_HEUTE_1004 :

06020000—06101004    BYZANZ—KAISER—PHOKAS
06101004             HERAKLEIOS, lässt den 06020000             —SEIT, REGIERENDEN BYZANZ—KAISER—PHOKAS töten.
07051004             † ABD—AL—MALIK, UMMAYYADEN—KALIF
08631004             † TURPION—GRAF—VON—ANGOULÊME
10711004             —VON, des HEINRICH—IV. stark verfälschten Verfügung ist natürlich abzusehen
11071004             —AM, 1—BANN—BEZIRK—VERLEIHUNG zu des MARKT—SCHUTZ folgte
11591004             VIKTOR—IV—PAPA—ANTI—PAPA, Gegenpapst zu ALEXANDER—III—PAPA, erhält unter dem Schutz von KAISER—FRIEDRICH—BARBAROSSA die WEIHEN—PAPA.
11811004             † HERMANN—HERZOG—VON—KÄRNTEN
11820000—12261004    * S—S—FRANCIS—OF—ASSISI in der umbrischen STADT—ASSISI an des MONTE—SUBASIO—FUß
11891004             † GÉRARD—DE—RIDEFORT, flandrischer TEMPLER—ORDEN—GROßMEISTER
12211004             † WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—PONTHIEU
12261003—12261004    —SEE
12261004             † S—FRANCIS—OF—ASSISI, FOUNDER—OF—THE—FRANCISCAN—ORDER, 1—OF—HISTORY—MOST famous nature lovers.
12261004—11820000    † * S—S—FRANCIS—OF—ASSISI (even though he † THE—DAY—BEFORE)
12801004             † HARTMANN—I—GRAF—VON—GRÜNINGEN
12801004             † HARTMANN—III—GRAF—VON—GRÜNINGEN (strittig)
12891004             * LOUIS—X—KING—OF—FRANCE—THE—STUBBORN
12920609             oo (TERVUEREN) MARGUERITE—DE—BRABANT, DAUGHTER—OF—JEAN—I—DUKE—OF—BRABANT & his 2. oo MARGUERITE—DE—FLANDRE (12761004             —GENOA  13111214             , bur PISA—CATHEDRAL).
12981004             oo (contract BRUSSELS) JEAN—TRISTAN—DE—LOUVAIN—HEER—VAN—GAESBEEK,
13051004             † DIETRICH—VI/VIII—GRAF—VON—KLEVE
13051004             † KAMEYAMA—TENN?—VON—JAPAN, 90.
13531004             † RUDOLF—II—PFALZGRAF—BEI—RHEIN
13701004             —ERWÄHNT—AM, WOLFARD—II—VON—LANDSBERG ist 1. urkundlich als ABT,
13781004             † AGNES—VON—DER—VIERBECKE, Person der Dortmunder Geschichte
13881004             —AFTER, ELISABETH ).
14511004             ITEM habui a IOHANNE—TASCI  DE—MENSE salmas musti CUM—DIMIDIA AD—RATIONEM 50—SOLIDUS prò qualibet salma.
14601004             JOHAN—VAN—HOULTZHEM—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH, verkauft an REKTOR, PRIESTER—UND—KLERIKER des PRIESTER—HAUS—WEIDENBACH—KÖLN 1y;—MORGEN weniger 10—RUTEN Ackerland, welches er von seiner t Mutter und seinem t Bruder Winant
14851004             —VERFASSTES—TESTAMENT
14891004             † JOHANN—WESSEL, NIEDERLÄNDISCH—DEUTSCHER—PLATONIKER und Humanist und vorreformatorischer Theologe
14951004—14951023    Bei Desjardins, Negociations I. 451— 483. SEITE—218.
14971004             —ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA se rend à LA—ÉGLISE—DU—COUVENT—DE—S—FRANÇOIS où il entend la messe;
14971004             DÉTAILS—SUR—LA—CÉRÉMONIE.
15111004             † KARDINAL—PEDRO—LUIS—DE—BORJA—LLANÇOL—DE—ROMANÍ, der katholischen Kirche
15121004             —PROMOVIERT, MARTIN—LUTHER, in Wittenberg zum Lizentiaten der Theologie.
15150000—15821004    * † S—THERESA—OF—AVILA, SPAIN—MYSTIC—WRITER and saint.
15151004             * LUCAS—CRANACH—DER—JÜNGERE, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Portraitist
15291004             —DIE—MARBURGER—ARTIKEL, Im Rahmen des Marburger Religionsgesprächs entstehen.
15291004             Im evangelischen Abendmahlsstreit kommt es darin jedoch zu keiner Verständigung zwischen MARTIN—LUTHER und ULRICH—ZWINGLI.
15351004             1. full ENGLAND—TRANSLATION—OF—THE—BIBLE, was printed in SWITZERLAND.
15351004             MILES—COVERDALE—BIBLE—TRANSLATION into English (from Dutch and Latin) was the 1. complete version in English and was
15351004             1. vollständige und in modernem Englisch verfasste Bibelübersetzung[COVERDALE—BIBEL] erscheint die.
15351004             COVERDALE—BIBEL wird von MILES—COVERDALE herausgegeben und im Ausland gedruckt.
15401004             THE—5.—PLACARD ordering the removal of all officials, magistrates who failed to prosecute heretics or who permitted the penalties to be relaxed.
15401004             —ON—THE, THE—5.—PLACARD was issued
15401004             —CONFIRMED, THE—5.—PLACARD, those PLACARD that had gone —BEFORE,
15401004             —ENJOINED, THE—5.—PLACARD, the rigorous EXECUTION—OF, those PLACARD that had gone —BEFORE,
15401004             † EOBANUS—HESSUS, deutscher evangelischer Humanist, gilt als großer neulateinischer Dichter
15411004             —FEAST—OF—S—FRANCIS, 1—FIRE which OUT—BROKE burnt MORE—THAN—30—HOUSES on both sides of Maelderijstraet including the old Cloth Hall
15411004             (Maelderijstraet, 1—STREET running from THE—GREAT—MARKETTO THE—GLOVE—MARKET).
15411004             Das s •fj.'uauut^" PACIFIKATIONS—EDIKT (dem sich jedoch nicht ALLE—KATHOLIKEN unterwarfen),
15411006—15411004    —2—DAYS—AFTERWARDS, It is significant that THE—MAGISTRATES ordered that the goods stolen —DURING—THE—FIRE should be returned.
15421004             * ROBERTO—BELLARMINO, ITALY—JESUIT theologian, diplomat, saint.
15421004             * ROBERT—BELLARMIN, ITALIENISCHER—THEOLOGE, Jesuit und Kirchenlehrer, Vertreter des ROM—KATHOLIZISMUS und der Gegenreformation
15501004             * KARL—IX—KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN
15501004             —BEGINNT, KUR—FÜRST—MORITZ—VON—SACHSEN, mit der Belagerung der STADT—MAGDEBURG, gegen die die Reichsacht verhängt wurde;
15561004             † JOHANNES—KNIPSTRO, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Reformator
15621004             —ERLEGTE, —AUGUST—I—KUR—FÜRST—VON—SACHSEN, bei 1—EINGESTELLTEN Treiben in der Dresdener Heide 539—WILDSCHWEINE.
15651004             † PIER—PAOLO—VERGERIO, italienischer lutherischer Theologe
15681004             Der Spanier ALVARO—DE—MENDAÑA—DE—NEYRA entdeckt das entlegene PAZIFIK—ATOLL—WAKE.
15701004             * PETER—PÁZMÁNY, UNGARISCHER—PHILOSOPH, Theologe und Protagonist der Gegenreformation im königlichen UNGARN
15711004             —SYNODE—VON—EMDEN, —BEGINNT,
15711004             —SYNODE—VON—EMDEN prägt das Selbstverständnis und die Kirchenordnung der niederländischen reformierten Kirche.
15741004             † JOHANN—WINTER—VON—ANDERNACH, DEUTSCHER—HUMANIST und Mediziner
15791004             * GUIDO—BENTIVOGLIO, ITALIENISCHER—KARDINAL, Historiker und Politiker
15820224             [see 15520000             and 15821004             ]
15820224             [see 15520000             and 15821004             ] - [see 15520000—15821004    —AND]
15820224             [see 15520000—15821004    —AND]
15821004             "Untilled ground, however rich, will bring forth thistles and thorns; so also THE—MIND—OF—MAN".
15821004             In den katholischen Ländern wird der Gregorianische Kalender des  GREGOR—XIII—PAPA eingeführt, so dass dem 15821004             anderntags der 15821015             folgt.
15821004             GREGOR—XIII—PAPA.
15821004             † TERESA—VON—ÁVILA, SPANISCHE—NONNE (Karmelitin) und Mystikerin
15821004—15821015    —ENTFIEHL, durch die Umstellung Einführung des GREGORIANISCHER—KALENDERS durch GREGORIUS—XIII—PAPA
15821015—15821004    —FOLLOWED, THIS—DAY, to bring the calendar into sync. by ORDER—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—TRENT.
15851004             * KAISERIN—ANNA, des Heiligen ROM—REICHS
15891004             FRANCISCO—DE—CUELLAR, 1—SPAIN—ARMADA—OFFICER from the wrecked galleon Lavia, wrote 1—LETTER from ANTWERP to PHILIP—KING—OF—SPAIN that was —LATER valued for its descriptions of IRELAND.
15901004             † FEDERICO—CORNARO, Kardinal der RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHEN Kirche und BISCHOF—VON—PADUA
16060000—16691004    * † REMBRANDT—H—VAN—RIJN, painter and etcher (Steel Masters, Night Watch).
16291004             † BERNARDO—CASTELLO, ITALIENISCHER—MALER, Freskant und Zeichner
16331004             * ANTON—ULRICH, DEUTSCHER—ADLIGER, Politiker, Kunstmäzen und Schriftsteller
16361004             —SCHLACHT—BEI—WITTSTOCK während der letzten Phase des 3ßigjährigen Krieges
16571004             * FRANCESCO—SOLIMENA, neapolitanischer Maler
16691004—19990000    —PUBLISHED, SIMON—SCHAMA, the biography "REMBRANDT—EYES".
16701004             * CHRISTOPH—HEINRICH—VON—WATZDORF, kurfürstlich sächsischer Kabinettminister
16791004             † URBAN—ILLMAYR, Hofsteinmetzmeister in WIEN
16831005—16831004    —DANN—AM—MONTAG (als —GESTERN) 1—KONFERENZ—MIT—IHM zu halten.
16831005—16831004    —GESTERN—VORMITTAG Als sie —NUN zusammengekommen sind,
16831005—16831004    —GESTERN—VORMITTAG hat FUCHS im Wesentlichen erklärt:
16831005—16831004    —GESTERN—VORMITTAG Dat aan den KUR—FÜRST—SIJN—MECSTER bchoorlijck RAPPORT gcdaan hadde VAN al 't geene twcc dagcn te l>evoren tuBBchen ons was ge
16861004             † CORD—JASTRAM, Hamburger Reeder und Politiker
16861004             † HIERONYMUS—SNITGER, Hamburger Kaufmann und Politiker
16931004             —SCHLACHT—BEI—MARSAGLIA, wo DIE—FRANZOSEN verbündeten kaiserlichen und piemontesischen Truppen gegenüberstehen.
17071004             * FRANCESCO—FONTEBASSO, venezianischer Maler
17121004             POOR—JEWS—BANISHED, UTRECHT.
17201004             * GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—PIRANESI, ITALIENISCHER—KUPFERSTECHER, Archäologe, Architekt und Architekturtheoretiker
17211004             Die Uraufführung der Oper Il germanico Marte von ANTONIO—CALDARA findet in SALZBURG statt.
17211004             † ABRAHAM—MARTIJNSZOON—ALEWIJN, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—JURIST, Dramatiker und Dichter
17251004             Der Würzburger Gelehrte JOHANN—BERINGER kündigt 1—VERÖFFENTLICHUNG zu neuartigen fossilen Funden, den später als Fälschungen entlarvten "Würzburger Lügensteinen", an.
17261004             Vista a informação, PODE—SE imprimir a CHRONICA—DE—QUE se trata, e
17261004             —DEPOIS—DE impressa tornará para se conferir, e
17261004             dar licença que corra, sem a qual não correrá. - [LISSABONLISBOA—OCCIDENTAL de.
17261004             do Dezembargo de SUA—MAGESTADE,
17261004             DOUTOR—MANUEL—DE—AZEVEDO—SOARES, Desembargador da Casa da Supplicacão,
17261004             e Caza, DOUTOR—MANUEL—DE—AZEVEDO—SOARES, Cavalleiro professo na ORDEM—DE—CHRISTO, ACADEMICO—DA—ACADEMIA—REAL—DA—HISTORIA Portugueza, &c.
17261004             SENHOR
17321004             zu AACHEN, des MÜNSTER—STIFT—AACHEN—KANONIKUS daselbst,
17341004             * FRANCIS—LIGHTFOOT—LEE, 1—DER—AMERIKANISCHEN—GRÜNDERVÄTER, Mitunterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung der USA
17381004             * FANNY—DE—BEAUHARNAIS, FRANZÖSISCHE—DICHTERIN und Salonière
17411004             * FRANCISZEK—KARPI?SKI, POLNISCHER—DICHTER und Dramatiker
17431004             † HENRY—CAREY, ENGLISCHER—DICHTER und Komponist
17441004             —SANK, THE—HMS—VICTORY, in THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL, with at least 900—MEN aboard.
17441004             —SEPARATED, The 175-foot sailing SHIP—HMS—VICTORY had, from its fleet —DURING 1—STORM.
17441004             Die "HMS Victory" sank während eines Sturms im Ärmelkanal.
17441004             An Bord waren mindestens 900—MENSCHEN, niemand überlebte das Unglück.
17441004             Das Segelschiff befand sich auf dem Rückweg von der PORTUGIESISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—LISSABON nach ENGLAND und hatte vermutlich 5—TONNEN PORTUGIESISCHER—GOLDMÜNZEN für Kaufleute geladen.
17441004             Das BRITISCHE—SEGELSCHIFF—VICTORY wird von anderen Schiffen seines Flottenverbandes zum letzten Mal vor den Kanalinseln gesichtet.
17441004             —IN—DER—NACHT geht das BRITISCHE—SEGELSCHIFF—VICTORY mit der 1.150—MANN starken Besatzung in einem Sturm unter.
17441004—20090000    —REPORTED, Odyssey Marine Exploration, finding THE—HMS—VICTORY—VESSEL about 330—FEET beneath the surface and more than 50—MILES from where anybody would have thought it went down.
17451004             —GEKRÖNT, KAISER—FRANZ—I. in FRANKFURT.
17451004             RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHER—KAISER—FRANZ—I—STEPHAN oo MARIA—THERESIA, wird in FRANKFURT am Main zum  gekrönt.
17471004             † AMARO—PARGO, SPANISCHEN—KORSAREN des Goldenen Zeitalters
17481004             * CHRISTIAN—WILHELM—KINDLEBEN, PREUSSISCHER—MAGISTER und Schriftsteller
17491004             † FRANZ—BERNHARD—VON—WESTREM—ZU—GOTTENDORF, starb.
17491004             —NACH—DEM TOD—DES—ABT—VON—KLOSTER—WESTREM am wurde DIE—PROPSTEI—ZÜLPICH eingezogen und
17491004             —NACH—DEM—ZUNÄCHST wurde DIE—PROPSTEI—ZÜLPICH für 410—REICHS—TALER—PRO—JAHR verpachtet
17531004             * ANNA—HEINEL, DEUTSCHE—TÄNZERIN
17671004             * CHRISTIAN—ADOLF—VON—SECKENDORFF, deutscher dramatischer Dichter und kameralistischer Schriftsteller
17721004             * FRANCOIS—LOUIS—PIERNE, composer.
17771004             —SCHLACHT—VON—GERMANTOWN
17841004             Un navire autrichien qui remonte l'escaut
17941004             DIE—FRANZOSEN einmarschieren im 1. Koalitionskrieg in Mönchengladbach.
17951004             GENERAL—NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE led the rout of COUNTER—REVOLUTIONARIES in THE—STREETS—OF—PARIS, beginning his rise to power.
17951004             FRANCE was in the midst of economic DISASTER, 1—FACTOR that aided ROYALIST—COUNTER—REVOLUTIONARIES in their attempts to incite REBELLION—AGAINST—THE—YOUNG—REPUBLICAN—GOVERNMENT.
17951004             GENERAL—NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE, looking for 1—NEW—COMMAND——WHILE on half pay in PARIS, joined THE—DEFENSE—OF—THE—CONVENTION against overwhelming odds.
18010000—18591004    * † KARL—BAEDEKER, GERMANY—TRAVEL writer and tour guide (Die SCHWEIZ).
18031004             Die Uraufführung der BALLETT—OPER Anacréon, ou L'Amour fugitif (Anakreon oder Die flüchtige Liebe) von LUIGI—CHERUBINI findet an der Grand Opéra PARIS statt.
18061004             Die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Philoclès von VICTOR—DOURLEN findet an der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS statt.
18071004             Der Reformer HEINRICH—FRIEDRICH—KARL—FREIHERR—VOM—STEIN wird in Preußen zum leitenden MINISTER ernannt.
18081004             * GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—PIODA, SCHWEIZER—JURIST, Politiker und Diplomat, Nationalrat, Bundesrat
18111004             † GENERAL—RUDOLF—VON—HAMMERSTEIN, hannoveranischer
18141004—18750000    * † JEAN—FRANCOIS—MILLET, FRANCE—PAINTER.
18151004             Die Uraufführung der Oper ELISABETTA—REGINA—DE—INGHILTERRA—VON—GIOACHINO—ROSSINI findet am Teatro S—CARLO in Neapel statt.
18161004             —NACH—DEM STURZ—VON—KAISER—NAPOLEON—I.  die
18161004             1. Parlamentswahlen in FRANKREICH stattfinden.
18171004             † JOACHIM—BERNHARD—NICOLAUS—HACKER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Poet und Schriftsteller
18191004             1. ÖSTERREICHISCHE—SPAR—CASSE nimmt, abgesichert durch 1—VON Pfarrer JOHANN—BAPTIST—WEBER ins Leben gerufenen Verein, in WIEN 1. Spareinlagen entgegen.
18221004             * RUTHERFORD—B—HAYES, 19. PRESIDENT (R) of THE—USA, in DELAWARE, OHIO.
18221004             RUTHERFORD—B—HAYES was 1—MAJOR—GENERAL in the Civil War, then 1—OHIO congressman, then succeeded Grant as PRESIDENT (18770000—18810000    ).
18221004             RUTHERFORD—B—HAYES won the Electoral College by 1—MARGIN—OF—1—VOTE——AFTER his opponent won the popular vote in 1—ELECTION so fraught with CHARGES—OF—VOTE—FRAUD that there were even fears of 1—COUP.
18221004             —REFUSED, RUTHERFORD—B—HAYES, to seek a 2. term.
18221004             * RUTHERFORD—B—HAYES—GOUVERNEUR—VON—OHIO, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses, Staatspräsident
18241004             In the new UNITED—MEXICO—STATES—FEDERAL—CONSTITUTION, THE—REPUBLIC, was defined as 1—REPRESENTATIVE—FEDERAL—REPUBLIC, with Catholicism as the official religion.
18241004             —LATER, 1—LIBERAL—CONSTITUTION, established —AT—THIS—TIME, was replaced by SANTA—ANNA.
18241004             MEXIKO erhält nach USA—AMERIKANISCHEM Vorbild 1 1. republikanische Verfassung und organisiert sich als Bundesstaat.
18281004             * THOMAS—PETER—AKERS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses
18301004             —VERKÜNDET, Die provisorische Regierung Belgiens, zur Zeit der BELGISCHEN—REVOLUTION die Unabhängigkeit von den Niederlanden.
18321004             * WILLIAM—GRIGGS, inventor (photo chromo lithography).
18341004             Die Uraufführung des Theaterstücks Der Traum 1—LEBEN des ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—DRAMATIKERS FRANZ—GRILLPARZER findet in WIEN statt.
18351004             † ERNST—CHRISTIAN—WILHELM—ACKERMANN, Weimarer Staatsbeamter und Schriftsteller
18361004             * JULIETTE—ADAM, FRANZÖSISCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN, Polemikerin, republikanische Salonnière und Frauenrechtlerin
18361004             * PIET—CRONJÉ, Kommandeur der Buren im 1. BUREN—KRIEG und 2. BUREN—KRIEG
18441004             * HUGO—ANDRESEN, DEUTSCHER—ROMANIST und Mediävist
18441004             † ANTON—JOSEPH—STEIN, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Philologe
18451004             —AM, verfügte DIE—PREUßEN—REGIERUNG die —AUFHEBUNG—DER, Censur bei Büchern über 20—BOGEN,
18451004             welcher Verfügung auch die sächsische Regierung —SPÄTER, sich anschloß.
18451004             —AM, verfügte DIE—PREUßEN—REGIERUNG—DER—ZENSUR—AUFHEBUNG bei Büchern über 20—BOGEN,
18451004             † CLEMENS—WENZESLAUS—COUDRAY, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT und Oberbaudirektor
18471004             In der HAUPTSTADT—VON—MAURITIUS—PORT—LOUIS, wird der berühmte BORDEAUX—BRIEF abgeschickt.
18471004             Der BORDEAUX—BRIEF enthält auf dem Kuvert sowohl die BLAUE—MAURITIUS als auch die ROTE—MAURITIUS und ist —HEUTE das teuerste philatelistische Sammlerstück der Welt.
18481004             † PETER—FRIEDRICH—ENGSTFELD, DEUTSCHER—ORGANIST und Kirchenlieddichter
18501004             † CHRISTIAN—GOTTHARD—KETTEMBEIL, DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN und Theaterleiter
18511004             —OPENED, S—FRANCISCO, 3. Jenny Lind Theater, on PORTSMOUTH Square on the same site as THE—2—PRECEDING it, which were destroyed by the fires of 18510000             .
18511004—18520000    —PURCHASED, THE—CITY—OF—S—FRANCISCO, the theater for $200,000 for use as the city hall.
18511004—19490000    —IN, the site was named STATE—LANDMARK—NUMBER—192.
18521004             —NACH, EIN—EINHALB—JAHRE Voruntersuchung beginnt in KÖLN der öffentliche PROZEß—GEGEN—DIE—MITGLIEDER—DES—BUND—DER—KOMMUNISTEN.
18531004             —BEGINS, CRIMEAN—WAR
18541004             1. political speech, ABRAHAM—LINCOLN made his, at ILLINOIS—STATE—FAIR.
18541004             —VEREINBART, JAPAN, mit GROSSBRITANNIEN 1—ÄHNLICHEN Freundschaftsvertrag, wie er kurz zuvor auf militärischen Nachdruck mit den USA zustande gekommen ist.
18580000—19471004    * † MAX—KARL—ERNST—PLANCK, GERMANY—PHYSICIST (Nobel 19180000             ).
18611004             * FREDERIC—REMINGTON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—MALER, Illustrator und Bildhauer, bekannt durch seine Darstellung des Wilden Westens
18611004—19090000    * † FREDERIC—REMINGTON, USA—WESTERN—PAINTER and sculptor.
18621004             * EDWARD—STRATEMEYER, author.
18621004             —CREATED, EDWARD—STRATEMEYER, the Hardy Boys, Rover Boys, NANCY Drew and the Bobbsey Twins.
18621004             —PRODUCED, THE—1.—SERIES—OF—BOOKS written/ by Stratemeyer was THE—ROVER—BOYS, written under the pseudonym of ARTHUR—M—WINFIELD.
18621004             There were 30—VOLUMES, written 18990000—19260000    —BETWEEN.
18621004             THE—BOBBSEY—TWINS—SERIES (Laura LEE—HOPE) was next, and is the oldest "surviving" series, extending to 72—VOLUMES, written 19040000—19790000    —BETWEEN.
18621004             (There was also 1—TOM—SWIFT, JUNIOR series, by VICTOR—APPLETON—II.) THE—HARDY—BOYS (FRANKLIN—W—DIXON, 85—VOLUMES 19270000—19850000    —FROM—TO) and NANCY Drew (CAROLYN—KEENE, 78—VOLUMES 19300000—19850000    —FROM—TO) are the other BEST—KNOWN Stratemeyer books.
18621004             —ERLEIDEN die konföderierten Truppen im SEZESSIONS—KRIEG beim tags zuvor begonnenen Versuch, die Stadt einzunehmen, 1—NIEDERLAGE gegen die Armee der Nordstaaten.
18621004—19100000    —ATTRIBUTED, TOM—SWIFT, to VICTOR—APPLETON, began and
18621004—19410000    —IN, there were 40—VOLUMES——BEFORE the series ended.
18631004             EUGENICS—OF—PRESCOTT—BUSH & GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER... boards.historychannel_com/thread.jspa?threadID=800004255&tstart=45&mod=1146032495197
18631004             GTA4.TV Forum > 3. Reich and THE—BUSH—FAMILY... of THE—AVERILL—HARRIMAN, PRESCOTT—BUSH funded Eugenics Research Office.
18631004             BUSH—NAZI connection
18631004             Unfamous —AT—THE—TIME, SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH, + GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER (both... Bush ) taught these eugenics values to their families, as history has shown.
18631004             POT—TV: High Society: Fahrenheit 420—PART 1: SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH + Prescott Sheldon Bush.+ namesake) GEORGE—WALKER hosted the 3. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS—OF—EUGENICS.
18631004             Re: Stationary Fuel Cell For CALIFORNIA Hotel (aus.legal)
18631004             —WWI—DURING, SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH was HEAD—OF... little child Rockefeller Senior was funding Eugenics programs in both AMERICA + GERMANY.
18631004             Orcinus - There is 1—IMPORTANT subtext to ALL—OF—THIS: The eugenics movement, from its very origins... the largest USA—GUN—MANUFACTURER; + SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH...
18631004             Re: connecting Global Warming, LONDON terrorism, AFRICA—POVERTY...
18631004             —WORKED, Arms, with SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH (PRESIDENT—GREAT—GRANDFATHER) on the War...
18631004             Political FRIENDSTER—EDWARD—HENRY—HARRIMAN—CONNECTION s... to devote a fraction of her late husband's railroad fortune to eugenics research.
18631004             The founder of the modern Bush dynasty was SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH...
18631004             MySpace_COM—JAHBULON - 99 - MALE—HENDERSON—NEVADA
18631004             SOVIET—MANGANESE & Oil Production 1913000021
18631004             Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH (18631004             Brick Church NJ - 19480000             February 8—COLUMBUS OH)... (National Manufacturers Association) SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH was the...
18631004             Nacque nella capitale dell'OHIO, da FLORA—SHELDON e SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH.
18631004             Fu allora che LE—USA—EUGENIC Society, in seguito al polverone sollevato...
18631004             GEORGE—BUSH—GENEOLOGY—EUGENICS—BY—WARFARE: SAMUEL—BUSH... SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH has received 1—FREE ride of scruitiny as 1—EUGENICIST because.
18631004             THE—DAILY—LEFT: FISA, FBI + CRS Edition | Air AMERICA—RADIO Bush Family Nazi Supporter IMAGE—SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH...
18631004             THE—NAZI—BUSH family got rich... Master Races,Slave Races, Eugenics Attitude: BUSH—NAZI Axis...
18631004             History Channel: Bush Family Values: War, Wealth, Oil...
18631004             Walker + SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH were the dynasty's founding fathers —DURING the years of + —AFTER...
18631004             THE—RANDI—RHODES—SHOW > Bush Nazi Connection s - Why Is this So...
18631004             PRESCOTT—FATHER—SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH made his initial fortune selling... EUGENICS :l...
18631004             1—REDUX on the Eugenics /Abortion Agenda
18631004             This is 1—LONG—ARTICLE but it shows the truth and it discusses more of THE—NWO agenda.
18631004             Enjoy. Eugenics
18641004             † THEODOR—FLIEDNER, deutscher evangelischer Pfarrer, GRÜNDER—DER—KAISERSWERTHER—DIAKONIE, Mitbegründer der Diakonissenbewegung
18651004             * FRIEDRICH—LIENHARD, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Wortführer der Heimatkunstbewegung
18651004             * MAX—HALBE, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Dichter, Vertreter des DEUTSCHEN—NATURALISMUS
18651004             ÖSTERREICH 1. Pferdestraßenbahn nimmt zwischen dem Wiener Schottentor und dem Vorort Hernals den Verkehr auf.
18681004             * GEORG—THILENIUS, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Ethnologe
18691004             * IWAN—RERBERG, RUSSISCHER—ARCHITEKT und Ingenieur
18711004             † SAREL—ARNOLDUS—CILLIERS, burischer Prediger und VOORTREKKER—ANFÜHRER
18731004             * ANNE—SIBERDINUS—DE—BLÉCOURT, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—JURIST und Rechtshistoriker
18741004             —LATER, KIOWA—LEADER—SANTANTA was sent to THE—STATE—PENITENTIARY, where he committed suicide
18741004             —LATER, HARLAN—FISKE—STONE was sent to the state penitentiary,
18771004—19230000    18780605             —SEE
18771004—19230000    * † PANCHO—VILLA, [Doroteo Arango], MEXICO—REVOLUTIONARY—REBEL.
18791004             * EDWARD—MURRAY—EAST, botanist.
18831004             Orient Express made its 1. run linking ISTANBUL—TURKEY, to PARIS by rail.
18831004             —AM, THE—BOYS—BRIGADE was FOUNDED—IN GLASGOW—SCOTLAND by SIR—WILLIAM—ALEXANDER—SMITH, to develop CHRISTIAN manliness by THE—USE—OF—1—SEMI—MILITARY—DISCIPLINE and order, gymnastics, —SUMMER camps and religious services and classes
18831004             —SET—UP, THE—1.—BOYS—BRIGADE—COMPANY was by the mighty CAPTAIN—ALASDAIR—PINKERTON,
18831004             whose meaty arms are FULL—OF—POWER at Free CHURCH Mission Hall, NORTH—WOODSIDE Road, GLASGOW—SCOTLAND
18831004             to develop "CHRISTIAN manliness"by THE—USE—OF—1—SEMI—MILITARY—DISCIPLINE and order,
18831004             to develop "CHRISTIAN manliness"by THE—USE—OF—GYMNASTICS,
18831004             to develop "CHRISTIAN manliness"by THE—USE—OF—SUMMER—CAMPS, and
18831004             to develop "CHRISTIAN manliness"by THE—USE—OF—RELIGIOUS—SERVICES and classes.
18831004             Der initiierende BELGISCHE—REISEUNTERNEHMER GEORGES—NAGELMACKERS hat auch Journalisten eingeladen.
18831004             —PROFITIERT, In der Folge, sein Unternehmen Compagnie Internationale des WAGONS—LITS, das SCHLAF—UND Speisewagen betreibt, von Berichten über die Reise.
18831004—18830605    —AM, Die offizielle Einweihungsfahrt des ORIENT—EXPRESS – —NACH—DEM 1. Zugstart – beginnt im Pariser Bahnhof Gare de l'Est.
18841004             * DAMON—RUNYON, journalist and short story writer.
18841004             "Guys & Dolls" was based on his writings.
18861004             * ERICH—FELLGIEBEL, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER und Widerstandskämpfer des 19440720             18861004             * NAKAMURA—MURAO, JAPANISCHER—LITERATURTHEORETIKER UND—KRITIKER
18861004             —GEGRÜNDET, JOHANNESBURG wird als Ort, —NACHDEM sich zuvor Goldgräber in Zelten angesiedelt hatten.
18871004             1. issue of THE—INTERNATIONAL—HERALD Tribune was published as THE—PARIS—HERALD—TRIBUNE.
18881004             * ~ MELINE CLAIRE—BLACK F Butte, Glen, CALIFORNIA—USA
18881004—18881004    —AM, * DEUTSCHER—GENERAL—FRIEDRICH—OLBRICHT, und Widerstandskämpfer des 19440720             K. u. K. Hofoperntheater in WIEN wird das Pantomimische Divertissement Die Puppenfee mit der Musik von JOSEF—BAYER nach einem gemeinsamen Libretto von JOSEPH—HASSREITER und FRANZ—GAUL uraufgeführt.
18921004             * ENGELBERT—DOLLFUSS, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—POLITIKER, Bundesminister, Bundeskanzler und Diktator, Mitbegründer des Austrofaschismus
18921004             * LUIS—TRENKER, ÖSTERREICHISCH—ITALIENISCHER—BERGSTEIGER, Schauspieler, Regisseur und Schriftsteller aus Südtirol
18921004—19340000    —KILLED, ENGELBERT—DOLLFUSS was, by Nazis.
18931004             —BATAILLE—DE—LA Marsaille et victoire du maréchal Catinat SUR LES—TROUPES—DU—DUC—DE—SAVOIE.
18941004             auch mit Bezug auf die vorliegende Frage ist es wieder nur die Marxsche Schule, die etwas geleistet hat.
18941004             Fireman und CONRAD—SCHMIDT können, wenn sie dies 3. Buch des KAPITAL lesen, mit ihren eignen Arbeiten jeder an seinem Teil ganz zufrieden sein.
18941004             —LONDON, FRIEDRICH—ENGELS
18951004             * BUSTER—KEATON, FILM—COMEDIAN
18951004             Buster Keaton (JOSEPH—F—KEATON), star of silent film comedies including Sherlock, JUNIOR and THE—GENERAL, was born in Piqua, Kan.
18951004             —CONSIDERED, He is, 1—LEGENDARY presence in THE—HISTORY—OF—CINEMA.
18951004             Nicknamed 'THE—GREAT—STONE—FACE', he graduated to FULL—LENGTH—FILMS in the 1920s, which featured his amazing stunts rivaled only by Chaplin.
18951004             * HATTIE—MCDANIEL, actress (Gone With the Wind, ACADEMY—AWARD).
18951004             * RICHARD—SORGE, GERMANY—SPY for USSR in TOKYO (WW II).
18951004             1. USA Open golf tournament was held, at THE—NEWPORT—COUNTRY—CLUB in RHODE—ISLAND.
18951004             At THE—USA—AMATEUR—GOLF—CHAMPIONSHIP at NEWPORT, R.I., officials ruled against the prone position use of 1—POOL cue to sink 1—PUT.
18951004             * BUSTER—KEATON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—SCHAUSPIELER, Komiker und Regisseur
18951004             * VENEZOLANISCHER—GENERAL—PETÁN—TRUJILLO, und Rundfunkdirektor
18961004             * EDGAR—W—A—MAASS, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER und Schriftsteller
18971004             Der FRANZISKANER—ORDEN wird in der LEO—XIII—PAPA—UNIONSBULLA—FELICITATE—QUADAM mit neuen Statuten versehen und vereinheitlicht.
18981004             * JAN—LIWACZ, POLNISCHER—HÄFTLING im KZ Auschwitz
18981004             1. Brockenbahn erreicht auf der behördlich abgenommenen Reststrecke ihre Endstation auf dem Brocken in 1.125—METER Höhe.
18981004—19500000    —BIS, Im Winterhalbjahr enden die Züge der Harzer Schmalspurbahnen wegen der Schneemassen im Bahnhof Schierke.
18991004             * FRANZ—JONAS, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—POLITIKER und Staatsmann, BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—WIEN, Bundespräsident
19001004             * ~ ESTHER—AUGUSTA—MELIN F APPLETON—SWIFT, Mn
19031004             * ERNST—KALTENBRUNNER, AUSTRIA—NAZI (SS/SD) and successor to REINHARD—HEYDRICH.
19031004—19460000    —HANGED, ERNST—KALTENBRUNNER was.
19041004             FREDERIC—AUGUSTE—BERTHOLDI, best known for designing Liberty Enlightening the World[THE—STATUE—OF—LIBERTY].
19051004             1. flight longer than —30—MINUTES, Orville Wright, PILOTED.
19051004             —LASTED, The flight, —33—MINUTES, —17—SECONDS and covered 21—MILES.
19051004             ORVILLE—WRIGHT pilots his plane for 1—LITTLE over —33—MINUTES
19091004             —CROSSED, THE—CUNARD liner "Lusitania", the Atlantic in —4—DAYS, —15—HOURS and —52—MINUTES.
19091004—19091113    DIE—BERG—ARBEITER In MANSFELD beschließen zu STREIKen, —
19091004—19091113    —ORGANISIERT, DIE—BERG—ARBEITER In MANSFELD zum Teil in "gelben Gewerkschaften", sind und
19091004—19091113    DIE—BERG—ARBEITER In MANSFELD, —NACHDEM zahlreiche —ARBEITER wegen ihrer Zugehörigkeit zum SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN BERG—ARBEITER—VERBAND fristlos entlassen worden waren.
19091004—19091113    DIE—BERG—ARBEITER In MANSFELD, deren WAHL—KREIS durch 1—VERTRETER—DER Reichspartei im REICHS—TAG vertreten wird —
19091004—19091113    DIE—BERG—ARBEITER In MANSFELD, deren WAHL—KREIS durch 1—VERTRETER—DER Reichspartei im REICHS—TAG vertreten wird
19101004             † SCOTLAND—SURGEON—JOSEPH—BELL.
19101004             PORTUGAL, ausbricht 1—MILITÄRPUTSCH gegen MANUEL—II—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL, der durch Zulauf aus der Bevölkerung zu einer landesweiten Revolution anwächst.
19101004             Mit der Flucht des Regenten MANUEL—II—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL ins Exil nach ENGLAND und der Ausrufung der REPUBLIK am Folgetag endet die Monarchie in PORTUGAL.
19111004             1. public elevator began service at LONDON—EARL—COURT—METRO—STATION.
19111004             † JOSEPH—BELL, BRITISCHER—CHIRURG, KINDER—UND Militärarzt, Pionier der Forensik
19121004             THEODORE—ROOSEVELT is shot by 1—ASSASSIN in MILWAUKEE, but insists on giving his speech —BEFORE being taken to the hospital.
19121004             † AUGUSTIN—MOUCHOT, FRANZÖSISCHER—GYMNASIALLEHRER, Pionier der Solarthermie
19131004             Im Berliner Theater in BERLIN wird die Operette Wie einst —IM—MAI—VON—WALTER—KOLLO mit dem Libretto von RUDOLF—BERNAUER und RUDOLPH—SCHANZER uraufgeführt.
19141004             1. GERMANY—ZEPPELIN, RAIDED, LONDON.
19141004             BERLIN, wird das von 93—WISSENSCHAFTLERN, Künstlern und Schriftstellern Deutschlands unterzeichnete Manifest An die Kulturwelt!
19141004             veröffentlicht, in dem JEDE—SCHULD—DEUTSCHLANDS am Kriegsausbruch und alliierte Anklagen wegen angeblicher DEUTSCHER—KRIEGSVERBRECHEN zurückgewiesen werden.
19151004             —ESTABLISHED, Dinosaur National Monument in COLORADO and UTAH was.
19151004             —ESTABLISHED, PRESIDENT—WOODROW—WILSON, Dinosaur National Monument in JENSEN—UTAH.
19161004             —MAINTAINED, THE—CALIFORNIA—STATE—FEDERATION—OF—LABOR, its policy of banning JAPAN—WORKERS from joining labor unions.
19161004             National Lead, USA—STEEL (preferred) and Peoples Gas were removed from the Dow Jones.
19161004             —ADDED, AT&T was 1., to THE—DJIA.
19161004             Die 2. Fassung der Oper Ariadne auf Naxos von RICHARD—STRAUSS mit dem Libretto von HUGO—VON—HOFMANNSTHAL wird an der Hofoper in WIEN uraufgeführt.
19181003/19181004    PRINZ—MAX—VON—BADEN wird REICHS—KANZLER;
19181004             —BECAME, The pigeon Cher Ami (19190000             †), the hero of the American 77. Infantry Division as she delivered her message —DURING in THE—BATTLE—OF—THE—ARGONNE, despite having been shot through the breast, blinded in 1—EYE, covered in blood and with 1—LEG hanging only by 1—TENDON.
19181004             Im allgemeinen Schock über die —NUN offenkundige Kriegsniederlage blieben der VERFASSUNG—ÄNDERUNGEN fast unbeachtet.
19181004             —DIE—NEUE REICHS—REGIERUNG wird gebildet.
19181004             PHILIPP—SCHEIDEMANN, A. Gröber (Zentrum) und
19181004             M. Erzberger (Zentrum) werden mit der Wahrnehmung der Geschäfte 1—STAATS—SEKRETÄRS beauftragt und
19181004             bilden ZUSAMMEN—MIT—DEM REICHS—KANZLER, dem VIZE—KANZLER—F—PAYER (liberal) und
19181004             R. Friedberg (NATIONAL—LIBERAL) - das engere KABINETT.
19181004             —RESTED, GENERAL—PERSHING replaces 1—NUMBER—OF—HIS—ASSAULT—DIVISIONS with, troops from THE—SAINT—MIHIEL operation and
19181004             —THE—ARGONNE—OFFENSIVE, GENERAL—PERSHING, renews.
19181004             THE—USA—1. Army batters its way slowly forward in 1—SERIES—OF—COSTLY frontal attacks, but
19181004             the Argonne Forest is finally cleared.
19181004             THE—FRENCH 4. Army, on the left, advances to the Aisne River.
19181004             THE—GERMANS ask THE—ALLIES for 1—ARMISTICE.
19181004             * GIOVANNI—CHELI, ITALIENISCHER—RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Geistlicher, Kardinal
19181004—19181003    —AM—FOLGE—TAG bot DIE—NEUE—REGIERUNG den Alliierten den von LUDENDORFF geforderten WAFFEN—STILL—STAND an.
19191004             * RENE—MARQUES, Puerto Rican playwright and short story writer.
19211004             —REFUSED, League of Nations, to assist starving Russians.
19221004             —GENFER—PROTOKOLLE wird das Anschlussverbot an DEUTSCHLAND von ÖSTERREICH ein weiteres Mal akzeptiert.
19221004             Im Gegenzug erhält ÖSTERREICH zur Bewältigung der Hyperinflation —NACH—DEM —WWI 650—MILLIONEN Goldkronen aus 1—ANLEIHE des Völkerbundes.
19231004             * CHARLTON—HESTON—III, USA—ACTOR.
19231004             —INCLUDED, CHARLTON—HESTON—III—FILMS, "10—COMMANDMENTS," "BEN—HUR" and "Planet of Apes".
19271004             Der als Schachspieler bekanntere EDWARD—LASKER erhält 1—PATENT auf die von ihm erfundene Muttermilchpumpe.
19280000—19741004    * † ANNE—SEXTON, USA—POET, in MASSACHUSETTS.
19281004             * ALVIN—TOFFLER, writer and futurist.
19281004             —INCLUDED, ALVIN—TOFFLER—WORK, "Future Shock" (19700000             ).
19281004             Im Metropol Theater in BERLIN wird die Operette FRIEDERIKE—VON—FRANZ—LEHÁR mit RICHARD—TAUBER in der Rolle des jungen Goethe uraufgeführt.
19281004             Das Libretto stammt von LUDWIG—HERZER und FRITZ—LÖHNER—BEDA.
19311004             —CREATED, The comic strip "Dick Tracy,", by CHESTER—GOULD (19000000—19850000    ), made its debut.
19311004             Aerial circus star CLYDE—PANGBORN and playboy HUGH—HERNDON, JUNIOR set off in Miss Veedol to complete the 1. nonstop flight across the Pacific Ocean from Sabishiro Beach in Misawa CITY—JAPAN.
19311004             1—YOUNG—BOY gave Panghorn 5—APPLES from Misawa City.
19320000—19821004    * † GLENN—H—GOULD, eccentric CANADA—PIANIST, in TORONTO—OF—1—CEREBRAL hemorrhage.
19321004             —LYTTON—REPORT, condemns JAPAN—AGGRESSION in Manchuria but
19321004             —LYTTON—REPORT, tempers its criticism by proposing that JAPAN be granted certain preferred rights in 1—AUTONOMOUS—MANCHURIA.
19321004             JAPAN serves notice of its withdrawal from THE—LEAGUE—OF—NATIONS.
19331004             1. issue of Esquire magazine was published.
19331004             —VOM, nebst einschlägigen BESTIMMUNGEN—BERLIN
19331004             ALBERT—EINSTEIN addresses 1—CROWD—OF—10,000 in LONDON—ALBERT—HALL —DURING the opening of 1—CAMPAIGN to collect $5,000,000 for exiled GERMANY—SCIENTISTS.
19331004             —DEFINIERT, Das Schriftleitergesetz im DEUTSCHEN—REICH, den Journalismus als eine vom STAAT geregelte Aufgabe.
19361004             HANS—FRANK draws up 1—PROGRAM to remove all JEWISH—INFLUENCE from GERMAN—JURISPRUDENCE.
19361004             (Edelheit) - THE—REICH—CHAMBER—OF—CULTURE—ORDERS—ALL—JEWISH—ART—DEALERS in BERLIN to close their galleries by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
19381004             —ON THE—ADVICE—OF—SWITZERLAND—AUTHORITIES, the letter "J" is printed on the front PAGES—OF—GERMAN—JEWS—PASSPORTS.
19391004             All FRANCE—FORCES except for 1—LIGHT—SCREEN have withdrawn from GERMANY and returned to FRANCE—TERRITORY.
19391004             (Duffy)
19401004             —CONFERRED, ADOLF—HITLER and Benito Mussolini, at Brenner Pass in the Alps, where the Nazi leader sought ITALY—HELP in fighting the British.
19401004             12—GERMANY—AIRCRAFTS were shot down above ENGLAND.
19401004             1—NEW—LAW gives VICHY—FRANCE the power to intern Jews even outside the Unoccupied Zone.
19401004             (Atlas)
19411004             * JACKIE—COLLINS, actress, author, in LONDON—ENGLAND.
19411004             —INCLUDED, JACKIE—COLLINS—BOOKS, "The world Is FULL—OF oo Men (19680000             ), "Stud" (19690000             ), "Bitch" (19790000             ) and "Deadly Embrace" (20020000             ).
19411004             * ANNE—RICE, novelist, in NEW—ORLEANS, LOS—ANGELES.
19420000             -as early AS—BUSH was involved with the eugenics promoting USA—BIRTH—CONTROL—LEAGUE... SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH (18631004             — February 8.
19421004             (Persecution)
19421020             SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH (18631004             Brick Church NJ - 19480000             February 8—COLUMBUS OH)... 21
19431004             GERMANY—OCCUPIERS forbade the flying of kites.
19431004             —CARRIED, Violation, a —6—MONTH—JAIL—SENTENCE.
19431004             —ACCOUNTED, Some 6,600 Moroccans, for the bulk of the fighting force that freed Corsica.
19431004             HIMMLER summons his SS generals to Posen and informs them of the systematic MURDER—OF—THE—JEWS;
19431004             in effect making accomplices of them all.
19431004             "This is 1—PAGE—OF glory in our history that has never been written," he tells them, "and is never to be written".
19431004—20130000    —HONORED, FRANCE, THE—MOROCCO—VETERANS and fallen soldiers who freed Corsica.
19441004             BILLIE—HOLIDAY nimmt den Song Lover Man auf.
19441004             BRITISCHE—TRUPPEN landen —WWII—IM an der KÜSTE—DES—PELOPONNES und befreien die GRIECHISCHE—HAFENSTADT Patras.
19461004             * SUSAN—SARANDON, USA—FILM actress.
19471004             † MAX—PLANCK, deutscher theoretischer Physiker, BEGRÜNDER—DER—QUANTENPHYSIK, Nobelpreisträger
19491004             —DEDICATED, UNITED—NATIONS' permanent NEW—YORK—CITY—HEADQUARTERS was.
19511004             † HENRIETTA—LACKS, 1—BLACK—WOMAN, of cancer in BALTIMORE.
19511004             Cells from her body, —LATER known as HeLa cells, were cultivated for research.
19511004—19740000    —IN, DOCTOR—NELSON—REES (20090000             † age 80), 1—UC BERKELEY geneticist, reported that the HeLa cells had contaminated other cell cultures in laboratories —AROUND the world.
19511004—20100000    —AUTHORED, Rebecca Skloot, "THE—IMMORTAL—LIFE—OF—HENRIETTA—LACKS".
19521004             —ARRIVED, PRESIDENT—TRUMAN, in SF to campaign for Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson.
19541004             Im JHQ Rheindahlen (Joint Headquarters – gemeinsames Hauptquartier) erfolgt die Kommandoübergabe an 4—VERSCHIEDENE britische und NATO—HAUPTQUARTIERE an einem Ort.
19551004             Der Citroën DS 19—ERSCHEINT, der sich durch seine stromlinienförmige Karosserie und einer Hydropneumatik in der Federung von Autos der Konkurrenten unterscheidet.
19571004             —BEGINNT, DIE—RAUMFAHRT (UDSSR)
19571004             1. ARTIFICIAL—SATELLITE, SPUTNIK—1 launched
19571004             —PREMIERED, The television series "Leave It to Beaver", on CBS.
19571004             † JOE—CONNELLY (20030000             , age 85), WRITER—PRODUCER, CO—CREATED the show.
19571004             It featured JERRY—MATHERS, —9—JAHRE—ALT as Beaver, TONY—DOW, —12—JAHRE—ALT as his older brother Wally, HUGH—BEAUMONT as the father and BARBARA—BILLINGSLEY (19150000—20100000    ) as the mother.
19571004             —LAUNCHED, THE—SPACE—AGE and "space race" began as THE—SOVIET—UNION, Sputnik (traveler), the 1. MAN—MADE space satellite.
19571004             —WEIGHED, The satellite, built by VALENTIN—GLUSHKO, 184—POUNDS and was launched by 1 converted Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).
19571004             —DEVELOPED, Sputnik, under THE—CHIEF—SCIENTIST—SERGEI—KOROLYOV, orbited the earth EVERY— 96—MINUTES at 1—MAXIMUM—HEIGHT—OF—584—MILES.
19571004             —TIMED, The event was, to celebrate the 40. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—BOLSHEVIK revolution.
19571004             —FOLLOWED, It was, by 9—OTHER—SPUTNIK spacecraft.
19571004             —AM, mit SPUTNIK—1—DEN 1. künstlichen Satelliten in die Erdumlaufbahn gebracht hatten, schickten sie mit der Hündin Laika das 1. Tier ins All.
19571004             1. KÜNSTLICHER—SATELLIT "SPUTNIK"(UdSSR)
19571004             1. künstlichen Satelliten in die Erdumlaufbahn, Die Sowjetunion bringt im SPUTNIK—PROGRAMM mit Sputnik 1—DEN.
19571004—19580000    —IN, it reentered the earth's atmosphere and burned up.
19571004—19630000    —IN, It ended —AFTER 6—SEASON.
19580928—19581004    —AM, Mit dem Inkrafttreten dieser Verfassung endet die 4. FRANZÖSISCHE—REPUBLIK und wird durch die 5. REPUBLIK abgelöst.
19581004             1. TRANS—ATLANTIC—PASSENGER jetliner service was begun by UK—OVERSEAS—AIRWAYS—CORPORATION (BOAC) with flights between LONDON and NEW—YORK.
19581004             FRANKREICH gibt sich 1—NEUE Verfassung (5. FRANZÖSISCHE—REPUBLIK).
19591004             1. PHOTOS—OF—FAR—SIDE—OF—MOONUSA—LUNA—3—SENDS back
19591004             DIE—SOVIET—MONDSONDE—LUNIK—3, STARTET auf dem Weg zum Mond.
19591004             DIE—SOVIET—MONDSONDE—LUNIK—3 wird den Mond umkreisen und erstmals BILDER—VON—DESSEN—RÜCKSEITE funken.
19601004             1. aktive Nachrichtensatellit der USA, Courier 1B, startet in den Weltraum.
19611004             —ARRESTED, S—FRANCISCO—COMEDIAN—LENNY—BRUCE, was, on charges of using lewd and obscene language —FOLLOWING his 1. act at THE—JAZZ—WORKSHOP in NORTH—BEACH.
19611004             —CITED, Police code NUMBER 205 was. Bail was set at $367.50.
19611004             —DEFENDED, Bruce was successfully, by attorney ALBERT—BENDICH.
19631004             Vor den Vereinten Nationen hält der ÄTHIOPISCHE—KAISER—HAILE—SELASSIE 1—REDE, in der er auch auf den ausstehenden Frieden in AFRIKA eingeht.
19631004             1—TEXTPASSAGE daraus wird später vom JAMAIKANISCHEN—SÄNGER und Songschreiber BOB—MARLEY für das Lied War verwendet.
19631004—19631008    —KILLED, Hurricane Flora, some 7-8,000—PEOPLE in CUBA and HAITI.
19641003—19641004    EAST—BERLINERS dug a 470-foot tunnel, Tunnel 57, to the West and 57—PEOPLE escaped.
19651004             —BECAME, PAUL—VI—PAPA, the 1. reigning pontiff to visit THE—WEST—HEMISPHERE as he addressed THE—UNITED—NATIONS—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY.
19651004             PAPA hält PAUL—VI—PAPA 1—REDE vor der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen.
19651004             PAUL—VI—PAPA—SEIN—FRIEDENSAPPELL wird zu den bemerkenswerten Reden des 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY gezählt.
19661004—19640000    —BIS, Basutoland, von 18680000             BRITISCHES—PROTEKTORAT und seither autonom, wird von GROSSBRITANNIEN unabhängig und in LESOTHO umbenannt.
19671004             THE—UN—PROTOCOL Relating to THE—STATUS—OF—REFUGEES went into effect.
19671004—19510000    —FROM—THE, 19670000             —THE—PROTOCOL removed geographical and temporal restrictions Convention relating to THE—STATUS—OF—REFUGEES.
19681004             —ADMITTED, CAMBODIA, that the Viet Cong used their country for sanctuary.
19701004             † JANIS—JOPLIN, of HEROIN overdose, HOLLYWOOD,
19701004             Janis Joplin (19430000             *) was found dead in 1—SEEDY HOLLYWOOD motel of 1—HEROIN overdose at age 27.
19701004             —INCLUDED, Her classic songs : "Down on Me," "Ball and Chain," and "Piece of My Heart".
19701004—19920000    —AUTHORED, Laura Joplin, "Love, Janis".
19721004             —IMPOSED, JUDGE—JOHN—SIRICA, 1—GAG order on the Watergate BREAK—IN case.
19741004             —HEADLINED, THE—SOUTHERN—MUSIC—FESTIVAL—VOLUNTEER Jam, by THE—CHARLIE—DANIELS—BAND, was 1. held at the War Memorial Auditorium in NASHVILLE—TENNESSEE.
19741004             —FOUNDED, GREECE, the New Democracy party (ND), was.
19741004             It became the main CENTER—RIGHT—POLITICAL—PARTY.
19741004—19910000    —AUTHORED, Diane Middlebrook (19390000—20070000    ), "ANNE—SEXTON: 1—BIOGRAPHY".
19750325             (AP, 20000325             )(Econ, 20081004             , p.92)(Econ, 20120126             , p.74)
19761004             BARBARA—WALTERS made her debut as the 1. female nightly network news anchor.
19761004             —HIRED, She was, by ABC—TV, and offered 1—THEN—UNHEARD—OF—MILLION—DOLLAR —1—YEAR—SALARY to CO—ANCHOR with veteran HARRY—REASONER.
19761004             —PLEASED, But Reasoner was not, with having her there.
19761004             In addition to their lack of chemistry, the network's ratings did not improve, and she was replaced in mid-19780000             .
19761004             She joined another ABC show, 20/20, where she had much greater success.
19761004             —RESIGNED, Agriculture SECRETARY—EARL—BUTZ, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—CONTROVERSY over 1—JOKE he'd made about blacks.
19761004             —LIFTED, GREGG, v. GEORGIA, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, the ban on the death sentence in murder cases.
19761004—19670000    —SINCE, This restored THE—LEGALITY—OF—CAPITAL—PUNISHMENT, which had not been practiced.
19761004—19770000    —IN, The 1. execution —FOLLOWING this ruling was GARY—GILMORE.
19780831—19781004    —ON, they were sentenced to prison terms.
19781004             Funeral services were held at THE—VATICAN for JOHN—PAUL—I—PAPA
19801004             —FORCED, Some 520—PEOPLE were, to abandon the cruise ship "Prisendam" in the Gulf of ALASKA —AFTER THE—HOLLAND—LUXURY liner caught FIRE—NO—DEATHS or serious injury resulted.
19801004             —CAPSIZED, The ship, and sank —1—WEEK—LATER.
19821004             FRANK—ROSENTHAL (19290000—20080000    ), LAS—VEGAS casino operator, survived 1—CAR—BOMB——WHEN his Cadillac exploded as he turned the key.
19821004             He ran THE—MOB—OWNED Stardust, FREMONT, Hacienda and Marina casinos.
19821004—19950000    —BASED, MARTIN—SCORSESE made his film "Casino,", on THE—LIFE—OF—FRANK—ROSENTHAL.
19821004—19970000    —TITLED, PETER—F—OSTWALD wrote 1—BIOGRAPHY : "GLENN—GOULD".
19821004—20100000    —IN, the documentary "Genius Within: THE—INNER—LIFE—OF—GLENN—GOULD" was directed by Pater Raymont and Michele Hozer.
19831004             Im SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINISCHEN KAISER—WILHELM—KOOG nimmt die zu dieser Zeit weltweit größte Windkraftanlage Growian nach vorausgegangenen Probeläufen ihren Betrieb auf.
19831004             Technische Probleme bewirken in der Folgezeit 1—HÄUFIGEN Stillstand des Prototyps.
19851004             —ISSUED, Islamic Jihad, 1—STATEMENT saying it had killed USA—HOSTAGE—WILLIAM—BUCKLEY.
19851004             † Fellow hostage DAVID—JACOBSEN, however, —LATER said he believed Buckley had, (in LEBANON) of torture injuries —4—MONTHS—EARLIER.
19851004             Zur Förderung von freier Software gründet der AMERIKANISCHE—AKTIVIST RICHARD—STALLMAN die FREE—SOFTWARE—FOUNDATION[FSF].
19860214             Subject: Handbook subjects Date: Sun, 19981004070636        -0500 ... 041 074 115 121 179 201 \ LHO: AUDIO TALK SHOWS, ETC...051 098 158 \ SOG...SEE\...DEA/SOG\ SOGHANALIAN, SARKIS...051 \ SOLDIERS OF...
19861004             —OPENED, In THE—NETHERLANDS—QUEEN—BEATRIX officially, the Oosterscheldekering for use by saying THE—WELL—KNOWN—WORDS: De stormvloedkering is gesloten.
19861004             De Deltawerken zijn voltooid.
19861004             Zeeland is veilig. (The flood barrier is closed.
19861004             —COMPLETED, THE—DELTA—WORKS are.
19861004             Zealand is safe.) It was the world's largest movable flood barrier.
19861004             Das OOSTERSCHELDE—STURMFLUTWEHR in Zeeland wird seiner Bestimmung übergeben.
19871004             —STAGED, National Football League owners, their 1. games —SINCE the players union went on strike, with nonstriking and replacement personnel on the gridiron at sparsely attended stadiums.
19881004             —FREED, INDIA—PROFESSOR—MITHILESHWAR Singh, THE—DAY—BEFORE by his LEBANON—KIDNAPPERS, said his captors had treated him well —DURING his —20—MONTHS—OF—IMPRISONMENT, but acknowledged "there is no substitute for freedom".
19891004             † Famed race horse Secretariat, 19730000             —THE—TRIPLE—CROWN winner, at Claiborne Farm, PARIS, KENTUCKY, at age 19 ½.
19891004             Bei der Durchfahrt von DDR—FLÜCHTLINGEN aus der Prager Botschaft der Bundesrepublik in die BRD kommt es am Dresdner Hauptbahnhof zu schweren Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Demonstranten und Volkspolizei.
19891004             Die DEUTSCHE—BUNDESREGIERUNG schließt die Botschaft in Prag, in die sich mehr als 150—AUSREISEWILLIGE DDR—BÜRGER geflüchtet haben.
19891004—19850000    —CONVICTED—OF, FAWAZ—YOUNIS, 1—LEBANON—HIJACKER, commandeering 1—JORDAN—JETLINER with 2—AMERICANS aboard, was sentenced in WASHINGTON to —30—YEARS in prison.
19901004             For the 1. time in nearly —6—DECADES, GERMANY—LAWMAKERS met in the Reichstag for the 1. meeting of reunified GERMANY—PARLIAMENT.
19911004             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, Executive Order 12775 which prohibited certain transactions with respect to HAITI.
19911004             † LEONARD—C—ODELL, at age 83.
19911004             —SIGNED, MADRID—SPAIN, 26—NATIONS, including THE—USA, THE—ANTARCTIC—TREATY, which imposed a —50—YEAR—BAN on oil exploration and mining in ANTARCTICA.
19911004             CARL—BILDT (19490000             *), LEADER—OF—THE—MODERATES, began serving PRIME—MINISTER—OF—SWEDEN and continued to 19941007             .
19911004             —BLIGHTED, His CENTER—RIGHT—GOVERNMENT was, by 1—DEEP—RECESSION followed by 1—HUGE—ROW over whether to build the Oresund Bridge to DENMARK.
19911004—19250000    —IN, He and his older brother Allan (19940000             †) wrote some 7,000 Burma Shave poems —BEGINNING—IN rural MINNESOTA.
19911004—19630000    —FADED, THE—BURMA—SHAVE phenomenon, —WHEN Phillip Morris bought BURMA—VITA and the signs began to come down.
19911004—19830000    —ACCEDED, CHINA, to the treaty.
19911004—20480000    —IN, It would be up for review.
19920000             SEC INFO—FARKAS Group Inc - 3 - I—INCUBATOR—COM—INC—FOR 19991004             19921004             THE—NETHERLANDS, 1—ISRAEL—EL—AL—JUMBO—JET—TRANSPORT, enroute from NEW—YORK to Tel Aviv, crashed into 1—AMSTERDAM apartment complex and killed 43—PEOPLE.
19921004             —COMPLAINED—OF, —SINCE then SCORES—OF—PEOPLE, unidentified health problems.
19921004             —ENDED, MOZAMBIQUE, 1—PEACE—ACCORD, —17—YEARS—OF—CIVIL—WAR—DURING which some 600,000—PEOPLE were killed.
19921004             43—MENSCHEN sterben beim Absturz von EL—AL—FLUG 18620 in Hochhäuser des Amsterdamer Vorortes Bijlmermeer.
19921004             ROM, endet mit der Unterzeichnung eines Friedensvertrags ein sechzehnjähriger Bürgerkrieg in MOSAMBIK.
19921004—19980000    —IN, it was revealed that the jet carried 50—GALLONS of dimethyl methylphosphonate, 1—NON—POISONOUS—INGREDIENT—OF sarin nerve gas, destined for ISRAEL.
19921004—19990000    —IN, 1—REPORT on the crash was released and said that the plane's ballast included carcinogenic depleted uranium.
19931004             —BLASTED, SOMALIA, USA—TROOPS, their way out of Bakara Market in MOGADISHU and left 1 estimated 500—SOMALIS dead.
19931004             —SHELLED, THE—RUSSIA—WHITE—HOUSE was.
19931004             MOSCOW, THE—OCCUPATION—OF—THE—RUSSIA—PARLIAMENT building ended as tanks and paratroopers flushed out HARD—LINE opponents of BORIS—YELTSIN.
19931004             Rebel parliamentarians led by VICE—PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—RUTSKOI and Chairman RUSLAN—KHASBULATOV surrendered —AFTER 1—TOTAL—OF—10—HOURS.
19931004             —KILLED, As many as 150—PEOPLE were.
19931004             MOSKAU, schlagen regierungstreue Truppen 1—PUTSCH von Reformgegnern nieder.
19941004             —PARTICIPATED, FRANCE, FLORENCE Rey (19), 1—LITERATURE—STUDENT, in 1 bungled holdup that left 3—POLICE—OFFICERS, 1—TAXI driver, and her ACCOMPLICE—LOVER dead —FOLLOWING 1—CAR—CHASE.
19941004—19980000    —IN, she was sentenced to —20—YEARS in prison.
19951004             —ARRIVED, JOHN—PAPA—PAUL—THE 2., in THE—USA for a —5—DAY—VISIT.
19951004             —BATTERED, Hurricane Opal, THE—FLORIDA panhandle.
19961004             1—JUDGE—IN—PHILADELPHIA issued 1—INJUNCTION preventing MAJOR—LEAGUE baseball umpires from striking for the remainder of the postseason over 1—INCIDENT in which ROBERTO—ALOMAR—OF—THE—BALTIMORE Orioles spat on umpire JOHN—HIRSCHBECK.
19961004             THE—DOW—JONES hit 1—RECORD 5,992.86 on reports of weak employment.
19961004             —AGREED, NEW—ZEALAND, the government, to settle the biggest land claim ever filed by indigenous Maoris.
19961004             THE—NGAI—TAHU people would receive land and cash worth $117—MILLION and regain SOME—FISHING rights.
19961004             THE—MAORIS number about 12—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—3.6—MILLION—PEOPLE.
19971004             —GATHERED, Some 500,000—PEOPLE, in WASHINGTON DC for THE—PROMISE—KEEPERS' "Sacred ASSEMBLY—OF—MEN".
19971004             THE—CHICAGO—FIELD—MUSEUM—OF—NATURAL—HISTORY paid $8,362,500 for the T, rex skull from S. Dakota at 1—SOTHEBY—AUCTION in NEW—YORK.
19971004             —FROM Bosnia it was reported that 1—EGYPT—SHIP loaded with SOVIET—MADE T—55—TANKS was sitting at anchor in THE—CROATIA—PORT of Ploce.
19971004             —REGISTERED, The shipment was, with officials of the foreign peace force.
19971004             —INTENDED, 1—ERROR on the manifest said the tanks were, for THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—ARMY.
19971004             —FROM BRAZIL it was reported that fires in the Amazon had increased 28% over the past —YEAR and that CLOUDS—OF—SMOKE were thicker and covered more area than those due to the burning forests of INDONESIA.
19971004             —KILLED, COLUMBIA, rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, 17—POLICEMEN—NEAR S—JUAN—DE—ARAMA.
19971004             The rebels were staging 1—GROWING campaign to disrupt municipal elections.
19971004             —KILLED, They had already, 26—CANDIDATES and forced more than 1,500 to withdraw.
19971004             —REPORTED, It was, that FRANCE banned 20—PERCENT—OF—ALL—CARS from THE—STREETS—OF—PARIS for —1—DAY——LAST—WEEK due to smog.
19971004             —REPORTED, It was, that Greenpeace had found crabs contaminated with twice EUROPE's allowed radiation level near the La Hague nuclear waste reprocessing plant near Cherbourg in NORTH—WEST—FRANCE.
19971004             SPAIN, PRINCESS—CHRISTINA—FEDERICA—DE—BORBON y Grecia (32) oo Inaki Urdangarin (29), a Basque professional handball team player.
19971004             † OTTO—REMER, at his home in MARABELLA—SPAIN.
19971004             OTTO—REMER is said to have become 1—ICON to several 1.000—SPANIARDS who adhered to NEO—NAZI—DOCTRINE.
19971004             (NEW—YORK—TIMES)
19971004             Die Uraufführung des Musicals Tanz der Vampire von JIM—STEINMAN und MICHAEL—KUNZE, basierend auf ROMAN—POLA?skis gleichnamigem Film, findet unter dessen Regie im RAIMUND—THEATER in WIEN statt.
19971004—19980000    —IN, He pleaded guilty to spying for EAST—GERMANY.
19980000             According to 19981004             —THE issue of THE—BOSTON—PHOENIX, " Norquist 's... as 1—LOBBYIST for the Islamic Institute as well as for Abdurahman Alamoudi.
19980000             Grover NORQUIST—SOURCEWATCH SETH—GITELL, STRANGE BEDFELLOWS: Grover Norquist and Abdurahman Alamoudi, BOSTON PHOENIX_com, 19981004—19111004    , 20010000             .
19981004             —CONDUCTED, USA and ALGERIA—NAVIES, 1—SMALL—JOINT—SEARCH—AND—RESCUE exercise in the Mediterranean.
19981004             ARGENTINA, MARCELO—CATTANEO, the younger BROTHER—OF—PRESIDENT—MENEM—FORMER—DEPUTY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, was found hanging by the neck outside BUENOS—AIRES.
19981004             —NAMED, He had been, —2—MONTHS—EARLIER as the man who tried to bribe former directors of the Banco de la Nacion.
19981004             1—NEWSPAPER—ARTICLE on the 19940000—19950000     IBM—BANCO de la Nacion bribery scheme was stuffed in his mouth.
19981004             BRAZIL, national elections FERNANDO—HENRIQUE—CARDOSO won with 50.3—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE——IN—EARLY—RETURNS vs. 35.6% for Luiz Inacio da SILVA—OF—THE—WORKERS—PARTY.
19981004             IRAQ, 1—PALESTINE—BURST into 1—BAGHDAD synagogue and sprayed the crowd with gunfire.
19981004             2—JEWS and 2—MUSLIMS were killed.
19981004             —BOYCOTTED, MEXICO, the Indians of S—JUAN—CHAMULA in Chiapas, the elections in protest for the jailing of 5—MEN ACCUSED—OF—MURDER.
19981004             —JAILED, They were, —1—YEAR—AGO —DURING 1—DISPUTE between Catholic and Protestant converts.
19981004             —WARNED, RUSSIA—ENVOYS, YUGOSLAVIA—PRESIDENT—SLOBODAN—MILOSEVIC that NATO might launch AIR—STRIKES unless he took "decisive measures" to end the humanitarian crisis in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—KOSOVO.
19981004—19960000    —IN, He served his —1—YEAR rotating term and made headlines that Dec.
19981004—19960000    —WHEN he described Jewish demands for compensation for Holocaust victims as blackmail.
19991004             —REPORTED, It was, that EDMUND—T—PRATT, 1—EX—PFIZER executive, planned to donate $35—MILLION to endow THE—DUKE—UNIVERSITY—SCHOOL—OF—ENGINEERING.
19991004             —ORDERED, 1—ILLINOIS jury, STATE—FARM to pay $456—MILLION to 4.7—MILLION—CUSTOMERS in 1—LAWSUIT accusing the nation's largest car insurer of using inferior parts for auto body repairs.
19991004             —4—DAYS—LATER, THE—JUDGE—RULED—STATE—FARM had committed fraud, and awarded $730—MILLION in actual and punitive damages on TOP—OF—THE—JURY verdict.
19991004             —APPEALED, STATE—FARM.
19991004             —PLANNED, MCI WorldCom, to acquire Sprint Corp. for over $100—BILLION.
19991004             —APPROVED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, a 1—TIME—INCREASE in oil sales for IRAQ from $5.26—BILLION to $8.3—BILLION.
19991004             —AGREED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—BARAK and PALESTINE—LEADER—YASSER Arafat, on terms for the 1. safe route between THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA—STRIP.
19991004             —PLANNED, RUSSIA, PRIME—MINISTER—PUTIN, to resettle THOUSANDS—OF—CHECHENS in areas under RUSSIA—CONTROL, 1—INDICATION that MOSCOW planned to SPLIT Chechnya in 2. Chechen fighters shot down 1—RUSSIA—SUKHOI 24—WARPLANE that was searching for another downed plane.
19991004             —LEAKED, SOUTH—KOREA, radioactive water, inside 1—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT in Wolsung and exposed 22—WORKERS to small AMOUNTS—OF—RADIATION.
19991004—20000000    —QUASHED, The deal was.
20000000             CAMPECHE 20061004             - ¢A $ H øµt. & links.
20001004             SERBIA, the Constitutional Court set aside part of 20000924             —THE voting results in 1—MOVE seen to buy time for PRESIDENT—MILOSEVIC.
20001004             3Com was expected to announce plans to join with HARRIS—INTERACTIVE for the largest INTERNET survey to date.
20001004             —DENIED, INDONESIA, PRESIDENT—WAHID, clemency to TOMMY—SUHARTO and ordered THE—ARREST—OF—1—TIMORESE militia CHIEF.
20001004             —AGREED, ISRAEL—BARAK, to withdraw heavy arms from THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA in 1—BID to halt violence.
20001004             —KILLED, In THE—IVORY—COAST 1—BUS—STATION bombing, 4—PEOPLE and 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY was declared.
20001004             —BLOCKED, Citizens, 1—ATTEMPT by the government to use force against strikers and protesters.
20001004             —PLANNED, Major protests were, to force Milosevic from office.
20001004             October Charter Meeting Minutes.
20001004             Minutes of Charter Commission Meeting. Bourne High School Library.
20001004             —CALLED, Chairperson LUCIA—FULCO, the meeting to order at 7:05pm.
20001004             Attending were commission members: RICHARD—J—ANDERSON, W.
20001004             —FROM : RAYMOND—W—GRUENDER.
20001004             111—SOUTH 10. Street. S—LOUIS, MISSOURI 63102
20001004             Von BMW wird nach der Firmenübernahme 1—SERIE in geänderter Version aufgelegt.
20010400             published in Foreign Relations of THE—USA, 19640000—19680000    —DATE, vol.
20010400             XII, WEST—EUROPE, pp.
20010400             XXXI—XXXV, Note on USA—COVERT—ACTION Programs.
20010425             CAMPECHE 20061004             ADNAN—KHASHOGGI used REMNANTS—OF—BARRY—SEAL—IRANCONTRA network as CORPORATION fronts incl "Skyway Aircraft FOUNDER—MIAMI atty MICHAEL—FARKAS, Khashoggi partner in...
20011004             For THE—RECORD—SUPPLEMENTAL: 20040622             20020620—20020622    1—EUROPEAN—UNION—SUMMIT was scheduled for Seville.
20011004             For THE—RECORD—SUPPLEMENTAL: 20040622             20011004             Among GILL—POLITICAL patrons is Grover Norquist, HEAD—OF—AMERICANS for Tax... "Who is Abdurahman Alamoudi ?
20011004             —APPROVED, THE—PRESIDENT had, STELLAR—WINDON, 1—FEW weeks —AFTER the ;;0911;;
20011004             attack, and
20011004             —AT—THAT—TIMEK given the temper in WASHINGTON and in THE—COUNTRY, he likely could simply and easily have amended THE—LAW.
20011004             0 20030207             MISTER—GROVER—G—NORQUIST—CHAIRMAN—EMERITUS—ISLAMIC...
20011004             —PLEDGED, THE—USA, $320—M million in aid to AFGHANISTAN refugees.
20011004             —ESTIMATED, NEW—YORK—CITY—OFFICIALS, that 20010911             —THE disaster would cost as much as $105—BILLION over the next —2—YEARS.
20011004             —SHIFTED, Depending on THE—NUMBER—OF—JOBS permanently, OUT—OF—THE—CITY, 20010911             —THE attacks could cost NEW—YORK City as much as $83—95—BILLION dollars, though the financial loss could never compare to the horrendous loss of nearly 3,000 lives.
20011004             TEXAS, BARRY—BONDS hit his 70. home run to tie MARK—MCGWIRE'S 19980000             record in a 10—2—VICTORY over HOUSTON.
20011004             —HOMERED, Rickey HENDERSON, to pass TY—COBB and become baseball's career leader in runs scored with 2,246 —DURING S—DIEGO—6—3—WIN over LOS—ANGELES.
20011004             TEXAS, MARK—STROMAN (19690000             *), —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911             , went on 1—SHOOTING spree targeting PEOPLE—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN descent killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding a 3.
20011004             The victims were from SOUTH—ASIA.
20011004             —CONVICTED, Stroman was —LATER, and sentenced to death.
20011004             —PROMISED, ALGERIA—PRESIDENT—BOUTEFLIKA, to recognize the Berber language, compensate VICTIMS—OF—POLICE—BRUTALITY and prosecute police involved in brutality.
20011004             —RELEASED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, a 16-page document over THE—INTERNET that presented details on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—RESPONSIBILITY for 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20011004             THE—EU made 1—JOINT—ANNOUNCEMENT with SPAIN that the Basque ETA would be put on THE—LIST—OF—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATIONS whose assets would be frozen by THE—EU.
20011004             —WARNED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—SHARON, THE—USA—THAT it risked appeasing the Arab nations: "Do not try to appease the Arabs at our expense".
20011004             1—PALESTINE—POSING as 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER killed 3—ISRAELIS in Afula.
20011004             † 1—PALESTINIAN was killed —DURING a 2. —DAY—OF—FIGHTING in HEBRON.
20011004             MACEDONIA—SECURITY—FORCES, in opposition to external warnings, took CONTROL—OF—3—ETHNIC—ALBANIA—VILLAGES but met with resistance from others.
20011004             —ANNOUNCED, PAKISTAN, that it sees sufficient grounds for 1—INDICTMENT against OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20011004             —CAPTURED, In THE—PHILIPPINES government forces, 13—MEMBERS—OF—ABU—SAYYAF and killed another in 1—SOUTHERN clash.
20011004             1—CHARTERED—RUSSIA—TUPELOV 154—AIRPLANE crashed in to the Black Sea and all 78—PEOPLE aboard were killed.
20011004             THE—SIBIR—AIRLINES—JET was bound to NOVOSIBIRSK from Tel Aviv.
20011004             1—ACCIDENTAL missile strike from UKRAINE—MILITARY—FORCES was suspected but denied by UKRAINE officials.
20011004             PRESIDENT—PUTIN said terrorists might have been responsible.
20011004             —INDICATED, —LATER evidence, that flight 18120000             was hit by an S—200—MISSILE.
20011004             —RESUMED, Swissair, flying —FOLLOWING a —2—DAY—SHUT down propped by a $281—MILLION—SWITZERLAND—GOVERNMENT—LOAN.
20011004             —REPORTED, BBC, that WASHINGTON began pressuring QATAR to "rein in" (i.e., censor) the independent television station AL—JAZEERA,
20011004             whose TV journalism is free from state interference, which results in the airing of "ANTI—AMERICAN," i.e., dissenting voices.
20011004             —ATTEMPTED, USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT also, to block THE—VOICE—OF—AMERICA—RADIO—STATION from airing 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—1—TALIBAN representative.
20011004             (To TV journalists, the independent network is controversial because their bosses do not like it.)
20011004             to claiming that unedited broadcasts of clearly ANTI—AMERICAN (read: ANTI—USA—GOVERNMENT) "diatribes" are "1—FORUM for prerecorded, PRE—TAPED propaganda inciting people to kill Americans" (NYT,
20011004             The world has been in ferment —SINCE 11.Sep2001 but why weren't there similar outcries at —EARLIER atrocities?
20011004             Its Directors include FRANK—CARLUCCI, FORMER—REAGAN—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE ;
20011004             -As OF—IT has removed its corporate web site from the World Wide Web making further investigation through that channel impossible.
20011004             —DURING his presidential campaign + his...
20011004             Strange Bedfellows Grover Norquist + Abdurahman Alamoudi.
20011004             BOSTON PHOENIX, 04.Oct2001 BY SETH—GITELL.
20011004             —DURING his presidential campaign and his 1. months in office.
20011004             Rove, Norquist + 20010911             Norquist was ALAMOUDI—MOST influential WASHINGTON facilitator...
20011004             THE—FOUNDER—OF—THAT—PROGRAM, Abdurahman Alamoudi, 51, was arrested at Dulles...
20011004             THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY - Qualifications for Employment: Norquist Connections.
20011004             forms filed by his firm, JANUS—MERRITT, Safavian was registered to lobby for Abdurahman Alamoudi.
20011004             DAVID—SAFAVIAN : ABRAMOFF—BAG—MAN
20011004             —REGISTERED, Safavian, to lobby for various foreign entities including Abdurahman Alamoudi.
20011004             SperryFiles_com 8.1a Canceled checks for major donations to GOP powerbroker Grover NORQUIST—NONPROFIT Islamic Institute from —NOW—CONVICTED terrorist Abdurahman Alamoudi...
20011004             SperryFiles_com —BUTLER in response to questions over why Norquist started 1—ISLAMIC lobbying group with a... — Abdurahman Alamoudi, —AFTER 1998's USA embassies attacks...
20011004             THE—CENTER for Security Policy - "Who is Abdurahman Alamoudi ?
20011004             We really don't know," 1—OF—THE concerned...
20011004             —RESPONDED, Norquist, by calling Gaffney 1—BIGOT and barring him from an...
20011004             MISTER—GROVER—G—NORQUIST. Chairman Emeritus.
20011004             Islamic Institute... of the Islamic Institute, the group received seed money from Abdurahman Alamoudi, then of.
20011004             The "Bloviator's" New Best Friend by MICHELLE—MALKIN -- Capitalism...
20011004             Insight investigative reporter KEN—TIMMERMAN says Norquist told the magazine he...
20011004             —CHARGED, Late —LAST—MONTH, AMC FOUNDER—ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI was, with...
20011004             —BANKROLLED, Norquist was, by terror supporter
20011004             —PROVIDED, Abdurahman Alamoudi, who, seed money to help Republican activist Grover Norquist start the Islamic Institute, was arrested —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK on the...
20011004             Salon_com News | How secure is THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY?
20011004             Counterclockwise from left: Terrorism suspect Abdurahman Alamoudi, FAISAL—GILL + his patron, Republican power broker Grover Norquist.
20011004             Salon_com News | Homeland Security INSPECTOR—GENERAL launches...
20011004             Gill, 1—PROTÉGÉ of Republican powerbroker and lobbyist Grover Norquist, did not disclose on...
20011004             —CONTROLLED, THE—NOW—DEFUNCT AMC was, by Abdurahman Alamoudi, THE—GAMBLERS—GO—BUST
20011004             Grover Norquist is known as 1—BRILLIANTLY effective strategist and ideologue... to hide it from the government Abdurahman Alamoudi plead guilty
20011004             attack, and - DIE—UKRAINE auch,1 TU—154—VON TEL—AVIV nach NOVOSIBIRSK wurde von der UKRAINE—MARINE abgeschossen.
20011004             alfatomega.com/20051121.html
20011004             Die Chapf genannte Felsnase an der Straße über den Grimselpass wird gesprengt.
20011004             Die —BIS dahin größte Sprengung der SCHWEIZER—GESCHICHTE entfernt 150.000—KUBIKMETER Gestein und bannt die Gefahr weiterer Felsstürze.
20011004             1—TUPOLEW—TU—154—DER Sibir Air, auf dem planmäßigen Flug von Tel Aviv nach Nowosibirsk, wird während einer Militärübung auf dem Schwarzen Meer versehentlich durch 1—BODEN—LUFT—RAKETE der UKRAINISCHEN—MARINE abgeschossen.
20011004             Alle 78—MENSCHEN an Bord sterben. LGER—GUARDIAN -
20011004—20011012    —ACKNOWLEDGED, UKRAINE and RUSSIA, that 1—ERRANT missile was the probable cause.
20011004—20030000    —AGREED, UKRAINE, to pay $200,000 for EACH—ISRAELI killed.
20011004—20110720    —EXECUTED, He was.
20011013             —OFFERED, UKRAINE—DEFENSE—MINISTER and air defense CHIEF, to resign, conceding that the military was involved in the explosion of 1—RUSSIA—AIRLINER over the Black Sea 20011004             that killed 78—PEOPLE.
20011029—20011004    —SINCE, 1—TOTAL—OF—37—PEOPLE have tested positive for exposure and 15—HAVE contracted the disease.
20011100             [Radio Free EUROPE, 20010910             , Newsday, 20010915             , Reuters, 20011004             ] THE—TALIBAN—ARMY had been massing for 1—ATTACK against THE—NORTH—ALLIANCE—FOR—WEEKS, but didn't attack —UNTIL hours —AFTER MASSOUD—ASSASSINATION.
20011100             [Intelligence Online, 20011004             ]—WHILE such reports are very fragmentary and speculative, it is interesting to note that SENATOR—GRAHAM said "foreign governments" - plural, not SINGULAR—WERE behind 20010911             .
20020100             Leading Edge Quarterly #20021004             Matrix II (Aliens, Abductions, Government,Military)
20020116             —PLEADED, Reid, guilty 20021004             .
20020715—20021004    —SENTENCED, He was, to —20—YEARS in prison.
20020816—20020804    —ARRESTED, SOHAM, CAMBRIDGESHIRE—ENGLAND, police, 2—PEOPLE on suspicion of murdering 1—PAIR—OF—10—YEAR—OLD—GIRLS, Holly Wells (b. 19911004             ) and Jessica Chapman (b. 19910901             ), who vanished from 1—RURAL—VILLAGE.
20021004             —ENDORSED, HANS—BLIX, UN weapons inspector, 1—USA—DEMAND that IRAQ make 1—FULL—DECLARATION—OF—ITS—WEAPONS—PROGRAM——BEFORE inspections resume.
20021004             —PLEADED, RICHARD—C—REID, guilty to trying to blow up 1—TRANS—ATLANTIC—FLIGHT with explosives hidden in his shoes and declared himself 1—FOLLOWER—OF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20021004             —ARRESTED, USA—FEDERAL—AGENTS, 4 suspected al Qaeda terrorists, 3 in PORTLAND and 1 in DETROIT.
20021004             2—OTHER suspected cell members were overseas.
20021004             A jury in LOS—ANGELES awarded former smoker Betty Bullock (19380000—20030000    ) $850,000 in medical costs and $28—BILLION in punitive damages against PHILIP—MORRIS.
20021004             THE—DJIA fell 188 to 7,528. - Nasdaq fell 25 to 1,139.
20021004             BARBADOS, delegations from RUSSIA, CUBA, SOUTH—AFRICA, COLOMBIA and FRANCE—OVERSEAS territories abandoned 1—ANTI—RACISM—CONFERENCE that voted to exclude whites saying they'll have no part in discrimination.
20021004             The walkout, on the 4. —DAY—OF—THE—6—DAY—AFRICAN and AFRICA—DESCENDANTS World Conference Against Racism, came —AFTER —1—DAY—OF—NEGOTIATIONS failed.
20021004             —VOTED, Some 200—DELEGATES had, —WEDNESDAY for whites and Asians to leave the deliberations, saying slavery was too painful 1—SUBJECT to discuss in front of NON—AFRICANS.
20021004             —ARRIVED, Foreign ministers from 6—PACIFIC nations, in JAVA—ANCIENT—ROYAL—CAPITAL—OF—YOGYAKARTA for —1—DAY—OF—TALKS that INDONESIA said would tackle the thorny ISSUE—OF—TERRORISM.
20021004             Lawmakers from rival IRAQ—KURDISH—FACTIONS met for the 1. time in —8—YEARS, in 1—RARE—SHOW—OF—POLITICAL—UNITY ahead of 1—POSSIBLE—USA—ATTACK on IRAQ.
20021004             NORTH—KOREAN—OFFICIALS told 1—VISITING USA—DELEGATION that the country has a 2. covert nuclear weapons program.
20021004             —NAMED, It was, HATF—IV (Shaheen-1) and had 1—RANGE—OF—700—KM (430—MILES).
20021004             CENTRAL—SOMALIA, heavy fighting between the Sa'ad subclan and the Majerten clan killed at least 10—PEOPLE and injured 25—OTHERS.
20021004             Regional mediators said THE—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT and southern rebels have agreed to 1—CESSATION—OF hostilities and THE—RESUMPTION—OF—PEACE—TALKS to end the country's —15—YEAR—CIVIL—WAR.
20021004—19900000    —STUNNED, NEPAL, GYANENDRA—KING—OF—, the country —WHEN he announced he was firing PRIME—MINISTER—SHER—BAHADUR—DEUBA, postponing —NOVEMBER elections and assuming direct power for the 1. time —SINCE absolute rule by the monarchy was abolished.
20021004—20021218    —ON, 1—JUDGE reduced the punitive award to $28—MILLION.
20021004—20090000    —REDUCED, The punitive portion was, to $13.8—MILLION.
20021004—20110000    —IN, This was upheld by 1—STATE—APPEALS—COURT.
20030000             According to the article of 20031004             , THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION had effected the censorship of AL—JAZEERA by threatening economic and political sanctions: If AL—JAZEERA failed to reconsider its news content, THE—E—MAIL reported the committee as having concluded, THE—USA would in turn have to reconsider its relations with QATAR.
20030000—20031003    —ON, 20031003             : REPORT—OF—USA—CENSORSHIP—OF—AL—JAZEERA—IT was reported at ArabNews_com in 1—ARTICLE + in 1—FOLLOW up article 20031004             —ON, that the Unites States had employed 1—EGREGIOUS—USE—OF—POLITICAL—FORCE to get 2—CARTOONS pulled from the news service's web sites.
20030000—20031004    —ON, --MN] Return to Chronology 20031003             20030000—20031003    —ON, 20031003             : REPORT—OF—USA—CENSORSHIP—OF—AL—JAZEERA—IT was reported at ArabNews_com in 1—ARTICLE + in 1—FOLLOW up article, that the Unites States had employed 1—EGREGIOUS—USE—OF—POLITICAL—FORCE to get 2—CARTOONS pulled from the news service's web sites.
20030900             CAMPECHE 20061004             Disposition of the resulting criminal trial of Sheldon Player was a —5—YEAR... and LAS—VEGAS Strip club entrepreneur BRADFORD Keiller with strip clubs in...
20031004             —DENIED, FRANCE swiftly, selling ANY—WEAPONS to IRAQ in VIOLATION—OF—A—UNITED—NATIONS—ARMS—EMBARGO and had stopped making the Roland missiles —15—YEARS—AGO.
20031004             † SID—MCMATH, —91—JAHRE—ALT, former 2-term GOVERNOR—OF—ARKANSAS.
20031004             SOUTH—WEST—BRAZIL, 1—SMALL—AIRPLANE carrying congressman REPRESENTATIVE—JOSE—CARLOS—MARTINEZ and 3—OTHERS went missing.
20031004             All 4 were found dead THE—NEXT—DAY.
20031004             LONDON, JAMES—FORLONG, —44—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—SKY—NEWS—TELEVISION—CORRESPONDENT who resigned —AFTER he admitted faking parts of 1—REPORT on the war in IRAQ, was found dead at his home in 1—POSSIBLE—SUICIDE.
20031004             8—INDONESIA—SOLDIERS plummeted into the ocean and were presumed dead —AFTER 1—HELICOPTER crew cut the ropes carrying them —DURING rehearsal of 1—MID—AIR stunt.
20031004             HAIFA—ISRAEL, Hanadi Taysser Darajat (29), 1—FEMALE—PALESTINE—LAWYER, blew herself up in 1 crowded Mediterranean beach restaurant, killing 21—PEOPLE including 4—CHILDREN.
20031004             1—BROTHER and cousin, Jihad terrorists, had been killed in June.
20031004             ITALY, ANTI—GLOBALIZATION—DEMONSTRATORS set fire to 1—EMPLOYMENT—AGENCY, smashed cars and windows and hurled insults at government headquarters in ROME.
20031004             OMAN, finden die 1. Wahlen statt, bei denen ALLE—PERSONEN über 21, auch Frauen, wahlberechtigt sind.
20031004—20030000    —IN, 1—SHIPMENT—OF—URANIUM—ENRICHING centrifuge gear was seized at THE—ITALY—PORT—OF—TARANTO, forcing LIBYA to admit and eventually renounce its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons.
20031004—20040000    —INSPIRED, Her suicide, 1—PIECE—OF—INSTALLATION—ART at THE—STOCKHOLM—MUSEUM titled "Snow White and THE—MADNESS—OF—TRUTH".
20031004—20090000    —IN, Urs Tinner, SUSPECTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in the world's biggest nuclear smuggling ring, said in 1—SWITZERLAND—TV documentary that he tipped off USA—INTELLIGENCE about 1—DELIVERY—OF centrifuge parts meant for LIBYA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM.
20041004             Trip Report Biology in THE—SHADOW—OF—THE—HAPSBURGS 20040510             to June... interpersonal interactions, students had 1—OPPORTUNITY to talk about NATO—POLICIES in KOSOVO, gaining insights into the foreign relations of THE—USA...
20041004             —PILOTED, GORDON—COOPER, Faith 7—AROUND Earth on 20040515—19630516.
20041004             —PILOTED, GORDON—COOPER, Faith 7—AROUND Earth on 20040515—20160515    , 19630000             .
20041004             13. - PMH, 19380804             .
20041004             POLAND to pull troops from IRAQ by end of 20050000             : defense MINISTER: His comments in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—POLAND—PUBLIC—RADIO marked the 1. time 1—WARSAW official has 20040901             —PRECISE—TIMETABLE concerning THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—POLAND—TROOPS from IRAQ.
20041004             Americans DOCTOR—RICHARD—AXEL, —58—JAHRE—ALT—OF—COLUMBIA Univ. and Linda Buck (57) of THE—FRED—HUTCHINSON—CANCER—CENTER in SEATTLE won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for their 19910000             DISCOVERY—OF—HOW people recognize odors.
20041004             —PILOTED, MIKE—MELVILL, SpaceShipOne, designed by Burt Rutan, climbed to 367,442 feet in a 2. leg and captured the $10—MILLION—ANSARI X Prize.
20041004             —ACCOMPANIED, The single pilot was, by the weight of 2—OTHERS to meet a 3-person requirement.
20041004             —APPROVED, CAMBODIA—LEGISLATURE, 1—LONG—DELAYED agreement to put surviving Khmer Rouge leaders on trial for atrocities that claimed nearly 2—MILLION—LIVES —DURING their murderous rule in the late 1970s.
20041004             THE—DENMARK—SCIENCE—MINISTRY said it aims to show THE—NORTH—POLE belongs to DENMARK and is sending 1—EXPEDITION to try to prove that the seabed there is 1—NATURAL—CONTINUATION—OF—DENMARK—TERRITORY.
20041004             Officials in HAITI said they have found hundreds more bodies, raising the death toll from Tropical Storm Jeanne to nearly 2,000—PEOPLE.
20041004             —LATER estimates put the death toll at 3,000.
20041004             —ATTACKED, Suspected separatist rebels, sleeping villagers in NORTH—EAST—INDIA, killing 6 in a 3. —DAY—OF—EXPLOSIONS and gun attacks that have left at least 63—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20041004             —CONFIRMED, Retired general Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was, as INDONESIA—NEXT—LEADER as final counting from the country's 1. direct presidential polls gave him 1—LANDSLIDE victory over his predecessor.
20041004             —UNLEASHED, Insurgents, 1—PAIR of powerful car bombs near THE—SYMBOL—OF—USA—AUTHORITY in IRAQ, the Green Zone, where THE—USA—EMBASSY and key government offices are located as well as hotels occupied by HUNDREDS—OF—FOREIGNERS.
20041004             2—OTHER—EXPLOSIONS brought THE—DAY—BOMBING toll to at least 26—DEAD and more than 100 wounded.
20041004             6—SEPARATIST—REBELS were killed in 1—CLASH between separatist rebels and security forces in 1—THICKLY forested area in JAMMU and Kashmir.
20041004             —FIRED, PALESTINE—MILITANTS, off 2—MORE—ROCKETS at THE—ISRAEL—TOWN—OF—SDEROT, lightly wounding 1—PERSON, according to rescue workers.
20041004             —KILLED, Ongoing violence in NORTH—GAZA, at least 7—PALESTINIANS, including 1—TEENAGER.
20041004             —REPLACED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD, about 1—3. of his Cabinet, bringing new faces to the key interior and information ministries.
20041004             —REPORTED, It was, that VIETNAM had embarked on 1—MAJOR—OVERHAUL—OF—ITS—DEBT—LADEN companies as it opens up its economy.
20041004             oo Tiger Woods, SWEDEN—MODEL Elin Nordegren in BARBADOS.
20041004             Video: DANCE—OF—DEATH: Soldiers and their families speak out against the war.
20041004             Lambs led to slaughter or centurions for the Empire?
20041004             1—MUST—WATCH—DOCUMENTARY
20041004             Congress' Abdication of Oversight Responsibility : 1—OF—CONGRESS' main constitutional responsibilities is to conduct oversight to check ABUSES—OF—POWER by other BRANCHES—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20041004             —TODAY, REPRESENTATIVE—WAXMAN releases 1—FACT—SHEET detailing the Republican leadership's —4—YEAR—FAILURE to conduct investigations into ALLEGATIONS—OF—MISCONDUCT involving BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS.
20041004             pdf FILE—HOUSE told to alter intelligence bill : THE—WHITE—HOUSE has told House Republicans that it wants them to remove provisions in their INTELLIGENCE—OVERHAUL—BILL that would crack down on illegal aliens' obtaining drivers' licenses, allow easier deportation and limit the use of foreign consular ID cards.
20041004             3—NUNS and 1—UNHOLY case : The judge's question was like 1—BUNKER—BUSTER to THE—HEART—OF—THE—CASE.
20041004             Was all this really necessary?
20041004             Dick CHENEY—REAL—RECORD—CHENEY—LIED—ABOUT—WMD s + Hussein s Links to AL—QAEDA—
20041004             Divided against itself:
20041004             If Americans choose Bush over Kerry, it will be from fear, 1—LACK—OF—CHOICE - + 1—PREFERENCE for power over safety
20041004             Bush+THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY+ Eliminating Competition through "Strategic Initiatives":
20041004             It does not take 1—GENIUS or rocket scientist to see + understand the direction this nation is being led under Bush + THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY'S "leadership" 1—THEOCRACY—OLIGARCHY combination, a 1—PARTY—SYSTEM, 1—AMERICAN "Taliban "
20041004             -for hours —FRIDAY-
20041004             —FALSIFIED, FOX—NEWS—SITE—POSTS, Kerry quotes : 1—STORY containing false quotes attributed to SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY was —POSTED on FOX—NEWS—CHANNEL—WEB—SITE.
20041004             —PULLED, The article was, —FRIDAY afternoon + FOX—NEWS apologized.
20041004             FOX—NEWS—KERRY "Metrosexual" Article As It Appeared On FOX—NEWS—WEBSITE
20041004             Where are the Martha GELLHORNS—OF—TODAY?
20041004             In 1—EXCLUSIVE extract from his new book, JOHN—PILGER argues that investigative journalism still matters
20041004             "We're Going To Try To Get You Off THE—BALLOT—IN—ALL—OF—THE—CLOSE—STATES"
20041004             Kerry, Newest Neocon : On both military tactics and grand strategy, the newest neoconservative announced doctrines more hawkish than PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20041004             USA—POLICIES—STIR More Fear Than Confidence : 1—GROWING number of nations no longer look to THE—USA for leadership and sanctuary.
20041004             —PERCEIVED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—UNILATERALIST—POLICIES in IRAQ and its, aloofness have left it less trusted at 1—TIME—OF widening global vulnerability, according to polls and interviews in more than 30—COUNTRIES.
20041004             Longtime CIA official laments surging BATTLE—WITH—WHITE—HOUSE : JAMES—PAVITT spent —31—YEARS at THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, the last 5 as head of the clandestine service.
20041004             But never, Pavitt said —FRIDAY, does he recall anything like "the viciousness and vindictiveness" —NOW playing out in 1—BATTLE between those aligned with THE—WHITE—HOUSE and THE—CIA.
20041004             RULE—OF—VIOLENCE : Guantánamo is, in fact, in flagrant breach of this fundamental piece of INTERNATIONAL law.
20041004             Paramilitaries shoot Aristide supporters: Reports are surfacing from MANY—NEIGHBORHOODS in THE—CAPITAL—OF—PARAMILITARY—FORCES aligned with THE—USA—BACKED REGIME—OF—LATORTUE patrolling at night and shooting suspected supporters of ousted PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE.
20041004             More on this topic
20041004             —CLEANSED, JOHN—PILGER: PARADISE :
20041004             Our DEPORTATION—OF—THE—PEOPLE—OF—DIEGO—GARCIA is 1—CRIME that cannot stand
20041004             Sentenced to Be Raped: I firmly believe that the central moral challenge of this —CENTURY, equivalent to the struggles against slavery in the 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY or against totalitarianism in the 20., will be to address sex inequality in the 3. WORLD—AND it's THE—STORIES—OF—WOMEN—LIKE—MISS—MUKHTARAN that convince me this is so.
20041004             FOX—NEWS - Response by COMMISSIONER—GENERAL—PETER—HANSEN to allegations regarding misuse of 1—UN—VEHICLE:
20041004             It is not the 1. time that the Government of ISRAEL has propagated falsehoods against UNRWA:
20041004             Citing CIVIL—CASUALTIES, Annan calls on ISRAEL to stop incursions in GAZA Strip : The operations "have led to the deaths of scores of Palestinians, among them MANY—CIVILIANS, including children," 1—SPOKESMAN for MISTER—ANNAN noted in 1—STATEMENT issued —ON—SUNDAY.
20041004             WILLIAM—S—LIND: THE—GRAND—ILLUSION:
20041004             "—THROUGHOUT history, armies of hirelings have melted at 1—TOUCH——WHEN faced with people fighting for something they believe in. "
20041004             Italians fall OUT—OF—LOVE with 'two Simonas' : ITALY—ADORATION—OF—THE "2—SIMONAS", the women aid workers abducted in IRAQ, began to sour —YESTERDAY, as the extent of their sympathy for THE—IRAQ—FIGHT against the allied occupation became clear.
20041004             To quit IRAQ —NOW would be as shocking as the invasion : The weekend battles in SAMARRA are likely to prove only 1—FORETASTE of what will follow in IRAQ if + —WHEN GEORGE—BUSH has secured RE—ELECTION.
20041004             Once casualties become less politically embarrassing, he will launch USA—TROOPS on 1 intensified offensive to crush the insurgency in advance of 20050100             elections.
20041004             1—SHIITE—SUNNI—ISLAMIST 'high command' may be forming : There are ominous signs that, far from dying down, the conflicts in THE—MIDDLE—EAST are set to widen in the coming months, sucking in new actors + posing new threats to theUSA + its allies.
20041004             IRAQ—GIRL—BLOG: SAMARRA Burning...
20041004             It's like 1—NIGHTMARE within 1—NIGHTMARE, seeing the corpses pile up and watching people drag their loved ones from under the bricks and steel of what was once 1—HOME.
20041004             This is 1—MASSACRE, Not 1—WAR in IRAQ:
20041004             Woe unto us for allowing the madman Bush to kill people in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and by proxy, in Palestine.
20041004             —PROPHESIED, SOME—DAY, as MALCOLM—X, "The chickens will come home to roost".
20041004             —DEFINED, THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF have, psychological operations (PSYOPS) as those that:
20041004             " include psychological warfare and, in addition, encompass those political, military, economic and ideological actions planned and conducted to create in neutral or friendly foreign groups the emotions, attitudes, or behavior to support achievement of national objectives. " Another proposal" develops the concept of 'strategic psychological operations' as aimed at influencing and shaping DECISION—MAKERS' power to govern or control their followers ".
20041004             Wake up AMERICA, we THE—USA—PEOPLE, are among the groups being targeted and controlled.
20041004             These psychological operations rob USA—CITIZENS—OF—THE—PRESENT, by creating false reality worlds.
20041004             —CREATED, These false reality worlds are, to trick THE—USA—PUBLIC into acting not in their own best interest but in the best interest of 1—GROUP—OF—SUBTLE—FASCISTS intent on creating 1—WORLD—ORDER under their control.
20041004             THE—SPECIAL—GROUP is alive and well —TODAY.
20041004             It CONSISTS—OF—THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE + THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CIA, none of which are elected officials.
20041004             The only way to abolish this ad hoc committee is to abolish THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE, THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY and THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—STATE.
20041004             PRESIDENT—CLINTON, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—WARREN—CHRISTOPHER + DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CIA—JOHN—DEUTCH and his predecessor JAMES—WOOLSELY belong to the Council on Foreign Relations.
20041004             Les Aspin, SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—WILLIAM—PERRY—PREDECESSOR also belonged to the Council on Foreign Relations.
20041004             Bush Blasts Kerry, Signs Tax BILL—IN—IOWA
20041004             Eternal DARKNESS—OF—THE—USA—MIND: MANUEL—VALENZUELAS: Our government is as much 1—TERRORIST as those in Beslam, BALI—NEW—YORK + MADRID.
20041004             It is time we stop thinking ourselves the enlightened culture we are not.
20041004             It is time to stop 1—HYPOCRISY that seems to validate the atrocities we commit —WHILE castigating those made against us.
20041004             USA—ELECTIONS 20040000             Polls show JOHN—KERRY making up ground on GEORGE—BUSH —FOLLOWING the pair's 1. televised debate, watched by —AROUND 60—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20041004             —CLAIMED, In 1—SPEECH in MIAMI, Rumsfeld : 'Detaining enemy combatants... can help us prevent future ACTS—OF—TERRORISM.
20041004             —CONVINCED, It can save lives and I am, it can speed victory.'
20041004             —WORKED, However, Christino says, GENERAL—MILLER had never, in intelligence —BEFORE being assigned to Guantánamo + his system seems almost calculated to produce entirely bogus confessions.
20041004             —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR, 3—BRITISH released detainees, ASIF—IQBAL, Shafiq RASUL—RHUHEL—AHMED, revealed that they had all confessed to meeting OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and MOHAMED—ATTA, leader of 20040911             —THE hijackers, at 1—CAMP in AFGHANISTAN 20000000             —IN.
20041004             —CRACKED, All had, —AFTER—3—MONTHS isolated in solitary confinement and interrogation sessions in chains that lasted up to —12—HOURS—DAILY.
20041004             —PROVED, Eventually, MI5, what they had said —INITIALLY—THAT none had left THE—UK—THAT—YEAR.
20041004             Rasul had been working at 1—BRANCH—OF—CURRYS.
20041004             The disclosures come on THE—EVE—OF—1—HOUSE—OF—LORDS—APPEAL on the fate of the foreign terrorist suspects held without trial in UK—PRISONS.
20041004             Tomorrow, the Lords will determine whether it was lawful for the government to opt out of the European Convention on Human Rights to allow for THE—DETENTION—OF—THE—MEN at Belmarsh and Woodhill prisons.
20041004             —BELIEVED, It is widely, that SOME—OF—THE—MEN are held on evidence obtained from prisoners at Guantánamo.
20041004             1—OFFICER from MI5 admitted under CROSS—EXAMINATION by lawyers acting for the detainees that THE—UK—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES would make USE—OF—INFORMATION obtained under torture by foreign governments.
20041004             The real world is PRESIDENT—BUSH—ACHILLES' heel.
20041004             He can't keep his distance from it forever.
20041004             MISTER—BUSH is 1—MAN who will frequently tell YOU—AND may even BELIEVE—THAT up is down, or square is round, —WHEN logic and all the available evidence say otherwise.
20041004             —DISPLAYED, —DURING the debate, this was most clearly, —WHEN, in response to 1—QUESTION about the war in IRAQ, MISTER—BUSH told the moderator, JIM—LEHRER, "The enemy attacked us, Jim + I have 1—SOLEMN duty to protect THE—USA—PEOPLE, to do everything I can to protect us".
20041004             —TRIED, Bush and Reality PRESIDENT—BUSH has, to portray the war in IRAQ as the right thing to do.
20041004             But the violence + chaos suggest otherwise to voters.
20041004             —SEEMED, THE—PRESIDENT, listless, defensive + not particularly well prepared.
20041004             His facial expressions + body language at times were odd.
20041004             —DISMAYED, SOME—OF—HIS—STRONGEST—SUPPORTERS were, by his performance + polls are showing they had reason to be concerned.
20041004             Börse —AM—ABEND: Dax knackt 4000—PUNKTE—MARKE
20041004             Arbeitsmarkt: Die Herbstbelebung fällt aus
20041004             Minderheitsregierung in Köln: SCHWARZ—GRÜN will weitermachen
20041004             "ManU"-Übernahme: Fans erklären USA—MILLIARDÄR den Krieg - Sony: Abschied vom Kopierschutz
20041004             Verbotene Prostitution: USA—SOLDATEN droht Hormonstau
20041004             —GEWINNT, Historischer Weltraumflug: "Space Ship 1", den "X—PRIZE"
20041004             "X—PRIZE": "Space Ship 1" startet zum Entscheidungsflug
20041004             Opinion: Bush and Reality - Wahlen in BRASILIEN: Lula kann aufatmen
20041004             Auszeichnung: MEDIZIN—NOBELPREIS geht an 2—USA—FORSCHER
20041004             Aktionskünstler gegen Bush: Guerilla unter Magnolien
20041004             AUSTRALIEN: Vibrator löst Bombenalarm aus
20041004             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "No news in the newspapers"
20041004             Plastikgeld: Handel beklagt Verluste durch EC—KARTEN
20041004             BUNDESLIGA—KOMMENTAR: Rette sich vor Kahn
20041004             Karembeu: Miss Wonderbra als nymphomanische Tänzerin
20041004             iMute: Selektiv hören, selektiv gehorchen - USA—WAHLKAMPF: Neue Hoffnung für Kerry
20041004             NAHOST—KRISE: Annan fordert vergeblich ENDE—DER—GEWALT
20041004             Guest Column: Exposing the Lies about Pfc. Lynch
20041004             —BY THOMAS—WAY, DefenseWatch Guest Contributor
20041004             I hate to say this, but COLONEL—DAVID—HACKWORTH was way out in left field regarding THE—CAPTURE—OF—PFC.
20041004             Jessica Lynch ("—WHILE AMERICA SLEPT," DefenseWatch.
20041004             I know that he has had sources give him the party line, but the truth on this 1 has been kept so compartmentalized that it is very hard to find out what really happened.
20041004             —INVOLVED, Everyone who was, with Jessica LYNCH—RESCUE, treatment + anything else has been read the riot act big time.
20041004             —THREATENED, Most have had their careers, if they said anything about what really happened to Jessica —WHILE she was 1—PRISONER—OF—WAR.
20041004             Even the Marines who fought in the diversionary raid on the Ba'ath Party HQ were told to say nothing.
20041004             THE—VOICE in BUSH—EAR—SOME—OF—THE—COMMENTS being —POSTED about the Bush earpiece on other sites are clearly planted by Bush supporters who hope the story won't make it out, [Postscript, —FRIDAY a.m: Salon —JUST—POSTED 1—STORY by DAVE—LINDORFF, adding 1—BIT—MORE to his Counterpunch piece] because —WHEN people start thinking about it, it's obvious that BUSH—BEEN doing this for at least —4—YEARS in plain view.
20041004             And there goes the election for the Republicans: THE—PRESIDENT is not only 1—MISERABLE flub, but 1—CHEAT.
20041004             That's why Drudge et al are puffing up silly stories about KERRY—PEN!
20041004             Svetlana TITOVA—PERSONAL—PAGES... USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—EDUCATION; Foreign Relations of THE—USA.
20041004             USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT. CHRONOLOGY—OF—USA historical documents.
20041004             Svetlana TITOVA—PERSONAL—PAGES... WHITE—HOUSE Site;
20041004             USA—TRAVEL and Geography; Gateway to AFRICA—USA—HISTORY;
20041004             Famous USA—SPEECHES; Foreign Relations of THE—USA...
20041004             —FROM Trianon to the 1. VIENNA Arbitral Award... Foreign Relations of THE—USA, 19380000             , I, 57.
20041004             10. - PRO., FO., 341/21426, 194. - 11. - Ibid., 211. - 12. - Ibid., 222.
20041004             As THE—MAJORITY—OF—THE—WORLD cannot survive for very long without these natural resources to sustain their lives this is the abyss that will motivate active resistance.
20041004             —GEWINNT, Beginn des privaten Raumflugzeitalters: SpaceShipOne, den Ansari X—PRIZE durch den 2. Flug über 100—KM Höhe innerhalb von —2—WOCHEN.
20041004             Pilot bei diesem Flug ist BRIAN—BINNIE.
20041004—20040800    —IN, 1—HIGH—COURT—APPEAL found that it was lawful for THE—UK—GOVERNMENT to use information obtained under torture by foreign governments to avert 1—IMMINENT—ATTACK, but there was no evidence that it had done so in THE—CASE—OF—THE—DETAINEES held in UK jails.
20041004—20050000    —ENDE—BIS, IRAK—EINSATZ: POLNISCHE—TRUPPEN ziehen ab
20041004—20080000    —RETRACTED, Linda Buck and her CO—AUTHORS, their 20010000             paper on smell due to inconsistencies on data.
20041102—20041004    —SINCE, 1—BARREL—OF—LIGHT—CRUDE—FOR—DECEMBER delivery closed at $49.62, down 51—CENTS, on THE—NEW—YORK Mercantile EXCHANGE—THE—LOWEST—SETTLEMENT—PRICE.
20041102—20041004    —SINCE, delivery closed at $49.62, down 51—CENTS, on THE—NEW—YORK Mercantile EXCHANGE—THE—LOWEST—SETTLEMENT—PRICE.
20041106             The designers of SpaceShipOne, the 1. privately manned rocket to burst into space 20041004             —SEE, were handed a $10—MILLION—CHECK and the Ansari X Prize trophy.
20050131             Date/Time: 20050131214537       SUBJECT: Handbook subjects Date: Sun, 19981004             0000070636       —JAHR -0500 ...
20050131214537       SUBJECT: Handbook subjects Date: Sun, 19981004             0000070636        -0500 ...
20050131214537       —JAHRSUBJECT: Handbook subjects Date: Sun, 19981004             0000070636       —JAHR -0500 ...
20050131214537       SUBJECT: Handbook subjects Date: Sun, 19981004070636        -0500 ...
20050306             WBAI—NEW—YORK, 19991004             .
20050306             WASHINGTON Times 19880725             (3).
20050306             - WBAI—NEW—YORK, 19991004             .
20050310             Subject: Handbook subjects Date: Sun, 199810040500         ... TO MADDOX....\152 \ RUBY, JACK: PHOTOS.....146 \ RUBY... 158 \ SOG.....SEE\...DEA/SOG\ SOGHANALIAN, SARKIS.....051 \ SOLDIERS OF...
20050324             KindGuy Warnings : 666 33. Degree Freemason Gender: Joined: 20031004             Posts:
20050324             TVAus_com :: Big Dick Cheney Swears His Ass OFF—THE—REAL—LIFE... KindGuy Warnings : 666 33. Degree Freemason Gender: Joined: 20031004             Posts: 3937 ... JAMES—WOOLSEY, who works for the consulting firm of Booz, Allen, HAMILTON...
20050400             Kaiser Familiy Foundation, 20061004             ]
20050627             —HIJACKED, SOMALIA, gunman, THE—MV—SEMLOW, 1—SHIP carrying food aid, and held the vessel —FOR—100—DAYS—BEFORE it was released 20051004             .
20050824—20051004    —EXPECTED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS said that THE—ISRAEL—ARMY is, to leave THE—GAZA—STRIP at the latest.
20051004             —DEFENDED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, his SUPREME—COURT nominee, HARRIET—MIERS, from suggestions by SOME—SKEPTICAL—REPUBLICANS that she was not conservative enough, and insisted Miers shared his STRICT—CONSTRUCTIONIST—VIEWS.
20051004             —ENDED, Miers, up withdrawing.
20051004             Americans JOHN—L—HALL and ROY—J—GLAUBER and GERMANY—THEODOR—W—HAENSCH won 20050000             —THE—NOBEL—PRIZE in physics for work that could lead to better LONG—DISTANCE—COMMUNICATION and more precise navigation worldwide and in space.
20051004             —UNVEILED, THE—USA—MINT, the design for 1—NEW—JEFFERSON nickel called the Jefferson 18000000             , designed by JAMIE—FRANKI.
20051004             THE—DJIA fell 94.37 to 10,441.11.
20051004             —ESTIMATED, Insurance claims for Hurricane Katrina were, at $34.4—BILLION in personal and commercial property loss claims.
20051004             —SLAMMED, Hurricane Stan, into MEXICO—GULF coast.
20051004             —SELECTED, PHILADELPHIA, EarthLink to run its municipal wireless system.
20051004             According to THE—IMF major oil producers were —NOW 1—BIGGER—SOURCE—OF—FUNDS for financial markets and USA creditors than CHINA, JAPAN and the rest of ASIA.
20051004             —ANNOUNCED, Google and Sun Microsystems, 1—ALLIANCE to promote EACH—OTHER—PRODUCTS.
20051004             —REPORTED, It was, that phthalate chemicals, used in 1—WIDE—VARIETY—OF—PRODUCTS from toys to cosmetics, had been found to block the action of fetal androgens in rodents.
20051004             Androgen hormones are critical in developing males.
20051004             —EXPLODED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMB, near 1—KEY crossing point on THE—AFGHANISTAN—PAKISTAN border, killing 3—PEOPLE and wounding 20.
20051004             —BLAMED, Authorities, Taliban insurgents.
20051004             LONDON, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN met with EU leaders for talks on expanding cooperation in the fight against crime, including terrorism, and strengthening trade ties.
20051004             1—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—PANEL said it identified more than 17,000—PEOPLE with varying LEVELS—OF—BLOOD on their hands for abetting 19950000             —THE—SREBRENICA massacre.
20051004             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that raging floodwaters spawned by Typhoon Longwang along the southeastern coast swept away 59—PARAMILITARY—POLICE—OFFICERS and washed away 2—BUILDINGS at 1—MILITARY training school.
20051004             —ORDERED, COLOMBIA, 1—JUDGE, THE—RE—ARREST—OF—1—MAN in 1—WHEELCHAIR who hijacked 1—COLOMBIA—AIRLINER, but said he could remain under house arrest due to his failing health.
20051004             —GRANTED, COLOMBIA, political asylum to FORMER—ECUADOR—PRESIDENT—LUCIO—GUTIERREZ, who has said he faces treason charges in his homeland.
20051004             —DELAYED, CROATIA began, EU membership talks, —AFTER UN CHIEF war crimes prosecutor Carla del Ponte endorsed ZAGREB—COOPERATION with her court.
20051004             FRANCE—PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC said that TURKEY would need to undergo a "major cultural revolution" —BEFORE entering THE—EU, and he reiterated that FRANCE would hold 1—REFERENDUM on admitting ANKARA to the bloc.
20051004             —REPORTED, It was, that FRANCE—ATTORNEY—JEAN—MARC—GOLDNADEL had launched classaction.fr, 1—FRANCE—WEB—SITE that lets users sign up to lawsuits online for as little as 12—EUROS ($14.50).
20051004             —HACKED, INDIA—NORTHEAST, 11—PEOPLE, including 5—VILLAGERS, to death by rival tribesmen, were reported killed.
20051004             —RAGED, Separatist insurgencies have, in Manipur and Assam states for the past —2—DECADES.
20051004             —RAISED, INDONESIA—CENTRAL—BANK, interest rates for the 3. time in —5—WEEKS 1—POINT to 11% in 1—EFFORT to keep 1—LID on inflation.
20051004             1. —DAY—OF—RAMADAN began for Muslims.
20051004             —APPROVED, IRAQ—LAWMAKERS, the death penalty for anyone financing or "provoking" terrorism.
20051004             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB exploded at 1—CHECKPOINT at the main ENTRANCE—OF—BAGHDAD—GREEN—ZONE, killing 2—IRAQ—POLICEMEN and wounding 1.
20051004             —LAUNCHED, WEST—IRAQ, some 2,500—USA—TROOPS along with IRAQ—FORCES, their 2. major offensive in —1—WEEK, sweeping into 3—TOWNS to take them back from insurgents who had killed Marines there —LAST—MONTH.
20051004             —ENDORSED, JAPAN—CABINET, a —1—YEAR—EXTENSION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—NAVAL—MISSION to support USA—LED troops in AFGHANISTAN, citing renewed concerns about terrorism —AFTER the recent bombings in INDONESIA.
20051004             —KILLED, NIGERIA, at least 3—CIVILIANS were, in crossfire and 1—LAGOS police headquarters was burned down —AFTER 1—DISPUTE between armed police and soldiers erupted in street fighting.
20051004             Witnesses said that brawling broke out —AFTER 1—ARMY—OFFICER tried to prevent 1—POLICE—PATROL extorting 1—ILLEGAL 20—NAIRA (7—CENT) toll from 1—MOTORCYCLE taxi driver.
20051004             † JIM—GRAY (43), 1—OF—NORTH—IRELAND—MOST HIGH—PROFILE—PROTESTANT—MILITANTS was shot to death outside his home in EAST—BELFAST, more than —6—MONTHS—AFTER he was ousted by his outlawed group.
20051004             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES, ABDUL—LATIF—HAKIMI, THE—CHIEF—SPOKESMAN—OF—AFGHANISTAN'S ousted Taliban regime, describing his capture as 1—MAJOR—BLOW to the Islamic militia.
20051004             1—PALESTINE—WOMAN brandishing 1—KNIFE stabbed and wounded 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER at 1—CHECKPOINT outside THE—WEST—BANK—CITY—OF—NABLUS —BEFORE other soldiers shot and killed her.
20051004             PERU, Maritza Garrido Lecca, 1—FORMER ballet teacher who used her dance studio to hide Shining Path FOUNDER—ABIMAEL—GUZMAN, was sentenced to —20—YEARS in prison —AFTER a —3—MONTH—CIVIL—RETRIAL.
20051004             NICHOLAS—SHAKESPEARE used the story as inspiration for his novel "THE—DANCER—UPSTAIRS" (19950000             ), which JOHN—MALKOVICH turned into a 20020000             movie of the same name, starring Javier Bardem.
20051004             1—THE—PHILIPPINES—PROVINCIAL—GOVERNMENT filed 1—LAWSUIT in NEVADA accusing CANADA—MINING giant Placer Dome INCORPORATED of damaging the environment and HEALTH—OF—RESIDENTS—OF 1—ISLAND about 100—MILES—SOUTH—OF—MANILA.
20051004             —BLAMED, Placer Dome was, for a 19960300             environmental accident that sent MILLIONS—OF—TONS—OF—OPEN—PIT copper mine waste down 1—RIVER to the Marinduque capital, Boac.
20051004             SPAIN said it will build a 3. HIGH—SECURITY—FENCE between its Melilla enclave and MOROCCO —AFTER undocumented immigrants repeatedly stormed 2—EXISTING barriers.
20051004             UN peacekeepers preparing to pull out of SIERRA—LEONE said they have completed the mission they began —6—YEARS—AGO but warn the country still has 1—LONG—WAY to go —BEFORE it recovers from 1—OF—AFRICA—MOST brutal wars.
20051004             SUDAN—GOVERNMENT and rebels from Darfur met for a 2. —DAY—OF—TALKS in NIGERIA.
20051004             —URGED, The visiting HOLLAND—PM, all parties to reach 1—POWER—SHARING deal by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20051004             1—NEW—SYRIA—TV—SERIES began broadcasting —AROUND THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20051004             It tells the story of Arabs living in residential compounds in SAUDI—ARABIA and the militant Islamists who want to blow them up so they can collect their rewards in heaven, 72—BEAUTIFUL virgins.
20051004             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—LABOR—MINISTRY, that company executives will find their names on 1—SHEET—OF shame published by the government if they don't start paying wages to their laborers.
20051004             —WARNED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—ETHIOPIA and ERITREA against reigniting their border war and urged ERITREA to —IMMEDIATELY reverse its ban on all helicopter flights by UN peacekeepers.
20051004             —REDUCED, VENEZUELA said it has, its HOLDINGS—OF—USA—TREASURY—SECURITIES and moved SOME—FOREIGN—EXCHANGE—RESERVES into European investments.
20051004             WASHINGTON—POST - THE—TEXAS prosecutor overseeing 1—INVESTIGATION—OF—FORMER—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DELAY (R—TEXAS) fired back —YESTERDAY at criticism by DELAY—LAWYER s that he brought 1—NEW—INDICTMENT against the powerful legislator —ON—MONDAY to fix 1—LEGAL flaw in the
20051004             DeLay Faces 2. Indictment - NPR USA—NEWS
20051004             —INDICTED, REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY (R—TX ) is, for a 2. TIME—THIS time on money laundering charges.
20051004             —CHARGED, —LAST—WEEK, DeLay was, with criminal conspi racy, which forced him to step down as House majority leader.
20051004             —CONVICTED, If, he could —NOW face up to —20—YEARS IN—DELAY Faces 2. Indictment
20051004             —INDICTED, DeLay, on new charges - Reuters
20051004             —INDICTED, AUSTIN—TEXAS (Reuters ) - 1—TEXAS grand jury —ON—MONDAY, USA—REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY on 2—NEW felony charges including money laundering, —FOLLOWING 1—CONSPI racy indictment —LAST—WEEK which forced him to step aside as the 2.—RANKING Republican i
20051004             DeLay Queries Go To THATCHER—OFFICE
20051004             have been questioned in 1—PROBE—OF—REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY (R—TEXAS), who is charged with criminal conspiracy
20051004             regarding corporate political donations, her office said.
20051004             TEXAS Grand Jury Indicts DeLay on Money Laundering Charge
20051004             SEAL said... Take out the Nazi playbook + lay it side by side with the past —5—YEARS—OF—THIS...
20051004             MoxieGrrrl_com: Terror Plot Uncorroborated
20051004—20051005    CANADA, TORONTO—CHIEF—MEDICAL—OFFICER said 4—MORE—RESIDENTS—OF—1—NURSING home for the elderly have † of 1—UNKNOWN respiratory illness, bringing the number fatally infected by the disease to 10.
20051004—20051005    Officials said Legionnaires' disease was the likely cause as the deaths rose to 16.
20051004—20051009    THE—WORLD—GOLF—CHAMPIONSHIPS took place at Harding Park Golf Course along Lake Merced in SF—CALIFORNIA.
20051004—20060000    —IN, It will begin circulating.
20051120             —TUESDAY, 20051004             20060221—20061004    —ON, And at 1—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—CONFERENCE.---- Bush reflected:
20060316             According to the article of 20061004             , THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION had effected the censorship of AL—JAZEERA by threatening economic and political sanctions:
20060316—20061004    —ON, + in 1—FOLLOW up article ,
20060502             Monetary unit: IRAN—RIAL, with (19931004             ) 1—FREE—RATE—OF—1,587 rials to USA $1 (2,404 rials = £ 1—STERLING).
20060809             CAMPECHE 20061004             cash out pattern, Khashoggi, Titan press release, ARGYLL—EQUITIES, Nigerian 419, FRANK—COWLES, EDWIN—WILSON, drugs, Amdocs Ltd, L3, Global Crossing...
20060927             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MILITARY whistleblower comes forward with key information STEVE—WATSON / Infowars | 20061004—20060926    —ON, The demonstration took place at THE—CALIFORNIA—CLEAN—TECH—OPEN—COMPETITION in S—FRANCISCO.
20061004             WALSH: You know that was always the issue on Capitol Hill + I think that his response in the past was that "That's my business and would you ask PRESIDENT—BUSH or would you ask, you know, Chairman HARRY—REED if he was straight?" I think in the 20010101—21001231    , people have 1—RIGHT to keep their sexuality, you know, to themselves.
20061004             "According to 1—ADMINISTRATION—SOURCE who requested anonymity, if the Senate does not vote on BOLTON —BEFORE his current recess appointment expires 20061218             , THE—PRESIDENT
20061004             SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD—INTERVIEWS with MISTER—BOB—WOODWARD / Part I - sfux Defenselink: 20060706             and 7, 20060000             / Part I
20061004             Dow Jones closes at record high THE—DOW—JONES hits 1—ALL—TIME closing high, beating its record 20060906             —YEARS ago as oil prices continue to slide.
20061004             PROFESSOR—HEX 20061004             Protest Against Bush Attack on IRAN at NORFOLK Naval Base: Nuclear carrier strike group led by THE—USS—EISENHOWER said to be steaming out of NORFOLK —ON—TUESDAY, 20061003             .
20061004             —AWARDED, A—USA—FEDERAL—COURT, $143—MILLION to 3 closed nuclear power plants because the government failed to remove spent fuel rods.
20061004             —LOCATED, THE—3—YANKEE company reactors were, in CONNECTICUT, MAINE, and MASSACHUSETTS.
20061004             Ousted HEWLETT—PACKARD Chairwoman PATRICIA—DUNN (19530000—20110000    ), 1—COMPANY—OFFICER and 3—INVESTIGATORS were charged with violating CALIFORNIA privacy laws in 1—CORPORATE spying scandal.
20061004             —DROPPED, The charges were —LATER, with 1—JUDGE calling their conduct a "BETRAYAL—OF—TRUST and honor" that nonetheless did not rise to the level of criminal activity.
20061004             USA—ROGER—D—KORNBERG, whose father won 1—NOBEL Prize 1—HALF—CENTURY ago, was awarded the prize in chemistry for his studies of how cells take information from genes to produce proteins.
20061004             1—PHILADELPHIA jury awarded 1—WOMAN $1—MILLION and her husband $500,000 in compensatory damages —AFTER finding that WYETH—HORMONE replacement drug Prempro was 1—CAUSE—OF—HER breast cancer.
20061004             In the 1. FEDERAL—PREMPRO trial, 1—JURY——LAST—MONTH in LITTLE—ROCK, ARKANSAS found Wyeth was not negligent and had adequately warned patients and DOCTORS—OF—THE—CANCER—RISK associated with the drug.
20061004             —FACED, Wyeth, some 5,000 lawsuits involving its hormone replacement drugs.
20061004             THE—DJIA rose 123.27 to 11,850.61, to close at record high for the 2. —DAY in 1—ROW.
20061004             Nasdaq rose 47.30 to 2,290.
20061004             —DEDICATED, BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA, the new 2,002-acre Eastshore STATE—PARK was.
20061004             The 8.5—MILE strip ran north along THE—EAST—BAY from the Bay Bridge to RICHMOND.
20061004             —REPORTED, Scientists, that the Hubble Space Telescope had revealed 16—OBJECTS about the size of Jupiter near the center of the Milky Way and that the discovery gave strong evidence that planets are abundant in other parts of the galaxy.
20061004             † NEW—YORK—TIMES correspondent R.W. Apple JUNIOR, in WASHINGTON at age 71.
20061004             —ARRESTED, AFGHANISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY said security agents have, 17—PEOPLE allegedly trained in PAKISTAN who they believe planned to launch suicide attacks in 3—AFGHANISTAN—PROVINCES.
20061004             —SUSPECTED, In SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, Taliban militants attacked 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT, and the ensuing clash left 6—MILITANTS—DEAD and 3 wounded.
20061004             UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR said THE—IRELAND—REPUBLICAN—ARMY—VIOLENT—CAMPAIGN in NORTH—IRELAND is over, —FOLLOWING 1—REPORT into paramilitary activity that raised hopes of reviving SELF—RULE.
20061004             —HOUSED, BRITAIN, 1—MUSLIM—OWNED business, which reportedly, 1—MAKESHIFT—MOSQUE, was PETROL—BOMBED —FOLLOWING—3—NIGHTS—OF clashes between white and SOUTH—ASIA—YOUTHS on THE—LONDON outskirts.
20061004             —ANNOUNCED, CHILE, government officials, plans to build a 62-mile highway through Pumalin Park, 1—NATURE—RESERVE created by DOUGLAS—TOMPKINS—OF—SF.
20061004             —SIGNALED, The government also, that it will push ahead with the proposed $4—BILLION hydroelectric complex to dam the Baker and Pasqua rivers SOUTH—OF—PUMALIN.
20061004             Professor EUGENE—POLZIK and his team at the Niels Bohr Institute at COPENHAGEN UNIVERSITY—IN—DENMARK reported 1—BREAKTHROUGH in teleportation by using both light and matter.
20061004             —OPENED, The world's biggest book fair, in FRANKFURT—GERMANY, with INDIA—AUTHORS taking center stage and 1—NEW—SCHEME to protect writers' copyrights from INTERNET piracy creating 1—BUZZ.
20061004             IRAQ—AUTHORITIES took 1—BRIGADE—OF up to 700—POLICEMEN OUT—OF—SERVICE and put members under investigation for "possible complicity" with death squads —FOLLOWING 1—MASS kidnapping —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK.
20061004             1—SERIES—OF—BOMBS went off in rapid succession in 1—SHOPPING district in 1—MAINLY Christian neighborhood of BAGHDAD, killing 16—PEOPLE and wounding 87.
20061004             —KILLED, The dead were among 26—PEOPLE, in attacks across IRAQ.
20061004             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER attacked 1—IRAQ—POLICE—BASE in THE—TOWN—OF—RAMADI, but guards shot at THE—EXPLOSIVES—PACKED vehicle and detonated it —BEFORE it could hit the base.
20061004             —TRAVELED, MALAWI, pop singer Madonna, to 1—VILLAGE 12—MILES outside THE—CAPITAL—LILONGWE, where she is funding THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—CENTER to feed and educate about 1,000 orphans.
20061004             —AGREED, NICARAGUA, defense ministers from across the Americas, to create 1—INTERNATIONAL—LAND—MINE removal center and many called for joint military missions for disaster relief and peacekeeping worldwide.
20061004             —FREED, NIGERIA, militants, —AROUND 25 kidnapped oil workers but 5 abducted expatriates were still missing in another PART—OF—THE—NIGER—DELTA.
20061004             —KILLED, Masked men, 1—LOCAL—HAMAS political activist as he set out —FOR—MORNING prayers —BEFORE dawn in THE—NORTH—WEST—BANK.
20061004             —BOMBED, SRI—LANKA—AIR—FORCE, separatist rebel positions in the embattled north, —1—DAY—AFTER the insurgents agreed to peace talks with the government.
20061004             —FORCED, Sources said fresh INTER—REBEL fighting in SUDAN has, 10,000 Darfuris to seek refuge near 1—CAMP—OF—AFRICA—UNION—FORCES monitoring 1—WIDELY—IGNORED truce.
20061004             USA—HEIMATSCHUTZ: Software soll kritische Zeitungen identifizieren
20061004             HEWLETT—PACKARD: Anklage gegen EX—CHEFAUFSEHERIN Dunn
20061004             Aktienoptionsskandal: SEC ermittelt gegen APPLE—MANAGER
20061004             Blutbad in AMISH—SCHULE: Polizei rätselt über Motiv
20061004             Börse: Dow Jones schafft die nächste Rekordmarke
20061004             Neue Sperranlage: Bush verstärkt Grenze zu MEXIKO
20061004             Zeitungsbericht: Kein Prozess gegen HEWLETT—PACKARD—CHEF
20061004             Nahost: Abbas droht Hamas mit Ausnahmezustand
20061004             SENSOR—PATENT: Handy riecht Pollen und Bomben
20061004             1—SENIOR congressional aide said —WEDNESDAY that he alerted House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT—OFFICE —2—YEARS—AGO about worrisome conduct by FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY with teenage pages.
20061004             KIRK—FORDHAM told THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS that —WHEN he was told about FOLEY—INAPPROPRIATE—BEHAVIOR toward pages, he had ''more than 1—CONVERSATION with senior staff at the highest LEVEL—OF—THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES asking them to intervene.''
20061004             The conversations took place long —BEFORE THE—E—MAIL scandal broke, Fordham said + at least —1—YEAR—EARLIER than MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE—GOP leadership have acknowledged.
20061004             We'll have more as this story develops.
20061004             FACT CHECK: Bush Slashed Funding For School Violence Prevention
20061004             —STUNNED, In the past few weeks, the nation has been, by the
20061004             RASH—OF—SCHOOL—SHOOTINGS in COLORADO, WISCONSIN + at 1—AMISH schoolhouse in Pennyslvania.
20061004             —SADDENED, PRESIDENT—BUSH said he was " and deeply concerned" about the shootings and plans to convene 1—SUMMIT—OF—EDUCATION and law enforcement experts to discuss FEDERAL—ACTION that can help communities prevent violence.
20061004             BUSH—RHETORIC doesn't match his record.
20061004             —RECOMMENDED, He has consistently, pulling funding for school violence prevention programs:
20061004             — 20060000             , Bush proposed a 5 % cut for youth and crime prevention programs.
20061004             —PROPOSED, Bush 's 20050000             budget, a 40 % drop in JUVENILE—CRIME—PREVENTION, —FOLLOWING a 44 % cut 20040000             .
20061004             recommended eliminating FEDERAL—FUNDING for the Safe and DRUG—FREE—SCHOOLS
20061004             and Communities STATE—GRANTS—PROGRAM, which works on JUVENILE—CRIME—PREVENTION.
20061004             reduced levels.
20061004             Funding for the program was $439.2—MILLION 20010000             but fell to $346.5—MILLION——THIS—YEAR, with $310—MILLION recommended for 20070000             .
20061004             — More than half the nation's school districts receive $10,000 or less per —YEAR to fight violence and substance abuse — "
20061004             too little to make 1—DIFFERENCE " according to 1—EDUCATION—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL.
20061004             HADLEY—HYPOCRISY: "Our Strategy Is Far From 'Stay the Course'"
20061004             National Security Adviser STEPHEN—HADLEY pens 1—OP—ED in —TODAY—USA—TODAY claiming that "stay the course" is
20061004             not 1—ACCURATE—DESCRIPTION—OF—BUSH—STRATEGY for IRAQ:
20061004             Our strategy is far from "stay the course".
20061004             THE—PRESIDENT continually challenges ALL—OF—USA to learn from experience, adapt to change and improve our performance.
20061004             urged THE—USA—PUBLIC to support it :
20061004             What the Americans need to understand and what we need to explain to them clearly is that we do have 1—STRATEGY.
20061004             That strategy is making progress.
20061004             But there are still difficult days ahead.
20061004             But if we can stay the course, if we can pursue our support for THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE, if they continue to perform the way — the way they are performing, we will not only build 1—DEMOCRATIC—IRAQ, but
20061004             it will be 1—DEMOCRATIC—IRAQ that will send 1—MESSAGE—OF—HOPE to the region as 1—WHOLE, to encourage THE—SPREAD—OF—DEMOCRACY in the region as 1—WHOLE.
20061004             It's not —JUST Hadley. As ThinkProgress has
20061004             documented on video, other administration officials have repeatedly used "stay the course" in the past.
20061004             Despite THE—WHITE—HOUSE—EFFORTS to
20061004             "cut and run" from "stay the course," the truth won't let them.
20061004             Blunt attacks HASTERT—MISHANDLING of Foley scandal.
20061004             House Majority Whip ROY—BLUNT (R—MO) said —TODAY "
20061004             he would have handled [the Foley scandal] differently
20061004             "I think I could have given SOME—GOOD—ADVICE here, which is you have to be curious, you have to ask all the questions you can think of," Blunt said.
20061004             "You absolutely can't decide not to look into activities because 1—INDIVIDUAL—PARENTS don't want you to".
20061004             Reynolds CHIEF—OF—STAFF "resigns".
20061004             ABC News reports that KIRK—FORDHAM, THE—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF to MARK—FOLEY + current CHIEF—OF—STAFF to REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—REYNOLDS (R—NY), has "resigned amid questions over whether he supressed information about Foley emails".
20061004             UPDATE: ABC —NOW says Fordham was "
20061004             fired ". Also: "People familiar with FORDHAM—SIDE—OF—THE—STORY...said Fordham was being used as 1—SCAPEGOAT by SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE—DENNIS—HASTERT.
20061004             —WARNED, They said Fordham had repeatedly, HASTERT—STAFF about Foley 's 'problem' with pages, but little was done".
20061004             Several conservatives are using THE—MARK—FOLEY scandal TO—PUSH vicious ANTI—GAY smears.
20061004             —JUST—TODAY, Human Life INTERNATIONAL ("PRO—LIFE—MISSIONARIES to the world") put out 1—STATEMENT
20061004             blaming FOLEY—BEHAVIOR on his sexual orientation :
20061004             FOLEY—ACTIONS were that of homosexual predator, not 1—PEDOPHILE.
20061004             Homosexuals reproduce sexually by molesting children.
20061004             This creates 1—CYCLE—OF—VIOLENCE and disordered behavior that creates future GENERATIONS—OF—ABUSERS and predators.
20061004             But as JOHN—WALSH — host of "AMERICA—MOST—WANTED" and 1—ADVOCATE—OF—CHILDRENS' safety — told LARRY—KING last night, the Foley case is about pedophilia,
20061004             not homosexuality.
20061004             —REVEALED, KING: 1—COUPLE—THINGS, —TODAY, did you know that he was gay?
20061004             But, you know, making overt advances to —16—YEAR—OLD—BOYS from a —52—YEAR—OLD—MAN is nothing about gay.
20061004             It's about pedophilia.
20061004             Conservatives Repeat Baseless Claim That Foley Scandal Was Timed To Affect Elections
20061004             Top conservatives continue to react to THE—MARK—FOLEY scandal as political operatives instead of as concerned parents.
20061004             To minimize political fallout, they are spreading the baseless claim that THE—RELEASE—OF—FOLEY—EMAILS to underage pages was timed to impact —NOVEMBER—ELECTIONS:
20061004             House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (R—IL):
20061004             [S]omebody had [FOLEY—EMAILS], and, you know, they're trying — and they drop it the last —DAY—OF—THE—SESSION, you know, —BEFORE we adjourn on 1—ELECTION—YEAR.
20061004             Rush Limbaugh: I'm —JUST telling you that the — the — the orgy and the orgasm that has been taking place in the media —SINCE—FRIDAY and with the Democrats is — it's all coordinated + it's all — it's all oriented toward the election.
20061004             THERE—NO—CONCERN about the kid — no concern about the children.
20061004             TONY—BLANKLEY, WASHINGTON Times editor:
20061004             —WHILE I don't have ANY—PROOF, I will be amazed if Democratic operatives and at least 1—FEW—DEMOCRATIC congressmen didn't know about this and fed it to the media through various obscure blogs and to ABC.
20061004             —DISCREDITED, But the reporters who broke this story have, this conspiracy theory:
20061004             ABC investigative JOURNALIST—BRIAN—ROSS:
20061004             —DISMISSED, Ross, suggestions by SOME—REPUBLICANS that the news was disseminated as PART—OF—1—SMEAR campaign against MISTER—FOLEY.
20061004             "I hate to give up sources, but to the extent that I know the political PARTIES—OF—ANY—OF—THE—PEOPLE who helped us, it would be the same party," MISTER—ROSS said, referring to Republicans.
20061004             ABC producer Maddy Sauer:
20061004             —PASSED, They were, to 1—COLLEAGUE—OF—MINE from 1—SOURCE, not someone from 1—DEMOCRATIC—CAMPAIGN, 1—SOURCE on the Hill.
20061004             —TALKED, And —WHEN we, to FOLEY—OFFICE about those emails, they seemed to know all about them.
20061004             "It's no big deal. He is overly friendly. HE—OVERLY engaging.
20061004             If he's GUILTY—OF—ANYTHING, that's all he's guilty of.
20061004             HE—VERY—CLOSE with the pages.
20061004             —WORKED, He has, with the page program for SOME—TIME".
20061004             —PUBLISHED, So we, that story + then almost —IMMEDIATELY we began receiving emails from former pages, SOME—GOING back as far as —5—YEARS, who said this is THE—TIP—OF—THE—ICEBERG.
20061004             There is so much more here.
20061004             Stephanopoulos: Hastert 'hanging by 1—THREAD.'
20061004             HE—FIGHTING very, very hard.
20061004             He said he will not RE—SIGN + most Republicans feel that forcing him out —NOW would cause chaos + make the problem worse.
20061004             But with these new stories that congress MARK—FOLEY—ATTRACTION to young pages had been known for 1—LONG—TIME, I think the chances that Speaker Hastert will return —NEXT—YEAR are almost 0.
20061004             I don't think his caucus will return him as Speaker".
20061004             Powell: 'Staying the Course Isn't Good Enough Because 1—COURSE—HAS to Have 1—END'
20061004             blasted THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S "stay the course" policy in IRAQ:
20061004             "Only THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE can resolve this," Powell said.
20061004             USA—TROOPS have to stay in IRAQ for "SOME—TIME," he said.
20061004             "But there is 1—LIMIT to THE—PATIENCE—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE ".
20061004             .In IRAQ, " staying the course isn't good enough because 1—COURSE has to have 1—END," Powell said.
20061004             THE—WHITE—HOUSE is trying to distance themselves from the phrase "stay the course".
20061004             —CHANGED, But it aptly describes 1—STRATEGY that has not, in spite of repeated failures.
20061004             Moreover, PRESIDENT—BUSH and top administration officials continue to use it.
20061004             HERE—1—VIDEO retrospective:
20061004             —GROUNDED, POWELL—OBJECTION to the "stay the course" strategy is, IN—THE—POWELL doctrine, which states:
20061004             "We owe it to the men and women who go in harm's way to make sure...that their lives are not squandered for unclear purposes".
20061004             —CONVINCED, Reynolds, Foley to run for reelection.
20061004             "1—MEMBER—OF—THE—HOUSE—LEADERSHIP told me that Foley...
20061004             was considering not seeking a 7. term —THIS—YEAR but that REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—REYNOLDS,
20061004             —OCCURED, According to Novak, this, —AFTER Reynolds knew Foley sent inappropriate emails to 1—CONGRESSIONAL page.
20061004             "Tucked away in fine print in the military spending bill for this past —YEAR was 1—LUMP sum of $20—MILLION to pay for 1—CELEBRATION in [BAGHDAD] 'for COMMEMORATION—OF—SUCCESS' in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN," THE—NYT reports.
20061004             "Not surprisingly, the money was not spent".
20061004             —APPROVED, But in the spending bill, —LAST—WEEK, conservatives
20061004             rolled the $20—MILLION over into 20070000             .
20061004             "MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE—ETHICS—COMMITTEE will return to WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, —ON—THURSDAY and are expected to
20061004             approve 1—INVESTIGATION " into the scandal involving MARK—FOLEY.
20061004             "Congress has set a 20070000             termination date for the special INSPECTOR—GENERAL for IRAQ reconstruction," STUART—BOWEN, "at THE—BEHEST—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION,removing the source of 1—SERIES—OF—AUDIT reports that have emboldened CRITICS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—WAR—POLICES. Bowen has said POST—WAR—RECONSTRUCTION planning in IRAQ was "insufficient in both scope and implementation".
20061004             "Democrats are renewing their vow to impede the annual congressional pay raise —UNTIL the minimum wage is increased," THE—HILL—REPORTS, "but their
20061004             options for 1—SUCCESSFUL block
20061004             —DURING THE—LAME—DUCK session likely depend on the outcome of 20061107             —THE midterm election".
20061004             39 %: PRESIDENT—BUSH—APPROVAL rating,
20061004             1—DROP—OF—3—POINTS——SINCE—SEPTEMBER, according to 1—NEW—NBC/WSJ poll.
20061004             "In the - 2. —MONTH—OF—1—SECURITY—CRACKDOWN" in BAGHDAD, USA—MILITARY—CASUALTIES appear to be rising," according to military officials.
20061004             † "At least 17—TROOPS have been killed in combat —SINCE—SATURDAY, including 8—USA—SOLDIERS who, in gunbattles and bomb blasts —MONDAY in BAGHDAD—THE
20061004             most killed in 1—SINGLE—DAY
20061004             THE—CENTER for Constitutional Rights has
20061004             filed the 1. challenge to legislation passed —LAST—WEEK that stripped detainees of their CENTURIES—OLD—RIGHT to challenge their detention.
20061004             —FILED, CCR—HABEAS petition was, on behalf of 1—DETAINEE held in "secret CIA detention for 3 1/—2—YEARS + subjected to 'alternative interrogation methods' that amount to torture".
20061004             "Security weaknesses have left MILLIONS—OF—ELDERLY, disabled and poor Americans vulnerable to unauthorized disclosure of their medical and personal records," according to 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—COMPUTER—SYSTEM used by the
20061004             Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
20061004             Extreme drought will affect about a 3. of the planet and spread across HALF—OF—THE—EARTH—LAND—SURFACE by 2100
20061004             because of global warming, according to new predictions from BRITAIN—LEADING climate scientists.
20061004             And finally: Students at Bush Elementary School in STOCKTON, CA, were surprised —YESTERDAY—WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH stopped by for 1—VISIT, —AFTER—INITIALLY sending his regrets.
20061004             I think THE—PRESIDENT was happy.
20061004             He was smiling 1—LOT," said Brandom Zarate, 8. RICHARD—THERMAN, 7, recalls that THE—PRESIDENT told him "You guys, read 1—LOT".
20061004             ABC debunks claim that Foley scandal was election trick.
20061004             —DISMISSED, ABC—BRIAN—ROSS " suggestions by SOME—REPUBLICANS that the news was disseminated as PART—OF—1—SMEAR campaign against MISTER—FOLEY," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS.
20061004             "I hate to give up sources, but to the extent that I know the political PARTIES—OF—ANY—OF—THE—PEOPLE who helped us,
20061004             it would be the same party," MISTER—ROSS said, referring to Republicans.
20061004             THE—E—REVOLUTION: ED—HALTER
20061004             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ED—HALTER talks to Alex about the proliferation of free online video content, what it means for the media monopoly and how the
20061004             Shouting Telescreens Announce UK—OF—FASCISM
20061004             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—STATE launches psychological warfare as establishment manufactured Clockwork ORANGE mind control
20061004             Scheiss Rassisten, Nazipack!
20061004             —ASKED, SECRETARY—RUMSFELD: You know, I, JEAN—RENUART, my incoming senior military assistant + he was with Franks this whole time.
20061004             And BILL—LUTI was.
20061004             2. WAHL—GANG in BRASILIEN: Verliert Lula noch die Wahlen? - sfux KARL—WEISS, RIO—DE—JANEIRO -
20061004             —NUN wird es doch noch spannend bei den Präsidentenwahlen in BRASILIEN.
20061004             Noch —VOR—2—WOCHEN—NACH—DEN Umfragen scheinbar uneinholbar mit 25—PROZENT—DER—STIMM—INTENTIONEN in Führung, sah PRÄSIDENT—LULA seinen Vorsprung am Wahltag auf etwa 7 % zusammenschnurzeln.
20061004             Wo viel Licht ist, da ist natürlich auch Schatten, etwas Schatten im FALL—VON—BOTSWANA: Es handelt sich um die Buschmänner (Basarwa), 1—STAMM, der im CENTRAL—KALAHARI Game Reserve lebte.
20061004             Und zwar wie in der Steinzeit und mit Pfeil und Bogen auf die Jagd ging;
20061004             fantastische Fährtensucher in den Zeiten der Satellitennavigation.
20061004             Der Schlüssel für den STURZ—VON—SCHÜSSEL—ÖSTERREICH vor einer grossen Koalition... - sfux Malte Olschewski -
20061004             ?ÖSTERREICH bleibt besser,? hatte die ÖSTERREICHISCHE—VOLKSPARTEI ÖVP geworben, worauf die Wähler den mangelhaften Satzbau verbessert haben: ?ÖSTERREICH bleibt besser ohne Schüssel.?
20061004             Die Nationalratswahl vom 1.10. hat die Ära WOLFGANG—SCHÜSSELS beendet.
20061004             Die ÖVP war —NACH—DEN Wahlen von 19990000             an 3. Stelle gelegen.
20061004             Schüssel hatte —VERHANDLUNGEN mit der stimmstärksten SPÖ.
20061004             —DIE—OKTOBERÜBERRASCHUNG ist da ?
20061004             KARL—ROVE, das Hirn des Präsidenten hat es —BEREITS—LETZTEN—MONAT—ANGEKÜNDIGT.
20061004             Die Überraschung hat.
20061004             Treatment 'to neutralise all flu' Scientists say they are developing 1—ENTIRELY new way of providing instant protection against flu.
20061004             Rice pledges USA—SUPPORT for ABBAS—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE seeks to boost beleaguered PALESTINE—LEADER—MAHMOUD—ABBAS.
20061004             Fresh claims fuel USA E—MAIL row Republicans struggle to contain the scandal —AROUND EX—CONGRESSMAN MARK—FOLEY—E—MAILS amid new claims.
20061004             Putin fury at GEORGIA 'blackmail' PRESIDENT—PUTIN warns GEORGIA not to use "blackmail" against RUSSIA amid 1—BITTER spying and sanctions row.
20061004             More SIGNS—OF—USA—SLOWDOWN—GROWTH in USA—SERVICES—THE—ENGINE driving the world's biggest ECONOMY—HAS slowed sharply, 1—SURVEY suggests.
20061004             'Bulge' yields new planet class Astronomers discover 1—NEW—CLASS—OF—PLANETS that take less than —1—DAY to whiz round their parent stars.
20061004             DNA work earns chemistry Nobel THE—NOBEL—PRIZE for Chemistry is awarded to USA—ROGER—KORNBERG for his work on protein synthesis.
20061004             NICARAGUA plans PANAMA Canal rival NICARAGUA proposes 1—NEW—INTER—OCEANIC—WATERWAY that would carry bigger ships than THE—PANAMA—CANAL.
20061004             Amazon crash pilot passports held 1—BRAZIL—COURT seizes the passports of 2—USA—PILOTS involved in 1—MID—AIR—COLLISION that killed 155—PEOPLE.
20061004             EU considers visa snub against USA BRUSSELS suggests making USA—DIPLOMATS vet visas, as MANY—EU citizens still need them to travel to THE—USA.
20061004             EUROPE to overhaul trade policy THE—EU could seek free trade agreements with leading ASIA—ECONOMIES as PART—OF—1—RADICALLY revised trade policy.
20061004             EU warns IRAN 'time running out' Time is running out for IRAN to avoid UN sanctions over its nuclear policy, EUROPE—FOREIGN—POLICY—CHIEF warns.
20061004             World figures urge MID—EAST—TALKS—MORE than 130—FORMER—WORLD—LEADERS, politicians and Nobel laureates call for urgent efforts to find ARAB—ISRAEL—PEACE.
20061004             THE—GREEN—ROOM—GENERAL—MOTORS—CROPS are still more of 1—LIABILITY than 1—ASSET, argues GeneWatch UK director Sue Mayer in the Green Room.
20061004             INDIA to share bombings evidence INDIA—PM vows to share evidence with PAKISTAN about the devastating train blasts in Mumbai.
20061004             Misery continues for gaming firms World Gaming shares plummet a 3., —AFTER saying it may be "in default of its loan conditions" as its debt soars.
20061004             HP Insiders Facing Indictments 4—PEOPLE, including HEWLETT—PACKARD—FORMER chairwoman, PATRICIA—DUNN, will be charged by CALIFORNIA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL for their role in the recent corporate spying scandal.
20061004             Plant Hybrids to Drive Biofuels The processes for growing crops as raw material for fuel and converting it to liquids are in their infancy, so expect ethanol + biodiesel to become much more energy efficient.
20061004             Video: 1—KITE that generates 10,000 horsepower.
20061004             CNET News_com's Neha Tiwari speaks with THE—CEO—OF—KITESHIP, JEREMY—WALKER, about his company's FOOTBALL—STADIUM—SIZE kites that help cut 20—PERCENT—OF—FUEL and emissions from commercial ships.
20061004             —RESIGNED, Official Web site: Foley =vacancy Blog: Newly, Congressman MARK—FOLEY, R—FLORIDA, no longer has 1—OFFICIAL congressional Web site.
20061004             But 1—QUICK—VISIT to the House.
20061004             AI to Monitor Foreign Press for Threats
20061004             "According to THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY is funding AI tools to monitor the foreign press in order to detect threats to THE—USA. —WHILE the article says there are restrictions on doing this kind of monitoring within THE—USA, there are no restrictions on media outside THE—USA. (No hint is given as to how this would apply to syndicated articles written in THE—USA and published abroad.) This is as yet experimental".
20061004             HOWTO Commit Corporate Espionage
20061004             "Worried about who might be spying at your company?
20061004             Businessweek looks at the latest in espionage gadgets and technology in response to the recent HP boardroom scandal.
20061004             —DESIGNED, The article looks at devices, for COUNTER—ESPIONAGE, which range from mundane confidential email services to sophisticated camera and LISTENING—DEVICE—DETECTORS.
20061004             '...for EVERY—METHOD—OF spying, there's 1—COUNTEROFFENSIVE.
20061004             1—OF—THEM is the eavesdropping protection kit, manufactured by Dynasound in NORCROSS—GEORGIA—TO secure 1—ROOM in 1—OFFICE building, devices are placed on ceiling plenums, floors, HVAC ducts, doors, walls or windows — basically anywhere voices can travel.'"
20061004             Hubble Discovers Dark Spot on Uranus
20061004             "—JUST as we near the end of the hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean, winds whirl and clouds churn 2—BILLION miles away in the atmosphere of Uranus, forming 1—DARK vortex large enough to engulf 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—USA ".
20061004             USA—POPULATION to Top 300—MILLION
20061004             - CmdrTaco 598 - "The number of Americans will surpass 300—MILLION——THIS—MONTH, 1—MILESTONE that raises environmental impact questions for the only major industrial nation whose population is increasing substantially. THE—USA—CENSUS buereau says THE—300—MILLION—MARK will be reached —39—YEARS—AFTER USA—POPULATION topped 200—MILLION and —91—YEARS—AFTER it exceeded 100—MILLION. That makes USA the 3. most populous country behind CHINA and INDIA. It is noteworthy that sheer number of human beings do not necessarily have the heaviest impact on the environment. Instead environmental impact is 1—CALCULATION that involves population, affluence and technology. THE—USA—CONSUMES nearly 25—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLDS—ENERGY though it has only 5—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLDS—POPULATION and has the highest per capita oil consumption worldwide. EACH—USA—PRODUCES about 2.3—KG of trash —1—DAY, the current rate is about 5—TIMES that in developing countries".
20061004             Illumninatus! AUTHOR—NEEDS—OUR—HELP—KDAWSON 438 - Criceratops writes,
20061004             "Almost EVERY—FRINGE—GEEK worth their salt has read 'THE—ILLUMINATUS!
20061004             Trilogy,' or at least the 'Principia Discordia,' and MUCH—OF—THE—ENLIGHTENMENT therein came from ROBERT—ANTON—WILSON—ON the eve of 'Xena' being officially named Eris, DOUGLAS—RUSHKOFF—BLOG reveals that the extremely ill MISTER—WILSON can't make his rent.
20061004             Another testimony to how our society refuses to reward those who enrich it... but not if we can help it!"
20061004             Network Neutrality Threatened In NORWAY
20061004             Foley claims abuse by 1—CLERGYMAN—FOLEY—LAWYER, DAVID—ROTH, stated at 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE that Foley was abused between the ages of 13 and 15—BY 1—CLERGYMAN and that Foley, as 1—ADULT, has never had sex with 1—MINOR.
20061004             Apparently, he will reveal the name of the clergyman at 1—LATER date.
20061004             And finally, "MARK—FOLEY wants you to know that he is 1—GAY—MAN".
20061004             We pretty much had that last 1. —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX—THE—CENTURY—OF—DROUGHT
20061004             1 3. of the planet will be desert by the —YEAR 2100, say climate experts in the most dire warning YET—OF—THE—EFFECTS—OF—GLOBAL warming.
20061004             FBI examines threat to page in Foley scandal
20061004             THE—FBI is investigating 1—POSSIBLE—THREAT against THE—NORTH—LOUISIANA teenager who was on the receiving END—OF—SUGGESTIVE E—MAILS from disgraced FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY, 1—LOUISIANA congressman said —TUESDAY.
20061004             Our PLAIN—DWELLING ancestors were BIG—TIME eaters of INULIN—CONTAINING plants + prebiotic consumption was significantly higher than —TODAY, 1—ARCHAEOLOGIST told attendees at the 5. Orafti Research Conference in BOSTON.
20061004             BRITAIN revives THREAT—OF—SANCTIONS on IRAN : Renewed tensions over IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME emerged —ON—TUESDAY as BRITAIN warned that world powers would return to THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council to consider targeted SANCTIONS—AGAINST—TEHRAN.
20061004             RUSSIA says talks to solve IRAN atomic case : RUSSIA believes 1—DISPUTE over IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME should be resolved by negotiations, THE—SECRETARY—OF—RUSSIA—SECURITY—COUNCIL, IGOR—IVANOV, said —ON—TUESDAY.
20061004             IRAN—NUCLEAR—OFFICIAL proposes that FRANCE enrich IRAN—URANIUM:
20061004             1—TOP—IRAN—NUCLEAR—OFFICIAL proposed —TUESDAY that FRANCE create 1—CONSORTIUM to enrich uranium in IRAN, saying that could satisfy INTERNATIONAL demands for outside OVERSIGHT—OF—TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM
20061004             FRANCE rejects IRAN uranium offer:
20061004             —DISTANCED, FRANCE has, itself from 1—IRAN—PROPOSAL for FRANCE—INVESTMENT in IRAN—ATOMIC—INDUSTRY, enabling it to supervise TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME
20061004             TED—KOPPEL : Let 'em have nukes. But.
20061004             THE—ELIMINATION—OF—USA—OPPOSITION on this issue would open the way to genuine normalization between our 2—NATIONS.
20061004             It might even convince the Iranians that their country can flourish without nuclear weapons
20061004             War pimp alert: Rumsfeld: VENEZUELA BUILD—UP is concern: "I don't know of anyone threatening VENEZUELA, anyone in this hemisphere," said Rumsfeld, who is attending 1—MEETING here of Western hemisphere military LEADERS—MANY—OF—THEM concerned about the weapons, jets and helicopters Chavez is buying.
20061004             USA—GENERAL—SAYS—CHÁVEZ—WORRIES—REGION: THE—COMMANDER—OF—USA—MILITARY—ACTIVITIES in Latin AMERICA SAID —MONDAY that VENEZUELA under PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHÁVEZ had become 1—DESTABILIZING force + that other countries in the Western hemisphere shared that concern.
20061004             —INVOLVED, Putin: No 3. party, in GEORGIA—RUSSIA spy row : RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN had 1—TELEPHONE—CONVERSATION with his USA counterpart GEORGE—W—BUSH, saying no 3. party should be involved in the row over GEORGIA—ARREST—OF—4—RUSSIA—OFFICERS——LAST—WEEK, 1—PRESIDENT—SPOKESMAN said —ON—MONDAY.
20061004             INDIA, CHINA and EAST—EUROPE will be soon dependant on energy from 'RUSSIA—OIL—BLOCK'.
20061004             CHINA is already dependant on it.
20061004             —REBELLED, THE—EAST—EUROPE that, OUT—OF—SOVIET—UNION ultimately realizes that in order sustain and achieve prosperity they need cheap energy resources
20061004             BRITAIN to USA: we don't want Guantánamo 9—BACK : Documents obtained by THE—GUARDIAN show USA—AUTHORITIES are demanding that the detainees be kept under —24—HOUR—SURVEILLANCE if set FREE—RESTRICTIONS that are dismissed by the British as unnecessary and unworkable.
20061004             'I thought BRITAIN stood for justice, but THE—UK—GOVERNMENT has abandoned us' : At least 9—FORMER—UK—RESIDENTS are being held at Guantánamo.
20061004             They include 2—FORMER—PUBLIC schoolboys and 2—POLITICAL—REFUGEES, a 1—TIME—MI5 informer and 1—MAN with 1—HISTORY—OF—MENTAL—ILLNESS.
20061004             USA—AUTHORITIES say they want to send most back to THE—UK, but THE—UK—SAY they have no right to be in this country.
20061004             Video: Condoleezza RICE—FACING 9 - 11—COMMISSION.
20061004             —COMMITTED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE may have, perjury in her testimony —BEFORE 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION 20040500             .
20061004             —RECEIVED, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, warning of al Qaida attack —BEFORE 20010911             : Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD and FORMER—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT received the same CIA briefing about 1—IMMINENT—AL—QAIDA strike on 1—USA—TARGET that was given to THE—WHITE—HOUSE —2—MONTHS—BEFORE 20060911             —THE, 20010000             , attacks.
20061004             AMERICA is living beyond its means:
20061004             CHINA and INDIA will be calling the shots —WHEN THE—USA is no longer top dollar
20061004             Reports Show Economy is Squeezing Most Americans : Government data suggests that for most Americans, there has been no economic recovery + financial security is fast becoming 1—FANTASY, according to recent analyses by PUBLIC—INTEREST—GROUPS.
20061004             Are we rich if we don't feed the poor?
20061004             As it is, the richest 1—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS have seen their incomes pull away dramatically from the merely rich, the middle class + the poor.
20061004             That 1 % 20040000             got 17—PERCENT—OF—ALL—INCOME nationwide.
20061004             The bottom 90 % got less than 58 %.
20061004             THE—HEALTH—COSTS—OF—WEALTH—INEQUALITY : Not that long ago in this country, you could raise 1—FAMILY on 1—SINGLE paycheck.
20061004             If you were working, you didn't have to worry about 1 unexpected medical bill making you homeless.
20061004             A WEALTH—OF—ADVICE:
20061004             Nearly $2—BILLION paid to consultants 20030000—20040000 FEDERAL—ELECTIONS
20061004             Man Says He Was Arrested —AFTER Criticizing Cheney:
20061004             1—COLORADO man accused 1—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENT—TUESDAY of arresting him on TRUMPED—UP allegations of assaulting VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY —AFTER he told Cheney the administration's policies in IRAQ were "reprehensible".
20061004             THE—THREAT—OF—CIVIL—WAR in Palestine:
20061004             This is the most dangerous stage in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—PALESTINE—NATION—STRUGGLE because
20061004             THE—USA, ISRAEL + THE—EUROPEAN—UNION are making serious efforts to spark 1—CIVIL—WAR in Palestine.
20061004             Musharraf U—TURN on Taliban: Retired PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICERS could be running the Taliban insurgency against coalition forces in AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT, Gen PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, has said.
20061004             THE—PNAC gang had their eyes on AFGHANISTAN + its oil —PRIOR—TO 20010911             , as seen in R. M. Gerecht's (
20061004             USA—EYES—LATIN AMERICA—HELP in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN: THE—USA is pressing SOME—LATIN—USA—COUNTRIES to send troops to AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ for NON—COMBAT missions as the Pentagon struggles to transition those operations from war to reconstruction.
20061004             Wanted: a world leader:
20061004             THE—USA—COLLAPSE couldn't come at 1—WORSE—TIME, says FORMER—CANADA—DIPLOMAT
20061004             It's —JUST Wrong.
20061004             ALLAN—WEISBECKER: READING BOB—WOODWARD to steep myself in lies : 1—QUESTION for Bob: What STATE—OF—DENIAL were you living in that you could claim that 1—CAR bombing that slaughters scores and maims hundreds is rule breaking? - You want 1—LIST—OF—LAWS, INTERNATIONAL and domestic — plus SUPREME—LAWS—OF—THE—LAND, this land, THE—USA—OF—A.— that were broken in this collusion between THE—PRESIDENT—AND—CIA—DIRECTOR?
20061004             NORTH—KOREA Vows 1. Nuclear Test -
20061004             —BY CHOE SANG—HUN and JOHN—O'NEIL
20061004             1—STATEMENT released by THE—NORTH—KOREA—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY declared that "THE—USA—EXTREME—THREAT—OF—1—NUCLEAR—WAR and sanctions and pressure" compel the country "to conduct 1—NUCLEAR—TEST, 1—ESSENTIAL—PROCESS for bolstering nuclear deterrent, as 1—CORRESPONDING measure for defense".
20061004             THE—OCTOBER—SURPRISE
20061004             —GUIDED, For 1—DIVINELY, PRESIDENT who imagines himself to be 1—LATTER—DAY—WINSTON—CHURCHILL (albeit lacking the ability to formulate intelligent sentences) + who professedly does not care about public opinion at home or abroad, anything is possible + dwindling days in power may be seen as making the most apocalyptic actions necessary.
20061004             LINCOLN—WEEPS - Once upon 1—TIME—THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES was known as "the people's house".
20061004             No more. It belongs to K Street —NOW.
20061004             That's THE—ADDRESS—OF—THE—LOBBYISTS who swarm all over Capitol Hill.
20061004             There are 65—LOBBYISTS for EVERY—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS.
20061004             They spend $200—MILLION per —MONTH wining, dining and seducing FEDERAL—OFFICIALS.
20061004             Per —MONTH!
20061004             The red, white and blue, sadly enough, has become THE—SYMBOL—OF—WHAT we most hate, of what we swore to never become.
20061004             —HIJACKED, It has become 1—FLAG, by tyrants, with THE—USA—PEOPLE unconcerned and unwilling, to THE—POINT—OF—EMBARRASSMENT, to free it from its dungeon, with most too lazy or apathetic to care, most too ignorant to know.
20061004             1—LIBBY—PARDON for Christmas?
20061004             Maybe you are thinking that Special Counsel PATRICK—FITZGERALD—CASE against Scooter Libby is —YESTERDAY—NEWS, or, worse, in its last throes.
20061004             Think again.
20061004             "World Can't Wait...Drive Out the Bush Regime!
20061004             "79—PERCENT—OF—GAZAN—HOUSEHOLDS are Living in Poverty" : According to the World Bank, Palestinians are currently experiencing the worst economic depression in modern history.
20061004             HERE—WHY Chávez is so mad: 1—QUICK glance at recent USA—POLICY and posture toward VENEZUELA gives us SOME—CLUES as to why people in VENEZUELA are getting set to reelect 1—PRESIDENT who calls THE—USA—1—EMPIRE.
20061004             Chavez says he has WHITE—HOUSE—INFORMANT : Citing what he said were warnings from 1—ALLEGED—WHITE—HOUSE—INFORMANT, Chavez told THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS at 1—CAMPAIGN—RALLY that PRESIDENT—BUSH has ordered him to be killed —BEFORE he leaves office 20080000             .
20061004             USA must be more relevant in Latin AMERICA: experts : VENEZUELA—HUGO—CHAVEZ has had sway over Latin AMERICA—SMALLER—ECONOMIES but could —NOW eclipse THE—USA ' influence over the 3.—LARGEST economy, ARGENTINA, 2—TOP—FORMER—USA—DIPLOMATS said —ON—TUESDAY.
20061004             USA—DROPS tourism bombshell: Passport decision akin to a 'category 6—HURRICANE'
20061004             - Stewart said it appeared that the region's flirtation with VENEZUELA—CHAVEZ had triggered THE—USA—DECISION
20061004             Congressman DENNIS—KUCINICH on the Military Commissions Act : "Wake up AMERICA!" 1—MUST—LISTEN—INN Interview:
20061004             GENERAL: USA—ARMY in danger :
20061004             THE—IRAQ war has left THE—USA—MILITARY in critical condition, stretched beyond its limits in manpower + equipment and in danger of "breaking," retired GENERAL—BARRY—MCCAFFREY said —TUESDAY.
20061004             —LINKED, IRAQ—POLICE—UNIT, to militias : IRAQ—AUTHORITIES have taken 1—BRIGADE—OF up to 700—POLICEMEN OUT—OF—SERVICE and put members under investigation for "possible complicity" with death squads —FOLLOWING 1—MASS kidnapping —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK, THE—USA—MILITARY said —WEDNESDAY.
20061004             THE—ARROGANT, the Misguided and the Cowards
20061004             -Out of IRAQ, Out with BUSH—BY SEAN—PENN
20061004             We the people of THE—USA—HAVE 1—UNIQUE—OPPORTUNITY.
20061004             We can show EACH—OTHER and the world that what THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CLAIMS is their mission is not ours.
20061004             And, by leading our country as 1—CITIZENRY and demanding of our government 1—IMMEDIATE—END to our own military and profit investments in IRAQ, display for the entire world that democracy is 1—GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—PEOPLE.
20061004             THE—MARCH to War: Naval BUILD—UP in the Persian Gulf and THE—EAST—MEDITERRANEAN.
20061004             —SPONSORED, THE—PENTAGON has already drawn up plans for USA, attacks on IRAN and Syria.3 Despite the public POSTURING—OF—DIPLOMACY by THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN, —JUST like THE—IRAQ—INVASION—IRAN and Syria sense another ANGLO—USA—WAR in the horizon.
20061004             Both countries have been strengthening their defenses for THE—EVENTUALITY—OF—WAR with THE—ANGLO—USA—ALLIANCE.
20061004             Human Hell and THE—DEMONS—OF—WAR
20061004             -Branch Warfare and THE—EVOLUTION—OF—AGGRESSION—BY MANUEL—VALENZUELA
20061004             Wars of religious proclivity are the greatest example of the malignant human hell that legitimizes the murder and KILLING—OF—OUR fellow ma n.
20061004             1—SOUL—DEFYING, Tacit APPROVAL—OF—TORTURE: How Did We Come To This? -
20061004             For MOST—OF—USA, the price we would have to pay for confronting authority would be far too prohibitive;
20061004             hence, we learn it is acceptable (as well as politically useful to our power mad leaders) to displace our anger and fear upon outsiders.
20061004             —UNLOOSED, Ergo, THE—SO—CALLED—CLASH—OF—CIVILIZATIONS is, and slouches, by way of THE—WASHINGTON—BELTWAY, to IRAQ, IRAN and beyond to be born.
20061004             Fatal Vision: THE—DEEPER—EVIL—BEHIND—THE—DETAINEE—BILL -
20061004             —INDEED, It was 1—DARK—HOUR, last —THURSDAY—WHEN THE—USA—SENATE voted to end the constitutional republic and transform the country into a "LEADER—STATE," giving THE—PRESIDENT and his agents the power to capture, torture and imprison forever ANYONE—USA—CITIZENS INCLUDED—WHOM they arbitrarily decide is an "enemy combatant".
20061004             Why does THAILAND have all the Luck? -
20061004             Imagine the Abrams tanks and Humvees trundling down PENNSYLVANIA Ave;
20061004             knocking down the flimsy roadblocks and WROUGHT—IRON fencing + plopping down on THE—WHITE—HOUSE lawn waiting for 1—WHITE—FLAG to emerge from 1—WINDOW in the Oval Office.
20061004             Latin AMERICA DECLARES INDEPENDENCE -
20061004             —5—CENTURIES—AFTER the European conquests, Latin AMERICA is reasserting its INDEPENDENCE.
20061004             In the southern cone especially, from VENEZUELA to ARGENTINA, the region is rising to overthrow the legacy of external DOMINATION—OF—THE—PAST—CENTURIES and the cruel and destructive social forms that they have helped to establish.
20061004             Men And WOMEN—OF—FAITH: Sweep Out Morally Corrupted Republican Congress - 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION from BRENT—BUDOWSKY
20061004             Special Early EDITION—OF—THE—GOP—HYPOCRITE—OF—THE—WEEK.
20061004             THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—CONGRESSIONAL—MISSING and Exploited CHILDREN—CAUCUS simultaneously Exploiting Children.
20061004             We give you MARK—FOLEY—REALLY.
20061004             Take Him. 3. congressman says Hastert knew;
20061004             Speaker Hastert continues to deny he knew of Foley ?s lewd emails to pages.
20061004             The knives are getting closer.
20061004             —CALLED, Activist RICHARD—A—VIGUERIE was among those who, for Hastert to step down.
20061004             "The fact that they —JUST walked away from this, it sounds like they were trying to protect 1—OF—THEIR—OWN—MEMBERS rather than these young boys," Viguerie said on FOX—NEWS.
20061004             Limbaugh, Who Sought Sex in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—AND—DID—DRUG—SHOPPING in Pal Beach, Stands by Hastert.
20061004             These Men Value Power Over Protecting Youth from Perverts.
20061004             BILL—CLINTON had ENOUGH—OF—THE—RIGHT—WING effort to shift blame for Bush 's failed policies and negligent governance and stood his ground for the truth.
20061004             That's why he's —THIS—WEEK—WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD—WINNER.
20061004             Cindy Sheehan has become, in 1—SHORT—PERIOD—OF—TIME, 1—IMPORTANT—VOICE in the peace movement.
20061004             Read "Peace Mom" to understand her journey from Mom to Peace Mom.
20061004             Poll: IRAQ, sex scandal halt GOP momentum 10/5
20061004             Conservative icon RICHARD—VIGUERIE calls on House Republican leadership to resign 10/5
20061004             —LINKED, IRAQ—POLICE—UNIT, to militias 10/4
20061004             Success in IRAQ! Party 20060000             , Um.
20061004             I—MEAN—2007? No, 200.
20061004             ? Republicans provide $20—MIL for BUSH—WAR—SUCCESS—CELEBRATION, only to have nothing to celebrate.
20061004             Move cash to —NEXT—YEAR. Really. 10/4 - Woulda. Coulda.
20061004             Shoulda? The more the House Republican leaders try to defend themselves on the Congressional page scandal, the worse it looks.
20061004             —FROM BradBlog.
20061004             —WHEN Dems regain CONTROL—OF—CONGRESS, this should be reason enough to revoke dear old RUPERT—BROADCAST—LICENSE.
20061004             The bastards deserve NO MERCY.
20061004             Stay awake; even the Foley fiasco can lull us into ignoring what's really important AHEAD—OF—USA.
20061004             New DEFINITION—OF—TERRORISM—NOW, MEMBERS—OF—THE—ASPCA -- I'm not kidding: THE—ASPCA -- may stand ACCUSED—OF—TERRORISM.
20061004             H.R. 4239, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), is 1—BILL that could make it 1—CRIME—PUNISHABLE by imprisonment to cause ANY—BUSINESS classified as an "animal enterprise" to suffer 1—LOSS—OF—PROFIT—EVEN if the company's financial decline is THE—RESULT—OF—LEGAL—ACTIVITIES, such as peaceful protests, consumer boycotts or media campaigns.
20061004             The term "animal enterprise" would include manufacturers, distributors and SELLERS—OF—ANIMALS or animal products, research facilities, pet stores, breeders, zoos, rodeos, circuses + animal shelters and the like.
20061004             —WHILE THE—ASPCA strongly opposes ACTS—OF—VIOLENCE, including vandalism, property damage and trespass, this bill threatens to criminalize as "terrorism" otherwise lawful, constitutionally protected acts often utilized by citizens and organizations to effect change.
20061004             Lawful and peaceful protests that, for example, urge 1—CONSUMER boycott of 1—COMPANY that does not use humane procedures, could be the target of this provision if the activity resulted in economic damage to the company.
20061004             The bill would also make it illegal to expose cruel conditions at facilities such as puppy mills and research labs, if exposure of such CONDITIONS—EVEN if done LAWFULLY—WOULD result in economic damage to the animal enterprise.
20061004             There is no exemption in the bill to exclude "economic damage" that results from THE—DISCLOSURE—OF—INFORMATION about 1—COMPANY—TREATMENT—OF—ANIMALS, which is disclosed through public information.
20061004             GENREIS—SKANDAL: EU will ALLE—REIS—IMPORTE aus USA kontrollieren
20061004             GEORGIEN—KRISE: RUSSLAND droht mit Militärschlag
20061004             —SOMMER 20060000             : Rekordozonloch über der ANTARKTIS
20061004             MISSHANDLUNGS—VORWÜRFE: Verteidigungsministerium ordnet Untersuchung im Fall Kurnaz an
20061004             Nordkoreas ATOMTEST—PLÄNE: Kim will USA—DEAL aufzwingen
20061004             USA—WAHLKAMPF: JEDER—FEHLTRITT landet im Netz
20061004             Islamreformer Tibi: "Rassismusvorwurf ist in DEUTSCHLAND eine starke Waffe"
20061004             BUCHMESSE—ERÖFFNUNG: Bücher, die Berge versetzen
20061004             SCHWEDEN: Alleiniger CHEMIE—NOBELPREIS für USA—FORSCHER
20061004             Dokumentation: Der SEX—CHAT mit dem 16- jährigen Büroboten
20061004             URAN—STREIT: IRAN will Touristen in Atomanlagen lassen
20061004             Feueralarm: Mamas Geschrei weckt Kinder besser als Feuersirenen
20061004             SCHWEIZ: Frauen machen gegen Waffentradition mobil - USA: Bush von SEX—AFFÄRE "angeekelt"
20061004             E- MAIL—AFFÄRE: SEX—SKANDAL erschüttert USA—WAHLKAMPF - Schwere Stürme: Chaos im Südwesten
20061004             "Volltextsuche online": Verlage machen Google Konkurrenz
20061004             —KONFLIKTE: USA verurteilen Nordkoreas Pläne für Atomwaffentest
20061004             Antikes Rezept: Römer kaschierten mit NANO—PASTE ihre grauen Haare
20061004             Report: Bush plans BOLTON recess appointment.
20061004             - NICO—HUMAN—EVENTS—ONLINE reports, will again name BOLTON to the post
20061004             —DURING Congress' POST—ELECTION recess".
20061004             ABC : 'Foley bombshell coming.'
20061004             - Nico - "Foley bombshell coming... FORMER—CONGRESSMAN—ATTORNEY to hold news conference in WEST—PALM Beach, FLORIDA"
20061004             —MOLESTED, UPDATE: Attorney says Foley was, by 1—MEMBER—OF—THE clergy between the ages of 13-15.
20061004             58 %. - - AMANDA—NUMBER—OF—AMERICANS who believe THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has deliberately misled THE—USA—PUBLIC about the war in IRAQ, according to 1—NEW—CNN poll.
20061004             Hastert : Foley Scandal Is 1—LIBERAL—CONSPIRACY—TO 'Get To Me' And 'Affect Our Election'
20061004             Interviewed by Rush Limbaugh —TODAY, House Speaker Hastert said MARK—FOLEY—INAPPROPRIATE—BEHAVIOR was "1—POLITICAL—ISSUE" and promised Rush that "we are going on offense".
20061004             The "offense" is 1—EFFORT to portray the scandal as 1—CONSPIRACY specifically timed by liberals to affect the elections.
20061004             "We are the insulation to protect this country," Hastert declared, "and if they get to me it looks like they could affect our election as well":
20061004             SPEAKER HASTERT : There were 2—PIECES—OF—PAPER out there, 1—THAT we knew about and we acted on;
20061004             1—THAT happened 20030000             we didn't know about, but somebody had it, and, you know, they're trying — and they drop it the last —DAY—OF—THE—SESSION, you know, —BEFORE we adjourn on 1—ELECTION—YEAR.
20061004             —NOW, we took care of MISTER—FOLEY.
20061004             —ASKED, We found out about it, him to resign. He did resign. HE—GONE.
20061004             —ASKED, We, for 1—INVESTIGATION. We've done that.
20061004             We're trying to build better protections for these page programs.
20061004             We are the insulation to protect this country + if they get to me it looks like they could affect our election as well.
20061004             CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO Digg It! Full transcript here.
20061004             Conservatives Respond To Foley Scandal With ANTI—GAY—SMEARS
20061004             SOME—CONSERVATIVE—COMMENTATORS are using THE—MARK—FOLEY scandal to push vicious ANTI—GAY smears.
20061004             1—FEW notable comments: BEN—STEIN, USA—SPECTATOR:
20061004             —ON THE—1—HAND, we have 1—POOR misguided Republican man who had 1—ROMANTIC thing for young boys.
20061004             He sent them suggestive E—MAIL. I agree, that's not great.
20061004             I hope it won't come as 1—SURPRISE to anyone that 1—BIG—PART—OF—MALE homosexual behavior is interest in young boys.
20061004             Linda Harvey, WorldNetDaily:
20061004             Open or suspected homosexuals should never be elected.
20061004             The problem with homosexuals is that they frequently don't have common sense and don't acknowledge appropriate boundaries.
20061004             Weird sex, public displays of "affection" and nudity + sex with youth are built into the "gay" SUB—CULTURE.
20061004             JONAH—GOLDBERG, National Review:
20061004             The funny thing is that you would think the left — particularly the gay left — would be 1—BIT—MORE interested in not having 16 + —17—YEAR—OLD—TEENAGERS classified as young children for legal/sexual/political purposes.
20061004             If that were the case, then 1—WHOLE—LOT—OF—DIRTY—OLD—MEN would need to be prosecuted for felonies —WHEN they pick up street hustlers.
20061004             WALL—STREET Journal, editorial:
20061004             But in —TODAY—POLITICALLY correct culture, it's easy to understand how senior Republicans might well have decided they had no grounds to doubt MISTER—FOLEY merely because he was gay and 1—LITTLE too friendly in emails.
20061004             SOME—OF—THOSE liberals —NOW shouting the loudest for MISTER—HASTERT—HEAD are the same voices who tell us that the larger society must be tolerant of private lifestyle choices + certainly must never leap to conclusions about gay men and young boys.
20061004             Tammy Bruce, political analyst:
20061004             All I want, frankly, is 1—GAY—PERSON in office who is not 1—SEXUAL compulsive.
20061004             I mean, is that too much to ask for? [FOX—NEWS] - Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy In Meda:
20061004             —AVOIDED, In fact, the entire scandal might have been, if FOLEY—HOMOSEXUALITY had been exposed and confronted, rather than protected, over the last several years.
20061004             THE—FOLEY scandal is not about homosexuality.
20061004             As ABC News' Maddy Sauer, who broke the Foley story, said —TODAY: "This is 1—ISSUE about minors and congressional pages that have gone to the Hill to learn about how our country works and, you know, are aspiring to work there themselves —1—DAY.
20061004             It's —JUST — the story IS—NOT about whether the congressman is gay or straight.
20061004             Bush praises Hastert. - Nico -
20061004             —SHOCKED, PRESIDENT—BUSH told reporters he was " and dismayed" at FOLEY—BEHAVIOR + said: "I know DENNY—HASTERT.
20061004             I meet with him 1—LOT.
20061004             He is 1—FATHER, teacher, coach who cares about the children of this country.
20061004             I know that he wants all the facts to come out.
20061004             Hannity Insists Liberal Conspiracy Behind Timing of Foley Email Release
20061004             —DEVOTED, Last night on FOX—NEWS, SEAN—HANNITY, 1—LARGE—PART—OF—HIS—SHOW to the Foley scandal.
20061004             But rather than discuss FOLEY—BEHAVIOR and the
20061004             possible COVER—UP by the House leadership, Hannity focused on THE—TIMING—OF—THE—RELEASE—OF—FOLEY—INAPPROPRIATE—EMAILS and IMs + wondered if they were "held back to maximize the political impact —BEFORE 1—ELECTION".
20061004             —RELEASED, THE—HOUSE—LEADERSHIP, not those who, FOLEY—INAPPROPRIATE—CONDUCT to the public, should be questioned about the timing of their actions.
20061004             —REPORTED, ABC News, "FOLEY—OBSESSION with 16- and —17—YEAR—OLD—MALE—PAGES has been known to Republicans on Capitol Hill for at least —5—YEARS, but, other than issue 1—WARNING, little else seems to have been done about the congressman".
20061004             —INFORMED, Among those, were House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (R—IL), House Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH) + REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—SHIMKUS (R—IL), who chairs THE—3—MEMBER—HOUSE—PAGE—BOARD.
20061004             —CONTACTED, NONE—OF—THESE officials apparently ever, law enforcement about the emails.
20061004             —INFORMED, NONE—OF—THEM, the Democratic MEMBER—OF—THE—PAGE—BOARD.
20061004             —PERMITTED, Foley was, to retain his position as 1—MEMBER—OF—HOUSE—LEADERSHIP and as THE—CO—CHAIR—OF—THE congressional caucus on exploited children.
20061004             HANNITY: Do you find it 1—LITTLE—MORE than curious that SOME—OF—THESE instant messages that went back and forth are, you know, several years old + were only released —AFTER the Republican primary election was finished, which makes it difficult to replace him on the ballot?
20061004             Do you find the timing, the fact that they've had — SOME—PEOPLE have known about these —FOR—YEARS + that they're only released at this point?
20061004             Is that curious to you? [Snip]
20061004             HANNITY: Who knew? Why did they leak it —NOW, 30- SOME—ODD—DAYS out of 1—ELECTION, —WHEN they had this —FOR—3—YEARS?
20061004             That's 1—BIG—QUESTION in my mind.
20061004             HANNITY: But do you suspect that this is — do you suspect that there is SOME—FUNNY—BUSINESS going on?
20061004             Do you suspect politics may be involved here? [Snip]
20061004             NEGRON: The reality is that what he did was wrong and he needs to pay the consequences.
20061004             HANNITY: I got that part.
20061004             NEGRON: I'm asking voters to give me a chance.
20061004             —INVOLVED, HANNITY: But do you think politics is, in THE—TIMING—OF—THE—RELEASE—OF this, —AFTER the Republican primary in FLORIDA, which makes it difficult to replace his name on the ballot, which you can't do, in other words, to replace the candidate? [Snip]
20061004             HANNITY: We see 1—LOT—OF—THINGS unfolding —JUST—BEFORE 1—ELECTION.
20061004             You see that this is —JUST pure politics.
20061004             Is there ANY—PRINCIPLE left? [Snip]
20061004             HANNITY: Apparently SOME—OF—THESE instant messages are —3—YEARS—OLD.
20061004             —RAISED, So I think we all have to have 1—QUESTION, here.
20061004             I want to know why these instant messages were held back —UNTIL—NOW.
20061004             Who knew about them? Why did they hold them back?
20061004             Did they do it for political reasons?
20061004             In other words, were they held back to maximize the political impact —BEFORE 1—ELECTION?
20061004             More Foley instant messages.
20061004             - NICO—ABC—NEWS—REPORTS that Foley had INTERNET sex with 1—PAGE——WHILE awaiting 1—HOUSE—VOTE on 20030000             —THE—IRAQ supplemental.
20061004             SENATOR—TRENT—LOTT: 'Iraqis Look Like Iraqis And Americans Look Like Americans'
20061004             Appearing on the Daily Show last night, SENATOR—TRENT—LOTT (R—MS) was asked about his recent comments expressing
20061004             confusion over the ongoing sectarian violence in IRAQ.
20061004             "Why do Sunnis kill Shiites? How do they tell the difference?
20061004             They all look the same to me," he said previously.
20061004             —EXPLAINED, Last night, Lott, "Iraqis look like Iraqis and Americans look like Americans".
20061004             SENATOR—LOTT—VIEW, all Americans APPARENTLY—LOOK like him.
20061004             —ADDED, Lott, "Methodist, Baptists + Catholics live in my hometown. They all look the same to me, they all look like Americans".
20061004             —MENTIONED, STEWART: There was 1—OTHER thing that you, —AFTER your meeting with PRESIDENT—BUSH that I wanted you to have 1—CHANCE to address.
20061004             —MENTIONED, You, Sunnis and Shiites are fighting EACH—OTHER and we don't know why they are doing that.
20061004             And why should they fight EACH—OTHER + who the hell knows the difference, or something along those lines.
20061004             Do you want to address that quote in SOME—WAY.
20061004             I was trying to be delicate about this.
20061004             LOTT: I certainly didn't mean to offend Muslims, but 1—OF—THE—POINTS that I've made —
20061004             STEWART: You better not.
20061004             LOTT: I never have understood why people kill EACH—OTHER over religion, number 1.
20061004             STEWART: NICE, I appreciate that, that's NICE.
20061004             LOTT: I always had trouble understanding — Iraqis look like Iraqis + Americans look like Americans.
20061004             —NOW I can't tell —
20061004             STEWART: You mean that as unity, not as what the hell, they all look alike to me.
20061004             LOTT: Methodist, Baptists + Catholics live in my hometown.
20061004             They all look the same to me, they all look like Americans.
20061004             STEWART: Methodists have 1—LITTLE—MOLE here.
20061004             TONY—PERKINS: 'Tolerance And Diversity' Are To Blame For 'Congressmen Chasing —16—YEAR—OLDS'
20061004             —YESTERDAY on CNN, TONY—PERKINS, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—CONSERVATIVE—FAMILY—RESEARCH—COUNCIL, blamed the Foley scandal on AMERICA—BELIEF in "tolerance and diversity".
20061004             —EXCUSED, He also, the House leadership's NEGLECT—OF—THE—ISSUE, saying they may have been "fearful of acting because they would be seen as homophobic or gay bashing".
20061004             This scandal has nothing to do with FOLEY—SEXUAL—ORIENTATION.
20061004             Preying on children — of ANY—GENDER — is unacceptable.
20061004             JOHN—KING: As we speak sir, JOHN—SHIMKAS is still THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—PAGE—BOARD.
20061004             Would you send your child to WASHINGTON to be 1—PAGE?
20061004             TONY—PERKINS: THERE—NO—DEFENSE—OF this behavior.
20061004             It's outrageous. It's shocking.
20061004             But it shouldn't be totally surprising.
20061004             —WHEN we told up tolerance and diversity as the guideposts for public life, this is what you end up getting.
20061004             You get congressmen chasing —16—YEAR—OLDS down THE—HALLS—OF—CONGRESS.
20061004             It's 1—SHAME.
20061004             It's 1—TRAGEDY and it does need to be addressed.
20061004             But not —JUST the symptoms here.
20061004             We need to go to THE—SOURCE—OF—THE—PROBLEM.
20061004             And if the leadership was negligent, it should be dealt with and should be dealt with in the most severe way possible.
20061004             —PREVENTED, But what, the leadership from acting?
20061004             Were they fearful of acting because they would be seen as homophobic or gay bashing?
20061004             Boehner throws Hastert under the bus.
20061004             House Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH) this —MORNING: "I believe I talked to the Speaker and he told me it had been taken care of," said Boehner.
20061004             "And + + - my position is it's in his corner, it's his responsibility.
20061004             THE—CLERK—OF—THE—HOUSE who runs the page program, the Page BOARD—ALL—REPORT to the Speaker.
20061004             And I believe it had been dealt with".
20061004             CBS Turns Over News Broadcast To Man Who Blames School Shootings on Teaching Evolution and Abortion
20061004             —TURNED, Last night, THE—CBS—EVENING—NEWS, their broadcast over to 1—MAN named BRIAN—ROHRBOUGH, who lost his son —DURING the Columbine massacre.
20061004             —PROCEEDED, MISTER—ROHRBOUGH, to blame recent school shootings on:
20061004             1) THE—TEACHING—OF—EVOLUTION + - 2) abortion.
20061004             —SUFFERED, Watch it: MISTER—ROHRBOUGH, 1—GREAT—LOSS and is certainly entitled to his opinion.
20061004             But CBS does not have to broadcast his extreme views to MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE.
20061004             Intel Officials: Rice 's 20010700             Briefing Described Urgent Threat, '10 On 1—SCALE—OF—1 to 10'
20061004             Condoleezza Rice describes her briefing with CIA officials GEORGE—TENET and Cofer Black on
20061004             Speaker Hastert will not resign, - Nico - 1—SPOKESPERSON tells MISS—NBC.
20061004             ATTA—FATHER—SAYS—VIDEO—FAKE, Credibility of 'Hijackers Tape'
20061004             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON ' Crumbles Islamic Terror Expert: "Was this 1—VIDEO by AL—QA'IDA or by 1—SECURITY—AGENCY?" "New"
20061004             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—OR are MARK—FOLEY 's perverted e mails of more importance to THE—EXISTENCE—OF—FREEDOM in the
20061004             FATHER—OF—MOHAMMED—ATTA says Video 1—FAKE
20061004             THE—FATHER—OF—MOHAMMED—ATTA, the leader of 20060911             —THE hijackers, says 1—VIDEO published by THE—UK—DAILY THE—SUNDAY—TIMES, showing Atta —20—MONTHS—BEFORE the Twin Towers attacks, is false.
20061004             "THE—VIDEO—TESTAMENT—OF my son is false and I continue to believe he is innocent" MUHAMMAD—AL—AMIR—AL—SAYD.
20061004             Weldon rejects DOD report on able danger & HARASSMENT—OF—MILITARY—OFFICER
20061004             USA REPRESENTATIVE—CURT—WELDON, vice CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—ARMED—SERVICES and Homeland Security Committees, —TODAY released the —FOLLOWING statement about THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—INSPECTOR—GENERAL (DOD IG) report on
20061004             N KOREA warned over nuclear test 1—NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—TEST would be a "provocative act", USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE says.
20061004             Key powers seek IRAN sanctions THE—USA—AND—THE—UK say key world powers will seek UN SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN over the nuclear STAND—OFF.
20061004             Q&A: EU passenger data row Why EU—USA—TALKS on renewing 1—DEAL on THE—TRANSFER—OF—AIR—PASSENGER—DATA collapsed.
20061004             INDIA calls for calm over dengue INDIA—OFFICIALS tell people not to panic as 1—OUTBREAK—OF dengue fever claims at least 28—LIVES.
20061004             'Ancient light' takes Nobel Prize Discoveries about the "oldest light" in the Universe earn JOHN—MATHER and GEORGE—SMOOT 1—NOBEL—PRIZE for physics.
20061004             EU urges RUSSIA to end blockade THE—EU calls on RUSSIA to lift economic sanctions it imposed on GEORGIA amid 1—BITTER spying row.
20061004             —VALUED, Shoelace —TAG, above gold Simple tags to prevent shoelaces from fraying tell 1—TIDY tale about CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS in CUBA.
20061004             IRAN pushes FRANCE nuclear deal IRAN suggests FRANCE could monitor IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME, as powers move to consider sanctions.
20061004             Big Bang Brings Big Prize
20061004             The work of 2—AMERICANS didn't prove the "big bang" theory but certainly advanced the argument for it, prompting THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—NOBEL committee for physics to declare it "1—OF—THE—GREATEST—DISCOVERIES—OF—THE—CENTURY".
20061004             It also brought them the Nobel Prize for physics.
20061004             —RAISED, HP investigator twice, objections —AFTER his 1. caution, VINCE—NYE sent a 2. E—MAIL warning that obtaining outsiders' phone records didn't pass smell test.
20061004             Graphite that can absorb oil Video: A—Z Comp CEO—ALISHER—ABDUL demonstrates how nanocarbon graphene can absorb oil spills REGARDLESS—OF—SIZE and scale.
20061004             HP—BOARDROOM drama Internal investigation into media leaks at tech giant blows up into FULL—FLEDGED media event.
20061004             GOOGLE—SCHMIDT meets the Tories CEO pops into 1—CONSERVATIVE—PARTY—CONFERENCE to insist THE—INTERNET can help combat repressive societies.
20061004             —LOGGED, MARK—FOLEY : Scandalized, but still, on to AIM Blog: Even 1—SEX—SCANDAL over communicating with underage boys can't make NEWLY—EX—REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY sign OFF—OF—AIM, according to liberal...
20061004             Dead man's hand for online gambling?
20061004             Blog: Online gambling has —JUST gone bust in THE—USA.1—BILL approved by Congress over the weekend essentially outlaws most...
20061004             WASHINGTON, 1—NET protector or predator?
20061004             —RESIGNED, MARK—FOLEY, who, from Congress over SEX—CHAT allegations, touted himself as its leading DEFENDER—OF—CHILDREN on the Net.
20061004             NORTH—KOREA asserts that nuclear test is 1—MEASURE to "bolstering its nuclear deterrent as 1—SELF—DEFENSE—MEASURE".
20061004             Mid-200-: If NORTH—KOREA unloads another BATCH—OF—FUEL, it may have enough nuclear material for 8 to 17—NUCLEAR—BOMBS.
20061004             —WARNED, Ashcroft was, that 20010911             attack was coming...
20061004             PRESIDENT—BUSH——ON—WEDNESDAY said, "I remember campaigning for Rick in Flagstaff in 1—RAIN—STORM.
20061004             That didn't dampen our spirits.
20061004             —INDICTED, RICK—RENZI | Politicker AZ RICK—RENZI (R-1), on 35—FEDERAL—COUNTS—FRIDAY, has been removed from SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN—LEADERSHIP—TEAM, where he had been 1—ARIZONA—CO—CHAIR.
20061004             CD1 RICK—RENZI | ARIZONA Congress Watch
20061004             THE—HEAD—OF—REPUBLICAN national congressional election efforts hopes THE—GOP can retain embattled Flagstaff Congressman RICK—RENZI—SEAT despite the...
20061004             "THE—PATTY—ROE—STORY: the interesting ETHICS—OF—CONGRESSMAN—RICK...
20061004             But THE—OFFICE—OF—ETHICALLY—CHALLENGED—REPUBLICAN—CONGRESSMAN—RICK—RENZI—OF—ARIZONA has figured out 1—WAY to trample on the spirit of both rules.
20061004             —INDICTED, REPRESENTATIVE—RENZI, on fraud, finance charges | Reuters
20061004             WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican REPRESENTATIVE—RICHARD—RENZI—OF—ARIZONA was indicted on 35—CRIMINAL—COUNTS, including conspiracy, wire fraud, money laundering +...
20061004             Records Show Tenet Briefed Rice on AL—QAEDA—THREAT : 1—REVIEW—OF—WHITE—HOUSE—RECORDS has determined that GEORGE—J—TENET, then THE—DIRECTOR—OF—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE, did brief Condoleezza Rice + other top officials 20010710             , about the looming threat from AL—QAEDA, 1—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SPOKESMAN said —MONDAY.
20061004             if he'd known about it".
20061004  Digg It!
200610040000 - Antifaschist aus DO
20061004—20000000    —IN, SAO—PAULO, BRAZIL, court officials said 14—WORKERS at 1—JUVENILE detention center were convicted and sentenced to up to —87—YEARS in prison for beating inmates with iron bars and wood to find out who organized 1—ESCAPE attempt.
20061004—20000100    —CLOSED, THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE, at 11,727.34—YESTERDAY, besting the previous record, though "[i]f inflation is taken into account, the Dow has to rise another 2,150—POINTS—BEFORE it will 20000901             —ALL—TIME—HIGH".
20061004—20010000    —SINCE, Congress has voted to retain the Grants program over the administration's objections, but at
20061004—20010911    —SINCE, But, you know, this is 1—POLITICAL—ISSUE in itself, too + what we've tried to do as THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY is make 1—BETTER—ECONOMY, protect this country against terrorism — and we've worked at it ever, worked with THE—PRESIDENT on it — and there are SOME—PEOPLE that try to tear us down.
20061004—20050323    —UNCOVERED, NORTH—USA—UNION—ESCAPES Scrutiny : Judicial Watch, documents that shed new light on the "Security and Prosperity PARTNERSHIP—OF—NORTH—AMERICA," announced by PRESIDENT—BUSH, FORMER—MEXICO PRESIDENT—VICENTE—FOX and CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—PAUL—MARTIN.
20061004—20050600    —DESCRIBED, But on THE—CHARLIE—ROSE—SHOW, Hadley, the Bush strategy as "stay the course" and
20061004—20050700    —SINCE, in the capital ".
20061004—20060926    —ON, The demonstration took place at THE—CALIFORNIA—CLEAN—TECH—OPEN—COMPETITION in S—FRANCISCO.
20061004—20061005    —ON, ": Help stop THE—IRAN—ATTACK—BE There.
20061004—20061007    —ON, AFGHANISTAN: Nato is —NOW USA—ATO : THE—PRE—PLANNED war in AFGHANISTAN will be —5—YEARS—OLD.
20061004—20061029    —AM, Der Kandidat der (noch rechteren) Rechten, Alckmin, wird mit Lula einen 2. WAHL—GANG absolvieren und dessen Ausgang.
20070107             The trial, set for 20071004             in Manhattan is expected to last 4—6—WEEKS.
20070113             NEW—YORK Ny Politics & Political Donations In Zip 10019 ADELAIDE—DEMENIL, Rock Foundation /PRESIDENT, $1000, 20041004             .
20070113             ADELAIDE—DEMENIL, Rock Foundation /PRESIDENT, $1000, 20041004             .
20070120             [20061004             ]
20070708             —CALLED, FBI agents write up their interviews on forms, 302s, which we cite as "FBI REPORT—OF—INVESTIGATION, INTERVIEW—BY—JOHN—SMITH, 20011004             ," using THE—DATE—OF—THE—INTERVIEW.
20070726             finance sophistry (20051004             update 20072806             )
20070924—19571004    —SCHON, "Sputnik" umkreiste —AM—ABEND des zum 2. Mal die Erde, als sich mehrere Dutzend Geowissenschaftler aus verschiedenen Ländern in der sowjetischen Botschaft in WASHINGTON zu einer Party trafen.
20070924—20071004    —KIDNAPPED, Both, Italians were wounded in the raid, but 1 † from his wounds in ROME.
20071001             Evidence may come —THIS—WEEK as the European CENTRAL—BANK—AND—THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND EACH—HOLD policy meetings 20071004             .
20071002—20071004    transcript of THE—DULUTH—MINNESOTA, jury trial which took PLACEIN—CAPITOL Records v. Thomas.
20071004             alfatomega.com/20070302.html
20071004             "THE—NATION" (20050925             ) magazine reported that Schmitz spent —3—MONTHS redesigning THE—SEAL—OF—THE—INSPECTOR—GENERAL—OFFICE to include elements of von STEUBEN—FAMILY crest, including the von Steuben family motto, Sub Tutela Altissimi Semper, "Under the Protection of the Almighty".
20071004             —ARRESTED, USA—MARSHALS posing as supporters, convicted TAX—EVADERS Ed and Elaine Brown at their rural, FORTRESS—LIKE—HOME in NEW—HAMPSHIRE.
20071004             —ENGAGED, They had, in a —9-MONTH standoff with authorities.
20071004             —CONVICTED, They were, in January of scheming to avoid FEDERAL—INCOME—TAXES by hiding $1.9—MILLION—OF—INCOME 19960000—20030000    —BETWEEN and were sentenced —IN—APRIL.
20071004             The recording industry won 1—MAJOR fight in its effort to stop illegal music downloading with 1—USA—JURY—DECISION to impose $222,000 damages against 1—MINNESOTA woman who used 1—WEB—SERVICE to share music.
20071004             —VOWED, IDAHO SENATOR—LARRY—CRAIG defiantly, to serve out his term in office despite losing 1—COURT—ATTEMPT to rescind his guilty plea in 1—MEN—ROOM—SEX sting.
20071004             Former city maintenance worker JOHN—ASHLEY shot 5—PEOPLE in 1—LAW—OFFICE—IN—ALEXANDRIA, LOS—ANGELES, killing 2—OF—THEM;
20071004             † Ashley was shot and killed by police —FOLLOWING 1—STANDOFF.
20071004             —CONVICTED, PHILADELPHIA, MUSTAFA—ALI, —36—JAHRE—ALT, 1, bank robber, shot and killed 2 armored car guards servicing 1—ATM outside 1—BANK.
20071004             —LOCKED, Several schools were, down amid 1—MASSIVE—MANHUNT for the gunman, who was arrested THE—NEXT—DAY.
20071004             —OUTLINED, Microsoft, its vision, dubbed HealthVault, in which 1—PERSON can view, from 1—PLACE, their complete health records.
20071004             † 1—UK—SOLDIER was killed in 1—EXPLOSION about 19—MILES—WEST—OF—KANDAHAR city.
20071004             —APPROVED, THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT, plans for 1—CONTROVERSIAL—MULTI—BILLION—DOLLAR pulp mill in Tasmania despite objections it could ruin 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST pristine environments.
20071004             —VOWED, CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER, to crack down on illegal drugs, saying the Conservative government would propose mandatory prison time for serious drug offenses.
20071004             —STOPPED, Health CANADA said that it has, the sale of Novartis Pharmaceuticals ANTI—INFLAMMATORY drug Prexige and will cancel its market authorization due to the risk for serious LIVER—RELATED effects including hepatitis.
20071004             —BECAME, CANADA, the 1. country to notify the World Trade Organization that it has agreed to allow 1—CANADA—COMPANY to make generic medicines for export to RWANDA.
20071004             CHILE, the widow and 5—CHILDREN—OF—GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET were among 23—PEOPLE indicted on CHARGES—OF—CORRUPTION related to the dictator's USA—BANK—ACCOUNTS.
20071004             —CRASHED, CONGO, 1—CARGO—PLANE, in 1—RESIDENTIAL—NEIGHBORHOOD—NEAR the main airport in KINSHASA, plowing into homes and killing at least 52—PEOPLE.
20071004             EGYPT sent 1—HIGH—LEVEL—PROTEST to DOZENS—OF—EUROPEAN nations expressing "astonishment and regret" at their refusal to endorse CAIRO—CALL for 1—MIDDLE—EAST—NUCLEAR—FREE—ZONE at 1—CONFERENCE——LAST—MONTH.
20071004             At —LAST—MONTH—IAEA session, 25—OF—THE—27—EU nations abstained as did other countries hoping to join the union.
20071004             —ABSTAINED, In all, 47—NATIONS.
20071004             —FORCED, ISRAEL—OBJECTIONS, 1—VOTE in which 53—COUNTRIES, Muslim states and their supporters from the developing world, backed the proposal.
20071004             —PLEDGED, ETHIOPIA, 5,000 troops to 1—FUTURE—UN—AFRICA—UNION peacekeeping mission for Darfur.
20071004             —HOODED, NORTH—EAST—FRANCE, dozens of, youths attacked 2—POLICE—VEHICLES with metal bars, set fire to more than 12 parked cars and torched 1—COMMUNITY—CENTER in SAINT—DIZIER.
20071004             Siemens, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—BIGGEST electrical engineering firms, accepted a $285—MILLION—FINE imposed by 1—COURT—IN—MUNICH for bribery by its communications division.
20071004             —ANNOUNCED, CEO—PETER—LOSCHER, 1—RE—ORGANIZATION that included reducing its 9—DIVISIONS to 3 and downsizing the 11-man executive BOARD.
20071004             —NAMED, The ruling, officials in NIGERIA, LIBYA and RUSSIA as recipients of 77—BRIBES totaling some $17.5—MILLION.
20071004             —BACKED, THE—WAI—WAI, 1—INDIGENOUS—GROUP in GUYANA, by government decree and 1—USA—BASED conservation organization, said it has banned miners and loggers from its section of the Amazon jungle and pledged to pursue 1—ECONOMIC—STRATEGY based on ecotourism, research and traditional crafts.
20071004             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—TELEVISION, that IRAN and Syria have signed 1—AGREEMENT for TEHRAN to export 1—BILLION dollars WORTH—OF—GAS—EVERY—YEAR to its CHIEF regional ally.
20071004             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI said IRAQ has, light military equipment from CHINA worth $100—MILLION because THE—USA is unable to meet BAGHDAD—REQUIREMENTS.
20071004             1—GOVERNMENT—MINISTER said the official IRAQ—INVESTIGATION into the Blackwater shooting —LAST—MONTH recommended that the security guards face trial in IRAQ—COURTS and that the company compensate the victims.
20071004             —MIXED, ABBAS—HASSAN—HAMZA, the mayor of the religiously, TOWN—OF—ISKANDARIYAH, was killed along with 4—OF—HIS—GUARDS in 1—ROADSIDE bomb attack.
20071004             —BELONGED, Hamza, to IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI—DAWA party.
20071004             —EXPLODED, In BAGHDAD, 1—CAR—BOMB, near people on line at 1—GAS—STATION, killing 4—CIVILIANS and wounding 8—OTHERS.
20071004             3—CIVILIANS were shot by USA—TROOPS—NEAR 1—CHECKPOINT in ABU—LUKAH set up by Iraqis who have joined forces against extremists.
20071004             —KILLED, A—USA—SOLDIER was, by SMALL—ARMS—FIRE —DURING operations in 1—SOUTHERN—SECTION—OF—BAGHDAD.
20071004             —REPORTED, It was, that in KUWAIT the nomadic Bedouin, Arabic for "without," numbered about 100,000—PEOPLE and have been refused what they feel is their birthright: citizenship.
20071004             HOLLAND—AUTHORITIES said their customs officers had found 100—DEAD—BEETLES stuffed with cocaine whilst examining 1—PARCEL from PERU.
20071004             —RAISED, Officials said THE—NIGERIA—CENTRAL—BANK has, its benchmark interest rate MPR from 8 to 9—PERCENT because of rising inflation.
20071004             —PLEDGED, SOUTH—KOREAN—PRESIDENT—ROH—MOO—HYUN and NORTH—KOREAN—LEADER—KIM—JONG—IL, to seek 1—PEACE—TREATY to replace the Korean War's 19530000             CEASE—FIRE and expand projects to reduce tension across the world's last Cold War frontier.
20071004             —KILLED, Militants holding some 230—PAKISTAN—TROOPS, 3—OF—THE—CAPTIVE soldiers —BEFORE dawn in apparent retaliation for army raids on guerrilla HIDE—OUTS near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20071004             —CALLED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—GLORIA—ARROYO, for increased trade with INDIA at the start of a —3—DAY—VISIT.
20071004             —ANNOUNCED, The government of SOMALIA, 1—CRACKDOWN on Islamic militants.
20071004             THE—HEAD—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA—MAIN—UNION—BODY stood down from his office pending the outcome of 1—INVESTIGATION into the disappearance of 1—LARGE—CASH—DONATION.
20071004             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, almost the entire leadership of Batasuna as the banned party held 1—MEETING in the Basque TOWN—OF—SEGURA.
20071004             —CONFIRMED, The operation, the hard line against ETA by the Socialist GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—JOSE—LUIS—RODRIGUEZ—ZAPATERO —SINCE the armed group officially ended a —15—MONTH—OLD—CEASEFIRE in June.
20071004             Prominent world figures led by FORMER—PRESIDENT—CARTER and DESMOND—TUTU—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA SAID they were shocked by the suffering in Darfur and criticized SUDAN—GOVERNMENT in exceptionally harsh terms.
20071004             1—UNION—OFFICIAL said ZIMBABWE—TEACHERS have called off 1—STRIKE for better wages —AFTER reaching 1—DEAL with the government.
20071004             Es ist noch DA—DAS Loch in der Ozonschicht, aber seine Größe hat sich in den vergangenen —12—MONATEN um fast 1—DRITTEL verringert.
20071004             Was —ZUNÄCHST aussieht wie 1—ERFOLG bei der Verminderung ozonschädlicher FCKW—GASE, führen Forscher jedoch auf natürliche Schwankungen von Temperatur und Winden zurück.
20071004             "Das diesjährige Ozonloch befand sich —DIESES—JAHR weniger mittig über dem Südpol als —IN—DEN—JAHREN ZUVOR—SO konnte es sich mit wärmerer Luft mischen", sagte Ronald VAN der A vom Königlich NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—METEOROLOGISCHEN Institut.
20071004             Da Ozon bei Temperaturen kälter als minus 78—GRAD Celsius abgebaut wird, schwächte die wärmere Luft diesen Abbau ab.
20071004             Die Folge: mehr Ozon und ein kleineres Ozonloch.
20071004             Restlicher Widerstand gegen die Barcodes, so glaubt zumindest PAUL—HEBERT, erledige sich von selbst.
20071004             "Manchmal", sagt der BARCODE—PAPA, "schreitet die Wissenschaft eben auch voran über Beerdigungen".
20071004             Und bei relativ jungen Arten, etwa solchen, die weniger als 1—MILLION—JAHRE alt sind, helfe diese Technik auch nicht weiter.
20071004             Ein solches Gerät, sagte Schmetterlingsforscher DAN—JANZEN feierlich in Taipeh, werde das Wissen um die Natur DEMOKRATISIEREN—UND das Verhältnis zwischen Mensch und Biodiversität grundlegend verändern.
20071004             Denn —ERST wenn Menschen die Artenvielfalt selbst erkennen, würden sie bereitwillig zu ihrem Schutz beitragen.
20071004             Und weitere —5—JAHRE—SPÄTER, erzählt Hebert, "gibt es dann ein transportables Gerät für jedermann".
20071004             Das sei der "Barcoder" + Hebert stellt ihn sich so ähnlich vor wie den "Tricorder" aus den "Star Trek"-Episoden.
20071004             Diese Wunderkiste werde jeden Organismus zu jedem Zeitpunkt überall auf Erden fast augenblicklich identifizieren können.
20071004             In —5—JAHREN werde es 1—GERÄT von der Größe eines Heimcomputers geben, das JEDE—GENPROBE sequenzieren und via INTERNET mit der Datenbank in GUELPH abgleichen könne.
20071004             Solche Geräte würden das Handwerkszeug aller BIOLOGEN—UND die Entdeckung neuer Arten im Eiltempo ermöglichen.
20071004             Für das Geld sollte zumindest 1—ZENTRUM entstehen, das hiesige und auch außereuropäische Arten sammelt, katalogisiert, taxonomisch beschreibt, die DNA—SIGNATUREN ermittelt und sie einspeist in die globale Datenbank BOLD ("BARCODE—OF—LIFE Data Systems").
20071004             So sieht Heberts Schlachtplan aus: Von 20090000             an will er mit weiteren Instituten 1—GROßOFFENSIVE starten.
20071004             Innerhalb von —5—JAHREN sollen die Barcodes von 500.000—ARTEN ermittelt WERDEN—ALLE—SÄUGETIERE, ALLE—FISCHE, ALLE—VÖGEL, ALLE—REPTILIEN und Amphibien, vielleicht ALLE—SCHMETTERLINGE.
20071004             Erstmals scheint die Referenzbibliothek des Lebens in Reichweite zu rücken.
20071004             Umfrage: Deutsche sehen Aufschwung an sich vorbeigehen
20071004             Regensturm: Dutzende Verletzte bei Unwetter auf Mallorca
20071004             Burma: Militärführung lädt USA—GESANDTE zu Gesprächen ein
20071004             Letzte DAIMLERCHRYSLER—HV: Aktionäre rechnen mit CHRYSLER—ÄRA ab
20071004             AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ: Hessische Grüne trotzen Parteitagsbeschluss
20071004             CHILE: Familienangehörige von EX—DIKTATOR Pinochet festgenommen
20071004             Genanalyse: Forscher plant Inventur allen Lebens
20071004             Beschluss: Sicherheitsfirmen im IRAK sollen USA—GERICHTSBARKEIT unterliegen
20071004             Tarifautonomie: BAHN—STREIK versetzt Verkehrspolitiker in Alarmstimmung
20071004             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Finanzsenator unter Druck: Sarrazin, Steuerdaten von POLITIKERN—STRAFANZEIGE
20071004             USA—WAHLKAMPF: Demokraten fürchten die IRAK—FALLE
20071004             12—MONATS—BILANZ: Ozonloch ist stark geschrumpft
20071004             Schwarze Kassen: Geldbuße im SCHMIERGELDSKANDAL—SIEMENS muss 200—MILLIONEN zahlen
20071004             In ihrem Kampf gegen den Test hatten Menschenrechtsgruppen in den vergangenen —TAGEN Unterstützung von zahlreichen Prominenten erhalten.
20071004             1—PETITION—DER—GRUPPE—SOS—RACISME hatten unter anderen der konservative Expremierminister DOMINIQUE—DE—VILLEPIN, der angesehene Genforscher AXEL—KAHN und der Fußballspieler Lilian Thuram unterzeichnet.
20071004             Selbst mehrere MITGLIEDER—DER—KONSERVATIVEN—REGIERUNG—VON—STAATSPRÄSIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY hatten sich gegen seine Einführung ausgesprochen, weil sie die Maßnahme als diskriminierend empfinden.
20071004             Einwanderungsminister Brice Hortefeux verteidigte dagegen sein Gesetzesvorhaben.
20071004             Hinweise auf den weiteren geldpolitischen Kurs der EZB werden —AM—NACHMITTAG erwartet, wenn EZB—PRÄSIDENT—JEAN—CLAUDE—TRICHET auf einer PRESSEKONFERENZ—IN—WIEN die Gründe für die —ENTSCHEIDUNG erläutern wird.
20071004             Dabei dürfte er auch die aktuelle Lage an den GELD—UND Finanzmärkten und die Risiken für die Realwirtschaft beurteilen.
20071004             Unterschrieben sind die internen Anweisungen zur Folter denn auch von Bradbury.
20071004             Er tat sich immer als strikter Verteidiger des Überwachungsprogramms des Nationalen Sicherheitsdienstes (NSA ) und des Umgangs des Dienstes mit Gefangenen hervor.
20071004             Bei Anhörungen im Kongress und bei PRESSEKONFERENZEN—TRAT—BRADBURY als derjenige unter den Regierungsbeamten auf, der das Gesetz am härtesten auslegte.
20071004             Über die Praktiken im Justizministerium will sich das offizielle WASHINGTON nicht äußern.
20071004             Regierungssprecher TONY—FRATTO verweigerte jeglichen Kommentar zum Thema Verhörmethoden.
20071004             Er wies lediglich darauf hin, dass die Regierung viel getan habe, damit die Ermittler auf der Grundlage des amerikanischen und internationalen Rechts handelten.
20071004             Während die Volksvertreter Foltermethoden als "grausam, inhuman und entwürdigend" ächteten,
20071004             formulierte das Justizministerium einen weiteren geheimen Vermerk, in dem erklärt wird, dass sämtliche CIA—METHODEN den vom Kongress geforderten Standards genügten.
20071004             Obwohl außer dem Kongress auch der Oberste Gerichtshof während der vergangenen —2—JAHRE wiederholt eingeschritten ist, um zweifelhafte Verhörmethoden einzudämmen, wurde die von Gonzales ausgegebene Politik im Justizministerium weiterhin verfolgt.
20071004             Und obwohl die Regierung den allerschlimmsten Verhörmethoden abschwor, gelang es dem Weißen Haus somit, den breitestmöglichen Spielraum für rüde Verhörmethoden zu erhalten.
20071004             Das AMERIKANISCHE—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM wurde Ende 20040000             nicht müde, die Anwendung von Folter bei Verhören zu geißeln.
20071004             Diesen "abscheulichen" Methoden stehe man fern.
20071004             Es schien, als ob man von der Haltung GEORGE—W—BUSH s abrückte, der einen Freischein für die Anwendung brutaler Verhörmethoden ausgestellt hatte.
20071004             Gonzales : Auf völkerrechtswidrigen Pfaden
20071004             Doch wenige —WOCHEN später erließ Justizminister Gonzales nach einem Bericht der "NEW—YORK—TIMES " eine heimliche Anweisung, mit der auch brutalste Verhörmethoden befürwortet wurden.
20071004             Bahnkonflikt: Auch FRANZÖSISCHE—LOKFÜHRER gehen auf die Barrikaden
20071004             KREBS—VORSORGE: Neue Methode soll Darmuntersuchung angenehmer machen
20071004             Flaute auf dem Automarkt: Abschwung erfasst DEUTSCHE—PREMIUM—HERSTELLER
20071004             Burma: Juntachef will Oppositionsführerin Suu Kyi treffen
20071004             Agenda 20100000             : SPD schwenkt auf Becks Kurs ein
20071004             Sicherheitskontrolle: JAPAN fordert Fingerabdruck und Foto bei Einreise
20071004             Insekten als Drogenkuriere: Schmuggler verstecken Koks in toten Käfern
20071004             Rekordjahr: Maschinenbau schafft neues Wirtschaftswunder
20071004             UV—BELASTUNG: Forscher messen Strahlungsrekord auf Sylt
20071004             Bombig: ANTI—KRIEGS—LIED von Dylan aufgetaucht
20071004             Kampf gegen Terror: Die geheime FOLTER—DOKTRIN der USA - Finanzkrise: EZB lässt Leitzins bei 4 %
20071004             Atomstreit: IRAN soll —SCHON bald Uran anreichern können
20071004             FRANKREICH: Senat billigt Gentests für Zuwanderer
20071004             Verbraucherinsolvenz: ZAHL—DER—PRIVATEN—PLEITEN steigt
20071004             SINGLAUB + BARBARA—STUDLEY, THE—HEAD—OF—GEOMILITECH, had —EARLIER arranged for the sale of $5—MILLION in weapons to the Contras.
20071004             - 261 - COUNCIL—FOR—NATIONAL—POLICY (CNP) - SH—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES Wife, BARBARA—INVOLVED with the women's ministry, 1. Baptist Church of Raytown, MO;...
20071004             SINGLAUB brought 1—WRITTEN proposal from GEOMILITECH to Casey.
20071004             —ABOUT through his association with eccentric former beauty QUEEN—BARBARA—STUDLEY.
20071004             arms company called GEOMILITECH—CONSULTANTS—CORPORATION[GMT]
20071004             —ESTABLISHED, BARBARA—F—STUDLEY GEOMILITECH (GMT ) Consultants Corporation is, by conservative talk show host BARBARA—F—STUDLEY.
20071004             1—NUMBER—OF—FAR RIGHT—WING, high ranking...
20071004             GEOMILITECH—CONSULTANTS—CORPORATION - Prados,J. Presidents' Secret Wars.
20071004             BARBARA—F—STUDLEY
20071004             —FOUNDED, Search results for "Calero "GEOMILITECH, by SINGLAUB + SINGLAUB partner, BARBARA—STUDLEY, procured $5.3million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader... alfatomega.com/_themes_/_Calero,Adolfo_.html Search results for "IRAN—CONTRA "
20071004             The origins of IRAN—CONTRA : Lessons from the Durrani Affair Barbara Studley + GeoMiliTec.
20071004             BrainBuilders_com —JUST how much can you improve your own functional intelligence?... " Matrioshka Brains" Fantastic Visions of the Artificial Brain Builders "...
20071004             INSIDER—VERDACHT: EADS—KLEINAKTIONÄRE wollen Aufsichtsräte absetzen
20071004             —BESCHLEICHT, WASHINGTON—NICHT nur, dass Frauen kein Wonnegefühl, sobald sie sich mit mehreren Vertretern des anderen Geschlechts allein in einem Raum befinden.
20071004             Sie fühlen sich von dieser Situation sogar regelrecht bedroht, so das Ergebnis einer USA—STUDIE—UND zwar —SCHON beim Betrachten entsprechender Videos.
20071004             Der Studie zufolge lässt sich so die schlechtere Leistung von Frauen in von Männern beherrschten Fachgebieten mit erklären.
20071004             USA—LIEFERSCHWIERIGKEITEN: IRAK muss Waffen in CHINA bestellen
20071004             Burma: Militärjunta nimmt Journalisten ins Visier
20071004             TERROR—ALARM: CHILI—WOLKE löste Panik aus
20071004             NORD—KOREA: Der Despot mimt das FRIEDENS—TÄUBCHEN
20071004             Elektronischer Reisepass: 2—FINGERABDRÜCKE für mehr Sicherheit
20071004             Ausstehende Löhne: Rabiate Arbeiter fesseln CHEF—ANS—BETT
20071004             Seltsamer Saurier: Pflanzenfresser hatte monströses Gebiss
20071004             —VERSPÄTET, Hinrichtung in TEXAS: Eilantrag —20—MINUTEN, - Häftling tot
20071004             Gerichtsurteil: Per SMS kündigen reicht nicht
20071004             Schröders Erbe: Grüne rücken von Agenda 20100000             ab
20071004             Gipfeltreffen: NORD—KOREA und SÜDKOREA unterzeichnen Friedenserklärung
20071004             "That would be Schmitz. HE—1—DARN—TEUTON".
20071004             the "Schmitz"-name is common in THE—GERMANY—CITY—COLOGNE only.
20071004             Here the Nazis, or the Teutones have been and are and will be always 1—VERY—SMALL—MINORITY.They had to use force to get 1—FOOTHOLD there".
20071004             Cologne is 1—VERY cosmoplitan area.
20071004             Contrary to MANY—TOWNS—OF in THE—USA.
20071004             —EMIGRATED, This spezial Schmitz has, to THE—USA.
20071004             Guess why? #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 9:52 AM
20071004             —SCRUBBED, SCHMITZ—WIKIPEDIA article appears to have been, —SINCE last —WINTER, —WHEN I saved 1—COPY.
20071004             Here are SOME—OF—THE—BITS that are no longer there:
20071004             —HIRED, Upon taking office, Schmitz, L. JEAN—LEWIS, 1—REPUBLICAN operative and whistleblower in the Whitewater Affair.
20071004             She marketed products with pictures of MISTER—S—CLINTON and the logo "B.I.T.C.H.: Bill, I'm Taking Charge. Hillary".
20071004             —CREATED, Schmitz eventually, the position of "CHIEF—OF—STAFF" for Lewis.
20071004             (Schmitz was quoted in THE—LA—TIMES—ARTICLE as saying that the eagle of the previous seal looked "like 1—CHICKEN".)
20071004             —AUTHORED, Schmitz, 1—ARTICLE in THE—IN—HOUSE—JOURNAL—OF—THE—FEDERAL—INSPECTORS—GENERAL about Von Steuben and mentioned him in virtually EVERY—SPEECH he made —WHILE in office ("THE—ENDURING—LEGACY—OF—INSPECTOR—GENERAL—VON—STEUBEN," Public Inquiry, F/W 20020000             , [1].
20071004             "He was consumed with all things German and all things Von Steuben," said 1—GOVERNMENT official quoted in THE—LA—TIMES article.
20071004             "He was obsessed".
20071004             Schmitz also took 1—UNUSUAL—INTEREST in the sex slave trade.
20071004             —INVESTIGATED, His office, THE—INVOLVEMENT—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY in the sex trade in SOUTH—KOREA, Bosnia + KOSOVO, but found little beyond THE—PROPENSITY—OF—SOLDIERS to frequent brothels, 1—INEXCUSABLE—MORAL lapse, according to SCHMITZ—TESTIMONY——BEFORE Congress and 1—ARTICLE he wrote that was published on THE—WEBSITE—OF—THE—WORLD—SECURITY—NETWORK.
20071004             —INTERFERED, THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—ARTICLE also claims that Schmitz, in other investigations of senior officials:
20071004             THE—AIR—FORCE—ACADEMY—SEX—SCANDAL, in which senior AIR—FORCE—ACADEMY—OFFICIALS were accused of failing to investigate rape allegations by female cadets.
20071004             1—CONTRACTING scandal involving THE—AIR—FORCE and Boeing Corporation, in which senior AIR—FORCE—OFFICIALS, including FORMER—AIR—FORCE—SECRETARY—JAMES—ROCHE, were accused of steering contracts to the Boeing Corporation.
20071004             —BEFORE presenting his report to Congress, Schmitz allegedly sent it to THE—WHITE—HOUSE for review.
20071004             The names of several WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS were reportedly redacted from the report.
20071004             —QUOTED, SENATOR—CHARLES—GRASSLEY was, by THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES as saying to Schmitz, "That decision... raises questions about your INDEPENDENCE".
20071004             argument in which THE—RIAA lawyer convinced the judge to make the mistake which forced him to eventually vacate the jury's verdict, and THE—TESTIMONY—OF—SONY—BMG—JENNIFER—PARISER in which she 'misspoke' according to THE—RIAA—CARY—SHERMAN —WHEN she testified under oath that making 1—COPY from one's CD to one's computer is 'stealing.'
20071004             (100—PAGES)(PDF)".
20071004—19910000    —EXPRESSED, In his confirmation hearings, COMMITTEE—DEMOCRATS, concern about 1—LETTER that Schmitz had written to THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES in which he had accused THEN—CANDIDATE—BILL—CLINTON of treasonous actions and had inappropriately signed the letter with his military rank.
20071004—20011100    —IN, 82—UK—PERSONNEL, including 57—SOLDIERS, have been killed in AFGHANISTAN —SINCE operations began there.
20071004—20041200    —IM, Offiziell geißelte das USA—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM Folter bei Verhören als "abscheulich".
20071004—20100000    —SENTENCED, Brown (67) was, —37—YEARS in prison.
20071004—20200000    —IN, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE ruled that Elaine Brown can be released —AFTER serving over —12—YEARS in prison.
20080902—20081004    —SURRENDERED, Ablett, to police in OKLAHOMA.
20081004             —GEGLAUBT, Wir haben, wir seien nicht so blöd wie die Spekulanten, die im 16010101—17001231     mit den HOLLAND—TULPENZWIEBELN gehandelt und alles zerstört haben.
20081004             —INTENSIFIED, The fight over CONTROL—OF—WACHOVIA, as 1—JUDGE temporarily agreed to block THE—SALE—OF—THE—BANK—TO—WELLS—FARGO, Citigroup announced in 1—NEWS—RELEASE.
20081004             —TILTED, THE—NEXT—DAY THE—BATTLE—FOR—CONTROL—OF—WACHOVIA, toward Wells Fargo as 1—STATE—APPEALS—COURT blocked 1—LOWER—COURT ruling that had favored rival bidder Citigroup.
20081004             SF, the 8. annual Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival, backed by financier WARREN—HELLMAN, continued or its 2. —DAY in Goldengate Park with 1—AUDIENCE—OF some 40,000.
20081004             THE—NEXT—DAY the festival drew some 100,000 fans.
20081004             THE—PORTER—RANCH, AREA—OF—LOS—ANGELES County Karthik Rajaram (45), 1 unemployed financial adviser despondent over his troubles, shot and killed his wife (39), MOTHER—IN—LAW, —69—JAHRE—ALT, and 3—SONS (7,12,19), —BEFORE taking his own life.
20081004             LUIS—SANTOS (19860000             *), 1—CONCORD, CALIFORNIA, resident, was stabbed to death —AFTER 1—PARTY—NEAR THE—S—DIEGO college campus.
20081004             ESTEBAN—NUNEZ, —19—JAHRE—ALT, THE—SON—OF—FORMER—ASSEMBLY—SPEAKER—FABIAN—NUNEZ, was —LATER arrested along with 3—OTHERS in connection with the stabbing death.
20081004             —KILLED, THE—USA—COALITION says its forces have, 5—MILITANTS in 2—OPERATIONS targeting AL—QAIDA and Taliban insurgents in EAST—AFGHANISTAN.
20081004             The leaders of BRITAIN, FRANCE, GERMANY and ITALY began meeting in PARIS at 1—SUMMIT on the world financial crisis threatening banks, growth and jobs across the continent.
20081004             —VOWED, They, to do all they could to prevent WALL—STREET—TURMOIL from destabilizing their banking systems.
20081004             GERMANY—NUMBER 2—COMMERCIAL—PROPERTY lender, Hypo Real Estate Holding AG, said its $48—BILLION rescue plan had unraveled —WHEN private banks pulled out.
20081004             POLAND sent combat troops into IRAQ as PART—OF—THE—USA—LED coalition and had 2,500 troops deployed there at its peak.
20081004             —PULLED, The last 900 were being, out —THIS—MONTH.
20081004             2—USA—HELICOPTERS collided —WHILE landing at 1—BASE in BAGHDAD.
20081004             † 1—IRAQ—SOLDIER was killed.
20081004             —OPENED, Vegara was in 1—CAR with 2—OTHER—PEOPLE——WHEN the gunmen, fire from another vehicle.
20081004             —ASPHYXIATED, The bodies of 5—MEN were found, in 1—CAR in THE—EAST—PART—OF—TIJUANA.
20081004             The men were beaten and had their hands bound.
20081004             —BEHEADED, The bodies of 2, men were found wrapped in blankets on 1—ROAD elsewhere in the city.
20081004             The heads were in black plastic bags nearby.
20081004             SRI—LANKA, heavy fighting near the rebels' administrative CAPITAL—OF—KILINOCHCHI left 20—GUERRILLAS and 4—SOLDIERS—DEAD.
20081004             Soldiers overran 5—REBEL—BUNKERS in the Mullaitivu district, killing 5—REBELS.
20081004             4—REBELS and 1—SOLDIER were killed in clashes in the Vavuniya and Welioya regions.
20081004             —WELCOMED, TAIWAN—PRESIDENT, 1—USA—DECISION to sell THE—ISLAND up to $6.5—BILLION in advanced weaponry, —WHILE CHINA warned the move would damage relations between BEIJING and WASHINGTON.
20081004             Raubüberfall: USA—GERICHT spricht O. J. Simpson schuldig
20081004             Gespaltenes DEUTSCHLAND: Die Mauer in den Medien - Proteste gegen unzureichende Hilfe
20081004             Rund 5000—MENSCHEN versammelten sich im ZENTRUM—VON—GHARDAIA, um gegen die nach ihrer Meinung unzureichende Hilfe für die Flutopfer zu protestieren, wie 1—TEILNEHMER—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—AFP sagte.
20081004             Sie forderten schnellere Hilfsmaßnahmen, mehr Lebensmittel und Material zum Instandsetzen der beschädigten Häuser.
20081004             Sicherheitskräfte verhinderten, dass die Demonstranten —BIS zur örtlichen Verwaltung vordrangen.
20081004             In der Stadt Ghardaia stieg das Wasser —BIS zu 8—METER hoch.
20081004             ALGIER—SINTFLUTARTIGE Regenfälle haben in ALGERIEN mindestens 31—MENSCHEN das Leben gekostet.
20081004             Mehr als 50—WEITERE wurden in der normalerweise sehr trockenen Region um die Stadt Ghardaia verletzt, wie ein staatlicher Radiosender —AM—FREITAG berichtete.
20081004             Der ALGERISCHE—INNENMINISTER Noureddine Yazid Zerhouni sprach vom schlimmsten Unwetter —IN—DIESEM—JAHRHUNDERT.
20081004             New Homeland Assault Force [Is there 1—CONNECTION between the October Surprise event and THE—USA—NAVY—OPERATION—SITTING—DUCK?
20081004             BUSH—PROVES—KARL—MARX—RIGH—BY—LEN—HART—081002—923.html">Bush Proves KARL—MARX—RIGHT—ABOUT 'Capitalism'
20081004             [The religion of the 'free market' became 1—VEHICLE by which THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY would bestow legitimacy to bigotry, intolerance and authoritarianism.
20081004             KARL—MARX said it wouldn't work and he was right!
20081004             I have —JUST 1—QUESTION about this bailout [Why isn't there 1—SEARCH to find the best plan, rather than 1—RUSH to patch up PAULSON—PLAN?
20081004             Albright, Clarke, 200—DIPLOMATS Laud OBAMA—WILLINGNESS to Talk Directly to Adversaries Without Preconditions
20081004             [200—FORMER—USA—DIPLOMATS completely comprehend the need for 1—NEW—ERA in USA—RELATIONS with EVERY—NATION, predicated on more than Halliburton, the Pentagon, and BLACKWATER—PROFITS.
20081004             Fiction or Fiction: IP Piracy Cost 750,000 USA—JOBS
20081004             Saying intellectual property theft has cost 750,000 USA—JOBS, THE—USA—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE urged PRESIDENT—BUSH to sign legislation creating 1—COPYRIGHT—TSAR—1—TSAR on par with the nation's drug TSAR.
20081004             The chamber said the 750,000 number came from THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—COMMERCE.
20081004             THE—COMMERCE—DEPARTMENT, which often cites the figure, said it got the number from THE—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE.
20081004             House Schedules 2. 'Rescue Plan' Vote —TODAY
20081004             Rejected once amid public fury about bailing out reckless financiers, a $700—BILLION rescue package gets a 2. chance in the House as voters anxiously ponder 1—ECONOMIC—MELTDOWN that could wipe out their ability to borrow, plunder their savings and put them OUT—OF—WORK.
20081004             Genetic Tweak Could Let Toxic Soil Feed MILLIONS—BRANDON—KEIM—RESEARCHERS have discovered 1—GENE that makes plants resistant to aluminum.
20081004             It could let crops grow on the large PORTION—OF—THE—EARTH—SURFACE that holds toxic LEVELS—OF—THE—METAL.
20081004             Green news harvest: Consumers affect climate change Plus: Carbon emissions pollute oceans with noise;
20081004             Suntech expanding; and could oil shortage eclipse financial crisis?
20081004             House passes financial bailout 263-171.
20081004             —ON—MONDAY, the House voted down 1—BIPARTISAN bailout package but —TODAY, the House joined the Senate in approving an "unprecedented $700—BILLION government bailout of the battered financial industry".
20081004             Schwarzenegger requests $7—BILLION FEDERAL—BAILOUT for CALIFORNIA.
20081004             the state might need 1—EMERGENCY—LOAN—OF as much as $7—BILLION from THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT within weeks". SCHWARZENEGGER—PLEA comes as the state is "close to running OUT—OF—CASH to fund —DAY—TO—DAY—GOVERNMENT—OPERATIONS and is unable to access routine SHORT—TERM—LOANS":
20081004             The warning comes as CALIFORNIA is close to running OUT—OF—CASH to fund —DAY—TO—DAY—GOVERNMENT—OPERATIONS and is unable to access routine SHORT—TERM—LOANS that it typically relies on to remain solvent.
20081004             THE—STATE—OF—CALIFORNIA is the biggest of several governments nationwide that are being locked OUT—OF—THE—BOND—MARKET by the global credit crunch.
20081004             If the state is unable to access the cash, administration officials say, payments to schools and other government entities could quickly be suspended and state employees could be laid off.
20081004             THE—ATLANTIC—MARC—AMBINDER calls SCHWARZENEGGER—REQUEST " - easily the biggest story
20081004             National debt passes $10—TRILLION.
20081004             THE—SWAMP—REPORTS—TODAY that "on the last —DAY—OF—SEPTEMBER, the national debt hit $10—TRILLION plus," as the "gross national debt as a %age of the gross domestic product has, under THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, hit a —50—YEAR—HIGH.
20081004             The debt grew the fastest under SUPPLY—SIDERS RONALD—REAGAN, GEORGE—HW—BUSH, and GEORGE—W—BUSH :
20081004             The debt was $5.7—TRILLION —WHEN Bush took office;
20081004             the bailout legislation passed by the Senate last night would raise the debt ceiling further to $11.315—TRILLION.
20081004             THE—WONK—ROOM has more.
20081004             USA—HOUSE Adopts New 3.—PARTY Web Site Rules
20081004             GovIT Geek writes to tell us that 3.—PARTY websites will no longer be off limits for MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—HOUSE, provided that they use it for "official purposes" and not personal, commercial, or campaign purposes.
20081004             "The rules are seen by House Administration Chairman ROBERT—BRADY as 1—COMPROMISE between several proposals under consideration in recent months and are closely aligned with those circulated by the Senate Rules Committee —LAST—WEEK. [...] 'These new guidelines are 1—STEP in the right direction for 1—CONGRESS that has been behind the technological curve for too long,' Boehner said. 'By encouraging the use of emerging and established new media tools, Congress is sending the message that we want to speak to citizens, and receive feedback, in the most open and accessible manner possible.'"
20081004             —PROHIBITED, Irvu writes "1—NEW—JERSEY—SUPERIOR—COURT—JUDGE has, the release of 1—ANALYSIS conducted on the Sequoia AVC Advantage voting system. This report arose out of 1—LAWSUIT challenging on constitutional grounds the use of these systems. The study was conducted by ANDREW—APPEL on behalf of the plaintiffs, —AFTER the judge in the case ordered the company to permit it. That same judge has —NOW withheld it indefinitely from the public record on 1—VERBAL—ORDER".
20081004             Calming your thoughts through mindfulness Our worries.
20081004             They're crescendoing like the finale of Beethoven's "Ninth": Bailouts, buyouts.
20081004             Recession, depression.
20081004             NASA Selects Science Teams for Astrobiology Institute
20081004             —AWARDED, PHYSORG—COM) - - - NASA has, —5—YEAR—GRANTS, averaging $7—MILLION each, to 10—RESEARCH—TEAMS from across the country
20081004             including 2—FROM NASA—JET—PROPULSION—LABORATORY in PASADENA, to study the origins, evolution, distribution ü FUTURE—OF—LIFE in the universe.
20081004             Researcher investigates ancient geology to understand human development, climate change
20081004             PHYSORG—COM)
20081004             —ADAPTED, To figure out how ancient humans, to their environment and constructed civilizations, you need to know the environment in which they lived -- including climate change over THOUSANDS—OF—YEARS.
20081004             —LAUNCHED, WORLD—BIGGEST computing grid
20081004             PHYSORG—COM) - The world`s largest computing grid is ready to tackle mankind`s biggest data challenge from the earth`s most powerful accelerator.
20081004             —TODAY, —3—WEEKS—AFTER the 1. particle beams were injected into the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid combines the power of more than 140—COMPUTER—CENTERS from 33—COUNTRIES to analyze and manage more than 15—MILLION gigabytes of LHC data EVERY—YEAR.
20081004             —BESCHLOSSEN, Kurios: Rettungspaket, Dow Jones stürzt ab
20081004             Mag einer die Zocker verstehen, die Welt steht wieder mal Kopf:
20081004             Unmittelbar —NACHDEM das USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS im 2. Anlauf dem modifizierten Rettungsplan für die USA—FINANZINDUSTRIE zustimmte, rauschte der Dow Jones in den Keller und gab innerhalb von —20—MINUTEN über 250—PUNKTE ab.
20081004             —BEREITET, Finanzkrise: In den USA, man sich auf mögliche Unruhen vor
20081004             Die USA—REGIERUNG hat 1—SPEZIALEINHEIT aus dem IRAK zurückbeordert.
20081004             Die 4.000—SOLDATEN sollen helfen, im Innern der Vereinigten Staaten bei Terroranschlägen oder Katastrophen Opfer zu BERGEN und Nothilfe zu leisten, behauptet der Generalstabschef der USA—ARMEE.
20081004             —JETZT sickerte aber durch, dass die Einheit "Raiders", die 20030000             an der Spitze des Einmarschs in Bagdad stand, speziell im.
20081004             PERRY—REISEWITZ: "Pressefreiheit ist nicht einfach da"
20081004             Der Fall Cicero, die CIA—FAX—AFFÄRE des SCHWEIZER—SONNTAGSBLICK oder die Festnahme eines Journalisten in RUSSLAND ?
20081004             wer sich mit diesen Fällen aueinandersetzt, kommt zwangsläufig zu dem Schluss, dass Pressefreiheit auch in der Zukunft eine herausragende Stellung einnehmen muss.
20081004             Dazu bedarf es allerdings auch der steten Erinnerung an Fälle eklatanter Defizite hinsichtlich der Pressefreiheit und einer Beschäftigung mit angrenzenden Themen, wie etwa der grundsätzlichen.
20081004             WELTFINANZKRISE—WER sind die Deppen?
20081004             - onlinedienst DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE
20081004             "Deppen" vom Kongress stürzen USA in Krise" so lautete die DPA—MELDUNG vom gestrigen —ABEND, —NACHDEM—AM—TAGE zuvor der Kongress das "Rettungspaket" in Höhe von 700—MILLIARDEN USA—DOLLAR aus Steuergeldern abgelehnt hatte.
20081004             Wer sind die Deppen?
20081004             Die Empörung der Steuerzahler,also des "kleinen Mannes" nicht nur in den USA sondern auch in EUROPA ist riesengross....
20081004             Taiwanese 'brawl' over bad milk TAIWAN—HEALTH—MINISTER is taken to hospital —AFTER being allegedly attacked by opposition MPs over the tainted CHINA—MILK—SCANDAL.
20081004             The brain creates illusions and superstitions at TIMES—OF—STRESS The mind naturally creates illusions and superstitions at TIMES—OF—STRESS—AND this could be adding to the global financial crisis, say scientists.
20081004             Antisocial behaviour hormone link
20081004             —LINKED, Low LEVELS—OF—THE—STRESS hormone cortisol have been, to antisocial behaviour in adolescent boys
20081004             Gene link to poor READING skills 1—COMMON—GENETIC variant may be partly to blame for poor READING ability, research suggests.
20081004             'USA—STRIKE' hits PAKISTAN village 1—USA—MISSILE—STRIKE on 1—PAKISTAN—VILLAGE kills at least 9—PEOPLE including suspected foreign militants, PAKISTAN—SOURCES say.
20081004             Argentine farmers resume protests Farmers in ARGENTINA resume nationwide protests calling for economic concessions for SMALL—AND MEDIUM—SCALE—FARMS.
20081004             Quids for QUIDDITCH—HARRY—POTTER—AUTHOR—ROWLING earns $9 a 2. JK Rowling is the world's HIGHEST—EARNING author, making £170m —LAST—YEAR, USA—BUSINESS—MAGAZINE—FORBES announces.
20081004             $700bn gaffe?
20081004             —CALLED, Why THE—'BAIL—OUT' should have been, 1—RESCUE
20081004             Nuclear fallout Has THE—USA—INDIA nuclear deal made world less safe?
20081004             Greens welcome new climate dept Green groups welcome the creation of 1—NEW—ENERGY and climate DEPARTMENT—IN—GORDON—BROWN—GOVERNMENT reshuffle.
20081004             Der Mitbegründer und Redakteur der Zeitschrift Ossietzky nannte 2—ZENTRALE Ziele, um die sich diejenigen, die "den Kapitalismus nicht für das letzte Wort der Geschichte halten", besonders zu kümmern hätten: die Herstellung von Vollbeschäftigung durch radikale Verkürzung der Arbeitszeit und die Demokratisierung der Medien.
20081004             Die Einschüchterung vieler durch Arbeitslosigkeit und die massive Ablenkung durch die Medien müßten überwunden werden.
20081004             Spoo prangerte deren verlogene Glaubenssätze an und die Verflechtung der 10—MEDIENKONZERNE, die in der Bundesrepublik das Feld beherrschen.
20081004             Arbeitslosigkeit und Medienkonzentration seien 19330000             Voraussetzungen für den Sieg der Nazis gewesen, das dürfe sich nicht wiederholen.
20081004             Die Erosion eines anderen POLITISCH—JURISTISCHEN Grundsatzes konstatierte NORMAN—PAECH, der erklärte: "Von DEUTSCHLAND geht kein Frieden aus".
20081004             Die sogenannte Globalisierung sei 1—SYNONYM für Kriegsertüchtigung und stehe "für die Unvermeidlichkeit künftiger Kriege".
20081004             Basierend auf der Aggression des Kapitalismus werde das Völkerrecht verbogen, etwa indem die UN—CHARTA mal als gültig anerkannt, ein andermal "kurzzeitig außer Kraft" gesetzt werde.
20081004             So sei der IRAK—KRIEG als "illegal, aber legitim" bezeichnet worden.
20081004             Wo seinerzeit noch von der "Verantwortung der internationalen Staatengemeinschaft" gesprochen wurde, habe die juristische Literatur daraus inzwischen eine "Pflicht zur Intervention" gemacht.
20081004             —KONSTATIERT, Der Ausschuß hatte, daß lediglich 12—PROZENT—DER—DDR—WISSENSCHAFTLER im "geeinten" DEUTSCHLAND in ihrem Fachgebiet tätig sein konnten.
20081004             Der Redner wertete das als 1—BEISPIEL unter vielen dafür, daß die proklamierte "nationale Aussöhnung" nie ernstgemeint war.
20081004             Sein Fazit: Die "Achtung und Gewährung von Menschenrechten ist an politische Opportunität gebunden".
20081004             Doch neben "Joe" gibt es auch Angehörige der USA—ELITEN, die dem ganzen Treiben ablehnend gegenüberstehen.
20081004             Denn —JETZT geht es —ERST einmal um den AMERIKANISCHEN—ALPTRAUM: Die Finanzkrise, ihre Ursachen und Wirkungen.
20081004             150—USA—WIRTSCHAFTSWISSENSCHAFTLER, unter ihnen 3—NOBELPREISTRÄGER, halten den Plan für unwirksam und gefährlich und machten das diese —WOCHE nachdrücklich klar.
20081004             "Wenn wir nicht handeln, müssen hart arbeitende Amerikaner und Millionen Menschen mitansehen, wie sich der AMERIKANISCHE—TRAUM in Luft auflöst", hatte die demokratische Mehrheitsführerin im "House", NANCY Pelosi, gesagt.
20081004             —JETZT sei Zeit für die RETTUNG—DER—NATION, behauptete Präsidentschaftskandidat Barack ­Obama, die Schuldigen würden später bestraft.
20081004             So argumentierte 1—GROßTEIL—DES—WASHINGTONER und New Yorker Establishments.
20081004             —KONTROLLIERT, Beruhigungspille: Es wird streng, was mit den Geldern geschieht, riefen Senatoren und Jasager aus dem Abgeordnetenhaus —DIE—WOCHE über.
20081004             —GELOGEN, Doch das scheint.
20081004             Auf 400—SEITEN steht —NUN wieder viel Kleingedrucktes;
20081004             Juristen haben Klauseln hineingeschwurbelt, die letztlich nur ihresgleichen verstehen.
20081004             Und: Andere Lobbyisten haben kräftig zugelangt. Keiner war sicher.
20081004             Leading Psychiatrist Failed to Report Drug Income< - NEW—YORK—TIMES By GARDINER HARRIS
20081004             Why Grassley Is Investigating EMORY—NEMEROFF - Skype didn't know about security issues
20081004             —PUBLISHED, In 1—BLOG, —THURSDAY, JOSH—SILVERMAN, SKYPE—PRESIDENT, explained he did not realize that TOM—SKYPE, SKYPE—PARTNER—IN—CHINA, was logging and storing users' instant messages that were deemed offensive by THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT.
20081004             how about 1—NATIONAL "no pay mortgage —DAY".....yeah, yeah...That's the ticket !
20081004             desktoparchitecture said: Der Rückschlag der USA sei frappierend:
20081004             Im Zuge der Verstaatlichung entscheidender TEILE—DES—USA—FINANZSYSTEMS habe sich das Glaubensbekenntnis des freien Marktes selbst zerstört,
20081004             während Länder, die ihre Märkte von vornherein kontrolliert haben, rehabilitiert worden seien.
20081004             "Dieser Wandel ist reicht ähnlich weit wie der Niedergang der Sowjetunion:
20081004             —KOLLABIERT, Das gesamte Modell von Wirtschaft und Regierung ist ".
20081004             1—INSOLVENZWELLE bedrohe SPANIEN—PORTUGAL, GRIECHENLAND und ITALIEN in den kommenden —WOCHEN,
20081004             während Banken in Osteuropa wegen der rasch steigenden Inflation bei niedrigen Wachstumsraten ums Überleben kämpften.
20081004             Fazit: "Die Suche nach einem sicheren Hafen ist sinnlos. Die Bankenkrise, die —SCHON in GROSSBRITANNIEN und BELGIEN wütet, weitet sich wie eine hochansteckende Krankheit aus".
20081004             Zugleich übte der MINISTER—HARTE—KRITIK an der SPD
20081004             Man habe —SCHON vor einiger Zeit, als sich MANCHE—FINANZPRODUKTE von der Absicherung eines realen Geschäfts völlig losgelöst hatten, absehen können, "dass das irgendwann nicht mehr funktionieren würde.
20081004             —JETZT sind wir in kurzer Zeit zum 2. Mal dabei erwischt worden, dass wir doch genauso blöd waren".
20081004             Nach ANSICHT—DES—CDU—POLITIKERS handele es "sich um einen historischen Einschnitt, über den wir später in den Geschichtsbüchern lesen werden.
20081004             HAMBURG—BUNDESINNENMINISTER WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE (CDU) warnt vor politischen Turbulenzen in Folge der derzeitigen Krise am Finanzmarkt.
20081004             "Wir wissen von der Weltwirtschaftskrise der zwanziger —JAHRE, dass aus einer wirtschaftlichen Krise eine unglaubliche Bedrohung für die gesamte Gesellschaft erwachsen kann.
20081004             Die Folgen dieser Depression waren ADOLF—HITLER und indirekt der —WWII und Auschwitz", sagte Schäuble im SPIEGEL—INTERVIEW.
20081004             Niemand wisse —DERZEIT, "wie schlimm diese Krise noch wird".
20081004             Im Vorgriff auf die Krise besorgte sie sich innerhalb eines Jahres insgesamt 74—MILLIARDEN Euro mehr langfristig verfügbares Kapital.
20081004             Gleichzeitig aber ist Deutschlands größte Bank wie kaum ein anderes DEUTSCHES—KREDITINSTITUT vom Kapitalmarkt abhängig.
20081004             Preise für VIELE—VERMÖGENSWERTE in den freien Fall übergegangen sind.
20081004             "Wir haben innerhalb von —2—MINUTEN Zugriff auf einen zweistelligen Milliardenbetrag", sagt ein hochrangiger Manager der Bank.
20081004             Weil die WestLB immer größere Finanzierungsprobleme hat, bereiten die Sparkassenfürsten die Zerschlagung der Bank vor.
20081004             Noch wehrt sich der NORDRHEIN—WESTFÄLISCHE Ministerpräsident JÜRGEN—RÜTTGERS.
20081004             Nur etwa 3—BIS 5—PROZENT—DES—SCHWARMES gehören zu diesen Spurbienen, fanden die Wissenschaftler heraus.
20081004             Dennoch schaffen sie es, den gesamten Schwarm auf den richtigen Weg zu lenken, sobald sie eine neue Behausung gefunden haben.
20081004             Die KANZLERIN stellte die Marktregeln in den Mittelpunkt: "Wir werden über bessere Zukunftsvorsorge sprechen. Ich glaube, dass es ein hohes Maß an Übereinstimmung in unseren Ländern gibt, um für die Zukunft auch zu arrangieren, dass solche Krisen nicht wieder auftreten", sagte sie.
20081004             Mittelfristig wollen FRANKREICH, DEUTSCHLAND, GROSSBRITANNIEN und ITALIEN einen "Gipfel der am meisten betroffenen Staaten zur Neugründung des Weltfinanzsystems".
20081004             "Die Zentralbank ist nicht mehr Kreditgeber in Not, sondern mittlerweile der einzige Kreditgeber", kommentierte die "Financial Times".
20081004             Die ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHE BBC spricht provozierend von der "schleichenden Nationalisierung der Geschäftsbanken".
20081004             Einrichtung eines ökonomischen Kriegskabinetts, das zweimal wöchentlich zusammentreten soll.
20081004             Im Nationalen Wirtschaftsrat, bestehend aus den wichtigsten Ministern und Staatssekretären, dürfte Mandelson 1—DER—HAUPTROLLEN spielen.
20081004             Die Wissenschaftler geben an, PHILIP—MORRIS habe keinen Einfluss auf die Forschung genommen.
20081004             —ENTBRANNT, Inzwischen ist aber 1—STREIT darüber, ob Mediziner generell Geld von der Tabakindustrie annehmen sollten.
20081004             GERHARD—SYBRECHT vom Universitätsklinikum des Saarlands fordert gegenüber dem SPIEGEL einen Ehrenkodex.
20081004             Die Vergangenheit habe gezeigt, dass mit dem Tabakgeld "viel manipuliert und viel Nonsens geforscht" worden sei.
20081004             Marktstrategen ART—HOGAN (Jefferies & Co.):
20081004             "Wir haben uns in den letzten —2—WOCHEN so auf das BANKEN—RETTUNGSPAKET konzentriert, dass wir den Konjunkturdaten, die sonst ein großes Thema wären, kaum Beachtung geschenkt haben. Und die sind entsetzlich".
20081004             Inzwischen haben aber die meisten gemerkt: Diese Krise ist zu komplex, als dass eine gigantische Finanzspritze sie lösen könnte.
20081004             resümierte der Kolumnist PAUL—KRUGMAN in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES": "Dies wird die Krise nicht beenden".
20081004             Warnung: FINANZ—UND Wirtschaftskrisen haben ihr EIGENLEBEN—UND daran ändert selbst die cleverste Lösung nicht.
20081004             35—MILLIARDE—HILFE geplatzt: Hypo Real Estate kämpft ums Überleben
20081004             Krisengipfel in PARIS: EU—REGIERUNGSCHEFS lehnen Rettungsfonds für EUROPA ab
20081004             Dokumentation: Die Mitteilung der Hypo Real Estate im Wortlaut
20081004             Bankenkrise: Rettungspaket für Hypo Real Estate geplatzt
20081004             Datenklauskandal: Telekom bietet Kunden neue HANDY—NUMMERN
20081004             Finanzkrise in GROSSBRITANNIEN: Erleichterung, doch keine Zuversicht
20081004             —VERÄRGERT, ANTI—TERROR—EINSATZ: Zugriff am Kölner Flughafen, Innenministerium
20081004             Forschungsförderung: Tabakindustrie zahlte üppige Gelder an Mediziner
20081004             USA—FINANZHILFE: BERLIN fürchtet Wettbewerbsverzerrung
20081004             Trotz Finanzkrise: Steinbrück meldet ausgeglichenen Haushalt nach Brüssel
20081004             Fliegende Pfadfinder: TURBO—BIENEN lenken den Schwarm
20081004             SPIEGEL—ANALYSE zur BANKEN—KRISE: Milliarden für die eiserne Reserve
20081004             Finanzkrise in JAPAN: Asos schöne Pläne platzen
20081004             Angst vor Folgen der Finanzkrise: Schäuble für JAMAIKA—BÜNDNIS
20081004             USA—HILFSPAKET: "Dies wird die Krise nicht beenden"
20081004             —VERSTEIGERT, Auktion: Briefmarken für 1,5 Millionen Dollar
20081004             —ALIGNED, Psychics: Stars not, for Palin -
20081004             WELL—KNOWN psychic ELIZABETH Joyce has doubts there will be 1—ELECTION this —NOVEMBER.
20081004             Her instincts tell her that, come —NEXT—WEEK, there might be "rioting in the streets and martial law" and that PRESIDENT—BUSH will henceforth carry out his term indefinitely.
20081004             Der HALS—NASEN—OHREN—ARZT nennt dieses Phänomen "Adaption".
20081004             Weil der Mund mit dem Nasenraum verbunden ist, ist der Geruchssinn des Betroffenen dauerhaft dem Mundgeruch ausgesetzt, so dass 1—GEWÖHNUNGSEFFEKT eintritt.
20081004             Weitere DEUTSCHE—BANKEN müssen nach SPIEGEL—INFORMATIONEN größere Summen REFINANZIEREN—WER ihnen die mehr als 200—MILLIARDEN Euro leiht, ist völlig offen.
20081004             Kreditkrise: Weiteren DEUTSCHEN—BANKEN drohen Liquiditätsengpässe
200810040000 - Spreegurke [ Ursula Pidun ]
20081004—20040000    —CELEBRATED, SF also, its annual LoveFest, begun, with 1—DOWNTOWN parade that drew TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SPECTATORS.
20081004—20100000    —PLEADED, ESTEBAN—NUNEZ, guilty to voluntary manslaughter and
20081004—20100625    —ON, he and 1—CO—DEFENDANT were sentenced to —16—YEARS in prison.
20090217—20091004    —ON, Nakagawa (56) was found dead in his home.
20091003—20091004    —KILLED, SOUTH—SUDAN, 16—PEOPLE were, in clashes between forces loyal to 1—EX—WARLORD and THE—GOVERNOR—GUARDS in OIL—RICH—UNITY—STATE.
20091003—20091004    —KILLED, At least 23—PEOPLE were, and more than a 10000000             fled their homes in ethnic clashes over the weekend.
20091004             JAMES—JONES, USA national security adviser, said on CNN that AL—QAIDA has fewer than 100—FIGHTERS operating in AFGHANISTAN.
20091004             † S—FRANCISCO—MICHAEL—BAILEY, (26) of BATON—ROUGE, LOS—ANGELES, was shot and killed —AFTER being lured with friends at the City Nights club by 1—WOMAN, who set them up for 1—ROBBERY at the Alice Griffith public housing project.
20091004             2—OF—THE—5—SUSPECTS were still at large.
20091004             Ariael Kittles (25) was ACQUITTED—OF—CHARGES that she lured Bailey and friends to the complex.
20091004             —KILLED, NEW—HAMPSHIRE, Kimberly Cates (42) was, and her daughter, Jaimie (11) was gravely wounded —FOLLOWING 1—MACHETE attack by STEVEN—SPADER —DURING 1—HOME—INVASION by 4—TEENAGERS.
20091004             † MERCEDES—SOSA, —74—JAHRE—ALT, Argentine singer.
20091004             —RELEASED, MERCEDES—SOSA had, over 70—ALBUMS and turned THE—SONGS—OF—OTHERS into great anthems of the left.
20091004             It aimed to raise $70—MILLION.
20091004             —OWNED, It was, by Telenor, 1—NORWAY—TELEPHONE—COMPANY, and Grameen Telecom, 1—NON—PROFIT founded by MUHAMMAD—YUNUS, 1—PIONEER—OF—MICROFINANCE.
20091004             Greeks cast ballots in 1—SNAP general election likely to produce 1—CHANGE in government.
20091004             —ANGERED, Voters, by scandals and 1—FOUNDERING economy were expected to reject the conservatives in FAVOR—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—SOCIALISTS.
20091004             —TROUNCED, Socialist leader GEORGE—PAPANDREOU, the conservatives under PRIME—MINISTER—COSTAS—KARAMANLIS, —53—JAHRE—ALT in 1—ELECTION focused on rescuing the economy.
20091004             Papandreou took 44—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE and won 160—OF—300—PARLIAMENTARY—SEATS.
20091004             —EXPLODED, IRAQ, 1—FUEL—TANKER, near 1—CHECKPOINT outside of BAGHDAD INTERNATIONAL Airport, along 1—ROUTE once known as the world's deadliest road because of frequent attacks there —DURING THE—HEIGHT—OF—THE—INSURGENCY.
20091004             THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—FIRE was under investigation.
20091004             THE—BODY—OF—IMAD Elia (45), 1—EMPLOYEE—AT—KIRKUK—HEALTH directorate, was found dumped in 1—FIELD—SOUTH—OF—KIRKUK.
20091004             He was shot in the chest and authorities believe the captors kept shooting into his body —AFTER he was dead.
20091004             —KIDNAPPED, Elia was, —2—DAYS—BEFORE, but his family was unable to pay the ransom demands.
20091004             At least 10—CHRISTIAN families have left KIRKUK in recent weeks, fearing KIDNAP—FOR—RANSOM gangs that have turned their sights on Christians.
20091004             NIGERIA, 1—AMNESTY for militant in THE—NIGER—DELTA officially expired.
20091004             NORTH—KOREA told visiting CHINA—PREMIER—WEN—JIABAO that it was open to bilateral and multilateral talks on its nuclear programs.
20091004             —BATTLED, PAKISTAN, security forces and special police, militants in 1—FIREFIGHT that killed 6—OF—THE—INSURGENTS, including 2—COMMANDERS, Noorul Amin and FAZL—E—RABBI.
20091004             —ARRESTED, Police in PESHAWAR, Hukam Khan, 1—MILITANT who was involved in attacking and looting convoys taking supplies to USA and NATO—FORCES in AFGHANISTAN and recovered 1—SUBSTANTIAL—QUANTITY—OF stolen goods.
20091004             Hakimullah Mehsud, the new LEADER—OF—THE—TALIBAN in PAKISTAN, met with reporters in the country's tribal areas for the 1. time —SINCE winning CONTROL—OF—THE—MILITANTS.
20091004             —VOWED, Mehsud, to strike back at PAKISTAN and THE—USA for the increasing NUMBER—OF—DRONE—ATTACKS in the tribal areas along the border with AFGHANISTAN.
20091004             THE—UAR—OFFICIAL—NEWS—AGENCY said SHEIK—KHALIFA bin Zayed AL—NAHYAN, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, has signed 1—LAW regulating the development of 1—CIVILIAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, clearing the way for CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT with help from THE—USA.
20091004             —OPENED, BENEDICT—PAPA, 1—SPECIAL—MEETING—OF—BISHOPS on AFRICA BY praising the continent as the world's spiritual center but lamenting that it risks being afflicted by materialism and religious fundamentalism.
20091004             Illegaler Tabakhandel ist von seinem Ausmaß her mittlerweile mit dem DROGEN—UND Waffenschmuggel vergleichbar
20091004             GRIECHENLAND: Sozialisten gewinnen Parlamentswahl
20091004             Loblied: PAPA preist AFRIKA als "spirituelle Lunge der Welt"
20091004             JAPAN: EX—FINANZMINISTER tot aufgefunden
20091004             Atomstreit: IRAN lässt Kontrolleure in 2. Atomanlage
20091004             RICHTER—BESTECHUNG: BERLUSCONI—KONZERN soll 750—MILLIONEN Euro zahlen
20091004             Naturkatastrophen: Neues Beben erschüttert INDONESIEN
20091004             wird —NUN wieder häufiger auf den Speisekarten der Welt auftauchen, von denen ihn umweltbewusste Gastronomen in den vergangenen —JAHREN wegen bestandsgefährdender Überfischung gestrichen hatten.
20091004             Der Grund: Einem australischen
20091004             —GELUNGEN, MEERESFARM—UNTERNEHMEN ist es erstmals,
20091004             den beliebten BLUE—FIN—THUNA in einer Qualität in ihren Aquakulturen zu züchten, die sogar von Tokioter SPITZEN—SUSHIMEISTERN akzeptiert wird -
20091004             während JAPAN neben Sakewürfeln seine wichtigsten SASHIMI—ZUTATEN BEISTEUERT—WASABI und Thunfisch
20091004             —GEGESSEN, Wie VIELE—RETTICHE, wurden, will keiner wissen -
20091004             "Überstunden in Pflegeheimen, Krankenhäusern oder bei der Polizei fallen in der Wirtschaftskrise nicht einfach weg", sagte der IAB—FORSCHER.
20091004             "Mit dem Vormarsch der Arbeitszeitkonten ist die Bedeutung der bezahlten Überstunden gesunken", erklärte Spitznagel.
20091004             "Ausschlaggebend ist —IN—DIESEM—JAHR die schlechte Konjunktur", sagte Spitznagel.
20091004             Konjunkturkrise: ZAHL—DER—ÜBERSTUNDEN sinkt auf historischen Tiefstand
20091004             Sparprinzip Leichtbau: Gewichtsreduktion durch Karbon und Magnesium
20091004             Lärm unter Wasser: Von wegen stiller Ozean
20091004             Tierischer Studiengang: Die Lizenz zum Pferdeflüstern - Doktor Faust: Das Phantom aus Schwaben
20091004—19760000    —BANNED, MERCEDES—SOSA—MUSIC was, —AFTER the generals seized power.
20091004—20091223    —ON, prosecutors charged 5—PEOPLE in THE—KILLING—OF—BAILEY.
20091004—20100000    —IN, Spader was found GUILTY—OF—MURDER and other charges and sentenced to life in prison.
20091004—20140000    —IN, WILLIAM—JONES, —25—JAHRE—ALT and LANCE—MOLINA, —27—JAHRE—ALT were found guilty of 1.—DEGREE murder.
20100929—20101004    —CALLED, Searching was, off.
20100929—20101004    —ON, 1—STATEMENT from THE—CONGO—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE—SAID—TUNGULU killed himself on the night of 20101001             with 1—PIECE—OF cloth he had been using as 1—PILLOW.
20100930—20101004    —ON, The struck again.
20101004             * LOUISE—BROWN, the 1. TEST—TUBE baby 19780725             .
20101004             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA said THE—USA was facing an "untenable fiscal situation" and would have to get serious about tackling its FEDERAL—DEFICIT.
20101004             —KILLED, NEW—JERSEY, CRAIG—MUELLER, —45—JAHRE—ALT, his brother with sniper fire from a 2.—FLOOR window in the home they shared, took down 1—NEIGHBOR who came to the victim's aid and turned the gun on himself.
20101004             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 3—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBERS were, by bombings in the south and 1—INSURGENT—ATTACK killed another in the east, raising the coalition's death toll to 11 in the 1. —4—DAYS—OF—OCTOBER.
20101004             —ANNOUNCED, NATO, that 1—JOINT—AFGHANISTAN—COALITION—UNIT launched —1—NIGHT—MISSION that killed 1—SENIOR—TALIBAN leader named Farman and 2—OTHER—MILITANTS in EAST—PAKTIA province.
20101004             1—POLICE—CONVOY was ambushed in Khash Rod district.
20101004             5—MILITANTS were killed, 3—OTHERS wounded and 2 captured —DURING 1—GUNBATTLE.
20101004             Habibullah Aghonzada, 1—FORMER—DISTRICT—CHIEF, was gunned down by assailants as he prayed at 1 packed mosque in KANDAHAR city.
20101004             —3—NIGHT—TIME—EXPLOSION in KANDAHAR City killed up to 4—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20101004             —KILLED, NOOR—AHMAN, deputy mayor in KANDAHAR, was, in 1—INSURGENT attack.
20101004             † In the southwest 2—CIVILIANS riding 1—MOTORCYCLE, —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded as they passed.
20101004             2—OTHERS were killed by rockets in the country's east.
20101004             —OPENED, BELGIUM, European and ASIA—LEADERS, 1—FORMAL—SUMMIT amid high security and palace opulence, hoping to agree on commitments to keep the global financial system on 1—EVEN keel and find 1—BETTER—BALANCE on THE—EUROPE—DOMINATED IMF.
20101004             BRITAIN—TREASURY—CHIEF—GEORGE—OSBORNE said payments to jobless families will be capped and child benefits for high earners scrapped in 1—SWEEPING OVERHAUL—OF—THE—COUNTRY—WELFARE system.
20101004             —ENDURED, MILLIONS—OF—COMMUTERS in LONDON, 1—GRIM—JOURNEY to work —AFTER staff on the Underground network walked out for the 2. time in —1—MONTH, sparking calls for tougher strike laws.
20101004             UK—BIOLOGIST—ROBERT—G—EDWARDS, whose contributions to the technology of in vitro fertilization have made more than 4—MILLION—COUPLES—PARENTS, was awarded 20100000             —THE—NOBEL—PRIZE in physiology or medicine.
20101004             —BELONGED, Rivera said the money, to drug traffickers including Daniel "El Loco" Barrera.
20101004             Authorities were offering a $2.7—MILLION reward for BARRERA—CAPTURE.
20101004             1—CUBA—HUMAN—RIGHTS—LEADER revealed the names of 9—INMATES apparently offered early release by the government in exchange for accepting exile, including some convicted of violent crimes such as hijacking, assault and piracy.
20101004             ETHIOPIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MELES—ZENAWI was sworn in for another —5—YEAR—TERM, almost —5—MONTHS—AFTER controversial polls propelled his party to victory.
20101004             —LAUNCHED, FRANCE—SANOFI—AVENTIS, an $18.5—BILLION hostile takeover offer for Genzyme Corp., stepping up its effort to capture THE—USA—BIOTECH company's promising drugs for high cholesterol and lucrative treatments for rare genetic disorders.
20101004             HUNGARY, 1—TORRENT of toxic red sludge from 1—ALUMINA plant tore through Kolontar and 2—OTHER—VILLAGES.
20101004             —REPORTED, —AFTER SOME—DAYS 9—PEOPLE were, killed and some 150 injured.
20101004             —UNLEASHED, INDONESIA, heavy rain, flash floods and mudslides, killing at least 91—PEOPLE in WEST—PAPUA province's village of Wasior.
20101004             —STRUGGLED, Rescuers, to reach the area.
20101004             —KILLED, IRAQ, 5—PEOPLE were, in violence in BAGHDAD and CENTRAL—IRAQ, including 1—ROADSIDE bomb targeting 1—JUNIOR—MINISTER.
20101004             —ISSUED, JAPAN, 1—TRAVEL—ALERT for EUROPE, joining THE—USA and BRITAIN in warning of 1—POSSIBLE—TERRORIST—ATTACK by AL—QAIDA or other groups, but tourists appeared to be taking the mounting warnings in stride.
20101004             —UNVEILED, TOKYO—BASED Toshiba, the world's 1. high definition liquid crystal display 3-D television that does not require special glasses, 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST consumer complaints about the technology.
20101004             —CLAIMED, THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN, responsibility for 1—PRE—DAWN attack on tankers carrying fuel to AFGHANISTAN for USA and other NATO—FORCES, left vulnerable on THE—SIDE—OF—THE—ROAD——AFTER PAKISTAN shut down 1—KEY—BORDER crossing.
20101004             —KILLED, Some 20—TRUCKS went up in flames and 4—PEOPLE were, and 7 injured.
20101004             —KILLED, A—USA—DRONE—STRIKE, 8—MILITANTS, including 5—GERMANS, in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, where Western intelligence had traced 1 alleged plot to attack HIGH—PROFILE—TARGETS in EUROPE.
20101004             —TORCHED, Arsonists, 1—MOSQUE in 1—PALESTINE—VILLAGE in THE—WEST—BANK, scrawling "revenge" on 1—WALL in Hebrew and charring copies of the Muslim holy book in 1—BLAZE that threatened to stoke new tensions over deadlocked Mideast peacemaking.
20101004             —KILLED, In THE—NORTH—PHILIPPINES MOTORCYCLE—RIDING gunmen, 1—REGIONAL—TRIAL—COURT—JUDGE, prompting calls to exempt judges from 1—CURRENT—GUN—BAN.
20101004             RUSSIA, YURI—LUZHKOV, THE—FORMER—MAYOR—OF—MOSCOW who was fired by PRESIDENT—MEDVEDEV, said in 1 published interview that he plans to form his own political movement.
20101004             —HEADED, RUSSIA—VIMPELCOM—LTD and Weather Investments, the investment company, by EGYPT—TELECOM mogul Naguib Sawiris, said they are merging to form what would become the world's 5. largest MOBILE telecommunication service provider in 1—DEAL valued at over $6.5—BILLION.
20101004             Under the agreement VimpelCom, which is RUSSIA—2. largest MOBILE phone service provider, would own via Weather 51.7—PERCENT—OF—EGYPT—ORASCOM—TELECOM and ALL—OF—ITALY—WIND—TELECOMUNICAZIONI—SPA, both of which are headed by Sawiris.
20101004             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 2—WOMEN, 1—BOY and 2—MEN were, in MOGADISHU by stray bullets from fighting taking place between PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and Islamist militants.
20101004             —ACCUSED, 1—OFFICIAL said Syria has, a —19—YEAR—OLD—BLOGGER who is in prison of being 1—SPY in the 1. comment from authorities on 1—CASE that sparked calls by 1—LEADING rights group for the young woman's release.
20101004             Tal AL—MALLOHI was taken into custody in December.
20101004             —FOCUSED, Her blog, known for poetry and social commentary, mostly on the suffering of Palestinians.
20101004             —REPORTED, It was, that Syria has ordered THE—ARREST—OF—33—PEOPLE over false testimony given in THE—UN—BACKED probe into THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—LEBANON—EX—PREMIER—RAFIQ—HARIRI.
20101004             —CARRIED, Observers said the warrants, no legal weight in LEBANON as the crime in question took place on LEBANON—SOIL and the complainant as well as MOST—OF—THE—DEFENDANTS are Lebanese.
20101004             —TRIGGERED, VIETNAM—OFFICIALS said weekend floods, by heavy rains have displaced THOUSANDS—OF—VILLAGERS in CENTRAL—VIETNAM, and left 3—PEOPLE—DEAD and 3—OTHERS missing.
20101004             —AM, bei 1—USA—DROHNEN—ANGRIFF—IM—AFGHANISCH—PAKISTANISCHEN—GRENZ—GEBIET Waziristan getötet worden.
20101004—20090000    —IN, USA—FEDERAL—AGENTS spread out across ALABAMA to arrest 11—PEOPLE on CHARGES—OF—CONSPIRACY, bribery and honest services fraud related to attempts to legitimize bingo halls and 20100000             .
20101004—20101006    —ON, 1—SPOKESMAN for the rebel group, the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP), claimed its fighters still held the town in the unstable EAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20110311—20111004    —ON, 1—ARMY—STATEMENT said Amjad Awwad (19), 1—COUSIN—OF—HAKIM—AWWAD, has confessed to involvement in the slayings.
20110919—20111004    —ON, the Navy officials reported THE—CAPTURE—OF—9—MORE.
20111004             Officials at THE—WASHINGTON—NATIONAL—CATHEDRAL said they need to raise at least $15—MILLION for initial repairs to 20110823             —THE earthquake damaged edifice.
20111004             USAID director Raj Shah said THE—USA will donate more than $121—MILLION to ETHIOPIA to fight food insecurity amid 1—DROUGHT in THE—EAST—AFRICA—NATION.
20111004             THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—NEIL—CAMPBELL, —61—JAHRE—ALT, 1—NATIVE—OF—QUEENSLAND—AUSTRALIA, has pleaded guilty to 1—COUNT—OF accepting a $10,000 bribe as 1—AGENT—OF—1—ORGANIZATION receiving FEDERAL—FUNDS.
20111004             2—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—USA—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS and 2—OTHERS were arrested in a $20—MILLION—BRIBERY and kickback scheme related to software encryption devices.
20111004             —REPORTED, It was, that NASA has awarded 1—PENNSYLVANIA company, PIPISTREL—USA.COM—OF—STATE—COLLEGE, a $1.35—MILLION prize for developing 1—ULTRA—EFFICIENT—ELECTRIC—AIRPLANE.
20111004             —REPORTED, Wired Magazine, that the winning airplane "was developed and built in SLOVENIA as 1—TECHNOLOGY—DEMONSTRATOR for the airplane maker".
20111004             —UNVEILED, Apple INCORPORATED, 1—FASTER, more powerful iPhone, the iPhone 4S, in its 1. major product event in years without STEVE—JOBS presiding.
20111004             —INCLUDED, The device, Siri, 1—PERSONAL—ASSISTANT—APPLICATION.
20111004             —REJECTED, Apple Inc, 1—OFFER from Samsung Electronics Co to settle their tablet computer dispute in AUSTRALIA, possibly killing off the commercial VIABILITY—OF—THE—SOUTH—KOREAN—FIRM'S—NEW—GALAXY tablet in that market.
20111004             3—USA—BORN scientists won the Nobel Prize in physics for overturning 1—FUNDAMENTAL—ASSUMPTION in their field by showing that THE—EXPANSION—OF—THE—UNIVERSE is constantly accelerating.
20111004             —DURING the 1990s, SAUL—PERLMUTTER, BRIAN—SCHMIDT and ADAM—RIESS found that the light from more than 50—DISTANT exploding stars was far weaker than they expected, meaning that galaxies had to be racing away from EACH—OTHER at increasing speed.
20111004             —REPORTED, KANSAS, CITY—MISSOURI, —10—MONTH—OLD—LISA Irwin was, snatched overnight from her home.
20111004             1—PRIVATE—HELICOPTER crashed into NEW—YORK CITY—EAST—RIVER, killing 1—UK—PASSENGER and injuring 1—UK—COUPLE and 1—NEW—ZEALAND woman.
20111004             The helicopter went down shortly —AFTER takeoff from 1—RIVERBANK heliport.
20111004             —AGREED, They, to enhance their strategic partnership with INDIA training AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES.
20111004             —ARRESTED, 1—AUSTRALIA—BOY, —14—JAHRE—ALT was, in INDONESIA for having bought 0.13—OUNCES (3.6—GRAMS) of marijuana.
20111004             He faced —12—YEARS in detention under tough narcotics laws.
20111004             1—BAHRAIN—SECURITY—COURT sentenced 26—ACTIVISTS to prison for their part in ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS, raising to 60 the total number convicted over the past —2—DAYS in STEPPED—UP prosecutions by the Gulf kingdom.
20111004             —KILLED, CONGODRC, rebels, 5—CONGO—AID—WORKERS and 2—OTHER—CIVILIANS in 1—ATTACK in the east at Fizi, SUD—KIVU province.
20111004             Those responsible were said to be MEMBERS—OF—THE—MAI—MAI—YAKUTUMBA militia and allied REBELS—OF—BURUNDI—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—FRONT.
20111004             —FIRED, LIBYA—REVOLUTIONARY—FORCES, rockets into THE—WEST—HALF—OF—SIRTE, Moammar GADHAFI—HOMETOWN, even as HUNDREDS—OF—RESIDENTS streamed OUT—OF—THE—CITY to flee the fighting.
20111004             —ACQUIRED, UK—COMPANY—HERITAGE—OIL—PLC said that it has, 1—CONTROLLING interest in 1—LIBYA—COMPANY licensed to provide oil field services including offshore and LAND—BASED drilling.
20111004             Heritage said it paid $19.5—MILLION for a 51% stake in SAHARA Oil Services Holdings Ltd.
20111004             —DROPPED, CHILE, 1—MAJOR—TERROR—CASE fell apart as prosecutors, charges due to 1—LACK—OF—EVIDENCE against 13—SUSPECTS who spent —8—MONTHS in prison for 1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS detonated outside financial institutions 20060000—20100000    —FROM—TO.
20111004             —VETOED, CHINA and RUSSIA, 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION threatening action against SYRIA—DEADLY—CRACKDOWN on protests.
20111004             —KILLED, CHINA, 1—COAL—MINE—EXPLOSION, at least 13—WORKERS in Guizhou province.
20111004             —DEMANDED, EGYPT—PROTESTERS also, THE—RELEASE—OF—BLOGGER—MICHAEL—NABIL, —26—JAHRE—ALT, who was sentenced to —3—YEARS' hard labor —IN—APRIL by 1—MILITARY—COURT for having "insulted" the army in his writings.
20111004             The blogger was on the 43. —DAY—OF—1—HUNGER—STRIKE, —AFTER his appeal hearing was adjourned to 20111011             .
20111004             —APPROVED, HAITI—SENATE, GARRY—CONILLE as PRIME—MINISTER, hopefully JUMP—STARTING stalled earthquake reconstruction efforts.
20111004             IRAQ—LEADERS said that they need USA—MILITARY trainers to stay beyond —1—YEAR—END—DEADLINE for USA—FORCES to leave but that the troops should not be granted immunity from prosecution.
20111004             —CAPTURED, THE—MEXICO—ARMY said soldiers, 1—SINALOA cartel LIEUTENANT who had founded 1 armed wing working for MEXICO—MOST—WANTED—JOAQUIN "El Chapo" Guzman.
20111004             NOEL—SALGUEIRO—NEVAREZ, "El Flaco" or the "Skinny," was the Gente Nueva gang leader.
20111004             —ANNOUNCED, MEXICO—NAVY, that marines found 9 escaped inmates apparently working for the Zetas drug cartel at 1—CAMP believed to be operated by the group near the Gulf port CITY—OF—VERACRUZ.
20111004             —RESULTED, The detentions, from 1—SERIES—OF—RAIDS conducted —LAST—WEEK that also netted 18—LOCAL—POLICE officers who also allegedly worked for the Zetas.
20111004             —ARRESTED, Marines, 1—MAN wearing 1—POLICE uniform for disturbing the peace.
20111004             The navy said he was 1—POLICE—OFFICER from THE—CITY—OF—MENDOZA in VERACRUZ state and allegedly acted as 1—LIAISON between the Zetas and corrupt police.
20111004             1—LIST in his pocket indicated that local police officers from several towns had received payments of between 2,000 ($144) and 10,000 pesos ($718) per —MONTH from the cartel.
20111004             —DISPLACED, The cartel has been, in its western home STATE—OF—MICHOACAN by the equally CULT—LIKE—KNIGHTS Templar gang.
20111004             NAMIBIA, 20—SKULLS, taken by GERMANY—COLONIAL—FORCES—MORE than 1—CENTURY ago, returned to WINDHOEK with military honours to be laid in STATE—AT—PARLIAMENT.
20111004             —CLASHED, PAKISTAN—PROTESTERS—UPSET over severe electricity shortages, with police for a 2. —DAY in GUJRANWALA, 1—MAJOR—INDUSTRIAL—CITY in Punjab province, as the country's main opposition leader used the issue to pressure THE—USA—ALLIED government.
20111004             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN, Sunni extremists shot 13—SHIITE Muslims to death EXECUTION—STYLE——AFTER ordering them off 1—BUS as they headed to work at 1—VEGETABLE—MARKET on the outskirts of QUETTA.
20111004             —TARGETED, The attack, the Shiite Hazara tribe.
20111004             —ARRESTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—POLICE on SOUTH—JOLO ISLAND, ABU—SAYYAF gunman Adzhar Mawalil (32), who allegedly helped behead 7—THE—PHILIPPINES—WORKERS——WHILE singing 1—MILITANT—SONG in 1—GRISLY 20070000             crime.
20111004             —EXPLODED, SOMALIA, 1—TRUCK—BOMB, in FRONT—OF—THE—EDUCATION—MINISTRY in MOGADISHU as students and parents crowded —AROUND to learn about scholarships, killing 82—PEOPLE and wounding dozens.
20111004             —IDENTIFIED, Bashar Abdullahi Nur, as THE—AL—SHABAB suicide bomber, gave 1—INTERVIEW——BEFORE the attack that was —LATER aired on 1—MILITANT—RUN—RADIO—STATION.
20111004             —KILLED, SYRIA, at least 4—PEOPLE were, in clashes between government troops and army defectors in the country's northwest.
20111004             —INCLUDED, The detainees, 1—NUMBER—OF elected mayors in the Kurdish southeast.
20111004             —FIRED, YEMEN, shells, into 1—POPULAR shopping DISTRICT—OF—SANAA killed 2—CIVILIANS and wounded another.
20111004             Shelling attacks on THE—SOUTH—WEST—YEMEN—TOWN—OF—TAEZ, 1 HOTBED—OF—ANTI—REGIME—PROTEST, left 7—CIVILIANS—DEAD and 22—OTHERS injured.
20111004             —ANNOUNCED, ZAMBIA, that it has halted all metal exports, in 1—MOVE to ensure that mining firms accurately report their sales.
20111004—20100700    —ADMITTED, Campbell, that, —WHILE in AFGHANISTAN, he solicited a 1—TIME—CASH—PAYMENT—OF $190,000 from 1—SUBCONTRACTOR, as 1—REWARD for funneling more than $15—MILLION in reconstruction projects to that subcontractor.
20111004—20111006    —LIFTED, The ban was, as it would take too long for new rules to be drawn up.
20111004—20111012    —ON, THE—NEW—ZEALAND woman † of her injuries.
20111004—20111016    —BY, New rules on metal exports should be ready.
20111004—20111204    —RELEASED, The boy was, because he admitted the purchase and repeatedly expressed remorse.
20111214—19571004    —INVOLVED, He was closely, in putting the world's 1. satellite in orbit and
20121004             —CHARGED, A—USA—FEDERAL—STRIKE—FORCE, 91—DOCTORS, nurses and other licensed medical professional across the country in connection with phony bills totaling nearly $430—BILLION.
20121004             —WARNED, USA—HEALTH—OFFICIALS, THE—HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE who got steroid back injections in 23—STATES could be at risk for meningitis from contaminated vials of 1—STEROID produced by the new ENGLAND Compounding Center of FRAMINGHAM—MASSACHUSETTS At least 5—DEATHS were already reported.
20121004             —IDENTIFIED, The fungus causing the meningitis was —LATER, as Exserohilum rostratum.
20121004             —LISTED, LONDON, steelmaker Evraz, PART—OWNED by tycoon ROMAN—ABRAMOVICH, is to gain CONTROL—OF—1—OF—RUSSIA—LARGEST—COAL—MINES——AFTER acquiring 1—HALF—STAKE in CYPRUS—BASED investment vehicle Corber Enterprises for 1 undisclosed sum.
20121004             —BURIED, CHINA, the Tiantou Elementary School was, —WHEN the hillside collapsed in Zhenhe, 1—VILLAGE in Yunnan province.
20121004             18—ELEMENTARY school students were killed.
20121004             A 19. victim was found THE—NEXT—DAY.
20121004             —CONVICTED, 1—EGYPT—COURT, AHMED—EZZ, 1—HOSNI MUBARAK—ERA—STEEL magnate, of money laundering, sentencing him to —7—YEARS in prison and fining him 19.5—BILLION EGYPT—POUNDS (about $3—BILLION).
20121004             Ezz was already serving a —10—YEAR—SENTENCE for 1—CORRUPTION—CONVICTION——LAST—YEAR.
20121004             —CLASHED, GREECE—POLICE, with scores of protesting shipyard workers —AFTER they forced their way into THE—GROUNDS—OF—GREECE—DEFENSE—MINISTRY in ATHENS.
20121004             Workers from the Skaramanga Shipyards, which deals mainly with military contacts, say they have not been paid in months.
20121004             —KILLED, WEST—GUATEMALA, at least 6—PEOPLE were, and 30 were shot in 1—CLASH near Totonicapan between security forces and protesters opposed to high energy prices.
20121004             † A 7. victim, —LATER at 1—HOSPITAL in THE—WEST—CITY—OF—QUEZALTENANGO.
20121004             —PUSHED, INDIA—CABINET, ahead with a 2. wave of economic reform proposals, endorsing higher levels of foreign investment in insurance and pension funds and amendments to laws governing competition.
20121004             —DEPLOYED, IRAN, riot police at key TEHRAN intersections, —AFTER tensions flared over the nation's plunging currency in the most widespread DISPLAY—OF—ANGER linked to the country's SANCTIONS—HIT economy.
20121004             —INDICTED, ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES, Milad Khatib (26), 1—ARAB—CITIZEN—OF—ISRAEL, on charges of spying for THE—LEBANON—MILITANT—GROUP—HEZBOLLAH, accusing him of gathering intelligence on security for ISRAEL—PRESIDENT and on army installations.
20121004             ISRAEL, THOUSANDS—OF—EVANGELICAL—CHRISTIANS from —AROUND the world marched in JERUSALEM in support of the Jewish state.
20121004             —SCUFFLED, MOROCCO—PROTESTERS targeting 1—HOLLAND—ABORTION—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST, with police in 1—PORT where 1—SHIP promoting safe abortion had been due to land.
20121004             The "Women on Waves" boat was aiming for its 1. landfall in 1—MUSLIM country.
20121004             —ARRESTED, In THE—PHILIPPINES police, FORMER—PRESIDENT—GLORIA—MACAPAGAL—ARROYO and temporarily detained her in 1—HOSPITAL on corruption charges, in her 3. indictment and 2. detention —SINCE stepping down —2—YEARS—AGO.
20121004             Transport strikes in PORTUGAL brought misery for THOUSANDS—OF—COMMUTERS.
20121004             —VOWED, Trade unions, to step up their fight against the government's latest BATCH—OF—AUSTERITY—MEASURES.
20121004             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—MINEWORKER, as police fired rubber bullets trying to disperse striking miners near 1—ANGLO—USA—PLATINUM mine in RUSTENBURG.
20121004             —AUTHORIZED, TURKEY—PARLIAMENT, military operations against Syria and its military fired on targets there for a 2. —DAY—AFTER deadly shelling from Syria killed 5—CIVILIANS in 1—TURKEY—BORDER—TOWN.
20121004             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, 1—STRIKE by 1, USA—DRONE hit 2—CARS in which AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants were traveling in Shabwa province, killing at least 5—OF—THEM.
20121004             ADEL—AL—ABBAB, ranking 4. in the network's leadership, was among the dead.
20130509—20141004    —SENTENCED, JACKSON was, to —15—YEARS to life.
20131004             SOFTWARE—HERSTELLER: KRIMinelle erbeuten DATEN—VON—2.900.000 ADOBE—KUNDEN
20131004             Das Argument der AKTIVISTen:
20131004             DIE—DIGITALE TOTAL—ÜBERWACHUNG sei "ein historisch beispielloser ANGRIFF—AUF—DAS verfassungsmäßige GRUND—RECHT—AUF—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE"und
20131004             DIE—JURISTEN fordern DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG auf:
20131004             DIE—E—MAIL—ADRESSE ist unser digitaler Fingerabdruck.
20131004             Auftritt in WASHINGTON: EX—CIA—CHEF—FABULIERT über MORD—AN—SNOWDEN
20131004             S—FRANCISCO—THE, 13. edition of the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival began its —3—DAY—RUN in Golden Gate Park.
20131004             —WALKED, NEW—YORK—CITY, Avonte Oquendo (14), 1—AUTISTIC—BOY, away from his school in Queens.
20131004             His body was found in parts in THE—EAST—RIVER in January.
20131004             WASHINGTON, DC 1—MAN set himself on fire in the National Mall.
20131004             —RUSHED, PASSERS—BY, over to douse the flames.
20131004             —SUFFERED, JOHN—CONSTANTINO, —64—JAHRE—ALT had, from mental illness and † of his burns at 1—HOSPITAL.
20131004             EGYPT, THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD, defying 1—CRACKDOWN, marched through 1—CAIRO suburb.
20131004             —DEPOSED, HUNDREDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—EGYPT'S, PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—MURSI clashed with their opponents as they tried to enter Tahrir Square in CENTRAL—CAIRO, and police fired tear gas to disperse them.
20131004             —FIRED, Masked gunmen, on 1—MILITARY—VEHICLE—NEAR—ISMAILIYA, killing 1—SOLDIER and wounding 1—OFFICER and another soldier.
20131004             —DEMANDED, GUINEA—POLITICAL—OPPOSITION, that the results from last weekend's legislative election be invalidated, citing fraud and irregularities.
20131004             IRELAND held 1—NATIONWIDE referendum to abolish the country's Senate.
20131004             Proponents said the upper house wields no essential powers and its closure could save taxpayers 20—MILLION—EUROS ($27—MILLION) annually.
20131004             —REJECTED, Voters, the referendum with a 51.7% no vote.
20131004             —CONDEMNED, ISRAEL, 1—PRONOUNCEMENT by 1—EUROPEAN advisory council against MALE ritual circumcision, 1—PRACTICE that Jewish leaders consider central to their faith.
20131004             In 1—NON—BINDING resolution —THIS—WEEK, the Parliamentary ASSEMBLY—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE said circumcision was "1—VIOLATION—OF—THE—PHYSICAL—INTEGRITY—OF—CHILDREN".
20131004             —BURNED, KENYA, young Muslims set fire to 1—CHURCH, tires and clashed with police in the main port CITY—OF—MOMBASA, —AFTER THE—KILLING—OF—1—ISLAMIC—CLERIC his followers blamed on security forces.
20131004             NORWAY said will slightly reduce its aid to AFGHANISTAN from —NEXT—YEAR, signaling to KABUL that it has not done enough to combat corruption and violence against women.
20131004             POLAND—CATHOLIC—CHURCH said it will not pay compensation to VICTIMS—OF—PRIESTS who sexually abused children.
20131004             —AIRED, REVEREND—JOZEF—KLOCH said in comments, by POLAND—RADIO 1—THAT the responsibility for compensation lies with the perpetrator.
20131004             —CONFISCATED, RUSSIA—INVESTIGATIVE—COMMITTEE said it has, 57,000 diamonds and 19—KG (42—POUNDS) of jewelry from Yevgenia Vasilyeva, 1—FORMER—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL, in 1—ONGOING investigation into corruption charges.
20131004             —BATTLED, SYRIA, AL—QAIDA militants, fighters linked to THE—WESTERN—BACKED opposition along with Kurdish gunmen in towns along THE—TURKEY—BORDER, in clashes that killed at least 19—PEOPLE.
20131004             † IN—VIETNAM—VO—NGUYEN—GIAP (102), 1—BRILLIANT and ruthless SELF—TAUGHT general, in HANOI.
20131004             IN—VIETNAM—VO—NGUYEN—GIAP drove THE—FRANCE—OUT—OF—VIETNAM to free it from colonial rule and —LATER forced the Americans to abandon their grueling effort to save the country from communism.
20131004             THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said the global NUMBER—OF—INFECTIONS with the deadly MERS virus has risen to 136, —AFTER HARD—HIT SAUDI—ARABIA confirmed 6—NEW—CASES.
20131004             —STUDIE—ZU—FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN—DEUTSCHLAND könnte mit 160.000—JOBS profitieren
20131004             HAMBURG - 12—RECHTS—ANWÄLTE haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um etwas gegen den ÜBERWACHUNGS—SKANDAL—UM—PRISM und TEMPORA zu unternehmen.
20131004             DIE—FREIHEIT JEDES—EINZELNEN sei akut bedroht, BEGRÜNDET die Gruppe dort ihre Motivation, "doch in der —POLITIK und in der GESELLSCHAFT bleibt es beunruhigend still.
20131004             DIE—DIGITALE TOTAL—ÜBERWACHUNG sei "ein historisch beispielloser ANGRIFF—AUF—DAS verfassungsmäßige GRUND—RECHT—AUF—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE"und gefährde "DIE—ZENTRALEN Funktionsbedingungen unserer FREIHEITLICH—DEMOKRATISCHEN GESELLSCHAFTS—ORDNUNG".
20131004             zu erklären, daß die anlass—, verdachtsunabhängige TOTAL—ÜBERWACHUNG DER—DEUTSCHEN—BEVÖLKERUNG 1 "krasse Verletzung von GRUND—RECHTEN"darstelle
20131004             ALLE—MAßNAHMEN auf EU—EBENE—GEGEN—GROß—BRITANNIEN zu prüfen
20131004             sämtliche STAND—ORTE der NSA in DEUTSCHLAND zu schließen
20131004             DIE—NETZE und NETZ—WERKEINRICHTUNGEN in DEUTSCHLAND zu prüfen, um 1—ABZAPFEN—VON—DATEN auszuschließen
20131004             1—STRENGERE Kontrolle DER—DEUTSCHEN—NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE zu veranlassen
20131004             dafür zu sorgen, daß Berichte vor Kontrollgremien künftig mit Vollständigkeitserklärungen unter Eid erstattet werden müssen
20131004             DIE—VERWENDUNG von Programmen wie XKeyscore zu stoppen oder diese zumindest unter 1—STRENGE Prüfung zu stellen
20131004             "Dieser Forderungskatalog ist eigentlich 1—AUFLISTUNG—VON—SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICHKEITEN", sagt Pragal, "dass wir von diesen SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICHKEITEN so weit entfernt sind, ist der eigentliche SKANDAL—IN—DEUTSCHLAND".
20131004             ATOM—RUINE—FUKUSHIMA: Erneut Probleme mit FILTER—SYSTEM
20131004             —PROTEST—GEGEN—PRISM und Co.: — AUFSTAND—DER—ANWÄLTE
20131004             "es gibt keine freien Böttcher auf dem MARKT".Und mit dem Nachwuchs sei das so 1—SACHE.
20131004             PIUS—BRUDER—GAUDRON: "DIE—KIRCHE—IN—DEUTSCHLAND wird zusammenbrechen"
20131004             USA—DATEN—HÄNDLER Rapleaf: JEDER—KANN—NSA
20131004             Das kann ich ebenfalls, wenn auch in etwas bescheidenerem Umfang.
20131004             —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—MONATEN haben wir gelernt, daß GEHEIM—DIENSTE sich 1—FEUCHTEN Kehricht um DATEN—SCHUTZ scheren und so ziemlich alles über uns sammeln und speichern.
20131004             Rapleaf hoch.
20131004             JEDER—INTERESSIERTE kann beliebig VIELE—E—MAIL—ADRESSEN mit der DATEN—BANK abgleichen.
20131004             —LAUT—DEUTSCHEM—RECHT wäre all das nicht zulässig, jedenfalls nicht ohne ausdrückliche Einwilligung der Betroffenen.
20131004             Wenn man die nach deutschem und europäischem RECHT fragwürdigen Datentransfers über 1—AGENTUR oder direkt über DIE—USA abwickelt, liegt DAS—RISIKO, erwischt zu werden, wohl nahe 0.
20131004             Sicher scheint mir, daß uns Verbraucher niemand vor diesen kommerziellen Datendieben schützt.
20131004             Das Kunstwerk ist 61—MAL 46,5—ZENTI—METER—GROß.
20131004             —ZEITSCHRIFT meldet Fund von DA—VINCI—GEMÄLDE - NASA shutdown cripples science
20131004             THE—WORLD—FAMOUS—HUBBLE Space Telesco...
20131004             —ACCORDING—TO, Mintz, CONSPIRACISM denotes "belief in the primacy of conspiracies in THE—UNFOLDING—OF—HISTORY":[35]
20131004             "Conspiracism serves the needs of diverse political and social groups in AMERICA and elsewhere.
20131004             THE—JOHN—BIRCH—SOCIETY emulates Communist cells and QUASI—SECRET—OPERATION through "front"groups, and preaches 1—RUTHLESS—PROSECUTION—OF—THE—IDEOLOGICAL—WAR along lines very similar to those it finds in THE—COMMUNIST—ENEMY.
20131004             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Unbedingtheit ist die Voraussetzung der Unbestechlichkeit"
20131004             Psychologie: Warum Erfolg VIELE—VÄTER hat, aber nie jemand DIE—SCHULD
20131004             EUROPA—PRESSE zum Vertrauensvotum in ITALIEN: "Eine lächerliche Tragödie"
20131004             ITALIEN—SENAT—AUSSCHUSS berät über Rauswurf BERLUSCONIs
20131004             UKRAINE—MANN sprengt sich an RUSSISCHER—GRENZE in die Luft
20131004             Unglück vor Lampedusa: Gauck fordert humanere FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK
20131004             Einbruch in THÜRINGEN: Diebe stehlen Laptop mit neuer POLIZEI—SOFTWARE
20131004             Schwämme als Nährstofflieferant: Recycling im Riff
20131004             Angeblicher Chemieunfall: KATASTROPHEN—SCHUTZ—ÜBUNG löst Panik in SIBIRIEN aus
20131004             —FLÜCHTLINGS—DRAMA vor Lampedusa: EUROPA trauert, EUROPA mauert
20131004             Silk Road: So jagte DAS—FBI den ONLINE—DROGEN—BOSS
20131004             NORD—KOREA—PJÖNGJANG beschimpft SÜD—KOREA—PRÄSIDENTIN als Idiotin
20131004             Der EHEMALIGE—CHEF—DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE NSA und CIA, MICHAEL—HAYDEN, hat bei 1—PODIUMSDISKUSSION in WASHINGTON öffentlich Witze über Auftragsmorde DER—USA—REGIERUNG gemacht.
20131004             HAYDEN kommentierte die Nominierung laut der unabhängigen USA—PARLAMENTSZEITSCHRIFT "THE—HILL"so:
20131004             "Ich muss zugeben, daß ich in meinen dunkleren Augenblicken —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—MONATEN auch daran dachte, Herrn SNOWDEN zu nominieren, allerdings für 1—GANZ andere Liste".
20131004             Damit spielte HAYDEN wohl auf die sogenannten "kill lists"DER—USA—REGIERUNG an.
20131004             IM—PUBLIKUM gab es bei der Podiumsdiskussion laut "THE—HILL"Gelächter.
20131004             EINIGE—MINUTEN nach seinen Witzen über SNOWDEN und die Liste erklärte HAYDEN—DIE—POLITIK DER—USA—REGIERUNG bei Tötungen dem Publikum so: "ATTENTATe sind per VERFÜGUNG—DES—PRÄSIDENT verboten.
20131004             Würde 1—PERSON aus einem Land ausserhalb der AMERIKANISCHEN—GRENEN 1—SOLCHEN "Witz"machen würde es in DEN—USA sofort 1—AUFSCHREI geben und man würde TERROR unterstellen.
20131004             Desmaskiert die wahren Schurken endlich - um das wahre Gesicht der USA zu zeigen.
20131004             Morde durch DIE—BEHÖRDEN sind IN—DEN—USA nicht ungewöhnlich
20131004             Selbst unbescholtene Frauen mit ihrem einjährigen Kind sind nicht sicher vor waffenbegeisterten POLIZISTEN.
20131004             In den Schwämmen wachsen spezielle Filterzellen, sogenannte Choanozyten, erläutern DIE—FORSCHER.
20131004             Oh man, diese "DEUTSCHLANDbefreiernummer durch das tolle AMERIKA"zieht leider nicht mehr.
20131004             achsoja, "USA—BASHER"
20131004             1., lieber forist, hat DIE—BEFREIUNG europas ´45—NICHT das geringste mit dieser geschichte zu tun, 2. "ist WWII —SCHON 1—WEILE her
20131004             sollten sie sich mal hier ENTIRE HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES Gives Standing Ovation To Cops —AFTER Killing Unarmed MOTHER—YOUTUBE (
20131004             —KLIMA—SCHUTZ im Luftverkehr: EU muss Niederlage einstecken
20131004             —BLOCKIERT, App Store: APPLE, ANTI—ZENSUR—APP in CHINA
20131004             Fall "ARCTIC Sunrise": NIEDERLANDE starten KAMPF—UM—GREENPEACE—SCHIFF
20131004             Muslimische Schüler in ENGLAND: Wer Bart trägt, muss draußen bleiben
20131004             ÄGYPTEN—MUSLIM—BRÜDER liefern sich Straßenschlachten mit SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTEN
20131004             ITALIEN—SENAT—AUSSCHUSS stimmt für BERLUSCONIs Rauswurf
20131004             —GENERAL—VO—NGUYEN—GIAP—VIETNAM trauert um den "roten NAPOLÉON"
20131004             Project "Wildcat": Vierbeiniger Roboter sprintet über Parkplatz
20131004             HANOI—DER in VIETNAM als Nationalheld verehrte GENERAL—VO Nguyen Giap ist im Alter von —102—JAHREN gestorben.
20131004             —STUDIERT, Giap hatte PHILOSOPHIE und RECHT, als er sich in den 3ßiger —JAHREN dem WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—DIE—FRANZOSEN anschloss.
20131004             TSCHECHIEN: Foxconn soll —ARBEITER auch in EUROPA ausgebeutet haben - ITALIEN: Das ENDE—DER—ÄRA BERLUSCONI
20131004             GENTEST—FIRMA 23andMe, USA—PATENT bahnt den Weg zum DESIGNER—BABY
20131004             —DANN, dürfen sie den "Family Traits Inheritance Calculator"benutzen.
20131004             —REAGIERT, Ganz unschuldig, 23andMe —JETZT auf Anfragen, die sich um 1—PATENT drehen, das DAS—USA—UNTERNEHMEN—DER—NOCH—EHEFRAU—VON—GOOGLE—GRÜNDER—SERGEY—BRIN, ANNE—WOJCICKI, —BEREITS 20080000             beim USA—PATENTAMT eingereicht hat und DAS—WEITGEHEND unbeachtet von der ÖFFENTLICHKEIT—ZUM ;;0924;;
20131004             Der wissenschaftliche TITEL—ÜBERSETZT in etwa "Keimzellspenderauswahl basierend auf genetischen Berechnungen"- verschleiert die Brisanz: DAS—USA—PATENT—NUMMER 8543339 beschreibt 1—WEITEREN Schritt auf dem Weg zum DESIGNER—BABY.
20131004             Vorstellbar sind alle möglichen genetischen Ausprägungen, vom KrebsRISIKO über die Körpergröße —BIS hin zu Persönlichkeitstypen.
20131004             "Ich bevorzuge 1—KIND mit... "und dann folgt 1—REIHE—VON—ANTWORTMÖGLICHKEITEN, von niedrigem DarmkrebsRISIKO —BIS zu großen Chancen auf grüne Augen.
20131004             Empört sind die Autorinnen, weil DAS—USA—PATENTAMT offenbar nicht auf DIE—IDEE gekommen ist, daß 1—PATENT darauf, wie man am geschicktesten 1—DESIGNER—BABY zusammenstellen könnte, moralisch verwerflich sein könnte.
20131004             Hinzu kommen die von BEGINN der frei verfügbaren Ergbutanalyse an unbefriedigend geklärten Fragen, wie mit den DATEN DER—KUNDEN umgegangen wird, wie sicher diese sind und welcher Missbrauch vorstellbar ist.
20131004             Wenn im industriellen Maßstab DIE—KONTROLLE für Wahrscheinlichkeiten bestimmter Eigenschaften möglich ist und die ERB—GUTDATEN—VON—IMMER mehr Menschen bei Unternehmen gespeichert sein werden, sind allerdings schlimmere Folgen vorstellbar als der dagegen harmlos erscheinende Diebstahl von 1—PAAR Millionen Kreditkartendaten.
20131004             DIE—FIRMA ist suspekt aus anderen Gründen:
20131004             —BESTELLT, Wenn man die n bei 23and me, (deren Auswertung aus Textbausteinen besteht, so dass man als Frau auch über sein RISIKO—FÜR—DAS Prostatakarzinom informiert wird) - dann bekommt man auch 1—MAIL, ob man denn nicht vielleicht 1—GMAIL Mailadresse haben möchte.
20131004             Position DEUTSCHLANDs
20131004             Ich stelle (als Käse im SANDWITCH—WILL heissen SCHWEIZer eingeklemmt zw.
20131004             Machtgeflecht - Er ist angetreten mit dem Versprechen, seine Medienmacht zugunsten der politischen abzugeben.
20131004             Zehnmal mindestens hat man sein politisches Ende prophezeit, fälschlicherweise.
20131004             DIE—ECHSE, die ihre Gegner verschlingt oder mit 1—SCHWANZHIEB erledigt, zappelt noch, aber sie mag oder kann nicht mehr kämpfen.
20131004             Vorbestrafte aber haben laut 1—NEUEN Gesetz im PARLAMENT nichts zu suchen.
20131004             In 1—GEFÄNGNIS—ZELLE muss der alte Mann wohl nicht, er kann zwischen SOZIAL—DIENST und HAUS—ARREST wählen.
20131004             ITALIEN ist 1—KORRUPT Land...das kommt von der Armut der in die Tiefe des Lande lebt von deren Wurzel DIE—MENSCHEN lebt
20131004             DIE—POLITIK in ITALIEN ist zu Ende...Mann hat der HAUPT—MANN Bersani gewählt aber Letta die Mann kannte nur von sein Onkle machte sie Platz auf der Regierung wie eingeschoben von Super Kräfte...kein Mensch hat in ITALIEN Letta gekannt und keiner hat ihn gewählt...aber der ist da und DIE—EUROPA zu Knechten...das ist 1—HAMPELMANN...das —FRAGE wir uns
20131004             Gerichtsentscheid in JERUSALÉM: Bewohner ISRAEL—DÜRFEN sich nicht "ISRAELis"nennen
20131004             —ERMITTLUNGEN—IN—DER SCHWEIZ—BANKEN sollen WECHSEL—KURSE manipuliert haben
20131004             Rassistische Gesänge : Nächstes Geisterspiel für Lazio ROM
20131004             KENIA: Straßenschlachten in MOMBASA nach MORD—AN—ISLAMPREDIGER
20131004             Tödliche Verfolgungsjagd: WASHINGTON—POLIZEI gerät in die Kritik
20131004             Lynchmorde: MADAGASKAR—POLIZEI nimmt VERDÄCHTIGE fest
20131004             USA—REGIERUNGSVIERTEL: Mann hat sich angeblich selbst angezündet
20131004             Der höchste GERICHT—HOF ISRAEL—HAT entschieden, daß BÜRGER—DES—HEILIGEN—LANDES sich nicht mit der Nationalität "ISRAELi"beim EINWOHNER—MELDE—AMT registrieren lassen dürfen.
20131004             Das Argument der AKTIVISTen: Nur 1—BEGRIFF, der nicht erkennen lasse, ob ES—SICH bei der Person um 1—JUDEN, 1—ARABER oder 1 Mitglied 1—ANDEREN Minderheit in ISRAEL handele, garantiere die Gleichbehandlung aller BÜRGER, so DIE—ORGANISATION "Ich bin ISRAELi".
20131004             —ARGUMENTIERT, Der LINGUIST—ISRAEL könne nicht GLEICHZEITIG jüdisch und demokratisch sein.
20131004             Institutionalisierte Diskriminierung der arabischen Bevölkerung
20131004             Ornan vertritt die Meinung, daß ISRAEL—IST, wer in ISRAEL geboren wird.
20131004             DIE—RICHTER folgten dieser Argumentation in ihrer Urteilsbegründung nicht.
20131004             DIE—ANERKENNUNG 1—GEMEINSAMEN, nicht auf der Religionszugehörigkeit basierenden Nationalität könnte den STAAT—ISRAEL in seinen Grundfesten erschüttern, so das Gericht.
20131004             NICHT—JUDEN—ISRAELIS erfahren in ihrer Heimat weitreichende Diskriminierung: Arabische Dörfer und Städte erhalten weniger staatliche Gelder und Dienstleitungen, sie werden bei Stadtplanungsprojekten und sozialem Wohnungsbau ebenso benachteiligt wie bei der FINANZIERung und Ausstattung von Schulen und der Anbindung an öffentliche Verkehrsmittel.
20131004             1—ERMITTLER berichtet: Die erschossene Frau glaubte offenbar, PRÄSIDENT—OBAMA würde zu ihr sprechen.
20131004             1—INTERNE Untersuchung solle voraussichtlich klären, warum die Fahrt für die, —34—JAHRE—ALTE Zahnhygienikerin aus CONNECTICUT tödlich ENDETE.
20131004             Möglicherweise litt C. an Wahnvorstellungen.
20131004             —POLIZEI—CHEFIN Cathy Lanier hatte den —EINSATZ aller Beteiligten —NACH—DEM Vorfall gelobt: DIE—SICHERHEITS—SCHLEUSEN hätten gut funktioniert.
20131004             Nur 1—BEGRIFF, der nicht erkennen lasse, ob es sich bei der Person um 1—JUDEN, 1—ARABER oder 1 Mitglied 1—ANDEREN Minderheit in ISRAEL handele, garantiere die Gleichbehandlung aller BÜRGER,
20131004             so DIE—ORGANISATION "Ich bin ISRAELi".
20131004—19090000    THE—OXFORD—ENGLAND—DICTIONARY records The 1. use of the phrase "CONSPIRACY—THEORY" to 1—ARTICLE in THE—USA—HISTORICAL—REVIEW.
20131004—20120000    —CHARGED, Vasilyeva was, with fraud related to THE—SALE—OF—MILITARY—ASSETS.
20131004—20130126    —PROPOSED, NY SENATOR—CHUCK—SCHUMER, legislation to fund voluntary tracking devices for children with autism.
20131004—20170000    —AGREED, CHINA and MALAYSIA, elevate bilateral ties to a "comprehensive strategic partnership", aiming to boost military cooperation and nearly triple 2—WAY—TRADE to $160—BILLION.
20131008—20131004    —FOLLOWED, This, 1—SIMILAR—SEIZURE.
20140813             BRAZIL, socialist politician and presidential candidate EDUARDO—CAMPOS, —49—JAHRE—ALT and 6—OTHER—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN their small plane crashed near SANTOS, ahead of 20141004             —THE presidential election.
20140828—20141004    —ON, His body was found in BOSTON Manor Park.
20141004             —DISCOVERED, Doctors, 202—CASES from January to 20141003             .
20141004             —CHARGED, ILLINOIS, MOHAMMED—HAMZAH—KHAN, —19—JAHRE—ALT, with seeking to provide material support to 1—FOREIGN—TERRORIST—GROUP, was arrested with 2—SIBLINGS (16 & 17) at O'Hare INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT.
20141004             —CHARGED, The siblings were not.
20141004             COLORADO, 2—PEOPLE aboard 1—HELICOPTER—LIKE—XENON gyroplane were killed —WHEN it crashed into THE—COLORADO—RIVER—NEAR—LOMA.
20141004             † PAUL—REVERE, —76—JAHRE—ALT, organist and LEADER—OF—THE—RAIDERS rock band, at his home in Garden VALLEY—IDAHO.
20141004             —INCLUDED, The group's hits, their rendition of "Louie, Louie" (19630000             ) and INDIA—RESERVATION" (19710000             ).
20141004             —CRASHED, TEXAS, 1—MEDICAL—HELICOPTER, near WICHITA Falls killing 1—PATIENT it was transporting from WAURIKA—OKLAHOMA.
20141004             —OPENED, UTAH, the Mormon church, its biannual conference bringing some 100,000 church members to SALT—LAKE—CITY to listen to WORDS—OF—GUIDANCE and inspiration from the faith's leaders.
20141004             —EXPECTED, Residents from 64—COUNTRIES were, —DURING THE—2—DAY—CONFERENCE.
20141004             GENERAL—MOTORS—POSTED 1—RECALL of almost 47,000 cars for the same IGNITION—KEY defect that has already forced the recall of some 2.6—MILLION—VEHICLES and linked to at least 23—DEATHS.
20141004             —MARCHED, Thousands, in AFRICA and —AROUND the world to pressure governments to do more to stop the poaching industry that MANY—FEAR is driving rhinos and elephants to THE—BRINK—OF—EXTINCTION.
20141004             THE—GLOBAL—MARCH for Elephants and Rhinos, took place in 136—CITIES and towns across 6—CONTINENTS.
20141004             —MARCHED, Several 100—PEOPLE, in CENTRAL—LONDON to protest BRITAIN—INVOLVEMENT in USA—LED air strikes against Islamic State (IS) group targets in IRAQ.
20141004             —LOOTED, He was said in reports to have, as much as $300—MILLION——BEFORE being forced to flee.
20141004             HONG—KONG, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PRO—DEMOCRACY—DEMONSTRATORS gathered for 1—PEACE—RALLY, as the city's security CHIEF furiously denied the government had used triad gangs to attack them —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20141004             More than a 1000—RIVAL—PROTESTERS, SOME—WEARING helmets, faced off in the densely populated Mong Kok district, fueling concerns that THE—CHINESE—CONTROLLED city's worst unrest in decades could take 1—MORE—VIOLENT—TURN.
20141004             —SEIZED, IRAQ, the Islamic State, THE—TOWN—OF—KUBAISA —2—DAYS—AFTER the fall of the nearby TOWN—OF—HIT as the group sought to consolidate control in towns WEST—OF—ANBAR—CAPITAL—RAMADI.
20141004             2—BOMBS exploded —JUST NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD in the towns of Tarmiyah and Husseiniyah, killing 7 and wounding 18—OTHERS.
20141004             —KILLED, In Diyala province 1—OFFICER and 7—SOLDIERS were, in 2—AMBUSHES in the nearby districts of Mansuriya and Muqdadiya.
20141004             —TARGETED, Coalition airstrikes, FALLUJAH, Sinjar and Hit.
20141004             LATVIA held elections as it sought to limit the influence of 1—PRO—KREMLIN party popular with ethnic Russians.
20141004             —SCORED, LATVIA—CENTER—RIGHT ruling coalition, 1—FRESH—VICTORY, though Harmony, 1—KREMLIN—ALLIED party backed by the ethnic RUSSIA—MINORITY, nabbed 24—SEATS in the 100-member PARLIAMENT.
20141004             MEXICO, security forces investigating the role of municipal police in clashes in IGUALA —1—WEEK—AGO found 1—MASS—GRAVE on THE—EDGE—OF—TOWN, raising fears the pits might hold 43—STUDENTS missing —SINCE the violence that also resulted in 6—SHOOTING deaths.
20141004             28—BODIES were found in the grave.
20141004             —PRESENTED, Authorities have, charges against 29—PEOPLE in the case, including 22—POLICE—OFFICERS detained soon —AFTER the violence.
20141004             3—OF—THE—SUSPECTS are fugitives, including IGUALA—POLICE—CHIEF.
20141004             —DETAINED, MYANMAR—ARMY shot dead 1—JOURNALIST who was, —WHILE covering clashes between the army and ethnic rebels at the rugged border, saying he reached for 1—SOLDIER—GUN —DURING 1 attempted escape.
20141004             1—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST said the body bore what he thought were MARKS—OF—TORTURE.
20141004             —DECLARED, THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN, allegiance to Islamic State and ordered militants across the region to help the Middle Eastern jihadist group in its campaign to set up 1—GLOBAL—ISLAMIC caliphate.
20141004             —EXPLODED, In the northwest 1—POWERFUL—BOMB, at 1—BUS—STATION in KOHAT, killing 5—PEOPLE and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20141004             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER struck in QUETTA, killing 5—PEOPLE and wounded at least 20.
20141004             PAKISTAN officials said 1—RECORD—NUMBER—POLIO—CASE have already been detected —THIS—YEAR.
20141004             —STONED, SAUDI—ARABIA, some 2—MILLION—MUSLIMS ritually, the devil in the last major RITE—OF—THIS—YEAR—HAJJ, —WHILE fellow believers —AROUND the world celebrated Eid AL—ADHA, the feast of sacrifice.
20141004             —SHELLED, SYRIA, Islamic State forces, the border TOWN—OF—KOBANI and its Kurdish defenders said they were expecting 1—NEW—ASSAULT to try to capture it.
20141004—19710000    —FROM, HAITI, former dictator JEAN—CLAUDE "Baby Doc" Duvalier (63), who ruled the impoverished Caribbean nation with 1—IRON fist —UNTIL his ouster 19860000             —IN, † of 1—HEART—ATTACK.
20141004—20010000    —IN, The previous modern record was 199—CASES.
20141004—20140930    —DETAINED, Freelance JOURNALIST—PAR—GYI was, by the army —AFTER photographing clashes between the military and the rebel Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA).
20141004—20141105    —ON, authorities exhumed his body.
20150810             alfatomega.com/20081004.html
20150930—20151004    —ZWISCHEN demund einschließlich dem, haben DIE—USA nach eigenen Angaben 32—ANGRIFFE—AUF—SYRIEN geflogen.
20151004             —SWAMPED, SOUTH—CAROLINA, floodwaters, COLUMBIA —AFTER 1—RAINSTORM dumped over 1—FOOT—OF—RAIN overnight.
20151004             CHINA, Typhoon Mujigae made landfall near ZHANJIANG, Guangdong province.
20151004             It left 1—TRAIL—OF—DESTRUCTION and flooding and prompting authorities to issue their highest "red alert" emergency response.
20151004             —KILLED, At least 9—PEOPLE were.
20151004             —LAUNCHED, DUBAI ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid AL—MAKTOUM, 1—NEW—FOUNDATION to consolidate 1—RANGE—OF existing charitable and human development initiatives that aims to support more than $270—MILLION in projects annually.
20151004             —REQUESTED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said 19—EU member states have, OPT—OUTS for all or PART—OF—THEIR—TERRITORY from cultivation of 1—MONSANTO GENETICALLY—MODIFIED crop, which is authorized to be grown in THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20151004             FRANCE—AUTHORITIES said violent storms and flooding along the chic FRANCE—RIVIERA overnight have killed at least 16—PEOPLE and left another 5—MISSING.
20151004             GUATEMALA, JUAN—CARLOS—MONZON—ROJAS, the alleged LEADER—OF—1—CUSTOMS—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL that has rocked the government, turned himself into authorities.
20151004             —TARGETED, THE—USA—LED coalition, Islamic State with 13—AIRSTRIKES in IRAQ and 8 in Syria.
20151004             —BARRED, ISRAEL, Palestinians from JERUSALEM—OLD—CITY as tensions mounted —FOLLOWING attacks that killed 2—ISRAELIS and wounded 1—CHILD.
20151004             THE—PALESTINE—RED—CRESCENT said clashes with ISRAEL—SECURITY—FORCES and Jewish settlers have left 77—PALESTINIANS wounded from both live rounds and rubber bullets over the past —24—HOURS.
20151004             ISRAEL—TROOPS shot dead an —18—YEAR—OLD PALESTINE—DURING clashes in Tulkarem in THE—WEST—BANK.
20151004             KYRGYZSTAN went to the polls for 1—HOTLY—CONTESTED parliamentary vote.
20151004             —ORDERED, MALAYSIA—AUTHORITIES, MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—SCHOOLS shut —FOR—2—DAYS because of possible health risks posed by the thick haze from INDONESIA—FOREST—FIRES.
20151004             —ARRESTED, MOROCCO and SPAIN, 10—PEOPLE suspected of recruiting fighters for Islamic STATE—IN—SYRIA and IRAQ.
20151004             —PRAYED, THOUSANDS—OF—MYANMAR—NATIONALIST monks and their supporters, clapped and held speeches at 1—LARGE—RALLY in YANGON, in 1—SHOW—OF growing clout of radical Buddhists ahead of a 20151108             election.
20151004             —SUSPECTED, NIGER, Boko Haram militants killed 3—CIVILIANS and 1—SOLDIER in 1—DOUBLE—SUICIDE—ATTACK in THE—SOUTH—EAST—REGION—OF—DIFFA.
20151004             —RELEASED, THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN, 1—VIDEO showing the hanging of Bashir AHMAD—KHAN, 1—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER, in retaliation for recent executions of militants by PAKISTAN.
20151004             —VOTED, PORTUGAL, in 1—ELECTION seen as 1—TEST—OF—4—YEARS—OF—AUSTERITY.
20151004             PRIME—MINISTER—PEDRO—PASSOS—COELHO—CENTER—RIGHT—COALITION won the election but lost its parliamentary majority.
20151004             —SUSPECTED, WEST—SYRIA, air strikes by, RUSSIA—JETS hit targets —AROUND THE—TOWN—OF—TALBISEH.
20151004             1—RESIDENT said at least 5—BODIES had been recovered from THE—WEST—PART—OF—THE—TOWN.
20151004             RUSSIA—PLANES also struck in HOMS and Hama provinces.
20151004             —DESTROYED, SYRIA—ACTIVISTS said that Islamic State militants have, the Arch of Triumph, 1—NEARLY 2,—000—YEAR—OLD arch in the ancient CITY—OF—PALMYRA.
20151004             TURKEY—WARPLANES struck Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) targets in NORTH—IRAQ and EAST—TURKEY overnight, in a new air operation against the militant group.
20151004             —REAFFIRMED, FRANCIS—PAPA, Catholic opposition to gay marriage as he opened a —3—WEEK—GATHERING—OF—BISHOPS.
20151004             YEMEN—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said fierce battles were ongoing between PRO—GOVERNMENT—FIGHTERS clashing with Shiite Houthi rebels and allied military units along YEMEN—RED—SEA—COAST.
20151004             Medical officials in nearby Taiz said at least 14—DEAD—BODIES from Houthi forces arrived from the front lines.
20151004             Bei der PARLAMENTS—WAHL—IN—PORTUGAL hat das KONSERVATIVEN—REGIERUNGS—LAGER—VON—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—PEDRO—PASSOS—COELHO die meisten Stimmen bekommen, die PARLAMENT—MEHRHEIT allerdings nicht erreicht.
20151004             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE—POLITIKER appellieren an MERKEL: "Mehr geht nicht mehr"
20151004             Söder (CSU) gegen Asyl: Nicht jeder ist zu retten
20151004             UN—WETTER in FRANKREICH : Mehrere TOTE—BEI—ÜBERSCHWEMMUNGEN an Côte d'Azur
20151004             Stardirigent Currentzis: Kontrollierte Explosion
20151004             FLÜCHTLINGE—TÜRKEI soll Grenzen zur EU stärker sichern
20151004             Tragödie von KUNDUZ: Der lange Weg raus aus AFGHANISTAN - ROM versus BRÜSSEL: Der KÄSE—KRIEG
20151004             Müllers Memo: EUROPA und das ENDE—DER—GLOBALISIERUNG
20151004             FLÜCHTLINGE—TÜRKEI soll sicherer HERKUNFTS—STAAT werden
20151004             LUFT—ANGRIFF: ÄRZTE—OHNE—GRENZEN zieht sich aus KUNDUZ zurück
20151004             TV—INTERVIEW: ASSAD hält ALLIANZ—MIT—RUSSLAND und IRAN für kriegsentscheidend
20151004             GOTHA, Bischhagen, XANTEN: Wieder Brände in ASYL—BEWERBERHEIMEN
20151004             [l] Was passiert eigentlich, wenn 1—DROGENFAHNDER—DER—DEA (USA—DRUG Enforcement Agency) seinen Drogentest nicht besteht?
20151004             [l] Wo 1—WILLE ist, ist auch 1—WEG: DIE—RUSSEN haben mal eben 1.Brücke von RUSSLAND zur Krim aus dem Boden gestampft.
20151004             Irgendwie stellt sich bei den RUSSEN gerade ein deutlich stärkeres "wir lassen niemanden mit seinen Problemen alleine"-Gefühl ein als bei der EU, oder nicht?
20151004             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE—MERKEL trotzt den Schwarzmalern
20151004             Sturzfluten in SÜD—FRANKREICH: Mindestens 17—TOTE an der Cote D'Azur
20151004             Straßenschlachten in JERUSALÉM: NETANYAHU kündigt hartes Vorgehen gegen PALÄSTINENSER an
20151004             Kirgistan: SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN gewinnen PARLAMENTS—WAHL
20151004—20151007    —BY, THE—NUMBER—OF—WEATHER—RELATED deaths in the Carolinas rose to at least 17.
20151024             Humanitarian organizations monitoring CIVIL—CASUALTIES in SOUTH—SUDAN said 80—CIVILIANS, including 57—CHILDREN, were killed in —JUST 1—COUNTY in WAR—TORN Unity state 20151004—20151022    —BETWEEN.
20161001—20161004    —RELEASED, Surveillance video, showed Snell running from police —WHILE holding 1—GUN.
20161004             OKLAHOMA—SUPREME—COURT threw out another state law that would put new restrictions on abortion providers.
20161004             —REPORTED, Reuters, that Yahoo had written customized software to scan all incoming E—MAIL for certain keywords, complying with 1—REQUEST either from AMERICA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY—OF—THE—FBI.
20161004             —RAGED, AFGHANISTAN, fierce gunbattles, for a 2. —DAY in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KUNDUZ.
20161004             —KILLED, In the country's south, insurgents, 12—POLICEMEN at checkpoints —AROUND the Helmand provincial capital and seized another district they had attacked —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20161004             —IMPROVISED, An, explosive device in Nangarhar Province killed 1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER and 3—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS.
20161004             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE, responsibility.
20161004             —ANNOUNCED, UK—HOME—SECRETARY—AMER—RUDD, new restrictions on foreign students in 1—EFFORT to reduce THE—NUMBER—OF—MIGRANTS.
20161004             3—BRITISH—BORN scientists won the Nobel Prize in physics for discoveries about strange STATES—OF—MATTER that could result in improved materials for electronics or quantum computers.
20161004             —AFFILIATED, DAVID—THOULESS, DUNCAN—HALDANE and MICHAEL—KOSTERLITZ, —NOW, with universities in THE—USA, were honored for breakthroughs they made in the 1970s and '80s.
20161004             † Officials in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC reported that at least 4—PEOPLE——WHEN heavy rains linked to Hurricane Matthew damaged their homes.
20161004             —KILLED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES, MOHAMMED—KAMA, —61—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SENIOR—MUSLIM Brotherhood leader, and another member of the outlawed Islamist group in 1—OVERNIGHT shootout at 1—CAIRO apartment.
20161004             —KILLED, Kamal, 1—PHYSICIAN by profession, was, along with Yasser Shahata ALI—RAGAB in 1—EXCHANGE—OF—GUNFIRE as police tried to arrest them.
20161004             —KILLED, ETHIOPIA, 1—USA—CITIZEN was, on the outskirts of ADDIS—ABABA —WHEN the vehicle she was in was struck by rocks thrown by people in the area.
20161004             HAITI—SOUTHWESTERN peninsula early with 145—MILE—PER—HOUR (230—KPH) winds and storm surges.
20161004             Tens of thousands were left homeless and outbreaks of cholera soon claimed more lives.
20161004             The official toll was —LATER put at 546—DEAD and 128—MISSING.
20161004             —DETAINED, INDIA, police, more than 700 detained in 1—RAID on makeshift call centers in the Mumbai suburb of Thane.
20161004             70—PEOPLE arrested.
20161004             —ESTIMATED, An, $36.5—MILLION was extorted from USA residents in 1 alleged tax scam that was run for about —1—YEAR from call centers on the outskirts of Mumbai.
20161004             1—MYANMAR lawmaker said PARLIAMENT has abolished the Emergency Provisions Act.
20161004             —FIRED, SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE, rubber bullets, stun grenades and teargas at student protesters in JOHANNESBURG as authorities tried to RE—OPEN the prestigious Wits UNIVERSITY—AFTER—WEEKS—OF—DEMONSTRATIONS.
20161004             —REPELLED, Rebels said they had, 1—SYRIA—ARMY—OFFENSIVE in SOUTH—ALEPPO as Russian and SYRIA—WARPLANES continued to pound residential areas in besieged PARTS—OF—THE—CITY where THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS are trapped.
20161004             25—DEATHS in GOVERNMENT—HELD WEST—ALEPPO were documented as 1—RESULT—OF—REBEL shelling.
20161004             —WARNED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS High Commissioner for Human RIGHTS—RUSSIA over use of incendiary weapons in air strikes on THE—SYRIA—CITY—OF—ALEPPO, where he said attacks on CIVIL—TARGETS may amount to crimes against humanity.
20161004             Kersti Kaljulaid: 1. FRAU—AN—DIE—STAATSSPITZE in ESTLAND gewählt
20161004             LEIPZIG—ANSCHLAG—AUF—BÜRO—VON—CDU—POLITIKERIN Kudla - KOLUMBIEN: Lieber Rache als Frieden
20161004             LUFTWAFFEN—BASIS—INCIRLIK, Abgeordnete reisen 1. wieder zu DEUTSCHEN—SOLDATEN in DIE—TÜRKEI
20161004             —AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL: Ärmere Länder nehmen Großteil DER—FLÜCHTLINGE auf
20161004             DONALD—TRUMP in der —KRISE, DIE—DEMONTAGE
20161004             —NACH—PUTSCH—VERSUCH,—CA—13.000—TÜRKEI—POLIZISTEN suspendiert
20161004             ARTEN—SCHUTZ—KONFERENZ—CITES, Das ENDE—DER—LEGALEN Elfenbeinmärkte
20161004             —VERMEHRT, Kindeswohl: Jugendämter sehen, Kinder in Gefahr
20161004             FLIRT—VERSUCHE 1—BRITIN: "DEUTSCHE—MÄNNER schauen dich AN—DAS war's"
20161004             —FUNCTIONED, DONALD—TRUMP—CROOKED—FOUNDATION really does seem to have, as 1—KIND—OF slush fund.
20161004             —NOTIFIED, THE—NEW—YORK—ATTORNEY—GENERAL has, DONALD—TRUMP that his charitable FOUNDATION is violating state law — by soliciting donations without proper certification — and ordered DONALD—TRUMP—CHARITY to stop its fundraising —IMMEDIATELY, THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE—SAID—MONDAY.
20161004             —REGISTERED, But THE—TRUMP—FOUNDATION never, under article 7A—OF—NEW—YORK—EXECUTIVE—LAW, as is required for ANY—CHARITY soliciting more than $25,000 —1—YEAR from THE—PUBLIC.
20161004             —JUST how did DONALD—TRUMP come to lose nearly 1—BILLION dollars 19950000             —IN, —1—YEAR in which THE—STOCK—MARKET was doing spectacularly well and most people were making money hand over fist?
20161004             BREXIT—ANGST: BRITISCHES—PFUND fällt auf tiefsten Stand
20161004             PHYSIK—NOBEL—PREIS: Auszeichnung geht an QUANTEN—FORSCHER
20161004             1—PFUND—STERLING kostete zwischenzeitlich nur noch 1,2757—DOLLAR.
20161004             Gegenüber dem ebenfalls schwächelnden EURO sackte DAS—PFUND auf ein neues 3—JAHRES—TIEF.
20161004             Unter Börsianern schürten Mays Pläne die ÄNGSTE—VOR—1 "harten"BREXIT.
20161004             "Für Unsicherheit unter Investoren sorgt vor allem das feste Bekenntnis der BRITISCHEN—REGIERUNG, bei den AUSTRITTS—VERHANDLUNGEN auf 1.Beschränkung der Zuwanderung zu bestehen", teilte die COMMERZ—BANK mit.
20161004             "Solange sich in dieser Frage keine gütliche Einigung abzeichnet, bleibt DAS—PFUND unter Druck".
20161004             DAS—BREXIT—VOTUM treibt auch die BRITISCHEN—GESCHÄFTSLEUTE um.
20161004             1—UM—FRAGE zufolge erwägen 75 % von ihnen DIE—VERLAGERUNG von Geschäftsteilen ins Ausland.
20161004             76 % der 100—BEFRAGTEN Chefs von Unternehmen mit UM—SÄTZEN zwischen 100.000.000 und 1—MILLIARDE Pfund denken darüber nach, den Firmensitz oder TEILE—DES—BETRIEBS aus GROß—BRITANNIEN abzuziehen.
20161004             1—PFUND—STERLING aktuell 1.14xx EUR
20161004             Und da GROSSBRITANNIEN, IM—GEGENSATZ zu DEUTSCHLAND, ein dickes HANDELS—DEFIZIT hat ist der Nettoeffekt 1—PFUNDABWERTUNG für DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG in GROSSBRITANNIEN insgesamt negativ.
20161004             Schwache WELT—KONJUNKTUR, DEUTSCHE—EXPORTEURE halbieren PROGNOSE
20161004             TÜRKEI: 400.000—FLÜCHTLINGS—KINDER gehen nicht zur Schule (Leben und Lernen, 12:40)
20161004             GEBER—KONFERENZ—IN—BRÜSSEL: BERLIN droht AFGHANISTAN mit Geldentzug - AfD, PEGIDA und Co.: Volksverräter?
20161004             UMWELT—SCHUTZ, Wohin mit dem Mist?
20161004             Toyotas ZUKUNFTS—STRATEGIE—GEGEN den Strom
20161004             Verschärfte Verordnung: EU erschwert HANDEL—MIT—FOLTERWERKZEUGEN
20161004             —FUNKTIONIERT, Schmerz—, Angsttherapie: So, die Hypnose
20161004             —BEKOMMT, BERLIN und MÜNCHEN: Karstadt, MILLIARDEN für den UM—BAU
20161004             CHINESISCHER—AIXTRON—INVESTOR: Herr Liu versteht DIE—DEUTSCHE—ANGST nicht
20161004             ÄGYPTEN: Einflussreicher Muslimbruder bei Gefecht erschossen
20161004             —ABSTIMMUNG—IM—PARLAMENT: EU bestätigt WELT—KLIMA—VERTRAG
20161004             —VERSPRICHT, WIKILEAKS—GEBURTS—TAG: ASSANGE, Enthüllungen vor DER—USA—WAHL
20161004             Schwache Konjunktur: IWF erklärt USA zum Problem für DIE—WELT—WIRTSCHAFT
20161004             Enttarnung von Elena Ferrante: Kein Ruhm für Stalker
20161004             TÜRKEI—POLIZEI stürmt REDAKTION von prokurdischem TV—SENDER
20161004             KARIBIK—INSELN: HURRIKAN—MATTHEW"trifft HAITI mit voller Wucht - PHYSIK—NOBEL—PREIS
20161004             "SELBSTBEDIENUNGS—AFFÄRE": EX—IWF—CHEF—RATO bestreitet Vorwürfe
20161004             —NACH, eingestelltem STRAF—VERFAHREN, Wie geht es weiter in der Affäre Böhmermann?
20161004             EKLAT bei GABRIELs IRAN—REISE, Dann eben ins Museum
20161004             —KONFLIKT—ZWISCHEN—WASHINGTON und MOSKAU: Eiskaltes Schweigen
20161004             [l] "Dobrinth erwägt MILLIARDEN—GESCHENK an Daimler und Telekom".
20161004             DIE—BESTE Demokratie, die man für Geld kaufen kann!
20161004             [l] Aus der beliebten Kategorie "fragen wir doch mal 1—SPEZIAL—EXPERTEN", —HEUTE: SPEZIAL—EXPERTE MARCEL—FRATZSCHER (Ökonom, Leiter des DIW, Prof an der HUMBOLDT—UNI) erklärt, wieso TTIP total super ist.
20161004             In diesem Sinne: Alle nach vorne beugen bitte!
20161004             [l] DIE—ZUSTÄNDE in den PHILIPPINEN sind echt gruselig gerade.
20161004             —FORMED, THE—OFFICER—CLAIMS he is PART—OF—1—OF 10—NEWLY, and highly secretive police SPECIAL—OPERATIONS—TEAMS, each with 16—MEMBERS.
20161004             —COORDINATED, He claims the teams are, to execute 1—LIST—OF—TARGETS: suspected drug users, dealers and criminals.
20161004             THE—KILLINGS mostly take place at night, he says, with THE—OFFICERS hooded and dressed in all black.
20161004             He claims they then dump the bodies — in the next town or under 1—BRIDGE — or they plaster masking tape —AROUND THE—HEAD—OF—THE—CORPSE and place 1—CARDBOARD sign on the body that reads "drug lord" or "pusher".
20161004             "We put placards in order for THE—MEDIA, in order for those investigating [the] bodies to redirect their investigation," he explains, leading them to think: "'Why should I investigate this guy, he is 1—DRUG pusher, he is 1—RAPIST, never mind with that 1, I will —JUST investigate the others.
20161004             Und hey, lacht nicht, so funktioniert das bei uns ja auch.
20161004             [l] Aus der beliebten Kategorie "einmal mit Profis arbeiten", —HEUTE: HAMBURGer SENAT überweist
20161004             [l] OPEN—WHISPER—SYSTEMS hat 1.Subpoena veröffentlicht, die sie in der 1.—JAHRESHÄLFTE erhalten haben.
20161004             Der bekannteste SIGNAL—BENUTZER mit Verfahren im EAST—DISTRICT—OF—VIRGINIA ist EDWARD—SNOWDEN.
20161004             [l] Endlich!
20161004             —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—JAHREN, DIE—FILM—PLOTS werden noch sehr spannend.
20161004             [l] YAHOO hat für DIE—NSA 1—XKEYSCORE—SELEKTOR gebaut (oder so ähnlich).
20161004             [l] Wisst ihr, was wir —SCHON lange nicht mehr hatten?
20161004             —ABOUT 95—TONNES—OF—OIL have been leaked into THE—NORTH—SEA from 1—BP platform, the company has said.
20161004             Ach naja, NORD—SEE, Schmordsee, betrifft ja nur die SHETLAND—INSELN.
20161004             [l] Habt ihr euch auch so über DIE—UNGARN aufgeregt?
20161004             Na dann guckt doch mal, was ROTTERDAM gerade einführen will: Schwangerschaftsverbote!
20161004             —THIS—MONTH, THE—COUNCIL launched 1—VOLUNTARY—CONTRACEPTION—PROGRAMME for 160—WOMEN who are deemed at risk because of learning difficulties, psychological problems or addiction.
20161004             Ihr seht —SCHON, kein Grund zur Sorge, ist alles freiwillig.
20161004—19500000    —INTRODUCED, The law was, as newly independent MYANMAR struggled with nascent ethnic insurgencies but was then frequently used against activists —AFTER the military seized power in a 19620000             coup.
20161004—19850000    —SEIT, auf den tiefsten Stand fiel DAS—PFUND—STERLING im Verhältnis zum USA—$
20161004—20161010    —BY, the confirmed death toll reached 372, but 1—OFFICIAL with the Civil Protection Agency said at least 522—DEATHS were confirmed —JUST in THE—GRAND—ANSE Department.
20171004             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—EXAMINATION by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) found that samples from 1—ATTACK by SYRIA—FORCES last 20170330             on THE—OPPOSITION—HELD TOWN—OF—LATAMNEH tested positive for the banned nerve agent sarin.
20171004             alfatomega.com/20070623.html
20171004             MEXICO—OFFICIALS said the last body known to be trapped in rubble —FOLLOWING 20170919             —THE magnitude 7.1—EARTHQUAKE has been recovered, and they raised the overall death toll from the quake to 369.
20171004             —CLAIMED, WASHINGTON—TOP—DIPLOMAT—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—REX—TILLERSON came under new pressure —AFTER 1—REPORT, he had branded PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP a "moron" —DURING 1—PENTAGON meeting.
20171004             USA—SENATE—LEADERS said that THE—USA—NEEDS to keep products made by NORTH—KOREANS out of THE—USA and get CHINA to refuse to hire NORTH—KOREAN—WORKERS.
20171004             —ANNOUNCED, Republican congressman TIM—MURPHY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA, that he will not run for a 9. term, amid tawdry revelations of 1—EXTRAMARITAL affair in which the antiabortion lawmaker urged his mistress SHANNON—EDWARDS to get 1—ABORTION——WHEN he thought she was pregnant.
20171004             3—RESEARCHERS based in THE—USA, UK and SWITZERLAND won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing 1—WAY to create exquisitely detailed images of the molecules driving life.
20171004             —OPENED, CALIFORNIA, billionaire landowner Vinod Khosla, THE—1—GATE to MARTIN—BEACH in Half MOON—BAY as litigation over access to the beach continued.
20171004             BRAZIL, CESARE—BATTISTI, —62—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ITALY—FUGITIVE and former leftist guerrilla CONVICTED—OF—MURDER in his own country was detained him at THE—BOLIVIA—BORDER.
20171004             1—JUDGE ordered him released.
20171004             —REPORTED, It was, that CITY—OF—OXFORD has stripped MYANMAR leader Aung S—SUU—KYI—OF—1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—AWARD, citing deep concerns over the treatment of Rohingya Muslims under her watch.
20171004             She had been 1—UNDERGRADUATE at OXFORD.
20171004             THE—EU said it was "time to talk" to resolve the escalating political crisis in Catalonia, as senior European politicians warned Catalan leaders against declaring INDEPENDENCE from SPAIN unilaterally.
20171004             —ORDERED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, Amazon to pay $295—MILLION in back taxes to LUXEMBOURG, in its latest attempt to tighten the screws on multinationals it says are avoiding taxes through sweetheart deals with individual EU states.
20171004             1—GREECE—COURT ruled to extradite RUSSIA—CYBERCRIME suspect ALEXANDER—VINNIK to THE—USA, where he is wanted in connection with a $4—BILLION bitcoin fraud case.
20171004             —VOWED, The presidents of IRAN and TURKEY, —DURING talks in TEHRAN to work closely together to prevent the disintegration of IRAQ and Syria and to oppose THE—IRAQ—KURDS' drive for INDEPENDENCE.
20171004             —REPORTED, 1—IRAN 1—SEMIOFFICIAL news agency, that Abdolrasoul Ddorri Esfahani, 1—DUAL—IRANIAN—CANADA—NATIONAL, has been sentenced to to —5—YEARS in prison for espionage.
20171004             Esfahani was 1—MEMBER—OF—IRAN—TEAM—NUCLEAR—NEGOTIATORS that struck a 20150000             deal with world powers.
20171004             —PUSHED, IRAQ—FORCES, into the Islamic STATE—GROUP—STRONGHOLD—OF—HAWIJA and seized SOME—TERRITORY, stepping up their assault against 1—OF—THE—JIHADISTS' last enclaves in the country.
20171004             —SEIZED, ITALY—POLICE said they have, 11—MILLION—EUROS ($13—MILLION) in assets and arrested 37—PEOPLE, including 2—CARABINIERI officers, accused in 1—SICILIAN Mafia extortion racket involving fruit, fish and drugs.
20171004             —WRAPPED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—OLYMPIC—COMMITTEE—AND—THE—TOKYO organizing committee, up a —2—DAY—PROJECT—REVIEW vowing to cut costs for 20200000             —THE—GAMES and address concerns over water pollution in TOKYO Bay.
20171004             —ADVERTISED, More than 50—JORDANIAN and INTERNATIONAL companies, HUNDREDS—OF—JOBS in textiles, construction and agriculture at 1—JOB—FAIR for SYRIA—REFUGEES, PART—OF—1—EU—SPONSORED effort to help the displaced become more SELF—RELIANT —DURING what could be YEARS—OF—EXILE.
20171004             —KILLED, LIBYA, at least 4—PEOPLE were, in 1—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP—SUICIDE bombing at the main court building in Misrata.
20171004             MEXICO said it plans to send to PUERTO—RICO some 30—TONS of bottled water, mosquito repellent and specialists in power generation, transmission and distribution from the state power utility.
20171004             MOZAMBIQUE, Mahamudo Amurane (44), THE—MAYOR—OF—NAMPULA, was fatally shot —AFTER giving 1—SPEECH about peace efforts on the 25. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—SIGNING—OF—1—ACCORD that ended the country's civil war.
20171004             —KILLED, SOUTH—WEST—NIGER, 1—ATTACK, 3—USA—ARMY—SPECIAL—FORCES—MEMBERS in 1—REGION where insurgents are active.
20171004             4—NIGER—TROOPS were also killed.
20171004             A 4. USA—SOLDIER, SERGEANT—LA—DAVID—JOHNSON, was found dead —2—DAYS—AFTER the ambush.
20171004             Islamist ADNAN—ABU—WALEED—AL—SAHRAWI, THE—LEADER—OF—ISLAMIC—STATE—IN—THE—GREATER—SAHARA, —LATER claimed responsibility for the attack.
20171004             3 IS leaders were —LATER identified as planning and directing the attack.
20171004             —BRUSHED, NIGERIA—FINANCIAL—CRIMES—AGENCY, off allegations by THE—WIFE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—FORMER—PRESIDENT that it had conducted a "WITCH—HUNT" against her.
20171004             —LAST—YEAR, THE—EFCC froze 4—USA—DOLLAR—BANK—ACCOUNTS that THE—EX—PRESIDENT—WIFE said she owned.
20171004             —WARNED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, that THE—SUPREME—COURT—CHIEF—JUSTICE and THE—HEAD—OF—1—KEY—ANTI—GRAFT—AGENCY face impeachment complaints, in 1—EMERGING faceoff with the officials.
20171004             —PROTESTED, THOUSANDS—OF—ROMANIANS, against planned hikes in social security contributions that critics say will wipe out generous salary hikes for public sector workers.
20171004             —JAILED, RUSSIA, government critic ALEXEI—NAVALNY called on his supporters to hold street protests this weekend across RUSSIA, in defiance of 1—OFFICIAL—BAN, to demand that Navalny be allowed to run in —NEXT—YEAR—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20171004             RUSSIA said it will retaliate TIT—FOR—TAT over 1—NEW—CANADA—LAW that will impose sanctions on officials from RUSSIA and other nations considered GUILTY—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS—VIOLATIONS.
20171004             MOSCOW, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO met with RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN and thanked him for his political and diplomatic support in difficult times.
20171004             Putin said RUSSIA would continue its economic cooperation with VENEZUELA, including on major projects.
20171004             —ANNOUNCED, SAUDI—ARABIA, THE—CONSOLIDATION—OF—DEVELOPMENT—FUNDS under 1 unified body led by CROWN—PRINCE—MOHAMMED bin Salman, cementing the powerful PRINCE—POSITION in the Gulf kingdom's affairs.
20171004             —REPORTED, It was, that RENATE—LANGER (61), 1—FORMER—GERMANY—ACTRESS, has told SWITZERLAND—AUTHORITIES that film director ROMAN—POLANSKI raped her at 1—HOUSE in Gstaad in February 19720000             , —WHEN she was 15.
20171004             —ADVANCED, SYRIA—TROOPS and allied militiamen, to about 6—MILES—OF—THE—EAST—CITY—OF—MAYADEEN.
20171004             —KILLED, Rockets and barrel bombs in the area, at least 20—PEOPLE.
20171004             Tens of thousands have fled the region in the past —WEEK.
20171004             —ISSUED, 1—OFFICIAL—DOCUMENT, by THE—RUSSIA—CONSULATE in DAMASCUS showed that at least 131—RUSSIA—CITIZENS † in Syria in the 1. —9—MONTHS—OF—THIS—YEAR.
20171004             —PROTESTED, TOGO, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in the next phase of 1—CAMPAIGN to force out PRESIDENT—FAURE—GNASSINGBE, whose dynasty has ruled THE—WEST—AFRICA—STATE for more than —50—YEARS.
20171004             1—TURKEY—COURT found 42—FORMER—SOLDIERS GUILTY—OF—TRYING to kill PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN —DURING—LAST—YEAR'S failed coup, and handed MOST—OF—THEM life sentences in the highest profile case related to the attempted putsch so far.
20171004             THE—UN—PEACE Keeping Force in CYPRUS (UNFICYP) said that it regrets 1—DECISION by TURKEY—CYPRUS—AUTHORITIES to start imposing taxes and fees on humanitarian goods delivered to GREECE—CYPRIOTS in the breakaway north of the ethnically SPLIT ISLAND.
20171004             —KILLED, NORTH—YEMEN, 1—AIR—STRIKE, at least 7—PEOPLE, including 4—CHILDREN, in 1—REBEL—HELD DISTRICT—IN—SAADA province.
20171004             —REPORTED, THE—HUTHI—RUN—NEWS—SITE—SABA, 12—DEAD.
20171004             —BLAMED, The rebels' AL—MASIRAH television, the attack on 1—SAUDI—LED coalition.
20171004             Sagten wir—ACCOUNTS bei YAHOO verdatenreichtumt?
20171004             Wir meinten eher so 3—MILLIARDEN Accounts!
20171004             —PASSIERT, Auf der anderen Seite: Sobald man die Millionenmarke, hat eh niemand mehr 1.Vorstellung davon, was die Zahl wirklich bedeutet!1!!
20171004             DONALD—TRUMP—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER: USA sollten laut Mattis an ATOM—DEAL—MIT—IRAN festhalten
20171004             —GEFÄHRDET, Fernsehansprache von KÖNIG—FELIPE: "KATALONIENs Führung, die Stabilität SPANIENs"
20171004             HACKER—ANGRIFF—VON—20130000              ALLE 3—MILLIARDEN YAHOO—ACCOUNTS betroffen
20171004             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MITTWOCH, Königlicher Fehler
20171004             VLAAMS—BRABANT, SCHÜSSE—IN—MÜNCHEN: Gutachter stufen AMOK—LAUF offenbar als politische Tat ein
20171004             Entlastung für Unternehmen zu hoch: Finanzgiganten zweifeln an DONALD—TRUMP—STEUERPLÄNEN
20171004             BORIS—JOHNSON—SPRUCH über LIBYEN: "Unglaublich krass, kaltblütig, grausam"
20171004             AKW—BETREIBER: Tepco erhält
20171004             Schwangerschaftsabbrüche, USA—REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS beschließt schärferes Abtreibungsrecht
20171004             AKTIEN—MÄRKTE: DAX—STEIGT auf REKORD—HOCH
20171004             MATERIAL—FORSCHUNG—FORSCHER bringen organische Substanz zum Leuchten
20171004             PARIS: Explosion vor JORDANISCHER—MILITÄRVERTRETUNG
20171004             EU—KOMMISSION: AMAZON soll 250.000.000—EURO STEUERN in LUXEMBURG nachzahlen
20171004             STOCKHOLM, CHEMIE—NOBEL—PREIS geht an Entwickler neuer MIKROSKOPIE—TECHNIK
20171004   —FORDERUNG gegen APPLE: EU—KOMMISSION bringt IRLAND vor Gericht
20171004             —STUDIE—DER—OECD: DIE—CHANCEN für Frauen haben sich kaum verbessert
20171004             Reformvorschlag der EU: Neues MEHRWERT—STEUER—SYSTEM soll—EURO bringen
20171004             Vermögensranking: Familie Reimann ist 1. des REICH—TE in DEUTSCHLAND
20171004             URLAUBS—DOMIZIL in ITALIEN: EIN—EURO—HÄUSER sollen Orte wiederbeleben
20171004             Der kleine sizilianische ORT—GANGI liegt zwischen CATANIA und PALERMO,—CA—2—AUTOSTUNDEN—VON—PALERMO entfernt.
20171004             CHEMIE—NOBEL—PREIS für KRYO—ELEKTRONENMIKROSKOPIE: Dem Leben bei der Arbeit zusehen
20171004             —ATTACKIERT, CHEMIE—NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER Frank: Der Künstler, der DONALD—TRUMP
20171004             Nachahmer gibt es in Gemeinden der TOSKANA oder im Latium.
20171004             Sie entwickelten die KRYO—ELEKTRONENMIKROSKOPIE.
20171004             In den frühen ACHTZIGER—JAHREN gelang es dann dem SCHWEIZER—JACQUES—DUBOCHET, auch Biomoleküle unter dem Elektronenmikroskop zu UNTERSUCHEN—MITHILFE—VON—BESONDERS schnell gekühltem Wasser, daher auch DER—NAME KRYO—ELEKTRONENMIKROSKOPIE.
20171004             "Wissenschaftler können —HEUTE Biomoleküle mitten in 1—BEWEGUNG einfrieren und sie in atomarer Auflösung portraitieren.
20171004             Diese —TECHNOLOGIE hat die Biochemie in 1.neue Ära befördert".
20171004             "DIE—BIOCHEMIE befindet sich in 1—EXPLOSIVEN Entwicklung",
20171004             "DIE—STUDIE ist insgesamt ein wichtiger Beitrag zur ENTWICKLUNG—DER—ORGANISCHEN—ELEKTRONIK", betont Colsmann.
20171004             —GESETZLICHE Krankenkassen: Ausgaben für Medikamente steigen auf 38.500.000.000—EURO
20171004             Gefährliche Nesseltiere : Giftige Plage an BRITISCHEN—STRÄNDEN
20171004             UNO—ERMITTLUNGEN, Hinweise auf weiteren GIFT—GAS—ANGRIFF—IN—SYRIEN
20171004             Ökoboom: SOLAR—ENERGIE wächst WELT—WEIT stärker als ATOM—, KOHLE—KRAFT
20171004             Unternehmen in SPANIEN: Raus aus KATALONIEN
20171004             TÜRKEI: Lebenslange Haftstrafen für 40—PUTSCHISTEN
20171004             THERESA—MAY —REDE bei TORY—PARTEI—TAG: Der berühmteste Hustenanfall der BRITISCHEN—GESCHICHTE
20171004             1—PORTUGIESISCHE—GALEERE ist nicht einmal ein einzelnes Tier, sondern 1.Gemeinschaft aus Hunderten oder Tausenden kleiner Polypen: 1.sogenannte Staatsqualle.
20171004             GROß—BRITANNIEN—LONDON—POLIZEI sprengt verdächtiges Paket in U—BAHN
20171004             JEMEN: Verletzte KINDERRECHTE—UNO geißelt SAUDI—ARABISCHE KOALITION
20171004—19790000    —CONVICTED—OF, Battisti was, being 1—MEMBER—OF—1 armed gang in his homeland, then escaped from prison near ROME 19810000             —IN.
20171004—20160900    —CONTAINED, Her spokesman said that the accounts in total, —AROUND $10—MILLION - a 3. of the sum reported in THE—NIGERIA—PRESS.
20171004—20171006    —ON.
20171004—20171009    —ON, Catalonia said it will move to declare INDEPENDENCE from SPAIN —FOLLOWING 20171001             'S banned referendum.
20171004—20180000    —KILLED, USA Special Forces, 2—OF—THE—LEADERS, but Doundoun Cheffou was believed to be still alive.
20181004             —ISSUED, THE—USA—TREASURY, new NORTH—KOREA—RELATED sanctions that target SIA Falcon INTERNATIONAL Group, 1—TURKEY—COMPANY, and 2—TURKEY—INDIVIDUALS among others.
20181004             —CHARGED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, 7—RUSSIA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICERS with hacking ANTI—DOPING agencies and other organizations.
20181004             —CONDEMNED, BRITAIN and THE—NETHERLANDS, THE—RUSSIA—GRU military intelligence for 1—SERIES—OF alleged global cybercrimes.
20181004             Konstantin Kosachev, the head of the foreign affairs committee in the upper HOUSE—OF—RUSSIA—PARLIAMENT, denounced the accusations as fake.
20181004             —SPANNED, S—FRANCISCO, almost 2,500 hotel workers began 1—STRIKE that, 7—MARRIOTT hotels.
20181004             † IN—NEW—MEXICO—CAMERON—MARTINEZ, —18—JAHRE—ALT from gunshot wounds in 1—VEHICLE—NEAR the Ohkay Hotel Casino near Espanola.
20181004             3—OTHER—PEOPLE were expected to survive their wounds.
20181004             —JOINED, UTAH, the Mormon church, lawmakers, THE—GOVERNOR and advocates to back 1—DEAL that would legalize medical marijuana in the state.
20181004             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 2—WOMEN were, and 16—OTHER—PEOPLE wounded —WHEN their vehicle hit 1—ROADSIDE bomb in the Zhari district.
20181004             NANGARHAR, province 1—BOMB—BLAST—NEAR 1—NON—GOVERNMENTAL—ORGANIZATION—OFFICE killed 2—PEOPLE and wounded 7—OTHERS.
20181004             —KILLED, In KABUL 1—PERSON was, —WHEN 1—STICKY—BOMB attached to 1—VEHICLE detonated.
20181004             † USA—SERVICE—MEMBER—JAMES—SLAPE, —23—JAHRE—ALT—OF—NORTH—CAROLINA, from wounds of 1—IED in Helmand province.
20181004             —MOUNTED, SOUTH—EAST—AFGHANISTAN, Taliban militants, 1—ATTACK in the Maroof DISTRICT—OF—KANDAHAR province —WHEN security forces responded with 1—AIRSTRIKE. that killed 4—PEOPLE and wounded 8—OTHERS who were PART—OF—1—WEDDING procession.
20181004             —RECEIVED, BAHRAIN, a $10—BILLION pledge from KUWAIT, SAUDI—ARABIA and THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES to aid its sufering economy.
20181004             Lawyers for BENIN tycoon and opposition politician SEBASTIEN—AJAVON discovered that their client and 3—OTHERS were accused of "HIGH—RISK—INTERNATIONAL—DRUG trafficking", which carries 1—PRISON—TERM—OF—10—20—YEARS.
20181004             —KILLED, EAST—BURKINA—FASO, 6—SOLDIERS were, and several others seriously injured —WHEN their vehicle hit 1 improvised explosive device (IED).
20181004             —KILLED, Human Rights Watch said more than 235—PEOPLE have been, in the Beni AREA—OF—CONGODRC —THIS—YEAR in attacks with guns, axes or machetes.
20181004             —KIDNAPPED, More than 165—OTHERS have been.
20181004             † In the past —4—YEARS—MORE than 1,000—PEOPLE have.
20181004             EAST—CONGODRC, 1—REBEL—ATTACK on 1—ARMY—POST left 6—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20181004             —KILLED, EGYPT, 1—PERSON was, and at least 3—OTHERS injured in 1—BLAST at 1—FUEL depot on the outskirts of CAIRO.
20181004             —HELICOPTERED, FRANCE—AUTHORITIES, 1—SLOVENIA—SHE—BEAR into THE—PYRENEES mountains, despite 1—ALL—NIGHT—PROTEST by furious local farmers who fear she will eat their sheep.
20181004             —KILLED, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL paid homage in JERUSALEM to THE—6—MILLION—JEWS, by the Nazis and said GERMANY had 1—RESPONSIBILITY to confront ANTI—SEMITISM and never to forget the Holocaust.
20181004             GERMANY and ISRAEL agree that IRAN should never be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons but they differ on how to achieve this goal.
20181004             HUNGARY and POLAND said they have gone to the European COURT—OF—JUSTICE to challenge tighter EUROPEAN—UNION—RULES on THE—EMPLOYMENT—OF—WORKERS from LOW—PAY EU states.
20181004             —DEPORTED, INDIA, 7—ROHINGYA Muslim men to MYANMAR.
20181004             —RESTORED, INDONESIA, electricity was, and SOME—SHOPS reopened in the quake and tsunami stricken CITY—OF—PALU.
20181004             The official death toll stood at 1,424, but was expected to rise.
20181004             —ATTENDED, INGUSHETIA, thousands, 1—RARE—PROTEST to decry 1—LAND—SWAP deal with neighboring Chechnya, despite authorities reportedly setting up roadblocks to hinder demonstrators.
20181004             —TURNED, RUSSIA, off 3G and 4G MOBILE INTERNET services in Ingushetia 20181004—20181017    —FROM—TO "on the basis of the justified DECISION—OF—THE—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AUTHORITIES".
20181004             IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER—AYATOLLAH—ALI—KHAMENEI said in 1—ADDRESS—BROADCAST by state television that the people of IRAN face 1—SENSITIVE—TIME—BECAUSE—OF—PRESSURE from AMERICA and economic problems.
20181004             THE—IRAN—RIAL has lost approximately 75—PERCENT of its value —SINCE the beginning of 20180000             .
20181004             —ANNOUNCED, JERUSALEM Mayor Nir Barkat, in 1—STATEMENT a "detailed plan to remove UNRWA from JERUSALEM and replace its services with municipal services".
20181004             USA 1. Lady Melania Trump brought soccer balls and books to 1—SCHOOL in MALAWI to highlight 1—USAID scheme to support AFRICA—SCHOOLS, on the 2. stop of her 4—NATION TOUR—OF—THE—CONTINENT.
20181004             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP has sought to roll back THE—USA—FOREIGN—AID—BUDGET.
20181004             —RETURNED, QASIM—IBRAHIM, 1—MALDIVES opposition leader, home —AFTER being exiled in GERMANY —FOR—MONTHS to escape 1—PRISON—SENTENCE on charges of plotting to overthrow the government.
20181004             —DETAINED, MEXICO—POLICE, 1—COUPLE on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—MEXICO—CITY on suspicion they may have killed as many as 10—WOMEN and sold 1—DEAD—WOMAN—BABY.
20181004             † MEXICO—POLICE in the northern border STATE—OF—SONORA said 5—POLICE—OFFICERS——AFTER unidentified assailants attacked their patrol vehicle in THE—TOWN—OF—GUAYMAS.
20181004             —DESTROYED, Authorities in MYANMAR, 1 estimated $1.3—MILLION worth of confiscated ivory and other parts of endangered animals, days —AFTER 1—CONSERVATION—GROUP charged that the country's ivory exports to CHINA are increasing.
20181004             NORWAY, RUSSIA—BUSINESSMAN—BORIS—ROTENBERG, under USA—SANCTIONS over THE—UKRAINE conflict due to his close ties with PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, filed suit against 4—NORDIC—BANKS, accusing THEM—OF—DISCRIMINATION.
20181004             Rotenberg also holds 1—FINLAND—PASSPORT and is not subject to European sanctions over RUSSIA—ROLE in UKRAINE, but European banks must comply with THE—USA—SANCTIONS in order to do business with USA—BANKS.
20181004             1—SPOKESWOMAN for ActionAid said PAKISTAN has ordered 18—INTERNATIONAL—AID—GROUPS to shut down operations and leave the country.
20181004             ActionAid focuses on education, poverty alleviation and human rights and is headquartered in JOHANNESBURG.
20181004             —BACKED, THE—PHILIPPINES—POLICE, by troops, killed 9—DRUG—SUSPECTS and arrested more than 100—OTHERS in —2—DAYS—OF—RAIDS that ended —TODAY in CENTRAL—CEBU province.
20181004             The government's massive crackdown has left more than 4,800 suspects dead.
20181004             —ARRIVED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, in INDIA for a —2—DAY—VISIT—DURING which INDIA is expected to sign a $5—BILLION deal to buy RUSSIA—S 400—AIR—DEFENSE—SYSTEMS despite 1—NEW—USA—LAW ordering sanctions on ANY—COUNTRY trading with RUSSIA—DEFENSE and intelligence sectors.
20181004             RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said THE—USA—APPEARS to be running 1—CLANDESTINE biological weapons lab in the country of GEORGIA, allegedly flouting INTERNATIONAL rules and posing 1—DIRECT—SECURITY—THREAT to RUSSIA.
20181004             1—SOUTH—KOREAN—GOVERNMENT—DELEGATION arrived in NORTH—KOREA for 1—JOINT—CELEBRATION—OF—THE anniversary of a 20070000             summit and to possibly hold further peace talks.
20181004             SOUTH—KOREA, —THIS—YEAR—BUSAN—INTERNATIONAL—FILM—FESTIVAL (BIFF) opened with 1—MOVIE portraying the plight of 1—NORTH—KOREAN—DEFECTOR and the unlikely family she formed —DURING her harrowing journey.
20181004             —CONFISCATED, SUDAN—SECURITY—AGENTS, the entire print runs of 2—NEWSPAPERS, days —AFTER THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and WASHINGTON pushed for press freedoms in THE—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20181004             UKRAINE said it had given 1—HUNGARY—CONSUL —72—HOURS to leave the country —AFTER accusing his consulate of illegally issuing passports to MEMBERS—OF—1—ETHNIC—HUNGARY—MINORITY in UKRAINE.
20181004             —EXPELLED, HUNGARY in turn, 1—UKRAINE—CONSUL in BUDAPEST and reiterated 1—THREAT to block UKRAINE—EU and NATO—INTEGRATION.
20181004             —SEIZED, VIETNAM, 8—TONS—OF—PANGOLIN scales and elephant ivory shipped from NIGERIA, the 2. such haul in —1—WEEK.
20181004             PORTUGAL—SUPERSTAR, Cristiano Ronaldo nicht für Spiele der Nationalmannschaft nominiert
20181004             VERDÄCHTIGE Briefe an USA—REGIERUNG: FBI nimmt mutmaßlichen Täter fest
20181004             NEUE—STUDIE, GROß—BRITANNIEN und AUSTRALIEN machen RUSSLAND für CYBER—ANGRIFFE verantwortlich
20181004             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DONNERSTAG: MERKEL darf endlich wieder ins Ausland
20181004             Brisanter NYT—BERICHT, Warum die STEUER—ENTHÜLLUNGEN für DONALD—TRUMP 1—PROBLEM sind
20181004             —STREIT—MIT—EU—KOMMISSION: ITALIEN will —NUN doch weniger Schulden machen
20181004             USA—SUPREME—COURT: Hunderte USA—JURAPROFESSOREN—GEGEN—BERUFUNG von Kavanaugh
20181004             WELTREKORD—BEI—VERSTEIGERUNG: Dieser Whisky kostet 947.000—EURO
20181004             AIRBUS—CHEF—ENDERS über Wirtschaft im All: "Ich kann nicht erkennen, was daran unethisch sein soll"
20181004             Rechnungshof: In der EU wird immer weniger Fördergeld fehlerhaft ausgegeben
20181004             Geringerer SPRIT—VERBRAUCH, EU—PARLAMENT stimmt für schärfere CO2—GRENZ—WERTE
20181004             Stiefvater angeklagt: Fitnesstracker verrät VERDÄCHTIGEN in einem Mordfall
20181004             Integrationsdebatte: Viel zu wenige da oben
20181004             ISRAEL—REISE—MERKEL erinnert an "immerWÄHRENDe Verantwortung" für HOLOCAUST
20181004             EUROPÄISCHER—GERICHT—HOF: GENERAL—ANWALT hält milliardenschwere EZB—ANLEIHE—KÄUFE für rechtens
20181004             Goblin: Neuer Zwergplanet in unserem SONNEN—SYSTEM entdeckt
20181004             —MILITÄR—FORSCHUNG—AIRBUS testet Drohnenschwarm an der OST—SEE
20181004             "Presidential Alert": USA testen WARN—SYSTEM per SMS
20181004             Heizen, Waschen, Kochen: Private Haushalte verbrauchen mehr Energie
20181004             Satz aus WWII—UKRAINE führt umstrittene Grußformel für ARMEE und POLIZEI ein
20181004             Historiker über Integrationsprobleme früher und —HEUTE: "Es wurden auch DEUTSCHE—DACKEL gesteinigt" (SPIEGEL+, 12:47)
20181004             WWF—STUDIE, DEUTSCHE werfen 1.700.000—TONNEN Backwaren weg
20181004             NATO—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR—STOLTENBERG: "MOSKAU muss seine rücksichtslose Verhaltensweise beenden"
20181004             CHINESISCHE—SPIONAGE: APPLE und AMAZON sollen SPIONAGEchips in Servern gefunden haben
20181004             DONNA—STRICKLAND: Nicht wichtig GENUG—WIKIPEDIA verweigerte NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGERIN 1—EINTRAG
20181004             WINZER—BILANZ des langen —SOMMERS: Fruchtige Weißweine, vollmundige Rotweine - 20180000             wird ein AUSNAHME—JAHRGANG
20181004             Shoshana Zuboff über DIGITAL—INFRA—STRUKTUR, "Der ÜBERWACHUNGS—KAPITALISMUS zerstört unsere menschliche Natur" (SPIEGEL+, 15:59)
20181004             TECHNOLOGIE—EINFLUSS, CHINAs wahre MACHT
20181004             —VON, KURT—WALDHEIM zu den NEUE—RECHTE: 1—MANN, 1—TISCH, 1.Fahne
20181004             —DIAGNOSTIZIERT, SOFTWARE, Krankheiten: App statt Arzt (SPIEGEL+, 17:14)
20181004             "Rassistisch und ANTI—SEMITISCH": Jüdische Organisationen WARNEN—VOR—GEPLANTER Vereinigung "JUDEN in der AfD"
20181004             REICHEN—LISTE, Das Vermögen der Familie Porsche wächst GEWALTIG—TROTZ DIESEL—SKANDAL
20181004             FLUGHAFEN—BARCELONA, 2—DEUTSCHE haben 1.knappe Million EURO im Gepäck
20181004             BRAND—ANSCHLAG—AUF—KRANFIRMA: POLIZEI prüft mögliche Verbindung zum HAMBACHER—FORST
20181004             FRED—DONALD—TRUMP: DER—DOLLAR—DADDY aus der Bronx
20181004             UM—FRAGE zur Landtagswahl: CSU auf Rekordtief in BAYERN—NUR noch 33 %
20181004             FBI—BERICHT zu Kavanaugh: "Produkt 1—LÜCKENHAFTEN Untersuchung"
20181004             —AUFGEHOBEN, Begnadigung : Perus EX—MACHT—HABER Fujimori in Klinik verhaftet
20181004             REGIERUNGEN—GEGEN—MEDIEN: Wie DIE—PRESSE—FREIHEIT stirbt (SPIEGEL+, 23:37)
20181004             —VERBIETET, SICHERHEITS—BEDENKEN: POLIZEI, Großdemonstration am HAMBACHER—FORST
20181004             In den eisigen Außenbezirken des SONNEN—SYSTEMS haben Astronomen 1—BISHER, unbekannten Zwergplaneten gefunden.
20181004             das hier echt fucking creepy.
20181004             [l] Die Failing NEW—YORK—TIMES ?
20181004             THE—PRESIDENT—BUSH has long sold himself as 1—SELF—MADE billionaire, but 1—TIMES—INVESTIGATION found that he received at least $413—MILLION in —TODAY—DOLLARS from his father's real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s.
20181004             Woher wissen sie das?
20181004             —BASED, THE—FINDINGS are, on interviews with FRED—DONALD—TRUMP—FORMER—EMPLOYEES and advisers and MORE—THAN—100,000—PAGES—OF—DOCUMENTS  describing the inner workings and immense profitability of his empire.
20181004             Ja gut, öffentliche Dokumente, gähn, DAS—REICHT nicht für so 1.Story.
20181004             Stimmt!
20181004             THE—INVESTIGATION also draws on TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PAGES—OF—CONFIDENTIAL—RECORDS — bank statements, financial audits, accounting ledgers, cash disbursement reports, invoices and canceled checks.
20181004             OH SNAP!
20181004             Ist alles —SCHON ein bisschen älter, aber es zerlegt wohl ziemlich nachhaltig die Story, daß DONALD—TRUMP sich sein Vermögen selbst erarbeitet hat, und/oder ein geschickter Geschäftsmann sei.
20181004             Thedes DONALD—TRUMPDODGED—HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS in gift taxes by submitting tax returns that grossly undervalued the properties, claiming they were worth —JUST $41.4—MILLION.
20181004             The same SET—OF—BUILDINGS would be sold off over THE—NEXT—DECADE for MORE—THAN—16—TIMES that amount.
20181004             Ja aber in der Zwischenzeit hatte DONALD sie doch, äh, gesundsaniert!!1!
20181004             DIE—TIMES hat die Unterlagen auch mal den NEW—YORKER STEUER—BEHÖRDEN gezeigt, und die haben sofort Blut geleckt.
20181004             DONALD hat 3—GESCHWISTER, und der Vater wollte eigentlich sein Vermögen gerecht verteilen.
20181004             —DOCUMENTED, All told, THE—TIMES, 295—STREAMS—OF—REVENUE that FRED—DONALD—TRUMP created over —5—DECADES to enrich his son.
20181004             Und anscheinend war DONALD beim Tod seines Vaters geschäftlich so unter Wasser, daß er die Immobilien 33 % unter Wert verkaufen musste.
20181004             [l] DIE—AFD sagt schonmal an, was sie nach der MACHT—ERGREIFUNG mit den POLIZEI—FOTOS—VON—GEGEN—DEMONSTRANTEN machen wollen.
20181004             Und da war —JETZT 1—CHIP verbaut, der da nicht hin gehörte.
20181004             —REPORTED, AMAZON, the discovery to USA—AUTHORITIES, sending 1—SHUDDER through THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY.
20181004             Und das war anscheinend keine kleine Operation, die DIE—CHINESEN da gefahren haben.
20181004             —INSERTED, THE—CHIPS had been, —DURING the manufacturing process, 2—OFFICIALS say, by operatives from 1—UNIT—OF—THE—PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY.
20181004             —GEMACHT, Leider sagen sie nicht, welche Firma da Due Diligence, und die Chips gefunden hat.
20181004             —GELACHT, Wisst ihr noch, wie ALLE—ÜBER—DRAGOS, haben, als der behauptete, von GEHEIM—DIENSTEN mit AIRGAP—BRIDGING HARDWARE—TROJANERN infiziert worden zu sein?
20181004             —UPDATE, Oh Mann, dabei ist die Lösung so einfach!
20181004             —UPDATE, Bloomberg hat von allen Betroffenen umfangreiche Dementis erhalten.
20181004—20150000    —SENTENCED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 1—JUDGE, former rap mogul Marion "Suge" Knight to —28—YEARS in prison for running over businessman TERRY—CARTER outside 1—COMPTON burger stand.
20181004—20181203    —ON, the hotel workers finally approved 1—NEW—CONTRACT.
20181004—20200000    —LAUNCHED, Ajavon, his own political party in march and has made known he wants to stand at the next election that is expected.
20190204—20101004    —IN—THE, 1—HUNGARY—COURT sentenced to prison 2—FORMER—EXECUTIVES—OF—1—ALUMINA plant involved red sludge flood, 1—INDUSTRIAL—DISASTER which killed 8—PEOPLE and injured more than 220.
20191004             —INVOKED, HONG—KONG, emergency powers for the 1. time in more than HALF—1—CENTURY to ban face masks for protesters —AFTER MONTHS—OF—UNREST, prompting demonstrators to occupy downtown streets.
20191004             —KLIMA—SCHUTZ—DEBATTE: AfD unterstützt ANTI—GRETA—AKTIVISTEN
20191004             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, 1—PROCLAMATION suspending ENTRY—OF—IMMIGRANTS who will not be covered by health insurance within —30—DAYS—OF—ENTERING THE—USA or do not have the means to pay for their healthcare costs themselves.
20191004             —ALLOWED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP told reporters that he had officially, POLAND—ENTRY into 1—USA visa waiver program.
20191004             —LINKED, Microsoft said 1—HACKER group, to IRAN unleashed CYBER—ATTACKS on USA—JOURNALISTS, government officials and accounts associated with 1—USA presidential campaign.
20191004             —REPORTED, It was, that Mercury Insurance is ending its —2—DECADE—BATTLE—WITH—CALIFORNIA regulators over extra fees charged to customers by agreeing to pay the state $41—MILLION.
20191004             MOST—OF—THE—MONEY will go to the state's general fund.
20191004             —ARRESTED, CALIFORNIA police said they have, Nickey Stane (52) for sexual assault and battery cases.
20191004             He was caught —AFTER he allegedly used 1—RECORDING device to view someone in the bathroom without their knowledge.
20191004             Police used DNA evidence from —2—DECADES—AGO to connect Stane to 1—MURDER and 1—SERIES—OF—SEXUAL—ASSAULTS dating back to 19990000             .
20191004             Diahann Carroll, black actress and singer,† in LOS—ANGELES.
20191004             Carroll was the 1. black woman to star in a NON—SERVANT role in a TV series.
20191004             "Julia" aired 19680000—19710000    —FROM—TO.
20191004             —INCLUDED, CARROLL—FILMS, "Carmen Jones" (19540000             ), "Goodbye Again" (19610000             ), "PARIS Blues" (19610000             ), "Hurry Sundown" (19670000             ), "THE—SPLIT" (19680000             ) and "Claudine (19740000             ).
20191004             ILLINOIS, Prisciliano Carranza (22) used his car as 1—WEAPON and deliberately drove into 1—FAMILY—OF—4 and killing another man in Waukegan.
20191004             Carranza was soon arrest and held on a $5—MILLION—BOND.
20191004             —CONVICTED, CHICAGO, 1—JURY, COREY—MORGAN, 1—MAN who prosecutors said plotted then tried to cover up 20150000             —THE slaying of a —9—YEAR—OLD—BOY who was shot —AFTER being lured into 1—CHICAGO alley with the promise of 1—JUICE box.
20191004             —ARGUED, Prosecutors, that 20151102             —THE, "execution" of Tyshawn Lee was carried out as revenge on 1—RIVAL—GANG—MEMBER.
20191004             —CONVICTED, The verdict came —AFTER 1—SEPARATE—JURY —1—DAY—EARLIER, the alleged triggerman, Dwright BOONE—DOTY, and —AFTER a 3. man, KEVIN—EDWARDS, pleaded guilty —LAST—MONTH in exchange for a —25—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCE.
20191004             Biologists at THE—FLORIDA—FISH and Wildlife Research Institute said that samples taken from the waters off the shore of Collier County found high concentrations of the toxic algae where they also received reports of dead fish and cases of respiratory irritation.
20191004             The toxic red tide was back —AFTER fading away —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR —FOLLOWING a —15—MONTH bloom.
20191004             NEW—JERSEY, MARTY—SMALL, the Atlantic City Council PRESIDENT, became acting mayor, —1—DAY—AFTER FRANK—GILLIAM—JUNIOR, 1—FELLOW—DEMOCRAT, admitted stealing $87,000 from 1—YOUTH basketball club he founded, and resigned.
20191004             TEXAS, JOSHUA—XAVIER—BROWN, —27—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MAN who used to live next to Botham Jean and who was 1—WITNESS in Amber GUYGER—MURDER trial, was shot to death in DALLAS.
20191004             —CHANTED, ALGERIA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, slogans demanding the army quit politics, 1—PURGE—OF—THE—RULING elite, 1—END to corruption, and THE—FREEING—OF—OPPOSITION—LEADERS.
20191004             —DECIDED, BRITAIN—NATIONAL—THEATER said it has, to end its partnership with energy group Royal HOLLAND—SHELL as PART—OF—1—BROADER "climate emergency" initiative to reduce its carbon impact.
20191004             —KILLED, NORTH—BURKINA—FASO, 20—PEOPLE were, in 1—ATTACK by suspected jihadists on 1—GOLD—MINING site in Soum province.
20191004             —PARALYZED, ECUADOR, protests over fuel subsidy cuts, transportation for a 2. —DAY as authorities held 275—PEOPLE in jail for unrest triggered by PRESIDENT—LENIN—MORENO—BELT—TIGHTENING fiscal package.
20191004             The unrest came —AFTER almost —4—WEEKS—OF—PROTESTS in which 17—PEOPLE have been reported killed.
20191004             —CLAIMED, IRAN, a "victory" —AFTER 1—OF—ITS—BANKS received $1.6—BILLION in compensation from UK—AUTHORITIES over "illegal" sanctions.
20191004             —CALLED, IRAQ—TOP—SHIITE cleric, Grand Ayatollah ALI—AL—SISTANI, on both sides to cease violence.
20191004             —OPENED, Security forces again, fire on protesters gathered in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD.
20191004             Shiite cleric Muqtada AL—SADR said he's suspending participation in PARLIAMENT activities —UNTIL the government introduces 1—PROGRAM that serves IRAQ—ASPIRATIONS.
20191004             —ADVISED, KUWAIT, QATAR and BAHRAIN, their citizens to avoid traveling to IRAQ and those who are there to leave the country —IMMEDIATELY.
20191004             A 4. —DAY—OF—BLOODY—VIOLENCE hit BAGHDAD with 22—PEOPLE killed.
20191004             MEXICO, 1—NATIONAL—GEOGRAPHIC—JOURNALIST was shot in the leg in CHIHUAHUA state —LATE—TODAY—WHILE interviewing 1 alleged drug dealer, who was killed —WHEN 4 armed men stormed in on the interview.
20191004             THE—HOLLAND—GOVERNMENT said it would spend HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—EUROS to mitigate nitrogen emissions, in 1—MOVE it hopes will pave the way for THOUSANDS—OF—BUILDING projects to be restarted.
20191004             —ORDERED, HOLLAND—HEALTH—AUTHORITIES, 1—MAJOR recall of processed meats from grocery stores —AFTER saying they had linked 1—SPATE—OF—FOOD—POISONINGS over the past —2—YEARS to 1—LIKELY—SINGLE—SOURCE.
20191004             —INVOLVED, Experts had been testing THE—DNA of listeria bacteria, in cases that affected 20—PEOPLE in all, killing 3—OF—THEM and causing 1—WOMAN to miscarry.
20191004             PAKISTAN, the Taliban met with USA—PEACE—ENVOY—ZALMAY Khalilzad in ISLAMABAD for the 1. time —SINCE PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP declared 1—SEEMINGLY imminent peace deal to end AFGHANISTAN—18—YEAR—WAR 'dead' —1—MONTH—AGO.
20191004             —AGREED, PALESTINE—OFFICIALS said THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY has, to accept HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in tax revenues collected by ISRAEL months —AFTER declining them in protest.
20191004             —REFUSED, THE—PA had, to accept the funds because ISRAEL was withholding 1—AMOUNT—EQUAL to what the Palestinians pay to THE—FAMILIES—OF—PRISONERS and those killed in the conflict, including slain militants.
20191004             —KILLED, PALESTINE—ALAA Hamdan (28) was, by ISRAEL—GUNFIRE —DURING the weekly protest along THE—GAZA—ISRAEL frontier.
20191004             —ABDUCTED, In THE—PHILIPPINES at least 4—GUNMEN, ALLAN—HYRONS, 1—ELDERLY UK—MAN, and his THE—PHILIPPINES—WIFE, Wilma, in ZAMBOANGA del SUR province.
20191004             RUSSIA said that MOSCOW—MOVE to help BEIJING build 1—EARLY warning system to detect missile attacks showed THE—2—COUNTRIES had 1—SPECIAL—RELATIONSHIP.
20191004             —KILLED, RWANDA, unknown assailants, 8—PEOPLE—LATE—TODAY in 1—NORTHERN—AREA—NEAR the Volcanoes National Park that is popular with tourists for its mountain gorillas.
20191004             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, 4—DRUG—TRAFFICKERS who stopped to save their lives —AFTER the officers were thrown overboard —DURING 1—HIGH speed boat chase off THE—COAST—OF—MALAGA.
20191004             —RECOVERED, More than 80—BUNDLES of hash had been, from the sea.
20191004             SUDAN, irrigation ministers of 3—KEY—NILE Basin countries met in KHARTOUM, seeking to resolve differences over ETHIOPIA—SOON—TO—BE—FINISHED—BLUE—NILE dam, which CAIRO claims threatens its water supply.
20191004             —EXPECTED, THE—MEETING—OF—THE—MINISTERS from EGYPT, SUDAN and ETHIOPIA was, to last —2—DAYS.
20191004             —CONDUCTED, NORTH—SYRIA, THE—USA—LED coalition and TURKEY, their 3. joint patrol, PART—OF—1—PLAN designed to defuse tensions between ANKARA and THE—SYRIA—KURDS.
20191004             SOUTH—THAILAND, JUDGE—KHANAKORN—PIANCHANA shot himself in court and was hospitalized —AFTER delivering 1—NOT guilty verdict in THE—CASE—OF—5—MUSLIM suspects charged with murder in the predominantly Buddhist country's restive south.
20191004             TURKEY—STATE—RUN—ANADOLU—AGENCY said Sirri Sureyya Onder, 1—FORMER—DEPUTY—OF—THE—PEOPLE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, or HDP, has been released from 1—HIGH—SECURITY—PRISON.
20191004             —RELATED, UKRAINE—PROSECUTOR—GENERAL said that his office is reviewing several cases, to the owner of 1—GAS—COMPANY where FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN—SON sat on THE—BOARD, as PART—OF—1—REVIEW—OF—ALL the criminal cases closed by his predecessors.
20191004             1—PANEL—OF—EXPERTS at THE—UN—LABOR—AGENCY is calling on VENEZUELA—AUTHORITIES to halt violence, threats and other forms of "aggression" against workers and employers who oppose PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO—GOVERNMENT.
20191004             Für 39,2—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR: USA verkaufen UKRAINE moderne PANZERABWEHR—WAFFEN
20191004             ZWICKAU: Gedenkbaum für NSU—MORDOPFER Simsek abgesägt
20191004             —BEKOMMT, USA—MANN verklagt Liebhaber seiner EX—FRAU—UND, Recht
20191004             —DIE—LAGE—AM—FREITAG, DONALD—TRUMP wiegelt die Leute AUF—IN einem Land voller Waffen
20191004             —REAKTIONEN—AUF—TRUMP—BITTE an CHINA: "1—MACHT—MISSBRAUCH, der die Sicherheit des Landes gefährdet"
20191004             —MOBILISIERT, GEFÄNGNIS—STRAFE für Journalistin: Abtreibungsurteil, MAROKKOs Frauen
20191004             OST—DEUTSCHE und RUSSLAND: Die späte Liebe zum großen Bruder (SPIEGEL+, 06:57)
20191004             COMPUTER—HERSTELLER—HP streicht Tausende Stellen
20191004             USA, GROß—BRITANNIEN und AUSTRALIEN—REGIERUNGEN fordern Zugang zu verschlüsselten FACEBOOK—NACHRICHTEN
20191004             —SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE: KRAMP—KARRENBAUER stürzt weiter ab
20191004             —PROTESTE—IN—HONG—KONG: Per NOTSTANDS—GESETZ—REGIERUNG in HONG—KONG verbietet Vermummung
20191004             —STREIT—UM—GASVORKOMMEN: TÜRKEI sendet Bohrschiff in umstrittene GEWÄSSER—ZYPERN protestiert
20191004             Podcast "DAS—NEUE—AUTO": Autozulieferer in der KRISE—WER kriegt die Kurve?
20191004             [l] Die CDU—CSU im BUNDESTAG erklärt mal kurz, was sie unter BILDUNGS—POLITIK versteht.
20191004             Keinen Plan? Egal! Hauptsache Blockchain geblökt. Mehr Bullshit geht immer!
20191004             —UPDATE, Und so stellt sich CDU—CSU UMWELT—POLITIK vor.
20191004             [l] In HONG—KONG ist DIE—DEMOKRATIE —JETZT so ausgehöhlt, so degeneriert, so zu Ruinen zerfallen, daß sie sich auf unser Niveau herablassen und 1—VERMUMMUNGS—VERBOTVERHÄNGEN.
20191004             [l] Die CDU hat nicht nur schlechte Seiten.
20191004             CYBERsicherheit: BUNDESTAG drohen Hackerangriffe
20191004             —NEUEN—GESETZ: In Melbournes Haupteinkaufsviertel darf nicht mehr geraucht werden
20191004             —GEFÄHRDET, Beliebte Smartphones betroffen: ANDROID—LÜCKE, Handys von GOOGLE und Samsung
20191004             UKRAINE, Justiz überprüft Geschäfte der Firma mit Verbindung zu BIDEN—SOHN
20191004             Überschuldung: ZAHL—DER—PRIVATINSOLVENZEN sinkt
20191004             —PROTESTE—IN—ECUADOR—POLIZEI nimmt mehr als 270—DEMONSTRANTEN fest
20191004             —DEBATTE—ÜBER—KRIEGSGERÄT: AIRBUS—RÜSTUNGSCHEF wirbt für Waffenexporte nach SAUDI—ARABIEN
20191004             Größtes Debakel der USA—ARMEE 19440000/19450000 : Der Höllenwald in der Eifel
20191004             ein etwa 40—KILOMETER breiter Abschnitt der Front in der Nordeifel, südlich von AACHEN.
20191004             Der Schriftsteller sah mit Grauen, was das von den Generälen unerbittlich weiter vorangetriebene Gemetzel im winterlichen Wald für AMERIKA war: die Bluttaufe der kommenden Supermacht, die um jeden Preis mit der Sowjetunion mithalten würde, auch wenn es darum ging, gnadenlos die Leben ihrer Soldaten zu opfern.
20191004             ERNEST—HEMINGWAY,
20191004             erlebte Hemingway hier die blutige Geburtsstunde der neuen Supermacht.
20191004             Sein Scheitern im HÜRTGENwald verarbeitete er in seinem Roman "Über den Fluss und in die Wälder".(
20191004             Mord im Kleinen Tiergarten: Spur nach MOSKAU
20191004             Landwirtschaftliche Bewässerung: Abpumpen von Grundwasser bedroht ÖKO—SYSTEME WELT—WEIT
20191004             —VERZÖGERT, Europäisches IT—GROßPROJEKT: AUSTAUSCH—VON—POLIZEIDATEN, sich
20191004             EEG—UMLAGE auf Strom: Industrie drohen Nachzahlungen in Milliardenhöhe
20191004—20130600    —QUASHED, THE—UK—SUPREME—COURT, 1—TREASURY directive imposing sanction on BANK—MELLAT over alleged links with TEHRAN—CONTROVERSIAL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20191004—20181200    —SINCE, THE—FORMER—PRO—KURDISH—PARTY—LEGISLATOR and FILM—MAKER had been jailed.
20191004—20191019    —REPORTED, It was, that UK—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON has told 1—COURT he will request 1—BREXIT delay if he fails to strike 1—DEAL with THE—EU.
20191004—20191205    —ON, 3—MEN were charged with capital murder in THE—KILLING—OF—BROWN.
20191004—20200000    —IN, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION said it will lift the annual blending mandate for biofuels —STARTING and ensure more than 15—BILLION gallons of ethanol is blended into THE—USA—FUEL—POOL, 1—MOVE to retain THE—SUPPORT—OF—USA—FARMERS.
20191006             THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—COMMISSION for Tourism & National Heritage —POSTED the new requirements on Twitter, confirming an 20191004             report by THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—DAILY—OKAZ.
20191109—20161004    —LATER—THAT—DAY, on or about, the supporter involved with THE—DONALD—TRUMP—CAMPAIGN asked STONE via text message if he had "hear[d] anymore from LONDON".
20191109—20161004    —REPLIED, STONE, "YES—WANT to talk on 1—SECURE—LINE—GOT—WHATSAPP?"
20200411—19571004    —ON, the Americans grew terrified —WHEN MOSCOW sent the 1.—EVER satellite, SPUTNIK—1, into space.
20200411—19571004    People saw it as 1—SIGN—OF—THE—SOVIETS' technological dominance over THE—USA.
20200919—20201004    —AM, werden wir das 1. Spiel der BRASILIANISCHEN—MEISTERSCHAFT nach der PANDEMIE mit Fans haben", sagte Rios BÜRGERMEISTER—MARCELO—CRIVELLA in einer PRESSEKONFERENZ—AM—FREITAG.
20200922             SAUDI—ARABIA said Muslims will be allowed to perform the smaller, —YEAR—ROUND—PILGRIMAGE—STARTING 20201004             as the kingdom gradually begins lifting restrictions that had been in place on ISLAM—HOLIEST—SITE for the past —7—MONTHS due to THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200923             Ab dem 20201004             soll die kleine Wallfahrt nach Mekka —ZUNÄCHST für Gläubige, die sich im Land befinden, wieder machbar sein,
20200923             SAUDI—ARABIEN will die muslimische Wallfahrt Umrah —NACH—7—MONATEN CORONA—AUSZEIT schrittweise und unter strengen Auflagen wieder erlauben.
20200923             Die zweitgrößte Wallfahrt —NACH—DEM sogenannten Hadsch war Ende —FEBRUAR aus Sorge einer AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA—VIRUS verboten worden.
20201004             —SONNTAG, 20201004
20201004             QUERDENKEN—DEMO am Bodensee: Weniger Teilnehmer als erwartet
20201004             Exponentielles COVID—WACHSTUM: Die Zukunft kommt schneller, als Sie denken
20201004             Spiegelau: Maskenverweigerer greifen Busfahrer an
20201004             Abwrackungen wegen CORONA—PANDEMIE: Der Friedhof der Kreuzfahrtschiffe
20201004             —ÜBERSEEGEBIET, Referendum in : Neukaledonien stimmt für Verbleib bei FRANKREICH
20201004             Taiwans Pflanzenjäger: Retten, bevor es zu spät ist
20201004             Trend auf Twitter: Homosexuelle kapern Hashtag #ProudBoys - Sun 20201004
20201004             [l] Gute Nachrichten! Die konsequente Benachteiligung von Jungs in der Schule wirkt!
20201004             Die Zahlen der Jungs, die es —BIS zu ihrem Wunschstudium schaffen, ist signifikant rückläufig.
20201004             Als Nebeneffekt nötigen wir so auch endlich mehr Frauen in die Naturwissenschaften, die eigentlich etwas anderes hätten machen wollen.
20201004             SCI—FI, gibt es ja dieses Konzept des Terraformings.
20201004             Das sind Prozesse, —DIE—JAHRZEHNTE brauchen.
20201004             Vielleicht wäre uns das abzusehende Ergebnis in ein paar —JAHRZEHNTEN erspart geblieben, wenn mehr Lehrerinnen vorher mal über die Auswirkungen ihres Handels auf zukünftige Generationen nachgedacht hätten.
20201004             Und wie sich das für einen ordentlichen Unterdrückungsstaat gehört, sind die Strafen keine 5—EURE—BAGATELLEN:
20201004             Luna arbeitet als sogenannter "body man" für Trump.
20201004             Der Helikopter habe —BEREITS auf dem Südrasen des Amtssitzes gewartet.
20201004             Trotz Symptomen und einer —BEREITS begonnenen Therapie habe Trump —ZUNÄCHST nicht ins Krankenhaus gebracht werden wollen,
20201004             Er habe vermeiden wollen, ernsthaft krank zu erscheinen.
20201004             Hochrangige Regierungsmitarbeiter entschieden den Angaben zufolge, Trump —ERST nach Börsenschluss ins Krankenhaus einweisen zu lassen, um einen Absturz der Aktienkurse zu vermeiden.
20201004             Auf ihnen soll zu sehen sein, wie Trump auch aus dem Krankenhaus seiner Arbeit nachgehe.
20201004             In einem der Fotos sitzt er in einem weißen Hemd an einem großen Holztisch und liest in seinen Unterlagen.
20201004             Das ist 1—ZUNAHME von ein —BIS 2—PUNKTEN zu den Erhebungen der Vorwoche, die allerdings 1—UNGENAUIGKEIT—VON—5—PUNKTEN haben.
20201004             Die Schutzmaßnahmen wurden —NUN noch einmal verschärft.
20201004             Von der Maskenpflicht ausgenommen sind lediglich Harris, Pence und die Moderatorin.
20201004             Rückwirkend musste Conley einräumen, dass Trump zusätzlichen Sauerstoff benötigt hatte.
20201004             Gesamtes Bergisches Städtedreieck über CORONA—VORWARNSTUFE
20201004             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—16—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—15—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20201004             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—10—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—8—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20201004             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—219—(+4)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—164—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—55—(-2)
20201004             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—208—(+1)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—141—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—64—(=)
20201004             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—67—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—36—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—29—(+1)
20201004             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—92—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—65—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—27—(-1)
20201004             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—315—(+2)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—203—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—109—(-4)
20201004             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—329—(+2)—ÓBITOS—8—(=)—RECUPERADOS—215—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—106—(=)
20201004             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—185—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—128—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—56—(-4)
20201004             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—77—(+6)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—43—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—34—(+6)
20201004             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—115—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—52—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—63—(+1)
20201004             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—117—(+3)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—22—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—93—(+3)
20201004             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—29—(+6)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—6—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—23—(+4)
20201004             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—778—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—403,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—10,4—TODESFÄLLE—27—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20201004             Aktualisierung 202010040000         —UHR
20201004             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.039—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—394,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—16,3—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20201004             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.805—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—384,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—20,8—TODESFÄLLE—79—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.089
20201004             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—5.277—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—486,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—37,4—TODESFÄLLE—123—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20201004             REMSCHEID—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—571—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—514,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—58,6—TODESFÄLLE—19—EINWOHNERZAHL—110.994
20201004             SOLINGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—688—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—431,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—39,5—TODESFÄLLE—13—EINWOHNERZAHL—159.360
20201004             NEUWIED—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—459—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—252,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—28,0—TODESFÄLLE—5—EINWOHNERZAHL—181.941
20201004             DÜSSELDORF—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.292—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—531,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,9—TODESFÄLLE—48—EINWOHNERZAHL—619.294
20201004             DUISBURG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.984—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—598,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—43,9—TODESFÄLLE—72—EINWOHNERZAHL—498.590
20201004             ESSEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.144—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—367,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—30,4—TODESFÄLLE—48—EINWOHNERZAHL—583.109
20201004             BOTTROP—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—381—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—324,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—26,4—TODESFÄLLE—7—EINWOHNERZAHL—117.383
20201004             RECKLINGHAUSEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.337—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—379,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,5—TODESFÄLLE—46—EINWOHNERZAHL—615.261
20201004             DORTMUND—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.152—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—366,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,1—TODESFÄLLE—21—EINWOHNERZAHL—587.010
20201004             UNNA—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.403—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—355,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,9—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—394.782
20201004             HAMM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.164—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—649,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—99,4—TODESFÄLLE—38—EINWOHNERZAHL—179.111
20201004             VECHTA—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—727—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—513,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—50,1—TODESFÄLLE—13—EINWOHNERZAHL—141.598
20201004             CLOPPENBURG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—661—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—390,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—40,7—TODESFÄLLE—1—EINWOHNERZAHL—169.348
20201004             EMSLAND—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—806—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—247,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,2—TODESFÄLLE—25—EINWOHNERZAHL—325.657
20201004             BREMEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.321—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—407,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—40,2—TODESFÄLLE—53—EINWOHNERZAHL—569.352
20201004             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.978—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—600,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—56,7—TODESFÄLLE—43—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20201004             BERLIN—MITTE—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—2.481—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—645,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—57,3—TODESFÄLLE—20—EINWOHNERZAHL—384.172
20201004             BERLIN—REINICKENDORF—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.106—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—417,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—34,3—TODESFÄLLE—21—EINWOHNERZAHL—265.225
20201004             BERLIN—SPANDAU—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—853—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—349,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—29,1—TODESFÄLLE—9—EINWOHNERZAHL—243.977
20201004             WEIMAR—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—140—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—215,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,7—TODESFÄLLE—0—EINWOHNERZAHL—65.090
20201004             SAALE—ORLA—KREIS—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—203—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—251,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—33,4—TODESFÄLLE—12—EINWOHNERZAHL—80.868
20201004             RHÖN—GRABFELD—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—303—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—380,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—36,4—TODESFÄLLE—8—EINWOHNERZAHL—79.690
20201004             SCHWEINFURT—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—683—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—593,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,2—TODESFÄLLE—25—EINWOHNERZAHL—115.106
20201004             OFFENBACH—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.359—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—383,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—28,0—TODESFÄLLE—46—EINWOHNERZAHL—354.092
20201004             GROSS—GERAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.190—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—433,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—33,5—TODESFÄLLE—17—EINWOHNERZAHL—274.526
20201004             MANNHEIM—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—1.172—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—378,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—34,6—TODESFÄLLE—13—EINWOHNERZAHL—309.370
20201004             HEILBRONN—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—749—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—594,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,4—TODESFÄLLE—17—EINWOHNERZAHL—125.960
20201004             ESSLINGEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—2.860—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—535,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—39,0—TODESFÄLLE—121—EINWOHNERZAHL—533.859
20201004             STUTTGART—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—2.928—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—461,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—28,5—TODESFÄLLE—65—EINWOHNERZAHL—634.830
20201004             MÜNCHEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—11.805—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—802,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—37,4—TODESFÄLLE—225—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.471.508
20201004             FÜRSTENFELDBRUCK—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.357—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—618,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,8—TODESFÄLLE—36—EINWOHNERZAHL—219.320
20201004             BIBERACH—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—864—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—432,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—31,5—TODESFÄLLE—36—EINWOHNERZAHL—199.742
20201004             Es war ein verrücktes Wochenende für die Amerikaner.
20201004             —INFIZIERT, Ihr PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP hat sich mit CORONA, wird per Hubschrauber in 1—MILITÄRKRANKENHAUS gebracht -
20201004             und doch erfährt die Öffentlichkeit ganz offensichtlich nur Halbwahrheiten über den Gesundheitszustand des COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF.
20201004             Die Ärzte sagen dies, der Stabschef JENES—UND am Ende müssen sich fast alle korrigieren oder ihre Aussagen zumindest präzisieren.
20201004             Begonnen hat das Informationschaos spätestens —AM—SAMSTAG.
20201004             Danach ist nicht nur die Verunsicherung, sondern auch das Misstrauen gegenüber dem Weißen Haus noch größer als zuvor.
20201004             Keine Angaben auch dazu, wie Trump sich angesteckt haben könnte.
20201004             —BERICHTET, Die "NEW—YORK—TIMES", Trump habe —AM—FREITAG Atemprobleme gehabt und Sauerstoff verabreicht bekommen.
20201004             Trump sagt mit Blick auf seine Infektion auch, —ERST—IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—TAGEN stehe ihm "die wahre Prüfung" bevor.
20201004             Bornstein sagte dem Sender CNN vor knapp zweieinhalb —JAHREN: "Er hat den ganzen Brief diktiert.
20201004             —GESCHRIEBEN, Ich habe diesen Brief nicht ".
20201004             Die Nachrichtenseite Axios schreibt in einem Newsletter sogar von "Vertuschung" und fragt, warum der Öffentlichkeit Widersprüchlichkeiten vorgesetzt würden.
20201004             In der südfranzösischen Hafenstadt mussten die Restaurants und Bars daher —BEREITS SCHLIEßEN—DAGEGEN hatte es massiven Protest gegeben.
20201004             —SONNTAG, 20201004             20201004             Christen mit Rechtsdrall: Und vergeben uns unsere Schuld 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—LIANE—BEDNARZ
20201004             Videobotschaft von DONALD—TRUMP: "Ich glaube, das ist die wahre Prüfung"
20201004             SANTIAGO—DE—CHILE: Polizist soll —16—JAHRE—ALTEN Demonstranten von Brücke geschubst haben
20201004             —GEFECHTE im Südkaukasus: ARMENIEN erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen TÜRKEI
20201004             ISRAEL: Polizei nimmt Dutzende NETANYAHU—GEGNER fest
20201004             Neue Enzyklika von FRANZISKUS—PAPA warnt vor "wütenden und aggressiven Nationalismen"
20201004             FRANKREICH: Fast 17.000—NEU—INFEKTIONEN, Intensivbetten füllen sich
20201004             AOK—AUSWERTUNG: Weniger Krankmeldungen während CORONA—KRISE
20201004             —CORONAKRANKER USA—PRÄSIDENT: Filmprofis halten TRUMP—VIDEOBOTSCHAFT für bearbeitet
20201004             —CORONA—ERKRANKUNG: Trump könnte Krankenhaus laut Ärzten —AM—MONTAG verlassen
20201004             TRUMP—COVID—19—ERKRANKUNG: Weißes Haus vernachlässigt offenbar Aufklärung von INFEKTIONS—KETTEN
20201004             COVID—19, "Schätzungsweise 130—MILLIONEN Inder haben sich bislang mit dem Virus infiziert" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—LAURA—HÖFLINGER
20201004             BELARUS: Massenprotest in MINSK, ARMEE setzt Panzer ein
20201004             —PROTEST—GEGEN—CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: Beten und demonstrieren Aus Konstanz berichtet FELIX—BOHR
20201004             Sun 20201004             20201004             Eigentlich müsste es da viel mehr GESCHICHTEN—VON—VERKACKTEM—TERRAFORMING geben.
20201004             —AM Ende merkt man dann, dass man am —ANFANG was falsch eingestellt hatte, und der Planet verkackt ist.
20201004             [l] Neuigkeiten vom Unterdrückungsstaat (Nein, diesmal nicht unserer sondern der in FRANKREICH): In GRENOBLE werden Barbetreiber verhaftet, weil sie offenes Wifi anbieten aber nicht die Identitäten der Gäste aufgeschrieben haben.
20201004             Violating this crime means that the owner of 1—SMALL—CAFE that offers WiFi to patrons could face up to —1—YEAR in prison and up to a 75,000 euro fine.
20201004             Da weißt du doch, wer in diesem STAAT die wahren Übeltäter sind!
20201004             Mörder? Diebe? Räuber? Vergewaltiger?
20201004             Nicht doch! Leute, die andere ins INTERNET lassen!!1!
20201004             NICHOLAS—LUNA, einer der persönlichen Assisten10 des Präsidenten.
20201004             —GEHÖRT, Als solcher, es zu seinen Aufgaben, den Präsidenten zu begleiten und zum Beispiel Unterlagen bereitzuhalten.
20201004             Er hielt sich also nah bei Trump auf und begleitete ihn zum Beispiel auch nach CLEVELAND.
20201004             TRUMP—BERATER hätten den —74—JAHRE—ALTEN im Weißen Haus —ERST davon überzeugen müssen, an Bord des Hubschraubers Marine 1—ZU steigen.
20201004             Trump wurde letztendlich in das WALTER—REED—MILITÄRKRANKENHAUS nördlich von WASHINGTON geflogen, in dem er seither behandelt wird.
20201004             otos von DONALD—TRUMP veröffentlicht.
20201004             —AUF—1—ANDEREN Bild trägt er einen Anzug und setzt seine Unterschrift auf 1—BLATT—PAPIER.
20201004             aus den Bilddateien hervorgeht, dass die Bilder in einem Abstand von nur —10—MINUTEN aufgenommen worden seien, wie der JOURNALIST—JON—OSTROWER twitterte.
20201004             Laut einer Erhebung von REUTERS sind 65—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN—AMERIKANER—DER—ANSICHT, dass Trump vermutlich nicht erkrankt wäre, wenn er "das CORONA—VIRUS ernster genommen hätte".
20201004             BIDEN liegt der —AM—SONNTAG veröffentlichten Erhebungzufolge 10—PROZENTPUNKTE vor Trump.
20201004             Die Umfrage zeigt zudem eine zunehmende Unzufriedenheit der Amerikaner über die Maßnahmen des Präsidenten gegen die PANDEMIE.
20201004             Dieser Anteil stieg um 3—PUNKTE auf 57—PROZENT im Vergleich zur Vorwoche.
20201004             Etwa 33 % - 34—PROZENT—DER Befragten geht davon aus, dass Trump zum CORONA—VIRUS die Wahrheit sagt, 55—PROZENT sind nicht dieser Meinung, 11—PROZENT sind sich unsicher.
20201004             —AM—MITTWOCH werden im Rahmen des Wahlkampfes die beiden Kandidaten für das Amt des VIZEPRÄSIDENTEN—KAMALA Harris und MIKE—PENCE—IN einem TV—DUELL aufeinandertreffen.
20201004             und für ALLE—ANWESENDEN gilt 1—MASKENPFLICHT.
20201004             Bei der Debatte zwischen JOE—BIDEN und DONALD—TRUMP hatten die Angehörigen von TRUMP—MIT Ausnahme von MELANIA—KEINE Maske getragen.
20201004             DONALD—TRUMP fühle sich sehr gut und bleibe weiterhin im KRANKENHAUS—OBWOHL er gerne ins Weiße Haus zurückkehren würde.
20201004             —VERBESSERT, TRUMP—LEIBARZT: Gesundheitszustand hat sich weiter
20201004             Wie bei JEDER—KRANKHEIT gebe es aber Höhen und Tiefen,
20201004             Während der 1. PRESSEKONFERENZ hatte er sich dazu nicht eindeutig äußern wollen.
20201004             Maskenkontrollen in Kölner Bahnhöfen: VIELE—VERSTÖßE
20201004             Neue SOZIAL—ENZYKLIKA, PAPA fordert Politik zu Solidarität auf
20201004             In einer neuen Enzyklika zeichnet FRANZISKUS—PAPA seine Vision von einer besseren Politik und mehr Solidarität.
20201004             —KRITISIERT, Er, das Wirtschaftssystem und sagt, dass der Markt die wahren PROBLEME—DER—WELT nicht lösen könne.
20201004             Há mais 15—CASOS de COVID—19—NO ALGARVE - COVID—19, Alentejo tem 11—NOVOS casos
20201004             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.039—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—394,—0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER—16,3—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20201004             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—5.277—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—486,—1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER—37,4—TODESFÄLLE—123—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20201004             UNNA—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.403—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—355,—4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER—27,9—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—394.782
20201004             GLOBAL—CASES—34.999.377—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.034.733
20201004             FRANKREICH, ITALIEN, ÖSTERREICH: Zerstörte Dörfer nach UNWETTERN—MEHRERE Tote
20201004             [l] Aus der beliebten Reihe "Was gegen CORONA hilft, hilft auch gegen andere Krankheiten", —HEUTE: Krankmeldungen sanken auf tiefsten Stand —SEIT—3—JAHREN.
20201004             —BEGONNEN hat das Informationschaos spätestens —AM—SAMSTAG.
20201004             Conley wird von gleich 9—KOLLEGINNEN und Kollegen in weißen Kitteln flankiert,
20201004             Keine —13—MINUTEN dauert der Auftritt.
20201004             Conley und sein Ärzteteam zeichnen —AM—SAMSTAG vor Journalisten ein rosiges Bild vom Zustand des —74—JAHRE—ALTEN—DOCH
20201004             nur wenige —MINUTEN—NACH—DEM ENDE—DES—BRIEFINGS steckt eine anonyme Quelle den Reportern ganz andere Informationen:
20201004             "Die Werte des Präsidenten in den vergangenen —24—STUNDEN waren sehr besorgniserregend",
20201004             "Wir befinden uns noch immer nicht —AUF—1—KLAREN Weg zu einer vollständigen Genesung".
20201004             Später stellt sich heraus: Die Quelle ist TRUMP—STABSCHEF MARK—MEADOWS gewesen.
20201004             Der CNN—JOURNALIST—JIM—ACOSTA schreibt —AM—SONNTAG auf Twitter unter Berufung auf informierte Kreise, Trump sei stinksauer auf Meadows wegen dessen Äußerungen.
20201004             Keine Antwort gibt der Arzt darauf, wie hoch TRUMP—FIEBER war.
20201004             Wiederholt weicht der Mediziner der Frage aus, ob Trump irgendwann im Verlauf seiner COVID—19—ERKRANKUNG zusätzlichen Sauerstoff benötigt habe.
20201004             Meadows räumt am Samstagabend im Sender FOX—NEWS ein: "—GESTERN waren wir wirklich besorgt.
20201004             Er hatte Fieber, der Sauerstoffgehalt seines Bluts war rapide gefallen".
20201004             —AM—SONNTAG gibt dann auch Conley zu, dass TRUMP—SAUERSTOFFWERTE gefallen SEIEN—UND zwar nicht nur —AM—FREITAG, sondern auch —AM—SAMSTAG.
20201004             —VERSUCHT, Der Leibarzt, sich —AM—SONNTAG mit einer Rechtfertigung: "Ich habe versucht, die optimistische Haltung wiederzugeben, die das Team, der PRÄSIDENT und sein Krankheitsverlauf —AN—DEN—TAG gelegt haben
20201004             Und dabei kam es so rüber, als ob wir versuchen, etwas zu verbergen, was nicht unbedingt gestimmt hat".
20201004             Nicht unbedingt?
20201004             Conley sagt jedenfalls: "Tatsache ist, dass es ihm sehr gut geht".
20201004             Sein Kollege BRIAN—GARIBALDI fügt hinzu, sollte es Trump weiterhin so gut gehen,
20201004             "hoffen wir, dass wir für 1—ENTLASSUNG ins Weiße Haus —BEREITS—MORGEN planen können".
20201004             unbeantwortet: Wann der PRÄSIDENT zuletzt negativ getestet wurde.
20201004             als er —AM—SAMSTAG sagt, DIE—CORONA—DIAGNOSE LIEGE "—72—STUNDEN" zurück.
20201004             Das wäre verheerend für TRUMP—REPUTATION: Dann hätte er gewusst, dass er hochansteckend IST—UND
20201004             hätte trotzdem noch am Mittwochabend und Donnerstagnachmittag in MINNESOTA und NEW—JERSEY Spender getroffen, um Gelder für seinen Wahlkampf einzusammeln.
20201004             —SCHON so steht der PRÄSIDENT—IN—DER—KRITIK, weil das Weiße Haus vor seinem Treffen —AM—DONNERSTAG Kenntnis davon hatte, dass eine seiner engsten Beraterinnen mit dem Virus infiziert war.
20201004             "Klarstellung", in der es heißt, er habe sich falsch ausgedrückt.
20201004             Tatsächlich habe TRUMP—POSITIVES Testergebnis —ERST—AM Donnerstagabend vorgelegen.
20201004             Sein ganzes Leben lang habe Trump 1—PHOBIE vor Krankheiten und ein extremes Misstrauen gegenüber Krankenhäusern gehabt.
20201004             "Er wäre nicht in 1—KRANKENHAUS gegangen, wenn es ihm relativ gut ginge".
20201004             Auch beim BRITISCHEN—PREMIER—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSONWAR —ZUNÄCHST von "leichten Symptomen" die Rede.
20201004             Johnsons Verlegung ins Krankenhaus nannte DIE—REGIERUNG ebenfalls eine "Vorsichtsmaßnahme".
20201004             —9—TAGE nach seinem positiven Test lag Johnson dann auf der Intensivstation.
20201004             "Ich kann eindeutig sagen, dass Herr Trump, sollte er gewählt werden, die gesündeste Person sein wird, die je in das Präsidentenamt gewählt wurde".
20201004             Die "WASHINGTON—POST" meint, man könne diesem Weißen Haus nicht vertrauen, dass es wahrheitsgemäß über TRUMP—GESUNDHEITSZUSTAND informiere.
20201004             Hohe Infektionszahlen: PARIS will offenbar "maximale Alarmstufe" ausrufen
20201004             Laut dem BÜRO—SOLLEN—BARS für einen Zeitraum von —2—WOCHEN geschlossen werden.
20201004             Restaurants sollen mit verstärkten CORONA—VORSICHTSMAßNAHMEN hingegen offen bleiben können
20201004             FRANKREICH registrierte im ganzen Land innerhalb von —24—STUNDEN 12.565—CORONA—NEU—INFEKTIONEN,
20201004             Einen —TAG zuvor waren es 16.972—NEU—INFEKTIONEN gewesen, also deutlich mehr.
20201004             † † ? über 32.000—MENSCHEN starben —BISHER.
20201004—20150000    —J—IM, Sein Wahlkampfteam präsentierte das Schreiben eines Arztes namens HAROLD—BORNSTEIN, in dem es hieß:
20201004—20201020    —ON, 1—YOUNG—SYRIAN, —20—JAHRE—ALT was arrested over the attack.
20201005             —SUNDAY, 20201004             20201006             —DECLARED, THE—CENTRAL—ELECTION—COMMISSION—OF—KYRGYZSTAN, the results of 20201004             —THE parliamentary election invalid —1—DAY—AFTER having awarded THE—MAJORITY—OF—SEATS to 2—POLITICAL—PARTIES with ties to THE—PRESIDENT, Sooronbai Jeenbekov sparking mass protests in BISHKEK, and other cities.
20201115—20201004    —SINCE, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC reported 1,887 new cases, its lowest daily tally.
20201116—20201004    —SEIT, Das ist der niedrigste Wert.
20210926             der ab dem 19571004             einmal alle —96—MINUTEN die Welt umrundete und Kurzwellensignale aus dem All funkte.
20211004             CORONA€”VIRUS in AUSTRALIEN: —246—TAGE — MELBOURNE bricht Lockdownrekord
20211004             LONDON: Weiterer BRITISCHER—POLIZIST wegen Vergewaltigung angeklagt
20211004             Kampfflugzeuge nahe TAIWAN: USA warnen CHINA vor riskanten Fehleinschätzungen
20211004             Nach wochenlanger Unterbrechung: NORDKOREA stellt "Hotlines" mit SÜDKOREA wieder her
20211004             Krisenunternehmen: Handel mit Aktien von Evergrande in HONGKONG ausgesetzt
20211004             TV—AUFTRITT: FACEBOOK—WHISTLEBLOWERIN gibt sich zu erkennen
20211004             —GELOCKERT, Coronaregeln: Maskenpflicht in Schulen in BAYERN und BERLIN
20211004             Nach Anschlag auf Trauerfeier: Taliban greifen IS—KÄMPFER in KABUL an
20211004             Arbeitskräftemangel in DEUTSCHLAND: "Die Leute rennen uns alle weg"
20211004             —GEHÖRT, Aktuelle Studie: "Trotz, mittlerweile zu den Hauptgründen, sich nicht impfen zu lassen"
20211004             JAPAN: EX—AUßENMINISTER Kishida ist neuer Regierungschef
20211004             Dortmunder Neonazi "SS—SIGGI": SIEGFRIED—BORCHARDT ist tot
20211004             Pandora Papers: TSCHECHISCHER—REGIERUNGSCHEF Babiš spricht von Verleumdung
20211004             Jüdische Kultur im Nationalsozialismus: Als "blond" durch "schön" ersetzt werden musste
20211004             Gewaltverbrechen in ISRAEL: "Bei arabischen Todesopfern gilt die Devise: Lasst sie einander töten"
20211004             Konjunktur: IAB—FORSCHER sagen Wachstum und neue Jobs voraus
20211004             Neue Ermittlungen gegen EX—KSK—KOMMANDEUR Kreitmayr: Mit 1,8 Promille am Steuer erwischt
20211004             Neue Schätzung: Auf dem Mittelmeer treiben 3760—TONNEN Plastikmüll
20211004             Verkündung: Nobelpreis für Medizin geht an Sinnesforscher
20211004             CORONA€”VIRUS: NEUSEELAND rückt vorsichtig von 0—COVID—STRATEGIE ab
20211004             ÄTHIOPIEN: Ministerpräsident Abiy Ahmed für weitere —5—JAHRE im Amt vereidigt
20211004             Verkündung in STOCKHOLM: Nobelpreis für Medizin geht an Sinnesforscher
20211004             Europäische Union: Umweltaktivisten wollen ÖL—UND GAS—WERBUNG verbieten lassen
20211004             Internationales Atomabkommen: IRAN will umgebauten Reaktor binnen einem —JAHR in Betrieb nehmen
20211004             Gerichtsentscheidung in HESSEN: SPUTNIK—V—GEIMPFTE haben keinen Anspruch auf Impfzertifikat
20211004             Pandora Papers: JORDANISCHES—KÖNIGSHAUS weist Berichte über ABDULLAH—II. zurück
20211004             Onlinehändler: STÄDTE—UND Gemeindebund fordert Steuer auf AMAZON—PAKETE
20211004             Pandora Papers: Kreml spricht von "unbegründeten Behauptungen" über Putins Umfeld
20211004             Flüchtlingsheim in NIEDERSACHSEN: Polizisten erschießen Asylbewerber
20211004             Psychiater warnt vor Coronafolgen für Kinder und Jugendliche: Suizidale Krisen, wie aus dem Nichts
20211004             Segelschulschiff: Naturschützer protestieren gegen Teakholz auf der "Gorch Fock"
20211004             GEORGIEN: EX—PRÄSIDENT—SAAKASCHWILI soll volle Haftstrafe absitzen
20211004             Flüchtlingsstreit mit BELARUS: Dutzende Migranten gelangen über POLEN nach DEUTSCHLAND
20211004             Millionenschäden durch Ransomware: Mutmaßlicher ONLINE—ERPRESSER in der UKRAINE festgenommen
20211004             —BELIEFERT, Kraftstoffkrise: BRITISCHES—MILITÄR, —JETZT Tankstellen
20211004             581_DGS_boletim_20211004              20211004             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 94,3 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211004             Continente: 95,1 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211004             R(t) Nacional: 0,91 Continente: 0,90
20211004             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—691—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—63,8—FÄLLE—GESAMT—64.306—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—5.935,0—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—755—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211004             Total Cases 235.058.353  Total Deaths 4.804.273  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 6.312.147.999
20211004             CORONA: Ema empfiehlt BOOSTER—IMPFUNGEN für Immungeschwächte
20211004             Facebook und EX—MITARBEITERIN FRANCES—HAUGEN: Whistleblowing, das Musical 1—NETZWELT—NEWSLETTER—VON—PATRICK—BEUTH
20211004             Wohnungsnot: STÄDTE—UND Gemeindebund lehnt Enteignung von Immobilienkonzernen ab
20211004             Hafenblockade: Medikamente, Benzin und Weizen werden im SUDAN knapp
20211004             Umstrittenes Milliardenprojekt: Ostseepipeline NORD—STREAM 2—WIRD mit Gas befüllt
20211004             Kein Impfzertifikat für SPUTNIK—V—GEIMPFTE: Linkenpolitiker Dehm will vors Bundesverwaltungsgericht ziehen
20211004             Gespräche mit der EU: Die BREXIT—LÖSUNG für Nordirland steht auf der Kippe
20211004             Erholungsgebiete in AFGHANISTAN: Wo die Taliban Urlaub machen Aus BAND—E—AMIR berichtet Thore Schröder
20211004             Nobelpreis für Medizin: Achtung, heiß!
20211004             Fossile Energien: OPEC—ENTSCHEIDUNG treibt Ölpreis auf Siebenjahreshoch
20211004             SERVER—PROBLEME: Massive Ausfälle bei Facebook, Instagram und WhatsApp
20211004             Barentssee: RUSSLAND testet HYPERSCHALL—RAKETE erstmals auf U—BOOT
20211004             Eskalation: CHINA schickt 56—KAMPFFLUGZEUGE nach TAIWAN
20211004             Ausfall bei Facebook, Instagram und WhatsApp: Das INTERNET versammelt sich bei Twitter
20211004             Für Facebook war der Ausfall die Krönung ohnehin schlechter —WOCHEN.
20211004             —ERST—AM—SONNTAG hatte sich die ehemalige Mitarbeiterin FRANCES—HAUGEN als Whistleblowerin zu erkennen gegeben und warf dem Netzwerk vor, Profit über das Wohl der Nutzer zu stellen.
20211004             Unter anderem berichtete Haugen aus internen FACEBOOK—UNTERSUCHUNGEN, dass
20211004             Instagram bei zahlreichen Teenagern — vor allem Mädchen — die Unzufriedenheit mit dem eigenen Körper verstärke, was wiederum Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheit habe.
20211004             —AM—DIENSTAG sollte die Whistleblowerin im USA—SENAT befragt werden.
202203101004         —UNSANCTIONED, Over 220—PARTICIPANTS in, events in MOSCOW arrested, over 1,100 fined, SOURCE  court
202203141004         —EXCLUDED, Evraz, Polymetal, Petropavlovsk, from FTSE indexes, SOURCE  VTB Capital
202203211004         COURT—REJECTS—META—REQUEST for time to prepare defense against lawsuit that seeks to ban it in RUSSIA
202203241004         UK adds 33—PERSONS, 26—ORGANIZATIONS to RUSSIA sanctions lists
20220928—20221004    —AM, Der VORSITZENDE—DES—OBERHAUSES des RUSSISCHEN—PARLAMENTS erklärte, dass die Kammer über die Eingliederung der Regionen beraten könnte.
20221004             —DIENSTAG, 20221004
20221004             —GESTIEGEN, ZAHL—DER—TODESOPFER : AFGHANISCHE—FRAUEN protestieren nach Anschlag auf Schule in KABUL
20221004             Skandal im USA—FUßBALL weitet sich aus: "Systematischer Missbrauch und sexuelles Fehlverhalten"
20221004             Neue Eskalationsstufe: NORDKOREA feuert Rakete ab — Alarm in JAPAN
20221004             Vorwurf der Verleumdung: Trump verklagt CNN — und will 475—MILLIONEN Dollar Schadensersatz
20221004             —AM—TAG—DER—DEUTSCHEN—EINHEIT: Tausende protestieren in Ostdeutschland gegen Russlandsanktionen und Coronamaßnahmen
20221004             "Beheizen und Beleuchten in Brüssel und Straßburg ist Verhöhnung der Steuerzahler": DEUTSCHE—EU—POLITIKER fordern Winterpause für EU—PARLAMENTSSITZ in Straßburg
20221004             Wegen Gewalt gegen Demonstranten: Biden kündigt neue Sanktionen gegen IRAN an
20221004             —BEFÜRCHTET, Folge des Ukrainekriegs: EU—KOMMISSION, Stromausfälle und andere Notlagen in EUROPA
20221004             UKRAINISCHER—AUSSENMINISTER Kuleba: "RUSSLAND überfiel nicht nur die UKRAINE.
20221004             Es unterstützt Militärputsche in AFRIKA"
20221004             Offenes Rennen um Präsidentschaft in BRASILIEN: Bolsonaro will vor Stichwahl Sozialleistungen auszahlen
20221004             Nach Pseudoreferenden: NORDKOREA unterstützt RUSSISCHE—ANNEXIONEN in der UKRAINE
20221004             PRESSEKONFERENZ: RWE steigt 20300000             aus der Kohle AUS—LÜTZERATH wird abgebaggert
20221004             Kanalinsel Sark: Wo Europas letzter Feudalherr lebt Von der Insel Sark berichtet Solveig Grothe
20221004             Personalnot an Schulen: ZAHL—DER—LEHRAMTSABSOLVENTEN um 13,8 Prozent gesunken
20221004             "Natürlich sind wir keine Kriegspartei": Lauterbach rudert nach PUTIN—AUSSAGE zurück
20221004             Kampf gegen die Taliban: AFGHANISCHE—WIDERSTANDSBEWEGUNG meldet Gebietsgewinn
20221004             Tue 20221004
20221004             [l] Die Nato hat übrigens —IM—JUNI eine Übung in der Ostsee gemacht.
20221004             Was für eine Übung?
20221004             —NUN... - In support of BALTOPS—USA Navy 6. Fleet partnered with USA Navy research and warfare centers to bring the latest advancements in Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) mine hunting technology to the Baltic Sea to demonstrate the vehicle's effectiveness in operational scenarios.
20221004             —CONDUCTED, Experimentation was, off THE—COAST—OF—BORNHOLM, DENMARK, with participants from Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific, Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) NEWPORT, and Mine Warfare Readiness and Effectiveness Measuring (MIREM) — all under the direction of USA 6. Fleet Task Force 68.
20221004             [l] Yeah, —JETZT gibt es NORD—STREAM Truther!
20221004             Es war 1—INSIDE—JOB, müsst ihr wissen!
20221004             Die haben den Sprengstoff —SCHON beim Bauen der Pipeline angebracht!
20221004             Sagt ein Expert. Aus der UKRAINE.
20221004             Und wenn jemand unparteiisch ist, dann ja wohl die Ukrainer.
20221004             Guterres sieht Welt angesichts des Klimawandels in "einem Kampf auf Leben und Tod"
20221004             Den 20—WOHLHABENDSTEN Ländern warf er —AM—MONTAG vor, nicht genug gegen eine Überhitzung des Planeten zu tun.
20221004             —BISHER von Regierungen gemachte Zusagen und ausgegebene Klimaziele reichten nicht aus, die Begrenzung des Anstiegs der globalen Temperatur um 2—GRAD Celsius, "geschweige denn das 1,5—GRAD—ZIEL" erreichen zu können.
20221004             Auszeichnung in STOCKHOLM: Nobelpreis für Physik geht an 3—QUANTENFORSCHER
20221004             Alain Aspect, JOHN—F—CLAUSER und ANTON—ZEILINGER erhalten den PHYSIK—NOBELPREIS, wie die KÖNIGLICH—SCHWEDISCHE—AKADEMIE der Wissenschaften in STOCKHOLM verkündete.
20221004             Ausgezeichnet werden die Forscher für ihre Arbeit zu auf dem GEBIET—DER—QUANTENPHYSIK.
20221004             Die Wissenschaftler hätten bahnbrechende Experimente mit verschränkten Quantenzuständen durchgeführt, bei denen sich 2—TEILCHEN wie 1—EINHEIT verhalten, auch wenn sie getrennt sind.
20221004             —GEEBNET, Die Ergebnisse hätten den Weg, für neue, auf Quanteninformation basierende Technologien.
20221004             SCHWEDISCHE—MARINECHEFIN über die Konfrontation mit RUSSLAND: "Es ist unmöglich, jeden Ort zu JEDER—ZEIT zu überwachen" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ANNA—SOPHIE—SCHNEIDER
20221004             Nächste Kehrtwende der Tories: LIZ—TRUSS zieht Verkündung des Haushaltsplans vor
20221004             "Hat sie irgendwas über mich gesagt?"
20221004             Trump war angeblich besorgt über EPSTEIN—VERTRAUTE Maxwell
20221004             Proteste im Rheinischen Braunkohlerevier: Fürs Klima in die Zelle
20221004             Besuch in Warschau: Baerbock weist POLNISCHE—REPARATIONS—FORDERUNGEN zurück
20221004             —ENTSCHEIDUNG des EU—PARLAMENTS: USB—C wird Standard für Ladegeräte
20221004             Against THE—BACKDROP—OF—THE—CONFLICT——AROUND UKRAINE, there is growing concern in EUROPE over the potential use of nuclear weapons by RUSSIA.
20221004             1—REPORT published by ITALY—LA—REPUBBLICA suggested that NATO is worried about THE—MOVEMENT—OF—THE—SPECIAL—PURPOSE—NUCLEAR—SUBMARINE—BELGOROD that can carry Poseidon unmanned underwater vehicles.
20221004             —UNLEASHED, The article, 1—WAVE—OF—ALARMIST headlines in the European media.
20221004             —DELIVERED, THE—NORTH—MACHINE—BUILDING enterprise Sevmash, THE—BELGOROD nuclear submarine, which is capable of carrying such torpedoes, to THE—RUSSIA—NAVY in July.
20221004             In the future, KHABAROVSK submarines are to become the main carriers of Poseidons.
20221004             However, there is very little information about tests involving the torpedo, —WHILE details on its characteristics vary, which paves the way for conspiracy theories and alarmism.
20221004             According to La Repubblica, THE—24—METER—LONG torpedo can travel distances of up to 10,000 kilometers and cause 1—RADIOACTIVE—TSUNAMI off THE—COAST—OF—1—AMERICA—METROPOLIS.
20221004             —POINTED, Other media outlets, out that THE—BELGOROD nuclear submarine is capable of carrying 6—SUCH doomsday weapons.
20221004             SOME—NEWSPAPERS did not rule out that, in 1—MOVE to intimidate THE—WEST—RUSSIA might break its commitment not to conduct nuclear tests and test this NUCLEAR—WARHEAD torpedo for the 1. time.
20221004             —COMMENTED, Neither NATO—OFFICIALS, nor RUSSIA—ONES, on the movement of THE—BELGOROD nuclear submarine —ON—MONDAY.
20221004             "No doubt, EVERY—TIME this vessel goes to sea, NATO—SHOWS—KEEN—INTEREST, and their concerns are not ungrounded," Dmitry Stefanovich, 1—RESEARCH—FELLOW at THE—INTERNATIONAL—SECURITY—CENTER with THE—RUSSIA—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES'—INSTITUTE—OF—WORLD—ECONOMY and INTERNATIONAL Relations, told Kommersant.
20221004             He said that THE—BELGOROD nuclear submarine could not only carry Poseidon torpedoes, but also other underwater vehicles, including autonomous, REMOTE—CONTROLLED as well as manned ones.
20221004             This makes 1—THINK about the direct objectives involving the sub, which may include reconnaissance, THE—TESTING—OF—NEW unmanned underwater drones and other systems, as well as sabotage, the expert warned.
20221004             However, he believes that it is the testing of the ship itself, its systems and subsystems that is going on —NOW".
20221004             This in itself cannot but arouse NATO—INTEREST.
20221004             —THEREFORE, we can expect the alliance to increase activity of its surface and submarine forces as well as ANTI—SUBMARINE—AIRCRAFT," Stefanovich concluded.
20221004             KIEV, 20221004             . - /TASS/.
20221004             —INVOKED, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—ZELENSKYY has, 1—DECREE—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY and Defense Council (NSDC) of UKRAINE on the impossibility of holding negotiations with RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, according to 1—DECREE published on the official WEBSITE—OF—THE—UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—OFFICE—ON—TUESDAY.
20221004             "To acknowledge the impossibility of holding negotiations with PRESIDENT—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION—VLADIMIR—PUTIN," the document reads.
20221004             —ORDERED, ZELENSKYY, the country's government to reinforce UKRAINE—DEFENSE capabilities by means of increasing THE—VOLUME—OF—MILITARY and technical aid.
20221004             —RECOMMENDED, THE—PRESIDENT also, THE—SUPREME—RADA speed up the process of passing relevant draft laws on THE—INTRODUCTION—OF—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—RUSSIA.
20221004             —REPORTED, Last —FRIDAY, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—ZELENSKYY, that new sanctions would be introduced against several 1000—RUSSIA—LEGAL entities and private individuals as well as against THE—ORGANIZERS—OF—THE—REFERENDUMS in THE—DONETSK and Lugansk PEOPLE—REPUBLICS, the Zaporozhye and KHERSON Regions.
20221004             —INDEED, He pointed out that the list was " extensive" and would include "rather famous names".
20221004             "Jeden —TAG versuchen wir es.
20221004             sagte die Außenministerin.
20221004             Vor dem Hintergrund der UKRAINISCHEN—OFFENSIVE hat PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY um das Vertrauen der Bevölkerung in den russisch besetzten Gebieten geworben".
20221004             RUSSISCHE—PROPAGANDISTEN schüchtern die Menschen in den noch von den Besatzern kontrollierten Gebieten ein, dass die UKRAINE angeblich fast jeden, der in den besetzten Gebieten bleibt, als Kollaborateure betrachten werde.
20221004             Absolut wirres Zeug", sagte ZELENSKYY in seiner täglichen Videoansprache.
20221004             Wer sich den Russen nicht angedient habe, habe nichts zu befürchten,
20221004             —BEREITET, Die EU—KOMMISSION, sich angesichts von UKRAINE—KRIEG und Energiekrise auf Stromausfälle und andere Notlagen auch innerhalb der Europäischen Union vor".
20221004             Es ist gut möglich, dass Katastrophenhilfe auch innerhalb der EU nötig wird",
20221004             Die UKRAINISCHE—FÜHRUNG hat sich 1—DEBATTE mit USA—UNTERNEHMER Elon Musk geliefert.
20221004             Dieser hatte bei Twitter eine vermeintliche Lösung für das ENDE—DES—RUSSISCH—UKRAINISCHEN—KRIEGES angeboten.
20221004             Demnach solle in den 4—VOM Kreml annektierten Gebieten unter Aufsicht der Vereinten Nationen neu abgestimmt werden.
20221004             RUSSLAND müsse die Gebiete verlassen, wenn es der Wille der Menschen sei.
20221004             Die UKRAINE werde dann neutral, schlug Musk vor.
20221004             Die 20140000             —VON—RUSSLAND annektierte Halbinsel Krim solle Moskau zugeschlagen werden.
20221004             Das Szenario sei im Gegensatz zu einem Atomkrieg "sehr wahrscheinlich".
20221004             Als 1. reagierte der BERATER—DES—PRÄSIDENTENBÜROS, Mychajlo Podljak: "Es gibt einen besseren Vorschlag",
20221004             schrieb er auf Twitter.
20221004             Demnach werde die UKRAINE ihr Territorium einschließlich der "annektierten Krim" komplett befreien.
20221004             —DEMILITARISIERT, RUSSLAND werde danach komplett, müsse seine Atomwaffen abgeben und "kann niemandem mehr drohen".
20221004             Die RUSSISCHEN—KRIEGSVERBRECHEN würden vor ein internationales Tribunal gebracht.
20221004             Später warfen auch ZELENSKYY und der UKRAINISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Dmytro Kuleba Musk mehr oder weniger deutlich vor, RUSSLAND zu unterstützen.
20221004             Später schrieb Musk auf Twitter, er unterstützte die UKRAINE noch IMMER—ER sei aber davon überzeugt, dass der Krieg der UKRAINE und der Welt schade.
20221004             —NACHDEM in Moskau die RUSSISCHE—STAATSDUMA —GESTERN die Annexion der besetzten UKRAINISCHEN—GEBIETE Cherson, Donezk, LUHANSK und Saporischschja ratifiziert hat und die Territorien mit neuen Gesetzten an sich binden will, gehen die Probleme an der Front für das RUSSISCHE—MILITÄR weiter.
20221004             Sowohl im Nordosten als auch im Süden der UKRAINE rückten die Kiewer Truppen weiter vor.
20221004             Die gestiegenen ENERGIE—UND Lebensmittelpreise in DEUTSCHLAND können nach ANGABEN—DES—BUNDESVERBRAUCHERSCHUTZMINISTERIUMS zu einem Anstieg der Privatinsolvenzen führen".
20221004             Wir sehen mit Sorge, dass die gestiegenen Preise auch die Überschuldungsrisiken insbesondere für einkommensschwächere Haushalte erhöhen können und auch Privatinsolvenzen zunehmen könnten",
20221004             NORDKOREA hat die Annexion Russlands von 4—BESETZTEN Regionen in der UKRAINE in einer Erklärung verteidigt.
20221004             Außenminister JO—CHOL—SU bezeichnete die "Referenden" über den Beitritt als legitim und "im Einklang mit der UN—CHARTA",
20221004             wie die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur KCNA berichtete.
20221004             Eine überwältigende MEHRHEIT—DER—WÄHLER habe sich für den Anschluss an RUSSLAND ausgesprochen",
20221004             sagte Jo. NORDKOREA ist 1—VERBÜNDETER—RUSSLANDS.
20221004             Der RUSSISCHE—STAAT ist nach Ansicht BRITISCHER—MILITÄREXPERTEN nicht mehr in der Lage, ausreichend Ausrüstung und militärisches Training für eine große Zahl an Rekruten bereitzustellen.
20221004             1—ANZEICHEN dafür sei, dass der Einberufungszyklus —IN—DIESEM—JAHR einen —MONAT später als üblich beginnen solle, hieß es im täglichen Kurzbericht des BRITISCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS zum Krieg in der UKRAINE.
20221004             Das RUSSISCHE—OBERHAUS hat den Annexion der 4—UKRAINISCHEN—GEBIETE Donezk, LUHANSK, Cherson und Saporischschja zugestimmt.
20221004             —NUN muss das Annexionsdokument erneut vom RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN unterschrieben werden, damit der Prozess in RUSSLAND formal abgeschlossen ist.
20221004             —SEIT der Teilmobilmachung des RUSSISCHEN—MILITÄRS vor knapp —2—WOCHEN sind —BEREITS mehr als 200.000—RUSSISCHE—STAATSBÜRGER ins Nachbarland KASACHSTAN in Zentralasien eingereist.
20221004             Diese Zahl nannte Innenminister Marat Achmetdschanow der Staatsagentur Kazinform zufolge vor Journalisten.
20221004             Zu den Hintergründen sagte der MINISTER nichts.
20221004             "—GESTERN kamen mehr als 7000—BÜRGER Russlands in KASACHSTAN an, etwa 11.000—VERLIESSEN das Land",
20221004             "Wir sind nicht im Krieg, aber wir unterstützen die UKRAINE nach Kräften",
20221004             sagte Lauterbach.
20221004             Er hatte am Wochenende als 1. Kabinettsmitglied davon gesprochen, dass sich DEUTSCHLAND "im Krieg mit Putin" befinde.
20221004             Er benutzte die Formulierung in einer Reaktion auf den Vorschlag, einzelne NATO—STAATEN sollten RUSSLAND garantieren, dass die UKRAINE nicht in die Nato aufgenommen werde, um —VERHANDLUNGEN zur Beendigung des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEGS zu ermöglichen.
20221004             Die wirtschaftlichen Folgen des UKRAINE—KRIEGES dämpfen die Geschäfte der MASCHINEN—UND Anlagenbauer in DEUTSCHLAND.
20221004             Bereinigt um Preiserhöhungen (real) stagnierte der Auftragseingang —IM—AUGUST im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat, wie der Branchenverband VDMA mitteilte.
20221004             Aus dem Inland kamen real 6—PROZENT weniger Aufträge, die Bestellungen aus dem Ausland legten dagegen leicht um 2—PROZENT zu.
20221004             ANBETRACHT, von Lieferengpässen, Preissteigerungen und Unwägbarkeiten könne sich das Ergebnis allerdings mehr als sehen lassen,
20221004             Die Polizei hat —BISHER keine Beweise dafür, dass der BUNDESWEHR—TRUPPENÜBUNGSPLATZ im bayerischen Wildflecken mit Drohnen überflogen wurde".
20221004             Wir können nicht bestätigen, dass da Drohnen waren", sagte 1—POLIZEISPRECHER in Würzburg.
20221004             Vielmehr hätten sich EINIGE—ANGEBLICHE—DROHNENSICHTUNGEN als Rücklichter von Autos oder Lichter ziviler Flugzeuge entpuppt.
20221004             Die Produzentenpreise in der Industrie in der EURO—ZONE erhöhten sich —IM—AUGUST um 43,3 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat, wie das Statistikamt Eurostat mitteilte.
20221004             Von Reuters befragte Ökonomen hatten mit einem Anstieg von 43,1 Prozent gerechnet.
20221004             —IM—JULI lag das Plus bei 38,0 Prozent.
20221004             Allein im Energiebereich gab es —IM—AUGUST eine enorme Verteuerung im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat von 116,8 Prozent.
20221004             In der Statistik werden die Preise ab Fabriktor GEFÜHRT—ALSO bevor die Produkte weiterverarbeitet werden oder in den Handel kommen.
20221004             Die Teuerungsrate ist damit mittlerweile 5—MAL so hoch wie das Stabilitätsziel der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) von 2—PROZENT.
20221004             EZB—CHEFIN CHRISTINE—LAGARDE hat daher weitere Zinserhöhungen im Kampf gegen die ausufernde Inflation signalisiert.
20221004             Der geldpolitische Schlüsselsatz liegt —DERZEIT bei 1,25 Prozent.
20221004             Die neuen Sanktionen der 7—FÜHRENDEN Industriestaaten (G7) gegen RUSSLAND werden sich dem USA—FINANZMINISTERIUM —ZUNÄCHST auf Rohöl, später auch auf Diesel und andere Produkte konzentrieren.
20221004             Der Preis, zu dem die RUSSISCHEN—ÖLVERKÄUFE gedeckelt werden sollen, sei noch nicht festgelegt worden,
20221004             Die Stadt Kiew stattet Evakuierungszentren in der UKRAINISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—MIT—JODTABLETTEN für den Fall eines Atomwaffenangriffs aus.
20221004             In der UKRAINE sind —VERHANDLUNGEN mit dem RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN verboten per Gesetz worden.
20221004             KREML—SPRECHER Dmitry Peskov reagierte auf das Dekret mit den Worten, die "SPEZIAL—MISSION" werde nicht enden, wenn Kiew Gespräche ausschließe. Peskov sagte, zu —VERHANDLUNGEN gehörten 2—SEITEN.
20221004             Außerdem fügte der KREML—SPRECHER hinzu, man werde entweder darauf warten, dass der gegenwärtige PRÄSIDENT—DER—UKRAINE seine Meinung ändere oder darauf, dass es der "nächste PRÄSIDENT" tue - "im Interesse des UKRAINISCHEN—VOLKES".
20221004             Im Zuge der Teilmobilmachung in RUSSLAND sind nach ANGABEN—VON—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER—SERGEJ—SCHOIGU —BEREITS mehr als 200.000—MENSCHEN eingezogen worden".
20221004             Die Ausbildung erfolgt auf 80—ÜBUNGSPLÄTZEN und in 6—AUSBILDUNGSZENTREN",
20221004             Nach Schoigus Darstellung haben sich VIELE—FREIWILLIGE gemeldet.
20221004             Zahlen nannte er nicht.
20221004             Es sollte niemand abgelehnt werden, "wenn es keine schwerwiegenden Gründe gibt".
20221004             —BEENDET, Wehrpflichtige, die ihre Dienstzeit, haben, sollten zudem nach Hause zurückkehren.
20221004—20220224    —SEIT—DEM, Jeden —TAG bekniet einer der über 190—STAATEN der Welt oder eine internationale Organisation im Auftrag der Weltgemeinschaft den RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN, das Bomben einzustellen",
20221004—20220921    —SEIT—DEM, hätten 147.000—RUSSEN die EX—SOWJETREPUBLIK aber wieder verlassen.