_HEUTE_1023 :

_4004102309          —AM—ON, THE—UNIVERSE was created at and is about to be destroyed in 1—APOCALYPTIC—CONFLAGRATION
_4004102309          —IM, USSHER—LIGHTFOOT—KALENDER, der das Erdalter anhand biblischer Stammbäume berechnet, fällt der Schöpfungstag auf den
_4004102309          1—SUNDAY, at 9 a.m., ACCORDING—TO, 16010101—17001231    —CENTURY divine JAMES—USSHER—ARCHBISHOP—OF—ARMAGH, and DOCTOR—JOHN—LIGHTFOOT—OF—CAMBRIDGE, the world was created on this —DAY,
_40041023            —AN—DIESEM—TAG, lautSchöpfungsglaube, Nach Berechnungen des anglikanischen THEOLOGE—JAMES—USSHER wird das Universum von Gott erschaffen.
_00421023            —BATTLE—OF—PHILIPPI.
_00421023            † MARCUS—JUNIUS—BRUTUS, 1—LEADING conspirator in THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—JULIUS—CAESAR, committed suicide —AFTER his defeat at —BATTLE—OF—PHILIPPI.
_00421023            —DEFEATED, OCTAVIAN and MARK—ANTONY, BRUTUS and CASSIUS at Philippi in MACEDONIA.
_00421023            —SCHLACHT—BEI—PHILIPPI
_00421023            —UNTERLIEGEN die HEERE—DER—CAESAR—ATTENTÄTER BRUTUS und CASSIUS den Verbänden des Triumvirats unter OKTAVIAN und MARCUS—ANTONIUS.
04241023             Der —ERST 5—ÄHRIGE FLAVIUS—PLACIDUS—VALENTINIANUS wird in THESSALONIKI zum Caesar erhoben.
04251023             übernimmt dessen Mutter GALLA—PLACIDIA die Regierungsgeschäfte.
05851023             SYNODE—VON—MÂCON In der wird
05851023             SYNODE—VON—MÂCON die Frage erörtert, ob man Frauen als Menschen bezeichnen könne.
05851023             SYNODE—VON—MÂCON unter des KÖNIG—GUNTRAM—VON—BURGUND Vorsitz
05851023             —SYNODE—VON—MÂCON erklärt den —BISHER freiwilligen KIRCHEN—ZEHNT zur Pflicht.
06401023             † ROMANUS—BISCHOF—VON—ROUEN und Heiliger der RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHEN Kirche
07520000—08030000    —ca, Byzantine—Empress—Irene
07871023             Byzantine—Empress—Irene attended the final session of the 2. church council at Nicaea, Bithynia [—NOW Iznik, 1—CITY in Anatolia (—NOW PART—OF—TURKEY)].
07871023             —REVIVED, The 2. church council at Nicaea formally, THE—ADORATION—OF—ICONS and reunited the Eastern church with that of ROME.
09021023             † AB?—ISH?Q—IBR?H?M—I—I—EMIR—DER—AGHLABIDEN in IFRIQIYA
09301023             † JAPANISCHER—KAISER—DAIGO,
09451023             † HYEJONG, 2. KÖNIG—DES—GORYEO—REICH in KOREA
09491023             † JAPANISCHER—KAISER—Y?ZEI,
10381023             † AB?—NU?AIM, arabischer Theologe und berühmter HADITH—SAMMLER
10861023             —SCHLACHT—BEI—ZALLAQA
10861023             —SCHLÄGT, der ALMORAVIDEN—HEER unter YUSUF—IBN—TASCHFIN das kastilische Ritterheer unter ALFONS—VI. vernichtend.
10951023             † HEINRICH—II—PFALZGRAF—BEI—RHEIN 1.
11441023             gleichlautend damit NUMMER—232—VON.
11571023             † SVEN—III—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK
12951023             PARIS, schließen SCHOTTLAND und FRANKREICH 1—BÜNDNISVERTRAG, worauf es zum Krieg zwischen ENGLAND und SCHOTTLAND kommt.
13401023             † [NIKOLAUS]NICHOLAS—DE—LYRA, Catholic Biblical exegete, student of Jewish literature
13611023             —AVENIONIS.
13641023             DURAND—DE—TRÉSÉMINES, ancien ÉVÉQUE—DE—MARSEILLE.
13901023             Simile del PAGAMENTO di due. 50—PER terza parte della taglia DELFANNO—PRESENTE^ fatto e. SENOR—AL—TESORIERE—CUBELLI.
14031023             2—DEUTSCHE—TÖPFER Christoph, sein Bruder KONRAD
14031023             —DIE—MENSIS, Super questione vertente inter Venturinum Becino de confinio S—SOPHIE sive nobilem virum ser MICHAELem
14031023             —ENTSCHEIDUNG der ,Giudiei del Petizion* in 1—STREITSACHE zwischen 1—GENANNTER Venetianer und 1—GENANNTER DEUTSCHEN—TÖPFER zu Gunsten des ersteren.
14201023             —AFTER, —DE—RODEMACK.
14201023             —URKUNDE—VOM, "...JEHAN—SEIGNEUR—DE—RODEMACH..". was named those confirming letters delivered by CHARLES—DUKE—OF—LORRAINE regarding his inheritance
14501023             MARTIN aus ULM, BÄCKER zu S—RAPHAELI;
14501023             † JUAN—DE—CAPISTRANO, —70—JAHRE—ALT, ITALY—SAINT.
14521023             —LES—ANGLAIS reprennent BORDEAUX
14841023             MARIN—SANUDO schrieb 1—BUCH über der LEBEN—PAPA und
14841023             MARIN—SANUDO schrieb 1—BUCH über des OVID—METAMORPHOSEN
14841023             MARIN—SANUDO schrieb u.a. verschiedene GESCHICHTE—BÜCHER,
14841023             —BEFREUNDET, MARIN—SANUDO war, mit ALDO—MANUZIO und
14841023             —AM, MARIN—SANUDO hatte also das aktive WAHL—RECHT sowie das passive WAHL—RECHT für die Ämter, in die er —NACH—DEN Alterslimiten gewählt werden konnte.
14841023             —ZUGELASSEN, wurde MARIN—SANUDO zum GROßER—RAT ,
14841023             —BEREITS in jungen —JAHREN stellte sich MARIN—SANUDO seine außerordentliche Produktivität als SCHRIFTSTELLER heraus.
14951004—14951023    Bei Desjardins, Negociations I. 451—483—SEITE—218.
14961023             —DOMINICA, locumtenens SS—D—N ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA,
14961023             —DOMINICA, venit AD—URBEM per portam—Asinariam sive LATERANensem illustrissimus GUIDO—DUX—URBINATIS,
14971023             † DAMEN—STIFT—BUCHAU—ÄBTISSIN—ANNA,
14981023             † HEINRICH—VON—COLLEN
15021023             —ADDI, s' andò a MONTELEVECCHIE — Contado di Pesaro, e si abbruciarono tutti li strami e le case dal canto di Talacchio.
15201023             —CROWNED, CARLOS—I—KING—OF— (15000000—15580000    ) was, as GERMANY—EMPEROR—CHARLES—V (15200000—15580000    ), 1—HOLY—ROMAN—EMPEROR.
15201023             Im Aachener Dom wird KARL—RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHEN—KÖNIG gekrönt.
15211023             II, 32 (M. A. Flaminio), 154—156;.
15321023             * JOACHIM—CUREUS, deutscher theologischer Schriftsteller, Historiker und Mediziner
15401023             † STEPHAN—KEMPE, lutherischer Theologe und Reformator
15421023             † JOHANNES—ZWICK, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Jurist, Reformator und Kirchenliederdichter
15461023             † PETER—FLÖTNER, DEUTSCHER—BAUMEISTER, Bildhauer, GOLD—UND Silberschmied, Grafiker, Medailleur und Bildschnitzer
15501023             * MARIA—ANDREAE, DEUTSCHE—ARZNEI—UND Heilkundige
15541023             * GEORG—LIMNÄUSA, DEUTSCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Astronom und Bibliothekar
15721023             * KONRAD—BACHMANN, DEUTSCHER—LITERATURWISSENSCHAFTLER, Historiker und Bibliothekar
15771023             † MORVILLIER, le.
15810104—16560000    According to Ussher and DOCTOR—JOHN—LIGHTFOOT—OF—CAMBRIDGE, the world was created _40041023             —ON, 1—SUNDAY, at 9 a.m.
15821023             † CHRISTOPHORO TEDESCHO, pistor gia et hora mercadante, morto in la osteria del SIGNOR—ZORZI.
15821023             —ATTEMPTED, Cossacks, to storm the Tatar fort at MOUNT—CHYUVASH for a 4. time —WHEN the Tatars counterattacked.
15821023             —KILLED, Over a 100—COSSACKS were, but their gunfire forced 1—TATAR retreat allowed the capture of 2—TATAR cannons.
15881023             —RETURNED, Medina SIDONIA—SPANISH—ARMADA, to SANTANDER.
15881023—15880921    —SEE
15961023             —SCHLACHT—BEI—MEZ?keresztes im Langen TÜRKEN—KRIEG beginnt.
15961023—15961026    —SCHLACHT—BEI—MEZ?keresztes, dauert —BIS—ZUM.
16141023             † PANCRAZ—KRÜGER, DEUTSCHER—HUMANIST und Pädagoge
16161023             † RICHARD—HAKLUYT, ENGLISCHER—GEOGRAPH und Schriftsteller
16311023             —DIE—URKUNDE ist wieder zurückgegeben, ;;, Jo. Janßen.
16321023             † GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—CRESPI, ITALIENISCHER—MALER, Bildhauer und Architekt
16351023             † WILHELM—SCHICKARD, DEUTSCHER—ASTRONOM und Mathematiker
16411023             Catholics in IRELAND, under Phelim O'Neil, rose against the Protestants and cruelly massacred men, women and children to the number of 40,000 (SOME—SAY 100,000).
16411023             —IRISCHE—KONFÖDERATIONSKRIEGE, Mit der von Phelim O'Neill geführten Rebellion beginnen die.
16421023             THE—BATTLE—OF—EDGEHILL was the 1. major clash between Royalist and Parliamentary forces in THE—ENGLAND—CIVIL—WARS.
16421023             CHARLES—I—KING—OF— and 11-15,000 Cavaliers held the high ground against 13-15,000 Roundheads led by THE—EARL—OF—ESSEX and OLIVER—CROMWELL.
16421023             The conflict began with 1—SMATTERING—OF—CANNON—EXCHANGES.
16421023             —HAMPERED, THE—ROYALIST artillery was, by its uphill position, rendering its cannons largely ineffective against the enemy below.
16421023             As 1—RESULT, Royalist cavalry, led by THE—KING—NEPHEW, PRINCE—RUPERT, swept down the hill toward the Parliamentarians, decimating 1—LARGE—SECTION—OF—THEIR ranks.
16421023             THE—ROYALISTS did not capitalize on this initial success, however, as the troops became more interested in plundering the town than in finishing the fight.
16421023             —ALLOWED, This, Parliamentarian troops to regroup and break up enemy formations.
16421023             —AFTER several hours of hard fighting, both sides withdrew to their original positions, leaving 1—FIELD scattered with debris and casualties.
16421023             † SIR—EDMUND—VERNEYS rode into THE—BATTLE—OF—EDGEHILL as the standard bearer of CHARLES—I and, there.
16421023             —SCHLACHT—BEI—EDGEHILL ist die
16421023             1. Feldschlacht des ENGLISCHEN—BÜRGERKRIEGES.
16421023             —SCHLACHT—BEI—EDGEHILL, endet unentschieden,
16421023             —SCHLACHT—BEI—EDGEHILL, nimmt aber den Royalisten die Möglichkeit, auf LONDON zu marschieren und dadurch 1—SCHNELLEN Sieg über die Parlamentarier zu erringen.
16421023—20070000    —AUTHORED, ADRIAN—TINNISWOOD, "THE—VERNEYS: 1—TRUE—STORY—OF—LOVE, War and Madness in 16010101—17001231     ENGLAND".
16681023             MARESCHAL—DE—TURENNE se convertit au catholicisme
16681023             Jews of BARBADOS were forbidden to engage in retail trade.
16681023             † GIOVANNI—ROVETTA, venezianischer KOMPONIST—UND—SÄNGER
16721023             Man heeft eijndelijk naer veel overlegs met den beere [KUR—FURST] KUR—FÜRST—VON—MENTZ[MAINZ], MONTECUCULI ende de generaels persoonen geresolveert,
16721023             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16721023             —DATUM—BERGEN,
16721023             —HEUTE, hat er obige Antwort vom KUR—FÜRST erhalten, die aber die Frage ganz übergeht, was man eigentlich zu tun beabsichtigt.
16791023             THE—MEAL—TUB—PLOT took place against JAMES—II—OF—ENGLAND.
16801013/16801023    —DATUM—POTSDAM.
16801023             Er ist bereit, in seinem STREIT—MIT—SPANIEN ENGLANDs und des STAAT N VERMITTLUNG zu acceptieren und seine weiteren Befehle an die Kriegsschiffe zurückzunehmen,
16801023             Er will auch nicht sofortige Bezahlung der ganzen Schuld von SPANIEN verlangen, sondern
16801023             Er will sich einstweilen mit 50 % begnügen, wenn die Mediatoren ihm die andere Hälfte garantieren.
16801023             wenn die Mediatoren versprechen, falls SPANIEN 1—GEBÜHRENDE Satisfaction verweigert, ihm bei der Erlangung derselben zu helfen.
16891023             DECLARATION—OF—RIGHTS stärkt die Rechte des Parlaments gegenüber der Krone.
16901023             —FAILED, USA—COLONIAL—FORCES from BOSTON led by SIR—WILLIAM—PHIPS, in their attempt to seize QUEBEC.
16901023             Phips lost 4—SHIPS on the return trip due to stormy weather.
16901023             There was 1—REVOLT in HAARLEM—HOLLAND, —AFTER 1—PUBLIC—BAN on smoking.
16921023             † ALEXANDER—VON—SPAEN, kurbrandenburgischer GENERAL—FELDMARSCHALL
16981023             * ANGE—JACQUES—GABRIEL, FRANCE—COURT architect (Place de la Concorde).
17021023             —BATAILLE—NAVALE PRÈS—DE—VIGO
17021023             —SEESCHLACHT—BEI—VIGO
17021023             —BESIEGT, 1—ENGLISCH—NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—FLOTTE im SPANISCHEN—ERBFOLGEKRIEG SPANISCH—FRANZÖSISCHE—SCHIFFE, die aus KUBA eingetroffene Schatzgaleonen im Hafen abschirmen.
17021023             Die Angreifer versenken ALLE—GEGNERISCHEN—SCHIFFE und erbeuten noch nicht entladenes Silber aus den Galeonen.
17031023             † HANNAH—TWYNNOY, ENGLISCHE—BARDAME, von 1—TIGER getötet
17071023             —CREATED, THE—1.—PARLIAMENT—OF—GREAT—BRITAIN, by THE—ACTS—OF—UNION between ENGLAND and SCOTLAND, held its 1. meeting.
17071023             Das —NACH—DEM ACT—OF—UNION neu gebildete BRITISCHE—PARLAMENT tritt zu seiner 1. Sitzung zusammen.
17081023             —LE—PRINCE—EUGÈNE prend LILLE
17131023             * JOHANN—WENDLER, DEUTSCHER—BUCHHÄNDLER, Verleger und Stifter
17141023             † PHILIP—WILHELM—VON—HORNICK, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—NATIONALÖKONOM, Merkantilist und Kameralist
17151023             * PETER—II—ZAR—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND
17181023             † JOHANN—CASPAR—POSNER, DEUTSCHER—PHYSIKER und Rhetoriker
17271023             * CÄCILIA—WEBER, Schwiegermutter des WOLFGANG—AMADEUS—MOZART
17391023             —KRIEGSERKLÄRUNG des BRITISCHEN—PREMIERMINISTER—ROBERT—WALPOLE gegenüber SPANIEN setzt der Krieg um JENKINS' Ohr ein.
17451023             † JOHANN—ALEXANDER—DÖDERLEIN, Weißenburger Gelehrter
17501023             * NICOLAS—APPERT, the inventor of canning.
17501023             * THOMAS—PINCKNEY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—SOLDAT, Politiker und Diplomat
17521023             * NICOLAS—APPERT, inventor (food canning, bouillon tablet).
17541023             Die Uraufführung der Oper Anacréon von JEAN—PHILIPPE—RAMEAU findet in Fontainebleau statt.
17591023             * SIVERT—KNUDSEN—AARFLOT, NORWEGISCHER—LEHRER, Bauer, Naturforscher, Autor, Verleger, Buchdrucker und Lensmann
17601023             —PRINTED, THE—1.—JEWISH prayer books were, in USA.
17671023             * H—BENJAMIN—CONSTANT, [de Rebeque], FRANCE—POLITICIAN and writer.
17691023             * JAMES—WARD, ENGLISCHER—MALER
17691023             † FRANÇOIS—DE—ROCHES, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
17751023             —APPROVED, Continental Congress, 1—RESOLUTION barring blacks from army.
17791023             † FRANZ—FRIDOLIN—WEBER, DEUTSCHER—BASSIST, Souffleur und Notenkopist
17821023             † JOSEPH—RIEPEL, DEUTSCHER—MUSIKTHEORETIKER, Violinist und Komponist
17831023             —EMANCIPATED, VIRGINIA, slaves who fought for INDEPENDENCE —DURING the Revolutionary—War.
17901023             —REVOLTED, Slaves, in HAITI.
17921023             Im KUR—FÜRST—SCHLOSS—MAINZ wird der 1. JAKOBINER—KLUB auf deutschem Boden gegründet.
17931023             in der FRANZÖSISCHEN—REVOLUTION Die GRAB—KAPELLE des Heiligen zerstört wurde.
17931023             —J—IM—AM, DIE—HEILIGEN—RELIQUIEN wurden herausgerissen, entweiht und in 1—GRUBE geworfen.
17940723—17931023    —IM, DES NÄCHSTEN JAHRES, DIE—HEILIGEN—RELIQUIEN wurden aber wieder heimlich ausgegraben,
17991023             † WILLIAM—PACA, Delegierter von MARYLAND im Kontinentalkongress
18011023             * GUSTAV—ALBERT—LORTZING, composer.
18031023             † EDMUND—PENDLETON, Delegierter für VIRGINIA im Kontinentalkongress
18111023             † LEONARD—MEISTER, SCHWEIZER—LEHRER, Politiker und evangelischer Geistlicher
18121023             A PARIS, COUP—DE—ETAT avorté du général Malet
18121023             —FAILED, There was 1, coup against emperor NAPOLEON.
18121023             —MALET—VERSCHWÖRUNG: Der FRANZÖSISCHE—GENERAL und überzeugte Republikaner CLAUDE—FRANÇOIS—DE—MALET unternimmt 1—STAATSSTREICH, indem er auf Basis von gefälschten Dokumenten die Nachricht vom Tod NAPOLEON—BONAPARTES bei dessen Rückzug vom gescheiterten Russlandfeldzug verbreitet.
18121023—18121029    —AM, Der MALET—VERSCHWÖRUNG—PLAN misslingt jedoch, CLAUDE—FRANÇOIS—DE—MALET und seine Mitverschwörer werden verhaftet und hingerichtet.
18141023             —PERFORMED, The 1. plastic surgery was, in ENGLAND.
18201023             * CARL—FEER—HERZOG, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER, Unternehmer und Eisenbahnpionier
18231023             * WILHELM—HEYD, DEUTSCHER—BIBLIOTHEKAR und Historiker
18241023             —INTRODUCED, The 1. steam locomotive was.
18251023             * CASPAR—BUTZ, deutschamerikanischer Schriftsteller und Politiker
18291023             —RECEIVED, THE—EAST—STATE—PENITENTIARY in PHILADELPHIA, its 1. prisoner, burglar CHARLES—WILLIAMS, —18—JAHRE—ALT.
18291023             —BASED, It was, on the Quaker IDEA—OF—REFORM through solitude and reflection.
18291023             —DESIGNED, The prison was, by JOHN—HAVILAND and was built on the outskirts of PHILADELPHIA.
18291023             The whole FORTRESS—LIKE exterior was —JUST 1—FAÇADE hiding the radial structure of the inner prison.
18291023             In der fertiggestellten Strafanstalt EAST—STATE—PENITENTIARY—PHILADELPHIA werden die 1. Häftlinge aufgenommen.
18291023—19130000    —ABANDONED, THE—PENNSYLVANIA—SYSTEM—OF—ISOLATION was, and the isolation practices ended.
18291023—19710000    —CLOSED, It opened to tourists —AFTER being, to prisoners.
18341023             * HERMANN—USENER, DEUTSCHER—ALTPHILOLOGE und Religionswissenschaftler
18351023             * ADLAI—EWING—STEVENSON, (D) 23. VP (18930000—18970000    ).
18361023             † HEINRICH—BEHRMANN, DEUTSCH—DÄNISCHER—PÄDAGOGE, Sachbuchautor und Privatgelehrter
18411023             † LEONID—VON—OPTINA, Mönch, Seelsorger und Heiliger der RUSSISCH—ORTHODOXE—KIRCHE
18421023             † WILHELM—GESENIUS, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Historiker
18441023             * SARAH—BERNHARDT, FRANCE—ACTRESS.
18441023             * WILHELM—LEIBL, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18451022—19230000    19231023             —SEE
18461023             Darauf nahm DER—VEREIN—FÜR entlassene Sträflinge sich des CARL—FRIEDRICH—AUGUST—KRAUSE an und
18461023             brachte CARL—FRIEDRICH—AUGUST—KRAUSE als Zigarrenmacher unter,
18461023             —AM, kam CARL—FRIEDRICH—AUGUST—KRAUSE aus der Strafanstalt nach DRESDEN zurück und
18461023             —NUN, verkehrte CARL—FRIEDRICH—AUGUST—KRAUSE unter den berüchtigtsten Dieben.
18471023             —AM, endenden —WOCHE standen,
18471023             —AM, gegen den
18471023             —AM, "waren die öffentlichen Fonds und die KANAL—UND Eisenbahnaktien —BEREITS entwertet um 114.752.225—PFUND—STERLING"
18471023             —AM, So begaben sich die führenden BANKIERs aus LONDON zur DOWNING—STREET,
18471023             —DIENSTAG—AM, wurde nämlich der BANK—AKT suspendiert, DIE—KRISE war damit gebrochen.
18471023             —ECONOMIST")
18471023             —THE—ECONOMIST—VOM.. 578
18471023—18470200    —AM, verglichen mit dem Stand vom DESSELBEN—JAHRES, der Wertfall Zusammen: 114.762.325—PFUND—STERLING, BETRUG
18471023—18470200    —AM, verglichen mit dem Stand vom DESSELBEN—JAHRES, der Wertfall auf DOCK—AKTIEN, KANAL—AKTIEN 1.358.288—PFUND—STERLING, BETRUG
18471023—18470200    —AM, verglichen mit dem Stand vom DESSELBEN—JAHRES, der Wertfall auf EISENBAHN—AKTIEN 19.579.820—PFUND—STERLING, BETRUG
18471023—18470200    —AM, verglichen mit dem Stand vom DESSELBEN—JAHRES, der Wertfall auf ENGLISCHE—STAATS—PAPIERE 93.824.217—PFUND—STERLING, BETRUG
18481023             —GEMACHT, Aber hart hat es ROBERT—BLUM nicht,
18481023             Im Gegenteil, des —40—JAHRE—ALTE ROBERT—BLUM politisches Profil ist das 1—PRAGMATISCHEN Vermittlers, der lieber Kompromisse eingeht als Mitstreiter zu verlieren.
18481023             ROBERT—BLUM, aus 1—ARMEN—KÖLNER—FAMILIE.
18481023             ROBERT—BLUM, der blitzgescheite Kopf
18481023             der Akademische Legion permanenter Ausschuss [die Aula] es weit über WIEN hinaus zu hohem Ansehen gebracht hat.
18481023             der Akademische Legion permanenter Ausschuss [die Aula],
18481023             —AM, tritt ROBERT—BLUM vor die "Aula",
18481023             —BALD—ROBERT—BLUM—SEINE flammenden, radikalen Aussagen sind Stadtgespräch.
18481023             —BIS—DAHIN nicht aufgefallen Als RADIKALEr ist der —40—JAHRE—ALTE ROBERT—BLUM.
18481023             Das in der Zeit der
18481023             —DEUTSCHE—REVOLUTION vom
18481023             —OKTOBER—AUFSTAND erfasste WIEN wird von konterrevolutionären Truppen unter dem BEFEHL—VON—JOSEPH—JELA?i?—VON—BUžim und ALFRED—I—ZU—WINDISCH—GRAETZ eingeschlossen.
18501023             Man bezeichnet 2—MÄNNER, die sich endlich entschlossen haben wichtige Ämter anzunehmen, als zukünftige Träger der GRIECHISCHEN—POLITIK und beide Männer sind ausschließlich englisch gesinnt.
18501023             —AM—ANGEGEBENEN—ORT—SEITE—279
18501023             Auf das aber gerade scheint es der ENGLÄNDER THOMPSON abgesehen zu haben, und
18501023             Beide um in der ERB—FOLGE—FRAGE im Interesse Englands zu arbeiten.
18501023             Es gibt Stimmen, die da behaupten der ENGLÄNDER THOMPSON arbeite für RUßLAND.
18501023             Es sind Maurokordato und Metaxa.
18501023             —BESTIMMT, Ersterer soll als Gesandter nach PARIS, letzterer hierher, sein.
18501023             Wenn man das unpolitische Drängen seinerseits annimmt, Kossuth —JETZT zum offenen Auftreten zu bringen, so ist dies nur im reaktionären Sinne gehandelt, denn
18501023             der ENGLÄNDER THOMPSON Thompson ist es, der —NUN mit den Wallachen in Unterhandlung steht.
18501023             der ENGLÄNDER THOMPSON hat viel Geist, viel Kenntnisse, und evoluiert 1—UNGEHEURE tätigkeit, doch
18501023             der ENGLÄNDER THOMPSON hier (von wessen Geld ist 1—WAHRES Räthsel) 1—SYBARITISCHES Leben führt, im 1. Hotel (hotel d´ANGLETERRE) wohnt,
18501023             der ENGLÄNDER THOMPSON hier 1—YACHT auf dem Meere besitzt, daselbst 4—5—MENSCHEN erhält, Reisen macht, große TRINK—GELDER gibt,
18501023             der ENGLÄNDER THOMPSON ist es auch der Kossuths Verbindungen mit Christides dem GRIECHISCHEN—MINISTER eingeleitet, und 18501023?????????????der ENGLÄNDER THOMPSON will durch Cobdens Partei dahin wirken PALMERSTON zu zwingen rigorosere Saiten ÖSTERREICH gegenüber aufzuziehen.
18501023             der Hitzkopf Kossuth läßt sich abermals vielleicht seiner unbewusst zum Werkzeuge 1—IHM fremden MACHT gebrauchen,
18501023             des KOSSUTH Hauptagent jedoch der ENGLÄNDER THOMPSON ist,
18501023             die Verbindung Kossuths mit den RUSSEN ist —NUN mehr unzweifelhaft.
18501023             statt das mindeste dabei zu gewinnen ist nur alles zu verlieren.
18501023             weiß man NOCH—IMMER NICHT recht für wen der ENGLÄNDER THOMPSON im Grunde arbeitet.
18501023             wodurch der ENGLÄNDER THOMPSON hier sich natürlich Wege zu öffnen im Stande, die 1—ANDERN stets verschlossen bleiben.
18501023             —CONSTANTINOPEL, DEN, (... )weiß nichts von den eigentlichen Planen und Absichten KOSSUTHs
18501023             † KARL—CHRISTOPH—SCHMIEDER, DEUTSCHER—WISSENSCHAFTSHISTORIKER, Gymnasialprofessor und Autor
18511023             * GUILLAUME—COUTURE, KANADISCHER—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE, Musikkritiker, Dirigent, Chorleiter, Komponist, Organist und Sänger
18521023             —AM, wurde vom POLIZEI—RAT—STIEBER dem Gericht das gefälschte Protokollbuch des BUND—DER—KOMMUNISTEN präsentiert.
18530000—19101023    * † Rama V (18530000             *) CHULALONGKORN—KING—OF—.
18611023             —SUSPENDED, PRESIDENT—ABRAHAM—LINCOLN, the writ of habeas corpus in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA for all MILITARY—RELATED cases.
18611023             * WILHELM—WRAGE, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18631023             —ARRIVED, GENERAL—GRANT, at CHATTANOOGA.
18631023             TURIN, wird auf Initiative von QUINTINO—SELLA der CLUB—ALPINO—ITALIANO gegründet.
18641023—18641024    2. VEREINS—TAG Auf ihm sind 47—VEREINE und 3—GAU—VERBÄNDE vertreten.
18641023—18641024    2. VEREINS—TAG F. A, Lange, DER—VERFASSER des Buches "GESCHICHTE—DES—MATERIALISMUS", gewählt.
18641023—18641024    2. VEREINS—TAG In den für die laufenden Geschäfte verantwortlichen Ausschuß werden neben —AUGUST—BEBEL,
18641023—18641024    2. VEREINS—TAG L. Sonnemann, der HERAUSGEBER—DER—FRANKFURTER—ZEITUNG, und
18641023—18641024    2. VEREINS—TAG DER—VEREINS—TAG diskutiert die Freizügigkeit, das GENOSSENSCHAFTS—WESEN, 1—ALTERS—, Lebensversicherung.
18641023—18641024    2. VEREINS—TAG—TAG M. Hirsch, der —SPÄTERE GRÜNDER—DER—GEWERKVEREINE,
18671023             † FRANZ—BOPP, DEUTSCHER—SPRACHWISSENSCHAFTLER und Sanskritforscher
18691023             * JOHN—HEISMAN, USA—COLLEGE—FOOTBALL—COACH 18920000—19270000    —FROM—TO.
18691023             —NAMED, JOHN—HEISMAN had 1—TROPHY for best college player, —AFTER him.
18691023             * ALBERT—ROBERVAL, KANADISCHER—SÄNGER, Dirigent, Theaterleiter und Musikpädagoge
18711023             * GJERGJ—FISHTA, ALBANISCHER—FRANZISKANERPATER, Dichter und Übersetzer
18711023             † GUILLAUME—DE—FELICE, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18721023             † THEOPHILE—GAUTIER, —61—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—POET, writer, historian, and critic.
18741023             † ABRAHAM—GEIGER, Angehöriger der jüdischen Reformbewegung
18861023             * KARL—SCHENKER, DEUTSCH—BRITISCHER—FOTOGRAF und Zeichner
18861023             * PETER—BRATSCHI, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER, Hörspielautor und Mundartdichter
18891023             DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN—WAHL—PROGRAMM Es komme vor allem darauf an, der jetzigen reaktionären REICHS—TAGSMEHRHEIT das Heft aus der Hand zu nehmen, da
18891023             DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN—WAHL—PROGRAMM Sie werde ferner den Kriegsschürereien und NATIONALITÄTEN—VERHETZUNGEN entgegentreten.
18891023             DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN—WAHL—PROGRAMM die Lasten, die speziell DIE—ARBEITER—KLASSE benachteiligten, sonst ins schier Unerträgliche steigen würden.
18891023             DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN—WAHL—PROGRAMM —DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION werde DIE—REGIERUNGEN und herrschenden Klassen drängen, für 1—WIRKSAME internationale ARBEITER—SCHUTZ—GESETZ—GEBUNG im Sinne der Beschlüsse des internationalen ARBEITER—KONGRESSES einzutreten.
18901023             —PRODUCED, BORODIN—OPERA "PRINCE—IGOR" was, posthumously in S—PETERSBURG.
18901023             * EBERHARD—WILDERMUTH, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdL, Landesminister, MdB und Bundesminister
18921023             * SEYMOUR—FELIX, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—SHOWTÄNZER und Choreograph
18921023             † MEHMED—EMIN—PASCHA—EDUARD—SCHNITZER—, DEUTSCHER—MILITÄRARZT, Afrikareisender und Politiker
18991023             * HANS—LEHNERT, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Widerstandskämpfer
19011023             GEORG—VON—SIEMENS stirbt in BERLIN.
19021003—19021023    —ON, 19020512             —SEE J—P—MORGAN came up with 1—COMPROMISE proposal that provided for arbitration and the miners returned to work.
19021023             MAX—BROD trifft in der "LESE—UND Redehalle der DEUTSCHEN—STUDENTEN in Prag" FRANZ—KAFKA, als dieser dort 1—VORTRAG über ARTHUR—SCHOPENHAUER hielt.
19021023             —BEGINNT, MAX—BROD, FRANZ—KAFKA 1—LEBENSLANGE Freundschaft.
19061023             * GERTRUDE—EDERLE, swimmer (OLYMPIC—GOLD—1924), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19061023             ALBERTO—SANTOS—DUMONT gelingt mit dem Motorflugzeug 14-bis ein 50—METER weiter Flug.
19061023             —GEWINNT, ALBERTO—SANTOS—DUMONT, damit den ARCHDEACON—PREIS mit 1—DOTIERUNG—VON—3.500—FRANCS für den 1. Motorflug über 25—METER.
19090000—19781023    * † Maybelle Carter, VIRGINIA—BORN country singer, in NASHVILLE—TENNESSEE.
19101023             —BECAME, Blanche S. Scott, the 1. woman to make 1—SOLO, public airplane flight, reaching 1—ALTITUDE—OF—12—FEET at 1—PARK in FORT—WAYNE, INDIANA.
19101023             —CEDED, He also, territories to Western powers, including LAOS and CAMBODIA to FRANCE, and the Malay sultanates of Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Perlis to BRITAIN.
19101023             Chulalongkorn was the 1. Siamese KING to send royal princes to study VAJIRAVUDH—KING—OF— succeeded his father as Rama VI and formed 1—PRIVATE—ARMY, the Wild Tiger Corps, on his accession.in EUROPE.
19101023             He visited twice and presented Siam as 1—MODERN nation to European rulers.
19101023             —INTRODUCED, He had, state corporations as 1—WAY to modernize Siam (THAILAND).
19101023             —LIVED, Rama—V, in the Vimanmek—Mansion in BANGKOK.
19101023             Vimanmek—Mansion was made entirely of golden teak wood.
19111023             Im ITALIENISCH—TÜRKISCHEN—KRIEG wird erstmals militärische Aufklärung aus der Luft betrieben.
19111023             Der Italiener CARLO—PIAZZA überfliegt zur Feindbeobachtung 1—TÜRKISCHE—STELLUNG bei BENGASI.
19140000—20021023    * † Adolph—Green, lyricist.
19151023             —MARCHED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WOMEN, in NEW—YORK—CITY, demanding the right to vote.
19151023             —WWI—IM, torpediert das BRITISCHE—U—BOOT E8 in der Ostsee das DEUTSCHE—KRIEGSSCHIFF—PRINZ—ADALBERT.
19151023             Mit dem Großen KREUZER—PRINZ—ADALBERT gehen 672—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER verloren, nur 3—MANN überleben den Schiffsuntergang EINIGE—SEEMEILEN vor Libau.
19171023             THE—1.—INFANTRY division, "Big Red 1," fired the 1. USA—SHOT in WW I.
19171023             Lenin spoke against Kamenev, Kollontai, STALIN and Trotsky.
19180000—20071023    * † Lim Goh Tong, CHINA—BUSINESSMAN, in KUALA—LUMPUR.
19181023             —ENTLASSEN, KARL—LIEBKNECHT aus dem ZUCHT—HAUS wird.
19181023             —SATISFIED, PRESIDENT—WILSON felt, that the Germans were accepting his armistice terms and agreed to transmit their request for 1—ARMISTICE to the Allies.
19181023             —AGREED, THE—GERMANS had, to suspend submarine warfare, cease inhumane practices such as the use of poison gas, and withdraw troops back into GERMANY.
19191023             —PREMIERED, Sigmund ROMBERG—MUSICAL "Passing Show,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19201023             —INDICTED, CHICAGO grand jury, Abe Attell, HAL—CHASE, and BILL—BURNS as GO—BETWEENS in Black Sox World Series scandal.
19211023             —INSPIRED, It was, by ALEXANDER—OSTROVSKY—MID 18010101—19001231     play "THE—STORM".
19211023             —PLAYED, GREEN—BAY Packers, their 1. NFL game.
19211023             They won 7—6—OVER MINNEAPOLIS.
19211023             —COMPLETED, Leos Janacek (18540000—19280000    ), his opera "Katya Kabanov," and it premiered in BRNO.
19211023             Bei seinem 2. Restaurationsversuch in UNGARN kommt es bei Budaörs zu 1—SCHARMÜTZEL zwischen Einheiten des ehemaligen Königs KARL—I—KÖNIG—VON—UNGARN und UNGARISCHEN—TRUPPEN.
19211023             —KAPITULIERT, Um 1—BÜRGERKRIEG zu vermeiden, KARL—I—KÖNIG—VON—UNGARN.
19220000—19841023    * † OSKAR—WERNER, AUSTRIA—ACTOR (Fahrenheit 451), of 1—HEART—ATTACK.
19221023             ANDREW—BONAR—LAW (18580000—19230000    ) began serving as UK—PRIME—MINISTER and continued to 19230522             .
19221023             —DUBBED, WINSTON—CHURCHILL, his coalition government the "2. 11" because so MANY—TOP—PLAYERS refused to serve in it.
19221023             Der heutige Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhof geht in Betrieb.
19231023             —HAMBURGER—AUFSTAND, mit dem die KPD die Macht in der WEIMARER—REPUBLIK an sich reißen will, wird noch —AM—SELBEN—TAG niedergeschlagen.
19251023             * MANOS—HADJIDAKIS, GREECE—COMPOSER and conductor (Never —ON—SUNDAY).
19251023—20050000    * † JOHNNY—CARSON, USA—TELEVISION—PERSONALITY who hosted the "Tonight Show," in CORNING—IOWA.
19270000—20141023    * † JOAN—QUIGLEY, former astrologer to Ronald and NANCY Reagan, in S—FRANCISCO.
19291023             1. transcontinental air service began from NEW—YORK to LOS—ANGELES.
19291023             [see July]
19321023             "FRED—ALLEN—SHOW" premiered on radio.
19331014             —PROCLAIMED, THE—GENEVA disarmament conference broke up as GERMANY, withdrawal from the disarmament initiative, as well as from the League of Nations, effective 19331023             .
19331023             GERMANY withdrew from the League of Nations in LIGHT—OF—THE—FAILURE—OF—THE—GERMANS to gain military parity with the Western powers.
19341023             1—ITALIENISCHE—M.C.72—STELLT mit 709,209 km/h den —BIS—HEUTE bestehenden Weltrekord für propellergetriebene Wasserflugzeuge auf.
19351023             HOLLAND—SCHULTZ, —33—JAHRE—ALT, born as ARTHUR—FLEGENHEIMER, was shot in the men's ROOM—OF—THE—PALACE—CHOP House and Tavern in NEWARK—NEW—JERSEY.
19351023             He lingered for nearly —1—DAY—BEFORE dying —AFTER being the target of 1—MOB hit.
19351023             —WANTED, Schultz, to have THOMAS—E—DEWEY murdered because the special prosecutor had set his sights on the numbers racket operated by Schultz.
19351023             1—SYNDICATE—OF—NEW—YORK—TOP mobsters decided to murder Schultz because it feared THE—WRATH—OF—THE—AUTHORITIES and decided against the assassination.
19351023             Schultz gang members Abe Landau and Otto "ABA Daba" Berman and bodyguard Bernard "Lulu" Rosencrantz were shot.
19351023             Die Killer EMANUEL—WEISS und CHARLES—WORKMAN geben in NEWARK—NEW—JERSEY im Auftrag ranghoher Bosse des Organisierten Verbrechens auf den Mobster HOLLAND—SCHULTZ, dessen Buchhalter OTTO—BERMAN und 2—WEITERE Bandenangehörige tödliche Schüsse ab.
19390000—20161023    * † TOM—HAYDEN, USA—SOCIAL and political activist, author and politician, in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA, —FOLLOWING 1—LENGTHY—ILLNESS.
19391023             † ZANE—GREY, —67—JAHRE—ALT, USA western writer (SPIRIT—OF—THE—BORDER).
19391023             —AUTHORED, ZANE—GREY, 89—BOOKS, mostly Westerns.
19391023             —INCLUDED, ZANE—GREY—BOOKS on fishing : "Tales of fishes" and "1—AMERICA—ANGLER in AUSTRALIA".
19401023             * PELE, legendary BRAZIL—SOCCER player who scored 1,281 goals in —22—YEARS.
19401023             ADOLF—HITLER trifft mit FRANCISCO—FRANCO im FRANZÖSISCHEN—HENDAYE zusammen, um ihn, letztendlich erfolglos, zum Eintritt in den —WWII auf Seiten der Achsenmächte zu bewegen.
19401023             Der HURTIGRUTEN—PASSAGIERDAMPFER—PRINSESSE—RAGNHILD wird —KURZ—NACH—DEM Ablegen in Bodø vor der Insel Landegode von 1—EXPLOSION erschüttert und sinkt.
19401023             —BIS—HEUTE, Die Ursache ist unklar. 299—MENSCHEN sterben.
19411018             HEINRICH—HIMMLER untersagt in einem Erlass mit Wirkung vom 19411023             allen Juden die Genehmigung zur Auswanderung.
19411022—19411023    Some—39,000 [20,000] Jews were killed by ROMANIA—TROOPS over —2—DAYS in Odessa.
19411022—19411023    —BURNED, MANY—OF—Jews were, to death in 1—PUBLIC—SQUARE or in warehouses that were locked shut.
19411022—19411023    —KILLED, Altogether some 90,000—Jews were, in ODESSA.
19411023             —RELEASED, Walt DISNEY—CARTOON film, "Dumbo," was.
19411025             [see 19411022—19411023    ]
19420000—20141023    * † ALVIN—STARDUST, UK—SINGER and former glam rock star, —AFTER 1—SHORT—BATTLE with cancer, —JUST weeks —BEFORE he was due to release 1—NEW album.
19421023             * MICHAEL—CRICHTON, writer.
19421023             MICHAEL—CRICHTON—WORK includes "Jurassic Park" and "THE—ANDROMEDA—STRAIN".
19421023             Placed under THE—COMMAND—OF—GENERAL—GEORGE—PATTON, THE—WEST—TASK—FORCE had the advantage of having 1—MAN at the top who would stop at nothing to see that the mission was accomplished, 1—QUALITY that would be needed in the days ahead.
19421023             Naval operations were in the hands of Rear ADMIRAL—H—KENT—HEWITT, 1—EASYGOING man who, in the beginning, found it difficult to work with Patton, but with increasing familiarity became 1—SOLID—PARTNER.
19421023             RALPH—RAINGER, —41—JAHRE—ALT, pianist and song writer, was among 12—PEOPLE killed —WHEN their DC-3 crashed —AFTER being clipped by 1—B—34—BOMBER flown by Army LIEUTENANT—WILLIAM—WILSON, who had wanted to thumb his nose at LOUIS—REPPERT, 1—FLIGHT—SCHOOL buddy and CO—PILOT—OF—THE—DC—3. 1—ARMY—COURT—MARTIAL panel —LATER exonerated Wilson, who had been charged with manslaughter.
19421023             —WWII—DURING, BRITAIN launched 1—MAJOR—OFFENSIVE against Axis forces at El Alamein in EGYPT.
19421023             —WWII—IM, —BEGINNT, Afrikafeldzug: die
19421023             2. —SCHLACHT—VON—EL—ALAMEIN, mit der die Alliierten zur Gegenoffensive ansetzen.
19421023—19340000    —INCLUDED, RAINGER—SONGS, "Love in Bloom" and "Thanks for the Memories," which Bing Crosby made 1—HIT.
19431023             —REACHED, THE—1.—JEWISH transport out of ROME, Birkenau (POLAND) extermination camp.
19441023             THE—PHILIPPINES, THE—BATTLE—OF—LEYTE—GULF began.
19441023             —INVADED, SOVIET—ARMY, HUNGARY.
19441023             —BEGINNT, Im
19441023             —VERSUCHT, Die KAISER—VON—JAPAN—MARINE, die alliierte Landungsoperation auf den PHILIPPINEN abzuwehren.
19441023             Im POLNISCHEN—LUBLIN wird die MARIA—CURIE—SK?ODOWSKA—UNIVERSITÄT gegründet.
19441023—19470000    —IN, C. VAN Woodward authored "THE—BATTLE—OF—LEYTE—GULF".
19461023             —CONVENED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, in NEW—YORK for the 1. time, at 1—AUDITORIUM in Flushing Meadow.
19461023             1—VATICAN document advised FRANCE—CHURCH—AUTHORITIES on how to handle information requests from Jewish officials, asking them not to put anything in writing: "Children who have been baptized must not be entrusted to institutions that cannot ensure their Christian education".
19461023—20040000    —SURFACED, The document.
19481023             —ESTABLISHED, ISRAEL, its 1. diplomatic mission as 1—NEW nation at THE—BRISTOL—HOTEL in CENTRAL—WARSAW, POLAND.
19491023             ÖSTERREICH, wird 1. im Sporttoto auf Fußballergebnisse gewettet.
19491023             Das Sporttotogesetz sieht die jährliche Verwendung der Überschüsse aus allen Spielrunden zur Sportförderung vor.
19501023             † * AL—JOLSON, —64—JAHRE—ALT, singer and actor (JAZZ—SINGER).
19501023             AL—JOLSON in RUSSIA as ASA—YOELSON
19511023             1. 6—BÄNDE der BIBLIOTHEK—SUHRKAMP erscheinen.
19521023             —AWARDED, THE—NOBEL—PRIZE for Medicine was, to UKRAINIAN—BORN microbiologist Selmart A. Waksman for his discovery streptomycin, the 1. antibiotic to successfully treat tuberculosis.
19521023             DEUTSCHLAND, wird die SOZIALISTISCHE—REICHSPARTEI[SRP]egen ihrer offenen Bezugnahme auf die NSDAP verboten.
19531023             —GRANTED, FRANCE, sovereignty to LAOS.
19531023             MAINZ, präsentieren die USA—STREITKRÄFTE ihre neue atomare Artillerie mit 1—REICHWEITE—VON—32—KM
19541023             —SIGNED, PARIS, 1—AGREEMENT was, providing for WEST—GERMANY—SOVEREIGNTY and permitting WEST—GERMANY to rearm and enter NATO and THE—WEST—EUROPEAN—UNION.
19541023             —AGREED, BRITAIN, ENGLAND, FRANCE and USSR, to end occupation of GERMANY.
19541023             —PARISER—VERTRÄGE werden unterzeichnet. Darin sind enthalten:
19551023             Bei der Volksabstimmung über das Europäische Saarstatut wird dieses von der Bevölkerung des Saargebiets abgelehnt, MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—HOFFMANN tritt zurück.
19551023             OBER—ÖSTERREICH, finden die 1. LANDTAGSWAHLEN —NACH—DEM Abzug der Alliierten aus ÖSTERREICH statt.
19561023             The 1. video recording on magnetic tape was televised COAST—TO—COAST.
19561023             —ADMITTED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—ANTHONY—EDEN, to the cabinet that secret conversations had been held in PARIS with REPRESENTATIVES—OF—THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT.
19561023             1—ANTI—STALINIST revolt began in HUNGARY.
19561023             —STARTED, As the revolution spread, SOVIET—FORCES, entering the country, and the uprising was put down within weeks.
19561023             —RELEASED, Bela Kiraly (19120000—20090000    ), —RECENTLY, from prison, was named as the military COMMANDER—OF—THE—BUDAPEST and head of the national guard.
19561023             "Journey to 1—REVOLUTION" by MICHAEL—KORDA;
19561023             and VIKTOR—SEBESTYEN'S "—12—DAYS: THE—STORY—OF—19560000             —THE—HUNGARY—REVOLUTION".
19561023             Aus einer studentischen Großdemonstration in BUDAPEST entwickelt sich der UNGARISCHE—VOLKSAUFSTAND.
19561023—20010000    —AUTHORED, Bela Liptak, "1—TESTAMENT—OF—REVOLUTION".
19561023—20060000    —IN, 3—BOOKS were published that covered HUNGARY—OCTOBER—REVOLUTION: "Failed Illusions" by CHARLES—GATI;
19580000—20061023    * † Tod Skinner, USA—FREE climber, in 1—FALL at Yosemite National Park —AFTER his harness broke.
19581023             BORIS—PASTERNAK won the Nobel Prize in literature.
19581023             —PRESSURED, However, SOVIET—AUTHORITIES, Pasternak into relinquishing the award.
19581023             —OFFERED, De Gaulle, ALGERIA—DEFIANCE "peace of the brave".
19581023             USSR lent money to UAR to build ASWAN High Dam.
19581023             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Im FRANZÖSISCHEN—MAGAZIN—SPIROU, der Zeichner Peyo 1. einen Comic mit den Schlümpfen in 1—NEBENROLLE.
19591023             * "Weird Al" Yankovic, parody singer (Eat It, UHF, Naked Gun), in CALIFORNIA.
19591023             † CHINA—TROOPS moved into INDIA and 17.
19621023             USA—AMBASSADOR—ADLAI Stevenson spoke at UN about CUBA crisis.
19631023             —PREMIERED, NEIL—SIMON'S "Barefoot in the Park,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19681023             NICARAGUA, the Cerro Negro volcano began erupting again and continued to 19681210             .
19681023—18500000    —APPEARED, It had 1.
19701023             1. TEIL—DER—SCHULMÄDCHEN—REPORT—REIHE, die als erfolgreichste DEUTSCHE—KINOPRODUKTION gilt, hat Premiere.
19701023             1. erreicht 1—LANDFAHRZEUG—1—GESCHWINDIGKEIT von mehr als 1000—KILOMETER—PRO—STUNDE.
19701023             In der Großen Salzwüste im USA—BUNDESSTAAT—UTAH setzt GARY—GABELICH im Raketenauto BLUE—FLAME diesen Meilenstein in der GESCHICHTE—DER—TECHNIK.
19711023             * FINANZMINISTER—BOHUSLAV—SOBOTKA, TSCHECHISCHER—POLITIKER, stellvertretender Regierungschef und
19711023             DAIMLER—BENZ meldet seine ENTWICKLUNG—DES—AIRBAG als Aufprallschutzvorrichtung für den Insassen 1—KRAFTFAHRZEUGS für 1—DEUTSCHES—PATENT an.
19721023             Jascha Haifetz (19010000             *), virtuoso violinist, performed his farewell concert in LOS—ANGELES at the age of 72.
19721023             —OPENED, The musical "Pippin", on Broadway and ran for 1944—PERFORMANCES.
19721023             THE—USA—MARINE—PROTECTION, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 19720000             became law.
19721023             Die Uraufführung der Oper ELISABETH—TUDOR—VON—WOLFGANG—FORTNER findet in BERLIN statt.
19731023             p. 34873);
19731023             —AGREED, PRESIDENT—NIXON, to turn WHITE—HOUSE—TAPE—RECORDINGS requested by the Watergate special prosecutor over to JUDGE—JOHN—J—SIRICA.
19751023             A BATTLE—BETWEEN—CUBAN and SOUTH—AFRICA—TROOPS took place in ANGOLA.
19751023             Die SÜDAFRIKA—ARMEE eingreift in den Bürgerkrieg in ANGOLA.
19751023             Der SÜDAFRIKA—ARMEE mit Billigung der USA erfolgte Truppeneinmarsch soll die Position der Nationalen Front zur Befreiung Angolas (FNLA) stärken.
19781023             —RAISED, CBS, long playing vinyl album prices to $8.98.
19781023             —ATTEMPTED, Sid Vicious, suicide —WHILE at RIKER—DETENTION—CENTER in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19781023             —EXCHANGED, CHINA and JAPAN, treaty ratification documents in TOKYO, formally ending —4—DECADES—OF—HOSTILITY.
19781023—19270000    —IN, She was 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ORIGINAL—CARTER—FAMILY, which was formed by her BROTHER—IN—LAW, A. P. Carter, who was oo to her cousin, Sara, also 1—PART—OF—THE trio.
19791023             BILLY—MARTIN (19280000—19890000    ), NY Yankee baseball manager, was involved in 1—BARROOM altercation —WHEN he sucker punched JOSEPH—COOPER, 1—MINNESOTA marshmallow salesman.
19791023             —REQUIRED, Cooper, 15—STITCHES.
19791023             —FIRED, Martin was.
19801023             The resignation of SOVIET—PREMIER—ALEXEI—N—KOSYGIN was announced.
19811023             THE—USA—NATIONAL—DEBT hit $1—TRILLION.
19831023             1—TRUCK filled with explosives, driven by 1—MOSLEM suicide terrorist, crashed into THE—USA—MARINE barracks near THE—BEIRUT—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT in LEBANON.
19831023             —KILLED, The bomb, 241—MARINES and sailors and injured 80. Almost simultaneously, 1—SIMILAR—INCIDENT occurred at FRANCE—MILITARY—HEADQUARTERS, where 58 † and 15 were injured.
19831023             Hezbollah leader Imad Mughniyah was SUSPECTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT.
19831023             † JESSICA—SAVITCH, —36—JAHRE—ALT, news anchor (NBC—TV), in an automobile accident with MARTIN—FISCHBEIN in New Hope, PENNSILVANIA.
19831023             Im LIBANON werden während des Bürgerkriegs bei 2—SELBSTMORDANSCHLÄGEN auf die Hauptquartiere der USA—AMERIKANISCHEN und FRANZÖSISCHEN—TRUPPEN 241—USA—SOLDATEN und 58—FRANZÖSISCHE—FALLSCHIRMJÄGER getötet.
19831023—20070000    —IN, under 1—LAW allowing foreign governments to be sued in USA—COURTS, USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ROYCE—LAMBERTH ordered IRAN to pay $2.65—BILLION to victims' families.
19831227—19831023    —ON, PRESIDENT—REAGAN took all responsibility for THE—LACK—OF—SECURITY in BEIRUT that allowed 1—TERRORIST on 1—SUICIDE—MISSION to kill 241—MARINES.
19881023             NIELS—STENSEN, lateinisch NICOLAUS—STENO, DÄNISCHER—PRIESTER und BISCHOF, wird von JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA. seliggesprochen.
19891023             —INFLAMED, In 1—CASE that, racial tensions in BOSTON, CHARLES—STUART claimed he and his pregnant wife, Carol, had been shot in their car by 1—BLACK robber.
19891023             —DELIVERED, CAROL—STUART and her prematurely, baby †;
19891023             † CHARLES—STUART —LATER, 1—APPARENT—SUICIDE, —AFTER he was implicated.
19891023             23—PEOPLE were killed in 1—EXPLOSION at Phillips Petroleum Co.'s chemical complex in PASADENA—TEXAS.
19891023             —PROCLAIMED, HUNGARY, itself 1—REPUBLIC and declared 1—END to communist rule.
19891023             Mit der Ausrufung der UNGARISCHEN—REPUBLIK und dem Inkrafttreten 1—NEUEN Verfassung endet die VOLKSREPUBLIK—UNGARN.
19901023             —CONTINUED, DEFICIT—REDUCTION—NEGOTIATIONS, between THE—WHITE—HOUSE and congressional leaders.
19901023             —BLAMED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, campaigning in New ENGLAND, THE—DEMOCRATIC—CONTROLLED Congress for the budget impasse.
19901023             —ANNOUNCED, IRAQ, the release of 330—FRANCE—HOSTAGES.
19911023             CLARENCE—THOMAS was sworn in as USA—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE.
19911023             —ATTENDED, DOCTOR—JACK—KEVORKIAN, the suicide machine assisted deaths of 2—WOMEN in MICHIGAN.
19911023             —SIGNED, CAMBODIA—WARRING factions and representatives of 18—OTHER nations, 1—PEACE—TREATY in PARIS.
19911023             —SIGNED, All the factions, THE—PARIS—PEACE—AGREEMENTS with THE—UN to provide peacekeeping and elections.
19911023             Die KAMBODSCHANISCHEN—BÜRGERKRIEGSPARTEIEN unterzeichnen die Pariser Friedensverträge.
19911023—19790000    —SINCE, Khmer Rouge PRESIDENT—KHIEU—SAMPHAN and COMMANDER—SON—SEN soon returned to PHNOM—PENH for the 1. time, then fled the same —DAY as mobs tried to lynch Khieu Samphan.
19921023             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, that VIETNAM had agreed to turn over all materials in its possession related to USA—PERSONNEL in THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
19921023             JAPAN—EMPEROR—AKIHITO began 1—VISIT to CHINA, the 1. by 1—JAPAN—MONARCH.
19921023             1—FRANCE—COURT convicted 3—FORMER—HEALTH—OFFICIALS—OF—CHARGES they knowingly allowed blood tainted with THE—AIDS—VIRUS to be used in transfusions.
19931023             —REPEATED, THE—TORONTO—BLUE—JAYS, as baseball champions as they defeated THE—PHILADELPHIA—PHILLIES, 8-6, in game 6—OF—THE—WORLD—SERIES.
19931023             1—IRA bomb exploded in BELFAST, NORTH—IRELAND, killing 10—PEOPLE, including 1—IRA operative at 1—FISH & chips shop on Shankill Road.
19941023             † ROBERT—LANSING, —66—JAHRE—ALT, actor (12—O'CLOCK High, Kung Fu: THE—LEGEND—CONTINUES, Equalizer) of cancer.
19941023             —KILLED, EGYPT, 1—UK—MAN was, and 3 injured in 1—ATTACK on 1—VAN by Islamic extremists at Naqada.
19941023             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER in COLOMBO—SRI—LANKA, killed 50—PEOPLE including Gamini Dissanayake, the opposition presidential candidate.
19951023             the leaders agreed that RUSSIA—TROOPS would help enforce peace in Bosnia, but remained deadlocked on THE—ISSUE—OF—NATO—COMMAND.
19951023             —PASSED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, THE—JERUSALEM—EMBASSY—ACT, effective as of 19951108             , calling for THE—USA—EMBASSY to be moved from Tel Aviv to JERUSALEM.
19951023             As of 20170000             EVERY—USA—PRESIDENT—SINCE has signed 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY waiver suspending the act.
19951023             1—JURY in HOUSTON convicted Yolanda Saldivar of murdering Tejano singing star Selena.
19961023             THE—NEW—YORK Yankees tied the World Series at 2—GAMES apiece, defeating THE—ATLANTA—BRAVES, 8-6.
19961023             —TRIED, Republican presidential nominee BOB—DOLE, to persuade ROSS—PEROT to quit the race and endorse THE—GOP ticket, but Perot refused.
19961023             The civil trial of O.J. Simpson opened in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA Simpson was —LATER found liable in the deaths of his EX—WIFE, Nicole, and her friend, RONALD—GOLDMAN.
19961023             —ANNOUNCED, NORWAY, Gro Harlem Brundtland, her resignation as PRIME—MINISTER.
19961023             Thoerbjorn Jagland, LEADER—OF—THE—LABOR—PARTY, was expected to replace her.
19961023             —AKZEPTIERT, JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA., die Vereinbarkeit zwischen Theistischer Evolution und Darwinscher Evolutionstheorie beim christlichen Glauben mit der Bemerkung, dass es sich bei ihr um mehr als nur 1—HYPOTHESE handle.
19970000—20041023    SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON has been the foremost legislative ADVOCATE—OF—SINGLE—SEX—PUBLIC—EDUCATION.
19971023             THE—FLORIDA—MARLINS beat THE—CLEVELAND—INDIANS, 8-7, in game 5—OF—THE—WORLD—SERIES.
19971023             —CHARGED, UK—AU pair LOUISE—WOODWARD, with murdering 1—BABY in her care, testified at her trial in CAMBRIDGE—MASSACHUSETTS, that she'd never hurt —8—MONTH—OLD—MATTHEW—EAPPEN, saying, "I love kids".
19971023             —DROPPED, The stock market, 186.88—POINTS in 1—RIPPLE effect from 1—OVERNIGHT drop in THE—HONG—KONG market.
19971023             1—PSYCHOLOGIST at UC BERKELEY, S. MARC—BREEDLOVE, found that sexual activity among rats reduced THE—SIZE—OF—NEURONS at the base of the spinal cord.
19971023             Smaller neurons are more active and fire more frequently and may have become "primed for more action".
19971023             —REPORTED, AIDS researchers, 1—NEW chemokine molecule that blocks HIV from infecting cells.
19971023             —OPENED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—WHALING—COMMISSION, the way for 1—AMERICA—INDIA TRIBE, the Makah, to resume traditional whale hunts for the 1. time in —7—DECADES.
19971023             ALGERIA held local elections.
19971023             —CLAIMED, The government, a 66% turnout.
19971023             The winners will choose 2/3—OF—THE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—UPPER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT.
19971023             PRESIDENT—ZEROUAL will choose the other 3.
19971023             —CHARGED, Opposition parties, that the turnout was greatly inflated and that SOME—POLL watchers were roughed up and stopped from observing the tally.
19971023             COLOMBIA, 2—OBSERVERS from THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—USA—STATES were kidnapped by rebels and on candidate of the upcoming elections was killed.
19971023             —DETONATED, Rebels, some 20—BOMBS across the country and 2—POLICEMEN were killed as they tried to defuse car bombs.
19971023             —THREATENED, THE—UN, 1—TRADE—BAN against IRAQ unless IRAQ cooperates with weapons inspectors.
19971024—19971023    —DROPPED, THE—USA—STOCK—MARKET—DOW Jones average, 132.36—POINTS —FOLLOWING THE—187—POINT—DROP.
19980000             'Countdown with KEITH—OLBERMANN' for 19981023             19981023             —FOUNDED, The "BookTalk" telephone hotline to various authors, by DAVID—KNIGHT, was described.
19981023             Dial 818-788-9722 to listen to 1—VARIETY—OF—AUTHORS speak their mind.
19981023             1—AMERICAN brokered peace deal was reached at the Wye Plantation in MARYLAND between Yasser Arafat and BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU.
19981023             —DENOUNCED, Israeli and PALESTINE—EXTREMISTS, the deal.
19981023             —EXCHANGED, Land for the Palestinians was, for security guarantees to the Israelis backed by THE—USA—CIA.
19981023             —AGREED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, to release JONATHAN—POLLARD, who was jailed —11—YEARS—AGO on charges of spying for ISRAEL.
19981023             —REPORTED, Researchers, the complete genetic sequence of the bacteria chlamydia trachomatis.
19981023             DOCTOR—BARNETT—SLEPIAN, 1—OBSTETRICIAN, gynecologist and abortion practitioner, was gunned down in his kitchen in AMHERST—NEW—YORK JAMES—CHARLES—KOPP, —44—JAHRE—ALT, aka "Atomic Dog," was —LATER sought in relation to the killing.
19981023             —PUMMELED, Typhoon Babs, THE—NORTH—PHILIPPINES, killing at least 189.
19981023             —ALLEGED, COLOMBIA, Jesus Fernandez, ringleader of the Norte del Valle drug cartel, was arrested in MEDELLIN.
19981023             —WANTED, He was also, by THE—USA.
19981023             —SELECTED, IRAN, voters, the 86-member ASSEMBLY—OF—EXPERTS, who in turn will select THE—SUPREME—LEADER—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
19981023             —TESTED, Candidates for the Assembly were, and graded on Islamic law by the 12-member Council of Guardians, who were in turn appointed by the supreme leader.
19981023             The turnout was low and Conservatives won at least 54—OF—THE—86—SEATS.
19981023             —SETTLED, PERU and ECUADOR, their border dispute with 1—LINE along the Cordellera de Condor mountain range.
19981023             Contiguous national parks were to be created in the disputed area.
19981023             —ALLOCATED, Tiwintza Hill, to PERU, was to be granted as private property to ECUADOR.
19981023             —KILLED, KOSOVO, Serbia, 4—PEOPLE were, trying to cross into ALBANIA —WHEN they stepped on mines.
19981023             —BURNED, TURKEY, 5—KURDISH—REBELS, themselves to death in loyalty to their leader ABDULLAH—OCALAN, who was expelled from Syria.
19981023             Die SWATCH—INTERNETZEIT wird von Swatch und dem Entwickler des Systems NICHOLAS—NEGROPONTE ins Leben gerufen.
19981023—19990000    —IN, 1—WARRANT was issued for KOPP—ARREST.
19981023—20010000    —ARRESTED, Kopp was, in FRANCE.
19981023—20020000    —RETURNED, Kopp was, to THE—USA and pleaded not guilty.
19981023—20030000    —IN, Kopp was found guilty of 2. degree murder.
19991023             THE—NEW—YORK Yankees won the 1. GAME—OF—THE—WORLD—SERIES, beating THE—ATLANTA—BRAVES, 4-to-1.
19991023             THE—YANKEES went on to sweep the series.
19991023             —SCHEDULED, REVEREND—FALWELL and 200—MEMBERS—OF—HIS—BAPTIST—CHURCH were, to meet with 200—GAY and lesbian religious leaders in LYNCHBURG—VIRGINIA.
19991023             1—KU—KLUX—KLAN rally was allowed to proceed in NEW—YORK—CITY with no masks as THOUSANDS—OF—COUNTER—DEMONSTRATORS jeered them.
19991023             16—KLANSMEN and 2—KLAN women appeared at Foley Square along with some 6,000 protestors and 2,000 tourists.
19991023             —VISITED, PRESIDENT—JIANG—ZEMIN—OF—CHINA, FRANCE and signed a $2.5—BILLION deal that included 1—ORDER for 28—AIRBUS planes.
19991023             —ARRIVED, MEXICO, the 1. monarch butterflies, at sanctuaries in Michoacan in their annual migration.
19991023             —PLANNED, Palestine, to issue 1—NATIONAL—CURRENCY and THE—IMF estimated that —2—YEARS—OF—PREPARATIONS would be needed.
20000000—20010000    [WASHINGTON—POST, 20021022             ], ABC, 20021023             ]] 2—T op senators say that if STATE—DEPARTMENT—PERSONNEL had merely followed the law, 20010911             would not have happened.
20001023             —WHILE ago, the child Abdel RAHMAN—SALIM—SHORRAB, —13—YEARS, was wounded in the... —AFTER being hit, the home of Samer Nazzal was by with 1—TANK—FIRE (he managed...
20001023             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, 1—BILL for 1—NATIONAL—STANDARD—OF.08% as the legal limit for alcohol in drunken driving.
20001023             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT held groundbreaking talks in NORTH—KOREA with communist leader KIM—JONG—IL.
20001023             —REPORTED, It was, that GENERAL—ELECTRIC had agreed to buy Honeywell for $48.4—BILLION in stock and assumed debt.
20001023             —KILLED, INDIA, at least 16—PEOPLE were, in 2—ATTACKS in Assam state.
20001023             —BLAMED, Police, the United Liberation Front of Asom.
20001023             —KILLED, Over 10,000—PEOPLE have been, —SINCE the group began its campaign —2—DECADES—AGO.
20001023             —OPENED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BARAK, negotiations with Ariel Sharon and the Likud Party for 1—BROAD—BASED emergency government.
20001023             † 2—MORE—PALESTINIANS from injuries received —DURING rioting in NABLUS.
20001023             PERU, Vladimiro Montesinos, the former intelligence CHIEF, landed in Pisco as police and protesters clashed in LIMA.
20001023             SENEGAL struck the 1. CUT—RATE—DEAL for AIDS drugs with discounts as much as 90% from USA retail prices.
20001023             —LAUNCHED, SRI—LANKA, rebels, 1—ATTACK against the navy base at Trincomalee.
20001023             † The military said 24—COMBATANTS, including 18—REBELS.
20011023             HARVARD—JANITORS/10_23_ap.html">Study: Harvard custodians are making less by THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS
20011023             HARVARD—JANITORS/10_23_bg.html">Harvard Custodians are Making Less, Study Finds in THE—BOSTON—GLOBE
20011023             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, he had authorized money for improved post office security —FOLLOWING the deaths of 2—POSTAL workers from inhalation anthrax.
20011023             Traces of anthrax were found at 1—OFF—SITE—FACILITY that handled mail for THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20011023             1—RELIEVED—NASA team celebrated as 20010000             —THE—MARS—ODYSSEY slipped into orbit —AROUND the Red Planet, —2—YEARS—AFTER BACK—TO—BACK—FAILURES by Mars missions.
20011023             —ENTERED, The $297—MILLION—MARS Odyssey spacecraft, into 1—STABLE orbit —FOLLOWING a —6-MONTH voyage.
20011023             —KILLED, USA—BOMBS in KABUL—AFGHANISTAN, reportedly, 22—HARKAT UL—MUJAHEDEEN fighters from PAKISTAN.
20011023             USA—MILITARY—OFFICERS were sent to THE—PHILIPPINES to assess how THE—USA—MIGHT help the local war against terrorism.
20011023             —ANNOUNCED, THE—MACARTHUR—FOUNDATION, 23 "genius" award winners.
20011023             Each would receive $100,000 over the next —5—YEARS.
20011023             —GATHERED, AFRICA—LEADERS, in NIGERIA for the formal LAUNCH—OF—THE—NEW—AFRICA—INITIATIVE, aimed at reviving ailing their economies.
20011023             —REJECTED, ISRAEL, 1—REQUEST by PRESIDENT—BUSH to withdraw from PALESTINE—TERRITORY as the violence continued.
20011023             THE—IRELAND—REPUBLICAN Army (IRA) began to destroy its ARSENAL—OF—WEAPONS in 1—MOVE to save THE—NORTH—IRELAND peace process.
20011023             —SUSPECTED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 6, Muslim rebels surrendered and 3 were captured.
20011023             OLC memo that also told the Bush WHITE—HOUSE it could use THE—USA—MILITARY to round up terror suspects, storm apartment + office buildings + set up roadblocks inside THE—USA on the grounds that
20011023             4. Amendment restrictions on unreasonable searches and seizures did not apply in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20011023             The memo, written by conservative law professor JOHN—YOO, also suggested that 1. Amendment guarantees protecting FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH and the press could be suspended "to the overriding need to wage war successfully".
20011023             (Yoo has not responded to 1—REQUEST for comment about the memo.)
20011023             Der 1. iPod mit 5—GB—FESTPLATTE wird vorgestellt.
20011023—20010911    —FROM—THE, JOHN—ASHCROFT, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL., said 3—MEN wanted by GERMANY—AUTHORITIES, Said Bahaji, Ramzi Binalshibh and ZAKARIYA—ESSABAR, were PART—OF—1—TERRORIST—CELL in HAMBURG that included 3—MEN—ATTACK on THE—WTC.
20011023—20020000    —FIRED, Duncan was.
20021016             † Carnell DAWSON—SENIOR, —43—JAHRE—ALT, from his burns 20021023             .
20021023             —EDGED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—GIANTS, THE—ANAHEIM—ANGELS, 4-3, to tie the World Series at 2—GAMES each.
20021023             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, a $355.5—BILLION military budget, a $34—BILLION increase over fiscal 20020000             .
20021023             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, THE—RUSSIA—DEMOCRACY—ACT—OF—20020000             , intended to strengthen civil society and independent media in RUSSIA.
20021023             It authorized more than $50—MILLION for DEMOCRACY—BUILDING programs such as investigative journalism training and cultural exchanges.
20021023             —BOMBED, Allied planes, 2—MILITARY—AIR—DEFENSE—SITES in THE—SOUTH—NO—FLY zone over IRAQ in the 3. ROUND—OF—STRIKES in —1—WEEK.
20021023             —INCLUDED, His work with Betty Comden, the screenplay for "Singin' in the Rain".
20021023             † Lady ANTONIA—FRASER (96), the Countess of Longford, 1—HISTORIAN who wrote BIOGRAPHIES—OF—QUEEN—VICTORIA and THE—DUKE—OF—WELLINGTON.
20021023             * She as ELIZABETH Harman and wrote under the name ELIZABETH Longford.
20021023             —TRAPPED, CHINA, rescuers fought to save 29—MINERS, underground —AFTER 1—COAL—MINE—EXPLOSION in THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—SHANXI killed 21. CHINA—DEATH—TOLL from mining accidents up to July —THIS—YEAR was 3,620, up 4.8—PERCENT from —1—YEAR—EARLIER
20021023             —SEIZED, MOSCOW, 40—50—CHECHEN separatist guerrillas, 1—THEATER and threatened to shoot or blow up 700—HOSTAGES unless RUSSIA pulled its troops out of their homeland.
20021023             —KILLED, THE—NEXT—DAY they, 1—WOMAN.
20021023             —ANNOUNCED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT—CONFERENCE—OF—PRESIDENTS, that it chose Oswaldo Paya of CUBA for the prestigious 20020000             Sakharov Prize for FREEDOM—OF—THOUGHT.
20021023             —GRANTED, THE—NIGERIA—GOVERNMENT said it rejects 1—WORLD—COURT ruling that, possession of 1—DISPUTED—OIL—RICH peninsula to neighboring CAMEROON.
20021023             —MOVED, TURKEY—CHIEF—PROSECUTOR, to outlaw the Justice and Development Party for ignoring court order that Erdogan step down as leader.
20021023             The moderate Islamic party, led by RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN, was also TURKEY—MOST popular party.
20021023             AFRICA—ENERGY—INTELLIGENCE n° 332 - AFRICA 20030000             : The...
20021023             4—OF—THE—12—EXPLORATION—BLOCKS that TANZANIA Petroleum Development... J
20021023             ohn Deuss —BEFORE his company Transworld became 1—PARTNER—OF—PETRO—SA...
20021023             Pondblog He is Total SA—HEAD—OF—EXPLORATION and production, CHRISTOPHE—DE—MARGERIE...
20021023             The unconventional billionaire businessman, JOHN—DEUSS, arrested by the...
20021023             —PLACED, ShareTrader The stake was being, by Macquarie BANK—SECURITIES—ARM for Transworld, controlled by AWE director and BERMUDA—BASED oil mogul JOHN—DEUSS.
20021023             Transworld Housing Systems Transworld Network INTERNATIONAL Ltd.
20021023             UPSTREAMONLINE—AWE completes NZOP buy SYDNEY—BASED AUSTRALIA—WORLDWIDE—EXPLORATION (AWE) has completed its acquisition...
20021023             —JOINED, NZOP principal JOHN—DEUSS has, AWE—BOARD—WHILE its executive...
20021023             Im Moskauer DUBROWKA—THEATER nehmen tschetschenische Terroristen während 1—AUFFÜHRUNG des Musicals NORD—OST etwa 800—GEISELN.
20031012             Duan Zhiqun (20), his female partner, was arrested 20031023             .
20031023             Abdurahman Alamoudi, 51, 1—NATURALIZED—USA—CITIZEN who has served as THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—AMERICA—MUSLIM—FOUNDATION, could face 1—MAXIMUM—105—YEARS in... /
20031023             CNN.COM—USA Muslim leader TELLS—OF—ROLE in LIBYA assassination...
20031023             Abdurahman Alamoudi, 52, 1 naturalized citizen who lives near WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, pleaded guilty in A—USA—COURT—ON—FRIDAY to charges that included illegal.
20031023             1—NADELSTREIFEN—ISLAMIST wandert ins GEFÄNGNIS—ARTIKEL von...
20031023             Abdurahman Alamoudi, ihr Gründer + lange Zeit ihrVorsitzender, war fester Bestandteil Washingtons.
20031023             Er hatte VIELE—TREFFEN mit beiden Clintons im Weißen
20031023             Moderate Muslime ERKENNEN—ARTIKEL—VON—DANIEL—PIPES
20031023             Um zu verstehen, wie schwierig sie ist, bedenken Sie den FALL—VON—ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI, einer mit 16—MUSLIMISCHEN Organisationen verbundenen...
20031023             IslamonLine_net Abdurahman Alamoudi, THE—FOUNDER—OF—THE—AMERICA—MUSLIM—FOUNDATION (AMF) and THE—USA—MUSLIM Council (AMC ), is currently THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—AMF.
20031023             Jihad Watch: Jailed Muslim had MANY—FRIENDS in WASHINGTON
20031023             Abdurahman Alamoudi was 1—OF—THE—NATION—LEADING Muslim "moderates.
20031023             To Abdurahman Alamoudi, the charismatic Muslim leader who organized 20030200             —THE.----
20031023             Jihad Watch: Abdurrahman Alamoudi gets —23—YEARS in jail
20031023             —PLEADED, Abdurahman Alamoudi, 52, guilty 20200700             0- to accepting HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS from HIGH—RANKING LIBYA—OFFICIALS —WHILE serving as a...
20031023             Muslim Activist Sentenced to —23—YEARS for LIBYA Contacts...
20031023             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—YESTERDAY sentenced Muslim activist Abdurahman Alamoudi to the maximum —23—YEAR—PRISON—TERM for illegal dealings with LIBYA that included his...
20031023             What are the lessons of the Abdurahman Alamoudi case?
20031023             National... - 'What are the lessons of the Abdurahman Alamoudi case?' from National Review in News & Society provided free by LookSmart Find Articles.
20031023             Wahhabi Lobby Spreads Its Wealth; Terrorist sympathizers
20031023             Abdurahman Alamoudi + SAMI—AL—ARIAN used donations to FEDERAL—LAWMAKERS as 1—MEANS—OF...
20031023             —PARTICIPATED, Abdurahman Alamoudi, in the —FOLLOWING events as 1—ACTIVEPARTICIPANT:
20031023             For MANY—YEARS he runs THE—USA—MUSLIM...
20031023             —PARTICIPATED, Abdurahman Alamoudi Abdurahman Alamoudi actively, in the —FOLLOWING events:
20031023             For MANY—YEARS he runs THE—USA—MUSLIM Council...
20031023             —DISCOVERED, Prosecutors have also, evidence that Alamoudi has links to AL—QAEDA".
20031023             Abdurahman Alamoudi. Type, Individual.
20031023             Position, Terrorist Supporter.
20031023             www.politicalfriendster.com/showPerson.php?id=2359&name=ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI
20031023             Political FRIENDSTER—RATE CONNECTION—ABDURAHMAN Alamoudi...
20031023             —PRINTED, USA—TODAY, retractions of several details in KELLEY—ARTICLE
20031023             —HECKLED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, was, inside and outside AUSTRALIA—PARLIAMENT.
20031023             He said that the war in IRAQ was right and inevitable, but that Americans and Australians "still have decisive days ahead" and that the broader WAR—ON—TERROR could be long and drawn out.
20031023             —CONCLUDED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, his Pacific trip with 1—VISIT to HAWAII, where he dropped flowers into the water at the sunken battleship USS ARIZONA.
20031023             —ANNOUNCED, BILL—CLINTON, that his AIDS foundation clinched 1—DEAL to cut drug prices and improve care in poor nations.
20031023             —LEARNED, SANTA—CLARA, CALIFORNIA, 7—11—OWNER—NARINDER Badwal, that he had sold the winning CALIFORNIA Lottery and was entitled to a $250,000 commission.
20031023             —LEARNED, He then, that he had sold the winning ticket worth $49,747,500 to himself.
20031023             —BECAME, Madame Chiang KAI—SHEK (105), who, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST famous women as she helped her husband fight THE—JAPAN—WWII—DURING and —LATER THE—CHINA—COMMUNISTS, † in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20031023             —FIRED, NORTH—AFGHANISTAN—ATTACKERS, rockets at 1—PICKUP truck ferrying passengers, killing 10—PEOPLE, including 2—CHILDREN.
20031023             —REPORTED, CHINA—OFFICIALS, that accidents in CHINA—MINES and factories killed 11,449—PEOPLE in the 1. —9—MONTHS—OF—THIS—YEAR despite 1—NATIONWIDE safety crackdown.
20031023             1—BOMB exploded near 1—PIPELINE in NORTH—IRAQ, killing 2—IRAQ—CIVIL—DEFENSE—CORPS members and wounding 10—OTHERS.
20031023             A —3—DAY—DOMINOS tournament began at the Ocho Rios resort in JAMAICA.
20031023             —REFUSED, JAPAN, to grant citizenship to 1—JAPAN—COUPLE—TWINS because they were born to 1—USA—SURROGATE mother in CALIFORNIA.
20031023             —KILLED, Masked PALESTINE—GUNMEN, 2—MEN suspected of being informers for ISRAEL, then displayed their bodies in the central square of the Tulkarem refugee camp.
20031023             —KILLED, VENEZUELA—TROOPS and police, 7—HEAVILY armed gunmen —DURING 1—RAID on 1—DRUG trafficking ring in NORTH—EAST—VENEZUELA.
20031023             "3—IRAKS sind besser als einer" von Shlomo Avineri, Politikprofessor an der Hebräischen UNIVERSITÄT—JERUSALEM, in der JERUSALEM Post veröffentlicht.
20031023             Auch Avineri berief sich dabei auf die Vorbilder Jugoslawien + Sowjetunion.
20031023             Der Erfinder dieser Idee ist Avineri jedoch auch nicht.
20031023             DAVID—WURMSER, —DERZEIT Nahostberater von Vizepräsident Dick Cheney, hatte in seinem
20031023             LOS—ANGELES, wird die nach Plänen des Architekten FRANK—GEHRY erbaute Walt Disney Concert Hall eröffnet.
20041000             —SERVED, Who, in the military?... alfatomega.com/20041023.html
20041000             DALE—KLEIN—ASSISTANT—TO—THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE... -... They didn't realize they had changed their political party ". alfatomega.com/20041023.html
20041022             —WHILE THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY (DOE) shuts down.. "Http://alfatomega.com/ 20041023.html
20041023             Echoing the warnings of RACHEL—CARSON 1—GENERATION ago, environmentalists —NOW worry that the unanticipated consequences of such biopharmed crops could lead to a 20010101—21001231     "Silent —WINTER".
20041023             ".. SENATOR—WAYNE—A—ALLARD (CO).
20041023             KLEIBACKER, KRISANN KLEIMAN, DAVID—KLEIN—AND—META—KLEIN, DALE—KLEIN... Der Feldzug gegen AL—QAIDA und Co gilt den meisten Amerikanern als die... alfatomega.com/20070813.html
20041023             Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to THE—BIDDING—OF—THE—LEADERS.
20041023             That is easy.
20041023             —ATTACKED, All you have to do is tell them they are being, + denounce the pacifists for LACK—OF—PATRIOTISM + exposing the country to greater danger.
20041023             It works the same in ANY—COUNTRY".
20041023             Goering, Hermann (18930000—19460000    )
20041023             The 2. in command of the "3. Reich"
20041023             "These [terrorist] attacks are not inevitable.
20041023             They are, however, possible + this very fact underscores the reason we cannot live under THE—THREAT—OF—BLACKMAIL...
20041023             - Bush [BGW968] (19460000             —UNTIL—NOW)
20041023             Archived Press Releases Update On Our Halliburton Work In IRAQ - Howell, WILLIAM—R
20041023             All original materials copyright.
20041023             —GRANTED, Permissions, if you credit Zizka@Vanitysite_net.
20041023             Return to Front page - CARLYLE / CHENEY / HALLIBURTON LINKS - Google Search: Caspian pipeline:
20041023             Devastation most vicious: ISRAEL steps up its barbaric military campaign in GAZA, reports Khaled Amayreh who also reviews 1—RECENTLY—RELEASED—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH report 20041023             SOME—VOTERS—SAY—MACHINES—FAILED, Incorrect Choices Appear on Screens: KIM—GRIFFITH voted —ON—THURSDAY— over and over and over.
20041023             SHE—AMONG the people in Bernalillo and Sandoval counties who say they have had trouble with early voting equipment.
20041023             TED—LANG : Defeat the Press! : THE—STATE—SILENCES—DISSENT : It is already widely known that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has ordered THE—USA—PRESS not to take PHOTOGRAPHS—OF—THE—CASKETS—OF—MILITARY—DEAD being returned home.
20041023             —ENACTED, CHRIS—FLOYD: Pin Heads : If, the Constitution Restoration Act will effectively transform THE—USA—INTO 1—THEOCRACY, where the arbitrary dictates of a "higher power" can override law.
20041023             Asks JOURNALIST—LYNN—LANDES : THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS (AP) will be the sole source of raw vote totals for the major news broadcasters on Election Night.
20041023             —REFUSED, However, AP spokesmen JACK—STOKES and JOHN—JONES, to explain to this JOURNALIST—HOW—THE—AP will receive that information.
20041023             —REFUSED, They, to confirm or deny that THE—AP will receive direct feed from voting machines and central vote tabulating computers across the country.
20041023             But, circumstantial evidence suggests that is exactly what will happen.
20041023             Judge: Votes in Wrong Precinct Don't Count : The state must reject provisional ballots if they are cast in the wrong precinct, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—SAID—THURSDAY in the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—OPINIONS on how such votes should be counted.
20041023             7—MORE killed in IRAQ violence:
20041023             Estimates by USA See More Rebels With More Funds : HARD—CORE—RESISTANCE—NUMBERS between 8,000 and 12,000—PEOPLE, 1—TALLY that swells to more than 20,000 —WHEN active sympathizers or covert accomplices are included, according to THE—USA—OFFICIALS.
20041023             Terrorists in Falluja : Who are the terrorists in Falluja and how are they terrorising THE—CIVIL—POPULATION?
20041023             —FAILED, UK: 1,000 Territorial Army soldiers, gun test : Nearly 1,000 Territorial Army soldiers were sent to fight in IRAQ despite failing their weapons test, 1—COURT martial heard —TODAY.
20041023             —WHEN troops' orders in 1—WAR are wrongheaded, mutiny can be the result
20041023             Senate Armed Services Staff Report:
20041023             Feith Named (Again) In THE—SADDAM/AL—QAEDA—LIES
20041023             1—BUSH—PRE—ELECTION—STRIKE on IRAN 'imminent':
20041023             WHITE—HOUSE insider report "October Surprise" imminent
20041023             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—LOCATION is known, official says : THE—PENTAGON knows exactly where OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is hiding in PAKISTAN, it —JUST can't get to him, JOHN—LEHMAN, 1—MEMBER—OF—20010911             —THE commission, said —THURSDAY.
20041023             JONATHAN—SCHELL on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—ILLUSIONS and ours
20041023             GEORGE, God here... - PRESIDENT—BUSH has words with the Almighty
20041023             USA—DROPS—GUANTANAMO tribunal trio: 3—OF—THE—6—USA—MILITARY—OFFICERS sitting on THE—GUANTANAMO tribunal have been dropped —AFTER COMPLAINTS—OF—POTENTIAL—BIAS.
20041023             "MOHAMMED—AARAJ was eating 1—SANDWICH in front of his house, the last house —BEFORE the cemetery of the Balata refugee camp, in NABLUS, —WHEN 1—SOLDIER shot him to death at fairly close range. He was 6—AT—THE—TIME—OF his death. 20041023             IRAQ coalition vanishes from WHITE—HOUSE—WEBSITE: The "coalition of the willing" in IRAQ has vanished — from THE—WHITE—HOUSE—INTERNET—SITE, at ANY—RATE.
20041023             USA : Soldiers Failed to Report for Duty : More than 800—FORMER—SOLDIERS have failed to comply with Army orders to get —BACK—IN uniform and report for duty in IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN, the Army said —FRIDAY.
20041023             Redeployment of our troops may be the final nail in coffin : Very few governments will allow themselves to become embroiled —UNTIL THE—USA—APPROACH—CHANGES.
20041023             So is Blair.
20041023             —ON the lofty banner of USA—HUBRIS, unfurled —AFTER the attacks of 20010911             , are inscribed in black letters the words, 'THE—MUSLIMS hate our freedoms.' This is —NOW the accepted, formulaic substitute for all discourse, all questioning and probing into THE—HISTORY—OF—AMERICA—RELATIONS with the peoples of the Islamicate world over the past —57—YEARS.
20041023             Heading towards the apocalypse: It comes as no news that Bush is 1—FUNDAMENTALIST—CHRISTIAN, nor that he sees himself and his AMERICA as GOD—AGENTS on earth.
20041023             BEN—FRANKLIN—WEIGHS—IN—ON—GEORGE—W—BUSH: Americans —NOW face 1—CRUCIAL and perplexing decision in whether or not to send MISTER—BUSH back to the Whitehouse for another —4—YEARS.
20041023             If ever there was 1—TIME for careful evaluation, this is it!
20041023             We want to see THE—BACK—OF—BUSH : The word 'hate' should be used cautiously, but most UK—PEOPLE seem to hate GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20041023             No shooting please, we're British: The storm over the movement of Black Watch troops in IRAQ suggests THE—UK—ELITE is happy to support 1—WAR so long as it doesn't have to fight 1.
20041023             Jews As Cannon Fodder For Zionists: Zionism and ANTI—SEMITISM : We implore and beseech our Jewish brethren to realize that the Zionists are not the saviors of the Jewish People and guarantors of their safety, but rather the instigators and original cause of Jewish suffering in the Holy Land and worldwide.
20041023             —DISPUTED, Halliburton may keep, money : Army may let company retain BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from IRAQ work, despite auditors' questions.
20041023             Only USA—BIG—BUSINESS—SEES IRAQ Campaign As 1—SUCCESS : Not surprisingly, SOME—OF—THE—PROFITS generated by the war in IRAQ appear to be making their way into REPUBLICAN—PARTY coffers.
20041023             —CHARGED, More USA—SOLDIERS, over IRAQ abuse : 1—USA—MILITARY—COURT—IN—BAGHDAD —ON—FRIDAY ordered the soldiers, including 1 alleged ringleader, to stand trial over the sexual and physical ABUSE—OF—IRAQ—PRISONERS at ABU—GHRAIB prison.
20041023             —CONCERNED, ISRAEL may Have IRAN in Its Sights : Increasingly, about IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, ISRAEL is weighing its options and has not ruled out 1—MILITARY—STRIKE to prevent the Islamic Republic from gaining the capability to build atomic weapons, according to policymakers, military officials, analysts + diplomats.
20041023             BAGDAD—DIE USA—STREITKRÄFTE haben in der Rebellenhochburg Falludscha 1—FÜHRUNGSMITGLIED aus AL—SARKAWIS—TERROR—ORGANISATION festgenommen.
20041023             Der Mann wurde zusammen mit 5—WEITEREN Aufständischen bei einer nächtlichen Razzia gestellt, wie die AMERIKANISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE mitteilten.
20041023             "Weitere 5—TERRORISTEN sind während der Militäraktion festgenommen worden", hieß es in einer Mitteilung der USA—ARMEE.
20041023             Bewohner der Stadt sprachen sogar von der Festnahme von mindestens 17—MENSCHEN.
20041023             Während der Razzia im Süden Falludschas wurde nach USA—ANGABEN 1—VERSTECK des innersten Zirkels der Gruppe Dschihad und Tawhid ausgehoben.
20041023             Die Organisation bezichtigte sich zahlreicher Selbstmordanschläge und Entführungen und operiert nach Einschätzung der USA—STREITKRÄFTE von Falludscha aus.
20041023             Der Name des festgenommenen Führungsmitglieds wurde —ZUNÄCHST nicht mitgeteilt.
20041023             —UNTERDESSEN, Die Vereinten Nationen äußerten, die Einschätzung, dass das IRAKISCHE—SONDERTRIBUNAL für den geplanten Prozess gegen EX—STAATSCHEF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN internationalen Rechtsstandards nicht genügen wird.
20041023             1—UNTERSTÜTZUNG durch UNO—INSTITUTIONEN komme nicht in Frage, weil das IRAKISCHE—GERICHT auch die Todesstrafe verhängen dürfe, sagte 1—SPRECHER—VON—GENERALSEKRETÄR—KOFI—ANNAN —AM—FREITAG in NEW—YORK.
20041023             Die IRAKISCHE—REGIERUNG habe beim UNO—TRIBUNAL für das FRÜHERE—JUGOSLAWIEN in Den Haag angefragt, ob 1—AUSBILDUNG—VON—RICHTERN und Staatsanwälten möglich sei.
20041023             Das habe Annan jedoch abgelehnt
20041023             Firmeninhaber NATHAN—SPROUL, der FRÜHERE—PARTEIVORSITZENDE—DER—REPUBLIKANER in ARIZONA, wies die Vorwürfe als "Erfindung der Demokraten" zurück.
20041023             "Sie prangern Betrug an, wo keiner ist + bekommen auch noch die Medien dazu, darüber zu berichten".
20041023             —BERICHTET, Zuvor hatte der "ORLANDO—SENTINEL", dass zig Tausende Wähler in mehreren Bundesstaaten registriert sind.
20041023             Die Zeitung verglich Wahllisten in den Bundesstaaten FLORIDA, GEORGIA und NORTH—CAROLINA.
20041023             Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass etwa 68.000—USA—BÜRGER Floridas auch in einem der beiden anderen Staaten registriert sind mit gleichem Namen und gleichem Geburtsdatum.
20041023             Republikaner schicken Wahlbeobachter nach OHIO
20041023             Die Republikanische Partei leitete formale Schritte ein, um Tausende Mitarbeiter in den Wahllokalen unterzubringen.
20041023             Sie sollen laut "NEW—YORK—TIMES" Wähler überprüfen, ob sie sie teilnahmeberechtigt sind.
20041023             Da sei notwendig, um sich vor möglichen Täuschungsversuchen zu schützen, denn die Demokraten hätten sich zuletzt aggressiv darum bemüht, Zehntausende neue Wähler in OHIO registrieren zu lassen.
20041023             Der STAAT ist 1—DER—SWING—STATES, in dem der Wahlausgang —BISHER völlig ungewiss ist.
20041023             —GELOGEN, Alles, schreibt —NUN die "WASHINGTON—POST".
20041023             Eine gute —WOCHE vor der Präsidentenwahl gebe es keine konkreten Hinweise auf einen groß angelegten Terroranschlag.
20041023             FRÜHERE—WARNUNGEN hätten auf erfundenen Informationen eines Geheimdienstmitarbeiters basiert, berichtet das Blatt unter Berufung auf Geheimdienste und Polizei.
20041023             Auch der Einsatz von rund 20000000             Spezialisten des Bundeskriminalamtes FBI, HUNDERTE—VON—VERHÖREN und 120—FESTNAHMEN von Ausländern allein —IN—DIESEM—MONAT hätten keine Anzeichen auf einen Terroranschlag zu —TAGE gefördert.
20041023             Die innere Sicherheit ist ein zentrales Wahlkampfthema in den USA.
20041023             Die beiden demokratischen Kandidaten JOHN—KERRY und JOHN—EDWARDS haben USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH wiederholt vorgeworfen, aus Wahlkampfgründen gezielt die Ängste der Menschen zu schüren.
20041023             WASHINGTON—DER USA—PRÄSIDENT schürte bewusst Erinnerungen an MADRID: Die Terroranschläge vom —MÄRZ dieses Jahres hatten Hunderte Tote GEFORDERT—UND wahrscheinlich die Wahl zu Gunsten des Sozialdemokraten JOSÉ—LUIS—ZAPATERO entschieden, der wenig später eines seiner Versprechen erfüllte und die SPANISCHEN—TRUPPEN aus dem IRAK abzog.
20041023             ZEITUNGSBERICHT—BUSHS Terrorwarnung basierte auf Erfindung
20041023             Mit dramatischen Worten hatte USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH davor gewarnt, Terroristen planten einen verheerenden Anschlag, um den Ausgang der Präsidentschaftswahl in den USA zu beeinflussen.
20041023             Doch einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge waren die Hinweise auf den Anschlag von einem Geheimdienstmitarbeiter frei erfunden worden.
20041023             HISTORY—OF—HALLIBURTON
20041023             Stimmt es eigentlich, dass man 1—TEFLON—PFANNE nicht mehr benutzen darf, wenn die Beschichtung verkratzt ist?
20041023             Stimmt nicht.
20041023             1—SPIEGELEI mag an der zerkratzten Stelle zwar leichter anbacken, nachteilige Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit sind damit aber nicht verbunden.
20041023             Dabei zeigte sich, dass die flachen, —BIS zu 40—KILOMETER tiefen Störungszonen gleich doppeltem Druck durch die Gezeiten ausgesetzt sind: Zum einen macht das Gewicht der heranrollenden Wellen die geologischen Verwerfungen extrem verwundbar.
20041023             Zum anderen zerrt die Anziehungskraft von Sonne und Mond, die letztlich für die Gezeiten verantwortlich ist, nicht nur an den Wassermassen, sondern an der gesamten Erde.
20041023             Das übt zusätzlichen Stress auf die Platten aus, Erdbeben sind die unausweichbare Folge.
20041023             —VERSUCHT, Wenn Geologen zuletzt, haben, einen Zusammenhang zwischen der bebenden Erde und anderen Kräften im Universum herzustellen, wurden sie ein ums andere Mal enttäuscht.
20041023             Egal ob Anziehungskraft der Sonne oder wechselnde Stellung des MONDES—NICHTS von alldem hat als Verursacher von Erdstößen getaugt.
20041023             Doch —NUN haben Geophysiker aus JAPAN und den USA zumindest einen indirekten Zusammenhang gefunden, wie die Forscher in der aktuellen Ausgabe des Fachmagazins "Science" berichten.
20041023             Demnach können besonders starke Gezeiten einen so hohen Druck auf Erdspalten unter dem Meeresgrund ausüben, dass urplötzlich die Erde zu beben beginnt.
20041023             "Die simple Idee, dass ein einziges der vielen 100—GENE auf dem Chromosom die Erkrankung auslöst, lässt sich nicht länger aufrecht erhalten", sagt ROGER—REEVES, 1—DER—CO—AUTOREN—DER—STUDIE.
20041023             "—NUN sollten Forscher einmal tief durchatmen, die Komplexität des DOWN—SYNDROMS akzeptieren und nach vorne blicken".
20041023             Falls sich dieser Verdacht erhärtet und die Gene nicht allein Schuld sind, könnte eines Tages sogar, so Reeves, 1—FORM—DER—BEHANDLUNG für das DOWN—SYNDROM möglich werden.
20041023             Artensterben: Der Todeskampf der Tierwelt
20041023             Aus den Digitalfotos erstellten die Wissenschaftler ein 3D-Modell des Tieres am Computer.
20041023             "Obwohl man das Wort Rekonstruieren verwenden könnte, haben wir hier ein richtiges Tier vor uns", sagte Siveter.
20041023             Virtuelle AUFERSTEHUNG—COMPUTER erweckt Spinnenfossil zum Leben
20041023             Asselspinnen leben im Meer, bestehen fast nur aus Beinen und saugen wirbellose Tiere aus.
20041023             Der OXFORD—PROFESSOR DAVID—SIVETER hatte keine Wahl: Wenn er etwas über das ASSELSPINNEN—FOSSIL erfahren wollte, musste er es zerstören.
20041023             Denn das vor 425—MILLIONEN —JAHREN verendete Tier steckte in einem kalkhaltigen Stein, so dass chemische oder mechanische Techniken keinen Erfolg versprachen.
20041023             "Die Zusammensetzung des Fossils und die des Gesteins, in dem es steckt, sind gleich", erklärte Siveter gegenüber "BBC News Online".
20041023             Also trug das ENGLISCH—AMERIKANISCHE—FORSCHERTEAM mit einem Präzisionsschleifer den STEIN—SCHICHT für Schicht ab.
20041023             Nach jedem Schleifvorgang schossen die Wissenschaftler 1—DIGITALFOTO.
20041023             Das Gerät arbeitete sich in klein en Schritten durch das Gestein: Es holte pro Schicht nur etwa einen Fünfzigstel Millimeter herunter, schreiben die Wissenschaftler um Siveter im Magazin "Nature" (Bd.
20041023             431, S. 978). - VERLEGER—VORWURF: Theater treten Urheberrecht mit Füßen
20041023             Genazinos Dankesrede: Ein Loblied auf die Langeweile
20041023             USA—WAHL: STAATSANWALT ermittelt wegen Betrug
20041023             GEORG—BÜCHNER—PREIS: WILHELM—GENAZINOS—LAST mit dem Rummel
20041023             Gute Umfragewerte: Schröder warnt vor Euphorie
20041023             ANTI—REFORM—KAMPAGNE: DGB erlebt Debakel mit Unterschriftenaktion
20041023             —HRUNGSMITGLIED, IRAK: Fü von AL—SARKAWIS—NETZWERK gefasst
20041023             —GESUCHT, Wettbewerb für Nachwuchsmanager: Miraculix der Moderne
20041023             —GEFUNDEN, Suchaktion: Leiche des "Ötzi"-Entdeckers
20041023             JAPAN: Erdbeben fordert 5—TOTE und Hunderte Verletzte
20041023             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: Von Moralaposteln und verprolltem Mittelstand
20041023             Die Welt, Die FRANZÖSISCHE—DIPLOMATIN Sylvie Goulard hat einen Essay veröffentlicht - "Le Grand Turc et la Republique de Venise"- in dem sie den EU—BEITRITT der TÜRKEI zu einem "kapitalen Fehler" erklärt.
20041023             Das Buch war in FRANKREICH sehr erfolgreich. Im
20041023             —BEGRÜNDET, Interview, Goulard ihre Auffassung: "Wenn wir die Union um die TÜRKEI erweitern, dann haben wir eine gemeinsame Grenze mit dem IRAN, mit Aserbeidschan, mit SYRIEN.
20041023             —ÜBERSCHREITET, Damit, die Europäische Union ihre Grenzen im geografischen + politischen Sinn.
20041023             Die TÜRKEI ist das Land mit der größten Bevölkerung, den größten kulturellen Unterschieden und noch sehr unterentwickelt.
20041023             —ÜBERFORDERT, Diese Kombination, die Union ".
20041023             Und, sagt sie, "wenn wir —SCHON an der GRENZE—DES—IRAK sind, können wir schlecht den Marokkanern sagen, sie seien keine Europäer".
20041023             —SEIT—5—JAHREN steht der KOSOVO unter UN—VERWALTUNG.
20041023             —HEUTE wählen die Kosovaren ein neues Parlament.
20041023             Der Schriftsteller Beqe CUFAJ—KRITISIERT
20041023             die bisherige POLITIK—DER—EUROPÄER + der UNO + fordert den Westen auf, endlich ein "klares Signal" zu setzen, "dass es keine Rückkehr der SERBISCHEN—REGIERUNGSGEWALT ins KOSOVO geben kann".
20041023             Die Tageszeitung Auf der Meinungsseite findet der Schriftsteller Yitzhak Laor scharfe Worte für das Verhältnis zwischen ISRAEL und DEUTSCHLAND.
20041023             "Emotionale Erpresser aus ISRAEL, die die Tantiemen für die LEIDEN unserer Eltern und Großeltern einstreichen, versehen DEUTSCHE—POLITIKER, von den Grünen —BIS zur CSU, mit einem amtlichen Siegel als beglaubigte Humanisten. Was für 1—ERBE".
20041023             Außerdem erklärt DANIEL—COHN—BENDIT im Interview, warum sich an der TÜRKEI die Zukunft der EU entscheidet.
20041023             Berliner Zeitung, Im Magazin finden wir 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—AMOS—OZ ("1—GESCHICHTE—VON—LIEBE und Finsternis"), der über das Verhältnis zwischen Jerusa lem + EUROPA nachdenkt: "Meine Eltern, meine Großeltern, sie waren nicht diejenigen, die mit der Titanic in der großen, großen Katastrophe untergingen, nein, sie waren diejenigen, die im Dunkeln ins Meer geworfen wurden, vom Deck der Titanic, während der Ball + das Festmahl in vollem Gange waren + alle ausgelassen sangen + tanzten.
20041023             Sie haben sich niemals, niemals von dieser Verletzung erholt.
20041023             Sie schufen 1—MINI—EUROPA in einem winzigen Keller, gefüllt mit Büchern in 17—VERSCHIEDENEN europäischen Sprachen, sie träumten von EUROPA, sie liebten die Landschaften, die Atmosphäre, die Kunst, die Geschichte, die Literatur und über allem die Musik.
20041023             Oh, sie beteten die Musik an". —NACH—DEM, was es verbrochen hat, ist EUROPA nicht in der Postition, eine "POLITIK—DES—ERHOBENEN—ZEIGEFINGERS gegenüber den Arabern oder den Israelis, Amerikanern oder Irakis" zu pflegen, findet Oz. "Ich denke, EUROPA sollte in Weltangelegenheiten viel mehr direkte Verantwortung und Hilfe zeigen und viel weniger moralisieren und andere belehren, wie sie sich zu verhalten haben und wie nicht".
20041023             Vote fraud! AMERICA is the new FLORIDA You want 1—CONSPIRACY, folks?
20041023             —JUST look at the way this election is shaping up.
20041023             I'll still cover EVERY—DETAIL—OF—THE bulge business ( see the "2. voice" post directly beneath this 1! ).
20041023             But we also need 1—SITE -- actually, 1—FEW dozen sites -- devoted to tracking THE—MANY—ALLEGATIONS—OF—VOTE—STEALING dirty tricks.
20041023             These stories ARE—GROWING by the —HOUR :
20041023             —APPLIED, NEBRASKA, dead people were found to have, for absentee ballots.
20041023             OHIO, 1—REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ASSOCIATION for the Advancement of Colored People was found to have offered crack cocaine to 1—KNOWN drug addict in exchange for completed voter registration forms, which he duly submitted in THE—NAMES—OF—MARY—POPPINS, JANET—JACKSON and JEFFREY—DAHMER, the notorious cannibal serial killer.
20041023             The disease is spreading all over the country. 1, 2, MANY—FLORIDAS.
20041023             SOUTH—DAKOTA : Questionable absentee ballots across the state lead to criminal charges.
20041023             6—REPUBLICAN notary publics face misdemeanors in connection with absentee ballot applications filled out on SOUTH—DAKOTA college campuses.
20041023             HERE—1—NEAT trick IN—SWING—STATE—PENNSYLVANIA :
20041023             Then there's PENNSYLVANIA, where Republicans are trying to relocate 63—PHILADELPHIA polling places, 59 in largely minority neighborhoods.
20041023             Republicans claim those polling places are not adequate for voters, but didn't file their complaint —UNTIL—FRIDAY.
20041023             —SINCE voters who go to the wrong polling place will not be able to vote, THE—LAST—MINUTE—NATURE—OF—THE—COMPLAINT (which is expected to fail) sure makes it look like 1—ATTEMPT to suppress minority voting:
20041023             "I've never witnessed 1—MORE wanton example of 1—EFFORT to discourage minority voters from participating in 1—ELECTION," Kerry campaign spokesman MARK—NEVINS told THE—PHILADELPHIA—INQUIRER.
20041023             "It's despicable". Also IN—PENNSYLVANIA :
20041023             —BASED, Sproul & Associates, 1—CONSULTING firm, in CHANDLER—ARIZONA, hired to conduct the drive by the Republican National Committee, employed several 100—CANVASSERS —THROUGHOUT the state to register new voters.
20041023             SOME—WORKERS—YESTERDAY said they were told to avoid registering Democrats or anyone who indicated support for Democratic nominee JOHN—F—KERRY.
20041023             "We were told that if they wanted to register Democrat, there was no way we were to register them to vote," said Michele Tharp, of Meadville, who said she was sent out to canvass DOOR—TO—DOOR and outside businesses in Meadville, CRAWFORD—COUNTY.
20041023             "We were only to register Republicans".
20041023             SPROUL—BEEN up TO—DIRTY—WORK in OREGON, NEVADA, WEST—VIRGINIA + elsewhere:
20041023             —WANTED, Substitute teacher ADAM—BANSE, —1—SUMMER—JOB with flexible hours, so he signed up to knock on doors in suburban MINNEAPOLIS and register people to vote.
20041023             He quit —AFTER—2—HOURS.
20041023             "They said if you bring back 1—BUNCH—OF—DEMOCRATIC—CARDS, you'll be fired," Banse contends.
20041023             "At that point, I said, `Whoa. SOMETHING—WRONG here.'"
20041023             —STILL more on Sproul:
20041023             1—POLITICAL consulting firm owned by THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—ARIZONA—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, which contacted several libraries regarding voter registration drives, has come under scrutiny —AFTER 1—FORMER—EMPLOYEE told authorities that thousa NDS—OF—VOTER—REGISTRATION—FORMS submitted by Democrats were destroyed.
20041023             OREGON officials are —NOW investigating Voters OUTREACH—OF—AMERICA, 1—GROUP—RUN by THE—NATHAN—SPROUL—OWNED—SPROUL & Associates, which received $500,000 from THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20041023             You'll also want to check out
20041023             this fine investigative piece by Capitol Hill Blue on Sproul.
20041023             —MEANWHILE, —BACK—IN—FLORIDA (naturally):
20041023             the elections office contacted police —AFTER Democrats complained about men videotaping people in FRONT—OF—THE—OFFICE—ALL—DAY.
20041023             —CONFRONTED, USA—REPRESENTATIVE—CORRINE—BROWN and coalition members, them in the —EVENING.
20041023             —ALLOWED, But Scheu said the videotaping was, on 1—PUBLIC sidewalk across the street.
20041023             "We're powerless to stop them," Scheu said.
20041023             Owner FRED—HILLERICH—OF—PRICE—RITE—INVESTIGATIONS—OF—JACKSONVILLE declined to say who hired his firm to videotape events at the office.
20041023             But he said he had done the work elsewhere —BEFORE, and "I ain't doing anything to nobody".
20041023             "I'm sure it is, it's intimidation," said THE—REVEREND—WILLIE—M—BOLDEN, 1—SOUTHERN—CHRISTIAN—LEADERSHIP—CONFERENCE—OFFICIAL who joined others questioning Hillerich.
20041023             "They're doing all KINDS—OF—THINGS across the state".
20041023             More FROM—FLORIDA (expect to see 1—LOT—MORE):
20041023             GORDON—SASSER 1. got the feeling that something strange was going on —WHEN the telephone pierced the silence of 1—WEEKDAY afternoon at his house on the swampy fringes of TALLAHASSEE, NORTH—FLORIDA.
20041023             1 automated voice had SOME—SURPRISING news: did he know that he could —NOW cast his presidential vote by phone + could do so right —NOW, using the keypad?
20041023             JAMES—SCRUGGS, another TALLAHASSEE resident, remembers 1—SIMILAR unease about the young woman who phoned him at home, insistently offering to collect his absentee ballot to ensure its safe delivery.
20041023             —CALLED, Then there was the elderly woman who, the local elections office —LAST—WEEK to register her husband for 1—ABSENTEE vote.
20041023             According to office staff, as she hung up she made 1—POINT—OF thanking them: she wouldn't have thought to get in touch about her husband, she said, if it hadn't been for their helpful call the night —BEFORE, —WHEN someone had taken her own details, assuring her that she was —NOW registered and would receive 1—BALLOT.
20041023             —FILED, The state's Democrats had, 1—LAWSUIT challenging BLACKWELL—DIRECTIVE instructing county elections boards not to give ballots to voters who come to the wrong precinct and to send them to the correct polling place on Election —DAY.
20041023             Blackwell has said allowing voters to cast 1—BALLOT wherever they show up, even if they're not registered to vote there, is 1—RECIPE for Election —DAY chaos.
20041023             THE—OHIO—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY and 1—COALITION—OF—LABOR and voter rights groups had argued that BLACKWELL—ORDER discriminated against the poor and minorities, who tend to move more frequently.
20041023             More ON—INTIMIDATION—OF—VOTERS in OHIO:
20041023             THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—PLANS to station thousa nds of recruits at OHIO polling places —DURING—NEXT—MONTH—ELECTION to challenge newly registered voters.
20041023             1—ELECTION—OFFICIALS said OHIO has never seen what's about to happen, THE—CINCINNATI—ENQUIRER reported —SATURDAY...
20041023             —FORCED, The massive GOP campaign has, officials to prepare for unprecedented disruptions in the voting process, as well as alarm and complaints among voters, MANY—OF—WHOM are expected to feel intimidated by the Republican effort.
20041023             Yes, even IN—CALIFORNIA :
20041023             —TRAINED, SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY, CA—POLLWORKERS in SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY are being, not to offer voters 1—CHANCE to use paper ballots instead of electronic voting machines, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has learned.
20041023             —MANDATED, CALIFORNIA SECRETARY—OF—STATE—KEVIN—SHELLEY, in May that all polling places offer 1—PAPER—BALLOT option, which would allow people concerned about E—VOTING machine reliability 1—CHANCE to vote on paper ballots at the polls.
20041023             —INSTRUCTED, But pollworkers in SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY are being, not to tell voters that this option is available.
20041023             Instead, they will make paper ballots available only if voters specifically request them.
20041023             —TRAINED, ED—CHERLIN, 1—POLLWORKER being, in SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY, said he was very disturbed to learn that he was not supposed to mention the paper option.
20041023             "I object to the government telling me that I can't tell people about their rights," he said.
20041023             You've —JUST seen THE—TIP—OF—THE—TIP—OF—THE—ICEBERG.
20041023             —DEVOTED, Those of you who have, whole websites to the "bulge" factor -- maybe you should start tracking this stuff as well.
20041023             #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH : 11:57 PM 2—COMMENTS "2. voice" heard —DURING debate?
20041023             You be the judge... Another BULGE—WATCHER has —JUST made the "2. voice" audio excerpt from debate 3—MORE easily available.
20041023             Listen for yourself here. Why do USA—CHRISTIANS love death?
20041023             —SELECTED, For some, answers to that question, READ—THIS piece by DOCTOR—TERESA—WHITEHURST.
20041023             She gives 1—NUMBER—OF—REASONS, including this 1:
20041023             feel they dare not oppose this or ANY—WAR because talking about peace, objecting to war's human cost, or even referring to THE—UNITED—NATIONS has become associated in their minds with the Antichrist and eternal damnation, thanks to fictional works based on Thessalonians such as the Left Behind books and video (this video makes clear the fearful reasoning behind THE—KNEE—JERK REACTIONS—OF—MANY—PRO—WAR—CHRISTIANS against peace itself, PEACEMAKERS—OF—ANY—KIND [poignant indeed in light of Jesus' teaching, "Blessed are the peacemakers"], THE—MIDDLE—EAST "road map," INTERNATIONAL dialogue and cooperation + ANY—FORM—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACCOUNTABILITY), These words get near the correct answer.
20041023             —ENTERED, THE—USA—FUNDAMENTALIST has, into 1—WORLD—OF—PERFECT paranoia;
20041023             ANY—DATA which does not fit into THE—FUNDAMENTALIST—APPROVED scenario is 1 viewed as 1—LIE told by a "liberal" media commandeered by Satan himself.
20041023             —WIELDED, Outsiders cannot even begin to CONCEIVE—OF—THE—INFLUENCE, by TIM—LAHAYE and his FEAR—MONGERING comrades.
20041023             I saw much the same thing happen in the 1970s.
20041023             HAL—LINDSEY—THE—LATE—GREAT—PLANET—EARTH swept the country by storm -- but it was 1—UNDERGROUND—STORM (if you'll forgive such 1 skewed metaphor).
20041023             The thing had nationwide impact precisely because intelligent people thought it UNWORTHY—OF—RESPONSE.
20041023             If Bush wins, he'll have LaHaye to thank.
20041023             # —POSTED—BY—JOSEPH : 8:42 PM Comments: "USA—CHRISTIANS" is too broad 1—CATEGORY.
20041023             It's fundamentalist Christians who are elitist.
20041023             Being elitist means that only people subscribing to that BRAND—OF—CHRISTIANITY will be saved.
20041023             Even Catholicism admits that being 1—MEMBER—OF—ANOTHER religion does not automatically cast 1—INTO hell.
20041023             Christ certainly was not exclusionary...his message included everyone.
20041023             Fundamentalism excludes everyone but the relatively small sect that says you will go to hell unless you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.
20041023             Fundamentalism is 1—PARANOID, isolationist, exclusionary, FEAR—MONGERING form of religion.
20041023             —OPPOSED, Is it diamentrically, to the Christian message.
20041023             —BASED, It's more 1—IDEOLOGY, on hate than 1—RELIGION...it has nothing to do with 1—MERCIFUL—GOD.
20041023             Its message is that "God despises and will annihilate everyone but us".
20041023             created THE—AMARILLO—NATIONAL—RESEARCH—CENTER for Plutonium to advise THE—DOE...
20041023             THIN—THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES: Editorials/OP—ED—BY—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON : "You may fly over 1—LAND... wipe...
20041023             Current Office: USA—SENATOR—CURRENT—DISTRICT: JUNIOR—SEAT—1.—ELECTED: 19961105             Last Elected: 11/05.
20041023             Zoo 'safe' —AFTER 100—TIGERS fall to bird flu Zoo 'safe' —AFTER 100—TIGERS fall to bird flu Almost 100 endangered tigers have † or been culled at 1—THAILAND—ZOO—AFTER...
20041023             "At that point, I said, `Whoa. SOMETHING—WRONG here.'" Still more
20041023             "Die simple Idee, dass ein einziges der vielen 100—GENE auf dem Chromosom die Erkrankung auslöst,
20041023             "It's despicable".
20041023             Also in PENNSYLVANIA: "They're doing all KINDS—OF—THINGS across the state".
20041023             More from FLORIDA
20041023             "We were told that if they wanted to register Democrat, there was no way we were to register them to vote," said Michele Tharp,
20041023             "dass es keine Rückkehr der SERBISCHEN—REGIERUNGS—GEWALT ins KOSOVO geben kann".
20041023             'THE—MUSLIMS hate our freedoms.' This is —NOW the accepted, formulaic substitute for all discourse,
20041023             - CLAIRE—HOPE—CUMMINGS 1—CALIFORNIA company is introducing human genes to OPEN—FIELD—RICE—CROPS.
20041023             - Danielle Nierenberg Jailed, harassed and vilified by the autocratic REGIME—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—DANIEL arap Moi,
20041023             - Hilary F. FRANCE—IN the region —AROUND MOUNT—KENYA in CENTRAL—AFRICA, people are taking the restoration of their ENVIRONMENT—AND FUTURE—INTO their own hands.
20041023             - in dem sie den EU—BEITRITT der TÜRKEI zu einem "kapitalen Fehler" erklärt.
20041023             11—ATTACKS, even though USA—INTELLIGENCE—EXPERTS couldn't verify the information and considered it dubious, SENATOR—CARL—LEVIN, D—MICHIGAN, said —YESTERDAY.
20041023             19830000—19960000 Howell, WILLIAM—R—JC—PENNEY—COMPANY, INCORPORATED CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—BOARD +
20041023             "DAYS—OF—PENITENCE" or DAYS—OF—GENOCIDE?: - 59 in largely minority neighborhoods.
20041023             REPUBLICANs claim those polling places are not adequate for voters,
20041023             1—USA—MILITARY—COURT—IN—BAGHDAD —ON—FRIDAY ordered the soldiers, including 1 alleged ringleader,
20041023             1—POLITICAL consulting firm owned by THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—ARIZONA—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, which contacted several libraries regarding voter registration drives,
20041023             According to office staff, as she hung up she made 1—POINT—OF thanking them: she wouldn't have thought to get in touch about her husband,
20041023             —VIDEOTAPED, Additionally, military operations in IRAQ that are, for newsreel presentation must be cleared by THE—MILITARY.
20041023             AMERICA, Imagine This!:
20041023             Americans —NOW face 1—CRUCIAL and perplexing decision in whether or not to send MISTER—BUSH back to the Whitehouse for another —4—YEARS.
20041023             Amerikanern oder Irakis" zu pflegen, findet Oz. "Ich denke, EUROPA sollte in Weltangelegenheiten viel mehr direkte Verantwortung und Hilfe zeigen und viel weniger moralisieren und andere belehren, wie sie sich zu verhalten haben und wie nicht".
20041023             Archived Press Releases Update On Our HALLIBURTON Work In IRAQ
20041023             Army may let company retain BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from IRAQ work, despite auditors' questions.
20041023             Außerdem erklärt DANIEL—COHN—BENDIT
20041023             BUSH hatte von Terrorplänen mit möglicherweise vielen Opfern berichtet - + davon, dass die potenziellen Attentäter zu jenem Zeitpunkt —BEREITS—IM Lande gewesen seien.
20041023             BUSH, for all THE—CAMPAIGN—TRAIL rhetoric, is desperate to extricate himself from the mess of his own making.
20041023             Berliner Zeitung, Im Magazin finden wir 1—INTERVIEW
20041023             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—LOCATION is known, official says:
20041023             But the elections office makes no such calls.
20041023             OHIO: Could the Associated Press (AP) Rig the Election?
20041023             "We were only to register REPUBLICANs". SPROUL—BEEN up to dirty work
20041023             Da sei notwendig, um sich vor möglichen Täuschungsversuchen zu schützen, denn die Demokraten hätten sich zuletzt aggressiv darum bemüht,
20041023             Dabei zeigte sich, dass die flachen, —BIS zu 40—KILOMETER tiefen Störungszonen gleich doppeltem Druck durch die Gezeiten ausgesetzt sind:
20041023             Das Gerät arbeitete sich in klein en Schritten durch das Gestein: Es holte pro Schicht nur etwa einen Fünfzigstel Millimeter herunter,
20041023             Der Mann wurde zusammen mit 5—WEITEREN Aufständischen bei einer nächtlichen Razzia gestellt,
20041023             —KRITISIERT, Der Schriftsteller Beqe Cufaj - Devastation most vicious:
20041023             Die Tageszeitung Auf der Meinungsseite findet der Schriftsteller
20041023             —ÜBERFORDERT, Diese Kombination, die Union ". - Die Welt, Die FRANZÖSISCHE—DIPLOMATIN
20041023             Die beiden demokratischen Kandidaten JOHN—KERRY und JOHN—EDWARDS haben USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH wiederholt vorgeworfen,
20041023             Doch —NUN haben Geophysiker aus JAPAN und den USA zumindest einen indirekten Zusammenhang gefunden,
20041023             THE—GREENING—OF—KENYA—PDF
20041023             1—UNTERSTÜTZUNG durch UNO—INSTITUTIONEN komme nicht in Frage, weil das IRAKISCHE—GERICHT auch die Todesstrafe verhängen dürfe,
20041023             Estimates by USA—SEE More Rebels With More Funds:
20041023             Falls sich dieser Verdacht erhärtet und die Gene nicht allein Schuld sind, könnte eines Tages sogar,
20041023             FRÜHERE—WARNUNGEN hätten auf erfundenen Informationen eines Geheimdienstmitarbeiters basiert,
20041023             —DISPUTED, HALLIBURTON may keep, money:
20041023             HARD—CORE—RESISTANCE—NUMBERS between 8,000 and 12,000—PEOPLE, 1—TALLY that swells to MORE—THAN—20,000—WHEN active sympathizers or covert accomplices are included, according to THE—USA—OFFICIALS.
20041023             He was 6—AT—THE—TIME—OF his death.
20041023             Heading towards the apocalypse:
20041023             HUNDERTE—VON—VERHÖREN und 120—FESTNAHMEN von Ausländern allein —IN—DIESEM—MONAT hätten keine Anzeichen auf einen Terroranschlag zu —TAGE gefördert.
20041023             —ENACTED, If, the Constitution Restoration Act will effectively transform THE—USA—INTO 1—THEOCRACY,
20041023             So, in the tradition of BENJAMIN—FRANKLIN, let's do 1—BALANCE—SHEET on GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH
20041023             In OHIO, 1—REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ASSOCIATION for the Advancement of Colored People was found to have offered crack cocaine to 1—KNOWN drug addict in exchange for completed voter registration forms,
20041023             CHRIS—FLOYD: Pin Heads:
20041023             —CONCERNED, Increasingly, about IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, ISRAEL is weighing its options and has not ruled out 1—MILITARY—STRIKE to prevent the Islamic Republic from gaining the capability to build atomic weapons,
20041023             IRAQ coalition vanishes from WHITE—HOUSE—WEBSITE:
20041023             Is Suicide PART—OF—THE—JOB?: - ISRAEL may Have IRAN in Its Sights:
20041023             ISRAEL steps up its barbaric military campaign in GAZA, reports Khaled Amayreh who also reviews 1—RECENTLY—RELEASED—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH report
20041023             SOME—VOTERS—SAY—MACHINES—FAILED, Incorrect Choices Appear on Screens:
20041023             It comes as no news that BUSH is 1—FUNDAMENTALIST—CHRISTIAN, nor that he sees himself and his AMERICA as GOD—AGENTS on earth.
20041023             It is already widely known that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has ordered THE—USA—PRESS not to take PHOTOGRAPHS—OF—THE—CASKETS—OF—MILITARY—DEAD being returned home.
20041023             J.C. Penney Company, INCORPORATED (a major retailer) Chairman Emeritus,
20041023             JAMES—SCRUGGS, another TALLAHASSEE resident, remembers 1—SIMILAR unease about the young woman who phoned him at home,
20041023             Jews As Cannon Fodder For Zionists: Zionism and ANTI—SEMITISM:
20041023             JOHN—LEHMAN, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE 20010911—COMMISSION, said —THURSDAY.
20041023             Judge: Votes in Wrong Precinct Don't Count:
20041023             Killing PALESTINE—CHILDREN is becoming 1—COMPETITIVE—SPORT for THE—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20041023             "MOHAMMED—AARAJ was eating 1—SANDWICH in front of his house,
20041023             —VOTED, KIM—GRIFFITH, —ON—THURSDAY— over and over and over.
20041023             —FAILED, MORE—THAN—800—FORMER—SOLDIERS have, to comply with Army orders to get —BACK—IN uniform and report for duty in IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN, the Army said —FRIDAY.
20041023             Mit dramatischen Worten hatte USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH davor gewarnt, Terroristen planten einen verheerenden Anschlag,
20041023             —CHARGED, More USA—SOLDIERS, over IRAQ abuse:
20041023             Nearly 1,000 Territorial Army soldiers were sent to fight in IRAQ despite failing their weapons test, 1—COURT martial heard —TODAY.
20041023             No shooting please, we're British:
20041023             —GENERATED, Not surprisingly, SOME—OF—THE—PROFITS, by the war in IRAQ appear to be making their way into REPUBLICAN—PARTY coffers.
20041023             Ob sie mit "echten" Spinnen verwandt sind, war lange UMSTRITTEN—BIS Forscher einem Fossil mit Schleifer und Digicam zu Leibe rückten und es virtuell zum Leben erweckten.death.
20041023             Offensichtlich wird Trisomie 21, so die 1. Schlussfolgerung der USA—MEDIZINER, durch ein komplexes Zusammenspiel von genetischen und durch die Entwicklung bestimmten Faktoren hervorgerufen.
20041023             —ON the lofty banner of USA—HUBRIS, unfurled —AFTER the attacks of 20010911             , are inscribed in black letters the words,
20041023             Only USA—BIG Business Sees IRAQ Campaign As A Success:
20041023             OREGON officials are —NOW investigating Voters OUTREACH—OF—AMERICA, 1—GROUP—RUN by THE—NATHAN—SPROUL—OWNED—SPROUL & Associates,
20041023             —TOUTED, Pentagon, link between Saddam and AL—QAIDA:
20041023             Redeployment of our troops may be the final nail in coffin:
20041023             —TRAINED, SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY, CA—POLLWORKERS in SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY are being, not to offer voters 1—CHANCE to use paper ballots instead of electronic voting machines,
20041023             2. voice" heard —DURING debate?
20041023             Listen for yourself here.
20041023             —HYPED, SENATOR—SAYS—PENTAGON unit, terror tie:
20041023             Sie schufen 1—MINI—EUROPA in einem winzigen Keller, gefüllt mit Büchern in 17—VERSCHIEDENEN europäischen Sprachen ,
20041023             —BASED, Sproul & Associates, 1—CONSULTING firm, in CHANDLER—ARIZONA, hired to conduct the drive by THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE,
20041023             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Sylvie Goulard hat einen Essay, - "Le Grand Turc et la Republique de Venise"
20041023             TED—LANG : Defeat the Press! : THE—STATE—SILENCES—DISSENT: Terrorists in Falluja: That is easy.
20041023             THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS (AP) will be the sole source of raw vote totals for the major news broadcasters on Election Night.
20041023             THE—OHIO—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY and 1—COALITION—OF—LABOR and voter rights groups had argued that BLACKWELL—ORDER discriminated against the poor and minorities,
20041023             THE—PENTAGON knows exactly where OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is hiding in PAKISTAN, it —JUST can't get to him,
20041023             —FORCED, The massive GOP campaign has, officials to prepare for unprecedented disruptions in the voting process,
20041023             The state must reject provisional ballots if they are cast in the wrong precinct, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—SAID—THURSDAY in the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—OPINIONS on how such votes should be counted.
20041023             The storm over the movement of Black Watch troops in IRAQ suggests THE—UK—ELITE is happy to support 1—WAR so long as it doesn't have to fight 1.
20041023             The terrorist threat to AMERICA + the world will be diminished the moment that SADDAM—HUSSEIN is disarmed".
20041023             - BUSH - The word 'hate' should be used cautiously, but most UK—PEOPLE seem to hate GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH.
20041023             —VANISHED, The "coalition of the willing" in IRAQ has, — from THE—WHITE—HOUSE—INTERNET—SITE, at ANY—RATE.
20041023             Then there's PENNSYLVANIA, where REPUBLICANs are trying to relocate 63—PHILADELPHIA polling places,
20041023             3—OF—THE—6—USA—MILITARY—OFFICERS sitting on THE—GUANTANAMO tribunal have been dropped —AFTER COMPLAINTS—OF—POTENTIAL—BIAS.
20041023             USA : Soldiers Failed to Report for Duty:
20041023             —FAILED, UK: 1,000 Territorial Army soldiers, gun test: USA—DROPS GUANTANAMO tribunal trio:
20041023             —EMBROILED, Very few governments will allow themselves to become, —UNTIL THE—USA—APPROACH—CHANGES.
20041023             Vote fraud! AMERICA is the new FLORIDA You want 1—CONSPIRACY, folks? —JUST look at the way this election is shaping up.
20041023             WASHINGTON—DER USA—PRÄSIDENT schürte bewusst Erinnerungen an MADRID: Die Terroranschläge vom —MÄRZ dieses Jahres hatten Hunderte Tote GEFORDERT—UND wahrscheinlich die Wahl zu Gunsten des Sozialdemokraten JOSÉ—LUIS—ZAPATERO entschieden,
20041023             We implore and beseech our Jewish brethren to realize that the Zionists are not the saviors of the Jewish People and guarantors of their safety,
20041023             We want to see THE—BACK—OF—BUSH:
20041023             —VERSUCHT, Wenn Geologen zuletzt, haben, einen Zusammenhang zwischen der bebenden Erde und anderen Kräften im Universum herzustellen,
20041023             Who are the terrorists in Falluja and how are they terrorising THE—CIVIL—POPULATION?
20041023             You've —JUST seen THE—TIP—OF—THE—TIP—OF—THE—ICEBERG—THOSE of you who have devoted whole websites to the "bulge" factor -- maybe you should start tracking this stuff as well.
20041023             Zehntausende neue Wähler in OHIO registrieren zu lassen.
20041023             Der STAAT ist 1—DER—SWING—STATES,
20041023             Zugleich wird Kerry unterstellt, dass die USA unter seiner Führung in Gefahr seien
20041023             Zum anderen zerrt die Anziehungskraft von Sonne und Mond, die letztlich für die Gezeiten verantwortlich ist,
20041023             Zum einen macht das Gewicht der heranrollenden Wellen die geologischen Verwerfungen extrem verwundbar.
20041023             according to policymakers, military officials, analysts + diplomats.
20041023             according to the Democratic STAFF—OF—THE—SENATE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE.
20041023             all questioning and probing into THE—HISTORY—OF—AMERICA—RELATIONS with the peoples of the Islamicate world over the past —57—YEARS.
20041023             as well as alarm and complaints among voters, MANY—OF—WHOM are expected to feel intimidated by THE—REPUBLICAN effort.
20041023             assuring her that she was —NOW registered and would receive 1—BALLOT.
20041023             aus Wahlkampfgründen gezielt die Ängste der Menschen zu schüren.
20041023             In einer neuen Fernsehwerbung zur Wahl am 2. ;;11;;
20041023             setzen die Republikaner von BUSH 1—RUDEL—WÖLFE als Metapher für die Terrorismusgefahr ein.
20041023             begründet Goulard ihre Auffassung: "Wenn wir die Union um die TÜRKEI erweitern, dann haben wir eine gemeinsame Grenze mit dem IRAN ,
20041023             berichtet das Blatt unter Berufung auf Geheimdienste und Polizei.
20041023             Auch der Einsatz von rund 20000000             Spezialisten des Bundeskriminalamtes FBI,
20041023             but didn't file their complaint —UNTIL—FRIDAY.
20041023             —SINCE voters who go to the wrong polling place will not be able to vote,
20041023             but rather the instigators and original cause of Jewish suffering in the Holy Land and worldwide.
20041023             der wenig später eines seiner Versprechen erfüllte und die SPANISCHEN—TRUPPEN aus dem IRAK abzog.
20041023             der über das Verhältnis zwischen Jerusa lem + EUROPA nachdenkt: "Meine Eltern, meine Großeltern,
20041023             die Literatur und über allem die Musik.
20041023             Oh, sie beteten die Musik an".
20041023             —NACH—DEM, was es verbrochen hat,
20041023             die bisherige POLITIK—DER—EUROPÄER + der UNO + fordert den Westen auf, endlich ein "klares Signal" zu setzen,
20041023             employed several 100—CANVASSERS —THROUGHOUT the state to register new voters.
20041023             für das Verhältnis zwischen ISRAEL und DEUTSCHLAND.
20041023             "Emotionale Erpresser aus ISRAEL, die die Tantiemen für die LEIDEN unserer Eltern und Großeltern einstreichen,
20041023             has come under scrutiny —AFTER 1—FORMER—EMPLOYEE told authorities that thousa NDS—OF—VOTER—REGISTRATION—FORMS submitted by Democrats were destroyed.
20041023             hieß es in einer Mitteilung der USA—ARMEE.
20041023             in OREGON, NEVADA, WEST—VIRGINIA + elsewhere:
20041023             in dem der Wahlausgang —BISHER völlig ungewiss ist.death.
20041023             insistently offering to collect his absentee ballot to ensure its safe delivery.
20041023             ist EUROPA nicht in der Postition, eine "POLITIK—DES—ERHOBENEN—ZEIGEFINGERS gegenüber den Arabern oder den Israelis,
20041023             leading WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS to make overblown or inaccurate comments in THE—RUN—UP to THE—IRAQ war,
20041023             lässt sich nicht länger aufrecht erhalten", sagt ROGER—REEVES, 1—DER—CO—AUTOREN—DER—STUDIE.
20041023             mit AMOS—OZ ("1—GESCHICHTE—VON—LIEBE und Finsternis"), mit Aserbeidschan, mit SYRIEN.
20041023             nein, sie waren diejenigen, die im Dunkeln ins Meer geworfen wurden, vom Deck der Titanic, während der Ball + das Festmahl in vollem Gange waren + alle ausgelassen sangen + tanzten.
20041023             nicht nur an den Wassermassen, sondern an der gesamten Erde.
20041023             ob 1—AUSBILDUNG—VON—RICHTERN und Staatsanwälten möglich sei.
20041023             of Meadville, who said she was sent out to canvass DOOR—TO—DOOR and outside businesses in Meadville,
20041023             sagte Siveter.
20041023             "Es handelt sich keinesfalls um 1—FANTASIE".death.
20041023             Die IRAKISCHE—REGIERUNG habe beim UNO—TRIBUNAL für das FRÜHERE—JUGOSLAWIEN in Den Haag angefragt,
20041023             schreiben die Wissenschaftler um Siveter im Magazin "Nature" (Bd.
20041023             431, S. 978).death.
20041023             she said, if it hadn't been for their helpful call the night —BEFORE, —WHEN someone had taken her own details,
20041023             sie träumten von EUROPA, sie liebten die Landschaften, die Atmosphäre, die Kunst, die Geschichte,
20041023             sie waren nicht diejenigen, die mit der Titanic in der großen, großen Katastrophe untergingen,
20041023             so Reeves, eine FORM—DER—BEHANDLUNG für das DOWN—SYNDROM möglich werden.
20041023             the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has learned.
20041023             —MANDATED, CALIFORNIA SECRETARY—OF—STATE—KEVIN—SHELLEY, in May that all polling places offer 1—PAPER—BALLOT option,
20041023             the last house —BEFORE the cemetery of the Balata refugee camp, in NABLUS, —WHEN 1—SOLDIER shot him to death at fairly close range.
20041023             THE—LAST—MINUTE—NATURE—OF—THE—COMPLAINT (which is expected to fail) sure makes it look like 1—ATTEMPT to suppress minority voting:
20041023             to stand trial over the sexual and physical ABUSE—OF—IRAQ—PRISONERS at ABU—GHURAIB[ABU—GHRAIB]prison.
20041023             um den Ausgang der Präsidentschaftswahl in den USA zu beeinflussen.
20041023             using the keypad? MISTER—SASSER—SUSPICION that somebody was trying to trick him into thinking he was casting 1—VOTE—PRESUMABLY so that he wouldn't cast 1—REAL 1—WAS far from unique.
20041023             versehen DEUTSCHE—POLITIKER, von den Grünen —BIS zur CSU, mit einem amtlichen Siegel als beglaubigte Humanisten.
20041023             Was für 1—ERBE".
20041023             warum sich an der TÜRKEI die Zukunft der EU entscheidet.
20041023             where the arbitrary dictates of a "higher power" can override law.
20041023             which he duly submitted in THE—NAMES—OF—MARY—POPPINS, JANET—JACKSON and JEFFREY—DAHMER, the notorious cannibal serial killer.
20041023             which received $500,000 from THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20041023             You'll also want to check out this fine investigative piece
20041023             which would allow people concerned about E—VOTING machine reliability 1—CHANCE to vote on paper ballots at the polls.
20041023             —WHILE also advocating for better governance and human rights.
20041023             In ;;12;; 20020000             , Maathai was elected to KENYA—PARLIAMENT as 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—GREEN—PARTY in the country's 1. free election in decades.
20041023             who tend to move more frequently.
20041023             More on INTIMIDATION—OF—VOTERS
20041023             wie die Forscher in der aktuellen Ausgabe des Fachmagazins "Science" berichten.
20041023             wie die AMERIKANISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE mitteilten.
20041023             "Weitere 5—TERRORISTEN sind während der MILITÄR—AKTION festgenommen worden",
20041023             wurden sie ein ums andere Mal enttäuscht.
20041023             —INTERVIEW: Don't Get Mad, Get Elected!
20041023             1—CONVERSATION with KENYA—ACTIVIST—WANGARI Maathai PDF
20041023             —MEANWHILE, —BACK—IN FLORIDA
20041023             THE—BOSTON—RED—SOX took Game 1—OF—THE—WORLD—SERIES, defeating THE—S—LOUIS—CARDINALS 11-9.
20041023             † ROBERT—MERRILL, —87—JAHRE—ALT, NY Metropolitan Opera star, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20041023             1—PURPORTED—TALIBAN militant set off grenades strapped to his body on 1—BUSTLING—KABUL street, killing JAMIE—MICHALSKY, —23—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—WOMAN, and 1—AFGHANISTAN—GIRL.
20041023             —ARRESTED, THE—USA—MILITARY, a "senior leader" in the network run by JORDAN—TERROR mastermind ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI, along with 5—OTHERS —DURING overnight raids in the insurgent STRONGHOLD—OF—FALLUJAH.
20041023             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER set off 1—EXPLOSION at 1—POLICE—STATION—NEAR—KHAN AL—BAGHDADI in WEST—IRAQ, killing at least 16—POLICEMEN and wounding 40—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20041023             A 2. car bomb killed 4—IRAQ—GUARDSMEN at Ishaqi near SAMARRA.
20041023             2—FOREIGN—TRUCK—DRIVERS were fatally shot in MOSUL.
20041023             —UNARMED, Some 50, IRAQ—SOLDIERS were killed in EAST—IRAQ as they headed home on leave —AFTER basic training.
20041023             Many were shot execution style with gunshots to THE—BACK—OF—THE—HEAD.
20041023             —OPENED, Gunmen, fire on 1—CONVOY—OF—TURKEY—TRUCKS in MOSUL, killing 2—TURKEY—DRIVERS and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20041023             Several earthquakes, the largest measuring 6.8, hit NORTH—WEST—JAPAN, toppling homes, causing blackouts, cutting water and gas and derailing 1—BULLET train.
20041023             40—PEOPLE were killed and as many as 1,900 injured.
20041023             —BOYCOTTED, KOSOVO—SERBIA—MINORITY largely, general elections, dealing 1—BLOW to INTERNATIONAL efforts to create multiethnic harmony in the province.
20041023             —ABOUT 1.3—MILLION—VOTERS in KOSOVO and some 108,000 KOSOVO Serbs living in Serbia —AFTER fleeing the conflict were eligible to elect representatives to a 120-seat assembly, which will choose 1—PRESIDENT and 1—GOVERNMENT that holds limited authority.
20041023             10—ASSEMBLY—SEATS are reserved for THE—SERBIA—MINORITY.
20041023             THE—BULLET—RIDDLED BODY—OF—1—PALESTINIAN was found near 1—TRASH bin on 1—GAZA—CITY.
20041023             Hamas said it killed the man on suspicion he passed along information that helped ISRAEL assassinate the group's founder and 9—OTHERS.
20041023             TUNISIA—PRESIDENT—BEN—ALI, —68—JAHRE—ALT won elections with 94.5—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20041023             UKRAINE, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE supporting opposition presidential candidate VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO rallied in Kiev demanding that —NEXT—WEEK—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION be free and fair.
20041023             Vereinigung für DEUTSCHLAND (ZVfD) ANGLO—PALESTINE BANK—SPÄTER : LEUMI—BANK—ARLOSOROFF, Chaim Leiter der politischen Abteilung der Jewish Agency Cohen...
20041023             icgr2007 - Sessions / Speakers In his own political party (SVP), he holds several key positions, including member... DALE—KLEIN, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—NUCLEAR—REGULATORY—COMMISSION (NRC), USA...
20041023             —SEIT—ÜBER—70—JAHREN, Beim schwersten Erdbeben mit der Stärke 6,8 auf der Richterskala sterben in NIIGATA—JAPAN, über 20—MENSCHEN, etwa 1500—MENSCHEN werden verletzt.
200410230456         —PM—VERFASST AM—TITEL: Banc Royale INCORPORATED/SWISS—ROYAL Trust AG...
20041023151138       -0500 Does BUSH have 1—KIND—OF—HEART—DISEASE that requires him to wear an > electronic defibrillator —DURING TIMES—OF—STRESS?
20041023—19770000    —SINCE, Wangari Maathai is THE—FOUNDER—OF—THE—GREEN—BELT—MOVEMENT (GBM) of KENYA, which has supported the planting by women of over 20—MILLION—TREES in that country ,
20041023—20010911    —AFTER, 1—SMALL—PENTAGON unit set up, to review raw intelligence —LATER exaggerated the relationship between AL—QAEDA and IRAQ,
20041023—20010911    —AFTER, SENATOR—SAYS—PENTAGON unit hyped terror tie : 1—SMALL—PENTAGON unit set up, to review raw intelligence —LATER exaggerated the relationship between AL—QAEDA and IRAQ, leading WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS to make overblown or inaccurate comments in THE—RUN—UP to THE—IRAQ war, according to the Democratic STAFF—OF—THE—SENATE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE.
20041023—20010915    —AM, Auch in den USA, so hatte Bush gemeinsam mit den Chefs des Geheimdienstes CIA + der Bund
20041023—20020900    —TOUTED, Pentagon, link between Saddam and AL—QAIDA : Pentagon officials told THE—WHITE—HOUSE that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was linked to 20040911             —THE attacks, even though USA—INTELLIGENCE—EXPERTS couldn't verify the information and considered it dubious, SENATOR—CARL—LEVIN, D—MICHIGAN, said —YESTERDAY.
20041023—20041102    —AM, könnten Islamisten versuchen, mit einem Anschlag die Wahl zu beeinflussen.
20041023—20041102    —AM, In einer neuen Fernsehwerbung zur Wahl setzen die Republikaner von Bush 1—RUDEL—WÖLFE als Metapher für die Terrorismusgefahr ein.
20041023—20041102    —AM, espolizei FBI gewarnt, könnten Islamisten versuchen, mit einem Anschlag die Wahl zu beeinflussen.
20041024             [ Subject: Does Bush have to wear 1—ELECTRONIC—DEFIBRILLATOR —DURING times > [ From: "RICHARD—CLARK" <cardinolo@comcast_net> > [ Date: 20041023151138        -0500 > > Does Bush have 1—KIND—OF—HEART—DISEASE that requires him to wear an > electronic defibrillator —DURING TIMES—OF—STRESS?
20041025             —SUCCEEDED, Rocket Launch / BRAZIL "BRAZIL, in launching its 1. rocket into space —SATURDAY [20041023             ], recovering from 1—LAUNCH—PAD accident —LAST—YEAR that killed 21—SPACE—WORKERS".
20041113             20041023             STEFAN—WRAY: TEXAS Plan to Grab Los Alamos Takes HOLD—BUSH [BGHW948] Senior is 1—TOP—OFFICIAL in 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST private investment funds in THE—USA, Carlyle, 1—GROUP alfatomega.com/ /20041023.html
20041114             $200000000.00 -... Dixiecrat counties with longtime registered Democrats who haven... votes than the number of newly registered Republicans... 20040000             20041023             STEFAN—WRAY: TEXAS Plan to... ">... Dixiecrat counties with longtime registered Democrats who haven... votes than the number of newly registered Republicans... 20040000             20041023             STEFAN—WRAY: TEXAS Plan to...
20041221             alfatomega.com/20051023.html - - alfatomega.com/20060906.html
20050110233351       implanted chips, incest, INS, INSLAW, Insurgents, INTERNATIONAL... DE SION, PRIME—MINISTER, prison, PROMIS software, propaganda...  - 40
20050110233351       . implanted chips, incest, INS, INSLAW, Insurgents, INTERNATIONAL
20050328—19911023    —ON... ROY—LEE—CLARK was indicted, for THE—MURDER—OF—RECTOR and was...
20050328—19911023    —ON, KNOXVILLE Confidential: Towcrime... The job was typical of the delicate, dangerous work MARK—LOIZEAUX... ROY—LEE—CLARK was indicted, for THE—MURDER—OF—RECTOR and was...
20050401             Res Publica 20050000             : 20041017             — 20041023             .
20051020             Rice: ISRAEL—SETTLEMENTS contravene USA—POLICY : Several hours... alfatomega.com/20051023.html
20051023             Ostrow, Bridget (Crt); Ostrow, LOUIS—B—RAID into KENTUCKY, INDIANA & OHIO : Horwitz, LESTER—V. Raid into KENTUCKY, INDIANA & OHIO : Horwitz, LESTER—V. 19010101—20001231     : Roth, Andrew;
20051023             096700120X : Manners That Sell: Adding THE—POLAND—THAT—BUILDS Profits : Ramsey, Lydia.
20051023             0967002532 :
20051023             —1— D, In 1—LETTER, 20040206             , THEN—DEPUTY—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JAMES—COMEY said that he was clarifying, "at your (Fitzgerald's) request," the added authority to investigate and prosecute "crimes committed with intent to interfere with your investigation".
20051023             4. WASHINGTON—POST, 19850630             ; Time, 19821011             ;
20051023             Goodman, NEW—YORK—TIMES, 19840207             .
20051023             SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             —FRIDAY, 20040305             —0828—AM—PST Contributed by: Admin Views: 121 Submitted by Reverend Chuck0: SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             20051023             SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             —FRIDAY, 20040305             —0828—AM—PST Contributed by: Admin Views: 121 Submitted by Reverend Chuck0: SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             20051023             WAKE UP!
20051023             —FRIDAY, 20040305             —0828—AM—PST Contributed by: Admin
20051023             Timeline 19850000             19970319             ) 20050319             .
20051023             Timeline 19850000             19970319             ) 19850319             ,"Spin Magazine " began... News reporter was able to briefly interview the... —WHEN 1—DELTA—AIR—LINES jumbo jet crashed...
20051023             Timeline 19850000             19970319             ) 19850319             ,"Spin Magazine " began
20051023             VICTORIA Brittain, GUARDIAN, 20050606             ;
20051023             ANTHONY—ROBINSON, Financial Times, 19860607             , from JOHANNESBURG.
20051023             130-2. - 6. Economist, 20050614             ;
20051023             096700120X : Manners That Sell: Adding THE—POLAND—THAT—BUILDS Profits :
20051023             130-2. - 6. Economist, 20050614             ; ( 0.—13—SEKUNDEN)
20051023             their ordinance crews, Securities & Exchange commissioners who ordered THE—STILL—SECRET "control list" of PRE—ATTACK insider trades, + LOCKHEED—MARTIN—OFFICIALS who hold THE—AIR—TRAFFIC—SYSTEM—CONTRACT--
20051023             for 1—EXPLANATION as to whether the integrity + control of the doomed jets could have been compromised in ANY—MANNER.
20051023             —FORCED, Instead, Americans have been, to accept the politically expedient desire to conclude well —BEFORE—NOVEMBER—ELECTION--stampeding the most important investigation —SINCE Watergate--to avoid electoral ramifications at THE—EXPENSE—OF—TRUTH, accountability and justice.
20051023             —ALLEGED, Relative of, hijacker permitted to leave country without questioning?
20051023             —GEWESEN, Lozells ist mehrfach Schauplatz von Rassenunruhen.
20051023             Es gibt dort eine große Gemeinde von Einwanderer aus der Karibik, in jüngster Zeit tauchten auch südasiatische Gangs auf.
20051023             Zu schweren Auseinandersetzungen mit den Sicherheitskräften kam es 19850000             .
20051023             Auslöser war damals die Verhaftung von 2—SCHWARZEN im Nachbarbezirk Handsworth.
20051023             Auch der für den Bezirk zuständige Parlamentsabgeordnete, Khalid Mahmood, wies den Verdacht zurück, es könne sich um Rassenunruhen gehandelt haben.
20051023             "Es waren Einzelne, nicht mehr als 30—PERSONEN, die das Chaos veranstalteten", sagte der der BRITISCHEN—BBC.
20051023             "Die MEHRHEIT—DER—GEMEINDE hält noch immer eng zusammen".
20051023             1—REPORTERIN der BRITISCHEN—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR PA berichtete indes von weit mehr Randalieren.
20051023             Auch sie sei am Samstagabend angegriffen worden, als sie durch Lozells gefahren sei.
20051023             "Es war eine riesige Gruppe, mehr als 100—JUGENDLICHE mit Kapuzen, die Baseballschläger schwangen", berichtete ALEX—THOMPSON.
20051023             "Sie haben auf meinen Wagen geschlagen und ihn getreten. Auch die anderen Autos wurden attackiert".
20051023             Die Behörden bemühten sich, die Sorge vor neuen Rassenunruhen wie in den 80er —JAHREN zu beschwichtigen.
20051023             "Dies ist das Werk einer kleinen Personengruppe und spiegelt keine Spannungen in der Bevölkerung wieder", sagte Polizeisprecher DAVID—SHAW.
20051023             Es gebe bislang auch keine Beweise für 1—VERGEWALTIGUNG.
20051023             Er rief das mutmaßliche Opfer auf, sich bei der Polizei zu melden.
20051023             BIRMINGHAM, ist es —IN—DER—NACHT zum —SONNTAG zu den schwersten Unruhen —SEIT—JAHREN gekommen.
20051023             1—MANN wurde dabei getötet.
20051023             Es gab dutzende Verletzte, darunter auch Polizisten.
20051023             BIRMINGHAM—AUSLÖSER waren Gerüchte über die Vergewaltigung eines 14-jährigen Mädchens aus der Karibik durch einen Südasiaten, wie die Polizei der nordenglischen Stadt mitteilte.
20051023             Vertreter der schwarzen und der asiatischen Gemeinde trafen sich am Samstagabend in einer Kirche des Stadtteils Lozells, um über die Vorwürfe und die Abwendung möglicher Racheakte zu beraten.
20051023             Laut Augenzeugen begannen plötzlich etwa 30—SÜDASIATEN, Steine auf die Teilnehmer der Versammlung zu schleudern, weil man ihnen den Zugang verwehrte.
20051023             Bei den folgenden Straßenschlachten wurden dutzende Geschäfte verwüstet und Autos in Brand gesteckt.
20051023             Hunderte Bereitschaftspolizisten waren im Einsatz, sie wurden mit Flaschen und Baseballschlägern angegriffen.
20051023             Die Randalierer gingen auch mit Messern aufeinander los.
20051023             Ein etwa —20—JAHRE alter Schwarzer wurde so schwer verletzt, dass er im Krankenhaus starb, wie die Polizei mitteilte.
20051023             1—BEAMTER erlitt 1—SCHUSSVERLETZUNG.
20051023             Mehrere Menschen seien festgenommen worden, teilte die Polizei weiter mit.
20051023             Auch die Bundesregierung unterstützt diese Maßnahme: "Wir werden uns in Brüssel dafür einsetzen, dass der Import von Wildvögeln unterbunden wird", sagte Verbraucherminister JÜRGEN—TRITTIN.
20051023             Der FALL—DES—IN—LONDON verendeten Papageis zeige, dass es in diesem Geschäft Vertriebswege gebe, die nur schwer zu kontrollieren seien.
20051023             SURINAM, gebe es keine für den Menschen gefährliche Vogelgrippe.
20051023             "Man weiß nicht so genau, wo der vorher sonst überall war oder wo er sich angesteckt hat", sagte Müller.
20051023             Die Weltgesundheitsbehörde WHO fürchtet, dass 1—MUTATION des gefährlichen H5N1-Virus' dieses auch von Mensch zu Mensch übertragbar machen könnte.
20051023             Die Folge wäre 1—GRIPPE—PANDEMIE.
20051023             Immer mehr Staaten ergreifen deshalb Schutzmaßnahmen: Tschechien untersagte den Verkauf von Hühnern auf Märkten sowie öffentliche Vogelschauen;
20051023             CHINA ließ nach einem erneuten Ausbruch der Seuche in der Inneren MONGOLEI Bauernhöfe, Flughäfen und Bahnhöfe in der HAUPTSTADT—PEKING verschärft kontrollieren.
20051023             SCHWEDEN hat den 1. FALL—VON—VOGELGRIPPE bestätigt.
20051023             Die an der Seuche verendete Ente war allerdings nicht an dem gefährlichen H5-Virus erkrankt, wie eine virologische Untersuchung ergab.
20051023             STOCKHOLM—EXPERTEN—DES—NATIONALEN—VETERINÄRINSTITUTS hatten 4—TOTE Enten untersucht, die in der Region Eskilstuna westlich der HAUPTSTADT—STOCKHOLM entdeckt worden waren.
20051023             Das Tier litt jedoch nicht an der gefährlicheren VIRUS—VARIANTE H5, wie 1—UNTERSUCHUNG SCHWEDISCHER—VIROLOGEN —AM—SONNTAG ergab.
20051023             —UNTERDESSEN, THAILÄNDISCHE—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDEN gaben, wegen einer möglichen Übertragung der Vogelgrippe von Mensch zu Mensch Entwarnung: Ein siebenjähriger Junge, der an Vogelgrippe erkrankt sei, habe sich nicht bei seinem ebenfalls infizierten und inzwischen verstorbenen Vater angesteckt.
20051023             Das Virus sei in beiden Fällen von Federvieh übertragen worden, hieß es.
20051023             Der Junge habe die Krankheit überstanden und könne vermutlich in —2—WOCHEN wieder nach Hause.
20051023             —BIS zum Wochenende waren —BEREITS in RUSSLAND, RUMÄNIEN, GRIECHENLAND und der TÜRKEI VOGELGRIPPE—FÄLLE aufgetaucht.
20051023             Nach RUSSISCHEN—ANGABEN vom —SAMSTAG starben in der Ortschaft Sunali im Ural mehr als 30—HÜHNER.
20051023             —SCHON vor mehreren —MONATEN waren dort etliche Tiere an dem aggressiven H5N1-Virus verendet.
20051023             7—MENSCHEN würden überwacht, die mit den infizierten Hühnern in Kontakt standen, hieß es.
20051023             SCHWEDEN, wurden —AM—FREITAG 4—TOTE Enten entdeckt, von denen eine an Vogelgrippe erkrankt war.
20051023             Das Veterinärinstitut erklärte —HEUTE, es handele sich nicht um das H5N1-Virus.
20051023             SERBIEN verschärfte die Kontrollen an der Grenze zu KROATIEN, MONTENEGRO begann —AM—SONNTAG Geflügel auf Vogelgrippe zu testen.
20051023             Bosnien verbot die Einfuhr von Geflügel und Geflügelprodukten aus KROATIEN, auch die EU bereitete 1—EINFUHRVERBOT vor.
20051023             Die Behörden in Surinam betonten, das Tier sei bei seinem Export gesund gewesen.
20051023             Die BRITISCHE—CHEFVETERINÄRIN Debbie Reynolds vermutete 1—ANSTECKUNG bei anderen Vögeln in der Quarantäne.
20051023             Auch an toten Vögeln aus TAIWAN würden Tests durchgeführt, sagte Reynolds.
20051023             Nach BRITISCHEN—ANGABEN starb auch ein anderer Vogel in der Quarantäneeinheit, doch hätten Tests bei ihm keinen Hinweis auf Vogelgrippe ergeben.
20051023             —INZWISCHEN, ALLE—VÖGEL in der Quarantäne seien, getötet worden.
20051023             Die gefährliche Variante der Vogelgrippe hat —JETZT auch GROSSBRITANNIEN erreicht.
20051023             Bei einem verendeten Papagei wurde das auch für Menschen gefährliche H5N1-Virus festgestellt.
20051023             Damit ist die Seuche in EUROPA weiter auf dem Vormarsch.
20051023             LONDON—DAS aus Surinam importierte Tier starb nach Behördenangaben in Quarantäne, kam also nicht mit einheimischem Geflügel in Kontakt.
20051023             Der Papagei traf —IM—SEPTEMBER in GROSSBRITANNIEN ein und wurde mit Vögeln aus TAIWAN in Quarantäne gehalten.
20051023             Er verendete —ANFANG vergangener —WOCHE.
20051023             Interaktive Grafik: Die AUSBREITUNG—DER—VOGELGRIPPE
20051023             H5N1-Virus in GROSSBRITANNIEN: Vogelgrippe weiter auf dem Vormarsch
20051023             Rechtsruck: LECH—KACZYNSKI wird Polens neuer PRÄSIDENT - Süditalien: Mehrere Tote bei Unwetter
20051023             Hurrikan: "Wilma" nimmt Kurs auf FLORIDA
20051023             Energie: Umweltbundesamt warnt vor verlängerten AKW—LAUFZEITEN
20051023             —UNRUHEN, Vergewaltigungsgerücht:, in BIRMINGHAM
20051023             Hurrikan "Wilma": CANCUN erwartet den nächsten Angriff
20051023             Trost im Einsatz: Singendes Kopfkissen für gestresste Soldaten - Seuche: Vogelgrippe in SCHWEDEN
20051023             —GEWUSST, BAYERN: Behörden sollen frühzeitig vom Fleischskandal, haben
20051023             Poll shows Iraqis back attacks on UK, USA—FORCES : 82—PERCENT—OF—THOSE polled said they were "strongly opposed" to THE—PRESENCE—OF—THE—TROOPS.
20051023             Secret MoD poll: Iraqis support attacks on UK—TROOPS : 65—PERCENT—OF—IRAQ—CITIZENS—SUPPORT—ATTACKS and fewer than 1—PER cent think Allied military involvement is helping to improve security in their country.
20051023             —EXPANDED, Officials: AL—ZARQAWI has, terror network to 40—NATIONS : USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS say ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI has expanded his terrorism campaign in IRAQ to extremists in 2—DOZEN—TERROR—GROUPS scattered across almost 40—COUNTRIES, creating 1—NETWORK that rivals OSAMA—BIN—LADEN'S.
20051023             USA—DIPLOMAT—POINTS to neocon ideology behind IRAQ war: 1—VETERAN—USA—DIPLOMAT who served as 1—GOVERNMENT—ADVISER in IRAQ says USA—POLICY in the country at the initial STAGE—OF—THE—OCCUPATION was driven by neoconservative ideology rather than careful preparation and clear UNDERSTANDING—OF—ISSUES.
20051023             Other political forces had considerable influence in charting the path to war — including the equally formidable SAUDI—ARABIA—LOBBY and the usual suspects in the military industrial complex.
20051023             Lawyers in CIA—LEAK—CASE say charges possible —THIS—WEEK : Top administration officials are expected to learn from Fitzgerald as early as —MONDAY whether they will face charges as the prosecutor winds up his nearly —2—YEAR—INVESTIGATION, the lawyers said.
20051023             Leak case returns spotlight to rationale for IRAQ war : The legal and political stakes are of the highest order, but the investigation into the disclosure of 1—COVERT—CIA—OFFICER'S—IDENTITY is also —JUST 1—SKIRMISH in the continuing BATTLE—OVER—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—JUSTIFICATION for the war in IRAQ.
20051023             FRANK—RICH : Karl and SCOOTER—EXCELLENT—ADVENTURE : We don't yet know whether Lewis (Scooter) Libby or KARL—ROVE has committed 1—CRIME, but the more we learn about their desperate efforts to take down 1—BIT—PLAYER—LIKE—JOSEPH—WILSON, the more we learn about the real secret they wanted to protect: the "why" of the war.
20051023             Prosecutor got OK to expand leak probe in '04:
20051023             Islamists and Mujahedeen Secure Victory in AFGHANISTAN—VOTE : More than —1—MONTH—AFTER the elections, nearly all provisional results have finally been released for AFGHANISTAN—PARLIAMENT and provincial assemblies, cementing 1—VICTORY for Islamic conservatives and the jihad fighters involved in THE—WARS—OF—THE—PAST —2—DECADES.
20051023             'We have proof UK bombed us' : IRAN said —YESTERDAY it has proof that BRITAIN was involved in 1—DOUBLE—BOMB—ATTACK—LAST—WEEK that killed 6—PEOPLE and injured more than 100 in AHVAZ.
20051023             BLAIR—NEW—TUNE on IRAN : UK—OFFICIALS used to be certain that 1—MILITARY—ATTACK on IRAN was OUT—OF—THE—QUESTION.
20051023             —NOW, it seems, they're not so sure.
20051023             Syria hits out against Hariri murder claims : In the 1. official reaction to emerge from DAMASCUS, SYRIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—ADVISER—RIAD Daudi told 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE his government rejected the report, which was biased and aimed at hurting Syria.
20051023             He said the conclusions were 'without ANY—FOUNDATION'.
20051023             Pivotal Witness in Mehlis Report is 1—CONVICTED—SWINDLER : The alleged intelligence agent AL—SADIK, 42, on whose testimony 1—CONSIDERABLE—PORTION—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION is based, has been convicted of, embezzlement and fraud, among other crimes.
20051023             CIA likely to avoid charges in most prisoner deaths: Despite SIGNS—OF—CIA—INVOLVEMENT in at least 4—PRISONER—DEATHS in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN, CIA workers appear likely to escape criminal charges in all but 1—CASE.
20051023             Police to probe USA 'torture flights' landing in SCOTLAND : SCOTLAND—POLICE are to launch 1—INVESTIGATION into CIA "torture flights" which fly in and out of GLASGOW and Prestwick airports, ferrying kidnapped WAR—ON—TERROR—SUSPECTS—AROUND the world.
20051023             'I stand by my words.
20051023             And even more, I stand by my right to say them...':
20051023             —WHEN the acclaimed TURKEY—WRITER—ORHAN Pamuk recalled his country's mass KILLING—OF—ARMENIANS, he was forced to flee abroad.
20051023             As he prepares to accept 1—PEACE—AWARD in FRANKFURT, he tells Maureen Freely why he had to break his nation's biggest taboo
20051023             —OVERCHARGED, Report: CONTRACTOR—USA gov't.
20051023             —OBTAINED, In audits, by THE—WASHINGTON—POST, FEDERAL—AUDITORS found Unisys overbilled taxpayers for some 171,—000—HOURS' WORTH—OF—LABOR and overtime by charging up to $131 an —HOUR for employees who were paid no more than $46.43 an —HOUR.
20051023             VERMONT GOP candidate gets caught lying through his tee th: HERE—WHERE it gets interesting.
20051023             Freyne writes "So, Rich Tarrant, the wealthy, wannabe USA—SENATOR—FROM—VERMONT, does support 1—WOMAN—RIGHT to choose, right?
20051023             Wrong". HERE—HOW we know:
20051023             USA—MILITARY—CLAIMS To Have Killed 20 "Insurgents" Near SYRIA—BORDER : THE—USA—MILITARY said soldiers and warplanes killed 20—INSURGENTS and destroyed 5 "safe houses" in IRAQ.
20051023             THE—PLOY—OF—THE—IRAQ—REFERENDUM
20051023             —AFTER all, they had used the same tactics for almost —227—YEARS—SINCE THE—ESTABLISHMENT—OF—THE—USA—CONSTITUTION, to impose their own ideologies on the people + make them believe that these ideologies are their very own.
20051023             Huge MAJORITY—OF—IRAQIS want coalition to go
20051023             82—PER cent, according to THE—REPORT—BY Ned Temko
20051023             The government has been dealt 1—EMBARRASSING double blow in its battle to convince the public it is beating insurgency in IRAQ and THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM at home, according to confidential reports leaked to —TODAY—NEWSPAPERS.
20051023             SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             —FRIDAY, 20040305             —0828—AM—PST Contributed by: Admin Views: 121 Submitted by Reverend Chuck0: SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             20051023             WAKE UP!
20051023             Miners had no choice but to fight, or see their lives and communities devastated.
20051023             The longest major industrial BATTLE—IN—UK—HISTORY had begun - 1—BATTLE that still defines the political LANDSCAPE—OF—TODAY.
20051023             The full FORCE—OF—THE—STATE was used against the striking miners.
20051023             20,000 police were coordinated by SCOTLAND Yard and they used massive COMPUTER—BACKED data gathering for intelligence.
20051023             Tactics such as ROAD—BLOCKS, political questioning, curfews, beatings, illegal fingerprinting and photographing, snatch squads, phone taps, infiltration and agent provocateurs were widespread.
20051023             Alongside this was THE—MOBILISATION—OF—THE—MEDIA and the law.
20051023             —COMPARED, In the press, Thatcher, the pickets to IRA bombers.
20051023             JAMES—ANDERTON, CHIEF—CONSTABLE—OF—MANCHESTER said mass pickets were "ACTS—OF—TERRORISM without the bullet and the bomb," —WHILE the Police Federation warned that its members might be unable to serve
20051023             the public under 1—LABOUR—GOVERNMENT—AFTER the Labour conference criticised police violence!
20051023             NOTES—PREFACE - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
20051023             PREFACE - 1. "Origins and Fundamental Causes of INTERNATIONAL Terrorism," UN Secretariat, reprinted in M. Cherif Bassiouni, ed., INTERNATIONAL Terrorism and Political Crimes (CHARLES—THOMAS, 19750000             ).
20051023             2. CLAIRE—STERLING, WALTER—LAQUEUR;
20051023             see chapter 5. For references and discussion, see my Towards 1—NEW—COLD—WAR (TNCW) (Pantheon, 19820000             ), 47f.
20051023             + my chapter in Chomsky, JONATHAN—STEELE and JOHN—GITTINGS, Superpowers in Collision (Penguin, 19820000             , revised edition, 19840000             ).
20051023             FOR—EXTENSIVE—DISCUSSION and documentation on the topic, see EDWARD—S—HERMAN, THE—REAL—TENOR—NETWORK (SOUTH—END—PRESS, 19820000             ).
20051023             3. 1—DISTINCT—CATEGORY is the much more severe CRIME—OF—AGGRESSION, as in THE—CASE—OF—THE—USA—ATTACK against SOUTH—VIETNAM, then ALL—OF—INDOCHINA;
20051023             —BACKED, THE—USA—INVASIONS—OF—TIMOR and LEBANON by its Indonesian and ISRAEL—CLIENTS, etc.
20051023             —BLURRED, Sometimes the categories are ; we return to SOME—CASES.
20051023             Goodman, NEW—YORK—TIMES, February 7, 19840000             .
20051023             —CARRIED, The eport was also, by BBC World Service.
20051023             The ship that was sunk may have been 1—CUBA—FOOD ship.
20051023             See also ISRAEL—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS,
20051023             Sobaka :: Cry HAITI: 1—DIARY from the Revolution Part IV Part IV: 1—INTERVIEW with... is popular among THE—JET—SET... s restoration in ' 94.
20051023             He... or even Baby DOC—DUVALIER... Press and Sobaka.
20051023             USA—MADE F—16—JET—FIGHTERS... writes in USA—MAGAZINE—NEW... Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier... against NICARAGUA ( 94 to 2);... —DURING a...
20051023             WASHINGTON OFFICE—ON—LATIN—AMERICA...training in HAITI —DURING THE—REGIME—OF—JEAN—CLAUDE—DUVALIER, COUNTER—NARCOTICS... investigation, 1—SECURITY questionnaire + background...
20051023             O2 Online: Conspiracies, Coverups + Hidden Agendas [p.3]Flatland is the biyearly magazine Martin puts... interest in producing it".
20051023             In 1—INTERVIEW, John... on this course, ignoring SOVIET—JET
20051023             WHY IS HE BEING CALLED A 'SON—OF—A—BUSH'? - DAVID—ICKE—TELL the......dictatorships (Popa Doc and Baby DOC—DUVALIER )... City Broadcasting INCORPORATED + Essence magazine... at length with Powell —BEFORE his recent...
20051023             SIR—COLIN—POWELL: WHY IS HE BEING CALLED A 'SON—OF—A—BUSH'?...dictatorships (Popa Doc and Baby DOC—DUVALIER )... City Broadcasting INCORPORATED + Essence magazine... at length with Powell —BEFORE his recent...
20051023             —SCHMIED, Search Results Results 1 - 5—OF—ABOUT 6 for vince, alliance OHIO
20051023             0967002532 : Veins: Everything You Need to Know About : Ostrow, Bridget F.;
20051023             Aletti, Vince ; Benson, Richard.
20051023             Todesopfer in der Karibik: Hinter "Wilma" wartet —SCHON der nächste Tropensturm
20051023             Umfrage: VIELE—IRAKER billigen Anschläge auf Alliierte
20051023             —VERHAFTET, HARIRI—MORD: 1. Verdächtiger
20051023             HERE—1—GOOD—EXAMPLE, which comes to us by way OF—DANIEL—HOPSICKER :
20051023             IRAK: Verfassung in Saddams Heimatprovinz abgelehnt
20051023             —LISTED, Abramoff, TONY—RUDY, 1—TOP—DELAY—AIDE—AT—THE—TIME + Rep... the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, OWNER—OF—TERROR—FLIGHT—SCHOOL attended by Mohamed...
20051023             The speed and security we need... it is 1—INDICTMENT on 1—CRIME and not SOME—PERJURY technicality".
20051023             -- SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHINSON.
20051023             DELAY—PROSECUTOR—PALS with DAN—RATHER—DAUGHTER and BEN—BARNES—CPP... of trying to prosecute Republicans such as SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHINSON also is widely known in TEXAS...
20051023             —OCCURRED, His attempt at convicting KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHINSON, as she prepared to...
20051023             "Dies ist das Werk einer kleinen Personengruppe und spiegelt keine Spannungen in der Bevölkerung wieder",
20051023             "at your (Fitzgerald's) request," the added authority to investigate and prosecute "crimes committed with intent to interfere with your investigation".
20051023             'We have proof UK bombed us': + Essence magazine
20051023             0967002532 : 1. "Origins and Fundamental Causes of INTERNATIONAL Terrorism," UN Secretariat, reprinted in M. Cherif Bassiouni,
20051023             10. Released SOVIET—ARCHIVES reveal that "USA and UK—INTELLIGENCE were supporting Ukrainian and POLAND—UNDERGROUND—REBEL actions against SOVIET—FORCES—LONG—BEFORE victory over GERMANY," tying down several 100000 SOVIET—TROOPS and killing THOUSANDS—OF—OFFICERS,
20051023             10052003antiwarblogg ".. engste Kontakte zur AMERIKANISCHEN—REGIERUNG pflegen.
20051023             Der KLEINER—PERKINS—PARTNER—FLOYD—KVAMME, 10052003antiwarblogg.html
20051023             11. See TNCW, chapter 3 + my introduction to MORRIS—MORLEY and JAMES—PETRAS, THE—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION and NICARAGUA (Monograph Series NUMBER 1, Institute for Media ANALYSIS—NEW—YORK, 19870000             ).
20051023             12. The groundwork had already been laid in THE—USA and in 1—SERIES—OF—CONFERENCES for future terrorologists organized by ISRAEL,
20051023             13. KENNEDY—PROGRAM was limited to the 2. and 3. plank of the Reagan agenda;
20051023             the 1. - 14. On these matters, see TNCW, particularly chapters 1 and 2.
20051023             The human rights program, 15. World Press Review, ;;02;;
20051023             19860000             . - 2. CLAIRE—STERLING, WALTER—LAQUEUR;
20051023             Während Amerikas konservative Wirtschaftspresse darin aber nur eine weitere glorreiche Episode des alten DAVID—GEGEN—GOLIATH—MOTIVS sieht,
20051023             3. 1—DISTINCT—CATEGORY is the much more severe CRIME—OF—AGGRESSION, as in THE—CASE—OF—THE—USA—ATTACK against SOUTH—VIETNAM,
20051023             4. WASHINGTON—POST, 19853006             ;
20051023             Time, 19821110             ; Goodman, NEW—YORK—TIMES, ;;02;; 7, 19840000             .
20051023             5. See REFERENCES—OF—NOTE 3 + chapter 5, pp.
20051023             130-2. - 6. Economist, ;;06;; 14; VICTORIA Brittain, GUARDIAN, ;;06;; 6; ANTHONY—ROBINSON, Financial Times,
20051023             63). - What would THE—USA—RESPONSE have been?
20051023             The question is academic, —SINCE the 1. sign of 1—CUBA—SOLDIER—NEAR—VENEZUELA would probably have evoked 1—MAJOR—ATTACK against HAVANA.
20051023             65—PERCENT—OF—IRAQ—CITIZENS—SUPPORT—ATTACKS and fewer than 1—PER cent think Allied military involvement is helping to improve security in their country.
20051023             7. There was no mention at all in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR,
20051023             9. On the real world, see GABRIEL—KOLKO, POLITICS—OF—WAR (Random House, 19680000             ), the classic and still unsurpassed account,
20051023             ;;06;; 7, 19860000             , from JOHANNESBURG.
20051023             ;;06;; 8, reporting SOVIET—CONDEMNATION—OF—THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—ATTACK.
20051023             ;;07;; 19860000             .
20051023             1—VETERAN—USA—DIPLOMAT who served as 1—GOVERNMENT—ADVISER in IRAQ says USA—POLICY
20051023             AUTHENTICITY IN ORGANIZATIONS.txt
20051023             Asked —AT—THE—TIME, Ferguson said she had no concern that her acceptance of 1—JOB at Sequoia Pacific might appear to be 1—PAYOFF for favors rendered.
20051023             Nach BRITISCHEN—ANGABEN starb auch ein anderer Vogel in der Quarantäneeinheit,
20051023             Auch der für den Bezirk zuständige Parlamentsabgeordnete, Khalid Mahmood, wies den Verdacht zurück,
20051023             Auch die Bundesregierung unterstützt diese Maßnahme: "Wir werden uns in Brüssel dafür einsetzen,
20051023             "Es war eine riesige Gruppe,
20051023             BACKGROUND—CHECK gefragt "Die Versuchung für Google, den Geheimdiensten gegen Bezahlung den ECHTZEIT—ZUGRIFF auf 150—MILLIONEN Fragen aus aller Welt zu gewähren ist sicher sehr groß und technologisch leicht zu bewerkstelligen",
20051023             BIRMINGHAM—AUSLÖSER waren Gerüchte über die Vergewaltigung eines 14-jährigen Mädchens aus der Karibik durch einen Südasiaten,
20051023             BLAIR—NEW—TUNE on IRAN:
20051023             UK—OFFICIALS used to be certain that 1—MILITARY—ATTACK on IRAN was OUT—OF—THE—QUESTION—NOW, it seems, they're not so sure.
20051023             CIA likely to avoid charges in most prisoner deaths:
20051023             Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier... against NICARAGUA ( 94 to 2);
20051023             Der FALL—DES—IN—LONDON verendeten Papageis zeige, dass es in diesem Geschäft Vertriebswege gebe,
20051023             Despite SIGNS—OF—CIA—INVOLVEMENT in at least 4—PRISONER—DEATHS in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN, CIA workers appear likely to escape criminal charges in all but 1—CASE.
20051023             Ein etwa —20—JAHRE alter Schwarzer wurde so schwer verletzt,
20051023             82—PERCENT—OF—THOSE polled said they were "strongly opposed" to THE—PRESENCE—OF—THE—TROOPS.
20051023             † Ein Mann wurde dabei getötet.
20051023             Ein siebenjähriger Junge, der an Vogelgrippe erkrankt sei, habe sich nicht bei seinem ebenfalls infizierten und inzwischen verstorbenen Vater angesteckt.
20051023             Favorable testimony deals notwithstanding, INTERNET controversy continues to rage because the 20010911—COMMISSION—CONDUCTS 90—PERCENT—OF—ITS—INVESTIGATION in secret,
20051023             Flatland is the biyearly magazine Martin puts... interest in producing it".
20051023             He - D, In 1—LETTER, 20040206             , THEN—DEPUTY—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JAMES—COMEY said that he was clarifying,
20051023             In the 1. official reaction to emerge from DAMASCUS, SYRIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—ADVISER—RIAD Daudi told 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE his government rejected the report,
20051023             INDIANA & OHIO : Horwitz, LESTER—V
20051023             —INVOLVED, IRAN said —YESTERDAY it has proof that BRITAIN was, in 1—DOUBLE—BOMB—ATTACK—LAST—WEEK that killed 6—PEOPLE and injured MORE—THAN—100 in AHVAZ.
20051023             Islamists and Mujahedeen Secure Victory in AFGHANISTAN—VOTE:
20051023             It should be noted that in GREECE and SOUTH—KOREA in the late 1940s THE—USA—ORGANIZED mass slaughter operations as part of the worldwide program of destroying THE—ANTI—FASCIST—RESISTANCE,
20051023             John - JUDITH—MILLER—DIRTY—LITTLE—SECRET:
20051023             Lawyers in CIA—LEAK case say charges possible —THIS—WEEK:
20051023             Leak case returns spotlight to rationale for IRAQ war:
20051023             Let us not forget HOWARD—AHMANSON, THE—MONEY—MAN behind ES&S. He is 1—FIRM—BACKER—OF—THE—CHRISTIAN—DOMINIONIST—MOVEMENT -- 1—MOVEMENT that hopes to do away with democracy altogether.
20051023             Louis B
20051023             Es gibt dort eine große Gemeinde von Einwanderer aus der Karibik,
20051023             More than —1—MONTH—AFTER the elections, nearly all provisional results have finally been released for AFGHANISTAN—PARLIAMENT and provincial assemblies,
20051023             News reporter was able to briefly interview the
20051023             O2 Online: Conspiracies, Coverups + Hidden Agendas [p.3]
20051023             —EXPANDED, Officials: AL—ZARQAWI has, terror network to 40—NATIONS:
20051023             —ON THE—ISRAEL—INVASION—OF—LEBANON, see chapter 2 and references cited.
20051023             —KILLED, The figure of about 200—RUSSIANS, "operating in
20051023             —ON these events, see my Fateful Triangle (SOUTH—END—PRESS, 19830000             ).
20051023             Pivotal Witness in Mehlis Report is 1—CONVICTED—SWINDLER:
20051023             Police to probe USA 'torture flights' landing in SCOTLAND:
20051023             Poll shows Iraqis back attacks on UK, USA—FORCES:
20051023             POTSDAM + other wartime agreements] was not qualitatively different from THE—USA—PATTERN.
20051023             Raid into KENTUCKY, Raid into KENTUCKY, INDIANA & OHIO : Horwitz, LESTER—V
20051023             Report: TEXAS Overpaid Miers in Land Sale:
20051023             SCOTLAND—POLICE are to launch 1—INVESTIGATION into CIA "torture flights" which fly in and out of GLASGOW and Prestwick airports,
20051023             SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             20051023             SCHWEDEN hat den 1. FALL—VON—VOGELGRIPPE bestätigt.
20051023             Search Results Results 1 - 5—OF—ABOUT 6 for vince
20051023             Secret MoD poll: Iraqis support attacks on UK—TROOPS:
20051023             See Chomsky and Herman, Political Economy of Human Rights, particularly vol.
20051023             I. - Sein Sohn MARK—KVAMME arbeitet für Sequoia Capital und hat persönlichen Kontakt zu Verteidigungsminister Rumsfeld.Faktisches Suchmonopol Derartige Regierungskontakte sind im Silicon Valley aber noch längst kein Indiz für Geheimdienstnähe,
20051023             —INDICTED, Sequoia execs Pasquale "Rocco" Ricci + PHIL—FOSTER were, —AFTER they were caught paying 1—LOUISIANA—ELECTIONS—OFFICIAL an $8—MILLION bribe to buy their voting machines.
20051023             SHE—GOOD to go.
20051023             —DETERMINED, So, was MISS—FERGUSON to buy the Sequoia machines for LAS—VEGAS that 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—HER—ELECTIONS—DEPARTMENT—TEAM stated Ferguson resorted to the simple exigency of having Sequoia PACIFIC—REPRESENTATIVE send 1—LIST—OF—BID—SPECIFICATIONS designed so that SEQUOIA—MACHINES were the only ones that could meet them.
20051023             Sobaka :: Cry HAITI: 1—DIARY from the Revolution Part IV Part IV: 1—INTERVIEW with
20051023             —SUMMER, 19860000             ;
20051023             LEFFLER—CONCLUSION is that "In fact, THE—SOVIET—PATTERN—OF—ADHERENCE [to Yalta,
20051023             Syria hits out against Hariri murder claims:
20051023             —KILLED, THE—USA—MILITARY said soldiers and warplanes, 20—INSURGENTS and destroyed 5 "safe houses" in IRAQ.
20051023             Tactics such as ROAD—BLOCKS, political questioning, curfews, beatings, illegal fingerprinting and photographing,
20051023             TEXAS officials paid SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—HARRIET—MIERS' family more than $100,000 for 1—SMALL—PIECE—OF—LAND in 20000000—20100000     times the land's WORTH—DESPITE the state's objections to the way the price was determined, Knight Ridder Newspapers reported —SATURDAY.
20051023             —UNTERDESSEN, THAILÄNDISCHE—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDEN gaben, wegen einer möglichen Übertragung der Vogelgrippe von Mensch zu Mensch Entwarnung:
20051023             —CONTINUED, That, without substantial change —AFTER the war.
20051023             That SORT—OF—THING goes on all the time.
20051023             Why else would ANY—POLITICO have anything to do with these devices, given the widespread public distrust?
20051023             THE—USA—POWER—ELITE has been very proficient in this TYPE—OF—MANIPULATION; —AFTER all,
20051023             The alleged intelligence agent AL—SADIK, 42, on whose testimony 1—CONSIDERABLE—PORTION—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION is based,
20051023             THE—EVIDENCE—OF—WIDESPREAD wrongdoing and CONSPIRACY is —BEFORE...
20051023             The government has been dealt 1—EMBARRASSING double blow in its battle to convince the public it is beating insurgency in IRAQ and THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM at home,
20051023             The legal and political stakes are of the highest order, but the investigation into the disclosure of 1—COVERT—CIA—OFFICER'S—IDENTITY is also —JUST 1—SKIRMISH in the continuing BATTLE—OVER—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—JUSTIFICATION for the war in IRAQ.
20051023             THE—NEO—CON cabal and THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY are 1—INSTRUMENTAL—FORCE in framing the foreign POLICY—OF—THE—USA—TOWARDS—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20051023             —TRACED, The terrorist action was, to ORLANDO—BOSCH, probably the leading figure of INTERNATIONAL terrorism,
20051023             This hardly seems sporting. And its definitely illegal.
20051023             This man once said that "My purpose is total integration of Biblical law into our lives".
20051023             No man who thinks that way should be allowed anywhere near ANY—COMPANY entrusted with counting our votes.
20051023             —TODAY Kathryn Ferguson is ES & S 's CHIEF spokesman.
20051023             —EXPECTED, Top ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS are, to learn from Fitzgerald as early as —MONDAY whether they will face charges as the prosecutor winds up his nearly —2—YEAR—INVESTIGATION, the lawyers said.
20051023             USA—MILITARY—CLAIMS To Have Killed 20 "Insurgents" Near SYRIA—BORDER:
20051023             —EXPANDED, USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS say ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI has, his terrorism campaign in IRAQ to extremists in 2—DOZEN—TERROR—GROUPS scattered across almost 40—COUNTRIES,
20051023             USA—DIPLOMAT points to neocon ideology behind IRAQ war:
20051023             These may be the most significant of the rev elations so far from released RUSSIA—ARCHIVES + among the least known.
20051023             Veins: Everything You Need to Know About : Ostrow, Bridget F.; Ostrow, Bridget (Crt); Ostrow,
20051023             VERMONT GOP candidate gets caught lying through his tee
20051023             Vertreter der schwarzen und der asiatischen Gemeinde trafen sich am Samstagabend in einer Kirche des Stadtteils Lozells,
20051023             Views: 121 Submitted by Reverend Chuck0: SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             20051023             Vince ;
20051023             Benson, Richard - WASHINGTON OFFICE—ON—LATIN—AMERICA...
20051023             WHY IS HE BEING CALLED A 'SON—OF—A—BUSH'? - DAVID—ICKE—TELL the...
20051023             We don't yet know whether Lewis (Scooter) Libby or KARL—ROVE has committed 1—CRIME, but the more we learn about their desperate efforts to take down 1—BIT—PLAYER—LIKE—JOSEPH—WILSON,
20051023             —WHEN the acclaimed TURKEY—WRITER—ORHAN Pamuk recalled his country's mass KILLING—OF—ARMENIANS,
20051023             a security questionnaire + background.
20051023             air traffic controllers, military pilots in the air on +
20051023             application, which consistently evaded atrocities by CLIENT—STATES, exactly THE—OPPOSITE—OF—THE—STANDARD—CHARGE.
20051023             as recognized by everyone involved" (Blitzer, JERUSALEM Post,
20051023             cementing 1—VICTORY for Islamic conservatives and the jihad fighters involved in THE—WARS—OF—THE—PAST —2—DECADES.
20051023             conceal.
20051023             —EXPRESSED, For more on the judgments, in the conference, see chapter 3, note 20.
20051023             creating 1—NETWORK that rivals OSAMA—BIN—LADEN'S.
20051023             dass der Import von Wildvögeln unterbunden wird", sagte Verbraucherminister JÜRGEN—TRITTIN.
20051023             dass 1—GEHEIMDIENST weniger an den alten Datensammlungen Google s interessiert wäre, als vielmehr an einer ECHTZEIT—ÜBERWACHUNG der eingehenden Suchanfragen aus aller Welt,
20051023             dass er im Krankenhaus starb, wie die Polizei mitteilte.
20051023             despite its exploitation for propaganda purposes and the hypocritical
20051023             despite much valuable subsequent scholarship;
20051023             TNCW; and my Turning the Tide (ITT) (SOUTH—END—PRESS,
20051023             dictatorships (Popa Doc and Baby DOC—DUVALIER )... City Broadcasting INCORPORATED
20051023             dictatorships (Popa Doc and Baby DOC—DUVALIER )... City Broadcasting INCORPORATED + Essence magazine
20051023             die das Chaos veranstalteten", sagte der der BRITISCHEN—BBC. "Die MEHRHEIT—DER—GEMEINDE hält noch immer eng zusammen.
20051023             die in der Region Eskilstuna westlich der HAUPTSTADT—STOCKHOLM entdeckt worden waren.
20051023             die nur schwer zu kontrollieren seien.
20051023             die sich ja aufgrund der via Cookie abgefragten IP—NUMMERN meist —BIS auf die jeweilige Stadt hinab lokalisieren lassen.
20051023             die über die begehrte "Government Security Clearance", also den sorgfältigen BACKGROUND—CHECK für eine etwaige Geheimdiensttätigkeit, verfügen.www.—HEUTE.t-online.de
20051023             doch hätten Tests bei ihm keinen Hinweis auf Vogelgrippe ergeben.
20051023             does support 1—WOMAN—RIGHT to choose, right? Wrong". HERE—HOW we know:
20051023             ed., INTERNATIONAL Terrorism and Political Crimes (CHARLES—THOMAS, 19750000             ).
20051023             1—VERLEGER, der sich —SEIT—20—JAHREN mit GEHEIMDIENST—THEMEN befasst und —SEIT.".
20051023             eine republikanische SILICON—VALLEY—LEGENDE, ist der TECHNOLOGIE—BERATER—VON—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH.
20051023             enacted with the support of Congressional Democrats in direct VIOLATION—OF—THE—WILL—OF—THE—PUBLIC,
20051023             es könne sich um Rassenunruhen gehandelt haben.
20051023             "Es waren Einzelne, nicht mehr als 30—PERSONEN, etc.
20051023             failing to hear public testimony from boarding gate personnel, cleanup + catering crews with less security scrutiny,
20051023             ferrying kidnapped WAR—ON—TERROR—SUSPECTS—AROUND the world.
20051023             gibt es auch immer mehr Stimmen, die Google für gefährlich halten.
20051023             "Google ist 1—ZEITBOMBE für unseren DATEN—SCHUTZ" warnt DAVID—BRANDT,
20051023             has been convicted of, embezzlement and fraud, among other crimes.
20051023             he was forced to flee abroad.
20051023             held in WASHINGTON, WOLF—BLITZER observes that the focus on Arab terrorism and the enthusiasm expressed by MANY—NOTABLE—SPEAKERS for ISRAEL—TERRORISM and aggression (particularly,
20051023             in jüngster Zeit tauchten auch südasiatische Gangs auf.
20051023             in the country at the initial STAGE—OF—THE—OCCUPATION was driven by neoconservative ideology rather than careful preparation and clear UNDERSTANDING—OF—ISSUES.
20051023             in turn, "were tutored by THE—CIA and maintain close relations with it —TODAY" (Herman, Real Terror Network,
20051023             investigation, is popular among THE—JET—SET... s restoration in ' 94. - it is only necessary to explain;
20051023             propaganda is for those with something to
20051023             its 19820000             invasion of LEBANON), provided "clearly 1—MAJOR—BOOST for ISRAEL—OWN—HASBARA campaign in THE—USA,
20051023             largely 1—CONGRESSIONAL initiative reflecting the change in public consciousness, was not without significance,
20051023             mehr als 100—JUGENDLICHE mit Kapuzen, die Baseballschläger schwangen", berichtete ALEX—THOMPSON.
20051023             of REAGAN—PROGRAMS to those of the latter PHASES—OF—THE—CARTER—ADMIN—ISTRATION, which the Reaganites extended,
20051023             often in favor of Nazi and JAPAN—COLLABORATORS.
20051023             —ON this course, ignoring SOVIET—JET
20051023             reflects the decline in RELATIVEUSA—POWER in the intervening years.
20051023             It is no longer feasible to pursue "great societies at home and grand designs abroad," in the words of Kennedy advisor WALTER—HELLER,
20051023             sagt Brandt.
20051023             Nach seinen Informationen sucht Google auch —SCHON—SEIT längerem Programmierer,
20051023             sagte Polizeisprecher DAVID—SHAW—ES gebe bislang auch keine Beweise für 1—VERGEWALTIGUNG.
20051023             schließlich beschäftigt Apple Computer mit AL—GORE neuerdings sogar einen ehemalige USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENTEN und musste sich deshalb noch längst nicht der Inlandsspionage bezichtigen lassen.
20051023             see TNCW, chapter 7 + TTT, chapters 4 and 5. See also JOSHUA—COHEN and JOEL—ROGERS, Inequity and Intervention (SOUTH—END—PRESS, 19860000             ).
20051023             snatch squads, phone taps, infiltration and agent provocateurs were widespread.
20051023             so the former must be abandoned.
20051023             On public attitudes, see ITT, chapter 5 + THOMAS—FERGUSON and JOEL—ROGERS, Atlantic Monthly, 19860500             .
20051023             On the relation - th: HERE—WHERE it gets interesting.
20051023             Freyne writes "So, Rich Tarrant, the wealthy, wannabe USA—SENATOR—FROM—VERMONT,
20051023             THE—AREA—OF—SYRIA—AIR—DEFENSE—FORCES" —DURING the (unprovoked and unexpected) ISRAEL—ATTACK on SYRIA—FORCES in LEBANON is given by Aviation —WEEK & Space Technology,
20051023             the more we learn about the real secret they wanted to protect: the "why" of the war.
20051023             the news weeklies and other journals listed in the magazine index.
20051023             THE—WASHINGTON—POST ran a 120-word item from MOSCOW on p. 17,
20051023             their ordinance crews, Securities & Exchange commissioners who ordered THE—STILL—SECRET "control list" of PRE—ATTACK insider trades,
20051023             THE—USA—BACKED invasions of Timor and LEBANON by its Indonesian and ISRAEL—CLIENTS,
20051023             they had used the same tactics for almost —227—YEARS—SINCE THE—ESTABLISHMENT—OF—THE—USA—CONSTITUTION,
20051023             thus retarding significantly the liberation of EUROPE from Nazi rule, with grim consequences too obvious to be discussed.
20051023             to impose their own ideologies on the people + make them believe that these ideologies are their very own.
20051023             um über die Vorwürfe und die Abwendung möglicher Racheakte zu beraten.
20051023             —WHEN 1—DELTA—AIR—LINES jumbo jet crashed... timelines.ws
20051023             which has 1—OBVIOUS—INTEREST in this propaganda operation.
20051023             Commenting on the 2. ISRAELI—ORGANIZED conference on terrorism,
20051023             which presented its report —ON—THURSDAY, there is DOUBT—OF—THE—CREDIBILITY—OF—THE—SYRIA—WITNESS.
20051023             which was biased and aimed at hurting Syria.
20051023             who had been trained by THE—CIA along with his close associates in connection with the terrorist war against CUBA and "had close relations with (and has been on the payroll of) the secret police of CHILE and VENEZUELA," who,
20051023             wie die Polizei der nordenglischen Stadt mitteilte.
20051023             THE—CHICAGO—WHITE—SOX took a 2—0—LEAD in the World Series as they beat THE—HOUSTON—ASTROS 7-6.
20051023             SF, the 2. Annual Nike WOMEN—MARATHON over 15,000 runners raised $14—MILLION to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
20051023             1—EARTHQUAKE destroyed homes and killed 5—PEOPLE—NEAR—AFGHANISTAN—EASTERN—BORDER with PAKISTAN.
20051023             —DOMINATED, ARGENTINA—RULING party, midterm elections seen as 1—TEST—OF—PRESIDENT—NESTOR—KIRCHNER—2—YEAR—OLD—GOVERNMENT, with his Peronist party picking up support in Congress and his wife winning 1—SENATE—SEAT.
20051023             CHRISTINA—FERNANDEZ—DE—KIRCHNER won 46% to 20% over Hilda Gonzalez de Duhalde to represent THE—PROVINCE—OF—BUENOS—AIRES.
20051023             Brazilians struck down 1—PROPOSAL to ban THE—SALE—OF—GUNS in 1—NATIONAL—REFERENDUM, rejecting 1—BID to stem 1—OF—THE—WORLD—HIGHEST firearm murder rates.
20051023             Gun violence took the lives of about 39,000—PEOPLE in BRAZIL EACH—YEAR, more than ANY—COUNTRY in the world.
20051023             —KILLED, SOUTH—CHINA, 1—EXPLOSION at 1—COAL—MINE, 15—MINERS and injured 3.
20051023             —SUSPECTED, COLOMBIA, rebels launched homemade bombs at 1—POLICE—STATION and nearby homes in 1—SOUTHWEST town near the border with ECUADOR, killing 7—PEOPLE.
20051023             1—SUICIDE bombing in 1—BAGHDAD square killed 4—PEOPLE.
20051023             —KILLED, Another suicide car bomber, 2—CIVILIANS in KIRKUK.
20051023             —KILLED, In Tikrit 1—BOMB, 1—POLICE—COLONEL and his 2—SONS.
20051023             2—GIRLS (7 and 9) in 1—NEARBY—CAR were also killed in the explosion.
20051023             —KILLED, DRIVE—BY shootings —AROUND Baquba, 5—PEOPLE.
20051023             —KILLED, Gunmen, 3—IRAQIS driving 1—WATER—TRUCK to 1—ARMY—BASE—NEAR—TAJI.
20051023             —KILLED, Insurgents, THE—HEAD—OF—1—SHIITE—ANTI—SADDAM—HUSSEIN group and his driver outside Amara.
20051023             Militant Palestinians fought MEMBERS—OF—1—LEBANON—LEFTIST—PARTY in 1—GUN—BATTLE that left 1—MAN—DEAD and 3 wounded outside 1—REFUGEE—CAMP.
20051023             MEXICO—RULING party chose Felipe Calderon, the nation's former energy SECRETARY, as its candidate for presidential elections —NEXT—JULY.
20051023             —DRIFTED, Hurricane Wilma, northward away from MEXICO—YUCATAN peninsula where the storm left 8—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20051023             † STELLA—OBASANJO, —59—JAHRE—ALT, THE—WIFE—OF—NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—OLUSEGUN—OBASANJO, —AFTER undergoing liposuction surgery in SPAIN.
20051023             —SUSPENDED, STELLA—OBASANJO was given 1, sentence of —1—YEAR in jail, barred from practicing medicine —FOR—3—YEARS, and ordered to pay euro120,000 ($175,000) in damages to the woman's son.
20051023             —VOTED, Poles, for 1—NEW—PRESIDENT in 1—ELECTION that opinion polls showed to be 1—CLOSE—FOUGHT BATTLE—BETWEEN—DONALD—TUSK and his vision of 1—LIBERAL, FREE—MARKET—POLAND, and LECH—KACZYNSKI who favors state intervention and Catholic conservatism.
20051023             TAIWAN said it is ready to produce its own Tamiflu, the antiviral avian flu drug, and will not let patent talks with SWITZERLAND—DRUG—MAKER—ROCHE AG stand in the way.
20051023             —NAMED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, 5—NEW saints at the close of a —3-WEEK SYNOD—OF—BISHOPS.
20051023             —INCLUDED, They : REVEREND—ALBERTO—HURTADO—CRUCHAGA, 1—CHILEAN—JESUIT who was known for his work with the poor as well as the young;
20051023             —FROM UKRAINE JOSEF—BILCZEWSKI, archbishop of Lviv, who was greatly admired by Catholics, Orthodox Christians and Jews alike —DURING World War and THE—REVEREND—ZYGMUNT—GORAZDOWSKI, who founded the Congregation for the Sisters of S—JOSEPH to care for the sick and poor;
20051023             —LISTED, Abramoff, TONY—RUDY, 1—TOP—DELAY—AIDE—AT—THE—TIME + Rep... the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of...
20051023             Looking Glass NEWS—TRACKING the Stories Ignored by the Corporate
20051023             figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 20010911             terror flight school attended by MOHAMED—ATTA.
20051023             —HEUTE sind wir STOLZ—UND manchmal auch ein wenig erstaunt über —25—JAHRE taz.
20051023             DISA Customer Partnership Conference 20050000             Save This Date!... alfatomega.com/20051023.html
20051023             the subject of several FEDERAL—INVESTIGATIONS for his lobbying practices...
20051023             Hilliard tells the story DIFFERENTLY—WITHOUT reference to government... and PLAN—OF—MERGER between AMS, BLUE—CROSS & BLUE—SHIELD—UNITED—OF—WISCONSIN...
20051023             Airport Cars CLUB—PILOT—CAR Sharing FBO Ground Transportation...
20051023             Falwell Aviation, LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA.. Hilliard Aviation, INCORPORATED HILLIARD, FL.
20051023             MIAMI—DADE Aviation Department, MIAMI, FL.
20051023             Herlong Aviation, JACKSONVILLE, FL...
20051023             They are the cheerleaders for death and delirium.
20051023             "ITALY—POLICE have arrested S—MAARTEN—MOST prominent hotel owner, ROSARIO Spadaro... alfatomega.com/ 20051023.html
20051023             Der TÜRKISCHE—AUTOR—ORHAN—PAMUK erhält den Friedenspreis des DEUTSCHEN—BUCHHANDELS.
20051023             —GEWINNT, POLEN, der Nationalkonservative LECH—KACZY?ski die Stichwahl um das Präsidentenamt gegen DONALD—TUSK, der im 1. WAHL—GANG die meisten Stimmen erhalten hatte.
20051023             WIEN, finden LANDTAGS—UND Gemeinderatswahlen statt, bei denen die regierende SPÖ ihre absolute Mehrheit ausbaut.
20051023             Abramoff listed TONY—RUDY, 1—TOP—DELAY—AIDE—AT—THE—TIME + Rep
20051023—19340000    —IN, and Italians Felice da NICOSIA, 1—LAY—CAPUCHIN who lived in the 1700s, and THE—REVEREND—GAETANO—CANTANOSO, who founded the Veronican Sisters of the Holy Face.
20051023—19761000    —IN, 8. For background, 1—CUBANA airliner was destroyed by 1—BOMB in flight with 73 killed including the entire CUBA—OLYMPIC—GOLD medal fencing team (compare the actual events of the "MUNICH[MÜNCHEN] massacre," 1—OF—THE—PEAK—MOMENTS—OF—PALESTINE—TERRORISM).
20051023—19840301    —ANNOUNCED, MARGARET—THATCHER—CONSERVATIVE—PARTY, the closure of Cortonwood colliery in YORKSHIRE—SIGNALING her government's determination to ram through 1—MASSIVE—PROGRAMME—OF—PIT closures and destroy the power of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM).
20051023—20010911    —ON, failing to hear public testimony from boarding gate personnel, cleanup + catering crews with less security scrutiny, air traffic controllers, military pilots in the air +
20051023—20060000    —IN, insurers put the damage from Wilma at $3—BILLION, the largest insured losses in MEXICO—HISTORY.
20051023—20090000    —IN, 1—COURT—IN—MALAGA convicted plastic surgeon ANTONIO—MENA—MOLINA of negligent homicide.
20051025—20051023    —RELEASED, THE—UN said SUDAN—REFUGEES, 15—AID—WORKERS they had detained in 1 crowded camp in the violent WEST—DARFUR region.
20051128             Source: Scandal could take in at least 12 in Congress - 20051202             20041023.html
20060115—20061023    —SENTENCED, Dougherty was, to life in prison.
20060520             /s/Brent C. - Kovar PRESIDENT/Director 20021023             -- Brent C.
20060520             Kovar./s/JOY—CARSON—KOVAR—DIRECTOR 20021023             -- JOY—CARSON.
20060524—20061023    —RELEASED, He was.
20060907             [Wereldcrisis] Fwd: 20031023             ICH News 11, Cheney had endorsed ISRAEL—SELECTIVE—ASSASSINATION—POLICY even as THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT was denouncing it.
20061023             [20050408             ] - [20040413             ]
20061023             [20040416             ] - [20040504             ]
20061023             2004070709_Report "THE—HIGH—PRIESTS—OF—GLOBALISATION" Bilderberg Conference venue + date Venue: Grand Hotel des...
20061023             —APRIL.
20061023             [20060816             ] - [20060817             ]
20061023             NATIONAL JOURNAL - 20061002             ND, 20060000             20061023             ANNE—GEARAN, AP - 20061002             ND, 20060000             20070106             O'Reilly has previously (and falsely) bragged about coining the term "S—FRANCISCO—VALUES," which he apparently 1. used "—DURING 20071002             —THE broadcast of Westwood 1—THE—RADIO—FACTOR, —WHEN he called Pelosi a 'FAR—LEFT SECULAR—PROGRESSIVE—BOMB thrower ' and warned that '[i]f you vote for the Democrats and if they get 1—MAJORITY in THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES and the Senate,' then 'you bring to AMERICA S FRANCISCO values.'"
20061023             NATIONAL JOURNAL - 20061002             ND, 20060000             20061023             Rice: I—DON'T Recall CIA Alert About AL—QAEDA—ATTACK
20061023             ANNE—GEARAN, AP - 20061002             ND, 20060000             20061023             EX—FDA CHIEF—PLEADS—GUILTY—OVER—STOCK—HOLDINGS
20061023             SNOW: The 2. thing you do is you stay the course. [20061007             ]
20061023             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY, 20061017             :
20061023             Lisa Richwine, REUTERS - 20061018             20061023             Lisa Richwine, REUTERS - 20061018             20061023             Die Befunde der Darwinisten sind die neueste Munition in einem Kulturkampf, der in den USA heftiger denn je zwischen Ratio und Religion tobt.
20061023             PRESIDENT—BUSH, 20061018             :
20061023             WHITE—HOUSE Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW, 20061019             :
20061023             [20060816             ] - BUSH : We will stay the course.
20061023             [20060830             ]
20061023             BUSH—ARROGANCE and Stupidity in Silencing "Arrogance and Stupidity" Diplomat -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20061023             —HIRED, SOME—OF—HASTERT—PRINCIPAL—AIDES have, criminal defense lawyers to represent them —DURING the investigation.
20061023             And then there is this "new player". Seems he is none other than
20061023             —REALIZED, Seems, right —AFTER Armitage "" he was the leak to whom Novak referred ("not 1—PARTISAN gunslinger") and contacted Powell, they together contacted Duberstein.
20061023             Not THE—DOJ, not THE—FBI, not THE—WH. Duberstein.
20061023             ELIZABETH does 1—GREAT—JOB—OF exploring why this is important, further supporting her notion that Armitage is playing the standard organized crime scapegoat to diminish the damage, demonize Fitz + deflect attention from THE—CORE—OF—THE—CASE, the lies coming OUT—OF—CHENEY—OFFICE to get us into this godforsaken war.
20061023             All these distractions working as 1—SCHEME to make the Christmas pardon oh so much easier.
20061023             —DEBUNKED, Able Danger "" Xymphora has 1—MUST—READ ANALYSIS—OF—THE—DOD—REPORT debunking the claims that the Able Danger "data mining" effort had targeted THE—911—HIJACKERS -- secifically MOHAMMED—ATTA -- —BEFORE the event.
20061023             —TESTIFIED, MISTER—XXXXXX, 'Yeah and I'm looking and I said, Jesus, I recognized his picture instantly.... Yeah, I went to my chart to compare and I said there he is.' That's —JUST 1—OF—MANY—SUCH identifications.
20061023             —EMBARRASSED, Yet THE—DOD, using techniques that would have, even THE—WARREN—COMMISSION, has concluded that all such witnesses are lying.
20061023             For what earthly reason? Permalink #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH : 10:17 AM 2—COMMENTS -: I spent 1—LOT—OF—TIME at 1—POINT trying to sort out the claims involved in Able Danger and could never make them add up in ANY—WAY that seemed plausible.
20061023             —INVOLVED, For example, NONE—OF—THE—PEOPLE, seemed to agree on —WHEN the chart was created (late 1999?
20061023             early 2000? —SUMMER 2000?), or on —WHEN and on whose orders the files were destroyed.
20061023             —DURING a speech
20061023             titled "DEFENDING PRESIDENT—BUSH—REGARDING—KNOWLEDGE—OF—20010911             ".
20061023             —1—YEAR—BEFORE, special forces command developed their own mini VERSION—OF—1—DATA processing or collaborative center with very limited capabilities.
20061023             But what they did, MISTER—SPEAKER, they did 1—PROFILE—OF al Qaeda —1—YEAR—BEFORE 20010911             .
20061023             MISTER—SPEAKER, here is the chart, the unclassified chart of what special forces command had —1—YEAR—BEFORE 20010911             .
20061023             Interesting.
20061023             —IDENTIFIED, The entire al Qaeda network is, in 1—GRAPHIC—CHART with all the linkages to all the terrorist groups —AROUND the world.
20061023             Xymph tries to get —AROUND SOME—OF—THE—PROBLEMS by suggesting that the Atta on the Able Danger chart was 1—DIFFERENT—ATTA from the 1 THE—CIA was surveilling in GERMANY 20020000             .
20061023             But in that case, which of them was the Atta whose doings in FLORIDA have been obsessively scrutinized by DANIEL—HOPSICKER?
20061023             —SUPPRESSED, Usually, —WHEN, information comes out, the effect is to make clear certain things that have previously been murky.
20061023             THE—ABLE—DANGER—STORY—JUST adds several new levels of murk.
20061023             #—POSTED—BY starroute : 2:18 PM Sorry, that should read, "surveilling in GERMANY 20000000             ".
20061023             #—POSTED—BY starroute
20061023             Permalink #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH : 10:05 AM 2—COMMENTS -: In the mind of 1—REASONABLE—PERSON -- putting aside THE—MADNESS—OF—THE—SCENARIO for 1—MOMENT -- it would take 1—IRAN—NUCLEAR—ATTACK on USA to precipitate 1—NUCLEAR—STRIKE on IRAN.
20061023             But not for Bush Co. In their minds, they don't need 1—SUITCASE bomb in A—USA—CITY -- —JUST 1—FEW WEEKS—OF—PROPAGANDA on Fox, with the networks dutifully —FOLLOWING suit.
20061023             —STAGED, And probably 1, incident or 2—OUTSIDE the country.
20061023             These people are too arrogant + too confident in their constitutional usurpations and 1—SUPINE—CONGRESS, to 1—NEED—1—BIG—CAUSE to drop the big 1 on IRAQ.
20061023             1—ADVERTISING campaign will do (in their minds).
20061023             # —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 11:05 This wouldn't surprise me in the least.
20061023             NORTH—KOREA and beyond I advise you (as 1—READER advised me) to check out this THINK—PROGRESS—REPORT on THE—NORTH—KOREA—NUKE blast...
20061023             —WANTED, Senior BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS, NORTH—KOREA to test 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON because it would prove their point that the regime must be overthrown.
20061023             —BURIED, This astonishing revelation was, in the middle of 1—WASHINGTON—POST—STORY published —YESTERDAY.
20061023             GLENN—KESSLER reports from MOSCOW as he accompanies SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE: —BEFORE NORTH—KOREA announced it had detonated 1—NUCLEAR—DEVICE, SOME—SENIOR—OFFICIALS even said they were quietly rooting for 1—TEST, believing that would finally clarify the debate within the administration.
20061023             It's not dificult to extrapolate 1—IRAN scenario from these ominous words.
20061023             1—SUITCASE nuke or 1—CBW attack in 1—USA—CITY would "clarify the debate" over action against IRAN.
20061023             Einzelhandel: Abendzuschläge sollen fallen
20061023             GEN—REIS: EU ordnet GEN—TESTS für Reis aus den USA an
20061023             Viking Mars Mission Might Have Missed Life
20061023             JOHAN—LOUWERS writes "THE—VIKING mars mission 19760000             might have missed SIGNS—OF—LIFE due to not completely working analysis equipment. GC—MS on the Viking 19760000             Mars missions did not detect organic molecules on the Martian surface, even those expected from meteorite bombardment. This result suggested that the Martian regolith might hold 1—POTENT oxidant that converts all organic molecules to carbon dioxide rapidly relative to the rate at which they arrive. This conclusion is influencing the design of Mars missions. We reexamine this conclusion in light of what is known about the oxidation of organic compounds generally and THE—NATURE—OF—ORGANICS—LIKELY to come to Mars via meteorite".
20061023             Thieves Find CEMETERY—OF—PHARAOH—DENTISTS
20061023             WITH—NEWS—OF—1—IMPORTANT—ARCHAEOLOGICAL find from EGYPT.
20061023             —LOCATED, Grave robbers, 1—TOMB and were arrested —WHILE digging;
20061023             what they found turns out to be the graves of 3—DENTISTS who took care of 1—PHARAOH—TEETH.
20061023             —LOCATED, The graves are, in THE—SHADOW—OF—THE—STEP—PYRAMID at Saqqara, said to be EGYPT—OLDEST + are —AROUND 4,—000—YEARS—OLD.
20061023             "Although archaeologists have been exploring EGYPT—RUINS intensively for more than —150—YEARS, [1—SENIOR—ARCHAEOLOGIST] believes only 30—PERCENT—OF—WHAT lies hidden beneath the sands has been uncovered".
20061023             Yahoo has 1—FEW pictures of the dig.
20061023             Challenging the Child Online Protection ACT—NARRAMISSIC (—POSTED—BY kdawson) 66 - narramissic writes,
20061023             "—TODAY in PHILADELPHIA 1—FEDERAL—TRIAL got underway that will decide whether COPA is constitutional. The outcome will determine whether OPERATORS—OF—WEB—SITES can be held accountable for failing to block children's access to inappropriate materials. 1—ARTICLE on ITworld outlines the arguments of the foes in the battle: THE—DOJ and THE—ACLU. If I were 1—BETTING woman, I'd put my money on THE—ACLU. Parents, schools, etc. have to take responsibility for THE—INTERNET—USAGE—OF—CHILDREN in their charge".
20061023             2—COURTS have found COPA unconstitutional and THE—SUPREME—COURT has upheld the ban on its enforcement, —WHILE asking 1—LOWER—COURT to examine whether technological measures such as filtering could be as effective as the law in shielding children;
20061023             thus this trial.
20061023             The article does not mention that it was THE—DOJ—PREPARATION for the trial that was behind its —EARLIER request that search companies turn over their records — 1—REQUEST that only Google refused.
20061023             —LEAKED, Diebold E—VOTING source code, again Also: Postini says 80—PERCENT—OF—E—MAIL is spam.
20061023             Read these stories and MORE—OF—TODAY—BEST from —AROUND the Web on News.com Extra.
20061023             Diebold election software disks turn up in EX—LAWMAKER—OFFICE—BLOG: THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS is reporting that 1—FEW pieces of Diebold election software--yep, the stuff they really hate over at Daily...
20061023             Amputated Arm Moved to Groin All jokes aside, 1—MAN in SPAIN loses his arm in 1—GUTTER mishap and doctors stitch it to his groin in order to save it.
20061023             BODYHACK.
20061023             THE—CRUSADE—AGAINST—RELIGION 1—BAND—OF—INTELLECTUAL—BROTHERS is mounting 1—CRUSADE against the belief in God.
20061023             Are they winning converts, or merely preaching to the choir?
20061023             Tax Break for Hybrids, not Oil 1—CHANGE in THE—MAKEUP—OF—CONGRESS could be bad news for oil companies and positive for MAKERS—OF—FUEL—EFFICIENT—VEHICLES.
20061023             AUTOPIA. Gov't Defends ANTI—PORN Law
20061023             Salon, Nerve and THE—ACLU, along with other web publishers, team up in 1—SUIT over 19880000             —THE—CHILD—ONLINE—PROTECTION—ACT.
20061023             They argue it could restrict publishing legitimate material online and expose them to fines or jail time.
20061023             AUSTRALIA launches climate plans THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT unveils a major initiative to develop clean technology in response to climate change.
20061023             SHANGHAI scandal 'implicates 50' More than 50—PEOPLE have been held over SHANGHAI—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL, 1—BEIJING—FUNDED newspaper reports.
20061023             Losses increase 30-fold at Ford Struggling USA—CAR—FIRM—FORD sees its latest losses soar dramatically, hit by THE—EXPENSE—OF—COST cuts.
20061023             UK 'broke pledges' on AFGHANISTAN—AID THE—GOVERNOR—OF—AFGHANISTAN—SOUTH—HELMAND province says THE—UK has broken promises on aid.
20061023             UK 'tops energy wasters league' UK—PEOPLE are EUROPE—WORST—ENERGY wasters, 1—SURVEY—OF—THE—CONTINENT—5—MOST populous nations claims.
20061023             PRO—TALEBAN militants in tax move PRO—TALEBAN militants in PAKISTAN—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN tribal region will raise their own taxes, reports say.
20061023             Rubber bullets at HUNGARY protest Police use rubber bullets and tear gas to break up protests as HUNGARY marks —50—YEARS—SINCE THE—ANTI—SOVIET—UPRISING.
20061023             —BRANDED, Protection for ITALY veil row MP ITALY—POLICE protect an MP, 1—INFIDEL by 1—IMAM —AFTER she made comments about the Islamic veil.
20061023             'No building halt' at Ground 0—BUILDING at Ground 0 will not stop, despite recent finds of human remains at 20010911             —THE site, NEW—YORK—MAYOR says.
20061023             Olmert appoints RIGHT—WING deputy Right wing politician Avigdor Lieberman is to join ISRAEL—RULING coalition as 1—DEPUTY to PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT.
20061023             Riot warning for FRANCE suburbs THE—FRANCE—SUBURB hit by riots —1—YEAR—AGO could once again descent into violence, 1—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT warns.
20061023             Enron boss gets —24—YEAR—SENTENCE—FORMER—ENRON boss JEFFREY—SKILLING gets —24—YEARS for his role in the giant fraud that led to the energy firm's collapse.
20061023             Rajasthan farmers face opium ban THOUSANDS—OF—FARMERS in THE—INDIA—STATE—OF—RAJASTHAN are banned from the legal production of opium.
20061023             Große BLAMAGE—HAMBURGS Politiker ließen sich BLENDEN—SFUX HARALD—HAACK?
20061023             Wenn Konzerne ihren Willen durchsetzen wollen, so drohen sie Politikern gegenüber mit dem VERLUST—VON—ARBEITSPLÄTZEN.
20061023             So ähnlich war es auch in HAMBURG.
20061023             Der Hamburger Senat, zuerst jener aus SPD und Grünen, dann der gegenwärtige CDU—SENAT, ließ sich von Airbus mit der Zusage der Schaffung mehrerer 1000—ARBEITSPLÄTZE blenden und setzte den Bau 1—VON—DEM—KONZERN verlangten.
20061023             Gut zu wissen: Gott führt das PENTAGON—SFUX STEPHAN—FUCHS?
20061023             Der ranghöchste SOLDAT—DER AMERIKANISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE, GENERAL—PETER—PACE weiss von wem sein Boss Rumsfeld inspiriert ist: Von keinem geringeren als von Gott selbst.
20061023             Mit dieser Überzeugung verteidigte der Hochdotierte an einer zeremoniellen Ansprache für das SOUTH—COMMAND (Southcom) in MIAMI die Führung des Verteidigungsministers DONALD—RUMSFELD.
20061023             HIV kein Virus oder harmloses Virus? - sfux DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE?
20061023             HIV ist 1—VIRUS, HIV führt zu AIDS und die HIV Krankheit ist behandelbar.
20061023             Das waren —BISHER die gesicherten Kenntnisse in der Medizin.
20061023             Die Tötungen, die auf natürliche Ursachen beruhen, überwiegen angeblich.
20061023             Aber jene, die auf nicht natürliche Weise geschahen, waren keine perfekten Morde, obwohl die eisigen Tatwaffen nie gefunden wurden, weil sie sich in Wasser verwandelt hatten.
20061023             Kriminalisten kamen den schlauen Mördern dennoch auf die Spur;
20061023             sonst wüsste man —HEUTE nicht, dass Eis als Tatwaffe verwendet wurde.
20061023             Mutiert die Bundeswehr zum faschistischen Trojaner? - sfux MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER?
20061023             EINIGE—VORFÄLLE: EX—CIA and Marine Intel Officer: 20010911             Was An Inside Job
20061023             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON -1—IMPORTANT—STORY that broke over the weekend and may
20061023             Vote NEO—FASCIST—OR—THE—ISLAMO—FASCISTS—WILL—KILL—YOU—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ARE these really the stakes or does this crap —JUST not work anymore?
20061023             "We're on the verge of chaos,- NICO—AND the current plan is not working," SENATOR—LINDSEY—GRAHAM (R—SC) said —TODAY.
20061023             "Asked who in particular should be held accountable — Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD, perhaps, or the generals leading the war — Graham said: ' ALL—OF—THEM. It's their job to come up with 1—GAME—PLAN' to end the violence".
20061023             - JUDD—WATCH it: Bush _says_he_uses_the_Google">Digg It!
20061023             —GOOGLED, HOST: I'm curious, have you ever, anybody?
20061023             Do you use Google? BUSH : Occasionally.
20061023             1—OF—THE—THINGS—I'VE used on the Google is to pull up maps.
20061023             It's very interesting to see — I've forgot THE—NAME—OF—THE—PROGRAM — but you get the satellite, and you can — like, I kinda like to look at the ranch.
20061023             It remind me of where I wanna be sometimes.
20061023             —TODAY on FOX—NEWS, NEIL—CAVUTO had 1—SEGMENT asking whether Democrats will "crush the economy" if they win —NOVEMBER—ELECTIONS.
20061023             1—OF—THE—GUESTS, JONATHAN—HOENIG, said they would, because Democrats' "overriding philosophy is socialism".
20061023             Bush Admits There Is No Evidence IRAQ—INSURGENTS Are Trying To Influence USA—ELECTIONS
20061023             bring USA—SOLDIERS—HOME," according to 1—PRESS—RELEASE. "65—ACTIVE—DUTY—MEMBERS have sent Appeals for Redress to MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS" under the Military WHISTLE—BLOWER Protection Act.
20061023             $34,000. - The amount conservative pundit Armstrong Williams will have to repay of the
20061023             $240,000 government contract
20061023             he received for promoting PRESIDENT—BUSH—AGENDA.
20061023             —REACHED, Under 1—SETTLEMENT, with prosecutors, Williams also "admits no wrongdoing".
20061023             Specter: 'We Have To Face THE—FACT'—THAT—IRAQ—IS 1—CIVIL—WAR
20061023             This weekend on CNN—LATE—EDITION, SENATOR—JACK—REED (D—RI) made the case that USA—TROOPS in IRAQ are "being sucked slowly into 1—CIVIL—WAR with disastrous consequences".
20061023             —ASKED, SENATOR—ARLEN—SPECTER (R—PA) was, if he agreed with REED—VIEW that IRAQ is in 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20061023             SENATOR—JACK—REED: This is 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20061023             —SUCKED, And we are being, slowly into 1—CIVIL—WAR with disastrous consequences.
20061023             BLITZER: Is it 1—CIVIL—WAR already, SENATOR—SPECTER, as MANY—OF—THE—CRITICS are suggesting?
20061023             SPECTER: Yes. BLITZER: That's your flat answer.
20061023             So on this specific point, SENATOR—SPECTER, you clearly disagree with THE—PRESIDENT—AND—VICE—PRESIDENT.
20061023             SPECTER: Well, I think it's 1—MATTER—OF—SEMANTICS, but —WHEN you have the insurgents as violent as they have been + —WHEN you have THE—3—MAJOR—FACTIONS in IRAQ killing EACH—OTHER + you have THE—LEVEL—OF—VIOLENCE, I don't think there's ANY—POINT, Wolf, in hiding the facts.
20061023             I think we have to face the facts.
20061023             Americans will spend 5x more on HALLOWEEN—AMANDA—THAN on the midterm elections —THIS—YEAR.
20061023             But according to the National Retail Foundation, Americans will spend more than $4.95—BILLION on Halloween.
20061023             —BURIED, This astonishing revelation was, in the middle of a
20061023             GLENN—KESSLER reports from MOSCOW as he accompanies SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE:
20061023             —BEFORE NORTH—KOREA announced it had detonated 1—NUCLEAR—DEVICE, SOME—SENIOR—OFFICIALS even said they were quietly rooting for 1—TEST, believing that would finally clarify the debate within the administration.
20061023             —UNTIL—NOW, no USA—OFFICIAL in ANY—ADMINISTRATION has ever advocated the testing of nuclear weapons by another country, even by allies such as THE—UK—AND—FRANCE.
20061023             1—OF—THESE officials may have been Rice herself, Kessler hints.
20061023             Rice, he reports, "has come close to saying the test was 1—NET plus for THE—USA ".
20061023             Rice has been trying to counter the prevailing view that the test was 1—FAILURE—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY.
20061023             1—FACTUAL—TIMELINE—OF—THE—NORTH—KOREA—PROGRAM traces how POLICIES—OF—CONTAINMENT and engagement slowed and stopped the program, —WHILE THREATS—OF—REGIME—CHANGE increased the dangers.
20061023             THE—2—KEY—FAILURES were the choice to focus on overthrowing the government in PYONGYANG rather than stopping the nuclear program + the invasion of IRAQ which distracted USA—ATTENTION from the real nuclear dangers and propelled both NORTH—KOREA and IRAN to accelerate their programs.
20061023             JOE—CIRINCIONE - Bush _Officials_Were_Rooting_For_North_Korea_to_Test_Nuclear_Weapon">Digg It!
20061023             Abramoff gets 1—DESK at THE—FBI.
20061023             USA—NEWS—REPORTS that fallen lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF "spends up to —4—HOURS —1—DAY detailing his shady business to agents eager to nail more congressmen in the scandal. And —WHEN cooperative witnesses spend that much time inside, they get 1—DESK".
20061023             Bartlett: 'It's Never Been 1—STAY—THE—COURSE—STRATEGY' - Transcripts: Video 1
20061023             STORM: So, MISTER—BARTLETT, staying the course is no longer the operative strategy?
20061023             BARTLETT: Well, Hannah, it's never been 1—STAY—THE—COURSE—STRATEGY.
20061023             Strategically, we think it's very important that we stay in IRAQ and we win in IRAQ.
20061023             And if we were to cut and run and go and leave that country too early it would be 1—DISASTER for USA—POLICY.
20061023             But what we aren't doing is sitting there with our heads in the sand.
20061023             We've completely changing and making tactical changes on —1—WEEK—BY—WEEK—BASIS as we respond to the enemy's reactions to our strategies.
20061023             Video 2 - BUSH : We will stay the course, we will complete the job in IRAQ.
20061023             BUSH : We will stay the course —UNTIL the job is done, Steve.
20061023             And the temptation is to try to get THE—PRESIDENT or somebody to put 1—TIMETABLE on the definition of getting the job done.
20061023             We're —JUST going to stay the course. [20031215             ]
20061023             BUSH : And that's why we're going to stay the course in IRAQ.
20061023             And that's why —WHEN we say something in IRAQ, we're going to do it.
20061023             ThinkFast: 20061023             20061023             FORMER—GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—GERHARD—SCHROEDER writes in 1—NEW—BOOK that BUSH—FREQUENT—REFERENCES to God in their meetings —BEFORE THE—IRAQ war had made him wary.
20061023             "What worried me, despite 1 relaxed atmosphere to our talks + to 1—CERTAIN—DEGREE what made me skeptical was how much it came through that this PRESIDENT saw himself as 'GOD—FEARING' and
20061023             saw that as the highest authority," he said.
20061023             " MAJORITIES—OF—IRAQ—YOUTH in Arab REGIONS—OF—THE—COUNTRY believe security would improve and violence decrease if the
20061023             USA—LED forces left —IMMEDIATELY, according to 1—STATE—DEPARTMENT—POLL".
20061023             —CALLED, Senators RICHARD—LUGAR (R—IN) and Arlen Specter (R—PA), —YESTERDAY "for direct talks with NORTH—KOREA aimed at easing 1—NUCLEAR standoff".
20061023             Direct talks are "inevitable," Lugar said.
20061023             —ADDED, Specter, "I think we ought to use EVERY—ALTERNATIVE, INCLUDING—DIRECT—BILATERAL—TALKS.
20061023             —SIGNED, THE—SUDAN peace agreement, in May "is in disarray".
20061023             The "hardening conflict" is "increasingly taking place along porous borders among some of the least stable countries in AFRICA,
20061023             threatening to ignite 1—WIDE—CONFLAGRATION - in THE—HEART—OF—THE—CONTINENT".
20061023             "ICELAND broke 1—GLOBAL—MORATORIUM on commercial whaling, killing 1 endangered fin whale for the 1. time —SINCE the 1980s".
20061023             Fin whales are on THE—INTERNATIONAL—CONSERVATION—UNION'S "red list " of endangered species.
20061023             1—COMPANY headed by NEIL—BUSH — PRESIDENT—BUSH—BROTHER — and partly owned by his parents is "
20061023             benefiting from Republican connections
20061023             and FEDERAL—DOLLARS targeted for economically disadvantaged students under the No Child Left Behind Act".
20061023             "Nearly 2—MILLION—PEOPLE in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN will need food aid this —WINTER BECAUSE—OF—DROUGHT, THE—UN and AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT have warned.
20061023             The food shortage is BEING—BLAMED on intensified fighting
20061023             against Taliban insurgents in the troubled southern provinces and expanding cultivation of opium poppies INSTEAD—OF—FOOD".
20061023             "REPRESENTATIVE—RODNEY—ALEXANDER (R—LA), already enmeshed in THE—EX—REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY (R—FLORIDA) page scandal, —NOW
20061023             faces 1—NEW controversy " as 1—FORMER—STAFFER has sued ALEXANDER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF for "sexual advances," "ogling and touching," and other harassment.
20061023             THE—FORMER—IRAQ expert at THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—FAIZ—SAID that it is untenable for THE—USA to stay the course.
20061023             WAYNE—WHITE, who was THE—HEAD—OF—THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—IRAQ intelligence section —UNTIL—LAST—YEAR, told THE—BBC: " The effort can't be sustained over the long haul, and so we can't stay 1—COURSE, I think, that requires years and years more".
20061023             He added, "We're not winning. It's apparent".
20061023             Wissenschaftler aus Marburg haben herausgefunden, dass der Fettschwanzmaki, ein tropischer Halbaffe, mehr als die HÄLFTE—DES—JAHRES verschläft
20061023             DISTRICT 8—NEWMAN, C.J. D 5,026 61.98—MUSEMECHE, ROBERT—W D 3,083 38.02—TOTAL Party Votes: 8,109 Brady, Kevin R 14,769 22.07 18,583 53.36—FONTENOT, Gene R 24,204 36.16 16,244 46.64—HENDERSON, Don R 10,599 15.84—THORNBERRY, FRED—D R 9,786 14.62—REINBECK, Betty R 4,800 7.17—NEW, DANIEL—D R 2,772 4.14—TOTAL Party Votes: 66,930 34,827 Total DISTRICT—VOTES : 75,039 34,827 ----------------------------------------- 20061023             20061023             UNGARN: Demonstranten kapern Panzer von 19560000             20061023             Regierungsplan: Börsennotierte Immobilienfonds werden abgespeckt
20061023             Gesetzesvorhaben: Köhler stoppt Privatisierung der Flugsicherung
20061023             Gesundheitsreform: AOK warnt vor beispielloser Beitragserhöhung
20061023             Nasses Gestein: Regenfälle können Erdbeben auslösen - UNGARN: Straßenschlachten in BUDAPEST
20061023             Effizienzstudie: Deutsche sind EUROPA—MEISTER im Energiesparen
20061023             Feinstaub: EU—UMWELTMINISTER wollen Frist für Grenzwert verschieben
20061023             Filmfest in Rom: Millionen für den schönen Schein
20061023             Ausländerrecht: "Sicherheit ist das Entscheidende"
20061023             Energieverschwendung: Briten üben Selbstgeißelung
20061023             Weltkriegsbombe auf der A 3: Tödliche Explosion nach über —60—JAHREN
20061023             STRATEGIE—DEBATTE: Protest gegen Bush s AUSSITZ—TAKTIK im IRAK
20061023             Gedenkfeier in UNGARN: Der doppelte Volksaufstand
20061023             Polizist als "Dödel" beschimpft: Autofahrer soll drastische Strafe zahlen
20061023             Buchhaltungsfehler: Ford muss Bilanzen neu berechnen
20061023             STAR—PROTEST gegen ERDGAS—ANLAGE: Letzte Hoffnung Terminator
20061023             Schmerzen: Der Quälgeist unter den Genen
20061023             Hastert: I—DON'T Recall 20050000             Conversation About FOLEY—QUESTIONABLE—EMAILS
20061023             Fall '05: TOM—REYNOLDS (R—NY) "says he told Hastert in 1—CONVERSATION—MONTHS ago that he had heard about SOME—PROBLEMATIC E—MAILS. Hastert says he doesn't recall the conversation but does not dispute Reynolds' recollection"
20061023             FORMER—FOOD and Drug Administration Commissioner LESTER—CRAWFORD (
20061023             campaign contributions ) pleaded guilty —ON—TUESDAY to 2—CHARGES stemming from his OWNERSHIP—OF—STOCK in companies the agency regulated.
20061023             Lisa Richwine, REUTERS - 20061018             20061023             Die Befunde der Darwinisten sind die neueste Munition in einem Kulturkampf, der in den USA heftiger denn je zwischen Ratio und Religion tobt.
20061023             Die Anschläge vom 20060911             haben die Gewichte zugunsten der christlichen Fundamentalisten verschoben.
20061023             Einer GALLUP—UMFRAGE vom vergangenen —OKTOBER zufolge sind 53 % aller USA—BÜRGER sogenannte Kreationisten: Sie gehen davon aus, dass die Erde vor 6000—JAHREN entstanden IST—WÄHREND die Naturwissenschaft das Alter auf 4,6 Milliarden —JAHRE schätzt.
20061023             RICHARD—DAWKINS offenbart das Ausmaß des Fehlers durch einen geografischen Vergleich: "Es ist so", feixt er, "als ob man glaubte, NEW—YORK City und S—FRANCISCO seien 700—YARDS entfernt".
20061023             Der Evolutionspsychologe MARC—HAUSER—VON—DER—HARVARD—UNIVERSITY hat das Moralverhalten von gläubigen und ungläubigen Menschen unterschiedlicher Kulturkreise untersucht und kommt zu dem Schluss: ALLE—MENSCHEN verfügten über eine "universelle moralische Grammatik, 1—FÄHIGKEIT—DES—GEISTES, die im Laufe von Millionen —JAHREN" entstanden SEI—DURCH die Evolution, ganz ohne göttliches Zutun.
20061023             Auch die Vorstellung, Seele und KÖRPER—DES—MENSCHEN seien getrennte Einheiten, ist inzwischen durch Erkenntnisse der Neurobiologie überholt.
20061023             Gedanken entstehen aus Molekülen, Proteinen, Enzymen.
20061023             "Wir Menschen mögen 1—SEELE haben", sagt Philosoph Dennett, "aber sie besteht aus vielen kleinen Robotern".
20061023             Doch warum haben so gut wie ALLE—MENSCHENVÖLKER—RELIGIONEN?
20061023             Den —NUN aufbegehrenden Atheisten zufolge ist die Hinwendung zum Übernatürlichen 1—NEBENPRODUKT—DER—EVOLUTION.
20061023             Der Philosoph DANIEL—DENNETT, 64, von der Tufts UNIVERSITY—IN—MEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS, vermutet: Unsere Gehirne seien durch die Evolution so gestrickt, dass religiöse Storys sich unter Menschen ausbreiten wie erfolgreiche biologische Arten.
20061023             Gerade die Gehirne von Kindern seien für religiöse Inhalte besonders empfänglich, glaubt Dawkins: Sprösslinge, die ihren Eltern brav gehorchen, haben demnach einen Vorteil in der natürlichen Auslese.
20061023             —PROGRAMMIERT, Folglich seien Kleinkinder von Natur aus darauf, elterliche Anweisungen nicht weiter zu hinterfragen.
20061023             Dawkins schreibt: "Das Kind kann nicht wissen, dass 'Paddel nicht im krokodilverseuchten LIMPOPO—FLUSS' ein guter Ratschlag ist, dass aber 'Du musst 1—ZIEGE bei Vollmond opfern, da sonst der Regen ausbleibt' bestenfalls 1—VERSCHWENDUNG—VON—ZEIT und Ziegen ist".
20061023             Die Empfänger des widersinnigen Ratschlags gäben diesen später an die eigenen Kinder weiter.
20061023             Die Folge dieser Unsinnslawine: Die mit religiösem Gedankengut infizierten Menschen sind mit rationalen Argumenten kaum mehr zu erreichen und kennen keine Selbstzweifel mehr.
20061023             "Die Vermessenheit tiefreligiöser Menschen", urteilt Philosoph Dennett, "ist die gefährlichste Sache in der heutigen Welt".
20061023             Den Präsidenten GEORGE—W—BUSH und den Terrorchef OSAMA—BIN—LADEN stecken die Atheisten Dennett und Dawkins in 1—SCHUBLADE: beide auf der Seite des Glaubens und der Gewalt;
20061023             beide gegen die Seite der Vernunft und des Diskurses.
20061023             Im Volk indes stieß Harris mit seinem Erstlingswerk auf großes Interesse.
20061023             "THE—END—OF—FAITH" ("Das ENDE—DES—GLAUBENS") hat —BISHER 270.000—EXEMPLARE in den USA verkauft und läuft auch als Taschenbuch glänzend.
20061023             Im soeben erschienenen Nachfolgebuch, das ebenfalls in den USA—BESTSELLERLISTEN geführt wird, stichelt Harris weiter**.
20061023             —VERGLEICHT, Organisierte Religionen, er mit Vergewaltigungen.
20061023             Wenn es in seiner Macht läge, die Welt von einem dieser 2—DINGE zu befreien, erklärt Harris, dann "zögerte ich nicht, die Religion abzuschaffen".
20061023             Als Beispiele lassen sich junge Muslime anführen, die Flugzeuge in Hochhäuser fliegen.
20061023             Oder AMERIKANISCHE—CHRISTEN, die Abtreibungskliniken in die Luft jagen.
20061023             Aus Harris' Sicht waren da mitnichten Extremisten am Werk, die ihre Religion nur falsch verstanden haben.
20061023             Ganz im Gegenteil: Sie hätten sich nur an den Wortlaut ihrer jeweiligen heiligen Schriften gehalten.
20061023             Denn diese seien —NUN einmal Anthologien von Gewalt, Racheakten und Dekreten, denen zufolge Ungläubige sterben müssen.
20061023             Nur einen —TAG—NACH—DEN Anschlägen vom 20010911             machte sich SAM—HARRIS, 1—DOKTORAND—DER—NEUROWISSENSCHAFT an der UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in LOS—ANGELES, daran, ein ketzerisches Buch zu schreiben: Die großen Weltregionen seien miteinander schlichtweg nicht zu vereinen, sie würden unweigerlich —KONFLIKTE schüren und "das Aufkommen einer brauchbaren WELT—ZIVILISATION verhindern".
20061023             Grauenhaft seien die Zustände in seiner Heimat, befand Harris;
20061023             es sei schlichtweg tabu, den Glauben eines Mitbürgers zu KRITISIEREN—MIT fatalen Folgen: Menschen, die sonst eigentlich normal seien, könnten "die Früchte des Wahnsinns ernten und diese als heilig betrachten".
20061023             Mit Gottes Beistand hat Bush sein Land nicht nur in einen verlorenen KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—IRAK geführt.
20061023             Auch der in der Welt aufblühende ANTI—AMERIKANISMUS ist zu einem Gutteil darauf zurückzuführen, dass VIELE—DIE—UNBELEHRBARKEIT des nach eigener Einschätzung "wiedergeborenen Christen" nicht mehr verknusen können.
20061023             Zuerst tost Gelächter durch das Gotteshaus, dann klatschen die 600—ZUHÖRER in die Hände.
20061023             Das Spektakel, das vergangenen —DONNERSTAG in der 1. Parish Church im AMERIKANISCHEN—CAMBRIDGE stattfand, war das Gegenteil eines Gottesdienstes: Hier predigte einer, der den Leuten den Glauben austreiben will.
20061023             RICHARD—DAWKINS ist ein glühender Anhänger der Evolutionstheorie.
20061023             In zahlreichen Büchern hat er sie einem Millionenpublikum erklärt.
20061023             —JETZT, im Alter von 65, legt der Professor sein Vermächtnis vor: "THE—GOD—DELUSION" heißt das WERK—DIE Wahnvorstellung von Gott*.
20061023             Mit der Beflissenheit eines Naturwissenschaftlers legt Dawkins dar, warum es "fast sicher keinen Gott geben kann" + fordert 1—ABKEHR vom Glauben: "Sie können 1—ATHEIST sein, der glücklich, ausgeglichen, sittlich und geistig ausgefüllt ist".
20061023             —INZWISCHEN, In dem Christenstaat USA bilden Atheisten, eine geächtete Minderheit.
20061023             Doch —NUN wehren sich Evolutionsbiologen und wollen den Menschen den Glauben austreiben.
20061023             Ihre These: Religionen sind das eigentliche Übel unserer Zeit.
20061023             RICHARD—DAWKINS, Zoologe von der OXFORD University, tritt vor den Altar, genießt den Blick auf die vollbesetzten Kirchenbänke und sagt in feinstem Englisch: "Der Gott aus dem Alten Testament ist ein frauenfeindlicher, homophober, rassistischer, völkermordender, sadomasochistischer, unberechenbar bösartiger Tyrann".
20061023             TIMOTHY—RIGAS—ADELPHIA executive;
20061023             convicted of corporate fraud $24,500 Republican
20061023             $3,850 Democrat - $33,000 special INTEREST—TOTAL: $61,350
20061023             "Ladies and gentlemen, you've been working very hard + your task is not over," he said.
20061023             —CHARGED, THE—RIGASES and Mulcahey were, with hiding $2.3—BILLION in debt at the cable company, deceiving investors and stealing company cash to line their own pockets.
20061023             —MARKED, The verdict, another success in Manhattan for FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS, who won convictions against Martha Stewart in March and former star technology banker FRANK—QUATTRONE in May.
20061023             —FOUNDED, THE—ELDER—RIGAS, the company 19520000             in tiny Coudersport, PENNSILVANIA + turned it into 1—OF—THE—NATION—LARGEST—CABLE—FIRMS.
20061023             —WHILE most of the alleged fraud took its form in hidden debt, the trial was also notable for EXAMPLES—OF—THE—EYE—POPPING personal luxury that has marked other WHITE—COLLAR trials.
20061023             Internationale Presse über Schröder: "Nur Häme und Spott für Merkel"
20061023             Wissenschaftler gegen Religion: Glücklicher ohne Gott
20061023             Buckingham Palace: QUEEN lässt —NACHTS das Licht an
20061023             —NAMED, Adelphia Communications Corporation, —AFTER THE—GREECE—WORD "brothers", was the 6. largest cable company in THE—USA—BEFORE filing bankruptcy 20020000             due to internal corruption.
20061023             —FOUNDED, Adelphia was, 19520000             within THE—TOWN—OF—COUDERSPORT, PENNSYLVANIA.
20061023             —MOVED, The headquarters for the company was, to
20061023             Greenwood VILLAGE—COLORADO shortly —AFTER filing for bankruptcy.
20061023             Adelphia officers trial
20061023             —CHARGED, The founders of Adelphia were, with securities violations but despite 5—OFFICERS indicted only 2 (JOHN—RIGAS + TIMOTHY—RIGAS) were found guilty [2];
20061023             the others were acquitted of some or all the charges [3].
20061023             —FOUNDED, Rigas, Adelphia with a $300—LICENSE 19520000             , took the company public 19860000             and built it up by acquiring other systems in the 1990s.
20061023             —COLLAPSED, The company, into bankruptcy 20020000             —AFTER it disclosed $2.3—BILLION in OFF—BALANCE—SHEET—DEBT.
20061023             —COMPLICATED, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS said the Rigases used, CASH—MANAGEMENT—SYSTEMS to spread money —AROUND to various FAMILY—OWNED entities and as 1—COVER for stealing $100—MILLION for themselves.
20061023             A 2. Rigas son, Michael, former executive VICE—PRESIDENT for operations, was ACQUITTED—OF—CONSPIRACY and wire fraud 20050000             .
20061023             —DEADLOCKED, However, jurors were, on certain counts + MICHAEL—RIGAS is scheduled for a 2. trial.
20061023             —ACQUITTED—OF, FORMER—ADELPHIA assistant treasurer MICHAEL—MULCAHEY was, all charges.
20061023             Welcome to KissinforCongress.COM—THE—PLATFORM - AlterNet: Bush Dismantles Child Care
20061023             Funny you KNOW—CHILD—CARE was abundant + FREE in THE—USA—DURING—WWII.
20061023             Obviously you need to... CARE—OF—SOME—KIDS rather than towards the next GENERATION—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS, experimental biowarfare...
20061023             O Iraque e as guerras ocultas do EURO—DÓLAR As organizações de elites, tais como as conferências Bilderberg, eram organizadas para partilhar o consenso resultante entre 1—EUROPA e os Estados Unidos.
20061023             "Avante!" Nº 14520000             - Os homens de Bilderberg (5) a relação das individualidades citadas pelo Grupo de Bilderberg não compreende...
20061023             Um PLANO onde Bilderberg coexiste com outras formações poderosas e de...
20061023             Os Donos do Mundo Assim são chamados os membros do Grupo Bilderberg.
20061023             O artigo REFERIA—SE à sua reunião oficial anual de 19990000             , que se tinha concluído recentemente em PORTUGAL.
20061023             Nova Ordem Mundial: A Nova desordem mundial é a nova ordem em...
20061023             Cavaco Silva também esteve presente num encontro de Bilderberg o que valerá a vitória...
20061023             O grupo Bilderberg prepara politicas determinndo o que os governos...
20061023             Los Amos del Mundo El grupo Bilderberg representa uno de los más poderosos grupos de fachada de los... Los Bilderberg están preocupados por el impacto del Millenium Bug...
20061023             —EXPLODIERT, Unglück auf der A3: Bombe aus dem —WWII, - 1—TOTER
20061023             Gigantischer Börsengang: ICBC peilt 22—MILLIARDEN Dollar an
20061023             1900—METER: Schnabelwale halten TIEFTAUCH—REKORD
20061023             USA: BARACK—OBAMA erwägt Kandidatur für das Weiße Haus
20061023             MIETER—ALPTRAUM: Finanzinvestoren bieten Wohnungen wieder feil
20061023             Hurrikangefahr im Touristenparadies: "Paul" nimmt Kurs auf MEXIKO - Auswanderungsrekord: DIHK schlägt Alarm
20061023             Staatseinstieg bei EADS: DEUTSCHLAND erwägt Partnerschaft mit Banken
20061023             USA: Demokrat Obama deutet Interesse an Präsidentschaft an
20061023             Gelungenes Referendum: PANAMA—KANAL wird für Milliarden ausgebaut
20061023             Gesundheitsreform: Union und SPD uneins über Tarif für sozial Bedürftige
20061023             IRAK—STRATEGIE: USA—SENATOREN kritisieren Bush s Versteckspiel 20061023             1. Wahlergebnisse: Große Mehrheit für Erweiterung des PANAMA—KANALS
20061023             in discussing THE—PENTAGON—INITIAL—COVER—UP—OF—THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—DEATH—OF—FORMER pro football player and Army Ranger Pat Tillman, Carlson said that "[t]elling the truth actually is difficult.
20061023             Look, let me speak on behalf of anyone who has ever told 1—LIE.
20061023             Telling the truth... Source:
20061023             "FEDERAL—OFFICIALS are also hoping to place him in 1—NEARBY—PRISON—AFTER he is sentenced.
20061023             "Fin whales are on THE—INTERNATIONAL—CONSERVATION—UNION'S "red list
20061023             "—TODAY in PHILADELPHIA 1—FEDERAL—TRIAL got underway that will decide whether COPA is constitutional.
20061023             "as 1—FORMER—STAFFER has sued ALEXANDER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF for "sexual advances," "ogling and touching," and other harassment.
20061023             'No building halt' at Ground 0
20061023             - AMANDA—THAN on the midterm elections —THIS—YEAR.
20061023             Total spending for REPUBLICANs and Democrats in —THIS—YEAR—MIDTERM elections is more than $1—BILLION.
20061023             - FAIZ—SAID that it is untenable for THE—USA—TO stay the course.
20061023             WAYNE—WHITE, who was THE—HEAD—OF—THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—IRAQ intelligence section —UNTIL—LAST—YEAR,
20061023             - NICO—AND the current plan is not working," SENATOR—LINDSEY Graham (R—SC) said —TODAY. "Asked who in particular should be held accountable — Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD ,
20061023             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ARE these really the stakes or does this crap —JUST not work anymore?
20061023             - narramissic (—POSTED—BY kdawson) 66 - narramissic writes,
20061023             -: I spent 1—LOT—OF—TIME at 1—POINT trying to sort out the claims involved in Able Danger and could never make them add up in ANY—WAY that seemed plausible.
20061023             -: In the mind of 1—REASONABLE—PERSON -- putting aside THE—MADNESS—OF—THE—SCENARIO for 1—MOMENT -- it would take 1—IRAN—NUCLEAR—ATTACK on USA to precipitate 1—NUCLEAR—STRIKE on IRAN.
20061023             Yeah, I went to my chart to compare and I said there he is.' That's —JUST 1—OF—MANY—SUCH identifications.
20061023             20 02. But in that case, which of them was the Atta whose doings in FLORIDA have been obsessively scrutinized by DANIEL—HOPSICKER?
20061023             8,109 Brady, Kevin R 14,769 22.07 18,583 53.36—FONTENOT, Gene R 24,204 36.16 16,244 46.64—HENDERSON,
20061023             1—BAND—OF—INTELLECTUAL—BROTHERS is mounting 1—CRUSADE against the belief in God.
20061023             Are they winning converts,
20061023             1—CHANGE in THE—MAKEUP—OF—CONGRESS could be bad news for oil companies and positive for MAKERS—OF—FUEL—EFFICIENT—VEHICLES.
20061023             In Autopia.
20061023             1—COMPANY headed by NEIL—BUSH — PRESIDENT—BUSH—BROTHER — and partly owned by his parents is "benefiting from REPUBLICAN connections
20061023             —DEBUNKED, Able Danger "" Xymphora has 1—MUST—READ analysis
20061023             All jokes aside, 1—MAN in SPAIN loses his arm in 1—GUTTER mishap and doctors stitch it to his groin in order to save it.
20061023             In Bodyhack.
20061023             Also: Postini says 80—PERCENT—OF—E—MAIL is spam.
20061023             Amanda - - Americans will spend 5x more on Halloween - Amputated Arm Moved to Groin
20061023             1—ARTICLE on ITworld outlines the arguments of the foes in the battle: THE—DOJ and THE—ACLU.
20061023             And then there is this "new player".
20061023             Seems he is none other than KEN—DUBERSTEIN,
20061023             And —WHEN I read that, it made sense to me.
20061023             —INTERPRETED, And I, this as that the terrorists are actually involved and want to involve themselves in our electoral process, which must mean they want 1—CHANGE.
20061023             BLITZER: That's your flat answer.
20061023             BUSH : And my message —TODAY to those in IRAQ is: We'll stay the course.
20061023             [ 4/13 - BUSH : And so we've got tough action in IRAQ.
20061023             But we will stay the course.
20061023             [ 4/16 - BUSH : He could be right.
20061023             —STEPPED, THERE—CERTAINLY 1, up LEVEL—OF—VIOLENCE and we're heading into 1—ELECTION.
20061023             BUSH : It could be. I don't know.
20061023             I haven't - I don't have ANY—INTELLIGENCE that says that.
20061023             BUSH : Occasionally.
20061023             It's very interesting to see — I've forgot THE—NAME—OF—THE—PROGRAM — but you get the satellite,
20061023             [ 8/4 - BUSH : We will stay the course.
20061023             BUSH _Officials_Were_Rooting_For_North_Korea_to_Test_Nuclear_Weapon">Digg It!
20061023             BUSH _says_he_uses_the_Google">Digg It!
20061023             BUSH says he uses "the Google".
20061023             —BEFORE NORTH—KOREA announced it had detonated 1—NUCLEAR—DEVICE, SOME—SENIOR—OFFICIALS even said they were quietly rooting for 1—TEST,
20061023             Blog: THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS is reporting that 1—FEW pieces of Diebold election software--yep, the stuff they really hate over at Daily...
20061023             UK—PEOPLE are EUROPE—WORST—ENERGY wasters, 1—SURVEY—OF—THE—CONTINENT—5—MOST populous nations claims.
20061023             Building at Ground 0 will not stop, despite recent finds of human remains at 20010911             —THE site, NEW—YORK—MAYOR says.
20061023             But not for BUSH Co. In their minds, they don't need 1—SUITCASE bomb in A—USA—CITY -- —JUST 1—FEW WEEKS—OF—PROPAGANDA on Fox,
20061023             But these claims are completely without ANY—BASIS in reality.
20061023             Börse: Dax schließt auf höchstem Stand —SEIT ;;04;;
20061023             2001 - Challenging the Child Online Protection Act
20061023             DISTRICT 8—NEWMAN, C.J. D 5,026 61.98—MUSEMECHE, ROBERT—W D 3,083 38.02—TOTAL Party Votes:
20061023             Der ranghöchste SOLDAT—DER AMERIKANISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE, GENERAL—PETER—PACE weiss von wem sein Boss Rumsfeld inspiriert ist:
20061023             —LEAKED, Diebold E—VOTING source code, again
20061023             Diebold election software disks turn up in EX—LAWMAKER—OFFICE
20061023             Don R 10,599 15.84—THORNBERRY, FRED—D R 9,786 14.62—REINBECK, Betty R 4,800 7.17—NEW, DANIEL—D R 2,772 4.14—TOTAL Party Votes:
20061023             Enron boss gets —24—YEAR sentence
20061023             EX—CIA and Marine Intel Officer: 20010911             Was An Inside Job
20061023             FORMER—ENRON boss JEFFREY—SKILLING gets —24—YEARS for his role in the giant fraud that led to the energy firm's collapse.
20061023             "Although archaeologists have been exploring EGYPT—RUINS intensively for MORE—THAN—150—YEARS,
20061023             GC—MS on the Viking 19760000             Mars missions did not detect organic molecules on the Martian surface,
20061023             GLENN—KESSLER reports from MOSCOW as he accompanies SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE: —BEFORE NORTH—KOREA announced it had detonated 1—NUCLEAR—DEVICE,
20061023             Große BLAMAGE—HAMBURGS Politiker ließen sich blenden - Gut zu wissen: Gott führt das Pentagon
20061023             HIV kein Virus oder harmloses Virus?
20061023             Do you use Google?
20061023             Hemos 117 - - I can quibble with X on 1—FEW points, but his basic stance is quite sound.
20061023             1—OF—THE—WITNESSES (names redacted by the report writers) to the infamous chart thus recalls the image of MOHAMMED—ATTA:
20061023             —1—YEAR—BEFORE, I don't think there's ANY—POINT, Wolf, in hiding the facts.
20061023             I was READING something —TODAY that 1—WRITER — I don't remember who — was speculating on increased terrorist attacks in IRAQ attempting to demoralize THE—USA—PEOPLE as we get up to the election.
20061023             If I were 1—BETTING woman, I'd put my money on THE—ACLU—PARENTS, schools, etc. have to take responsibility for THE—INTERNET—USAGE—OF—CHILDREN in their charge.
20061023             In the past —WEEK, top BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS have been suggesting that insurgents in IRAQ are increasing attacks in order to influence THE—USA—MIDTERM elections.
20061023             SOME—HIGHLIGHTS — - Interesting.
20061023             —BRANDED, ITALY—POLICE protect an MP, 1—INFIDEL by 1—IMAM —AFTER she made comments about the Islamic veil.
20061023             It's their job to come up with 1—GAME—PLAN' to end the violence".
20061023             JOHAN—LOUWERS writes "THE—VIKING mars mission 00.000.19 76—MIGHT have missed SIGNS—OF—LIFE due to not completely working analysis equipment.
20061023             Losses increase 30-fold at Ford
20061023             MORE—THAN—50—PEOPLE have been held over SHANGHAI—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL, 1—BEIJING—FUNDED newspaper reports.
20061023             Menschen wurden —SCHON von Eisbrocken erschlagen und einige wenige sogar mit Eis erdolcht.
20061023             Die Tötungen, Mutiert die Bundeswehr zum faschistischen Trojaner?
20061023             NORTH—KOREA and beyond I advise you (as 1—READER advised me) to check out this THINK—PROGRESS—REPORT
20061023             Olmert appoints RIGHT—WING deputy
20061023             —ON CBS this —MORNING, WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSELOR DAN—BARTLETT claimed that the administration has "never" had "1—STAY—THE—COURSE—STRATEGY".
20061023             Police use rubber bullets and tear gas to break up protests as HUNGARY marks —50—YEARS—SINCE THE—ANTI—SOVIET—UPRISING.
20061023             PRO—TALEBAN militants in PAKISTAN—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN tribal region will raise their own taxes, reports say.
20061023             PRO—TALEBAN militants in tax move - Protection for ITALY veil row MP
20061023             REPORT: BUSH Officials Were 'Rooting' For NORTH—KOREA to Test Nuclear Weapon
20061023             Rajasthan farmers face opium ban
20061023             Remember PANAMA? BUSH SENIOR invaded because 1—USA—GOT kicked in the balls at 1—TRAFFIC—LIGHT.
20061023             Right wing politician Avigdor Lieberman is to join ISRAEL—RULING coalition as 1—DEPUTY to PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT.
20061023             Riot warning for FRANCE suburbs - Rubber bullets at HUNGARY protest - SENATOR—JACK—REED: This is 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20061023             SNOW: But on the other hand, you also cannot be 1—PRESIDENT in 1—WARTIME and not realize that you've got to stay the course.
20061023             [8/17 - SNOW: People are going to want more of it + that's why THE—PRESIDENT is determined to stay the course.
20061023             ;;04;;. - [8/16 - SNOW: The 2. thing you do is you stay the course.
20061023             [7/10 - SPECTER: Well, I think it's 1—MATTER—OF—SEMANTICS, but —WHEN you have the insurgents as violent as they have been + —WHEN you have THE—3—MAJOR—FACTIONS in IRAQ killing EACH—OTHER + you have THE—LEVEL—OF—VIOLENCE,
20061023             SPECTER: Yes.
20061023             —ACKNOWLEDGED, STEPHANOPOULOS: And for the 1. time THE—PRESIDENT, parallels to VIETNAM.
20061023             —ASKED, It came —WHEN I, for his response to 'NEW—YORK—TIMES" columnist TOM—FRIEDMAN—CONTENTION that we're —NOW seeing 1—IRAQ—VERSION—OF—THE—VIETCONG'S 19680000             Tet offensive that turned USA—PUBLIC opinion decisively against the war.
20061023             STEPHANOPOULOS: So they're trying to influence the elections?
20061023             —REALIZED, Seems, right —AFTER Armitage "" he was the leak to whom Novak referred ("not 1—PARTISAN gunslinger") and contacted Powell,
20061023             SHANGHAI scandal 'implicates 50' - So ähnlich war es auch in HAMBURG.
20061023             Der Hamburger Senat, zuerst jener aus SPD und Grünen, dann der gegenwärtige CDU—SENAT,
20061023             Sorry, that should read, "surveilling in GERMANY 00.000. 20 00".
20061023             Specter flatly said "yes" and added, "I don't think there's ANY—POINT, Wolf, in hiding the facts. I think we have to face the facts".
20061023             Struggling USA—CAR—FIRM—FORD sees its latest losses soar dramatically, hit by THE—EXPENSE—OF—COST cuts.
20061023             Tax Break for Hybrids, not Oil
20061023             That may be the major reason why I have real problems with it.#
20061023             THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT unveils a major initiative to develop clean technology in response to climate change.
20061023             THE—FRANCE—SUBURB hit by riots —1—YEAR—AGO could once again descent into violence, 1—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT warns.
20061023             The "hardening conflict" is "increasingly taking place along porous borders among some of the least stable countries in AFRICA, threatening to ignite 1—WIDE—CONFLAGRATION
20061023             The amount conservative pundit Armstrong Williams will have to repay of the $240,000 government contract
20061023             THE—FORMER—IRAQ expert at THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT
20061023             THE—GOVERNOR—OF—AFGHANISTAN—SOUTH—HELMAND province says THE—UK has broken promises on aid.
20061023             The outcome will determine whether OPERATORS—OF—WEB—SITES can be held accountable for failing to block children's access to inappropriate materials.
20061023             —WANTED, The revelation that SOME—OFFICIALS secretly, NORTH—KOREA to test their nuclear weapons is EVIDENCE—OF—HOW the administration's national security policy has become completely divorced from reality.
20061023             — JOE—CIRINCIONE
20061023             THE—2—KEY—FAILURES were the choice to focus on overthrowing the government
20061023             They are trying to not only kill USA—TROOPS,
20061023             These people are too arrogant + too confident in their constitutional usurpations and 1—SUPINE—CONGRESS,
20061023             AUSTRALIA launches climate plans
20061023             —BURIED, This astonishing revelation was, in the middle of 1—WASHINGTON—POST—STORY
20061023             This conclusion is influencing the design of Mars missions.
20061023             We reexamine this conclusion in light of what is known about the oxidation of organic compounds generally and THE—NATURE—OF—ORGANICS—LIKELY to come to Mars via meteorite".
20061023             —BANNED, THOUSANDS—OF—FARMERS in THE—INDIA—STATE—OF—RAJASTHAN are, from the legal production of opium.
20061023             2—COURTS have found COPA unconstitutional and THE—SUPREME—COURT has upheld the ban on its enforcement,
20061023             USA—NEWS—REPORTS that fallen lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF "spends up to —4—HOURS —1—DAY
20061023             UK 'broke pledges' on AFGHANISTAN—AID - UK 'tops energy wasters league'
20061023             —UNTIL—NOW, no USA—OFFICIAL in ANY—ADMINISTRATION has ever advocated the testing of nuclear weapons by another country,
20061023             —BEKANNT, VIELE—RECHTSEXTREMISTISCHE—ORGANISATION umschwärmen die Bundeswehr, das ist, doch immer häufiger geht auch von der Bundeswehr selbst eine rechte Ideologie aus.
20061023             EINIGE—VORFÄLLE: Von keinem geringeren als von Gott selbst.
20061023             Wissenschaftler aus Marburg haben herausgefunden, dass der Fettschwanzmaki, ein tropischer Halbaffe,
20061023             For what earthly reason? Permalink
20061023             [I]t is possible, although we don't have 1—CLEAR pathway into THE—MINDS—OF—TERRORISTS, it is possible that they are trying to use violence right —NOW as 1—WAY—OF influencing the elections.
20061023             [1—SENIOR—ARCHAEOLOGIST] believes only 30—PERCENT—OF—WHAT lies hidden beneath the sands has been uncovered".
20061023             and so we can't stay 1—COURSE, I think, that requires years and years more". He added, "We're not winning.
20061023             It's apparent".
20061023             and you can — like, I kinda like to look at the ranch.
20061023             AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA.planetaclix.pt
20061023             believing that would finally clarify the debate within the administration.
20061023             but they're trying to foment sectarian violence.
20061023             They [AL—QAEDA] believe that if they can create enough chaos,
20061023             demonize Fitz + deflect attention from THE—CORE—OF—THE—CASE, the lies coming OUT—OF—CHENEY—OFFICE to get us into this godforsaken war.
20061023             detailing his shady business to agents eager to nail more congressmen in the scandal.
20061023             And —WHEN cooperative witnesses spend that much time inside, they get 1—DESK.
20061023             die auf natürliche Ursachen beruhen, überwiegen angeblich.
20061023             Aber jene, die auf nicht natürliche Weise geschahen,
20061023             even by allies such as THE—UK—AND—FRANCE.
20061023             even those expected from meteorite bombardment.
20061023             —SUGGESTED, This result, that the Martian regolith might hold 1—POTENT oxidant that converts all organic molecules to carbon dioxide rapidly relative to the rate at which they arrive.
20061023             further supporting her notion that Armitage is playing the standard organized crime scapegoat to diminish the damage,
20061023             he recognized him.
20061023             —TESTIFIED, MISTER—XXXXXX, 'Yeah and I'm looking and I said, Jesus, I recognized his picture instantly.
20061023             in PYONGYANG rather than stopping the nuclear program + the invasion of IRAQ which distracted USA—ATTENTION from the real nuclear dangers and propelled both NORTH—KOREA and IRAN to accelerate their programs.
20061023             in Vera et al. v. BUSH et al., redrew district boundaries, invalidated the results of the primary and runoff elections + ordered new elections in 13—CONGRESSIONAL districts.
20061023             ließ sich von Airbus mit der Zusage der Schaffung mehrerer 1000—ARBEITSPLÄTZE blenden und setzte den Bau 1—VON—DEM—KONZERN verlangten...
20061023             mehr als die HÄLFTE—DES—JAHRES verschläft
20061023             of THE—DOD—REPORT debunking the claims that the Able Danger "data mining" effort had targeted THE—911—HIJACKERS -- secifically MOHAMMED—ATTA -- —BEFORE the event.
20061023             or merely preaching to the choir?
20061023             perhaps, or the generals leading the war — Graham said: ' ALL—OF—THEM.
20061023             published —YESTERDAY.
20061023             SOME—SENIOR—OFFICIALS even said they were quietly rooting for 1—TEST, believing that would finally clarify the debate within the administration.
20061023             THE—USA—PEOPLE will grow sick and TIRED—OF—THE—IRAQ—EFFORT and will cause government to withdraw.
20061023             —WARNED, THE—UN and AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT have.
20061023             —BLAMED, The food shortage is being, on intensified fighting - they together contacted Duberstein.
20061023             ELIZABETH does 1—GREAT—JOB—OF exploring why this is important,
20061023             to 1—NEED—1—BIG—CAUSE to drop the big 1 on IRAQ.
20061023             told THE—BBC: " The effort can't be sustained over the long haul,
20061023             traces how POLICIES—OF—CONTAINMENT and engagement slowed and stopped the program, —WHILE THREATS—OF—REGIME—CHANGE increased the dangers.
20061023             waren keine perfekten Morde, obwohl die eisigen Tatwaffen nie gefunden wurden, weil sie sich in Wasser verwandelt hatten.
20061023             —WHILE asking 1—LOWER—COURT to examine whether technological measures such as filtering could be as effective as the law in shielding children;
20061023             who also represents convicted FORMER—CONGRESSMAN DUKE—CUNNINGHAM.
20061023             who cleaned up THE—WHITE—HOUSE—AFTER IRAN—CONRA as REAGAN—COS, and has gone on TO—AMONG MANY—OTHER—POLITICAL—THINGS—SERVE on the Boards of several huge MEGA—CORPORATIONS.
20061023             with the networks dutifully —FOLLOWING suit.
20061023             " MAJORITIES—OF—IRAQ—YOUTH in Arab REGIONS—OF—THE—COUNTRY believe security would improve and violence decrease if THE—USA—LED forces left —IMMEDIATELY,
20061023             "I don't have ANY—INTELLIGENCE that says that" insurgents in IRAQ are trying to influence the election.
20061023             Watch it: Full transcript below:
20061023             "Nearly 2—MILLION—PEOPLE in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN will need food aid this —WINTER BECAUSE—OF—DROUGHT,
20061023             "REPUBLICAN—RODNEY—ALEXANDER (R—LA), already enmeshed in THE—EX—REPUBLICAN—MARK—FOLEY (R—FLORIDA) page scandal, —NOW faces 1—NEW controversy
20061023             "We're on the verge of chaos,
20061023             "What worried me, despite 1 relaxed atmosphere to our talks + to 1—CERTAIN—DEGREE what made me skeptical was how much it came through that this PRESIDENT saw himself as 'GOD—FEARING' and saw that as the highest authority,
20061023             THE—WASHINGTON—POST reports that ES cells have been
20061023             used to reduce THE—SYMPTOMS—OF—PARKINSON—DISEASE in rats.
20061023             TEXAS, 1—DISTRICT—JUDGE—SENTENCED—JEFFREY—SKILLING, —52—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—ENRON—CORP., to over —24—YEARS in prison for his role in the financial fraud that destroyed Enron.
20061023             —ORDERED, He was also, Skilling to pay $45—MILLION in restitution to Enron investors.
20061023             Ford Motor Co. —POSTED a 3. quarter loss of $5.8—BILLION.
20061023             † 1—AFGHANISTAN—GIRL was killed and 2 wounded —WHEN 1—MORTAR—TEST—FIRED by NATO—TROOPS fell short of its target and hit 1—HOME in EAST—KUNAR province.
20061023             1—AUSTRALIA—SCIENTIST said Global warming will force changes to AUSTRALIA—A$4.8—BILLION ($3.6—BILLION) wine export industry, threatening the very EXISTENCE—OF—SOME—VARIETIES as temperatures rise.
20061023             —PACKED, CENTRAL—BANGLADESH, 1—FERRY, with DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE going home for 1—ISLAMIC—FESTIVAL capsized in 1—RIVER—AFTER hitting 1—CARGO—BOAT, killing at least 15—PEOPLE.
20061023             —ARMED, SOUTH—EAST—CHAD, men attacked Am Timan, —24—HOURS—AFTER briefly seizing THE—TOWN—OF—GOZ—BEIDA near THE—SUDAN border.
20061023             The insurgents, calling themselves THE—UNION—OF—FORCES for Democracy and Development (UFDD), the latest in 1—STRING—OF—TITLES grouping various rebel factions, have said they want polls to end the "catastrophic" RULE—OF—PRESIDENT—IDRISS—DEBY.
20061023             —INJURED, HUNGARY, riots left 167, including 17—POLICE—OFFICERS, —WHILE 131 were detained.
20061023             THE—NEXT—DAY—VIKTOR—ORBAN, HUNGARY—CONSERVATIVE—OPPOSITION—LEADER, came under withering attack for his role in fueling THE—FAR—RIGHT—PROTESTS in BUDAPEST.
20061023             —ORDERED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI, security forces to crack down on unlawful acts by armed factions.
20061023             1—BOMBING in BAGHDAD killed 3—IRAQIS.
20061023             52—BODIES were found across BAGHDAD.
20061023             AHMED—QUSAI—AL—TAAYIE, a —41—YEAR—OLD—RESERVE—SOLDIER from ANN—ARBOR, MICHIGAN, went missing and was believed kidnapped in BAGHDAD.
20061023             ISRAEL—TROOPS shot and killed 7—PALESTINIANS, including 1—MILITANT who led 1—ROCKET—LAUNCHING operation.
20061023             —ORDERED, The military regime in MYANMAR, THE—INTERNATIONAL—RED—CROSS to close 5—KEY—FIELD—OFFICES in the country.
20061023             —TRIGGERED, PANAMA, mechanical problems, 1—FIRE that raced through 1—BUS in PANAMA—CITY, killing at least 18—PEOPLE, injuring 25.
20061023             PORTUGAL—BANK—BPI said it will open 30—NEW—BRANCHES in FAST—GROWING ANGOLA —NEXT—YEAR, bringing its total NUMBER—OF—OUTLETS in THE—OIL—RICH—SOUTH—WEST—AFRICA—NATION to 100—BY the end of 20070000             .
20061023             URUGUAY, THOUSANDS—OF—TAXI and truck drivers went on strike to demand lower fuel prices in 1—CHALLENGE to THE—CENTER—LEFT government.
20061023             —ENDED, The strike, —LATER in the —DAY.
20061023             1—WTO draft report said VIETNAM has succeeded in introducing the reforms necessary for it to join the World Trade Organization and become the world body's 150. member.
20061023             UK Customs accuse FCIB of being the favoured bank of carousel fraudsters.
20061023             Carousel fraud costs UK £3bn (20061207             ).
20061023             Customs jumps on carousel fraudsters' favourite bank | Channel...
20061023             But FCIB had problems finding 1—BANK to handle final payments to its UK CUSTOMERS—THIS forced it to...
20061023             ISRAEL—ADMITS it Used Phosphorus : LA IMC.
20061023             It produces 1—POISONOUS by product, phosphorus pent oxide.
20061023             suggests that URANIUM—BASED munitions may —NOW also be included in ISRAEL's...
20061023             Carousel fraud costs UK £3bn (20061207             ). - We're —JUST going to stay the course.
20061023             [20031215             ]
20061023—19960800    —IN, TEXAS 20060312             20060409             20061105             , THE—USA—DISTRICT—COURT—FOR—THE—SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—TEXAS, in Vera et al. v. Bush et al., redrew district boundaries, invalidated the results of the primary and runoff elections + ordered new elections in 13—CONGRESSIONAL districts.
20061023—19960800    —IN, TEXAS 20060312             ;;04;;
20061023—19960800    9. ;;11;; 5., THE—USA—DISTRICT—COURT—FOR—THE—SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—TEXAS,
20061023—19961105    —NOTED, In the districts, candidates participated in 1—SPECIAL—GENERAL—ELECTION.
20061023—19961210    —RECEIVED, Where no candidate, 1—MAJORITY—OF—THE—VOTES cast, 1—RUNOFF—ELECTION was held, between the top 2—VOTE—GETTERS, REGARDLESS—OF—PARTY.
20061023—20010400    —SEIT, Börse: Dax schließt auf höchstem Stand
20061023—20010911    —AFTER, He recalled that shortly, —WHEN he 1. saw photographs identifying MOHAMMED—ATTA as 1—OF—THE—TERRORISTS,
20061023—20010911    —AFTER, 1—OF—THE—WITNESSES (names redacted by the report writers) to the infamous chart thus recalls the image of MOHAMMED—ATTA: He recalled that shortly, —WHEN he 1. saw photographs identifying MOHAMMED—ATTA as 1—OF—THE—TERRORISTS, he recognized him.
20061023—20010911    —ON, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said she cannot recall THEN—CIA—CHIEF—GEORGE—TENET warning her of 1—IMPENDING—AL—QAIDA attack in THE—USA, as 1—NEW—BOOK—CLAIMS he did —2—MONTHS—BEFORE the attacks.
20061023—20010925    —STATED, Weldon has, that he gave away his only COPY—OF—THE—CHART, but he displayed what sounds like the same chart to Congress THE—NEXT—MAY,
20061023—20010925    —STATED, Weldon has, that
20061023—20011000    —UNTIL, I did not find out about this of, —AFTER the attack on the trade center.
20061023—20011000    —UNTIL, Note that here Weldon states he did not even find out about the chart, —1—MONTH—AFTER he supposedly handed over his copy.
20061023—20060731    —ACQUIRED, Adelphia was officially, by Time Warner Cable and Comcast, 20060000             .
20061023—20120222    —ON, the remains of AHMED—AL—TAIE were turned over to IRAQ—AUTHORITIES.
20061024—20061023    —ON, Officially Launched.
20061029             BEIJING, 20061023             : CHINA—ARCHAEOLOGISTS have discovered THE—REMAINS—OF—HOUSES dating back 6,—000—YEARS in NORTH—WEST—SHAANXI province.
20061108             [20061023             ] - leaving a 1—SEAT majority.
20061108             [20061023             ]
20070207             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten der BANC—OF—AMERICA BEWERTEN die Aktie von Cognizant Technology (ISIN US1924461023/WKN 915272) nach wie vor mit dem Rating "buy" ein.
20070207             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten von Prudential Financial bestätigen ihr "overweight"-Rating für die Aktie von Cognizant Technology (ISIN US1924461023/WKN 915272).
20070403             alfatomega.com/20051023.html
20070705             ++ 20010911             : Conspiracy THEORISTS—OF—THE—WORLD—UNITE... ++ Carousel fraud laundering: JOHN—DEUSS to face prosecution 20061023             20070705             Verfassungsgericht: ARGENTINIEN muss Anleihen AUSZAHLEN—AUCH bei Staatsnotstand
20070705             ++ 20010911             : Conspiracy THEORISTS—OF—THE—WORLD—UNITE... ++ Carousel fraud laundering: JOHN—DEUSS to face prosecution 20061023             20070728             AAI, Giat Team For New MOBILE 105mm Gun (20071023             ) "AAI Corporation is excited about this initiative with Giat Industries, 1—OUTSTANDING defense systems company," said FREDERICK—M
20070728             AAI, Giat Team For New MOBILE 105mm Gun (20071023             ) "AAI Corporation is excited about this initiative with Giat Industries, 1—OUTSTANDING defense systems company," said FREDERICK—M
20070926—20071023    —GRANTED, Asuni was, bail.
20071017—20071023    —FREED, Osman was.
20071021—20071023    —ON, the main TRANS—ATLANTIC—SECURITY and rights group and THE—USA—EMBASSY said the referendum on constitutional change was marred by numerous violations.
20071023             1—NEARLY complete, 09010101—10001231     Kufic Quran, thought to be from NORTH—AFRICA or the near East, sold $1,870,000.
20071023             der —SCHON zu Lebzeiten im 12010101—13001231     als Sinnbild multikultureller und religiöser Toleranz,
20071023             —EXPECTED, The figure, which Bush was, to announce —LATER—MONDAY at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, brings to $196.4—BILLION the total requested by the administration for operations in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and elsewhere for the budget —YEAR that started 20071001             20071026             Bush may boost spending request for IRAQ war: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION may increase THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY it is seeking for THE—IRAQ war for 20080000             —THE fiscal —YEAR that begins 20071001             , THE—WHITE—HOUSE said —ON—FRIDAY.
20071023             —STARTED, AFGHANISTAN and elsewhere for the budget —YEAR that, 20071001             20071023             AFGHANISTAN und dem IRAK wünschen.
20071023             —EXPECTED, The figure, which Bush was, to announce —LATER—MONDAY at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, brings to $196.4—BILLION the total requested by the administration for operations in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and elsewhere for the budget —YEAR that started 20071001             20071023             Government money short to help poor pay heating bills : About 30—MILLION—LOW—INCOME—USA—HOUSEHOLDS who will need help paying heating bills this —WINTER from A—USA—GOVERNMENT—PROGRAM will be left in the cold because of 1—LACK—OF funding for the program.
20071023             Und auch DEUTSCHLAND gegenüber, versteht sich.
20071023             "If there"s no problem having foreign soldiers on 1—COUNTRY"s soil,
20071023             ROBERT—STICKGOLD, da Universidade Harvard, realizou muitos e tirou conclusões interessantes.
20071023             Em um estudo recente, voluntários olhavam para...
20071023             1—IMPORTÂNCIA do sono na aprendizagem - REN altera traçado
20071023             "And then it struck me how much this entire process had disintegrated into 1—POLITICAL charade. It's demoralising for ALL—OF—USA".
20071023             "Der Regelsatz geht am Mindestbedarf der Menschen vorbei", sagt ULRICH—SCHNEIDER, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Paritätischen Wohlfahrtsverbandes.
20071023             "Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nicht die Virenmenge allein, sondern das Zusammenspiel von Viren und Wirtsfaktoren entscheidet",
20071023             "Die Sätze sind in Ordnung, so wie sie sind", sagt dagegen HOLGER—SCHÄFER, Arbeitsmarktexperte am Institut der DEUTSCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT in Köln (IW).
20071023             "Göttingen hörte 19330000             auf, 1—MITTELPUNKT—DER—WISSENSCHAFT zu sein.
20071023             Am 30. ;;06;; werden die Besucher in Göttingen eine einzigartige REIHE—VON—VERLUSTEN—DER—GELEHRSAMKEIT,
20071023             "Heutzutage überleben die Arbeiter, wie dumm sie auch immer sein mögen, und stellen einen zunehmenden Anteil der zukünftigen Nation.
20071023             "Ich sehe keine Veranlassung, diese anzuheben".
20071023             Preissteigerungen gebe es immer, die Inflation sei nicht besonders hoch,
20071023             "Nature"-Chefredakteur verteidigte die kritischen Artikel
20071023             "THE—CIA went mad. These were criminal offences," Barlow says.
20071023             —CONSIDERED, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—LAWYERS, their position.
20071023             "They did not know that PAKISTAN already had 1—BOMB and was shopping for more with USA—HELP. ALL—OF—IT had been hushed up".
20071023             "They met in secret, deciding who to employ, displacing career civil servants with MORE—THAN—30—YEARS on the job in favour of young,
20071023             "We're Not There for the Figs"
20071023             "Wir würden die Traditionen der Wissenschaft missachten, wenn wir es versäumten, jedweden Einfluss zu verdammen,
20071023             'USA should prepare contingency plan for PAKISTAN ':
20071023             1—COMBINATION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ACT—OF—19470000 and THE—CIA—ACT—OF—19490000              20071023             1—HAT tip to KEVIN—DRUM, —TODAY and —YESTERDAY, for drawing attention in 3—POSTS, to 2—SIMILAR—STORIES on the repercussions of 20010911             + THE—BUSH ies zeal to rein in,
20071023             ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: Weniger Gewalt im IRAK, BUSH will mehr Geld
20071023             Aber nein, auch die Briten sehen das ähnlich: BIOMETRIE—EINGANGSKONTROLLEN für das BRITISCHE—UNTERHAUS abgelehnt,
20071023             —ABOUT 30—MILLION—LOW—INCOME—USA—HOUSEHOLDS who will need help paying heating bills this —WINTER from A—USA—GOVERNMENT—PROGRAM will be left in the cold because of 1—LACK—OF funding for the program.
20071023             —KILLED, Afghan and INTERNATIONAL forces, sev
20071023             AFGHANISTAN—CLASHES kill 14—CIVILIANS, several militants:
20071023             AFGHANISTAN: Kanonenfutter für 1—HAND voll Dollar
20071023             —AFTER another round of inconclusive talks with its LEFT—WING allies, officials from the dominant Congress party said the pact would be shelved —FOR—4—WEEKS.
20071023             AL—QAIDA strebt, auch im IRAK, 1—VIELZAHL—VON—ZIELEN an.
20071023             ALFRED—MCCOY zufolge, wurde das Schema der...
20071023             And the administration line was to do away with ANY—EVIDENCE that pointed to PAKISTAN as 1—THREAT to global stability, refocusing all attention on IRAQ.
20071023             Another New Low for the Dollar:
20071023             Army to keep forcibly RE—ENLISTING soldiers:' - Diskussion : KOSOVO—UNRUHEN: ZDF vs BND
20071023             Atmosphäre: CO2- Gehalt steigt schneller als erwartet
20071023             —PLACED, Attytood: "This is why RICK—SANTORUM was, on GOD—FORMERLY green earth, because were it not for my FORMER—SENATOR (R—LEESBURG,
20071023             Auch die SCHWEIZ soll demnächst von einem Eidgenössischen Bundestrojaner durchwurmt werden.
20071023             —TURNED, BSO, to its child porn task force for help.
20071023             —ASKED, BUSH, Congress —ON—MONDAY for $189.3—BILLION to fund the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN,
20071023             BUSH asks skeptical Congress for more war money:
20071023             BUSH eviks Lose Track of $1.2—BILLION in IRAQ 10/24
20071023             —VERSPRICHT, BUSH, TÜRKEI Unterstützung im Kampf gegen PKK - Barlow and USA—CUSTOMS set up 1—STING.
20071023             "Pervez arrived to 1—DO—1—DEAL at 1—HOTEL we had rigged out and was arrested," Barlow says.
20071023             "But UL—HAQ, our main target, never showed". Barlow froze.
20071023             "These congressmen had no idea what was really going on in PAKISTAN and what had been coming across my desk about its WMD programme," he says.
20071023             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN issues IRAQ message:
20071023             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN tells insurgents to unite
20071023             —BIS zu 5—MILLIARDEN Euro soll das EUROPÄISCH—AMERIKANISCHE "Tandem" kosten und nicht 20200000             —VOR realisiert werden.
20071023             Blackwater and me: 1—LOVE—STORY it ain't: Boomender Kunstmarkt: Der DOLLAR—KOLLER
20071023             Business investigations, litigation support, backgrounds, PRE—EMPLOYMENT, due diligence,
20071023             —SUBPOENAED, But —WHEN deputies, Google for THE—IP address of the Deerfield Beach Insider commenter,
20071023             Bürgerrechtsorganisationen sind von den Vorschlägen des Reports alles andere als beeindruckt.
20071023             CACI had 1—CONTRACT with DOJ to help stop USA—CITIZENS from getting access to
20071023             CHENEY, Howard 'did deal on Hicks': "
20071023             CALIFORNIA Fires Force 500,000 From Homes - CALIFORNIA declares emergency
20071023             CANADA—DIPLOMATS in KABUL and visiting HIGH—VALUE—TARGETS—LIKE—PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER are protected by 1—GROUP—OF—HEAVILY armed gunmen hired by Saladin Security,
20071023             CANADA, SPAIN, AUSTRALIA, UK are all in bubbles right —NOW.
20071023             Not all cities, of course, but MANY—OF—THEM.
20071023             CAPTAIN—OBVIOUS: Blackwater soll auch noch Steuern hinterzogen haben.
20071023             Chairman Waxman Questions STATE—DEPARTMENT—ON—DYNCORP—CONTRACT -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
20071023             Chinas KP erhält neue Führungsmannschaft
20071023             Chinatown dishwashers contributing up to $2,000 to Clinton campaign:
20071023             CHÁVEZ—PLAN for Development BANK—MOVES—AHEAD:
20071023             Congress will be considering several VERSIONS—OF—BILLS that will, 1—WAY or another, expand government access to phone calls and E—MAILS.
20071023             Contrary advice was not welcome.
20071023             And BUSH—TEAM set about dismantling the government agency that was giving the most TROUBLE—THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—NONPROLIFERATION—BUREAU.
20071023             —PROMISED, Correa, 1—POPULAR—LEFTIST—ECONOMIST, had, to cut off his arm —BEFORE extending the lease that ends 00.000.20 09 and has CALLEDUSA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH a "dimwit".
20071023             (Danke, Kai)
20071023             —INZWISCHEN, Daher ist das —SCHON OK, wenn es im Pazifik, große "Dead Zones" gibt.
20071023             Scheiß auf die Fische, wir sind die der Herr im Haus.
20071023             DANNY—SCHECHTER: In the Age of the Superbugs, What Is the Remedy? -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20071023             Daraufhin gesteht er.
20071023             Wenig später kommt 1—PILOT zum Hotel und will sein Funkgerät zurück haben,
20071023             —VERHAFTET, Daraufhin wird er, und der FBI—MANN erklärt ihm, wenn er nicht gesteht, würden sie dafür sorgen, dass seine Familie in ÄGYPTEN gefoltert wird.
20071023             Das Geld war —SCHON für die 77%ige Gehaltserhöhung der BAHN—BOSSE ausgegeben.
20071023             Das Gen CCR5 bewirkt ein leichteres Eindringen der HI—VIREN in Zellen, CCL3L1 beeinflusst die Immunantwort.
20071023             —ZENSIERT, Das Gericht hat die Akten dann, weil das 1—SACHE der nationalen Sicherheit ist und überhaupt.
20071023             Aber einmal im INTERNET -- immer im INTERNET.
20071023             Das ist echt mal wieder so typisch AMERIKA.
20071023             Solange sie glauben, die Symptome wegdoktorn zu können,
20071023             Das lohnt sich ja deutlich mehr als das ISP—BUSINESS.
20071023             Das pompöse Bauwerk der "Ehrenstätte El Alamein" ist dem Castel del Monte, dem Jagdschloß des Stauferkaisers FRIEDRICH—II.
20071023             Deprimierendes Fazit der Wissenschaftler: Das Klima werde sich aufgrund dieser Veränderungen stärker und früher als angenommen wandeln.
20071023             Der AUTOR—KRITISIERTE damit eine —BEREITS 19330000             gestartete Säuberungswelle an der UNIVERSITÄT,
20071023             Der Kölner Spezialversicherer wurde —NACH—DEN Terrorangriffen vom 20010911             von der DEUTSCHEN—VERSICHERUNGSWIRTSCHAFT gegründet.
20071023             Der Studie zufolge stiegen die weltweiten KOHLENDIOXID—EMISSIONEN zwischen 20000000             und 20060000             jährlich um 3,3 %.
20071023             Der Wehrmachtsverband unter einem Hitler treuen Generalfeldmarschall, der die Aufgabe hatte,
20071023             DESTRUCTION—OF—EVIDENCE — OHIO's 20040000             Ballots:
20071023             —ERSCHIEN, Die "Zeitschrift", erstmals 19350000             und wurde 19360000             —VON—NAZI—ORGANISATIONEN übernommen,
20071023             Die Auswertung der Daten ergab jedoch auch, dass die Virenkonzentration Auswirkungen auf den Krankheitsverlauf HAT—ALLERDINGS nur zu einem gewissen Teil.
20071023             Die Belohnung für diesen finanziellen Aufwand könnte jedoch der erstmalige Nachweis organischer Moleküle oder primitiver Lebensspuren auf einem anderen Himmelskörper als der Erde sein.
20071023             Die Versicherer und die Industrie argumentieren dagegen, die private Kapazität sei höchst volatil und würde nach einem Großschaden sofort vom Markt verschwinden.
20071023             Die privaten Versicherer hatten das Terrorrisiko aus allen Verträgen für Industrie und Immobilienwirtschaft ausgeschlossen,
20071023             Die von der Schwyzer Firma Era IT Solutions entwickelte Softwarewanze hört Telefonate ab,
20071023             Dishwashers, waiters and others whose jobs and dilapidated home addresses seem to make them unpromising targets for political fundraisers are pouring $1,000 and $2,000 contributions into CLINTON—CAMPAIGN—TREASURY.
20071023             Doch auch "Nature" war nicht gänzlich gefeit vor dem Zeitgeist.
20071023             Wie auf "HISTORY—OF—THE—JOURNAL—NATURE" nachzulesen ist,
20071023             Doch der CO2-Anteil ist in den vergangenen —JAHREN sogar schneller gestiegen als erwartet.
20071023             —LOADED, DOZENS—OF—TURKEY—MILITARY—VEHICLES, with soldiers and heavy weapons rumbled toward THE—IRAQ border —ON—MONDAY—AFTER 1—AMBUSH by guerrilla Kurds that left 8—SOLDIERS missing and killed 12.
20071023             —DURING 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE—ON—TUESDAY, USA—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—ROBERT—GATES said THE—WHITE—HOUSE may delay its missile shield —UNTIL it has 'definite proof' of 1—MISSILE—THREAT from TEHRAN.
20071023             —DURING my own yearlong tour in IRAQ, the bad boys of Blackwater twice came closer to killing me than did ANY—OF—THE—INSURGENTS or AL—QAEDA types.
20071023             DynCorp... - ECUADOR Wants Military Base in MIAMI
20071023             ECUADOR ist —SCHON sehr gut, aber ich würde mir ja eigentlich solche Initiativen von PAKISTAN ,
20071023             Continue
20071023             —SCHEDULED, Ehud Olmert, to take place —TODAY in THE—UK—CAPITAL.
20071023             Ein seltener Glücksfall: Über Gerichtsakten ist —JETZT dokumentiert, wie das FBI "Terroristen" zu falschen Geständnissen zwingt.
20071023             Einer Studie zufolge hat das desaströse Folgen für die ITALIENISCHE—WIRTSCHAFT.
20071023             Es gibt eben auch in der schlimmsten Junta zwischen den ganzen Mitläufern noch gute Menschen.
20071023             Es gibt zudem Programme, die das Geschehen auf dem Bildschirm als Film aufzeichnen.
20071023             So kann man unter anderem verschlüsselte E—MAILS im Klartext mitlesen.
20071023             Even the public schools in the areas are FULL—OF—IRAQ—CHILDREN.
20071023             1—COUSIN—OF—MINE is —NOW attending 1—SCHOOL in Qudsiya and his class is composed of 26—IRAQ—CHILDREN + 5—SYRIA—CHILDREN.
20071023             Continue - Farmers will see supply cut by a 3.; homeowners to see price hikes in '09
20071023             FEAR—OF—GLOBAL—SLOWDOWN as oil price soars: Financial Coup d'Etat — 1998
20071023             —FRIDAY—AFTER BSO, which had stalled me, finally released the documents.
20071023             —FRIDAY—BLOODBATH on WALL—STREET proved that the troubles in the credit markets have not been relieved by THE—FED—RATE cuts.
20071023             GENERAL claims BUSH gave 'marching orders' on aggressive interrogation at GUANTANAMO:
20071023             Geschichtsverlogener können Totengedenken und Traditionspflege kaum sein.
20071023             Giuliani Employs and Defends Priest Accused of Pedophilia 10/24
20071023             Global Warming? Hurricanes? Ach was, kein Problem, wir werfen einfach Ruß über einem Hurricane ab,
20071023             God is not on our side, or the side of ANY—SINGLE nation or people.
20071023             To believe such is the ultimate expression of national hubris.
20071023             Government money short to help poor pay heating bills:
20071023             Greenspan and his jackals on wall St. knew exactly what they were doing —WHEN they created this cheap credit bubble.
20071023             Greenspan: "Credit spreads across all global asset classes had become compressed to clearly unsustainable levels," Greenspan told 1—AUDIENCE at the World BANK—INTERNATIONAL—FINANCE—CORPORATION
20071023             GUARDIAN AMERICA - HIV—INFEKTION: Menschliche Gene beeinflussen AIDS—VERLAUF
20071023             HANS—RÜGEMER, AUTOR—DES—IN—DER "Zeitschrift für die gesamten Naturwissenschaften"
20071023             Hillary woos 'scourge of Democrats'
20071023             Hired gunmen protect VIPs in AFGHANISTAN: Hunderttausende auf der Flucht
20071023             I kept thinking: this is THE—SORT—OF—THING that used to go on behind the Iron Curtain, not in AMERICA.
20071023             IMF WARNS—OF—DECLINE in global economy:
20071023             IRAN—POLITIK, USA—HARDLINER sammeln sich zum Sturm auf Teheran
20071023             Ich bin mir sicher, für das Volk ist das aber immer noch ein echter Zugewinn an Sicherheit.
20071023             Ich dachte ja, —BISHER sind nur die Deutschen blöd genug, sich so einen Unfug von ihrer Junta andrehen zu lassen.
20071023             If you really want to reduce spending, you must dismantle the overseas empire.
20071023             Continue - Im Finanzministerium heißt es, private Anbieter könnten das Problem lösen.
20071023             Immerhin faseln die Schweizer nicht nur, sondern haben das auch gleich mal entwickeln lassen:
20071023             In den achtziger und neunziger —JAHREN erhöhte er sich noch um 1,5 —BIS 1,6 ppm pro —JAHR.
20071023             Im Zeitraum von - In den neunziger —JAHREN waren es hingegen nur 1,3 %.
20071023             Den Anteil des globalen Wirtschaftswachstums an der CO2-Zunahme in der Atmosphäre beziffern die Autoren mit 65 %.
20071023             —ENTITLED, In the audio recording, 1—MESSAGE to the People of IRAQ, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN called on tribal leaders and the leaders of armed groups to initiate 1—AGREEMENT between the different groups.
20071023             INDIA puts USA nuclear pact on hold:
20071023             Continue - Intelligence KNEW—OF—TERRORIST—TRANSPORTS:
20071023             IRAN—NEW hardline nuclear envoy causes jitters in West:
20071023             IRAQ pledges to close rebel Kurd offices: IRAQ pledges to tackle PKK
20071023             IRAQ—GOVERNMENT, under growing pressure to crack down on Kurdish rebels using the country's north as 1—BASE for guerrilla attacks in TURKEY,
20071023             IRAQ—PRESIDENT said the rebels would announce 1—CEASE—FIRE—LATER in the —DAY.
20071023             IRAQ—NATIONALISM is the only political force capable of uniting Sunni and Shiite Arabs and ending the sectarian civil war,
20071023             Ist in einem abgesoffenen U—BOOT auf dem Boden des Bodensees?)
20071023             It can only come from healthful interaction with the organic world, in the big outside.
20071023             I believe it. Walking down THE—STREETS—OF—DAMASCUS,
20071023             —VINDICATED, It seemed Barlow had been.
20071023             —PUBLISHED, However, —WHEN the report was, it had been completely rewritten by someone at the Pentagon.
20071023             —APPALLED, Funk was.
20071023             It was 1—BAD—TIME to be THE—USA—FOREMOST expert on PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME—WHEN the administration was desperate to prove it didn't exist
20071023             It's that simple.
20071023             Bond bubble to tech stock bubble to housing bubble.
20071023             Next bubble is credit cards.
20071023             JAY—ROCKEFELLER is Pushing Telco Immunity and Is Newly Flush With Telco Cash 10/23
20071023             —JETZT ist klar, wieso die Bahn den Lokführern ihre Gehaltserhöhung nicht zahlen konnte:
20071023             Von MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY.
20071023             KURDEN—KONFLIKT, IRAK sagt TÜRKEI Hilfe im Kampf gegen PKK zu
20071023             KURDEN—KONFLIKT—USA schlagen 3—LÄNDER—GESPRÄCHE mit TÜRKEI und IRAK vor
20071023             Kein Konzern macht so viel Umsatz in ITALIEN wie die Mafia : Mit Schutzgelderpressungen,
20071023             —BASED, Kurdish fighters, in NORTH—IRAQ have offered 1—CEASEFIRE if TURKEY abandons plans to launch CROSS—BORDER—RAIDS against them.
20071023             Kursfeuerwerk in São Paulo
20071023             —GELAUFEN, Kurz zusammengefasst ist die Geschichte so.
20071023             20010911             passiert, in einem Hotel in der Gegend übernachtet ein Ägypter.
20071023             Kurze Mitteilung der TÜRKEI an die USA, die NATO und die Welt: Wir greifen die Kurden im Nordirak an,
20071023             —LATER, BARLOW—LAWYERS would find his brief to CHENEY had been rewritten, too, clearing PAKISTAN and concluding that continued USA—AID would ensure that the country would desist from its WMD programme.
20071023             Libby would subsequently be jailed for leaking PLAME—IDENTITY (although released on 1—PRESIDENTIAL—PARDON).
20071023             —RELEASED, MORE—THAN—100,000 pages of newly, government documents demonstrate how USA—MILITARY—INTERROGATORS "abused,
20071023             —ENLISTED, MORE—THAN—30,000—FOREIGN—TROOPS are, in THE—USA—ARMY, MANY—OF—THEM serving in IRAQ.
20071023             Mark my words.
20071023             Then you'll all be living in FEMA camps and the new bankruptcy laws will keep you there.
20071023             MARTIN—SECKENDORF ist Historiker und Mitglied der Berliner Gesellschaft für FASCHISMUS—UND Weltkriegsforschung e.V.
20071023             Mathematiker und Physiker, der nach seiner Vertreibung nach ENGLAND emigrierte und 19540000             den Nobelpreis für Physik ERHIELT—FÜR Forschungsergebnisse, die 19260000             in Göttingen entstanden waren.
20071023             Mit klaren Worten verteidigt Gregory die kritischen "Nature"-Artikel, die Auslöser für das Verbot waren:
20071023             Most politicians, —WHEN they talk about reducing spending, chatter on about cutting waste and fraud.
20071023             —ASSOCIATED, MISTER—JALILI is more closely, with the radical IRAN—PRESIDENT, MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD than MISTER—LARIJANI,
20071023             Na wo er das wohl her hat? Ach ja, von hier.
20071023             Na, ist das nicht toll? Man kann das nachträglich um Funktionen erweitern!
20071023             Na wenn ihnen das mal nicht um die Ohren fliegt,
20071023             Nach heftigem Druck der Assekuranz und der DEUTSCHEN—INDUSTRIE stimmte die Bundesregierung schließlich zu, für Großschäden zu haften.
20071023             —GEREDET, Nahostgipfel: "Niemand weiß, worüber, werden soll"
20071023             —ENTBRANNT, Neuer Wettkampf um den Südpol
20071023             Nordirak: Kurdenführer warnt PKK davor, einen Krieg anzuzetteln
20071023             —RETIRED, Norm Wulf, who —RECENTLY, as deputy assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—NON—PROLIFERATION, told us:
20071023             —NOW it was official: PAKISTAN was NUCLEAR—FREE + did not have the capability of dropping 1—BOMB from 1—AMERICA SUPPLIED F—16—JET and the reputation of the only man who claimed otherwise was destroyed.
20071023             —ON THE—EVE—OF—DESTRUCTION
20071023             Opec under fire as USA crude nears $100 1—BARREL
20071023             —CONTINUED, Our intelligence community assess that, with, foreign assistance, IRAN could develop 1—INTERCONTINENTAL ballistic missile capable of reaching THE—USA and ALL—OF—EUROPE —BEFORE 20150000             ," he said.
20071023             Overall this blatant DESTRUCTION—OF—EVIDENCE—ONLY reinforces the widespread belief that 20040000             —THE election was stolen.
20071023             PKK fighters 'offer TURKEY truce': PKK set to announce ceasefire
20071023             PKK—ABLEGER in IRAN: Kurdenrebellen kämpfen an 2—FRONTEN
20071023             PRIME—MINISTER—ERDOGAN to press Olmert to give up supporting IRAQ—KURDS:
20071023             Paulson's $100—BILLION "Bankers Bankruptcy Fund" and the G—7—FIASCO - PEAK—OIL 20060000             ?
20071023             Plame and WILSON—CAREERS and marriage would survive.
20071023             Barlow and his wife, Cindy's, would NOT—AND no 1 would be held to account.
20071023             —UNTIL—NOW.
20071023             —OBLIGATED, Presumably, the rescission left THE—CIA, to report all narcotics
20071023             PRIME—MINISTER—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN will bring THE—ISSUE—OF—ISRAEL—EXPERTS'—TRAINING—OF—MILITARY—FORCES in the autonomous Kurdish REGION—OF—NORTH—IRAQ to the agenda in his talks with his ISRAEL—COUNTERPART,
20071023             RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN tells THE—TIMES that he needs nobody's permission to defend his country
20071023             Refugees and Puppets
20071023             Regierungspapier: Briten wollen Merkels Klimaschutzziele torpedieren
20071023             Return of Benazir Bhutto: RICHTER—PRÜFEN—TERRORVORWURF
20071023             ROBERT—DREYFUSS: IRAQ—NATIONALISTS Gaining Power Despite USA—EFFORTS:
20071023             —HEADED, Rumsfeld + Wolfowitz, the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to THE—USA, which
20071023             RUSSIA Warns Over USA—MISSILE—DEFENSE, Says IRAN is Not 1—THREAT:
20071023             —CONCERNED, RUSSIA is, that USA—LED missile defense initiatives in EUROPE and ASIA are based on 1—ERRONEOUS—ASSESSMENT—OF—THE—THREAT posed by IRAN, Foreign Minster SERGEY—LAVROV said —TUESDAY.
20071023             Schneider fordert deshalb 1—ANHEBUNG—DER—SÄTZE um rund 20 % auf 415—EURO.
20071023             Nur so sei den HARTZ—IV—EMPFÄNGERN 1—TEILHABE am gesellschaftlichen Leben möglich.
20071023             Schöne Geschichte über einen GUANTANAMO—ANGESTELLTEN, der die Namen der Inhaftierten rausgeleakt hat,
20071023             Scoop: Mapping THE—REAL—DEAL: CACI Who?
20071023             SCOTT—HORTON (audio) Interviews WARREN—RICHEY on Padilla's $1.00—LAWSUIT against the Government,
20071023             —WARNED, Security advisers have, that 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER would have no compunction about removing 1—POLITICIAN—FINGER to fool scanners.
20071023             Seither hat sich aber ein privater Versicherungsmarkt für Terrorismusrisiken gebildet.
20071023             SELF—RIGHTEOUS Warmongers Phony Patriots - Shift wealth from poor to rich.
20071023             Siedler PORTAL—EINZELNEN Beitrag ANZEIGEN—EINFACH mal durchlesen
20071023             Sigrid: CIA Terrorist Buster Logo -- A BuzzFlash Reader Contribution
20071023             —SINCE—FRIDAY, ASIA—MARKETS have plunged;
20071023             stocks are down sharply in JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, HONG—KONG,
20071023             —HONORED, Singlaub was, along with other prominent contras like Adolfo Calero + his brother,
20071023             67—USA—NUCLEAR—BOMBS were detonated in THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS 19460000—19580000    —BETWEEN.
20071023             So richtig schlau erscheint mir das Manöver ja nicht.
20071023             So true.
20071023             This housing bubble (and the toxic subprime mortgages it spawned) is not —JUST 1—USA—THING.
20071023             So what makes this tale 1—MATTER—OF—NATIONAL—INTEREST?
20071023             —WANTED, This: —WHEN the Broward SHERRIF—OFFICE, info from Google, they used 1—DISTURBING strategy.
20071023             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA to ration water —NEXT—YEAR:
20071023             Staatliche Industriespione im Dauerangriff
20071023             Stars auf der Flucht: Brände in Malibu außer Kontrolle
20071023             Stellt sich raus, dass Hausaufgaben nicht nur nicht helfen, sondern sogar Schaden anrichten.
20071023             STEPHANIE—MILLER—KICKS—BUTT on "Hardball" in Regards to PETE—STARK—MOMENT—OF—TRUTH 10/23
20071023             —BRACED, Stock markets —AROUND the world were, for fresh falls —TODAY despite attempts by the G7 leading industrial nations and THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND to boost confidence —AFTER—FRIDAY—PLUNGE in share prices on WALL—STREET.
20071023             —NEEDED, Stop loss' program still, general says in response to Gates
20071023             Streit über Abwehrschild: BUSH warnt vor Irans neuen Raketen
20071023             Studie betont Bedeutung anonymer WIKIPEDIA—AUTOREN
20071023             Studie: Mafia ist führendes Unternehmen in ITALIEN - Sympathy is for liberals.
20071023             Too bad THE—NEO—CONS in power for the last —8—YEARS are the ones that caused this mess.
20071023             —INCREASED, THE—USA—MILITARY has, airstrikes in IRAQ fivefold —THIS—YEAR 10/23
20071023             Tax & Spend is much better than Lower Tax & Spend & Waste money in illegal wars.
20071023             That SORT—OF—THING sticks with you.
20071023             1—STORY will suffice to make my point.
20071023             That view will not be BORN—OF—CAPITALISM, or ANY—REPRESSIVE religious theology.
20071023             Continue - That was 00.000.19 69.
20071023             But these days that tolerance stops at the border
20071023             THE—BROWARD—TIMES'—ELGIN—JONE wrote about the apparent deception
20071023             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20071023             —SLIPPED, THE—DOW—JONES, 367—POINTS on the 20. ANNIVERSARY—OF—BLACK—MONDAY, the stock market's biggest —1—DAY—LOSS in history.
20071023             THE—JOSE—PADILLA case:
20071023             THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT does not know specifically what it received for 1—BILLION—DOLLAR—CONTRACT with security firm DynCorp INTERNATIONAL to provide training services for IRAQ—POLICE, A—USA—WATCHDOG—AGENCY said —ON—TUESDAY.
20071023             THE—TRUE—COST—OF—WAR for Oil
20071023             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT should prepare a "contingency plan" for PAKISTAN in case PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF regime falls BECAUSE—OF—PRESENCE—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS,
20071023             —OPENED, THE—USA has, 1—DIPLOMATIC "full court press" to urge TURKEY not to invade NORTH—IRAQ,
20071023             —EXPECTED, The figure, which BUSH was, to announce —LATER—MONDAY at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, brings to $196.4—BILLION the total requested by the administration for operations in IRAQ,
20071023             The idea by HUGO—CHÁVEZ, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT, to create 1—BANK—OF—THE—SOUTH to finance regional development projects is moving forward,
20071023             —ABANDONED, The investigation was, —JUST as Reagan made his annual statement to Congress, testifying that "PAKISTAN does not possess 1—NUCLEAR explosive device".
20071023             The other OPM contractors:Kroll, Omniplex, CACI and CSC.
20071023             The potential political ramifications should be obvious to all.
20071023             The prospect of 1—TURKEY—INVASION—OF—NORTH—IRAQ in PURSUIT—OF—FIGHTERS—OF—THE—KURDISTAN—WORKERS—PARTY (PKK) drew closer —YESTERDAY—AFTER another round of clashes in the mountainous frontier region that left at least 12—TURKEY—SOLDIERS and 23—PKK guerillas dead
20071023             The prospect of 1—ATTACK on NORTH—IRAQ reveals 1—HOLLOW global consensus on INTERVENTION—AND 1—EUROPEAN identity crisis
20071023             The task force, Law Enforcement Against Child Harm (LEACH), is adept at getting sensitive information on the web.
20071023             —ADOPTED, Their reward for risking their lives for their, country is USA—CITIZENSHIP.
20071023             —ARGUED, They, that 1—INQUIRY would necessitate THE—SPILLING—OF—STATE—SECRETS.
20071023             Time To Choose - To invoke such, if 1 is 1—TRUE—BELIEVER, is to embrace sacrilege and heresy.
20071023             Continue - TODD—GITLIN on THE—TORRENT—OF—MEDIA—IMAGES and Sound Bites That Make Us Less Informed and More Prey to Demagoguery -- 1—BUZZFLASH—INTERVIEW
20071023             Trawling through PILES—OF—CABLES, he found evidence that 2—HIGH—RANKING USA—OFFICIALS extremely close to THE—WHITE—HOUSE had tipped off ISLAMABAD about THE—CIA—OPERATION.
20071023             —CALLED, Furious, Barlow, his superiors.
20071023             TURKEY bombards NORTH—IRAQ —AFTER ambush:
20071023             TURKEY is 1—THORN in the side of 1—COSY western consensus:
20071023             TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—WARNS—USA: we will attack Kurdish rebels in IRAQ:
20071023             TURKEY—TROOPS, Weapons HEAD—TOWARD—IRAQ:
20071023             USA cannot account for BILLION—DOLLAR—IRAQ contract:
20071023             UAW Sellout at GENERAL—MOTORS and Chrysler
20071023             USA—ARMY—LURES Foreigners with PROMISE—OF—CITIZENSHIP
20071023             —OPPOSED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH has, USA—SENATE—LEGISLATION to fund health care for THE—NUCLEAR—TEST—AFFECTED Marshallese.
20071023             —FORCED, USA, into 'Plan B' for PAKISTAN:
20071023             USA—MAY 'postpone' missile defense plan: USA opposes NUKE—TEST health plan:
20071023             USA subprime crisis "1—ACCIDENT waiting to happen": USA urges TURKEY against IRAQ invasion:
20071023             Uncommon Grace: Biology and Economic Theory
20071023             UND—NATÜRLICH—GEHT es auch hier nur um Fälle schwerster Kriminalität, wo es keine andere Möglichkeit gibt,
20071023             Und am Ende ist es wieder die Religion, die den Planeten kaputt macht.
20071023             Denn die Amis glaube ja, Und natürlich hat er völlig Recht.
20071023             Die Amis haben um die ganze Welt herum ihre imperialen Militärbasen aufgebaut und finden das ganz normal,
20071023             Und wenn sie beherrschbar sind, ist das eine noch furchtbarere Vorstellung, denn da könnt ihr mal einen drauf lassen,
20071023             —ENTSCHEIDET, VW—GESETZ: EUROPA, über die Zukunft von Volkswagen
20071023             —MISSED, VIRGINIA, McMansion) I might have totally, ISLAMO—FASCISM—AWARENESS—WEEK".
20071023             10/23 - Verdächtige Kruste: Lebensspäher nehmen Saturnmonde ins Visier
20071023             Von den globalen Medien als humanitaere Friedensmission.
20071023             —VERBRANNT, Waldbrände in Südkalifornien: 600—HÄUSER, Hunderttausende fliehen vor den Flammen
20071023             Wangari Maathai, 20040000             —THE—NOBEL—PEACE—LAUREATE, is FOUNDER—OF—THE—GREEN—BELT—MOVEMENT: "1—APPRECIATION—OF—AL—GORE" 10/23
20071023             Warum es dem Dollar so schlecht geht
20071023             Watch Out: THE—GOP—DIRTY—TRICKS are Back.
20071023             Effort to Peel Off Chunk of CALIFORNIA Votes for GOP is Back on!
20071023             * We need to develop 1—HOLISTIC—WORLD—VIEW in PLACE—OF—THAT which of hubris and economic self interest.
20071023             We were —LATER to discover that DOJ was using CACI as 1—LITIGATION—SUPPORT—CONTRACTOR on our case.
20071023             —GESUCHT, Weltversteher: Weise WG !
20071023             Wer sich gefragt hat, wieso die Telcos sofort beim NSA—SCHNÜFFELN mitgemacht haben: das ist 1—PROFIT—CENTER;
20071023             Comcast nimmt $1000—FÜR die Installation der Saugrüssels und dann $750—PRO —MONAT.
20071023             What's at Stake in the Surveillance Debate in Congress:
20071023             —WHEN BARLOW—LAWYERS called the Pentagon, they were told it was the department that had been exonerated.
20071023             —WHEN Wilson refused to comply, he found himself the subject of 1—SMEAR campaign, —WHILE his wife, Valerie Plame, was outed as 1—CIA—AGENT.
20071023             Which brave PRESIDENT—CANDIDATE would lay it on the line so clearly?
20071023             None yet.
20071023             And that's the problem with the national debate on the war in IRAQ + possibly, our foray into IRAN as well.
20071023             With 1—POPULATION—OF—16—MILLION—PEOPLE, CHILE doesn't produce MUCH—OF—THE—GREENHOUSE—GASES that cause global warming.
20071023             But it's paying the price
20071023             Wucherzinsen, Drogengeschäften und anderen Verbrechen setzen die Clans jährlich rund 90—MILLIARDEN um.
20071023             You have to wonder if the whole conservative movement in THE—USA—IS living in 1—WEIRD alternate reality in which the only thing that matters is what you say + facts, consistency and honor mean nothing.
20071023             Continue - 1—UK—FIRM with 1—LONG—HISTORY—OF—SECRETIVE and clandestine operations.
20071023             1—TOP—OPPOSITION—LAWMAKER has said —WHILE warning that the Islamic country was in for "1—VERY—ROUGH—PERIOD".
20071023             aber selbstverständlich würden sie niemals jemand anderen bei ihnen 1—MILITÄRBASIS betreiben lassen.
20071023             aided by the tacit approval of BRAZIL, which has SOUTH—AMERICA—LARGEST—ECONOMY.
20071023             als Förderer der Künste und der Wissenschaft sowie als dem Recht verpflichteter Friedenskaiser galt,
20071023             als in NAZI—DEUTSCHLAND die Zwangssterilisation eingeführt wurde.
20071023             an den Rechner zu kommen (was für Gründe kann es da geben?
20071023             —GESCHOSSEN, Rechner wurde ins All ?
20071023             another huge request that faced deep skepticism from lawmakers opposed to prolonging THE—IRAQ conflict.
20071023             berichten Hoßfeld und Olsson.
20071023             Dann wurde sie dem "angemessenen DEUTSCHEN—GEISTE" angepasst.
20071023             but for the past —4—YEARS THE—USA has systematically worked to suppress it.
20071023             —BY BILL—CLINTON with an "ARKANSAS Traveller" award.
20071023             Source : Untitled material on DRUG—RUNNING and ARKANSAS
20071023             chosen with DynCorp to provide litigation support to DOJ was CACI ,
20071023             damit freiwillige Anwälte sie verteidigen können.
20071023             das er in seinem Zimmer vergessen hat.
20071023             Der Ägypter kommt frei und klagt gegen das FBI.
20071023             das haben die Deutschen ja strikt dementiert, dass da irgendwas zur Laufzeit geändert werden könne, weil sonst wäre ja die Beweislast auch dahin.
20071023             dass Gott ihnen gesagt hat, sie sollen sich die Erde untertan machen.
20071023             dass dann ALLE—HURRICANES immer nur noch direkt auf KUBA zu wandern.
20071023             dass der "Nature"-AUTOR—ALLE betroffenen jüdischen Forscher mit Namen im Anhang des Artikels AUFLISTETE—DARUNTER Forscherpersönlichkeiten wie MAX—BORN,
20071023             dass DEUTSCHE—WISSENSCHAFT von 'Nature' oder irgendeinem anderen wissenschaftlichen Journal angegriffen worden war,
20071023             der Freiheit und des Lebens feiern", heißt es in dem "Nature"-Text von 19370000             anlässlich der —200—JAHR—FEIER der Göttinger UNIVERSITÄT.
20071023             der in der Außenpolitik vielfach der Diplomatie und dem Ausgleich den Vorzug vor dem Schwert gab.
20071023             der viele "aktive" und "brillante" jüdische Wissenschaftler am mathematischen und physikalischen Institut zum Opfer gefallen seien.
20071023             der wissenschaftliche Forschung politischer oder theologischer Dominanz unterwürfig macht".
20071023             die damals als Theorie in Mode war.
20071023             1—DER—LEITARTIKLER—DES—MAGAZINS, E.W. MacBride, beispielsweise beschäftigte sich mit der seiner Meinung nach zu starken Fortpflanzung der Arbeiterklassen:
20071023             die über den Internetdienst Skype oder andere Telefonieprogramme geführt werden.
20071023             Einmal auf einen Rechner geschleust,
20071023             erschienenen Pamphlets, greift diesen Text auf.
20071023             —VERÄRGERT, Besonders, zeigt er sich darüber,
20071023             glänzender Taten und schließlichen Scheiterns" schreibt die DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFT in Kairo auf ihrer Website.
20071023             however, decided by the supreme leader, Ayatollah ALI—KHAMENEI, to whom MISTER—JALILI will report in future.
20071023             im süditalienischen Apulien, nachempfunden.
20071023             Wie das Castel und sein Bauherr sei auch das Afrikakorps "Sinnbild großen Planens,
20071023             in Nordafrika und im Nahen Osten einen Eroberungsfeldzug zu führen, wird mit einem DEUTSCHEN—HERRSCHER gleichgesetzt,
20071023             ist so falsch wie unaufrichtig". Namentlich nennt er BERNHARD—RUST als Verantwortlichen für den Bann von "Nature" und die "Unterordnung freiheitlicher Prinzipien von Lehre und Lernen unter die Philosophie teutonischer Überlegenheit".
20071023             LIKE—THINKING people, rightwingers who would toe the administration line".
20071023             lässt sich ein solcher Trojaner um weitere Funktionen erweitern.
20071023             Dazu gehören das Aufzeichnen von Tastatureingaben und eben das versteckte Durchsuchen von Festplatten nach bestimmten Dateien.
20071023             —MANAGED, NUMBER—OF—DOCUMENTS, by the litigation support contractor.
20071023             ordered their offices closed —TUESDAY and promised to curb their movements and block their funds.
20071023             prosecute + if need be railroad whomever fits the... - provide for the common defense
20071023             schreiben Ahuja + seine Kollegen im Fachblatt "Nature Immunology" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20071023             so MacBride.
20071023             In den späten 3ßiger —JAHREN, unter SIR—RICHARD—GREGORY, mäßigte das Magazin seinen Ton,
20071023             surely they"ll let us have 1—ECUADOR—BASE in THE—USA".
20071023             —SOARED, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—MONDAY, as tensions between THE—2—COUNTRIES, —FOLLOWING 1—AMBUSH by rebel Kurds that killed 12—TURKEY—SOLDIERS and left 8—MISSING.
20071023             the government's claim that NONE—OF—HIS "clearly established rights" were violated + the damage to PADILLA—PSYCHE as THE—RESULT—OF—THE—TORTURE he suffered at THE—HANDS—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY.
20071023             the heading on the document indicated that the case was PART—OF—1—ONGOING child porn investigation.
20071023             this time against JOSEPH—WILSON, 1—FORMER—USA—AMBASSADOR whom THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION had sent to AFRICA with 1—MISSION to substantiate the story that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was seeking to buy material to manufacture WMD.
20071023             tortured or killed" SCORES—OF—PRISONERS rounded up —SINCE
20071023             um Menschen wieder dauerhaft in Arbeit zu bringen.
20071023             und dann können wir ihn von den Großstädten wegsteuern.
20071023             und im Übrigen besagten Studien, dass "HARTZ—IV—EMPFÄNGER für Milchprodukte weniger Geld ausgeben als für Tabakwaren".
20071023             und sollte von da an die Rassenpolitik und die Wissenschaft des NAZI—REGIMES verbreiten.
20071023             und wir brauchen von niemandem die Erlaubnis, um unser Land zu verteidigen.
20071023             using USA—PROVIDED technology.
20071023             "Our side was at it again," Barlow says.
20071023             veröffentlichte das Magazin —SEIT den zwanziger —JAHREN Arbeiten über Methoden selektiver Geburtenkontrolle und Eugenik,
20071023             vor allem finanzierende Banken verlangten aber vollständige Deckung.
20071023             weil die Abgeordneten Angst haben, jemand könnte ihnen den Finger abschneiden, um sich Zutritt zu verschaffen.
20071023             wenn es um die noch komplexere Synthetische Biologie gehe, fragt Hammond?
20071023             Seine Schlussfolgerung:
20071023             werden sie weiterhin mit Dingen spielen, die nicht beherrschbar sind.
20071023             who had been 1—RIVAL—OF—MISTER—AHMADINEJAD in the last presidential elections.
20071023             IRAN—NUCLEAR—POLICY is,
20071023             years —LATER by 1 retired MEMBER—OF—CIA—COVERT—OPERATIONS who alleged that:
20071023             you can hear THE—IRAQ—ACCENT everywhere.
20071023             —PACKED, There are areas like Geramana and Qudsiya that are, FULL—OF—IRAQ—REFUGEES.
20071023             Syrians are few and far between in these areas.
20071023             "—BIS es einen konkreten Beweis gibt": USA schieben RAKETENSCHILD—AKTIVIERUNG auf
20071023             " Evidence Under False Confession, Coercion and Torture Proving Embarrassing
20071023             Ökonomen dagegen meinen, der Regelsatz reiche zum Leben aus.
20071023             1—ANHEBUNG sei UNNÖTIG—UND nicht förderlich, Ölkonzern: BP—GEWINN bricht massiv ein
20071023             Überbevölkerung habe ENGLAND zu einem Dampfkessel ohne Sicherheitsventil gemacht.
20071023             —KONFLIKT—IM—NORD—IRAK, Waffenstillstand ausgehandelt
20071023             "IBCs sind bislang eher 1—DEBAKEL gewesen", sagt EDWARD—HAMMOND—VON—DER—USA—SEKTION des Sunshine Project.
20071023             "Man kann diese Vorschläge kaum anders als einen zynischen Versuch bewerten, eine effektive Regulierung zu vermeiden".
20071023             "Sie haben —SCHON ihren Job bei der Überwachung bisheriger GENTECHNIK—FORSCHUNG nicht gut gemacht".
20071023             Warum setzten die Autoren dann ihre Hoffnungen gerade in diese Gremien,
20071023             —ORDERED, Thousands more residents were, to evacuate their homes, bringing THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE chased away by THE—WIND—WHIPPED flames that have engulfed SOUTH—CALIFORNIA to at least 300,000. At least 700—HOMES were already destroyed.
20071023             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA—SPACE—SHUTTLE—DISCOVERY, from Cape Canaveral with a 7-person crew for a —14—DAY—MISSION to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20071023             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—CHILD and 5—MILITANTS were, in Zabul province —AFTER militants fired on coalition soldiers from 1—TENT.
20071023             —REPORTED, It was, that police patrolling THE—RED—LIGHT—DISTRICT—OF—THE—BELGIUM—CAPITAL have been ordered to stop visiting brothels and drinking in bars —WHEN on duty.
20071023             —ROARED, THE—CANADA—DOLLAR, to a —33—YEAR—HIGH against THE—USA—DOLLAR—AFTER domestic retail sales data —FOR—AUGUST beat expectations.
20071023             —ADOPTED, FRANCE—LAWMAKERS, 1—HOTLY contested bill that would institute language exams and potential DNA testing for prospective immigrants, making it more difficult for families to join loved ones in FRANCE.
20071023             1—USA—HELICOPTER opened fire on 1—GROUP—OF—MEN as they were planting roadside bombs in 1—SUNNI stronghold NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, then chased them into 1—NEARBY—HOUSE, killing 11—IRAQIS, including at least 6—CIVILIANS.
20071023             —PLEDGED, IRAQ, to rein in Kurdish rebels who are launching attacks on TURKEY from mountain hideouts near the border —AFTER ANKARA threatened to send forces into IRAQ—TERRITORY to confront the guerrillas.
20071023             —KILLED, ISRAEL, 1—TOP—GAZA militant with 1—MISSILE—STRIKE on his car prompting threats of more rocket attacks on ISRAEL—BORDER—TOWNS.
20071023             † 1—PALESTINE—PRISONER who was wounded in rioting at 1—ISRAEL—DESERT—PRISON, prompting PALESTINE—THREATS—OF revenge and accusations that the man was abused by ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES.
20071023             Police broke up 1—ITALIAN—CANADA—MAFIA clan that ran drug trafficking and money laundering operations, arresting 12—PEOPLE and seizing MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in assets.
20071023             The casino KING—OF—MALAYSIA had made 1—FORTUNE in gambling casinos and 1—CRUISE fleet.
20071023             —ESTIMATED, His family fortune was, at $4.2—BILLION.
20071023             —KILLED, At least 21—OIL—WORKERS were, —WHEN 1—DRILLING rig hit 1—OIL—PLATFORM in stormy weather, spilling gas and oil into the Gulf of MEXICO.
20071023             —INCLUDED, Pemex said the workers who †, 4—PEMEX employees, 7—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE subcontractor company that operated the rig, at least 1—RESCUE boat crew member, and 6—OTHERS who worked for other companies.
20071023             —SPILLED, Roughly 420—BARRELS—OF—OIL per —DAY had, from the damaged platform —SINCE the accident.
20071023             1—BOMB courier accidentally blew up 1—TAXI in RUSSIA—DAGESTAN region, killing herself and wounding 8—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20071023             1. lady Laura Bush helped launch 1—SCREENING facility in SAUDI—ARABIA as PART—OF—1—USA—SAUDI—ARABIA—INITIATIVE to raise breast cancer awareness in the kingdom where doctors struggle to break LONG—HELD taboos about the disease.
20071023             —DESCRIBED, MOHAMMED—ATIF—SIDDIQUE, —21—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BRITISH—BORN—MUSLIM student, at his trial as a "wannabe suicide bomber," was jailed in SCOTLAND —FOR—8—YEARS—AFTER being convicted of promoting Islamist extremism on THE—INTERNET.
20071023             1—NEW—BIN—LADEN tape called for foreign forces to be driven from Darfur.
20071023             THE—JUSTICE and Equality Movement, 1—OF—THE—LEADING—DARFUR rebel groups, attacked the Defra oil field in SUDAN—KORDOFAN region and abducted 2—FOREIGN—WORKERS.
20071023             1—REBEL—CHIEF gave a —1—WEEK ultimatum for foreign oil companies to cease operating in the zone.
20071023             —REJECTED, TURKEY—FOREIGN—MINISTER, ANY—CEASE—FIRE by Kurdish rebels as he met with IRAQ—LEADERS in BAGHDAD to press them to crack down on the guerrillas.
20071023             —MASSED, TURKEY—FORCES, on the border and tensions rose over 1 threatened military incursion.
20071023             UZBEKISTAN, KARIM—BOZORBOYEV, LEADER—OF—THE—ESGULIQ rights group in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—SYRDARYA, was arrested and charged with fraud.
20071023             —SCUFFLED, VENEZUELA, THOUSANDS—OF—UNIVERSITY—STUDENTS, with police and government supporters —DURING 1—PROTEST against constitutional reforms that would let PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ run for RE—ELECTION indefinitely.
20071023             Die privaten Versicherer hatten das Terrorrisiko aus allen Verträgen für Industrie und Immobilienwirtschaft ausgeschlossen, vor allem finanzierende Banken verlangten aber vollständige Deckung.
20071023             Großbrand: "Ein schwarzer —TAG für Kalifornien"
20071023             1—HAT tip to KEVIN—DRUM, —TODAY and —YESTERDAY, for drawing attention in 3—POSTS, to 2—SIMILAR—STORIES on the repercussions of 20010911             + the Bush ies zeal to rein in, prosecute + if need be railroad whomever fits the...
20071023             Na so was.
20071023             Sie durchsuchen sein Zimmer und finden 1—FUNKGERÄT zum kommunizieren mit Flugzeugen.
20071023             Wenig später kommt 1—PILOT zum Hotel und will sein Funkgerät zurück haben, das er in seinem Zimmer vergessen hat.
20071023             Kurze Mitteilung der TÜRKEI an die USA, die NATO und die Welt: Wir greifen die Kurden im Nordirak an, und wir brauchen von niemandem die Erlaubnis, um unser Land zu verteidigen.
20071023             HAHAHAHAHAHA, grandios! ECUADOR will eine Militärbasis in MIAMI haben.
20071023             Und natürlich hat er völlig Recht.
20071023             Die Amis haben um die ganze Welt herum ihre imperialen Militärbasen aufgebaut und finden das ganz normal, aber selbstverständlich würden sie niemals jemand anderen bei ihnen 1—MILITÄRBASIS betreiben lassen.
20071023             ECUADOR ist —SCHON sehr gut, aber ich würde mir ja eigentlich solche Initiativen von PAKISTAN, AFGHANISTAN und dem IRAK wünschen.
20071023             "If there''s no problem having foreign soldiers on 1—COUNTRY''S soil, surely they''ll let us have 1—ECUADOR—BASE in THE—USA".
20071023             (Danke, Kai) - Biometrie, ihr erinnert euch, ist beim Volk ein echter Sicherheitsgewinn, aber für die Diplomaten ist es zu gefährlich.
20071023             Aber nein, auch die Briten sehen das ähnlich:
20071023             BIOMETRIE—EINGANGSKONTROLLEN für das BRITISCHE—UNTERHAUS abgelehnt, weil die Abgeordneten Angst haben, jemand könnte ihnen den Finger abschneiden, um sich Zutritt zu verschaffen.
20071023             Aha. Soso. Na dann.
20071023             Plans to use fingerprint scanners to control entry to the Commons have been abandoned over fears that terrorists could cut off an MP—FINGER to get inside.
20071023             Globalisierung 2.0: IRAN kauft in CHINA ISRAELISCHE—DÜSENJÄGER mit RUSSISCHEN—TRIEBWERKEN.
20071023             Durch einen bemerkenswerten Zufall ist die Reichweite dieser Jäger genau ausreichend, um vom IRAN aus ISRAEL zu erreichen und zurück zu fliegen.
20071023             Ich würde mich ja wundern, wenn sie da die ISRAELISCHE—BORDELEKTRONIK drin lassen, die wird von ISRAEL aus bestimmt aus der Ferne sabotierbar sein.
20071023             Bush _gave_marching_orders_1022.html">GENERAL claims Bush gave 'marching orders' on aggressive interrogation at GUANTANAMO:
20071023             —RELEASED, More than 100,000 pages of newly, government documents demonstrate how USA—MILITARY—INTERROGATORS "abused, tortured or killed" SCORES—OF—PRISONERS rounded up —SINCE
20071023             Intelligence KNEW—OF—TERRORIST—TRANSPORTS: Comments from FORMER—HIGH—RANKING CIA members to Politiken newspaper suggest that DENMARK—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE was aware of private planes seizing suspected terrorists in EUROPE and taking them to countries where torture and execution were sanctioned.
20071023             "I kept thinking: this is THE—SORT—OF—THING that used to go on behind the Iron Curtain, not in AMERICA. "And then it struck me how much this entire process had disintegrated into 1—POLITICAL charade.
20071023             It's demoralising for ALL—OF—USA".
20071023             THE—JOSE—PADILLA case : SCOTT—HORTON (audio) Interviews WARREN—RICHEY on Padilla's $1.00—LAWSUIT against the Government, the government's claim that NONE—OF—HIS "clearly established rights" were violated + the damage to PADILLA—PSYCHE as THE—RESULT—OF—THE—TORTURE he suffered at THE—HANDS—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY.
20071023             Global warming in CHILE threatens industry, water supplies:
20071023             What's at Stake in the Surveillance Debate in Congress : Congress will be considering several VERSIONS—OF—BILLS that will, 1—WAY or another, expand government access to phone calls and E—MAILS.
20071023             DESTRUCTION—OF—EVIDENCE — OHIO's 20040000             Ballots : Overall this blatant DESTRUCTION—OF—EVIDENCE—ONLY reinforces the widespread belief that 20040000             —THE election was stolen.
20071023             —PLUNGED, —SINCE—FRIDAY, ASIA—MARKETS have ;
20071023             stocks are down sharply in JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, HONG—KONG, INDONESIA, THE—PHILIPPINES, TAIWAN and SOUTH—KOREA.
20071023             —FORCED, USA, into 'Plan B' for PAKISTAN : Beyond the horrific body count of about 140—PEOPLE—DEAD and hundreds injured, the major political CASUALTY—OF—LAST—WEEK—BOMB—ATTACK in KARACHI is likely to be THE—USA—BROKERED plan to unite PRESIDENT—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF and former premier Benazir Bhutto in 1—MARRIAGE—OF—CONVENIENCE.
20071023             THE—KLEPTOCRAT in an Hermes Headscarf
20071023             RUSSIA Warns Over USA—MISSILE—DEFENSE, Says IRAN is Not 1—THREAT : RUSSIA is concerned that USA—LED missile defense initiatives in EUROPE and ASIA are based on 1—ERRONEOUS—ASSESSMENT—OF—THE—THREAT posed by IRAN, Foreign Minster SERGEY—LAVROV said —TUESDAY.
20071023             USA—MAY 'postpone' missile defense plan : —DURING 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE—ON—TUESDAY, USA—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—ROBERT—GATES said THE—WHITE—HOUSE may delay its missile shield —UNTIL it has 'definite proof' of 1—MISSILE—THREAT from TEHRAN.
20071023             Bush asks skeptical Congress for more war money : Bush asked Congress —ON—MONDAY for $189.3—BILLION to fund the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN, another huge request that faced deep skepticism from lawmakers opposed to prolonging THE—IRAQ conflict.
20071023             USA cannot account for BILLION—DOLLAR—IRAQ contract: THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT does not know specifically what it received for 1—BILLION—DOLLAR—CONTRACT with security firm DynCorp INTERNATIONAL to provide training services for IRAQ—POLICE, A—USA—WATCHDOG—AGENCY said —ON—TUESDAY.
20071023             —ENTITLED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN issues IRAQ message : In the audio recording, 1—MESSAGE to the People of IRAQ, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN called on tribal leaders and the leaders of armed groups to initiate 1—AGREEMENT between the different groups.
20071023             IRAQ pledges to close rebel Kurd offices : IRAQ—GOVERNMENT, under growing pressure to crack down on Kurdish rebels using the country's north as 1—BASE for guerrilla attacks in TURKEY, ordered their offices closed —TUESDAY and promised to curb their movements and block their funds.
20071023             PRIME—MINISTER—ERDOGAN to press Olmert to give up supporting IRAQ—KURDS : PRIME—MINISTER—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN will bring THE—ISSUE—OF—ISRAEL—EXPERTS'—TRAINING—OF—MILITARY—FORCES in the autonomous Kurdish REGION—OF—NORTH—IRAQ to the agenda in his talks with his ISRAEL—COUNTERPART, Ehud Olmert, scheduled to take place —TODAY in THE—UK—CAPITAL.
20071023             "We're Not There for the Figs" - THE—TRUE—COST—OF—WAR for Oil
20071023             "We have to decide, as 1—NATION, whether our need for Middle Eastern oil is more important to our future than our conduct as 1—MORAL and ethical people".
20071023             That's OK, but it's 1—MERE nick on THE—FEDERAL—BUDGET.
20071023             THE—SEPTEMBER and October United Auto Workers (UAW) GENERAL—MOTORS and Chrysler agreements are —JUST the latest EXAMPLES—OF—UNION—LEADERSHIP, surrender and betrayal.
20071023             Didn't 1—COP ever say to you, as 1—SAID to me, "I'll enforce or break the law as I see fit"?
20071023             That was 19690000             .
20071023             —SUBPOENAED, But —WHEN deputies, Google for THE—IP address of the Deerfield Beach Insider commenter, the heading on the document indicated that the case was PART—OF—1—ONGOING child porn investigation.
20071023             THE—BROWARD—TIMES'—ELGIN—JONE wrote about
20071023             the apparent deception —FRIDAY—AFTER BSO, which had stalled me, finally released the documents.
20071023             If the authorities use "kiddie porn" as 1—EXCUSE to snoop out 1—GUY—LIKE—ADAMS, then they can use the same RUSE to find out anything about anyone.
20071023             provide for the common defense The other OPM contractors:Kroll, Omniplex, CACI and CSC.
20071023             Narco News: Dillon, Read & Co. INCORPORATED and THE—ARISTOCRACY—OF—PRISON...
20071023             —OBLIGATED, Presumably, the rescission left THE—CIA, to report all narcotics... chosen with DynCorp to provide litigation support to DOJ was CACI...
20071023             CACI had 1—CONTRACT with DOJ to help stop USA—CITIZENS from getting access to... NUMBER—OF—DOCUMENTS managed by the litigation support contractor. a
20071023             DynCorp... chosen with DynCorp to provide litigation support to DOJ was CACI... years —LATER by 1 retired MEMBER—OF—CIA—COVERT—OPERATIONS who alleged that:
20071023             Financial Coup d'Etat — 19980000             We were —LATER to discover that DOJ was using CACI as 1—LITIGATION—SUPPORT—CONTRACTOR on our case.
20071023             CACI was the leading supplier of Geographic Information.
20071023             RICHARD—ARMITAGE, —NOW Deputy SECRETARY—OF—STATE was on THE—CACI—BOARD along...
20071023             1—COMBINATION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ACT—OF—19470000              and THE—CIA—ACT—OF—19490000             ...
20071023             Scoop: DILLON—READ (15): Enforcement Terrorism — 19970000             20071023             KOSOVO`S "FREIHEITSKAeMPFER" WERDEN VOM ORGANISIERTEN VERBRECHEN...
20071023             Ask1_ORG—DISKUSSION : KOSOVO—UNRUHEN: ZDF vs BND
20071023             die verquickung von politik, geheimdiensten und organisiertem verbrechen sind...
20071023             Belastung für Firmen: Bundesbürokratie verschluckt 30—MILLIARDEN Euro
20071023             Kein Konzern macht so viel Umsatz in ITALIEN wie die Mafia : Mit Schutzgelderpressungen, Wucherzinsen, Drogengeschäften und anderen Verbrechen setzen die Clans jährlich rund 90—MILLIARDEN um.
20071023             ROM—DIE Mafia ist in ITALIEN mit einem Jahresumsatz von 90—MILLIARDEN Euro "das führende ITALIENISCHE—UNTERNEHMEN".
20071023             Wie aus einer STUDIE—DES—HANDELS— und Unternehmerverbandes Confesercenti hervorgeht, steht das organisierte Verbrechen in dem Mittelmeerland damit für 7—PROZENT—DES—BRUTTOINLANDSPRODUKTS.
20071023             "Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nicht die Virenmenge allein, sondern das Zusammenspiel von Viren und Wirtsfaktoren entscheidet", schreiben Ahuja + seine Kollegen im Fachblatt "Nature Immunology" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20071023             In den neunziger —JAHREN waren es hingegen nur 1,3 %.
20071023             Im Zeitraum von
20071023             Wie auf "HISTORY—OF—THE—JOURNAL—NATURE" nachzulesen ist, veröffentlichte das Magazin —SEIT den zwanziger —JAHREN Arbeiten über Methoden selektiver Geburtenkontrolle und Eugenik, die damals als Theorie in Mode war.
20071023             1—DER—LEITARTIKLER—DES—MAGAZINS, E.W. MacBride, beispielsweise beschäftigte sich mit der seiner Meinung nach zu starken Fortpflanzung der Arbeiterklassen: "Heutzutage überleben die Arbeiter, wie dumm sie auch immer sein mögen, und stellen einen zunehmenden Anteil der zukünftigen Nation".
20071023             "Zwingende Geburtenkontrolle erscheint uns als die einzige Medizin", so MacBride.
20071023             In den späten 3ßiger —JAHREN, unter SIR—RICHARD—GREGORY, mäßigte das Magazin seinen Ton, als in NAZI—DEUTSCHLAND die Zwangssterilisation eingeführt wurde.
20071023             —ERSCHIEN, Die "Zeitschrift", erstmals 19350000             und wurde 19360000             —VON—NAZI—ORGANISATIONEN übernommen, berichten Hoßfeld und Olsson.
20071023             Mit klaren Worten verteidigt Gregory die kritischen "Nature"-Artikel, die Auslöser für das Verbot waren: "Wir würden die Traditionen der Wissenschaft missachten, wenn wir es versäumten, jedweden Einfluss zu verdammen, der wissenschaftliche Forschung politischer oder theologischer Dominanz unterwürfig macht".
20071023             "Es war den Universitäten nicht verboten, ein 'NATURE'—ABO zu besitzen", sagte Olsson zu SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20071023             "Die 'NATURE'—AUSGABEN durften nur nicht öffentlich zugänglich gemacht werden".
20071023             HANS—RÜGEMER, AUTOR—DES in der
20071023             "Zeitschrift für die gesamten Naturwissenschaften" erschienenen Pamphlets, greift diesen Text auf.
20071023             —VERÄRGERT, Besonders, zeigt er sich darüber, dass der "Nature"-AUTOR—ALLE betroffenen jüdischen Forscher mit Namen im Anhang des Artikels AUFLISTETE—DARUNTER Forscherpersönlichkeiten wie MAX—BORN, Mathematiker und Physiker, der nach seiner Vertreibung nach ENGLAND emigrierte und 19540000             den Nobelpreis für Physik ERHIELT—FÜR Forschungsergebnisse, die 19260000             in Göttingen entstanden waren.
20071023             Warum setzten die Autoren dann ihre Hoffnungen gerade in diese Gremien, wenn es um die noch komplexere Synthetische Biologie gehe, fragt Hammond?
20071023             Seine Schlussfolgerung: "Man kann diese Vorschläge kaum anders als einen zynischen Versuch bewerten, eine effektive Regulierung zu vermeiden".
20071023             250'000 fliehen in Kalifornien vor Bränden
20071023             Das pompöse Bauwerk der "Ehrenstätte El Alamein" ist dem Castel del Monte, dem Jagdschloß des Stauferkaisers FRIEDRICH—II. im süditalienischen Apulien, nachempfunden.
20071023             Wie das Castel und sein Bauherr sei auch das Afrikakorps "Sinnbild großen Planens, glänzender Taten und schließlichen Scheiterns" schreibt die DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFT in Kairo auf ihrer Website.
20071023             Der Wehrmachtsverband unter einem Hitler treuen Generalfeldmarschall, der die Aufgabe hatte, in Nordafrika und im Nahen Osten einen Eroberungsfeldzug zu führen, wird mit einem DEUTSCHEN—HERRSCHER gleichgesetzt, der —SCHON zu Lebzeiten im 12010101—13001231    —CENTURY als Sinnbild multikultureller und religiöser Toleranz, als Förderer der Künste und der Wissenschaft sowie als dem Recht verpflichteter Friedenskaiser galt, der in der Außenpolitik vielfach der Diplomatie und dem Ausgleich den Vorzug vor dem Schwert gab.
20071023             Global Warming? Hurricanes? Ach was, kein Problem, wir werfen einfach Ruß über einem Hurricane ab, und dann können wir ihn von den Großstädten wegsteuern.
20071023             Solange sie glauben, die Symptome wegdoktorn zu können, werden sie weiterhin mit Dingen spielen, die nicht beherrschbar sind.
20071023             Und wenn sie beherrschbar sind, ist das eine noch furchtbarere Vorstellung, denn da könnt ihr mal einen drauf lassen, dass dann ALLE—HURRICANES immer nur noch direkt auf KUBA zu wandern.
20071023             Denn die Amis glaube ja, dass Gott ihnen gesagt hat, sie sollen sich die Erde untertan machen.
20071023             Schöne Geschichte über einen GUANTANAMO—ANGESTELLTEN, der die Namen der Inhaftierten rausgeleakt hat, damit freiwillige Anwälte sie verteidigen können.
20071023             —JETZT ist klar, wieso die Bahn den Lokführern ihre Gehaltserhöhung nicht zahlen konnte: Das Geld war —SCHON für die 77%ige Gehaltserhöhung der BAHN—BOSSE ausgegeben.
20071023             UND—NATÜRLICH—GEHT es auch hier nur um Fälle schwerster Kriminalität, wo es keine andere Möglichkeit gibt, an den Rechner zu kommen (was für Gründe kann es da geben?
20071023             Immerhin faseln die Schweizer nicht nur, sondern haben das auch gleich mal entwickeln lassen: Die von der Schwyzer Firma Era IT Solutions entwickelte Softwarewanze hört Telefonate ab, die über den Internetdienst Skype oder andere Telefonieprogramme geführt werden.
20071023             Einmal auf einen Rechner geschleust, lässt sich ein solcher Trojaner um weitere Funktionen erweitern.
20071023             Na wenn ihnen das mal nicht um die Ohren fliegt, das haben die Deutschen ja strikt dementiert, dass da irgendwas zur Laufzeit geändert werden könne, weil sonst wäre ja die Beweislast auch dahin.
20071023             und USA—BEHÖRDEN, die das Band offiziell noch prüfen, wiesen —BEREITS darauf hin, dass noch nie 1—TAPE—DES—SAUDI—ARABERS gefälscht worden sei.
20071023             Preissteigerungen gebe es immer, die Inflation sei nicht besonders hoch, und im Übrigen besagten Studien, dass "HARTZ—IV—EMPFÄNGER für Milchprodukte weniger Geld ausgeben als für Tabakwaren".
20071023             Sozialverbände und MANCHE—POLITIKER fordern daher, den HARTZ—IV—SATZ an die Preisentwicklung zu koppeln oder gleich anzuheben.
20071023             1—ANHEBUNG sei UNNÖTIG—UND nicht förderlich, um Menschen wieder dauerhaft in Arbeit zu bringen.
20071023             mike257257 (—4—DAYS—AGO) Show Hide Marked as spam +1 (Reply) So true.
20071023             shadowmasterd (—34—MINUTES—AGO) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply) Sympathy is for liberals.
20071023             jackiebaron (—1—DAY—AGO) Show Hide Marked as spam +3 (Reply) Greenspan and his jackals on wall St. knew exactly what they were doing —WHEN they created this cheap credit bubble.
20071023             Shift wealth from poor to rich. It's that simple.
20071023             Next bubble is credit cards. Mark my words.
20071023             IMF WARNS—OF—DECLINE in global economy : Stock markets —AROUND the world were braced for fresh falls —TODAY despite attempts by the G7 leading industrial nations and THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND to boost confidence —AFTER—FRIDAY—PLUNGE in share prices on WALL—STREET.
20071023             Welcome to THE—USA—SAY What You Like, —JUST Don't Say It Here:
20071023             THE—USA—COMMITMENT to free speech is the most robust in the world.
20071023             USA opposes NUKE—TEST—HEALTH—PLAN : USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH has opposed USA—SENATE—LEGISLATION to fund health care for THE—NUCLEAR—TEST—AFFECTED Marshallese.
20071023             Chinatown dishwashers contributing up to $2,000 to Clinton campaign : Dishwashers, waiters and others whose jobs and dilapidated home addresses seem to make them unpromising targets for political fundraisers are pouring $1,000 and $2,000 contributions into CLINTON—CAMPAIGN—TREASURY.
20071023             CHÁVEZ—PLAN for Development BANK—MOVES—AHEAD : The idea by HUGO—CHÁVEZ, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT, to create 1—BANK—OF—THE—SOUTH to finance regional development projects is moving forward, aided by the tacit approval of BRAZIL, which has SOUTH—AMERICA—LARGEST—ECONOMY.
20071023             Another New Low for the Dollar : The dollar fell to 1—NEW—ALL—TIME—LOW against the euro —MONDAY—AFTER 1—WEEKEND—MEETING—OF—THE—GROUP—OF—7—FINANCE—MINISTERS ended without 1—CLEAR—STATEMENT about weakness in THE—USA—CURRENCY.
20071023             Blackwater and me: 1—LOVE—STORY it ain't: —DURING my own yearlong tour in IRAQ, the bad boys of Blackwater twice came closer to killing me than did ANY—OF—THE—INSURGENTS or AL—QAEDA types.
20071023             'Stop loss' program still needed, general says in response to Gates
20071023             —BASED, PKK fighters 'offer TURKEY truce' : Kurdish fighters, in NORTH—IRAQ have offered 1—CEASEFIRE if TURKEY abandons plans to launch CROSS—BORDER—RAIDS against them.
20071023             TURKEY—TROOPS, Weapons HEAD—TOWARD—IRAQ : DOZENS—OF—TURKEY—MILITARY—VEHICLES loaded with soldiers and heavy weapons rumbled toward THE—IRAQ border —ON—MONDAY—AFTER 1—AMBUSH by guerrilla Kurds that left 8—SOLDIERS missing and killed 12. IRAQ—PRESIDENT said the rebels would announce 1—CEASE—FIRE—LATER in the —DAY.
20071023             —OPENED, USA urges TURKEY against IRAQ invasion : THE—USA has, 1—DIPLOMATIC "full court press" to urge TURKEY not to invade NORTH—IRAQ, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—MONDAY, as tensions between THE—2—COUNTRIES soared —FOLLOWING 1—AMBUSH by rebel Kurds that killed 12—TURKEY—SOLDIERS and left 8—MISSING.
20071023             ROBERT—DREYFUSS: IRAQ—NATIONALISTS Gaining Power Despite USA—EFFORTS : IRAQ—NATIONALISM is the only political force capable of uniting Sunni and Shiite Arabs and ending the sectarian civil war, but for the past —4—YEARS THE—USA has systematically worked to suppress it.
20071023             Nowhere is safe in KABUL as Taliban expand attacks:
20071023             Residents of KABUL will be looking nervously over their shoulders as they go about their daily business, never sure —WHEN the next attack will come
20071023             Hired gunmen protect VIPs in AFGHANISTAN : CANADA—DIPLOMATS in KABUL and visiting HIGH—VALUE—TARGETS—LIKE—PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER are protected by 1—GROUP—OF—HEAVILY armed gunmen hired by Saladin Security, 1—UK—FIRM with 1—LONG—HISTORY—OF—SECRETIVE and clandestine operations.
20071023             'USA should prepare contingency plan for PAKISTAN ': THE—USA—GOVERNMENT should prepare a "contingency plan" for PAKISTAN in case PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF regime falls BECAUSE—OF—PRESENCE—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS, 1—TOP—OPPOSITION—LAWMAKER has said —WHILE warning that the Islamic country was in for "1—VERY—ROUGH—PERIOD".
20071023             INDIA puts USA nuclear pact on hold : —AFTER another round of inconclusive talks with its LEFT—WING allies, officials from the dominant Congress party said the pact would be shelved —FOR—4—WEEKS.
20071023             IRAN—NEW hardline nuclear envoy causes jitters in West : MISTER—JALILI is more closely associated with the radical IRAN—PRESIDENT, MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD than MISTER—LARIJANI, who had been 1—RIVAL—OF—MISTER—AHMADINEJAD in the last presidential elections.
20071023             —DECIDED, IRAN—NUCLEAR—POLICY is, however, by the supreme leader, Ayatollah ALI—KHAMENEI, to whom MISTER—JALILI will report in future.
20071023             He said IRAN—EFFORTS to pursue technology that would allow them to build 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON are obvious and that ``the regime continues to practice delay and deceit in 1—OBVIOUS—EFFORT to buy time.''
20071023             —BY Cordula Meyer in WASHINGTON
20071023             —ESTIMATED, It is, that there are at least 1.5—MILLION—IRAQIS in Syria —TODAY.
20071023             I believe it.
20071023             Walking down THE—STREETS—OF—DAMASCUS, you can hear THE—IRAQ—ACCENT everywhere.
20071023             "They met in secret, deciding who to employ, displacing career civil servants with more than —30—YEARS on the job in favour of young, LIKE—THINKING people, rightwingers who would toe the administration line".
20071023             Within weeks, he had again built 1—STACK—OF—EVIDENCE about PAKISTAN—WMD programme, including intelligence that THE—PAKISTAN army was experimenting with 1—DELIVERY—SYSTEM for its nuclear bomb, using USA—PROVIDED technology.
20071023             "Our side was at it again," Barlow says. Barlow froze.
20071023             Barlow and USA—CUSTOMS set up 1—STING.
20071023             "But UL—HAQ, our main target, never showed".
20071023             —PLACED, Attytood: "This is why RICK—SANTORUM was, on GOD—FORMERLY green earth, because were it not for my FORMER—SENATOR (R—LEESBURG, VIRGINIA, McMansion) I might have totally missed ISLAMO—FASCISM—AWARENESS—WEEK".
20071023             It passed the House 404 - 6,
20071023             There were 22—ABSTENTIONS—THE—6—NAY votes: REPRESENTATIVE—NEIL—ABERCROMBIE [D, HI-1]
20071023             REPRESENTATIVE—JEFF—FLAKE [R, AZ-6]
20071023             REPRESENTATIVE—DENNIS—KUCINICH [D, OH-10]
20071023             This bill is to reinforce Homeland Security laws with tighter Orwellian values.
20071023             —DIRECTED, Sounds like it is, towards anyone who doesn't believe the official fairy tales of certain events and in general.
20071023             I have heard nothing about this in the press.
20071023             Big Brother: House passes the "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act"
20071023—12030000    —BELIEVED, LONDON, 1—QURAN written, to be the oldest known complete copy, sold for more than $2.3—MILLION at 1—AUCTION.
20071023—19390000    —AB, wurde sie von der AHNENERBE—STIFTUNG herausgegeben, der HEINRICH—HIMMLER vorstand, und sollte von da an die Rassenpolitik und die Wissenschaft des NAZI—REGIMES verbreiten.
20071023—20010000    —IN, FERNANDO—DE—LA—RUA, ARGENTINA—FORMER—PRESIDENT (19990000—20010000    ), was charged with manslaughter in connection with bloody street riots.
20071023—20010911    —INCLUDING SOME—WHO were not even expected of having terrorist ties, according to 1—JUST—PUBLISHED book.
20071023—20030000    The same tactics used to disgrace Barlow and discredit his evidence were used again,
20071023—20040000    —JOINED, Bozorboyev, the group, —AFTER he left Fidokorlar, 1—GOVERNMENT—AFFILIATED political party, saying he was disgusted by THE—AMOUNT—OF—CORRUPTION among UZBEKISTAN—OFFICIALS.
20071023—20060000    —IN, The clan was led from CANADA by Nick and VITO—RIZZUTO, 1—FATHER and son, who were jailed for previous crimes respectively and 20050000             .
20071023—20070630    Der AUTOR—KRITISIERTE damit eine —BEREITS 19330000             gestartete Säuberungswelle an der UNIVERSITÄT, der viele "aktive" und "brillante" jüdische Wissenschaftler am mathematischen und physikalischen Institut zum Opfer gefallen seien.
20071023—20070630    —AM, "Göttingen hörte 19330000             auf, 1—MITTELPUNKT der Wissenschaft zu sein. werden die Besucher in Göttingen eine einzigartige REIHE—VON—VERLUSTEN—DER—GELEHRSAMKEIT, der Freiheit und des Lebens feiern", heißt es in dem "Nature"-Text von 19370000             anlässlich der —200—JAHR—FEIER der Göttinger UNIVERSITÄT. Der AUTOR—KRITISIERTE damit eine —BEREITS 19330000             gestartete Säuberungswelle an der UNIVERSITÄT, der viele "aktive" und "brillante" jüdische Wissenschaftler am mathematischen und physikalischen Institut zum Opfer gefallen seien.
20071023—20070630    —AM, "Göttingen hörte 19330000             auf, 1—MITTELPUNKT—DER—WISSENSCHAFT zu sein. werden die Besucher in Göttingen eine einzigartige REIHE—VON—VERLUSTEN—DER—GELEHRSAMKEIT, der Freiheit und des Lebens feiern", heißt es in dem "Nature"-Text von 19370000             anlässlich der —200—JAHR—FEIER der Göttinger UNIVERSITÄT.
20071023—20071216    —ANNOUNCED, Pemex, that the well was finally capped.
20071023—20100209    —ON, his conviction was overturned —AFTER 1—COURT—IN—SCOTLAND ruled that the trial judge did not properly instruct the jury.
20071023—20150000    —BY, BUSH says IRAN—MISSILES could reach USA, all EUROPE : "
20071023—20150000    —BY, Bush says IRAN—MISSILES could reach USA, all EUROPE : "Our intelligence community assess that, with continued foreign assistance, IRAN could develop 1—INTERCONTINENTAL ballistic missile capable of reaching THE—USA and ALL—OF—EUROPE —BEFORE 20150000             ," he said.
20071025             THE—BUZZFLASH—INTERVIEW—WITH—VALERIE—PLAME—WILSON, Conducted —ON—TUESDAY, 20071023             -- Valerie Plame WILSON—WAS—CONSIDERED "Fair Game" By the Bush eviks.
20071226             Nach ANGABEN—DER—WHO wurden allein 20071023             —IM—PROZENT—DER—ANTRÄGE zur medizinischen Behandlung in ISRAEL abgewiesen.
20081023             —DEFERRED, NIGERIA—SUPREME—COURT, ruling on challenges to PRESIDENT—UMARU—YAR'ADUA'S 20070400             election victory but did not 20080901             for handing down its final judgment.
20081023             ABC24D0E82A6266/Doc~E6C52842541014452B265F2FBC75A82AA~ATpl~Ecommon~Scontent.html" target=_blank>Finanzkrise: WEST—LB steht vor Rückgriff auf Bundeshilfen
20081023             "Because there's no limit to what we can consume, 1—CHANGE—OF—VALUES has to take place if the planet stands 1—CHANCE—OF survival".
20081023             "Elektronischer ZWANGS—STRIP" empört Politiker
20081023             "It was THE—KIND—OF—PROBLEM I thought I could deal with -- in fact, I was looking forward to it," says JOHN—DE—GRAAF,
20081023             "—JAHRHUNDERT—TSUNAMI": EX—NOTENBANKCHEF Greenspan schockiert von Kreditklemme
20081023             "Scientists at McGill UNIVERSITY—IN—MONTREAL say they've discovered 1—NEW—STATE—OF—MATTER that could help extend MOORE—LAW and allow for the fabrication of more tightly packed transistors, or 1—NEW—KIND—OF transistor altogether.
20081023             "The correlation between THE—VS group being happy was due to those NO—CONSUMERISTIC, intrinsic values,
20081023             "Whatever it takes"
20081023             "said 1—COMMENTARY —POSTED—MONDAY on the extremist Web site AL—HESBAH, which is closely linked to the terrorist group.
20081023             2,542 Billionen Euro hält die WestLB an derivativen Finanzwetten,
20081023             2. UPDATE: House Panel Eyes Problems At CREDIT—RATING Firms
20081023             50—PROZENT—DER—BUNDESDEUTSCHEN schließen sich demnach der These an, die großen Vermögen vieler Familien seien grundgesetzwidrig, weil nicht verfassungsgemäß entstanden.
20081023             75,1—PROZENT—DER—WEIßEN, die die Bibel wörtlich nehmen, würden nur für einen weißen Präsidentschaftskandidaten stimmen,
20081023             1—USA—FIRM—THURSDAY unveiled plans to build 1—MASSIVE 1—BILLION—DOLLAR (667—MILLION—USA) charging network to power electric cars in AUSTRALIA as it seeks cleaner and cheaper options to petrol.
20081023             1—SURVEY finds 1—MILLION—CUSTOMERS are close to or have overstepped their monthly bandwidth quota
20081023             1—WOOD—DEVOURING beetle has gained 1—FOOTHOLD in New ENGLAND, and authorities plan to cut down large numbers of infested trees and grind them up to stop the pest from spreading to the region's celebrated forests and ravaging the timber, tourism and MAPLE—SYRUP industries.
20081023             A.I.G. to Suspend Millions in Executive Payouts
20081023             ACLU Assails 100-Mile Border Zone as 'CONSTITUTION—FREE'
20081023             Aber es war nicht die Gier, die Herrn Ackermann, seine Kollegen und Mitarbeiter oder gar die Kleinsparer auf diesen Weg geführt hat.
20081023             —PRESENTED, Americans were, with 1—PROGNOSIS in the late seventies that their WAY—OF—LIFE was damaging the life support systems they so depended upon for their survival.
20081023             Americans work more hours than anyone else in the industrialized world.
20081023             According to THE—UNITED—NATIONS' INTERNATIONAL Labor Organization,
20081023             An der WALL—STREET geht es weiter bergab
20081023             Angst vor Rezession: Asiens Börsen auf Talfahrt
20081023             Are the costs of protecting civil liberties too high?
20081023             ARGENTINIEN "rettet" private Rentenversicherungen
20081023             At 1. glance, WATSON—ARGUMENT may seem compelling, but 1—CLOSE—ANALYSIS exposes the writer's research as fundamentally flawed and misleading.
20081023             At that point you are on the treadmill.
20081023             The treadmill means you are too busy and exhausted to ever think about things,
20081023             Auch rationale Überlegungen können zu Fehlentscheidungen führen,
20081023             Aus psychologischer Perspektive ist die derzeitige Finanzkrise deshalb auf ein grundlegendes menschliches Defizit zurückzuführen
20081023             Aus Ärger entsteht nicht sofort Wut.
20081023             AUSTRALIA plans electric vehicle network
20081023             Autobauer in der Krise: DAIMLER—WARNUNG reißt Dax tief ins Minus
20081023             BUSH excluye a España de la cumbre financiera
20081023             Bankendomino: die LBBW sind die nächsten,
20081023             Bei einem Eigenkapital von ca 5—MILLIARDEN Euro haben die über 90—MILLIARDEN Euro an Posten,
20081023             —SANKTIONIERT, Bewusste Täuschung muss bestraft und Fahrlässigkeit, werden.
20081023             Biden Brings His Prophecy to the Emerald City
20081023             Bloomberg - 2By Alison Vekshin and Rebecca Christie
20081023             Brief an Huber: BAYERNLB—CHEFS verlangen Vertrauensvorschuss - Broadband users reach their limit
20081023             —BY SCOTT—LANMAN and STEVE—MATTHEWS 23 (Bloomberg)
20081023             —AUTHORED, CEPR—CO—DIRECTOR, who also, the study "Are Shorter Work Hours Good for the Environment?
20081023             CHENEY, and their subordinates to be prosecuted for torture.
20081023             CAPTAIN—OBVIOUS betätigt sich in Religionsforschung: Christenfundis sind Rassisten:
20081023             Chaos an Finanzmärkten bricht immer dann aus, wenn emotionale Psychologie statt rationaler Ökonomie REGIERT—SAGEN Ökonomen.
20081023             CHINA, 1—ENGINE—OF—GROWTH, Faces 1—GLOBAL—SLUMP
20081023             CHINESISCHE—FORSCHER haben in der Inneren MONGOLEI das Skelett eines rund 160—MILLIONEN —JAHRE alten Dinosauriers ausgegraben,
20081023             CONFLICTS—OF—INTEREST were largely responsible for the disastrous PERFORMANCE—OF—CREDIT rating agencies in assessing THE—RISKS—OF—MORTGAGE—BACKED securities,
20081023             Connect the dots and the truth emerges.
20081023             Credit Rating Agency Heads Grilled by Lawmakers
20081023             Damit stamme fast 1—DRITTEL—DES—GELDES aus DEUTSCHLAND.
20081023             Die BIZ ist eine internationale Organisation,
20081023             Dann sind die Seelsorger gefragt und nicht mehr die Ökonomen.
20081023             Darpa Wants to See Inside Your House — From the Outside - Das BKA—GESETZ droht zu scheitern!
20081023             Da müssen wir uns schleunigst ein paar Terroristen aus dem Arsch ziehen!!
20081023             Das ganze ist eine furchtbare Geschichte aus dem Kolonialismus, bei dem die Briten am Ende 1—DER—INSELN an die Amis verliehen haben,
20081023             Das ist ja hammerhart! Er hat eine Überweisung vorgenommen und Kisten getragen!
20081023             Meine Güte, Das nominale ausstehende DERIVATE—PORTFOLIO der WestLB toppt alle anderen spekulativen Landesbanken.
20081023             Das spricht für eine gewisse Illusionslosigkeit der Befragten, die allerdings von Konsequenzen noch weit entfernt sind:
20081023             Der Psychologe FRITZ—STRACK hält das für eine bequeme Ausflucht: Als ob die menschliche Psyche keinen Regeln folgte!
20081023             Der FRÜHERE—USA—NOTENBANKCHEF—ALAN—GREENSPAN erklärte in einem vorab verbreiteten Manuskript einer Rede vor dem Kongress,
20081023             Die 3—FÜHRENDEN Landesbanken Deutschlands halten 1—VOLUMEN—VON—5,9 Billionen Euro an ausstehenden Derivaten,
20081023             Die Größenordnung davon kann man überhaupt nur noch verstehen, wenn man es mit dem Bruttoinlandsprodukt der Bundesrepublik vergleicht:
20081023             Die Polizei nahm Y. am Mittwochmorgen in seinem Elternhaus fest.
20081023             —MUTIERT, Die SCHWEIZ, zum Schurkenstaat
20081023             Die haben alleine an CDO mehr Klärschlamm im Portfolio, als sie Eigenkapital haben.
20081023             —BESCHÄMT, Das ist eine unverantwortliche Zockerei und ich bin,
20081023             Dissecting WATSON—NONSENSE on Climate Change
20081023             DIVERSITY—OF—TREES in ECUADOR—AMAZON rainforest defies simple explanation
20081023             Doch die Finanzkrise hat alles VERÄNDERT—BAYERNLB und Co. sind die großen Verlierer.
20081023             —VERLIERT, Dow, 514—PUNKTE: USA—BÖRSEN brechen ein
20081023             Durchleuchtung: Kaum Zweifel an Sicherheit der Scanner
20081023             —DURING the stay Osborne, Rothschild and the Conservative party CHIEF executive, ANDREW—FELDMAN,
20081023             EU—RATSPRÄSIDENTSCHAFT will Sammlung von Passagierdaten ausweiten
20081023             1—LEITZINS von bisweilen nur einem % hatte Kredite extrem billig gemacht.
20081023             EINIGE—SCHREIBEN enthielten weißes Pulver.
20081023             Epidexipteryx ist der —BISHER älteste entdeckte Echsenbeckendinosaurier mit Federn, die lediglich dem Aussehen und nicht der Flugfähigkeit diente.
20081023             —SCHOCKIERT, Er sei "" über das Ausmaß der Kreditklemme.
20081023             Kritiker werfen Greenspan allerdings erhebliche Mitschuld an der Krise vor.
20081023             Er wird ja wohl kaum aus dem Knast die "IJU" angerufen haben.
20081023             Das steht also —SCHON 1—WEILE alles fest.
20081023             1. Sanktionen gegen DEUTSCHE—BANKMANAGER
20081023             Es war das gemeine Gewinnstreben, das in der Konkurrenz mit anderen Investmentbanken katastrophale "Benchmarks" gesetzt hat und ihren Kunden die Illusion der höheren Rendite ohne entsprechendes Risiko verkauft hat.
20081023             Europas Börsen auf dem Weg zu neuen MEHRJAHRES—TIEFSTSTÄNDEN
20081023             EUROPE calls for more help from ASIA on financial crisis - EUROPE delays airport X—RAY eye
20081023             —CALLED, EUROPE —ON—THURSDAY, for greater help from ASIA in tackling the "unprecedented" challenges of the global economic crisis,
20081023             EX—ITALY bank boss due in court - FDIC May Guarantee SOME—HOME—LOANS
20081023             FINALE STRATEGIE GEGEN OBAMA: McCain predigt Freiheit statt Sozialismus
20081023             FINANZKRISE: Begraben die Kapitalisten den Kapitalismus?
20081023             FLUGHAFEN—SICHERHEIT: Politiker entsetzt über geplante Nacktscanner
20081023             Fehlspekulationen: 1. BANK—MANAGER sollen Geld zurückzahlen
20081023             Finanzen: Flucht in den Dollar sorgt Europäer
20081023             Finanzen: WALL—STREET stürzt auf 5—JAHRES—TIEF
20081023             Finanzkrise: DEUTSCHE—RENTENVERSICHERUNG legte Millionen bei Pleitebank Lehman an
20081023             Finanzkrise: Goldman Sachs streicht jeden 10. Job
20081023             Finanzkrise: HSH Nordbank und WestLB erwägen Hilfe aus MERKEL—PAKET
20081023             Finanzkrise: WALL—STREET—ABSTURZ schürt Angst vor Rezession
20081023             Finanzkrise: WEST—LB steht vor Rückgriff auf Bundeshilfen
20081023             Finanzmisere: Sarkozy gründet Staatsfonds zum Schutz der Industrie
20081023             —PRODUZIERT, Finger durchleuchtet: Klebeband, Röntgenstrahlung
20081023             FLUGHAFEN—KONTROLLEN: Nacktscanner greifen massiv in Privatspähre ein
20081023             Folgen der Finanzkrise: Landesbanken kämpfen um ihre Zukunft
20081023             FRANKREICH legt schützende Hand über Industrie
20081023             5—TIERE davon waren an Tollwut erkrankt.
20081023             "Da Tollwut in DEUTSCHLAND nicht mehr vorkommt,
20081023             —ENTSTANDEN, Für die Forscher ist damit klar: Federn, evolutionär —ZUNÄCHST zu Balzzwecken, —ERST später zum Fliegen.
20081023             Gefährliche Substanzen sind darin allerdings bislang nicht entdeckt worden.
20081023             GERMANY—BLACKLIST—CALL riles Swiss
20081023             Goldpreis: Kurs für Edelmetall im Sturzflug
20081023             Greenspan Concedes to `Flaw' in His Market Ideology (Update1) - Grosse WAFFENENTSORGUNGS—AKTION in Zug
20081023             Grund für den Einbruch sind Sorgen um die Weltkonjunktur und ein steigender Dollarkurs.
20081023             Gut, dass die Polizei mitdenkt, und den Bruder von einem der Sauerländer "Terroristen" verhaftet hat.
20081023             HOME—OFFICE blames police counting for crime rise - HAITI storm damage 'EYE—POPPING'
20081023             —VERUNSICHERT, Hektischer Handel: Angst um USA—WIRTSCHAFT, Börsen
20081023             Homeland Security SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF said "terrorists may see the change
20081023             HUHNE—INTERVENTION came —AFTER another Lib Dem MP, NORMAN—BAKER, said he would be asking PARLIAMENT—STANDARDS—WATCHDOG to rule on whether Osborne should have declared his stay at NATHANIEL—ROTHSCHILD—CORFU villa in the Commons REGISTER—OF—MEMBERS' interests.
20081023             Hurricane destruction has left HAITI at a "tipping point", World BANK—CHIEF—ROBERT—ZOELLIK warns —DURING 1—VISIT.
20081023             Hypnosis can induce "synesthetic" EXPERIENCES—WHERE 1—SENSE triggers the involuntary use of ANOTHER—WITHIN 1—AVERAGE—BRAIN,
20081023             I mean nobody, trusts Hank Paulson + THE—BUSH—CHENEY administration : Allen L Roland
20081023             —PREDICTED, In the late 1960s futurists, 1—AGE—OF—LEISURE, hypothesizing that the largest issue facing the country —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—CENTURY would be too much leisure.
20081023             Informationen, ob gesetzliche Krankenversicherungen Geld bei Lehman angelegt haben, habe sie nicht, erklärte die Bundesregierung weiter.
20081023             Investors Flee as Hedge Fund Woes Deepen
20081023             Ist eh —SCHON im Brunnen, das Kind, und solange es keiner merkt, kann man noch ein bisschen Spass haben damit.
20081023             It is absurd that war and THE—RAPE—OF—THE—PLANET are profitable —WHILE saving lives and having the time to live in 1—MORE—SUSTAINABLE—MANNER is not.
20081023             It said McCain would continue the "failing march of his predecessor," PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20081023             —DISCOVERED, It was, using 1—DEVICE cooled to 1—TEMPERATURE about 100—TIMES—COLDER than intergalactic space,
20081023             JAPAN and SOUTH—KOREA—STOCK—MARKETS tumble —IN—EARLY trading as fears of 1—GLOBAL—RECESSION rattle investor confidence.
20081023             JAPAN leads ASIA—SHARES' plunge - Juristen gehen auf die Barrikaden - Jägerlatein.
20081023             In den vergangenen —50—JAHREN habe es in EUROPA 9—ÜBERGRIFFE von Wölfen auf Menschen gegeben.
20081023             KANZLERIN—AUF—HARMONIEKURS: Merkel kündigt Pakt mit CHINA gegen Finanzkrise an
20081023             —CONDUCTED, Kasser, 1—EMPIRICAL—STUDY comparing 200—ADHERENTS of Voluntary Simplicity to 1—CONTROL—GROUP—OF—200—MAINSTREAM—AMERICANS and found the Voluntary Simplicity group was "simultaneously happier —WHILE using fewer resources," and that their happiness was derived from "less materialistic,
20081023             KfW, Lehman und kein Ende: Ruhestörung am Palmengarten
20081023             Kurzfristige Belohnungssysteme, die lediglich von der HÖHE—DES—GEWINNS bestimmt werden,
20081023             Le gouvernement britannique opte pour une relance keynésienne - Liberty v security
20081023             LONDON/PEKING—ER war so groß wie 1—TAUBE und hatte einen Schwanz wie 1—VOGEL.
20081023             MEPs to vote on contentious scan
20081023             Materialism is driven by 1—UNDERLYING SENSE—OF—INSECURITY," says Kasser,
20081023             MCCAIN—PALIN: A Team Without Honor, FOX—FORUM
20081023             Merkel, Steinbrück, Müntefering etc. arbeiten daran.
20081023             Mit dem Fortschreiten der Krise, mit mehr DEUTSCHER—MUSKELSHOW, Dukatenscheißerei und Panikattacken angesichts des Wahlvolks kann sich das ändern.
20081023             Monique Tilford, acting executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CENTRE for 1—NEW—AMERICA—DREAM, 1—MARYLAND group promoting environmentally and socially responsible consumption.
20081023             NY allows Bloomberg new mayor bid
20081023             Nach Fall ISLAND: UNGARN ohne "Hosen in den Brennnesseln"
20081023             —NACH—DEN Erfahrungen aus der Finanzkrise halten es die Experten für nicht mehr vertretbar,
20081023             Nackt —BIS auf die Haut - Nacktscanner: Empörung über SICHERHEITS—PEEPSHOW
20081023             Nasty memories? Mouse method could wipe slate clean
20081023             Netzbetreiber sollen Vorratsdatenspeicherung boykottieren
20081023             —BEENDET, Neue Hilfen: EU, ENTWICKLUNGSHILFE—STOPP gegenüber KUBA
20081023             Never forget that THE—NOI was PRO—AXIS —DURING the war, and had formed 1—ALLIANCE with GEORGE—LINCOLN—ROCKWELL —DURING the
20081023             —HEADED, Never forget that the Nation of Islam, —NOW, by LOUIS—FARRAKHAN, was founded in DETROIT by 1—WHITE—GUY named Ford -- who forbade his followers from engaging in union activity.
20081023             NEWSWEEK : Could OSAMA—BIN—LADEN change election outcome?
20081023             NOAH—SHACHTMAN - Nothing to provide extra resources for patients who need long term high dependency care.
20081023             —NUN fiel der Preis für das Edelmetall an der New Yorker Rohstoffbörse "NYMEX" auf 735,20 Dollar je Unze.
20081023             Nur 16 % sind laut Allensbach für die Rückübereignung von Vermögen an Belegschaften.
20081023             OCCTOBER—SURPRISE?
20081023             —FOCUSED, Our society is, on work that makes stuff that goes directly into landfills.
20081023             Panikattacken - Pardon Me, Congress?
20081023             Peepshow am Flughafen - Politik: Greenspan erwartet "KREDIT—TSUNAMI"
20081023             PRESIDENT—BUSH, however, does know THE—VALUE—OF—VACATION—TIME.
20081023             Productivity normally increases EVERY—YEAR, but we haven't seen massive productivity gains reflected in our working hours," says MARK—WEISBROT,
20081023             —EXPECTED, Profits are, to be almost 60 % less —THIS—YEAR.
20081023             1—OF—THE—MAIN—CULPRITS: the increasingly unfavorable YEN—TO—DOLLAR—CONVERSION—RATE amid the global economic downturn.
20081023             Provision und Korruption
20081023             Präsidentschaft und Kongressmehrheit: Demokraten träumen von historischem Linksruck
20081023             Psychologie der Finanzkrise: Die verrückte Mär vom irren Markt
20081023             Quartalszahlen: Amazon macht kräftige Gewinne
20081023             —VERBUCHT, Quartalszahlen: Credit Suisse, Milliardenverlust
20081023             RETTUNGSPAKET: Sucht auch die WestLB bald Hilfe?
20081023             Rather than heed those warnings, they seem to have spent profuse AMOUNTS—OF—ENERGY entrenching themselves in that very WAY—OF—LIFE that had —JUST been diagnosed as fatal.
20081023             I think this behavior needs to be examined.
20081023             Recession alert sends sterling to low - Recession fears drag shares lower
20081023             Record turnout and new voting machines could add up to major difficulties on USA—ELECTION—DAY, researchers warn.
20081023             Reflecting recent comments made by JOE—BIDEN,
20081023             Researchers find that hypnosis can induce synesthesia
20081023             SINGLAUB JOHN K (15 21 23 28-30 34-5 42 52 54 62-8 82 197 238)
20081023             SPIES FOR HIRE exposes how, from the tracking of AL—QAEDA to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION?s warrantless eavesdropping on USA—CITIZENS,
20081023             SRI—LANKA CIA IN (95) STAHNKE PAUL K (132) STARK RONALD—HADLEY (71-2)
20081023             Sales, currency cause Sony to reduce forecast
20081023             Sarkozy macht Ernst: FRANKREICH will Schlüsselindustrien schützen
20081023             Sarkozy will Schlüsselindustrien verstaatlichen
20081023             Saurierfund: Dino balzte mit langen Schwanzfedern - SCHWEIZER—BÖRSE dreht ins Minus
20081023             Sicherheit auf Flughäfen: Polizei will Test mit Nacktscannern starten - Sie seien —NUN fassungslos.
20081023             Greenspan bezeichnete die Finanzmarktkrise als einen "KREDIT—TSUNAMI" in dessen Folge der Verlust zahlreicher Arbeitsplätze zu erwarten ist.
20081023             So kam es zur Finanzkrise - So what are THE—REST—OF—USA doing?
20081023             SOME—AL—QAEDA affiliates are endorsing JOHN—MCCAIN.
20081023             "AL—QAEDA will have to support McCain in the coming election,
20081023             Starke Kursschwankungen: Dow Jones schließt im Plus
20081023             Stock markets fall sharply as fears of 1—GLOBAL—RECESSION and further economic woe return to haunt investors.
20081023             Stocks Dive as Crisis Erodes Earnings;
20081023             Dow Drops 5.7% - TOTAL INFORMATION AWARENESS
20081023             Tausende Jobs fallen weg: Kahlschlag bei Merck&Co.
20081023             THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT is due to vote on whether to try to halt the introduction of powerful new airport scanners.
20081023             THE—PENTAGON wants to be able to peer inside your apartment building -- picking out where all the major rooms, stairways and dens of EVIL—DOERS are.
20081023             THE—RECKONING: Struggling to Keep Up as the Crisis Raced On
20081023             THE—SWITZERLAND—GOVERNMENT reacts angrily —AFTER GERMANY suggests the nation should be put on 1—BLACKLIST—OF—TAX—HAVENS.
20081023             The city council in NEW—YORK abolishes a 2—TERM—LIMIT for officials, allowing Mayor MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG to run again.
20081023             The new Morrison PLANETARIUM—75—FOOT—SCREEN replaces the traditional Zeiss projector with 1—ARRAY—OF—6—HIGH—RESOLUTION—DLP projectors arrayed —AROUND THE—EDGE—OF—THE—THEATER,
20081023             The researchers call the new STATE—OF—MATTER—'A—QUASI 3—DIMENSIONAL electron crystal.'
20081023             They Did It on Purpose: THE—HOUSING—BUBBLE and Its Crash - This expectation is spreading.
20081023             Tierschützer fordern Käfigverbot für Kaninchen.
20081023             Grausam: Neuer Skandal um Kaninchenhaltung
20081023             Tierversuch: Forscher züchten Prostata aus Stammzellen
20081023             TIM—SHORROCKS—NEW—BOOK: Spies for Hire - Toyota to mark 1. sales drop in —DECADE
20081023             Triumph für Bloomberg: NEW—YORK macht Weg für 3. Amtszeit frei - UBS—FILIALE.
20081023             Zu der Kundgebung im Herzen des SCHWEIZER—BANKENSEKTORS hatten die Gewerkschaft Unia und Linksparteien aufgerufen.
20081023             —SHOCKED, UPDATE 3-Greenspan "" at credit system breakdown
20081023             USA—LAWMAKERS—DEMAND—MORE—STEPS to Help Homeowners (Update1)
20081023             —CALLED, USA—LAWMAKERS, on THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to step up aid to struggling homeowners,
20081023             —ERASED, USA—SCIENTISTS say they have, memories from mice, raising hopes the technique could help humans overcome traumatic events.
20081023             USA—BÖRSEN im freien Fall - USA—BÖRSEN: Katastrophales Ende für die WALL—STREET
20081023             USA—WAHL—COUNTDOWN: Umfragen schwanken zwischen ein und 14—PUNKTEN Vorsprung für Obama
20081023             USA—WISSENSCHAFTLER: Neue RFID—AUSWEISE und Führerscheine sind unsicher
20081023             Umstrittenes Gesetz: BRITISCHES—UNTERHAUS genehmigt Forschung an MENSCH—TIER—EMBRYONEN
20081023             Un juez argentino ordena entrar en la sede del fondo del BBVA
20081023             Un premier sommet mondial SUR la crise à la MI—NOVEMBRE
20081023             Und gleich danach kommt mit einem Hebel von 52,4 die WestLB.
20081023             Und selbst wenn der Bruder aus dem Knast jemanden angerufen hat -- bin ich —JETZT auch mit einem Bein im Knast,
20081023             Und wenn die Experten (hier: die RATING—AGENTUREN) mit den Anbietern unter einer Decke stecken, ist der Kunde völlig verloren.
20081023             Und wie das zeitlich wieder zum Winteranfang passt!
20081023             Brilliant!
20081023             Under 1—LITTLE known post-20010911             power, border agents can stop and question people up to 100—MILES from the border without ANY—CAUSE.
20081023             Unternehmen: ISLAND schuldet DEUTSCHEN—BANKEN Milliarden
20081023             Verbaler Antikapitalismus im Sonderangebot
20081023             Verfassungsbeschwerde geplant: Klage gegen Rettungspaket
20081023             Von Bankschulden in Höhe von 75,3 Milliarden Dollar, die vor den jüngsten schweren Turbulenzen der Finanzkrise in ISLAND aufgelaufen waren,
20081023             Von einem Zusammenhang mit der Finanzkrise wollte der Sprecher hingegen nichts wissen.
20081023             Vor allem aber ist es erforderlich, Regeln für wirtschaftliches Handeln vorzugeben, die Defizite der menschlichen Urteilsbildung in Betracht ziehen und die Beteiligten vor der Ausbeutung ihrer Schwächen schützen.
20081023             WTF? Gazprom?!? Die haben da offenbar angesichts ihres GELDDRUCKMASCHINE—GESCHÄFTSMODELLS leichtherzig ihre Finanzen suboptimal gemanaged und haben —JETZT Probleme,
20081023             WALL—STREET s'effondre encore - Wallstreet fällt auf 5—JAHRES—TIEF - Warning over USA—ELECTION—PROBLEMS
20081023             —PASSIERT, Was —SEIT dem, ist, ist wie direkt aus MONTY—PYTHON: 20000000             , High Court judges ruled that Chagossians could return to 65—OF—THE—ISLANDS, but not to DIEGO—GARCIA.
20081023             Weitere Argumente, warum man NIE WIEDER was mit ENGLAND zu tun haben will: Das BRITISCHE—OBERHAUS hat entschieden,
20081023             Weiße, die die Bibel für 1—BUCH voller Geschichten und Legenden halten, wären zu 89,9 % bereit,
20081023             Wenn die Wettbewerbshüter ihr Veto einlegen, steht die WestLB vor enormen Schwierigkeiten.
20081023             —HAPPENED, What's, in EUROPE is people have discovered it's NICE to have SOME—TIME in their lives,
20081023             Why must we work so hard?
20081023             Wie es weitergeht, weiß niemand, KEINER—DER—INTERNATIONALEN—FACHLEUTE wagt —DERZEIT 1—PROGNOSE",
20081023             —VERHAFTET, Wieso wird der gerade —JETZT, (mal abgesehen von der verschwörungstheoretischen erklärung mit dem BKA—GESETZ)?
20081023             World Press Network • View TOPIC—RED—DAWN—LINKS - World markets on edge as fears grow
20081023             —SUBPOENAED, —YESTERDAY, Senate Democrats, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—MICHAEL—MUKASEY for "testimony and documents about the Justice DEPARTMENT—LEGAL—ADVICE to THE—WHITE—HOUSE on detention + interrogation policies —SINCE the
20081023             You have lost in life the 1. moment you let SOME—OTHER—GUY define your purpose and your hours.
20081023             Zu der Festnahme BURHAN—YS führte einem Bericht des Nachrichtenmagazins "Focus" zufolge auch ein abgehörtes Telefonat zwischen dessen Bruder und einem Kämpfer der IJU.
20081023             Täusche ich mich oder sitzt der Bruder in Haft?
20081023             Zudem habe er Ausrüstungsgegenstände, die für 1—TERRORCAMP bestimmt waren, an 1—IJU—MITGLIED übergeben.
20081023             Zuschuss von mehr als 6—MILLIARDEN Euro zur Existenzsicherung.
20081023             Zwölfjährige wegen 2,90 Euro im Dunkeln ausgesetzt.
20081023             Strafrechtliche Konsequenzen für Schaffnerin
20081023             Zürich: Demonstranten blockieren Eingang von UBS—GEBÄUDE
20081023             [JERRY—SEIB, executive WASHINGTON EDITOR—OF—THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL said on the Diane Rehm Show on NPR —LAST—WEEK that he expects BUSH ,
20081023             [JOE—BIDEN the seemingly clairvoyant SENATOR—FROM—DELAWARE, and vice presidential nominee was out making predictions, again.
20081023             [So Paulson says they will do "Whatever it takes", does he?
20081023             [The housing bubble and its crash were engineered from the highest LEVELS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT,
20081023             [The steadily retreating stock market is reflecting 1—PROFOUND + deserved LACK—OF—TRUST which extends to banks,
20081023             [Writer PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON accuses the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) of using deception and fear mongering in 1—SCIENTIFIC—STUDY evaluating the potential EFFECTS—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20081023             according to 1—NEW—STUDY in the journal Psychological Science, the premiere PUBLICATION—OF—THE—ASSOCIATION for Psychological Society.
20081023             all rendered in REAL—TIME on an 8800—SQ. ft. dome.
20081023             Maximum PC went on 1—BEHIND the scenes tour with the engineers who built the systems that do everything from run the planetarium lights to the sound systems to the tech behind the screen to show you how it works and what it's like to drive, well... THE—UNIVERSE".
20081023             although he owns 1—COMPANY based in THE—UK—THAT would be allowed to make 1—DONATION.
20081023             and in getting some, they've wanted more.
20081023             Whereas here, business has kept that door completely shut".
20081023             and the reason they're living in 1—MORE ecologically sustainable fashion is also due to those values".
20081023             borrowers, mortgage companies, home buyers + finally to the stark realization that nobody,
20081023             damit die da eine fette Militärbasis drauf bauen konnten.
20081023             Die Leute, die auf der Insel wohnten,
20081023             dann könnt ihr euch ja mal überlegen, wo sie die herholen, und wie sich das auf unsere Gaspreise auswirkt.
20081023             darunter 1—VOLUMEN an gefährlichen Kreditderivaten von 135,7 Mrd.
20081023             Euro! das 4,98-fache ihrer Bilanzsumme bzw.
20081023             243,4—PROZENT—DES—DEUTSCHEN—BIPS.
20081023             Aber man kann denen gar nicht böse sein,
20081023             dass Sparkassen und die öffentliche Hand für Verluste einstehen müssen.
20081023             dass ausgerechnet die Sparkassen da —JETZT beim Finanzieren helfen sollen.
20081023             Als ob die da etwas dafür könnten!
20081023             dass die CHAGOS—EINWOHNER nicht zurück nach Hause können.
20081023             denn sie haben aus ihrer Sicht genau das richtige gemacht.
20081023             Wie die USA mit CHINA. Wenn jemand mir 100—EURO schuldet,
20081023             denn wir holen 1—VIERTEL unseres Erdgases von Gazprom, und wenn die kurzfristig Kohle brauchen,
20081023             der an seiner Hinterseite ungewöhnlich lange Federn besaß.
20081023             die haben einen unglaublichen Hebel von 57,8 zwischen Eigenkapital und Fremdkapital.
20081023             Das ist weit mehr als z.B. Lehman Brothers (21,1) hatten.
20081023             die sie selbst als Risikoposition bezeichnen.
20081023             Wie kann denn sowas bitte passieren?! Mann Mann Mann.
20081023             einen Politiker einer anderen Rasse zu wählen, nicht religionsgebundene zu 91,4 %.
20081023             Überraschung!1!!
20081023             er und andere hätten geglaubt, dass die Finanzinstitutionen ihre Aktionäre besser schützen würden.
20081023             —FOLLOWING the application of the most powerful continuous magnetic field on Earth".
20081023             gezielte Einflussnahmen und Manipulationen.
20081023             haben die Briten brutal rausgeschmissen, und die haben —SEIT dem dagegen gekämpft.
20081023             Das war in den 60er —JAHREN.
20081023             had 1—CONVERSATION about 1—POSSIBLE—DONATION from Deripaska.
20081023             —ALLOWED, As 1—FOREIGNER, Deripaska is not, to donate to 1—UK—POLITICAL—PARTY,
20081023             heißt es in der Studie, die sich auf Befragung von 1.325—WEIßEN USA—AMERIKANERN gründet.
20081023             hält TEILE—DER—WELTWEITEN—WÄHRUNGSRESERVEN und ist quasi die Zentralbank der Zentralbanken.
20081023             ihre Schulden zu refinanzieren.
20081023             Und diese Meldung ist eine mittlere Katastrophe für EUROPA,
20081023             intrinsic goals, such as personal growth, family and community". —WHILE the Voluntary Simplicity group was "still awfully far from having 1—SUSTAINABLE—ECOLOGICAL—FOOTPRINT," Kasser feels it's 1—POSITIVE—START.
20081023             ist das für uns kein Problem".
20081023             Die restlichen 4—FÄLLE hätten sich in SPANIEN in der Nähe einer Hühnerfarm ereignet,
20081023             ist er der Doofe.
20081023             Wenn jemand mir 100—MILLIONEN Euro schuldet, bin ich der Doofe.
20081023             Ab einer gewissen Größenordnung an Schulden können die für sich selbst nichts mehr schlimmer machen,
20081023             more than the Germans.
20081023             So how does ecological damage figure in to the 40-plus workweek?
20081023             notthatwillsmith writes "—EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, the most TECHNOLOGICALLY—ADVANCED digital planetarium in the world opened in S—FRANCISCO—CALIFORNIA—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES.
20081023             ohne bei Misserfolg einen Verlust spürbar zu machen, verhindern eine ausreichende Berücksichtigung des Risikos.
20081023             —ON THE—EVE—OF—1—SUMMIT here between leaders of THE—2—REGIONS.
20081023             or make proper plans and BUDGETS—THUS you are SOME—OTHER—GUYS bitch.
20081023             PLAYBACK—OF—ULTRA—HIGH—RESOLUTION—MOVIES, and display of anything from current atmospheric conditions on Earth to a (greatly accelerated) trip to the farthest REACHES—OF—THE—UNIVERSE,
20081023             private contractors have infiltrated EVERY—CORNER—OF—INTELLIGENCE gathering in AMERICA....
20081023             producer of the groundbreaking 19970000             PBS documentary "Affluenza: THE—ALL—CONSUMING Epidemic" and 1—FREQUENT—SPEAKER on issues of overwork and overconsumption.
20081023             sagte Bayerns Finanzminister ERWIN—HUBER (CSU) - der wegen des Skandals sein Amt abgeben muss.
20081023             saying THE—TREASURY—PLANS to buy stakes in banks won't fix the housing collapse that underlies the
20081023             stammten 21,3 Milliarden Euro von DEUTSCHEN—BANKEN, teilte die BANK—FÜR—INTERNATIONALEN—ZAHLUNGSAUSGLEICH (BIZ) mit.
20081023             THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE, and the Financial Industry.
20081023             to 1—NEW—USA—PRESIDENT over the next —6—MONTHS as 1—PRIME—CHANCE to attack, no matter who wins THE—WHITE—HOUSE".
20081023             2—FORMER—HIGH—RANKING officials at MOODY—INVESTORS...
20081023             und selbst Demokraten warnen —SCHON vor potentiellen Gefahren, wenn das politische System der USA von ihrer Partei überwältigend dominiert würde.
20081023             we work —250—HOURS, or —5—WEEKS, more than the Brits, and 1—WHOPPING —500—HOURS, or 12 and 1—HALF—WEEKS,
20081023             wenn sich mein Bruder verwählt?
20081023             Also das stinkt ja mal wieder aus allen Körperöffnungen.
20081023             wenn sie noch mehr Schulden aufnehmen.
20081023             Also ist es spieletheoretisch für sie sinnvoll, mehr Schulden zu machen.
20081023             which are powered by 3—VERY—DIFFERENT, but interesting computing clusters.
20081023             THE—3—CLUSTERS allow for projection of traditional planetarium shows,
20081023             wo die Tiere dem Menschen zu nahe gekommen seien und Abfälle der Fabrik gefressen hätten.
20081023             "Solche Tiere müssen entfernt werden".
20081023             "Die Leute buchen wie verrückt"
20081023             FORMER—FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—ALAN—GREENSPAN said the current financial crisis is a "ONCE—IN—A—CENTURY—CREDIT—TSUNAMI" which will have 1—SEVERE—IMPACT on THE—USA—ECONOMY, driving unemployment higher.
20081023             —SHOCKED, Greenspan also said he was "" at the breakdown in USA—CREDIT—MARKETS and that he was "partially" wrong to resist REGULATION—OF—SOME—SECURITIES.
20081023             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said THE—USA is suspending 1—TRADE—DEAL with BOLIVIA.
20081023             She called it unfortunate but necessary because BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES has failed to improve ANTI—DRUG—EFFORTS.
20081023             —PERSUADED, NEW—YORK—CITY—MAYOR Bloomberg, the city council, in a 29—22—VOTE, to amend the term limit law allowing him to run for RE—ELECTION—NEXT—YEAR.
20081023             CALIFORNIA, 1—NEW—SOLAR thermal power plant, built by startup Ausra, opened NORTH—OF—BAKERSFIELD.
20081023             It will generate as much as 5—MEGAWATTS, enough for 3,750 homes.
20081023             —PLANNED, Ausra and other companies, bigger plants in the future.
20081023             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—COALITION—RAID in Paktika province, 3—INSURGENTS and detained 4—OTHERS.
20081023             3—TURKS were kidnapped in Khost province.
20081023             —ARMED, In SOUTH—HELMAND province, assailants attacked 1—MAN and gouged out his eyes in front of his family —DURING 1—GRUESOME assault.
20081023             ENGLAND Schools MINISTER—JIM—KNIGHT said MILLIONS—OF—CHILDREN in ENGLAND aged from 5 to 16 in STATE—FUNDED schools will receive compulsory lessons about subjects including sex and drug use.
20081023             CANADA—FINANCE—MINISTER—JIM—FLAHERTY said the government would guarantee borrowing by the nation's banks to ease 1—LENDING crunch and keep them on equal footing with foreign competitors.
20081023             —KILLED, Rebel attacks using land mines in Chechnya, 1—RUSSIA—SOLDIER and wounded 10—OTHER servicemen and police.
20081023             —ARRESTED, CHINA, 6—PEOPLE for their alleged role in supplying contaminated milk to the country's dairy companies, as the Health Ministry said more than 3,600 CHINA—CHILDREN remain hospitalized —AFTER consuming compromised products.
20081023             —RANSACKED, Scores of villagers in 1—REMOTE timber region, the offices of 1—FORESTRY company and fought with security guards, accusing the company of paying too little for use of their land.
20081023             Held EVERY— 2—YEARS, ASEM has no mandate to issue decisions, but participants hope it will produce SOME—DEGREE—OF consensus ahead of a 20081115             MEETING—OF—THE—WORLD—TOP—ECONOMIES in WASHINGTON to discuss the worst financial crisis —SINCE the 1930s.
20081023             At least 6—SMALL explosive devices left in trash cans detonated in BOGOTA, wounding 18—PEOPLE and frightening residents.
20081023             —OWNED, CROATIA, IVO—PUKANIC (47), who, and edited Nacional, 1—INFLUENTIAL—PUBLICATION known for its investigative journalism and NACIONAL—MARKETING director, Niko Franjic, † when 1—EXPLOSIVE device was placed near their car in the capital, ZAGREB.
20081023             —TRIED, Main suspect Zeljko Milovanovic, who was, in absentia, was sentenced to the maximum —40—YEARS in prison.
20081023             He was being held in neighboring Serbia and tried on similar charges.
20081023             5—OTHER—DEFENDANTS were sentenced to 15 to —33—YEARS in prison.
20081023             —ENDED, CUBA and THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, a —5—YEAR standoff by signing 1—AGREEMENT that calls for EU members to send THE—ISLAND euro2 million (USA$2.6—MILLION) in immediate hurricane recovery aid and up to euro30 million (USA$38.8—MILLION) more in financing —NEXT—YEAR.
20081023             —AWARDED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT, 1—PRESTIGIOUS—RIGHTS prize to jailed CHINA—DISSIDENT Hu Jia on THE—EVE—OF—1—KEY—BEIJING summit and despite pressure from BEIJING not to honor him.
20081023             1—EUROPEAN—UNION—COURT has ruled that EU governments should no longer freeze THE—FUNDS—OF—PEOPLE—MUJAHEDEEN—ORGANIZATION—OF—IRAN, 1—IRAN—OPPOSITION—GROUP on the bloc's terror blacklist.
20081023             1—UK—COURT ruled in its favor —LAST—YEAR.
20081023             —UNVEILED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—SARKOZY, 1—STRATEGIC—NATIONAL—INVESTMENT—FUND that will buy stakes in FRANCE—INDUSTRIES with borrowed money to protect them from foreign predators.
20081023             1—PARIS criminal court convicted 9—PEOPLE including 1—FRENCH—ALGERIA—FORMER—PRISON—INMATE who admitted establishing 1—ISLAMIC—GROUP that called for armed jihad in FRANCE.
20081023             —CAPTURED, THE—FRANCE—NAVY, 9—PIRATES near the Gulf of ADEN finding ANTI—TANK—MISSILES, other weapons and ship boarding gear on the boats.
20081023             1—SOMALIA—PIRATE warned that if 1—HIJACKED—UKRAINE—ARMS ship was attacked the ship's 20-man crew would be killed.
20081023             1—GREECE—MINISTER resigned —AFTER being ACCUSED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in 1—BURGEONING scandal involving 1—STATE—LAND swap with 1—POWERFUL—ORTHODOX monastery that has undermined the government's popularity.
20081023             MINISTER—OF—STATE—THEODOROS—ROUSSOPOULOS, who is also the government spokesman, said he was stepping down in order to defend himself against a "malicious and totally groundless attack".
20081023             1—HUGE—EXPLOSION at 1—ILLEGAL fireworks factory in WEST—INDIA killed 27—PEOPLE, including 12—CHILDREN.
20081023             —RELINQUISHED, THE—USA, CONTROL—OF—1—SOUTHERN—PROVINCE that includes Sunni areas once known as the "TRIANGLE—OF—DEATH," handing security responsibility to THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT.
20081023             Babil was the 12. of 18—IRAQ—PROVINCES to be placed under IRAQ—CONTROL.
20081023             —ESCAPED, In BAGHDAD IRAQ—LABOR—MINISTER, assassination —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER rammed 1—EXPLOSIVES—LADEN—SUV into his convoy, killing at least 9—PEOPLE.
20081023             1—ITALY—MILITARY—HELICOPTER crashed in NORTH—EAST—FRANCE, killing all 8—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20081023             MEXICO, 2—PEOPLE were found dead in TIJUANA, across the border from S—DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, including 1—BADLY burned corpse left in 1—TRASH bin.
20081023             —KILLED, NIGERIA—TROOPS, 2—MILITANTS in 1—RIVER clash with insurgents in the volatile OIL—RICH—NIGER Delta.
20081023             2—AK 47—RIFLES and ammunitions were recovered from the militants.
20081023             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN, USA—SPY—DRONES fired missiles into 1—SCHOOL set up by 1—TOP—TALIBAN COMMANDER in 1—TRIBAL—AREA bordering AFGHANISTAN, killing 11—PEOPLE.
20081023             Residents said that ALL—OF—THE—VICTIMS were local tribesmen, adding that locals had fired at 2 suspected USA—DRONES hovering above.
20081023             —STABBED, MOHAMMED—ALBADEN, 1—PALESTINE—ASSAILANT, 2—ISRAELIS in 1—EAST—JERUSALEM neighborhood, killing an —86—YEAR—OLD—MAN and wounding 1—POLICE—OFFICER in what authorities called a "terror incident".
20081023             —RAMPAGED, ROMANIA, vandals, through 1—SPRAWLING—JEWISH cemetery in BUCHAREST, toppling tombstones and smashing markers for as many as 200—GRAVES.
20081023             RUSSIA, which sent 1—WARSHIP to SOMALIA—COAST to combat pirates, asked THE—AFRICA—NATION for carte blanche to use force in its territorial waters.
20081023             —APPROVED, SOUTH—AFRICA—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY, new legislation to disband the Scorpions investigating unit and incorporate it into the police force.
20081023             —PLUNGED, THE—UKRAINE—CURRENCY, against the dollar as people raced to exchange booths to convert their savings into USA—CURRENCY.
20081023             UKRAINE—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said in 1—STATEMENT that THE—RUSSIA—DESIRE to extend its port lease at Sevastopol "cannot be 1—SUBJECT—OF—DISCUSSION".
20081023             —FORMED, SOUTH—YEMEN, 1—TROPICAL—STORM, out in THE—INDIA—OCEAN—EARLIER in the —WEEK, hit the remote Hadramut province.
20081023             —FOLLOWED, Flooding which, left at least 90—PEOPLE—DEAD and some 20,000 displaced.
20081023             [JERRY—SEIB, executive WASHINGTON EDITOR—OF—THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL said on the Diane Rehm Show on NPR —LAST—WEEK that he expects Bush, Cheney, and their subordinates to be prosecuted for torture.
20081023             NY allows Bloomberg new mayor bid The city council in NEW—YORK abolishes a 2—TERM—LIMIT for officials, allowing Mayor MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG to run again.
20081023             Hypnosis can induce "synesthetic" EXPERIENCES—WHERE 1—SENSE triggers the involuntary use of ANOTHER—WITHIN 1—AVERAGE—BRAIN, according to 1—NEW—STUDY in the journal Psychological Science, the premiere PUBLICATION—OF—THE—ASSOCIATION for Psychological Society.
20081023             Trees in 1—HYPER—DIVERSE—TROPICAL rainforest interact with EACH—OTHER and their environment to create and maintain diversity, researchers report in the
20081023             They Did It on Purpose: THE—HOUSING—BUBBLE and Its Crash [The housing bubble and its crash were engineered from the highest LEVELS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE, and the Financial Industry.
20081023             [The steadily retreating stock market is reflecting 1—PROFOUND + deserved LACK—OF—TRUST which extends to banks, borrowers, mortgage companies, home buyers + finally to the stark realization that nobody, I mean nobody, trusts Hank Paulson + the Bush /Cheney administration : Allen L Roland
20081023             Liberty v security Are the costs of protecting civil liberties too high?
20081023             HAITI storm damage 'EYE—POPPING' Hurricane destruction has left HAITI at a "tipping point", World BANK—CHIEF—ROBERT—ZOELLIK warns —DURING 1—VISIT.
20081023             Sales, currency cause Sony to reduce forecast Profits are expected to be almost 60 % less —THIS—YEAR.
20081023             UBS—FILIALE.
20081023             —CALLED, EUROPE —ON—THURSDAY, for greater help from ASIA in tackling the "unprecedented" challenges of the global economic crisis, on THE—EVE—OF—1—SUMMIT here between leaders of THE—2—REGIONS.
20081023             EU and ASIA 'must work together'
20081023             —ENHANCED, Barroso appeals for, global efforts to deal with financial...
20081023             —CALLED, USA—LAWMAKERS, on THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to step up aid to struggling homeowners, saying THE—TREASURY—PLANS to buy stakes in banks won't fix the housing collapse that underlies the...
20081023             —ENGULFED, FORMER—FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—ALAN—GREENSPAN said a ``ONCE—IN—A—CENTURY—CREDIT—TSUNAMI'' has, financial markets and conceded that his FREE—MARKET—IDEOLOGY shunning regulation was...
20081023             Von Bankschulden in Höhe von 75,3 Milliarden Dollar, die vor den jüngsten schweren Turbulenzen der Finanzkrise in ISLAND aufgelaufen waren, stammten 21,3 Milliarden Euro von DEUTSCHEN—BANKEN, teilte die BANK—FÜR—INTERNATIONALEN—ZAHLUNGSAUSGLEICH (BIZ) mit.
20081023             Die BIZ ist eine internationale Organisation, hält TEILE—DER—WELTWEITEN—WÄHRUNGSRESERVEN und ist quasi die Zentralbank der Zentralbanken.
20081023             Jägerlatein.
20081023             "Da Tollwut in DEUTSCHLAND nicht mehr vorkommt, ist das für uns kein Problem".
20081023             Die restlichen 4—FÄLLE hätten sich in SPANIEN in der Nähe einer Hühnerfarm ereignet, wo die Tiere dem Menschen zu nahe gekommen seien und Abfälle der Fabrik gefressen hätten.
20081023             Boom der USA—FRÜHWÄHLER: Angst vor elektiler Dysfunktion
20081023             Bizarre Verordnung: Nationalbibliothek will das DEUTSCHE—INTERNET kopieren
20081023             —DURING the stay Osborne, Rothschild and the Conservative party CHIEF executive, ANDREW—FELDMAN, had 1—CONVERSATION about 1—POSSIBLE—DONATION from Deripaska.
20081023             —ALLOWED, As 1—FOREIGNER, Deripaska is not, to donate to 1—UK—POLITICAL—PARTY, although he owns 1—COMPANY based in THE—UK—THAT would be allowed to make 1—DONATION.
20081023             Der FRÜHERE—USA—NOTENBANKCHEF—ALAN—GREENSPAN erklärte in einem vorab verbreiteten Manuskript einer Rede vor dem Kongress, er und andere hätten geglaubt, dass die Finanzinstitutionen ihre Aktionäre besser schützen würden.
20081023             Sie seien —NUN fassungslos.
20081023             950—MILLIARDEN Dollar Schulden: —JETZT droht die Kreditkartenkrise
20081023             Home Office blames police counting for crime rise
20081023             blog.fefe.de Arabische Medien gerüchten, der MOSSAD—CHEF sei in JORDANIEN ermordet worden.
20081023             Die Israelis dementieren.
20081023             blog.fefe.de Bankendomino: die LBBW sind die nächsten, die haben einen unglaublichen Hebel von 57,8 zwischen Eigenkapital und Fremdkapital.
20081023             —BESCHÄMT, Das ist eine unverantwortliche Zockerei und ich bin, dass ausgerechnet die Sparkassen da —JETZT beim Finanzieren helfen sollen.
20081023             Bei einem Eigenkapital von ca 5—MILLIARDEN Euro haben die über 90—MILLIARDEN Euro an Posten, die sie selbst als Risikoposition bezeichnen.
20081023             Die Größenordnung davon kann man überhaupt nur noch verstehen, wenn man es mit dem Bruttoinlandsprodukt der Bundesrepublik vergleicht: Das nominale ausstehende DERIVATE—PORTFOLIO der WestLB toppt alle anderen spekulativen Landesbanken.
20081023             2,542 Billionen Euro hält die WestLB an derivativen Finanzwetten, darunter 1—VOLUMEN an gefährlichen Kreditderivaten von 135,7 Mrd.
20081023             Euro!
20081023             Sicher sind die Landesbanken nur 1—PROBLEM in der weltweiten Finanzkrise, dennoch kennzeichnen sie besonders das Versagen aller Kontrollinstanzen!
20081023             Die 3—FÜHRENDEN Landesbanken Deutschlands halten 1—VOLUMEN—VON—5,9 Billionen Euro an ausstehenden Derivaten, das 4,98-fache ihrer Bilanzsumme bzw.
20081023             Aber man kann denen gar nicht böse sein, denn sie haben aus ihrer Sicht genau das richtige gemacht.
20081023             Wie die USA mit CHINA.
20081023             Wenn jemand mir 100—EURO schuldet, ist er der Doofe.
20081023             Ab einer gewissen Größenordnung an Schulden können die für sich selbst nichts mehr schlimmer machen, wenn sie noch mehr Schulden aufnehmen.
20081023             Und dann gibt es noch Finanzprobleme bei... - Gazprom.
20081023             WTF? Gazprom?!? Die haben da offenbar angesichts ihres GELDDRUCKMASCHINE—GESCHÄFTSMODELLS leichtherzig ihre Finanzen suboptimal gemanaged und haben —JETZT Probleme, ihre Schulden zu refinanzieren.
20081023             Und diese Meldung ist eine mittlere Katastrophe für EUROPA, denn wir holen 1—VIERTEL unseres Erdgases von Gazprom, und wenn die kurzfristig Kohle brauchen, dann könnt ihr euch ja mal überlegen, wo sie die herholen, und wie sich das auf unsere Gaspreise auswirkt.
20081023             The treadmill means you are too busy and exhausted to ever think about things, or make proper plans and BUDGETS—THUS you are SOME—OTHER—GUYS bitch.
20081023             —CONDUCTED, Kasser, 1—EMPIRICAL—STUDY comparing 200—ADHERENTS of Voluntary Simplicity to 1—CONTROL—GROUP—OF—200—MAINSTREAM—AMERICANS and found the Voluntary Simplicity group was "simultaneously happier —WHILE using fewer resources," and that their happiness was derived from "less materialistic, intrinsic goals, such as personal growth, family and community".
20081023             —WHILE the Voluntary Simplicity group was "still awfully far from having 1—SUSTAINABLE—ECOLOGICAL—FOOTPRINT," Kasser feels it's 1—POSITIVE—START.
20081023             "The correlation between THE—VS group being happy was due to those NO—CONSUMERISTIC, intrinsic values, and the reason they're living in 1—MORE ecologically sustainable fashion is also due to those values".
20081023             As it stands, AMERICA is the only industrial nation that offers no legal protection for vacations.
20081023             "What's happened in EUROPE is people have discovered it's NICE to have SOME—TIME in their lives, and in getting some, they've wanted more. Whereas here, business has kept that door completely shut".
20081023             "It was THE—KIND—OF—PROBLEM I thought I could deal with -- in fact, I was looking forward to it," says JOHN—DE—GRAAF, producer of the groundbreaking 19970000             PBS documentary "Affluenza: THE—ALL—CONSUMING Epidemic" and 1—FREQUENT—SPEAKER on issues of overwork and overconsumption.
20081023             "Of course, I didn't reason we'd put all our productivity gains into more stuff".
20081023             "Productivity normally increases EVERY—YEAR, but we haven't seen massive productivity gains reflected in our working hours," says MARK—WEISBROT, CEPR—CO—DIRECTOR, who also authored the study "Are Shorter Work Hours Good for the Environment?" "Because there's no limit to what we can consume, 1—CHANGE—OF—VALUES has to take place if the planet stands 1—CHANCE—OF survival".
20081023             "—WHEN people are TIME—STARVED they don't have enough time to be conscious consumers. The overarching theme of our organization is to remind Americans that EVERY—SINGLE—DOLLAR they spend has 1—CARBON—IMPACT, to make the connection".
20081023             According to THE—UNITED—NATIONS' INTERNATIONAL Labor Organization, we work —250—HOURS, or —5—WEEKS, more than the Brits, and 1—WHOPPING —500—HOURS, or 12 and 1—HALF—WEEKS, more than the Germans.
20081023             Why Working Less is Better for the Globe By DARA—COLWELL, AlterNet
20081023             SINGLAUB JOHN K (15 21 23 28-30 34-5 42 52 54 62-8 82 197 238)... SRI—LANKA CIA IN (95) STAHNKE PAUL K (132) STARK RONALD—HADLEY (71-2)...
20081023             CIA activities in IRAN—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia.
20081023             Council employees such as JOHN—POINDEXTER + OLIVER—NORTH, as well as retired special operations personnel such as JOHN—K—SINGLAUB + RICHARD—SECORD...
20081023             MCCAIN—PALIN: A Team Without Honor " FOX—FORUM " FOXNews.com
20081023             —NACH—DEN Erfahrungen aus der Finanzkrise halten es die Experten für nicht mehr vertretbar, dass Sparkassen und die öffentliche Hand für Verluste einstehen müssen.
20081023             "Wie es weitergeht, weiß niemand, KEINER—DER—INTERNATIONALEN—FACHLEUTE wagt —DERZEIT 1—PROGNOSE", sagte Bayerns Finanzminister ERWIN—HUBER (CSU) - der wegen des Skandals sein Amt abgeben muss.
20081023             Lange waren die Landesbanken unauffällige Geldinstitute, vom STAAT dirigiert und auf Sicherheit bedacht.
20081023             —VERÄNDERT, Doch die Finanzkrise hat alles, - BayernLB und Co. sind die großen Verlierer.
20081023             Kurzfristige Belohnungssysteme, die lediglich von der HÖHE—DES—GEWINNS bestimmt werden, ohne bei Misserfolg einen Verlust spürbar zu machen, verhindern eine ausreichende Berücksichtigung des Risikos.
20081023             Dies fördert den Ausverkauf von Rohstoffen, die als Absicherung gegen Inflation und eine schwache USA—WÄHRUNG genutzt werden.
20081023             CHINESISCHE—FORSCHER haben in der Inneren MONGOLEI das Skelett eines rund 160—MILLIONEN —JAHRE alten Dinosauriers ausgegraben, der an seiner Hinterseite ungewöhnlich lange Federn besaß.
20081023             Immobilienkrise: USA—REGIERUNG plant Milliardenhilfen für Hausbesitzer
20081023             Krise im USA—SPORT: Die Clubs bangen (Sport
20081023             Geldmangel: Finanzkrise erschüttert USA—SPORT
20081023             CONFLICTS—OF—INTEREST were largely responsible for the disastrous PERFORMANCE—OF—CREDIT rating agencies in assessing THE—RISKS—OF—MORTGAGE—BACKED securities, 2—FORMER—HIGH—RANKING officials at MOODY—INVESTORS...
20081023             MONEY—COM—BIDEN Brings His Prophecy to the Emerald City
20081023             The new Morrison PLANETARIUM—75—FOOT—SCREEN replaces the traditional Zeiss projector with 1—ARRAY—OF—6—HIGH—RESOLUTION—DLP projectors arrayed —AROUND THE—EDGE—OF—THE—THEATER, which are powered by 3—VERY—DIFFERENT, but interesting computing clusters.
20081023             THE—3—CLUSTERS allow for projection of traditional planetarium shows, PLAYBACK—OF—ULTRA—HIGH—RESOLUTION—MOVIES, and display of anything from current atmospheric conditions on Earth to a (greatly accelerated) trip to the farthest REACHES—OF—THE—UNIVERSE, all rendered in REAL—TIME on an 8800—SQ. ft. dome.
20081023             Beetle invasion threatens New ENGLAND trees
20081023             —DISCOVERED, It was, using 1—DEVICE cooled to 1—TEMPERATURE about 100—TIMES—COLDER than intergalactic space, —FOLLOWING the application of the most powerful continuous magnetic field on Earth".
20081023             22. - TIM—SHORROCKS—NEW—BOOK: Spies for HIRE—SFUX TIM—SHORROCK -
20081023             SPIES FOR HIRE exposes how, from the tracking of AL—QAEDA to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION?s warrantless eavesdropping on USA—CITIZENS, private contractors have infiltrated EVERY—CORNER—OF—INTELLIGENCE gathering in AMERICA....
20081023             —ACCUSED—OF, THE—FORMER—BOSS—OF—ITALY—CENTRAL—BANK is to go on trial
20081023             Warning over USA—ELECTION—PROBLEMS—RECORD turnout and new voting machines could add up to major difficulties on USA—ELECTION—DAY, researchers warn.
20081023             Recession fears drag shares lower Stock markets fall sharply as fears of 1—GLOBAL—RECESSION and further economic woe return to haunt investors.
20081023             MEPs to vote on contentious scan THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT is due to vote on whether to try to halt the introduction of powerful new airport scanners.
20081023             Though the courts approve, THE—ACLU says it's unconstitutional and that Congress needs to step in.
20081023             00.11 In USA—BANKEN sind —BEREITS mehr als 2—DUTZEND Drohbriefe eingegangen.
20081023             Einem FBI—SPRECHER zufoge werden —DERZEIT mindestens 30—BRIEFE untersucht.
20081023             Krise der BAYERN LB: Wie die Ankündigung des Jüngsten Gerichts - Sarkozy will EUROPA länger führen
20081023             Das spricht für eine gewisse Illusionslosigkeit der Befragten, die allerdings von Konsequenzen noch weit entfernt sind: Nur 16 % sind laut Allensbach für die Rückübereignung von Vermögen an Belegschaften.
20081023             blog.fefe.de Weitere Argumente, warum man NIE WIEDER was mit ENGLAND zu tun haben will: Das BRITISCHE—OBERHAUS hat entschieden, dass die CHAGOS—EINWOHNER nicht zurück nach Hause können.
20081023             Das ganze ist eine furchtbare Geschichte aus dem Kolonialismus, bei dem die Briten am Ende 1—DER—INSELN an die Amis verliehen haben, damit die da eine fette Militärbasis drauf bauen konnten.
20081023             Die Leute, die auf der Insel wohnten, haben die Briten brutal rausgeschmissen, und die haben —SEIT dem dagegen gekämpft.
20081023             blog.fefe.de CAPTAIN—OBVIOUS betätigt sich in Religionsforschung: Christenfundis sind Rassisten: 75,1—PROZENT—DER—WEIßEN, die die Bibel wörtlich nehmen, würden nur für einen weißen Präsidentschaftskandidaten stimmen, heißt es in der Studie, die sich auf Befragung von 1.325—WEIßEN USA—AMERIKANERN gründet.
20081023             Weiße, die die Bibel für 1—BUCH voller Geschichten und Legenden halten, wären zu 89,9 % bereit, einen Politiker einer anderen Rasse zu wählen, nicht religionsgebundene zu 91,4 %.
20081023             blog.fefe.de Das BKA—GESETZ droht zu scheitern!
20081023             Gut, dass die Polizei mitdenkt, und
20081023             den Bruder von einem der Sauerländer "Terroristen" verhaftet hat.
20081023             Begründung: BURHAN—Y soll auf Betreiben seines Bruders Geld an die IJU transferiert haben.
20081023             Meine Güte, wieso haben sie einen so gefährlichen Terroristen noch nicht früher verhaftet?
20081023             Und selbst wenn der Bruder aus dem Knast jemanden angerufen hat -- bin ich —JETZT auch mit einem Bein im Knast, wenn sich mein Bruder verwählt?
20081023             Mal abgesehen davon, dass es die IJU gar nicht außerhalb des INTERNET gibt.
20081023             Perhaps THE—CAC was meant to fail -- that is to say, perhaps it was intended all along to keep AFRICA—USA—YOUNGSTERS from mastering the basic skills of READING, writing and mathematics.
20081023             In my opinion, the black separatist movement was always 1—DECEPTION—OPERATION designed to gull black people into accepting segregation and fascism.
20081023             As Vets Take to the Streets to Protest the War, McCain Snubs IVAW at THE—RNC...
20081023             "FEAR—OF—FINANCIAL—COLLAPSE—FUELS—IRAQ—WAR—DRIVE"... Nothing to provide extra resources for patients who need long term high dependency care.
20081023             —AUSGERUFEN, Wenn in den USA der Notstand, würde könnte die Regierung direkt "REX84 " ( die Kurzform für Readiness Exercise 19840000             ) in Kraft setzen...
20081023             RIL—CLAN.de/?FORUM—SHOWPOSTS—52—P1&sid= 418f6bd32e582955b853b3caa6342116
20081023             Nachrichten | USA: KZs für eigene Bürger? | secret.tv
20081023             "Rex 84 " sei das Kürzel für " Readiness Exercise 19840000             " (Bereitschaftsübung
20081023             "WORKERS—OF—THE—WORLD—RELAX,"
20081023—20070904    —SEIT DEM—DAS ist der niedrigste Stand.
20081023—20070904    - —SEIT DEM—DAS ist der niedrigste Stand.
20081023—20080000    —IN—LATE, THE—BANK—OF—CANADA said the global financial crisis, 1—USA—RECESSION and falling commodity prices will bring CANADA to the brink of 1—RECESSION and early 20090000             .
20081023—20081031    —FILED, CROATIA—POLICE, murder charges against 5—PEOPLE over the bombing deaths.
20081023—20100000    —IN, 6 alleged MEMBERS—OF—1—CRIME—GANG were convicted of conspiring to assassinate Pukanic and 1—FELLOW—WORKER.
20081023—20170000    —IN, It said that RUSSIA—SHIPS will have to leave UKRAINE—WATERS.
20091023             —OUSTED, HONDURAS, 1—NEGOTIATOR for, leftist PRESIDENT—MANUEL—ZELAYA said the latest ROUND—OF—TALKS to resolve the dispute over 20090628             —THE coup has ended in failure, adding that further talks were unlikely.
20091023             BARULHOS DE NOITE
20091023             Os vizinhos ouviram cães a ladrar durante a noite, para além de barulhos, mas não estranharam.
20091023             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, 1—DECLARATION making the swine flu outbreak 1—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY, giving his health CHIEF the power to let hospitals move emergency rooms offsite to speed treatment and protect noninfected patients.
20091023             Top USA—SAFETY—OFFICIALS met with their CHINA—COUNTERPARTS to discuss complaints from USA—HOMEOWNERS—OF—ILLNESS and other damage from suspect drywall imported from CHINA.
20091023             Consumer Products Safety Commission Chairman Inez Tenenbaum said that THE—2—SIDES were talking about the issue —WHILE they await RESULTS—OF—TESTS on what is causing the problems.
20091023             USA—REGULATORS shut down 3—SMALL—BANKS in FLORIDA and 1 EACH—IN—GEORGIA, ILLINOIS, MINNESOTA and WISCONSIN bringing the total for the —YEAR of failed USA—BANKS to 106.
20091023             —PLEADED, ANTHONY—PELLICANO and associate ALEXANDER—PROCTOR, no contest to threatening LA Times reporter Anita Busch, who was putting together 1—STORY on actor STEVEN—SEAGAL—POSSIBLE—CONNECTIONS to organized crime.
20091023             Pellicano, 1—FORMER—HOLLYWOOD private eye, was already serving a —15—YEAR—SENTENCE for digging up dirt public figures.
20091023             RICHMOND—CALIFORNIA, 1—GIRL, —16—JAHRE—ALT left 1—HOMECOMING dance at RICHMOND High gym and joined 1—GROUP—OF—MEN drinking in 1—NEARBY alley.
20091023             —RAPED, She became drunk and was, and robbed by as many as 10—YOUNG—MEN.
20091023             Police found her SEMI—CONSCIOUS—NEAR 1—LUNCH table and arrested 1—SUSPECT fleeing the scene.
20091023             —SENTENCED, Marcelles Peter (20) was, to —29—YEARS to life.
20091023             COLORADO, MIGUEL—ANGEL—CARO—QUINTERO, —46—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MEXICO—DRUG kingpin, pleaded guilty in DENVER to FEDERAL—DRUG and racketeering charges.
20091023             He had led the Sonora Cartel in the 1980s and faced up to —20—YEARS in prison.
20091023             MISSOURI, police found THE—BODY—OF—ELIZABETH—OLTON, —9—JAHRE—ALT.
20091023             She had gone missing —2—DAYS—EARLIER.
20091023             A —15—YEAR—OLD, who led police to her body, was charged with her murder.
20091023             NEW—JERSEY, REVEREND—ED—HINDS, —61—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CATHOLIC—PRIEST, was found stabbed 32—TIMES at THE—RECTORY—OF—S—PATRICK—CHURCH in Chatham.
20091023             THE—NEXT—DAY—JOSE—FELICIANO (64), 1—JANITOR, was charged with the slaying.
20091023             —FIRED, The priest had, him —AFTER discovering 1—OUTSTANDING arrest warrant for sexually touching 1—CHILD.
20091023             —RATIFIED, AFRICA—LEADERS, meeting in UGANDA, 1—CONVENTION on THE—PROTECTION—OF—THE—CONTINENT—INTERNALLY—DISPLACED people, refugees and returnees, billed as the 1. of its kind worldwide.
20091023             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 2—USA—SOLDIERS were, by 1—HOME—MADE bomb.
20091023             1—DENMARK—SOLDIER lost his life in clashes with TALIBAN—LED insurgents in the same region.
20091023             —APPROVED, AUSTRALIA, Yanzhou COAL—3.2—BILLION USA—DOLLAR takeover of miner FELIX—RESOURCES, its biggest by 1—CHINA—FIRM, in 1—BREAKTHROUGH for THE—ASIA—GIANT—SCRAMBLE for commodities.
20091023             —ACCUSED, UK—FAR—RIGHT—LEADER—NICK—GRIFFIN, THE—BBC of mounting a "lynch mob" on him in 1 charged appearance on 1—TV—POLITICAL—PANEL—SHOW, and called for it to be RE—RECORDED.
20091023             UK—COUPLE—PAUL and RACHEL—CHANDLER were heading from THE—SEYCHELLES to TANZANIA in their yacht, the Lynn Rival, —WHEN the distress signal was sent.
20091023             —FOLLOWED, Reports, that the couple were seized by pirates.
20091023             The couple were taken to THE—SOMALIA—PIRATE lair of Harardhere and $7—MILLION was —LATER demanded for their release.
20091023             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that police have arrested 42 alleged MEMBERS—OF—1—TRAFFICKING ring that sold DOZENS—OF—INFANTS stolen or bought from their rural parents.
20091023             —BACKED, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—AND—NATO said that they, 1—REWORKED—USA—MISSILE—DEFENSE—PLAN meant to defend against threats from IRAN and other nations.
20091023             FRANCE, JEAN—SARKOZY, —23—JAHRE—ALT, PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY—SON, was elected to THE—BOARD—OF—THE—ORGANIZATION that runs FRANCE—MOST important business district —AFTER 1—DRAMATIC—WITHDRAWAL—OF his bid for the top spot amid fierce ACCUSATIONS—OF—FAVORITISM.
20091023             He had been the leading candidate to HEAD—EPAD, 1—QUASI—GOVERNMENTAL—ORGANIZATION overseeing real estate and the administration of La Defense, the neighborhood of skyscrapers WEST—OF—PARIS that is home to top companies and the workplace of 150,000—PEOPLE.
20091023             Escaped inmates in Santa Barbara set fire to 1—PRISON, 1—PUBLIC—MARKET and 1—CULTURAL—CENTER—BEFORE authorities stopped the riot and captured 76—OF—THE—79—FUGITIVES.
20091023             1—KENYA—COURT released gang leader, Maina Njenga, —AFTER prosecutors dropped 28—MURDER—CHARGES against him.
20091023             His Mungiki gang was notorious for beheading its victims.
20091023             1—ANTI—TANK—MINE killed 16—WEDDING guests in the tribal belt.
20091023             Most of the dead were women and children.
20091023             1—CAR—BOMB exploded outside 1—RESTAURANT in THE—NORTH—WEST—CITY—OF—PESHAWAR, wounding 15.
20091023             PUERTO—RICO—,1—EARTHSHAKING explosion at the Caribbean Petroleum Corp. in the suburb of BAYAMON, —JUST WEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL—OF—S—JUAN, led to the evacuation of more than 1,500—PEOPLE.
20091023             —CONCERNED, Authorities wee, about those DOWNWIND—OF—THE—FIRE.
20091023             —THREATENED, SOMALIA—ISLAMIST—REBELS, to attack the capitals of BURUNDI and UGANDA, THE—2—CENTRAL—AFRICA—COUNTRIES that have deployed peacekeeping troops to prop up SOMALI—TRANSITIONAL government.
20091023             THAILAND, the annual SUMMIT—OF—THE—ASSOCIATION—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NATIONS began inauspiciously —WHEN half the bloc's 10—LEADERS failed to show up at the opening of THE—3—DAY—CONFERENCE due to 1—TROPICAL—STORM, domestic politics, 1—VIP visit and 1—POSSIBLE—ILLNESS.
20091023             —INAUGURATED, ASEAN nations, their 1. regional human rights commission, 1—WATCHDOG—IMMEDIATELY derided as toothless by activists who walked out of 1—MEETING to protest being snubbed by 5—OF—THE—GOVERNMENTS involved.
20091023             —ISSUED, Bishops attending 1—VATICAN meeting on AFRICA, 1—BLUNT ultimatum to corrupt Catholic political leaders in AFRICA: repent or leave public office.
20091023             † THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said nearly 5,000—PEOPLE have reportedly from swine flu —SINCE it emerged —THIS—YEAR and developed into 1—GLOBAL—EPIDEMIC.
20091023             —ARMED, ZIMBABWE, police raided 1—HOUSE belonging to PRIME—MINISTER—MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI—PARTY in 1—NEW—THREAT to the country's faltering unity government.
20091023             War profiteers in alphabetical order, from:
20091023             —REMINDED, Conway, the military analysts assembled, "The strategic target remains our population".
20091023             Interesting that Conway says the strategic target REMAINS our population--definitely implying that THE—USA—POPULATION was always the "strategic target".
20091023             It sounds like the pentagon views THE—USA—PEOPLE as 1—POTENTIAL—ENEMY, which could explain why they keep invoking "national security" as their excuse for keeping everything from the people.
20091023             Also, this begs the question of how MANY—OTHER "secret psyop programs" are currently being used against THE—USA—PEOPLE and our military personnel?
20091023             —SUBJECTED, Is our own military being, to SOME—KIND—OF—COVERT psyops program (brainwashing for example) to get them to view their countrymen as "strategic targets" (or potential enemies) as well?
20091023             This report by Raw is very disturbing on so MANY—LEVELS.
20091023             It not only demonstrates that we cannot believe ANYTHING our govt tells us to believe is true, but that those "leaders" that we have put our trust in to protect us, apparently view THE—USA—PEOPLE as —JUST another TARGET—OF—THE—MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX in its quest for endless war profiteering.
20091023             How can this not be considered treasonous?
20091023             But veteran foreign correspondent REESE—ERLICH told Raw Story that the embed program was "1—STROKE—OF genius by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION" because it gave THE—APPEARANCE—OF—TRANSPARENCY—WHILE "in reality, they were manipulating the news".
20091023             " Overall," he told the audience, "we're happy with the outcome".
20091023             to control the narrative altogether.
20091023             In her 20060000             book Lipstick on 1—PIG, Clarke revealed that "most importantly, embedding was 1—MILITARY—STRATEGY in addition to 1—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS 1" (p. 62) and that the program's strategy was "simple: information dominance" (p. 187).
20091023             To achieve it, she explained, there was 1 need to circumvent the traditional news media "filter" where journalists act as "intermediaries".
20091023             The goal, —JUST as with the military analyst program, was not to spin 1—STORY but to control the narrative altogether.
20091023             " The strategic target remains our population".
20091023             —REMINDED, Conway, the military analysts assembled,
20091023             " Used —DURING peacetime, contingencies and declared war, these activities are not FORMS—OF—FORCE, but are force multipliers that use nonviolent means in often violent environments".
20091023             1—PSYOPS—PROGRAM—DIRECTED at USA—PUBLIC
20091023             Cull said the revelations are "—JUST 1—MORE—INDICATION that the entire APPARATUS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—STRATEGIC—COMMUNICATIONS -- civilian and military, at home and abroad -- is in dire NEED—OF—REVIEW and repair".
20091023             " Running the military analyst program from 1—COMMUNITY—RELATIONS—OFFICE is both surprising and unwise," said NICHOLAS—CULL, 1—PROFESSOR—OF—PUBLIC—DIPLOMACY at USC—ANNENBERG—SCHOOL and 1—EXPERT on propaganda.
20091023             " Essentially," Merritt summarized, "we provide another AVENUE—OF—COMMUNICATIONS for citizens and organizations wanting to communicate directly with DoD".
20091023             —AGREED, LAWRENCE—DI—RITA, then Pentagon public affairs CHIEF.
20091023             —REMARKED, Merritt.
20091023             "As evidenced by this analyst trip to IRAQ, THE—SYNERGY—OF—OUTREACH—SHOP and media ops working together on these TYPES—OF—PROJECTS is enormous and effective. Will continue to examine ways to improve processes".
20091023             In a 20050100             memorandum to active MEMBERS—OF—BOTH offices from THEN—PENTAGON press office director, Navy CAPTAIN—ROXIE—MERRITT, who —NOW leads the community relations office, emphasized the necessary "SYNERGY—OF—OUTREACH—SHOP and media ops working together" on the military analyst program.
20091023             [p. 18-19]
20091023             —RECOMMENDED, Merritt, that both the press and community relations offices develop a "hot list" of analysts who could dependably "carry our water" and provide them with ULTRA—EXCLUSIVE—ACCESS that would compel the networks to "weed out the less reliably friendly analysts" on their own.
20091023             Pentagon used psychological operation on USA—PUBLIC, documents show —1—MONTHS—LONG—REVIEW—OF—DOCUMENTS and interviews with Pentagon personnel has revealed that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—MILITARY—ANALYST—PROGRAM -- aimed at selling THE—IRAQ war to THE—USA—PEOPLE -- operated through 1—SECRETIVE collaboration between the Defense DEPARTMENT—PRESS and community relations offices.
20091023             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20091023             Madoff —NOW spends his time with infamous inmates, the lawsuit says, including Carmine Persico, 1—FORMER—ORGANIZED—CRIME—FORMER—BOSS, and JONATHAN—POLLARD, 1 convicted spy for ISRAEL
20091023             —NOTICED, KPMG should have, these as 1 red flag".
20091023             They also allege that major financial institutions, including KPMG, THE—BANK—OF—NEW—YORK and JP MORGAN—CHASE, were aware that Madoff was transferring stolen funds to his LONDON office for personal purchases.
20091023             Among the allegations in the 264-page lawsuit are that —DURING the mid-1970s, Madoff began sending employees to buy drugs for company use.
20091023             The complaint alleges that SOME—EMPLOYEES and investors were AWARE—OF—THE—DRUG—PURCHASES, and that BMIS [BERNARD—MADOFF—INVESTMENT—SERVICES] was known by insiders as the "NORTH—POLE" in reference to the excessive AMOUNT—OF—COCAINE use in the work place.
20091023             —ON 1 related front: Dakinikat informs us that the unemployment resulting from this recession is 1—WHOLE—LOT—WORSE than we thought.
20091023             Compared to past recessions, 1—STAGGERING 56% of the unemployed workforce is structural -- that is, these workers have been laid off permanently.
20091023             Those jobs are gone forever.
20091023             —DURING the Reagan recession, that number was 45% at its highest point.
20091023             NEW—YORK abandons swine flu vaccine mandate for health care workers, blames vaccine shortage
20091023             —BY MIKE—ADAMS, NaturalNews Editor
20091023             —ANNOUNCED, NEW—YORK STATE—HEALTH—COMMISSIONER—RICHARD—F—DAINES, —TODAY that public health workers will no longer be required to receive swine flu vaccinations.
20091023             The state had been sued by the Public Employees Federation...
20091023             Amazon.com: "THE—NAZI—CONNECTION ": Key Phrase page Diese Seite übersetzen
20091023             See also, STEFAN—KUHL, "THE—NAZI—CONNECTION : Eugenics.
20091023             USA—RACISM, and GERMANY—NATIONAL.
20091023             Dick Cheney, ADOLF—HITLER, WASHINGTON—POST, Ibn Saud, Bay of Pigs, ALLEN—DULLES...
20091023             —GELOBT, AFGHANISTAN—WAHL: Holbrooke, gute Zusammenarbeit mit Karzai
20091023             KLIMA—AKTIONSTAG: "Wir kennen die Lösung ja längst"
20091023             "Die hohen Treibhausgasemissionen durch die indirekte Landnutzung sind unbeabsichtigte Folgen der Klimapolitik und verstärken den Klimawandel eher, als ihn zu beheben", warnt Melillo.
20091023             Klimakiller N2O werde —BIS zum ENDE—DES—JAHRHUNDERTS die Erdatmosphäre stärker belasten als Kohlendioxid.
20091023             "Große TREIBHAUSGAS—EMISSIONEN durch diese indirekten Veränderungen der Landnutzung sind unabsichtliche Konsequenzen eines weltweiten BIOKRAFTSTOFF—PROGRAMMS", warnt Melillo.
20091023             "Wenn Wälder oder andere Pflanzen für Bioenergie gerodet werden, muss der dabei frei werdende Kohlenstoff auch als Emission berechnet werden.
20091023             Geschieht das nicht, wird der EINSATZ—VON—BIOENERGIE das TREIBHAUSGAS—PROBLEM eher verschärfen als lösen".
20091023             Ein noch größeres Problem birgt die zunehmende Nutzung von Stickstoffdünger für die Felder.
20091023             Neue Studie: Biokraftstoffe sind klimaschädlich
20091023             Forscher der Purdue UNIVERSITY—IN—WEST—LAFAYETTE (USA—BUNDESSTAAT INDIANA) haben —IM—AUGUST—BEREITS eine rund 3—METER lange Rakete mit Hilfe des neuartigen Treibstoffs in den Himmel geschossen.
20091023             Der Flugkörper erreichte nach ANGABEN—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—1—HÖHE von immerhin rund 400—METERN.
20091023             "Damit haben wir bewiesen, dass das Konzept prinzipiell funktioniert", sagte PURDUE—PROFESSOR STEVEN—SON.
20091023             Ihre Ergebnisse haben die Wissenschaftler unter anderem
20091023             im Fachblatt "PROCEEDINGS—OF—THE—COMBUSTION—INSTITUTE" veröffentlicht.
20091023             Die Schimpansenkultur sei also durch soziales Lernen geprägt.
20091023             Es ist nicht das 1. Mal, dass Forscher Verhaltensunterschiede innerhalb von Tierpopulationen beobachten.
20091023             Auch über soziales Lernen beim Schimpansen war —BEREITS spekuliert worden.
20091023             Die BBC solle "sich schämen, einer rassistischen, faschistischen Partei den größten Gefallen ihrer dreckigen Geschichte zu tun".
20091023             Dem politischen Paria wuchs damit 1—BEDEUTUNG zu, die bei einigen Beobachtern einen üblen Nachgeschmack hinterließ.
20091023             Griffin brachte in einem Interview seine Freude darüber zum Ausdruck, dass die BBC "so dumm" war, ihn einzuladen.
20091023             In einer RUND—E—MAIL an "meine lieben MIT—PATRIOTEN" schrieb er, sein Auftritt sei "1—MEILENSTEIN in dem unaufhaltsamen Marsch der BRITISCHEN—NATIONALPARTEI zur RETTUNG—DES—LANDES".
20091023             Konjunktur: Rezession in GROSSBRITANNIEN dauert an
20091023             Drogenschmuggel: Ermittler spüren U—BOOT mit 10—TONNEN Kokain auf
20091023             Lobbyerfolg: Versicherer dürfen Risiken weiter verdecken
20091023             —AKZEPTIERT, Datenmissbrauch: Bahn, millionenschweres Bußgeld
20091023             IFO—INDEX: Geschäftsklima bestätigt Miniaufschwung
20091023             Hindukusch: Erdbeben erschüttert AFGHANISTAN und PAKISTAN
20091023             Neuer Treibstoff: Raketen fliegen mit Eis und Aluminium
20091023             HSH Nordbank: Gefeuerter Manager will 47—MILLIONEN Euro Schadenersatz
20091023             Soziales Lernen: Schimpansen nutzen kulturelles Wissen
20091023             Terror: Selbstmordanschlag auf Pakistans Armee
20091023             Rüstung: ISRAEL will kostenlos DEUTSCHE—KRIEGSSCHIFFE
20091023             USA—UNTERNEHMEN mit Staatshilfen: Obama kürzt TOP—MANAGERN die Bezüge
20091023             PALÄSTINENSISCHE—HÄFTLINGE in ISRAEL: Gefangen, gedemütigt, geheim gehalten
20091023             GIFTMÜLL In GROSSBRITANNIEN versuchte die Ölfirma Trafigura einen Skandal per Presserecht zu vertuschen.
20091023             —JETZT greift das Parlament ein.
20091023             —LIFTED, Gag on GUARDIAN reporting MP—TRAFIGURA question, | Media...
20091023             —DURING the mid-1970s - was known by insiders
20091023—19770000    —ASKED, Swiss and USA—AUTHORITIES said THE—USA has, SWITZERLAND to hand over ROMAN—POLANSKI to authorities in CALIFORNIA, where he could serve up to —2—YEARS in prison for having sex with a —13—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20091023—20030400    —IN, PAUL—WORKMAN, 1—JOURNALIST with over —30—YEARS at CBC News, including foreign correspondent reporting on the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN, WROTE—OF—THE—PROGRAM, "It is 1—BRILLIANT, persuasive conspiracy to control the images and the messages coming OUT—OF—THE—BATTLEFIELD and they've succeeded colossally".
20091023—20050000    —SHOWED, DNA tests, that hair on the victim came from somebody else.
20091023—20050000    —GRANTED, Unger had spent —13—YEARS in jail —BEFORE he was, bail.
20091023—20050803    —ON, [...]Pentagon records show that THE—DAY—AFTER 14—MARINES † in IRAQ, JAMES—T—CONWAY, then DIRECTOR—OF—OPERATIONS for the Joint Chiefs, instructed military analysts —DURING 1—BRIEFING to work to prevent the incident from weakening public support for the war.
20091023—20060000    —SINCE, He had been in prison.
20091023—20090119    —TURNED, JOHN—CRANE—JUNIOR, —43—JAHRE—ALT, himself in for participating in the rape.
20091023—20091027    —ON, 2—MORE—SUSPECTS, aged 15 and 21, were arrested.
20091023—20091028    —ON, 3—JUVENILES were arrested in connection to the crime and charged as adults.
20091023—20091029    —ON, A 6. suspect was arrested.
20091023—20100000    —RELEASED, CODY—SMITH, the youngest of 7—DEFENDANTS was, because his Miranda rights had been violated.
20091023—20101114    —RELEASED, THE—CHANDLERS were, —AFTER 1—RANSOM of at least 750,000 dollars was paid.
20091023—20110000    —SETTLED, THE—WEST—CONTRA Costa Unified School District, 1—CIVIL—SUIT and agreed to pay the victim $4—MILLION.
20091023—20120000    —SENTENCED, Feliciano was, to life in prison.
20091023—20120906    —PLEADED, MANUEL—ORTEGA, —22—JAHRE—ALT, guilty as was expected to receive —32—YEARS behind bars.
20091023—20130815    —SENTENCED, JOSE—MONTANO (22) was, to —33—YEARS to life;
20101014—20101023    —WOODED, Her body was found in 1—HEAVILY, AREA—OF—PRAIRIE—PARK in DeKalb.
20101023             —CONFIRMED, HAITI, 194—DEAD were, dead of cholera in the poor Caribbean nation's worst health crisis —SINCE 20100112             —THE quake.
20101023             —OPPOSED, BELGIUM, police and demonstrators, to PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO clashed in BRUSSELS —DURING 1—PROTEST over 20101001             —THE death in jail of Armand Tungulu, 1—VISITING—CONGO—DISSIDENT who lived in BELGIUM.
20101023             The whistleblowing organization WikiLeaks said it will soon publish 15,000 more secret AFGHANISTAN—WAR—DOCUMENTS.
20101023             THE—SF—GIANTS won 1—TRIP to the World Series.
20101023             PENNSYLVANIA, JUAN—URIBE hit 1—TIEBREAKING homer off RYAN—MADSON with 2—OUTS in the 8. inning and the Giants held off the Phillies 3-2 in Game 6—OF—THE—NL championship series.
20101023             —FINISHED, This, off the Phillies' bid to become the 1. NL team in —66—YEARS to win 3—STRAIGHT pennants.
20101023             —ARMED, WEST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER and 3, militants wearing explosives vests and dressed as women attacked 1—UN compound, but AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES killed the attackers and no UN employees were harmed.
20101023             —KILLED, NATO—FORCES, 2—CIVILIANS, including 1—TEENAGE—BOY, —DURING 1—FIGHT with insurgents in Wardak province.
20101023             KANDAHAR, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER on 1—MOTORBIKE blew himself up —BEFORE reaching 1—CHECKPOINT, killing 2—CIVILIANS and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20101023             † 1—DENMARK—SOLDIER was killed in Helmand province —AFTER insurgents attacked his patrol.
20101023             Joao Silva (44), 1—PHOTOGRAPHER for THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, was seriously injured —WHEN he stepped on 1—MINE in KANDAHAR province.
20101023             —VOTED, Bahrainis, for the 3. time —SINCE reforms which turned the Gulf state into 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—MONARCHY, with the Shiite majority demanding 1—EASING of the Sunni dynasty's grip on power.
20101023             The embattled SHIITE—LED opposition held on to ALL—OF—ITS—PARLIAMENT—SEATS in the elections, but fell SHORT—OF—THE—MAJORITY it hoped to win as 1—SHOW—OF—STRENGTH against THE—ISLAND—KINGDOM'S—SUNNI rulers.
20101023             BANGLADESH—POLICE used rubber bullets and teargas to disperse THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE protesting against plans to acquire land for army housing.
20101023             † BARBADOS—PM—DAVID—THOMPSON, —48—JAHRE—ALT—FOLLOWING 1—STRUGGLE with pancreatic cancer.
20101023             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—OPPOSITION—SOCIAL—DEMOCRATS, won 1—ELECTION for 1—3. of PARLIAMENT—UPPER—HOUSE, gaining 1—MAJORITY in the Senate for the 1. time.
20101023             Voters were selecting 27—SENATORS for the 81-seat Senate in THE—2—DAY balloting.
20101023             The top 2—FINISHERS from —LAST—WEEK—1. round were facing runoffs.
20101023             —TRIED, DAGESTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER in 1—CAR, to attack 1—POLICE dormitory in THE—TOWN—OF—KHASAVYURT but 1 armored vehicle blocked his way.
20101023             —KILLED, The explosion, the suspected militant and 1—POLICE—OFFICER, and wounded 7—PEOPLE.
20101023             —SUSPECTED, In the village of Komsomolskoye 2, militants were holed up in 1—HOUSE—WHEN police attacked, killing both of them.
20101023             1—EGYPT—COURT issued 1—FINAL ruling against the permanent PRESENCE—OF—POLICE on university campuses, saying they restricted academic INDEPENDENCE.
20101023             —WARNED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—ITALY that it may face sanctions if it doesn't remove some 2,400 TONS—OF—TRASH piled up in THE—STREETS—OF—NAPLES.
20101023             FRANCE—UNIONS took their battle against extending retirement from 60 to 62 to the courts, challenging orders to return to work THE—DAY—AFTER the Senate backed THE—FIERCELY—CONTESTED reform.
20101023             Authorities said more than 2,000—PEOPLE were sick.
20101023             Experts were investigating possible cases in CROIX—DES—BOUQUET, 1—SUBURB—OF—THE—CAPITAL, and radio reports said there were 2—DOZEN—CASES—OF diarrhea on Gonave ISLAND.
20101023             —INFORMED, NEW—DELHI Commonwealth Games organizers, SRI—LANKA that boxer Manju Wanniarachchi (30), SRI—LANKA—ONLY—GOLD—MEDALIST at —THIS—MONTH—GAMES, had tested positive for THE—PERFORMANCE—ENHANCING steroid nandrolone.
20101023             —REPORTED, INDONESIA, 1—SMALL freighter with 7—CREW was, to be going down off Flores.
20101023             3—PEOPLE were apparently missing —WHILE the others survived.
20101023             INGUSHETIA, police shot and killed 2—MILITANTS in 1—CAR—CHASE.
20101023             —IDENTIFIED, The men were —LATER, as being wanted on terrorism charges.
20101023             Police found 2—MACHINE—GUNS and ammunition inside their men's car.
20101023             —ACCUSED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI, WikiLeaks of releasing documents that detail prisoner abuse by IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES to sabotage his RE—ELECTION—HOPES.
20101023             —NABBED, ITALY, mafia fugitive Gerlandino MESSINA (38) was, by Carabinieri in Favara, near Agrigento, his power base in Sicily.
20101023             He had been on the run —FOR—11—YEARS—BEFORE being caught.
20101023             † In KENYA 7—FANS in 1—STAMPEDE —WHILE trying to enter 1—STADIUM where 1—FOOTBALL—MATCH between 2—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST popular teams in NAIROBI.
20101023             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—ARMY—AIRSTRIKES, 12 suspected insurgents in the Orakzai tribal region near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20101023             —BLOGGED, VIETNAM, Le Nguyen Huong Tra, who, under the pen NAME—OF—DO—LONG—GIRL, was taken into police custody from 1—HOME in Ho CHI—MINH—CITY for allegedly slandering 1—SENIOR—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL.
20101023             —ARRESTED, Police in Ho CHI—MINH—CITY also, blogger Phan Thanh Hai, known as Anhbasg, over the weekend and continued to detain Nguyen VAN Hai, 1—BLOGGER known as Dieu Cay, even though he had served out his —30—MONTH—SENTENCE on "TRUMPED—UP" tax evasion charges.
20101023—20080100    —IN, Thompson had become PRIME—MINISTER—OF—THE—CARIBBEAN nation of 270,000—PEOPLE.
201102102301         Mubarak hat mit seiner Ansprache offenbar nicht nur bei den Demonstranten in ÄGYPTEN für Unverständnis gesorgt.
201102102306         Wie die BBC und AL—DSCHASIRA übereinstimmend berichten, haben sich Tausende Demonstranten auf den Weg zu Mubaraks Amtssitz gemacht.
201102102315         Was Mubarak mit seiner Rede bezweckt, ist unklar.
201102102320         —ENTTÄUSCHT, Außenminister GUIDO—WESTERWELLE (FDP) hat, auf die Ansprache von Staatspräsident Mubarak reagiert.
201102102329         An der Grenze Ägyptens zum GAZA—STREIFEN hat es offenbar einen bewaffneten Überfall auf die staatlichen Sicherheitskräfte gegeben.
201102102334         Offenbar weitet sich der Protest vom TAHRIR—PLATZ auf weitere Orte aus.
201102102341         1—DER—FÜHRENDEN—OPPOSITIONELLEN, MOHAMED—ELBARADEI, fürchtet um sein Land.
201102102347         Der FRANZÖSISCHE—STAATSPRÄSIDENT NICOLAS—SARKOZY hat einen Rücktritt Mubaraks als unumgänglich bezeichnet.
201102102354         Erstmals hat sich ein ÄGYPTISCHER—OFFIZIELLER zur neuen Machtverteilung an der Staatsspitze geäußert.
20111014—20111023    —ON, 25 were released.
20111020—20111023    —ON, 8—OF—THE—13—DIVERS were reported dead.
20111023             Named were 3 18010101—19001231     founders of religious orders: ITALY—BISHOP and missionary Monsignor GUIDO—MARIA—CONFORTI, SPAIN—NUN Sister Bonifacia Rodriguez de Castro and REVEREND—LUIGI—GUANELLA 1—ITALY—PRIEST who worked with the poor.
20111023             ANTI—WALL—STREET—DEMONSTRATORS—OF—THE—OCCUPY—CHICAGO movement stood their ground in 1—DOWNTOWN park in noisy but peaceful DEFIANCE—OF—POLICE—ORDERS to clear out, prompting 130—ARRESTS.
20111023             GEORGIA—CHRISTOPHER—MICHAEL—HODGES, (26), 1—TENNESSEE—NATIONAL—GUARDSMAN training at the Fort Gordon military post, shot and killed sheriff's deputy JAMES—D—PAUGH, —47—JAHRE—ALT, then committed suicide on THE—SIDE—OF—THE—BOBBY—JONES—EXPRESSWAY.
20111023             AFGHANISTAN, bodyguards for Interior MINISTER—BISMULLAH—KHAN—MOHAMMADI shot and killed 1—WOULD—BE—SUICIDE—BOMBER who was waiting for THE—MINISTER—CONVOY in Sayyed Khel DISTRICT—OF—PARWAN province.
20111023             —KILLED, NATO said 2—OF—ITS—SERVICE—MEMBERS were, in the last —24—HOURS in separate clashes with insurgents in the south and EAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20111023             5—VILLAGERS were killed —WHILE trying to remove 1—ROADSIDE mine planted by the Taliban in THE—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—HERAT.
20111023             —KIDNAPPED, ALGERIA, gunmen, 3—AID—WORKERS, 2—SPANIARDS and 1—ITALIAN, from the Rabuni refugee camp near Tindouf, injuring 1—OF—THE—HOSTAGES and 1—LOCAL—GUARD in THE—LATE—NIGHT—ATTACK.
20111023             Security sources in NOUAKCHOTT and BAMAKO —LATER said those responsible belonged to 1—SAHRAWI WING—OF—THE—NORTH—AFRICA—AL—QAEDA branch, AL—QAEDA in the Islamic Magreb (AQIM).
20111023             —DEMANDED, The group —LATER, 30—MILLION—EUROS ($39—MILLION) to free THE—3—AID—WORKERS held in NORTH—MALI.
20111023             —FREED, THE—ISLAMIST—REBEL—GROUP that, them claimed that they also received 1—RANSOM—OF ?15—MILLION ($18.4—MILLION).
20111023             ARGENTINA held national elections.
20111023             —APPEARED, PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ, to be headed for 1—LANDSLIDE victory over 6—RIVALS.
20111023             Fernandez had 53—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE—AFTER 3FOURTHS of the polling stations reported nationwide.
20111023             Her nearest challenger got —JUST 17%.
20111023             BRAZIL, 5—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—INDIA—AFFAIRS—AGENCY and 2—WORKERS for 1—ELECTRIC—COMPANY were released in good condition.
20111023             They had been held —FOR—5—DAYS in the Amazon community of Kururuzinho.
20111023             —OPPOSED, THE—KAIABI, THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—DAM and demand speedier official recognition of their land in Mato Grosso state.
20111023             BULGARIA held elections.
20111023             Rosen Plevneliev, THE—CANDIDATE—OF—THE—RULING—CENTER—RIGHT—GERB party, was favored to win in the presidential elections that tested the government's popularity and THE—EU nation's ability to overcome concerns about VOTE—BUYING and corruption.
20111023             —FINISHED, Plevneliev, 1. with 40.11%, and Ivailo KALFIN—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—SOCIALIST—PARTY 2. with 28.96%.
20111023             1—RUN—OFF was set for 20111030             .
20111023             The winner will replace incumbent GEORGI—PARVANOV, who was barred by law from seeking a 3. term in office.
20111023             —RETIRED, GERMANY's, research ROSAT satellite crashed into Earth at 0150—GMT somewhere in the Bay of Bengal between INDIA and MYANMAR.
20111023             HONG—KONG, more than 10000000             protesters, including pregnant women, marched to oppose the growing number of mainland CHINA—WOMEN coming to the city to give birth.
20111023             Women from mainland CHINA are keen to have babies in HONG—KONG because it entitles their child to rights of abode and education.
20111023             —TARGETED, KENYA warplanes, THE—SHEBAB—HELD SOMALIA—PORT CITY—OF—KISMAYO as troops advanced on the insurgents.
20111023             THE—USA—WARNED—OF—1—IMMINENT—THREAT—OF—ATTACK on foreigners in KENYA.
20111023             It said the new LIBYA will be governed in line with Islamic sharia law, but stressed it would remain a "moderate" Muslim country.
20111023             † In MALAYSIA ITALY—RIDER MARCO—SIMONCELLI, —24—JAHRE—ALT—AFTER crashing and being hit by 2—OTHER riders at the Sepang MotoGP motorcycle race.
20111023             —ARRESTED, THE—MEXICO army, 10—PEOPLE and confiscated 10—CARS or SUVs that were being bulletproofed for drug gangs, as well as 6—OTHER—VEHICLES in 1—WAREHOUSE in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—SINALOA.
20111023             † In MEXICO 2—AMERICANS in the crash of 1—SMALL—PLANE in THE—CITY—OF—ANGELA—R—CABADA, VERACRUZ state.
20111023             CENTRAL—PAKISTAN, MOHAMMAD—AFZAL, —19—JAHRE—ALT shot dead his parents and 6—SIBLINGS because his father, 1—POOR donkey cart owner, could not feed the family.
20111023             SOMALIA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up in MOGADISHU, wounding 2—AU peacekeepers.
20111023             —DOUSED, SOUTH—AFRICA KIRSTY, Theologo (18) was, in petrol and burned alive by her friends in 1—JOHANNESBURG park, in what police suspect was 1—SATANIC—RITUAL.
20111023             2—MEN aged 19 and 21—WHO took part in the incident turned themselves in.
20111023             —SUFFERED, Theologo, burns over 3—QUARTERS—OF—HER—BODY, damaging her lungs and throat, and remained in 1—COMA.
20111023             A 2. girl (16) survived her burns.
20111023             SWITZERLAND held national elections.
20111023             —POISED, Citizens were, to hand nationalists 1 unprecedented 30—PERCENT voice, —FOLLOWING voting dominated by concerns about immigration, nuclear power and the economy.
20111023             —MOVED, SYRIA—SECURITY—FORCES, into villages where residents have been on strike and shot 2—PEOPLE—DEAD in the village of Qalaat AL—MADEEQ, Hama province.
20111023             —KILLED, SOUTH—THAILAND, at least 7—PEOPLE were, in BACK—TO—BACK shooting and bomb attacks in 1—TOWN in Narathiwat province.
20111023             —ELECTED, Voters, a 217-seat constituent assembly that would shape their fledgling democracy, choose 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT and write 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION that would pave the way for future elections.
20111023             The moderate Islamist party Ennahda, led by Rached Ghannouchi (19410000             *), claimed the biggest BLOCK—OF—VOTES.
20111023             —BANNED, Ennahda (Renaissance), —FOR—DECADES, emerged the official victor taking 41.47—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE and 89—OF—217—SEATS in the new assembly.
20111023             1—POWERFUL 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck EAST—TURKEY, collapsing about 45—BUILDINGS.
20111023             —ESTIMATED, It was, that up to 1,000—PEOPLE could have been killed.
20111023             —CAUSED, The worst damage was, to THE—TOWN—OF—ERCIS, in the mountainous EAST—PROVINCE—OF—VAN where 80—MULTI—STORY—BUILDINGS collapsed with people trapped in 40—OF—THEM.
20111023             —NAMED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, 3—NEW saints for the Catholic Church —DURING 1—MASS in S—PETER—SQUARE that was disrupted by 1—MAN who climbed out onto the upper COLONNADE—OF—THE—SQUARE and burned 1—BIBLE.
20111023             Bei 1—ERDBEBEN im Osten der TÜRKEI werden mehr als 600—MENSCHEN getötet.
20111023             Der bislang schwerste DEUTSCHE—SATELLIT—ROSAT wird beim Wiedereintritt in die Erdatmosphäre zerstört.
20111023             In der SCHWEIZ stattfinden NATIONAL—WAHLEN und STÄNDERATS—WAHLEN, bei denen die SVP und die Grünen genauso wie die CVP und die FDP Sitze verlieren, während die Grünliberalen, die SP und die BDP Sitzgewinne verbuchen können.
20111023—19490000    —RAISED, This, the number of recorded deaths in MotoGP to 47—SINCE it was founded.
20111023—19560000    —IN, TUNISIA held its 1. truly free elections —SINCE INDEPENDENCE.
20111023—19990000    —VON—BIS, DEUTSCHE—SATELLIT—ROSAT war in Betrieb.
20111023—20111028    —ON, Theologo †.
20111023—20111104    —BY, the death toll reached 603 with some 2500 injured and thousands homeless.
20111023—20120718    —ON, Spaniards Enric Gonyalons and Ainhoa FERNANDEZ—DEL—RINCON—AND—ITALY—ROSSELLA—URRU were released, in exchange for 3—ISLAMISTS.
20111029—20111023    —SINCE, LIBYA, volunteers reportedly buried more than 500—BODIES across Sirte, MOST—OF—THEM believed to be fighters.
20111109             —SLAMMED, It hit the same region, by an 20111023             temblor that left 600—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20111205—20111023    —ARRESTED, MAURITANIA—POLICE said they have, 2—WEST—SAHARAN men suspected of kidnapping 1—ITALIAN and 2—SPAIN—AID—WORKERS in ALGERIA.
20120222—20061023    —ABDUCTED, He had been, —DURING 1—VISIT to his wife and family on 1—MUSLIM holiday.
20120304             —ESTABLISHED, The newly, 20121023             brigade takes its name from the date —WHEN the —NOW ruling National Transitional Council of LIBYA declared "liberation" of the country from KADHAFI—42—YEAR—OLD—RULE.
20120405             THE—MOVEMENT for Oneness and Jihad in WEST—AFRICA (MUJAO) —LATER demanded 15—MILLION—EUROS for the diplomats and 30—MILLION for 3—AID—WORKERS kidnapped last 20121023             .
20120703             —ISSUED, —AFTER this opinion, this court will have, over $8.8—BILLION in judgments against IRAN as 1—RESULT—OF—19831023             —THE, BEIRUT bombing.
20121005—20121023    —ON, police arrested AUSTIN—REED—SIGG, —17—JAHRE—ALT in connection with the murder.
20121020—20121023    —ON, 2—TEENAGERS were arrested and charged with her murder.
20121023             THE—USA—IMMIGRATION and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) said it will end its contract with BlackBerry maker Research In Motion Ltd in favor of Apple INC—IPHONE, dealing 1—NEW—BLOW to RIM —JUST months —BEFORE it launches 1—VITAL—NEW—DEVICE.
20121023             —KILLED, CALIFORNIA, surfer FRANCISCO—JAVIER—SOLORIO—JUNIOR was, in 1—SHARK attack off THE—COAST—OF—SURF—BEACH in Lompoc.
20121023             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER was, in 1—INSURGENT—ATTACK in the east.
20121023             BRITAIN—ENVIRONMENT—SECRETARY—OWEN—PATERSON said 1—PLAN to shoot THOUSANDS—OF—BADGERS to stop THE—SPREAD—OF—TUBERCULOSIS in cattle has been delayed in the face of overwhelming public opposition to the cull.
20121023             † IN—CHINA—DORJE—RINCHEN, —58—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TIBETAN farmer, set himself on fire and on the main street in Xiahe near the Labrang Monastery.
20121023             —INTERCEPTED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES, 1—GROUP—OF—SMUGGLERS bringing in weapons from LIBYA.
20121023             IRAQ, 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS struck Shiite neighborhoods in BAGHDAD —EARLY—TODAY, killing 9—PEOPLE and wounding 26.
20121023             —BANNED, KUWAIT, public gatherings of more than 20—PEOPLE and said police have the power to disperse unauthorized crowds.
20121023             15—RUSSIA—SAILORS were soon charged with illegally bringing weapons into the country.
20121023             —RECEIVED, THE—EMIR—OF—QATAR, SHEIK—HAMAD bin Khalifa AL—THANI, 1—HERO—WELCOME in GAZA, becoming the 1. HEAD—OF—STATE to visit THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORY—SINCE—THE—ISLAMIST—MILITANT—HAMAS seized control of the coastal strip —5—YEARS—AGO.
20121023             ROMANIA—HIGHEST—COURT—UPHELD—THE—CONVICTION—OF—ARCHBISHOP—PIMEN, —83—JAHRE—ALT for serving as 1—INFORMANT sent by the church and the Securitate to spy on fellow clergy and MEMBERS—OF—ROMANIA—EXPATRIATE community in THE—USA—IN—THE 1970s.
20121023             1—RUSSIAN—SOYUZ spacecraft launched in KAZAKHSTAN carrying a 3-man crew, including 1—AMERICAN and 2—RUSSIANS, to the Intl.
20121023             Space Station.
20121023             —KILLED, This brought THE—NUMBER—OF—JOURNALISTS, in SOMALIA —THIS—YEAR to 16.
20121023             SYRIA—WARPLANES struck Maaret AL—NUMAN, 1—STRATEGIC—REBEL—HELD town in the country's north in 1—ATTEMPT to reopen 1—KEY—SUPPLY route.
20121023             —KILLED, At least 20—PEOPLE were, in ALEPPO —WHEN 1—BAKERY was hit by 1—SHELL.
20121023             —REPORTED, Over 100—PEOPLE were, killed in fighting across the country.
20121023             1—UN—PROPOSED—CEASE—FIRE meant to start —THIS—WEEK appeared increasingly unlikely to take hold.
20121023             —RIPPED, TAIWAN, 1—EARLY —MORNING fire, through 1—NURSING home, killing 12—PEOPLE and injuring 60, MANY—OF—THEM too weak to get out of their beds to escape.
20121023             1—NURSING home resident confessed to setting the fire.
20121023             Während der Dreharbeiten zum Film Under the Skin entsteht das Foto Scarlett JOHANSSON—FALLING—DOWN, das sich —1—JAHR—SPÄTER zu 1—INTERNETPHÄNOMEN entwickeln wird.
20121023—20130000    —DROPPED, All charges against the sailors were.
20121108             alfatomega.com/20061012.HTML—ALFATOMEGA.com/20051023.html - alfatomega.com/20051023.html
20121108             alfatomega.com/20061012.HTML—ALFATOMEGA.com/20051023.html
20130718             MARTINEZ—CALIFORNIA, Marcelles Peter (20) of Pinole and JOSE—MONTANO (22) of RICHMOND were found GUILTY—OF—NUUMEROUS felony charges 20091024             —IN—THE, gang rape of 1—GIRL, —16—JAHRE—ALT outside RICHMOND High School (see 20091023             ).
20131013—20131023    —AM, DAS—EU—PARLAMENT will über den CRIM—BERICHT abstimmen.
20131020—20131023    —SCHEDULED, He was, to meet with PRESIDENT—OBAMA.
20131023             "Als enger BÜNDNIS—PARTNER—DER—USA—VON—AMERIKA erwartet DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG für DIE—ZUKUNFT 1—KLARE vertragliche GRUND—LAGE über die Tätigkeit DER—DIENSTE und ihre ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT".
20131023             "As 1—MATTER—OF—POLICY, THE—ARMED—FORCES don't necessarily exclude people who have criminal convictions,"he told BBC Newsnight.
20131023             "Aufwachen"ist wohl das Stichwort —DER—STUNDE.
20131023             "Our position is that would not be 1—ACQUISITION—OF—ASSETS, but rather 1—SUPPORT for friendly GREECE at the complicated economic stage,"Matvienko said.
20131023             "Wenn Sie in Minmi sind, folgen Sie Ihrem Überlebensplan", erklärte die Feuerwehr.
20131023             ..EU—ABGEORDNETE sabotieren ABWIEGEL—STRATEGIE der KANZLERIN[...]
20131023             ..dass MERKEL—UNTERSCHIEDLICHE RE—AKTION und (Nicht-)—REAKTION beim gleichen kriminellen Tatbestand je nach der "Beschaffenheit"des Opfers von 1—UNGLAUBLICHEN Geringschätzung DER—DEUTSCHEN—BÜRGER bzw.
20131023             1—EXPERTEN—GRUPPE der UNO hatte das Fest als rassistisch eingestuft und die Abschaffung gefordert.
20131023             1—SPRECHERIN—DES—NATIONALER—SICHERHEITS—RATS—DER—USA erklärte zu den Vorwürfen gegenüber dem SPIEGEL, "DER—PRÄSIDENT—HAT—DER—KANZLERIN versichert, daß DIE—USA ihre Kommunikation nicht überwachen und auch nicht überwachen werden".
20131023             AFGHANISTAN—MISSION: NATO droht KARZAI mit ENDE—DES Geldsegens
20131023             ANGST—VOR—ÜBERWACHUNG, USA—FIRMA stellt Angebot zum anonymen Surfen 1
20131023             ARISTOTELES erwähnt in seiner 335_VOR_CHRISTUS verfassten HISTORIA Animalium 1—HUNDEPARASITEN namens KUNORHAISTÈS—GRIECHISCH für "Hundezerstörer".
20131023             AUSTRALIEN: Eukalyptusbäume saugen Gold aus dem BODEN
20131023             AUSTRALIEN: Feuerwehr gibt Soldaten Schuld an riesigem Buschbrand
20131023             —BEENDET, Aber OBAMA hat DIE—AFFÄRE ja —SCHON für, erklärt, er hat versichert das Handy sei gar nicht ÜBERWACHT worden (Quelle TAGESSCHAU)!!!
20131023             Aber Spass beiseite: Ist das nicht eher so 1 IN—SZENIERTE Empörung wie von Monsieur HOLLANDE, der, —NACHDEM er —ERST pressewirksam seine "tiefe Missbilligung"zum Ausdruck gebracht hatte, direkt im Anschluss die Ausweitung DER—GEHEIMDIENSTLICHEN ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT beider Regierungen beschloss?
20131023             Aber hey, kein PROBLEM—GRIECHENLAND hat ja Freunde!
20131023             Z.B. - Abgeordnete der konservativen EVP—FRAKTION halten hingegen nichts von der RESOLUTION.
20131023             Abgesehen davon....
20131023             Absturz von BANK—AKTIEN: FINANZ—MÄRKTE zittern vor STRESS—TEST der EZB
20131023             —BEENDET, AGRARROH—STOFFE: BAYERNLB, Wetten auf Nahrungsmittel
20131023             An alle - Astronomie: DIE—MILCHSTRAßE flattert
20131023             Auf "Hacker News"wurde CRYPTOSEAL—CHEF—RYAN—LACKEY deutlicher: Er habe vor allem DIE—FINANZIELLEN Risiken gescheut, die mit 1—JURISTISCHEN Auseinandersetzung mit USA—BEHÖRDEN verbunden seien.
20131023             Aus den Vorgängen um den E—MAIL—DIENSTLEISTER Lavabit habe man jedoch gelernt, daß DIE—REGIERUNG den STAND—PUNKT vertrete, INTERNETdienstleister zur HER—AUSGABE der SSL—SCHLÜSSEL zwingen zu können.
20131023             Außerdem, das zeigen
20131023             BUNDES—KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL habe in dem GESPRÄCH—MIT—PRÄSIDENT—OBAMA die Erwartung geäußert, "dass DIE— USA—BEHÖRDEN Aufklärung über den möglichen Gesamtumfang solcher Abhörpraktiken gegenüber DEUTSCHLAND geben werden und damit Fragen beantworten, die DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG —BEREITS vor —MONATEN gestellt hat", sagte Seibert.
20131023             Bild weiss alles
20131023             BOSTON—LAUT DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT in BOSTON soll Tamerlan Zarnajew
20131023             Botanik: Männliche Blüten duften anders als weibliche - CSU: "USA nicht vorverurteilen"
20131023             Convicted hackers could be recruited to THE—UK—NEW—CYBERDEFENCE—FORCE, THE—DEFENCE—SECRETARY has said.
20131023             —VERWENDET, DAS—VERFAHREN könne in vielen Bereichen, werden, diskutiert werde etwa die Kennzeichnung von Tieren, heißt es in der Studie.
20131023             DER—SPD—VERHANDLUNGS—FÜHRER für Verkehr, FLORIAN—PRONOLD, sagte zur PKW—MAUT: "es gibt da keine Einigung".Und ergänzte: "Mit der SPD wird es keine Belastung DEUTSCHER—AUTOFAHRER geben".1 Gebühr nur für AUS—LÄNDER sei mit EU—RECHT nicht vereinbar.
20131023             DIE—ENTSCHEIDUNG ist für den EU—MINISTERRAT, also die Vertretung der REGIERUNGEN—DER—MITGLIEDSTAATEN, nicht bindend.
20131023             DIE—FORSCHER testeten ihr beim Sonar erfolgreich angewendetes Verfahren dann beim Radar an 1—TYPISCHEN elektronischen Bauteil wie 1—DIPOL mit 1—DIODE, 1—ALUMINIUMPLATTE und 1—ROSTIGEN Tischklemme.
20131023             DIE—KANZLERIN habe klargemacht, "dass sie solche Praktiken, wenn sich die Hinweise bewahrheiten sollten, unmissverständlich missbilligt und als völlig inakzeptabel ansieht", sagte ihr SPRECHER—STEFFEN—SEIBERT.
20131023             DIE—NSA—AFFÄRE ist für UNS—ALLE—NEULAND
20131023             DIE—PARLAMENTARIER verlangen von der EU, das SWIFT—ABKOMMEN auszusetzen.
20131023             DIE—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT will allerdings verhindern, daß DIE—ANWÄLTE von Dschochar Zarnajew Einblick in die Ermittlungsunterlagen zu dem Dreifachmord in Waltham bekommen, weil dies die weiteren Ermittlungen gefährden könne.
20131023             Da DIE—ABHÖR—MAßNAHMEN ausschließlich DER—TERROR—ABWEHR dienen, muss nach der Logik FRAU—MERKEL wohl 1—TERRORIST sein?
20131023             Das EDEL—METALL sei vermutlich von den Bäumen aus dem BODEN gesogen und nach oben gepumpt worden, sagte der Geochemiker Melvyn Lintern von der COMMONWEALTH—FORSCHUNGS—ORGANISATION CSIRO: "Der Eukalyptus agiert wie 1—HYDRAULISCHE Pumpe".
20131023             —REBELLIERT, Das EUROPA—PARLAMENT, in der NSA—AFFÄRE gegen DIE— USA—REGIERUNG und die Verharmloser aus DEUTSCHLAND.
20131023             —BEMERKENSWERT, Das ist ! DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG wird also durch den Spiegel, dessen BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG über den SPÄH—SKANDAL sie —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—MONATEN so konsequent ignoriert hat, darauf aufmerksam gemacht, daß sie abgehört wurde/wird und DER—BND kann dies nur kleinlaut bestätigen.
20131023             Den Forschern gelang es, 1. präzise 3-D-basierte Bewegungsmuster von Sternen zu erstellen.
20131023             Diese Hinweise legen nahe, daß USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE MERKEL—HANDY zum Zielobjekt erklärt haben.
20131023             —ORIENTIERT, Doppelter Schallimpuls: Neues Radar, sich an DELFIN—VORBILD
20131023             Dunkle Energie: 68,3 % (bisherige Annahme: 72,8 %)
20131023             Dunkle Materie: 26,8 % (bisherige Annahme: 22,7 %)
20131023             EURO—RETTUNG: BARROSO schwört SCHWARZ—ROT auf SPAR—KURS für EUROPA 1
20131023             Enge Verbindung zur Industrie: EU—LEBENS—MITTEL—BEHÖRDE wird Lobbyisten nicht los
20131023             Erinnert sich jemand noch an den Rücktritt von BRANDT wegen dem Spion Guillaume?
20131023             Feueralarm bei SYDNEY: AUSTRALIEN schließt Nationalparks wegen Buschbränden
20131023             Formal ist —ZUNÄCHST INNEN—KOMMISSARIN Cecilia Malmström an der Reihe.
20131023             Frau Murksel wusste —SCHON—LÄNGST—VOR DER—BUNDES—TAGS—WAHL von der Ausspähung.
20131023             Für den tatsächlichen Stopp des Datentransfers ist das Ja von 2—DRITTELN der Stimmen der EU—MITGLIED—STAATEN notwendig.
20131023             Für EINIGE—EU—PARLAMENTARIER steht SWIFT —SCHON—NÄCHSTE—WOCHE wieder ganz oben auf der TAGES—ORDNUNG.
20131023             Gefährliche FINANZ—PRODUKTE, Willkommen zurück im Spielcasino!
20131023             Gerade fährt der zug ab...
20131023             Gewöhnliche Materie: 4,9 % (bisherige Annahme: 4,5 %)
20131023             Herzlich willkommen im Klub, Frau BUNDES—KANZLERIN...;)
20131023             Ich verstehe nicht warum das hier mit hohlen Kommentaren ins Lächerliche gezogen wird.
20131023             Ignoranz rächt sich - Im Irrgarten der eigenen Paranoia
20131023             Innerhalb 1—TAGES unterstützten fast 1.000.000 NIEDERLÄNDER auf FACEBOOK 1 "Pietition"für die Tradition.
20131023             Ja das ist so, denn schließlich ist sie DIE—REGIERUNGS—CHEFIN DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK—DEUTSCHLAND.
20131023             KANZLER—HANDY im USA—VISIER?: MERKEL beschwert sich bei OBAMA
20131023             —GEMACHT, Klasse, Spiegel
20131023             Laxe Bewachung auf USA—STÜTZPUNKT: "DIE—TÜR zur ATOM—BOMBE stand offen"
20131023             LINKE—CHEFIN KATJA—KIPPING hat MERKEL aufgefordert, den BUNDES—TAG über die Hinweise auf 1—ÜBERWACHUNG ihres Handys zu informieren.
20131023             MERKEL des TERRORISMUS verdächtig?
20131023             MERKEL fordert kein ENDE—DER—SCHNÜFFELEI, sondern 1—VERTRAG—DER—DIE—SCHNÜFFELEI klar regelt.
20131023             MERKEL unter TERROR—VERDACHT?
20131023             MILITÄR—BÜNDNIS, Reform stärkt DEUTSCHLANDs Rolle in der NATO
20131023             MINI—OPPOSITION: Gysi verlangt GESETZES—ÄNDERUNG für Minderheitenrechte
20131023             MUTMAßLICHER—ATTENTÄTER: Tamerlan Zarnajew soll in Dreifachmord verwickelt gewesen sein
20131023             —GESCHWIEGEN, Malmström, selbst 1—LIBERALE, hat in der NSA—AFFÄRE lange.
20131023             Man beachte: Man sollte nie Dummheit unterstellen, wo Heimtücke als Erklärung völlig ausreicht.
20131023             MARCO—ANTÓNIO—COSTA recebe o Embaixador da Ucrânia em PORTUGAL - Merkt es keiner????
20131023             Mit den —NUN veröffentlichten Ergebnissen könnten präzisere 3-D-Modelle unserer Galaxie erstellt werden, hieß es.
20131023             Neuer PROZESS, BERLUSCONI muss wegen BESTECHUNG vor Gericht
20131023             Nur vereint in ganz EUROPA können wir uns wehren gegen diesen Größenwahn.Zuerst hat DER—BÜRGER verstanden und —NUN hoffentlich auch DIE—POLITIK.
20131023             Ooops!
20131023             —ANNOUNCED, PHILIP—HAMMOND, plans for the unit —LAST—MONTH, declaring it would have the capability to MOUNT—CYBER—ATTACKS against other countries as 1—MEANS—OF deterring them from striking against BRITAIN.
20131023             POTSDAM—DIE—MILCHSTRAßE flattert nach Beobachtungen von Astronomen ähnlich "wie 1—FLAGGE im Wind".
20131023             PRESSE—FREIHEIT: CHINESISCHE—ZEITUNG fordert Freilassung ihres Journalisten
20131023             Ramschhypotheken: JP—MORGAN will Investoren 6—MILLIARDEN $ zahlen
20131023             Regulierung der FINANZ—BRANCHE: "Der BANKEN—SEKTOR muss schrumpfen"
20131023             Satz Bildzeitung von —HEUTE—ABEND.".BILD erfuhr allerdings aus SICHERHEITS—KREISEN: OBAMA soll stinksauer auf DIE—DIENSTE sein und den sofortigen Stopp befohlen haben".
20131023             SAVE—THE—CHILDREN—BERICHT, Wo die ÜBERLEBENS—CHANCEN von Kindern steigen
20131023             Sie haben den — AUFSTAND gewagt.
20131023             —VERRINGERT, Sparerfolg: GRIECHENLAND, HAUSHALT—DEFIZIT drastisch
20131023             —GESCHLOSSEN, Tatsächlich votierten die CDU—, CSU—PARLAMENTARIER fast, in FRIEDRICHs Sinne.
20131023             THE—DEFENCE—SECRETARY has said the new £500m unit could disable enemy communications, nuclear and CHEMICAL—WEAPONS, planes, ships and other hardware.
20131023             Tschüss, "Planck": esa schickt letzten Befehl an WELT—RAUM—TELESKOP
20131023             Und so BEGANN das Gespräch: MERKEL: "Hallo Herr PRÄSIDENT, wir haben in EUROPA grade besprochen, dass..".OBAMA: "Ja, ich weiß".
20131023             Und?
20131023             UNIONS—INNEN—EXPERTE HANS—PETER—UHL sagte der "MITTEL—DEUTSCHEN—ZEITUNG": "DIE—KANZLERIN muss natürlich abhörsicher kommunizieren können".
20131023             Verblüffend.
20131023             VIELE—MITGLIEDSTAATEN wollen diesen Affront gegenüber WASHINGTON VERMEIDEN—ALLEN voran GROß—BRITANNIEN, aber auch DEUTSCHLAND.
20131023             WAHL—SIEG für JERUSALÉMISS—BÜRGER—MEISTER: Dauerauftrag für Bibis BAU—MEISTER
20131023             WELT—WEIT—SEUCHE: Mediziner WARNEN—VOR—RESISTEN10 TUBERKULOSE—ERREGERN - Was ist denn daran lustig?
20131023             Was soll uns diese Meldung sagen?
20131023             Wer zu den Raketen gelangen will, muss mehrere Kontrollen PASSIEREN—DIE Schutztür ist die letzte SICHERHEITS—MAßNAHME.
20131023             —GEDIEHEN, Wie weit sind die Ermittlungen ? Wo habt ihr euch versteckt?
20131023             ZINS—SKANDAL, Rabobank droht MILLIARDEN—STRAFE wegen LIBOR—MANIPULATION
20131023             [l] DIE—GRIECHEN sind —JETZT 40 % ärmer als —VOR—5—JAHREN.
20131023             da kommt der Moment der Rebellion: "DIE—ABSTIMMUNG—ÜBER—DIE—RESOLUTION ist eröffnet", ruft die Sitzungsleiterin ISABELLE—DURANT um 1437—UHR ins Plenum.
20131023             das vereinte EUROPA - der Kreis scheint sich zu schliessen...
20131023             mich wundert gerade nur, wo die Heerscharen von Konservativen sich gerade verstecken, die sonst hier im Forum unsere BUNDES—KANZLERIN über den grünen Klee loben.
20131023             —EXEKUTIERT, Überlebte Hinrichtung: IRANer soll offenbar nicht erneut, werden
20131023             —ENTSCHEIDUNG im VATIKAN—PAPA zieht TEBARTZ—VAN—ELST aus LIMBURG ab
20131023             —ERST mal klasse gemacht vom Spiegel, in diese Richtung zu recherchieren.
20131023             —HEUTE muss sich nicht mehr DER—STAAT rechtfertigen, wenn die individuellen FREIHEITS—RECHTE eingeschränkt werden, sondern das Individuum muss sich anscheinend rechtfertigen, wenn es seine FREIHEITS—RECHT beanspruchen möchte.
20131023             —IN—THE—USA, it is ALREADY common practice, with MANY—COMPANIES recruiting at hacker CONVENTIONs.
20131023             —J—IN—DIESEM haben sich die Pannen gehäuft.
20131023             —LAUT, 1—AKTUELLEN —STUDIE sind DIE—WELTWEITEN Ne 10—DE an Gold über —10—JAHRE um 45 % zurückgegangen.
20131023             —LAUT, Ermittlern der Feuerwehr brach 1—FEUER nahe Lithgow westlich von SYDNEY
20131023             —NACH, Bekanntwerden der NSA—AFFÄRE hatte EU—INNEN—KOMMISSARIN Cecilia Malmström mit 1—ENDE—DES SWIFT—ABKOMMENS gedroht.
20131023             —NACH—2—JAHREN: SPANIEN—WIRTSCHAFT wächst wieder 1—BISSCHEN
20131023             —PLEDGED, Obama and Sharif, cooperation on the security issues that have strained ties between their nations.
20131023             1—NEVADA jury found SAUDI—ARABIA—AIR—FORCE—SERGEANT—MAZEN—ALOTAIBI GUILTY—OF—SEXUALLY assaulting 1—BOY, —13—JAHRE—ALT at the Circu Circus hotel in LAS—VEGAS on New —YEAR—EVE.
20131023             AFGHANISTAN, 1—NIGHTTIME—TALIBAN attack on 1—SECURITY outpost killed 4—POLICEMEN in the Bla Murghab DISTRICT—OF—BADGHIS province.
20131023             Argentine local experts and 1—GOVERNMENT—SOURCE said its agricultural soils are being depleted by lack of crop rotation as soy farming encroaches on areas once used for corn, wheat and cattle grazing.
20131023             —IGNITED, AUSTRALIA—INVESTIGATORS said 1—MILITARY training exercise, the largest of the wildfires that have ravaged its most populous state over the past —WEEK.
20131023             † UK—SCULPTOR—ANTHONY—CARO, —89—JAHRE—ALT, whose abstract metal sculptures were shown —AROUND the world, of 1—HEART—ATTACK.
20131023             —STAGED, THOUSANDS—OF—CAMBODIA opposition supporters, 1—DEMONSTRATION over disputed elections that extended strongman PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN—NEAR —3—DECADE rule, under 1—HEAVY—SECURITY—PRESENCE—AFTER bloody clashes —LAST—MONTH.
20131023             BEIJING, CHINA—PRIME—MINISTER—LI—KEQIANG and INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH sounded 1—NEW—OPTIMISTIC—TONE in their relationship as they oversaw the signing of 9—AGREEMENTS including 1—DEFENSE—COOPERATION—AGREEMENT.
20131023             Wang Qishan, CHINA—TOP—OFFICIAL battling DEEPLY—INGRAINED corruption, warned staff their jobs were on the line if they failed to root out abuses, telling them to "shock and awe" their targets.
20131023             —PRINTED, CHINA—STATE—RUN—NEW—EXPRESS tabloid, 1—FRONT—PAGE commentary begging police in THE—SOUTH—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—CHANGSHA to set reporter Chen Yongzhou free under the headline: "Please release him".
20131023             —DETAINED, Chen was, —AFTER writing more than 12—STORIES criticizing the finances of Zoomlion, 1—MAJOR—STATE—OWNED construction equipment maker.
20131023             —INJURED, CHINA—POLICE—OFFICERS were, in clashes with villagers in SOUTH—WEST—YUNNAN province.
20131023             Some 200—RESIDENTS in Guangji village near the provincial CAPITAL—KUNMING stopped 11—OFFICERS on 1—HIGHWAY—AFTER police had summoned 2—PEOPLE —1—DAY—EARLIER for alleged crimes.
20131023             —KILLED, CHINA, 2—CHILDREN were, and another 4 injured —AFTER 1—WALL at their primary school collapsed in Yunnan province.
20131023             —ACCUSED, INDIA, PAKISTAN—TROOPS—OF—FIRING guns and mortars on at least 50—INDIA—BORDER—POSTS overnight in disputed Kashmir, calling it the most serious CEASE—FIRE—VIOLATION between THE—NUCLEAR—ARMED—NEIGHBORS in —1—DECADE.
20131023             —KILLED, IRAQ, gunmen, 6—PEOPLE in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL.
20131023             —KILLED, In BAGHDAD 1—ROADSIDE bomb in the Ghazaliyah area, at least 3—PEOPLE and wounded 11. Another roadside bomb killed 4—PEOPLE and wounded at least 9 in Madain.
20131023             2—SAHWA ANTI—AL—QAEDA fighters were kidnapped and killed in THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—KIRKUK.
20131023             —KILLED, MALI, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 2—CHAD—TROOPS from THE—UN peacekeeping mission and injured 6—OTHERS in 1—ATTACK on 1—CHECKPOINT at the entry to THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—TESSALIT.
20131023             —ATTACKED, Pirates near THE—COAST—OF—NIGERIA, 1—COMMERCIAL ship, named C—RETRIEVER, and kidnapped 2—USA—MARINERS.
20131023             RUSSIA said it will boycott maritime court hearings sought by THE—NETHERLANDS in 1—BID to free 30—CREW MEMBERS—OF—1—GREENPEACE ship who were detained —DURING 1—PROTEST against ARCTIC oil drilling.
20131023             —DROPPED, RUSSIA, piracy charges against 30—PEOPLE involved in 1—GREENPEACE protest against ARCTIC oil drilling, replacing them with lesser offences and cutting the maximum jail sentence they face to —7—YEARS from 15.
20131023             —KILLED, SUDAN, carjackers, 1—SUDAN—AID—WORKER in the country's Darfur region, bringing to 4 the number of humanitarian staff killed —THIS—YEAR in the region's worsening unrest.
20131023             SWISS—BASED petrochemical firm Ineos said it would close its Grangemouth plant in SCOTLAND with THE—LOSS—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—JOBS—AFTER failing to resolve 1—BITTER—LABOR—DISPUTE.
20131023             A SWITZERLAND—AIR—FORCE F/A—18—JET went down near a military airport in Alpnach in the Lake Lucerne region.
20131023             —SEALED, SYRIA—ACTIVISTS said the army has, the few remaining smuggling routes into the besieged EAST—GHOUTA REGION—OF—SUBURBS—OF—DAMASCUS.
20131023             —NEGOTIATED, Aid workers in DAMASCUS, who, 1—TRUCE to get out THOUSANDS—OF—RESIDENTS from the town, said that locals had resorted to eating leaves and grass.
20131023             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—TUNISIANS, through TUNIS chanting for their government to step down.
20131023             —PREPARED, Ruling Islamists and opposition leaders, to start talks aimed at end MONTHS—OF—POLITICAL—CRISIS.
20131023             —COMMITTED, PRIME—MINISTER—ALI—LARAYEDH said his government was, in "principle" to resigning to pave 1—WAY OUT—OF—THE—CRISIS.
20131023             —ROCKED, Clashes between security forces and gunmen, THE—CENTRAL—SIDI Bouzid region, leaving at least 6—POLICEMEN—DEAD.
20131023             —REQUESTED, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN—KI—MOON, the deployment of 250—TROOPS to protect the global body's personnel and facilities in THE—STRIFE—TORN CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC.
20131023             THE—UN said extreme floods across vast parts of remote and impoverished SOUTH—SUDAN have affected over 156,000—PEOPLE.
20131023             —EXPELLED, FRANCIS—PAPA temporarily, GERMANY—BISHOP—FRANZ—PETER—TEBARTZ—VAN—ELST, —53—JAHRE—ALT from his diocese because of 1—SCANDAL over a 31—MILLION—EURO—PROJECT to build 1—NEW—RESIDENCE—COMPLEX, but refused calls to remove him permanently.
20131023             —BURNED, YEMEN—POLICE said 1—FATHER has, his —15—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER to death for keeping in touch with her fiance, sparking further outrage —AFTER an —8—YEAR—GIRL † from internal bleeding on her wedding night —1—MONTH—AGO.
20131023—20100000    —IN, 1—KENYA court sentenced 4—SOMALIA—PIRATES sentenced to —7—YEARS each in prison —AFTER they were found GUILTY—OF—HIJACKING 1—FISHING dhow in THE—INDIA—OCEAN.
20131023—20110000    —SEIT, lediglich 7000—LIKES bekommen.
201310241023220629   Rippers Unknown DENVER—COLORADO—UNITED—STATES LOCKHEED—MARTIN—CORPORATION ( Unknown (No referring link)
20141023             THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT—SAID—ISLAMIC—STATE—MILITANTS are earning about $1—MILLION —1—DAY —JUST from black market oil sales.
20141023             —COLLIDED, MARYLAND, 1—SMALL—PLANE and 1—HELICOPTER, —BEFORE crashing.
20141023             3—PEOPLE were killed.
20141023             NEW—YORK—CITY, 4—ROOKIE police officers in the city's Queens borough were posing for 1—PHOTOGRAPH at the request of 1—FREELANCE photographer —WHEN Zale Thompson walked up and without saying 1—WORD attacked them with the hatchet.
20141023             Officers shot and killed Thompson.
20141023             NEW—YORK—CITY—OFFICIALS said DOCTOR—CRAIG—SPENCER, —33—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PHYSICIAN for doctors Without Borders, has tested positive for Ebola —AFTER returning from GUINEA —LAST—WEEK.
20141023             OKLAHOMA, 1—PERSON drove across the Capitol lawn in OKLAHOMA—CITY and knocked over a 10—COMMANDMENTS—MONUMENT, that 1—GROUP has been suing to have removed, smashing it to pieces.
20141023             † † IN—BANGLADESH—GHULAM—AZAM, —91—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—LEADER—OF—JAMAAT E—ISLAMI (19600000—20000000    ), of 1—STROKE—WHILE serving jail sentences for crimes against humanity.
20141023             BRAZIL—COMPANIES—CUTRALE and Safra said they are again raising their bid for banana producer Chiquita, to $681—MILLION, —1—DAY—BEFORE Chiquita shareholders are expected to vote on 1—COMBINATION with IRELAND—FRUIT importer Fyffes.
20141023             —REJECTED, Shareholders, the proposal.
20141023             —RESIGNED, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—BRITAIN—BIGGEST retailer Tesco, as the troubled supermarket group said 1—HUGE accounting error began —EARLIER than thought and contributed to plunging profits.
20141023             His real name was BERNARD—JEWRY.
20141023             THE—EU came up with another 24.4—MILLION—EUROS ($31—MILLION) to fight Ebola and agreed to up its aid for the fight against Ebola in WEST—AFRICA to 1—BILLION euros.
20141023             Christos Stylianides, the incoming CYPRUS—HUMANITARIAN—AID—COMMISSIONER, was named 1—EBOLA "TSAR".
20141023             EU lawmakers took the latest step in efforts to bring Kiev closer to EUROPE, extending UKRAINE—EXPORTERS' open access to THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—UNTIL 1—TRADE—DEAL takes effect —AT—THE—END—OF—NEXT—YEAR.
20141023             —URGED, Enver Hoxhaj, Serbia to recognize KOSOVO as independent.
20141023             —KILLED, LEBANON, 4—MEN were, in clashes that erupted —WHEN the army raided THE—APARTMENT—OF—SYRIA—REFUGEES in the village of Aasun in the Dinniyeh region.
20141023             —CAPTURED, The army, 1—SOLDIER, who —RECENTLY announced via YouTube his defection from the army, and arrested AHMAD—MIQATI, 1—MAN in his 60s accused, along with his fugitive son, of beheading soldiers in Arsal.
20141023             1—LEBANON—MAN who arrived from WEST—AFRICA is suspected of having Ebola and was quarantined in 1—BEIRUT hospital, the 1. such suspected case in the country.
20141023             —QUARANTINED, LIBERIA—STATE—RADIO said DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE, for Ebola monitoring in Jenewonda were threatening to break OUT—OF—ISOLATION because they have no food.
20141023             PAKISTAN, 8—SHI'ITE MEMBERS—OF—PAKISTAN—ETHNIC—HAZARA minority were killed and 1 wounded —AFTER gunmen opened fire on 1—BUS in QUETTA, Baluchistan province.
20141023             Another explosion targeting 1—CAR used by security forces killed 2—PEOPLE and injured 12. In a 3. explosion 2—PEOPLE were killed and 30 wounded near 1—VEHICLE belonging to PRO—TALIBAN cleric Maulana FAZAL—UR—REHMAN.
20141023             The general DIRECTOR—OF—MOSCOW—VNUKOVO—AIRPORT and his deputy resigned and RUSSIA—INVESTIGATORS detained 4—OTHER—AIRPORT—EMPLOYEES —FOLLOWING 1—PLANE—CRASH that killed 1—TOP—FRANCE—OIL—EXECUTIVE and 3—CREW members.
20141023             SAUDI—ARABIA authorities said female drivers will be dealt with "strictly", —BEFORE 1—RIGHT—TO—DRIVE—CAMPAIGN culminates at the weekend.
20141023             1—GROUP—OF—SOUTH—SUDAN—WOMEN—PEACE—ACTIVISTS said they have suggested that men in the civil WAR—TORN country be denied sex —UNTIL they stop fighting.
20141023             SYRIA, government shelling in the northern village of Tel Qrah killed at least 9—PEOPLE.
20141023             † 1—TUNISIA—POLICEMAN was killed —WHEN security forces clashed with Islamist militants on the outskirts of TUNIS, as the country prepared for parliamentary elections.
20141023             —ARRESTED, Police, 2—MEN armed with assault rifles in THE—SOUTH—OF—KEBILI in 1—CLASH that left 1—BYSTANDER dead.
20141023             TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said that 200—IRAQ—KURD peshmerga fighters would travel through TURKEY to join THE—BATTLE—IN—KOBANE, where about 1,000 IS militants are believed to be fighting.
20141023             —REPORTED, USA—LED air strikes in Syria were, to have killed more than 521—JIHADISTS and 32—CIVILIANS over THE—LAST—MONTH.
20141023             —PLEDGED, SOUTH—YEMEN—SEPARATISTS, to escalate protests demanding secession, as NORTH—SHIITE rebels vie to expand their control over more of the impoverished country.
20141023—19810500    —IN, THE—SF socialite and writer began working for the Reagans, and continued —FOR—7—YEARS.
20141023—20080000    —IN, 1—KOSOVO foreign MINISTER traveled to Serbia for the 1. time —SINCE KOSOVO declared INDEPENDENCE.
20150908             Im USSHER—LIGHTFOOT—KALENDER, der das Erdalter anhand biblischer Stammbäume berechnet, fällt der Schöpfungstag auf den 40041023             _VOR_CHRISTUS.
20151018—20151023    —BY, some 141—PEOPLE were reported sickened from the extremely contagious pathogen.
20151023             "THE—MKE [TURKEY—MECHANICAL and Chemical Industry Corporation] is also 1—ACTOR that is mentioned in THE—INVESTIGATION—FILE.
20151023             1—EURO pro Hassposting: Rassisten sammeln unfreiwillig für FLÜCHTLINGE
20151023             1—WOMAN claiming to be the victim of a "VIP paedophile ring", which involved 3—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTERS, has alleged she was prostituted to "paedophile parties" at PARLIAMENT House in CANBERRA.
20151023             —GEWACHSEN, ANT—ARKTIS: Ozonloch ist wieder stark
20151023             AUSSCHREITUNGEN—IN—SÜD—AFRIKA: Tausende Studenten protestieren vor Zumas Palast
20151023             1—AMENDMENT to 1—CONTROVERSIAL—CYBER—SECURITY—BILL will allow USA—COURTS to pursue and jail foreign nationals even if the crimes they commit are against other foreigners and on foreign soil.
20151023             Anhörung zum BENGASI—ANSCHLAG: Die unangreifbare HILLARY—CLINTON - BASHAR—AL—ASSAD didn't do it.
20151023             BRÜLLAFFEN—FORTPFLANZUNG: Tiefe Stimme, kleine Hoden
20151023             CHP deputies EREN—ERDEM and ALI—SEKER held 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE in ISTANBUL —ON—WEDNESDAY in which they claimed THE—INVESTIGATION into allegations regarding TURKEY—INVOLVEMENT in THE—PROCUREMENT—OF—SARIN—GAS which was used in the chemical attack on 1—CIVIL—POPULATION and delivered to THE—TERRORIST—ISLAMIC—STATE—IN—IRAQ and the Levant (ISIL) to enable the attack was derailed.
20151023             DEUTSCHE—UMWELTHILFE : Auch Opel soll bei Abgaswerten getrickst haben
20151023             Der damalige Beamte im BUNDES—KANZLER—AMT und spätere BND—CHEF—ERNST—UHRLAU habe DIE—ABHÖR—AKTIONEN genehmigt.
20151023             Entlassung der CHEF—STEUEREINTREIBERIN: TSIPRAS startet Rebellion GEGEN—DIE—GLÄUBIGER
20151023             —NOTED, Erdem also, that the prosecutor's office conducted detailed technical surveillance and found that 1—AL—QAEDA militant, Hayyam Kasap, acquired sarin, adding: "Wiretapped phone conversations reveal the process of procuring the gas at specific addresses as well as the process of procuring the rockets that would fire the capsules containing the toxic gas.
20151023             FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—DEUTSCHLAND: Nur weg
20151023             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, GABRIEL nennt AfD "offen RECHTS—RADIKAL"
20151023             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN—FÜR umstrittene Transitzonen
20151023             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, Verschärftes Asylrecht soll —BEREITS—SAMSTAG in Kraft treten
20151023             FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGER in Brezice: "Das ist fast wie KRIEG"
20151023             FREMDEN—FEINDLICHKEIT: PEGIDA wird zur Gefahr
20151023             Familiensynode: PAPA schafft gemeinsames MINISTERium für Laien, Familien und Leben
20151023             Fischfangquote für die OST—SEE: Weniger DORSCH, mehr Hering
20151023             GEWALT—GEGEN—FRAUEN und Kinder: UNO beklagt sexuellen Missbrauch von FLÜCHTLINGEn
20151023             GRENZE—ZWISCHEN—USA und MEXIKO: Ermittler entdecken 800—METER langen Drogentunnel
20151023             Im PARLAMENTsgebäude?
20151023             In other words, if 1—FRANCE—NATIONAL hacks 1—SPAIN—NATIONAL'S—MASTERCARD, she could be subject to —10—YEARS in USA—PRISON under laws changed by the bill.
20151023             JACK—DORSEY: TWITTER—CHEF—SCHENKT—MITARBEITERN 33 % seiner Firmenanteile
20151023             Jobchancen: WOHNUNGS—FORSCHER will FLÜCHTLINGE gezielt in ländlichen Regionen ansiedeln
20151023             Konjunkturerholung: Schuldenstand in DER—EURO—ZONE sinkt
20151023             Konkret: KRIMINALTECHNIK—FORSCHER verbessern Verfahren für Fingerabdrücke
20151023             OK, vielleicht nicht völlig zu Unrecht.
20151023             Psychologische Unterstützung: FLÜCHTLINGE sollen FLÜCHTLINGEn helfen
20151023             Schwächelndes Wachstum: CHINA—NOTEN—BANK—SENKT—LEIT—ZINS
20151023             —TURNED, THE—MAIN—STREAM—MEDIA has, against SEYMOUR—HERSH in 1—MAJOR—WAY, —SINCE so much of his recent reporting contradicts the Establishment narrative.
20151023             —ABUSED, THE—45—JAHRE—ALT said she was, by the ring, which included HIGH—RANKING politicians, police and MEMBERS—OF—THE judiciary, at THE—AGE—OF—5 and claimed there were THOUSANDS—OF—OTHER—VICTIMS.
20151023             —PUBLISHED, The —FOLLOWING was, in 1—MAJOR—TURKEY—NEWSPAPER...
20151023             2—DEPUTIES from the main opposition REPUBLICAN PEOPLE—PARTY (CHP) have claimed that THE—GOVERNMENTT is against investigating TURKEY—ROLE in sending toxic SARIN—GAS which was used in 1—ATTACK on civilians in SYRIA
20151023             —VERURTEILT, TÜRKEI—GERICHT, 244—GEZI—DEMONSTRANTEN zu Haftstrafen
20151023             —BLOCKIERT, USA—OBAMA, Verteidigungsetat mit seltenem Veto
20151023             Und tatsächlich: Für die ÖSTERREICH—ABHÖR—AKTION gab es 1.Genehmigung aus dem KANZLER—AMT.
20151023             VIDEO—MANIPULATION: SOFTWARE überträgt Mimik live von Gesicht zu Gesicht
20151023             [l] Auch AUSTRALIEN hatte anscheinend 1—KINDES—MISSBRAUCHSRING unter Mitgliedern der politischen Eliten.
20151023             [l] DIE—USA haben mal 1—PIRATEBAY—ANHANG an ihr neues CYBER—SECURITY—GESETZ gepappt.
20151023             [l] ISLAND schickt die 26—FIESESTEN Bankster ins Gefängnis.
20151023             [l] Ich sage ja —SCHON—LÄNGER, dass DER—BND sicher keine Alleingänge gemacht hat.
20151023             —CONFIRMATION: Sy Hersh was right about those sarin attacks
20151023             —GLOBAL—HAWK—ÜBUNG: USA—SPIONAGE—DROHNE fliegt bald über DEUTSCHLAND
20151023             —QUARTAL—ZAHLEN—VON—AMAZON, Microsoft, Google: Gewinne, Gewinne, Gewinne
20151023             —SINCE—THEN, the theory has gone through 1—NUMBER—OF—INCARNATIONS:
20151023             —CARRIED, THE—USA and its allies, out 21—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic State militants in IRAQ.
20151023             —CONFISCATED, USA—FDA—AUTHORITIES said they have, SHIPMENTS—OF—THE—LETHAL—INJECTION—CHEMICAL sodium thiopental that ARIZONA and TEXAS tried to bring in from abroad, saying such imports are illegal.
20151023             TalkTalk, 1—UK—TELEPHONE and broadband provider, said it has been hit by a "significant and sustained" CYBER—ATTACK and that the personal DATA—OF—MILLIONS—OF—BRITONS could be at risk —AFTER.
20151023             —SEIZED, NORTH—CAMEROON, Boko Haram Islamists, CONTROL—OF—KERAWA, 1—TOWN in on the border with NIGERIA.
20151023             1 unspecified number of civilians were killed in the assault.
20151023             QUEBEC province officials said 8—CANADA—POLICE—OFFICERS, suspected of sexually assaulting and beating aboriginal women, have been put on leave or transferred to administrative duty.
20151023             CHINA cut interest rates to support stuttering growth and announced that it was setting banks free in theory to offer depositors whatever interest they like.
20151023             —AGREED, CROATIA and Serbia, to increase THE—FLOW—OF—ASYLUM—SEEKERS over their border —AFTER thousands were forced to spend 1—MUDDY night out in the open in NEAR—FREEZING temperatures.
20151023             FRANCE, at least 43—PEOPLE on 1—BUS carrying elderly —DAY—TRIPPERS were killed —EARLY—TODAY—WHEN the bus hit 1—TRUCK—HEAD—ON and caught fire near Puisseguin in the Gironde region.
20151023             —DEFENDED, GERMANY, 1—DECISION to allow THE—EXPORT—OF—TANKS and artillery to QATAR, saying it was confident the arms would not be used in 1—WAR in YEMEN between government supporters and THE—IRAN—ALLIED Houthis.
20151023             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES, 1—IRAN—MAN on suspicion he was spying for TEHRAN.
20151023             —ACCUSED, INDIA, PAKISTAN—OF—1—CEASE—FIRE—VIOLATION in Kashmir in which 1—INDIA—CIVILIAN was killed and another was wounded.
20151023             INDONESIA, 1—LAW that makes gay sex punishable by public caning took effect in conservative Aceh province.
20151023             —CRASHED, MEXICO, Hurricane Patricia, 1—CATEGORY 5—STORM, into WEST—MEXICO with rain and winds of up to 165—MPH (266—KPH).
20151023             —DOWNGRADED, The hurricane was, to 1—TROPICAL—STORM and then 1—DEPRESSION as it moved northeast in ZACATECAS THE—FOLLOWING—MORNING.
20151023             —ORDERED, NIGER was, to pay compensation to THE—FAMILY—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—IBRAHIM—BARE—MAINASSARA, who was killed by members of the presidential guard in a 19990000             coup.
20151023             5—JUDGES sitting at THE—ECOWAS—COURT—OF—JUSTICE said NIAMEY should pay 1—TOTAL—OF—435—MILLION—CFA francs (663,000 euros, $750,000) to MAINASSARA—WIDOW, 5—CHILDREN and 11—BROTHERS and sisters.
20151023             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 42—PEOPLE were, and 11 wounded in bomb attacks at mosques in MAIDUGURI, Borno state, and in Yola, Adamawa state.
20151023             —TARGETED, SOUTH—PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—SHIITE religious procession, killing at least 18—PEOPLE and wounding 40—OTHERS in JACOBABAD, Sindh province.
20151023             1—PERU—PROSECUTOR said LIEUTENANT—WILMER—EDUARDO—DELGADO—RUIZ, —35—JAHRE—ALT, arrested for allegedly letting small planes ferry cocaine unhindered from the world's NUMBER 1—COCA—PRODUCING valley, was getting bribes of $10,000 1—PLANELOAD that he apparently shared with his superiors.
20151023             THE—PHILIPPINES—AVIATION—AUTHORITIES said haze from INDONESIA—FOREST—FIRES has spread to the southern and CENTRAL—PHILIPPINES, disrupting air traffic and prompting warnings for residents to wear face masks.
20151023             Leftist parties used their majority in the new PARLIAMENT to block the incoming CENTER—RIGHT—GOVERNMENT—CANDIDATE.
20151023             —PLANNED, SOUTH—AFRICA THOUSANDS—OF—UNIVERSITY, students protesting, tuition hikes flocked to the country's main government complex, with SOME—SETTING fires and throwing stones as police responded with stun grenades, tear gas and 1—WATER—CANNON.
20151023             PRESIDENT—ZUMA met with student leaders and university managers.
20151023             THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said RUSSIA—AIR—STRIKES in Syria have killed at least 446—PEOPLE, more than a 3. of them civilians, —SINCE they began END—SEPTEMBER.
20151023             —CHARGED, THAILAND, police Major Prakrom Warunprapa, under 1—CONTROVERSIAL—ROYAL—DEFAMATION—LAW, † in custody —AFTER "hanging" himself in his cell.
20151023             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, embezzling money by falsely claiming links to the monarchy.
20151023             UKRAINE, PRO—RUSSIA—INSURGENTS in eastern separatist DONETSK region said they have banned Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and UN agencies.
20151023             YEMEN—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said heavy fighting between PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and the Shiite Houthi rebels besieging THE—WEST—CITY—OF—TAIZ killed 71—PEOPLE in the past —2—DAYS.
20151023—19430000    —IN, The idea of string theory has been —AROUND—FOR—DECADES and was 1.proposed by WERNER—HEISEN—BERG.
20151023—20131200    —SINCE, Maysam P. (31) was accused of spying for IRAN on the opposition group known as THE—PEOPLE—MUJAHEDIN—OF—IRAN, or MEK.
20151023—20160000    —ANNOUNCED, His office —LATER, that there would be no fee increase for university students.
20160106—20161023    —DISCOVERED, The leak was, at 1—WELL—USED for natural gas storage in Aliso Canyon —JUST outside LOS—ANGELES' PORTER—RANCH neighborhood.
20161023             "Wir liegen hinten": DONALD—TRUMP—STRATEGIN räumt Rückstand ein
20161023             1—SUAVE, CAMBRIDGE—EDUCATED former professor of EU constitutional law at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, [...]
20161023             AT&T kauft TIME—WARNER: Riskante Abwehrschlacht des alten Riesen
20161023             AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND in der TÜRKEI: 35.000—MENSCHEN nach PUTSCH—VERSUCH in Haft
20161023             Aber geht noch weiter:
20161023             Also musste er für zukünftige Investments andere Geldquellen auftun und hat sich da ein paar RUSSISCHE—GELDQUELLEN angelacht, die anscheinend recht KREML—NAH sind.
20161023             Auf Verstöße steht 1.Strafe von —BIS zu 19.000—EURO.
20161023             BREXIT—POKER mit EU: BRITEN erwägen STEUER—DUMPING
20161023             Besonders großartig: Sie versuchen das —JETZT der TALIBAN in die Schuhe zu schieben.
20161023             Besser hätte sie das gar nicht formulieren können.
20161023             Can anyone here point me to 1, solid, on the record source that has said anything less obscure than 'possible', probably', 'consistent with', or other weasel worded statement claiming actual proof that RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT is the hacker?
20161023             Da stellt sich —JETZT rein objektiv die Frage, wo da die Drohung sein soll.
20161023             Einfuhr, PRODUKTION und Verkauf ALKOHOL—GETRÄNKE sind im IRAK künftig verboten.
20161023             Endlich haben wir wieder 1—EXPORTSCHLAGER aus DEUTSCHLAND, der INTERNATIONAL Brand Recognition hat!
20161023             Es ist allerdings wohl nicht ganz klar, ob das tatsächlich seine Positionen sind, weil er früher er gemäßigt wirkte, oder ob er da von 1—ART spanischem SCHÄUBLE mit der Mistgabel vor sich hergetrieben wird.
20161023             Friedenspreisträgerin CAROLIN—EMCKE: "Freiheit ist etwas, das man tut"
20161023             —ZERSTÖRT, HILFE—FÜR—SYRIEN: "MANCHE—KINDER sind seelisch "
20161023             Hier ist 1.Analyse, wo jemand das ein bisschen untersucht.
20161023             Insbesondere kritisierte er die Gespräche zwischen der Regierung und der baskischen UNTERGRUND—ORGANISATION ETA, die diese nach 1—WAFFEN—STILLSTANDSERKLÄRUNG der ETA
20161023             KRITIK—AN—TRUMP und CLINTON: IRAN—PRÄSIDENT sorgt sich um Moral im USA—WAHL—KAMPF
20161023             MEGA—FUSION: DONALD—TRUMP und CLINTON sehen TIME—WARNER—DEAL skeptisch
20161023             Magnette was 1—EUROPEAN affairs scholar long —BEFORE he was 1—POLITICIAN.
20161023             Mit anderen Worten: Das ist wahrscheinlich der Einzige weit und breit, der den CETA—TEXT mal durchgelesen und auch verstanden hat.
20161023             NEW—HOTNESS, Auf 1—DONALD—TRUMP—WAHL—KAMPF—AUFTRITT skandieren sie "Lugenpresse"
20161023             Nicht mehr alle alles fragen
20161023             —NUN, dann lest euch doch mal durch, mit wem wir es bei PAUL—MAGNETTE wirklich zu tun haben.
20161023             USA—WAHL—KAMPF: Pornodarstellerin beschuldigt DONALD—TRUMP
20161023             Und dann gibt es da noch ein paar VERBINDUNGEN—VON—SEINEN—BERATERN.
20161023             Unter anderem sagt BRÜSSEL —JETZT an, daß Troudeau —AM—DONNERSTAG für die Unterzeichnung anreisen wollte, und wenn die —JETZT nicht sofort ihre Zusage abgeben, dann verschiebt der die Reise auf unbestimmte Zeit!1!!
20161023             Wir müssen weniger Demokratie wagen!
20161023             [l] "JAPAN—SUICIDE pensioner blows himself up in park, injures 3—OTHERS"
20161023             [l] DIE—RENTEN—SYSTEME und Versicherungen haben so viel Kohle in der fossilen ENERGIE—INDUSTRIE investiert (gemeint sind hier auch Folgeindustrien wie AutoBAUER), daß 1—DURCHBRUCH—BEI—AKKU—TECHNOLOGIE 1—WELTWEITEN Crash auslösen könnte.
20161023             [l] Das EHEMALIGE—NACHRICHTEN—MAGAZIN zieht den naheliegenden Schluss aus dem CETA—WALLONIE—PROBLEM:
20161023             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN—AUS—AFGHANISTAN: OPIUM—REKORDERNTE, laut Schätzungen der UNO stieg die PRODUKTION um 43% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr.
20161023             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN—AUS—DEM IRAK:
20161023             [l] Hey, bei dieser WALLONIE—VS—CETA—GESCHICHTE, da habt ihr euch sicher was ausgemalt, 1—BILD vor Augen.
20161023             [l] Man hört ja immer, der DONALD—TRUMP sei mit PUTIN befreundet oder unter seinem Einfluss oder möglicherweise hat PUTIN Kompromat gegen DONALD—TRUMP.
20161023             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, PEGIDA oder AfD skandieren "LÜGEN—PRESSE".
20161023             Über die politischen Positionen:
20161023             —FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGER in Calais: "Es droht 1.Verfolgungsjagd"
20161023             —GEGEN, DONALD—TRUMP, AfD und Co.: Rationale aller Länder, vereinigt Euch!
20161023             —KRISE—IN—PORTUGAL: Eine kleine RATING—AGENTUR stützt DIE—EURO—ZONE
20161023             —REVOLUTIONS—GEDENKEN in UNGARN—ORBÁN WARNT—VOR—"Sowjetisierung"EUROPAs
20161023             —STREIT—UM—CETA: Lasst DIE—BÜRGER handeln
20161023             —PLOWED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 1—TOUR—BUS, into 1—BIG—RIG on I—10—NEAR—PALM—SPRINGS killing 13—PEOPLE and injuring 31—OTHERS.
20161023             OKLAHOMA, MICHAEL—VANCE, —38—JAHRE—ALT shot 2—POLICE—OFFICERS, stole 1—PATROL—CAR, carjacked another car and then killed his aunt and uncle in Luther.
20161023             —RELEASED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT and UN, 1—NEW—JOINT—SURVEY that saw 1—INCREASE—OF—10—PERCENT in opium poppy cultivation and 91—PERCENT decrease in eradication across the country.
20161023             Police in ARGENTINA found THE—BODY—OF—CLAUDIA—ARIAS, —31—JAHRE—ALT in MENDOZA, alongside the corpses of her aunt and grandmother.
20161023             The women had been beaten and stabbed to death.
20161023             2—OF—CLAUDIA—3—CHILDREN were wounded.
20161023             —OPENED, INDIA, police, fire in Saiko in THE—DISTRICT—OF—KHUNTI, Jharkhand state, —AFTER protesters blocked the road, assaulted police and took several policemen hostage.
20161023             † 1—MAN was killed.
20161023             —RECOVERED, ITALY—OFFICIALS said that 14—BODIES have been, in a —2—DAY—PERIOD on smugglers' boats packed with migrants.
20161023             —RESCUED, In all 5,700 migrants were, from DOZENS—OF—SMALL—BOATS and rubber dinghies over the previous —2—DAYS.
20161023             KASHMIR, shelling across the border between INDIA and PAKISTAN killed 2—PAKISTAN—CIVILIANS, 1—INDIA—SOLDIER and 1—BOY.
20161023             Kurdish fighters said they had taken THE—TOWN—OF—BASHIQA near MOSUL from Islamic State as coalition forces pressed their offensive against the jihadists' last stronghold in IRAQ.
20161023             —KILLED, RUSSIA, 3—PEOPLE were, and 13—OTHERS injured —AFTER 1—EXPLOSION, believed to have been caused by gas, hit 1—HIGH—RISE—APARTMENT building in RYAZAN.
20161023             —KILLED, RUSSIA—POLICE, 2 suspected terrorists in 1—SHOOTOUT in in Nizhny Novgorod.
20161023             1—BOMB was found in the suspects' car.
20161023             —EMBATTLED, SPAIN's, Socialists voted to lift 1—LONG—STANDING veto that has prevented the conservatives from forming 1—MINORITY—GOVERNMENT, in what should finally end a —10—MONTH—POLITICAL impasse.
20161023             1—LEADING NORTH—SYRIA—REBEL coalition warned civilians in ALEPPO to stay away from government positions —AROUND the contested city as rebels and PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES clashed along the city's outskirts.
20161023             —RESUMED, Clashes and air strikes shook ALEPPO, as heavy fighting, —AFTER the end of a —3—DAY—CEASEFIRE.
20161023             —DECLARED, VENEZUELA—OPPOSITION—MAJORITY—LEGISLATURE, that PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO—GOVERNMENT had committed 1—COUP d'etat by blocking 1—REFERENDUM on removing him from power, vowing mass protests and INTERNATIONAL pressure.
20161023             —ATTACKED, YEMEN, warplanes from 1—SAUDI—LED coalition, targets in SANAA at dawn, hours —AFTER a —3—DAY—TRUCE expired.
20161023—20161030    —ON, Vance was shot and killed in 1—GUNBATTLE with state troopers near Leedey.
20161023—20171019    —ON, big rig driver BRUCE—GUILFORD, —51—JAHRE—ALT was arrested in GEORGIA—1—DAY—AFTER being charged in RIVERSIDE County with 13—COUNTS—OF vehicular manslaughter.
20171023             ATOM—ABKOMMEN—MIT—IRAN: TILLERSON warnt EUROPÄER vor Geschäften mit TEHERAN
20171023             BREXIT—ANGST—IN—BRITISCHER—WIRTSCHAFT: "DIE—ZEIT reicht schlicht nicht aus"
20171023             KATALONIEN—KONFLIKT, Es lebe DIE—NATION[...]
20171023             Krebs bei Feuerwehrleuten: Gift auf der Haut
20171023             MADAGASKAR: ZAHL—DER—PESTTOTEN steigt auf über 100
20171023             NORD—KOREA—KONFLIKT, DONALD—TRUMP droht, JIMMY—CARTER will vermitteln - OST—SEE: Das Sterben der Robben
20171023             Referenden in ITALIEN—LOMBARDEI und VENETIEN stimmen für mehr Autonomie
20171023             Umstrittener Verkauf: DEUTSCHLAND beteiligt sich finanziell an U—BOOTEN für ISRAEL
20171023             —GETÄUSCHT, WUT—AUF—BOSCH in GRIECHENLAND: "DIE—DEUTSCHEN haben uns "
20171023             Wirbel um Indiskretionen nach BREXIT—DINNER: Nicht ganz dicht
20171023             Zu VIELE—DOWNLOADS: INTERESSE—AN—STEPHEN—HAWKINGS—DOKTOR—ARBEIT lässt Website abstürzen (Leben und Lernen, 21:40)
20171023             —KRISE—IN—KATALONIEN: FRANKREICH—AKTIVISTEN bieten PUIGDEMONT Unterschlupf an
20171023             —KRISE—IN—SPANIEN—KATALONIEN—REGIERUNG droht MADRID mit Klage
20171023             —NACH—SPIONAGE—VORWÜRFEN, KASPERSKY wirbt mit Transparenzinitiative um Vertrauen
20171023             —WIDENED, THE—HOLLYWOOD sexual abuse scandal, —AFTER 38—WOMEN were reported to have accused USA—FILM—DIRECTOR—JAMES—TOBACK, —72—JAHRE—ALT of unwanted sexual encounters over 1—PERIOD—OF—DECADES.
20171023             PENNSYLVANIA, 1—LAW took effect that allows CASINO—STYLE gambling on MOBILE phones and websites.
20171023             It also put video gaming terminals in big truck stops.
20171023             —CALLED, BANGLADESH, on MYANMAR to allow nearly 1—MILLION—ROHINGYA Muslim refugees to return home under safe conditions, saying that the burden had become "untenable" on its territory.
20171023             —PLEDGED, Governments and INTERNATIONAL donors, $234—MILLION to help over 600,000 Rohingya people who have fled violence in MYANMAR into neighboring BANGLADESH over the last —2—MONTHS.
20171023             1—BENIN judicial source said wealthy businessman and failed presidential candidate SEBASTIEN—AJAVON is under investigation over 1—ALLEGEDLY fraudulent export deal.
20171023             D, The alleged offences, back to 20090000             and could see him jailed if charged and convicted.
20171023             BRAZIL, police shot and killed SPAIN—TOURIST—MARIA—ESPERANZA—RUIZ—JIMENEZ (67) in 1—RIO—DE—JANEIRO slum —AFTER the guided tour car she was riding in failed to stop at 1—POLICE—ROAD—BLOCK.
20171023             2—MILITARY—POLICE—OFFICERS were soon arrested in connection with the shooting death.
20171023             LONDON brought in 1—NEW levy on the oldest and most polluting cars entering the city center, almost doubling how much motorists have to pay in the latest blow to diesel.
20171023             —APPOINTED, CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—JUSTIN—TRUDEAU, 1—SPECIAL—ENVOY to MYANMAR tasked with pressing its leadership to resolve the Rohingya refugee crisis.
20171023             —KILLED, CHECHNYA, 1—RUSSIAN—NATIONAL—GUARD—OFFICER, 4—OTHER servicemen —BEFORE he was killed by guards in Shelkovskaya.
20171023             THE—EGYPT—MILITARY said its AIR—FORCE hit 12—WHEEL—DRIVE—VEHICLES carrying arms and explosives at its western border with LIBYA, killing the militants on BOARD.
20171023             1—AGREEMENT reached by EU member states limited THE—AMOUNT—OF—TIME—WORKERS can be "—POSTED" from 1—EU country to another, but the agreement did not cover the road transport sector.
20171023             THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT said it approved the sale of 3—THYSSENKRUPP submarines to ISRAEL and will provide financial support for the purchase.
20171023             GERMANY, 1—RIGHT—WING extremist MEMBER—OF—1—GROUP that claims allegiance to ADOLF—HITLER—WORLD—WAR 2—ERA GERMANY—REICH was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER for shooting and killing 1—POLICE—OFFICER last October and sentenced to life in prison.
20171023             —STUDIED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said that Ahmadreza Djalali, 1—IRAN—DOCTOR who, and taught in SWEDEN, had been sentenced to death in IRAN on espionage charges.
20171023             —ISSUED, Neither IRAN nor Amnesty said —WHEN the verdict was.
20171023             —BLOCKED, ISRAEL, several 1000—ULTRA—ORTHODOX—JEWS, the main entrance to JERUSALEM and protested in other areas as PART—OF—1—SERIES—OF—DEMONSTRATIONS against serving in THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY.
20171023             —CLAIMED, Political leaders in NORTH—ITALY, 1—OVERWHELMING mandate to seek greater autonomy from ROME —AFTER referendums backed the party's autonomy bid by more than 95—PERCENT in Lombardy and Veneto.
20171023             —TURNED, In Lombardy less than half of the electorate, out.
20171023             The votes were legal, but not binding on ROME.
20171023             —BUOYED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE, by 1—HUGE—ELECTION—WIN for lawmakers who favor revising THE—POST—WAR, pacifist constitution, signaled 1—PUSH towards his LONG—HELD goal but will need to convince 1 divided public to succeed.
20171023             KENYA—CHIEF—PROSECUTOR—OFFICE said authorities will arrest and charge RUTH—ODINGA, THE—SISTER—OF—OPPOSITION—LEADER—RAILA Odinga, with incitement to violence —AFTER attacks on the election BOARD.
20171023             —TARGETED, NORTH—MALI, THE—FRANCE—MILITARY, Islamist militants of Ansar Dine near the border with ALGERIA and took 15—MILITANTS "out of action" in 1—OVERNIGHT operation.
20171023             —DECLARED, THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT, the end to the militant —SIEGE—OF—MARAWI that lasted —5—MONTHS, left more than 1,100—PEOPLE—DEAD and sparked fears of the Islamic State group gaining 1—FOOTHOLD in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA.
20171023             —ENDED, Combat operations in MARAWI, —AFTER troops recovered 42—BODIES—OF—THE last GROUP—OF—MILITANTS.
20171023             THE—ISLAMIC—STATE had sent at least $1.5—MILLION to finance THE—MARAWI militants.
20171023             —SIGNED, POLAND—PRESIDENT—ANDRZEJ—DUDA, 1—LAW that will eventually increase the country's spending on defense to at least 2.5—PERCENT—OF—GDP, well above THE—2—PERCENT required by membership in NATO.
20171023             RUSSIA, TATYANA—FELGENGAUER (32), 1—PRESENTER for the Echo of MOSCOW radio station, suffered 1—KNIFE—ATTACK—AFTER 1—SUSPECT entered the radio station's building in CENTRAL—MOSCOW and blinded the security guard with 1—SPRAY.
20171023             —IDENTIFIED, The attacker, as BORIS—GRITS, —48—JAHRE—ALT, was caught.
20171023             THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and activists said the bodies of at least 67—CIVILIANS, MANY—SUMMARILY killed by the Islamic State group, have been discovered in AL—QARYATAYN, 1—TOWN that government forces retook from the extremists over the weekend.
20171023             —DOCUMENTED, THE—BRITAIN—BASED SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said it had, the killings of at least 128—PEOPLE in AL—QARYATAYN —DURING the last DAYS—OF—IS CONTROL—OF—THE—TOWN.
20171023             30—OF—THE—50—MILITANTS, who overran the town —LAST—MONTH, were originally from the town.
20171023             SYRIA, JAC—HOLMES, —24—JAHRE—ALT, 1—UK—MAN who was fighting with USA—BACKED Kurdish forces against the Islamic State group, † while clearing mines in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—RAQQA.
20171023             —BECAME, Gokcek, the 5. elected mayor to leave office under pressure from PRESIDENT—ERDOGAN.
20171023             1—TURKEY—MILITARY—VEHICLE was hit by 1 improvised explosive device in THE—SOUTH—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—HAKKARI, killing 1—SOLDIER.
20171023             —RAIDED, UKRAINE—ANTI—CORRUPTION—INVESTIGATORS, the home and OFFICE—OF—ODESSA—MAYOR—GENNADIY—TRUKHANOV and his associates at the center of 1—POLITICALLY charged embezzlement probe.
20171023             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—YEMEN, al Qaeda militants attacked 1—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT in Abyan province, killing 4—SOLDIERS and wounding 10.
20171023             1—UN—COMMITTEE said it has added 32—ITEMS that have both civilian and military use to 1—LIST—OF prohibited goods and technologies banned from sale or transfer to NORTH—KOREA.
20171023             UNICEF said more than 1,100 children are suffering from acute malnutrition in the besieged REBEL—HELD EAST—GHOUTA area outside DAMASCUS.
20171023—19870000    —IN, His SEMI—AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL "THE—PICK—UP Artist" was made.
20171023—20150300    —SINCE, THE—UN—HUMANITARIAN—COORDINATION—AGENCY—OCHA said more than 11—MILLION—YEMEN—CHILDREN need humanitarian aid as 1—RESULT—OF—1—WAR raging.
20171023—20161000    —IN, he was arrested —AFTER 18—KG (40—POUNDS) of cocaine with 1—STREET—VALUE—OF $16—MILLION was found in 1—CONTAINER destined for 1—OF—HIS—BUSINESSES.
20171023—20171028    —ANNOUNCED, TURKEY, ANKARA Mayor Melih Gokcek, that he would step down —FOLLOWING 1—MEETING with PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN.
20181023             He said CHINA won't 20180901             —POPULATION target in the future and will give epople more freedom —AROUND childbirth.
20181023             ABRÜSTUNGS—VERTRAG INF: MAAS sieht noch 1.Chance
20181023             —GEFÄLSCHT, BIBEL—MUSEUM in WASHINGTON: Ausgestellte Schriftrollen sind
20181023             DIE—SAUDIS und —DER—FALL—KHASHOGGI: Ungebremste Dummheit
20181023             Dabei entdeckten SIE—CA—60—WRACKS, darunter ROM—SCHIFFE sowie 1.Angriffsflotte der Kosaken
20181023             Derartige Schiffe seien —BISHER, nur auf alten GRIECHISCHEN—KERAMIKEN zu sehen gewesen.
20181023             Drohende Konjunkturabkühlung: DAX—FÄLLT auf Zweijahrestief - Erinnert ihr euch an den MAAßEN?
20181023             Es wirkt, als sei es gerade —ERST untergegangen.
20181023             FALL—KHASHOGGI, ERDOGAN spricht von "politischem Mord"
20181023             FALL—KHASHOGGI, NERVENKRIEG—ZWISCHEN—ERDOGAN und dem Prinzen
20181023             —VERSPRICHT, FALL—KHASHOGGI, SAUDI—ARABIEN, "umfassende Ermittlungen"
20181023             Für ihr Projekt kartierten DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER —3—JAHRE—LANG, 2.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETER Schwarzmeerboden vor der Küste BULGARIENs mit Hilfe eines Sonars und eines FERNGE—STEUERTEN TIEFSEEKAMERA—SYSTEMS, wie es für die Suche nach ÖL—UND Gasvorkommen eingesetzt wird.
20181023             GERICHTS—URTEIL: POLIZEI darf bei Demos nicht für PRESSE—ARBEIT fotografieren
20181023             GLYPHOSAT—PROZESS, BAYER—AKTIE stürzt ab
20181023             GLYPHOSAT—PROZESS, USA—RICHTERIN will STRAFE—FÜR—MONSANTO zusammenstutzen
20181023             HAMBACHER—FORST: UMWELT—SCHÜTZER errichten Protestcamp
20181023             HONGKONG: Längste Seeverbindung der Welt eröffnet
20181023             INDONESIEN: Mit Plastikflaschen das Busticket bezahlen
20181023             KURZE—DURCHSAGE der Digital Transformation Agency von AUSTRALIEN:
20181023             KONJUNKTUR—SORGEN, BÖRSEn WELT—WEIT auf Talfahrt
20181023             Konservatives Denken: Lasst euch doch nach VORGESTERN beamen - Mikroplastik: Die unterschätzte Gefahr
20181023             Motorradhersteller: Europäische HARLEY—FANS retten die Bilanz
20181023             Nicht vor CUM—EX—UND—CUM—CUM gewarnt: DÄNEMARK verlangt Aufklärung von DEUTSCHLAND
20181023             —NUN, der ist IMMER—NOCH —CHEF—VOM VERFASSUNGS—"schutz".
20181023             OBAMA im USA—WAHL—KAMPF: "Es war fast wie früher"
20181023             POLEN—PRÄSIDENT—DUDA: "Wir wollen nicht VASALLen sein"
20181023             SCHWARZES—MEER, Forscher entdecken ältestes intaktes Schiffswrack der Welt
20181023             STABILITÄTSPAKT—EU—KOMMISSION weist ITALIENs Haushaltsentwurf zurück
20181023             Studie: Blaue Reflektoren sind gegen Wildunfälle wirkungslos
20181023             Trotz KHASHOGGI—AFFÄRE: SAUDI—ARABIEN schließt MILLIARDENaufträge ab
20181023             —BESUCHT, Trotz massiver KRITIK—AN—MBS, USA—FINANZ—MINISTER, saudischen Kronprinzen in Riad
20181023             UMWELTpsychologe zur Lärmbelastung: Können wir uns an die Dauerbeschallung gewöhnen?
20181023             UNO—BERICHT, FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—LIBYEN kehren angeblich immer öfter um
20181023             USA—SICHERHEITS—BERATER in MOSKAU: BOLTON verteidigt Ausstieg aus Abrüstungsvertrag
20181023             Umstrittener USA—MILLIARDÄR: Sprengsatz in Briefkasten von GEORGE—SOROS gefunden
20181023             Unternehmen und MENSCHEN—RECHTE: Warum KHASHOGGIs Tod DIE—KONZERNE verändert
20181023             Verschleierungsverbot: UNO—AUSSCHUSS rügt FRANKREICHs NIKAB—VERBOT
20181023             —VERSCHIEBT, WEST—JORDAN—LAND: ISRAEL, Räumung von Beduinendorf
20181023             Winzige KUNSTSTOFF—PARTIKEL : 1. Mikroplastik in menschlichen STUHL—PROBEN nachgewiesen
20181023             Wot?
20181023             for EVERY—USE—OF blockchain you would consider —TODAY, there is 1—BETTER—TECHNOLOGY
20181023             —LAUT, den Forschern handelt es sich bei dem Fund um ein mehr als 2.—400—JAHRE—ALTES GRIECHISCHES—HANDELSSCHIFF, es ist etwa 23—METER lang.
20181023             —NEWS—BLOG, ERDOGAN: Tötung KHASHOGGIs wurde —TAGE im Voraus geplant
20181023             —REAKTION—AUF—TÖTUNG KHASHOGGIs: Röttgen will auch genehmigte RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE an SAUDI—ARABIEN einfrieren
20181023             —STREIT—ÜBER—HAUSHALT: EU will an ITALIEN ein Exempel statuieren
20181023             —STREIT—ÜBER—INF—ABKOMMEN: PUTIN will sich mit DONALD—TRUMP —TREFFEN
20181023             —STREIT—ÜBER—INF—ABKOMMEN: RUSSLAND warnt USA vor Kündigung des Abrüstungsvertrags
20181023             —IMPOSED, THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT, sanctions targeting AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN insurgency, designating 8—PEOPLE including 2—IRANIANS linked to TEHRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS' Quds force.
20181023             Johnson & Johnson said it is paying about $2—BILLION in cash for the outstanding stake of Ci:z Holdings Co., 1—JAPAN—COSMETICS and skincare products company.
20181023             —PICKED, UK—ELECTRIC—APPLIANCE pioneer Dyson said it had, SINGAPORE as the site for its 1. electric car plant, sparking CRITICISM—OF—THE—COMPANY—BREXIT—BACKING billionaire FOUNDER—JAMES—DYSON for not investing more in UK—MANUFACTURING.
20181023             1—CAMEROON court sentenced former opposition presidential candidate and ANTI—CORRUPTION—CAMPAIGNER—AKERE Muna to a —3—YEAR suspended sentence on forgery charges.
20181023             —REPORTED, CHINA—MEDIA—CAIXIN, that 1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL overseeing birth policy explained birth policy changes —LAST—WEEK to 1—UN—CONFERENCE held in BEIJING.
20181023             —OPENED, CHINA, the world's longest SEA—CROSSING bridge linking HONG—KONG to the mainland, 1—FEAT of engineering carrying immense economic and political significance.
20181023             —LINKED, The 55-km (34-mile)-long bridge, CHINA to THE—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS regions of HONG—KONG and MACAU.
20181023             —REJECTED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, ITALY's proposed budget — the 1. time it has ever done so with 1—MEMBER—STATE.
20181023             —COORDINATED, FRANCE—BASED Interpol said, police raids in 116—COUNTRIES have netted 500—TONS—OF—ILLICIT pharmaceuticals available online, including fake cancer medications, counterfeit pain pills and illegal medical syringes.
20181023             GERMANY—AUTOMAKER—BMW said it is expanding 1—RECALL to cover 1.6—MILLION—VEHICLES—WORLDWIDE due to possible fluid leaks that could result in 1—FIRE.
20181023             IRAQ, 1—BOMB—BLAST at 1—MARKET in 1—TOWN—SOUTH—OF—THE—CITY—OF—MOSUL killed at least 6—PEOPLE, including 2—SOLDIERS.
20181023             —APPROVED, IRELAND—GOVERNMENT, 1—FORENSIC—EXCAVATION—OF—THE—FORMER—BON Secours Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, County Galway, 1—CATHOLIC—RUN—ORPHANAGE where 1—MASS—GRAVE containing THE—REMAINS—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—CHILDREN was discovered.
20181023             —APPROVED, THE—LIVE—BETTING esports platform Unikrn had its wagering license, by THE—ISLE—OF—MAN, clearing the way for users to legally gamble on competitive video games.
20181023             —LICENSED, Unikrn had previously only been, to provide REAL—MONEY betting on esports in THE—UK—AND—AUSTRALIA.
20181023             —INFORMED, JAPAN was, by QATAR that 1—MAN, believed to be JOURNALIST—JUMPEI—YASUDA, has been released.
20181023             —EVACUATED, MEXICO, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE were, buildings were boarded up and schools closed along the Pacific coast as Hurricane Willa threatened to batter tourist resorts.
20181023             —CRASHED, Hurricane Willa, ashore in WEST—MEXICO, lashing the Pacific coast with powerful winds and heavy rain —BEFORE weakening to 1—TROPICAL—DEPRESSION as it moved inland.
20181023             Nearly 102,000 homes last power —AFTER the storm made landfall.
20181023             NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—MUHAMMADU—BUHARI flew in by helicopter to cut the ribbon at the new SEME—KRAKE Joint Border Post with his BENIN—COUNTERPART Patrice Talon.
20181023             Human Rights Watch said security forces of the rival PALESTINE—GOVERNMENTS routinely use torture and arbitrary arrests, among other tactics, to quash dissent by peaceful activists and political opponents.
20181023             —NEGOTIATED, PAKISTAN, a $6—BILLION assistance PACKAGE—OF—LOANS and deferred payments from SAUDI—ARABIA in hopes of resuscitating its flagging economy, struggling under the weight of 1—WHOPPING $18—BILLION deficit.
20181023             1—HIGH—PROFILE economic forum in SAUDI—ARABIA began in RIYADH.
20181023             —TRUMPETED, CROWN—PRINCE—MOHAMMED bin Salman, 1—CONFERENCE that has drawn investment deals worth $50—BILLION despite 1—BOYCOTT over THE—KILLING—OF—JOURNALIST—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI.
20181023             SAUDI—ARABIA—ENERGY—MINISTER—KHALID—AL—FALIH said THE—OPEC kingpin was ready to boost its crude production and spare capacity to help maintain 1—BALANCE in the global oil market.
20181023             —ADDED, SAUDI—ARABIA said it and BAHRAIN had, IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD—CORPS and senior officers of its Quds Force to their LISTS—OF—PEOPLE and organizations SUSPECTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in terrorism.
20181023             Tech entrepreneurs in SOMALIA began holding a 1. ever summit in BATTLE—SCARRED MOGADISHU, attracting hundreds to talk about business and innovation in 1—CITY—MORE used to conflict and suffering.
20181023             THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COMMITTEE said that FRANCE—BAN on the niqab, THE—FULL—BODY—ISLAMIC veil, was 1—VIOLATION—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS and called on it to review the legislation.
20181023             It gave PARIS —180—DAYS to report back to say what actions it had taken.
20181023             —ELECTED, VIETNAM—RUBBER stamp National Assembly, Communist Party GENERAL—SECRETARY—NGUYEN—PHU—TRONG, —74—JAHRE—ALT as the country's PRESIDENT.
20181023             † He succeeds Tran Dai Quang, who, —LAST—MONTH—AFTER battling 1—VIRAL illness for more than —1—YEAR.
20181023             —CALLED, ZIMBABWE—MAIN—OPPOSITION—LEADER—NELSON—CHAMISA, for 1—TRANSITIONAL emergency government to resolve the worsening economic and political crisis engulfing the country.
20181023—20150000    —IN, Yasuda was last heard from in Syria.
20181023—20150623    —ON, Contact was lost with Yasuda —AFTER he sent 1—MESSAGE to another JAPAN—FREELANCER.
20181025             The couple had set up 1—TRIPOD for 1—SELFIE near the ledge on the —EVENING—OF—20181023             .
20191023             Hughes, whose conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration charge spanned 20180501             to 20191024             , was described as "1—RINGLEADER—OF—1—PEOPLE smuggling ring".
20191023             "ALLE—REPUBLIKANER müssen sich vor Augen halten, was wir hier gerade ERLEBEN—EINEN Lynchmord.
20191023             737—MAX—DEBAKEL: BOEING—GEWINN bricht ein
20191023             Anreicherungsanlage Gronau: 12.000—TONNEN Atommüll sollen nach RUSSLAND exportiert werden
20191023             Assad will Idlib zurückerobern: Die große SCHLACHT
20191023             Auch die Demokratin Karan Vass, VORSITZENDE—DER—VEREINIGUNG afroamerikanischer MITGLIEDER—DES—KONGRESSES, wurde deutlich: "Vergleichen Sie gerade einen in der Verfassung verankerten Vorgang mit der WEITVERBREITETEN und SYSTEMATISCHEN brutalen Folter in DIESEM LAND an Leuten, die aussehen, wie ich?"
20191023             BKA—CHEF: Behörden verhinderten —SEIT BREITSCHEIDPLATZ—ATTENTAT 7—ANSCHLÄGE
20191023             DNA—TESTS, Überwachung: Bundeskabinett beschließt erweiterte Rechte bei POLIZEI—ERMITTLUNGEN
20191023             Googles Quantenüberlegenheit: "Dieser übermächtige Computer ist praktisch nutzlos"
20191023             HARVARD—ÖKONOM fordert mehr Umverteilung: Der ROBIN—HOOD—DES—USA—FINANZSYSTEMS (SPIEGEL+, 00:09)
20191023             LEO—FRANK.
20191023             MASSENPROTESTE—GEGEN—DIE Regierung: "CHILE ist endlich aufgewacht"
20191023             NEW—YORK: Ölmulti Exxon ANGEKLAGT—WEGEN falscher Angaben über Folgen des Klimawandels
20191023             Nebulöse Vermögenswerte: DONALD—TRUMP im WEIßES—HAUS—1—VERLUSTGESCHÄFT?
20191023             PUTINs AFRIKA—GIPFEL in Sotschi: Biete Waffen, suche Rohstoffe
20191023             SYRIEN—POLITIK, DONALD—TRUMP hebt ALLE—SANKTIONEN gegen die TÜRKEI auf
20191023             —VERLIERT, Schlüsselfigur im HANDELS—STREIT—MIT—CHINA: DONALD—TRUMP, wichtige Wirtschaftsberaterin
20191023             Sozialer PROTEST—IN—CHILE: Piñera kündigt überraschend Reformen an
20191023             USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP sorgt mit "Lynch"-Aussage für EMPÖRUNG—AUCH in der eigenen Partei
20191023             UNGARN: Neonazis sollen Kulturzentrum in BUDAPEST angegriffen haben
20191023             UNO—UNTERSUCHUNG, 11—MILLIONEN Nordkoreaner sind unterernährt
20191023             —BERICHT, von Umweltschützern: Wenige Konzerne für großen TEIL—DES—PLASTIKMÜLLS verantwortlich
20191023             —KLAGE—VON—TAXIUNTERNEHMER: Gericht verbietet FAHR—DIENST UberX in DEUTSCHLAND
20191023             —NEUE—TECHNOLOGIE: Google meldet Durchbruch mit QUANTEN—COMPUTER
20191023             —NUN, jedoch scheint eine neue Steigerungsstufe erreicht.
20191023             —DECLARED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, success in Syria and created 1—BUMPER—STICKER moment to illustrate his campaign promise to put 1—STOP to USA—INVOLVEMENT in "endless wars".
20191023             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he will lift sanctions on TURKEY —AFTER THE—NATO—ALLY agreed to permanently stop fighting Kurdish forces in Syria and he defended his decision to withdraw USA—TROOPS.
20191023             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ORDERED—THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION to start turning over documents regarding potentially improper WHITE—HOUSE—INFLUENCE on diplomacy in UKRAINE.
20191023             1—SENIOR—PENTAGON official Laura Cooper, who oversees USA—DEFENSE—POLICY on UKRAINE and RUSSIA, testified privately in THE—DEMOCRATIC—LED USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—INQUIRY against Republican PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20191023             —ANNOUNCED, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—WILLIAM—BARR, 1—EFFORT to prevent mass shootings through new tactics such as COURT—ORDERED counseling and supervision of potentially violent individuals.
20191023             —ABOUT 2—DOZEN—USA—HOUSE—REPUBLICANS delayed 1—IMPEACHMENT related deposition —FOR—HOURS—WHEN they burst into the proceedings.
20191023             Aniah Blanchard (19), 1—STUDENT at ALABAMA—SOUTH—UNION—STATE—COMMUNITY—COLLEGE, went missing.
20191023             Blanchard, the stepdaughter of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fighter Walt Harris, was last seen at 1—CONVENIENCE—STORE in Auburn.
20191023             Authorities —LATER said shot her —WHEN she "went for the gun".
20191023             THE—LOS—ANGELES—BASED Berggruen Institute said USA—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—RUTH—BADER—GINSBURG is —THIS—YEAR—WINNER of its $1—MILLION—BERGGRUEN Prize for philosophy and culture.
20191023             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, Deputy BRIAN—ISHMAEL was fatally shot —EARLY—TODAY in the community of Somerset.
20191023             1—RIDE—ALONG passenger with him was injured —WHILE responding to 1—CALL about 1—THEFT from 1—MARIJUANA—GARDEN in the rural Sierra NEVADA foothills.
20191023             Facebook Inc CEO—MARK—ZUCKERBERG sought to reassure skeptical USA—LAWMAKERS that the company's planned digital currency Libra would be 1—FORCE for good that could reduce costs for electronic payments and help more people participate in the global financial system.
20191023             —ACHIEVED, Google said it had, 1—BREAKTHROUGH in computer research, by solving 1—COMPLEX—PROBLEM in minutes with 1—SO—CALLED quantum computer that would take —TODAY—MOST powerful supercomputer THOUSANDS—OF—YEARS to crack.
20191023             —DISCOVERED, ALBANIA—POLICE said they have, 1—IRAN—PARAMILITARY—NETWORK that allegedly planned attacks in ALBANIA against exiled MEMBERS—OF—1—IRAN—GROUP seeking to overthrow the government in TEHRAN.
20191023             —OPERATED, The foreign WING—OF—IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD, an "active terrorist cell" targeting MUJAHEDIN—E Khalq, or MEK, group members in ALBANIA.
20191023             —FACED, BOTSWANA, its tightest election in history as THE—LONG—PEACEFUL—SOUTH—AFRICA—NATION wondered if the ruling party would be toppled for the 1. time —SINCE INDEPENDENCE.
20191023             UK—AUTHORITIES found 1—TRACTOR—TRAILER truck in Grays, in SOUTH—EAST—ENGLAND with 39—DEAD—PEOPLE inside.
20191023             —BELIEVED, The dead were —INITIALLY, to be CHINA—NATIONALS, but police —LATER said the dead were all from VIETNAM.
20191023             The truck had BULGARIA—REGISTRATION dating to 20170000             .
20191023             1—MAN from NORTH—IRELAND who was driving the truck was arrested on SUSPICION—OF—MURDER.
20191023             CYPRUS said it would investigate the circumstances under which RELATIVES—OF—CAMBODIA—PRIME—MINISTER were granted citizenship and did not rule out revoking passports if necessary.
20191023             —FIRED, ETHIOPIA—POLICE, gunshots and teargas as thousands protested over the treatment of 1—PROMINENT—ACTIVIST, in 1—SIGN that the country's Nobel PRIZE—WINNING PRIME—MINISTER might be losing support among his powerbase.
20191023             —PLANNED, HONG—KONG—LEGISLATURE formally withdrew, legislation that would have allowed extraditions to mainland CHINA, but the move was unlikely to end MONTHS—OF—UNREST as it met —JUST 1—OF 5—DEMANDS—OF—PRO—DEMOCRACY demonstrators.
20191023             IRAQ—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SAID—USA—TROOPS withdrawing from NORTH—EAST—SYRIA to IRAQ are "transiting" and will leave the country within —4—WEEKS.
20191023             —RECEIVED, ISRAEL—FORMER—MILITARY—CHIEF—BENNY—GANTZ, 1—OFFICIAL—MANDATE to form the country's next government.
20191023             He had few options —AFTER—LAST—MONTH—ELECTIONS left him in 1—NEAR tie with PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU.
20191023             Gantz will have —28—DAYS to form 1—COALITION.
20191023             —ARRESTED, THE—HEAD—OF—ITALY—BIO—ON was, in 1—PROBE into false accounting and market manipulation, —JUST—3—MONTHS—AFTER THE—BIO—PLASTICS—MAKER suffered 1—ATTACK by 1—SHORT—SELLER—FUND that erased 80—PERCENT—OF—ITS—VALUE.
20191023             LEBANON—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY said 1—LEBANON—MAN shot down 1—ISRAEL—DRONE with 1—HUNTING rifle near the border village of Kfar Kila.
20191023             6—MEDICAL—WORKERS were released in LIBYA —AFTER being abducted and held hostage for nearly —2—WEEKS by unknown armed men.
20191023             —ORDERED, NORTH—KOREA said that leader KIM—JONG—UN has, THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—ALL—FACILITIES built by SOUTH—KOREA at THE—MOUNT—KUMGANG (Diamond Mountain) tourist zone, apparently because of SEOUL—REFUSAL to break ranks with THE—USA.
20191023             —HOSTED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, DOZENS—OF—LEADERS—OF—AFRICA—NATIONS for the 1.—EVER RUSSIA—AFRICA—SUMMIT, reflecting MOSCOW—NEW push to expand its clout on the continent and saying there is "enormous potential for growth".
20191023             43—LEADERS—OF—THE—CONTINENT—54—COUNTRIES attended THE—2—DAY—SUMMIT.
20191023             —LANDED, RUSSIA, the world's biggest military aircraft in SOUTH—AFRICA, the Tupolev Tu-160 'Blackjack' bomber, in 1—RARE—DISPLAY—OF—COOPERATION between the defense forces of THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20191023             THE—2—BOMBERS, which are capable of launching nuclear missiles, are the 1. to ever land in AFRICA and were escorted by fighter jets from THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—AIR—FORCE as they arrived at the Waterkloof air base in Tshwane.
20191023             RUSSIA—MILITARY—POLICE began patrols on PART—OF—THE—SYRIA—BORDER, quickly moving to implement 1—ACCORD with TURKEY that divvies up CONTROL—OF—NORTH—EAST—SYRIA.
20191023             THE—KREMLIN told Kurdish fighters to pull back from the entire frontier or else face being "steamrolled" by TURKEY—FORCES.
20191023             —GROUNDED, SOUTH—AFRICA—AIRWAYS (SAA) and Comair began returning, planes to service —1—DAY—AFTER SOUTH—AFRICA—AIR—SAFETY—REGULATOR flagged maintenance problems.
20191023             SWITZERLAND, 1—SYRIAN—KURDISH—MAN set himself on fire in front of THE—UNITED—NATIONS refugee agency's headquarters in GENEVA.
20191023             —DOUSED, Security guards, the flames and the man was then taken by helicopter to 1—HOSPITAL in LAUSANNE that specializes in treating burns.
20191023             —URGED, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—VOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY, 1—GROUP—OF—LAWMAKERS to take lie detector tests to show they are not involved in 1—WIDENING corruption scandal.
20191023             MICHAEL—LYNK, THE—UN—INDEPENDENT—EXPERT on human rights in THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORIES, called for 1—INTERNATIONAL—BAN on all products made in ISRAEL—SETTLEMENTS as 1—STEP to potentially end ISRAEL—52—YEAR "illegal occupation".
20191023—19950000    —SINCE, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said ZAMBIA has reported its 1. CASE—OF—POLIO, in 1—BOY, —2—JAHRE—ALT paralyzed by THE—VACCINE—DERIVED poliovirus (VDPV).
20191023—20190828    —PLEADED, RONAN—HUGHES, —40—JAHRE—ALT, guilty for his role in the tray.
20191023—20191025    —ABANDONED, Her car was found, near 1—APARTMENT—COMPLEX in MONTGOMERY.
20191023—20191108    —ON, IBRAHEEM—YAZEED, —30—JAHRE—ALT—OF—MONTGOMERY, was taken into custody in FLORIDA—ESCAMBIA—COUNTY.
20191023—20191125    —WOODED, Her body was found, approximately 36—MILES away in 1, area in Shorter.
20191023—20200408    —ON, driver MAURICE—ROBINSON (25) pleaded guilty to manslaughter.
20191026—20191023    —ORDERED, VIETNAM—PRIME—MINISTER—NGUYEN—XUAN—PHUC, local authorities to establish whether VIETNAM—CITIZENS are among THE—39—PEOPLE found dead in the back of 1—TRUCK—NEAR—LONDON.
20200221             —CHARGED, VIETNAM—STATE—MEDIA said 7—PEOPLE have been, with the deaths of 39—VIETNAM—MIGRANTS who bodies were found in 1—TRAILER near LONDON last 20201023             .
20200700             'Countdown with KEITH—OLBERMANN' for 20201023             For the latest details on THE—CASE—OF—ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI, here's NBC—LISA—MYERS.
20201017             Im USA—BUNDESSTAAT NEW—YORK dürfen Kinos vom 20201023             an wieder öffnen.
20201019—20201023    —FROM, WALES said it would impose a —2-WEEK sharp "firebreak" lockdown in which everybody apart from essential workers would have to stay at home.
20201020—20201023    —ON, the Waukegan Police CHIEF said the officer who shot the Black couple has been fired.
20201020—20201023    —ON, scientists said the spacecraft was stuffed with so much asteroid rubble from —THIS—WEEK—GRAB that it's lid was jammed open and precious particles were drifting away in space.
20201022             234_DGS_boletim_20201022              20201022             Aktualisierung 202010230000         —UHR
20201023             —FREITAG, 20201023             - Fri 20201023
20201023             [l] Dachtet ihr, BILL—GATES sei der dämlichste Kriminelle?
20201023             Weit gefehlt!
20201023             Es gibt gerade 1—VERSCHWÖRUNGSTHEORIE mit 1—NOCH inkompetenteren Kriminellen:
20201023             HUNTER—BIDEN.
20201023             HUNTER—BIDEN ist der SOHN—VON—JOE—BIDEN. So, passt auf.
20201023             HUNTER—BIDEN ist in lauter Straftaten verwickelt, und
20201023             —GESPEICHERT, HUNTER—BIDEN hat die Beweise gegen sich auf 1—LAPTOP.
20201023             Unverschlüsselt, versteht sich. Neben 1—HAUFEN Kinderpornos.
20201023             Der Laptop geht kaputt.
20201023             HUNTER—BIDEN bringt sein Laptop zum Reparaturservice.
20201023             Und zwar nicht zu irgendeinem Reparaturservice, nein nein!
20201023             Zu 1—REPARATURSERVICE, der von 1—TRUMP—ANHÄNGER betrieben wird.
20201023             Apple, wir erinnern uns, hat einen offen schwulen CEO.
20201023             Apple spendet den Democrats 1—GRÖSSENORDNUNG mehr als den Republicans.
20201023             Apple unterstützt Black Lives Matter.
20201023             Was glaubt ihr, wie lange man suchen muss, um 1—APPLE—REPARATURSERVICE zu finden, der 1—TRUMP—ANHÄNGER ist?
20201023             Aber - HUNTER—BIDEN hat Plattenverschlüsselung als TEIL—DES—SYSTEMS nicht angeschaltet.
20201023             HUNTER—BIDEN—REPARATURSERVICE sitzt —JETZT auf dem Laptop, denn
20201023             HUNTER—BIDEN vergisst sein Laptop abzuholen.
20201023             Den Laptop mit dem POLONIUM—KOMPROMAT.
20201023             Vergisst HUNTER—BIDEN abzuholen.
20201023             Daraufhin macht dieser Reparaturservice, was JEDER—REPARATURSERVICE an seiner Stelle getan hätte,
20201023             UND - dieser Reparaturservice zieht sich mal 1—IMAGE der Platte und stochert illegal darin herum,
20201023             dieser Reparaturservice findet das Kompromat und die Kinderpornographie
20201023             und dann - geht der CHEF—DES dieser REPARATURSERVICE—LADENS damit zu seinem alten Kumpel RUDI—GIULIANI,
20201023             RUDI—GIULIANI, dem Anwalt von DONALD—TRUMP.
20201023             Der Reparaturservice ist übrigens in DELAWARE, beim Wohnsitz der Bidens.
20201023             Das war daher auch keine Impulshandlung und kein "ich bin auf reisen"-Notfall,
20201023             dass HUNTER—BIDEN bei diesem Reparaturservice landet.
20201023             [l] Ich dachte —ERST: Niemand kann so blöde sein, diese Nummer zu glauben.
20201023             DESE Nummer ist fraktal unglaubwürdig.
20201023             JEDER—ASPEKT davon für sich ist so unglaubwürdig, dass
20201023             JEDER—ASPEKT davon alleine reichen sollte, nichts davon zu glauben.
20201023             Dann dachte ich mir: Doch.
20201023             Einer ist so blöde. DONALD—TRUMP.
20201023             —GEWESEN, Also wird der DONALD—TRUMP—DAS—ZIEL, sein.
20201023             Update: Die NEW—YORK—TIMES hat übrigens mal jemanden zu dem REPAIR—SHOP geschickt.
20201023             Ergebnis: MISTER—ISAAC said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LAST—WEEK outside the shop that
20201023             MISTER—ISAAC is legally blind and
20201023             MISTER—ISAAC could not be sure whether the man was HUNTER—BIDEN but
20201023             —ASKED, MISTER—ISAAC, HUNTER—BIDEN his name to fill out 1—WORK—ORDER, and
20201023             the man HUNTER—BIDEN identified himself as HUNTER—BIDEN.
20201023             Whoa, Alter, wenn DAS kein Slam Dunk Case ist, dann weiß ich auch nicht!1!!
20201023             [l] Du weißt, dass du zu weit gegangen bist, wenn USA—SOLDATEN wegen deiner Kriegsverbrechen so erschüttert sind, dass sie dich verpfeifen.
20201023             —GENOMMEN, AUSTRALISCHE—SPECIAL Forces in AFGHANISTAN, haben 7—GEFANGENE, und dann per Funk den Amis gesagt, sie sollen sie abholen.
20201023             Die Amis schicken einen Hubschrauber.
20201023             He says the Americans only had room on the aircraft for 6.
20201023             "And the pilot said, 'That's too MANY—PEOPLE, we can't carry that MANY—PASSENGERS.' And you —JUST heard this silence and then we heard 1—POP.
20201023             And then they said, 'OK, we have 6—PRISONERS'.
20201023             Viel von dem COVID—STREIT über Maßnahmen gerade ist ja gerade wie wenn sich 2—BLINDE über Farben streiten.
20201023             Beide Seiten haben die Daten für eine fundierte —ENTSCHEIDUNG nicht.
20201023             Es geht daher um Risikoabschätzung und den Umgang mit Unbekannten.
20201023             Das ist auch der Grund, wieso ich mich überhaupt zu der Sache äußere.
20201023             Ich bin ja kein Arzt.
20201023             Aber Risiken abschätzen mache ich beruflich.
20201023             Und wie bei Software entwickelt sich bei Covid gerade 1—SECURITY—THEATER[Fachbegriff für Maßnahmen, die nichts bewirken].
20201023             Maßnahmen, die nichts bewirken, machen Entscheider in Firmen bei SOFTWARE—FRAGEN und
20201023             Maßnahmen, die nichts bewirken, machen "Politiker" bei PANDEMIE—FRAGEN trotzdem, weil
20201023             "Politiker" gerne dabei gesehen werden wollen, wie sie wie "Politiker" handeln, um das POLITIK—PROBLEM zu beseitigen.
20201023             Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob das Theater ist oder ob es wirkt.
20201023             Aber - während die SOFTWARE—LEUTE erkannt haben, dass man für —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN Daten braucht, und die Daten dann halt erheben,
20201023             hat DIE—POLITIK —SEIT—APRIL lieber Verstecken gespielt und
20201023             hat DIE—POLITIK —SEIT—APRIL lieber SECURITY—THEATER gemacht.
20201023             —PASSIERT, Die Analyse von dem, was da gerade, führt immer wieder auf das Gleiche zurück:
20201023             WIR haben KEINEN Plan A, B oder C.
20201023             MAN[DIE—POLITIK] hat ES laufen lassen und
20201023             MAN[DIE—POLITIK] hat gehofft, dass ES—SICH irgendwie zurechtwurschteln wird.
20201023             Und —JETZT stellt MAN fest: DIE—KAPAZITÄT reicht nicht.
20201023             Warum hat MAN nicht vor ein paar —MONATEN angefangen, beispielsweise Soldaten von der Bundeswehr zu schulen, damit sie genau dort eingreifen können und Hilfe leisten können, wo —JETZT die Engpässe auftreten.
20201023             Wie immer in der "Politik". Do nothing then claim credit.
20201023             [l] 1—LESER weist mich gerade darauf hin, wie geschickt die Schweizer darin sind, katastrophale Nachrichten weniger schlimm aussehen zu lassen.
20201023             Beim Drüberscrollen sehen die Grafiken aus, als sei alles im Griff und am Abklingen, und
20201023             MAN muss —SCHON den Fließtext lesen oder genau auf die Achsen gucken, um zu sehen, wie schlimm die Lage ist.
20201023             [l] GRIECHISCHE—GRENZER schieben Flüchtlinge aufs Meer zurück, selbst wenn sie —SCHON das Land betreten hatten.
20201023             Frontex sieht das und tut... - nichts.
20201023             Kurz vor der Wahl: RUSSISCHE—HACKER sollen USA—REGIERUNGSZIELE attackieren
20201023             Angebliche Wahleinmischung: USA verhängen Sanktionen gegen IRAN
20201023             —EVAKUIERT, Gemeinde : Waldbrand in COLORADO breitet sich rasant aus
20201023             Kate Rubins auf der ISS: USA—ASTRONAUTIN wählt aus dem All
20201023             "Existenzgefährdend für zahlreiche Unternehmen": DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE warnt eindringlich vor zweitem Lockdown
20201023             Gefahr durch Bürgerwehren: Amnesty fordert USA—REGIERUNG zum Schutz von Wählern und Demonstranten auf
20201023             DUBAI hat größten Brunnen der Welt: Feuerwerk für 1—WASSERSPIEL
20201023             Markterholung: Daimler rechnet trotz CORONA wieder mit Gewinn wie 2019
20201023             POST—BREXIT—WIRTSCHAFT: GROSSBRITANNIEN und JAPAN unterzeichnen Freihandelsabkommen
20201023             —GEBOREN, Grüner Hund auf Sardinien : Ciao Pistacchio!
20201023             Experten zufolge kommt es selten vor, dass 1—HUND mit einem Grünstich im Fell geboren wird.
20201023             GRIECHISCHE—NEONAZIPARTEI: Vizechef der Goldenen Morgenröte flieht vor Festnahme
20201023             —VERHANDLUNGEN in Genf: Waffenstillstand in LIBYEN beschlossen
20201023             Rekordbrände in BRASILIEN: BOLSONARO—REGIERUNG zieht Feuerwehrleute ab
20201023             Nachverfolgungschaos in CORONA—HOTSPOTS: "Wir sind im roten Bereich"
20201023             Prognose über —40—JAHRE: Pensionen für Beamte kosten 2—BILLIONEN Euro
20201023             CORONA krempelt DIE—POLITIK um: Harte Zeiten für die Demokratie
20201023             Coronakrise: Katholischer Kirche fehlen in DEUTSCHLAND Millioneneinnahmen
20201023             Für 300—MILLIONEN—EURO: USA—KONZERN kauft WIRECARD—TOCHTER
20201023             Kehrtwende zeichnet sich ab: Autokonzerne wollen schärfere Klimaziele der EU akzeptieren
20201023             Einspruch gegen gelöschte Beiträge: Facebooks 130—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR—PRÜFSTELLE nimmt 1. Fälle an
20201023             —BEHARRT, AFD—ULTIMATUM: Schäuble, auf Maskenpflicht im BUNDESTAG
20201023             Folge der Coronakrise: 20200000             ist mehr als die HÄLFTE—DES—STROMS öko
20201023             Rechtsextremismus: Gericht erlaubt REICHSKRIEGSFLAGGEN—DEMO unter Auflagen
20201023             POLEN verschärft Abtreibungsrecht: "Die Hölle für Frauen"
20201023             Illegal Practices: EU Border Agency Frontex Complicit in GREECE—REFUGEE Pushback Campaign By Giorgos Christides, EMMANUEL—FREUDENTHAL, STEFFEN—LÜDKE und MAXIMILIAN—POPP
20201023             Sanktionslasten berücksichtigt: Deutschlands NATO—BEITRAG höher als angenommen
20201023             Parteifreund von Morales: Sozialist Arce —NUN auch offiziell Sieger der Präsidentenwahl in BOLIVIEN
20201023             Neue Strategie in der CORONA—PANDEMIE: Berliner sollen Kontaktpersonen künftig selbst informieren
20201023             BOB—WOODWARD on 20200000             —THE—ELECTION: "How Can You Not Be Worried?" Interview Conducted By ROLAND—NELLES
20201023             Trotz Protesten: EU—PARLAMENT stimmt für umstrittene Agrarreform
20201023             Mehr Schutz für Lebensraum: EU—STAATEN beschließen Strategie zur RETTUNG—DER—ARTENVIELFALT
20201023             Die Lage —AM—ABEND: Wie CORONA das politische Nervensystem angreift
20201023             Gastronomie: In der Coronakrise blüht die Schwarzarbeit
20201023             —NORMALISIERT, Naher Osten: SUDAN, Beziehungen mit ISRAEL
20201023             Naturschützerin zur EU—AGRARREFORM: "Man hat den Begriff 'ökologisch' gekapert"
20201023             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—17—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—17—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(-1)
20201023             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—11—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—9—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20201023             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—293—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—250—(+26)—CASOS—ATIVOS—43—(-24)
20201023             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—295—(+11)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—224—(+14)—CASOS—ATIVOS—66—(-3)
20201023             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—78—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—49—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—27—(=)
20201023             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—113—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—72—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—41—(+1)
20201023             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—406—(+6)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—252—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—150—(-1)
20201023             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—410—(+4)—ÓBITOS—10—(+2)—RECUPERADOS—292—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—108—(-2)
20201023             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—257—(+8)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—164—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—92—(+3)
20201023             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—103—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—60—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—43—(=)
20201023             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—156—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—64—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—91—(-1)
20201023             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—132—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—38—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—92—(+1)
20201023             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—43—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—11—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—32—(+2)
20201023             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—19—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—14—(=)
20201023             235_DGS_boletim_20201023-003
20201023             GLOBAL—CASES—42.024.647—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.140.978
20201023             FRANKFURT, am Main hat das Verwaltungsgericht die von der Stadt verfügte Höchstgrenze bei privaten Feiern in geschlossenen Räumen gekippt.
20201023             Die Richter setzten die Anordnung wegen Formfehlern mit einer Eilentscheidung außer Vollzug.
20201023             ITALIEN hat binnen —24—STUNDEN mehr als 16.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS VERZEICHNET—SO viele wie noch nie —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie.
20201023             —VERLOREN, Ärzteverband: Haben die Kontrolle nicht
20201023             UTE—TEICHERT, sieht —DERZEIT, keinen Kontrollverlust der Gesundheitsämter in der CORONA—PANDEMIE.
20201023             "Ich glaube nicht, dass wir an dem Punkt sind, dass wir die Kontrolle verloren haben",
20201023             Aufgrund der steigenden INFEKTIONS—ZAHLEN gebe es sicherlich 1—PROBLEMATIK, "dass wir nicht mehr hinterherkommen mit der Personalsituation", sagte Teichert.
20201023             "Aber es ist noch nicht so, dass wir die Situation nicht mehr unter Kontrolle haben".
20201023             sagte Teichert: "Tatsächlich wäre es gut, wenn man auf die Cluster vorwiegend gucken würde.
20201023             Das würde aber bedeuten, dass man insgesamt einen Strategiewechsel in der Gesellschaft bräuchte".
20201023             Das müsse man sich gut überlegen, und das müssten alle mittragen.
20201023             Denn das bedeute im Endeffekt, dass man sich in Quarantäne begeben müsse, bloß weil man bei einem Cluster dabei gewesen sei.
20201023             "Ich glaube, dass das insgesamt schwierig wird".
20201023             MONTGOMERY: Kritische Schwelle bei 20.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN pro —TAG
20201023             "Bei 20.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN —AM—TAG gerät die Lage außer Kontrolle", sagte MONTGOMERY
20201023             "Dann wäre es für Gesundheitsämter nicht mehr möglich, die Infektionsketten nachzuverfolgen und zu unterbrechen.
20201023             Dann droht uns 1 2. Lockdown, weil sich das Virus anders nicht mehr bremsen lässt".
20201023             SLOWENIEN verhängt teilweisen Lockdown
20201023             Infektionen in EUROPA innerhalb von —10—TAGEN verdoppelt
20201023             —AM—DONNERSTAG stieg die ZAHL—DER—NEUEN—FÄLLE in EUROPA 1. über DIE—MARKE—VON—200.000.
20201023             Laut der Zählung beläuft sich die ZAHL—DER—INFEKTIONEN in EUROPA insgesamt auf 7,8—MILLIONEN und 247.000—TOTE.
20201023             Weltweit haben sich —DERZEIT, rund 41,4—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS infiziert, über 1,1—MILLIONEN starben.
20201023             Laut Reuters wurde —AM—MITTWOCH der höchste Tageswert an Neuinfektionen weltweit gemessen (422.835—FÄLLE).
20201023             —NACH—ANGABEN—DER—JOHNS—HOPKINS—UNIVERSITÄT—IST—FRANKREICH das Land in EUROPA mit den meisten Infektionen, gefolgt von SPANIEN
20201023             "Wir kämpfen dagegen, und wir kämpfen intensiv",
20201023             Trump versprach auch erneut, dass die Pandemie —SCHON bald zu Ende sein WERDE—OBWOHL das im Gegensatz zu AUSSAGEN—VON—WISSENSCHAFTLERN und der gegenwärtigen Entwicklung steht.
20201023             "Immer mehr Menschen geht es besser", sagte Trump.
20201023             Der Demokrat Biden sagte, es gebe keinen einzigen ernsthaften Wissenschaftler, der davon ausgehe, dass die Pandemie bald von selbst vorbei sein werde.
20201023             DATEN—DER—JOHNS—HOPKINS—UNIVERSITÄT zufolge gibt es in den USA, einem Land mit 330—MILLIONEN—EINWOHNERN, —BISLANG, rund 8,4—MILLIONEN bestätigte CORONA€”VIRUS—INFEKTIONEN.
20201023             Die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN stieg zuletzt wieder auf rund 60.000—PRO—TAG an.
20201023             Rund 223.000—MENSCHEN starben —BISLANG—MEHR MENSCHEN als in jedem anderen Land der Welt.
20201023             Angesichts der sprunghaft gestiegenen CORONA€”VIRUS—INFEKTIONS—ZAHLEN hat der Bundesverband der DEUTSCHEN—INDUSTRIE[BDI] eindringlich vor einem erneuten generellen Herunterfahren der DEUTSCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT gewarnt.
20201023             "1 2. Lockdown wäre existenzgefährdend für zahlreiche Unternehmen in DEUTSCHLAND",
20201023             Erneut mehr als 11.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND
20201023             WALES setzt drastische Schritte, um die massiv steigenden CORONA—ZAHLEN zu drücken.
20201023             In dem BRITISCHEN—LANDESTEIL gilt ab Freitagabend ein strikter temporärer Lockdown —BIS zum 20201109             .
20201023             außerdem sind Treffen zwischen verschiedenen Haushalten verboten.
20201023             Die Menschen sind angehalten, so weit wie möglich zu Hause zu bleiben und wenn möglich dort zu arbeiten.
20201023             Die Maßnahmen seien nötig, um Leben zu retten und das Gesundheitssystem vor einer Überlastung zu bewahren,
20201023             Bundesumweltministerium hält Castortransport für ERFORDERLICH—TROTZ CORONA
20201023             "Der Transport ist zur Umsetzung völkerrechtlicher Verpflichtungen der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND erforderlich",
20201023             AUSTRALISCHER—BUNDESSTAAT VICTORIA: So wenige aktive Fälle wie zuletzt —VOR—4—MONATEN
20201023             "Das ist ein deutliches Zeichen dafür, dass die Strategie funktioniert",
20201023             Der Bundesstaat hatte —ANFANG—AUGUST den Katastrophenzustand erklärt und die Ausgangssperre für die rund 5—MILLIONEN—EINWOHNER Melbournes erheblich verschärft.
20201023             Bundeswehr —DERZEIT, mit knapp 2000—SOLDATEN im CORONA—EINSATZ
20201023             Die Bundesregierung hat —BISLANG, weniger als 33—PROZENT—DER—ZUR—VERFÜGUNG stehenden CORONA—SOFORTHILFEN für Unternehmen ausgezahlt.
20201023             Das wegen der Coronakrise um seine Existenz fürchtende Royal Opera House in LONDON hat 1—GEMÄLDE des BRITISCHEN—KÜNSTLERS DAVID—HOCKNEY verkauft und damit einen Millionenbetrag eingenommen.
20201023             Das Kunstwerk "PORTRAIT—VON—SIR—DAVID—WEBSTER" wurde am Donnerstagabend bei einer Auktion von CHRISTIE—FÜR 12,9—MILLIONEN—PFUND[14,3—MILLIONEN—EURO] versteigert.
20201023             Hockeys Werk aus den Siebzigerjahren zeigt den ehemaligen CHEF—DES berühmten Opernhauses, DAVID—WEBSTER.
20201023             Auf dem Truppenübungsplatz BERGEN in NIEDERSACHSEN haben sich 68—BELGISCHE—SOLDATEN mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS infiziert.
20201023             POLEN plant weitere Einschränkungen
20201023             Zahlen in ISRAEL sinken nach 1. Lockerungen weiter
20201023             Der EHEMANN—VON—BUNDESGESUNDHEITSMINISTER—JENS—SPAHN (CDU) ist ebenfalls positiv auf CORONA getestet worden.
20201023             ZAHL—DER—PATIENTEN in NRW—KLINIKEN steigt erheblich
20201023             Die Kliniken sind den Angaben zufolge allerdings noch weit entfernt von ihrer Kapazitätsgrenze.
20201023             4—MITARBEITER—DES—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS offenbar positiv getestet
20201023             Testpflicht in BAYERN für ausländische Pendler in Kraft
20201023             TÜRKEI: Virus breitet sich im ganzen Land aus
20201023             40—PROZENT—DER—FÄLLE würden aus ISTANBUL gemeldet,
20201023             Dort lägen die Zahlen fünfmal höher als in der HAUPTSTADT—ANKARA.
20201023             Der TSCHECHISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Andrej Babiš fordert Gesundheitsminister ROMAN—PRYMULA zum Rücktritt auf.
20201023             —ENTLASSEN, Komme Prymula dem nicht nach, werde er ihn,
20201023             Prymula hatte zuvor in einem Restaurant, das im Rahmen der Maßnahmen gegen die Pandemie geschlossen war, 1—TREFFEN abgehalten.
20201023             Fast 33—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN spricht sich einer Umfrage zufolge für härtere Maßnahmen aus.
20201023             30—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN gehen die bestehenden Maßnahmen nicht weit genug,
20201023             54—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN halten die Maßnahmen demnach für genau richtig,
20201023             14—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN halten die Maßnahmen demnach für übertrieben.
20201023             Die einzelnen Maßnahmen finden überwiegend große Zustimmung: 87—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN hielten die Ausweitung der Maskenpflicht für richtig.
20201023             Die Begrenzung der Teilnehmerzahl bei privaten Feiern und Treffen in der Öffentlichkeit fand 1—ZUSTIMMUNG—VON—86—BEZIEHUNGSWEISE 79—PROZENT.
20201023             Dass Bars und Restaurants vielerorts früher schließen müssen, fanden dagegen nur 54 % richtig.
20201023             Bundesinnenminister HORST—SEEHOFER hat kein Verständnis für Äußerungen des Ärztekammerpräsidenten KLAUS—REINHARDT, der in einer ZDF—SENDUNG den Nutzen der Alltagsmasken infrage gestellt hatte.
20201023             Die Aussagen "von höchster Stelle der Ärzteschaft" seien für ihn unerklärlich.
20201023             "Das ist fast erschütternd",
20201023             "DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG ist manchmal noch sachkundiger und einsichtiger als MANCHE—BERUFSFUNKTIONÄRE".
20201023             Allein in BAYERN gehen der KATHOLIKEN—BISTUMER bei den Einnahmen aus KIRCHEN—STEUERN von Verlusten in Höhe von mehr als 100—MILLIONEN—EURO aus.
20201023             Das größte KATHOLIKEN—BISTUM in DEUTSCHLAND, das ERZ—BISTUM—KÖLN, geht —LAUT—1—EINSCHÄTZUNG von Ende —SEPTEMBER ebenfalls von einem massiven Einbruch aus: "Im schlimmsten Fall müssen wir mit Ertragseinbußen von 50—MILLIONEN—EURO rechnen",
20201023             Neuinfektionen in der SCHWEIZ erreichen neuen Höchststand
20201023             Mittlerweile sind —NACH—ANGABEN—VON—REGIERUNGSSPRECHER—STEFFEN—SEIBERT 148—VON bundesweit 165—TESTLABORS an die WARN—APP angeschlossen.
20201023             Rund 90—PROZENT—DER—LABORS könnten damit APP—NUTZERN das Testergebnis digital übermitteln.
20201023             —INZWISCHEN, Die App sei, 20,4—MILLIONEN Mal von möglichen Nutzern heruntergeladen worden.
20201023             Der Bayerische Verfassungsgerichtshof hat die CORONA—BEDINGTE Pflicht zur Erfassung von Kontaktdaten etwa in der Gastronomie oder bei Veranstaltungen bestätigt.
20201023             Das höchste bayerische Gericht lehnte es in seiner —ENTSCHEIDUNG ab, die entsprechenden Vorschriften in der bayerischen Verordnung per einstweiliger Anordnung außer Vollzug zu setzen.
20201023             Es sei nicht offensichtlich, dass des STAAT—REGIERUNG beim Erlass der Verordnung bundesrechtlich eröffnete Spielräume überschritten haben könnte.
20201023             Und es sei auch nicht offensichtlich, dass des STAAT—REGIERUNG die Pflicht zur strengen Prüfung der Verhältnismäßigkeit des Eingriffs in das Grundrecht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung verletzt haben könnte.
20201023             Angesichts der stark steigenden INFEKTIONS—ZAHLEN setzt BERLIN verstärkt auf neue Schnelltests.
20201023             Dank einer zügigen Beschaffung würden diese Tests —BEREITS ab —SAMSTAG in der Altenpflege eingesetzt,
20201023             Die EU—GESUNDHEITSAGENTUR ECDC sieht die derzeitige Situation als eine große Bedrohung für die öffentliche Gesundheit.
20201023             In einem —AM—FREITAG veröffentlichten Bericht hieß es, in den europäischen Ländern hätten die COVID—19—INFEKTIONEN —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—WOCHEN erheblich zugenommen.
20201023             Der Anstieg der gemeldeten Fälle sei nicht mehr nur auf vermehrte Tests zurückzuführen.
20201023             "Was wir —JETZT sehen, ist eindeutig eine 2. Infektionswelle, und wir erwarten, dass es noch schlimmer wird",
20201023             "VIELE—LÄNDER haben steigende Sterblichkeitsraten gemeldet, und die Gesamtzahl der Todesfälle ist —SEIT über einem —MONAT gestiegen",
20201023             —ÜBERLASTET, Gesundheitsämter in mehreren Städten
20201023             SPANIEN: Tatsächliche ZAHL—DER—INFIZIERTEN bei über 3—MILLIONEN
20201023             Das LIEGE daran, dass nur bei wenigen Menschen, die sich zu Beginn der Krise im Frühjahr angesteckt hätten, tatsächlich das neuartige Virus festgestellt worden sei,
20201023             Die Intendanten bayerischer Bühnen fordern Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER (CSU) in einem offenen Brief auf, verschärfte Auflagen für Theater zurückzunehmen.
20201023             "—BISHER hat es keine nachweisliche Infektion durch einen Theaterbesuch gegeben",
20201023             "Darum insistieren wir, auch bei einem hohen Inzidenzwert von 100—ODER mehr unseren Spielbetrieb mit 200—BEZIEHUNGSWEISE 500—ZUSCHAUERN aufrechterhalten zu dürfen.
20201023             HAMBURG beschränkt private Zusammenkünfte auf 10—LEUTE
20201023             Wegen einer technischen Störung am ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT ist es —AM—DONNERSTAG zeitweise zu Datenlücken bei der Übermittlung von INFEKTIONS—ZAHLEN aus den Bundesländern gekommen.
20201023             Durch einen Ausfall eines Webservers beim RKI am Donnerstagnachmittag seien knapp —3—STUNDEN—BIS 17.30—UHR Übermittlungen von den Gesundheitsämtern zu den zuständigen Landesbehörden und von denen zum RKI gestört gewesen,
20201023             Der Hessische Verwaltungsgerichtshof in KASSEL hat die Verlängerung der Sperrstunde im Landkreis Gießen aufgehoben.
20201023             Die Verfügung des Landkreises im Zuge der Pandemie sei nicht verhältnismäßig und sie sei rechtswidrig,
20201023             EU will —BIS zu 22—MILLIONEN ANTIGEN—SCHNELLTESTS finanzieren
20201023             Um einen Kontrollverlust der Gesundheitsämter zu verhindern, fordert SPD—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTE KARL—LAUTERBACH 1—ABKEHR—VON—DER—NACHVERFOLGUNG sämtlicher Kontakte JEDES—EINZELFALLS.
20201023             "1—KONTROLLVERLUST ist nur noch abzuwenden, wenn wir sofort umsteuern: Weg von der EINZELFALL—NACHVERFOLGUNG, hin zur retrospektiven CLUSTER—AUFARBEITUNG",
20201023             Nach Zweifel an Alltagsmasken: Ärztepräsident Reinhardt rudert zurück
20201023             "Die aktuelle Evidenz aus vielfältigen Studien spricht für einen Nutzen des MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZES", teilte er mit.
20201023             —GEFÜHRT, Seine Aussagen hätten zu erheblichen Irritationen, die er sehr bedaure.
20201023             —GESPERRT, Beliebte Plätze in Rom zeitweise
20201023             FALL—ZAHLEN in ITALIEN schießen in die Höhe
20201023             Wegen rasant steigenden INFEKTIONS—ZAHLEN schrillen in der SCHWEIZ die Alarmglocken.
20201023             "—DIE—HEUTE geltenden Maßnahmen reichen bei Weitem nicht aus",
20201023             Der CHEF—DER—WELTGESUNDHEITSORGANISATION (WHO) hat die von rasant steigenden CORONA—INFEKTIONEN betroffenen Länder zum Handeln aufgerufen.
20201023             "Zu VIELE—LÄNDER sind auf einem gefährlichen Pfad",
20201023             "Wir sind an einem kritischen Punkt, vor allem in der nördlichen Hemisphäre.
20201023             —DIE—NÄCHSTEN—MONATE werden sehr schwierig".
20201023             Er beschwor Regierungen, sofort neue Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um weitere Todesfälle zu verhindern und die Gesundheitsdienste vor dem Kollaps zu bewahren.
20201023             Macron: Werden mit Virus mindestens —BIS zum —SOMMER leben müssen
20201023             Mehr als 1—MILLION—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN in FRANKREICH
20201023             ZAHL—DER—INFEKTIONEN in BERLIN steigt weiter
20201023             SWITZERLAND 20200901             —RECORD for new COVID—19—INFECTIONS with cases passing the 100,000 mark as a 2. CORONA€"VIRUS wave engulfs the country.
20201023             † At least 30—PEOPLE have, —SINCE 20201018             —THE presidential vote.
20201023             —FREITAG, 20201023             20201023             Fri 20201023             20201023             [l] Dachtet ihr, BILL—GATES sei der dämlichste Kriminelle?
20201023             Arzneimittelbehörde FDA: USA lassen Remdesivir gegen COVID—19—ZU
20201023             OPIOID—KRISE: Walmart verklagt USA—REGIERUNG—UM ihr zuvorzukommen
20201023             —BESCHLOSSEN, —VERHANDLUNGEN in Genf: Waffenstillstand in LIBYEN
20201023             Mais 2—VÍTIMAS de COVID—19—ELEVAM total de mortes no Algarve para 30
20201023             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, that SUDAN will start to normalize ties with ISRAEL, making it the 3. Arab state to do so as PART—OF—USA—BROKERED deals in THE—RUN—UP to Election —DAY.
20201023             —SUSPENDED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, all training programs for employees related to diversity and inclusion, —AFTER PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP directed FEDERAL—AGENCIES—LAST—MONTH to end programs deemed divisive by THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20201023             —RETURNED, THE—USA—POSTAL—SERVICE (USPS) told 1—USA—JUDGE it has, 137—MAIL processing machines to service —SINCE—AUGUST and approved THOUSANDS—OF—DAILY—EXTRA—DELIVERY—TRIPS—THIS—MONTH as it works to deliver MILLIONS—OF—BALLOTS.
20201023             —RAGED, Heavy fighting, over NAGORNO—KARABAKH even as top diplomats from ARMENIA and AZERBAIJAN visited WASHINGTON for negotiations on settling the neighboring countries' DECADES—LONG—CONFLICT.
20201023             —SANCTIONED, THE—USA—TREASURY, 2—HIGH—RANKING Hezbollah officials in LEBANON, including 1—FORMER—MILITARY—COMMANDER in the country's south.
20201023             1—STUDY by researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON—INSTITUTE for Health Metrics and Evaluation said more than 1—HALF—MILLION—PEOPLE in THE—USA could die from COVID—19—BY THE—END—OF—FEBRUARY —NEXT—YEAR, but —AROUND 130,000—OF—THOSE lives could be saved if everybody were to wear masks.
20201023             1—USA—BORDER—PATROL—AGENT investigating suspected human smuggling with other agents in TEXAS fatally shot 1—PERSON driving 1—VEHICLE carrying people believed to be in the country illegally.
20201023             ALABAMA, a —115—YEAR—OLD—CONFEDERATE—MONUMENT that was THE—SUBJECT—OF—PROTESTS—THIS—YEAR was removed from outside 1—COUNTY courthouse in HUNTSVILLE —EARLY—TODAY.
20201023             —EXPECTED, It is, to be moved to 1—CEMETERY.
20201023             1—USA—NAVY training plane that took off from FLORIDA crashed in 1—ALABAMA residential neighborhood near the Gulf Coast, killing both people in the plane.
20201023             CALIFORNIA to date had 894,938 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 17,281 deaths.
20201023             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 113,938 cases and 1,735 deaths.
20201023             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 8,472,847 with the death toll at 223,752.
20201023             —RULED, PENNSYLVANIA—SUPREME—COURT, that MAIL—IN ballots cannot be refused because 1—VOTER—SIGNATURE does not appear to match the 1 on file, 1—DECISION that could help Democratic presidential candidate JOE—BIDEN.
20201023             2—BARTONSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA, men and 1—COMPANY that ran hotels in Stroudsburg and Bartonsville were CONVICTED—OF—SEX and drug trafficking offenses by 1—JURY in FEDERAL—COURT—IN—SCRANTON in 1—CASE—THE—USA—ATTORNEY—OFFICE said is precedent setting.
20201023             1—TEXAS appeals COURT—RULED—THE—REPUBLICAN—GOVERNOR cannot limit DROP—OFF sites for mail ballots to 1—PER county, 1—SETBACK for USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20201023             —DISCOVERED, Officials in WASHINGTON state said scientists have, the 1. nest of SO—CALLED murder hornets in THE—USA.
20201023             —REMOVED, Scientists, 98—OF—THE—HORNETS —1—DAY—LATER in 1—EFFORT to protect native honeybees.
20201023             Johnson & Johnson said it was preparing to resume 1—LARGE—CLINICAL—TRIAL—OF—ITS—EXPERIMENTAL—COVID—19—VACCINE in THE—USA—AFTER 1—INDEPENDENT—SAFETY—PANEL recommended enrollments for the study.
20201023             —UNITED, THE—AUSTRIA—POST said it has, 2—ASPECTS—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS—PANDEMIC in 1—STAMP printed on toilet paper that people can also, at 1—PUSH, use for social distancing.
20201023             The 2.75—EURO "CORONA stamp" comes in sheets 10—CM wide.
20201023             LUFTHANSA—AUSTRIAN—AIRLINES said it is offering rapid PRE—BOARDING CORONA€”VIRUS tests free to passengers on 1—OF—ITS—ROUTES as PART—OF—1—GROUP—WIDE—PLAN to make such tests standard.
20201023             BELGIUM, 1—OF—THE—EUROPEAN countries worst hit by the new CORONA€”VIRUS, tightened restrictions on social contacts by banning fans from sports matches, limiting THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE in cultural spaces and closing theme parks.
20201023             This is the 2. agreement to produce THE—RUSSIA—VACCINE in BRAZIL, where 4—OTHER—VACCINES are already being tested.
20201023             BOLIVIA—SUPREME—ELECTORAL—TRIBUNAL said leftist LUIS—ARCE won 55—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES against 6—RIVALS on the ballot, 1—VINDICATION for the Movement Toward Socialism party.
20201023             THE—RUNNER—UP was centrist FORMER—PRESIDENT—CARLOS—MESA with —JUST under 29%.
20201023             —REPORTED, Bosnia, 1—RECORD—HIGH—OF—1,169—INFECTIONS in the past —24—HOURS, and 14—DEATHS, bringing its total cases to 38,493.
20201023             —CONDEMNED, CHINA—LEADER Xi Jinping, "unilateralism, protectionism and extreme egoism" in 1—JAB at THE—USA—MADE —DURING 1—RALLY to mark the 70. ANNIVERSARY—OF—CHINA—ENTRY into the 19500000—19530000     Korean War.
20201023             —REPORTED, Mainland CHINA, 28—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES up from 18—CASES —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20201023             † CROATIA, CORONA€”VIRUS infections in the past —24—HOURS hit 1—RECORD—HIGH—OF—1,867, —WHILE 7—PEOPLE.
20201023             —RECORDED, CROATIA has, 31,717 total cases with 413—DEATHS.
20201023             —STATIONED, DENMARK—AID—WORKERS, in the Balkans said DOZENS—OF—MIGRANTS have alleged they were brutalized by CROATIA—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICERS—WHEN they tried to cross into THE—EUROPEAN—UNION nation, —BEFORE being summarily expelled back to Bosnia.
20201023             —REACHED, CUBA—FOREIGN—MINISTER said political hostility has, "feverish levels" as the country lost $5.6—BILLION 20190400—20200300    —BETWEEN due to economic sanctions imposed by THE—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20201023             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—DUBAI is building a $3.4—BILLION COAL—FIRED power plant in 1—EFFORT to diversify its energy resources.
20201023             GERMANY—FEDERAL—AGRICULTURE—MINISTRY said 5—MORE—CASES—OF—AFRICA—SWINE fever have been confirmed in wild boars in THE—EAST—REGION—OF—BRANDENBURG.
20201023             GERMANY—BIOTECH company CureVac said its potential vaccine against THE—CORONA€”VIRUS triggered 1—IMMUNE—RESPONSE in PRE—CLINICAL—ANIMAL—STUDIES.
20201023             CureVac is using THE—SO—CALLED messenger RNA approach, the same as rivals BioNTech and its PARTNER—PFIZER as well as Moderna, which have started testing on humans.
20201023             † In GUINEA 3—POLICE—OFFICERS in clashes in CONAKRY, where the army has been called in to support the police in maintaining order.
20201023             —BASED, ITALY—CAMPANIA region, on THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—NAPLES, said it would impose 1—LOCKDOWN to tame THE—CORONA€”VIRUS and urged the whole country to follow suit as new infections hit 1—RECORD—HIGH.
20201023             —SIGNED, LIBYA—2—WARRING factions, a "permanent" ceasefire agreement in GENEVA —AFTER—5—DAYS—OF—TALKS at THE—UN, which hailed the deal as 1—HISTORIC—MOMENT—FOLLOWING—YEARS—OF—TURMOIL and bloodshed.
20201023             —SUPPOSED, THE—UN said all mercenaries and foreign fighters are, to depart from LIBYA within —3—MONTHS—OF—THE signing of the nationwide ceasefire.
20201023             LIECHTENSTEIN, CORONA€”VIRUS cases rose by 6,634 to 103,653. The death toll rose by 10 to 1,877.
20201023             —CALLED, THE—MAYOR—OF—MEXICO—CITY, on residents to avoid gatherings of more than 10—PEOPLE as the capital grapples with 1—SURGE—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS—HOSPITALIZATIONS.
20201023             The pandemic has led to more than 874,000 infections and killed nearly 87,900—PEOPLE in MEXICO.
20201023             HOLLAND—POULTRY—FARMERS were keeping their birds indoors to comply with 1—GOVERNMENT—ORDER—AFTER 1—HIGHLY contagious form of the H5N8 bird flu was found in 2—DEAD swans —THIS—WEEK.
20201023             —KILLED, NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—MUHAMMADU—BUHARI said 69—PEOPLE have been, in protests against police brutality that have rocked the country.
20201023             1—GROUP that has been key in organizing the demonstrations has —NOW urged people to stay at home.
20201023             THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE said his government will pay THE—931—MILLION pesos ($19.25—MILLION) it owes the Red Cross —AFTER the humanitarian agency stopped conducting COVID—19—TESTS.
20201023             —CONFIRMED, With 365,799, infections and 6,915 deaths, THE—PHILIPPINES has the 2.—HIGHEST number of COVID—19—CASES and fatalities in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA behind INDONESIA.
20201023             POLAND—PRIME—MINISTER—MATEUSZ—MORAWIECKI said restaurants and bars will close —FOR—2—WEEKS and public gatherings will be limited to 5—PEOPLE, —AFTER new CORONA€”VIRUS infections hit 1—DAILY—RECORD—OF—MORE than 13,600.
20201023             —DECIDED, PORTUGAL—PARLIAMENT, that face masks will have to be worn in crowded outdoor areas across the country, in 1—SCRAMBLE to contain the surge in CORONA€”VIRUS cases.
20201023             ROMANIA—NUMBER—OF—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—INFECTIONS—ROSE by 1—DAILY—RECORD—OF—5,028 in the past —24—HOURS.
20201023             —CONFIRMED, The total number of, cases rose to 201,032 and 6,245 deaths.
20201023             SLOVENIA is THE—BIRTHPLACE—OF—USA 1. lady Melania Trump.
20201023             —REGISTERED, SWEDEN, 1,870 new CORONA€”VIRUS cases, its highest —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—PANDEMIC.
20201023             —REGISTERED, UKRAINE, 1—DAILY—RECORD—OF—7,517—COVID—19—CASES.
20201023             —CLIMBED, The total NUMBER—OF—CASES, to 330,396.
20201023—19050000    —ERECTED, The monument was 1., by the United Daughters of the Confederacy.
20201023—20030000    —SEIT, Apple liefert übrigens Plattenverschlüsselung als TEIL—DES—SYSTEMS aus.
20201023—20030000    Aber
20201023—20151202    —ON, ENRIQUE—MARQUEZ—JUNIOR, —28—JAHRE—ALT, the man who bought 2—RIFLES that HUSBAND—AND—WIFE assailants used to kill 14—PEOPLE in 1—SOUTHERN—CALIFORNIA terror attack, was sentenced to —20—YEARS in prison.
20201023—20200528    —ON, IVAN—HARRISON—HUNTER, —26—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TEXAS MEMBER—OF—THE—BOOGALOO—BOIS," was charged with spraying 13—ROUNDS from 1—KALASHNIKOV rifle toward THE—MINNEAPOLIS—POLICE—DEPARTMENT—3. Precinct building.
20201023—20200716    —REPORTED, More than 85,000 NEW—CORONA—VIRUS—CASES were, across THE—USA, breaking THE—SINGLE—DAY—RECORD set by about 10,000 cases.
20201023—20200910    —CONFIRMED, The new discoveries bring the total number of, cases to 91—SINCE the 1. 1.
20201023—20201012    —AM, war 1. DIE—MARKE—VON—100.000—FÄLLEN überschritten
20201023—20201023    —IM, —IM—SEPTEMBER waren 18 % und % für härtere Regelungen GEWESEN—OBWOHL diese seitdem vielerorts verschärft wurden.
202203111023         Leading Western insurance brokers Marsh & McLennan, Aon plc suspending operations in RUSSIA under different scenarios, SOURCE  source
202205051023 ========NEWS appended
202205051023 ========END NEWS appended
202206010234         USA regrets RUSSIA—WITHDRAWAL from memorandum of understanding on culture
20221023             —SONNTAG, 20221023
20221023             Sachsens Ministerpräsident: Kretschmer spricht sich für Reaktivierung von NORD—STREAM 1—AUS
20221023             Samenbanken in den USA: Das SPERMA—DILEMMA Schwarzer Frauen
20221023             Parteikongress in Peking: Chinas STAATSCHEF—XI für 3. Amtszeit als Generalsekretär bestätigt
20221023             —ESKORTIERT, Aus dem Saal : Zwischenfall um Chinas EX—PARTEICHEF Hu Jintao mit Unwohlsein erklärt
20221023             Zu wenig Personal und CORONA—AUSFÄLLE: Post räumt Zustellprobleme ein
20221023             Ankündigung des Vizepremiers: RUSSLAND könnte auf der ISS doch länger mit dem Westen zusammenarbeiten
20221023             30-tägiger Notstand verhängt: Rund 200—MENSCHEN bei Kämpfen um Land im SUDAN getötet
20221023             Folgen der Inflation: Warum weltweit immer mehr Hunde im Tierheim landen
20221023             "Kapazitäten mittlerweile nahezu ausgeschöpft": Berliner Bürgermeisterin fordert mehr Bundeshilfe für Geflüchtete
20221023             Sorge vor Angriffen auf die Infrastruktur: Sicherheitsbehörden und Bürger wappnen sich gegen möglichen Blackout
20221023             Der sächsische Ministerpräsident MICHAEL—KRETSCHMER (CDU) hat sich für 1—WIEDERAUFNAHME RUSSISCHER—GASLIEFERUNGEN —NACH—DEM Krieg ausgesprochen".
20221023             Wir brauchen langfristige Verträge für Flüssiggaslieferungen aus den USA, KATAR und anderen arabischen Ländern.
20221023             Außerdem müssen wir endlich eigenes Erdgas in der Nordsee erschließen.
20221023             Und wenn der Krieg vorbei ist, sollten wir auch wieder Gas aus RUSSLAND nutzen",
20221023             sagte er der "Bild —AM—SONNTAG".
20221023             Mit Blick auf den Krieg in der UKRAINE sagte Kretschmer: "Es braucht —JETZT eine gemeinsame diplomatische Anstrengung von der EU, den USA, CHINA, INDIEN und JAPAN.
20221023             Dieser Krieg muss angehalten werden".
20221023             Solche —VERHANDLUNGEN würden nach Kretschmers Vorstellungen nicht automatisch dazu führen, dass die UKRAINE auf Teile ihres Staatsgebietes verzichten müsste".
20221023             Es gibt keinen einzigen Grund, warum die UKRAINE auch nur auf einen Quadratmeter ihres Territoriums verzichten sollte.
20221023             Kriegsschäden müssen von RUSSLAND ausgeglichen, Kriegsverbrecher zur Verantwortung gezogen werden.
20221023             Mit dieser Haltung muss man in Friedensgespräche gehen", sagte Kretschmer.
20221023             Der ehemalige CHEF—DES UKRAINISCHEN—TURBINENHERSTELLERS Motor Sitsch wurde nach ANGABEN—VON—VERSCHIEDENEN—UKRAINISCHEN—MEDIEN in Saporischschja festgenommen.
20221023             Wjatscheslaw Boguslajew wird den Berichten zufolge Hochverrat vorgeworfen, weil er mit dem RUSSISCHEN—MILITÄR kooperiert haben soll.
20221023             Wie die Medien aus Sicherheitskreisen erfahren haben wollen, brachen Ermittler Boguslajews Haustür auf und untersuchten sein Anwesen.
20221023             —GEBRACHT, Er selbst werde —NUN nach Kiew.
20221023             Die UKRAINISCHE—JOURNALISTIN Iryna Romaliyska schreibt auf Facebook, der EX—CHEF—DES—TURBINENHERSTELLERS sei für seine PRO—RUSSISCHEN—ANSICHTEN bekannt und stehe unter VERDACHT—RUSSLAND mit Teilen für Hubschrauber und Flugzeuge beliefert zu haben.
20221023             Motor Sitsch gilt weltweit als 1—DER—GRÖSSTEN—TRIEBWERKHERSTELLER für Flugzeuge und Hubschrauber.
20221023             Bundesentwicklungsministerin SVENJA—SCHULZE (SPD) hat vor der Wiederaufbaukonferenz für die UKRAINE zu einer weltweiten Kraftanstrengung aufgerufen.
20221023             Es gehe "um 1—GENERATIONENAUFGABE, bei der so VIELE—LÄNDER wie möglich ihre Kräfte bündeln müssen",
20221023             Wir halten es für möglich, die Nutzung der ISS in Minimalkonfiguration —BIS zum Aufbau einer RUSSISCHEN—RAUMSTATION fortzusetzen, das heißt —BIS 2028",
20221023             sagte Russlands Vizepremier und Industrieminister DENIS—MANTUROW—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—INTERFAX zufolge.
20221023             Manturow begründete das neue Ausscheidungsdatum damit, dass RUSSLAND so die Stetigkeit des eigenen bemannten Raumfahrtprogramms absichern könne.
20221023             Aus Branchenkreisen hieß es zuvor, dass 1. Teile für 1—RAUMSTATION 20280000             ins All geschickt werden können.
20221023             —ANFANG—OKTOBER hatte der CHEF—DES—PROGRAMMS für die bemannte Raumfahrt in RUSSLAND, EX—KOSMONAUT Sergej Krikaljow, erklärt, er hoffe darauf, dass die RUSSISCHE—REGIERUNG das —DERZEIT bestehende Abkommen zur gemeinsamen Weiternutzung der ISS verlängere.
20221023             —GENANNT, Ein genaues Datum hatte er damals aber nicht.
20221023             Die RUSSISCHE—MILITÄRFÜHRUNG hat nach Angaben einer USA—DENKFABRIK ihre Offiziere in Erwartung eines UKRAINISCHEN—VORSTOSSES über den Fluss Dnipro aus der UKRAINISCHEN—STADT Cherson abgezogen.
20221023             GENOA /ITALY/, 20221022             . - /TASS/.
20221023             —ABOUT 200—PEOPLE came to Piazza De Ferrari in Genoa, ITALY—PORT city on the Ligurian coast, —ON—SATURDAY to protest against ANTI—RUSSIA—SANCTIONS, NATO and arms supplies to Kiev.
20221023             "The rally is held in support of ITALY—EXIT from NATO, against sanctions and all the economic and military atrocities to which we are forced to comply; it was organized to denounce ITALY—FOREIGN—POLICY, which we see as absolutely devastating for us," 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ASSOCIATION—FREE—SQUARE—GENOA, which organized the demonstration, told TASS.
20221023             He underscored that the initiative was "against ANY—SUPPORT—POLITICAL, military and ECONOMIC—FOR the Kiev regime, as well as against the fact that ITALY—FOREIGN—POLICY is shaped in WASHINGTON and BRUSSELS, but not in ROME".
20221023             According to the activist, the new ITALY—GOVERNMENT will continue to abide by the foreign policy previously carried out by MARIO—DRAGHI.
20221023             "I am skeptical.
20221023             I do not think that ROME—POSITION on RUSSIA may change," he said.
20221023             —ASSURED, ITALY—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER, Giorgia Meloni, has repeatedly, that her government will uphold national interests, but will simultaneously adhere to THE—EU and NATO—LINE, especially in relations with MOSCOW.
20221023             —UNFURLED, The rally organizers, 1—LARGE—BANNER that read: "Freedom to Peoples, Free ITALY from USA and EU Domination.' SOME—PARTICIPANTS brought RUSSIA—FLAGS.
20221023             —ATTENDED, THE—ITALIANS who, the rally complained to TASS about "1—SIDED news coverage" of THE—UKRAINE conflict in the local media, as well as about energy bill hikes "triggered by managers in BRUSSELS".
20221023             —SCHEDULED, Another rally under similar slogans is, —FOR—SUNDAY in Naples.
20221023             BEIJING, 20221023             .
20221023             The voting was held at the 1. plenary session of the 20. CENTRAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY—OF—CHINA.
20221023             —EXPECTED, Xi Jinping is, to retain his posts as HEAD—OF—STATE—AND—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—CENTRAL—MILITARY—COMMISSION—OF—CHINA.
20221023             New Politburo
20221023             According to Xinhua news agency, it includes 24—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PARTY
20221023             In addition to THE—7—MEMBERS—OF—THE—STANDING—COMMITTEE, the Politburo included Ma Xingrui, Wang Yi, Yin Li, Shi Taifeng, Liu Guozhong, Li Ganjie, Li Shulei, Li Hongzhong, He Weidong, He Lifeng, Zhang Yuzhuo, Zhang Guoqing, Chen Wenqing, Chen JINING, Chen Min'er, Yuan Jiajun, and Huang KUNMING.
20221023             Xi Jinping, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Li Xi, CAI—QI, and Ding Xuexiang became THE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—STANDING—COMMITTEE.
20221023             Nearly 2,300 delegates to the forum, representing 96.7—MILLION MEMBERS—OF—THE—RULING party, discussed RESULTS—OF—THE—PAST —5—YEARS and approved the goals and OBJECTIVES—OF—CHINA—DEVELOPMENT for the next —5—YEAR—PERIOD.
20221023—20221016    —ON, The 20. CONGRESS—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY—OF—CHINA kicked off in BEIJING.
20221023—20240000    —NACH, Zuvor hatte allerdings der CHEF—DER—RAUMFAHRTBEHÖRDE, Juri Borissow, angekündigt, die Kooperation zu beenden.
20221023—20280000    —BIS, RUSSLAND erwägt, trotz der Spannungen mit dem Westen infolge des Ukrainekriegs die Zusammenarbeit auf der Internationalen Raumstation (ISS) weiterzuführen".