Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 15. October ?

Ereignisse an einem 15. October

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_00701015            * VIRGIL—PUBLIUS—VERGILIUS—MARO)[Vergil], Roman poet, in Mantua.
_00701015            VIRGIL—PUBLIUS—VERGILIUS—MARO)[Vergil], wrote about the mythical founding of ROME in the Aeneid, which told the legend of ROME—FOUNDER and was considered 1—NATIONAL—EPIC.
_00541015_00541030   3. EBURONEN[EBURONI] durch DIE—TRUPPEN [CÄSAR]GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR, s besiegt, stark geschwächt.
_00541015_00541030   AMBIORIX deshalb des [CÄSAR]GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR, Rache sich zugezogen hatte
_00541015_00541030   AMBIORIX hatte 15—RÖMER—COHORTEN mit 2—LEGATEN völlig vernichtet,
_00541015_00541030   Der ZEITPUNKT des Gefechtes war
_00541015_00541030   —WÄHREND—DES—GALLISCHER—KRIEG.
_00541015_00541030   —ZUFÜGTE, der EBURONEN—STAMM, auf deren Siedlungsgebiet das heutige NEUSS liegt,
_00541015_00541030   bei ADUATUCA, dem BELGISCHEN—TONGEREN[?],
_00541015_00541030   unter ihren Führern AMBIORIX und CATAVOLCUS,
_00541015_00541030   CAESAR 1—SEINER schwersten Niederlagen.
_00541015_00541030   —GEFECHT—ZEIT—PUNKT, des, war
_00541015_00541030   —IN DEN DARAUF —FOLGENDEN—JAHREN, führten jedoch zu der völligen Zerschlagung,
_00541015_00541030   die UNTERBINDUNG GALLISCH—GERMANISCHER Beziehungen Maxime der RÖMER—POLITIK war.
_00541015_00541030   ROM übernahm —NUN GALLIENs Rolle in dessen Kontakten zu der GERMANEN—STÄMME, wobei
_00541001_00541015   in der Nähe 1—KLEINEN gallischen Fortifikation
_00541001_00541015   —1—RÖMER—WINTER—LAGER, von unbestimmter Größe, Besatzung 15—COHORTEN.
_00541001_00541015   —14—TAGE—CA—NACH—DER—RÖMER—EINMARSCH, DIE—EBURONEN[EBURONI] vor dem RÖMER—LAGER erschienen,
_00541001_00541015   —DIE—EBURONEN[EBURONI] angriffen DIESES—RÖMER—WINTER—LAGER.
_00541001_00541015   —WINTER—LAGER, 1—RÖMER, VON unbestimmter Größe und
_00541001_00541015   —WINTER—LAGER, 1—RÖMISCHES, Besatzung 15—COHORTEN.
_00541001_00541015   —1—RÖMER—WINTER—LAGER, Besatzung 15—COHORTEN.
_00541001_00541015   —1—RÖMER—WINTER—LAGER von unbestimmter Größe und
_00541001_00541015   —14—TAGE—CA—NACH—DER—RÖMER—EINMARSC, DIE—EBURONEN[EBURONI] vor dem RÖMER—LAGER erschienen, griffen dieses an.
_00531015            —CAESAR part pour l'Italie
_00531015            —CAESAR laissant les légions dans le NORD—DE—LA—GAULE.
_00531015            —FIN—DE—LE—AUTOMNE
08791015             —CONCILE—DE—MANLAILLE en Dmiphiné, où LE—DUC—BOSON est élu ROI—DE—PROVENCE.
08921015             † AL—MU—TAMID—KALIF—DER—ABBASIDEN
08981015             † KAISER—LAMBERT—VON—SPOLETO—KÖNIG—VON—ITALIEN und römischer
09121015             * RY?GEN, Mönch der JAPANISCHEN—TENDAI—SCHULE
09121015             † ABDALLAH—EMIR—VON—CÓRDOBA
09611015             † ABD—AL—RAHMAN—III (891-961), Muslim GOVERNOR—OF—SPAIN.
09611015             —SUCCEEDED, ABD—AL—RAHMAN—III was, by his son AL—HAKIM.
09611015             —FAMED, RAHMAN—III is, for his quote: "I have —NOW reigned above —50—YEARS in victory and peace, beloved by my subjects, dreaded by my enemies, and respected by my allies. Riches and honors, power and pleasure, have waited on my call, nor does ANY—EARTHLY blessing appear to be wanting for my felicity. In this situation, I have diligently numbered THE—DAYS—OF—PURE and genuine happiness which have fallen to my lot: they amount to 14".
09611015             † EMIR—ABD—AR—RAHMAN—III—KALIF—VON—CÓRDOBA, 8.  und 1.
10271015             † S—AURELIA, RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHE Heilige
10401015             —À—LA—DATE—DU. Voir plus loin Cf. Du (i.vNGE, Gloss., V Passio.
10721015             —MARSEILLE, PHEDORICUS—RAGUENEAU electus MASSILIENSIS •.—PROCURATION à Tlionias LEON\s, précenteur. et Bérengcr Wphaniis,
10721015             Dei et ap. sedis gratia electus MASSILIENSIS;—PROCURATION pour percevoir les fruits de
10801015             —ABERMALS, GREGOR—VII—PAPA den KÖNIG—HEINRICH—IV. mit dem BANNE belegt.
10801015             GREGOR—VII—PAPA sich für RUDOLF entschieden und
10801015             HEINRICH—IV. hatte sich durch des GREGOR—VII—PAPA—BANNE nicht schrecken,
10801015             Während des Kampfes hatte GREGOR—VII—PAPA sich DIE—PARTEINAHME für HEINRICH sowohl wie für RUDOLF offen zu halten gesucht und den Erfolg der Waffen abgewartet,
10801015             als des GREGOR—VII—PAPA—ZWEIDEUTIGKEIT—GREGOR—VII—PAPA mit beiden Parteien zu verfeinden drohte,
10801015             —ERST bei MÖLSEN, zwischen WEISSENFELS und PEGAU, wendete sich dawort RUDOLF durch den Verlust einer Hand eine tödtliche Verwundung erhielt, das Glück für HEINRICH.
10801015             —ENDLICH—ABER,
10801015             —SCHLACHT—BEI—HOHENMÖLSEN
10801015             der DEUTSCHE—KÖNIG—HEINRICH—IV. muss fliehen.
10801015—10801006    —AM—FOLGE—TAG, GEGENKÖNIG—RUDOLF—VON—RHEINFELDEN stirbt jedoch an seinen in der —SCHLACHT—BEI—HOHENMÖLSEN erlittenen Verwundungen.
10801015—10801006    † RUDOLF—VON—RHEINFELDEN—HERZOG—VON—SCHWABEN, Gegenkönig im Heiligen ROM—REICH
12101015             DIETRICH—I—VON—HENGEBACH—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN, legt den Grundstein für die als Fliehburg vorgesehene GODESBURG.
12521015             —DU, Voir la pièce à la chartreuse de MONTRIEU |el, en attendant, la brochure de M. l'abbé PAUL—DE—TEHRIS, La charte de MONTRIEUx et les traditions ijrovençales, élude iiisloriiine, Api, 18970000             , in-8 de 14—P., pL]
12541015             für immer zufrieden die JÜLICHer erklären sich mit dem,
12541015             unterwerfen die JÜLICHer sich gänzlich dem ERZ—BISCHOF und
12541015             was zugestehen werde der ERZ—BISCHOF den die JÜLICHer ;
12541015             —AM, herbeilassen musste WALRAM—VON—BERGHEIM—HERR—ZU—BERGHEIM sich zu 1—FÜR WALRAM—VON—BERGHEIM—HERR—ZU—BERGHEIM wenig günstigen Vergleich, obgleich
12541015             —UNTERDESSEN—FORTGEDAUERT, die Fehde hatte aber und wahrscheinlich
12831015             † JOHANN—I—HERR—VON—WERLE
12931015             † KLOSTER—WEISSENBURG—ABT—EDELIN,
13071210/13101015   (-[]).GOTTFRIED—I—GRAF—VON—VIANDEN].
13171015             —VON, DIE—VERPACHTUNG der ZELLE—REMAGEN bezeichnet besonderen TIEF—PUNKT dieser Entwicklung für REMAGEN).
13281015             —AM, DER—KAISER—LUDWIG—DER—BAYER nach PISA zurückkehrte,
13311223             oo (contract ) OTTO—II—GRAF—VON—NASSAU in DILLENBURG, SON—OF—HEINRICH—GRAF—VON—NASSAU in SIEGEN und DILLENBURG oo ADELHEID—VON—HEINSBERG ([13050000             ]-killed in battle [DECEMBER 1313510150]).
13321015             öffnete Die wichtige Grenzfeste Barga in der Garfagnana (nördlich LUCCA) die Tore.
13371015             (Ankunft) JOHANNES—AMALRICI, PRIOR—ECCLESIE—S—BRICII VASATENSIS—DIOCESIS rector IN—SPIRITUALIBUS et temporalibus: Collect.
13371015             380—FOLIA—194.
13511015             C. JOHANNi ALBO—DE—EMBRICA[EMMERICH] CLERICO—TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS reservatur simile bene^ ficium conferendum ab EPISCOPO et capitulo Traje^termbus.
13511015             REGESTE—AVINIONE—BAND—62—FOLIA—242—FOLIA—249 ET—FOLIA—394. - VITE—AC—MORUM.
13511015             —APUD—VILLAMNOVAM.
13511015             —DEPUTANTUR—EXECUTORESS.
13521015             † GILLES—LI—MUISIS, FRANZÖSISCHER—MÖNCH, Chronist und Dichter
13771015             —ANAGNIAE. Guillermo tit.
13771015             S—VITALIS presbytero KARDINALi ad petitionem HERMANNi ABBATIS—MONASTERII—S—LAURENTII in OOSTBROEK committitur,
13821015             † MICHELE—MOROSINI—DOGE—VON—VENEDIG, 61.
13891015             † URBAN—VI—PAPA—BARTOLOMEO—PRIGNANO, unter dem Namen
14941006—14941015    Darnach ist es also gar nichts so Besonderes, wie Greiflf meint,—WENN
14941006—14941015    der junge LUCAS—REM in —10—TAGEN—VON—AUGSBURG nach VENEDIG hineinreitet.
14941006—14941015    —FERIA—SECUNDA in —10—TAGEN reitet der junge LUCAS—REM—VON—AUGSBURG nach VENEDIG hinein.
14941014—14941015    —FERIA—TERTIA der junge LUCAS—REM—VON—AUGSBURG nach VENEDIG hineinreitet
14941015             —FERIA—QUARTA
14981015             LE—KARDINAL est nommé à LA—ÉGLISE—DE—CAPOUE dont il cède la commende au KARDINAL—BORGIA, et QUITTE dès lors le nom de KARDINAL—DE—PÉROUSE pour celui de Capoue.
15011015             oo ENGLAND—CROWN—PRINCE—ARTHUR, Catharina of Aragon.
15011015 durch den TRIDENTER VERTRAG die Verabredung der Heirat der FRANZÖSISCHEN—PRINZESSIN, Claudia,
15011015 —DEN, NACH kampflosem KRIEG—ZUSTANDE kam es endlich durch seinen Sohn PHILIPP
15011015—15011114    —SEE
15021015             —ADDI—DETTO, i nemici bruciarono Gaifa e vennero sino alla CROCE—DI—S—DONATO e tolsero del nostro bestiame.
15021015             * NIKOLAUS—MEDLER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Reformator
15031015             † MESSER—LUCA—BARTOLI mio cognato di —ALLI.
15140000—15641015    * † ANDREAS—VESALIUS, Flemish anatomist.
15140000—15641015    —FORCED, ANDREAS—VESALIUS, THE—FATHER—OF—MODERN anatomy, was, by the Inquisition to make 1—PILGRIMAGE to the Holy Land.
15140000—15641015    —DISAPPEARED, ANDREAS—VESALIUS, —DURING the voyage.
15171015             Bude, dans 1—LETTRE du, nous apprend que CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL etudiait le grec
15191015             —LE, RICHARD—PACE arrivait a LOUVAIN[LÖWEN,LEUVEN].
15201015             —ORDERED, HENRY—VIII—KING—OF—ENGLAND, bowling lanes at Whitehall.
15221015             —NAMED, Emperor Charles, Hernan Cortes GOVERNOR—OF—MEXICO.
15221015             ami de BEMBO (Bembi, EPISTOL. famil.
15221015             LIBER VI, ed. cit., t. IV(SEITE—214,)
15291015             —ENDED, Ottoman armies under Suleiman, their —SIEGE—OF—VIENNA and head back to BELGRADE.
15291015             —REACHED, THE—OTTOMAN—EMPIRE, its peak with the Turks settled in Buda on the left BANK—OF—THE—DANUBE —AFTER failing in their —SIEGE—OF—VIENNA.
15371015             * JOHANNES—POSTHIUS, DEUTSCHER—ARZT und Dichter
15391015             † JOST—III—VON—ROSENBERG, Adeliger aus dem ROSENBERGER—GESCHLECHT
15641015             † ANDREAS—VESALIUS, flämischer Anatom
15731015             † PETRUS—GONESIUS, polnischer katholischer Theologe
15761015             Die von HERZOG—JULIUS—VON—BRAUNSCHWEIG—WOLFENBÜTTEL gestiftete UNIVERSITÄT—HELMSTEDT, die sich während der Dauer ihres Bestehens zu 1—BEDEUTENDEN protestantischen Hochschulen entwickelt, wird feierlich eröffnet.
15811015             Commissioned by CATHERINE—DE—MEDICI, the 1. ballet "Ballet Comique de la Reine," was staged in PARIS.
15821004             In den katholischen Ländern wird der Gregorianische Kalender des  GREGOR—XIII—PAPA eingeführt, so dass dem 15821004             anderntags der 15821015             folgt.
15821004—15821015    —ENTFIEHL, durch die Umstellung Einführung des GREGORIANISCHER—KALENDERS durch GREGORIUS—XIII—PAPA
15821005—15821015    —SKIPPED, This —DAY was, and became to bring the calendar into sync by ORDER—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—TRENT.
15821015             —ADOPTED, THE—GREGORIAN (or New World) calendar was, in ITALY, FRANCE, SPAIN, and PORTUGAL;
15821015             and the preceding —10—DAYS were lost to history.
15821015—15821004    —FOLLOWED, THIS—DAY, to bring the calendar into sync. by ORDER—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—TRENT.
15821015—15821004    —DONNERSTAG, werden die nächsten —10—TAGE AUSGELASSEN—AM, Mit Einführung des Gregorianischen Kalenders.
15821015—15821015    —DER—FREITAG) ist somit der
15821015—15821015    1. —TAG—DER—NEUEN—ZEITRECHNUNG, auch wenn die meisten Staaten diesen Kalender —ERST später übernehmen werden.
15861015             † FILIPPA—DUCI, piemontesische Adlige und Mätresse des FRANZÖSISCHEN—KÖNIGS HEINRICH—II.
15861015             † JOHANNES—FÄDMINGER, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
15971015             Nach der Abdankung seines Vaters WILHELM—V—HERZOG—VON—BAYERN wird MAXIMILIAN—I—HERZOG—VON—BAYERN.
16081015             * EVANGELISTA—TORRICELLI, ITALIENISCHER—PHYSIKER und Mathematiker
16091015             † LEONARDUS—RUBENUS—ABBAS—ESSENDIEN sis etc.
16091015             NECROLOGIUM—GLADBACENSE)
16121015             HELMSTEDT, wird das HÖRSAAL—UND Bibliotheksgebäude Juleum der UNIVERSITÄT eingeweiht.
16191015             † ANTON—II—GRAF—VON—DELMENHORST
16221015             * SCHWEDISCHER—GRAF—MAGNUS—GABRIEL—DE—LA—GARDIE, Reichsmarschall, Reichsdrost und Reichskanzler
16311015             —NACH—AM, der STADT—WÜRZBURG bedingungslose Kapitulation DER—KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN einzog und
16511015             † JAMES—STANLEY—EARL—OF—DERBY, 7., ENGLISCHER—PEER, Politiker und Militär
16551015             —MASSACRED, Jews of LUBLIN—POLAND, were.
16601015             —GRANTED, Asser Levy was, 1—BUTCHER—LICENSE for kosher meat in New AMSTERDAM.
16621015             † JOSÉ—DE—GARRO, SPANISCHER—OFFIZIER, Kolonialadministrator und GOUVERNEUR—IN—TUCUMÁN, am RÍO—DE—LA—PLATA und in CHILE
16651015             * FRANZ—JOACHIM—BEICH, DEUTSCHER—MALER (Taufdatum)
16741015             * ROBERT—HERRICK, UNITED—KINGDOM—POET (Together), in MASSACHUSETTS.
16761015             † SIMON—DE—VOS, flämischer Maler
16771005/16771015    von diesem 10.000—TALER
16771005/16771015    als dieselbe nicht SOFORT—ERFOLGT, ihrem GENERAL—ENDE vor STETTIN  —BEFOHLEN, haben, ALLE—AKTIONEN zur Unterstützung der BRANDENBURGischen ARMEE einzustellen.
16771005/16771015   Er hat deshalb EINIGE—LÜBECKSCHE—SCHIFFE wegnehmen lassen,
16771005/16771015   Man hat hier jene Herzoge in Verdacht, sie wollten sich allein BREMEN sichern;
16771005/16771015   Mit HAMBURG und LÜBECK ist FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG in heftigem Streit:
16771005/16771015   Seine Bemühungen, den Streit beizulegen und Ende zur weiteren Tätigkeit bei der Belagerung zu bewegen, sind vergeblich gewesen.
16771005/16771015   V—ON diesem 10.000—THLR
16771005/16771015   V—ON jenem verlangt er 50.000—REICHS—TALER, die ihm der KAISER dort für —DIE—WINTER—QUARTIERE angewiesen,
16771005/16771015   WORAUF die HERZOGe von BRAUNSCHWEIG—LÜNEBURG (wie man sagt, für PRO—JAHR 34.060—TALER erkauft) sich Lübecks angenommen, die HER—AUSGABE jener Schiffe verlangt und,
16771005/16771015   da 1—VERHANDLUNG—MIT—SCHWEDEN zu keinem befriedigenden Ziel geführt,so versuchten sie es —JETZT mit FRANKREICH durch VERMITTLUNG HANNOVERs;
16771005/16771015   dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG erschwerten sie seine Eroberung in POMMERN und erpressten für ihre Hilfe, was sie könnten.
16771005/16771015   im niedersächsischen KREIS wollten sie den KUR—FÜRST—MAJORISIREN und keine —WINTER—QUARTIERE darin dulden;
16781015             † ABRAHAM—HEIDANUS, deutscher reformierter Theologe
16801015             † BED?ICH—BRIDEL, böhmischer Schriftsteller und JESUITEN—MISSIONAR Societas Jesu
16811015             * LUKAS—KERN, DEUTSCHER—SCHIFFSMEISTER, Wirt und Wohltäter
16891015             DANIEL—BALTH(asar?) TEDESCO aus 40;
16901015             † ADAM—FRANS—VAN—DER—MEULEN, flämischer Maler
16901015             † JUAN—DE—VALDÉS—LEAL, SPANISCHER—MALER und Bildhauer
16971015             MARIA—PONTE—TEDESCHA aus 62;
17051015             * ~ MELLIN, Haquin Ol.
17051015             M Lovanger, V—BOTTEN, SCHWEDEN
17111015             † SAIF—IBN—SULTAN—I—IMAM—VON—OMAN
17131015             † JOHANN—MICHAEL—FEUCHTMAYER, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Kupferstecher
17161015             † JAKOB—GRONOVIUS, DEUTSCH—NIEDERLÄNDISCHER klassischer Philologe, Archäologe, Historiker und Geograph
17301015             Die Uraufführung der Oper Dialogo tra la vera disciplina e il Genio von ANTONIO—CALDARA findet am Teatro della Favorita in WIEN statt.
17311015             * LEOPOLD—VON—APFALTERN, Jesuit und Mathematiker
17371015             † MATTEO—SASSANO, genannt Matteuccio, ITALIENISCHER—KASTRAT und Opernsänger
17451015             * ALEXANDER—ABERCROMBY, SCHOTTISCHER—JURIST und Essayist
17451015             † JOHANN—MAXIMILIAN—VON—WELSCH, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT, Oberbaudirektor und Festungsbaumeister
17461015             —AM, WILHELM—LUDWIG—VON—HAGEN—PROPST—VON—OBER—PLEIS ernannt wurde zum,und
17531015             * ELIZABETH—INCHBALD, ENGLISCHE—SCHAUSPIELERIN, Schriftstellerin und Dramatikerin
17541015             † CHRISTIAN—LUDWIG—VON—LÖWENSTERN, DEUTSCHER—MALER, Dichter und Komponist
17551102—17931015    —ARRESTED, MARIE—ANTOINETTE was, by the Revolutionary Tribunal and beheaded.
17571015             † HERMANN—HEINRICH—JOSEF—VON—BENTING—IM—73—LEBENSJAHR, im 46. des Priestertums
17581015             * BENEDIKT—ARNSTEIN, Schriftsteller
17601015             —VICTOIRE—AU—HANOVRE de Clostercamp
17601015             —SIEBENJÄHRIGEN—KRIEG
17601015             —BEZWINGEN FRANZÖSISCHE—TRUPPEN in der
17611015             † JOHANN—GEORG—WALTHER, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE, Rhetoriker und Ethnologe
17621015             * SAMUEL—ADAMS—HOLYOKE, composer.
17631015             * JOHANN—GEORG—TRALLES, Mathematiker und Physiker
17631015             * TANI—BUNCH?, JAPANISCHER—MALER und Dichter
17711015             * HEINRICH—VON—PORBECK, badischer GENERAL und Militärschriftsteller
17760801—17771015    —AM, Der GOUVERNEUR—VON—BUENOS—AIRES, PEDRO—DE—CEVALLOS, wird als 1. VIZE—KÖNIG eingesetzt.
177671015            † Dieudonnö, Hieron., VORSTEHER—DES—COLLEGIUM—NORBERTINUM (KÖLN)
17781015             * GOTTLIEB—HILLER, DEUTSCHER—TAGELÖHNER und Schriftsteller
17831015             —MANNED, FRANCOIS—PILATRE—DE—ROZIER (JEAN—PILETRE—DE—ROZIER) made the 1., flight in 1—HOT—AIR—BALLOON.
17831015             The 1. flight was let out to 82—FEET, but over the next few days the altitude increased up to 6,500 feet.
17831015             1. Mensch, mit königlicher Billigung SICH—BEGIBT, Der an Bord eines Heißluftballons in die Lüfte.
17831015             Die durch 1—SEIL gesicherte Montgolfière mit JEAN—FRANÇOIS—PILÂTRE—DE—ROZIER aufsteigt in PARIS 26—METER hoch.
17861015             * JAMES—HOLMAN, BRITISCHER—REISENDER, Abenteurer und Autor
17891015             GEORGE—WASHINGTON went to New ENGLAND on the 1. presidential tour.
17901015             Suppression des PARLEMENTs
17931015             LA—REINE comparaît devant LE—TRIBUNAL—RÉVOLUTIONNAIRE.
17931015             Die "Witwe Capet" genannte KÖNIGIN—MARIE—ANTOINETTE wird vom FRANZÖSISCHEN—REVOLUTIONSTRIBUNAL zum Tode verurteilt.
17941015             —MINTED, USA moneymakers, some 2,000 silver dollars of which 1,750 were deemed good enough to go into circulation.
17941015             —DESIGNED, The press —INITIALLY used was, for 1—SMALLER—COIN and large scale production on 1—BIGGER—PRESS began —1—YEAR—LATER.
17941015             —AM—IN—THIS AACHEN gefeiert Das Dankfest wurde. und AU^ I\OT ZEIT—DER—FRCNULHORRSCBAFT.
17961015             * CARL—WILHELM—TRAUGOTT—VON—MAYER, DEUTSCHER—RECHTSANWALT und Mitglied des Sächsischen Landtags
17971015             * KARL—WILHELM—LUDWIG—HEYSE, DEUTSCHER—ALTPHILOLOGE und Sprachwissenschaftler
17971015             † BERND—JAKOB—VON—ARNIM, PREUSSISCHER—BEAMTER und Numismatiker
17981015             —GEÖFFNET, Man hatte —BEREITS 1—DER Kisten vergeblich, als 1—DER KAPUZINER—PATRES sich des Äussern derjenigen Kiste entsann, in welcher sich die Insignien befanden,
17981015             und so konnte denn noch —AN—DEMSELBEN—TAG Wichmann 1
17981015             —AM—SCHON, wurde diesem Befehl nachgekommen.
17981015             —VOM, HOF—RAT Wichmann ausgestellten Quittung erteilt wurde.
18041015             * WILHELM—VON—KAULBACH, Maler
18041015             † ANTOINE—BAUMÉ, FRANZÖSISCHER—CHEMIKER und Pharmazeut
18051015             —1—TAG—NACH—DER
18051015             —SCHLACHT—VON—ELCHINGEN im - 3. Koalitionskrieg
18051015             —BEGINNEN Kapitulationsverhandlungen zwischen NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE und dem ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—FELDMARSCHALL—KARL—MACK—VON—LEIBERICH, dessen Heer um ULM von den FRANZÖSISCHEN—TRUPPEN unter MICHEL—NEY eingekreist ist.
18051015             † JOHANN—GEORG—BECHTOLD, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH, Literaturwissenschaftler, Rhetoriker und evangelischer Theologe
18081015             * ERNST—KAPP, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE, Geograph und Philosoph
18081015             * MORITZ—SCHREBER, DEUTSCHER—ARZT und Pädagoge
18101015             * HENRICUS—CHRISTIANUS—MILLIES, niederländischer lutherischer Theologe und Orientalist
18101015             —BEGINNT, Unter GERHARD—VON—SCHARNHORST, im Zuge der PREUSSISCHEN—HEERESREFORM in Preußen die Lehrtätigkeit an der neuen Akademie für junge Offiziere, aus der über Namensänderungen —ERST die Allgemeine Kriegsschule und dann die PREUSSISCHE—KRIEGSAKADEMIE wird.
18101015             Sie ist als militärische Hochschule für Stabsoffiziere konzipiert.
18111015             * MAXIMILIAN—DUNCKER, DEUTSCHER—HISTORIKER und Politiker
18111015             † NATHANIEL—DANCE—HOLLAND, BRITISCHER—MALER und Politiker
18131015—18131031    —CA, nahmen vereinigte Truppen DAS—GEBIET—DES—GROSS—HERZOGTUMS ein.
18151015             NAPOLÉON—BONAPARTE betritt die INSEL—S—HELENA, auf der er seine —LETZTEN—JAHRE im Exil verbringen wird.
18151015             † EDUARD—VON—WATTENWYL, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
18171015             Tadeusz AB Kosciusko (17460000             *), POLAND—LT—GEN. and USA—REVOLUTION freedom fighter, †.
18171015             † TADEUSZ—KO?CIUSZKO, POLNISCHER—ADELIGER, GENERAL und Nationalheld
18181015             * ALEXANDER—DREYSCHOCK, böhmischer Klaviervirtuose und Komponist
18181015             * FRANZ—VON—LÖHER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Historiker und Politiker
18181015             * JOHANN—GUNGL, ungarndeutscher Geiger, KOMPONIST—UND—DIRIGENT
18181015—19850000    * † IRVIN—MCDOWELL, MAJOR—GENERAL (Union volunteers).
18211015             * MORITZ—HARTMANN, Journalist, Schriftsteller und Politiker
18221015             * ALFRED—MEISSNER, AUSTRIA—PHYSICIAN and writer.
18221015             * KORNÉL—ÁBRÁNYI, UNGARISCHER—PIANIST, Schriftsteller, Musiktheoretiker, KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKER
18271015             * FRIEDRICH—ADLER, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT und Archäologe
18271015             * MIHÁLY—ZICHY, UNGARISCHER—MALER
18281015             Die Uraufführung der Oper Die Räuberbraut von FERDINAND—RIES findet in FRANKFURT am Main statt.
18291015             * ASAPH—HALL, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ASTRONOM und Entdecker der Marsmonde
18301015—18850000    * † HELEN—MARIA—HUNT—JACKSON, writer and poet, in AMHERST—MASSACHUSETTS.
18301015—18850000    HELEN—MARIA—HUNT—JACKSON'S 18810000             NON—FICTION—WORK, "1—CENTURY—OF—DISHONOR," raised concerns about the treatment of Native Americans.
18301015—18850000    HELEN—MARIA—HUNT—JACKSON'S 18840000             novel Ramona was also about the plight of Indians in CALIFORNIA.
18301015—18850000    "Wounded vanity knows —WHEN it is mortally hurt; and limps off the field, piteous, all disguises thrown away. But pride carries its banner to the last; and fast as it is driven from 1—FIELD unfurls it in another".
18301015—18850000    "It is the weakness and DANGER—OF—REPUBLICS, that the vices as well as VIRTUES—OF—THE—PEOPLE are represented in their legislation".
18311015             * HORACE—AUSTIN, USA—POLITIKER
18321015             * KARL—ATZ, ITALIENISCHER—KUNSTHISTORIKER und Priester
18351015             Die Bayerische HYPOTHEKEN—BANK—UND—WECHSEL—BANK, 1—VORLÄUFERINSTITUT der heutigen Unicredit Bank, beginnt ihre Geschäftstätigkeit in München.
18391015             * FRANZ—TRELLER, DEUTSCHER—REGISSEUR, Schauspieler und Schriftsteller
18421015             —AM, an der RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—FÜR—POLITIK—HANDEL—UND—GEWERBE KARL—MARX die Redaktionsleitung bekam.
18421015             —AM, KARL—MARX die Redaktionsleitung bekam Dies alles allerdings anonym und mit 1—STATTLICHEN —JAHRESGEHALT—VON—600—TALERN.
18421015             —GEZEICHNET, KARL—MARX hat seine ARTIKEL nicht mit seinem Namen, und
18421015             KARL—MARX wurde auch als "eigentlicher Redakteur" im Impressum nicht genannt.
18421015             —ÜBERNIMMT, KARL—MARX, die Redaktionsleitung der RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG in Köln.
18441015—19000000    * † FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—NIETZSCHE, GERMANY—PHILOSOPHER, poet, and critic.
18441015—19000000    FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—NIETZSCHE wrote 13—BOOKS and was driven to madness by 1—NUMBER—OF—FACTORS, but 1 was the bland, dishonest complacency of his contemporaries, who ignored him —WHILE honoring writers who seem like comic book figures —TODAY... FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—NIETZSCHE shrilled against Christianity and its empty moral claims.
18441015—19000000    and "THE—GOOD—EUROPEAN: NIETZSCHE—WORK—SITES in word and Image" by DAVID—FARELL—KRELL and DONALD—L—BATES.
18441015—19000000    "No 1 is such 1—LIAR as the indignant man".
18441015—19000000    "In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule".
18441015—19000000    "The time for me hasn't come yet. SOME—ARE born posthumously".
18441015—19980000    —IN, 2—BIOGRAPHIES were published: "Nietzsche in Turin: 1—INTIMATE—BIOGRAPHY" by Lesley Chamberlain;
18441015—20000000    —AUTHORED, ROBERT—C—SOLOMON and Kathleen M. Higgins, "What Nietzsche Really Said".
18481015             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—117—KÖLN.
18511015             Die von DAVID—HANSEMANN gegründete DISCONTO—GESELLSCHAFT, in der Folge Deutschlands bedeutendstes Kreditinstitut, aufnimmt den Geschäftsbetrieb.
18531015             He succeeded in capturing LA—PAZ, the capital of sparsely populated Baja CALIFORNIA, which he declared THE—CAPITAL—OF—1—NEW—REPUBLIC—OF—LOWER—CALIFORNIA, with himself as PRESIDENT and his former law partner, HENRY—P—WATKINS, as VICE—PRESIDENT.
18531015             He then put the region under THE—LAWS—OF—THE—USA—STATE—OF—LOUISIANA, which made slavery legal.
18551015             —OPENED, S—FRANCISCO, S—IGNATIUS, for classes with 3—STUDENTS, including RICHARD—MCCABE, at 841—MARKET S—IN the 1880s S—IGNATIUS—COLLEGE moved to 1—NEW—CAMPUS on VAN Ness.
18561015             —GEGRÜNDET, Die NORDDEUTSCHE—BANK wird in HAMBURG, —NACHDEM ihre Gesellschafter auf ursprüngliche Pläne, auch Banknoten auszugeben, verzichten.
18561015—19290000    —AUFGEHT das Anleihen begebende Kreditinstitut in der DEUTSCHEN—BANK.
18581015             * JOHN—L—SULLIVAN, heavyweight boxing champ (18820000—18920000    ), in MASSACHUSETTS.
18581015             The 7. and final debate between senatorial candidates ABRAHAM—LINCOLN and STEPHEN—DOUGLAS took place in ALTON—ILLINOIS.
18601015             —11—YEAR—OLD—GRACE—BEDELL—OF—WESTFIELD, NEW—YORK, wrote 1—LETTER to presidential candidate ABRAHAM—LINCOLN, suggesting he could improve his appearance by growing 1—BEARD.
18611015             —SAILED, THE—FINGAL quickly, for SAVANNAH.
18611015             —CONVERTED, THE—FINGAL was —LATER, to 1—IRONCLAD and renamed ATLANTA.
18611015             * EDUARD—SCHMID, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Oberbürgermeister von München
18631015             For the 2. time, THE—CONFEDERATE—SUBMARINE H L Hunley sank —DURING 1—PRACTICE dive in CHARLESTON Harbor, S.C, this time drowning its inventor along with 7—CREW members.
18631015             Das konföderierte U—BOOT—CSS—HUNLEY sinkt bei 1—TAUCHVERSUCH auf Grund.
18631015             † † ? 7—MANN Besatzung und der Erbauer HORACE—LAWSON—HUNLEY sterben an Bord.
18651015             * WALTER—OSKAR—ERNST—AMELUNG, deutscher klassischer Archäologe
18661015             1—GREAT—FIRE in QUEBEC destroyed 2,500 houses.
18661015             * LAURA—LEMON, KANADISCHE—KOMPONISTIN und Pianistin
18671015             * FERDINAND—BRONNER, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Dramatiker
18691015             * FRANCISCO—LARGO—CABALLERO, SPANISCHER—POLITIKER und Ministerpräsident
18691015             † CHARLES—NICOLAS—AUBÉ, FRANZÖSISCHER—ARZT und Entomologe
18721015             † HANDRIJ—ZEJLER, sorbischer Dichter und Herausgeber
18741015             1—USA—CHILD—LABOR—LAW took —12—YEAR—OLDS OUT—OF—WORK—FORCE.
18760000—19171015    * † Mata Hari, the woman whose name has become synonymous with 1—SEDUCTIVE female spy, was executed by THE—FRANCE—OUTSIDE—PARIS on charges of spying for the Germans —WWI—DURING.
18760000—19171015    —LIVED, The couple, —FOR—5—YEARS in Java and Sumatra —BEFORE the marriage failed.
18760000—19171015    Among her MANY—LOVERS were military officers and, although the facts surrounding her espionage activities are still unclear, Mata Hari was arrested by the French as 1—GERMANY—SPY in February 19170000             .
18760000—19171015    —AFTER a —2—DAY—TRIAL—BEFORE 1—MILITARY—COURT, Mata Hari was sentenced to death for espionage.
18771015             * WILHELM—STOCKUMS, Weihbischof in Köln
18790000—19501015    * † JOHN—JACOB—RASKOB, FORMER—GENERAL—MOTORS—EXECUTIVE and developer of the Empire STATE—BUILDING.
18801015             † Victorio, feared LEADER—OF—THE—MINBRENO—APACHE, was killed by MEXICO—TROOPS in NORTH—WEST—CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO.
18801015             —38—JAHRE—NACH—GRÜNDUNG des ZENTRAL—DOMBAU—VEREINS zu Köln wird die Vollendung des 12480000             begonnenen Kölner Doms gefeiert.
18801015             MEXIKANISCHE—SOLDATEN töten Victorio, einen ANFÜHRER—DER—CHIHENNE—APACHEN, und 78—STAMMESANGEHÖRIGE, die wegen Kriegszügen nach NEW—MEXICO und TEXAS bekämpft werden.
18811015—19750000    * † PELHAM—GRENVILLE—WODEHOUSE, UNITED—KINGDOM—WRITER and humorist, in Guildford, SURREY, ENGLAND.
18811015—19750000    —PRODUCED, PELHAM—GRENVILLE—WODEHOUSE, 93—BOOKS and countless articles and short stories.
18811015—19750000    PELHAM—GRENVILLE—WODEHOUSE was the creator of THE—2—GREAT—COMIC—CHARACTERS: BERTIE—WOOSTER and his valet, Jeeves.
18821015             * CARL—VON—SCHUBERT, DEUTSCHER—STAATSBEAMTER und Diplomat
18851015             * HANS—HASSO—VON—VELTHEIM, DEUTSCHER—INDOLOGE, Anthroposoph und Weltreisender
18851015             * JAMES—FRANCIS—HURLEY, AUSTRALISCHER—FOTOGRAF und Kameramann
18851015             * METOD—DOLEŽIL, TSCHECHISCHER—CHORLEITER und Musikpädagoge
18851015             * ULRICH—LEMAN, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18861015             * RUDOLF—VON—MAROGNA—REDWITZ, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER und Widerstandskämpfer des 19440720             18871015             * CHESTER—RAY—LONGWELL, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—GEOLOGE
18920000—19881015    —INCLUDED, SHAPURJI—SORABJI—WORK, "Opus clavicembalisticum" (19300000             ), 1—ELABORATION—OF—FERRUCIO—BUSONI'S 19210000             "Fantasia conatrappuntistica," itself 1—METAMORPHOSIS and completion of Bach's "THE—ART—OF—FUGUE".
18921015             —CONVINCED, USA—GOVERNMENT, the Crow Indians to give up 1.8—MILLION—ACRES—OF—THEIR—RESERVATION (in the mountainous AREA—OF—WEST—MONTANA) for 50—CENTS per acre.
18921015             —OPENED, Presidential proclamation, this land to settlers.
18921015             1—ATTEMPT to rob 2—BANKS in Coffeyville, Kan., ended in disaster for the Dalton gang as 4—OF—THE—5—OUTLAWS were killed and EMMET—DALTON was seriously wounded.
18931015             —DECLARED, THE—NY—TIMES, Coney ISLAND "SODOM—BY—THE—SEA" for the thrilling rides that let men and women clutch EACH—OTHER.
18931015             oo —DATE,
18931015             * CAROL—II—KÖNIG—KÖNIG—VON—RUMÄNIEN
18941015             CAPTAIN—ALFRED—DREYFUS (18590000—19350000    ), 1—JEWISH—ARMY—OFFICER in FRANCE, was arrested for allegedly betraying military secrets to GERMANY.
18941015             —DREYFUS—AFFÄRE, Mit der VERHAFTUNG—DES—FRANZÖSISCHEN—OFFIZIERS—ALFRED—DREYFUS wegen angeblicher Spionage beginnt.
18951015             * ~ (MLYNARZ) ISRAEL (Itche) MELINE M Mlawa, PLOCK, POLAND
18971015             —CARRIED, Aaron and SAMUEL—BLOCH, the 1. USA Mail Pouch.
18991015             * ADOLF—BRUDES, DEUTSCHER—MOTORRAD—UND Automobilrennfahrer
19001015             —REGARDED, BOSTON—SYMPHONY—HALL, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST highly, concert halls, was inaugurated.
19001015             It was the 1. to be built in known conformity with acoustical laws described by Harvard physicist WALLACE—SABINE.
19001015             * MERVYN—LEROY, USA—FILMREGISSEUR und Filmproduzent
19011015             * BERNARD—VON—BRENTANO, GERMANY—WRITER (Big Cats).
19011015             * HERMANN—ABS, director (DEUTSCHLAND—BANK) and HITLER—ADVISOR.
19020000—19761015    * † CARLO—GAMBINO, USA gangster, at his —SUMMER home in Long ISLAND.
19021015             * AMPARO—POCH—Y—GASCÓN, SPANISCHE—MEDIZINERIN und Anarchistin
19041015             † GEORG—I—KÖNIG—VON—SACHSEN
19051015             —PREMIERED, CLAUDE—DEBUSSY'S "La Mer,".
19051015             USA—PRESIDENT—GROVER—CLEVELAND wrote 1—ARTICLE for "Ladies Home Journal", joining others in THE—USA—WHO opposed women voters.
19051015             THE—PRESIDENT said, "We all know how much further women go than men in their social rivalries and jealousies... sensible and responsible women do not want to vote".
19051015             —AM, in Stettin geboren.
19051015             —BEGINNT, In der Tageszeitung NEW—YORK—HERALD, die Comicreihe Little Nemo, erfunden und gezeichnet von Winsor McCay.
19051015—19800000    * † CHARLES—P—SNOW, ENGLAND—NOVELIST (Death Under Sail).
19051015—19800000    —POINTED, CHARLES—P—SNOW, out that the university's separate worlds have ceased to talk to 1—ANOTHER.
19051015—19800000    The "uni" in the university has become meaningless as the institution, possessing more and more power as government funds were pumped into it for research, turned into 1—LOOSE—CONFEDERATION—OF disconnected MINI—STATES, instead of 1—ORGANIZATION devoted to the joint search for knowledge and truth.
19081015             * JOHN—KENNETH—GALBRAITH, economist, writer and diplomat, in CANADA.
19081015             —INCLUDED, JOHN—KENNETH—GALBRAITH—WORK, "1—HISTORY—OF—ECONOMICS" and "Affluent Society" (19580000             ).
19081015—19580000    —IN, JOHN—KENNETH—GALBRAITH won the Hillman Award.
19081015—20050000    —AUTHORED, RICHARD—PARKER, the biography "JOHN—KENNETH—GALBRAITH: His Life, His Politics, His Economics".
19090000—19591015    * † Stepan Bandera, 1—UKRAINE—NATIONALIST, was assassinated in MUNICH by 1—KGB agent who used 1—SPRAY gun to fire cyanide gas into his face.
19090000—19591015    —CALLED, Yushchenko, Bandera patriot, but THE—SIMON—WIESENTHAL—CENTER, 1—LEADING—JEWISH—RIGHTS—GROUP, said BANDERA—FOLLOWERS were linked to the deaths of THOUSANDS—OF—JEWS.
19101015             * TORBJORN—OSKAR—CASPERSSON, SWEDEN—CYTOLOGIST and geneticist.
19130000             WWI.19171015             Francis, Perry,Letter to father,Francis,DAVID—R, Ambassador: "Miller, Joe left for S—FRANCISCO last —TUESDAY night, where he will receive orders to continue to Petrograd. I was told by Kotany, Mildred [WALKER—SISTER—IN—LAW] that Walker, Bert got him [Miller, Joe] his appointment through Long, Breck>. "
19131015             * KLAUS—BARBIE, gestapo CHIEF (LYON).
19140815             (See 19141015             ) (Schlesinger I)
19141015             —FOUNDED, ASCAP (USA—SOCIETY—OF—COMPOSERS, Authors & Publishers).
19141015             —PASSED, Congress, PRESIDENT—WILSON signed THE—CLAYTON—ANTI—TRUST—ACT, which labor leader SAMUEL—GOMPERS called "labor's CHARTER—OF—FREEDOM".
19141015             It strengthened previous ANTI—MONOPOLY legislation.
19141015             —EXEMPTED, The act, unions from ANTI—TRUST—LAWS;
19141015             strikes, picketing and boycotting became legal;
19141015             corporate interlocking directorates became illegal, as did setting prices which would effect 1—MONOPOLY.
19141015             † ALEKSANDER—ROZYCKI, composer, at 69.
19151015             * CARL—SZOKOLL, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER und Widerstandskämpfer
19161015             Die Uraufführung der Oper Das höllisch Gold von JULIUS—BITTNER findet in DARMSTADT statt.
19170000—20081015    * † WANG—YUNG—CHING, FOUNDER—OF—FORMOSA—PLASTICS—GROUP, leaving 1—FORTUNE estimated at $7—BILLION.
19171015             Francis, Perry,Letter to father,Francis,DAVID—R, Ambassador:"Miller, Joe left for S—FRANCISCO last —TUESDAY night, where he will receive
19171015             —WWI, FRANCIS, Perry,Letter to father,FRANCIS,David R., Ambassador: "Miller, Joe left for SAN—FRANCISCO[S—FRANCISCO] last —TUESDAY night, where he will receive orders to continue to PETROgrad.
19171015             * ARTHUR—SCHLESINGER, JUNIOR, historian and author, in OHIO.
19171015             ARTHUR—SCHLESINGER won 19460000             —THE—PULITZER—PRIZE for his book "Age of JACKSON".
19171015             1—EXEKUTIONSKOMMANDO erschießt die der Doppelspionage und des Hochverrats von einem Militärgericht für schuldig befundene Tänzerin MATA—HARI in den Festungsanlagen des SCHLOSS—VINCENNES.
19171015             † MATA—HARI, NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—TÄNZERIN, Kurtisane und Spionin
19181015             Der UNTERSTAATS—SEKRETÄR im Kriegsernährungsamt A. Müller wird zum UNTERSTAATS—SEKRETÄR im REICHS—WIRTSCHAFTSAMT ernannt.
19181015             E. David wird mit der Wahrnehmung der Geschäfte 1—UNTERSTAATS—SEKRETÄRS im AUSWÄRTIGES—AMT,
19181015             R. Schmidt mit der Wahrnehmung der Geschäfte 1—UNTERSTAATS—SEKRETÄRS im Kriegsernährungsamt beauftragt.
19201015             * MARIO—PUZO, novelist and screenwriter.
19201015             THE—PARIS—CONFERENCE on Passports & Customs Formalities and Through Tickets opened.
19201015             * HEINZ—BARTH, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER der WAFFEN—SS, Kriegsverbrecher
19201015—19201021    —HOSTED, THE—WEEK—LONG—EVENT ending was, by the League of Nations and set standards for passports.
19211015             * MARIO—PUZO, novelist (Godfather, Cotton Club, Earthquake), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19220000—20071015    * † ERNEST—WITHERS, AFRICA—USA—FREELANCE photographer.
19220000—20121015    * † CAMBODIA—FORMER—KING—NORODOM—SIHANOUK—OF—1—HEART—ATTACK in BEIJING, where he had been receiving medical treatment.
19220000—20121015    —REINVENTED, The cunning political survivor had, himself repeatedly —THROUGHOUT his often flamboyant life.
19230000—20021015    * † Yaacov "Zeev" Farkas, called the founder of the political cartoonist's art in ISRAEL.
19230000—20021015    He was born in HUNGARY and survived the Nazi concentration camp at Dachau.
19231015—19850000    * † ITALO—CALVINO, ITALY—NOVELIST (—WINTER—NIGHT a Traveler), in CUBA.
19241015             * LEE—A—IACOCCA, CEO (Chrysler Corp).
19241015             GERMANY—ZR 3—FLEW 5000—MILES, the furthest Zeppelin flight to date.
19241015             Nach geglückter Atlantiküberquerung landet das LUFTSCHIFF—LZ—126, Teil DEUTSCHER—REPARATIONSLEISTUNGEN, auf dem USA—MARINEFLUGPLATZ—LAKEHURST.
19251015             GENF, wird von Vertretern ethnischer Minderheiten aus 12—EUROPÄISCHEN Staaten der Europäische Nationalitätenkongress gegründet.
19261015             * EVAN—HUNTER, [ED—MCBAIN], USA—WRITER (Blackboard Jungle).
19261015             * KARL—RICHTER, composer and conductor.
19261015             DÜSSELDORF, endet die Großausstellung GeSoLei, mit rund 7,5 Millionen Besuchern die größte der WEIMARER—REPUBLIK.
19281015             —LANDED, THE—GERMANY—DIRIGIBLE—GRAF—ZEPPELIN, in LAKEHURST—NEW—JERSEY, on its 1. commercial flight across the Atlantic.
19291015             Nadir Khan (19830000—19330000    ) took the throne of AFGHANISTAN —AFTER a 3-way power struggle.
19291015             —LOOTED, His tribal Wazir army, government buildings and houses of wealthy citizens because the treasury was empty.
19291015             Habibullah Kalakani, along with his supporters, and 1—FEW supporters of Amanullah Khan were killed by Nadir Khan and Khan established full control.
19301015             —AM, SEITE—257—294.
19321015             INDIA, J.R.D Tata began flying regular mail service.
19321015             INDIA—1. airline, Air INDIA, was founded by the Tata family.
19321015—19530000    —NATIONALIZED, Air INDIA was.
19321015—20070000    —IN, it merged with INDIA—AIRLINES.
19331015             1. Monumentalbau des nationalsozialistischen Regimes, MÜNCHEN, legt ADOLF—HITLER den Grundstein für das Haus der DEUTSCHEN—KUNST, den.
19351015             * BARRY—MCGUIRE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—SÄNGER und Songschreiber
19371015             —PUBLISHED, THE—ERNEST—HEMINGWAY novel "To Have and Have Not" was 1.
19391015             —ADVANCED, It was the largest, most, commercial airport in the world.
19391015             —FEATURED, Its new terminal, innovative design that kept arriving and departing passengers separated on 2—LEVELS for greater efficiency.
19391015             —ADORNED, It was also terminals, with ART—DECO details and fine restaurants and 1—ROOFTOP viewing promenade as well as MANY—TECHNOLOGICAL—DETAILS that made flying safer and less expensive.
19391015             —ERÖFFNET, Der LAGUARDIA—AIRPORT in NEW—YORK—CITY wird.
19391015—19400331    —ON, the new airport was rechristened LaGuardia Airport —AFTER the mayor, who had been 1—BOMBER—PILOT—WWI—IN and whose interest in aviation lasted —THROUGHOUT his lifetime, barely —1—MONTH—AFTER it opened.
19401015             —BOMBED, LONDON—WATERLOO—STATION was, by Germans.
19401015             —2—DAYS—OF—HEAVY—GERMANY—BOMBING on LONDON killed 400—PEOPLE.
19401015             * BENNO—OHNESORG, DEUTSCHER—STUDENT, Opfer eines Polizeieinsatzes
19401015             * PETER—DOHERTY, AUSTRALISCHER—VETERINÄR und Virologe, Nobelpreisträger
19401015             CHARLIE—CHAPLIN berühmte Satire auf ADOLF—HITLER, Der große Diktator, wird in den USA uraufgeführt.
19411015             The 1. mass deportation of GERMANY—JEWS to EAST—EUROPE.
19411015             —FORMED, THE—JAPANESE—TOJO regime was.
19411015             —SURROUNDED, Odessa, 1—RUSSIA—PORT on the Black Sea which had been, by GERMANY—TROOPS for several weeks, was evacuated by RUSSIA—TROOPS.
19421015             † DIRK—BANNINK, nurse and local councilor DEVENTER—NETHERLANDS, was executed.
19430621             (see 19421106             , 19441015             ) (Atlas)
19441015             † PHILIP—MECHANICUS, journalist, was executed in AUSCHWITZ—BIRKENAU.
19441015             —WWII—IM, In den frühen Morgenstunden führt die NUMBER—5—BOMBER—GROUP der ROYAL—AIR—FORCE im Luftkrieg 1—SCHWEREN Bombenangriff auf BRAUNSCHWEIG auf Basis der Area Bombing Directive des BRITISCHEN—AIR—MINISTRY durch.
19441015             Die Innenstadt Braunschweigs wird durch den Angriff und den darauf folgenden zweitägigen Feuersturm zu 90 % zerstört, CA—1.000—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben.
19441015             Um 1—WAFFENSTILLSTAND Ungarns mit den Alliierten und somit 1—AUSSCHEIDEN aus dem Kreis der Achsenmächte zu verhindern, führt 1—DEUTSCHE—SS—SPEZIALEINHEIT in BUDAPEST das UNTERNEHMEN—PANZERFAUST durch.
19441015             —VERHAFTET, Reichsverweser Miklós Horthy wird, und durch FERENC—SZÁLASI ersetzt.
19451015             † THE—FORMER—VICHY—FRANCE—PREMIER—PIERRE—LAVAL was executed by 1—FIRING squad for his wartime collaboration with the Germans.
19451015             † PIERRE—LAVAL, der frühere Ministerpräsident des VICHY—REGIMES in FRANKREICH, wird nach 1—TODESURTEIL wegen Hochverrats von 1—HINRICHTUNGSKOMMANDO erschossen.
19461015             —POISONED, Nazi war criminal HERMANN—GOERING, himself hours —BEFORE he was to have been executed.
19461015             —IN—DER—NACHT—VOR—SEINER—GEPLANTEN—HINRICHTUNG, Der im NÜRNBERGER—PROZESS zum Tode verurteilte HERMANN—GÖRING begeht mit 1—GIFTKAPSEL Selbstmord.
19461015             † HERMANN—GÖRING, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe, Kriegsverbrecher
19461015             1. DEUTSCHE—NACHKRIEGSFILM uraufgeführt, WOLFGANG—STAUDTE—DIE—MÖRDER sind unter uns
19471015             —GEGRÜNDET—BERLIN, wird das WILHELM—FOERSTER—INSTITUT, mit dem Ziel, 1—VOLKSSTERNWARTE zu betreiben.
19481015             —OCCUPIED, CHINA—RED—ARMY, Chinchov.
19481015             Shigeru Yoshida (18780000—19670000    ), JAPAN—DIPLOMAT and politician, began serving his 1. term as PRIME—MINISTER—OF—JAPAN.
19481015             He served a 2. term 19480000—19540000    —FROM—TO.
19481015             —ADOPTED, THE—YOSHIDA—DOCTRINE was 1—STRATEGY, by JAPAN —WWII—AFTER under PRIME—MINISTER—SHIGERU—YOSHIDA, the country's 1. POST—WAR—PRIME—MINISTER, in which economics was to be concentrated upon reconstructing JAPAN—DOMESTIC—ECONOMY—WHILE the security alliance with THE—USA would be THE—GUARANTOR—OF—JAPAN—SECURITY.
19491015             Laszlo Rajk, HUNGARY—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—AND—FOREIGN—MINISTER, was hanged.
19501015             PRESIDENT—HARRY—TRUMAN met with GENERAL—DOUGLAS—MACARTHUR at Wake ISLAND to discuss UNITED—NATIONS progress in the Korean War.
19501015             1. Wahl zur Volkskammer der DDR findet statt.
19501015             Die von der SED dominierte Einheitsliste der NATIONALE—FRONT erhält nach offiziellen Angaben 99,7 PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN.
19511015             Serle won FDA ok to market the pill 19600511             .
19511015             —PREMIERED, The situation comedy "I—LOVE—LUCY", on CBS.
19511015             It ran through to 19610000             .
19511015             LUCILLE—BALL and Desi Arnaz bought their television studio, Desilu, from HOWARD—HUGHES.
19511015             DOCTOR—CARL—DJERASSI, —27—JAHRE—ALT, Prof. of chemistry at Stanford Univ., developed the birth control pill in MEXICO—CITY—WHILE working for Palo Alto based Syntex Corp. He synthesized norethindrone, 1—STEROID ORAL contraceptive.
19511015—19510000    —SYNTHESIZED, Djerassi, 1—KEY hormone in the pill in MEXICO—CITY.
19511015—20010000    —AUTHORED, CARL—DJERASSI, "This MAN—PILL: Reflections on the 50. BIRTHDAY—OF—THE—PILL".
19531015             * GÜNTHER—OETTINGER, EU—KOMMISSAR für Digitale Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, ehemals EU—ENERGIEKOMMISSAR
19541015             † Hurricane Hazel struck USA and CANADA and 348—PEOPLE.
19541015             81—PEOPLE were killed in ONTARIO where damages were estimated at $24—MILLION.
19551015             —EM, proferida no PAÇO—DUCAL de VILA—VIÇOSA, VILA—VIÇOSA, Fundação
19551015             RICHARD—MARTIN—THEILER, —28—JAHRE—ALT was in the front SEAT—OF—THE—LOCKHEED—MARTIN—T 33A that went missing —JUST—AFTER takeoff from THE—LOS—ANGELES INTERNATIONAL Airport.
19551015—20090000    —IN, aviation archaeologist G. Pat Macha and 1—GROUP—OF—VOLUNTEERS found the plane underneath 100—FEET—OF—WATER.
19561015             Pan Am Flight 943, enroute to HAWAII from S—FRANCISCO crash landed in the ocean.
19561015             —RESCUED, All 31—ABOARD were, by the Coast Guard cutter Pontchartrain.
19561015—19900000    —UNTIL, He served.
19561015—19970000    —IN, 1—COLLECTION—OF essays on Brennan was edited by Rosenkranz and Schwartz titled: "Reason and Passion: Justice BRENNAN—ENDURING—INFLUENCE".
19591015             * SARAH—FERGUSON, the Duchess of YORK, aka 'Fergie,'.
19591015             —PREMIERED, THE—TV—SHOW "THE—UNTOUCHABLES", with ROBERT—STACK (20030000             †) as ELIOT—NESS.
19591015             —PRODUCED, It was, by Bert Granet (20020000             † age 92) and ran to 19630000             .
19611015             Die Uraufführung der Oper Leonce und LENA—VON—KURT—SCHWAEN findet an der Staatsoper BERLIN statt.
19621015             —APPOINTED, BYRON—R—WHITE (19170000—20020000    ) was, to THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—BY—PRESIDENT—KENNEDY.
19621015             —AM—VORTAG, Die bei Spionageflügen gemachten Fotos erbringen in der Kubakrise den USA den Beweis von auf KUBA stationierten sowjetischen SS—4—MITTELSTRECKENRAKETEN.
19631015             PAGE—8; STANLEY—MILGRAM—OF—YALE—UNIV. published his groundbreaking article "Behavioral STUDY—OF—OBEDIENCE" in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology.
19631015             —ELECTED, SOUTH—KOREA, Park CHUNG—HEE was, PRESIDENT as the candidate of the newly created Democratic REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
19631015             Die Berliner Philharmonie wird im Rahmen 1—FESTAKTS an den Intendanten WOLFGANG—STRESEMANN übergeben.
19631015—19600000    —CREATED, His experiments, begun, 1—PARADIGM for considering how cruel people can be —WHEN they are obeying orders.
19641015             S—LOUIS—CARDINALS in their home park beat THE—NEW—YORK Yankees in game 7—OF—BASEBALL'S—WORLD—SERIES (7-5).
19641015             † COLE—PORTER, —73—JAHRE—ALT, renowned lyricist and composer.
19641015             —INCLUDED, COLE—PORTER—WORK, "STILL—OF—THE—NIGHT," "I've Got You Under My Skin," and HUNDREDS—OF—OTHER—CLASSICS.
19641015             —CROSSED, COLE—PORTER music, all musical style and format boundaries —THROUGHOUT his long and rich career.
19641015             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that SOVIET—LEADER—NIKITA—S—KHRUSHCHEV had been removed from office.
19641015             —SUCCEEDED, He was, as premier by ALEXEI—N—KOSYGIN and as Communist Party SECRETARY—BY—LEONID—I—BREZHNEV.
19641015—19940000    —AUTHORED, DAVID—HALBERSTAM, "19641000             ," 1—ACCOUNT centered on the series.
19651015             Die Zeit berichtete von einem Geschehen auf den Düsseldorfer Rheinwiesen.
19651015             Dort, zum Erntedankfest, verbrannten Mitglieder des 'Jugendbundes für Entschiedenes Christentum' (EC) neben ZEITUNGS—PIN—UPS und Kinoreklamen auch Bücher von ERICH—KÄSTNER, ALBERT—CAMUS, Grass' 'Blechtrommel' sowie Nabokovs 'Lolita'.
19651015             Dies, nach Meinung der EC, sei ' SCHUND—UND Schmutzliteratur ', Bücher voll brutaler, krimineller und sexueller Szenen;
19651015             sie brächten die Menschen von Jesus ab.
19651015             Zu den Flammen sangen die Jugendlichen, die aus Mittelstandsfamilien stammten, Lieder aus der 'Frohen Botschaft': 'Wir jungen Christen tragen ins dunkle DEUTSCHE—LAND 1—LICHT in schweren —TAGEN als Fackel in der Hand...'"
19661015             —PASSED, USA—CONGRESS, the Endangered Species Preservation Act.
19661015             —PROTECTED, THE—DEVILS—HOLE—PUPFISH—OF—DEATH—VALLEY were among the 1. species.
19661015             —LISTED, SOUTH—DAKOTA—MOUNT—RUSHMORE was, on the National Register of Historic Places.
19661015             It called for adequate housing, jobs, education and 1—END to police brutality.
19661015             —FOUNDED, THE—BLACK—PANTHER—PARTY was, by Merritt College students Huey Newton and BOBBY—SEALE.
19661015—19720000    —BY, only 124 remained.
19661015—19730000    —EXPANDED, It was, as the Endangered Species Act.
19661015—20060000    —AUTHORED, Flores A. Forbes, "WILL—YOU—DIE—WITH—ME: My Life and the Black Panther Party".
19661015—20070000    —BY, only 42 were left.
19661015—20130000    —REACHED, The count, 75.
19691015             —STAGED, Peace demonstrators, activities across THE—USA, including 1—CANDLELIGHT march —AROUND THE—WHITE—HOUSE, as part VIETNAM Moratorium —DAY.
19691015             The $100-million, 52-story BANK—OF—AMERICA—WORLD—HEADQUARTERS at 555—CALIFORNIA St. in SF, was dedicated.
19691015             250.000—MENSCHEN protestieren in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA gegen den VIETNAM—KRIEG.
19691015—19850000    —IN, it was sold to WALTER—SHORENSTEIN for $660—MILLION.
19691015—20050000    —IN, 1—HONG—KONG group offered $1.05—BILLION.
19701015             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—NIXON, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).
19701015             —EXTENDED, It provides for, criminal penalties and 1—CIVIL—CAUSE—OF action for acts performed as PART—OF—1—ONGOING criminal organization.
19701015             —SUCCEEDED, Anwar Sadat (19180000—19810000    ), the late Gamal Abdel Nasser as PRESIDENT—OF—EGYPT.
19701015             —WORKED, Sadat had, with Nasser to overthrow EGYPT—MONARCHY and was imprisoned —WWII—DURING for his ties to the Germans.
19701015             —AFTER the revolution 19520000             —IN, he held key posts under Nasser including THAT—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT (19640000—19660000     and 19690000—19700000    ).
19701015—19700928    —NACH—AM, DEM Tod GAMAL—ABDEL—NASSER, wird ANWAR—AS—SADAT durch Referendum als neuer PRÄSIDENT—ÄGYPTENS bestätigt.
19701015—19730000    —IN, he led EGYPT into 1—WAR with ISRAEL, but —5—YEARS—LATER negotiated the Camp DAVID—ACCORDS with ISRAEL—PREMIER—MENACHEM Begin for which both men received 19780000             —THE—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE.
19701015—19810000    —ASSASSINATED, He was, by Muslim extremists.
19731015             RUSSELL—E—TRAIN, THE—USA—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY—ADMINISTRATOR, announced final transportation control measures to lower air pollution levels in several of the nation's largest cities.
19731015             —MARKED, The action, 1—FINAL—STEP in developing the transportation controls required under the Clean Air Act of 19720000             , although several urban plans were yet to be finalized.
19731015             —CROSSED, ISRAEL—TANKS under GENERAL—ARIEL—SHARON, THE—SUEZ—CANAL and began to encircle 2—EGYPT—ARMIES.
19741015             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—FORD, legislation limiting campaign spending by political parties.
19741015             —AMENDED, Congress, THE—FEDERAL—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN—ACT (FECA) of 19710000             to set limits on contributions by individuals, political parties and PACs.
19741015             —AWARDED, Nobel prize for chemistry was, to PAUL—J—FLORY—OF—STANFORD—UNIV. for his work on macro molecules.
19741015             —MOBILIZED, National Guard, to restore order in BOSTON school busing.
19751015             —MOVED, ICELAND, its intl. boundary for fishing rights from 50 to 200—MILES.
19761015             In the 1. debate of its kind between VICE—PRESIDENTIAL nominees, Democrat WALTER—F—MONDALE and Republican BOB—DOLE faced off in HOUSTON.
19761015             —KIDNAPPED, FRENCH—ARGENTINE citizen MARIANNE—ERIZE, —22—JAHRE—ALT was, and disappeared.
19761015—19761111    —ON, to be 1 falsified death certificate saying Erize had † — —26—DAYS—AFTER being illegally detained.
19761015—20000800    —DETAINED, Olivera was, in ITALY at THE—REQUEST—OF—FRANCE—AUTHORITIES, but was freed —AFTER presenting what was —LATER found
19761015—20080000    —IN, retired army major JORGE—ANTONIO—OLIVERA was arrested for the "forced disappearance, kidnapping and torture" of Erize —WHEN Olivera was 1—LIEUTENANT—IN—THE 22. Mountain Infantry Regiment.
19811015             Die Verleihung des Nobelpreises für Literatur an ELIAS—CANETTI wird bekanntgegeben.
19821015             —WARNED, THE—FEDERAL—CENTERS for Disease Control, that 1—NEW—EPIDEMIC was impacting Americans and that over 200, mostly gay young men, had † from AIDS.
19821015             1. —TAG—DER—NEUEN—KALENDERPERIODE:
19821015             —ALLE—400—JAHRE—, Im GREGORIANISCHER—KALENDER wiederholen sich DER—ABLAUF—DER—SCHALTTAGE und damit die TAGES—ZÄHLUNG und MONATS—ZÄHLUNG, sowie die zugehörigen Wochentage.
19821015—20010000    —AUTHORED, JON—COHEN, "Shots in the Dark: THE—WAYWARD—SEARCH for 1—AIDS—VACCINE".
19831015             † 1—USA—MARINE was killed and another wounded —WHEN Marine positions at BEIRUT INTERNATIONAL Airport came under sniper fire from neighboring Shiite Moslem quarters.
19851015             SHELLEY—TAYLOR—OF—AUSTRALIA made the fastest swim ever —AROUND Manhattan ISLAND, doing it in —6—HOURS—12—MINUTES—29—SECONDS.
19851015             —CONTINUED, Humphrey, a 45-ton humpback whale, swimming inland to within 27—MILES—OF—SACRAMENTO, despite efforts to turn him —AROUND.
19851015             STRASSBURG, wird die EUROPÄISCHE—CHARTA der kommunalen Selbstverwaltung unterzeichnet.
19861015             Harvard Univ. agreed to buy 1.35—MILLION—SHARES—OF—HARKEN Energy for $2—MILLION and to invest $20—MILLION in Harken projects.
19861015             —SERVED, GEORGE—W—BUSH, as 1—HARKEN BOARD member and paid consultant.
19871015             —PREMIERED, Lanford Wilson's "Burn This,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19871015             —CONTINUED, Frantic efforts, in MIDLAND—TEXAS, to save —18—MONTH—OLD—JESSICA McClure, who had fallen 22—FEET down 1 abandoned well THE—DAY—BEFORE.
19871015             —FREED, Jessica was, THE—FOLLOWING—EVENING.
19871015             BURKINA—FASO, THOMAS—SANKARA (19490000             *) was overthrown and assassinated with 12—COMRADES in 1—COUP—DE—ÉTAT led by THE—FRENCH—BACKED Blaise Compaoré (19510000             *), who had trained in GADHAFI—GUERRILLA—CAMPS.
19871015             —DENIED, LIBYA and BURKINA—FASO —LATER, repeated accusations of gunrunning to WEST—AFRICA HOT SPOTS.
19891015             —SURPASSED, THE—NHL—WAYNE—GRETZKY—OF—THE—LOS—ANGELES Kings, Gordie HOWE—SCORING record of 1,850 points, in 1—GAME against THE—EDMONTON—OILERS.
19901015             —NAMED, SOVIET—UNION—PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV was, the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
19901015             —BARRED, SOUTH—AFRICA—SEPARATE—AMENITIES—ACT, which, blacks from public facilities —FOR—DECADES, was formally scrapped.
19901015             —BEKANNTGEGEBEN, Die Verleihung des Friedensnobelpreises an MICHAIL—GORBATSCHOW wird.
19911015             Despite sexual harassment allegations by Anita Hill, the Senate narrowly confirmed THE—NOMINATION—OF—CLARENCE—THOMAS to THE—SUPREME—COURT, 52 to 48. JANE—MAYER and JILL—ABRAMSON —LATER published "Strange Justice," which was made into a 19990000             Showtime TV movie.
19921015             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, that it had improperly handled requests for the passport file of Democratic presidential nominee BILL—CLINTON.
19921015             LIBERIA, Operation Octopus began —WHEN forces under CHARLES—TAYLOR attacked positions of 1—WEST—AFRICA—PEACEKEEPING force, ECOMOG.
19921015             Martina Johnson, the head of the heavy artillery unit for the National Patriotic Front of LIBERIA, reportedly led the operation.
19921015—19910828    —CONVICTED—OF, NEW—YORK—CITY—SUBWAY motorman ROBERT—RAY was, manslaughter in death of 5—RIDERS, —WHEN he fell asleep drunk —WHILE in CONTROL—OF—TRAIN.
19931015             PRESIDENT—CLINTON sent 6—WARSHIPS to the waters off HAITI to enforce trade sanctions in the face of defiant HAITI—MILITARY—RULERS.
19931015             —NAMED, NELSON—MANDELA and F.W. de Klerk were, winners of the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to end apartheid.
19940918             —AGREED, HAITI—MILITARY—LEADERS, to an 19941015             departure deadline, thereby averting 1—USA—LED invasion to force them from power.
19941015             1—CUBA—EXILE took part in 1—COMMANDO raid —DURING which Arcilio Rodriguez Garcia, 1—LOCAL—OFFICIAL, was shot dead.
19941015             —CAPTURED, Humberto Real Suarez and 6—OTHERS were, several hours —AFTER landing by boat.
19941015             —RETURNED, HAITI—PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE, to his country, —3—YEARS—AFTER being overthrown by army rulers.
19941015             —WELCOMED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL, ARISTIDE—RETURN by voting to lift stifling trade sanctions imposed against HAITI.
19941015             THE—USA had led 1—INVASION, Operation Restore Democracy, to restore PRESIDENT—ARISTIDE.
19941015             Emmanuel "Toto" Constant left HAITI for THE—USA—WHEN—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE was reinstated as PRESIDENT.
19941015             —SERVED, Shacochis, there —FOR—18—MONTHS as 1—SPECIAL—FORCES noncombatant.
19941015—19960000    —SENTENCED, He was, to death and the others were sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison.
19950100             Milfuegos: 20061015             That is why killers like Marine 2. LIEUTENANT—ILARIO—PANTANO + the perpetrators of Haditha are...
19950600—19951015    —GRANTED, Amnesty was eventually, by THE—TRC to Williamson and 7—OTHERS, 19990000             [4].
19951015             6—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS were killed in ISRAELI—OCCUPIED SOUTH—LEBANON in 1—AMBUSH blamed on THE—IRANIAN—BACKED group Hezbollah.
19961015             —ANNOUNCED, CSX Corp., plans to buy Conrail INCORPORATED for $8.4—BILLION to create the nation's 3.—LARGEST railroad.
19961015             JAPAN, geht das GELDINSTITUT—NICHEI—FINANCE in Konkurs.
19961015             GELDINSTITUT—NICHEI—FINANCE ist der —BISHER größte Firmenbankrott in der Geschichte Japans.
19970422—20031015    —ON, 1—SECRET—MILITARY—COURT dismissed charges against 140—COMMANDOS ACCUSED—OF—SUMMARILY executing 3—LEFTIST—REBELS —DURING a 19970000             hostage rescue at THE—JAPAN—AMBASSADOR—RESIDENCE.
19971015             —CENTERED, Their work, on slowing the speed of gaseous atoms using lasers.
19971015             —AWARDED, THE—NOBEL—PRIZE in Chemistry was, to PAUL—D—BOYER—OF—UCLA, JOHN—E—WALKER—OF—BRITAIN, and JENS—C—SKOU—OF—DENMARK for work on how ATP works to store energy in living cells.
19971015             —DISCLOSED, THE—USA—CIA, that its annual budget for spy services totaled $26.6—BILLION.
19971015             THE—USA—19970901             —DEADLINE for 3—JAPAN—SHIPPING companies to pay some $4—MILLION in fines.
19971015             —IMPOSED, The fines were, based on discriminatory JAPAN—HARBOR policies.
19971015             —MISSED, The deadline was, and THE—USA threatened to block JAPAN—SHIPPING from USA ports.
19971015             1—AGREEMENT was —LATER reached.
19971015             The problem was with THE—JAPAN—HARBOR—TRANSPORTATION—ASSOCIATION (JHTA), which was said to have ties with THE—YAMAGUCHI—GUMI syndicate.
19971015             —RELEASED, Former rep DAN—ROSTENKOWSKI was, from custody for mail fraud.
19971015             1—BRITISH—JET—POWERED car driven by pilot ANDY—GREEN broke the land speed record with 1—AVERAGE—RUN—OF—763.035—MPH at GERLACH—NEVADA.
19971015             —POWERED, THE—THRUST—SSC was, by 2 110,000—HORSE—POWER—ROLLS—ROYCE Spey 205—ENGINES.
19971015             The vehicle was 54—FEET—LONG, 12—FEET—WIDE, and weighed 10.2—TONS.
19971015             —ROCKETED, NASA—PLUTONIUM—POWERED Cassini spacecraft, flawlessly toward Saturn.
19971015             BRAZIL, PRESIDENT—CLINTON spoke on free trade at the Mangueira school, 1—MULTI—USE training facility for some 2,000 children sponsored by Xerox Corp.
19971015             —REPORTED, Regarding Burma it was, that only 2—OF—THE 31 in the elite Junta have university degrees and that CHINA—BUSINESS—PEOPLE had virtually taken over in MANDALAY, which had been THE—HEART—OF—MYANMAR—CULTURE.
19971015             THE—REPUBLIC—OF—THE—CONGO, rebel forces loyal to THE—FORMER—MARXIST—DICTATOR—DENIS—SASSOU—NGUESSO, backed by as many as 10000000             troops from ANGOLA, gained full CONTROL—OF—BRAZZAVILLE, THE—CAPITAL—AND—POINTE—NOIRE, the 2. largest city.
19971015             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA, 18—PEOPLE were, in 1—SERIES—OF—BOMB—BLASTS in downtown COLOMBO and some 110 were injured.
19971015             —OCCURRED, The blasts, at the 39-story World Trade Center.
19971015             15—20—YOUTHS were said to have taken part in the attack.
19971015             —REPORTED, THE—LIBERATION—TIGERS were, to be led by Velupillai Prabhakaran, THE—SON—OF—1—FISHERMAN.
19971015             CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR :
19971015             [I]t was his trip to 1—XEROX—SPONSORED sports center in the Rio slum of Mangueira that won the hearts of MANY—BRAZILIANS + caused 1—TV—COMMENTATOR to tell his viewers that CLINTON—SPEECH had him on "the verge of tears".
19971015             [Clinton ] ignored THE—SECRET—SERVICE—RIGID—SECURITY by shaking hands and allowing admirers to hug and kiss him.
19971015             —EMBLAZONED, SOME—GAVE him shirts and caps, with the logo of the slum's carnival group.
19971015             "He looked liked 1—HAPPY—KID finally let loose on the streets," said Jamelao, 1—OF—MANGUEIRA—MOST famous samba personalities.
19971015             —WAVED, Clinton, 1—BRAZIL—FLAG, listened to samba music —WHILE hitting 1—TAMBOURINE + kicked 1—SOCCER ball with BRAZIL Sports MINISTER—EDSON—ARANTES do Nascimento, the legendary EX—PLAYER known as Pele.
19971015             09. - Der Engländer ANDY—GREEN stellt mit seinem strahlgetriebenen Wagen ThrustSSC den Geschwindigkeitsrekord für Autos auf.
19971015—19971027    —ON, 1—SETTLEMENT was approved.
19971015—20040701    —ON, The $3.3—BILLION CASSINI—HUYGENS Mission was scheduled to arrive.
19981007             ISRAEL, at THE—GAZA border Arafat and Netanyahu met with USA—SECRETARY—ALBRIGHT and agreed to an 19981015             summit meeting with PRESIDENT—CLINTON.
19981015             —OPENED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, the Mideast summit talks in MARYLAND between Arafat and Netanyahu in WASHINGTON that resulted in the Wye River LAND—FOR—PEACE—AGREEMENT.
19981015             —AGREED, THE—USA—CONGRESS and PRESIDENT—CLINTON, to a $500—BILLION budget that included funds for 100,000 new teachers and emergency funds for farmers and $18—BILLION for THE—IMF.
19981015             This ending —1—WEEK—OF—ELECTION—SEASON—BUDGET—BRINKMANSHIP.
19981015             THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE made surprise cuts in the discount rate and the overnight loan RATE—OF—BANKS by.25%.
19981015             —PUSHED, The move, the Dow Jones up 331—POINTS.
19981015             —MARKED, JOHN—PAPA—PAUL, his 20. anniversary with 1—NEW—ENCYCLICAL "Fides et Ratio," or Faith and Reason with the basic message of: Be not afraid of human reason.
19981015             The 40,000 word treatise emphasizes spiritual truth over technology.
19981015             —MARCHED, COLOMBIA, some 200,000—PEOPLE, on the 8. —DAY—OF—1—STRIKE against the government's planned austerity program.
19981015             —PROTESTED, FRANCE, over 200,000 HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENTS, overcrowded classes, 1—SHORTAGE—OF—TEACHERS, OVER—LOADED schedules, and ILL—EQUIPPED, unsafe schools.
19981015             —AGREED, GERMANY, the coalition parties, to open talks —NEXT—YEAR on 1—TIMETABLE for closing the country's 19—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANTS.
19981015             —FROM INDONESIA it was reported that MACHETE—WIELDING gangs have killed at least 153—PEOPLE in Banyuwangi in recent months.
19981015             —ACCUSED—OF, The dead were, dabbling in black magic and denounced as evil sorcerers.
19981015             —REPORTED, The killings were, to be spreading to the neighboring districts of JEMBER, PASURUAN, Situbondo, and THE—ISLAND—OF—MADURA.
19981015             —EXPECTED, NORWAY, up to 1 1/2—MILLION—WORKERS were, to strike —FOR—2—HOURS to protest 1—GOVERNMENT—PROPOSAL to cut the annual vacation allowance by —1—DAY to —4—WEEKS.
19981015             —APPROVED, THE—CONTACT—GROUP in PARIS, THE—KOSOVO agreement.
19981015             VIENNA, the 54-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in EUROPE agreed to oversee the 2,000-member ground verification mission.
19981015             —SUSPENDED, SERBIA—AUTHORITIES, the Nasa Borba newspaper.
19981015             SUDAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—MUSTAFA—OSMAN—ISMAIL said that SUDAN will allow THE—UN to investigate ANY—SITE alleged to be making chemical weapons.
19991015             THE—FRANCE—ORGANIZATION "Doctors Without Borders" (Medecins Sans Frontieres) won the Nobel Peace Prize.
19991015             —ELECTROCUTED, Hurricane Irene hit SOUTH—FLORIDA and 5—PEOPLE were, by down power lines in MIAMI.
19991015             INDONESIA, THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—HABIBIE demonstrators fought police and pressured the official assembly to go forward with reforms.
19991015             † IRELAND—TENOR—JOSEF—LOCKE, whose life inspired 19920000             —THE film "Hear My Song," in County KILDARE—IRELAND, at age 82.
19991015             —INJURED, KOSOVO, Some 100—PEOPLE were, as they tried to force their way against NATO—FORCES across 1—BRIDGE in Mitrovica to THE—SERBIA—HALF—OF—TOWN.
19991015             —DECLARED, PAKISTAN, GENERAL—PERVAIZ—MUSHARRAF, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY and suspended the constitution.
19991015             things were getting more serious for the Taliban.
19991015             UN resolution 12670000             against the Taliban threatened 1—AIRCRAFT—BAN and funded freezing, if OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was not handed over —BEFORE 19991114             .
19991015             [20] & [2] - Der Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen beschließt die Einrichtung 1—VERBINDUNGSBÜROS in ANGOLA.
19991015—19891013    —SINCE, THE—USA—STOCK—MARKET—DOW Jones average dropped 266.9—POINTS, 2.6%, to 10,019.71. It was the largest % drop.
19991015—19990131    —PUBLISHED, CHINA, THE—PEOPLE—DAILY, 1—ORDER that demanded that "foreign organizations or individuals using encryption products or equipment containing encryption technology in CHINA must apply" for permission.
20001013—20001015    —AGREED, Chevron and Texaco, to merge for $35—BILLION in stock and $7.5—BILLION in debt.
20001015             ou les hommes d'affaires PIERRE—FALCONE et ARCADI—GAYDAMAK...
20001015             PRESIDENT—CLINTON left WASHINGTON for emergency talks in EGYPT with Israeli and Arab leaders.
20001015             † NEW—YORK—TIMES—MOVIE and drama critic VINCENT—CANBY at age 76.
20001015             BELARUS, parliamentary elections were held.
20001015             Authorities HAND—PICKED most candidates and those with known ANTI—LUKOSHENKO views were barred from running.
20001015             The average salary in BELARUS was $50—PER —MONTH.
20001015             1—OPPOSITION—CALL for 1—BOYCOTT failed due to rural government support.
20001015             —SEIZED, THE—PALESTINIAN—HEZBOLLAH, 1—ISRAEL—COLONEL, Elchanan Tennenbaum, in SWITZERLAND.
20001015             2—RIVAL SOLOMON—ISLAND militia groups signed a peace agreement in AUSTRALIA.
20001015             —KILLED, At least 31—PEOPLE were, as landslides due to heavy rains continued in the Alps of SWITZERLAND and ITALY.
20001015             † 23, in NORTH—ITALY and 8 in SOUTH—SWITZERLAND
20001015             —REJECTED, Minstry has, 1—FRANCE—REQUEST for THE—ARREST—OF—PIERRE—LETHIER...
20001015—20001021    Counterintelligence News for-... charges related to the alleged conspiracy to attack USA—TARGETS under the...
20001015—20001021    . charges related to the alleged conspiracy to attack USA—TARGETS under the...
20010813—20010207    —DATE 20010813—20010207    —DATE20010813—20010813—20010313    —DATE 20010813—20010813—20010604    20011100             —COMPLICATED, The story is too, to greatly detail here, but THE—FBI and media have variously filled Saeed SHEIKH—SHOES with 1—EGYPTIAN named Shaykh Saiid [SYDNEY —MORNING Herald, 20010928             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20011015             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20011020             ], 1—SAUDI named Sa'd AL—SHARIF, said to be OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—BROTHER—IN—LAW [NEWSWEEK, 20011111             , AP, 20011218             ], 1—KENYAN named SHEIK—SAYYID—EL—MASRY [CNN, 20011016             , Trial Transcript, 20010220             , Trial Transcript, 20010221             ], 1—MUSTAFA—AHMED—AL—HAWSAWI or AL—HISAWI (suggesting no alias was used) [MISS—NBC, 20011211             , WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20020617             ], 1—SHAIKH—SAIID—AL—SHARIF [AP, 20020604             ], 1—ALI—ABDUL—AZIZ—ALI (for SOME—OF—THE—MONEY—TRANSFERS) [Congressional Intelligence Committee, 20020926             ], and so on.
20010813—20010604    —DATE 20011100             —COMPLICATED, The story is too, to greatly detail here, but THE—FBI and media have variously filled Saeed SHEIKH—SHOES with 1—EGYPTIAN named Shaykh Saiid [SYDNEY—MORNING—HERALD, 20010928             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20011015             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20011020             ], 1—SAUDI named Sa'd AL—SHARIF, said to be OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—BROTHER—IN—LAW [NEWSWEEK, 20011111             , AP, 20011218             ], 1—KENYAN named SHEIK—SAYYID—EL—MASRY [CNN, 20011016             , Trial Transcript, 20010220             , Trial Transcript, 20010221             ], 1—MUSTAFA—AHMED—AL—HAWSAWI or AL—HISAWI (suggesting no alias was used) [MISS—NBC, 20011211             , WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20020617             ], 1—SHAIKH—SAIID—AL—SHARIF [AP, 20020604             ], 1—ALI—ABDUL—AZIZ—ALI (for SOME—OF—THE—MONEY—TRANSFERS) [Congressional INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE, 20020926             ], and so
20010813—20010604    —DATE 20011100             —COMPLICATED, The story is too, to greatly detail here, but THE—FBI and media have variously filled Saeed SHEIKH—SHOES with 1—EGYPTIAN named Shaykh Saiid [SYDNEY—MORNING—HERALD, 20010928             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20011015             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20011020             ], 1—SAUDI named Sa'd AL—SHARIF, said to be OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—BROTHER—IN—LAW [NEWSWEEK, 20011111             , AP, 20011218             ], 1—KENYAN named SHEIK—SAYYID—EL—MASRY [CNN, 20011016             , Trial Transcript, 20010220             , Trial Transcript, 20010221             ], 1—MUSTAFA—AHMED—AL—HAWSAWI or AL—HISAWI (suggesting no alias was used) [MISS—NBC, 20011211             , WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20020617             ], 1—SHAIKH—SAIID—AL—SHARIF [AP, 20020604             ], 1—ALI—ABDUL—AZIZ—ALI (for SOME—OF—THE—MONEY—TRANSFERS) [Congressional INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE, 20020926             ], and
20010900             Usenet Archive... NO—ARCHIVE:Yes : On Tue, 20040810153411        +0000 (UTC), GARRY—BRYAN : wrote:>The pools of molten steel were reported by MARK—LOIZEAUX—OF—CONTROLLED...
20011015             THE—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—SISMI sent its 1... The plan was to send disinformation about THE—IRAQ—STATION—CHIEF to...
20011015             source:
20011015             Operation Infinite War "The plans put —BEFORE THE—PRESIDENT —DURING the past few days involve expanding the war beyond AFGHANISTAN to include similar incursions by special ops FORCES—FOLLOWED by air strikes by the bombers they would GUIDE—INTO IRAQ + Syria + the Beqaa Valley AREA—OF—LEBANON, where the...
20011015             —CARRIED, USA—WARPLANES, out their heaviest bombings in —9—DAYS over AFGHANISTAN.
20011015             —CALLED, THE—PENTAGON, in the slow moving AC—130—SPECTRE gunships to targets —AROUND KANDAHAR.
20011015             —REPORTED, Anthrax in 1—LETTER to 1—RENO—MICROSOFT office was, to be from MALAYSIA.
20011015             2—ANTHRAX—TAINTED letters were reported to have been mailed from TRENTON—NEW—JERSEY and 2—POSTAL employees there showed symptoms.
20011015             Anthrax spores were in 1—LETTER deliver to 1—SENATE—OFFICE.
20011015             —ANNOUNCED, Officials, that 1—LETTER sent to Senate Majority Leader TOM—DASCHLE had tested positive for anthrax, and that the infant SON—OF—1—ABC—NEWS—PRODUCER in NEW—YORK had developed skin anthrax.
20011015             —ESCAPED, TEXAS, the last 2—OF 5, convicts were captured —AFTER 1—SHOT another and freed 1—FARM—COUPLE that was held hostage.
20011015             —FILED, Bethlehem Steel, for Chapter 11—BANKRUPTCY.
20011015             BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR said his country favors "1—VIABLE—PALESTINE—STATE, as part of 1 negotiated and agreed settlement" —DURING 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE with visiting Yasser Arafat.
20011015             —EXECUTED, CHINA, 2—MUSLIM separatists in Yili, Xinjiang province.
20011015             —REPORTED, It was, that CROATIA—OFFICIALS had suspended THE—USE—OF—BAXTER—INTERNATIONAL—FILTERS for kidney dialysis machines —AFTER 23—PATIENTS † in —1—WEEK.
20011015             1—SIMILAR—INCIDENT in SPAIN killed 10—PEOPLE but tests seemed to rule out the filters.
20011015             —SHELLED, INDIA, PAKISTAN—POSTS along their line in JAMMU Kashmir for aiding Islamic militants.
20011015             † 1—WOMAN was killed and 25—CIVILIANS wounded.
20011015             INDONESIA, riot police fought protesters outside THE—PARLIAMENT in what had become daily battles over USA—BOMBING in AFGHANISTAN.
20011015             ISRAEL, a hardline nationalist party withdrew from PRIME—MINISTER—SHARON—COALITION government.
20011015             —VISITED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—KOIZUMI, SOUTH—KOREA and expressed his remorse at Sodaemun INDEPENDENCE Park for suffering inflicted by JAPAN—COLONIAL—RULE.
20011015             —REPORTED, It was, that SHEIK—HAMOUD bin Uqlaa AL—SHUAIBI, —80—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MILITANT—WAHHABI in BURAYDAH—SAUDI—ARABIA, called on Muslims to wage jihad on SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY action in AFGHANISTAN.
20011015             —CLAIMED, RUSSIA—TROOPS, to have killed 20—CHECHEN rebels with 1—LOSS—OF—5—OF—THEIR—OWN—MEN.
20011015             SOUTH—AFRICA WINNIE, MADIKIZELA—MANDELA, THE—FORMER—WIFE—OF—NELSON—MANDELA, was indicted for fraudulent loans of more than $100,000.
20011015             —DISCUSSED, SISMI tells CIA that IRAQ may have, uranium with NIGER.
20011015             key
20011015             —ON Sismi had reported to THE—CIA, that IRAQ had sought... ( WMD ) capabilities which did not include the alleged IRAQ—NIGER uranium...
20011015             It's THE—SECRET—SERVICE... that VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY cited as 1—RATIONALE for invading IRAQ along with the...
20011015             It's THE—SECRET—SERVICE... In describing THE—IRAQ war, Ledeen explains that he had strongly advised against the...
20011015             Part I: From Chelabi to IRAN—AGENTS-- SISMI—WAR in IRAQ.
20011015             the Pentagon to pass intel on WMD proliferation to European intelligence agencies supposedly...
20011015             TheHill.COM—IN phase 2—OF—INTEL probe, focus on ITALY
20011015             —FORMED, Details of this + 1—SUBSEQUENT—SISMI report, the basis of 1—REFERENCE to alleged IRAQ—NIGER uranium sales that was included in 1—CIA briefing Vice...
20011015             Yellowcake Dossier Not THE—WORK—OF—THE—CIA—BY news
20011015             —ON THE—EVE—OF—THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ, Pollari, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—SISMI meets in... POLLARI—FORMER—BOSS and the newly appointed HEAD—OF—WMD unit at SISMI...
20011015             IRAQ Book: 'THE—ITALY—LETTER'—
20011015             CIA got the "verbatim text" from SISMI on
20011015             —REPORTED, Sismi had, to THE—CIA on, that IRAQ had sought yellowcake...
20011015             USA—PROSPECT ONLINE—VIEWWEB
20011015             —REPORTED, Sismi had, to THE—CIA, that IRAQ had sought... to blame its citation of exaggerated and discredited IRAQ WMD claims on THE—CIA...
20011015             Volviendo a la cámara oculta, la empresa declarada como miembro del INTERNATIONAL Waste Group es usada como pantalla para supuestamente exportar residuos...
20011015             Sigue prófugo el arquitecto de Menem -
20011015             The usual government and media suspects are advising Americans not to "panic" amid the latest anthrax mailings, AND—OF—COURSE that's right.
20011015             The risks to ANY—SINGLE—PERSON are small enough that it makes little sense to stockpile Cipro or buy 1—GAS mask.
20011015             But we hope all the cautionary words don't deflect attention from the genuinely scary prospect here: State sponsorship.
20011015             —ON PRESIDENT—BUSH said, " There may be SOME—POSSIBLE—LINK" to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, adding,
20011015             "I wouldn't put it past him".
20011015             —TRAINED, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY also said OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—HENCHMEN were, "how to deploy and use these KINDS—OF—SUBSTANCES, so you start to piece it all together".
20011015             —CLAIMED, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ), "SOME—OF—THIS anthrax may...
20011015             have come from IRAQ," suggesting that the "2. phase" of THE—WAR—ON—TERROR may be in IRAQ.
20011015             The claims, however, were QUICKLY—REJECTED by experts,
20011015             who "told us this was not something SOME—GUY in 1—CAVE could come up with," THE—FORMER—FBI official said.
20011015             "They couldn't go from box cutters —1—WEEK to WEAPONS—GRADE anthrax the next".
20011015             —INDICATED, As press reports have, —WHILE THE—SOURCE—OF—THE—ATTACKS is still unknown, 1—LARGE—BODY—OF—EVIDENCE—POINTS towards IVINS—LAB in FORT—DETRICK, MARYLAND.
20011015             For THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, however, the evidence doesn't seem to matter —UNTIL—AFTER the case for war is made.
20011015             JAPAN—REGIERUNGSCHEF—JUNICHIRO—KOIZUMI entschuldigt sich in SÜDKOREA mit 1—KRANZNIEDERLEGUNG für von Japanern verübte Gräuel während der Besetzung Koreas zwischen 19100000             und 19450000             .
200110151201         a.m. EDT Is IRAQ unleashing biological weapons on AMERICA?
20011100             [TIMES—OF—INDIA, 20011009             , INDIA —TODAY, 20011015             , Agence FRANCE—PRESSE, 20011010             , Daily Excelsior, 20011018             ] Yet this explosive story was barely mentioned in the West.
20021015             —DURING 1—ACTION organized by THE—HOUSTON—COALITION for Justice Not War:
20021015             Complaint for Citizen Arrest Warrant
20021015             Issued in THE—CITY—OF—HOUSTON, County of Harris, STATE—OF—TEXAS,
20021015             this 15. —DAY—OF—OCTOBER, in the —YEAR—OF—20000000              and 2.
20021015             THE—CITIZENS—OF—THE—STATE—OF—TEXAS, Plaintiff, v. KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON, USA—SENATOR—FROM—THE—STATE—OF—TEXAS (19440000             )
20021015             Citizen's' arrest warrant for SENATOR—KAY—BAILIEY—HUTCHISON
20021015             —PRESENTED, Warrant for 1—CITIZENS' arrest, to the staff at SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON 's
20021015             NCLR: News: USA—SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON (R—TX) + Former...
20021015             Democratic Presidential Candiate to Address NCLR Conference Participants.
20021015             Clinton Impeachment Trial: Statement by SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—STATEMENT by SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON (R—TEXAS).
20021015             —CLOSED, —FOLLOWING is 1—STATEMENT from the Senate's, deliberations on the articles.
20021015             FORMER—NEW—YORK City Mayor RUDOLPH—GIULIANI will be paid $4.3—MILLION plus expenses for a —1—YEAR—CONTRACT to advise MEXICO—CITY—MAYOR on reducing crime.
20021015             —PLEADED, ImClone Systems FOUNDER—SAM—WAKSAL, guilty in NEW—YORK in the biotech company's insider trading scandal.
20021015             —OPENED, ILLINOIS, hearings on 140—DEATH—ROW—CASES.
20021015             THE—DJIA rose 378 to 8,255. Nasdaq rose 61.9 to 1,282.
20021015             —REPORTED, It was, that duct tape is effective in removing warts —WHEN worn over the wart for 1—NUMBER—OF—DAYS.
20021015             1—LISTERIA outbreak blamed for at east 7—DEATHS in the northeast was traced to 1—WAMPLER—FOODS—PLANT in Franconia, PENNSILVANIA.
20021015             —BOMBED, Allied planes, 1—MILITARY—COMMAND—FACILITY in THE—SOUTH—NO—FLY zone over IRAQ —AFTER taking fire from IRAQ—FORCES.
20021015             CANADA, 1—MAN facing workplace discipline shot and killed 2—CO—WORKERS at 1—PROVINCIAL—OFFICE—IN—KAMLOOPS, UNITED—KINGDOM—COLUMBIA, —BEFORE taking his own life.
20021015             IRAQ, SADDAM—HUSSEIN won the presidential referendum for another —7-YEAR term.
20021015             He claimed a 100% victory the —NEXT—DAY.
20021015             —ARMED, ITALY, 1—HEAVILY, man fatally shot his EX—WIFE and 6—OTHER—RELATIVES and neighbors and then killed himself in Chieri, 1—SUBURB—OF—TURIN.
20021015             JAMAICA, 3—PEOPLE were shot dead outside KINGSTON.
20021015             NORTH—RUSSIA, 1—SOYUZ—U rocket carrying 1—EU research communications satellite exploded several seconds —AFTER liftoff from 1—LAUNCH pad, killing 1—SOLDIER.
20021015             —SIGNED, SUDAN—GOVERNMENT, 1—AGREEMENT with rebels to suspend fighting —DURING talks to end their —20—YEAR—OLD—WAR.
20021015             1—JUDGE opened 1—CRIMINAL—CASE against embattled UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—LEONID—KUCHMA, —1—DAY—AFTER USA and UNITED—KINGDOM—EXPERTS began investigating allegations that he approved the sale of 1—RADAR—SYSTEM to IRAQ.
20021015—19780000    —SNATCHED, JAPAN, 5—CITIZENS, by NORTH—KOREA—AGENTS, returned home for 1—VISIT.
20021015—20021015    —PRESENTED, The —FOLLOWING warrant for 1—CITIZENS' arrest was, to the staff at SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON—OFFICE —DURING 1—ACTION organized by THE—HOUSTON—COALITION for Justice Not War:
20021015—20021015    —ON, office —DURING 1—ACTION organized by THE—HOUSTON.
20031015             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ, the new dinar was, graced with the likeness of 1—ANCIENT—RULER and a 09010101—10001231     mathematician.
20031015             Exchange of the old currency was set to end 20030115             .
20031015             —DEFEATED, THE—FLORIDA—MARLINS, THE—CHICAGO—CUBS 9-6 in game 7 for the National League pennant.
20031015             —RAIDED, FCC officials, S—FRANCISCO—LIBERATION—RADIO, 1—LOW—POWER FM station, and confiscated its equipment.
20031015             —EXPECTED, Death was, within —2—WEEKS.
20031015             —REINSERTED, The tube was, —6—DAYS—LATER—AFTER THE—FLORIDA—LEGISLATURE rushed through "TERRI—LAW," which was —RECENTLY struck down by THE—FLORIDA—SUPREME—COURT
20031015             1—STATEN—ISLAND ferry pilot lost consciousness —BEFORE the vessel slammed into 1—PIER, killing at least 10—PEOPLE and injuring 42, including 3—WHO lost limbs.
20031015             Pilot RICHARD—J—SMITH fled the scene and attempted suicide.
20031015             —PLEADED, Smith —LATER, guilty to 11—COUNTS—OF manslaughter.
20031015             —RECEIVED, PATRICK—RYAN, THE—EX—FERRY director, a —1—YEAR—SENTENCE.
20031015             AZERBAIJAN held presidential elections.
20031015             —LAUNCHED, CHINA, Shenzhou 5, into orbit with AIR—FORCE—LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—YANG—LIWEI, —38—JAHRE—ALT aboard, making CHINA the 3. nation to put 1—HUMAN in space on its own, —AFTER THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION and THE—USA.
20031015             The launch was made from the space center at Jiuquan.
20031015             —LANDED, His capsule, in MONGOLIA the —NEXT—DAY.
20031015             —EXPLODED, In THE—GAZA—STRIP 1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED bomb, under 1—USA diplomatic convoy, ripping apart 1 armored VAN and killing 3—AMERICANS.
20031015             —PLEDGED, JAPAN, $1.5—BILLION in reconstruction aid —NEXT—YEAR for IRAQ and more down the line despite economic woes at home.
20031015             THE—IRAQ—CENTRAL—BANK had no tools to regulate currency value.
20031015             —LAUNCHED, NATO, its elite RAPID—REACTION—FORCE, 1—PROTOTYPE unit that will eventually become a 20,000-member force able to deploy in short notice anywhere in the world.
20031015             NICARAGUA, radical students and teachers drove 1—TRUCK through 1—GATE and threw rocks and gasoline bombs at police guarding the legislature as PART—OF—1—PROTEST demanding more government spending for education.
20031015             As young as —4—YEARS—OLD, their skin broken and palms callused from MONTHS—OF—HAULING granite, they received food, clothes and medical care in THE—WEST—AFRICA—STATE—OF—BENIN —AFTER being rescued from the traffickers who sold them into heavy labor.
20031015             ?lham ?liyev wird als Nachfolger seines Vaters Heyd?r ?liyev zum PRÄSIDENT—VON—ASERBAIDSCHAN gewählt.
20031015             VOLKSREPUBLIK—CHINA ist damit das 3. Land mit 1—ERFOLGREICHEN bemannten Weltraumflug.
20031015—19900000    —SINCE, FLORIDA, TUBE—FEEDING stopped for Terri Schiavo (39), BRAIN—DAMAGED, based on 1—COURT—DECISION for its removal.
20031015—20030927    —ON, authorities brought back 116—CHILDREN who had been put to work in the granite QUARRIES—OF—SOUTH—WEST—NIGERIA.
20031015—20060000    —SENTENCED, Smith was, to —18—MONTHS in jail.
20040804—20031015    —IN—THE, RICHARD—SMITH, 1—STATEN—ISLAND ferry pilot, pleaded guilty to manslaughter charges in 1—CRASH that killed 11—COMMUTERS, WRECK—OF—THE—ANDREW—J—BARBERI—STATEN—ISLAND ferry, acknowledging that he'd passed out at the helm —AFTER arriving at work with medication in his system.
20040805—20031015    —IN—THE, PATRICK—RYAN, —52—JAHRE—ALT, NEW—YORK CITY—DIRECTOR—OF—FERRIES, pleaded not guilty to 11—COUNTS—OF manslaughter, WRECK—OF—THE—ANDREW—J—BARBERI—STATEN—ISLAND ferry.
20041001—20041015    —AM, LIBYEN—BESUCH: Schröder trifft Gaddafi
20041015             Poll: CNN has a - Promptergate poll.
20041015             Most respondents (88% at this writing!) have chosen "electronic device" as the likeliest explanation for the mystery bulge.
20041015             Blog: "Bush Wired," the 3. of the "bulge"-centric blogs (technically, Cannonfire is still an "ALL—PURPOSE" site) has
20041015             updated information.
20041015             News ROUND—UP: Promptergate + more Promptergate + wiregate + audiogate + the mystery BULGE—CALL it what you will, it continues to command attention.
20041015             Here's the latest: It's obvious : SALON'S—DAVID—LINDORFF
20041015             - the best writer on this topic (which may be why the right has gone gunning for him in 1—PERSONAL—WAY) - has interviewed 1—TECHNICAL—EXPERT, ALEX—DARBUT "who designs and makes such devices for THE—USA—MILITARY + private industry".
20041015             —INDEED, Darbut feels certain that Bush is, using 1—LISTENING device.
20041015             "It's 1—PRETTY—OBVIOUS 1 - larger than most because it probably has descrambling capability".
20041015             —WONDERED, This observation neatly answers those who have, why the Bush bulge is so apparent, given the technical expertise at his command.
20041015             Definitely hidden : THE—NEW—YORK Daily News offers 1—BRIEF—INTERVIEW with famed tailor FRANK—SHATTUCK - 1 acknowledged master of his craft + 1 undecided VOTER—WHO avers that something is "definitely hidden" between the shoulder blades.
20041015             "This isn't bad tailoring," he said pointing to the bulge in 1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS photo from the 2. debate.
20041015             "This suit fits —AROUND the neck + has balance, even though it lacks zip + looks like something off the rack from —TODAY—MAN".
20041015             SHATTUCK—BEST—GUESS at what the foreign object was: maybe 1—BACK brace or SOME—KIND—OF—BODY armor.
20041015             If the former, why wouldn't THE—WHITE—HOUSE admit the fact?
20041015             If the latter, why would THE—WHITE—HOUSE deny it?
20041015             The disease spreads : Bush isn't the only Republican facing such accusations.
20041015             Republican SENATOR
20041015             JIM—BUNNING—OF—KENTUCKY used 1—TELEPROMPTER —DURING 1—DEBATE with his rival, Democrat DANIEL—MONGIARDO.
20041015             Bunning got away with this because he participated remotely, from DC. This is the same fellow who said that his opponent looked like 1—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—SONS.
20041015             The rhetoric this election season keeps finding new depths.
20041015             THE—MORNING—AFTER 1—COUPLE—OF "—MORNING—AFTER" observations on the debate, courtesy of my ladyfriend (THE—1—WHO 1. spotted the mystery bulge, thereby setting this column on its recent course):
20041015             The "FLIP—FLOP" accusation. It's pretty much gone.
20041015             Didja notice? I guess Bush changed his mind on that 1.
20041015             —AFTER the debate, the cable shows reported that the online polls were heavily PRO—KERRY.
20041015             "You can't trust those polls," I told her.
20041015             "All they prove is that our side has finally learned how to work the 'internets.'"
20041015             "Of course," she answered.
20041015             "Our side invented THE—INTERNET". Coronary Heart Disease Causes
20041015             —CAUSED, Coronary heart disease is, by ANY—PROBLEM with the coronary arteries that keeps the heart from getting enough OXYGEN—AND NUTRIENT—RICH—BLOOD.
20041015             The most common cause by far is atherosclerosis.
20041015             —CALLED, Lack of sufficient blood is, "ischemia," so coronary heart disease is sometimes called ischemic heart disease.
20041015             —RELATED, The etiology of coronary heart disease is, to multiple factors, known as "risk factors".
20041015             The —FOLLOWING risk factors are the most common: High cholesterol:
20041015             Levels of cholesterol in your blood are above healthy levels.
20041015             This usually involves high LEVELS—OF—LOW—DENSITY lipoprotein (LDL), the "bad cholesterol," and low LEVELS—OF—HIGH—DENSITY lipoprotein (HDL), the "good cholesterol".
20041015             Tobacco abuse: This includes not only smoking ANY—FORM—OF tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, pipes), but also chewing tobacco.
20041015             OBESITY—HIGH blood pressure (hypertension) DIABETES—LACK of regular EXERCISE—HIGH—FAT DIET—EMOTIONAL STRESS—TYPE A personality (impatient, aggressive, competitive)
20041015             —WHEN you were 1—CHILD, the inner lining of your coronary arteries was quite smooth, allowing blood to flow easily.
20041015             As you age, the cholesterol and calcium content in the walls of your coronary arteries increases, making them thicker and less elastic.
20041015             Unhealthy habits, such as 1—DIET—HIGH in cholesterol and other fats, smoking + LACK—OF—EXERCISE accelerate the deposit of fat and calcium within the inner lining of coronary arteries.
20041015             This process is known as atherosclerosis, or "hardening of the arteries".
20041015             The deposits, or plaques, eventually obstruct the blood vessel, which begins to restrict blood flow.
20041015             Plaque is like 1—FIRM shell with 1—SOFT—INNER—CORE containing cholesterol.
20041015             As blood hits it —DURING EACH—HEARTBEAT, the plaque may crack open and expose its inner cholesterol core, which promotes blood clotting.
20041015             Clots may further reduce blood flow, causing severe pain (angina), or even block it all together.
20041015             If plaque completely blocks blood flow, it may cause a
20041015             heart attack (myocardial infarction) or a fatal rhythm disturbance (sudden cardiac arrest).
20041015             1—MAJOR—CAUSE—OF—DEATH and disability, coronary heart disease claims more lives in THE—USA—THAN the next 7—LEADING CAUSES—OF—DEATH combined.
20041015             The plaque often narrows the artery so that the heart doesn't get enough blood.
20041015             This SLOWING—OF—BLOOD—FLOW—CAUSES—CHEST—PAIN, or angina.
20041015             —CALLED, Coronary heart disease (CHD), also, coronary artery disease, affects about 14—MILLION—MEN and women in THE—USA.
20041015             Disease develops —WHEN 1—COMBINATION—OF fatty material, calcium + scar tissue (plaque) builds up in the arteries that supply the heart with blood.
20041015             —CALLED, Through these arteries, the coronary arteries, the heart muscle (myocardium) gets the oxygen and other nutrients it needs to do its work, which is pumping blood.
20041015             It is my estimate that he received amphetamines beforehand, —NOW Schedule II narcotics, but distributed freely by military doctors (for example to pilots on long bombing missions).
20041015             As we know, amphetamines promote 1—ARTIFICIAL—ALERTNESS but also "speediness," as well as subjecting the person to ungovernable excitement and anger, as in BUSH—NEAR—PHYSICAL—ALTERCATION with Gibson, the moderator.
20041015             This is not merely 1—CAMPAIGN—POINT.
20041015             I am seriously alarmed that 1—ACTIVE drunkard, who has to be temporarily "medicated out of" his incapacitating symptoms, should be in CONTROL—OF—OUR nation's armaments.
20041015             He needs help, he needs our EXPRESSIONS—OF—COMPASSION + he needs to be retired.
20041015             We do not permit anyone with significant blood alcohol levels to drive 1—AUTOMOBILE, pilot 1—SHIP, fly 1—PLANE, or operate heavy machinery.
20041015             Indeed, the penalties for doing so are severe, because it is universal common sense that a) these are all "weapons" with the potential to cause physical harm, and b) alcohol causes potentially fatal FAILURE—OF—JUDGMENT and physical coordination.
20041015             Why should we then tolerate 1—ACTIVE drinker at THE—HELM—OF—STATE, driving the heavy machinery of our Armed Forces and nuclear arsenal.
20041015             It would be insanity to permit this + 1—IMPERATIVE duty of all citizens to relieve THE—DRUNKARD—OF—COMMAND—IMMEDIATELY.
20041015             In pursuit of this goal, I feel that THE—DNC should be made aware of this further evidence from TAPES—OF—BUSH—NOMINATION—SPEECH + that without rancor, and with EXPRESSIONS—OF—COMPASSION, it should ask publicly and persistently for 1—RELEASE—OF—BUSH?s full medical records —BEFORE the election -- liver function tests, MISTER—I brain scans, ANY—COGNITIVE—FUNCTION—MEASUREMENTS'TO reassure our nation's citizens in the capacity of this man to pilot THE—HELM—OF—STATE.
20041015             —CONNECTED, MANY—STATISTICAL—DOCUMENTATIONS—OF our concern can be cited, from alcohol, accidents + fatalities in automobiles to THE—MANY—NAUTICAL—ACCIDENTS found to be alcohol related, such as the Staten ISLAND ferry disaster —LAST—YEAR—WHEN it slammed into THE—NEW—YORK—CITY pier + THE—CAPTAIN was found to have been drinking (+ fled the scene.)
20041015             Furthermore, the same urgent demand should be made for CHENEY—FULL—MEDICAL—RECORDS -- cardiac treatments, surgeries, ongoing test results, + MEDICATIONS PRESCRIBED—SINCE he is the proverbial "heartbeat away from the presidency" + we cannot have 1—VP who is physically and MENTALLY unfit to assume the helm.
20041015             Documentation? His memory lapses.
20041015             Did he not forget he had met JOHN—EDWARDS on numerous, lengthy occasions?
20041015             Let us not label this lies.
20041015             Poor man, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY is showing 1—OF—THE—SERIOUS—CONSEQUENCES—OF cardiac blockage and ARTERIOSCLEROSIS—THE narrowing vessels prevent oxygen from reaching the brain, leading to confusion and forgetfulness.
20041015             And MANY—OF—THE—DRUGS used to treat this NARROWING—ESPECIALLY beta BLOCKERS—LOWER—BLOOD—PRESSURE + actually make the memory losses worse, by reducing the pressure with which the pathologically limited supply of oxygen penetrates the cells in the cerebral cortex.
20041015             Both of these gentlemen, Bush and Cheney, fall well within the definition of "incapacity" under which our constitution indicates 1—NEW—LEADER should relieve THEM—OF—DUTY.
20041015             Risk factors for atherosclerosis + angina include the —FOLLOWING.
20041015             SOME—OF—THESE are reversible.
20041015             High blood pressure (hypertension) High levels of cholesterol + other fats in the blood Diabetes Smoking MALE SEX—INACTIVE (sedentary) LIFESTYLE—FAMILY—HISTORY—OF—CORONARY heart disease — AGING—REGULAR—USE—OF stimulants, especially nicotine, cocaine, or amphetamines: Other stimulants include theophyllines, inhaled BETA—AGONISTS, caffeine, diet pills, + decongestants.
20041015             —WHEN 1—PERSON has underlying atherosclerosis, spasm, or damage to the coronary arteries, angina symptoms usually are set off by 1—OF—THE—FOLLOWING "triggers":
20041015             Physical exertion or EXERCISE—EMOTIONAL—STRESS - Time is very important in angina.
20041015             —DEPRIVED—OF, The more time your heart is, adequate blood flow (ischemia) + thus oxygen, the more your heart muscle is at RISK—OF—HEART—ATTACK or heart rhythm abnormalities.
20041015             The longer you have chest pain from angina, the more your heart muscle is at risk of dying or malfunctioning.
20041015             Not all chest pain is angina.
20041015             Pain in the chest can come from 1—NUMBER—OF—CAUSES, which range from not serious to very serious.
20041015             It can be caused by
20041015             acid reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD), 1—UPPER respiratory infection, or asthma.
20041015             Chest pain is frequently due to muscles and ligaments in the chest being sore (chest wall pain).
20041015             If pain in the chest is severe and/or recurrent, you should see your health care provider.
20041015             Go to 1—HOSPITAL—EMERGENCY—DEPARTMENT if you have ANY—OF—THE —FOLLOWING with chest pain:
20041015             Other symptoms such as sweating, weakness, faintness, numbness or tingling, or nausea
20041015             Spekulationen über ein "neues Pearl Harbour"
20041015             —GERÜSTET, Um für solche kühnen Unternehmungen, zu sein, verlangte die LOBBY—ORGANISATION
20041015             "Project for the New USA—CENTURY" (PNAC) 1—ZIG Milliarden $ teure
20041015             "Transformation" des USA—MILITÄRS in eine jederzeit global einsetzbare Kriegsmaschinerie.
20041015             [OBJECTIVE FORCES]
20041015             "Dieser Umwandlungsprozess wird wahrscheinlich sehr lange dauern, es sei denn, ein katastrophales Ereignis tritt ein, das als Katalysator dient - - wie ein neues Pearl Habour. " ,
20041015             hiess es noch in einem "Project for the New USA—CENTURY" (PNAC) -Strategiepapier aus dem 20000900             -
20041015             Kurz —NACHDEM das katastrophale EREIGNIS—AM 20010911             — eingetreten war, Bush sah den rechten Zeitpunkt gekommen.
20041015             Wenig später ordnete Bush [BGW968] per geheimem Exekutivbefehl nicht nur den Kreuzzug gegen den Terrorismus an,
20041015             sondern auch die Erarbeitung von Plänen für einen Irakkrieg.
20041015             Dabei hatte Bush [BGW968] s Regierung —SCHON gleich —NACH—DEM 20010911             die Version verbreitet, [PROPAGANDA] die Attentäter seien vom IRAK unterstützt worden.
20041015             VIELE—USA—AMERIKANER allerdings glaubten offenbar eher der USA—CIA, die Bush [BGW968] öffentlich widersprach:
20041015             USA—CIA sehe keine Verbindung zwischen Saddam und der AL—QAIDA.
20041015             —BEKENNT, So, der einstige USA—CIA—DIREKTOR Gates, Robert in seinen Memoiren, dass die USA
20041015             —DIAGNOSED, If you have been, and are being treated for atrial flutter, go —IMMEDIATELY to 1—HOSPITAL—EMERGENCY—DEPARTMENT if you experience ANY—OF—THE —FOLLOWING symptoms: Palpitations
20041015             Chest PAIN—FEELING faint or LIGHT—HEADED Actual fainting
20041015             Substances that may contribute to atrial flutter include the —FOLLOWING: Alcohol (wine, beer, or hard liquor)
20041015             Stimulants such as cocaine, amphetamines, diet pills, cold medicines, even caffeine
20041015             Remember that official WHITE—HOUSE—PHOTO—OF—BUSH in 1—T—SHIRT, with something the size of 1—HAM sandwich affixed to his back beneath the cloth?
20041015             Well, HERE'S—ANOTHER shot taken the same —DAY.
20041015             And look at what our PRESIDENT has in his ear. Can't miss it. It's red.
20041015             INTERNET—TELEFONIE—ANBIETER: "Regulierungsbehörde schützt die Telekom"
20041015             Terrorbekämpfung: Bundesländer wollen gemeinsame TERROR—DATEI
20041015             Mysteriöser Niedergang: Unter Amphibien geht der Tod um - Kostenfalle Transfervolumen
20041015             Neben dem Platz und der Software auf dem Server beinhalten die Angebote von Webhostern in der Regel auch ein limitiertes Transfervolumen für die Übertragung von Daten.
20041015             —VERURSACHT, Datenverkehr, nicht nur die Pflege der eigenen Homepage, etwa wenn neue Dateien auf den Server geladen werden.
20041015             Auch JEDER—SURFER, der auf der Seite vorbeischaut, ruft mit seinem Browser Daten vom Server ab und belastet das Datenkonto.
20041015             Ist das im Webspace enthaltene Transfervolumen aufgebraucht, berechnen die Hoster weitere Datenübertragung extra.
20041015             Die Kosten hierfür bewegen sich zwischen 5—CENT und 60—EURO pro Gigabyte (GB).
20041015             —AM besten ist es daher, —BEREITS vorher abzuschätzen, wie viel Datenverkehr der eigene Auftritt verursachen wird.
20041015             Für einen kleinen privaten Auftritt mit ein paar Fotos sollten 5—GB pro —MONAT mehr als genug sein.
20041015             Reicht das enthaltene Freivolumen dann doch NICHT—WEIL die eigene Seite inzwischen sehr populär geworden IST—BIETET es sich meistens an, in einen besser ausgestatten Tarif zu wechseln.
20041015             Bei einem Test von WEBSPACE—ANGEBOTEN mit fortgeschrittener Ausstattung der Fachzeitschrift "PC Professionell" (Ausgabe 11/2004) hat der Hoster ALL— am besten abgeschnitten.
20041015             Für knapp 5—EURO —IM—MONAT bietet das Unternehmen seinen Kunden ein halbes Gigabyte (GB) Speicherplatz und 50—GB DATENTRANSFER—VOLUMEN sowie PHP und MySQL.
20041015             Bei der eigenen Suche —NACH—DEM besten Angebot hilft zum Beispiel
20041015             Die Site verfügt über 1—DATENBANK mit über 20000000             WEBSPACE—ANBIETER, die sich durchsuchen lässt.
20041015             Nichts für Anfänger: Dynamische Webseiten
20041015             Als Datenbank hat sich im INTERNET MySQL durchgesetzt.
20041015             —GESCHRIEBEN, Dynamische Webseiten werden häufig in PHP, einer Skriptsprache, die auf dem Server ausgeführt wird.
20041015             Für ein entsprechendes Angebot müssen daher beide Funktionen auf dem Server installiert sein.
20041015             Inzwischen gibt es in PHP geschriebene, frei verfügbare Systeme zur Verwaltung von WEBSITE—INHALTEN.
20041015             Eines der bekannteren ist zum Beispiel PHP—NUK e (phpnuk
20041015             Sie erfordern allerdings eine gründliche Einarbeitung.
20041015             Soll das INTERNET—ANGEBOT nicht nur aus statischen HTML—SEITEN bestehen, benötigt der Anwender weitergehende Funktionen.
20041015             Ein dynamischer Aufbau der Site ist immer dann sinnvoll, wenn Inhalte häufig geändert werden sollen oder mehrere Benutzer etwa am Auftritt eines Vereins arbeiten.
20041015             Dynamische Websites setzen sich zusammen aus Seitenvorlagen (Templates), in denen das Layout gespeichert ist und den Inhalten.
20041015             Sie liegen in einer Datenbank auf dem Server und werden beim Aufruf der Seite über einen Browser abgefragt.
20041015             Tracking: Zogby: Bush 48, Kerry [KJF966] 44, Nader 1 | Rasmussen: Bush 49, Kerry [KJF966] 46
20041015             TIPP: Bush 47, Kerry [KJF966] 44, Nader 2 | Bush 47, Kerry [KJF966] 43
20041015             NEW—JERSEY: Fairleigh Dickinson UNIVERSITY—BUSH 46, Kerry [KJF966] 46, Nader 2
20041015             MICHIGAN: Research 20000000             -Kerry [KJF966] 48, Bush 43, Nader 2
20041015             OK Senate: SOONERPOLL—CARSON (D) 43, Coburn (R) 41
20041015             SD Senate: Rasmussen: Daschle (D) 49, Thune (R) 49
20041015             Facing Our MADRID - Change Is Inevitably Not Popular
20041015             - DANIEL—HENNINGER, WALL—STREET—JOURNAL - —18—DAYS—AWAY and Still Undecided
20041015             The 2 "L Words" of the Campaign
20041015             REEVE—CAUSE—WASN'T —JUST Stem Cells, but Research - Too Picky to Vote?
20041015             BUSH—BIGGEST—FLAW
20041015             - JOHN—PODHORETZ, NEW—YORK POST—MINORITY—VOTERS Being Ignored
20041015             - CLAUDE—LEWIS, PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER—COURTING the Finicky Women
20041015             - Maureen Dowd, NEW—YORK—TIMES—NADER—STILL A Threat to Kerry [KJF966]
20041015             Election 20040000             Won't Wrap Up Neatly
20041015             - JOHN—HARWOOD & JEANNE—CUMMINGS, WSJ—NEITHER Candidate Offers Whole Truth
20041015             Sanctions, Greed and WMD - - Debra Saunders, DETROIT Free Press
20041015             How to Rein In IRAN Without Bombing It
20041015             Editorials: IRAQ War CENTRAL—ISSUE—OF—THE—CAMPAIGN - A Clear Choice - CLASH—OF—VISIONS
20041015             ELECTION 20040000             POLLS: Presidential, Graph | Battleground States | USA—SENATE ELECTION STORIES • GENERAL NEWS • —EVENING UPDATES • COMMENTS
20041015             WASHINGTON—POST: Bush 48, Kerry [KJF966] 48, Nader 1
20041015             Rasmussen: Bush 48, Kerry [KJF966] 46 | Zogby: Bush 46, Kerry [KJF966] 45, Nader 1
20041015             TIPP: Bush 47, Kerry [KJF966] 44, Nader 2 | Bush 46, Kerry [KJF966] 42
20041015             OHIO: Rasmussen (20101007             /13) -Bush 49, Kerry [KJF966] 47
20041015             USA—ARMEE: Rumsfeld will ABU—GHUREIB—GENERAL befördern
20041015             R.E.M.-Sänger MICHAEL—STIPE: "Die USA sind unregierbar"
20041015             Polens Soldaten im IRAK: "Keine —STUNDE länger als nötig" - OPEL—KRISE: "1—KÄUFERSTREIK ist sicher"
20041015             Es geht ihr gut, aber da ist 1—GEFÜHL, das immer stärker wird.
20041015             "Ich habe Sehnsucht nach EUROPA—JE mehr AMERIKA den Bach runtergeht. Mit dem Land stimmt was nicht, es ist 1—FEHLKONSTRUK tion".
20041015             Die Amis, sagt Sabine, litten an einer "neurotischen Pflicht zum Glücklichsein", dabei könnten sie "keine —KONFLIKTE und keinen Schmerz aushalten", deswegen die vielen Scheidungen, Morde und Selbstmorde, die TEENIE—SCHWANGERSCHAFTEN und die Gewissheit, "alles zu haben und alles zu wissen".
20041015             Ihr nächstes Buch ist —SCHON in Arbeit: "Dear AMERIKA, Are You Crazy?
20041015             1—NATION nervt".
20041015             Sie will es in DEUTSCHLAND zu Ende schreiben.
20041015             JOHN—LENNON, ihren Lieblingsdichter, mit einer Zeile aus dem Song "Working Class Hero": "They're are still fucking peasants, as far as I can see".
20041015             ANTHROPOLOGEN—SKANDAL: Vermisste NAZI—AKTEN zum Teil wieder aufgetaucht
20041015             Geschützter Sex: 1—SALBE gegen Aids?
20041015             TERROR—DATEI in Verzug: "Das kann sich jeden —TAG rächen"
20041015             Lesbische Tochter: Cheney empört über Kerrys Hinweis
20041015             ASIEN: Schwere Erdbeben in TAIWAN und JAPAN
20041015             Altlasten: Gaddafi fordert Entschädigung für Rommels Minen - Weltweite Umfrage: Alliierte gegen Bush
20041015             Diplomaten: Geräte aus Atomanlagen im IRAK von Experten entfernt
20041015             Die BUNDES—PDS reagierte entsetzt auf den Zusammenschluss.
20041015             1—BUND mit NPD und einer weiteren rechtsgerichteten Partei widerspreche all dem, "was wir politisch wollen", sagte Parteisprecher HENDRIK—THALHEIM—DER—ZEITUNG.
20041015             Wie der Landesgeschäftsführer der PDS, MICHAEL—KRETSCHMER, —AM—ABEND in Düsseldorf mitteilte, ist das in den Kreistag gewählte Mitglied auf Druck seiner Partei —AM—NACHMITTAG aus der PDS ausgetreten.
20041015             Die Gründung der Fraktion sei gröbste Wählertäuschung gewesen.
20041015             Zusammenschluss in NRW: NPD und PDS bilden gemeinsame KREISTAGS—FRAKTION
20041015             —VERGIBT, Bitte stören: MICHAEL—MOORE, KRAWALL—STIPENDIUM
20041015             —BEGINNT, USA—WAHLKAMPF: Der Endspurt
20041015             Überwachungstechnik: USA—REGIERUNG genehmigt FUNK—IMPLANTAT
20041015             Zwiebelfisch: Und täglich berichten die Kreise
20041015             Schlappe für Berlusconi: EUGH—GUTACHTERIN verwirft ROM—VERJÄHRUNGSGESETZ
20041015             Gift im Reifen: Gefahr auf weichen Sohlen
20041015             Streit um Buttiglione: EU—SOZIALDEMOKRATEN drohen Barroso
20041015             ARBEITSPLATZ—SICHERUNG: Jeder 2. Deutsche zu Lohnkürzungen bereit
20041015             Chip im Hirn: Gelähmter schickt E—MAILS kraft seiner Gedanken - BUSH—MESSER: Der Vorsprung ist dahin
20041015             Pepsi oder Coke: Die Erinnerung trinkt mit
20041015             Neue Krankheit: Warum 1—FRAU im Schlaf über wildfremde Männer herfällt
20041015             Terrorpläne in LUXEMBURG: Islamisten wollten EU—GEBÄUDE angreifen
20041015             Schock in BOCHUM und Rüsselsheim: GENERAL—MOTORS streicht 10.000—ARBEITSPLÄTZE in DEUTSCHLAND
20041015             —GEWONNEN, Neue Hoffnung in der SPD: "Hartz IV haben wir " - MEDIA—CENTER—PC: Der 3. Anlauf
20041015             Blitzumfrage: Kerry [KJF966] abermals Punktsieger
20041015             Kopf unterm Vorderbein: Dinosaurier schliefen wie Vögel
20041015             USA—WAHLKAMPF: Bushs Vorsprung ist dahin
20041015             Schröders LIBYEN—REISE: Friedenspfeife im Beduinenzelt
20041015             Weltraumforschung: Neue Besatzung fliegt zur Raumstation
20041015             BUNDESWEHR—EINSATZ im IRAK: Powell hoffte auf DEUTSCHEN—KURSWECHSEL
20041015             TV—DUELL in ARIZONA: Aggressiver Schlagabtausch zwischen Bush und Kerry [KJF966]
20041015             JON—STEWART on Crossfire (video) : JON—STEWART, HOST—OF—THE—DAILY—SHOW, appeared on CNN—CROSSFIRE.
20041015             He calls CO—HOST Tucker Carlson a "dick," + more.
20041015             Version - Published —ON—FRIDAY, by
20041015             —CRYSTALLIZED, There are moments —WHEN you see suddenly, in 1—PARTICULAR—EVENT, 1—THREAT to democracy as ominous as the smoke rising from MOUNT—S—HELENS.
20041015             - —POSTED—BY—ADMIN on | 4:49 pm
20041015             Bush [BGW968] Administration Calls Arabs & Muslims
20041015             A "Dangerous Class" At 1—MEETING —TODAY—OF—THE—USA—COMMISSION on Civil Rights (USCCR), Republican Commission members failed in their attempt to have a
20041015             highly critical review (.pdf file of full report) of the Bush [BGW968] administration's record on civil rights removed from the public domain.
20041015             This draft report details the blatant LACK—OF—PROGRESS—BUSH [BGW968] has made on civil rights in USA —DURING the last —4—YEARS.
20041015             The report places special emphasis on Bush [BGW968] 's failed record + broken promises to the Arab USA—COMMUNITY,
20041015             detailing the Bush [BGW968] administration's failure to stop racial profiling, to strengthen hate crimes legislation + improve the lives of the nation's newest immigrants.
20041015             —AUTHORIZED, PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968], USA—FEDERAL—OFFICIALS to round up HUNDREDS—OF—ARABS + Muslims + Arab Americans as material witnesses in its INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—ATTACKS + detain them on minor immigration violations.
20041015             —IDENTIFIED, Arab + Muslim immigrants + visitors were, as a "dangerous class," signaling USA—GOVERNMENT—INTENTION to deny them entry into USA —WHENEVER possible.
20041015             "This report confirms what we already know: PRESIDENT—BUSH hasn't followed through on his promises to make Arab USA—SAFER + more secure.
20041015             —FAILED, In fact, Bush has, to secure the rights of Arab Americans," said Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman TERRY—MCAULIFFE. "
20041015             As PRESIDENT, JOHN—KERRY will put his words into action to lead our country in 1—NEW—DIRECTION".
20041015             "Globally Threatened" / Amphibians -: "Researchers reported that 1,856—SPECIES, 32.5—PERCENT—OF—THE—KNOWN species of amphibians, are 'globally threatened,' meaning they fall into the categories of vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered as determined by THE—INTERNATIONAL—UNION for THE—CONSERVATION—OF—NATURE. By comparison, 12—PERCENT—OF—BIRD—SPECIES and 23—PERCENT—OF—MAMMAL—SPECIES are threatened".
20041015             [Based on: A.P.]
20041015             Kerry Attacker Protected REVEREND—MOON—THE—PRODUCER—OF—1—ANTI—JOHN—KERRY video, which will be aired on stations across THE—USA—BEFORE the.
20041015             1—BOOK by Carlton Sherwood helped silence MOON—CRITICS + enabled THE—SOUTH—KOREA—THEOCRAT to continue funneling HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS into THE—USA—POLITICAL—PROCESS.
20041015             19.20001002             4
20041015             Bush : Beyond Reason 1—AIDE to GEORGE—W—BUSH mocks what THE—WHITE—HOUSE—CALLS the "REALITY—BASED community," making Election 20040000             look increasingly like it has become 1—TEST—OF whether mysticism or empiricism will control USA actions in the world.
20041015             Bush has used 1—VARIETY—OF—SIGNALS to persuade 1—SWATH—OF—USA—VOTERS that he is 1—MESSENGER from God.
20041015             26.Octt.2 004 - JON—STEWART v. 'Perception Management'
20041015             The unrelenting bad news from IRAQ is testing the limits of the old REAGAN—BUSH—STRATEGY—OF "perception management," using propaganda techniques to influence how THE—USA—PEOPLE—VIEW—INTERNATIONAL—EVENTS.
20041015             But another threat is THE—EMERGENCE—OF—DISSIDENT—SOURCES—OF—NEWS, including the parody news program, JON—STEWART'S "THE—DAILY—SHOW".
20041015             "WASHINGTON—THE nation's trade gap widened...
20041015             #698: 20041015             ABDURAHMAN ALAMOUDI SENTENCED TO JAIL IN TERRORISM...
20041015             —SENTENCED, WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA—A—USA—CITIZEN has been, to —23—YEARS in jail on charges.
20041015             This —JUST In | STRANGE BEDFELLOWS Grover Norquist and Abdurahman Alamoudi.
20041015             —BY SETH—GITELL.
20041015             —DURING his presidential campaign and his 1. months in office, GEORGE—W—BUSH had no stronger...
20041015             abdurahman alamoudi 1—SELF—DESCRIBED—MUSLIM moderate, Abdurahman Alamoudi has had MANY—PUBLIC—TITLES over the years: founder + executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—AMERICA—MUSLIM...
20041015             THE—CLINTONS, Abdurahman Alamoudi + the Myth of "Moderate" Islam
20041015             —WHEN Abdurahman Alamoudi, friend + sometime adviser on Islamic affairs to Hillary Rodham Clinton, stood —BEFORE a Muslim crowd in LAFAYETTE Park across...
20041015             Jailed Terror Suspect Helped ACLU Draft Schools' ANTI—CHRISTIAN—RULES
20041015             —ALLEGED, Abdurahman Alamoudi, 1, senior terrorist operative, is behind bars on an 18-count indictment.
20041015             But he can take satisfaction in the fact...
20041015             ABDUL—RAHMAN—AL—AMOUDI—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20041015             ABDUL—RAHMAN—AL—AMOUDI also Abdurahman Alamoudi, born in ERITREA and raised in YEMEN.
20041015             —URGED, FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, THE—USA and other INTERNATIONAL lenders to forgive PART—OF—GRENADA—DEBT, saying the Caribbean country needs the money to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Ivan.
20041015             —REMAINED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT said "restrictions on arms exports" to HAITI, in place but promised to "consider requests from the interim government".
20041015             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE struck down 1—BAN on snowmobiles in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks.
20041015             1—FEDERAL—BANKRUPTCY—JUDGE—ALLOWED—USA Airways to cut union workers' pay —IMMEDIATELY by 21—PERCENT.
20041015             —ORDERED, THE—FOOD and Drug Administration, that all antidepressants carry strong warnings that they "increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior" in children who take them.
20041015             —OPPOSED, Several 1000—PEOPLE, to gay marriage gathered on the National Mall in WASHINGTON to call for 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT defining marriage as being between 1—MAN and 1—WOMAN.
20041015             —PUBLISHED, The journal Science, 1—REPORT that said 1,856—OF 5,743 species of amphibians are "globally threatened".
20041015             —INVADED, Authorities said THE—NORTH—SNAKEHEAD has, the Great Lakes.
20041015             —DUBBED, The voracious predator, the "Frankenfish" can BREATHE—OUT—OF—WATER and wriggle across land.
20041015             CRAIG—MURRAY, BRITAIN—FORMER—AMBASSADOR to UZBEKISTAN, said he is a "VICTIM—OF—CONSCIENCE" for having dared to speak out against human rights outrages.
20041015             —HIGHLIGHTED, Murray had, the allegedly systematic USE—OF—TORTURE, including the alleged boiling to death of 2—PRISONERS, by UZBEKISTAN—AUTHORITIES.
20041015             CANADA—BOMBARDIER—TRANSPORTATION and 2—JOINT—VENTURE partners won a $424-million order to supply 20—HIGH—SPEED trains to CHINA—MINISTRY—OF—RAILWAYS.
20041015             —PRAISED, Schroeder, the reforms of Muammar Gaddafi and invited THE—LIBYA—LEADER to visit GERMANY.
20041015             —CHARGED, INDONESIA—PROSECUTORS formally, militant cleric ABU—BAKAR—BASHIR with ordering his followers to launch 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK on the J.W. Marriott hotel in JAKARTA —LAST—YEAR.
20041015             —LAUNCHED, USA—MARINES, air and ground attacks on the insurgent bastion FALLUJAH —AFTER city representatives suspended peace talks with the government over PRIME—MINISTER—AYAD—ALLAWI—DEMAND to hand over terror mastermind ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI.
20041015             USA—OFFICIALS said 10—PEOPLE, including 1—FAMILY—OF—4, were killed —WHEN 1—CAR—BOMB exploded near 1—BAGHDAD police station.
20041015             —KILLED, Car bombs, 5—USA—TROOPS in IRAQ.
20041015             —RULED, THE—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION (WTO), that THE—EUROPEAN—UNION had broken INTERNATIONAL trade rules by subsidizing sugar producers.
20041015             —ACQUITTED, ZIMBABWE opposition leader MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI was, on treason charges —FOLLOWING 1—YEARLONG trial that his party had said was orchestrated by THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE.
20041015             Auf dem MOUNT—GRAHAM aufnimmt in ARIZONA das LARGE—BINOCULAR—TELESCOPE den Betrieb.
20041015             LARGE—BINOCULAR—TELESCOPE könnte Kerzenlicht noch in 2,5—MILLIONEN—KM Distanz aufspüren.
20041015             † DEUTSCHER—HOBBY—ALPINIST—HELMUT—SIMON, Entdecker der Gletschermumie "Ötzi"
20041015             BILL—MOYERS: A Little Patriotic Sacrifice
20041015—19950000    —SEIT, lebt SABINE—REICHEL in LOS—ANGELES, genauer: in HOLLYWOOD.
20041016             —FRIDAY,
20041108             —MEANWHILE, 20041015             —ON, THE—ACLU filed suit against DENVER—COLORADO, seeking disclosure of 1—DOCUMENT that sets out THE—TERMS—OF—THE—DENVER—POLICE—DEPARTMENT—PARTICIPATION in THE—FBI—JTTF.
20041228             GUARDIAN Unlimited | THE—GUARDIAN | Carlyle pulls out of IRAQ debt...... Carlyle pulls out of IRAQ debt recovery consortium DAVID—LEIGH—FRIDAY 20041015             THE—GUARDIAN—THE—CARLYLE—GROUP, 1—LARGE—INVESTMENT—FIRM linked to USA +...
20041228             CARLYLE pulls out of IRAQ debt recovery consortium DAVID—LEIGH—FRIDAY 20041015             THE—GUARDIAN—THE—CARLYLE Group ,
20050803             1—COLUMN dated 20011015             , little more than —1—MONTH—AFTER the tragedy.
20050803             —DATED, NOVAK—OF—TODAY : 1—COLUMN, 20011015             , little more than —1—MONTH—AFTER the tragedy.
20050910—20051015    —REFUSED, UN won't print IRAQ constitution : THE—UN has, to start printing IRAQ—DRAFT—CONSTITUTION, yet again delaying efforts to get MILLIONS—OF—COPIES to voters —BEFORE 1—REFERENDUM.
20050929             3—SUICIDE attackers exploded NEAR—SIMULTANEOUS—CAR—BOMBS in the heart of Balad, 1—MAINLY—SHIITE town, killing 62—PEOPLE and wounding 70—AMID 1—NEW—SURGE—OF—VIOLENCE—BEFORE an 20051015             referendum on IRAQ—CONSTITUTION.
20051015             —TURNED, So was WALTER—LIPPMANN, 1—FORMER—SOCIALIST, liberal who would become the dean of mid-19010101—20001231     USA—JOURNALISM.
20051015             In the early 19010101—20001231    , the public came to associate the words "propaganda" and "war" with 1—ANOTHER.
20051015             These revolutionary psychological insights had actually been percolating in FRANCE and GREAT—BRITAIN —SINCE the 1. YEARS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 .
20051015             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—SPANISH, at least 5—NORTH—AFRICA—MEN were, 4 were injured and 1 was believed still trapped under rubble —AFTER a 3—STOREY 16010101—17001231     building collapsed in THE—TOWN—OF—PIERA.
20051015             Versteigerung: WELFEN—SCHÄTZE erzielen 44—MILLIONEN—EURO
20051015             Die Zeit ist reif, die isolierten Lösungen durch 1—GESAMTSTRATEGIE—DER—ARBEITSZEITVERKÜRZUNG aufzuheben.
20051015             —ERST dann kann es vermieden werden, dass soziale Konzessionen erpresst werden.
20051015             Die augenblickliche Defensive des Neoliberalismus darf nicht verschlafen werden.
20051015             Die politischen Voraussetzungen sind gerade —JETZT nicht schlecht, um die —30—STUNDEN—WOCHE in Verbindung mit einem seriös konzipierten Grundeinkommen in ein politisch mobilisierendes Projekt zu verwandeln, das Gewerkschaften den nötigen Rückhalt verschafft.
20051015             Die zahlreichen kleinen Zirkel der Zivilgesellschaft müssten ihre alternativen Ideen und Projekte —JETZT offen zur Diskussion stellen.
20051015             Mit einer erstarkten Zivilgesellschaft ist es durchaus möglich, ALSBALD—IN einem —JAHR, vielleicht auch in —2—JAHREN - 1—ROT—ROT—GRÜNE—REGIERUNG mit einem SOZIAL—ÖKOLOGISCHEN Programm, das an den Menschen orientiert ist, durchzusetzen, notfalls durch Neuwahlen.
20051015             Eine politisch angeschlagene Bundeskanzlerin Merkel dürfte diesen Prozess eher beschleunigen.
20051015             —SCHON aus diesem Grunde konnte ein strategisch denkender Schröder einer ANGELA—MERKEL nur den Vortritt lassen, um Handlungsspielraum zu gewinnen, seine abgewählte Agenda 20100000             über Bord zu werfen und die Zeichen der Zeit zu VERSTEHEN—SOFERN er dazu wirklich in der Lage ist.
20051015             Quelle: Gipfeltreffen: Iberoamerikanische Länder kritisieren Kubablockade
20051015             Atomstreit mit IRAN: Rice kann RUSSLAND nicht für Sanktionen gewinnen
20051015             IRAN: Tote bei Bombenanschlägen in Einkaufszentrum
20051015             —BEFÜRCHTET, Vogelgrippe: Massenansturm auf Grippeimpfungen
20051015             —AKZEPTIERT, Nach Erdbeben: PAKISTAN, Hilfe aus ISRAEL
20051015             NS—KRIEGSVERBRECHER: KZ—ARZT an der Costa Blanca?
20051015             Pressefreiheit: "Cicero"-Affäre weitet sich aus
20051015             —RECOGNIZED, BERNAYS and Rove both, the need for Americans in particular to feel as if they belong to something larger than themselves.
20051015             We are —AFTER all by far the most religious POST—INDUSTRIAL—SOCIETY on the planet.
20051015             THE—USA—PEOPLE want to embrace something that provides clarity, something that plays to their vanity and hence SELF—UNDERSTANDING.
20051015             Having won the "leadership" and "individual initiative" battles, Rove delivered victory to GEORGE—W—BUSH for 1—ADDITIONAL underlying reason.
20051015             THE—TRIUMPH of "Turd Blossom"
20051015             KARL—ROVE,GIVEN the above nickname by our jocular PRESIDENT—IS 1—EXTRAORDINARILY keen student of USA—PSYCHOLOGY and history.
20051015             KARL—ROVE is well AWARE—OF—THE—BACK—STORY to contemporary political fixtures like the focus GROUP—1—TECHNIQUE innovated by EDWARD—BERNAYS.
20051015             Consequently, it doesn't take too much effort to discern the afterimage of BERNAYS—TEACHINGS in BUSH—RHETORIC.
20051015             —RELATED, CRYSTALLIZING, Public Opinion, BERNAYS, how governments and advertisers can "regiment the mind like the military regiments the body".
20051015             This discipline can be imposed because of "the natural inherent FLEXIBILITY—OF—INDIVIDUAL—HUMAN—NATURE".
20051015             —INSTRUCTED, He also, that the "average citizen is the world's most efficient censor. His own mind is the greatest barrier between him and the facts. His own 'logic proof compartments,' his own absolutism are the obstacles which prevent him from seeing in TERMS—OF—EXPERIENCE and thought rather than in TERMS—OF—GROUP—REACTION".
20051015             BERNAYS was 1—ADVISOR to THE—CPI.
20051015             —APPROPRIATED, They were duly, by Hitler, who wrote in Mein Kampf (19250000             ): "But it was not —UNTIL the [1. World] War that it became evident what immense results could be obtained by 1—CORRECT—APPLICATION—OF—PROPAGANDA. Here again, unfortunately, all our studying had to be done on the enemy side..".
20051015             —PROVIDED, POST—WWII, AMERICA, BERNAYS, his services to the United Fruit Company and the Eisenhower administration.
20051015             —LAUNCHED, In due time, BERNAYS, 1—MEDIA blitz which made palatable the (clandestine CIA—BACKED) coup which would overthrow the "communist" government.
20051015             This was no accident.
20051015             BERNAYS wrote in Propaganda : "It was, of course, the astounding SUCCESS—OF—PROPAGANDA —DURING the [1. World] war that opened the eyes of the intelligent few in all DEPARTMENTS—OF—LIFE to the possibilities of regimenting the public mind".
20051015             Pepe Escobar : PIPELINEISTAN—BIGGEST—GAME—BEGINS : THE—BAKU—TBILISI—CEYHAN pipeline (BTC—CONCEIVED by THE—USA as the ultimate Western escape route from dependence on oil from the Persian GULF—IS finally in business.
20051015             SIDNEY—BLUMENTHAL: Uranium fallout:
20051015             —TAINTED, Coverage of the Plame affair has been, by the press's cosy duet with THE—WHITE—HOUSE
20051015             THE—PUBLIC—RIGHT to Know All About JUDITH—MILLER : Nothing could better open THE—EYES—OF—THE—PUBLIC to mischief in high places than 1 detailed personal account of MILLER—OWN assigned role in THE—PRE—WAR—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN.
20051015             How was she recruited for the assignment, or did she volunteer?
20051015             How far back does her personal relationship go with Libby, Feith and Chalabi?
20051015             WILL—THE—TIMES—PAY for its crimes?
20051015             The lords at THE—'PAPER—OF—RECORD' had 1—READY—EXPLANATION for how little Miss Miller got duped.
20051015             —DEPENDED, She apparently, on a "CIRCLE—OF—IRAQ—INFORMANTS, defectors and exiles bent on regime change in IRAQ".
20051015             How could Judith possibly doubt the credibility of 1—RASCAL like AHMAD—CHALABI?
20051015             —FABRICATED, Tell us who, THE—IRAQ evidence : At the beginning of 20010000             , 1—FEW weeks —BEFORE GEORGE—BUSH took office, there was 1—BREAK—IN at THE—NIGER embassy in ROME.
20051015             —WONDERED, As GEORGE—BUSH, how to get back at the terrorists, 1—REPORT from THE—ITALY—SECURITY—SERVICE (Sismi) reached THE—CIA: IRAQ was seeking to buy uranium.
20051015             Exclusive : How Dick CHENEY—TOP—AIDE 'Scooter' Libby Misled FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS in THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE : Speculation is growing in WASHINGTON that VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—LEWIS "Scooter" Libby and PRESIDENT—BUSH—TOP—ADVISOR—KARL—ROVE could soon be indicted by 1—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR investigating THE—OUTING—OF—CIA—AGENT—VALERIE Plame.
20051015             Impeachment, —NOW and Then : HERE—1—FASCINATING—BIT—OF—NEWS: More people —TODAY want to see PRESIDENT—BUSH impeached than wanted Clinton impeached on THE—EVE—OF—THE—HOUSE—VOTE on his impeachment.
20051015             Video: THE—BUSH—FAMILY—FORTUNES:
20051015             THE—BBC and GREG—PALAST, Investigate the Bush family SCANDALS—'FRAUDS—R—USA': THE—BUSH—FAMILY—SAGA:
20051015             "You have to look at the entire Bush Family in this context -- as if the family ran 1—CORPORATION called 'FRAUDS—R—USA,': GEORGE—JUNIOR—SPECIALTY was insurance and security fraud.
20051015             JEB—SPECIALTY was oil and gas fraud.
20051015             NEIL—SPECIALTY was real estate fraud.
20051015             PRESCOTT—SPECIALTY was banking fraud. And GEORGE—SENIOR—SPECIALTY?
20051015             All of the above".
20051015             -- LIEUTENANT—COMMANDER—AL—MARTIN, USA—NAVY,(Ret)
20051015             TED—RALL: Giving Democracy THE—BIRD : Whether it's 1—SINISTER plot against USA—DEMOCRACY or the most sustained LARGE—SCALE—FOOLISHNESS in history, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is tearing down the traditional wall between overseas military action and domestic law enforcement.
20051015             This law won't fight TERROR—IT is 1—INCITEMENT to terrorism:
20051015             Censorship, internment and bans on NON—VIOLENT—POLITICAL—PARTIES will increase the likelihood of further attacks in BRITAIN
20051015             case you missed it: THE—MYTH—OF—THE—NEW—ANTI—SEMITISM:
20051015             —BASED, It was the 1. political party, on 1—PLATFORM—OF—HOSTILITY to Jews.
20051015             And it introduced the world to 1—NEW—WORD: "ANTI—SEMITE".
20051015             PRESIDENT sweats as USA hawks turn up the heat : GEORGE—BUSH—LAST—WEEK denounced Syria and its ally, IRAN, as "outlaw regimes" conniving with "ISLAMO—FASCIST—TERRORISTS" to foment INTERNATIONAL instability.
20051015             —DESCENDED, IRAQ has, into anarchy, says Fisk : He said that the portrayal of IRAQ by Western leaders ­ of efforts to introduce democracy, including —SATURDAY—NATIONAL—VOTE on the country's proposed constitution ­ was "unreal" to MOST—OF—ITS—CITIZENS.
20051015             —BLOCKED, HOLLAND—COURT—BLOCKS—EGYPTIAN—EXTRADITION to USA : 1—HOLLAND—COURT, the extradition to THE—USA—ON—WEDNESDAY—OF—1—MAN with Dutch and EGYPT—NATIONALITY SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS to al Qaeda, citing insufficient guarantees over the suspect's basic rights.
20051015             1—CALL to Say No to Torture : We are told that our country does not torture prisoners, but our heads and our hearts tell us differently.
20051015             —INSTITUTIONALIZED, Hidden, torture has become routine.
20051015             Doing things beyond our borders, or having others do them for us, does nothing to lessen our responsibility.
20051015             IRAQ—AL—QAEDA denounces Zawahri letter as FAKE—WEB : AL—QAEDA—WING in IRAQ —ON—THURSDAY rejected as 1—FAKE—1—LETTER by top group leader AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHRI which was issued by USA—OFFICIALS—THIS—WEEK, according to 1—INTERNET posting.
20051015             WAR—ON—TERROR" Revisited - THE—CONQUEST—OF—SOUTH—WEST—ASIA—BY Pepe Escobar
20051015             —DURING the 1. part of 20050000             , the 1. BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S "WAR—ON—TERROR" had been softly mutating into what it was supposed to mean in the 1. place: THE—CONQUEST—OF—EURASIA + in the near term, SOUTH—WEST—ASIA.
20051015             THE—CONTOURS—OF—THE—NEW religion were carefully spun by WASHINGTON.
20051015             GUANTANAMO : —WHEN winning is easy -
20051015             THERE—NO—RULE—OF—LAW that requires THE—USA to deny rights at GTMO: it is 1—POLICY—DECISION.
20051015             It was 1—BAD—DECISION.
20051015             The loose procedures do not protect national security, but political interests and ambitions.
20051015             GEORGE—W—BUSH—SUICIDAL statecraft
20051015             Flaying away with 1—STICK at 1—HORNETS' nest —WHILE loudly proclaiming "I will stay the course" is 1—EXERCISE in catastrophic leadership.
20051015             —BY Zbigniew Brzezinski
20051015             —60—YEARS—AGO, ARNOLD—TOYNBEE concluded, in his monumental "1—STUDY—OF—HISTORY," that the ultimate cause of imperial collapse was "suicidal statecraft".
20051015             Sadly for PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—PLACE in history BUT—MUCH more IMPORTANT—OMINOUSLY for AMERICA—FUTURE, it has lately seemed as if that adroit phrase might be applicable to the policies pursued by THE—USA—SINCE the cataclysm of 20010911             .
20051015             We need to be told —WHEN journalists report propaganda INSTEAD—OF—THE—TRUTH, the consequences can be CATASTROPHIC—AS 1—LARGELY forgotten instance demonstrates.
20051015             —BY JOHN—PILGER - ''The propagandist's purpose," wrote Aldous Huxley, "is to make 1—SET—OF—PEOPLE forget that certain other SETS—OF—PEOPLE are human".
20051015             —INVENTED, THE—BRITISH, who, modern war propaganda and inspired JOSEPH—GOEBBELS, were specialists in the field.
20051015             THE—ABLE—DANGER connection
20051015             And what about LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—TONY—SHAFFER, the man who revealed THE—DIA data mining operation which fingered MOHAMED—ATTA well —BEFORE 20010911             (and at 1—TIME—WHEN THE—FBI says Atta wasn't even in the country)?
20051015             —PUNISHED, Then Shaffer himself was, and smeared.
20051015             The charges refer to such ghastly crimes as "improperly flashing military identification —WHILE drunk and stealing pens".
20051015             This, at 1—TIME—WHEN billions go missing in IRAQ and nobody receives so much as 1—WRIST—SLAP.
20051015             Anyone with ANY—SENSE knows that Shaffer wouldn't face such charges if he had not stepped on important toes.
20051015             The network resists definition by race, religion or region.
20051015             —CONTROLLED, ANTI—SEMITES believe that the "club" is, by ISRAEL;
20051015             —CONTROLLED, ARAB—BASHERS believe that the club is, by SAUDI—ARABIA.
20051015             Neither view is correct.
20051015             The group has no leadership, no headquarters, no single ideology.
20051015             It is far more amorphous and elusive than FLEMING—SPECTRE was.
20051015             It has less internal cohesion than does (say) the mafia.
20051015             Its ranks include individuals who despise and oppose EACH—OTHER.
20051015             Yet they all know EACH—OTHER.
20051015             For they are bound by THE—LURE—OF—POWER.
20051015             —CROOKED, Operatives within this network use, banks, illicit money, front companies, bribes and assassination.
20051015             To these people, lying is 1—SACRAMENT and false documents are scripture.
20051015             They will conduct covert operations that most "legitimate" intelligence agencies would reject as too risky.
20051015             Boldness has brought them power: Power to unseat or elect 1—PRESIDENT, power over the mass media, power to initiate war and to profit thereby.
20051015             Many will wonder how anyone could use 1—HAND to greet the Israelis —WHILE using the other to HIGH—5—FASCISTS.
20051015             I can't reconcile the dichotomy; I can only read and relate the history.
20051015             —INDEED, THE—2—FORCES do, share 1—INTERSECTION—POINT -- and there stands Ledeen.
20051015             TRENTO calls "the rogue CIA" -- 1—AMORPHOUS—GROUP whose members have come to despise the legitimate CIA.
20051015             In brief: In the space between WWII and his appointment to HEAD—THE—CIA, ALLEN—DULLES pioneered the use of private intelligence networks.
20051015             THE—AGENCY came to rely on various "cooperative" businessmen, who received INFUSIONS—OF—CAPITAL and other aid in exchange for services rendered.
20051015             1—SUCH businessman was GEORGE—HW—BUSH.
20051015             THE—VIETNAM, era, THE—CIA came to rely on local "businessmen" who trafficked in drugs;
20051015             the drug trade funded the secret war in LAOS.
20051015             Then came the 1970s -- THE—ERA—OF—CIA—INVESTIGATIONS, gutsy journalism, THE—JFK controversy, and the reformist presidency of JIMMY—CARTER.
20051015             —FIRED, CARTER—DCI, covert operatives en masse.
20051015             —FORMED, They, 1—OFF—THE—BOOKS—COVERT—NETWORK, replete with its own banks.
20051015             —RELIED, ANTI—CARTER forces within the Agency and the Pentagon, on this secret network, which in turn formed alliances with shadowy figures —THROUGHOUT the globe.
20051015             MANY—OPERATIVE within this loose network weren't spooks -- not officially.
20051015             —SPOOKED, But they were + are, " up" in their associations and personal histories.
20051015             Perhaps the best descriptor is intriguer.
20051015             I had intended to write at length about Ledeen at 1—LATER time, but
20051015             this piece by NORMAN—DOMBEY brings up SOME—LITTLE—KNOWN ASPECTS—OF—THE—MAN—PAST that deserve wider acknowledgment.
20051015             Further background information may help readers better appreciate DOMBEY—VALUABLE essay.
20051015             The
20051015             —LEAKED, Downing Street Memo, to the press last May, proved that Bush's stated reasons for war were actually pretexts.
20051015             —CAUSED, THE—AUTHOR—OF—THE—MEMO -- which should have, Bush much more trouble than it actually did -- was 1—MATTHEW—JOHN—RYCROFT, heretofore identifed as a "foreign policy aide" to Blair.
20051015             Not quite. HE—ACTUALLY an MI6 agent.
20051015             (GO—HERE and scroll down.) Apparently, Rycroft -- MATTHEW—RYCROFT -- has been stationed in GENEVA, PARIS, WASHINGTON and SARAJEVO.
20051015             LET—NOT make too much of the recent poll.
20051015             —ASKED, The question was, with 1—QUALIFIER: If Bush lied to start 1—WAR, then should he be impeached?
20051015             —ASKED, If the question were, sans the "if...then" formulation, the number saying "aye" would probably be substantially lower.
20051015             You know and I know that Bush did (and does) lie.
20051015             But for many, rationalization springs eternal.
20051015             Where Gannon and Rove intersect Some of the best writing on JEFF—GANNON—POSSIBLE—ROLE in PLAME—GATE can be found in the resurrected
20051015             Is Bush Wired?
20051015             blog (not to be confused with BushWired, which I mentioned —YESTERDAY.
20051015             —DAMNED, The headlines are pretty, clever -- "THE—ROVE—THAT—DARE—NOT—SPEAK—ITS—PLAME," "ROVE—OTHER—DUMMY" -- and the analysis is pretty juicy.
20051015             The main thesis: Rove and Gannon have 1—CLOSER—RELATIONSHIP than most suspect + Rove (or 1—UNDERLING) may even be writing GANNON—BLOG.
20051015             The argument hinges GANNON—HISTORY—OF—PLAGIARISM, which speaks to 1—INABILITY to articulate his own thoughts.
20051015             Yet in his blog, "Gannon" occasionally displays 1—UNCANNY ability to express ROVE—POV, using very Rovian terminology.
20051015             HERE—GANNON: "Like most conservatives, I have grown weary of how the Democrats continue to assert their relevance in governance —WHEN voters have removed them from power and reduced their numbers in 3—SUCCESSIVE—ELECTIONS...—WHEN you peel away the top layer of beltway bloviation, the brilliant strategy becomes easier to see...If you view political strategy as war, as I am sure KARL—ROVE does, the Miers pick makes perfect sense....She will be confirmed, probably as easily as JOHN—G—ROBERTS... —WHEN conservatives stop to think about it, they will be comforted by what Bush has achieved. He will have delivered the Court he promised, without the political bloodshed everyone assumed would take place. 1—PRINCIPLE—OF—SUN—TZU is to have won the war —BEFORE the 1. shot is fired".
20051015             —NOW we learn more from Rycroft.
20051015             1—NEW—BOOK called Lawless World elides over his spooky history, instead referring to him as TONY—BLAIR—PERSONAL—AIDE.
20051015             Thanks to Rycroft, we —NOW have "fly on the wall" access to notes detailing phone conversations between Blair and Bush.
20051015             The results should, if given proper publicity, prove even more humiliating to Dubya.
20051015             Rycroft would not be in 1—POSITION to do this if he did not have THE—GO—AHEAD from HIGHER—UPS.
20051015             I am convinced that MI6 is —NOW actively trying to DEEP—6 THE—IRAQ misadventure.
20051015             More FROM—ROBERT—PARRY here :
20051015             But BUSH—DEEPER worry was that CHIEF—UNITED—NATIONS arms inspector HANS—BLIX would conclude that HUSSEIN—GOVERNMENT was cooperating in the search for WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, thus delaying or blocking USA—LED military action.
20051015             Bush's "biggest concern was looking weak," THE—UK—DOCUMENT said.
20051015             1—BIT more:
20051015             —POINTED, Indeed, the evidence, to 1—LONG—TERM—BUSH—STRATEGY—OF preventing ANY—SERIOUS—INVESTIGATION—OF—IRAQ'S alleged WMD stockpiles so as not to remove this central rationale for war...
20051015             —DISCLOSED, In that sense, the newly, UK—NOTES — like the —EARLIER Downing Street Memo showing that Bush wanted the intelligence to be "fixed" —AROUND his IRAQ policy — simply add more weight to the already strong case on BUSH—DUPLICITY.
20051015             Careful, MISTER—BUSH: Your Big SIS is angry with you...and she seems to be on the rag.
20051015             Sagittarius A* ist das schwarze Auge der Milchstraße, das Auge eines Sturms aus Staub und Gasen.
20051015             Auf 2,6 Millionen Sonnenmassen wird Sagittarius A* geschätzt.
20051015             Material, das ihm zu nahe kommt, wird verschluckt und ward nicht mehr gesehen.
20051015             Das gilt sogar für Licht und auch für ausgewachsene Sterne.
20051015             Bislang schien es eher unwahrscheinlich, dass in einer solchen Umgebung auch Sterne entstehen könnten.
20051015             Nach bislang vorherrschender Auffassung müssten sie von der starken Anziehungskraft aus dem Orbit gerissen werden.
20051015             Milliardäre: Rekordspenden für CDU
20051015             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Wir kalkulieren den Tod mit ein"
20051015             Vogelgrippe: Lebensbedrohliche VIRUS—VARIANTE in RUMÄNIEN nachgewiesen
20051015             MARIHUANA—FORSCHUNG: Cannabinoid lässt graue Zellen wachsen
20051015             CICERO—AFFÄRE: Neue Ermittlungen gegen Journalisten
20051015             Diebstahlsicherung: Handy erkennt seinen Besitzer am Gang
20051015             Schwarze Löcher: Schwere Geburten am Abgrund
20051015             ANDREW—SCOTT, project development engineer with THE—EDINBURGH—BASED WAVE—POWER—COMPANY—OCEAN—POWER—DELIVERY, says that there is PLENTY—OF—INTEREST in focusing ocean waves for power generation.
20051015             He says that existing focusers, like that used in the Wave Dragon device developed in DENMARK, simply use floating arms to channel the waves.
20051015             marks the date of the 1. CIA report on the evidence assembled by the Italians.
20051015             Yahoo News - LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—WASHINGTON — Amid rising anxiety in Republican circles, PRESIDENT ial advisor KARL—ROVE made a 4. appearance —FRIDAY—BEFORE 1—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY investigating THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE as prosecutors neared 1—DECISION on whether to cha
20051015             Bush Adviser Goes —BEFORE Grand Jury Again
20051015             Yahoo News — Politics AP—STUNG by his recent indictment in TEXAS, TOM—DELAY is trying to turn his legal woes into 1—FINANCIAL boon for his RE—ELECTION.
20051015             THE—FORMER—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER is using his congressional campaign to distribute to voters derogatory information about t
20051015             DeLay Uses Web Site to Attack Prosecutor (AP ) - DeLay Site Attacks Prosecutor
20051015             WIRED—TURNING his legal woes into 1—RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN—EFFORT, TEXAS congressman TOM—DELAY launches 1—WEBSITE that features THE—SO—CALLED—TRUTH about the 'liberal' DA who indicted him.
20051015             And, of course, it solicits donations.
20051015             DeLay Uses Website to Attack Prosecutor (AP )
20051015             Prosecutor Subpoenas Phone DATA—OF—DELAY
20051015             —GATHERED, Thousands, in DC at the National Mall for the Millions More Movement to commemorate the 10. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—MILLION—MAN—MARCH organized by Nation of Islam leader LOUIS—FARRAKHAN.
20051015             —REACHED, Marcia and KEN—POWERS, 1—HUSBAND—AND—WIFE—TEAM, the Pacific Ocean on —AFTER a 4,900-mile CROSS—COUNTRY hike, becoming the 1. to backpack the transcontinental USA—DISCOVERY Trail in 1—CONTINUOUS trek.
20051015             —CONFRONTED, TOLEDO—OHIO, 1—RIOT broke out —WHEN protesters, MEMBERS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SOCIALIST—MOVEMENT who had gathered at 1—CITY—PARK.
20051015             —ARRESTED, More than 100—PEOPLE were, and 1—OFFICER was seriously injured.
20051015             TEXAS, the Government Canyon STATE—NATURAL—AREA officially opened.
20051015             The over 8,600 acre area was set aside to protect the Edwards Aquifer, which provided drinking water for S—ANTONIO.
20051015             † JASON—COLLIER, —28—JAHRE—ALT, ATLANTA Hawks center, possibly of cardiac arrest.
20051015             —ORDERED, EGYPT—AUTHORITIES, the release of 1—LEADING—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD figure, Essam EL—ERIAN, and 3—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—THE banned Islamic group.
20051015             —CONFIRMED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said tests have, 1—LINK between the bird flu found in ROMANIA and the virus that has devastated flocks in ASIA and turned up in TURKEY.
20051015             IRAN, 2—BOMBS hit 1—SHOPPING center —SATURDAY in AHVAZ, near the southwestern border with IRAQ, killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding at least 50.
20051015             —DIVIDED, IRAQ—DEEPLY, Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds voted under heavy guard —SATURDAY to decide the fate of 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20051015             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 3—IRAQ—SOLDIERS in NORTH—EAST—IRAQ, and 7—PEOPLE were wounded —DURING attacks by insurgents near 5—OF—BAGHDAD—1,200 polling stations.
20051015             —KILLED, IRAQ, 5—USA—SOLDIERS were, by 1—BOMB—BLAST on referendum —DAY.
20051015             † ISRAEL—PAINTER—EFRAIM—REUYTENBERG (91), known for infusing CHINA—INFLUENCES and bold colors into his work, in ISRAEL.
20051015             1—WORSENING food crisis threatening MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE prompted MALAWI—PRESIDENT—BINGU wa Mutharika to declare THE—AFRICA—NATION a "disaster area" and call for more INTERNATIONAL aid.
20051015             —DISCUSSED, NIGERIA and CAMEROON, 1—NEW—PROGRAM for NIGERIA to withdraw from the disputed Bakassi peninsula, but failed to 20050901             —NEW—DEADLINE—AFTER—2—DAYS—OF—TALKS in ABUJA.
20051015             The death toll in PAKISTAN—DEVASTATING earthquake rose to nearly 40,000, —WHILE rain, snow and frigid temperatures compounded THE—MISERY—OF—MILLIONS—OF—HOMELESS—VICTIMS.
20051015             —CRITICIZED, MEMBERS—OF—1—VENEZUELA—INDIGENOUS—TRIBE, PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—ORDER to expel A—USA—MISSIONARY—GROUP he ACCUSED—OF—LINKS to THE—CIA, saying the decision goes against the interests of their impoverished communities.
20051015—18790000    —FOUNDED, THE—GERMANY—JOURNALIST—WILHELM—MARR, 1—FORMER—SOCIALIST and anarchist, 1—ORGANIZATION that was novel in 2—WAYS.
20051015—19540000    —IN, the democratically elected New DEAL—STYLE—ARBENZ government in GUATEMALA began EXPROPRIATING—WITH COMPENSATION—SOME—OF—THAT—CORPORATION'S largely fallow lands.
20051015—19650000    In BERNAYS's  memoir Biography of 1—IDEA, he acknowledged that Crystallizing Public Opinion significantly influenced JOSEF—GOEBBELS.
20051015—20050227    —STARTED, They had, at Cape Henlopen in DELAWARE.
20051015—20051016    The G20 GROUP—OF—RICH and developing nations met in XIANGHE—CHINA.
20051015—20051016    —SOUNDED, They, the alarm over high oil prices but barely touched on the role 1—STRONGER yuan could play in easing world economic imbalances.
20051015—20051020    —ON, PAMELA—VITALE, —52—JAHRE—ALT, THE—WIFE—OF—PROMINENT—DEFENSE—ATTORNEY and TV legal analyst DANIEL—HOROWITZ, was found slain in the couple's home in LAFAYETTE—CALIFORNIA police arrested SCOTT—DYLESKI, —16—JAHRE—ALT, 1—NEIGHBOR scheming to grow pot, as 1—SUSPECT in the murder.
20051015—20060828    —CONVICTED—OF, Dyleski was, 1.—DEGREE murder, and faced life in prison.
20051020—20051015    —ENTSTANDEN, Der Sturm, der in der östlichen Karibik, ist, hat sich binnen weniger —TAGE zum heftigsten Hurrikan in der GESCHICHTE—DER—WETTERKUNDE ausgeweitet.
20051025             —ADOPTED, Election officials said IRAQ—CONSTITUTION was, by 1—MAJORITY in 1—FAIR—VOTE —DURING 20051015             —THE referendum, as Sunni Arab opponents failed to muster enough support to defeat it.
20051026             But the precise date may prove revealing: it is 20011015             .
20051026             —INVITED, Silvio Berlusconi is finally, to THE—WHITE—HOUSE by GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH.
20051026             20051015             marks the date of the 1. CIA report on the evidence assembled by the Italians.
20051026—20051015    —FROM—THE, IRAQ voters approve USA—BACKED constitution : IRAQ—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION, revealing final results referendum, said 79—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS backed the constitution against 21 % opposed in 1—POLL—SPLIT largely along IRAQ—SECTARIAN and ethnic lines.
20051029—20051015    —AM, Rumsfeld: Wir dachten, vor dem Referendum würde die Gewalt einen Zenit erleben, aber das trat nicht ein.
20060225             WALL—STREET—JOURNAL 20010912             .) Published news REPORTS—OF—BUSH—ACTIVITIES at OFFUTT mention several government individuals who were present with him + mention that there were "others" as well.
20060225             Forbes 20011015             ;
20060226             FORBES 20011015             ; Forbes 20011015             ;
20060316             [23] Headquarters, USA—ARMED Forces Antilles Command, Letter ANTAG 312, 19521015             ;
20060316             Honor and FIDELITY—END Notes [23] Headquarters, USA—ARMED Forces Antilles Command, Letter ANTAG 312, 19521015             ;
20061015             BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA gave Catholics 4—NEWS saints, bestowing the honor on a 18010101—19001231     —NUN who struggled on THE—USA—FRONTIER, 1—BISHOP who tended to the wounded —DURING THE—MEXICO—REVOLUTION and 2—ITALY—CLERGY.
20061015             THE—DAY—I meet CHARLIE—SWIFT, he attempts to sum up the legal morass of Guantánamo.
20061015             Warner: —SINCE I—SAID 'Things Are Going Sideways' In IRAQ, THERE—BEEN—AN 'Exponential Increase' In Violence
20061015             —AFTER visiting IRAQ —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, Senate Armed Services COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—JOHN—WARNER said the country is "
20061015             drifting sideways
20061015             " and several parts of IRAQ have taken "steps backwards". "In 2 or —3—MONTHS if this thing hasn't come to fruition and this LEVEL—OF—VIOLENCE is not under control," Warner said, "I think it's 1—RESPONSIBILITY—OF our government to determine: Is there 1—CHANGE—OF—COURSE we should take?"
20061015             —TODAY, Warner said he stands by his previous statements + he added that "—1—WEEK out" from his trip, there has been an "exponential increase in the killings and the savagery that's going on over there".
20061015             SCHIEFFER: Alright, let's go quickly —NOW to IRAQ.
20061015             You came back from IRAQ, SENATOR—WARNER + said we're going "sideways" there.
20061015             And if things don't improve we're going to have to rethink our policy.
20061015             What does that mean?
20061015             WARNER: It means —JUST exactly what that statement is + I stand by it. you cannot SEE—YOU can see SOME—MOVEMENT—FORWARD, but 1—LOT—OF—MOVEMENT back.
20061015             As we are sitting here —TODAY, —1—WEEK out of my trip there, the exponential increase in the killings and the savagery that's going on over there.
20061015             BOLTON Refuses To Rule Out Military Action Against NORTH—KOREA
20061015             —LAST—WEEK in response to NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR test, PRESIDENT—BUSH—STATED :
20061015             —TODAY on ABC—THIS—WEEK, host GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS asked UNITED—NATIONS Ambassador JOHN—BOLTON if BUSH—STATEMENT meant THE—USA would use military force against NORTH—KOREA.
20061015             —REPLIED, BOLTON, "NUMBER"
20061015             —BACKTRACKED, But BOLTON quickly, on his answer.
20061015             —REFERRED, Bush has, to another country as a "grave threat" —JUST 1—OTHER—TIME —DURING his presidency.
20061015             —INVADED, Shortly —AFTER that statement, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, IRAQ.
20061015             —POINTED, —WHEN Stephanopoulos, out this fact, BOLTON retracted his —EARLIER answer and said, "Well, I'm not going to speculate on what our response might be to something like that".
20061015             Full transcript below:
20061015             STEPHANOPOULOS: THE—PRESIDENT was also very active publicly THE—DAY—AFTER we LEARNED—OF—THE—NORTH—KOREA—TEST.
20061015             He went into THE—ROOSEVELT Room, I believe it was + laid out 1—VERY stern warning.
20061015             Here it is.
20061015             BUSH [VIDEO]: The transfer of nuclear weapons by NORTH—KOREA to states or NON—STATE entities would be considered 1—GRAVE—THREAT to THE—USA and we would hold NORTH—KOREA fully accountable for the consequences of such action.
20061015             STEPHANOPOULOS: Crack the diplomatic code here.
20061015             —WHEN 1—PRESIDENT—CALLS something "1—GRAVE—THREAT," that means that action will be met by 1—MILITARY—RESPONSE, correct?
20061015             BOLTON: No, what THE—PRESIDENT has said repeatedly is that he seeks 1—PEACEFUL and diplomatic solution to the problem posed by NORTH—KOREA—PURSUIT, not only of nuclear weapons, but of chemical and biological weapons and ballistic missiles and other means of delivering them + by rallying THE—INTERNATIONAL—COALITION that he has leading to this 15—0—VOTE in the Security Council —YESTERDAY, he's made it clear that he's going to do what he can through economic and political pressure to isolate NORTH—KOREA and to deprive them of the means and technology they need to pursue those programs + as well, to work with CHINA + others to get NORTH—KOREA to do what LIBYA did, to see that they're really much safer giving up the pursuit of nuclear weapons than continuing to go —AFTER them.
20061015             STEPHANOPOULOS: But MISTER—AMBASSADOR, I went back and checked and from what we've been able to tell, THE—PRESIDENT has used that formulation, "grave threat to THE—USA," only once —BEFORE in his presidency.
20061015             It was in - Bush keeps revising war justification.
20061015             - JUDD—THE—AP finally catches on.
20061015             CHRIS—WALLACE—IGNORES 20,000 Emails Demanding He Ask RICE—ABOUT—THE—USAS—COLE
20061015             —EMAILED, More than 20,000—PEOPLE, CHRIS—WALLACE and demanded he ask SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE this question —TODAY:
20061015             —PRIOR—TO 20010911             , you had —8—MONTHS to respond to THE—AL—QAEDA attack on THE—USAS—COLE.
20061015             Why didn't THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION take action and put AL—QAEDA—OUT—OF—BUSINESS?
20061015             Wallace didn't ask the question or ANY—QUESTION on the topic.
20061015             —ASKED, —LAST—MONTH,FOX—CHRIS—WALLACE, PRESIDENT—CLINTON why he didn't respond to 20001012             —THE—BOMBING—OF—THE—USAS—COLE.
20061015             He asked the question even though the "CIA and THE—FBI refused to certify that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was responsible " —UNTIL early 20010000             , which foreclosed the possibility of 1—FULL—RESPONSE —DURING the Clinton administration.
20061015             —CLAIMED, Wallace, he asked the question of Clinton because " - I got 1—LOT—OF—E—MAIL from viewers.
20061015             —1—YEAR—AFTER Bankruptcy Bill, It's Well Past Time To Crack Down On Predatory Lenders
20061015             (Our guest blogger, JOHN—EDWARDS, is 1—FORMER—NORTH—CAROLINA—SENATOR and candidate for VICE—PRESIDENT)
20061015             There are happy anniversaries and sad ones.
20061015             IT'S—BEEN —1—YEAR—SINCE Congress put into effect 1—NEW—BANKRUPTCY—LAW that makes it harder for people to declare bankruptcy and get 1—FRESH—START.
20061015             It was easy for Congress to characterize bankrupt families as "deadbeats" and ignore the reality that more than 90—PERCENT—OF—ALL bankruptcies are due to medical emergencies, job loss, divorce or 1—DEATH in the family.
20061015             This anniversary has got me thinking.
20061015             Our middle class is built on shaky ground.
20061015             The latest sign: 1—WAVE—OF—NEW foreclosures driven by higher interest rates, lower housing prices + predatory mortgage lending.
20061015             Middle and LOW—INCOME—FAMILIES are
20061015             under attack from predatory lenders who offer deceptive terms, charge unfair fees + trap the unwary or the unlucky.
20061015             According to Fannie Mae, about half of the subprime borrowers could qualify for regular interest rates, but didn't get them.
20061015             That means there are HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE paying much more than they should for their home loans.
20061015             WHAT—ESPECIALLY outrageous is how predatory lenders
20061015             go —AFTER AFRICA—AMERICAN and other minority communities.
20061015             If you are 1—UPPER—INCOME—AFRICA—USA—FAMILY, you are twice as likely to get 1—SUBPRIME loan as 1—LOWER—INCOME—WHITE—FAMILY.
20061015             It's incredible — even though you are doing better, you get 1—WORSE—LOAN if you are AFRICA—AMERICAN.
20061015             We didn't see the full impact of these abuses —DURING the housing boom, but —NOW — with home prices sliding down and interest rates moving up — we are seeing the 1. signs of 1—BIG—PROBLEM.
20061015             TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—FAMILIES have gotten into unfair deals and are —NOW in over their heads.
20061015             Mortgage foreclosures are up
20061015             53 % from —LAST—YEAR + they are expected to keep rising.
20061015             Rather than passing laws that punish consumers trying to make ends meet, we should be
20061015             cracking down on the irresponsible lenders that prey upon them.
20061015             Congress needs to start paying attention to the growing problem of predatory lenders.
20061015             —JUST like with the bankruptcy bill, we aren't seeing action on Capitol Hill because financial companies are huge campaign contributors.
20061015             MBNA.
20061015             —DEVELOPED, Liquid to seal open wounds fast Scientists have, biodegradable liquids that can stop bleeding in wounded rodents within seconds.
20061015             CHILE head revisits torture site CHILE—PRESIDENT—MICHELLE—BACHELET visits the detention centre where she was tortured 19750000             .
20061015             N KOREA condemns UN sanctions PYONGYANG decries 1—UN—VOTE for sanctions over its claimed nuclear test as the focus switches to implementation.
20061015             Woman gives birth to grandchild A woman gave birth to her own grandchild, a doctor reveals amid debate in JAPAN over surrogacy.
20061015             Clue to flaws in autistic brain REGIONS—OF—THE—BRAIN may not communicate with EACH—OTHER as efficiently as they should in people with autism, research suggests.
20061015             Element 118 CREATED—KDAWSON 149 - BuzzSkyline writes,
20061015             "The heaviest element yet, Element 118, has been created in Dubna, RUSSIA by 1—COLLABORATION—OF—RESEARCHERS from RUSSIA—JOINT—INSTITUTE for Nuclear Research and LAWRENCE—LIVERMORE—NATIONAL—LABORATORY in THE—USA. They created the new element by fusing together Californium (element 98) and Calcium atoms. The achievement comes —5—YEARS—AFTER THE—SCANDAL—PLAGUED retraction of 1—EARLIER—CLAIM, which was based on fabricated data, that 3—ATOMS—OF—ELEMENT—118 had been produced at THE—LAWRENCE—BERKELEY—NATIONAL—LABORATORY in CALIFORNIA. The achievement was reported 20061009             —ON in the journal Physical Review C (subscription needed to read more than the abstract)".
20061015             Software To Authenticate PAINTINGS—KDAWSON 56 - eldavojohn writes,
20061015             "THERE—1—NEW—SOFTWARE—TOOL out and about called Authentic which analyzes paintings to determine if they are indeed authentic WORKS—OF—THE—ARTIST. If you don't think this is 1—SERIOUS—PROBLEM to tackle, SOME—EXPERTS estimate up to 15 % of 'original prints' sold at auction houses are actually fake.  'By dividing 145 digitized paintings into pixels and analyzing the colors of each and how they compared with nearby pixels, the system was able to spot patterns unique to the painter. The software also showed VAN GOGH—USE—OF—COMPLEMENTARY colors (PDF) increased —DURING his most active period 18850000—18900000    —FROM—TO, according to the study published in Pattern Recognition Letters... In tests, Authentic performed as well as 15—HUMAN volunteers who were EACH—GIVEN 1—SMALL—SEGMENT—OF—1—PAINTING to study.' I've HEARD—OF—MANY—TOOLS that analyze texts to verify THE—AUTHOR—BUT this is 1—EXTRA—DIMENSION and 1—NEW—FRONTIER for pattern recognition. Tacking on another dimension, how much longer —UNTIL we are able to analyze video in the same way?"
20061015             Wild blue yonder: Lockheed aviation services include teletraining...
20061015             ' Wild blue yonder: Lockheed aviation services include teletraining, modem FLIGHT—PLAN—ASSURANCE + MICROWAVE—RADIO—BACKUP' from Communications News in...
20061015             Wild blue blunders: most accidents in the air are due to poor... ' Wild blue blunders: most accidents in the air are due to poor management in... its investigators had "observed instances of 1—BREAKDOWN—OF—COMMUNICATIONS,
20061015             Acid dreams: THE—COMPLETE—SOCIAL—HISTORY—OF—LSD—VON—MARTIN—ALEE...... einzusetzen.
20061015             PSYLOCYBIN—SESSION und wurde somit einer der... - CURRENT HOT ZONES:
20061015             • Vote Fraud: Internal Documents from Diebold Election Systems
20061015             • DE—BS: A Guide to 'Senior Administration Officials'
20061015             • Space: NASA Mars Exploration Project - • THE—JUNTA: Bush Admin
20061015             "[D]on't criticize my children and don't criticize my DAUGHTERS—IN—LAW and don't criticize my husband, or you're dead".
20061015             — BARBARA—BUSH, LARRY—KING—LIVE (CNN), 20031022
20061015             Why are these men smiling? They must have something planned: Amid widespread panic in the Republican establishment about the coming midterm elections, there are 2—PEOPLE whose confidence about GOP prospects strikes even their closest allies as almost inexplicably upbeat: PRESIDENT—BUSH and his top political adviser, KARL—ROVE.
20061015             Even absent 1—BIG—SURPRISE, I'm not at all happy with the Senate sitch, given the probability of 1—LIEBERMAN party hop.
20061015             Both TENNESSEE and VIRGINIA are MUST—WINS.
20061015             DEUTSCH—TÜRKEN gegen Kopftuch: "SYMBOL—DER—FRAUENUNTERDRÜCKUNG"
20061015             UNO—RESOLUTION gegen NORDKOREA: JAPAN erwägt zusätzliche Sanktionen
20061015             3—MEMBERS—OF—DUKE—UNIVERSITY—LACROSSE team appeared on CBS' "—60—MINUTES" to deny raping 1—WOMAN who had been hired to perform as 1—STRIPPER.
20061015             Collin Finnerty, Reade Seligmann and DAVID—EVANS were —LATER exonerated.
20061015             —ESTIMATED, His walk away package was, at $1.1—BILLION.
20061015             A 6.7-magnitude quake hit HAWAII—BIG—ISLAND at 7:07 am, followed by aftershocks.
20061015             —REPORTED, It caused blackouts and landslides but no, fatalities.
20061015             —ESTIMATED, Structural damages on the Big ISLAND were —LATER, at $100—MILLION.
20061015             ALGERIA—ENERGY—MINISTER—CHEHIB—KHELIL said that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will announce a 1—MILLION barrel —1—DAY cut in crude production —DURING 1—MEETING in QATAR.
20061015             Foreign MINISTER—ALEXANDER—DOWNER said AUSTRALIA would cut ministerial contacts with its northern neighbor —UNTIL 1—INVESTIGATION was held into the escape from PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA—OF—1—SOLOMON—ISLANDS—OFFICIAL wanted on child sex charges.
20061015             His case was thrown out in December —AFTER the court found that AUSTRALIA—OFFICIALS had colluded in his illegal deportation.
20061015             Salah Abdulrahim al Blooshi, 1—FORMER—DETAINEE in THE—USA—PRISON at GUANTANAMO Bay, returned home to BAHRAIN —AFTER being held —FOR—5—YEARS.
20061015             2—OTHER—BAHRAIN nationals remain in custody at GUANTANAMO Bay, where THE—USA—HOLDS about 450—MEN on SUSPICION—OF—LINKS to AL—QAIDA or the Taliban.
20061015             ECUADOR held presidential elections.
20061015             The favorite was RAFAEL—CORREA, —43—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LEFTIST pledging to lead a "citizens' revolution" against 1—POLITICAL—ESTABLISHMENT widely seen as corrupt and incompetent.
20061015             He faced 1—STRONG—CHALLENGE from Alvaro Noboa, 1—BANANA billionaire who also pushed 1—POPULIST—LINE.
20061015             —HEADED, The elections, to a 2. round —AFTER Alvaro Noboa, who favored strong relations with THE—USA, narrowly defeated RAFAEL—CORREA in the 1. round.
20061015             A 20061126             runoff had been expected as NONE—OF—THE—13—CANDIDATES appeared likely to win outright.
20061015             —KILLED, At least 83—PEOPLE were, —DURING a —2—DAY—SPREE—OF—SECTARIAN revenge killings.
20061015             —KILLED, Suspected Shiite militiamen, at least 20—MORE—SUNNI Arabs in Balad.
20061015             † 1—STRING—OF—BOMBINGS in KIRKUK killed 10—PEOPLE, including 2—GIRLS who, —WHEN 1—MAN detonated explosives strapped to his body in front of THE—AL—MALLIMIN girls high school.
20061015             BAGHDAD, Interior Ministry UNDERSECRETARY—HALA—SHAKIR—SALIM survived 1—ROADSIDE bomb attack that killed 7—OTHERS, 4—BYSTANDERS and 3—BODYGUARDS.
20061015             1—HUSBAND, wife and 2—OF—THEIR—SONS were killed, and 2—DAUGHTERS—IN—LAW critically wounded —WHEN gunmen burst into their home in MOSUL.
20061015             2—USA—SOLDIERS were killed and 2—OTHER—USA—SOLDIERS were wounded on —AFTER coming under fire in THE—PROVINCE—OF—KIRKUK.
20061015             —EXPLODED, LEBANON, 1—SMALL—GRENADE, —AFTER it was fired at 1—BUILDING near UN offices in 1—DOWNTOWN—BEIRUT square injuring 4—PEOPLE.
20061015             —ARRESTED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES, 1—SOLDIER ACCUSED—OF—OPENING fire on 1—STREET barricade in OAXACA, killing 1—DEMONSTRATOR and wounding another.
20061015             —ACCUSED, The —NEXT—DAY THE—PRD, its RIVALS—OF—FRAUD.
20061015             —LOADED, SRI—LANKA—NAVY sank 1—REBEL—BOAT, with arms along the west coast, killing at least 5—TAMIL Tiger separatists.
20061015             —ADMITTED, UGANDA—GOVERNMENT and THE—LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY—REBEL—GROUP, —SUNDAY they had both violated their recent truce, raising fears the deal to end 1—OF—AFRICA—LONGEST—WARS may unravel.
20061015             — BARBARA—BUSH, LARRY—KING—LIVE (CNN), 20031022             20061015             The —DAY I meet CHARLIE—SWIFT, he attempts to sum up the legal morass of Guantánamo.
20061015             "Justice," he says, "is based on 1—SIMPLE—IDEA: it can happen to you".
20061015             The line comes out minutes —AFTER he arrives at 1—STARBUCKS in the suburbs of MARYLAND + the intensity of his delivery causes the teenagers making out at the next table to look up.
20061015             It's 1—SUNDAY afternoon, shortly —AFTER the announcement that Swift is leaving the navy.
20061015             THE—SAUDIS + Kuwaitis( ADNAN—KHASHOGGI and AL—ALI—AL—SABAH for examples) also...
20061015             And KHASHOGGI—HENCHMAN Ramy EL—BATRAWI, currently under indictment with... /08/344518.shtml
20061015             —ON—THURSDAY called for the withdrawal of 1—GOP congressional candidate they... trip was Vaughn Forrest, 1—MYSTERIOUS—CHARACTER who, like Ghorbanifar... _10_15_archive.html
20061015    Page JOHN—DEUSS—ARRESTED. by W WILLIAM—WOODS on Sun...
20061015             —JUMPED, FCIB—VOLUME—OF—BUSINESS apparently, from $60m —2—YEARS—AGO to $6.5bn... /10
200610150000 • Coup Watch: VENEZUELA -->
20061015—19970000    —IN, JULIAN—MOTI, —NOW in custody in the Solomons and facing charges of illegal entry, was wanted in AUSTRALIA on child sex charges involving a —13—YEAR—OLD—GIRL in VANUATU.
20061015—20010911    —SINCE, It's the 20FOURTH time Rice has been on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY without being asked about THE—USAS—COLE.
20061015—20030100    —IN, he called IRAQ a "grave threat to peace".
20061015—20061011    —ON, 1—FEW days —EARLIER, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES ran 1—HARSH—EDITORIAL commenting on the subject:
20061015—20061201    —AGREED, UnitedHealth Group said CEO—DOCTOR—WILLIAM—MCGUIRE, to leave the company due to illegal stock option practices.
20061015—20070000    —DEPORTED, Moti was, to AUSTRALIA.
20061016             —JUST meeee and THE—PRESIDENT—NOOOOOBODY else.
20061016             " — TONY—SNOW, on why he likes being WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY,
20061016             Paramount Hires Path to 20010911             Writer For Movie On 'THE—HUNT—FOR—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN'
20061016             " — TONY—SNOW, on why he likes being WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY,
20061016             " — TONY—SNOW, on why he likes being WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY, 20061015
20061016             " — TONY—SNOW, on why he likes being WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY, 20061015             20061026
20061026             ?section=opinion&date=20061015             20061111—20061015    —SINCE, Among THE—22—SUSPECTS arrested were 18—ROMANIANS, 3—ITALIANS and THE—1—MAN from MALI.
20061111—20061015    —SINCE, Among THE—22—SUSPECTS arrested were 18—ROMANIANS, 3—ITALIANS and THE—1—MAN from MALI.
20070115             CPUSA ONLINE—MAIN—POLITICAL—REPORT to the 20071015—20161015     NC Meeting
20070115             CPUSA ONLINE—MAIN—POLITICAL—REPORT to the 20071015—20161015     NC Meeting Justices like Scalia + Thomas are DISDAINFUL—OF—PUBLIC opinion.
20070215             RATING—UPDATE: BALTIMORE ( AG) - Die Analysten von Stifel Nicolaus stufen die Aktie von Caterpillar (ISIN US1491231015/WKN 850598) unverändert mit "buy" ein.
20070413—20071015    —FROM, "CNET reports VeriSign has made its move, increasing domain NAME—PRICES by 7%._com domains will —NOW cost $6.42 (up from $6) and_net domains $3.85—PER annum.
20070413—20071015    —VOTED, ICANN had previously, to support the increase.
20070413—20071015    Despite annual income of $323.4M from_com domain names alone, VeriSign claims it needs the increase to provide "1—HIGH—LEVEL—OF—SECURITY and reliability for_com".
20070413—20071015    This increase comes in THE—FACE—OF—COMPLAINTS by customers, registrars and senators alike that VeriSign is abusing its ICANN monopoly.
20070413—20071015    Yet the furrowed brows and PROMISES—OF—SENATORS—OF—INVESTIGATIONS have come to nothing, even though the only people seemingly in favor of the monopoly are ICANN and VeriSign.
20070413—20071015    With complaints about the pair running back to 20020000             , what can we THE—PUBLIC do to get our elected representatives to take the great domain name ripoff seriously?" 20070413             20070413—20071015    —FROM, "CNET reports VeriSign has made its move, increasing domain name prices by domains will —NOW cost $6.42 (up from $6) domains $3.85—PER annum.
20070413—20071015    With complaints about the pair running back to 20020000             , what can we the public do to get our elected representatives to take the great domain name ripoff seriously?" 20070413
20070825             aangirfan: 20061015—20061022              20070825             [INFOCON] Information Operations EUROPE 20040000             Conference
20070825             aangirfan: 20061015—20061022              20070916—20141022    —ON, 1—USA—FEDERAL—JURY convicted 4—BLACKWATER guards for killing 14—IRAQIS.
20070825             aangirfan: 20061015—20061022              20070907             —SLATED, The exercise which is, to run 20071015—20071020    —FROM—TO is described as 1—WAY to prepare, prevent and respond to ANY—NUMBER—OF—NATIONAL—CRISES.
20070907             —SLATED, The exercise which is, to run 20071015—20071020    —FROM—TO is described as 1—WAY to prepare, prevent and respond to ANY—NUMBER—OF—NATIONAL—CRISES.
20070919—20021015    —SEIT—DEM, Es war der größte punktmäßige Gewinn und
20070927             In einer Pressemitteilung vom 19851015             hieß es, die Einführung der Gurtpflicht auf den vorderen Autositzen knapp —3—JAHRE—ZUVOR habe die ZAHL—DER—TÖDLICHEN—VERKEHRSUNFÄLLE um 200—GESENKT.
20071015             —BECAME, Kathleen Casey, the 1. official USA—BABY boomer —FOLLOWING her 19460101             , birth —JUST—AFTER midnight.
20071015             Oft und gerne stellten die Chews ihre Häuser für die Gottesdienste zur Verfügung + sie stifteten in den 1. —JAHREN des 17010101—18001231     auch großzügig Land, auf dem 1—VERSAMMLUNGSHAUS für die Gemeinde errichtet wurde.
20071015             Terroristen sind vogelfrei, man kann sie ohne Gerichtsverhandlung inhaftieren, foltern, auf fremdem Territorium ermorden.
20071015             (20030116             ) - Nach Einschätzung des
20071015             —REPORTED, It was, that 3—OF—AMERICA—BIGGEST banks are banding together to set up an $80—BILLION fund to breathe life back into the commercial paper market.
20071015             THE—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT was urging banks to set up a "Master Liquidity Enhancement Conduit" to buy assets.
20071015             Americans LEONID—HURWICZ (20080000             † age 90), ERIC—S—MASKIN and ROGER—B—MYERSON won the Nobel economics prize for developing 1—THEORY that helps explain how sellers and buyers can maximize their gains from 1—TRANSACTION.
20071015             —LAUNCHED, News CORPORATION—FOX—BUSINESS—NETWORK, 1—NEW—CABLE—CHANNEL that will focus on financial markets and global economy news.
20071015             —SEIZED, S—DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, local and FEDERAL—AGENTS, over 5,000 trained birds in the largest cockfighting bust in USA—HISTORY.
20071015             —ASKED, NORTH—CAROLINA, GOVERNOR—MIKE—EASLEY, residents to stop washing cars and watering lawns as THE—SOUTH—EAST—USA experienced 1—SEVERE—DROUGHT.
20071015             —BECAME, Kathleen CASEY—KIRSCHLING, the 1. baby boomer to make 1—EARLY filing for Social Security benefits.
20071015             INTERNET addresses began in 11—LANGUAGES that do not use the Roman alphabet.
20071015             Medtronic INCORPORATED said it is stopping distribution of wires that connect SOME—OF—ITS—DEFIBRILLATORS to patients' hearts —AFTER learning they may have contributed to 5—DEATHS.
20071015             —LISTENED, CHINA, 2,217 delegates, as party leader Hu Jintao pledged to make communist rule more inclusive and better spread THE—FRUITS—OF—CHINA—ECONOMIC—BOOM.
20071015             Hu said economic growth must remain the party's main task.
20071015             1—ARMY minibus slammed into 1—WATER—TANKER—TRUCK in EGYPT—SINAI—PENINSULA, killing 13—SOLDIERS and THE—CIVIL—DRIVER.
20071015             —GRANTED, THE—EU, final approval to the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, which removes MANY—RESTRICTIONS on television product placement.
20071015             Member states will have —2—YEARS to adopt the new rules.
20071015             EUROPEAN—UNION—FOREIGN—MINISTERS gave their final approval to deploy a 3,000-strong EU peacekeeping force for —1—YEAR to help refugees and displaced people living along DARFUR—BORDERS with CHAD and THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC.
20071015             —DELIVERED, Airbus finally, its 1. A380 superjumbo jet.
20071015             SINGAPORE Airlines took delivery of THE—DOUBLE—DECKER jet, the world's largest passenger plane, almost —2—YEARS—LATE.
20071015             GERMANY, PRESIDENT—PUTIN held talks with GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL on the sidelines of 1—GERMAN—RUSSIA—POLITICAL—CONFERENCE called the Petersburg Dialogue.
20071015             —LAUNCHED, Gunmen, simultaneous mortar and machinegun attacks on 2—MAINLY POLAND—MILITARY—BASES in DIWANIYAH, —AFTER Shi'ite militants vowed to step up pressure on POLAND—SOLDIERS to force them out.
20071015             —FIRED, USA—HELICOPTERS, back —DURING clashes that killed 5—IRAQ—CIVILIANS, including 2—CHILDREN, and wounded 17. IRAQ—JOURNALIST—DHI—ABDUL—RAZAK—AL—DIBO, —32—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FREELANCE—REPORTER, was killed —WHILE driving his BMW with his guards near KIRKUK.
20071015             —SIGNED, MONTENEGRO, 1—STABILIZATION and association agreement with THE—EU, normally 1—STEP towards membership.
20071015             —FORMED, MOROCCO—LEADERS, —AFTER nearly —1—MONTH—OF—TOUGH—NEGOTIATIONS, 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT that includes 7—WOMEN but no 1—FROM the Islamic party that placed 2. —IN—SEPTEMBER—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTIONS.
20071015             —AGREED, RUSSIA—AGRICULTURE—MINISTER—ALEXEI—GORDEYEV said that major food producers and retailers had, to fix their prices at the current level —FOLLOWING talks with the government.
20071015             Fresh fighting in NORTH—SOMALIA left several combatants dead in 1—ESCALATING boundary dispute between the breakaway regions of Somaliland and Puntland.
20071015             NORTH—SRI—LANKA, 1—FIERCE—BATTLE broke out between government troops and Tamil rebels, leaving 30—GUERRILLAS—DEAD.
20071015             4—PROMINENT—ACTIVISTS resigned from 1—GOVERNMENT—ADVISORY—PANEL on human rights, saying that officials were more interested in fighting separatist rebels than protecting human rights.
20071015             Representatives of 7—DARFUR rebel groups met in SOUTH—SUDAN to try to reach 1—COMMON negotiating position AHEAD—OF—PEACE—TALKS with the government.
20071015             —VOTED, THE—SECURITY—COUNCIL, unanimously to extend THE—UN—OBSERVER—MISSION in GEORGIA, expressing "serious concern" at violence that has escalated tensions between GEORGIA and the breakaway REGION—OF—ABKHAZIA.
20071015             —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, unanimously to extend THE—UN peacekeeping mission in HAITI for —1—YEAR, noting significant improvements in security in recent months but saying the situation remains fragile.
20071015             AUSTRALIA PRIME—MINISTER—CALLS 20071124             Elections : PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD —ON—SUNDAY called general elections for 20071124             that will decide whether AUSTRALIA will start bringing home its troops from IRAQ.
20071015             an den Start gehen und dem Sender CNBC Konkurrenz machen soll.
20071015             Kampf gegen die Junta: JAPAN kappt Finanzhilfe für Burma
20071015             Stellenabbau: AOL streicht jeden 5. Arbeitsplatz
20071015             Jugendschutz: Von der Leyens KINDER—FAHNDER sind längst da
20071015             Gold rennt mit: Ölpreis auf Rekordstand - Citigroup Profit Fell 57% in 3. Quarter
20071015             Banks Create a Fund to Protect Credit Market - Arbeitsagenturen schwimmen im Geld
20071015             —ÜBERMACHT, Erdrückende, der Amerikaner
20071015             —PRIVATISIERT, Nato, Afghanistankrieg
20071015             SPANISCHE—MOBILFUNKANBIETER im Visier der Kartellbehörde - Kalter Krieg zwischen USA und TÜRKEI
20071015             Hiobsbotschaften der Citigroup belasten USA—Börsen
20071015             DALAI—LAMA—TREFFEN—CHINA sagt Treffen in BERLIN ab
20071015             LDP—NAKATANI calls refueling mission opponents 'terrorists'
20071015             Movistar, Vodafone y ORANGE, expedientadas por concertar tarifas
20071015             Barbara F Studley - F. Bainerman,J. THE—CRIMES—OF—1—PRESIDENT.
20071015             BEN—MENASHE,A. PROFITS—OF—WAR. Brewton,P. THE—MAFIA, CIA.
20071015             BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS -[] BARBARA—F—STUDLEY, Founder, Chairman & CEO, GMT Consultants Corporation and OmniSat Communications, INCORPORATED WILLIAM—L—THOMAS, MD, Executive VICE—PRESIDENT...
20071015             JEFF—STUDER — JOHN—STUDLEY : ZoomInfo Business People Information -[] Studley, Barbara, OmniSat Communications, INCORPORATED BARBARA—F—STUDLEY—FOUNDER, Chairman & CEO, GMT Consultants Corporation and OmniSat.
20071015             PTECH, 20010911             , and USA—SAUDI—ARABIA—TERROR—PART I
20071015             —CONNECTED, THE—SAAR—FOUNDATION is, to AL—TAQWA, 1—SHELL company formerly based in...
20071015             —WHILE Ptech PRESIDENT—YASSIN—AL—QADI does not appear on this list...
20071015             Complete 911—TIMELINE And it is dramatically changing the way people think about 20010911             .
20071015             ROBIN—DAYNE - "THE—TRADER—COACH" Featured on CNBC ROBBIE—GOWDEY.
20071015             PRESIDENT—OF—PAIN—TECH & CO—OWNER the Nutritional Co.
20071015             "To Your Health. ARNE—BELSBY—CURRENCY—TRADER. "Kingfish" S&P Trader.
20071015             DOCTOR—HERB—ROSS.
20071015             Untitled Document ROBBIE—GOWDEY—PRESIDENT—OF—PAIN—TECH & CO—OWNER the Nutritional Co. "To Your Health.
20071015             Where is IGI—HEAD—COCKROACH—PAUL—MYER?
20071015             My source went on to say, MISTER—HARRY—ROBINSON " Robbie" Gowdey, (FRISCO—TEXAS) who appears in the headline of THE—SEC main release, was touted as the biggest...
20071015             SEC MOVES FOR CONTEMPT AGAINST PRIME—BANK—DEFENDANT—J—JOHNSON—OF—GARLAND, TEXAS, HARRY—ROBINSON " Robbie" Gowdey of... " Robbie" Gowdey, individually and d/b/1—ATLAS and Jericho Productions...
20071015             ROBBIE—GOWDEY—GOWDEY—ROBBIE. Council for National Policy.
20071015             Mailing List. Member Participants.
20071015             SEC targets FL man in investment scheme JOHNSON—OF—GARLAND, TX, HARRY—ROBINSON " Robbie" Gowdey of Frisco, TX, individually and d/b/1—ATLAS and Jericho Productions, GRANT—CARDNO—OF—NORFOLK—ISLAND...
20071015             Hays Financial Consulting, LLC TRAVIS—E—CORRELL, individually and doing business as Horizon Establishment;
20071015             GREGORY—THOMPSON; Dwight J. Johnson;
20071015             HARRY—ROBINSON " Robbie" Gowdey, age 53, resides in FRISCO—TEXAS + is doing. business as Atlas and Jericho Productions in connection with the World Bank...
20071015             Council for National Policy Database A—G ROBBIE—GOWDEY—CNP BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS (19820000             ).
20071015             Director, HERE—LIFE, WORLD—OF—THE—CAMPUS—CRUSADE for Christ.
20071015             [Miller 5; SEE: NELSON—BUNKER—HUNT]
20071015             EV Hill JIMMY—HILL.
20071015             _themes_/_abramoff_http - Bright, ROBBIE—GOWDEY, HOWARD—A—BALL, NELSON—BUNKER—HUNT.
20071015             4um: Cheney to address secret group ROBBIE—GOWDEY.
20071015             Worsening plight of bumblebee worries scientists
20071015             Looking high and low, Robbin Thorp can no longer find 1—SPECIES—OF bumblebee that —JUST—5—YEARS—AGO was plentiful in NORTH—WEST—CALIFORNIA and SOUTH—WEST—OREGON.
20071015             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION should be held accountable for torture : —WHEN THE—PRESIDENT declares that he has never authorized torture, he is speaking 1—LANGUAGE—OF his own invention.
20071015             The pressing question —NOW is not whether THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION endorsed torture -- plainly it did -- but what the country and the world should do about it.
20071015             USA maternal death rate higher than EUROPE's: report: THE—USA has 1—SHARPLY higher RATE—OF—WOMEN dying —DURING or —JUST—AFTER pregnancy than European countries, even SOME—RELATIVELY poor countries such as MACEDONIA and Bosnia, according to the 1. estimates in —5—YEARS on maternal deaths worldwide.
20071015             Candidates COURT—JEWISH support:
20071015             Clinton, Giuliani attract SOME—EARLY—INTEREST
20071015             USA, IRAQ Negotiate Blackwater Expulsion : USA and IRAQ—OFFICIALS are negotiating BAGHDAD—DEMAND that security company Blackwater USA be expelled from the country within —6—MONTHS + USA—DIPLOMATS appear to be working on how to fill the security gap if the company is phased out.
20071015             TURKEY shells IRAQ border amid incursion talk : TURKEY—TROOPS have begun shelling areas across THE—IRAQ—BORDER in the autonomous Kurdish region, as ANKARA prepares to seek MPs' approval for 1—GROUND—INCURSION.
20071015             Kurdish rebel COMMANDER—WARNS—TURKEY against attacks on IRAQ—KURDISH region : 1—KURDISH—REBEL—COMMANDER has warned TURKEY it would encounter tough resistance and 1—DRAGGED—OUT, VIETNAM—STYLE—CONFLICT, if it launched 1—LARGE—SCALE—OFFENSIVE against the Kurdish rebels in NORTH—IRAQ.
20071015             TURKEY—GENERAL: USA 'shot its own foot':
20071015             Official warns of irreversible damage if Congress passes genocide resolution
20071015             ARMENIA genocide measure to advance: USA—LAWMAKERS : The top Democrat in THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—ON—SUNDAY said she intends to press ahead on 1—RESOLUTION calling 19150000             —THE massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turks genocide, despite WHITE—HOUSE—CONCERNS it will damage relations with TURKEY, 1—KEY—SUPPORTER—OF—THE—IRAQ war.
20071015             The "Great Game" Enters the Mediterranean:
20071015             Congress must approve USA—ATTACK vs IRAN: Pelosi: PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH must seek congressional approval —BEFORE taking ANY—MILITARY action in IRAN, unless TEHRAN attacks THE—USA 1., House Speaker NANCY Pelosi said —ON—SUNDAY.
20071015             —VIEWED, RUSSIA—LEADER—1. trip to IRAN, as test of Kremlin intentions: —WHEN PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN visits TEHRAN —THIS—WEEK, he will be closely watched for ANY—SIGN that he has moved closer to launching the nuclear reactor RUSSIA is building for IRAN.
20071015             RUSSIA: Terrorists Planned to Kill Putin in IRAN: RUSSIA—OFFICIALS announced —SUNDAY that suicide bombers had planned to kill RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN —DURING 1—VISIT to IRAN.
20071015             The terrorists had undergone lengthy training, they said.
20071015             No military bases in GEORGIA and UKRAINE, USA to Russi a : USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES reassured RUSSIA —YESTERDAY that the Pentagon will not put military bases in EX—SOVIET—GEORGIA and UKRAINE, but he criticised MOSCOW for arms sales to USA foes IRAN and Syria.
20071015             The 'Good Germans' Among Us - "BUSH lies" doesn't cut it anymore.
20071015             It's time to confront the darker reality that we are lying to ourselves.
20071015             Pulitzer PRIZE—WINNING BOSTON Globe reporter CHARLIE—SAVAGE joins us to talk about his new book, "Takeover: THE—RETURN—OF—THE—IMPERIAL—PRESIDENCY and THE—SUBVERSION—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY".
20071015             —CIRCUMVENTED, Savage charts the ways THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, laws and expanded presidential authority.
20071015             NANCY Pelosi, Meet Your Replacement! —9—MINUTE—VIDEO
20071015             UK backs plan to SPLIT Taliban from within:
20071015             —SPEARHEADED, The strategy, by THE—AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT, HAMID—KARZAI, reflects 1—SIGNIFICANT—SHIFT in UK—POLICY + is showing initial SIGNS—OF—SUCCESS.
20071015             —LEARNED, THE—GUARDIAN has, that MEMBERS—OF—THE—TALIBAN—LEADERSHIP—COUNCIL have used GO—BETWEENS to negotiate their defection
20071015             Taliban sets out demands to AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT: Senior Taliban commanders in Helmand province have sent 1—LIST—OF—DEMANDS to the Karzai government as PART—OF—TENTATIVE—BACK—CHANNEL—TALKS to bring 1—PEACEFUL—END to the conflict.
20071015             OLMERT—RICE meeting: No USA—PRESSURE:
20071015             PRIME—MINISTER—BELIEVES—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE does not plan to force ISRAEL into accepting timetable on refugees, JERUSALEM and border issues
20071015             —TURNED, Amira Hass: ISRAEL has, THE—GAZA—STRIP into 1—ZOO: 1—ZOO.
20071015             This is 1—OF—THE—WAYS that Palestinians describe the conditions under which nearly 1.5—MILLION—OF them have been living: in 1—AREA—OF—SOME 360—SQUARE kilometers, closed in on 3—SIDES by sophisticated BARBED—WIRE fences, concrete walls and military lookout towers + to the west by ISRAEL—NAVY ships that seal them off from the sea.
20071015             —UNMANNED, Overhead, in the sky, aircraft and hot air balloons continually
20071015             photograph whatever happens inside this closed cage
20071015             Envoy urges UN to quit Quartet over lack of regard for human rights : THE—UNITED—NATIONS should pull OUT—OF—THE—QUARTET—OF—MIDDLE—EAST—MEDIATORS unless the group starts taking PALESTINE—HUMAN—RIGHTS seriously, 1—UN—ENVOY said —ON—MONDAY.
20071015             TURKEY—FORCES—BARRAGE—BORDER—AREA in NORTH—IRAQ : Residents in NORTH—IRAQ called for USA—INTERVENTION—AFTER officials said artillery and rocket fire struck hillsides near villages in IRAQ—BORDER—AREA with TURKEY over the weekend.
20071015             TURKEY Takes Step Toward IRAQ Operation:
20071015             THE—TURKEY—GOVERNMENT will seek parliamentary approval for 1—MILITARY—OPERATION against Kurdish rebels in NORTH—IRAQ, 1—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN said —MONDAY.
20071015             The spokesman, Cemil Cicek, said he hoped PARLIAMENT would vote on the motion —THIS—WEEK, passage is considered likely
20071015             THE—TURKS find USA—GUNS:
20071015             Remember those AMERICA BOUGHT guns that went missing in IRAQ?
20071015             —ENDED, SOME—OF—THEM have, up in the hands of Kurdish separatists in TURKEY
20071015             'MANY—IN—THE—USA—MILITARY think Bush and Cheney are OUT—OF—CONTROL': military historian : THE—USA—MILITARY is stretched to the limit.
20071015             They are losing both wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20071015             Clinton on IRAN: All options must remain on table : THE—NEW—YORK SENATOR—SAID—IRAN poses 1—LONG—TERM—STRATEGIC—CHALLENGE to THE—USA, its NATO—ALLIES and ISRAEL and accused THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OF—NEGLIGENCE in dealing with IRAN.
20071015             —EXAGGERATED, IRAN—THREAT "overly " - Margelov:
20071015             "Neither THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY (IAEA), nor anyone else has ANY—CONVINCING evidence suggesting that IRAN is developing nuclear weapons".
20071015             Putin hits at efforts to 'intimidate' IRAN : RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN has criticised what he said were INTERNATIONAL efforts to "intimidate" IRAN into abandoning its nuclear programme, arguing that TEHRAN would not respond to such pressure.
20071015             —CLAIMED, STALIN, to have uncovered 1—PLOT by the Nazis to assassinate MISTER—ROOSEVELT in TEHRAN, persuading THE—USA—PRESIDENT to stay at THE—SOVIET—EMBASSY —DURING the summit.
20071015             RICE—CONCERNED—WITH—RUSSIA—MILITARY : USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—OF—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said she's concerned about RUSSIA—INCREASING arms sales to IRAN, SYRIA—VENEZUELA and other USA adversaries.
20071015             UN urges 'vigorous' USA—RAID—PROBE : THE—UNITED—NATIONS has called for a "vigorous" investigation into 1—USA—AIR—RAID that killed 15—IRAQ—WOMEN and children —LAST—WEEK.
20071015             No Legitimate Justification for War with IRAN:
20071015             The reality is that THE—USA—CONTINUES to plan to initiate and sustain 1—MILITARY—STRIKE against IRAN.
20071015             —MANIPULATED, THE—EXECUTIVE—BRANCH—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has successfully, the Congress of THE—USA to the point that, through 2—WAR—POWERS—RESOLUTIONS (1 issued 20010900             —IN, the other 20021000             —IN ), there no longer remain ANY—CONSTITUTIONAL remedies to the problem of unprovoked unilateral military action by 1—UNITARY—EXECUTIVE which increasingly positions itself to operate above the law and beyond legislative oversight.
20071015             "—JUST Say No" to THE—USA.
20071015             THE—USA will force the Arab regimes to attend BUSH—FALL—CONFERENCE;
20071015             and as usual; the Arabs will once again demonstrate their allegiance to AMERICA—INTERESTS, damn the Palestinians, their people + the Muslim world.
20071015             —MISSED, In case you, it
20071015             Dispensationalism is 1—OF—THE—MOST influential theological systems within the universal church —TODAY.
20071015             —UNRECOGNISED, Largely, and subliminal, it has increasingly shaped THE—PRESUPPOSITIONS—OF—FUNDAMENTALIST, evangelical, Pentecostal and charismatic thinking concerning ISRAEL and Palestine over the past 100 and —50—YEARS.
20071015             Outsourcing Torture
20071015             —CALLED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, for the respect of human rights in Burma, 1—PRETTY—SAFE—PIECE—OF posturing, but it remains silent as EGYPT—DICTATOR, GENERAL—HOSNI—MUBARAK, unleashes the largest crackdown on public opposition in over —1—DECADE.
20071015             Our moral indignation over the shooting of monks masks the incestuous and growing alliance we have built in THE—SO—CALLED—WAR—ON—TERROR with SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST venal dictatorships.
20071015             Slaughter of the Innocents -
20071015             Something is Rotten in IRAQ and THE—PENTAGON—BY- DAVE—LINDORFF
20071015             The truth: we are conducting 1—SLAUGHTER—OF—INNOCENTS in IRAQ that is as bad as anything the Nazis did in their EAST—FRONT—CAMPAIGN.
20071015             Wisdom Amid 1—WORLD—TIRED—OF—THE—USA—MEGAPHONE
20071015             Dignity is the issue that vexes BILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE—AROUND the world, not democracy.
20071015             Indeed, —WHEN people hear PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH preaching about democratic values, it often comes across as 1 veiled ASSERTION—OF—AMERICA—POWER.
20071015             The implicit message is that other countries should be more like USA—REPLACING their institutions, values and traditions with ours.
20071015             LA Times: "As THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DEALS with the fallout from the recent killings of civilians by private security firms in IRAQ, SOME—OFFICIALS are asking whether the contractors could be considered unlawful combatants under INTERNATIONAL agreements".
20071015             —NOW, Ain't That Ironic?
20071015             —GRADED, S—ANTONIO—EXPRESS—NEWS: "Young people have, Christianity + so far, the report card doesn't look good. Majorities of young people in AMERICA DESCRIBE MODERN—DAY—CHRISTIANITY as judgmental, hypocritical and ANTI—GAY. WHAT—MORE, MANY—CHRISTIANS don't even want to call themselves "Christian" BECAUSE—OF—THE—BAGGAGE that accompanies the label".
20071015             Stop Here to Get Buzzed Everymorning with BuzzFlash Alerts.
20071015             Click and Go.
20071015             With the Holidays Ahead, Remember to Buy Liberally from the BuzzFlash Progessive Marketplace -- and Keep BuzzFlash Buzz'n
20071015             LET—CHECK the "Republicans leaving the House" scoreboard: REPRESENTATIVE—DAVID—HOBSON is —NOW the 12. to announce his retirement and the 3. from OHIO 10/16
20071015             Bush picks tobacco over kids and IRAQ is 'a nightmare with no end in sight' -- VERSE—CASE—SCENARIO by TONY—PEYSER
20071015             MARY—SHAW: Obama blows it with 'Kingdom on Earth' comment -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20071015             CHRIS—HEDGES: Outsourcing Torture 10/16
20071015             Kucinich: Bring Team Bush to Justice 10/16
20071015             —ON THE—CIA coke trail: Doubtful doings in DELAWARE
20071015             It appears CLYDE—O'CONNOR—CESSNA 210 is N210TM, which flew from HALIFAX Int'l to S—JOHNS—INT'L—ON—THURSDAY night + then Ponta Delgada, in the Azores, THE—NEXT—MORNING.
20071015             N210TM IS—REGISTERED to Mellon Investments Corporation, located at 3511—SILVERSIDE Road, Suite 105, WILMINGTON—DELAWARE.
20071015             This is the address of DELAWARE Registry, Ltd., 1—COMPANY that sets up DELAWARE corporations.
20071015             allegedly CIA employees.
20071015             —UNCOVERED, This article about the planespotters who, the rendition scandal tells the tale:
20071015             1—SURPRISING NUMBER—OF—AIRCRAFT used in THE—CIA—PROGRAM belonged (on paper) to businesses "headquartered" at that same OFFICE—IN—WILMINGTON: 3511—SILVERSIDE Road, Suite 105.
20071015             And guess which other noteworthy organization used that address?
20071015             This ROMANIAN—LANGUAGE—STORY connects that address to 1—SHADY pair named Dimitros Kokkos and Riffat Mahmoud.
20071015             I wasn't able to decipher much from that article, —SINCE there are no good free online ROMANIAN—ENGLAND—TRANSLATION—SERVICES.
20071015             (My Romanian is, er, 1—LITTLE rusty.) But
20071015             Googling on those names brought forth 1—WILD tale OF—NEFARIOUS—DOINGS on the high seas
20071015             (Note: There are several ways to transliterate "Riffat Mahmoud," and "Dimitros" probably should read "Dimitrios".)
20071015             —ACCUSED—OF, These guys ran cargo ships + stood, transporting OSAMA—OPERATIVES.
20071015             These incidents suggest that Kokkos and Muhammed are chiefs of al QAEDA—MARITIME operations.
20071015             Kokkos has links with GREECE—CRIME syndicates and is purely driven by commercial interests —WHILE Muhammed is 1—AL—QAEDA operative in the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean.
20071015             Their modus operandi is simple: al Qaeda operatives posing as seamen are flown in from KARACHI, embark on vessels to support cells, collect/disburse/disseminate cash, addresses, instructions and identity papers.
20071015             Besides, the strategy involves using small, weather beaten, rusty cargo vessels that change names and flags at sea.
20071015             —BEFORE arriving at 1—PORT, the vessels rendezvous with another ship, offload the operatives who then masquerade as stowaway/ distressed immigrants.
20071015             —PUBLISHED, La Repubblica, this lengthy report on Kokkos and Mahmoud.
20071015             Riffat Mahmoud, we learn, has 2—PASSPORTS and holds dual citizenship in AMERICA and PAKISTAN.
20071015             Oi.
20071015             Der CHIEF—CONSTABLE—VON—NORTH—WALES fordert, ALLE—DROGEN (auch Heroin und Kokain) freizugeben.
20071015             RICHARD—BRUNSTROM, THE—CHIEF—CONSTABLE—OF—NORTH—WALES, advocates 1—END to UK drug policy based on "prohibition".
20071015             His comments come as the Home Office —THIS—WEEK—ENDS the process of gathering expert advice looking at the next —10—YEARS—OF—STRATEGY.
20071015             In his radical analysis, which he will present to THE—NORTH—WALES Police Authority —TODAY, MISTER—BRUNSTROM points out that illegal drugs are —NOW cheaper and more plentiful than ever —BEFORE.
20071015             —SOARED, THE—NUMBER—OF—USERS has, —WHILE DRUG—RELATED crime is rising with narcotics —NOW supporting 1—WORLDWIDE—BUSINESS empire 2. only in value to oil.
20071015             "If policy on drugs is in future to be pragmatic not moralistic, driven by ethics not dogma, then the current prohibitionist stance will have to be swept away as both unworkable and immoral, to be replaced with 1—EVIDENCE—BASED unified system (specifically including tobacco and alcohol) aimed at minimisation of harms to society," he will say.
20071015             Die Menschheit drängt zum Mars,
20071015             Unsichtbare Objekte: Mathematiker entwirft Tarnzylinder
20071015             Steigende STROM—UND Gaspreise: "Es ist die blanke Gier"
20071015             "KINDER—SPITZEL": VON—DER—LEYEN sucht neue Wege für Kinder als Testkäufer
20071015             Militärjunta: EU beschließt schärfere Sanktionen gegen Burma
20071015             Ärztemangel: Briten ziehen sich selbst die Zähne
20071015             Hypothekenkrise: USA—GROßBANKEN einigen sich auf NOTFALL—FONDS
20071015             —SIGNALISIERT, Nahost: Olmert, Kompromissbereitschaft in JERUSALEM—FRAGE
20071015             IRAN—REISE: PRÄSIDENT—PUTIN lässt sich vom Öl des Kaspischen Meeres locken
20071015             Raumschiffe der Zukunft: Im Käseigel zum Mars
20071015             Ausländische Investitionen: Indiens Börse schließt auf Allzeithoch
20071015             Neue Partei: Millionen Italiener wählen Roms BÜRGERMEISTER—ZUM—VORSITZENDEN
20071015             —GEKOMMEN, Nahost: Rice sieht Zeit für Palästinenserstaat
20071015             Neuer Rekord: Ölpreis springt über 85- DOLLAR—MARKE
20071015             DEUTSCHE—BÜHNEN: Wir sind Terrorweltmeister
20071015             KANADA: Flugpassagier stirbt durch Elektroschocker
20071015             NETZWELT—TICKER: Die 4- TERABYTE—FESTPLATTE kommt
20071015             Die Superbakterien aus dem Krankenhaus werden zunehmend auch 1—BEDROHUNG für die Allgemeinheit.
20071015             1—ENTWICKLUNG, die zuerst in USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—STÄDTEN, dann auch in GROSSBRITANNIEN beobachtet wurde: Dort treten zunehmend MISTER—S—A—INFEKTIONEN außerhalb von Krankenhäusern auf.
20071015             JEDES—JAHR sterben nach Schätzung der DGKH 50.000—PATIENTEN an Krankenhauskeimen.
20071015             Rund 500.000—BIS 800.000—PATIENTEN infizieren sich jährlich mit Erregern im Krankenhaus, schätzt das Berliner ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI).
20071015             Das Problem hat 2—SEITEN: bakterielle Hochrüstung und menschliches Versagen.
20071015             —ERST kürzlich sorgten BRITISCHE—KRANKENHÄUSER für Schlagzeilen: Krankenschwestern hatten sich nicht die Hände gewaschen und Patienten in ihren Exkrementen liegen lassen.
20071015             —GEFÜHRT, Skandalöse hygienische Zustände, die in den Kliniken dazu, hatten, dass sich das resistente Bakterium Clostridium difficile dramatisch ausbreiten konnte und mehr als 10000000             Patienten infizierte.
20071015             90—MENSCHEN starben an der CLOSTRIDIEN—INFEKTION.
20071015             Schlechte KRANKENHAUS—HYGIENE: Superbakterien haben leichtes Spiel
20071015             Atomstreit: Putin reist trotz Anschlagsgerüchten nach Teheran
20071015             USA: Immer weniger Menschen sterben an Krebs
20071015             DEUTSCH—RUSSISCHE—BEZIEHUNGEN: Merkel und Putin beschwören Zusammenarbeit
20071015             Straftaten: Wirtschaft skriminalität kostet DEUTSCHE—FIRMEN Milliarden - USA: Gelingt Gore die Gegenrevolution?
20071015             INTERNET—ÜBERWACHUNG: Schnüffelei ohne Rechtsgrundlage?
20071015             Begriffstaktik: Krieg und Terror werden immer ununterscheidbarer vermischt.
20071015             Die Gleichsetzung von Terror mit Kriegsandrohung, der nur durch Krieg zu begegnen ist, ermöglicht —HEUTE die Beantwortung des Terrors durch Terror, der als unumgängliche Maßnahme im Rahmen eines
20071015             faktischen Kriegszustands gerechtfertigt wird: Im Krieg ist eben alles erlaubt.
20071015             USA—AUßENMINISTERIUMS vom Frühjahr 20010000             geht —DERZEIT von weltweit etwa 130—TERRORGRUPPEN eine nukleare Gefahr aus.
20071015             Dies sollte nicht verwundern, denn zum einen sind
20071015             —BIS—HEUTE —ERST rund 15—PROZENT—DES—WAFFENFÄHIGEN—NUKLEARMATERIALS der ehemaligen UdSSR gesichert.
20071015             Gedächtnisschwäche: Bluttest soll ALZHEIMER—RISIKO ermitteln
20071015             ISRAEL—NEWS—STEP 2: —SINCE Islam must declare WAR—ON—UNBELIEF, they have declared war upon the whole world.
20071015             Wegen Volksverhetzung, Hochverrats und Blasphemie steht er —DERZEIT vor Gericht.
20071015             Ihm droht die Todesstrafe.
20071015             Dem RICHTER—SHAMSUL—ALAM... ZIONISM—
20071015             think eMeidi: 20070900
20071015             —BIS vor kurzem war ich der Meinung, dass unser Land unmöglich anfällig auf solche Propaganda werden KÖNNTE—SEIT
20071015             —SINCE the Nazi practice of Sippenhaft — kin liability — whereby relatives of criminals were held responsible for... _09_01_emeidi_archive.html
20071015             Kein Zweifel, SAMUEL—CHEW herrschte in Herrington.
20071015             Bigotter Sklavenhalter
20071015             Vom exquisiten Lebensstil der ehrenwerten Familie wusste man —BISHER wenig.
20071015             Noch erschütternder als die irdischen Besitztümer ist aber die Art und Weise, wie die Chews zu ihrem Reichtum kamen.
20071015             1—BLICK in die Archive der Stadt enthüllt die wahre Gesinnung des frommen Freundes: Sowohl SAMUEL—CHEW—II als auch III waren Händler und Tabakfarmer.
20071015             Während anderenorts Quäker ihr Leben für die Gleichberechtigung von Sklaven aufs Spiel setzten,
20071015             ließen die Chews auf ihren Ländereien für den Tabakanbau, die damals arbeitsintensivste FORM—VON—LANDWIRTSCHAFT, —BIS zu 140—SKLAVEN schuften.
20071015             Vielleicht ist es diese Bigotterie, die ANNE—CHEW —BIS—HEUTE keine Ruhe lässt.
20071015             QUÄKER—HAUS in MARYLAND: Die bigotten Herrscher von Herrington
20071015             ENGLISCHE—FUSSBALLVOKABELN: Klassenbewusstsein im Stadion
20071015             Edwards questions CLINTON—SINCERITY on KYL—LIEBERMAN Amendment vote
20071015             LARRY—CRAIG, We've Found Your Soulmate: VATICAN Official Insists He's "Not Gay"
20071015             AFGHANISTAN: UK—FORCES—FEAR influx of Americans may harm 'hearts and minds' campaign —AFTER Blackwater shootings in IRAQ 10/15
20071015             Kristol Is Pushing For ?THE—NEXT—WORLD—WAR?
20071015             10/15 - THE—VIEW—FROM—ABROAD: AMERICA?s Love Affair with Guns Has No End in Sight
20071015             Gore Wins Nobel, NY Times Slights Him on Cover 10/15
20071015             Kurdish rebel COMMANDER—WARNS—TURKEY against attacks on IRAQ—KURDISH region
20071015             Make your free reservation.
20071015             Auf dem Parteikongress wird außerdem die politische Linie für die kommenden —JAHRE festgelegt.
20071015             Einer STUDIE—DER—WELTBANK zufolge sterben in CHINA JEDES—JAHR 460.000—MENSCHEN vorzeitig an den Folgen verseuchter Luft und verschmutzten Trinkwassers.
20071015             PEKING—CHINA werde künftig stärker auf die Belastungen für die Umwelt Rücksicht nehmen, kündigte PRÄSIDENT—HU—JINTAO zu Beginn des Kongresses der Kommunistischen Partei an.
20071015             "Wir werden 1—SYSTEM errichten, dass zum Energiesparen und der Reduzierung von Abgasen verpflichtet".
20071015             Hu Jintao gab zu, dass Chinas Wirtschaft swachstum "mit unmäßig hohen Kosten bei unseren Rohstoffen und unserer Umwelt erzielt" werde.
20071015             Vor einigen —MONATEN hatte Chinas Umweltschutzbehörde offen eingestanden, dass die hohe Umweltverschmutzung in dem Land zunehmend Unruhen und Massenproteste auslöst.
20071015             Immer öfter komme es zu Aufständen und Demonstrationen, weil die Menschen um ihre Gesundheit fürchteten.
20071015             USE—OF—USA—MILITARY—BASES here is the key.
20071015             THERE—1—FANTASTIC—ARTICLE out by PETER—DALE—SCOTT tracking THE—DRUG—TRAFFICKING links between THE—RUSSIA mafia, Islamic terrorists and USA—INTERESTS that include Haliburton, Khashoggi and NEIL—BUSH.
20071015             This is 1—KEY—ARTICLE, if people can get the chance to read it, on the political powers that are controlling THE—INTERNATIONAL—DRUG—TRADE.
20071015             (link) - Briefly, there is 1—RUSSIA—TRANSPORT—COMPANY, Far West, that:
20071015             "specializes in consulting work on QUESTIONS—OF—SECURITY in conducting business in REGIONS—OF—THE—WORLD with unstable environments and hiring personnel for foreign private military companies".
20071015             "...connected with the secured transport of commercial shipments from AFGHANISTAN, where we have 1—OFFICE, to ports on the Black Sea.
20071015             AFGHANISTAN, there is 1—WELL—KNOWN—USA—AIR—BASE in Bagram.
20071015             —CONNECTED, It is, by 1—AERIAL bridge with 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—USA—AIR—BASES.
20071015             For example, with the largest base in FRANKFURT—ON—MAIN, that's in GERMANY, with 1—INTERMEDIARY landing in Chkalovsk, in THE—MOSCOW area.
20071015             But the most commercially attractive route seems to be that from Bagram to THE—USA—AIR—BASE in Magas, in KYRGYZSTAN".
20071015             —CONNECTED, Far West is, to these companies: Meteoric Tactical Solutions (in ANGOLA);
20071015             KBR Halliburton(in COLOMBIA, AFGHANISTAN, KOSOVO—GEORGIA + IRAQ); Diligence IRAQ LLC (in IRAQ).
20071015             Far WEST—COOPERATION with these companies began in the end of 19940000             in ANGOLA on THE—INITIATIVE—OF—RUSSIA—ARMS—TRAFFICKER—VICTOR—BOUT.
20071015             —ADVISED, Bout, you may recall, is THE—1—CONDOLEEZA Rice, THE—CIA about: "You can look, but don't touch".
20071015             Protected species. Drugs and arms trafficking. You get the idea.
20071015             Notice, however, THE—USE—OF—USA—AIRBASES by these private companies and the officially sanctioned CO—OPTION—OF—THE—USA—DEFENSE—DEPT in organized crime.
20071015             Even if Bush goes, these guys will remain.
20071015             Kreditkrise: Banken planen 100- MILLIARDEN—NOTFALLFONDS
20071015             KOMMUNISTEN—PARTEITAG: CHINA entdeckt den Umweltschutz
20071015             Atomstreit: Merkel droht IRAN mit härteren Sanktionen
20071015             RAF—TERRORISMUS: BUBACK—SOHN fragt nach der Verwicklung von Geheimdiensten
20071015             —SHOWED, Nobel winner PAUL—CRUTZEN and his team, that we may have... This long paper is 1—DEVASTATING critique of current biofuels policy.
20071015             Carbon Commentary Newsletter #3 -
20071015             If biofuels are the answer, we are asking the wrong question.
20071015             Holding back the unstoppable TIDE—OF—GREEN—CLAIMS. THE—SEVERN barrage.
20071015             Interactive comment on "N O release from AGRO—BIOFUEL—PRODUCTION... -
20071015             ( Crutzen et al., 20070000             ) and relate those to the critique /suggestions of the... improvements to current practice in biofuel crop production would be more...
20071015             —AFTER Gutenberg " Biofuel is, too, 1—LAUGHING gas matter The study of N2O release from AGRO—BIOFUEL—PRODUCTION by Crutzen, et al...
20071015             SIMON—DONNER provides 1—THOUGHTFUL—CRITIQUE—OF—THE—PAPER + why he + most...
20071015             —AFTER Gutenberg " Don't Panic, But THE—GEO—ENGINEERS Have Arrived
20071015             Similarly, Nobelist PAUL—CRUTZEN suggests that adding sulphur to the atmosphere would increase... producing methane (1—BIO—FUEL ) and 1—ORGANIC fertilizer.
20071015             at that same OFFICE—IN—WILMINGTON : 3511—SILVERSIDE Road, Suite 105.
20071015             Kokkos has links with GREECE—CRIME syndicates and is purely... /10/ON—CIA—COKE—TRAIL—DOUBTFUL—DOINGS—IN.html
20071015             Cannonfire -, War + GEO—POLITICS
20071015—19430000    —FROM, 'Bomb plot' gives Putin another chance to play INTERNATIONAL hardman : There is 1—INTERESTING historical echo.
20071015—19450000    —ENFORCED, Sanctions, by THE—UN on IRAQ —SINCE the Gulf War have killed more people than THE—2—ATOMIC—BOMBS dropped on JAPAN, including over half 1—MILLION—CHILDREN—MANY—OF—WHOM weren't even born —WHEN the Gulf War began.
20071015—20010911    —AFTER, Subsequently moved to THE—USA, AL—TAQWA was shut down...
20071015—20010911    —AFTER, He was still doing business in THE—USA, and —AFTER suspected AL—QAEDA operatives were found aboard his ships.
20071015—20010911    —SINCE, NYT Editorial: "Ever, we have watched Republican lawmakers help MISTER—BUSH shred the Constitution in THE—NAME—OF—FIGHTING terrorism. We have seen Democrats acquiesce or retreat in fear. It is time for that to stop".
20071015—20020000    —IN, back.
20071015—20030000    —IN, N1116G, 1—AIRCRAFT owned by 1—LEASING, 1—CORPORATION with the same address as Mellon Investments, crashed in COLUMBIA with 4—PEOPLE on BOARD that were
20071015—20071027    —ON, —1—NIGHT with GREG—PALAST in CHICAGO.
20071015—20071221    —ON, THE—3—LARGEST—USA—BANKS gave up on the fund.
20071015—20080131    —UNTIL, The prices for basic foods will be fixed, 1—PERIOD which covers parliamentary elections.
20071015—20100000    —BIS, Die jährliche Zielmarke zur Senkung der Emissionen um 10 % hatte CHINA zuletzt nicht erreicht.
20071015—20130000    —BY, VIDEO: GOVERNOR—BILL—RICHARDSON—AND—WORDS—OF—WAR; 'Richardson contends, as he always has, that there is no military solution in IRAQ, setting himself apart from Senators Hillary Clinton and BARACK—OBAMA who who will promise to bring the troops home.' 10/16
20071015—20200000    —IN, the 1. A380 to fly was sent to the scrapheap as THE—COVID—19—PANDEMIC cast 1—PALL on the future of GLOBE—TROTTING.
20080715—20081015    —ON, she was sentenced to —5—YEARS in prison for spying.
20080818             13—MILITANTS were reported killed 20091015             —SEE.
20081015             SPPPJ—SOCIEDADE Portuguesa de Psiquiatria e Psicologia da Justiça
20081015             Queixas estas que acabam, em 30% dos casos, por não configurar qualquer crime.
20081015             Os números são do Departamento Central de Informação Criminal e Polícia...
20081015             IOL DIÁRIO—PORTUGUESES apresentam poucas queixas na polícia
20081015             Apenas duas em cada dez pessoas ameaçadas por armas brancas ou de fogo participam o crime às autoridades.
20081015             Favoritos: Tags: policiais
20081015             Desde que identificado devidamente, qualquer cidadão português vai poder apresentar uma queixa por via electrónica junto das autoridades policiais. policiais
20081015             —TELEVISED, JOHN—MCCAIN and BARACK—OBAMA held their final, debate at Hofstra Univ. in HEMPSTEAD—NEW—YORK.
20081015             —MODERATED, It was, by BOB—SCHIEFFER—OF—CBS.
20081015             —REPORTED, THE—USA—COMMERCE—DEPARTMENT, that retail sales decreased 1.2% —LAST—MONTH, nearly double the 0.7% drop that had been expected.
20081015             —PLUNGED, Stocks, 733—POINTS in their 2. biggest point loss ever.
20081015             At Camp PENDLETON—CALIFORNIA, SERGEANT—JAN—PIETRZAK, —24—JAHRE—ALT and his wife, Quiana JENKINS—PIETRZAK, —26—JAHRE—ALT were found gagged, tied and shot in the head in the living room of their Winchester home.
20081015             —RANSACKED, Investigators said the house had been, and 1—FIRE had been 20080901             —APPARENT—EFFORT to destroy evidence.
20081015             4—MARINES were —LATER charged with 2—COUNTS—OF—1.—DEGREE murder and SPECIAL—CIRCUMSTANCE—ALLEGATIONS—OF committing multiple murders, committing the crime —DURING 1—ROBBERY and rape by instrument.
20081015             —CRASHED, ILLINOIS, 1—MEDICAL—HELICOPTER, —JUST—BEFORE midnight and killed 1—DESPERATELY ill —1—YEAR—OLD—GIRL and 3—CREW members —WHEN the aircraft clipped 1—RADIO—STRUCTURE'S wire and went down in 1—SUBURBAN—CHICAGO field.
20081015             1—NEW—YORK—CITY—POLICE—OFFICER warned MICHAEL—MINEO, 1—TATTOO parlor worker, that if he reported being sodomized with 1—BATON —DURING 1—ARREST at 1—SUBWAY—STATION, officers would lock him up for 1—FELONY.
20081015             —CHARGED, Officer RICHARD—KERN, —25—JAHRE—ALT was —LATER, with aggravated sexual abuse and assault.
20081015             —CHARGED, Fellow Officers ALEX—CRUZ and ANDREW—MORALES were, with hindering prosecution and official misconduct for allegedly covering up the crime.
20081015             —BOMBED, AFGHANISTAN, INTERNATIONAL war planes, 1—GATHERING—OF—TALIBAN and other militants overnight in Barham Chah on the border with PAKISTAN and killed up to 70. 1—EXPLOSION in Helmand province killed 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—SOLDIER.
20081015             Authorities in AZERBAIJAN said turnout was high in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION boycotted by the opposition and almost certain to return Ilham Aliyev for a 2. term in THE—OIL—PRODUCING state.
20081015             PRESIDENT—ILHAM—ALIYEV had 89—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE with 70—PERCENT—OF—PRECINCTS reporting.
20081015             —PLEADED, NICKY—REILLY, —22—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CONVERT to Islam, guilty at 1—LONDON court to attempted murder and engaging in preparation for terrorism by researching how to make bombs.
20081015             —ORDERED, THE—SHELL—ANGLO—HOLLAND—GROUP said 1—NIGERIA—COURT has, it to hand over land —AROUND its giant Bonny oil terminal to the local population, 1—KEY—DEMAND—OF armed rebels in the volatile region.
20081015             Shell said ruling was given SOME—MONTHS ago but we have appealed.
20081015             —EXCHANGED, CAMBODIA and THAILAND, fire on the border in 1—CLASH over disputed land which left 2—SOLDIERS—DEAD and several wounded.
20081015             —SIGNED, CHILE—PRESIDENT—MICHELLE—BACHELET, into law 1—MEASURE that bans all whale hunting off CHILE—3,400-mile (5,500-kilometer) coast.
20081015             —MOVED, ICELAND, to shore up its ravaged economy by slashing borrowing costs and officials pursued efforts to get help from RUSSIA in tackling the worst financial crisis in THE—ISLAND—HISTORY.
20081015             Esha Momeni, 1—STUDENT at CALIFORNIA STATE—UNIVERSITY, Northridge, was driving on 1—HIGHWAY in TEHRAN —WHEN she was stopped by authorities, who said they were traffic police, and —LATER taken to Evin prison.
20081015             —RELATED, Her computer and other materials, to her research on THE—IRAN—WOMEN—MOVEMENT were confiscated.
20081015             —REACHED, The agreement, —AFTER MONTHS—OF—DIFFICULT—NEGOTIATIONS, would allow USA—TROOPS to remain here —AFTER their UN mandate expires 20081231             .
20081015             —DETAINED, THE—USA—MILITARY, 2 suspected insurgents in raids targeting AL—QAIDA in IRAQ—LEADERSHIP in THE—NORTH—IRAQ—CITY—OF—MOSUL.
20081015             † 1—USA—SOLDIER, of noncombat causes.
20081015             1—MALAYSIA—COURT—ORDERED—TUANKU—JAAFAR—TUANKU—ABDUL—RAHMAN, —86—JAHRE—ALT, the country's FORMER—KING (19940000—19990000    ), to settle a $1—MILLION—DEBT to 1—BANK in 1—LANDMARK verdict that ended —1—CENTURIES—OLD—TRADITION shielding the country's royal sultans from legal prosecution.
20081015             —REACHED, PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—ASIF—ALI—ZARDARI, trade deals with CHINA, raising hopes that BEIJING would help his country through difficult economic and diplomatic times.
20081015             —HIJACKED, Armed pirates, 1—BULK carrier with 21—CREW members in the Gulf of ADEN near SOMALIA.
20081015             —OPERATED, The ship under 1—PANAMA—FLAG was, by THE—PHILIPPINES.
20081015             —BOMBED, SRI—LANKA, AIR—FORCE—JETS, 1—GROUP—OF—REBELS who were building 1—EARTHEN embankment as 1—DEFENSE against advancing government forces in Mullaitivu.
20081015             —SIGNED, The foreign ministers of Syria and LEBANON, 1—AGREEMENT formalizing diplomatic ties between THE—2—COUNTRIES for the 1. time in their turbulent history.
20081015             —REPORTED, TURKEY—MEDIA, that 1—HIJACKER attempted to commandeer 1—TURKISH—AIRLINES—PLANE over BELARUS but that he was overpowered by passengers.
20081015             —CLASHED, THE—TURKEY—MILITARY, with Kurdish rebels near THE—IRAQ—BORDER in battles in which 4—SOLDIERS and 5—REBELS were killed.
20081015             1—TURKEY—HELICOPTER crashed —DURING the clash.
20081015             † 1—SOLDIER was killed and 15—SECURITY—PERSONNEL were slightly injured in the crash.
20081015             —ASKED, THE—IMF said UKRAINE—AUTHORITIES have, THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND for help in stemming 1—FINANCIAL—CRISIS in the country.
20081015             The government took emergency measures to rescue banks and stabilize the national currency, the hryvna, —AFTER worried depositors withdrew more than USA$1—BILLION from their accounts —THIS—MONTH.
20081015             1—VIETNAM—COURT—SENTENCED—JOURNALIST—NGUYEN—VIET—CHIEN, —56—JAHRE—ALT to —2—YEARS in prison, accusing him of writing inaccurate stories about 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST HIGH—PROFILE—CORRUPTION—CASES.
20081015             —SENTENCED, Fellow reporter Nguyen VAN Hai (33) was, on the charges to —2—YEARS—OF "RE—EDUCATION without detention".
20081015             —ARRESTED, The reporters were, in May for writing about a 20050000             scandal in which Transportation Ministry officials were accused of gambling with allegedly embezzled funds.
20081015             Police MAJOR—GENERAL—PHAM—XUAN—QUAC, —62—JAHRE—ALT and investigator Dinh VAN Huynh were charged with "deliberately revealing state secrets," for giving information to the journalists.
20081015             —RETIRED, Quac, who has, was given 1—WARNING, —WHILE Huynh was sentenced to —1—YEAR in prison.
20081015             —OPENED, FORMER—SOUTH—AFRICA—LEADER—THABO Mbeki, a 2. —DAY—OF—TALKS with ZIMBABWE PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE and his main rival to save 1—POWER—SHARING deal that has floundered over cabinet posts.
20081015             1—STUDY by Gaffney Cline & Associates of 1—BIG—NATURAL—GAS filed in TURKMENISTAN confirmed THE—SOUTH—YOLOTAN—OSMAN as the 5. largest in the world.
20081015             Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd., HONG—KONG—BIGGEST DRY—BULK carrier, and PRECIOUS—SHIPPING—PCL. said demand for moving coal, iron ore and other commodities will fall because banks are guaranteeing fewer loads.
20081015             ``LETTERS—OF—CREDIT and the credit lines for trade currently are frozen,''
20081015             Khalid Hashim, managing DIRECTOR—OF—PRECIOUS—SHIPPING, THAILAND—2.—LARGEST shipping company, said in SINGAPORE —YESTERDAY.
20081015             ``Nothing is moving because the trader doesn't want to take the risk of putting cargo on the boat and finding that nobody can pay.''
20081015             THE—LACK—OF—LETTERS—OF—CREDIT, in which banks guarantee payment for merchandise, could become a ``big issue'' for world trade, according to
20081015             KLAUS—NYBORG, Deputy CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER at Pacific Basin.
20081015             —CONTRIBUTED, Tighter credit has, to —THIS—YEAR—80 % drop in the
20081015             Baltic Dry Index, 1—MEASURE—OF—COMMODITY—SHIPPING costs.
20081015             —ABOUT 90—PERCENT—OF—WORLD—TRADE—MOVES by sea.
20081015             Marx, Globalization, and THE—DEATH—OF—NEO—LIBERALISM
20081015             [The western banking crisis is an historic event on 2—COUNTS.
20081015             1. it demonstrates that KARL—MARX is again relevant and that his ANALYSIS—OF—CAPITALIST—SOCIETY is not quite ready for THE—DUSTBIN—OF—HISTORY.
20081015             2., state intervention to save the banks and the free market from itself undermine whatever remaining legitimacy there is in the intellectual FOUNDATIONS—OF—NEO—LIBERALISM.
20081015             New DOD guidelines prohibit waterboarding, USE—OF—DOGS.
20081015             —ISSUED, THE—LA—TIMES—REPORTS that the Pentagon has, 1—NEW directive on detainee interrogations, explicitly prohibiting THE—USE—OF—DOGS in interrogations.
20081015             The directive also bans techniques taught at THE—USA—MILITARY—SURVIVAL schools (SERE), which, as STEVE—AFTERGOOD noted,
20081015             includes waterboarding :
20081015             — No dog shall be used as PART—OF—1—INTERROGATION—APPROACH or to harass, intimidate, threaten, or coerce 1—DETAINEE for interrogation purposes.
20081015             — Use of SERE techniques against 1—PERSON in the custody or effective CONTROL—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE or detained in 1—DOD facility is prohibited.
20081015             Bush issues 2—MORE—PRESIDENTIAL signing statements.
20081015             (Updated: Sens. Leahy and McCaskill respond)
20081015             —ASSERTED, —YESTERDAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH, "that he had the
20081015             executive power to bypass several parts of 2—BILLS : 1—MILITARY—AUTHORIZATION—ACT and
20081015             1—MEASURE giving inspectors general greater INDEPENDENCE from WHITE—HOUSE—CONTROL," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES ' CHARLIE—SAVAGE—REPORTS:
20081015             —CHALLENGED, In the authorization bill, MISTER—BUSH, 4—SECTIONS.
20081015             1—FORBID the money from being used "to exercise USA—CONTROL—OF—THE—OIL—RESOURCES—OF—IRAQ";
20081015             another required negotiations for 1—AGREEMENT by which IRAQ would share SOME—OF—THE—COSTS—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY—OPERATIONS there.
20081015             In the other bill, he raised concerns about 2—SECTIONS that strengthen legal protections against political interference with the internal watchdog officials at EACH—EXECUTIVE—AGENCY.
20081015             1—SECTION gives the inspectors general 1—RIGHT to counsels who report directly to them.
20081015             But MISTER—BUSH wrote in his signing statement that such lawyers would be bound to follow the legal interpretations of the politically appointed counsels at EACH—AGENCY.
20081015             —ISSUED, Bush has, signing statements to bypass more than 1,100 SECTIONS—OF—LAWS.
20081015             1—RECENT—REPORT by the House Armed Services COMMITTEE—SAID—BUSH has used the statements in a "
20081015             broad and unsubstantiated
20081015             " manner and that 78—PERCENT—OF—THEM "have raised constitutional or legal objections".
20081015             15. - Did PBS bury controversial torture documentary under pressure from BUSH—ADMINISTRATION?
20081015             —REFUSED, SCOTT—HORTON reports —TODAY that PBS may have, to nationally air 1—CONTROVERSIAL documentary on THE—USE—OF—TORTURE by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT in order to protect its funding.
20081015             —ON—THURSDAY —EVENING WNET in NEW—YORK will air 1—IMPORTANT—NEW documentary by Emmy and Dupont Award winning producer Sherry Jones entitled "Torturing Democracy".
20081015             It appears on WNET and several other affiliates independently because PBS would not run the show.
20081015             According to producer Sherry Jones, PBS told her that
20081015             Bipartisan House report finds that Bush made 'inappropriate' USE—OF—EXECUTIVE privilege.
20081015             1—BIPARTISAN report released —TODAY by the House Oversight Committee finds that PRESIDENT—BUSH made a 'legally unprecedented and 1—INAPPROPRIATE—USE—OF—EXECUTIVE privilege" —WHEN the administration withheld PATRICK—FITZGERALD—INTERVIEW—WITH—VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY on THE—CIA—LEAK—SCANDAL.
20081015             1—SEPARATE—REPORT also criticizes BUSH—ASSERTION—OF—EXECUTIVE privilege regarding his recent climate change and Clean Air Act decisions:
20081015             —ON CIA leak scandal : "THE—ASSERTION—OF—EXECUTIVE privilege prevents the Committee from having access to 1—COMPLETE SET—OF—RECORDS and thus results in THE—COMMITTEE—INABILITY to assess fully THE—ACTIONS—OF—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT. "
20081015             —ON the environment : "THE—ASSERTION—OF—EXECUTIVE privilege under these circumstances has stymied THE—COMMITTEE—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE [CALIFORNIA] waiver and ozone decisions.
20081015             For these reasons, the Committee finds that THE—PRESIDENT—ASSERTION—OF—EXECUTIVE privilege is wrong and 1—ABUSE—OF—THE privilege.
20081015             Enthüllende Studie über den Einfluss der NEO—KONS: Wie die USA—NAHOSTPOLITIK zustande...
20081015             BILL—CHRISTISON & Kathleen CHRISTISON—NICHT wenige ehrbare politische Analysten haben —SEIT langem die engen Beziehungen zwischen der ISRAEL—USA—PARTNERSCHAFT + den verheerenden Abenteuern der BUSH—REGIERUNG im ganzen Nahen Osten ERKANNT—DAZU gehört auch die Unterstützung von Israels systematischer Unterdrückung der Palästinenser.
20081015             STEPHEN—SNIEGOSKI hatte die Ausdauer und Hartnäckigkeit.
20081015             Finanzkrise: Der STAAT bezahlt die Schulden, die Zockerei geht WEITER—ONLINEDIENST DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE -
20081015             —GESTERN hat das Bundeskabinett HUNDERTE—VON—MILLIARDEN—EURO zur Befreiung der Banken von den Zockerverlusten beschlossen.
20081015             Einmal als direkte Zahlungen zum anderen als Bürgschaften.
20081015             —NUN soll dieses Massnahmenbündel binnen einer —WOCHE durchs Parlament gejagt werden.
20081015             Die Börsen feierten die Geschenke an die Banken auf Kosten der Steuerzahler mit einem Kursfeuerwerk.
20081015             Banker, Börsen und Regierungen: Himmelhochjauchzend und zu Tode betrübt
20081015             Mit gigantischen Rettungsaktionen, Teilverstaatlichungen und MEGA—BÜRGSCHAFTEN der Steuerzahler soll ein drohender Bankenzusammenbruch der Superlative verhindert werden.
20081015             Glaubt man 1. schüchternen Analysen, scheint die Rechnung aufzugehen.
20081015             EUROPA startete zum Börsenbeginn mit kräftigen Kursgewinnen und der DAX verzeichnete einen Anstieg um runde 5 %.
20081015             Spontaner Jubel bricht aus, —NACHDEM noch —BIS—GESTERN Weltuntergangsstimmung und "Drepessions"-Szenarien das Weltgeschehen...
20081015             Paralyzed Monkeys Move Arms With BRAIN—TO—MUSCLE Commands
20081015             —BY connecting 1—SINGLE neuron to 1—EXTERNAL—MACHINE, scientists help 1—TEMPORARILY paralyzed monkey regain partial use of its hand.
20081015             The machine bypasses the area that was blocking brain signals and connects the brain directly to the arm muscles.
20081015             'Credit crunch insomnia' emerging Money and work worries are keeping about HALF—OF—USA awake at night, 1—POLL suggests.
20081015             Surfing the web is good for your brain For MIDDLE—AGED and older people at least, using THE—INTERNET—HELPS—BOOST—BRAIN—POWER, research suggests.
20081015             Hunger in INDIA states 'alarming' Hunger levels are "alarming" in 12—INDIA—STATES with Madhya Pradesh being comparable to ETHIOPIA and CHAD, 1—REPORT says.
20081015             —PARALYSED, Mind power moves, limbs Scientists show it is possible to harness brain signals and redirect them to make paralysed limbs move.
20081015             The big chill - Icelanders save up their hate for unsuspecting Brits
20081015             Recession fears knock USA—SHARES—WALL—STREET—SHARES plummet on fresh fears of 1—GLOBAL—RECESSION despite moves to strengthen the financial system.
20081015             Jobless rise highest —FOR—17—YEARS THE—UK—JOBLESS—TOTAL—ROSE by 164,000 - the most in —17—YEARS—TO 1.79—MILLION for THE—3—MONTHS from June to —AUGUST.
20081015             Bernanke Weighs Limiting Consolidation, Asset Bubbles (Update1)
20081015             FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—BEN—S—BERNANKE said the central bank will consider discarding its LONG—STANDING aversion to interfering with ASSET—PRICE—BUBBLES and warned that the banking business may be concentrated...
20081015             Fed CHAIRMAN—Q&1—ON—FINANCIAL—CRISIS
20081015             UPDATE 1-Bernanke sees regulatory role in fighting bubbles
20081015             "Die Weltwirtschaft erlebt ihre schwerste Bewährungsprobe —SEIT den zwanziger —JAHREN des vergangenen —JAHRHUNDERTS", sagte Merkel bei einer Rede im BUNDESTAG in BERLIN.
20081015             —GEHABT, Der STAAT habe keine Alternative, als einzugreifen.
20081015             sagte Sarkozy. "Diese Krise ist 1—KRISE zu viel".
20081015             Das ganze Finanzsystem müsse auf einer Weltkonferenz auf neue Füße gestellt werden.
20081015             EUROPA müsse dabei "Führung beweisen".
20081015             Die Sorgen der Investoren wurden durch Äußerungen von USA—NOTENBANK—CHEF—BEN—BERNANKE über den ZUSTAND—DER—WIRTSCHAFT und schwache Konjunkturdaten zusätzlich angeheizt.
20081015             Bernanke bezeichnete die Finanzkrise als große Bedrohung für das Wachstum und nährte damit Hoffnungen auf eine erneute Zinssenkung.
20081015             1—REIHE—VON—STAATLICHEN—RETTUNGSPAKETEN hatten dem wichtigsten Börsenindex der USA noch —AM—MONTAG Rekordgewinne, —AM—DIENSTAG zumindest nur ein leichtes Minus beschert.
20081015             Doch —SCHON—AM—MITTWOCH scheinen die staatlichen Eingriffe nicht mehr zu WIRKEN—ANHALTENDE Rezessionsängste haben die USA—BÖRSEN regelrecht einbrechen lassen.
20081015             Rezessionsangst: Dow Jones bricht um fast 8 % ein
20081015             Schulterschluss: G—8—LÄNDER wollen Krise mit Weltfinanzgipfel bekämpfen
20081015             Börsenkrise: Rezessionsangst drückt Dow Jones erneut tief ins Minus
20081015             Bernanke Says USA—ECONOMY Won't Rebound `Right Away' (Update1)
20081015             FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—BEN—S—BERNANKE said government efforts to calm financial markets and stem the credit crisis probably won't result in 1—IMMEDIATE—ECONOMIC rebound.
20081015             Bernanke Says Bailout Plan WILL—NEED—TIME to Work
20081015             Bernanke sees long slowdown, but still confident
20081015             Finanzkrise: Angst vor Wirtschaftsflaute drückt Dax ins Minus
20081015             Angst vor dem Abschwung: Ökonomen warnen vor Rezessionsreklame
20081015             Schwache WALL—STREET: Dow Jones fällt unter 9000—PUNKTE
20081015             —BERICHTET, CIA—FOLTER: USA—ZEITUNG, von Okay der Regierung zu Waterboarding
20081015             Finanzkrise: Ausländische Staatsfonds kaufen sich verstärkt in EUROPA ein
20081015             Sensationsfund: HEINRICH—HEINE—MANUSKRIPT entdeckt
20081015             Robuste Bakterien: Forscher wollen Liebe zu Extremen ausnutzen
20081015             Neuordnung der Finanzwelt: BERLIN und PARIS sagen Steuerparadiesen den Kampf an
20081015             Trotz Finanzkrise: JP MORGAN—CHASE liefert überraschend Quartalsgewinn ab
20081015             DNA—ANALYSE: 9000—JAHRE alte TUBERKULOSE—OPFER entdeckt
20081015             Einigkeit im BUNDESTAG: Opposition stimmt Rettungspaket trotz Kritik zu
20081015             Konjunkturprognose: Bundesregierung geht nur noch von MINI—WACHSTUM aus
20081015             EU—SONDERGIPFEL: OPFER—VON—BANKENPLEITEN sollen binnen —3—TAGEN Geld zurückbekommen
20081015             Nikonow: Wir unterstützen die territoriale Integrität der UKRAINE ebenso, wie wir für die territoriale Integrität Georgiens waren, bevor man anfing, dort unsere Leute umzubringen, unsere Staatsbürger.
20081015             Nikonow: Ich weiß nicht, was dieser Begriff für das heutige RUSSLAND bedeuten soll.
20081015             Das ist letztlich nicht wichtig.
20081015             Wir sind, von GROSSBRITANNIEN abgesehen, das einzige Land, das —SEIT—500—JAHREN von niemandem erobert wurde und niemals 1—KOLONIE war.
20081015             RUSSLAND ist ein stabiles Modell.
20081015             Wjatscheslaw Nikonow: Hören Sie sich mal um in Lateinamerika, in der muslimischen Welt, in AFRIKA, INDIEN oder CHINA.
20081015             Dort haben VIELE—MIT—SYMPATHIE verfolgt, dass 1—USA—MARIONETTE wie der GEORGISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—MICHEIL—SAAKASCHWILI etwas auf die Nase bekommen hat.
20081015             RUSSLAND hat im Moment mehr Freunde in der Welt als die BUSH—REGIERUNG.
20081015             Genau was die Welt braucht: Auch KAMBODSCHA und THAILAND ziehen sich gerade gegenseitig in einen Krieg hinein.
20081015             Als ob die nicht beide dringendere Sorgen hätten!
20081015             Kurzes USA—WAHLKAMPF—UPDATE: Palin erklärt ihr OBAMA—BASHING: "I've Got Nothing To Lose"
20081015             Der Leiter von McCains "presidential transition team" war vorher SADDAM—LOBBYIST
20081015             Die Russen machen klare Ansagen: Wenn die UKRAINE der Nato beitritt, ist das das Ende aller Kooperationen mit dem Westen.
20081015             Naja, was soll ich sagen, das ehemalige Nachrichtenmagazin.
20081015             Agitprop —BIS es schmerzt.
20081015             Aber die Russen sind ja glücklicherweise nicht auf den Mund gefallen: Q: [...] Aber ist RUSSLAND nicht vielmehr INTERNATIONAL isoliert?
20081015             A: Hören Sie sich mal um in Lateinamerika, in der muslimischen Welt, in AFRIKA, INDIEN oder CHINA.
20081015             Harharhar.
20081015             Der Mann ist kein Politiker, sondern Historiker, aber als Molotows Enkel hat es —SCHON Gewicht, was er sagt.
20081015             Und er sagt folgendes: 1—NATO—BEITRITT—DER—UKRAINE wäre das Ende aller bisherigen Zusammenarbeit.
20081015             Zum Beispiel was AFGHANISTAN betrifft, wo wir der Nato Überflugrechte gewähren.
20081015             Oder IRAN, wo wir gemeinsam verhindern wollen, dass IRAN Atomwaffen bekommt.
20081015             Die Amis wollen —JETZT auch Bankanteile kaufen.
20081015             —NACHDEM die Europäer das vorgemacht haben.
20081015             Nanu? Warum haben sie das nicht gleich gemacht?
20081015             Ich stelle mir ja immer den Paulson vor, den EX—CHEF—VON—GOLDMAN—SACHS, der die Krise —BISHER als "ich kann die Konkurrenz plattmachen" gesehen hat, und der es —JETZT als "ich kann die Konkurrenz besitzen " zu sehen beginnt.
20081015             Die 700—MILLIARDEN Dollar plus 400—MILLIARDEN Euro waren zu wenig.
20081015             "Fed Says ECB, Others to Offer Unlimited Dollar Funds".
20081015             Aber einen setzt er noch drauf.
20081015             Angesprochen auf die beiden Kölner Bayernwahl-"Terroristen" und ob man —JETZT verstärkt damit rechnen müsse, unschuldig in Haft zu kommen, meint er:
20081015             Die Sicherheitsbehörden haben die Aufgabe, Gefahren abzuwehren und schlimme Anschläge zu verhindern.
20081015             Die Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND können darauf vertrauen, dass sie hinreichend geschützt sind.
20081015             Den Rechtsstaat macht aus, dass Unschuldige wieder frei kommen.
20081015             AHA. So ist das also.
20081015             In einem Rechtsstaat geht es nicht darum, dass Unschuldige nicht inhaftiert werden, sondern dass Unschuldige dann irgendwann wieder frei gelassen werden.
20081015             Das erklärt auch vollumfänglich die Misshandlungen zum G8-Gipfel.
20081015             Wow. Keine weiteren Fragen, Euer Ehren.
20081015             Dem Schäuble muß man echt gar nicht mit Argumenten kommen, der redet sich auch von ganz alleine um Kopf und Kragen.
20081015             —VERÄRGERT, In einem TAZ—INTERVIEW zeigt sich Schäuble, über die Stasi 2.0—T—SHIRTS.
20081015             Und dann kommt dieser Hammer:
20081015             Die Liberalen büßten außerdem zuletzt an Boden ein, weil sie eine unpopuläre Abgabe auf KOHLENDIOXID—EMISSIONEN zum Kampf gegen die globale Erwärmung vorgeschlagen haben.
20081015             —NACHDEM DEUTSCHLAND + andere EU—STAATEN —AM—MONTAG Rettungspakete für angeschlagene Banken beschlossen oder angekündigt hatten,
20081015             hatte der Dow Jones mit 938—PUNKTEN (11,11 %) den höchsten punktemäßigen Tagesgewinn seiner Geschichte verzeichnet.
20081015             Beck : Niemand weiß, ob wir den Boden des Abgrunds —SCHON erreicht haben.
20081015             Im globalen Risikobewusstsein, in der Antizipation der Katastrophe, die es in jedem Fall zu verhindern gilt, tut sich ein neues machtpolitisches Feld auf.
20081015             Man könnte —JETZT langfristig durchsetzen, dass nicht die Wirtschaft die Demokratie, sondern die Demokratie die Wirtschaft dominiert.
20081015             Diese kurzfristige, goldene Gelegenheit dürfen wir nicht verstreichen lassen.
20081015             Dabei geht es nicht nur um die KONTROLLE—DES—BANKENSEKTORS, sondern auch um gerechte Steuerpolitik und soziale Sicherheit im transnationalen Rahmen.
20081015             Das führt zur Personalunion von Verbrecher und Polizei.
20081015             SPIEGEL—ONLINE : Angesichts der Krise räumen MANCHE—POLITIKER und, seltener, Manager Fehler ein.
20081015             Mit gigantischen Summen versuchen die Regierungen, das Vertrauen zu erneuern.
20081015             Ergibt das Sinn?
20081015             Beck : Am BEISPIEL—DES—BRITISCHEN—PREMIERMINISTERS—GORDON—BROWN kann man tatsächlich beobachten, dass sich ein dramatischer Sinneswandel vom Marktfetischismus zum Staatsoptimismus vollzieht.
20081015             Mit ähnlicher Vehemenz, wie Brown früher für den freien Markt kämpfte, propagiert er —NUN seinen neuen Plan zur RETTUNG—DER—WELT, dem sich alle anderen anschließen sollen.
20081015             Ich frage mich: Wie glaubwürdig ist das?
20081015             SPIEGEL—ONLINE : Und Ihre Antwort lautet? Beck : Das bleibt abzuwarten.
20081015             Niemand weiß, was ist und was die im Nullenrausch verordnete Therapie bewirkt.
20081015             Wir ALLE—SIND—TEIL eines ökonomischen Großexperiments mit offenem Ausgang.
20081015             Interessant ist allerdings, wie schnell aus Schurken Helden werden: Haben GORDON—BROWN, ANGELA—MERKEL und Peer Steinbrück nicht vor kurzer Zeit noch den ungeregelten Kapitalismus hochleben lassen?
20081015             Ihre wundersame Bekehrung ist für mich kabarettreifes Konvertitentum.
20081015             Offensichtlich könne man den alten Bestandszahlen nicht mehr vertrauen, sagte Kühl.
20081015             "Ich befürchte, dass es in den anderen Ländern genauso verheerend sein wird".
20081015             In ein —BIS—2—JAHREN sollen vollständige Zahlen zur den westafrikanischen Schimpansen vorliegen.
20081015             "Wir hatten nicht erwartet, dass es so katastrophal sein würde", sagte Hjalmar Kühl, 1—DER—AUTOREN—DER—UNTERSUCHUNG, die —JETZT im Fachblatt "Current Biology" veröffentlicht wurde.
20081015             "An der ELFENBEINKÜSTE sind nur noch 3—BIS 4—PROZENT—DES—WALDES übrig, die Population ist deshalb zusammengebrochen".
20081015             Die Forscher machen vor allem den explosionsartigen Anstieg der menschlichen Bevölkerung für das Verschwinden der Schimpansen aus ganzen Regionen verantwortlich.
20081015             —SEIT—SEI die ZAHL—DER—MENSCHEN an der ELFENBEINKÜSTE—VON—12—AUF 18—MILLIONEN gestiegen.
20081015             Prominente zur Finanzkrise: "Ich lass mich nicht verrückt machen"
20081015             Soziologe Beck im Interview: "Die Finanzkrise hat aus Schurken Helden gemacht"
20081015             —VERABSCHIEDET, Bundeskabinett: Entlastungspaket für die Bürger
20081015             Defektes Weltraumteleskop: Nasa will "Hubble" neu booten
20081015             Leichte DAX—VERLUSTE: Börsenhändler hoffen auf nahes ENDE—DER—HYSTERIE
20081015             Regierungserklärung: Merkel sieht Weltwirtschaft vor historischer Bewährungsprobe
20081015             —PROFITIERT, Umfrage: Merkel, von Finanzkrise
20081015             Finanzkrise: FRANZÖSISCHES—PARLAMENT stimmt Rettungspaket zu
20081015             Russlands Strategie: "Lage in der UKRAINE ist bedrohlicher als in GEORGIEN"
20081015             Einzelhandel: Umsatzplus trotz Finanzkrise
20081015             Parlamantswahl: Konservative in KANADA bleiben an der Macht
20081015             Ausgabenexplosion: Haushaltsdefizit der USA erreicht historischen Höchststand
20081015             Kalifornien: Tausende Feuerwehrleute kämpfen gegen die Flammen
20081015             ELFENBEINKÜSTE: Schimpansen verschwinden aus Westafrika - urke [Ursula Pidun]
20081015—19870000    —J—IM, Der AKTIENINDEX—DOW—JONES rutscht um 7,87 Prozent ab, den —BIS dahin stärksten Kurseinbruch —NACH—DEM—SCHWARZER—MONTAG.
20081015—19900000    Das wiederum habe zu stärkerer Abholzung der Wälder und zu mehr Wilderei geführt.
20081015—20120000    —REACHED, BAGHDAD and WASHINGTON, final agreement on 1—PACT requiring USA—FORCES to withdraw from IRAQ.
20081015—20200000    —AGREED, EU leaders, to stick to ambitious plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions 20%, but divisions over how to share out the cuts were widened by fears over the impact of the financial crisis.
20091015             Advance Planning Briefing for Industry. 20090217             .
20091015             —ACCUSED, LaRose was —LATER, in 1—INDICTMENT filed 20100309             , of actively recruiting fighters, as well as agreeing to murder SWEDEN—ARTIST—LARS—VILKS, marry 1—TERRORISM—SUSPECT so he could move to EUROPE and martyr herself if necessary.
20091015             1—USA—WARSHIP seized about 4—TONS—OF—HASHISH being transported aboard 1—BOAT off the Horn of AFRICA.
20091015             —STOPPED, The guided missile cruiser USS Anzio, the skiff —AFTER 1—BRIEF—CHASE in the Gulf of ADEN.
20091015             PALO, ALTO—CALIFORNIA, THE—BODY—OF—JENNIFER—SCHIPSI, —29—JAHRE—ALT was found in 1 rented cottage on THE—900—BLOCK—OF—ADDISON—AVE.
20091015             —TOUCHED, COLORADO, the flight of 1—HOME—MADE helium balloon, off 1—FRANTIC rescue attempt for the young boy thought to be aboard.
20091015             —DETERMINED, It was —LATER, to have been 1—PUBLICITY—SEEKING hoax.
20091015             —SENTENCED, Mayumi Heene was, to —20—DAYS in jail.
20091015             Colleen R. LaRose (46), 1—SELF—DESCRIBED "Jihad Jane," was arrested in PHILADELPHIA.
20091015             2—F—16—PLANES collided —AROUND 8:30 p.m. about 40—MILES off Folly Beach, near CHARLESTON, SC.
20091015             1—JET, piloted by CAPTAIN—LEE—BRYANT, landed safely at CHARLESTON AIR—FORCE—BASE.
20091015             —PILOTED, The missing plane was, by CAPTAIN—NICHOLAS—GIGLIO.
20091015             Google INCORPORATED said it is launching 1—NEW online service for booksellers —NEXT—YEAR called Google Editions, which will let readers buy books and read them on gadgets ranging from cell phones to possibly E—BOOK—DEVICES.
20091015             —REPORTED, It was, that the Taj network, funded by the National Science Foundation, —NOW connects INDIA, SINGAPORE, VIETNAM and EGYPT to the larger Global Ring Network for Advanced Application Development (GLORIAD) global infrastructure, and "dramatically improves existing USA—NETWORK—LINKS with CHINA and the Nordic region," according to an NSF statement.
20091015             † In SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN 4—USA—TROOPS in 1—BOMBING, as 1—UN—BACKED panel completed MOST—OF—ITS—INVESTIGATION into whether THE—LEVEL—OF—FRAUD in the —AUGUST presidential election would require 1—RUNOFF.
20091015             —AGREED, THE—FAR—RIGHT UNITED—KINGDOM—NATIONAL Party, to change its constitution to let nonwhite people become members.
20091015             CHINA—PREMIER—WEN—JIABAO said that CHINA intends to strengthen its cooperation with IRAN, 1—INDICATION—BEIJING would oppose growing calls in the West for additional SANCTIONS—AGAINST—THE—ISLAMIC—REGIME for its nuclear program.
20091015             † 1—CHINA—COURT handed out 1—FURTHER 3—DEATH sentences to people convicted of violent crimes —DURING ethnic rioting in far WEST—XINJIANG region in July in which almost 200—PEOPLE.
20091015             —SENTENCED, The court also, 3—DEFENDANTS to suspended death sentences, which could be commuted to life sentences in —2—YEARS.
20091015             —SENTENCED, At least 2—OF—THOSE, were HAN—CHINESE.
20091015             —APPEARED, The others all, to be Uighurs.
20091015             —SIGNED, Top EU and SOUTH—KOREA—TRADE—OFFICIALS, 1—FREE—TRADE—DEAL which THE—EU said could boost trade between THE—2—BY euro19 billion ($28—BILLION).
20091015             1—FRANCE—COURT turned down 1—BID by Fabienne Justel, a —39—YEAR—OLD widow, to retrieve her late husband's frozen sperm in order to have his child by insemination in another country.
20091015             1—FRANCE—LAW prohibited POST—MORTEM insemination.
20091015             —WARNED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN to stop conducting military operations across IRAQ—NORTHERN—BORDER targeting Kurdish rebels and stressed that IRAQ—SOVEREIGNTY can not be violated.
20091015             THE—2—MET in BAGHDAD and were to sign agreements boosting economic ties between their countries.
20091015             1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—IRAQ—ARMY patrol in BAGHDAD, killing 1—IRAQ—SOLDIER.
20091015             —DENIED, ITALY and NATO, 1—NEWSPAPER—REPORT that THE—ITALY—INTELLIGENCE secretly paid the Taliban THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS to maintain peace in 1—AREA in AFGHANISTAN that was under ITALY—CONTROL.
20091015             —REPORTED, THE—TIMES—OF—LONDON had —JUST, that ITALY had paid "TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS" to Taliban commanders and warlords in the Surobi district.
20091015             It accused ROME of failing to inform its allies about the payments and of misleading the French, who took over the Surobi district in mid-20080000             , into thinking the area was quiet and safe.
20091015             —FREED, LIBYA, 88—ISLAMISTS with AL—QAEDA links from ABU—SLIM—PRISON in TRIPOLI.
20091015             Lawyers said "45—MEMBERS—OF—THE—LIBYAN—ISLAMIC—FIGHTING—GROUP (LIFG) and 43—MEMBERS—OF—OTHER—JIHADIST—GROUPS were freed thanks to the efforts of the Islamic Foundation," in 1—JOINT—STATEMENT with the Foundation, headed by LIBYA—LEADER—MOAMER KADHAFI—SON—SEIF AL—ISLAM.
20091015             —MARCHED, MEXICO, some 33,000—PEOPLE, to protest PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON—WEEKEND—DECISION to disband Luz y Fuerza, 1—PUBLIC—ELECTRICITY—COMPANY that provided electricity to MEXICO—CITY and the surrounding area.
20091015             Police officers found the decapitated bodies of 9—MEN in 1 abandoned pickup truck on 1—HIGHWAY in THE—DRUG—PLAGUED MEXICO—STATE—OF—GUERRERO.
20091015             —TROUBLED, NIGERIA—CENTRAL—BANK—SAID—EX—VICE—PRESIDENT—ATIKU—ABUBAKAR is among more than 600—DEBTORS owing 5, banks some 450—BILLION naira (2.96—BILLION dollars, 2—BILLION euros).
20091015             Abubakar, who was deputy to FORMER—PRESIDENT—OLUSEGUN—OBASANJO (19990000—20070000    ), owed —SPRING Bank 111.15—MILLION naira (731,490 dollars, 491,592 euros).
20091015             —LISTED, THE—CBN also, billionaire tycoon Aliko Dangote (52) and MOHAMMED—BUBA—MARWA, NIGERIA—AMBASSADOR to SOUTH—AFRICA, as major debtors.
20091015             —ARMED, NIGERIA—MOST HIGH—PROFILE, group MEND threatened to resume attacks on the country's oil sector —WHEN 1—UNILATERAL ceasefire lapses at midnight.
20091015             —LAUNCHED, PAKISTAN, TEAMS—OF—GUNMEN, coordinated attacks on 3—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—FACILITIES in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—LAHORE killing 18—PEOPLE including 11—INSURGENTS.
20091015             1—CAR—BOMBS hit NORTH—WEST—KOHAT killing 11—PEOPLE, including 3—POLICE—OFFICERS and 8—CIVILIANS.
20091015             —KILLED, Another car bomb in PESHAWAR, 10—PEOPLE, mostly women and children.
20091015             1—TOTAL—OF—39—PEOPLE were killed in the escalating WAVE—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—VIOLENCE.
20091015             1—SUSPECTED—USA—MISSILE—STRIKE killed 4 alleged militants.
20091015             PARAGUAY, Fidel Zavala, 1—WEALTHY rancher, was kidnapped by the guerrilla group, known as THE—EPP for its initials in Spanish.
20091015             —DEMANDED, It soon, $5—MILLION for his release, purportedly to finance what the band calls 1—REVOLUTIONARY—MOVEMENT for the poor.
20091015             —RELEASED, Zavala was, —FOLLOWING 1—RANSOM payment —AFTER—94—DAYS.
20091015             1—THE—PHILIPPINES—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL acquitted 11—OFFICERS—OF plotting 1 foiled 20060200             , coup against PRESIDENT—GLORIA—MACAPAGAL—ARROYO.
20091015             —SWARMED, PUERTO—RICO, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, the financial hub of S—JUAN, blocking highways and setting fires in THE—STREETS—OF—THE—CAPITAL to protest massive LAYOFFS—OF—GOVERNMENT—WORKERS.
20091015             GOVERNOR—LUIS—FORTUNO has said the dismissal of more than 20,000 public employees was necessary to close a $3.2—BILLION deficit and pull the economy out of a —3-YEAR recession.
20091015             —FIRED, SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE, rubber bullets at residents in Diepsloot, 1—POOR—SETTLEMENT—NORTH—OF—JOHANNESBURG, injuring 19—PEOPLE protesting poor living standards.
20091015             The protests have spread from Standerton, about 90—MILES (150km) SOUTH—EAST—OF—JOHANNESBURG, to at least 4—OTHER—TOWNS in EAST—SOUTH—AFRICA —THIS—WEEK.
20091015             THE—SYRIAN—BASED leadership of the militant PALESTINE—HAMAS said it has rejected 1—EGYPTIAN—MEDIATED proposal to reconcile with the rival Fatah group.
20091015             —ISSUED, Hamas and 7—OTHER—DAMASCUS—BASED PALESTINE—FACTIONS, 1—JOINT—STATEMENT saying the reconciliation plan must be revised to include 1—REFERENCE to THE—PALESTINE—RIGHT to resist ISRAEL—OCCUPATION.
20091015             —DETAINED, TURKEY—POLICE, over 30—SUSPECTS allegedly linked to AL—QAIDA, saying they were planning to stage attacks on NATO—FACILITIES as well as USA and ISRAEL—MISSIONS.
20091015             WWF.
20091015             Das Abschmelzen der Polkappen könne unter anderem Überschwemmungen nach sich ziehen, von denen 1—VIERTEL—DER—WELTBEVÖLKERUNG bedroht sei.
20091015             Das Ergebnis: Die weiße Pracht schmilzt noch schneller dahin als ohnehin befürchtet.
20091015             Größte Bedrohung für die GESUNDHEIT—DER—MENSCHEN
20091015             Die ASN teilte —NUN aber mit, ihre Nachforschungen hätten ergeben, dass die ATOMENERGIE—KOMMISSION —SCHON—SEIT—JUNI von den Diskrepanzen wusste.
20091015             —VERZÖGERT, Dass die Meldung sich —BIS—OKTOBER, habe, "lässt 1—LOCH in der Sicherheitskultur erkennen", so die ASN.
20091015             Sie stufte den Zwischenfall auf Stufe 2—DER siebenstufigen ATOMUNFALL—SKALA ein.
20091015             —GEHABT, Glücklicherweise habe der Zwischenfall aber keine weiteren Folgen.
20091015             Bei der Demontage einer —SEIT mehr als —40—JAHREN betriebenen Anlage waren in einem abgedichteten Behälter 39—KILOGRAMM Plutoniumstaub entdeckt worden.
20091015             —GERECHNET, Die Betreiber hatten lediglich mit 8—KILO.
20091015             Schlagzeilen.
20091015             —JETZT wurden dort größere Mengen Plutonium entdeckt.
20091015             Entdeckung des hochradioaktiven und giftigen Materials
20091015             ITALY denies paying bribes to Taliban chiefs - BELFAST Telegraph - —1—HOUR—AGO
20091015             —STOPPED, FRANCE—TROOPS † after ITALY, bribing local Taliban, Times reports
20091015             France24 - 2 - - ITALY denies paying 'bribes' to Taliban in AFGHANISTAN
20091015             EARTHTIMES—MADNESS - But it is madness to do so and not inform your allies".
20091015             —REPORTED, THE—TIMES, that THE—ITALY—SECRET—SERVICE had been paying TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS (euros) to Taliban commanders and local warlords to keep the Sarobi area near KABUL quiet in the months —BEFORE FRANCE—FORCES moved in.
20091015             in THE—LIGHT—OF—DAY".
20091015             The rampant speculation concerning the treaty's contents is based largely on 1 leaked document —POSTED on WikiLeaks, and from comments from copyright and patent holders.
20091015             Among other things, according to the comments and leaked document, the special interest groups speculate the treaty would:
20091015             Require INTERNET Service Providers to monitor all consumers' INTERNET communications, terminate their customers' INTERNET connections based on rights holders' repeat ALLEGATION—OF—COPYRIGHT—INFRINGEMENT, and divulge the identity of alleged copyright infringers possibly without judicial process, threatening INTERNET users' due process and privacy rights;
20091015             and potentially make ISPs liable for their end users' alleged infringing activity.
20091015             —COPYRIGHTED, Interfere with fair use of, materials.
20091015             Criminalize PEER—TO—PEER file sharing.
20091015             Interfere with legitimate parallel trade in goods, including THE—RESALE—OF—BRAND—NAME—PHARMACEUTICAL—PRODUCTS.
20091015             Impose liability on manufacturers of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), if those APIs are used to make counterfeits - 1—LIABILITY—SYSTEM that may make API manufacturers reluctant to sell to legal generic drug makers, and thereby significantly damage the functioning of the legal generic pharmaceutical industry.
20091015             Improperly criminalize acts not done for commercial purpose and with no public health consequences;
20091015             and Improperly divert public resources into enforcement of private rights
20091015             Manchmal arbeitet die Inkompetenz der Parteien ja auch für uns.
20091015             So haben die Grünen versehentlich das Protokoll der SAARLAND—KOALITIONSSONDIERUNGSGESPRÄCHE ins INTERNET gestellt.
20091015             —HEUTE ist es auf Wikileaks.
20091015             Für Datenschützer wird es auf Seite 11—VON 14—SPANNEND.
20091015             präventive Kommunikationsüberwachung
20091015             1—GLÜCK, dass ich nicht die Grünen gewählt habe: In NRW kommt —JETZT 1—MASCHINENPISTOLE in jeden Polizeistreifenwagen, und die Grünen begrüßen das noch.
20091015             Wegen der Terrorgefahr. UN—GLAUB—LICH.
20091015             10—FRANZOSEN sind in AFGHANISTAN getötet worden.
20091015             Der Hintergrund ist daran das Spannende: 10—FRANCE—SOLDIERS killed in AFGHANISTAN failed to realise the risks in the area because ITALY—OFFICIALS had secretly paid the Taliban to desist from violence, 1—UK—NEWSPAPER said —THURSDAY.
20091015             Die Italiener haben nicht direkt dafür bezahlt, dass die Taliban die Franzosen plattschießen, sondern dafür, dass sie Ruhe haben, während sie dort stationiert sind.
20091015             —VERSÄUMT, Aber sie haben, dass ihren Nachfolgern, den Franzosen, mitzuteilen, und die haben sich dann gedacht, hey, ist ja so schön ruhig hier, da müssen wir nicht so genau hingucken.
20091015             Und weg waren sie.
20091015             Wenn man bedenkt, dass die Italiener der Taliban damit ihren Waffennachschub finanziert haben, war das mal wieder ein echter Berlusconi, wie er im Buche steht.
20091015             Mit Verbündeten wie diesen braucht man keine Feinde mehr.
20091015             Mir mailt gerade jemand folgendes: mir ist am wochenende die donnerstagsausgabe (—LETZTE—WOCHE, nicht —HEUTE) der faz in die hände gefallen.
20091015             die haben ein neues wort für den AFGHANISTAN—KRIEG kreiert: laut faz ist das kein bewaffneter —KONFLIKT oder krieg, sondern 1—PAZIFIERUNGSFELDZUG.
20091015             Wow. Das setzt Maßstäbe.
20091015             Die FAZ sieht sich eben immer noch als Leitmedium.
20091015             Atompolitik: Koalition einig über längere AKW—LAUFZEIT
20091015             Strahlende Überraschung: FRANZÖSISCHE—ATOMANLAGE hat zu viel Plutonium
20091015             Krank durch ESSEN: Fettlust wird zur Zeitbombe
20091015             Regimegegner im Visier: Verfassungsschutz warnt vor Irans Geheimdienst
20091015             KRIEG—GEGEN—TALIBAN: PAKISTAN droht neue Flüchtlingskatastrophe
20091015             —ENTEIGNET, VENEZUELA: Chávez, HILTON—HOTEL in der Karibik
20091015             So stellten Epigenetiker —BEREITS 1—DOKTRIN der klassischen Genetik in Frage, als sie herausfanden, dass
20091015             Mütter erworbene Erfahrungen auf ihre Kinder vererben können.
20091015             Erstmals haben Forscher —NUN 1—STEUERUNGSKARTE—DES—ERBGUTS ERSTELLT—UND dabei einen wichtigen Unterschied zwischen spezialisierten Körperzellen und ALLESKÖNNER—STAMMZELLEN gefunden.
20091015             "Die nächste grüne Revolution muss grüner werden"
20091015             1—DER—GRÖßTEN—TEILBETRÄGE, 15—MILLIONEN Dollar, fließt an KOFI—ANNANS "Allianz für 1—GRÜNE—REVOLUTION in AFRIKA" (AGRA), die sich insbesondere der Steigerung der Produktivität in der Landwirtschaft widmet.
20091015             Zu deren Sponsoren gehören neben der GATES—FOUNDATION die ROCKEFELLER—STIFTUNG, die Entwicklungsbehörden der britischen und der USA—REGIERUNG.
20091015             Im Kreis der Entwicklungspolitiker ist AGRA umstritten, weil die finanzstarke Organisation angeblich mit dem industriellen AGRO—BUSINESS verbandelt und womöglich 1—TROJANISCHES—PFERD für die Einführung und Verbreitung der Gentechnik ist, argwöhnen Kritiker.
20091015             "Unsere Mission ist es nicht, für oder gegen die Gentechnik zu plädieren", heißt es zurückhaltend bei AGRA, die Regierungen müssten darüber entscheiden.
20091015             Neue Prognose: Nordmeer —IM—SOMMER in —10—JAHREN nahezu eisfrei
20091015             NEPAL: Teenager will Tiere vor Opfertod retten
20091015             —GESTORBEN, Unerwarteter Tod: WALL—STREET—LEGENDE BRUCE—WASSERSTEIN
20091015             BOTSCHAFTER einbestellt: ISRAEL empört über TÜRKISCHE—TV—SERIE
20091015             Angeschlagene Landesbank: Soffin misstraut Geschäftsmodell der HSH
20091015             Armut: BILL—GATES schenkt Hungernden 300—MILLIONEN
20091015             —ORGANISIERT, Epigenom: Wie sich das Erbgut
20091015             Slide 1 - TSWG BIDS Homepage - - Advance Planning Briefing for Industry.
20091015             17—FEBRUARY 20090000             .
20091015             Physical Security... video camera, laser range finder, target designator... FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.
20091015             FY 20100000             Requirement.
20091015             R2512. ULTRA—HIGH—RESOLUTION Surveillance System. M16 Rifle. M203 GL.
20091015             M9/M11 Pistols. M4 Carbine. MK19 GMG.
20091015             M249 SAW... Advanced Technology Demonstration has Proven the Concept... • Laser Range finding.
20091015             •Enhanced Ammunition Lethality, Accuracy.
20091015             Powers: —DERZEIT schreitet die Wissenschaft schneller voran als unser Verständnis dafür, wie wir sie nutzen wollen.
20091015             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Gründet unser Gefühl von Freiheit vielleicht gerade darauf, nicht zu wissen, welche Zukunft das Schicksal für uns bereit hält?
20091015             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Ja, Wissen kann unfrei machen.
20091015             —GEMACHT, Das ist die Erfahrung, die ich im vergangenen —JAHR, habe.
20091015             Auf einmal wusste ich von 11—GEN—VARIANTEN, die mein Risiko an Alzheimer zu erkranken, stark erhöhen.
20091015             Prompt überlegte ich: Bin ich nicht tatsächlich in letzter Zeit vergesslich gewesen?
20091015             Funktionierte mein Verstand —VOR—15—JAHREN vielleicht besser?
20091015             Außerdem weisen bei mir mehrere GEN—VARIANTEN auf einen Hang zum Übergewicht hin.
20091015             EIN—JAHRES—HOCH: Dow Jones knackt 10.000—PUNKTE—MARKE
20091015             Netzwerk kommt von Netz: Flüchtiger fängt sich selbst
20091015             Streit um ALT—URAN: Atomentsorger weichen von Sibirien nach Westfalen aus
20091015             Salinomycin: TIER—ANTIBIOTIKUM treibt Krebszellen in den Selbstmord
20091015             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Brown schickt noch mehr Soldaten nach AFGHANISTAN - Börse: Dax steigt auf 12—MONATS—HOCH
20091015             CHINA: Fossil schließt Lücke im FLUGSAURIER—STAMMBAUM
20091015             —ÜBERRASCHT, WALL—STREET: JP Morgan, mit hohem Milliardengewinn
20091015             SCHWEIZER—VOLKSABSTIMMUNG: Rechte Christen starten Kreuzzug gegen Minarette
20091015             Pompöse Trauerfeier: Moskaus Unterwelt nimmt Abschied von MAFIA—GRÖßE
20091015             Schonvermögen: Union und FDP wollen HARTZ—IV—EMPFÄNGER besserstellen
20091015             Spartrick: JAPANISCHE—AIRLINE fordert Passagiere zum Pinkeln vor Abflug auf
20091015             SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN: Innere Sicherheit entzweit Union und FDP
20091015             Untreueverdacht: Staatsanwaltschaft durchsucht BayernLB
20091015             UNO—BERICHT: Mehr als 1—MILLIARDE—MENSCHEN hungert
20091015             USA: MADOFF—MASKEN sind der Renner zu Halloween
20091015             —ZELEBRIERT, SÜDKOREA: MOON—SEKTE, Massenhochzeit
20091015             Objekt aus dem All: Feuerball erleuchtete Himmel in Norddeutschland
20091015             —VERDIRBT, Pfusch am Bau: Finnlands PANNEN—REAKTOR, ATOM—COMEBACK
20091015             ARBEITSMARKT—KRISE: Sozialkassen machen MILLIARDEN—MINUS
20091015             —GESUNKEN, Verhütung: ZAHL—DER—ABTREIBUNGEN weltweit
20091015             Medienindustrie: Bloomberg kauft Wirtschaftsmagazin "BusinessWeek"
20091015             Kommissionsbericht: Brüssel fürchtet schwere Schuldenkrise in 13—EU—STAATEN
20091015             Bonusboom: WALL—STREET—BANKER erwarten REKORD—GELDREGEN
20091015             GALLUP—UMFRAGE: 2—DRITTEL der USA—AMERIKANER befürworten Todesstrafe
20091015             Essay: Die unreflektierte Sprache der Hirnforschung
20091015             Vorentscheid im Senat: Obama feiert Etappensieg für Gesundheitsreform
20091015             —OFFERED, Disdain for materiality is THE—NEVER—POPULAR teaching, by most mystical traditions with 1—GENUINELY archaic pedigree.
20091015             Such is the real secret. It was never 1—SECRET.
20091015             This evangelical site has 1—FEW wise things to say about the Secret fad.
20091015             Alas, the writer segues into spiritual calumny —WHEN he classifies people like Byrnes and Ray as "gnostic".
20091015             Wrong.
20091015             The primary TEACHING—OF—GNOSTICISM was not "THE—LAW—OF—ATTRACTION" but "the material world sucks".
20091015             —ABANDONED, The gnostics, ALL—OF—THEIR—POSSESSIONS and devoted themselves to the ideal of pure wisdom.
20091015             —ENDED, Martland said: "Mussolini, his life hung upside down in Milan, but history has not been kind to Hoare either, condemned as 1—APPEASER—OF—FASCISM alongside Neville Chamberlain".
20091015             —AFTER the armistice, Mussolini began his rise to power, assisted by electoral fraud and blackshirt violence, establishing 1—FASCIST—DICTORSHIP by the mid-1920s.
20091015             —MENTIONED, Hoare, —LATER to become Lord Templewood, the recruitment in memoirs 19540000             , but Martland stumbled on DETAILS—OF—THE—PAYMENTS for the 1. time —WHILE scouring HOARE—PAPERS.
20091015             Benito Mussolini was paid £100—1—WEEK by MI5 to keep ITALY in the 1. world war.
20091015             Photograph: Bettmann/CORBIS—HISTORY remembers
20091015             Benito Mussolini as 1—FOUNDER member of the original Axis of Evil, THE—ITALY—DICTATOR who ruled his country with fear and forged 1—DISASTROUS—ALLIANCE with Nazi GERMANY.
20091015             But 1—PREVIOUSLY unknown AREA—OF—IL—DUCE—CV has come to light: his brief career as 1—UK—AGENT.
20091015             —REVEALED, Archived documents have, that Mussolini got his start in politics 19170000             with the help of a £100—WEEKLY—WAGE from
20091015             MI5. - Ach und noch ein spannendes Detail habe ich noch: Mussolini war MI5-Agent.
20091015             Er hat 19170000             immerhin 100—PFUND pro —WOCHE dafür bezogen.
20091015             Und hat sich auch gelohnt: Mussolini, then a —34—YEAR—OLD journalist, was not —JUST willing to ensure ITALY continued to fight alongside the allies in the 1. world war by publishing propaganda in his paper.
20091015             He was also willing to send in the boys to "persuade' peace protesters to stay at home.
20091015             Bei gibt es —HEUTE eine ausgesprochen ärgerliche Geschichte über das EU—PARLAMENT, seine VERHANDLUNGS—UNTERHÄNDLER, und 3—STRIKES.
20091015             Die Verhandler haben anscheinend ihr Mandat einmal komplett ignoriert und das Gegenteil verhandelt.
20091015             Toll, dieses Demokratieverständnis der EU—MACHER.
20091015             Da fühlt man sich doch gleich richtig gut vertreten.
20091015             Ungeachtet dessen verletzten die Verhandler ihr Mandat in dem trilateralen Gespräch mit Vertretern des Rates und der Kommission, indem sie ihr Einverständnis gaben, dass —DER—LETZTE—WOCHE präsentierte falsche "Kompromiss" die Basis der folgenden —VERHANDLUNGEN sein würde.
20091015             Damit gaben sie das Prinzip auf, dass Internetzugänge nur durch "vorherigen Beschluss einer richterlichen Autorität" eingeschränkt werden dürfen, und ignorierten damit den Kern dessen, was das Europäische Parlament zweimal mit einer Mehrheit von 88% beschlossen hatte.
20091015             WI—DER—LICH. Wo bleibt eigentlich die Revolution?
20091015             Das FBI baut an der Biometriedatenbank der Zukunft: THE—FEDERAL—BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION is expanding beyond its traditional FINGERPRINT—FOCUSED collection practices to develop 1—NEW—BIOMETRICS—SYSTEM that will include DNA records, 3-D facial imaging, palm prints and voice scans, blended to create what's known as "MULTI—MODAL biometrics".
20091015             3d Kopfabbild? Voice Scans?! Krasse Kacke!
20091015             Krise? Welche Krise? JP Morgan weist 3,6 Milliarden Dollar Quartalsprofit aus.
20091015             Die Arbeitslosigkeit in den USA ist so schlimm, dass das Militär endlich wieder genug Rekruten hat.
20091015             Wikileaks hat mal wieder was spannendes: "Gewinnverbesserung durch Abmahnverfahren", 1—VERKAUFSPRÄSENTATION an die Contentmafia.
20091015             Mit spannendem Kommentar u.a. beim lawblog und bei
20091015             —VERKAUFTEN, Auf Seite 27—RECHNEN sie dann vor, dass man an einem, Download ca 60—CENT verdient, aber an einem abgemahnten PIRATEN—DOWNLOAD 90—EURO.
20091015             Kurzer Realitätsabgleich: Nicht die INTERNET—RAUBKOPIERER machen die Verlage kaputt, sondern große BUCHHANDELS—KETTEN.
20091015             Die Details lösen Brechreiz aus.
20091015             Also die Geschichte mit dem FRANZÖSISCHEN—ATOMMÜLL in RUSSLAND hat ja die Gemüter erhitzt.
20091015             Update : auch historisch ist das eines der sichersten Endlager in RUSSLAND!1!!
20091015             Millionen Kubikmeter radioaktiver Abfälle schlicht verbuddelt, Grundwasser und Flüsse für die nächsten Generationen verseucht
20091015             Die Briten wollen —JETZT endlich mal was gegen diese nutzlose Grundlagenforschung tun.
20091015             The government is to stop funding "pointless" university research, forcing academics to prove that their academic inquiry has SOME—RELEVANCE to the real world, funding chiefs will announce —TODAY.
20091015             Universities will have to show that their research influences the economy, public policy or society in order to secure the biggest research grants, the government's funding body for higher education said.
20091015             Secret ACTA treaty can't be shown to public, —JUST 42—LAWYERS, Ars Technica.NATE—ANDERSON,
20091015             WHITE—HOUSE creates secret process as solution to transparency for key IPR negotiation, Huffington Post.JAMES—LOVE.
20091015             L'ACTA, ne pas divulguer, Astrid Girardeau,
20091015             ACTA : le traité reste "secret défense" à l'égard des simples citoyens, Numerama.GUILLAUME—CHAMPEAU,
20091015             ACTA—UPPHOVSRÄTTENS försvarare, Opassande Emma,
20091015—19170000    —AUTUMN—OF, Mussolini was paid £100—1—WEEK from the for at least —1—YEAR to keep up THE—PRO—WAR—CAMPAIGNING—EQUIVALENT to about £6,000 —1—WEEK—TODAY".
20091015—19790000    —FILED, Prosecutors in S—FRANCISCO, 1—MAIL—FRAUD—CHARGE against ROBERTO—HECKSCHER, —55—JAHRE—ALT, owner of IRVING Bookkeeping and Taxes on IRVING Street, alleging that he began operating 1—PONZI scheme that defrauded investors of over $20—MILLION.
20091015—19960000    —SEIT, U.a. weist jemand darauf hin, dass wir das genau so machen: seien aus der Urananreicherungsanlage im westfälischen Gronau etwa 22.000—TONNEN Nuklearabfälle nach RUSSLAND gelangt, teilte die ANTI—ATOM—ORGANISATION "ausgestrahlt" in BERLIN mit.
20091015—20000829    —IN, DIA Conference INDIANAPOLIS, MISTER—ROBERT—ZIENOWICZ... 20100000             .
20091015—20080818    —ON, 1—AMBUSH—OF—THE—FRENCH in 1—MOUNTAIN pass, was the biggest single combat loss for INTERNATIONAL forces in AFGHANISTAN in more than —3—YEARS.
20091015—20091019    —ARRESTED, Bulos "Paul" Zumot (36), her ON—AND—OFF boyfriend was, on CHARGES—OF—MURDER and setting 1—FIRE to cover the slaying.
20091015—20091113    —ON, parents Richard and Mayumi Heene pleaded guilty to charges related to the hoax.
20091015—20200000    —GRANTED, GOVERNOR—JARED—POLIS, full and unconditional pardons to Richard and Mayumi Heene.
20091201             —IN—LATE—JUDGE—SENTENCED—RICHARD—HEENE to —90—DAYS in jail, including —60—DAYS—OF—WORK—RELEASE that will let him pursue work as 1—CONSTRUCTION—CONTRACTOR—WHILE doing his time.
20100708—20101015    —ON,RELEASED, Jakobsen was, AFTER prosecutors revealed that he had been 1—POLICE—INFORMANT in the case.
20101013—20101015    —FROM, Several private broadcast service providers said that they received letters from the telecom regulator ending their standing permits to offer live broadcast feeds from EGYPT —STARTING.
20101015             BELLUCCI—PARENTS, Arthur (61) and Marian (56), were found dead the night of 20101013             in their Staten ISLAND home.
20101015             —ROUNDED, USA—FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES—AID they have, up over 40—PEOPLE in NEW—YORK and FLORIDA —DURING 1—TAKEDOWN—OF—1—WHOLESALE marijuana ring.
20101015             —SEIZED, Agents, $1—MILLION and almost 200—POUNDS—OF—MARIJUANA.
20101015             1—SECURITY—RESEARCHER said criminals are using 1—ZEUS botnet to pillage CHARLES—SCHWAB investment accounts.
20101015             —COLLARED, Although police in THE—USA, THE—UK—AND—UKRAINE, more than 100—MEMBERS—OF—1—ZEUS crimeware gang —3—WEEKS—AGO, experts warned that the arrests wouldn't stop the botnet.
20101015             Other gangs can simply step into the void.
20101015             —PLACED, He had, 1—FLAG in the ground EVERY—MILE to honor military personnel killed in IRAQ.
20101015             He averaged about 29—MILES —1—DAY with —4—DAYS off.
20101015             1—LIGHT—PLANE carrying 4—USA—CITIZENS on 1—MEDICAL—AID—FLIGHT crashed in Baja CALIFORNIA, killing all 4—ABOARD.
20101015             The plane that went down was 1—OF 3 on 1—MISSION from THE—S—LUIS—OBISPO, CALIFORNIA, area.
20101015             THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT said 1—SYSTEM meant to ensure AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS are consulted on sensitive INTERNATIONAL military operations has been "ineffective".
20101015             3—NATO—TROOPS were killed in 1—SURGE—OF—ATTACKS that raised the death toll to 17—OVER the past —3—DAYS for INTERNATIONAL troops in the country.
20101015             —KILLED, In the southeast 6—CIVILIANS were, —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb detonated beside their vehicle near Kalat.
20101015             —OPENED, CHINA—COMMUNIST—PARTY, its secretive annual meeting to discuss the nation's next —5—YEAR—ECONOMIC—PLAN against the backdrop of unusually outspoken calls for political reform.
20101015             —FINED, CHINA—BASKETBALL association, 1—SERIES—OF—COACHES and players in the national team —AFTER 1—BENCH—CLEARING brawl put 1—END to 1—FRIENDLY—MATCH with BRAZIL.
20101015             ROGER—MEECE, HEADS—OF—THE—UN peacekeeping mission in CONGO, said more than 15,000—PEOPLE were raped in the volatile EAST—REGION—OF—CONGO —LAST—YEAR, according to the best data available.
20101015             ADRIAN—EDWARDS, THE—UN—HIGH—COMMISSIONER for Refugees, said THE—REBELS—OF—THE—LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY have killed at least 2,000—PEOPLE and forced 400,000 to flee in 3—COUNTRIES in less than —2—YEARS.
20101015             1—UNHCR communique documented 1—MOUNTING "CAMPAIGN—OF—TERROR against civilians" in THE—DR—CONGO, SOUTH—SUDAN and THE—CAR.
20101015             THE—COSTA—RICA—GOVERNMENT said it is receiving nearly $56—MILLION in donations and debt WRITE—OFFS to expand its forest and marine conservation programs and has become the 1. developing country to meet UN goals on protected areas.
20101015             —AGREED, Under the plan, THE—USA, to buy back $27—MILLION—OF—COSTA—RICA—FOREIGN—DEBT, money that will be used instead to invest conservation programs.
20101015             The debt —NOW stands at $77—MILLION.
20101015             —COLLAPSED, ECUADOR, 1—TUNNEL, in 1—GOLD—MINE in the south, trapping 4—MINERS 490—FEET (150—METERS) underground.
20101015             Authorities said rescue efforts were under way.
20101015             The bodies of 2—MINERS were found the —NEXT—DAY as rescue efforts continued for 2—OTHERS.
20101015             —BLOCKED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY sent in riot police to reopen fuel depots, by strikes, as the pipeline to PARIS airports was cut in 1—ESCALATING battle over pension reform.
20101015             INDONESIA, 1—RABIES outbreak on the resort ISLAND—OF—BALI has to date killed 100—PEOPLE.
20101015             Bali, 1—ISLAND—OF—3—MILLION—PEOPLE and 1—OF—ASIA—TOP—TOURIST—DESTINATIONS, has been grappling with the outbreak for nearly —2—YEARS.
20101015             IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—MANOUCHEHR—MOTTAKI said that TEHRAN was ready to resume talks about its nuclear program with THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY within 1—MATTER—OF—WEEKS.
20101015             —SIGNED, ISRAEL, off on the construction of 238—HOMES in Jewish neighborhoods in EAST—JERUSALEM, bringing 1—END to 1—UNOFFICIAL building freeze in the traditionally Arab SECTOR—OF—THE—CITY and further complicating peace talks stuck over the broader FATE—OF—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENTS.
20101015             1—REPORT released by aid organization Oxfam said attacks and other ACTS—OF—HARASSMENT by Jewish settlers against PALESTINE—OLIVE farmers "are common and often increase —DURING the time of the harvest".
20101015             THE—ISRAEL—ARMY says it does all it can to protect PALESTINE—OLIVE growers.
20101015             So far —THIS—YEAR there have been no casualties at least.
20101015             But neither have the police made ANY—ARRESTS.
20101015             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—POLICE, Staten ISLAND resident ERIC—BELLUCCI, —30—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—CITIZEN who escaped to ISRAEL—AFTER allegedly stabbing his parents to death in their NEW—YORK home —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK.
20101015             —LAUNCHED, ITALY, judicial sources said prosecutors have, 1—INVESTIGATION against PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI for tax evasion linked to his Mediaset media empire.
20101015             —REJECTED, The allegations, which were —IMMEDIATELY, by Mediaset, were linked to tax declarations for 20030000             and 20040000             and are PART—OF—1—WIDER—INQUIRY.
20101015             —PLUNGED, JAMAICA, 1—BUS, over 1—CLIFF on THE—ISLAND—NORTH—COAST, killing 1—TEENAGE—GIRL and injuring 39—PEOPLE.
20101015             The bus driver fled —AFTER the accident.
20101015             —ARMED, MEXICO, men entered through the back of 1—HOUSE in 1—RESIDENTIAL—NEIGHBORHOOD—NEAR the center of CIUDAD—JUAREZ, surprising THE—PARTY—GOERS with 1—ASSAULT—RIFLE—ATTACK that killed 6—PEOPLE.
20101015             —CRASHED, SOUTH—EAST—MEXICO, 1—HELICOPTER carrying oil workers, killing all 8—PEOPLE aboard.
20101015             PAKISTAN said it was willing to assist talks between THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT and the Taliban, and NATO confirmed its forces had helped ensure 1—SENIOR—TALIBAN COMMANDER—REACHED—KABUL.
20101015             In 1—EARLY —MORNING attack in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN 5—PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS were killed —WHEN militants sprayed 1—ARMY—CHECKPOINT with gunfire.
20101015             1—SUSPECTED—USA unmanned aircraft launched 2—MISSILES in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20101015             3 were killed in the 1. missile strike, which hit 1—VEHICLE in Machi Khel.
20101015             —OCCURRED, The 2. strike, several hours —LATER, killing 6 suspected militants at 1—HOUSE in AZIZ—KHEL.
20101015             —AMBUSHED, Gunmen, 1—TRUCK—EARLY in the —MORNING as it was returning home —AFTER delivering NATO—SUPPLIES in AFGHANISTAN, killing the driver and his assistant.
20101015             RUSSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, SERGEI—SOBYANIN, was nominated as MOSCOW—NEXT mayor, 1—MOVE seen as bringing the capital's sizable political and business interests under the direct CONTROL—OF—THE—KREMLIN.
20101015             —AGREED, RUSSIA, to help build VENEZUELA—1. nuclear power plant and buy $1.6—BILLION—OF—OIL—ASSETS, reinforcing ties with PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, who shares MOSCOW—OPPOSITION to USA global dominance.
20101015             THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—GOVERNMENT said Jaber Jabran AL—FAIFI, 1—FORMER—GUANTANAMO detainee, has turned himself in to SAUDI—ARABIA—AUTHORITIES.
20101015             —REJOINED, He had, AL—QAEDA in YEMEN —AFTER graduating from SAUDI—ARABIA—REHABILITATION—PROGRAM.
20101015             —SMASHED, SWITZERLAND—ENGINEERS, through the last STRETCH—OF—ROCK to create the world's longest tunnel (35.4—MILES), THE—GOTTHARD—BASE—RAIL—TUNNEL, sparking 1—NATIONAL—GROUNDSWELL—OF—ELATION over 1—COSTLY, technically difficult project that has been —60—YEARS in the making.
20101015             ZAMBIA, nearly 12—MINERS were shot in 1—PAY—DISPUTE.
20101015             —NACH—KNAPP—11—JAHRE—BAUZEIT erfolgt der Durchstich der 1. Röhre des GOTTHARD—BASISTUNNELS.
20101015—20101012    —THE—NIGHT—OF, ERUPTED, The fight had, at 1—GAME in CENTRAL—HENAN province.
20101015—20101020    —ON, Their bodies were found.
20101228—19941015    —ON, Real and 6—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—1—FLORIDA—BASED exile group came ashore in NORTH—CUBA, armed with assault rifles and other weapons.
20110000—20161015    AS—OF—5—YEARS—AGO— the replication crisis was barely 1—CLOUD on the horizon.
20110104             —APPLIED, ZAMBIA—PROSECUTORS, for arrest warrants —AFTER the mining officials XIAO—LI—SHAN and Wu Jiu Hua failed to attend the preliminary hearing regarding 20111015             —THE shooting of nearly 12—MINERS at 1—CHINESE—RUN—COAL—MINE.
20110811—20111015    THROUGH, It will last, and includes —AROUND—THE—CLOCK—PATROLS—OF—TROUBLE—SPOTS, identity checks and street SEARCHES—OF—PEOPLE and vehicles.
20110923—20111015    —ON, STEVE—TAUSAN was shot and killed in S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA, at the funeral of Pettigrew.
20111015             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE led by THE—REVEREND—AL—SHARPTON, near THE—WASHINGTON—MONUMENT, where speakers called for easier job access and decried the gulf between rich and poor —BEFORE the crowd marched to the new MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR—MEMORIAL.
20111015             —GREED, NEW—YORK—CITY, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS protesting corporate, filled Times Square, mixing with gawkers, Broadway showgoers, tourists and police to create 1—CHAOTIC—SCENE in the midst of Manhattan.
20111015             PHILADELPHIA, apartment landlord Turgut Gozleveli found 4—MENTALLY disabled adults held inside 1—BASEMENT boiler room.
20111015             —ARRESTED, Police, 3—PEOPLE for kidnapping, false imprisonment and other charges.
20111015             Linda ANN—WESTON (51), EDDIE—WRIGHT, —50—JAHRE—ALT and GREGORY—THOMAS, —47—JAHRE—ALT were implicated in 1—BROAD—SCHEME to steal disability checks from vulnerable people.
20111015             —TRIED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, militants, to blast their way into 1—USA—BASE, striking —BEFORE dawn with ROCKET—PROPELLED grenades and 1—CAR—BOMB.
20111015             —KILLED, All 4—ATTACKERS were, as well as 2—TRUCK drivers parked nearby.
20111015             This was the 1. suicide ATTACK—OF—THE—WAR in THE—PROVINCE—OF—PANJSHIR.
20111015             —KILLED, In the west 5—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS were, and 3—OTHERS wounded in 1—TALIBAN ambush.
20111015             —AROUND 800—PEOPLE rallied in LONDON—FINANCIAL—HEART amid 1—HEAVY—POLICE—PRESENCE as PART—OF—WORLD—PROTESTS against corporate greed and budget cutbacks.
20111015             Protesters began occupying THE—FRONT—OF—S—PAUL'S—CATHEDRAL.
20111015             † UNITED—KINGDOM—ACTRESS Betty Driver (91).
20111015             —STARRED, THE—MUCH—LOVED actress had, —FOR—42—YEARS on "Coronation Street," BRITAIN—LONGEST—RUNNING television soap opera.
20111015             —REPORTED, Flooding in CAMBODIA was, to have killed at least 247—PEOPLE as CHINA began delivering the 1. of some $7.8—MILLION in flood relief aid.
20111015             —OPENED, CHINA—TOP—COMMUNIST—PARTY—LEADERS, a —4—DAY meeting which will be devoted to the country's "cultural development".
20111015             Analysts said the meeting is largely to strengthen the party's tight control over the media and THE—INTERNET.
20111015             —ISSUED, EGYPT—TRANSITIONAL military rulers, 1—DECREE prohibiting all FORMS—OF—DISCRIMINATION including on the basis of religion.
20111015             EGYPT—GAMAA—ISLAMIYA, or Islamic Group, —POSTED on its website 1—NOTICE mourning the death in AFGHANISTAN—OF—AHMED—ABDEL—RAHMAN, the son of the "Blind SHEIK" —NOW serving 1—LIFE—SENTENCE in THE—USA for his involvement in 1—PLOT to blow up NEW—YORK—CITY landmarks.
20111015             † GABON—OPPOSITION leader PIERRE—MAMBOUNDOU, —65—JAHRE—ALT.
20111015             —GATHERED, HONG—KONG, some 500—PEOPLE, in the heart of the financial district to express their anger at the inequities and EXCESSES—OF—FREE—MARKET—CAPITALISM.
20111015             —JOINED, Protesters across THE—ASIA—PACIFIC region, worldwide demonstrations inspired by the "Occupy WALL—STREET" and "Indignants" movements.
20111015             INDIA, THE—FORMER—CHIEF—MINISTER—OF—KARNATAKA, B.S. Yeddyurappa, surrendered to authorities in STATE—CAPITAL—BANGALORE —AFTER 1—JUDGE issued 1—WARRANT for his arrest.
20111015             He faced accusations of taking kickbacks in exchange for illegally selling government land.
20111015             —FACED, THE—FORMER—CHIEF—MINISTER also, accusations over 1 alleged $3.6-billion IRON—ORE mining fraud.
20111015             † INDIA—OFFICIALS said at least 430—PEOPLE, mainly children, have from 1—OUTBREAK—OF encephalitis in 1—DEEPLY neglected REGION—OF—THE—NORTHERN—STATE—OF—UTTAR—PRADESH.
20111015             —HOODED, ITALY, rioters in ROME hijacked 1—PEACEFUL—PROTEST and smashed bank and store windows, tore up sidewalks and torched vehicles.
20111015             —ESTIMATED, Damages were, to be at least euro1 million ($1.4—MILLION).
20111015             1—GROUP—OF—LIBERIA—OPPOSITION—PARTIES said they are pulling out —AFTER 1—RECENT—PRESIDENTIAL—POLL and threatened to refuse the results over allegations that the electoral commission are skewing the outcome in FAVOR—OF—THE—PRESIDENT.
20111015             —HOSTED, MALAWI, 6—HEADS—OF—STATE at 1—MEETING of the 19-member Common Market for Eastern and SOUTH—AFRICA (COMESA).
20111015             MEXICO, 1—BLOODY, HOURS—LONG fight in 1—PRISON in the border CITY—OF—MATAMOROS left 20—INMATES—DEAD and 12 injured.
20111015             —FREED, Soldiers in the border CITY—OF—PIEDRAS—NEGRAS, 61—MEN, all migrants being held for ransom by the Zetas drug cartel.
20111015             NIGERIA, THE—BODIES—OF—COMMUNITY—LEADER—AHMADU ALI—KAZAURE and Babangida IBRAHIM—YUSUF, —23—JAHRE—ALT were dropped off at 1—LOCAL mortuary in JOS.
20111015             —PICKED, Soldiers had, up the men hours —EARLIER over the machete KILLING—OF—1—SOLDIER.
20111015             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, USA—MISSILES, 6 suspected militants.
20111015             —TARGETED, THE—DRONE—FIRED missiles, fighters of Maulvi Nazir, 1—PAKISTAN—MILITANT—COMMANDER.
20111015             OMAN, more than 1,300 candidates, including 77—WOMEN, sought seats on the 84-member Shura Council, —1—DECADE—OLD—BODY that has no direct authority but advises the ruling SULTAN.
20111015             —ELECTED, Only 1—SINGLE—WOMAN was, to the nation's top advisory council despite 1—PUSH by female candidates that followed PRO—REFORM—UNREST in the Arabian peninsula nation.
20111015             RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—ACTIVIST—SERGEI—UDALTSOV, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—LEFT—FRONT—MOVEMENT was sent back to jail —AFTER visiting 1—HOSPITAL where he was denied proper medical attention.
20111015             Udaltsov was on the 3. —DAY—OF—1—HUNGER—STRIKE and fell ill in 1—COURTROOM where he was appealing a —10—DAY—JAIL—SENTENCE for disobeying police orders.
20111015             —WRESTED, SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS and allied militia, CONTROL—OF—1—ISLAMIST—SHEBAB stronghold in THE—SOUTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AFTER reported bombing by military aircraft.
20111015             —ANNOUNCED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD, the creation of 1—AD hoc committee tasked with preparing 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION within —4—MONTHS.
20111015             —WOUNDED, At least 5—PEOPLE were, in the central neighborhood of Midan —DURING the funeral of 1—TEENAGER killed —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20111015             —KILLED, Activist Ziad AL—OBEIDI was, in Deir EL—ZOUR.
20111015             —CALLED, THAILAND PRIME—MINISTER—YINGLUCK in 1—RADIO—ADDRESS, current flooding "the worst in THAILAND—HISTORY".
20111015             —KILLED, The government said the floods, which have, 297—PEOPLE, are the worst to hit THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—KINGDOM in HALF—1—CENTURY.
20111015             YEMEN, 17—PEOPLE, at least 5—OF—THEM civilians, were killed in clashes that erupted between Saleh loyalists, and PRO—OPPOSITION tribesmen and army units.
20111015             —KILLED, Security forces in another PART—OF—SANAA, at least 12—PROTESTERS rallying to demand the removal of Saleh from office.
20111015             Gas exports from the Balhaf terminal on the Gulf of ADEN were suspended —AFTER 1—ROCKET—ATTACK blew up 1—PIPELINE—JUST to the north.
20111015—20090000    —IN—THE, GABON—OPPOSITION had finished 3. presidential polls.
20111015—20110515    —ON, The movement was born —WHEN 1—RALLY in MADRID—CENTRAL—SQUARE—OF—PUERTA del Sol sparked 1—PROTEST that spread nationwide, then to other countries.
20111116—20111015    —SINCE, More than 200—TENTS have been pitched outside the iconic church in 1—PROTEST against capitalist excess inspired by NEW—YORK—OCCUPY—WALL—STREET, and the protesters said they would resist attempts to move them.
20120829—20121015    —WARNED, ISRAEL—INTERIOR—MINISTER—ELI—YISHAI, that illegal immigrants from SUDAN who do not leave the country will be detained.
20121007—20121015    —ON, Aquino said the "framework agreement," to be signed, was 1—ASSURANCE—THE—MORO—ISLAMIC—LIBERATION—FRONT—INSURGENTS will no longer aim to secede from the country in return for autonomy in 1—NEW—AREA, Bangsamoro.
20121015             BODENproben: SONNEN—STÜRME erzeugen Wasser auf dem Mond
20121015             USA—SCHOLARS—ALVIN—ROTH, —60—JAHRE—ALT of Harvard and LLOYD—SHAPLEY, —89—JAHRE—ALT—OF—UCLA were awarded the Nobel economics prize for studies on THE—MATCH—MAKING that takes place —WHEN doctors are coupled up with hospitals, students with schools and human organs with transplant recipients.
20121015             —PLEADED, GEORGIA, FORMER—USA—ARMY—MEDIC—CHRISTOPHER—JENDERSECK, guilty to destroying clothing, shotgun shells and 1—CELL—PHONE —FOLLOWING 20121204             —THE killings of former soldier MICHAEL—ROARK and his girlfriend Tiffany YORK.
20121015             —ACCUSED—OF, Jenderseck was 1—OF 10—PEOPLE, belonging to 1—GROUP that plotted to bomb 1—SAVANNAH park, poison apples in WASHINGTON state and assassinate THE—PRESIDENT.
20121015             —CALLED, The group, itself FEAR (Forever Enduring, Always Ready).
20121015             —URGED, AZERBAIJAN—TOP—ENERGY—OFFICIAL, further scrutiny of THE—INTERNATIONAL consortium developing the Caspian Sea nation's main oil field amid mounting irritation at 1—SLUMP in output.
20121015             —CONCERNED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, by what it called IRAN—REFUSAL to come clean on its nuclear program, imposed 1—NEW—RANGE—OF—SANCTIONS intended to hit the country's treasury and increase pressure on its Islamic regime.
20121015             —INCLUDED, This, 1—PAIR—OF—CAR—BOMBS in the ethnically divided NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK that left 1—DEAD and 20—PEOPLE wounded.
20121015             —UNIDENTIFIED, In THE—IVORY—COAST, gunmen carried out overnight attacks against 1—POWER—PLANT in ABIDJAN and military positions in THE—SOUTH—EAST—TOWN—OF—BONOUA.
20121015             —REPELLED, The gunmen were, by security forces.
20121015             —OFFERED, JAPAN—MOBILE—COMPANY—SOFTBANK, a $20—BILLION deal for a 70—PERCENT stake in USA MOBILE carrier Sprint.
20121015             JORDAN said it is planning to open a 2. camp for SYRIA—REFUGEES, whose numbers are expected to climb to 250,000 by THE—YEAR—END.
20121015             —BANNED, KENYA, 3—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MOMBASA—REPUBLICAN—COUNCIL, 1, secessionist group, were killed —WHEN its leader OMAR—HAMISI—MWAMNUADZI was arrested.
20121015             The group had won 1—COURT—BATTLE—THIS—YEAR to get legal status.
20121015             —DEMANDED, KUWAIT, More than 2,000 protesters, that SHEIK—SABAH—AL—AHMAD—AL—SABAH 20120901             for parliamentary elections under voting districts that appear to favor opposition forces, including Islamists.
20121015             —ESCAPED, LIBYA, 120—PRISONERS, from jail in THE—CAPITAL—CITY—OF—TRIPOLI, where security guards are suspected of having accepted bribes to free them.
20121015             —TEENAGED, MALI, 1, girl, about —15—YEARS—OLD, received 60—LASHES in Timbuktu —AFTER Islamist extremists convicted her of speaking to men on the street.
20121015             —RAIDED, MEXICO—POLICE, 3—TEACHERS—COLLEGES in THE—WEST—STATE—OF—MICHOACAN, where DOZENS—OF—STUDENTS had been hijacking buses and delivery trucks for —1—WEEK to protest curriculum changes.
20121015             The standoff at the teachers colleges began over —1—WEEK—AGO, —WHEN students seized the campuses to protest plans to require them to take English and computer science courses.
20121015             The protesters say the colleges are meant to prepare teachers for rural areas where basic skills are more of 1—PRIORITY.
20121015             —PUNCTUATED, NIGERIA, at least 15—SEPARATE—EXPLOSIONS, by gunfire echoed across MAIDUGURI, 1—CITY—LONG under siege by the radical Islamist sect known as Boko Haram.
20121015             —KILLED, At least 24—PEOPLE were.
20121015             1—GUNMAN suspected to belong to Boko Haram shot dead 1—POLICE—TRAFFIC warden in the city within view of 1—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT.
20121015             —ATTACKED, NIGERIA, gunmen, 1—SHIP operated by 1—FRANCE—OIL and gas services company off THE—COAST—OF—THE—OIL—RICH—SOUTHERN—DELTA, kidnapping 6—RUSSIA—SAILORS and 1—ESTONIAN in the assault.
20121015             Malala Yousufzai (14), THE—PAKISTAN—SCHOOLGIRL shot by Taliban gunmen for advocating education for girls, was flown in 1—AIR—AMBULANCE, provided by THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, to THE—UK for medical treatment.
20121015             THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT and Muslim rebels overcame DECADES—OF—BITTER—HOSTILITY and took their 1. tentative step toward ending 1—OF—ASIA'S—LONGEST—RUNNING insurgencies with the signing of 1—PRELIMINARY—PEACE—PACT brokered by MALAYSIA.
20121015             SCOTLAND set up 1—HISTORIC—INDEPENDENCE—REFERENDUM—AFTER PRIME—MINISTER—ALEX—SALMOND signed 1—AGREEMENT with BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON finalizing arrangements for a 20140000             vote which could lead to the demise of its —3—CENTURIES—OLD—UNION with ENGLAND.
20121015             SOUTH—AFRICA—NKOSAZANA—DLAMINI—ZUMA took CHARGE—OF—THE—AFRICA—UNION, the 1. woman to assume its top leadership.
20121015             —ORDERED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD, immediate repairs to the historic Umayyad mosque in THE—CITY—OF—ALEPPO, 1—MOVE—LIKELY aimed at containing Muslim outrage —AFTER fierce fighting between rebels and regime forces set PARTS—OF—THE—MOSQUE on fire over the weekend.
20121015             —CRASHED, YEMEN, 1—RUSSIAN—MADE MIG—21—JETFIGHTER, —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER takeoff —DURING 1—TRAINING mission, killing its pilot.
20121015             Den USA—AMERIKANERN ALVIN—E—ROTH und LLOYD—S—SHAPLEY wird der Wirtschaftsnobelpreis zuerkannt.
20121015—19890000    —IN, RUSSIA said it is appealing to THE—AFGHANISTAN—AUTHORITIES and the public to provide information on some 265—SOVIET—TROOPS — including 30—40—WHO may still be alive — listed as missing —SINCE SOVIET—FORCES ended their occupation of AFGHANISTAN.
20121015—20070000    —SINCE, SOUTH—DAKOTA executed ERIC—ROBERT, —50—JAHRE—ALT, the 1. person to be executed here.
20121015—20110000    —KILLED, He had, 1—PRISON—GUARD —DURING 1 failed escape attempt.
20121015—20121031    —FREED, The kidnapped sailors were.
20130720—20131015    —SENTENCED, Zhongxing was, to —6—YEARS in prison.
20130909—20131015    —ON, police said 2—GIRLS—OF—CRYSTAL Lake Middle School, ages 12 and 14, have been arrested for bullying Sedwick.
20130926             —AGREED, Both sides, to FAST—TRACK—NEGOTIATIONS and hold 1—SUBSTANTIVE—ROUND—OF—TALKS on 20131015—20161015     in GENEVA.
20131010—20131015    —RELEASED, THE—RV—TEKNIK—PERDANA and its crew were.
20131015             "Rechnet man die INVESTITIONS—PLÄNE zusammen, kommt man auf 1—GLOBALE ERD—ERWÄRMUNG—VON—4,5—GRAD—CELSIUS ENDE—DES—BIS —JAHRHUNDERTS", sagt Süß.
20131015             [l] NSA collects, on 1—REPRESENTATIVE—DAY, ~ 500.000—BUDDYLISTS and inboxes.
20131015             Hochrechnung: Infektion mit CREUTZFELD—JAKOB—ERREGER häufiger als vermutet
20131015             GEHEIM—DIENST—AFFÄRE: NSA plündert millionenfach ONLINE—ADRESSBÜCHER
20131015             Feinstaub: EUROPÄER sind zu hoher LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG ausgesetzt
20131015             DIE—AUS den E—MAIL—KONTEN gezogenen DATEN sollen der NSA dazu dienen, Kontaktprofile von VERDÄCHTIGEN zu erstellen.
20131015             BILDER—APP fürs Smartphone: Snapchat rückt Bilder an Behörden heraus
20131015             1—LONDONER Studie, die in der jüngsten Ausgabe des "UNITED—KINGDOM—MEDICAL Journal"veröffentlicht wird, deutet darauf hin, daß bei den BRITEN 1—VON 2.000—BÜRGERN den Erreger in sich trägt, selbst wenn die wenigsten —BISHER, die Krankheit entwickelten.
20131015             "THE—INTERNET—POLICE"von NATE—ANDERSON: Wie DIE—POLIZEI IM—NETZ nach Straftätern fahndet
20131015             "Wir haben 2—SYSTEME, die sich gegenseitig kannibalisieren"
20131015             "Wir haben neben unserem bestehenden konventionellen VERSORGUNGS—SYSTEM 1 2. aus erneuerbaren Energien aufgebaut", sagt Süß.
20131015             6,24 Cent pro Kilowattstunde: ÖKO—STROMUMLAGE steigt auf Rekordwert
20131015             —SPEKULIERT, ATOM—GESPRÄCHE in GENF: IRAN, auf gelockerte Sanktionen
20131015             Abgasnormen der EU: Zetsche fordert Mitsprache bei CO2—VERHANDLUNGEN
20131015             ALLE—EUROPÄISCHEN—VERSORGER LEIDEN unter dem Wandel des Energiesystems, DIE—DEUTSCHEN zusätzlich unter dem ATOM—AUSSTIEG.
20131015             Als der Mann den Gewinn erhielt, waren die EHE—LEUTE zwar NOCH NICHT geschieden, lebten aber —BEREITS—8—JAHRE in Trennung
20131015             Angeschlagener RWE—KONZERN: Stromriese im Schuldenstrudel
20131015             BAG—URTEIL: Betriebsräte dürfen nicht per DIENST—E—MAIL zu Streiks aufrufen
20131015             BBC—SENDUNG zum Fall Maddie: BRITISCHE—ERMITTLER bekommen Hunderte Hinweise
20131015             Come tomorrow, THOUSANDS—OF—PARTS—OF—MILITARY—AIRCRAFT, such as propeller blades, brake pads and tires will be able to be sent to almost ANY—COUNTRY—IN—THE—WORLD, with minimal oversight — even to SOME—COUNTRIES—SUBJECT to UN—ARMS—EMBARGOS.
20131015             —BEZEICHNET, DIE—LIBYEN—ÜBERGANGS—REGIERUNG hatte die Verschleppung von Libi als Entführung, und Aufklärung verlangt.
20131015             DIE—NSA sei aber weder vom Kongress noch dem speziell zuständigen Gericht ermächtigt worden, Kontaktlisten in großer Menge zu sammeln, schrieb das Blatt.
20131015             DIE—SCHWEIZER—BANK—UBS schätzt, daß in ZENTRAL—EUROPA allein in den kommenden —5—JAHREN—BIS zu 30—PROZENT—DES—KRAFTWERKSBESTANDS abgebaut werden müssten, damit der StromMARKT wieder normal funktioniert.
20131015             DIE—SAMMLUNG an Kontakten sei so umfangreich, daß gelegentlich 1—ÜBERLASTUNG der Speicherkapazitäten gedroht habe, heißt es in der WASHINGTON—POST.
20131015             DIE—USA verteidigten die Aktion als legal.
20131015             Da ist insbesondere die Argumentation mit dem 14.
20131015             Da ist insbesondere die Argumentation mit dem 14. VERFASSUNGS—ZUSATZ—VON—18680000              20131015             Den Führungsanspruch MERKELs bei den —VERHANDLUNGEN erkennt auch CSU—CHEF—SEEHOFER an.
20131015             Dumm nur, daß OBAMA—SPRECHER JAY—CARNEY selbst mehrfach erklärt hat, DIE—REGIERUNG gehe nicht davon aus, "dass der 14.
20131015             Dumm nur, daß OBAMA—SPRECHER JAY—CARNEY selbst mehrfach erklärt hat, DIE—REGIERUNG gehe nicht davon aus, "dass der 14. VERFASSUNGS—ZUSATZ dem Präsidenten die MACHT gibt, das SCHULDEN—LIMIT zu ignorieren".
20131015             EURO—KRISE, Europäische BANKEN—AUFSICHT startet
20131015             Erdstoß der Stärke 7,2: Tote und Verletzte bei schwerem Beben auf den PHILIPPINEN
20131015             Fortpflanzung statt Regeneration: Das Dilemma der Zebrafische
20131015             GABRIEL dagegen führt seine Genossen wie 1—DIRIGENT—1—ORCHESTER.
20131015             Gefährliche Einwanderer: Erneut Tigermücken in SÜD—DEUTSCHLAND gesichtet
20131015             Hauptgrund für die SIEMENS—VORHERSAGE sind laut Süß die hohen ZUBAU—RATEN für Kohle.
20131015             IWF—VIZE—ZUM—USA—HAUSHALTS—STREIT: "1—PLEITE würde DIE—MÄRKTE schwer erschüttern"
20131015             —ARGUMENTIERT, Jurist Buchanan, OBAMA müsse die "am wenigsten VERFASSUNGS—WIDRIGE Option"wählen —, das sei eben die Aufnahme neuer Schulden.
20131015             KOPENHAGEN —CA—90—PROZENT—DER—STADTBEWOHNER in der EU sind 1—LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG ausgesetzt, die von der WELT—GESUNDHEITS—ORGANISATION—WHO als gesundheitsgefährdend eingestuft wird.
20131015             —VERLOREN, KRYPTO—E—MAIL—DIENST: LAVABIT—KUNDEN können, geglaubte Nachrichten sichern
20131015             Liberias EX—DIKTATOR: KRIEGS—VERBRECHER Taylor tritt Haft in GROß—BRITANNIEN an
20131015             Libi wurde wegen der ANSCHLÄGE—AUF—DIE—USA—BOTSCHAFTEN in KENIA und TANSANIA 19980000             mit 224—TODES—OPFERN INTERNATIONAL gesucht.
20131015             Lipton: DAS—PROGRAMM war —ZUNÄCHST nicht erfolgreich, deshalb haben wir es angepasst.
20131015             Lottogewinn. MICHAEL—SÜSS.
20131015             NSA—SPÄH—AFFÄRE: Nur nicht nachlassen
20131015             Neben RegierungsmitARBEITern sollen auch die BRASILIANISCHEN—BÜRGER davon profitieren.
20131015             Nimmt man die strengeren Grenzwerte der WHO, die aber nicht bindend sind, lebten sogar —BIS zu 88—PROZENT—DER—STÄDTER in Gebieten, in denen die PM—10—PARTIKEL—BELASTUNG zu hoch war.
20131015             QUANDT—SPENDE an die CDU: MERKEL und der Vorwurf der gekauften —POLITIK
20131015             RUSSLAND: —EXPERTEN finden keine POLONIUM—SPUREN in des ARAFAT—LEICHNAM
20131015             SCHULDEN—KRISE—GRIECHENLAND lässt sich MILITÄR—PARADE sponsern
20131015             SKANDAL—UM—BISCHOF—TEBARTZ—VAN—ELST: LIMBURGer KATHOLIKEN wenden sich von Kirche ab
20131015             SNOWDENs Partner: NSA—REPORTER GREENWALD verlässt den "GUARDIAN"
20131015             SHAWN—TURNER, SPRECHER—DES—BÜROS des Nationalen GEHEIM—DIENST—DIREKTORS, erklärte nach ANGABEN—DER—ZEITUNG, daß DIE—NSA Hinweise auf TERRORISTEN, MENSCHEN—HÄNDLER und Drogenschmuggler suche.
20131015             Stimmenkauf beim Misstrauensvotum: Bahr und die "BRANDT—SCHUTZWOCHEN"
20131015             Tierversuch: Pflanzenstoff schützt vor Strahlenschäden
20131015             USA—HAUSHALTS—STREIT: AMERIKA ringt um den rettenden Deal
20131015             USA—HAUSHALTS—STREIT: ZENTRAL—BANKEN bereiten sich auf den Crash vor
20131015             Union und SPD: Erbitterter Streit bei Sondierungsgesprächen
20131015             Viele fahrlässig hilfreich - Was für 1—SCHWACHSINN!
20131015             Was soll denn der normale BÜRGER, der mit Mühe seinen Brauser öffen kann, mit diesem TechSprech anfangen?
20131015             Welten prallen aufeinander.
20131015             WELTENERGIEKONGRESS—IN—SÜD—KOREA: SIEMENS prophezeit ERD—ERWÄRMUNG um —BIS zu 4,5 Grad
20131015             [l] GCHQ scheißt natürlich beim Schnüffeln darauf, ob das privilegierte Kommunikation mit dem Anwalt ist oder nicht.
20131015             [l] OBAMA lockert die WAFFEN—EXPORTRESTRIKTIONEN.
20131015             [l] Spannende Statistik aus 1—USA—KOMMUNE, in der POLIZISTEN Kameras tragen.
20131015             es gilt —HEUTE als nahezu gesichert, daß die neue Variante der CREUTZFELDT—JAKOB—KRANKHEIT (vCJD) durch den Verzehr von Rindfleisch entsteht, das mit BSE (Bovine Spongiforme Encephalopathie) VERSEUCHT ist.
20131015             indem Sie der AUFFORDERUNG—VON—FACEBOOK und anderen "Diensten"nachkommen, Kennung und Passwort zu ihren MAIL—KONTEN zu übergeben.
20131015             —AB, —DONNERSTAG droht AMERIKA DER—STAATS—BANKROTT.
20131015             —BIS, zu 98—PROZENT—DER—STÄDTER waren Ozonkonzentrationen ausgesetzt, die DIE—GRENZWERTE der WHO überschreiten.
20131015             —BISLANG seien —J—IN—DIESEM, 641—DENGUE—INFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND gemeldet WORDEN—ALLE—BETROFFENEN hatten sich im Ausland infiziert.
20131015             —BIS—ZUM Erreichen der Schuldenobergrenze sind es nur noch ganze —2—TAGE.
20131015             —DENN, das voll kontrollierte Netz, wie es sich nicht nur autoritäre Regime wünschen, sondern auch Vertreter von POLIZEI—GEWERKSCHAFTEN und so MANCHE—INNENPOLITIKER, bedeutet 1—ENDE—DER—ANONYMITÄT.
20131015             —INZWISCHEN, haben die McCanns Amaral wegen Verleumdung verklagt und verlangen 1.000.000—PFUND Wiedergutmachung.
20131015             —IN—THE—1. —YEAR—AFTER the cameras were introduced here in ;;02;;
20131015             —PARTEIENFINANZIERUNG: CDU erhält Riesenspende von BMW—GROßAKTIONÄREN
20131015             —PARTEISPENDE der BMW—AKTIONÄRE: Finanzspritze für CDU empört OPPOSITION
20131015             —SCHON, diskutieren Juristen, ob PRÄSIDENT—OBAMA im Notfall allein entscheiden kann.
20131015             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Haben Sie GRIECHENLAND nicht längst kaputtgespart mit ihren harschen Sparprogrammen?
20131015             —ZUVOR, waren —EXPERTEN davon ausgegangen, daß nur etwa jeder 4.000. Brite den Erreger in sich trägt.
20131015             —ZUVOR, waren —EXPERTEN davon ausgegangen, daß nur etwa jeder 4000.
20131015             —AGREED, THE—CITY—OF—COUNCIL—BLUFFS, IOWA, to pay $6—MILLION to settle 1—LAWSUIT with TERRY—HARRINGTON and CURTIS—MCGHEE—OF—OMAHA, who were wrongfully convicted and imprisoned —FOR—25—YEARS for 19770000             —THE shooting of retired police CAPTAIN—JOHN—SCHWEER.
20131015             LOUISIANA, FORMER—HALLIBURTON EMPLOYEE—ANTHONY—BADALAMENTI, —62—JAHRE—ALT pleaded guilty to destroying evidence in the aftermath of 20100000             —THE deadly rig explosion that spawned BP—OIL spill in the Gulf of MEXICO.
20131015             —PLANTED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMB, inside 1—MOSQUE microphone killed Logar province GOVERNOR—ARSALLAH—JAMAL, —47—JAHRE—ALT as he was delivering 1—SPEECH to worshippers to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid AL—ADHA.
20131015             15—PEOPLE were wounded.
20131015             1—UNITED—KINGDOM—SOLDIER was shot whilde on patrol  in Helmand Province and † from his injuries at the scene.
20131015             —PLEDGED, Mining magnate ANDREW—FORREST, to give 65—MILLION—AUSTRALIA—DOLLARS ($62—MILLION) to university education in his home state in 1—OF—AUSTRALIA—LARGEST—PHILANTHROPIC—DONATIONS.
20131015             1—AUSTRALIA—NAVAL—TEAM in THE—INDIA—OCEAN captured 9 suspected pirates sought —AFTER attacks on 1—SUPERTANKER 500—MILES off THE—COAST—OF—SOMALIA.
20131015             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN—CHANCELLOR—OF—THE exchequer, GEORGE—OSBORN, 1—DEAL with CHINA intended to make BRITAIN the main offshore hub for trading in CHINA—CURRENCY and bonds and for foreign institutions investing in CHINA.
20131015             In exchange CHINA—BANKS would be allowed to enter BRITAIN as branches of the their parents rather than as subsidiaries.
20131015             —DEVELOPED, THE—EUROPEAN—SPACE—AGENCY said it has, 1—TECHNOLOGY that allows metal parts for spacecraft and nuclear reactors to be "printed" as 1—SINGLE—PIECE.
20131015             —CALLED, IRAN—NEGOTIATORS put forward what they, 1—POTENTIAL—BREAKTHROUGH—PLAN at THE—LONG—STALLED talks in GENEVA on easing fears that TEHRAN wants atomic arms.
20131015             —RIPPED, NORTH—IRAQ, 1—BOMB, through 1—CROWD—OF—SUNNI worshippers coming out of 1—MOSQUE—AFTER prayers at THE—START—OF—1—MAJOR—MUSLIM holiday, killing 12—PEOPLE and wounding 24 in KIRKUK.
20131015             1—STUDY put the death toll in THE—WAR—TORN country at nearly half 1—MILLION—SINCE THE—USA—LED 20030000             invasion.
20131015             —DESTROYED, ISRAEL—MILITARY, a 2. tunnel dug from THE—HAMAS—CONTROLLED GAZA Strip into ISRAEL.
20131015             —PACKED, The military said the tunnel was, with explosives and stretched DOZENS—OF—METERS (yards) into ISRAEL.
20131015             Eurocrats and transport industry folk began a —2—DAY—TRAIN ride from VILNIUS to Talinn.
20131015             Rail Baltica, 1—IDEA to build 1—PROPER—RAIL—WAY—CONNECTION from HELSINKI to TALLINN, RIGA, KAUNAS, WARSAW and continuing on to BERLIN was on the agenda in 1—CONFERENCE—ONBOARD the train.
20131015             —NAMED, MALAWI PRESIDENT—JOYCE—BANDA, MAXWELL—MKWEZALAMBA, 1—FORMER—AFRICA—UNION—ECONOMIC—COMMISSIONER, as finance MINISTER in 1—CABINET reshuffle triggered by 1—GRAFT—SCANDAL that started with the shooting of the national budget director.
20131015             —ARRESTED, HOLLAND—POLICE said 1—TOTAL—OF—15—PEOPLE have been, —SINCE July, related to cocaine packages stashed aboard planes arriving from Latin AMERICA.
20131015             7—OF—THEM employed by the same company at Schiphol.
20131015             —BECAME, NEW—ZEALAND AUTHOR—ELEANOR—CATTON, —28—JAHRE—ALT, the youngest WINNER—OF—THE—MAN—BOOKER—PRIZE for fiction, claiming the award for her novel "THE—LUMINARIES".
20131015             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE are dying in military detention as NIGERIA—SECURITY—FORCES crack down on 1—ISLAMIC uprising in the northeast.
20131015             † More than 950—PEOPLE, in military custody in the 1. —6—MONTHS—OF—THIS—YEAR.
20131015             The rights group said said SOME—PEOPLE are shot outright, SOME—STARVE and others suffocate to death.
20131015             THE—CENTRAL—PHILIPPINES, 1—POWERFUL—EARTHQUAKE measuring 7.2—STRUCK islands popular with tourists.
20131015             —KILLED, At least 171—PEOPLE were, mostly on Bohol ISLAND.
20131015             RUSSIA, unknown attackers posing as electricians broke into the apartment of 1—HOLLAND—DIPLOMAT, forced him to the ground, hit him and drew 1—HEART containing the letters LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) on 1—MIRROR in pink lipstick.
20131015             SOUTH—AFRICA, the bodies of 2—GIRLS, 2 and —3—YEARS—OLD, were discovered in the Diepsloot area NORTH—OF—JOHANNESBURG —AFTER being reported missing on the weekend.
20131015             2—OTHER toddlers were found dead in Katlehong, EAST—OF—JOHANNESBURG.
20131015             —POISONED, Police suspect they were.
20131015             —FUELED, The killings in Diepsloot, angry accusations from residents that police were failing to provide security.
20131015             —ELECTED, THE—CHURCH—OF—SWEDEN, the country's 1. female archbishop.
20131015             Antje Jackelen (58) will join 1—GROWING number of female church leaders —AROUND the world.
20131015             —BOMBED, SYRIA—WARPLANES, several REBEL—HELD areas and opposition fighters fired mortar rounds and homemade rockets at DAMASCUS on the 1. —DAY—OF—1—MAJOR—MUSLIM holiday.
20131015             —FIRED, TURKEY for the 1. time, 4—ARTILLERY rounds against 1—POSITION—NEAR THE—TOWN—OF—AZAZ, Syria, held by the Islamic STATE—OF—IRAQ and the Levant (ISIL)," 1—AL—QAEDA affiliated group, in retaliation for 1—MORTAR round that fell on TURKEY—TERRITORY.
20131015             —KNOCKED, Typhoon Nari, down trees and damaged HUNDREDS—OF—HOUSES in CENTRAL—VIETNAM, forcing THE—EVACUATION—OF—TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE.
20131015             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, AL—QAIDA militants killed 2—SECURITY—GUARDS and wounded 4—OTHERS in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in Lahj province.
20141012—20141015    —ON, MOZAMBIQUE, brawling supporters of Frelimo and opposition party Renamo clashed in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—NAMPULA, where 23—PEOPLE were injured and 13—OTHERS arrested ahead of legislative and provincial elections.
20141015             —NAMED, THE—USA—PENTAGON, it fight against Islamic State militants in IRAQ and Syria as Operation Inherent Resolve.
20141015             THE—ARKANSAS—SUPREME—COURT struck down the state's voter identification law saying it would 20140901             —NEW—REQUIREMENT for voting beyond those listed in the state's constitution.
20141015             —PUBLISHED, THE—SF—BAY—GUARDIAN weekly newspaper, its final edition and began closing due to financial reasons.
20141015             —ACQUIRED, They ran it 20120000             —UNTIL—WHEN it was, by S—FRANCISCO—MEDIA.
20141015             —ORDERED, NEW—YORK—CITY, DAVID—MCCALLUM was, free from prison —AFTER serving nearly —30—YEARS.
20141015             —CONCLUDED, Prosecutors, that he and the late WILLIE—STUCKEY (20010000             ) had falsely confessed.
20141015             TEXAS DEPARTMENT—OF—STATE—HEALTH—SERVICES said a 2. healthcare worker who treated the 1. patient to be diagnosed with Ebola in THE—USA has tested positive for the disease.
20141015             Lockheed MARTIN—CORP said it has made 1—TECHNOLOGICAL—BREAKTHROUGH in developing 1—POWER—SOURCE based on nuclear fusion, and the 1. reactors, small enough to fit on the back of 1—TRUCK, could be ready for use in —1—DECADE.
20141015             —STAGED, ALGERIA, nearly a 1000—POLICEMEN, 1—SIT—IN outside PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA—OFFICE—IN—ALGIERS, demanding better working conditions on a 3. —DAY—OF—PUBLIC—PROTESTS by police officers.
20141015             —CHEERED, AUSTRALIA—LITERATURE—LOVERS, —AFTER RICHARD—FLANAGAN won the prestigious Booker Prize with 1—VISCERAL story of wartime brutality and its aftermath.
20141015             Flanagan drew on his father's experiences as 1—WORLD—WAR—II prisoner of the Japanese for "THE—NARROW—ROAD to the Deep North," which centers on the Burma Death Railway.
20141015             —WOUNDED, CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, 4—UN—PEACEKEEPERS were, in the attack by elements of the Christian militia calling for PRESIDENT—CATHERINE—SAMBA—PANZA to resign.
20141015             Concerns that THE—GREECE—GOVERNMENT could collapse —NEXT—YEAR, putting its bailout program in danger, caused 1—MASSIVE—SELL—OFF in the country's stock and bond markets, with the main stock index down 9.8—PERCENT.
20141015             —URGED, HONG—KONG—MOST prominent tycoon, Li KA—SHING, protesters who have occupied PARTS—OF—THE—CITY—SINCE late —LAST—MONTH to go home.
20141015             —ARRESTED, Police, about 45—PROTESTERS, using pepper spray against those who resisted, and cleared 1—MAIN—ROAD in the city.
20141015             1—MAGNITUDE 6—EARTHQUAKE struck WEST—IRAN at 1—DEPTH—OF—36.7—KM.
20141015             IRAQ—SECURITY—PERSONNEL and tribesmen beat back an HOURS—LONG—JIHADIST—ATTACK on Ramadi, —WHILE reinforcements reached the strategic TOWN—OF—AMRIYAT—AL—FALLUJAH threatened by militants.
20141015             —FACED, ITALY—TENNIS players DANIELE—BRACCIALI and Potito Starace, corruption accusations —AFTER intercepted INTERNET conversations claiming they sold matches were printed in ITALY—MEDIA.
20141015             —BOLSTERED, Kurdish militiamen, by intensified USA—LED coalition airstrikes, fought pitched street battles with the extremists in Kobani, 1—SYRIAN—KURDISH—BORDER—TOWN—NEAR—TURKEY, making small advances.
20141015             —CARRIED, USA—MILITARY—FIGHTER and bomber planes, out 14—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic State targets near Kobani.
20141015             —CLASHED, LIBYA—ARMY—TROOPS and armed residents, with Islamist fighters in the eastern port of BENGHAZI, killing at least 4—PEOPLE, —1—DAY—AFTER renegade former general Khalifa Haftar, who backs the army, vowed to retake the city from the militants.
20141015             —DETAINED, MALAYSIA—POLICE said they have, 14—MUSLIMS, including 2—WOMEN and 1—STUDENT, suspected of being linked to the militant Islamic State group.
20141015             —SUSPECTED, The detentions put THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE held for, militant links to 36—SINCE —APRIL.
20141015             —SCALED, MOROCCO, some 300—AFRICA—MIGRANTS, fences 6—METERS (20-feet) high to try to enter SPAIN—NORTH—WEST—AFRICA—ENCLAVE—CITY—OF—MELILLA.
20141015             5—POLICE—OFFICERS and 5—MIGRANTS were treated for minor injuries.
20141015             3—MIGRANTS managed to reach Melilla.
20141015             The race put FRELIMO—FILIPE—NYUSI, —55—JAHRE—ALT, the former defense MINISTER, against AFONSO—DHLAKAMA, —61—JAHRE—ALT, the veteran LEADER—OF—FORMER—REBEL—GROUP—RENAMO, and Daviz Simango (50), FOUNDER—OF—THE—MOZAMBIQUE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (MDM).
20141015             Dhlakama took 36% and Simango took nearly 7%.
20141015             —DECLARED, NIGERIA—FORMER—MILITARY—RULER—MUHAMMADU Buhari, he would run for PRESIDENT, criticizing PRESIDENT—GOODLUCK—JONATHAN—ADMINISTRATION for corruption and failing to tackle the Boko Haram Islamist insurgency.
20141015             The 1. military talks between North and SOUTH—KOREA in more than —3—YEARS ended with no agreement, with the rivals failing to narrow their differences on how to ease animosity —FOLLOWING 2—SHOOTING incidents —LAST—WEEK.
20141015             —TARGETED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—MEETING—OF—ANTI—TALIBAN elders in the Khyber tribal region, killing 5—PEOPLE and wounding 10.
20141015             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—COURT sentenced prominent Shiite cleric and ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTEST—LEADER—NIMR Bakir AL—NIMR to death —AFTER convicting HIM—OF—SEDITION.
20141015             —DETONATED, SOMALIA, 1—CAR—BOMB—CLOSE to the presidential palace, as 1—GROUP—OF—CHILDREN were walking by.
20141015             5—PEOPLE were killed and 7 wounded.
20141015             —BANNED, SRI—LANKA, foreigners from visiting THE—ISLAND nation's former war zone without permission to prevent "negative interventions".
20141015             —SURROUNDED, UKRAINE, a "rogue" BAND—OF—PRO—RUSSIA—REBELS, more than 100—UKRAINE—TROOPS in THE—EAST—LUGANSK region.
20141015             The attackers were fighters of THE—SO—CALLED—DONSKOY army which does not obey the Lugansk PEOPLE—REPUBLIC (LNR).
20141015             —REPORTED, THE—WHO, 8,997 confirmed cases of Ebola and 1—DEATH—TOLL—OF—4,493. Both numbers were believed to be underestimates.
20141015             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said 4, AL—QAIDA militants were killed —WHEN 1—ROCKET fired by 1—DRONE struck their vehicle in SOUTH—SHABWA province.
20141015             ADEN, thousands held 1—SIT—IN protest for a 2. —DAY at 1—MAJOR—SQUARE to press demands for the south to secede.
20141015             —LOCKED, Shiite rebels, in fierce battles with AL—QAIDA militants in Baydah province.
20141015             —SUSPECTED, In SANAA, Sunni militants killed 2—HOUTHIS and wounded 2—MORE—WHEN they tossed 1—GRENADE at 1—OF—THE—HOUSES the rebels use as neighborhood headquarters.
20141015             Senior army officer, COLONEL—ALI—ZEID—AL—DHARY, who follows the Shiite Zaydi faith, was gunned down in SANAA.
20141015—19660000    —FOUNDED, It was, by Bruc Brugmann and his wife, JEAN—DIBBLE.
20141015—19750000    —VOTED, Mozambicans, in 1—TOUGH—ELECTORAL—TEST for the ruling Frelimo party, which has run THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—COUNTRY—SINCE INDEPENDENCE from PORTUGAL.
20141015—20141024    —ON, Provisional results said Nyusi won with 57—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20151006             MYANMAR—ARMY began clashing with the Shan STATE—ARMY—NORTH, 1—OF—THE—ETHNIC armed groups that did not sign an 20151015             ceasefire deal.
20151015             LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—FORSCHERS entwickelten sich die 1.Ursäugetiere VOR—CA—220.000.—000—JAHREN.
20151015             Das aber heißt auch: Der MODERNE—MENSCH war mindestens 40.—000—JAHRE—VOR der Besiedlung des europäischen Kontinents in CHINA.
20151015             DIE—THEORIE, wonach der HOMO—SAPIENS vor nur 50.—000—JAHREN aus AFRIKA auswanderte, lasse sich aufgrund der jüngsten Funde nicht mehr aufrechterhalten, heißt es 1—AM—MITTWOCH in der Wissenschaftszeitschrift "Nature"veröffentlichten Studie.
20151015             "Wir haben DIE—BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG gebeten, aus streng humanitären Gründen sicheres Geleit zu gewähren, in Koordination mit der ECUADORIANISCHEN—REGIERUNG, damit ASSANGE sich 1—KERNSPINTOMOGRAFIE unterziehen kann", sagte Patiño in QUITO.
20151015             3—ADDITIONAL—POLLS (still active —AT—THE—TIME—OF writing) also —SHOW that SANDERS was perceived as the debate winner with over half the vote.
20151015             Aktionsplan gegen MigrationsKRISE, EU und TÜRKEI erzielen DURCHBRUCH—BEI—FLÜCHTLINGS—VERHANDLUNG
20151015             1—AUSTRALIAN—GOVERNMENT—EFFORT—BY—THEN—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—ABBOTT (below left) and FOREIGN—MINISTER—JULIE—BISHOP (right) to keep THE—IMPLICATIONS—OF—THE—EVIDENCE from becoming public was frustrated by the release of a —REPORT—BY—VICTORIAN STATE—CORONER—IAN—GRAY in;;12;;.
20151015             —POSSESSED, And despite its denials THE—UKRAINE government also, BUK missiles —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE downing of MH17.
20151015             And then there's this... - Auch andere Medien haben HILLARY zur Siegerin erklärt.
20151015             Ausgegraben haben das erstaunlich gut erhaltene Skelett des Säugers Wissenschaftler um THOMAS—MARTIN—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—BONN in Las Hoyas in Ostspanien.
20151015             AUSLANDSEINSATZ—BUNDESWEHR soll in Malis gefährlichen NORDEN
20151015             AUTOPILOT—TECHNIK: Tesla lässt Autos automatisch lenken
20151015             Außer dem GEHEIM—DIENST—CIA führt auch JSOC DROHNEN—ANGRIFFE aus.
20151015             Bei seiner Zustimmung hatte JSOC dann —60—TAGE Zeit, um die Operation durchzuführen.
20151015             —DETAILED, Blogger JOHN—HELMER has SOME—VERY, and interesting comments to make about MH17.
20151015             —BY JOHN—HELMER, MOSCOW
20151015             CHINAs VERMÖGENDEN—RANKING: Reich der —MITTE, Reich DER—MILLIARDÄRE - CNN schreibt dazu:
20151015             DER—STAATENBUND erlebe "so direkt wie nie", dass in der globalisierten Welt Kriege, —KONFLIKTE und Perspektivlosigkeit DER—MENSCHEN in anderen Erdteilen "—BIS vor unsere Haustür gelangen", mahnte DIE—KANZLERIN.
20151015             DIE—1.DINO—SAURIER gab es je nach Schätzung —BEREITS vor 250—BIS 230.000.—000—JAHREN.
20151015             —GELAUTET, DIE—ANTWORT habe, ASSANGE könne DIE—BOTSCHAFT VERLASSEN—DER—EUROPÄISCHE Haftbefehl bleibe aber in Kraft.
20151015             DIE—REGIERUNGS—CHEFIN.
20151015             DIE—GENAUEN Kriterien, nach denen jemand auf die Liste möglicher Drohnenziele kommt, sind —BIS—HEUTE nicht öffentlich definiert.
20151015             DIE—LETZTE —ENTSCHEIDUNG lag bei PRÄSIDENT—OBAMA.
20151015             DIE—OFT als effizient gelobten Angriffe erweisen sich nicht selten als fehlerhaft, weshalb außer mutmaßlichen TERRORISTEN immer wieder Zivilisten sterben.
20151015             Daher verlässt sich DAS—MILITÄR häufig auf Angaben anderer Länder.
20151015             Das Fossil belege außerdem, dass —SCHON in der KREIDE—ZEIT Säugetiere mit großen Ohrmuscheln auf der Erde unterwegs waren: "Wir gehen daher davon aus, dass das Tier 1—GUT entwickelten Hörsinn hatte", sagt Martin.
20151015             Das Tier hat erstaunlich VIELE—ÄHNLICHKEITEN mit heutigen Säugern und ernährte sich von Insekten
20151015             Das führte zu parallelen, konkurrierenden Ziellisten und Schuldzuweisungen von Vertretern beider Lager im Kongress.
20151015             Das konnten Forscher —NUN anhand eines UR—SÄUGERS aus SPANIEN nachweisen, der vor 125.000.—000—JAHREN gelebt hat.
20151015             Dass die uns aber auch immer mit den selben blöden Tricks für dumm verkaufen wollen!
20151015             Der Entscheidungsprozess durchläuft 1."Kill Chain", 1.Kette von Entscheidungsträgern, die vom EINSATZ—LEITER vor Ort —BIS zum Präsidenten reicht.
20151015             Der GIPFEL—IN—BRÜSSEL startet um 16—UHR, es werden —VERHANDLUNGEN—BIS tief —IN—DIE—NACHT erwartet.
20151015             Der WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER verschanzt sich —SEIT mehr als —3—JAHREN in der Botschaft ECUADORs in LONDON.
20151015             Der —STUDIE—ZUFOLGE ähneln die in der FUYAN—HÖHLE nahe der Stadt Daoxian in der CHINESISCHEN—PROVINZ Hunan entdeckten 47—ZÄHNE denjenigen "zeitgenössischer Menschen".
20151015             Dominiert wird die TAGES—ORDNUNG natürlich von DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE.
20151015             EBOLA—VIREN: Überleben im Sperma
20151015             Eklat in der Kabine: USA—AIRLINE wirft weinende Frau vor Start aus Flieger
20151015             Er hat angeblich starke Schmerzen in der rechten Schulter,
20151015             Er hat angeblich starke Schmerzen in der rechten Schulter, aber JULIAN—ASSANGE darf ECUADORs Botschaft in LONDON trotzdem nicht für 1.Untersuchung verlassen, ohne DAS—RISIKO einzugehen, verhaftet zu werden.
20151015             FLÜCHTLINGE: SOZIAL—EXPERTE erwartet massive STEUER—ERHÖHUNGEN
20151015             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, SEEHOFER warnt vor "grandiosem Scheitern"Deutschlands
20151015             Für 1—ENTSCHLUSS benötigte er den Enthüllungen zufolge im Schnitt —58—TAGE.
20151015             Für die OBAMA—REGIERUNG musste anfangs 1—ZIEL neben der Zugehörigkeit zu AL—QAIDA oder anderen TERROR—GRUPPEN auch 1.signifikante BEDROHUNG—FÜR—DIE—USA darstellen.
20151015             GEHEIM—DIENSTE: JUSTIZ—MINISTER fordert strengere Regeln für BND
20151015             GROß—BRITANNIEN habe ein entsprechendes Gesuch seiner Regierung abgelehnt, dem WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER—SICHERES—GELEIT zu geben, berichtete AUßEN—MINISTER—RICARDO—PATIÑO.
20151015             Gesuchter DROGEN—BOSS: Wärter stellten sich bei "EL—CHAPOS"Flucht offenbar taub
20151015             —DELIVERED, HILLARY—CLINTON, 1 poised, polished performance IN—THE—CAMPAIGN—1.DEMOCRATIC—PRESIDENTIAL—DEBATE, firmly defending herself against claims that she flip flops for political gain and likely quelling nerves in her own party —AFTER 1—STUMBLING start.
20151015             Her confident demeanor on the debate stage in LAS—VEGAS may also dampen speculation that there is 1—PLACE in the race for VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, who is still agonizing over 1—DECISION about whether to mount 1—LATE—PRESIDENTIAL—RUN.
20151015             However, multiple polls seem to —SHOW that most Americans don't agree with these media pundits, asserting that BERNIE—SANDERS was the clear winner.
20151015             IN—THE—USA—NEWS live blog poll, SANDERS also led at 82 %.
20151015             SÜDCHINA, gefundene versteinerte Zähne deuten darauf hin, dass der MODERNE—MENSCH den AFRIKA—KONTINENT —SCHON—BIS zu 70.—000—JAHRE früher verließ als —BISHER, angenommen.
20151015             Insgesamt folgen DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE der Devise "find, fix, finish"- DAS—ZIEL finden, fixieren und eliminieren.
20151015             Integrationsdebatte: LAMMERT fordert von FLÜCHTLINGEn Anpassung an "LEIT—KULTUR"
20151015             —DELAYED, Justice, is justice denied.
20151015             LAUT—INFORMATIONEN—VON—SPIEGEL—ONLINE befanden sich darunter auch französische und USA—ZIELE, die ausdrücklich nicht dem Auftragsprofil DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG an den BND entsprechen.
20151015             —VERURTEILT, MENSCHEN—RECHTE: RUSSLAND wegen Abschiebeplänen nach SYRIEN
20151015             MERKEL an der CDU—BASIS in SACHSEN: "Sie haben als REGIERUNGS—CHEFIN versagt"
20151015             MERKEL zur FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, "Das ist 1.historische BEWÄHRUNGS—PROBE für EUROPA"
20151015             NATÜRLICH
20151015             —SPIONIERT, NEW—HOTNESS: BND, für sich selbst europäische (und USA—)-Ziele aus.
20151015             NEW—YORK: Eltern sollen Sohn in Kirche totgeprügelt haben
20151015             Na 1—GLÜCK, dass wir so 1.hervorragende GEHEIM—DIENST—KONTROLLE haben!
20151015             Nach ATOM—KRAFT—KATASTROPHE: JAPAN nimmt 2. Reaktor in Betrieb - Nanu?
20151015             1—GOOGLE Consumer Surveys poll conducted for IJ Review, 1—WEBSITE—CO—FOUNDED by 1—PAST—ADVISOR to FORMER—REPUBLICAN presidential candidate Mitt ROMNEY, shows SANDERS in the lead with 43.7—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, 15—POINTS—AHEAD—OF—CLINTON.
20151015             Polls are —STARTING to come in -- and guess what?
20151015             RECHT—AUF—WASSER: "Was hilft es, wenn ALLE—WASSER, aber zu wenig zu ESSEN haben?"
20151015             RIESENSTURM—AUF—DEM Jupiter: Der rote Wirbel schwindet
20151015             SANDERS' big "wow"LINE—OF—THE—NIGHT -- "CONGRESS doesn't regulate WALL—STREET; WALL—STREET regulates CONGRESS"-- resonates with voters in 1—WAY that Beltway insiders cannot comprehend.
20151015             SPANIEN: Forscher entdecken kleinen UR—SÄUGER mit Stachelfrisur
20151015             SYRIEN—AKTIVISTEN melden Tote durch RUSSISCHE—LUFT—ANGRIFFE
20151015             Schengener Abkommen: CDU—POLITIKER will ATHEN und ROM zeitweise ausschließen
20151015             Später konkretisierte OBAMA die Auswahl dann auf Personen, die 1."anhaltende, zeitnahe BEDROHUNG—FÜR—DAS AMERIKANISCHE—VOLK"bedeuten und die nicht gefangen werden könnten.
20151015             Späterer RÜCKZUG—AUS—AFGHANISTAN: STEINMEIER lobt Obamas —ENTSCHEIDUNG
20151015             —ENTTÄUSCHT, STREAMING—DIENST: Netflix, Anleger mit neuen Kundenzahlen
20151015             TERRORISMUS—TALK bei ANNE—WILL: Niveau, bitte steigen!
20151015             THE—AUSTRALIAN—GOVERNMENT is sure THE—HOLLAND—SAFETY—BOARD (DSB) INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—DOWNING—OF—MALAYSIA—AIRLINES—MH17 will fail to identify the precise CAUSE—OF—THE—CRASH, and will be inconclusive on who and what were responsible.
20151015             —PRESENTED, THE—CT scan, X—RAY and tissue evidence, in the Gray report, which was circulated to local victims' families, ruled out the possibility that 1—BUK missile attack had caused THE—DEATHS—OF—THE—AUSTRALIA—PASSENGERS.
20151015             THE—DUTCH—AUSTRALIA—PROBLEM on ;;11;;
20151015             5—BECAME clearer —LATER—FEW—DAYS, on ;;11;;
20151015             14 in MELBOURNE, —WHEN 2—OF—THE—AUSTRALIA—PATHOLOGISTS and coronial court officers revealed publicly at 1—ASIA—CORONERS—CONVENTION that there were no shrapnel wounds in the bodies of the MH1 passengers.
20151015             THE—PROBLEM for Rutte, Najib, and Abbott was that they couldn't go public with the evidence THE—AUSTRALIA—PATHOLOGISTS and VICTORian Coroner ALREADY had —BEGUN, to circulate.
20151015             UNO—SICHERHEITS—RAT: UKRAINE trifft als neues Mitglied auf RUSSLAND
20151015             USA—BUNDES—STAAT ILLINOIS: Unschuldig Verurteilter kommt nach —25—JAHREN frei
20151015             USA—MILITÄR: WHISTLE—BLOWER enthüllt Ausmaß des Drohnenkriegs
20151015             Und —JETZT das: —DIE—SPD fordert strengere Regeln.
20151015             —BEFINDET, Unter den veröffentlichen Dokumenten, sich 1.Seite, die beschreibt, wie die Befehlskette bei DROHNEN—ANGRIFFEN im JEMEN und SOMALIA aufgebaut ist.
20151015             VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG, Das große Spähen kommt zurück
20151015             —GEWORBEN, Verhaftung: BERLINer Imam soll für "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT" haben
20151015             Verhaltensmuster, GEHEIM—DIENSTWERT, geografische DATEN.
20151015             Vielmehr muss der MODERNE—MENSCH demnach —BEREITS vor 80.000—BIS 120.—000—JAHREN das heutige CHINA erreicht haben.
20151015             WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER: BRITEN lehnen sicheres Geleit für ASSANGE ab
20151015             Warnschuss für FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA: —JETZT geht es ans Eingemachte
20151015             Wegen der parallelen Attacken von CIA und MILITÄR tobt zwischen dem GEHEIM—DIENST und dem PENTAGON 1—REVIERKAMPF hinter den Kulissen.
20151015             Wegen der schwachen USA—PRÄSENZ im JEMEN und in SOMALIA verlässt sich DAS—MILITÄR dort auf Signale von Handys und Computern, doch selbst 1.VOLLZEIT—ÜBERWACHUNG aus der Luft ist wegen der großen Strecke zum USA—STÜTZ—PUNKT—IN—DSCHIBUTI unmöglich.
20151015             Wegen ihrer FERNGE—STEUERTEN Jagd auf TERRORISTEN stehen DIE—USA INTERNATIONAL in der Kritik.
20151015             Weil DIE—CIA mit ANGRIFFE—IN—AFGHANISTAN und PAKISTAN beauftragt wurde, drängte DAS—PENTAGON LAUT—INFORMATIONEN—VON—"THE—INTERCEPT"aggressiv darauf, im JEMEN und in SOMALIA die führende Rolle zu spielen, unter anderem mit 1—SONDEREINHEIT namens TF 48-4.
20151015             Zahnfunde in CHINA: Moderner Mensch verließ AFRIKA 50.—000—JAHRE früher
20151015             Zur Situation im —BÜRGER—KRIEG—LAND SYRIEN fand MERKEL in ihrer Ansprache deutliche Worte: "Nichts macht uns Mut, dass sich an der desolaten Lage in allernächster Zeit etwas ändert.
20151015             Zwergplanet Pluto: Er ist kugelrund
20151015             [l] Aus, äh, technischen Gründen wird der TPP—TEXT in KANADA —ERST nach der Wahl veröffentlicht werden.
20151015             [l] BRITISCHE—ABGEORDNETE genießen keinen SCHUTZ—VOR—GCHQ—SCHNORCHELEIEN, hat —JETZT das IPT entschieden.
20151015             [l] Die Democrats hatten —JETZT ihre PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—DEBATTE, und da trafen HILLARY—CLINTON und BERNIE—SANDERS aufeinander.
20151015             [l] Fischer erklärt, gewohnt bissig, den GELD—WÄSCHEPARAGRAPHEN.
20151015             [l] Ich hoffe, keiner von euch glaubt denen, dass DER—BND —JETZT eigenmächtig in —1—NACHT—, Nebelaktion irgendwelche befreundeten STAATEN abgehört hat.
20151015             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, BND spioniert für DIE—NSA europäische Ziele aus.
20151015             [l] THE—INTERCEPT hat anscheinend 1.Familienpackung Dokumente zum DROHNEN—MORD—PROGRAMM der USA zugesteckt gekriegt.
20151015             angeblich - verschanzt sich
20151015             Ähnlich wie bei den Sportsammelkarten werden dabei persönliche Informationen zu den Zielen zusammengetragen -
20151015             —KRITISIERT, ÖKO—STROM—FÖRDERUNG: Industrie, EEG—UMLAGE als "Kostenmonster"
20151015             Über verschiedene Generäle und den damaligen VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—LEON—PANETTA kam der Vorschlag zu 1—BERATENDEN AUSSCHUSS—DAMIT auch zur damaligen AUßEN—MINISTERIN—HILLARY—CLINTON.
20151015             —AM, CHATTANOOGA implemented THE—WORLD—1.—COMMUNITY—WIDE 10-gig INTERNET service, available to all homes and businesses in EPB—SERVICE—AREA
20151015             —AM—DONNERSTAG bezeichnete sie den Zusammenhalt in EUROPA als "kostbaren Schatz".
20151015             —ATTENTAT—VON—1988: 2—VERDÄCHTIGE für LOCKERBIE—ANSCHLAG identifiziert
20151015             —DARAUFHIN BEGANN DIE—CIA, den JEMEN—VON—1—NEU geschaffenen DROHNEN—STÜTZ—PUNKT—IN—SAUDI—ARABIEN ins Visier zu nehmen.
20151015             —HANDELSFLAUTE: GOLDMAN—SACHS—GEWINN bricht um 33 % ein
20151015             —LAUT—IHREN Analysen wog das Tier etwa 60—GRAMM.
20151015             —NUN, hat ein anonymer WHISTLE—BLOWER mit neuen GEHEIM—DOKUMENTEN auf dem Portal das ganze Ausmaß enthüllt.
20151015             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS fred : 9:41 PM
20151015             —SCHON, zur Zeit der DINO—SAURIER gab es hochentwickelte Säugetiere.
20151015             —ZUVOR hatte DER—MINISTER gefordert, dass GROß—BRITANNIEN ASSANGE sicheres Geleit gewähre, damit dieser von seinem Asylrecht in ECUADOR Gebrauch machen könne.
20151015             "THE—MH17 investigation," THE—USA—LAWYER adds, "is 1—VERY—UNIQUE—CASE.
20151015             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA said he will slow the pace of withdrawing USA—TROOPS from AFGHANISTAN, prolonging THE—14—YEAR—USA—ENGAGEMENT there and effectively handing off the task of pulling out to his successor.
20151015             —REPORTED, USA—AUTHORITIES, that MALAYSIA authorities have arrested Ardit Ferizi, 1—KOSOVO citizen, for providing sensitive information on more than a 1000—USA—SERVICE—MEMBERS to the Islamic State group.
20151015             1—COALITION led by THE—USA conducted 3—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—SYRIA and bombarded the militant group with 21—STRIKES in IRAQ.
20151015             —ENDED, USA—FEDERAL—AGENTS, 1—CRACKDOWN on synthetic drug manufacturers.
20151015             —REPORTED, Several 100—PEOPLE were, arrested in more than 20—STATES over the last —15—MONTHS.
20151015             —PRODUCED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 1—STORM, mud flows that impacted nearly 8—MILES—OF—HIGHWAY 58 in KERN—COUNTY.
20151015             —STRANDED, SOME—MOTORISTS were, overnight as nearly 200—VEHICLES became trapped.
20151015             Fan Hui, 1—PROFESSIONAL with THE—CHINA—GO Association, lost to Google DEEPMIND—ALPHAGO in the final game of THE—5—GAME—MATCH.
20151015             CHINA, the Hurun Report said the number of mainland CHINA—BILLIONAIRES has risen —THIS—YEAR by 242 to 596, surpassing THE—537—BILLIONAIRES—OF—THE—USA.
20151015             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, a —1—YEAR—BAN on THE—IMPORT—OF—IVORY hunting trophies from AFRICA.
20151015             —LEGALIZED, CROATIA, THE—USE—OF—MARIJUANA for medical purposes for patients with illnesses such as cancer, multiple sclerosis or AIDS.
20151015             —DECRIED, CYPRUS, 1—UNDERSEA pipeline carrying fresh water from TURKEY to the breakaway TURKEY—CYPRUS—NORTH, saying it aims to further cement ANKARA—GRIP on THE—ETHNICALLY—DIVIDED ISLAND.
20151015             —WEAKENED, THE—EGYPT—POUND, by 10—PIASTERS to 7.93—PER dollar —AFTER the central bank reduced its price in 1—AUCTION by the same amount to 7.83—PER dollar.
20151015             EGYPT, JAPAN, SENEGAL, UKRAINE and URUGUAY were elected to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL —DURING 1 uncontested vote for THE—NON—PERMANENT—SEATS.
20151015             GERMANY—AUTO giant Volkswagen said it will recall 1—TOTAL—OF—8.5—MILLION diesel vehicles EUROPE—WIDE that are equipped with sophisticated software enabling their engines to cheat pollution tests.
20151015             7—MIGRANTS, 4—OF—THEM children, drowned near THE—GREECE—ISLAND—OF—LESBOS —AFTER their boat collided with 1—GREECE—RESCUE vessel.
20151015             —CHARGED, HONG—KONG police, 7—OFFICERS with assaulting activist KEN—TSANG, whose videotaped beating stirred outrage among city residents at THE—HEIGHT—OF—PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS—LAST—YEAR.
20151015             —ANNOUNCED, THE—HUNGARY—GOVERNMENT, that it has completed its CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—FENCE alongside its southern border with CROATIA, to stem the massive daily INFLUX—OF—MIGRANTS.
20151015             The government said it would decide on 1—DATE to completely seal the border in the coming days.
20151015             —BATTLED, IRAQ—FORCES, the Islamic State jihadist group on separate fronts, ramping up operations to retake Baiji and Ramadi.
20151015             —BATTERED, Torrential rain and storms, southern and CENTRAL—ITALY for a 2. —DAY, leading to the deaths of at least 4—PEOPLE and reviving 1—CONTROVERSY over environmental neglect in the country.
20151015             KOSOVO opposition lawmakers angry at recent deals with Serbia and MONTENEGRO set off tear gas canisters in PARLIAMENT, forcing THE—SUSPENSION—OF—THE—SESSION.
20151015             —ARRESTED, MACEDONIA—POLICE, 7—PEOPLE suspected of providing logistical support to 1 armed group that clashed with police last May, leaving 18—PEOPLE—DEAD and 37 wounded.
20151015             —DETAINED, Filat was then, in PARLIAMENT over the theft of $1—BILLION from the banking system, 1—CRIME that has led thousands to camp out in the capital in protest.
20151015             —SIGNED, MYANMAR—GOVERNMENT, 1—CEASE—FIRE—AGREEMENT with 8 armed ethnic groups.
20151015             THE—2—LARGEST—GROUPS, the Kachin and Wa, with TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SOLDIERS, did not sign the agreement.
20151015             —SIGNED, POLAND, 1—LANDMARK $636—MILLION—DEAL to build the 1. EU gas pipeline to LITHUANIA, LATVIA and ESTONIA, reducing their uneasy reliance on RUSSIA—SUPPLIES.
20151015             Construction is set to begin —NEXT—YEAR on THE—GIPL (Gas Interconnection POLAND—LITHUANIA) pipeline.
20151015             SOUTH—SUDAN, 1—CONSORTIUM of civic and aid groups said violence against civilians is continuing despite 1—PEACE—AGREEMENT.
20151015             —KILLED, They said at least 1,000 civilians have been, between —APRIL and —SEPTEMBER and that 1,300 women and girls were abducted in Unity state.
20151015             —RALLIED, SPAIN, thousands waving Catalan INDEPENDENCE flags, in support of regional acting PRESIDENT—ARTUR—MAS who was being questioned at 1—BARCELONA court for holding 1—SYMBOLIC—REFERENDUM on secession.
20151015             —PLEDGED, SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT, to quickly process HUNDREDS—OF—ETHNIC—TAMILS who have been detained without charges —FOR—YEARS on SUSPICION—OF—LINKS to FORMER—TAMIL Tiger rebels.
20151015             —BACKED, SYRIA—TROOPS and their allies, by RUSSIA—JETS, attacked REBEL—HELD towns NORTH—OF—THE—CITY—OF—HOMS, targeting 1—LONG—HELD and strategic ENCLAVE—OF—OPPOSITION to PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD.
20151015             1—RESIDENT—OF—TEIR—MALLA said at least 25—PEOPLE were killed including, Rawad al Aksah, 1—COMMANDER—OF—INSURGENT—GROUP—LIWAA AL—TAWHID.
20151015             † In Syria ABDUL—MOHSEN—ABDALLAH—IBRAHIM—AL—CHAREKH, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—BETTER known as Sanafi AL—NASR, was killed in 1—USA—AIRSTRIKE—NEAR THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—DANA, along with another Saudi and 1—MOROCCO—MEMBER—OF—AL—QAIDA—LOCAL affiliate, known as the Nusra Front.
20151015             —DEMANDED, TURKEY, that THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—START easing restrictions —NEXT—YEAR on Turks traveling to THE—EUROPEAN—UNION if it wants full cooperation to stem THE—FLOW—OF—SYRIA—REFUGEES.
20151015             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO said he is raising the country's minimum wage by 30%, effective 20151101             , to help workers being clobbered by inflation economists say is likely the highest in the world.
20151015—19150000    —RULED, THE—EUROPEAN—COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS, SWITZERLAND had violated TURKEY—POLITICIAN—DOGU PERINCEK—RIGHT to FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH by convicting him for denying that THE—KILLING—OF—ARMENIANS by Ottoman Turks amounted to genocide.
20151015—19880000    —IN—THE, SCOTLAND—PROSECUTORS said that Scottish and USA—INVESTIGATORS have identified 2—LIBYA—SUSPECTS believed to have been involved Lockerbie airline bombing which killed 270—PEOPLE.
20151015—20120000    —ANFANG, Im Fall eines konkreten Beispiels im JEMEN BEGANN der Prozess mit der Zielauswahl durch die MILITÄR—KOMMANDOEINRICHTUNG JSOC.
20151015—20140000    —DEVELOPED, AlphaGo, by UNITED—KINGDOM—AI research company DeepMind, was acquired by Google.
20151015—20160127    —REVEALED, The startling PERFORMANCE—OF—ALPHAGO wasn't, —UNTIL 1—PAPER detailing the feat was published in the science journal Nature.
20161015             —SEIT, dem 20150701             leitet er als PRÄSIDENT—DIE—AMERICA—ACADEMY—IN—BERLIN.[1]
20161015             wurde —AM, 18911001             DIE—UNIVERSITÄT eröffnet und der Lehrbetrieb aufgenommen.[12]
20161015             "Er kann nicht unterscheiden, was möglich ist oder nicht, was legal ist oder nicht, was anständig oder nicht.
20161015             "Falsche Informationen": SAUDI—ARABISCHE ALLIANZ übernimmt Verantwortung für ANGRIFF—AUF—TRAUERFEIER
20161015             "Wegschauen dürfen wir nicht.
20161015             ASSAD und PUTIN bomben SYRIEN zurück in die STEIN—ZEIT
20161015             AUßEN—MINISTER—JEAN—MARC—AYRAULT "so loyal, daß er unhörbar ist", Aber doch!
20161015             Aber —DIESMAL wollen die Olivgrünen die örtliche Bevölkerung nicht zerbomben sondern verhungern lassen:
20161015             Als "öffentliche Psychoanalyse eines amtierenden STAAT—CHEFS"beschreibt daher das Magazin "Le Nouvel Observateur"das politische "Harakiri"von HOLLANDE.
20161015             Als 1—DER "Großen 4" war er MIT—BEGRÜNDER und wurde 18610000             PRÄSIDENT—DER—CENTRAL—PACIFIC—RAILROAD (CP).
20161015             Als DIE—ARBEITSPLÄTZE aber knapper wurden, machte STANFORD die eingewanderten Chinesen zum Sündenbock und befürwortete 1—GESETZ—DES—STAATES—KALIFORNIEN, das durch ungerechte STEUERN und andere Vorschriften DIE—CHINESEN benachteiligte.
20161015             Auflage für HausBAUER: EU will E—AUTO—STECKDOSEN—PFLICHT für Neubauten
20161015             Bei Patienten mit 1—HIRNORGANISCHEN Psychosyndrom ist die mögliche Erzeugung eines pharmakogenen Delirs zu bedenken.
20161015             Bei einigen politischen Tagesthemen klingt er beinahe wie 1—HARDLINER aus dem konservativen Lager.
20161015             Beim Erwerb DER—DEUTSCHEN—STAATS—BÜRGERSCHAFT gilt grundsätzlich, daß neue BÜRGER ihre —BISHERIGE STAATS—ANGEHÖRIGKEIT aufgegeben müssen.
20161015             Beim Festakt anlässlich des 50-jährigen Bestehens des BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT
20161015             Berühmtheit erlangte das sogenannte STANFORD—PRISON—EXPERIMENT—VON—19710000             , das als Meilenstein der psychologischen ER—FORSCHUNG menschlichen Verhaltens unter den Bedingungen der Gefangenschaft, speziell unter den Feldbedingungen des echten Gefängnislebens, gilt.
20161015             Besonders großartig finde ich ja diese Äußerung von ihm:
20161015             CEM—ÖZDEMIR ist übrigens MITGLIED—DER—ATLANTIKBRÜCKE (die dort als Quelle angegebene WIKIPEDIA—SEITE listet Özdemir allerdings nicht mehr als Mitglied, nanu?), und wer sich über seine sonstigen Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten informieren will, kann das bei Lobbyradar tun.
20161015             CALIFORNIA, Casper schildert den Widerspruch auf folgende Art: "Auf der 1—SEITE besteht die Pflicht, 'absolut und ganz' allen vorherigen Gefolgschaften abzuschwören ('I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance...')
20161015             —CONDUCTED, City Controller SCOTT—STRINGER, 1—REVIEW—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—PAGES—OF previously sealed records of THE—2—MAIN 20010911             charities at THE—REQUEST—OF—THE—DAILY—NEWS, and found that DONALD—TRUMP and his charity hadn't donated 1—DIME in the months —AFTER—20010911
20161015             Condoleezza Rice, ehem.
20161015             DAS—ERGEBNIS lautete, daß Pferde im Galopp sehr wohl alle 4—HUFE gleichzeitig vom Boden heben.
20161015             —TORPEDIERT, DER—PRÄSIDENT, mit seinen Verdikten die eigenen Chancen auf 1.Wiederwahl
20161015             DEUTSCHE—PUTIN—FREUNDE sind oft nur üble Amerikahasser
20161015             DIE—1.Lokomotive der Firma wurde ihm zu Ehren auf den Namen "GOVERNOR—STANFORD" getauft.
20161015             DIE—AMERICA—ACADEMY—IN—BERLIN wurde 19940000             auf Initiative des damaligen AMERIKANISCHEN—BOTSCHAFTERS in BERLIN, RICHARD—HOLBROOKE, gegründet.
20161015             DIE—GRÜNEN legen sich —JETZT fest: Neue EU—WIRTSCHAFTSSANKTIONEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND seien "die richtige Antwort auf die Unterstützung schlimmster KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN", sagt BUNDES—CHEF—CEM—ÖZDEMIR im SPIEGEL—ONLINE—INTERVIEW.
20161015             DIE—PARTEILINKEN Gegner etwa seien der Beweis, daß 1.Versammlung von intelligenten Menschen zur MENGE—VON—IDIOTEN werden könne.
20161015             DIE—STANFORD—UNIVERSITY ist die KEIM—ZELLE des SILICON—VALLEY, zahlreiche Unternehmen wurden von Absolventen der Uni gegründet.
20161015             DIE—STANFORD—UNIVERSITY war in ihrer Konzeption für die damalige Zeit ungewöhnlich, denn sie ermöglichte Frauen und Männern gleichermaßen das Studium und war zudem keiner Religionsgemeinschaft verbunden
20161015             DIE—UNIVERSITÄT—BEHERBERGT—VIELE—SPEZIALISIERTE—FORSCHUNGSZENTREN, unter anderem die Hoover Institution on War, REVOLUTION and Peace
20161015             —CLAIMED, DONALD—TRUMP, he was a "brave soldier" for avoiding STDs —DURING his single —YEAR—IN—THE—S late '90s.
20161015             Dabei wurden 530—MEILEN in —293—TAGEN gebaut.
20161015             Damit hatte er aber öffentlich herumgeprotzt, daß der großzügig spenden werde.
20161015             Das —100—STUNDEN—PROTOKOLL der LE—MONDE—AUTOREN erreicht allerdings 1.neue, beinahe erschreckende OFFENHEIT—ZUMAL HOLLANDE bekennt: "1—PRÄSIDENT dürfte das nicht sagen".
20161015             Das Motto der UNIVERSITÄT, das die Siegel und ALLE—ANDENKEN—DER—HOCH—SCHULE ziert, ist in DEUTSCHER—SPRACHE verfasst: "Die Luft der Freiheit weht".
20161015             Der Satz geht auf den DEUTSCHEN—HUMANISTEN ULRICH—VON—HUTTEN (14880000—15230000   ) zurück und wurde von DAVID—STARR—JORDAN, dem 1.Präsidenten der STANFORD—UNIVERSITY, eingeführt
20161015             Das große Geld verdiente er mit dem Eisenbahnbau und der damit verbundenen Landerschließung.
20161015             Dazu muss man wissen, daß DONALD—TRUMP den tatsächlichen KRIEGS—EINSATZ vermieden hat, wegen 1—ANGEBLICHEN Fußverletzung.
20161015             Der Gefolgschaft abschwören — "Foreswearing Allegiance"[20]
20161015             Diese AMERIKANISCHE—REGELUNG, mit ihrem scheinbaren Widerspruch, wurde von GERHARD—CASPER
20161015             Dieses Projekt, mit dem Bewegung durch 1.SERIE—VON—UNBEWEGTEN—BILDERN gezeigt wird, die schnell hintereinander betrachtet werden, war 1—VORLÄUFER—DES—FILMS.
20161015             Ehud Barak, ISRAELISCHER—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT
20161015             Eulenart: Waldkauz ist der Vogel —DES—JAHRES
20161015             FRANKREICHs Nationalelf hätte dringend "GEHIRNtraining"nötig.
20161015             —PLÄDIERT, Fall Jaber ALBAKR: Gewerkschaft, für TERRORISTEN—GEFÄNGNIS
20161015             Falls jemand Kontext zur Volker Kauder und seinem kaum weniger illustren Bruder SIEGFRIED braucht: Bitte sehr.
20161015             Für den Eisenbahnbau förderte STANFORD DIE—EINWANDERUNG von Chinesen, um —ARBEITER für den Bau der Eisenbahn zu finden.
20161015             Geständnisse des FRANKREICH—PRÄSIDENT—HOLLANDE redet sich um Kopf und Kragen
20161015             GRÜNEN—CHEF—ÖZDEMIR: "ASSAD und PUTIN bomben SYRIEN zurück in die STEIN—ZEIT"
20161015             HOLLANDE hat zwischen
20161015             HOLLANDE, der —NACH—DEN TERRORattentaten von PARIS und NIZZA wenigstens als Landesvater Anerkennung fand, hat binnen weniger —TAGE DAS—LAND gegen sich aufgebracht.
20161015             HERE—WHAT I see as the timeline of important events: Ihr Nachfolger war JOHN L.
20161015             In seiner Eigenschaft als Leiter der Eisenbahngesellschaft, die den Westteil der 1.transkontinentalen Eisenbahn NORD—AMERIKAS über die Sierra NEVADA baute, brachte er
20161015             Inhaltlichen Kontext zu der Meldung gibt es hier.
20161015             —FUNKTIONIERT, INTEGRATIONS—BEAUFTRAGTE Özoguz : "In SACHSEN, vieles nicht"
20161015             JAMES—WOOLSEY, ehem.CIA—DIREKTOR
20161015             JOHN—LOCKE: Dies ist die Seele, die dem GEMEIN—WESEN Form, Leben und Einheit gibt..".
20161015             JOHN—LOCKE: "Die ZIVIL—GESELLSCHAFT ist 1—ZUSTAND—DES—FRIEDENS zwischen denjenigen, die zu ihr gehören...
20161015             JOHN—LOCKE: "es ist in ihrer Legislative, daß DIE—MITGLIEDER—DES—GEMEINWESENS vereinigt und in 1—KOHÄRENTEN, lebenden Rechtsrahmen zusammengefasst sind.
20161015             Ja nee, klar. Ja, der KOSOVOkrieg! Joseph E. - KALIFORNIEN.
20161015             —GESEHEN, Leben am Amazonas: "Einige haben noch nie 1—EUROPÄER "
20161015             Lehrende - Leland war eines von 8—KINDERN von Josiah und ELIZABETH Phillips STANFORD.
20161015             Milton Friedman, WIRTSCHAFTSWISSENSCHAFTEN—NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER 1976
20161015             Mittlerweile hat HOLLANDE offenbar verstanden, daß das Buch 1—PR—DESASTER 1. Güte ist
20161015             Momentan ist der Informatiker JOHN L.
20161015             Momentan ist der Informatiker JOHN—L—HENNESSY der 10. PRÄSIDENT—DER—UNIVERSITÄT.
20161015             Möglicher CYBER—ANGRIFF, "Botschaft mit größter Wirkung"- USA—DROHEN—RUSSLAND
20161015             NICOLAS—SARKOZY ist ein "kleiner MÖCHTEGERN—DE Gaulle", Na?
20161015             Neulich —ERST nahm ÄRZTE—OHNE—GRENZEN kein Geld von der EU mehr an.
20161015             Pfizer tells me that their revenue from the vaccine in question —LAST—YEAR was $6.245—BILLION.
20161015             RICHTER—UND—STAATS—ANWÄLTE stehen für 1."feige Justiz"und
20161015             STANFORD war MITGLIED—DER—REPUBLIKANISCHEN Partei und politisch aktiv.
20161015             SATELLITENBILD—DER—WOCHE: Gletscher ohne Zunge
20161015             Shareconomy: Die Ausbeutung, die wir Sharing nennen
20161015             So und —JETZT alle mal kurz stabil hinsetzen:
20161015             Solche und ähnlich überraschend rüde Bekenntnisse hat FRANKREICH—PRÄSIDENT—FRANÇOIS—HOLLANDE 2—JOURNALISTEN anvertraut -
20161015             Sonstige - Südhessen: Leichte ERDBEBEN bei DARMSTADT
20161015             The decision is THE—RESULT—OF—1—FUNDAMENTAL impasse in modern healthcare.
20161015             To understand FISKE—ATTITUDE, it helps to realize how fast things have changed.
20161015             Und wo ist der Charmeur, der umgängliche Strippenzieher, der geschickte "Mann der Synthese"?
20161015             Ungefähr 20.000.000—USA—$, was —HEUTE 1—WERT—VON—400.000.000 entspricht, aus dem Vermögen der STANFORDs flossen anfänglich in DIE—UNIVERSITÄT.
20161015             Unter seiner Führung baute die CP die 1.EISENBAHN—LINIE über die Sierra NEVADA.
20161015             Verblüffend auch, wie sehr der private HOLLANDE vom öffentlichen Präsidenten abweicht.
20161015             Verbot in Flugzeugen, USA—BEHÖRDE stuft SAMSUNG—HANDY als "gefährliches Material"ein
20161015             Vollverschleierung: SPD erwärmt sich für BURKA—VERBOT
20161015             Vorsorge für den BREXIT: BRITISCHE—JUDEN beantragen DEUTSCHE—PÄSSE
20161015             WAFFEN—RUHE für SYRIEN: LAWROW und KERRY einigen sich auf Fortsetzung der Gespräche
20161015             Wegen AFD—MAUSCHELEI: Juristen fordern —NEU—WAHLEN—IN—SACHSEN - Wen wundert es?
20161015             Wenigstens als "mutig", wollte er in DIE—GESCHICHTE FRANKREICHs eingehen, bekannte er gegenüber seinen journalistischen Beichtvätern.
20161015             Wir müssen im digitalen Raum fitter werden, wir müssen cyberfähiger werden...
20161015             [l] Es gibt da anscheinend ein massives strukturelles Problem in den Sozial—, Kognitionswissenschaften.
20161015             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—VOLKER Kauder: [l] Na?
20161015             [l] Wisst ihr, was wir —JETZT brauchen?
20161015             [l] ÄRZTE—OHNE—GRENZEN nehmen 1.000.000 Dosen Impfstoff von Pfizer als Geschenk nicht an.
20161015             [l] —SEIT, 5:45 wird zurückgecybert!
20161015             d trat damit die Nachfolge des DEUTSCHEN—RECHTSWISSENSCHAFTLERS GERHARD—CASPER in diesem Amt an.
20161015             der 1.—PRÄSIDENT—DAVID—STARR—JORDAN
20161015             ein tiefer Einblick in die Gedankenwelt des obersten STAATS—MANNES FRANKREICHs.
20161015             ihr Buch, "1—PRÄSIDENT dürfte so etwas nicht sagen",
20161015             Überdosierungen mit Amitriptylin äußern sich in ABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—DER aufgenommenen Dosis durch Störungen des Zentralnervensystems (Verwirrung, Erregungszustände —BIS hin zu Krampfanfällen, Bewusstseinstrübungen —BIS hin zum Koma, Atemstörungen —BIS Atemstillstand) und des HERZ—KREISLAUF—SYSTEMS.
20161015             —EINIGUNG—IN—RUANDA: Mehr als 150—NATIONEN wollen Treibhausgase reduzieren
20161015             —EINSATZ bei LUFT—ANGRIFFEN: RUSSISCHER—FLUGZEUGTRÄGER "Admiral Kusnezow"nimmt —KURS auf SYRIEN
20161015             —GEGEN, Vorgänger SARKOZY.
20161015             —GLEICHZEITIG, behielt er seine Funktion als Vorstand der CENTRAL—PACIFIC—RAILROAD —BIS zu seinem Tod
20161015             —TAGUNG, Auf der, anderen Seite besteht 1.verfassungsrechtlich abgeleitete, obgleich widerwillig gewährte, [und dieser Pflicht] entgegenstehende Freiheit, mehrere STAATS—BÜRGERSCHAFTEN gleichzeitig besitzen zu können" (S.
20161015             —WÄHREND, seiner AMTS—ZEIT halbierte er DIE—STAATS—SCHULDEN KALIFORNIENs und setzte sich für den SCHUTZ—DER—WÄLDER ein.
20161015             "It's amazing, I can't even believe it.
20161015             "The yellow sandstone arches and cloisters, THE—RED—TILED roofs against the azure sky, make 1—PICTURE that can never be forgotten, itself 1—INTEGRAL—PART—OF—1—STANFORD education".
20161015             —KILLED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 4—PEOPLE were, —AFTER 1—OUT—OF—CONTROL pickup truck driven by RICHARD—ANTHONY—SEPOLIO, —25—JAHRE—ALT plunged off THE—S—DIEGO—CORONADO—BRIDGE and plowed into 1—CAR gathered at 1—FESTIVAL underneath.
20161015             —HOSPITALIZED, Sepolio, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—USA—NAVY, was, with severe injuries and —LATER arrested on SUSPICION—OF—DRIVING under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
20161015             —CAUSED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 1—HIT—AND—RUN—DRIVER, 1—CRASH that left 4—PEOPLE—DEAD and 4 hospitalized on STATE—ROUTE 60—NEAR—POMONA.
20161015             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, JOHN—JESSIE—MARIANA, —28—JAHRE—ALT of Guerneville and NATHAN—PROTO, —36—JAHRE—ALT were killed in Sebastopol —DURING 1—MARIJUANA—DEAL.
20161015             Shareholders of ITALY—BANCO—POPOLARE and Banca Popolare de Milano approved their merger.
20161015             The new bank will be called Banco BPM.
20161015             MYANMAR, 1—FERRY sank about 85—MILES (137—KM) NORTH—WEST—OF—MANDALAY, as it traveled between the towns of Homalin and MONYWA.
20161015             73—BODIES, among them 54—WOMEN, 14—MEN and 5—WHOSE gender had yet to be identified, were —LATER found, in addition to THE—159—PASSENGERS rescued alive.
20161015—20180000    —IN, fugitives ROBERT—LEE—RANDOLPH—JUNIOR and MARIA—TERESA—LEBRON were arrested in TEXAS on SUSPICION—OF—MURDER.
20170628—20171015    —ON, their bodies were found near the area where they disappeared.
20171001—20171015    —POISED, Parties campaigning on 1—ANTI—MIGRANT—MESSAGE are, to win and to form 1—COALITION—GOVERNMENT.
20171015             The gender option for driver's licenses will be effective 20190101             .
20171015             —INCLUDED, They, 30—MARTYRS massacred in BRAZIL in the 16010101—17001231    ;
20171015             3—TEENS slain in 15010101—16001231     MEXICO due to their EMBRACE—OF—CATHOLICISM;
20171015             1—PRIEST from SPAIN who devoted his life to studying therapeutic plants in the 18010101—19001231    ;
20171015             —GEWORDEN, DEUTSCHLANDs wohl ältester Mann ist —AM—SONNTAG—112—JAHRE—ALT.
20171015             Demokratie in der —KRISE, Es braucht 1—REVOLUTION—DER—HUMANISTEN
20171015             Es hat halt JEDE—BEVÖLKERUNG—DIE—REGIERUNG, die sie verdient hat.
20171015             FRIEDENS—PREIS—REDE—VON—MARGARET—ATWOOD: "An vielen Fronten besteht Anlass zur Sorge"
20171015             GEFAHR—FÜR—DIE—WIRTSCHAFT: Internationaler WÄHRUNGS—FONDS WARNT—VOR—"exzessiver Ungleichheit"
20171015             Gerneth wurde - KOHL—ERBE: 1—MILLION EURO für die Söhne und Enkel
20171015             LANDTAGSWAHL—IN—NIEDERSACHSEN: SPD siegt deutlich, Verluste für die CDU
20171015             RUSSISCHER—PROPAGANDA—TROLL: "Unser Ziel war, UNRUHEN—IN—DEN—USA zu provozieren"
20171015             Tumulte auf der Buchmesse: Dialog unmöglich
20171015             WAHL—IN—ÖSTERREICH: Es war schmutzig, es wird düster
20171015             WAHL—IN—ÖSTERREICH—FPÖ—CHEF—VOR Wahllokal mit HITLER—GRUß begrüßt
20171015             WELTSTRAFGERICHT—DEN—HAAG: Die Unwahrheiten der Chefanklägerin
20171015             [l] ÖSTERREICH hat auch 1—CHRISTIAN—LINDNER, und er wird wohl der nächste BUNDES—KANZLER.
20171015             in Havelberg in SACHSEN—ANHALT
20171015             ÖSTERREICHISCHE—POLITIK ist ja aus Sicht eines DEUTSCHEN selten von charismatischen, freundlichen Menschen geprägt, eher so von Alt—, Jungnazis und so Leuten, die ich mal frech mit dem Wort "Schnösel"zusammenfassen will.
20171015             —STREIT—UM—ATOM—DEAL: IRAN hofft auf "EUROPAs Widerstand"gegen DONALD—TRUMP
20171015             —INSTRUCTED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—REX—TILLERSON said that PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP had, him to continue diplomatic efforts to calm rising tensions with NORTH—KOREA, saying "those diplomatic efforts will continue —UNTIL the 1. bomb drops".
20171015             —SIGNED, GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, SB179 making CALIFORNIA the 1. state in the country to offer a 3. gender marker on birth certificates for nonbinary people who want their personal documents to match their gender identity.
20171015             —CONTINUED, NORTH—CALIFORNIA, firefighters, to grapple with the deadliest blazes in state history.
20171015             —KILLED, At least 40—PEOPLE have been, and entire neighborhoods reduced to ash.
20171015             —EXPLODED, LOUISIANA, 1—OIL and gas platform, on Lake Pontchartrain.
20171015             There was no SIGN—OF—POLLUTION from the accident, but contract worker was missing.
20171015             —MARCHED, AUSTRALIA, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, through SYDNEY to call for detainees, being held in controversial centers for asylum seekers on remote Pacific islands, to be allowed to stay in AUSTRALIA as 1—RESETTLEMENT—DEADLINE—APPROACHES.
20171015             AUSTRIA held parliamentary elections.
20171015             Conservative leader SEBASTIAN—KURZ won AUSTRIA—ELECTION.
20171015             —EXPECTED, Kurz (31) was, to become CHANCELLOR on 1—PLEDGE to take 1—HARD—LINE on refugees and prevent 1—REPEAT—OF—EUROPE—MIGRATION—CRISIS.
20171015             —KILLED, EGYPT, at least 24—MILITANTS and 6—SOLDIERS were, in attacks on military outposts in NORTH—SINAI.
20171015             ESTONIA—RULING Center Party won local elections in 1—KEY litmus test for PRIME—MINISTER—JURI—RATAS, who has seen his party SPLIT into 2—RIVALING factions —SINCE he took up the job less than —1—YEAR—AGO.
20171015             IRAQ, nearly 700,000—PEOPLE from the former jihadist STRONGHOLD—OF—MOSUL and nearby areas were still displaced despite the city's recapture in July.
20171015             —REJECTED, Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, 1—WARNING from 1—IRAQ—PARAMILITARY—FORCE to withdraw from 1—STRATEGIC—JUNCTION—SOUTH—OF—KIRKUK, which controls the access to some of the region's main oilfields.
20171015             Kurdish media said THE—3—OFFICIAL—BORDER—CROSSINGS between IRAQ—KURDISH region and IRAN have been closed.
20171015             1—SEMI—OFFICIAL crossing remained open.
20171015             —DENIED, IRAN, the reports.
20171015             —VOTED, KYRGYZSTAN, in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION with observers predicting no outright winner and 1—CLOSE—RUNOFF between 2—PRO—RUSSIA—CANDIDATES.
20171015             The main opposition candidate, oil tycoon Omurbek Babanov, has accused the government of attacking his supporters and campaign staff.
20171015             —BACKED, PRESIDENT—ALMAZBEK—ATAMBAYEV, who, candidate Sooronbai Jeenbekov, warned he would use ANY—VIOLENCE as 1—OPPORTUNITY to "cleanse" the country.
20171015             MACEDONIA held municipal elections, seen as 1—STRONG—TEST for THE—LEFT—WING government.
20171015             Opinion polls show 1—SLIGHT—ADVANTAGE for the governing Social Democrats, who hope to unseat the conservative MAYOR—OF—SKOPJE.
20171015             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, 4—SOLDIERS and wounded 3—OTHERS in the Kurram tribal region.
20171015             —RESUMED, RUSSIA, sea trips to isolated NORTH—KOREA —AFTER a —2—MONTH—BREAK.
20171015             The ferry line, the only 1—BETWEEN THE—2—COUNTRIES, was opened in May to carry passengers, predominantly CHINA—TOURISTS, and cargoes.
20171015             It stopped operating —IN—AUGUST because the port in VLADIVOSTOK refused to provide services to the vessel —AFTER the company failed to pay for them.
20171015             † SAUDI—ARABIA—CIVIL—DEFENSE said 10—PEOPLE have in 1—FIRE that broke out overnight at 1—CARPENTRY workshop in RIYADH.
20171015             —RAGED, SPAIN, over 125—WILDFIRES, across Galicia.
20171015             3—PEOPLE were reported killed by the fires.
20171015             —LAUNCHED, SYRIA, USA—BACKED fighters, 1—OPERATION to retake the last Islamic STATE—HELD POCKET—OF—THE—NORTHERN—CITY—OF—RAQQA —AFTER some 275—MILITANTS and their family members surrendered.
20171015             THE—KURDISH—LED SYRIA—DEMOCRATIC—FORCE (SDF) has been on the offensive in Raqqa —SINCE—EARLY—JUNE and —NOW controls about 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—CITY.
20171015             —DECLARED, FRANCIS—PAPA, 35—NEW saints, nearly ALL—OF—THEM martyrs drawn from the bloody HISTORY—OF—CATHOLICISM—SPREAD in Latin AMERICA.
20171015             † and 1—ITALY—PRIEST who, in the 1700s —AFTER spending his life CRISS—CROSSING THE—SOUTH—END—OF—HIS—COUNTRY.
20171015             VENEZUELA held gubernatorial elections.
20171015             —CONTROLLED, The ruling Socialist Party currently, 20—OF 23—STATE governorships, but polls showed the opposition Democratic Unity coalition likely to upend that.
20171015             Socialist contenders swept 18—OF—THE—23—GOVERNOR offices at stake
20171015             VIETNAM—OFFICIALS said the death toll from landslides and heavy rain triggered by 1—TROPICAL—DEPRESSION has climbed to 68, with another 34—PEOPLE missing.
20171015             —REMAINED, Classrooms in YEMEN—CAPITAL—AND—REBEL—HELD north, largely closed to students, the 1. —DAY—OF—SCHOOL, as war, hunger and 1—ECONOMIC—COLLAPSE leave millions struggling to survive.
20171015             MARGARET—ATWOOD erhält in der Frankfurter Paulskirche den Friedenspreis des DEUTSCHEN—BUCHHANDELS.
20181014             THE—NASEEB crossing would be opened 20181015             —AFTER operational details are agreed upon.
20181014—20181015    —AFTER, THE—NASEEB crossing would be opened operational details are agreed upon.
20181015             1—KLEINES Problem gibt es jedoch: DIE—MISSION war ein ÖFFENTLICH—PRIVATES Partnerschaftsprojekt.
20181015             DIE—VERÖFFENTLICHTEN Informationen seien 30-mal präziser als andere globale DATEN—SÄTZE, heißt es beim DLR.
20181015             Datenforensiker WARNEN POLIZEI: Vermeiden Sie Blickkontakt mit dem iPhone!
20181015             Der PROZESS—GEGEN—MOTASSADEQ war 1—DER ganz wenigen juristischen Aufarbeitungen DER—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE—IN—DEN—USA.
20181015             Er habe sich in der Haft zwar gut verhalten, sei aber noch sehr beeinflussbar und nicht von seiner "ISLAMISTISCH—DSCHIHADISTISCHEN Einstellung" abgerückt.
20181015             Essay von FRANCIS—FUKUYAMA: Die zersplitterte GESELLSCHAFT gefährdet DIE—DEMOKRATIE (SPIEGEL+, 20:12)
20181015             GEMEINSAM—MIT—MEHREREN anderen Verschwörern aus DEUTSCHLAND—DARUNTER auch der —BIS—HEUTE in GUANTANAMO—BAY inhaftierte RAMZI—BINALSHIBH—REISTE Motassadeq
20181015             Gesichtserkennung am Südkreuz: SICHERHEITS—TECHNIK oder SICHERHEITS—THEATER?
20181015             Grüne stärkste Partei in MÜNCHEN: Hochburgstadt
20181015             Hinter den Kulissen hieß es zur Begründung: DIE—USA hätten sich massiv dafür stark gemacht, die RADARDATEN—VON—DEUTSCHLAND zu BEKOMMEN—UND damit gedroht, sonst selbst keine hochauflösenden BILDER—VON—SPIONAGE—SATELLITEN mehr zur Verfügung zu stellen.
20181015             —ZITIERT, ITALIEN—INNEN—MINISTER—MATTEO—SALVINI: "Viel Feind, viel Ehr", er Mussolini (SPIEGEL+, 03:38)
20181015             Internes Dokument: ECUADOR erlaubt ASSANGE offenbar Netzzugang unter strengen Auflagen
20181015             INTERVIEW—AUSSAGEN: DONALD—TRUMP hält Verstrickung PUTINs in Attentate für möglich
20181015             Landtagswahl: Grüne holen 1. Direktmandate in BAYERN
20181015             Man rechne mit mehreren 100.000—DOWNLOADS in den kommenden —MONATEN, hieß es beim DLR.
20181015             Motassadeq hat immer bestritten, daß er Teil des tödlichen 20010911             —PLANS war.
20181015             Obwohl das WIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTERIUM über das ihm unterstellte DLR —BEREITS Zugriff auf DIE—DATEN hatte, wollte DAS—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM DIE—INFORMATIONEN noch einmal KAUFEN—FÜR—CA—400.000.000—EURO.
20181015             PRESSE—STIMMEN zur Landtagswahl: "BAYERN aus den Fugen"
20181015             RUSSLANDs MILITÄRGEHEIM—DIENST GRU: PUTINs Truppe für die DRECKS—ARBEIT (SPIEGEL+, 03:40)
20181015             Schauspielerin CAROLINE—PETERS im Interview: "Das Denken, das die BRD ausmachte, gibt es nicht mehr" (SPIEGEL+, 15:22)
20181015             —BEKOMMT, SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN: A1, Oberleitung für ELEKTRO—LKW
20181015             UNGARN: Umstrittenes GESETZ—GEGEN—OBDACHLOSE tritt in Kraft
20181015             Vorläufiges ERGEBNIS—DER—BAYERN—WAHL: CSU und SPD stürzen ab, FDP und AfD drin, Linke raus
20181015             WAHL—IN—LUXEMBURG: REGIERUNGS—KOALITION verteidigte ihre Mehrheit knapp
20181015             —GEBILDET, Wie DONALD—TRUMP—DIE—WELT sieht: "DIE—EU wurde, um uns auszunutzen"
20181015             [l] DIE—SAUDIS sagen an, daß wenn DIE—USA—AMIS über den KASHOGG1—MORD Sanktionen verhängen, man ja auch DIE—RUSSEN 1.MILITÄR—BASIS im Land aufmachen lassen könne.
20181015             —AKTUELL, so heißt es beim DLR, sei man gerade dabei, ein weiteres HÖHEN—MODELL aufzunehmen.
20181015             —AM—MORGEN—DES, Als Mounir AL—MOTTASSADEQ—DIE—HAMBURGER Justizvollzugsanstalt Fulsbüttel verließ, da war alles —BIS ins kleinste Detail orchestriert:
20181015             —EINIGUNG auf Konzept: Ärzte und Kassen wollen 20210000             —BIS DIGITAL—AKTE für Patienten
20181015             —NACH, Scheitern DER—BREXIT—GESPRÄCHE: May spricht von Fortschritten
20181015             —NEUE—BIERSORTE: Auf Usedom gibt's —JETZT CANNABISbier
20181015             —UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, RUSSISCH—ORTHODOXE Kirche bricht mit Konstantinopel
20181015             —DESIGNATED, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JEFF—SESSIONS said he had, 5—GROUPS, including Hezbollah and MS-13, as transnational criminal organizations to target with tougher investigations and prosecutions.
20181015             —REPORTED, It was, that IDAHO Fish and Game Commissioner BLAKE—FISHER and his wife were being criticized —AFTER having shot at least 14—ANIMALS—WHILE hunting in NAMIBIA.
20181015             1—PHOTO showed showed him smiling with 4—DEAD baboons propped in front of him.
20181015             —ASKED, IDAHO GOVERNOR—CL—OTTER, for and accepted FISCHER—RESIGNATION.
20181015             —CRASHED, PENNSYLVANIA, 1—CHARTER bus, into trees near SCRANTON killing 1—PERSON and injuring at least 3—OTHERS.
20181015             —GUNNED, WISCONSIN, JAKE—PATTERSON, down James and DENISE—CLOSS, dragged away their daughter Jayme Closs (13), and held her under 1 bed in his remote cabin —FOR—88—DAYS—BEFORE she made 1—DARING escape.
20181015             1—AMBER—ALERT was issued for Jayme Closs —AFTER deputies found her parents dead in Barron.
20181015             —FILED, USA—RETAILER—SEARS, for Chapter 11—BANKRUPTCY—PROTECTION and said it will close 142—STORES nationwide near THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20181015             —FORMED, BANGLADESH, EDITORS—OF—MAJOR—DAILY—NEWSPAPERS in DHAKA, 1—HUMAN—CHAIN to protest 1—NEW—DIGITAL—SECURITY—LAW they say will stifle FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH and media freedom.
20181015             —LAUNCHED, CHINA and INDIA, 1—PROGRAM to train AFGHANISTAN—DIPLOMATS and CHINA—AMBASSADOR said it would likely be followed by joint programs in other fields to help WAR—TORN AFGHANISTAN.
20181015             The joint training of 10—AFGHANISTAN—DIPLOMATS will take place at THE—INDIA—FOREIGN—SERVICE—INSTITUTE.
20181015             —REAFFIRMED, CHINA—PREMIER Li Keqiang, pledges to open up his country to foreign investment as 1—WAY—OF promoting commerce between his country and THE—NETHERLANDS.
20181015             —BARRICADED, Protesters, roads with tree trunks, stoned cars and clashed with soldiers in THE—INDIA—OCEAN—ISLAND nation of COMOROS in demonstrations against PRESIDENT—AZALI—ASSOUMANI—BID to extend term limits.
20181015             —RELEASED, CUBA—GOVERNMENT, TOMAS—NUNEZ—MAGDARIAGA, jailed —SINCE—AUGUST on charges of making threats.
20181015             —CARRIED, He had, out 1—LENGTHY—HUNGER—STRIKE to protest his imprisonment.
20181015             —KILLED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES, 9 "terrorists" in 1—RAID on 1—CAVE hideout along the Nile River.
20181015             —TARGETED, The raid, men who were planning attacks on vital installations, resulting in 1—SHOOTOUT that led to their deaths.
20181015             EGYPT—MAIN—APPEALS—COURT upheld a —3—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCE for former lawmaker MUSTAFA—EL—NAGAR and some 2—DOZEN—PEOPLE, including FORMER—PRESIDENT—MOHAMMED—MORSI, —FOLLOWING their convictions of insulting the judiciary.
20181015             —ARRIVED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH EL—SISSI, in RUSSIA on 1—VISIT expected to further boost ties between THE—2—NATIONS.
20181015             FRANCE, overnight flash floods struck THE—SOUTH—WEST—AUDE region.
20181015             —REMAINED, At least 14—PEOPLE † and 1, missing —AFTER the storms and floods.
20181015             —REPORTED, It was, that FRANCE over the —SUMMER seized PART—OF—1—SEVERANCE—PAYMENT to THE—FORMER—CO—CHAIRMAN—OF—LAFARGEHOLCIM as PART—OF—1—INVESTIGATION into whether the cement maker paid off Islamic State and other militants in Syria.
20181015             —TASKED, GAMBIA swore in an 11-member commission, with shedding light on summary executions, disappearances, torture, rape and other crimes under ousted dictator YAHYA—JAMMEH.
20181015             —DEPORTED, GERMANY, Mounir el Motassadeq (44) to MOROCCO.
20181015             —IDENTIFIED, GERMANY, 1—SYRIA—REFUGEE, only as Mohammad A.R. (55), sparked panic at the busy station in Cologne —AFTER he started 1—FIRE in 1—MCDONALD—RESTAURANT that left a —14—YEAR—OLD—GIRL with burns.
20181015             He then took 1—FEMALE—EMPLOYEE—HOSTAGE in 1—NEARBY pharmacy.
20181015             —OPENED, Police, fire on the suspect, who underwent emergency surgery and remained in 1—COMA.
20181015             —CROSSED, Up to 3,000 migrants, from HONDURAS into GUATEMALA on 1—TREK northward, —AFTER 1—STANDOFF with police in riot gear and warnings from WASHINGTON that migrants should not try to enter THE—USA—ILLEGALLY.
20181015             —FILED, INDIA—GOVERNMENT—MINISTER—M.J—AKBAR, 1—DEFAMATION—SUIT against 1—OF at least 10—WOMEN who have accused him of sexual harassment, calling her allegations false and malicious.
20181015             —SIGNED, ITALY—CABINET, off on 1—DRAFT—BUDGET that will hike the deficit at 1—TIME—WHEN under EU regulations it should be falling, as well as boosting welfare spending and cutting the retirement age.
20181015             —OPENED, The border crossing between JORDAN and Syria, to people and goods —AFTER being closed —FOR—3—YEARS.
20181015             Running great Kip Keino was given more time to report to police in KENYA —AFTER being 1—OF 7—FORMER—OLYMPIC and government officials ACCUSED—OF—CORRUPTION relating to the misappropriation of more than $545,000 —AROUND the time of 20160000             —THE—RIO—DE—JANEIRO—GAMES.
20181015             THE—NIGERIA—GOVERNMENT said 1—MEDICAL—AID—WORKER held hostage by Islamic STATE—IN—WEST—AFRICA (ISWA) militants was killed —AFTER 1—DEADLINE they set expired.
20181015             —NAMED, The —NEXT—DAY the Red Cross, the health worker as Hauwa MOHAMMED—LIMAN, a —24—YEAR—OLD midwife.
20181015             She and 2—OTHER—NIGERIA—AID—WORKERS, ALICE—LOKSHA and Saifura Hussaini AHMED—KHORSA, were working in THE—NORTH—EAST—TOWN—OF—RANN —WHEN they were kidnapped by ISWA in March.
20181015             —KILLED, Khorsa, also 1—MIDWIFE, was, —IN—SEPTEMBER.
20181015             —CONTINUED, North and SOUTH—KOREA, their push for peace with HIGH—LEVEL—TALKS that resulted in 1—HOST—OF—AGREEMENTS, including 1—PLAN by the rivals for 1—GROUNDBREAKING ceremony —THIS—YEAR on 1—AMBITIOUS—PROJECT to connect their railways and roads.
20181015             1—PALESTINIAN was shot dead —AFTER trying to stab 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20181015             —PASSED, ROMANIA—GOVERNMENT, 1—EMERGENCY—ORDINANCE requiring prosecutors in key agencies to have more YEARS—OF—EXPERIENCE — 1—MOVE that prosecutors say would hamper current investigations and force SOME—ANTI—CORRUPTION—PROSECUTORS from their jobs.
20181015             —DENIED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—CYRIL—RAMAPHOSA, accusations that he ignored widespread looting and financial misconduct at 1—MAJOR—RETAIL—BANK that collapsed weeks —AFTER he came into office.
20181015             SWEDEN—OUTGOING Social Democrats PRIME—MINISTER—STEFAN—LOFVEN was given 1—MANDATE to form 1—GOVERNMENT—1—DAY—AFTER 1—RIVAL—CENTER—RIGHT—LEADER failed in his 1. attempt.
20181015             —FAILED, Jihadists in SYRIA—IDLIB, to meet 1—DEADLINE to leave 1 planned buffer zone ringing the country's last rebel bastion, casting fresh doubt over 1—DEAL to avert bloodshed.
20181015             Hayat Tahrir AL—SHAM (HTS) and other, more extreme jihadists hold over 2—THIRDS—OF—THE planned buffer area, and over HALF—OF—THE—REST—OF—IDLIB.
20181015             —DISMISSED, TURKEY—GOVERNMENT said it has, 259—LOCAL—OFFICIALS for suspected links to terrorist groups or unsuitable behavior, 1—MOVE—THE—PRO—KURDISH—OPPOSITION said was aimed at helping the ruling AK Party ahead of 20190000             polls.
20181015             TURKEY—AUTHORITIES said they have 1—AUDIO recording which indicates that missing SAUDI—ARABIA—JOURNALIST—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI was killed in THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—CONSULATE in ISTANBUL.
20181015             Kanye West and his wife KIM—KARDASHIAN paid 1—VISIT to UGANDA—PRESIDENT—YOWERI—MUSEVENI, gifting THE—74—YEAR—OLD—LEADER 1—PAIR—OF—WHITE sneakers.
20181015             West was in UGANDA to record his ninth studio album "Yandhi".
20181015             It left at least 11—OF 23—STATES in the dark.
20181015—20010000    —IN—THE, He was convicted 20030000             —IN—OF—MEMBERSHIP in 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION and accessory to THE—MURDER—OF—THE—246—PASSENGERS and crew on THE—4—JETLINERS used AL—QAIDA attacks on NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON.
20181015—20110000    —SINCE, UNITED—KINGDOM—PROTESTERS gathered near 1—SHALE gas exploration site in NORTH—WEST—ENGLAND, as fracking began in THE—UK—FOR—THE 1. time.
20181015—20180110    —ON, Jayme was found safe in the small TOWN—OF—GORDON and
20181015—20180524    —SENTENCED, Patterson was, to life in prison.
20181015—20180927    —ON, EL—NAGAR had gone missing and was not present.
20181015—20181002    —ORDERED, SALMAN—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—INTERNAL—PROBE into the unexplained disappearance of prominent JOURNALIST—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI as 1—JOINT—TURKISH—SAUDI—ARABIA—TEAM was set to search THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—CONSULATE in ISTANBUL where he was last seen.
20181015—20190300    —IN, suspect, Patterson (21) pleaded guilty to 2—COUNTS—OF intentional homicide and 1—COUNT—OF kidnapping.
20181021—20181015    —DISCOVERED, THE—CARCASSES—OF—THE—COW and bull were.
20190904             —DEMANDED, UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON, an 20191015             snap election —AFTER lawmakers seeking to prevent 1—NO—DEAL—BREXIT dealt him 1—HUMILIATING defeat in PARLIAMENT which he cast as 1—ATTEMPT to surrender to THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20190928—20191015    —RELEASED, THE—UN, 1—SPECIAL—REPORT that described THE—TOLL—OF—ELECTION—RELATED violence.
20191015             "Ich habe nichts mit irgendwelchen dubiosen Deals zu tun, die Sondland und Mulvaney aushecken", soll BOLTON laut NEW—YORK—TIMES gesagt haben.
20191015             "Mögliches provokatives politisches Verhalten": UEFA—ERMITTELT—GEGEN—TÜRKISCHE—SPIELER
20191015             "Toxische Algenblüten beeinflussen die Trinkwasserversorgung, die Landwirtschaft, den Tourismus",
20191015             "Wir können mit Sicherheit sagen, daß dieser Körper die planetare Astronomie umwälzen und 1—MEILENSTEIN für die Astronomie im Allgemeinen sein wird",
20191015             +++ —DER—MORGEN live +++, USA—POLIZIST erschießt schwarze Frau durch Fenster ihres Hauses
20191015             2I/BORISOV - An sich sind solche Algenblüten in Süßwasserseen nicht ungewöhnlich.
20191015             Auch im Atlantik machen sich zunehmend Braunalgen breit.
20191015             BESTSELLER—AUTOR—ROBERT—HARRIS über den BREXIT: "Diese Leute in der Regierung sind Lügner" (SPIEGEL+, 01:17)
20191015             BOLTON sei - BOLTON soll Hill zudem beauftragt haben, den CHEF—ANWALT des Nationalen SICHERHEITSrates über die Pläne von Sondland, GIULIANI und STABSchef Mick Mulvaney zu informieren
20191015             Beim Dorsch in der westlichen Ostsee sind minus 60—PROZENT vorgesehen.
20191015             Beim für DEUTSCHLAND wichtigen Hering in der westlichen Ostsee einigten sich die MINISTER darauf, die erlaubte Fangmenge um 65—PROZENT zu senken.
20191015             Bundesagrarministerin JULIA—KLÖCKNER (CDU) warnte vor den "SOZIO—ÖKONOMISCHEN Auswirkungen einer so drastischen Kürzung".
20191015             DEUTSCHLAND hatte sich zuvor noch gegen vermeintlich übertriebene Senkungen der Fangquoten gewehrt.
20191015             DIE—DARIN enthaltenen PHOSPHOR—UND Stickstoffverbindungen wie Nitrat fördern gerade —SOMMER—IM, das explosionsartige Algenwachstum.
20191015             DIE—JÜNGSTEN Meldungen aus —DER—NACHT
20191015             Demnach war es nicht das 1. Mal, daß der EX—SICHERHEITSBERATER sich besorgt über die Kampagne unter GIULIANIs Regie äußerte.
20191015             Der Westen unterwirft sich der Meinungskontrolle: Die CHINESISCHE—LÖSUNG (SPIEGEL+, 00:58)
20191015             Diese vergifteten das Wasser mit Microcystinen.
20191015             DORSCH—UND HERING—QUOTEN für 20200000             OSTSEE—FISCHFANG um mehr als 50 % reduziert
20191015             Drohender GIPFEL—STREIT der EU: Weltpolitikunfähig
20191015             Düsseldorf: Goldener SUV ist nicht verkehrstauglich
20191015             E—AUTOS, Handys, Laptops: Woran das Recyclen von LITHIUM—IONEN—AKKUS scheitert (SPIEGEL+, 12:12)
20191015             Ein großes Problem ist Dünger, der von umliegenden Feldern in die Seen gelangt.
20191015             Er nannte ihn einen "Kriegsverbrecher" und "Massenmörder".
20191015             Erdogan rüstete Rebellen, unter ihnen auch Dschihadisten, im KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS ASSAD—REGIME auf.
20191015             Erdogans SYRIEN—OFFENSIVE: KRIEGSHERR—VON—PUTINS Gnaden
20191015             Fischbestände und ÖKO—SYSTEME in der Ostsee seien "in einem alarmierenden Zustand".
20191015             Forderungen für KAMPF—GEGEN—RECHTSEXTREMISMUS: Mehr Personal, strengere Gesetze, schnellerer Zugriff
20191015             Forscher haben die Umweltfaktoren ermittelt, die 1—ERHOLUNG—DER—FISCHBESTÄNDE erschweren.
20191015             Forschung für die Abrüstung: Wie man einen Atomsprengkopf zerlegt (SPIEGEL+, 00:55)
20191015             Historiker über die Folgen der Wiedervereinigung: "DIE—ZUKUNFT ist tot" (SPIEGEL+, 20:54)
20191015             Holy hand grenade!
20191015             In dem viertgrößten der 5—GROSSEN Seen Nordamerikas hatten sich massenhaft Algen und Bakterien ausgebreitet.
20191015             Invasion in SYRIEN: GROKO—POLITIKER diskutieren Sanktionen gegen die TÜRKEI
20191015             Irgendwann waren fast ALLE—WASSERFLASCHEN im Umkreis von 80—KILOMETERN ausverkauft
20191015             —EXPRESSED, It was not the 1. time MISTER—BOLTON, grave concerns to Ms.
20191015             JOHN—BOLTON: TRUMP—EX—SICHERHEITSBERATER schlug offenbar intern Alarm wegen UKRAINE—AFFÄRE
20191015             KOMET 2I/BORISOV: Interstellarer Besucher ist SONNEN—SYSTEM verblüffend ähnlich
20191015             KRIEG—IN—NORD—SYRIEN: Weil sieht momentan KEINE—CHANCE für TÜRKISCHES—VW—WERK
20191015             Militärgrüße im Stadion: "DIE—TÜRKEI ist in einer ART—KRIEGSRAUSCH" - NASA—SATELLITEN "Landsat 5", der
20191015             NORD—SYRIEN: Russen patrouillieren offenbar zwischen türkischen und Assads Truppen
20191015             OECD—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR WARNT—VOR—WELTWEITER Krise: "1—AUFSCHWUNG wird ermordet" (SPIEGEL+, 00:56)
20191015             Politische Instabilität, Naturkatastrophen, Terror: Schwierige WAHLEN—IN—MOSAMBIK
20191015             Rassismus im EM—QUALIFIKATIONSSPIEL ENGLAND—GEGEN—BULGARIEN: "1—DER—SCHRECKLICHSTEN—NÄCHTE, die ich im Fußball gesehen habe"
20191015             Sanktionen und Drohungen gegen Türken: DONALD—TRUMP fordert sofortigen Waffenstillstand in SYRIEN
20191015             Satellitenbilder ausgewertet: Algenblüten nehmen WELT—WEIT zu
20191015             —GEHÖRT, Sondland, zu den zentralen Figuren in der UKRAINE—AFFÄRE und soll die verdeckte Kampagne gegen den Präsidentschaftsanwärter der Demokraten, JOE—BIDEN, und dessen Sohn Hunter organisiert HABEN—GEMEINSAM—MIT—TRUMP—PRIVAT—ANWALT RUDY—GIULIANI.
20191015             TRUMP—SYRIEN—DEBAKEL: Der Chaoskrieger
20191015             Terrorismus: BKA zählt 43—RECHTSEXTREME Gefährder
20191015             That quote will outlive both DONALD—TRUMP and BOLTON.
20191015             That quote, too, will live.
20191015             Trotz UEFA—VERBOT: TÜRKEI—SPIELER salutieren auch gegen FRANKREICH
20191015             TÜRKEI—MILITÄRINTERVENTION in SYRIEN: KURDEN—MILIZEN sollen Grenzstadt zurückerobert haben
20191015             Umfrage: Ostdeutsche haben mehr Vorbehalte gegen Minderheiten als Westdeutsche
20191015             We still don't know much about what Fiona Hill said in her testimony.
20191015             Wegen Handelskonflikt: WELT—WIRTSCHAFT wächst langsamer
20191015             Wieso gibt es bei uns eigentlich nicht Soforthilfe für die KURDEN?
20191015             Stattdessen nur ein paar Hohlphrasen in der Politik.
20191015             Workshops gegen Desinformation: "In JEDER—KLASSE fällt mindestens 1—KIND auf Fake News herein" (Leben und Lernen, 18:40)
20191015             [l] Bei all der gesammelten Furchtbarkeit der Lage in Kurdistan gibt es doch auch einen Silberstreif am Horizont, und zwar aus ISRAEL.
20191015             Ärger um Globuli: Grüne wollen HOMÖOPATHIE—STREIT vom Parteitag fernhalten
20191015             —JAHRELANG konnten sich Milizionäre frei zwischen der TÜRKEI und SYRIEN bewegen.
20191015             —LAUT, Schätzungen kosten Algenblüten in Süßgewässern die USA—WIRTSCHAFT pro —JAHR etwa 4—MILLIARDEN DOLLAR.
20191015             —NACH, einem NDR—BERICHT sind in SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN von den verringerten Quoten 206—HAUPTERWERBSFISCHER betroffen, in MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN 237.
20191015             —PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN hat es durch geschickte Diplomatie und skrupellose Kriegsführung geschafft, Assad trotz zahlloser Kriegsverbrechen an der Macht zu halten.
20191015             —SKANDAL um FUßBALLER—GESTEN: Unpolitisch geht nicht mehr
20191015             —UKRAINE—AFFÄRE, HUNTER—BIDEN räumt Fehler ein
20191015             —VOR, EU—GIPFEL: FRANKREICH blockiert —VERHANDLUNGEN mit Balkanstaaten
20191015             "I am not PART—OF—WHATEVER drug deal Sondland and Mulvaney are cooking up," MISTER—BOLTON, 1—YALE—TRAINED lawyer, told Ms.
20191015             —ACCUSED, USA—PROSECUTORS, TURKEY—GOVERNMENT—OWNED Halkbank of participating in 1—WIDE—RANGING plot to violate prohibitions on IRAN—ACCESS to THE—USA—FINANCIAL—SYSTEM.
20191015             —INVOLVED, The conspiracy, HIGH—RANKING government officials in IRAN and TURKEY.
20191015             —REVEALED, The 4. USA Democratic debate, sharper edges than its predecessors, as the candidates were tested by the moderators and challenged by EACH—OTHER.
20191015             1—SENIOR—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL warned GUATEMALA that it must reach agreement with THE—USA on accepting ASYLUM—SEEKERS from other countries in order to benefit from 1—REGIONAL—ECONOMIC—DEVELOPMENT—PLAN.
20191015             THE—SF—BAY—AREA, 1—EXPLOSION at 1—NEWSTAR—ENERGY—FUEL—STORAGE—FACILITY in Crockett started a —7-HOUR blaze that trapped thousands in their homes —FOR—HOURS because of potentially unhealthy air.
20191015             A 4.5—MAGNITUDE—EARTHQUAKE—EARLIER in the —DAY caused malfunctions at 2—NEARBY—OIL refineries operated by Shell and Marathon oil.
20191015             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, Valerie Lundeen Ely (62), the wife of "Tarzan" actor Ron Ely (81), was stabbed to death by their son CAMERON—ELY, —30—JAHRE—ALT.
20191015             —FOLLOWING 1 unspecified threat 4—DEPUTIES fired on Cameron and he was killed.
20191015             —STARRED, Ron Ely, as Tarzan in the 19660000—19680000     NBC TV series.
20191015             † JAMES—FETZER, 1—RETIRED—UNIVERSITY—OF—MINNESOTA—DULUTH professor —NOW living in WISCONSIN, and MIKE—PALACEK—CO—WROTE 1—BOOK, "Nobody, at SANDY—HOOK," in which they claimed THE—SANDY—HOOK shooting never took place but was instead 1—EVENT staged by THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT as PART—OF—1—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION—EFFORT to enact tighter gun restrictions.
20191015             —UNVEILED, Alphabet INC—GOOGLE, new Pixel smartphones with higher quality cameras, 1—RADAR sensor and faster virtual assistant, but failed to provide enough to set the devices apart from rivals and nix concerns about price.
20191015             —STARTED, The 4.—GENERATION Pixel, at $799 for a 5.7-inch (14.5-cm) display and $899 for a 6.3-inch display
20191015             —AGREED, Intel Corp said it has, to purchase 1—SOFTWARE—BUSINESS from TORONTO—BASED Pivot Technology Solutions Inc for $27—MILLION.
20191015             Intel said it would buy Smart Edge, 1—SOFTWARE that helps SPLIT up data and store it closer to users to make computing devices respond faster.
20191015             —COLLAPSED, BRAZIL, a 7—STORY—RESIDENTIAL building, in THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—FORTALEZA, killing at least 1—PERSON.
20191015             —DETECTED, CHINA—AGRICULTURE—MINISTRY said AFRICA—SWINE fever has been, in pigs being transported to Guangxi region from outside provinces.
20191015             —ANNOUNCED, CUBA—VICE—PRESIDENT—SALVADOR—MESA and several ministers, on television that the government was going to lower PRICES—OF—HOUSEHOLD—APPLIANCES and other items on condition that Cubans pay in dollars.
20191015             The government was seeking dollars in 1—BID to stay afloat in the midst of 1—ACUTE—FINANCIAL—CRISIS triggered by its dependence on VENEZUELA and new USA—SANCTIONS.
20191015             GEORGIA—ANAKLIA—DEVELOPMENT—CONSORTIUM, (ADC), the consortium behind THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—THE—MAJOR—DEEP—SEA port Anaklia on the Black Sea coast, accused THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—SABOTAGE and put the project on hold.
20191015             —SIGNED, The government, which, THE—52—YEAR—CONCESSION—AGREEMENT with THE—ADC, refused to provide such guarantees for the private project.
20191015             —AGREED, LEBANON—DEFENSE—MINISTER said his country and CYPRUS have, to work together on curbing boat LOADS—OF—MIGRANTS from reaching THE—EAST—MEDITERRANEAN ISLAND nation.
20191015             Wildfires spread through parts of LEBANON —AFTER forcing SOME—RESIDENTS to flee their homes in THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—NIGHT, —WHILE others were stuck inside as the flames reached villages SOUTH—OF—BEIRUT, authorities said.
20191015             BENGHAZI—BASED PRIME—MINISTER—ABDULLAH—AL—THANI, THE—HEAD—OF—LIBYA—PARALLEL—GOVERNMENT in the east, said rival, UN—BACKED authorities in TRIPOLI have restricted oil revenues to areas under its control, as EASTERN—ALLIED militias battle to seize CONTROL—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20191015             —VOTED, Mozambicans, —TODAY in 1—ELECTION which PRESIDENT—FILIPE—NYUSI said should help anchor peace, —WHILE his opposition rival warned against ANY—MANIPULATION—OF—THE—RESULTS.
20191015             THE—NETHERLANDS, 6—YOUNG—ADULTS and their father were receiving medical treatment —AFTER HOLLAND—POLICE acting on 1—TIP—OFF discovered them locked away in 1—SECRET—ROOM at 1 isolated farm.
20191015             The family, according to local news reports, had been waiting for THE—END—OF—TIME.
20191015             —AGREED, Signify, 1—DUTCH—BASED lighting company, said it has, to buy USA—FIRM—COOPER—LIGHTING—SOLUTIONS from Eaton Corp. for $1.4—BILLION in cash to boost its presence in NORTH—AMERICA.
20191015             —VISITED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, as PART—OF—1—MIDEAST tour aimed at strengthening ties between MOSCOW and this longtime USA—ALLY amid tensions in the wider Persian Gulf.
20191015             Putin sought to attract over $1.3—BILLION WORTH—OF—INVESTMENTS in RUSSIA—ECONOMY.
20191015             —MOVED, RUSSIA, to fill the void left by THE—USA—IN—NORTH—SYRIA, deploying troops to keep apart advancing SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and TURKEY—FORCES.
20191015             At the same time, tensions grew within NATO as TURKEY defied growing condemnation of its invasion from its Western allies.
20191015             —RAIDED, RUSSIA—INVESTIGATORS, opposition offices across the country, in the latest move to increase pressure on top Kremlin critic ALEXEI—NAVALNY and his allies.
20191015             —BLOCKED, SERBIA, taxi drivers in BELGRADE, the city center to protest the impact of 1—RIDE—SHARING service on their business and to call on the government to ban it.
20191015             —ENDED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, —15—YEARS—OF—PEACEKEEPING operations in HAITI, voicing regret that the country is still saddled with huge economic, political and social woes.
20191015             THE—UN said TURKEY could be deemed responsible for summary executions by 1 affiliated armed GROUP—OF—CAPTURED—KURDISH—FIGHTERS and 1—POLITICIAN, acts that may amount to war crimes.
20191015             YEMEN—OFFICIALS said SAUDI—ARABIA—TROOPS have taken CONTROL—OF—THE—AIRPORT and ports in the interim CAPITAL—ADEN from separatists backed by THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES.
20191015             —VOTED, NORTH—CALIFORNIA, the Napa County BOARD—OF—SUPERVISORS, to indefinitely ban all commercial cannabis activites in unincorporated areas, including the growing, processing and selling of pot in stores.
20191015             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT shut down SOUTH—CAROLINA—ATTEMPT to complete the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility at THE—SAVANNAH—RIVER—SITE—NEAR—AIKEN.
20191015             The government has already spent $8—BILLION on the nuclear fuel facility.
20191015—20120000    —IN—THE, 1—JURY in WISCONSIN awarded $450,000 to THE—FATHER—OF—1—BOY killed SANDY—HOOK school shooting —AFTER he filed 1—DEFAMATION—LAWSUIT against conspiracy theorist writers who claimed 20121214             —THE, massacre in CONNECTICUT never happened.
20191015—20140000    —ALS sich auf dem Eriesee in den USA eine grüne, schleimige Schicht ausbreitete, brach die Trinkwasserversorgung in der Region um TOLEDO im USA—BUNDES—STAAT OHIO zusammen.
20191015—20200000    —EXPECTED, THE—IMF said KENYA—ECONOMY is, to expand by 5.6% —THIS—YEAR and 6.0%, lowering its forecasts from —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20191027—20191015    —IN—THE, MOZAMBIQUE—NATIONAL—ELECTION—COMMISSION (CNE) said incumbent PRESIDENT—FILIPE—NYUSI has won 1—LANDSLIDE victory election it was hoped would calm tensions in 1—NATION soon to become 1—TOP—GLOBAL—GAS exporter, but has instead stoked divisions as opposition parties cry foul.
20200604             Archivbild 20181015             : SEK Einsatzkräfte bei einem Einsatz
20200604—20181015    Archivbild, SEK Einsatzkräfte bei einem Einsatz
20200628             ' am 202006281015         —UHR—KAPUTTSPAREN und seine FOLGEN—ICH erinnere an die "Schwarze 0",
20200729             ITALIEN—REGIERUNG will den wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE ausgerufenen Notstand —BIS zum 20201015             verlängern.
20200924             Zeitgleich mit einer für den 20201015             geplanten Einführung einer digitalen Anmeldung für nach DEUTSCHLAND einreisende Menschen sollen die Bundesländer neue QUARANTÄNE—REGELN beschließen.
20200924—20201015    —AM, "Die digitale Einreiseanmeldung wird aus diesem Grund ebenfalls —ERST zu diesem ZEITPUNKT —EINGEFÜHRT".
20200930—20201015    —UNVEILED, Google, its $700—PIXEL 5—PHONE to become available.
20201015             —DONNERSTAG, 20201015             - Gespräch unter Fachleuten
20201015             Wie Eltern ihren Töchtern Mut beibringen können: "Lasst eure Mädchen von Schaukeln fallen!" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MAREN—KELLER
20201015             —ENTTÄUSCHT, BREXIT—HANDELSPAKT: Johnson, über schleppende —VERHANDLUNGEN mit der EU
20201015             CORONA bei der USA—PRÄSIDENTEN—FAMILIE: Melania Trump wieder negativ GETESTET—AUCH Sohn Barron war infiziert
20201015             CORONA—RUNDE der Regierungschefs: "Ich bin nicht zufrieden"
20201015             —VERBIETET, Reaktion auf Demos: THAILAND, VERSAMMLUNGEN—UND zensiert Nachrichten
20201015             Twitter und Facebook: Netzwerke blockieren kritischen Text über BIDEN—TRUMP gefällt das überhaupt nicht
20201015             Sammelband von 16230000             : SHAKESPEARE—ERSTAUSGABE erzielt bei Auktion fast 10—MILLIONEN USA—DOLLAR
20201015             Ärger über BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN: Schottlands Regierungschefin wirft BORIS—JOHNSON "Ruchlosigkeit" vor
20201015             Pralle Wahlkampfkasse: JOE—BIDEN sammelt Rekordsumme von 383—MILLIONEN Dollar ein
20201015             Sprunghafter Anstieg: 6638—NEUE CORONA—FÄLLE - ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT meldet Höchstwert für DEUTSCHLAND
20201015             —BEFÜRCHTET, Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: KANZLERIN, "Unheil"
20201015             Kalifornien: USA—DROGENFAHNDER beschlagnahmen Rekordmenge Crystal Meth
20201015             USA—WAHL: Jung, schwarz und unentschieden
20201015             Geringere CORONA—VERLUSTE: Werber schöpfen Hoffnung
20201015             DEUTSCHE—SPRACHE: "Lost" ist Jugendwort des Jahres
20201015             CORONA bremst den Ehrgeiz aus: CHEF sein? Och nö...
20201015             —KRITISIERT, USA—SÄNGERIN: Demi Lovato, DONALD—TRUMP mit "COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF"-Song
20201015             Coronakrise: BAYERN ist Spitzenreiter bei Kurzarbeit
20201015             Kanzleramt unzufrieden mit CORONA—REGELN: "Wir müssen ALLE—UNSERE—KONTAKTE halbieren"
20201015             Nach heftigen Protesten: KIRGISISCHER—PRÄSIDENT tritt zurück
20201015             Fahrt durch Taiwanstraße: Peking beklagt Provokation durch USA—SCHIFF
20201015             AFGHANISTAN: Wo Mädchen wegen des Klimawandels nicht mehr zur Schule gehen dürfen Von Tim VAN Olphen und Solmaz Daryani (Fotos)
20201015             Luftfahrtkrise: Ryanair streicht Winterflugplan zusammen
20201015             Beatmungsgeräte und Masken: Vorsteuergewinn von Drägerwerk steigt um 12650000             Prozent
20201015             Afrikas höchster Berg: Flammen auf dem Kilimandscharo breiten sich AUS—BERGSTEIGER—CAMP evakuiert
20201015             Nach Eilantrag: Gericht kippt Beherbergungsverbot in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20201015             —ENTSCHEIDUNG gegen Endlager Gorleben: "Und?
20201015             Was fängst du —JETZT mit deinem Leben an?"
20201015             Wachsende Kritik an Beherbergungsverbot: Die 1—CORONA—MAßNAHME zu viel
20201015             FRANZÖSISCHE—GASTWIRTE über Ausgangssperren: "Wir sind am Ende unserer Kräfte "
20201015             Brexit und Haushalt beim EU—GIPFEL: Gelassen dem Abgrund entgegen
20201015             Wegen CORONA—POLITIK: Ermittler durchsuchen Wohnung und BÜRO—VON—FRANKREICHS—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER
20201015             Soziale Netzwerke vor der USA—WAHL: Die Macht der Mythen
20201015             Söder nach CORONA—GIPFEL: BAYERN verschärft Maskenpflicht und Kontaktbeschränkungen
20201015             Linkenpolitiker Ramelow über CORONA—1ÄTZE: "Da kann ich der Bundeswehr nur herzlich danken"
20201015             Umstrittene CORONA—MAßNAHME: Auch Gericht in NIEDERSACHSEN kippt Beherbergungsverbot
20201015             Angst vor neuen Lockdowns: Dax fällt deutlich
20201015             NEW—YORK: Geburtstagsparty für 16-Jährige wird zum SUPERSPREADER—EVENT
20201015             Labors und Arztpraxen am Limit: "Täglich sieht man die Schlange, und —JETZT steht man selber drin" 1—VIDEO—VON—MARKUS—KOWALSKI
20201015             Demokratiebewegung: Hunderte Thailänder demonstrieren trotz Versammlungsverbot
20201015             Vatikan: FRANZISKUS—PAPA besetzt wichtige Posten neu
20201015             CORONA—LAGE in der TÜRKEI: Manipulierte Zahlen und verzweifelte Mediziner Von ANNA—SOPHIE—SCHNEIDER
20201015             Neue Fallberichte: Man kann sich zweimal mit CORONA ANSTECKEN—WAS daraus folgt
20201015             Brüssel: VON—DER—LEYEN verlässt EU—GIPFEL vorzeitig wegen CORONA—KONTAKT
20201015             Wegen CORONA—INFEKTIONEN im Umfeld: USA—VIZE—KANDIDATIN Harris setzt Wahlkampfreisen aus
20201015             Mein Traum von einer Buchmesse: Cannabisduft in allen Räumen, herrlich!
20201015             1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—DORIS—DÖRRIE
20201015             Auf ihrer —JAHRE dauernden Mission zum Merkur ist die Sonde "BepiColombo" —AM—DONNERSTAG an der Venus vorbeigeflogen.
20201015             "Es hat alles funktioniert",
20201015             Auf der Sonde sitzen 2—ORBITER aus DEUTSCHLAND und JAPAN.
20201015             Kurz vor 6.00—UHR —MORGENS mitteleuropäischer flog das weit über 1—MILLIARDE—EURO teure EUROPÄISCH—JAPANISCHE—RAUMFAHRZEUG in gut 10.000—KILOMETER Entfernung an dem Nachbarplaneten der Erde vorbei.
20201015             Das Manöver wurde aus dem Kontrollzentrum in DARMSTADT gesteuert.
20201015             Auf dem Flug zum Merkur, dem kleinsten und schnellsten Planeten in unserem Sonnensystem, wird die Sonde im kommenden —AUGUST in nur 550—KILOMETER Höhe noch einmal an der Venus und insgesamt sechsmal am Merkur vorbeifliegen, bevor sie 20250000             in ihre endgültige Umlaufbahn gelangt.
20201015             Nach rund —7—JAHREN Flugzeit wird die 20180000             gestartete Sonde dann rund 9—MILLIARDEN Kilometer zurückgelegt haben.
20201015             Neue CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: Letzte Chance vor dem Lockdown
20201015             CORONA—PANDEMIE: NIEDERLANDE und fast ganz FRANKREICH als Risikogebiete eingestuft
20201015             Stahlsparte vor dem Ausverkauf: Das letzte Kapitel von Thyssenkrupp
20201015             GERMANY—NOBEL Prize in Physics Winner: "It's Unbelievable All That's Going On at the Moment in Astronomy" Interview Conducted by JOHANN—GROLLE und CHRISTOPH—SEIDLER
20201015             Umstrittene CORONA—MAßNAHME: Auch SAARLAND nimmt Beherbergungsverbot zurück
20201015             —VERHINDERT, Deckel für EEG—UMLAGE: Regierung, Explosion der Strompreise
20201015             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, Durchsuchungen in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG und BAYERN: Polizei, Waffen und Granaten
20201015             Thu 20201015
20201015             [l] Die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen Peng, wegen deren Kunstaktion mit den Anrufen vom fiktiven Bundesamts für Krisenschutz und Wirtschaftshilfe.
20201015             Das Wirtschaftsministerium hatte Anzeige erstattet.
20201015             Wie unsportlich.
20201015             Aber die waren ja —SCHON immer schlechte Verlierer.
20201015             [l] Die ARD verzockt weiter Glaubwürdigkeit mit unseriösen Taschenspielertricks wie manipulierten Achsen an Graphen, die man eher RT zugetraut hätte.
20201015             Lustigerweise hat der ARD "Faktenfinder" (haha!) auch —SCHON mal 1—FOLGE dazu gemacht, wie man manipulierte Graphen erkennt.
20201015             59—INFETADOS entre utentes e funcionários de lares de ALCOUTIM e TAVIRA
20201015             15—DE Outubro de 20200000—20170000    :05 - Em dois lares, em ALCOUTIM e em TAVIRA
20201015             MARCELO—REBELO—DE—SOUSA regressa esta —SEXTA—FEIRA, 16—DE Outubro, para mais um jantar com autarcas, desta vez, a partir das 20h00, em ALJEZUR.
20201015             Este jantar será no restaurante Pont'a Pé, no Largo da Liberdade,
20201015             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—371—(+10)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—211—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—156—(+10)
20201015             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—10—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—8—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20201015             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—40—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—7—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—33—(+1)
20201015             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—215—(+9)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—139—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—75—(+9)
20201015             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—70—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—38—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—30—(=)
20201015             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—258—(+10)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—183—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—75—(+7)
20201015             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—382—(+4)—ÓBITOS—8—(=)—RECUPERADOS—236—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—138—(+3)
20201015             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—17—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—15—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20201015             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—87—(+3)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—47—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—40—(+3)
20201015             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—228—(+1)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—149—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—75—(=)
20201015             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—101—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—71—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—30—(+1)
20201015             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—124—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—53—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—71—(+1)
20201015             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—127—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—33—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—92—(+1)
20201015             BADEN—BADEN—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—265—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—480,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—52,6—TODESFÄLLE—19—EINWOHNERZAHL—55.185
20201015             BERLIN—MITTE—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—3.121—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—831,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—116,7—TODESFÄLLE—21—EINWOHNERZAHL—375.238
20201015             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—2.807—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—874,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—153,2—TODESFÄLLE—43—EINWOHNERZAHL—321.123
20201015             BERLIN—REINICKENDORF—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.391—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—535,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—80,9—TODESFÄLLE—22—EINWOHNERZAHL—259.689
20201015             BERLIN—SPANDAU—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.049—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—438,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—59,4—TODESFÄLLE—9—EINWOHNERZAHL—239.019
20201015             BOCHUM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.631—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—446,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—53,3—TODESFÄLLE—28—EINWOHNERZAHL—365.587
20201015             BREMEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.978—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—524,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—80,2—TODESFÄLLE—55—EINWOHNERZAHL—567.559
20201015             BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 34,58
20201015             BUNDESLAND BERLIN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 71,18
20201015             BUNDESLAND BREMEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 68,85
20201015             BUNDESLAND HESSEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,67
20201015             BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 22,99
20201015             BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,05
20201015             BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 26,01
20201015             BUNDESLAND SAARLAND Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,06
20201015             BUNDESLAND SACHSEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 26,33
20201015             BUNDESLAND Thüringen Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 16,27
20201015             CLOPPENBURG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—952—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—557,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—76,2—TODESFÄLLE—1—EINWOHNERZAHL—170.682
20201015             DORTMUND—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.540—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—431,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—50,7—TODESFÄLLE—21—EINWOHNERZAHL—588.250
20201015             DUISBURG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.413—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—684,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—64,8—TODESFÄLLE—75—EINWOHNERZAHL—498.686
20201015             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.173—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—443,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—36,3—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20201015             DÜSSELDORF—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.770—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—606,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—55,6—TODESFÄLLE—53—EINWOHNERZAHL—621.877
20201015             EICHSFELD—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—248—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—248,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—67,0—TODESFÄLLE—11—EINWOHNERZAHL—100.006
20201015             EMSLAND—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.108—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—338,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—50,5—TODESFÄLLE—25—EINWOHNERZAHL—326.954
20201015             ERZGEBIRGSKREIS—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.238—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—369,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—68,7—TODESFÄLLE—52—EINWOHNERZAHL—334.948
20201015             ESSEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.643—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—453,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—52,9—TODESFÄLLE—49—EINWOHNERZAHL—582.760
20201015             ESSLINGEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—3.475—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—649,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—80,2—TODESFÄLLE—122—EINWOHNERZAHL—535.024
20201015             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—834—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—430,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—17,6—TODESFÄLLE—28—EINWOHNERZAHL—193.656
20201015             FÜRSTENFELDBRUCK—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.552—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—707,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—57,9—TODESFÄLLE—36—EINWOHNERZAHL—219.311
20201015             GROSS—GERAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.452—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—526,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—71,4—TODESFÄLLE—18—EINWOHNERZAHL—275.726
20201015             HAGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—996—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—527,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—55,6—TODESFÄLLE—14—EINWOHNERZAHL—188.686
20201015             HAMM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.366—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—759,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—76,1—TODESFÄLLE—39—EINWOHNERZAHL—179.916
20201015             HEILBRONN—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—840—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—663,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—51,3—TODESFÄLLE—17—EINWOHNERZAHL—126.592
20201015             HERNE—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—764—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—488,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—92,0—TODESFÄLLE—9—EINWOHNERZAHL—156.449
20201015             KASSEL—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—813—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—402,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—97,5—TODESFÄLLE—9—EINWOHNERZAHL—202.137
20201015             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—6.384—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—586,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—69,2—TODESFÄLLE—131—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20201015             LUDWIGSBURG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—3.201—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—586,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—51,2—TODESFÄLLE—76—EINWOHNERZAHL—545.423
20201015             MAIN—TAUNUS—KREIS—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—953—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—399,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—54,9—TODESFÄLLE—19—EINWOHNERZAHL—238.558
20201015             MAINZ—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.275—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—583,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—66,8—TODESFÄLLE—28—EINWOHNERZAHL—218.578
20201015             METTMANN—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.478—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—510,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—63,0—TODESFÄLLE—90—EINWOHNERZAHL—485.570
20201015             MÜHLDORF—A.—INN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—755—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—651,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—73,4—TODESFÄLLE—27—EINWOHNERZAHL—115.872
20201015             MÜNCHEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—12.956—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—872,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—54,6—TODESFÄLLE—232—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.484.226
20201015             NEUNKIRCHEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—454—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—345,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—66,2—TODESFÄLLE—12—EINWOHNERZAHL—131.408
20201015             OLPE—KREIS—FÄLLE—902—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—673,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—54,5—TODESFÄLLE—57—EINWOHNERZAHL—133.955
20201015             RECKLINGHAUSEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.877—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—468,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—70,0—TODESFÄLLE—47—EINWOHNERZAHL—614.137
20201015             REGEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—312—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—403,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—78,8—TODESFÄLLE—12—EINWOHNERZAHL—77.410
20201015             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.080—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—442,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—39,5—TODESFÄLLE—80—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.615
20201015             ROSENHEIM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—797—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.254,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—64,5—TODESFÄLLE—23—EINWOHNERZAHL—63.551
20201015             ROSENHEIM—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—2.809—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.074,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—54,0—TODESFÄLLE—199—EINWOHNERZAHL—261.330
20201015             ROTTAL—INN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.015—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—835,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—81,5—TODESFÄLLE—51—EINWOHNERZAHL—121.502
20201015             SCHWEINFURT—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—774—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—670,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—60,6—TODESFÄLLE—25—EINWOHNERZAHL—115.445
20201015             SCHWÄBISCH—HALL—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.272—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—646,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—50,3—TODESFÄLLE—60—EINWOHNERZAHL—196.761
20201015             SOLINGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—860—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—540,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—85,4—TODESFÄLLE—13—EINWOHNERZAHL—159.245
20201015             S—WENDEL—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—318—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—365,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—120,7—TODESFÄLLE—6—EINWOHNERZAHL—87.007
20201015             STUTTGART—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—3.587—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—564,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—71,4—TODESFÄLLE—67—EINWOHNERZAHL—635.911
20201015             STÄDTEREGION—AACHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—3.258—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—584,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—50,6—TODESFÄLLE—109—EINWOHNERZAHL—557.026
20201015             UNNA—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.788—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—452,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—63,8—TODESFÄLLE—44—EINWOHNERZAHL—394.891
20201015             VECHTA—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—873—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—611,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—76,3—TODESFÄLLE—14—EINWOHNERZAHL—142.814
20201015             Weiden i.d. OPf.
20201015             KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—440—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.029,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—72,5—TODESFÄLLE—20—EINWOHNERZAHL—42.743
20201015             WUPPERTAL—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.239—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—630,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—84,5—TODESFÄLLE—88—EINWOHNERZAHL—355.100
20201015             Die CORONA—PANDEMIE hat das Geschäft der USA—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT United Airlines auch im 3. Quartal lahmgelegt.
20201015             In den —3—MONATEN—BIS Ende —SEPTEMBER gingen pro —TAG rund 25—MILLIONEN Dollar verloren,
20201015             Der Umsatz fiel um 78—PROZENT auf 2,5 Milliarden Dollar.
20201015             Die Auswirkungen der CORONA€”VIRUS—KRISE werden die Werbewirtschaft in DEUTSCHLAND nach eigener Einschätzung weniger hart treffen als —ZUNÄCHST befürchtet.
20201015             —NUN wird 1—MINUS—VON—6—PROZENT bezogen auf die Umsätze prognostiziert,
20201015             Die Bundespolizei hat von —MITTE—SEPTEMBER —BIS—MITTE —OKTOBER bei Maskenkontrollen in Bahnhöfen und Zügen in 71.233—FÄLLEN Ermahnungen gegen Reisende ohne MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ ausgesprochen.
20201015             USA—FINANZMINISTER sieht kaum Chancen für Hilfspaket vor den Wahlen
20201015             Zuletzt war auch ein nachgebesserter Vorschlag der USA—REGIERUNG auf Kritik gestoßen.
20201015             Pelosi hatte an dem neuen Paket bemängelt, es fehle ein strategischer Plan gegen die Seuche.
20201015             Zudem gebe der Vorschlag Trump zu viel Macht, um über die Verteilung der Mittel zu entscheiden.
20201015             Die DEUTSCHE—STIFTUNG Patientenschutz hält den neuen CORONA—PLAN von Bund und Ländern im Kampf gegen CORONA—HOTSPOTS für ungenügend.
20201015             "Die schärferen Regeln für CORONA—HOTSPOTS können hier nur ein 1. Schritt sein.
20201015             Denn wie die wenigen Beamten der Ordnungsämter das überwachen sollen, bleibt offen",
20201015             Auch fehlten "verbindliche Zielvorgaben zur Stabilisierung der Gesundheitsämter oder zum Aufbau kommunaler PFLEGERISCH—MEDIZINISCHER Unterstützungsgruppen".
20201015             "Steigen die Neuinfektionen, STEIGEN—VERZÖGERT - auch die schweren Krankheitsverläufe und die CORONA—TOTEN",
20201015             RKI meldet 6638—NEUE CORONA—INFEKTIONEN - so viele wie noch nie
20201015             Die aktuellen Zahlen sind allerdings kaum mit denen aus dem Frühjahr zu vergleichen, da die Testkapazitäten deutlich erhöht wurden.
20201015             PORTUGAL ist bislang eigentlich relativ gut durch die Coronakrise gekommen.
20201015             Doch mittlerweile steigen auch dort die Infektionszahlen stark an.
20201015             Die Regierung hat deshalb —NUN den landesweiten Katastrophenfall ausgerufen.
20201015             Die Anordnung gelte —ZUNÄCHST ab —DONNERSTAG—FÜR—15—TAGE und ermögliche es der Regierung, bei Bedarf Einschränkungen der Bewegungsfreiheit und andere einschneidende Maßnahmen durchzusetzen,
20201015             sollen sich in der Öffentlichkeit nur noch maximal 5—MENSCHEN versammeln dürfen, bei privaten Feiern solle die Höchstzahl der Teilnehmer auf 50—REDUZIERT werden, außerhalb der eigenen Wohnung sollten Masken obligatorisch und bei der Arbeit und in Schulen die CORONA—WARN—APP Stay Away, Halte Abstand, Vorschrift werden.
20201015             Das Parlament muss den Maßnahmen noch zustimmen.
20201015             Die ZAHL—DER—REGISTRIERTEN—NEUINFEKTIONEN binnen —24—STUNDEN stieg —AM—MITTWOCH in dem Land mit 10,3 Millionen Einwohnern auf 2072.
20201015             Das war der höchste Wert —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie
20201015             Kanzleramtsminister HELGE—BRAUN hält die neuen Einschränkungen zur Eindämmung der CORONA—PANDEMIE für noch nicht ausreichend.
20201015             DEUTSCHLAND stehe am —ANFANG einer sehr großen 2. Infektionswelle,
20201015             Den Bürgern müsse klar sein, dass sie —HEUTE entschieden, ob Weihnachten in gewohnter Form stattfinden könne.
20201015             Spahn - Fast das gesamte Ruhrgebiet ist CORONA—RISIKOGEBIET
20201015             Neuer CORONA—REKORD trotz verschärfter Regeln in Tschechien
20201015             Trotz verschärfter Maßnahmen im Kampf gegen die Pandemie steigen die CORONA—ZAHLEN in Tschechien weiter an.
20201015             —AM—MITTWOCH wurden 9544—NEUE Fälle verzeichnet,
20201015             Das war der höchste Wert an einem —TAG—SEIT Beginn der Pandemie.
20201015             Die Regierung kündigte an, rund 4000—KRANKENHAUSBETTEN zu kaufen, um unter anderem in Messehallen Behelfseinrichtungen für einen möglichen Ansturm aufzubauen.
20201015             "Die Zahlen sind KATASTROPHAL—ES eilt wirklich sehr", sagte Ministerpräsident Andrej Babiš
20201015             Es dürfen sich sowohl drinnen als auch draußen nur noch maximal 6—MENSCHEN treffen.
20201015             Stadt in CHINA testet 10—MILLIONEN Menschen in wenigen —TAGEN
20201015             Nach einem neuen Ausbruch des CORONA€”VIRUS hat die ostchinesische Metropole QINGDAO innerhalb von —4—TAGEN einen Massentest bei 10—MILLIONEN Menschen durchgeführt.
20201015             wurden —SEIT dem Wochenende 13—INFEKTIONEN entdeckt.
20201015             9,94 Millionen Proben seien gesammelt worden, von denen über 7—MILLIONEN —BEREITS ausgewertet seien.
20201015             Die 1. Infektion mit SARS—COV—2 war über das Wochenende in einem Krankenhaus der Stadt entdeckt worden, woraufhin der Test der gesamten Bevölkerung angeordnet wurde.
20201015             Konsequenzen hatte der Ausbruch in QINGDAO für den CHEF—DER städtischen Gesundheitskommission.
20201015             Wie die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua —AM—DONNERSTAG berichtete, wurde Direktor Sui Zhenhua suspendiert.
20201015             —KRITISIERT, Berlins Regierender BÜRGERMEISTER—MICHAEL—MÜLLER, 55, das umstrittene Kampagnenmotiv einer Seniorin ("Tagesspiegel"), die Maskenverweigerern den ausgestreckten Mittelfinger zeigt.
20201015             "Diese Anzeige ist peinlich. Das muss man sagen.
20201015             Das ist auch nichts, was wir als Senatskanzlei oder als Senat in Auftrag gegeben haben", sagte der SPD—POLITIKER zu dem Motiv der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft und der
20201015             "es hätte glücklichere Möglichkeiten gegeben, auf die Dringlichkeit aufmerksam zu machen.
20201015             —ENTSTANDEN, Es ist aber auch kein großer Schaden ".
20201015             Das Plakat sollte für die Einhaltung der CORONA—REGELN werben.
20201015             Auf dem Bild war eine ältere Frau zu sehen, die eine auffällige MUND—NASEN—BEDECKUNG trug und den Betrachtern den Mittelfinger entgegenstreckt.
20201015             Der Text darüber und daneben lautete allerdings: "Der erhobene Zeigefinger für ALLE—OHNE—MASKE.
20201015             Wir halten die CORONA—REGELN ein".
20201015             —GEWOLLT, Der Widerspruch sei. "Das ist bewusst so gemacht".
20201015             Die ältere Frau, die in der CORONA—PANDEMIE zur Risikogruppe gehöre, zeige den Stinkefinger, weil ihre Gesundheit durch diejenigen gefährdet sei, die sich nicht an die Regeln hielten.
20201015             —GEWESEN, Ziel der TEXT—BILD—SCHERE sei, Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen.
20201015             "Und das ist uns gelungen", sagte Tänzler.
20201015             —VERSCHWINDET, Der "erhobene Zeigefinger für ALLE—OHNE—MASKE", aber die Kampagne von Senatswirtschaftsverwaltung und "Visit BERLIN" zum Tragen von Masken in der Öffentlichkeit wird fortgesetzt.
20201015             Tänzler sagt weiter, man bedauere aber, wenn sich Menschen, die aus medizinischen Gründen keine Maske tragen dürfen, von dem Motiv beleidigt gefühlt hätten.
20201015             Ökonom PETER—BOFINGER: Wirtschaft würde Lockdown verkraften
20201015             Insbesondere im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern habe DEUTSCHLAND noch einen gewissen finanziellen Spielraum.
20201015             "—NACH—DEM, was —BISHER der STAAT an Mitteln eingesetzt hat, ist unsere Verschuldung, bezogen auf die Wirtschaftsleistung, mit etwas mehr als 70—PROZENT nach wie vor extrem gering im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern.
20201015             Das heißt, da ist auch noch Luft drin".
20201015             Laschet: Beherbergungsauflagen verschwenden Testkapazitäten
20201015             ÖSTERREICH meldet mit 15520000             POSITIV—TESTS neuen Rekordwert
20201015             Für private Feiern sollen in BRANDENBURG bei einem starken Anstieg der CORONA—INFEKTIONEN künftig schärfere Regeln gelten.
20201015             Die Vereinbarungen von Bund und Ländern sollten übernommen werden,
20201015             POLEN, ist die Zahl der täglich registrierten Neuinfektionen sprunghaft gestiegen und hat erstmals die Marke von 8000—ÜBERSCHRITTEN.
20201015             Im gleichen Zeitraum starben 91—MENSCHEN in Zusammenhang mit dem Virus.
20201015             POLEN hat rund 38—MILLIONEN Einwohner, etwa halb so viel wie DEUTSCHLAND.
20201015             Im Zusammenhang mit der CORONA—PANDEMIE haben FRANZÖSISCHE—ERMITTLER die Wohnung und das BÜRO—VON—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER—OLIVIER—VÉRAN durchsucht.
20201015             Auch die Räume des Generaldirektors für Gesundheit, Jérôme Salomon, wurden durchsucht, wie das Ministerium —AM—DONNERSTAG mitteilte.
20201015             Dabei geht es um Vorwürfe unter anderem von Ärzten, die Regierung habe im Kampf gegen die Gesundheitskrise versagt und CORONA—TESTS sowie Schutzausrüstung zu spät bereitgestellt.
20201015             OXFORD—WISSENSCHAFTLER entwickeln —5—MINUTEN—CORONA—TEST
20201015             Der von den Wissenschaftlern entwickelte Test könne Viren in weniger als —5—MINUTEN erkennen und identifizieren.
20201015             Er sei in der Lage, SARS—COV—2 mit hoher Genauigkeit von negativen klinischen Proben sowie anderen häufigen Krankheitserregern der Atemwege zu unterscheiden.
20201015             "Unser Test ist viel schneller als andere vorhandene diagnostische Technologien.
20201015             1—DIAGNOSE in weniger als —5—MINUTEN kann Massentests zur Realität werden lassen",
20201015             Neue TESTVERORDNUNG—SCHNELLTESTS vor allem in Pflegeheimen
20201015             Der Test müsse durch medizinisches Personal angewendet werden.
20201015             "Es geht immer noch darum, tief in die Nase zu kommen.
20201015             Das kann man nicht allein bei sich selbst, als Laie —SCHON gar nicht".
20201015             Schärfere CORONA—REGELN für LONDON: Keine Treffen zwischen Haushalten
20201015             Etliche Londoner Bezirke hatten in den vergangenen —TAGEN die Schwelle von 100—CORONA—FÄLLEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER überschritten.
20201015             Die EU—KOMMISSION sieht die Mitgliedstaaten noch nicht ausreichend auf eine beschleunigte AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS vorbereitet.
20201015             "Die ENTWICKLUNG—DER—PANDEMIE kehrt auf die Niveaus vom —MÄRZ zurück, unser Stand der Vorbereitung ist es nicht",
20201015             Er ruft die Staaten dazu auf, eine gemeinsame Strategie zu verfolgen.
20201015             —VERHINDERT, Damit solle, werden, dass es wieder zu einer "Kakofonie" unterschiedlicher Maßnahmen komme wie in den 1. —MONATEN der Krise.
20201015             SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN bleibt bei Einschränkungen für Urlauber
20201015             Außenminister HEIKO—MAAS warnt die EU—STAATEN davor, erneut zum Mittel von Grenzschließungen in der Coronakrise zu greifen.
20201015             "Wir haben im Frühjahr dieses Jahres ALLE—SCHLECHTE—ERFAHRUNGEN gemacht mit der schnellen Schließung von Grenzen",
20201015             Das Land BERLIN will Bars, Kneipen und Restaurants finanziell unterstützen, die unter der —SEIT dem Wochenende geltenden Sperrstunde von 23—BIS 6—UHR LEIDEN.
20201015             Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO hat sich beunruhigt über die steigenden CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN in EUROPA geäußert.
20201015             Die Lage in EUROPA sei Anlass zu "großer Sorge",
20201015             Die ZAHL—DER—TÄGLICHEN—NEUINFEKTIONEN steige ebenso wie die der Krankenhauseinweisungen.
20201015             Die durch das Virus ausgelöste Lungenkrankheit COVID—19 stehe inzwischen an 5. Stelle der Todesursachen, die Schwelle von 10000000             Todesfällen täglich sei überschritten.
20201015             Europaweit würden —DERZEIT 2—BIS dreimal so VIELE—NEUINFEKTIONEN pro —TAG verzeichnet wie auf dem bisherigen Pandemiehöhepunkt —IM—APRIL,
20201015             Gleichzeitig gebe es im Vergleich zum —APRIL deutlich weniger Todesfälle.
20201015             Vervierfachung der Intensivbehandlungen in SALZBURG
20201015             —KRITISIERT, Leopoldina, vereinbarte CORONA—REGELUNGEN als unzureichend
20201015             In den meisten europäischen Nachbarländern sei das Infektionsgeschehen —BEREITS außer Kontrolle.
20201015             Auch in DEUTSCHLAND seien VIELE—INFEKTIONSKETTEN in Hotspots —SCHON—JETZT nicht mehr nachzuverfolgen.
20201015             "In den kommenden —TAGEN und —WOCHEN kann die Eindämmung der Pandemie nur noch dann gelingen, wenn die Bundesländer verpflichtende und einheitliche Schutzmaßnahmen vereinbaren und durchsetzen",
20201015             Diese Maßnahmen müssten —BEREITS ab 35—NEUINFEKTIONEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER in den letzten —7—TAGEN verpflichtend gelten und nicht nur 1—EMPFEHLUNG sein.
20201015             Die ZAHL—DER—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN in BELGIEN ist auf Rekordhoch.
20201015             Die Behörden des 11—MILLIONEN—EINWOHNER—LANDES meldeten —AM—DONNERSTAG 7481—REGISTRIERTE Fälle innerhalb von —24—STUNDEN.
20201015             —VERLÄNGERT, Sperrstunde in FRANKFURT wird —BIS Ende —OKTOBER
20201015             BAYERN führt im gesamten BUNDESLAND deutlich strengere Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der CORONA—PANDEMIE ein.
20201015             Die Maskenpflicht wird regional deutlich ausgeweitet, und zwar —SCHON bei mehr als 35—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER binnen —7—TAGEN.
20201015             Bei mehr als 35—NEUINFEKTIONEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER binnen —7—TAGEN dürfen sich nur noch 2—HAUSSTÄNDE oder maximal 10—PERSONEN treffen.
20201015             Mehr als 7500—NEUINFEKTIONEN in den NIEDERLANDEN—REKORDHOCH
20201015             Die ZAHL—DER—CORONA€”VIRUS—NEUINFEKTIONEN in den USA ist mit fast 60.000 an einem —TAG auf den höchsten Stand —SEIT—ANFANG —AUGUST gestiegen.
20201015             Besonders stark war der Anstieg in einigen Bundesstaaten des Mittleren Westens wie NORTH—DAKOTA, SOUTH—DAKOTA und MISSOURI.
20201015             "—VOR—9—MONATEN habe ich in einem ähnlichen Interview gesagt, dass ich mir das nicht vorstellen kann.
20201015             Inzwischen kann ich mir vorstellen, dass solche Maßnahmen durchgeführt würden",
20201015             "Wenn die Maßnahmen nicht verschärft werden, werden die Infektionszahlen weiter hochgehen",
20201015             "Mobilität ist 1—DER—TREIBER dieser Pandemie".
20201015             —VERLÄNGERT, DEUTSCHLAND, Grenzkontrollen zu ÖSTERREICH
20201015             NIEDERLANDE und fast ganz FRANKREICH als Risikogebiete eingestuft
20201015             Fast 9000—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in ITALIEN
20201015             Die Kurve der CORONA—INFEKTIONEN in ITALIEN steigt weiter rasant.
20201015             Zugleich wurde damit der bislang höchste Tageswert —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie —IM—FEBRUAR erreicht.
20201015             In den USA droht eine 3. WELLE—DER—CORONA—PANDEMIE - und die könnte weit wuchtiger ausfallen als die beiden vorigen.
20201015             Eine aufwendige Datenanalyse der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" zeigt, dass das Virus sich dieses Mal weit stärker in der Fläche ausgebreitet hat.
20201015             Die Fallzahlen steigen entsprechend an vielen Orten gleichzeitig.
20201015             Infektionsketten sind dadurch weit schwieriger zu stoppen.
20201015             Angesichts sinkender CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN will ISRAEL —SEIT fast einem —MONAT geltende Beschränkungen wieder lockern.
20201015             Versammlungsbeschränkungen gelten allerdings WEITER—IN Innenräumen dürfen sich nicht mehr als 10—UND draußen nicht mehr als 20—MENSCHEN versammeln.
20201015             Der ISRAELISCHE—REGIERUNGSCHEF BENJAMIN—NETANJAHU sagte im Parlament, der Lockdown sei sehr effektiv gewesen.
20201015             "Wenn wir aber binnen —2—WOCHEN einen Neuanstieg von Infektionen sehen, werden wir die Beschränkungen erneut verhängen",
20201015             Im Vatikan sind 7—WEITERE MITGLIEDER—DER—PÄPSTLICHEN—SCHWEIZERGARDE positiv auf das CORONA€”VIRUS getestet worden.
20201015             Damit stieg die Zahl der nachweislich infizierten Gardisten auf 11,
20201015             JENS—SPAHN plant digitale Anmeldung für Einreise aus Risikogebiet
20201015             SCHWEIZ: Jodelfest macht Kanton Schwyz zum Hotspot
20201015             EU—SANKTIONEN nach NAWALNY—GIFTANSCHLAG: Diese PUTIN—VERTRAUTEN trifft es
20201015             trifft - ES
20201015             —OCCURRED, The cyberattacks, on 20201013—20141013     and were under investigation.
20201015             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he is willing to raise his offer of $1.8—TRILLION for 1—COVID 19—RELIEF—PACKAGE to get 1—DEAL with HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—DEMOCRATIC—SPEAKER—NANCY—PELOSI, 1—MOVE—LIKELY to raise concern among his fellow Republicans in the Senate.
20201015             —TELEVISED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP and JOE—BIDEN held competing, events, with Biden's on ABC and Trump's on NBC.
20201015             —CRITICIZED, Democrats and media analysts, NBC for scheduling the Trump event at the same time as Biden's, making it impossible for Americans to watch both candidates live.
20201015             It happened because Trump, who rejects so MANY—OF—THE—TRADITIONS—OF—USA—POLITICS, had pulled out of 1 scheduled debate.
20201015             —DOMINATED, EACH—CANDIDATE instead spoke to 1—AUDIENCE that was probably, by his own supporters.
20201015             Nearly half of the continental USA is in 1—DROUGHT.
20201015             —CLIMBED, As CORONA€”VIRUS cases across THE—USA, toward a 3. peak, the country surpassed 1—TOTAL—OF—8—MILLION—TOTAL known cases.
20201015             —TRENDED, REPORTS—OF—NEW—CASES, upward in 41—STATES over the last —2—WEEKS.
20201015             9—STATES held case numbers roughly steady.
20201015             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, FORMER—MEXICO—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—GENERAL—SALVADOR—CIENFUEGOS, —72—JAHRE—ALT, who led the country's army —FOR—6—YEARS under EX—PRESIDENT—ENRIQUE—PEÑ1—NIETO, was arrested on drug trafficking and money laundering charges at THE—LA—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT.
20201015             CALIFORNIA to date had 866,431 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 16,799 deaths.
20201015             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 109,931 cases and 1,655 deaths.
20201015             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 7,972,886 with the death toll at 217,721.
20201015             —BECAME, COLORADO, THE—CAMERON—PEAK—FIRE, the largest in state history as it burned 256—SQUARE—MILES—NORTH—OF—GRAND—JUNCTION.
20201015             MINNESOTA, Seyed SAJJAD—SHAHIDIAN, —33—JAHRE—ALT, THE—FOUNDER—AND—CEO—OF—1—IRAN—FINANCIAL—SERVICES—FIRM accused of conspiring to violate USA—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN, was sentenced to nearly —2—YEARS in FEDERAL—PRISON.
20201015             —CHARGED, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS, HOUSTON software executive ROBERT—BROCKMAN with multiple COUNTS—OF—TAX—EVASION, money laundering, and wire fraud for allegedly hiding $2—BILLION in income over —20—YEARS.
20201015             Prosecutors said ROBERT—SMITH, —57—JAHRE—ALT, THE—TEXAS billionaire who —LAST—YEAR promised to pay off the debt of the graduating class of Morehouse College, has admitted to tax evasion through 1—ILLEGAL—SCHEME that used offshore banks —FOR—15—YEARS.
20201015             YouTube said it will prohibit videos promoting conspiracy theories that "justify REAL—WORLD—VIOLENCE".
20201015             In effect, it is banning QAnon, the sprawling PRO—TRUMP conspiracy that found much of its audience through the site.
20201015             —FROCED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said more than 5,600 families have been, to flee their homes in SOUTH—HELMAND province due to renewed fighting between government forces and the Taliban.
20201015             —ORDERED, AUSTRIA, the 1. local quarantine of its 2. WAVE—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS infections, in 1—TOWN—NEAR—SALZBURG, as cases nationally hit 1—NEW—HIGH.
20201015             LONDON and 7—OTHER—AREAS will face further restrictions —AFTER THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT raised their CORONA€”VIRUS risk levels in 1—EFFORT to slow the exponential rise in infection rates across the country.
20201015             —DEVELOPED, Scientists from BRITAIN—UNIVERSITY—OF—OXFORD said they have, 1—RAPID—COVID 19—TEST—ABLE to identify THE—CORONA€”VIRUS in less than —5—MINUTES.
20201015             CHINA—EASTERN—CITY—OF—JIAXING—CENTER for disease control and prevention (CDC) said in 1—STATEMENT on WeChat that 2—DOSES of Sinovac BIOTECH—VACCINE—CANDIDATE, called CoronaVac, will cost 200—YUAN ($29.75) per dose and that vaccinations for key groups including medical professionals have begun.
20201015             —REPORTED, CROATIA, 793—NEW—CASES—OF—COVID—19, 1—DAILY—RECORD.
20201015             —REPORTED, CROATIA, with some 4—MILLION—PEOPLE, has, 22,534 cases with 344—DEATHS.
20201015             —AGREED, EUROPEAN—UNION—LEADERS, to keep on talking to BRITAIN to get 1—NEW—TRADE—AGREEMENT "in the coming weeks" but also decided to step up their contingency preparations should the troubled negotiations fail.
20201015             —SLAPPED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, sanctions on Yevgeny Prigozhin, 1—RUSSIA—TYCOON, who has close ties to PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN and is accused of interfering in 1—USA—ELECTION, for helping undermine the security of LIBYA and breaking THE—UN—ARMS—EMBARGO on THE—CONFLICT—TORN NORTH—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20201015             —IMPOSED, THE—EU and BRITAIN, sanction on 6—RUSSIANS, SOME—AMONG—THE—HIGHEST—RANKED officials in the nation.
20201015             THE—EUROPEAN—JAPAN—PROBE—BEPICOLOMBO took 1—BLACK—AND—WHITE snapshot of Venus from 1—DISTANCE—OF—17,000 km (10,560 miles), as it used EARTH—NEIGHBOR to adjust its course on the way to Mercury, the solar system's smallest and innermost planet.
20201015             —OPENED, Movie theatres in SOME—PARTS—OF—INDIA, for the 1. time in —8—MONTHS, but with no major Bollywood releases likely ANY—TIME soon.
20201015             —DECIDED, ISRAEL, to relax SOME—OF—THE—RESTRICTIONS imposed —DURING 1—MONTHLONG nationwide lockdown that was meant to drive down 1—RAGING CORONA€”VIRUS outbreak.
20201015             —PRESSED, ISRAEL, forward on plans for more than 3,000 WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENT—HOMES, making 20200000             1—OF—THE—MOST prolific years for settlement building.
20201015             —ARRESTED, ITALY, Cecilia Marogna (39) was, in Milan.
20201015             —ACCUSED—OF, She was, taking more than $500,000 from FRANCIS—PAPA' charity fund and spending it on luxurious goods.
20201015             —REGISTERED, ITALY, 8,804 new CORONA€”VIRUS infections and 83—COVID—19—RELATED deaths over the past —24—HOURS, the highest daily tally —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—COUNTRY—OUTBREAK.
20201015             —RECORDED, ITALY has, 36,372 fatalities —SINCE the outbreak flared in February.
20201015             JAPAN, sexual minority groups and human rights activists started 1—PETITION calling for an LGBT equality law in hopes that it can be enacted —NEXT—YEAR.
20201015             —EMBATTLED, KYRGYZSTAN's, PRESIDENT—SOORONBAI—JEENBEKOV (Jeyenbekov) said he was resigning —FOLLOWING protests over 1 disputed parliamentary election, the 3. time in —15—YEARS that 1—LEADER—OF—THE—CENTRAL—ASIA—COUNTRY has been ousted by 1—POPULAR uprising.
20201015             † In NORTH—MALI 1—UN—PEACEKEEPER was killed in the Kidal region and others injured in Timbuktu in attacks by suspected Islamic extremists.
20201015             THE—NETHERLANDS hit 1—NEW—RECORD in daily CORONA€”VIRUS cases with 7791—INFECTIONS in —24—HOURS.
20201015             Local hospitals said they would ask their GERMANY—COUNTERPARTS to take patients —AFTER the number of those hospitalized with CORONA€”VIRUS doubled in the past —WEEK, to 1,526.
20201015             —ANNOUNCED, NIGERIA—GOVERNMENT, 1—BAN on all protest in ABUJA, saying the demonstrators were violating public safety measures introduced to tackle COVID—19. The military has issued 1—WARNING to "subversive elements and trouble makers" to desist —AFTER —1—WEEK—OF—PROTESTS about police brutality.
20201015             —KILLED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said at least 10—PEOPLE have been, and hundreds injured.
20201015             —ARRESTED, NORTH—MACEDONIA, 10—MEN were, for running 1—SMUGGLING ring that brought in migrants from neighboring GREECE.
20201015             They had allegedly brought at least 100—MIGRANTS from THE—MIDDLE—EAST and elsewhere into the country over a —10—MONTH—PERIOD.
20201015             —ATTACKED, PAKISTAN, militants, 1—CONVOY—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BIGGEST oil and gas exploration company in Baluchistan province.
20201015             7—SOLDIERS and 7—PRIVATE—SECURITY—GUARDS were killed.
20201015             —CLAIMED, THE—BALUCHISTAN—LIBERATION—ARMY, responsibility.
20201015             —ANNOUNCED, POLAND, new restrictions to curb THE—CORONA€”VIRUS pandemic, including limits on opening hours for bars and restaurants, sports events and schools in SOME—AREAS as it faced another daily record spike in infections.
20201015             —REPORTED, SLOVENIA, 1—COUNTRY—OF some 2—MILLION—PEOPLE, 1—NEW—RECORD—OF—745—DAILY—INFECTIONS in the last —24—HOURS, up from 707—1—DAY—BEFORE.
20201015             —RELEASED, Human Rights Watch, a 167-page report titled "Targeting Life in Idlib," in which the group names 10—SENIOR—SYRIAN and RUSSIA—CIVILIAN and military officials — including RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD as well as defense ministers and top generals — who may be implicated in war crimes as 1—MATTER—OF—COMMAND—RESPONSIBILITY.
20201015             —KILLED, SOMALIA—MILITARY said extremist rebels have, at least 8—SOLDIERS in 1—AMBUSH in the country's south.
20201015             —LINKED, AL—QAIDA, AL—SHABAB claimed responsibility for the attack.
20201015             The extremist group said it killed at least 25—SOLDIERS, 1—CLAIM dismissed by THE—SOMALIA—MILITARY.
20201015             Shares of Big Hit Entertainment, the company that manages the boy band BTS, began trading in SOUTH—KOREA.
20201015             —LAST—YEAR the company reported 1—PROFIT—OF $86—MILLION.
20201015             —RELEASED, NORTH—SYRIA, KURDISH—LED authorities, HUNDREDS—OF—MILITANTS from the Islamic State group, as PART—OF—1—GENERAL—AMNESTY in the region controlled by THE—USA—BACKED fighters.
20201015             —DECLARED, THAILAND—GOVERNMENT, 1—STRICT—NEW—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY for BANGKOK, —1—DAY—AFTER 1—STUDENT—LED protest against the country's traditional establishment saw 1—EXTRAORDINARY—MOMENT in which demonstrators heckled 1—ROYAL motorcade.
20201015             Several top LEADERS—OF—THE—PROTEST—MOVEMENT were taken into custody.
20201015             —IDENTIFIED, TURKEY, 1,693 new symptomatic CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS in the last —24—HOURS.
20201015             —INCREASED, The total NUMBER—OF—PATIENTS, to 324,143, —WHILE the death toll increased by 66 to 9,080.
20201015             UNITED—NATIONS humanitarian CHIEF—MARK—LOWCOCK told THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL that aid agencies had —JUST 42—PERCENT of their programs funded in YEMEN, meaning key services were being axed.
20201015             —KICKED, YEMEN—WARRING sides, off 1—LONG—AWAITED prisoner exchange.
20201015—20130000    —SINCE, It's the most severe USA—DROUGHT, and could lead to more wildfires.
20201015—20181100    —ARRESTED, He was, in LONDON but wasn't extradited to THE—USA—UNTIL this past May.
20201015—20250000    —J—IM, Sie sollen —NACH—DEM Einschwenken der Sonde in 1—UMLAUFBAHN um den Merkur das Magnetfeld, die Oberfläche und auch die Sonnenwinde untersuchen.
20201122—19181015    —BIS—MITTE —OKTOBER ,hatte die STADT—S—FRANCISCO mehr als 2.000—FÄLLE.
20201122—19181015    —ER STADT—S—FRANCISCO—GESUNDHEITS—MINISTERIUM erließ verschiedene Maßnahmen, um die Krankheit einzudämmen, z. B.
20201122—19181015    —DAS Verbot von Versammlungen, die Schließung von Schulen und Theatern und die Weisung an die Bürger, Menschenmassen zu vermeiden.
20211011             Hintergrund der Demonstrationen ist, dass in ITALIEN ab dem 20211015             auch in der Arbeitswelt 1—CORONA—IMPFNACHWEIS, ein negativer Test auf das Virus oder die bescheinigte Genesung von der Krankheit Pflicht werden soll.
20211013—20211015    —AM, Sie trete mit kleinen redaktionellen Änderungen in Kraft und gelte —BIS zum 20211028             , t
20211015             —FREITAG, 20211015
20211015             LIBANON: 6—TOTE bei Ausschreitungen in BEIRUT
20211015             "Ich wünschte, die Lage wäre angenehmer": RKI—PRÄSIDENT—WIELER beklagt Morddrohungen
20211015             Wochenbericht zu CORONA€”VIRUS: RKI meldet teils sehr hohe Inzidenzen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
20211015             FRÜHERER—USA—PRÄSIDENT: BILL—CLINTON wegen Harnwegsinfektion auf Intensivstation
20211015             Falschinformationen über Impfstoffe: 14—USA—GENERALSTAATSANWÄLTE erhöhen Druck auf Facebook
20211015             Modellprojekt in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: Abgeordnete vereinbaren politikfreie Sonntage — zugunsten der Familien
20211015             737—MAX—SKANDAL: Staatsanwaltschaft erhebt Anklage gegen Boeings EX—TESTPILOT
20211015             Linkes Wohnprojekt in BERLIN: Ausschreitungen vor Räumung des "Köpi"-Camps
20211015             Migrationsstreit mit BELARUS: Polens Parlament stimmt für Zurückweisung von Schutzsuchenden an der Grenze
20211015             HERZSCHLAG—GESETZ: Umstrittenes Abtreibungsverbot in TEXAS bleibt in Kraft
20211015             Fachkräftemangel in GROSSBRITANNIEN: EU—ARBEITSKOMMISSAR nennt Brexitfolgen Beispiel für "idiotische" Beschränkung von Arbeitsmärkten
20211015             Eigentümergemeinschaft: BGH bekräftigt weitgehend Pflicht zur Sanierung von Schrottimmobilien
20211015             Regierungskrise in WIEN: Österreichs Justiz beantragt Aufhebung der IMMUNITÄT—VON—KURZ
20211015             "Schwierigeres Umfeld": Microsoft stellt bisherige LINKEDIN—VERSION in CHINA ein
20211015             Wie die NIEDERLANDE mit naiver Drogenpolitik die Mafia groß machten: Käse, Koks und Killer
20211015             ELIZABETH II.: QUEEN—KRITISIERT—TATENLOSIGKEIT führender Politiker in der Klimakrise
20211015             Linkes Wohnprojekt in BERLIN: Polizei rückt mit Räumgerät an — "Köpi"-Unterstützer setzen sich zur Wehr
20211015             ANNA—ARDIN und ihre Missbrauchsvorwürfe gegen JULIAN—ASSANGE: Der Fleck auf ihrem Laken
20211015             Herbstferien: DEUTSCHE—FLUGHÄFEN ächzen wegen Überlastung
20211015             Rechtsextreme Denkfabrik: AFD—BUNDESVORSTAND sieht kein Problem in Nähe zum "Institut für Staatspolitik"
20211015             Fast wie in "Armageddon": Warum Atombomben die Erde wirklich vor Asteroiden schützen könnten
20211015             Rüstungswettlauf am Indopazifik: Wo die USA und CHINA direkt aufeinandertreffen
20211015             Handelsverband fordert Sonderabschreibungen für die Innenstädte - Fri 20211015
20211015             [l] Bei meinem Gemecker über das Altmaiern der IT—SECURITY in DEUTSCHLAND könnte der Eindruck entstehen, dass das 1—ALLEINSTELLUNGSMERKMAL—DEUTSCHLANDS ist.
20211015             Ist es leider nicht. Hier ein aktueller Fall aus den USA.
20211015             Da hat 1—JOURNALIST auf 1—DER—SCHULBEHÖRDE—VIEW—SOURCE gemacht und fand im HTML die SSNs von Lehrern.
20211015             —INVOLVED, The issue, 1—WEB—APPLICATION that allowed the public to search teacher certifications and credentials.
20211015             The newspaper said that no private information was clearly visible or searchable, but teachers' Social Security numbers were contained in THE—HTML source code of those pages.
20211015             More than 100,000 Social Security numbers were vulnerable, it added.
20211015             Dazu muss man wissen, dass SSN und Name im Allgemeinen ausreichen, um in den USA einen Identitätsdiebstahl zu begehen.
20211015             Das ist also kein triviales Problem hier, diese versiffte Behörde hat einmal ALLE—IHRE—LEHRER ans Messer geliefert.
20211015             —GEDACHT, Die Zeitung hat sich also, wir sind gute Bürger, wir melden das mal und zögern unsere Berichterstattung hinaus, —BIS die das gefixt haben, und geguckt haben, ob es dasselbe Problem auch auf anderen Webseiten von ihnen gibt.
20211015             Hier ist die Reaktion des Gouverneurs:
20211015             THE—GOVERNOR is characterizing the paper's actions as 1—HACKING that the state will investigate.
20211015             He said it could cost taxpayers $50—MILLION.
20211015             "Not only are we going to hold this individual accountable, but we will also be holding accountable all those who aided this individual and the media corporation that employs them," Parson said at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE—ON—THURSDAY.
20211015             Es geht um MISSOURI, und der GOUVERNEUR ist natürlich CDU, äh, ich meine...
20211015             Republikaner.
20211015             USA—ARZNEIMITTELBEHÖRDE empfiehlt Auffrischungsimpfung mit Moderna
20211015             Mit Moderna geimpfte Menschen, die älter als —65—JAHRE sind, sowie jüngere, die wegen Vorerkrankungen oder ihrem Job einem höheren Risiko ausgesetzt sind, sollten mindestens —6—MONATE nach ihrer bisherigen 2. Impfdosis 1—AUFFRISCHUNGSIMPFUNG mit einer halben DOSIS—DES—MITTELS bekommen,
20211015             —AM—FREITAG will das Expertengremium über mögliche BOOSTER—IMPFUNGEN für Menschen beraten, die mit dem Mittel von Johnson & Johnson geimpft wurden.
20211015             Lässt Facebook die Verbreiter von Lügen über den Coronaimpfstoff gewähren, um für Traffic zu sorgen?
20211015             Diese Frage will 1—GRUPPE—VON—STAATSANWÄLTEN in den USA von dem Unternehmen beantwortet haben.
20211015             —GETESTET, Wer nicht geimpft, oder genesen ist, darf in ITALIEN ab —HEUTE nicht mehr ins BÜRO oder in die Fabrik.
20211015             Regierungschef Draghi will sein Land damit endgültig von der Pandemie befreien — und riskiert heftige Proteste.
20211015             Australiens HAUPTSTADT—BEENDET—LOCKDOWN —NACH—2—MONATEN
20211015             SYDNEY hebt ab —NOVEMBER HOTEL—QUARANTÄNE für vollständig Geimpfte auf
20211015             Bald nur noch Schnelltests für Geimpfte nach Ankunft in ENGLAND
20211015             Vom 20211024             an müssen vollständig Geimpfte nach der Ankunft nur noch einen Antigentest machen und keinen PCR—TEST mehr.
20211015             Damit halbieren sich auch die Kosten, die Reisende selbst tragen müssen.
20211015             PCR—TESTS kosten mindestens 50—PFUND, das sind rund 59—EURO.
20211015             Für ENGLAND, das keine eigene Regierung hat, ist die Zentralregierung in LONDON zuständig.
20211015             "Natürlich bedingt das System, dass die Leute ehrlich sind, wie mit so vielen Gesetzen in diesem Land".
20211015             "Natürlich bedingt das System, Natürlich - das System, bedingt - (UK—VERKEHRSMINISTER GRANT—SHAPPS)
20211015             Proteste gegen CORONA—PASSPFLICHT in ITALIEN am Stichtag blieben —ZUNÄCHST ruhig
20211015             Wer sind die Ungeimpften?
20211015             65,6 PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG in DEUTSCHLAND vollständig geimpft
20211015             Die Quote unter den Erwachsenen liegt bei 76,2 Prozent.
20211015             Mindestens einmal gegen das Virus geimpft sind demnach 68,8 Prozent aller Bürger und Bürgerinnen sowie 79,5 PROZENT—DER—ERWACHSENEN.
20211015             Mehr als 54,5 Millionen Menschen sind nach ANGABEN—DES—BUNDESGESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS vollständig geimpft.
20211015             Supermärkte in HESSEN dürfen Ungeimpften den Zutritt verweigern
20211015             "Wir gehen davon aus, dass diese Option eher nur tageweise genutzt wird und Geschäfte des alltäglichen Bedarfs davon keinen Gebrauch machen werden",
20211015             Hunderte Hafenarbeiter haben —AM—FREITAG in ITALIEN gegen die neu eingeführte Pflicht zur Vorlage eines Coronapasses am Arbeitsplatz protestiert.
20211015             Rund 300—ARBEITER blockierten —AM—MORGEN die Zufahrt zum Hafen von Genua und sorgten für Verspätungen beim Warenumschlag.
20211015             Auch am Hafen von Triest demonstrierten hunderte Arbeiter.
20211015             —BEREITET, HAMBURG, sich mit Großübung auf möglichen Seuchenausbruch auf Schiff vor
20211015             "Die Anfahrtswege sind oft lang und unübersichtlich, die Einsatzorte teils aufgrund von Sperrgebieten und beengten Räumlichkeiten schwer zugänglich".
20211015             Daher sei es wichtig, einen fundierten Plan mit allen Beteiligten zu entwickeln und zu testen, bevor der Ernstfall eintritt.
20211015             Die am Freitagmorgen begonnene, mehrstündige Übung ist Teil eines —BEREITS vor Ausbruch der CORONA—PANDEMIE gestarteten Forschungsprojektes, von dessen Ergebnissen auch andere Häfen profitieren sollen.
20211015             Laborfehler — Mehr als 40.000—MENSCHEN in ENGLAND könnten doch infiziert sein
20211015             Die Gesundheitsbehörde Health Security Agency teilte —AM—FREITAG mit, dass die Untersuchungen in einem Labor in der Stadt WOLVERHAMPTON ausgesetzt worden seien.
20211015             Insgesamt seien dort rund 400.000—TESTS ausgewertet worden.
20211015             schätzungsweise 43.000—MENSCHEN könnten zwischen dem 20210908             und 20211012             ein falsches negatives PCR—TESTERGEBNIS erhalten haben, hauptsächlich im Südwesten Englands",
20211015             Es gebe keine technischen Probleme mit den Tests selbst, die weiterhin wie gehabt genutzt werden könnten.
20211015             "Wir haben zuletzt eine steigende Zahl positiver Schnelltestergebnisse gesehen, denen negative PCR—TESTERGEBNISSE folgten",
20211015             —ALARMIERT, Das habe die Behörde.
20211015             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2068—(=)—ÓBITOS—30—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2011—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—27—(=)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—78
20211015             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—6143—(+3)—ÓBITOS—75—(=)—RECUPERADOS—5953—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—115—(-4)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—69
20211015             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7945—(+3)—ÓBITOS—88—(=)—RECUPERADOS—7676—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—181—(-3)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—98
20211015             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5800—(+7)—ÓBITOS—52—(=)—RECUPERADOS—5486—(+14)—CASOS—ATIVOS—262—(-7)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—281
20211015             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2458—(+2)—ÓBITOS—18—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2330—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—110—(+2)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—273
20211015             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1693—(+1)—ÓBITOS—17—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1597—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—79—(+1)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—202
20211015             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5912—(+11)—ÓBITOS—51—(=)—RECUPERADOS—5643—(+8)—CASOS—ATIVOS—218—(+3)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—297
20211015             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3440—(+4)—ÓBITOS—34—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3197—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—209—(+3)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—182
20211015             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—276—(+3)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—253—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—12—(+3)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—121
20211015             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—627—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—57,9—FÄLLE—GESAMT—65.368—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—6.033,1—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—757—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211015             Total Cases 239.717.020  Total Deaths 4.884.114  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 6.576.689.527
20211015             Eigener Tarif, neue Hardware: Tesla wird —JETZT Stromanbieter in ganz DEUTSCHLAND
20211015             Neue Wertanlagen: Warum zahlt man für ein signiertes Sportfoto fast 1,5 Millionen Dollar?
20211015             man - Moderne Mobilität: "Fahrräder brauchen mehr Platz in den Städten"
20211015             Anschlag in KANDAHAR: Tote und Verletzte nach Explosion in Moschee
20211015             —ATTACKIERT, Grafschaft Essex: BRITISCHER—TORY—ABGEORDNETER mit Messer
20211015             Forderung nach mehr Naturschutz: Regierungsberater wollen Schutz der Biodiversität im Grundgesetz sehen
20211015             Linksautonomes Wohnprojekt in BERLIN: Polizei holt Dutzende Bewohner aus dem Wagencamp "Köpi"
20211015             Neue Schleuserroute in Osteuropa: Bundesregierung will härtere Sanktionen gegen BELARUS
20211015             Angriff in einer Kirche: BRITISCHER—TORY—ABGEORDNETER erstochen
20211015             1. russischer "Guide Michelin": Moskau steigt zu den weltweit besten GOURMET—REISEZIELEN auf
20211015             CANNABIS—LEGALISIERUNG: Recht auf Rausch
20211015             Coronaimpfung für 5—BIS Elfjährige: Biontech und Pfizer beantragen Zulassung in der EU
20211015             Explodierende Preise für Strom, Gas und Öl: Der trügerische Charme der grünen Inflation
20211015             Expo 2020—DUBAI: Was mehr als 200.000—ARBEITER erschufen
20211015             Arbeitsbesuch in Brüssel: Merkel warnt im Streit mit POLEN vor zu schnellen EU—SANKTIONEN
20211015             Angriff vor USA—KAPITOL: Frau droht Polizisten mit Baseballschläger
20211015             Umstrittenes "Heartbeat Law": USA—REGIERUNG zieht in Streit um Abtreibungsverbot in TEXAS vor SUPREME—COURT
20211015             CORONA—ZERTIFIKAT wird in Brüsseler Restaurants und Bars Pflicht
20211015             Die Fallzahlen in BELGIEN steigen —ZURZEIT an.
20211015             EU—KOMMISSION ruft zur Grippeimpfung auf
20211015             Operation gegen Missbrauch von CORONA—HILFEN der EU startet
20211015             ALLE—DÄNEN können 3. CORONA—IMPFUNG bekommen
20211015             —BEGRÜNDET, Die Regierung, ihre —ENTSCHEIDUNG mit Erkenntnissen der europäischen Gesundheitsbehörden.
20211015             INDIEN lässt geimpfte Touristen wieder einreisen
20211015             USA lassen ab —NOVEMBER geimpfte Reisende wieder ins Land
20211015             ITALIEN, schwächt sich die CORONA—PANDEMIE weiter ab.
20211015             schwächt sich - sich
20211015             [l] Die gute Nachricht: In MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN verschlüsseln sie —JETZT endlich die DATEN—DER—BÜRGER.
20211015             Die schlechte Nachricht: Nicht die Behörden tun das, es ist 1—RANSOMWARE.
20211015             [l] Old and busted: BER.
20211015             New hotness: KOMPLETT—AUSFALL der Informationstechnik bei der DEUTSCHEN—BAHN in BERLIN (Die BZ ist ein lokales Wurstblatt)
20211015             1—SPRECHER—DER—DEUTSCHEN—BAHN zu B.Z.: "—SEIT ungefähr 10—UHR ist die komplette Leitinformationsstelle ausgefallen.
20211015             Es gibt seitdem keinen Zugriff mehr auf das Informationssystem.
20211015             [l] Die EU macht sich gerade die Sorgen, die wir uns hätten machen sollen.
20211015             Prospect of THE—FDP—CHRISTIAN—LINDNER taking charge has 'HALF—OF—EUROPE quaking in its boots'
20211015             Die andere Hälfte hat den ERNST—DER—LAGE noch nicht begriffen.
20211015             CHRISTIAN—LINDNER, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—FDP, as —RECENTLY as —4—YEARS—AGO called for GREECE to be temporarily kicked out of the eurozone and dismissed MACRON—ECONOMIC—PLANS as turning THE—EU into a "SOVIET—UNION—STYLE—SYSTEM".
20211015             —GEFUNDEN, Oh guck mal, er hat —SCHON Freunde !
20211015             In the —WINTER—OF—20150000—20160000    , THE—42—YEAR—OLD—DISMISSIVE view of 1—GERMANY—BIGGEST neighbours caused 1—MINOR—DIPLOMATIC—INCIDENT at 1—DINNER he attended as 1—GUEST—OF honour in BERLIN.
20211015             According to 1—OF—THE—OTHER diners present, Lindner said: "We cannot use the savings ACCOUNTS—OF—GERMANY—WORKERS to save the savings of the Italians".
20211015             It was 1—JAB that drew 1—ICY response from ITALY—AMBASSADOR to BERLIN.
20211015             —RAISED, THE—ITALY—DIPLOMAT, his hand and reminded Lindner that ITALY had contributed to THE—GREECE—BAILOUT—FUNDS, which had ultimately benefited French and GERMANY—BANKS, tartly observing: "If I remember rightly it was the Italians who repaid GERMANY—DEBTS".
20211015             Ein echter GEWINNER—TYP, dieser Lindner!
20211015             1—GLÜCK, dass so 1—KATASTROPHE in DEUTSCHLAND nie gewählt werden würde!1!!
20211015             [l] Benutzt hier jemand Windows Server 20120000             R2 auf VMware ESXI 7.0?
20211015             1—LESER meint, das ist —HEUTE—NACHT allen möglichen Firmen um die Ohren geflogen und könnte auch der Hintergrund für den BAHN—IT—AUSFALL sein.
20211015             [l] 1—LESERBRIEF aus Thüringen:
20211015             THÜRINGEN, explodieren gerade nicht nur die Infektionszahlen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen (teilweiser deutlich über 1000er Inzidenzen), sondern auch die politische Situation Gerät zunehmend außer Kontrolle: Landrat rät auf Twitter vom Schulbesuch ab, das Ministerium reagiert wenig souverän.
20211015             BW, fällt —AM—MONTAG die Maskenpflicht.
20211015             Dort ist pünktlich zu diesem Anlass die 1. Person U20 an Covid verstorben.
20211015             Donos de polémica plantação de abacates em LAGOS obrigados a repor a legalidade
20211015             A Frutineves, entidade promotora da exploração agrícola, já foi notificada de que tem dois meses, até 15—DE Novembro, para "apresentar o projeto de execução das medidas impostas" num despacho do VICE—PRESIDENTE da CCDR algarvia, onde são elencadas as "Medidas de Minimização e/ou Medidas de Compensação, necessárias para reduzir ou compensar os impactes provocados pelo projeto", na sequência de uma Declaração de Impacte Ambiental (DIA) desfavorável.
20211015             Desde Janeiro, várias entidades tomaram posição públicas muito críticas em relação a este empreendimento.
20211015             Os primeiros alertas chegaram de Organizações Não Governamentais de Ambiente, nomeadamente da 0—E da Regenearte (Associação de Proteção e Regeneração dos Ecossistemas).
20211015             Mais tarde, o assunto chegou à Assembleia da República, através do PAN e do Bloco de Esquerda.
20211015             apontaram o facto de a instalação estar concluída ainda antes do processo de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental ter início.
20211015             TEXAS: Repräsentantenhaus stimmt für Verbot von Schulsport für TRANSGENDER—MÄDCHEN
202203101508         Over 200,000 Donbas refugees arrive in RUSSIA, SOURCE  official
202203101512         There can be no nuclear war by definition, SOURCE  RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY
202203101519         —ARRESTED, MOSCOW City COURT—RELEASES—TURKEY—CITIZEN, for participating in unauthorized rally in MOSCOW
202203101540         Putin: Energy prices in West rising not through RUSSIA—FAULT, but their own miscalculations
202203101546         Western sanctions inevitable, to make RUSSIA more SELF—RELIANT, SOURCE  Putin
202203101556         Situation on global fertilizer market worsening, RUSSIA ready to export in ABSENCE—OF—BARRIERS, SOURCE  Putin
202203251015         Rossiya Airlines to fly to ARMENIA, EGYPT, ISRAEL, KAZAKHSTAN, TURKEY and UZBEKISTAN via transit hub in SOCHI
20220822—20221015    —AM, muss ich —BEREITS in Kyjiw (Kiew) sein, UM—WIE es AUSSIEHT—EINEN neuen Posten im Außenministerium einzunehmen",
20221015             —SAMSTAG, 20221015
20221015             "Danke für den unglaublichen Flug": ISS—ASTRONAUTEN landen sicher zurück auf der Erde
20221015             Vom FBI beschlagnahmte Dokumente: USA—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM will Trumps Sonderprüfer absetzen
20221015             Sabotage bei NORD—STREAM und Bahn: Faeser kündigt besseren Schutz von kritischer Infrastruktur an
20221015             —SEIT mehr als —50—JAHREN in Haft: Begnadigung von CHARLES—MANSON—ANHÄNGERIN zum 15. Mal abgelehnt
20221015             MOSCOW, 20221015             .
20221015             /TASS/. - The current USA—ADMINISTRATION does not need talks on cybersecurity issues, RUSSIA—SPECIAL—PRESIDENTIAL—ENVOY for INTERNATIONAL Cybersecurity Cooperation Andrey Krutskikh said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—INTERNATIONAL—AFFAIRS—MAGAZINE, published on THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—WEBSITE—ON—FRIDAY.
20221015             "WASHINGTON does not currently need talks [on cybersecurity issues].
20221015             It cannot get concessions from us through talks and its diktat does not work.
20221015             THE—USA seeks to resolve global political issues, in its own words, on the battlefield.
20221015             —APPOINTED, The main negotiator on digital issues, —RECENTLY, by Congress, made 1—PUBLIC—STATEMENT the other —DAY that USA—POLICY was aimed at containing RUSSIA in the cyber sphere.
20221015             It's 1—HOPELESS—CASE," he pointed out.
20221015             "WASHINGTON has almost completely suspended dialogues on cybersecurity, —WHILE accusations and threats keep coming to us from overseas as if they have 1—HORN of plenty there," Krutskikh stressed".
20221015             Our responsible negotiators are DEPRIVED—OF—THE—OPPORTUNITY to carry out their diplomatic duties at THE—UNITED—NATIONS, attempts are made to deny them access to the organization's headquarters, which undermine THE—INTERNATIONAL—NEGOTIATION—PROCESS on INTERNATIONAL information security in general," he added.
20221015             At the same time, the diplomat was confident that "RUSSIA—DIPLOMATS and our country's political leadership will have enough restraint, will and resolve to keep the world from 1—CATASTROPHE without sacrificing the slightest BIT—OF—RUSSIA—NATIONAL—INTERESTS".
20221015             /TASS/. - THE—RUSSIA—SIDE expects the situation —AROUND its sailors in Ismail, who are not being released from vessels that have entered THE—UKRAINE—PORT for repairs, to be resolved soon, RUSSIA's 1. Deputy Permanent REPRESENTATIVE—TO—THE—UN—DMITRY—POLYANSKY said —ON—FRIDAY.
20221015             "The story with our sailors in Ismail is not heard in the media space.
20221015             But we know about it and we do not get off it.
20221015             I think that SOME—SOLUTION will be found," the diplomat said —DURING 1—SOLOVIEV—LIVE—TV—BROADCAST.
20221015             —STRESSED, Polyansky, that what was happening with the sailors could be called "1—VIOLATION—OF—ALL—IMAGINABLE and unimaginable humanitarian norms"".
20221015             The situation there is really critical.
20221015             And there are, unfortunately, as far as I understand, people who —NOW have problems with health.
20221015             UKRAINE, of course, keeps it quiet, and Western colleagues do not make it public either," he added.
20221015             According to her, there were 66—SAILORS, including 5—SERIOUSLY ill ones, on the vessels at that time.
20221015             —APPEALED, In this connection, Moskalkova, to THE—UN, OSCE and the Council of EUROPE to assist in the immediate return of THE—RUSSIA—CIVIL—SAILORS home.
20221015             —LATER, Moskalkova reported that the competent RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES managed to secure the release of 1—OF—THE—DETAINEES.
20221015             /TASS/. - The grain deal is unlikely to be extended in the current situation, RUSSIA's 1. Deputy Permanent REPRESENTATIVE—TO—THE—UN—DMITRY—POLYANSKY said —ON—FRIDAY.
20221015             "I wouldn't want to get ahead of myself right —NOW, but to be honest, I wouldn't bet much on extending this deal right —NOW in the situation we find ourselves in," he said —DURING 1—SOLOVIEV—LIVE—TV—BROADCAST.
20221015             According to the envoy, THE—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL is making the necessary efforts —TODAY, but so far there is "absolutely nothing to boast about"".
20221015             THE—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL and his staff, who are working on this deal, they are trying somehow, 1. of all, to level out this impression, which everyone has and continues to have, that the grain is going the wrong way from UKRAINE.
20221015             Plus, they are really trying the 2. PART—OF—THE—DEAL, which our FORMER—WESTERN—PARTNERS usually forget, to bring RUSSIA—FOOD and fertilizers to the market.
20221015             They are also trying to revive that part, and it really depends to 1—LARGE—EXTENT not on them," the diplomat explained.
20221015             "I don't know if THE—SECRETARY—GENERAL will eventually be able to do something, I'm talking about 1—QUALITATIVE breakthrough in terms of grain and fertilizer exports.
20221015             —INDEED, So far, there is less and less time, there are very few practical results," Polyansky stressed.
20221015             Under THE—RUSSIA—UN memorandum, THE—UNITED—NATIONS undertakes to work toward lifting ANTI—RUSSIA—RESTRICTIONS hampering the exports of agricultural products and fertilizers.
20221015             Another document envisages 1—MECHANISM—OF exporting grain from UKRAINE—CONTROLLED Black Sea ports.
20221015             1—AGREEMENT between RUSSIA, TURKEY, UKRAINE and THE—UNITED—NATIONS provides for the establishment of a 4—PARTY—COORDINATION—CENTER to search ships carrying grain in order to prevent weapons smuggling and avoid ANY—FALSE—FLAG.
20221015             The grain deal expires —IN—NOVEMBER.
20221015             /TASS/. - RUSSIA—PARTNERS in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) understand the objective reality of THE—DONETSK and the Lugansk PEOPLE—REPUBLICS, as well as the Zaporozhye and KHERSON Regions becoming PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV told Channel 1 on the sidelines of THE—CIS summit held in ASTANA.
20221015             —WHEN answering the question whether ASTANA discussed the accession of the respective territories to RUSSIA based on THE—RESULTS—OF—THE—REFERENDUMS, the top diplomat said that MOSCOW had informed all partners —DURING the preparations for the vote and the plebiscites".
20221015             —ASKED, No questions were.
20221015             Everyone understands that this is 1—OBJECTIVE—REALITY," Lavrov said in 1—COMMENTARY published on THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—WEBSITE.
20221015             GEORGE—HALL.
20221015             KIGALI, 20221015             .
20221015             /TASS/. - THE—POSITION—OF—THE—COUNTRIES believing that RUSSIA—GOAL is to revive the empire and to annex territories "is fundamentally erroneous," as RUSSIA does not aspire to world dominance, but merely defends people, Deputy SPEAKER—OF—THE—FEDERATION—COUNCIL (the upper HOUSE—OF—RUSSIA—PARLIAMENT) Konstantin Kosachev said at THE—INTER—PARLIAMENTARY—UNION (IPU) Assembly in RWANDA —ON—FRIDAY.
20221015             "MOST—OF—THE—DELEGATIONS here think that the essence of current developments revolves —AROUND RUSSIA—ATTACK on UKRAINE.
20221015             —SUBSTANTIATED, This general perception is, with THE—RESULTS—OF—THE—VOTE calling to put 1—URGENT—ISSUE on THE—ASSEMBLY—AGENDA.
20221015             The fact that so MANY—DELEGATIONS have bought into this interpretation can be explained quite simply, —SINCE MANY—SEE—RUSSIA as another REINCARNATION—OF—THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION or THE—RUSSIA—EMPIRE, whose sole goal is to revive the empire.
20221015             However, this INTERPRETATION—OF—THE—ISSUE is fundamentally erroneous," THE—SENATOR said in his speech.
20221015             —ADMITTED, Kosachev, that he had —INITIALLY planned to talk about gender equality, but as 1—RESULT, was forced to focus on another PROBLEM—THE—RUSSIAN—UKRAINE—CONFLICT, —SINCE THE—RUSSIA—DELEGATION "is receiving very MANY—QUESTIONS about what is going on and also requests to clarify RUSSIA—POSITION".
20221015             "RUSSIA most definitely does not want to revive ANY—EMPIRES, does not seek to establish 1—UNIPOLAR world or does not aspire to world domination," Kosachev stressed.
20221015             THE—SENATOR—PRAISED—RUSSIA as 1—UNIQUE—COUNTRY, home to nearly 200—NATIONALITIES and ethnic groups speaking nearly 300—LANGUAGES.
20221015             "I would like to draw your attention to the fact that none of the nationalities living in RUSSIA or ethnic groups seek to secede from RUSSIA, —SINCE ALL—OF—THEM live in peace and harmony.
20221015             —RELATED, They do not suffer from violations of their rights, to their language, religion or culture.
20221015             However, such violations occur in SOME—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLICS, where numerous nationalities and ethnic groups want to secede, as they do not feel comfortable there," the Federation Council deputy speaker said, adding that it was the case with Transnistria in MOLDOVA, with SOUTH—OSSETIA and Abkhazia in GEORGIA, and the same happened in UKRAINE.
20221015             According to the lawmaker, the difference between RUSSIA and all those countries is that THE—RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES would have never allowed "nationalists that ANY—COUNTRY has" to take power under the slogan "RUSSIA for Russians".
20221015             "We are convinced that their coming to power would —IMMEDIATELY result in the loss of our country's territorial integrity.
20221015             We cannot afford this in ANY—WAY.
20221015             —HAPPENED, But that is precisely what, in UKRAINE," THE—SENATOR said.
20221015             —NOTED, The politician, that THE—UKRAINE—GOVERNMENT had deprived MILLIONS—OF—UKRAINIANS—OF—THE—OPPORTUNITY to live in safety, to speak Russian, to preserve their culture and to adhere to their VISION—OF—HISTORY.
20221015             —ADDED, THE—SENATOR, that in that thorny situation, RUSSIA had been trying —FOR—8—YEARS to help UKRAINE restore and maintain its territorial integrity, but Kiev rejected THE—MINSK accords and started bombarding SOUTH—EAST—UKRAINE.
20221015             Difference with Chechnya conflict
20221015             —STATED, THE—FEDERATION—COUNCIL—DEPUTY—SPEAKER, that RUSSIA faced 1—SIMILAR—SITUATION —DURING the Chechnya conflict, and —INITIALLY allowed the same mistakes which THE—UKRAINE—AUTHORITIES are making —NOW, as MOSCOW viewed the people of Chechnya as terrorists, separatists and criminals, attempting to "use military force to compel them to live within 1—RUSSIA—STATE".
20221015             "Nevertheless, such 1—ATTITUDE did not work, and it could not work.
20221015             Only —AFTER altering our strategy and —STARTING 1—DIALOGUE with our own citizens in Chechnya, —AFTER taking into account the specific FEATURES—OF—THAT region and the interests of local people and so on, were we able to achieve the political solution to the conflict," Kosachev emphasized.
20221015             "However, 1—CONTRARY—SITUATION can be seen in UKRAINE, —SINCE THE—UKRAINE—AUTHORITIES still refuse to talk to the people from the country's southeast.
20221015             —DECIDED, That is why MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in SOUTH—EAST—UKRAINE, to gain INDEPENDENCE from the country that does not respect their rights and tramples their dignity, religion, language and culture," he said.
20221015             —CONCLUDED, Kosachev, by assuming that this view differs from the view that can be heard from Ukrainians and their handlers.
20221015             —INVITED, THE—SENATOR, the parliamentarians to "visit THE—CONFLICT—RIDDEN regions".
20221015             "You can go to Crimea, to DONETSK, to Lugansk and talk to people there.
20221015             You are well aware that UKRAINE will be opposing it.
20221015             Why?
20221015             Because they do not want you to know the truth.
20221015             —AIMED, All our actions are not, at annexing ANY—TERRITORIES or resources, but at protecting the people who live there," Kosachev concluded.
20221015             MOSCOW, 20221015             . - /TASS/.
20221015             "—WHEN asked about trust in Putin, 80.9—PERCENT—OF—RESPONDENTS answered positively (-0.2% over the —WEEK), the approval RATE—OF—THE—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—WORK was 75.6% (-1.3 % over the —WEEK)," the pollsters noted.
20221015             Positive assessment figures for THE—PRIME—MINISTER—AND—THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT stood at 50.8% (-1%) and 49.8% (-2.1%), respectively," the report stressed.
20221015             —TRUSTED, MIKHAIL—MISHUSTIN was, by 62.4—PERCENT—OF—RESPONDENTS (-1.3% over the —WEEK).
20221015             —SURVEYED, Those, also expressed their confidence in the heads of various parliamentary factions.
20221015             —REVEALED, The poll also, that THE—LEVEL—OF—SUPPORT for the United RUSSIA party stood at 41% (-0.6% over the —WEEK), with THE—CPRF supported by 10.1% (+0.1%).
20221015             THE—LDPR got 9.1% (+0.5%), 1—JUST—RUSSIA—FOR Truth was supported by 5.3% (-0.3%), and THE—NEW—PEOPLE—PARTY'S—FIGURES came to 4.3% (+0.2%).
20221015             Die USA gewähren der UKRAINE weitere Militärhilfe, mit der das Land unter anderem Artilleriegeschosse, PANZERABWEHR—WAFFEN und Fahrzeuge bekommen wird.
20221015             Das Hilfspaket habe einen Wert von —BIS zu 725—MILLIONEN Dollar (745,6 Millionen Euro), wie die USA—REGIERUNG —IN—DER—NACHT mitteilte.
20221015             Nach ANGABEN—DES—UKRAINISCHEN—MILITÄRS haben UKRAINISCHE—STREITKRÄFTE große Mengen RUSSISCHER—WAFFEN und Ausrüstung in Antratsyt südlich von LUHANSK zerstört.
20221015             Angesichts der RUSSISCHEN—MOBILISIERUNG erklärt der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY erneut, die UKRAINISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE würden das ganze Territorium ihres Landes von RUSSLAND zurückerobern".
20221015             Sie haben immer noch Leute, die sie auf das Schlachtfeld werfen können, sie haben Waffen, Raketen, die sie gegen die UKRAINE einsetzen"
20221015             VERKEHRS—UND LOGISTIK—UNTERNEHMEN in der UKRAINE und POLEN sind Ziel einer neuen Attacke mit VERSCHLÜSSELUNGS—SOFTWARE geworden.
20221015             Ein —BISHER nicht bekanntes Schadprogramm sei —ANFANG—DER—WOCHE in einer SERIE—VON—ANGRIFFEN verbreitet worden, teilte der SOFTWARE—KONZERN Microsoft mit.
20221015             Die Sicherheitsexperten stellten keine Vermutungen zum Ursprung der Attacke auf, verwiesen jedoch darauf, dass sich die Ziele mit denen FRÜHERER—RUSSISCHER—CYBERANGRIFFE deckten.
20221015             Deutschlands Städte fordern, die Bevölkerung stärker über mögliche Folgen von Energieknappheit oder Sabotage zu informieren".
20221015             1—BLACKOUT ist ein realistisches Szenario",
20221015             und "wir müssen uns darauf einstellen, dass verschiedene Krisensituationen aufeinandertreffen",
20221015             warnte der Hauptgeschäftsführer des DEUTSCHEN—STÄDTETAGES, HELMUT—DEDY, in der "Süddeutschen Zeitung"".
20221015             Eine funktionierende Notversorgung mit Wasser und Wärme ist nur über maximal —72—STUNDEN möglich".
20221015             1—PROBLEM sei dabei: "Die Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND sind —BISHER unerfahren mit Krisen und Katastrophen",
20221015             erklärte Dedy".
20221015             Deshalb ist eine kontinuierliche, transparente und niedrigschwellige Aufklärung über mögliche Risiken wichtig.
20221015             Kampagnen zur SELBSTSCHUTZ—UND Selbsthilfefähigkeit müssen deutlich stärker und breiter ausgerollt werden".
20221015             Der IRANISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Hussein Amirabdollahian hat in einem Telefonat mit dem EU—AUßENBEAUFTRAGTEN Josep Borrell laut Webseite des Außenministeriums Waffenlieferungen an RUSSLAND und damit eine aktive Teilnahme an dem militärischen —KONFLIKT in der UKRAINE dementiert".
20221015             Wir haben zwar eine militärische Zusammenarbeit mit RUSSLAND, aber keine Waffenlieferungen"
20221015             IRAN wolle 1—ENDE—DES—KRIEGES und der menschlichen LEIDEN.
20221015             Berichte über die Lieferung und auch den EINSATZ—VON—IRANISCHEN—DROHNEN in dem KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE hat Teheran bislang stets dementiert, obwohl die von RUSSISCHER—SEITE bestätigt wurden.
20221015             Ich biete WOLFGANG—SCHMIDT kollegial an, ihn mal in die kleine Waffenkunde einzuführen.
20221015             Dann würde er auch schnell merken, dass nicht nur der Vergleich mit NS—WAFFEN völlig deplatziert, sondern auch schlichtweg falsch ist",
20221015             Schmidt hatte —AM—DONNERSTAG bei einer auf Englisch geführten Diskussionsveranstaltung in BERLIN die Regierungsposition verteidigt, der UKRAINE keine Kampfpanzer für den Abwehrkampf gegen RUSSLAND zu liefern.
20221015             Unter anderem verglich der SPD—POLITIKER dabei die Rufe nach DEUTSCHEN—LEOPARD—2—PANZERN mit Hoffnungen, die in NAZI—DEUTSCHLAND in die von der Propaganda als "Wunderwaffe" bezeichnete V2-Rakete gesetzt wurden".
20221015             —VERSUCHT, Ich bin manchmal, es das V2-Syndrom der Deutschen zu nennen",
20221015             sagte SCHMIDT—DASS es 1—WUNDERWAFFE gebe, die wie Magie dafür sorge, dass Dinge sich erledigten".
20221015             Und —JETZT ist der Leopard 2 (..). diese Wunderwaffe, die den Krieg beenden wird.
20221015             Und das wird er nicht".
20221015             —NACH—DEM NS—SPRACHGEBRAUCH steht V2 für Vergeltungswaffe 2—UND wurde von NAZI—DEUTSCHLAND vielfach gegen zivile Ziele eingesetzt.
20221015             Milliardenschwere Pakete der Ampel
20221015             Studie: Reiche Haushalte profitieren mehr von Entlastungen als arme
20221015             FDP fordert Laufzeitverlängerung —BIS 2024
20221015             The war in UKRAINE - I want to be clear.
20221015             WHAT—HAPPENING —NOW is unpleasant, to put it mildly.
20221015             —HAPPENED, But all the same things would have, —LATER, under worse conditions for us.
20221015             So our actions are correct and timely.
20221015             We're not giving ourselves the task of destroying UKRAINE.
20221015             Look at Crimea, 2.5—MILLION—PEOPLE—LIVE there.
20221015             —CAPTURED, They, it, and cut off the water.
20221015             Our troops had to go in and turn the water on.
20221015             That's —JUST 1—EXAMPLE—OF—THE—LOGIC—OF our actions.
20221015             —ACTED, If they hadn't, we wouldn't have reacted.
20221015             Or take the bridge they blew up.
20221015             —NOW we have to think 10—TIMES over how important it is for THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION to ensure communication with Crimea across territory.
20221015             We know KYIV—POSITION — they were always talking about negotiations, requesting them, and —NOW they've adopted 1—RESOLUTION that prohibits negotiations.
20221015             What is there to talk about?
20221015             I've always said that we're open to negotiations.
20221015             —INITIALED, The agreements in ISTANBUL were actually almost !
20221015             But as soon as the troops left KYIV, that's it, their desire to negotiate disappeared.
20221015             If they grow up, let's talk!
20221015             POSSIBILITY—OF—WAR with NATO - This is 1—UNDERSTANDABLE—QUESTION.
20221015             What is defeat for UKRAINE?
20221015             Everyone has 1—DIFFERENT understanding.
20221015             ANY—CASE, putting troops into direct contact, direct conflict, with THE—RUSSIA—ARMY is 1—VERY—DANGEROUS—STEP, which might lead to 1—GLOBAL—CATASTROPHE.
20221015             I hope that those who speak about it have enough good sense not to take that step.
20221015             —BEZEICHNET, Brutal unterdrückte Proteste: IRAN, Kritik der EU als Vorwand
20221015             Bei dem Gipfeltreffen Russlands mit den 5—EX—SOWJETREPUBLIKEN in Zentralasien hat sich der Kremlchef Kritik an dem für selbstverständlich gehaltenen Vorrang Moskaus anhören müssen.
20221015             RUSSLAND dürfe die Interessen der kleineren Länder nicht wie zu sowjetischen Zeiten übergehen, sagte der TADSCHIKISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—EMOMALI—RACHMON in der KASACHISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—ASTANA.
20221015             "Damals und, entschuldigen Sie, auch noch —HEUTE wurden die kleinen Republiken, die kleinen Völker nicht beachtet",
20221015             sagte er.
20221015             —GEACHTET, Tradition und Kultur der Zentralasiaten seien nicht, worden.
20221015             "Es gab keine Hilfen, keine Unterstützung", sagte der PRÄSIDENT—TADSCHIKISTANS.
20221015             Internationale Wirtschaftsforen seien nur in Moskau, in MINSK (BELARUS), Kiew (UKRAINE) oder noch in ALMATY (KASACHSTAN) organisiert worden.
20221015             "Für die anderen Republiken hieß es nur: Schick Milch, schick Baumwolle, schick dies und das!"
20221015             RUSSLAND sieht sich immer noch als Ordnungsmacht für Zentralasien.
20221015             Die Länder dort sind ökonomisch, teils auch militärisch auf Moskau angewiesen.
20221015             Gleichzeitig deuteten Beobachter in der Region die Kritik des Tadschiken auch als Zeichen eines schleichenden Machtverlusts Putins und Russlands wegen des Kriegs gegen die UKRAINE.
20221015             Nach zunehmender Kritik der USA an SAUDI—ARABIENS Verhalten angesichts des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEGES hat die Führung in Riad Kiew humanitäre Hilfe in Höhe von 400—MILLIONEN Dollar zugesagt.
20221015             Der KRON—PRINZ betonte laut SPA in dem Telefongespräch die Haltung seines Landes, "alles zu unterstützen, das zu einer Deeskalation beiträgt".
20221015             Riad sei weiterhin bereit, zwischen Kiew und Moskau zu vermitteln.
20221015             SAUDI—ARABIEN widersetzte sich allerdings der Forderung der USA, auf 1—DROSSELUNG—DER—ÖLFÖRDERUNG zu verzichten, um die aus dem Ukrainekrieg resultierende Energiekrise abzumildern.
20221015—20140000    —POINTED, Kosachev, out that nationalists took power in UKRAINE and sparked 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20221015—20140000    —BECAME, Look at Crimea, which, 1—SUBJECT—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION — was that defeat?
20221015—20220415    —AM, Große Mehrheit stimmt auf GRÜNEN—PARTEITAG dafür: ist Schluss mit der Atomenergie
20221015—20220722    —ON, 1—PACKAGE—OF—DOCUMENTS geared towards resolving THE—ISSUE—OF—FOOD and fertilizer supplies on global markets was signed in ISTANBUL.
20221015—20220902    —ON, THE—RUSSIA—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COMMISSIONER said that the situation —AROUND THE—RUSSIA—CIVIL—SAILORS, who have been held by THE—UKRAINE—SIDE for more than —6—MONTHS at the ship repair plants in Ismail, escalated.
20221015—20220923    —FROM, Referendums on becoming PART—OF—RUSSIA were held in THE—DONETSK and the Lugansk PEOPLE—REPUBLICS, as well as in the Zaporozhye and KHERSON regions to 27. The overwhelming MAJORITY—OF—THE—POPULATION voted in favor of becoming 1—PART—OF—RUSSIA.
20221015—20220930    —ON, The ceremony of signing agreements on the regions' accession to THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION was held in the Grand Kremlin PALACE—ST.
20221015—20221003    —FROM, THE—PROPORTION—OF—RUSSIA—CITIZENS' confidence in PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN stood at over 80%, according to THE—ALL—RUSSIA—PUBLIC—OPINION Research Center that published the results of 1—SURVEY conducted to 9—AMONG 1,600 respondents aged over 18.
20221015—20221004    —SIGNED, Putin, laws on THE—RATIFICATION—OF—TREATIES on the accession of the abovementioned terrritories to RUSSIA.