_HEUTE_1003 :

03821003             Der OST—RÖMER—KAISER—THEODOSIUS—I. schließt 1—VERTRAG mit den über die Donau geflüchteten GOTEN, der diese zu RÖMER—FOEDERATI macht.
03821003             —IM—TAUSCH—GEGEN—WAFFEN—DIENST erhalten die WEST—GOTEN Unterhalts—zahlungen
03821003             —IM—TAUSCH—GEGEN—WAFFEN—DIENST der WEST—GOTEN WAFFEN—DIENST Gegen leisten
08181003             † IRMINGARD—VON—HESPENGAU, fränkische Adelige, 1. oo Ludwig—der—Fromme
09591003             † GÉRARD—DE—BROGNE, FRANZÖSISCHER—ABT, Kloster—reformer und Heiliger
09991003             † ERPO—BISCHOF—VON—WORMS
10781003             † ISJASLAW—I—GROSS—FÜRST—VON—KIEW
11041003             which confirmed THE—DONATION—TO—KLOSTER—STABLO made by "RIGOLDUS—DE—ALFUNZA"
11041003             —URKUNDE—VOM, "...Herimanno—Salmucensi comite et fratre EIUS—OTTONE" subscribed, which confirmed THE—DONATION—TO—KLOSTER—STABLO made by "RIGOLDUS—DE—ALFUNZA"
11571003             ALBRECHT—DER—BÄR nennt sich in 1—URKUNDE erstmals selbst MARK—GRAF—VON—BRANDENBURG.
11601003             † ADALGOTT—BISCHOF—VON—CHUR
11741003             † HEINRICH—I—BISCHOF—VON—GURK
12261003             † FRANZ—VON—ASSISI, ITALIENISCHER—ORDENSSTIFTER der Minderen Brüder, Mitbegründer der Klarissen und Mystiker
12261003—12261004    —SEE
12261003—12280000    —CANONIZED, S—FRANCIS—OF—ASSISI was, and
12261003—19830000    —PREMIERED, OLIVIER—MESSIAEN, his opera "S—FRANCIS—DE—ASSISE".
12261003—20010000    —AUTHORED, ADRIAN—HOUSE, "FRANCIS—OF—ASSISI: 1—REVOLUTIONARY—LIFE;" Valerie Martin authored "Salvation: Scenes From the Life of S—FRANCIS".
12261003—20020000    —AUTHORED, DONALD—SPOTO, "Reluctant Saint: THE—LIFE—OF—FRANCIS—OF—ASSISI".
12471003             WILHELM—VON—HOLLAND—GEGEN—KÖNIG.wird
12471003             —NUN, WURDE AM, GRAF—WILHELM—VON—HOLLAND—ALS—GEGEN—KÖNIG von einigen BISCHOFEn erwählt,
12471003             GRAF—WILHELM—VON—HOLLAND—ALS—GEGEN—KÖNIG hatte aber so geringes Ansehen und besaß von Haus aus so wenig Mittel, daß
12471003             GRAF—WILHELM—VON—HOLLAND—ALS—GEGEN—KÖNIG von den Beiträgen der Geistlichen unterhalten wurde,
12741003             † HERMANN—III—HERR—ZUR—LIPPE
13251003—13260101    —USQUE—AD, qua fuit scriptus, 8—FLORENI—PRO—EQUO et 2—FLORENI—PRO—RONCINO: 26—FLORENI 6—S.
13591003             † LEVOLD—VON—NORTHOF—DOMHERR—ZU—LÜTTICH und Geschichtsschreiber
13681003—13681008    —VOM—BIS—ZUM, NUR WENIGE —TAGE verweilte zu PISA KAISER—KARL—IV. selbst aber und
13750816—13761003    ARNDT—VON—EILER
13791003             "CLEMENS—ARNOLDO—DE—HOORN electo TRAIECTENSIS mandat ut ab HEYDENrieo electo MONASTERIENSI exigat et recipiat SUMMAM—3000 ^ quam ratione communis servitii^ necnon stmmam 60—FLORENORUM—AURI^ quam pro expeditione BULLAe debet.
13801003             † KARDINALAGAPITO—COLONNA—BISCHOF—VON—LISSABON  der katholischen KIRCHE
14301003             —JEWS—EXPELLED—FROM—EGER—BOHEMIA.
14521003             —NEL, volume cxlii delle Riformagioni sotto la data si ricorda con gratitudine la parte presa in quella MUTAZIONE—DI—COSE dai CONTI—DI—PITIGLIANO, i quali ebbero perciò il seguente decreto:
14521003             Actentis laudabilibus portamentis et optimis operibus nobilium Comitum de Pitigliano cum hominibus suis factis in recuperando statum presentis Regiminis HUIUS—CIVITATIS et ipsum
14521003             introducendo cum M. CORRADO, nullis parcendo laboribus, neque obviando periculis, et propterea ne presens status regens
14521003             videatur totaliter vitium ingratitudinis incurrere, benefitia non obliviscenda videretur predictis dd.
14521003             Conss. ut in aliqualem cognitionem et remunerationem dictorum benefitiorum prò presenti, dicti Mm.
14521003             COMITES c - um dictis hominibus suis fierent immunes et exempti omni solùtione gabelle pedagii HUIUS—CIVITATIS (e. 103—T), de fructibus et redditibus,
14521003             quos colligunt in tenimentis castrorum Pitigliani et Sorani et non de aliis "(v. 104—T).
14571003—14581206    Questo ultimo alinea trovasi senza titolo a e. 53 1. DELLA—DATA, IN—MARGINE si legge: rehabiti sunt —DIE.
14581003             * KASIMIR—VON—POLEN, polnischer und LITAUISCHER—NATIONALHEILIGER
14610304—14701003    —UNTIL, HENRY—VI was deposed and THE—DUKE—OF—YORK was proclaimed AS—EDWARD—IV—KING—OF— and continued as KING—OF—ENGLAND.
14610304—14701003    —DEPOSED, HENRY—VI—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND was, and THE—DUKE—OF—YORK was proclaimed EDWARD—IV—KING—OF—ENGLAND and
14610304—14701003    —UNTIL, continued as EDWARD—IV—KING—OF—ENGLAND.
14691003             1—LETTER recommending SELLYNG and his companion GOLDSTONE was issued by THE—PRIOR—OF—CHRIST—CHURCH on, and is in LITERAE—CANTUARIENSES—VOLUME—III, PAGINAE 244—5.
14691003             —DISCLOSED, MELLINI his kindness to SELLYNG, GOLDSTONE is, by THE—FRATERNITY—LETTER granted by CHRIST—CHURCH to him and printed in BALZANI—OPUS—CIT.
14691003             SEITE—208.
14691003             —AM, MELLINI his relations with ENGLAND
14840304—14581003    † * S—CASIMIR, in Cracow.
14991003             OBSÈQUES—DU—KARDINAL—DE—S—DENYS.
15031003             N. S—HA dato principio alla bonificazione delle VALLI—DI—RAVENNA secondo il mio disegno et MESSER—ORATIO mio fratello n" ha la cura —FU—DE— * IL—MESE—DI A (')
15031003             —FU—D—ALLI, IL—SIGNORE—DUCA d"* URBINO andò a FIRENZE a visitare il GRAN—DUCA—DI—TOSCANA
15131003             † ANTON—KOBERGER, DEUTSCHER—BUCHDRUCKER, Verleger und Buchhändler der Inkunabelzeit
15161003             —AM, leistete JOHANN—II—VON—FÜRSTENBERG dem —ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN den TREUE—EID als ABT
15281003             —TREATY—OF—GORCUM
15291001—15291003    MARTIN—LUTHER met with HULDRYCH—ZWINGLI.
15321003             † ALFONSO—DE—VALDÉS, SPANISCHER—HUMANIST, Sekretär und Politiker
15421003             des KAISER—FELD—HERR—GENERAL—PRINZ—RENATUS—VON—ORANIEN—NASSAU, eindringt in die JÜLICH—Lande.
15441003             † PHILIPP—VON—SOLMS—LICH, kaiserlicher und kurfürstlicher RAT—GRAF—VON—SOLMS zu Lich
15521003             IWAN—DER—SCHRECKLICHE—TRUPPEN erobern die STADT—KASAN und
15521003             IWAN—DER—SCHRECKLICHE—TRUPPEN einverleiben das gleichnamige KHANAT—KASAN dem noch jungen RUSSISCHEN—STAAT.
15521003             Mit dem KHANAT—KASAN—FALL ist der Weg frei für die RUSSISCHE—EXPANSION nach Sibirien.
15541003             * FULKE—GREVILLE—BARON—BROOKE, 1., ENGLISCHER—STAATSMANN und Schriftsteller
15561003             † BERNHARD—VON—HAGEN, Priester und Generalvikar in Köln
15641003             † CHRISTOPHORUS—FABRITIUS[CHRISTOFFEL—SMIT], Calvinist vicar, was burned at the stake.
15691003             —VICTOIRE catholique à Moncontour.
15691003             —SCHLACHT—BEI—MONCONTOUR im - 3. Hugenottenkrieg
15691003             —ERLEIDEN die Hugenotten unter ihrem FELDHERR—ADMIRAL—COLIGNY 1—SCHWERE Niederlage gegen die katholische Seite.
15741003—15740525    —SEIT—DEM, Im Achtzigjährigen Krieg gelingt es den GEUSEN, die von den Spaniern belagerte STADT—LEIDEN durch Fluten der umliegenden Polder zu befreien.
15841003             * MICHAEL—WOLF, DEUTSCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Physiker, Logiker und Metaphysiker
15901003             * ANNA—VON—CROŸ, geborene HERZOGIN—VON—POMMERN, letzte Angehörige des Greifengeschlechts
15911003             † VINCENZO—CAMPI, ITALIENISCHER—MALER, Architekt und Kosmograph
15951003             Cambrai capitule devant LES—ESPAGNOLS.
15981003             * LAURIDS—PEDERSEN—THURA, DÄNISCHER—ORIENTALIST, Pädagoge und Pfarrer
16091003             * JOHN—CLARKE, ENGLISCHER—ARZT, Baptistenprediger und Politiker
16141003             * SIGMUND—VON—ERLACH, GENERAL in der Alten Eidgenossenschaft
16221003             KAISER—FERDINAND—II. erhebt die Altdorfer Akademie in Altdorf bei Nürnberg zur UNIVERSITÄT—DER—FREIEN—REICHSSTADT—NÜRNBERG.
16291003             † PAOLO—AGOSTINI, ITALIENISCHER—ORGANIST, Kapellmeister und Komponist
16311003             * SEBASTIAN—ANTON—SCHERER, DEUTSCHER—ORGANIST und Komponist
16491003             † GIOVANNI—DIODATI, reformierter Theologe und Bibelübersetzer
16501003             —DECLARED, THE—ENGLAND—PARLIAMENT, its rule over the fledgling USA—COLONIES.
16531003             † ACHATIUS—VON—QUITZOW, Mitglied der Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft
16561003             † MYLES—STANDISH, PLYMOUTH COLONY—LEADER, (birth date unknown).
16561003             Der begehrte Schutz der Privilegien der Clevischen Stände und die Sauveguarde gegen die Condd'schen Völker wird gegen 1—GELD—SUMME gewährt.]
16561003             DER—RATS—PENSIONÄR—VON—HOLLAND—RAPPORTIERT die "consideratien ende 't advis" der Committirten über der RITTERSCHAFT—BESCHWERDEN und Städte von CLEVE über die Eintreibung nichtbewilligter KONTRIBUTIONEN,
16561003             über ohne ihre Zustimmung geschehene Werbungen und Einquartierungen und über die drohende Invasion CONDÉ'scher und anderer fremder Fussvölker, wogegen sie bei den GENERAL—STAATEN als ihrer Schutzmacht um Hilfe bitten.
16561003             wird beschlossen, die Clevischen Stände dem GARANTIE—VERTRAG gemäss bei ihren Privilegien und Rechten zu schützen und die drohende Invasion CONDÉ—BETREFFEND bei DER—GENERALITÄT zu beantragen, daß sie sich bereit erkläre:
16561003             "de voors.
16561003             Lande (CLEVE) ende de goede ingesetenen VAN dien met levendige sauveguarde ende andersints naer vereijsch VAN saecken crachtelick te sullen protegeren ende bevrijden vaii alle inlegeriugen ende foules VAN vremde Crijchsvolckeren VAN eenen ijgelijck,
16561003             wie ofte hoedanigh deselve oock soude mögen wesen, mits dat bij de gemelte Stenden daer vooren successivelijck aen H. H. M. opgebracht
16561003             —ENDE gefurneert werde een goede somme VAN pennigen (100.000—REICHS—TALER ofte 80.000—REICHS—TALER),
16561003             —ENDE, dat daer over gepasseert werde bondige ende onverbreeckelijcke verbintenisse in der bester forme".
16561003—16560928    —NACHDEM, man die Eingabe WEIMANN—UND—COPES'
16561003—16560928    —VOM, in Betracht gezogen und die RetroACTEN eingesehen,
16571003             † KARDINAL—MORITZ—VON—SAVOYEN, der ROM—KIRCHE
16721003             —DATUM—BODEGRAVE   >
16721003             DIE—HAUPT—ARMEE muss in WEST—FALEN agiren.]  Lunae, st. n. haben des HERRn Prinzen von ;;1003;;
16721003             * FRIEDRICH—GOTTLIEB—KETTNER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Kirchenhistoriker
16741003             * GIAMPIETRO—ZANOTTI, ITALIENISCHER—MALER, Radierer, Dichter und Kunsthistoriker
16911003             —TRAITÉ—DE—LIMERICK mettant FIN—À—LA—GUERRE en IRLANDe.
16931003             * HERMANN—POST, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und der 1. hauptamtliche bremische Staatsarchivar
16991003             * MORITZ—ULRICH—I—GRAF—UND—HERR—ZU—PUTBUS, Freiherr zu Einsidelsborg, Kjørup und Boldewitz sowie PRÄSIDENT—DES—WISMARER—TRIBUNALS
16991003             † NIKOLAUS—ALARD, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17031003             † ALESSANDRO—MELANI, ITALIENISCHER—KOMPONIST, Sänger und Kapellmeister
17081003             * FRANS—BURMAN, niederländischer reformierter Theologe
17131003             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—FLATTICH, deutscher evangelischer Pfarrer und Erzieher
17141003             * NICOLAS—DUPONT, lothringischer Orgelbauer
17281003             * Charles G Chevalier d'Eon de BEAUMONT, FRANCE—DUELIST, spy and transvestite.
17311003             † GEORG—HEINRICH—BOSE, Leipziger Handelsherr
17351003             —MESURE—DU—MÉRIDIEN par LA—CONDAMINE - Les Indes galantes de Rameau
17351003             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—FRITZE, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Hochschullehrer
17351003—17381108    —AM, Des Präliminarfrieden Bestimmungen treten jedoch —ERST durch den —FRIEDE—VON—WIEN in Kraft.
17371003             † ADOLF—VON—DALBERG, Fürstabt von Fulda
17381003             * JACQUES—GAMELIN, FRANZÖSISCHER—MALER, Zeichner, Kupferstecher und Radierer des Frühklassizismus
17391003             —TREATY—WITH—THE—TURKS, SIGNED—RUSSIA, ending a —3—YEAR—CONFLICT between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
17391003—17360000    —SEIT, Der VERTRAG—VON—NISSA beendet den anhaltenden Krieg zwischen RUSSLAND und dem OSMANEN—REICH.
17431003             † GEORG—ADAM—OSTERTAG, Scharfrichter und Wasenmeister in Wimpfen und in Orten des RITTERKANTON—KRAICHGAU
17471003             † JOHANN—GRIMM, Berner Maler
17501003             † MATTHIAS—GEORG—MONN, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—KOMPONIST, Organist und Musikpädagoge der Wiener Vorklassik
17551003             * ILDEFONS—VON—ARX, SCHWEIZERISCHER—MÖNCH und Historiker
17571003             * AMALIE—TISCHBEIN, DEUTSCHE—ZEICHNERIN, Miniaturmalerin und Radiererin
17571003             † GEORG—ABBT, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
17611003             † JOHANN—ADOLPH—VON—AHLEFELDT, Gutsherr der Güter Buckhagen, Giffelfeldt, Raskenberg und Priesholz
17621003             In der MARIÄ—ENTSCHLAFENS—KATHEDRALE—MOSKAU wird KATHARINA—II. zur ZARIN gekrönt.
17761003             —BORROWED, Congress, 5—MILLION—DOLLARS to halt the rapid DEPRECIATION—OF—PAPER—MONEY in the colonies.
17781003             —ANCHORED, CAPTAIN—COOK, off ALASKA.
17871003             —AM, JOHANN—SPEYART—VON—WOERDEN Seine Wahl zum ABT erfolgte
17891003             LES—PARISIENS exigent le renvoi immédiat du RÉGIMENT—DE—FLANDRE[FLANDERN,FLANDRES,VLANDRES])
17891003             Ces événements portés à la connaissance des PARISiens (
17891003             LES—PARISIENS mettent le feu aux poudres
17891003             wurden dem LETZTER ABT—JOHANN—SPEYART—VON—WOERDEN,
17891003             seitens des GENERAL—VIKAR gewisse Vorschußlorbeeren zuteil.
17891003             an des LETZTER ABT—JOHANN—SPEYART—VON—WOERDEN einwandfreien MÖNCHischen Haltung wurde nicht gezweifelt;
17891003             unter den gegebenen Umständen fast noch wichtiger war es, daß
17891003             —PROCLAIMED, GEORGE—WASHINGTON, the 1. national Thanksgiving —DAY to be 17891126             .
17891003—17891126    1. national Thanksgiving —DAY to be, PROCLAIMED, GEORGE—WASHINGTON, the.
17901003             Although CHIEF—OF—THE—UNITED—CHEROKEE—NATION—JOHN—ROSS his father was Scottish and his mother only part Cherokee,
17901003             —NAMED, CHIEF—OF—THE—UNITED—CHEROKEE—NATION—JOHN—ROSS was, TSAN—USDI (Little John) and raised in the Cherokee tradition.
17901003             1 settled people with successful farms, strong schools, and 1—REPRESENTATIVE—GOVERNMENT, the Cherokee resided on 43,000 square MILES—OF—LAND they had held —FOR—CENTURIES.
17941003             * HERMAN—JOHAN—ROYAARDS niederländischer reformierter Theologe und Kirchenhistoriker
17941003             —SCHLACHT—BEI—ALDENHOVEN
17941003             —FÄLLT die Festung JÜLICH im 1. Koalitionskrieg an die Franzosen.
18001003             * GEORGE—BANCROFT, historian, known as the "FATHER—OF—USA—HISTORY" for his 10-volume 1—HISTORY—OF—THE—USA.
18041003             * ALLAN—KARDEC, FRANZÖSISCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Spiritist
18131003             * MORITZ—WAGNER, DEUTSCHER—REISENDER, Geograf und Naturforscher
18131003             —SCHLACHT—BEI—WARTENBURG während der Befreiungskriege
18131003             —GELINGT 1—PREUSSEN—KORPS der Übergang über die Elbe und damit 1—BEDROHUNG—DER—NORDFLANKE der in SACHSEN befindlichen FRANZÖSISCHEN—TRUPPEN NAPOLEON—BONAPARTES.
18141003—18410000    * † MIKHAIL—YUREVICH—LERMONTOV, RUSSIA—POET and writer (Demon).
18151003             * GEORG—JULIUS—ANDRESEN, DEUTSCHER—AUTOR, Mediziner und Hydrotherapeut
18171003             * JOHANNES—SCHERR, DEUTSCHER—KULTURHISTORIKER und Schriftsteller
18201003             † LUDOVIT—VÁCLAV—LACHNIT, TSCHECHISCHER—HORNIST und Komponist
18240329—19641003    —CHANGED, With effect —AFTER the merger with TWENTSCHE—BANK—NTS, her name to ALGEMENE—BANK—NEDERLAND[ABN—BANK].
18240329—19641003    —FROM, NEDERLANDSCHE—HANDEL—MAATSCHAPPIJ[NETHERLANDS—TRADING—SOCIETY,NTS] was established by ROYAL—DECREE—OF—KING—WILLEM—I—WITH effect —AFTER the merger with Twentsche Bank, NTS changed her name to Algemene BANK—NEDERLAND (ABN Bank).
18261003             † JENS—IMMANUEL—BAGGESEN, DÄNISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Übersetzer und Anhänger der Aufklärung sowie der FRANZÖSISCHEN—REVOLUTION
18271003             † FRANZ—MICHAEL—VIERTHALER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Schulreformer, Schriftsteller und Journalist
18340000—18961003    * † WILLIAM—MORRIS, ENGLAND—ARTIST and writer.
18351003             Der Zuckerbäcker WILHELM—FELSCHE eröffnet auf dem Augustusplatz in LEIPZIG das CAFÉ—FRANÇAIS mit angeschlossenem Verkaufsraum.
18351003             JOHANN—SEBASTIAN—STAEDTLER gründet in Nürnberg 1—FABRIK, um Bleistifte herzustellen.
18361003             * JEAN—EDOUARD—BARDE, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18371003             * MAX—WAECHTER, BRITISCHER—KAUFMANN und Philanthrop
18381003             † BLACK—HAWK, Häuptling der SAUK—INDIANER und FOX—INDIANER
18471003             * EDUARD—RICHTER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—GEOGRAF, Historiker, Gletscherforscher und Alpinist
18481003             —BEGINNT, MAINZ, die Generalversammlung des katholischen Vereins Deutschlands, der 1. Katholikentag.
18541003             —DEPARTED, S—FRANCISCO—BUSINESSMAN—HARRY—MEIGGS, SF aboard the bark AMERICA with his family —AFTER embezzling $800,000 from the city to cover debts.
18541003             S—FRANCISCO—BUSINESSMAN—HARRY—MEIGGS took refuge in CHILE where he built 1—RAILROAD between SANTIAGO and VALPARAISO.
18541003             * HERMANN—VON—STRUVE, DEUTSCH—BALTISCHER Astronom und Mathematiker
18541003—19200000    —HELPED, WILLIAM—CRAWFORD—GORGAS, cure yellow fever.
18541003—19200000    —SERVED, WILLIAM—CRAWFORD—GORGAS, as THE—CHIEF sanitary officer of THE—PANAMA—CANAL (19040000—19130000    ).
18571003             Die Uraufführung der Oper Maître Griffard von Léo Delibes findet am THÉÂTRE—LYRIQUE in PARIS statt.
18601003             * ANNIE—HORNIMAN, BRITISCHE—THEATERLEITERIN und Okkultistin
18601003             * SIRO—BORRANI, SCHWEIZER—RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Geistlicher und Kirchenhistoriker
18611003             Im AMERIKANISCHEN—BÜRGERKRIEG kommt es im westlichen VIRGINIA zum Gefecht am Greenbrier River, das ohne —ENTSCHEIDUNG endet.
18631003             —DECLARED, USA—PRESIDENT—LINCOLN, the last —THURSDAY—IN—NOVEMBER, Thanksgiving —DAY.
18631003             Credit for establishing Thanksgiving as 1—NATIONAL—HOLIDAY is usually given to SARAH—J—HALE, EDITOR—AND—FOUNDER—OF—THE—LADIES'—MAGAZINE in BOSTON.
18631003             Her editorials in the magazine and letters to USA—PRESIDENT—LINCOLN urging the formal establishment of 1—NATIONAL—HOLIDAY—OF Thanksgiving resulted in LINCOLN—PROCLAMATION, which designated the last —THURSDAY—OF—NOVEMBER as Thanksgiving —DAY.
18631003             Thanksgiving wird von USA—PRÄSIDENT—ABRAHAM—LINCOLN als nationaler Feiertag auf den 4. —DONNERSTAG—IM—NOVEMBER festgelegt.
18631003—19390000    —FOLLOWED, —LATER presidents, this example, with the exception of FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT, who proclaimed Thanksgiving —DAY —1—WEEK—EARLIER--on the 4., not the last, —THURSDAY—OF—NOVEMBER--in effort to encourage more holiday shopping.
18631003—19410000    —ADOPTED, Congress, 1—JOINT—RESOLUTION, permanently setting the date of Thanksgiving on the 4. —THURSDAY—OF—NOVEMBER.
18631126             The 1. of our modern annual Thanksgivings was held —FOLLOWING 18631003             —THE—PROCLAMATION—OF—PRESIDENT—LINCOLN to assign the last —THURSDAY in Nov for this purpose.
18661003             —FRIEDE—VON—WIEN zwischen ITALIEN und dem KAISERTUM—ÖSTERREICH
18661003             —BEENDET den DEUTSCHEN—KRIEG und gleichzeitig den 3. ITALIENISCHEN—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSKRIEG.
18661003             ÖSTERREICH muss VENETIEN an ITALIEN abtreten, somit rückt die nationale Einigung Italiens wieder 1—SCHRITT näher.
18661003             262—PASSAGIERE und Besatzungsmitglieder sterben.
18661003             —ANNEKTIERT, Preußen, Gemäß der Vereinbarungen im PRAGER—FRIEDEN, das im DEUTSCHEN—KRIEG besetzte KÖNIGREICH—HANNOVER.
18671003             † ELIAS—HOWE, 1—OF—THE—INVENTORS of the sewing machine.
18671003—19250000    —PAINTED, He oo Marthe de Meligny and —DURING his life, some 384—IMAGES—OF—HER.
18671003—19470000    * † PIERRE—BONNARD, FRANCE—PAINTER and illustrator.
18671003—19470000    PIERRE—BONNARD wrote that he wanted to "show what 1—SEES —WHEN 1—ENTERS 1—ROOM—ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN".
18671003—19980000    —PUBLISHED, JOHN—ELDERFIELD and SARAH—WHITFIELD, "Bonnard".
18691003             * ALFRED—FLATOW, DEUTSCHER—ATHLET
18711003             * DAMIAN—BUCK, SCHWEIZER—BENEDIKTINERPATER, Naturforscher und Pädagoge
18741003             * RENÉ—GUISAN, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18831003             * FRITZ—ARNOLD, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18831003             —AM Neuen FRIEDRICH—WILHELMSTÄDTISCHEN—THEATER in BERLIN wird —1—NACHT in Venedig von JOHANN—STRAUSS (Sohn) uraufgeführt.
18831003             Die Operette mit den Texten von FRIEDRICH—ZELL und RICHARD—GENÉE fällt bei Publikum und Kritik gleichermaßen durch.
18831003             —ERST 1—ÜBERARBEITETEN Version, die im Theater an der WIEN 18831009             —AM Premiere hat, ist Erfolg beschieden.
18831003             † LOUISE—VON—BOSE, DEUTSCHE—WOHLTÄTERIN und Förderin von Kunst und Wissenschaft
18841003             Das DÄNISCHE—SCHLOSS—CHRISTIANSBORG—KOPENHAGEN wird durch 1—FEUER zerstört.
18841003             † HANS—MAKART, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—MALER und Dekorationskünstler
18891003             * CARL—VON—OSSIETZKY, DEUTSCHER—JOURNALIST, Schriftsteller und Pazifist, Friedensnobelpreisträger
18931003             Der Angriff von 6.000—RIF—KRIEGERN umliegender Berberstämme auf die SPANISCHE—BESITZUNG—MELILLA bildet den Auftakt zum Rifkrieg.
18931003             Nach ENDE—DES—FRANZÖSISCH—SIAMESISCHEN Krieges schließen die 2—STAATEN 1—VERTRAG, in dem Siam seine östlich des Mekong gelegenen Gebiete (das heutige LAOS) an FRANZÖSISCH—INDOCHINA abtritt.
18931003             † EDWIN—NIL, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
18961003             "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful of believe to be beautiful".
18961003             † WILLIAM—MORRIS, 1—DER—GRÜNDER—DES—BRITISCHEN—ARTS and Crafts Movement
18961003—19950000    —AUTHORED, Fiona MacCarthy, the biography: "WILLIAM—MORRIS".
18971003—18971009    Für die STREIKenden HAMBURGer —ARBEITER sammelt DIE—PARTEI—CA—1.600.000—MARK.
18971003—18971009    SPD—PARTEI—TAG—IN—HAMBURG.
18971003—18971009    186—DELEGIERTE.
18971003—18971009    Maifeier 18980000             (H. Foerster);
18971003—18971009    —DER—PARTEI—TAG verabschiedet 1—LANGEN Katalog von Bedingungen, die die Kandidaten BÜRGERlicher Parteien akzeptieren müssen, wenn sie in den REICHS—TAGSSTICHWAHLEN UNTERSTÜTZUNG—VON—DEN—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN erhalten wollen.
18971003—18971009    Diese Bedingungen werden
18971003—18971009    —NACH, langen Diskussionen vor und auf dem PARTEI—TAG über die Beteiligung an den PREUSSISCHEN—LAND—TAGS—WAHLEN, hebt —DER—PARTEI—TAG den KÖLNer Beschluß (18930000             ) auf.
18971003—18971009    Die Beteiligung an den nächsten PREUSSISCHEN—LAND—TAGS—WAHLEN sei überall geboten, wo die —VERHÄLTNISSE 1—SOLCHE den PARTEI—GENOSSEN ermöglichen.
18971003—18971009    Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG hierüber wird den Mitgliedern der einzelnen WAHL—KREISE überlassen.
18971003—18971009    Unter den ländlichen ARBEITern soll für Abschaffung der Gesindeordnung und sonstiger Ausnahmebestimmungen, welche die LAND—ÖKONOMISCHEN —ARBEITER bedrücken, sowie für die Gleichstellung der ländlichen —ARBEITER mit den gewerblichen agitiert werden.
18971003—18971009    Organisatorisch wird die alte PARTEI—LEITUNG wieder hergestellt.
18971003—18971009    Bei 185—STIMMEN wird in den PARTEI—VORSTAND —AUGUST—BEBEL—184—), P. Singer (184), W. Pfannkuch (182), A. Gerisch (180) und L Auer (175), als Kontrolleure H. Meister (144), A. Kaden (120), C. OERTEL (95), CLARA—ZETKIN (89), H. Koenen (82), E. Dubber (81) und Th.
18971003—18971009    METZner (76) gewählt.
18971003—18971009    SPD—PARTEI—TAG—IN—STUTTGART—MAIFEIER 18990000             (W. Pfannkuch);
18971003—18971009    —ERNEUT, überläßt es —DER—PARTEI—TAG den PARTEI—MITGLIEDERN in den einzelnen WAHL—KREISEN zu entscheiden, ob sie sich an den kommenden LAND—TAGS—WAHLEN—IN—PREUßEN beteiligen wollen.
18971003—18971009    —REFORMBED, Die BERGGESETZ—GEBUNG sei dringend ürftig.
18971003—18971009    —GEBOTEN, Bei der Erneuerung der HANDELS—VERTRÄGE sei es, jeden Schritt im Sinne der Verkehrsfreiheit zu unterstützen.
18971003—18971009    Bei 202—GÜLTIGE—STIMMEN wird —AUGUST—BEBEL—201—), P. Singer (199), I. AUER (202), W. Pfannkuch (199), A. Gerisch (200) in den Vorstand gewählt.
18971003—18971009    Die SCHUTZ—ZOLL—POLITIK wird als unvereinbar mit des PROLETARIAT—INTERESSEN, der Konsumenten und der ökonomischen und politischen ENTWICKLUNG—DES—LANDES erklärt.
18971003—18971009    LANDE—ENTWICKLUNG
18971003—18971009    MITGLIEDER—DER—KONTROLL—KOMMISSION bei 189—GÜLTIGE—STIMMEN wird: H. Meister (173), A. Kaden (122), H. Koenen (113), Th.
18971003—18971009    METZner (112), C. OERTEL, (81), F. Brühne (80) und CLARA—ZETKIN (79).
18971003—18971009    —GEBOTEN, Bei der Erneuerung der HANDELS—VERTRÄGE sei es
18971003—18971009    —IM—ANSCHLUß—AN, die Veröffentlichung DER—ARTIKELSERIE "PROBLEME—DES—SOZIALISMUS" in "DIE—NEUE—ZEIT" werden EDUARD—BERNSTEINS—THESEN diskutiert.
18971003—18971009    SOZIALISMU—PROBLEME
18981003             * ADOLF—REICHWEIN, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Politiker, Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus
18991003             J.S. Thurman patented a MOTOR—DRIVEN vacuum cleaner.
19001003             Das Oratorium THE—DREAM—OF—GERONTIUS—VON—EDWARD—ELGAR wird in BIRMINGHAM uraufgeführt.
19001003—19380000    * † THOMAS—WOLFE, USA—AUTHOR (Look Homeward Angel).
19001003—19380000    "All youth is bound to be 'misspent'; there is something in its very nature that makes it so, and that is why all men regret it".
19001003—19380000    "Loneliness... is and always has been the central and inevitable EXPERIENCE—OF—EVERY—MAN".--From "You Can't Go Home Again".
19011003             * SERGEI—IWANOWITSCH—TJULPANOW, sowjetischer Offizier und Gesellschaftswissenschaftler
19011003             WILHELM—KRESS unternimmt seinen Flugversuch mit 1—WASSER—FLUGZEUG am Wienerwaldsee.
19021003             USA—PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT met with miners and coal field operators in 1—ATTEMPT to settle the anthracite coal strike, then in its 5. —MONTH.
19021003             —RELIED, The country, on coal to power commerce and industry and anthracite or "hard coal" was essential for domestic heating.
19021003             PENNSYLVANIA miners had left the anthracite fields demanding wage increases, union recognition, and an —8—HOUR workday.
19021003             —APPROACHED, As —WINTER, public anxiety about fuel shortages and the rising cost of all coal pushed ROOSEVELT to take unprecedented action.
19021003             —FAILED, The meeting, to resolve differences.
19021003             1—PRESIDENTIAL—COMMISSION awarded the workers a 10% wage increase and 1—SHORTER—WORK—WEEK.
19021003             USA—PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT had to meet with miners + coal field BARONS in 1—ATTEMPT to settle the anthracite coal strike,
19021003—19021023    —ON, 19020512             —SEE J—P—MORGAN came up with 1—COMPROMISE proposal that provided for arbitration and the miners returned to work.
19031003             KAISER—FRANZ—JOSEPH—I. und ZAR—NIKOLAUS—II. einigen sich im Jagdschloss Mürzsteg vertraglich, für Ruhe auf dem Balkan zu sorgen.
19031003             Die —NACH—DEM Berliner Kongress aufgebaute Verwaltung ÖSTERREICH—UNGARNS in BOSNIEN—UND—HERZEGOWINA erregt den Unwillen der Bevölkerung.
19031204             * ALFRED—LESLIE—ROWSE (d. 19971003             ), Shakespeare scholar and authority on Tudor ENGLAND, in S—AUSTELL, ENGLAND.
19041003             HENDRIK—WITBOOI, Kapitän der in der Kolonie DEUTSCH—SÜDWESTAFRIKA siedelnden Witbooi, kündigt den bestehenden Schutzvertrag und erklärt dem DEUTSCHEN—REICH den Krieg.
19041003             —BEGINNT, Mit Überfällen auf DEUTSCHE—SIEDLER, der NAMA—KRIEG.
19051003             Der Franzose LÉON—CREUX lässt 1—LUFTVERDICHTER mit hohem Wirkungsgrad patentieren, der in den 1980er —JAHREN als G—LADER in VOLKSWAGEN—MODELLEN reüssiert.
19061003             The 1. conference on wireless telegraphy in BERLIN adopted SOS as warning signal.
19061003             Auf der Internationalen Funkkonferenz in BERLIN wird das SOS an Stelle des bisherigen CQD zum internationalen Notrufsignal erklärt.
19091003             * HERBLOCK (HERBERT—BLOCK, d.2001), political cartoonist.
19101003             —REVOLUÇÃO—REPUBLICANA em LISBOA.
19101003             —CLOSED, S—FRANCISCO new police CHIEF—SEYMOUR, down dancing of the "bunny hug" and the "HUG—ME—TIGHT" in the Tenderloin.
19101003             AS—OF—THE—NEXT—DAY—FEMALE habitues of the Tenderloin will not be allowed to puff their usual cigarettes in public.
19101003             Der Ausbildungsdienst an der neu errichteten Marineschule Mürwik im Norden des DEUTSCHEN—REICHES in der Grenzregion Flensburg beginnt.
19101003             MIGUEL—BOMBARDA, 1—PSYCHIATER und Vordenker der republikanischen Bewegung in PORTUGAL, wird von 1—PSYCHISCH kranken ehemaligen Patienten ermordet.
19101003—19101005    —AM, Das führt in der Folge zu Aufständen gegen EMANUEL—II—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL und die PORTUGIESISCHE—MONARCHIE und zur Gründung der 1. REPUBLIK.
19101003—19101121    —AM, Die offizielle Einweihung der Schule, die —NACH—DEM Vorbild der Marienburg entstanden ist, erfolgt durch Kaiser WILHELM—II.
19120000—19671003    * † Woody Guthrie, born as Woodrow WILSON—GUTHRIE, folksinger, from HUNTINGTON—DISEASE.
19121003             Der Börsenverein der DEUTSCHEN—BUCHHÄNDLER gründet mit der STADT—LEIPZIG und dem KÖNIGREICH—SACHSEN die DEUTSCHE—BÜCHEREI.
19131003             A 1% USA—FEDERAL—INCOME—TAX was signed into law by USA— PRESIDENT—WILSON.
19131003             —SPARED, The law, INTEREST—OF—ANY—KIND, including HOME—MORTGAGE—INTEREST.
19131003             CONGRESS enacts THE—UNDERWOOD—SIMMONS Tariff Act which lowers tariffs on 958—ARTICLES, including FOOD—STUFFS, clothing and raw materials.
19131003             Rates on cotton are cut 50% and on woolens over 50%.
19131003             CONGRESS will enact the graduated income tax to make up the difference in revenues.
19131003             (See 19141022             ) (Schlesinger I)
19150000—19881003    * † FRANZ—JOSEF—STRAUSS, GERMANY—DEFENSE—MINISTER (19560000—19620000    ), at 73.
19160310             [Other sources give his birthday as 19161003             .]
19160310—19950000    [Other sources give his birthday as 19951003             .]
19160610             SHARIF—HUSSEIN—BIN—ALI began serving as THE—KING—OF—HEJAZ and continued to 19241003             .
19161003—19950000    19950310             —SEE
19161003—19950000    * † JAMES—HERRIOT, Yorkshire veterinarian and author, in SUNDERLAND—ENGLAND.
19161003—19950000    JAMES—HERRIOT—BOOKS include "All Creatures Great and Small".
19170000—19851003    * † CHARLES—COLLINGWOOD, CBS newscaster.
19170000—20151003    * † DENNIS—HEALEY, UK—LABOUR—PARTY politician, in EAST—SUSSEX.
19181003             —ERNANNTE WILHELM—II. den als liberal geltenden Prinzen MAX—VON—BADEN zum neuen REICHS—KANZLER.
19181003             In dessen KABINETT traten auch SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN ein, darunter
19181003             darunter PHILIPP—SCHEIDEMANN als STAATS—SEKRETÄR ohne Geschäftsbereich
19181003             KAISER—WILHELM—II. ernennt den PRINZ—MAX—VON—BADEN zum neuen REICHS—KANZLER.
19181003             Auf des USA—PRÄSIDENT—W—WILSON—14—PUNKTE—BASIS  —NACHDEM,
19181003             —FORMS, GERMANY—1—PARLIAMENTARY government with PRINCE—MAX—VON—BADEN as its head.
19181003             AUSTRIA sues for peace.
19181003             † † ? thousands, are starving to death, Food shortages in VIENNA have become so severe that.
19181003             E, LUDENDORFF erklärt hatte, "—48—STUNDEN kann DIE—ARMEE nicht mehr warten".
19181003             Der BRITISCHE—PASSAGIERDAMPFER—BURUTU sinkt in der IRISCHEN—SEE nach der Kollision mit dem Frachtdampfer CITY—OF—CALCUTTA.
19181003             148—PASSAGIERE und Besatzungsmitglieder kommen dabei ums Leben
19181003             —NACH—DEM Rücktritt seines Vaters FERDINAND—I. wegen der Niederlage —WWI—IM wird BORIS—III. neuer ZAR—IN—BULGARIEN.
19181003             REICHSKANZLER—PRINZ—MAX—VON—BADEN wird.
19181003             Damit ist 1—SCHRITT in Richtung einer direkten Verantwortlichkeit der Regierung gegenüber dem Reichstag und nicht nur dem Kaiser gemacht.
19181003/19181004    PRINZ—MAX—VON—BADEN wird REICHS—KANZLER;
19181004—19181003    —AM—FOLGE—TAG bot DIE—NEUE—REGIERUNG den Alliierten den von LUDENDORFF geforderten WAFFEN—STILL—STAND an.
19191003             —AGREED, THE—SERBIAN, Croatian & Slavic (YUGOSLAVIA) PARLIAMENT, on an 8—HR work —DAY.
19211003             —GEGRÜNDET, OAKLAND, Kalifornien, wird Soroptimist INTERNATIONAL.
19211003—19270000    —STARTED, THE—1.—SOROPTIMIST—CLUB was, in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA Soroptimist INTERNATIONAL, formed, was awarded consultative status at THE—UNITED—NATIONS 19480000             —IN and became known as "THE—GLOBAL—VOICE for Women".
19211003—20210000    —BY, the volunteer organization had 1—WORLDWIDE—NETWORK with more than 70,000 members in 121—COUNTRIES.
19221003             —BECAME, Rebecca L. Felton, D—GEORGIA, the 1. woman to be seated in THE—USA—SENATE.
19221003             —APPOINTED, MISTER—S—FELTON had been, to serve out the remaining TERM—OF—SENATOR—THOMAS—E—WATSON.
19221003             The 1. facsimile photo (fax) was sent over city telephone lines in WASHINGTON, DC.
19251003             * GORE—VIDAL, writer (Myra Breckinridge, LINCOLN, DC, Burr), in WEST—POINT, NEW—YORK.
19251003             —NAMED, GORE—VIDAL was, EUGEN—LUTHER—GORE—VIDAL.
19251003             —TITLED, GORE—VIDAL—1. book at age 20 was, "Williwaw".
19251003             1—MEMOIR—OF his 1. —39—YEARS was titled "Palimpsest".
19251003—19930000    —IN, 1—COLLECTION—OF essays was titled "USA: 19520000—19920000    ".
19251003—19990000    —IN, some collected essays were published under the title "Sexually Speaking: Collected Sex Writings".
19270000—19881003    * † Generoso PAPA, owner of the National Enquirer.
19271003             * BERTRAM—BOWYER, 2. BARON—DENHAM, BRITISCHER—ADLIGER, Politiker und Schriftsteller
19291003             —CHANGED, THE—KINGDOM—OF—SERBS, Croats and Slovenes formally, its name to the Kingdom of YUGOSLAVIA.
19291003             It included the regions of Serbia, MONTENEGRO—SLOVENIA, CROATIA, Bosnia, Herzegovina, and MACEDONIA.
19291003             It included the previously independent kingdoms of Serbia and MACEDONIA, THE—HUNGARIAN—CONTROLLED regions of CROATIA and SLOVENIA, THE—AUSTRIA—PROVINCE—OF—DALMATIA, Carniola and parts of Styria, Carinthia and Istria.
19291003             † GUSTAV—STRESEMANN, dies in GERMANY.
19291003             Das Königreich der Serben, Kroaten und Slowenen wird durch 1—NEUE Verfassung in Königreich Jugoslawien umbenannt und in 9—BANSCHAFTEN gegliedert.
19291003             † REICHSKANZLER—GUSTAV—STRESEMANN, DEUTSCHER—STAATSMANN, Außenminister, MdR, Friedensnobelpreisträger
19291003—19181201    —FORMED, THE—KINGDOM had been, and was ruled by THE—SERBIA—KARAGEORGEVIC dynasty.
19301003             Die Uraufführung der dramatischen Kantate Vom Fischer und syner Frau von OTHMAR—SCHOECK findet an der Staatsoper in DRESDEN statt.
19310000—20141003    * † Comer Cottrell, black entrepreneur and philantropist.
19311003             † CARL—AUGUST—NIELSEN, composer, at 66.
19311003             Die Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Merkez Bankas?
19311003             wird als Zentralbank der TÜRKEI gegründet.
19321003             —BECAME, IRAQ, independent —AFTER a —100—YEARS—OF—DIRECT—FOREIGN—RULE.
19321003             —RECEIVED, Created as 1—UK—MANDATE—WWI—AFTER, IRAQ, its full INDEPENDENCE —WHEN it was admitted into the League of Nations.
19321003             —ERSCHIEN die 1.TIMES—AUSGABE mit DER—NEUEN Schrift.
19321003             Das BRITISCHE—MANDAT über den IRAK endet mit der AUFNAHME—DES—LANDES in den Völkerbund.
19321003             † MAX—WOLF, DEUTSCHER—ASTRONOM, Entdecker vieler Asteroiden, Pionier der galaktischen Astrofotografie
19330000—20171003    * † IRAQ—KURDISH leader and EX—IRAQ—PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI, in GERMANY, a —WEEK—AFTER IRAQ—AUTONOMOUS Kurdish region held a referendum on INDEPENDENCE.
19341003             GOEBBELS warns THE—JÜDISCHE—RUNDSCHAU[JEWISH—REVIEW] to limit its articles to Zionist affairs, or it will be shut down.
19351003             —INVADED, ITALY, ETHIOPIA.
19351003             Mit dem von BENITO—MUSSOLINI befohlenen Einmarsch ITALIENISCHER—TRUPPEN in ÄTHIOPIEN
19351003             —BEGINNT der Abessinienkrieg.
19351003—18960000    —ATTEMPTED, ITALY had unsuccessfully, to conquer ETHIOPIA, and that defeat still rankled MANY—ITALIANS.
19360000—20071003    * † TONY—RYAN, IRISH—BORN aviation entrepreneur and CO—FOUNDER—OF—RYANAIR (19850000             ).
19371003             Der evangelische Pfarrer PAUL—SCHNEIDER wird auf dem Weg zum nachmittäglichen Gottesdienst verhaftet, nach KOBLENZ und später ins KZ Buchenwald gebracht.
19371003             Die Uraufführung der Operette MONIKA—VON—NICO—DOSTAL findet in STUTTGART statt.
19401003             —ADOPTED, USA—ARMY, airborne, or parachute, soldiers.
19401003             —PASSED, FRANCE, the Vichy government, 1—LAW that placed great restrictions on FRANCE—JEWS.
19401003             —BEGINNT, Im DEUTSCHEN—REICH, die Kinderlandverschickung, bei der Kinder und Jugendliche aus vom Luftkrieg betroffenen Städten in ländliche Gebiete evakuiert werden.
19411003             The film "MALTA—FALCON," starring HUMPHREY—BOGART as detective SAM—SPADE, opened.
19411003             —DIRECTED, It was, by JOHN—HUSTON, —34—JAHRE—ALT.
19411003             —DECLARED, ADOLF—HITLER, in 1—SPEECH in BERLIN that RUSSIA is "broken" and would "never rise again".
19411003             NAZI—BLEW up 6—SYNAGOGUES in PARIS.
19411003             —KILLED, All elderly Jewish men of KERENCHUG—UKRAINE, were, by SS.
19411003             HIMMLER TOURS KIEV.
19411003             —INCLUDED, It is not known whether HIMMLER, BABI—YAR on his tour.
19411003             (Architect) - HITLER tells THE—GERMAN—PEOPLE that THE—ENEMY in THE—EAST is broken and will never rise again.
19421003             —ESTABLISHED, PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT, THE—OFFICE—OF—ECONOMIC—STABILIZATION and authorized controls on farm prices, rents, wages and salaries.
19421003             —CONDUCTED, GERMANY, THE—ROCKET—DEVELOPMENT—TEAM—OF—WERNER—VON—BRAUN, the 1. successful test flight of 1—A—4/V—2—MISSILE from the Peenemunde test site.
19421003             1. successful test flight flew perfectly over a 118-mile course to 1—ALTITUDE—OF—53—MILES (85—KM).
19421003             1. LONG—RANGE—BALLISTIC—MISSILE, The 13-ton, 46-foot long V2 rocket was the world's
19421003             —AM—SPÄTEN—NACHMITTAG—DES, regelrecht aus dem Häuschen: "Unvergesslich und unvergleichlich ist das Bild", schwärmte der Ingenieur und Wehrmachtsoffizier.
19421003             —1558—UHR gelang den Ingenieuren um Wernher—von—Braun, was —HEUTE oft als START—DER—RAUMFAHRT bezeichnet wird.
19421003             1. erfolgreichen Start der A4-/V2-Rakete in Peenemünde mit 1—GIPFELHÖHE—VON—84,5 Kilometern und 1—REICHWEITE—VON—190—KILOMETERN gilt diese als das
19421003             1. von Menschenhand gebaute Gerät, welches in den Weltraum vorgestoßen ist.
19421003—19700000    —IN, Hannes Alfvén predicts Alfvén waves in Solar plasma, initiating THE—FIELD—OF—MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS, and wins THE—NOBEL—PRIZE.[19]
19441003             —WWII—DURING, USA—TROOPS cracked the Siegfried—Line NORTH—OF—AACHEN—GERMANY.
19441003             —BOMBARDIERT, Zur Vorbereitung der alliierten Invasion, die ROYAL—AIR—FORCE Deiche auf der HALBINSEL—WALCHEREN, vor allem im BEREICH—VON—WESTKAPELLE.
19441003             —ÜBERFLUTET, Weite TEILE—DER—HALBINSEL werden, und 176—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben.
19471003             1. telescope—lens 200" (508—CM) in diameter completed.
19500905—19760000    —IN, begun, would end 19501003             —ON.
19501003             "THE—BEULAH—SHOW" starred Ethel Waters (18960000—19770000    ), USA—SINGER and actress, as 1—MAID.
19501003             —CONTINUED, THE—TV—SERIES, to 19530000             .
19511003             BOBBY—THOMPSON won the pennant for THE—NEW—YORK Giants by hitting 1—HOME—RUN off of RALPH—BRANCA—OF—THE—BROOKLYN—DODGERS at THE—NEW—YORK Polo Grounds —BEFORE 20,000 empty seats.
19511003             Outfielder BOBBY—THOMSON hit 1—HOME—RUN in the bottom of the ninth inning, beating THE—BROOKLYN—DODGERS 5-4 to win the National League pennant.
19511003             Im Werdauer Oberschülerprozess verhängt das LANDGERICHT—ZWICKAU langjährige Haftstrafen gegen 19—SCHÜLER, die in der DDR in Flugblättern zum Widerstand gegen das SED—REGIME aufgerufen haben.
19511003—20010000    —CONFIRMED, THE—WSJ, roomers that the Giants had concealed 1—ELECTRIC buzzer and 1—TELESCOPE to steal the signals of the opposing catchers.
19521003             The situation comedy "Our Miss Brooks," formerly 1—RADIO—SHOW, premiered on CBS with Eve Arden —AGAIN—IN the title role.
19521003             —PLAYED, ROBERT—ROCKWELL, her love interest, the biology teacher
19521003             1. video—recording on magnetic tape was made in LA—CALIFORNIA.
19521003             1. atomic bomb, DETONATED, THE—BRITISH, their a 25-kiloton device, in the Monte—BELLO—Islands off AUSTRALIA.
19521003             1. BRITISCHE—ATOMBOMBE wird vor AUSTRALIEN gezündet.
19521003—19980000    —IN, 1—VISIT to the Monte—BELLO—Islands off AUSTRALIA was limited to —1—HOUR due to lingering radiation.
19531003             † ARNOLD—EDWARD—TREVOR—BAX, UK—COMPOSER (Coronation March), at 69.
19531003             BRASILIEN, entsteht das mit Monopolrechten ausgestaltete MINERALÖLUNTERNEHMEN—PETROBRAS.
19541003             * AL—SHARPTON, 20040000             Democrat presidential candidate, in BROOKLYN—NEW—YORK.
19551003             "CAPTAIN—KANGAROO" with BOB—KEESHAN began its run on CBS TV.
19551003             —SPONSORED, THE—DISNEY, MICKEY—MOUSE—CLUB began on ABC TV and ran to 19590000             .
19551003             —AM, hatte er an die Zentrale in WASHINGTON telegrafiert, seine Quelle "CIMELODY-3" habe von einem Bekannten namens PHILIP—CITROEN 1—FOTO erhalten, auf dem ADOLF—HITLER ZU sehen sei.
19551003—19930000    —ENDED, The show.
19571003             —PREMIERED, The comedy series "THE—REAL—MCCOYS", on ABC—TV.
19571003             RICHARD—CRENNA began playing the oo Luke on "THE—REAL—MCCOYS".
19571003             —STARRED, The —6-YEAR series, WALTER—BRENNAN as HEAD—OF—1—WEST—VIRGINIA clan that moves to THE—LA S—FERNANDO—VALLEY.
19571003             —ELECTED, WILLY—BRANDT was, MAYOR—OF—WEST—BERLIN.
19571003             WILLY—BRANDT wird als Nachfolger des verstorbenen OTTO—SUHR zum REGIERENDER—BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—BERLIN gewählt.
19581003             Die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Corinna von WOLFGANG—FORTNER findet in BERLIN statt.
19601003             "THE—ANDY—GRIFFITH—SHOW" premiered on CBS.
19601003             —DIRECTED, It was, by AARON—RUBEN (19140000—20100000    ) ran to 19680000             .
19601003             —PLAYED, DON—KNOTTS (20060000             † age 81), the bumbling Deputy Barney.
19611003             "THE—DICK—VAN—DYKE—SHOW," also starring MARY—TYLER—MOORE, made its debut on CBS.
19611003             —AM, TOTTOSY spoke on "The modern Inquisition in HUNGARY"
19611003             —ON—OF—THAT—YEAR, TOTTOSY spoke on "The modern Inquisition in HUNGARY" at 1—CONFERENCE—ORGANIZED—BY—THE—PARTISANS—DE—EUROPA—NOUVELLE.
19611003             In der DDR werden während der Aktion Festigung bzw Aktion Kornblume 3.175—MENSCHEN aus dem Sperrgebiet zwangsausgesiedelt (? Chronik der DDR (1961–1970)).
19621003             "Stop the World" opened at Shubert NEW—YORK—CITY for 886—PERFORMANCES.
19621003             THE—SF—GIANTS beat THE—LA—DODGERS to win baseball's National League Pennant.
19621003             —BLASTED, ASTRONAUT—WALLY—SCHIRRA, off from Cape Canaveral aboard the Sigma 7 on a —9—HOUR—FLIGHT.
19621003             Im Rahmen des USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—MERCURY—PROGRAMMS wird 1—BEMANNTER Weltraumflug mit dem Astronauten WALTER—SCHIRRA durchgeführt.
19621003             Nach 6—ERDUMKREISUNGEN endet die Mission—MERCURY—ATLAS 8—MIT der Wasserung der Kapsel im Pazifik.
19631003             Meredith WILSON—BROADWAY musical "HERE—LOVE," featuring Dom DeLuise, opened at the Shubert Theater.
19631003—19640725    —ON, THE—SHOW—CLOSE.
19641003—19641004    EAST—BERLINERS dug a 470-foot tunnel, Tunnel 57, to the West and 57—PEOPLE escaped.
19641003—19641109    —BECAME, At UC—BERKELEY the Untied Front, the Free Speech Movement and protests conitnued sporadically including 1—MAJOR—RALLY.
19651003             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—LYNDON—JOHNSON, the—Immigration—and—Nationality—Act into law, sweeping away 1—SYSTEM that favored white Europeans over other races.
19651003             the—Immigration—and—Nationality—Act abolished quotas by national origin and allowed nearly 300,000 immigrants per —YEAR.
19651003             Mit der Unterschrift von USA—PRÄSIDENT—LYNDON—B—JOHNSON unter den the—Immigration—and—Nationality—Act of 19650000             wird das Einwanderungsrecht der Vereinigten Staaten liberaler gestaltet.
19671003             † USA—AIR—FORCE—TEST—PILOT—WILLIAM—J—KNIGHT (20040000             , ), , 19670901             speed record in 1—ROCKET—POWERED X-15-2A that reached 4,520 mph.
19671003             —SERVED, Knight —LATER, as 1—CALIFORNIA—STATE—SENATOR (19960000—20040000    ).
19671003             † MALCOLM—SARGENT, ENGLAND—CONDUCTOR (Last Night of Proms), at 72.
19671003—19980000    —RELEASED, BILLY—BRAGG and the band Wilco, 1—NEW album based on GUTHRIE—LYRICS: "Mermaid Avenue".
19671003—19980000    —IN, 1—WOODY—Guthrie—archive was opened on W. 57. St. in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19671003—20020000    —AUTHORED, ELIZABETH Partridge, "This Land Was made for You and Me: THE—LIFE and Songs of Woody Guthrie".
19671003—20040000    —AUTHORED, ED—CRAY, "Ramblin' Man: THE—LIFE and Times of Woody Guthrie".
19671003—20160000    —BIS, Die größte Schleuse der Welt, die Berendrechtschleuse, wird bei Antwerpen in Betrieb genommen.
19681003             THE—HOWARD—SACKLER play, "Great White Hope," starring JAMES—EARL—JONES and JANE—ALEXANDER, opened on Broadway.
19681003             —SEIZED, PERU, the military, power in 1—COUP.
19681003             PERU—PRESIDENT—BELAUNDE was overthrown by GENERAL—JUAN—VELASCO.
19681009             —TORTURED, PIERRE—MULELE, CONGO—REBEL—LEADER, was publicly, and executed in THE—CONGO [SOME—SOURCES give 19681003             ].
19691003             Der Berliner Fernsehturm wird eröffnet.
19691003             Der INTERNATIONALE—WÄHRUNGSFONDS—GOUVERNEURSRAT, beschließt die Einführung von Sonderziehungsrechten als künstliche Währung ins internationale Finanzsystem.
19701003             A —1—DAY—STRIKE—OF—THE—1.—GAME—OF—THE—CHAMPIONSHIP playoffs, the 1. by umpires in major league history, prompted the league presidents to recognize the Association and negotiate 1—LABOR—CONTRACT that 19700901             —MINIMUM—SALARY—OF $11,000 and raised the average salary to $21,000.
19701003             "Coco" closed at MARK—HELLINGER—THEATER—NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER 333—PERFORMANCES.
19701003             —CALLED, Baseball umpires, their 1. strike.
19720803—19721003    —ANTI—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—TREATY[ABM—TREATY] entered into force.
19720803—19721003    —ON, entered into force.
19741003             —NAMED, FRANK—ROBINSON was, MAJOR—LEAGUE baseball's 1. black manager as he was placed in charge of THE—CLEVELAND—INDIANS.
19741003             Bei 1—ERDBEBEN in PERU sterben 83—MENSCHEN, 60.000—WERDEN obdachlos.
19750929—19751003    AND—BETWEEN, 1—OF—THE—ISPS—SUBVERSION—SEMINARS was held in the Tenigerbad Hotel in Rabius;
19750929—19751003    —AND—BETWEEN, with heavy irony, 1—POSTER in THE—HOTEL—LOBBY announced an "Agricultural Seminar on PEST—CONTROL"".
19750929—19751003    —AND—BETWEEN, Inside, the keynote speaker on "farming" was GENERAL—REINHARD—GEHLEN, FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—BND.
19750929—19751003    —AND—BETWEEN, apart from KARL—FRIEDRICH—GRAU—SWISS—PARTNER—DOCTOR—PETER—SAGER—OF—THE—SOI, all the other speakers were GERMANs.
19761003             —VERLIERT, Bei den Wahlen zum DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESTAG, die SPD unter BUNDESKANZLER—HELMUT—SCHMIDT ihre Stellung als stärkste Fraktion im BUNDESTAG, kann jedoch zusammen mit der FDP ihre Regierungsmehrheit verteidigen.
19761003             Die CDU/CSU unter HELMUT—KOHL bleibt in der Opposition.
19761003             —AM—SELBEN—TAG tritt der hessische MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—ALBERT—OSSWALD (SPD) wegen seiner Rolle im HELABA—SKANDAL zurück.
19771003             —ARRESTED, INDIA, INDIRA—GANDHI (19170000—19840000    ) was, for political corruption.
19771003             —RELEASED, She was, THE—NEXT—DAY.
19780820—20111003    —SENTENCED, HAMPTON (54) was, to —10—YEARS in prison.
19781003             Ayatollah Khomeini (19020000—19890000    ) left IRAQ for KUWAIT —AFTER the Shah sought his deportation.
19781003             —REFUSED, He was, entry in KUWAIT and moved to PARIS.
19781003             Ayatollah Khomeini (19020000—19890000) left IRAQ for KUWAIT —AFTER the..... BROTHER—IN—LAW—OF—MOAMMAR Khadafy and CHIEF—OF—FOREIGN—OPERATIONS for the...
19801003             —KILLED, FRANCE, 1—PARIS synagogue bombing, 3—FRANCE—MEN and 1—ISRAEL—WOMAN.
19801003             —DENIED, Diab, guilt and stamps in his 19800000             passport indicated he was not in FRANCE —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—BOMBING.
19801003             —CLAIMED, He has, that he was studying in BEIRUT —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—BOMBING and has said that he had been confused with someone with the same name.
19801003             1—LETTER reprinted IN—THE—GUARDIAN
19801003—20080000    —ARRESTED, CANADA—POLICE, HASSAN—DIAB in response to 1—REQUEST from FRANCE, where he was wanted on CHARGES—OF—MURDER and attempted murder in the bombing.
19801003—20141115    —CHARGED, Diab was, in PARIS.
19811003             † IRA prisoners at Maze Prison in BELFAST, NORTH—IRELAND, ended a —7—MONTH—HUNGER—STRIKE in which 10—MEN.
19811003             MANY—OF—THESE prisoners did not have trials.
19811003             —NACH—7—MONATEN, Der Hungerstreik im HM Prison Maze im nordirischen BELFAST wirdfür beendet erklärt.
19811003             10—VON den Briten gefangene MITGLIEDER—DER—IRA und INLA sind im Streikverlauf wegen Essensverweigerung gestorben.
19831003             Mae †—OF—CANCER on She was 66
19851003             —ABSOLVIERT, Das SPACE—SHUTTLE—ATLANTIS, seinen Erstflug.
19851003             Die SPACE—SHUTTLE—ATLANTIS verbundene Mission STS-51-J hat zur Aufgabe, 2—MILITÄRISCH genutzte DSCS III—KOMMUNIKATIONSSATELLITEN auszusetzen.
19851003             —KONVENTION—VON—GRANADA verständigt sich der Europarat auf den Schutz des architektonischen Erbes.
19871003             —REACHED, Negotiators for THE—USA and CANADA, agreement in WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, on 1—FRAMEWORK to eliminate all tariffs between the world's 2—LARGEST trading partners.
19871003             † JEAN—ANOUILH, —77—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—PLAYWRIGHT (Ball of the Voleurs).
19881003             —COMPLETED, Discovery, a —4—DAY—MISSION, the 1. USA—SHUTTLE—FLIGHT—SINCE the Challenger disaster.
19881003             His wife, Lois PAPA, began 1—CAREER—OF philanthropy.
19881003             —RELEASED, LEBANON—KIDNAPPERS, INDIA—EDUCATOR—MITHILESHWAR Singh, who'd been held captive with 3—AMERICANS for more than —20—MONTHS.
19881003—20080000    —AUTHORED, JACK—TITEK, "THE—GODFATHER—OF—TABLOID: Generoso JUNIOR—PAPA and the National Enquirer".
19891003             In 1—MOVE to stem THE—FLOW—OF—REFUGEES to the West, EAST—GERMANY suspended unrestricted travel to Czechoslovakia.
19891003             The officers, including MAJOR—MOISES Giroldi, who led the failed coup against Noriega were —LATER executed.
19891003             gab es 1—MILITÄR—PUTSCH—GEGEN—NORIEGA—REGIME, welcher scheiterte.
19891003             Noriega nahm dies zum Anlass, seine Gegner innerhalb DER—STREIT—KRÄFTE auszuschalten.
19891003             Dieser erfolglose STAATS—STREICH, ZUSAMMEN—MIT—VORWÜRFEN der UN—TÄTIGKEIT an die BUSH—REGIERUNG, führte schließlich zur —INVASION.
19891003             Als Operationsname wurde hierfür —JUST Cause (deutsch "gerechter Anlass") unter PR—ASPEKTEN gewählt, um der MILITÄR—OPERATION 1—POSITIVEN Anstrich und entsprechende Legitimierung zu verpassen.
19891003             DIE—BENENNUNG dieser Operation kann als Vorbild für weitere MISSIONS—NAMEN in SPÄTEREN USA—GEFÜHRTEN Kriegen gesehen werden wie z.B. OPERATION—PROMOTE Liberty oder OPERATION—ENDURING Freedom.[4]
19891003—19950000    —CONVICTED, Noriega was, in absentia and
19891003—19990000    —IN, PANAMA sought his extradition to face trial.
19900823             —ANNOUNCED, East and WEST—GERMANY, that they would unite 19901003             .
19900823             Die DDR—VOLKSKAMMER in BERLIN (Ost) beschließt mit 294—ZU 62—STIMMEN (bei 2—ENTHALTUNGEN) den Beitritt der DDR zur Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND gemäß Artikel 23—DES Grundgesetzes zum 19901003             .
19900823—19901003    —ANNOUNCED, EAST—GERMANY and WEST—GERMANY, that they would unite.
19901003             —WIEDER—VEREINIGUNG, 5—LÄNDER, die insgesamt die EHEMALIGE—DDR verkörpern, treten DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK—DEUTSCHLAND bei
19901003             —ENDED, WEST—GERMANY and EAST—GERMANY, —45—YEARS—OF—POSTWAR division, declaring the creation of 1—NEW unified country.
19901003             —DIRECTED, KURT—MASUR (19270000—20150000    ), BEETHOVEN—NINTH—SYMPHONY at the official celebrations.
19901003             IRELAND—PRIME—MINISTER—CHARLES—HAUGHEY was instrumental in securing backing for GERMANY—UNITY by assuaging French and UK—CONCERNS.
19901003             IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN made his 1. known visit to KUWAIT —SINCE his country seized CONTROL—OF—THE—OIL—RICH—EMIRATE.
19901003             ich wurde BÜRGER—DER—BRD.
19901003             DEUTSCHE—WIEDERVEREINIGUNG: Die neuen Länder auf dem GEBIET—DER—EHEMALIGEN—DDR treten der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND bei.
19901003             Damit löst der 19901003             als —TAG—DER—DEUTSCHEN—EINHEIT den – —BIS dahin in der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND geltenden – 19900617             als DEUTSCHEN—NATIONALFEIERTAG ab.
19911003             —ENTERED, ARKANSAS GOVERNOR—BILL—CLINTON, the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
19911003             —NAMED, SOUTH—AFRICA—AUTHOR—NADINE—GORDIMER was, winner of the Nobel Prize in literature.
19921003             —VETOED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, a measure to RE—REGULATE cable television.
19921003             Congress overrode the veto —2—DAYS—LATER.
19921003             —RIPPED, Sinead O'Connor, IRELAND—ROCK—SINGER, up 1—PICTURE—OF—PAPA—JOHN—PAUL—II —ON—SATURDAY Night Live.
19921003             —HEADED, WILLIAM—GATES, THE—COLLEGE—DROPOUT FOUNDER—OF—MICROSOFT, the Forbes magazine 400—LIST—OF—THE—RICHEST—AMERICANS with 1—NET worth of 6.3—BILLION dollars.
19921003—20050000    —REACHED, His assets, 51—BILLION.
19931003             —EXPRESSED, USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, sorrow at THE—DEATHS—OF—USA—SOLDIERS in SOMALIA, but reaffirmed that USA—FORCES would stay in THE—AFRICA—NATION.
19931003             † 18—USA—RANGERS and Delta Force specialists in 1 botched raid in SOMALIA and over 70 were wounded.
19931003             —KILLED, At least 500—SOMALIS were, and 1,000 injured.
19931003             —DECLARED, BORIS—YELTSIN, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in MOSCOW, as fighting erupted in the streets between PRO—AND ANTI—YELTSIN forces.
19931003             † 62—PEOPLE, in the violence, that ended —2—DAYS—LATER—WHEN the rebel VICE—PRESIDENT—AND—SPEAKER—OF—PARLIAMENT surrendered.
19931003             1—BATTLE—AT—THE—TV—STATION—OSTANKINO, MOSCOW, killed as many as 100—PEOPLE.
19931003             Cameraman RORY—PECK (19560000             *) was shot dead by MEMBERS—OF—THE "Vitez" special forces UNIT—OF—THE—RUSSIA—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—WHILE filming the storming by opposition supporters of the Ostankino TV Center.
19931003             USSR—PARLIAMENT—FORCES attack Ostankino TV and mayor's office.
19931003             Aus der Vereinigung dreier Hochschulen geht die OTTO—VON—GUERICKE—UNIVERSITÄT—MAGDEBURG hervor.
19931003             —SOMALISCHER—BÜRGERKRIEG kommt es zur
19931003             —SCHLACHT—VON—MOGADISCHU zwischen USA—ARMY Rangers, sowie UNO—TRUPPEN auf der 1—UND SOMALISCHEN—MILIZIONÄREN auf der anderen Seite.
19931003             Die Ereignisse inspirieren RIDLEY—SCOTT später zu dem Film Black Hawk Down.
19931003—19990000    —PUBLISHED, MARK—BOWDEN, "Black Hawk Dawn," 1—ACCOUNT—OF—THE failed attempt to capture MOHAMMED—FARRAH—AIDID.
19941003             —RAIDED, USA—SOLDIERS in HAITI, the headquarters of 1 hated PRO—ARMY—MILITIA.
19941003             —ANNOUNCED, USA—AGRICULTURE—SECRETARY—MIKE—ESPY, his resignation BECAUSE—OF—QUESTIONS about gifts he had received.
19941003             —ADDRESSED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—NELSON—MANDELA, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, urging the world to support his country's economy.
19941003             FERNANDO—HENRIQUE—CARDOSO—PRÄSIDENTE—VON—BRASILIEN wird mit großer Mehrheit gewählt
19951003             —REACHED, The verdict, 19951002             , was announced 19951003             .
19951003             1—PUBLIC—GOVERNMENT—REPORT cited USA—GOVERNMENT—BIOLOGICAL and chemical experiments and called the events "1—DARK—PERIOD in our history".
19951003             The jury in the O.J. Simpson murder trial found the former football star innocent of 19940000             —THE slayings of his former wife, NICOLE—BROWN—SIMPSON, and RONALD—GOLDMAN.
19951003             Simpson was —LATER found liable in 1—CIVIL proceeding.
19951003             TEXAS, 3—YOUNG crooks stole 1—SUITCASE from 1—WALK—IN storage locker in NORTH—AUSTIN.
19951003             —CONTAINED, The suitcase, some $80,000 in coins stashed by GARY—KARR, DAVID—ROLAND—WATERS and DANNY—RAYMOND—FRY, who were implicated in THE—DISAPPEARANCE—OF—ATHEIST—MADALYN MURRAY—O'HAIR.
19951003             MACEDONIA—PRESIDENT—GLIGOROV (19170000—20120000    ), LEADER—OF—MACEDONIA, was critically hurt in 1—CAR bomb attack in SKOPJE—MACEDONIA.
19951003             —TARGETED, The bomb, which, his car as he headed to work in the capital, cost him 1—EYE and killed his driver and 1—BYSTANDER.
19951003             —CLAIMED, THE—SRI—LANKA—ARMY, to have killed 200—TAMIL Tiger rebels on THE—NORTH—JAFFA peninsula.
19961003             1—REPORT found 25—PERCENT—OF—ALL 4,025 known SPECIES—OF—MAMMALS to be at RISK—OF—EXTINCTION.
19961003             —INCLUDED, This, nearly HALF—OF—ALL—MONKEYS and apes.
19961003             Wislawa Szymborska, POLAND—POET, won the Nobel Prize for poetry.
19961003             —INCLUDED, Her work, the transl. collection: "View With 1—GRAIN of Sand," her debut collection "That's Why We Are Alive" (19520000             ), Salt (19620000             ), "THE—PEOPLE on the Bridge" (19860000             ), and "THE—END and the Beginning" (19930000             ).
19961003             BASEL, eröffnet das Museum Tinguely.
19961003             Das Werk JEAN—TINGUELYS gilt als repräsentativ für kinetische Kunst.
19970908—19971003    —ON, 19—MEMBERS—OF—THE—POLICE—FORCE were arraigned for the executions.
19971003             —LEVITATED, JAPAN, 1—EXPERIMENTAL magnetically, train, the MLX19970901             1—WORLD speed record —WHEN it reached 279.6—MPH on 1—TEST—TRACK.
19971003             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JANET—RENO said Justice Department investigators had no evidence USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON violated the law with WHITE—HOUSE—COFFEES and overnight stays for big contributors.
19971003             However, RENO did extend 1—PROBE—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE—TELEPHONE FUND—RAISING.
19971003             —ORDERED, USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—WILLIAM—COHEN, the Nimitz Carrier BATTLE—GROUP to the Persian Gulf as 1—WARNING to IRAN and IRAQ to stop incursions into THE—USA—ENFORCED "NO—FLY" zone in SOUTH—IRAQ.
19971003             —ATTACHED, HUMBOLDT, COUNTY—CALIFORNIA, 2—PROTESTORS, themselves to bulldozers of the Pacific Lumber Company.
19971003             —APPLIED, SHERIFF—DEPUTIES, pepper spray directly to the eyes of the protestors using cotton swabs and Q—TIPS.
19971003             —ARRANGED, IDAHO, THE—USA—FOREST—SERVICE, 1—LAND swap with THE—RILEY—CREEK—LUMBER—CO. to preserve 1—ANCIENT cedar grove at Upper Priest Lake.
19971003             † ALFRED—LESLIE—ROWSE, UK—HISTORIAN, at 93.
19971003             —ARMED, ALGERIA, men killed 38—PEOPLE at the village of Mahelma.
19971003             THROATS—OF—THE—VICTIMS were slit, heads were cut off and houses were set on fire.
19971003             —KILLED, In BLIDA 10—PEOPLE were, and 20 wounded by assailants with homemade rockets and bombs.
19971003             —KILLED, Another GROUP—OF—ATTACKERS, 75—OTHERS including 34—CHILDREN.
19971003             —ARMED, In the village of Ouled Benaissa, men killed 37—PEOPLE including 22—CHILDREN.
19971003             —FROM BRAZIL it was reported that tuberculosis has killed at least 27—MEMBERS—OF—THE—GUARANI—KAIOWA tribe in the past —15—MONTHS.
19971003             —REPORTED, UN officials, that CONGO has ordered INTERNATIONAL refugee agencies to leave PART—OF—EAST—CONGO and was expelling Rwandans who have fled there to escape fighting in RWANDA.
19971003             —BOMBED, TURKEY—JETS, escape routes used by Kurdish rebels in NORTH—IRAQ.
19971003             —REPORTED, Over the last —13—DAYS the army, 415—REBELS—DEAD vs. 6—OF—ITS—OWN—SOLDIERS.
19971003             —AM—TAG—DER—DEUTSCHEN—EINHEIT, DEUTSCHLAND, beginnen Muslime —DEN—TAG—DER—OFFENEN—MOSCHEE zu veranstalten.
19971003             1. geklonte Nagetier, die Maus Cumulina, geboren, HONOLULU, wird das.
19971003—19920000    —IN, RILEY—CREEK paid less than $2—MILLION for the grove and obtained $8.7—MILLION—WORTH—OF—FEDERAL—LAND in exchange.
19981003             —AGREED, The G—7—FINANCE—MINISTERS, to explore USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON'S proposed strategy for early IMF intervention to support weak economies.
19981003             Masaru Hayami, GOVERNOR—OF—THE—BANK—OF—JAPAN, said that capital supporting 19—MAJOR—BANKS had dwindled to dangerously low levels.
19981003             —COMMISSIONED, THE—FINANCE—MINISTERS and CENTRAL—BANK—GOVERNORS, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—DEUTSCHE—BUNDESBANK—DOCTOR—HANS—TIETMEYER, to recommend new structures for enhancing CO—OPERATION among the various national and INTERNATIONAL supervisory bodies and INTERNATIONAL financial institutions so as to promote stability in THE—INTERNATIONAL—FINANCIAL—SYSTEM.
19981003             † Actor RODDY—MCDOWALL at age 70.
19981003             —INCLUDED, His films, "Lassie Come Home," and "Cleopatra".
19981003             —SCHEDULED, AUSTRALIA, parliamentary elections were.
19981003             The conservative coalition of JOHN—HOWARD won RE—ELECTION by 1—NARROW—MARGIN.
19981003             CHECHNYA, 4—MEN working to install 1—CELLULAR phone system were kidnapped by 20—MEN.
19981003             The severed heads DARREN—HICKEY, RUDOLF—PETSCHI, STANLEY—SHAW and PETER—KENNEDY were found 19981208             .
19981003             Their bodies were found 19981226             in Chernorechiye.
19981003             —BEATIFIED, CROATIA, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac, the —WWII archbishop of ZAGREB and 1—CONTROVERSIAL—FIGURE because MANY—SERBS and Jews accused him of sympathizing with the Nazis.
19981003             —VOTED, ITALY, Communists, to reject PRIME—MINISTER—PRODI—BUDGET.
19981003             —APPROVED, LATVIA, voters, 1—REFERENDUM to ease citizenship requirements for Russians left there —FOLLOWING THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19981003             —SELECTED, Voters also, members for THE—100—SEAT unicameral PARLIAMENT.
19981003             TURKEY sent some 10,000 troops into NORTH—IRAQ to attack Kurdish rebels.
19981003             DÄNEMARK, werden Verschärfungen im Umgang mit Arbeitslosen durchgesetzt.
19981003—19990414    —ON, This led to the formation of the Financial Stability Forum.
19981207             —KIDNAPPED, CHECHNYA, 1—RESCUE attempt was made to free 4—MEN, 19981003             .
19981208             —KIDNAPPED, THE—MOBILE—PHONE—WORKERS had been, 19981003             .
19990414—19981003    —ON, It was THE—RESULT—OF—1—G7 decision.
19990414—19981003    —ON, It was THE—RESULT—OF—1—G19991207             ISION.
19991003             † Sony CO—FOUNDER—AKIO—MORITA, the entrepreneur, engineer and savvy salesman who helped give new meaning to the words "Made in JAPAN,", in TOKYO at age 78.
19991003             AUSTRIA—THE—FAR—RIGHT—FREEDOM—PARTY (the Blues) led by JÖRG—HAIDER (49) won 2. place behind the Social Democrats, who won with 33—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
19991003             The conservative PEOPLE—PARTY (the Blacks) fell to 3. place with 27%.
19991003             Flooding in CENTRAL—AMERICA—LEFT 21—DEAD in HONDURAS, 10—DEAD in NICARAGUA, and 11—DEAD in EL—SALVADOR and thousands were forced to flee their homes.
19991003             —ENDED, INDIA, the elections, and the Bharatiya Janata Party under PRIME—MINISTER—ATAL—BIHARI—VAJPAYEE was expected to return to power with 1—ALLIANCE—OF—21—OTHER—PARTIES.
19991003             —EXPECTED, THE—BJP was, to gain 34—SEATS to 287.
19991003             —PROJECTED, THE—BJP won 1, 296—OF—545—SEATS.
19991003             THE—CONGRESS—PARTY won 114—SEATS.
19991003             —KILLED, PERU, 9—SOLDIERS were, in 1—WEEKEND clash with some 60—MAOIST—GUERRILLAS in the central jungle.
19991003             A 2. car with bodyguards hit the truck and exploded.
19991003             —ESCAPED, The truck driver.
19991003             —INJURED, Draskovic was not, and called the accident 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT.
19991003             —RETURNED, SIERRA—LEONE, Foday Sankoh, home with former junta leader JOHNNY—PAUL—KOROMA and met with SIERRA—LEONE—PRESIDENT—AHMED—TEJAN—KABBAH.
19991003             Sankoh gave 1—RADIO—SPEECH and pleaded for forgiveness.
19991003             Bei den Nationalratswahlen in ÖSTERREICH wird die FPÖ nach der SPÖ zweitstärkste politische Kraft.
20000829—20161003    —ON, RUSSIA withdrew from the agreement.
20001003             "Bush may have won by not losing".
20001003             —CLASHED, Gore and Bush, over tax cuts, Medicare prescription drug benefits and campaign finance.
20001003             THE—NATUNA—SEA, 1—PANAMA—REGISTERED tanker, went aground between INDONESIA and SINGAPORE and spilled some 2—MILLION gallons of crude oil.
20001003             —EXPLODED, In THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—1—ARMS depot, and 2—CIVILIANS were killed in S—CRISTOBAL.
20001003             —ADMITTED, INDONESIA, Hutomo Mandala Putra, aka TOMMY—SUHARTO, that he was GUILTY—OF—CORRUPTION and asked for clemency.
20001003             1—CEASE—FIRE between ISRAEL and the Palestinians quickly crumbled and the death toll climbed to at least 54.
20001003             —PLANNED, Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat, to meet in PARIS to seek 1—END to the conflict.
200109111003         —AM (03:03 pm IRELAND—TIME) United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in PENNSYLVANIA at near Johnstown.
20011003             —ENDORSED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, a $60—75—BILLION stimulus package to pull THE—USA—OUT—OF—RECESSION.
20011003             —APPROVED, THE—SENATE, 1—AGREEMENT normalizing trade between THE—USA and VIETNAM.
20011003             —INTRODUCED, Apple, the iPod, 1—BREAKTHROUGH—MP3 music player that packs up to 1,000 CD—QUALITY—SONGS into 1—ULTRA—PORTABLE, 6.5—OUNCE design that fits in your pocket, at 1—COST—OF $399.
20011003             Near MANCHESTER—TENNESSEE, Damir Igric (29), 1—CROATIA—PASSENGER on 1—GREYHOUND bus, slit THE—THROAT—OF—THE—BUS—DRIVER and caused 1—ROLL over that killed 7—PEOPLE including Igric.
20011003             —KILLED, CHECHNYA, rebels, 9—FEDERAL—TROOPS in 1—NUMBER—OF clashes that included 4—DEAD from land mines.
20011003             4—MILITANTS were also killed.
20011003             —CLEARED, ISRAEL—FORCES in GAZA, 1—HALF—MILE—BUFFER—ZONE and killed 6—PALESTINIANS —WHEN tank shells ripped their cars.
20011003             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN said RUSSIA is ready to reconsider its opposition to Nato expansion if the alliance assumes 1—BROADER—POLITICAL—IDENTITY in which MOSCOW can be involved.
20011003             —CHARGED, SOUTH—AFRICA, ANC leader TONY—YENGENI was, with corruption, forgery and perjury linked to the country's $6—BILLION arms deal with EUROPE.
20011003             I.A.P. News reported that according to ISRAEL—RADIO (in Hebrew) Kol Yisrael 1—ACRIMONIOUS—ARGUMENT erupted —DURING THE—ISRAEL—CABINET—WEEKLY—SESSION—LAST—WEEK between ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON + his foreign MINISTER—SHIMON—PERES.
20011003             —WARNED, Peres, Sharon that refusing to heed incessant USA—REQUESTS for 1—CEASE—FIRE with the Palestinians would endanger ISRAEL—INTERESTS and "turn THE—USA—AGAINST us. "Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying "don't worry about USA—PRESSURE, we the Jewish people control AMERICA".
20011003             Falke Sharon so passend: "I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about USA—PRESSURE on ISRAEL, we, THE—JEWISH—PEOPLE—CONTROL—AMERICA, and USA—KNOW it,"
20011003             —REPORTED, ARIEL—SHARON to SHIMON—PERES, as, on Kol Yisrael radio.
20011100             [PBS Frontline, 20021003             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020225             ] —FOR—YEARS, THE—ISI has had Kashmiri terrorist groups like JAISH—E—MOHAMMAD train in the same AFGHANISTAN training camps used by OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20021003             THE—USA—FORGAVE 2—THIRDS—OF—YUGOSLAVIA—DEBT on in 1—SIGN—OF improving relations with the country's reformist leadership.
20021003             —AWARDED, The annual Ig Nobel prizes were, in CAMBRIDGE—MASSACHUSETTS 10—PRIZEWINNERS from 10—NATIONS included the corporate directors of Enron, Adelphia, Global Crossing, Qwest, Tyco, WorldCom and 21—OTHER—COMPANIES for adopting imaginary numbers for use in the business world.
20021003             —HUNTED, Police, for a "skilled shooter" who murdered 5—RANDOM—VICTIMS over —16—HOURS with 1—HIGH—POWERED rifle in MONTGOMERY—COUNTY, MARYLAND, —JUST 1—SHORT—DISTANCE from WASHINGTON DC. A 6. victim was killed in DC. JAMES—BUCHANON, —39—JAHRE—ALT, Premkumar Walekar (54), SARAH—RAMOS (34), Lori ANN—LEWIS—RIVERA, —25—JAHRE—ALT and Pascal Charlot (72) became the 2. to 6. victims.
20021003             Hurricane Lili gave LOUISIANA—COAST a 100—MPH battering.
20021003             —DECLARED, INTERNATIONAL TEAMS—OF—SCIENTISTS, that the genetic code of Plasmodium falciprum, the parasite that causes most human malaria, has been identified along with the genetic code of Anopheles gambiae, the mosquito most responsible for human malaria transmission.
20021003             † WU—CHI—LIU (95), CHINA—BORN scholar, in Menlo PARK—CALIFORNIA.
20021003             He was also the senior EDITOR—OF "Sunflower Splendor," 1—ANTHOLOGY that encompassed 3,—000—YEARS—OF—CHINA—POETRY in translation.
20021003             CANADA said it planned to create 10—HUGE—NEW—NATIONAL—PARKS and 5—MARINE—CONSERVATION—AREAS over the next —5—YEARS to protect unique landscapes and animals.
20021003             —MARCHED, FRANCE, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PUBLIC—WORKERS, through PARIS to protest plans to sell off PARTS—OF—STATE—OWNED companies.
20021003             —ACQUITTED, But 2—OTHER—MILITARY—OFFICIALS were.
20021003             —KILLED, INDIA said it had, 8—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS trying to enter INDIA—KASHMIR from PAKISTAN—TERRITORY as the state battles 1—SURGE in rebel violence —JUST days —BEFORE the end of 1 disputed election.
20021003             —CALLED, NATO and EUROPEAN—UNION, on CROATIA to cooperate with THE—UNITED—NATIONS—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL, urging the government to hand over indicted war crimes suspect GENERAL—JANKO—BOBETKO.
20021003             —COMMUTED, TURKEY formally, Kurdish guerrilla leader ABDULLAH—OCALAN—DEATH—SENTENCE to life in prison —AFTER PARLIAMENT abolished capital punishment —2—MONTHS—AGO in 1—BID to join THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20021003—19900000    —IN, GUATEMALA, COLONEL—JUAN—VALENCIA was found GUILTY—OF—ORDERING THE—KILLING—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST Myrna Mack and sentenced to 1—MAXIMUM—30—YEARS in prison.
20030000—20031003    —ON, 20031003             : REPORT—OF—USA—CENSORSHIP—OF—AL—JAZEERA—IT was reported at ArabNews_com in 1—ARTICLE + in 1—FOLLOW up article 20031004             —ON, that the Unites States had employed 1—EGREGIOUS—USE—OF—POLITICAL—FORCE to get 2—CARTOONS pulled from the news service's web sites.
20030000—20031004    —ON, --MN] Return to Chronology 20030000—20031003    —ON, 20031003             : REPORT—OF—USA—CENSORSHIP—OF—AL—JAZEERA—IT was reported at ArabNews_com in 1—ARTICLE + in 1—FOLLOW up article, that the Unites States had employed 1—EGREGIOUS—USE—OF—POLITICAL—FORCE to get 2—CARTOONS pulled from the news service's web sites.
20031003             ARCADI—GAYDAMAK, associé de Falcone, est une figure emblématique de ces connexions... alfatomega.com/20050418.html
20031003             It was HORN—59. birthday.
20031003             † WILLIAM—STEIG, —95—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ILLUSTRATOR for THE—NEW—YORKER who was known as the "KING—OF—CARTOONS" for his AWARD—WINNING, BEST—SELLING children's books including "Shrek,".
20031003             AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS accidentally set off 1—EXPLOSIVE inside 1—HOME—NEAR—BAGRAM Air Base USA—MILITARY—HEADQUARTERS, killing 7—PEOPLE and wounding 6—OTHERS.
20031003             The 1. tanker set off THE—CAMEROON port of Kribi with crude oil from 1—MASSIVE $3.7—BILLION, 665-mile pipeline from the landlocked nation of CHAD.
20031003             —LAUNCHED, Oswaldo Paya, top democracy activist, 1—NEW—CHALLENGE to Fidel CASTRO—GOVERNMENT as PART—OF—THE—VARELA—PROJECT, turning in more than 14,000 SIGNATURES—OF—PEOPLE seeking 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—REFERENDUM—JUST—6—MONTHS—AFTER 1—CRACKDOWN on the opposition.
20031003             IRAQ, USA—ARMY Spc.
20031003             JEREMY—C—SIVITS began photographing IRAQ—PRISONER—ABUSE at ABU—GHRAIB prison.
20031003             He was under instruction from MP Cpl.
20031003             CHARLES—A—GRANER to not say anything.
20031003             PAKISTAN TEST—LAUNCHED 1—MISSILE—CAPABLE—OF carrying 1—NUCLEAR—WARHEAD, saying it was the 1. in 1—SERIES—OF—TESTS scheduled for the next few days.
20031003             —OPENED, KARACHI—PAKISTAN, gunmen, fire on 1—BUS carrying Shiite Muslim EMPLOYEES—OF—PAKISTAN—SPACE—AGENCY, killing 6 and wounding at least 6—OTHERS.
20031003             SRI—LANKA, THE—USA—EMBASSY said it has RE—DESIGNATED the Tamil Tigers as 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION, despite 1—ONGOING peace process between THE—SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT and the rebels.
20031003             ARMING THE—DEALER—WITH—IMMUNITY.txt:
20031003             ARMING... - Falcone and Gaydamak have extensive investments in ANGOLA in oil and diamonds.
20031003             Koichiro Matsuura, the Unesco DIRECTOR—GENERAL, has expressed his...
20031003             Der Trickkünstler ROY—HORN wird während einer Show in LAS—VEGAS von dem weißen Tiger Montecore angegriffen und schwer verletzt.
20031003—20070000    —IN, LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—STEVEN—LEE—JORDAN, —50—JAHRE—ALT, who ran the interrogation center at ABU—GHRAIB, was COURT—MARTIALED on 8—CHARGES including cruelty and MALTREATMENT—OF—PRISONERS.
20031003—20080000    —AUTHORED, PHILIP—GOUREVITCH and Errol Morris, "Standard Operating Procedure" and produced 1—DOCUMENTARY film covering THE—ABU—GHRAIB abuses.
20040400             KENNETH—TIMMERMAN 20041003             .
20040408             —RECEIVED, 20041003             —IN—INFORMANTS, $1—MILLION for their help.
20040408—20041003    —IN, informants received $1—MILLION for their help.
20040507—20021003    —ON, Counterpunch —POSTED my
20040925             _50.000-20041003             —VOR—JAHREN war die Zeit der Riesensäuger: Vertreter mehr als 150—UNTERSCHIEDLICHER Arten, eine jede schwerer als 44—KILOGRAMM, streiften damals über die Erde.
20040929—20051003    —ON, " I need your thoughts on something... are you in SOUTH—FLORIDA or somewhere we can meet up," Foley messaged Bush.
20041003             Even To Empire Rules Apply By JEFF—BERG 20040930             "Countercurrents_org" -
20041003             —INTERVIEWED, National security adviser Condoleezza Rice, on ABC's "—THIS—WEEK" program, defended her characterization of SADDAM—HUSSEIN—NUCLEAR capabilities in the months —BEFORE THE—IRAQ invasion.
20041003             † JANET—LEIGH, —77—JAHRE—ALT, actress in ALFRED—HITCHCOCK thriller "Psycho," in BEVERLY—HILLS, CALIFORNIA.
20041003             —EMERGED, THE—PARTY—OF—BRAZIL—LEFT—LEANING—PRESIDENT, stronger from nationwide municipal elections but did not come in 1. in THE—SAO—PAULO.
20041003             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—WEST—COLOMBIA, drug dealers opened fire on 1—RIVAL—GANG at 1—RANCH, killing at least 10—PEOPLE, including 1—TODDLER and 1—PREGNANT—WOMAN.
20041003             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—EAST—INDIA, separatists in Assam state bombed 1 crowded market, 1—TEA—PLANTATION and other sites, killing 7—PEOPLE in a 2. —DAY—OF—EXPLOSIONS and gun attacks that have left at least 57—DEAD and more than 100 wounded.
20041003             —CLAIMED, IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES and USA—TROOPS, success in wresting CONTROL—OF—SAMARRA from Sunni insurgents in fierce fighting.
20041003             —FIRED, 1—ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT, 2—MISSILES at 1—GROUP—OF—PALESTINIANS who launched 1—HOMEMADE rocket at ISRAEL, killing 2—MILITANTS.
20041003             —VOTED, Serbs, for mayors and other municipal posts in runoff elections.
20041003             —VOTED, Slovenians, in parliamentary elections.
20041003             Janez JANSA—RIGHT—LEANING party won weekend elections and promised to maintain SLOVENIA—PRO—WESTERN—COURSE—AFTER taking power from the Liberal Democrats.
20041003             2—OF—SPAIN—MOST wanted alleged terrorists and at least 16—OTHER suspected members of the armed Basque separatist group ETA were captured in 1—VAST—FRENCH—SPAIN—POLICE—OPERATION.
20041003             —ARRESTED, Mikel "Antza" Albizu Iriarte was, with his girlfriend SOLEDAD Genetxea.
20041003             —KILLED, CENTRAL—THAILAND, 1—HUGE—EXPLOSION at 1—FIREWORKS factory, 8—WORKERS and injured 3—OTHERS.
20041003             22 WOULD—BE immigrants drowned and 42 were missing —AFTER 1—BOAT that was to have carried them across the Mediterranean broke up and sank off THE—TUNISIA—COAST.
20041003             Another marine, SERGEANT—CHRISTOPHER—WALLACE—OF—PATASKALA, OHIO, agreed that the film was making 1—IMPRESSION on troops".Marines nowadays want to know stuff.
20041003             They want to be informed, because we'll be voting out here soon," he said. "
20041003             'Fahrenheit 20010911             ' opened our eyes to things we hadn't seen —BEFORE".
20041003             But, he added —AFTER 1—PAUSE, "We still have full faith + confidence in our COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF.
20041003             —ELECTED, And if JOHN—KERRY is, he will be our COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF".
20041003             'We shouldn't be HERE'—OTHER USA—TROOPS expressed feelings of guilt over killing Iraqis in 1—WAR they believe is unjust.
20041003             "We shouldn't be here," said 1—MARINE infantryman bluntly.
20041003             "There was no reason for invading this country in the 1. place.
20041003             —ANGERED, We —JUST came here and [ people] and killed 1—LOT—OF—INNOCENT—PEOPLE," said the marine, who has seen regular combat in Ramadi. "I don't enjoy killing women and children, it's not my thing".
20041003             —ACCEPTED, As with his comrades, the marine, some of the most controversial claims of "Fahrenheit 20010911             ," which critics have called biased.
20041003             "Bush didn't want to attack [Osama] OSAMA—BIN—LADEN because he was doing business with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—FAMILY," he said.
20041003             "Nobody I know wants Bush," says 1 enlisted soldier in Najaf, adding, "This whole war was based on lies".
20041003             —INTERVIEWED, Like several others, his animosity centered on 1—BELIEF that the war lacked 1—CLEAR—PURPOSE even as it took 1—TREMENDOUS—TOLL on USA—TROOPS
20041003             Medienbericht: TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE arbeiteten an schmutziger Bombe - EIN—EURO—JOBBER: "Besser als nichts"
20041003             Mitbringsel: Gewürze mit Krebs erregenden Färbemittel
20041003             The world —NOW waits with fearful anticipation the slow motion train wreck that AMERICA—COURSE represents to see how much repair we will have to do to the tracks that we must all travel.
20041003             And we can only pray as we work to organize our rescue that her fall will be less damaging than was her rise + rule.
20041003             And in the communal future of human civilization only those societies that promote human needs over human wants will avoid the power of entropy by regenerating as opposed to degenerating.
20041003             Only those that plan and sacrifice for THE—CARE—OF—FUTURE—GENERATIONS have themselves 1—FUTURE.
20041003             —CONSTRUCTED, Ruthlessly clever men, this system in the aftermath of the 2. World War.
20041003             —CONSTRUCTED, Truman, Acheson + Keenan et al, the military industrial complex + 1—PERMANENT wartime economic footing for 1—SPECIFIC—PURPOSE that it has largely served exactly as it was supposed to.
20041003             To wit.
20041003             It has made 1—VERY few people and companies in the world incomparably wealthy + powerful.
20041003             However what it has also done is unleash 1—EVER—INCREASING CONCENTRATION—OF—WEALTH for the few + thereby eroded support for the institutions that underlie the very democracy it was purportedly created to protect.
20041003             —WASTED, USA has, her talents, her wealth + her vision + so humanity will seek another vision.
20041003             The issue that people overwhelmingly care about, the abyss that will scare us sufficiently to revolt against USA imperial aims, no matter how fearful the consequences of such 1—REVOLT,
20041003             is the abyss of the 'great DIE—OFF'. - - The great herds of BUFFALO are gone,
20041003             the inexhaustible supply of cod is gone,
20041003             90—PERCENT—OF—ALL large fish in the ocean are gone,
20041003             the icecaps are going, topsoil is going, ENGLAND and INDIA—FORESTS are gone,
20041003             CHINA's + AMERICA—ARE next,
20041003             the lions and tigers and bears are going and THE—DIVERSITY—OF—LIFE in the world is literally coming to 1—END—AROUND us.
20041003             —MEANWHILE THE—USA—CONGRESS worries about corporate health, passes tax cuts and WALL—STREET—EDITORIALS fulminate about how little is being done for them them.
20041003             (The echo chamber at work)
20041003             Statistically speaking almost NONE—OF—THE—WORLD—OWNS—STOCK but we all very much have 1—STAKE in the natural ORDER—OF—THINGS.
20041003             1—ORDER that is rapidly collapsing —AROUND us.
20041003             Tipping point —AFTER tipping point is either past or rapidly approaching for countless SPECIES—OF—LIFE in our world.
20041003             As THE—MAJORITY—OF—THE—WORLD cannot survive for very long without these natural resources to sustain their lives this is the abyss that will motivate active resistance.
20041003             And —JUST as with the Palestinians, the Chechnya's, the Afghans and the Iraqis as more and MORE—OF—USA are faced with relentlessly grinding poverty, grotesque INEQUALITIES—OF—WEALTH + imminent extinction,
20041003             the demand for change will come from EVERY—CORNER.
20041003             How 'pretty' this will be and how soft our landing will depend on MANY—FACTORS.
20041003             Foremost among them the 'game plan' of THE—USA—CORPORATE—ELITE.
20041003             It will be the abyss that THE—USA—WAY is forcing us to look down.
20041003             —TODAY in IRAQ USA s leaders are playing 1—TESTOSTERONE filled GAME—OF—CHICKEN + THE—USA—LEADERSHIP is gambling that the world will be too afraid of the possible consequences to meaningfully oppose her.
20041003             USA is gambling that the world will let her take what she wants, let her be as profligate as she wants, because we so fear beginning 1—CHAIN—REACTION to nuclear war if we oppose her.
20041003             USA s blatant grab for the power + wealth that Middle Eastern oil represents has made it terrifyingly clear that
20041003             USA accepts no limits on her wants IRRESPECTIVE—OF—THE—NEEDS—OF—THE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—PLANET + the planet itself.
20041003             As 1—RESULT despite ever increasing expenditures on the branding of THE—'USA—WAY' the veils are beginning to slip from 1—EVER—INCREASING PLURALITY—OF—EYES.
20041003             —PROJECTED, Very quickly, much more quickly than any could have, whole populations are recognizing who is the greatest danger to our health, wealth + PURSUIT—OF—HAPPINESS.
20041003             This is nowhere better seen than in the elections of SPAIN something people like CHARLES—KRAUTHAMMER have exactly backwards.
20041003             —WHEN terrorist's blow things up it makes it far more likely not less likely that people will vote for the 'strongman' who promises security and vengeance.
20041003             —DOCUMENTED, This unsurprising though lamentable fact is so well, I will not belabour the point.
20041003             Though it is appropriate to mention the fact that this phenomenon is currently very obviously distorting THE—NATURE—OF—USA—POLITICS as EACH—CANDIDATE strives to find ways to prove he is the 'strongest' on security.
20041003             —ALLOWED, USA not SPAIN is THE—1—WHO has, herself to be stampeded by fear.
20041003             USA is THE—1—GIVING up her civil liberties.
20041003             USA is THE—1—MORTGAGING her future for 1—IMPERIAL—PRESENT not the Spaniards, not the French + hopefully soon no longer the Australians.
20041003             To 1—RATIONAL—PERSON the surprising thing about SPAIN is that Zapatero was able to win despite the bombing.
20041003             Claiming he won BECAUSE—OF—THE—BOMBING is what I like to call 1—ROVEAN INVERSION—OF—REALITY + is notable principally for how contemptuous such 1—ATTITUDE IS—OF—DEMOCRACY.
20041003             The simple MATH—OF—THE—MATTER is that 90—PERCENT—OF—SPANIARDS did not support USA s illegal invasion of IRAQ.
20041003             Call the election result there what you will you cannot call it undemocratic.
20041003             (Something THE—USA—CANNOT say about their last 'JIM—CROW/Felonious Five' election.)
20041003             Simply because ISRAEL with massive USA—MILITARY—AID has successfully occupied THE—WEST—BANK, GAZA and Golan Heights for over —30—YEARS does not make it 1—LEGAL—OCCUPATION.
20041003             In fact by INTERNATIONAL law according to declarations to which THE—USA is signatory it is correctly classified as 1—ILLEGAL—OCCUPATION and ISRAEL is guilty at the very LEAST—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIME—OF—UNLAWFUL—USE—OF—FORCE.
20041003             The same facts —NOW apply to USA s illegal war in IRAQ excepting that THE—USA is guilty of the even greater CRIME—OF—AGGRESSION as it is in CONTRAVENTION—OF—ARTICLE 51—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—CHARTER to which it is signatory.
20041003             —FROM its inception THE—USA—NATION has been 1—EXPANSIONARY 1.
20041003             1. establishing the homeland by exterminating the indigenous population —WHILE pushing ever westward + southward on THE—CONTINENT—OF—NORTH—AMERICA.
20041003             Next it began extending its control to the hemisphere at THE—TURN—OF—THE—CENTURY with the invasion of THE—PHILIPPINES.
20041003             (200,000 killed)
20041003             —SINCE WWII, INVOLVED, THE—USA has been, in several 100—MILITARY actions (VIETNAM 2 to 3—MILLION killed) + maintains over 700—MILITARY—STATIONS—WORLDWIDE.
20041003             It is also no coincidence that —SINCE the 2. world war in Latin AMERICA WHEREVER USA—INFLUENCE has been greatest human rights violations have been greatest + democracy least advanced.
20041003             —DISCUSSED, That these facts are well known + freely, in scholarship is no surprise as in this way USA is remarkably free.
20041003             Though notably less so this —DECADE than last.
20041003             What is surprising though is how little known these facts are by THE—MAJORITY—OF—PEOPLE + how little priority they are given even —WHEN they are known.
20041003             (In USA most especially but by no means exclusively)
20041003             USA—CIA hält SAWAHIRI—BOTSCHAFT für echt
20041003             Nach einer Schnellanalyse hält der USA—GEHEIMDIENST CIA zudem 1—TONBAND—DES—AL—QAIDA—FÜHRERS—AIMAN—AL—ZAWAHIRI für echt.
20041003             Der arabische Nachrichtensender AL—DSCHASIRA hatte —GESTERN 1—TONBAND veröffentlicht, das Zawahiri zugeschrieben wurde.
20041003             Sawahiri forderte darin die muslimische Jugend zum Kampf gegen die "Kreuzritter" auf.
20041003             Der Ägypter gilt als 2. Mann an der Spitze des Terrornetzwerks nach OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20041003             Arabische Beobachter spekulierten, dass die QAIDA—SPITZE —DERZEIT unter hohem Fahndungsdruck im Grenzgebiet zwischen AFGHANISTAN + PAKISTAN stehe + deshalb noch 1—ART "Testament" veröffentlichen wollte.
20041003             Die NORWEGISCHEN—BEHÖRDEN reagierten auf die Drohungen Sawahiris mit der Erhöhung der landesweiten ANTI—TERROR—BEREITSCHAFT.
20041003             Wie der Geheimdienst PST —HEUTE mitteilte, wurde —GESTERN—ABEND die Terrorbedrohung des skandinavischen Landes von "niedrig" auf "gemäßigt" angehoben.
20041003             Sawahari hatte auf dem Tonband den Angaben zufolge auch NORWEGEN genannt.
20041003             To date, Americans have been Effective at spending money in IRAQ + little else.
20041003             But it's not too late to learn THE—7—HABITS of Imperial Effectiveness.
20041003             —PREPARED, If Americans are, to LIVE—INDEED, to DIE—BY those Habits, we can look forward, at least, to pacifying FALLUJAH.
20041003             Pinkerton, JAMES—P is 1—COLUMNIST for Newsday + 1—FELLOW at the New AMERICA—FOUNDATION in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20041003             —SERVED, Pinkerton, JAMES—P, in USA—WHITE—HOUSE under Presidents Reagan, Ronald + Bush,[BGHW948]
20041003             But at THE—START—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, the intelligence agencies also agreed that IRAQ had not in fact resumed its nuclear weapons program.
20041003             —CONCLUDED, IRAQ—NUCLEAR—INFRASTRUCTURE, they, had been dismantled by sanctions and inspections.
20041003             —APPEARED, In short, MISTER—HUSSEIN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS, to have been contained.
20041003             The stakes were high + they knew it.
20041003             'THOUSANDS—OF—TERRORISTS' target AFGHANISTAN—POLL: As many as 2,000 terrorists may try to disrupt next weekend's historic presidential election in AFGHANISTAN, according to THE—COMMANDER—OF—USA—FORCES in the country, GENERAL—DAVID—BARNO.
20041003             —FAILED, GUANTANAMO has ' to prevent terror attacks' : Prisoner interrogations at Guantánamo Bay, the controversial USA—MILITARY—DETENTION—CENTRE where guards have been ACCUSED—OF—BRUTALITY + torture,
20041003             have not prevented 1—SINGLE—TERRORIST—ATTACK, according to 1—SENIOR—PENTAGON intelligence officer who worked at THE—HEART—OF—THE—USA—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20041003             The real truth about Camp Delta:
20041003             AMERICA—PRISON camp at Guantánamo Bay holds detainees in extreme conditions
20041003             USA 'hyping' Darfur genocide fears : WASHINGTON—DESIRE for 1—REGIME—CHANGE in KHARTOUM has biased their reports, it is claimed.
20041003             —ROUTED, How CHENEY—FIRM, $132m to NIGERIA:
20041003             1—LAWYER, based in offices in 1—RUN—DOWN PART—OF—NORTH—LONDON, worked with 3—UK executives from THE—USA—CONSTRUCTION—GROUP—HALLIBURTON
20041003             to pay at least $132m (£73m) in "unjustified" fees to contacts in NIGERIA.
20041003             New investigation uncovers more racism, voter intimidation and faulty poll machines : BLACK people intimidated at the polling booth.
20041003             Voting machines that register ballots wrongly.
20041003             Welcome to THE—DISASTER—WAITING—TO—HAPPEN that is THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—OF—20041100           .
20041003             Falwell says evangelicals control GOP, BUSH—FATE:
20041003             THE—REVEREND—JERRY—FALWELL said —YESTERDAY that evangelical Christians, —AFTER nearly —25—YEARS—OF—INCREASING political activism, —NOW control THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY +
20041003             THE—FATE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH in the —NOVEMBER election.
20041003             Doubt over ZARQAWI—ROLE as ringleader : USA—INTELLIGENCE obtained through bribery may have seriously overstated the insurgency role of the most wanted fugitive in IRAQ, ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI.
20041003             —WOUNDED, Influx of, soldiers strains VA:
20041003             Claims backlog faces troops returning from IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN
20041003             —ALLEGED, IRAN warns IRAQ over, ISRAEL—PRESENCE in Kurdish north : IRAN said —SUNDAY it was unable to confirm reports that ISRAEL—AGENTS have been operating in the Kurdish AREAS—OF—NORTH—IRAQ,
20041003             but nevertheless warned IRAQ—OFFICIALS to "pay attention".
20041003             How THE—WHITE—HOUSE Embraced Disputed Arms Intelligence : THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE—REPORT makes clear, that 93-page estimate stands as 1—OF—THE—MOST flawed documents in THE—HISTORY—OF—USA—INTELLIGENCE.
20041003             —CONCLUDED, The committee, unanimously that MOST—OF—THE—MAJOR—FINDINGS in the estimate were wrong, unfounded or overblown.
20041003             Polizeiaktion gegen ETA—FÜHRUNG: TERRORISTEN—PAAR festgenommen
20041003             DENMARK hopes to claim NORTH—POLE - S—FRANCISCO dances to Loveparade
20041003             61% say Kerry easily beat Bush - Bush pounds Kerry on foreign policy
20041003             Prototype micro fuel cell for 3G handset
20041003             20010911             —911- was 1—GODSEND to the Likudniks + FAR—RIGHT—RELIGIOUS—PARTIES in ISRAEL.
20041003             UN/BRAZIL—TROOPS—STAND—BY as HAITI—POLICE provoke violence
20041003             SIDNEY—BLUMENTHAL: Retreat into 1—SUBSTITUTE reality:
20041003             —BY touching on BUSH—AMBIVALENT relations with his father, Kerry exposed his delusions about IRAQ
20041003             Thousands in FLORIDA may be turned away at polls due to faulty registration:
20041003             —REGISTERED, THOUSANDS—OF—FLORIDIANS who think they're, to vote could be turned away at the polls 20041102             20041003             Cold sufferers need ID to get relief : GOVERNOR—TED—KULONGOSKI issued 1—ORDER—FRIDAY that will require people buying OVER—THE—COUNTER cold medicines in OREGON to show identification + leave personal information at the register.
20041003             Weltbank und IWF: Briten fordern Schuldenerlass, Eichel winkt ab (Wirtschaft,
20041003             MIGRANTEN—AUFFANGLAGER: EU—AUßENMINISTER kritisieren Schily
20041003             Vatikan: Österreichs letzter Kaiser, selig sei er!
20041003             Vulkan MOUNT—S—HELENS: Anzeichen für größeren Ausbruch
20041003             Mernissi, Grande Dame der MAROKKANISCHEN—FRAUENBEWEGUNG, war eine der 1., die die Auswirkungen des Satellitenfernsehens auf soziologischer Ebene untersuchte.
20041003             Ihre Kollegin Jamila Hassoune, Buchhändlerin aus Marrakesch, dokumentiert den Internetgebrauch von Jugendlichen und fördert diverse ALPHABETISIERUNGS—UND Literaturprogramme für Frauen.
20041003             Leicht ist die Arbeit der beiden nicht immer.
20041003             Mernissis Studien werden in Hassounes kleiner Librairie teilweise noch unter dem Ladentisch verkauft.
20041003             Dass die Bücher dennoch weggehen wie warmer Couscous, hat mit dem stetig wachsenden Interesse der Bevölkerung zu tun.
20041003             Darunter sind immer mehr Frauen, die wissen wollen, was in ihrem Land passiert.
20041003             Vor kurzem waren die Soziologin und die Buchhändlerin in BERLIN, um über die Auswirkungen der neuen Medien zu diskutieren.
20041003             Während der Konferenz im Haus der Kulturen der Welt verkündete Mernissi nichts Geringeres als die "digitale Demokratisierung" Marokkos.
20041003             Denn sie sieht Satellitenfernsehen und Internetboom als Antipoden zur staatlichen Zensur der alten Medien.
20041003             Das staatliche Medienmonopol werde durchbrochen, weil der Bürger —HEUTE endlich die Chance hat, selbst zu entscheiden, was ihn interessiert.
20041003             —AM Rande der Konferenz sagte sie: "An die 150—FERNSEHKANÄLE stehen dem Zuschauer —NUN zur Auswahl. Und er kann selber zwischen Unterhaltung und Informationsprogrammen wählen".
20041003             Ähnliches Potenzial traut sie dem INTERNET zu: "Männer und Frauen können sich in der Anonymität des virtuellen Raums unterhalten und sich damit dem kontrollierten Familienumfeld entziehen.
20041003             Gerade für Frauen und Jugendliche wird durch die neuen Medien ein öffentlicher Raum geschaffen, den es zuvor nicht gab".
20041003             Mernissi glaubt, dass die Demokratisierung des Wissens und die öffentliche Auseinandersetzung den Weg zu einer mündigen Gesellschaft ebnen können.
20041003             Für manch einen kann so viel unbekannte Offenheit allerdings auch zur Verwirrung führen, mitunter gar zu häuslichen Konflikten.
20041003             Denn es gibt kein geruhsames Familienfernsehen mehr, das durch 3—SPÄRLICHE nationale Sender dominiert wird.
20041003             Stattdessen stehen Familien auf einmal vor der Qual der Programmwahl.
20041003             "Familienmütter kaufen sich —HEUTE ihre eigenen tragbaren Fernseher", erzählt Mernissi.
20041003             "Damit sie sich ihre Lieblingssendungen heimlich in der Küche ansehen können.
20041003             Aber wehe, der Ehemann schielt im Nebenzimmer den leicht bekleideten Damen aufs Dekolletee".
20041003             Familienfernsehen scheint passé.
20041003             KÖHLER—REDE zur DEUTSCHEN—EINHEIT: "Kurzum: —SEIT langer Zeit läuft einiges schief"
20041003             Gewalt in GAZA: Scharon verlangt vom Militär hartes Vorgehen
20041003             —BESTIMMT, PROMISKUITÄTS—INDIKATOR: Sexappeal kann per Telefon, werden
20041003             Rüstungsexporte in den IRAK: DEUTSCHE—KRIEGSGEWINNLER
20041003             —MEANWHILE, the Islamic Council of VICTORIA told a 2,000-strong rally in MELBOURNE that the socially conservative Family 1. party was 1—FRONT for religious bigots responsible for spreading the new racism of "Islamophobia".
20041003             "Islamophobia is the new racism, 1—NEW—RACISM being used by religious bigots and NEO—NAZIS," ICV—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COORDINATOR—BILAL—CLELAND said.
20041003             "We've seen 1—ATTEMPT by the conservatives to set up 1—STOOGE party like Family 1., with its fundamental TALIBAN—STYLE—CHRISTIANITY being funded to try + snatch seats from the Greens + Democrats in the Senate".
20041003             —TODAY Thousands march against Howard
20041003             THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE from 1—VARIETY—OF—COMMUNITY + political groups took to the streets as PART—OF—1—NATIONWIDE 'End the Lies' campaign to oust the Howard government.
20041003             SYDNEY, high profile AUTHOR—THOMAS—KENEALLY and AUSTRALIA—ACTOR—JOHN—HOWARD joined 1 estimated 6,000 protesters in 1—MARCH from Town Hall to Belmore Park near CENTRAL—STATION.
20041003             "—WHEN I get lied to as 1—CITIZEN, I feel very alone," MISTER—KENEALLY said.
20041003             "And —TODAY I feel there are others who feel like ME—ALONE".
20041003             —BLASTED, MISTER—HOWARD, the policies of his political namesake —WHILE 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—MUSLIMS turned to pray to MECCA at SYDNEY—TOWN—HALL—SQUARE.
20041003             —ATTEMPTED, Above SYDNEY Harbour, SKY—WRITERS, to emblazon "Not Happy John" on 1—BLAZING—SYDNEY sky but struggled with high winds smearing the message.
20041003             Muslims for Peace spokesman PAUL—WHITE said his group was marching against AUSTRALIA—INVOLVEMENT in the war in IRAQ.
20041003             "Striving for peace is 1—OF—THE—DUTIES—OF—MUSLIMS," MISTER—WHITE said.
20041003             "Our religion tells us to struggle peacefully against ANY—INJUSTICE and so that's what we're doing".
20041003             THAILAND—GIRL has bird flu
20041003             Ausgerottet: Mensch und Klima löschten die Mammuts aus
20041003             Inside Camp Delta, 'THERE—ONLY 1—RULE that matters.
20041003             —THE—UK—FORMER—GUANTÁNAMO prisoner Shafiq Rasul told me:
20041003             You have to obey whatever USA—GOVERNMENT—PERSONNEL tell you to do.'
20041003             THE—COST—OF—DISOBEDIENCE was high: possibly 1—VISIT from the camp's 'Extreme Reaction Force (ERF)', 1—SQUAD—OF—GUARDS in riot gear,
20041003             which is said by several detainees to have carried out brutal assaults.
20041003             —WHEN these allegations 1. surfaced, USA—SPOKESMEN denied them.
20041003             1 leaked internal Guantánamo document, published here for the 1. time + headed 'Detainee STANDARDS—OF—CONDUCT', suggests Rasul + the others were telling the truth.
20041003             'The —FOLLOWING is 1—SET—OF—STANDARDS—DETAINEES—WILL follow at ALL times,' it begins.
20041003             'Failure to follow the —FOLLOWING standards will result in strict punishment by USA—SECURITY—FORCES.'
20041003             The 1. 2—RULES allow —30—MINUTES for detainees to eat their meals + —JUST—5—MINUTES for showers, although here 'amputees are authorised 10—15—MINUTES for showers'.
20041003             Then they become more menacing:
20041003             3. Detainees WILL—NOT be disrespectful to ANY—USA—SECURITY—FORCES—PERSONNEL or other detainees.
20041003             4. Detainees will follow THE—ORDERS—OF—USA—SECURITY forces at ALL times.
20041003             5. Detainee units can and WILL be searched at ANY—TIME.
20041003             6. Detainees WILL—NOT harass, annoy, harm or otherwise interfere with the safety or OPERATION—OF—THE—DETENTION—FACILITY.
20041003             7. Detainees WILL—NOT touch, spit, or throw ANY—OBJECT at USA—SECURITY—FORCES—PERSONNEL or other detainees.
20041003             If ANY—NON—ISSUED objects are found in or —AROUND unit area, detainees WILL inform USA—SECURITY—FORCES, with no disciplinary action taken.
20041003             8—DETAINEES—WILL keep noise down to 1—LOW conversational level.
20041003             At no time will 1—DETAINEE be allowed to yell or become unruly.
20041003             At no time will detainees communicate across block areas.
20041003             It is perhaps the last rule which is the most sinister:
20041003             13. - USA—SECURITY—FORCES—RESERVE THE—RIGHT to alter or temporarily cease the above standards if necessary.
20041003             Status/USA—TRADE Gap -: "WASHINGTON -
20041003             7.8—MILLION to the Institute for Contemporary Studies
20041003             S—FRANCICO—CHRONICLE—DON—LATTIN, Chronicle Religion Writer
20041003             Moonies KNEE—DEEP in FAITH—BASED FUNDS—PUSHING celibacy, marriage counseling under Bush [BGW968] plan
20041003             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] has SOME—NEW—TROOPS in his crusade to promote "healthy marriage" + teen celibacy with FEDERAL—FUNDS -- FOLLOWERS—OF—THE—REVEREND—SUN—MYUNG—MOON, the controversial Korean evangelist and SELF—PROCLAIMED new world messiah.
20041003             At least 4—LONGTIME OPERATIVES—OF—MOON—UNIFICATION—CHURCH are on THE—FEDERAL—PAYROLL or getting government grants in the administration's Healthy Marriage Initiative and other "FAITH—BASED" programs.
20041003             THE—85—YEAR—OLD—KOREAN is perhaps best known for presiding over mass marriage ceremonies for devotees whose unions are arranged by Moon or other church leaders.
20041003             —AFTER marriage, Unification Church couples are given detailed instructions for their honeymoon, right down to the sexual positions they are supposed to assume —DURING their 1. 3—CONJUGAL couplings.
20041003             According to Unification Church teachings, the children born from these marriages are "blessed children,'' who, unlike THE—REST—OF—HUMANITY, are born without original sin.
20041003             ".Moon has been 1—BIG—BACKER—OF—THE—FAITH—BASED initiative,'' said THE—REVEREND—BARRY—LYNN, executive DIRECTOR—OF—AMERICANS—UNITED for THE—SEPARATION—OF—CHURCH and State.
20041003             "But it's beyond belief that you can have THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—BRIDGEPORT issuing marriage education certificates and claim that is secular.''
20041003             Lynn said THE—OAKLAND program also shows how "there is virtually no monitoring of where this money is going.''
20041003             "Money goes out and nobody knows how it's used and nobody knows what it's for,'' he said.
20041003             —FOLLOWING the money from THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to THE—STREETS—OF—OAKLAND is not easy.
20041003             —RECEIVED, The organization that actually, THE—FEDERAL—GRANT is the
20041003             Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1—CONSERVATIVE think tank in OAKLAND + 1—OF—EVANS' key partners in THE—CALIFORNIA—HEALTHY—MARRIAGE—INITIATIVE.
20041003             —FOUNDED, That partnership comes through another —RECENTLY, organization, the Bay Area Inner City Leadership Alliance.
20041003             Also see: MT—FAITH—BASED—WATCH page.
20041003             - THE—OBSERVER—THE—BBC CHIEF who played 1—PIVOTAL role in how the corporation covered THE—IRAQ—WAR + THE—DAVID—KELLY affair, stands to profit out of 1—FIRM with lucrative military contracts in IRAQ.
20041003             —EMERGED, Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES, 1—BBC GOVERNOR, as 1—OF—THE—MAIN—FIGURES in the feud between THE—BBC and the government in the fallout of the Hutton inquiry into THE—DEATH—OF—WEAPONS—SCIENTIST—DOCTOR—DAVID—KELLY, being blamed personally by FORMER—DIRECTOR—GENERAL—GREG—DYKE for his sacking.
20041003             NEVILLE—JONES, 1—FORMER—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE, took 1—UNUSUALLY active role in the Kelly affair, criticising ANDREW—GILLIGAN—REPORTING and also expressing unease about KELLY—EXPERTISE.
20041003             —NOW it has emerged that NEVILLE—JONES—CHAIRS 1—COMPANY providing military equipment for USA Humvees + Black Hawk helicopters, both of which are used in IRAQ, leading to calls for her to reconsider her position as 1—GOVERNOR.
20041003             —EARNED, Documents from Companies House reveal that NEVILLE—JONES, £133,000 —LAST—YEAR as CHAIRMAN—OF—QINETIQ, the privatised research arm of the MoD.
20041003             The company —RECENTLY bought 2—USA—DEFENCE—FIRMS that have intimate ties to the Pentagon and MULTI—MILLION—DOLLAR—CONTRACTS supplying THE—USA—FORCES in IRAQ.
20041003             The company's accounts also disclose that NEVILLE—JONES—OWNS £50,000 WORTH—OF—SHARES in Qinetiq which are held through the controversial USA—FUND the Carlyle Group.
20041003             —FOLLOWING QINETIQ—MOVE into THE—USA—DEFENCE—MARKET, the company hopes to float on the stock market, 1—MOVE that would probably see THE—VALUE—OF—NEVILLE—JONES—SHARES—RISE.
20041003             NEVILLE—JONES, who sits on THE—BBC—PROGRAMME—COMPLAINT—COMMITTEE, has always declared her chairmanship of Qinetiq, but backbench MPs are —NOW calling on her to consider her position as GOVERNOR.
20041003             Former defence MINISTER—PETER—KILFOYLE said: 'The fact that she has such 1—FINANCIAL—INTEREST in the armaments industry and firms involved in IRAQ appears to be 1—REAL—CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST.
20041003             —STEPPED, She should have, aside —WHEN it came to discussing military issues.'
20041003             Labour MP Llew Smith, Labour MP said: 'It is completely inappropriate that someone so senior in THE—BBC should be leading 1—FIRM making huge profits from the misery caused by the invasion of IRAQ.'
20041003             —BLAMED, NEVILLE—JONES was personally, by Dyke for leading the boardroom revolt against him —AFTER Hutton criticised the corporation for failing to correct its reporting over THE—WMD dossier.
20041003             It emerged in the Hutton inquiry that NEVILLE—JONES sent BBC chairman GAVIN—DAVIES 1—NOTE expressing her unease that Gilligan may have exaggerated the status of Kelly, who killed himself over the scandal.
20041003             —ANNOUNCED, THE—MOD still owns 51—PERCENT—OF—THE—COMPANY, which, —LAST—MONTH that it paid £160—MILLION to buy USA—FIRMS—FOSTER—MILLER and Westar.
20041003             Page A09. - MICHAEL—V. Kostiw, chosen by CIA Director PORTER—J.
20041003             —10—YEARS, Kostiw was caught.
20041003             bookofjoe: MICHAEL—KOSTIW goes DOWN—BLOOD on the floor at THE—CIA as the long... links to weblogs that reference MICHAEL—KOSTIW goes DOWN—BLOOD on the floor... MICHAEL—V. Kostiw, staff DIRECTOR—OF—THE—TERRORISM subcommittee of the...
20041003             MICHAEL—KOSTIW, shoplifter: Goss Choice Quit CIA 19820000             Under Fire WALTER... WASHINGTON — MICHAEL—KOSTIW, chosen by CIA Director PORTER—GOSS to be the... MICHAEL—KOSTIW—VICE—PRESIDENT, INTERNATIONAL Government Relations, ChevronTexaco...
20041003             MICHAEL—V. KOSTIW—SOURCEWATCH... MICHAEL—V. Kostiw.
20041003             RULE—OF—VIOLENCE 20040000             —THE—OBSERVER  - Even To Empire Rules Apply
20041003             —REGISTERED, THOUSANDS—OF—FLORIDIANS who think they're, to vote could be turned away at the polls 20041102             20041003             —REGISTERED, THOUSANDS—OF—FLORIDIANS who think they're, to vote could be turned away at the polls 20041102             20041003             Cold sufferers need ID to get relief : GOVERNOR—TED—KULONGOSKI issued 1—ORDER—FRIDAY that will require people buying OVER—THE—COUNTER cold medicines in OREGON to show identification + leave personal information at the register.
20041003             Der letzte ÖSTERREICHISCHE—KAISER KARL—I. und ANNA—KATHARINA—EMMERICK, Ordensschwester im Augustinerorden und Mystikerin, werden von JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA. seliggesprochen.
200410250000 02:20041003—20251003     3—COMMENTS)
20050403             CNBC (20051003             ).
20050905—20051003    —NOMINATED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, JOHN—ROBERTS, —50—JAHRE—ALT to succeed WILLIAM—H—REHNQUIST as CHIEF justice and called on the Senate to confirm him —BEFORE THE—SUPREME—COURT—OPENS—ITS—FALL—TERM.
200509100337         —UHR] - Powell bedauert IRAK—REDE vor der Uno|
20050917             —OPENED, GERMANY—172. - Oktoberfest, and will run to 20051003             .
20051002—20051003    —SUSPECTED, COLOMBIA, leftist rebels (FARC) killed at least 13—COCA harvesters near Vistahermosa as PART—OF—1—STRUGGLE with FAR—RIGHT—PARAMILITARY—GANGS for CONTROL—OF—THE—LUCRATIVE cocaine trade.
20051003             —NOMINATED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—HARRIET—MIERS (19450000             *) to THE—SUPREME—COURT, turning to 1—LAWYER who has never been 1—JUDGE to replace SANDRA—DAY—O'CONNOR and help reshape the nation's judiciary.
20051003             She withdrew —3—WEEKS—LATER—AFTER criticism over her lack of judicial experience and Republican concerns about her conservatism.
20051003             —ENDED, THE—USA—SEARCH for bodies due to Hurricane Katrina, with 1—TOLL—OF—964.
20051003             —ANNOUNCED, Stellar Management of NY and Rockpoint Group, their purchase of the Villas Parkmerced complex in SF.
20051003             The 115-acre, 3,221-unit complex sold for 1 estimated $700—MILLION.
20051003             THE—UN—AMBASSADORS—OF—BRITAIN, FRANCE and THE—USA—SENT 1—LETTER emphasizing their continued opposition to 1—PROPOSAL to create 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—FREE—ZONE in CENTRAL—ASIA.
20051003             The letter, sent to THE—UN—AMBASSADORS—OF—THE—5—CENTRAL—ASIA—NATIONS, says that 1—DRAFT—TREATY to create the zone still does not address their biggest concerns and that further discussions are needed.
20051003             It calls for consultations "very soon".
20051003             —AGREED, THE—5—NATIONS, to the draft text for 1—CENTRAL—ASIA—NUCLEAR—FREE—ZONE in February.
20051003             MOSCOW claims that a 19920000             treaty that RUSSIA signed with KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, and TAJIKISTAN could allow missiles to be deployed in the region.
20051003             Australians BARRY—J—MARSHALL and ROBIN—WARREN won 20050000             —THE—NOBEL—PRIZE in medicine for showing that bacterial infection, not stress, was to blame for painful ulcers in the stomach and intestine.
20051003             —CROWDED, SOUTH—EAST—BANGLADESH, several bombs went off in, court buildings in CHITTAGONG, Chandpur and Laxmipur towns.
20051003             2—PEOPLE were killed and at least 25 wounded.
20051003             BISHOP—LUIZ—FLAVIO—CAPPIO, —59—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CATHOLIC—BISHOP on 1—HUNGER—STRIKE to protest plans to alter the course of 1—RIVER to irrigate parts of BRAZIL—ARID northeast, said he was "ready to die" if the project goes forward.
20051003             * PRESIDENT—LULA da Silva, who in 1—OF—THE—DROUGHT stricken regions that would benefit from the altered course of the Sao FRANCISCO—RIVER, wrote THE—BISHOP—1—LETTER saying the $2—BILLION project will help 18—MILLION—PEOPLE in NORTH—EAST—BRAZIL.
20051003             Between 19390000             and 19640000             , Borba recorded over 200—SONGS.
20051003             The boards of pharmaceutical distributor Alliance UniChem PLC and drugstore chain Boots Group PLC said they had agreed to merge.
20051003             —PACKED, COLOMBIA, 1—BOMB, inside 1—PICKUP truck and apparently meant to target government forces killed 3—MEMBERS—OF—1—FAMILY, including 2—CHILDREN, —WHEN it exploded as they passed by in FLORIDA County, 1—FARC stronghold.
20051003             —REACHED, EU nations, 1—TENTATIVE agreement on pursuing full membership talks with TURKEY, diplomats said.
20051003             1—SPOKESMAN for THE—TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER denied reports that ANKARA had agreed to the deal.
20051003             —IMPOSED, THE—EU, 1—ARMS—EMBARGO on UZBEKISTAN, cut aid, and suspended 1—COOPERATION—ACCORD to punish the increasingly isolated country for refusing to investigate the violent suppression of 1—UPRISING in May.
20051003             —TRIGGERED, EL—SALVADOR, heavy rains, landslides that killed at least 31—PEOPLE, —WHILE rising rivers forced THE—EVACUATION—OF—DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE there and in neighboring GUATEMALA.
20051003             —EXPECTED, FRANCE, 1—WIDESPREAD—TRANSIT—STRIKE, to touch on nearly all MODES—OF—PUBLIC—TRANSPORTATION began late at night in PROTEST—OF—THE—CENTER—RIGHT—GOVERNMENT—ECONOMIC and labor policies.
20051003             —SIGNED, INDIA and PAKISTAN, 1—DEAL requiring them to notify EACH—OTHER—OF—PLANS for ballistic missile tests.
20051003             —KILLED, CENTRAL—INDIA, at least 16—PEOPLE were, and dozens injured —WHEN 6—CARS—OF—1—SPEEDING passenger train derailed.
20051003             † WESTIRAQ, 2—USA—SOLDIERS and 1—MARINE were killed.
20051003             More than 300—AFRICANS tore through 1—RAZOR—WIRE fence separating MOROCCO from THE—SPAIN—ENCLAVE—OF—MELILLA, clashing with police in the latest wave of undocumented immigrants seeking 1—FOOTHOLD in EUROPE.
20051003             —BURNED, In northern and CENTRAL—PORTUGAL 11—WILDFIRES, OUT—OF—CONTROL amid the country's worst drought on record.
20051003             —CHANTED, RUSSIA, Orthodox priests, prayers and believers lighted candles as PATRIARCH—ALEXY—II led reburial rites for GENERAL—ANTON—DENIKIN, who fought against the Red Army —DURING RUSSIA—CIVIL—WAR and is —NOW cast as 1—PATRIOT.
20051003             —PACKED, SANGJU, SOUTH—KOREA, concertgoers trying to enter a, stadium sparked 1—STAMPEDE, killing 11 and injuring 72—OTHERS.
20051003             —AGREED, SUDAN—GOVERNMENT and rebels from THE—WAR—RAVAGED Darfur region, to sit down for FACE—TO—FACE—TALKS—AFTER —1—WEEK—OF bickering that had put discussions on hold.
20051003             —DECIDED, SWITZERLAND, to extradite RUSSIA—FORMER—NUCLEAR—MINISTER—TO—THE—USA on charges of stealing up to $9—MILLION that was intended to improve security of nuclear plants.
20051003             RUSSIA has been fighting THE—USA—EXTRADITION—REQUEST for Yevgeny Adamov OUT—OF—FEAR that he could reveal nuclear secrets —WHILE facing the charges in THE—USA.
20051003             again was indicted  on 2—NEW—CHARGES—OF conspiring to launder money + money laundering.
20051003             DeLay Indicted for Alleged Money Laundering
20051003             —INDICTED, REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY (R—TX ) has been, on a 2. criminal CHARGE—THIS time, for alleged money laundering.
20051003             —STEPPED, DeLay, down from his position as House majority leader —LAST—WEEK—AFTER he was indicted on 1—CONSPI racy charge for evading state campaign
20051003             —INDICTED, DeLay, on 2—NEW—CHARGES
20051003             —INDICTED, AUSTIN—TEXAS (Reuters ) - 1—TEXAS grand jury —ON—MONDAY, USA—REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY on 2—NEW—CHARGES including money laundering, —FOLLOWING 1—CONSPI racy indictment —LAST—WEEK which forced him to step aside as the 2.—RANKING Republican in the U
20051003             DeLay Scandal WILL—AFFECT—ONLY—DELAY, Texans Say
20051003             ABLE DANGER and Intelligence Information Sharing
20051003             THE—FBI + THE—CIA said, ``What is THE—ARMY—INFORMATION—DOMINANCE—CENTER?... We were visited by our--THE—INSCOM—GENERAL—COUNSEL + the man was named...
20051003             SPIDER—MAN suit 'by 2017'
20051003             STEFANO—MEZZASALMA at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TRIESTE said: "The 1. prototype of 1—SPIDERMAN suit might be ready in —1—DECADE or so".
20051003             " Spiderman v Geckoman Spinneret Chemistry News
20051003             According to 1—REPORT in New Scientist, STEFANO—MEZZASALMA—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TRIESTE in ITALY says the approach definitely could work...
20051003             Beginn der Beitrittsverhandlungen der EU mit KROATIEN und der TÜRKEI.
20051003             Die im EU—PARLAMENT und von ÖSTERREICH vorgebrachten Bedenken gegen 1—BEITRITT der TÜRKEI spiegeln sich im Rahmentext wider, am ENDE—DER—VERHANDLUNGEN auch zu prüfen, ob die EU die Aufnahme wirtschaftlich und politisch verkraften kann.
20051003             Die Gespräche mit KROATIEN werden statt 20040000             —ERST—JETZT aufgenommen, da KROATIEN nach Auffassung der EU—KOMMISSION nur mangelhaft mit dem Haager Kriegsverbrechertribunal kooperiert hat.
20051003—19390000    —RECORDED, Borba, her 1. record, "Pirulito," or "Lollipop," launching her career as 1—RADIO—SINGER.
20051003—19470000    —IN, Denikin, who † in exile in THE—USA, was laid to rest together with RUSSIA—PHILOSOPHER—IVAN—ILYIN and the wives of THE—2—MEN in the historic Donskoy Monastery in CENTRAL—MOSCOW.
20051003—19970000    —IN, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, TAJIKISTAN, UZBEKISTAN and TURKMENISTAN had originally put forward 1—PROPOSAL for 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON—FREE—ZONE, but divisions both internal and external over the text have stalled progress.
20051003—19990000    —PURCHASED, Carmel Properties and JP Morgan had, the property for $324—MILLION.
20051003—20040000    —IN, MUNICH—2—WEEK—OKTOBERFEST drew to 1—CLOSE, and organizers said more people visited —THIS—YEAR but they drank less beer than.
20051003—20051009    WILLIAM—MITCHELL—ASSOCIATE—PROFESSOR—A—JOHN—RADSAN, former assistant general counsel at THE—CIA, to moderate.
20051003—20051009    —REQUIRED, Registration.
20051003—20051027    HARRIET—MIERS nomination to THE—SUPREME—COURT... opposition to 1—TIGUA casino in TEXAS to the benefit of his clients the Lousiana...
20051017             —SUSPECTED—OF, He is, being 1—MILITIA—LEADER —DURING 19931003             —THE, "Black Hawk Down" battle that left 18—AMERICANS dead.
20060315             (| Last Journal: —MONDAY 20061003             , @04:07PM) What isn't being seen for the trees is that the forest, for the 1. time, is visible to everyone on the web.
20060316—20031003    —ON, ;;1003;;: REPORT—OF—USA—CENSORSHIP—OF—AL—JAZEERA—IT was reported at ArabNews_com in 1—ARTICLE
20060316—20060316    —ON, --MN] Return to Chronology 20031003             this —DAY USA—MAGISTRATE—BRISTOW Marchant ruled that MISTER—BURSEY had been protesting peacefully and was not engaged in any "wantonly criminal" act, 20060316             but also defended the government's VIEW—OF—THE—IMPORTANCE—OF restricted areas for THE—PRESIDENT—SAFETY.
20061003             —HOUSED, MORAY—VALVE—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia THE—MORAY—VALVE, in THE—MORAY—RADIANT—ENERGY—DEVICE, was 1—DEVICE created by THOMAS—HENRY—MORAY, patent filed 19310713             .
20061003             —WANTED, He was, for THE—SLAYING—OF—LESLIE Lamb (36) who † 20060826             —FOLLOWING 1—SEVERE beating.
20061003             UPDATE: TPM Muckraker has —POSTED 1—COPY—OF—20060829             —THE press release, "Hastert Drives Effort To 'Keep Kids Safe In Cyberspace,'"
20061003             "As reported —EARLIER on Slashdot, in the closing hours of THE—USA—CONGRESSIONAL session —ON—FRIDAY, 20060929             , the Unlawful INTERNET Gambling Enforcement Act of 20060000             (H.R.4411.RH) was attached to the Safe Port Act of 20060000             H.R.4954.EAS. To the surprise of many, the bill passed both the House and the Senate + Bush is expected to sign it into law —THIS—WEEK. This effectively outlaws online gambling in THE—USA, by way of making it illegal for CREDIT—CARD—COMPANIES to collect payments for bets. The financial markets punished the stock of online gambling companies as some prepared to pull out of THE—USA—ENTIRELY".
20061003             Americans JOHN—C—MATHER and GEORGE—F—SMOOT won 20060000             —THE—NOBEL—PRIZE in physics for work that helped cement THE—BIG—BANG THEORY—OF—THE—UNIVERSE and deepen UNDERSTANDING—OF—THE—ORIGIN—OF—GALAXIES and stars.
20061003             —RAIDED, FEDERAL—AGENTS, 8—LOCATIONS in SF and OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, and arrested 15—PEOPLE including Sparky Rose (36), HEAD—OF—THE—NEW—REMEDIES—COOPERATIVE.
20061003             —SEIZED, Nearly 13,000 plants were, along with $125,000 in cash.
20061003             1—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY indicted Colma CITY—CALIFORNIA, Councilman PHILIP—LUM—JUNIOR for allegedly taking gifts from the owner of the Lucky Chances Casino and then voting on matters that benefited the cardroom.
20061003             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA, Cambodian and USA representatives, 1—SISTER—PARK—ACCORD between Samlaut Park and Sequoia National Park.
20061003             —DONATED, Jeannik Mequet Littlefield, $35—MILLION to THE—SF—OPERA.
20061003             Nasdaq rose 6.05 to 2,243.
20061003             Police had found 1—TORTURE chamber in STEFANSON—OAKLAND home with bloodstains from Lamb and 2—OTHER—APPARENT—VICTIMS.
20061003             —SENTENCED, He was, to 2—LIFE—TERMS in prison.
20061003             —RESIGNED, AUSTRIA—GOVERNMENT, —2—DAYS—AFTER THE—CENTER—RIGHT—COALITION lost parliamentary elections.
20061003             —FORMED, It will remain in office —UNTIL 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT is.
20061003             —KILLED, In the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO 1—PERSON was, and 2 injured —WHEN 1—BELGIUM—DRONE from THE—EU force crashed in KINSHASA.
20061003             —EDGED, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC, closer to early elections —AFTER PRIME—MINISTER—MIREK—TOPOLANEK—RIGHTIST minority government was toppled in a parliamentary confidence vote.
20061003             1—TOP—IRAN—NUCLEAR—OFFICIAL proposed that FRANCE create 1—CONSORTIUM to enrich uranium in IRAN, saying that could satisfy INTERNATIONAL demands for outside OVERSIGHT—OF—TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20061003             —ENDORSED, IRAQ—LAWMAKERS across party lines, THE—PRIME—MINISTER—NEW—PLAN for stopping sectarian killings, but Shiite and Sunni leaders still must work out details of how to put aside sharp divisions and work together to halt the bloodshed.
20061003             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER unleashed 1—BLAST in 1—BAGHDAD fish market and 2—SHIITE families were found slain NORTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL as violence across IRAQ claimed at least 53—LIVES.
20061003             1—RAID killed 4—TERROR—SUSPECTS in THE—WEST—IRAQ—TOWN—OF—HADITHA.
20061003             —CAPTURED, THE—USA—COMMAND, 28 suspected terrorists in 1—RAIDS in SOUTH—EAST—BAGHDAD.
20061003             —KILLED, A—USA—SOLDIER was, in 1—SHOOTING in BAGHDAD.
20061003             A 2. † from gunfire in KIRKUK.
20061003             —CALLED, OPEC PRESIDENT—NIGERIA, on its fellow OPEC countries to make deeper output cuts as prices tumbled to an —8-MONTH low below $59 1—BARREL and the tide showed no sign of turning.
20061003             NORTH—KOREA said it will conduct 1—NUCLEAR—TEST in the face of what it claimed was "THE—USA—EXTREME—THREAT—OF—1—NUCLEAR—WAR," ratcheting up tensions amid INTERNATIONAL pressure to return to negotiations on its atomic program.
20061003             —LINKED, Gunmen, to PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS'—FATAH movement threatened to assassinate leaders of the rival Hamas group, heightening tensions from —3—DAYS—OF—FIGHTING that has killed 10—PALESTINIANS.
20061003             THE—PHILIPPINES, BISHOP—ALBERTO—RAMENTO—OF—TARLAC, FORMER—OBISPO Maximo of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI), was found stabbed to death at his rectory.
20061003             —SUSPENDED, RUSSIA, all transport and postal links with GEORGIA —UNTIL further notice, sharply escalating their dispute.
20061003             —CAUSED, The blockade, economic problems for ARMENIA—GEORGIA'S landlocked southern neighbor, —SINCE RUSSIA is its main trading partner.
20061003             —AGREED, SRI—LANKA—TAMIL—TIGER rebels, to unconditional talks with the government but warned they will pull out of a 20020000             CEASE—FIRE if the government persists with its military campaign.
20061003             —DEPOSED, THAILAND's, premier Thaksin Shinawatra resigned from his once ALL—POWERFUL—PARTY in 1—LETTER faxed from LONDON.
20061003             A TURKEY—AIRLINES plane carrying 113—PEOPLE from ALBANIA to ISTANBUL landed in ITALY where 1—TURKEY—MAN surrendered and released all the passengers unharmed.
20061003             —HIJACKED, THE—TURKEY—ARMY deserter who, the airliner sought asylum because he feared persecution in his Muslim homeland —AFTER his conversion to Christianity and wanted BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA—PROTECTION.
20061003             VENEZUELA, 2—BOYS, RENZO—FESTA (9) and DOMENICO—FESTA, —12—JAHRE—ALT, were abducted along with their mother, Nathaly Gotera de Festa, as she drove them to school.
20061003             oo Gotera (35) was, to ITALIAN—VENEZUELA—BUSINESSMAN—DOMENICO—FESTA and was in the process of obtaining her ITALY—CITIZENSHIP.
20061003             " Would have, could have, should have," Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (R—IL) said —YESTERDAY, "responding to questions about whether Republicans
20061003             should have done more " about MARK—FOLEY.
20061003             —RECEIVED, DONALD—RUMSFELD and JOHN—ASHCROFT " the same CIA briefing about 1—IMMINENT—AL—QAIDA strike on 1—USA—TARGET that was given to THE—WHITE—HOUSE —2—MONTHS—BEFORE 20060911             —THE, 20010000             , attacks".
20061003             —DESCRIBED, The presentation was, as a " - 10 on 1—SCALE—OF—1 to 10
20061003             " warning that al Qaeda "was poised to strike again".
20061003             "Flanked by about - 30—CHILDREN—OF—SUPPORTERS,
20061003             " REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—REYNOLDS (R—NY) —YESTERDAY defended his decision to not inform authorities —WHEN he LEARNED—OF—MARK—FOLEY—INAPPROPRIATE—EMAILS last —SPRING. "—WHEN 1—REPORTER suggested to Reynolds that the children step outside in order to have 1—FRANK—DISCUSSION—OF—THE sexually charged case, Reynolds declined".
20061003             "NORTH—KOREA said —TUESDAY that it will conduct 1—NUCLEAR—TEST to bolster its SELF—DEFENSE—CAPABILITY amid what it calls increasing USA—HOSTILITY toward the communist regime," THE—AP reports.
20061003             —ACTED, World leaders " with alarm".
20061003             —WHILE the stock market and corporate profits have rebounded, MANY—AMERICANS' paychecks haven't grown fast enough to keep up with rising prices.
20061003             1—RECENT—WSJ/NBC poll found the "
20061003             gap between rich and poor " ranked as THE—NUMBER 2—ECONOMIC—ISSUE — —AFTER gas prices and energy costs.
20061003             Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST (R—TN) wants to put the Taliban —BACK—IN power in AFGHANISTAN.
20061003             —URGED, Frist —YESTERDAY, support for efforts to bring "
20061003             people who call themselves Taliban " and their allies into the government.
20061003             "THE—USA, RUSSIA, THE—UK, FRANCE and GERMANY remain the world's top arms exporters, accounting for about
20061003             82—PERCENT—OF—THE—MARKET 20050000             ," 1—NEW—REPORT shows.
20061003             The weapons fuel conflicts —AROUND the world, including in Darfur and UGANDA.
20061003             Ban said in 1—INTERVIEW—LAST—WEEK that he wanted "TO—MAKE THE—UNITED—NATIONS—RELEVANT again.
20061003             New census figures show the " BURDEN—OF—HOUSING costs in nearly EVERY—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY grew sharply 20000000—20050000    —FROM—TO".
20061003             "The numbers vividly illustrate the impact, often distributed unevenly, of the
20061003             crushing combination
20061003             of escalating real estate prices and largely stagnant incomes".
20061003             —VOTED, And finally: Don't blame me, I, for the other clown.
20061003             "1—REAL clown is running for MAYOR—OF—ALAMEDA (CA) + even his sister won't vote for him".
20061003             KENNETH—KAHN, aka "KENNY—THE—CLOWN," "admits he's running 1—LONG—SHOT—CAMPAIGN" for mayor.
20061003             "People ask me, 'Do we really want to elect 1—CLOWN for MAYOR—OF—THE—CITY,'" Kahn said.
20061003             "I say, ' - That's 1—EXCELLENT—QUESTION.
20061003             Abgeschmackt — RELIGION—DA könnte sich die Vatikanbank mal 1—BEISPIEL nehmen... Dörfert, Hasenhüttl +... die Skandale der katholischen Kirche in Trier nehmen kein Ende...
20061003             Bernays, EDWARD—L IMPACT—PUBLIC—RELATIONS in AMERICA... problems in AMERICA. go back much further than public relations does.
20061003             TORY—PARTEITAG: Krückstock und 1—TASSE—TEE
20061003             Protest gegen Papstbesuch: Flugzeugentführer geben auf
20061003             Tschechien: Parlament lehnt neues Kabinett ab
20061003             Börse: Dow Jones klettert auf neues Allzeithoch
20061003             EADS: A380- Krise wird zum Debakel für Airbus
20061003             IDOMENEO—DEBATTE: "Das Abschlagen von Köpfen ist nicht trivial"
20061003             Massaker in PENNSYLVANIA: Den Amokläufer trieben Schuldgefühle
20061003             —ENTFÜHRT, Athen: TÜRKISCHES—FLUGZEUG nach ITALIEN, - Protest gegen PAPA
20061003             LEIPZIG: Massenfestnahme bei ANTI—NAZI—DEMO
20061003             SPIONAGE—AFFÄRE: Kalter Krieg am Kaukasus
20061003             Nahost: FATAH—GRUPPE droht HAMAS—CHEF—MIT—DEM—TOD
20061003             Monopole: Microsoft klagt gegen EU—BUßGELD
20061003             Es trägt den Namen "Planck" - —NACH—DEM Physiker, ohne dessen Vorarbeit heutige Wissenschaftler das kosmische Rauschen wohlmöglich nicht einmal richtig hätten deuten können.
20061003             Mit Material von AP/dpa - Kosmologie: Von Spekulation zur harten Wissenschaft
20061003             —BEKANNT, In der Realität jedoch ist kein solcher Körper, - und —NACH—DEN Vorstellungen der Physik auch nicht möglich.
20061003             Das ist der Grund, warum die ENTDECKUNG—DER—RADIOTECHNIKER—PENZIAS und Wilson die theoretischen Physiker ROBERT—DICKE und JAMES—PEEBLES—VON—DER—PRINCETON—UNIVERSITY so sehr erregte: Ihnen war sofort klar, dass es sich bei den Mikrowellensignalen um Reste der Strahlung vom Anbeginn der Welt handeln konnte.
20061003             Gemessen hatte dieses Echo —BIS dahin noch NIEMAND—GESCHWEIGE denn die Milliarden —JAHRE alten Signale charakterisiert.
20061003             Die gesamte Kosmologie, die Wissenschaft von der Entstehung des Universums, war lange Zeit eine höchst theoretische Angelegenheit GEWESEN—NOTGEDRUNGEN.
20061003             Weil Forscher weder auf der Erde noch am Himmel Aufzeichnungen oder auch nur Spuren aus der fernen kosmischen Vergangenheit finden konnten, beschäftigten sie sich mit abstrakten Spekulationen: Wie könnte es gewesen sein?
20061003             Doch —NUN endlich gab es Daten, mit denen man forschen konnte.
20061003             —CHARGED, Pastors, over £4.6m hole in collection plate The weakness of 2—PASTORS at the church in Palm BEACH—FLORIDA left an $8.6m (£4.6m) hole in its collection plate.
20061003             Republican in sex email scandal WHITE—HOUSE fights to contain damage to Republican electoral prospects from FLORIDA congressman under FBI investigation.
20061003             RUSSIA escalates GEORGIA row despite release of 'SPIES'—MOSCOW cuts trade links vital for smaller NEIGHBOUR—PUTIN warns Bush not to intervene in dispute
20061003             Arms firms duck controls with 'FLAT—PACK' WEAPONS—SPENDING to surpass Cold War heights, says REPORT—SHIPPING components avoid embargoes and bans
20061003             UK rejects Guantánamo 9—BRITAIN rejects USA—OFFER to return 9 detained UK residents.
20061003             NORTH—KOREA nuclear test claim NORTH—KOREA to conduct test due to 'increased USA—HOSTILITY'.
20061003             —GELESEN, PHYSIK—NOBELPREIS: Spuren vom Anbeginn der Welt
20061003             ITALIEN—SKANDAL: Vieri verklagt Telefongesellschaft, neuer Verdacht gegen Lazio
20061003             Schriftsteller SALMAN—RUSHDIE: "INDIEN ist reifer, als viele glauben"
20061003             —TAG—DER—DEUTSCHEN—EINHEIT: Merkel warnt vor Substanzverbrauch
20061003             PHYSIK—NOBELPREIS: Die Laureaten der letzten —10—JAHRE
20061003             DEUTSCHE—EINHEIT: Jammern auf höchstem Niveau
20061003             SCHWEDEN: Nobelpreis für 2—USA—ASTROPHYSIKER
20061003             Study: 4—ISRAEL—COMPANIES join global top 100—ARMS—LIST : 4—ISRAEL—COMPANIES appear in 1—LIST—OF—THE—TOP—100—ARMS—DEALERS in the world, according to 1—REPORT published —MONDAY by AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL.
20061003             —INEXPERIENCED, JORDAN—KING—RISKS—SHAH—FATE, Critics Warn : 1—POLITICALLY, KING—TAKES—CONTROL—OF—1—MIDDLE—EASTERN—MONARCHY from his powerful father, surrounds himself with USA—MILITARY—HARDWARE and spies, loses touch with his people and is finally ejected in 1—POPULAR uprising.
20061003             WOODWARD—60—MINUTES bloodbath
20061003             Veteran JOURNALIST—BOB—WOODWARD can always be counted on to tell the truth... —AFTER all the other options have been exhausted.
20061003             His new book doesn't veer too far from the pattern he's followed his entire career;
20061003             —1—MINUTE he's the "kingmaker" dishing up HEARTY—HELPINGS—OF—LITERARY tripe like "Bush at War" and "PLAN—OF—ATTACK" and THE—NEXT—MINUTE he's ramming 1—SCIMITAR into the lower lumbar REGION—OF—HIS prey.
20061003             War is Peace - ISRAEL and THE—USA, as SELF—STYLED PURVEYORS—OF—DEMOCRACY and freedom, have ironically fallen into their own propaganda trap.
20061003             In seeking to rationalize aggressions towards Arabs and Muslims, collectively termed "terrorists", both nations employ techniques REMINISCENT—OF—TOTALITARY—REGIMES + decry the "enemy" as fascist, irrational "evildoers" naturally bent upon violence.
20061003             THE—AXIS—OF—POWERS; Nazi Tactics by ISRAEL and AMERICA in the Phony WAR—ON—TERROR
20061003             Terror bombing, illegal INVASION—OF—OTHER—COUNTRIES using trumped up excuses, DEHUMANIZATION—OF—THE—ENEMY as inferior, widespread USE—OF—TORTURE;
20061003             these are exactly the same tactics the Nazis used.
20061003             But these tactics will never produce either the peace or victory THE—AXIS—OF—POWERS—CLAIM they want.
20061003             Remember WWII. THE—NAZIS lost!
20061003             —LINKED, UK—DOCUMENTARY alleges PAPA, to "child abuse COVER—UP"
20061003             1—UK—DOCUMENTARY claimed that B—PAPAENEDICT—XVI was implicated in the systematic COVER—UP—OF—CHILD—SEX—ABUSE—ALLEGATIONS against Catholic priests.
20061003             Battlefield Foley
20061003             —CHECKED, Has MARK—FOLEY, himself in to a $cientology "rehab" center?
20061003             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX at
20061003             Republicans knew about Foley 20010000             20061003             —REPEATED, Despite, warning signs going back at least —5—YEARS, almost nothing was done in Congress to stop FOLEY—SUSPECT—BEHAVIOR with pages.
20061003             I am shocked ! Shocked I tell you! See also: Cong.
20061003             —TRIED, TOM—REYNOLDS'(R—NY) CHIEF—OF—STAFF, to get ABC to COVER—UP EVIDENCE—OF—FOLEY predatory sex chat —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX at 7:46 PM
20061003             E—MAILS Show Foley Sought to Rendezvous with Page
20061003             In addition to explicit sexual language, FORMER—CONGRESSMAN—MARK—FOLEY—INTERNET—MESSAGES also include repeated efforts to get the underage recipient to rendezvous with him at night.
20061003             —FROM THE—TEXT—OF—THE—MESSAGE it seems clear that Foley had at least 1—PERSON—TO—PERSON—ENCOUNTER with the boy.
20061003             —WHEN did JACK—ABRAMOFF find out about THE—IRAQ—WAR?
20061003             —BEFORE you did, it seems.
20061003             PRO—BUSH, MOONIE—OWNED, WASHINGTON Times Calls for Resignation of Hastert
20061003             Bush Could Declare You 1—ENEMY—COMBATANT, Under Legislation Passed by Congress
20061003             "Republican strategists said —YESTERDAY that public revulsion over the sexually graphic online conversations between REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY (R—FLORIDA) and FORMER—HOUSE—PAGES could compound the party's problems enough to tip the House to the Democrats —IN—NOVEMBER -- and could jeopardize the party's hold on the Senate as well. As House GOP leaders defended their role in handling revelations that forced Foley —ON—FRIDAY to give up his House seat, party strategists said the scandal threatens to depress turnout among Christian conservatives and could hamper efforts to convince undecided and swing voters that Republicans deserve to remain in the majority".
20061003             Like, We Can Handle That.
20061003             10/3 - Yes, There is 1—PLAN for Withdrawal from IRAQ.
20061003             Read it —NOW.
20061003             "Out of IRAQ: 1—PRACTICAL—PLAN for Withdrawal," By GEORGE—MCGOVERN and WILLIAM—POLK.
20061003             NYT Editorial: "That House leaders knew REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY had been sending inappropriate E—MAIL to Capitol pages and did little about it is terrible. It is also the latest in 1—LONG, depressing pattern: —WHEN there is 1—CHOICE between the right thing to do and the easiest route to PERPETUATION—OF—POWER, top Republicans always pick wrong".
20061003             Confirmation: C.I.A. CHIEF—WARNED—RICE on AL—QAEDA.
20061003             THERE—1—SIMPLE—RESPONSE to CONDI—ASSERTIONS that She Did Take THE—THREATS—OF—TERRORISM—SERIOUSLY —BEFORE 20010911             .
20061003             It's Quite Simple: Condi, Tell Us What You Did —BEFORE 20010911             to Prevent 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK, Particularly Considering that You Received 1—INTELLIGENCE—DOCUMENT that Said OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Was Determined to Attack in THE—USA—AND a 4—ALARM Meeting with THE—HEAD—OF—THE—CIA.
20061003             What Did You Do Condi? Tell Us, Please.
20061003             10/3 - In addition to explicit sexual language, FORMER—CONGRESSMAN—MARK—FOLEY—INTERNET—MESSAGES also include repeated efforts to get the underage recipient to meet him for drinking, dancing and more.
20061003             Foley was trolling for sex. THERE—NO—DOUBT about it.
20061003             —DIRECTED, OMAR—SAEED—SHEIKH—XYMPHORA has, our attention to this story,
20061003             in which PAKISTAN PRESIDENT—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF reveals (or should I say "claims"?) that OMAR—SAEED—SHEIKH is or was 1—AGENT—OF
20061003             UK—INTELLIGENCE.
20061003             —HELPED, OMAR—SAEED—SHEIKH is said to have, train the hijackers.
20061003             —CONVICTED—OF, He's in prison —NOW, murdering DANIEL—PEARL.
20061003             —FROM Wikipedia: On - Foley gate: Arrogance, spying and...Scientology?
20061003             Not only did the Republican leadership keep FOLEY—CREEPY behavior secret from Democratic MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE—PAGE—PROGRAM, THE—PATTERN—OF—PARTISANSHIP continues.
20061003             in order to log IMs using AIM, 1 must download and install 1—SPECIAL—PROGRAM.
20061003             Did all the boys go to such trouble?
20061003             JOE—SCARBOROUGH makes much the same point: "Someone had these IM's and held on to them for —1—YEAR so to inflict maximum damage on MARK—FOLEY and THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY".)
20061003             1—FEENEY connection? Another FLORIDA Republican congressman, TOM—FEENEY -- —NOW in 1—TIGHTENING race with vote fraud whistleblower Clint Curtis -- is 1—STAUNCH OPPONENT—OF—INTERNET—PREDATORS.
20061003             —LEARNED, So was Foley, —UNTIL the world, that he had become what he opposed.
20061003             As BradBlog points out, Feeney is 1—DEPUTY—WHIP as well as 1—FELLOW—REPUBLICAN;
20061003             he may thus have had inside KNOWLEDGE—OF—FOLEY—PROBLEM.
20061003             —CONTRIBUTED, Foley has, money to Feeney.
20061003             More conspiratorial minds than mine may detect the subtle, lingering odor of blackmail;
20061003             I jump to no such conclusions + merely note THE—SEQUENCE—OF—EVENTS.
20061003             1—SCIENTOLOGY connection? JUSTIN—ROOD (citing Wonkette) has found AN—INTERESTING tidbit :
20061003             Foley had 1—RELATIONSHIP with the Scientology community in FLORIDA;
20061003             the Scientologists have 1—DETOX center in CLEARWATER—FLORIDA;
20061003             —FAXED, FOLEY—ATTORNEY—DAVID—ROTH, news of his client's treatment to 1—FLORIDA—TV—STATION from 1—FAX machine in CLEARWATER—FLORIDA;
20061003             ROTH—OFFICE, however, isn't in CLEARWATER.
20061003             The relationship was 1—OF—LONG standing.
20061003             —REALIZED, Moray also, the potential of his devise as 1—WEAPON.
20061003             He was fully aware that the only difference between 1 controlled energy device and 1—EXPLOSION is THE—RATE—OF—RELEASE—OF—THE—ENERGY.
20061003             1—OF—HIS: greatest fears was that big interests would take up his invention and simply shelve it to keep it from benefiting the public.
20061003             —WHEN large companies made him offers, he always demanded written guarantees that the device would be put into production and sold to everyone, once it was developed
20061003             —TODAY we know that 1—CUBIC centimeter of pure vacuum contains enough energy to condense into 10 80— 10 120—GRAMS—OF—MATTER!
20061003             1—OF—MORAY—EFFORTS to develop the machine involved 1—ASSOCIATION with the Rural Electrification Agency for 1—SHORT—TIME—BEFORE WWII.
20061003             At that time, the R.E.A. was apparently infiltrated by Communist sympathizers and high level officials of 1—DECIDEDLY pinkish tinge.
20061003             —URGED, These officials continually, Moray to turn over all details of his device to THE—SOVIET—UNION + even arranged THE—VISIT—OF—HIGH—LEVEL—SOVIET—SCIENTISTS to the Moray laboratory to see the device in operation On THE—INITIATIVE—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—INFILTRATED R.E.A., 1—PERSON—LET us call him "Z"—SPENT about —2—MONTHS in MORAY—LABORATORY + succeeded in worming his way into MORAY—FULL—CONFIDENCE.
20061003             —DISCLOSED, Moray eventually, MOST—OF—THE—DETAILS—OF—THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—HIS—SPECIAL valve to ''Z"—THE only person in whom Moray ever completely confided.
20061003             There is strong reason to believe that "Z" was 1—SOVIET—AGENT + that this is where the Soviets 1. obtained the impetus to develop the
20061003             hyperspace amplifiers —LATER used in their psychotronic weapons.
20061003             —DEMONSTRATED, In test —AFTER test Moray, his radiant energy device to electrical engineering professors, congressmen, dignitaries + 1—HOST—OF—OTHER—VISITORS to his laboratory.
20061003             Once he even took the device several miles out in the country, away from all power lines, to prove that he was not simply tuning in to energy being clandestinely radiated from SOME—OTHER—PART—OF—HIS—LABORATORY.
20061003             Several times he allowed independent investigators to completely disassemble his device and reassemble it, then reactivate it themselves.
20061003             In all tests, he was successful in demonstrating that the device could produce energy output without ANY—APPRECIABLE—ENERGY input.
20061003             According to exhaustive documentation, no 1 was ever able to prove that the device was fraudulent or that Moray had not accomplished exactly what he claimed.
20061003             —SIGNED, On the other hand, the records are full of, statements from physicists, electrical engineers + scientists who came to the Moray laboratory as doubting Thomases and left with the complete conviction that Moray had indeed succeeded in tapping 1—UNIVERSAL—SOURCE—OF—ENERGY that could produce free electrical power.
20061003             But in the face of ALL—OF—THIS, THE—USA—PATENT Office refused to grant MORAY—1—PATENT, 1., because his device used 1—COLD cathode in the tubes (the patent examiner asserted it was common knowledge that 1 heated cathode v as necessary to obtain electrons) and, 2., because he failed to identify THE—SOURCE—OF—THE—ENERGY.
20061003             All sorts of irrelevant patents and devices were also presented as being infringed upon or duplicated by MORAY—WORK.
20061003             —ANSWERED, EACH—OF—THESE objections was patiently, and nullified by Moray;
20061003             nonetheless, the patent has still not been issued to this —DAY, although the Morays still keep the patent application current.
20061003             Perpetual motion at AllExperts 1—PERPETUAL motion machine of the 2. kind is 1 which converts heat completely into other FORMS—OF—ENERGY.
20061003             Such 1—DEVICE would violate the 2. law.
20061003             THOMAS—HENRY—MORAY—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia In the 1920s, THOMAS—HENRY—MORAY demonstrated a " radiant energy device " to MANY—PEOPLE who were unable to find 1—HIDDEN power supply.
20061003             Free Energy and Free Thinking
20061003             —REALIZED, Tesla, the immense danger of AC electricity + by
20061003             HISTORY—OF—SCALAR—WEAPONS & Quantuum Potential Weapons MORAY—RADIANT energy device weighed 55—POUNDS and produced 50—KILOWATTS—OF—POWER without conventional input.
20061003             —DOCUMENTED, Numerous demonstrations are, by.
20061003             In this paper, we explore the possibility of using the existing audio capability found in MANY—COMMONPLACE devices.
20061003             —ABOUT sound.
20061003             Sound is radiant energy - Aufrüstung: NORDKOREA kündigt Atomtest an
20061003             Atomstreit: FRANKREICH soll Irans Urananreicherung kontrollieren - BOB—WOODWARD: Mit BUSH—BASHING auf Tour
20061003             Internnetverwaltung Icann: EU begrüßt Rückzug der USA—REGIERUNG
20061003             PENNSYLVANIA: Massaker an Zwergschule erschüttert USA
20061003             Nahost: Erneut blutige Gefechte zwischen Fatah und Hamas
20061003             WASHINGTON Times to call for HASTERT—RESIGNATION, - JUDD—ACCORDING to Drudge.
20061003             —FROM THE—EDITION: "House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT must do the only right thing + resign his speakership at once... MISTER—HASTERT has forfeited THE—CONFIDENCE—OF—THE—PUBLIC and his party + he cannot preside over the necessary coming investigation, 1—INVESTIGATION that must examine his own inept performance..".
20061003             STATE—DEPARTMENT—ADMITS—RICE—TENET meeting.
20061003             WHITE—HOUSE—RECORDS—SHOW—GEORGE—TENET "did brief Condoleezza Rice and other top officials on
20061003             ABC News: Pages 'Sending All SORTS—OF—MESSAGES About Possible Other Members'
20061003             —SUGGESTED, Tonight on ABC, investigative JOURNALIST—BRIAN—ROSS, there may be other MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS who engaged in inappropriate behavior towards congressional pages:
20061003             BRIAN—ROSS: So far, Foley is the only member whose overt sexual approaches have been documented.
20061003             Charlie?
20061003             CHARLES—GIBSON: The only 1 to be documented, but are there other shoes to drop?
20061003             ROSS: We're hearing quite 1—BIT from former pages.
20061003             They're sending us all SORTS—OF—MESSAGES about possible other members.
20061003             Neues SCHWEIZER—STRATEGIE—INSTITUT
20061003             WÄDENSWIL, entsteht ein neues Institut für Strategische Studien.
20061003             Unter der Leitung von ALBERT—A—STAHEL werden Experten Konfliktherde auf der ganzen Welt analysieren.
20061003             Das Institut und sein Leiter seien einer objektiven und sachlichen Beurteilung der jeweiligen Lage verpflichtet, heisst es in einer Mitteilung des.
20061003             Pentagons ?Blutgrenzen? in Nahost (Teil 2)- Umstrittene USA—PLÄNE—SFUX Malte Olschewski -
20061003             Der vom Pentagon geleitete Militärtheoretiker RALPH—PETERS lässt in seinem umstrittenen Artikel ?Blood Borders? (Armed Forces Journal?
20061003             Der grossteils von Paschtunen besiedelte Norden soll zur Gänze AFGHANISTAN zugeschlagen werden.
20061003             Und im Westen würde mit dem ?Freien Belutschistan?
20061003             ein ethnisch reiner STAAT—DES.
20061003             Mysterium um den Flugzeugabsturz in BRASILIEN—MEHR offene Fragen als Passagiere... - sfux KARL—WEISS, RIO—DE—JANEIRO -
20061003             Alle 155—INSASSEN kamen ums Leben.
20061003             Gleich —NACH—DEM Bekannt werden der Meldungen über den Absturz begannen sich widersprechende Aussagen von offiziellen.
20061003             N KOREA 'to conduct nuclear test' NORTH—KOREA is to conduct a nuclear test, the foreign ministry says in a statement.
20061003             New IRAQ—PLAN to curb violence Sunni and Shia leaders in IRAQ agree to a 4—POINT—PLAN aimed at cutting sectarian violence in the country.
20061003             MOSCOW keeps GEORGIA blockade RUSSIA keeps up 1—FREEZE on vital links with GEORGIA, despite the release of 4 alleged RUSSIA—SPIES.
20061003             Iron ore deal 'bad for LIBERIA' 1—DEAL between LIBERIA and the world's largest steel company is unfair and bad for the country, campaigners say.
20061003             —DEDICATED, PEOPLE—TRAFFICKING centre to open EUROPE—1. centre, to fighting human trafficking is due to be opened in SHEFFIELD.
20061003             Rice on new MID—EAST—TOUR THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE begins 1—REGIONAL—TOUR to try to revive ISRAELI—PALESTINE—PEACE—MOVES.
20061003             INDIA to hold dengue crisis talks THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT is to hold 1—EMERGENCY meeting to discuss 1—OUTBREAK—OF dengue fever in the country.
20061003             Overeating 'like drug addiction' Scientists show the same AREAS—OF—THE—BRAIN involved in drug addiction control appetite.
20061003             My Big Bet on Biofuels The road to energy INDEPENDENCE starts in 1—CORNFIELD in NEBRASKA.
20061003             Venture capitalist Vinod Khosla explains why he believes in biofuels.
20061003             THE—BEST: Public Domain Movies WIRED—LIST—OF—MUST—SEE movies you don't have to pay 1—CENT for.
20061003             Report shows HP sought expert to help find leak
20061003             HEWLETT—PACKARD sought the advice of 1—INTELLIGENCE—SPECIALIST, BRIAN—JENKINS—OF—THE—RAND—CORPORATION, according to the report.
20061003             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—UK Firm to Release 'Screaming' Cell Phone
20061003             "Yahoo news is running 1—STORY about 1—PLAN by 1—UK cell phone company to help reduce cell theft. Apparently, this new cell phone can be sent 1—SIGNAL—AFTER its owner has realized that it has been lost or stolen. The signal tell the phone to wipe ALL—OF—ITS—DATA and begin emitting 1—VERY—LOUD and obnoxious sound. The sound will only stop if the battery runs out or is removed, but it will begin again as soon as the battery is replaced or charged. Even replacing the sim card will not help".
20061003             Intellectual Property Manifesto for THE—UK
20061003             "Ars Technica is reporting that THE—UK—LIBRARY has published 1—MANIFESTO calling for 1—BALANCE in Intellectual Property rights between THE—INTERESTS—OF—USERS, creators and publishers. There are 6—KEY—RECOMMENDATIONS, including: DRM should not override users' statutory rights; analogue rights should apply to digital media; and copyright terms should not be extended without evidence that this would be good for society. There is also PART—OF—THE—DEBATE on THE—UK—GOVERNMENT—GOWERS review of Intellectual Property, due to report in the —AUTUMN".
20061003             RNA Interference Leads To Nobel Prize
20061003             "THE—NOBEL—PRIZE for medicine has been awarded to 2—USA—SCIENTISTS who discovered 1—PHENOMENON called RNA interference, which regulates the expression of genes.  'The breakthrough has also given scientists the ability to systematically test the functions of all human genes. [...] THE—NOBEL citation, issued by SWEDEN—KAROLINSKA—INSTITUTE, said: "—THIS—YEAR—NOBEL—LAUREATES have discovered 1—FUNDAMENTAL—MECHANISM for controlling the flow of genetic information".'"
20061003             Surprise Surprise, It's Another AL—QAEDA—BLOCKBUSTER—RELEASE
20061003             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MEDIA—REPORTS on Atta /OSAMA—BIN—LADEN video fail to Mention the Fact that Atta was under CIA
20061003             Rabbit HOLE—OF—ELITIST—PERVERSION—FAR—DEEPER Than Foley
20061003             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MEDIA—OBSESSION with E Mails of sicko Republican congressman overshadowed by ignored WHITE—HOUSE—CHILD
20061003             Hastert : Foley Misconduct Was Presented As Something That 'Might Have Affected Campaigns'
20061003             In 1—INTERVIEW—TODAY with CNN, Hastert said that Reynolds presented him with information about FOLEY—BEHAVIOR in the context of "other things that might have affected campaigns":
20061003             Do you think he's lying? HASTERT : No, I'm not saying.
20061003             I —JUST don't recall him telling me that.
20061003             If he would have told me that, he would have told me that in the context of maybe 1—HALF 12 or 12—OTHER—THINGS.
20061003             I don't remember that.
20061003             REPORTER: Other allegations of improper E—MAILS?
20061003             —AFFECTED, HASTERT : No, —JUST other things that might have, campaigns.
20061003             REPORTER: —JUST 1—FEW moments ago —WHEN I sat down with Speaker Hastert, I asked him the question on the minds of many: what did he know + —WHEN did he know it?
20061003             —LEARNED—OF, That's —WHEN I, it at that point.
20061003             —NOTIFIED, REPORTER: All right, but I thought that you were also, - I mean, TOM—REYNOLDS said that he spoke with you about it last —SPRING.
20061003             HASTERT : You know, I don't recall Reynolds talking to me about that.
20061003             If he did, he brought it in with 1—WHOLE—STACK—OF—THINGS + I think if he would have had that discussion, he would have said it was also resolved because my understanding —NOW that it was resolved at that point.
20061003             The family had gotten what it wanted to get.
20061003             REPORTER: I mean, Congressman Reynolds put out 1—STATEMENT—ON—SATURDAY saying that he told you in the —SPRING.
20061003             REPORTER: Ok.
20061003             This is THE—KIND—OF—THING, I gotta tell you, if somebody told me that 1—SENIOR—CONGRESSMAN was sending, perhaps, OVER—FRIENDLY E—MAILS to a —16—YEAR—OLD—PAGE, I'd remember.
20061003             HASTERT : I'm —JUST saying that I don't remember him telling me that.
20061003             Bay Buchanan: Email Hastert Calls 'Overly Friendly' Had 'Predator Stamped All Over It'
20061003             —APPEARED, Prominent conservative pundit Bay Buchanan, on CNN this afternoon and lit into Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (R—IL) and THE—REST—OF—THE—HOUSE—LEADERSHIP.
20061003             —INFORMED, Buchanan said that the email that Hastert was, about — and described as "overly friendly" — "had predator stamped all over it. No 1 in the country can suggest otherwise".
20061003             —FAILED, Buchanan said that Hastert and others " the parent of this country".
20061003             KING: Bay Buchanan, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—LEADERSHIP—TEAM came to the speaker months ago, says he told him about this questionable 1—E—MAIL exchange. not 1—SEXUAL 1—OF—NATURE but 1—QUESTIONABLE E—MAIL exchange in which then Congressman Foley asked a —16—YEAR—OLD to send him 1—PICTURE.
20061003             That is red flag for pedophilia and inappropriate conduct.
20061003             THE—SPEAKER says he doesn't dispute MISTER—REYNOLDS told him that but he can't recall that conversation.
20061003             What does that say about the speaker?
20061003             BUCHANAN: I tell you what, I don't know who knew what —WHEN and who is remembering correctly.
20061003             I know 1—THING: that E—MAIL they call an "overly friendly E—MAIL" that had predator stamped all over it.
20061003             No 1 in this country can suggest otherwise.
20061003             You're in 1—LEADERSHIP—POSITION.
20061003             You have 1—COLLEAGUE you know is at least 1—POTENTIAL—PREDATOR and we have the pages coming through his OFFICE—EVERY—DAY?
20061003             They had 1—OBLIGATION, that same —DAY, to investigate him further, to call in THE—FBI, if that was 1—APPROPRIATE action and also to call in those pages and make certain EVERY—1—OF—THEM was interviewed to see if there is ANY—PROBLEMS here that goes deeper than what they already knew.
20061003             —FAILED, They, the parents of this country is what they did.
20061003             FACT CHECK: Excuses About THE—FOLEY—COVER—UP Debunked
20061003             —TRIED, SOME—LEADING conservatives have, to excuse, justify, or downplay the scandal surrounding REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY 's (R—FL) predatory behavior towards underage pages.
20061003             We debunk their claims below:
20061003             —SEEMED, EXCUSE #1: FOLEY—INITIAL E—MAILS, harmless, "over friendly".
20061003             REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—SHIMKUS (R—IL) said he dropped the matter —WHEN Foley told them, "—WHEN I was 1—YOUNG—PERSON, 1—ADULT (who) became my mentor inspired me to be 1—CONGRESSMAN + that's all I'm doing".
20061003             Foley said if he was GUILTY—OF—ANYTHING, Shimkus said, it was of being "overly friendly".
20061003             Foley speaks to House pages 20020000             .
20061003             According to ABC News,pages in the 20010000—20020000     class were warned about Foley by 1—SUPERVISOR in the House CLERK—OFFICE.
20061003             Conservative Activists Call on Hastert To Resign
20061003             Conservative talk show host MICHAEL—REAGAN and Citizens United PRESIDENT—DAVID—BOSSIE have called on House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT to resign —IMMEDIATELY over his role in covering up MARK—FOLEY—INAPPROPRIATE—BEHAVIOR.
20061003             —MOLESTED, Reagan, the eldest SON—OF—PRESIDENT—REAGAN, was, at age 8—BY 1—CAMP counselor.
20061003             —FROM 1—RELEASE: " Speaker Hastert had KNOWLEDGE—OF—CONGRESSMAN—FOLEY—INAPPROPRIATE—BEHAVIOR and chose to protect 1—POTENTIAL pedophile and powerful colleague over 1—CONGRESSIONAL page," said DAVID—BOSSIE, PRESIDENT—OF—CONSERVATIVE advocacy group Citizens United.
20061003             "This inaction demonstrates 1—LACK—OF—LEADERSHIP on Speaker HASTERT—PART + calls into question both his judgment and character. If Speaker Hastert was willing to sacrifice 1—CHILD to protect REPRESENTATIVE—FOLEY—SEAT and his own leadership position, then he surely does not share our American and conservative values," says MISTER—BOSSIE.
20061003             —SYNDICATED, MICHAEL—REAGAN, nationally, radio show host and CHAIRMAN—OF—CITIZENS—UNITED—FAITH and Family Project, is also calling for resignations.
20061003             " ANY—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS who was aware of the sexual emails and protected the congressman should also resign effective —IMMEDIATELY. I was sexually abused by —1—DAY—CAMP counselor at age 8 and also made to be PART—OF—CHILD—PORNOGRAPHY," MISTER—REAGAN stated.
20061003             Hastert Holds Meeting On Foley Scandal, Democratic MEMBER—OF—PAGE—BOARD—EXCLUDED
20061003             THE—HOUSE—LEADERSHIP continues to treat FOLEY—PREDATORY advances towards underage pages as 1—PARTISAN issue.
20061003             THE—NOTE—REPORTS that Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT held 1—MEETING —TODAY "
20061003             to review ways to protect pages " but did not include REPRESENTATIVE—DALE—KILDEE (D—MI), the Democratic MEMBER—OF—THE—3—PERSON—HOUSE—PAGE—BOARD:
20061003             THE—SPEAKER will continue his effort to rid THE—GOP—MAJORITY—OF—FOLEY—TAINT by meeting with THE—CLERK—OF—THE—HOUSE, REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—SHIMKUS (R—IL) + his staff —TODAY to review ways to protect pages —WHILE they are serving in the nation's Capitol.
20061003             THE—SPEAKER will also discuss how Congress can protect pages —AFTER their program concludes.
20061003             THE—CLERK—OF—THE—HOUSE, Karen Haas, is 1—FORMER—AIDE—OF—HASTERT 's. Both Hastert + Shimkus are PART—OF—THE—PROBLEM.
20061003             This meeting will not "rid the...MAJORITY—OF—FOLEY—TAINT".
20061003             It simply reinforces the notion that the House leadership is more interested in protecting themselves politically than protecting the children under their care.
20061003             Foley sought rendezvous with page.
20061003             - JUDD—ABC has the details, including new IMs.
20061003             "It seems that THE—PRESIDENT was very sad to have to come out negatively regarding ISRAEL, but that they needed to mollify the Arabs for the upcoming WAR—ON—IRAQ," Abramoff wrote in a
20061003             Hastert Yanks Press Releases On Efforts To 'Keep Kids Safe in Cyberspace' From His Website
20061003             House Speaker J. DENNIS—HASTERT 1. claimed he was made AWARE—OF—FOLEY—EMAILS to 1—YOUNG congressional page by
20061003             MEDIA—REPORTS —ON—THURSDAY.
20061003             —ADMITTED, He has —NOW, he WAS—ACTUALLY informed last fall.
20061003             Up —UNTIL this —MORNING, the top of Hastert 'S—WEBSITE
20061003             highlighted the congressman's efforts to "Keep Kids Safe
20061003             CYBERSPACE," with press releases from 8/29 + 8/22 , as well as 1—LINK to an 8/29—EVENT:
20061003             Those documents are —NOW gone.
20061003             —REMOVED, Hastert has, THE—3—LINKS, with the
20061003             top news READING, "Hastert Applauds FEDERAL—FUNDING—TO—STOP—EMERALD—ASH—BORER" (7/22—PRESS—RELEASE):
20061003             UPDATE II: SALON—TIM—GRIEVE notes that THE—PRESS—RELEASES are back up
20061003             —ON HASTERT—SITE, "albeit right under breaking news about INDIA—GAMING in Shabbona, ILLINOIS".
20061003             —RETURNED, The information on the 8/29—EVENT has not.
20061003             Snow on Foley Scandal: 'Simply Naughty Emails'
20061003             —ASKED, This —MORNING on CNN, SOLEDAD O'Brien, TONY—SNOW why "ANY—COMMUNICATION between a —16—YEAR—OLD and 1—CONGRESSMAN" didn't "raise red flags — major, massive red flags" with Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT + others
20061003             who HAVE—KNOWN about the communications —FOR—MONTHS.
20061003             —RESPONDED, Snow, "I hate to tell you, but it's not always pretty up there on Capitol Hill. And there have been other scandals, as you know, that have been more than simply naughty E—MAILS ".
20061003             —NOTICED, Americablog, which 1., the segment, has more.
20061003             Digg It! Transcript:
20061003             O'BRIEN: I would assume everybody would want to know, including THE—PRESIDENT.
20061003             I mean, we're not talking about ANY—OLD—PERSON.
20061003             We're talking about the leadership of the Republicans in Congress.
20061003             Why would he not hear something that's disturbing, or his office — OVER—FRIENDLY — —WHEN I see that word as 1—PARENT — and I think ANY—PARENT would say, Whoa, OVER—FRIENDLY?
20061003             ANY—COMMUNICATION between a —16—YEAR—OLD and 1—CONGRESSMAN, why doesn't that raise red flags — major, massive red flags?
20061003             SNOW: Yes, look, I hate to tell you, but it's not always pretty up there on Capitol Hill.
20061003             And there have been other scandals, as you know, that have been more than simply naughty E—MAILS.
20061003             You know, look, again, I reiterate my point.
20061003             I think it's important to protect these kids and make sure that they have 1—GOOD—EXPERIENCE.
20061003             —HAPPENED, And look, like you (inaudible) want to find out what.
20061003             But —BEFORE we prosecute, let's figure out what all the facts are.
20061003             That's probably the most important thing to do is to be fair to all parties.
20061003             Snow on Foley Coverup: Even If Congressional Leaders Knew, WHITE—HOUSE Won't Call For Resignations
20061003             Appearing —TODAY on ABC 's "Good —MORNING AMERICA" WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW was asked, "If it turns out that the leadership knew or had reason to know about what Congressman Foley was doing in those E—MAILS should they be forced to resign?"
20061003             He responded, "I don't get into the calls for resignation, especially —WHEN it comes to MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE".
20061003             —ANNOUNCED, —YESTERDAY, WHITE—HOUSE counselor DAN—BARTLETT, his opposition to 1—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—FOLEY coverup.Digg It!
20061003             CUOMO: Congressman Foley, 1—LOT—OF—LETTERS going —AROUND—NOW by Republicans and their leadership calling for investigations and accountability.
20061003             Let me ask you this simple question: If it turns out that the leadership knew or had reason to know about what Congressman Foley was doing in those E—MAILS should they be forced to resign?
20061003             SNOW: I don't get into the calls for resignation, especially —WHEN it comes to MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE.
20061003             —HAPPENED, People got to figure out what, here.
20061003             MEMBERS—OF—THE—LEADERSHIP as well as REPRESENTATIVE—FOLEY — or FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—FOLEY — look, it's 1—TERRIBLE—STORY and I think people deserve to figure out what went on.
20061003             —ON the other hand, I think what you're seeing also are 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE trying to figure out, OK, can I get political advantage out of this?
20061003             LET—FIGURE out what the facts are. LET—TAKE it 1—STEP at 1—TIME.
20061003             There will always be time for people to call for investigations and so on.
20061003             Frankly, I think we —JUST need to get to the facts.
20061003             CUOMO: But we do know, Tony, that MANY—OF—THE—CALLS for investigations are coming from Republicans.
20061003             And we do know that as long as —5—YEARS—AGO there were warnings to pages about Congressman Foley.
20061003             Where's the accountability here on THE—PART—OF—THE—REPUBLICANS?
20061003             Doesn't someone have to step down if they knew about this?
20061003             SNOW: Well, again, Chris, you're assuming that I know what's been going on for the last —5—YEARS.
20061003             You and I are —JUST trying to figure it out.
20061003             CUOMO: You are aware that —5—YEARS—AGO they were giving warnings to pages about this congressman, though, right Tony?
20061003             SNOW: Yes, I am aware of it.
20061003             But, again, I'm telling you, Chris, you got to figure out what's going on.
20061003             What would you do? What would you do?
20061003             CUOMO: It's not for me to decide, Tony.
20061003             It's —JUST for me to ask the questions. SNOW: OK.
20061003             —REPRIMANDED, Drug firm's tactics, 1—MAJOR—DRUGS—FIRM has been named and shamed over "serious breaches" of the industry's CODE—OF—CONDUCT.
20061003             SCANDAL—HIT USA—LAWMAKER in rehab FORMER—USA—CONGRESSMAN—MARK—FOLEY, embroiled in 1—E—MAIL sex scandal, says he is being treated for alcoholism.
20061003             —ATTACKED, Musharraf nuclear claims, THE—DAUGHTER—OF—PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—SCIENTIST AQ Khan criticises claims in PRESIDENT—MUSHARRAF—NEW—BOOK.
20061003             Top 20—POLLUTERS gather in MEXICO Ministers from the world's top 20—POLLUTING nations gather in MEXICO for talks on tackling climate change.
20061003             HUNGARY PM calls confidence vote HUNGARY—PM calls 1—VOTE—OF—CONFIDENCE—AFTER heavy defeats at regional polls follow his admission of lying.
20061003             PAKISTAN seeks Mumbai bomb proof PAKISTAN says it will take action if INDIA proves it is connected to devastating train blasts in Mumbai.
20061003             DELHI raises dengue fever alert Health officials in THE—INDIA—CAPITAL launch a drive against dengue fever —AFTER 11—DEATHS in —2—WEEKS.
20061003             UN studies LEBANON environment THE—UN sends experts to study LEBANON—ENVIRONMENT —FOLLOWING the conflict with ISRAEL.
20061003             Powered by Mother Nature Forget hybrids.
20061003             THE—VENTURI—ECLECTIC—URBAN buggy doesn't use natural energy reserves at all.
20061003             Clones in 1—EASY—STEP 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—CONNECTICUT scientist may have discovered 1—NEW and efficient way to clone animals.
20061003             Invisible Unmanned AIRCRAFT—KDAWSON 179 - MattSparkes writes,
20061003             "1—MINNESOTA company, VeraTech, has applied for 1—PATENT on 1 unmanned drone that is nearly invisible to the naked eye. THE—PHANTOM—SENTINEL takes ADVANTAGE—OF—THE—PHENOMENON where fast moving objects appear as only 1—BLUR, so it fades OUT—OF—VIEW once it speeds up. This is achieved by rotating the entire craft. THE—CENTER—OF—GRAVITY is in open air between 2—OF—THE—BLADE—LIKE—WINGS. There are SOME—VIDEOS—OF—1—PROTOTYPE in action on the VeraTech site".
20061003             The company says you could get usable video of the terrain by processing the images from 1—SPINNING camera.
20061003             1—VERSION—OF—THE—DRONE is small enough to launch by throwing it like 1—BOOMERANG.
20061003             And it folds for travel.
20061003             USA Outlaws Online GAMBLING—KDAWSON 422 - imaginaryelf writes, 2—TINY Gas Turbines
20061003             Turbines are in the news this —MORNING. bobtheimpossible writes to point out 1—BBC article on 1—SWITZERLAND—TURBINE that runs at half 1—MILLION—RPM + generates 100—WATTS.
20061003             It's the size of 1—MATCHBOOK.
20061003             And af_robot alerts us to 1—EVEN more diminuitive gas turbine on 1—CHIP, developed at MIT, that generates 10—WATTS — plenty for portable electronics — + should run 10—TIMES as long as 1—BATTERY—OF—COMPARABLE—WEIGHT and cost.
20061003             1—COMMERCIAL—VERSION is 3 to —5—YEARS away.
20061003             Videogames Used to Train Terrorists?
20061003             "Reuters reports that videogames are being used to train terrorists.
20061003             The title COUNTER—STRIKE is apparently being used as 1—TOOL to prepare individuals for 1—MISSION: blowing up 1—OIL—TANKER.
20061003             The ultimate goal is to 'make the strait of Hormuz impassable, THE—JOMHOURI—YE Eslami daily reported.
20061003             —TRADED, About 2—FIFTHS—OF globally, oil passes through the channel.
20061003             The game illustrates 1—WARNING by IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER—AYATOLLAH ALI—KHAMENEI, who said in June that oil exports in the Gulf region could be seriously endangered if THE—USA—MADE 1—WRONG—MOVE on IRAN.'"
20061003             KIM—JONG—IL announces NORTH—KOREA plans to test nuclear weapons.
20061003             I—WISH—TO—THANK—THE—FOOL in the Peanut Gallery for Proving My Point... green
20061003—19450000    oo She had, EDMUND—LITTLEFIELD and he went on to HEAD—THE—UTAH—CONSTRUCTION—CO., 1—FAMILY—FIRM that had built the Hoover Dam.
20061003—20000114    —ON, THE—DJIA rose 56.99 to 11,727.34, to close at 1—NEW—RECORD—HIGH—ABOVE 1—SET.
20061003—20010710    —ON, Records Show Tenet Briefed Rice on AL—QAEDA—THREAT—REVIEW—OF—WHITE—HOUSE—RECORDS has determined that GEORGE—J—TENET, then THE—DIRECTOR—OF—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE, did brief Condoleezza Rice and other top officials, about the looming threat from AL—QAEDA, 1—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SPOKESMAN said —MONDAY.
20061003—20010911    —IN—THE, Are you asking yourself "Omar who?" I should hope not -- he's 1—OF—THE—MOST important and fascinating characters mystery, 1—FIGURE intimately connected with THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE, Mehmood AHMAD—MEHMOOD + with Khaled SHEIK—MUHAMMED, the accused MASTERMIND—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—ATTACK.
20061003—20030000    —FROM, HASTERT : 1. I was really aware of this was last —FRIDAY—WHEN it happened + ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN the press came out and said that there were these E—MAILS that were, I guess + congressman Foley resigned.
20061003—20050000    —IN—LATE, says he told Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (R—IL) of MARK—FOLEY—INAPPROPRIATE—EMAILS.
20061003—20050000    —IN—LATE, They were both told about FOLEY—INAPPROPRIATE—BEHAVIOR and did virtually nothing to stop it.
20061003—20060929    —AM, 1—BOEING 737—DER BRASILIANISCHEN—BILLIG—FLUGLINIE Gol, Flug Gol 19070000             , fast fabrikneu, stürzte, etwa um 5—UHR nachmittags örtlicher Zeit, auf dem Weg von MANAUS nach BRASILIA über dem GEBIET—DES—AMAZONAS—REGENWALDES ab.
20061003—20061001    —AM, Unter der Leitung von ALBERT—A—STAHEL hat das Institut für Strategische Studien in Wädenswil seinen Betrieb aufgenommen.
20061003—20061210    —AM, Seine geistigen Enkel Mather und Smoot werden vom SCHWEDISCHEN—KÖNIG—CARL—GUSTAV—XVI. die Medaillen mit dem Konterfei ALFRED—NOBELS überreicht bekommen.
20061003—20080000    —CONVICTED—OF, Stefanson was, 1. degree murder and other charges.
20061003—20080000    —ANFANG, Die europäische Raumfahrtbehörde will ein Weltraumteleskop ins All schießen, von dem Forscher sich weitere Details über die Kindertage des Universums erhoffen.
20061004             PROFESSOR—HEX 20061004             Protest Against Bush Attack on IRAN at NORFOLK Naval Base: Nuclear carrier strike group led by THE—USS—EISENHOWER said to be steaming out of NORFOLK —ON—TUESDAY, 20061003             .
20061207             "1. Presentation on WTC Collapse, Civil Engineering Department, MIT, CAMBRIDGE, MA ( 20011003             )".
20070120             [20061003             ]
20070303             MISTER—BUSH ?s approval rating dropped 13 %age points —SINCE last fall among Republicans, 65—PERCENT—OF—WHOM —NOW say they APPROVE—OF—THE—WAY he is handling his job as PRESIDENT, compared with 78 % last 20071003             /2
20070304—20071003    —IN, RUMSFELD—WIFE found out 1.—HAND about WALTER—REED troubles /5
20070727—19930407—20071003—19880407    —AM, Die Scientology Kirche in PORTUGAL wurde 19840000             gegründet und war ursprünglich mit Genehmigung des Justizministeriums als religiöse Vereinigung eingetragen worden.
20070800             —RECEIVED, As of 20071003             , committee has not, 1—ANSWER.
20071003             RUSSIA, workers rebuilding a 18010101—19001231     MOSCOW house dug up the remains of nearly 3—DOZEN—PEOPLE.
20071003             PRESIDENT claims 'win' in ECUADOR : He called for "20010101—21001231     socialism" with guarantees for education and free healthcare, but ruled out nationalising private companies.
20071003             SERGEI—BULUCHEVSKY, 1—GOVERNMENT—INVESTIGATOR, —LATER said preliminary forensic findings indicated the remains were at least 1—CENTURY—OLD and that there were no signs of violent death.
20071003             Dulles_20040207
20071003             —ROUNDED, USA—FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES said they had, up more than 1,300 illegal immigrants in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA —DURING the past —2—WEEKS in the largest sweep of its kind.
20071003             —BACKED, AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, by NATO—LED forces clashed with suspected Taliban fighters in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, leaving 20—MILITANTS—DEAD.
20071003             4—FORMER—OFFICIALS—OF—ALBANIA—STATE—CONTROLLED oil company, Albpetrol, were arrested on SUSPICION—OF—THEFT and ABUSE—OF—OFFICE.
20071003             He said AUSTRALIA—13,000-a-year refugee intake was being "rebalanced" from AFRICA to THE—MIDDLE—EAST and ASIA where the need was more acute.
20071003             Li said he wasn't sure if he would be able to continue working.
20071003             He returned to his office THE—DAY—AFTER the attack and found his lawyer's license was missing.
20071003             1—PORTABLE—HARD—DRIVE and his computer memory had been wiped clean.
20071003             —ARRESTED, Police in EAST—TIMOR, Vicente "Railos" da Conciecao, the suspected HEAD—OF—1—HIT squad.
20071003             —LINKED, He was, with Rogerio Lobato, 1—FORMER—INTERIOR—MINISTER convicted of giving weapons to civilians —DURING 1—WAVE—OF—VIOLENCE—LAST—YEAR.
20071003             INDIA, at least 13—ELDERLY—WOMEN traveling to 1—HINDU festival were trampled to death and 42—OTHERS were injured in 1—NORTHERN—RAILWAY—STATION—WHEN 2—TRAINS arrived on adjacent platforms in Mughalsarai.
20071003             —ANNOUNCED, Nearly 2—DOZEN previously unknown IRAQ—INSURGENT—GROUPS, 1—NEW—COALITION to fight foreign occupation but it also set conditions for talks with THE—USA in 1—STATEMENT on 1—WEB—SITE affiliated with the country's deposed Baath party.
20071003             THE—22—GROUPS said their leader is Izzat AL—DOURI, the highest ranking MEMBER—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—FORMER ruling party.
20071003             —WOUNDED, THE—POLAND—AMBASSADOR to IRAQ was slightly, and 2—CIVILIANS, including 1—BODYGUARD, were killed in 1—ROADSIDE bomb attack in downtown BAGHDAD.
20071003             —STATIONED, About 900—POLAND—TROOPS are, training IRAQ—PERSONNEL and 21—HAVE † during the conflict.
20071003             —DISCOVERED, THE—USA—MILITARY said it had, 1—LIST—OF some 500—AL—QAEDA militants recruited to fight in IRAQ from 1—RANGE—OF—EUROPEAN, MIDDLE—EAST and NORTH—AFRICA—COUNTRIES.
20071003             —INFECTED, THE—WHO said THE—TOLL—OF—PEOPLE in IRAQ, with cholera has risen to 3,315.
20071003             —AGREED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, in principle to punish the junta with sanctions.
20071003             1—HOLLAND—COURT rejected 1—PROSECUTION—APPEAL against THE—RELEASE—OF—THE—PHILIPPINES—COMMUNIST—LEADER—JOSE—MARIA—SISON, accused of being involved in murders in THE—PHILIPPINES.
20071003             —ARRESTED, Local media said police in SOUTH—WEST—NIGERIA have, 5—POLITICIANS for allegedly raping a —15—YEAR—OLD schoolgirl.
20071003             The suspects, all MEMBERS—OF—THE—WEST—AFRICA—GIANT'S ruling PEOPLE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (PDP), were arrested for the offence in ILESHA.
20071003             1—OPPOSITION—ACTION—CONGRESS (AC) spokesman said the rape victim was among 8—SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—PARTY who were abducted —2—WEEKS—AGO in the town.
20071003             —KILLED, At least 38—PEOPLE were, and 48 reported missing —AFTER 2—FERRIES collided on 1—RIVER in NORTH—NIGERIA—KEBBI—STATE.
20071003             —BANNED, 1—ISLAMIC—COURT—IN—NORTH—NIGERIA, 1—PLAY—WRITTEN—BY—1—CIVIL—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST which satirizes the implementation of Sharia law in 12—MAINLY Muslim states.
20071003             The upper Sharia COURT—IN—THE—TUDUN—WADA—NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—THE—NORTHERN—CITY—OF—KADUNA issued the order restraining Shehu Sani from selling or circulating his play, "Phantom Crescent".
20071003             However, NORTH—KOREA has —SINCE said it would move to restore its nuclear reactor, saying THE—USA had failed to follow through with promised incentives.
20071003             —ESTIMATED, An, 34—PEOPLE were found.
20071003             SOME—OF—THE—REMAINS, which were found under 1—BASEMENT—OF—1—HOUSE on the estate, had gunshot wounds to the skull and appeared to date back to the 1930s.
20071003             —SIGNED, Russian and USA—SPACE—CHIEFS, agreements in MOSCOW to cooperate on unmanned missions that would search for potential water deposits beneath THE—SURFACE—OF—THE—MOON and Mars.
20071003             1 pressurized air pipe snapped at the mine near JOHANNESBURG and tumbled down 1—SHAFT, causing extensive damage to 1—ELEVATOR and stranding 3,200 miners more than 1—MILE—UNDERGROUND.
20071003             —TRAPPED, More than 2,000, gold miners were rescued in 1—DRAMATIC—ALL—NIGHT—OPERATION, and efforts gathered speed to bring hundreds more to the surface.
20071003             —EMERGED, By THE—NEXT—NIGHT all the miners had, safely.
20071003             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO, UKRAINE—FEUDING parties to strike 1—DEAL on 1—POST—ELECTION—GOVERNMENT, 1—MOVE—LIKELY to aggravate 1—POLITICAL deadlock that has stalled economic reforms.
20071003             —COUNTED, With more than 99—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, Regions Party had 34.3% and its Communist Party ally 5.4.
20071003             —POLLED, THE—TYMOSHENKO bloc had, 30.8 and Our UKRAINE 14.2%.
20071003             THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY—MINISTERIAL meeting that saw 1—INTERNATIONAL—OUTCRY over military repression in MYANMAR, new killings in Darfur and IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, closed in NEW—YORK—CITY with 1—CALL for global action on climate change, poverty and terrorism.
20071003             —ACCUSED, PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, THE—USA of trying to spur 1—MILITARY—REBELLION, saying THE—CIA is behind the distribution of leaflets inside army barracks calling for his ouster.
20071003             Disaster officials began evacuating 400,000—PEOPLE as 1—TYPHOON approached VIETNAM—CENTRAL—COAST, packing winds up to 83—MPH.
20071003             —SLAMMED, Typhoon Lekima, into VIETNAM—CENTRAL—COAST, killing 2—PEOPLE, destroying HUNDREDS—OF—HOUSES and unleashing floods in 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—POOREST regions.
20071003             Teachers at state schools across INFLATION—RAVAGED ZIMBABWE began 1—INDEFINITE strike to press for better salaries.
20071003             Loaded Language and Loaded Guns
20071003             O ne can no longer understand USA—GOVERNMENTAL—POLICY on the basis of conventional language or traditional wisdom.
20071003             Language itself and its LONG—ESTABLISHED meanings were long ago twisted and distorted in order to deceive the people.
20071003             —NOW war is peace and terror and occupation is liberation.
20071003             In order to make SENSE—OF—WHAT is happening, it is important to understand everything within the context of 1—SPECIFIC—ECONOMIC—PHILOSOPHY + the distorted capitalist system that spawned it.
20071003             Inwieweit die Eingeschlossenen in Gefahr sind, ist —DERZEIT noch unklar.
20071003             In der Mine Elandsrand in der SÜDAFRIKANISCHEN—PROVINZ Mpumulanga kam es —AM—ABEND zu dem Unglück.
20071003             Was genau in der Mine geschah, ist —DERZEIT noch unklar.
20071003             Fest steht nur mehr als 3200—BERGLEUTE sitzen unter —TAGE fest.
20071003             Goldproduktion: Tausende Kumpel nach Minenunglück in SÜDAFRIKA eingeschlossen
20071003             Kalifornien: Ganzer Straßenzug in Luxusviertel eingebrochen
20071003             IRAK: USA—MILITÄR findet NAMENS—LISTE mit hunderten QAIDA—KÄMPFERN
20071003             Stillstand Ost: "Mehr Touristen, mehr Investoren, mehr alles" - Telepolis ARTIKEL—
20071003             "NuSTAR weist eine 500-mal größere Sensibilität als ALLE—BISHERIGEN—INSTRUMENTE auf, die nach Schwarzen Löchern suchen.
20071003             NuStar bietet uns eine großartige Gelegenheit, ein wichtiges astronomisches Grenzgebiet zu untersuchen".
20071003             Woher nehmen wir eigentlich den Optimismus, dass etwa die —MILLENNIUM—ENTWICKLUNGSZIELE der UNO für die "3. Welt" je flächendeckend erreicht werden können?
20071003             Der BRITISCHE—PREMIER GORDON—BROWN soll vor einiger Zeit in einem nichtöffentlichen Gespräch
20071003             Krankenversicherung für Kinder: Bush legt Veto ein
20071003             Zweifel an Ackermanns Optimismus - HIGHTECH—SOLDATEN mit Solarrucksack
20071003             Joschka Fischer und die Grünen: Die grüne Idee ist verschütt gegangen - Zu VIELE—ARBEITSLOSE, zu wenig Lohn
20071003             Börsenaufsicht beschuldigt EADS—FÜHRUNG des Insiderhandels
20071003             Verdacht gegen Insiderhandel von EADS—MANAGERN erhärtet
20071003             —BESTELLT, Teheran, FRANZÖSISCHEN—DIPLOMATEN ein
20071003             PSYCHOLOGIE—MÄNNERDOMINANZ stresst Frauen
20071003             EADS—INSIDERHANDEL—BETRUG dreister Manager?
20071003             Okinawa may defeat textbook censorship
20071003             Gas emission reduction steps to be reassessed as KYOTO deadline looms
20071003             Bush Vetoes CHILDREN—HEALTH—INSURANCE—BILL
20071003             N. KOREA Nuclear Deal Reached - N KOREA agrees nuclear deadline - Bush vetoes child health bill
20071003             Politische Symbiose - Krieg ist ihr Beruf - Gewinner und Verlierer
20071003             - Folgen des ungebremsten Kapitalismus' in DEUTSCHLAND immer unübersehbarer
20071003             —FUNKTIONIERT, Das DOLLAR—DUMPING : In Rekordzahlen finden sich Heuschrecken aus EUROPA und ASIEN, die AMI—FIRMEN aufkaufen.
20071003             So, na —NUN ratet doch mal, wer den Report des USA—AUßENMINISTERIUMS über das BLACKWATER—FEHLVERHALTEN im IRAK geschrieben hat.
20071003             Na? Na klar, Blackwater!
20071003             —GELASSEN, Wer hat DIE noch mal in die EU ?!
20071003             POLEN erlaubt —ERST nach massivem Druck OSZE—WAHLBEOBACHTER zu.
20071003             Besonders pikant:
20071003             Die Hauptquartier der OSZE—WAHLBEOBACHTER ist in... Warschau.
20071003             Die Terroristen arbeiten mit immer perfideren Methoden: TERROR—THAI—RESTAURANT löst mit TERROR—CHILI einen TERROR—ALARM in Soho, LONDON aus.
20071003             —KONFISZIERT, Das feurige Objekt wurde.
20071003             In dem Restaurant wird —NUN überlegt, Schilder mit Warnhinweisen aufzuhängen, wenn das Gericht wieder zubereitet wird.
20071003             Aber es kommt noch schlimmer! Die vaterlandsverratende Presse
20071003             veröffentlicht auch noch das Rezept !!1!
20071003             The agency's 1—LINER offers no source or explanation.
20071003             —OBTAINED, DEBKA file have, no corroboration of its report from ANY—OTHER—SOURCE.
20071003             EVA—SION—TALE from the Grassy Knoll,Issue 2: by, Dick RUSSELL—THE—MAN—WHO—KNEW.. of the researchers with MANY—DETAILS—OF—THE—INVOLVEMENT—OF—NIXON...
20071003             Tablet MAGAZINE—CULTURE—TALES from the Grassy Knoll.
20071003             THE—NUMBERS—OF—THE—BEASTS. Words: EVA—SION.
20071003             If, as appears likely, JOHN—KERRY becomes the Democratic presidential nominee...
20071003             If, as appears likely, JOHN—KERRY becomes the Democratic presidential nominee (which I predicted well over —1—YEAR...
20071003             ZNet Toons -- ISAAC—NOVAK.
20071003             for whom he draws vaguely disturbing illustrations in conjunction with "Tales From THE—GRASSY—KNOLL," 1—EXCELLENT—POLITICAL—COLUMN by EVA—SION.
20071003             Proactive Preemptive Operations Group: External LINKS—SOURCEWATCH EVA—SION, TALES FROM THE—GRASSY—KNOLL.
20071003             P2OG, THE—UR—FASCIST—MANIFESTATION, TabletNewspaper, no date 20020000             .
20071003             Expert Sees More Proactive USA—POLICY—AGAINST...
20071003             JSTOR: "PARADICE—ONLY—MAP": The "Topos" of the "Locus Amoenus...
20071003             1—SHADY grotto in the woods or 1—GRASSY knoll within 1—PASTORAL landscape.
20071003             the locus constitutes 1—RETREAT, 1—PLACE—OF refuge (or EVA—SION ):
20071003             —INTERESTED, THE—MIRROR is, in doing 1—STORY about this fraud.
20071003             Tales From the Grassy Knoll Text by EVA—SION—ILLUSTRATION by:
20071003             Discussion about 20010911             /2001 : 20051130             Issue 11: Tales From the Grassy Knoll by EVA—SION.
20071003             "GELLI was on top of his game; in fact, GELLI was 1—GUEST...
20071003             Discussion about 20010911             /2001 : Daily Dissent: Lies and Payola Caller" and 20010911             ;
20071003             Issue 11: Tales From the Grassy Knoll by EVA—SION ;
20071003             THE—PAVELIC—PAPERS | THE—LAWSUIT—AGAINST—THE—VATIC... - Pentagon Black Ops: Abducting...
20071003             —CONDEMNED, Dems who, MoveOn took its cash : 44—CONGRESSIONAL Democrats who voted to condemn MoveOn_org for its ad branding Army GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS "GENERAL—BETRAY—USA" have accepted more than $3.9—MILLION in contributions from the influential ANTI—WAR—GROUP and its members.
20071003             USA Pending Home Sales Fall to Lowest Level in More Than —6—YEARS:
20071003             —COMPARED, Pending home sales are down by 21.5%, with —1—YEAR—AGO, THE—WORST—RECESSION in —25—YEARS?
20071003             1—OF—THE—CONSEQUENCES that has already manifested itself is the housing bubble.
20071003             But 1—MORE—SEVERE—LIQUIDATION seems unavoidable.
20071003             The recent Fed cut may postpone THE—DAY—OF—RECKONING, but it will only make the adjustment that much harsher.
20071003             RUSSIA steps up bomber exercises near ALASKA and CANADA : RUSSIA—WARPLANE—EXERCISES—AROUND ALASKA have become routine in the past few months, USA—MILITARY—OFFICIALS said —MONDAY, as THE—FORMER—COLD—WAR superpower steps up flights from its ARCTIC bases.
20071003             —ISRAEL—FOREIGN—MINISTER—CALLED—MONDAY for urgent UNITED—NATIONS action against IRAN over its alleged nuclear ambitions, criticizing countries that have stood in the way of tough measures "in THE—NAME—OF—CONSENSUS and engagement".
20071003             —BACKED, USA—PLAN for air strikes on IRAN ' by Brown' : 1—PLAN by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to launch surgical strikes on IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD—CORPS has won THE—SUPPORT—OF—GORDON—BROWN, according to 1—USA—REPORT, although 1—PRESIDENTIAL "execute order" required for such 1—OPERATION has yet to be issued.
20071003             USA garners support for strike on IRAN: AUSTRALIA, BRITAIN and ISRAEL have reportedly "expressed interest" in 1—USA—CAMPAIGN to launch surgical bombing raids on IRAN targeting Revolutionary Guard Corps facilities.
20071003             THE—DAY—AFTER We Bomb IRAN : What would happen —AFTER the 1. of these successful attacks would be oil trading at astronomical highs: $150 to $200 1—BARREL.
20071003             Or roughly 2 to 3—TIMES what is has been trading at —DURING THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20071003             6 to 9—DOLLARS 1—GALLON at your local pump.
20071003             AUSTRALIA: Rudd vows to charge IRAN leader:
20071003             1—LABOR—GOVERNMENT would attempt to bring IRAN—PRESIDENT, MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, —BEFORE THE—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—OF—JUSTICE to face charges of "inciting genocide" in 1—EFFORT to force the rogue MIDDLE—EAST—LEADER to justify his attacks on ISRAEL
20071003             UNITED—NATIONS: Violence in AFGHANISTAN up almost 25 % in '07:
20071003             AFGHANISTAN is currently suffering its most violent —YEAR
20071003             —INVOLVED, Blackwater, in 195—SHOOTINGS, says report:
20071003             —INVOLVED, USA—SECURITY—CONTRACTOR—BLACKWATER was, in at least 195—SHOOTING incidents in IRAQ
20071003             Q and 1—FOR—THE—PEOPLE—OF—1—FORSAKEN—REPUBLIC
20071003             Addressing the origins of THE—WHOSE—YOUR—DADDY NATION—BY—PHIL—ROCKSTROH
20071003             —WHEN 1—NATION manifests 1—MIXTURE—OF—MASS—IGNORANCE and official mendacity, in combination with uncheck power emanating from 1—INSULAR + arrogant elite, 1—GOLDEN—AGE—OF—PEACE and plenty is as possible as holding 1—TEA—DANCE in 1—TSUNAMI.
20071003             Time to Boycott Voting
20071003             —AFTER MANY—YEARS—OF—POLITICAL—DISAPPOINTMENT, more progressives, liberals and conservatives — and certainly moderates and independents — know in their hearts that voting for Democrats or Republicans is 1—WASTE.
20071003             —JUST imagine if voter turnout was cut to 25 % or less!
20071003             Let the whole world see Americans boycotting 1—BROKEN and corrupt political system and rejecting what has become 1—DELUSIONAL democracy.
20071003             Nationalism is perhaps the most interesting delusion of modern times.
20071003             —ILLUSTRATED, Its power is, by the fact that lots of otherwise sensible people are unapologetic nationalists, even though nationalism requires its adherents to subscribe to various bizarre beliefs.
20071003             Who Runs THE—WORLD - Why You Need To Know —IMMEDIATELY—BY—CAROLYN—BAKER
20071003             This parallel world remains unseen in the daily STRUGGLES—OF—MOST—OF—HUMANITY, but, believe me, it is there: 1—CESSPOOL—OF—DUPLICITY and lies and DOUBLE—SPEAK and innuendo and blackmail and bribery.
20071003             LET—TRY—PARTITIONING—THE—USA
20071003             —SUPPOSED, Isn't IRAQ, to be 1—SOVEREIGN nation with 1 elected government?
20071003             If so, then why is THE—USA—SENATE attempting to meddle in its affairs by overwhelmingly passing 1—RESOLUTION calling for the country's partition into 3, which is tantamount to ethnic cleansing?
20071003             Promis - Inslaw verkaufte Promis an die NATIONAL—BANK, die gab es DANN—UND darüber läuft momentan 1—PROZESS—ANSCHEINEND an die CIA + NSA weiter...
20071003             KLAUS—BÜCHI, PROMIS, NSA—GEHEIMDIENST—SOFTWARE Das USA—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM wiederum gab die INSLAW—PROMIS Software an die beiden Geheimdienste CIA + NSA zur weiteren Bearbeitung weiter.
20071003             Überwachungsstaat
20071003             Bush vetoes THE—SCHIP child health bill;
20071003             It's only his 4. veto and he used it on not giving health care to poor children.
20071003             Wow!
20071003             NRA Fights Against UNITED—NATIONS Efforts to Put the Brakes on INTERNATIONAL Arms Selling that Fuels Wars —THROUGHOUT the World 10/3
20071003             Watching the Bush eviks twist the veto of THE—SCHIP bill into 1—CLASS—WAR: WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—DANA—PERINO noted, 'At 1—TIME—WHEN they (Democrats) think that they want to increase funding for children's health care, they're actually wanting to pay for it with 1—CIGARETTE tax.' She added, 'People who smoke are usually -- the majority are in the low income bracket.
20071003             So they're raising taxes on something to pay for 1—MIDDLE—CLASS—ENTITLEMENT.' Perino proclaimed, 'It's —JUST completely irresponsible.
20071003             Stop the madness on Capitol Hill!' 10/3
20071003             —ANNOUNCED, Soldiers, that they were hunting PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTERS in MYANMAR—LARGEST—CITY—WEDNESDAY and the top USA—DIPLOMAT in the country said military police were pulling people out of their homes —DURING the night.
20071003             —TORTURED, Bush does nothing as these freedom fighters are, and slaughtered by 1—BRUTAL military dictatorship.
20071003             AMERICA -- land of the free, unless you live in ALABAMA -- and want 1—SEX—TOY.
20071003             We were looking forward to hearing CLARENCE—THOMAS' take on this case.
20071003             Sherri Williams, OWNER—OF—PLEASURES—STORES in HUNTSVILLE and Decatur, plans to sue again on 1. Amendment free speech grounds.
20071003             '"My motto has been they are going to have to pry this vibrator from my cold, dead hand.
20071003             I refuse to give up.' Here comes THE—NVA, the National VIBRATOR—ASSOCIATION.
20071003             Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey: IRAQ Bill 'Misses An Opportunity To Hold THE—PRESIDENT—ACCOUNTABLE' -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
20071003             Blackwater ! Schmitz! Bush !
20071003             Someone with Blackwater knows their Nazi color schemes.
20071003             For more on the Schmitzes and why I consider them noteworthy, see here.
20071003             I've been watching the bizarre Schmitz clan —SINCE the mid 1970s, —WHEN paterfamilias JOHN—G—SCHMITZ -- 1—MAN so far to the right he got kicked OUT—OF—THE—JOHN—BIRCH—SOCIETY -- ran for PRESIDENT—UNDER—THE—AMERICA—INDEPENDENT—PARTY—BANNER.
20071003             (Slogan: "—WHEN you're out of Schmitz, you're out of gear!") We —LATER learned that Schmitz kept 1—MISTRESS and a 2. family, including 1—INFANT son with 1 mutilated penis.
20071003             SCHMITZ—DAUGHTER, school teacher MARY—KAY—LETOURNEAU, made national headlines —WHEN it was discovered that THE—FATHER—OF—HER—CHILDREN was a —13—YEAR—OLD—STUDENT.
20071003             Her brother JOHN—P—SCHMITZ was 1—IRAN—CONTRA player and Deputy Counsel for Bush the elder, 1—MAN despised by father JOHN—G—JOHN—P—BROTHER, Joseph -- 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—KNIGHTS—OF—MALTA and the Federalist Society -- was
20071003             HALIBURTON—GREATEST enabler
20071003             —WHEN the company was stea...er, misplacing IRAQ reconstruction money.
20071003             JOSEPH—SCHMITZ is the other noteworthy sibling (not counting the 1 with the mutilated penis;
20071003             I have no idea what happened to him).
20071003             1—MEMBER—OF—THE—KNIGHTS—OF—MALTA, the Federalist Society, THE—USA—COUNCIL on GERMANY and something ominously titled THE—USA—SECURITY—NETWORK, JOSEPH—SCHMITZ led the effort to keep the blame for THE—ABU—GHRAIB abuses restricted to the lower levels.
20071003             (Considering his family, I doubt that he considered the photos 1—VERY—BIG—DEAL.)
20071003             Here's the kicker: Blackwater gave $$ to the Green party in order to sandbag the Dems -- —JUST as JOSEPH—SCHMITZ' dad used to undercut Nixon by running on THE—AIP ticket.
20071003             Y 'think BLACKWATER—BEHIND THE—DEM—HATE posts you see on all the lefty sites?
20071003             I wouldn't put it past 'em...
20071003             —TODAY we learn that the current LEADER—OF—THE—FAMILY has 1—STRONG—CONNECTION to both Blackwater and the Bush family:
20071003             Turns out JOSEPH—SCHMITZ, COO & general COUNSEL—OF—THE—PRINCE—GROUP, BLACKWATER—PARENT—COMPANY, is oo to 1—LUCILA Garnica Gallo, Colomba BUSH—SISTER (Jeb BUSH—WIFE).
20071003             Is there no limit to the corruption of this misadminstration/crime family?
20071003             Vote note: Looks like RUDY—GIULIANI was behind that effort to SPLIT up THE—CALIFORNIA electors -- 1—CLEVER trick which might well have given him the presidency.
20071003             —THREATENED, Counterstrike: IRAN has, to hit 170—USA—TARGETS if attacked -- or so says THE—JERUSALEM—POST.
20071003             (Yes, I know, I know...) (And thanks, incidentally, to Covert History.)
20071003             Take 1—STEP back and ask yourself: Why isn't IRAN doing more to dampen or delay 1—CRISIS which —NOW seems inevitable?
20071003             In other words, why won't the Iranians say or do whatever is necessary to stall for time?
20071003             THE—BUSH—PRESIDENCY does not have that MANY—MORE—MONTHS—OF—EXISTENCE.
20071003             —POINTED, As PAUL—BEGALA —RECENTLY, out, we're getting out of IRAQ no matter which Democrat steps into the Oval Office (presuming the Dems win).
20071003             Yes, even if Hillary prevails.
20071003             IRAN does not want war with THE—USA -- and they would be utterly insane to want war —WHILE we still have soldiers stationed on their border.
20071003             THE—IRANIANS have EVERY—REASON to delay.
20071003             But they're not trying to buy time.
20071003             Why? Where did all the Russians go?
20071003             —FROM DEBKA (yes, I know, I know...):
20071003             IRAN: I hope you've all been READING JEFF—HUBER—NEO—CONNECTING—THE—DOTS to IRAN.
20071003             HE—UP to part III right —NOW.
20071003             IRAQ funding: DAVID—OBEY (rhymes with Moby), THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—APPROPRIATIONS—COMMITTEE, has said that he will hold up funding for THE—IRAQ—WAR—UNTIL Bush agrees to 1—PULLOUT—BEFORE THE—END—OF—HIS—TERM.
20071003             THE—REPUBLICANS are on BOARD -- to 1—EXTENT: They too want the Pentagon to come up with pullout plans, although they haven't tied the $$ to 1—WITHDRAWAL—DATE.
20071003             Scientology Kirche erhält volle staatliche Anerkennung in PORTUGAL—THEMA: INTERNATIONAL
20071003             Das PORTUGIESISCHE—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM hat der Scientology Kirche in PORTUGAL volle staatliche Anerkennung als Religionsgemeinschaft nach portugiesischem Recht gewährt.
20071003             —BEINHALTET, Dies, die vollständige Steuerbefreiung wie auch die Anerkennung ihrer Geistlichen und der Gleichstellung der vor ihnen geschlossenen Ehe mit der Zivilehe.
20071003             Darüber hinaus erhält die Kirche die Möglichkeit, ähnlich wie die katholische Kirche, mit dem PORTUGIESISCHEN—STAAT—EINEN—STAATSVERTRAG einzugehen.
20071003             Search results for "deuss "
20071003             M. Deuss PRESIDENT 1. Curacao INTERNATIONAL Bank, N.V.
20071003             Kaya WFG (Jombi) Mensing NUMBER 18... alfatomega.com/_themes_/_A_O_deuss_.html
20071003             Emerging CARIBBEAN—BUSINESS and company information for Curacao...
20071003             Emerging Caribbean provides business and company information, online credit reports and other industrial and regional information for...
20071003             CARIBBEAN BANK—NV., Kaya WFG (Jombi) Mensing 14, P.O. Box 3895, Willemstad, CURACAO—NETHERLANDS Antilles;...
20071003             Frührente: PSYCHO—GUTACHTEN ist Glückssache
20071003             Abkommen: NORDKOREA tauscht Atomanlage gegen Heizöl
20071003             Hirsi Alis Rückkehr aus den USA: "Wir blamieren uns vor den Augen der Welt"
20071003             Atomstreit: NORDKOREA sagt Abbau von Atomanlage zu
20071003             Kurz vor dem Streik: BAHN—BELEGSCHAFT schlägt sich auf Seite der Lokführer
20071003             Verdacht auf Insiderhandel: Börsenaufsicht ermittelt gegen DEUTSCHEN—TOP—MANAGER
20071003             Trauriger Rekord: —BEREITS über 5000—TOTE in AFGHANISTAN
20071003             WALLFAHRER—BOOM: Krötenwanderung der Sinnsucher
20071003             Blackwater im Kreuzverhör: Söldner auf dem heißen Stuhl
20071003             Quartalszahlen: Kreditkrise kostet DEUTSCHE—BANK 2,2 Milliarden Euro - FONAS N E W S L E T T E R -
20071003             Elnara Babayeva, INGA—BLUM, Rawan El Hage, Sweetlana Fremy, Ivy Frenger, SIMON—HEBEL, Linda Laddach... zum Thema Full Spectrum Dominance vor + Jeffrey...
20071003             Informationskrieg " Full Spectrum Dominance " stehen stellvertretend für dieses Vorhaben.
20071003             Nach Blum trägt die Schaffung von Feindbildern dazu bei, dass politische...
20071003             Die Bürger drückt der Pessimismus: 42—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN glauben, dass es mit der Wirtschaft künftig bergab geht.
20071003             NORTH—ROCK: Heuschrecke will angeschlagene Bank übernehmen
20071003             USA—VORWAHLKAMPF: Obama will atomwaffenfreie Welt
20071003             —GEWINNT, Politumfrage: Linkspartei, Wirtschaftszuversicht sinkt
20071003             Why SYRIA—AIR—DEFENSES—FAILED to Detect Israelis —POSTED—BY—DAVID—A—FULGHUM at 20071003             —541—AM
20071003             SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD said - 2 charged in Royal phone tap probe
20071003             (263—PAGES)(PDF), and
20071003—19970000    —VETOED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, in 1—SHARP—CONFRONTATION with Congress, 1—BIPARTISAN bill to reauthorize and dramatically expand SCHIP, 1—CHILDREN—HEALTH—INSURANCE begun.
20071003—20010000    —FROM, : —2004, the Fed kept (real) rates at the lowest they've been —SINCE the late 1970s.
20071003—20011000    —SINCE THE—USA—LED invasion, according to 1—INTERNAL—UN—REPORT that sharply contras ts with recent upbeat appraisals by USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH and his AFGHANISTAN—COUNTERPART, HAMID—KARZAI.
20071003—20040000    —IN, As I wrote back : "It's 1—STRANGE—CLAN. If 1—TENNESSEE—WILLIAMS had grown up in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA—ORANGE—COUNTY, Congressman John "Big Daddy" Schmitz and his brood might have inspired SOME—TRULY feverish drama".
20071003—20070916    —ON, 1—GROUP—OF—BLACKWATER—USA—CONTRACTORS was involved in 2—SEPARATE—SHOOTINGS, according to 1—SENIOR—IRAQI—NATIONAL—POLICE—OFFICIAL who contributed to 1—REPORT detailing the 2. shooting.
20071003—20070929    —ON, Li Heping, 1—OUTSPOKEN CHINA—LAWYER, said he was abducted and beaten —FOR—HOURS, and accused of causing unrest by representing clients with COMPLAINTS—OF—OFFICIAL—CORRUPTION and police abuse.
20071003—20071001    —reported—early, that the entire STAFF—OF—RUSSIA—NUCLEAR—ENGINEERS and experts employed in building the nuclear reactor at Bushehr had abruptly packed their bags —FRIDAY, 20070928             + flew back to RUSSIA.
20071003—20071027    —ON, —1—NIGHT with GREG—PALAST in CHICAGO.
20071003—20071115    —BY, Musharraf designates EX—SPY—CHIEF as new army CHIEF : Musharraf, 1—KEY—USA—ALLY, has said he will step down as head of the powerful army at the latest — provided that he is RE—ELECTED as PRESIDENT in 1—VOTE—ON—SATURDAY.
20071003—20071231    —INVOLVED, THE—6—NATIONS, in disarmament talks said NORTH—KOREA agreed to provide 1—COMPLETE—LIST—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMS and disable its facilities at its main reactor complex.
20080130             Police in INDIA said they broke up 1—ILLEGAL—ORGAN—TRANSPLANT ring spanning 5—INDIA—STATES and involving at least 4—DOCTORS, several hospitals, 2—DOZEN—NURSES and paramedics and 1—CAR outfitted as 1—LABORATORY (see 20080207             ).
20080919—20081003    —ON, authorities said the official death toll from 4—STORMS that ravaged HAITI this —SUMMER nearly doubled to 793—PEOPLE.
20080922—20081003    —RESCUED, The last of the miners was.
20080930—20081003    —ISSUED, 1—ARREST—WARRANT for BURGOS was.
20080930—20081003    —ON, Officials said the planes were found on 1—RANCH in the Pacific coast STATE—OF—SINALOA, 1 HOTBED—OF—DRUG trafficking.
20081001             A 2. HOUSE—VOTE was set for 20081003             .
20081001—20081003    —CALLED, The strike was, off 20081003             —AFTER unions and producers announced they had thrashed out 1—DEAL for better pay and working conditions.
20081001—20081003    INDIA, over 100,000 Bollywood actors, technicians and cameramen began 1—INDEFINITE strike protesting irregular pay and THE—HIRING—OF—NON—UNION—MEMBERS.
20081003             Libreka! - 9783434505044 -Der Doppelstaat
20081003             —APPROVED, IRAQ—PARLIAMENT had, the law unanimously 20080924             —ON—FOLLOWING MONTHS—OF—DEADLOCK centering on 1—KURDISH—ARAB dispute over THE—CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20081003             —SUSPECTED—OF, He was, masterminding 20081002             —THE attacks in BAGHDAD as well as recent bombings and 20060000             —THE videotaped execution of 1—RUSSIA—OFFICIAL.
20081003             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, the Child Soldiers Accountability Act, making it 1—FEDERAL—CRIME in THE—USA to recruit and use soldiers under —15—YEARS even if they operate outside THE—USA.
20081003             Rebel groups and GOVERNMENT—ARMED—MILITIAS using child soldiers in THE—PHILIPPINES and 16—OTHER—STRIFE—TORN countries faced prosecution in THE—USA—UNDER the new law.
20081003             —VOTED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 263-171 for the $700—BILLION economic rescue plan and USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH quickly signed the bill.
20081003             —REPRESENTED, The $700—BILLION, about 6—PERCENT—OF—USA—GDP.
20081003             USA—PROTECTION and Investigations, 1—HOUSTON security company, was indicted on charges of defrauding THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for work done —DURING THE—AFGHANISTAN war and rebuilding efforts.
20081003             It barred new diversions beyond the Great Lakes Basin.
20081003             THOMAS—PETTERS, —51—JAHRE—ALT, FOUNDER—OF—PETTERS—CO., was arrested in MINNESOTA on charges of mail and wire fraud, money laundering and OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE.
20081003             Over 20—INVESTORS and investment groups were thought to have been bilked of over $100—MILLION and losses claimed by funds could top $2—BILLION.
20081003             —ACQUITTED—OF, This was —13—YEARS to THE—DAY—AFTER being, killing his wife and her friend in LOS—ANGELES.
20081003             4—OTHER—MEN charged in the case struck plea bargains that saved them from potential prison sentences in return for their testimony.
20081003             Wachovia said it agreed to be acquired by S—FRANCISCO—BASED—WELLS—FARGO & Co. in a $15.1—BILLION ALL—STOCK—DEAL.
20081003             —DEMANDED, But Citigroup, that Wachovia abide by the terms of its —EARLIER deal to buy WACHOVIA—BANKING operations.
20081003             ALABAMA, 1—COLLISION on 1—RURAL—HIGHWAY between an 18-wheeler and 1—STATE—VAN killed 6—APPLICANTS for prison jobs and their driver.
20081003             1—JET—FIGHTER bombed 2—HOUSES in different parts of Datta Khel.
20081003             Intelligence officials in the region said 2—WOMEN and 1—CHILD were killed and 5—MEN wounded.
20081003             1—MILITANT—ATTACK on 1—USA—PATROL in EAST—KUNAR province killed 1—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIAN and wounded 4—OTHERS.
20081003             —WOUNDED, Soldiers from both CAMBODIA and THAILAND were, in 1—BRIEF clash along their volatile border.
20081003             —ANNOUNCED, INDIA—TATA—GROUP, it was abandoning 1—PLANT in EAST—INDIA which was slated to turn out the world's cheapest car —AFTER weeks of violent demonstrations triggered by 1—LAND—DISPUTE.
20081003             —APPROVED, IRAQ—PRESIDENTIAL—COUNCIL officially, 1—LAW that paves the way for USA—BACKED provincial elections to be held by THE—END—OF—JANUARY.
20081003             —KILLED, THE—USA—MILITARY, Mahir AHMAD—MAHMUD—AL—ZUBAYDI, also known as ABU—ASSAD or ABU—RAMI, 1—AL—QAIDA in IRAQ leader.
20081003             —KILLED, USA—TROOPS also, the man's wife in 1—FIREFIGHT as they tried to capture him in the northern neighborhood of Azamiyah in BAGHDAD.
20081003             —CLASHED, MEXICO—POLICE, with HUNDREDS—OF—VILLAGERS who seized the entrance to 1—MAYAN archaeological site and 6—PROTESTERS were killed.
20081003             —OCCUPIED, HUNDREDS—OF—VILLAGERS had, the entrance to the Chinkultic ruins for nearly —1—MONTH, saying they were protesting excessive entrance fees and 1—LACK—OF—INVESTMENT in the area.
20081003             USA—MISSILES hit 1—HOUSE in Mohammadkhel near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20081003             † 2—PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS, citing reports from field agents and informants, said 14—TALIBAN militants and 8—ARABS, in the attack about 28—MILES—WEST—OF—MIRAN Shah.
20081003             † 2—PEOPLE wounded in the attack, —LATER bringing the toll to 24.
20081003             —DROPPED, RUSSIA—SHARE prices, sharply despite a nearly $200—BILLION Kremlin rescue plan.
20081003             —REPORTED, OLEG—DERIPASKA, billionaire tycoon, was, to have given up his 20% stake in Magna INTERNATIONAL, 1—CANADA—AUTO parts maker, to creditors.
20081003             1—CAR exploded outside THE—RUSSIA—MILITARY'S—HEADQUARTERS in SOUTH—OSSETIA, killing 7—PEOPLE and wounding 3.
20081003             —CONFISCATED, THE—SOUTH—OSSETIAN government said 1—CAR, that had been, in 1—ETHNIC—GEORGIA—VILLAGE—AFTER weapons were found in it, exploded near 1—BUILDING where leaders of THE—RUSSIA—PEACEKEEPING force were located.
20081003             —KILLED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS said fighting has, at least 80—CIVILIANS in SOMALIA—CAPITAL over the last —2—WEEKS.
20081003             —INJURED, More than 100—PEOPLE have been.
20081003             UN humanitarian OFFICE—SPOKESWOMAN—ELISABETH—BYRS said nearly HALF—OF—SOMALIA—8.3—MILLION—PEOPLE were in NEED—OF—FOOD and other assistance.
20081003             —BOMBED, SRI—LANKA—AIR—FORCE—JETS, the offices of the Tamil Tiger political CHIEF—BALASINGHAM—NADESAN.
20081003             Fighting between Kurdish rebels and TURKEY—ARMY and AIR—FORCE in SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY and NORTH—IRAQ killed 15—SOLDIERS and at least 23—INSURGENTS, in the deadliest battle between the longtime enemies —THIS—YEAR.
20081003             —DISCOVERED, Officials said VIETNAM—HEALTH—MINISTRY has, the industrial chemical melamine in 18—FOOD—PRODUCTS imported from CHINA and 3—OTHER—COUNTRIES and has ordered them recalled and destroyed.
20081003             IN VERBIS—QUANDO são os juízes a pagar a factura
20081003             BARULHOS URBANOS, sons invasivos, vizinhos,cães, propaganda s...
20081003             Este é um problema que afeta o convívio profundamente, pois ruido ruim é na nossa... acalmar o stress, pescando o dia inteiro, e a noite durmo na...
20081003             GÊ—QUESTA Associação de Defesa do Ambiente Imaginemos que alguém tem um cão que ladra de noite e incomoda os vizinhos.
20081003             1—NOVA—LEI do Ruído : Carta Aberta ao DIRECTOR—GERAL do Ambiente...
20081003             Cão (es) que ladra entre as 22h e 3h [Arquivo] - FÓRUM AUTOHOJE ONLINE
20081003             Felinus & Cia • Vendo TÓPICO—VIZINHOS atacam o meu cão Por vezes, ainda que raramente, ele ladra à noite, quando há barulhos...
20081003             Por lei, não pode haver ruidos de intensidade elevada entre as 22—H e as 08—AM.
20081003             Sentenças de Julgados De Paz
20081003             I. Os Demandados têm vindo a perpetrar a ruídos a horas de descanso juntamente com os do... que o cão ladra de noite, embora tenha vindo a melhorar.
20081003             Uma visita noturna (ARTHUR—CONAN—DOYLE) - Contos de Coral > A.
20081003             Proprietários de pitbulls, rotweilers e outros cães assassinos...
20081003             O que me obriga a sair, à noite, com uma barra de ferro na mão e a trela do meu... acha que também essa pessoa não está a infrigir a lei do ruído...
20081003             Animais em sua casa - Ruído.
20081003             O Regulamento Geal do Ruído impede que se FAÇ1—BARULHO durante 1—NOITE.
20081003             O ladrar de um cão em decibéis ultrapassa os limites permitidos por lei e o...
20081003             PAKISTAN: USA—DROHNE tötet über 12—MENSCHEN
20081003             KFW—BANK: Peinliche Details zur MILLIONEN—PANNE
20081003             700—MILLIARDEN—HILFE beschlossen: Die Rettung kommt, die Kurse fallen - PHYSORG—COM)
20081003             —ADAPTED, To figure out how ancient humans, to their environment and constructed civilizations, you need to know the environment in which they LIVED—INCLUDING climate change over THOUSANDS—OF—YEARS.
20081003             THE—800—BILLION Dollar Gorilla in the Room
20081003             [The debate was not 1—DEBATE at all regarding THE—SUBSTANCE—OF—THE—FUTURE—OF—AMERICA.
20081003             It was another circus for the masses.
20081003             As such, we can —NOW live with the fact that the $800—BILLION gorilla will have its way with us.
20081003             —ON coup d'etat fears, army raids police to confiscate "WEAPONS—OF—WAR" leaving cops defenseless against criminals
20081003             [The police department purge, took place in 1—TOP—SECRET—MOVE, —TUESDAY, —DURING which army personnel sealed off SUCRE Police HQ and went through all RECORDS—OF—RAPID—FIRE—AUSTRIAN—MANUFACTURED Glock handguns and more held by individual police officers as well as HUNDREDS—OF—HEAVIER—WEAPONS in the considerable police armory
20081003             Health Highlights: Skype Acknowledges CHINA—SPYING - Skype admits security breach in CHINA
20081003             CALIFORNIA, SHORT—OF—CASH, May Ask USA for Loan
20081003             With the credit crisis cutting off access to SHORT—TERM financing, CALIFORNIA officials said they may be forced to ask THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to lend it $7—BILLION, warning that the state could run out of...
20081003             Passage of Rescue Plan May Relieve CALIFORNIA—LOOMING—CASH—CRUNCH
20081003             CALIFORNIA is counting on $7—BILLION in FEDERAL—FUNDS
20081003             Kurze Freude an WALL—STREET: Bären fressen Rally - "Investmentbanker sind kriminell"
20081003             KAPITALISMUS: Wie der Linksruck uns nutzen kann
20081003             —BESCHLOSSEN, Politik: Das Rettungspaket ist - Politik: Der Prophet des Untergangs
20081003             Finanzen: DAX—AUSBLICK: Im Würgegriff der Krise
20081003             Hilfe für die Banken: Wie der Kongress das Rettungspaket für die WALL—STREET versüßte
20081003             —VERLIERT, Dow, trotz Rettungspaket: 700—MISTER—D $ machen WALL—STREET ratlos
20081003             WELLS—FARGO—COUP bei Wachovia: Citigroup wittert Vertragsbruch
20081003             Halbleitermarkt trotzt noch der Finanzkrise
20081003             Rezessionen nach Finanzkrisen sind tiefer - BUSH—UNTERZEICHNET—RETTUNGSPLAN
20081003             U. of TOKYO sold rice tainted with illegal chemical
20081003             Le plan Paulson désormais SUR les rails - WALL—STREET clôture en baisse
20081003             USA—CONGRESS approves $700bn financial BAIL—OUT - Amerikaans reddingsplan goedgekeurd
20081003             —VERKOCHT, Fortis Nederland en ABN Amro worden - Jackpot für WALL—STREET?
20081003             TOPWRAP 16-USA passes bailout, focus shifts to fallout
20081003             GUARDIAN—CO—UK—AIG bond prices may overstate risk: CreditSights
20081003             USA Sheds 159000 Jobs; 9. Straight Monthly Drop
20081003             1—JOB—FAIR sponsored by THE—STATE—OF—COLORADO —LAST—MONTH attracted HUNDREDS—OF—APPLICANTS.
20081003             New claims for unemployment benefits rose to a —7—YEAR—HIGH—THIS—WEEK.
20081003             Wells FARGO—WACHOVIA—BID—SPARKS—FEUD—WITH—CITIGROUP (Update2)
20081003             Bloomberg By DAVID—MILDENBERG and JOSH—FINEMAN
20081003             —OFFERED, Wells Fargo & Co., $15—BILLION for Wachovia Corp., setting up 1—CONTEST with Citigroup INCORPORATED for control of the embattled NORTH—CAROLINA lender.
20081003             —AIDED, Tax ruling may have, Wells' bid for Wachovia
20081003             Nervous CHARLOTTE ponders the future of Wachovia
20081003             MONEY—COM—REPORT blames USA—TRADE—GAP for 5.6—MILLION lost jobs : THE—USA—TRADE—DEFICIT in goods other than oil cost USA—WORKERS 5.6—MILLION—JOBS—LAST—YEAR, with MICHIGAN and SOUTH—CAROLINA leading the list of HARDEST—HIT states, 1—REPORT issued —ON—THURSDAY said.
20081003             USA—FACTORY orders drop by biggest amount in nearly —2—YEAR
20081003             CALIFORNIA gov says may seek USA—TREASURY financing: CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER has informed USA—TREASURY—SECRETARY—HENRY—PAULSON that the most populous USA—STATE may need to turn to THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT for SHORT—TERM financing because of 1—LACK—OF—LIQUIDITY in credit markets.
20081003             Financial companies borrow record amount from Fed : THE—FED—REPORT released —THURSDAY said commercial banks averaged 1—RECORD $44.5—BILLION in daily borrowing over the past —WEEK.
20081003             —COMPARED, That, with 1—DAILY—AVERAGE—OF $39.36—BILLION in the previous —WEEK.
20081003             —ON—WEDNESDAY alone, banks borrowed 1—RECORD $49.5—BILLION, surpassing the previous high that came —1—DAY—AFTER the
20081003             MISTER—TURAY had flown in from SWEDEN for 1—TRIAL that marks the 1. test of a
20081003             Digital body scanners which leave little to the imagination will be used by airport security on passengers travelling across THE—EUROPEAN—UNION within —2—YEARS
20081003             —MISSED, In case you, it: McCain Rejects Broad USA—AID on Mortgages:
20081003             Drawing 1—SHARP—DISTINCTION between himself and THE—2—DEMOCRATIC—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATES, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN—OF—ARIZONA warned —TUESDAY against vigorous government action to solve the deepening mortgage crisis and the market turmoil it has caused, saying that "it is not THE—DUTY—OF—GOVERNMENT to bail out and reward those who act irresponsibly, whether they are big banks or small borrowers".
20081003             —AIMED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—SIGNS—HISTORIC $700—BILLION plan, at stemming credit crisis.: —AFTER—2—WEEKS—OF—CONTENTIOUS and often emotional debate, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—FAR—REACHING and historic plan to bail out the nation's financial system was signed into law by USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ON—FRIDAY afternoon.
20081003             USA—STOCKS—DROP as Recession Concern Outweighs Bailout Passage:
20081003             - USA—STOCKS slid, capping the worst —WEEK for the Standard & POOR—500—INDEX
20081003             Hidden unemployment rises to 11%, highest in —14—YEARS:
20081003             Payrolls sink 159,000, worst job loss in —5—YEARS
20081003             RUSSIA: USA—WARSHIP In Black Sea, May Port In GEORGIA—REPORT : A—USA—NAVY destroyer with sophisticated missile defense systems has moved into THE—EAST—BLACK—SEA and may put into 1—PORT in GEORGIA, THE—RUSSIA—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY—RIA Novosti reported —FRIDAY.
20081003             Robertson: Nuke strikes in USA —AFTER the election:
20081003             —CONVINCED, THE—700—CLUB host is, that ISRAEL will attack IRAN—NUCLEAR—ENERGY—FACILITIES shortly —AFTER THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, triggering 1—SERIES—OF "dramatic events" that conclude only once "God has rained fire on THE—ISLANDS—OF—THE—SEA and on the invading force coming against ISRAEL".
20081003             Israelis Wary of 1—USA—RADAR—BASE in the Negev : —WHEN 1—CONTINGENT—OF—USA—SOLDIERS—OPENS 1—RADAR—FACILITY on 1—MOUNTAINTOP in the Negev desert —NEXT—MONTH, ISRAEL will for the 1. time in its —60—YEAR—HISTORY have 1—PERMANENT—FOREIGN—MILITARY—BASE on its soil.
20081003             And despite the early warning that THE—USA—RADAR would provide if IRAN launches 1—MISSILE—ATTACK on ISRAEL, SOME—SENIOR—ISRAEL—OFFICIALS are nonetheless wary about its presence.
20081003             Military recruiting bonuses grow by 25 % : Buoyed by incentives that can be as high as $40,000 each, and coupled with the promise of thousands more for education or house down payments, the annual cost grew by 25 % over —LAST—YEAR—TOTALS for THE—2—SERVICES, THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS has learned.
20081003             —CONTINUED, Heeding the lessons of another war: If, ground incursions by USA—TROOPS across the border into PAKISTAN in search of the Taliban and AL—QAEDA risk drastically undermining THE—PAKISTAN—STATE, society and army.
20081003             NKorea continuing moves to restart nuclear program : USA: NORTH—KOREA has not stopped taking steps to restart its nuclear weapons program, THE—USA—SAID—FRIDAY, despite THE—USA—SENDING 1—TOP diplomat to the country to rescue 1—CRUMBLING nuclear disarmament pact.
20081003             USA compromise could delist DPRK : THE—USA would provisionally remove NORTH—KOREA from its LIST—OF—TERRORISM—SPONSORING nations under 1—PROPOSAL that emerged —DURING talks between the countries in PYONGYANG over the secretive state's nuclear program declarations, USA—GOVERNMENT—SOURCES said —THURSDAY.
20081003             IRAN says won't go down 'unending road' with IAEA :, IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER said —ON—THURSDAY, adding WASHINGTON was perpetuating a 'huge lie' about IRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS.
20081003             PAKISTAN claims "right to seek" N—DEAL with CHINA: ISLAMABAD announced its intention to strike 1—DEAL with its ally CHINA similar to THE—INDO—USA—CIVIL—NUCLEAR—TREATY, —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER THE—USA—SENATE approved it by more than the required 3—5. majority —WEDNESDAY.
20081003             —ABDUCTED, Afghans back Taliban, says, SENATOR: He was held hostage for more than —2—MONTHS and would come away having witnessed 1—REALITY—SOME—INSIST does not exist.
20081003             PAKISTAN, USA: BRINK—OF—WAR?
20081003             THE—USA—CLAIMS to have evidence that the government supports jihadis that wage war against THE—USA—AND—NATO in AFGHANISTAN.
20081003             —LIMITED, Even 1, covert war, directed at militants, not THE—PAKISTAN—ARMY, is arguably the easiest sell THE—USA has ever had to make —SINCE 19900000             —THE war with IRAQ
20081003             Woman, 90, Shoots Self Inside Foreclosed Home
20081003             A —90—YEAR—OLD—AKRON woman, about to be evicted from her La Croix Avenue home for failing to pay her mortgage, apparently shot herself —WEDNESDAY—WHILE Summit County sheriff's deputies were knocking on her door.
20081003             "Small People".
20081003             Bailing Out WALL—STREET by Selling out Main Street
20081003             Tent cities are arising all over the country and Congress is going to bailout 1—INDUSTRY that caused these cities and not only that, but use our money to help keep THE—CEO'S in the style to which they have become accustomed.
20081003             Bail Out the Homeowners!
20081003             Why PAULSON—PLAN is 1—FRAUD—BY—PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS
20081003             —FOCUSED, The bailout is, on the wrong END—OF—THE—PROBLEM.
20081003             The bailout should be focused on THE—ORIGIN—OF—THE—PROBLEM, the defaulting homeowners.
20081003             The bailout should indemnify defaulting homeowners and pay off the delinquent mortgages.
20081003             Get Your Dollars Out —NOW! FAST!!!
20081003             As Argentine citizens, we have 1—HUGE—ADVANTAGE over other peoples including USA—CITIZENS—WHEN it comes to understanding and coping with this KIND—OF—CRISIS.
20081003             I say this because in our own lifetimes we have suffered in ARGENTINA ALL—OF—WHAT is —NOW happening GLOBALLY—ALBEIT on 1—MUCH smaller scale in our case.
20081003             We've seen this movie... We've been there, and done that.
20081003             WHAT—HAPPENING —NOW on WALL—STREET is seen as 1—NEW—STORY.
20081003             It is not.
20081003             It is 1—VERY—OLD 1. KARL—MARX wrote about it; so did JOHN—MAYNARD—KEYNES.
20081003             —PRONOUNCED, More —RECENTLY, tycoon GEORGE—SOROS has, on it, as has the redoubtable Economist, 1—DECIDEDLY—PRO—FREE—MARKET—FINANCIAL—MAGAZINE.
20081003             "Shall Not Perish From THE—EARTH"
20081003             —REACHED, If KARL—MARX was right, we have, the end times NOT—OF—HUMANITY BUT—OF—THE—CAPITALIST—ECONOMIC—SYSTEM.
20081003             It is 1—TIME—WHEN the working class was, through its collective discipline and might, supposed to conduct and win 1—WAR with the bourgeoisie and establish its rule.
20081003             Then THE—BUILDING—OF—SOCIALISM was to commence.
20081003             War, racism and poverty would be banished in the ensuing years along with ALL—OF—CAPITALISM—PATHOLOGICAL—INFLUENCES on man.
20081003             —FROM Empire to DEMOCRACY—BY—HOWARD—ZINN—LET—NOT waste $700bn on 1—BAIL—OUT, but use 'big government' for what it's best at — shaping 1—SOCIETY that is fair and peaceable.
20081003             Not in My Lifetime...
20081003             SARAH—PALIN is quite certain that Jesus will return to Earth —DURING her lifetime.
20081003             She considers this good news, as folks like her will be Raptured (naked, by the way) into heaven —WHILE THE—REST—OF—USA (including ANY—JEWS who don't convert) will face THE—TRIBULATION—SERIOUSLY crappy times, by ANY—DEFINITION.
20081003             1—NATION under Capitalism -
20081003             It's Time for 1—CRUCIFIXION—BY—JASON—MILLER
20081003             proudly surveying our kingdom from atop the capitalist pyramid, we USA Americans have deluded ourselves into believing we are at the pinnacle of cultural, social, political, and economic evolution.
20081003             —ENTITLED, We fancy ourselves to be so exceptional that we are, to 1—PERPETUAL blessing from "our" CHRISTIAN—GOD.
20081003             Psychological WEAPONS—OF—WAR
20081003             I t is 1—MYSTERY how THE—IRAQ—WAR was planned and supported for 1—LONG—TIME without 1—EFFECTIVE—OPPOSITION, despite being 1—OF—THE—WORST—FOREIGN—POLICY—DECISIONS in recent USA—HISTORY.
20081003             But it becomes less of 1—PUZZLE if 1—APPLIES to the situation SOME—PRINCIPLES—OF—SOCIAL psychology.
20081003             In this light, 1—RETURN to the classic literature is pertinent.
20081003             Chomsky: "THE—MAJORITY—OF—THE—WORLD—SUPPORTS—IRAN"
20081003             In 1—EXCLUSIVE and WIDE—RANGING interview, Chomsky discusses the global politics of IRAN's and INDIA—ATTEMPTS to become nuclear powers.
20081003             ISRAEL—ARMY and settlers fall OUT—THE—SOURING—OF—1—WEST—BANK—ROMANCE
20081003             THE—ISRAEL—ARMY—OFFICER in CHARGE—OF—THE—OCCUPATION—OF—THE—WEST—BANK, Gen Gadi Shamni, has lambasted extremist Jewish settlers, blaming rising LEVELS—OF—VIOLENCE on the encouragement of their leadership and RIGHT—WING rabbis.
20081003             Shame: THE—USA—WAR—AGAINST—UNARMED—WORKING—MOTHERS—BY BILL—QUIGLEY—IS this what our nation has come to?
20081003             —UNARMED, War against, working mothers? Have we no shame? Continue
20081003             MAKE—BELIEVE—MAVERICK—BY TIM—DICKINSON - 1—CLOSER—LOOK at the life and career of JOHN—MCCAIN reveals 1—DISTURBING RECORD—OF—RECKLESSNESS and dishonesty.
20081003             Das BAILOUT—GESETZ mit den 700—MILLIARDEN, das ist ja gescheitert, weil das VIEL ZU VIEL Geld ist, das können wir unmöglich ausgeben!
20081003             Das muß ja alles zurück gezahlt werden.
20081003             Nein, das kann 1—KONSERVATIVER unmöglich unterschreiben.
20081003             Aber fürchtet euch nicht, der USA—SENAT hat die Lösung gefunden:
20081003             wir ändern das Gesetz, um noch 150—MILLIARDEN mehr auszugeben.
20081003             FORM—VON—STEUERNACHLÄSSEN.
20081003             So, —JETZT setzt euch mal hin und laßt euch das durch den Kopf geben.
20081003             Der USA—SENAT glaubt, Leute, die 700—MILLIARDEN Dollar nicht zustimmen, weil es zu viel ist, werden 850—MILLIARDEN zustimmen, wenn man ihnen erzählt, dass davon 150—MILLIARDEN Steuernachlässe sind.
20081003             Die SCHWEDISCHE—NOTENBANK packt auch mal 60—MILLIARDEN Kronen in den Markt (6.2—MILLIARDEN Euro).
20081003             kritisiert zudem, dass Viermetz auf den Vorschlag, sein Mandat freiwillig niederzulegen, bislang nicht reagierte.
20081003             "Beide Großaktionäre arbeiten eng zusammen und sind übereinstimmend ÄUß—ERST unzufrieden mit der Arbeit von Herrn Viermetz", hieß es aus gut informierten Kreisen.
20081003             Seine Tauglichkeit als Aufsichtsratschef sei fragwürdig.
20081003             Der ehemalige JP—MORGAN—MANAGER, heißt es in dem Brief, habe es "offensichtlich versäumt", seine Pflichten "ordnungsgemäß wahrzunehmen".
20081003             Dies habe die Bedenken von TCI gegen Viermetz "drastisch verstärkt".
20081003             Und wenn die DEUTSCHE—BANK—ALS—BRANCHENPRIMUS brennen würde, wäre eh alles vorbei.
20081003             Aber das Vertrauen wird nicht mehr zurückkommen.
20081003             Den Kapitalismus in seinem Lauf hält weder Ochs noch Esel auf.
20081003             Die Kritisierten sind eine amorphe Masse wie die Kritik, die —NUN nicht nur sie unter sich begräbt, sondern die gesamte Branche.
20081003             Man versteht es nicht mehr.
20081003             —GEWORDEN, Es war alles viel zu komplex, als dass Vertrauen noch eine gute Geschäftsbasis wäre.
20081003             So wurde die Commerzbank —SCHON
20081003             Obendrein wundern sie sich, dass selbst die eher stoische Schar DEUTSCHER—KLEINANLEGER allmählich den Glauben verliert in ihre WIRD—SCHON—WIEDER—BETEUERUNGEN, ins Finanzgewerbe,
20081003             ja: in die Marktwirtschaft oder gar die Demokratie in toto.
20081003             Plötzlich ist überall von Vertrauen die Rede.
20081003             Oder eher davon, dass dieses Vertrauen —NUN fehlt.
20081003             Gefährlich wird es, wenn beide Welten kollidieren.
20081003             Die andere ist die soziale, in der Geld keine Rolle spielt.
20081003             Wir leben chronisch in 2—WELTEN:
20081003             ERNST—FRAENKEL (Politikwissenschaftler) — Wikipedia - Start > Der Doppelstaat.
20081003             Volltextfinder.
20081003             Geben Sie hier Ihren Suchbegriff ein, um 1—VOLLTEXTSUCHE zu starten.
20081003             There is JOHANNES—CHRISTIAAN—MARTINUS—AUGUSTINUS—MARIA making 1—FORTUNE from dynamite, his 2—OLDER brothers, Deuss, 1—FLOPPY—HAIRED—HOLLAND—OIL—TRADER with...
20081003             Intergroup on Law Enforcement, Organised Crime and Terrorism
20081003             JOHN—DEUSS, a —64—YEAR—OLD—HOLLAND—OIL—TRADER and banker, was DETAINED—BY—POLICE on BERMUDA —AFTER...
20081003             PR WATCH -1., it would be unfair. to run such 1—STORY on the environmental credentials of... stand EDWARD—L—BERNAYS if we are to. understand what Hill and Knowlton...
20081003             Channel 1: —WHEN Private Interests and the Public Interest... In
20081003             MORE THAN NEIGHBORS: MISTER—EDUARDO—CEPEDA., Managing.
20081003             Director, J.P. MORGAN—CHASE—MEXICO—MISTER—BRIAN—DYSON.
20081003             Retired... ENRIQUE—KRAUZE, BIOGRAPHY—OF—POWER: 1—HISTORY.
20081003             NATIONMASTER—ENCYCLOPEDIA: 20041200             20081003             1—SIGNAL—DER—BERUHIGUNG—IN den Finanzsektor.
20081003             Die Vorlage ermächtigt die USA—REGIERUNG zu einem beispiellosen staatlichen Eingriff in den Finanzsektor.
20081003             —NUN ist der Weg für den Plan frei
20081003             —ÜBERWACHT, Auch E—MAILS werden.
20081003             "Wenn das Passwort gestohlen wird, kann alles, was wir mit Skype tun, angesehen oder kopiert werden", so Wang.
20081003             "Und 1—PASSWORT zu stehlen, ist für Hacker oder die INTERNET—POLIZEI ziemlich leicht".
20081003             Die Probleme seien umgehend behoben worden.
20081003             Er zeigte sich allerdings "sehr besorgt" über Verstöße gegen die Privatsphäre SKYPE—NUTZER
20081003             Telefongespräche, die ebenfalls über Skype möglich sind, waren allerdings nicht betroffen.
20081003             Auch SKYPE—NUTZER aus anderen Ländern fielen der Kontrolle zum Opfer
20081003             Die Forscher von Citizen Lab waren in der Lage, zensierte Nachrichten sowie Millionen persönlicher Daten wie Benutzernamen, IP—ADRESSEN, Telefonnummern und die nötigen Entschlüsselungscodes von 8—ÖFFENTLICH zugänglichen TOM—SKYPE—SERVERN herunterzuladen.
20081003             —ÜBERWACHT, SKYPE—TEXTCHATS wurden nicht nur, sondern auch gemeinsam mit den entsprechenden Kundendaten GESPEICHERT—UND das auf leicht zugänglichen Servern.
20081003             Auf der Liste stehe auch das Wort "Milchpulver", das auf den aktuellen Skandal um MELAMIN—VERSEUCHTE Lebensmittel aus CHINA hinweist.
20081003             Die USA—FORSCHERGRUPPE Citizen Lab hat der CHINESISCHEN—INTERNET—FIRMA TOM, die den SKYPE—DIENST in CHINA anbietet, in einem 16-seitigen Bericht eine "umfassende Überwachung mit anscheinend wenig Rücksicht auf die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre der SKYPE—NUTZER" vorgeworfen.
20081003             Die 1. Version war —AM—MONTAG im Repräsentantenhaus überraschend gescheitert und hatte weltweit für einen Börsencrash gesorgt.
20081003             Damals hatten 12—STIMMEN für 1—BILLIGUNG—DES—PROGRAMMS gefehlt.
20081003             Von dem Votum erhoffen sich der Kongress und das Weiße Haus 1—SIGNAL—DER—BERUHIGUNG für die weltweiten Finanzmärkte.
20081003             USA—FINANZSTAATSSEKRETÄR DAVID—MCCORMICK hatte erklärt, sollte das Rettungspaket nicht angenommen werden, würde dies "schlimme Folgen für die USA—WIRTSCHAFT und ALLE—AMERIKANER" haben.
20081003             "Eine starke, überparteiliche Unterstützung des Gesetzes ist wichtig und ein hilfreiches Signal an die Märkte im IN—UND Ausland, dass die Regierung ALLE—NOTWENDIGEN—MAßNAHMEN unternimmt, um das Finanzsystem wieder auf den richtigen Weg zu bringen", teilte das Weiße Haus mit.
20081003             "Wir glauben alle an die freie Marktwirtschaft", betonte sie.
20081003             Aber "unregulierte und nicht überwachte" Aktivitäten an der WALL—STREET hätten "1—CHAOS produziert, das es künftig nicht mehr geben darf".
20081003             WASHINGTON—ETWA eineinhalb —STUNDEN nach der Verabschiedung des USA—RETTUNGSPAKETS im Parlament setzte PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH seine Unterschrift unter den Plan.
20081003             Damit kann der STAAT —NUN den in Not geratenen Finanzinstituten die nahezu wertlos gewordenen Hypothekenpapiere abkaufen, um das Finanzsystem zu stabilisieren.
20081003             Bush unterzeichnet USA—RETTUNGSPAKET für die Finanzbranche"
20081003             Bankenkrise: Bush unterzeichnet USA—RETTUNGSPAKET für die Finanzbranche (Wirtschaft)
20081003             Finanzkrise: USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS stimmt für BANKEN—RETTUNGSPLAN
20081003             Kursplus: Börsianer gehen optimistisch ins Wochenende
20081003             NETZ—ÜBERWACHUNG: Verdächtige Texte von Millionen SKYPE—NUTZERN in CHINA gespeichert
20081003             Verstaatlichung: NIEDERLANDE übernehmen TEIL—VON—FORTIS
20081003             Aktienabsturz: Premiere gab Kundenzahl viel zu hoch an
20081003             Bankenkrise: Hedgefonds shorten, —BIS der Arzt kommt
20081003             Hypo Real Estate: Finanzsektor springt mit 8,5 Milliarden Euro in die Bresche
20081003             PRÊT—À—PORTER: Die Amazonen beginnen zu lächeln
20081003             Machtkampf: Großaktionär setzt DEUTSCHE—BÖRSE unter Druck
20081003             Finanzkrise: FRANKREICH rutscht in die Rezession
20081003             Einheitsfeier: "Uns braucht nicht bange zu sein"
20081003             Vor dem VIERER—GIPFEL: EUROPA lehnt eigenen BANKEN—RETTUNGSPLAN ab
20081003             Tauziehen um USA—BANK: Neuer Interessent für Wachovia aufgetaucht
20081003             IG—NOBEL—PREIS: Die Rolle der Gürteltiere in der Weltgeschichte
20081003             Psychologie: Warum wir gewalttätig werden
20081003             LEBENSZEIT—STATISTIK: Wie lange würde McCain im Weißen Haus überleben?
20081003             —SCHMIERT, Gewinnwarnung: PREMIERE—AKTIE, ab
20081003             HOLLYWOOD: Scorsese und De Niro drehen MAFIA—STREIFEN
20081003             700—MILLIARDEN—RETTUNGSPAKET: Banges Warten auf die —ENTSCHEIDUNG am Capitol Hill
20081003             Piefkes vor WIEN: Warum eine DEUTSCHE—STUDENTIN ÖSTERREICH verklagt
20081003             Finanzkrise: Rettungsplan für Hypo Real Estate steht
20081003             Sollten sich die Regierungen jedoch nicht einig sein, könnten schaurige Zeiten bevorstehen, warnt die Ökonomengruppe: "Wenn sich die europäischen Führer nicht unverzüglich zusammenfinden, um die Krise gemeinsam anzugehen, bevor die Spirale außer Kontrolle gerät, könnten sie sich bald in einer Lage finden, in der es nur noch darum gehen kann, wie man sich am besten vor einem Albtraum in Sicherheit bringt".
20081003             Denn in diesen Krisenzeiten kann es schnell um —MINUTEN gehen.
20081003             Im Fall DER—HYPO Real Estate einigten sich Privatbanken und Finanzministerium eine halbe —STUNDE vor Börsenöffnung.
20081003             —GEWESEN, 3ßig —MINUTEN später wäre der Finanzkonzern pleite.
20081003             Doch niemand sollte glauben, den nationalen Regierungen sei die Folge ihres Handelns nicht bewusst.
20081003             So schreiben die Ökonomen auch: "Das Problem ist nicht ein fehlendes Verständnis. Das Problem ist mangelnder politischer Wille".
20081003             "Es ist entscheidend, dass sich die nationalen Verantwortungsträger zusammensetzen und ihre Reaktionen koordinieren, um europaweite Lösungen zu finden", hieß es in einem
20081003             vom DEUTSCHEN—INSTITUT für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) veröffentlichten Appell der Wissenschaftler aus EUROPA und den USA.
20081003             "Es gibt die Chance zu handeln, zu einer Zeit, in der die Situation noch beherrschbar erscheint".
20081003             Tiefrot auf breiter Front: WALL—STREET rutscht ab
20081003             Rettungspaket, 2. Versuch: Zuversicht in WASHINGTON
20081003             USA—STOCKS—FALL—SHARPLY on Credit Worries - FINANZKRISE: Wer rettet Europas Banken?
20081003             Finanzen: USA—BÖRSEN erneut tief im Minus
20081003             Politik: IWF warnt vor Finanzdebakel in den USA
20081003             Krisensitzung in FRANKFURT: Bangen um RETTUNG—VON—HYPO—REAL—ESTATE
20081003             IWF—WELTWIRTSCHAFTSAUSBLICK: Finanzkrisen sind die schlimmsten Krisen
20081003             Banken scheuen vor Milliardenbürgschaft für die gefährdete Hypo Real Estate zurück
20081003             DEUTSCHE—BANK—CHEF—JOSEF—ACKERMANN verlangt staatliche Hilfe für Geldinstitute.
20081003             —KRITISIERT, Struck, DEUTSCHE—BANK—CHEF
20081003             Vage Auskünfte des Bundesrats zur Finanzkrise
20081003             Les Bourses européennes terminent en forte baisse
20081003             Wall St slides as BAIL—OUT vote looms - Banks to squeeze credit even tighter
20081003             Dem Crash folgt die Wirtschaftsflaute
20081003             USA: 1—BILLION zur RETTUNG—DER—WIRTSCHAFT
20081003             —STARTING for the 1. time in history, armed USA—ARMY—TROOPS will be stationed in THE—USA + used to control USA—CITIZENS?
20081003             Completely UN—CONSTITUTIONAL.
20081003             This we must stop from happening, or you will not be able to protest —BEFORE or —AFTER the stolen election.
20081003             These troops have been in IRAQ (good training) + have been trained in NON—LETHAL crowd control, (ie. the machine which make you vomit).
20081003             And also Blackwater troops will be stationed near you.
20081003             In all 50—STATES. Except CALIFORNIA said no.
20081003             Bush gave himself the power of 1—KING.
20081003             He can take over all government, even states if there is ANY—EMERGENCY.
20081003             Wonder if this WALL—STREET—MESS would give him cover to do so......
20081003             I am afraid for the 1. time in my long life, for my country which I love and for ALL—OF—USA.
20081003             Media and communications expert gives SWITZERLAND—ASSESSMENT—OF—BIDON -
20081003             —TRIED, Palin: "Darn right it was the predator lenders, who, to talk Americans into thinking that it was smart to buy a $300000 house if we...
20081003             Positive Universe | Politics | Political Corruption Español, Chinese (Simplified), Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Italiano...
20081003             She blamed predator lenders as playing 1—MAJOR—ROLE in the current economic crisis...
20081003             —PURCHASED, We discuss what is being, the congressional vote, what this means for the oligarchs, and what this means for THE—REST—OF—USA.
20081003             HASHT—E—SOBH Document Type: OSC Translated TEXT—AFGHANISTAN—ARTICLE says USA BIN—LADIN hunt phoney
20081003             SCHWEIZ nimmt Interessen Russlands in GEORGIEN wahr
20081003             Die KURZ—UND mittelfristige Liquiditätsversorgung der Hypo Real Estate wird nach zwölfstündigem Verhandlungsmarathon durch eine 35—MILLIARDEN—EURO—BÜRGSCHAFT des Staates sowie DEUTSCHER—FINANZINSTITUTE gesichert.
20081003             Ein drohender Kollaps des DAX—UNTERNEHMENS wird dadurch abgewendet.
20081003             In den USA tritt der Emergency Economic Stabilization Act in Kraft.
20081003—20051000    —SINCE, WALL—STREET fell 157—POINTS to 10,325.38, its lowest close, as more economic bad news was made public.
20081003—20070000    —AB, Mit Finanzmitteln des Staates von —BIS zu 700—MILLIARDEN USA—DOLLAR soll —NACH—DEM PAULSON—PLAN der Finanzmarkt vor schweren Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise bewahrt werden.
20081003—20070913    —ON, O.J. Simpson was found GUILTY—OF—ROBBING 2—SPORTS—MEMORABILIA dealers at gunpoint in 1—LAS—VEGAS hotel room.
20081003—20080331    —AGREED, Kurdish legislators, to the latest proposal —AFTER all sides accepted 1—UN compromise to put off the vote in Tamim province, which includes KIRKUK, and form 1—COMMITTEE to recommend separate legislation for elections there.
20081003—20080929    —ON, 2—MEN were found shot to death in TIJUANA in the same empty lot near the elementary school where THE—12—BODIES were found.
20081003—20080929    —ON, Are We Being Lied to Again?
20081003—20080929    —HAPPENED, Bail Out, already by Foreign Markets!
20081003—20100000    —BY, EU to introduce 'virtual strip searches' at airports :
20081126—20091003    —ON, DAVID—HEADLEY (b.1960 as DAOOD—SAYED—GILANI), 1—USA—CITIZEN—OF—PAKISTAN—DESCENT, was arrested in CHICAGO on suspicion of doing reconnaissance Mumbai attack.
20090808             That summit came —JUST months —AFTER 1—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH 's... 20041003             /MOON.TMP -
20090907—20091003    —ON, 5—NEW—YORK tourists pleaded guilty to fighting with PLAIN—CLOTHES police officers —AFTER disputing the $100—CAB fare.
20091003             DAVID—HEADLEY (b.1960 as DAOOD—SAYED—GILANI), 1—USA—CITIZEN—OF—PAKISTAN—DESCENT, was arrested in CHICAGO.
20091003             —SUSPECTED—OF, He was, doing reconnaissance for 20081126             —THE, Mumbai attack that killed 166—PEOPLE.
20091003             —VISITED, MINNESOTA, SOMALIA—PRESIDENT—SHEIKH—SHARIF—SHEIKH—AHMED, MINNEAPOLIS and S—PAUL and urged expatriates to help find solutions to the violence in their homeland.
20091003             The area is home to the largest SOMALIA—POPULATION in THE—USA.
20091003             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—TALIBAN attack on 1—NATO—SUPPLY—CONVOY, 1—CIVILIAN—CONTRACTOR escorting the trucks.
20091003             Militant fighters streaming from 1—AFGHANISTAN—VILLAGE and 1—MOSQUE attacked 1—PAIR of remote outposts near THE—PAKISTAN—BORDER in the Kamdesh DISTRICT—OF—NURISTAN province, killing 8—USA—SOLDIERS and 3—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS at Combat Outpost Keating.
20091003             13—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE and 2—JOURNALISTS were captured by the Taliban, including the local police CHIEF and his deputy.
20091003             The bodies of 5—ENEMY—FIGHTERS were found —AFTER the battle.
20091003             —SUFFERED, NATO —LATER said enemy forces, more than 100—DEAD —DURING THE—WELL—COORDINATED defense.
20091003             1—ROADSIDE bomb SOUTH—WEST—OF—KABUL killed 1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER.
20091003             ETHIOPIA, Abdi MOHAMMED—AWHASEN, 1—TOP—REBEL—LEADER in the restive Ogaden region, surrendered.
20091003             His arrest led to the seizure of some 4—TONS—OF—EXPLOSIVE material.
20091003             He helped transform media group Bertelsmann AG from 1—GERMANY—BOOK—PUBLISHER to 1—INTERNATIONAL—MEDIA—COMPANY.
20091003             —SCATTERED, BERTELSMANN—106,000 employees are, across its divisions in more than 50—COUNTRIES.
20091003             —DETAINED, 1—IRAQ—COMMANDER said security forces have, more than 100—SUSPECTS in sweeps through MOSUL to try to cripple the country's last major STRONGHOLD—OF—SUNNI insurgents.
20091003             —GATHERED, ROME, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, to defend FREEDOM—OF—THE—PRESS accusing PRESIDENT—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI of trying to silence critical voices.
20091003             —CARRIED, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY, out airstrikes on 1—WEAPONS workshop EAST—OF—GAZA City and 2—WEAPONS smuggling tunnels under THE—GAZA—EGYPT border.
20091003             The strikes were in response to 1—MORTAR shell and 1—ROCKET fired at ISRAEL from GAZA THE—DAY—BEFORE.
20091003             NIGERIA, Farah Dagogo, 1—FORMER—COMMANDER—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S—MAIN—MILITANT—GROUP, said that he and other field commanders in Rivers state have surrendered ALL—OF—THEIR—WEAPONS.
20091003             THE—MOVEMENT for the Emancipation of THE—NIGER Delta (MEND) said it has already replaced the commanders who have surrendered.
20091003             The group has said it would not accept 1—AMNESTY—DEAL.
20091003             —FILLED, LOYALISTS—OF—GOVERNMENT—EKPEMUPOLO, popularly known as Tompolo, up boats from the oil CITY—OF—WARRI and made for Oporoza camp, a —2—HOUR—BOAT ride, to witness him giving up his weapons.
20091003             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, Taliban militants fatally shot tribal elder MALIK—ABDUL—MAJEED as he traveled to discuss ANTI—MILITANCY efforts with government authorities.
20091003             —ACCUSED—OF, The dead BODY—OF—1—MAN, spying for THE—USA turned up in the Bajur tribal region.
20091003             —POUNDED, Helicopter gunships, militants HIDE—OUTS in Charmang town in Bajur, killing 5—INSURGENTS.
20091003             —KILLED, Security forces, 3—MILITANTS in the Swat Valley and arrested 16—OTHERS.
20091003             THE—PHILIPPINES, Typhoon PARMA cut 1—DESTRUCTIVE—PATH across THE—NORTH—PHILIPPINES killing at least 30—PEOPLE and leaving more than 12—VILLAGES flooded, piling further misery on THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NATION —AFTER floods from Ketsana claimed 298—LIVES.
20091003             —MARCHED, Some 2,000—PEOPLE, across VENEZUELA—CAPITAL to protest what they say is THE—PERSECUTION—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—OPPONENTS.
20091003             Pressefreiheit: Zehntausende demonstrieren gegen Berlusconis Medienmacht
20091003             "Wir werten es aus", sagte 1—SPRECHERIN am Samstagabend der Nachrichtenagentur dpa.
20091003             ISLAMISTEN—BOTSCHAFT: Video zeigt weitere DEUTSCHE—TERROR—REKRUTEN
20091003             Unwetter auf Sizilien: Retter graben im Schlamm nach Vermissten
20091003             INTERVIEW—TIRADEN: Bundesbankchef wollte Sarrazin stoppen
20091003             EU—REFERENDUM: EUROPA ist erleichtert über Irlands "Yes"
20091003             —TAG—DER—DEUTSCHEN—EINHEIT: "Wir müssen alte Streitigkeiten hinter uns lassen"
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20091003             La Naturaleza, No la Actividad Humana Contribuyen al...
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20091003             Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2.—000—YEARS.
20091003             —WHEN 1—OUT—OF—6—AMERICANS is unemployed or underemployed, this is no time to worry about the debt.
20091003             Be prepared for worse.
20091003             In other words, 10 % unemployment really means 20 % underemployment or anxious employment.
20091003             All of which translates directly into late payments on mortgages, credit cards, auto and student loans, and LOSS—OF—HEALTH—INSURANCE.
20091003             It also means sleeplessness for TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS.
20091003             And, of course, fewer purchases (more on this in 1—MOMENT).
20091003             So I ask you: What constitutes 1—ROGUE state?
20091003             —PLUNGED, Which country has, deepest into THE—TAR—PITS—OF—IRRATIONALITY?
20091003             Which country has 1—HISTORY—OF—MILITARY—AGGRESSION?
20091003             Which country has made the more vile threats?
20091003             —AIMED, Which country has 1—NUKE, right at the Mona Lisa?
20091003             —DESCENDED, But there are people in the world who have, into that LEVEL—OF—INSANITY.
20091003             Consider - The whole appalling thing is worth READING, but the —FOLLOWING sections are particularly germane to our discussion of what constitutes 1—ROGUE state:
20091003             1—ISRAEL—PROFESSOR and military historian hinted that ISRAEL could avenge the holocaust by annihilating MILLIONS—OF—GERMANS and other Europeans.
20091003             —PUBLISHED, Speaking —DURING 1—INTERVIEW which was, in JERUSALEM —FRIDAY, Professor MARTIN—VAN—CREVEL said ISRAEL had the capability of hitting most European capitals with nuclear weapons.
20091003             "We possess several 100—ATOMIC—WARHEADS and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at ROME.
20091003             Most European capitals are targets of our AIR—FORCE.
20091003             —SPELLED, Note: The professor's name is actually
20091003             Martin VAN Creveld -- and he's ENOUGH—OF—1—INSIDER that I find him credible —WHEN he avers that ISRAEL has targeted ROME—BERLIN PARIS and LONDON with nukes.
20091003             Creveld insists that others in THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT think as he thinks.
20091003             If so, then the Israelis really do appear to be insane enough to strike without care of counterstrike: Creveld argued that ISRAEL wouldn't care much about becoming 1—ROGUE state.
20091003             —ARMED, Our, forces are not the 30. strongest in the world, but rather the 2. or 3.
20091003             We have the capability to take the world down with us".
20091003             Ritter again: The facility in question, said to be located on 1—SECRET—IRAN—MILITARY—INSTALLATION outside of the holy CITY—OF—QOM and CAPABLE—OF—HOUSING up to 3,000 centrifuges used to enrich uranium,
20091003             had been monitored by the intelligence SERVICES—OF—THE—USA and other nations for SOME—TIME.
20091003             But it wasn't —UNTIL—MONDAY that THE—IAEA found out about its existence, based not on ANY—INTELLIGENCE "scoop" provided by THE—USA, but rather IRAN—OWN—VOLUNTARY—DECLARATION.
20091003             —FORCED, IRAN—ACTIONS, THE—HAND—OF—THE—USA, leading to Obama's hurried press conference —FRIDAY—MORNING.
20091003             We still HAVE—NO—EVIDENCE—OF—NUKE manufacture : THE—QOM plant, if current descriptions are accurate, cannot manufacture the basic FEED—STOCK (uranium hexaflouride, or UF6 used in THE—CENTRIFUGE—BASED enrichment process.
20091003             It is simply another plant in which the UF6 can be enriched.
20091003             Why is this distinction important?
20091003             —UNDERSCORED, Because THE—IAEA has, again and again, that it has 1—FULL—ACCOUNTING—OF—IRAN—NUCLEAR—MATERIAL stockpile.
20091003             There has been no diversion of nuclear material to THE—QOM plant (—SINCE it is under construction).
20091003             The existence of the alleged enrichment plant at QOM in no way changes the nuclear material balance inside IRAN —TODAY.
20091003             Simply put, IRAN is no closer to producing 1—HYPOTHETICAL—NUCLEAR—WEAPON—TODAY than it was —PRIOR—TO OBAMA—ANNOUNCEMENT concerning THE—QOM facility.
20091003             How MANY—TIMES do guys like Krauthammer have to be proven wrong —BEFORE they are yanked offstage?
20091003             CHARLES—KRAUTHAMMER chiding Obama as 1—DAMNABLE—APPEASER.
20091003             If you read his piece, tell me if you can figure out KRAUTHAMMER—LOGIC.
20091003             Damned if I can.
20091003             —WHEN 1—PUNDIT switches subjects 3—TIMES in 2—SENTENCES, you know that argument has given way to bluster.
20091003             —HAPPENED, The economy: What, THE—BBC —RECENTLY broadcast a 3—PART documentary on the financial collapse.
20091003             You must see this presentation.
20091003             Sorry; I can't embed the videos into this blog.
20091003             Again, I urge you watch -- and not to judge —UNTIL you have watched.
20091003             MISTER—S—REEZANNE... Annes Monica.
20091003             THE—OLYMPICS—ANTI—GLOBALISATION—PROTEST—MOVEMENTS could yet prove to be 1—VERY—BIG—CHALLENGE for the £600m Olympic games security operation.
20091003             —EMPHASISED, Challenging extremists Farr, that he was not interested in criminalising those with extremist views that fell SHORT—OF—VIOLENCE.
20091003             —DISCLOSED, Farr, who rarely appears publicly, also, that —LAST—YEAR—VISA ban on the Islamist preacher Sheikh YUSUF—AL—QARADAWI, was not straightforward.
20091003             He described Qaradawi as "1—OF—THE—MOST articulate critics of AL—QAIDA in the Islamic world" despite his antisemitic and homophobic views.
20091003             He said the ban was still 1—CURRENT—ISSUE.
20091003             Manche sind empört, andere belustigt.
20091003             Svea und Gunnar, die beiden Nachbarn, sind besonders erbost darüber, dass das Manöver nicht angekündigt gewesen sei.
20091003             —GEWESEN, Und es sei ja auch keiner zu Hause.
20091003             "Anklopfen und fragen konnte man also auch nicht". Ramhöj lacht etwas verlegen.
20091003             Übungsplatz Bonnland: "Das ist eine phantastische Anlage, ein authentisches Dorf, das Hitler damals räumen und zum Übungsort machen ließ. Wir haben so etwas nicht in SCHWEDEN".
20091003             Husarenstück: "Wir wissen natürlich, dass so 1—FEHLER in AFGHANISTAN schreckliche Folgen haben kann".
20091003             Daher würde diese ART—VON—EINSATZ auch wieder und wieder unter möglichst realistischen Umständen geübt.
20091003             Eliteeinheit: Den Husaren des SCHWEDISCHEN—LEIBREGIMENTS K3.
20091003             Die Einheit ist auf ZIELERKENNUNG—UND Markierung für LUFTWAFFEN—UND Artillerieangriffe spezialisiert und stellt einen großen TEIL—DES—SCHWEDISCHEN—ISAF—KONTINGENTS am Hindukusch.
20091003             "Mein Mann Gunnar und ich bekamen Angst. Wir hatten ja keine Ahnung, was eigentlich los war".
20091003             kamen Elitesoldaten vom Weg ab, als sie 1—GEBÄUDE einnehmen sollten.
20091003             Die Folgen waren fatal.
20091003             —ZERSTÖRTEN, Sie, 1—HAUS, das mehrere 100—METER vom Zielobjekt entfernt lag.
20091003             "Anwendungsfehler".
20091003             Dieser sei zum 2. Quartal dieses Jahres aber vollständig behoben worden.
20091003             SCHWEDEN: Elitesoldaten sprengten falsches Haus
20091003             SOFTWARE—PANNE: Millionen aufgrund falscher HIV—DIAGNOSEN verteilt
20091003             Nach Erpressungsskandal: Kollegen machen sich über Letterman lustig
20091003             —FRUSTRIERT, Aktien im Dax: KRISEN—RALLYE, Anleger
20091003             SCHWARZ—GELBE Koalition: FDP droht Stromkonzernen mit Atomausstieg
20091003             Pleitekonzern: Ermittler durchsuchen ARCANDOR—ZENTRALE
20091003             —30—JAHRE "Titanic": Das Böse ist immer und überall
20091003             DAMALS—DAMALS seien Hofberichterstatter stets an der Seite des makedonischen Königs gewesen.
20091003             Sie sollten sein Bild für die Nachwelt in den gewünschten Farben zeichnen.
20091003             "—HEUTE würde ihnen das sicherlich nicht mehr gelingen".
20091003             Gesetze für Finanzsektor: Ackermann warnt vor zu strenger Bankenregulierung
20091003             LISSABON—VERTRAG: IRISCHE—EU—GEGNER räumen Niederlage ein
20091003             Integrierte Zuwanderer: Expertenrat empfiehlt "TURBO—EINBÜRGERUNG"
20091003             Nach Kritik an Einwanderern: BUNDESBANK—CHEF—LEGT—SARRAZIN—RÜCKTRITT nahe
20091003             Polens Ministerpräsident DONALD—TUSK sagte —AM—SAMSTAG, er habe Edelman bewundert.
20091003             "Seine Autorität edelte die Demokratie im freien POLEN", hieß es in einer Mitteilung des Regierungschefs.
20091003             —GEWESEN, Edelman sei 1—JUDE und ein großer POLNISCHER—PATRIOT, ehrte ihn der VORSITZENDE—DER—JÜDISCHEN—GEMEINDE in POLEN, PIOTR—KADLCIK.
20091003             —NACH—DEM —WWII blieb Edelman in seiner Heimat.
20091003             Er studierte in LODZ Medizin und wurde Kardiologe.
20091003             Edelman erlangte Berühmtheit, weil seine Klinik als 1. in POLEN Herztransplantationen durchführte.
20091003             Kämpfer für die Freiheit und die Benachteiligten
20091003             Er und mehrere 100—SEINER Kameraden waren fest entschlossen, den DEUTSCHEN—WIDERSTAND zu leisten.
20091003             "Die Menschheit hat vereinbart, dass das Sterben mit Waffen schöner ist als ohne Waffen. Wir haben uns diesem Prinzip untergeordnet", sagte er in einem Interview.
20091003             Er habe —AN—DEM—TAG einen roten ANGORA—PULLOVER und 2—REVOLVER getragen, erzählte er später.
20091003             —GESINNT, Er war links, und zwischen den Weltkriegen im Bund einer jüdischen sozialistischen Organisation tätig.
20091003             † MAREK—EDELMAN ist im Alter von —87—JAHREN gestorben.
20091003             Er war der letzte überlebende ANFÜHRER—DES—AUFSTANDES im Warschauer Ghetto 19430000             .
20091003             WARSCHAU—NIEMALS passiv sein, immer die Schwächeren in Schutz nehmen, riet MAREK—EDELMAN DEUTSCHEN—JUGENDLICHEN, als er 20020000             als Ehrengast am HOLOCAUST—GEDENKTAG im Berliner BUNDESTAG teilnahm.
20091003             Der ANFÜHRER—DES—AUFSTANDES im Warschauer Ghetto von 19430000             war diesem Prinzip zeit seines ereignisreichen Lebens treugeblieben.
20091003             Der Kriegsheld, Arzt, Regimekritiker und Parlamentarier starb —AM—FREITAG im Familienkreis in Warschau.
20091003             MAREK—EDELMAN: Letzter ANFÜHRER—DES—AUFSTANDS im Warschauer Ghetto ist tot —HEUTE,
20091003             Aus den Besuchen verschiedener Sites können die Werbeunternehmen im Laufe der Zeit mitunter erschreckend genaue Profile des Benutzers zusammenzustellen.
20091003             Konjunktur: IWF sagt EUROPA langfristig schwaches Wachstum voraus
20091003             Dubbed "THE—SOUND—OF—FORCE—PROTECTION" in 1—COMPANY—BROCHURE, the devices have been used by troops in FALLUJAH, 1—CENTER—OF—INSURGENCY—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD,
20091003             and other areas of CENTRAL—IRAQ to deal with crowds in which lethal foes intermingle with civilians.
20091003             he says.
20091003             "I'll go back to the [FORMER—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—DONALD] Rumsfeld quote:
20091003             'There are known unknowns and unknown unknowns,' and ANY—SORT—OF—INFORMATION [given out] that points in 1—DIRECTION or another might compromise the investigation".
20091003             Fossil upends theories about EVOLUTION—OF—HUMAN—ANCESTORS
20091003             'Ardi', a 4.4—MILLION—YEAR—OLD hominid in ETHIOPIA, is less APE—LIKE than scientists expected.
20091003             That could mean LONG—ACCEPTED models of the common ancestor between humans and apes are wrong.
20091003             DHS helps local police buy MILITARY—STYLE sonic devices
20091003             With THE—HELP—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—GRANTS, police departments nationwide looking to subdue unruly crowds and political protesters are purchasing 1—HIGH—TECH—DEVICE originally used by the military
20091003             to repel battlefield insurgents and SOMALIA—PIRATES with piercing noise capable of damaging hearing.
20091003             Lacher des Tages: DÄNISCHES—MILITÄR scheitert bei PRESSE—PSYOP an WORD—INKOMPETENZ.
20091003             1—ELITESOLDAT hat 1—BUCH geschrieben, das Militär wollte den Verkauf verhindern, also druckt 1—TAGESZEITUNG das Buch vollständig ab.
20091003             Das Militär ist entsetzt, das sei 1—ANLEITUNG für AL—KAIDA, und überhaupt könne man das ja prima daran sehen, dass es —BEREITS 1—ARABISCH—ÜBERSETZUNG gäbe.
20091003             Nur leider stellt sich dann heraus, dass die Übersetzung vom Militär selbst mit Google Translate durchgeführt wurde, und im WORD—DOKUMENT als Verfasser das Militäroberkommando stand.
20091003             Oops.
20091003             Seltsam nur, das der von einer Zeitung engagierte Dolmetscher für Arabisch diese "Übersetzung" als völlig unverständlich abtat.
20091003             Wie sich zeigte, war sie einfach mit Hilfe des maschinellen Übersetzungsprogramms "GOOGLE—TRANSLATE" erstellt worden und stellte sich als bloßes wirres Kauderwelsch dar.
20091003             Noch peinlicher wurde es für das Militäroberkommando, als ein mit den Grundbegriffen von MICROSOFT—WORD vertrauter Journalist
20091003             bei dem im "doc".-Format verbreiteten Dokument auf "Eigenschaften" klickte und als Verfasser der Übersetzung DAS—MILITÄROBERKOMMANDO fand.
20091003             Später gab dann der CHEF—DER—IT—ABTEILUNG zu, das persönlich erstellt und verbreitet zu haben.
20091003             IBM macht in LONDON Gatwick offen Werbung für Datamining zur Verbrechensbekämpfung.
20091003             So 1—AKZEPTANZ hat das —SCHON in ENGLAND alles. Krass.
20091003             Update : Ein anderer Leser hat die Werbung auch in NEW—YORK gesehen, am Flughafen und der U—BAHN.
20091003             (Danke, Stefan) - Die BRITISCHE—GRENZER—BEHÖRDE träumt von bizarren ISOTOP—TESTS und DNA—FINGERPRINTING, um das tatsächliche Ursprungsland von Asylbewerbern festzustellen.
20091003             Na herrlich: Tamiflu wird im Klärwerk nicht rausgefiltert und auch nicht abgebaut, gelang so in die Flüsse und erzeugt so resistente Stränge.
20091003             Das BKA hat die INTERNETZENSUR—RICHTLINIE zur Verschlusssache gemacht,um Manipulationen zu verhindern.
20091003             Nicht etwa weil der Inhalt verfassungswidrig ist und die Presse an ihrer Arbeit gehindert werden sollte.
20091003             Ach SOO ist das. Nee, klar.
20091003             Offensichtlich ist der Ziercke intellektuell mit dem Unterschied zwischen Signieren und Verschlüsseln überfordert.
20091003—19430419    —AM, Als 1—DER—KOMMANDEURE leitete er Kampfgruppen, die den verzweifelten KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE SS—TRUPPEN aufnehmen.
20091003—19470000    —IN, Mohn took over his family's printing and publishing business, C. Bertelsmann Verlag.
20091003—19710000    —IN, he helped oversee THE—FAMILY—OWNED company's transformation into 1—STOCK—CORPORATION and become chairman and CHIEF executive.
20091003—19770000    —IN, he established the Bertelsmann Stiftung foundation.
20091003—20030000    —FROM, this article.
20091003—20091004    —KILLED, SOUTH—SUDAN, 16—PEOPLE were, in clashes between forces loyal to 1—EX—WARLORD and THE—GOVERNOR—GUARDS in OIL—RICH—UNITY—STATE.
20091003—20091004    —KILLED, At least 23—PEOPLE were, and more than a 10000000             fled their homes in ethnic clashes over the weekend.
20091005             —KILLED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said Afghan and USA—FORCES, 40—MILITANTS in —24—HOURS as they hunted in mountainous EAST—AFGHANISTAN for insurgents behind 20091003             —THE attacks.
20091122—20061003    —REPORTED, THE—NEW Y ork Times, that THE—DUMPING—OF—THE—WASTE by Compagnie Tommy was indeed illegal
20100924             Police found her body 20101003             inside 1—SUITCASE that had been weighted down with dumbbells and tossed in 1—CREEK in THE—CAPITAL—OF—GEORGETOWN.
20101003             —NAMED, NIGERIA—FEDERAL—POLICE—FORCE, 2—MEN, BEN—JESSY and Chima Orlu, as the "masterminds" behind 20101001             —THE bombings in ABUJA.
20101003             —WARNED, THE—USA and BRITAIN, their citizens of 1 increased RISK—OF—TERRORIST—ATTACKS in EUROPE, with WASHINGTON saying al Qaeda might target transport infrastructure.
20101003             Rohm Emanuel, FORMER—USA—WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, said in 1—VIDEO on his website that he's preparing to run for MAYOR—OF—CHICAGO.
20101003             —CLINCHED, THE—SF—GIANTS baseball team, 1—DIVISION—TITLE with a 3—0—WIN over THE—S—DIEGO—PADRES.
20101003             —SPONSORED, S—FRANCISCO—HARDLY—STRICTLY—BLUEGRASS—FESTIVAL, by financier WARREN—HELLMAN, drew some 350,000 listeners to Golden Gate Park.
20101003             The 10. annual weekend festival drew some 600,000 all together.
20101003             NEW—YORK—CITY, 1—POTENTIAL recruit for the Latin KING—GOONIES street gang and 2—OTHER—MEN were beaten and sodomized for their sexual contacts.
20101003             8—SUSPECTS were —LATER arrested and 1—MORE was sought in the gruesome assaults.
20101003             —STARTED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT said it has, dissolving private security firms in the country by taking steps to end the operations of 8—COMPANIES, including the firm formerly known as Blackwater and 3—OTHER—INTERNATIONAL—CONTRACTORS.
20101003             1—INSURGENT with the Haqqani network responsible for attacking coalition and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS was captured in 1—OPERATION in EAST—KHOST province.
20101003             † 3—INSURGENTS, in an Afghan and NATO—OPERATION in KANDAHAR province's Arghandab district.
20101003             —RECOVERED, The raid in Khisroo village also, explosive material and 1—ANTI—PERSONNEL—MINE that were destroyed.
20101003             —KILLED, At least 3—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS were, along with 17—INSURGENTS in 1—NATO—AIR—STRIKE in Helmand.
20101003             —KNEED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, 1—OPPOSING player in the groin —DURING 1—SOCCER match against 1—TEAM—OF—POLITICAL—RIVALS—AFTER 1—APPARENT—HARD foul by the opponent.
20101003             IMAGES—OF—THE—ALTERCATION were broadcast and —POSTED to YouTube.
20101003             Voters in BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA cast ballots in elections likely to further entrench their nation's ethnic divisions and threaten possible EU entry.
20101003             Some 3—MILLION—VOTERS uneasily SPLIT between Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats chose from 8,000 candidates for the central and several regional parliaments, THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—PRESIDENCY and THE—FEDERAL—PRESIDENCY.
20101003             —INDICATED, Preliminary election results, that THE—3—PERSON—PRESIDENCY will remain deadlocked over the nation's future, with 2—LEADERS—OF—THE ethnically divided country advocating unity and a 3. pushing for the country's breakup.
20101003             BRAZIL held presidential elections.
20101003             —LOOKED, Ruling party candidate Dilma Rousseff, poised to sweep to victory.
20101003             Rousseff, who is trying to become BRAZIL—1. female leader, fell short of getting 1—MAJORITY—OF—VOTES in presidential elections and faced 1—RUNOFF in —4—WEEKS against 1 experienced, centrist rival.
20101003             —RECEIVED, FRANCISCO—EVERARDO—OLIVEIRA—SILVA, —45—JAHRE—ALT, better known by his clown name Tiririca, more than 1.3—MILLION—VOTES in SAO—PAULO—STATE—IN—BRAZIL—PRESIDENTIAL and congressional elections.
20101003             "What does 1—CONGRESSMAN do? The truth is I don't know, but vote for me and I'll tell you," he said in his campaign advertisements.
20101003             —KILLED, CHINA, 6—PEOPLE were, —WHEN the wall of 1—FACTORY under construction fell in Qingzhou city, Shandong province.
20101003             5—PEOPLE were injured, 2—OF—THEM severely.
20101003             —BACKED, EGYPT, the Palestinians' refusal to negotiate with ISRAEL as long as it continues to build WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENTS, even as officials urged for continued diplomacy to salvage THE—MONTH—OLD—TALKS.
20101003             INDIA, the troubled Commonwealth Games got underway with 1—GLITTERING opening ceremony in 1—FORTRESS—LIKE—NEW—DELHI —AFTER 1—SHAMBOLIC—RUN—UP that threatened to derail the event.
20101003             —INFECTED, IRAN, 1—TOP—OFFICIAL said Industrial computers, by Stuxnet have been cleaned and returned to their units, —FOLLOWING reports that the malware was mutating and wreaking havoc with equipment.
20101003             ISRAEL—POLICE shot and killed Izzedine Qawasmeh (35), 1—FATHER—OF—5 and 1—CONSTRUCTION—WORKER from THE—WEST—BANK—VILLAGE—OF—SAIR, —AFTER he used 1—ROPE to scale 1—TOWERING wall meant to keep Palestinians from sneaking into ISRAEL.
20101003             —GATHERED, THOUSANDS—OF—SERBIA—PILGRIMS, in 1—MEDIEVAL monastery in WEST—KOSOVO amid tight security to attend the enthronement CEREMONY—OF—THE—NEW—SERBIA—PATRIARCH—IRINEJ.
20101003             SOMALIA, fighting in MOGADISHU left at least 8—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20101003             —BELEAGUERED, SPAIN's, PRIME—MINISTER—ZAPATERO suffered 1—EMBARRASSING setback in 1—LOCAL—ELECTION—RACE, and 1—POLL showed his party trailing ever further behind the opposition conservatives at the national level.
20101003             Die letzte Rate der DEUTSCHEN—REPARATIONEN —NACH—DEM —WWI wird beglichen.
20101003—19790000    —SINCE, Egyptian and IRAN—AIRLINES agreed to resume direct flights between THE—2—COUNTRIES for the 1. time.
20101003—20090115    —CONVICTED, 1—ISRAEL—MILITARY—COURT, 2—SOLDIERS—OF using 1—PALESTINE—CHILD as 1—HUMAN—SHIELD by forcing him to check for booby traps, —DURING the 20080000—20090000     GAZA war.
20101003—20101012    —ON, 2—MORE—SUSPECTS were charged.
20101003—20101111    —CONVINCED, Silva, THE—SAO—PAULO—ELECTORAL—COURT that he could read and write.
20101003—20101121    —RECEIVED, THE—2—SOLDIERS, suspended sentences and demotions.
201102031003         Die Vereinten Nationen bringen angesichts der angespannten Lage in ÄGYPTEN ihre dortigen Mitarbeiter in Sicherheit.
201102041003         But PRIME—MINISTER—SHAFIQ has said that the government is in dialogue with the protesters based in Tahrir Sqaure, AFP reports.
20110929—20111003    —ON, The infant †.
20110929—20111003    † The infant.
20110930             —ANNOUNCED, His prize was, 20111003             .
20110930—20111003    —ANNOUNCED, His prize was.
20111003             —SENTENCED, A—USA—COURT, 2—MORE—SOMALIA—PIRATES to life in prison over the hijacking of 1—YACHT off THE—COAST—OF—AFRICA in February that left 4—AMERICANS on BOARD dead.
20111003             —BECAME, Muhidin Salad Omar (30) and MAHDI—JAMA—MOHAMED, (23-24), the 3. and 4. SOMALIA—PIRATES to be sentenced to life in prison —AFTER pleading guilty over the fatal hijacking in May.
20111003             7—MORE have pleaded guilty to CHARGES—OF—PIRACY and awaited mandatory life sentences.
20111003             3—OTHERS faced the death penalty.
20111003             —PLEDGED, GEORGE—SOROS said he has, $27.4—MILLION to aid development in targeted villages across rural AFRICA.
20111003             —PLEDGED, He also, up to $20—MILLION to support business projects within those villages over the next —5—YEARS.
20111003             —CLAIMED, Kathy Scruggs (44) of ATLANTA—GEORGIA, the cash option and will receive $15,124,017 —BEFORE taxes in the $25—MILLION prize.
20111003             —REQUESTED, She said she had, 1—MEGA Millions ticket but wound up with that and the Powerball ticket and accepted both of them.
20111003             USA whiskey maker JIM—BEAM was spun off from Fortune Brands.
20111003             It planned to gear future marketing toward women.
20111003             —ANNOUNCED, HEWLETT—PACKARD, that it has acquired CONTROL—OF—AUTONOMY, 1—UK—SOFTWARE—FIRM, for $10.3—BILLION.
20111003             Yahoo!, the premier digital media company, and ABC News announced they will join forces to launch 1—STRATEGIC online news alliance that will deliver content to more than 100—MILLION—USA—USERS—EACH—MONTH.
20111003             AFGHANISTAN, 2—SUICIDE—BOMBERS in separate attacks struck KANDAHAR city, killing 3—PEOPLE.
20111003             USA PRIVATE—DANNY—CHEN, —19—JAHRE—ALT was found in 1—GUARD—TOWER at Combat Outpost Palace with what the Army described as "1—APPARENT—SELF—INFLICTED gunshot wound".
20111003             —PLEADED, RYAN—OFFUTT, guilty to hazing and mistreatment and was sentenced to —6—MONTHS in prison.
20111003             1—BAHRAIN—SPECIAL—COURT jailed 36—SHIITES for up to —25—YEARS each in 3—SEPARATE—CASES related to —MONTH—LONG—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS in the Gulf kingdom.
20111003             BANGLADESH, Delwar Hossain Sayedee, 1—SENIOR—LEADER from the largest Islamic party, was charged with war crimes for allegedly leading groups that took part in killing, looting, arson and rape —DURING the country's 19710000             INDEPENDENCE war against PAKISTAN.
20111003             DENMARK, PRIME—MINISTER—HELLE—THORNING—SCHMIDT (19660000             *) took office.
20111003             —SCRAPPED, Her government soon, renewed customs checks at its border with GERMANY.
20111003             HAITI—PRESIDENT—MICHEL—MARTELLY said the government is boosting student enrollment —THIS—YEAR by putting more than 700,000 youths into classrooms.
20111003             THE—NATIONAL—FUND for Education will pay tuition for 142,000 students who will go to school for the 1. time.
20111003             —DISGUISED, IRAQ, 4—INSURGENTS, as police officers seized CONTROL—OF—1—POLICE—STATION in WEST—ANBAR province, taking DOZENS—OF—HOSTAGES and killing 4—OF—THEM —BEFORE IRAQ—FORCES swept in and ended the standoff.
20111003             2—INSURGENTS blew themselves up and 2 were killed by police.
20111003             —TRIED, Gunmen, to attack another police station about 10—MILES (16—KM) away, but were repulsed.
20111003             —KILLED, Security forces, 2—INSURGENTS and arrested another 3.
20111003             —TORCHED, NORTH—ISRAEL, arsonists, 1—MOSQUE in 1—ARAB village, setting off protests by residents who clashed with police.
20111003             —SPRAYED, Graffiti, at the site suggested Jewish radicals, suspected in other recent mosque fires, were involved.
20111003             † HANAN—PORAT, —67—JAHRE—ALT, 1—DRIVING force behind ISRAEL—SETTLEMENT—OF—THE—WEST—BANK, of cancer.
20111003             —OVERTURNED, 1—ITALY—APPEALS—COURT dramatically, THE—CONVICTION—OF—AMANDA Knox, 1—USA—STUDENT, of sexually assaulting and brutally slaying her UK—ROOMMATE.
20111003             —APPEARED, THE—FAMILY—OF—VICTIM—MEREDITH Kercher (21), overwhelmed at the ruling, saying they were shocked and bewildered by the stunning reversal of 20090000             —THE decision.
20111003             KNOX—1—TIME boyfriend, ITALY—RAFFAELE—SOLLECITO, was also released.
20111003             —NAMED, LIBYA—TRANSITIONAL leaders, 1—NEW—CABINET and said they would step down —AFTER the country is fully secured.
20111003             —SEIZED, Revolutionary forces, THE—VILLAGE—OF—ABU—HADI—SOUTH—OF—SIRTE.
20111003             2—ANTI—GADHAFI fighters were killed and 28 wounded in intense battles in Sirte.
20111003             —SEVERED, MEXICO—CITY—POLICE found 2, human heads on 1—STREET—NEAR 1—MAJOR—MILITARY—BASE, 1—GRISLY tactic of warring drug gangs that has long affected other PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—WHILE largely sparing the capital.
20111003             —ACCOMPANIED, The heads were, by 1—NOTE referring to the "Mano con Ojos" or "Hand with Eyes" drug gang.
20111003             —CAPTURED, HIDALGO police CHIEF—DAMIAN—CANALES said officers have, 4 alleged MEMBERS—OF—THE—GANG believed to have participated in the killings of 70—PEOPLE, most whose bodies were disposed of by being dissolved in vats.
20111003             He said suspect Javier Rodriguez (21) told agents he had shot 20—MEMBERS—OF—THE—GULF—CARTEL.
20111003             ACAPULCO, 4—MEN were bound and shot in 1—AUTO repair shop with 2—CARS set on fire.
20111003             —COLLIDED, NIGERIA, 1—TANKER—TRUCK, with a 16-seat minibus along THE—DAMATURU—POTISKUM road in Yobe state.
20111003             11—PEOPLE were killed.
20111003             —SUSPENDED, PALESTINE—OFFICIALS said that THE—USA has, 2—WEST—BANK—DEVELOPMENT—PROJECTS worth $81—BILLION —AFTER Congress froze finding to dissuade Palestinians from seeking UN recognition of 1—INDEPENDENT—STATE.
20111003             —ARMED, In THE—PHILIPPINES more than 200—HEAVILY, communist REBELS—OF—THE—NEW—PEOPLE—ARMY stormed 3—MINING companies in 1—WEAKLY secured southern region, burning heavy equipment, disarming guards and briefly holding several people in Surigao del Norte province.
20111003             SWEDEN—NOBEL COMMITTEE—AT—STOCKHOLM—KAROLINSKA institute said 3—SCIENTISTS won the Nobel Prize in medicine for discoveries about the immune system that opened new avenues for the treatment and prevention of infectious illnesses and cancer.
20111003             —DETAINED, SYRIA—TROOPS going house to house have, more than 3,000—PEOPLE in the past —3—DAYS in the rebellious TOWN—OF—RASTAN that government forces —RECENTLY retook in SOME—OF—THE—WORST fighting —SINCE the country's uprising began —6—MONTHS—AGO.
20111003             —FOILED, THE—TANZANIA—NAVY, 1—PIRATE attack on 1—OFFSHORE oil drilling ship and captured all 7—BANDITS.
20111003             —OWNED, The attack on the Ocean Rig Poseidon, by Ocean Rig of NORWAY, took place as it was carrying out exploration drilling for BRAZIL—FIRM—PETROBRAS.
20111003             UGANDA—FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT, GILBERT Bukenya (20030000—20110000    ), was taken to Luzira prison on the outskirts of KAMPALA.
20111003             —DENIED, He has, the allegations.
20111003             Das Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) als größtes Radioteleskop der Welt hat sein 1. Licht.
20111003—19670000    —IN—THE, THE—FORMER—ISRAEL—LAWMAKER was 1—FOUNDER—OF—THE—NOW—DEFUNCT movement Gush Emunim, Hebrew for "the bloc of the faithful" (19740000             ), 1—MESSIANIC—MOVEMENT committed to settling land ISRAEL captured war.
20111003—20070000    —ACCUSED—OF, He was, fraudulently awarding a $2—MILLION—CONTRACT.
20111003—20110813    —ON, Spec.
20111003—20110914    —IN—THE, She matched ALL—OF—THE—WINNING numbers multistate Powerball drawing.
20111003—20111208    —IN, soldiers from CHEN—COMPANY faced charges relating his death, including DERELICTION—OF—DUTY, assault, negligent homicide and involuntary manslaughter.
20111003—20120000    —IN, HP said it was writing down the value of Autonomy by $8.8—BILLION, ascribing over $5—BILLION to accounting improprieties.
20111003—20120000    —IN, 1—COURT—MARTIAL found Army SERGEANT—ADAM—HOLCOMB—GUILTY—OF—MALTREATMENT and assault of Chen.
20120920—20121003    —APPREHENDED, Shah was, by police in Watsonville.
20121003             Fishenko had made millions off his TEXAS export firm, Arc Electronics INCORPORATED.
20121003             —NAMED, He was among 11—DEFENDANTS, in the indictment.
20121003             CHICAGO police began top chop down some 1,500 marijuana plants discovered —1—DAY—EARLIER on the city's far SOUTH—SIDE.
20121003             Cellphone companies T—MOBILE—USA and MetroPCS Communications announced plans to merge.
20121003             DEUTSCHE—TELEKOM AG, the owner of T—MOBILE—USA, will hold 74—PERCENT—OF—THE—NEW—BUSINESS.
20121003             UK—MINISTERS froze 3—MORE—RAIL franchise competitions —AFTER THE—DEPARTMENT—FOR—TRANSPORT (DfT) said that "completely unacceptable" flaws had been uncovered in its HANDLING—OF—BIDS to run THE—WEST—COAST—MAIN—LINE, 1—JEWEL in THE—CROWN—OF—THE—RAIL—NETWORK linking LONDON and SCOTLAND.
20121003             INDONESIA, more than 2—MILLION—FACTORY—WORKERS went on a —1—DAY—STRIKE across the country demanding better benefits and protesting THE—HIRING—OF—CONTRACT—WORKERS.
20121003             —THREATENED, IRAN—POLICE, merchants who closed their shops in TEHRAN—MAIN bazaar and launched crackdowns on sidewalk money changers as PART—OF—1—PUSH to halt THE—PLUNGE—OF—IRAN—CURRENCY, which has shed more than a 3. its value in less than —1—WEEK.
20121003             16—PEOPLE were arrested —DURING protests demanding relief from the plummeting currency.
20121003             —SENTENCED, 1—IRAQ—COURT, 1—USA—CITIZEN to life in prison on charges of assisting AL—QAIDA and financing terrorist activities in IRAQ.
20121003             5—BYSTANDERS were killed and 13—PEOPLE wounded in 1—MORNING car bombing in BAGHDAD.
20121003             6—PEOPLE convicted on terrorism charges were executed —TODAY, bringing THE—NUMBER—OF—EXECUTIONS—SINCE THE—BEGINNING—OF—THIS—YEAR to 102.
20121003             LIBERIA, more than 60—INMATES broke out of 1—MAXIMUM—SECURITY—PRISON in THE—SOUTH—EAST—CITY—OF—ZWEDRU.
20121003             —ANNOUNCED, MALAWI PRESIDENT—JOYCE—BANDA, that she will take a 30% pay cut to show that she will sacrifice personally as PART—OF—HER—GOVERNMENT—AUSTERITY—MEASURES.
20121003             —LAUNCHED, MEXICO, an extensive program to vaccinate 5.—GRADE girls against human papillomavirus.
20121003             Human Rights Watch said that Hamas security forces in THE—GAZA—STRIP commit rampant abuses against PALESTINE—PRISONERS.
20121003             —TITLED, The report, "Abusive Systems" noted beatings with metal clubs and rubber hoses, mock executions and arbitrary arrests, and urged the Islamic militant group to swiftly reform its criminal justice system.
20121003             THE—PHILIPPINES, the new Cybercrime Prevention Act went into effect, setting penalties for 1—RANGE—OF—COMPUTER—RELATED crimes with provisions related to libel.
20121003             Critics said it could lead to imprisonment for simple activities like sharing Facebook and Twitter posts.
20121003             —BANNED, SERBIA—POLICE, 1—GAY—PRIDE—MARCH in BELGRADE, citing security concerns but also complying with 1—REQUEST from SERBIA—CHRISTIAN—ORTHODOX—CHURCH.
20121003             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, 1—MAN on suspicion that he planned to imitate 19990000             —THE—COLUMBINE school killings by planting bombs —AROUND 1—UNIVERSITY—CAMPUS.
20121003             —SEIZED, Police, 140—KILOGRAMS (308—POUNDS) of BOMB—MAKING material —WHEN they arrested THE—21—YEAR—OLD—MAN in the Balearic ISLAND CITY—OF—PALMA de Mallorca.
20121003             —DETONATED, SYRIA, 3—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, cars packed with explosives in the main SQUARE—OF—THE—NORTHERN—CITY—OF—ALEPPO, killing over 40—PEOPLE, leveling buildings and trapping survivors under the rubble.
20121003             —KILLED, Regime troops reportedly, 2—MORE—WOULD—BE—SUICIDE—BOMBERS—BEFORE they could detonate their explosives.
20121003             A 4. car bomb went off in the Bab Jnein area near the Old City where THE—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE is located.
20121003             —ARRESTED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES, ALI—HARZI for reported links to 20120911             —THE attack on 1—USA consulate in LIBYA.
20121003             —ARRESTED, Harzi was 1—OF 2—TUNISIANS reportedly, in TURKEY —WHEN they tried to enter the country with false passports.
20121003             —ESCALATED, SYRIAN—TURKEY—CROSS—BORDER—TENSIONS, —AFTER 1—SHELL fired from inside Syria landed on 1—HOME in THE—TURKEY—VILLAGE—OF—AKCAKALE, killing 2—WOMEN and 3—OF—THEIR—DAUGHTERS and wounding at least 10—OTHERS.
20121003—20010000    —IN, Khalil, 1—ARCHITECTURAL—ENGINEER, is of PALESTINE—DESCENT and entered IRAQ.
20121003—20050000    —IN, According to the Interior Ministry OMAR—RASHAD—KHALIL, —53—JAHRE—ALT was recruited by AL—QAIDA in IRAQ.
20121003—20110000    —SCREENED, BRITAIN, 1—DOCUMENTARY, on ITV showing interviews with several people who claimed they had been abused as children by JIMMY—SAVILE, 1—POPULAR—BBC presenter who †.
20121003—20121009    —SUSPENDED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, the new law.
20121003—20121009    —SUSPENDED, THE—SUPREME—COURT
20121003—20121011    —REPATRIATED, He was, to TUNISIA and faced terrorism charges there.
20121003—20160721    —SENTENCED, Fishenko was, to —10—YEARS in prison.
20130506—20011003    —GEÄNDERT, Daran hat sich —HEUTE—BIS nichts, und entsprechend ist OBAMA —JETZT unter Zugzwang.
20130506—20011003    —HEUTE—BIS, Daran hat sich nichts geändert und entsprechend ist OBAMA —JETZT unter Zugzwang.
20131003             —AGREED, THE—USA—AND—JAPAN, to modernize their defense alliance for the 1. time in —16—YEARS to address growing concerns about NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, global terrorism, cyber intrusions and other 20010101—21001231     threats.
20131003             —RESPEKTIERT, WELT—WEIT—UMFRAGE—ZU—STATUS: Lehrer werden in DEUTSCHLAND kaum
20131003             LUDWIG—VON—MISES als Vordenker des LIBERTARISMUS gilt,
20131003             Deshalb ist die PHILOSOPHIE auch dem ANARCHISMUS verwandt,
20131003             Der LIBERTARISMUS ist dem Liberalismus verwandt, beide Denkrichtungen betonen die Bedeutung individueller Freiheit.
20131003             —AM, 20130802             , he infuriated agents by printing the encryption keys — long strings of seemingly random numbers — on paper in 1—FONT he believed would be hard to scan and turn into 1—USABLE—DIGITAL format.
20131003             THE—USA—KOREA Institute at JOHN—HOPKINS said NORTH—KOREA—MAIN—NUCLEAR—COMPLEX was discharging hot wastewater in 1—FURTHER—SIGN that the country has restarted its SOVIET—ERA—NUCLEAR—REACTOR.
20131003             —SLAPPED, THE—USA, sanctions on RWANDA over THE—USE—OF—CHILD—SOLDIERS by rebels in the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO which KIGALI is accused of backing.
20131003             WASHINGTON, DC 1—DRAMATIC—CAR—CHASE through the streets near THE—WHITE—HOUSE to THE—USA—CAPITOL ended in gunfire —WHEN law enforcement officers shot and killed the driver as lawmakers and aides huddled in 1—LOCKDOWN.
20131003             —INVOLVED, The car, in the chase was registered to MIRIAM—CAREY (34) of CONNECTICUT.
20131003             A —1—YEAR—OLD—GIRL in the car was unhurt.
20131003             —INCLUDED, His work, the book: "1—TIME—IT—WAS — BOBBY—KENNEDY in the Sixties" (20080000             ).
20131003             1—BAHRAIN court jailed 4—SHIITES for life —AFTER convicting them of detonating 1—BOMB targeting police that wounded 1—ASIA—MAN.
20131003             —KILLED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said swarms of hornets have, 42—PEOPLE in the northwest in recent months.
20131003             Hua Baozhen, 1—PROFESSOR—OF entomology at NORTH—WEST—AGRICULTURE—FORESTRY University, attributed the attacks mostly to 1—DECREASE in the number of the hornets' natural enemies, such as spiders and birds, due to ecological changes.
20131003             NIKOS—MICHALOLIAKOS, THE—LEADER—OF—GREECE—FAR—RIGHT—GOLDEN—DAWN party, was sent to jail pending trial on criminal charges, the 1. time 1 elected party CHIEF has been put behind bars —SINCE 1—MILITARY—COUP nearly —5—DECADES—AGO.
20131003             —SEIZED, HONG—KONG officials said customs agents have, 189—ELEPHANT—TUSKS, valued at about $1.5—MILLION, in the city's 3. biggest bust of endangered species products in —3—MONTHS.
20131003             —SENTENCED, 1—INDIA—COURT, Lalu Prasad Yadav, 1—POWERFUL—ALLY—OF—THE—RULING—CONGRESS—PARTY, to —5—YEARS in jail for siphoning off state funds, underlining that 1—WAVE—OF—PUBLIC disgust with rampant corruption is finally catching up with the nation's politicians.
20131003             —EXPLODED, IRAQ, 1—BOMB, near 1—FOOTBALL—FIELD, killing 5—PEOPLE and wounding at least 11 in Madain.
20131003             1—SMUGGLER—BOAT, carrying migrants from ERITREA, GHANA and SOMALIA, capsized off ITALY—SOUTHERN—ISLAND—OF—LAMPEDUSA.
20131003             160—BODIES were soon recovered and 155—PEOPLE rescued.
20131003             366—LIVES were lost. 3—TRAFFICKERS were under arrest.
20131003             KENYA, Sheikh IBRAHIM—OMAR was shot dead in MOMBASA.
20131003             —LINKED, He preached at 1—MOSQUE that has in the past been, to THE—SOMALIA—AL—SHABAAB—ISLAMISTS who claimed responsibility for the shopping center attack.
20131003             —BURNED, MADAGASCAR police said 1—CROWD, 2—EUROPEANS and 1—LOCAL—MAN—ALIVE on the Nosy Be tourist ISLAND because they suspected THEM—OF—TRAFFICKING human organs —AFTER 1—DEAD—CHILD was found on 1—BEACH.
20131003             26—PEOPLE were soon arrested in the case.
20131003             —CHARTERED, NIGERIA, 1, airplane nosedived into the ground and burst into flames meters from TANKS—OF—AVIATION—FUEL, killing 11—PEOPLE shortly —AFTER taking off from LAGOS.
20131003             —SUSPENDED, THE—NEXT—DAY—NIGERIA—CIVIL—AVIATION—AUTHORITY, all the operations of LAGOS—BASED Associated Airline.
20131003             —SCRAPPED, PAKISTAN said it has, plans to reinstate the death penalty, —FOLLOWING threats by Taliban militants to step up attacks in retaliation.
20131003             —KILLED, At least 15—PEOPLE were, in 1—ATTACK on 1—PRO—GOVERNMENT—MILITIA—COMMANDER—IN—THE—ORAKZAI tribal area.
20131003             —RECLAIMED, PALESTINE—FARMERS, —AFTER 1—LONG—COURT—BATTLE, land they lost to 1—ISRAEL—SETTLEMENT in the 1970s.
20131003             —PASSED, Officials said PORTUGAL has, the latest test of its compliance with the terms of its bailout and qualified for —AROUND 5.5—BILLION euros ($7.5—BILLION) in further funding from creditors.
20131003             —FACED, All 30—CREW members from 17—COUNTRIES —NOW, —15—YEAR prison terms if convicted.
20131003             —TASKED, SYRIA, experts, with implementing THE—UN—RESOLUTION ordering THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—SYRIA—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS—ARSENAL began work, as the world body demanded access to civilians trapped by the conflict.
20131003             —ISSUED, SYRIA, 6—OF—THE—MOST powerful rebel factions, 1—JOINT—STATEMENT telling 1—AL—QAEDA front group (ISIL) to withdraw from THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—AZAZ bordering TURKEY.
20131003             In 1—SEPARATE—STATEMENT, rebels in CENTRAL—SYRIA also called on the Islamic STATE—OF—IRAQ and the Levant (ISIL) to leave HOMS province.
20131003             —AM, THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—UN—HIGH—COMMISSIONER for HUMAN—RIGHTS said on its official website the continuing indefinite INCARCERATION—OF—THE—DETAINEES—AMOUNTS to arbitrary detention and is in clear BREACH—OF—INTERNATIONAL—LAW
20131003             SPITZEN—TREFFEN zum USA—SHUTDOWN: OBAMA geht volles Risiko
20131003             "Goldene Morgenröte": —CHEF—VON—GRIECHISCHER—NEO—NAZI—PARTEI kommt in U—HAFT
20131003             Solarstrom in FRANKREICH: Vive LE—ENERGIE—WENDE!
20131003             —NEUEN—LECK in FUKUSHIMA: Radioaktiv verseuchtes Wasser läuft in den PAZIFIK
20131003             Drama im MITTELMEER: Dutzende FLÜCHTLINGE ertrinken vor Lampedusa
20131003             1.000.000—TOTE: Neue Hoffnung im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—TUBERKULOSE - Most extreme move in USA—HISTORY
20131003             Ellen Fitzpatrick and Theda Skocpol s...
20131003             —BAFFLED, World, by SELF—INFLICTED wound - AMERICA—ENEMIES must be laughing.
20131003             GOP moderates doubt 'defiance vs. deal' approach
20131003             FEAR—OF—FALLOUT from THE—GOVERNMENT s...
20131003             ITALIEN—PRESSE zu BERLUSCONI: "1—LETZTER Bluff"
20131003             —FOLGEN—DES, Shutdown, USA—KONZERN schickt Tausende MIT—ARBEITER —HEIM
20131003             Zu United Technologies gehören der HubschrauberBAUER Sikorsky, der TRIEBWERKS—HERSTELLER Pratt & Whitney sowie der Luftfahrtzulieferer UTC Aerospace SYSTEMs.
20131003             Diese beliefern auch DAS—USA—MILITÄR, etwa mit dem Kampfhubschrauber Black Hawk.
20131003             Bei der Fertigung müssten staatliche Inspektoren anwesend sein, erläuterte DER—KONZERN.
20131003             DIE—FEHLTEN —NUN aber wegen die Lahmlegung der REGIERUNGS—BEHÖRDEN.
20131003             Bestimmte Produktionen müssten deshalb angehalten werden.
20131003             "Wir sehen hier SPARTACUS und den — AUFSTAND—DER—SKLAVEN", amüsiert sich DIE—LINKE TAGES—ZEITUNG "Il Fatto Quotidiano".
20131003             —ZUVOR hatte das Blatt BERLUSCONIs Pläne, DIE—REGIERUNGSKOALITION platzen zu lassen, mit harschen Worten kritisiert: "Der Verurteilte lässt ITALIEN untergehen".
20131003             Doch das einstündige Treffen am Dienstagabend brachte: nichts.
20131003             Keine Bewegung in Amerikas HAUSHALTS—STREIT, DIE—REGIERUNG bleibt weiterhin lahmgelegt: GOVERNMENT Shutdown mit open end.
20131003             —GEISELHAFT—DIESE Wortwahl beleuchtet OBAMAs Kalkül.
20131003             —DENN, im Allgemeinen gilt: GEISEL—NEHMERN gibt man nicht nach, was immer es auch kosten mag.
20131003             —FORDERUNGEN, Wer ihre, erfüllt, der entspannt DIE—SITUATION nur kurzfristig, macht sich aber auf lange Sicht erpressbar.
20131003             1—ERFOLGREICHE GEISEL—NAHME würde Nachahmer finden, die nur immer mehr LÖSE—GELD forderten.
20131003             Vieles deutet darauf hin, daß OBAMA und seine LEUTE die gegenwärtige Situation in WASHINGTON nach genau diesem Schema deuten.
20131003             —IM, Klartext: Nehmt die Waffe runter, dann —ERST können wir verhandeln.
20131003             OBAMA kann —DIESMAL auch deshalb den Hardliner geben, weil DIE—DEMOKRATEN einiger sind als —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT.
20131003             Der Auftritt vor dem WEIßES—HAUS —AM—MITTWOCHABEND zeigte erneut, daß Reid und OBAMA ihre Strategie abgestimmt haben.
20131003             DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT weist zudem mehrheitlich den Konservativen DIE—SCHULD für den Shutdown zu, in der republikanischen Partei wachsen DIE—SPANNUNGEN.
20131003             Moderatere Abgeordnete grollen der PARTEI—FÜHRUNG, daß sie sich von Rechtsaußen treiben lässt: "Wir sollten nicht zulassen, daß die TEA—PARTY bestimmt, was wir tun", erklärte PETER—KING, der einflussreiche Innenpolitiker.
20131003             Und Kollege CHARLIE—DENT aus PENNSYLVANIAA sagte der NEW—YORK—TIMES, die kompromissbereiten REPUBLIKANER jenseits der TEA—PARTY—BEWEGUNG—DENT spricht von —BIS zu 200—ABGEORDNETEN—MÜSSTEN —JETZT 1—ÜBEREINKUNFT mit den DEMOKRATEN finden.
20131003             Hab —GESTERN, 1—WEILE CNN und Bloomberg geschaut.
20131003             Bei den Interviews der REPUBLIKANER springt 1—DIE verlogenheit richtig ins Gesicht.
20131003             teilweise widersprechen sie sich und selbst einzelne widersprechen sich mit aufeinanderfolgenden Sätzen.
20131003             das war aberwitzig! Absurde FEHL—INFORMATIONEN
20131003             der TEA—PARTY—ANHÄNGER wollen zurück in die
20131003             Der schwarze —PRÄSIDENT—IM—WEIßES—HAUS hat die bösartigsten und schäbigsten CHARAKTER—ZÜGE in diesen Leuten zum Vorschein gebracht.
20131003             Auch Ron PAUL war und ist 1—GUTER Freund der JOHN—BIRCH—SOCIETY, vielleicht sogar Mitglied und
20131003             sein SOHN Rand hat sich ebenfalls gegen DIE—BÜRGER—RECHTSGESETZE aus den Sechzigern ausgesprochen,
20131003             DIE—DIE Segregation und Diskriminierung der SCHWARZEn beenden sollten.
20131003             DEUTSCHLAND, scheint man eher darüber hinwegsehen zu wollen, daß die 2—RASSISTEN sind.
20131003             Was die Graswurzeln der TEA—PARTY betrifft, sollten Sie sich ihre ENTSTEHUNG genauer ansehen.
20131003             —LETZTEN—ENDES, werden die meisten einflußreichen TEA—PARTY GRUPPEN—VON—PLUTOKRATEN wie den KOCH—BROTHERS FINANZIERt und instrumentalisiert,
20131003             also genau das, wovor Sie DIE—WELT bewahren wollen.
20131003             Wenn es nach der TEA—PARTY ginge,
20131003             Bei BEDARF kann ich Ihnen gern englischsprachige Links geben, die die enge Beziehung der TEA—PARTY zu den Millionären/Milliardären beweisen.
20131003             NIKOTIN—INDUSTRIE, Wie die ZIGARETTEN—LOBBY EUROPAs Tabakgesetze entschärft
20131003             Plage in der Volksrepublik: Riesenhornissen töten Dutzende Chinesen
20131003             Vorwurf der SKLAVEN—ARBEIT: KATAR schaltet Anwaltskanzlei 1
20131003             —KLIMA—WANDEL: ZUSTAND—DER—OZEANE verschlechtert sich rapide
20131003             Sondierung mit SPD: MERKEL nimmt Genossen in DIE—PFLICHT
20131003             USA—LIBERTÄRE und der Shutdown: Fest für Staatsverächter
20131003             DUMPING—VORWURF, FRANKREICH will Buchläden per Gesetz vor AMAZON schützen
20131003             RUSSLAND—JUSTIZ klagt ALLE—GREENPEACE—AKTIVISTEN wegen Piraterie an
20131003             UNGLÜCK—IM—MITTELMEER: Mehr als 100—FLÜCHTLINGE —STERBEN vor Lampedusa
20131003             SANTELLI ist nicht IRGENDEIN—BÖRSENJOURNALIST.
20131003             Und - Als "Lemminge mit Sprengstoffwesten"bezeichnete DER—REPUBLIKANER—ABGEORDNETE DEVIN—NUNES die TOTAL—VERWEIGERER in seiner Partei.
20131003             Doch - DIE—MEISTEN liberalen Theoretiker hielten staatliche Regeln grundsätzlich für notwendig -
20131003             auch Vertreter des NEO—LIBERALISMUS, —DER—HEUTE meist als Synonym für entfesselte Märkte gilt.
20131003             LIBERTÄRE sind in dieser Hinsicht deutlich RADIKALER,
20131003             VIELE—LIBERTÄRE fordern die weitgehende ABSCHAFFUNG—DES—STAATES.
20131003             —HEUTE, der ANARCHISMUS meist als linke Denkrichtung gilt.
20131003             —NACH, ANSICHT—VON—LUDWIG—VON—MISES,
20131003             ist DER—STAAT häufig "die Hauptursache von Unheil und KATASTROPHEn".
20131003             Zwar ist DIE—STUDIE mit Vorsicht zu genießen, weil sie im Auftrag des CATO—INSTITUTS entstand, das selbst libertärem Gedankengut nahesteht.
20131003             es gibt auch andere Indizien für 1—STARKEN libertären Einfluss auf die TEA—PARTY.
20131003             —GEHÖRT, So, zu den populärsten Büchern der Bewegung "ATLAS SHRUGGED"
20131003             LONDON/HAMBURG, ES ist 1—DEUTLICHES Alarmsignal.
20131003             DIE—FORSCHER—DES—INTERNATIONAL Programme on THE—STATE—OF—THE—OCEAN (IPSO) und der WELTNATUR—SCHUTZ—UNION IUCN widersprechen in ihrem neuesten Bericht zum ZUSTAND—DER—WELTMEERE den Erkenntnissen und Warnungen des Weltklimarates IPCC: Was DIE—OZEANE angehe, sei alles noch viel schlimmer, als im letzten BERICHT—DES—KLIMARATES geschildert.
20131003             In drastischer Form WARNEN DIE—EXPERTEN vor den Konsequenzen 1—ZUNEHMENDEN Versäuerung des Meerwassers.
20131003             KOMBINATION, mit anderen, ebenfalls meist von Menschen verursachten Faktoren führe die zu den massivsten Veränderungen der Lebensbedingungen in den Meeren —SEIT über 300.000.—000—JAHREN.
20131003             —SCHON—JETZT messe man PH—WERTE, wie es sie SEITDEM nicht mehr gegeben habe.
20131003             —IM, Zeitfenster zwischen dem oberen Devon (vor etwa 360.000.—000—JAHRE) und der PERM—TRIAS—GRENZE (vor etwa 252.000.—000—JAHRE) kam es zweimal zum massiven MASSENAUS—STERBEN marinen Lebens.
20131003             Wahrscheinlich war die KATASTROPHE auf die Faktoren Erwärmung, Übersäuerung und absinkende Sauerstoffgehalte zurückzuführen.
20131003             Genau das geschehe —NUN auch, und die Gründe scheinen klar: Die Verschlechterung ist maßgeblich DURCH—MENSCHEN verursacht.
20131003             Mit erheblichen Konsequenzen für das gesamte Leben auf der Erde —, mit weit massiveren Rückwirkungen auf DAS—KLIMA, als dies der IPCC—BERICHT erfasse.
20131003             Der aktuelle Warnreport ist die Zusammenfassung von hochkarätig besetzten Workshops, die IPSO und IUCN
20131003             Er entwirft das alarmierende Bild von sich gegenseitig verstärkenden negativen Effekten, die meist unabhängig voneinander betrachtet würden, zusammengenommen aber 1—ERNSTHAFTE BEDROHUNG—FÜR—DAS gesamte Leben darstellten.
20131003             "DIE—VERÄNDERUNGEN, die wir für DIE—ZUKUNFT erwartet haben", sagte CHRIS—REID vom Meeresforschungsinstitut der UNIVERSITÄT—PLYMOUTH in 1—INTERVIEW zur Veröffentlichung des Berichtes, "sehen wir —HEUTE.
20131003             Ich mache mir ernsthafte Sorgen um DIE—ZUKUNFT meiner Enkel.
20131003             Diese Veränderungen werden uns in den nächsten paar —JAHR—ZEHNT en alle betreffen".
20131003             1—ERHEBLICHER, lebensbedrohlicher Stressfaktor für das marine Leben.
20131003             —BENENNT, Als Hauptursachen, DER—BERICHT zum 1—DIE Erwärmung der Ozeane (warmes Wasser bindet weniger Sauerstoff), zum anderen die Einleitung von Nährstoffen und Phosphaten aus Abwässern und Landwirtschaft.
20131003             Beide Faktoren führten —BEREITS—JETZT zur zunehmenden Verbreitung faktisch lebloser Meeresgebiete.
20131003             Versäuerung des Meerwassers: Zunehmende AUFNAHME—VON—KOHLENSÄURE (CO2) senke die PH—WERTE des Wassers merklich.
20131003             Dadurch falle es Korallen, Muscheln und anderen LEBE—WESEN zunehmend schwer, ihre Kalkschalen zu bilden.
20131003             Ihr Rückgang bedrohe nicht nur DIE—SICHERHEIT der Küsten, sondern auch die Biodiversität und somit die Nahrungsketten.
20131003             Erwärmung: Der größte Teil der auch im WELTKLIMABERICHT—DER—IPCC dokumentierten Erwärmung betrifft DIE—WELTMEERE.
20131003             Der IPSO/IUCN—BERICHT WARNT—VOR—SICH gegenseitig verstärkenden Faktoren, die der IPCC—BERICHT zum Teil gar nicht erfasse.
20131003             Dazu zählen IPSO/IUCN die wachsende Verbreitung sauerstoffarmer ODER—FREIER Meeresschichten UND—GEBIETE und die zunehmende Freisetzung von Methan vom MeeresBODEN sowie aus dem schmelzenden PERMA—FROST—BODEN.
20131003             Diese und weitere das Meeresleben bedrohende Faktoren wie Überfischung und die rapide VER—TEILUNG—VON—SCHADSTOFFEN drohten, kaskadische Effekte zu erzeugen, die negative Entwicklungen weiter beschleunigen könnten.
20131003             Als notwendige MAßNAHMEn sehen IPSO/IUCN:
20131003             Absenkung der CO2—EMISSIONEN, um den TEMPERATUR—ANSTIEG unter 2—GRAD—CELSIUS zu halten.
20131003             DIE—DERZEITIGEN KLIMA—ZIELE reichten nicht aus, DIE—EFFEKTE des KORALLEN—STERBENS und der MEERWASSER—VERSAUERUNG zu verhindern.
20131003             Neuregelung der Fischerei und anderer Nutzungen mariner Ressourcen, um die Biotope zu entlasten.
20131003             Verhinderung von Überfischung durch Förderung ökologisch verträglicher Fischerei, Verhinderung von ÜBER—PRODUKTION und VERBOT—DER—DESTRUKTIVSTEN Fischtechniken.
20131003             Aufbau 1—EFFEKTIVEN, weltweiten Aufsichtsinfrastruktur, um nachhaltige Nutzung und SCHUTZ—DER—MEERE zu gewährleisten.
20131003             —STREIT—ÜBER—SHUTDOWN: OBAMA knöpft sich TOP—REPUBLIKANER vor
20131003             —FLÜCHTLINGS—DRAMA vor Lampedusa: EUROPAs Versagen - Lavabit: ANGRIFF—AUF—SNOWDENS E—MAILS
20131003             GAUCK—REDE zur Rolle DEUTSCHLANDs: Mehr Mut zu EUROPA
20131003             —VOR—FALL—IN—WASHINGTON—USA—POLIZEI riegelt Kapitol zeitweise ab
20131003             SYRIEN: UNO meldet Fortschritte bei CHEMIE—WAFFENKONTROLLE
20131003             Freiheit ist 1—DER zentralen Begriffe, die Amerikas Werte definieren.
20131003             —NACH, den Erfahrungen, die Ladar Levison ,
20131003             Im Zweifel heißt das nicht nur, daß 1—POLIZEI—BEHÖRDE vollständigen Zugang zu allen vertraulichen DATEN 1—UNTERNEHMENS verlangen, sondern dem Unternehmer auch bei Strafe verbieten kann, darüber zu reden.
20131003             Ladar Levison war der Betreiber von Lavabit, 1—E—MAIL—DIENSTES, der angeblich abhörsichere E—MAIL—KONTEN anbot.
20131003             ;0800;; —ANFANG, wurde Levison für BÜRGER—RECHTS—, DATEN—SCHUTZBEWEGTE zu 1—ART—MÄRTYRER, als er seine Firma im PROTEST—GEGEN—DIE—FAHNDUNGS—METHODEN des FBI dicht machte.
20131003             wie DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES —NUN berichtet.
20131003             DIE—KONNTE Levison —BISHER, nicht erzählen, weil er nicht durfte: es war ihm bei HAFTAN—DROHUNG gerichtlich verboten, "zu viel"über die Umstände zu verraten, die dazu führten, daß Levison seine Firma schloss.
20131003             —AM—MITTWOCH, berichtete DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, verlor diese "KNEBEL—ANORDNUNG"ihre Wirkung, als 1—BUNDERICHTER Akten über die Vernehmungen Levisons öffentlich machte.
20131003             Demnach hatte der WELT—WEIT beachtete Showdown zwischen Levison und dem FBI 1—RUPPIGE VOR—GESCHICHTE.
20131003             —JETZT, aber war der Datenhunger der Fahnder weit größer: Sie hatten nicht nur Zugang zu SNOWDENs Konto verlangt, sondern 1—ART virtuellen GENERALschlüssel zu ALLEN—CA—410.000—KUNDENKONTEN, die Levison —ZEIT—PUNKT—ZU—DIESEM, betreute.
20131003             —DARAUFHIN, stellte er sich quer: "Man muss nicht 1—GANZE Stadt verwanzen, wenn man nur die Telefonate 1—EINZIGEN Kerls abhören will", erklärte er seine Motivation in 1—INTERVIEW.
20131003             —AM, 2—VERHANDLUNGS—TAG gab Levison nach, überreichte die Codes —, stellte den Betrieb seiner Firma ein.
20131003             Damit hatte er sein Geschäft, der —BIS—DAHIN nichts ahnende SNOWDEN sein E—MAIL—KONTO und DAS—FBI die Möglichkeit verloren, diesen elektronisch abzuhören.
20131003             1—TRICK, der "an 1—STRAFTAT grenze", beschied man Levison.
20131003             Das Gericht verurteilte ihn wegen Missachtung und bei HAFTAN—DROHUNG dazu, über die näheren Umstände der WELT—WEIT beachteten Firmenschließung öffentlich zu schweigen.
20131003             —SUMMONED, He had been, to testify to 1—GRAND—JURY in VIRGINIA;
20131003             "It was the equivalent of asking COCA—COLA to hand over its secret formula," Mr.
20131003             "How as 1—SMALL—BUSINESS do you hire THE—LAWYERS to appeal this and change public opinion to get THE—LAWS changed —WHEN CONGRESS doesn't even know what is going on?" Mr.
20131003             —DESCRIBED, Indeed, prosecutors, the file as "largely illegible".
20131003             WASHINGTON— USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA hat DIE—REPUBLIKANER erneut für den Verwaltungsstillstand verantwortlich gemacht.
20131003             In 1—REDE —AM—DONNERSTAG attackierte OBAMA den republikanischen Vorsitzenden im REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS, JOHN—BOEHNER, und verlangte von ihm 1—ENDE—DER—"rücksichtslosen"Politik.
20131003             "Setzen Sie 1—ABSTIMMUNG an, stoppen Sie diese Farce und beenden Sie diesen Stillstand", sagte DER—PRÄSIDENT bei 1—AUFTRITT in Rockville im BUNDESSTAAT—MARYLAND.
20131003             hat sich DER—STREIT noch ausgeweitet.
20131003             OBAMA forderte die OPPOSITION laut NEW—YORK—TIMES auf, nicht nur 1—ÜBERGANGSBUDGET zur Öffnung der Regierung zuzustimmen, sondern auch DIE—SCHULDENGRENZE der USA zu erhöhen.
20131003             —ERST dann sei er bereit, über andere Dinge zu verhandeln.
20131003             So rechnet der BRITISCHE—LUFTFAHRT—, RÜSTUNGS—KONZERN BAE—SYSTEMS damit, daß 10—BIS 15 % seiner 34.500—MIT—ARBEITER IN—DEN—USA von dem Stillstand in MIT—LEIDENSCHAFT gezogen würden.
20131003             Auch bei Boeing und Airbus kommt es laut WALL—STREET—JOURNAL zu Lieferverzögerungen für VERKEHRS—MASCHINEN, weil Beamte DER—USA—LUFTFAHRTAUFSICHT FAA ebenfalls im Zwangsurlaub sind.
20131003             "Der Verwaltungsstillstand ist schlimm genug", sagte DIE—CHEFIN des INTERNATIONALER—WÄHRUNGSFONDS[IWF], CHRISTINE—LAGARDE, "aber 1—VERSAGEN—BEI—DER Erhöhung der Schuldengrenze wäre viel schlimmer und könnte nicht nur DIE—USA—KONJUNKTUR ernsthaft beschädigen, sondern die gesamte WELT—WIRTSCHAFT".
20131003             [l] Der CYBER—WAR—KOMMANDANT—DES—IRAN wurde ermordet aufgefunden.
20131003             Hat DER—IRAN eigentlich auch mal gezielt ausländische Kommandanten oder ATOM—WISSENSCHAFTLER ermordet oder sind die immer nur Opfer?
20131003             [l] Bei sexuellen Übergriffen auf Kinder denkt man ja SOFORT—AN—DIE—KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE, aber die Evangelikalen sind wohl noch schlimmer.
20131003             —WHILE comparing evangelicals to Catholics on abuse response, "I think we are worse," he said at THE—RELIGION—NEWSWRITERS—ASSOCIATION—CONFERENCE, saying too MANY—EVANGELICALS had "sacrificed the souls" of young victims.
20131003             "Protestants can be very arrogant —WHEN pointing to Catholics," said Tchividjian, 1—GRAND—SON—OF—EVANGELIST—BILLY—GRAHAM and EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR—OF—GODLY Response to Abuse in THE—CHRISTIAN—ENVIRONMENT (GRACE), which has investigated sex abuse allegations.
20131003             Worst shutdown in modern USA—HISTORY - MAYEN in der EIFEL
20131003             —VOR, dem Kapitol: POLIZEI erschießt Frau nach Verfolgungsjagd in WASHINGTON
20131003             —GETROFFEN, DIE—FRAU wurde tödlich, berichten DIE—WASHINGTON—POST und NEW—YORK—TIMES in Berufung auf offizielle Quellen.
20131003             DIE—POLIZEI—VON—WASHINGTON bestätigte ihren Tod.
20131003             In dem Auto saß demnach auch 1—EINJÄHRIGES Kind, das in 1—KRANKENHAUS gebracht wurde.
20131003             Namentlich ist MAYEN möglicherweise verwandt mit dem SÜD—ÖSTLICH liegenden Maifeld, da MAYEN MITTELALTER—IM auch als HAUPT—STADT des Meiengaus bezeichnet wurde.
20131003             —IM, WWII wurde DIE—STADT, insbesondere bei den LUFT—ANGRIFFEN
20131003—17730000    —DES—JAHRES—HEUTE—BIS, Als seien sie IMMER—NOCH Kolonisten in BOSTON fürchten VIELE—USA—AMERIKANER von der eigenen Regierung unterdrückt zu werden
20131003—20050000    —DISMANTLED, ISRAEL had, Homesh and 3—OTHER—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENTS, in connection with 1—WIDER—WITHDRAWAL from THE—GAZA—STRIP, but refused to let the original PALESTINE—LANDOWNERS return.
20131003—20130000    —ANFANG, Das größte von allen liegt IN—DER—OST—SEE: 75.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETER galten dort als sauerstoffarme ODER—FREIE "tote Zone".
20131003—20130913    —ON, The plane was carrying mourners and THE—BODY—OF—FORMER—ONDO STATE—GOVERNOR—OLUSEGUN—AGAGU, who †.
20131003—20131108    —ON, police said DOZENS—OF—THE—ASYLUM—SEEKERS had been raped and tortured in LIBYA —BEFORE—STARTING their journey.
20131003—21000101    —BIS, Sinkender Sauerstoffgehalt des Meerwassers könnte der Sauerstoffgehalt der Ozeane um 1—BIS 7 % abnehmen.
20131008—20131003    —FROM—THE, Divers in ITALY recovered 18—MORE—BODIES, bringing the total to 250, shipwreck in which only 155—OF—THE estimated 500—AFRICA—ASYLUM—SEEKERS, most if not all from ERITREA, survived.
20131012             ITALY, divers found 1—ADDITIONAL 20—BODIES off THE—ISLAND—OF—LAMPEDUSA, bringing the still provisional death toll from an 20131003             shipwreck to 359.
20140911—20141003    —ON, 1—NEW—BOKO Haram video showed the beheading of 1—MAN identified as the pilot of the missing NIGERIA—AIR—FORCE—JET and burnt out parts of 1—PLANE.
20141003             —ASKED, A—USA—GOVERNMENT—WATCHDOG—AGENCY, THE—AIR—FORCE to explain why it destroyed 16—AIRCRAFT—INITIALLY bought for THE—AFGHANISTAN—AIR—FORCE and turn them into $32,000—OF—SCRAP metal instead of finding other ways to salvage nearly $500—MILLION in USA—FUNDS spent on the program.
20141003             His Curly Kit (19800000             ) was the 1. DO—IT—YOURSELF product for producing loose waves favored by MANY—TOP—BLACK celebrities.
20141003             AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT said it will investigate sexual abuse claims at its refugee detention center on NAURU, —WHILE removing 10—AID—WORKERS from THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC—ISLAND —FOLLOWING reports of coaching detainees to commit SELF—HARM protests.
20141003             LONDON, IAN—EDMONDSON, 1—FORMER—NEWS—EDITOR—AT—BRITAIN—NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD, pleaded guilty to conspiring to hack the phones of celebrities, politicians and royals.
20141003             —APPROVED, THE—EU—ANTITRUST authority says it has, Facebook's proposed $19—BILLION takeover of the messaging service WhatsApp.
20141003             HONG—KONG, violent scuffles broke out in Mong Kok, 1—FAMOUS and congested shopping district, as HUNDREDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—CHINA—RULE stormed tents and ripped down banners belonging to PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTERS, forcing many to retreat.
20141003             —KILLED, EAST—INDIA, at least 32—PEOPLE were, in 1—STAMPEDE triggered by rumors that 1—ELECTRICAL wire had fallen on people attending the Dussehra Hindu festival in PATNA, BIHAR state.
20141003             —BLOCKED, KENYA, protesters, truckers on the only highway from MOMBASA port to THE—CAPITAL—NAIROBI, threatening to choke the main trade artery with MUCH—OF—EAST—AFRICA.
20141003             —HALTED, More than 200—RESIDENTS in Voi, traffic with burning tires to demand jobs from 1—CHINA—COMPANY contracted to build 1—SECTION—OF—1—RAILWAY in the area.
20141003             —KILLED, MALI, 9 UNITED—NATIONS peacekeepers from NIGER were, in 1—AMBUSH on their convoy.
20141003             —OPENED, PERU, attackers, fire with assault rifles —JUST—BEFORE dawn on 4—VEHICLES carrying 28—POLICE—OFFICERS—NEAR THE—TOWN—OF—MACHENTE in THE—SOUTH—EAST—REGION—OF—AYACUCHO.
20141003             2—OFFICERS were killed.
20141003             1—RWANDA—COURT—CONVICTED—EX—ARMY—OFFICER—JOEL—MUTABAZI on charges of plotting attacks against THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—NATION and ordered he spend the rest of his life behind bars.
20141003             SPAIN, THE—PRO—INDEPENDENCE—REGIONAL—GOVERNMENT in Catalonia said it still plans to hold 1—SECESSION—REFERENDUM 20141109             as it studies ways to convince SPAIN—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT to lift 1—PROVISIONAL—SUSPENSION—OF—THE—VOTE.
20141003             SWEDEN—PRIME—MINISTER—STEFAN—LOFVEN said his new CENTER—LEFT government will recognize THE—STATE—OF—PALESTINE in 1—MOVE that will make it the 1. major European country to take the step.
20141003             —DESTROYED, SYRIA, coalition warplanes, 1—INSURGENT—VEHICLE and killed 5—FIGHTERS —DURING raids in the countryside to the east and SOUTH—OF—KOBANI.
20141003             10—KURDISH—FIGHTERS were also killed in heavy fighting that carried on long into the night.
20141003             1—VIDEO was —POSTED on YouTube showing ALAN—HENNING, —47—JAHRE—ALT, 1—UK—TAXI driver, kneeling —BEFORE 1 masked knife man against 1—DESERT setting.
20141003             Henning had been PART—OF—1—AID—CONVOY taking medical supplies to 1—HOSPITAL in NORTH—WEST—SYRIA in December —LAST—YEAR—WHEN it was stopped by gunmen and he was abducted.
20141003             —BEHEADED, He was the 4. hostage to have been, by Islamic State (IS).
20141003             —CLASHED, UKRAINE—TROOPS and PRO—RUSSIA—REBELS, —AROUND the flashpoint CITY—OF—DONETSK, —WHILE trading blame over the death last night of Laurent DuPasqiuer (38), 1—SWITZERLAND—AID—WORKER.
20141003             12—SEPARATISTS were killed —DURING the attacks on THE—DONETSK airport.
20141003             2—UKRAINE—SERVICEMEN were also killed.
20141003             —WELCOMED, VIETNAM, 1—DECISION by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to ease a —40—YEAR—BAN on lethal arms sales, saying it will benefit both nations.
20141003             ZAMBIA—FINANCE—MINISTER—ALEXANDER—CHIKWANDA said it was difficult to resist corruption from CHINA—CONTRACTORS who allocate who gifts to other government officials.
20141003             —BORROWED, Chikwanda said the government has, so much money from THE—CHINA—THAT it would soon become impossible to pay them back.
20141004             —DISCOVERED, Doctors, 202—CASES from January to 20141003             .
20151003             Was sind die Gründe für diese unerwartete Wende im PORTUGAL—WAHL—KAMPF?
20151003             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, legislation intended to reduce racial profiling by police officers.
20151003             S—FRANCISCO—AUDREY—CAREY, (23), 1—CANADA—BACKPACKER, was found dead in Golden Gate Park.
20151003             —SUFFERED, She had, trauma to her body and was fatally shot.
20151003             —SENTENCED, Lampley was, to —100—YEARS in prison and Alligood to —50—YEARS.
20151003             AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—AIRSTRIKE hit 1—HOSPITAL—RUN by Medecins Sans Frontieres in THE—CITY—OF—KUNDUZ, killing at least 22—PEOPLE in what THE—USA—MILITARY called possible "collateral damage" in the battle to oust Taliban insurgents.
20151003             BANGLADESH, Kunio Hoshi (65), 1—JAPAN—CITIZEN born in BANGLADESH, was attacked by unidentified assailants in Kownia in RANGPUR district.
20151003             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE, responsibility.
20151003             —DETAINED, Police, 4—PEOPLE in connection with the shooting.
20151003             —SERVED, DENNIS—HEALEY, as SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—DEFENCE 19640000—19700000    —FROM—TO, CHANCELLOR—OF—THE—EXCHEQUER 19740000—19790000    —FROM—TO and Deputy LEADER—OF—THE—LABOUR—PARTY 19800000—19830000    —FROM—TO.
20151003             —KILLED, BURUNDI, at least 12—CIVILIANS were, in clashes between police and ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS in BUJUMBURA.
20151003             EGYPT, 2 were shot dead in the bastion of the Islamic State group in THE—SINAI—PENINSULA.
20151003             IRAQ, suicide car bomb attacks targeting 2—MAINLY Shi'ite Muslim districts of BAGHDAD killed at least 18—PEOPLE.
20151003             —CARRIED, IRAQ, and Syria THE—USA and its allies, out 16—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic State militants.
20151003             MALI—GOVERNMENT said it exchanged 30—SEPARATIST—REBELS—LAST—WEEK for the release of 16—SOLDIERS, 1—MOVE that shows progress —AFTER violence —IN—AUGUST threatened to disrupt 1—PEACE—ACCORD.
20151003             10—PALESTINIANS were wounded by ISRAEL—FIRE in THE—WEST—BANK —DURING 1—RAID by troops hunting the murderers of 1—JEWISH settler couple.
20151003             1—SENIOR—HAMAS official called on Palestinians to take up arms to "defend" THE—AL—AQSA mosque compound in JERUSALEM —AFTER 1—RISE in Jewish visitors to the flashpoint site.
20151003             RUSSIA—JETS hit Islamic State targets and other rebel groups in Syria, on a 4. —DAY—OF—AIR—STRIKES by MOSCOW in SUPPORT—OF—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD which have dramatically escalated foreign intervention in Syria.
20151003             RUSSIA said its air strikes have sown "panic", forcing some 600 "militants" to abandon their positions and HEAD—TO—EUROPE.
20151003             —DEMONSTRATED, SOUTH—AFRICA, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, in JOHANNESBURG in defense of rhinos, elephants and lions against poaching and to demand authorities take more radical action.
20151003             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—SUDAN—REBELS said government troops had, their positions over the last —3—DAYS, casting further doubt on 1—FRAGILE—PEACE—AGREEMENT in the world's youngest country.
20151003             1—MILITARY—OFFICIAL said 52—SOLDIERS and rebels have been killed over THE—LAST—WEEK in fighting in the contested STATE—OF—UNITY.
20151003             SPAIN—POLICE said 8—GARGES in MADRID were uinder investigation for charging custormers up to $225 to remove diesel particulate filters.
20151003             —PROVIDED, The shops allegedly, custormers with mechanical and software services to to cheat emissions checks.
20151003             UKRAINE, warring sides began withdrawing tanks and smaller weapons from 1—BUFFER—ZONE in THE—WAR—TORN east.
20151003             CITIZENS—OF—THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES went to polls to fill the elected seats on 1—GOVERNMENT—ADVISORY—BODY.
20151003             Despite 1—BROADENING of the franchise SOME—CITIZENS were still denied the vote.
20151003             —DISMISSED, THE—VATICAN, 1—GAY—PRIEST from his Holy See job on THE—EVE—OF—1—MAJOR—CHURCH meeting for 1—HIGHLY public coming out that challenged THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC teaching that homosexual acts are 1—SIN.
20151003             WAHL—IN—PORTUGAL: Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Senhor Costa
20151003             —DER—STATT—HALTER in Baschkirien, der in Tatarstan
20151003             und NATÜRLICH auch Ramsan Kadyrow, der Boss von Tschetschenien.
20151003             —NATÜRLICH hinken historische Vergleiche.
20151003             Im 3. Fall entwickelte sich ein zehnjähriger blutiger KRIEG, entwickelte sich
20151003             7.000—LUFT—ANGRIFFE habe DIE—NATO über SYRIEN —BEREITS geflogen, machte sich die "Komsomolskaja prawda"über den Westen lustig.
20151003             —ERSTMALS—SEIT—ANFANG DER FÜNFZIGER—JAHRE, dem KOREA—KRIEG, agieren RUSSISCHE—MILITÄRS wieder in 1—LAND, in dem auch DIE—AMERIKANER militärisch intervenieren.
20151003             DIE—GEFAHR, dass beide GROß—MÄCHTE aufeinanderstoßen und es zu gefährlichen Missverständnissen kommt, sich ihre Jagdbomber möglicherweise gegenseitig abschießen, ist groß.
20151003             Indem MOSKAU —NUN rückhaltlos ASSAD unterstützt, droht ihm 1—BRUCH mit den sunnitischen STAATEN in NAH—OST, vor allem mit SAUDI—ARABIEN, JORDANIEN und den Arabischen Emiraten.
20151003             —BEFREMDET, DIE—SAUDIS sind empört, auch ISRAELis und Türken.
20151003             —WENIGE—TAGE—VORDEM Start der 1.RUSSISCHEN—BOMBER traf ich den RUSSISCHEN—EXPERTEN Alexej Malaschenko vom MOSKAUer CARNEGIE—CENTER, der zu SOVIET—ZEITEN selbst als Spezialist in NAH—OST im —EINSATZ war.
20151003             CARNEGIE—CENTER - VÖLKER—RECHT ist doch DEM—WESTEN egal
20151003             Gut erkannt im Artikel, dass der RUSSISCHE—EINSATZ vom VÖLKER—RECHT gedeckt ist, IM—GEGENSATZ zu den EIN—SÄTZEN der USA, BRITEN, Franzosen, usw.
20151003             DIE—RUSSEN —DAMALS, in AFGHANISTAN viel Gutes für die Afghanen getan haben.
20151003             Bitte benennen Sie Quellen, wo nachgewiesen wird, das GOLF—STAATEN Geld schicken.
20151003             Es ist interessant zu beobachten, wie der RUSSISCHE—EINSATZ kritisiert und verurteilt wird,
20151003             —WÄHREND, die Angriffe westlicher Akteure stets gelobt und verteidigt werden.
20151003             —GERUFEN, Dabei ist RUSSLAND von der amtierenden Regierung, und legitimiert worden, was man bei den EIN—SÄTZEN der westlichen Akteure nicht gerade behaupten kann.
20151003             —NUN, wird mit allen Mitteln versucht, RUSSLAND zu diffamieren und den —EINSATZ "schlecht"zu machen.
20151003             —BEKANNT, Gerade —HEUTE ist, geworden, dass DIE—USA in KUNDUZ 1—KRANKENHAUS—DER—ÄRZTE—OHNE—GRENZEN bombadiert und außer Gefecht gesetzt haben.
20151003             Es war das letzte funktionierende Krankenhaus in der Stadt und es werden zivile Opfer beklagt.
20151003             Wo bleibt hier der Aufschrei?
20151003             Wenn ein —EXPERTE vom CARNEGIE—CENTER etwas sagt, auch wenn er Russe ist, dann ist davon auszugehen, dass er den RUSSISCHEN—INTERESSEN grösstmöglichen SCHADEN zufügen will, weil er von DEN—USA gekauft wurde und für DIE—CIA arbeitet.
20151003             Und da man wohl davon ausgehen kann, dass ASSAD PUTIN wirklich um Hilfe gerufen hat, weiß ich nicht warum UNGARN oder TSCHECHOSLOWAKEI erwähnt werden, ausser dass man die damaligen üblen Taten willkürlich mit dem —JETZT verbinden will (in Psychologie "ankern"genannt)
20151003             —SEIT—MEHR—ALS—1—JAHR bombardieren DIE—USA + ihre ANTI—IS—FRONT erfolglos den IS in SYRIEN, um parallel AL—NUSRAH/Qaida+X mit CIA—HILFE—GEGEN—SYRIENS ASSAD nach vorne zu treiben.
20151003             Und —BALD—SCHON wendete sich dieser gegen den einstigen Ziehvater mit dem ANSCHLAG—AUF—DEN WTC.
20151003             Fragen über Fragen...
20151003             Warum fährt DER—IS mit USA—PANZERN durch IRAK und mordet dort mit AMERIKANISCHEN—WAFFEN und Munition?
20151003             —NATÜRLICH...
20151003             —NATÜRLICH weiß er was tut! Das NADJIB—REGIME
20151003             CSU—POLITIKER—SÖDER stellt GRUND—RECHT—AUF—ASYL infrage
20151003             GEWALT—IN—KUNDUZ: "DIE—TALIBAN zeigen ihr wahres Gesicht"
20151003             ERZ—BISCHOF—KOCH zur Familiensynode in ROM: "Kirche fängt mit der Ehe an"
20151003             Zugverkehr unterbrochen: Mehr als 100—FLÜCHTLINGE dringen in Eurotunnel ein
20151003             STICK—OXID—SMOG: BUNDES—REGIERUNG gibt Autoherstellern DIE—SCHULD
20151003             FINNLAND—AUßEN—MINISTER—ZUR—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, "Wir haben genug eigene Probleme"
20151003             Interreligiöses Pfadfindercamp: "Wo kommen die denn her, aus Muslimistan?"
20151003             SLOWAKISCHER—PRÄSIDENT—KISKA: "Wir dürfen die Türen nicht verschließen"
20151003             —GENANNT, Der "Flowing Hair Dollar"- so, wegen der wehenden Haare des abgebildeten Kopfes auf der MÜNZE—GILT als hervorragend erhalten.
20151003             1—SPRECHER DER—USA—ARMEE in AFGHANISTAN bestätigte SPIEGEL—ONLINE —AM—MORGEN in KABUL, dass man gegen 2.15—UHR Ortszeit mit BOMBEN—AUF—"Individuen, die 1.Gefahr für die STREIT—KRÄFTE darstellten", gefeuert habe.
20151003             —ENTHEBT, Bekenntnis vor Familiensynode: VATIKAN, schwulen PRIESTER des Amtes
20151003             VW—ABGAS—SKANDAL, TOP—MANAGER wussten offenbar von MANIPULATIONen
20151003             LUFT—ANGRIFFE in SYRIEN: RUSSLAND weist Vorwürfe des Westens zurück
20151003             Dem Land stehen politisch unruhige Zeiten bevor, sagt der Politologe PEDRO—ADÃO e Silva:
20151003             "DAS—WAHL—BÜNDNIS der —MITTE—RECHTS—KOALITION wird 1.absolute Mehrheit kaum erreichen, und den SOZIALISTEN fehlt im linken Parteienspektrum der KOALITIONspartner".
20151003             —SYNODE in ROM: REBELLION—GEGEN—GOTT?
20151003             Sonderjustiz: UNGARN urteilt FLÜCHTLINGE im Schnellverfahren ab
20151003             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, CSU fordert Schließung der GRENZE—ZU—ÖSTERREICH
20151003             SCHULDEN—KRISE—TSIPRAS stimmt Griechen auf harte Einschnitte ein
20151003             Enklave CEUTA: 87—FLÜCHTLINGE klettern und schwimmen nach SPANIEN
20151003             —KAMPF—UM—KUNDUZ: UNO nennt USA—ANGRIFF—AUF—KRANKENHAUS "unentschuldbar"
20151003             USA—ANGRIFF—AUF—KRANKENHAUS in KUNDUZ: "Die Patienten brannten in ihren Betten"
20151003             [l] Ich weiß was Sie —JETZT denken, und Sie haben RECHT.
20151003             "DIE—THESE, alles sei nur das Werk von ein paar kriminellen Entwicklern, ist nicht haltbar", heißt unter den Kontrolleuren, —NACHDEM die 1.Ergebnisse interner Untersuchungen vorliegen.
20151003             [l] DIE—USA bombardieren dann mal 1—KRANKENHAUS in AFGHANISTAN.
20151003             19—TOTE, davon 3—KINDER.
20151003             Und das war nicht IRGENDEIN—KRANKENHAUS sondern eines von ÄRZTE—OHNE—GRENZEN.
20151003             DIE—ZEIT dazu.
20151003             Selbst —NACHDEM amerikanische und AFGHANISCHE—MILITÄRS in KABUL und in WASHINGTON über 1 1.Treffer informiert wurden, sei der BOMBER—ANGRIFF—AUF—DIE Gebäude noch mehr als —30—MINUTEN lang weitergegangen, teilte DIE—ORGANISATION mit.
20151003—17940000    —J—AUS—DEM, Der $ wurde bei Sotheby's in NEW—YORK für 4.993.750—DOLLAR (umgerechnet etwa 4,5.000.000—EURO) verkauft.
20151003—17940000    —J—AUS—DEM, Der $ zeigt das Profil von Miss Liberty, mit wallendem Haar und den Blick nach rechts gewandt.
20151003—19640000    —BIS, DIE—MÜNZE sei VOM—JAHR—DER—PRÄGUNG fast —2—JAHRHUNDERTE lang in FAMILIEN—BESITZ gewesen, teilte SOTHEBY—MIT.
20151003—20151025    —RAISED, Doctors Without Borders, the death toll to 30.
20151003—20151123    —CALLED, GENERAL—JOHN—CAMPBELL, the airstrike 1—TRAGIC—MISTAKE and said several service members have been suspended from duty —FOLLOWING 1—INTERNAL—INVESTIGATION.
20151003—20151207    —BELIEVED, Masud Rana, to be 1—MEMBER—OF—JUMATUL—MUJAHEDEEN—BANGLADESH, confessed that he fatally shot THE—JAPAN—AGRICULTURE—RESEARCHER.
20151003—20160322    —ON, USA—ARMY—GENERAL—JOHN—NICHOLSON, the new COMMANDER—OF—USA and NATO—FORCES in AFGHANISTAN, apologized to the people of Kunduz for the deadly attack that killed 42—PEOPLE.
20151003—20160808    —ON, 1—COURT issued warrants for THE—ARREST—OF—4—MORE suspected members of 1 banned group, JAMAAT—UL—MUJAHIDEEN BANGLADESH (JMB).
20151003—20170206    —PLEADED, Morrison Lampley (24) and Lila Alligood (19), guilty to CAREY—MURDER and 20151005             —THE—MURDER—OF—STEVEN—CARTER, —67—JAHRE—ALT, 1—HIKER in Marin County.
20151005—20151003    —LINKED, The trio were —LATER, to THE—DEATH—OF—CANADA—BACKPACKER Audrey Carey (23), whose body was found in S—FRANCISCO—GOLDEN—GATE—PARK.
20161003             —ABKOMMEN—MIT—DEN—USA beendet: RUSSLAND stoppt Vernichtung von waffenfähigem Plutonium
20161003             —KILLED, NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, at least 6—PEOPLE were, and 35 wounded, —WHEN 1 improvised explosive device tore into 1 crowded marketplace in Jawzjan province.
20161003             —PUSHED, Taliban fighters, into THE—CENTER—OF—THE—NORTHERN—CITY—OF—KUNDUZ, taking CONTROL—OF—THE—CENTRAL—INTERSECTION where they raised their flag —1—YEAR—AGO in their biggest success of THE—15—YEAR—OLD—CONFLICT.
20161003             —ARMED, FRANCE, robbers —EARLY—TODAY forced their way into 1—PRIVATE—PARIS residence where KIM—KARDASHIAN—WEST was staying, tied her up and locked her in 1—BATHROOM —BEFORE making off with more than $10—MILLION worth of jewelry.
20161003             † 2—HAITI—FISHERMEN in rough water churned up by the approaching Category 4—HURRICANE Matthew.
20161003             —FIRED, Indian and PAKISTAN—TROOPS, at EACH—OTHER in disputed Kashmir, as INDIA—TROOPS searched 1—ARMY—CAMP elsewhere in the region where suspected militants killed 1—INDIA—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIER.
20161003             † IN—INDIA—ARADHANA—SAMDHARIYA, —13—JAHRE—ALT, due to cardiac arrest, —1—DAY—AFTER her family held 1—PROCESSION in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—HYDERABAD in which she rode in 1—CHARIOT with her parents to celebrate the end of a —68—DAY—FAST.
20161003             —DENIED, Family members publicly, forcing the girl to fast —DURING the holy period of Chaumasa, observed by the Jain community from July.
20161003             —ATTACKED, IRAQ, suicide bombers, 2—SHI'ITE Muslim processions in BAGHDAD, killing at least 16—PEOPLE and wounding more than 40.
20161003             —RESCUED, Some 6,055 migrants bound for EUROPE were, in the Mediterranean Sea off NORTH—AFRICA and 22—FOUND dead, 1—OF—THE—HIGHEST—NUMBERS in 1—SINGLE—DAY according to Italian and LIBYA—OFFICIALS.
20161003             JAPAN—YOSHINORI—OHSUMI, —71—JAHRE—ALT won 20160000             —THE—NOBEL prize for medicine for GROUND—BREAKING experiments with yeast which exposed 1—KEY—MECHANISM in the body's defenses where cells degrade and recycle their components.
20161003             —DISMANTLED, MOROCCO—AUTHORITIES, a 10-member terror cell comprised ENTIRELY—OF—WOMEN with alleged ties to IS.
20161003             —PLANNED, The cell, to carry out attacks on 20161007             —THE election —DAY.
20161003             7—OF—THE—10—MEMBERS were underage.
20161003             SYRIA, 2—SUICIDE—BOMBINGS struck THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—HAMA killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding at least 12.
20161003             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE, responsibility for the attacks.
20161003             —KILLED, TURKEY—MILITARY—OFFICIALS said 15—SYRIA—OPPOSITION—FIGHTERS were, and about 35 wounded over the last —24—HOURS in fighting to capture 7—RESIDENTIAL—DISTRICTS—SOUTH—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—AL—RAI.
20161003             —REFERENDUM: Kolumbianer lehnen FRIEDENS—VERTRAG—MIT—FARC—REBELLEN ab
20161003             Wichtige PROVINZ—HAUPT—STADT: TALIBAN attackieren KUNDUZ —IN—NACHT—OFFENSIVE
20161003             DDR—FLUCHT eines, —15—JAHRE—ALTE n: "Was haben Se denn im Kofferraum?"
20161003             FEIER—IN—DRESDEN: Das bewegt uns —AM—TAG—DER—EINHEIT
20161003             Götz GEORGE—IN seinem letzten Film: Scheiß GLOBALISIERUNG!
20161003             Befragung: VIELE—BESCHÄFTIGTE vertrauen ihrer Firma kaum (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 14:23)
20161003             Jeroen Oerlemans: NIEDERLANDE—FOTO—JOURNALIST—IN—LIBYEN erschossen
20161003             VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORETIKER—KONGRESS, Schwerste Allgemeine Verunsicherung
20161003             —URTEIL—IN—MOSKAU: Bekannter Blogger zu GELD—STRAFE verurteilt
20161003             BANKEN—KRISE, NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—ING streicht 7.000—JOBS
20161003             —BEENDET, ABKOMMEN—MIT—DEN—USA : RUSSLAND stoppt Vernichtung von waffenfähigem Plutonium
20161003             EINHEITS—FEIER—IN—DRESDEN: MERKEL spricht trotz Pöbeleien von —TAG—DER—FREUDE
20161003             —PROTESTE—IN—DRESDEN: MERKELs härtester FEIER—TAG
20161003             MEDIZIN—NOBEL—PREIS: Wie Herr Ohsumi die Müllabfuhr im Menschen entdeckte
20161003             —GESESSEN, DISSIDENT—LIAO—YIWU, "1—SCHRIFTSTELLER sollte im Gefängnis, haben"
20161003             Automarkt IN—DEN—USA: VW—VERKÄUFE brechen weiter ein
20161003             DRESDEN—POLIZIST—BITTE, wünschte PEGIDA "erfolgreichen —TAG"
20161003             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: USA beenden Dialog mit RUSSLAND über WAFFEN—RUHE
20161003             [l] KOLUMBIEN—VOLKS—ABSTIMMUNG zum FRIEDENS—VERTRAG—MIT—FARC ist gescheitert.
20161003             —ENTWAFFNET, Der schilderte das so, daß die FARC—REBELLEN, und in DIE—GESELLSCHAFT integriert werden sollen.
20161003             Auf der anderen Seite war er aber auch überzeugt davon, daß dieser FRIEDENS—VERTRAG —JETZT stattfinden muss, denn 1.andere Chance auf Beendigung des Konfliktes gibt es nicht.
20161003             [l] Orbans FLÜCHTLINGsreferendum ist gescheitert.
20161003             [l] MERKEL und Gauck sind zur Einheitsfeier nach DRESDEN gereist und wurden dort von PEGIDA—SCHREIHÄLSEN empfangen und beschimpft.
20161003             DIE—DEMONSTRANTEN, vor allem Anhänger des FREMDEN—FEINDLICHEN PEGIDA—BÜNDNISSES, riefen "Volksverräter", "Haut ab"und "MERKEL muss weg".
20161003             Augenzeugen sprachen von 1—SPIEßRUTENLAUF für die Gäste und Politiker, die auf dem Weg zu den Feierlichkeiten waren.
20161003             [l] Die 20010911             —GESETZ—GESCHICHTE eskaliert gerade lustig weiter IN—DEN—USA.
20161003             Und —JETZT sieht es so aus, als stünden diverse Länder Gewehr bei Fuß, um ihrerseits gegen DIE—USA zu klagen.
20161003             Wo wir gerade bei 20010911             UND Wiedergutmachung waren:
20161003             What escapes the minds of many is that 20010911             VICTIMS have ALREADY had their take to court, and 1—FUND was established based on the rulings.
20161003             —3—YEARS—LATER, with HUNDREDS—OF—HEARINGS held, $7—BILLION were allocated for compensation giving EACH—OF—THE—FAMILIES—OF—VICTIMS 1 estimated $2—MILLION.
20161003             Oh, ach?
20161003             [l] Wieso ist JULIAN—ASSANGE eigentlich so schlecht auf HILLARY—CLINTON zu sprechen?
20161003             —GETWEETET, Das hat der WIKILEAKS—ACCOUNT vorhin.
20161003             PÖBELEIEN, SACHSEN—INNEN—MINISTER—NIMMT—POLIZEI in Schutz - alfatomega.com/20061118.html
20161003—20000000    —IN, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN withdrew his country from 1—PLUTONIUM disposal treaty that was signed with THE—USA.
20161003—20170101    —BIS, TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN verlängert AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND
20161003—20170113    —ON, 6—MORE—SUSPECTS were charged in the robbery raising THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE facing preliminary charges to 10.
20170109             —ARRESTED, FRANCE—POLICE, 17—PEOPLE in relation to the robbery last 20171003             in PARIS of more than $10—MILLION in jewels from KIM—KARDASHIAN—WEST.
20171003             STEPHEN—PADDOCK—GIRLFRIEND, Marilou Danley (62), who was in THE—PHILIPPINES —AT—THE—TIME—OF—20171001—THE—LAS—VEGAS shooting, was met by FBI agents at THE—LOS—ANGELES airport —AFTER 1—WEEKSLONG trip abroad.
20171003             —WREAKED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP flew to PUERTO—RICO to view the havoc, by Hurricane Maria and meet residents, MANY—OF—WHOM are frustrated and resentful that they are still struggling with basic necessities —2—WEEKS—AFTER the storm.
20171003             THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION told CUBA to withdraw 60—PERCENT of its diplomats from WASHINGTON, 1—DIRECT—CONSEQUENCE—OF—LAST—WEEK—USA—MOVE to cut its own embassy staff in HAVANA by 1—SIMILAR—PROPORTION.
20171003             Investigators sought to question her for clues to what drove Paddock to slaughter 59—PEOPLE from his HIGH—RISE—HOTEL suite.
20171003             RAINER—WEISS—OF—MIT, Kip Thorne of CalTech and BARRY—BARISH, also of CalTech, won —THIS—YEAR—NOBEL—PHYSICS—PRIZE for their discoveries in gravitational waves.
20171003             Fiat Chrysler said it is recalling nearly 710,000 Jeep and Dodge SUVs in NORTH—AMERICA, effective 20171107             , because 1—IMPROPERLY installed brake shield could let water leak in and limit braking ability.
20171003             —REVOKED, BELGIUM—IMMIGRATION—MINISTER—THEO—FRANCKEN, the residency permit of Abdelhadi Sewif, the imam of THE—SAUDI—FINANCED Grand Mosque, near THE—EU headquarters in BRUSSELS because he posed a "national security" threat.
20171003             BRITAIN—INTERIOR—MINISTER—AMBER—RUDD said BRITAIN will limit sales of sulphuric acid and outlaw the sale of such corrosive substances to children —AFTER 1—SPATE—OF—ASSAULTS and its possible use to make bombs.
20171003             LONDON, INDIA—BUSINESSMAN—VIJAY Mallya (61), who INDIA wants to extradite from BRITAIN on fraud charges, faced further ACCUSATIONS—OF—MONEY—LAUNDERING with SOME—FUNDS allegedly going to his Force INDIA Formula 1—MOTOR racing team.
20171003             LONDON—BASED DeepMind, the Google sibling focusing on artificial intelligence, announced the launch of an "ethics and society" unit to study THE—IMPACT—OF—NEW—TECHNOLOGIES on society.
20171003             —DETAINED, Mu Sochua (63), 1—OUTSPOKEN deputy of CAMBODIA's, opposition leader fled the country, saying she feared for her safety —AFTER PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN threatened further ARRESTS—OF—OPPOSITION—POLITICIANS.
20171003             —STEPPED, Security officials said EGYPT has, up 1—CRACKDOWN on people SUSPECTED—OF—HOMOSEXUALITY, arresting 1—TOTAL—OF—27 in 1—LITTLE—MORE than —1—WEEK.
20171003             —ARRESTED, EGYPT—POLICE, 7—NUBIANS who were protesting outside 1—COURTHOUSE in ASWAN against 1—JUDGE—DECISION to extend the detention of relatives and friends who were also detained for protesting.
20171003             1—JUDGE had extended by —15—DAYS the detention of 25—NUBIANS arrested —IN—SEPTEMBER for staging 1—PEACEFUL—PROTEST to demand that they be allowed to return to their ancestral land —AROUND THE—MAN—MADE lake behind THE—ASWAN—HIGH—DAM.
20171003             —ADOPTED, FRANCE—PARLIAMENT, 1—ANTI—TERRORISM—BILL that will bolster police surveillance powers and make it easier to close mosques suspected of preaching hatred, but rights groups said it would lead to civil freedoms being infringed.
20171003             —DEFUSED, GERMANY, specialists, a 250-kg (550-pound) bomb successfully in THE—TEMPELHOF—SCHOENEBERG DISTRICT—OF—BERLIN —AFTER some 10,000—PEOPLE were evacuated from their homes.
20171003             It had been found —DURING construction work near 1—FREIGHT depot and was described by police as 1—GERMANY—BOMB with 1—RUSSIA—DETONATOR.
20171003             IRAQ—AUTONOMOUS—KURDISTAN region said it is calling presidential and parliamentary elections for 20171101             , as the Kurdish leadership cements its case for INDEPENDENCE.
20171003             TURKEY—PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said TURKEY would impose further sanctions on NORTH—IRAQ over the vote.
20171003             —VOTED, IRAQ—PARLIAMENT, on "1—FORMULA to halt financial transactions" with the Kurdistan region, in retaliation for —LAST—WEEK—INDEPENDENCE—REFERENDUM, without specifying if the vote was binding on the government.
20171003             Kurdish lawmakers did not show up for the session.
20171003             —PUSHED, IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES, to recapture Hawija.
20171003             THE—UN said up to 78,000—PEOPLE could be trapped in THE—NORTH—ISLAMIC—STATE—HELD city.
20171003             —PLEDGED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, to build "thousands" of new homes in 1—MAJOR—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENT—EAST—OF—JERUSALEM, insisting it would —1—DAY be PART—OF—ISRAEL.
20171003             —KILLED, KASHMIR, INDIA—POLICE, 3 suspected militants in army uniforms —AFTER they infiltrated 1—SECURITY—CAMP beside the main airport in the disputed region.
20171003             † 1—INDIA—SECURITY—OFFICIAL was killed and 3 wounded in 1—GUN fight that followed.
20171003             Islamist group JAISH—E—MOHAMMAD took responsibility for the attack.
20171003             —CLOSED, KENYA, administrators, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—NAIROBI, citing fears for students' safety in 1 planned protest over police beatings at 1—CAMPUS—DEMONSTRATION—LAST—WEEK.
20171003             —CONVICTED—OF, THE—NETHERLANDS, 1—FORMER—SPOKESMAN for Geert Wilders was, buying cocaine, alcohol and clothes and funding personal travel with money embezzled from THE—HOLLAND—ANTI—ISLAM lawmaker's party.
20171003             —SENTENCED, He was, to —14—MONTHS in prison.
20171003             —CHAIRED, PRIME—MINISTER—RAMI—AL—HAMDALLAH, the 1. MEETING—OF—THE—PALESTINE—CABINET in THE—GAZA—STRIP —FOR—3—YEARS, in 1—MOVE toward reconciliation between the mainstream Fatah party and Islamist group Hamas.
20171003             QATAR, IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER held talks with THE—EMIR—SHEIKH—TAMIM bin HAMAD—AL—THANI aimed at strengthening "CO—OPERATION," nearly —4—MONTHS into 1—SAUDI—LED blockade against the Gulf emirate.
20171003             —DEMONSTRATED, SPAIN, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in BARCELONA, as labor unions and grassroots PRO—INDEPENDENCE—GROUPS urged workers to hold strikes in protest at what they say was police brutality —DURING 1—REFERENDUM on CATALONIA—SECESSION from SPAIN.
20171003             —DECIDED, SPAIN—NATIONAL—COURT, to extradite Pyotr Levashov (37) of RUSSIA, known as 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST notorious hackers, to THE—USA.
20171003             —KILLED, SYRIA, 1—USA—LED coalition air strike, at least 18—CIVILIANS in the Islamic State group's FORMER—STRONGHOLD—OF—RAQA.
20171003             —TARGETED, Coalition planes, water wells where 1—GROUP—OF—CIVILIANS were gathered.
20171003             —RELEASED, Islamic State, 1—VIDEO that it said showed 2—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS captured by its fighters in THE—SYRIA—CITY—OF—DEIR—AL—ZOR, where RUSSIA has been backing THE—SYRIA—MILITARY against militants.
20171003             UGANDA, grenades were thrown overnight at the homes of 2—LEGISLATORS opposed to scrapping the presidential age limit and thereby extending PRESIDENT—YOWERI—MUSEVENI—MORE than —31—YEARS in power.
20171003             1—OF—THE—LEGISLATORS, ROBERT—KYAGULANYI, was —LATER arrested by police.
20171003             —HEADLINED, THE—VATICAN—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, a —4—DAY—INTERNATIONAL—CONFERENCE on protecting children from online sexual abuse and exploitation, weeks —AFTER he recalled 1—OF—HIS—DIPLOMATS who was caught up in 1—USA—CANADIAN—VATICAN investigation into child porn.
20171003             Reisen auf Kosten des STEUER—ZAHLERS: Untersuchungen gegen DONALD—TRUMP—INNEN—MINISTER eingeleitet
20171003             FUKUSHIMA—FOLGEN: Forscher weisen Cäsium 137 an JAPANs Stränden nach
20171003             IW—OECD—STUDIE—DEUTSCHLAND hat künftig 83.000.000—EINWOHNER
20171003             STEINMEIER—REDE im Wortlaut: "Die, die unser Land zusammenhalten"
20171003             —ENTSTANDEN, BUNDESBUNDES—PRÄSIDENT—STEINMEIER zur Einheit: "Es sind andere Mauern "
20171003             —NACH, RUSSISCHER—ANZEIGEN—KAMPAGNE: FACEBOOK stellt 10000000             neue Prüfer ein
20171003             —PROTEST—IN—KATALONIEN: Hotelier wirft 200—SPANISCHE—POLIZISTEN raus
20171003             Pfiffe bei SPANISCHER—NATIONALELF: Piqué BEPÖBELT—TRAINING abgebrochen
20171003             Georgiens EX—PRÄSIDENT: Saakaschwili beantragt Asyl IN—DER—UKRAINE
20171003             COUNTRY—MUSIKER in LAS—VEGAS: "Wir hatten Waffen.
20171003             Entdecker der GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN: EINSTEINs Erben
20171003             —NEUEN—FORSCHUNGS—PROJEKT: EX—FBI—ERMITTLER will Verrat an ANNE—FRANK aufklären
20171003             Mutmaßliche SCHALL—ATTACKEN: USA weisen 15—KUBANISCHE—DIPLOMATEN aus
20171003             Für die ENTDECKUNG—VON—GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN wurden die 3—USA—AMERIKANER BARRY—BARISH, RAINER—WEISS und Kip Thorne mit dem NOBEL—PREIS für PHYSIK ausgezeichnet
20171003             Als EINSTEIN die Schwingungen der Raumzeit theoretisch vorhersagte, fehlte es noch an den notwendigen technischen Möglichkeiten, sie zu messen
20171003             Das grundsätzliche Design eines GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN—DETEKTORS ist —SCHON relativ alt.
20171003             DIE—STRECKE zwischen Sonne und Erde etwa würde sich beim Passieren 1—GRAVITATIONS—WELLE nicht einmal um den Durchmesser eines Wasserstoffatoms ändern.
20171003             "Blade Runner 2049": Das große Herz 1—MASCHINE - ;;210919;;
20180323—20181003    —IN, people were charged with criminal association related to THE—ATTACK.
20181003             Recherchen der NEW—YORK—TIMES, Wie DONALD—TRUMP wirklich reich wurde
20181003             Recherchen der NEW—YORK—TIMES, DONALD—TRUMP half seinen Eltern offenbar bei STEUER—VERMEIDUNG
20181003             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—S—FRANCISCO blocked USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—PLANS to end temporary protection status for immigrants.
20181003             † In THE—SF—BAY—AREA—CHINEDU—OKOBI (36), 1—BLACK—MAN, was tased by police in Milbrae and soon, of cardiac arrest.
20181003             Authorities said he had been running through traffic and acting erratically.
20181003             1—VIDEO showed he was walking on the sidewalk —BEFORE being confronted by police.
20181003             —ALLEGED, His family —LATER, excessive police force.
20181003             2—AMERICANS and 1—BRITON won 20180000             —THE—NOBEL—PRIZE for Chemistry for harnessing THE—POWER—OF—EVOLUTION to generate novel proteins used in everything from environmentally friendly detergents to cancer drugs.
20181003             —DISMISSED, NEW—JERSEY—SUPREME—COURT, more than 500—LAWSUITS against HOFFMAN—LAROCHE, maker of the acne drug Acutane, saying warning labels that the drug is associated with inflammatory bowel disease, were adequate.
20181003             SOUTH—CAROLINA, FREDERICK—HOPKINS, —74—JAHRE—ALT, 1—VIETNAM veteran, shot at 7—LAW—OFFICERS killing 1 as police arrived to speak to his adopted son (27) about 1—SEX—ASSAULT—INVESTIGATION at his home in FLORENCE.
20181003             † Police SERGEANT—TERRENCE—CARRAWAY, —52—JAHRE—ALT, trying to save other wounded officers.
20181003             Hopkins was taken into custody —AFTER a —2—HOUR standoff.
20181003             Upwork (UPWK), 1—GLOBAL marketing place for freelance work, made its WALL—STREET debut.
20181003             —OFFERED, Its IPO was, at $15 and closed at $21.18.
20181003             —REPORTED, It was, that GENERAL—MOTORS will PARTNER—WITH—HONDA in the "LARGE—SCALE" development of autonomous vehicles.
20181003             —STALLED, Aston Martin, —AFTER making 1—GLITZY £4.3-billion ($5.6-billion, 4.9—BILLION—EURO) IPO debut on THE—LONDON stock market.
20181003             BRITAIN—BIGGEST coffee house chain, Costa Coffee, was banned from repeating 1—ADVERT that implied their breakfast deals were 1—BETTER bet than eating 1—AVOCADO.
20181003             —KILLED, NORTH—BURKINA—FASO, 1—GENDARME was, and another injured, where 3—PEOPLE, including 1—INDIAN and 1—SOUTH—AFRICA NATIONAL, had been kidnapped —AT—THE—END—OF—LAST—MONTH.
20181003             —REPORTED, CHINA—OFFICIAL—XINHUA News Agency, that tax authorities have ordered "X—MEN" star Fan Bingbing and companies she represents to pay taxes and penalties totaling $130—MILLION, ending speculation over the fate of 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—HIGHEST—PROFILE entertainers —3—MONTHS—AFTER she disappeared from public view.
20181003             —ARRESTED, COSTA—RICA—POLICE, FORMER—ROMANIA—TOURISM—MINISTER—ELENA—UDREA and FORMER—CHIEF—PROSECUTOR—ALINA Bica who had fled there —BEFORE they could be sentenced for crimes committed —WHILE in office.
20181003             —KILLED, EGYPT—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said that police have, 15 suspected militants in 1—SHOOTOUT in THE—CITY—OF—EL—ARISH, NORTH—SINAI—PENINSULA, where they are battling 1—ISLAMIC—STATE—LED insurgency.
20181003             —VOTED, FINLAND—PARLIAMENT, to add new exceptions to 1—CLAUSE in the constitution that guarantees the right to privacy, to enable swift approval of 1—INTELLIGENCE—BILL aimed at combating terrorism and spying by foreign governments.
20181003             —ASSUMED, FRANCE—PRIME—MINISTER—EDOUARD—PHILIPPE, responsibility for the country's domestic security —AFTER Interior MINISTER—GERARD—COLLOMB resigned in 1—APPARENT—ACT—OF—DEFIANCE toward PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON.
20181003             —WANTED, FRANCE—POLICE caught 1—OF—FRANCE—MOST, men in 1—PRE—DAWN raid, finding the gangster holed up in his hometown NORTH—OF—PARIS.
20181003             —ARRESTED, Fugitive Redoine Faid (46) was, in Creil —3—MONTHS—AFTER his spectacular helicopter escape.
20181003             1—GUINEA—BISSAU coast guard COMMANDER said —AROUND 60—MIGRANTS are missing and believed drowned —AFTER their boat was seen sinking off the country's coast.
20181003             —BUSSED, INDIA—POLICE, 7—ROHINGYA Muslims to the border to be deported to neighboring MYANMAR for illegal entry.
20181003             —ESTIMATED, An, 40,000 Rohingya live in INDIA —AFTER having fled violence and persecution in BUDDHIST—MAJORITY—MYANMAR—RAKHINE state over the years.
20181003             —SPEWED, INDONESIA, MOUNT—SOPUTAN on Sulawesi ISLAND, 1—MASSIVE—COLUMN—OF ash more than 6,000 meters (19,700 feet) into the sky.
20181003             THE—JAPAN—SPACE—EXPLORATION—AGENCY said THE—MOBILE—ASTEROID Surface Scout (MASCOT), 1—GERMAN—FRANCE—OBSERVATION—DEVICE, was released from the unmanned spacecraft Hayabusa2 and successfully landed on the asteroid Ryugu.
20181003             MALAYSIA—ANTI—GRAFT—AGENCY said that Rosmah Mansor, THE—WIFE—OF—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—NAJIB—RAZAK, has been arrested and will face money laundering charges in 1—GRAFT—SCANDAL involving the 1MDB state investment fund.
20181003             —RESTORED, THE—MALDIVES—ELECTIONS—COMMISSION, 12—LAWMAKERS who were —EARLIER deemed to have lost their seats.
20181003             THE—RESTORATION—OF—THE—LAWMAKERS in line with 1—SUPREME—COURT—ORDER is 1—SIGN that PRESIDENT—ELECT IBRAHIM—MOHAMED—SOLIH is consolidating his victory over outgoing strongman Yameen ABDUL—GAYOOM.
20181003             —KICKED, NIGER, out 1—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—MEDICAL—CHARITY—DOCTORS Without Borders (MSF), accused of exaggerating the death toll from 1—MALARIA epidemic in THE—SOUTH—OF—THE—WEST—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20181003             1—VIDEO by ANNE—PITTET, an MSF pediatrist, said 10—CHILDREN were dying EACH—DAY in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—MAGARIA from malaria or malnutrition.
20181003             —ACCUSED, ROMANIA—PRIME—MINISTER—VIORICA—DANCILA, prosecutors in her country of falsifying evidence, pressurizing witnesses and modifying testimony.
20181003             † SAAK—KARAPETYAN, —58—JAHRE—ALT, 1—RUSSIA—PROSECUTOR, in 1—HELICOPTER crash.
20181003             —ALLEGED, It was —LATER, that he played 1—ROLE in a 20090000             fraud case involving $230—MILLION and THE—DEATH—OF—RUSSIA—LAWYER—SERGEI—MAGNITSKY.
20181003             —CONFIRMED, SPAIN—SUPREME—COURT, that FORMER—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND—CHIEF—RODRIGO—RATO will have to serve a 4—AND—A—HALF—YEAR—JAIL—SENTENCE for misusing company credit cards —WHEN he worked at STATE—OWNED lender Bankia.
20181003             PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD told 1—LITTLE—KNOWN KUWAIT—NEWSPAPER that Syria has reached a "major understanding" with Arab states —AFTER YEARS—OF—HOSTILITY over the country's civil war.
20181003             8—TURKEY—SOLDIERS were killed and 2 were wounded —AFTER 1—ROADSIDE bomb in THE—SOUTH—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—BATMAN was detonated by outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants.
20181003             —ORDERED, THE—UN—TOP—COURT (ICJ), THE—USA to lift sanctions on humanitarian goods for IRAN in 1—STUNNING rebuke to USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20181003             —OPENED, FRANCIS—PAPA, 1—GATHERING—OF—BISHOPS with the Catholic Church in 1—SWIRLING STATE—OF—CRISIS over sex abuse, urging its leaders not to let the next generation's faith be snuffed out "by our own shortcomings, mistakes and sins".
20181003             VIETNAM Communist Party GENERAL—SECRETARY—NGUYEN—PHU—TRONG was nominated as the only candidate for PRESIDENT, effectively ordaining him as the most powerful person in the country.
20181003             —RELEASED, YEMEN—SHIITE rebels, Salah and Madian Saleh, THE—2—SONS—OF—LATE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH.
20181003             —SUSPENDED, THE—UN—CHILDREN'S—AGENCY, cash transfers to 9—MILLION—OF—YEMEN—MOST impoverished citizens under pressure from YEMEN—HOUTHI rebels.
20181003             UNICEF said the decision came —AFTER it was unable to set up 1—CALL—CENTER to get feedback from beneficiaries.
20181003             —VERDACHT—AUF—RIZIN: Briefe an DONALD—TRUMP und PENTAGON werden analysiert
20181003             Auferstanden von DER—FINANZ—KRISE, Das ISLAND—WUNDER (SPIEGEL+, 05:01)
20181003             Bei WAHL—KAMPF—VERANSTALTUNG, USA—PRÄSIDENT macht sich über KAVANAUGH—ANKLÄGERIN lustig
20181003             UNIONS—FRAKTION—CHEF—BRINKHAUS: OST—DEUTSCHE wurden "nicht fair behandelt"
20181003             "Rein weiße Sicht" der Einheit: Migrantenverbände fordern "—TAG DER—DEUTSCHEN—VIELFALT"
20181003             LIRA—KRISE—INFLATION in der TÜRKEI steigt auf 24,5 %
20181003             AUßEN—MINISTER—MAAS über DIE—USA : "Unsere Partnerschaft besteht aus mehr als 280—ZEICHEN bei Twitter"
20181003             UNO—GERICHT: USA müssen SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—IRAN teilweise aufheben
20181003             SCHWEDEN: NOBEL—PREIS für Chemie geht an 3—PROTEIN—FORSCHER
20181003             —GELANDET, ASTEROIDEN—MISSION—MASCOT": Der Schuhkarton ist
20181003             FLÜCHTLINGE—MAROKKO und ÄGYPTEN lehnen Asylzentren ab
20181003             May auf TORY—PARTEI—TAG: "GROß—BRITANNIEN hat keine Angst, DIE—EU ohne Deal zu verlassen"
20181003             RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT—PUTIN nennt EX—SPION SKRIPAL 1 "Verräter und Drecksack"
20181003             —RÜCKTRITT—VON—FRANKREICH—INNEN—MINISTER: MACRONs wichtigster Mann lässt seinen —CHEF—HÄNGEN
20181003             ALEXANDER—GERST wird ISS—KOMMANDANT: Wir sind WELT—RAUM.
20181003             —NACH, Urteil zu Sanktionen: USA kündigen ABKOMMEN—MIT—IRAN
20181003             —TAG—DER—DEUTSCHEN—EINHEIT, Tausende demonstrieren in MÜNCHEN—GEGEN—RECHTS
20181003             RENTEN—REFORM in RUSSLAND—PUTIN unterzeichnet umstrittenes Gesetz
20181003             KEPLER—1625B: Forscher finden wohl 1. Exomond
20181003             In der Nähe eines solchen wuchtigen Himmelskörpers haben Astronomen —NUN Hinweise auf 1—OBJEKT gefunden, das sie für den 1. bekannten Exomond halten.
20181003             Beobachtungen 80.000.000—LICHT—JAHREN IN, Entfernung.
20181003—20120000    —CHAIRED, Rato, Bankia —FOR—2—YEARS—UNTIL —JUST—BEFORE its state bailout.
20181003—20140000    —SINCE, USA—SECURITY—FIRM—FIREEYE raised the alarm over 1—NORTH—KOREAN—GROUP that it says has stolen HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS by infiltrating the computer SYSTEMS—OF—BANKS—AROUND the world through highly sophisticated and destructive attacks that have spanned at least 11—COUNTRIES.
20181003—20150000    —FIRED, SOUTH—AFRICA—FINANCE—MINISTER—NHLANHLA—NENE told 1—JUDICIAL—CORRUPTION—INQUIRY that he was, by FORMER—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA for refusing to approve a $100—BILLION nuclear power deal with RUSSIA.
20181003—20150000    —IN, Nene also said his decision to reject 1—NEW—ROUTE for the state airline to SUDAN contributed to his sacking.
20181003—20160000    —IN, UK—SANDWICH shop chain Pret 1—MANGER said it would list all ingredients, including allergens, on its products —AFTER Natasha EDNAN—LAPEROUSE, —15—JAHRE—ALT † from 1—ALLERGIC—REACTION to sesame seeds.
20181003—20180928    —FROM—THE, The official death toll earthquake and tsunami on Sulawesi increased to 1,407, with thousands injured and more than 70,000 displaced from their homes.
20181003—20190000    —RAISED, INDIA, STATE—MANDATED prices —FOR—WINTER—CROPS such as wheat and rapeseed, as PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI tried to defuse discontent among farmers AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS.
20191001—20191003    —ON, the teenage VICTIM—OF—POLICE—GUNFIRE was charged with rioting and attacking police.
20191003             —NACH, UKRAINE—AFFÄRE, DONALD—TRUMP bittet CHINA um Ermittlungen gegen BIDEN
20191003             DONALD—TRUMP bepöbelt DIE—DEMOKRATEN als "Pack", DONALD—TRUMP droht, flucht, verleumdet — und lügt noch mehr als sonst.
20191003             —VERLIERT, DONALD—TRUMP, vor der ganzen TV—NATION die Nerven.
20191003             —INVITED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP again, foreign interference in 1—USA presidential election, calling on UKRAINE and CHINA to investigate Democratic political rival JOE—BIDEN—SIMILAR to 1—REQUEST that has already triggered 1—IMPEACHMENT—INQUIRY in Congress.
20191003             NEW—JERSEY, FRANK—GILLIAM—JUNIOR, —49—JAHRE—ALT, THE—MAYOR—OF—ATLANTIC—CITY, pleaded guilty to wire fraud, admitting he defrauded 1—YOUTH basketball club he had founded out of $87,000.
20191003             OKLAHOMA, NAIF—ABDULAZIZ—ALFALLAJ, —35—JAHRE—ALT—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA was sentenced to more than —12—YEARS in FEDERAL—PRISON—AFTER pleading guilty to not disclosing he had attended 1—AL—QAIDA terrorist training camp in AFGHANISTAN —BEFORE entering THE—USA.
20191003             —SENTENCED, SOUTH—CAROLINA, 1—FEDERAL—JURY, BRANDON—COUNCIL to death for killing 2—EMPLOYEES —DURING a 20170000             bank robbery.
20191003             —OPENED, WASHINGTON, STATE—1—MAN, —80—JAHRE—ALT, fire the the lobby of 1—BUILDING for senior residents in VANCOUVER, killing 1—MAN and wounding 2—WOMEN—BEFORE surrendering to police.
20191003             USA—SCIENTISTS said more than 45—MILLION—PEOPLE across 14—SOUTHERN—STATES are —NOW in the midst of what's being called a "flash drought" that's cracking farm soil, drying up ponds and raising the risk of wildfires.
20191003             —SHOWED, The weekly USA—DROUGHT—MONITOR—REPORT, extreme drought conditions in parts of TEXAS, ALABAMA, GEORGIA, KENTUCKY, SOUTH—CAROLINA and THE—FLORIDA panhandle.
20191003             —NAMED, Paleontologists said fossils of the pterosaur, Ferrodraco lentoni, were unearthed in THE—AUSTRALIA—STATE—OF—QUEENSLAND.
20191003             —LIVED, The creature, which, about 96—MILLION—YEARS ago —DURING the Cretaceous Period, boasted a 13-foot (4-meter) wingspan, 1—BONY crest at the tip of its upper and lower jaws and SPIKE—SHAPED teeth perfect for 1—DIET—OF—FISH.
20191003             —ANNOUNCED, EGYPT—GOVERNMENT, 1—DECREASE in fuel prices for the 1. time in decades, 1—CUT that comes —AFTER 1—SERIES—OF—HIKES in recent years amid 1—AMBITIOUS—PROGRAM aimed at overhauling the country's ailing economy.
20191003             FRANCE, 1—IT assistant (45) at the police headquarters in CENTRAL—PARIS went on 1—KNIFE—RAMPAGE inside the building, killing 3—POLICE—OFFICERS and 1—ADMINISTRATIVE—WORKER—BEFORE he was shot dead by 1—OFFICER.
20191003             —CONVERTED, The man had, to Islam —18—MONTHS—EARLIER.
20191003             —VEILED, CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL made 1, attack on THE—FAR—RIGHT—ALTERNATIVE for GERMANY (AfD) party on the 29. ANNIVERSARY—OF—GERMANY—REUNIFICATION, saying economic grievances in the east were no excuse for racism.
20191003             —IMPOSED, IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES, 1—ROUND—THE—CLOCK curfew in BAGHDAD and fired live rounds and tear gas to disperse ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS that have gripped the country —SINCE—EARLIER—THIS—WEEK, killing 21—PEOPLE so far.
20191003             —SWITCHED, INTERNET coverage across the country was temporarily, off by the government.
20191003             —ELECTED, ISRAEL swore in its newly, PARLIAMENT for what could be 1—VERY—SHORT—TERM—AFTER the country's 2. inconclusive ELECTION—OF—THE—YEAR left it with no new government on the horizon.
20191003             —OBSERVED, Arab citizens of ISRAEL, 1—GENERAL—STRIKE and held protests over 1—WAVE—OF—DEADLY—VIOLENCE within the minority community.
20191003             —ARMED, LIBYA, surveillance cameras caught, men shooting to death 1—YOUNG—MAN in 1—OF—THE—BUSIEST—STREETS in TRIPOLI, sparking anger and demands the government declare 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY.
20191003             THE—KILLING—OF—RASHID AL—BAKOUSH and the wounding of his brother in TRIPOLI—SERRAJ district went viral on social media.
20191003             —LAUNCHED, MAURITIUS, the 1. phase of a $525—MILLION—LIGHT—RAIL—SYSTEM, hoping to cut traffic jams with THE—INDIA—OCEAN—ISLAND—BIGGEST infrastructure project.
20191003             —CONFIRMED, NORTH—KOREA, it has carried out its 1. UNDERWATER—LAUNCHED ballistic missile test in —3—YEARS, in 1—APPARENT—BID to dial up pressure on THE—USA—AHEAD—OF—1—WEEKEND—RESUMPTION—OF—THEIR—NUCLEAR—DIPLOMACY.
20191003             —KIDNAPPED, NORTH—NIGERIA, gunmen, 6—SCHOOLGIRLS and 2—STAFF—MEMBERS from 1—BOARDING school near the village of Kakau Daji in KADUNA state.
20191003             1—PAKISTAN—HEALTH—OFFICIAL said about 20,000 cases of dengue fever have been confirmed in recent months along with 34—DEATHS from the disease.
20191003             —PLAYED, PORTUGAL—CONSERVATIVE—POLITICIAN—DIOGO—FREITAS—DO—AMARAL, 1—LEADING role in cementing democracy —AFTER PORTUGAL's 19740000             Carnation Revolution and —LATER became PRESIDENT—OF—THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY (19950000—19960000    ).
20191003             PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said that RUSSIA was helping CHINA build 1—EARLY warning system to spot intercontinental ballistic missile launches, something only RUSSIA and THE—USA—POSSESS at the moment.
20191003             RUSSIA—DEFENCE—LAWYERS said ALEXANDER—GABYSHEV, 1—SIBERIAN shaman who set off to walk across RUSSIA to drive out PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, whom he called 1—DEMON, has been found mentally unfit to stand trial.
20191003             THE—SCOTLAND—GOVERNMENT said that THE—IMPOSITION—OF—USA tariffs on various goods including SCOTLAND—WHISKY indicated that THE—UK could not offset the damage from Brexit by striking 1—TRADE—DEAL with USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20191003             1—UN—REPORT said deteriorating security across AFGHANISTAN in the past —4—YEARS led to over 14,000 "grave violations" against children, including nearly 3,500 youngsters killed and over 9,000 injured.
20191003             —NAMED, FRANCIS—PAPA, GIUSEPPE—PIGNATONE, 1—OF—ITALY—LEADING ANTI—MAFIA prosecutors, as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—VATICAN—CRIMINAL—TRIBUNAL, —JUST days —AFTER 1—NEW—SCANDAL erupted over alleged financial wrongdoing in the heart of the Holy See.
20191003             † 1—PROTESTER was killed and 5 were wounded —WHEN forces loyal to the country's internationally recognized government opened fire to disperse the rally.
20191003             —PROTESTE—IM—IRAK—REGIERUNG verhängt Ausgangssperre in BAGDAD
20191003             USA—REGIERUNG will DNA—PROBEN von festgenommenen Einwanderern sammeln
20191003             —VERLIERT, WHISTLEBLOWER—AFFÄRE: DONALD—TRUMP, die Nerven
20191003             BRÄNDE—IN—INDONESIEN: Die vermeidbare KATASTROPHE
20191003             —PROTESTE—IN—HONG—KONG: POLIZEIgewerkschaft fordert Ausgangssperre
20191003             —ATTACKIERT, BIDEN, TRUMP: "Sie werden mich nicht zerstören"
20191003             DIE—EREIGNISSE in der UKRAINE—AFFÄRE überschlagen sich
20191003             DIE—EREIGNISSE - überschlagen sich - USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP explodierte
20191003             gleich mehrmals
20191003             —VOR, laufenden Kameras. Armer Sauli Niinistö.
20191003             Wie 1—GEISEL hockt FINNLAND—PRÄSIDENT—IM—OVAL—OFFICE, in einem dieser gelben Besuchersessel.
20191003             Neben ihm steigert sich DONALD—TRUMP gerade in eine weitere TIRADE—AUF seine Kritiker, auf Journalisten, auf "Spione" in den eigenen Reihen.
20191003             Fast —20—MINUTEN dauert der selbst für DONALD—TRUMP surreale Wutausbruch.
20191003             Das drohende Amtsenthebungsverfahren und die WHISTLE—BLOWER—AFFÄRE setzen dem USA—PRÄSIDENTEN offensichtlich zu
20191003             Er bepöbelt DIE—DEMOKRATEN als "Pack", er droht, flucht, VERLEUMDET—UND lügt noch mehr als sonst.
20191003             Niinistö, zur Stippvisite in WASHINGTON, kommt kaum zu Wort.
20191003             Wispernd beugt er sich zu einem Attaché, wahrt aber sein Pokerface, obwohl DONALD—TRUMP ihn weitgehend ignoriert.
20191003             Normalerweise wäre so ein peinliches Psychodrama im WEIßES—HAUS ein —SKANDAL für sich.
20191003             Doch in der Ära DONALD—TRUMP ist es nur 1—SZENE von vielen, allein —AM—MITTWOCH.
20191003             Auch TRUMP—SPÄTERE, formale PRESSE—KONFERENZ—MIT—NIINISTÖ läuft völlig aus dem Ruder.
20191003             "DIE—MEDIEN in diesem Land sind korrupt", bellt er zum krönenden Abschluss.
20191003             "Sie sind die wahren Staatsfeinde".
20191003             Mit "dieser ART—VON—AUSRASTER", warnt selbst Brit Hume, ein konservativer Kommentator auf TRUMP—HAUSSENDER—FOX—NEWS, mache sich der —PRÄSIDENT—KEINE—FREUNDE—UND—FREUNDE werde er noch brauchen, wenn es denn zu einem Impeachment komme.
20191003             —WÄHREND, er im WEIßES—HAUS tobte, erschien STEVEN—LINICK, der Generalinspekteur des USA—AUßEN—MINISTERIUMS, im Kongress.
20191003             Dort präsentierte er einen Ordner voller "Propaganda und Desinformation" über JOE—BIDENS angebliche Verwicklung mit der UKRAINE.
20191003             DAS—DOSSIER—DAS offenbar teils von TRUMP—PRIVAT—ANWALT RUDY—GIULIANI—STAMMT—SEI dem AUßEN—MINISTERIUM —IM—FRÜHJAHR zugespielt worden, als auch FOX—NEWS die gleichen Thesen zu streuen begann.
20191003             —ZUDEM, räumte USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—MIKE—POMPEO ein, mehr von der Affäre zu wissen, als er zugegeben hatte
20191003             Bei dem Telefonat im ;;07;;, in dem DONALD—TRUMP den UKRAINISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY gedrängt hatte, gegen JOE—BIDEN und seinen Sohn zu ermitteln, habe er mitgehört.
20191003             —ZUVOR hatte sich Pompeo unwissend gegeben.
20191003             Sollten sie nicht alle von den Abgeordneten angeforderten Akten zu der Affäre —BIS—FREITAG aushändigen, wäre das JUSTIZBEHINDERUNG—UND ein weiterer Grund für 1—AMTSENTHEBUNGSVERFAHREN.
20191003             Er war zurückgetreten, —NACHDEM auch er in dem BERICHT—ÜBER—DAS Telefonat vorgekommen war.
20191003             TRUMP beschimpfte den Vorsitzenden des GEHEIM—DIENSTAUSSCHUSSES im Repräsentantenhaus, den Demokraten ADAM—SCHIFF als "zwielichtig" und warf ihm erneut LANDES—VERRAT VOR—OBWOHL Schiff sich strikt an das Prozedere in solchen Fällen hält.
20191003             "Ich 8. sehr vorsichtig auf meine Worte", beharrte DONALD—TRUMP allen Ernstes und wiederholte sein beliebtes Eigenlob: "Manche halten mich für ein sehr stabiles Genie".
20191003             FINNLAND—PRÄSIDENT—NIINISTÖ, der lieber über den Handel und die KLIMA—KRISE sprechen wollte, schwankte zwischen Amüsement und Entsetzen.
20191003             "Sie haben hier eine tolle Demokratie", sagte er.
20191003             "Halten Sie sie bloß aufrecht".
20191003             —SPIEGEL, Herr Noethen, Sie spielen in "Deutschstunde" einen DORF—POLIZISTEN zur Zeit des NATIONAL—SOZIALISMUS, der sich durch nichts von seiner Pflichterfüllung abbringen lässt.
20191003             Er liefert sogar seinen desertierten Sohn an die NAZIS aus.
20191003             —DISKREDITIERT, Haben die NAZIS den Begriff der —PFLICHT für immer ?
20191003             Noethen: Ich habe Verantwortung für DIE—KINDER—UND DIE—KINDER sollen auch irgendwann Verantwortung übernehmen.
20191003             Das will ich ihnen beibringen.
20191003             —GESTELLT, Wenn ihnen beispielsweise die Küche zur Verfügung, wird, damit sie ein neues Kuchenrezept ausprobieren können, dann erwächst daraus die Verpflichtung, die Küche —AM—ENDE wieder in ihren Ursprungszustand zurückzuversetzen.
20191003             "Bitte hinterlassen Sie diesen Ort so, wie Sie ihn selbst vorzufinden wünschen!' Das gilt auch im globalen Maßstab.
20191003             Solche Sachen —VERSUCHE ich, den Kindern beizubringen.
20191003             —SPIEGEL, Als JENS—OLE—JEPSEN verprügeln Sie Ihren zehnjährigen Sohn Siggi ausgiebig mit einem durch die Luft zischenden Rohrstock.
20191003             Das Gefühl von Demütigung und Schmerz geht unter die Haut.
20191003             Was empfanden Sie, als Sie die Szene spielten? Expressionisten EMIL—NOLDE
20191003             Ausgerechnet —JETZT, im Erscheinungsjahr des Films, wird intensiv darüber diskutiert, daß Nolde nicht nur ein von den NAZIS unterdrückter Maler war, sondern gleichzeitig Antisemit und HITLER—VEREHRER.
20191003             Ist 1—KUNSTWERK kein Kunstwerk mehr, weil es 1—NAZI gemalt hat?
20191003             Und warum genau ist es dann weniger wert, in des Wortes doppelter Bedeutung?
20191003             in MÜNCHEN.
20191003             Da steht vor dem "Bayerischen Hof" ein inoffizielles MICHAEL—JACKSON—DENKMAL, wo Fans Devotionalien ablegen.
20191003             Ist seine Musik —NACH—DEN Missbrauchsvorwürfen wertlos?
20191003             Nolde hat tolle Bilder gemalt.
20191003             —ENTPUPPT, Und er hat sich als ein mieser NAZI.
20191003             Ich kann es aushalten, mit Widersprüchen zu leben.
20191003             Noethen: Der Vater meines Vaters war Kirchenrat in der LUTHERischen S—LUKAS—KIRCHE—MÜNCHEN.
20191003             —ÜBERWACHT, DIE—GESTAPO hat seine GOTTES—DIENSTE.
20191003             Mein Vater war in der Jugendgruppe der Gemeinde.
20191003             —NACH, der GLEICH—SCHALTUNG fand er sich in der Hitlerjugend wieder.
20191003             —DANN, REICHSARBEITS—DIENST und Wehrmacht, später Gefangenschaft.
20191003             —NACH—DEM, Krieg hat er Theologie studiert.
20191003             Diese Widersprüche, in denen mein Vater stand, zwischen christlicher Botschaft und NATIONAL—SOZIALISMUS, zwischen Bergpredigt und VERNICHTUNGS—KRIEG,beschäftigen mich noch immer.
20191003             Ich würde nicht sagen, daß ich durch diese Rollen meine Familiengeschichte aufarbeite, aber sie helfen mir, meinen Vater und seine Generation besser zu verstehen.
20191003             Und es ist von Vorteil, jemanden zu haben, mit dem man darüber sprechen kann.
20191003             Jugendliche in BERLIN—SCHÖNEWEIDE: Abhängen auf der Brachfläche (Leben und Lernen, 10:27)
20191003             REGIERUNGSKRISE—IN—PERU: Im Schatten der Korruption
20191003             KUBAs Strategie gegen DENGUE—FIEBER: Guppys sollen Moskitos bekämpfen
20191003             —LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—STELLVERTRETENDEN—LEITERS—DES—ZENTRUMS, Edelis Molina Moreira, kann ein einzelner Fisch pro —TAG zwischen 60—UND 150—MÜCKENLARVEN vertilgen.
20191003             Diese leben in stehenden Gewässern, häufig in Regentonnen und Zisternen.
20191003             Wenn in jedem dieser Behälter 2—GUPPYS ausgesetzt würden, sei das —BEREITS ein wichtiger Schritt im KAMPF—GEGEN—MOSKITOS, sagte Molina.
20191003             —NACH—DEM, Wirbelsturm "Katrina" sei die Methode —BEREITS in NEW—ORLEANS erfolgreich erprobt worden.
20191003             Gelbfiebermücken (Aedes aegypti) können Gelbfieber, DENGUE—FIEBER und das ZIKA—VIRUS übertragen.
20191003             —DERZEIT, wird vielerorts intensiv erforscht, wie die Populationen der gefährlichen Mücken eingedämmt werden könnten.
20191003             Umweltexperten stehen dem EINSATZ—VON—GUPPYS skeptisch gegenüber.
20191003             —SEIT—JAHREN, weisen sie —BEREITS auf mögliche negative Folgen für das Zusammenspiel der Arten hin.
20191003             Guppys stammen ursprünglich aus Gewässern der KARIBIK und des nördlichen Südamerikas.
20191003             Deploying mosquito predators such as the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) into BODIES—OF—WATER where mosquitoes breed is 1—COMMON—STRATEGY for limiting THE—SPREAD—OF—DISEASE—CARRYING mosquitoes.
20191003             to —SHOW that THE—EVIDENCE for the effectiveness of guppies in controlling mosquitoes is weak,
20191003             that the chances of accidental guppy introduction into local ecosystems are large,
20191003             that guppies can easily establish populations and damage these aquatic ecosystems.
20191003             Controlling mosquitoes does not need to come at THE—EXPENSE—OF—FRESHWATER—BIODIVERSITY.
20191003             —BY, feeding on mosquito larvae or eggs, these predators should reduce populations of infected mosquitoes.
20191003             Fish were widely used for this purpose by UK—COLONISTS in the —EARLY, twentie.
20191003             Jh.
20191003             and continue to be included in public health guidelines [4,6].
20191003             In recent years, guppies (Poecilia reticulata) have been used on 1—LARGE—SCALE to fight dengue and Zika epidemics.
20191003             There are also news REPORTS—OF—CITIZENS independently releasing guppies in DISEASE—AFFECTED nations [11], and it is unlikely these deployments have expert oversight.
20191003             1—GOOGLE search of 'guppies and Zika' or 'guppies and dengue' results in HUNDREDS—OF—ENTRIES from newspapers and social media outlets, including 'how to' or 'do it yourself' websites.
20191003             We provide 4—REASONS why using guppies to control mosquitoes is 1—INEFFECTIVE strategy that is dangerous to local biodiversity.
20191003             Experimental evidence that guppies control mosquitoes is inconsistent and problematic
20191003             Laboratory studies that feed mosquitoes to guppies ad libitum generally conclude that guppies are 1—EFFECTIVE—PREDATOR because they consume mosquito larvae [12—14].
20191003             However, it is likely that these relatively simple experiments, which starve guppies beforehand, and only offer them mosquitoes to eat, overestimate the effectiveness of guppies as mosquito predators
20191003             simple experiments, which starve guppies beforehand
20191003             and only offer them mosquitoes to eat - Guppies are excellent invaders
20191003             Unfortunately, some of the traits that make guppies attractive for mosquito control also make them potent invaders
20191003             Guppies deplete native fauna and alter ecosystems
20191003             Poecilia reticulata has 1—SMALL native range in THE—CARIBBEAN and THE—NORTH—TIP—OF—SOUTH—AMERICA, but has invaded ecosystems worldwide
20191003             —ATTRIBUTED, Approximately 40—PERCENT—OF—THESE invasions are, to past efforts to combat mosquitoes
20191003             —CHANGED, Guppies have dramatically, invaded ecosystems within and beyond their native range
20191003             Guppy introductions into GUPPY—FREE habitats in TRINIDAD decrease resident fish density
20191003             and cause resident fish to mature —EARLIER, increase their growth rates and their reproductive investment
20191003             Guppies become the dominant fish species in introduction sites
20191003             They disrupt these ecosystems by increasing primary productivity, recycled nitrogen, and nitrogen fluxes to grazers and filter feeders, —WHILE reducing nitrogen fluxes to COLLECTOR—GATHERERS
20191003             —REACHED, HAWAII, guppies and other invasive poeciliids have, densities 10—30× greater than native fish —SINCE their introduction in the 1920s to fight mosquitoes
20191003             —HALVED, They have, native goby densities and reduced their fitness
20191003             —INCREASED, Guppies have, available dissolved nitrogen by up to 8—FOLD, and have promoted the expansion of NON—NATIVE invertebrates
20191003             The vast MAJORITY—OF—STUDIES on the effects of invasive guppies are from low diversity ecosystems (e.g.
20191003             Caribbean and Pacific islands);
20191003             more studies are —THEREFORE needed from areas with high biodiversity.
20191003             The effects of guppies on native fish and aquatic environments in BRAZIL are poorly studied, but invasive guppies may pose risks to BRAZIL—BIODIVERSITY
20191003             Conclusion and recommendations
20191003             In our opinion, using guppies to control mosquitoes on 1—LARGE—SCALE is likely to be ineffective, and to have significant risks for local ecosystems and biodiversity.
20191003             other MOSQUITO—CONTROL fishes such as Gambusia spp.
20191003             (aka. mosquitofish) can also cause negative ecological effects
20191003             1—CENTRAL—CHALLENGE is that studies examining using guppies to control mosquitoes are in the realm of medical and health science, and are separated from THE—WEALTH—OF—KNOWLEDGE on the ecology and evolution of the guppy.
20191003             there exists 1—EXHAUSTIVE BODY—OF—ECOLOGICAL—LITERATURE on biological CONTROL—OF—1—WIDE—RANGE—OF pests and diseases that can help inform best practices;
20191003             recent efforts to INTEG—RATE—BIOLOGICAL—CONTROL with conservation practices are particularly useful
20191003             FUNDING—RECEIVED, We have, no funding for this study.
20191003             Past and ON—GOING work on guppies in our groups has been funded by 1—NUMBER—OF—SOURCES (IDRC/AUCC, CNPq, etc) that are acknowledged in the primary papers we cite in this article.
20191003             —SUPPORTED, PSM is, by 1—SCIENCE without Borders (CAPES) fellowship.
20191003             —SUPPORTED, TCF is, by funding from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—VICTORIA.
20191003             Português sob efeito de droga bate em carro da Guardia Civil após fuga de mais de 100—KM
20191003             Tema: Razão - Provar que tenho razão significaria reconhecer que posso estar errado BEAUMARCHAIS—PIERRE
20191003             MIGUEL—SOUSA—TAVARES condena comportamento "indigno" de MILITARes no caso Tancos
20191003             "O padrão de vida tem de mudar e não há um governo que se atreva a dizer isto às pessoas"
20191003             Global: "VON—DER—LEYEN tem uma Comissão com muitos generais para poucos índios"
20191003             AIRBUS—STREIT, FRANKREICH droht USA mit Vergeltungszöllen
20191003             —GEZWUNGEN, EUGH—URTEIL: FACEBOOK kann zur Suche nach Beleidigungen, werden
20191003             Einheitsfeier: MERKEL ehrt OPFER—DER—DDR—DIKTATUR
20191003             "Problematische Punkte": EU—KOMMISSION fordert von JOHNSON—NACHBESSERUNGEN an BREXIT—PLAN
20191003             DDR—FLUCHT über UNGARN: ZELT—LAGER mit Stasiterror inklusive
20191003             Missbrauchsfall im SAARLAND: WEN—GOTTES—DIENER—STRAFEN—UND wen nicht (SPIEGEL+, 14:52)
20191003             Verkorkste ERINNERUNGS—KULTUR, Eure Einheit, unser ALBT—RAUM
20191003             MARKETING—MASKOTTCHEN wider Willen: Kasse machen mit Greta
20191003             Auftritt im EUROPAparlament: CAROLA—RACKETE fordert EU—REGELUNG für Seenotrettung
20191003             BRITISCHES—PARLAMENT: —JETZT hat Bercow noch 1—PROBLEM am Hals
20191003             [l] Old and busted: An den Eisbären kann man gut die Auswirkungen des KLIMA—WANDELS sehen.
20191003             NEW—HOTNESS: An den Grizzlybären kann man gut das Ausmaß der Lachsüberfischung sehen.
20191003             The bears' main food source, salmon, is at 1—ALL—TIME—LOW in the area.
20191003             Commercial fishermen in BRITISH—COLUMBIA are calling this the worst salmon season in nearly —50—YEARS.
20191003             Und das liegt nicht nur an Überfischung!
20191003             —CITED, The report also, marine heatwaves, increased floods and droughts as causing greater stress on the fish.
20191003             Erinnert ihr euch an den STAR—TREK—FILM, in dem sie in die Vergangenheit fliegen müssen, weil sie einen Wal brauchen?
20191003             [l] Falls ihr am Wochenende ein paar —STUNDEN Zeit habt und gut Englisch verstehen könnt: ERIC—WEINSTEIN hat einen INTERVIEW—PODCAST namens "THE—PORTAL" gemacht, und seine 1. Folge ist mit PETER—THIEL.
20191003             Ich finde die beide ein bisschen anstrengend, aber es lohnt sich immer, sich möglichst ungefiltert den Gedanken von Leuten auszusetzen, die andere Meinungen haben als man selbst, daher habe ich mir das trotzdem angehört.
20191003             Weinstein finde ich anstrengend, weil ich immer das Gefühl habe, der muss gerade mit großen Worten und anderer Leute Theorien den Nachweis erbringen, daß er gebildet ist.
20191003             Dabei hätte der das nicht nötig.
20191003             Und PETER—THIEL stottert leicht, was ihm —2—STUNDEN lang zuzuhören anstrengend macht.
20191003             Es lohnt sich aber m.E. - trotzdem.
20191003             Gar nicht mal wegen deren Ideen, sondern auch weil man mal in das Hirn von so jemandem gucken kann.
20191003             Thiel lässt am Rande in einem Nebensatz DIE—IDEE raus, daß unsere Wissenschaften ja so selektieren, daß die Leute, die Mathe können, Physiker werden, und die, die nicht Mathe können, die werden Biologen.
20191003             Wenn ihr also leicht zu beleidigen seid, dann hört euch das lieber nicht an.
20191003             1—WEITERE Eigenschaft des Podcasts ist, daß sie VIELE—INTERESSANTE—DINGE gar nicht —ERST ansprechen, weil die aus ihrem Weltbild heraus völlig offensichtlich sind.
20191003             DIE—MUSS man halt selber durch Mitdenken selber herausarbeiten.
20191003             —UPDATE, 1—HIGHLIGHT fängt bei 2:40:00 an, als PETER—THIEL vom PROBLEM—DER—JUNGEN—GENERATION spricht, daß die ja unter ständiger Beobachtung wären, sowas wie das Auge Saurons.
20191003             —GEGRÜNDET, Thiel hat 1—FIRMA namans PALANTIR.
20191003             Das ist auch 1—BEGRIFF aus Tolkien, und die Firma stellt Big DATA—PRODUKTE für ÜBERWACHUNGS—UND POLIZEIstaaten her.
20191003             [l] Herr PUTIN, haben Sie vor, die nächste USA—PRÄSIDENT—WAHL zu beeinflussen?
20191003             [l] USBEKISTAN demonstriert eindrucksvoll, daß Exploits kaufen nicht reicht, um am CYBER—CYBER teilzunehmen ?
20191003             Eines meiner Argumente in den Folien zu Hackback war ja, daß die EXPLOIT—VERKÄUFER dir den Exploit wahrscheinlich nicht exklusiv verkaufen, selbst wenn sie dir das glaubwürdig versichern.
20191003             Und 1—IDIOT reicht, um den Exploit zu verbrennen.
20191003             In diesem Sinne: Vielen DANK—USBEKISTAN.
20191003             Verbrennt bitte noch so viele 0days wie ihr Geld über habt!
20191003             Das ist endlich mal ein hilfreicher Beitrag eines Landes zur digitalen Verteidigung.
20191003             USA—HOTELKETTE zahlt nach Massaker in LAS—VEGAS 800.000.000—DOLLAR Entschädigung
20191003             —PROTESTE—IM—IRAK fordern zunehmend mehr Todesopfer
20191003             Gesundheitsprobleme : BERNIE—SANDERS will nach OP bald wieder Wahlkampf machen
20191003             AUSTRALIEN: Wombat mit Steinen ERSCHLAGEN—VIDEO löst heftige Debatte aus
20191003             Mehr als 11—MILLIONEN—EURO: SCHIMPANSEN—GEMÄLDE von Banksy für REKORD—PREIS verkauft
20191003             Ostdeutschlands Sozialstruktur: Im Land der kleinen Leute
20191003             —VERBIETET, Körperliche Züchtigung: SCHOTTISCHES—PARLAMENT, das Schlagen von Kindern
20191003             FAHNEN—VERBOTE in der TÜRKEI: Gladbachs Sportdirektor Eberl spricht von "POLIZEIdiktatur"
20191003             —AM—DONNERSTAG—NUR noch wenige —WOCHEN—BIS zum BREXIT, die Stimmung in LONDON entsprechend ANGESPANNT—GING bei Bercow —PLÖTZLICH, nichts mehr, die Stimme versagte mehrfach, zwischen den "Order"-Rufen räusperte er sich.
20191003             "DIE—ATMOSPHÄRE in der Kammer war schlimmer als alles, was ich in meinen —22—JAHREN im Unterhaus erlebt habe", sagte Bercow anschließend.
20191003             GROß—BRITANNIEN stehe mit Blick auf den geplanten EU—AUSTRITT vor der schwierigsten politischen Situation —JAHRZEHNTE—SEIT.
20191003             Such is THE—SWAMP—OF—CORRUPTION in UKRAINE that DONALD—TRUMP and RUDY—GIULIANI, in their MANY—DEALINGS with its businessmen, have been only 1—DEGREE—OF—SEPARATION from what's generally called THE—RUSSIA—MOB.
20191003             Or maybe less. And that's not new.
20191003             It goes back decades, to TRUMP—YEARS as 1—REAL—ESTATE developer and GIULIANI—CAMPAIGNS for MAYOR—OF—NEW—YORK—CITY.
20191003             You really should hit this link.
20191003             The portrayal of RUDY—BUDDY—KISLIN is pretty vivid.
20191003             The 1990s also saw THE—FLOWERING—OF—KISLIN—RELATIONSHIP with RUDY—GIULIANI.
20191003             STEUER—ZEICHEN (Codierungen elektrischer Signale)
20191003             Bei der Einführung der Fernschreiber wurden verschiedene STEUER—ZEICHEN (Codierungen elektrischer Signale) eingeführt, um die Zeilenumbruchfunktion einer SCHREIB—MASCHINE darzustellen.
20191003             Diese sind dann auch, durch ihre Verwendung als 1. Ausgabegeräte der Informatik, von der Fernmeldetechnik in die elektronische Datenverarbeitung übernommen worden.
20191003             Weil die STEUER—ZEICHEN noch in den Anfangsphasen der Computertechnik spezifiziert wurden, sind sie mit ihrer Funktionsänderung —BIS—HEUTE 1—DER—GROßEN—INKOMPATIBILITÄTEN zwischen verschiedenen BETRIEBSSYSTEM—UND Anwendungssoftwaresystemen.
20191003—19900000    —ÜBER, EX—FINANZ—MINISTER—WAIGEL "Tränen rannen über das Gesicht von WILLY—BRANDT"
20191003—20120000    —SINCE, He has lived in OKLAHOMA.
20191003—20170800    —ARMED, The same jurors found Council guilty —LAST—MONTH—OF, bank robbery resulting in death, among other charges for killing the manager and 1—TELLER at CresCom BANK—IN—CONWAY.
20191003—20171001    —REPORTED, It was, that survivors and FAMILY—OF—58—PEOPLE who were slain in LAS—VEGAS, in the deadliest mass shooting in modern USA—HISTORY, have reached 1—SETTLEMENT—OF at least $735—MILLION with MGM Resorts.
20191003—20190000    —LIFTED, ITALY, 1—BLOCK spending that was agreed by the previous government with the European Commission,
20191003—20200000    —IN, in 1—SURPRISE—MOVE that will result in 1—HIGHER—DEFICIT—THIS—YEAR but which means the budget gap will not widen.
20200924—20201003    —BIS—ZUM, werden in der Hansestadt mehr als 70—FILME aus aller Welt gezeigt.
20200924—20201003    Darunter sind 21—DEBÜTFILME sowie mehr als 12—WELT—UND Europapremieren.
20201003             —SAMSTAG, 20201003
20201003             Trumps CORONA—INFEKTION: Die Lektion des Virus 1—KOMMENTAR—VON—RENÉ—PFISTER, WASHINGTON
20201003             Wiedersehen mit der Sandkastenfreundin: Haben wir uns noch etwas zu sagen?
20201003             Sat 20201003             - [l] Au weia.
20201003             Götterdämmerung im Weißen Haus.
20201003             Das klingt nach mehr als Erkältungssymptomen.
20201003             Hey, Fefe, wie konnte es denn so weit kommen?! Naja, äh...
20201003             —ATTENDED, Johnson, Lee and Tillis all, Senate GOP lunches —THIS—WEEK.
20201003             —GETESTET, Das sind die 3, die frisch positiv, wurden.
20201003             Ansonsten hätten die sich auch bei der RICHTER—BESTÄTIGUNGS—ANHÖRUNG anstecken können, aber da war der Johnson —SCHON nicht dabei, weil er wegen einer FRÜHEREN—COVID—INFEKTION in Quarantäne war.
20201003             Wir hatten ja neulich die 1—MILLION—COVID—TOTE—GRENZE gerissen.
20201003             Übrigens, zu dem gerne gebrachten Vergleich mit der Grippe: Die Grippe ist —DIESES—JAHR auch weit ungefährlicher als sonst.
20201003             Wegen COVID—SOCIAL—DISTANCING.
20201003             Stellt sich nämlich völlig überraschend heraus: Das hilft auch gegen andere Krankheiten als Covid!
20201003             [l] Trump wird mit Remdisivir behandelt
20201003             "Danke für die großartige Unterstützung. Ich denke, mir geht es gut.
20201003             Das Weiße Haus teilte mit, die Kontakte des Präsidenten würden —NUN nachverfolgt.
20201003             Demnach darf niemandem Tod, ernsthafter körperlicher Schaden oder eine tödliche Krankheit gewünscht werden.
20201003             "Es wird nicht automatisch verschwinden",
20201003             "Es geht nicht darum ein harter Kerl zu sein",
20201003             Es gehe darum, seinen Beitrag zu leisten.
20201003             Das sogenannte Negative Campaigning GEHÖRT—IN unterschiedlicher AUSPRÄGUNG—SO gut wie zu jedem Wahlkampf dazu.
20201003             Dabei geht es darum, Konkurrenten für ihre Einstellungen und auch für persönliche Fehlleistungen zu kritisieren und anzugreifen.
20201003             Die Nachbesetzung des freien Postens am Obersten Gericht der USA soll trotz der CORONA—INFEKTION eines beteiligten Senators planmäßig laufen.
20201003             Der demokratische Minderheitsführer im Senat, Chuck Schumer, rief das Gremium daraufhin auf, das Verfahren zur Ernennung der Kandidatin Barrett auszusetzen, —BIS das Ausmaß der CORONA—AUSBREITUNG unter den Senatoren klar werde.
20201003             Trump übertölpelt die Realität permanent.
20201003             Im Gespräch mit Woodward war Trump sich der Gefahr des Virus offenbar bewusst.
20201003             "Die Art und Weise, wie Sie sich bewegen, wie Sie diese Besprechungen abhalten und wie Sie mit Menschen umgehen.
20201003             Machen Sie sich darüber Sorgen?", fragt Woodward.
20201003             "Nein, das tue ich nicht. Ich weiß nicht, warum ich es nicht tue.
20201003             Ich tue es nicht", antwortete Trump.
20201003             "Warum?" fragte Woodward. "Ich weiß es nicht", sagte Trump.
20201003             Das eine ist eigentlich nur für schwere Verläufe zugelassen, das andere noch gar nicht
20201003             Man dürfe seinen Sinn für Dramaturgie nicht unterschätzen.
20201003             "Lügen verbreiten sich viel schneller als die Überprüfung von Fakten",
20201003             —BEATMET, Trump sei mittlerweile fieberfrei und werde nicht,
20201003             —VERSCHIEBT, Angesichts der COVID—FÄLLE unter Senatoren, die USA—KONGRESSKAMMER ALLE—PLENUMSSITZUNGEN —BIS—NACH—DEM 20201019             .
20201003             Neue Hochwasserschutzanlage Mose: Venedig macht die Schotten dicht
20201003             —INFIZIERT, Beidseitige Lungenentzündung: Poroschenko mit CORONA
20201003             Borkenkäfer fressen sich durch geschwächte NRW—WÄLDER
20201003             Keine andere Institution prägte die Zeit nach der Wiedervereinigung so sehr wie die Treuhand.
20201003             Deren Arbeit hinterließ tiefe Wunden bei der ostdeutschen Bevölkerung.
20201003             Demo am Bodensee, Tausende bei "Querdenker"-Menschenkette
20201003             Weniger Teilnehmer als von der Polizei erwartet beteiligten sich an einer Menschenkette am Bodensee.
20201003             Dazu hatte die Organisation "Querdenker" aufgerufen.
20201003             Es gab auch Gegendemonstrationen - Update: Christie has it.
20201003             Bannon's in trouble, Parscale's in trouble, Manafort's in jail, and Stepien has the bug.
20201003             —EMERGED, Only Lewandowski seems to have, relatively unscathed.
20201003             TRUMP—DOCTOR —JUST gave a statement. Not a good sign.
20201003             —DIAGNOSED, That means Trump was, —ON—WEDNESDAY -- which means that he was probably feeling symptoms —BEFORE that.
20201003             That's why I believe that he is in far worse shape than most realize.
20201003             As this medical article puts it:
20201003             —CALLED, It's, speed for 1—REASON.
20201003             Amphetamines, like Ritalin or Adderall, accelerate your heart rate.
20201003             They send your nervous system into overdrive.
20201003             Guess what else it speeds up? The aging process.
20201003             —SUSPECTED, Researchers, this truth, but wanted to find hard evidence to support their suspicion.
20201003             —CONFIRMED, And — surprise, surprise — results, that amphetamine abuse does increase heart age.
20201003             They become thicker and less flexible, making your heart work even harder.
20201003             I honestly don't want to see Trump die.
20201003             I want to see him tried and put in prison.
20201003             And the Dems who ran against Joe -- even Bernie! -- are incredibly unified and ON—MESSAGE.
20201003             Preet Bharara: Without doubt.
20201003             —INFECTED, He would say, I like candidates who weren't.
20201003             He would say, people are saying Joe is making it up for sympathy - Dear Science Deniers,
20201003             (ANTI—VAXERS, ANTI—MASKERS, climate hoaxers, FLAT—EARTHERS, etc)
20201003             —ADVANCED, You found 1—ANOTHER & communicate via stupefyingly, technologies that pivot on THE—DISCOVERIES—OF—SCIENTISTS.
20201003             Sincerely, Your Smart Phone
20201003             — NEIL—DEGRASSE—TYSON (@neiltyson) 20201003
20201003             —ASSURED, This —AFTER we have been, about how complete and modern THE—WHITE—HOUSE—MEDICAL—FACILITIES are as presently equipped.
20201003             JOHN—PILGER: Eyewitness To THE—AGONY—OF—JULIAN—ASSANGE
20201003             THE—USA is holding the gavel, they are the ones running this show.
20201003             VENEZUELA—OIL—EXPORTS hit —5—MONTH—HIGH
20201003             —UNLOADED, IRAN—OIL stolen by USA, in NEW—YORK
20201003             Auf die Nachfrage von Reportern, wann Trump denn —NUN positiv getestet worden sei, sagte Conley:
20201003             Sollte er das alles —BEREITS mit dem Wissen eines positiven Tests gemacht haben, wäre das extrem unverantwortlich, weil man davon ausgehen muss, in dieser Phase hoch ansteckend zu sein.
20201003             Wann hatte Trump seinen letzten negativen CORONA—TEST?
20201003             Dazu wollte Conley sich nicht äußern.
20201003             Ebenso wenig zu der Frage, wann sich Trump angesteckt haben könnte.
20201003             Brauchte Trump zusätzliche SAUERSTOFF—VERSORGUNG?
20201003             Hier gab Conley ausweichende Antworten.
20201003             "Er bekommt —JETZT keinen zusätzlichen Sauerstoff", schränkte er immer wieder ein.
20201003             "—GESTERN mit dem Team, während wir alle hier waren, war er nicht an einer SAUERSTOFF—VERSORGUNG".
20201003             Damit ließ er ausdrücklich die Möglichkeit offen, dass Trump am Freitagmorgen zusätzlichen Sauerstoff im Weißen Haus bekommen haben könnte.
20201003             —MUMIFIZIERT, Dutzende Sarkophage entdeckt: "Wie —ERST—GESTERN "
20201003             Archäologen haben in einer Grabstätte bei Sakkara in ÄGYPTEN weitere gut erhaltene Sarkophage entdeckt.
20201003             —GEFUNDEN, Insgesamt seien 59—SÄRGE, worden, die —SEIT fast 2600—JAHREN nicht geöffnet worden seien,
20201003             Sie seien in sehr gutem Zustand und hätten ihre Originalfarbe erhalten.
20201003             —MUMIFIZIERT, Die Mumie habe ausgesehen "wie —ERST—GESTERN ".
20201003             Die Sarkophage gehörten zu Priestern und hohen Offiziellen aus der Spätzeit des Alten Ägyptens.
20201003             Lar de ALCOUTIM tem 12—CASOS confirmados de COVID—19
20201003             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—16—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—15—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20201003             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—10—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—8—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20201003             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—215—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—158—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—58—(-4)
20201003             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—207—(+2)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—140—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—64—(+1)
20201003             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—65—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—35—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—28—(+1)
20201003             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—92—(+3)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—64—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—28—(+3)
20201003             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—313—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—197—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—113—(=)
20201003             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—327—(+7)—ÓBITOS—8—(=)—RECUPERADOS—213—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—106—(+1)
20201003             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—185—(+4)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—124—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—60—(=)
20201003             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—71—(+5)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—43—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—28—(+5)
20201003             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—114—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—52—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—62—(+2)
20201003             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—114—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—22—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—90—(+2)
20201003             215_DGS_boletim_20201003              20201003             Aktualisierung 202010030000         —UHR
20201003             ALZEY—WORMS—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—393—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—304,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,1—TODESFÄLLE—11—EINWOHNERZAHL—129.244
20201003             AMBERG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—131—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—312,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—28,6—TODESFÄLLE—4—EINWOHNERZAHL—41.970
20201003             BERLIN—MITTE—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—2.456—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—639,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—55,4—TODESFÄLLE—20—EINWOHNERZAHL—384.172
20201003             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.978—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—600,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—56,7—TODESFÄLLE—43—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20201003             BERLIN—REINICKENDORF—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.092—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—411,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—31,7—TODESFÄLLE—21—EINWOHNERZAHL—265.225
20201003             BIBERACH—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—860—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—430,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—33,5—TODESFÄLLE—36—EINWOHNERZAHL—199.742
20201003             BREMEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.280—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—400,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—40,6—TODESFÄLLE—53—EINWOHNERZAHL—569.352
20201003             CLOPPENBURG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—621—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—366,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—29,5—TODESFÄLLE—1—EINWOHNERZAHL—169.348
20201003             DORTMUND—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.132—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—363,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,7—TODESFÄLLE—21—EINWOHNERZAHL—587.010
20201003             DUISBURG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.947—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—591,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—42,5—TODESFÄLLE—72—EINWOHNERZAHL—498.590
20201003             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.029—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—390,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—14,8—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20201003             DÜSSELDORF—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.276—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—529,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—30,8—TODESFÄLLE—48—EINWOHNERZAHL—619.294
20201003             ESSEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.144—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—367,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—30,4—TODESFÄLLE—48—EINWOHNERZAHL—583.109
20201003             ESSLINGEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—2.772—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—519,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,0—TODESFÄLLE—121—EINWOHNERZAHL—533.859
20201003             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—778—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—403,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—10,4—TODESFÄLLE—27—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20201003             GROSS—GERAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.172—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—426,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—33,9—TODESFÄLLE—17—EINWOHNERZAHL—274.526
20201003             HAGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—813—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—430,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,4—TODESFÄLLE—14—EINWOHNERZAHL—188.814
20201003             HARBURG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—858—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—339,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—26,1—TODESFÄLLE—16—EINWOHNERZAHL—252.776
20201003             HEILBRONN—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—745—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—591,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—32,6—TODESFÄLLE—17—EINWOHNERZAHL—125.960
20201003             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—5.217—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—480,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—35,9—TODESFÄLLE—121—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20201003             MANNHEIM—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—1.150—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—371,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—30,1—TODESFÄLLE—13—EINWOHNERZAHL—309.370
20201003             MIESBACH—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—760—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—762,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,1—TODESFÄLLE—11—EINWOHNERZAHL—99.726
20201003             MÜNCHEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—11.710—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—795,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—35,9—TODESFÄLLE—225—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.471.508
20201003             NEUWIED—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—459—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—252,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—28,0—TODESFÄLLE—5—EINWOHNERZAHL—181.941
20201003             OBERBERGISCHER—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—902—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—331,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—37,8—TODESFÄLLE—19—EINWOHNERZAHL—272.471
20201003             RECKLINGHAUSEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.306—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—374,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,2—TODESFÄLLE—46—EINWOHNERZAHL—615.261
20201003             REMSCHEID—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—559—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—503,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—55,9—TODESFÄLLE—19—EINWOHNERZAHL—110.994
20201003             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.786—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—379,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—19,8—TODESFÄLLE—79—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.089
20201003             RHÖN—GRABFELD—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—301—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—377,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—38,9—TODESFÄLLE—8—EINWOHNERZAHL—79.690
20201003             ROSENHEIM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—728—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.149,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,3—TODESFÄLLE—23—EINWOHNERZAHL—63.324
20201003             SCHWEINFURT—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—683—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—593,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,2—TODESFÄLLE—25—EINWOHNERZAHL—115.106
20201003             SOLINGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—673—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—422,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—30,1—TODESFÄLLE—13—EINWOHNERZAHL—159.360
20201003             STEINFURT—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.862—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—416,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—26,1—TODESFÄLLE—93—EINWOHNERZAHL—447.614
20201003             TIRSCHENREUTH—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.222—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.685,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—26,2—TODESFÄLLE—140—EINWOHNERZAHL—72.504
20201003             WUPPERTAL—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.784—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—503,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,1—TODESFÄLLE—88—EINWOHNERZAHL—354.382
20201003             WÜRZBURG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—809—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—632,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—28,2—TODESFÄLLE—52—EINWOHNERZAHL—127.880
20201003             ENGLAND, UK CASE—FATALITY Ratio 9,41%
20201003             "Der PRÄSIDENT wurde erstmals mit COVID—19—AM —ABEND—DES—DONNERSTAGS, 20201001             , diagnostiziert und
20201003             "Der PRÄSIDENT bekam den 1. ANTI—KÖRPER—COCKTAIL von Regeneron —AM—FREITAG, dem 20201002             ", hieß es abschließend.
20201003             USA—SENATOR—MITCH—MCCONNELL, the majority leader, said that the Senate would not meet as planned —NEXT—WEEK—AFTER 3—SENATORS tested positive for THE—CORONA€”VIRUS, even as he pledged to press ahead to confirm JUDGE—AMY—CONEY—BARRETT to THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20201003             CALIFORNIA to date had 826,725 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 16,073 deaths.
20201003             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 104,905 cases and 1,554 deaths.
20201003             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 7,351,767 with the death toll at 208,940.
20201003             † THOMAS—JEFFERSON—BYRD, —70—JAHRE—ALT, a TONY—NOMINATED actor known for roles in various Spike Lee films, was found shot to death in ATLANTA.
20201003             † AUGUSTA—GEORGIA, Felycya Harris (33) was shot and killed in Meadowbrook Park.
20201003             —BECAME, AUGUSTA—GEORGIA, at least the 31. transgender or GENDER—NONCONFORMING person to die by violence in THE—USA—THIS —YEAR.
20201003             † Baseball pitcher Pack ROBERT—GIBSON, —84—JAHRE—ALT, S—LOUIS—CARDINALS'—HALL—OF—FAME—RIGHT—HANDER known as Bob, in OMAHA.
20201003             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE halted new NORTH—CAROLINA absentee voting rules that gave voters more leeway to fix witness problems and extended the period —WHEN election boards could accept MAILED—IN ballots.
20201003             TEXAS, JONATHAN—PRICE, —31—JAHRE—ALT was fatally shot —WHEN he intervened to break up 1—DOMESTIC—VIOLENCE—SITUATION.
20201003             —ARRESTED, Wolfe City Police officer SHAUN—DAVID—LUCAS was —LATER, and charged with murder.
20201003             —CONTINUED, Heavy fighting between ARMENIA and AZERBAIJAN, in their conflict over the separatist TERRITORY—OF—NAGORNO—KARABAKH.
20201003             —COMPARED, CHINA had 16—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES in the mainland, with 10—CASES —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20201003             —REMAINED, CHINA—DEATH—TOLL from THE—COVID—19, at 4,634.
20201003             —UNEARTHED, EGYPT—TOURISM and antiquities minster said archaeologists have, at least ancient coffins in 1—VAST—NECROPOLIS—SOUTH—OF—CAIRO.
20201003             —SHOWED, Initial studies, that the decorated coffins were made for priests, top officials and elites from the Pharaonic Late Period (664—525—BC).
20201003             —CELEBRATED, ETHIOPIA—LARGEST—ETHNIC—GROUP, the Oromo, the annual Thanksgiving festival of Irreecha amid tight security and 1—SIGNIFICANTLY smaller crowd due to political tensions and THE—COVID—19—PANDEMIC.
20201003             —ARRESTED, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE were, AHEAD—OF—THE—FESTIVAL, some accused by authorities of plotting terror attacks and 1—NEW—WAVE—OF—UNREST.
20201003             Flooding from record rains in the mountainous region that spans FRANCE and ITALY killed 2—PEOPLE in ITALY and left at least 24—PEOPLE in THE—2—COUNTRIES missing.
20201003             —PROTESTED, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS in SOUTH—GERMANY, against CORONA€”VIRUS restrictions, although organizers failed to mobilize enough people for 1 planned human chain —AROUND Lake Constance.
20201003             —ENTERED, HUNDREDS—OF—USA—BOUND HONDURAS—MIGRANTS, who had, GUATEMALA —THIS—WEEK without registering, were bused back to their country's border by authorities who met them with 1—LARGE roadblock.
20201003             —PASSED, INDIA—CORONA€”VIRUS—DEATH—TOLL, 100,000, only the 3. country in the world to reach that milestone, —AFTER THE—USA and BRAZIL, and its epidemic shows no sign of abating.
20201003             —DEMONSTRATED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—ISRAELIS, in HUNDREDS—OF—LOCATIONS across ISRAEL against PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, pressing ahead with their campaign against THE—ISRAEL—LEADER—LATE—TODAY—AFTER the government banned large, centralized demonstrations as PART—OF—1—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—LOCKDOWN.
20201003             —REPORTED, THE—PHILIPPINES' health ministry, 2,674 new CORONA€”VIRUS infections, the highest daily increase in —5—DAYS, and 62—ADDITIONAL—DEATHS.
20201003             —CONFIRMED, Total, cases increased to 319,330, the highest in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, —WHILE deaths have reached 5,678.
20201003             —SIGNED, SUDAN—TRANSITIONAL authorities and 1—REBEL—ALLIANCE, 1—PEACE—DEAL initialed —IN—AUGUST that aims to put 1—END to the country's DECADES—LONG—CIVIL—WARS, in 1 televised ceremony marking the agreement.
20201003             † THE—HEAD—OF—THAILAND—STATE—ZOOLOGICAL—AGENCY, was shot dead, amid 1—INVESTIGATION into the disappearance of rare animals from 1—ZOO in Khao Rup Chang.
20201003             —INVESTIGATED, The suspect, 1—OF 4—OFFICIALS being, fled the scene and —LATER killed himself.
20201003             YEMEN—OFFICIALS and tribal leaders said fighting between government forces and Houthi rebels has killed at least 2—DOZEN—PEOPLE in the past —3—DAYS in Marib province and the key port CITY—OF—HODEIDA.
20201003             —SAMSTAG, 20201003             20201003             TRUMP—CORONA—INFEKTION: Die Lektion des Virus 1—KOMMENTAR—VON—RENÉ—PFISTER—WASHINGTON
20201003             Das Erbe der Wende: "—ERST rauschhafter Aufbruch, dann radikaler Absturz" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—JOACHIM—MOHR
20201003             Auffällige Häufung: DIE—CORONA—INFIZIERTEN aus dem Rosengarten
20201003             Sat 20201003             20201003             —GEFLOGEN, Trump wurde mit dem Hubschrauber ins Krankenhaus, und zwar, wie seine Mitarbeiter durchsickern ließen, "solange er noch selbst zum Hubschrauber laufen konnte".
20201003             —DANN war der Knoten geplatzt.
20201003             TRUMP—SPRECHERIN hat Covid, TRUMP—WAHLKAMPFMANAGER hat Covid, der eine republikanische SENATOR—HAT—COVID...
20201003             selbst die erzkatholische Abtreibungsgegnerin, die er im SUPREME—COURT installieren will, hatte —SCHON Covid.
20201003             DIE—USA sind echt 1—DRITTWELTLAND.
20201003             [l] Von den Republikanern im Senat sind  —INZWISCHEN. genug in COVID—QUARANTÄNE, dass
20201003             die Befürchtung im Raum steht, sie könnten die erzkonservative Abtreibungsgegnerin nicht im Schnellverfahren für den SUPREME—COURT durchwinken.
20201003             Hey, Fefe, wie konnte es denn so weit kommen?!
20201003             Naja, äh... - Unlike Democratic senators, Senate Republicans meet 3—TIMES a —WEEK for lunch.
20201003             And —WHILE they sit in 1—LARGE—ROOM, they remove their masks to eat and to speak.
20201003             Hat —SCHON jemand 1—ENTSCHULDIGUNG—DER—COVID—KLEINREDNER vernommen?
20201003             Ärzte sehen Remdesivir, das ursprünglich zur Behandlung von Ebola entwickelt wurde, nicht als Allheilmittel bei einer COVID—19—ERKRANKUNG, oft aber als hilfreich.
20201003             Aber wir wollen sichergehen, dass alles gut verläuft".
20201003             Profitieren könnten sowohl der USA—PRÄSIDENT als auch sein Gegner JOE—BIDEN.
20201003             Aber auch 1—STAATSKRISE ist denkbar.
20201003             —USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP ist auch dessen Wahlkampfmanager BILL—STEPIEN positiv auf das neuartige Virus getestet worden.
20201003             Auch die VORSITZENDE—DER—REPUBLIKANISCHEN—PARTEI, Ronna McDaniel, und TRUMP—EX—BERATERIN Kellyanne Conway, machten öffentlich, dass sie positiv auf CORONA getestet worden seien.
20201003             Unter verstärkte Aufmerksamkeit gerät die Vorstellung von TRUMP—KANDIDATIN für das Oberste Gericht der USA, Amy Coney Barrett, am vergangenen —SAMSTAG im Garten des Weißen Hauses.
20201003             Dort hatten sich auf engem Raum mehr als 100—PERSONEN versammelt.
20201003             VIELE—KEINE—MASKEN trugen und keinen Abstand hielten.
20201003             Bei mindestens 6—DER Anwesenden fielen seitdem CORONA—TESTS positiv aus
20201003             die Senatoren MIKE—LEE und THOM—TILLIS und der PRÄSIDENT—VON katholischen UNIVERSITÄT—NOTRE—DAME, JOHN—JENKINS.
20201003             Auch 3—JOURNALISTEN, die aus dem Weißen Haus berichten, sollen positiv getestet worden sein.
20201003             Vizepräsident MIKE—PENCE, AUßEN—MINISTER—MIKE—POMPEO, Gesundheitsminister ALEX—AZAR und Finanzminister STEVEN—MNUCHIN erklärten, ihre CORONA—TESTS seien negativ ausgefallen.
20201003             Keine Infektion festgestellt wurde auch bei TRUMP—TOCHTER Ivanka und ihrem Mann JARED—KUSHNER.
20201003             —GETESTET, Negativ, wurde nach ANGABEN—DES—WEIßEN—HAUSES auch die von Trump für den freien Posten am SUPREME—COURT—NOMINIERTE—RICHTERIN—AMY—CONEY—BARRETT.
20201003             Twitter wird ALLE—TWEETS löschen, in denen dem USA—PRÄSIDENTEN DONALD—TRUMP nach seiner CORONA—INFEKTION der Tod gewünscht wird.
20201003             Twitter verwies —IN—DER—NACHT zum —SAMSTAG nach einem Medienbericht auf seine geltenden Hausregeln.
20201003             Zugleich schränkte Twitter ein, dass dies nicht automatisch 1—SPERRUNG—DES—ACCOUNTS der betroffenen Nutzer bedeuten müsse.
20201003             —USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP hat die Gefahr der CORONA—PANDEMIE systematisch verharmlost.
20201003             DIE—CORONA—INFEKTION—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP ist nach Ansicht seines Herausforderers JOE—BIDEN 1—MAHNUNG, DAS—VIRUS ernst zu nehmen.
20201003             BIDEN rief dazu auf, in der PANDEMIE auf Wissenschaftler zu hören, Masken zu tragen, Abstand zu halten und sich regelmäßig die Hände zu waschen.
20201003             Trump hatte mehrfach gesagt, DAS—VIRUS werde einfach verschwinden und BIDEN für seine Vorsicht in der PANDEMIE verspottet.
20201003             Die —15—JAHRE alte CLAUDIA—CONWAY postete bei TikTok einen Beitrag, in dem sie schrieb, ihre Mutter habe das CORONA—VIRUS.
20201003             Kurz darauf twitterte dann auch Conway selbst, sie sei am Freitagabend positiv auf das CORONA—VIRUS getestet worden.
20201003             Auch im USA—PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHLKAMPF haben die TEAMS—VON—JOE—BIDEN und DONALD—TRUMP—WAHLWERBESPOTS produziert, um den jeweiligen Konkurrenten in ein schlechtes Licht zu rücken.
20201003             Nach TRUMP—CORONA—INFEKTION hat Bidens Team —NUN aber angekündigt, die negativen Spots gegen Trump vorläufig zu pausieren.
20201003             TRUMP—WAHLKAMPFTEAM wolle das aber nicht erwidern, sagte Sprecher TIM—MURTAUGH bei CNN.
20201003             "JOE—BIDEN nutzte seine Rede —HEUTE in MICHIGAN, um den Präsidenten wiederholt wegen sozialer Sicherheit, der Wirtschaft und der Schaffung neuer Arbeitsplätze anzugreifen", so Murtaugh:
20201003             "—JETZT will BIDEN Anerkennung für seinen Großmut?"
20201003             Der CHINESISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—XI Jinping hat USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP und seiner Frau Melania eine baldige Genesung gewünscht.
20201003             Der USA—PRÄSIDENT sagte, DAS—VIRUS sei eine "Seuche" und "reißt einen auseinander".
20201003             Als 1—MANN bei einem Meeting im Weißen Haus geniest habe, hätten sich alle erschreckt, auch Trump selbst.
20201003             "Ich tue es einfach nicht".
20201003             er wurde bislang mit mindestens 2—MEDIKAMENTEN behandelt.
20201003             Der Gesundheitszustand von USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP soll sich nach Informationen von "NEW—YORK—TIMES" und "WASHINGTON—POST" verschlechtert haben.
20201003             TRUMP—LEIBARZT hatte —AM—FREITAG mitgeteilt, Trump gehe es sehr gut.
20201003             Die "WASHINGTON—POST" beruft sich auf 2—VERWALTUNGSBEAMTE, die aber anonym bleiben wollten.
20201003             Ein vernichtender STEUER—BERICHT, eine furchtbare TV—DEBATTE und 1—COVID 19—DIAGNOSE
20201003             —INSZENIERT, Populismusforscherin: "Trump hat DAS—VIRUS als Feind "
20201003             Der republikanische SENATOR—MARCO—RUBIO hat die Informationspolitik der Regierung —NACH—DEM positiven CORONA—TEST—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP kritisiert.
20201003             Rubio bemängelte auf Twitter einen "erheblichen Anstieg von Verschwörungstheorien und ungeheuerlichen Behauptungen —SEIT der Diagnose des Präsidenten".
20201003             "Aus diesem Grund brauchen wir häufige, detaillierte und transparente Updates vom Weißen Haus".
20201003             "Dem Präsidenten geht es sehr gut": DONALD—TRUMP—ÄRZTE sprechen von einem —BISHER unkritischen Verlauf der COVID—ERKRANKUNG des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN.
20201003             Der Republikaner CHRIS—CHRISTIE hat sich nach eigenen Angaben mit dem CORONA—VIRUS infiziert.
20201003             "Ich habe soeben erfahren, dass ich positiv auf COVID—19—BIN",
20201003             Christie hatte USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP bei den Vorbereitungen für die TV—DEBATTE gegen Herausforderer JOE—BIDEN am vergangenen —DIENSTAG geholfen.
20201003             Unterschiedliche Angaben zu TRUMP—GESUNDHEITSZUSTAND
20201003             Kurz darauf berichteten die Nachrichtenagenturen AP und REUTERS jedoch über Zweifel am tatsächlichen Gesundheitszustand Trumps.
20201003             REUTERS schrieb, eine mit der Situation vertraute Person habe gesagt, TRUMP—ZUSTAND sei zuletzt besorgniserregend gewesen.
20201003             Die nächsten —48—STUNDEN könnten für die Behandlung TRUMP—KRITISCH werden.
20201003             Das kündigte der republikanische Mehrheitsführer MITCH—MCCONNELL an.
20201003             Zukunftsforscher über DEUTSCHLAND 20500000             : "Der Westen wird sich dem Osten angleichen" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ANNA—BAYER und JANN—LUCA—KÜNSSBERG
20201003             Neuregelung für Solarstrom: Lasst die Bremser blechen 1—KOLUMNE—VON—HERMANN—JOSEF—TENHAGEN
20201003             —ANTI—MIGRANTEN—PLAKATE: USA—EINWANDERUNGSBEHÖRDE startet umstrittene Kampagne mitten im Wahlkampf
20201003             —UMSTRITTENES Gebiet: Neue Kämpfe statt Waffenruhe in Bergkarabach
20201003             —CORONA—KRISE: Heizölpreis fällt auf Zehnjahrestief
20201003             INDIEN: Polizeichef nach mutmaßlicher Gruppenvergewaltigung gefeuert
20201003             JAMES—BOND—SONG—VON—BILLIE—EILISH: "No Time To Die" mehr als 7—MILLIONEN Mal aufgerufen
20201003             TRUMP—CORONA—ERKRANKUNG: USA—PRÄSIDENT wurde laut Medienbericht mit Sauerstoff versorgt
20201003             Schadenfreude über Trump: "Es wirkt, als würde die Welt nach gerechten Regeln funktionieren" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—STEFANIE—MAECK
20201003             SOVIET—SOLDATEN: DDR—STATIONIERUNG als Privileg
20201003             —30—JAHRE DEUTSCHE—EINHEIT, Treuhand: Die überforderte Behörde
20201003             Junge OST—POLITIKER zum Einheitsjubiläum: "Westdeutsche sollten aufhören, uns als RECHTS—RADIKALE Idioten abzustempeln" Aufgezeichnet von Timo Lehmann
20201003             SENATOR—RON—JOHNSON has Covid.
20201003             Johnson is THE—SENATOR who keeps trying to prove that MIKE—FLYNN (Q's ALL—TIME fave!) is innocent -- even though he pleaded guilty.
20201003             —TRIED, He's the guy who, to smear JOE—BIDEN with the usual bullshit -- something something UKRAINE something something Hunter -- and ended up taking 1—EGG facial.
20201003             BILL—STEPIEN has Covid.
20201003             If you don't recognize the name, he's TRUMP—NEW—CAMPAIGN—MANAGER.
20201003             He replaced BRAD—PARSCALE, the big goon who went kinda wacky —AFTER learning that he's under investigation.
20201003             (My understanding is that Parscale has been ACCUSED—OF—STEALING from TRUMP—MASSIVE—CAMPAIGN—WAR—CHEST.)
20201003             —REMEMBER, he appeared without mask on 1—ROUNDTABLE—DISCUSSION on CNN —AFTER the debate.
20201003             "TRUMP—CAMPAIGN—MANAGER" seems to be 1 cursed position.
20201003             TRUMP—DOCTOR —JUST gave 1—STATEMENT.
20201003             Everyone seems to have had the same reaction: Here is the medical profession's answer to BAGHDAD Bob.
20201003             Nevertheless, the doctor did say that we are —72—HOURS into the diagnosis.
20201003             How and —WHEN did Trump catch THE—VIRUS?
20201003             At 1., the presumption was that THE—PRESIDENT got it from HOPE—HICKS, who helped him prep for the debate.
20201003             1—FEW observers have posited that transmission went in the other direction.
20201003             As the —DAY wore on, 1—NEW—THEORY took hold: Perhaps everyone caught the bug at a "SUPER—SPREADER" event held at THE—WHITE—HOUSE—ON—SATURDAY.
20201003             The guest of honor was Amy Comey Barrett, who has already had Covid 19 and thus may have SOME—MEASURE—OF—IMMUNITY.
20201003             ALL—OF—TRUMPWORLD was there.
20201003             1—SURPRISING—NUMBER—OF—THESE—TRUMPIFIED worthies have subsequently tested positive for Covid -- including Kellyanne Conway.
20201003             (I'm sure that the fans of Q will find SOME—WAY to blame Hillary instead of TRUMP—SOIREE.)
20201003             I am persuaded by the claims that Trump has 1—HISTORY—OF—DRUG—ABUSE.
20201003             —CALLED, It's, speed for 1—REASON. That's right.
20201003             Pumping your system FULL—OF—AMPHETAMINE makes you get older faster.
20201003             It makes sense — you're unnaturally forcing your heart to work extra hard, so it's going to wear out more quickly.
20201003             —NOTED, The research team also, that previous studies showed amphetamine use interferes with stem cell functioning and healthy cell division, inhibiting tissue repair and increasing tissue injury.
20201003             In short, older hearts simply aren't as strong.
20201003             As the heart ages, it isn't able to pump blood as well as it used to.
20201003             —SINCE amphetamine affects the entire cardiovascular system, arteries also lose optimal performance.
20201003             The overall result is 1—WEAKENING of your body and increased susceptibility to 1—HOST—OF—HEALTH—ISSUES related to heart aging.
20201003             May he subsist behind bars on 1—POOR—MAN'S—HEART—HEALTHY—DIET: Veggies, beans, tuna fish, oats, rice.
20201003             —THE—BATTLE—BETWEEN—CIVILIZATION and barbarism -- between democracy and fascism -- may become 1—BATTLE—BETWEEN—THOSE who like wine and pot and those who like speed and opiates.
20201003             —FORCED, THE—THREAT—OF—FASCISM seems to have, THE—DEMOCRATS to abandon their usual circular firing squad formation.
20201003             In 1—MILLION—YEARS would Trump suspend his campaign if the situation were reversed?
20201003             No, he would mock BIDEN, blame BIDEN & tell him to drop out.
20201003             He would say, what 1—WEAKLING for going to the hospital
20201003             —JUST thought I'd remind YOU—OF—THAT—FACT.
20201003             — NEIL—DEGRASSE—TYSON (@neiltyson) 20201003             20201003             Whole LOT—OF—QUESTIONS, but this whole thing is beginning to stink.
20201003             Suddenly, Trump with 1—LOW—GRADE fever is about to be fly to WALTER—REED as 1—PRECAUTION.
20201003             But no mention is MADE—OF—HOPE—HICK or Melania not being transported to the Army hospital for better treatment.
20201003             So, let me give you THE—OCTOBER—SURPRISE.
20201003             PERFECTLY—HEALTHY—TRUMP goes to WALTER—REED, where he receives 1—NEW—VACCINE and walks OUT—OF—THE—HOSPITAL completely cured.
20201003             CHINA accuses USA of trying to take world back to 'jungle age'
20201003             "SOME—USA—POLITICIANS lie and cheat as 1—HABIT".
20201003             OPCW investigation couldn't find evidence to prove chemical use in 2—SYRIA attacks
20201003             In the past, 1—JOINT—UNITED—NATIONS—OPCW investigative mechanism accused SYRIA of using chlorine and the nerve agent sarin —DURING THE—WAR.
20201003             TIMOTHY—ERIK—STRÖM interviews JOHN—PILGER
20201003             ASSANGE Extradition Hearing: 1—MOCKERY—OF—ANY—SEMBLANCE—OF—JUSTICE
20201003             THE—USA—IS holding the gavel, they are the ones running this show.
20201003             We are fast reaching 1—KIND—OF—HUMAN "event horizon", with our societies standing on THE—BRINK—OF—COLLAPSE"
20201003             —CORONA€”VIRUS, 1—CRACK in the Matrix?
20201003             —CORONA—VIRUS may well be the crack that lets the light in, where we begin to see ourselves for what we are.
20201003             'Enough is Enough': IRAN—ZARIF—CALLS on World Community to Force ISRAEL to Destroy Its Nukes
20201003             PALESTINE condemns ISRAEL—PLAN to build another 5,400 illegal settlement squatter units
20201003             SUDAN, OMAN postpone normalising ties with ISRAEL —UNTIL—AFTER USA—ELECTIONS
20201003             How THE—USA—HELPED Create the Conflict in THE—SOUTH—CAUCASUS
20201003             RUSSIA says opposition figure Navalny works with CIA, rejects his claims against PUTIN
20201003             Covid cases DOUBLING across ENGLAND—CITIES & towns
20201003             Revealed: Key ASSANGE prosecution witness is PART—OF—ACADEMIC—CLUSTER which has received MILLIONS—OF—POUNDS from UK and USA militaries
20201003             ASSANGE Trial Highlights How USA—GOVERNMENT Is Likely Deceiving BRITISH—COURT—TO—WIN—EXTRADITION
20201003             IRAN—OIL stolen BYUSA—UNLOADED in NEW—YORK
20201003             CIVIL—WAR? 61% say USA 'on VERGE—OF—CIVIL—WAR,' 52% already preparing
20201003             TURKEY Fuels AZERBAIJAN—ARMENIA—CONFLICT With Terror Proxies From SYRIA
20201003             NATO—POWERS would savor that KIND—OF—AGGRAVATION for MOSCOW on its doorstep.
20201003             Leaked docs expose massive anti SYRIA propaganda operation waged by Western govt contractors and media
20201003             Americans Increasingly BELIEVE—VIOLENCE is Justified if the Other Side Wins
20201003             Wann wurde der USA—PRÄSIDENT positiv auf das CORONA—VIRUS getestet?
20201003             Trump selbst gab seinen CORONA—VIRUS—TEST am Donnerstagabend (Ortszeit) bekannt und das positive Ergebnis kurz VOR—1—UHR —IN—DER—NACHT zum —FREITAG.
20201003             Sein Leibarzt SEAN—CONLEY sagte allerdings am Samstagmittag, die Diagnose sei —NUN—72—STUNDEN her.
20201003             Das würde auf —DEN—MITTWOCH hinweisen.
20201003             "Am Donnerstagnachmittag haben wir nach Bekanntwerden eines engen Kontakts und klinischer Hinweise und etwas mehr Sorge einen Wiederholungstest durchgeführt".
20201003             Zusätzlich sagte ein weiterer Arzt, der PRÄSIDENT habe vor rund —48—STUNDEN 1—ANTI—KÖRPER—MEDIKAMENT—BEKOMMEN—DAS würde Donnerstagmittag bedeuten, also noch vor dem Test.
20201003             —NACHDEM die Aussagen massive Fragen aufwarfen, verbreitete das Weiße Haus eine schriftliche STELLUNGNAHME—DES—LEIBARZTES, in der er klarstellte, dass
20201003             die Zeitangaben von 72—UND —48—STUNDEN nicht korrekt gewesen seien und man jeweils einfach den 3. und den 2. —TAG gemeint habe.
20201003             —AM—MITTWOCH nahm Trump noch an einem Treffen mit Spendern in MINNESOTA teil und absolvierte einen Wahlkampfauftritt vor mehreren 1.000—ANHÄNGERN.
20201003             —AM—DONNERSTAG flog er zu einem Treffen mit Spendern in NEW—JERSEY.
20201003             Nach mehreren Nachfragen von Reportern sagte der Leibarzt, dass Trump —AM—DONNERSTAG ebenfalls keinen Sauerstoff bekommen HABE—UND
20201003             Die "NEW—YORK—TIMES" berichtete danach unter Berufung auf 2—QUELLEN aus dem Umfeld des Weißen Hauses, dass Trump —AM—FREITAG Atemprobleme gehabt habe und seine Sauerstoffwerte gefallen seien.
20201003             Conley beantwortete nicht die Frage, ob der PRÄSIDENT—LUNGENSCHÄDEN habe und ob er mit Steroiden behandelt werde.
20201003             Der Leibarzt wollte nicht sagen, wie hoch TRUMP—FIEBER war.
20201003             —MUMIFIZIERT, Die Mumie habe ausgesehen "wie —ERST—GESTERN ". - COVID—19, ALGARVE tem mais 49—CASOS
20201003             DGS regista mais uma morte e 43—CASOS de COVID—19—NO Alentejo
20201003             GNR acaba com festa de 80—PESSOAS na barragem do Funcho e detém três por tráfico
20201003             Lar de ALCOUTIM tem 12—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS de COVID—19
20201003             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.029—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—390,—2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER—14,8—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20201003             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—5.217—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—480,—5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER—35,9—TODESFÄLLE—121—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20201003             STEINFURT—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.862—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—416,—0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER—26,1—TODESFÄLLE—93—EINWOHNERZAHL—447.614
20201003             PORTUGAL Cases 78.247—DEATHS 1.995 Recovered 49.845—ACTIVE 26.407—INCIDENCE—RATE—767,38 per 100,000—PEOPLE—CASE—FATALITY—RATIO 2,55%
20201003             MADRID Incidence rate 3.628,00 per 100,000—PEOPLE—CASE—FATALITY—RATIO 3,93%
20201003             LIMBURG—NETHERLANDS CASE—FATALITY Ratio 10,93% - ENGLAND, UK CASE—FATALITY Ratio 9,41%
20201003             LOMBARDIA—ITALY CASE—FATALITY Ratio 15,75%
20201003             STOCKHOLM—SWEDEN CASE—FATALITY Ratio 9,37%
20201003             —CORONA—PLOTS und Interpretationshilfen, garantiert unaufgeregt.
20201003             Why is THE—WORLD going to hell?
20201003—20160000    —IN...1—LESS—REDACTED—MUELLER—REPORT came out...and we learned that, Trump would not donate to his own campaign because he had become convinced that he would lose.
20201003—20200515    —SINCE, RUSSIA reported 9,859 new CORONA€”VIRUS cases, the highest NUMBER—OF—DAILY—INFECTIONS, —WHEN the outbreak was at its peak.
20201003—20201006    —FREED, Mostafa was, —1—DAY—AFTER prosecutors ordered her release pending 1—INVESTIGATION into accusations that she disseminated false news through social media.
20201003—20201016    —ON, suspect ANTONIO—DEMETRICE—RHYNES was arrested in 1—EARLY—MORNING raid.
20201011—20201003    —AM, sei es zu dem Angriff mit Schadsoftware gekommen, teilte das Unternehmen mit.
20210804             Das Moratorium gilt —BIS zum 20211003             — es wird jedoch wahrscheinlich vor Gericht angefochten werden.
20211003             —SONNTAG, 20211003
20211003             Nach LOCKDOWN—MAßNAHMEN wegen CORONA: Ungewöhnlich VIELE—KINDER haben Atemwegsinfekte
20211003             RKI—ZAHLEN: Inzidenz geht bundesweit leicht zurück
20211003             BAUWAGEN—SIEDLUNG "Köpi": Demonstration gegen Räumung von linkem Wohnprojekt in BERLIN
20211003             Verletzung des Luftsicherungsraums: TAIWAN beklagt weitere Provokationen durch CHINA
20211003             BRITISCHE—BENZINKRISE: BORIS—JOHNSON will doch keine ausländischen Arbeiter
20211003             Klima und Geld: Wie Reiche die Welt verbessern können
20211003             Ergebnis unabhängiger Untersuchung: Tausende Pädophile in katholischer Kirche in FRANKREICH
20211003             "Volksvertretung" bleibt Männerklub: Frauen scheitern bei Wahl in KATAR
20211003             Berüchtigte Sektensiedlung Colonia Dignidad: Mutmaßlicher DEUTSCHER—MITTÄTER in ITALIEN festgenommen
20211003             3. CORONA—SPRITZE: ISRAEL erhöht Druck auf zweifach Geimpfte
20211003             _HEUTE_1003.txt - 890—TOTE binnen —24—STUNDEN: ZAHL—DER—CORONA—OPFER erreicht in RUSSLAND neuen Höchststand
20211003             —VERGLEICHT, Coronapandemie: JÜRGEN—KLOPP, Impfverweigerung mit Alkohol am Steuer
20211003             Hunger in AFGHANISTAN: Mindestens 17—UNTERERNÄHRTE Kinder gestorben
20211003             Vor Sondierungsgesprächen: Ver.DI—CHEF—SIEHT—FDP als "Sicherheitsrisiko" für Beschäftigte
20211003             580_DGS_boletim_20211003              20211003             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 101,7 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211003             Continente: 103,0 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211003             R(t) Nacional: 0,89 Continente: 0,89
20211003             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—669—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—61,7—FÄLLE—GESAMT—64.230—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—5.928,0—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—755—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211003             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5744—(+6)—ÓBITOS—52—(=)—RECUPERADOS—5351—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—341—(=)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—358
20211003             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—136—(=)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—101—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—30—(=)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1541
20211003             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—219—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—210—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(-2)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—89
20211003             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—6121—(+2)—ÓBITOS—74—(=)—RECUPERADOS—5893—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—154—(-3)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—138
20211003             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1667—(+1)—ÓBITOS—16—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1562—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—89—(-4)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—215
20211003             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3365—(+2)—ÓBITOS—33—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3137—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—195—(=)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—215
20211003             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7892—(=)—ÓBITOS—88—(=)—RECUPERADOS—7585—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—219—(-5)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—135
20211003             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—267—(+1)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—248—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(+1)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—141
20211003             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3267—(+1)—ÓBITOS—36—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3190—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—41—(-2)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—93
20211003             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5797—(+3)—ÓBITOS—49—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—5473—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—275—(=)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—362
20211003             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2408—(+2)—ÓBITOS—18—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2254—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—136—(-4)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—293
20211003             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2054—(+1)—ÓBITOS—30—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1991—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—33—(-1)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—99
20211003             Gestrandet: Mindestens 50—GRINDWALE verenden an Islands Küste
20211003             Merkel —AM—TAG—DER—EINHEIT: "Gehen mit demokratischen Errungenschaften etwas zu leichtfertig um"
20211003             Tapie war Politiker, Städtebauminister unter FRANÇOIS—MITTERRAND, er saß in der Nationalversammlung und im Europaparlament, er war natürlich Geschäftsmann,
20211003             natürlich Geschäftsmann
20211003             Tapie war Sänger, Schauspieler, Rennfahrer, Musiker und Fernsehmoderator, er war millionenschwer und insolvent.
20211003             Tapie war Chamäleon und Paradiesvogel, in der Politik, in der Wirtschaft, er war immer da, auch wenn er weg war.
20211003             MISTER—NA—FORSCHUNG: Ist es —SCHON Zeit für einen CORONA—NOBELPREIS?
20211003             "Pandora Papers": Neues Datenleck enthüllt Briefkastenfirmen Hunderter Politiker
20211003             Machtkampf in ITALIEN: "Das rechte Lager sucht eine neue Führungsfigur"
20211003             USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENTIN: Kamala Harris kann es keinem recht machen
20211003             Kalifornien: Riesiger Ölteppich verschmutzt KÜSTE—VON—HUNTINGTON—BEACH
202204110038         Russians fire 7—MISSILES in Mykolaiv region, no casualties reported
20220926—20221003    —ON, The new sanctions will take effect.
20221003             —MONTAG, 20221003
20221003             BOSNIEN—HERZEGOWINA: Bosniakische Nationalisten verlieren Stimmen bei Wahl des Staatspräsidiums
20221003             MELITOPOL, 20221002             . - /TASS/.
20221003             —BARRED, UKRAINE—AUTHORITIES unilaterally, entry to the liberated PART—OF—THE—ZAPOROZHYE—REGION through the only checkpoint on the contact line in THE—CITY—OF—VASILYEVKA, HEAD—OF—REGIONAL—MILITARY—CIVIL—ADMINISTRATION—YEVGENY Balitsky said —SUNDAY.
20221003             "THE—KIEV regime unilaterally completely blocked exit through its checkpoint towards the Vasilyevka checkpoint on the liberated PART—OF—THE—ZAPOROZHYE—REGION," Balitsky said on his Telegram channel.
20221003             NEW—YORK, 20221003             .
20221003             /TASS/. - NATO will give 1—FIRM and united response to ANY—ATTACK on its critical infrastructure, NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—JENS—STOLTENBERG said in 1—INTERVIEW to NBC that was aired —ON—SUNDAY.
20221003             "ANY—DELIBERATE—ATTACK on critical NATO—INFRASTRUCTURE will be met with 1—FIRM and united response from NATO," he said.
20221003             MOSCOW, 20221003             .
20221003             /TASS/. - RUSSIA—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE—DIRECTOR—SERGEY—NARYSHKIN has said RUSSIA continues to collect facts regarding the sabotage against THE—NORD—STREAM, but SOME—INDIRECT—DATA—POINT to 1—WESTERN trace.
20221003             He made the statement in 1—INTERVIEW on the Rossiya-1 television channel's program 'MOSCOW.
20221003             Kremlin.
20221003             Putin.' - "We continue to collect facts. They are so far indirect.
20221003             But the indirect data, both the data that were —EARLIER published and the data that aren't yet in the public domain, of course point to 1—WESTERN trace," he said, fielding questions from JOURNALIST—PAVEL—ZARUBIN.
20221003             —ON—TUESDAY, THE—NORD—STREAM AG company reported that 3—THREADS—OF—THE—NORD—STREAM 1 and 2—OFFSHORE gas pipelines had suffered unprecedented damage 20220926             —ON.
20221003             —REPORTED, SWEDEN—SEISMOLOGISTS—LATER, that 2—EXPLOSIONS had been recorded along THE—NORD—STREAM—PIPELINES.
20221003             —REPORTED, THE—DANISH—ENERGY—AGENCY, that 1—LARGE—AMOUNT—OF—GAS had spilled into the sea.
20221003             —BARRED, Aircraft and ships are, from approaching the site ANY—CLOSER than 5—NAUTICAL—MILES.
20221003             —DESCRIBED, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—URSULA—VON—DER—LEYEN, the incidents as sabotage, saying ANY—DELIBERATE—DISRUPTION—OF—EUROPEAN energy infrastructure is unacceptable and would be met with 1—DECISIVE—RESPONSE.
20221003             —PLACED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, the responsibility for the situation on the West.
20221003             —STARTED, According to Putin, THE—ANGLO—SAXONS "in effect, to destroy PAN—EUROPEAN energy infrastructure".
20221003             He said that, "It's clear to everyone who benefits from it".
20221003             —GEWINNT, Herausforderer von Amtsinhaber Bolsonaro: Lula, 1. Runde der Präsidentschaftswahl in BRASILIEN
20221003             Staatsgewalt nach Frauenprotesten: DEUTSCHLAND bringt IRAN—SANKTIONEN auf den Weg
20221003             Landesweite Proteste: IRANISCHE—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTE gehen offenbar mit Gewalt an Eliteuni vor
20221003             —VERLIERT, Präsidentschaftswahl in BRASILIEN: Bolsonaro, — und ist doch der Sieger
20221003             RIO—DE—JANEIRO, 20221003             . - /TASS/.
20221003             —MUSTERED, Lula da Silva, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—WORKERS'—PARTY, 47.95—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE in the —SUNDAY elections.
20221003             —BACKED, He was, by more than 55—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20221003             —GATHERED, Bolsonaro, 43.62—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, winning the support of more than 50—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20221003             The total NUMBER—OF—VOTERS, according to the electoral court, is more than 156—MILLION—PEOPLE, and 32—MILLION—OF them didn't turn out to cast 1—BALLOT.
20221003             In der ostrussischen Region Chabarowsk sind nach ANGABEN—DES—GOUVERNEURS etwa die HÄLFTE—VON—TAUSENDEN—MÄNNER, die im Zuge der RUSSISCHEN—MOBILMACHUNG einberufen wurden, wieder nach Hause geschickt worden.
20221003             Zur Begründung erklärt MICHAIL—DEGTJAREW, dass die Betroffenen die Auswahlkriterien für einen Eintritt in den Militärdienst nicht erfüllten.
20221003             —ENTLASSEN, Der Militärkommissar der Region sei, worden.
20221003             Energiekrise: FRANZÖSISCHE—GEMEINDE kauft Schulkindern Fleecejacken
20221003             "Wir haben es verstanden, wir haben zugehört": BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG kassiert umstrittene Steuerpläne für Topverdiener
20221003             Was Gerichtsurteile besagen: Darf man Drohnen per Luftgewehr abwehren?
20221003             Von "c't"-Redakteur Timo Busch
20221003             Das allgemeine Persönlichkeitsrecht umfasst unter anderem das Recht auf Privatsphäre.
20221003             Demnach besitzt der Grundstückseigentümer das Recht auf einen höchstpersönlichen Rückzugsraum.
20221003             1—BEOBACHTUNG dieses höchstpersönlichen Bereichs — egal auf welche Weise — verletzt die Persönlichkeitsrechte der beobachteten Personen.
20221003             Zwar ist der Hobbypilot aufgrund der grundrechtlich geschützten allgemeinen Handlungsfreiheit grundsätzlich befugt, sein Hobby auszuführen.
20221003             Allerdings tritt nach ANSICHT—DES—GERICHTS in dieser Konstellation das Interesse des Piloten hinter dem Interesse der Grundstücksbewohner auf Privatsphäre zurück.
20221003             Dies sei —SCHON deshalb der Fall, weil genug öffentliche Flächen existierten, über denen die Drohne geflogen werden könnte, ohne die Rechte 3. zu beeinträchtigen.
20221003             Das Gericht hielt die Verteidigungshandlung des Angeklagten für gerechtfertigt.
20221003             Entscheidend ist der Notstandsparagraf § 228—BGB.
20221003             —ZERSTÖRT, Demnach darf eine fremde Sache beschädigt oder, werden, wenn dies der Abwehr einer drohenden Gefahr für sich selbst oder einen anderen dient, die Beschädigung oder Zerstörung das mildeste greifbare Mittel darstellt und der Schaden nicht außer Verhältnis zu der Gefahr steht.
20221003             Die Gefahr lag nach ANSICHT—DES—GERICHTS in der —BEREITS eingetretenen Verletzung des allgemeinen Persönlichkeitsrechts in FORM—DES—RECHTS auf Privatsphäre und in der Verletzung des Rechts am eigenen Bild, wobei hier mehrere auf dem Grundstück des Schützen befindliche Familienmitglieder betroffen waren.
20221003             Dürre in SOMALIA: Mit toten Kindern auf der Flucht
20221003             Interne Dokumente über Kohls —VERHANDLUNGEN: War die AUFGABE—DER—D—MARK—DER—PREIS für die Einheit?
20221003             Ein von RUSSLAND eingesetzter Leiter der Region Cherson hat UKRAINISCHE—MELDUNGEN bestätigt, wonach die UKRAINISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE in der südlichen Region EINIGE—DURCHBRÜCHE erzielt und die Kontrolle über EINIGE—SIEDLUNGEN übernommen haben.
20221003             Im RUSSISCHEN—STAATSFERNSEHEN sagte WLADIMIR—SALDO, die Lage dort "sei angespannt".
20221003             Damit widerspricht Saldo einem von RUSSLAND installierter STATTHALTER—IN—DER—REGION—CHERSON, Kirill Stremoussow.
20221003             Dieser gab in einer Videoerklärung zwar zu, dass die UKRAINISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE "ein bisschen tiefer" durchgebrochen seien.
20221003             Er sagte jedoch, alles sei unter KONTROLLE—RUSSLANDS Verteidigungssystem in der Region funktioniere.
20221003             Kremlnahe RUSSISCHE—MILITÄRBLOGGER haben zunehmend 1—FELDÜBERLEGENHEIT—DER—UKRAINE, verstärkt von Panzereinheiten, in dem Gebiet eingestanden.
20221003             Die RUSSISCHE—REGIERUNG hat 1—EINFUHRVERBOT für Lastwagen aus EU—LÄNDERN verhängt.
20221003             Die Bestimmungen betreffen neben der EU auf dem europäischen Kontinent auch NORWEGEN, GROSSBRITANNIEN und die UKRAINE.
20221003             Das Verbot ist ausdrücklich auch 1—REAKTION der RUSSISCHEN—FÜHRUNG auf 1—EINFUHRVERBOT seitens der europäischen Länder gegenüber LKW—TRANSPORTEN aus RUSSLAND und BELARUS.
20221003             NORWEGEN stellt Soldaten zur Bewachung von größeren ÖL—UND Gasanlagen an Land ab.
20221003             Dies geschehe auf Bitten der NORWEGISCHEN—POLIZEI,
20221003             Öffentlicher Dienst: Beamtenbund will —BIS zu 11—PROZENT höhere Bezüge fordern
20221003             Landgewinne: Kiews Truppen rücken in OST—UND Südukraine weiter vor
20221003             —FORMALISIERT, Forderung in Billionenhöhe: POLEN, Reparationsanspruch an DEUTSCHLAND
20221003             Proteste in IRAN: Khamenei beschuldigt USA und ISRAEL
20221003             GEHEIMDIENST—HILFE für die UKRAINE: "Die USA verfolgen die Positionen der Russen sehr detailliert"
20221003             ULRICH—SCHNEIDER über Abgrenzung bei Demos: "Die Rechten fürchten die Regenbogenfahne wie Dracula den Knoblauch"
20221003             Buch über Kolonialismus: Horrorkabinette der Ausbeutung
20221003             Vogelgrippe: Epidemie von "ganz neuer Qualität"
20221003             Waffenruhe endet: Experten fürchten Wiederbeginn der Kämpfe im JEMEN
20221003             Währungskrise: Inflation in der TÜRKEI steigt auf rund 83—PROZENT
20221003             TRUSS—KEHRTWENDE bei der Steuer: "Die demütigendste —ENTSCHEIDUNG" einer BRITISCHEN—REGIERUNG —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN
20221003             Laut UNO—BERICHT: SCHWEIZ hat Problem mit "systemischem" Rassismus gegen Schwarze
20221003             Mon 20221003
20221003             [l] 1—LESER weist auf diesen interessanten TWITTER—THREAD hin, in dem 1—PROFESSOR aus Moskau erklärt, wieso in RUSSLAND die Umfragen und Wahlen immer so hohe PRO—WERTE haben.
20221003             [l] Leserbrief zur "Feindberichterstattung" (mein Link auf die Junge Welt):
20221003             Zu dieser Feindberichterstattung gibt es einen wichtigen Datenpunkt aus der Geschichte.
20221003             —GEKIDNAPPT, Die Vietcong haben aus Versehen PETER—SCHOLL—LATOUR, (also vor knapp —50—JAHREN).
20221003             Er durfte dort dann —8—TAGE lang filmen, —NACHDEM sie seine Identität bestätigt hatten, und darüber berichten.
20221003             [PHOENIX.de] - und auf Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQUQZVzJpKQ
20221003             Selbstverständlich waren die VC damals eindeutig der "Feind" und wenn es nicht PETER—SCHOLL—LATOUR gewesen wäre, und der nicht versehentlich, sondern absichtlich auf die andere Seite gegangen wäre, dann hätte ihm das vielleicht keiner geglaubt.
20221003             —GEHÖRT, Die Berichterstattung, neben dem Aufdecken des Massakers von My Lai und dem BILD—VON—KIM—PHUC zu den ganz wichtigen Bausteinen, die zum Bröckeln der Heimatfront beigetragen haben.
20221003—20220408    —AM, Die EU hatte diese Maßnahme als Teil eines Sanktionspakets verhängt.
20221003—20221010    —AM, Verboten sei sowohl der Gütertransport im bilateralen Handel als auch der Transit oder die Einfahrt aus Drittländern, heißt es in der Verordnung, die in Kraft tritt und —BIS zum 20221231             gilt.
20221003—20221030    —ON, Incumbent BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO is set to face FORMER—PRESIDENT—LUIZ—INACIO—LULA—DA—SILVA in a 2. round of presidential elections, according to data from the Superior Electoral Court based on counting more than 97% of the 1.—ROUND voting protocols.