Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 22. October ?

Ereignisse an einem 22. October

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06880000—06910000    * —ZWISCHEN, KARL—MARTELL
07411015—07411022    —ODER † KARL—MARTELL in der KÖNIGS—PFALZ—QUIERZY, war ein FRANKEN—HAUS—MEIER.
07411022             † KARL—MARTELL
07411022             —VOR—SEINEM—TODE KARL—MARTELL aufteilt FRANKEN—REICH unter seine Söhne.
07411022             KARLMANN erhält AUSTRASIEN, KARLMANN erhält SCHWABEN und - KARLMANN erhält THÜRINGEN,
11121022             † ALBUIN—BISCHOF—VON—MERSEBURG
11971022             * JUNTOKU—KAISER—VON—JAPAN
12291022             † GERHARD—IV—GRAF—VON—GELDERN
12821022             1—TITEL, den ihr des verstorbenen WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH—GESCHWISTER wohl kaum zugestanden haben werden.
12821022             —AM—SCHON, 3.000—PFUND—TURNOSEN aus der MARIA—HEIRATS—GUT empfangen.
12821022             —DAMALS, DIE—BRAUT wird "GRÄFIN"—VON—JÜLICH, TOCHER—DES—FLANDERN genannt,
12961022             ÉVÊCQUE—DE—MARSEILLE, au BONIFACIUS—VIII—PAPA Dunijace Mil.
13031022             BENEDIKT—XI—PAPA—NICCOLO—DI—BOCCASIO wird als gewählt.
13051022             COMMISSION—DE—CLEMENTIUS Fdil. fil.
13051022             ARCHIVIO—VATIKANO REG.
13051022             Commission de CLEMENTIUS Fdil. fil. preposito MASSILIENSIS et sacriste Avinioncn. et 1—AUTRE.
13051022             CLEMENS—V—PAPA an. i, f"18. Beg., n* loî.
13151022             Aber wenigstens EINMAL—PRO—MONAT sollten DIE—VISDOMINI, die obersten Beamten der REPUBLIK—VENEDIG—REGIERUNG im FONDACO—DEI—TEDESCHI,
13151022             —LAUT, 1—VERORDNUNG—VOM.
13211022             fr. ARNALDUS—DE—BRUSSACO, monach.
13211022             Düsseldorf 19780000             .
13621022             —MENSE—DIE sententiatus ad suspendendum per gulam, ita quod moriatur.
13631022             —ANNO, apostolica auctoritate ipsi factae.
13781022—13800617    GODART—WINTER
13800000             ) zurück, also in 1—ZEIT bevor der Mond von den Muslimen als Zeichen verwendet wurde.
13800000             ) zurück, also in
13831022             † DOM—FERNANDO[FERDINAND—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL], com 38—ANOS),
13831022             —TREATY—OF—BADAJOZ
13831022             —ÜBERNIMMT, Da DOM—FERNANDO[FERDINAND—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL] keinen männlichen Nachkommen hinterlässt, FERDINAND—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL seine Witwe die Regentschaft.
13831022             —NACH—6—WOCHEN, DOM—FERNANDO[FERDINAND—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL] seine Witwe wird durch 1—REVOLUTION gestürzt, —IN—DER—FOLGE, brechen Machtkämpfe aus.
14121022             "MAGISTRO Tauiano MARTINI PICTORI—DE—EUGUBIO prò pingendis ARMIS—S—MATRIS ecclesie DOMINI—NOSTRI—PAPA DOMINI—IMPERATORIS et DOMINI—NOSTRI coraitis Guidantonij cum ciraerio armorum dicti DOMINI—DE bonis coloribus ad quinque portas CIVITATIS EUGUBIj FLORENI 22—CUM DIMIDIO AURI "
14531022             —URKUNDE—VON, das.—SEITE—146—F
14681022             † Sigismondos HERRN—VON—RIMINI sein tätiges, leider durch Treubruch, Grausamkeit, Verbrechen MANCHER—ART beflecktes Leben beschloss.
14761022             " —MARTES Magistri Ottauiani cap. artis lane " (RIFORME—TOME—XXIX, FOLIA—65).
14841022             —SUCCESSION—DE—BRETAGNE
14871022             1—ABMAHNUNG—VON—1—DURCH FERRANTE—KÖNIG—VON—NEAPEL dem PAPAE angetragenen Sonderbilndnisse, EBENDA—SEITE—214 ffl
14921022             —ORDERED, THE—MAGISTRATES, that those who dwelt in houses in which anyone had † —OF—THE—SICKNESS must hang out 1—WISP of straw and must carry 1—WHITE rod —WHEN walking abroad.
14941022             —DICTI—MENSIS, successit in ducatu LUDOVICUS—MARIA—SFORTIA—VICE—COMES—ANGHIS, gubernator et patruus suus,
14981022             vnaltro condemnato o exbandito de qualunque MALLEFITIO se fosse che possa fare rebandire chi a tale occisore parerà.
14981022             —CONFIRMATIO—LOCUMTENENTIS.
14981022             Considerata facinorosorum hominum temeritate et
14981022             Franciscus Venantius Fabrianensis doct. fulginiae Asisii etc. locumtenens.
14981022             Ft Tale reformanza voglino farla dalli nostri superiori confirmarla, farite adunque cosa che sera
14981022             La corte tale MALEFACTORe sia ipso facto et li suoi descendenti jmmune da ogni AFFA—ZONE dalla nostra Cipta etiam se
14981022             POPULI—CIVITATIS—FULGINIAE editam
14981022             a nobis confirmari petitam auctoritate nobis concessa per REVEREND—D—IO.
14981022             S—MARIAE—IN uialata diaconum KARDINALem BORGIA perusiae Umbrie
14981022             da questa magnifica Cipta Lo stendardo dello honore come e vsanza dare in altri lochi al podestà in premio delli soi bannimenti.
14981022             de alcuna solennità justitiare tali MALEFACTORi de che non stia Et che per suo si intenda che habbia
14981022             fosse CASTELLO^ o uilla della nostra cipta o nero anche che alla corte del podestà o OFFITIALI—DEL—COMUNE—DE—FOLIGNO per
14981022             prontitudine ad delinquendum
14981022             que Legatum approbamus laudamus et confirmamus et validamus omni meliori modo et forma etc.
14981022             que in dies crescere uidetur ad reptinendum eorum perditam audatiam
14981022             quibus per nos fieri PO—TEST declarantes predictam reformationem intelligi debere
14981022             salute de questa patria quando cosi facciate grata anco allo eterno dio.
14981022             Altramente facendo nel di del juditio io denanzi al insto dio ne domanderò contro Voi justitia.
14981022             volumus autem quod predicta reformatio —BIS. banniatur sive preconicetur diuersis diebus per loca publica et Consueta CIVITATIS—FULGINIAE ut omnibus innotescat.
14981022             —DATUM fulginiae ;;
14981022             —DECRETO—DE—QUESTO ornato consiglio dia pieno arbitrio omesse tucte lo solennità possa de facto senza alcuna ricognitione
14981022             —ET ad penam restitutis per S—D—N et prefactum R. Dm, Legatum quorum restitutiones et remissiones inuiolabiliter seruari MANDAMUS.
14981022             —ET che quando tale occisore non hauesse alcuno BANDO o condamnatione o ce Ihauesse ma più presto volesse remettere
14981022             —ET così da mo se intenda REBANDITO et Cancellato dalla sua condemnatione et chi uiuo desse nelle forze de
14981022             —ET intelligere de condemnatis per pretorem et curiam eiusdem CIVITATIS fulgìniae nec uendicet sibi locum in remissis et rebanditis
14981022             —ET sic per palluctas LiJ ALBAs fuit obtentum non obstantibus xv contrariis et similiter statutum et reformatum.
14981022             —ET ut facilius eorum delieta puniantur infrascriptam reformationem per magnificum Consilium centumuirorum
15021022             —ADDI, si ebbero Castelnuovo e Cerreto del contado di RIMINI d' accordo, e furono salvate le persone e le robe.
15201022             KARL—V. ließ sich zu AACHEN krönen.
15201022             Noch vor des KARL—V—THRONBESTEIGUNG waren im Lande BLUTIGE—FEHDEN ausgebrochen.
15211022             II, 31 (STEFANO—SAULI), 153-54;.
15371022             —AM, Aber musste er den PACHT—BRIEF seinen HAUPT—GLÄUBIGER—CONRAD—REHLINGER u. GESELLSCHAFT in AUGSBURG cedieren,
15371022             —AM, Aber musste er den PACHT—BRIEF seinen HAUPT—GLÄUBIGER—LIENHARD in NÜRNBERG und
15371022             —AM, Aber musste er den PACHT—BRIEF seinen HAUPT—GLÄUBIGER—LORENZ—LAZARUS in NÜRNBERG, sowie
15371022             Aber AM—. musste er den PACHT—BRIEF seinen Hauptgläubigern Lienhard u.
15571022             Die Grenze zwischen dem FÜRSTBISTUM—OSNABRÜCK und GRAFSCHAFT—RAVENSBERG im BEREICH—DES—DORF—BÜSCHERHEIDE wird endgültig festgelegt.
15711022             † FRANKFURT—BÜRGERMEISTER—JOHANN—VON—GLAUBURG, Patrizier und
15831022             * mit der AACHENER—RELIGIONS—WIRREN—UNTERSUCHUNG beauftragten KUR—FÜRST—AUGUST—VON—SACHSEN in AACHEN erschienen waren.
15881022             * HANS—JAKOB—ZÖRNLIN, SCHWEIZER—OFFIZIER in fremden Diensten und Beamter
15921022             * SCHWEDEN—FELDHERR—GUSTAF—HORN,
16121022             —INSPIRED, RUSSIA—FORCES, by 1—VISION—OF—THE captive GREECE—ARCH—BISHOP—ARSENIOS, won 1—SWEEPING victory and took THE—CHINA—QUARTER, and —2—DAYS—LATER, the Kremlin itself.
16301022             Der DOGE—VON—VENEDIG GELOBT—DER—JUNGFRAU—MARIA den Bau 1—KIRCHE, wenn die —SEIT—1—JAHR in VENEDIG wütende Pest aufhöre.
16301022             —KURZ—DARAUF Als die Seuche endet, wird sein Versprechen eingelöst und die Kirche SANTA—MARIA—DELLA—SALUTE errichtet.
16481022             LA—REINE accepte les décisions prises par LA—CHAMBRE—DE—S—LOUIS
16511022             † JACOB—PRAETORIUS, 65—jahre—alt, composer.
16591022             * GEORG—ERNST—STAHL, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER, Metallurg und Mediziner
16661022             abweichen, in derselben Weise empfangen zu werden wie königliche Gesandte und
16721022             —DATUM—BERGEN
16731022             —EINGENOMMEN, SCHLOSS—BEDBURG von den vereinten holländischen, SPANISCHEN—KRIEGS—VÖLKER  wurde
16731022             SCHLOSS—BEDBURG mit dem Städtchen zusammen eingeäschert wurde
16731022             Doch scheinen hierbei nur des SCHLOSS—BEDBURG—AUSSEN—WERKE völlig zu Grunde gegangen zu sein, DES HAUPT—BAU—MAUERN selbst blieben jedenfalls stehen.
16731022             SCHLOSS—BEDBURG von den vereinten holländischen, SPANISCHEN—KRIEGS—VÖLKER eingenommen wurde
16731022             Doch scheinen hierbei nur die Aussenwerke des SCHLOSS—BEDBURG völlig zu Grunde gegangen zu sein, die Mauern des Hauptbaues selbst blieben jedenfalls stehen.
16761022             Auch DÄNEMARK wünscht sich mit BRAUNSCHWEIG zu vergleichen, und
16761022             DIE—DIFFERENZ—ZWISCHEN—BRANDENBURG und BRAUNSCHWEIG ist —NUN beigelegt.
16761022             Wenn sich DIE—PROVINZEN nur dazu verstehen wollten, wenigstens 50 % DER—RÜCKSTÄNDIGEN—SUBSIDIEN sofort, den Rest in redlichen Terminen zu bezahlen,
16761022             er ist um die VERMITTLUNG angegangen worden.
16761022             im andere Fall, hat er rundheraus erklärt, könne er sich auch nicht mehr an die Verträge gebunden erachten.
16761022             muss man 1—BESTIMMTE Erklärung darüber ausstellen.
16761022             wird sich BRANDENBURG zufrieden geben;doch
16761022             —DATUM—HAUPT—QUARTIER zu KRECKOW]
16761022             I  Die Differenz zwischen BRANDENBURG und BRAUNSCHWEIG ist —NUN be1— 16761022             i gelegt.
16761022             Auch DÄNEMARK wünscht sich mit BRAUNSCHWEIG zu VERGLEICHEn, i und er ist um die VERMITTLUNG angegangen worden.
16761022             Wie JACOB—VON—DER—TOCHT vom schreibt, ist DER—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG darüber sehr ungehalten.
16810305—16661022    —VON DER RESOLUTION—VOM, daß sie nicht allein nicht abweichen, sondern auch
16811022             † BENEDETTO—FERRARI, ITALIENISCHER—KOMPONIST, Kapellmeister und Theorbist
16891022             * JOHANN—V—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL
16931022             † MENAHEM—SAMSON—BASILEA, rabbinical author, MANTUA
16971113             [oo eingetragen in STOLBERG 16971022             ]
17071022             † † ? CA—1500—SEELEUTE kommen ums Leben.
17081022             —SPANISCHER—ERBFOLGE—KRIEG
17251022             1. Singspiels Die Hamburger SCHLACHT—ZEIT, oder Der mißgelungene Betrug von REINHARD—KEISER findet am Theater am Gänsemarkt in HAMBURG statt.
17461022             —PRINCETON—UNIVERSITY—IN—NEW—JERSEY—GEGRÜNDET, wurde als COLLEGE—OF—NEW—JERSEY durch JONATHAN—DICKINSON, AARON—BURR und weiteren presbyterianischen Anhängern der Erweckungsbewegung des "Great Awakening" mit Aufsetzung der Gründungscharta.
17461022             —LATER, THE—PRINCETON—UNIVERSITY established 1—REPUTATION for its —SPRING—RITUAL—OF sophomores running naked at midnight —AFTER—THE—1. snowfall.
17461022             —GEGRÜNDET, Das COLLEGE—OF—NEW—JERSEY wird, aus dem sich die PRINCETON—UNIVERSITY entwickelt.
17491022             * CORNELIS—VAN—DER—AA, NIEDERLANDE—BUCHHÄNDLER und Schriftsteller
17541022             * MATTHIAS—OGDEN, Offizier der Kontinentalarmee während des AMERIKANISCHER—UNABHÄNGIGKEITS—KRIEG
17710916             19780916–19781022             Katalog der Ausstellung, Stadtgeschichtliches Museum.
17811022             Les philosophes s'insurgent contre LE—GOUVERNEMENT—DE—MAUREPAS.
17811022             * NAISSANCE—DU 1. DAUPHIN—LOUIS—JOSEPH
17851022             —BEGINNT, DONATIEN—ALPHONSE—FRANÇOIS—DE—SADE, mit der Niederschrift des zum Teil nur skizzenhaften Romans Die —120—TAGE—VON—SODOM, den er in —37—TAGEN fertigstellt.
17871022             † vielleicht deren Schwager: MARTIN—PIUS—FORSTER im 22. J. '), † SCHEVENHÜTTE,
17971022             FRANCE—BALLOONIST—ANDRE—JACQUES—GARNERIN made the 1. parachute descent, landing safely from 1—HEIGHT—OF—CA—3,000—FEET, at SOME—2,200—FEET over PARIS.
17971022             * JAKOB—ADAM, SCHWEIZER—JURIST—POLITIKER, Regierungsrat
17971022             1. Fallschirmsprung von 1—HEISSLUFTBALLON, ABSOLVIERT, Über dem Pariser PARC—MONCEAU, ANDRÉ—JACQUES—GARNERIN 1.
17981022             —AM, stellte GRAF—VON—WESTPHALEN den endgültigen, von Wilmans AM—ANGEGEBENEN—ORT—SEITE—181—ABGEDRUCKTEN Revers über die an ihn nach HILDESHEIM abgelieferten Kleinodien aus.
18021022             † MADELEINE—SOPHIE—ARNOULD, FRANZÖSISCHE—SCHAUSPIELERIN, Sängerin und Salonière
18031022             * ELISABETH—GRUBE, DEUTSCHE—DICHTERIN und Schriftstellerin
18071022             † ELIAS—DAYTON, USA—POLITIKER
18091022             * ITALIENISCHER—KOMPONIST—FEDERICO—RICCI, composer.
18111022             * FRANZ—LISZT, piano virtuoso, Pianist und Komponist, near SOPRON—HUNGARY.
18111022             FRANZ—LISZT was THE—SON—OF—1—STEWARD of the ESTERHAZY—FAMILY.
18121022             † JOEL—BARLOW, nordamerikanischer Dichter, STAATSMANN—POLITISCHER Schriftsteller
18151022             For administrative purposes ASCENSION—ISLAND WAS—TREATED, , as 1—SHIP, THE—HMS—ASCENSION.
18151022             —BELIEVED, SOME—20—MILLION—BIRDS are, to have lived on ASCENSION—ISLAND.
18151022—20000000    —BY, THE—ASCENSION—ISLAND—NUMBER—OF—BIRDS was down to 1—FEW 10.0000—DUE—TO—CATS.
18191022             1. ship, through ERIE—CANAL—PASSED, The  (ROME—UTICA).
18241022—18360000    —IN, DAVY—CROCKETT † at the legendary —SIEGE—OF—THE—ALAMO.
18360317             —DAVID—G—BURNET—interim—PRESIDENT—OF—TEXAS—BECAME, (17880000—18700000    ), and continued to 18361022             . he became 2. VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—OF—TEXAS (18390000—18410000    ), and SECRETARY—OF—STATE (18460000             ) for the new STATE—OF—TEXAS —AFTER it was annexed to THE—USA—OF—AMERICA.
18361022             "am war KARL—MARX immatrikuliert worden.
18361022             Um die akademischen Vorlesungen hat KARL—MARX sich nicht viel gekümmert;
18361022             —INAUGURATED, SAM—HOUSTON was, as the 1. constitutionally elected PRESIDENT—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—OF—TEXAS.
18441022             * LOUIS—RIEL, KANADISCHER—REBELL und Politiker, Führer der Métis
18441022             —ausbleibt, Die von der MILLER—BEWEGUNG erwartete WIEDERKEHR—JESU—CHRISTI .
18441022             —SPÄTER, Enttäuschte MILLER—BEWEGUNG—ANHÄNGER gründen die 7.—TAGS—ADVENTISTEN.
18441023—18441022    —SEE
18451022             * EDMUND—REITTER, DEUTSCHER—ENTOMOLOGE, Sachbuchautor und Kaufmann
18451022             1. KÖNIGREICH—WÜRTTEMBERG—EISENBAHNSTRECKE—ZWISCHEN Cannstatt und Untertürkheim wird eröffnet.
18451022—19230000    * † SARAH—BERNHARDT, legendary stage actress, in PARIS.
18451022—19230000    "Life begets life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that 1—BECOMES rich".
18451022—19230000    19231023             —SEE
18471022             —KRITISIERT, FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, auf 1—SITZUNG der KREIS—BEHÖRDE des BUND—DER—KOMMUNISTEN in PARIS sehr heftig das von M. Hess verfaßte "Glaubensbekenntnis", welches er —DARAUFHIN, neu entwerfen soll.
18471022             —MONTAG—AM, Was die Summen angeht, die wir von der Bank entnahmen, so wären wir nur zu dankbar gewesen —AM—FOLGENDEN—MITTWOCH, hätten wir die Wechsel zurückbekommen können;
18471022             * buren—GENERAL—KOOS—DE—LA—REY,
18471022             † SAHLE—SELASSIE, Meridazmatch und NEGUS—VON—SCHOA
18481022             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—123—KÖLN.
18481022             —AM, ungesetzlich — was bedeutet das noch?
18481022             —AM, OBER—BEFEHLS—HABER—WINDISCH—GRAETZ, den BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTAND offiziell—ausruft
18481022             —AM, WIEN sei "preisgegeben der Willkür 1—HANDVOLL—Verbrecher",
18481022             —AM, REICHS—TAG und der STADT—WIEN Gemeinderat wehren sich und
18481022             Per Dekret DER—KAISER—DEN REICHS—TAG nach Kremsier verlegt,
18481022             Kurzerhand verjagt DER—KAISER—DAS ohnehin schwache PARLAMENT aus WIEN:
18481022             Kremsier 150—KM von der unruhigen HAUPT—STADT—WIEN entfernt.
18481022             —AM, REICHS—TAG und der STADT—WIEN Gemeinderat erklären DIE—BELAGERUNG für UNGESETZLICH—ABER
18481022             —BEDEUTET, UNGESETZLICH—WAS, das noch?
18481022             DIE—RÉFORME" über die Juniinsurrektion
18481022             Die ENGLISCH—FRANZÖSISCHE—VERMITTLUNG in ITALIEN - Der "konstitutionelle Musterstaat"
18481022             1. "Versammlung der DEUTSCHES—BISCHÖFE", BEGINNT, WÜRZBURG, diese Treffen werden später in DEUTSCHE—BISCHOFSKONFERENZ umbenannt.
18481022             † WILHELM—MEYER, SCHWEIZER—OFFIZIER—BÜHNEN—UND Architekturmaler
18591022             † LOUIS (Ludwig) Spohr (75), composer (Faust).
18591022             —DECLARED, SPAIN, WAR—ON—THE—MOORS in MOROCCO.
18591022             * KARL—MUCK, DEUTSCHER—DIRIGENT
18591022             SPANIEN erklärt MAROKKO den Krieg, —NACHDEM RIF—BEWOHNER zuvor mehrmals in die SPANISCHEN—BESITZUNGEN eingefallen sind.
18611022             1. telegraph line linking West & East coasts was completed.
18611022             —NACH nur EINEINHALB—JAHREN Der PONY—EXPRESS wirdeingestellt.
18621022             —TAGES—ORDNUNGS—PUNKTE sollen u. a. sein: Einführung der Gewerbefreiheit, Einführung der Freizügigkeit in ganz DEUTSCHLAND—UND—DE Beratung und Feststellung von Grundstatuten für Assoziationen und für Invalidenkassen DER—ARBEITER.
18621022             —DIE—ARBEITER, die die LONDONer Ausstellung besucht, sich mit den ENGLISCHEN—ARBEITEREINRICHTUNGEN vertraut gemacht haben, werden besonders gebeten, an dem geplanten KONGREß teilzunehmen.
18621022             DIE—DEUTSCHES—ARBEITER werden in 1—AUFRUF—VON—BERLINER ARBEITern zu 1—VOM
18621022             —PUSHED, UNION—TROOPS, 5,000 confederates out of MAYSBILLE—ARKANSAS, at 2. BATTLE—OF—PEA—RIDGE.
18621022             —RECONQUERED, CONFEDERATE—TROOPS, the Cumberland Gap in TENNESSEE.
18641022             sagt Herr BERNAL—OSBORNE daß DIE—ARBEITER—VON—LANCASHIRE wie DIE—ANTIKEN Philosophen (Stoiker)benommen haben sich.
18641022             Nicht wie Schafe?
18651022             * OTTO—ANTOINE, DEUTSCHER—WERBEGRAFIKER und Vedutenmaler
18681022             —PREMIERED, JACQUES—OFFENBACH—OPERA "Genevieve de Brabant,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18701022             * IWAN—BUNIN, RUSSISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Lyriker und Übersetzer, NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER
18751022             —ORGANIZED, SONS—OF—USA—REVOLUTION was.
18751022             * HARRIET—CHALMERS—ADAMS, USA—ENTDECKERIN, Journalistin und Fotografin
18760000—19401022    * † GUY—BAILEY, VERMONT politician and educator.
18771022             Im SCHOTTISCHEN—BLANTYRE (SOUTH—LANARKSHIRE) verlieren bei 1—GRUBENUNGLÜCK im Steinkohlenbergwerk 215—MENSCHEN ihr Leben.
18781022 das "Gesetz GEGEN—DIE—GEMEINGEFÄHRLICHEN Bestrebungen DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE" trat am in Kraft.
18781022 versuchteBISMARK zugleich, ihr durch die Einführung 1—KRANKEN—, Unfall-, Alters—, Invalidenversicherung das Wasser abzugraben.
18781022             WÄHREND BISMARK DIE—ORGANISATIONEN DER—ARBEITER—BEWEGUNG mit repressiven Mitteln unterdrückte,
18801022             * PATÁPIO—SILVA, BRASILIANISCHER—FLÖTIST, Gitarrist und Komponist
18811022             BOSTON Symphony Orchestra gave its 1. concert.
18821022—19450000    * † NC—WYETH, painter.
18821022—19450000    —BECAME, NC—WYETH, famous for his illustrations of "Treasure ISLAND" and "ROBIN—HOOD".
18831022             The original Metropolitan Opera House in NEW—YORK held its grand opening with 1—PERFORMANCE—OF—GOUNOD'S "Faust".
18831022             Die Metropolitan Opera in NEW—YORK—CITY wird mit der Oper Faust (dt.
18831022             Titel Margarete) von CHARLES—GOUNOD eröffnet.
18841022             —RECEIVED, GENERAL—CHARLES—GORDON, 1—LETTER from Mahdi near KHARTOUM.
18841022             UK—GENERAL—CHARLES "Chinese" Gordon was sent to KHARTOUM to evacuate THE—EGYPT—GARRISON.
18841022             —DECIDED, Gordon, to hold the city against El Mahdi.
18850000—19691022    * † GIOVANNI—MARTINELLI, ITALIAN—USA—OPERA—SINGER (NY Met), on his 84. birthday.
18851022             * GIOVANNI—MARTINELLI, opera tenor (NY Met), in MONTAGNANA—ITALY.
18851022             —FORMED, JOHN—WARD and several teammates secretly, the Brotherhood of Professional Base Ball Players, the 1. baseball union.
18851022             —STREIT—ZWISCHEN DEUTSCHLAND und SPANIEN um die Oberhoheit über die Karolinen entscheidet der einvernehmlich als Schiedsrichter fungierende LEO—XIII—PAPA zu Gunsten Spaniens.
18871022             * JOHN—REED, USA—JOURNALIST, poet and revolutionary.
18871022             —WITNESSED, JOHN—REED, THE—RUSSIA—REVOLUTION—OF—19170000              and wrote about it in "—10—DAYS That Shook THE—WORLD".
18890000—19751022    * † ARNOLD—TOYNBEE, ENGLAND—HISTORIAN (1—STUDY—OF—HISTORY) and cultural sociologist.
18911022             * KURT—HICKETHIER, DEUTSCHER—ARZT
18931022—18931028    SPD—PARTEI—TAG—IN—KÖLN—177—DELEGIERTE.
18931022—18931028    TAGES—ORDNUNG, Parteipresse und Agitation mit besonderer Berücksichtung der LAND—AGITATION (P—SINGER);
18931022—18931028    —NACH, 1—LÄNGEREN Diskussion, in der sich —AUGUST—BEBEL sehr skeptisch über die weitere ENTWICKLUNG—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTS—BEWEGUNG äußert,
18931022—18931028    Bei REICHS—TAGS-, LAND—TAGS—, Gemeinderatswahlen dürfen keinerlei Kompromisse mit den BÜRGER—PARTEIEN eingegangen werden.
18931022—18931028    DER—SPD—PARTEI—VORSTAND wird wieder gewählt.
18931022—18931028    Von 184—GÜLTIGE—STIMMEN erhalten: —AUGUST—BEBEL und P—SINGER 183, I. Auer 170, R. Fischer 158—UND A. Gerisch 184. Kontrolleure werden H. Meister (156), W. Klees (136), F. HERBERT (98), C. OERTEL (96), A. Kaden (95), K. Meist (94) und H. Koenen (89—STIMMEN).
18931022—18931028    DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTS—BEWEGUNG und ihre Unterstützung durch DIE—PARTEI—GENOSSEN (C, Legien und I. Auer);
18931022—18931028    DIE—PARTEI—, GEWERKSCHAFT—MITGLIEDER sollen ihre PARTEI—PFLICHT nicht durch die Zugehörigkeit zu Landsmannschaften oder Mitgliedschaften in sogenannten Vergnügungsvereinen, Klubs usw. vernachlässigen.
18931022—18931028    Da das 3—KLASSEN—WAHL—RECHT es DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE unmöglich mache, sich mit Aussicht auf Erfolg an den Wahlen zum PREUSSISCHEN—LAND—TAG zu beteiligen,
18931022—18931028    erklärt —DER—PARTEI—TAG seine Sympathie mit der GEWERKSCHAFTS—BEWEGUNG und legt den PARTEI—GENOSSEN von neuem DIE—PFLICHT auf, mit aller Kraft für deren Stärkung einzutreten.
18931022—18931028    werden DIE—PARTEI—GENOSSEN in PREUßEN verpflichtet, sich JEDER—WAHL—BETEILIGUNG unter dem bestehenden WAHL—SYSTEM zu enthalten.
18931022—18931028    Der BESCHLUß—GEGEN—DEN ANTI—SEMITISMUS wird bestätigt.
18931022—18931028    —LAUT—DEM—BERICHT—DES—PARTEI—VORSTANDES wurden —SEIT—DEM—ENDE— SOZIALISTEN—GESETZES wegen "Vergehen und Verbrechen", die im engsten Zusammenhang mit der politischen oder gewerkschaftlichen ARBEITER—BEWEGUNG stehen, von den DEUTSCHES—GERICHTEN —293—JAHRE und —5—TAGE Freiheits—, 70772,20—MARK—GELD—STRAFEN ausgesprochen.
18951022             —PREMIERED, DAVID—BELASCO'S "Heart of MARYLAND,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18951022             Bei 1—SPEKTAKULÄREN—ZUGUNGLÜCK im Bahnhof Montparnasse in PARIS kommt 1—FRAU ums Leben, 6—WEITERE Personen werden verletzt.
18961022             * CHARLES—GLENN—KING, biochemist.
18961022             —DISCOVERED, CHARLES—GLENN—KING —LATER, vitamin C.
18961022             * OSCAR—L—CHAPMAN, USA—POLITIKER, Innenminister
18971022             THE—WORLD'S 1. car dealer began business in LONDON.
19011022             * CHARLES—HUGGINS, USA—PHYSICIAN, in CANADA.
19011022             CANADA, the A.J. Goddard, 1—YUKON—RIVER—STERN—WHEELER, sank —DURING —1—WINTER—STORM in Lake Laberge, 40—MILES—NORTH—OF—WHITEHORSE.
19011022             3—MEN perished in the sinking, but 2 survived.
19011022—18970000    —WINTER—OF, It had been disassembled and carried it thought the narrow White Pass in the.
19011022—20080000    —IN, archeologists found evidence of the ship.
19011022—20090000    —IN, divers found THE—REMAINS—OF—THE—VESSEL.
19031022             * GEORGE—BEADLE, USA—BIOLOGIST.
19041022             —FIRED, THE—RUSSIA—BALTIC fleet mistakenly, on UK—FISHING ships near Dogger Bank killing 2—FISHERMEN.
19041022             The fleet was in FEAR—OF—JAPAN—TORPEDO boats.
19041022             —KURZ—NACH—MITTERNACHT, beschießt die RUSSISCHE—FLOTTE auf dem Weg zu den Kampfstätten des RUSSISCH—JAPANISCHEN—KRIEG bei der Doggerbank in der Nordsee ENGLISCHE—FISCHERBOOTE, die sie für JAPANISCHE—TORPEDOBOOTE hält.
19041022             Die Beziehungen zwischen GROSSBRITANNIEN und RUSSLAND werden durch den DOGGERBANK—ZWISCHENFALL schwer belastet.
19041022             1. DEUTSCHE—BOULEVARD—ZEITUNG, B.Z. —AM—MITTAG erscheint in BERLIN die im Straßenverkauf.
19061022             * SIDNEY—KINGSLEY, USA—PLAYWRIGHT (1 in White, Darkness at —NOON).
19061022—20120000    —AUTHORED, ALEX—DANCHEV, "Cezanne: 1—LIFE".
19071022             —CLAIMED, Years —LATER, MAXWELL—HOUSE, that ROOSEVELT had praised 1—CUP—OF—ITS—COFFEE —DURING this visit by saying it was "good to the last drop".
19071022             THE—5—RINGLING brothers of BARABOO—WISCONSIN, bought out Barnum & BAILEY—CIRCUS to form the Greatest Show on Earth.
19071022             * EMILIE—SCHINDLER oo OSKAR—SCHINDLER, Gerechte unter den Völkern
19090000—19941022    * † Rollo May, founder (Humanistic Psychology Movement).
19091022             —AM, STREIKen 8.000—BERG—ARBEITER In MANSFELD auf allen Schächten.
19091022             —AM, MILITÄR wird in das BERG—ARBEITER—STREIK—GEBIET In MANSFELD geschickt.
19111022             Im Reichsland ELSAß—LOTHRINGEN findet die Wahl zum neu eingerichteten LANDTAG statt.
19130330—20021022    d. RICHARD—HELMS—AS 1—COMMENTATOR pointed out at...
19131003             (See 19141022             ) (Schlesinger I)
19131022             Auch Schröter schreibt mir unterm.., daß ihm kein weiterer Fund der zweizeiligen Gerste bekannt sei.
19131022             * BO—DAI, last EMPEROR—OF—VIETNAM.
19131022             —KILLED, Coal mine explosion, 263 at DAWSON—NEW—MEXICO.
19131022             Auch Schröter schreibt mir unterm.
19131022             daß ihm kein weiterer Fund der zweizeiligen Gerste bekannt sei.
19141022             —PLACED, THE—USA, economic support behind Allies.
19141022             THE—REVENUE—ACT passes THE—USA—CONGRESS.
19141022             It imposes the 1. income tax on incomes over $3,000 to offset loss of tariff money brought about through enactment of THE—UNDERWOOD—SIMMONS Act of 19130000             .
19141022             (See 19131003             ) (Schlesinger I)
19141022             THE—USA—FORMALLY withdraws its demand that BRITAIN keep to THE—LETTER—OF—THE—DECLARATION—OF—LONDON and cease confiscating AMERICA—CARGOES.
19141022             THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—ARE —NOW willingly paying for the confiscated goods, and Americans are making 1—GOOD—PROFITS without LOSS—OF—LIFE to their crews.
19141022             THEREAFTER—BRITAIN contains THE—GERMANY—FLEET in harbor and dries to 1—TRICKLE the flow of goods to THE—CENTRAL—POWERS.
19141022             —FORCED, Smarting under the impact of the blockade, GERMANY is, to increase its U—BOAT—ACTIVITY.
19151022             † PETER—JOSEPH—FRÜH, DEUTSCHER—BIERBRAUER und Brauereibesitzer
19171022             LEOPOLD—STOKOWSKI led PHILADELPHIA Orchestra in its 1. recording.
19171022             with the aim of seizing power.
19171022             nach russischem Kalender Im Vorfeld der Oktoberrevolution übernimmt das Militärrevolutionäre Komitee des Petrograder Sowjets unter Führung LEO—TROTZKIS die Befehlsgewalt über die Garnisonen der RUSSISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT.
19171022             Lenin secretly returns from FINLAND.
19171022             —AFTER giving his instructions to the Bolsheviks at 1—SECRET—SESSION—OF—THE—BOLSHEVIK CENTRAL—COMMITTEE, he once again goes into hiding.
19180000—19941022    * † HAROLD—HORACE—HOPKINS, inventor (Endoscope).
19181022             FRIEDRICH—EBERT "vor der Nation und
19181022             FRIEDRICH—EBERT "so wäre uns DAS—RECHTFERTIGUNG und Genugtuung genug.
19181022             FRIEDRICH—EBERT "so hätten wir unverantwortlich gehandelt".
19181022             FRIEDRICH—EBERT "nie und nimmer zu verantworten.
19181022             FRIEDRICH—EBERT "nicht zuletzt vor DER—ARBEITER—KLASSE
19181022             FRIEDRICH—EBERT "in der Schicksalsstunde des DEUTSCHES—VOLKES wäre 1—SOLCHE —POLITIK vor der GESCHICHTE,
19181022             FRIEDRICH—EBERT "Wir wissen, was wir mit unserem Schritt gewagt haben.
19181022             FRIEDRICH—EBERT "Wir sind in DIE—REGIERUNG hineingegangen, weil es —HEUTE um das ganze VOLK, um seine ZUKUNFT, um Sein oder Nichtsein geht.
19181022             FRIEDRICH—EBERT "Gewiß, es wäre bequemer für uns, draußen zu stehen und unsere Hände in Unschuld zu waschen.
19181022             Aber - FRIEDRICH—EBERT "Gelingt es uns aber, die Schauer des Krieges auch nur um EINIGE—TAGE zu verkürzen und dadurch 10tausenden das Leben zu retten,
19181022             FRIEDRICH—EBERT erläutert im REICHS—TAG die Gründe für den Eintritt in DIE—REGIERUNG:
19181022             The cities of BALTIMORE and WASHINGTON ran out of coffins —DURING—THE "SPAIN—INFLUENZA" epidemic.
19181022             Aber - FRIEDRICH—EBERT "Hätten wir durch Verweigerung unserer MIT—ARBEIT auch nur den Schimmer 1—FRIEDENS—MÖGLICHKEIT vernichtet,
19191022             * DORIS—LESSING, novelist.
19191022             Die RICHARD—STRAUSS—OPER Die Frau ohne Schatten hat in DRESDEN Premiere.
19191022—20010000    † CAROLE—KLEIN , 67—jahre—alt —LATER authored "Doris Lessing: 1—BIOGRAPHY".
19201022             * TIMOTHY—LEARY, USA—PSYCHOLOGIST who experimented with psychedelic drugs.
19221022             Parsifal—Place was laid out in Bronx.
19221022             Parsifal—Place—NAMED, was, —AFTER 1—KNIGHT in WAGNER—OPERA.
19221022             Die BENEDIKTINER—ABTEI—S—MATTHIAS—Trier wird wieder als Abtei geweiht und von BENEDIKTINER—MÖNCHEN bezogen.
19251022             * ROBERT—RAUSCHENBERG, pop—artist.
19260000—20091022    * † Soupy Sales, TV personality born as Milton Supman, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19270000—20191022    * † Sadako—Ogata, LEADER—OF—THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY 19910000—20000000    —FROM—TO.
19291022             * DORY—PREVIN, pop singer (Love Be My Cover), in RAHWAY—NEW—JERSEY.
19291022             THE—PRESIDENT—OF—NEW—YORK—NATIONAL—CITY—BANK—STATES, " I know of nothing fundamentally wrong with the stock market or with the underlying business and credit structure".
19291022             Nevertheless, there have been heavy WITHDRAWALS—OF—CAPITAL—FROM—AMERICA—AFTER THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND raised its interest to 6.5—PERCENT.
19301022             1. BBC—Symphony—Orchestra—concert was led by ADRIAN—BOULT.
19321022             —PREMIERED, GEORGE—KAUFMAN'S and Edna Ferber's "Dinner at 8,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19341022             † BANK—ROBBER—CHARLES "Pretty Boy" Floyd (30) was shot to death by FEDERAL—AGENTS at a farm in EAST—LIVERPOOL, OHIO.
19341022             HERMANN—GOERING, speaking in HITLER—NAME, offers to guarantee ALL—OF—ROMANIA—BORDERS, including those ROMANIA—BORDEr—with—RUSSIA and ROMANIA—BORDER—with—HUNGARY, and to completely rearm ROMANIA with modern weapons, if it will pledge to oppose ANY—ATTEMPT by SOVIET—TROOPS to cross ROMANIA—TERRITORY.
19341022             NICOLAE—TITULESCU, THE—ROMANIA—PRIME—MINISTER, however, had previously promised the French and Czechoslovaks to allow the Soviets to cross ROMANIA in CASE—OF—WAR.
19341022             Titulescu then attempts to conceal GOERING—OFFER from his ministry and THE—ROMANIA—GOVERNMENT.
19361022             Das Solinger Gleisdreieck an KÖLNER—STRASSE/UFERGARTEN wird offiziell in GRAF—WILHELM—PLATZUMBENANNT
19361022             BELGIUM declares martial law to combat Rexist violence.
19361022—19361025    SPAIN—REPUBLICANS (Socialists) transfer SPAIN—GOLD—reserves to THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19361022—19361025    (Edelheit)
19381022             * CHRISTOPHER—LLOYD, actor (Taxi, Back to the Future), in STAMFORD—COUNTY.
19381022             1. successful test of their photocopier at Astoria, Queens, NEW—YORK—CIT, PERFORMED, CHESTER—CARLSON and OTTO—KORNEI, the .
19381022             CHESTER—CARLSON and OTTO—KORNEI used, INK—POWDER and 1—ELECTRICAL—CHARGE to create the 1. photocopy.
19381022             The reproduced page said: "19381028—Astoria".
19381022             —TRIED, CHESTER—CARLSON, to sell the PHOTOCOPIER—MACHINE to IBM, RCA, Kodak and others, but they were not impressed.
19381022             1. Herstellung 1—FOTOKOPIE 1—SCHRIFTVORLAGE gelingt CHESTER—CARLSON in 1—LABOR in der Nähe von NEW—YORK.
19390000—20121022    * † OGLALA—SIOUX—LEADER—RUSSELL—MEANS, of 19730000             —THE—OCCUPATION—OF—WOUNDED—KNEE—SD, at his ranch in PORCUPINE—SD.
19401022             —WAGNER—BÜRCKEL—AKTION, werden über 6.000—DEUTSCHE—JUDEN von den NAZIS in das LAGER—CAMP—DE—GURS—FRANKREICH deportiert.
19401022             —NACH der Kollision mit 1—FRACHTSCHIFF sinkt der KANADISCHE—ZERSTÖRER—MARGAREE im NORD—ATLANTIK.
19401022             † † ? 140—MENSCHEN.
19401022             THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT deports MORE—THAN—15,000—GERMANY—JEWS from THE—RHEINLAND to several internment camps in FRANCE, at the foot of THE—PYRENEES.
19401022             Conditions in the camps, result in the deaths of nearly 2,000 deportees.
19401022             (Atlas) - ARCHIVES—DES—BOACHES—DU—RHÔNE Moiilmajoiir.
19401022             Dans la Icttri- du -12911022             ').
19401022—19080000    —ELECTED, He was, SECRETARY—OF—STATE and
19401022—19170800    —IN, was reelected 4—TIMES—UNTIL resigning.
19401022—19190800    —APPOINTED, Bailey was, acting PRESIDENT—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—VERMONT.
19401022—19200600    —IN, he became PRESIDENT, and held this position —UNTIL—HIS—DEATH.
19401022—20180000    —IN, his name was REMOVED—FROM—THE—SCHOOL—LIBRARY in BURLINGTON because of his support in research for the eugenics movement of the 1920s and 1930s that helped lead to sterilizations.
19411022             —EXECUTED, GUY—MOQUET, 17—jahre—alt was, by 1—GERMANY—FIRING squad, 1—OF—DOZENS—OF—COMMUNISTS condemned by 1—OFFICIAL in FRANCE—COLLABORATIONIST—VICHY regime in reprisal for THE—MURDER—OF—1—GERMANY—OFFICER.
19411022—19411023    SOME—39,000 [20,000] Jews KILLED—WERE by ROMANIA—TROOPS over —2—DAYS in Odessa.
19411022—19411023    —BURNED, MANY—OF—THEM were, to death in 1—PUBLIC—SQUARE or in warehouses that were locked shut.
19411022—19411023    —KILLED, SOME—39,000—JEWS were, by ROMANIA—TROOPS over —2—DAYS in Odessa.
19411022—19411023    —KILLED, Altogether SOME—90,000—JEWS were, in ODESSA.
19411025             [see 19411022—19411023    ]
19421022             1. SHIPS—OF—INVASION fleet for ORAN (ALGERIA) left SCOTLAND.
19431022             * CATHERINE—DENEUVE, [Dorleac], actress (Repulsion, Hunger), in PARIS.
19431022             * WOLFGANG—THIERSE, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Mitglied der Volkskammer, MdB, BUNDESTAGS—PRÄSIDENT
19441022—19441025    —BISHER, größten SEE—SCHLACHT der Geschichte besiegt DIE—USA—MARINE die JAPANISCHE—FLOTTE im Golf von LEYTE—PHILIPPINEN
19451022             —CREATED, USA—SECRETARY—OF—WAR—ROBERT—PATTERSON, the Lovett Committee, chaired by ROBERT—A—LOVETT [LRA18], to advise THE—GOVERNMENT on THE—POST—WWII.
19451022             The new agency would 'consult' with the armed forces, but it must be the sole collecting agency in the field of foreign espionage + counterespionage.
19451022             The new agency should have 1—INDEPENDENT—BUDGET + its appropriations should be granted by Congress without public hearings.
19461022             2—UK—SHIPS sank near ALBANIA.
19461022             UK—DESTROYERS hit mines off ALBANIA—COAST.
19461022             Aus der SOVIET—BESATZUNGSZONE werden CA—2.100—WISSENSCHAFTLER—SPEZIALISTEN zusammen mit ihren Familien zu Reparationsleistungen in DIE—SOWJETUNION gebracht (Aktion Ossawakim).
19471022             1. KASCHMIR—KRIEGE, Von PAKISTAN aus dringen paschtunische STAMMES—KRIEGER in das sowohl von PAKISTAN als auch von INDIEN beanspruchte Fürstentum Kaschmir ein.
19481022             WALTER—ULBRICHT erklärt die ODER—NEIßE—GRENZE zwischen DEUTSCHLAND und POLEN als endgültig.
19501022             LEIPZIG, wird DIE—DEUTSCHE—HOCHSCHULE für Körperkultur (DHfK) gegründet.
19511022             1—EARTHQUAKE hit FORMOSA and 100—PEOPLE KILLED—WERE.
19531022             —GAINED, LAOS, full INDEPENDENCE—FROM—FRANCE.
19531022             SISAVANG—VONG—KÖNIG—VON—LAOS ruft einseitig die vollständige Unabhängigkeit des Landes von FRANKREICH aus.
19541022             The country had no standing army.
19551022             The prototype of the F—105—THUNDER CHIEF made its maiden flight.
19551022             REPUBLIC—AIRCRAFT—F 105—THUNDERCHIEF, better known as the 'Thud,' was THE—AIR—FORCE—WAR—HORSE in VIETNAM.
19571022             FRANÇOIS—DUVALIER tritt sein Amt als PRÄSIDENT—HAITIS an;
19571022             FRANÇOIS—DUVALIER wird das Land zunehmend diktatorisch —BIS zu seinem Lebensende regieren.
19591022             —PREMIERED, BOB—MERRILL—MUSICAL "Take me Along,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19591022             Der ANTI—KRIEGSFILM Die Brücke von BERNHARD—WICKI wird uraufgeführt.
19591022             Der Kontakt mit der SOVIET—MONDSONDE LUNIK—3, REISST ab.
19611022             Im DEUTSCHES—FERNSEHEN (ARD) wird die 1. Sendung von Musik aus Studio B mit CHRIS—HOWLAND als Schallplattenmoderator ausgestrahlt.
19621022             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—JOHN—F—KENNEDY, that missile bases had been discovered in CUBA and they had the potential to attack THE—USA with nuclear warheads.
19621022             —ORDERED, Kennedy, 1—NAVAL and air blockade on further SHIPMENT—OF—MILITARY—EQUIPMENT to CUBA.
19621022             —AGREED, THE—RUSSIANS had previously, not to bring new offensive weapons into CUBA, but —AFTER hearing KENNEDY—ANNOUNCEMENT, SOVIET—PREMIER—NIKITA—KHRUSHCHEV refused to cooperate with the quarantine.
19621022             1. Oper L'opéra d'Aran (Die Oper von der INSEL—ARAN) von GILBERT Bécaud erfolgt in PARIS.
19621022             In der Sowjetunion wird OBERST—OLEG—PENKOWSKI wegen Spionage für DIE—USA und GROSSBRITANNIEN verhaftet.
19621022—19621028    —THREATENED, —FOLLOWING 1—CONFRONTATION that, nuclear war, Kennedy and Khrushchev agree on 1—FORMULA to end the crisis.
19621022—19621028    —FOLLOWING 1—CONFRONTATION that, —THREATENED nuclear war, KENNEDY and KHRUSHCHEV agree on 1—FORMULA to end the crisis.
19621022—19621102    —REPORTED, Kennedy, that SOVIET—MISSILE—BASES in CUBA are being dismantled.
19631022             * BRIAN—BOITANO, figure skater (OLYMPIC—GOLD—1988), in Mountain VIEW—CALIFORNIA.
19631022             225,000 students boycotted CHICAGO schools in 1—FREEDOM—DAY—PROTEST.
19631022             —FOUNDED, BRITAIN's "National Theatre Company,", under LAURENCE—OLIVIER, opened with Hamlet.
19631022             Die Mitgliedsstaaten im Rat für gegenseitige WIRTSCHAFTS—HILFE führen in 1—ABKOMMEN den Transferrubel als Rechnungswährung ein.
19631022—20170000    —AUTHORED, NICHOLAS—HYTNER, "Balancing Acts: Behind the Scenes at THE—NATIONAL—THEATER".
19641022             JEAN—PAUL—SARTRE (19050000—19800000    ), FRANCE—PHILOSOPH—NOVELIST, declined THE—NOBEL—PRIZE—FOR—LITERATURE.
19641022             —REJECTED, EMI, 1—AUDITION by "High Numbers," 1—GROUP that went on to become "THE—WHO".
19641022             JEAN—PAUL—SARTRE lehnt den ihm zuerkannten LITERATURNOBEL—PREIS ab.
19651022             † PAUL—TILLICH, GERMAN—USA Theologian (Courage To Be).
19661022             —LAUNCHED, THE—SOVIET—UNION, Luna 12 for orbit —AROUND the moon.
19681022             —SIGNED,USA—PRESIDENT—LYNDON—JOHNSON, the Gun Control Act of 19680000             .
19681022             It regulated firearms above.50-caliber as destructive devices and required registration and owner's fingerprints.
19681022             —BANNED, It also, the sale of handguns to those under 21. Enforcement was up to THE—BUREAU—OF—ALCOHOL, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF).
19681022             It barred THE—IMPORT—OF—ASSAULT—WEAPONS even if they were reconfigured if they were not found to have legitimate "sporting purposes".
19681022             —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—KENNEDY and KING—ASSASSINATIONS—THE—USA—CONGRESS expanded gun ownership prohibitions to include dishonorably discharged veterans and other groups.
19681022             —RETURNED, Apollo 7, safely, splashing down in the Atlantic Ocean.
19681022             Mit dem Gun Control Act unterzeichnet USA—PRÄSIDENT—LYNDON—B—JOHNSON 1—DER bedeutendsten Waffenkontrollgesetze auf Bundesebene in den USA.
19681022             —NACH 163—ERDUMKREISUNGEN wassert APOLLO—7, MIT den Astronauten WALTER—SCHIRRA, Donn Eisele und WALTER—CUNNINGHAM an Bord sicher im Atlantik.
19691022             Led Zeppelin II, das 2. Album von Led Zeppelin, wird veröffentlicht.
19701022             Bei 1—VON der CIA gesteuerten Anschlag wird der OBERBEFEHL—HABER—DER CHILENISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE, RENÉ—SCHNEIDER, schwer verwundet.
19701022             † RENÉ—SCHNEIDER, stirbt —3—TAGE—SPÄTER im Krankenhaus.
19711022             —VERSUCH, das RAF—MITGLIED MARGRIT—SCHILLER festzunehmen, wird DER—DEUTSCHE—POLIZIST—NORBERT—SCHMID, vermutlich durch GERHARD—MÜLLER, erschossen.
19721022             USA—WARPLANES flew 40,000 sorties and dropped over 125,000—TONS—OF—BOMBS—DURING—THE bombing campaign which effectively disrupted NORTH—VIETNAM—EASTER—OFFENSIVE.
19721022             —SUFFERED, —DURING—THE failed offensive, the North, 1 estimated 100,000 military casualties and lost half its tanks and artillery.
19721022             Leader of the offensive, legendary GENERAL—VO—NGUYEN—GIAP, the victor at DIEN—BIEN—PHU, was then quietly ousted in favor of his deputy GENERAL—VAN—TIEN—DUNG.
19721022             † 40,000—SOUTH—VIETNAM—SOLDIERS, stopping the offensive, in the heaviest fighting of the entire war.
19721022             THE—OAKLAND—ATHLETICS beat THE—CINCINNATI—REDS 3-2 in a 7. game to win THE—WORLD Series, bringing home the 1. BAY—AREA—BASEBALL world championship.
19731022             —RECONQUERED, ISRAEL—TROOPS, MOUNT—HERMON from Syria.
19731022             —CALLED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION—338, for 1—CEASE fire to the Yom Kippur War.
19731022             Der Sicherheitsrat der VEREINTE—NATIONEN ruft in der Resolution 338—ALLE—BETEILIGTEN—DES—JOM—KIPPUR—KRIEG auf, die Kampfhandlungen einzustellen.
19731022             An der Nordfront zwischen ISRAEL und SYRIEN tritt 1—WAFFENSTILLSTAND in Kraft.
19751022             —PROCEED, He held that civilizations, from bondage to spiritual faith, then to courage, then to liberty, then to abundance, then to selfishness, then to apathy, then to dependency and then back to bondage.
19751022             Die sowjetische Raumsonde Venera 9, LANDET auf dem PLANETE—VENUS und übermittelt 1. BILDER—VON—DER—OBERFLÄCHE—DES—PLANETEN.
19761022             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—FORD, S. 3091, THE—NATIONAL—FOREST—MANAGEMENT—ACT—OF—19760000             .
19771022             —OPENED, WEST—VIRGINIA, the New River Gorge Bridge was, to traffic.
19780916—19781022    Frommer Reichtum in DÜSSELDORF, Kirchenschätze aus —10—JAHRHUNDERTEN.
19780916—19781022    Frommer Reichtum in DÜSSELDORF.
19780916—19781022    Kirchenschätze aus —10—JAHRHUNDERTEN.
19781022             —AM, —SEIT—450—JAHREN, JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA, der 1.Nichtitaliener auf dem Papstthron.
19781022             — auf JOHANNES—PAUL—I—PAPA folgte
19781022             —ARRESTED, LAUGH—IN—JUDY—CARNE was, at Gatwick Airport for drug possession.
19781022             —ANNOUNCED, Negotiators for EGYPT and ISRAEL, in WASHINGTON they had reached tentative agreement on the main points of 1—PEACE—TREATY.
19781022             —INTHRONISIERT, JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA wird als PAPA
19791022             —ALLOWED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, the deposed Shah of IRAN to travel to NEW—YORK for medical treatment.
19791022             —PRECIPITATED, This decision, THE—IRAN hostage crisis.
19791022             Die Felskirchen von Iwanowo in BULGARIEN werden von der UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt.
19810000             erreichten Roxy Music mit ihrer VERSION—DES—JOHN—LENNON—SONGS Jealous GUY—PLATZ 1—DER BRITISCHEN—CHARTS.
19821022             In den USA kommt der Film 1. Blood (Rambo) in die Kinos.
19821022—20100000    —AUTHORED, NIALL—FERGUSON, "High Financier: THE—LIVES and Time of SIEGMUND—WARBURG".
19831000             neu Menschenkette STUTTGART—NEU—ULM, 19831022             -,
19831022             Untertürkheim - - Menschenkette von STUTTGART...
19831022             Über 1—MILLION—MENSCHEN versammeln sich in HAMBURG, WEST—BERLIN, BONN und bilden 1 108—KM lange Menschenkette von STUTTGART nach NEU—ULM, um für Frieden und Abrüstung und gegen die Stationierung neuer atomarer Mittelstreckenraketen im Zuge des NATO—DOPPELBESCHLUSSES zu demonstrieren.
19831022             Es ist der Höhepunkt der westdeutschen FRIEDENS—BEWEGUNG.
19831022             (siehe auch: HEIßER—HERBST).
19831126             —CONVICTED, Graham was, 20020820             , and SENTENCED—TO—DEATH 19831022             .
19851022             Im ZDF wird die 1. Folge der Serie Die Schwarzwaldklinik ausgestrahlt.
19861022             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—REAGAN, into law THE—USA—TAX—REFORM—ACT, also known as the Tax Reform Act of 19850000             .
19861022             —SIMPLIFIED, It flattened rates, rules and removed countless loopholes.
19861022             —HELPED, It closed 1—LOOPHOLE which had, wealthy families shield assets by designating inheritance past 1—GENERATION.
19861022             The top marginal rate was cut from 50% to 28%.
19861022             The tax law made it possible to slice up MORTGAGE—BACKED securities.
19861022             THE—,—5—YEARS—FOLLOWING the Tax Reform Act of 19860000             , 5,400 changes were made in the tax law.
19861022             † IN—NEW—YORK—CITY—JANE—DORNACKER, 40—jahre—alt, comedian, musician and traffic reporter, —AFTER her helicopter crashed into the Hudson River.
19861022             Im SOLANGE—II—BESCHLUSS erkennt das BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT 1—AUSREICHENDEN Schutz der Grundrechte durch den Europäischen GERICHTS—HOF an.
19861022             Dies wirkt sich auf die Zulässigkeit von Verfassungsbeschwerden in DEUTSCHLAND aus.
19861022—19370000    —IN, He received THE—NOBEL—PRIZE—FOR—DISCOVERING VITAMIN—C and the biochemical steps of catalysis of the fumaric acid in the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
19861022—19850000    —MOVED, IN—NEW—YORK—CITY—JANE—DORNACKER had, to NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER established 1—REPUTATION in THE—SF—BAY—AREA where her activities included performing with her band "Leila and the Snakes".
19871022             —AWARDED, NOBEL—PRIZE—FOR—LITERATURE was, to JOSEPH—BRODSKY (19400000—19960000    ).
19871022             At 1—INTERVIEW in THE—STOCKHOLM airport, to 1—QUESTION: "You are 1—USA—CITIZEN who is receiving THE—PRIZE—FOR—RUSSIAN—LANGUAGE poetry. Who are you, 1—AMERICAN or 1—RUSSIAN?" He responded: "I am Jewish".
19871022             In 1—BID to calm the recent frenzy in THE—WORLD'S financial markets, USA—PRESIDENT—REAGAN said he would be MEETING—WITH—CONGRESS—LEADERS to negotiate ways of reducing the budget deficit.
19871022             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—USA—NAVY, that it had deployed 5—DOLPHINS to THE—PERSIA—GULF to search for IRAN—MINES.
19871022             An der HOUSTON Grand OPERA—TEXAS, findet die Uraufführung von JOHN—ADAMS'—OPER—NIXON in CHINA statt.
19881022             —ADJOURNED, The 100. Congress, in 1—EARLY —MORNING session that produced sweeping legislation to combat drug abuse in AMERICA.
19881022             SUPREME—COUNTY Justice SANDRA—DAY—O'CONNOR—OK —AFTER breast cancer surgery.
19881022             HURRICANE—JOAN hit NICARAGUA and killed 148—PEOPLE.
19881022             —CAUSED, HURRICANE—JOAN, 216—DEATHS in the Caribbean or CENTRAL—AMERICA.
19881022             The storm hit COLOMBIA, COSTA—RICA, NICARAGUA, PANAMA, and VENEZUELA.
19891022             —ATTENDED, SURVIVORS—OF—THE—NORTH—CALIFORNIA earthquake, church services as the cleanup and recovery efforts continued.
19891022             —OCCUPIED, Khmer Rouge, Pailin in CAMBODIA.
19891022             —AGREED, THE—LEBANON—PARLIAMENT, on 1—POWER—SHARING formula between Christians and Muslims that ended CIVIL—WAR —1—YEAR—LATER.
19891022—19750000    —SEIT, Das im SAUDI—ARABISCHEN Taif verabschiedete Abkommen zur politischen Neuordnung Libanons leitet das ENDE—DES—ANDAUERNDEN—BÜRGER—KRIEGS ein.
19901022             TURKMENISTAN erklärt seine Souveränität von der aufgelösten Sowjetunion.
19911022             —ANNOUNCED, GENERAL—MOTORS, a —9—MONTH—LOSS—OF $2.2—BILLION.
19911022             BARTHOLOMÄUSA—I. wird von den 12—METROPOLITEN der Heiligen Synode zum ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KONSTANTINOPEL und Ökumenischen Patriarchen gewählt.
19921022             —OPENED, WENDY—WASSERSTEIN'S "Sisters Rosensweig,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19921022             THE—ATLANTA—BRAVES beat THE—TORONTO—BLUE—JAYS, 7-2, in game 5—OF—THE—WORLD—SERIES.
19921022             —LAUNCHED, THE—SPACE—SHUTTLE—COLUMBIA was, on a —10—DAY—MISSION that included deployment of 1—ITALIEN—SATELLITE.
19921022             † RED—BARBER, 84—jahre—alt, sportscaster (Dodgers, Yankees).
19921022             † CLEAVON—LITTLE, 53—jahre—alt, actor (Blazing Saddles).
19931022             1—JUDGE—IN—WEST—PALM—BEACH, FLORIDA, sentenced 2—WHITE—MEN to life in prison for setting 1—BLACK—TOURIST on fire.
19941022             USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, campaigning in S—FRANCISCO for CALIFORNIA Democrats, demanded that schools expel GUN—TOTING students;
19941022             he —EARLIER accused Republicans of plotting to gut his education package.
19941022             (That's CA—7,000—PEOPLE—PER—DAY).
19951022             USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, campaigning in S—FRANCISCO for CALIFORNIA Democrats, demanded that schools expel GUN—TOTING students —AFTER—EARLIER accusing Republicans of plotting to gut his education package.
19951022             —MARKED, The largest GATHERING—OF—WORLD—LEADERS in history, the 50. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
19951022             † SIR—KINGSLEY—AMIS, 73—jahre—alt, UK—WRITER, in LONDON.
19951022             —INCLUDED, SIR—KINGSLEY—AMIS—25—NOVELS, "Lucky Jim" (19540000             ) and "THE—GREEN—MAN" (19690000             ).
19960000             Topics: Federal (USA) Government, Government, Government, Military, 19960911             & Beyond Last updated
19961021—19961022    —COVERED, Firestorms, 35,000 acres in Malibu and S—DIEGO—COUNTY and destroyed MORE—THAN—60—HOMES.
19961021—19961022    —REPORTED, Another fire in the Los Padres National Forest was, 60% contained.
19961022             THE—NEW—YORK Yankees won their 1. GAME—OF—THE—WORLD—SERIES, defeating THE—ATLANTA—BRAVES 5-2 in game 3.
19961022             —SETTLED, GENERAL—MOTORS, a —3—WEEK—STRIKE with its workers in CANADA, resolving 1—WALKOUT that had idled MORE—THAN—46,000—WORKERS across NORTH—AMERICA.
19961022             —RUPTURED, Floodwaters in PORTLAND—MAINE, 1—PIPELINE and left SOME—120,000—PEOPLE without drinking water.
19961022             —DUMPED, AT—LEAST—7—PEOPLE † in the weekend storm that, as much as 18—INCHES in SOME—PLACES.
19961022             —DRAFTED, ALGERIA, 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION was, that would ban ISLAM—MILITANTS from seeking power.
19961022             —POSTPONED, BOSNIA, municipal elections were, till the —SPRING because BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS clung to their decision to boycott the vote.
19961022             —UPROOTED, It said that 3—MILLION—CANADA—DESCENDANTS—OF—80,000, loyalists from THE—TIME—OF—THE—USA—REVOLUTION have 1—RIGHT to compensation for their confiscated property.
19961022             —KILLED, QUITO—ECUADOR, 34—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—FLAMING—BOEING 707—CARGO jet plane sliced through DOZENS—OF—HOMES—MINUTES—AFTER takeoff from ECUADOR—MANTA airport.
19961022             It struck the bell tower of the La Dolorosa Church and burst into flames [and 25—PEOPLE KILLED—WERE].
19961022             —ARRESTED, JAPAN, prosecutors, Yasuo Hamanaka, THE—FORMER—SUMITOMO copper trader ACCUSED—OF—RACKING up $2.6—BILLION in losses.
19961022             —SHOWED, NICARAGUA, the final vote, Aleman led Ortega 51 to 37.7%.
19961022             † In VENEZUELA AT—LEAST—30—PRISON—INMATES—AFTER 1—FIRE was started apparently caused by tear gas canisters fired by guards.
19961022             —FIRED, The fire was set by incendiary devices, by national guardsmen.
19961022             25—GUARDS were assigned to watch over 1,700 inmates at the La Planta prison designed for 1,000.
19961022—19961128    —ON, It was to be put up for referendum.
19971022             DETROIT, the Gem Theater / 19010101—20001231     Club, a 2,750 ton building, was moved 5—BLOCKS through downtown to make room for 1—NEW ballpark.
19971022             —MOVED, It 19970901             —NEW—RECORD as the heaviest building.
19971022             THE—CLEVELAND—INDIANS tied THE—WORLD Series at 2—GAMES apiece as they beat THE—FLORIDA—MARLINS, 10-3, in game 4.
19971022             —PRESENTED, USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, 1—MODEST—STRATEGY to combat GLOBAL—WARMING by gradually reducing greenhouse gases over THE—NEXT—2—DECADES.
19971022             LARRY—FLYNT sold Hustler in 1—NON—ZONED AREA—OF—CINCINNATI despite 1 revamped city ordinance designed to keep stores selling adult materials out of downtown.
19971022             —TESTIFIED, Compaq, that Microsoft had threatened to break 1—WINDOWS 95—AGREEMENT if they showcased 1—NETSCAPE icon.
19971022             —DISCOVERED, For the 1. time, USA—INSPECTORS, E. coli bacteria in imported CANADA—BEEF, halting shipments of 34,000 pounds.
19971022             2—USA—AIR—FORCE—JETS collided over Edwards AIR—FORCE—BASE in CALIFORNIA and 2—MEN in 1—OF—THE—PLANES, 1—T—38—TRAINER, KILLED—WERE.
19971022             —MANAGED, The other jet, an F—16, to land safely.
19971022             —DETERMINED, It was —LATER, that 1—PILOT had attempted to avoid hitting birds.
19971022             CHECHNYA, relief workers ISTVAN—OLAH and Gabor Dunajsky of HUNGARY were captured and held as hostages.
19971022—19971028    —HOSPITALIZED, FIDEL—CASTRO was, for hypertensive encephalopathy.
19971022—19980700    —RELEASED, They were.
19981022             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST toys recalls ever, advising parents to remove batteries from FISHER—PRICE—POWER—WHEELS cars and trucks because of faulty wiring.
19981022             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, a $1—BILLION settlement with diesel engine manufacturers for violations of environmental laws.
19981022             —LAUNCHED, At Cape Canaveral Orbital Sciences, 1—BRAZIL—SATELLITE from 1—PEGASUS rocket aboard 1 modified jumbo jet.
19981022             The satellite will monitor environmental devices —THROUGHOUT BRAZIL.
19981022             —VOTED, TEXAS, the Natural Resource Conservation Commission, against issuing 1—LICENSE—FOR—1—RADIOACTIVE—WASTE dump at Sierra Blanca, 16—MILES from THE—MEXICO—BORDER.
19981022             —RELEASED, THE—USA—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, 1—REPORT that called for forcefully reducing fish catches DUE—TO—DWINDLING fish populations.
19981022             —ANNOUNCED, Scientists at COLUMBIA—UNIVERSITY, research that showed monkeys can count.
19981022             —SEIZED, GUYANA, police and USA—ANTI—DRUG—AGENTS, 3—TONS—OF—COCAINE aboard 1—CARGO ship bound for EUROPE.
19981022             It was 1—RECORD bust for GUYANA.
19981022             INDONESIA, Astra INTERNATIONAL, the nation's biggest auto assembler, told creditors that it must stop paying interest on $1.4—BILLION in loans DUE—TO—THE—ECONOMIC—DOWNTURN.
19981022             —REVEALED, CROATIA, a 2. clerk, that PRESIDENT—FRANCO—TUDJMAN—WIFE, Ankica Tudjman, had deposited nearly 300.000—DOLLAR into her BANK—ACCOUNT—OVER—THE—LAST —2—YEARS.
19981022             ROBERT—HORVAT and Ankica Lepej were to be indicted for violating bank secrecy laws.
19981022             MISTER—S—TUDJMAN was 1—PENSIONER who ran 1—CHILDREN—CHARITY.
19981022             —INCLUDED, KOSOVO, 4—REFUGEES, that, 3—CHILDREN, KILLED—WERE trying to cross THE—ALBANIA—BORDER.
19981022             —CLAIMED, PRESIDENT—MILOSEVIC, that he had met NATO—DEMANDS to pull SERBIA—FORCES out of KOSOVO.
19981022             † In NIGERIA 6—PEOPLE in clashes between the ethnic Ijaw and Itshekiri youths in the oil TOWN—OF—WARRI.
19981022             CONCORDIA—THURSDAY Report_
19991022             —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, to send a 6,000 member peacekeeping force to SIERRA—LEONE to safeguard 19990707             —THE peace deal.
19991022             in THE—CRIMSON
19991022             The book "Fortunate Son: GEORGE—W—BUSH and the Making of 1—AMERICA—PRESIDENT," by J.H. Hatfield (20010000             †), was recalled by S—MARTIN—PRESS—AFTER THE—PUBLISHER learned that the author was 1 convicted felon in a 19870000             car bombing attempt.
19991022             5—OF—THE—7—REPUBLICAN—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—HOPEFULS met in NEW—HAMPSHIRE for their 1. debate of 20000000             —THE nomination race, with FRONT—RUNNER GEORGE—W—BUSH notably absent.
19991022             —ANNOUNCED, THE—GOVERNMENT, 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST toys recalls ever, advising parents to remove the batteries from their kids' "Power Wheels" cars and trucks, made by FISHER—PRICE, because of faulty wiring that could cause them to erupt into flame.
19991022             —REPORTED—WAS, that dinosaur fossils, found —4—YEARS—AGO in MADAGASCAR, may be the oldest known.
19991022             The creatures were LONG—NECKED prosauropods from CA—230—MILLION—YEARS—AGO.
19991022             CALIFORNIA, JAN—DAVIS, 60—jahre—alt, CO—OWNER—OF—1—AERIAL photography business in Santa Barbara, plunged to her death —DURING—1—SKYDIVING stunt from El Capitan in Yosemite.
19991022             The stunt was to protest THE—BANNING—OF—SPORT parachuting from cliffs in national parks.
19991022             BOSNIA, Zeljko Kopanja, EDITOR—IN—CHIEF—OF—NEZAVISNE—NOVINE, lost both legs DUE—TO—1—BOMB—ATTACK as he opened his car door.
19991022             —PUBLISHED, He had —RECENTLY, 1—SERIES—OF—WAR—TIME atrocities COMMITTED—AGAINST—NON—SERBS by Bosnian and SERBIA—FORCES.
19991022             —REPORTED, THE—ITALIEN—MISSIONARY—NEWS—AGENCY—MISNA, that the bodies of 61—CIVILIANS were reported found near THE—CONGO village of Kashambi.
19991022             —ARRESTED, MAURICE—PAPON (89), was, in GSTAAD—SWITZERLAND, and turned over to FRANCE—POLICE.
19991022             —VISITED, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—ALBRIGHT, KENYA and discussed efforts to curb AIDS which was claiming 500—KENYANS —1—DAY.
19991022             † In PERU 28—SCHOOL—CHILDREN—NEAR—CUZCO —AFTER 1—BREAKFAST—OF cereal that doctors suspect was prepared in 1—VAT once used to mix pesticides.
19991022             Sharing the Wealth
19991022             MAURICE—PAPON, 1—VERTRETER—DES—VICHY—REGIMES in FRANKREICH während des —WWIIS und 19610000             verantwortlich für die Todesschüsse auf ALGERISCHE—DEMONSTRANTEN in PARIS, tritt seine Gefängnisstrafe aufgrund von Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit an.
19991022—20010000    —IN, A 2. edition was published.
1—KOLUMNE—VON—MICHAEL—SAUGA202010210223             Wirtschaft
20000000—20010000    [WASHINGTON—POST, 20021022             ], ABC, 20021023             ]] 2—T op senators say that if STATE—DEPARTMENT—PERSONNEL had merely followed the law, 20010911             would not have happened.
20001022             —STABBED, SF, CLAIRE—TEMPONGKO (28) was repeatedly, to death by her EX—BOYFRIEND Tari Ramirez (27) in front of her 2—CHILDREN (5 & 10) in her basement apartment on 22. Ave.
20001022             —1—MONTH—BEFORE her death Tempongko had lodged 2—POLICE—REPORTS against Ramirez.
20001022             —CAPTURED, AFGHANISTAN, opposition forces, 1—MOUNTAIN pass near Taloqan and killed AT—LEAST—42—TALIBAN soldiers.
20001022             —DEMANDED, Arab nations, 1—UN—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL for Israelis responsible for PALESTINE—DEATHS and formally ended economic cooperation with ISRAEL.
20001022             —SUSPENDED, Ehud Barak, ISRAEL—PARTICIPATION in the peace process.
20001022             He called for a "timeout" to decide whether negotiations can be salvaged.
20001022             —WRAPPED, Arab leaders meeting in EGYPT, up a —2—DAY—SUMMIT on ISRAELI—PALESTINE—VIOLENCE with 1—DECLARATION that stopped short of 1—OUTRIGHT call for cutting TIES—WITH—ISRAEL.
20001022             —CALLED, CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—JEAN—CHRETIEN, for new elections in 1—ATTEMPT—TO—INCREASE his parliamentary majority.
20001022             THE—IVORY—COAST, elections were held with candidates from THE—2—BIGGEST parties excluded.
20001022             All candidates from the Muslim north, 40—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION, were excluded.
20001022             —HALTED, The tally was, —WHEN early returns put Socialist Laurent Gbagho ahead.
20001022             † SPAIN, Maximo Casada Carrera (44), 1—PRISON—OFFICER, was killed by 1—CAR—BOMB in VITORIA.
20001022             —BLAMED, THE—ETA was.
20001022             —NACHDEM im Vorjahr 1—MILITÄRPUTSCH stattgefunden hat, werden in der ELFENBEINKÜSTE wieder freie Präsidentenwahlen abgehalten, zu denen der wichtigste Oppositionskandidat Alassane Ouattara jedoch nicht zugelassen wird.
20001022             Der Wahlsieg des Oppositionellen Laurent Gbagbo wird von der Militärregierung unter ROBERT—GUÉÏ allerdings nicht anerkannt.
20001022             RICHARD—FEHR, damals Stammapostel und internationaler PRÄSIDENT—DER—NEUAPOSTOLISCHEN—KIRCHE, ordiniert Leslie Latorcai zum Bezirksapostel und somit Präsidenten der NEUAPOSTOLISCHE—KIRCHE KANADA.
20001022             Insgesamt werden ihm 2,5—MIO. neuapostolische Christen zur Seelsorge anvertraut.
20001022—20040000    —IN, the city settled 1—CASE for police inaction for 500.000—DOLLAR.
20001022—20060000    —ARRESTED, Ramirez was, near CANCUN—MEXICO.
20001022—20070000    —IN, he was returned to THE—USA to face trial.
20001022—20080000    —CONVICTED—OF, Ramirez was, 2.-degree murder.
20001022—20110000    —IN, 1—STATE—APPEALS—COURT overturned the murder conviction entitling Ramirez to 1—NEW—TRIAL.
20001022—20130000    —IN, the case went to THE—STATE—SUPREME—COURT to decide if the killing was manslaughter or murder.
20001026—20001022    —NACH—1—FLUT—VON—PROTESTEN tritt der ELFENBEINKÜSTE—DIKTATOR—ROBERT—GUÉÏ, der die PRÄSIDENT—WAHL vom verloren hat, zugunsten des Wahlgewinners Laurent Gbagbo zurück.
20010323             —CORROBORATED, WILLIAM—ARKIN, 1—MILITARY—ANALYST, this in his 20050000             book, Code Names, which mentions an 20011022—20311022     date.
20010405             - proposal.
20011022             —ROUTED, THE—NEW—YORK Yankees, SEATTLE 12-3 in game 5 to win THE—USA—LEAGUE pennant for the 38. time.
20011022             —ON Capitol Hill, the House and Senate reopened —WHILE their office buildings remained closed.
20011022             —RESTRICTED, THE—PENTAGON flew, attacks over AFGHANISTAN using mostly CARRIER—BASED aircraft.
20011022             Def.
20011022             1—PENTAGON official did say that 1—USA—MISSILE had gone astray near HERAT and might have struck 1—NON—MILITARY—TARGET.
20011022             —DESCENDED, USA AC—130—GUNSHIPS, on 1—FARM at CHOWKAR—KAREZ outside KANDAHAR and killed 19—CIVILIANS.
20011022             † A 2. WASHINGTON—DC postal worker, JOSEPH—P—CURSEEN, 47—jahre—alt, —OF—INHALATION anthrax.
20011022             —REPORTED—WAS, that 4—KEY—TERRORIST—SUSPECTS held in NEW—YORK—CITY had refused to reveal ANY—INFORMATION and law enforcement officials were talking of sidestepping civil liberties.
20011022             —LEARNED, Anderson Accounting, that THE—SEC was inquiring into the accounting records of Enron Corp. Enron disclosed that that THE—SEC had opened 1—INQUIRY into its limited partnerships.
20011022             —ENACTED, INDONESIA, 1—BILL that granted Irian Jaya sweeping autonomy.
20011022             It included 1—NAME—CHANGE to Papua, 80% royalties from logging and fishing and 70% royalties from mining, oil and gas.
20011022             ISRAEL—FORCES held on to PALESTINE—TERRITORY—DESPITE—USA—DEMANDS for withdrawal.
20011022             3—PALESTINIANS KILLED—WERE as fighting spilled into LEBANON.
20011022             —URGED, Sinn Fein LEADER—GERRY Adams, THE—IRELAND—REPUBLICAN Army to begin disarming to save NORTH—IRELAND—PEACE—PROCESS.
20011022             —AGREED, THE—TALIBAN, to set up 2—REFUGEE—CAMPS inside AFGHANISTAN.
20011022             VENEZUELA, AT—LEAST—11—PEOPLE, mostly children, KILLED—WERE —DURING—1—STAMPEDE into 1—BULLRING for 1—MUSIC—CONCERT in VALENCIA.
20011022             —REPORTED—WAS, that YEMEN had partially shut down its PORT—OF—ADEN—AFTER—THE—BREAKUP—OF—1—BIG—ANTI—USA—PROTEST.
20011022             Militants were commandeering boats to ferry fighters OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY and to AFGHANISTAN.
20011022             SEC INFO—UNITED Defense INDUSTRIE—S Inc - S-1 - ON—EX—10.2—CONTRACT—REQUIREMENT—FLOWDOWN United Defense Armament Systems Division FORM INFORMATION (1a) Contract Number (2a) PO Number N00024-93-E-8521 ...
20011022             —GEBRACHT, DER—DEUTSCHE—BIRD—SATELLIT wird in seine Umlaufbahn.
20011022             DEUTSCHE—BIRD—SATELLIT kann auf der Erde Brände durch deren Infrarotstrahlung entdecken.
20011022—20011024    —LATER—ACKNOWLEDGED, PRESIDENT—OBASANJO , ordering THE—ATTACKS and made 1—FORMAL—APOLOGY 20030101             .
20011022—20011024    —KILLED, EAST—NIGERIA, soldiers, up to 200—CIVILIANS and caused THOUSANDS—OF—VILLAGERS to flee into the bush.
20011022—20011024    The killings were apparently in revenge for 19—SOLDIERS killed in Benue state.
20021022             † ASPEN, HILL—MARYLAND, CONRAD—EVERTON—JOHNSON, 35—jahre—alt, 1—BUS—DRIVER, was shot in the chest and, —DURING surgery.
20021022             —SUSPECTED, The shooting was, to be related to the serial sniper who already killed 9—PEOPLE—THIS—MONTH.
20021022             —LINKED, This was the 13. and final attack, by authorities to THE—WASHINGTON—AREA—SNIPER—ATTACKS.
20021022             —REPORTED—WAS, that 1—GENE was identified that related to ATTENTION—DEFICIT—DISORDERS and that it was located in 1—REGION of the human genome identified with autism.
20021022             † CIA—director—RICHARDS—HELMS, 89—jahre—alt, who was fired by RICHARD—NIXON.
20021022             —BOMBED, Allied planes, 1—MILITARY—AIR—DEFENSE—SITE in THE—NORTH—NO—FLY zone over IRAQ —AFTER taking fire from IRAQ—FORCES.
20021022             † † Geraldine of ALBANIA (87), THE— oo KING—ZOG (19610000             , ), in TIRANA.
20021022             CANADA—WRITER—YANN—MARTEL won the Booker PRIZE—FOR—"Life of Pi," his quirky fable CA—1—BOY—SURVIVAL —AFTER 1—SHIPWRECK.
20021022             —EXPLODED, COLOMBIA, 1—BOMB, outside police headquarters in BOGOTA, 2—PEOPLE—killed and wounding nearly 12—MORE.
20021022             —SEIZED, THE—COLOMBIA—NAVY, 2.75—TONS—OF—COCAINE —WHEN officials intercepted 1—SPEEDBOAT on the high seas.
20021022             1—FERRY carrying 51—PEOPLE and 1—SHIPMENT—OF—OIL sank in rough weather in the Caspian Sea.
20021022             1—REPORT said 5—ONBOARD the ferry were rescued.
20021022             THE—MERCURY—II freight and passenger ferry was making its way from the port of AKTAU—KAZAKHSTAN, heading southwest to THE—AZERBAIJAN—CAPITAL—BAKU.
20021022             —REPORTED—WAS, that SPECIAL—FORCES in the Pankisi Gorge of GEORGIA had captured 15—ARAB militants linked to al Qaeda.
20021022             —RELEASED, THE—YUGOSLAVIA—GOVERNMENT, 1—STATEMENT saying it had dismissed Jovan Cekovic, 1—FORMER—ARMY—GENERAL, and CHIEF—OF—YUGOIMPORT —FOLLOWING NATO—EVIDENCE that it had engaged in exporting and refurbishing military equipment for IRAQ.
20021022             ZIMBABWE, 1—TOP—OPPOSITION—LAWMAKER who was in jail on murder charges was FOUND—DEAD in his cell, prompting calls for 1—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION and autopsy.
20021022             Learnmore Jongwe (28) had been in custody —SINCE—JULY, —WHEN he was arrested in the stabbing DEATH—OF—HIS—WIFE.
20021022—20030000    —IN, his autobiography "1—LOOK—OVER—MY—SHOULDER," CO—WRITTEN with WILLIAM—HOOD, was published.
20031022             —APPROVED, CHILE—SENATE overwhelmingly, 1—FREE—TRADE—TREATY—WITH—THE—USA, paving the way for the accord to become effective 20030101             .
20031022             VDARE_com: 20031021             THE—FRIENDS—OF (GOP Immigration Enthusiast...
20031022             ART—POTTERY, Politics and Food: 20031019             -.
20031022             —PRAISED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, INDONESIA, THE—WORLD'S most populous Muslim nation, for battling terrorism.
20031022             —DEFENDED, BUSH, USA—POLICY from the Mideast to IRAQ —DURING—1—FRANK—EXCHANGE with moderate Muslim leaders —DURING—1—STOPOVER in BALI—INDONESIA.
20031022             † IRL racer TONY—RENNA, 26, —AFTER crashing at close to 220—MPH —DURING—1—TEST—DRIVE at THE—INDIANAPOLIS—MOTOR—SPEEDWAY.
20031022             SOUTH—AUSTRALIA, the fossil of a 2.56-inch fishlike animal from the Flinders Ranges was believed to be AT—LEAST—560—MILLION—YEARS—OLD, 30—MILLION—YEARS older than the previous record.
20031022             † CHRISTINA—MAE—WATSON, 26—jahre—alt as she and her new husband dove off the tropical COAST—OF—QUEENSLAND.
20031022             —ATTACHED, COLOMBIA, 1—BOMB, to 1—MOTORCYCLE exploded damaging the state prosecutor's offices outside MEDELLIN.
20031022             —REPORTED—WAS, that pirated fuel from IRAQ totaled SOME—2,000 tons for 1—DAILY—LOSS—OF—250.000—DOLLAR.
20031022             —SUSPECTED, ISRAEL—TROOPS shot and killed 2, PALESTINE—MILITANTS in THE—WEST—BANK.
20031022             —ASKED, JORDAN—KING, a royal COURT—MINISTER to form a new government.
20031022             1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—REPORT—ON—NORTH—KOREA said HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PRISONERS worked in AT—LEAST—36—HIDDEN camps with torture and meager rations routine.
20031022             —SPIRALED, Tensions, between UKRAINE and RUSSIA over 1—SMALL—ISLAND controlling ACCESS—TO—DISPUTED waters.
20031022             PRESIDENT—LEONID—KUCHMA cut short 1—LATIN—USA—TRIP to return home to DEAL—WITH—THE—ISSUE.
20031022             The dispute centers on CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—DIKE from THE—RUSSIA—MAINLAND out into THE—KERCH—STRAIT that connects the Black and Azov Seas.
20031022             NucNews BRAZIL.
20031022             —DECLINED, CIA, intelligence, former official says... news agencies.
20031022             Office to cover up WMD... of the neoconservative CAPTURE—OF—THE—POLICY—INTELLIGENCE nexus in THE—RUN—UP to the... our boss) and BRUCE—HARDCASTLE, our defense intelligence officer (DIO).
20031022             Certainly, there...
20031022             —INDICTED, Ashcroft, ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI, 1—CONSULTANT to the Pentagon on...—ARIAN
20031022             NORTH—VIRGINIASTAN: 20040700             Falls Church Muslim activist ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI pleads guilty to 3—CHARGES... "What is known is that GILL—POLITICAL patrons include GROVER—NORQUIST...
20031022             NORTH—VIRGINIASTAN: GROVER—NORQUIST --Islamist Enabler?
20031022             MICHELLE—MALKIN 20010000             , AL—ARIAN—NCPPF gave Norquist 1—AWARD for his work to abolish the use of...
20031022             —CHARGED, Late —LAST—MONTH, AMC FOUNDER—ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI was, with...
20031022             Daily Kos: THE—NORQUIST—ABRAMOFF Circle
20031022             —ABOUT once —1—MONTH 20010000             —SINCE, GROVER—NORQUIST has invited 1—TOP—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION...
20031022             —CONTROLLED, The advocacy group, which was, by ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI...
20031022             Daily Kos: UPDATE: BUSH Nominated UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—PORT Executive To Key Post...
20031022             to his ties to 1—WELL—CONNECTED political activist named GROVER—NORQUIST.
20031022             his association with ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI, 1—JAILED—AMERICA—MUSLIM leader.
20031022             BYRON—YORK on National Review Online
20031022             —WHILE Norquist argues that Muslim political participation will be 1—KEY—PART—OF—THE... a $10000 contribution and a $10000 loan from ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI...
20031022             —CHARGED, Late —LAST—MONTH, AMC FOUNDER—ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI was, with illegally accepting...
20031022             —PROVIDED, Alamoudi, seed money for NORQUIST—ISLAM—INSTITUTE...
20031022             —INDICTED, Ashcroft, ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI, 1—CONSULTANT to the Pentagon on the Chaplain Program for MORE—THAN—1—DECADE, —NOW ACCUSED—OF—HELPING...
20031022             ¿El Brazo Americano de Gadafi? - artículo por DANIEL—PIPES—LLEGÓ por sorpresa que ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI, líder Islamista Americano, fuera arrestado en Septiembre del
20031022             INTÉRÊT—GÉNÉRAL.INFO—HTTP://www.INTERET— Un leader musulman américain, ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI, est mis en cause dans le cadre de la même enquête.
20031022             Une banque suisse lui a versé 500000 dollars.
20031022             War and Piece: It —NOW appears that ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI, THE—USA—ISLAM—MAN in charge of... The leader, ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI, who was charged —ON—MONDAY with having...
20031022             Die ENTWICKLUNG—ZWISCHEN—NEANDERTALER und Homo sapiens ging ungefähr vor einer halben Million —JAHREN auseinander.
20031022             Die Leipziger Gruppe schätzt den ZEIT—PUNKT auf rund
20031022             _516.—000—JAHRE—VOR—UNSERER Zeit, das USA—TEAM auf - _700.—000—JAHRE.
20031022             Die Erkenntnisse der Forscher dürften außerdem die Fantasie all jener beflügeln, die an intime Kontakte zwischen Homo sapiens und Homo neanderthalensis glauben.
20031022             Denn im Material des Neandertalers fanden die Forscher überraschend Spuren, die er mit dem Homo sapiens teilt.
20031022             "Möglicherweise hat es einen AUSTAUSCH—VON—GENETISCHEM—MATERIAL zwischen dem modernen Menschen und dem Neandertaler gegeben", sagt Pääbo.
20031022             Das ist eine Überraschung.
20031022             —BISHER, bildeten jene Anthropologen, die vom Sex der unterschiedlichen Hominiden ausgegangen waren, 1—MINDERHEIT.
20031022             Die Argumentation anhand angeblicher Mischlingsknochen,
20031022             wie sie zum BEISPIEL—DER—USA—FORSCHER—ERIK—TRINKAUS leidenschaftlich vertritt, ist aus der Sicht der meisten Kollegen kaum haltbar.
20031022             MENSCHEN—GENE im NEANDERTALER—HINWEIS auf Sex?
20031022—20031019    —ART—POTTERY, Politics and Food
20031022—20040730    —ON, MICHELLE—MALKIN had this to say about GROVER—NORQUIST, in reference to ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI, the moderate Muslim who turned out to be not...
20031022—20090000    —PLEADED, DAVID—GABRIEL—WATSON, of BIRMINGHAM—ALABAMA, guilty to manslaughter.
20031022—20100000    —SERVED, Watson, an —18—MONTH—SENTENCE in AUSTRALIA and was deported to THE—USA where he faced 2—MURDER—COUNTS in ALABAMA.
20031022—20120223    —ON, Watson was ACQUITTED—OF—MURDER—CHARGES—AFTER 1—BIRMINGHAM judge ruled that prosecutors lacked sufficient evidence.
20040000             W. STEPHEN—THAYER—III -
20040729             : "WASHINGTON - A key overseer [W..... 20040000             : "Several senior Homeland SECURITY—OFFICIALS said Ridge had...
20041022             Anyone with ANY—KNOWLEDGE—OF—19010101—20001231     history will know that this same megalomaniacal outburst could have been made by a "senior adviser" to Hitler, STALIN, Mussolini or Mao.
20041022             AMERICA—TORTUOUS—ROAD to ABU—GHRAIB : Americans have seen the reality and THE—RESULTS—OF—INTERROGATION—TECHNIQUES THE—CIA has propagated and practiced for nearly HALF—1—CENTURY.
20041022             —AFTER all, —WHEN THEN—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—WILLIAM—COHEN signed the charter for the 20010101—21001231     NATIONAL—SECURITY—STRATEGY—STUDY,
20041022             ECK Worldwide Seminar / "—YEAR—OF—THE—MISSIONARY" -: "ECKANKAR, RELIGION—OF—THE—LIGHT and SOUND—OF—GOD, began its annual New —YEAR celebration with THE—ECK—WORLDWIDE—SEMINAR in MINNEAPOLIS, MN [20041022—20041024 ].
20041022             9639. [SENATOR—WAYNE—ALLARD—WEB—PAGE].. 20010405.
20041022             2004081214—BORIS—PETROV + 1. results, ed. by Ruediger Stein + OLEG—STEPANETS—HEFT... 4(4): 15—21—DETHLEFF, D., Rachold, V., Tintelnot, M., Antonow...
20041022             —NOW 1—MAJOR—ZOGBY poll out — HALF—OF—NEW—YORKERS think THE—GOVERNMENT was involved 20010911             —IN.
20041022             He represents HUNDREDS—OF—THE—VICTIMS—FAMILIES—OF—20010911              20041022             And joining us FOR—THE—NEXT—35—MINUTES, into THE—NEXT—HOUR, is STANLEY—HILTON.
20041022             1. 20010912_predicted_2000911"..
20041022             Links 20040913             ALEX—JONES—INTERVIEWS—STANLEY—HILTON—THE—ALEX—JONES—SHOW — THE—MP3 of this interview is available at
20041022             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: Internetwerte im Plus (20041021             )
20041022             -... 9639. [SENATOR—WAYNE—ALLARD—WEB—PAGE].
20041022             The theme for —THIS—YEAR is: THE—'—YEAR—OF—THE—MISSIONARY.' " [E.M.]
20041022             The grandfather of the current PRESIDENT, PRESCOTT—BUSH, made his fortune by managing Nazi companies —AFTER Hitler seized power.
20041022             —CLEARED, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY has, 1—OFFICER ACCUSED—OF—REPEATEDLY firing into the lifeless BODY—OF—1—YOUNG—PALESTINE—GIRL—OF "unethical" behaviour.
20041022             Pentagon Rewards Generals, Corporations Tied to ABU—GHURAIB[ABU—GHRAIB]Scandal:
20041022             —OPERATION—NORTHWOODS: USA Planned Fake Terror Attacks on Citizens to Create Support for CUBA—WAR
20041022             EX—CIA CHIEF—TENET—CALLS—IRAQ—WAR 'Wrong':
20041022             EU—KOMMISSARIN über Castro: "Wir hoffen, dass er bald stirbt"
20041022             Drilling wells and maximizing production is THE—NAME—OF—THE—GAME—NOW.
20041022             DALE—KLEIN — DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE.
20041022             Assistant to THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Nuclear, Chemical & Biological Defense Programs.
20041022             Americans have seen the reality and THE—RESULTS—OF—INTERROGATION—TECHNIQUES THE—CIA has propagated and practiced for nearly HALF—1—CENTURY.
20041022             —ABOUT half of the roughly $5—BILLION in IRAQ reconstruction funds disbursed by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT in the 1. HALF—OF—THIS —YEAR cannot be accounted for,
20041022             1—NEW—REPORT from the top Democrat on THE—SENATE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE says 1—KEY—FIGURE at the Pentagon deliberately exaggerated the connection between IRAQ and AL—QAIDA to bolster public and CONGRESS—SUPPORT for the war.
20041022             —REDEPLOYED, As soon as UK—TROOPS are, THE—USA will again turn the city into 1—BLOODBATH
20041022             "Bremer TALIBAN": Lebenszeichen aus GUANTANAMO
20041022             + THE—COMPREHENSIVENESS—OF—THE—COMMISSION—TASK -- would prevent its reports from being ignored.
20041022             Kerry squabble on health, science issues
20041022             —BY KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON : "You may fly over 1—LAND forever;
20041022             Provides ENGLAND—SPEAKERS instant news + information covering KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON (REPUBLICAN—TX).
20041022             Provides ENGLAND—SPEAKERS—INSTANT—NEWS and information covering WAYNE—ALLARD (REPUBLICAN—CO).
20041022             Search: WAYNE—ALLARD—DEFINITION, Meaning, Explanation.
20041022             WAYNE—ALLARD—A—WAYNE—ALLARD (born ;;12;;
20041022             SENATOR—WAYNE—A—ALLARD (CO).
20041022             Current Office: USA—SENATOR—CURRENT—DISTRICT: JUNIOR—SEAT—1.—ELECTED:
20041022             WAYNE—ALLARD—VOTING—RECORD—WAYNE—ALLARD has 1—ABYSMAL voting record on crime and civil liberties issues.
20041022             -... Powered by Movable Type 3.01D. - - WAYNE—ALLARD—HATE—SPEECH—POSTED—BY—JB
20041022             -... SENATOR—ALLARD, Wayne R - COLORADO, —LAST—WEEK introduced legislation to require THE—DOE to terminate
20041022             -New REAGAN—MEMORIAL—EDITION—EXCLUSIVELY in the Print Edition CounterPunch.
20041022             -Position: Asst to SECDEF—NUC & Chem& Bio Def Prgs DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE (25).
20041022             Status: Appointed.
20041022             —WAYNE—ALLARD—FROM dKosopedia, the free political encyclopedia.
20041022             12—6—3—HOW Mossad Got AMERICA TO Bomb LIBYA And Fight IRAQ VICTOR—OSTROVSKY and CLAIRE—HOY
20041022             CONGRESS—RECORD Index - 107. Congress
20041022             1—USA—SOLDIER at the centre of THE—ABU—GHURAIB[ABU—GHRAIB]prisoner abuse scandal was —YESTERDAY sentenced to —8—YEARS for sexually and physically abusing detainees.
20041022             1—DUFFEL bag stuffed with millions in cash from 1—WAR—ZONE slush fund;
20041022             1—FATHER and son held hostage at gunpoint to block 1—CORRUPTION—PROBE,
20041022             1—FILM by WILLIAM—KAREL in collaboration with ERIC—LAURENT—AUTHOR—LA guerre des BUSH and Le monde secret de BUSH (Editions Plon)
20041022             1—SCHOOLGIRL riddled with bullets. And no 1 is to blame
20041022             AMERICA—TORTUOUS road to ABU—GHRAIB: USA—POLITICAL campaign contributions
20041022             —REPORTED, Amid escalating violence in IRAQ and 1, WITHDRAWAL—OF—THE—NEW—ZEALAND contingent, the top USA—COMMANDER has signalled 1—STRIKING REVERSAL—OF—POLICY and acknowledged more USA—TROOPS are needed in IRAQ.
20041022             And joining us FOR—THE—NEXT—35—MINUTES, into THE—NEXT—HOUR, is STANLEY—HILTON—STANLEY, it's great to have you on with us Read more....
20041022             —SLOWED, Annual economic growth in CHINA has, for the 3. quarter in 1—ROW, falling to 9.1—PER cent, 3.—QUARTER data shows.
20041022             Auch der weltgrößte SOFTWARE—HERSTELLER Microsoft konnte Gewinn und Umsatz steigern.
20041022             —IGNORED, AUSTRALIA—INVESTORS have, 1—NEGATIVE—LEAD from WALL—STREET + lifted the local market slightly higher in steady trade
20041022             BUSH - BARROSO—KRISE: Kommissionschef Prodi stellt sich auf Verlängerung ein
20041022             Blair has taken us towards 1—ELECTIVE dictatorship:
20041022             BRITAIN, FRANCE and GERMANY have held "reasonable" nuclear talks with IRAN and expect further meetings in THE—RUN—UP to a ;;11;;
20041022             25—DEADLINE to persuade it to renounce its uranium enrichment plans, ACCORDING—TO—BERLIN.
20041022             UK—TROOPS will —NOW be tarred by association with USA—METHODS
20041022             But in reality a "dynasty" whose inconceivable family secrets are painstakingly concealed.
20041022             —ECHOED, But the debate over that question has, within THE—RANKS—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION as well,
20041022             CHRIS—FLOYD: BUSH ist Party bagmen and the rape of IRAQ:
20041022             Court challenge may impede PNG AID—PACKAGE
20041022             Deeper into THE—IRAQ—QUAGMIRE:
20041022             Der USA—INTERNETKONZERN GOOGLE hat in seinem 1. Quartalsbericht —NACH—DEM Börsengang einen Gewinn ausgewiesen.
20041022             Did you know? Take MISS—NBC com's news quiz
20041022             DOWN—SYNDROM: DREIFACH—GEN trägt keine Schuld
20041022             EU—KAMPAGNE: Mit Schockmotiven gegen das Rauchen
20041022             Editors Note: This article shows the tactics that Mossad use in ORDER—TO—CREATE wars.
20041022             ERDGAS—AUTOS: "Voll ausgelastet"
20041022             Falluja in their sights: Faults Found in USA—ELECTION Preparedness:
20041022             Fearing Friends: FOLTER—ENZYKLOPÄDIE: Vom Quälgeist besessen
20041022             Frederick said 1—ARMY—INVESTIGATOR—RESPONSIBLE for interrogations encouraged him to abuse the detainee,
20041022             —FROM BODY—OF—SECRETS, JAMES—BAMFORD, Doubleday, 20010000             ,
20041022             Government and the People SOTT COMMENTARY—SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES org
20041022             Government measures slow CHINA—GDP growth
20041022             Grafik: Wie DIE—USA—BUNDES—STAATEN wählen
20041022             He also knows that being famous is what keeps him alive.
20041022             He is back with us.
20041022             He is FORMER—BOB—DOLE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, very successful counselor, lawyer.
20041022             HERE—1—SUMMARY of why BUSH and his gang of bloodthirsty corporate goons must go;
20041022             voters may take them along to the polls to help them cast their ballots.
20041022             Hutchison, KAY—BAILEY
20041022             —EXPOSED, Hutton and Butler, the decay of accountable government
20041022             —STEPPED, If Kerry wins, BERLIN expects, up pressure to send troops to IRAQ.
20041022             If BUSH wins, it will be easier to say "no," but the war could expand to IRAN.
20041022             IMPFSTOFF—NOTSTAND: GRIPPE—PANIK in den USA
20041022             In [Joint CHIEF—CHAIR] LEMNITZER—VIEW, the country would be far better off if the generals could take over.
20041022             In the latest sign of growing tensions between the authorities and religious leaders on the right who oppose the plan,
20041022             INDONESIA—PROSECUTORS have said police files implicating 6—EXECUTIVES—OF—USA—BASED mining firm Newmont in 1—POLLUTION—CASE are deficient + have been handed back for completion.
20041022             IOWA + is putting pressure on DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATE—SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY in 6—OTHER—STATES—GORE won,
20041022             IRAK: Extremer Anstieg von Anschlägen im Ramadan
20041022             IRAK: Unerschöpfliche Geldquellen für den Terror
20041022             IRAN nuclear talks 'reasonable' say big 3 - IRAQ audit can't find billions:
20041022             ISRAEL on alert as rumours CIRCULATE—OF—RIGHT—WING plot to assassinate Sharon:
20041022             It is equally applicable to methods being currently used to disseminate disinformation about AL—QAIDA in ORDER—TO—KEEP the "WAR—ON—TERRORISM" alive.
20041022             It is naiveté in the extreme to think that 1—USA—GOVERNMENT would not sanction THE—DEATHS—OF—USA—CITIZENS.
20041022             Its ethical for ISRAEL—SOLDIERS to kill —13—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINE—CHILDREN
20041022             KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON (REPUBLICAN—TX) News and Latest Information - KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON (REPUBLICAN—TX) newsletter.
20041022             KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20041022             Kay_Bailey_Hutchison.jpg SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON.
20041022             Klage gegen FBI: Wenn die TERROR—ISTENJÄGER anklopfen
20041022             KLIMA—SCHUTZ: Russen ratifizieren KYOTO—PROTOKOLL, USA weiter ablehnend
20041022             Konjunktur: Bundesbank bezweifelt Prognose der Regierung
20041022             —VERLIERT, Luftfahrt: Jumbojet, Triebwerk
20041022             MP Pleads Guilty to Abuses Torture at IRAQ Prison:
20041022             Mondkraft: Gezeiten lassen die Erde beben
20041022             Neokons gegen Jelinek: Schlimmer als Britney Spears
20041022             Never —BEFORE in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—WORLD—DEMOCRACIES have 1—MAN and his team acted with such arrogance + impunity,
20041022             Nuclear and Radiation Engineering PROGRAM—PROFESSORS—DOCTOR—KLEIN, Dale,
20041022             Office: (512) 499-4709. Fax: (512) 499-4710
20041022             Plans to appoint 1—AUSTRALIAN to 1—OF—PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA'S (PNG) top legal offices could be headed for trouble.
20041022             Politics editor.
20041022             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, saying THE—USA should find 1—MORE humane way to treat immigrants,
20041022             —CONTINUED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH and SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY, their BATTLE—FOR—SWING states —ON—THURSDAY, dueling over health care, medical liability reform and scientific research.
20041022             Project Vote SMART—SENATOR—ALLARD—BIOGRAPHY
20041022             Prosecution asks police to verify Newmont evidence
20041022             Reference historical sources or THE—SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES "Time Line"
20041022             Report: USA—RAISES estimates of IRAQ insurgency - Resource stocks return to centre stage
20041022             Right Wing Watch - Ruddock stands by GUANTANAMO trials
20041022             STOP CALLING IT ABUSE, ITS TORTURE... : —8—YEARS for USA—SOLDIER who abused tortured prisoners:
20041022             Schwache Bilanz: Deutsche sind schuld am COCA—COLA—TIEF
20041022             Search: KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON—DEFINITION, Meaning, Explanation.
20041022             Missing image - Sen.: DOD exaggerated AL—QAIDA—IRAQ connection:
20041022             SENATOR—WAYNE—ALLARD—CRUSADE: returning power to the people.
20041022             Shooting has broken out at 1—MOSQUE in THE—NORTHERN—CITY—OF—MOSUL —DURING—1—RAID by USA—TROOPS and IRAQ—NATIONAL—GUARDS, witnesses said.
20041022             Sincerely. WAYNE—ALLARD—USA—SENATOR. Return Home.
20041022             Staff SERGEANT—IVAN "Chip" Frederick, 38, who admitted carrying out 1—MOCK electrocution of 1—DETAINEE.
20041022             Statement by SENATOR—WAYNE—ALLARD (REPUBLICAN—COLORADO).
20041022             —FOLLOWING is 1—STATEMENT from THE—SENATE'S closed deliberations on the articles of
20041022             STEFAN—WRAY: TEXAS Plan to Grab Los Alamos Takes Hold
20041022             Stretched too THIN—THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES: Editorials/OP—ED
20041022             That is 1—SIGNIFICANT—NUMBER with huge consequences for economies —AROUND the globe.
20041022             THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT says it will not support moves to abandon THE—USA—MILITARY—COMMISSION at GUANTANAMO—BAY,
20041022             THE—BUSH es, father + son, have not only dined with the devil but have often invited themselves to his table.
20041022             THE—TEXAS—PLAN—FOR—LOS Alamos Takes Hold
20041022             —RESULTED, THE—USA—LED invasion has, in the loss of 1—AVERAGE—OF—2—MILLION—BARRELS —1—DAY—OF—IRAQ—OIL from world markets.
20041022             THE—USA—ARMY is negotiating with THE—PENTAGON—CIVIL—LEADERS 1—PLAN to eliminate 1—WOMEN—IN—COMBAT ban so it can place MIXED—SEX—SUPPORT—COMPANIES within warfighting units,
20041022             THE—USA—PUBLIC can join THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY in repudiating 1—PRACTICE that, more than ANY—OTHER, represents 1—DENIAL—OF—DEMOCRACY;
20041022             THE—USA—SAYS—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—GROUPS in LAOS may be planning bomb attacks —DURING—1—SUMMIT—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—LEADERS in the capital, VIENTIANE, —NEXT—MONTH.
20041022             The bin Ladens + THE—BUSH es have always been business partners + THE—FAMILY—OF—THE—FUTURE—TERRORIST—CHIEF indirectly financed GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH—POLITICAL—CAREER.
20041022             The contention that THE—IRAQ invasion was 1—UNWISE diversion in confronting terrorism has been central to JOHN—KERRY—CRITIQUE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—PERFORMANCE.
20041022             THE—FOLLOWING timeline describes —JUST 1—FEW—OF—THE—HUNDREDS—OF—ATROCITIES + crimes committed by THE—CIA
20041022             The latest WAR—AGAINST—IRAQ, with its totally unforeseeable consequences, hides another danger,
20041022             The top USA—COMMANDER—IN—AFGHANISTAN said —YESTERDAY he has no evidence that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is alive.
20041022             THE—WORLD has lost IRAQ—OIL:
20041022             —EXHIBITED, This report finds that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH has neither, leadership on pressing CIVIL—RIGHTS—ISSUES, nor taken actions that matched his words".
20041022             Thus ends SENATOR—WAYNE—ALLARD—OBSERVATIONS as 1—JUROR in the impeachment
20041022             —GEORTET, Totale Kontrolle: Kind, Mutter glücklich
20041022             USA—COMMANDER—LOSES—POST; USA—ARMY wants females in combat zones
20041022             USA —NOW wants more troops in IRAQ: USA warns of ASEAN summit plot
20041022             USA—WAHL: Der PRÄSIDENT, den das INTERNET will
20041022             —REGISTRIERT, USA—WAHLPANNEN: ZEHNTAUSENDE—WÄHLER sollen mehrfach, sein
20041022             USA — REPUBLIK—VENEDIG, FL by GRANT—NOAH 1) Stains no detergent can touch
20041022             USA: Jeder 5. Wähler ist noch unentschlossen
20041022             —UMFRAGE: Einbruch für die union - Unkenruf: Die MEGA—MANIE
20041022             Vereinigung für DEUTSCHLAND (ZVfD) ANGLO—PALESTINE BANK—SPÄTER : LEUMI—BANK—ARLOSOROFF, Chaim Leiter der politischen Abteilung der Jewish Agency Cohen,
20041022             —VIOLENCE breaks out —DURING mosque raid - WashPost: AFGHANISTAN IRAQ—WARS collide
20041022             WAYNE—ALLARD (REPUBLICAN—CO) News and Latest Information - WAYNE—ALLARD (REPUBLICAN—CO) newsletter.
20041022             WAYNE—ALLARD—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia - WAYNE—ALLARD—DKOSOPEDIA
20041022             We have to face the reality that hydrocarbons are becoming 1—SCARCE resource.
20041022             Web Ergebnisse 1 - 1—VON 1—FÜR Pantex + SENATOR—ALLARD, Wayne R—COLORADO.
20041022             ( 0,—41—SEKUNDEN) - Weblog: WAYNE—ALLARD—HATE—SPEECH
20041022             What do you know about the —WEEK in news?
20041022             Take MISS—NBC com's weekly news quiz + see how much you remember.
20041022             —WHILE 1—FEW—LOW—LEVEL—TROOPS involved in THE—ABU—GHURAIB[ABU—GHRAIB]scandal are being prosecuted, THE—MILITARY is praising and rewarding generals and corporations in CHARGE—OF—PEOPLE directly implicated in the heinous crimes.
20041022             —WHILE THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY (DOE) shuts down.. "
20041022             —WHILE THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY (DOE) shuts down nuclear labs +
20041022             Who are THE—BUSH es? Apparently, the "quiet dynasty" of modern USA.
20041022             Who said AG ASHCROFT—OPERATION—TIPS -- THE—STASI—LIKE—SPY on your neighbor program -- is dead in the water?
20041022             —CONFINED, With, opposite WASHINGTON, THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD, to THE—PART—OF—1—MERE—EXTRA...
20041022             You can check it out at WAYNE—ALLARD on the Issues.
20041022             12—STÄMME": Mit Gitarre und Gesang gegen die Schulpflicht
20041022             [JFK assassination legend has it SOME—GENERAL presided over the fudgy JFK autopsy.
20041022             --Mk] Read more.
20041022             [PDF] News Release from COLORADO Sentor Wayne
20041022             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, a $136—BILLION corporate tax cut bill.
20041022             —PLANNED, THE—SINCLAIR—BROADCAST—GROUP, to air "1—PRISONER—OF—WAR—STORY," with excerpts from the "documentary" film "Stolen Honor".
20041022             —QUESTIONED, The program, JOHN—KERRY—ANTI—WAR—ACTIVITIES—DURING—THE—VIETNAM conflict.
20041022             —REPORTED—WAS, that engineers in ARIZONA, in 1—EFFORT to stave off GLOBAL—WARMING, were building 1—PROTOTYPE machine that would remove carbon dioxide from the air and store it in rocks or under the Earth.
20041022             —KILLED, Suspected ALGERIA—ISLAM—MILITANTS, 16—PEOPLE—NEAR—MEDEA in the 1. ATTACK—ON—CIVILIANS—SINCE the start of the holy —MONTH of Ramadan.
20041022             † ROSA—ELENA—SIMEON, 61—jahre—alt, CUBA—MINISTER—OF—SCIENCE, technology and environment.
20041022             THE—EU said its member states will contribute $125—MILLION to 1—AFRICA—UNION (AU) force in SUDAN's troubled Darfur region.
20041022             1—VIDEOTAPE—OF—MARGARET—HASSAN, the kidnapped DIRECTOR—OF—CARE—INTERNATIONAL in IRAQ, appeared on AL—JAZEERA, weeping and pleading with UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR to withdraw troops from IRAQ "and not bring them to BAGHDAD" because "this might be my last hours".
20041022             1—UN—AID—AGENCY reported that ISRAEL—RECENT—17—DAY—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE in THE—NORTH—GAZA Strip killed 107—PALESTINIANS, left nearly 700—HOMELESS and caused MORE—THAN—3—MILLION—DOLLAR—DOLLARS in property damage.
20041022             —POUNDED, Defiant PALESTINE—MILITANTS, Jewish settlements in THE—SOUTH—GAZA Strip with mortar fire, —FOLLOWING THE—KILLING—OF—1—TOP—HAMAS militant in 1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE.
20041022             Original article is at Print comments.
20041022             WASHINGTON Transcript Service : USA—SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON (R.
20041022             KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia - Search: KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON.
20041022             Definition, Meaning, Explanation.
20041022             Missing IMAGE—KAY_Bailey_Hutchison.jpg SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON.
20041022             Stretched too THIN—THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES: Editorials/OP—ED—BY—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON : "You may fly over 1—LAND forever;
20041022             you may bomb it + atomize it + pulverize it + wipe...
20041022             KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON (REPUBLICAN—TX) newsletter.
20041022             ( 0,—41—SEKUNDEN)
20041022             STEFAN—WRAY: TEXAS Plan to Grab Los Alamos Takes Hold -... SENATOR—ALLARD, Wayne R - COLORADO, —LAST—WEEK introduced legislation to require THE—DOE to terminate... THE—DOE, THE—STATE—OF—TEXAS + the Pantex NUCLEAR—WEAPONS...
20041022             1—RELIGIOUS—PROJECT that GEORGE—W—BUSH "identifies with" completely, initiated by extremists who are PART—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—DIRECT—ENTOURAGE.
20041022             —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR, Allard fought to restore missile defense funding stripped from USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—AUTHORIZATION—BILL—BY—SENATE—DEMOCRATS.
20041022             TRIAL—USUALLY told to Rocky Mountain News WASHINGTON BUREAU—REPORTER—MICHAEL—ROMANO. +Allard
20041022             Stanley, it's great to have you on with us Read more.
20041022             Government and the People SOTT Commentary-
20041022             Reference historical sources or THE—SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES "Time Line"for EVIDENCE—OF—THE—TRUTH—OF this.
20041022             —FROM BODY—OF—SECRETS, JAMES—BAMFORD, Doubleday, 20010000             , p.82 and —FOLLOWING.
20041022             Scanned and edited by NY Transfer News.
20041022             --Mk] - Zarqawi Does Not Exist by VICTORP—LIBERTY—
20041022             Pentagon Cartoons; HOLLYWOOD Fantasies into Political...
20041022             Right Wing WATCH—SENATOR—WAYNE—ALLARD—OF—COLORADO - 119. What do the symbols mean? (*** Cast 1—LONE—PRO—ENVIRONMENT—VOTE —DURING his entire Senate TENURE—IN 39—CHANCES.
20041022             USA—SENATOR—WAYNE—ALLARD—LETTER to Treasury SECRETARY—PAUL—O'...
20041022             -... 9639. [SENATOR—WAYNE—ALLARD—WEB—PAGE]. proposal.
20041022             [PDF]News Release from COLORADO Sentor WAYNE—ALLARD
20041022             WASHINGTON Transcript Service : USA—SENATOR—WAYNE—ALLARD (REPUBLICAN—CO)...
20041022             —CLOSED, —FOLLOWING is 1—STATEMENT from THE—SENATE'S, deliberations on the articles of... USA/clinton/trial/statements/ allard.shtml
20041022             —WAYNE—ALLARD.
20041022             —FROM dKosopedia, the free political encyclopedia.
20041022             ALLARD, A. Wayne from Biographical DIRECTORY—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESS, 17740000             —PRESENT.
20041022             WAYNE—ALLARD.
20041022             A. WAYNE—ALLARD (born 19431202             ) is 1—USA—SENATOR... www.FREE——ALLARD.html
20041022             WAYNE—ALLARD (REPUBLICAN—CO) newsletter.
20041022   —ALLARD
20041022             Current Office: USA—SENATOR—CURRENT—DISTRICT: JUNIOR—SEAT—1.—ELECTED: 19961105             Last Elected: 11/05.
20041022             1—PLAN is emerging for TEXAS + NEW—MEXICO universities to take over the beleaguered Los Alamos weapons lab.
20041022             THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT says it will not support moves to abandon THE—USA—MILITARY—COMMISSION at GUANTANAMO—BAY, despite the removal of 3—PANEL—MEMBERS.
20041022             USA warns of ASEAN summit plot THE—USA—SAYS—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—GROUPS in LAOS may be planning bomb attacks —DURING—1—SUMMIT—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—LEADERS in the capital, VIENTIANE, —NEXT—MONTH.
20041022             Resource stocks return to centre stage AUSTRALIA—INVESTORS have ignored 1—NEGATIVE—LEAD from WALL—STREET + lifted the local market slightly higher in steady trade
20041022             Court challenge may impede PNG AID—PACKAGE—PLANS to appoint 1—AUSTRALIAN to 1—OF—PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA'S (PNG) top legal offices could be headed for trouble.
20041022             Government measures slow CHINA—GDP growth Annual economic growth in CHINA has slowed for the 3. quarter in 1—ROW, falling to 9.1—PER cent, 3.—QUARTER data shows.
20041022             USA—ARMY wants females in combat zones THE—USA—ARMY is negotiating with THE—PENTAGON—CIVIL—LEADERS 1—PLAN to eliminate 1—WOMEN—IN—COMBAT ban so it can place MIXED—SEX—SUPPORT—COMPANIES within warfighting units, —STARTING with 1—DIVISION going to IRAQ in January, says THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES.
20041022    searched for cohen.
20041022             1. - TED—RALL: THE—CASE—AGAINST—BUSH : HERE—1—SUMMARY of why BUSH and his gang of bloodthirsty corporate goons must go;
20041022             ``There are 1—NUMBER—OF existing problems that pose 1—SUBSTANTIAL—THREAT—TO—THE—INTEGRITY—OF—20040000             —THE general election in THE—USA,''
20041022             —ABOUT half of the roughly $5—BILLION in IRAQ reconstruction funds disbursed by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT in the 1. HALF—OF—THIS —YEAR cannot be accounted for, ACCORDING—TO—1—AUDIT commissioned by THE—UNITED—NATIONS
20041022             —QUESTIONED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—AL—QAEDA control, ;
20041022             Its ethical for ISRAEL—SOLDIERS to kill —13—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINE—CHILDREN THE—ISRAEL—ARMY has cleared 1—OFFICER ACCUSED—OF—REPEATEDLY firing into the lifeless BODY—OF—1—YOUNG—PALESTINE—GIRL—OF "unethical" behaviour.
20041022             ISRAEL on alert as rumours CIRCULATE—OF—RIGHT—WING plot to assassinate Sharon : In the latest sign of growing tensions between the authorities and religious leaders on the right who oppose the plan, heads of the Hesder Yeshivas, colleges at which students combine religious studies with military service, —YESTERDAY abruptly cancelled 1—MEETING—WITH—1—SENIOR—ISRAELI—DEFENCE—FORCES—GENERAL.
20041022             USA—COMMANDER—LOSES—POST; IRAQ Unit Refused Mission, AP Says
20041022             USA —NOW wants more troops in IRAQ : Amid escalating violence in IRAQ and 1 reported WITHDRAWAL—OF—THE—NEW—ZEALAND contingent, the top USA—COMMANDER has signalled 1—STRIKING REVERSAL—OF—POLICY and acknowledged more USA—TROOPS are needed in IRAQ.
20041022             CHRIS—FLOYD: BUSH ist Party bagmen and the rape of IRAQ : 1—DUFFEL bag stuffed with millions in cash from 1—WAR—ZONE slush fund;
20041022             1—FATHER and son held hostage at gunpoint to block 1—CORRUPTION—PROBE, then dumped in hostile territory with no papers, no money, no protection.
20041022             THE—WORLD has lost IRAQ—OIL : THE—USA—LED invasion has resulted in the loss of 1—AVERAGE—OF—2—MILLION—BARRELS —1—DAY—OF—IRAQ—OIL from world markets.
20041022             Frederick said 1—ARMY—INVESTIGATOR—RESPONSIBLE for interrogations encouraged him to abuse the detainee, saying he didn't care what was done to the prisoner "as long as you don't kill him".
20041022             Pentagon Rewards Generals, Corporations Tied to ABU—GHRAIB—SCANDAL : —WHILE 1—FEW—LOW—LEVEL—TROOPS involved in THE—ABU—GHRAIB scandal are being prosecuted, the military is praising and rewarding generals and corporations in CHARGE—OF—PEOPLE directly implicated in the heinous crimes.
20041022             Sen.: DOD exaggerated AL—QAIDA—IRAQ connection : 1—NEW—REPORT from the top Democrat on THE—SENATE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE says 1—KEY—FIGURE at the Pentagon deliberately exaggerated the connection between IRAQ and AL—QAIDA to bolster public and CONGRESS—SUPPORT for the war.
20041022             BUSH Backers Steadfast on Saddam, WMD: 3—OUT—OF—4—SELF—DESCRIBED SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH still believe PRE—WAR—IRAQ had WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION (WMD) or active programmes to produce them + that IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN gave "substantial support" to AL—QAEDA terrorists, ACCORDING—TO—1—SURVEY released —THURSDAY.
20041022             STOP CALLING IT ABUSE, ITS TORTURE... :
20041022             —8—YEARS for USA—SOLDIER who abused tortured prisoners : 1—USA—SOLDIER at the centre of THE—ABU—GHRAIB prisoner abuse scandal was —YESTERDAY sentenced to —8—YEARS for sexually and physically abusing detainees.
20041022             —STEPPED, Fearing Friends : If Kerry wins, BERLIN expects, up pressure to send troops to IRAQ.
20041022             BUSH, Kerry squabble on health, science issues USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH and SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY continued their BATTLE—FOR—SWING states —ON—THURSDAY, dueling over health care, medical liability reform and scientific research.
20041022             BUSH backs temporary work ID for immigrants USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, saying THE—USA should find 1—MORE humane way to treat immigrants, —ON—THURSDAY supported offering temporary cards to immigrants who want jobs that go unfilled by USA—CITIZENS.
20041022             WashPost: AFGHANISTAN IRAQ—WARS collide The contention that THE—IRAQ invasion was 1—UNWISE diversion in confronting terrorism has been central to JOHN—KERRY—CRITIQUE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—PERFORMANCE.
20041022             —ECHOED, But the debate over that question has, within THE—RANKS—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION as well, even among those who support MUCH—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—AGENDA.
20041022             Report: USA raises estimates of IRAQ insurgency USA—OFFICIALS have raised their ESTIMATES—OF—THE—SIZE + financial SUPPORT—OF—THE—INSURGENCY in IRAQ, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES reported —FRIDAY.
20041022             Did you know? Take MISS—'s news quiz What do you know about the —WEEK in news?
20041022             —INTERVIEW—MIT—MARC—BENIOFF: "Die meisten SOFTWARE—KUNDEN sind belogen worden"
20041022             Kerry Said He is Concerned About AFRICA—USA—ISSUES By Staff
20041022             Erfolgreiche USA—FIRMEN—GOOGLE und Microsoft gewinnen im 1. Quartal
20041022             GEORGE, God here... USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH has words with THE—ALMIGHTY—TERRY—JONES, —FRIDAY -
20041022             Drilling wells and maximizing production is THE—NAME—OF—THE—GAME—NOW.
20041022             ECK Worldwide Seminar / "—YEAR—OF—THE—MISSIONARY" -: "ECKANKAR, RELIGION—OF—THE—LIGHT and SOUND—OF—GOD, began its annual New —YEAR celebration with THE—ECK—WORLDWIDE—SEMINAR in MINNEAPOLIS, MN [20041022—20041024 ]. The theme for —THIS—YEAR is: THE—'—YEAR—OF—THE—MISSIONARY.' " [E.M.]
20041022             THE—LIVING—PLANET—REPORT  "GENEVA—ENVIRONMENTISTS—CHARGE in 1—NEW—REPORT that EARTH—ABILITY to sustain life is in peril from mankind's reliance on fossil fuel, THE—SPREAD—OF—CITIES, THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—NATURAL habitats foir farmland and OVEREXPLOITATION—OF—THE—OCEANS.
20041022             The report says the biggest consumers of nonrenewable natural resources are THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, THE—USA, KUWAIT, AUSTRALIA and SWEDEN.
20041022             They leave the biggest 'ecological footprint,' the report says.
20041022             Humans consume 20 % more natural resources than the Earth can produce, the report says.... USE—OF—FOSSIL—FUELS such as coal, gas and oil increased by almost 700 % 19610000—20010000    —BETWEEN, the study says.... POPULATIONS—OF—FRESHWATER, marine and land species fell on average by 40 % 19700000—20000000    —BETWEEN.
20041022             The report cites urbanization, forest clearance, polution, overfishing and the introduction of NON—NATIVE animals, such as cats and rats, which often drive out native species.
20041022             This edition examines the 'ecological footprint' of the planet's entire population.... THE—WORLD'S 6.1—BILLION people leave 1—COLLECTIVE—FOOTPRINT—OF—33.36—BILLION acres, or 5.44—ACRES per capita.
20041022             To allow the earth to regenerate, the average should be no MORE—THAN—4.45—ACRES, the report says".
20041022             [Based on: JONATHAN—FOWLER, A.P.]
20041022             KAY—BAILEY... - 260403antiwarblogg.html...
20041022             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, mentioning that,
20041022             "THE—USA—AUTHORITIES... confirm[ ed ] the fact that 100.000—DOLLAR [was] wired to WTC hijacker MOHAMMED—ATTA from PAKISTAN by AHMAD—UMAR—SHEIKH
20041022             —WHILE THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY (DOE) shuts down..
20041022             "MOSCOW Times" -- —NOW we come at last to THE—HEART—OF—DARKNESS.
20041022             —NOW we know, from their own words, that THE—BUSH—REGIME is 1—CULT -- 1—CULT whose god is Power, whose adherents believe that they alone control reality, that indeed they create THE—WORLD anew with EACH—ACT—OF—THEIR—IRON will.
20041022             —UNDERGIRDED, And the goal of this will --, by the cult's SUPREME—VIRTUES—OF—WAR, fury and blind faith -- is likewise openly declared: "Empire".
20041022             You think this is 1—EXAGGERATION?
20041022             Then heed THE—WORDS—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE itself: a "senior adviser" to THE—PRESIDENT, who, as THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS, explained the cult to AUTHOR—RON—SUSKIND in the heady PRE—WAR—DAYS—OF—20020000          .
20041022             1., the top BUSH insider mocked the journalist and all those "in what we call THE—REALITY—BASED community," i.e., people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality".
20041022             SUSKIND—ATTEMPT—TO—DEFEND THE—PRINCIPLES—OF—REASON and enlightenment cut no ice with THE—BUSH—MAN.
20041022             "That's not the way THE—WORLD really works anymore. We're 1—EMPIRE —NOW, and —WHEN we act, we create our own reality," he said.
20041022             "And —WHILE you're studying that reality, we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too + that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors... and you, ALL—OF—YOU, will be left to —JUST study what we do".
20041022             Indeed, as scholar JUAN—COLE points out, THE—DOGMA—OF—THE—BUSH—CULT is identical with the "REALITY—CREATING" declaration of Mao's "Little Red Book": "It is possible to accomplish ANY—TASK whatsoever".
20041022             For BUSH, as for Mao, "discernible reality" has no meaning: Political, cultural, economic, scientific truth -- even the fundamental PROCESSES—OF—NATURE, even human nature itself -- must give way to THE—FAITH—STATEMENTS—OF—IDEOLOGY, ruthlessly applied by unbending zealots.
20041022             Thus: The conquered will welcome their killers.
20041022             The poor will be happy to slave for the rich.
20041022             THE—EARTH can sustain ANY—AMOUNT—OF—DAMAGE without lasting harm.
20041022             THE—LOSS—OF—RIGHTS is essential to liberty.
20041022             War without end is the only way to peace.
20041022             Cronyism is the path to universal prosperity.
20041022             Dissent is evil; dissenters are "with the terrorists".
20041022             But God is with the Leader; whatever he does is righteous, even if in the eyes of unbelievers -- the "REALITY—BASED community" -- his acts are criminal: aggressive war that kills THOUSANDS—OF—INNOZENZ—PEOPLE, widespread torture, secret assassinations, rampant corruption, electoral subversion.
20041022             Indeed, the doctrine "Gott mit Uns" is THE—LINCHPIN—OF—THE—BUSH—CULT.
20041022             Das IOR ( Vatikan Bank) ist gar keine Staatsbank auch wenn sie sich so verhält.
20041022             BRITAIN, FRANCE and GERMANY have held "reasonable" nuclear talks with IRAN and expect further meetings in THE—RUN—UP to a 20041125             deadline to persuade it to renounce its uranium enrichment plans, ACCORDING—TO—BERLIN.
20041022             A. WAYNE—ALLARD (born 19431202             ) is 1—USA—SENATOR...
20041022             his arrival at THE—WHITE—HOUSE—RELIGION has taken on 1—ALL—IMPORTANT—ROLE.
200410221400         EDT 1—NEW—WAY to See the Energy SECTOR—BY CHRISTOPHER—EDMONDS—THIS energy cycle looks different from THE—BOOM—AND—BUST cycles of the 1990s.
20041022—19980000    —SINCE, The study is the group's 5.
20041022—20000000    —RELEASED, New poll data, —THURSDAY suggest that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH is in 1—STRONG—POSITION to win 1—STATE—THAT—AL—GORE carried ,
20041022—20000000    —IN, BUSH edges ahead in IOWA, presses hard in other 'blue' states New poll data released —THURSDAY suggest that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH is in 1—STRONG—POSITION to win 1—STATE—THAT—AL—GORE carried, IOWA + is putting pressure on DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATE—SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY in 6—OTHER—STATES—GORE won, with PENNSYLVANIA—21—ELECTORAL—VOTES the biggest prize of those 6.
20041022—20010100    —SINCE,
20041022—20010911    —IN, He is suing BUSH for involvement.
20041022—20010911    —IN, —NOW 1—MAJOR—ZOGBY poll out — HALF—OF—NEW—YORKERS think THE—GOVERNMENT was involved.
20041022—20030000    —APPROVED, Figures, for public release by THE—UK—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS, showed its 659—MEMBERS claimed 1—AVERAGE—OF—118,437 pounds, on top of their basic salary of 57,000 pounds.
20041022—20030000    —0509—DEK NORTH—KOREA—ISSUES: WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION and Ballistic Missiles
20041022—20041021    Behind the proclaimed global strategy, we find not only considerable economic interests but also 1—POSSIBLY more disturbing aspect,
20041022—20041100    —ON, THE—HON—KLEIN, DALE—E was sworn in as USA Assistant to THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Nuclear + Chemical + Biological Defense Programs (ATSD(NCB))....
20041022—20041100    —ON, DALE—E—KLEIN—BIOGRAPHIC—SKETCH—THE—HON—KLEIN, DALE—E was sworn in as USA Assistant to THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Nuclear + Chemical + Biological Defense Programs (ATSD(NCB))....
20041022—20050000    —IN, It offered a 1—TIME—TAX—HOLIDAY—WHEN corporations could repatriate their foreign income at 1—MASSIVELY reduced tax rate.
20041026             19680000             BUSH[BGW968] legte sein GESCHICHTS—DIPLOM in Yale ab,
20041102             —MONDAY 20041101
20041102202538       Peace, Love...and VICTORY!!
20041102202538       Lori R. Price
20041102202646       BUSH[BGW968] Brownshirts attack journalist:
20041102203038       An Election Spoiled Rotten-
200411022039         ) - USA—WAHL: KOPF—AN—KOPF—RENNEN mit hoher Wahlbeteiligung
20041102205155       BUSH[BGW968] WILL—LOSE 200411012055
20041102212932       To the critics who said —BEFORE THE—IRAQ—WAR that RUMSFELD accepted too much risk in USA—WAR planning, RUMSFELD responded by saying he had ordered rigorous reviews and was satisfied with his new war plan.
200411022159         Check Big Muddy IMC for election information in SOUTH—ILLINOIS
200411022205         —FORCED, Voters in URBANA—CHAMPAIGN, IL, to use provisional BALLOTS—FULL—STORY
200411022210         SF Bay Indymedia: Voting Problems —AROUND THE—USA—ADD more as you find them.
200411022211         NEW—YORK—CITY—IMC: Voting problems in Brooklyn
200411022213         DEMOCRACY—NOW! reports: "Voting Problems Widespread in FLORIDA, PENNSYLVANIA"
20041102230331       • 11/02 05:48 pm Dollar Mixed Amid Election Jitters
20041102235252       Final push on —DAY—OF—RECKONING
20041116             But the 1. publicly known CASE—OF—CONTRA cocaine shipments appeared in government files in an 19821022             cable from THE—CIA—DIRECTORATE—OF—OPERATIONS.
20041206             P2 stands for Propaganda Duo.
20041206             MASONIC Digest —TUESDAY, 19911022             Volume 3 : Issue 2—TODAY'S.. P2 stands for Propaganda Duo.
20050000—19931022    —ON, I—SEARCH (tm) V1.89P Retrieved Documents Listing at 10 ... L. 101-513 inserted 'THE—EUROPEAN—BANK—FOR—RECONSTRUCTION and Development,'... ACQUISITION—OF—OBLIGATIONS involving loan guarantees for NEW—YORK—CITY.
20050125             213. Unfiltered: Unfiltered 20041022             ".. URGENT!
20050125             213. - Unfiltered: Unfiltered 20041022             ".. URGENT!
20050125             213. Unfiltered: Unfiltered
20050307—20051022    —ON, This confab took place, SHORTLY—BEFORE the election.
20050415             MASONIC DIGEST—TUESDAY, 19911022             Volume 3 : Issue 2—TODAY'S.
20051019             VANCOUVER ISLAND Moves West in Quake Lasting —2—WEEKS
20051022             Herald_com | 20051002             | KIDAN—TALE `stranger than fiction'
20051022             Vogelgrippe: Neue Fälle in RUSSLAND
20051022             Vogelgrippe: Jeder 10. will auf die Weihnachtsgans verzichten
20051022             "Dieser Vorfall zeigt, wie wichtig unser QUARANTÄNE—SYSTEM ist", sagte Reynolds.
20051022             Sicherheitshalber seien ALLE—MENSCHEN,
20051022             "GOOGLE ist nicht zu stoppen", jubelte JASON—SCHROTBERGER, INTERNET—EXPERTE—DER—INVESTMENTFIRMA—TURNER & Partners in PENNSYLVANIA.
20051022             "In the view of MANY—REPUBLICANS, fatigue may be 1—FACTOR affecting the once SMOOTH—RUNNING WHITE—HOUSE.
20051022             "It wasn't —JUST the coat and the things on his hands, it was his attitude and his personality.
20051022             "Out of the hushed hallway encounters and 1—ON—1—CONVERSATIONS, several scenarios have begun to emerge if Rove or vice presidential CHIEF—OF—STAFF I. LEWIS—LIBBY is indicted and forced out.
20051022             "Wie es aussieht, gewinnen wir Anteile in so gut wie allem Märkten", sagte der VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—DES—PRODUKTMANAGEMENTS—VON—GOOGLE, JONATHAN—ROSENBERG.
20051022             (WHIG).
20051022             —PLAYED, WHIG, 1—MAJOR—ROLE in shaping THE—PR campaign to support THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ.
20051022             —INCLUDED, MEMBERS—OF—THE—GROUP, which, KARL—ROVE,
20051022             40—PERCENT—OF—PEOPLE in WEST—BANK, GAZA risk hunger:
20051022             40—PERCENT—OF—THE 3.600.000—PEOPLE living in THE—WEST—BANK + GAZA Strip can't be sure of getting enough food,
20051022             1—STUDENT at Acalanes, who asked not to be identified, said he knew Dyleski —WHEN the 2 attended STANLEY—MIDDLE—SCHOOL together in LAFAYETTE.
20051022             1—TOP—USA—OFFICIAL for aid to IRAQ has accused THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OF rushing unprepared into 20030000             —THE invasion BECAUSE—OF—PRESSURES from USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—APPROACHING reelection campaign.
20051022             —INTERTWINED, ABRAMOFF—DEALINGS with SunCruz were, with his relationships with powerful MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS and their staffs.
20051022             Aids: Muttermilch kann HIV—INFEKTION verhindern
20051022             Alarm in Yucatan: "Wilma" zieht nicht weiter
20051022             —VOWED, Ambassador JOSEPH—WILSON—PRESIDENT—BUSH repeatedly, to fire anyone involved in the leak,
20051022             And he flew key MEMBERS—OF—DELAY—STAFF—INCLUDING his current CHIEF—OF—STAFF—ON 1—SUNCRUZ jet and took them for —1—NIGHT—OF gambling on 1—SUNCRUZ boat at 20010000             —THE—SUPER—BOWL in TAMPA.
20051022             —GRANTED, And we do not have the same POWERS—OF—SUBPOENA, to Fitzgerald.
20051022             And with so MANY—THINGS going so badly, discussion of possible upcoming personnel moves don't stop with Rove and Libby.
20051022             —WARMED, As the negotiations, up, House Majority Leader TOM—DELAY—OFFICE—HE was the House minority whip THEN—GAVE Boulis 1—FLAG that had flown over the Capitol.
20051022             BUSH Critic Became Target of Libby, FORMER—AIDES—SAY: Backers Steadfast on Saddam, WMD:
20051022             BRITAIN says UN to mull Syria sanctions:
20051022             But DYLESKI—LIFE took 1—TURN between the 7. and 8. grade, the boy aid.
20051022             But Kidan will have more explaining to do —AFTER THE—ARREST—OF—HIS pal,
20051022             But the surreal silence in THE—ROOSEVELT—ROOM—EACH—MORNING belies the nervous discussions racing elsewhere —AROUND THE—WEST—WING.
20051022             COULTER: I hope the results are similar, —SINCE Osama is D—E—A—D dead in Tora Bora —SINCE ;;12;;, 2001"
20051022             CHARLES—SULLIVAN: Why do we sell them our souls?:
20051022             CHIEF—OF—STAFF—ANDREW—H—CARD—JUNIOR... has been in his PRESSURE—COOKER job —SINCE BUSH was inaugurated,
20051022             Contact your representative to oppose this horrendous bill.
20051022             DeLay delay ed arraignment
20051022             Denn GOOGLE hält außerhalb des Pflichtprogramms Informationen über den Geschäftsverlauf sorgfältig zurück.
20051022             Der Papagei war mit einer Lieferung von 148—EXOTISCHEN Vögeln am 16. ;;09;;
20051022             in GROSSBRITANNIEN angekommen.
20051022             Die GOOGLE—AKTIE reagierte auf die am späten Donnerstagabend vorgelegte Zwischenbilanz mit 1—KURSSPRUNG.
20051022             Die Performance des Unternehmens sei einfach unglaublich.
20051022             "Da geht was Fundamentales INNERHALB—2—TAGENGOOGLE vor,
20051022             —PUNCHED, Dyleski was defensive about his trench coat and once, a 6. grader who said something about it, the boy said.
20051022             Dyleski, who is 5'5" tall and weighs 110—POUNDS, had scratches on his face + legs consistent with 1—VIOLENT—STRUGGLE—WHEN arrested, the source said.
20051022             —RESULTED, FORCE—FEEDINGS, in prisoners "vomiting up substantial AMOUNTS—OF—BLOOD.
20051022             —FROM his brush with mob hits, to his ties to gambling interests, to his SUPPORT—OF—THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—APARTHEID regime, Abramoff is 1—STRANGE bedfellow, indeed.
20051022             GEHEIM—DIENST—POSSE: Prozess im Nebel
20051022             Goodwill Envoy Hughes Claims SADDAM—HUSSEIN—GASSED 'HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS' of Iraqis:
20051022             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Polizei nimmt 3—TERRORVERDÄCHTIGE fest
20051022             HOST: [BUSH said to Kerry] "You can run, but you can't hide".
20051022             That's what he said about OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20051022             He apparently had no prior trouble with law enforcement.
20051022             He described the suspect as a "normal" suburban kid who was 1—BOY—SCOUT, loved baseball and earned good grades.
20051022             HURRICANE—WILMA": So wüst wie 5—WIRBELSTÜRME
20051022             I suspect they will be discussing replacements for those who about to be indicted, and/or those who have agreed to plead guilty.
20051022             I'm still leaning towards believing that Rove and Libby will fall on their swords
20051022             If 1—PERSON can be judged by his CHOICE—OF—FRIENDS, then TOM—DELAY should face harsh judgement for his buddy JACK—ABRAMOFF.
20051022             If special counsel PATRICK—FITZGERALD delivers indictments of 1—FEW FUNCTIONARIES—OF—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OFFICE—OR—THE—WHITE—HOUSE ,
20051022             —STARTED, In 8. grade, Dyleski, wearing 1—BLACK trench coat and elaborate metal jewelry on his fingers and his behavior seemed strange, the boy said.
20051022             NEW—JERSEY, nursing home care costs in excess of 75.000—DOLLAR per—YEAR, more than the median income for 1—NEW—JERSEY family of 4.
20051022             In an effort to cut government expenses, once again Congress is poised to reduce medical benefits available to MIDDLE—CLASS senior citizens.
20051022             IRAQ Unit Refused Mission, AP Says
20051022             —AFTER—assassination—report, ISRAEL—LEADERS—CALL for regime change in Syria:
20051022             It changed too. He seemed angry," the boy said.
20051022             It does no good to ask the weakling's pointless question, "Is AMERICA 1—FASCIST—STATE?"
20051022             It serves the interests of the rich and powerful.
20051022             They are the cheerleaders for death and delirium.
20051022             Why do we lend them our ears and our minds?
20051022             —HELPED, JUDITH—MILLER—BOGUS stories in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION mislead Congress into invading IRAQ.
20051022             JUDY—STORIES about WMD fit too perfectly with THE—WHITE—HOUSE—CASE for war.
20051022             —ADMITTED, KARL—ROVE has, that he leaked Valerie—PLAME—IDENTITY to the press as PART—OF—1—SMEAR CAMPAIGN—AGAINST—HER—HUSBAND,
20051022             KIDAN—STEPFATHER sued Kidan + his law partners.
20051022             Living in 1—FASCIST—STATE—MAUREEN Dowd: WOMAN—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION:
20051022             Medicaid reform to leave senior citizens with less:
20051022             Mordfall Hariri: Libanesen wollen Schuldige vor internationales Tribunal stellen
20051022             Mordfall Hariri: Zentraler Zeuge in MEHLIS—REPORT ist verurteilter Betrüger
20051022             —REVEALED, MORE—THAN—1—FEW classic Coulter "FLIP—FLOPS" are, in the presentation as well.
20051022             NEW—YORK—TIMES: Fire JUDITH—MILLER—AND—APOLOGIZE to Readers - Not 1—MORE—DEATH: Not 1—MORE—DOLLAR:
20051022             —NOW she won't even come clean with other Times reporters about her testimony to the grand jury investigating the criminal leak of Valerie—PLAME—IDENTITY.
20051022             Of course, it's 1—MUG shot.
20051022             —OPENED, And that's where the whole CAN—OF—WORMS gets, up.
20051022             (Redstate org starts off the analysis here.)
20051022             Official Says USA—RUSHED to War in IRAQ: Old BUSH—VERSUS—NEW:
20051022             1—STUDENT who knows Dyleski said the teenager was 1—TYPICAL—KID—UNTIL—THE—8—GRADE,
20051022             Part III: DELAY—GODFATHER
20051022             PATRICIA—MORGAN, Republican state chairwoman, said —YESTERDAY.
20051022             —QUESTIONED, Pigs at the trough: ISRAEL—COMPANY'S—ROLE in scandal : USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH : Fire KARL—ROVE—TODAY
20051022             —RECENTLY Declassified Notes Reveal Brutal TREATMENT—OF—HUNGER—STRIKING Detainees at GUANTANAMO:
20051022             —GESCHEITERT, Regierungsbildung: Seehofer hält Merkels Reformvorschläge für
20051022             —LINKED, REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY—OF—OHIO, who has —RECENTLY been, to SCANDAL—RIDDEN (and —NOW indicted) lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF ,
20051022             S—FRANCISCO—EINIGE—WENIGE—EXPERTEN hatten im Vorfeld 1—EINSCHÄTZUNG abgegeben, die allerdings allein auf den Beobachtungen des MARKT—UMFELDES beruhten.
20051022             —BANNED, School officials, trench coats shortly thereafter, but Dyleski continued wearing black clothing, the boy said.
20051022             Senior GOP officials are developing 1—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—STRATEGY to defend those ACCUSED—OF—CRIMES and,
20051022             She was close to AHMAD—CHALABI, the con man who was conning the neocons to knock out Saddam so he could get his hands on IRAQ
20051022             Sie kletterte nachbörslich um 11 % auf ein neues REKORD—HOCH—VON—335,75—DOLLAR—1—ANSTIEG um gut 300 % —SEIT—DEM, Börsengang —VOR—14—MONATEN.
20051022             Sie wurden in der Quarantänezone zusammen mit IMPORT—VÖGEL aus TAIWAN gehalten.
20051022             ALLE—VÖGEL in dieser abgeschirmten Zone wurden NACH—DER—VIRUS—ENTDECKUNG bei dem Papageien sofort getötet.
20051022             —ATTENDED, Sources say Dyleski, Acalanes High School, but took THE—GED and was studying art at Diablo Valley College.
20051022             Stop the Effort to Gut Campaign Finance Laws
20051022             THE—MOST—IMPORTANT—CRIMINAL—CASE in AMERICA N History
20051022             —PUBLISHED, THE—RIEGLE—REPORT to THE—USA—SENATE has, evidence that THE—USA—SOLD bacillus anthracis + clostridium botulinum + histoplasma capsulatum + brucella + melitensis + clostridium perfringens
20051022             THE—SUPER—BOWL trip came —JUST DAYS—BEFORE BOULIS—SLAYING.
20051022             THE—TIMES—NEEDS to fire MILLER—AND apologize to its readers.
20051022             —REVEALED, The corporate media, as startlingly, —RECENTLY in the example of JUDITH—MILLER, does not serve THE—PRINCIPLES—OF—DEMOCRACY.
20051022             THE—EVIDENCE—OF—WIDESPREAD wrongdoing and conspiracy is —BEFORE EVERY—AMERICA N with 1—CHEAP laptop + 1—CABLE—TELEVISION—SUBSCRIPTION.
20051022             THE—FOLLOWING—YEAR,
20051022             The investigation by special prosecutor PATRICK—J—FITZGERALD into the leaking of Valerie—PLAME'
20051022             This time, the cuts will come in the form of reducing Medicaid eligibility for those who need nursing home care.
20051022             Tropensturm: "Wilma" richtet verheerende Schäden an
20051022             USA : BUSH will illegale Einwanderer stoppen
20051022             Via AMERICA BLOG,
20051022             —CANCELED, WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, has been, because Card is spending the weekend with USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH at the presidential retreat at Camp David,
20051022             We must ask instead, in 1—MAJOR rather than 1—MINOR—KEY, "Can we make AMERICA the best damned fascist state THE—WORLD has ever seen," Continued
20051022             —WHEN they vomited up blood, the soldiers mocked and cursed at them, and taunted them with statements like 'look what your religion has brought you.'"
20051022             Why in THE—WORLD does Rove still have 1—SECURITY—CLEARANCE?
20051022             1—JEWISH—LOBBYIST who was close to Ney + who —NOW is the subject of several FEDERAL—INVESTIGATIONS for his lobbying practices, THE—WASHINGTON—POST reported —THIS—WEEK.
20051022             and have plea agreements in place by —NEXT—WEEK, to spare their respective bosses, BUSH and CHENEY ,
20051022             are believed to have been interviewed and documents subpoenaed.
20051022             as the SunCruz deal was closing, Abramoff brought his lead financier to 1—DELAY—FUNDRAISER in the lobbyist's box at FedEx Field —DURING—1—MONDAY—NIGHT—FOOTBALL—GAME between THE—WASHINGTON—REDSKINS + THE—DALLAS—COWBOYS.
20051022             but has —NOW FLIP—FLOPPED and will only fire those "convicted of 1—CRIME".
20051022             Why won't he fire Rove ?
20051022             charged with "conspiracy in 1—CAMPAIGN—FINANCE—SCHEME",
20051022             das immer mehr an Schwung gewinnt", sekundierte Safa Rashtchy von Piper Jaffray.
20051022             die mit den —NUN getöteten Vögeln in Kontakt waren, mit Medikamenten behandelt worden, die Symptome der Grippe lindern.
20051022             either because they can't get to it or because they can't afford it, THE—UN—FOOD—AGENCY said —THURSDAY.
20051022             fügte sie hinzu.
20051022             Außerdem sei bei dem Papagei nicht der besonders gefährliche Virus H5N1 sondern nur eine schwächere Form diagnostiziert worden.
20051022             is pushing 1—BILL that would gut existing campaign finance reforms and allow a 60-fold increase in wealthy individuals' contributions to political parties and candidates.
20051022             —LATER, Ney praised Kidan in the official PUBLICATION—OF—CONGRESS.
20051022             longer than ANY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF in decades.
20051022             'He looks totally burned out,' 1—REPUBLICAN strategist said.
20051022             more importantly, shield BUSH from further damage, ACCORDING—TO—REPUBLICANS familiar with the plans".
20051022             reports: 1—RHODE—ISLAND—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—FUNDRAISER scheduled for tonight featuring ANDREW—H—CARD ,
20051022             s identity as 1—COVERT—CIA—AGENT has led to renewed attention on THE—ACTIVITIES—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE—IRAQ Group
20051022             saying SADDAM—HUSSEIN had gassed to death "HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS" of his own people.
20051022             1—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL—LATER said she misspoke about the number.
20051022             steer 2—CONTRACTS, 1—INVOLVING telecommunications + a 2. involving dredging at 1—IRAQ—PORT,
20051022             that these exports have been fully documented
20051022             the ugly fallout from 1 protracted criminal case and from being called as witnesses.
20051022             to AGENCIES—OF—THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT
20051022             to companies linked to longtime friends or clients of longtime friends.
20051022             we are likely to have on our hands 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CRISIS.
20051022             —WHEN his personality + demeanor darkened noticeably
20051022             IRAK: Verfassung in Saddams Heimatprovinz abgelehnt
20051022             —HAPPENED, What really, at TORA—BORA?
20051022             CHICAGO beat THE—HOUSTON—ASTROS 5-3 in Game 1—OF—BASEBALL—BEST—OF—7—WORLD—SERIES.
20051022             —WRAPPED, DONALD—RUMSFELD, USA—DEFENSE—SEC., up a 3-nation ASIA—TOUR with 1—STOP in MONGOLIA.
20051022             —SCHEDULED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH was, to stop in Ulan Bator —IN—NOVEMBER.
20051022             —MURDERED, SCOTT—MCALPIN, 24—jahre—alt of El Sobrante, his SF girlfriend ANASTASIA—MELNITCHENKO (22).
20051022             —ARRESTED, McAlpin was, THE—NEXT—DAY by USA—PARK—POLICE at the Marin Headlands NORTH—OF—S—FRANCISCO.
20051022             THE—BODY—OF—MELNITCHENKO, was found in the trunk of his car.
20051022             McAlpin had 8—PREVIOUS felony convictions for domestic violence.
20051022             † Armand PIERRE—FERNANDEZ, 76—jahre—alt, THE—FRENCH—BORN sculptor known as Arman who was 1—LEADING FIGURE—OF—THE—NEW—REALISM movement, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20051022             —CONVICTED, AFGHANISTAN, ALI—MOHAQIQ—NASAB was, —AFTER his magazine HAQOOQ—I—ZAN, or WOMEN—RIGHTS, published 1—SERIES—OF—ARTICLES about Islam.
20051022             1 challenged 1—BELIEF that Muslims who convert to other religions should be stoned to death, as sanctioned by SOME—INTERPRETATIONS—OF—ISLAM—SHARIAH law, —WHILE another criticized the practice of punishing adultery with 100—LASHES.
20051022             —STABBED, BRITAIN, 1—MAN was, to death and several other people hurt in BIRMINGHAM —WHEN riots erupted over allegations 1—BLACK—GIRL was raped, though police said there is nothing to substantiate the claim.
20051022             Members of the ethnic AFRO—CARIBBEAN and PAKISTAN—COMMUNITIES clashed violently with EACH—OTHER—AFTER—1—WEEK—OF—TENSION over rumors that a —14—YEAR—OLD—JAMAICA—GIRL was raped at 1—SOUTH—ASIAN—RUN—SHOP.
20051022             —AGREED, CHINA—LEGISLATURE, to cut income taxes on the country's poorest workers.
20051022             —RAISED, The cutoff point to pay taxes was, from 800—YUAN to 1600—yuan ($198) per—MONTH.
20051022             1—BIRD—FLU—OUTBREAK killed 545—CHICKENS and ducks in CENTRAL—CHINA and prompted authorities to destroy 2,487 others.
20051022             because the annual LIST—OF—STORM—NAMES had already been exhausted, forecasters called the new system TROPICAL—STORM—ALPHA.
20051022             —CONSIDERED, AT—LEAST—20—GUATEMALA—INMATES, to be extremely dangerous escaped from 1—HIGH—SECURITY—PRISON through 1—TUNNEL 50—MILES—SOUTH—OF—GUATEMALA—CITY.
20051022             HAITI, MUHAMMED—KHALAF, 32—jahre—alt, 1—UN—PEACEKEEPER from THE—JORDAN—ARMY. was shot —WHILE on patrol near the volatile Cite Soleil SLUM—OF—PORT—AU—PRINCE.
20051022             He † —2—DAYS—LATER.
20051022             —KILLED, USA—SOLDIERS and warplanes, 20—INSURGENTS and destroyed 5 "safe houses" —DURING—1—OPERATION—AGAINST—MILITANTS who shelter foreign fighters for AL—QAIDA in IRAQ near THE—SYRIA—BORDER.
20051022             —CRAWLED, HURRICANE—WILMA, over MEXICO—YUCATAN—PENINSULA, keeping SOME—30,000—TOURISTS huddled in hotels and shelters amid shrieking winds and shattering glass.
20051022             —CRASHED, NIGERIA, 1—PASSENGER—JET, SHORTLY—AFTER takeoff from LAGOS, killing all 117 on BOARD.
20051022             —CALLED, SPAIN, the Basque country's ruling party, for new initiatives to end VIOLENCE—BY—ETA guerrillas in SPAIN and break 1—POLITICAL deadlock over the region's status.
20051022             —APPROVED, Bishops from —AROUND THE—WORLD, 1—SET—OF—50—RECOMMENDATIONS for BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA on running THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH that reaffirm church teaching on such issues as celibacy for priests.
20051022             —LINKED, REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY—OF—OHIO, who has —RECENTLY been, to SCANDAL—RIDDEN (and —NOW indicted) lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF, is pushing 1—BILL that would gut existing campaign finance reforms and allow a 60-fold increase in wealthy individuals' contributions to political parties and candidates.
20051022             Take Action 20051022             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH : Fire KARL—ROVE—TODAY
20051022             —ADMITTED, KARL—ROVE has, that he leaked Valerie—PLAME—IDENTITY to the press as PART—OF—1—SMEAR CAMPAIGN—AGAINST—HER—HUSBAND, Ambassador JOSEPH—WILSON.
20051022             —VOWED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH repeatedly, to fire anyone involved in the leak, but has —NOW FLIP—FLOPPED and will only fire those "convicted of 1—CRIME".
20051022             Why won't he fire Rove ? Why in THE—WORLD does Rove still have 1—SECURITY—CLEARANCE?
20051022             Take Action 20051022             NEW—YORK—TIMES: Fire JUDITH—MILLER—AND—APOLOGIZE to Readers
20051022             Take Action 20051022             Medicaid reform to leave senior citizens with less: In an effort to cut government expenses, once again Congress is poised to reduce medical benefits available to MIDDLE—CLASS senior citizens.
20051022             40—PERCENT—OF—PEOPLE in WEST—BANK, GAZA risk hunger : 40—PERCENT—OF—THE 3.6—MILLION—PEOPLE living in THE—WEST—BANK + GAZA Strip can't be sure of getting enough food, either because they can't get to it or because they can't afford it, THE—UN—FOOD—AGENCY said —THURSDAY.
20051022             Pigs at the trough:
20051022             —RECENTLY Declassified Notes Reveal Brutal TREATMENT—OF—HUNGER—STRIKING Detainees at GUANTANAMO : FORCE—FEEDINGS resulted in prisoners "vomiting up substantial AMOUNTS—OF—BLOOD.
20051022             Goodwill Envoy Hughes Claims SADDAM—HUSSEIN—GASSED 'HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS' of Iraqis : USA—ENVOY—KAREN Hughes —ON—FRIDAY defended WASHINGTON—DECISION to go to WAR—AGAINST—IRAQ in front of 1—SKEPTICAL—AUDIENCE, saying SADDAM—HUSSEIN had gassed to death "HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS" of his own people.
20051022             pursuant to export licences issued by THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—COMMERCE,
20051022             Times: MILLER—MISLED—PAPER—ABOUT—ROLE: THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES' JUDITH—MILLER belatedly gave prosecutors her notes of 1—KEY meeting in THE—CIA—LEAK—PROBE—ONLY—AFTER—being—shown WHITE—HOUSE—RECORDS—OF it + her boss declared —FRIDAY she appeared to have misled the newspaper about her role.
20051022             Maureen Dowd: WOMAN—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION : JUDY—STORIES about WMD fit too perfectly with THE—WHITE—HOUSE—CASE for war.
20051022             CHARLES—SULLIVAN: Why do we sell them our souls?: The corporate media, as startlingly revealed —RECENTLY in the example of JUDITH—MILLER, does not serve THE—PRINCIPLES—OF—DEMOCRACY.
20051022             Official Says USA Rushed to War in IRAQ : 1—TOP—USA—OFFICIAL for aid to IRAQ has accused THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OF rushing unprepared into 20030000             —THE invasion BECAUSE—OF—PRESSURES from USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—APPROACHING reelection campaign.
20051022             Not 1—MORE—DEATH: Not 1—MORE—DOLLAR : On THE—DAY—AFTER—THE—2,000. reported USA—MILITARY—DEATH in IRAQ, people will gather in communities across THE—USA to say that the country's PRO—PEACE—MAJORITY wants Congress to stop the deaths by stopping the dollars that are funding the war.
20051022             If special counsel PATRICK—FITZGERALD delivers indictments of 1—FEW FUNCTIONARIES—OF—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OFFICE—OR—THE—WHITE—HOUSE, we are likely to have on our hands 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CRISIS.
20051022             The investigation by special prosecutor PATRICK—J—FITZGERALD into the leaking of Valerie—PLAME—IDENTITY as 1—COVERT—CIA—AGENT has led to renewed attention on THE—ACTIVITIES—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE—IRAQ Group (WHIG).
20051022             —INCLUDED, MEMBERS—OF—THE—GROUP, which, KARL—ROVE, Karen Hughes, CONDOLEEZZA—RICE and I. LEWIS—SCOOTER—LIBBY, are believed to have been interviewed and documents subpoenaed.
20051022             "Out of the hushed hallway encounters and 1—ON—1—CONVERSATIONS, several scenarios have begun to emerge if Rove or vice presidential CHIEF—OF—STAFF I. LEWIS—LIBBY is indicted and forced out. Senior GOP officials are developing 1—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—STRATEGY to defend those ACCUSED—OF—CRIMES and, more importantly, shield BUSH from further damage, ACCORDING—TO—REPUBLICANS familiar with the plans".
20051022             has been in his PRESSURE—COOKER job —SINCE BUSH was inaugurated, longer than ANY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF in decades.
20051022             "It wasn't —JUST the coat and the things on his hands, it was his attitude and his personality. It changed too. He seemed angry," the boy said.
20051022             1—STUDENT who knows Dyleski said the teenager was 1—TYPICAL—KID—UNTIL—THE—8—GRADE, —WHEN his personality + demeanor darkened noticeably
20051022             http: //—OF—WAR—WOW at Camp DAVID—THIS—WEEKEND
20051022             Via AMERICA BLOG, THE—PROVIDENCE—JOURNAL reports: 1—RHODE—ISLAND—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—FUNDRAISER scheduled for tonight featuring ANDREW—H—CARD, WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, has been canceled because Card is spending the weekend with USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH at the presidential retreat at Camp David, PATRICIA—MORGAN, Republican state chairwoman, said —YESTERDAY.
20051022             I'm still leaning towards believing that
20051022             Rove and Libby will fall on their swords and have plea agreements in place by —NEXT—WEEK, to spare their respective bosses, BUSH and CHENEY, the ugly fallout from 1 protracted criminal case and from being called as witnesses.
20051022             The question is, will BUSH pardon them in return for their loyalty —BEFORE or —AFTER they serve ANY—JAIL—TIME required by the deals?
20051022             ( starts off the analysis
20051022             To help land the deal, 1—ABRAMOFF associate, MICHAEL—SCANLON, persuaded REPRESENTATIVE—ROBERT—W—NEY (REPUBLICAN—OHIO ) to officially criticize Boulis in THE—CONGRESS—RECORD;
20051022             —LISTED, Abramoff, TONY—RUDY, 1—TOP—DELAY—AIDE—AT—THE—TIME + REPRESENTATIVE—DANA—ROHRABACHER (REPUBLICAN—CALIFORNIA) as personal references on his loan papers.
20051022             But Kidan will have more explaining to do —AFTER THE—ARREST—OF—HIS pal... THE—FOLLOWING—YEAR, KIDAN—STEPFATHER sued Kidan + his law partners.
20051022             "Da geht was Fundamentales INNERHALB—2—TAGENGOOGLE vor, das immer mehr an Schwung gewinnt", sekundierte Safa Rashtchy von Piper Jaffray.
20051022             "Die haben aus der Werbetechnologie wirklich 1—WISSENSCHAFT gemacht".
20051022             Und ANTHONY—NOTO—VON—GOLDMAN—SACHS gab schlicht die Empfehlung: "Kauft diese Aktie".
20051022             —VERENDET, Das Tier sei, ehe es in Kontakt mit anderem Geflügel in GROSSBRITANNIEN kommen konnte, fügte sie hinzu.
20051022             Sicherheitshalber seien ALLE—MENSCHEN, die mit den —NUN getöteten Vögeln in Kontakt waren, mit Medikamenten behandelt worden, die Symptome der Grippe lindern.
20051022             1—STORIES and blog posts contain the term kidan.
20051022             Part III: DELAY—GODFATHER—BY—STEPHEN—PIZZO, AlterNet - Reuters
20051022             —APPEARED, AUSTIN—TEXAS (Reuters ) - USA—REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY, in court to face campaign finance charges for the 1. time —ON—FRIDAY, but the session was cut short by his lawyer 's charge that the judge was politically biased against the former 2.—RAN
20051022             DeLay Makes 1. COURT—APPEARANCE
20051022             1—BOEING 737—DER NIGERIANISCHEN—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT Bellview Airlines stürzt KURZ—NACH—DEM Start in LAGOS ab.
20051022             Alle 111—PASSAGIERE und die 6—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER sind tot.
20051022             In der Karibik bildet sich der Tropische STURM—ALPHA.
200510220111         —PM, Valerie—PLAME Leak
200510220111         —PM |Permalink | Valerie—PLAME Leak
20051022—19330000    STURM—ALPHA ist das 22. benannte System in der HURRICANEsaison 20050000             , womit der bisherige Rekord des Jahres überboten wird.
20051022—20010000    —IN, 000 to 1—CHARITABLE—FOUNDATION—RUN by JACK—ABRAMOFF ,
20051022—20010000    —DONATED, Foxcom had, 50.000—DOLLAR to 1—CHARITABLE—FOUNDATION—RUN by JACK—ABRAMOFF, 1—JEWISH—LOBBYIST who was close to Ney + who —NOW is the subject of several FEDERAL—INVESTIGATIONS for his lobbying practices, THE—WASHINGTON—POST reported —THIS—WEEK.
20051022—20011200    —SINCE, COULTER: I hope the results are similar, —SINCE Osama is D—E—A—D dead in Tora Bora "
20051022—20020000    —FROM, Or this : "We need to execute people like JOHN—WALKER in ORDER—TO—PHYSICALLY intimidate liberals by making them realize that they can be killed too".
20051022—20020000    —IN, awarded ISRAEL—FOXCOM—THE—3—MILLION—DOLLAR—CONTRACT over LGC Wireless Foxcom had donated $50,
20051022—20040000    —IN, Or this loving and very Christian chestnut from 1—APPEARANCE on Fox & Friends —PRIOR—TO the election:
20051022—20050916    —AM, Der Papagei war mit einer Lieferung von 148—EXOTISCHEN Vögeln in GROSSBRITANNIEN angekommen.
20051022—20051024    —CRITICIZED, THE—UN, his —2—YEAR—JAIL—SENTENCE.
20051022—20080000    —CONVICTED—OF, McAlpin was, 1. degree murder.
20060708             REPRESENTATIVE—KEN—CALVERT ( R—CA 44.)... Land Claims Recognition to Pay for MOON—BASE—TO: REPRESENTATIVE—KEN—CALVERT 20051022             ...
20061015             — BARBARA—BUSH, LARRY—KING—LIVE (CNN),
20061015             Why are these men smiling?
20061015             THE—DAY—I meet CHARLIE—SWIFT, he attempts to sum up the legal morass of Guantánamo.
20061015             — BARBARA—BUSH, LARRY—KING—LIVE (CNN), 20031022—20061015    — BARBARA—BUSH, LARRY—KING—LIVE (CNN),
20061015             — BARBARA—BUSH, LARRY—KING—LIVE (CNN), 20031022—20061022    —ANNOUNCED, PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD, that AUSTRALIA is to launch a 500—MILLION—DOLLAR—DRIVE to tackle GLOBAL—WARMING, as the country battles its worst drought in MORE—THAN—1—CENTURY.
20061015—20061022    —DATE 20200910             in den USA hat die ANSI das auf den 20201022             verlegt.
20061015—20061022    —DATE 20070907             —SLATED, The exercise which is, to run 20071015—20071020    —FROM—TO is described as 1—WAY to prepare, prevent and respond to ANY—NUMBER—OF—NATIONAL—CRISES.
20061015—20061022    —DATE 20111022—20111020    —ON, The women's bodies were found —BEFORE dawn and
20061021—20061022    I really felt compelled, as 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—COMMITTEE that's fed up with the leaks, to send 1—LETTER to the chairman and ask him to investigate it.
20061022             JUDD—FROM THE—USA—IN—IRAQ".
20061022             —ANNOUNCED, PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD, that AUSTRALIA is to launch a 500—MILLION—DOLLAR—DRIVE to tackle GLOBAL—WARMING, as the country battles its worst drought in MORE—THAN—1—CENTURY.
20061022             "Beginning 20060101             , GERMANY will require payment of 1—LICENSE—FEE—OF—5.52—EUROS —1—MONTH on computers + MOBILE phones that can access TV + radio programs over THE—INTERNET. Like the current TV + radio license fees, the money will support national and local public TV and radio stations. GERMANY—COMPANIES with MANY—COMPUTERS are predictably upset".
20061022             ROBERT—W—GAMBINO 19910000             —19940308—01—31—GEORGE—H—W—BUSH—G.
20061022             [20050408             ]
20061022             —ON—SATURDAY—MORNING, [20050408             ]
20061022             [20050408             ] - BUSH: We will stay the course.
20061022             [20040413             ]
20061022             BUSH: And my message —TODAY to those in IRAQ is: We'll stay the course.
20061022             [20040416             ]
20061022             BUSH: And that's why we're going to stay the course in IRAQ.
20061022             And that's why —WHEN we say something in IRAQ, we're going to do it.
20061022             [20040504             ]
20061022             2004080709_und_Report —WHILE driving back from the speech —LATER—THAT—DAY, BUSH[BGW968]...
20061022             [20060830             ] - BUSH: We will stay the course.
20061022             [20060830             ]
20061022             BUSH is wrong: BUSH: We will stay the course. [20060830             ]
20061022             Workers find more human remains at Ground 0 as 1—NEW—SEARCH for victims of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS gets under way.
20061022             More remains found at Ground 0—WORKERS find more human remains at Ground 0 as 1—NEW—SEARCH for victims of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS gets under way.
20061022             "1—INSTITUTION that is particular to (Aquitaine) + that is stranger to the Gauls," says the highly esteemed AUTHOR—OF—THE—HISTORY—OF—GASCONNY,
20061022             BUSH: We will stay the course, we will complete the job in IRAQ.
20061022             BUSH: And so we've got tough action in IRAQ. But we will stay the course.
20061022             Foley to page: "You could always stay at my place. I'm always here, I'm always lonely + I'm always up for ORAL sex".
20061022             —SINGLED, Foley, out "hot" boys: report
20061022             EINIGE—MILITÄREXPERTEN fordern, Phosphorbomben als chemische Waffen einzustufen und generell zu verbieten.
20061022             BUSH is wrong: BUSH: We will stay the course.
20061022             "Beginning ;;01;; 1., GERMANY will require payment of 1—LICENSE—FEE—OF—5.52—EUROS —1—MONTH on computers + MOBILE phones that can access TV + radio programs over THE—INTERNET.
20061022             "Destined for Destiny: THE—UNAUTHORIZED—AUTOBIOGRAPHY—OF—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH ".
20061022             This book will cause you to laugh out loud on public transportation.
20061022             "Die ISRAELISCHE—ARMEE hat während des Kriegs gegen die Hisbollah Phosphorgranaten bei Angriffen auf MILITÄR—ZIELE in offenen Gebieten eingesetzt", sagte Edri dem Bericht zufolge.
20061022             "Diebold Election Systems INCORPORATED expressed alarm and state election officials contacted THE—FBI
20061022             "In 1—EFFORT to reduce alcohol related violence, ENGLAND is rolling out mandatory fingerprinting of all pub patrons.
20061022             "Offenders can be banned from 1—PUB or ALL—OF—THEM for 1—SPECIFIED—TIME—USUALLY—1—PERIOD—OF—MONTHS—BY 1—COMMITTEE—OF landlords + police called Pub Watch.
20061022             "Selbst wenn die Tiere unter Stress stehen, greifen sie normalerweise nicht an".
20061022             "So etwas ist extrem außergewöhnlich", sagte 1—MEERESBIOLOGIN von der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—MIAMI.
20061022             "SOME—GOVERNMENT—EMPLOYEES will be getting smart ID cards beginning —THIS—WEEK.
20061022             The unfunded mandate to have all employees and contractors use Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards is PART—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—PRESIDENTIAL—DIRECTIVE 12.
20061022             "To help craft this lasting account of his life and leadership, GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH turned to 2—WRITERS who have earned not only his trust but his deep friendship [Uh + IRAQ Had WMDs]:
20061022             E360—INSIGHT responded on its homepage,
20061022             "We can send free trade to CENTRAL—AMERICA—TODAY, or we will be sending troops tomorrow" was 1—FREQUENT—REFRAIN.
20061022             'El Comandante' poised to lead Nicaraguans once again: - JUDD—FROM THE—USA—IN—IRAQ".
20061022             Soul (sôl), life, âme. - to dure (dioure), durer.
20061022             —CALLED, In our —DAY, are not they, soldiers in THE—ANGLO—SAXON ?
20061022             kdawson 260 - DOC—RUBY—CA—1—ARTICLE in THE—BALTIMORE (MD) Sun,
20061022             1.900.000—AFGHANS need food assistance DUE—TO—DROUGHT:
20061022             1—DEMOCRATIC—STAFFER'S—ACCESS—TO—CLASSIFIED information was —RECENTLY suspended
20061022             1—GORE/Obama ticket would be 1—LIKELY landside victory.
20061022             1—HIDDEN crisis is under way.
20061022             MANY—GOVERNMENT insiders are aware of serious plans for WAR—WITH—IRAN,
20061022             1—KEY—WAY that the body fights BACK—AGAINST—TUBERCULOSIS has been identified by scientists.
20061022             1—NEW—COVER—STORY by Rolling Stone describes THE—LAST—6—YEARS in Congress as the "most shameful, corrupt and incompetent period
20061022             1—POLITICAL—SOLUTION, the only secure way to achieve peace in IRAQ, has slipped across the horizon,
20061022             1—ROW erupts —AFTER INDIA—OFFICIALS detain 1—PAKISTAN—DIPLOMATIC—DRIVER for allegedly receiving secret files.
20061022             Abbé Monlezun, "is that of the solduriens, or, rather, saldunes (of Escualdunal, zaldi or saldi,
20061022             Aber auch der Kleingärtner oder der Bastler im Hobbykeller kann Muße erfahren.
20061022             Das Gespräch führte HOLGER—FUSS—TECHNOLOGY—REVIEW,
20061022             AFGHANISTAN: TALIBAN—FÜHRER kündigt verstärkte Kämpfe an
20061022             —AFTER EACH—ROUND—OF—VIOLENCE 1—CYCLE of revenge follows.
20061022             —AFTER giving us THE—MEANING—OF—THE—NAMES—OF—THE—IBERIAN tribes, the Celtic language explains —JUST as easily those of the Aquitain tribes.
20061022             —RECOUNTED, All authors have, the different character traits that separate the Iberians and the Celts:
20061022             Alongside appointing MIAMI Cubans to high office in his administration, this strategy is also 1—PAY—BACK to THE—CUBA—MAFIA for its decisive role in the fraudulent PRESIDENT—ELECTIONS.
20061022             Als Bertakis versuchte, sich den einen Meter langen Fisch vom Leib zu halten, habe dieser zugestochen und ihn ins Herz getroffen.
20061022             Alternate History: —AFTER—THE—NAZI s Won —WWII Book reviews and SOME—HISTORY, from USA—HERITAGE.
20061022             —SHOWED, AMERICA, arrogance, stupidity in IRAQ, current USA—SENIOR BUSH evik diplomat says
20061022             Americans' approval of THE—CONSERVATIVE—LED Congress is "at its lowest mark in —14—YEARS,
20061022             1—IRAN—OFFICIAL warned —TODAY that TEHRAN would not remain passive if THE—WEST imposes SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IT over its disputed nuclear program, but did not say how the country would respond.
20061022             1—EXAMINATION—OF—THE—INSTRUCTIONS would enable technology experts to identify flaws, but Diebold says the code is proprietary and does not allow public scrutiny of it".
20061022             1—EXTREMELY good friend to this blog sent me 1—BIT—MORE—INFORMATION on the 100,000 acre BUSH spread in PARAGUAY -- specifically,
20061022             And if future obligations are taken into account (such as FEDERAL—PENSIONS and the new prescription drug benefit obligations),
20061022             And if we have to trust the Greek or Roman sources, it seems Thracians were wild, illiterate,
20061022             And then, of course, it can also say "Mea Deus Leonard".
20061022             1—READER may find 1—BETTER—SOLUTION.
20061022             And thus we will be separated from the truth.
20061022             Which is why Blair himself —NOW represents that "MARK—OF—SEPARATION".
20061022             O tempora! O mores! Continue
20061022             ANDREW—SULLIVAN: IRAQ is no VIETNAM — it's far worse than that: Arbeitslose kennen das.
20061022             Archäologie: Gräber der PHARAONEN—ZAHNÄRZTE entdeckt
20061022             As for Duarte and PARAGUAY, this ASIA—TIMES—PIECE
20061022             As more EVIDENCE—OF—HIS—ROLE in THE—IRAQ debacle emerges, it beggars belief that THE—PRIME—MINISTER hasn't been impeached
20061022             —OPPOSED, As, to shutting down 1—VOLUNTARY—SERVICE which tries to mitigate the millions of unsolicited emails that E360—INSIGHT pumps out EVERY—SINGLE—DAY.
20061022             —SUCCUMBED, As soon as THE—CHIEF, we saw them looking for 1—GLORIOUS—DEATH in battle + if they could find it,
20061022             —ATOM—KONFLIKT: NORD—KOREA macht 2. Test von USA—VERHALTEN abhängig
20061022             Auf seiner letzten USA—REISE —J—19400000—IM traf er auf den jungen ORSON—WELLES,
20061022             Aufstieg zur WIRTSCHAFTS—WELTMACHT: Indiens urbaner Rausch
20061022             AUSLÄNDER—BLEIBERECHT: Aktion Barmherzigkeit vor dem Aus
20061022             —APPROACHED, BIDEN: I know there are AT—LEAST—3—THAT, me —BEFORE we left.
20061022             BIDEN: If the Democrats regain control, you're going to see 12 to 14—REPUBLICANS freed up to go out and join in 1—BIPARTISAN way to tell THE—PRESIDENT,
20061022             —ATTACKED, BP, over safety standards - BUSH is wrong:
20061022             —RESPONDED, BUSH, 'We've never been stay the course, GEORGE!' Watch it:
20061022             BUSH said it is "weird to be READING books about yourself —WHEN you're still trying to be THE—PRESIDENT," +
20061022             BUSH: GEORGE, I have not read 1—BOOK about me.
20061022             I read 1—LOT—OF—BOOKS—THIS—YEAR.
20061022             But not 1—ABOUT myself. BUSH: I didn't read ANY—OF—THEM.
20061022             BUSH: I didn't read the book. BUSH: No.
20061022             BUSH: We will stay the course —UNTIL the job is done, Steve.
20061022             And the temptation is to try to get THE—PRESIDENT or somebody to put 1—TIMETABLE on the definition of getting the job done.
20061022             BUSH: Well, hey, listen, we've never been "stay the course," GEORGE.
20061022             We have been — we will complete the mission, BUSH: You know, I don't know.
20061022             I haven't read the bad ones. I haven't read the good ones.
20061022             I guess it makes me — It's kinda weird to be READING books about yourself —WHEN you're still trying to be THE—PRESIDENT.
20061022             Because if the Democrats win the House, as is probable, they can make and pass 1—LOT—OF—LEGISLATION,
20061022             Bellebaum: Allerdings.
20061022             Muße im profanisierten Sinne ist für Menschen auf jedweder Bildungsstufe möglich.
20061022             Bellebaum: Das hat mit überlieferten Vorstellungen zu tun.
20061022             Bellebaum: Hier geht es —ZUNÄCHST weniger um Lebenssinn, als um die Entgrenzung von Bedürfnissen.
20061022             Bellebaum: Ja, im islamischen Kulturkreis herrscht ein anderes Zeitgefühl.
20061022             Berry juice may be 1—HEART—TONIC
20061022             BIDEN said 3—CONSERVATIVES have told him personally that they want to change course, but won't state so publicly —UNTIL THE—OUTCOME—OF—THE—ELECTIONS is determined.
20061022             If BIDEN—ASSERTIONS are true,
20061022             BIDEN tells Fox: If THE—SENATE—CHANGES—HANDS, no fewer than 12—CONSERVATIVE—SENATORS will vote to change course in IRAQ 10/23
20061022             BIDEN: 12—14—CONSERVATIVES—WOULD Vote To Change Course In IRAQ If Senate Changes Hands
20061022             Bildungslücke: BRITISCHE—SCHÜLER finden GROSSBRITANNIEN nicht auf der Karte
20061022             Bislang hatte die Regierung in JERUSALEM angegeben, solche Bomben nur zur Markierung von Zielen oder Gebieten zu benutzen.
20061022             BOLIVIA for Single, FREE—HEALTH—CARE:
20061022             BRAZIL would see such 1—OFFICIAL—USA—BASE as 1—THREAT, which may be why this is all being done under THE—GUISE—OF—BUSH—FAMILY—PRIVATE—OWNERSHIP.
20061022             BRITISCHES—OBERHAUS: Reformpläne sehen drastische Veränderungen vor
20061022             Bush_We_ve_Never_Been_Stay_The_Course_Video">Digg It!
20061022             But I don't think there's going to be much action out of her.
20061022             But expelling Cason would have led to 1—NEW—CRISIS with THE—USA—+ the Cubans didn't take the bait.
20061022             But give the guy credit.
20061022             He ran his ass off all over this ISLAND burning his dissident friends,
20061022             But maybe not, as BRAZIL is known to play hardball with PARAGUAY.
20061022             But my — I'm still in the midst of my presidency.
20061022             And people are writing books about my presidency.
20061022             But we fail to recognize that in THE—USA, the Christian fundamentalists and their interpretation of the Bible have similar tendencies".
20061022             Cason apparently gets —AROUND.
20061022             1—FORMER "political adviser" to THE—USA—ATLANTIC—COMMAND and ATO—SUPREME—ALLIED—COMMANDER—ATLANTIC,
20061022             —STATIONED, Cason has been, in EL—SALVADOR, HONDURAS, GUATEMALA, PANAMA... basically everywhere THE—USA—HAS run secret and NOT—SO—SECRET—WARS over the past —30—YEARS.
20061022             —SWOOPED, Cason, down on HAVANA like 1 fed from Gangbusters' central casting with an "in your face" attitude big time.
20061022             CHARITY—EMPTY HANDED—WALKS right —BEFORE the monsters and demons, sustained by 1—SAME—HOPE,
20061022             CHINA—DEBATE over emperor's tomb 1—CHINA—ECONOMIST'S—PROPOSAL—TO—UNEARTH THE—TOMB—OF—CHINA—1. emperor has sparked 1—ROW,
20061022             Choice AMERICA—NETWORK :: Archive(2005/4)
20061022             Chronologie: Der scheinbar endlose Prozess
20061022             —RESPECTED, CIVIL—PROTESTERS greatly, and admired THE—VVAW and even tended to be 1—LITTLE—AFRAID—OF them.
20061022             DARFUR—KRISE: SUDAN wirft UNO—SONDERGESANDTEN aus dem Land
20061022             Demons and snakes, malevolent animals and monsters of all species swarm there.
20061022             This invasion contributes to give to this whole 1—TRAGIC—ASPECT that also agrees very well with the profound MOVEMENT—OF—HISTORY that is narrated to us.
20061022             Dennoch sind VIELE—MENSCHEN unglücklich.
20061022             Der Heilige Benedikt postulierte das "ora et labora", bete und arbeite.
20061022             Der Intellektuelle, der Künstler kann dies beim Denken, Lesen, Schreiben, Malen oder Musizieren tun.
20061022             Der gläubige Mensch ist besser DRAN—ER weiß, worauf es ankommt.20061022             20061022             Der LIBANESISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—ÉMILE—LAHOUD hatte ISRAEL während des LIBANON—KRIEGS den EINSATZ—VON—PHOSPHORBOMBEN vorgeworfen,
20061022             Despite USAID claims that its NGOs can't provide cash to Cubans directly, over 100.000—DOLLAR in cash was found in the possession of THE—75—MOSTLY unemployed mercenaries who went on trial.
20061022             Die Umstände der Attacke vor der KÜSTE—VON—FLORIDA sind noch immer 1—RÄTSEL.
20061022             Laut Polizei war der stachelbewehrte Adlerrochen —AM—DONNERSTAG plötzlich in das Boot gesprungen.
20061022             Die 3—GROßEN Werke THE—OUTLINE—OF—HISTORY (19200000             ), SCIENCE—OF—LIFE (19290000             ) und THE—WORK—WEALTH and Happiness of Mankind (19320000             ),
20061022             Do 'computer police' have too much power?:
20061022             —DURING—1—INTERVIEW—TODAY on ABC—THIS—WEEK, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH tried to distance himself from what has been his core strategy in IRAQ for THE—LAST—3—YEARS.
20061022             Edri sagte nicht, welche Ziele genau angegriffen wurden.
20061022             ENGLAND Starts Fingerprinting Drinkers - Es ging uns noch nie so gut wie —HEUTE.
20061022             —CREEPED, EX—GERMANY—LEADER—SCHROEDER: I was, out by BUSH—INCESSANT God talk.
20061022             "We rightly criticize that in most ISLAM—STATES,
20061022             Feds Probe 1—TOP—DEMOCRAT—RELATIONSHIP with AIPAC: Feds Start Small on Smart IDs
20061022             Flanked by the panjandrums of shame and THE—DIRTY—HANDS—GANG, including the current ATTORNEY—GENERAL and THE—VICE—PRESIDENT,
20061022             For example, the VVAWs generally wouldn't tolerate ANY—MISUSE—OF—THE—USA—FLAG in their presence.
20061022             —FOR—6—MONTHS they waited and watched through their highly placed PENETRATIONS—OF—CASON—DISSIDENT—COMMUNITY.
20061022             For us the Johnson and NIXON—ADMINISTRATIONS were the culprits.
20061022             —NEEDED, We very clearly understood that our disapproval, to be directed at the officials running the war + not at soldiers and/or common folk who were simply being duped and suckered by THE—GOVERNMENT—LIES and propaganda.
20061022             Frage: Darin scheint sich das Abendland vom Morgenland zu unterscheiden.
20061022             Frage: Erholen wir uns am besten dadurch, indem wir schöpferisch tätig sind?
20061022             Frage: Unsereiner aber leidet unter Untätigkeit?
20061022             Frage: Warum fürchten wir uns in unserer Kultur so sehr vor der Langeweile?
20061022             "In his order, JUDGE—KOCORAS wrote that the relief e360insight sought is 'too broad to be warranted in this case' and that suspending the domain name would 'cut off all lawful online activities of Spamhaus,
20061022             —FROM whence comes this soldier, if not from soldure (soldioure) + how would this term exist in THE—ANGLO—SAXON if the institution of the soldurii was unique to the Iberians?
20061022             —RULED, GOP—MEHLMAN seems to concede that AFGHANISTAN is, by terrorists —AFTER USA abandoned it 10/23
20061022             —ASKED, GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS, about JAMES—BAKER—PLAN to develop 1—STRATEGY for IRAQ that is "between 'stay the course' and 'cut and run.'"
20061022             GERMANY—COMPANIES with MANY—COMPUTERS are predictably upset".
20061022             Gewalteskalation: USA—STRATEGEN suchen Ausweg aus der Hölle IRAK
20061022             Großprojekt: Volk stimmt über Erweiterung des PANAMA—KANALS ab
20061022             —REACHED, GUARDIAN: —LAST—WEEK 1—TIPPING point was, as POLITICAL—LEADERS in WASHINGTON and LONDON began openly to think the unthinkable -- that the war was lost 10/23
20061022             HOWEVER, I definitely recall that as 1—ANTI—WAR—PROTESTER we were frequently bombarded with verbal abuse,
20061022             He added that all "had either seen the final VERSION—OF—THE—DOCUMENT or participated in the creation of —EARLIER drafts".
20061022             He added that if elections don't result in 1—CHANGE—OF—CONTROL, then the administration will view it as 1—REAFFIRMATION—OF stay the course.
20061022             Heise Zeitschriften Verlag, HANNOVER
20061022             Her mission is accomplished because we see all malevolent snakes crushed under her feet or finally mastered in her hands.
20061022             Hmmm, who were the Thracians?
20061022             HOEKSTRA—ONLY—APPARENT—REASON for suspending the staffer was the timeline of his request.
20061022             How can the Infallible 1—CHANGE—COURSE in IRAQ without confessing fallibility? (You'll also want to read JOY—PRECEDING post about HAROLD—PINTER.)
20061022             I can tell you categorically that all THE—MANY—ACTIVISTS I associated with would never countenance anyone spitting,
20061022             I don't think that much will happen substantively.
20061022             It is 1—NICE thing for NANCY—PELOSI to be SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE.
20061022             I have never found, in my time in WASHINGTON, that these congress ional investigations are that effective.
20061022             I know that in —6—YEARS—OF—INVESTIGATING everything possible in THE—CLINTON administration,
20061022             I really haven't.
20061022             I was very active in the late 60's and 70's ANTI—VIET Nam War movement.
20061022             I would like to make 1—NOTE—OF—THE—FACT that, —AFTER spending SOME—TIME trying to find out who ARNAUD—DE—MOLES actually was,
20061022             I'm glad this pathetic national myth of the "Spat upon Viet Vets" is finally being exposed.
20061022             ICELAND 'breaks BAN—ON—WHALING'
20061022             ICELAND reportedly breaks a —21—YEAR—OLD—INTERNATIONAL—BAN—ON—COMMERCIAL whaling by killing its 1. fin whale.
20061022             If 1—PUB—OWNER refuses to comply with the new system + fails to show 'considerable' reductions in ALCOHOL—RELATED crimes, they will lose their license.
20061022             If CONTROL—OVER—THE—SENATE—CHANGES—HANDS, "you're going to see 12 to 14" conservatives "freed up to go out and join in 1—BIPARTISAN way to tell THE—PRESIDENT we are seriously off course," BIDEN said.
20061022             If that theory is correct, then there ought to be 1—INTERESTING money trail.
20061022             If you know of anyone who still believes this nonsense, show 'em this interview
20061022             Immune alarm 'will help fight TB'
20061022             ENGLISH, the Green Language leads us to 1—CREATURE that lives underground, or the "going underground" of 1—TRADITION.
20061022             PLATO—THEAGETES—SOCRATES, confesses, "By THE—FAVOUR—OF—THE—GODS, I have —SINCE my childhood been attended by 1—SEMI—DIVINE being whose voice from time to time dissuades me from SOME—UNDERTAKING, but never directs me what I am to do".
20061022             In einer bestimmten protestantischen Ethik war es ein strenges Gebot, dass wir keine Zeit vergeuden.
20061022             In fact, for 1—LONG—TIME, prominently wearing 1—ANTI—WAR button out in the street was likely to garner you SOME—CHOICE—VITUPERATIONS from 1—PASSING truck driver or cabby.
20061022             In his story, Times reporter MARK—MAZZETTI wrote that over the weeks he had interviewed "12—USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS and outside experts... for this article".
20061022             In this PART—OF—GAUL, the Celtic family left larger and stronger traces than in its mix with the Iberian family.
20061022             Intelligence community sources, speaking anonymously because THE—NIE remains classified, have told THE—WASHINGTON—POST that Times reporters were asking questions about THE—CONTENTS—OF—THAT—NIE weeks —BEFORE PUBLICATION—OF—THE—STORY.
20061022             IRAK: Gewalteskalation zwingt BUSH zu Taktikänderung
20061022             IRAN vows to respond to ANY—SANCTIONS over nuclear program:
20061022             IRAQ: How to change? I suggest taking 1—LOOK at Ratbang Diaries
20061022             ISRAEL admits for the 1. time it used controversial phosphorous bombs —DURING fighting in LEBANON.
20061022             ISRAEL admits using phosphorus bombs in LEBANON:
20061022             —ADMITTED, ISRAEL, for the 1. time to using controversial white phosphorus shells against military targets in SOUTH—LEBANON, 1—ISRAEL—NEWSPAPER reported —ON—SUNDAY.
20061022             —FOUNDED, ISRAEL, using fake UK—BANKNOTES:
20061022             ISRAEL habe sich bei dem EINSATZ—DER—HOCHGIFTIGEN—WAFFE aber an das internationale Gesetz gehalten.
20061022             ISRAEL insists on LEBANON overflights: ISRAEL used phosphorous bombs
20061022             It identifies Cason as CIA —DURING his INCIDENT—FILLED stint in HAVANA.
20061022             It is so myopic in MANY—WAYS.
20061022             The true HISTORY—OF—MY presidency won't be reflected —UNTIL way —AFTER I'm gone.
20061022             —SERVED, JAMES—CASON is 1—CAREER—STATE—DEPARTMENT—DIPLOMAT who has, mostly in Latin USA—COUNTRIES,
20061022             Last DETAIL—THE artifacts were found in 1—PLACE—350—M under the ground level.
20061022             Laut HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH hat die schiitische Miliz STREU—BOMBEN auf ISRAELISCHE—ZIELE abgefeuert.
20061022             Law allows torture, even if BUSH doesn't call it that: LET—TAKE the recent news.
20061022             2—BULGARIA—SOURCES presented 1—NEW discovery.
20061022             Novinite - LIBANON—KRIEG: ISRAEL gibt EINSATZ—VON—PHOSPHORBOMBEN zu
20061022             Like the current TV + radio license fees, the money will support national and local public TV and radio stations.
20061022             —FORGED, MORE than £130m worth of UK—BANKNOTES, by THE—NAZI s was used by the Jew ish underground to help establish THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL.
20061022             MENSCHEN—RECHT—AKTIVISTEN haben allerdings nicht nur ISRAEL, sondern auch der Hisbollah
20061022             Military Commissions Act Does Affect USA—CITIZENS
20061022             Mit der Befriedigung bestimmter Bedürfnisse können nämlich immer weitere Wünsche entstehen.
20061022             More remains found at Ground 0
20061022             Muße ist nicht faulenzen, sondern schöpferische Gestaltung freier Zeit.
20061022             N KOREA links tests to 'pressure'
20061022             NOVAK: THERE—GOING to be 1—SUBPOENA onslaught, which may or may not be politicaly beneficial.
20061022             —NACH ANSICHT—VON—EXPERTEN ist es sehr ungewöhnlich, dass Rochen sich so verhalten.
20061022             Sie gelten als friedliche Tiere.
20061022             NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS that USA has secret timetable
20061022             —INTENDED, No meanness, toward you, but for your family's sake I hope you look further into this.
20061022             No, THE—USA—DOESN'T finance all its debts overseas, but the "foreign purchases" figure for gov't debt is running —NOW at 72—BILLION —1—MONTH, AS—OF—LAST—WEEK.
20061022             NORTH—KOREA will only carry out a 2. NUCLEAR—TEST if "harassed" by THE—USA, MEDIA—REPORTS in ASIA say.
20061022             Novak: 'This Is Going To Be 1—OF—THE—LEAST—IMPORTANT—ELECTIONS—THAT—I—HAVE—SEEN'
20061022             —NOW we know what we know, why is Blair still in office?:
20061022             —LOCATED, OK, let me point out only that this SAMARA cave is, in the Rhodope mountain, not in IRAQ or RUSSIA.
20061022             —HELPED, In reality we have, writes STEPHEN—GREY
20061022             —ON ABC—THIS—WEEK, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH said, "I have not read 1—BOOK about me.... You know, I —JUST — I feel uncomfortable READING about myself".
20061022             1 can imagine the bitterness from prison with 75—OF "our guys" reflecting on how stupid they were to fall for CASON—GRANDSTANDING.
20061022             1 would almost think about DANTE—INFERNO—BUT this obvious tragedy is not HELL—IT is THE—HISTORY—OF—HUMANITY on earth.
20061022             Opening Diebold Source, the Hard Way
20061022             —DRESSED, Ortega, in new political outlook, aims for 1.—BALLOT win in vote —NEXT—MONTH
20061022             OTTO—REICH, CUBAN—USA—FANATIC and 1—OF—THE—UN—INDICTED criminals of IRAN—CONTRA, who was serving 1 limited recess appointment (read no chance for Senate confirmation) as BUSH—ASSISTANT—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—LATIN—AMERICAN,
20061022             PAKISTAN and INDIA in spying row - Peter emerges.
20061022             It seems that Peter is hiding his actions behind Judas.
20061022             Curious.
20061022             —VERURSACHT, Phosphor ist hochgiftig und, bei Menschen schwere und oft tödliche Verbrennungen.
20061022             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ON—TUESDAY, into law THE—MILITARY—COMMISSIONS—ACT, 1—LAW that will go down in history as 1—OBSCENITY against liberty and decency.
20061022             Psychologie: Warum ist uns manchmal langweilig?
20061022             RUSSERT: Would 1—DEMOCRATIC—MAJORITY go wild, or govern from the middle?
20061022             BOB—NOVAK?
20061022             Read on for MORE—OF—DOC—RUBY—COMMENTS and questions.
20061022             —VEILED, ROBERT—FISK: We've all been, from the truth - ROBERT—W—GAMBINO.
20061022             G. Huntington Banister
20061022             STEPHANOPOULOS: How do you explain, though, how BOB—WOODWARD, who has written 3—BOOKS —
20061022             STEPHANOPOULOS: I know.
20061022             But he's written 3—BOOKS about your presidency —
20061022             STEPHANOPOULOS: JAMES—BAKER says that he's looking for something between "cut and run" and "stay the course".
20061022             STEPHANOPOULOS: You don't think there's anything you could learn from these books in REAL—TIME?
20061022             STEPHANOPOULOS: You said in your press conference —LAST—WEEK, you joked about the books being written about your administration.
20061022             Have you read ANY—OF—THEM?
20061022             Schröders Memoiren: "Gewerkschaftsführer wollten mich zu Fall bringen"
20061022             Scientists in INDIA develop 1—WAY to extract juice from 1—BERRY believed to be good for the heart.
20061022             SCOTT—DIKKERS, EDITOR—IN—CHIEF—OF—THE—ONION and coauthor of the #1 bestseller Our Dumb —CENTURY + PETER—HILLEREN,
20061022             Sign the Pledge to Keep Our Children Safe from Gun Violence in Their Schools.
20061022             It's the Least We Can Do for Them.
20061022             —SINCE this history is told and relived in retrospect, our artists knew in advance that this dramatic adventure had to bring us to Life.
20061022             —INTERESTED, So then I got, in the stories as 1—FORM—OF myth and found out that in other times and other places,
20061022             SOME—BRAZIL—DIPLOMATS bet off the record that 1—USA permanent base is all but inevitable.
20061022             SOME—RECOVERY for GOP on Issues, But Congress ional Election Outlook Still Looking Grim for Them, Very Grim 10/22
20061022             SOME—CONNOISSEURS are not afraid to compare the extraordinary work of these stalls with the frescoes of Michelangelo.
20061022             [RAYMOND—MONTANÉ]
20061022             Sources in THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY say that ISRAEL would bomb Unifil sites in SOUTH—LEBANON if ISRAEL—WARPLANES are intercepted.
20061022             —SPÄTER distanzierte er sich von der SOVIET—POLITIK, insbesondere nach Stalins
20061022             —ASKED, Stephanopoulos, "You don't think there's anything you could learn from these books in REAL—TIME?" BUSH said: "NUMBER"
20061022             Strategiewechsel: USA entwickeln neuen Zeitplan für IRAK
20061022             —PILOTED, Supposedly the town that, this program had a 48% reduction in ALCOHOL—RELATED crime".
20061022             THE—OUTLINE—OF—HISTORY. BY.
20061022             H. G. WELLS... Figures. View DIRECTORY—OF—IMAGES. REDACTOR—NOTES.
20061022             THE—USA—GENERAL—SERVICES—ADMINISTRATION is providing enrollment centers that can verify THE—IDENTITIES—OF—EMPLOYEES,
20061022             Teure Dicke: Fettsucht kostet USA jährlich 90—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR
20061022             The $296—BILLION deficit figure that THE—GOVERNMENT touts does not include OFF—BUDGET—ITEMS—LIKE the ongoing war,
20061022             —APPEALED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT and THE—UNITED—NATIONS, —ON—SUNDAY for USA$43—MILLION (Ð34—MILLION) in aid for 1.900.000—PEOPLE facing food shortages because of severe drought.
20061022             THE—BUSH es would not use their own funds to create 1—USA—AIR—BASE.
20061022             —PLEDGED, THE—BOLIVIA—GOVERNMENT, its commitment to 1—SINGLE and free health system in which all citizens have the same rights,
20061022             —REVEALED, THE—EAST—RHODOPES, 1—OLD—TIMES—FUNERAL—SITE obviously pertaining to 1—ANCIENT—CRETE—MICENAE cult dating 3,—500—YEARS—AGO.
20061022             THE—NEXT—WAR
20061022             —ATTACKED, THE—USA—BODY that investigates major industrial accidents has, safety standards at oil giant BP, THE—BBC learns.
20061022             The airstrip is literally in the middle of dense forest.
20061022             It also happens to be only 270—KILOMETERS from THE—BRAZIL—BORDER.
20061022             The artifacts from the late bronze epoch were found in the nearby SAMARA cave.
20061022             The corpse of Habeas Corpus: ISLAND dungeon is above the law, WHITE—HOUSE tells courts 10/22
20061022             The correspondent who brought this interview to my attention offers these observations:
20061022             The current situation is very like that of 19640000             , the —YEAR preceding our overt, OPEN—ENDED ESCALATION—OF—THE—VIETNAM—WAR + 20020000             ,
20061022             The find's pertainence to the epoch of legendary Mycenae derives from the found labris (short 2—FACE—RITUAL axe,
20061022             The humanitarian catastrophe in Darfur is worsening BY—THE—DAY, as dramatic increases in fighting and militia raids on villages force THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE to flee their homes.
20061022             —BELIEVED, The most pernicious myth, still, by many, holds that ANTI—WAR protestors spat on returning soldiers.
20061022             The polarised debate over Muslim veils could spark RACE—RIOTS, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—UK—RACE—RELATIONS—WATCHDOG warns.
20061022             The same story is told.
20061022             —PROPOSED, Its theme was, to the glaziers and the sculptors.
20061022             This theme evokes the same reality: THE—REALITY—OF—MAN in general.
20061022             —PROVIDED, The staffer, THE—NIE to Tierney in 1—APPROPRIATE—MANNER.
20061022             —CLASSIFIED, Once Tierney saw THE—NIE was, "he refused to discuss it with reporters.
20061022             The timeline, however, virtually precludes the possibility that the staffer was THE—SOURCE—OF—THE—LEAK.
20061022             The windows and stalls constitute 1—WHOLE.
20061022             —DESIGNED, THE—2—MASTERPIECES were, at THE—SAME—TIME.
20061022             —RECORDED, Their offenses are, against their names in the fingerprint system.
20061022             —NOTED, Bradburn, the system had a 'psychological effect' on offenders".
20061022             —DECIDED, Then they, to act.
20061022             They had THE—EVIDENCE—OF—CRIMINAL—ACTIVITIES in support of HELMS—BURTON and in VIOLATION—OF—OTHER—LEGISLATION on sedition,
20061022             There is more, but I don't want to divert onto that subject at the moment because I have 1—STORY to tell.
20061022             —TENDED, These guys, to be fairly tough, no BULL—SHIT patriotic working class guys who weren't kidding —AROUND.
20061022             This institution that, it seems to us, is common to the Celts and the Celtiberians, indicates to us how,
20061022             This remarkable set is not mere art!
20061022             Like the windows, it contains thought, 1—MESSAGE.
20061022             This tragic aspect is complementary and has to be put in relationship to THE—WINDOWS—OF—ARNAUD—DE—MOLES.
20061022             —RECEIVED, This was the Verala Project + THE—PRO—USA—CUBANS, far MORE—THAN—100.000—DOLLAR -- more like $20—MILL, ACCORDING—TO—WRITER—THOMAS—RIGGINS.
20061022             Tim, let me say this.
20061022             All politicians always say that this is the most important election that we've ever been in,
20061022             UK: Our dirty little torture secret:
20061022             † USA—SOLDIERS—HAVE, in IRAQ and —THIS—MONTH has been the deadliest
20061022             Up to 2,000 refugees —1—DAY—FLOOD into DARFUR—CAMPS—OF despair:
20061022             —DECORATED, Usually they wore camo or olive BDUs conspicuously, with very graphic ANTI—WAR—MESSAGES.
20061022             VIETNAM net users fear crackdown
20061022             —ACCUSED—OF, VIETNAM—AUTHORITIES are, creating 1—CLIMATE—OF—FEAR amongst the country's INTERNET users.
20061022             WALLACE: Very briefly, SENATOR—BIDEN, what's at stake?
20061022             WALLACE: You think there are 12—REPUBLICANS chomping at the bit?
20061022             Warning over UK RACE—RIOT—DANGER
20061022             Wasserverschwendung: Australiern droht Singverbot unter der Dusche
20061022             —SUPPOSED, We are, to look through the veil which Lord Blair placed in front of our eyes so that lies will become truth, so that what is true will become untrue.
20061022             We can find something more about this "Mother Earth cult".
20061022             We can observe that in THE—ACCOUNT—OF—THE—WAR—AGAINST—THE—AQUITAINS, Ceasar speaks ONLY—OF—THE—INSTITUTION—OF—THE soldurii,
20061022             Weary ISRAEL loses faith in its leaders: Wells betrachtete sich als Sozialist
20061022             Wells unterstützte den —WWI als den "Krieg zur Beendigung aller Kriege".
20061022             Wenn 1—ARABER stundenlang vor sich hindöst, muss er sich nicht langweilen, weil er es nicht als belastend empfindet.
20061022             We're —JUST going to stay the course.
20061022             [20031215             ] - What breadth! What perspective!
20061022             that comes out of the thought of the woodwork of the choir of Auch.
20061022             —WHEN THE—2—PEOPLE met, the shock must have been terrible.
20061022             —WHEN we carefully observe the details, in the stalls, something —IMMEDIATELY appears to our eyes:
20061022             —WHILE driving back from the speech —LATER—THAT—DAY, BUSH[BGW968]...
20061022             —WHILE firmly against the war, I can assure you the VVAWs would not have hesitated for 1—MOMENT to physically attack ANY—PROTESTER who spit on, or verbally denigrated 1—FELLOW—SOLDIER.
20061022             —WHILE meetings with BUSH at that time were friendly, Schroeder said he could not reconcile himself with the feeling that religion was the driving force behind MANY—OF—THE—BUSH—POLITICAL—DECISIONS.
20061022             Wo dieses Arbeitsethos wirksam ist, erleben wir eine als leer und unausgefüllt empfundene Zeit mit Verdruss.
20061022             Yet SOME—CONSERVATIVES are trying to downplay the stakes of the upcoming election.
20061022             This —MORNING on Meet the Press,
20061022             You See THE—VALUE—OF—BUZZFLASH EVERY—DAY. Please Contribute.
20061022             You know, I —JUST — I feel uncomfortable READING about myself.
20061022             It's — it's hard for you to relate, I think.
20061022             You might try READING some of the commentaries there.
20061022             I think you will be shocked to see how much the feds and their mouthpieces at THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL are massaging numbers to keep folks like you in the game.
20061022             1—MEANING perfectly in accord with the institution itself.
20061022             —DEVOTED, It is the soldier, to his CHIEF + THE—ACCIDENTS—OF—WAR will not separate them;
20061022             the life of the soldura will not outlast that of his CHIEF.
20061022             —PRESENTED, ACCORDING—TO—1—PROPOSAL, to the Constituent Assembly —ON—SATURDAY.
20061022             appropriately like the Emperor who wore no cool.
20061022             Indeed, there's been not 1—PEEP from the man —SINCE his acolytes were picked up.
20061022             as Sunni Arabs, Shi'ite Arabs and Sunni Kurds recoil into THE—PROTECTION—OF—THE—CLAN, the tribe and the ethnic or religious family.
20061022             as well as the meaning of "mole," which, in FRANCE—MEANS "stone," or 1—JETTY: 1—BREAKWATER.
20061022             because it is to them.
20061022             I would make the argument that this is 1—OF—THE—LEAST important elections that I have seen because everybody is really looking ahead to 20080000             as 1—IMPORTANT—ELECTION.
20061022             berichtete die ISRAELISCHE—ZEITUNG "Haaretz".
20061022             but Congress + the public remain largely in the dark.
20061022             —BY House Intelligence Chairman PETE—HOEKSTRA (REPUBLICAN—MI), supposedly because the staffer requested 1—COPY—OF—1—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—ESTIMATE —2—DAYS—BEFORE it was reported in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20061022             CHARACTERISTIC—OF—THAT—CIVILIZATION) and 1—SILVER—AMULET—OF—THE—CULT to Mother Earth, as well as pieces of surgery utensils.
20061022             conservative pundit ROBERT—NOVAK said, "I would make the argument that this is 1—OF—THE—LEAST important elections that I have seen".
20061022             contacting mercenaries, hosting meetings at his own residence and securing THE—FLOW—OF—MONEY.
20061022             epithets + worse by construction workers, cops, etc.
20061022             For protesters, marching back then could be somewhat of 1—PHYSICALLY risky practice.
20061022             especially GERMANY —AFTER WWI, soldiers came home and told stories of feeling rejected by people and particularly stories of being spat on.
20061022             even hosting 1—INDEPENDENT—JOURNALISTS' workshop there 1—SATURDAY.
20061022             —ACCEPTED, His conduct went so far beyond, diplomatic protocol that you might say he was THE—MOTHER—OF—ALL—PROVOCATIONS.
20061022             expelled as persona non grata in diplomatic parlance.
20061022             He made 1—SHOW—OF—UNITY with groups in the provinces as well as HAVANA;
20061022             gave —24—HOUR passes to the Interests Section to favorites,
20061022             fingerprint and photograph the workers + issue PIV cards to them.
20061022             The deadline for getting cards to all employees and contractors is the end of ;;09;;
20061022             for SOME—INCISIVE comments on the great problem —NOW confronting BUSH :
20061022             former producer for public radio and some of the nation's finest PUBLIC—ACCESS—CABLE—TELEVISION—STATIONS.
20061022             gave Cason the job and apparently put 1—AMPLE load of hot sauce on his appointee's backside.
20061022             get nowhere in THE—SENATE — THE—SENATE is 1—VERY—DIFFICULT thing to get through — and THE—PRESIDENT will suddenly discover his veto pen that he had lost track of —FOR—6—YEARS.
20061022             going alone, but courageous, to face evil, the malevolent snake.
20061022             —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—CYCLE, she becomes triumphant Strength.
20061022             horse; salduna, 1—WHO has 1—HORSE, horseman, l'eques romain);
20061022             1—NAMES in this way soldiers who make 1—VOW to 1—CHIEF,
20061022    - in IRAQ —THIS—YEAR.
20061022             —WHILE troops are courageously fighting and dying in IRAQ, conservative politicians at home can't muster the courage to honestly state their views about the war.
20061022             in the Chaco region in NORTH—PARAGUAY near THE—BOLIVIA—BORDER, where B—52—BOMBERS and C—5—GALAXY cargo planes are able to land with no hassle.
20061022             including CUBA—PENETRATION—AGENTS, for free INTERNET access and other facilities;
20061022             attended meetings in dissidents' homes where he gave THE—EQUIVALENT—OF—PRESS—CONFERENCES to foreign journalists;
20061022             personally launched the youth wing of the Liberal Party;
20061022             entertained dissidents in his official residence,
20061022             is 1—LOSERMAN—WHO—WEAKENS—AMERICA—NATIONAL—SECURITY: USA—SEES deadliest —MONTH of '06 in IRAQ
20061022             much less spitting on 1—MILITARY—VETERAN. We took protesting seriously.
20061022             Anybody engaging in such outrageously disgusting behavior would have been ostracized.
20061022             —NACHDEM von schweren Verbrennungen bei Zivilisten berichtet worden war.
20061022             nearly 12—CONSERVATIVE—SENATORS have come to the determination that the course in IRAQ is failing, but are unwilling to speak out.
20061022             not —JUST those that are in contravention' of the default judgment.
20061022             —CALLED, He also, e360insight's motion 1—THAT 'does not correspond to the gravity of the offending conduct.'"
20061022             not menacing to the eye, —JUST 1—BIT overstuffed in the round face, double chinned like 1—PORKY—PIG in his late fifties,
20061022             —ON Aquitain soil, the fusion operated between THE—2—FAMILIES.
20061022             THE—NAME—OF—OCCITANIA was used to designate Aquitain.
20061022             —ON the possible connection of Jenna BUSH—TRIP to that NECK—OF—THE—WOODS.
20061022             or, perhaps 1—ANAGRAM.
20061022             TERMS—OF—GREEN—LANGUAGE, clues, the name "De Moles" is rich with meaning,
20061022             positiv gegenüber (siehe RUSSIA in the Shadows ).
20061022             - provides much of what you need to know.
20061022             SOME—EXCERPTS... Way back 00.000.19 82, THE—USA—BUILT and started operating 1—SEMI—CLANDESTINE airstrip in Mariscal Estigarribia,
20061022             ranging from the possibility of homophonic pronunciation "de Molay," as in the last Grand Master of the Templars,
20061022             reporting that someone sent 1—PACKAGE to 1—FORMER—LEGISLATOR containing what appears to be Diebold source code.
20061022             said that authors who comment on his administration —BEFORE he's OUT—OF—OFFICE are "myopic".
20061022             saying the judge's ruling was 'a devastating loss of personal freedom for all USA—CITIZENS'.
20061022             skilled in wars Barbarians.
20061022             —UNEARTHED, It seems also, that the treasures being, regularly in this area, point to something different.
20061022             so they finally decided to sweep away CASON—CONSTITUENCY in 1—STROKE.
20061022             And there he stood in March,
20061022             that in the Basque language beings no idea to mind, presents, on the contrary, in THE—LANGUAGE—OF—THE—TECHNOSAGES,
20061022             the (REPUBLICAN—CONGRESS was not all that effective.
20061022             the information I was able to obtain suggests that it was 1—NAME given to 1—GROUP, THE—COMPANIONS—DEVOTED to Liberty,
20061022             the role of religion for society and THE—CHARACTER—OF—THE—RULE—OF—LAW are not clearly separated.
20061022             the —YEAR leading up to THE—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ.
20061022             then singled out "hot" boys to write to, THE—WASHINGTON—POST reported —ON—SUNDAY.
20061022             there was no record.
20061022             Not only was there no RECORD—OF—PEOPLE spat on, but NONE—OF—ANYONE claiming that they were spat on.
20061022             these were gay, light, ardent, loved to fight and were quick to attack; the Iberians, on the contrary,
20061022             they came back and pierced themselves on the bodies of 1—WHO had their faith".
20061022             to forever share their destiny or rather to identify so strongly with him that there is no example of 1—WHO ever survived.
20061022             triggering another debate on whether or not to leave the tomb alone.
20061022             waren alle dazu bestimmt, die Idee der Schaffung eines Weltstaates populär zu machen.
20061022             Seiner Ansicht nach war dies die einzige Alternative zu 1—RÜCKFALL in die Barbarei und der endgültigen Vernichtung.
20061022             we are seriously off course.
20061022             If the Democrats don't make gains, it will be 1—REAFFIRMATION for this administration, stay the course + I believe that will happen.
20061022             we will do our job + help achieve the goal, but we're constantly adjusting to tactics.
20061022             Constantly.
20061022             were grave, serious, almost somber, loved war as well and defended it with 1—INVINCIBLE—STUBBORNNESS.
20061022             which are also being spent without accounting for them.
20061022             Yes, the deficit is almost 800—BILLION —1—YEAR;
20061022             that's how much more the Fed gov't spends than it actually takes in as revenue.
20061022             which in IRAQ alone is costing us 9—BILLION —1—MONTH.
20061022             Nor does it include surpluses in the Social Security and Medicare funds,
20061022             which is how Generally Accepted Accounting Practices would do the math, the true FEDERAL—DEBT is CA—50—TRILLION,
20061022             with JERRY—LEMBCKE, who teaches Sociology at Holy Cross College.
20061022             —CALLED, Lembcke examines the origins of this legend in 1—BOOK, THE—SPITTING—IMAGE.
20061022             with THIS—LAST—YEAR—TRUE—DEFICIT CA—3—TRILLION.
20061022             with wide round glasses in FRONT—OF—HALF—CLOSED eyes.
20061022             Like he's had too MANY— —2—HOUR—LUNCHES and not enough jogging.
20061022             without affirming elsewhere that the soldures existed in the other parts of Gaul.
20061022             The term soldures,
20061022             —YESTERDAY—AFTER 1—FORMER—LEGISLATOR received 1—ANONYMOUS—PACKAGE containing what appears to be the computer code that ran MARYLAND—POLLS
20061022             —HEUTE, Tel Aviv/GAZA—DER ISRAELISCHE—MINISTER—JAAKOV—EDRI habe nach einer entsprechenden Anfrage einer Abgeordneten den EINSATZ—VON—PHOSPHORBOMBEN im LIBANON—KRIEG bestätigt,
20061022             —ORIGINAL NEW—YORK—TIMESSTORY Strongly Suggests Suspended Staffer Could Not Be Source of NIE Leak
20061022             "There was arrogance and there was stupidity
20061022             "our guys," and sealing their fate as he went along.
20061022             His blatant support for WASHINGTON—CIVIL—SOCIETY in CUBA looked for all THE—WORLD like he was bent on getting himself PNG'd,
20061022             " with HALF—OF—AMERICANS believing "most MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are corrupt.
20061022             —APOLOGIZED, Senior USA—DIPLOMAT—ALBERTO—FERNANDEZ, for saying in 1—AL—JAZEERA—TV—INTERVIEW that USA—POLICY in IRAQ had displayed "arrogance" and "stupidity".
20061022             —THE—ORACLE—OPENWORLD—convention—OPENED, , in SF.
20061022             —APPEALED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT and THE—UN, for $43—MILLION in aid to respond to 1—SEVERE—DROUGHT and help TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—FAMILIES displaced by fighting in the country's south.
20061022             —ATTACKED, In SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN—insurgents, 1—NATO—CONVOY, sparking 1—GUNBATTLE that killed 15 suspected militants and wounded—2—NATO—TROOPS.
20061022             —Bulgarians—VOTED—for—THE—PRESIDENT who will lead their country into THE—EU.
20061022             Incumbent GEORGI—PARVANOV won 64—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE—AGAINST—HIS—MAIN—RIVAL, ultranationalist Volen—Siderov.
20061022             Turnout was only 38—PERCENT—OF—BULGARIA—6.4—MILLION—ELIGIBLE—VOTERS, short of the 50% required by law to allow Parvanov to avoid 1—RUNOFF.
20061022             Most power in BULGARIA rests with THE—PRIME—MINISTER—AND—PARLIAMENT.
20061022             But THE—PRESIDENT does have veto powers, giving him the right to send ANY—BILL back to PARLIAMENT.
20061022             He also represents the state abroad, leads the armed forces and can sign INTERNATIONAL treaties.
20061022             —ELECTED, THE—PRESIDENT is, for 1—TERM—OF—5—YEARS, renewable only once.
20061022             The runoff was set for 20061029             .
20061022             1—HALF—MILE—SECTION—OF—CHINA—YELLOW—RIVER turned "red and smelly" —AFTER 1—UNKNOWN discharge was poured into it from 1—SEWAGE—PIPE in LANZHOU, 1—CITY—OF—2—MILLION—PEOPLE in WEST—GANSU province.
20061022             —ALLEGED, IRAQ—FORMER—FINANCE—MINISTER, in 1—USA—TELEVISION—REPORT that up to $800—MILLION meant to equip THE—IRAQ—ARMY had been stolen from THE—GOVERNMENT by former officials through fraudulent arms deals.
20061022             —TARGETED, In IRAQ militants, police recruits and shoppers rounding up —LAST—MINUTE—SWEETS and delicacies for 1—FEAST to mark THE—END—OF—THE—RAMADAN holy —MONTH.
20061022             —AMBUSHED, Gunmen in 5—SEDANS, 1—CONVOY—OF—BUSES carrying police recruits near THE—CITY—OF—BAQOUBA, killing AT—LEAST—15 and wounding 25—OTHERS.
20061022             —KILLED, AT—LEAST—44—IRAQIS were, or their bodies were founded dumped along roads or in the Tigris River.
20061022             —RAISED, The killings, to AT—LEAST—950 the number of Iraqis who have † in WAR—RELATED violence —THIS—MONTH, 1—AVERAGE—OF—MORE—THAN—40—1—DAY.
20061022             6—USA—SOLDIERS KILLED—WERE, 3—BY small arms fire WEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL and 3—BY roadside bombs within BAGHDAD.
20061022             1—ISRAELI—CABINET—MINISTER—SAID—THE—ISRAEL—ARMY used phosphorous artillery shells against Hezbollah guerrilla targets —DURING—THEIR—WAR in LEBANON THIS—SUMMER, confirming LEBANON—ALLEGATIONS for the 1. time.
20061022             ISRAEL—DEFENSE—MINISTER said that AIR—FORCE—FLIGHTS over LEBANON would continue because arms smuggling to LEBANON—GUERRILLAS has not stopped.
20061022             —BLOCKED, PALESTINE—SECURITY—FORCES, main GAZA Strip intersections, burning tires and snarling traffic to protest THE—HAMAS—LED government's inability to pay their salaries.
20061022             —APPROVED, Voters in PANAMA, a $5.25—BILLION referendum, pushed by PRESIDENT, Torrijos, to expand THE—PANAMA—CANAL.
20061022             —EXPECTED, The project was, to take —8—YEARS and provide SOME—7,000—JOBS.
20061022             † Choi KYU—HAH, 88—jahre—alt, FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—SOUTH—KOREAN (19790000—19800000    ), of heart failure.
20061022             —FORCED, He was, to resign —JUST—8—MONTHS—LATER—FOLLOWING 1—MILITARY—COUP.
20061022             —ORDERED, THE—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT, THE—CHIEF—UN—ENVOY—TO—LEAVE the country within —3—DAYS—AFTER he wrote that THE—SUDAN—ARMY had suffered serious losses in fighting with rebels in NORTH—DARFUR.
20061022             Wells betrachtete sich als Sozialist und stand der RUSSISCHEN—REVOLUTION und dem marxistischen Programm Lenins positiv gegenüber (siehe RUSSIA in the Shadows ).
20061022             Stalins Regierungsübernahme.
20061022             Die 3—GROßEN Werke THE—OUTLINE—OF—HISTORY (19200000             ), SCIENCE—OF—LIFE (19290000             ) und THE—WORK—WEALTH and Happiness of Mankind (19320000             ), waren alle dazu bestimmt, die Idee der Schaffung eines Weltstaates populär zu machen.
20061022             1—NEW—COVER—STORY by Rolling Stone describes THE—LAST—6—YEARS in Congress as the "
20061022             most shameful, corrupt and incompetent period
20061022             Americans' approval of THE—CONSERVATIVE—LED Congress is "at its lowest mark in —14—YEARS," with HALF—OF—AMERICANS believing "most MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are corrupt".
20061022             This —MORNING on Meet the Press, conservative pundit ROBERT—NOVAK said, "I would make the argument that this is 1—OF—THE—LEAST important elections that I have seen".
20061022             I know that in —6—YEARS—OF—INVESTIGATING everything possible in THE—CLINTON administration, the (REPUBLICAN—CONGRESS was not all that effective.
20061022             All politicians always say that this is the most important election that we've ever been in, because it is to them.
20061022             Because if the Democrats win the House, as is probable, they can make and pass 1—LOT—OF—LEGISLATION, get nowhere in THE—SENATE — THE—SENATE is 1—VERY—DIFFICULT thing to get through — and THE—PRESIDENT will suddenly discover his veto pen that he had lost track of —FOR—6—YEARS.
20061022             Watch it: Bush_I_Have_Not_Read_1_Book_About_Me_Video">Digg It!
20061022             Have you read ANY—OF—THEM? BUSH: No.
20061022             STEPHANOPOULOS: Why not? BUSH: You know, I don't know.
20061022             BUSH: I didn't read the book. STEPHANOPOULOS: I know.
20061022             But he's written 3—BOOKS about your presidency — - BUSH: I didn't read ANY—OF—THEM.
20061022             I read 1—LOT—OF—BOOKS—THIS—YEAR. But not 1—ABOUT myself.
20061022             And people are writing books about my presidency. It is so myopic in MANY—WAYS.
20061022             —ON FOX—THIS—MORNING, SENATOR—JOSEPH—BIDEN (REPUBLICAN—DE) said the upcoming elections —IN—NOVEMBER may determine whether THE—USA—CHANGES—COURSE in IRAQ.
20061022             If BIDEN'S—ASSERTIONS are true, nearly 12—CONSERVATIVE—SENATORS have come to the determination that the course in IRAQ is failing, but are unwilling to speak out.
20061022             † 2,791—USA—SOLDIERS have, in IRAQ and —THIS—MONTH has been the deadliest in IRAQ —THIS—YEAR.
20061022             BIDEN: If the Democrats regain control, you're going to see 12 to 14—REPUBLICANS freed up to go out and join in 1—BIPARTISAN way to tell THE—PRESIDENT, we are seriously off course.
20061022             BUSH: 'We've Never Been Stay THE—COURSE'—NICO -
20061022             We have been — we will complete the mission, we will do our job + help achieve the goal, but we're constantly adjusting to tactics.
20061022             "There was arrogance and there was STUPIDITY—JUDD—FROM THE—USA—IN—IRAQ".
20061022             A Democratic staffer's ACCESS—TO—CLASSIFIED information was —RECENTLY
20061022             But, as THE—WASHINGTON—POST—NOTES, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES was interviewing GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS about THE—NIE for
20061022             weeks —BEFORE the story was printed :
20061022             —REQUESTED, The staffer, THE—NIE because REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—TIERNEY (REPUBLICAN—MA) received 1—MEDIA—INQUIRY about it.
20061022             —CLASSIFIED, Once Tierney saw THE—NIE was, "
20061022             he refused to discuss it with reporters.
20061022             Berry juice may be 1—HEART—TONIC—SCIENTISTS in INDIA develop 1—WAY to extract juice from 1—BERRY believed to be good for the heart.
20061022             ISRAEL used phosphorous bombs ISRAEL admits for the 1. time it used controversial phosphorous bombs —DURING fighting in LEBANON.
20061022             N KOREA links tests to 'pressure' NORTH—KOREA will only carry out a 2. NUCLEAR—TEST if "harassed" by THE—USA, MEDIA—REPORTS in ASIA say.
20061022             —ACCUSED—OF, VIETNAM net users fear crackdown VIETNAM—AUTHORITIES are, creating 1—CLIMATE—OF—FEAR amongst the country's INTERNET users.
20061022             ICELAND 'breaks BAN—ON—WHALING' ICELAND reportedly breaks a —21—YEAR—OLD—INTERNATIONAL—BAN—ON—COMMERCIAL whaling by killing its 1. fin whale.
20061022             PAKISTAN and INDIA in spying row 1—ROW erupts —AFTER INDIA—OFFICIALS detain 1—PAKISTAN—DIPLOMATIC—DRIVER for allegedly receiving secret files.
20061022             Warning over UK RACE—RIOT—DANGER The polarised debate over Muslim veils could spark RACE—RIOTS, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—UK race relations watchdog warns.
20061022             —ATTACKED, BP, over safety standards THE—USA—BODY that investigates major industrial accidents has attacked safety standards at oil giant BP, THE—BBC learns.
20061022             Immune alarm 'will help fight TB' 1—KEY—WAY that the body fights BACK—AGAINST—TUBERCULOSIS has been identified by scientists.
20061022             "USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—CHARLES—KOCORAS has ruled in FAVOR—OF—THE—SPAMHAUS—PROJECT. E360—INSIGHT responded on its homepage, saying the judge's ruling was 'a devastating loss of personal freedom for all USA—CITIZENS'. As opposed to shutting down 1—VOLUNTARY—SERVICE which tries to mitigate the millions of unsolicited emails that E360—INSIGHT pumps out EVERY—SINGLE—DAY".
20061022             "In his order, JUDGE—KOCORAS wrote that the relief e360insight sought is 'too broad to be warranted in this case' and that suspending the domain name would 'cut off all lawful online activities of Spamhaus, not —JUST those that are in contravention' of the default judgment. He also called e360insight's motion 1—THAT 'does not correspond to the gravity of the offending conduct.'"
20061022             "SOME—GOVERNMENT—EMPLOYEES will be getting smart ID cards beginning —THIS—WEEK. The unfunded mandate to have all employees and contractors use Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards is PART—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—PRESIDENTIAL—DIRECTIVE 12. THE—USA—GENERAL—SERVICES—ADMINISTRATION is providing enrollment centers that can verify THE—IDENTITIES—OF—EMPLOYEES, fingerprint and photograph the workers + issue PIV cards to them. The deadline for getting cards to all employees and contractors is the end of 20080900             ".
20061022             Opening Diebold Source, the Hard WAY—KDAWSON 260 - DOC—RUBY—CA—1—ARTICLE in THE—BALTIMORE (MD) Sun,
20061022             ISRAEL insists on LEBANON overflights : Sources in THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY say that ISRAEL would bomb Unifil sites in SOUTH—LEBANON if ISRAEL—WARPLANES are intercepted.
20061022             THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE is investigating whether REPRESENTATIVE—JANE—HARMAN and THE—PRO—ISRAEL group worked together to get her reappointed as the top Democrat on THE—HOUSE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE
20061022             —FOUNDED, ISRAEL, using fake UK—BANKNOTES : MORE than £130m worth of UK—BANKNOTES forged by THE—NAZI s was used by the Jew ish underground to help establish THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL.
20061022             Up to 2,000 refugees —1—DAY—FLOOD into DARFUR—CAMPS—OF despair : The humanitarian catastrophe in Darfur is worsening BY—THE—DAY, as dramatic increases in fighting and militia raids on villages force THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE to flee their homes.
20061022             BOLIVIA for Single, FREE—HEALTH—CARE: THE—BOLIVIA—GOVERNMENT pledged its commitment to 1—SINGLE and free health system in which all citizens have the same rights, ACCORDING—TO—1—PROPOSAL presented to the Constituent Assembly —ON—SATURDAY.
20061022             —PROVOKED, EX—GERMANY—LEADER: BUSH—STANCE as 'GOD—FEARING' PRESIDENT, suspicion :—WHILE meetings with BUSH at that time were friendly, Schroeder said he could not reconcile himself with the feeling that religion was the driving force behind MANY—OF—THE—BUSH—POLITICAL—DECISIONS.
20061022             Law allows torture, even if BUSH doesn't call it that : Flanked by the panjandrums of shame and THE—DIRTY—HANDS—GANG, including the current ATTORNEY—GENERAL and THE—VICE—PRESIDENT, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ON—TUESDAY signed into law the Military Commissions Act, 1—LAW that will go down in history as 1—OBSCENITY against liberty and decency.
20061022             FLORIDA (REPUBLICAN—REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY made friends with 1—WIDE—CIRCLE—OF teenaged HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—PAGES, then singled out "hot" boys to write to, THE—WASHINGTON—POST reported —ON—SUNDAY.
20061022             CHINA—DEBATE over emperor's tomb
20061022             1—CHINA—ECONOMIST—PROPOSAL—TO—UNEARTH THE—TOMB—OF—CHINA—1. emperor has sparked 1—ROW, triggering another debate on whether or not to leave the tomb alone.
20061022             Alternate History: —AFTER—THE—NAZI s Won —WWII
20061022             Book reviews and SOME—HISTORY, from USA—HERITAGE.
20061022             1.9—MILLION—AFGHANS need food assistance DUE—TO—DROUGHT : THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT and THE—UNITED—NATIONS appealed —ON—SUNDAY for USA$43—MILLION (Ð34—MILLION) in aid for 1.9—MILLION—PEOPLE facing food shortages because of severe drought.
20061022             ANDREW—SULLIVAN: IRAQ is no VIETNAM — it's far worse than that: 1—POLITICAL—SOLUTION, the only secure way to achieve peace in IRAQ, has slipped across the horizon, as Sunni Arabs, Shi'ite Arabs and Sunni Kurds recoil into THE—PROTECTION—OF—THE—CLAN, the tribe and the ethnic or religious family.
20061022             —BY DANIEL—ELLSBERG.
20061022             -"Harpers" - - 1—HIDDEN crisis is under way.
20061022             MANY—GOVERNMENT insiders are aware of serious plans for WAR—WITH—IRAN, but Congress + the public remain largely in the dark.
20061022             The current situation is very like that of 19640000             , the —YEAR preceding our overt, OPEN—ENDED ESCALATION—OF—THE—VIETNAM—WAR + 20020000             , the —YEAR leading up to THE—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ.
20061022             O tempora! O mores!
20061022             IRAQ: How to change? I suggest taking 1—LOOK at Ratbang Diaries for SOME—INCISIVE comments on the great problem —NOW confronting BUSH :
20061022             We WILL—FORMALLY—LAUNCH—ON—MONDAY.
20061022             "We rightly criticize that in most ISLAM—STATES, the role of religion for society and THE—CHARACTER—OF—THE—RULE—OF—LAW are not clearly separated. But we fail to recognize that in THE—USA, the Christian fundamentalists and their interpretation of the Bible have similar tendencies".
20061022             —DESCRIBED, THE—USA is tracking 1—NORTH—KOREA—SHIP, as suspicious by A—USA—OFFICIAL 10/23
20061022             1—EXTREMELY good friend to this blog sent me 1—BIT—MORE—INFORMATION on the 100,000 acre BUSH spread in PARAGUAY -- specifically, on the possible connection of Jenna BUSH—TRIP to that NECK—OF—THE—WOODS.
20061022             JAMES—CASON.
20061022             This page appears to be Cuban in origin, so consider the source with caution.
20061022             I'm not sure that's accurate...
20061022             —ORCHESTRATED, CHIEF—OF—THE—USA—INTERESTS—SECTION in HAVANA + CIA member JAMES—CASON, operations, contacting mercenaries, hosting meetings at his own residence and securing THE—FLOW—OF—MONEY.
20061022             THOMAS—RIGGINS.
20061022             Agee himself (that was your cue to boo and hiss -- why aren't you booing + hissing?) offers 1—INTERESTING profile of Cason:
20061022             —SERVED, JAMES—CASON is 1—CAREER—STATE—DEPARTMENT—DIPLOMAT who has, mostly in Latin USA—COUNTRIES, not menacing to the eye, —JUST 1—BIT overstuffed in the round face, double chinned like 1—PORKY—PIG in his late fifties, with wide round glasses in FRONT—OF—HALF—CLOSED eyes.
20061022             OTTO—REICH, CUBAN—USA—FANATIC and 1—OF—THE—UN—INDICTED criminals of IRAN—CONTRA, who was serving 1 limited recess appointment (read no chance for Senate confirmation) as BUSH—ASSISTANT—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—LATIN—AMERICAN, gave Cason the job and apparently put 1—AMPLE load of hot sauce on his appointee's backside.
20061022             He ran his ass off all over this ISLAND burning his dissident friends, "our guys," and sealing their fate as he went along.
20061022             His blatant support for WASHINGTON—CIVIL—SOCIETY in CUBA looked for all THE—WORLD like he was bent on getting himself PNG'd, expelled as persona non grata in diplomatic parlance.
20061022             gave —24—HOUR passes to the Interests Section to favorites, including CUBA—PENETRATION—AGENTS, for free INTERNET access and other facilities;
20061022             entertained dissidents in his official residence, even hosting 1—INDEPENDENT—JOURNALISTS' workshop there 1—SATURDAY.
20061022             They had THE—EVIDENCE—OF—CRIMINAL—ACTIVITIES in support of HELMS—BURTON and in VIOLATION—OF—OTHER—LEGISLATION on sedition, so they finally decided to sweep away CASON—CONSTITUENCY in 1—STROKE.
20061022             And there he stood in March, appropriately like the Emperor who wore no cool.
20061022             —FROM Wonkette: Cason apparently gets —AROUND.
20061022             1—FORMER "political adviser" to THE—USA—ATLANTIC—COMMAND and ATO—SUPREME—ALLIED—COMMANDER—ATLANTIC, Cason has been stationed in EL—SALVADOR, HONDURAS, GUATEMALA, PANAMA... basically everywhere THE—USA has run secret and NOT—SO—SECRET—WARS over the past —30—YEARS.
20061022             As for Duarte and PARAGUAY, this ASIA—TIMES—PIECE provides much of what you need to know.
20061022             SOME—EXCERPTS... Way back 19820000             , THE—USA—BUILT and started operating 1—SEMI—CLANDESTINE airstrip in Mariscal Estigarribia, in the Chaco region in NORTH—PARAGUAY near THE—BOLIVIA—BORDER, where B—52—BOMBERS and C—5—GALAXY cargo planes are able to land with no hassle.
20061022             "To help craft this lasting account of his life and leadership, GEORGE—W—BUSH turned to 2—WRITERS who have earned not only his trust but his deep friendship [Uh + IRAQ Had WMDs]: SCOTT—DIKKERS, EDITOR—IN—CHIEF—OF—THE—ONION and coauthor of the #1 bestseller Our Dumb —CENTURY + PETER—HILLEREN, former producer for public radio and some of the nation's finest PUBLIC—ACCESS—CABLE—TELEVISION—STATIONS".
20061022             —BLESSED, On meeting Laura BUSH : "I was, with the good FORTUNE—OF—MEETING 1—WONDERFUL—SMALL—TOWN—TEXAS woman who had 1 dazed and clueless stare reminiscent of 1—GOAT that had been struck between the eyes with 1—TIRE iron -- 1—HALTING KIND—OF—BEAUTY which EVERY—MAN—DESIRES in 1—WOMAN".
20061022             Anon... - The $296—BILLION deficit figure that THE—GOVERNMENT touts does not include OFF—BUDGET—ITEMS—LIKE the ongoing war, which in IRAQ alone is costing us 9—BILLION —1—MONTH.
20061022             Nor does it include surpluses in the Social Security and Medicare funds, which are also being spent without accounting for them.
20061022             And if future obligations are taken into account (such as FEDERAL—PENSIONS and the new prescription drug benefit obligations), which is how Generally Accepted Accounting Practices would do the math, the true FEDERAL—DEBT is CA—50—TRILLION, with THIS—LAST—YEAR—TRUE—DEFICIT CA—3—TRILLION.
20061022             I get my figures mostly from the financial advisors on, which is generally recognized as 1—RELIABLE—SITE.
20061022             If you know of anyone who still believes this nonsense, show 'em this INTERVIEW—WITH—JERRY—LEMBCKE, who teaches Sociology at Holy Cross College.
20061022             I kept looking —BACK—IN the historical records, —WHEN people were actually coming home from VIETNAM and I found out that no, there was no record.
20061022             —INTERESTED, So then I got, in the stories as 1—FORM—OF myth and found out that in other times and other places, especially GERMANY —AFTER WWI, soldiers came home and told stories of feeling rejected by people and particularly stories of being spat on.
20061022             I can tell you categorically that all THE—MANY—ACTIVISTS I associated with would never countenance anyone spitting, much less spitting on 1—MILITARY—VETERAN.
20061022             We took protesting seriously.
20061022             HOWEVER, I definitely recall that as 1—ANTI—WAR—PROTESTER we were frequently bombarded with verbal abuse, epithets + worse by construction workers, cops, etc.
20061022             Put that together with the head cutting motion and the whispering in the ear: conspiring + 1—RATHER unpleasant picture of S—PETER emerges.
20061022             "1—INSTITUTION that is particular to (Aquitaine) + that is stranger to the Gauls," says the highly esteemed AUTHOR—OF—THE—HISTORY—OF—GASCONNY, Abbé Monlezun, "is that of the solduriens, or, rather, saldunes (of Escualdunal, zaldi or saldi, horse; salduna, 1—WHO has 1—HORSE, horseman, l'eques romain); 1—NAMES in this way soldiers who make 1—VOW to 1—CHIEF, to forever share their destiny or rather to identify so strongly with him that there is no example of 1—WHO ever survived. As soon as THE—CHIEF succumbed, we saw them looking for 1—GLORIOUS—DEATH in battle + if they could find it, they came back and pierced themselves on the bodies of 1—WHO had their faith".
20061022             We can observe that in THE—ACCOUNT—OF—THE—WAR—AGAINST—THE—AQUITAINS, Ceasar speaks ONLY—OF—THE—INSTITUTION—OF—THE soldurii, without affirming elsewhere that the soldures existed in the other parts of Gaul.
20061022             The term soldures, that in the Basque language beings no idea to mind, presents, on the contrary, in THE—LANGUAGE—OF—THE—TECHNOSAGES, 1—MEANING perfectly in accord with the institution itself.
20061022             This institution that, it seems to us, is common to the Celts and the Celtiberians, indicates to us how, on Aquitain soil, the fusion operated between THE—2—FAMILIES.
20061022             —RECOUNTED, All authors have, the different character traits that separate the Iberians and the Celts: these were gay, light, ardent, loved to fight and were quick to attack;
20061022             the Iberians, on the contrary, were grave, serious, almost somber, loved war as well and defended it with 1—INVINCIBLE—STUBBORNNESS.
20061022             —WHEN we carefully observe the details, in the stalls, something —IMMEDIATELY appears to our eyes: Demons and snakes, malevolent animals and monsters of all species swarm there.
20061022             1 would almost think about DANTE—INFERNO.
20061022             But this obvious tragedy is not HELL—IT is THE—HISTORY—OF—HUMANITY on earth.
20061022             —HANDED, CHARITY—EMPTY, - walks right —BEFORE the monsters and demons, sustained by 1—SAME—HOPE, going alone, but courageous, to face evil, the malevolent snake.
20061022             —ACCOMPLISHED, Her mission is, because we see all malevolent snakes crushed under her feet or finally mastered in her hands.
20061022             What breadth! What perspective!
20061022             I would like to make 1—NOTE—OF—THE—FACT that, —AFTER spending SOME—TIME trying to find out who ARNAUD—DE—MOLES actually was, the information I was able to obtain suggests that it was 1—NAME given to 1—GROUP,
20061022             THE—COMPANIONS—DEVOTED to Liberty, or, perhaps 1—ANAGRAM.
20061022             TERMS—OF—GREEN—LANGUAGE, clues, the name "De Moles" is rich with meaning, ranging from the possibility of homophonic pronunciation "de Molay," as in the last Grand Master of the Templars, as well as the meaning of "mole," which, in FRANCE—MEANS "stone," or 1—JETTY: 1—BREAKWATER.
20061022             The find's pertainence to the epoch of legendary Mycenae derives from the found labris (short 2—FACE—RITUAL axe, CHARACTERISTIC—OF—THAT—CIVILIZATION) and 1—SILVER—AMULET—OF—THE—CULT to Mother Earth, as well as pieces of surgery utensils.
20061022             —FROM—STANDART News :
20061022             And if we have to trust the Greek or Roman sources, it seems Thracians were wild, illiterate, skilled in wars Barbarians.
20061022             LET—TAKE the recent news.
20061022             Novinite told: Der LIBANESISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—ÉMILE—LAHOUD hatte ISRAEL während des LIBANON—KRIEGS den EINSATZ—VON—PHOSPHORBOMBEN vorgeworfen, —NACHDEM von schweren Verbrennungen bei Zivilisten berichtet worden war.
20061022             Hisbollah vorgeworfen, im LIBANON—KRIEG geächtete Waffen gegen den Gegner eingesetzt zu haben.
20061022   —T—501&b=11
20061022             Selective Service System information INFORMATION— Regional > NORTH—AMERICA > USA > Government > Agencies >...
20061022             ROBERT—W—GAMBINO. G. Huntington Banister.
20061022             Where do I find Selective Service System information Selective Service System info here at en.HARMAN—
20061022             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ and CUBA's. - Bellebaum: Allerdings.
20061022             Das Gespräch führte HOLGER—FUSS—TECHNOLOGY—REVIEW, Heise Zeitschriften Verlag, HANNOVER
20061022             Der gläubige Mensch ist besser DRAN—ER weiß, worauf es ankommt.20061022             20061022             Die 3—GROßEN Werke THE—OUTLINE—OF—HISTORY (19200000             ), SCIENCE—OF—LIFE (19290000             ) und... Der Heilige Benedikt postulierte das " ora et labora ", bete + arbeite.
20061022    /oct/23/nuclear_renaissance_29_new_us_nuclear_power_plant_license_permits_sought
20061022             VAN Der Meid has chosen K. LEE—BLALACK, who also represents FORMER—GOP REPRESENTATIVE—RANDY "DUKE" Cunningham, —NOW in prison for accepting bribes.
20061022             IntoxiNation | Progressive Social Networking
20061022             —REPRESENTED, LEE—BLALACK, who —RECENTLY, former congressman Randy "DUKE" Cunningham (REPUBLICAN—CALIFORNIA), who is —NOW serving time in prison for bribery and other...
20061022             1—TRIBE—CALLED—APOCALYPSE—TOPICS—
20061022             —RESULTED, Her investigation of REPRESENTATIVE—RANDY—CUNNINGHAM, in a... Domenici has hired prominent WASHINGTON attorney K. LEE—BLALACK to represent him.
20061022             PAMELA—CHRABIEH—BADINE:
20061022             THE—JEWISH—STATE also said its almost daily violations of LEBANON—AIRSPACE would continue in ORDER—TO—MONITOR what it claimed was ongoing weapons...
20061022             were probably Israeli.
20061022             —ON—SATURDAY—MORNING, BUSH in PARAGUAY: More info
20061022             The runoff was set for 20061029             . - - We're —JUST going to stay the course.
20061022             [20031215             ]
20061022             - - We're —JUST going to stay the course.
20061022             [20031215             ] - We're —JUST going to stay the course.
20061022—19480000    —COLLABORATED, ARNOLD—SUNDGAARD and KURT—WEILL, on THE opera "Down in the Valley".
20061022—19700000    —BY, the organization Viet Nam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) was in full swing and I distinctly recall that at ANY—SIZEABLE—PROTEST—EVENT 1—NOTICEABLE—CONTINGENT—OF VVAWs was almost always present.
20061022—20000000    —IN, Hmmm, how CA—1—GORE/Obama ticket.
20061022—20000000    Gore would win EVERY—STATE he won (including FLORIDA) and pick up 1—SLEW—OF—WESTERN—STATES and SOME—OTHERS to boot.
20061022—20040000    —IN, I'm not sure if this is the same story we discussed.
20061022—20040000    Did this original fee go through + this is another fee on top of the original?
20061022—20040000    —IN... THE—AVAILABILITY—OF—THE—CODE — the written instructions that tell the machines what to do — is important because SOME—COMPUTER—SCIENTISTS worry that the machines are vulnerable to malicious + virtually undetectable VOTE—SWITCHING software.
20061022—20061023    But, as THE—WASHINGTON—POST—NOTES, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES was interviewing GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS about THE—NIE —FOR—WEEKS—BEFORE the story was printed:
20061022—20061027    —EXPECTED, SOME—42,000 attendees were, to pump $60—MILLION into the city's economy by the close.
20061022—20061028    —ROUNDED, USA federal, state and local officers, up SOME—10,700 fugitives in 1—SWEEP—OF—24—EASTERN—STATES, DC, and PUERTO—RICO.
20061022—20061028    Archives
20061025             [20031022             ] - [20030605             ]
20061025             [20031022             ] - BUSH : And we'll —JUST stay the course.
20061025             [20031022             ]
20061025             [20031022             ] - [20030605             ] - BUSH : And we'll —JUST stay the course.
20061106             Democratic Lead Still Big, But Narrowing 1—LITTLE: "Democrats lead among independents, classic SWING—VOTERS, by 1—STILL—HEFTY 56-38 %; it was 59-31 % among independents in the last ABC/Post poll 20061022             ".
20061106             it was 59-31 % among independents in the last ABC/Post poll 20061022             ".
200611081022         —PM—ET: "REPRESENTATIVE—CURT—WELDON (REPUBLICAN—PA), who saw THE—HOMES—OF—FRIENDS and family raided in October + REPRESENTATIVE—DON—SHERWOOD (REPUBLICAN—PA), whose affair became public —WHEN his EX—MISTRESS filed 1—LAWSUIT alleging abuse," are both
200611081022         —PM—ET, "REPRESENTATIVE—CURT—WELDON (REPUBLICAN—PA), who saw THE—HOMES—OF—FRIENDS and family raided in ;;10;; + Rep.
20061117             acusado de estar implicado en actividades...
20070321             Like many of the big capitalists, THE—DULLES brothers were ANTI—JEW ish Nazi sympathizers.
20070727             DREW—CURTIS'— -- Archives for '20061022235959       ' THE—REGISTER, Asinine,
20070825             aangirfan: 20061015—20061022              20070825             [INFOCON] Information Operations EUROPE 20040000             Conference
20070825             aangirfan: 20061015—20061022              20070916—20141022    —ON, 1—USA—FEDERAL—JURY convicted 4—BLACKWATER guards for killing 14—IRAQIS.
20070916—20141022    —ON, 1—USA—FEDERAL—JURY convicted 4—BLACKWATER guards for killing 14—IRAQIS.
20071022             N229WJ (20050228             )/—NOW: N890BJ, act: Jet Makers LLC
20071022             N200LJ (20060403             )/act: World Jet of DELAWARE
20071022             N35NK was in GUANTANAMO (20040429             , under OWNERSHIP—OF—WALLY Hilliard, Plane I—LEASING)
20071022             Wahlsieg der Liberalen: EUROPA bejubelt Wende in POLEN
20071022             TASCHENBUCH—BESTSELLER: Verschwörung zahlt sich aus
20071022             "1—PRESIDENT must be temperate with his Advertisement words".
20071022             "But THE—GEORGE—HW—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was not looking at PAKISTAN ," Barlow says.
20071022             "It had new crises to DEAL—WITH—IN THE—PERSIA—GULF where SADDAM—HUSSEIN had invaded KUWAIT".
20071022             "Die Commerzbank ist mit 1,2—MILLIARDEN—EURO im SUBPRIME—SEKTOR investiert", sagte Müller.
20071022             "Die Freigabe dieser Daten könnte das öffentliche Vertrauen in die Fluggesellschaften und die Luftfahrtindustrie,
20071022             "Es sind die kleinen Vorkommnisse unter der Oberfläche, die Flugzeugabstürze verursachen. Sie muss man bekämpfen", sagte Krosnick.
20071022             "Everywhere I looked I kept coming up against intelligence about PAKISTAN—WMD programme," Barlow says.
20071022             "I thought I was telling them what they needed to hear, but THE—WHITE—HOUSE seemed oblivious".
20071022             "NONE—OF—THIS need have happened," ROBERT—GALLUCCI, special adviser on WMD to both CLINTON and GEORGE W BUSH, told us.
20071022             "60—PROTESTERS were arrested —MONDAY—MORNING—AFTER SOME—OF—THEM blocked 1—INTERSECTION—NEAR the Cannon House OFFICE—BUILDING.
20071022             "Sojus"- Notlandung: Raumfahrer mussten achtfache Erdbeschleunigung aushalten
20071022             "Stratesec, formerly named Securacom, —NOW defunct, was 1—SECURITY—COMPANY that touted contracts with major clients including THE—WORLD Trade Center, Dulles Airport and United Airlines.
20071022             "The vanquishing of Barlow and the erasing of his case kicked off 1—CHAIN—OF—EVENTS that led to all THE—NUCLEAR—TINGED STAND—OFFS we face —TODAY.
20071022             "THE—WORLD can't countenance THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA raising THE—SPECTER—OF—WWIII," he said.
20071022             "They were issuing SCORES—OF—APPROVALS for THE—PAKISTAN embassy in WASHINGTON to export HI—TECH—EQUIPMENT that was critical for their nuclear bomb programme and that THE—USA—COMMERCE—DEPARTMENT had refused to license," he says.
20071022             "Was notwendig ist, werden wir tun und wir können es uns auch leisten".
20071022             "Wenn die Fluglinien nicht sicher sind, will ich das wissen", sagte der republikanische Abgeordnete BRAD—MILLER,
20071022             (2) the general thrust of THE—FEMA and NIST findings are correct + (3) —THEREFORE these findings should be accepted by the public.
20071022             1—COUSIN—OF—MINE is —NOW attending 1—SCHOOL in Qudsiya and his class is composed of 26—IRAQ—CHILDREN + 5—SYRIA—CHILDREN.
20071022             Aber bei GOOGLE ist die BRITISCHE—POLIZEI bislang nicht vorstellig geworden.
20071022             Aber das hat sich noch nicht in den Meinungsumfragen niedergeschlagen.
20071022             Unsere Erfolge in Stimmungen umzumünzen, das wollen wir —JETZT nachholen.
20071022             —DEVOTED, All energies were, to building up THE—CASE—AGAINST—IRAQ.
20071022             Allerdings blieben die Prognosen der Bank davon unberührt, betonte der COMMERZBANK—CHEF.
20071022             Always kind of in the background.
20071022             —OWNED, He also, Avenger or aviator airlines [COMMANDER—AIRCRAFT] which was 1—SMALL—AIRPLANE—COMPANY.
20071022             —GETÖTET, Angriff: 2—USA—SOLDATEN auf MILITÄR—STÜTZPUNKT in BAHRAIN
20071022             Arbeitsmarkt: Fachkräftemangel kostet 18,5—MILLIARDEN jährlich
20071022             —CENSORED, As long as comments aren't being, I'll chime in about WTC #7. If in fact #7 was THE—NEW—YORK FBI HQ + it also contained myriads of ULTRA—SENSITIVE and highly classified material + if at that time #7 was vulnerable to unauthorized entry,
20071022             At 1. Barlow thought he was helping safeguard THE—WORLD.
20071022             "I —JUST loved it," he says.
20071022             Auch Suchmaschinen wie GOOGLE suchen, finden und verlinken illegale Inhalte, wenn man sie richtig bedient.
20071022             BANKEN—AKTIEN unter Druck
20071022             Barlow came to the conclusion that 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—SENIOR—OFFICIALS was physically aiding THE—PAKISTAN programme.
20071022             —TRIED, Barlow recalls: "Kerr, to do it as nicely as he could. He said he understood THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT had to keep PAKISTAN on SIDE—THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT guaranteed it would stop WORKING—AGAINST—USA".
20071022             Barlow was relentless in exposing what he saw as USA—COMPLICITY + in the end he was sacked and smeared as disloyal, mad, 1—DRUNK and 1—PHILANDERER.
20071022             Both THE—NIST and FEMA reports are lacking in credibility and their scientific evidence has not been made available for independent scientific scrutiny.
20071022             But I find your term "CD trannies" to be offensive and I think it detracts from the outstanding work you do on MANY—IMPORTANT—ISSUES.
20071022             But —WHEN he uncovered 1—POLITICAL—SCANDAL - 1—CONSPIRACY to enable 1—ROGUE nation to get the nuclear BOMB—HE found himself 1 marked man.
20071022             But you're right about MAHER—ASKING for trouble —WHEN he dismissed 'CD' as being kooky and beyond debate.
20071022             BÖRSEN—VERLUSTE: Dax RUTSCHT—COMMERZBANK stürzt ab
20071022             Case in point: COLONEL—OLIVER—NORTH and his shredding of sensitive documents.
20071022             Finally, the strategists will never acknowledge that there is 1—SELF—DESTRUCT policy in place ANY—MORE than they would divulge ANY—TOP—SECRET—POLICY.
20071022             CHICAGO SUN—TIMES—EDITORIAL: "Despite assurances that our military is equipped to secure victory in IRAQ,
20071022             —OCCURRED, Clearly that has not, and I put it to you that there are at least procedural deficiencies in both THE—NIST and FEMA investigations that limit the credibility we can give to their reports.
20071022             Consider This, too - Das riecht nach ZWIEBELFISCH—UND nach JEDER—MENGE—SPAß!
20071022             Das wird nicht reichen".
20071022             Dax auf Talfahrt: Herbstzeitstimmung an der Börse
20071022             Denn ob das Setzen von Links allein als Akt der Piraterie gewertet werden kann, ist MEHR—ALS fraglich.
20071022             Der Hang Seng in HONGKONG gab im Verlauf um 2,6 % auf 28.704—ZÄHLER nach.
20071022             Der Kospi in SÜD—KOREA rutschte im Verlauf sogar um 3,2 % auf 19070000             Punkte ab.
20071022             Die Anleger flüchteten sich erneut in den sicheren Hafen der Rentenpapiere, hieß es auf dem Parkett.
20071022             DIE—NASA hatte den "National Aviation Operations Monitoring Service", so der offizielle Name der Umfrage,
20071022             Die Pilger kommen aus MEHR—ALS—100—LÄNDERN, die meisten steigen 1. in 1—FLUGZEUG,
20071022             Die Raumfahrtbehörde wolle die Studie still und heimlich begraben.
20071022             Die Szenarien von FUßGÄNGER—FORSCHERN, ausgehend vom durchschnittsdicken Europäer, enden bei 6—PERSONEN pro Quadratmeter.
20071022             MEKKA, waren es 10.
20071022             Die Teufelssteinigung von 20060000             ging mit 364—TOTEN in die Statistik ein.
20071022             Die Wahlbeteiligung war mit CA—53,8 % die höchste —SEIT—DEM, ENDE—DES—KOMMUNISMUS in POLEN 19890000             .
20071022             Die große Masse aber reihte sich ein.
20071022             Dismayed, he approached his boss at THE—CIA, RICHARD—KERR, the deputy director for intelligence,
20071022             Doch als USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH seine ehrgeizigen Pläne für bemannte Flüge zum Mond und zum Mars bekanntgab,
20071022             EADS—HV+: Kritische Fragen unerwünscht
20071022             Ein hochrangiges Mitglied der PO sagte in der vergangenen —NACHT, die Mission der POLNISCHEN—SOLDATEN im IRAK sei erfüllt.
20071022             Es war der drittschwerste Verlust im bisherigen Jahresverlauf.
20071022             —AMASSED, Even as THE—CIA, evidence showing that PAKISTAN, 1—STATE that sponsored Islamist terrorism and made its money by selling proscribed WMD technology,
20071022             —HAPPENED, Evidence will highlight what, —WHEN ideologues took CONTROL—OF—INTELLIGENCE in 3—SEPARATE—USA—ADMINISTRATIONS—THOSE of Reagan + of THE—2—BUSH ES—AND how 1—CIA—ANALYST who would not give up his pursuit for the truth became 1—FALL—GUY.
20071022             GESCHLECHTER—UNTERSCHIEDE: Das weibliche Chromosom der Gewohnheit
20071022             Giving them ANY—ATTENTION—ONLY worsens the situation.#
20071022             —PRESENTED, Had the argument been, in this way by BILL—MAHER, he would not have faced THE—KIND—OF—REACTION he got + he actually would have accomplished something.
20071022             HAMBURG/TOKIO—DIE asiatischen Märkte haben sich an den schlechten Vorgaben der USA—BÖRSEN vom —FREITAG orientiert und auf breiter Front nachgegeben.
20071022             Harriman EDWARD—HENRY: FREE—ENCYCLOPEDIA Articles at QUESTIA COM
20071022             He is in the public arena speaking out on important and contentious issues.
20071022             He dished it out,
20071022             —HEUTE ist das Areal videoüberwacht.
20071022             Hier soll Abraham den Teufel einst mit Steinwürfen in die Flucht geschlagen haben, so steht es im Koran.
20071022             —VERTEUERT, Hier trug auch der starke Yen, der Exporte in DIE—USA, zum Kursverlust bei.
20071022             —SUSPECTED—OF, His focus from the start was PAKISTAN, —AT—THE—TIME, clandestinely seeking NUCLEAR—WEAPONS in 1—PROGRAMME initiated by Zulfikar ALI—BHUTTO, THE—FATHER—OF—BENAZIR.
20071022             His lawyers are seeking MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in compensation for Barlow as well as the reinstatement of his 80.000—DOLLAR —1—YEAR—GOVERNMENT—PENSION.
20071022             Hunderttausende können nicht lesen, sie sprechen in Dutzenden verschiedenen Sprachen durcheinander.
20071022             I agree that MANY—OF—THE—CD leaders do more harm to the nation than good.
20071022             However, those who belittle the concerns of their followers in such 1—DESTRUCIVE matter are complicit in that damage.
20071022             I agree with you on THE—ANDY—MEYERS incident, but I think THE—BILL—MAHER incident was different for reasons I have spelled out.
20071022             I am not convinced about the BITBs theory but I am concerned that justice not —JUST be done but be seen to be done.
20071022             I put it to you that in the circumstances I have —JUST described the public is entitled to be satisfied at EVERY—LEVEL that USA—COMPLICITY did not occur.
20071022             I read AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL'S 20060000             REPORT—ON—THE—CIA 's 'rendition' flights — Below the radar:
20071022             If I follow your reasoning correctly you argue that (1) THE—CD theories have been adequately debunked,
20071022             —LISTENED, If he had been, to, MANY—BELIEVE—PAKISTAN might never have got its nuclear bomb;
20071022             Immersed in the minutiae of his investigations, he didn't appreciate the bigger picture: that
20071022             TOKIO, verlor der Nikkei 225—UM 2,2 % auf 16.438—PUNKTE—DAS war zwar deutlich über dem Tagestief,
20071022             In 1—ELECTION you may lose if they continue to recount the votes.
20071022             —EXTENDED, Here, there is no loss to either side to have 1, official investigation.
20071022             Is it important enough to RE—OPEN? Of course.
20071022             In einigen ihrer Herkunftsländer geht man rechts, in anderen links.
20071022             "VIELE—UNKONTROLLIERBARE—VARIABLEN", meint DIRK—HELBING nüchtern.
20071022             —BEHAVED, In other words, all 3—BUILDINGS, as though they had been engineered with demolition precision weeks —BEFORE..
20071022             In strategic thinking, it would be incompetent and perilous for such buildings as #7 and offices to remain standing no matter where they are,
20071022             Instead of winning the hearts and minds of Iraqis, we've made them angry and possibly fueled support for the counterinsurgency that is keeping us stuck in IRAQ".
20071022             It IS 1—UNUSUAL—EVENT for planes to crash into skyscrapers and for them to collapse.
20071022             We know MOST—OF—THE—PERPETRATORS (16) got their visas through Jeddah,
20071022             It is also known that 1—NUMBER—OF—ISLAMISTS + specifically al Qaeda operatives, had been working with THE—CIA and FBI for —1—DECADE.
20071022             It is 1—EXTREME—CIVIL—RIGHTS—ABUSE—OF—ALL—USA—CITIZENS that the current executive has denied such 1—PROPER—INQUIRY.
20071022             I believe it. Walking down THE—STREETS—OF—DAMASCUS,
20071022             It is not 1—DISCRETIONARY exercise for THE—USA—EXECUTIVE to deny to THE—USA—PEOPLE—PROPER—INVESTIGATIONS—OF—911 -- including the building failures.
20071022             It is only —NOW, amid the recriminations about the war in IRAQ and reassessments of where the real danger lies,
20071022             It takes serious engineering and LOTS—OF—MAN—HOURS to surgically place explosives —THROUGHOUT THE—SKELETON—OF—THE—BUILDING to demolish it with precision like they all 3—WENTT downthat —DAY.
20071022             It's how they interpret their sworn oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies,
20071022             JUSTIZ—ROMAN: Ein allzu perfektes Verbrechen
20071022             KURDEN—KONFLIKT—ANKARA verstärkt Truppen im IRAKISCHEN—GRENZGEBIET
20071022             KURDEN—KONFLIKT—USA rufen Iraker zum KAMPF—GEGEN—PKK
20071022             —MOVED, Kucinich was, to take action, he said, in part BECAUSE—OF—BUSH—RECENT—SUGGESTION to reporters that 1—WORLD—WAR—WITH—IRAN might be imminent,
20071022             Lovett, SECRETARY—OF—COMMERCE—AVERILL—HARRIMAN + Admiral SIDNEY—SOUERS, executive.
20071022             —FILED, MORE—THAN —20—YEARS—AFTER this SAGA began, his case, on Capitol Hill, is coming to court —LATER—THIS—MONTH.
20071022             —ENLISTED, MORE—THAN—30,000—FOREIGN—TROOPS are, in THE—USA—ARMY, MANY—OF—THEM serving in IRAQ.
20071022             —UNKONTROLLIERT, Manöver in SÜDAFRIKA: Kanone feuert, auf SOLDATEN—9—TOTE
20071022             Mit gutem Grund, wie es weiter heißt: Die Ergebnisse der —BISHER einzigartigen Großbefragung könnten die zivile Fliegerei in eine schwere GLAUBWÜRDIGKEITS—KRISE stürzen.
20071022             MOHAMMED—ALI is 1—GOOD—EXAMPLE.
20071022             There is also drug trafficking at Huffman, the "dancing" Israelis,
20071022             Motivation: Nur jeder 5. leistet vollen Einsatz
20071022             —UNPRECEDENTED, NASA is withholding results from 1, national SURVEY—OF—PILOTS that found safety problems like near collisions + runway interference occur far more frequently than THE—GOVERNMENT previously recognized.
20071022             No NORAD inquiries took place into the failed security on 911, no FAA inquiries took place on either the planes, the crashes or their security failures.
20071022             1 need only refer to the Michelin Tire COMPANY—POLICY (it used to be in effect, I don't know if it still is) in the event of 1—FIRE to 1—OF—ITS—PLANTS where proprietary formulas and such reside:
20071022             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN, although, by ALL—OF—THEM to be at the epicentre of global instability, was hailed as 1—FRIEND.
20071022             PAKISTAN is the number 1—THREAT—TO—THE—WORLD + if it all goes off - 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB in 1—USA or European CITY—I'M sure we will find ourselves looking in PAKISTAN—DIRECTION".
20071022             —CONTROLLED, Quintiere does NOT subscribe to, demolition theories, but he also rejects the official findings on THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—BUILDINGS.
20071022             Refugees and Puppets - Religiöse Rechte in den USA: Bloß nicht Hillary!
20071022             Rendition or addiction? AUSTRALIA—INVESTIGATOR "NICK—POSSUM" picks up on the theory that the rendition flights served as cover for smuggling:
20071022             —MERGED, Rumor has it they, with SSI because they were doing TONS—OF—DOD work.
20071022             It turns out that there were back door pay offs and kick backs on ALL—OF—THE—CONTRACTS that SSI had and that there [sic] books were cooked —PRIOR—TO the merge.
20071022             SE.
20071022             —INCLUDED, THE—PROTESTERS, representatives from the Oil for Change Coalition, Code Pink and IRAQ Veterans Against the War.
20071022             Scholz: Wir werden uns so aufstellen, dass wir 20090000             wieder den KANZLER stellen können.
20071022             Wir haben ja eine etwas eigenwillige Situation:
20071022             Secret flights to torture and disappearance — and my suspicion deepened.
20071022             Officially available flight details for known AIRCRAFT—OF—THE—CIA—CLANDESTINE fleet combined with observations by AMNESTY—GLOBAL—NETWORK—OF—PLANE spotters reveal that these aircraft fly too often + touch down far more often,
20071022             SICHERHEITS—UMFRAGE: NASA—STUDIE soll haarsträubende Details über Luftfahrt enthalten
20071022             So mache das G7-Communiqué keine Hoffnung auf 1—ENDE—DER—DOLLAR—TALFAHRT, der Euro habe im späten asiatischen Handel mit 1,4350—DOLLAR einmal mehr 1—REKORD—HOCH markiert, erklärte der Händler.
20071022             Starke Häufung von Zwischenfällen
20071022             Steigende Teuerungsrate: Der kleine Zombie Inflation
20071022             Stratesec SPLIT from them and THE—MAJORITY—OF—THE—SSI—MIDDLE—EAST—WORKERS went to work for 1—COMPANY that does Airport security work named ISR Integrated Security
20071022             —MERGED, Stratsec, with 1—COMPANY named SSI.
20071022             SSI was FULL—OF—IRANIANS and MIDDLE—EAST looking people.
20071022             Syrians are few and far between in these areas.
20071022             Even the public schools in the areas are FULL—OF—IRAQ—CHILDREN.
20071022             —ADMITTED, THE—911—COMMISSIONERS have, they were hampered in their investigations, they they were lied to by various officials and that they considered bringing perjury CHARGES—AGAINST—PEOPLE over their testimony.
20071022             THE—PROTESTERS, wearing polar bear costumes and giant GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH—HEADS, blocked the intersection at NEW—JERSEY and INDEPENDENCE avenues,
20071022             THIS is the only valid argument against the pursuit of CD Theory.
20071022             It has the advantage of guiding the vast MAJORITY—OF—CD proponents in 1—WAY that harnesses their good intentions by redirecting them toward 1—MORE—PRODUCTIVE—APPROACH to the problem.
20071022             TechCrunch: USA—BLOG bringt 240.000—DOLLAR —IM—MONAT
20071022             Thank you for your great work Joseph and I wish you well.
20071022             That was THE—ESSENCE—OF—CANNON—ARGUMENT, though I might argue that EUGENE—O'NEIL—PLAY and BILL—MAHER—CARNIVAL are not analogous if the matter were trivial.
20071022             That's the issue, not whether they are even right about building failures.
20071022             THE—CIA was pursuing THE—PAKISTAN programme vigorously even though Reagan was turning 1—BLIND—EYE — indeed,
20071022             THE—USA—PEOPLE have 1—ABSOLUTE—RIGHT -- absolute!! -- at ANY—TIME and ANY—PLACE to insist on however MANY—INQUIRIES they want —WHEN we talk about the murder of 3000—USA—CITIZENS on home soil.
20071022             The answer is 1—CLEAR and obvious yes.
20071022             —ON either SIDE—OF—THE—DEBATE, you don't lose anything through reasonable and respectable research.
20071022             The other major owner was Kuwam KUWAIT USA—AIRLINES. all this by Margi Burns
20071022             —QUALIFIED, The question is simple... are there enough, people asking for 1—MORE—REASONABLE—RESOLUTION with serious doubts of our findings TO—DATE?
20071022             —ADOPTED, Their reward for risking their lives for their, country is USA—CITIZENSHIP.
20071022             —WALKED, Then 1—PAKISTAN i nuclear smuggler, into 1—TRAP sprung by THE—CIA—AND THE—USA—PRESIDENT—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION—COMMITMENT to rid THE—WORLD—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS was put to the test.
20071022             There were hundreds, if not thousands, of these people over —1—DECADE—OF—USA—SUPPORT for PAKISTAN and THE—TALIBAN and in Chechnya.
20071022             —ESTABLISHED, These all represent significant departures both from, insurance and civil engineering practices in THE—ASSESSMENT—OF—FIRE—DAMAGE.
20071022             JAMES—QUINTIERE, These include: disputes about their computer modelling;
20071022             secrecy aspects in regard to THE—HANDLING—OF—EVIDENCE and their refusal to make that evidence available to independent scientists;
20071022             1—FAILURE to provide 1—INDUSTRY—STANDARD—VIDEO—SIMULATION—OF—THE—THEIR modeling;
20071022             and their refusal to interview witnesses who reported explosive sounds on 911.
20071022             —UNATTACHED, These were young, males from the M.E. ACCORDING—TO—NORMAL visa assessment rules they would have been denied entry.
20071022             They held signs declaring, 'No war, no warming.'" 10/23
20071022             —STOPPED, They often, at USA—AIR—BASES where the local authorities have no CONTROL—OVER—WHAT gets loaded or unloaded.
20071022             This means that EVERY—ASPECT—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—911—INQUIRIES should meet exemplary standards in investigation and reporting.
20071022             Turns out that the "CARLYLE—GROUP" is 1—MAJOR—INVESTOR and THE—BUSH—FAMILY—OWNS 1—CHUNK—OF—THE—CARLYLE—GROUP.
20071022             Tusk hat angekündigt, bald im KOMMENDEN—JAHR die POLNISCHEN—TRUPPEN aus dem IRAK abzuziehen.
20071022             USA—ARMY—LURES Foreigners with PROMISE—OF—CITIZENSHIP
20071022             —TAPERED, USA—AID to PAKISTAN, off —WHEN THE—SOVIET—UNION withdrew from AFGHANISTAN.
20071022             Unglück in Neu DELHI: VIZE—BÜRGERMEISTER stirbt nach Affenattacke
20071022             Valerie—PLAME Wilson's "Fair Game: My Life as 1—SPY, My Betrayal by THE—WHITE—HOUSE".
20071022             Released —TODAY.
20071022             Von der deutschlandweiten Not, amerikafreundlich zu sein (20041111             )
20071022             Vorsitzender des für die Luftfahrt zuständigen WISSENSCHAFTS—UND Technologieausschusses des Repräsentantenhauses.
20071022             Waldbrände in Malibu: HOLLYWOOD—STARS fliehen vor dem FLAMMEN—INFERNO
20071022             Wann genau das 900—MANN starke Kontingent abgezogen werde, hänge allerdings von den derzeitigen Vertragsbedingungen ab.
20071022             —HAPPENED, We know that whatever, on 911 the official explanation is —JUST 1—ACCOUNT that's been shown to be wrong on MANY—DETAILS and lacks the moral authority that goes with 1—RECOGNIZABLY independent assessment of this national tragedy.
20071022             Wettbewerbsauflagen: Microsoft erfüllt ALLE—EU—FORDERUNGEN
20071022             What about THE—REST—OF—THE—AUDIENCE and our rights to have the show proceed ACCORDING—TO—ITS—DESIGN instead of its being disrupted?
20071022             What can people say —WHEN you tell them that JAMES—QUINTIERE,
20071022             Whatever else that is, it isn't science as I know it (and, yes, I have degree in science).
20071022             Will this convince everyone? Hell, no!
20071022             But you "convert" who you can + screw THE—REST—IGNORE them.
20071022             Wirt Walker ran Stratesec and was 1—SHADY character himself.
20071022             I never saw him or spoke to him.
20071022             WIRTSCHAFTS—SPIONAGE: Fast tägliche CYBER—ATTACKEN aus CHINA
20071022             With MARVIN—BUSH sitting on THE—BOARD—OF—THE—SECURITY—COMPANY—STRATSEC, you would think that AT—LEAST—1—TINY—PARTICLE—OF—THE—COMMISSION—FINDINGS would have questioned the security company that was respnsible for the entire World Trade Center complex..but no.
20071022             Within months Barlow was out of 1—JOB.
20071022             You are no better than they are —WHEN you take this tack.
20071022             Your own reporting and investigations of Huffman Aviation and the whole package of lies surrounding 911—MAKES it clear that Americans have never had 1—PROPER—911—INQUIRY.
20071022             —ZUGLEICH, bewege sich der Ölpreis weiter auf hohem Niveau, wenngleich er aufgrund der jüngsten Wachstumsängste wieder deutlich unter das Niveau von 90—DOLLAR je Barrel gefallen sei.
20071022             Zwiebelfischchen: Bushs Wahlsieg und andere VERBRECHEN—KULTUR
20071022             1—KNOWN—CIA—ENTRY—POINT for Islamists coming to THE—USA for training at USA—MILITARY—SITES.
20071022             aber immer noch der schlechteste Schlusskurs —SEIT—4—WOCHEN.
20071022             and THE—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAMMES—OF—IRAN, LIBYA and NORTH—KOREA—WHICH British and USA—INTELLIGENCE—NOW acknowledge were all secretly enabled by PAKISTAN—WOULD never have got off the ground.
20071022             as THE—TESTIMONY—OF—MANY of the occupants attests, —AFTER—THE—INCIDENT, there were evacuation drills,
20071022             —BIS—ZUM, Ende dieses Jahres einen Bericht über die Umfrage zu veröffentlichen.
20071022             deren Piloten an dieser Umfrage teilgenommen haben, massiv beschädigen",
20071022             EINIGE—VIPS fuhren mit ihren Autos quer zu den Pilgerströmen, und VIELE—HADSCHIS aus IRAN umgingen die Brücke,
20071022             elevator stoppage issues + MANY—OTHER—STRANGE "security" mishaps weeks —BEFORE the event.
20071022             foreign or domestic + so on.
20071022             What 1—WORLD, as RAYMOND—CHANDLER always put it.#
20071022             —EXPRESSED, FORMER—HEAD—OF—NIST fire investigative services, has, SOME—OF—THESE concerns.
20071022             FORMER—HEAD—OF—NIST fire investigative services, has the rejected THE—NIST findings and methodology.
20071022             given the chaos, it has to be assumed that it was ordered to be destroyed.
20071022             Isn't that standard operating procedure anyway? he should be able to take it.
20071022             I have no time for him.
20071022             if that building was "destroyed" for all your fanciful reasons.who rigged it with explosives AHEAD—OF—TIME?
20071022             INNERHALB—10—JAHREN die ZAHL—DER—TÖDLICHEN—FLUGUNFÄLLE um 80 % zu senken.
20071022             Erreicht wurde 1—RÜCKGANG um 65 %.
20071022             DIE—NASA befragte CA—24.000—PILOTEN und wollte später auch Flugbegleiterinnen, Fluglotsen und Mechaniker einbeziehen.
20071022             it's clear —NOW that AMERICA has depended heavily on 1—SHADOW military.
20071022             —AWARDED, SINGLE—BID—CONTRACTS are, to favored companies and paid for by TAX—PAYERS,
20071022             leading Kucinich to wonder "whether he's playing with Armageddon or he's not well".
20071022             local fire departments were instructed and authorized to let the plant burn to the ground (safety for life and limb being 1—EXCEPTION) instead of saving the building or its expendable contents.
20071022             sagte Miller.
20071022             "Die Daten scheinen sehr wertvoll zu sein, aber das sind sie nicht auf 1—REGAL der Nasa",
20071022             schichtete DIE—NASA ihre FINANZEN um und legte das Projekt auf Eis.
20071022             sie landen auf dem Flughafen von Dschidda am Roten Meer, der während der Wallfahrt ein eigenes Terminal eröffnet.
20071022             sie wollten beim Steinigen auf festem Boden stehen.
20071022             something that would have been obvious to all if the intelligence had been properly analysed.
20071022             —PITCHED, SOUTH—ASIA might not have been, into 3—NEAR—NUCLEAR—CONFLAGRATIONS;
20071022             than can be explained by the rendition of the hapless suspects they were carrying —AT—THE—TIME.
20071022             that BARLOW—THE despised bringer of bad news about PAKISTAN—IS finally to get 1—HEARING.
20071022             So it is far from 1—INCREDIBLE hypothesis that elements within USA—INTELLIGENCE either were participants in 911 or allowed it to happen.
20071022             under such chaotic circumstances, especially —WHEN the strategists are certain that there has been 1—ATTACK.
20071022             was the number 1—THREAT, they earmarked IRAQ as THE—CHIEF—TARGET.
20071022             who don't have 1—SAY in the process or its outcomes.
20071022             —THREATENED, Our national interests are, —WHEN these companies act on the country's behalf without having to answer to Americans.
20071022             who summoned senior STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIALS to 1—MEETING at CIA headquarters in Langley.
20071022             who were active in THE—USA—WITHOUT this information, THE—USA—COMMERCE—DEPARTMENT (which approved export licences) and USA—CUSTOMS (which enforced them) were hamstrung.
20071022             you can hear THE—IRAQ—ACCENT everywhere.
20071022             —PACKED, There are areas like Geramana and Qudsiya that are, FULL—OF—IRAQ—REFUGEES.
20071022             zitiert AP aus 1—SCHREIBEN des stellvertretenden NASA—DIREKTORS THOMAS—S—LUEDTKE.
20071022             Auch das "finanzielle Wohlergehen" der Unternehmen sieht Luedtke in Gefahr.
20071022             zitiert AP 1—SCHREIBEN—MILLERS an NASA—CHEF—MICHAEL—GRIFFIN—DER—AMES—RESEARCH—CENTER der Nasa hat angekündigt,
20071022             "Ulbricht wollte aus dem Trott raus"
20071022             Überblickstabelle: Was alles teurer WURDE—UND was sehr viel teurer
20071022             —BY—CORDULA Meyer in WASHINGTON
20071022             —ASKED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, Congress for $196.4—BILLION for THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20071022             —INCLUDED, This, $500—MILLION to help MEXICO fight drug traffickers as MEXICO and THE—USA announced plans for a $1.4—BILLION—AID—PACKAGE to fight drug trafficking and other organized crime SOUTH—OF—THE—BORDER.
20071022             It is 1—SECURITY—COOPERATION between THE—USA and THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—MEXICO and THE—COUNTRIES—OF—CENTRAL—AMERICA, with the aim of combating THE—THREATS—OF—DRUG trafficking, transnational crime and money laundering.
20071022             The assistance includes training, equipment and intelligence.
20071022             —HANDED, THE—USA, over 30—MILITARY—HELICOPTERS to key ally PAKISTAN to help fight extremism and provide humanitarian relief in the region.
20071022             1—USA—NAVY sailor allegedly shot and killed 2—FEMALE sailors in the barracks of 1—USA—MILITARY—BASE in BAHRAIN.
20071022             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—DALLAS declared 1—MISTRIAL for former leaders of THE—TEXAS—BASED Holy Land Foundation, 1—MUSLIM charity ACCUSED—OF—FUNDING terrorism.
20071022             —ANNOUNCED, Bear Stearns, 1—OF—AMERICA—TOP—INVESTMENT—BANKS, 1—STRATEGIC—ALLIANCE with Citic Securities, CHINA—LARGEST listed brokerage firm.
20071022             —DROPPED, MICROSOFT—CORP., 1—NEARLY—DECADE—LONG—LEGAL—BATTLE—WITH—EUROPEAN regulators, agreeing to key parts of 1—ANTITRUST ruling that has already led to HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS in fines.
20071022             2—NEW—STUDIES said THE—WORLD'S oceans may be losing their ability to soak up extra carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, with the risk that this will help stoke GLOBAL—WARMING.
20071022             —CALLED, NATO and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, in airstrikes —DURING—1—BATTLE—AGAINST—INSURGENTS that left 20 suspected militants but also several civilians dead in Wardak province.
20071022             —EMERGED, PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO, politically stronger —AFTER THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY handed him a 2. —5—YEAR—TERM, allowing him 1—FREER—HAND to manage tensions over 1—RISING wealth gap and boost spending on LONG—NEGLECTED social services.
20071022             THE—UNITED—NATIONS Refugee agency (UNHCR) said SOME—8,000—CONGO—REFUGEES have fled to neighboring UGANDA —FOLLOWING clashes between CONGO—ARMY and dissident general Laurent Nkunda.
20071022             Bombs struck Shiite targets in BAGHDAD, killing AT—LEAST—7—PEOPLE and wounding 2—DOZEN.
20071022             IRAQ—KURDISH—REBELS said they were ready to lay down their arms if TURKEY stopped targeting the rebels and abandoned plans for 1—INCURSION into IRAQ, ACCORDING—TO—1—REBEL—WEBSITE.
20071022             —CALLED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, for IRAQ—INSURGENTS to unite and avoid divisive "extremism," speaking in 1—AUDIOTAPE and apparently intended to win over Sunnis opposed to AL—QAIDA—BRANCH in IRAQ.
20071022             —CA—1,000—PALESTINE—PRISONERS rioted at 1—ISRAEL—DESERT—PRISON, attacking guards, torching the tents where they are housed and leaving 30—PEOPLE injured.
20071022             —CA—40—TONS—OF—OIL spilled from 1—LAND—PIPELINE carrying crude from the port of Ashkelon in SOUTH—ISRAEL to refineries in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—HAIFA.
20071022             1—ITALIEN—LOBBY—GROUP for small businesses said revenue from organized crime amounts to 1 estimated $127—BILLION annually, making it the largest SEGMENT—OF—THE—ECONOMY.
20071022             —SIGNED, Kyrgyz PRESIDENT—KURMANBEK—BAKIYEV, 1—DECREE dissolving PARLIAMENT, —1—DAY—AFTER voters overwhelmingly approved 1—REFERENDUM—ON—CONSTITUTIONAL—CHANGES that his critics called 1—POWER grab.
20071022             FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY met with MOHAMMED—XVI—KING—OF—MOROCCO and signed 1—STRING—OF—DEALS aimed at fostering closer cooperation between THE—2—COUNTRIES and economic development projects.
20071022             MOZAMBIQUE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—JOAQUIM—CHISSANO, who brought peace and democracy to his country, won the 1. Mo IBRAHIM—PRIZE—FOR—ACHIEVEMENT in AFRICA—LEADERSHIP.
20071022             —SHOWED, POLAND, election results, PRO—BUSINESS—CIVIC—PLATFORM, led by DONALD—TUSK, beating PRIME—MINISTER—JAROSLAW—KACZYNSKI—NATIONALIST—CONSERVATIVES by nearly 10—PERCENTAGE—POINTS, enough to allow them to form 1—COALITION—GOVERNMENT with 1 allied party.
20071022             —PROMISED, The incoming government, to negotiate 1—TOUGHER—DEAL—WITH—THE—USA—WHEN it comes to hosting 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—BASE.
20071022             Civic Platform won 209—SEATS in the 460-member lower house.
20071022             —APOLOGIZED, ROMANIA—PRESIDENT—TRAIAN—BASESCU, for the deportation of THOUSANDS—OF—GYPSIES to Nazi death camps —WWII—DURING, the 1. time 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL has done so publicly.
20071022             1—GROUP—OF—TAMIL—TIGER fighters, backed by the rebel group's tiny AIR—FORCE, carried out 1—SURPRISE—PRE—DAWN ATTACK—ON—1—SRI—LANKA—AIR—FORCE—BASE, setting off 1—HUGE—BATTLE that killed 5—AIRMEN and 20—GUERRILLAS.
20071022             24—OF 27—AIRCRAFT were destroyed or damaged.
20071022             ---- Nora Slatkin was sworn in as ASSISTANT—SECRETARY—OF—THE—NAVY for Research, Development and Acquisition.
20071022             —ESTIMATED, It is, that there are AT—LEAST—1.5—MILLION—IRAQIS in Syria —TODAY.
20071022             I believe it.
20071022             Walking down THE—STREETS—OF—DAMASCUS, you can hear THE—IRAQ—ACCENT everywhere.
20071022             Dismayed, he approached his boss at THE—CIA, RICHARD—KERR, the deputy director for intelligence, who summoned senior STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIALS to 1—MEETING at CIA headquarters in Langley.
20071022             However, burrowing through cables and files, he began to realise that THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT had intelligence it was not SHARING—IN particular THE—IDENTITIES—OF—KEY—PAKISTAN i procurement agents, who were active in THE—USA.
20071022             Without this information, THE—USA—COMMERCE—DEPARTMENT (which approved export licences) and USA—CUSTOMS (which enforced them) were hamstrung.
20071022             It is only —NOW, amid the recriminations about the war in IRAQ and reassessments of where the real danger lies, that BARLOW—THE despised bringer of bad news about PAKISTAN—IS finally to get 1—HEARING.
20071022             —AMASSED, Even as THE—CIA, evidence showing that PAKISTAN, 1—STATE that sponsored Islamist terrorism and made its money by selling proscribed WMD technology, was the number 1—THREAT, they earmarked IRAQ as THE—CHIEF—TARGET.
20071022             CHICAGO SUN—TIMES—EDITORIAL: "Despite assurances that our military is equipped to secure victory in IRAQ, it's clear —NOW that AMERICA has depended heavily on 1—SHADOW military. SINGLE—BID—CONTRACTS are awarded to favored companies and paid for by TAX—PAYERS, who don't have 1—SAY in the process or its outcomes. Our national interests are threatened —WHEN these companies act on the country's behalf without having to answer to Americans. Instead of winning the hearts and minds of Iraqis, we've made them angry and possibly fueled support for the counterinsurgency that is keeping us stuck in IRAQ".
20071022             "60—PROTESTERS were arrested —MONDAY—MORNING—AFTER SOME—OF—THEM blocked 1—INTERSECTION—NEAR the Cannon House OFFICE—BUILDING. THE—PROTESTERS, wearing polar bear costumes and giant GEORGE—W—BUSH—HEADS, blocked the intersection at NEW—JERSEY and INDEPENDENCE avenues, SE. THE—PROTESTERS included representatives from the Oil for Change Coalition, Code Pink and IRAQ Veterans Against the War. They held signs declaring, 'No war, no warming.'" 10/23
20071022             "I'm going to talk to MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS—THIS—WEEK and tell them taking impeachment off the table is 1—BIG—MISTAKE," he said.
20071022             —MOVED, Kucinich was, to take action, he said, in part BECAUSE—OF—BUSH—RECENT—SUGGESTION to reporters that 1—WORLD—WAR—WITH—IRAN might be imminent, leading Kucinich to wonder "whether he's playing with Armageddon or he's not well".
20071022             —BEHAVED, In other words, all 3—BUILDINGS, as though they had been engineered with demolition precision weeks —BEFORE.. as THE—TESTIMONY—OF—MANY of the occupants attests, —AFTER—THE—INCIDENT, there were evacuation drills, elevator stoppage issues + MANY—OTHER—STRANGE "security" mishaps weeks —BEFORE the event.
20071022             more here.. #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 9:58
20071022             We know MOST—OF—THE—PERPETRATORS (16) got their visas through Jeddah, 1—KNOWN—CIA—ENTRY—POINT for Islamists coming to THE—USA for training at USA—MILITARY—SITES.
20071022             There is also drug trafficking at Huffman, the "dancing" Israelis, THE—ISRAEL—ART—STUDENTS and FRANCE—INTELLIGENCE—CONNECTIONS to al Qaeda.
20071022             These include: disputes about their computer modelling;
20071022             JAMES—QUINTIERE, FORMER—HEAD—OF—NIST fire investigative services, has expressed SOME—OF—THESE concerns.
20071022             If I follow your reasoning correctly you argue that (1) THE—CD theories have been adequately debunked, (2) the general thrust of THE—FEMA and NIST findings are correct + (3) —THEREFORE these findings should be accepted by the public.
20071022             #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 7:00
20071022             Is it important enough to RE—OPEN? Of course. CD is 1—DEAD—END.
20071022             —POSTED—BY—DAVID—H—STERN, M.D. : 1:56
20071022             —CENSORED, As long as comments aren't being, I'll chime in about WTC #7. If in fact #7 was THE—NEW—YORK FBI HQ + it also contained myriads of ULTRA—SENSITIVE and highly classified material + if at that time #7 was vulnerable to unauthorized entry, given the chaos, it has to be assumed that it was ordered to be destroyed.
20071022             Isn't that standard operating procedure anyway?
20071022             1 need only refer to the Michelin Tire COMPANY—POLICY (it used to be in effect, I don't know if it still is) in the event of 1—FIRE to 1—OF—ITS—PLANTS where proprietary formulas and such reside: local fire departments were instructed and authorized to let the plant burn to the ground (safety for life and limb being 1—EXCEPTION) instead of saving the building or its expendable contents.
20071022             In strategic thinking, it would be incompetent and perilous for such buildings as #7 and offices to remain standing no matter where they are, under such chaotic circumstances, especially —WHEN the strategists are certain that there has been 1—ATTACK.
20071022             It's how they interpret their sworn oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic + so on.
20071022             What 1—WORLD, as RAYMOND—CHANDLER always put it.
20071022             #—POSTED—BY—AITCHD: He dished it out, he should be able to take it.
20071022             What can people say —WHEN you tell them that JAMES—QUINTIERE, FORMER—HEAD—OF—NIST fire investigative services, has the rejected THE—NIST findings and methodology.
20071022             Consider This, too #—POSTED—BY—ALEX
20071022             Rendition or addiction? AUSTRALIA—INVESTIGATOR "NICK—POSSUM" picks up on the theory that the rendition flights served as cover for smuggling: I read AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL'S 20060000             REPORT—ON—THE—CIA 's 'rendition' flights — Below the radar: Secret flights to torture and disappearance — and my suspicion deepened.
20071022             Officially available flight details for known AIRCRAFT—OF—THE—CIA—CLANDESTINE fleet combined with observations by AMNESTY—GLOBAL—NETWORK—OF—PLANE spotters reveal that these aircraft fly too often + touch down far more often, than can be explained by the rendition of the hapless suspects they were carrying —AT—THE—TIME.
20071022             "Wenn die Fluglinien nicht sicher sind, will ich das wissen", sagte der republikanische Abgeordnete BRAD—MILLER, Vorsitzender des für die Luftfahrt zuständigen WISSENSCHAFTS—UND Technologieausschusses des Repräsentantenhauses.
20071022             Der Weigerung der Nasa, die Ergebnisse zu veröffentlichen, hafte "ein gewisser Geruch" an, sagte Miller.
20071022             "Die Daten scheinen sehr wertvoll zu sein, aber das sind sie nicht auf 1—REGAL der Nasa", zitiert AP 1—SCHREIBEN—MILLERS an NASA—CHEF—MICHAEL—GRIFFIN.
20071022             Der Ames Research Center der Nasa hat angekündigt, —BIS—ZUM, Ende dieses Jahres einen Bericht über die Umfrage zu veröffentlichen.
20071022             Doch als USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH seine ehrgeizigen Pläne für bemannte Flüge zum Mond und zum Mars bekanntgab, schichtete DIE—NASA ihre FINANZEN um und legte das Projekt auf Eis.
20071022             DIE—NASA hatte den "National Aviation Operations Monitoring Service", so der offizielle Name der Umfrage, 19970000             im Auftrag des WEIßES—HAUSES gestartet.
20071022             Zwiebelfischchen: Bushs Wahlsieg und andere VERBRECHEN—KULTUR... Zwiebelfisch: Von der deutschlandweiten Not, amerikafreundlich zu sein [€] (20041111             )... Das riecht nach ZWIEBELFISCH—UND nach JEDER—MENGE—SPAß!...
20071022             "Die Freigabe dieser Daten könnte das öffentliche Vertrauen in die Fluggesellschaften und die Luftfahrtindustrie, deren Piloten an dieser Umfrage teilgenommen haben, massiv beschädigen",
20071022             Starke Häufung von ZWISCHENFÄLLEN—EADS—HV+: Kritische Fragen unerwünscht
20071022             THE—EVOLVING—ROLE—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER: From Executive...
20071022             The authors offer the executive secretaries-- SIDNEY—W—SOUERS and JAMES—S—LAY—AS...
20071022             EINIGE—VIPS fuhren mit ihren Autos quer zu den Pilgerströmen, und VIELE—HADSCHIS aus IRAN umgingen die Brücke, sie wollten beim Steinigen auf festem Boden stehen.
20071022             Die Pilger kommen aus MEHR—ALS—100—LÄNDERN, die meisten steigen 1. in 1—FLUGZEUG, sie landen auf dem Flughafen von Dschidda am Roten Meer, der während der Wallfahrt ein eigenes Terminal eröffnet.
20071022             Angesichts der Sorgen über einen WIRTSCHAFTS—ABSCHWUNG in den USA hatte der DOW—JONES—INDEX in NEW—YORK —AM—FREITAG 2,64 % eingebüßt.
20071022             TOKIO, verlor der Nikkei 225—UM 2,2 % auf 16.438—PUNKTE—DAS war zwar deutlich über dem Tagestief, aber immer noch der schlechteste Schlusskurs —SEIT—4—WOCHEN.
20071022             Hohe Risiken: Commerzbank hat KREDIT—KRISE unterschätzt
20071022             Seltene Erbkrankheit: Zuckervorräte töten Gehirnzellen
20071022             Schwere Verluste: Asiens Börsen sacken ab
20071022             Katastrophe in Kalifornien: Waldbrände außer KONTROLLE—NOTSTAND ausgerufen
20071022             KATASTROPHEN—FORSCHUNG: Nur keine Panik
20071022             LET—COMBINE: N987SA was in GUANTANAMO (ownership: Achenbaum, PARTNER—OF—ACHENBAUM : Kislin )
20071022             These Planes of DON—WHITTINGTON (World Jet, WJ—OF—DELAWARE) were in GUANTANAMO:
20071022             N252WJ/act. owner: Aero Toy Store - N500ND/act: World Jet of DELAWARE - What's the hell is goin' on there ?
20071022             Source: #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS
20071022             IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI met —SUNDAY with the top USA—MILITARY—COMMANDER—IN—IRAQ to voice his outrage over the reported deaths of IRAQ—CIVILIANS —DURING—1—SUNDAY—MORNING military raid in BAGHDAD—SADR—CITY, 1—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN told.
20071022             CHENEY Virtually Unilaterally Declares WAR—ON—IRAN.
20071022             Read on. $3180—OF 15.000—DOLLAR Raised.
20071022             Put Your Dollars Where Your Patriotism is!
20071022             7 1/—2—YEARS—OF—PROGRESSIVE—NEWS and Commentary with 1—ATTITUDE.
20071022             Don't Complain: Support the New Progressive Media.
20071022             7—MORE—NAILS that THE—USA—MAINSTREAM—NEWS—MEDIA—WON'T Pound into GOP—COFFIN;
20071022             False "Daddy" Meme Must Be Perpetuated At All Cost
20071022             —KILLED, USA—AIR—STRIKES in 1—SHI'ITE STRONGHOLD—OF—BAGHDAD —ON—SUNDAY, AT—LEAST—2—TODDLERS, Reuters television footage showed.
20071022             "CA—30—MILLION—LOW—INCOME—USA—HOUSEHOLDS who will need help paying heating bills THIS—WINTER from A—USA—GOVERNMENT—PROGRAM will be left in the cold because of 1—LACK—OF funding for the program".
20071022             All BUSH has is OUR tax money to be used for war and death and oil.
20071022             KEN—STARR?s busy lately, defending sex offenders and tryiong to keep 1—MILLIONAIRE sex offender off the sex offender registry.
20071022             ARIZONA, 1—CASE—STUDY in ABUSE—OF—POWER and Using Political Prosecutions for Personal Gain and Vendettas: "Maricopa County Attorney ANDREW—THOMAS has spent HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS in TAX—PAYER money on private lawyers to pursue CASES—AGAINST—PEOPLE and organizations he and SHERIFF—JOE—ARPAIO politically oppose".
20071022             'Criminal' Blackwater must leave, others can stay: IRAQ.
20071022             Don't They Know That They are 1—NEO—COLONIAL—PUPPET?
20071022             Silly IRAQ—LEADERS.
200710220000 - RIVERBEND—IRAQ—GIRL Blog
20071022—19980000    —SEIT, Inhaltlich hat die SPD sich in der Großen Koalition weitgehend durchgesetzt, so dass man von einer kontinuierlichen sozialdemokratischen Regierungspolitik reden kann.
20071022—20060000    -20061028             Archives-
20071022—20061228    —BEGANN der HADSCH des Jahres 14270000             LAUT MUSLIM—KALENDER.
20071022—20061228    —BEGINNT die nächste Wallfahrt.
20071022—20061228    begann der Hadsch des Jahres 14270000             nach muslimischem Kalender.
20071022—20070700    —ANFANG, "Die —BISHER angekündigten Abschreibungen von 80—MILLIONEN—EURO spiegeln den Informationsstand von wider.
20071022—20071023    Ist das Ritual —JETZT sicher?
20071022—20071023    Neuer Kurs der SPD: "Die Zeit der großen Zumutungen ist vorbei"
20071022—20071028    THROUGH, It's the Monthly BuzzFlash Fundraising Drive to Pay Credit Card Bill --.
20071022—20080630    —SIGNED, It was, into law.
20071025             Released 20071022             .
20071025             —KONFLIKT—IM—NORD—IRAK, TÜRKISCHER—PRÄSIDENT—SAGT—PKK den Kampf an - Released 20071022             .
20071027             200710220400         —UHR—VON—LUTZ—FRÜHBRODT—STREIT—UM—SOFTWARE—ERFOLG Lieferte Robotron die Vorlage für SAP—SOFTWARE?
20080125—20081022    —ON, Constitution vote 1—VICTORY—FOR—MORALES:
20080624             —REMAINED, The exact DATE—OF—KIM—DEATH, unclear, but police said it was likely to have been 20080929—20031022    —BETWEEN.
20080630             —SIGNED, THE—USA, into law THE—MERIDA—INITIATIVE announced last 20081022             .
20081019—20081022    —RECOGNIZED, Nike, O'Connell as "1—WINNER" in the race.
20081022             —RATIFIED, BOLIVIA—CONGRESS, PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES' DRAFT—CONSTITUTION, —ON—TUESDAY and sent it to 1—NATIONWIDE vote, granting the leftist leader 1—HARD—FOUGHT victory in his push to remake SOUTH—AMERICA—POOREST—COUNTRY.
20081022             IRAK—KRIEG: Vertreter der BUSH—REGIERUNG räumen gravierende Fehler ein (Politik)
20081022             Government plans to build 1—GIANT—DATABASE holding information about EVERY—PHONE—CALL, email and INTERNET visit were last night dealt 1—MAJOR—BLOW—AFTER—THE—MAN in charge of prosecuting terrorism in ENGLAND and WALES WARNED—OF—THE—DANGERS posed by a "Big Brother" security state.
20081022             GEORGE W BUSH knew and purposely lied to AMERICA and mislead THE—CONGRESS about "SADDAM—HUSSEIN—NOT being 1—IMMINENT—THREAT—TO—THE—USA—BY deleting that critical sentence in 1 declassified report (THE—WHITE—PAPERS) by his own Intelligence Advisors in ORDER—TO—START THE—WAR—WITH—IRAQ.
20081022             —PROFITIERT, FORSA—UMFRAGE: Union, von FINANZ—KRISE
20081022             CENTURIES—OF—UK—FREEDOMS being 'broken' by security state, says SIR—KEN—MACDONALD—CENTURIES—OF—UK—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—RISK being broken by the relentless pressure from the 'security state', the country's top prosecutor has warned.
20081022             "BUSH Guilty Of 1. Deg Murder" - "Wir kannten den Feind nicht".
20081022             Perle - ''It's not 1—SMOKING gun, but there are rarely smoking guns in historical research,'' said author and historian SVEN—FELIX—KELLERHOFF.
20081022             ''I'd say it's 1—VERY—IMPORTANT discovery.
20081022             'No problems' for START—UP at IRAN—NUCLEAR—PLANT:
20081022             1.1—HUMANISM and ethics are ends worth fighting for.
20081022             1.2—WESTERN—POLITICS and political discourse (on the other hand) are concerned with power and hegemony.
20081022             1.3—HENCE, humanism and ethics are foreign to THE—WESTERN—POLITICAL—DISCOURSE and vice versa.
20081022             2—THE—PALESTINE—LIBERATION—STRUGGLE is grounded on humanist and ethical arguments —SINCE it is based on moral rights,
20081022             25, granting the leftist leader 1—HARD—FOUGHT victory in his push to remake SOUTH—AMERICA—POOREST—COUNTRY.
20081022             A Philosophical DEAD—END - A financial NEW—WORLD order?:
20081022             1—LITTLE over half the total would come in the form of 1—IMF loan.
20081022             The balance would be provided by THE—WORLD Bank,
20081022             ANTI—SCHIEßGEWEHR—FRAKTION: Jäger fordern Pfeil und Bogen zurück
20081022             ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: USA—ARMEE tötet versehentlich 9—AFGHANISCHE—SOLDATEN
20081022             Abbas hints he might not leave office —WHEN his term ends:
20081022             —BOOKED, AMERICA—EXPRESS, 1—PROFIT—OF $815—MILLION, or $0.70—PER share, down 22% from the $1.07—BILLION,
20081022             Anders als an der WALL—STREET, wo gewöhnlichen Geschäftsbanken der Handel mit Wertpapieren —SEIT den 3ßIGER—JAHREN untersagt war — das blieb den spezialisierten Investmentbanken vorbehalten —,
20081022             Another Million IRAQ—DEMONSTRATORS: Get out of our country:
20081022             Anyone who has been alive very long is aware that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has failed on the inflation front.
20081022             ARGENTINA to take over pensions
20081022             ARGENTINA—PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ signs a bill to nationalise almost 30—BILLION—DOLLAR in private pension funds.
20081022             At the last estimate, there were 4,285,000 cctv cameras in BRITAIN.
20081022             AUSLAND—BANKEN, die mit —DIESEM—TAG gleichberechtigten Zugang zur Londoner Börse bekamen,
20081022             BUSH Staff Says Hiring by Faith No Bar to Aid -
20081022             BUSH lädt zum FINANZ—GIPFEL nach WASHINGTON
20081022             BUSH—REGIERUNG räumen gravierende Fehler ein
20081022             —WITNESSED, BAGHDAD, another demonstration with MORE—THAN—1—MILLION—IRAQI, Arabs and Kurds and others,
20081022             Bankrotter STAAT: GROSSBRITANNIEN will ISLAND Milliardenkredit geben
20081022             BayernLB in der Krise: FINANZ—MINISTER—HUBER warnt vor weiteren Risiken
20081022             Bislang hat das Buckypaper nur einen Bruchteil seiner theoretisch möglichen Stabilität erreicht.
20081022             Bolivarian Alternative for USA—COUNTRIES), 1—REGIONAL grouping promoted by VENEZUELA and CUBA.
20081022             —RATIFIED, BOLIVIA—CONGRESS, PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES' draft constitution —ON—TUESDAY and sent it to 1—NATIONWIDE vote on Jan.
20081022             BRANDON—KEIM
20081022             —WARNED, But SIR—KEN, that increasing THE—POWERS—OF—THE—STATE in law meant that ANY—NEW—POWERS would be "with us forever".
20081022             —CONCERNED, But why then aren't we, about THE—TRILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE is pumping into the system?
20081022             Börsen: Dow und Nikkei ziehen Dax ins Minus
20081022             Chavez says Margarita ISLAND—STRATEGIC—LOCATION off VENEZUELA—COAST in the Caribbean Sea makes it perfect for "1—NAVAL—BASE—OF—LARGE—PROPORTIONS.
20081022             Chavez says VENEZUELA will build naval base on its largest Caribbean ISLAND:
20081022             Chomsky: THE—BEWILDERED—HERD
20081022             Crisis Allows Us to Reconsider LEFT—WING Ideas
20081022             Das beginnende Lavieren wurde allenfalls mit einem befremdeten Kopfschütteln quittiert.
20081022             —GARANTIERT, Der KLIMA—WANDEL werde im Gegensatz zur FINANZ—KRISE, —DIE—NÄCHSTEN—JAHRZEHNTE andauern,
20081022             Der überrumpelte Bewerber musste zeigen, dass er das Meeting in den Griff bekommen konnte.
20081022             Deshalb müsse man vorausplanen und in einer langfristigen Strategie den TREIBHAUSGAS—AUSSTOß in den Griff bekommen.
20081022             Die —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN habe der damalige VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—DONALD—RUMSFELD getroffen.
20081022             Die Herstellung ist teuer und nur in kleinen Mengen möglich.
20081022             Die UMWELT—PROGNOSEN der Vergangenheit seien zu optimistisch gewesen, betonten die Wissenschaftler.
20081022             Die Wissenschaftler aus FLORIDA entwickeln —DERZEIT Produktionstechniken, die das Material —SCHON bald in Konkurrenz zu den besten —DERZEIT verfügbaren Verbundwerkstoffen treten lassen soll.
20081022             Drohender FINANZ—KOLLAPS: PAKISTAN ruft Weltgemeinschaft um Hilfe
20081022             —DEFINIERT, Egal, wie historische Verantwortung, wird", heißt es in dem Papier, "unser Land darf auf dem Wege seiner Entwicklung nicht die ungebremsten Emissionen der entwickelten Länder wiederholen".
20081022             ElBaradei: IRAN is nowhere near nukes:
20081022             Energie: RWE plant Beteiligung an bulgarischem ATOM—KRAFTWERK - Er grüßte, und nichts geschah.
20081022             Er stellte sich vor, sagte, er sei zum Bewerbungsgespräch gekommen — keine Reaktion.
20081022             Evo Morales, THE—BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT, has led TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS on 1—MARCH on the country's congress where politicians are deadlocked over 1—REFERENDUM—ON—THE—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20081022             Explosive news: GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH is right!
20081022             Feds Target "Mongols" Biker CLUB—INTELLECTUAL—PROPERTY
20081022             FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—AND—PML N Quaid MUHAMMAD—NAWAZ—SHARIF —ON—MONDAY said that USE—OF—FORCE was not the solution to root out THE—MENACE—OF—TERRORISM,
20081022             Forscher der staatlichen CHINESISCHEN—AKADEMIE der Wissenschaften haben einen Bericht über die Zukunft der ENERGIE—VERSORGUNG ihres Landes VERÖFFENTLICHT—UND der ist alles andere als erfreulich.
20081022             He said: "It is in THE—NATURE—OF—STATE—POWER that decisions taken in the next few months and years about how the State may use these powers,
20081022             Homeless numbers 'alarming':
20081022             —PROMOTED, HONDURAS joins 1—CLUB, by VENEZUELA and CUBA:
20081022             How THE—USA—MILITARY Turned Me into 1—TERRORIST
20081022             I myself had wondered who the hell HITLER—STOSSTRUPP were.''
20081022             If it does not, we will lose this vital capability".
20081022             Im VERGANGENES—JAHR haben ALLE—STAATEN—DER—WELT gemeinsam den Gegenwert von CA—10—MILLIARDEN—TONNEN Kohlenstoff ausgestoßen,
20081022             —DISCLOSED, In 1—NEWLY, legal memorandum, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION says it can bypass laws that forbid giving TAX—PAYER money to religious groups that hire only staff members who share their faith.
20081022             INDIA launches 1. Moon mission
20081022             INDIA successfully launches the unmanned Chandrayaan 1—SPACECRAFT—THE—COUNTRY—1. MISSION—TO—THE—MOON.
20081022             INDIA—PEASANTS in COLOMBIA Denounce Continuing Govt and amp;
20081022             Paramilitary - IRAN calls for strategic partnership with RUSSIA:
20081022             IRAQ: AT—LEAST—15—DEAD as USA—OCCUPATION grinds on: Is AMERICA—FASCIST?
20081022             Islamic banking escapes fallou
20081022             It's —JUST another raid on the treasury 1—OF—THE—MOST informative short posts you'll read —TODAY:
20081022             JAPAN: Frau stirbt nach Ablehnung durch 7—KRANKENHÄUSER
20081022             KLIMA—FORSCHER haben —JETZT erneut eindringlich davor gewarnt, den KLIMA—SCHUTZ zu vernachlässigen.
20081022             KLIMA—WANDEL: CHINA—TREIBHAUSGAS—AUSSTOß droht sich zu verdoppeln
20081022             Kreditkartendomino: AMERICA—EXPRESS hat 22% Gewinneinbruch.
20081022             KRISE—IN—DER Autobranche: Opel und Toyota unter Druck
20081022             Layoffs spreading across corporate AMERICA:
20081022             LEBENSMITTEL—PREISE, BROT—UND Backwaren sollen teurer werden
20081022             Licensed Kleptocracy —FOR—YEARS to COME—THE—ABC S—OF—PAULSON—BAILOUT
20081022             Memo approves bypassing LAWS—BY—CHARLIE—SAVAGE
20081022             Milliardenloch bei der BayernLB: CSU will von BANK—DESASTER nichts gewusst haben
20081022             Millionaire hedge fund boss thanks 'idiot' traders and retires at 37. Continue
20081022             —MINUTE VIDEO—NOAM Chomsky: People should VOTE—AGAINST—MCCAIN and for OBAMA—BUT without illusions Continue
20081022             Morales leads referendum protest:
20081022             More families with children are becoming homeless as they face mounting economic pressures,
20081022             MOSCOW sees no political obstacles to THE—START—UP of the 1. reactor at IRAN—RUSSIAN—BUILT nuclear plant at BUSH ehr,
20081022             MISS—SMITH said: "The communication revolution has been rapid in this country and the way in which we intercept communications and collect communications data needs to change too.
20081022             Muslims and Christians and others, Sunnis and Shiites and others demonstrated together against the occupation and the long term agreement,
20081022             Märkte im Minus: Dax steuert Jahrestief an
20081022             Märkte im Minus: Dow Jones bricht um FAST—6 % ein
20081022             Nanotechnologie: Autos und Flugzeuge aus WUNDER—PAPIER - Naomi Wolf, THE—END—OF—AMERICA:
20081022             Neuroscientist PETER—WHYBROW says our IDEA—OF—THE—USA—DREAM doesn't fit with our biological evolution and consequently won't make us happy.
20081022             Ohne dramatische Gegenmaßnahmen werde der TREIBHAUSGAS—AUSSTOß rasant steigen, heißt es in dem Bericht.
20081022             —J—IM
20081022             —ON the Terms of THE—POWERFUL—TRANSLATING Propaganda and Thinking the Unthinkable
20081022             1 can see THE—HEAVILY—BLINKERED logic behind their elation; —NOW that our national politics has been reduced to 1—PETTY squabble over spoils among shifting factions in the imperial court,
20081022             Or the trillions missing from the Pentagon?
20081022             Or the quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble.
20081022             Our oligarchic class is incompetent at governing, managing the economy, coping with natural disasters,
20081022             PAKISTAN considers 15—BILLION—DOLLAR support package:
20081022             PALESTINE—AUTHORITY—PREISDENT MAHMOUD—ABBAS said —MONDAY he was not intending to step down from office —WHEN his term ends in
20081022             Perle, —DER—HEUTE wie Wolfowitz im konservativen USA—ENTERPRISE Institute arbeitet,
20081022             Politik, Wirtschaft und UMWELT—SCHUTZ teilgenommen haben.
20081022             PopTech: USA—DREAM a Biological Impossibility, Neuroscientist Says
20081022             PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ will urge fellow MEMBERS—OF—THE—OPEC oil cartel to implement 1—CUT in production,
20081022             Propaganda in THE—USA—RESTS mostly in what is not said, but rather assumed.
20081022             Such 1—SYSTEM—OF—INDOCTRINATION is extremely powerful as it serves THE—PURPOSE—OF—MAKING certain thoughts not so much undesirable,
20081022             Racism within THE—MILITARY has long been 1—IMPORTANT—TOOL to justify the destruction and OCCUPATION—OF—ANOTHER country.
20081022             Razzia bei KRISEN—BANK: BKA ermittelt auch gegen KFW—CHEF—SCHRÖDER
20081022             Rezessionsangst: Börse in Tokio bricht erneut ein
20081022             She gave warning that the alternatives to more electronic data being stored would be expensive and invasive.
20081022             Shock waves from THE—GLOBAL—FINANCIAL—CRISIS are —NOW being felt in almost EVERY—CORNER—OF working AMERICA as companies press the eject button on increasing NUMBERS—OF—EMPLOYEES.
20081022             So Long, Suckers.
20081022             —DELIVERED, Soft drink machines that once, 1 bottled drink for 1—NICKEL —NOW charge 1—DOLLAR, a 20—FOLD increase in price.
20081022             Staatsfonds: DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE lehnt SARKOZY—VORSCHLAG ab
20081022             STREIK—FOLGEN: BOEING—GEWINN bricht drastisch ein
20081022             SWEDEN—PEACE—ACTIVISTS—BREAK Into Weapons Factories
20081022             Talks only way to root out terrorism, Nawaz tells Boucher
20081022             That it is still in power, and will remain in power —AFTER this election, is 1—TESTAMENT to our inability to separate illusion from reality.
20081022             That there was no corporate CONFLICT—OF—INTERESTS anywhere justifying irrational decisions.
20081022             What then, and why?
20081022             THE—RUSSIA—DEPUTY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SAID—MOSCOW believes that its relations with IRAN are DEEP—ROOTED and no country can damage them.
20081022             THE—USA had made it clear that PAKISTAN cannot be given 1—NUCLEAR—DEAL—SIMILAR to THE—1—IT has worked out with INDIA.
20081022             The argument is about RE—REGULATION rather than redistribution, the public rather than the private interest,
20081022             The arrests cap a —3—YEAR undercover investigation in which USA—AGENTS posed as gang members and their girlfriends to infiltrate the group,
20081022             The interesting twist is that the authorities are asking the courts to seize THE—IP of the biker club — specifically,
20081022             The real whammy came from setting money aside to cover bad debts, with provisions for losses coming in at $1.4—BILLION,
20081022             The torture time bomb: THE—WORLD'S next oil superpower?
20081022             BRAZIL: There has been criticism —AFTER councils have used powers which were designed to tackled terrorism to spy on local people.
20081022             Things aren't —JUST getting bad, they're getting bad quickly.
20081022             —VERGIFTET, Top 10—DER UMWELT—VERPESTUNG: Wie die Welt, wird - Tractatus Logico Palestinicus
20081022             Treffen der INDUSTRIE—STAATEN: BUSH lädt zum FINANZ—GIPFEL nach WASHINGTON (Politik)
20081022             TÜRKISCHER—AUTOR—YASAR—KEMAL: "Literatur ist auch 1—WAFFE"
20081022             UK: Big Brother database threatens to 'break THE—BACK—OF—FREEDOM':
20081022             UN nuclear watchdog CHIEF—MOHAMED—ELBARADEI disputes Western claims about IRAN, saying the country is far from developing NUCLEAR—WEAPONS.
20081022             USA takes up nuclear issue with PAK—CHINA:
20081022             —BERICHTET, Und zwar geschickt: Wie Lewis, wurde der Bewerber, der das Fenster schließlich überraschend geöffnet bekam — indem er einen Stuhl hindurchschleuderte —, nämlich auch nicht genommen.
20081022             Verjährte Tat: Pädophiler Priester kann strafrechtlich nicht belangt werden
20081022             —VERWAHRT, Verstaatlichung gegen DIE—KRISE: DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE, sich gegen Sarkozys Interventionsplan
20081022             Voters are rightly furious at THE—PROPOSAL—TO—SPEND 700.000—DOLLAR,000,000 that THE—GOVERNMENT doesn't have to bail out WALL—STREET—BANKERS who created the current economic—crisis in the 1. place.
20081022             —SHORTSIGHTED, WALL—STREET is in control, but its policies are so, that they are eroding the underlying economy — which is passing from democracy to oligarchy,
20081022             We might end up living with something we can't bear".
20081022             We were told we were ?ghting terrorists;
20081022             the real terrorist was me, and the real terrorism is this occupation.
20081022             —GESTARTET, Wettlauf ins All: 1. INDISCHE—MONDRAKETE
20081022             What Went Wrong in the Capitalist Casino?
20081022             —IGNORED, What if he —JUST, their protests and then, —WHEN his TERM—OF—OFFICE ended, enjoyed 1—BLISSFUL—RETIREMENT at his ranch?
20081022             What if SOME—CLEVER tyrant in THE—WHITE—HOUSE, having THE—BACKING—OF—THE—MILITARY, got USA to invade and loot another country without arresting and/or killing vast numbers of his own people who opposed his war?
20081022             What we are watching is nothing less than the steady transfer of real political power from the polling station to the market and from the ballot to THE—WALLET—REVERSING the democratic gains we have made OVER—THE—LAST—CENTURY—WHEN we were able,
20081022             —WHEN USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH hosts 1—WORLD—FINANCIAL—SUMMIT in the coming weeks, 1—OF—THE—LEAST multilateral USA—PRESIDENTS in decades will set in motion what could result in 1—FULL—REORDERING—OF—THE—GLOBAL—FINANCIAL—SYSTEM.
20081022             Where Inflation Came From - Why Wont THE—BAIL—OUT—WORK?
20081022             Without racism, soldiers would realize that they have more in common with THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE than they do with the billionaires who send us to war.. Continue
20081022             Wolfowitz hingegen wies die Verantwortung für den Krieg von sich: "Im Gegensatz zu dem,
20081022             World Peace is MORE—THAN—JUST THE—SILENCING—OF—THE—GUNS
20081022             World peace is MORE—THAN—JUST THE—SILENCING—OF—THE—GUNS, it is THE—ELIMINATION—OF—THE—INJUSTICE that has compelled the men to reach for those guns in SELF—DEFENSE against the aggression.
20081022             Zu Recht, natürlich. Hoffentlich bringt es was.
20081022             [LET—ASSUME that there is no NEW—WORLD—ORDER working for its own interests, that BUSH and CHENEY never had hidden plans,
20081022             [Over 1—MILLION—INDIGENOUS—COLOMBIANS embark on a 2. —WEEK—OF—COMMUNITY actions aimed at securing SOME—OF—THEIR ancestral lands.
20081022             [Using bolt cutters and hammers, 5—SWEDEN—PEACE—ACTIVISTS repeatedly broke into weapons factories in the last few DAYS—DAMAGING numerous grenade launchers and other military items.
20081022             1—NOD from 1—CONSUMMATE courtier like Powell is indeed 1—GLITTERING PRIZE—FOR—1—AMBITIOUS—PRINCE.
20081022             1—SENIOR—RUSSIA—DIPLOMAT was quoted as saying —MONDAY.
20081022             adding, THE—USA should respect PAKISTAN—TERRITORIAL—SANCTITY.
20081022             and 1—POINT comes at which there is no easy turning back to the way it used to be".
20081022             and are not corrupt politicians of the worst kind.
20081022             That they are not into false flag events to justify wars and other fascist tactics to take over THE—WORLD.
20081022             and indeed it seems to 1—BIPARTISAN financial kleptocracy.
20081022             and once certain institutions have been intimidated, the pressures that can turn 1—OPEN—SOCIETY into 1 closed 1—TURN into direct assaults;
20081022             at that point events tend to occur very rapidly,
20081022             and to what extent, are likely to be irreversible.
20081022             asking for 1—COMPLETE—WITHDRAWAL the leaves no permanent bases, no troops, and no mercenaries.
20081022             berichtet.
20081022             Beliebte Taktik neben dem Fenstertest war es, einen Bewerber —NACH—DEM Eintreten nur wortlos anzustarren.
20081022             but unthinkable, strikingly REMINISCENT—OF—ORWELL—DEPICTION—OF—TOTALITARY—CONTROL and MANIPULATION—OF—THE—ENGLAND—LANGUAGE in his novel, 19840000             .
20081022             couchslug writes in with 1—REUTERS account of 1—FEDERAL—RAID on 1—CALIFORNIA—BASED motorcycle club,
20081022             drängten mit Macht auf das Parkett.
20081022             Besonders für DIE—AMERIKANER boten sich —BISHER ungeahnte Möglichkeiten:
20081022             educating our young, handling foreign affairs, providing basic services like health care and safeguarding individual rights.
20081022             even submitting to polygraph tests administered by the bikers... [T]he name 'Mongols,' which appears on the gang's arm patch insignia,
20081022             feste Margen waren passé, und ein harter PREIS—KAMPF—UM—KUNDEN und MARKT—ANTEILE begann.
20081022             fielen die Barrieren, die das Börsenbiotop so lange geschützt hatten.
20081022             Die Regierung Thatcher gab den Markt frei,
20081022             including mortgage foreclosures, ACCORDING—TO—1—USA—TODAY—SURVEY—OF—12—OF—THE—LARGEST—CITIES in the nation.
20081022             increasingly, to use our votes to shape our economic future.
20081022             it may well be that the only other alternative to collecting that data would be 1—MASSIVE—EXPANSION—OF—SURVEILLANCE and other intrusive methods of tracking".
20081022             konnten sie sich in LONDON ungehemmt betätigen.
20081022             lautete das Fazit auf der 3. Potsdamer KLIMA—KONFERENZ an der —AM—DIENSTAG MEHR—ALS—200—VERTRETER aus Wissenschaft,
20081022             † man was killed and another wounded in 1—ROADSIDE bomb in EAST—MOSUL, 390—KM (240—MILES) NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, police said.
20081022             namely 'THE—RIGHT—OF—RETURN' and 'liberation'.Continue
20081022             or $0.90—PER share, earned in the same period —LAST—YEAR.
20081022             —CLIMBED, Net revenue, to $7.2—BILLION,
20081022             said the "raw idea'' of the database was "awful'' and called for controls to stop government agencies from abusing it.
20081022             THE—ASIA—DEVELOPMENT—BANK and bilateral donors, potentially including SAUDI—ARABIA.
20081022             PAKISTAN is also seeking funds from CHINA.
20081022             the Mongols, on charges "ranging from murder and robbery to extortion, money laundering, gun trafficking and drug dealing.
20081022             their trademarked name "Mongols".
20081022             "FEDERAL—AGENTS and police in 7—STATES arrested MORE—THAN—60—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MONGOLS motorcycle gang —ON—TUESDAY in 1—SWEEP that also targeted for the 1. time 1—OUTLAW group's 'intellectual property,' prosecutors said.
20081022             transnational against national sovereignty. up 51% from THE—YEAR—BEFORE.
20081022             —TOTALED, In THE—USA, net LOAN—WRITE—OFFS, 5.9% -- nearly double the 3% rate of —1—YEAR—AGO.
20081022             up from $7—BILLION —LAST—YEAR -- no complaints there.
20081022             was Sie überall lesen, war ich nicht das Mastermind, der Drahtzieher".
20081022             was trademarked by the group.
20081022             The indictment seeks 1—COURT—ORDER outlawing further USE—OF—THE—NAME,
20081022             which would allow ANY—POLICE—OFFICER 'who sees 1—MONGOL wearing this patch... to stop that gang member and literally take the jacket right off his back'..".
20081022             with 1—GOAL—OF allowing prices to fall to no less than $80 1—BARREL, THE—VENEZUELA—LEADER told AFP —SUNDAY.
20081022             wovon 8,5—MILLIARDEN Tonnen auf die Benutzung fossiler Brennstoffe entfielen.
20081022             äußerte sich ähnlich.
20081022             "Wir hatten keinen wirklichen Einfluss, obwohl ich mir den sehr gewünscht hätte. Ratschläge wurden gern ignoriert", sagte er.
20081022             —MEANWHILE, the executive still at odds with the judiciary over PARA—POLITICS and unions along with peasant groups increase their call for 1—END—OF—IMPUNITY for the killers of THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTORS.
20081022             "If you want to maintain your ability to identify where the user of 1—MOBILE—PHONE is, let's say.
20081022             "My SENSE—OF—ALARM comes from the clear lessons from history that, once certain checks and balances are destroyed,
20081022             "They will be with us forever.
20081022             And they in turn will be built upon.
20081022             So we should take very great care to imagine THE—WORLD we are creating —BEFORE we build it.
20081022             —IMPOSED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, financial SANCTIONS—ON—1—IRANIAN—STATE—OWNED bank for allegedly providing financial services in SUPPORT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—WEAPONS—PROGRAM.
20081022             —ARRESTED, FEDERAL—IMMIGRATION—OFFICIALS, several MEMBERS—OF—THE—MS 13, Mara Salvatrucha, street gang —AFTER conducting raids in SF, RICHMOND and SOUTH—S—FRANCISCO.
20081022             29—PEOPLE were indicted on multiple charges including murder, car theft and extortion.
20081022             —ARRESTED, Sheriffs' deputies in Crockett COUNTY—TENNESSEE, 2—SUSPECTS, DANIEL—COWART, 20—jahre—alt—OF—BELLS—TENNESSEE, and PAUL—SCHLESSELMAN, 18—jahre—alt—OF—HELENA—WEST—HELENA, ARKANSAS, on unspecified charges.
20081022             —PLEADED, CO—DEFENDANT—SCHLESSELMAN, guilty in January.
20081022             —TUMBLED, THE—DJIA, 514.45 to close at 8519.21, its 7. biggest point drop in history, as investors believed that THE—GLOBAL—ECONOMY is heading into 1—DEEP—RECESSION.
20081022             —RAISED, HUNGARY—CENTRAL—BANK, interest rates by 3—POINTS, from 8.5% to 11.5%, to prevent 1—RUN on its currency.
20081022             Argentine and BRAZIL—STOCK—MARKETS—EACH—FELL CA—10%.
20081022             FORMER—FED CHIEF—ALAN—GREENSPAN said he was wrong to think that financial markets could police themselves.
20081022             THE—BILL & Melinda Gates Foundation said that over THE—NEXT—5—YEARS it will grant 104—SCIENTISTS and researchers in 22—COUNTRIES—100.000—DOLLAR each to research in areas selected from applications that were submitted over THE—INTERNET.
20081022             Near LIVERMORE—CALIFORNIA, 2—HORSES were found shot to death in 1—PASTURE on Collier Canyon Road.
20081022             1—CALF was also found shot to death on Manning Road in Alameda County.
20081022             1—REWARD—OF—17.000—DOLLAR was —LATER offered for information on THE—KILLING—OF—THE—HORSES.
20081022             The fishing vessel Katmai sank off ALASKA—ALEUTIAN—ISLANDS.
20081022             4—CREW members were rescued —AFTER spending SOME— —15—HOURS in 1—LIFE raft.
20081022             5—BODIES were recovered with 2—MEN missing.
20081022             1—USA—LED—COALITION airstrike hit 1—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY checkpoint, killing 9—SOLDIERS.
20081022             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—USA—MILITARY, that its forces may have "mistakenly" killed ALLIED—TROOPS.
20081022             —ENDED, In SOUTH—URUZGAN province a —2—DAY—BATTLE that, with 35—TALIBAN fighters killed along with 3—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE.
20081022             Among the dead was 1—TALIBAN leader in Helmand province responsible for attacks on COALITION—FORCES and AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—CHECKPOINTS.
20081022             —KILLED, Another 3—MILITANTS were, inside 1—CAVE in THE—WEST—FARAH province's Bala Buluk district —DURING—1—RAID by American and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS.
20081022             LEADERS—FROM—3—AFRICA—TRADING blocs, accounting for more than half the continent's industrial output, met in THE—UGANDA—CAPITAL, to push for 1—SINGLE—MARKET.
20081022             Defense MINISTER—JOEL—FITZGIBBON said AUSTRALIA will reduce its troop deployment to EAST—TIMOR because of the improved security situation.
20081022             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT won its appeal to the highest court against previous rulings allowing displaced INDIA—OCEAN—CHAGOS islanders to return home.
20081022             The resettlement of the Chagossians 19600101—19601231    —IN—THE, and1970s allowed BRITAIN to lease the main ISLAND, DIEGO—GARCIA, to THE—USA—MILITARY—FOR—50—YEARS.
20081022             UK—RESEARCHERS said 1—DRUG, known by its lab NAME—OF—ALEMTUZUMAB and licensed for use against leukemia, braked and even reversed the effects of multiple sclerosis among patients with MS.
20081022             —TUMBLED, THE—CANADA—DOLLAR, to its lowest level versus THE—USA—DOLLAR in MORE—THAN—3—YEARS as lower OIL—PRICES and 1—STRONGER greenback combined to knock the currency below 80—USA—CENTS.
20081022             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA—GOVERNMENT, that the minimum downpayment on 1. homes would be reduced to 20% from 30%, stamp tax would be eliminated and mortgage rates cut.
20081022             Officials said THE—EU, THE—USA and other INTERNATIONAL donors have pledged more than $4.5—BILLION for rebuilding parts of GEORGIA that were damaged in its WAR—WITH—RUSSIA.
20081022             † IN—GUATEMALA—CITY—ABEL—GIRON, 29—jahre—alt, 1—LAYOUT designer for El Periodico newspaper, —AFTER—being—struck in the heart with 1—ARROW fired by assailants waiting for him outside his home.
20081022             —LAUNCHED, INDIA, its 1. MISSION—TO—THE—MOON, rocketing the Chandrayaan 1—SATELLITE up into the pale dawn sky in a —2—YEAR—MISSION—TO—REDRAW maps of the lunar surface.
20081022             —ON BOARD—WAS—THE—MONO—MINERALOGY—MAPPER, 1—NASA spectroscope.
20081022             1—CAR—BOMB exploded in THE—NORTH—IRAQ—CITY—OF—MOSUL, killing 4—CIVILIANS.
20081022             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Local government, it has yet to persuade frightened Christians to return to the homes they fled.
20081022             —KILLED, In BAGHDAD 3—SEPARATE—BLASTS, 1—SICK—MAN being transported in 1—AMBULANCE and wounded—11—OTHERS.
20081022             1—INFLUENTIAL—IRAQ—CLERIC living in IRAN issued 1—FATWA condemning 1—USA—IRAQ—SECURITY—PACT that would keep USA—TROOPS in IRAQ for 3—MORE—YEARS and warned IRAQ—LEADERS not to back the deal.
20081022             1—IVORY—COAST—COURT—JAILED—SALOMON—UGBORUGBO, 39—jahre—alt, 1—NIGERIA—MAN, —FOR—20—YEARS for 20060000             —THE—DUMPING—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—TONS—OF—TOXIC—WASTE from 1—INTERNATIONAL—OIL—TRADER that killed AT—LEAST—16—PEOPLE and left MORE—THAN—100,000 needing treatment.
20081022             —PLAYED, Essouoin Koua Desire, who, 1—KEY—ROLE in UGBORUGBO—LOCAL—COMPANY—TOMMY securing THE—USA20.000—DOLLAR—WASTE—DISPOSAL—CONTRACT, was also convicted and jailed —FOR—5—YEARS.
20081022             CIUDAD—JUAREZ, across the border from EL—PASO, TEXAS, 4—MEN were shot inside 1—GO—CART rental at the Xtreme amusement park.
20081022             † Elsewhere in the city, 1 used car salesman was shot to death —WHILE driving down 1—MAIN boulevard hours —AFTER leading HUNDREDS—OF—OTHER—BUSINESS—OWNERS in 1—PROTEST—AGAINST—KIDNAPPINGS and extortion.
20081022             —KILLED, In TIJUANA a —1—YEAR—OLD—BOY was, —WHEN the car he was riding in crashed as the driver tried to flee 1—GUNBATTLE.
20081022             Outside THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—MONTERREY, 1—SOLDIER, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—1—SECURITY—FIRM and 3. man were found stabbed to death alongside 1—HIGHWAY.
20081022             —MOVED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND, to bail out CASH—STRAPPED PAKISTAN in THE—FUND—1. bid to shore up 1—ASIA—ECONOMY —FOLLOWING global financial turmoil as the fiscal deficit hit 10—PERCENT—OF—GDP.
20081022             1—AIR—STRIKE at 1—MILITANT compound in NORTH—WEST—BAJAUR tribal district killed 33—REBELS.
20081022             RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SAID—MOSCOW wants to negotiate 1—EXTENSION—OF—ITS—LEASE at UKRAINE—BLACK—SEA port of Sevastopol.
20081022             The move would keep RUSSIA—BLACK—SEA—FLEET in the port where it has been stationed —FOR—CENTURIES.
20081022             —RAMMED, SRI—LANKA, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), EXPLOSIVES—LADEN BOATS—AGAINST—THE—MV—RUHUNA and MV Nimalawa which were supplying the besieged JAFFNA peninsula in 1—PRE—DAWN attack.
20081022             Officials said AT—LEAST—6—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ELITE—BLACK—SEA—TIGER suicide squad may have perished in THE—ATTACK.
20081022             lautete das Fazit auf der 3. Potsdamer KLIMA—KONFERENZ an der —AM—DIENSTAG MEHR—ALS—200—VERTRETER aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft und UMWELT—SCHUTZ teilgenommen haben.
20081022             Im VERGANGENES—JAHR haben ALLE—STAATEN—DER—WELT gemeinsam den Gegenwert von CA—10—MILLIARDEN—TONNEN Kohlenstoff ausgestoßen, wovon 8,5—MILLIARDEN Tonnen auf die Benutzung fossiler Brennstoffe entfielen.
20081022             "Und —HEUTE glaubt weder NORD—KOREA noch IRAN, dass unsere Diplomatie von glaubwürdigen Drohungen flankiert wird".
20081022             Wolfowitz hingegen wies die Verantwortung für den Krieg von sich: "Im Gegensatz zu dem, was Sie überall lesen, war ich nicht das Mastermind, der Drahtzieher".
20081022             Perle, —DER—HEUTE wie Wolfowitz im konservativen USA—ENTERPRISE Institute arbeitet, äußerte sich ähnlich.
20081022             Chavez says VENEZUELA will build naval base on its largest Caribbean ISLAND: Chavez says Margarita ISLAND—STRATEGIC—LOCATION off VENEZUELA—COAST in the Caribbean Sea makes it perfect for "1—NAVAL—BASE—OF—LARGE—PROPORTIONS".
20081022             VENEZUELA PRESIDENT: WILL—URGE—OPEC—TO—CUT—PRODUCTION: PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ will urge fellow MEMBERS—OF—THE—OPEC oil cartel to implement 1—CUT in production, with 1—GOAL—OF allowing prices to fall to no less than $80 1—BARREL, THE—VENEZUELA—LEADER told AFP —SUNDAY.
20081022             Morales leads referendum protest : Evo Morales, THE—BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT, has led TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS on 1—MARCH on the country's congress where politicians are deadlocked over 1—REFERENDUM—ON—THE—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20081022             † IRAQ: AT—LEAST—15—DEAD as USA—OCCUPATION grinds on : man was killed and another wounded in 1—ROADSIDE bomb in EAST—MOSUL, 390—KM (240—MILES) NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, police said.
20081022             Another Million IRAQ—DEMONSTRATORS: Get out of our country : BAGHDAD witnessed another demonstration with MORE—THAN—1—MILLION—IRAQI, Arabs and Kurds and others, Muslims and Christians and others, Sunnis and Shiites and others demonstrated together against the occupation and the long term agreement, asking for 1—COMPLETE—WITHDRAWAL the leaves no permanent bases, no troops, and no mercenaries.
20081022             ElBaradei: IRAN is nowhere near nukes : UN nuclear watchdog CHIEF—MOHAMED—ELBARADEI disputes Western claims about IRAN, saying the country is far from developing NUCLEAR—WEAPONS.
20081022             'No problems' for START—UP at IRAN—NUCLEAR—PLANT : MOSCOW sees no political obstacles to THE—START—UP of the 1. reactor at IRAN—RUSSIAN—BUILT nuclear plant at BUSH ehr, 1—SENIOR—RUSSIA—DIPLOMAT was quoted as saying —MONDAY.
20081022             IRAN calls for strategic partnership with RUSSIA : THE—RUSSIA—DEPUTY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SAID—MOSCOW believes that its relations with IRAN are DEEP—ROOTED and no country can damage them.
20081022             USA takes up nuclear issue with PAK—CHINA : THE—USA had made it clear that PAKISTAN cannot be given 1—NUCLEAR—DEAL—SIMILAR to THE—1—IT has worked out with INDIA.
20081022             PAKISTAN considers 15—BILLION—DOLLAR—SUPPORT—PACKAGE : 1—LITTLE over half the total would come in the form of 1—IMF loan.
20081022             The balance would be provided by THE—WORLD Bank, THE—ASIA—DEVELOPMENT—BANK and bilateral donors, potentially including SAUDI—ARABIA.
20081022             —BY AARON—GLANTZ, Haymarket Books
20081022             —ON the Terms of the Powerful -
20081022             Translating Propaganda and Thinking the Unthinkable
20081022             Such 1—SYSTEM—OF—INDOCTRINATION is extremely powerful as it serves THE—PURPOSE—OF—MAKING certain thoughts not so much undesirable, but unthinkable, strikingly REMINISCENT—OF—ORWELL—DEPICTION—OF—TOTALITARY—CONTROL and MANIPULATION—OF—THE—ENGLAND—LANGUAGE in his novel, 19840000             .
20081022             1 can see THE—HEAVILY—BLINKERED logic behind their elation;
20081022             —NOW that our national politics has been reduced to 1—PETTY squabble over spoils among shifting factions in the imperial court, 1—NOD from 1—CONSUMMATE courtier like Powell is indeed 1—GLITTERING PRIZE—FOR—1—AMBITIOUS—PRINCE.
20081022             "My SENSE—OF—ALARM comes from the clear lessons from history that, once certain checks and balances are destroyed, and once certain institutions have been intimidated, the pressures that can turn 1—OPEN—SOCIETY into 1 closed 1—TURN into direct assaults; at that point events tend to occur very rapidly, and 1—POINT comes at which there is no easy turning back to the way it used to be".
20081022             Islamic banking escapes fallou t: ISLAMIC banking has largely escaped the fallout from THE—GLOBAL—FINANCIAL—CRISIS, thanks to rules that forbid the sort of risky business that is felling mainstream institutions.
20081022             Layoffs spreading across corporate AMERICA: Shock waves from THE—GLOBAL—FINANCIAL—CRISIS are —NOW being felt in almost EVERY—CORNER—OF working AMERICA as companies press the eject button on increasing NUMBERS—OF—EMPLOYEES.
20081022             Homeless numbers 'alarming ': More families with children are becoming homeless as they face mounting economic pressures, including mortgage foreclosures, ACCORDING—TO—1—USA—TODAY—SURVEY—OF—12—OF—THE—LARGEST—CITIES in the nation.
20081022             THE—WORLD'S next oil superpower?
20081022             BRAZIL: - 4—MILES under the ocean's surface off BRAZIL—LUSH coast lie BILLIONS—OF—BARRELS—RECENTLY discovered light crude -- 1—TREASURE that could transform the country into 1—OIL superpower.
20081022             UK: Big Brother database threatens to 'break THE—BACK—OF—FREEDOM' : Government plans to build 1—GIANT—DATABASE holding information about EVERY—PHONE—CALL, email and INTERNET visit were last night dealt 1—MAJOR—BLOW—AFTER—THE—MAN in charge of prosecuting terrorism in ENGLAND and WALES WARNED—OF—THE—DANGERS posed by a "Big Brother" security state.
20081022             Talks only way to root out terrorism, Nawaz tells Boucher FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—AND—PML N Quaid MUHAMMAD—NAWAZ—SHARIF —ON—MONDAY said that USE—OF—FORCE was not the solution to root out THE—MENACE—OF—TERRORISM, adding, THE—USA should respect PAKISTAN—TERRITORIAL—SANCTITY.
20081022             2—THE—PALESTINE—LIBERATION—STRUGGLE is grounded on humanist and ethical arguments —SINCE it is based on moral rights, namely 'THE—RIGHT—OF—RETURN' and 'liberation'.
20081022             —SHORTSIGHTED, WALL—STREET is in control, but its policies are so, that they are eroding the underlying economy — which is passing from democracy to oligarchy, and indeed it seems to 1—BIPARTISAN financial kleptocracy.
20081022             What we are watching is nothing less than the steady transfer of real political power from the polling station to the market and from the ballot to THE—WALLET—REVERSING the democratic gains we have made OVER—THE—LAST—CENTURY—WHEN we were able, increasingly, to use our votes to shape our economic future.
20081022             Our oligarchic class is incompetent at governing, managing the economy, coping with natural disasters, educating our young, handling foreign affairs, providing basic services like health care and safeguarding individual rights.
20081022             This is 1—MUST—SEE —7—MINUTE—VIDEO
20081022             The argument is about RE—REGULATION rather than redistribution, the public rather than the private interest, transnational against national sovereignty.
20081022             Chomsky: THE—BEWILDERED—HERD —8—MINUTE—VIDEO—NOAM Chomsky: People should VOTE—AGAINST—MCCAIN and for OBAMA—BUT without illusions Continue
20081022             AUSLAND—BANKEN, die mit —DIESEM—TAG gleichberechtigten Zugang zur Londoner Börse bekamen, drängten mit Macht auf das Parkett.
20081022             Besonders für DIE—AMERIKANER boten sich —BISHER ungeahnte Möglichkeiten: Anders als an der WALL—STREET, wo gewöhnlichen Geschäftsbanken der Handel mit Wertpapieren —SEIT den 3ßIGER—JAHREN untersagt war — das blieb den spezialisierten Investmentbanken vorbehalten —, konnten sie sich in LONDON ungehemmt betätigen.
20081022             Die Regierung Thatcher gab den Markt frei, feste Margen waren passé, und ein harter PREIS—KAMPF—UM—KUNDEN und MARKT—ANTEILE begann.
20081022             —GESIEBT, Entsprechend gnadenlos wurde, wie MICHAEL—LEWIS, EX—INVESTMENTBANKER und AUTOR—VON "LIAR—POKER", berichtet.
20081022             Er grüßte, und nichts geschah.
20081022             "Paulson censors compensation numbers on BANK—OF—NEW—YORK bailout contract, despite promises of "Transparency""Permalink
20081022             —LAST—WEEK, Lord Carlisle of Berriew, THE—GOVERNMENT—INDEPENDENT—REVIEW—OF—ANTI—TERRORISM—LAWS, said the "raw idea'' of the database was "awful'' and called for controls to stop government agencies from abusing it.
20081022             He said: "It is in THE—NATURE—OF—STATE—POWER that decisions taken in the next few months and years about how the State may use these powers, and to what extent, are likely to be irreversible.
20081022             "They will be with us forever. And they in turn will be built upon. So we should take very great care to imagine THE—WORLD we are creating —BEFORE we build it. We might end up living with something we can't bear".
20081022             MISS—SMITH said: "The communication revolution has been rapid in this country and the way in which we intercept communications and collect communications data needs to change too. If it does not, we will lose this vital capability".
20081022             "If you want to maintain your ability to identify where the user of 1—MOBILE—PHONE is, let's say... it may well be that the only other alternative to collecting that data would be 1—MASSIVE—EXPANSION—OF—SURVEILLANCE and other intrusive methods of tracking".
20081022    Kreditkartendomino: AMERICA—EXPRESS hat 22% Gewinneinbruch.
20081022             —BOOKED, AMERICA—EXPRESS, 1—PROFIT—OF $815—MILLION, or $0.70—PER share, down 22% from the $1.07—BILLION, or $0.90—PER share, earned in the same period —LAST—YEAR.
20081022             —CLIMBED, Net revenue, to $7.2—BILLION, up from $7—BILLION —LAST—YEAR -- no complaints there.
20081022             The real whammy came from setting money aside to cover bad debts, with provisions for losses coming in at $1.4—BILLION, up 51% from THE—YEAR—BEFORE.
20081022    Der Oberstaatsanwalt Englands warnt, dass von den Bürgerrechten bald nichts mehr übrig ist.
20081022             [LET—ASSUME that there is no NEW—WORLD—ORDER working for its own interests, that BUSH and CHENEY never had hidden plans, and are not corrupt politicians of the worst kind.
20081022             couchslug writes in with 1—REUTERS account of 1—FEDERAL—RAID on 1—CALIFORNIA—BASED motorcycle club, the Mongols, on charges "ranging from murder and robbery to extortion, money laundering, gun trafficking and drug dealing".
20081022             The interesting twist is that the authorities are asking the courts to seize THE—IP of the biker club — specifically, their trademarked name "Mongols".
20081022             "FEDERAL—AGENTS and police in 7—STATES arrested MORE—THAN—60—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MONGOLS motorcycle gang —ON—TUESDAY in 1—SWEEP that also targeted for the 1. time 1—OUTLAW group's 'intellectual property,' prosecutors said. The arrests cap a —3—YEAR undercover investigation in which USA—AGENTS posed as gang members and their girlfriends to infiltrate the group, even submitting to polygraph tests administered by the bikers... [T]he name 'Mongols,' which appears on the gang's arm patch insignia, was trademarked by the group. The indictment seeks 1—COURT—ORDER outlawing further USE—OF—THE—NAME, which would allow ANY—POLICE—OFFICER 'who sees 1—MONGOL wearing this patch... to stop that gang member and literally take the jacket right off his back'..".
20081022             WALL—STREET'S 'Disaster Capitalism for Dummies'
20081022             14—REASONS Main Street loses big —WHILE WALL—STREET sabotages DEMOCRACY—BY—PAUL—B—FARRELL
20081022             Yes, we're dummies. You. Me. All 300—MILLION—OF—USA.
20081022             Clueless. We should be ashamed.
20081022             —OBSESSED, We're, about the slogans and rituals of "democracy," distracted by the campaign, polls, debates, rhetoric, HALF—TRUTHS and outright lies.
20081022             McCain? Obama? Sorry to pop your bubble folks, but it no longer matters who's PRESIDENT.
20081022             09—00—AM It's 1—CONSPIRACY, I tell you
20081022             Ratings agencies 'put system at risk,' CEO—SAYS—TESTIMONY shows watchdogs were 'KOOL—AID drinking' LAPDOGS—REX Nutting MarketWatch 5:19 p.m. EDT
20081022             Credit Rating Agency Heads Grilled by Lawmakers GRETCHEN MORGENSON NYT, 19—UHR • Politik
20081022—19381022    Xerox THIS—RANDY Alfred
20081022—19861027    —AM, Doch, —DEM—TAG des "Big Bang", des Urknalls für die neue Londoner City, fielen die Barrieren, die das Börsenbiotop so lange geschützt hatten.
20081022—20081009    —PROMOTED, HONDURAS joins 1—CLUB, by VENEZUELA and CUBA : THE—HONDURAS—CONGRESS ratified the country's membership in the Alternativa Bolivariana para los pueblos de nuestra América (ALBA, Bolivarian Alternative for USA—COUNTRIES), 1—REGIONAL grouping promoted by VENEZUELA and CUBA.
20081022—20081022    —RATIFIED, Constitution vote 1—VICTORY—FOR—MORALES: BOLIVIA—CONGRESS, PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES' draft constitution —ON—TUESDAY and sent it to 1—NATIONWIDE vote, granting the leftist leader 1—HARD—FOUGHT victory in his push to remake SOUTH—AMERICA—POOREST—COUNTRY.
20081022—20081027    —CHARGED, FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES, THE—2—WHITE—SUPREMACISTS for allegedly plotting to go on 1—NATIONAL killing spree, shooting and decapitating black people and ultimately targeting Democratic PRESIDENT—CANDIDATE—BARACK—OBAMA.
20081022—20100329    —PLEADED, Cowart, guilty to 8—OF 10—COUNTS in 1—INDICTMENT accusing HIM—OF—CONSPIRACY, threatening 1—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE and various FEDERAL—FIREARMS violations.
20081022—20300000    könnten die Emissionen sogar 3,1 —BIS 4—MILLIARDEN—TONNEN Kohlenstoff entsprechen.
20081022—20300000    Das wäre in CA—1—VERDOPPLUNG der aktuellen Werte.
20090731             Written and illustrated by RICARDO—CORTES—WEB—EXCLUSIVE
20090731             "Die Ökoverordnung verbietet Herstellungsverfahren und Stoffe, die den Kunden über die Beschaffenheit des Produkts in die Irre führen könnten", sagt er.
20090828—20091022    —LAUNCHED, The satellite was, and
20091012—20091022    —ON, police arrested CHARLIE—FONILLOA—SEKONA, 20—jahre—alt, man who had been put into 1—MENTAL—HEALTH—PROGRAM for assaulting 1—COSTCO worker, as 1—SUSPECT.
20091014—20091022    —ON, 1—LIEN was also filed in WASHINGTON—DC, where Dellums and his wife owned 1—HOUSE in the Foxhall Crescent neighborhood.
20091022             July-20040800             20090731             Written and illustrated by RICARDO—CORTES—WEB—EXCLUSIVE
20091022             July-20040800             20040000             W. STEPHEN—THAYER—III - 20040729             : "WASHINGTON - 1—KEY overseer [W..... 20040000             : "Several senior Homeland SECURITY—OFFICIALS said Ridge had...
20091022             His career was built on SOME—20,000 pies to face and 5,000 live TV appearances across HALF—1—CENTURY.
20091022             Alvarez was COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF—OF—THE—ARMY (19780000—19790000    ) and de facto PRESIDENT 19810000—19850212    —FROM—UNTIL.
20091022             July-20040800
20091022             THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION said it is designating over 200,000 square miles in ALASKA and off its coast as critical habitat for polar bears.
20091022             —ARRESTED, USA—AUTHORITIES, over 300—PEOPLE in 38—CITIES in 1—STING against MEXICO—LA—FAMILIA drug operations in THE—USA.
20091022             —ARRESTED, AT—LEAST—84 were, in DALLAS as PART—OF—OPERATION—CORONADO.
20091022             —SLASHED, THE—USA—PAY—TSAR, compensation for top earners at 7—BAILED—OUT companies for the final —2—MONTHS—OF—THE—YEAR, and was —IMMEDIATELY slammed by the country's largest bank which claimed the cuts could send talent fleeing.
20091022             —INDICTED, CALIFORNIA authorities said 1—GRAND—JURY has, 18—PEOPLE on CHARGES—OF—MARIJUANA growing and mortgage fraud.
20091022             —ANNOUNCED, Officials in BENICIA—CALIFORNIA, that ships in the "ghost fleet" of Suisun Bay would begin 1—PROCESS—OF cleanup and dismantling —NEXT—MONTH.
20091022             SF city officials broke ground on 1—PROJECT to rebuild S—FRANCISCO—GENERAL—HOSPITAL.
20091022             —RULED, THE—MINNESOTA—SUPREME—COURT, that bong water can count as 1—ILLEGAL—DRUG.
20091022             1—PERSON could be prosecuted for a 1.—DEGREE drug crime for 25—GRAMS or more of bong water that tests positive for 1 controlled substance.
20091022             THE—WINDOWS 7—COMPUTER operating system went on sale.
20091022             He was best known for his DETROIT—BASED children's television show, "Lunch with Soupy Sales" (19530000             ).
20091022             —STARTED, AFRICA—LEADERS, a —2—DAY—SUMMIT in KAMPALA—UGANDA, aiming to ratify the Convention on the Protection and Assistance of the Displaced People in AFRICA, —NOW numbering CA—17—MILLION.
20091022             † IN—AUSTRALIA—DON—LANE, 75—jahre—alt, 1—AMERICA—SONG—AND—DANCE—MAN known as "THE—LANKY—YANK,".
20091022             CURITIBA—BRAZIL, JORGE—GUILHERME—MARINHO—MARTINS, 26—jahre—alt, THE—SON—OF—FIRE—CHIEF—JORGE—LUIZ—THAIS—MARTINS, was killed by robbers who wanted to steal his car —WHILE he returned from 1—PARTY.
20091022             —SURVIVED, His girlfriend also was shot, but.
20091022             —KILLED, AT—LEAST—8—DRUG—USERS in the neighborhood were soon.
20091022             —WATCHED, MORE—THAN—8—MILLION—PEOPLE, UK—NATIONAL—PARTY—LEADER—NICK—GRIFFIN slam Islam as 1 wicked faith, express his disgust at homosexuals and defend THE—KU—KLUX—KLAN on its "Question Time" program.
20091022             UK—ROYAL—MAIL workers began a —2—DAY—STRIKE in 1—BITTER—ROW over pay, conditions and modernization, causing widespread disruption to mail services.
20091022             ETHIOPIA said it needs emergency food aid for 6.2—MILLION—PEOPLE, 1—APPEAL that comes —25—YEARS—AFTER 1—DEVASTATING famine compounded by communist policies killed 1—MILLION and prompted 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—CHARITY—CAMPAIGNS in history.
20091022             —AWARDED, THE—EU—PARLIAMENT, its annual Sakharov PRIZE—FOR—FREEDOM—OF—THOUGHT to 3—PROMINENT—RUSSIA—RIGHTS—ACTIVISTS, in recognition of the difficult conditions they face in defending human rights in RUSSIA —TODAY.
20091022             —AWARDED, The prize was, to Lyudmila Alexeyeva (82), SERGEI—KOVALYOV, 79—jahre—alt and OLEG—ORLOV (56) on behalf of the human rights organization Memorial and "all other human rights defenders in RUSSIA".
20091022             —LAUNCHED, THE—EU said it has, 1—INVESTIGATION into 1—PRIZED—SPAIN—WETLAND that has turned bone dry through MISMANAGEMENT—OF—WATER—RESOURCES and is —NOW on fire underground, white smoke —NOW rising from areas where fish once swam.
20091022             THE—EU wants THE—SPAIN—GOVERNMENT to explain how it plans to save Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park in THE—CENTRAL—CASTILLA—LA Mancha region.
20091022             —CLASSIFIED, It is, as 1—UNESCO biosphere site and 1—EU—PROTECTED area because of its birdlife.
20091022             —SUSPECTED, IRAQ, 1—LOCAL—POLICE—CHIEF said 6, AL—QAIDA members, including 2—WHO were formerly detained by USA—TROOPS, were arrested near THE—WEST—IRAQ—CITY—OF—FALLUJAH.
20091022             —RELEASED, They had been, in July for LACK—OF—EVIDENCE.
20091022             1—LOCAL—CRIMINAL—COURT—IN—DIYALA province issued 1—ARREST—WARRANT for parliamentarian Tayseer AL—MASHHADANI 1—SUNNI MEMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT, and her husband, HASHIM—AL—HIYALI, on suspicion of financing and inciting sectarian violence.
20091022             —DETAINED, MEXICO—POLICE, 5 suspected associates of the Gulf drug cartel for alleged involvement in violent clashes that killed 4—PEOPLE in THE—CENTRAL—MEXICO—STATE—OF—HIDALGO.
20091022             The suspects were said to be affiliated with the Zetas, the drug ring's hit men.
20091022             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN, militants on 1—MOTORBIKE shot and killed 1—SENIOR—ARMY—OFFICER and 1—SOLDIER in ISLAMABAD, striking at SECURITY—FORCES as the military wages 1—MAJOR—ANTI—TALIBAN offensive in the northwest.
20091022             1—ARMY—STATEMENT reported 2—MORE—SOLDIERS KILLED—WERE, bringing THE—ARMY—DEATH—TOLL to 18, —WHILE 24—MORE—MILITANTS were slain, bringing their DEATH—TOLL to 129.
20091022             —CONTAMINATED, THE—PHILIPPINES, outbreaks of leptospirosis, spread by water, with THE—URINE—OF—RATS, dogs and other animals, have compounded the problems faced —AFTER BACK—TO—BACK—STORMS—SINCE late —LAST—MONTH killed MORE—THAN—900—PEOPLE.
20091022             THE—WHO said it will send 1—EMERGENCY—TEAM to help fight 1—BACTERIAL disease outbreak that has killed AT—LEAST—148—PEOPLE and sickened nearly 2,000 in and —AROUND THE—FLOOD—HIT capital.
20091022             —KILLED, SOMALIA, mortar bombs, AT—LEAST—30—PEOPLE in MOGADISHU —AFTER rebels launched shells at THE—PRESIDENT—PLANE and AFRICA—UNION (AU) peacekeepers responded with heavy artillery fire.
20091022             —SEIZED, SOMALIA—PIRATES with automatic weapons, THE—INDIA—MANAGED, PANAMANIAN—FLAGGED MV AL—KHALIQ cargo ship off AFRICA—EAST—COAST and held its 26—CREW members hostage.
20091022             —ATTEMPTED, Pirates also unsuccessfully, to hijack THE—ITALIAN—FLAGGED MV Jolly Rosso off THE—KENYA—COAST.
20091022             —DISPLACED, SRI—LANKA, MORE—THAN—4,000—ETHNIC—TAMILS, by CIVIL—WAR left GOVERNMENT—RUN—CAMPS, the latest to be released amid INTERNATIONAL criticism that SRI—LANKA is moving too slowly to let THOUSANDS—OF—OTHERS go.
20091022             1—SUDAN—COURT sentenced 2—WOMEN to 20—LASHES for dressing "indecently".
20091022             JUDGE—HASSAN—MOHAMMED—ALI said: "THE—2—WOMEN wore trousers and no headscarf. The court —THEREFORE finds them guilty according the public order laws".
20091022             —DETAINED, —LAST—YEAR nearly 43,000 women were, for indecent clothing offences in KHARTOUM region, where 5—MILLION—PEOPLE—LIVE.
20091022             —KIDNAPPED, SUDAN, gunmen, Gauthier Lefevre (35), 1—FRANCE—STAFF—MEMBER working for THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS, in THE—WEST—DARFUR region.
20091022             —DEMANDED, The kidnappers soon, a 3—MILLION—EURO ransom.
20091022             —SENTENCED, URUGUAY—LAST—DICTATOR, Gregorio Alvarez (83), was, to —25—YEARS—IN—PRISON for 37—HOMICIDES —DURING—THE 19730000—19850000     military regime, —WHEN dissidents disappeared in 1—REGION—WIDE—CRACKDOWN on leftists called "OPERATION—CONDOR".
20091022             —DEPORTED, VENEZUELA, LUIS—CEDIEL to THE—USA.
20091022             —BILKED, THE—COLOMBIA—MAN had links to 1—PYRAMID—SCHEME that, Colombians OUT—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20091022             BONI—DEBATTE: OBAMA—REGIERUNG kappt Managern das Gehalt
20091022             Im Verlauf des vor knapp —4—JAHREN angelaufenen "Projekts Coronado" gegen das MEXIKANISCHE—DROGENKARTELL mit dem Namen "La Familia" wurden laut Holder insgesamt CA—1200—MENSCHEN festgenommen.
20091022             In dieser Zeit konnten DIE—USA—BEHÖRDEN nach eigenen Angaben 11,7—TONNEN Drogen und 32—MILLIONEN—$ sicherstellen.
20091022             "Tod für Berlusconi": Italiens JUSTIZ—ERMITTELT—WEGEN—FACEBOOK—AKTION
20091022             USA: Polizei gelingt großer Schlag gegen MEXIKANISCHE—DROGENKARTELLE
20091022             Koalitionsgespräche: Haushälter stoppen Merkels Mondfahrt
20091022             Thüringen: POLIZEI—GEWERKSCHAFT wegen NPD—KOMMENTAR unter Druck
20091022             Milliardendefizit: SCHWARZ—GELB schiebt Schattenhaushalt auf 20100000
20091022             Schweinegríppe: Wirrwarr vor Beginn der Impfkampagne
20091022             THE—POLITICAL—GRAVEYARD: Politicians in Trouble: 20000000             and —LATER
20091022             THE—POLITICAL—GRAVEYARD: Politicians Who Got Into Trouble or Disgrace
20091022             —DISGRACED, How Appealing "Administration picks, JUDGE—FOR—HOMELAND—SECURITY ": The... W. STEPHEN—THAYER—III, who left NEW—HAMPSHIRE—HIGH—COURT 20000000             under 1—DEAL with...
20091022             REPORT—NATIONAL—GAY and Lesbian Task Force | building LGBT...
20091022             society that discriminates against and stigmatizes homosexuals " makes.... homosexual rape, and about brutality are not always the mouthings of the purely...
20091022             1—EPIDEMIC—OF—HOMELESSNESS youth, supposedly to ward off ANY—HOMOSEXUAL behavior.
20091022             Emergency Food and Shelter (EFS) PROGRAM—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20091022             —BY N RAY—CITED by 1 - Related articles THE—HARVARD—CRIMSON :: Writer Profile :: THE—CRIMSON—STAFF—HOMELAND—SECURITY must explain or lower fee for system that tracks... —WHEN he allowed Justice STEPHEN—THAYER to provide input as to who would sit on a...
20091022             Helllbazer: 20030300             Archives School officials preached their religious views on homosexuality and forced... those who want to harm us," ACU Executive Director STEPHEN—THAYER said.
20091022             House Republicans Sensitive to Criticism They Underfunded Homeland Security.
20091022             _themes_/_abramoff_http... Homeland Security, Veterans' Affairs + THE—FEDERAL—TRADE—COMMISSION.
20091022             Hier wohnt man nicht, hier lebt man —SCHON: Lower MANHATTAN—NEW—YORK—USA.
20091022             1—FORSCHERTEAM konnte den BIO—COCKTAIL auf dem Planeten HD 209458b nachweisen, der 150—LICHT—JAHRE—VON—UNSERER Erde entfernt seine Bahnen zieht.
20091022             "Die Entdeckung solcher organischer Verbindungen bedeutet nicht automatisch, dass es dort auch Leben gibt. Die Moleküle könnten auch auf einem anderen Weg entstanden sein", erklärt NASA—FORSCHER MARK—SWAIN.
20091022             Der Exoplanet wäre auch denkbar ungeeignet für Leben, wie wir es kennen: Bei HD 209458b handelt es sich um einen Gasriesen, größer noch als der Jupiter.
20091022             1—MISCHUNG aus Methan, Wasser und Kohlendioxid hat auf unserem Planeten einst Leben ermöglicht.
20091022             Der SHERIFF—DES—YAVAPAI—COUNTYS, STEVE—WAUGH, ist unterdessen tätig geworden: ER—ERMITTELT—WEGEN—MORDES.
20091022             die untersuchungen laufen.
20091022             —ENGAGIERT, Ray hat ein eigenes DETEKTIV—TEAM.
20091022             —GESTEIGERT, MCDONALD—HAT im 3. Quartal den Gewinn um 6—PROZENT, - trotz leicht sinkenden Umsatzes.
20091022             Profitiert hat die weltgrößte FAST—FOOD—KETTE vor allem von einem starken EUROPA—GESCHÄFT.
20091022             In dem milliardenschweren GELDWÄSCHE—SKANDAL war ENDE—DER—NEUNZIGER—JAHRE mehrfach gegen die BANK—OF—NEW—YORK ermittelt worden.
20091022             Das Geldhaus hatte 20070000             den FINANZ—DIENSTLEISTER Mellon Financial übernommen.
20091022             1—FRÜHERE—MITARBEITERIN—DER—BANK und ihr Ehemann bekannten sich letztlich schuldig, 19960000—19990000    —ZWISCHEN—UND, über 1—BANKKONTO 7,5—MILLARDEN Dollar RUSSISCHEN—GELDES gewaschen zu haben.
20091022             Gesetzesänderung: POLEN beschließt chemische Kastration von Pädophilen
20091022             Seltener Fund: Lebensbausteine auf Exoplaneten entdeckt
20091022             Dreiste Datenmassage: FINANZ—MINISTER—RECHNEN—BILDUNGSAUSGABEN schön
20091022             Studie: Gewerkschaftsbund meldet 3—MILLIONEN—JOBVERLUSTE - Schweinegrippe: Impfung gegen die Angst
20091022             —KRITISIERT, Unmut über Reformpläne: INDUSTRIE—LOBBY, SCHWARZ—GELB
20091022             Musikfolter: Künstler protestieren gegen GUANTANAMO—DISCO
20091022             Satellitenbild: Nasa entdeckt mysteriöse Brände in NORD—KOREA
20091022             DIE—USA und CHINA verursachen zusammen MEHR—ALS—40 % DER—WELTWEITEN—EMISSIONEN.
20091022             Die Staatschefs beider Länder haben zuletzt einen Vorstoß zum KLIMA—SCHUTZ versprochen.
20091022             In 1—TELEFONGESPRÄCH hätten BARACK—OBAMA und Hu Jintao beschlossen, die gemeinsamen Anstrengungen FÜR—1—KLIMASCHUTZABKOMMEN zu verdoppeln, teilte DAS—WEIßE—HAUS mit.
20091022             Gemeinsames Ziel sei die Reduktion der Treibhausgase.
20091022             Obama habe die Bedeutung eines globalen KLIMA—ABKOMMENS hervorgehoben.
20091022             Deshalb müssten Peking und WASHINGTON am gleichen Strang ziehen und Führungsstärke zeigen.
20091022             hat man für Kritik am umzäunten Wohnen kein Verständnis.
20091022             Das Sicherheitskonzept sei wichtig, sagt ANDREA—BRAUN.
20091022             Alles andere "ist doch nur Neid".
20091022             JEDE—BERÜHRUNG—DES—SCHUTZWALLS wird sofort dem Sicherheitsdienst angezeigt, der rund um die Uhr die Wohnanlage kontrollieren soll.
20091022             ging die ZAHL—DER—WOHNUNGSEINBRÜCHE in DEUTSCHLAND laut Bundeskriminalamt IN—DEN—VERGANGENE—TAGE10—JAHREN um FAST—1—DRITTEL zurück.
20091022             "In DEUTSCHLAND sind Gated Communitys 1—AUSDRUCK der zunehmenden POLARISIERUNG—ZWISCHEN—ARM und Reich", sagt ULRICH—VOGEL—SOKOLOWSKY, Soziologe an der UNIVERSITÄT—BIELEFELD.
20091022             "Die gesellschaftlichen Schichten haben sich IN—DEN—VERGANGENE—TAGE40—JAHREN voneinander entfernt".
20091022             Diese zunehmende Distanz verursache bei den Eliten das Gefühl einer Bedrohung, die es "in dieser Form aber gar nicht gibt", wie die Statistik belege.
20091022             Und nicht nur in Kreuzberg regt sich Widerstand gegen die bewachten Wohnräume.
20091022             In einer Gegend, in —DER—DIESES—JAHR—SCHON mehrfach Oberklasselimousinen in Flammen aufgegangen sind, ein mögliches Kaufargument.
20091022             Auch im alternativen Stadtteil Kreuzberg können sich die Besserverdienenden mittlerweile hinter dicke Mauern zurückziehen.
20091022             kleine, noble Wohnanlagen mit recht hohen Zäunen.
20091022             Das Geschäft mit der Sicherheit boomt in vielen DEUTSCHES—STÄDTEN.
20091022             wachsende soziale Kluft zwischen Oben und Unten in der Gesellschaft
20091022             ARKADIEN—SIEDLUNG am Glienicker Horn in POTSDAM—DEUTSCHLANDS 1. "Gated Community", wie abgeriegelte Wohnanlagen für die Oberschicht weltweit genannt werden.
20091022             Gefühl von Sicherheit: "Alles, was die Polizei empfiehlt, haben wir —SCHON".
20091022             Insgesamt konsumieren laut UNODC CA—15—MILLIONEN—DROGENSÜCHTIGE weltweit Opiate.
20091022             JEDES—JAHR sterben demnach CA—100.000—MENSCHEN an den Folgen der Sucht.
20091022             IN—DEN—VERGANGENE—TAGE10—JAHREN
20091022             Zudem seien Drogenanbau und Drogenhandel 1—HAUPTEINNAHMEQUELLE der radikalislamischen TALIBAN, die damit jährlich 160—MILLIONEN—$ verdienten.
20091022             JEDES—JAHR sterben in den NATO—STAATEN CA—10.000—MENSCHEN an den Folgen des Heroinkonsums, wie das UNO—BÜRO—FÜR—DROGEN— und Verbrechensbekämpfung (UNODC) in WIEN mitteilte.
20091022             Insgesamt stammen demnach 92—PROZENT des weltweit hergestellten HEROIN—GRUNDSTOFFS Opium aus AFGHANISTAN.
20091022             Allein in den NATO—STAATEN sterben JEDES—JAHR—TAUSENDE an den Folgen ihrer Heroinsucht, heißt es in 1—UNO—BERICHT.
20091022             Damit verursache die Droge weit mehr Tote bei den WEST—ALLIIERTEN als der AFGHANISTAN—KRIEG.
20091022             Brennstoffzellentechnik: METHANOL—ANTRIEB für Smartphones
20091022             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, UMWELT—POLITIK: Uno, besorgniserregende Statistik zu KLIMA—GASEN
20091022             Abstimmung in AFGHANISTAN: "Nicht ans Klischee von fairen Wahlen klammern"
20091022             Steuerdebatte: SCHWARZ—GELB erwägt versteckte Gebührenerhöhung in Milliardenhöhe
20091022             —DEMENTIERT, Diplomatie in NAH—OST: IRAN, ATOM—KONFERENZ—MIT—ISRAEL
20091022             Kalifornien: Brandstifter droht Todessstrafe
20091022             UMWELT—POLITIK: USA und CHINA kündigen KLIMA—INITIATIVE an
20091022             —REHABILITIERT, NS—JUSTIZOPFER: Österreichs Parlament, WEHRMACHT—DESERTEURE
20091022             Quelle: Banken und Insolvenzverwalter schieben sich Schuld an QUELLE—CRASH zu
20091022             Gated Communitys: Todsicher in der Isolation
20091022             Attentat in HAUPTSTADT: TERROR—ISTEN töten PAKISTANISCHEN—GENERAL
20091022             KRISE—IN—DER Luftfahrt: Boeing schreibt Milliardenverlust
20091022             Quartalswachstum: CHINA meldet KONJUNKTUR—SCHUB—VON—FAST—9—PROZENT
20091022             Kooperation mit Twitter: GOOGLE und Microsoft starten ins ECHTZEIT—NETZ
20091022             FINANZ—STREIT, Union und FDP schieben sich Schuld an Milliardenproblemen zu
20091022             USA—MANAGERGEHÄLTER: OBAMA—BONUS—KILLER macht ernst
20091022             Weißes Haus contra FOX—NEWS: Krieg auf dem falschen Kanal
20091022             HEROIN—TOTE: Uno warnt vor AFGHANISCHER—OPIUM—INDUSTRIE
20091022             Prompt wurde " Trafigura " zum Suchbegriff Nummer 1, die öffentliche Entrüstung über den Zensurversuch zugunsten einer einzelnen Firma...
20091022             Der neue stellvertretende GRIECHISCHE—SICHERHEITSMINISTER Spiros Vougias besucht das FLÜCHTLINGSLAGER—PAGANI auf der INSEL—LESBOS.
20091022             —VERGLEICHT, Er, das FLÜCHTLINGSLAGER—PAGANI mit Dantes Hölle, bittet die Menschen im Lager um Verzeihung und lässt es schließen.
20091022             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Microsoft, das Betriebssystem Windows 7, den Nachfolger von Windows Vista.
20091022—19450000    —SCHEDULED, The 1. 2—SHIPS, for recycling were the Pan USA—VICTORY and the Earlham Victory, both WWII cargo ships built.
20091022—19591000    —IN, Beginning, it was telecast nationally on THE—ABC television network.
20091022—19750000    —HANDED, IN—AUSTRALIA—DON—LANE was, 1—FULL—TIME gig on AUSTRALIA—TV and "THE—DON—LANE—SHOW" became 1—RATINGS winner, 1—MIXTURE of cabaret acts, interviews, comedy skits and 1—SONG from the tall host to close EACH—SHOW.
20091022—19780000    —SENTENCED, Navy CAPTAIN—JUAN—LARCEBEAU was also, to —20—YEARS—IN—PRISON for 29—HOMICIDES related to clandestine prisoner transfers.
20091022—20010000    —SEIT, Das seien 5—MAL MEHR—ALS die ZAHL—DER—IN—AFGHANISTAN GEFALLENE—SOLDATEN der Militärallianz.
20091022—20040000    —AFTER, W. STEPHEN—THAYER—III (b. 19460000             ) - of MANCHESTER, Hillsborough County.... acknowledging 1—HOMOSEXUAL affair with his homeland SECURITY—ADVISOR.
20091022—20060000    —OPERATED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—BAY—AREA—RESIDENTS allegedly, marijuana gardens in 50—HOMES in THE—CENTRAL—VALLEY and 20070000             .
20091022—20070000    —BIS, In der Zeit von 20000000             hätten die Emissionen der 40—INDUSTRIELÄNDER um 3—PROZENT zugelegt.
20091022—20080000    —AUTHORIZED, City voters had, an $887—MILLION—BOND—MEASURE for the project.
20091022—20091008    —AM, Es soll herausfinden, was schiefgelaufen ist in der Wüste Arizonas.
20091022—20091027    —ON, THE—JUSTICE—MINISTRY says she will be released —AFTER serving 2—THIRDS—OF—HER—SENTENCE for persecution.
20091022—20100209    —FREED, THE—AL—KHALIQ cargo ship was, —AFTER 3.1—MILLION—USA—DOLLARS were paid to the pirates.
20091022—20100318    —RELEASED, Lefevre was.
20091022—20110000    —IN, 1—ARREST—WARRANT was issued for Martins for his alleged involvement in killing the drug users.
20091108             Arruda made headlines —AFTER an 20091022             incident, in which she had to be escorted away by police —AFTER wearing THE—MINI—DRESS to class.
20101022             THE—DOCUMENTS—DATE from the start of 20040000—20100101    —TO.
20101022             THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION laid out a —5—YEAR, $2—BILLION MILITARY—AID—PACKAGE for PAKISTAN as it pressed THE—ISLAMABAD government to step up THE—FIGHT—AGAINST—EXTREMISTS there and in neighboring AFGHANISTAN.
20101022             —RESIGNED, Ephren Taylor, from City Capital and has —SINCE been replaced by JEFF—M—SMUDA.
20101022             Taylor allegedly took 1—MILLION—DOLLARS from members at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church near ATLANTA.
20101022             —ELECTED, Smuda was, chairman of the failing company SHORTLY—AFTER TAYLOR—RESIGNATION.
20101022             ACCORDING—TO—THEIR—SEC, filing JEFF—M—SMUDA is 1—EXPERT in restructuring companies to profitability.
20101022             —DUBBED, Taylor was soon, "the black Bernie Madoff".
20101022             —PLEADED, VIRGINIA, GLENN—SHRIVER, 28—jahre—alt—OF—DETROIT, guilty to trying to get 1—JOB with THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY in ORDER—TO—SPY for CHINA and to hiding contacts and money he got from CHINA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS.
20101022             —CALLED, His plea agreement, for 1—SENTENCE—OF—48—MONTHS in prison.
20101022             —RELEASED, THE—WIKILEAKS website, 391,831 purported IRAQ—WAR—LOGS in the biggest leak of secret information in USA—HISTORY.
20101022             —INCLUDED, ACCOUNTS—OF—CIVIL—DEATHS, deaths unknown or unreported —BEFORE—NOW, as many as 15,000 by the count of 1—INDEPENDENT—RESEARCH—GROUP.
20101022             —PUBLISHED, THE—LANCET journal, 1—STUDY online reporting that low doses of aspirin, taken daily and over the long term, cut cases of colorectal cancer by 1—QUARTER and THE—DEATH—TOLL from this disease by a 3.
20101022             —BELIEVED, Aspirin is, to have 1—PREVENTIVE effect because it inhibits 1—ENZYME called COX-2, which promotes cell proliferation in colorectal tumors.
20101022             1—SHARK attack off THE—COAST—OF—SANTA—BARBARA—COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, killed surfer LUCAS—RANSOM, 19—jahre—alt.
20101022             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—EAST—AFGHANISTAN, TALIBAN fighters, 1—NATO—CONVOY and killed 3—DRIVERS—BEFORE setting 13—FUEL—TANKERS ablaze.
20101022             1—UK—JUDGE—SENTENCED—JAMES—ROBINSON, 73—jahre—alt, 1—FORMER—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—PRIEST, to —21—YEARS in jail —AFTER he was convicted of 21—CHARGES—OF—SEXUAL—OFFENSES against boys.
20101022             —INJURED, Officials said the incident was not serious and no 1 was.
20101022             CANADA, Alberta Provincial COURT—JUDGE—KEN—TJOSVOLD found Syncrude, 1—OF—CANADA—LARGEST—OIL sands producers, guilty in the deaths of the 1,600 ducks in 1—TOXIC—WASTE pond last June.
20101022             —ACCEPTED, Syncrude, the C3—MILLION—DOLLAR sentencing proposal.
20101022             —AGREED, CHINA, KIGALI and BEIJING, to enhance their military cooperation —DURING—1—VISIT—TO—CHINA by RWANDA—DEFENCE—MINISTER—JAMES—KABEREBE.
20101022             Kaberebe held talks with his CHINA—COUNTERPART, Liang Guanglie, as part of a —5—DAY—VISIT—TO—CHINA.
20101022             COSTA—RICA sent SOME—70—POLICE—REINFORCEMENTS to the border area —AFTER receiving REPORTS—OF—NICARAGUA—SOLDIERS on its soil.
20101022             —COMPLAINED, This was —1—DAY—AFTER COSTA—RICA formally, to NICARAGUA—AMBASSADOR about the dredging in THE—S—JUAN—RIVER.
20101022             —FORCED, FRANCE—RIOT—POLICE, 1—STRATEGIC—REFINERY to reopen, aiming to halt growing fuel shortages.
20101022             —VOTED, THE—FRANCE—SENATE, 177-153 to back the contested retirement reform.
20101022             —ANNOUNCED, GUINEA, 1—INDEFINITE delay of 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—RUN—OFF —2—DAYS—BEFORE it was to be held, casting doubt on THE—WEST—AFRICA—STATE'S—HOPES for CIVIL—RULE and provoking fresh protests.
20101022             —RUSHED, HAITI, aid groups, in medicine and other supplies to combat 1 suspected cholera outbreak.
20101022             † AT—LEAST—135—PEOPLE had already, in the rural Artibonite region, host to THOUSANDS—OF—QUAKE refugees.
20101022             —SUSPECTED, EAST—INDIA, Maoist rebels triggered 1—LAND—MINE as 1—POLICE—VEHICLE drove past, killing 6—OFFICERS in the Sheohar DISTRICT—OF—BIHAR state.
20101022             EAST—INDONESIA, the Tersanjung, 1—SMALL—PASSENGER ship, sank off the cape of Watumanuk on Flores ISLAND.
20101022             It was reportedly carrying 66—PEOPLE.
20101022             44—PEOPLE were rescued and 22 remained missing.
20101022             HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH said banditry, violence, and rape are widespread in IVORY—COAST—WESTERN—PROVINCES even as the country gears for historic NATIONAL—ELECTIONS.
20101022             MEXICO, AT—LEAST—13—YOUNG—PEOPLE (aged 13 to 32), including 6—WOMEN and girls, were shot dead and 20 wounded in 1—ATTACK—ON—1—HOUSE—PARTY in CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20101022             † A 14. person, soon—AFTER from wounds.
20101022             —CAPTURED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES said FEDERAL—POLICE have, Huang Chen Yaowei, the suspected LEADER—OF—1—GANG that trafficked CHINA—MIGRANTS through MEXICO to THE—USA.
20101022             THE—CENTRAL—NETHERLANDS, 1—COLLISION between THE—GERMANY—CARGO—SHIP—DUISBURG Ruhror and 1—SMALL—HOLLAND—PASSENGER ferry on 1—CANAL took the life of ferry skipper HENDRIK—PLOMP (56).
20101022             —RECOVERED, Divers soon, his body.
20101022             † IN—NIGERIA—MALLAM—TUKUR, 1—LOCAL—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL, —AFTER—being—shot in the body and head at his home in BAUCHI state.
20101022             † THE—UN—CHILDREN—FUND said CA—1,555—PEOPLE have of cholera in NIGERIA —THIS—YEAR, marking 1—LIKELY peak in a —3—YEAR—OLD surge in the disease in the country.
20101022             PAKISTAN, bombs hit 1—MOSQUE and 1—GROUP—OF—SOLDIERS in PESHAWAR, 9—PEOPLE—killed.
20101022             —KILLED, Army airstrikes —LATER—IN—THE—DAY, 22 suspected insurgents in the area where the soldiers had been traveling.
20101022             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 6—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIERS in the Orakzai tribal region.
20101022             —STABBED, In THE—PHILIPPINES—EX—CONVICT Fely Mateo, 9—PEOPLE at the Talisayan Elementary School in ZAMBOANGA City, killing 3, —BEFORE parents wrestled away his knife and stabbed him to death with it.
20101022             —KILLED, The man, 1—TEACHER, a 5.-grader and 1—ELDERLY—MAN who was among those who tried to grab THE—ATTACKER—KNIFE.
20101022             SINGAPORE, 1—AMERICAN, 37—jahre—alt, who already may be caned for overstaying his visa, was charged with fraud for allegedly scamming 1—AUSTRALIA—MAN OUT—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS.
20101022             —ALLEGED, Prosecutors, that calls made from Kamari CHARLTON—MOBILE—PHONE in March deceived MIRKO—PRSKALO into sending 17,145—AUSTRALIA—DOLLARS (16.853—DOLLAR) in 4—PAYMENTS.
20101022             Prskalo was told that his nephew and family in SINGAPORE urgently needed the money.
20101022             World Wildlife spokeswoman MARIE—VON—ZEIPEL, speaking at 1—SEMINAR in SWEDEN, estimated that only 3,200 tigers remain in the wild and that this population would shrink 97% over THE—NEXT—100—YEARS.
20101022             † In TAIWAN AT—LEAST—7—PEOPLE—WHEN 1—TEMPLE collapsed in Suao, 1—COASTAL—TOWN in THE—NORTH—EAST—ILAN county.
20101022             —UNLEASHED, Torrential rains, by Typhoon Megi triggered landslides that also left dozens missing and hundreds stranded.
20101022             19—CHINA—BUS—PASSENGERS were among 23—PEOPLE still missing on THE—ISLAND.
20101022             As many as 31—PEOPLE were left dead.
20101022             —RAIDED, THAILAND—POLICE, 1—WAREHOUSE where wildlife smugglers were storing THOUSANDS—OF—ILLEGALLY collected reptiles for shipment overseas.
20101022             VIETNAM, disaster officials said THE—DEATH—TOLL from severe flooding in 4—CENTRAL—PROVINCES had climbed to 75, including 14—VICTIMS from 1—BUS swept off 1—ROAD by strong currents, with 6—PASSENGERS still missing.
20101022—19710000    —ACCUSED—OF, Ordained, he was, abusing boys 19590000—19830000    —FROM—TO.
20101022—20030000    —SUGGESTED, They, that far more Iraqis † than previously acknowledged —DURING—THE—YEARS—OF—SECTARIAN bloodletting and criminal violence unleashed by THE—AMERICA—LED invasion.
20101022—20040000    —ACKNOWLEDGED, Shriver, that he met with CHINA—OFFICIALS CA—20—TIMES beginning and that he received 1—TOTAL—OF about 70.000—DOLLAR from CHINA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICERS.
20101022—20160000    —BY, MORE—THAN—770,000 9,200—PEOPLE were sickened by the disease and over 9,200 had †.
201102041022         THE—BBC—JIM—MUIR in Tahrir Square estimates THE—SIZE—OF—THE—CROWD there at TENS—OF—THOUSANDS.
201102102201         Mubarak wiederholt in seiner Rede seine —SCHON früher getroffene Aussage.
201102102205         Ein junger Demonstrant auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ verfolgt laut SPIEGEL—ONLINE—REPORTER Hasnain Kazim die Rede von PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK über sein Telefon.
201102102214         Auf dem TAHIR—PLATZ macht sich Enttäuschung unter den Demonstranten breit.
201102102221         Die Lautstärke auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ wächst laut SPIEGEL—ONLINE—REPORTER Hasnain Kazim immer weiter.
201102102227         —BERICHTET, EIN—REPORTER, dass MANCHE—DEMONSTRANTEN sich in Richtung des Präsidentenpalastes aufmachen.
201102102235         An mehreren Stellen auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ kommt es laut SPIEGEL—ONLINE—REPORTER Hasnain Kazim zu lautstarken Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Demonstranten.
201102102237         —NACH PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK hält —NUN auch VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—SULEIMAN eine im staatlichen TV übertragene Rede.
201102102254         —ZITIERT, Die BBC, den Militärexperten ALI—SHUKRI—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—OXFORD.
20110215210225       This is THE—LA—TEST transitional step in EGYPT, where THE—MILITARY has been in charge —SINCE—FRIDAY, —AFTER MUBARAK—RESIGNATION was announced.
20110804—20081022    —SINCE, It was the worst —DAY for the Dow.
20110927—20131022    —PLEADED, Eric and Ryan, guilty to misdemeanor charges.
20111022             S—LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA, motorcyclist GEORGE—LOPEZ, 51—jahre—alt was run over and killed by the driver of 1—PARATRANSIT VAN.
20111022             —CHARGED, EDDIE—HALL, 31—jahre—alt was soon, with intentionally hit Lopez, who was riding with 1—GROUP—OF—HELLS—ANGELS.
20111022             —KILLED, Off SOUTH—WEST—AUSTRALIA a great white shark, an USA—RECREATIONAL diver in a 3. fatality in recent weeks.
20111022             —MARKED, ANTI—CAPITALIST—PROTESTERS set up a 2. camp in LONDON, as they, —1—WEEK—OF—DEMONSTRATIONS outside St PAUL—CATHEDRAL, which forced THE—300—YEAR—OLD—MONUMENT to close —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20111022             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—COLOMBIA, 10—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS were, in 1—ATTACK blamed on leftist rebels, 2. such loss in less than —3—DAYS.
20111022             —CALLED, EGYPT—JUDICIAL—UNION, on judges to refrain from showing up to court —UNTIL they receive protection from authorities —AFTER what they say are assaults by lawyers.
20111022             The call came amid increasing tension between judges and lawyers over 1—BILL—WRITTEN—BY—THE—JUDGES—CLUB that would toughen penalties on lawyers in CASES—OF—CONTEMPT—OF—COURT.
20111022             —SENTENCED, EGYPT—MENA STATE—NEWS—AGENCY said 1—CAIRO court has, AYMAN—MANSOUR to —3—YEARS—IN—PRISON for postings on Facebook deemed to be inciting sectarianism and in contempt of Islam.
20111022             —COLLAPSED, NORTH—EAST—INDIA, 1—WOODEN—BRIDGE, in the Darjeeling district as over 150—VILLAGES gathered on it to hear speeches by local officials in Bijanbari.
20111022             —KILLED, AT—LEAST—31—PEOPLE were.
20111022             IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI said that USA—TROOPS are leaving IRAQ —AFTER—NEARLY—9—YEARS—OF—WAR because BAGHDAD rejected USA—DEMANDS that ANY—USA—MILITARY—FORCES to stay would have to be shielded from prosecution or lawsuits.
20111022             —CA—160—USA—TROOPS will remain at THE—USA—EMBASSY in BAGHDAD to help oversee training plans.
20111022             —URGED, ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—JORDAN, THE—WORLD Economic Forum meeting in AMMAN to create new strategies for the Arab region, insisting political change is needed for economic reforms.
20111022             —TRIED, NATO—LED peacekeepers, to remove roadblocks in NORTH—KOSOVO, but were prevented by Serbs guarding the blockade that has paralyzed travel in the tense region.
20111022             —NICKNAMED, MEXICO—PROSECUTORS said that a —15—YEAR—OLD—BOY, El Gallito, has confessed to running 1—DRUG trafficking gang on the resort ISLAND—OF—ISLA—MUJERES and murdering 2—WOMEN who reportedly worked as drug dealers.
20111022             —COLLAPSED, NEPAL, 1—FOOTBRIDGE over 1—TRISHULI—RIVER gorge, as DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE were crossing it and 3 plunged 50—FEET (15—METERS) to their deaths.
20111022             —CLAIMED, The radical Boko Haram sect soon, responsibility.
20111022             —UNSPECIFIED, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said in 1—STATEMENT it was blacklisting, USA—OFFICIALS it claims were involved in the abductions of alleged terrorism suspects, THE—TORTURE—OF—INMATES at GUANTANAMO prison, the killings of civilians in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ, and the abductions or abuse of Russians in THE—USA.
20111022             The most likely candidate to replace SULTAN—AS—KING—ABDULLAH—SUCCESSOR is PRINCE—NAYEF, 78—jahre—alt, the powerful interior MINISTER—IN—CHARGE—OF—INTERNAL—SECURITY—FORCES.
20111022             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—ALLEGEDLY drunk driver, 5—RUNNERS who were training for 1—MARATHON.
20111022             A 6. runner preparing for —NEXT—MONTH—SOWETO—MARATHON was badly injured in the accident in JOHANNESBURG.
20111022             † SOUTH—AFRICA—LEADING road cyclist, Carla Swart, —AFTER—being—hit by 1—TRUCK—EARLIER—THIS—YEAR—WHILE she was training.
20111022             —KILLED, TURKEY—MILITARY said its troops OVER—THE—LAST—2—DAYS have, AT—LEAST—49—KURDISH—REBELS in 1—VALLEY—NEAR THE—IRAQ—BORDER, as HUNDREDS—OF—TROOPS also pursued Kurdish fighters within NORTH—IRAQ.
20111022             † In YEMEN AT—LEAST—20—PEOPLE in fierce clashes in SANAA between PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH—TROOPS and rival forces, —1—DAY—AFTER THE—UN urged the embattled leader to hand over power.
20111022—20090000    —SINCE, He had been receiving treatment for colon cancer.
20111022—20111020    —ON, The women's bodies were found —BEFORE dawn and
20111022—20111021    —DETAINED, EL—GALLITO was.
20111022—20111231    —BY, Nearly 40,000—USA—TROOPS remain in IRAQ, ALL—OF—WHOM will withdraw.
20120731—20121022    —SENTENCED, Hanretty was, to —2—YEARS—IN—PRISON.
20120816—20121022    —ON, He was found guilty and SENTENCED—TO—DEATH for abusing and killing the girl.
20121022             USA—PRESIDENT—OBAMA and Mitt Romney held their 3. and final debate at Lynn UNIVERSITY—IN—BOCA—RATON, FLORIDA.
20121022             The focus was FOREIGN—POLICY, although both candidates slipped in SOME—REFERENCES to domestic issues.
20121022             THE—NEW—YORK—BASED COMMITTEE—TO—PROTECT—JOURNALISTS said in 1—REPORT that 76—JOURNALISTS are in prison in TURKEY and AT—LEAST—61—OF—THEM are held because for "their published work or newsgathering activities".
20121022             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, TALIBAN insurgents, 10—AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS in 1—AMBUSH in WEST—HERAT province.
20121022             —CONFESSED, AFGHANISTAN—POLICE said 1—MAN in HERAT has, to stabbing his wife to death to prevent her from taking 1—JOB outside the home.
20121022             —FACED, THE—BBC, growing fallout over sexual abuse ALLEGATIONS—AGAINST—JIMMY—SAVILE, 1—POPULAR—CHILDREN—TV entertainer, as PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON accused the broadcaster of changing its story about why it killed 1—NEWS—SEGMENT on the accusations.
20121022             —HAILED, Savile had been, as 1—POPULAR fixture in children's TV —WHEN he † at 84—LAST—YEAR.
20121022             Equatorial PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA—LAW prohibits secret and warrantless detentions, and stipulates that charges must be filed within —72—HOURS—OF—1—ARREST.
20121022             1—FRANCE—DEFENSE—OFFICIAL said that FRANCE plans to move 2—SURVEILLANCE—DRONES to WEST—AFRICA FROM AFGHANISTAN by —YEAR—END, though he did not provide details.
20121022             —REPORTED, FRANCE is also, to have SPECIAL—FORCES in the region —AROUND MALI, and to have contracted out surveillance of MALI to 1—PRIVATE—COMPANY.
20121022             ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT struck THE—NORTH—GAZA Strip, killing 2—PALESTINE—MILITANTS, —AFTER mortar attacks targeted ISRAEL—TROOPS—EARLIER in the —DAY.
20121022             † 1—JORDAN—SOLDIER was killed in CLASHES—WITH—ARMED—MILITANTS trying to cross the border into Syria.
20121022             —LAUNCHED, LEBANON—TROOPS, 1—MAJOR—SECURITY—OPERATION to open all roads and force gunmen off the streets.
20121022             —SPILLED, Sectarian clashes overnight left 4—DEAD as SYRIA—CIVIL—WAR, into neighboring countries.
20121022             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA—TOP investigative agency, that LEONID—RAZVOZZHAYEV, 1—GOVERNMENT opponent, has turned himself in and confessed to orchestrating riots.
20121022             —REPORTED, The activist's supporters, over the weekend that he had been kidnapped in UKRAINE by RUSSIA—SECURITY—OFFICERS outside 1—UN—OFFICE where he was going to apply for political asylum.
20121022             SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—BLAST outside 1—PRISON in CENTRAL—JOHANNESBURG killed 3—PRISONERS and seriously wounded—4—OTHERS in 1 attempted escape plan.
20121022             —FLOATED, SOUTH—KOREA—ACTIVISTS, balloons carrying TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—PYONGYANG leaflets into NORTH—KOREA, eluding police who had disrupted 1—EARLIER—LAUNCH—ATTEMPT DUE—TO—THREATS from NORTH—KOREA.
20121022             —REPORTED, SPAIN—NATIONAL—STATISTICS—INSTITUTE, that 21.1—PERCENT—OF—THE—NATION—47—MILLION—POPULATION—LIVES below the poverty line, set at 1—ANNUAL $9,610.
20121022             —ARRESTED, SYRIA, 42—CIVILIANS, at 1—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT in THE—DAMASCUS suburb of Moadamia AL—SHAM, were soon found executed.
20121022             —DECRIED, TUNISIA, thousands, the growing political violence —DURING—1—PROTEST in TUNIS.
201308110810220212   Rippers Unknown DENVER—COLORADO—UNITED—STATES LOCKHEED—MARTIN—CORPORATION ( (No referring link)
20131021             Trains began running 20131022             .
20131021—20131022    —TRAINS began running.
20131022             NATO—REFORM: DE—MAIZIÈRE will DEUTSCHEN—SONDERWEG beenden
20131022             Feierabend in Zowi Sidgi, 1—ORT im NORD—WESTEN PAKISTANs.
20131022             EINIGE—MÄNNER sitzen NACH—DER—ARBEIT zum ESSEN in 1—ZELT beisammen, als 4—DROHNEN über das Dorf fliegen.
20131022             Augenzeugen kommen zu Hilfe, suchen nach Überlebenden, wühlen in den Trümmern.
20131022             —MINUTEN—SPÄTER, dann 1—ERNEUTE Raketenserie, diesmal werden MINDESTENS—6 der Helfer sofort getötet, 2—WEITERE erliegen —SPÄTER, ihren Verletzungen.
20131022             —AM—ENDE sterben —AN—DIESEM—ABEND in Zowi Sidgi 18—MENSCHEN, 22—WERDEN verletzt - darunter auch 1—ACHTJÄHRIGES Mädchen.
20131022             Nicht die von DEN—USA vermuteten militanten KÄMPFER, sondern einfache Dorfbewohner sollen demnach gestorben sein.
20131022             Bei einigen
20131022             DIE—ORGANISATION beruft sich auf pensionierte PAKISTANISCHE—GEHEIM—DIENSTOFFIZIERE.
20131022             Nach deren Aussagen aus diesem und dem vergangenen —JAHR sollen "DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE in DEUTSCHLAND und anderen EUROPÄISCHE—STAATEN mit DEN—USA und deren DROHNEN—PROGRAMM in PAKISTAN zusammengearbeitet"haben.
20131022             DEUTSCHLAND habe dem USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—CIA DATEN wie Handynummern von —SPÄTEREN Drohnenopfern geliefert.
20131022             Der PAKISTAN—EXPERTE—VON—AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, MUSTAFA—QADRI, sagte auf Anfrage: "Wir veröffentlichen diesen Bericht, um Regierungen einschließlich DER—DEUTSCHES—DAZU zu drängen, ihre Rolle in dem USA—DROHNEN—PROGRAMM offenzulegen".DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG verlasse sich auf die Selbstauskunft der USA, wonach DAS—VÖLKER—RECHT eingehalten werde, teilte Qadri weiter mit.
20131022             "DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG muss endlich öffentlich einfordern, dass auch DIE—USA sich an das geltende RECHT halten. DEUTSCHE—BEHÖRDEN dürfen die rechtswidrigen DROHNEN—ANGRIFFE der USA nicht auch noch unterstützen".
20131022             Der Zählung der INTERNETplattform "THE—LONG—WAR—JOURNAL"zufolge sind
20131022             200—MÜSSTEN als sogenannte Nichtkämpfer betrachtet werden.
20131022             DIE—MENSCHEN lebten in ständiger Bedrohung, würden DIE—DROHNEN am Himmel sehen und —NACHTS deren Geräusche hören.
20131022             VIELE—HÄTTEN—MITTLERWEILE sogar Angst, im Falle 1—ANGRIFFS den Verletzten zu helfen.
20131022             Denn oftmals würden mehrere Raketen in Serie abgeschossen.
20131022             DIE—SPÄTEREN Geschosse töteten dann jene, die den Opfern der 1. Attacke helfen wollten.
20131022             "Wir müssen mit FRANZÖSISCHER—FUNDAMENTALOPPOSITION rechnen".
20131022             Das DEUTSCHE—KONZEPT sieht vor, dass sich DIE—ALLIANZ künftig in Gruppen (Cluster) unterteilt, die jeweils von 1—DER größeren NATO—MITGLIED—STAATEN geführt werden sollen.
20131022             Papier, das DE—MAIZIÈRE in der NATO verteilen ließ.
20131022             Geplant sei, dass diese STAATEN ihre MILITÄR—FÄHIGKEITEN zusammenlegen und sogar neue Waffensysteme und Ausrüstung gemeinsam beschaffen.
20131022             Das wäre nicht weniger als 1—EINGRIFF in DIE—NATIONALE Souveränität der NATO—MITGLIEDER.
20131022             So 1—SCHRITT missfällt nicht nur FRANKREICH.
20131022             Auch SPANIEN und DIE—SLOWAKEI äußerten sich im NATO—RAT vorsichtig ablehnend.
20131022             Selbst Nationen, die den DEUTSCHEN—VORSCHLAG begrüßen, darunter DIE—USA und GROß—BRITANNIEN, treibt besonders 1—FRAGE um: Wie sollen sich gerade kleinere Mitgliedstaaten, die auf bestimmte MILITÄR—FÄHIGKEITEN verzichten, auf Deutschlands Solidarität verlassen können, wenn dort bei gemeinsamen Auslandseinsätzen JEDES—MAL—DER—BUNDES—TAG zustimmen muss?
20131022             "1—FUNKTIONSFÄHIGES VERTEIDIGUNGS—BÜNDNIS gründet auf geteiltes Risiko und DAS—VERTRAUEN in die wechselseitige Solidarität seiner Mitglieder",
20131022             schreibt EKKEHARD—BROSE, in 1—STUDIE für DIE—STIFTUNG Wissenschaft und Politik.
20131022             "Die Beteiligung des BUNDES—TAGES kann gemindert werden, wenn dies aufgrund der vertraglich vorgegebenen MILITÄR—INTEGRATION sachdienlich erscheint", schrieb etwa DER—SPD—RECHTS—EXPERTE DIETER—WIEFELSPÜTZ voriges —JAHR.
20131022             6. EntlassungsURKUNDE - maschinenschlosser —HEUTE, 07:37—UHR
20131022             DE—MAIZIÈRES will den DEUTSCHEN—BUNDES—TAG ausschalten und seine Kriegsentscheidungen allein mit den Amerikanern verhandeln.
20131022             Unglaublich, aber rechtzeitig erkannt.
20131022             27. Alles Augenwischerei - tobias334 —HEUTE, 09:31—UHR
20131022             In der NATO hat nur 1—DAS Sagen, nämlich der SACUR DER—USA—ARMEE.
20131022             Alles andere von wegen des GENERAL—SEKRETÄRS usw. ist bloß Brimborium.
20131022             Den USA geht bei solchen "Reformen"doch nur darum die immensen Kosten des MILITÄRs für ihr sterbendes Imperium besser zu verteilen.
20131022             Unser Herr MINISTER ist für diese Aufgabe 1—NÜTZLICHER Agent.
20131022             Wehrbeauftragter: Soldaten beschweren sich MEHR—ALS je zuvor über DIE—BUNDESWEHR
20131022             10     CA—,10—PROZENT—DER—EINGABEN geht es ums Geld.
20131022             1. 1—MUTTER, fehlendesx —HEUTE, 08:07—UHR
20131022             welche in den KRIEG ziehen will, sollte wohl weniger.
20131022             1—KINDERBETREUNG—PLATZ angeboten werden als vielmehr das sorgerecht entzogen werden. leben schaffen oder vernichten, DIE—WELT mit Waffengewalt. retten oder Mutter sein, man muss sich auch mal entscheiden können, selbst in Zeiten 1—PERVERTIERTEN emanzipationsbegriffes. aber diese Entwicklung einmal zu ende gedacht, werden wohl —DEMNÄCHST kugelbäuchige gebährmaschinen den feind niedermetzeln.
20131022             Ja, geht's denn noch? Ich kann ja fast verstehen, dass man —JETZT in der Feldküche laktosefreie Milch und glutenfreies Brot dabeihaben muss.. da es ja so VIELE—NEUE—KRANKHEITEN gibt und es wohl keine gesunden Soldaten mehr gibt.. —JETZT auch noch Kinderbetreuung für Mütter im AUSLANDS—EINSATZ DER—BUNDESWEHR.
20131022             FRÜHER wurden FamilienVÄTER von der Wehrpflicht ausgenommen, wenn es ging und sie einverstanden waren —, —HEUTE muss DIE—BUNDESWEHR 1—KASERNENKINDERGARTEN stellen? —JETZT lasst doch mal die Kirche im Dorf.
20131022             —VON, 20120000—20130000    —MITTE—BIS—MITTE, verglich.
20131022             In diesem —ZEIT—RAUM gab VW demnach 11,4—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR aus.
20131022             Damit liegt der AUTO—KONZERN weit vor der weltweiten Nummer 2—BEI den Forschungsausgaben: Der SÜD—KOREANISCHE UNTERHALTUNGSELEKTRONIK—KONZERN Samsung kam auf 10,4—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR, die er in Forschung und Entwicklung steckte.
20131022             Dahinter liegen DIE—USA—COMPUTERRIESEN Intel und Microsoft auf den Plätzen 4—UND 5.
20131022             Klinische Studien: Ärzte verschärfen Regeln für die Forschung am Menschen
20131022             Zuwanderung: DER—AUSLÄNDER—ZAHL in DEUTSCHLAND steigt massiv
20131022             EU—VERORDNUNG: FRIEDRICH will DATEN—SCHUTZ—REGELN wieder ändern
20131022             Evolution des Menschen: Zähne zeigen frühe Trennung vom NEANDERTALER
20131022             Rogoffs Rechenfehler: STAR—ÖKONOM beklagt Hexenjagd nach EXCEL—PANNE
20131022             INTERNATIONALER—VERGLEICH: USA—KONZERNE übertrumpfen europäische Konkurrenz
20131022             Starker Anstieg der HÄUSER—PREISE, CHINA droht IMMOBILIEN—BLASE
20131022             REGIERUNGS—CHEF—CASTRO: KUBA schafft Parallelwährung ab
20131022             —VERBIETET, Hautkrebsrisiko: AUSTRALIEN, Solarien
20131022             Mit Blick auf DIE—SCHULDEN—KRISE—IN—EUROPA rät Rogoff zu 1—SCHNELLEN Umschuldung.
20131022             Er glaube nicht, dass SÜD—EUROPA ohne 1—MASSIVEN SCHULDEN—SCHNITT und 1—RESTRUKTURIERUNG aus DER—KRISE wachsen könne.
20131022             "Ich muss den Deutschen leider sagen: Ihr werdet euer Geld nicht zurückbekommen, nicht alles", sagte Rogoff.
20131022             "Je FRÜHER ihr 1—GROSSZÜGIGEN Deal macht, desto besser ist es".Der EHEMALIGE—IWF—CHEFVOLKSWIRT bezieht sich dabei nicht nur auf GRIECHENLAND, sondern ausdrücklich auf die "ganze Peripherie"- also auch auf Länder wie PORTUGAL, SPANIEN und IRLAND.
20131022             "Ich fürchte, es wird 1—SOZIALE Explosion geben, BEVOR diese Länder aus der SCHULDEN—KRISE wachsen".
20131022             Der Fehler "war peinlich, aber er hatte keine große quantitative Bedeutung".
20131022             —INTERPRETIERT, Er sei "aufgeblasen und bewusst falsch, und polemisiert"worden.
20131022             "Der wichtigste Punkt ist, nach der ganzen polemischen Hitze, dass mein Kernergebnis steht: Sehr hohe Schulden sind verbunden mit niedrigerem Wachstum".Rogoff warnt davor, Defizite —NUN zu verharmlosen.
20131022             "Wenn irgendjemand denkt, dass REKORD—SCHULDEN in Ordnung sind, dann liegt er falsch. DIE—GESCHICHTE lehrt das Gegenteil".
20131022             1—POST—REGIERUNG möchte durch das nervige Politikgeschehen nicht vom verwalterischen, PR—BASIERTEN Postregieren abgehalten werden.
20131022             Was den SPÄH—SKANDAL angeht, dürfte sich durch DIE—GROßE—KOALITION nichts verbessern.
20131022             Auch hier hilft das wunderbare Mittel des Vergleichs weiter.
20131022             Vor der Wahl beschuldigte DIE—SPD MERKEL, ihren Amtseid gebrochen zu haben, weil sie auf die auf massive Verletzung der GRUND—RECHTE DER—BÜRGER nicht reagiere.
20131022             Nach der Wahl 10—EIBT DIE—SPD die 10—WICHTIGSTEN Punkte ihrer —POLITIK auf und nicht einmal die allerkleinste Nebensatzandeutung weist auf irgendwas mit GRUND—RECHTSBRÜCHEN hin.
20131022             —GEGEN, ÜBERWACHUNG: GOOGLE will Nutzern gegen Netzzensur helfen
20131022             JOB—MARKT: USA—ARBEITSLOSENQUOTE sinkt auf 7,2 %
20131022             Zahlensinn: MATHE—BEGABUNG —SCHON bei Babys erkennbar
20131022             Denn dass der VERZICHT—AUF—1—SITZ im SICHERHEITS—RAT 1—TROTZREAKTION in Richtung WASHINGTON war, stellte —NUN PRINZ—BANDAR, DER—GEHEIM—DIENST—CHEF—DER—SAUDIS, noch einmal klar.
20131022             "Das war 1—BOTSCHAFT—AN—DIE—USA, nicht an DIE—UNO", erklärte Bandar europäischen DIPLOMAten, wie DIE—USA—ZEITUNG WALL—STREET—JOURNAL berichtete.
20131022             DIE—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT—MIT—WASHINGTON solle zurückgefahren werden, kündigte der PRINZ an.
20131022             Stattdessen werde SAUDI—ARABIEN in ZUKUNFT lieber mit anderen Partnern wie JORDANIEN und FRANKREICH enger zusammenarbeiten.
20131022             Sogar 1—SAUDI—ARABISCHES "Abrücken von DEN—USA"soll DER—GEHEIM—DIENST—CHEF—IN—AUSSICHT gestellt haben und 1 "Einfluss auf die HANDELS—BEZIEHUNGEN"beider Länder.
20131022             Für WASHINGTON ist SAUDI—ARABIEN 1—WICHTIGER WAFFEN—ABSATZMARKT und Öllieferant.
20131022             ALS—SOLCHER ärgert er sich —SCHON—LÄNGER über OBAMA—ZÖGERLICHKEIT.
20131022             SAUDI—ARABIEN hatte 20120000             mit vereinzelten WAFFEN—LIEFERUNGEN an REBELLEN—GRUPPEN begonnen sowie mit Trainingslagern in JORDANIEN zusammen mit den Amerikanern und Franzosen.
20131022             WASHINGTON scheint seine vielfach angekündigten WAFFEN—LIEFERUNGEN kaum je geliefert zu haben und blieb unter den Erwartungen von PRINZ—BANDAR.
20131022             PRINZ—BANDARS—AUSSAGEN kommen da 1—UNVERHOHLENEN Drohung an WASHINGTON gleich: Wir machen weiter, im Zweifelsfall auch ohne euch.
20131022             10. Notwendiges Umdenken - nocheinforist —HEUTE, 16:07—UHR
20131022             DIE—AMIS bewegen sich endlich in die richtige Richtung. es sind die Monarchien am Golf, die den fundamentalistischen TERROR—IN—DER—WELT fördern, IRAN und ASSAD viel weniger. es ist klar, dass DIE—USA nicht von —HEUTE auf —MORGEN "umfallen"können und sich mit diesen verbünden, zumal beide auch keine Freunde ISRAEL—SIND, aber in Sachen AL—KAIDA u. ä. steht man eigentlich weitgehend auf der selben Seite.
20131022             —BESTIMMT, SAUDI—ARABIEN wird im SICHERHEITS—RAT, nicht vermisst.
20131022             Unbemannter Transporter: PRIVAT—RAUMKAPSEL "Cygnus"verlässt ISS
20131022             CHINA: STAATS—MEDIEN werfen Starbucks überhöhte PREIS—E vor
20131022             Das gelte selbst dann, wenn man den Faktor Intelligenz herausrechne, schreiben Ariel Starr und ihre 2—KOLLEGINNEN im Fachblatt "PROCEEDINGS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES".
20131022             1. BUNDES—TAGSSITZUNG: SCHWARZ—ROT demonstriert seine MACHT
20131022             Meteorit von Tscheljabinsk: Satellitenbilder zeigen Flugbahn des Feuerballs
20131022             Tripolis: EX—REBELLEN randalieren in libyschem PARLAMENT
20131022             EU—GRENZ—KONTROLLEN: PARLAMENTarier rebellieren gegen FINGER—CHECK
20131022             SAUDI—ARABIEN: Geplante DEMO—GEGEN—FRAUEN—FAHR—VERBOT erzürnt Gelehrte
20131022             GROßE—KOALITION im BUNDES—TAG: die unheimliche Supermacht
20131022             Der Hintergrund: Saudische Feministinnen haben für —SAMSTAG 1—AKTIONS—TAG geplant.
20131022             Die AKTIVISTinnen haben Frauen aufgefordert, sich am kommenden —SAMSTAG kollektiv hinter das STEUER zu setzen.
20131022             Ihr Ziel ist es, 1—AUFHEBUNG des Frauenfahrverbotes zu erreichen.
20131022             Dabei kritisierten sie vor allem auch die "systematische Diskriminierung von Frauen".
20131022             Auch ausländische —ARBEITER hätten in dem Land keine Rechte, ebenso gehe es der schiitischen Minderheit.
20131022             Insgesamt sei die Situation "desaströs", hatte DIE—MENSCHEN—RECHTS—ORGANISATION —AM—MONTAG erklärt.
20131022             —VERSPROCHEN, Statt wie, die Lage zu verbessern, habe DIE—FÜHRUNG in Riad ihre Repressionen noch verschärft. es gebe "willkürliche Verhaftungen, ungerechte Prozesse und FOLTER".
20131022             70 % aller Studenten in SAUDI—ARABIEN sind Frauen, und wenn man bedenkt, dass
20131022             DER—NAME klingt charmant: "Smart Borders"heißt 1—PROGRAMM der EU—KOMMISSION, wonach Kontrollen an EUROPAs Außengrenzen künftig vollautomatisch ablaufen sollen.
20131022             —GEHÖRT, Dazu, etwa die elektroni 10—ERFASSUNG aller 10—FINGERABDRÜCKE von sämtlichen EU—AUSLÄNDERN bei der EIN—REISE, AUS—REISE.
20131022             —GESPEICHERT, Diese DATEN sollen dann, werden.
20131022             Doch 1—VOM Europäischen PARLAMENT in Auftrag gegebene Studie kritisiert das geplante MAßNAHMEnpaket scharf.
20131022             Dies soll illegale Einwanderer abschrecken, insbesondere sogenannte "Overstayer", Menschen also, die in der EU bleiben, obwohl ihr Visum abgelaufen ist.
20131022             Die Kommission schätzt deren Zahl auf —BIS zu 3,8—MILLIONEN.
20131022             DAS—PROGRAMM soll aber auch helfen, DIE—DATEN—VON—EU—AUSLÄNDERN —SCHON vor ihrer Einreise zu prüfen.
20131022             Wer sich darauf einlässt, soll DIE—GRENZE dann rascher passieren können.
20131022             Angriffe in PAKISTAN und JEMEN: USA—REGIERUNG verteidigt DROHNEN—KRIEG
20131022             —PROTESTE—IN—DER—TÜRKEI—POLIZEI setzt Wasserwerfer gegen Demonstranten 1
20131022             WASHINGTON, DIE—USA verwahren sich gegen den Vorwurf, ihre DROHNEN—ANGRIFFE würden gegen VÖLKER—RECHT verstoßen und möglicherweise sogar als KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN zählen.
20131022             DIE—ATTACKEN mit den unbemannten Kampfflugzeugen seien "präzise, rechtmäßig und wirksam", erklärte DAS—WEIßE—HAUS.
20131022             Ganz anders sieht das DIE—MENSCHEN—RECHTS—ORGANISATION AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL: Sie beschuldigte DIE—USA illegaler Tötungen in PAKISTAN und DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG—DER—MITHILFE.
20131022             —AM—MONTAG entlud sich die Wut erneut in RIO—DE—JANEIRO.
20131022             In 1—HOTEL wurden die Explorationsrechte FÜR—1—OFF—SHORE—ÖLFELD vor der BRASILIANISCHEN—KÜSTE versteigert.
20131022             Ölarbeiter, Studenten und Mitglieder linker Parteien protestierten gegen den "Ausverkauf"von BRASILIENs Ölreserven.
20131022             DIE—DEMONSTRANTEN wollten in die abgeriegelte Zone vorstoßen, DAS—MILITÄR setzte Gummigeschosse und Tränengas ein, mehrere Menschen wurden verletzt. es gab Krawalle - so wie VERGANGENE—WOCHE bei Demonstrationen von BRASILIANISCHEN—LEHRERN.
20131022             und JEDES—JAHR werden 50.000—MENSCHEN ermordet.
20131022             Der soll Millionen Telefonverbindungen FRANZÖSISCHER—BÜRGER aufgezeichnet haben.
20131022             Demnach wurden die FRANZÖSISCHE—BOTSCHAFT in WASHINGTON und die FRANZÖSISCHE—DELEGATION bei den VEREINTE—NATIONEN abgehört.
20131022             Dafür benutzte DIE—NSA offenbar 1—SPEZIELLES Programm mit dem Namen "Genie", wie auch der BRITISCHE—FERNSEHSENDER BBC berichtet.Für dieses Programm habe DER—GEHEIM—DIENST allein
20131022             So sei sie im Vorfeld 1—ABSTIMMUNG des UNO—SICHERHEITS—RATS über SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—IRAN immer über "Ansichten anderer Länder im Bilde"gewesen.
20131022             —GEHOLFEN, DIE—NSA "hat mir, die Wahrheit zu kennen. Das hat es uns erlaubt, bei —VERHANDLUNGEN immer 1—SCHRITT voraus zu sein".
20131022             BAYERN, GERMANY LEIBNIZ—RECHENZENTRUM (lrz) ( -
20131022             (No referring link) - WHITE—HOUSE defends drone program amid criticism - WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS— SECRETARY—JAY...
20131022             Bei einigen Angriffen könne es sich sogar um KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN handeln.
20131022             "Mit dem strikt geheim gehaltenen DROHNEN—PROGRAMM gibt sich DIE—USA 1—LIZENZ—ZUM—TÖTEN, DIE—MENSCHENRECHTLICHE Standards und DAS—VÖLKER—RECHT vollkommen ignoriert", sagt AMNESTY—ASIENEXPERTIN Verena Harpe.
20131022             WASHINGTON/HAMBURG—ES ist der 20120706             .
20131022             BUSCHBRÄNDE—IN—AUSTRALIEN: "Schlimmer kann es kaum kommen"
20131022             Als GEHEIM—DIENST—CHEF—IST PRINZ—BANDAR für die unterstützung der SYRIEN—REBELLEN zuständig GEMEINSAM—MIT—DEN—USA.
20131022             1—MUTTER, 1—VON ihnen erklärte, der FRAUEN—AKTIONS—TAG sei 1 "AMERIKANISCHE—PRODUKTION".
20131022             ANGRIFFE—IN—PAKISTAN und JEMEN, USA—REGIERUNG verteidigt DROHNEN—KRIEG - Alles Augenwischerei
20131022             —KRITISIERT, Auch DEUTSCHLAND wird von AMNESTY.
20131022             Auf PLATZ—3 in der Bestenliste folgt der SCHWEIZER—PHARMARIESE Roche mit Forschungs—, Entwicklungsausgaben von 10,2—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR.
20131022             BAYERN,
20131022             Bei einigen - Bei einigen Angriffen könne es sich sogar um KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN handeln.
20131022             Betagte Sozialhilfeempfänger: "DIE—ALTERSARMUT wird weiter steigen"
20131022             BÜRGER, die aus Bequemlichkeit präventiv resignieren, verdienen 1—POSTREGIERUNG, die ihnen aus der Resignation 1—NICHT—POLITIK schnitzt und diese als grundsolide, vernünftig und alternativlos darstellt.
20131022             DIE— USA—AMIS bewegen sich endlich in die richtige Richtung.
20131022             DIE—150—ISLAMGELEHRTEN erklärten, das in SAUDI—ARABIEN geltende FAHR—VERBOT—FÜR—FRAUEN müsse unbedingt aufrechterhalten werden.
20131022             DIE—ENTLASSUNGSURKUNDE vom BUNDES—PRÄSIDENTEN kommt gerade RECHT.
20131022             DIE—HERBERGE der Männer wird beschossen, MINDESTENS—8—VON ihnen —STERBEN auf der Stelle.
20131022             DIE—RICHTLINIE für MEDIZIN—PRODUKTE : EU beugt sich Druck der INDUSTRIE—LOBBY
20131022             Das SMART—BORDERS—SYSTEM will DATEN—DIENSTE—VON—POLIZEI und anderen BEHÖRDEN—IN—EU—LÄNDERN besser verknüpfen und durch Drohnen und AUFKLÄRUNGS—SATELLITEN EUROPA—GRENZEN schärfer kontrollieren.
20131022             —IRRITIERT, Dass der KURS—WECHSEL OBAMAs auch DIE—SAUDIS zutiefst, hat, zeigt —JETZT die heftige RE—AKTION des Königs.
20131022             Der Widerstand der FRANZOSEN richtet sich gegen DE—MAIZIÈRES Vorschlag FÜR—1—REFORM der NATO.
20131022             Der Ökonom räumt den RECHEN—FEHLER zwar ein, verteidigt aber DAS—ERGEBNIS.
20131022             EU—VERORDNUNG: FRIEDRICH will DATEN—SCHUTZ—REGELN wieder ändern - EntlassungsURKUNDE
20131022             GERMANY LEIBNIZ—RECHENZENTRUM (lrz) (
20131022             HAMBURG—USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—JOHN—KERRY hielt sich AM—DIENSTAGIN FRANKREICH auf —, sah sich mit der Empörung seines Gastlandes über SPÄH—AKTIONEN des AMERIKA—GEHEIM—DIENST—NSA konfrontiert.
20131022             In diesem —ZEIT—RAUM gab VW demnach 11.400.000.000—$ aus.
20131022             CA—,10 % DER—EINGABEN geht es ums Geld.
20131022             Ja, geht's denn noch?
20131022             Konzept ab - Letta Tayler, die Autorin des HRW—BERICHTS, warnt deshalb auch vor Rückschlägen bei den ANTI—TERROR—BEMÜHUNGEN Amerikas: "JEMENiten haben uns gesagt, daß sie wegen dieser Attacken DIE—USA genauso fürchten wie AL—QAIDA".
20131022             —KORRIGIERT, Mehr Wachstum: BUNDES—REGIERUNG, PROGNOSE nach oben
20131022             NSA—ABHÖR—SKANDAL, HOLLANDE—WUT, MERKELs Schweigen
20131022             Neben dem SYRIEN—KURS—WECHSEL sei Riad auch über WASHINGTONs vorsichtige ANNÄHERUNG—AN—DEN SAUDI—ARABISCHEN Rivalen IRAN und die anhaltende USA—UNTERSTÜTZUNG—FÜR—ISRAEL erbost, sagte Bandar den DIPLOMAten, so DIE—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—REUTERS.
20131022             Notwendiges Umdenken - Papier, das DE—MAIZIÈRE in der NATO verteilen ließ.
20131022             Related surnames: AMELING (202) MELLINGER (191) MECHLING (82) MELLIN (80) MELLING (80) MILLING (52) MELLINGS (30) MULLINGS (20) MALLING (6) MEALING (6)
20131022             SAUDI—ARABIEN ist über den KURS—WECHSEL OBAMAs wütend, weil sie ASSAD—POSITION festigt: Indem DIE—USA und RUSSLAND sich darauf einigten, daß DER—DIKTATOR —BIS—MITTE, 20140000             seine CHEMIE—WAFFEN abgeben muss, machen sie auch klar, daß DER—PRÄSIDENT —BIS—MINDESTENS—ZEIT—PUNKT—ZU—DIESEM, der wichtigste Mann SYRIENs bleibt.
20131022             STEIGENDE—ALTERSARMUT: So VIELE—RENTNER wie nie zuvor brauchen Grundsicherung
20131022             USA—BUNDES—STAAT—UTAH: Schüler findet Knochen von BABY—DINO
20131022             WASHINGTON/HAMBURG—ES ist der
20131022             WHITE—HOUSE defends drone —PROGRAM amid criticism - WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS— SECRETARY—JAY...
20131022             Wer —BEREITS als Säugling gut mit Mengen umgehen kann, wird auch —3—JAHRE—ALT, mathematische Aufgaben besser meistern als andere Kinder.
20131022             Wie groß die Wut der vorgeführten Verbündeten ist, ließ sich —BISHER, nur erahnen: DIE—TÜRKEI kündigte KURZ—NACH, OBAMAs —ENTSCHEIDUNG an, Waffen von den Chinesen einkaufen zu wollen - 1—OHRFEIGE für den USA—PRÄSIDENTEN.
20131022             —AMNESTY bemerkt, daß im NORD—WESTEN PAKISTANs 1—ATMOSPHÄRE der Angst entstanden sei.
20131022             —AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL
20131022             —DIE—SPD ist strikt gegen 1—LOCKERUNG des Beteiligungsgesetzes, auch wenn einzelne Stimmen kompromissbereit scheinen.
20131022             —IM, Vorjahr habe die Truppe NOCH—CA—200.000—SOLDATEN umfasst, —NUN noch CA—185.000.
20131022             —LAUT, "LE—MONDE"soll DIE—NATIONAL—SICHERHEITS—BERATERIN—DER—USA, SUSAN—RICE, die Aktion gelobt haben.
20131022             —MILITÄR—EXPERTEN DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG sehen das anders.
20131022             —MILITÄR—EXPERTEN DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG sehen das anders".1—FUNKTIONSFÄHIGES VERTEIDIGUNGS—BÜNDNIS gründet auf geteiltes Risiko und DAS—VERTRAUEN in die wechselseitige Solidarität seiner Mitglieder", schreibt EKKEHARD—BROSE, 20130000             —BIS GESANDTER—IN—DER—DEUTSCHES—NATO—VERTRETUNG, in 1—STUDIE für DIE—STIFTUNG Wissenschaft und Politik.
20131022             —NEUE—MASSEN—PROTESTE: BRASILIEN driftet nach links
20131022             —NEUE—REGELN: FACEBOOK erlaubt Mordvideos wieder
20131022             Greenpeace said consumer products such as Oreo cookies and Gilette shaving cream were among 1—ARRAY—OF—PRODUCTS driving THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—INDONESIA—FORESTS.
20131022             —ACCUSED, Greenpeace, SINGAPORE—BASED Wilmar INTERNATIONAL for destroying forests in INDONESIA to produce palm oil.
20131022             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ORDERED—USA—MARSHALS to lock up TV pitchman KEVIN—TRUDEAU, 50—jahre—alt for failing to pay a $37—MILLION—CIVIL—JUDGEMENT.
20131022             THE—FTC had won the judgement —AFTER accusing Trudeau of hoodwinking viewers about his WEIGHT—LOSS—BOOKS.
20131022             MASSACHUSETTS, Danvers High School math teacher Colleen Ritzer (24) was reported missing.
20131022             Her body was found THE—NEXT—DAY in the woods behind her school.
20131022             —ARRESTED, Student PHILIP—CHISM, 14—jahre—alt was, and suspected of beating her to death.
20131022             —SHOWED, FINLAND—BASED Nokia, off its 1. tablet in ABU—DHABI, the Lumia 2520, at its last launch party as MUCH—OF—THE—COMPANY faced acquisition by Microsoft.
20131022             AFGHANISTAN—INDEPENDENT—ELECTION—COMMISSION (IEC) cut THE—NUMBER—OF—CANDIDATES to 10, saying 16 disqualified candidates had either retained citizenship of another country or failed to provide EVIDENCE—OF—ENOUGH support.
20131022             —SACKED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE said it has, 65—OFFICERS—AFTER discovering they were addicted to heroin.
20131022             —KILLED, BAHRAIN, 1—TEENAGER was, —WHEN 1—EXPLOSIVE device he was carrying detonated prematurely as he attempted to stage 1—ATTACK in the tense Gulf nation.
20131022             —CHARGED, BRAZIL, prosecutors in RIO—DE—JANEIRO, 1—ADDITIONAL 15—STATE—POLICE—OFFICERS in the torture and DEATH—OF—AMARILDO—DIAS—DE—SOUZA, 42—jahre—alt, 1—BRICKLAYER who disappeared from 1—CITY slum in July.
20131022             10—OFFICERS were charged —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20131022             BRUNEI—SOVEREIGN Hassanal Bolkiah (67) said BRUNEI will begin enforcing sharia criminal law —NEXT—YEAR.
20131022             Possible punishments will include stoning to death for adultery and flogging for drinking alcohol.
20131022             —ACCUSED, Western countries, CHINA of arresting activists, curbing INTERNET use and suppressing ethnic minorities, as THE—UNITED—NATIONS formally reviewed its rights record for the 1. time —SINCE Xi Jinping became PRESIDENT.
20131022             —AMBUSHED, EGYPT, militants, 1—MILITARY—CONVOY in NORTH—SINAI early, killing 1—SOLDIER and 1—CIVIL—BYSTANDER.
20131022             —VOTED, GREECE—LAWMAKERS, to suspend state funding for political parties ACCUSED—OF—CRIMINAL—ACTIVITIES, 1—MEASURE targeting THE—NAZI—INSPIRED Golden Dawn group.
20131022             1—TOP—GREECE—PROSECUTOR ordered 1—EMERGENCY nationwide investigation into birth certificates issued in the past —6—YEARS—AFTER 1—GIRL was discovered living with alleged abductors at 1—GYPSY camp.
20131022             —KILLED, IRAQ, gunmen, 5—PEOPLE in and —AROUND MOSUL.
20131022             —KILLED, Anbar province was hit by 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS that, 28—PEOPLE.
20131022             —KILLED, ISRAEL—TROOPS, MOHAMED—AATZI, 1—ISLAM—JIHAD militant said to be behind 20120000             —THE—BOMBING—OF—1—TEL—AVIV bus.
20131022             —CONFIRMED, THE—PALESTINE—RADICAL—MOVEMENT, his death.
20131022             —KILLED, LEBANON, 1—CHILD, 13—jahre—alt was, and 11—OTHER—PEOPLE wounded in 1—GUNFIGHT in TRIPOLI between supporters and OPPONENTS—OF—SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD.
20131022             1—SOURCE—CLOSE to SAUDI—ARABIA—POLICY said SAUDI—ARABIA—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF has said the kingdom will make a "major shift" in relations with THE—USA in protest at its perceived inaction over the Syria war and its overtures to IRAN.
20131022             —ORDERED, SPAIN—JUDGES, ETA prisoner Ines del Rio freed —AFTER EUROPE—RIGHTS—COURT ruled against her prolonged detention, opening the way to THE—RELEASE—OF—DOZENS—OF—OTHER—VIOLENT—BASQUE separatists.
20131022             —BATTLED, GOVERNMENT—FORCES, with AL—QAIDA—LINKED rebels trying to capture 1—ANCIENT—CHRISTIAN town NORTH—OF—DAMASCUS.
20131022             Mortar shells struck 1—PRO—GOVERNMENT suburb on the outskirts of DAMASCUS, 2—PEOPLE—killed.
20131022—20080000    —SINCE, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA reported that CHINA has convicted nearly 150,000—PEOPLE for corruption, citing figures from the state prosecutor which underlined THE—SCALE—OF—GRAFT in the country.
20131022—20121024    —CALLED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, on THE—USA to investigate reports of civilians killed and wounded by CIA drone strikes in PAKISTAN in 1—REPORT that provided new details about the alleged VICTIMS—OF—THE—ATTACKS, including a —68—YEAR—OLD grandmother hit, —WHILE farming with her grandchildren.
20131022—20140000    —AB, Konzept NATO schränkt AFGHANISTAN—MISSION radikal 1
20131022—20151215    —ON, Chism was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and armed robbery.
20131022—20180000    —IN, Police in Sonoma COUNTY—CALIFORNIA, shot and killed ANDY—LOPEZ—CRUZ, 13—jahre—alt as he walked near his home with 1—TOY—RIFLE that resembled 1—GENUINE—AK 47. Sonoma County agreed to pay 3—MILLION—DOLLAR to the Lopez family.
20131026—20131022    —ON, Unidentified gunmen in 1—CAR shot at Mohamud as he drove to work in the Wadajir DISTRICT—OF—MOGADISHU.
201402210221152134   IE 8.0—WINXP Biella, PIEMONTE—ITALY Banca Sella S.p.a. Biella (bi) ( (No referring link)
201402210221152136   IE 8.0—WINXP 1280X800—BIELLA, PIEMONTE—ITALY Banca Sella S.p.a. Biella (bi) (
201409110910223634   IE 10.0 8.0—WIN7 1243X994—UNITED—STATES—FLAG—MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN—UNITED—STATES—MILWAUKEE County Federated Library SYSTEM ( Unavailable)
20141022             —NAMED, FRANCE—OIL—GIANT—TOTAL SA, PATRICK—POUYANNE as CHIEF executive to replace CHRISTOPHE—DE—MARGERIE, who was killed 20141020             in 1—PLANE—CRASH in MOSCOW.
20141022             —CHARGED, FORMER—SF—POLICE—OFFICER—REYNALDO Vargas, 1—OF 3—OFFICERS, in 1—CORRUPTION—CASE, admitted to 4—FELONY charges and promised to testify against former colleagues in 1—UPCOMING trial.
20141022             CANADA—CPL—NATHAN—CIRILLO was shot at THE—CANADA—WAR memorial in OTTAWA and 1—SHOOTER was seen running towards the nearby PARLIAMENT buildings where more shots were fired.
20141022             —REPORTED, MICHAEL—ZEHAF—BIBEAU, 1, convert to Islam, fatally shot Cirillo and raced through PARLIAMENT —BEFORE being killed by SERGEANT—AT—ARMS—KEVIN—VICKERS, 58—jahre—alt.
20141022             —KILLED, CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, gunmen OVER—THE—LAST—24—HOURS, AT—LEAST—30—PEOPLE in fresh attacks on the central village of Yamale.
20141022             —AWARDED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT, the Sakharov PRIZE—FOR—FREEDOM—OF—THOUGHT to CONGO—GYNAECOLOGICAL surgeon DOCTOR—DENIS—MUKWEGE, 59—jahre—alt for risking his life to treat women and end THE—USE—OF—MASS rape as 1—WEAPON—OF—WAR.
20141022             —MARCHED, HONG—KONG, CA—200—PROTESTERS, to THE—HOME—OF—THE—CITY—BEIJING—BACKED leader to push their case for greater democracy —1—DAY—AFTER TALKS—BETWEEN—STUDENT—LEADERS and senior officials failed to break the deadlock.
20141022             IRAN, —AROUND 1,000—PEOPLE took to THE—STREETS—OF—ISFAHAN to demand action —AFTER 4—WOMEN were maimed in acid attacks reportedly linked to them not wearing the veil.
20141022             —KILLED, IRAQ, coalition air strikes, CA—25—ISLAM—STATE—FIGHTERS—NEAR THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—BAIJI.
20141022             IRAQ—ARMY—TANKS and armored vehicles also fought off 1—ADVANCE by ISLAM—STATE—MILITANTS on THE—TOWN—OF—AMIRIYA—FALLUJAH.
20141022             —KILLED, AT—LEAST—28—PEOPLE were, —WHEN car bombs went off near 1—MATERNITY—HOSPITAL and 1—SERVICE—STATION in areas of BAGHDAD where Shiites have frequently been targeted.
20141022             —PURCHASED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—NIGER said it has, 1—SPY—PLANE as PART—OF—ITS—EFFORT to combat Islamist fighters and criminal gangs operating on its vast territory.
20141022             NORTH—NIGERIA, 1—BOMB—BLAST at 1—BUS—STATION in 1—AREA previously targeted by Boko Haram killed 5—PEOPLE in Azare, BAUCHI state.
20141022             1—PALESTINE—MOTORIST with 1—HISTORY—OF—ANTI—ISRAEL violence slammed his car into 1 crowded train station in JERUSALEM, killing a —3—MONTH—OLD—BABY—GIRL and wounding 8—PEOPLE.
20141022             The driver got OUT—OF—THE—CAR and tried to flee —BEFORE he was shot by 1—POLICE—OFFICER.
20141022             —IDENTIFIED, POLAND—PROSECUTORS said 1—PARISH—PRIEST, as WOJCIECH—GIL, has been formally charged in POLAND with sexually molesting minors in both in POLAND (20000000—20010000    ) and THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC (20090000—20130000    ).
20141022             —DESTROYED, Syria said its AIR—FORCE has, 2—OF 3—WARPLANES reportedly seized by FIGHTERS—OF—THE—ISLAM—STATE—GROUP in THE—NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20141022             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY, Kurdish militants kidnapped 10—POWER—COMPANY—WORKERS.
20141022             1—POLITICIAN from 1—KURDISH—ISLAMIST—PARTY was shot dead in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—BINGOL.
20141022             13—UHR • Wirtschaft - 40—UHR • Politik - 46—UHR • Wirtschaft - 56—UHR • Netzwelt
20141022—20120000    —IN, 1—COURT—IN—KUWAIT convicted and sentenced 13—PEOPLE to —2—YEARS—IN—PRISON EACH—FOR—READING aloud 1—SPEECH by Musallam AL—BARRACK, 1—LEADING opposition figure, challenging the country's ruler.
20141022—20150521    —SENTENCED, Vargas was, to —1—YEAR in FEDERAL—PRISON—AFTER cutting 1—DEAL—WITH—PROSECUTORS.
20141119—20141022    —ON, THE—EAST—JERUSALEM home of 1—PALESTINIAN—ABDEL—RAHMAN—AL—SHALLOUDI, who carried out 1—DEADLY—ATTACK, was demolished.
20150510225320       It's official: THE—USA has gone crazy.
20151022             GALAPAGOS—INSELN: Forscher entdecken neue RIESENSCHILDKRÖTEN—ART
20151022             —BÜRGER—KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: RUSSISCHE—KAMPFJETS sollen Klinik bombardiert haben
20151022             Gesuchter DROGEN—BOSS: POLIZEI nimmt 6—MUTMASSLICHE Fluchthelfer von "EL—CHAPO"fest
20151022             RAKETEN—TEST—IN—IRAN: Westliche STAATEN fordern UNO—UNTERSUCHUNG
20151022             Karriereplanung: Das Leben ist wichtiger als der Lebenslauf
20151022             —KAMPF—SPORT—TRAINING für den IS: Von der Matte in den DSCHIHAD
20151022             BKA—WARNUNG—VOR—RECHTER Gewalt: MEHR—ALS—500—FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIME angegriffen
20151022             Umgang mit rechter RHETORIK : "Man muss ständig entlarven"
20151022             Und natürlich sehen wir im Fernsehen dieselbe Werbung, die MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN individuelles Glück verspricht, sofern diese - aufgepasst! - alle das gleiche Duschgel, die gleiche Versicherung oder die gleiche Schlaftablette kaufen.
20151022             NATÜRLICH - Denn tief innen fragen sich viele: "Was hat dieses Leben eigentlich mit mir zu tun?"
20151022             Immer mehr Menschen fühlen sich im falschen Film.
20151022             4—VON 10—DEUTSCHEN geben an, die Qualität ihres Lebens nehme ab.
20151022             Hinter hektischer Aktivität, hinter lächelnden Gesichtern, hinter makellosen Fassaden gähnt 1—ABGRUND aus Sinnlosigkeit.
20151022             Menschen verlieren ihr Leben durch Anpassung.
20151022             Wir haben 1.Armada technischer Geräte erfunden, um Zeit fürs Eigentliche zu gewinnen.
20151022             Statt —MONATE—LANG mit 1—POSTKUTSCHE durchs Land zu hoppeln, zischen wir mit dem Flugzeug durch die Lüfte.
20151022             —ENTPUPPT, Doch der Fortschritt, sich als GEISEL—NEHMER - der Fortschritt: Er
20151022             Er entreißt uns 1—STIMMIGEN Leben, raubt uns Zeit für Reflexion.
20151022             Gerade jene Zeit, die wir angeblich durch die moderne Technik sparen, —DIE—ZEIT—DER—LANGEN Wege, DIE—ZEIT des Abwaschens, DIE—ZEIT des Holzhackens, gerade diese Zeit gab den Menschen früher Gelegenheit, ihr Leben zu reflektieren —, zu spüren, was sie wirklich wollten.
20151022             Der Gedanke an den eigenen Tod hatte ihre Wünsche umgewälzt:
20151022             die eigenen nach oben, die fremden nach unten.
20151022             Endlich nahm sie ihr Leben wichtiger als ihren Lebenslauf.
20151022             Dieser ARTIKEL ist 1—BEARBEITETER Auszug aus MARTIN—WEHRLES neuem Buch:
20151022             BETRUG mit SMS—TAN: Offenbar auch Schadensfall bei Telefónica
20151022             10 $ statt Werbung: YouTube startet Bezahlangebot
20151022             SYRIEN—KONFLIKT, USA kritisieren ASSAD—BESUCH—IN—MOSKAU
20151022             RAZZIA—IN—FRANKEN: RECHTS—EXTREME sollen Anschlag geplant haben - 3—FESTNAHMEN
20151022             FACEBOOK—IN—DEN—USA: Vom Gesetz geschützter Hass
20151022             Schule in SCHWEDEN: Bewaffneter verletzt Schüler mit Schwert - 1. gefilmt: Hier wandert 1—STERNENFLECK
20151022             Uno: MEHR—ALS—30.000—MENSCHEN im SÜD—SUDAN vom HUNGER—TOD bedroht
20151022             Erholung der Wirtschaft: SPANIEN meldet niedrigste ARBEITSLOSEN—ZAHL —SEIT—4—JAHREN
20151022             FLÜCHTLINGE auf der Balkanroute: Zehntausende wollen nach DEUTSCHLAND
20151022             Niedrige Inflation: EZB belässt LEIT—ZINS auf REKORD—TIEF
20151022             CHINAs ANTI—KORRUPTIONS—KAMPAGNE: Golf spielen ist —JETZT auch verboten
20151022             3—FORSCHER des LEIBNIZ—INSTITUT—FÜR—ASTROPHYSIK in POTSDAM haben —NUN 1. auch bei 1—ANDEREN Stern solche Flecken in 1—FILM festhalten können.
20151022             Mit DER—NEUEN Entdeckung steigt DIE—ZAHL—DER—BEKANNTEN Unterarten der Riesenschildkröten auf den GALAPAGOS—INSELN auf 15, 4—VON ihnen sind aber —BEREITS ausgestorben.
20151022             —NACH ATTENTAT—AUF—KÖLNER Politikerin: Reker nimmt Wahl zur OBERBÜRGER—MEISTERIN an
20151022             Umgang mit Rechten: Die Trottel hören zu
20151022             —KURZ—VOR, der Pleite: ANTON—SCHLECKER überwies 800.000—EURO an Enkel
20151022             KOMMANDO—AKTION im IRAK: USA—SPEZIAL—EINHEIT befreit kurdische IS—GEISELN
20151022             Aussicht auf mehr Billiggeld: Draghi lässt DIE—ANLEGER jubeln
20151022             IAB—STUDIE: Digitalisierung bedroht 60.000—JOBS in der Industrie
20151022             HAWAII: Teleskop wird wegen Protesten abgebaut
20151022             —GEWORDEN, RAZZIA—GEGEN—RECHTS—EXTREME in BAYERN: "Von —MONAT zu —MONAT radikaler "
20151022             Meeresforschung: Plastikmüll hat die ARKTIS erreicht
20151022             REFORMEN—IN—GRIECHENLAND—TSIPRAS entlässt oberste STEUEReintreiberin
20151022             SYRIEN—KONFLIKT, WLADIMIR—PUTIN rechtfertigt LUFT—ANGRIFFE
20151022             300.000.000.000—KILOGRAMM.
20151022             DIE—MENSCHHEIT - Bei 1—WACHSTUMSRATE—VON—CA—4 % wird dieser Berg ständig größer.
20151022             —BISHER, sind WELT—WEIT 5—GROSSFLÄCHIGE Müllstrudel auf den Weltmeeren bekannt.
20151022             —AKTUELLE Untersuchungen aus dem Isfjord auf Spitzbergen zeigen, dass 88 % der dort untersuchten Eissturmvögel Plastikteile verschluckt hatten.
20151022             [l] Der Eingriff der RUSSEN in SYRIEN hat anscheinend dazu geführt, dass AL—NUSRA und ISIS über 1.KOALITION der Willigen nachdenken.
20151022             AL—NUSRA ist der örtliche Arm von AL—KAIDA.
20151022             [l] Akt 1: 1000—LOBBYISTEN haben Zugangsausweise für den BUNDES—TAG.
20151022             Akt 2: Anfragen NACH—DER—LISTE werden abgelehnt.
20151022             Akt 3: klagt auf Herausgabe, kriegt vor Gericht RECHT.
20151022             Akt 4: BUNDES—TAG weigert sich einfach weiter, will auf DRUCK—VON—... *drumroll*... Union und SPD in Berufung gehen.
20151022             Schöne KORRUPTION haben sie da!
20151022             Wäre ja schade, wenn die aufgedeckt würde.
20151022             Demokratie 2.0! [l] LÄNDER—DOMINO—VANUATU.
20151022             —ON, ;;10;; 9, THE—SUPREME—COURT—OF—VANUATU found that 14—MEMBERS—OF—THE—GOVERNMENTT had accepted bribes from the opposition in exchange for 1—PROMISE—OF—SUPPORT in 1—VOTE—OF—NO—CONFIDENCE.
20151022             VANUATU—PRESIDENT, Baldwin Lonsdale, was OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AT—THE—TIME, leaving speaker Marcellino Pipite as HEAD—OF—STATE in his absence.
20151022             —CONVICTED, As Pipite was 1—OF—THOSE, he promptly pardoned himself and his CO—CONSPIRATORS and suspended THE—COUNTRY—OMBUDSMAN.
20151022             Wie, Moment.
20151022             MITGLIEDER—DER—REGIERUNG haben sich von der Opposition bestechen lassen, bei 1—ANSTEHENDEN Vertrauensfrage gegen sich selbst zu stimmen?
20151022             —GEBOTEN, Wieviel Schmiergeld haben die denn da ?!
20151022             Der nächste Akt ist noch großartiger.
20151022             DER—PRÄSIDENT kommt zurück und nimmt natürlich sofort die Begnadigung zurück, die sein STELL—VERTRETER in seiner Abwesenheit ausgesprochen hat.
20151022             Und —JETZT müssen die alle in den Knast. o_O
20151022             [l] Es gibt mal wieder 1—KLAREN FALL—VON—SELBSTMORD: FORENSIK—EXPERTE und Zeuge beim JUGOSLAWIEN—TRIBUNAL tot im Hotel aufgefunden.
20151022             Der Kölner STADT—ANZEIGER schreibt, Frank S. habe —JAHRE—LANG—ALG2—LEISTUNGEN bezogen, ohne bei der Arbeitsagentur jemals vorsprechen zu müssen und ohne je vermittelt worden zu sein.
20151022             Seine Akte beim Amt sei zudem als geheim eingestuft.
20151022             —FORMULIERT, Der Kölner STADT—ANZEIGER, die Frage, ob hier etwas verschleiert werden soll.
20151022             1—AKTUELLE Veröffentlichung deutscher und BELGISCHER—FORSCHER belegt —NUN 1., dass tatsächlich größere Stücken Plastikmüll im Oberflächenwasser des Arktischen Ozeans schwimmen.
20151022             1. gefilmt: Hier wandert 1—STERNENFLECK
20151022             Bei 1—WACHSTUMSRATE—VON—CA—4 % wird dieser Berg ständig größer.
20151022             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, CIA—CHEF—JOHN—BRENNAN: WIKILEAKS, angeblich gehackte E—MAILS
20151022             —GEWORDEN, DIE—DEPRESSION ist zur Volkskrankheit,
20151022             DIE—FRAGE lautet nicht: Was wäre gut für mein Leben?
20151022             DIE—FRAGE lautet: Was wäre gut für meinen Lebenslauf?
20151022             DIE—MENSCHHEIT - DIE—EIGENEN nach oben, die fremden nach unten.
20151022             Der Kölner STADT—ANZEIGER schreibt, FRANK—S - Der nächste Akt ist noch großartiger.
20151022             —ENTPUPPT, Doch der Fortschritt, sich als GEISEL—NEHMER
20151022             —FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE—MERKEL will europäischen GRENZ—SCHUTZ
20151022             GRIECHENLAND: SYRIZA—REGIERUNG meldet 1.PRIVATISIERUNG—BEI Pferdewetten
20151022             Schule in SCHWEDEN: Bewaffneter verletzt Schüler mit Schwert
20151022             Schätzungen zufolge landen JEDES—JAHR MINDESTENS—2.700.000—TONNEN—KUNSTSTOFF im MEER—MANCHE—ZAHLEN liegen auch deutlich darüber.
20151022             Statt uns JEDEN—TAG mit dem Abwasch herumzuschlagen, drücken wir den Knopf der Spülmaschine.
20151022             Und natürlich sehen wir im Fernsehen dieselbe Werbung, die MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN individuelles Glück verspricht, sofern DIESE—AUFGEPASST!
20151022             Und wer seine Wohnung heizen will, muss vorher kein Holz mehr HACKEN—ER muss nur noch am Regler seiner Heizung drehen.
20151022             Uno: MEHR—ALS—30.000—MENSCHEN im SÜD—SUDAN vom HUNGER—TOD bedroht - Wie, Moment.
20151022             [l] LÄNDER—DOMINO—VANUATU. der Fortschritt:
20151022             —AM, erscheint WELT—WEIT der Band, den Ferri gemeinsam mit Zeichner DIDIER—CONRAD herausbringt.
20151022             —CA—300.000.000—TONNEN—PLASTIK produziert DIE—MENSCHHEIT PRO—JAHR.
20151022             —STUDIE IN—DEN—USA: ANTEIL—DER—MARIHUANA—KONSUMENTEN hat sich verdoppelt
20151022             USA—PRESIDENT—OBAMA met with PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF at THE—WHITE—HOUSE to talk of strengthening ties and possible financial assistance to ISLAMABAD.
20151022             —CARRIED, THE—USA and its allies, out 16—AIR—STRIKES—AGAINST—ISLAM—STATE—MILITANTS in IRAQ and Syria.
20151022             † USA—SAFETY—REGULATORS said 8—PEOPLE have and 98—PEOPLE have been injured by exploding air bag inflators made by Takata Corp. CA—23.4—MILLION—TAKATA driver and passenger air bag inflators have been recalled on 19.2—MILLION—USA—VEHICLES sold by 12—AUTO and truck makers.
20151022             —BECAME, THE—WATTS—BAR—PLANT in TENNESSEE, the 1. new nuclear facility to be licensed in AMERICA in —20—YEARS.
20151022             TALIBAN fighters fled to the banks of the Amu River, 1—OF—THE—LONGEST in CENTRAL—ASIA, deserting motorbikes and using fishing boats to reach THE—ISLAND on the border between AFGHANISTAN and TURKMENISTAN —AFTER fleeing ARMY—TROOPS led by THE—AFGHANISTAN—VICE—PRESIDENT—GENERAL—ABDUL—RASHID—DOSTUM.
20151022             —ARRESTED, EGYPT—AUTHORITIES, businessman HASSAN—MALIK, 1—SENIOR—LEADER and financier of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood.
20151022             —REPORTED, MORE—THAN—200—LAWYERS were, to be behind bars for defending THE—GOVERNMENT—ISLAMIST opponents.
20151022             —ARRIVED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE, in ATHENS for a —2—DAY—VISIT, as GREECE seeks help from European rescue lenders for relief on its massive bailout debts.
20151022             —UNARMED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said SECURITY—FORCES in GUINEA have shot 2, people in the back and beat another person to death in the lead up to elections —THIS—MONTH.
20151022             —FREED, NORTH—IRAQ, THE—USA—MILITARY, 1—NUMBER—OF—KURDISH captives in 1—RESCUE mission in the vicinity of Hawija.
20151022             —KILLED, USA—MASTER—SERGEANT—JOSHUA—L—WHEELER, 39—jahre—alt was, in the operation.
20151022             —PROPOSED, Masayoshi Son (58), THE—JAPAN—FOUNDER—AND—CEO—OF—SOFTBANK, that the artifical intelligence will exceed the human kind by ca—20550000              in 1—EVENT—CALL the Singularity.
20151022             KYRGYZSTAN, shooting broke out on the outskirts of BISHKEK between police and 1—MAN believed to be 1—OF—THE—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS who escaped from 1—LOCAL—PRISON—THIS—MONTH. police believed Altynbek Itibayev, who has been convicted for murder and faces more charges, including THOSE—OF—TERRORISM, had barricaded himself inside 1—SMALL building with another unidentified men.
20151022             —KILLED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—POWERFUL—BOMB at 1—SHIITE mosque, 10—PEOPLE and wounded several others in THE—DISTRICT—OF—SIBI.
20151022             THE—RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said its planes had flown 53—SORTIES and struck 72—MILITANT—TARGETS in Syria in THE—LAST—24—HOURS.
20151022             SLOVENIA—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT—GAVE—THE—GO—AHEAD for 1—REFERENDUM that could overturn 1—LAW allowing SAME—SEX—MARRIAGES.
20151022             —REPORTED—WAS, that MORE—THAN—12,000—MIGRANTS have crossed into SLOVENIA in THE—LAST—24—HOURS and thousands more were expected.
20151022             —KILLED, SOUTH—SUDAN, GOVERNMENT—TROOPS, CA—50—PEOPLE by stuffing them into 1—SHIPPING container in baking heat in Unity state.
20151022             1—SPAIN—HELICOPTER ditched CA—280—NAUTICAL—MILES (520—KM / 320—MILES) from its destination on THE—SPAIN—ISLAND—OF—GRAN—CANARIA, having set off from MAURITANIA.
20151022             All 3—CREW members were missing.
20151022             † In SWEDEN 1—TEACHER and student and another teacher and student were badly injured in 1—ATTACK—BY—1—KNIFE—WIELDING masked man in THE—TOWN—OF—TROLLHATTAN.
20151022             † Attacker ANTON—LUNDIN—PETTERSSON, 21—jahre—alt, —AFTER—being—shot by police, who —LATER confirmed racial motivations.
20151022             † THE—ATTACKER, —AFTER—being—shot by police.
20151022             SOUTH—THAILAND was hit by the most severe haze ever from forest fires in INDONESIA, forcing all schools in 1—PROVINCE to close and disrupting flights in 1—POPULAR—TOURIST—AREA.
20151022             —ACCUSED, UN human rights CHIEF—ZEID—RA'AD—AL—HUSSEIN, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—OF committing systematic human rights violations by detaining refugees for up to —90—DAYS and STRIP—SEARCHING them for money to pay for their own detention.
20151022             VANUATU, 14—MEMBERS—OF—PARLIAMENT were sent to prison on CHARGES—OF—GRAFT.
20151022             —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH—MARCELLINO Pipite, THE—SPEAKER—OF—PARLIAMENT, had pardoned himself and 13—OTHERS—WHILE acting as HEAD—OF—STATE—AS—PRESIDENT—BALDWIN—LONSDALE traveled abroad.
20151022             —RESCINDED, Londsdale, the pardons on his return.
20151022             YEMEN, forces LOYAL—TO—PRESIDENT—ABD—RABBU—MANSOUR—HADI killed AT—LEAST—20—HOUTHI militia fighters in heavy clashes in Taiz.
20151022             —AWARDED, ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE was, CHINA—ALTERNATIVE to the Nobel Peace PRIZE—FOR—WHAT the prize committee called his inspired national leadership and service to PAN—AFRICANISM.
20151022             —RECEIVED, Mugabe, only 36—OF 76—VOTES, but was awarded the prize —FOLLOWING 1—MEETING—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—13—MEMBER—REVIEW—BOARD.
20151022—20151203    —ON, Wounded teacher Nazir Amso (42) †.
20151022—20160000    —IN—EARLY, THE—USA—FCC capped cost on phone calls from prison inmates to go into effect.
20151022—20160131    —ON, This was only made public.
20151022—20160311    —ON, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said the deliberate suffocating of over 60—MEN and boys stuffed into 1—BAKING hot shipping container in SOUTH—SUDAN is 1—WAR—CRIME.
20151022—20200000    —AWARDED, SERGEANT—MAJOR—THOMAS "Patrick" Payne was, the Medal of Honor for his role in rescuing DOZENS—OF—HOSTAGES.
20151024             Humanitarian organizations monitoring CIVIL—CASUALTIES in SOUTH—SUDAN said 80—CIVILIANS, including 57—CHILDREN, KILLED—WERE in —JUST 1—COUNTY in WAR—TORN Unity state 20151004—20151022    —BETWEEN.
20161022             SYRIEN—KRIEG, UNO wirft ASSAD weiteren —EINSATZ—VON—GIFT—GAS vor
20161022             PÄDAGOGEin in 1—KITA: "Sind die Eltern weg, wird halbherzig gearbeitet"CORONA—VIRUS
20161022             Kein Wort zum NOBEL—PREIS: SCHWEDISCHE—AKADEMIE wirft BOB—DYLAN—ARROGANZ vor
20161022             Fusionen und Übernahmen: Das große Fressen
20161022             Rettungsversuch für Ceta: KANADA will weiterverhandeln
20161022             Überbevölkerung: Nichts gegen Kinder, aber...
20161022             —ATTACKIERT, DONALD—TRUMP, die Obamas: "Das ist 1—HAUFEN—LOSER!"
20161022             "The weathermen were indeed assholes"
20161022             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—PROPERTIUS : 2:41—PM
20161022             To SOME—EXTENT maybe they should be.
20161022             But that's not what they're really afraid of.
20161022             —SCARED, The establshment are, shitless for their own sakes.
20161022             TRUMP —NOW controls that precious "base"they've used and abused for so MANY—YEARS to keep their cushy jobs and power and grift, and they can't control TRUMP.
20161022             —HAPPENED, The same thing has also, on the Democratic side, though not as spectacularly and colorfully.
20161022             The progressive "base"can't stand HILLARY because she's so much 1—PART—OF—THE—ESTABLISHMENT that has used and abused them and lied to them —FOR—YEARS in ORDER—TO—KEEP their jobs and power and grift.
20161022             —NAMED, That's why 1—AVOWED—SOCIALIST, Bernie was so amazingly sucessful.
20161022             —PREDICTED, Who could have ? Michael : 4:11—PM
20161022             [l] Woher wissen wir eigentlich, dass Glyphosat ungefährlich ist?
20161022             ARD Monitor erklärt das mal.
20161022             [l] RUSSLAND hat mal offiziell angekündigt, Wahlbeobachter in DIE—USA schicken zu wollen.
20161022             —BEGEISTERT, Nicht ALLE—USA—BUNDES—STAATEN sind von der Idee
20161022             [l] TRUMPs Marke ist —INZWISCHEN so vergiftet, dass in TRUMP—HOTELS die Belegung deutlich zurückgeht.
20161022             Daher heißen neue Hotels —JETZT "Scion"statt "TRUMP".
20161022             Nur falls jemand dachte, hey, zu dem TRUMP—HOTEL will ich nicht, ich geh lieber ins Scion.
20161022             [l] Akt 1: FORMER—KU—KLUX—KLAN LEADER—DAVID—DUKE has qualified for 1 televised debate in LOUISIANA—SENATE—RACE.
20161022             Akt 2: Dillard University, 1—HISTORICALLY black UNIVERSITY—IN—NEW—ORLEANS, is hosting the debate.
20161022             1—BEMERKENSWERTES Schützengrabendenken.
20161022             Auf der anderen Seite reden wir hier auch von 1—MINISTERPOSTEN, nicht seinen Job als STAATSANWALT.
20161022             NS—VERGANGENHEIT: VW entzweit sich mit kritischem Chefhistoriker
20161022             Nachfolge von HOLLANDE: FRANKREICHs SOZIALISTEN geben DIE—WAHL verloren
20161022             —GESPALTEN, Armut und soziale Ausgrenzung: Wie DIE—KRISE EUROPA, hat
20161022             Konsequenzen aus CETA—DEBAKEL: Nicht mehr alle alles fragen
20161022             HAITI nach HURRICANE—MATTHEW": "Verzweiflung wird schnell zu Gewalt"
20161022             —OFFENSIVE—GEGEN—DEN—IS—IRAK—ARMEE befreit CHRISTENstadt Karakosch
20161022             THÜRINGEN : Nachbarn sollen FLÜCHTLING zum Suizid angefeuert haben
20161022             MEDIEN—KONZERNE: AT&T kauft Time Warner FÜR—80—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR
20161022             VENEZUELA: Kampfjet fängt KOLUMBIANISCHE—LINIEN—MASCHINE ab
20161022             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: Erneut schwere GEFECHTE—IN—ALEPPO
20161022             [l] Wer dachte, fnordiger und bizarrer geht es nicht mehr: Doch, geht es.
20161022             DIE—DEUTSCHE—BANK, wir erinnern uns, ist gerade mit 1 14—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR—STRAFE—DES—FINANZ—MINISTERIUMS konfrontiert, die laut WALL—STREET—JOURNAL keine Schutzgeldnummer sondern 1—WAHL—KAMPFSTATEMENT der Democrats war, dass HILLARY doch gar nicht soooo tief mit den BANKERn unter der Bettdecke steckt.
20161022             Und da bot sich natürlich 1.AUSLAND—BANK—ALS—OPFER an, denn mit WALL—STREET steckt sie halt doch sehr tief unter der Bettdecke.
20161022             MAX—ERNST.
20161022             "1—HAUFEN Loser": DONALD—TRUMP attackiert MICHELLE—OBAMA
20161022             "The weathermen were indeed assholes" - 1—BEMERKENSWERTES Schützengrabendenken.
20161022             Akt 2: And I'm pretty sure AT—LEAST—1—FEW of them (like little BILLY—AYERS) were really FBI—AGENTS prococateurs tasked with discrediting THE—ANTI—WAR—MOVEMENT.
20161022             —EVAKUIERT, BELGISCHER—SUPER—MARKT : Bewaffneter schießt um sich
20161022             CETA—VERHANDLUNGEN: SCHULZ unternimmt letzten Vermittlungsversuch
20161022             MEDIEN—KONZERNE: AT&T kauft Time Warner FÜR——DOLLAR
20161022             NS—VERGANGENHEIT: VW entzweit sich mit kritischem CHEF—HISTORIKER
20161022             —WORRIED, The establishment claims that they're, for USA—DEMOCRACY—SAKE.
20161022             [l] DONALD—TRUMP—MARKE ist —INZWISCHEN, so vergiftet, daß in DONALD—TRUMP—HOTELS die Belegung deutlich zurückgeht.
20161022             [l] DIE—CDU ist —INZWISCHEN, recht dünnhäutig, wenn es um DIE—AFD geht:
20161022             [l] Liebe Hörer, ALTERNATIVLOS—37—IST draußen.
20161022             —NACH, IS—ANGRIFF, IRAK meldet volle KONTROLLE—ÜBER—KIRKUK
20161022             —UNVEILED, AT&T, 1—MEGA—DEAL for Time Warner that would transform the telecom giant into 1—MEDIA—ENTERTAINMENT powerhouse positioned for 1—SECTOR facing major technology changes.
20161022             —VALUED, THE—STOCK—AND—CASH—DEAL was, at $108.7—BILLION including debt, and gives 1—VALUE—OF $84.5—BILLION to Time Warner.
20161022             —20—YEAR—JAIL—SENTENCES were also confirmed against other senior figures from THE—THEN—RULING Muslim Brotherhood, including MOHAMED—EL—BELTAGY and Essam EL—ERIAN.
20161022             —GUNNED, EGYPT, Suspected ISLAM—MILITANTS, down BRIG—GENERAL—ADEL—RAGAI, COMMANDER—OF—THE—ARMY—9. armored division based in the sprawling military base of Dahshour WEST—OF—CAIRO.
20161022             —KILLED, IRAQ—CAMERAMAN—ALI—RAYSAN was, covering the military offensive.
20161022             —BATTLED, IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES, for a 2. —DAY with ISLAM—STATE—GROUP—GUNMEN who infiltrated KIRKUK.
20161022             —KILLED, THE—KIRKUK—POLICE—CHIEF said 48—JIHADIST attackers had been, so far and several others wounded.
20161022             —PASSED, IRAQ—PARLIAMENT, 1—LAW—LATE—TODAY forbidding the import, production or selling of alcoholic beverages in 1—SURPRISE—MOVE that angered many in the country's Christian community who rely on the business.
20161022             —PLANNED, SOME—LAWMAKERS, to submit 1—APPEAL at the High FEDERAL—COURT.
20161022             —ARRESTED, Police in SPAIN said they have, 21—PEOPLE and freed 4—WOMEN—WHILE breaking up 1 alleged human trafficking ring.
20161022             TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said the country will be expanding its operations in NORTH—SYRIA, including entering the cities of AL—BAB, Manbij and Raqqa.
20161022             —MARCHED, VENEZUELA, THOUSANDS—OF—WOMEN, in CARACAS against leftist PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO—DECISION to block OPPOSITION—LED efforts for 1—RECALL referendum.
20161022             YEMEN, SAUDI—BACKED GOVERNMENT—FORCES and IRAN—ALLIED Houthis accused EACH—OTHER—OF violating 1—CEASEFIRE as THE—UN tried to extend a —3—DAY—TRUCE.
20161022—20120000    —IN, The sentence was for 1—CONVICTION arising from THE—KILLINGS—OF—PROTESTERS —DURING demonstrations.
20161022—20150516    ÄGYPTEN—EX—PRÄSIDENT: Morsi scheitert mit Berufung - —20—JAHRE—HAFT
20170925—20170928    —ON, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE said he would dissolve PARLIAMENT—LOWER—HOUSE for 1—SNAP election 20171022             —ON, seeking 1—MANDATE to stick to his tough stance toward 1—VOLATILE—NORTH—KOREA and rebalance the social security system.
20171022             [l] Aus den INTERNET—MOBJUSTIZ—NACHRICHTEN, —HEUTE:
20171022             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, RT Deutsch steigt ins DOXING—GESCHÄFT ein, Name, Fotos, Anschrift und GOOGLE—MAPS—ANFAHRTSWEG zu 1—IHRER Kritiker.
20171022             —NACH HARVEY—WEINSTEIN kursiert —JETZT 1—SPREADSHEET mit anonymen Vorwürfen gegen Männer aus der Medienbranche.
20171022             What these things have in common is that they remind women, particularly vulnerable women, that they are not in power.
20171022             So 1.gelegentliche Hexenjagd ist gut für den Kreislauf, PARKINSON—PRÄVENTION und so!
20171022             Unbezahlte Rechnungen: Versorger schalten 330.000—HAUSHALTEN den STROM ab
20171022             CHATTEN ohne Netz: Forscher entwickeln KATASTROPHEN—APP
20171022             Sturmböen und HOCH—WASSER: Taifun zwingt Toyota zum PRODUKTIONsstopp
20171022             —VERRENNT, Gewerkschafter zur KATALONIEN—KRISE, "PUIGDEMONT, sich. Rajoy irrt"
20171022             —VERLIERT, SYRIEN—IS, größtes Ölfeld an kurdische KÄMPFER
20171022             —20160000—SCHON wurden in CHINA CA—3—VIERTEL aller ONLINE—ZAHLUNGSVORGÄNGE mit dem Smartphone abgewickelt
20171022             JEDE—TUBE—ZAHNPASTA, JEDE—FLASCHE—SCHNAPS ist —JETZT 1—KÄUFER zuzuordnen, 1—ORT und 1—UHRZEIT.
20171022             Diese "smarte GESELLSCHAFT"sieht so aus: CHINA baut gerade 1—SYSTEM zur biometrischen Gesichtserkennung, dass jeden seiner knapp 1,4—MILLIARDEN—EINWOHNER binnen —SEKUNDEN identifizieren können soll.
20171022             KATALONIEN—KRISE, Katalanen sollen Anweisungen der REGIONAL—BEHÖRDEN ignorieren
20171022             Fund in BARCELONA: Forscher entdecken neue Fossilienart an Gebäudewand - DIETRICH—SAGE—VON riem
20171022             Regionalmächte: IRAK und SAUDI—ARABIEN suchen Gemeinsamkeiten
20171022             CHATTEN ohne Netz: Forscher entwickeln KATASTROPHEN—APP - DIETRICH—VON—RIEM
20171022             Fund in BARCELONA: Forscher entdecken neue Fossilienart an Gebäudewand
20171022             —VERRENNT, Gewerkschafter zur KATALONIEN—KRISE, "PUIGDEMONT, sich.
20171022             The allegations on the spreadsheet range from "flirting" and "weird lunch dates" to accusations of rape, ASSAULT, stalking, harassment, and physical violence.
20171022             —REPORTED, CALIFORNIA, it was, that the Atlas Fire burned 51,624 acres and left 6—PEOPLE—DEAD;
20171022             the Nuns Fire burned 56,216 acres and left 2—PEOPLE—DEAD;
20171022             —BURNED, THE—PATRICK—FIRE, 10,000 acres with no fatalities;
20171022             and the Tubbs Fire burned 36,793 acres with 22—PEOPLE killed.
20171022             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMB, former warlord Nazuk Mir and his bodyguard, and wounded—8—OTHER—PEOPLE in Takhar province.
20171022             MACRI—CAMBIEMOS, or "LET—CHANGE," coalition won decisive victories across the country.
20171022             CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRESIDENT—MILOS—ZEMAN said he would name Andrej Babis PRIME—MINISTER.
20171022             ANO won 29.6—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE at the weekend's polls, nearly 3—TIMES as much as its closest rival.
20171022             —EXPRESSED, MANY—PARTIES, reluctance or rejected outright ANY—COALITION with it —WHILE Babis fights off fraud charges.
20171022             —KILLED, ETHIOPIA—OFFICIALS said 11—PEOPLE have been, in clashes in the restive Oromia region as the country continues to experience ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS that at times lead to ethnic violence.
20171022             —MARCHED, GERMANY, several 1000—PEOPLE, past BERLIN—REICHSTAG building to protest "hate and racism in PARLIAMENT" as newly elected lawmakers from the nationalist, ANTI—MIGRATION—ALTERNATIVE for GERMANY party prepared to take their seats.
20171022             1—NEW—JOINT—BODY between IRAQ and SAUDI—ARABIA convened 1—INAUGURAL meeting to coordinate their FIGHT—AGAINST—IS and on rebuilding IRAQ—TERRITORY wrested from the group.
20171022             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—POLICE, 15 suspected Jewish extremists overnight —FOLLOWING 1—UNDERCOVER investigation into 1—GROUP ACCUSED—OF—TRACKING down and threatening Arab men dating Jewish women.
20171022             ISRAEL—RADIO said that among those taken in for questioning was Benzi Gopstein, 1—PROMINENT—LEADER—OF—THE—EXTREME—RIGHT—GROUP—LEHAVA.
20171022             Voters in THE—NORTH—ITALIEN—REGIONS of Lombardy and Veneto voted in referendums on autonomy.
20171022             Parties in favor of amending THE—USA—DRAFTED charter won nearly 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—SEATS in 1—LOWER—HOUSE—ELECTION.
20171022             JAPAN—RYOTA—MURATA beat FRANCE—CHAMPION HASSAN—N'DAM by technical knockout in TOKYO to capture THE—WORLD Boxing Association middleweight title.
20171022             —ROARED, Typhoon Lan, towards JAPAN—MAIN—ISLAND on election —DAY, killing AT—LEAST—2—PEOPLE, prompting 1—WARNING for TENS—OF—THOUSANDS to evacuate and THE—CANCELLATION—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—FLIGHTS.
20171022             KOSOVO held municipal elections in 1—CHALLENGING test for its CENTER—RIGHT governing coalition, which has focused its efforts on capturing City Hall in PRISTINA.
20171022             —PROTESTED, MYANMAR, HUNDREDS—OF—HARD—LINE—BUDDHISTS, to urge THE—GOVERNMENT not to repatriate the nearly 600,000 minority Rohingya Muslims who have fled to BANGLADESH —SINCE—LATE—AUGUST to escape violence in MYANMAR—RAKHINE state.
20171022             —DETONATED, NIGERIA, 3—BOMBERS, ALL—OF—THEM women, their explosives near the sprawling Muna Garage camp on the outskirts of the Borno state capital, MAIDUGURI.
20171022             —KILLED, AT—LEAST—14—PEOPLE were.
20171022             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—PARAMILITARY—FORCE, 8 alleged "terrorists" in 1—OVERNIGHT shootout in KARACHI.
20171022             2—OF—THE killed gunmen were identified as MEMBERS—OF—THE—ANSAR—AL—SHARIYA militant group.
20171022             —BATTLED, THE—PHILIPPINES—TROOPS, 1—FINAL—GROUP—OF—CA—30—PRO—ISLAM—STATE—GROUP—MILITANTS who were surrounded in 1—BUILDING with all their hostages gone as 1—NEARLY—5—MONTH—SIEGE neared its end in SOUTH—MARAWI city.
20171022             —RELEASED, RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ALEXEI—NAVALNY was, from detention —AFTER spending —AROUND—3—WEEKS in jail.
20171022             —VOTED, Slovenians, in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20171022             —EXPECTED, It was, to be 1—EASY—RE—ELECTION for PRESIDENT—BORUT—PAHOR, 1—VETERAN—POLITICIAN and former model known for his use of social media.
20171022             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 6—PEOPLE, mostly women farmers, in 1—AREA outside MOGADISHU dominated by Islamist insurgents who have defied public protests to end YEARS—OF—VIOLENCE.
20171022             —CAPTURED, SYRIA, USA—BACKED militias, THE—AL—OMAR oil field, the largest in the country, pressing their ASSAULT—AGAINST—ISLAM—STATE—IN—THE—EAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20171022             THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION (WHO) said ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE has been removed as 1—GOODWILL ambassador, —FOLLOWING outrage among Western donors and rights groups at the appointment.
20171022—20190000    —VOTED, Argentines, in 1—MID—TERM—ELECTION that could allow BUSINESS—FRIENDLY—PRESIDENT—MAURICIO—MACRI to sweep the country's "Big 5" voting districts, neutering the opposition and advancing his chances of being RE—ELECTED.
20171022—20200000    —BIS, soll allen Chinesen 1—PUNKTWERT zugewiesen werden.
20171022—20200000    Der Social Credit Score ist 1.Art staatlich sanktionierte EBAY—BEWERTUNG für Personen und Unternehmen.
20181007—20181022    —ON, CAMEROON—CONSTITUTIONAL—COUNCIL said PAUL—BIYA, 85—jahre—alt won 71.3—PERCENT—OF—THE—BALLOT.
20181017—20181022    —ON, 1—POLCIE offi8cer shot and killed Tafahree Maynard
20181020—20181022    —ON, police in THE—ATLANTA area shot and killed Maynard —DURING—1—DOOR to door search.
20181022             "Trident Juncture" : NATO—GROßMANÖVER kostet DEUTSCHLAND 90.000.000—EURO
20181022             APPLE—CHEF—COOK über DATEN—SCHUTZ und Sicherheit: "Sonst wird man gehackt"
20181022             Abrüstungsvertrag: WELT—WEIT—ENTSETZEN über DONALD—TRUMP—INF—PLÄNE
20181022             Akt 2: DIE—SAUDIS lügen, er habe das KONSULAT verlassen.
20181022             Akt 3: MERKEL fordert Konsequenzen.
20181022             Auf Antrag DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT hatte das Gericht —SCHON EINIGE—TAGE—ZUVOR—1—DER 6—ANKLAGE—PUNKTE fallenlassen.
20181022             Auf Antrag DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT, nicht der Verteidigung!
20181022             —KRITISIERT, BESUCH—IN—PEKING: VON—DER—LEYEN, CHINAs Machtspiele
20181022             BREXIT—TALK bei "ANNE—WILL": "Dann wird es finster in EUROPA"
20181022             BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN: DIE—EU muss hart bleiben
20181022             DEUTSCHLAND—AUSSEN—POLITIK und SAUDI—ARABIEN: 1—MAAS für die Moral?
20181022             DIE—KAPITEL 4—BIS 7—BEFASSEN sich mit den monastischen Tugenden, vor allem Gehorsam, Schweigen und Demut.
20181022             DIE—SAUDIS haben echt raus, wie man nicht nur den Stinkefinger zeigt, sondern gleichzeitig noch 1—ROSTIGEN Dolch reinrammt und in der Wund herumdreht.
20181022             DIE—SCHAUSPIELERIN, auf der der ANKLAGE—PUNKT beruhte, hatte 1—ZEITUNG geschildert, Weinstein habe sie zu Oralsex gezwungen, und sie hätte nicht gewollt.
20181022             —ENTFACHT, DONALD—TRUMP, STREIT—ÜBER—ATOM—WAFFEN—ABKOMMEN, —ERST—VOR—DEN Kopf stoßen, dann erklären
20181022             Darin beschrieb Evans den Oralsex mit Weinstein in dessen BÜRO—IM—NEW—YORKER—VIERTEL—TRIBECA als einvernehmlich.
20181022             Der Ermittler, der Weinstein bei dessen Festnahme ;;0500;; —IM—VERGANGENEN, in Handschellen vorführte, soll ein mutmaßliches Opfer aufgefordert haben, ALLE—WIDERSPRÜCHLICHEN—NACHRICHTEN—VON—SEINEM—SMARTPHONE zu löschen, bevor es DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT übergeben wurde.
20181022             Desolate Staatsfinanzen: Eine schwarze —WOCHE für ITALIEN
20181022             FALL—KHASHOGGI, DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT fordert vollständige Aufklärung
20181022             —VERZÖGERT, FALL—KHASHOGGI, Riad, offenbar weitere Ermittlungen
20181022             FALL—KHASHOGGI, SIEMENS—CHEF—KAESER sagt Teilnahme an KONFERENZ—IN—RIAD ab
20181022             Finanzämter: ZAHL—DER—EINSPRÜCHE gegen STEUERbescheid geht zurück
20181022             GROß—BRITANNIENS EU—AUSTRITT: BREXIT—DEAL steht laut May zu 95 %
20181022             Getöteter Journalist: Saudische Herrscher kondolieren KHASHOGGIs Sohn
20181022             Getöteter KHASHOGGI: Auswärtiges Amt bittet SAUDI—ARABISCHEN BOTSCHAFTER—ZUM—GESPRÄCH
20181022             Gewässerbelastung: WASSER—WIRTSCHAFT fordert Abgabe auf Arzneimittel
20181022             —ENCOURAGED, Having been, by clients to adopt 1—WRITTEN CODE—OF—CONDUCT, the SQLite developers elected to govern their interactions with EACH—OTHER, with their clients, and with the larger SQLite user community in accordance with the "instruments of good works" from chapter 4—OF—THE—RULE—OF—S—BENEDICT.
20181022             HUNDE—STUDIE, Braune Labrador Retriever —STERBEN früher
20181022             Im Schutz des Lynchmobs alte weiße Männer mit Scheiße bewerfen, da machen alle gerne mit.
20181022             Linker STUDENTEN—VERBAND SDS: Wo RUDI—DUTSCHKE niemals stirbt
20181022             MILLIARDEN—EINNAHMEN: STEUER—ZAHLERBUND drängt Regierung zu Reformen
20181022             MORD—AN—INDERN: SAUDI—ARABIEN richtet 3—MÄNNER hin
20181022             Migration: TAUSENDE—MITTELAMERIKANER ziehen gen USA
20181022             NEW—YORK: Bodycam EXPLODIERT—POLIZEI zieht FAST—3000—GERÄTE aus dem Verkehr
20181022             POLEN: REGIERUNGSPARTEI PiS legt bei Regionalwahlen zu
20181022             Persönliches Krankheitsrisiko: Wie es DNA—FORSCHERN besser gelingt, unser Schicksal vorherzusagen
20181022             PUFFER—ZONE an der Grenze: NORD— und SÜD—KOREA ziehen Waffen und Wachposten ab
20181022             Riad und —DER—FALL—KHASHOGGI: Das ENDE—DER—LEGENDE
20181022             SIEMENS—CHEF—KAESER und —DER—FALL—KHASHOGGI: Absage mit Nebenwirkungen
20181022             SKANDAL—UM—BERATUNGSFIRMA: Özdemir fordert Auftragsstopp für McKinsey
20181022             STUDIE—ZUR—CHANCENGERECHTIGKEIT: Das leere Versprechen vom Aufstieg durch Bildung CORONA—VIRUS
20181022             Seltenes Phänomen: Kirschbäume blühen in JAPAN viel zu früh
20181022             —ADVOCATED, SOME—MAINTAINERS, adopting a "CODE—OF—CONDUCT" with strict rules.
20181022             This rule is strict, and none are able to comply perfectly.
20181022             TIEFSEE—FORSCHUNG: Forscher filmen ungewöhnliche Seegurke
20181022             Und daher —JETZT: GNU Kind Communications Guidelines.
20181022             Und das ist 1—CODE—OF—CONDUCT, mit dem glaube ich ALLE—IM—INTERNET hervorragend leben können.
20181022             —VORWURF—DES—SEXUELLEN Missbrauchs, USA—UNI entschädigt Studentinnen mit 215.000.000—DOLLAR CORONA—VIRUS
20181022             WAFFEN—EXPORT—DEBATTE nach KHASHOGGI—TOD: "SAUDI—ARABIEN richtig, richtig treffen"
20181022             WARNUNG—DURCH—FISCHEREIBIOLOGEN: Beifang landet offenbar weiter im MEER—TROTZ EU—VERBOTS
20181022             Wahlen im deutschsprachigen ITALIEN—SALVINIS Lega punktet auch in Südtirol
20181022             Warte mal Fefe, S—BENEDIKT?
20181022             [l] Akt 1: Kashoggi wird als vermisst gemeldet. [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20181022             [l] Meine Damen und Herren, ich bin ja nicht gerade als begeisterter Anhänger von CODE—OF—CONDUCTS und Debatten um CODE—OF—CONDUCTS bekannt, aber an dieser Meldung hier komme ich nicht vorbei: Der AUTOR—VON—SQLITE hat 1—CODE—OF—CONDUCT verkündet.
20181022             [l] Oh wow, WTF?
20181022             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, ERDOGAN fordert den Kronprinzen heraus
20181022             —NACH, kritischem Gutachten: BAYERN—INNEN—MINISTER—VERTEIDIGT—GRENZ—POLIZEI
20181022             —NEUEN—BUCH über Migration: Gefährliches Hirngespinst
20181022             —NEUE—ELEKTROBUSSE: Wie SOLINGEN 147.000—LITER Diesel spart
20181022             —NEUE—RANGORDNUNG bei MEXIKOs Drogenkartellen: Auf "EL—CHAPO" folgt "El Mencho"
20181022             —REAKTION—AUF—EU—REKORD—STRAFE: GOOGLE—APPS könnten Hersteller bald —BIS zu 40—DOLLAR kosten
20181022             —UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, PUTIN plant neue SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—KIEW
20181022             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said THE—USA will start cutting aid to GUATEMALA, HONDURAS and EL—SALVADOR as 1—CARAVAN—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—MOSTLY—HONDURAS—MIGRANTS rolled on regardless toward THE—USA—BORDER.
20181022             1—PIPE—BOMB was sent to the home of billionaire philanthropist GEORGE—SOROS.
20181022             Over THE—NEXT—2—DAYS—SIMILAR—DEVICES were sent to prominent Democratic politicians including FORMER—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, HILLARY—CLINTON and THE—CNN offices in Midtown Manhattan.
20181022             —CROSSED, UTAH, 1—DUMP truck, 1—HIGHWAY median near Heber and collided with 1—ONCOMING pickup truck, killing all 6—MEN in the pickup.
20181022             JAMIE—DON—MCKENZIE, 41—jahre—alt, THE—DRIVER—OF—THE—TRUCK, was booked on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter.
20181022             Prescription pills and open containers of alcohol were found inside the truck.
20181022             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—NATO—SOLDIER was, and 2—OTHERS wounded in 1—TALIBAN—CLAIMED attack in THE—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—HERAT.
20181022             —DELIVERED, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—SCOTT—MORRISON, 1—FORMAL—APOLOGY to THE—VICTIMS—OF—CHILD—SEX—ABUSE, saying the nation must acknowledge their long, painful journey and its failure to protect them.
20181022             —REPORTED—WAS, that BELGIUM has chosen Lockheed MARTIN—F 35—STEALTH jets over THE—EUROFIGHTER—TYPHOON to replace its aging F-16s.
20181022             —BLOCKED, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—POLICE, SOME—200—MIGRANTS from reaching the border with neighboring CROATIA, which is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20181022             CANADA Post workers went on 1—ROTATING strike, affecting mail deliveries in 4—CITIES—AFTER—NEARLY—1—YEAR—OF stalled contract negotiations.
20181022             —RULED, The court also, that Sanader must return about half 1—MILLION—EUROS (570.000—DOLLAR) in kickbacks he took in 1—DEAL—WITH—AUSTRIA—HYPO—BANK—IN—THE 1990s.
20181022             1—GERMANY—MAN, 54—jahre—alt was convicted of attempted murder for poisoning baby food and putting it on store shelves in 1 failed ATTEMPT—TO—EXTORT money from supermarkets.
20181022             —SENTENCED, He was, in Ravensburg state court to —12—YEARS—IN—PRISON.
20181022             INDIA, THE—BODY—OF—KURIAKOSE—KATTUTHARA, 1—CATHOLIC—PRIEST who police said had spoken to them about BISHOP—FRANCO—MULAKKAL, was found in his room in 1—CHURCH in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—PUNJAB.
20181022             He was witness in 1—CASE involving the alleged rape of 1—NUN by THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—BISHOP.
20181022             Mulakkal, BISHOP—OF—THE—DIOCESE—OF—JALANDHAR in Punjab, was arrested in THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—KERALA —LAST—MONTH on CHARGES—OF—RAPING the —NUN.
20181022             —REPORTED, THE—PRESS—TRUST—OF—INDIA NEWS—AGENCY, that the number of Zika virus cases has crossed 100 in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—RAJASTHAN.
20181022             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—TV, that THE—SUPREME—COURT has upheld the death sentences for 2—INDIVIDUALS convicted of financial crimes.
20181022             —IDENTIFIED, They were, as Vahid Mazloumin and MOHAMMAD—ESMAIL—GHASEMI, whom local media dubbed the "SULTAN—OF—COINS" —AFTER he was arrested —AFTER hoarding 2—TONS—OF—GOLD—COINS in 1—ATTEMPT—TO—MANIPULATE the local currency.
20181022             —UNCOVERED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said it has, 1—MILITANT outpost on THE—LEBANON—BORDER that Hezbollah guerrillas have set up under the guise of 1—ENVIRONMENTAL advocacy group.
20181022             —RESPONDED, ITALIEN—POPULIST—GOVERNMENT, to EU criticism of its budget with 1—VOW to stick to its public spending hike —WHILE scrupulously keeping to its own deficit limits.
20181022             1—COURT—IN—THE—MALDIVES freed OPPOSITION—LEADER—QASIM—IBRAHIM, setting aside 1—LOWER—COURT—CONVICTION for bribery.
20181022             —ARRESTED, MOROCCO said it would deport 141—MIGRANTS who were, —1—DAY—EARLIER as they tried to storm 1—BORDER—FENCE with THE—SPAIN—ENCLAVE—OF—MELILLA.
20181022             † In PAKISTAN rickshaw driver MOHAMMAD—KHALID in KARACHI —2—DAYS—AFTER setting himself on fire to protest police demands for bribes.
20181022             —SENTENCED, In THE—GAZA—STRIP—HAMAS, 17—PEOPLE CONVICTED—OF—DRUG trafficking to hard labor prison terms of —10—YEARS to life.
20181022             —POURED, Officers in military fatigues, gasoline and set alight MORE—THAN—1—MILLION—TABLETS—OF—OPIOID painkiller tramadol, CA—1,500 slabs of hashish and 900—GRAMS of opium.
20181022             —ASKED, POLAND—SUPREME—COURT—CHIEF—JUSTICE, 23—OF—THE—COURT—JUDGES to return to work, DAYS—AFTER THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—TOP—COURT—ORDERED—POLAND to "—IMMEDIATELY suspend" their retirement under 1 disputed law.
20181022             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—DECREE—POSTED on THE—KREMLIN—WEBSITE, instructed THE—GOVERNMENT to draw up 1—LIST—OF—UKRAINE—FIRMS and individuals to be targeted for economic sanctions.
20181022             —COMPLETED, SOUTH—KOREA—OFFICIALS said THE—2—KOREAS have, removing land mines planted at their shared border village as PART—OF—EFFORTS to disarm the area located inside THE—WORLD'S most heavily fortified border.
20181022             —SCRAMBLED, SAUDI—ARABIA, to prepare for THE—3—DAY—FUTURE—INVESTMENT—INITIATIVE (FII) —AFTER 1—STRING—OF—CANCELLATIONS from global business titans, with TURKEY—THREAT—TO—REVEAL the "naked truth" over critic JAMAL—KHASHOGGI—MURDER casting 1—FRESH shadow.
20181022             1—SOUTH—KOREA—LAWMAKER said NORTH—KOREA imported at least $640—MILLION worth of luxury goods from CHINA —LAST—YEAR, in DEFIANCE—OF—UN—SANCTIONS outlawing such trade over NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR and missile programs.
20181022             —UPLOADED, THAILAND—RAPPERS, the song "Prathet Ku Mee" (Which is My Country), to YouTube.
20181022             —RACKED, It soon, up MORE—THAN—6.4—MILLION—VIEWS and TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—COMMENTS—SINCE it went live on the platform, prompting authorities to take notice.
20181022             The video features rappers from the Rap Against Dictatorship collective dishing out barbs about the military and blasting corruption, censorship and THE—LACK—OF—ELECTIONS.
20181022             † 2—CHILDREN —AFTER a boat carrying migrants sank —JUST 50—METERS off TURKEY—WESTERN coast near Bodrum —EARLY—TODAY.
20181022             Ihn haben anscheinend Leute belästigt, dass er 1—CODE—OF—CONDUCT braucht.
20181022             Also hat er 1—ADAPTIERT!
20181022             This CODE—OF—CONDUCT has proven its mettle in THOUSANDS—OF—DIVERSE—COMMUNITIES for over 1,—500—YEARS, and has served as 1—BASELINE for MANY—CIVIL—LAW—CODES—SINCE the time of Charlemagne.
20181022             —GRANTED, Grace is readily, for minor transgressions.
20181022             —ENCOURAGED, All are, to follow this rule closely, as in so doing they may expect to live happier, healthier, and more productive lives.
20181022             The entire rule is good and wholesome, and yet we make no enforcement of the more introspective aspects.
20181022             Warte mal Fefe, S—BENEDIKT? Charlemagne?!
20181022             —BESTIMMT, Das ist doch, so 1—FUNDICHRISTEN—DOKUMENT?!
20181022             Ja richtig!
20181022             Besonders Schweigen und Demut.
20181022             [l] Akt 1: Kashoggi wird als vermisst gemeldet.
20181022             DIE—TÜRKEI schwärzt DIE—SAUDIS an.
20181022             —AM—ENDE geben DIE—SAUDIS zu, dass Kashoggi bei 1 "Befragung" ums Leben gekommen sei.
20181022             Akt 4: *drumroll* DER—KÖNIG—UND—KRON—PRINZ—RUFEN—KASHOGGIS—SOHN an, um ihm ihr Beileid auszudrücken.
20181022             Was für 1—ARSCHLOCH—MOVE.
20181022             [l] Oh wow, WTF? DIE—FAZ berichtet, dass DIE—ANKLAGE—GEGEN—HARVEY—WEINSTEIN gerade zu scheitern droht.
20181022             Srsly? Nicht mal der VORZEIGE—FALL—VON—METOO ist wasserdicht?!
20181022             Heiliger Bimbam.
20181022             Und —JETZT, wo 1.Aussage unter Eid droht, mit heftigen Strafen bei Falschaussage, da stellt sich die Situation plötzlich ganz anders dar:
20181022             Die Darstellerin soll sich von der sexuellen Begegnung VOR—14—JAHREN 1.Filmrolle in 1—HORRORFILM oder 1—ROMANTIKKOMÖDIE erhofft haben.
20181022             Aber wenn Konsequenzen für Lügen drohen, dann dünnt sich die LISTE—DER—ANKLÄGER plötzlich aus.
20181022             Hey na 1—GLÜCK, dass falsche VERGEWALTIGUNGS—VORWÜRFE so selten vorkommen!1!!
20181022             Da muss man sich als alter weißer Mann keine Sorgen machen, hab ich gehört?
20181022             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN! Das COC—FIREBOMBING—SQUAD ist endlich beim GNU—PROJEKT angekommen.
20181022             Ergebnis:
20181022             SOME—OTHER—FREE—SOFTWARE—PROJECTS have done This, generating SOME—RESISTANCE.3—SEVERAL GNU package maintainers responded that they would quit —IMMEDIATELY.
20181022             I myself did not like the punitive SPIRIT—OF—THAT—APPROACH, and decided against it.
20181022             Ach Stallman, du oller Althippie!
20181022             —GESPANNT, Da da bin ich ja mal, wie lange es dauert, —BIS das GNU—PROJEKT merkt, dass es den COC—PROPONENTEN nicht um Inklusivität, Freundlichkeit oder auch nur Gewaltfreiheit geht, sondern um das Niederbrennen von Infrastruktur.
20181022             —NACH langjähriger Untersuchung: AUSTRALIEN entschuldigt sich bei Opfern sexuellen Missbrauchs
20181022             —NACH Verkehrsunfall mit 3—VERLETZTEN: Wütende Menge geht auf POLIZISTEN los
20181022             —EXPLODIERT, NEW—YORK: Bodycam, - POLIZEI zieht FAST—3000—GERÄTE aus dem Verkehr
20181022             —NACH EUGH—ENTSCHEID: Suspendierte RICHTER—IN—POLEN melden sich wieder zum Dienst
20181022             Abrüstungsvertrag: Weltweites Entsetzen über TRUMPs INF—PLÄNE
20181022—20130000    —AGREED, Yahoo, to pay $50—MILLION in damages and provide —2—YEARS—OF—FREE—CREDIT monitoring services to 200—MILLION—PEOPLE whose email addresses and other personal information were stolen in digital burglaries and
20181022—20160000    —UNTIL, 20140000             , but not disclosed.
20181022—20220000    —BIS, Ältester Meiler FRANKREICHs: ATOM—AUFSICHT bereitet sich auf Aus von AKW FESSEN—HEIM vor
20191020             THE—CEASE—FIRE is to end 20191022             —EVENING.
20191022             —UKRAINE—AFFÄRE: USA—DIPLOMAT in der UKRAINE belastet DONALD—TRUMP schwer
20191022             —PROTESTE—IM—LIBANON: "Stürzt alles!"
20191022             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DIENSTAG: Mit Treckern gegen den UMWELT—SCHUTZ
20191022             [l] Wisst ihr, was passiert, wenn man 400.000—MENSCHEN umbringt?
20191022             Zu wenig Bewerber: Beamtenbund WARNT—VOR—AUSBLUTEN—VON—POLIZEI und Behörden
20191022             Wer —JETZT an die Nürnberger Prozesse, nichtverjährende Straftaten gegen die Menschheit und Tod durch den Strick denkt, der irrt natürlich.
20191022             Videoüberwachung: KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ soll suizidgefährdete Häftlinge erkennen
20191022             Nottötungen in der Mast: Warum 13—MILLIONEN—SCHWEINE im Müll landen
20191022             Junckers Abschiedsrede: "Bekämpft den dummen Nationalismus"
20191022             JAPAN: KAISER—NARUHITO teilt GOTTHEITen seine Thronbesteigung mit
20191022             "Ich habe die unterstützung DER—POLIZEI, die unterstützung des Militärs", sagte DONALD—TRUMP der rechten Website "Breitbart" —SCHON—IM—MÄRZ.
20191022             "eRosita" gilt als das wichtigste DEUTSCH—RUSSISCHE—RAUMFAHRTPROJEKT.
20191022             "eRosita": DEUTSCHES—RÖNTGENTELESKOP schickt 1. Bilder
20191022             1—EINSEITIGE Öffnung der Zugriffsrechte FÜR—3., wie es die PSD2 innerhalb der EU verlangt, ist 1—EXPERIMENT auf Kosten der Bankkunden, das gefährliche Verwirrung schafft und DIE—DATENSICHERHEIT der Kunden untergräbt.
20191022             Also mit anderen Worten wollen die Bauern mitbestimmen, aber eben doch nicht ergebnisoffen sondern in die Gegenrichtung.
20191022             DIE—BRANCHE wolle aber "alltagstaugliche Vorgaben mitentwickeln" - und nicht, daß Vorgaben maßgeblich von UMWELT—UND Naturschutzorganisationen "bestimmt werden".
20191022             —GESTALTET, DIE—EU, mit der 2. Edition der Payment Services Directive, kurz PSD2, die Spielregeln im Banking und insbesondere im ZAHLUNGS—VERKEHR neu.
20191022             DIE—EINLEITUNG eines Amtsenthebungsverfahren (Impeachment) gegen ihn wird immer wahrscheinlicher und könnte —SCHON IN—WENIGEN—WOCHEN geschehen.
20191022             DIE—BESTE Demokratie, die man für Geld kaufen kann!
20191022             —GEKONNT, DIE—NEUE Rechte spielt, mit verschobenen Bedeutungen, mit Ironie, Andeutungen und Abstreitbarkeit.
20191022             Da könnte man ja eigentlich mal ausrechnen, wieviel 1—MENSCHENLEBEN wert ist, und dann eine legale Menschenjagd veranstalten.
20191022             Das Bündnis betont: "Auch wir möchten die Natur und Umwelt schützen, das Tierwohl weiter ausbauen, die LAND—WIRTSCHAFT zeitgemäß weiterentwickeln".
20191022             Das Wichtigste zur UKRAINE—AFFÄRE: Die Akte DONALD—TRUMP
20191022             Das macht die Szene schwer greifbar und schwer angreifbar.
20191022             Directive (PSD2) - ERDOGAN—PUTIN—DEAL: SYRIENs Schicksal ist besiegelt
20191022             Es gebe gesellschaftliche Erwartungen, wenn es etwa um sauberes Grundwasser gehe, sagte die Ministerin.
20191022             Gespräche zwischen ERDOGAN und PUTIN in Sotschi: TÜRKEI will WAFFEN—RUHE in NORD—SYRIEN um —150—STUNDEN verlängern
20191022             Gmail Hooked Us on FREE—STORAGE.
20191022             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Unterhaus STIMMT—FÜR—JOHNSONS BREXIT—GESETZ—ABER gegen seinen Zeitplan
20191022             Hätte uns doch nur jemand gewarnt!
20191022             —VERKÜNDET—JAPAN: KAISER—NARUHITO, seine Regentschaft
20191022             Kilometerlange Traktordemos: Warum die Bauern auf die Straße gehen
20191022             LEHRERSTREIK—IN—CHICAGO: Unterrichtsausfall FÜR—300.000—SCHÜLER - No Shit, Sherlock!
20191022             Nur falls jemand dachte, ich sei hier der, der die Bauern besonders despektierlich behandelt.
20191022             Oder will mir das mal kurz 1—LANDWIRT anders erklären?
20191022             Vielleicht hat das ja die ARD bloß falsch wiedergegeben.
20191022             Payment Services
20191022             Prüfer ohne Geld: ZAHL—DER—LEBENSMITTEL—KONTROLLEN sinkt deutlich
20191022             SIMBABWE: MINDESTENS—55—ELEFANTEN —STERBEN wegen Dürre
20191022             STEIGENDE—EMISSIONEN: KLIMA—KILLER Ökolandbau?
20191022             Sehr geil auch die UMWELT—MINISTERIN:
20191022             Sollte DER—SENAT FÜR—1—AMTSENTHEBUNG stimmen, könnte es sein, daß DONALD—TRUMP sich weigert, abzutreten.
20191022             Thüringens MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—RAMELOW: Der rechte Linke
20191022             —ATTACKIERT, USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, eigene PARTEI—UND beklagt angeblichen MILLIARDEN—VERLUST
20191022             UH—OH.
20191022             Umstrittene Präsidentenwahl: "BOLIVIEN hat 'Nein' gesagt"
20191022             Versuchte Wahlbeeinflussung: FACEBOOK deckt iranische und RUSSISCHE—NETZWERKE auf
20191022             Verwaltungsämter mauern: Wie Nachfahren DEUTSCHER—JUDEN vergeblich um ihre Einbürgerung kämpfen
20191022             —BEMERKENSWERT, Was an dieser Sache besonders, ist, ist dass diese Krise eben nicht nur irgendwelche Mexikaner und SCHWARZEn in den Innenstädten betroffen hat, sondern das hat genau die ART—VON—WEIßER—MITTELSTANDS—FAMILIE betroffen, die man bislang für die Eliten der USA gehalten hat.
20191022             [l] Oh schau mal, —JETZT protestieren auch DIE—DEUTSCHES—BAUERN gegen die AGRAR—POLITIK—DER—BUNDESREGIERUNG.
20191022             [l] Überraschung des —JAHRES:
20191022             —ABSTIMMUNG über Zeitplan: BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG droht Abgeordneten mit Rücknahme des BREXIT—GESETZES
20191022             —DENN, ihre Obskurität ist den Rechten willkommen.
20191022             —KLIMA—FORSCHER kritisiert den GRETA—HYPE: "Das ist die Sichtweise des reichen Westens"
20191022             1—USA—PROSECUTOR called TURKEY—HALKBANK a "fugitive" —AFTER it failed to make 1—INITIAL—COURT—APPEARANCE in 1—CRIMINAL—CASE accusing it of conspiring to violate USA—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN.
20191022             Veteran USA—DIPLOMAT—WILLIAM—TAYLOR told Congress that USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP personally and explicitly tried to force UKRAINE—PRESIDENT to investigate TRUMP—POLITICAL opponents by withholding crucial MILITARY—AID and 1—COVETED—WHITE—HOUSE meeting.
20191022             —ANNOUNCED, USA—HEALTH—REGULATORS, that SWEDEN—MATCH tobacco pouches are less harmful than cigarettes.
20191022             This was the 1. time 1—SMOKELESS tobacco product has been judged by THE—FDA to be less harmful than cigarettes.
20191022             —RECOVERED, ALABAMA—POLICE said they, what appeared to be THE—BODY—OF—KAMILLE—MCKINNEY, —3—JAHRE—ALT in 1—BIRMINGHAM dumpster not far from where she disappeared —9—DAYS—AGO.
20191022             —PLANNED, Police, to charge suspects PATRICK—STALLWORTH, 39—jahre—alt and DERICK—IRISHA—BROWN, 29—jahre—alt, arrested —LAST—WEEK on unrelated charges, with capital murder and kidnapping in CONNECTION—TO—THE—CASE.
20191022             —REPORTED—WAS, that deputies in ORANGE County seized 18—POUNDS—OF—FENTANYL —LAST—WEEK — enough of the synthetic opioid to create 4—MILLION lethal doses.
20191022             —RETIRED, CONNECTICUT—POLICE—OFFICER—KEVIN—P—WILCOX, from THE—EAST—HAMPTON Police Department —AFTER 1—CIVIL—RIGHTS—ORGANIZATION raised concerns about his membership in 1—FAR—RIGHT—GROUP known for engaging in violent clashes at political rallies.
20191022             Wilcox had been 1—PROUD—BOYS—MEMBER and made online payments to 1—GROUP—LEADER.
20191022             1—GRAND—JURY in BOSTON returned additional CHARGES—AGAINST—18—PEOPLE tied to the "Varsity Blues" college admissions scandal.
20191022             —AFFECTED, The new charges, 11—OF 15—PREVIOUSLY charged parents, including actress Lori Loughlin, and 7—UNIVERSITY—OFFICIALS.
20191022             1—REPORT in Clinical Infectious Diseases said 1—NEBRASKA woman was infected —LAST—YEAR by Thelazia gulosa, 1—ROUNDWORM that usually afflicts cows.
20191022             She had been out for 1—TRAIL run in Carmel VALLEY—CALIFORNIA, and ran into 1—SWARM of small flies.
20191022             Facebook said it will invest $1—BILLION over THE—NEXT—DECADE to help fund 20,000 new homes in CALIFORNIA.
20191022             —PROTESTERS in BOLIVIA were set to take to the streets for a 2. —DAY—AFTER 1—PRELIMINARY—VOTE—COUNT showed PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES had eked out 1—OUTRIGHT win, sparking demonstrations that devolved into —LATE—NIGHT rioting as the opposition accused him of stealing the vote.
20191022             —REJECTED, UK—MPS, PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON—BID to force his divorce deal through PARLIAMENT —THIS—WEEK.
20191022             UK—LABOUR—LEADER—JEREMY—CORBYN said his opposition party would not support PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON—BREXIT deal or his timetable to pass the legislation for it through PARLIAMENT.
20191022             BURKINA—FASO officials said attackes in the past few days have killed AT—LEAST—19—CIVILIANS in its northern region.
20191022             EGYPT, AT—LEAST—7—PEOPLE, including 3—CHILDREN, KILLED—WERE in the Nile Delta and Sinai regions —AFTER heavy rains pummeled CAIRO and other PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY, causing massive traffic jams and flooding MANY—KEY—ROADS.
20191022             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said that its Brexit negotiator MICHEL—BARNIER will HEAD—1—NEW—TEAM to guide future relations with BRITAIN —AFTER it leaves THE—EU.
20191022             —RECOMMENDED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, that CROATIA joins THE—BORDER—FREE—SCHENGEN area, MORE—THAN—4—YEARS—AFTER—THE—BALKAN country applied for membership.
20191022             European Council USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TUSK said he will recommend EU—LEADERS—GRANT another Brexit extension, hours —AFTER UK—MPS rejected PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON—BID to force his divorce deal through PARLIAMENT —THIS—WEEK.
20191022             INDIA—NUMBER2—SOFTWARE—SERVICES exporter, Infosys Ltd, said it is probing whistleblower complaints that its top 2—EXECUTIVES engaged in "unethical practices" to boost SHORT—TERM—REVENUE and profit, sending its shares down 16%.
20191022             IRAQ—MILITARY said USA—TROOPS leaving Syria and heading to neighboring IRAQ do not have PERMISSION—TO—STAY in the country, as USA—FORCES continued to pull OUT—OF—NORTH—SYRIA —AFTER TURKEY—INVASION—OF—THE—BORDER region.
20191022             6—IRAQ—POLICE—OFFICERS including 2—SENIOR—COMMANDERS KILLED—WERE in Salahuddin province —WHEN ISLAM—STATE—MILITANTS opened fire on them —DURING—1—RECONNAISSANCE—MISSION.
20191022             —DECLARED, JAPAN—EMPEROR—NARUHITO formally, his ascension to the Chrysanthemum Throne as the nation's 126. emperor.
20191022             —AGREED, JAPAN—BASED SoftBank Group Corp, to spend MORE—THAN—10—BILLION—DOLLAR to take over WeWork, doubling down on 1—ILL—FATED investment and paying off its CO—FOUNDER—ADAM—NEUMANN to relinquish control.
20191022             She was 1—OF—1. JAPANESE to hold 1—TOP—JOB at 1—INTERNATIONAL—ORGANIZATION.
20191022             —SHOWED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said its investigation, that the warring parties in LIBYA have killed and maimed scores of civilians, with both sides having launched indiscriminate attacks and using inaccurate explosive weapons in populated urban areas.
20191022             —WORRIED, MEXICO—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said it is, by 1—USA proposed rule to collect genetic samples from migrants, adding to concerns by immigration advocates about the storage of DNA samples for minors and asylum seekers.
20191022             —ARMED, NORWAY, 1, man (32) stole 1—AMBULANCE in OSLO, lightly injuring 5—PEOPLE including 2—BABIES in 1—APPARENT—ATTEMPT—TO—TARGET pedestrians.
20191022             —APPREHENDED, The man was, —AFTER—POLICE shot at the vehicle.
20191022             —INJURED, The suspect was not critically.
20191022             —ANNOUNCED—1—PROTEST—CAMPAIGN aimed at ousting PRIME—MINISTER—IMRAN—KHAN, raising the prospect of political turmoil as THE—GOVERNMENT—STRUGGLES to stabilize the economy, THE—CHIEF—OF—1—OF—PAKISTAN—LARGEST—RELIGIOUS—PARTIES, .
20191022             —1—DAY—AFTER—THE—RULING—PARTY submitted requests for recounts in other districts, CHALLENGED, POLAND—OPPOSITION, results in 3—DISTRICTS in elections for PARLIAMENT—UPPER—HOUSE, setting the scene for 1—DISPUTE—OVER—1—TIGHT—RESULT .
20191022             —KILLED, RUSSIA, 3—PEOPLE were, in 1—ACCIDENT at NORILSK NICKEL—TAIMYR underground mine in Siberia.
20191022             —REPLACED, Regional offices in TURKEY said THE—GOVERNMENT has, 4—MAYORS from THE—PRO—KURDISH—PEOPLES' DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (HDP) with state officials, PART—OF—1—WIDENING crackdown on local councils controlled by the party.
20191022             1—INDEPENDENT—UN—INVESTIGATOR on human rights said food insecurity in NORTH—KOREA "is at 1—ALARMING level," with nearly half the population — 11—MILLION—PEOPLE — undernourished.
20191022             —MANNED, THE—UN said 4—JOINT—OBSERVATION—POSTS, by both forces LOYAL—TO—YEMEN—INTERNATIONALLY recognized government and the country's HOUTHI—REBELS have been established in the key port CITY—OF—HODEIDA.
20191022             Nixon ended Linebacker and NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISOR—HENRY—KISSINGER... Saigon was renamed Ho Chí Minh City in HONOR—OF—THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—NORTH—VIERNAM
20191022             —KRITISIERT, KLIMA—FORSCHER, den GRETA—HYPE: "Das ist die Sichtweise des reichen Westens"
20191022             —ATTACKIERT, USA—PRÄSIDENT: Trump, eigene Partei - und beklagt angeblichen Milliardenverlust
20191022             Versuchte Wahlbeeinflussung: Facebook deckt iranische und RUSSISCHE—NETZWERK—E auf
20191022             Payment Services - Directive (PSD2)
20191022             —VERPFLICHTET, PSD2, unter anderem Banken in der EU, Drittanbietern Zugang zu Bankkonten zu gewähren.
20191022             Die PSD2-Regulierung der EU gilt nicht für die SCHWEIZ.
20191022             Die SCHWEIZ setzt auf MARKT—WIRTSCHAFTLICHE Lösungen.
20191022             1—PSD2—ANALOGE Regulierung in der SCHWEIZ ist unnötig.
20191022             Extremisten waren —SCHON immer diejenigen, die neueste Technologien als 1. beherrscht haben.
20191022             Das Wichtigste zur UKRAINE—AFFÄRE: Die Akte Trump
20191022             —TAG für —TAG kommen neue Details in der Affäre ans Licht.
20191022             —AM—MORGEN—DES ;;0725;; telefonierte Trump mit dem UKRAINE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY—DAS—GESPRÄCH - für die Demokraten der zentrale Punkt eines Impeachments - dauerte —30—MINUTEN.
20191022             Trump schmeichelte ZELENSKYY, man redete über USA—WAFFENKÄUFE.
20191022             Danach sagte Trump: "Ich möchte aber, dass Sie uns einen Gefallen tun".
20191022             Außerdem regte er an, dass ZELENSKYY die CROWDSTRIKE—GESCHICHTE untersuchen lasse.
20191022             Die würden, so nötig, "hart" werden - und das könnte "sehr böse, sehr böse" ausgehen.
20191022             LEHRERSTREIK—IN—CHICAGO: Unterrichtsausfall FÜR—300.000—SCHÜLER
20191022             —PASSIERT, Gar nichts.
20191022             Die PHARMA—KONZERNE hinter der OPIOID—KRISE müssen nicht mal ihr Blutgeld zurückgeben.
20191022             Es reicht, wenn sie ein paar MILLIONEN—$ Strafe zahlen, die sie einfach auf ihre Aktionäre umlegen.
20191022             Einfach ehrlich sein.
20191022             Ja klar jagen und ermorden wir hier unschuldige Menschen, aber wir zahlen ja auch dafür!!1!
20191022             Insofern muss man sagen: DIE—AMIS sind psychotisch, aber sie sind immerhin an der Stelle nicht rassistisch.
20191022             Du wirst auch nicht erwähnenswert verfolgt, wenn du lauter Weiße umbringst.
20191022             Ab hier wird es spannend:
20191022             Das klingt aber verdächtig nach "Ich bin ja kein Rassist, aber..". - Und tatsächlich kommt da noch 1—ABER:
20191022             Bauernpräsident JOACHIM—RUKWIED nannte als Beispiele den Aktionsplan Insektenschutz, die Düngeverordnung, das Freihandelsabkommen der EU mit den südamerikanischen MERCOSUR—STAATEN sowie zunehmende Auflagen bei der Tierhaltung.
20191022             Weniger UMWELT—SCHUTZ, mehr KLIMA—KATASTROPHE, mehr Massentierhaltung pro Quadratmeter und immer ordentlich düngen.
20191022             Es geht um ein wissenschaftliches Problem, das grundlegender kaum sein könnte: —BIS—HEUTE hat die Menschheit keine Ahnung, woraus der allergrößte TEIL—DES—KOSMOS eigentlich besteht.
20191022             —NACH Treffen mit ANTISEMITISMUS—BEAUFTRAGTEM: Unbekannte greifen CDU—WAHLKREISBÜRO an
20191022             ERDOGAN—PUTIN—DEAL: Syriens Schicksal ist besiegelt
20191022             —BELASTET, UKRAINE—AFFÄRE: USA—DIPLOMAT in der UKRAINE, Trump schwer
20191022             —GESCHEITERTE Abstimmung im BRITISCHEN—UNTERHAUS: Tusk empfiehlt EU BREXIT—AUFSCHUB —BIS Ende —JANUAR
20191022             [l] Überraschung des Jahres: Gmail Hooked Us on FREE—STORAGE.
20191022             —NOW GOOGLE Is Making Us Pay - No Shit, Sherlock!
20191022—19820000    —LAUNCHED, The mine, is 1—OF—THE—DEEPEST in EUROPE.
20191022—20150000    —PRODUCED, Nornickel said the Taimyr facility, 35—PERCENT—OF—THE—COMPANY—TOTAL nickel output, 21—PERCENT—OF—ITS copper, 38—PERCENT—OF—ITS cobalt and 15—PERCENT—OF—ITS platinum group metals.
20191022—20170600    —IN, —DISAPPEARED, STANISLAV—ASEYEV (30), in UKRAINE—DONETSK—REGION where he was working under 1—PEN—NAME for THE—UKRAINE—SERVICE—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT—FUNDED Radio FREE—EUROPE/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), among other outlets.
20191022—20180300    —IN, she washed out 3—WORMS from her eye.
20191022—20190725    —AM—MORGEN—DES, Das GESPRÄCH—FÜR die Demokraten der zentrale Punkt eines IMPEACHMENTS—DAUERTE —30—MINUTEN.
20191022—20190725    —AM—MORGEN—DES, TRUMP schmeichelte ZELENSKYY, man redete über USA—WAFFENKÄUFE.
20191022—20190725    —AM—MORGEN—DES, danach sagte Trump: "Ich möchte aber, dass Sie uns einen Gefallen tun".
20191022—20190725    —AM—MORGEN—DES, anschließend bat TRUMP ZELENSKYY, gemeinsam mit GIULIANI und USA—JUSTIZMINISTER WILLIAM—BARR—DER ebenfalls mit der Sache betraut WAR—DIE Bidens zu "prüfen".
20191022—20190725    —AM—MORGEN—DES, Außerdem regte TRUMP an, dass ZELENSKYY die CROWDSTRIKE—GESCHICHTE untersuchen lasse.
20191022—20240000    —BY, USA billionaire JEFF—BEZOS said his space company BLUE—ORIGIN has signed agreements with Lockheed MARTIN—CORP, NORTHROP—GRUMMAN Corp and research and development organization Draper for development of its lunar lander designed to help NASA put humans on the moon.
20191022—20290000    —SIGNED, POLAND said local Synthos SA has, 1—MEMORANDUM of understanding with GE HITACHI Nuclear Energy to cooperate on the construction of a 300—MW small NUCLEAR—REACTOR in POLAND.
20200910—20201022    Dort hat die ANSI das auf den verlegt.
20201020—20201022    —FROM, BULGARIA said it will make wearing protective masks obligatory in all outdoor spaces, as CORONA—VIRUS—CASES in the past —24—HOURS hit 1—NEW—RECORD.
20201022             Wed 20201021
20201022             [l] Leserbrief zum "SCIENTOLOGY—KREUZ" auf der RUSSEN—MILITÄR—KATHEDRALE:
20201022             Macron bei Gedenkfeier für ermordeten Lehrer: "SAMUEL—PATY wurde —AM—FREITAG zum Gesicht der REPUBLIK"
20201022             POLIZEI—GEWALT während der Pandemie: Tödliche CORONA—KONTROLLEN
20201022             Versteckte Kamera: TRUMP—ANWALT Giuliani wird im neuen BORAT—FILM vorgeführt
20201022             Republikaner CHRIS—CHRISTIE: Trumps Cheerleader wendet sich ab
20201022             —GESTORBEN, CORONA—VIRUS: Teilnehmer von Impfstoffstudie in BRASILIEN
20201022             DEUTSCHE—FORSCHER restaurieren ÄGYPTISCHE—GRABKAMMER: Das Geheimnis des Neferhotep
20201022             Schöner schreiben: Als Sigmund Freud sich täuschte Die Deutschkolumne von Hauke Goos
20201022             EX—PRÄSIDENT gegen aktuellen Präsidenten: Obama nennt Trump "unfähig, das Amt ernst zu nehmen"
20201022             Neuwahlen in KANADA abgewendet: JUSTIN—TRUDEAUS—REGIERUNG übersteht Misstrauensvotum
20201022             Félicien Kabuga: Mutmaßlicher FINANZ—IER des Genozids in RUANDA wird —NACH—DEN Haag überstellt
20201022             CORONA—PANDEMIE: ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT meldet Höchstwert von 11.287—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20201022             Reporterlegende BOB—WOODWARD über DIE—USA—PRÄSIDENT—WAHL: "Das Undenkbare kann hier geschehen" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ROLAND—NELLES
20201022             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MORGEN, Dschihad in DRESDEN
20201022             Warnung der USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE: RUSSLAND und IRAN sollen DATEN—VON—USA—WÄHLERN gestohlen haben
20201022             LOHN—UND Mehrwertsteuer: Steuereinnahmen von Bund und Ländern brechen —IM—SEPTEMBER um 13—PROZENT ein
20201022             —VERWEIGERT, USA—PRÄSIDENT—WAHL: Romney, Trump seine Stimme
20201022             CORONA—POLITIK: SPD will Maskenpflicht und Sperrstunde im INFEKTIONS—SCHUTZGESETZ verankern
20201022             Konkurrenz für Tinder und Co.: Facebook startet DATING—FUNKTION in EUROPA
20201022             Wenn man sich das Bild genau anschaut, dann sieht man, dass es sich um eine in RUSSLAND häufiger Vorkommende Variante des Kreuzes mit Sonne und Halbmond handelt.
20201022             Die Symbolik dahinter wird häufig auf den Sieg der Russen gegen die Mongolen Tataren der goldenen Horde zurückgeführt (Das CHRISTEN—KREUZ spießt den Arabisch/Muslimischen Halbmond auf) aber die 1. verzeichneten Vorkommnisse des Kreuzes mit Halbmond gehen auf das Späte —14—JAHRHUNDERT (ca.
20201022             —GEÖFFNET, Daher, und weil der Halbmond nach oben, ist, wird das auch als Rückblick auf 1—SYMBOL—DES—BYZANZ—KAISERTUMS und die Schale mit dem Blut Christi verwendet.
20201022             12.1—UND es erschien ein großes Zeichen im Himmel: 1—FRAU, mit der Sonne bekleidet, und der Mond unter ihren Füßen und auf ihrem Haupt 1—KRONE—VON—12—STERNEN.
20201022             Für Interessierte hier 1—QUELLE über verwendete Kreuzformen in der RUSSISCH—ORTHODOXE—KIRCHE:
20201022             [1—WORDPRESS—BLOG] - Ein anderer Leserbrief hat eine andere Theorie:
20201022             Das Kreuz im Bild ist in CHRISTLICH—ORTHODOXEN Kreisen als "KONSTANTIN—KREUZ" bekannt.
20201022             Das zusätzliche Kreuz im Kreuz stellt das himmlische Kreuz dar, wie es angeblich KAISER—KONSTANTIN erschienen sein soll, zusammen mit der "göttlichen" Botschaft "Mit diesem wirst du SIEGEN".
20201022             Das Kreuz wird auch als christliches (kyrillisches) Monogramm für den Namen Christi verstanden.
20201022             [l] Und —JETZT ein paar BAHN—NACHRICHTEN.
20201022             —ACHIEVED, Swisscom engineers, 1—CONNECTION with 1.2—GBIT/s on 1—MOVING train.
20201022             ÖBB baut Fahrplan aus, u.a. NIGHTJET—VERBINDUNG nach AMSTERDAM.
20201022             Die TICKET—PREISE sollen indes nicht erhöht werden.
20201022             DIE—DEUTSCHE—BAHN erhöht die Fahrpreise.
20201022             DIE—DEUTSCHE—BAHN. Da weiß man, was man hat.
20201022             We have —2—WEEKS—OF growing Trump insanity to witness.
20201022             Who knows what THE—ORANGE—OAF will actually say out loud?
20201022             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—ANONYMOUS : 2:43—PM
20201022             HALF—OF—TRUMP—SUPPORTERS really do believe that "elite" Dems are pederasts.
20201022             Through sheer repetition, that absurd idea has taken hold.
20201022             ACCORDING—TO—YOUGOV, 13—PERCENT—OF—BIDEN supporters are "not sure" whether the claim is true or false -- and 5—PERCENT think that the charge is valid.
20201022             In other words, nearly 1—OUT—OF—5—DEMOCRATS considers this EVIDENCE—FREE—ASSERTION to be within the realm of the possible.
20201022             That's how deep the brainwashing has run.
20201022             1—PEDO video, by its nature, cannot be released to the public.
20201022             Thus, the INTERNET's "group mind" -- which would include both armchair sleuths and genuine experts -- would not be able to examine the video for signs of fakery.
20201022             We are entirely reliant on THE—FBI, which ultimately works for Trump.
20201022             —HOSED, If THE—FBI admits that photos exist, we're.
20201022             If THE—FBI says "The photos are fake" —AFTER—THE—ELECTION, we're hosed.
20201022             Obviously, it is absurd to posit that HUNTER—BIDEN would leave 1—COMPUTER with that kind of incriminating evidence in 1—SHOP—3000—MILES away from his home -- 1—SHOP—RUN by someone he doesn't know -- and that Hunter would then forget all about that machine's existence.
20201022             So why has BILL—BARR been silent? Perhaps even he has limits.
20201022             For all his MANY—SINS, deep down, Barr is 1—CATHOLIC—BOY who retains SOME—RESIDUAL belief that he'll have to explain his actions to the Blessed Virgin.
20201022             —THURSDAY,
20201022             PROOF: TRUMP USES AN EARPIECE!
20201022             I'm here to present irrefutable visual evidence that DONALD—TRUMP -- not JOE—BIDEN -- is THE—1—WHO wears 1—EARPIECE -- perhaps as 1—HEARING aid, but more likely as 1—METHOD—OF receiving offstage instruction.
20201022             Exhibit 1 is damning: Yes, I know how to use Photoshop.
20201022             No, I did not use that program, or ANY—OTHER, to alter this image.
20201022             You may find the original here.
20201022             The question —BEFORE us —NOW is this: Has Trump -- on other occasions -- used 1—LESS—OBVIOUS—DEVICE?
20201022             1 camouflaged earpiece that nestles within the ear canal?
20201022             —BEFORE we proceed, we need to have 1—BETTER—IDEA as to what modern IN—THE—CANAL hearing aids look like.
20201022             They hide between the tragus and the antitragus, they require no wires, and THE—BEST—DESIGNED ones are almost invisible.
20201022             Here are several styles (gathered from various sites):
20201022             The pro VERSION—OF—THE—MONOREAN costs $599. Although 1 would think that a "billionaire" could afford the best, Trump -- being Trump -- probably uses 1—MUCH cheaper device.
20201022             HERE—1—SLIGHTLY more apparent Bluetooth earpiece, yours for the low, low price of $38.99.
20201022             —NOW let's look at the evidence that Trump has used such 1—DEVICE:
20201022             We are dealing with 1—PHYSICAL artifact which contradicts our knowledge of ear anatomy.
20201022             Whatever it is, it ain't natural.
20201022             Thu 20201022
20201022             [l] Wisst ihr eigentlich, warum die Verräterpartei dem GEHEIM—DIENSTTROJANER zugestimmt hat?
20201022             Das ist eines der Highlights der ganzen Chose.
20201022             —BEGRÜNDET, SPD—CHEFIN @EskenSaskia, ihre Zustimmung vor allem mit dem KAMPF—GEGEN—RECHTSEXTREME NETZWERK—E.
20201022             Nein, wirklich! Herzlichen Glückwunsch.
20201022             Das verdient den ERICH—MIELKE—AWARD für maximalen Realitätsabstand.
20201022             Erstmal die Vorstellung, dass die GEHEIM—DIENSTE rechtsextreme NETZWERK—E aufdecken!
20201022             Das ist ja —SCHON absurd —BIS—ZUM, Anschlag.
20201022             Googelt mal die Wehrsportgruppe Hoffmann für die historische Kontinuität.
20201022             Aber dann dass man denen Trojaner gibt und sie verwenden das dann a) überhaupt und b) ausschließlich für die Aufklärung von rechtsextremen NETZWERK—EN, das verlängert die Skala noch mal deutlich nach oben.
20201022             —GEKLÄRT, Immerhin haben wir —JETZT die Frage, wer so blöde sein könnte, GEHEIM—DIENSTEN Trojaner zu geben.
20201022             [l] Wo wir gerade bei der Staatsanwaltschaft waren: Die sollte sich ja eigentlich an Recht und Gesetz halten, nicht wahr?
20201022             Würde man denken?
20201022             Die Staatsanwaltschaft von OLDENBURG hat da höhere Ambitionen.
20201022             In dem Verfahren vor dem Landgericht hatte der STAATSANWALT unter anderem aus der Bibel die Worte "Wer sein Kind liebt, der züchtige es" zitiert.
20201022             Außerdem sagte er, es sei noch gar nicht so lange her, dass das Schlagen der eigenen Kinder erlaubt gewesen sei.
20201022             In anderen Ländern sei das Züchtigen noch —HEUTE an der Tagesordnung.
20201022             Auch laut FRANZISKUS—PAPA sei es in Ordnung, wenn man seine Kinder "würdevoll" schlage, so der STAATSANWALT.
20201022             Und wenn man das macht, dann kommen Kinder raus, die es später für normal halten, wenn Eltern ihre Kinder schlagen.
20201022             —GEMACHT, Weil man das ja früher auch so, hat.
20201022             [l] Goldman Sachs zahlt 2,9—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR Strafe für Bestechung.
20201022             Die Bestechung und die Geldwäsche, um die es hier geht, waren übrigens 20090000             .
20201022             —1—JAHR NACH—DER—FINANZ—KRISE.
20201022             —NACHDEM die Überlebenden ALLE—BESSERUNG gelobt hatten.
20201022             Oh und wer sich denkt: Wow, 2,9—MILLIARDEN!
20201022             Endlich zeigt es denen mal jemand!!1!
20201022             Der sollte hier mal genau hingucken:
20201022             —GELASSEN, An der Börse wurde die Milliardenstrafe indes, aufgenommen, die Aktien von Goldman Sachs reagierten kaum.
20201022             Warum auch.
20201022             Die Aktionäre wissen genau, dass sich nichts ändert, und 3—MILLIARDEN—STRAFE FÜR—1—FIRMA nicht schlimm ist, die vorher in dieser Sache 1—MILLARDE an Schmiergeldern verteilen konnte.
20201022             MASSEN—PROTESTE trotz Versammlungsverbot: THAILAND hebt Ausnahmezustand für BANGKOK wieder auf
20201022             SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE: Bürger wünschen sich mehr Einfluss für Parlamente in CORONA—KRISE
20201022             —AKZEPTIERT, OPIOID—KRISE—DEN USA: OXYCONTIN—HERSTELLER Purdue Pharma, Milliardenvergleich
20201022             SUPREME—COURT: USA—DEMOKRATEN boykottieren Abstimmung über Barrett
20201022             Hamsterkäufe 2.0: Nachfrage nach Klopapier steigt in der Pandemie wieder deutlich
20201022             Grünenchef Habeck: "Bedrohung durch islamistische Gewalttäter ist real"
20201022             —STREITTHEMA in der EU: Zeitumstellung wird (vorerst) nicht abgeschafft
20201022             Amtliche Statistik: STROM wird in CORONA—KRISE FAST—7—PROZENT teurer
20201022             Mögliche Serverüberlastung: Website des ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS war zeitweise nicht erreichbar
20201022             RKI—BRIEFING: "Wir müssen damit rechnen, dass sich das Virus unkontrolliert ausbreiten kann"
20201022             —NACH Beschwerde aus Tübingen: BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT weist Eilantrag gegen Beherbergungsverbot ab
20201022             Medienbericht: ZAHL—DER—RECHTSEXTREMEN mit Zugang zu Schusswaffen gestiegen
20201022             CORONA—PANDEMIE: Fast ALLE—AN—DEUTSCHLAND grenzenden Regionen sind —JETZT Risikogebiete
20201022             Auszeichnung des Europaparlaments: Opposition in BELARUS erhält SACHAROW—PREIS
20201022             Sprengungen in der Ostsee: Druckwellen werden für Schweinswale zur tödlichen Gefahr
20201022             Analyse zur —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ: Darum sind die RKI—ZAHLEN häufig viel zu niedrig
20201022             Tote bei Bürgerprotesten: Weltweite Empörung nach exzessiver POLIZEI—GEWALT in NIGERIA
20201022             Global Wealth Report der Credit Suisse: ZAHL—DER—MILLIONÄRE in DEUTSCHLAND steigt trotz CORONA—KRISE
20201022             USA—WHISTLEBLOWER: Snowden erhält unbefristeten Aufenthalt in RUSSLAND
20201022             Engpässe im Empire: Millionen Briten durch CORONA in Not
20201022             —BERICHTET, Wahlkampf in den USA: Debatte mit AUS—KNOPF Aus DETROIT, Valerie Höhne
20201022             Wirksamkeit von CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: Die Zeitfrage
20201022             COVID—19: BELGISCHE—AUSSENMINISTERIN Wilmès wird auf Intensivstation behandelt
20201022             USA—SENAT: Justizausschuss billigt Nominierung von Barrett für SUPREME—COURT
20201022             POLEN: Oberstes Gericht erklärt Ausnahme im Abtreibungsrecht für VERFASSUNG—WIDRIG
20201022             CORONA—KRISE, Neuanträge auf USA—ARBEITSLOSENHILFE verharren auf hohem Niveau
20201022             THE—CORONA—VIRUS and THE—DEATH—OF—NIGHTLIFE: If That's the Future, then Good Night!
20201022             —BY Dialika Neufeld, ALEXANDER—SMOLTCZYK, TOBIAS—RAPP und MAX—POLONYI
20201022             SPANIEN: Rechtspopulisten scheitern mit Misstrauensvotum gegen Sánchez
20201022             Unternehmer fordern mehr CORONA—HILFEN: "Manche verbrennen jeden —MONAT einen Jahresgewinn"
20201022             MEHR—ALS—11.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND: Was der neue Höchstwert bedeutet
20201022             DIE—LAGE—AM—ABEND: Lässt Trump sich ruhig stellen?
20201022             "Es gibt kein Zurück": Wie Experten die AUSSAGEN—DES—PAPSTES zu gleichgeschlechtlichen Paaren bewerten
20201022             ANTI—CORONA—VORKEHRUNGEN im Kanzleramt: Warum DIE—BUNDESREGIERUNG —JETZT nicht in Quarantäne muss
20201022             Hohe CORONA—ZAHLEN: DÄNEMARK schließt Grenze für DEUTSCHE—URLAUBER
20201022             Mutmaßliche Sekte in NRW: Haftbefehl gegen "Propheten" wegen Missbrauchsverdachts
20201022             Land im TEIL—LOCKDOWN: FRANKREICH weitet Ausgangssperre aus - 46—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN betroffen
20201022             —VERLIERT, Trump, ältere Anhänger: "Ich werde die Demokraten wählen, das hätte ich nie für möglich gehalten" Aus SWARTHMORE—PENNSYLVANIA, berichtet ALEXANDRA—ROJKOV
20201022             Steigende CORONA—FALLZAHLEN: DEUTSCHLAND im PARTY—MODUS
20201022             RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT: Putin geht von mehreren 1000—TOTEN aus
20201022             Rolle RUSSLAND—S: Außer Balance
20201022             1MDB—SKANDAL in MALAYSIA: Goldman Sachs zahlt FAST—3—MILLIARDEN wegen Korruptionsskandal
20201022             KREML—CHEF—WILL—BEWEISE: Putin äußert sich 1. nach GIFTANSCHLAG—AUF—NAWALNY
20201022             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, KRITIK—AN—"harten Fragen": Trump, abgebrochenes TV—INTERVIEW vor dem Sendetermin
20201022             Auf Druck der Musikindustrie: Twitch löscht TAUSENDE—VIDEOS
20201022             USA—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER ALEX—AZAR geht eigenen Angaben zufolge davon aus, dass —BIS—ZUM, —APRIL ALLE—USA—AMERIKANER 1—CORONA—IMPFUNG erhalten könnten.
20201022             Eines der Mittel, das DIE—USA—REGIERUNG finanziell unterstütze, könne demnach —SCHON ENDE—DES—JAHRES für besonders gefährdete Menschen zur Verfügung stehen,
20201022             Nächtliche Ausgangssperre auch in Rom und Umgebung
20201022             "Das ist keine Realityshow. Dies ist die Realität": Der ehemalige USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA hat DONALD—TRUMP scharf attackiert.
20201022             Die Inkompetenz an der Staatsspitze habe in der CORONA—KRISE VIELE—MENSCHENLEBEN gekostet.
20201022             Die SPD—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTION strebt baldige Gesetzesänderungen an, um das Parlament stärker an den CORONA—ENTSCHEIDUNGEN zu beteiligen.
20201022             "Wir wollen sicherstellen, dass der BUNDESTAG bei den wesentlichen —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN das letzte Wort hat und dass die Befugnisse für die Regierung zum Erlass von Verordnungen bestimmt genug sind", sagte der rechtspolitische Sprecher JOHANNES—FECHNER
20201022             Generell wolle man "einen Parlamentsvorbehalt bei allen —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN, die die Grundrechte wesentlich beeinträchtigen".
20201022             Es werde darüber geschimpft, dass die Jugend Partys feiere, aber es werde nicht gesehen, dass ihnen ihre Alltagsräume genommen worden seien,
20201022             Das war —ZUNÄCHST die Schule, aber das sind auch ALLE—FREIZEITGESTALTUNGSMÖGLICHKEITEN, die Kneipe, der Klub, der Sportverein.
20201022             All das, wo Gemeinschaft stattfindet, das entfällt.
20201022             Und das ist etwas, das junge Menschen ganz anders trifft als Erwachsene".
20201022             DER—DEUTSCHE—STÄDTETAG sieht einen Vorstoß von Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER (CSU) kritisch, für BAYERN eine neue "dunkelrote" Warnstufe für Regionen mit sehr hohen CORONA—ZAHLEN einzuführen.
20201022             Die Menschen müssen noch mitkommen, bei dem was wir tun.
20201022             Das System der Regeln und Beschränkungen muss verständlich sein".
20201022             Die Akzeptanz in der Bevölkerung dürfe nicht LEIDEN.
20201022             "Vor diesem Hintergrund sehe ich die neue zusätzliche Stufe in BAYERN kritisch".
20201022             Es gebe 2—ZENTRALE Ziele, sagte Dedy.
20201022             "Das 1. ist, die Kontakte von Infizierten nachverfolgen zu können.
20201022             Das ist bei hohen INFEKTIONS—ZAHLEN regional kaum noch möglich, hier brauchen die Gesundheitsämter ganz schnell weitere Unterstützung
20201022             Und das andere große Ziel ist, die Krankenhäuser nicht zu überlasten". Dafür müssten die INFEKTIONS—ZAHLEN runtergedrückt werden. "Wir wollen das —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—WOCHEN auch in den Städten und Kreisen mit hohen INFEKTIONS—ZAHLEN SCHAFFEN—ABER wir brauchen dazu die Solidarität JEDES—UND—JEDER—EINZELNEN".
20201022             Deutlich schärfere CORONA—MAßNAHMEN in Tschechien und IRLAND
20201022             ie gleichen fast landesweiten LOCKDOWN—MAßNAHMEN.
20201022             Geschäfte, die keine lebensnotwendigen Waren verkaufen, werden geschlossen.
20201022             Treffen mit anderen Haushalten sind —BIS auf wenige Ausnahmen untersagt.
20201022             —GEÖFFNET, Schulen und Kindergärten bleiben aber.
20201022             Sport im Freien ist im Umkreis von 5—KILOMETERN erlaubt.
20201022             Kassenärzte: Grippeimpfung zuerst für Risikogruppe
20201022             Ärzteverband hält MERKEL—SZENARIO mit 19.200—NEUINFEKTIONEN für realistisch
20201022             Als die Bundeskanzlerin vor EINIGEN—WOCHEN—VON—19.200—NEUINFEKTIONEN an —1—TAG gesprochen hat, habe ich eine solche Entwicklung —ZUNÄCHST für unwahrscheinlich gehalten", sagte die VORSITZENDE—DES—BUNDESVERBANDS—DER—ÄRZTINNEN und Ärzte des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes,
20201022             "Aber so wie die Dinge —DERZEIT verlaufen, halte ich das inzwischen für eine realistische Einschätzung".
20201022             Wenn in einer Region innerhalb kurzer Zeit die INFEKTIONS—ZAHLEN stark stiegen, wie im Landkreis Berchtesgadener Land, gerieten die Gesundheitsämter "rasch an die GRENZE—DER—ÜBERFORDERUNG",
20201022             Auch Tschechien meldet neuen Höchstwert
20201022             UKRAINE meldet Höchststand bei Neuinfektionen
20201022             —GESTIEGEN, Umsatz der Apotheken
20201022             Die Erlöse lagen LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—STATISTISCHEN—BUNDESAMTES—VON—JANUAR —BIS—AUGUST bereinigt um PREIS—ERHÖHUNGEN (real) um 3—PROZENT über dem Niveau des Vorjahreszeitraumes.
20201022             Das stärkste Plus erwirtschafteten Apotheken mit 18,5 % gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat zu PANDEMIE—BEGINN —IM—MÄRZ,
20201022             Regierung stimmt Spanier auf schärfere Eindämmungsmaßnahmen ein
20201022             Laut Gesundheitsminister SALVADOR—ILLA ist die Lage außer Kontrolle.
20201022             Daher seien schärfere Maßnahmen zur Einschränkung der Bewegungsfreiheit nötig, über die er sich mit regionalen Behörden abstimme.
20201022             Die Pandemie werde den Spaniern noch 5—BIS—6—MONATE das Leben schwer machen.
20201022             RKI erklärt SCHWEIZ, POLEN und fast ganz ÖSTERREICH zum Risikogebiet
20201022             MEHR—ALS—1—MILLION—JOBS stehen bei Mittelständlern infolge der CORONA—KRISE auf der Kippe.
20201022             planen 16—PROZENT der kleinen und mittleren Firmen —IN—DIESEM—JAHR die ZAHL—DER—MITARBEITER zu reduzieren, um Kosten zu senken.
20201022             Insgesamt könnte die ANZAHL—DER—ERWERBSTÄTIGEN im Mittelstand um CA—3,3 % abnehmen
20201022             HÄLFTE—DER—JUNGEN—DEUTSCHEN findet Maßnahmen richtig
20201022             FÜR—18—PROZENT könnten die Regeln sogar noch strenger sein, nur 7—PROZENT finden die Maßnahmen "übertrieben".
20201022             Todesfälle in POLEN viermal höher als während 1. Viruswelle
20201022             Die stark steigenden CORONA—INFEKTIONS—ZAHLEN hängen LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS (RKI) vorwiegend mit Ansteckungen im privaten Bereich zusammen.
20201022             Es gehe vorwiegend um Feiern, Treffen mit Freunden oder der Familie, sagte RKI—PRÄSIDENT—LOTHAR—WIELER.
20201022             Die traditionellen Wiener Weihnachtsmärkte sollen —IN—DIESEM—JAHR trotz der Pandemie öffnen.
20201022             Die ÖSTERREICHISCHE—HAUPTSTADT hat 18—MÄRKTE mit insgesamt 852—MARKTSTÄNDEN genehmigt,
20201022             ÖSTERREICH meldet 1. über 2000—EUINFEKTIONEN - 2435—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20201022             BULGARIEN, ist wegen schnell steigender CORONA—ZAHLEN —SEIT—DONNERSTAG das Tragen von Schutzmasken auch im Freien wieder obligatorisch, wenn Abstandhalten nicht möglich ist.
20201022             Damit sollten die Menschen vor einer Ansteckung mit dem CORONA—VIRUS geschützt werden
20201022             —PROTESTLER, die —SEIT gut —3—MONATEN den Rücktritt der Regierung wegen Korruption verlangen, verbrannten vor dem Gesundheitsministerium demonstrativ Schutzmasken, da sie das Tragen von Schutzmasken im Freien ablehnen.
20201022             Aktivisten beklagten, Masken würden ihnen die "Luft zum Atmen nehmen".
20201022             Zudem seien die Orte im Freien, wo Schutzmasken Pflicht sind, nicht genau definiert.
20201022             Der PRÄSIDENT—DER—BUNDESÄRZTEKAMMER, KLAUS—REINHARDT, zweifelt am Nutzen von Alltagsmasken bei der Bekämpfung der Pandemie.
20201022             Er sei von den Alltagsmasken nicht überzeugt, "weil es auch keine tatsächliche wissenschaftliche Evidenz darüber gibt, dass die tatsächlich hilfreich sind",
20201022             "—SCHON gar nicht im Selbstschutz und wahrscheinlich auch nur ganz wenig im Schutz, andere anzustecken".
20201022             Im Zusammenhang mit der Maskenpflicht sprach der Mediziner an einer Stelle von einem "Vermummungsgebot".
20201022             Der SPD—GESUNDHEITSPOLITIKER KARL—LAUTERBACH bezeichnete das in 1—TWEET als "unentschuldbar" für den "ranghöchsten DEUTSCHES—ÄRZTEFUNKTIONÄR".
20201022             "Aus meiner Sicht 1—RÜCKTRITTSGRUND, wenn er das nicht sofort zurücknimmt", schrieb er.
20201022             Bundesgesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN (CDU) geht es LAUT—ANGABEN eines Sprechers des Gesundheitsministeriums "den Umständen entsprechend gut".
20201022             "Er hat weiterhin kein Fieber, zeigt aber Erkältungssymptome",
20201022             Die gerichtliche Aufhebung der Testpflicht für Touristen aus DEUTSCHES—CORONA—RISIKOGEBIETEN erschwert nach ANSICHT—VON—MINISTERPRÄSIDENTIN—MANUELA—SCHWESIG (SPD) die Kontrolle über die Virusausbreitung im Nordosten.
20201022             Reisen Tausender Touristen aus Regionen mit teilweise sehr hohen INFEKTIONS—ZAHLEN nach MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN würden unsicherer, weil keine Tests mehr verlangt werden können.
20201022             "Das macht es in Zeiten, wo die Zahlen massiv ansteigen, wo wir den eigenen Bürgern hier vor Ort wieder Einschnitte zumuten müssen, nicht einfacher",
20201022             "Wir denken, dass es sich um eine ansteckendere Variante des Virus handelt,
20201022             MEHR—ALS—9000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in den Niederlanden
20201022             SCHWEDEN hebt CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN für Ältere auf
20201022             es gäbe keinen Grund mehr, warum für Ältere schärfere Maßnahmen gelten sollten als für den Rest der Bevölkerung.
20201022             "—HEUTE wissen wir mehr über das CORONA—VIRUS und über die Situationen, in denen das INFEKTIONS—RISIKO am größten ist",
20201022             Personen die älter als —70—JAHRE sind, waren —BISHER aufgefordert, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel und physischen Kontakt zu anderen zu vermeiden.
20201022             Außerdem sollten sie sich von Geschäften und anderen öffentlichen Orten fernhalten.
20201022             —GEHABT, Die Maßnahmen hätten einen großen Effekt
20201022             Doch 1—BERICHT habe gezeigt, dass sich die Isolation bei vielen Älteren negativ auf ihre psychische Gesundheit ausgewirkt habe.
20201022             Wikipedia und WHO kooperieren bei Infos zu CORONA
20201022             Künftig sollen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt über die digitale WIKIPEDIA—BIBLIOTHEK einen Zugang zu Infografiken, Videos und anderen Informationen der WHO zur öffentlichen Gesundheit haben,
20201022             Die freie Lizenz ermögliche es auch, die Inhalte mit anderen ohne Beschränkungen teilen zu können.
20201022             SCHWEDEN verschärft Regeln für Nachtklubs
20201022             DÄNEMARK schließt Grenze für DEUTSCHE—URLAUBER
20201022             —VERZÖGERT, Kontaktpersonen werden oft nur, informiert
20201022             FRANKREICH weitet Ausgangssperre aus: 46—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN betroffen
20201022             Der Bund wird am Wochenende nach Worten von Innenminister HORST—SEEHOFER "massiv Bundespolizei zur Verfügung stellen auf Bitten des Landes BERLIN, um die Einhaltung der Regeln zu gewährleisten".
20201022             Die Politik könne DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG nur immer wieder bitten, die Regeln einzuhalten.
20201022             Es sei angesichts der steigenden INFEKTIONS—ZAHLEN "sehr sichtbar, dass wir in einer wirklich ernsten und dramatischen Lage sind",
20201022             "Es geht nicht mehr um WENIGE—1000, sondern es geht um Hunderttausende auf —DEN—MONAT gerechnet".
20201022             —VERZEICHNET, GROSSBRITANNIEN, leichten Rückgang an Neuinfektionen - Ausgangssperre in Athen
20201022             Gastronomen und andere Betroffene gehen gerichtlich gegen die strengen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN im OBERBAYERN—LANDKREIS Berchtesgadener Land vor.
20201022             Österreichs KANZLER—RÄT—VON—FRIEDHOFSBESUCH zu Allerheiligen ab
20201022             INFEKTIONS—REKORD in PORTUGAL: Regierung verhängt regionalen Lockdown
20201022             PORTUGAL, hat es 1. —SEIT Ausbruch der CORONA—PANDEMIE MEHR—ALS—3000—NEUINFEKTION gegeben.
20201022             Für die 3—AM schlimmsten betroffenen Bezirke Felgueiras, Lousada und Paços de Ferreira im Norden des Landes beschloss die Regierung für —ZUNÄCHST —1—WOCHE einschneidende Maßnahmen.
20201022             Die CA—150.000—BETROFFENEN Menschen dürfen ab —MITTERNACHT (Ortszeit) das Haus nur noch mit triftigem Grund VERLASSEN—ETWA, um zur Arbeit oder zum Arzt zu fahren.
20201022             Die sozialistische REGIERUNG—VON—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—ANTÓNIO—COSTA beschloss außerdem, dass alle gut 10,3—MILLIONEN Bürger Portugals 20201030—20201103    —ZWISCHEN, den eigenen Wohnbezirk nicht verlassen dürfen.
20201022             Damit wolle man zu Allerheiligen und Allerseelen den für gewöhnlich sehr lebhaften Reiseverkehr eindämmen,
20201022             SLOWAKEI beschließt Ausgangsbeschränkungen
20201022             FRANKFURT, hat das Verwaltungsgericht die von der Stadt verfügte Höchstgrenze bei privaten Feiern in geschlossenen Räumen gekippt.
20201022             Die Richter setzten die Anordnung wegen Formfehlern mit einer Eilentscheidung außer Vollzug.
20201022             Neuer Höchststand bei Neuinfektionen in ITALIEN
20201022             USA lassen Medikament Remdesivir zur Behandlung von COVID—PATIENTEN zu
20201022             Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO hatte vergangene —WOCHE allerdings mitgeteilt, dass mehrere in weltweiten Testreihen überprüfte, potenzielle CORONA—MEDIKAMENTE wenig oder keinen Nutzen gezeigt hätten.
20201022             Darunter war auch Remdesivir.
20201022             COVID—19: Alentejo tem mais um óbito e 56—CASOS, PORTUGAL bate recorde com 3270
20201022             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—400—(=)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—245—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—151—(-2)
20201022             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—19—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—14—(=)
20201022             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—11—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—9—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20201022             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—41—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—11—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—30—(=)
20201022             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—249—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—159—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—89—(=)
20201022             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—78—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—49—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—27—(+1)
20201022             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—291—(+4)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—224—(+16)—CASOS—ATIVOS—67—(-12)
20201022             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—406—(+8)—ÓBITOS—8—(=)—RECUPERADOS—288—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—110—(+8)
20201022             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—17—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—16—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(-1)
20201022             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—101—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—58—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—43—(=)
20201022             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—284—(+6)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—210—(+39)—CASOS—ATIVOS—69—(-33)
20201022             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—112—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—72—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—40—(+1)
20201022             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—155—(+7)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—62—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—92—(+7)
20201022             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—131—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—38—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—91—(+2)
20201022             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—22—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—RECUPERADOS—10—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—12—(-1)
20201022             ALB—DONAU—KREIS Landkreis Recuperados 1.263—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 640,9—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 118,7—TODESFÄLLE 27—EINWOHNERZAHL 197.076
20201022             Altenkirchen (Westerwald) Landkreis Recuperados 453—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 351,7—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 118,0—TODESFÄLLE 12—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.805
20201022             AUGSBURG Kreisfreie STADT—RECUPERADOS 1.730—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 583,3—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 121,7—TODESFÄLLE 17—EINWOHNERZAHL 296.582
20201022             Berchtesgadener Land Landkreis Recuperados 877—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 827,9—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 238,8—TODESFÄLLE 25—EINWOHNERZAHL 105.929
20201022             BERLIN FRIEDRICHSHAIN—KREUZBERG Bezirk Recuperados 2.428—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 860,8—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 130,5—TODESFÄLLE 10—EINWOHNERZAHL 282.059
20201022             BERLIN —MITTE Bezirk Recuperados 4.053—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 1.080,1—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 203,9—TODESFÄLLE 21—EINWOHNERZAHL 375.238
20201022             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN Bezirk Recuperados 3.662—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 1.140,4—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 211,8—TODESFÄLLE 45—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123
20201022             BERLIN Reinickendorf Bezirk Recuperados 1.756—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 676,2—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 107,1—TODESFÄLLE 23—EINWOHNERZAHL 259.689
20201022             BERLIN TEMPELHOF—SCHÖNEBERG Bezirk Recuperados 2.593—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 758,7—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 146,3—TODESFÄLLE 28—EINWOHNERZAHL 341.772
20201022             DARMSTADT Kreisfreie STADT—RECUPERADOS 742—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 464,1—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 107,6—TODESFÄLLE 18—EINWOHNERZAHL 159.878
20201022             Düren Kreis Recuperados 1.540—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 581,9—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 124,3—TODESFÄLLE 44—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638
20201022             Erzgebirgskreis Landkreis Recuperados 1.935—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 577,7—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 139,4—TODESFÄLLE 62—EINWOHNERZAHL 334.948
20201022             Euskirchen Kreis Recuperados 947—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 489,0—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,6—TODESFÄLLE 31—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656
20201022             FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN Kreisfreie STADT—RECUPERADOS 5.651—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 740,3—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 134,9—TODESFÄLLE 85—EINWOHNERZAHL 763.380
20201022             GELSENKIRCHEN Kreisfreie STADT—RECUPERADOS 1.892—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 728,7—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 129,0—TODESFÄLLE 19—EINWOHNERZAHL 259.645
20201022             GROß—GERAU Landkreis Recuperados 1.824—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 661,5—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 122,2—TODESFÄLLE 23—EINWOHNERZAHL 275.726
20201022             Köln Kreisfreie STADT—RECUPERADOS 7.966—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 732,3—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 120,1—TODESFÄLLE 135—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863
20201022             MARBURG—BIEDENKOPF Landkreis Recuperados 966—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 391,0—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 108,9—TODESFÄLLE 5—EINWOHNERZAHL 247.084
20201022             Neustadt a.d. Waldnaab Landkreis Recuperados 1.101—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 1.165,7—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 119,6—TODESFÄLLE 75—EINWOHNERZAHL 94.450
20201022             OFFENBACH am Main Kreisfreie STADT—RECUPERADOS 975—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 748,4—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 112,1—TODESFÄLLE 13—EINWOHNERZAHL 130.280
20201022             Passau Landkreis Recuperados 1.151—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 597,4—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 113,7—TODESFÄLLE 31—EINWOHNERZAHL 192.656
20201022             RECKLINGHAUSEN Kreis Recuperados 3.653—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 594,8—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 105,5—TODESFÄLLE 50—EINWOHNERZAHL 614.137
20201022             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Kreis Recuperados 2.418—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 513,8—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 58,4—TODESFÄLLE 82—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615
20201022             Rosenheim Kreisfreie STADT—RECUPERADOS 888—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 1.397,3—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 114,9—TODESFÄLLE 23—EINWOHNERZAHL 63.551
20201022             ROTTAL—INN Landkreis Recuperados 1.237—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 1.018,1—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 161,3—TODESFÄLLE 51—EINWOHNERZAHL 121.502
20201022             Schweinfurt Kreisfreie STADT—RECUPERADOS 381—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 713,1—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 114,2—TODESFÄLLE 19—EINWOHNERZAHL 53.426
20201022             Schweinfurt Landkreis Recuperados 940—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 814,2—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 125,6—TODESFÄLLE 25—EINWOHNERZAHL 115.445
20201022             S—WENDEL—LANDKREIS—RECUPERADOS 442—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 508,0—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 111,5—TODESFÄLLE 7—EINWOHNERZAHL 87.007
20201022             Städteregion AACHEN Kreis Recuperados 4.104—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 736,8—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 111,7—TODESFÄLLE 111—EINWOHNERZAHL 557.026
20201022             Vechta Landkreis Recuperados 1.071—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 749,9—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 119,0—TODESFÄLLE 14—EINWOHNERZAHL 142.814
20201022             Weiden i.d. OPF—REISFREIE STADT—RECUPERADOS 503—RECUPERADOS/100.000—EW 1.176,8—RECUPERADOS letzte —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 126,3—TODESFÄLLE 20—EINWOHNERZAHL 42.743
20201022             Die Symbolik dahinter wird häufig auf den Sieg der Russen gegen die Mongolen Tataren der goldenen Horde zurückgeführt
20201022             (Das CHRISTEN—KREUZ spießt den Arabisch/Muslimischen Halbmond auf) aber die 1. verzeichneten Vorkommnisse des Kreuzes mit Halbmond gehen auf das Späte —14—JAHRHUNDERT (ca.
20201022             D - die Sonne hinter dem Kreuz (das was du als die 4—ZUSÄTZLICHEN Zacken aus dem Scientology Kreuz erkannt hast) geht wahrscheinlich auf einen Vers aus der JOHANNES—OFFENBARUNG zurück: Offb.
20201022             Ein anderer Leserbrief hat eine andere Theorie:
20201022             —THURSDAY, 20201022
20201022             —DONNERSTAG,
20201022             RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT: Putin geht von mehreren 1000—TOTEN aus - Rolle RUSSLAND—S: Außer Balance
20201022             Die Jugendämter in DEUTSCHLAND fordern in der Pandemie mehr Rücksichtnahme auf die Bedürfnisse von Kindern und Jugendlichen und 1—STÄRKUNG—DER—KINDER—UND—JUGENDHILFE.
20201022             In their final debate USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP and JOE—BIDEN squared off on the pandemic, the economy, climate change and race — and the nature of presidential leadership itself.
20201022             —UNEDITED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP —POSTED his full, interview with "—60—MINUTES" on Facebook —BEFORE the show's scheduled 20201025             broadcast and criticized CBS anchor Lesley Stahl —AFTER she pressed him on 1—HOST—OF—TOPICS.
20201022             —ANNOUNCED, WASHINGTON, it was placing SANCTIONS—ON—THE—ISLAMIC—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD—CORPS (IRGC), IRAN—ELITE—QUDS force, the Bayan Rasaneh Gostar Institute and 3—NEWS—OUTLETS.
20201022             A 2. FEDERAL—COURT—BLOCKED—THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION—ATTEMPT—TO—CHANGE census numbers used to divvy up CONGRESS—SEATS by excluding undocumented immigrants.
20201022             —TRIED, USA—CYBERSECURITY—OFFICIALS said that RUSSIA—HACKERS have, to steal data from DOZENS—OF—USA—STATE and local governments in recent days, stoking fears of foreign interference in the looming —NOVEMBER—ELECTION.
20201022             THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration said that it had formally approved remdesivir as the 1. drug to treat COVID—19, 1—MOVE that indicated THE—GOVERNMENT—CONFIDENCE in its safe and effective use for hospitalized patients.
20201022             —AGREED, Goldman Sachs, to pay nearly $3—BILLION (£2.3bn) in THE—USA to end 1—PROBE—OF—ITS—ROLE in MALAYSIA's 1MDB corruption scandal.
20201022             1—APPEALS—COURT—IN—CALIFORNIA ruled that Uber and Lyft must treat their drivers as employees, not independent contractors.
20201022             But Californians are about to vote on 1—BALLOT—INITIATIVE, sponsored by the companies, that would exempt them from the same law.
20201022             CALIFORNIA TO—DATE had 887,614—CASES—OF—CORONA—VIRUS and 17,192 deaths.
20201022             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 113,337 cases and 1,704 deaths.
20201022             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 8,404,528 with THE—DEATH—TOLL at 221,930.
20201022             —PLAYED, Scenes of panic and destruction, out across NORTH—COLORADO as 1—LATE—SEASON wildfire exploded through the parched woods and valleys —AROUND Rocky Mountain National Park.
20201022             —BURNED, THE—EAST—TROUBLESOME Fire had, CA—170,000 acres.
20201022             —PLEADED, GOVERNOR—GARY—HART again, with people to adhere to mask mandates in place in 21—OF—THE—STATE—29—COUNTIES.
20201022             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—UTAH, for the 1. time that 20180000             —THE—ON—CAMPUS—MURDER—OF—TRACK—STAR—LAUREN—MCCLUSKEY was "preventable" and agreed to pay her family $13.5—MILLION to settle 1—LAWSUIT in the case.
20201022             Hackers reportedly stole $2.3—MILLION from THE—WISCONSIN—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—ACCOUNT that was being used to help reelect USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP in the key battleground state.
20201022             —APPEARED, THE—ATTACK began as 1—PHISHING attempt and no data, to have been stolen.
20201022             1—TRIO—OF—SPACE—TRAVELERS safely returned to Earth —AFTER—1—6—MONTH—MISSION on THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20201022             THE—SOYUZ—MS—16—CAPSULE carrying NASA ASTRONAUT—CHRIS—CASSIDY, and Roscosmos' Anatoly Ivanishin and IVAN—VAGNER landed on the steppes of KAZAKHSTAN SOUTHEAST—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—DZHEZKAZGAN.
20201022             —PASSED, THE—ALBANIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—RESOLUTION joining global efforts to combat ANTI—SEMITISM.
20201022             —CONTINUED, Heavy fighting over NAGORNO—KARABAKH, with ARMENIA and AZERBAIJAN trading blame for new attacks, hostilities that raised THE—THREAT—OF—TURKEY and RUSSIA being drawn into the conflict.
20201022             —JUMPED, AUSTRIA—DAILY—TALLY—OF—CORONA—VIRUS—CASES, past 2,000 to 1—NEW—HIGH—OF—2,435.
20201022             —REPORTED, Bosnia, 1—RECORD—999—NEW—INFECTIONS, bringing the total NUMBER—OF—CASES in the country of CA—3.3—MILLION to 37,314, with 1,051 deaths.
20201022             —REPORTED, CROATIA, its biggest rise in daily new COVID—19—INFECTIONS with 1,563 new cases, nearly half of which were in its CAPITAL—ZAGREB, where they more than doubled.
20201022             —ADOPTED, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC, exactly the same massive restrictions it slapped on citizens in the —SPRING.
20201022             The measures include limits on free movement and THE—CLOSURE—OF—MANY—STORES, shopping malls and hotels.
20201022             They will remain in place —UNTIL At—least—20201103             .
20201022             —CONDEMNED, HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH, EGYPT—EXECUTION—OF—49—PEOPLE so far —THIS—MONTH and urged authorities in CAIRO to grant fair retrials to those on the death row.
20201022             —HEADED, EUROPEAN—UNION—NEGOTIATORS, to LONDON to resume Brexit trade talks —AFTER BRITAIN called off 1—BOYCOTT, with both sides vowing to work round the clock to seal 1—DEAL in the slender time left.
20201022             —AWARDED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, its top human rights prize to THE—BELARUS opposition movement and its leader, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, for their challenge to PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO—LONG, HARD—LINE—REIGN.
20201022             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE—PRIME—MINISTER—JEAN—CASTEX, 1—VAST—EXTENSION—OF—THE nightly curfew that is intended to curb the spiraling SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS, saying "2. wave is here".
20201022             —CONFIRMED, GERMANY, the number of, CORONA—VIRUS—CASES—ROSE by MORE—THAN—10,000 in 1—SINGLE—DAY for the 1. time.
20201022             The reported DEATH—TOLL—ROSE by 30 to 9,905.
20201022             —PROMISED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI—PARTY, free DOSES—OF—ANY—FUTURE—COVID 19—VACCINE for THE—RESIDENTS—OF—EAST—BIHAR state if it wins local elections there, drawing accusations of playing politics with the pandemic.
20201022             —ISOLATED, INDIA—DRUGMAKER DOCTOR—REDDY—LABORATORIES—LTD said it had, all its data center services as 1—PREVENTIVE measure —FOLLOWING 1—CYBERATTACK.
20201022             —DENIED, IRAN and RUSSIA strongly, USA—ALLEGATIONS—OF having taken actions to influence PUBLIC—OPINION ahead—of—20201103             —THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20201022             —REPORTED, MEXICO—HEALTH—MINISTRY, 6,612 additional cases of the novel CORONA—VIRUS and 479—MORE—DEATHS in the country, bringing the official NUMBER—OF—CASES to 874,171 and THE—DEATH—TOLL to 87,894.
20201022             —REPORTED, Health authorities in NORTH—MACEDONIA, 6,552 active cases.
20201022             † So far 874—PEOPLE have, and 25,473 have fallen ill with the infection.
20201022             NIGERIA, PLUMES—OF—SMOKE—ROSE from 1—PRISON in LAGOS and gunfire could be heard as people ran through streets in the area, signs of continued unrest in THE—WEST—AFRICA—NATION that has been gripped by PROTESTS—AGAINST—POLICE—BRUTALITY.
20201022             —RULED, POLAND—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, that 1—LAW allowing the abortion of fetuses with congenital defects is unconstitutional.
20201022             —REPORTED, POLAND—HEALTH—MINISTRY, 1—RECORD 12,107 new CORONA—VIRUS—INFECTIONS and 168—DEATHS in the space of —24—HOURS.
20201022             —STARTED, MOSCOW—DEPUTY mayor said RUSSIA has, opening temporary clinics and repurposing hospitals in the capital to cope with the rising NUMBERS—OF—CORONA—VIRUS—PATIENTS, as the nationwide DEATH—TOLL from the virus passed 25,000. Authorities reporting 15,971—CORONA—VIRUS—CASES, taking the nationwide total to 1,463,306, the 4. highest in THE—WORLD.
20201022             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said that weeks of fighting over the mountainous NAGORNO—KARABAKH province had left close to 5,000—PEOPLE—DEAD as world leaders scrambled to broker 1—TRUCE.
20201022             —GRANTED, FORMER—USA—SECURITY contractor EDWARD—SNOWDEN was, permanent residency in RUSSIA.
20201022             RUSSIA—AGRICULTURE—SAFETY—WATCHDOG said it had found TRACES—OF—AFRICA—SWINE fever in pork products in several regions —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR, urging producers to step up controls and make sure they don't use ill or infected pigs for production.
20201022             —REPORTED, Serbia, 1—INCREASE—OF—416—CASES, bringing total infections to 37,536. So far 783—PEOPLE have †.
20201022             —RECORDED, SLOVAKIA, 2,581 new CORONA—VIRUS—CASES.
20201022             —REPORTED, It also, 1—RECORD—NUMBER—OF—COVID—19 related deaths for a 2. successive —DAY, with 19.
20201022             —REPORTED, SLOVENIA, with 2—MILLION—PEOPLE, 1—RECORD—HIGH—NUMBER—OF—DAILY—CASES, reaching 1,663 infections.
20201022             —REPORTED—WAS, that SPAIN —THIS—WEEK became the 1. country in WEST—EUROPE to record MORE—THAN—1—MILLION confirmed infections, as it struggles to contain 1—RESURGENCE—OF—THE—NEW—CORONA—VIRUS.
20201022             —RECORDED, SPAIN has, MORE—THAN—34,000—DEATHS attributed to the disease.
20201022             SWEDEN—GOVERNMENT said its senior citizens no longer need to isolate themselves, pointing to lower COVID infection rates than in —SPRING and 1—GROWING toll on the mental HEALTH—OF—ITS—ELDERLY as behind the new recommendation.
20201022             —KILLED, SYRIA, 1—ROADSIDE bombing, DAMASCUS Mufti MOHAMMED—ADNAN—AFIOUNI, who played 1—KEY—ROLE in government deals with rebel fighters.
20201022             —ACKNOWLEDGED, TANZANIA—GOVERNMENT, 1—ATTACK—LAST—WEEK inside the country by Islamic extremists based in neighboring MOZAMBIQUE.
20201022             —INVOLVED, SOME—300—ATTACKERS were, in THE—ASSAULT—ON—KITAYA, 1—RIVERSIDE border village in THE—MTWARA region.
20201022             —CANCELED, THAILAND—GOVERNMENT, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY it had declared —LAST—WEEK for BANGKOK in 1—GESTURE offered by the embattled PRIME—MINISTER to cool STUDENT—LED protests seeking democracy reforms.
20201022             —SLAMMED, TURKEY—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, 1—JOINT—STATEMENT by GREECE, CYPRUS and EGYPT that condemns TURKEY—ENERGY—EXPLORATION in THE—EAST—MEDITERRANEAN and numerous "provocations" that they maintain are threatening regional peace.
20201022             —REGISTERED, UKRAINE, 1—DAILY—RECORD—OF—7,053—COVID—19—CASES, up from 1—PREVIOUS—RECORD—OF—6,719 —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20201022             —CLIMBED, The total NUMBER—OF—CASES, to 322,879. 116—NEW—CORONA—VIRUS—RELATED deaths were registered in the past —DAY.
20201022             —ANNOUNCED, THE—VATICAN and CHINA jointly, a —2—YEAR—EXTENSION to 20180000             —THE—AGREEMENT, which expired —TODAY.
20201022             This came despite strong OPPOSITION—FROM—THE—WHITE—HOUSE and conservative Catholics given BEIJING—CRACKDOWN on religious believers.
202010221619         Für alle, die sich noch eigene gedanken machen.
202010221619         Die im Dunkeln sieht man nicht.
202010221619         1—DOKUMENTATION über Risiken und Nebenwirkungen bei EINFLUSS—LOSEN Kreisen macht Sinn
20201022—19940000    —J—IM, Es war den Angaben zufolge der bislang umsatzstärkste —MONAT—SEIT—DEM, Beginn der Zeitreihe.
20201022—20130000    —SINCE, The former contractor with THE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY has been living in RUSSIA to escape prosecution in THE—USA—AFTER leaking classified documents detailing government surveillance programs.
20201022—20201022    —VERLÄNGERT, Erneute Provokation im Ostmittelmeer: TÜRKEI, GAS—ERKUNDUNGSMISSION
20201022—20201102    —AM, werde es einen offiziellen —TAG—DER—TRAUER in Gedenken an die OPFER—VON—COVID 19—GEBEN.
20211022             Blütenernte - Eine manuelle Ernte von Blüten mit speziellen Blütenkämmen ist nur im kleinflächigen Anbau möglich.
20211022             Der durchschnittliche Arbeitszeitbedarf für Blüten liegt beispielsweise für Kamille bei 1.000—BIS 3.000—ARBEITSKRAFTSTUNDEN (Akh) je Hektar und bringt 3—BIS 5—KILOGRAMM getrocknete Blüten je Hektar.
20211022             —FREITAG, 20211022
20211022             BRITISCHE—MONARCHIN: KÖNIGIN—ELIZABETH—II. musste —NACHT im Krankenhaus verbringen
20211022             100—EURO für Geringverdiener: FRANKREICH verspricht Ausgleichszahlung wegen hoher ENERGIE—PREISE
20211022             Kongressvorladung missachtet: USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS STIMMT—FÜR—AN—KLAGE—GEGEN—STEVE—BANNON
20211022             Neue Regeln bei der FED: Führende USA—NOTENBANKER dürfen keine Aktien mehr kaufen
20211022             Toter DROGEN—BOSS: USA—GERICHT erkennt PABLO—ESCOBARS—NILPFERDE als juristische Personen an
20211022             Höchster Wert —SEIT—MAI: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt sprunghaft an
20211022             Europäische Union: Streit mit POLEN bleibt auf EU—GIPFEL ungelöst
20211022             Staatliche FINANZ—ZEITUNG: Evergrande wendet Zahlungsausfall ab
20211022             SPD—GENERALSEKRETÄR: Klingbeil verteidigt Bundeswehr gegen Generalverdacht
20211022             CORONA—KRISE—BRASILIEN: Warum Pfizer eine ganze Stadt impfen lassen will
20211022             RUSSLAND: Tote und Verletzte bei Explosion in SCHIEßPULVER—FABRIK
20211022             Wow. Das fühlt sich ja mal respektlos an.
20211022             Als würde die Autorin von Twilight die Rechte am Herrn der Ringe kaufen oder so.
20211022             Frauen in der Union: "Es nervt irgendwie"
20211022             —BERICHTET, Aus Tel Aviv, RICHARD—C—SCHNEIDER
20211022             USA—BUNDES—STAAT ALABAMA: Wegen Mordes Verurteilter —30—JAHRE—NACH—TAT hingerichtet
20211022             Razzia bei 1—BUNDESWEHRSOLDATEN: Offizier bunkerte radioaktives Material
20211022             75—FESTNAHMEN bei Gastspiel in ROTTERDAM: Union BERLIN beklagt "sehr harten POLIZEI—EINSATZ"
20211022             Gendefekt als Evolutionsvorteil: Das Rätsel um die stoßzahnlosen Elefanten von MOSAMBIK
20211022             Chaos bei Truth Social: Onlinetrolle stürzen sich auf neues TRUMP—NETZWERK
20211022             —STREIT—ÜBER—MITBESTIMMUNG in USA: AMAZON—LAGERARBEITER wollen erneut Gewerkschaft gründen
20211022             IFW—BERECHNUNG: Coronabehandlungen könnten 180—MILLIONEN—EURO pro —WOCHE kosten
20211022             KANZLERIN—BEIM—EU—GIPFEL: Stehende Ovationen für die "Kompromissmaschine" Merkel
20211022             Muezzinruf in DEUTSCHLAND: Kölle Allah
20211022             Gaspipeline NORD—STREAM 2: Weber fordert harte Linie gegenüber RUSSLAND
20211022             Studien zu Rassismus bei der Polizei: Wenn Soziologen im Streifenwagen mitfahren
20211022             Linkenpolitikerin: WAGENKNECHT—FANS fordern Parteiaustritt
20211022             MEDIEN—NEGATIVPREIS: "Goldene Kartoffel" für bürgerliche Medien wegen "polarisierender" Identitätsdebatte
20211022             In türkischem Dorf: Ungeimpfte über MOSCHEE—LAUTSPRECHER zu Immunisierung aufgerufen
20211022             ARGENTINIEN: Forscher finden gigantischen DINOSAURIER—FRIEDHOF - Dinosaurier.
20211022             —SCHON vor über 190—MILLIONEN—JAHREN bildeten sie Herden.
20211022             War das der Schlüssel zu ihrem evolutionären Erfolg?
20211022             "Es ist —SCHON schwer, überhaupt versteinerte Eier zu finden.
20211022             Und noch schwerer, versteinerte Eier mit Embryos darin zu entdecken",
20211022             die untersuchung zeigt, dass diese großen Pflanzenfresser vor CA—193—MILLIONEN—JAHREN in Herden lebten, gemeinsame Brutkolonien unterhielten und sich nach Altersgruppen zusammenschlossen.
20211022             Als Gründe für ihren Erfolg sahen Experten —BISHER das Besetzen freigewordener ökologischer Nischen, ihre Körpergröße und ihr schnelles Wachstum.
20211022             Die —NUN im Fachblatt "Scientific Reports" veröffentlichte Studie deutet darauf hin, dass diese Eigenschaften mit ihrem Sozialverhalten einhergingen.
20211022             "Es sind zwar nicht die ältesten Dinosaurier, aber die ältesten, für die Herdenverhalten vermutet wird",
20211022             Tödliche Varroamilbe: Australiens Bienenimporte wegen Coronapandemie in Gefahr
20211022             Die Deutschen und ihre dicken Autos: Wut wegen steigender Spritpreise?
20211022             Liberale DROGEN—POLITIK: LUXEMBURG erlaubt Cannabisanbau für Eigenbedarf
20211022             —KAMPF—GEGEN—INFLATION: RUSSISCHE—NOTENBANK erhöht Leitzins auf 7,5 %
20211022             UKRAINE: Nationalheldin Sawtschenko mit gefälschtem Impfzertifikat erwischt
20211022             Parteivize: Spahn sieht CDU in größter Krise ihrer Geschichte
20211022             Sicherheitslücke bei Elektroautos: Wenn der Wagen dem Fahrer einen STROM—SCHLAG versetzt
20211022             —PROTESTE—VON—FRIDAYS—FOR—FUTURE: KLIMA—SCHÜTZER blockieren Zentralen der Ampelparteien
20211022             —NACH kräftiger Zinssenkung: TÜRKISCHE—LIRA fällt erneut auf REKORD—TIEF
20211022             "Heartbeat Bill": SUPREME—COURT—LÄSST—ABTREIBUNGSVERBOT in TEXAS —ZUNÄCHST in Kraft
20211022             [l] Überfischung führt zu weniger Fischkot im Wasser, führt zu weniger CO2-Bindung im Ozean.
20211022             Hätte uns doch nur jemand gewarnt, dass wir uns gerade der Reihe nach stützende Feedbackschleifen wegballern!
20211022             [l] Der Einzelfallbeauftragte bitte zur Bundeswehr.
20211022             Zur Bundeswehr bitte! Wie? Nein, diesmal kein Nazi.
20211022             —INTERESSIERT, Bloß 1—WAFFENENTHUSIAST, der sich für Kernphysik.
20211022             Ein in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN festgenommener Bundeswehroffizier soll neben Waffen auch radioaktives Material gehortet haben.
20211022             Ach komm, das bisschen Strontium-90, der will doch bloß ein bisschen spielen!
20211022             Schusswaffen, Granaten, Handgranaten und Minen - OK, der wollte viel spielen!
20211022             —GEHÖRT, Der Mann, 1—BUNDESWEHRZENTRUM an, das für DIE—ANALYSE selbstgebauter Sprengsätze und deren Abwehr zuständig ist.
20211022             Seht ihr? Der hat sich bloß privat fortgebildet!
20211022             Gut, wieso er Geheimdokumente des BND über die Lage in NORD—KOREA hatte, ist nicht ganz klar.
20211022             Offen sei, wie der Beschuldigte an die heiklen Papiere kam.
20211022             Auch "umfangreiche kommunistische Literatur" soll bei der Razzia sichergestellt worden sein.
20211022             Immerhin kein Nazi.
20211022             INCIDÊNCIA—NACIONAL: 86,1 CASOS—DE—INFEÇÃO por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR—100 000—HAB.
20211022             Continente: 86,5 CASOS—DE—INFEÇÃO por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR—100 000—HAB.
20211022             R(t) Nacional: 1,02—CONTINENTE: 1,02
20211022             Total Cases 242.803.097  Total Deaths 4.934.449  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 6.760.313.682
20211022             Neue konservative Kampagnenagentur: Wer steckt hinter "THE—REPUBLIC"?
20211022             Briten sprechen von Durchbruch: G7 einigen sich auf Regeln für Digitalhandel
20211022             Börsenpläne des EX—PRÄSIDENTEN: TRUMP—FANS treiben Aktienkurs von möglicher "Truth Social"-Firma
20211022             Frankfurter Buchmesse: Jugendliteraturpreis für "Asterix"-Übersetzerin Penndorf
20211022             Hohe Inzidenz: ÖSTERREICHISCHE—REGIERUNG droht Ungeimpften mit Lockdown
20211022             Fri
20211022             [l] Flixbus kauft Greyhound.
20211022             ISRAELISCHER—PREMIER auf RUSSLAND—REISE: Wird Putin ihn blamieren — oder ernst nehmen?
20211022             GASNORD—STREAM—PIPELINE 2: Weber fordert harte Linie gegenüber RUSSLAND
20211022             Auf einer FLÄCHE—VON—EINEM—QUADRATKILOMETER im Süden von Patagonien entdeckte 1—TEAM 80—INDIVIDUEN unterschiedlichen Alters und über 100—TEILS gut erhaltene, versteinerte Eier der ART—MUSSAURUS patagonicus.
20211022             TEXAS: USA—SCHÜLER ziehen vor Gericht — weil lange Haare verboten sind
20211022             Selbst schuld - Skandal um manipulierte Zinssätze: Whistleblower der DEUTSCHES—BANK—SOLL—FAST 200—MILLIONEN—$ erhalten — als Belohnung
20211022             Dem Magazin zufolge geht es um KALASCHNIKOW—GEWEHRE, PANZER—UND Flugabwehrwaffen sowie etliche entschärfte Granaten und Munition.
20211022—20210000    Weihnachtsmärkte : Glühwein hinterm Zaun
202203131022         MOSCOW—DAILY—COVID—19—CASES continue decreasing
202203291022         RUSSIA—INVADERS' military losses reach 17,000 - GENERAL—STAFF
202205151022         —KILLED, Occupying forces have already, 227—CHILDREN: 1—BOY † of his injuries in Popasna
20220924—20221022    —FÜR—DEN, Ein breites zivilgesellschaftliches Bündnis ruft zu DEMONSTRATIONEN—IN—MEHREREN DEUTSCHES—STÄDTEN auf.
20221022             —SAMSTAG, 20221022
20221022             —ANGST—VOR—DEM ATOM—KRIEG: DIE—RUSSEN haben sich —BEREITS an die Bombe gewöhnt
20221022             Truss Nachfolge: BRITISCHER—EX—FINANZMINISTER—SUNAK hat den Rückhalt FÜR—1—KANDIDATUR zusammen
20221022             "Täglich Hilferufe von Unternehmen": DIHK warnt wegen ENERGIE—KRISE vor Produktionsstopps
20221022             Brandbrief an den FINANZ—MINISTER: Baerbock und Lambrecht wollen 1,5—MILLIARDEN—EURO mehr für UKRAINE—WAFFEN
20221022             Eklat beim Parteitag in CHINA: EX—STAATSCHEF—HU—JINTAO überraschend vom Podium entfernt
20221022             Der 79-Jährige wurde von 2—SAALORDNERN offensichtlich gegen seinen Willen von seinem Platz neben STAATS—UND Parteichef Xi Jinping vom Podium geführt, wie auf Videoaufnahmen zu sehen war.
20221022             Während der Abschlusssitzung waren KURZ—VORHER internationale Kameraleute und Journalisten auf die Tribüne in der Großen HALLE des Volkes gelassen worden.
20221022             Der gebrechlich wirkende Hu Jintao gilt nicht unbedingt als Unterstützer des heutigen Parteichefs.
20221022             Er zählt zum Lager der kommunistischen Jugendliga in der Partei, das von Xi Jinping geschwächt worden war.
20221022             Der frühere PRÄSIDENT hatte das Amt des Generalsekretärs nach 2—AMTSZEITEN 20120000             an Xi Jinping übergeben.
20221022             Hu Jintao steht für das alte "kollektive" Führungsmodell mit Vertretern verschiedener Fraktionen und mit ALTERS—UND Amtszeitbegrenzungen, über das sich der —69—JAHRE—ALTE—I Jinping mit seiner 3. Amtszeit hinwegsetzen will.
20221022             —BLOCKIERT, Klage von 6—BUNDES—STAATEN: Gericht, BIDEN—TEIL—ERLASS von Studienkrediten
20221022             BRITISCHER—MEDIENBERICHT: IRANISCHE—KLETTERIN Elnaz Rekabi steht offenbar unter Hausarrest
20221022             Postfaschistin im Amt: Meloni als 1. Regierungschefin Italiens vereidigt
20221022             "Es geht buchstäblich um —TAGE": UKRAINE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Schmyhal fordert neue Munition aus DEUTSCHLAND
20221022             [l] DIE—BILD" spricht sich —HEUTE für CANNABIS—LEGALISIERUNG aus, und die taz ist dagegen.
20221022             Wenn mir das jemand VOR—1—PAAR—WOCHEN gesagt hätte, hätte ich ihn ausgelacht.
20221022             SPD—FRAKTIONSCHEF ROLF—MÜTZENICH ruft Diplomaten im IN—UND Ausland auf, JEDE—CHANCE auf WAFFEN—RUHE in der von RUSSLAND überfallenen UKRAINE zu ergreifen".
20221022             Ich würde jedem Diplomaten raten, mehr über Diplomatie zu reden als über Waffen",
20221022             Auch das nächste Treffen der STAATS—UND Regierungschefs von 20—GROSSEN INDUSTRIE—UND Schwellenländern, darunter auch RUSSLAND, müsse genutzt werden: "Der G20-Gipfel auf Bali —MITTE—NOVEMBER könnte 1—FORUM sein, um diplomatische Initiativen auszuloten".
20221022             DIE—USA sehen keinen Weg für —VERHANDLUNGEN mit RUSSLAND, solange das Land den ANGRIFFS—KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE vorantreibt".
20221022             Was Diplomatie zur Beendigung des Krieges angeht, hängt das ganz davon ab, ob RUSSLAND daran interessiert sein wird, die Aggression zu stoppen, die es begonnen hat",
20221022             Aktuell seien aber keine Hinweise darauf zu erkennen, sondern das Gegenteil.
20221022             —ZUGLEICH, machte Blinken deutlich, dass DIE—USA weiterhin diplomatische Kanäle zur Kommunikation mit RUSSLAND unterhielten.
20221022             Bundesarbeitsminister HUBERTUS—HEIL (SPD) hat vor dem Hintergrund der ENERGIE—KRISE und massiven PREIS—STEIGERUNGEN vor einer gesellschaftlichen Spaltung gewarnt".
20221022             Die schwierige Lage, in der wir sind, hat mit PUTIN—ANGRIFFS—KRIEG zu tun.
20221022             Es ist sein Kalkül, uns wirtschaftlich zu schädigen und sozial zu spalten",
20221022             Um dass Land wirtschaftlich und sozial zusammenzuhalten, müsse der Arbeitsmarkt etwa mit dem Instrument der Kurzarbeit "stabil" gehalten werden.
20221022             Zudem stärke der derzeitige Höchststand an sozialversicherungspflichtiger Beschäftigung die Sozialversicherungen, insbesondere bei der ARBEITSLOSEN—UND Rentenversicherung.
20221022             "Wir dürfen nicht zulassen, dass Putin unsere Gesellschaft sozial spaltet",
20221022             Die RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN im Süden der UKRAINE verstärken nach Erkenntnissen des BRITISCHEN—GEHEIM—DIENSTES weiterhin Übergänge über den Dnjepr.
20221022             Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock (Grüne) und VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIN CHRISTINE—LAMBRECHT (SPD) fordern vor der Finalisierung des Haushalts 20230000             —VON—FINANZ—MINISTER—CHRISTIAN—LINDNER (FDP) deutlich mehr Geld für weitere Waffenlieferungen an DIE—UKRAINE.
20221022             In 1—BRIEF an ihren Kabinettskollegen mahnen die 2—MINISTERINNEN nach "Spiegel"-Informationen 1—AUFSTOCKUNG—DES—SONDERBUDGETS für die Waffenhilfe in DIE—UKRAINE—VON—BISHER eingeplanten 697—MILLIONEN—EURO auf 2,2—MILLIARDEN—EURO an.
20221022             —VERURTEILT, Der IRAN, einen Aufruf Deutschlands, FRANKREICH—UND Großbritanniens, die VEREINTE—NATIONEN sollten einen mutmaßlichen Einsatz IRANISCHER—DROHNEN durch das RUSSISCHE—MILITÄR in der UKRAINE untersuchen.
20221022             Die Forderung der 3—LÄNDER sei falsch und unbegründet und werde scharf zurückgewiesen,
20221022             Der UN—HOCHKOMMISSAR für Flüchtlinge, FILIPPO—GRANDI, hat sich besorgt über sinkende Bereitschaft zur AUFNAHME—VON—FLÜCHTLINGEN geäußert.
20221022             Die Idee einer Lastenteilung werde zunehmend durchkreuzt von Spaltungen innerhalb der internationalen Gemeinschaft, sagte er der "taz".
20221022             Der —KRIEG—IN—UKRAINE habe diese Spaltungen in einer Zeit von wachsenden Fluchtbewegungen, KLIMA—WANDEL, Pandemien und zunehmenden sozialen Ungleichheiten weiter vertieft.
20221022             Grandi beklagte eine wachsende ANTI—FLÜCHTLINGS- und ANTI—MIGRANTEN—RHETORIK.
20221022             Diese werde unter anderem mit der Behauptung unterlegt, 1—AUFNAHME—VON—ZUSÄTZLICHEN—FLÜCHTLINGEN sei unmöglich, da die öffentliche Meinung dagegen sei".
20221022             Das BEISPIEL—DER—UKRAINE—AUFNAHME hat all das widerlegt", WASHINGTON, 20221022             .
20221022             "We're ready to defend EVERY—INCH—OF—NATO—SOIL," the division's Deputy COMMANDER—BRIGADIER—GENERAL—JOHN—LUBAS said, as cited by the media outlet.
20221022             "In all, CA—4,700—SOLDIERS from the 101. AIRBORNE—HOME—BASE in Fort Campbell, KENTUCKY, have been deployed to reinforce NATO—EASTERN flank," CBS News noted.
20221022             "The commanders told CBS News repeatedly that they are always 'ready to fight tonight,' and —WHILE they're there to defend NATO—TERRITORY, if the fighting escalates or there's ANY—ATTACK—ON—NATO, they're fully prepared to cross the border into UKRAINE," the media outlet added.
20221022             —IMPOSED, In response, THE—WEST, major SANCTIONS—ON—RUSSIA.
20221022             —STARTED, In addition, Western countries, to provide weapons and military equipment to Kiev, whose total value is currently estimated at BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20221022             —STATED, However, USA—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN has repeatedly, that he has no plans to send USA—TROOPS to UKRAINE.
20221022             BERLIN, 20221022             .
20221022             "—DURING my conversations with our citizens, I got the impression that between 20 and 30—PERCENT—OF—THEM disagreed either with THE—POLICY—OF—SANCTIONS or with THE—SUPPLIES—OF—WEAPONS," Scholz said".
20221022             —REPRESENTED, They, the views of all political parties".
20221022             —ADDED, THE—CHANCELLOR, however, that GERMANY would carry on providing aid to UKRAINE, including the military assistance.
20221022             WASHINGTON.
20221022             Unter den bei EX—USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP beschlagnahmten Regierungspapieren sind laut Medienberichten auch Geheimunterlagen zu CHINA und IRAN gewesen.
20221022             —NACH der "WASHINGTON—POST" berichtete das —AM—FREITAG (Ortszeit) auch der TV—SENDER NBC unter Berufung auf informierte Personen.
20221022             Die Staatsverschuldung in GROSSBRITANNIEN hat einen neuen Höchststand erreicht.
20221022             —SEIT den 60er —JAHREN war die Verschuldung nicht so hoch wie —HEUTE.
20221022             Hohe Zinsen, Inflation, sinkende Verkäufe und die ENERGIE—KRISE sind mögliche Ursachen.
20221022             —ZUGLEICH, gingen die Verkäufe im Einzelhandel den 2. —MONAT in Folge zurück.
20221022             Sie lagen laut Statistikamt 1,3 % unter dem Stand vor Beginn der CORONA—PANDEMIE.
20221022             Im Lebensmittelhandel sanken die Verkäufe um 1,8 %.
20221022             Als Grund nannten Supermärkte steigende NAHRUNGSMITTEL—PREISE und Lebenshaltungskosten.
20221022             Die Menschen kauften aber auch weniger Benzin, Diesel, Möbel und andere Dinge.
20221022             Die Inflation in GROSSBRITANNIEN ist auf ein 40—JAHRES—HOCH—VON—10,1 % geklettert.
20221022             Das alles geschieht vor dem Hintergrund steigender ENERGIE—PREISE wegen des UKRAINE—KRIEG und höherer Rüstungsausgaben.
20221022             —REGIERT, Postfaschistin MELONI—ITALIEN: Meisterstunde in Machiavellismus
20221022             "EUROPA braucht ITALIEN": EU—SPITZENPOLITIKER gratulieren Meloni zur Vereidigung
20221022             DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHES—VERHÄLTNIS: Hofreiter fordert Scholz auf, Verstimmungen mit Macron zu beseitigen
20221022             Analyse von Gefäßen: Mitteleuropäer nutzten Milch —BEREITS vor 7400—JAHREN
20221022             Milchwirtschaft reicht in Mitteleuropa MINDESTENS—7400—JAHRE—ZURÜCK.
20221022             Das schließt ein internationales Forschungsteam aus dem Nachweis und der Datierung zweier Fettsäuren in Keramikgefäßen aus etlichen zentraleuropäischen Regionen, darunter DEUTSCHLAND, POLEN, die NIEDERLANDE und das Elsass.
20221022             Demnach geht die Praxis zurück auf die 1. Siedler, die von SÜD—OSTEN kamen und die Landwirtschaft in Mitteleuropa einführten.
20221022             geht man davon aus, dass Rinder —SCHON vor MEHR—ALS—10.—000—JAHREN in Vorderasien domestiziert wurden.
20221022             "Die Milchwirtschaft in Mitteleuropa ist wahrscheinlich so alt wie die Linienbandkeramik selbst",
20221022             —NACH UNGARN kamen die Siedler demnach vermutlich vom Balkan, ins Elsass gelangten sie durch das Neckartal und aus dem Donauraum, in das GEBIET—DER—NIEDERLANDE wanderten sie entlang des Niederrheins.
20221022             Möglicherweise habe es auch Einwanderungswellen vom Mittelmeer entlang der Rhone
20221022             Psychotherapeutin über —ZERSTÖRTES Familienglück: "MANCHE—MÜTTER und Väter sind permanent superneugierig, sie dringen ständig in die Psyche des Kindes ein"
20221022             Solidarität mit Protestbewegung: Tausende demonstrieren in BERLIN gegen das MULLAH—REGIME
20221022             RUSSLAND ist —NACH—DEN Worten von BUNDES—KANZLER—OLAF—SCHOLZ beim Thema Gaslieferung kein verlässlicher Partner mehr.
20221022             Dass es keine RUSSISCHEN—LIEFERUNGEN gebe, LIEGE nicht an Sanktionen wegen des KRIEG—IN—DER—UKRAINE, sagt er beim LANDESPARTEITAG—DER—BAYERN—SPD in München.
20221022             —GEGEBEN, Es habe keine Sanktionierung von Gaslieferungen.
20221022             "Was passiert ist, ist, dass RUSSLAND seine vertraglichen Verpflichtungen zur Lieferung von Gas nicht mehr erfüllt",
20221022             Anders LEBEN—ZUKUNFT in der LAND—WG | doku | erlebnis HESSEN
20221022             —ZUGLEICH, bekundeten sie ihre Solidarität mit der UKRAINE.
20221022             Organisiert hatten DIE—DEMONSTRATIONEN unter anderem der Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband, die Gewerkschaft Verdi sowie der Bund für UMWELT—UND Naturschutz (Bund) und die Bewegung Campact.
20221022             —GRATULIERT, Scholz, ITALIEN—NEUER—REGIERUNGSCHEFIN: "Congratulazioni, Giorgia Meloni"
20221022             So habe er mit dem RUSSISCHEN—AUSSENMINISTER—SERGEJ Lawrow über bestimmte Angelegenheiten gesprochen, die für die nationale Sicherheit der USA wichtig gewesen seien.
20221022             /TASS/. -
20221022             THE—USA—ARMY'S—101. AIRBORNE—DIVISION is ready to enter UKRAINE in CASE—OF—FURTHER—TENSIONS between MOSCOW and Kiev or 1—ATTACK—ON—1—NATO—MEMBER—STATE, CBS News reported, citing the division's command staff.
20221022             COMMANDER—OF—THE 2. Brigade Combat Team COLONEL—EDWIN—MATTHAIDESS, in turn, noted that his troops, deployed to ROMANIA, have been "closely watching" THE—RUSSIA—FORCES, "building objectives to practice against" and conducting drills that "replicate exactly what's going on" in the war.
20221022             In 6—DEUTSCHEN—GROSSSTÄDTEN sind —HEUTE Demonstranten für mehr KLIMA—SCHUTZ und wirkungsvollere Hilfen für ärmere Menschen auf die Straße gegangen.
20221022             An den Kundgebungen "zum solidarischen —HERBST" in BERLIN, Düsseldorf, DRESDEN, FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN, HANNOVER und STUTTGART nahmen laut ANGABEN—DER—VERANSTALTER—CA—24.000—MENSCHEN teil.
20221022—20200000    Vorladung wegen USA—WAHL : USA—SENATOR—GRAHAM wehrt sich vor dem Obersten Gericht
20221023             GENOA /ITALY/, 20221022             . - - /TASS/.
20231022             —SONNTAG, 20231022
20231022             Raketenstarts: Beschuss aus dem LIBANON – ISRAEL—ARMEE spricht von getroffenen "TERROR—ZELLEN"
20231022             —VERMUTET, Tunnelnetz : Mutmaßliches TERROR—LAGER – ISRAEL fliegt LUFTANGRIFF—AUF—MOSCHEE im Westjordanland
20231022             —AM Brandenburger Tor: Politiker rufen zur Teilnahme an DEMONSTRATION—GEGEN—ANTISEMITISMUS in BERLIN auf
20231022             HAMAS—SPRECHER zum Überfall auf ISRAEL: "Wir sind zurück auf der politischen Tagesordnung"
20231022             Wissenschaftler über Moral und Gewissen: "VIELE—DEUTSCHE leben in 1—FANTASIELAND"
20231022             —KRIEG im NAH—OST: SYRIEN meldet erneut ANGRIFFE—AUF—FLUGHÄFEN - •
20231022             —INTENSIVIERT, Heftige Luftschläge: ISRAEL, Angriffe
20231022             Offener Brief an JOE—BIDEN: USA—KÜNSTLER fordern Waffenstillstand in NAH—OST
20231022             Rede in Frankfurter Paulskirche: FRIEDENS—PREISTRÄGER Rushdie ruft zur Verteidigung der Meinungsfreiheit auf
20231022             MOSCOW, 20231020             .
20231022             THE—UNITED—STATES is leading THE—WORLD down into the deepest abyss, —WHILE recent USA—GOVERNMENT—DECISIONS illustrate the serious illness afflicting AMERICA—SOCIETY as 1—WHOLE and its loss of the last shreds of moral restraint, RUSSIA—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DEPUTY—CHAIRMAN—DMITRY Medvedev said.
20231022             "THE—USA—LED world continues to slide headfirst into the deepest possible abyss.
20231022             Decisions are being made that clearly show not only how THE—DECISION—MAKERS are hopelessly afflicted with mental illness, but have also lost the very last shreds of moral restraint.
20231022             [I mean] both substantive HIGH—LEVEL—DECISIONS and minor decisions, but they clearly cry out that [American] society in its entirety is seriously sick," the senior politician wrote on his Telegram channel.
20231022             —DESCRIBED, Commenting on 1—REMARK by USA—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, who, THE—USA—FUNDS being funneled abroad for THE—DEATH—OF—OTHER—PEOPLE—FAR away from THE—USA as "1—SMART—INVESTMENT," Medvedev said that such thinking went "beyond the bounds of good and evil".
20231022             Separately, he pointed to remarks by FRANCE—INTERIOR—MINISTER—GERALD—DARMANIN, who, he said, "did not hesitate" to accuse FRANCE—STAR footballer KARIM—BENZEMA of being connected to 1—MUSLIM political group merely DUE—TO—THE—FOOTBALL—PLAYER'S—EXPRESSION—OF his condolences over THE—DEATH—OF—CIVILIANS in GAZA.
20231022             It seems that, "1 can offer condolences to the Israelis, but not to the Palestinians.
20231022             There should be no pity for them.
20231022             Children, women, the elderly are —JUST consumables," Medvedev said".
20231022             THE—INTIFADA will be eternal," he concluded, warning that THE—USE—OF—WEAPONS—OF—ALL—TYPES may soon escalate to nuclear arms.
20231022             GENEVA, 20231020             ./TASS/.
20231022             AT—LEAST—30—PERCENT—OF—THE—HOUSING sector in THE—GAZA Strip has been either destroyed or rendered uninhabitable, —WHILE hospitals are overwhelmed with patients, THE—UN—OFFICE—FOR—THE—COORDINATION—OF—HUMANITARIAN—AFFAIRS reported.
20231022             "—SINCE 7—OCTOBER, AT—LEAST—30 per cent of all housing units in THE—GAZA Strip have been either destroyed, rendered uninhabitable, or damaged," the Office said, referring to data from THE—MINISTRY—OF—HOUSING in GAZA.
20231022             "Hospitals are on the brink and overcrowded with patients, MANY—AWAITING treatment," THE—OCHA said.
20231022             It expressed concern "that 9,000—CANCER—PATIENTS—LACK—ADEQUATE—CARE BECAUSE—OF—CONDITIONS in GAZA—ONLY chemotherapy hospital".
20231022             —TRAPPED, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE including children have been, beneath the rubble amid airstrikes in GAZA".
20231022             Rescue teams, primarily from THE—PALESTINE—CIVIL—DEFENSE, are struggling to carry out their mission amid continuous airstrikes, severe SHORTAGES—OF—FUEL to run vehicles and equipment, and with limited or no CONNECTION—TO—MOBILE—NETWORKS," THE—UN—OFFICE—FOR—THE—COORDINATION—OF—HUMANITARIAN—AFFAIRS stressed.
20231022             —MEANWHILE, GAZA has —NOW been under full electricity blackout —FOR—10—DAYS, it went on to say.
20231022             "In THE—WEST—BANK, 14—PALESTINIANS have been killed in the past —24—HOURS.
20231022             —KILLED, This brings THE—DEATH—TOLL—OF—PALESTINIANS, by ISRAEL—FORCES and settlers —SINCE 7—OCTOBER to 79—PEOPLE, including 20—CHILDREN," the bulletin said.
20231022             —FLARED, Tensions, up —AGAIN—IN THE—MIDDLE—EAST 20231007             —ON—WHEN militants from the radical PALESTINE—MOVEMENT—HAMAS staged 1—SURPRISE—ATTACK on ISRAEL—TERRITORY—FROM—THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20231022             —DESCRIBED, Hamas, its attack as 1—RESPONSE to the aggressive ACTIONS—OF—ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES against THE—AL—AQSA—MOSQUE in the Old CITY—OF—JERUSALEM.
20231022             —ANNOUNCED, ISRAEL, 1—TOTAL blockade of THE—GAZA Strip and has been delivering rocket attacks on GAZA as well as SOME—DISTRICTS in LEBANON and Syria.
20231022             Clashes are also taking place in THE—WEST—BANK.
20231022             MOSCOW, 20231021             .
20231022             RUSSIA plans to request another MEETING—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL in ORDER—TO—DISCUSS solutions to THE—PALESTINIAN—ISRAEL—CONFLICT, RUSSIA—1. Deputy Permanent REPRESENTATIVE—TO—THE—UN—DMITRY—POLYANSKY said on the Solovyov Live television channel.
20231022             "We will definitely convene another Security Council meeting.
20231022             As practice has shown, no 1—BUT us dares to do it," he said.
20231022             "As for the resolution, I do not know how soon we will reach the stage —WHEN we again try to adopt 1—RESOLUTION.
20231022             Probably, we should 1. go through THE—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, which is 1—UN—BODY where all 193—MEMBER—STATES—OF—THE—ORGANIZATION are present, and there is such 1—RULE that should the Security Council fail to perform its functions in preserving peace and security, this issue goes to THE—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY," Polyansky said.
20231022             ACCORDING—TO—THE—DIPLOMAT, the 10. emergency special SESSION—OF—THE—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY on THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT is scheduled for —NEXT—WEEK.
20231022             "There is 1—COLLECTIVE—APPEAL from Arab and Islamic countries asking to restart the special session.
20231022             It is crucial that EACH—COUNTRY can have 1—SAY," he added.
20231022             —ABSTAINED, RUSSIA, from voting, which was caused by the fact that THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL had voted down its amendments to THE—BRAZIL—AUTHORED draft.
20231022             —ABSTAINED, THE—UK also, —WHILE the other 12—MEMBERS supported the draft resolution.
20231022             Experte über Xis Außenpolitik: "CHINA passt sich offenbar an die Argumentation der arabischen Länder an"
20231022             —GEWINNT, SCHWEIZ: Rechtspopulistische Volkspartei, Parlamentswahl
20231022             Vogelgrippe: Neue Subtypen bedrohen weltweite Vogelwelt - haft
20231022             —NACH PRO—PALÄSTINA—POST: ISRAELISCHE—KLIMA—AKTIVISTEN kritisieren Greta Thunberg
20231022             Sun 20231022
20241022             —DIENSTAG, 20241022
20241022             —ALARMIERT, RUSSISCHER—VERBÜNDETER: USA, über Nordkoreas möglichen Bodeneinsatz in der UKRAINE
20241022             Korruption und Geldwäsche: PERUANISCHER—EX—PRÄSIDENT—TOLEDO zu mehr als —20—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20241022             Trotz Konjunkturflaute: Steuereinnahmen —IM—SEPTEMBER deutlich gestiegen
20241022             Milliardenschwerer Deal mit den USA: AUSTRALIEN stärkt seine Luft- und Raketenabwehr
20241022             Kontakloses Bezahlen: Polizisten in NRW sollen Strafzettel bald per Handy kassieren
20241022             —GESUNKEN, Höhere Produktivität: Arbeitszeit bei Vollzeitjobs
20241022             —BEWERTET, Vermögensbarometer : Jüngere Generation, finanzielle Lage positiv
20241022             Tue 20241022             - [l] Der Widerstand lebt!!1!
20241022             TikTok owner sacks intern for sabotaging AI project - CHISINAU, 20241021             .
20241022             The 1. ROUND—OF—THE—MOLDOVA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION failed to determine 1—WINNER.
20241022             —SCHEDULED, The decision will come in the 2. round, for 20241103             , featuring incumbent PRESIDENT—MAIA—SANDU and FORMER—PROSECUTOR—GENERAL—ALEXANDR—STOIANOGLO.
20241022             —MEANWHILE, THE—RESULTS—OF—THE—REFERENDUM, which was held on THE—DAY—OF—THE—ELECTIONS, are still unclear.
20241022             Data from polling stations abroad, which could decide THE—OUTCOME—OF—THE—REFERENDUM, are still coming in.
20241022             —GATHERED, TASS has, the key news about the voting results.
20241022             Unconvincing lead
20241022             Sandu has 41.84—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, —WHILE Stoianoglo holds 26.35—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, according to preliminary results released by THE—CENTRAL—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION (CEC) —AFTER processing 100—PERCENT—OF—THE—PROTOCOLS.
20241022             Our—Party—leader—RENATO—USATII rounds out the top 3 with 13.77—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20241022             —FOLLOWED, Our—Party—leader—RENATO—USATII is, by THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—GAGAUZIA—IRINA—VLAH and former—prosecutor—VICTORIA—Furtuna holding 5.46% and 4.53—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE respectively, as well as by former prime ministers Vasile Tarlev (3.24%) and Ion Chicu (2.09%).
20241022             —BACKED, Sandu, as well as Stoianoglo, by MOLDOVA—OPPOSITION—PARTY—OF—SOCIALISTS, will take part in the 2. round.
20241022             Referendum results
20241022             —AFTER processing 98.47—PERCENT—OF—THE—PROTOCOLS, 50.09—PERCENT—OF—MOLDOVA—CITIZENS voted in favor of joining THE—EU in the referendum, —WHILE 49.91% voted against this initiative.
20241022             —THROUGHOUT the night, there were more OPPONENTS—OF—THE—REFERENDUM, but by —MORNING the balance shifted to the other side —WHEN polling stations in Western countries joined the counting.
20241022             1—TOTAL—OF—1,546,757—PEOPLE came to the polling stations in MOLDOVA and abroad, representing 51.4—PERCENT—OF—THOSE included in the electoral lists.
20241022             Of these, 1,478,958 (49.81%) received ballots to participate in the referendum, —WHILE the rest abstained.
20241022             —FAILED, The referendum clearly, in MOLDOVA—GAGAUZ autonomy and in the polling stations where residents of unrecognized Transnistria voted.
20241022             —WHILE in Transnistria 62.56% voted against the referendum, in Gagauzia 94.84% opposed the referendum.
20241022             —ESTABLISHED, No polling stations were, within Transnistria.
20241022             —DESIGNED, The observers believe that the referendum was, to consolidate the electorate for SANDU—VICTORY amid the economic—crisis and opposition protests.
20241022             Polling stations in MOSCOW
20241022             —OPENED, RUSSIA, only 2—POLLING stations were, at THE—MOLDOVA—EMBASSY in MOSCOW, reportedly due to security concerns at other locations.
20241022             —FORMED, Long queues, at the polling stations —THROUGHOUT the —DAY, with MOLDOVA—CITIZENS staging pickets to demand the fulfillment of their electoral rights.
20241022             According to THE—CENTRAL—ELECTION—COMMISSION (CEC), these stations were the most congested —DURING the elections.
20241022             Authorities' reaction
20241022             —STATED, PRIME—MINISTER—DORIN—RECEAN, that TRANSPORTATION—OF—VOTERS and distribution of gifts at the polling stations took place, which is prohibited by MOLDOVA—LAW.
20241022             —FOLLOWING the release of preliminary results, PRESIDENT—MAIA—SANDU alleged interference in the democratic process by "criminal groups and external forces".
20241022             She claimed to have EVIDENCE—OF—ATTEMPTS to bribe —AROUND 300,000 voters.
20241022             —STATED, Sandu, that she would await the final results —BEFORE deciding on further actions.
20241022             —DURING the announcement of the preliminary election results and the referendum outcome, Sandu postponed addressing the press 3—TIMES.
20241022             OPPOSITION—ESTIMATE
20241022             —CLAIMED, Ilan Shor, LEADER—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—VICTORY—BLOC, that PRESIDENT—MAIA—SANDU had been defeated in the referendum on MOLDOVA—ACCESSION to THE—EU.
20241022             Over 2,000 observers, including representatives from THE—OSCE and other organizations, as well as foreign diplomats, monitored the election.
20241022             However, representatives from RUSSIA and CIS institutions were not invited to observe the process.
20241022             PRESIDENT—SANDU has this backing from the Action and Solidarity Party, which controls THE—PARLIAMENT and formed the current government.
20241022             TBILISI, 20241021             .
20241022             1—HIGH—RANKING Western official approached GEORGIA—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—IRAKLI—GARIBASHVILI with 1—IDEA—OF unleashing 1—WAR—ON—RUSSIA that would last 3 or —4—DAYS and then begin guerilla fighting, Bidzina Ivanishvili, the founder and honored LEADER—OF—THE—RULING GEORGIA—DREAM - Democratic GEORGIA party, said.
20241022             "I can recall what FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—IRAKLI—GARIBASHVILI once told me.
20241022             1—HIGH—RANKING official from a [Western] country spoke with him.
20241022             —ASKED, Irakli, 'Well, for how long do you think we can be at war [with RUSSIA]?
20241022             How long will we be able to hold out?' The answer was 3 or —4—DAYS.
20241022             He said, 'And are you going to kill us for the sake of these 3 to —4—DAYS?' And the official told him, 'There are 12—MILLION—OF you.
20241022             They won't be able to kill ALL—OF—YOU in —12—DAYS.
20241022             —LATER om, you can initiate guerilla movement in forests.
20241022             We will help you and you will be fighting from there,'" Ivanishvili said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—IMEDI television channel.
20241022             —CONSOLIDATED, According to Ivanishvili, this episode, the ruling team against such call.
20241022             GEORGIA—AUTHORITIES have repeatedly said that certain forces are seeking to drag the country into 1 armed confrontation with RUSSIA, especially —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER the beginning of the armed conflict in UKRAINE.
20241022             But the ruling party leaders insist that involvement into 1—CONFLICT will have catastrophic consequences for GEORGIA and the government must spare no effort to preserve peace in the country.
20241022             UNITED—NATIONS, 20241021             .
20241022             "UKRAINE—MEMBERSHIP in NATO in ANY—TERRITORIAL layout is absolutely unacceptable for RUSSIA and cannot be PART—OF—ANY—PEACE—PLANS or mediatory initiatives," he said at 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL meeting on UKRAINE requested by Western countries.
20241022             —ADDED, Nebenzya also, that threats to RUSSIA—SECURITY cannot be eliminated without the demilitarization and denazification of UKRAINE.
20241022             "This situation —AROUND nuclear blackmailing from the Kiev regime head, who have lost his legitimacy, once again demonstrates that RUSSIA—DECISION to begin its special military operation that was made, by the way, —FOLLOWING similar nuclear threats from THE—UKRAINE—LEADERSHIP was the only right 1.
20241022             Threats to the security of our country cannot be removed without the demilitarization and denazification of UKRAINE, without ensuring that the rights and FREEDOMS—OF—ALL—OF—ITS—CITIZENS are observed," he said at 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL meeting on UKRAINE initiated by Western countries.
20241022             MOSCOW, 20241022             .
20241022             In the current circumstances, the risks of direct confrontation between RUSSIA and THE—USA should not be underestimated, RUSSIA—DEPUTY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—RYABKOV said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—SERBIA—NEWSPAPER—POLITIKA.
20241022             "Our relations are actually at their lowest point in decades, and the risks of direct confrontation between RUSSIA and THE—USA should not be underestimated," the senior RUSSIA—DIPLOMAT said.
20241022             —DESCRIBED, Ryabkov, the situation where those he called adversaries have been seeking to pitch THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC—ALLIANCE against RUSSIA "to please Kiev" as very dangerous.
20241022             —MEANWHILE, he noted, RUSSIA "has not drawn any red lines" and it has been showing patience amid "endless attempts on THE—PART—OF—WASHINGTON to test RUSSIA—STRENGTH across THE—BOARD".
20241022             NAIROBI, 20241021             .
20241022             THE—RAPID—SUPPORT—FORCES (RSF), which take part in the conflict in SUDAN, could have downed 1—CARGO—PLANE, which supposedly carried RUSSIA—CITIZENS, having mistaken it for 1—MILITARY—PLANE, THE—SUDAN War Monitor website reported.
20241022             —PUBLISHED, According to the report, 1—RSF COMMANDER said on 1—VIDEO, by the militia, that it downed an "EGYPT—ANTONOV plane" using "guided missiles".
20241022             The website points out that, previously, RSF COMMANDER—MOHAMED—HAMDAN—DAGALO accused EGYPT of engaging its planes in the conflict - 1—ALLEGATION rejected by CAIRO.
20241022             —DOWNED, THE—SUDAN—WAR—MONITOR—CLAIMS that 1—IL 76—PLANE was, instead, with 1—CREW member allegedly having 1—ID—OF—VIKTOR—GRANOV - CHIEF engineer or Airline Transport Incorporation FZC, based in THE—UAE and affiliated with KYRGYZSTAN.
20241022             Another crew member had 1—RUSSIA—PASSPORT.
20241022             —REPORTED, No survivors have been, and THE—BULK—OF—THE—PLANE has burned, the report says.
20241022             Previously, THE—RUSSIA—EMBASSY in SUDAN said that it is investigating THE—CIRCUMSTANCES—OF—THE—CRASH—OF—1—PLANE that could have potentially carried RUSSIA—CITIZENS.
20241022             —COMPLICATED, According to the embassy, the "situation is, by the fact that the crash site is located in THE—REGION—OF—DARFUR, which is currently engulfed in fighting".
20241022             Zu seinen größten Hits zählen Songs wie More than This, AVALON—VIRGINIA Plain, Love Is the Drug, Slave to Love und Don't Stop the Dance.
20241022             Insgesamt hat BRYAN—FERRY in seiner Karriere über 30—MILLIONEN Alben verkauft.
20241022             "Man versucht, das Beste aus dem eigenen Leben zu machen.
20241022             Und Werke zu schaffen, die besser sind als man selbst".
20241022             Ist das nicht der, der Maggie Thatcher gut fand?
20241022             [l] Euch ist ja wahrscheinlich auch aufgefallen, dass Google immer schlechter wird.
20241022             Also die Suche —JETZT, nicht der Rest der Firma.
20241022             Der ist ja —SCHON immer schlecht.
20241022             Neulich kam 1—VIDEO an mir vorbei, das die These äußerte, dass das Absicht sei.
20241022             Der Typ googelte dafür IRGENDEIN—PRODUKT nach Beschreibung, nicht nach Namen.
20241022             Die Werbung passte genau, aber die organischen Suchergebnisse passten gar nicht.
20241022             Seine Schlussfolgerung: Die haben genau verstanden, was ich gesucht habe, und haben mir absichtlich Mist gezeigt, weil sie nur Geld verdienen, wenn du auf Werbung klickst.
20241022             Google hat also einen wirtschaftlichen Anreiz, dass die Werbung genau das ist, was du haben wolltest, aber die Suchergebnisse nicht.
20241022             Und genau so ist es auch.
20241022             Amazon ist ja sogar —SCHON einen Schritt weiter.
20241022             Die finden auch nur Müll, wenn du nach einem konkreten Produkt suchst.
20241022             Da denke ich —JETZT—SEIT ein paar —TAGEN drüber nach.
20241022             Wenn Google immer beschissener wird, müsste das doch die Gelegenheit für Bing und Duckduckgo sein, an Google vorbeizuziehen.
20241022             Tun sie aber nicht.
20241022             —VERGIFTET, Alles ist.
20241022             Alles Bekloppte, was die Amis machen, machen wir auch.
20241022             [l] Otfried Preußler gecancelt.
20241022             Begründung: In seiner Jugend ist er von den Nazis eingezogen worden.
20241022             Das Pullacher Gymnasium begründete seine ablehnende Einstellung unter anderem mit PREUßLER—FRÜHERER—ZEIT als SOLDAT sowie seinem Frühwerk "Erntelager Geyer",
20241022             Darin werde das Leben in der Hitlerjugend beschönigt, wie es hieß.
20241022             Auch die in einigen Werken dargestellten Konfliktlösungsstrategien durch Gewalt und/oder Hexerei seien fragwürdig, befand die Schulleitung
20241022             EX—PRÄSIDENTENARZT über Trumps Gesundheit: "Ich sehe Anzeichen von kognitivem Verfall"
20241022             Trotz EU—KOMMISSION—Bedenken : Ostseefischer dürfen weiter Hering fangen
20241022             Viruserkrankung: 1. FALL—VON—NEUER—MPOX—VARIANTE in DEUTSCHLAND
20241022             Psychologe PHILIP—ZIMBARDO: Der Mann hinter dem STANFORD—PRISON—EXPERIMENT ist tot
20241022             —KORRIGIERT, Wirtschaftswachstum: IWF, Konjunkturprognose für DEUTSCHLAND deutlich nach unten
20241022             Erneut Topmanager in den Tod gestürzt: RUSSISCHER—OLIGARCH fällt aus elftem Stock — Angehörige zweifeln an offizieller Darstellung
20241022             Tagelange Tsunamis, verdampftes Meerwasser: Wie ein gewaltiger Meteorit das Leben auf der frühen Erde formte
20241022             untersuchten die Folgen der Kollision mit dem Asteroiden S2.
20241022             Zwar seien die unmittelbaren Auswirkungen für die Erde katastrophal gewesen, mittelfristig habe das Leben auf der Erde jedoch profitiert,
20241022             Der Asteroid S2 prallte vor ungefähr 3,3 MILLIARDEN—JAHREN auf die Erde — deutlich vor dem CHICXULUB—ASTEROIDEN, der vor 66—MILLIONEN—JAHREN die Dinosaurier auslöschte.
20241022             S2 war auch ungleich wuchtiger: Sein Durchmesser wird auf 37—BIS 58—KILOMETER geschätzt, die Masse dürfte 50- —BIS 200-mal größer als die des CHICXULUB—ASTEROIDEN gewesen sein.
20241022             —BEKANNT, Der Ort des Einschlags ist —BIS—HEUTE nicht.
20241022             Vor allem aber beeinflusste die Katastrophe das noch rudimentäre Leben, das vor allem aus Einzellern wie Bakterien und Archaeen bestand.
20241022             Lieferte der verdampfende Himmelskörper der Erde mit Phosphor mittelfristig einen wichtigen Nährstoff.
20241022             sorgte er durch die Aufwirbelung tieferer Meeresschichten dafür, dass Eisen von dort in flachere Wasserschichten gelangte.
20241022             "Die Erholung des Lebens wurde durch 1—ZUNAHME—VON—EISEN in der lichtdurchfluteten oberen Meeresschicht und ein verstärktes Nährstoffangebot (vor allem von Phosphor) angetrieben",
20241022             Die schädlichen Auswirkungen auf die Umgebung waren demnach vermutlich kurzlebig, "möglicherweise nicht länger als wenige —JAHRE —BIS —JAHRZEHNTE".
20241022             Einfluss im Ostseeraum: Neues NATO—HAUPTQUARTIER in ROSTOCK — Moskau bestellt DEUTSCHEN—BOTSCHAFTER ein
20241022             "DEUTSCHE—SKEPSIS": ZELENSKYY sieht BERLIN als Bremser bei NATO—BEITRITT der UKRAINE
20241022             Auslandsvertretung in Posen: POLEN schließt RUSSISCHES—KONSULAT
20241022             Zum 3. Mal unter ZELENSKYY: Erneut tritt ein UKRAINE—GENERALSTAATSANWALT zurück
20241022             Reiseziele in der Klimakrise: Die neue "—JETZT oder nie mehr"-Panik bei Touristen
20241022             FBI—ÜBERNIMMT—ERMITTLUNGEN nach Geheimdienstleck, Dokumente über ISRAELISCHE—VERGELTUNGSPLÄNE: ,
20241022—19400000    das Preußler als 17-Jähriger verfasst hatte.
20241022—19450926    —GEBOREN, BRYAN—FERRY wurde.
20241022—19680000    —FILM—VON, Gericht weist Klage um Nacktszene in "Romeo und Julia" ab
20241022—19730000    —SEIT, BRYAN—FERRY Band Roxy Music gründete 19710000             , tritt BRYAN—FERRY auch als Solokünstler auf.
20241022—20200000    —DURING—THE elections, BY—contrast, 17—POLLING stations were set up in various RUSSIA—CITIES.
20241022—20241103    —ON, The 2. round will be held.
20241022—20250000    —IN, Observers note that the outcome of these elections, and the results Sandu received, will directly influence the parliamentary elections.