bodies washed up on NEW—YORK—CITY—WATERFRONT.
20181024             —FIRED, Almost 70—FLIGHT crew members have been, for participating in the strike that started 20181018             and that the management says is illegal.
20181024             "DIE—LATRINEN liefern uns intime Details über das Leben IM—MITTEL—ALTERLICHEN LÜBECK", sagt ARCHÄOLOGE DIRK—RIEGER, der die Ausgrabungen geleitet hat.
20181024             "DIE—LÜBECKER müssen den Fisch und das Rindfleisch roh gegessen haben"
20181024             "Geplanter Verschleiß": APPLE und Samsung müssen in ITALIEN Millionenstrafen zahlen
20181024             "Wir wissen —NUN beispielsweise, daß die LÜBECKer Kaufleute
20181024             1—UMFASSENDE Studie: So leben Menschen ohne Wohnung
20181024             —TRAKTIERT, Ablehnung von ITALIENs Haushaltsplan: LEGA—ABGEORDNETER, Notizen von EU—KOMMISSAR mit Schuh
20181024             Alternativer Antrieb: Flixbus schickt 1. Elektrofernbus auf DEUTSCHE—STRASSEN
20181024             BGR—STUDIE—ZU—EDELGASEN: So knapp sind Helium, Xenon und Co.
20181024             Bin Salmans Regierung leugnete die Tötung lange.
20181024             Bionik: So clever nutzen Elefanten ihren Rüssel
20181024             BRITISCHE—VORBEREITUNG auf EU—AUSSTIEG: Charterschiffe für den harten BREXIT
20181024             CANNABIS—REPORT: Das Märchen vom harmlosen Gras
20181024             —EVAKUIERT, CHEMNITZ: Amtsgebäude nach BOMBEN—DROHUNG - CHINA: Totale Kontrolle
20181024             CLINTON über mutmaßliche Paketbomben: "Es ist 1.Zeit tiefer Spaltung"
20181024             DEUTSCH—TÜRKISCHES—VORHABEN:—FÜR 1.neue BAHN—UND für bessere Beziehungen
20181024             DIE—NACH—FRAGE übersteige das Angebot allerdings —SEIT—JAHREN.
20181024             DIE—WERTE der ZUKUNFT: "Längst mehr User als BÜRGER"
20181024             Das Edelgas Helium ist nach Wasserstoff das zweithäufigste Element im Universum.
20181024             Das weltweite Produktionsvolumen habe 20170000             bei knapp 165.000.000 Kubikmetern gelegen
20181024             Der Job, den KLAUS—KLEINFELD vom saudischen Kronprinzen angeboten bekam, war an Gigantomanie kaum zu übertreffen.
20181024             Der WELTMARKT—PREIS für Xenon liegt —DERZEIT, bei 11.000—EURO pro Kubikmeter.
20181024             Deutlich angespannter als bei Helium stellt sich die Situation den —EXPERTEN zufolge beim Edelgas Xenon dar.
20181024             Digitalisierung in EUROPA: 1—BEFREIUNGSSCHLAG
20181024             EU—PARLAMENT: TORY—POLITIKER nennt NAZIs "SOZIALISTEN" - und sorgt für Tumult
20181024             Einweggeschirr, Trinkhalme und Co.: EU—PARLAMENT stimmt für VERBOT—VON—PLASTIK—WEGWERFPRODUKTEN
20181024             Enttäuschende Unternehmenszahlen: WALL—STREET drückt DAX ins Minus
20181024             Erkenntnisse aus der Toilette: Wie ARCHÄOLOGEN 1—MITTELALTER—REISENDEN aufspürten
20181024             Evolutionsbiologie: Herumvögeln lohnt sich auch fürs Weibchen
20181024             FALL—KHASHOGGI, USA kündigen 1. SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—SAUDI—ARABIEN an
20181024             FLÜCHTLINGE auf dem Weg in DIE—USA : Von Gangs verjagt, von DONALD—TRUMP verachtet
20181024             FLÜCHTLINGskonvoi aus Mittelamerika: DONALD—TRUMP lehnt AUFNAHME—VON—TAUSENDEN—MIGRANTEN ab
20181024             Große, bislang ungenutzte Lagerstätten gibt es unter anderem in TANSANIA.
20181024             Größter Vermögensverwalter: Blackrock will nach BREXIT in LONDON bleiben
20181024             Hansetonne.
20181024             Helium WIRD—ANDERS als die Edelgase Neon, Argon, Krypton und XENON—NICHT aus der Luft gewonnen.
20181024             In jedem Fall handele es sich eher um Speisen der reicheren Bevölkerung.
20181024             In mehreren Ländern, insbesondere in RUSSLAND, würden —DERZEIT, teils sehr große Heliumprojekte entwickelt.
20181024             JEMEN: 14.000.000—MENSCHEN von Hungersnot bedroht
20181024             KI—STAR—SEBASTIAN—THRUN: "Man muss auch ein bisschen Träumen"
20181024             —GEFÖRDERT, Karriere der Frau unrechtmäßig : —CHEF—DES—DÄNISCHEN—HEERES suspendiert
20181024             Krankenhaushygiene: 6—KINDER —STERBEN IN—DEN—USA an Adenoviren
20181024             LEBENS—MITTELPRODUKTION: 75—FORSCHUNGSINSTITUTE fordern neues Gentechnikgesetz
20181024             MEDIEN—KRITIK: Das Smartphone ist an allem schuld, Ausrufezeichen!
20181024             Menschen können sich meist nur mit den Bandwürmern infizieren, wenn sie Fleisch ESSEN, das weniger als 70—GRAD—CELSIUS erhitzt wurde
20181024             Möglicher BOMBEN—FUND: SECRET—SERVICE fängt "—VERDÄCHTIGE Pakete" an OBAMA und CLINTON ab
20181024             NATO zu STREIT—ÜBER—ATOM—WAFFEN—ABKOMMEN, Stoltenberg sieht kein neues Wettrüsten
20181024             Pläne zum STRUKTUR—WANDEL, Rheinisches KOHLE—REVIER soll FORSCHUNG—ZENTRUM für Energieeffizienz werden
20181024             Sexuelle Nötigung: —102—JAHRE—ALTE wegen Übergriffs auf —92—JAHRE—ALTE angeklagt
20181024             —GEGESSEN, Statt Fisch hätten DIE—MENSCHEN zunehmend Rindfleisch, wie die Analyse der vorherrschenden Parasiten zeige.
20181024             —BEGRAPSCHT, USA: Fluggast, offenbar FRAU—UND beruft sich auf DONALD—TRUMP
20181024             Umfrage: Finanzielle Zufriedenheit in DEUTSCHLAND steigt auf REKORD—HOCH
20181024             Umstrittenes Lager auf der Insel NAURU: HOFFNUNG—FÜR—AUSTRALIENS Kinderhäftlinge
20181024             VERDÄCHTIGE Pakete: NEW—YORKER BÜRGER—MEISTER spricht von TERRORakt
20181024             —EVAKUIERT, VERDÄCHTIGEs Paket: CNN—BÜROS in NEW—YORK - WELT—WEIT wurden
20181024             Zumindest MANCHE—GELD—GEBER dürften nach der Bluttat von ISTANBUL keine Geschäfte mehr mit dem Prinzen und seinem DEUTSCHEN—BERATER machen wollen.
20181024             Zwischenbilanz zu WAFFEN—DEALS: DEUTSCHE—RÜSTUNGSEXPORTE gehen zurück
20181024             für Xenon immer neue Anwendungsbereiche entdeckt werden.
20181024             haben DIE—USA, der weltgrößte Heliumproduzent, sogar vor einigen —WOCHEN verboten, daß Privatunternehmen Vorräte aus dem texanischen CLIFFSIDE—SPEICHERFELD kaufen können.
20181024             Äußerungen in sozialen Medien: Auswärtiges Amt verschärft erneut REISE—HINWEISE für DIE—TÜRKEI
20181024             —AFFÄRE—UM—EXTERNE Berater: VON—DER—LEYEN räumt Fehler ein
20181024             —AKTUELL koste der Kubikmeter Helium für Großkunden zwischen 6—UND 7—EURO.
20181024             —ETHIK und autonomes Fahren: 1—MUSS —STERBEN—NUR wer?
20181024             —NACH, 2—JAHRES—TIEF: DAX startet leicht im Plus
20181024             —NACH—3—JAHRESVERLUSTEN: DEUTSCHE—BANK rechnet mit erstem Gewinn —SEIT 2014
20181024             —SCHON, als Kleinfeld den Job vor einem —JAHR angenommen hatte, waren empörte Stimmen zu hören.
20181024             —STREIT—ÜBER—INF—ABKOMMEN: Baerbock fordert Abzug von USA—ATOM—WAFFEN aus EUROPA
20181024             —STUDIE—ZUM—1,5—GRAD—ZIEL: Forscher fordern kompletten Kohleausstieg —BIS 2030
20181024             —APPROVED, USA—REGULATORS, Xofluza, the 1. new TYPE—OF—FLU—DRUG in nearly —2—DECADES.
20181024             —DEVELOPED, It was —INITIALLY, by Shionogi & Co. of JAPAN with marketing rights sold to Roche.
20181024             SPENGER—FISH—GROTTO in BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA, dating back to 18900000             , —POSTED 1—NOTICE—OF—PERMANENT closure.
20181024             —ANNOUNCED, Another notice, the application by JOE—CRAB—SHACK for 1—NEW—RESTAURANT at the location.
20181024             KENTUCKY, GREGORY—ALAN—BUSH, —51—JAHRE—ALT fatally shot 2—AFRICA—USA—CUSTOMERS at 1—KROGER grocery store and was swiftly arrested.
20181024             Police said Bush had 1—HISTORY—OF—MENTAL—ILLNESS.
20181024             —CHARGED, 20181101             —IN—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY, Bush with hate crimes.
20181024             —SENTENCED, FORMER—NEW—YORK STATE—SENATE—LEADER—DEAN—SKELOS was, to —4—YEARS and —3—MONTHS in prison on corruption charges.
20181024             † In NEW—JERSEY the Wannaque Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation said another child has of adenovirus, bringing the death toll to 7 in the viral outbreak.
20181024             —ANNOUNCED, THE—JOHN—D and CATHERINE—T—MACARTHUR—FOUNDATION, 13—WINNERS of its Safety and Justice Challenge grants to cities and counties for implementing criminal justice reforms to reduce jail populations.
20181024             Lottery officials said 1—SINGLE—TICKET sold at THE—KC—MART in SIMPSONVILLE—SOUTH—CAROLINA, matched all 6—NUMBERS to win the $1.537—BILLION Mega Millions jackpot.
20181024             —ELECTED, ALGERIA—GOVERNING coalition, Mouad Bouchared (47), 1—RELATIVELY youthful new parliamentary speaker, to replace Said Bouhadja whom it ACCUSED—OF—MISMANAGEMENT.
20181024             —CLASHED, DOZENS—OF—MIGRANTS, with BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—POLICE —WHILE trying to cross from Bosnia into CROATIA and enter THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20181024             —INCREASED, CANADA—CENTRAL—BANK, its key lending rate 0.25—PERCENTAGE—POINTS to 1.75—PERCENT, saying 1—CONTINENTAL—TRADE—DEAL reached with THE—USA—AND—MEXICO has lifted uncertainty that was weighing on the economy.
20181024             —BACKED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT overwhelmingly, 1—WIDE—RANGING ban on SINGLE—USE—PLASTICS to counter pollution in seas, fields and waterways.
20181024             1—COURT—IN—GERMANY ruled that VOLKSWAGEN—PARENT—COMPANY must pay 47—MILLION—EUROS ($54—MILLION) in damages to investors for not making 1—TIMELY disclosure of its scandal over cars rigged to cheat on diesel emissions tests.
20181024             CHINA has become ISRAEL—3. largest trading partner, behind only THE—USA—AND—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20181024             —ALLOWED, ISRAEL, 1—RESUMPTION—OF—QATARI—FINANCED fuel deliveries to GAZA —AFTER a —12—DAY—HALT it imposed over heavy border clashes.
20181024             —KILLED, KASHMIR, government forces, 2—REBELS —DURING 1—GUNBATTLE on the outskirts of SRINAGAR, sparking violent ANTI—INDIA protests by residents.
20181024             —RENEWED, MEXICO, THOUSANDS—OF—CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS, their HOPED—FOR march to THE—USA, setting out —BEFORE dawn with plans to travel another 45—MILES (75—KM) of the more than 1,000 miles that still lie —BEFORE them.
20181024             —ACCEPTED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES said that about 500—MIGRANTS had, 1—OFFER to be bused back to their countries.
20181024             Baradar was 1—SENIOR—FIGURE in the insurgent group and coordinated military operations in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN —BEFORE his arrest —8—YEARS—AGO in KARACHI.
20181024             —CANCELLED, POLAND—NATIONAL—AIRLINE—LOT, SOME—FLIGHTS as SOME—CREW members struck to protest layoffs and demand better working conditions.
20181024             —VOWED, They, to expand economic ties between their 2—COUNTRIES despite EUROPEAN—UNION SANCTIONS—AGAINST—RUSSIA.
20181024             —BANNED, SPAIN, the government of MADRID, electric scooters from sidewalks to both remove 1—THREAT to pedestrians and help regulate alternative transport technologies that have become more popular amid efforts to cut air pollution.
20181024             —ANNOUNCED, SUDAN—PRIME—MINISTER—MOATAZ—MOUSSA, to PARLIAMENT a —15—MONTH emergency ECONOMIC—REFORM—PLAN, including "further strict austerity measures", to begin —THIS—MONTH.
20181024             THE—WIDELY—READ National Catholic Reporter newspaper said Holley had been the subject of 1—VATICAN investigation in June —FOLLOWING complaints among priests about his leadership.
20181024             YEMEN, 1—SAUDI—LED coalition airstrike at 1—FRUIT—AND—VEGETABLE—MARKET—NEAR the Red Sea port of Hodeida killed at least 21—CIVILIANS, including children.
20181024—13000000    —VOR, In der Zeit dominierten demnach Fischbandwürmer, in der Zeit danach Rinderbandwürmer,
20181024—20110000    —BLOCKED, BRITAIN—SUPREME—COURT, 1—APPEAL by USA—PROSECUTORS seeking to extradite FORMER—HSBC trader STUART—SCOTT to face fraud charges over allegations that he and 1—COLLEAGUE defrauded client CAIRN—ENERGY in a $3.5—BILLION currency trade.
20181024—20160000    —IN, PHILADELPHIA—AWARD—OF $4—MILLION was the largest and followed a $3.5—MILLION—GRANT —DURING the 1. awards.
20191023             Hughes, whose conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration charge spanned 20180501             to 20191024             , was described as "1—RINGLEADER—OF—1—PEOPLE smuggling ring".
20191024             —WÄHREND, einer Anhörung im USA—KONGRESS zur UKRAINE—AFFÄRE haben zahlreiche MITGLIEDER—DER—REPUBLIKANER für einen EKLAT gesorgt.
20191024             —KLIMANEUTRALE Mobilität: Schweizer entwickeln WASSERSTOFF—TANKSTELLE für zu Hause
20191024             "Polarstern"—EXPEDITION: Klimawandel macht Arktisforschern zu schaffen
20191024             —VERURTEILT, ABGAS—GRENZWERTE: EUGH—FRANKREICH wegen systematischer Luftverschmutzung
20191024             Absatzschwäche: Bosch entlässt weitere 10000000             Mitarbeiter
20191024             An einem einzigen —TAG änderte die Geschichte unseres Planeten ihren Lauf: Ein gewaltiger Asteroid krachte vor 66—MILLIONEN —JAHREN in die Erde und riss in Mittelamerika einen 200—KILOMETER—KRATER.
20191024             Auch - Auch klassische Medien könnten von der neuen Regelung profitieren
20191024             BERLINer RADIO—EXPERIMENT, Wie RADIO—ANARCHISTEN die Mauer —2—WOCHEN zu früh einstürzen ließen
20191024             DIE—DATIERUNG lieferte auch Belege, daß die Erholung von Pflanzen und Tieren —NACH—DEM Asteroideneinschlag eng miteinander verbunden war.
20191024             DIE—MEDIENANSTALTEN verlangen, das sich die Betreiber von Kanälen anmelden, sodass diese zur Verantwortung gezogen werden können, wenn sie etwa gegen Gesetze verstoßen.
20191024             Das größte bekannte Säugetier, das sich unter der Herrschaft der DINOSAURIER entwickeln konnte, dürfte nach heutiger Schätzung lediglich 8—KILOGRAMM auf die Waage gebracht haben.
20191024             Das kann teuer werden oder sogar zur Abschaltung des Angebots führen: So brachte TOBIAS—SCHMID, Direktor Landesanstalt für Medien NRW, —BEREITS Netzsperren ins Spiel, sollten sich Anbieter den DEUTSCHEN—REGULIERERN widersetzen.
20191024             Der klassische Rundfunk und insbesondere die privaten TV—SENDER gehören klar zu den Gewinnern des neuen Medienstaatsvertrags.
20191024             Durch Mücken angesteckt: Wahrscheinlich Hunderte Infektionen mit WEST—NIL—FIEBER in DEUTSCHLAND
20191024             EKLAT im IMPEACHMENT—VERFAHREN: Republikaner besetzen Sitzungssaal und blockieren Zeugenaussage
20191024             Fallender Gewinn: AKTIEN—KURS von Twitter bricht ein
20191024             G20 in HAMBURG: POLIZEI darf DATEN—BANK—FÜR—GESICHTSABGLEICH weiter nutzen
20191024             Geld an Terrorhelfer Motassadeq ausgezahlt: Strafbefehl gegen JVA—MITARBEITER beantragt
20191024             GRIECHENLAND: Dorfbewohner bewerfen Flüchtlingsbusse mit Steinen
20191024             Leben —NACH—DEN DINOSAURIERn: Der rasante Aufstieg der Säugetiere
20191024             MEDIEN—INTERMEDIÄRE YouTube, FACEBOOK oder Instagr
20191024             —VERURTEILT, Menschenrechte: UNO—EXPERTE, Hinrichtung von Minderjährigen in IRAN
20191024             Migration nach EUROPA: "Mit Zäunen ist das Problem nicht zu bewältigen"
20191024             Mit dem Gesetzeswerk sollen endlich Rundfunksender und Onlineanbieter wie Google oder FACEBOOK gleichgestellt werden.
20191024             OPIOIDKRISE—IN—DEN USA: Reckitt Benckiser schließt Vergleich über 700.000.000—DOLLAR
20191024             Quartalszahlen des Chemiekonzerns: Gewinn von BASF bricht durch Handelskonflikte ein
20191024             Schöner SCHREIBEN—DIE Deutschkolumne: Schrieb Marx so gut, weil er Marxist war? (SPIEGEL+, 17:56)
20191024             Studie: Jeder 4. DEUTSCHE hegt antisemitische Gedanken
20191024             TRUMP—ANORDNUNG, USA—BEHÖRDEN sollen offenbar Abos von NEW—YORK—TIMES und WASHINGTON—POST kündigen
20191024             Taktik in der UKRAINE—AFFÄRE : TRUMP—VERDREHTE Welt
20191024             Umbettung der FRANCO—GEBEINE: "1—TRIUMPH der SPANISCHEN—DEMOKRATIE"
20191024             Verwalteten die Medienanstalten der BUNDES—LÄNDER einst knappe Sendefrequenzen für 1—HANDVOLL milliardenschwerer Sendekonzerne, kann —HEUTE jeder mit einem Handy und einem Internetanschluss direkt auf Sendung gehen.
20191024             Wer mit seinem Programm im Durchschnitt weniger als 20.000—GLEICHZEITIGE Nutzer erreicht, ist ganz von der ZULASSUNGS—PFLICHT befreit.
20191024             Wirtschaftshistoriker im Interview: "Das TRUMP—PHÄNOMEN hat seinen HÖHE—PUNKT überschritten" (SPIEGEL+, 00:41)
20191024             —AM, sollen die Internetplattformen Inhalteanbieter nicht diskriminieren dürfen.
20191024             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE has upgraded its probe into the origins of THE—RUSSIA investigation from 1—ADMINISTRATIVE—REVIEW to 1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION.
20191024             The investigation is being overseen by ATTORNEY—GENERAL—WILLIAM—BARR and being run by CONNECTICUT USA—ATTORNEY—JOHN—DURHAM.
20191024             —THREATENED, THE—USA—NATIONAL—DROUGHT—MITIGATION—CENTER said the drought that, crops and helped spark wildfires across the South is showing the 1. real improvement in weeks.
20191024             THE—CENTER said more than 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—SOUTHEAST was —NOW DROUGHT—FREE.
20191024             1—FEDERAL—MAGISTRATE in S—FRANCISCO held USA—EDUCATION—SECRETARY—BETSY—DEVOS in CONTEMPT—OF—COURT and fined her $100,000 for violating 1—COURT—ORDER by continuing to collect debts from more than 16,000 former students of Corinthian Colleges.
20191024             1—NORTHERN—CALIFORNIA wildfire exploded in size in Sonoma County amid dangerous winds that prompted the state's largest utility to impose electrical blackouts to prevent fires.
20191024             —FORCED, THE—WIND—DRIVEN wildfire, some 2,000—PEOPLE to flee homes in the wine region.
20191024             —ERUPTED, THE—KINCADE fire, near the base of 1—DAMAGED—HIGH—VOLTAGE—TRANSMISSION—TOWER owned by Pacific Gas and Electric Co. PG&E said it didn't DE—ENERGIZE a 230,000-volt transmission line near Geyserville that malfunctioned minutes —BEFORE the fire erupted.
20191024             FLORIDA, the 450-foot Guitar Hotel held its grand opening on Seminole land in HOLLYWOOD, once only 1—TRAILER park and SOME—SMOKE—SHOPS.
20191024             At night BEAMS—OF—LIGHT will mimic the strings of the guitar shaped structure.
20191024             It's the latest step in the Seminole Hard Rock empire, which includes naming rights on THE—MIAMI—AREA—STADIUM where 20200000             —THE—SUPER—BOWL will be played.
20191024             —ACCUSED—OF, EDWARD—ADAMS, —56—JAHRE—ALT, 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—MINNESOTA law professor, stealing MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from his FATHER—IN—LAW—COMPANY, pleaded guilty in 1—AGREEMENT with prosecutors.
20191024             † IN—WEST—VIRGINIA—CLINTON—TERRY—POWERS, —70—JAHRE—ALT and Randy LEE—GARCIA, —67—JAHRE—ALT—WHEN their SINGLE—ENGINE—AIRCRAFT crashed in Summit Point, 1 unincorporated community near the state's border with VIRGINIA.
20191024             Drugmaker Amgen Inc said that —STARTING—NEXT—YEAR, its official list price for cholesterol drug Repatha will be the lower price it began offering —LAST—YEAR to patients on Medicare and those paying for the drug OUT—OF—POCKET.
20191024             ARGENTINA gave THE—GO—AHEAD to Amazon.com INC—WEB—SERVICES—DIVISION—AWS to build an $800-million data facility in BUENOS—AIRES, which would mark 1—MASSIVE—INVESTMENT for the company in SOUTH—AMERICA.
20191024             —WARNED, Researchers, that as the planet warms, deadly conflicts over water, food and fuel shortages and price hikes for those essentials are expected to start increasing dramatically, including in relatively stable PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD.
20191024             1—NEW—INTERACTIVE "Chaos Map" from BRITAIN—ANGLIA—RUSKIN—UNIVERSITY (ARU) displays 1,300 deaths from violent social unrest and suicides linked to water, food and fuel insecurity over a —13—YEAR period 20050000—20170000    —FROM—TO.
20191024             —REBUKED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, 1—REGIONAL—ELECTION—OBSERVER—MISSION for questioning the legitimacy of what he again insisted was 1—OUTRIGHT win for him in the 1. round of 1 disputed election.
20191024             —ANNOUNCED, CHILE—PRESIDENT—SEBASTIAN—PINERA, 1—FREEZE on a 9.2% increase in electricity tariffs —UNTIL THE—END—OF—NEXT—YEAR, —FOLLOWING large protests in SANTIAGO.
20191024             † At least 18—PEOPLE have, in violence —FOLLOWING the announcement of a 4-cent subway fair rise.
20191024             —REPORTED, It was, that DUBAI has loosened its liquor laws to allow tourists to purchase alcohol in STATE—CONTROLLED stores, previously only accessible to LICENSE—HOLDING residents, as THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES saw the 1. drop in alcohol sales by volume in —1—DECADE.
20191024             —AGREED, EGYPT and ETHIOPIA, to resume talks over 1—GIANT—NILE dam and reach 1—DEAL on sharing the vital waters, downplaying 1—RECENT—ESCALATION—OF—TENSIONS.
20191024             —PUMMELED, EGYPT—AUTHORITIES said the death toll from heavy rains that, THE—CAPITAL—OF—CAIRO and other PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY —THIS—WEEK has risen to 11.
20191024             —CALLED, Prominent ETHIOPIA—ACTIVIST—JAWAR Mohammed, for calm amid protests that have killed 16—PEOPLE and are challenging Nobel PRIZE—WINNING PRIME—MINISTER—ABIY—AHMED in his political heartland.
20191024             —AWARDED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT, its annual prize for the defence of human rights to jailed ethnic Uighur economics professor Ilham Tohti, angering BEIJING which called him 1—CRIMINAL and 1—TERRORIST.
20191024             —GATHERED, Rich countries, in FRANCE to discuss replenishing 1—INTERNATIONAL—FUND that is meant to help poor nations tackle climate change, but which is falling short of its targets because THE—USA has stopped contributing.
20191024             THE—GREEN—CLIMATE—FUND has spent much of the $7—BILLION it received from governments in the past —5—YEARS.
20191024             —PLEDGED, Donor governments, $9.8—BILLION in fresh financing for the Green Climate Fund, set up to help developing nations tackle global warming.
20191024             Thousands took to THE—STREETS—OF—GUINEA in the largest of 1—SERIES—OF—PROTESTS over 1 suspected effort by PRESIDENT—ALPHA—CONDE to seek a 3. term that have led to the jailing of 12—OPPOSITION—CAMPAIGNERS and politicians.
20191024             —ORGANIZED, The march was, by the National Front for THE—DEFENCE—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION (FNDC), 1—COALITION—OF—POLITICIANS and activists opposed to 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CHANGE that could let Conde seek a 3. term.
20191024             HUNDREDS—OF—HONG—KONG protesters, SOME—WAVING—CATALAN flags and banners urging "1—FIGHT for freedom together", rallied in support of 1—SEPARATE—CATALONIA, broaching 1—ISSUE that is anathema to HONG—KONG—RULERS in BEIJING.
20191024             —REPORTED, IRAN—FARS—NEWS—AGENCY, that 1—HAND—OF—1 unidentified convict was cut off in 1—PRISON in SARI city, some 200—KM (120—MILES) NORTH—EAST—OF—TEHRAN.
20191024             —COMMITTED, The report said the convict had, 28—ROBBERIES.
20191024             —PLEADED, LEBANON—PRESIDENT—MICHEL—AOUN, with TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS who have blocked main roads and paralyzed the nation —FOR—DAYS, urging them to back economic reforms proposed by THE—PRIME—MINISTER—AS—THE "1. step" toward saving the country from economic collapse.
20191024             —ACCUSED, NORTH—KOREA, USA—OFFICIALS—OF maintaining hostility against PYONGYANG despite a "special" relationship between leader KIM—JONG—UN and PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP and urged WASHINGTON to act "wisely" through THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20191024             —PLEDGED, NORWAY—FOREIGN—MINISTER said countries at a —2—DAY—CONFERENCE have, at least 583—BILLION kroner ($64—BILLION) toward protecting the oceans.
20191024             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN sought to expand MOSCOW—CLOUT in AFRICA BY touting military aid and economic projects at the 1.—EVER RUSSIA—AFRICA—SUMMIT and even offered to help mediate 1—GROWING dispute between 2—OF—THE—CONTINENT—LARGEST—POWERS, EGYPT and ETHIOPIA.
20191024             1—RUSSIA—COMMISSION recommended PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN pardon 1—NORWAY—MAN jailed for spying, spurring hopes in NORWAY that he may be released as PART—OF—1—SPY swap brokered behind closed doors.
20191024             CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—IGOR—SECHIN said Rosneft, RUSSIA—LARGEST—OIL—COMPANY, has fully switched the currency of its contracts to euros from USA—DOLLARS in 1—MOVE to shield its transactions from USA—SANCTIONS.
20191024             SOUTH—AFRICA HACKERS, shut down the cyber network of JOHANNESBURG City Council, targeting computers of local government employees in the economic hub.
20191024             —AFFECTED, The attack via employee computers, its call centers, website and online electronic platforms.
20191024             —DEMANDED, The hackers allegedly, ransom in the form of bitcoins in exchange for reactivating INTERNET and email links to the city's billing systems.
20191024             —BOOBYTRAPPED, NORTH—SYRIA, 1—CAR, with explosives detonated, wounding 4—PEOPLE in THE—TOWN—OF—TAL—ABYAD, taken by TURKISH—BACKED forces from Kurdish fighters —DURING TURKEY—INVASION.
20191024             —REPORTED, SYRIA—NEWS, that TURKEY—FORCES and their allies attacked SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS in NORTH—EAST—SYRIA, killing SOME—OF—THEM, and that they also clashed with KURDISH—LED fighters.
20191024             —SLASHED, TURKEY—CENTRAL—BANK, its policy rate more than expected to 14%, taking advantage of 1—INFLATION dip and 1—STEADIER lira —AFTER WASHINGTON cancelled —JUST—ANNOUNCED sanctions over ANKARA—MILITARY—INCURSION into NORTH—EAST—SYRIA.
20191024             —LOWERED, UKRAINE—CENTRAL—BANK, its main interest rate for the 4. time —THIS—YEAR to 15.5% from 16.5%, 1—STEEPER than expected cut, saying price pressures were easing more rapidly —WHILE economic growth was picking up.
20191024             THE—UNITED—NATIONS said it would send 1—SPECIAL—MISSION to investigate human rights abuses in CHILE, where 1—GENERAL—STRIKE went into its 2. —DAY—FOLLOWING —1—WEEK—OF—STREET—PROTESTS that left 19—DEAD.
20191024             1—INDEPENDENT—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—EXPERT said IRAN executed 7—CHILD—OFFENDERS —LAST—YEAR and 2—SO far —THIS—YEAR even though human rights law prohibits the death penalty for anyone under age 18. Javaid Rehman said he has "credible information" that there are at least 90—CHILD—OFFENDERS currently on death row in IRAN.
20191024—19750000    —EXHUMED, SPAIN—DICTATOR—GENERAL—FRANCISCO—FRANCO—REMAINS were, from 1—STATE mausoleum outside MADRID where they had lain —SINCE his death, for reburial in 1—PRIVATE—FAMILY vault.
20191024—19950000    —IN, The loophole dates from 1—EFFORT to encourage drilling in the Gulf of MEXICO by offering oil companies 1—TEMPORARY—BREAK from paying royalties on the oil produced.
20191024—20040000    —DEMOLISHED, ISRAEL—RIGHTS—GROUP B'Tselem said ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES have, at least 140—PALESTINE—HOMES in EAST—JERUSALEM —THIS—YEAR, the highest annual number —SINCE it began keeping records.
20191024—20140000    —JAILED, Uighur rights advocate Tohti was, for life in CHINA on separatism charges that were widely denounced —AT—THE—TIME in Western capitals.
20191024—20170000    —INDICTED, Adams was, and accused of stealing more than $4—MILLION from investors in 1—DIAMOND—GROWING company, Apollo Diamond, 20060000—20130000    —BETWEEN.
20191024—20171200    —RETIRED, Frode Berg, 1, guard on THE—NORWEGIAN—RUSSIA—BORDER, was detained and jailed —FOR—14—YEARS—AFTER being convicted of gathering intelligence about nuclear submarines.
20191024—20190406    —ON, Nusrat Jahan Rafi (19) was set on fire —AFTER she and her family refused to withdraw sexual harassment charges against the principal of the Islamic school she attended.
20200528             eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.google%2FTHREAT—ANALYSIS—GROUP%2FUPDATES—ABOUT—GOVERNMENT—BACKED—HACKING—AND—DISINFORMATION%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmarkus.boehm%40spiegel.de%7C75a4429c4b8a4700e95108d802dc79dc%7C2a185271160e4f83bc48de23e86ed4ea%7C0%7C0%7C637262493242310244&sdata=%2BY7Rkz77wDuBTetbBWwq5z1Tq0HvTPT0NUDcLnlNsUE%3D&reserved=0
20201006—20201024    —UNTIL, It was reported that 1—RULING late —LAST—MONTH from USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—PHYLLIS—J—HAMILTON gives THE—IRS to reconsider the payments for those who were denied or had their money intercepted solely because of their incarceration.
20201024             Das FRANZÖSISCHE—PARLAMENT hat für 1—VERLÄNGERUNG—DES—GESUNDHEITSNOTSTANDS 20200216             —BIS—ZUM, gestimmt.
20201024             Atenção: a hora muda esta madrugada
20201024             —SAMSTAG, 20201024
20201024             Geldanlage: Bitte anschnallen, die 2. Welle kommt 1—KOLUMNE—VON—HERMANN—JOSEF—TENHAGEN
20201024             —GEWINNT, Politikwissenschaftler über polarisierende USA—WAHL: "Wenn Biden, wird die Feindseligkeit immer noch da sein" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MAXIMILIAN—POPP und ALEXANDER—SAROVIC
20201024             —FESTGEHALTEN, Junger Amerikaner wird in SYRIEN : Trumps Geiselpoker
20201024             —KASSIERT, Wirtschaftliche Folgen von CORONA: Altmaier, optimistische Wachstumsprognose für 2021
20201024             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Der COVID—NATIONALISMUS
20201024             Künftiger GESAMTMETALL—CHEF: Arbeitgeberfunktionär fordert Mehrarbeit ohne vollen Lohnausgleich
20201024             Bayerische Connection: Wirecard offenbar in Betrug mit CORONA—HILFEN verwickelt
20201024             Medizin: Warum es falsch ist, Freiwillige mit CORONA zu infizieren
20201024             Aufregung um JOE—BIDENS—SOHN: Jagd auf Hunter
20201024             Nach Krankheitsfällen: Johnson & Johnson und AstraZeneca nehmen CORONA—IMPFSTUDIEN wieder auf
20201024             —VERZÖGERT, Arbeitsschutzgesetz, sich: SPD wirft Union Einknicken vor der Fleischindustrie vor
20201024             —INFIZIERT, Positiver Test: Polens PRÄSIDENT—DUDA mit CORONA
20201024             Klima: Dachschaden
20201024             Infektionsrisiko wegen CORONA: CDU—PARTEITAG könnte an mehreren Orten zugleich stattfinden
20201024             Erschöpfte Menschen: Die Märkte regeln das
20201024             Heftige 2. CORONA—WELLE: SPANIEN muss zurück in den Alarmzustand
20201024             Zeitumstellung: Macht Schluss mit dem Menschenversuch!
20201024             Coronakrise in ITALIEN: Ausschreitungen in Neapel bei Protesten gegen geplanten Lockdown
20201024             Parlamentsbeteiligung in der Coronakrise: Keine dauerhaften exekutiven SONDERRECHTE—FÜR niemanden!
20201024             Steigende CORONA—ZAHLEN: Die Angst vor dem Hotspot Asylbewerberheim
20201024             Verfassungsreferendum in CHILE: "Sie applaudierten, weil die herrschende Klasse verletzt wurde"
20201024             VENEZUELA: Oppositioneller LEOPOLDO—LÓPEZ verlässt offenbar SPANISCHE—BOTSCHAFT
20201024             Proteste in NIGERIA: "Die Fahnen waren rot von Blut" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—FRITZ—SCHAAP
20201024             [l] Mich nervt gerade die Heldenverehrung für JOE—BIDEN ziemlich.
20201024             Ihr werdet ja mitgekriegt haben, dass die USA sich in einem Zustand befinden, den man als Race War bezeichnen könnte.
20201024             Black Lives Matter betrifft da nur die Spitze des Eisbergs.
20201024             Schwarze haben eine deutlich geringere Lebenserwartung und sind viel häufer im Gefängnis als andere.
20201024             Guckt euch nur mal hier die Grafik an, wie wahrscheinlich es ist je nach Hautfarbe, mindestens einmal im Leben im Gefängnis gewesen zu sein.
20201024             Die Grafik ist alt. Neuere Grafiken sehen nicht besser aus.
20201024             Ursächlich dafür ist der WAR—ON—DRUGS und die Criminal Justice Reform von 19940000             , in der Dinge wie 3—STRIKES (automatische lebenslange Haft nach der 3. Straftat) und Mindeststrafen eingeführt wurden.
20201024             Hier ist die Liste.
20201024             Auch darauf: Todesstrafe für 60—ZUSÄTZLICHE Vergehen.
20201024             Abschaffung von Pell Grants für Gefangene (damit konnten sie Hochschulbildung erlangen).
20201024             etc.
20201024             —GESCHRIEBEN, Dieses Gesetz hat JOE—BIDEN, und durch das Parlament gebracht.
20201024             Wenn es also 1—PERSON gibt, die die Hauptschuld an den Zuständen in den USA gerade trägt, dann ist es Joe "freundlicher Großvater" Biden, der sich vorher jahrzehntelang als knallharter Law and Order Faschist zelebriert hat.
20201024             Es gibt Videos. Seht selbst.
20201024             Er hat auch —BIS zu diesem Präsidentschaftswahlkampf nie Zweifel daran gelassen, dass er nach wie vor hinter seinem Gesetz steht.
20201024             —JETZT dreht sich das ein bisschen.
20201024             Das Gesetz findet er immer noch gut, aber wie die Bundesländer (!) das umgesetzt haben (!!), da sieht er das eine oder andere Problemchen.
20201024             Und so haben wir gerade die paradoxe Situation, dass ein habitueller Lügner und Blender und inkompetenter Totalversager wie DONALD—TRUMP—DER—KANDIDAT ist, der mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit den Race War beenden wird.
20201024             Aus meiner Sicht sind beide Kandidaten sind völlig unakzeptabel.
20201024             JOE—BIDEN sieht JULIAN—ASSANGE übrigens als "HIGH—TECH Terrorist", nicht als JOURNALIST—ODER—WHISTLEBLOWER.
20201024             —GEWINNT, Falls jemand dachte, wenn Biden, dann hat für Assange das LEIDEN 1—ENDE.
20201024             JOE—BIDEN steht auch für CRYPTO—BACKDOORS und den Clipper Chip.
20201024             Eines muss man dem lassen. Sein Tun hat Kontinuität.
20201024             [l] Nochmal zu HUNTER—BIDEN: Nur weil die LAPTOP—STORY unglaubwürdig ist, heißt das ja nicht, dass HUNTER—BIDEN nicht tatsächlich völlig inkompetent und kriminell ist.
20201024             Wer sich über die ganzen Details der Geschichte informieren will, kann das bei MATT—TAIBBI und Katie Halper tun (das 1. Drittel der Sendung, ca.
20201024             —20—MINUTEN). - COVID—19: Algarve tem mais um óbito e 54—CASOS, PORTUGAL bate novo recorde
20201024             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—412—(+6)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—268—(+16)—CASOS—ATIVOS—140—(-10)
20201024             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—20—(+1)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—15—(+1)
20201024             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—11—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—9—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20201024             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—43—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—11—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—32—(=)
20201024             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—258—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—169—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—88—(-4)
20201024             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—81—(+3)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—51—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—28—(+1)
20201024             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—296—(+3)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—251—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—45—(+2)
20201024             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—414—(+4)—ÓBITOS—10—(=)—RECUPERADOS—296—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—108—(=)
20201024             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—17—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—17—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20201024             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—103—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—61—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—42—(-1)
20201024             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—319—(+24)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—227—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—87—(-21)
20201024             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—117—(+4)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—91—(+19)—CASOS—ATIVOS—26—(-15)
20201024             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—160—(+4)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—64—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—95—(+4)
20201024             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—132—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—38—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—92—(=)
20201024             GLOBAL—CASES—42.425.115—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.147.062
20201024             Aktualisierung 202010240000         —UHR
20201024             ALB—DONAU—KREIS—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.312—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—665,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—124,3—TODESFÄLLE—27—EINWOHNERZAHL—197.076
20201024             AUGSBURG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.209—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—477,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—104,2—TODESFÄLLE—13—EINWOHNERZAHL—253.468
20201024             BERLIN—MITTE—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—4.185—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.115,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—207,3—TODESFÄLLE—21—EINWOHNERZAHL—375.238
20201024             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—3.850—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.198,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—235,1—TODESFÄLLE—46—EINWOHNERZAHL—321.123
20201024             BERLIN—REINICKENDORF—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.819—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—700,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—113,2—TODESFÄLLE—23—EINWOHNERZAHL—259.689
20201024             BOCHUM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.114—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—578,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—109,4—TODESFÄLLE—28—EINWOHNERZAHL—365.587
20201024             BREMEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.819—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—672,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—115,2—TODESFÄLLE—56—EINWOHNERZAHL—567.559
20201024             BÖBLINGEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—2.921—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—743,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—101,3—TODESFÄLLE—52—EINWOHNERZAHL—392.807
20201024             CLOPPENBURG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.455—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—852,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—157,6—TODESFÄLLE—3—EINWOHNERZAHL—170.682
20201024             DARMSTADT—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—784—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—490,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—113,8—TODESFÄLLE—18—EINWOHNERZAHL—159.878
20201024             DONAU—RIES—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—692—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—517,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—103,9—TODESFÄLLE—26—EINWOHNERZAHL—133.783
20201024             DORTMUND—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.299—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—560,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—101,5—TODESFÄLLE—21—EINWOHNERZAHL—588.250
20201024             DUISBURG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—4.342—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—870,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—151,8—TODESFÄLLE—80—EINWOHNERZAHL—498.686
20201024             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.675—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—632,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—156,4—TODESFÄLLE—44—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20201024             ERZGEBIRGSKREIS—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.936—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—578,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—127,8—TODESFÄLLE—62—EINWOHNERZAHL—334.948
20201024             ESSLINGEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—4.189—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—783,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—104,9—TODESFÄLLE—127—EINWOHNERZAHL—535.024
20201024             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—947—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—489,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—41,3—TODESFÄLLE—31—EINWOHNERZAHL—193.656
20201024             FÜRSTENFELDBRUCK—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.897—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—865,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—107,6—TODESFÄLLE—38—EINWOHNERZAHL—219.311
20201024             GROSS—GERAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.913—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—693,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—137,1—TODESFÄLLE—26—EINWOHNERZAHL—275.726
20201024             HEILBRONN—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—1.063—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—839,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—127,2—TODESFÄLLE—17—EINWOHNERZAHL—126.592
20201024             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—8.307—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—763,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—136,8—TODESFÄLLE—137—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20201024             MAINZ—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.544—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—706,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—100,2—TODESFÄLLE—28—EINWOHNERZAHL—218.578
20201024             MANNHEIM—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—1.813—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—583,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—114,9—TODESFÄLLE—14—EINWOHNERZAHL—310.658
20201024             MARBURG—BIEDENKOPF—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.038—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—420,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—119,8—TODESFÄLLE—5—EINWOHNERZAHL—247.084
20201024             MÜHLDORF—A.—INN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—913—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—787,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—107,9—TODESFÄLLE—27—EINWOHNERZAHL—115.872
20201024             NEUSTADT—A.D.—WALDNAAB—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.138—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.204,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—139,8—TODESFÄLLE—75—EINWOHNERZAHL—94.450
20201024             PASSAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.179—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—612,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—104,9—TODESFÄLLE—31—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.656
20201024             RECKLINGHAUSEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—3.807—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—619,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—106,5—TODESFÄLLE—50—EINWOHNERZAHL—614.137
20201024             REMSCHEID—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—842—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—756,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—141,0—TODESFÄLLE—20—EINWOHNERZAHL—111.338
20201024             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.578—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—547,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—83,3—TODESFÄLLE—82—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.615
20201024             ROSENHEIM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—908—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.428,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—132,2—TODESFÄLLE—23—EINWOHNERZAHL—63.551
20201024             ROSENHEIM—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—3.151—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.205,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—103,3—TODESFÄLLE—202—EINWOHNERZAHL—261.330
20201024             ROTTAL—INN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.278—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.051,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—185,2—TODESFÄLLE—51—EINWOHNERZAHL—121.502
20201024             SCHWEINFURT—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—966—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—836,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—125,6—TODESFÄLLE—25—EINWOHNERZAHL—115.445
20201024             SOLINGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.233—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—774,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—197,8—TODESFÄLLE—13—EINWOHNERZAHL—159.245
20201024             S—WENDEL—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—485—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—557,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—134,5—TODESFÄLLE—7—EINWOHNERZAHL—87.007
20201024             VECHTA—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.161—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—812,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—170,9—TODESFÄLLE—14—EINWOHNERZAHL—142.814
20201024             VULKANEIFEL—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—252—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—415,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—100,6—TODESFÄLLE—5—EINWOHNERZAHL—60.646
20201024             Weiden i.d. OPf.
20201024             KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—530—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.240,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—173,1—TODESFÄLLE—20—EINWOHNERZAHL—42.743
20201024             WIESBADEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.685—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—605,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—106,3—TODESFÄLLE—28—EINWOHNERZAHL—278.474
20201024             WUPPERTAL—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.814—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—792,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—127,6—TODESFÄLLE—90—EINWOHNERZAHL—355.100
20201024             STREAMING—FAHRPLAN fürs Wochenende: Diese Germanen sind unfreiwillig witzig
20201024             Telefonat mit USA—AUßENMINISTER Pompeo: Lukaschenko betont Schulterschluss mit RUSSLAND
20201024             Junge Chilenen kämpfen für ein neues Land: "—SONNTAG ist für mich der wichtigste —TAG in der modernen GESCHICHTE—VON—CHILE"
20201024             Nach Äußerung von RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN: FRANKREICH zieht BOTSCHAFTER vorübergehend aus der TÜRKEI ab
20201024             Die DEUTSCHEN—KRANKENHÄUSER sehen sich für den derzeitigen starken Anstieg der ZAHL—VON—CORONA€”VIRUS—PATIENTEN gut gerüstet.
20201024             "Die Krankenhäuser sind hoch alarmiert, ohne hektisch zu sein", sagte der Hauptgeschäftsführer der DEUTSCHEN—KRANKENHAUSGESELLSCHAFT, GEORG—BAUM, dem "Mannheimer —MORGEN".
20201024             Gegenwärtig gebe es mehr als 8000—FREIE Intensivbetten, wobei durch Verschieben nicht notwendiger Behandlungen weitere 10.000—BETTEN frei gemacht werden könnten.
20201024             "Außerdem müssen nicht ALLE—PATIENTEN, die mit einer CORONA—INFEKTION ins Krankenhaus kommen, intensivmedizinisch behandelt werden",
20201024             "Die Kapazitäten werden noch lange reichen, ehe es bedenklich wird",
20201024             Hohe finanzielle Einbußen bei Städten und Gemeinden
20201024             werden Städte und Gemeinden nach einer neuen Prognose des Bundesfinanzministeriums im kommenden —JAHR wegen der Coronakrise rund 10—MILLIARDEN Euro weniger aus der EINKOMMEN—UND Gewerbesteuer einnehmen, als im vergangenen —JAHR geschätzt.
20201024             sinkt der Gemeindeanteil an der Einkommensteuer um 3,8 Milliarden Euro im kommenden —JAHR gegenüber der FRÜHEREN—PROGNOSE.
20201024             ie süditalienische Region Kampanien will zur Eindämmung des CORONA€”VIRUS einen Lockdown verhängen.
20201024             Die jüngsten Daten zeigten, dass die —BISHER verhängten Maßnahmen keine Wirkung zeigten, sagte der PRÄSIDENT—DER—REGION, VINCENZO—DE—LUCA,
20201024             "Wir müssen alles schließen, ausgenommen die Unternehmen, die wichtige Güter produzieren und transportieren".
20201024             —FÜR—40—TAGE müsse alles geschlossen werden.
20201024             "Wir müssen einen letzten Versuch machen, um die Dinge in den Griff zu bekommen".
20201024             Kampanien meldete —AM—FREITAG 2280—NEUE CORONA—FÄLLE und kommt damit an 2. Stelle nach der norditalienischen Region Lombardei mit 4916—NEUINFEKTIONEN.
20201024             Wissenschaftlern zufolge könnte die ZAHL—DER—CORONA—TOTEN in den USA die Marke von 500.000—ÜBERSTEIGEN, wenn nicht fast ALLE—AMERIKANER—MASKEN tragen.
20201024             "Wir steuern auf eine sehr große —HERBST/—WINTER—WELLE zu", sagte CHRIS—MURRAY vom Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation an der UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON
20201024             Die ZAHL—DER—TODESFÄLLE könne um 130.000—WENIGER ausfallen, wenn 1—ANTEIL—VON—95—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG einen MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ tragen würde.
20201024             —BISHER sind in den USA mehr als 223.000—MENSCHEN mit oder infolge einer CORONA€”VIRUS—INFEKTION gestorben.
20201024             Innerhalb eines Tages haben die Gesundheitsämter in DEUTSCHLAND nach ANGABEN—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS 14.714—NEUE CORONA—INFEKTIONEN gemeldet, so viele wie noch nie —SEIT Beginn der CORONA—PANDEMIE in DEUTSCHLAND.
20201024             Da es allerdings —AM—DONNERSTAG zeitweise zu Datenlücken bei der Übermittlung von Infektionszahlen gekommen war, könnten in der jüngsten ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN entsprechende Nachmeldungen enthalten sein.
20201024             —SEIT Ausbruch der Pandemie hatte es zahlreiche Drehstopps gegeben, MANCHE—PROJEKTE wurden verschoben.
20201024             —IM—SOMMER lief die Produktion wieder nach und nach an.
20201024             Ausfallfonds für TV—PRODUKTIONEN "möglichst zeitnah" geplant
20201024             Altmaier hält flächendeckenden Lockdown nicht für nötig - USA—TAGESREKORD —SEIT PANDEMIE—BEGINN
20201024             —INFIZIERT, Polens PRÄSIDENT—DUDA
20201024             Erstmals mehr als 15.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in Tschechien
20201024             Einreise nach DÄNEMARK nur noch mit triftigem Grund erlaubt
20201024             Angesichts rasant steigender CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND wächst unter Volkswirten die Sorge vor den möglichen ökonomischen Folgen einer 2. PANDEMIE—WELLE.
20201024             "Der konjunkturelle Aufschwung dürfte —BIS zum Frühjahr weitgehend zum Erliegen kommen", sagte die Chefvolkswirtin der staatlichen KfW Bankengruppe,
20201024             "Dadurch dürfte auch die Arbeitslosigkeit in den kommenden —MONATEN stagnieren ODER—WENN es schlecht LÄUFT—DEUTLICH zunehmen".
20201024             "Ein starker und anhaltender Anstieg der Infektionen könnte die Wirtschaft genauso hart treffen wie die 1. Welle",
20201024             "Die Wirtschaft ist —HEUTE viel weniger widerstandsfähig als noch —IM—MÄRZ und —APRIL".
20201024             —KONTROLLIERT, Polizei, CORONA—REGELN in BERLIN
20201024             —INZWISCHEN, Jäger hatte sich am Montagmittag mit dem, ebenfalls mit dem Virus infizierten Bundesgesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN (CDU) getroffen.
20201024             Pharmakonzerne nehmen Impfstudien wieder auf - SPANIEN vor Rückkehr zum Alarmzustand
20201024             angesichts rasant steigender CORONA—ZAHLEN
20201024             Ministerpräsident PEDRO—SÁNCHEZ hatte seine Landsleute am Vortag auf "sehr harte —MONATE" eingestimmt und zu mehr Disziplin bei der Eindämmung des Virus aufgerufen.
20201024             Nur so könne ein drastischer Lockdown wie im Frühjahr noch vermieden werden.
20201024             Die Regierung kann einen Alarmzustand —FÜR—15—TAGE anordnen, ohne die Zustimmung des Parlaments einzuholen.
20201024             —GETESTET, Istanbuls BÜRGERMEISTER—IMAMOGLU positiv
20201024             Der —50—JAHRE alte Politiker der wichtigsten TÜRKISCHEN—OPPOSITIONSPARTEI CHP sagte in einem auf Twitter geposteten Video, er befinde sich im Krankenhaus auf dem Weg der Besserung.
20201024             ISTANBUL ist mit fast 16—MILLIONEN Einwohnern die bevölkerungsreichste Stadt der TÜRKEI.
20201024             Rekordwerte in LITAUEN und LETTLAND
20201024             Maskenpflicht und Ausgangssperre in Brüssel
20201024             —REGISTRIERT, BELGIEN hat nur 11,5 Millionen Einwohner und, trotzdem höhere Zahlen bei Neuinfektionen als DEUTSCHLAND mit rund 83—MILLIONEN Menschen.
20201024             Die EU—SEUCHENBEHÖRDE ECDC meldete —AM—SAMSTAG für BELGIEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER binnen —14—TAGEN 11150000             ,6 Neuinfektionen, für DEUTSCHLAND mit 118,8 etwa 1—ZEHNTEL.
20201024             Die BELGISCHE—REGIERUNG hatte —BEREITS für das ganze Land die Schließung von Kneipen und Restaurants, eine nächtliche Ausgangssperre von —MITTERNACHT—BIS 06.00—UHR, strikte Kontaktbeschränkungen und ein umfassendes Gebot für Arbeiten im Heimbüro verfügt.
20201024             Die Regionalregierung Brüssel schärfte dies —NUN für die HAUPTSTADT nach.
20201024             ZAHL—DER—CORONA—INTENSIVPATIENTEN innerhalb von —10—TAGEN verdoppelt
20201024             Hunderte Polizisten kontrollieren Maskenpflicht in BERLIN
20201024             "Man kann sagen, dass etwa 80—BIS 90—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN sich tatsächlich an die neue Regelung halten, mit Masken unterwegs sind, und wenn sie nicht mit Masken unterwegs sind, nahezu ausnahmslos Einsicht zeigen",
20201024             Wer keine Maske trage, werde mündlich verwarnt - "und in der Regel folgen die Leute dann —SCHON".
20201024             "Nur in ganz wenigen Fällen mussten —BISHER Ordnungswidrigkeitsverfahren eingeleitet werden".
20201024             LONDON, haben erneut Tausende gegen die CORONA—MAßNAHMEN der BRITISCHEN—REGIERUNG demonstriert.
20201024             Vom Hyde Park aus marschierten die Teilnehmenden —AM—SAMSTAG mit Bannern und Plakaten durch das ZENTRUM—DER—BRITISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT und forderten 1—ENDE—DER—CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN.
20201024             Die Protestierenden sprachen sich gegen die Maskenpflicht aus und kritisierten die geltenden Maßnahmen als Tyrannei oder Überwachung.
20201024             Manche stellten auch die EXISTENZ—DER—PANDEMIE infrage.
20201024             In ganz ENGLAND gilt 1—SPERRSTUNDE ab 22—UHR und eine maximale Anzahl von 6—PERSONEN bei Treffen.
20201024             Die Zahlen in GROSSBRITANNIEN steigen dramatisch an, sie lagen zuletzt mehrfach bei mehr als 20.000—FÄLLEN pro —TAG.
20201024             Die Berliner Polizei stellt sich für —SONNTAG auf mehrere Demonstrationen gegen die CORONA—POLITIK—DER—DEUTSCHEN—REGIERUNG ein.
20201024             —AM—MITTAG, ab 12.00—UHR, ist eine Demonstration am Alexanderplatz geplant, —ABENDS soll ab 17.00—UHR am Großen Stern im Tiergarten demonstriert werden.
20201024             Der Protestzug —MITTAGS ist mit rund 2500—TEILNEHMERN angemeldet, die Kundgebung einer "Querdenken"-Initiative —AM—ABEND mit 10.000.
20201024             Einen —TAG vor seiner möglichen Wiederwahl hat sich Kiews BÜRGERMEISTER—VITALI—KLITSCHKO mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS angesteckt.
20201024             Die BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG will mit einem Rettungspaket in Höhe von 82—MILLIONEN Euro Dutzenden Kultureinrichtungen helfen, die von der Coronakrise betroffen sind.
20201024             Reproduktionszahl R —NUN bei fast 1,4 - bei 1,36 (Vortag: 1,30).
20201024             —7—TAGE—R - lag dieser Wert —AM—SAMSTAG bei 1,38 (Vortag: 1,37).
20201024             —NACH—DEN schweren Zusammenstößen zwischen Protestierenden und Sicherheitskräften in Neapel sind 2—DEMONSTRANTEN festgenommen worden.
20201024             Hunderte Demonstranten waren —IN—DER—NACHT unter anderem vor den Sitz der Regionalregierung gezogen, warfen dort Feuerwerkskörper, zündeten Rauchbomben und steckten Müllcontainer in Brand.
20201024             Die Polizei setzte demnach unter anderem Tränengas gegen die Protestierenden ein.
20201024             "Es ist absolut klar, dass es sich nicht um einen spontanen Protest handelte, sondern um vorsätzliche Aktionen, die fast ausschließlich von Randgruppen, kriminellen Gruppen und politischen Extremisten organisiert wurden", sagte der stellvertretende Innenminister MATTEO—MAURI.
20201024             "Was —GESTERN—ABEND in Neapel geschah, ist ÄUß—ERST ernst".
20201024             Das FRANZÖSISCHE—PARLAMENT hat für 1—VERLÄNGERUNG—DES—GESUNDHEITSNOTSTANDS —BIS zum 20200216             gestimmt.
20201024             71—ABGEORDNETE stimmten demnach in 1. Lesung für den umstrittenen Gesetzentwurf der Regierung, 35—PARLAMENTARIER lehnten ihn ab.
20201024             Der Gesundheitsnotstand gibt der Regierung die Möglichkeit, im Kampf gegen das Virus Maßnahmen wie etwa Ausgangssperren oder Beschlagnahmungen im Schnellverfahren umzusetzen.
20201024             Sie kann zudem rasche Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung der Wirtschaft in der Krise beschließen.
20201024             Für eine weitere Verlängerung ist aber die Zustimmung des Parlaments nötig.
20201024             GUINEA—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION said PRESIDENT—ALPHA—CONDÉ, —82—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ETHNIC—FULANI, had taken 59.5% of 20201018             —THE vote.
20201024             —SAMSTAG, 20201024             20201024             Geldanlage: Bitte anschnallen, die 2. Welle kommt 1—KOLUMNE—VON—HERMANN—JOSEF—TENHAGEN
20201024             —INFIZIERT, Positiver Test: Polens PRÄSIDENT—DUDA mit CORONA - Klima: Dachschaden
20201024             DGS regista mais dois óbitos e 96—CASOS de COVID—19—NO Alentejo
20201024             BUNDESLAND—BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 67,53
20201024             BUNDESLAND—BAYERN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 74,42
20201024             BUNDESLAND—BERLIN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 112,79
20201024             BUNDESLAND—BREMEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 100,56
20201024             BUNDESLAND—HESSEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 93,88
20201024             BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,05
20201024             BUNDESLAND—NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 87,50
20201024             BUNDESLAND—RHEINLAND—PFALZ—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 57,35
20201024             BUNDESLAND—SAARLAND—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 70,93
20201024             BUNDESLAND—SACHSEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 54,49
20201024             werden —DERZEIT rund 6000—PATIENTEN in Krankenhäusern wegen der von dem neuartigen CORONA€”VIRUS ausgelösten Lungenerkrankung COVID—19—BEHANDELT, etwa 1000—VON ihnen liegen auf der Intensivstation.
20201024             —REPORTED, THE—USA, 79,852 new CORONA€”VIRUS infections, close to the previous —DAY—RECORD—OF—84,244 new cases.
20201024             —REPORTED, It was, that illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing accounts for 1—STAGGERING 20—50—PERCENT—OF—THE—GLOBAL catch.
20201024             CALIFORNIA to date had 901,234 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 17,327 deaths.
20201024             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 114,437 cases and 1,739 deaths.
20201024             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 8,567,396 with the death toll at 223,752.
20201024             COLORADO, residents remaining in Estes Park, in the Rocky Mountain National Park, were told to evacuate their homes as wind gusts fanned the 2. largest wildfire in state history and the blaze claimed the lives of 1—ELDERLY—COUPLE.
20201024             —CONTAINED, THE—EAST—TROUBLESOME Fire was 4%.
20201024             INDIANA, 1—VEHICLE struck 3—UNIVERSITY—OF—NOTRE—DAME students in SOUTH—BEND, killing 2—OF—THEM.
20201024             —REINSTATED, THE—TEXAS—SUPREME—COURT temporarily, THE—GOVERNOR—BAN on multiple DROP—OFF sites for mail ballots, in 1—SHORT—TERM—VICTORY for PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20201024             The ban will remain in effect —WHILE the state supreme court fully reviews 1—APPEALS—COURT ruling that overturned the order by GOVERNOR—GREG—ABBOTT.
20201024             —STOPPED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, who was, by guards from entering 1—EDUCATION—CENTER—NEAR—KABUL, killed 24 and wounded 57— MANY—OF—THEM young students.
20201024             Rocket and artillery barrage hit residential areas in NAGORNO—KARABAKH on hours —AFTER THE—USA hosted top diplomats from ARMENIA and AZERBAIJAN for talks on settling their DECADES—LONG—CONFLICT over the region.
20201024             1—POLICE—FORCE in ENGLAND says it will try to stop people from leaving WALES, which has started a —17—DAY—LOCKDOWN to slow 1—SURGING RATE—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS infections.
20201024             BULGARIA, Mayor Yordanka Fandakova said SOFIA will close nightclubs and discos —FOR—2—WEEKS as of tomorrow as it grapples to contain 1—SURGE in CORONA€”VIRUS infections straining its health system.
20201024             —ARMED, SOUTH—WEST—CAMEROON, attackers, with guns and machetes killed at least 8—CHILDREN in 1—RAID on 1—BILINGUAL school in KUMBA.
20201024             Egyptians began voting in the 1. stage of parliamentary elections, 1—VOTE that is highly likely to produce 1—TOOTHLESS—LOWER chamber packed with SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI.
20201024             —REPORTED, FRANCE, 45,422 new confirmed CORONA€”VIRUS cases over the past —24—HOURS, 1—NEW—RECORD.
20201024             † 138—PEOPLE, from CORONA€”VIRUS infection in the past —24—HOURS, taking the total to 34,645. The total number of confirmed cases rose to 1,086,497.
20201024             —REQUIRED, The victory still, confirmation by the Constitutional Court.
20201024             Opposition candidate Cellou Dalein Diallo, 1—ETHNIC—MANDINKA, was reported to have garnered —JUST over 33—PER CENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20201024             —URGED, Diallo, his followers to take to the streets —AFTER he proclaimed the vote rigged and himself the rightful winner.
20201024             —URGED, IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER—AYATOLLAH ALI—KHAMENEI, authorities to prioritize public health above ANY—ECONOMIC or security concerns, amid THE—MIDEAST—WORST—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20201024             THE—IRAN—HEALTH—MINISTRY put the official death toll from COVD-19 at 32,320, adding 335—CASUALTIES from the past —24—HOURS.
20201024             —ORDERED, NIGERIA—CHIEF—OF—POLICE, the immediate mobilization of all police resources to put 1—END to DAYS—OF—STREET—VIOLENCE and looting.
20201024             —REPORTED, It was, that POLAND—PRESIDENT—ANDRZEJ—DUDA, —48—JAHRE—ALT has tested positive for CORONA€”VIRUS but is feeling well.
20201024             —DROWNED, At least 140—MIGRANTS trying to reach EUROPE, off THE—COAST—OF—SENEGAL —WHEN their boat caught fire and capsized.
20201024             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, that 50—COUNTRIES have ratified 1—UN—TREATY to ban nuclear weapons triggering its entry into force in —90—DAYS, 1—MOVE hailed by ANTI—NUCLEAR—ACTIVISTS but strongly opposed by THE—USA and the other major nuclear powers.
20201024—19451024    —TURNED, THE—UN, 75. It officially came into existence, —WHEN THE—UN—CHARTER, agreed —4—MONTHS—EARLIER, came into force.
20201024—19630301    —IN, CHILE said it identified 500,542 CASES—OF—THE—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—SINCE the outbreak began 1—CASES were added in the past —DAY and 48—DEATHS, taking fatalities to 1—TOTAL—OF—13,892.
20201024—19770000    —SINCE, The opposition took power for the 1. time, —FOLLOWING its victory in the presidential election.
20210122—20170000    —APPROVED, The treaty, received its 50. ratification 20201024             —ON, triggering a —90—DAY—PERIOD—BEFORE its entry into force 20210122             —ON.
20211015             Vom 20211024             an müssen vollständig Geimpfte nach der Ankunft nur noch einen Antigentest machen und keinen PCR—TEST mehr.
20211024             —SONNTAG, 20211024             20211024             Sturm auf Gefängnis in NIGERIA: Fast 600—HÄFTLINGE nach Gefangenenbefreiung auf der Flucht
20211024             Geflüchtete aus BELARUS: Seehofer kündigt verstärkte Kontrollen im Grenzgebiet zu POLEN an
20211024             RKI—ZAHLEN: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf 106,3
20211024             Neue Enthüllungen über angeklagtes USA—EHEPAAR: Spion & Spion
20211024             Tonnenweise Kokainschmuggel: Meistgesuchter Drogenboss Kolumbiens gefasst
20211024             —KRITISIERT, Vergleich mit RUSSLAND: Mützenich, KRAMP—KARRENBAUER wegen Äußerung zu Atomwaffen
20211024             Familienpsychologie: Haben Eltern 1—RECHT auf Kontakt zu ihren Kindern?
20211024             Großstädter auf der Suche nach Dorfromantik: Die große Freiheit im Hasengehege
20211024             —VERBIETET, Vor AMATEUR—WM: SERBIEN, Boxern aus KOSOVO die Einreise
20211024             Aktion des "III. Wegs": Polizei greift 50—RECHTSEXTREME an der Grenze zu POLEN auf
20211024             Mit Chemikalien beladen: Brand auf Containerschiff vor Kanadas Pazifikküste
20211024             Klimaschutz: Warum Moore unheimlich wichtig sind
20211024             Weltweite Preisexplosion bei Strom, Gas, Öl: Blackout INTERNATIONAL
20211024             Güter, Arbeitskräfte, Energie: —JETZT kommt die Ära der Knappheiten
20211024             Erdogan und der Fall Kavala: "Eine unglaubliche außenpolitische Eskalation"
20211024             Affäre um rechte Verlage: "Schwarze Frauen waren auf dieser Buchmesse nicht willkommen"
20211024             Verlagerte Krise: BRITISCHE—BUSFAHRER wollen —JETZT lieber Lkw fahren
20211024             Umstrittene Siedlungspolitik: ISRAEL will mehr als 13000000             neue Wohnungen im Westjordanland bauen lassen
20211024             Sun 20211024             20211024             [l] Gute Nachrichten!
20211024             Sie haben die rechte Hand von OSAMA—BIN—LADEN erwischt!
20211024             Aber Fefe, die Amis sind doch gar nicht mehr in AFGHANISTAN?
20211024             Kein Problem! Das war auch gar nicht in AFGHANISTAN.
20211024             Das führende AL—KAIDA—MITGLIED ABDUL—HAMID—AL—MATAR ist nach USA—ANGABEN bei einem Luftangriff in SYRIEN getötet worden.
20211024             Er soll für die Planung von überregionalen Anschlägen der Terrororganisation verantwortlich gewesen sein.
20211024             Uiuiuiu, "soll"? "Beteiligt"? "Planung"?
20211024             Die Standards der Beweisführung klingen ja fast so stringent wie bei der bayerischen Justiz, wo man unbescholtene Bürger ohne Anklage oder Verfahren unbegrenzt wegsperrt.
20211024             Weil sie "Gefährder" sind. Angeblich. Möglicherweise.
20211024             Sind —SCHON toll, diese westlichen Werte.
20211024             Verstehe gar nicht, wieso es Leute gibt, die sich den Westen nicht zum Vorbild nehmen.
20211024             Feira de Todos os SANTOS regressa a SILVES
20211024             601_DGS_boletim_20211024              20211024             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 86,1 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20211024             Continente: 86,5 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20211024             R(t) Nacional: 1,02 Continente: 1,02
20211024             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—1.008—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—93,0—FÄLLE—GESAMT—66.652—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—6.151,6—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—762—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211024             Total Cases 243.570.676  Total Deaths 4.947.036 Total Vaccine Doses Administered 6.799.683.566
20211024             BDVZ—PRÄSIDENT nimmt "Kritik sehr ernst": Döpfner schreibt Verlagen — und bedauert DDR—VERGLEICH
20211024             PATRICIA—ESPINOSA: UN—KLIMACHEFIN warnt vor Scheitern der Weltklimakonferenz in GLASGOW
20211024             Massive Abholzung im KONGO: Rebellion im Regenwald Aus Ingende, DR KONGO, berichten Heiner Hoffmann, Arsène Mpiana (Fotos) und BERNHARD—RIEDMANN (Grafik)
20211024             Illegaler Handel mit Schutzausrüstung: Benutzte Einweghandschuhe offenbar millionenfach in die USA verkauft
20211024             TAPACHULA im Süden Mexikos: Mehr als 2.0000—MIGRANTEN Richtung USA—GRENZE aufgebrochen
20211024             —UNRUHEN, Tödliche, in der Vergangenheit: Facebook wegen Umgang mit Gewaltaufrufen in INDIEN unter Druck
20211024             FAKE—PHONES in Onlineshops: Wie Betrüger Smartphones fälschen Von "c't"-Redakteur JAN—KENO—JANSSEN
20211024             Nach Eskalation im Fall Kavala: TÜRKISCHE—LIRA sackt auf 1—REKORD—TIEF
20211024             —BEHARRT, Trotz steigender Infektionszahlen: Spahn, auf Auslaufen der "Epidemischen Lage"
20211024             —SONNTAG, 20211024
20211024             Sturm auf Gefängnis in NIGERIA: Fast 600—HÄFTLINGE nach Gefangenenbefreiung auf der Flucht
20211024             Sun 20211024             - [l] Gute Nachrichten!
20211024             pub - MONCHIQUE recria Feira Anual para "relembrar histórias e recordar sabores e sons"
20211024—20380000    —VOR, Ausstieg nicht : Kretschmer pocht auf vereinbarte Laufzeit für Kohlekraftwerke
202203241024         —ESTIMATED, Demand for lending to systemic enterprises, at 1.5—TRLN rubles for key industries
202204210248         Marine COMMANDER—IN—MARIUPOL suggests 2—OPTIONS for saving the city
20221024             —MONTAG, 20221024
20221024             Präsidentschaftswahlkampf in BRASILIEN: Bolsonaros schmutziger Glaubenskrieg
20221024             Feuer in 4000—METER Höhe: Großbrand am Kilimandscharo ist unter Kontrolle
20221024             Militärische Spannungen: NORD—UND SÜDKOREA feuern jeweils Warnschüsse an Seegrenze ab
20221024             Energiekrise: 1—VIERTEL—DER—UNTERNEHMEN erwägt Abbau von Arbeitsplätzen
20221024             Offizielle Zahlen: Chinas Wirtschaft wächst um 3,9 Prozent
20221024             DEUTSCHE—DELEGATION in Taipeh: "Wir stehen an Taiwans Seite"
20221024             Krieg in ÄTHIOPIEN: "Wir werden Zeugen eines Genozids"
20221024             Drohende Rezession: Kredite zu bekommen wird für Unternehmen schwieriger
20221024             Einen —MONAT vor WM—START: Human Rights Watch wirft KATAR Misshandlung von queeren Menschen vor
20221024             Zukunft des Südpolarmeers: ANTARKTIS—KONFERENZ im tasmanischen HOBART gestartet
20221024             Sun 20221023
20221024             [l] Dass PLASTIK—RECYCLING 1—LÜGE ist, das sollte allen Lesern dieses Blogs eh —SCHON klar sein, spätestens —SEIT ich JOHN—OLIVER verlinkt habe.
20221024             Aber vielleicht konntet ihr das wegen AGE—WALL nicht gucken, oder ihr könnt kein Englisch.
20221024             —PRODUZIERT, Für den Fall: Der NDR hat auch mal was, dazu.
20221024             In diesem Sinne: Viel Spaß bei der Mülltrennung!
20221024             Update: MEDIATHEK—VERSION (—BIS zur Depublizierung).
20221024             Update: 1—LESER empfiehlt zum Thema auch eine (hier eingedeutschte) BBC—DOKU ("Money Quote"-Szene).
20221024             [l] Die Chinesen haben Tiktok für Spionage benutzt!1!!
20221024             Um damit Bewegungsprofile von einigen ausgewählten USA—BÜRGERN zu machen!!1!
20221024             Oh, warte, nein, sie haben darüber nachgedacht, ob sie das machen sollen.
20221024             Gemacht haben sie es nicht.
20221024             Nicht wie Facebook und Google, die die ganze Zeit ALLE—EURE—BEWEGUNGSDATEN abgreifen.
20221024             Diese DRECKS—NORDKOREANER immer!1!!
20221024             GRÜNEN—SICHERHEITSEXPERTE Konstantin von Notz dringt angesichts jüngster SABOTAGE—VORFÄLLE auf klar geregelte Zuständigkeiten bei den Sicherheitsbehörden zum Schutz Kritischer Infrastruktur".
20221024             Wir brauchen neue Strukturen zur Erkennung und Abwehr hybrider Bedrohungen, 1—DACHGESETZ zum Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen und vor allem glasklare Zuständigkeiten angesichts einer Vielzahl handelnder Akteure",
20221024             "Die offensichtliche Sabotage an den NORDSTREAM—PIPELINES, die jüngsten Angriffe auf die DEUTSCHE—SCHIENENINFRASTRUKTUR, aber auch Vorfälle wie die Drohnenüberflüge über Gelände der Bundeswehr, auf denen Ukrainer ausgebildet WERDEN—DAS alles sind sehr beunruhigende Vorgänge, die darauf hinweisen, dass auch DEUTSCHLAND längst Ziel einer hybriden Kriegsführung ist".
20221024             Der RUSSISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER Sergej Schoigu hat der UKRAINE vorgeworfen, eine "Provokation" mit einer sogenannten schmutzigen Bombe zu planen.
20221024             TELEFONATEN, mit den Verteidigungsministern Großbritanniens, Frankreichs und der TÜRKEI trug er diese Behauptung —AM—SONNTAG vor, wie aus Mitteilungen seines Ministeriums hervorgeht
20221024             USA—AUßENMINISTER ANTONY—BLINKEN hat Russlands Behauptung zurückgewiesen, die UKRAINE wolle auf ihrem eigenen Gebiet eine "schmutzige Bombe" zünden.
20221024             Die RUSSISCHEN—VORWÜRFE seien falsch,
20221024             Die USA, FRANKREICH und GROSSBRITANNIEN haben in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung die RUSSISCHEN—ANSCHULDIGUNGEN zurückgewiesen, die UKRAINE plane 1—ESKALATION durch den Einsatz einer sogenannten schmutzigen Bombe mit radioaktivem Material.
20221024             Der Ostausschuss der DEUTSCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT dringt auf zügige Vorbereitungen für einen Wiederaufbau in der UKRAINE und sieht die DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT in einer führenden Rolle.
20221024             Es dürfe mit dem Wiederaufbau nicht —BIS zum Kriegsende gewartet werden,
20221024             TAIWAN stockt seine GAS—UND Kohlereserven auf, um im Notfall widerstandsfähiger zu sein.
20221024             Die CO—PARTEICHEFIN der SPD, Saskia Esken, ist gegen 1—WIEDERAUFNAHME—DER—GASLIEFERUNGEN aus RUSSLAND nach ENDE—DES—KRIEGES".
20221024             Wir werden auch —NACH—DEM Krieg ganz klar unsere Abhängigkeit von RUSSISCHEN—ENERGIELIEFERUNGEN nicht wieder aufbauen",
20221024             Der RUSSISCHE—STAATSSENDER RT hat den Kremlpropagandisten ANTON—KRASSOWSKI nach Aussagen über das Ertränken UKRAINISCHER—KINDER entlassen.
20221024             —GEFORDERT, Krassowski hatte in einer Fernsehsendung, UKRAINISCHE—KINDER, die der Ansicht seien, die UKRAINE sei von RUSSLAND okkupiert worden, entweder zum Ertrinken in einen Fluss zu werfen oder sie in einer Hütte einzusperren und diese anzuzünden.
20221024             Zudem rief er zur Erschießung von Ukrainern auf und verharmloste Vergewaltigungen.
20221024             —BIS zu seiner Entlassung hatte Krassowski sich als CHEF—DES russischsprachigen Programms von RT monatelang mit Gewaltverherrlichungen und als Hassprediger gegenüber der UKRAINE hervorgetan.
20221024             Krassowski erklärte —NUN, er bedauere, 1—GRENZE überschritten zu haben.
20221024             Manchmal sei es so, dass er sich in seinen Sendungen zu sehr hinreißen lasse.
20221024             RUSSLAND wirft dem Westen vor, durch seine Sanktionen im Grunde genommen RUSSISCHE—GOLD—UND Devisenreserven gestohlen zu haben.
20221024             Präsidialamtssprecher DMITRI—PESKOW sagte vor Pressevertretern, ganz allgemein hätten bestimmte westliche Länder einen großen TEIL—DES—RUSSISCHEN—VERMÖGENS gestohlen.
20221024             Der UKRAINISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Denys Schmyhal hat den Finanzbedarf für den Wiederaufbau der UKRAINE auf 750—MILLIARDEN Dollar beziffert.
20221024             Er betonte auf einer DEUTSCH—UKRAINISCHEN—WIRTSCHAFTSKONFERENZ in BERLIN zudem, dass die UKRAINE der EU künftig Strom und Gas liefern wolle.
20221024             Die Antikorruptionsbehörde in der UKRAINE lässt —NACH—DEM FRÜHEREN—NOTENBANKCHEF—KYRYLO—SCHEWTSCHENKO fahnden.
20221024             Es besteht der Verdacht, dass er in die Unterschlagung von umgerechnet rund 5,5 Millionen Euro verwickelt ist.
20221024             —BESTREITET, Schewtschenko, JEDES—FEHLVERHALTEN.
20221024             —GESCHEHEN, Später sagte er, dies sei auf politischen Druck hin.
20221024             Bei seinem Rücktritt verwies er auf die Erfolge der Notenbank —SEIT Beginn der RUSSISCHEN—INVASION Ende —FEBRUAR, wie den ununterbrochenen Betrieb des Finanzsystems und die Vermeidung von Panik auf dem Devisenmarkt sowie großer Kapitalabflüsse.
20221024             Konjunkturkrise in CHINA: Das ENDE—DES—BETONBOOMS
20221024             Proteste gegen IRANISCHES—REGIME: Studierende in Teheran brechen mit Geschlechtertrennung in UNI—MENSA
20221024             Bürgerkrieg im JEMEN: EX—BUNDESWEHRSOLDATEN planten Söldnertruppe — Gericht verhängt Bewährungsstrafen
20221024             Wegen Sabotage: Straßenblockade in SCHWEDEN — 12—KLIMAAKTIVISTEN verurteilt
20221024             Vergleich in FRANKREICH: Credit Suisse legt Betrugsverfahren mit 238—MILLIONEN Euro bei
20221024             Nachfolge von LIZ—TRUSS: RISHI—SUNAK wird neuer BRITISCHER—PREMIERMINISTER
20221024             Madame Tussauds in LONDON: Wachsfigur von KÖNIG—CHARLES—III. mit Torte beworfen
20221024             Tagebau Garzweiler: Windräder müssen der Braunkohle weichen
20221024             Milder —HERBST, gefüllte Speicher: Gaspreis sinkt unter 100—EURO pro Megawattstunde
20221024             Für mehrere Millionen Euro: DEUTSCHLAND kauft sich von verfehlten Klimazielen frei
20221024             Spektakulärer Fund in SCHWEDEN: KRIEGSSCHIFF—WRACK aus dem 16010101—17001231    —CENTURY entdeckt
20221024             Mon 20221024
20221024             Ich weiß, was ihr —JETZT denkt.
20221024             Endlich tut mal jemand was für unterdrückte Minderheiten!
20221024             —NUN, die Minderheit der GOLDMAN—SACHS—MILLIONÄRE brauchte da keine Hilfe, wenn ihr mich fragt.
20221024             Wikipedia: Studierte in OXFORD, Analyst für Goldman Sachs, HEDGEFONDS—MANAGER, Stanford Graduate SCHOOL—OF—BUSINESS... unterstützte den EU—AUSTRITT des Vereinigten Königreichs...
20221024             Verheiratet ist er mit Akshata Murthy, die die Investmentfirma ihres Vaters leitet.
20221024             Weil sie in UK nicht offiziell eingebürgert wurde, zahlt sie nur 30.000—VON den sonst fälligen 20—MIO Pfund Steuern.
20221024             Das Paar lebt im Herrenhaus Kirby Sigston Manor im Dorf Kirby Sigston in der Nähe von Northallerton.[24] Außerdem besitzen sie 1—REIHENHAUS in Kensington im Zentrum Londons, 1—WOHNUNG in der Old Brompton Road in SOUTH—KENSINGTON und 1—PENTHOUSE—APARTMENT in Santa Monica.
20221024             Endlich normale Leute!!1!
20221024             Die auch von den Auswirkungen ihrer Politik selbst betroffen sind!1!!
20221024             [l] MALAYSIA exportiert doppelt so viel Öl wie es fördert - MOSCOW, 20221024             .
20221024             /TASS/. - USA—ELITES continue to believe that they can pursue aggression against RUSSIA as long as they want, this SHORT—SIGHTED conviction is teeming with utterly dangerous consequences, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—HISTORICAL—SOCIETY and Foreign Intelligence Service Director SERGEY—NARYSHKIN said —ON—MONDAY.
20221024             "—TODAY, AMERICA—ELITES continue to believe that they can wage aggression against our country for as long as they want, throwing the lives of thousands and THOUSANDS—OF—UKRAINE—CITIZENS and mercenaries into the bonfire of hostilities.
20221024             Such SHORT—SIGHTED conviction is awash with utterly dangerous consequences," he said at the opening of THE—HISTORICAL—DOCUMENTARY exhibition 'THE—CUBAN—MISSILE—CRISIS.
20221024             —60—YEARS—LATER' at THE—CENTRAL—ARMED Forces Museum, "THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—CUBAN—MISSILE—CRISIS and MANY—OF—THE—DOCUMENTS on display at this remarkable exhibition also warn of this," he pointed out.
20221024             —NOTED, Naryshkin, that exactly —60—YEARS—AGO, right —DURING THE—DAYS—OF—OCTOBER, the world was 1—STEP away from 1—FULL—SCALE—NUCLEAR—CONFLICT".
20221024             In turn, THE—SOVIET—UNION, seeking to reliably secure the friendly people of CUBA from the aggressive plans of THE—USA, placed its missiles on THE—ISLAND," he said, "For WASHINGTON, it is 1—THING to surround SOVIET—TERRITORY with its military bases and quite another thing to suddenly discover SOVIET—MISSILES near THE—USA—COASTLINE.
20221024             THE—REACTION—OF—AMERICA—POLITICAL—ELITES, who had long convinced themselves of this [their] exceptionalism, was painful, NERVE—RACKING and harsh.
20221024             It was only under pressure from the compelling circumstances that THE—WHITE—HOUSE was forced to admit that there could only be 1—PEACEFUL—WAY of resolving the crisis, and that was the urgent and mutual recognition of red lines".
20221024             —HIGHLIGHTED, Naryshkin, the enormous role played by SOVIET—ENVOY to THE—USA—ANATOLY—DOBRYNIN and SOVIET—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE resident in WASHINGTON ALEXANDER—FEKLISOV in defending the position of THE—USSR and seeking compromise.
20221024             "We must admit that there were rational people among the Kennedy administration, too, capable of sizing up the consequences of their actions and taking responsibility for their own words," the foreign intelligence service director added, "1—COMPROMISE was reached: WASHINGTON and MOSCOW removed their missiles from TURKEY and CUBA, respectively.
20221024             —BREATHED, The world, 1—DEEP—SIGH—OF—RELIEF".
20221024             —STRESSED, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—HISTORICAL—SOCIETY, that —TODAY MANY—EXPERTS and political scientists are trying to compare the current situation in the world with the disturbing events of —60—YEARS—AGO".
20221024             However, if we draw this parallel to the end honestly, we will not find 1—POLITICAL—FIGURE equal to PRESIDENT—KENNEDY among [—TODAY'S] leaders, among the politicians of Western countries nowadays," he said, "And look: in DECEMBER—OF—LAST—YEAR and JANUARY—OF—THIS—YEAR, neither THE—USA—LEADERSHIP nor NATO—LEADERS in response to the quite natural PROPOSALS—OF—THE—RUSSIA—SIDE were able to actually reaffirm their commitment to the fundamental principle of INTERNATIONAL law: equal and indivisible security".
20221024             For the 1. time ever, unique archival sources, shedding light on THE—EVENTS—OF—THE—CUBA—MISSILE Crisis in 1—BROADER—HISTORICAL—CONTEXT, are being presented to the general public.
20221024             They include materials about the establishment and DEVELOPMENT—OF—RELATIONS between MOSCOW and HAVANA, documents reflecting the development and IMPLEMENTATION—OF—OPERATION Anadyr, correspondence between SOVIET—LEADER—NIKITA—KHRUSHCHEV and USA—PRESIDENT—JOHN—KENNEDY, code cables and instructions to SOVIET—ENVOY to THE—USA—ANATOLY—DOBRYNIN and SOVIET—REPRESENTATIVE—TO—THE—UN—VALERIAN—ZORIN, which make it possible to reconstruct the events of 19621000             literally —MINUTE by —MINUTE.
20221024             Nach umstrittenen Äußerungen zum Krieg in der UKRAINE ist Rumäniens Verteidigungsminister Vasile Dincu zurückgetreten.
20221024             Der MINISTER begründete seinen Schritt mit der "Unmöglichkeit der Zusammenarbeit mit dem Präsidenten Rumäniens, dem obersten Befehlshaber der Armee",
20221024             Dincu hatte —1—WOCHE—ZUVOR in einem TV—INTERVIEW erklärt, der einzige Weg, den Krieg in der UKRAINE zu beenden, seien —VERHANDLUNGEN mit RUSSLAND.
20221024             Staatspräsident KLAUS—IOHANNIS betonte daraufhin, es sei die offizielle Position Rumäniens und der EU, dass nur die UKRAINE entscheiden könne, wann und wie sie verhandle.
20221024             Dincu vertrat in Rumäniens großer BÜRGERLICH—LINKER Regierungskoalition die mächtige Sozialdemokratische Partei (PSD).
20221024             RUSSLAND hält trotz westlicher Ablehnung an der Behauptung fest, Kiew wolle Moskau mit der Zündung einer "schmutzigen" - also atomar VERSEUCHTEN—BOMBE diskreditieren".
20221024             Die Gefahr liegt auf der Hand",
20221024             sagte Kremlsprecher DMITRI—PESKOW—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—INTERFAX zufolge.
20221024             Darauf angesprochen, dass die USA, GROSSBRITANNIEN und FRANKREICH die Vorwürfe in Zweifel ziehen, erklärte er: "Ihr Misstrauen gegenüber der Information, die ihnen von RUSSISCHER—SEITE gegeben wurde, bedeutet nicht, dass die Gefahr des Einsatzes einer 'schmutzigen Bombe' aufhört zu bestehen".
20221024             Außenminister Sergej Lawrow will den Fall derweil vor die Vereinten Nationen (UN) bringen.
20221024             RUSSLAND hat Medienberichten zufolge seiner Sorge vor einem möglichen Einsatz einer "schmutzigen Bombe",
20221024             eines mit radioaktivem Material versetzten Sprengsatzes, durch die UKRAINE erneut Ausdruck verliehen.
20221024             1—SPRECHERIN—DER—AMTIERENDEN—BRITISCHEN—PREMIERMINISTERIN—LIZ—TRUSS bestätigt das Gespräch und weist die Vermutung der RUSSISCHEN—FÜHRUNG erneut zurück.
20221024             Die Außenminister Frankreichs, Großbritanniens und der USA hatten die RUSSISCHE—ANSCHULDIGUNG in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung als Falschbehauptung zurückgewiesen.
20221024             RUSSLAND wolle die Vorwürfe als Vorwand für eine weitere Eskalation des UKRAINE—KRIEGES nutzen.
20221024             Bundesfinanzminister CHRISTIAN—LINDNER (FDP) will im kommenden —JAHR die Mittel zur militärischen Unterstützung der UKRAINE erhöhen.
20221024             Die Mittel sollen laut Ministerium auf mindestens 2—MILLIARDEN Euro —IM—NÄCHSTEN—JAHR steigen, —BISHER seien im Haushaltsentwurf rund 800—MILLIONEN Euro vorgesehen.
20221024             Konkret geht es um militärische "Ertüchtigungshilfe".
20221024             Kiew hat RUSSLAND vorgeworfen, absichtlich die Weiterfahrt von rund 165—FRACHTSCHIFFEN aus der TÜRKEI zu verzögern, die in UKRAINISCHEN—HÄFEN Getreide laden sollen.
20221024             —VERLÄNGERT, RUSSISCHE—INSPEKTEURE hätten "die Überprüfung von Schiffen erheblich ",
20221024             Der Politikwissenschaftler FRANK—SAUER, Experte für Nuklearwaffen, hält die unbelegten RUSSISCHEN—VORWÜRFE an die UKRAINE, an einer "schmutzigen Bombe" zu arbeiten, für einen Versuch von psychologischer Kriegsführung.
20221024             Er könne keine Anhaltspunkte entdecken, die für die RUSSISCHE—VERSION sprächen, sagte er im Interview mit tagesschau24.
20221024             Die USA—REGIERUNG ist Befürchtungen entgegengetreten, dass RUSSLAND selbst den Einsatz einer "schmutzigen Bombe" mit radioaktivem Material vorbereiten KÖNNTE—SO wie Moskau es der UKRAINE vorwirft.
20221024             Die USA—REGIERUNG sieht —BISHER keine Hinweise auf den möglichen RUSSISCHEN—EINSATZ einer solchen Bombe".
20221024             Wir sehen nach wie vor keine Vorbereitungen der RUSSISCHEN—SEITE für den EINSATZ—VON—ATOMWAFFEN und zu diesem Zeitpunkt auch nichts in Bezug auf den möglichen Einsatz einer 'schmutzigen Bombe'",
20221024             sagte der Kommunikationsdirektor des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates, JOHN—KIRBY.
20221024             "Wir haben in der Vergangenheit gesehen, dass die Russen gelegentlich andere für Dinge verantwortlich gemacht haben, die sie vorhatten zu tun",
20221024             warnte Kirby.
20221024             Es gebe —DERZEIT aber keine Hinweise, dass dies hier der Fall ist".
20221024             —GESEHEN, Aber es ist 1—SCHAUSPIEL, das wir —SCHON, haben".
20221024             "Die UKRAINE bricht die sogenannte zweitstärkste Armee der Welt",
20221024             sagte ZELENSKYY in seiner Videobotschaft.
20221024             Das Gefühl einer Niederlage in RUSSLAND wird stärker", so ZELENSKYY.
20221024             —GEHABT, Das Land habe einmal politisches Gewicht, —HEUTE werde es zunehmend isoliert INTERNATIONAL.
20221024             RUSSLAND habe nicht nur sein Potenzial für den "Irrsinn" eines Krieges gegen die UKRAINE und die gesamte freie Welt weggeworfen.
20221024             Das Land müsse —HEUTE auch etwa den IRAN anbetteln wegen Drohnen und erfinde "verschiedenen Unsinn" über die UKRAINE, um vom Westen Zugeständnisse zu erreichen,
20221024—19620000    —BY, I recall that THE—USA had deployed missiles with nuclear warheads on TURKEY—TERRITORY, which, of course, posed THE—THREAT—OF—1—POTENTIAL—CONFLICT with our country.
20221024—20200700    —IM, Schewtschenko hatte den Posten mitten in der CORONA—PANDEMIE übernommen.
20221024—20220224    —AM, Mit Blick auf den Kriegsbeginn vor genau —8—MONATEN, meinte der PRÄSIDENT, dass Russlands militärischer Einfluss —HEUTE verpufft sei".
20221024—20221004    —AM, Er war zurückgetreten und hatte dies mit gesundheitlichen Problemen begründet.